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Данное издание предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов

второго курса, специализирующихся в области межкультурной коммуникации.
Особое внимание уделяется развитию перцептивных и продуктивных речевых
навыков, а также особенностям употребления английских слов и
словосочетаний, обычно вызывающих трудности, что обеспечивает
предупреждение и своевременную коррекцию типичных языковых ошибок в
процессе устной и письменной коммуникации.
Сборник состоит из трех частей. Первая часть содержит лексические
тесты и задания коммуникативного характера, скомпонованные по
тематическому признаку в соответствии с типовой программой курса практики
устной и письменной речи первого иностранного языка (английский) для
специальности 1-23 01 02 «Лингвистическое обеспечение межкультурной
коммуникации» (по направлениям). В третьей части даются тематические
списки слов и ключи к тестам для самопроверки. Данное издание является
дополнительным к учебному пособию “Практика английской речи = English
Speech Practice: 2-й курс ” (Минск, 2008), задания в нем не имеют целью
охватить все значения и случаи употребления слов и словосочетаний.
При отборе материала учитывалась специфика и трудности усвоения
рассматриваемых лексических единиц, а также типичные ошибки студентов в
иноязычной речевой деятельности. Для студентов с низким уровнем владения
языком пособие позволит выявить некоторые пробелы в знаниях и закрепить
навыки корректного употребления. К заданиям даны ключи для самопроверки
правильности их выполнения, позволяющие оценить уровень усвоения
лексического материала и проанализировать типичные ошибки. Регулярное
выполнение этих заданий позволит студентам постепенно выравнивать и
поднимать уровень языковой подготовки.
Весь объем материала включает 16 тематических циклов: “Business
Communication: Face to Face”, “Career Prospects for Language Students”,
“Corporate Life”, “Job hunting”, “Jobs and Careers: Revision and Consolidation”,
“Health Matters”, “Sports and Keeping Fit”, “National Stereotypes”, “London,
Minsk”, “Travelling, Buisness Trips”, “Holidays”, “Theatre and Cinema”,
“Telephoning”, “Business Correspondence”, “Meetings”, “Presentations”. В
различных типах заданий даются подробные инструкции по их выполнению:
заполнение пропусков, перифраз, подбор эквивалентных замен,
синонимов/антонимов, подстановка, множественный выбор, перевод
предложений, составление словарных игр, ситуативные задания для
активизации лексики в устной и письменной речи, а также задания
направленные на усвоение прослушанного и прочитанного материала. Пособие
имеет электронное сопровождение в виде диска со звукозаписью и
электронного варианта текста пособия.

1.1. Listening Development

Assignment 1. Listen to the recording to Unit 1. Camela and business English
expert David Evans are looking at business socialising. How does David describe
business socialising? What situations are given as examples? Who are involved in
these conversations? Where do they happen?
Listen again and say whether these statements are true or false:
1. Socialising is one of the easiest things business people do.
2. It is OK to start a conversation with a stranger at a business conference.
3. When the speaker says “You must be Darren” she is absolutely sure what the
interlocutor’s name is.
4. At the first meeting it is not customary to ask detailed questions about jobs
and careers.
5. It is extremely important to provide your interlocuter with contact details.
Assignment 2. Listen to the recording to Unit 1 again. Jot down the words and
expressions, which the speakers define and exemplify after their dialogue. Find the
Russian equivalents.

1.2. Vocabulary Enrichment
Assignment 1. Which of these expressions are used for the purposes specified in the
table below? Complete the table with these expressions. Then add other expressions
you know. You can find them in the Active Vocabulary section at the end on Unit 1.
It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m delighted to make your
I have to be going now. acquaintance.
Hello, Bill. Bill – Mike. Mike – Bill. Same here.
Will you excuse me for a moment? Hi!
Later. How do you do?
I’m afraid I’m running late. How are you doing?
Have you two been introduced? Nice / pleased to meet you.
(It was) nice meeting you.

to introduce a person to another person: to respond to an introduction:

extremely formally:

less formally:

to greet a person: to ask how a person is doing:

to finish up a conversation: to say goodbye to a person:

Assignment 2. Put the following conversations in the right order. Write numbers in
the boxes.

Conversation 1
 M r. D a l o m i. How do you do, Mr. Thompson? Where are you from? You
have an accent I can’t quite pin down.
 M r. T h o m p s o n. How do you do, Mr. Dalomi? I’m Jack Thompson, Jane
Santana’s deputy.
 M r. D a l o m i. Welcome to Oxford. It's nice to see you again.
 M r. T h o m p s o n. It’s great, absolutely great! There so many things you can do
here, so many places you can see. And career opportunities are just amazing!
 M r. D a l o m i. Excuse me, I don’t think we’ve met before. My name is Joe
 M r. T h o m p s o n. I’m Australian-born, but I have spent over a year working in
London for Begerbird.
 M r. D a l o m i. Oh, I see. How do you find London?

Conversation 2
 F r a n k. How do you do, Ms. Prime?
 S t e l l a. Of course, it’s much warmer than back at home. And the rain has
never stopped since I arrived!
 S v e n. Hi, Frank. Have you met Ms. Prime from our office in Toronto.
Stella, this is Mr. McCabe from our Sales Department.
 F r a n k. The famous, or I’d rather say the infamous British rain! They say it’ll
clear up by the weekend though.
 S t e l l a. Please, call me Stella.
 F r a n k. And I’m Frank. Hi. So, when did you arrive?
 S t e l l a. Just yesterday.
 F r a n k. Oh, I see. And what are your first impressions of London?

Conversation 3
 J a m i e. Why, yes… I thought you looked familiar. I think we met at the team
building exercise last spring.
 H e a t h e r. Oh, yes. Jamie Cabot. Hello!
 J a m i e. Hi, Heather. How are you doing? Have you attended any other team
building exercises recently?
 H e a t h e r. Hi. I’m Heather Wells, the assistant director at Fisher Price inc.
 J a m i e. Bye.
 H e a t h e r. Yes, it was nice talking to you. Later.
 J a m i e. I actually find them pretty useful and stimulating.
 H e a t h e r. Oh, no! I find them disgusting. And you?
 J a m i e. I couldn’t agree more. I have to be going now. I’ll be seeing you then.
 H e a t h e r. Oh, I see. Tastes differ, don’t they?

Assignment 3. Look
through the following
phrases and try to think
of the situations in
which you can use them.
May I introduce you to ... ? ... this is ...
How do you do? How do you do?
Do you know ... ? ... this is ...
Hello. / Hi. Nice to meet you.
Good morning. My name is ... I have an appointment to see ...
I don't think we've met. I'm ...
Excuse me. Are you Mrs. Eustace? I'm ...

Assignment 4. Read the small talk below and find the 10 mistakes.
W o m a n. We could ask for a better day, could we?
M a n. I know. There isn't a cloud in the sky. I love this time of year.
W o m a n. Me too. The cherry blossoms are beautiful, you think?
M a n. They sure are. But I heard he is calling for rain all weekend.
W o m a n. Really? Oh well. I have to work all weekend anyway. I'm a doctor.
M a n. Wow. I'm sure you make good money with that diamond watch you have
W o m a n. Ah, this bus seems to be running late. How long of a wait is it already?
M a n. I've been here for at least fifteen minutes now.
W o m a n. Where are you heading today?
M a n. Actually, I'm going to the City Hall to cast my vote for mayor.
W o m a n. Oh, what a coincidence. So am I! Who are you voting for?
M a n. Um, well...I'm still thinking about it.
W o m a n. Here comes a bus now.
M a n. Oh, good. Wait, that's not the bus we want. That bus goes downtown.
W o m a n.: Well, it looks like we'll be waiting a little longer. I guess, I'll use this
time to catch up on my reading.
M a n. I love reading. Right now I'm reading a Stephen King book. Do you like
Stephen King?
W o m a n. Not really.
M a n. Oh, here's our bus.

W o m a n. Oh great. I thought it would never come. Well, have a nice day.
M a n. Say, did you catch the news today?

Assignment 5. Complete each of the sentences below with an appropriate active

vocabulary word or its derivative (consult the Active Vocabulary section).
1. When you meet new business associates, you give them your __________
_________ to show your name, position, company, address etc. In the US it’s also
called a _________ _________.
2. When you _________ someone to another person, you tell them each other's
names for the first time.
3. To _________ someone who has just arrived you say hello in a friendly way.
4. Jane, come and _________ my brother. You wanted to talk to him. I’ll
introduce him to you.
5. Pete, are you going to make the _________ s? Please, tell us each other's
names since we meet for the first time.
6. When you make an arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place, for
a particular purpose, you say that you have an _________.
7. _________ _________ is polite friendly conversation about some
unimportant subjects.
8. In Great Britain they say that you book an appointment, while in the US you
_________ it.
9. When you meet someone for the first time you formally say that you have
made that person’s _________.
10. A _________ _________ is someone who you do business with.

Assignment 6. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. На днях я столкнулся с г-ном Брауном, который представил меня своим
партнерам по бизнесу.
2. До свидания. Был очень рад познакомиться с вами.

3. Я был бы очень признателен, если бы вы позволили мне познакомиться с
вашей супругой.
4. Первое впечатление очень важно. Особенно если вас представляют
вашим партнерам по бизнесу.
5. Мы едва знакомы с Уэллсами. Но у нас есть общие знакомые в
6. – Почему ты не представил меня твоим партнерам? Это не вежливо!
– Они были увлечены разговором, и я не хотел их прерывать. Но я
уверен, что в следующий раз они будут счастливы с тобой
7. У меня назначена встреча с Джоном Фогом, но я забыл в офисе свои
визитные карточки.
8. Позвольте представить вам Лизи Беннет из Бата. Она умеет мастерски
вести светскую беседу.
9. При первом знакомстве он показался мне открытым и общительным
человеком, но когда я узнал его лучше, стало понятно, что он настоящий

10.Брайану будет трудно установить контакт с новым партнером, если он не
попытается быть более наблюдательным.

1.4. Reading Improvement

Assignment 1. Look at the article’s headline – “How to Make Small Talk” – and
write out 10 words used in the article the meaning of which you can guess from the
How to Make Small Talk
Making small talk with people you don't know well, such as your boss or a
blind date, can be nerve-wracking especially if you want to make a good impression.
Making small talk doesn't have to be painful, even if it's with a boss you want
to impress or blind date you want to see a lot more of! Believe it or not, making small
talk can be fun – even for quiet personality types. Making small talk is also an art that
can be learned.
"So…how about this weather?" doesn't often lead to stimulating dialogue (but
don't hesitate to use it if you're desperate). If you must make small talk about the
weather, be specific. Say, "It's freezing cold outside – have you ever heard that

saying, 'colder than … ? Where did that come from, anyway?" might work better,
depending on who you're talking to.
Making small talk can be difficult even if you're an extrovert, but it's especially
difficult for introverts. Here's how to enjoy making small talk.
1. Keep up with current events. Make small talk about the news, sports, your
community, or politics (unless politics is too controversial. On second thought,
that can generate some pretty fiery dialogues!)
2. Comment on a piece of clothing or accessory. Ask where it came from, what the
significance is, how much it cost (just kidding). Making small talk is about being
observant about people you don't know well.
3. Pay attention to what they're saying. When you're making small talk, follow up
on phrases; for instance, if they say they're "excellent", ask why – ask where you
can get some. If they mention that they're exhausted, follow up on it. When you're
making small talk, remember that great conversations and good connections can
be just around the corner.
4. Share an anecdote about your day. Did you lose your keys or find $10? Maybe
you ate at a new restaurant recently, or found a great new CD. Making small talk
is about sharing the little things.
5. Ask what movies or books they've seen or read recently. Someone once asked me
that at a party. Admittedly, at first it felt contrived, but then we had a fantastic
conversation about the book I was reading! Making small talk is about trying new
6. Talk about TV. Share your favourite TV shows – whether it's Oprah's revelation
of The Secret or your favourite sitcom. If you're Canadian, Little Mosque on the
Prairie might be interesting to discuss! Making small talk about pop culture is
easy and fun.
7. Recall your past conversations with the same person. Ask if their son is still ill
or how the Mexican holiday went. Making small talk is easier when your memory
is good.

8. Ask open-ended questions that require an explanation. For instance, "How are
you?" isn't as effective as "Whatever happened with 'XXX' you were dealing
with?" ('XXX' could be a business deal, family problem, or financial investment)
Remember that anything is a potential topic of conversation. You can even talk
about how uncomfortable you are making small talk – and ask them how they do
9. Relax. Enjoy yourself. People are interesting! If you combine these tips for
making small talk with sincere interest, you'll embark on a fascinating
conversational ride.
10.Let it go. If the conversation feels like dragging a piano uphill then it may be time
to move on or let silence take over. You can't connect with everyone, and some
conversations simply refuse to take life! Making small talk involves knowing
when it's time to move on.
after Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen

Assignment 2. Mark whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1. Making small talk is an art that can’t be learned. T/F
2. We shouldn’t make small talk about politics. T/F
3. You can’t talk about how uncomfortable you are making small talk. T/F
4. Making small talk is about sharing little things from our daily life. T/F
5. When we comment on a piece of clothing or accessory, it’s polite to T / F
ask where it came from and how much it cost.
6. Anything is a potential topic of conversation. T/F
7. We should never ever speak discuss the weather. T/F
8. Making small talk is easier when your memory is good. T/F

1.4. Writing Enhancement

Assignment 7. Read the profile of Derek Stirling and then write another profile
about yourself (you may need to invent information about yourself as a member of
your virtual company). Use the topics below to help you:

 Name  Position in the company
 Nationality  Responsibilities
 Home town  Hobbies
 Company

My name is Derek Stirling and

I'm Scottish. I live in Hadlow, a
lovely English village near London,
and I work for The Swire Group,
Britain's largest private company. The
Group's activities are divided into five
business areas: shipping, aviation,
property, industries, and trading. Our
best-known company is Cathay
Pacific Airways.
I work at our London head
office; I'm head of Corporate Finance,
and I'm responsible for developing the
business of the Group.
I'm always very busy and I don't
have much free time, but when I do, I
like fishing and I grow my own
vegetables, just for fun.

1.5. Speaking Reinforcement

Assignment 1. Read the conversations aloud completing them with appropriate
phrases. Then get ready to produce similar conversations in class with one of
your groupmates.

Conversation 1
J o y c e. __________________! What are you doing?
B u f f y. There's a lot of weird people outside at night... I just feel better with you
safe and sound inside, Mom.
J o y c e. You have no idea how much tired I’m and...
B u f f y. Well, then why don't you go upstairs and get into bed, and I can bring
you some hot tea?
J o y c e. That's sweet! (suspiciously) What'd you do?
B u f f y. Can't a daughter just be concerned about her mother?
J o y c e. (seeing Angel) Hi.
A n g e l. __________________.
B u f f y. Oh! Okay... Um... Angel, uh, __________________. Mom, this is Angel.
Uh, we __________ ________ each other on the way home.
A n g e l.__________________.
J o y c e. Delighted… What do you do, Angel?
B u f f y. He's my business associate. Uh, Angel's been helping me with my new
project, you know I've been toiling there.
J o y c e. It's a little late for working. I'm gonna go to bed, and, uh, Buffy?
B u f f y. I'll say _________ _________and do the same!
J o y c e. (to Angel) __________________. (goes up the stairs)
B u f f y. (pretending) Good night! We'll hook up soon and do that project thing!

Conversation 2
G i l e s: Olivia!
O l i v i a: Sorry I'm so late. The flight was a horror.
G i l e s: Bad weather?

O l i v i a: Baseball movie.
G i l e s (amused): Oh… so sorry.
O l i v i a: Yeah. That's enough small talk, don't you think?
(They kiss.)

Assignment 2. This role play is to meet your groupmates after the holiday and to
discuss how their holidays were, whether or not they are ready to start up a new
academic year, what their impressions of the first year are; which expectations
they have; what problems they have (eg, where to live, etc.) Try to develop your
ideas. Be ready to perform the role-play in class.

Unit 1. Business Communication: Face to Face

acquaintance, n to have a mutual acquaintance

on first acquaintance (formal)
on further acquaintance
on short acquaintance
make sb's acquaintance (formal)
have a passing / nodding acquaintance with sth
I’m delighted to make your acquaintance. (formal)
appointment, n Am. to schedule an appointment / Br. to book / fix /
make / arrange an appointment
to have an appointment
business associate, n syn. partner
business card, n Am. calling card
communicative, adj syn. open, unreserved, forthcoming, talkative,
ant. reserved
connect, v to connect with sb
conversation, n conversation with sb
conversation about sth
deep in conversation
to engage sb in conversation
have/hold a conversation (with sb) / to carry on a
conversation (with sb)
to get into (a) conversation (with sb)
(a) conversation turns to sth
to make (polite) conversation (with somebody)
greet, v to greet sb with sth

greeting, n to do sth (e.g. raise one’s hand) in greeting
to exchange greetings
handshake, n to greet sb with a handshake
impression, n the first impression
to be under the impression that …
to get an impression
to give bad first impressions
to form an impression
introduce, v Have you two been introduced?
Let me introduce sb / sth to you.
to introduce sb to sb
introduction, n to make the introductions
introvert, n ant. extrovert
meet, v syn. to run into sb / to come across sb / sth
It’s a pleasure to meet you. (formal)
Nice / pleased to meet you.
(It was) nice meeting you.
observant, adj
polite, adj ant. impolite
small talk, n to make small talk
shake, v to shake hands (with sb)
to shake sb’s hand
to shake sb by the hand

Phrasal Verbs
to run into sb / to come across sb / sth
to come across to sb as being friendly / calm / etc.

(Career Prospects for Language Students, Corporate Life, Job Description, Job
achieve, v to achieve success/ one’s goal / objective/ aim/
achievement, n to make achievements in smth
acquire, v to acquire skills
activity, n business activities
advertise, v to advertise for smb / smth
to advertise smth on TV/ in a newspaper
advertisement, n inf. advert/ ad
to put an advertisement in a paper
advertising, adj advertising campaign
apply, v to apply to smb for smth (a job/ vacancy/ post/
passport/ visa, etc.)
applicant, n
application, n a letter of application – syn. covering letter
to fill in (Am. fill out) an application form
to send in ~
to accept ~
to turn down ~
atmosphere, n
attract, v
attraction, n to feel an attraction to smb / smth
attractive, adj
background, n
benefit, n fringe benefits – syn. perks
unemployment benefit
to be on benefit
bore, v/n to get bored by smth
boring, adj syn. dull, monotonous, routine
boss, v/n syn. head, chief, (Am) president, CEO
bossy, adj
browse, v
business, n
business associate, n syn. partner

capable, adj
capability, n
career, n/adj to take up / follow smth as a career
chairman, n syn. chairperson, chair
challenging, adj
charge, n to be in charge of smth
to take charge of smth
to put / place smb in charge of smth
choice, n to make/ take choice
to regret one’s choice
committed, adj
compete, v
competitive, adj
competence, n competence for/ as/ in smth
competent, adj ant. incompetent
to be competent in / as/ at smth
computer literate, adj
confidential, adj
curriculum vitae (CV), n syn. résumé
deadline, n to set / meet / miss deadlines
deal, v to deal with smb/ smth
decide, v syn. to make up one’s mind
to decide on/ against smth/ smb
decision, n to arrive at ~
to come to ~
to make ~
to reach ~
degree, n to have a degree in smth
to be degree qualified
department, n syn. division
develop, v
development, n
director, n managing director (MD), executive director,
non-executive director, Board of Directors
dismiss, v syn. to fire, to sack
to dismiss smb from a job/ post/ position
distribute, v
distribution, n
dole, n syn. unemployment benefit
to be/ go on the dole
downturn, n
earn, v to earn one’s living
earned, adj ant. unearned
earnings, n
efficient, adj ant. inefficient
efficiency, n syn. capability, effectiveness, competence
employ, v syn. to take on
employed, adj ant. unemployed, jobless
employee, n
employer, n
employment, n ant. unemployment
executive, n/adj executive officer, Chief Executive Officer
experience, n to have some experience for / of doing smth
experienced, adj ant. inexperienced
to be experienced in smth
expert, n/adj to be an expert at/ in/ on smth
expert advice
fair, adj ant. unfair
fair share/ price/ wage
flexible, adj
freelance, v/n/adj
headquarters, n

income, n to live within/ beyond one’s income

annual/ monthly/ fixed/ earned/ unearned ~
industrious, adj
interview, v/n to hold/ conduct / sit an interview
interviewer, n
interviewee, n
involve, v
job, n syn. work, labour
demanding/ boring/ nine-to-five/ part-time/
full-time/ menial ~
to hunt for/ look for a job
job center
job description
job satisfaction
lead, v
leading, adj syn. forefront, premiere
leadership qualities, n
limited liability company (Ltd), n public ~ (Plc)
private ~
living, n to do smth for a living
legal, adj
legal person, n ant. individual/ physical person
logo, n
manage, v
manager, n senior manager, junior manager
general/ accounts/ finance/ sales/ purchasing/
personnel/ planning/ training/ marketing/
advertising/ R&D manager
management, n
market, v/n
moonlighter, n
motive, n
motivate, v
notice, n to hand in one’s notice
operate, v
overtime, adj to work overtime
ownership, n a legal form of ownership
partnership, n
position, v/n
post, n
prestigious, adj
produce, v syn. manufacture
profit(s), n to gain/ make profits
profitable, adj
promising, adj
promote, v
promotion, n
qualifications, n
rate, n interest rate
at a rate
reception, n
recruit, v
recruitment, n
redundant, adj syn. laid off
redundancy, n
reference, n syn. a letter of recommendation
referee, n
relevant, adj ant. irrelevant
report, v/n to report to smb
representative (rep), n
require, v
requirement, n job requirements
resign, v syn. to hand in one’s notice, to quit
resignation, n
responsible, adj syn. liable
responsibility, n syn. liability
to undertake/ assume responsibilities
rise, n Am. raise
to give smb a rise
salary, n syn. pay, wage(s), remuneration
salaried, adj
sales, n

share, n
shareholder, n Am. stockholder
shortlist, v
skill, n
skilled, adj ant. unskilled
slogan, n

sole trader, n
supervise, v syn. to oversee, to overlook, to keep track of
smth, to keep an eye on smth
supply, v/n to supply smb with smth
total, adj
tough, adj
turnover, n
upturn, n
vacant, adj
vacancy, n syn. opening
vary, v
varied, adj
various, adj
vocation, n
wage-earner, n syn. breadwinner
welfare, n


to back out of smth to get on (in life/in the world)

to be cut out for smth to go in for smth
to brush up to pick up
to catch on to lay off
to close smth down to set one’s sights on smth
to come up with smth to spread smth out
to cut back on smth to take smb on
to fall off to take over (a takeover, n)
to fall through to take up (an amount of smth)
to get by (on smth) to turn smb/smth down
to get smb down


to be very much into smth to make one’s way in the world

to be in two minds to pull one’s socks up
to be up to one’s eyes in work to refuse point-blank
to follow in smb’s footsteps to sell like hot cakes
to get itchy feet to shine a positive light on smth
to get off to a bad start to start from scratch
to give smb a hard time to talk shop
to go to the wall to think on one’s feet
to have half a mind to do smth It’s not the end of the world
to hit the pay-dirt That’s the last straw!
to hit the wrong buttons The world is my oyster.
to keep one’s head above water


2.1. Listening Development

Assignment 1. Listen to the recording to Unit 2. David Evans, an epert in Business

English answers Carmela’s questions on how to introduce new people to the work
place. Answer the questions.
1. What happens if a new comer isn’t properly introduced?
2. How much information should a new comer be given?
3. What is important to remember while showing a new staff member
around on their first day?
4. What reduces the monotony of numerous introductions on the first day?

Jot down the words and expressions, which the speakers define and exemplify in
short dialoguse. Find the Russian equivalents.

2.2. Vocabulary Enrichment

Assignment 1. Complete each sentence by using a word from the box.

business job living work profession post
trade career occupation vocation position

1. Agricultural work is traditionally seen as a male __________.
2. He had a distinguished __________ as a journalist.
3. He makes a good __________ as a builder.
4. He was a consultant physician by __________.
5. He’s desperate to pursue his __________ as an artist.
6. He’s just landed himself a highly-paid __________ in the City.
7. How long were you in your previous __________?
8. It doesn’t require skill – it’s a matter of sheer hard __________.
9. She applied for the new __________ of training officer.
10.She’s a carpenter by __________.
11.What __________ are you in?
Assignment 2. Give synonyms to the following (consult the Active Vocabulary

1. to be jobless 4. pay
2. to take on 5. to manage
3. to achieve 6. to dismiss
Assignment 3. Complete the chart.
2. dismiss
3. retire
5. promote
6. achieve
8. manage
10. resign

Assignment 4. Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word is given.

There is a lot of (1) u................ nowadays so it is getting more and more difficult to
get the kind of (2) j................ you really want. Then you have to decide what is more
important to you - how much you (3) e................ or job satisfaction? Do you want to
work with your hands (called (4) m................ work) or do you prefer to work in an
office (called clerical work)? Do you prefer to work indoors or (5) o................ ?
Whatever you decide, when you are thinking about a career, or applying for a job,
you will find the following vocabulary useful:

Assignment 5. Give the opposite to the following:

1. to work on flexi- 2. to be dismissed 4. tough

time 3. full-time 5. frustrating
6. white-collar 11.badly-paid 16.9-to-5
7. routine 12.boring 17.temporary
8. low-status 13.manual 18.backbreaking
9. competitive 14.high-status 19.demanding
10.challenging 15.part-time 20.rewarding

Assignment 6. Fill the gaps with an appropriate word from the list.

a. offer f. sack k. job

b. experience g. salary l. pension
c. interview h. career m. management
d. wage i. trainee n. qualifications
e. reference j. promotion

1. choose a ................ in computers

2. go for an ................
3. go into ................
4. to get a ................ as a waiter
5. to get the ................
6. to earn a decent weekly ................
7. to get an annual ................ increase
8. h to get a ................ at sixty-five
9. to win ................
10.to get a good ................from your tutor
11.to have the right ................for the job
12.to have two years' relevant ................
13.to accept an ................ of a job
14.to take a young person on as a ................
Assignment 7. Fill in the blanks with one or more suitable words from the diagram.

work as a journalist / architect hard heavy boring

work in a hotel / hairdresser's / manual seasonal
restaurant / work for a computer
company /work at McDonald's /
that bookshop / the George
be out of work
WORK come home from work
take time off work

find look for get start

part-time well-paid
badly paid

Example: Why don't you go out and look for work instead of sitting around all day
doing nothing?

2. Jane is working................a software developer for Microsoft.

3. My dad worked................ a factory all his life.
4. His wife works................the local council.
5. I'll talk to you about the problem when you come home................work.
6. Arthur has been out................work ever since they closed the mine.
7. Her boss gave her time................work to go and see the doctor.

Assignment 8. Read the following texts and fill in the missing phrasal verbs from
the box.
a. to be cut out for j. to look through
b. to fill in k. to pick smth (it) up
c. to get by l. put in
d. to get on (2) m. put up with
e. to get on with n. to take up
f. to get through o. to close down
g. to go in for p. to cut back on
h. to get smb (me) down q. to take smb (me) on
i. to hand in r. to turn smb (me) down

At the moment I have a very good, well-paid job that I enjoy doing, but it
hasn't always been like this.
Several years ago I used to work as a salesman for a small company that
specialized in making motor components for the car industry. It was the sort of job
where you had to I committed to your product, you had to believe in it and do
everything possible to sell it. But times were hard, and a lot of companies were going
out of business, so our company started (1)____________ the number of people it
employed in order to save money fortunately I wasn't one of them – but in the end it
had (2)____________, and I found myself out of work for the first time in my life. I
applied for several jobs in similar companies, but wasn't successful – every one of
them (3)____________.
Then one day I was (4)____________ the paper and I came across an
advertisement f courses that specialized in journalism. I (5)____________ an
application form, sent it off, was accepted onto the course, studied hard, passed my
exams, and became a qualified journalist. I then wrote to a small magazine for the car
industry, attended an interview with dozens of other applicants and, to my surprise,
they (6)____________. The magazine grew size and popularity, I moved from
writing articles to being subeditor, and this year I became the editor, so I suppose,
I've been lucky, really.

When I was young my father always told me how important it was to
(7)____________ in life and be a success. 'You must make something of your life,' he
used to say. I think he wanted me to be a doctor or an engineer or something like that.
And I can remember how disappointed he was when I left school early and started
work as a secretary.
It was a small, badly-run company, and when I went there they told me the job
wasn’t difficult and I would soon (8)____________. At the beginning I liked the job,
but as time passed the work started to (9)____________ more of my time and I found
I was working late in the evenings and even at weekends. And in addition to this I
had to (10)____________ poor working conditions and a low salary – I earned just
enough to (11)____________ - and there were no promotion prospects at all. All this
really (12)____________. And then I started to wonder if I was really
(13)____________ this kind of work – it didn't really suit me or my particular
Then one day – I remember I'd been working very hard that month and had
(14)____________ a lot of extra hours – I went to see my boss to ask for some time
off work. I needed to visit my mother, who wasn't well at that time. I have to say that
I didn't (15)____________ my boss very well. Anyway, he refused point-blank. He
said that it was out of the question and he didn’t want to hear another word. I tried
explaining but I just couldn't (16)____________ to him. He wouldn't listen. So I
walked out of the office, and as far as I was concerned, that was the last straw. The
next day I (17)____________ my resignation, and I said to myself that I would never
put myself in that kind of position again. I decided to return to studying and
(18)____________ law. I graduated from London University and now I am starting to
make my way in the world. As my father used to say, ‘The world is your oyster'.
So was my father right? Is it important (19)____________ in the world? Well,
in some ways it is but it depends on how you measure success and what you want to
get out of life. After all there are other things in life besides work.
Assignment 9. Read the following texts and fill in the gaps with the phrases given
in the list below.

a. am not sure o. keen to

b. appeals to p. longing for
c. couldn't wait to q. mean to find
d. determined to r. not clear on
e. dreading s. quite like
f. fancy t. rather like
g. feel like going in to u. to be quite honest
h. feel quite tempted v. undecided as to
i. got my eye on w. very much into
j. hate to admit x. was dying to
k. have every intention of y. would have given my right
l. have half a mind to arm for
m. in two minds z. wouldn't mind
n. intend to aa. yearned for


Just five years ago ago I (1)____________leave school. I (2)____________

start work. I (3)____________ a nice steady job in a well established firm, and
(4)____________ work my way up from the bottom. I'd rather not think about how
many jobs I had. All I've ever asked for a bit of security. Instead I settled for odd jobs
here and there, compromised left, right and centre and made do with what came my
way. At times I (5)____________ a comfortable job, regular salary and some sort of
prospects. I (6)____________ a second chance. Now with a university degree and a
good knowledge of French and Italian I (7)____________ making a break. I've
(8)____________ a company just down the road. I (9)____________ write to them
today. And if I get the job I'm (10)____________ keep it longer than the others, so
I'm (11)____________ make a good impression. But (12)____________, I don't
(13)____________ the office again. I (14)____________, but I'm (15)____________
having to sit behind a desk from nine to five, I'm (16)____________ something
different. I (17)____________ the idea of being a journalist. I'm (18)____________
travelling and enjoy taking challenges and meeting a lot of people. Every time it's
like a new experience. And it would help me to update my knowledge of the
As you can see I'm still (19)____________ what my future career will be. I'm
sure that as long as I am trying to keep up to my aspirations, have a desire to learn
and succeed, everything will come out right for me. 1 just need to pull up my socks.


I'm (20)____________ what to do after the University. I (21)____________ to

start work – the real world, but on the other hand I'd (22)____________ three years
doing nothing very much and give myself time to make a choice of a career. To tell
the truth, I don't really (23)____________ getting tied down to one profession just
yet. There are so many options open today, so many alternatives to pick from, so
many possibilities from which to choose. But you have to ask yourself what is more
important to you – job satisfaction or money. It's perfect when these two are
combined but sometimes it doesn't come out like this. Therefore I think that when
you are choosing a career you have to have some realistic expectations.
Up to how I've been a very business-oriented person. I used to dream of
making my way up to the top of some firm or other. I wanted to work in pleasant
surroundings, to keep civilised hours, to have a nice salary and good career prospects.
But lately I've been thinking a lot about teaching as a career. I think the feeling of job
satisfaction in this profession is the greatest. Teaching English to foreign students
(24)____________ me, I really like the sound of it. Though I (25)____________ that
I'll make a good teacher as I lack tolerance and self-discipline.
Quite frankly, I (26)____________ working in a travel agency. I'm the kind of
person who finds it boring to stay too long in one place, I begin to get itchy feet. And
this profession involves travelling, seeing new places, meeting new people. So I'm
still (27)____________ what career to choose. But there is some time left to make up
my mind. I simply want to be happy.

1.4. Reading Improvement

Read a newspaper article about working as a conductor on a British train. Choose

the most suitable heading A-I from the box for each part of the article (1-7). There
is one extra heading which you do not need to use. There is an example at the

A Job satisfaction
B Getting started in the job
C Calling for help
D Looking after the passengers
E Keeping in touch
F Ready for duty
G Dealing with danger
H There and back again
I Time to get up

Ticket checks, travel questions and making sure passengers reach their destination
safely are all part of a day’s work for senior conductor Julie King.

0 I three and watch a bit of TV to catch up on the

The earliest shift we do starts at 4.30 in the news before driving to work. If I’m starting at

morning, so if I’m on that one, I’ll get up at nine, I can have a lie-in.
1 alternative train service for them to get home

I’m based on Portsmouth to London line and on.

the first thing I do is report to the supervisor, 4

who makes sure we are fit for work. Then I The electronic communicators we carry are
pick up my ticket machine, read all the used to let us know about any problems with
notices to check nothing’s happened the service – not just on that line but on other
overnight I’m not aware of, have a cup of tea, routes as well. If it’s important, we’ll pass th
collect my work schedule and make sure my information on to the passengers in a public
trainbook is in order – we have to write down announcement. The communicator doesn’t
each stop on every trip. After that it’s down to make a sound and only I’m aware of it going
the platform to put my kit in the conductor’s off. It wouldn’t be any good if it made the
van and start the day. usual ‘bleeping’ noise – you’d get people
2 reaching for their mobile phones as we

A typical day would be two return trips walked through the train.

between Portsmouth and London. We aim to 5

walk through the train after every stop, Safety is the other important aspect of the job.
checking tickets and counting heads. If the train breaks down or is derailed, it’s the
Sometimes we walk through just to make sure conductor’s job to protect the back of the
everything’s all right. Once we reach London, train. The signalman will know where you are
we take a 20-minute break to clear our heads and warn the train behind to slow down, but
before setting off on the return journey. When we have to get out and walk down the track
we get back to Portsmouth, I’ll make sure the laying small packets of explosive. When the
train is cleaned, then it’s up to London again train behind goes over them, that’s the signal
with more ticket checks and more to the driver to stop. It hasn’t happened to me
announcements to passengers. yet, but I’d know what to do if it did. At the
3 moment I’m learning to be an operations

A lot of the job is about customer care. We trainer – training up new employees on the

deal with all sorts of questions and can find safety aspects of the railway.

out the information passengers want 6

somehow. We carry timetables and fare I’d wanted to be a conductor since I
books, and if we are asked something we was a teenager. I’d got to know the
can’t find on the spot, we use the phone on
staff when I travelled on the trains to
the train to ring the information office. We
school and it seemed like interesting
can also organise taxis for people if trains
have been cancelled or are late and there is no work. I left school at 16 and started a
training office manager, but I soon
moved on to working on the trains.

At the end of the day I sign off and
hand over the ticket machine and any
money I’ve collected selling tickets. I
like the travelling side of the job and
meeting people. We get to know the
regular passengers quite well and a
friendly comment can make your day
really happy.
1.5. Writing Enhancement

Effective Essay Builder

I. Prewriting Essays
What is the prewriting stage?
The prewriting stage is when you prepare your ideas for your essay before you begin
writing. You will find it easier to write your essay if you build an outline or a plan

Six Prewriting Steps:

Think carefully about what you are going to write. Jot down all your ideas and
associations. Even if they seem awkward or out of place now they can serve you
as a starting point for further associations.

Assignment 1.
Brainstorming. Generate ideas associated with the topic “My Future Career
Prospects”. Expand the spidergram given below. Ask yourself the following
–What question/questions am I going to answer in this essay?
–What facts do I need for the essay?
–How can I make this essay interesting?
–What else do I want to say about this topic?
–Why should people be interested in this topic?
–Why is this topic important?
You do not need to spend a lot of time doing this; just write enough to help you
remember why and how you are going to write your paragraph or essay.




“My Future

working in

 Find the main idea of your essay. Choose the most important point you are going
to present. If you cannot decide which point is the most important, just choose one
point and stick to it throughout your essay.
 Organise your facts and ideas in a way that develops your main idea. Once
you have chosen the most important point of your paragraph or essay, you must find
the best way to tell your reader about it. Look at the facts and your own ideas on the
topic. Decide which facts and ideas will best support the main idea of your essay.
Once you have chosen the facts and ideas you plan to use, ask yourself which order to
put them in the essay.

 Think of a way to summarise your ideas. If you can’t do it at this stage, leave it
until you have written your essay. Just make sure you don’t forget about it.

Assignment 2.
Write down an outline that you can use to guide yourself as you write your essay:

I. Introduction (the main idea)


II. Body
1. Supporting Paragraph (supporting idea 1)
2. Supporting Paragraph (supporting idea 2)
3. Supporting Paragraph (supporting idea 3)

III. Summary Paragraph_______________________________________

 Check whether you’ll need any additional facts to develop the main idea.
Think where to get them.

II. Writing Essays

What is the writing stage?

The writing stage is when you turn your ideas into sentences.

Five Writing Steps:
1. For the introduction, write the thesis statement and give some background
2. Develop each supporting paragraph and make sure to follow the correct
paragraph format.
3. Write clear and simple sentences to express your meaning.
4. Focus on the main idea of your essay.
5. Use a dictionary to help you find additional words to express your meaning.

Warning!!! ©All rights for all textbooks are reserved by their publishers.
No part of any publication may be reproduced in your essay without the prior written
permission of the publishers. Though teachers more than welcome abundant use of
your active vocabulary they expect to see your own ideas presented in your essay.

Introduction Paragraph

What is an introduction paragraph?

The introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of your essay.
What does it do?
It introduces the main idea of your essay. A good opening paragraph captures the
interest of your reader and tells why your topic is important.
How do I write one?
1. Write the thesis statement. The main idea of the essay is stated in a single sentence
called the thesis statement. You must limit your entire essay to the topic you have
introduced in your thesis statement.
2. Provide some background information about your topic. You can use interesting
facts, quotations, or definitions of important terms you will use later in the essay.

English Speech Practice classes have been a part of my life for over a year
already. They have evolved into an extremely popular sport watched and

played by both students of my group and our teachers. The game has got
several stages that I would like to describe.

Assignment 3. Write the introduction paragraph of your essay:


Supporting Paragraphs

What are supporting paragraphs?

Supporting paragraphs make up the main body of your essay.
What do they do?
They develop the main idea of your essay.
How do I write them?
1. List the points that develop the main idea of your essay.
2. Place each supporting point in its own paragraph.
3. Develop each supporting point with facts, details, and examples.
To connect your supporting paragraphs, you should use special transition words.
Transition words link your paragraphs together and make your essay easier to read.
Use them at the beginning and end of your paragraphs.
Examples of transition words that can help you to link your paragraphs together:

For listing different points For additional ideas

First, Another…
Second, In addition to…
Third, etc. Related to …

For counter examples To show cause and effect
However, Therefore,
Even though… Thus,
On the other hand, As a result of…
Nevertheless, Consequently

Like all good paragraphs, each supporting paragraph should have

1) a topic sentence;
2) supporting sentences;
3) and a summary sentence.

Summary Paragraph
What is a summary paragraph?
The summary paragraph comes at the end of your essay after you have finished
developing your ideas. The summary paragraph is often called a "conclusion."
What does it do?
It summarises or restates the main idea of the essay. You want to leave the reader
with a sense that your essay is complete.
How do I write one?
1. Restate the strongest points of your essay that support your main idea.
2. Conclude your essay by restating the main idea in different words.
3. Give your personal opinion or suggest a plan for action.

Overall, English Speech Practice classes have helped to improve our language

The sport is more captivating and exciting as a result of permanent danger


For these reasons, English classes are horrifying for teachers to deliver and
great fun for students to attend.

Assignment 3. Write the summary paragraph of your essay:


III. Editing Essays

What is the editing stage?
The editing stage is when you check your essay for mistakes and correct them.

Editing Steps:

1. Read your draft essay and underline all the expressions from your active
vocabulary you’ve used.
2. See what other expressions can be used. Add them at relevant places.

Grammar and Spelling

1. Check your spelling.
2. Check your grammar.
3. Read your essay again.
4. Make sure each sentence has a subject.
5. Make sure your subjects and verbs agree with each other.
6. Check the verb tenses of each sentence.
7. Make sure that each sentence makes sense.

Style and Organisation
1. Make sure your essay has an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a summary
2. Check that you have a thesis statement that identifies the main idea of the essay.
3. Check that all your paragraphs follow the proper paragraph format.
4. See if your essay is interesting.

Home Assignment 1. Write a draft of the body of your essay, edit it following
instructions in the Editing Essays section and write a clean copy to hand in
following instructions in the Publishing Essays section.

Correction of Mistakes
What is correction of mistakes?
Correction of mistakes takes place after you receive your essay checked by the
teacher with your mistakes marked or corrected (for correction symbols used by your
teacher see Appendix 2).
Five steps of correcting mistakes:
1. Identify what your mistake is. If necessary, consult Grammar books, dictionaries or
your teacher.
2. Rewrite each sentence containing a mistake underlining the correct variant.
3. In brackets briefly explain what the rule is for each case.
4. If it was a spelling mistake write two lines of the word.
5. Memorise the correct variant.
A student hate coming late but can’t do anything about it. Subject–

Correction of mistakes
A student hates coming late… (third person singular)

Home Assignment 2. Do correction of mistakes. If there more than 5-7 mistakes
per page in the essay, rewrite it correctly.

Just have written up my first essay!

2.6. Speaking Reinforcement

Assignment 1. Get ready to present your essay in class. Remember that you can
peep into your notes but you can’t read.

Assignment 2. After you have listened to essay presentations, you’ll be asked to

discuss what you liked about them, which ideas were original, and which
arguments were the strongest, etc. Get ready to give your commentary.
You can evaluate your own presentation noting any areas you think are
especially good, or that need attention: organisation, content, language, delivery,
body language, visual aids, overall impression.
Listen attentively to your classmates’ feedback, to their suggestions for
improvement, and try to get better on any areas of wealness.

Unit 2. Career Prospects for Language Students

The following are some of the useful expressions to be found in this unit. Make
sure you understand them and can properly use them in speech.
consumer to earn one’s living
profit to earn a good wage
profit margin to make a lot of money
weird to have a large income
glamorous to run a business
to apply for a job to go out of business
to make an application to beat the odds
to employ someone to hand in one's resignation
to give someone a job to dismiss someone from a job
to to do smth for a living to retire from work

Look through the exercises in 2.2 Vocabulary Enrichment and complete this list
with other words and expressions relevant to the topic. Pay attention to how they
are used.


3.1. Listening Development

Assignment 1. Listen to the recording to Unit 3. The current tendencies in
workforce markets are described. What are these tendencies?
Listen again and fill in the gaps with the words and phrases used. Give their
Russian equivalents.
China Faces Drop in Recruitment
Jobs in multinational companies are ________________ in China, especially
________________. For a start the pay is often better than you might get as a
________________ or the employee of a state owned enterprise. The jobs
________________ at the moment in the larger cities, like Beijing or Shanghai, or in
the areas where there are many factories ________________.
Two years ago the multinationals were competing ________________ from
China's universities but since the financial crisis jobs in multinational firms whose
parent companies have ________________ overseas, like CitiGroup or Motorola, no
longer look so secure.
This year there was ________________ of applications for the civil service,
more than three quarters of a million people applied for 13,500 places. The surveys of
the multinationals reported in the state media suggest that those applicants were wise

Almost 7 out of 10 of the firms polled made clear they planned to recruit fewer
staff in the year ahead. That will make life even harder for this year's graduates.
There are fewer jobs available than before and they'll be competing with other
unemployed graduates from previous years and with ________________ workers
who already have experience. The graduate employment market has always been
tough in China but this year it is looking like it will be tougher than ever.
British Job Losses
Here at the Mini car plant in Cowley they know all about ________________.
Recently over 800 agency workers were ________________ from here
________________. They're now part of a growing number of jobless which has
________________ for the first time in 12 years.
What is particularly worrying is the way ________________ are happening
________________. There is evidence too that the pain and suffering is being felt
especially by younger people.
Politicians are ________________ for the summer when many school and
university leavers will finish full-time education and start looking for jobs. That is
one of the reasons why experts are ________________ that Britain could
________________ over three million unemployed, a situation not seen since the

3.2. Vocabulary Enrichment

Assignment 1. Use appropriate verbs to complete this company profile.
GKS Services (1)________ in 1989 when Dieter Norland left his job as an
engineer in the computer industry.The company (2)________ high-tech security
alarms and (3)________ its products all over the world. It (4)________ ISO people at
its factory near Rotterdam, although the company's head office is in Amsterdam and
(5)________ a staff of 20.The company (6)________ a number of new products each
year GKS Services (7)________ products to the security industry and (8)________
domestic alarms for the general public.

Assignment 2. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the word given in
1. The Finance __________________ (manage) is in his office.
2. Our __________________ (compete) have brought out a new product and it looks
very good.
3. After a long negotiation, we finally reached __________________ .(agree).
4. The Far East suffered from __________________ (economy) difficulties in the late
5. The TZ4000 is our best-selling __________________ (produce).
6. The World Bank is an international __________________ (organise) that supports
development projects around the world.

Assignment 3. Fill in the gaps with the phrasal verbs given in the box.
to catch on to come up with something to lay someone off
to pick up to take someone on to back out (of something)
to fall through to fall off to take something over

P e t e r: Hello, Bill, how’s the car business doing at the moment?

B i l l: Not very well, I’m afraid. Our sales ____________________ at the moment,
and our latest model hasn’t ____________________. We’ve also had to
____________________ a new project to build a family car. What about
P e t e r: Our export figures weren’t very good at the start of the year, but now they
are starting to ____________________ and we need to
____________________ extra staff. In fact, we are thinking of
____________________ of another business.
B i l l: Lucky you! Our company is thinking of ____________________ some of its
staff until things get better. By the way, what happened about that design
problem you were telling me about?

P e t e r: Fortunately one of our team managed to ____________________ a brilliant
solution to the problem – otherwise the whole project would

Assignment 4. Make up a sentence with each phrasal verb given in the box above
(Assignment 3).
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________________

Assignment 5. Fill in prepositions or postpositions where necessary. If you are not

sure, look them up in the Preface and Unit 1 of Achievement 1 on pages 1-8.
1. My boss greatly appreciated the new approaches _______ solving the problem
that I suggested in yesterday’s meeting.
2. This textbook is to be used either _______ class or _______ self study _______
students of the upper intermediate level.
3. I was also responsible _______ recruitment and supplied our company _______
the best experts _______ marketing and banking I could find.
4. She waved her arm _______ me to attract my attention _______ what was
happening behind her.
5. I don’t mind working _______ my own but in this case I could do _______ the aid
of a more experience colleague.
6. Time in office should be spent _______ doing business but not _______ chatting
_______ your wife all day.

7. I can’t stand it when my boss talks to me as if explaining something _______ a
small child.
8. What I really like _______ this job is the sense of achievement _______ the
clinching an important deal.
9. You can not spend all your live hoping _______ something to turn _______ .
10.That’s exactly the job I have always dreamed _______ .
11.– What does she do _______ a living?
– I’m not quite sure.
12.Mr Bright was recommended _______ promotion last month and got appointed
_______ the post of deputy board chairman. He gladly took the new
responsibilities _______ .
13.He referred _______ some book in his presentation very often but I didn’t get the
author’s name.
14.The scandal brought his career _______ politics to a sudden end. He gave it
_______ and took _______ early retirement _______ 55.
15.My brother worked _______ a skilled trade for 3 years. But he felt he was not cut
_______ _______ it. He quitted _______ his job, was _______ the dole for about
a year, was job hunting and finally got a position in a building company he was
satisfied _______ . We all hoped he wouldn’t be laid _______ . But alas, times
were hard and a lot of companies were cutting back _______ staff and even
closing _______ .
16.He was a bricklayer _______ trade and built a lot of houses _______ the
17.Mary entered _______ the teaching profession in 1997. She is _______ maternity
leave now but she’s coming back _______ September.
18. – What line of medicine is he _______ ?
– I suppose he is _______ psychology.
19.To be thrown _______ _______ work is very annoying especially if you are
young and full _______ energy.
20.Let’s assign him _______ the job. He is reliable and responsible enough.

21.The sales assistant deserves _______ advancement _______ position. He can
make _______ a good department manager. He can also be responsible _______
22.Engine drivers were just about to go _______ strike but a rise _______ wages
calmed them _______.
23.A bank clerk receives and pays _______ money _______ a bank. He may also
help clients fill _______ forms and write _______ cheques.
24.Who is _______ charge of your company?
25.My son works _______ business. He makes _______ programs for professional
accountants and lawyers.
26.I am afraid that drawing is not _______ my line.
27. Why not appoint Mark _______ the job. He’ll cope _______ it perfectly well.
28.Medicine is not just a way of making _______ money. It’s a special call _______
God. Unfortunately you have never had the sense of fitness or particular ability
_______ relieving other people’s suffering.
29.I intended to take _______ a job of a printing press operator when I left school but
they didn’t take me _______ . After I was turned _______ by a couple of other
companies I was finally employed _______ a post of a night watcher. I can at least
get _______ _______ my wages now while looking _______ something better
30.They dismissed Peggy _______ her work in just a month but it didn’t discourage

After you have done this exercis,e check it up. Make sure to include
prepositional phrases into the list of Active Vocabulary units on page 57.
Practice pronunciation, and make sentences of your own to remember them.

Assignment 6. Translate the following phrases from Russian into English. Make
sure you use the correct forms, articles and prepositions.
1. I worked really hard all summer чтобы расширить мой словарный запас и
увеличить скорость речи. My goal is to добиться отличного владения
иностранным языком to make a brilliant career in future.
2. Have you ever рассматривать этот вариант?
3. Заключение важной сделки always brings me a sense of achievement and
4. Does he work for a particular company or is he работает на себя.
5. Why did you подал заявление об уходе? (2 variants)
6. You won't have any дополнительные льготы (2 variants) for the first year after
you are приняты на работу (at least 3 variants).
7. I wouldn't fancy working as переводчик-референт. It is a very тяжелая и
утомительная работа, требующая больших усилий.
8. Peter is always на больничном. He'd сокращен\уволен (6 variants) first if there
were сокращение штатов to be made.

3.3. Reading Improvement

Assignment 1. What products do you think of when you see these brands?
1 Louis Vuitton 2 Givenchy 3 Kenzo 4 Donna Karan

Assignment 2. Read the first paragraph of the article about LVMH and complete
the fact file.

Name: LVMH Products:

Head office: Number of brands:
Number of stores: Workforce:

Assignment 3. Answer the following questions.

1 What percentage of LVMH's staff do not work in France?
2 What was the percentage increase in sales at the Louis Vuitton division in the
fourth quarter?
3 Which of the following were reasons for the increase in LVMH's sales?
a) well-known products c) better research
b) new stores d) new products
4 How did the launch of the Tambour watch help LVMH?
5 In which markets did LVMH sell a lot of products?

Assignment 4. Mark each statement true or false.

1 LVMH's main product is cosmetics.
2 LVMH doesn't launch many new products.
3 Sales in japan are poor.
4 LVMH's products are well made.
5 The image of its products is important to LVMH.

3.4. Writing Enhancement

Assignment 1. Using the framework below, write a short report (15-20 sentences) on the form of
ownership of your company.
A s i x - p o i n t r e p o r t w r i t i n g p l a n
1. An opening to briefly introduce your company: Company
Our company’s name is _______ presentation:
It was founded by _______ Company name
(Name of company) is London/ Minsk/ _______- Names of founders
based Location
operating in the area of _______ . Type of business
Our slogan is _______ Slogan (if any)
2. Give an overview of the major forms of ownership Overview
Companies are units of business organisation carrying 1
on some productive activity resulting in the creation of 2
goods and services. They represent a variety of forms 3
of ownership from _______ to _______ 4
3. Make a transition to the chosen form of ownership
So what form of ownership have we chosen for our
4. Describe the chosen form of ownership Form of ownership
Our company is a _______
5. Describe its main features Main features
The founders of a _______ company signed a 1 How formed
_______. 2 Control of firm
A _______ company is controlled and run by the ... 3 Liability for debts
A _______ company is a company, in which the 4 Relationship between
liability of its owners for debts is limited by _______ / owner and business
not limited. Etc.
The owners participate / do not participate in the day-
to-day running of the company.
6. Close Summary
To sum up, _______

NOTE: Definition for Business Terms

The Company Profile Report provides an expanded directory display for a business.
This report can include sales and sales trend information, business size, expanded
SIC and line of business details, key principals, and business URLs.

3.5. Speaking Reinforcement

Launching Your Own Business

Step 1. Use the checklist below to help you draw a provisional business plan and
present it in the classroom. You don’t need to include all these points but make
sure you cover the basics. Try to anticipate some of the questions you may be asked.

What will be your main business activity?
Who will be your target customers?
Approximately how many people will the company employ and in what
Where will the company be located? Why?
What kind of property will you require? Offices or factories?

Step 2. Get ready to give your presentation. Try to ‘sell’ the idea in less than ten

Unit 3. Corporate Life

Go through this unit and relevant pages of Achievement textbook, Good Start 1 and
2, and make your own active vocabulary list according to the following table.

Word/expression Pronunciation Translation Examples


4.1. Listening Development

Assignment 1. Listen to the recording on jobs available for the studentsand answer
the following questions.
1. How many jobs are listed?
2. Do you need experience to apply for all the jobs?
3. What do you do to listen to the job listing again?
4. Which job would be best for a college student?
5. Which job doesn’t involve working with the public?
6. Which position does the caller probably want?

Assignment 2. Listen to the recording again and write down the position
requirements exactly the way they are given.
Customer service representative

Health information clerk
Entry-level graphic artist

4.2 Vocabulary Enrichment

Assignment 1. Match the following job, career, and employment terms with their
definitions. Be ready to give their equivalents in Russian.

Job-Seeker's Glossary of Job-Hunting Terms

1. Cold Call 2. Internships 3. Freelancer/Consultant/

Independent Contractor

4. Offer of 5. References 6. Recruiters/Headhunters


7. Benefits 8. Dress for Success 9. Compensation Package

10.Salary 11.USP 12.Job Interviewing

13.Corporate Culture 14.Job Shadowing 15.Cover Letter

16.Accomplishments 17.Networking 18.Job Skills

19.Job Application 20.Resume 21.Contract Employee

A. _____________ – these are the achievements you have had in your career.
These key points really help sell you to an employer – much more so than

everyday job duties or responsibilities. In your cover letters, resumes, and job
interviews, focus on key career accomplishments – especially ones that you
can quantify.
B. _____________ – an important part of your compensation package, and part of
the salary negotiation process. Note that every employer offers a different mix
of benefits. These benefits may include paid vacations, company holidays,
personal days, sick leave, life insurance, medical insurance, retirement and
pension plans, tuition assistance, child care, stock options, and more. Can be
worth anywhere from 20 to 40 percent of your salary.

C. _____________ – the continuous process of evaluating your current lifestyle,

likes/dislikes, passions, skills, personality, dream job, and current job and
career path and making corrections and improvements to better prepare for
future steps in your career, as needed, or to make a career change.

D. _____________ – when a job-seeker approaches an employer (usually through

an uninvited cover letter) who has not publicly announced any job openings.
See hidden job market and cover letters.

E. _____________ – the combination of salary and fringe benefits an employer

provides for an employee. When evaluating competing job offers, a job-seeker
should consider the total package and not just salary.

F. _____________ – where you work for one organization (and its salary and
benefit structure) that sells your services to another company on a project or
time basis. Compare to freelancer.

G. _____________ – the collection of beliefs, expectations, and values shared by

an organization’s members and transmitted from one generation of employees
to another. The culture sets norms (rules of conduct) that define acceptable
behavior of employees of the organization. It’s important for job-seekers to
understand the culture of an organization before accepting a job.

H. _____________ – should always accompany your resume when you contact a
potential employer. A good cover letter opens a window to your personality
(and describes specific strengths and skills you offer the employer). It should
entice the employer to read your resume.

I. _____________ – first coined by the author John Malloy in the 1970s, the term
Dress for Success signifies tailoring one's attire, grooming, and overall
appearance toward making a great first impression in a job interview - as well
as maintaining a professional look while on the job to aid career advancement.
Will dressing properly get you the job? Not by itself, but it will give you a
competitive edge and help you make a positive first impression.

J. _____________ – where you work for yourself and bid for temporary jobs and
projects with one or more employers. Freelancing is not an alternative to hard
work, but many people enjoy the freedom, flexibility, and satisfaction of
working for themselves.

K. _____________ – one of the best types of work experiences for entry-level

job-seekers because the majority of employers say experience is the most
important factor in whether you’re hired. Internships involve working in your
expected career field, either during a semester or over the summer. Besides
gaining valuable experience, you get exposed to the business environment and
gain valuable references and network contacts.

L. _____________ – sometimes also called an application for employment. Many

organizations require you to complete an application (either to get an interview
or prior to an interview). Even though many of the questions duplicate
information from your resume, it is extremely important to complete the
application neatly, completely, and accurately.

M. _____________ – all about making the best matches. Both the company and
the job-seeker want to determine if the fit is right between them. First

impressions are key (see dress for success), and preparation is critical to

N. _____________ – one of the most popular work-based learning activities

because it provides job-seekers with opportunities to gather information on a
wide variety of career possibilities before deciding where they want to focus
their attention. Job shadows involve brief visits to a variety of workplaces,
during which time you "shadow," observe, and ask individual workers

O. _____________ – the skills you need to do a particular job. For example, an

accountant needs to have good math and accounting skills; a doctor needs to
have good medical, scientific, and personal skills.

P. _____________ – means developing a broad list of contacts – people you've

met through various social and business functions – and encouraging them to
assist you in looking for a job. People in your network may be able to give you
job leads, offer you advice and information about a particular company or
industry, and introduce you to others so that you can expand your network.

Q. _____________ – an offer by an employer to a prospective employee that

usually specifies the terms of an employment arrangement, including starting
date, salary, benefits, working conditions. Also called a job offer.

R. _____________ – professionals who are paid by employers to find candidates

for specific positions. They often recruit candidates, but job-seekers can also
approach them. Avoid any firms that require job-seekers to pay for their

S. _____________ – a group of people who will say good things about you and
who know specific strengths that you offer. Can include work references
(current and past supervisors), educational references (former teachers or
school administrators), and personal references (who can speak of your
character). Never include references on your resume or cover letter; they
should be listed on a separate references sheet. And always ask people before
including them as a reference for you. Never provide a list of references unless
they are requested.

T. _____________ – a key job-hunting tool used to get an interview, it

summarizes your accomplishments, your education, as well as your work
experience, and should reflect your special mix of skills and strengths.

U. _____________ – financial compensation an employee receives for performing

the job, and part of your compensation package. Can be determined by hourly,
daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Also can include overtime pay, bonuses,
and commissions. See also benefits and compensation package.

V. _____________ – an advertising term - unique selling proposition - that refers

to the one thing about a product that makes it distinct from all others. In job-
hunting, job-seekers need to find the one thing that makes you more qualified
for this job than anyone else. What can you offer that no other applicant can?

Assignment 2. Complete the following extracts from job advertisements using the
words in the box which fit best.

Career Salary Leadership Overtime Atmosphere

Skills Experience Pressure CV Company

Assignment 3. Spot all the mistakes in the text below.
My son Tom applied to dozens of jobs before he was finally taken up at
Brown’s Home furnishings. We think he was very lucky to get a good work, with all
unemployment round here and the number of people who’ve been made laid off
because of the weak economics. Mr.Brown, his boss, has said that if Tom works
more harder and does good job, he’ll give him a temporary job at the end of the year.
At the moment Tom’s dealing of customer queries. I certainly wouldn’t like to face
all those phone calls, but Tom seems to be getting up really well with it. He also likes
being at flexi-time, because he was never any good in getting on in the mornings.
Tom seems to benefit from a good work experience. His boss also gave him a very
good advice to continue his education, which can help him to get by in life.

Assignment 4. Read between the lines! Be careful! Not all job ads are what they
seem. Match the abstracts above (Assignment 2) to what they may really mean.

Assignment 5. Translate the following (consult Active Vocabulary section of this
1) Я сидела без работы уже три месяца.
2) В то время было нетрудно найти место.
3) Трудно было найти работу, которая бы высоко оплачивалась и при этом
была бы еще интересной.
4) Деньги, которые я получила, когда меня сократили, уже заканчивались, и
я решила действовать.
5) Итак, для начала я решила составить список своих критериев
относительно выбора работы.
6) Во-первых, моя работа должна хорошо оплачиваться.
7) Во-вторых, я должна получать от нее удовольствие.

8) В-третьих, кроме хороших условий, не помешали бы и какие-нибудь
дополнительные льготы, например бесплатный мобильный телефон.
9) Также, я не хочу быть вечным подчиненным, у меня должен быть шанс
10) Для этого нужно ладить с боссом.
11) А для этого он должен быть хорошим руководителем и не помыкать
12) Хотелось бы самой отвечать за свою работу.
13) Да, и еще. Я не привыкла работать с 9 до 5. Мне нужна работа со
свободным распорядком дня.
14) Итак, суммируем: высокая зарплата, разнообразная работа,
дополнительные льготы и возможность повышения.
15) И к тому же внимательный руководитель, свободный распорядок дня,
ответственная работа.
16) Да уж, на такую работу, наверное, многие захотят устроиться.
17) Так что следовало подумать и о том, что я могу предложить нанимателю,
какие у меня есть навыки.
18) Два года назад я закончила МГЛУ и уже успела поработать в бизнесе,
так что можно сказать, что у меня есть опыт работы в бизнесе.

19) Я умею работать на компьютере (обладаю компьютерной грамотностью).
20) У меня все в порядке со здоровьем, так что больничные брать не буду.
21) Я не замужем, а значит, не уйду в декрет.
22) Я трудоголик, так что рано на пенсию не уйду.
23) Я обладаю хорошей выдержкой/выносливостью и не буду устраивать
24) А также я хорошо работающий, преданный своему делу работник.
25) Никто не может сказать, что я некомпетентна, так что босс и коллеги
могут на меня положиться.
26) Да я просто находка для любой компании.
27) Внезапно мне позвонили и пригласили на работу, на которую я раньше
подавала заявление.
28) Зарплата была невысокой, но прожить было можно.
29) К тому же мне пообещали ее увеличить на 25% через месяц.
30) Теперь оставалось только засучить рукава и приняться за работу.

Reading Improvement

You are going to read an extract from a newspaper article. For questions 1-7,
choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

A lot of advice is available for Whatever you decide, you should

college leavers heading for their first choose your second job very carefully.
job. In this article we consider the You should be aiming to stay in it for
move to a second job. We are not two to three years.
concerned with those looking for a This job will be studied very
second temporary position while carefully when you send your letter of
hunting for a permanent job. Nor are application for your next job. It should
we concerned with those leaving an show evidence of serious career
unsatisfactory job within the first few planning. More important, it should
weeks. Instead, we will be dealing with extend you, develop you and give you
those of you taking a real step on the increasing responsibility. Incidentally,
career ladder, choosing a job to fit in if the travel bug is biting, now is the
with your ambitions now that you have time to pack up and go. You can do
learnt your way around, acquired some temporary work for a while when you
skills and have some idea of where you return, pick up where you left off and
want to go. get the second job then. Future
What sort of job should you look potential employers will be relieved to
for? Much depends on your long-term see that you have got it out of your
aim. You need to ask yourself whether system, and are not likely to go off
you want to specialise in a particular again.
field, work your way up to higher Juliette Davidson spent her first
levels of responsibility or out of your year after leaving St. Aldate’s College
current employment into a broader working for three solicitors. It was the
field. perfect first job in that ‘OK… they

were very supportive people. I was
gently introduced to the work, learnt
my way round an office and improved
my word processing skills. However,
there was no scope for advancement.
One day I gave in my notice, bought an
air ticket and travelled for a year.’
Juliette now works as a Personal
Assistant to Brenda Cleverdon, the
Chief Executive of Business in the
community. ‘In two and a half years I
have become more able and my job has
really grown,’ she says. ‘Right from the
beginning my boss was very keen to
develop me. My job title is the same as
it was when I started but the duties
have changed. From mainly typing and
telephone work, I have progressed to
doing most of the correspondence and
budgets. I also have to deal with a
variety of queries, coming from
chairmen of large companies to people
wanting to know how to start their own
business. Brenda involves me in all her
work but also gives me specific
projects to do and events to organise.’

1 Who is intended to benefit from the advice given in the article?
A student who have just finished their studies
B people who are unhappy with their current job
C those who are interested in establishing a career
В people who change jobs regularly
2 According to the writer, why is the choice of your second job important?
A It will affect your future job prospects
B It will last longer than your first job
C It will be difficult to change if you don’t like it
В It should give you the opportunity to study
3 In paragraph 4 ‘it’ refers to your
A first job
B second job
C application
В career
4 If you have a desire to travel, when does the writer suggest that you do it?
A straight after you have left college
B when you are unable to find a permanent job
C after you have done some temporary work
В between the first and the second job
5 What is meant by ‘you have got it out of your system’ in paragraph 4?
A You have planned your career sensibly
B You are an experienced traveller
C You have satisfied your wish to travel
В You have learned to look after yourself
6 How did Juliette Davidson benefit from the experience of her first job?
A It was a good introduction to working in an office
B She met a variety of interesting people
C It enabled her to earn enough money to travel
В She learned how to use a word processor

7 In what way is Juliette’s current job better than her first job?
A She has a more impressive job title
B She now knows how to start her own business
C She has been able to extend her skills
В She is more involved in the community

4.4. Writing Enhancement

Assignment 1. Write a job description, completing the following job

Assignment 2. Write your CV according to the formula set out below.

 Your name, home address, phone number
and email address.
 Your age and marital status (married –
single – divorced) and whether you have
children. (No photo unless specially
 Job history, starting with your current
employment, and your previous employers
with dates, leaving no unexplained gaps. If
this is your first application for a job, give
details of your schools and university or

 Qualifications, academic and professional.
 Specialist knowledge.
 Hobbies and interests.
 Referees.

4.5. Speaking Reinforcement

Assignment 1.
Acting as an applicant: Jot down the questions you would like to ask
about a job of a translator before applying.
Acting as a human resources manager: Get ready to answer questions
about the job of a translator you’ve advertised in a newspaper. Put down the
information on key details.
Then get ready to act out telephone conversations with your groupmates
in class swapping these roles.

Unit 4. Job Hunting

Find the definitions of the following active words and phrases in the dictionary
to fill in the table below. Pay attention to how they are used in sentences and put
down some examples. Add any other words you think important to learn to this

to benefit from
cold call
cover/covering letter
critical to (success)
entry level
job description
job openings
job shadowing
to involve, v

to recruit (candidates)
to seek jobs
word processing


to get smth out of one’s system

to look for a job
to be keen to do smth
to pick up where one left off


To dress for success

to give a competitive edge
a job ad
a job offer
the travel bug
under pressure
unique selling proposition


5.1. Listening Development

Assignment 1. Listen to a careers consultant giving her ‘Top Ten Tips’ on how
to be successful at a job interview. Which are the most important tipss?
Listen again and put the points she mentions in order.

1. Showing you’ve done research on the company

2. Selling yourself to the company
3. Making a good first impression
4. Talking about your weaknesses
5. Dressing to impress
6. Showing loyalty to your previous employer
7. Projecting the right attitude

8. Talking about your strengths
9. Avoiding sounding self-congratulatory
10.Talking about your career history

5.2. Vocabulary Enrichment

Assignment 1. Give synonyms or synonymous expressions for the following.
Consult the dictionary.

1. accomplish, complete, finish

2. action, occupation, exercise
3. make known, publicise
4. pleasing, interesting, charming, enchanting
5. tiring, tiresome, weary
6. uninteresting, dull, tedious, monotonous, flat
7. domineering, lordly, overbearing
8. 1) occupation, profession, employment; (2) commerce, trade; (3) duty, task
9. able, competent, qualified, skilful
10.profession or occupation, job
11.careers adviser BrE, career counselor AmE
12.ability, skill, capability
14.make up one’s mind
15.fire, sack
16.unemployment benefit
17.capable, able to work well, apt, competent
18.effectiveness, competency
19.labourer, worker
20.urge, stimulate, promote
21.knowledge or skill acquired from seeing and doing things

23.leader, chief, master
24.pay, wages, salary, fee
25.hard-working, diligent
26.to be unemployed
27.work, task, labour, toil
28.to be at work; working
30. (1) direct, run (2) handle (3) get along (4) succeed in
31.job, post
32.beneficial, gainful
33.leave, quit, vacate, give up
34.duty, obligation, commitment
36.experienced, trained, competent
37.complete, entire
39.be different, change
41.command, supervise

Assignment 2. Guess the word/phrase:

1. a large amount of money given to someone when they leave their job
2. a person who applies for sth (esp. for a job)
3. a feeling that one is called to (and qualified for) a certain kind of work (or a
person has a special ability)
4. occupation, esp. one requiring an advanced education and special training
5. to give good guidance
6. a person who employs others
7. a person who is employed
8. those who are without jobs

9. a list of the most suitable people for a job chosen from all the people who were
first considered
10. an oral exam of an applicant for employment or a place at university
11. working independently for several different companies or organisations rather
than being directly employed by one
12. training, a diploma, a degree, etc. that qualifies sb to do sth or to be sth
13. to make known to people (by printing notices in newspapers, announcements
on TV, etc.)
14. sth that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages
15. capable, organized and able to perform duties well
16. something expected, hoped for, looked forward to
17. a statement about a person's character or abilities
18. someone who is extremely successful in their job or in school
19. a job or profession that one follows with the prospect of advancement
20. middle quality or degree, not extreme
21.make a formal request
22.formal request
23. the general character or feeling of a place
24. arouse interest or pleasure in (sb/sth)
25. person’s education, knowledge, experience or social circumstances
26.giving one’s whole loyalty to a particular aim, job or way of life, devoted to sb
or sth
27. full trust: belief in one’s own or another’s ability; a feeling of certainty, sense
of self-reliance,
28.tackle the problem or task
29. give work to sb, usually for payment
30. a person with special knowledge, skill
31. a person who often changes his jobs
32. to tell someone officially that they must leave their job in a week, a month, etc.

33. having an excellent reputation, highly esteemed or respected
34. increase in wages or salary
35. belief in one’s own power to do things successfully
36. an unfilled position or post; unoccupied accommodation

Assignment 3. Give the opposite of the following. Use negative prefixes:

1. __attract 10.__demanding 19.__logical 28.__ literacy
2. __capable 11.__earned 20.__manageabl 29.__sensitive
3. __committed 12.__employment e 30.__skillful
4. __compatible 13.__encourage 21.__advantage 31.__sympatheti
5. __competent 14.__honest 22.__obedient c
6. __confident 15.__experienced 23.__patient 32.__tolerance
7. __fit 16.__fair__ 24.__qualified 33.__trust (v.)
8. __considerate 17.formal 25.__reliable 34.__trust (n.)
9. __convenience 18.__just 26.__responsible 35.__vulnerable

Assignment 4. Sort out the words of the columns A and B to form compound
1 Back master 15 Job made-man
2 Back seeker 16 Long *aholic
3 Before to-five 17 Low work
4 Blue hunting 18 Moon ground
5 Bread confidence 19 Moon *getter
6 Chair children 20 Nine back
7 Draw hand 21 Part craft
8 Flexi earner 22 Point winner
9 Full reading 23 Proof person
10 Go breaking 24 Self time
11 Hand hand 25 Self date
12 Head lighting 26 Self range
13 High time 27 School collar
14 Job time 28 Side flier
29 Shift status 32 Up-to tight
30 Short track 33 Wage lighter
31 Up blank 34 Work important

Assignment 5. Give the opposite. Use a different word.

1. badly-paid 7. blue-collar 13. get sb on the wrong
2. full-time 8. within one’s income 14. give up
3. low-status 9. out of work/ job 15. set sb off on the right
4. boss 10.indoor activity 16. accept
5. work nine-to-five 11.negligent 17. benefit

6. lazy, idle 12.quit 18. certain, timed, shy

Assignment 6. Complete the sentences below with a preposition, postposition,

adverb or conjunction where necessary.
1. He was accepted _______ the course of typing.
2. I wish we had better access _______ the Internet.
3. What standards _______ achievement did the students show?
4. Nowadays they advertise a lot _______ new goods _______ television.
5. Our schools aim _______ the development of the child.
6. I would appreciate if you advised me _______ what our next step should be.
7. Does teaching appeal _______ you?
8. You can apply _______ the local careers officer_______ guidance.
9. Would you fill _______ the application form, please?
10.Why did you turn his application _______?
11.He was appointed _______ the post some time ago.
12.He is a real asset _______ our Company.
13.When are you available _______ the job interview?
14.She is a great teacher. She has got a bag full of tricks _______ her sleeve.
15.Is there much money _______ this profession?
16.If you do this course, it will be _______ your own good.
17.He has been _______ _______ work for quite a time.
18.I told him I was _______ _______ my eyes in work and could not go out with
him that evening.
19.He is definitely fond of bossing people _______.
20.They placed the small child _______her care.
21.Why don’t you take _______ the career of a journalist.
22.He is hardly capable _______ cheating.
23.He was placed _______ charge _______ recruitment.
24.Why did the cinema have to close _______?

25.Don’t walk with you head in the clouds! Be reasonable! Come _______
_______. _______ Earth!
26.He is committed _______ his students.
27.It generally takes some time to become competent _______ your profession.
28.It is no use complaining _______ the bad conditions of work – everybody
knows it.
29.Your application is still _______ consideration.
30.He contributes a lot _______ the friendly atmosphere in this group.
31.I’ll be available any time _______ your convenience.
32.I hope that he won’t be _______ a great inconvenience to the staff.
33.He failed to convince the employer _______ his good professional and business
34.How long did it take you to cope _______ the task?
35.The child should be taught how to cooperate _______ his peers.
36.When in trouble, you can always count _______ your true friends.
37.During the recession businesses had to cut ______________ the amount of
38.Isn’t she cut _______ _______ this career?
39.What does he do? – He deals _______ cars.
40.I would hate to deal _______ machines. I definitely prefer people.
41.It is time to decide _______ that.
42.I am still undecided as _______ my future career
43.It took them long to arrive _______ the decision
44.People with knowledge of foreign languages are _______ demand in business,
industry and public relations.
45.We can’t demand _______ people’s abilities.
46.I would like to discuss this _______ person.
47.Why was he dismissed _______ work?
48.The headmistress regarded it as a major breach _______ discipline.
49.He is not ambitious. He can even live _______ the dole.

50.Some kids need encouragement _______ the part of the teacher.
51.He has been _______ of regular employment for quite a time already.
52.Some graduates of our University seek _______ employment _______
advertising agencies.
53.You won’t experience any difficulties _______ finding employment.
54.You will learn _______ experience.
55.He is a real expert _______ rock music.
56.A teacher should be fair _______ his students.
57.Some women prefer to be _______ flexi-time.
58.Jonathan does not feel fit _______ any job.
59.The idea was to make the applicant feel _______ ease.
60.He raved about following diplomacy _______ a career.
61.Why follow _______ your father’s footsteps? Try something else.
62.When _______ the job, don’t let anything distract you.
63.Jane used to be slow in class, but now she is getting _______
64.This salary is not enough to get _______.
65.Joseph is frustrated with the results. – What actually gets him _______?
66.Unless you want to get your kids _______ _______ the wrong foot, you should
not neglect careers officer’s advice.
67.To get _______ _______ life one must acquire some good professional skills.
68.Getting _______ _______ your boss and colleagues is a key to success
69.Our headmistress did not punish severely those who got OUT _______ hand.
She was not much of a disciplinarian.
70.It is time he gave _______ his attempts.
71.Isn’t it a great picture? Why don’t you go _______ _______ Art?
72.I am afraid, you will have to call the head office some other day. The staff went
_______ strike
73.She is a great conversationalist, especially on the phone. The receiver seems to
be grafted _______ her hand.
74.I went to the career counselor for guidance _______ how to start my job search.

75.Why did you hand _______ your notice?
76.The teacher handed _______ the papers she graded.
77.While hunting _______ a job, stay optimistic.
78.They will interview you _______ this position on Monday.
79.Business isn’t good this year and we had to lay _______ some workers.
80.We learn _______a teacher more than the subject he teaches.
81.What line of business is his _______?
82.My parents hope I will make my way _______ the world
83.People _______ manual occupations seem to suffer less stress.
84.Currently she is not working – she is _______ maternity leave
85.I won’t be able to do it _______ such short a notice.
86.The agency has an opening _______ a position of a sales manager.
87.You will pick _______ typing as you practice.
88.The guide took us through the city, pointing interesting sights _______.
89.He was appointed _______ the post he wanted.
90.He was hoping for a good position _______ a company.
91.He did it _______ profit.
92.He provided a good reference _______ Carol.
93.The breadwinner is a person who provides _______ the family
94.She promised to pull her socks _______ and do her best
95.A perfect boss seldom, if ever, puts scorn _______ his subordinates.
96.Being receptive _______ new ideas will benefit you a lot.
97.Eventually you will be recommended _______ a promotion
98.He provided a good reference _______ Carol.
99.In what way does your previous experience relate _______ your present
100. Did Bertrand resign _______ his post?
101. He asked _______ a rise.
102. He acted _______ his own responsibility.
103. We expect you to set Jim _______ _______ the right path/

104. Janet set her heart _______ journalism.
105. He did not shine _______ his job interview, did he?
106. Shouting _______ people does not help.
107. I wish you had more practical skills to fall _______ _______.
108. You should really learn how to do a couple of things, that is have some skills
_______ your belt.
109. Our graduates are skilled _______ computers.
110. A teacher is expected to be skilful _______ the subject he teaches.
111. He skipped _______ the list of products.
112. He really stacks _______ _______. other applicants.
113. Don’t be embarrassed to stand _______ _______ others.
114. Have you considered starting _______ your own business?
115. I take special pride _______ my work. .
116. I wish John took _______ that job.
117. Regrettably, the proposal was turned _______
118. This work is useful _______ society.
119. One has to have a vocation _______ medicine to make a good doctor.
120. He has worked _______ this company since he graduated from the
121. I found it difficult to whittle _______ that list.
122. He has been _______ _______ work for quite a time.

Assignment 7. Choose the right word. Make sure you know the difference
between the words given.
1. Regrettably, I can't accept/except your offer.
2. Do all the student have access/excess to the library?
3. It is sure to affect/effect your future.
4. His dream to become the chief/chef in this restaurant came true.
5. He is not likely to launch a complain/complaint
6. He is a considerate/considerable person.
7. The victory was won at the expanse/expense of his life.
8. He became head of our personal/personnel department.
9. Their principle/principal goal was to make profit.
10.He set/sat a goal for himself to succeed whatever the cost.
11.This applicant does stick/stack against other applicants.
12.Our staff/stuff are enthusiastic people.
13.He is looking for a job/occupation.
14.I would like to follow my father's career/line.
15.His weekly wages/salary is/are not enough to make both ends meet.
16.Our total family income/profit is growing.

Assignment 8. Chose the best alternative to complete the sentence:

1. Unfortunately he _______ the sack.
a) received b) catch c) got d) handed in
2. Do you get any _______?
a) perks b) profits c) interests d) gains
3. Are you in charge of _______?
a) enlistment b) recruitment c) hire d) renting
4. Is it a very _______ job?
a) excessive b) demanding c) requiring d) asking
5. Make sure he has all the right .......... for the job.
a) certificates b) degrees c) diplomas d) qualifications
6. A lawyer is a member of a respected .................
a) occupation b) profession c) trade d) work
7. Why not think about choosing a .............. before leaving school.
a) business b) career c) living d) profession
8. You have to ................ for this job in person.
a) applicate b) apply c) ask d) request
9. If you hear of any ___________ in the company, I would certainly appreciate
knowing about them.
a) closings b) openings c) changings d) breakings
10. We regret to say that a careful examination of your resume does not indicate
your suitability for the position under ___________ .
a) analysis b) consideration c) consignment d) concern
11. I don't believe the interview would ___________ either of us.
a) reward b) promote c) benefit d) indulge
12. You are expected to give the names of two or three ..............
a) hostages b) judges c) referees d) umpires
13. I wonder if there is any job that you may feel ________ for.
a) ready b) fit c) compatible d) appropriate
14. If you’re a(n) ................... you have to do what your boss tells you.
a) director b) employee c) employer d) manager

15. Working ............. you can earn more money.
a) extraordinary hours b) overhours c) overtime d) supplementary hours
16. You will be required to do several months’ ................ .
a) coaching b) education c) formation d) training
17. The purpose of running a business is to make a ..............
a) contribution b) money c) profit d) service
18. Great news! I’ve just been ............ .
a) promoted b) raised c) advanced d) put up
19. He is looking for new .................. at the moment.
a) vacancy b) appointment c) condition d) employment
20. Workers who arrive late will be given three warnings and then ............... .
a) refused b) dismissed c) cancelled d) rejected
21. The job ................... dealing with little kids and their parents.
a) involves b) concerns c) offers d) encloses
22. The job supervisor was in ................ of nearly fifty men.
a) charge b) direction c) leadership d) management
23. She was promoted to the .................. of under-secretary.
a) job b) profession c) position d) vocation
24. I’m on the dole now - I was ................. when the company started to lose
a) laid off b) put off c) called off d) sent off
25. I am afraid there is very little ................. to work hard.
a) inspiration b) advantage c) gain d) motivation
26. It’s not very interesting work, but at least it’s a .................... job.
a) regular b) continuous c) firm d) steady
27. He had a degree _________.
a) under his belt b) under his collar c) behind his shoulders d) between times
28. A career counselor is to provide ___________ on how to start a job search.
a) instruction b) guidance c) direction d) teaching
29. The reporter took notes in __________.

a) longhand b) shortlist c) shortfall d) shorthand
30. The applicants are expected to have strong verbal and written communication
a) gifts b) crafts c) manners d) skills
31. I am sure Mrs. Hilbig would be a(n) ___________ to any company.
a) asset b) credit c) gaining d) finding
32. It would be necessary to discuss the matter of salary with the manager at a
_______ interview.
a) personal b) individual c) personnel d)person-to-
33. In your letter you should ________ the three required member
a) enclose b) provide c) send d) insert

Assignment 9. Match the words from the two columns so as to make verbal
1. to turn in/consider/turn down resignation
2. to make/schedule/ cancel money
3. to manage/run/direct/handle charge
4. to follow/take up diplomacy as credentials

5. to put/place sb in problems
6. to make/take a post
7. to be skilled/clever with position
8. to provide/request an appointment
9. to arrive at/come to/make/reach redundant
10.to get/set sb on the wrong a responsibility
11.to look/hunt/search for computers
12.to earn/make skills
13.to accept/to reject a vacancy
14.to leave/quit/vacate/give up one’s work
15.to get/have/hold a good/ bad a job
16.to apply for/appoint to a career
17.to cope/deal with an application
18.to be made/become/find oneself choices
19.to hand in/offer/turn in/send in/give in one's foot
20.to assume/to accept/to take post
21.to develop/improve/refine one’s business
22.to free/fill a decision
23.to be suitable/fit for an offer

Assignment 10. Write English equivalents of the following.

1. достичь успеха, добиться прогресса, преуспевать (6)
2. выбрать профессию (3)
3. перспективы, возможности карьеры (3)
4. принять, взять ответственность (2)
5. решить, прийти к решению (6)
6. опытный, искусный, натренированный (3)
7. дать работу, нанять на работу (4)
8. занять место, заполнить вакансию (2)
9. зарплата, оплата, доход (5)

10.справедливый (2)
11.увольнять (5)
12.трудный (3)
13.скучный, неинтересный (7)
14.босс, наниматель (2)
15.способный, компетентный (3)
16.забота, ответственность (3)
17.шеф, руководитель, лидер (4)
18.доверие, вера (3)
19.искать работу (2)
20.работа (задание) (5)

Assignment 11. Translate into English:

1. Просмотри, пожалуйста, страницу объявлений.
2. Поскольку зарплата была низкой, было мало желающих получить эту
3. Обстановка на собрании была деловой.
4. Не будь такой занудой!
5. Ты умеешь обращаться с компьютером?
6. Джеку не хватает уверенности в себе.
7. Увольнения привели к забастовке.
8. Пора тебе самому зарабатывать на жизнь.
9. Тебе не следует поощрять его плохие привычки.
10.Он работает в банке.
11.Он не смог справиться с работой.
12.Хочу купить машину, поэтому придется поработать дополнительно.
13.Я действую из лучших побуждений.
14.Сделка была выгодна нам всем.
15.Михаила Петровича заставили уйти с должности управляющего.
16.Ей повысили зарплату на двадцать долларов в неделю.

17.Общий доход фирмы составил 200 000 долларов.
18.Мнения по этому поводу расходятся.
19.Это физический труд или интеллектуальная работа?
20.Я не работаю сейчас. Я в декретном отпуске.
21.В офисной работе мало разнообразия.
22.Вас привлекает преподавание?
23.Он отверг мое предложение помочь ему искать работу.
24.Сейчас я получаю пособие по безработице.
25.По справедливости говоря, он не будет экспертом по этой проблеме.
26.Мне жаль, что он сделал этот выбор.
27.Какие профессии предполагают использование языков?
28.Когда закроется фабрика, многих рабочих сократят.
29.Он имеет дело с документами.
30.Эта фирма подчинена мне (я возглавляю эту фирму).
31.Не беспокой его, он по уши в работе.
32.Если бы его рекомендовали на повышение год тому назад, он бы
согласился тогда.
33.Она пошла по стопам матери.
34.Я не люблю командовать людьми.

5.3. Reading Improvement

Assignment 1. Read a magazine article in which various women are interviewed.

For questions 1-14 , chose from the women (A–F). The women may be chosen
more than once. When more than one answer is required, these may be given in
any order. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Which of the women states the following?

I don’t remain interested in things for long. 0-F
People I work with give me energy. 1 ____ 2____
Being forced to do things uses up your energy. 3____
Doing things for the first time gives me energy. 4____
I have to make myself exercise. 5____
I enjoy behaving like a child. 6____
Certain kinds of people annoy me. 7____
It is important to me that others are interested in my 8____
You should use your energy carefully. 9____
Sometimes I lack energy at work. 10____
I like creating something from nothing. 11____
Being cheerful gives you energy. 12____ 13____
You should take any opportunity to have fun 14____


Emma Marsden asked six women who live to the full to tell how they do it.
A Jeanne Kupfermann
Journalist and author: ‘I think it’s excitement. I’ve got to be doing something
that’s a challenge. If I’m absorbing something new and learning, I get tremendous
energy. Anything to do with rhythm gives me energy, too – at the moment I’m

learning flamenco dancing. Dance is wonderful, very expressive and energising. I
think you can feel drained if you’re bored, maybe feeling life is pointless. Being
effective in the world – even in a small way – gives you energy.’

B Linda Kelsey
Magazine Editor: ‘I have so much work to do but I enjoy it all – I love being at
work, it isn’t a chore. If you enjoy something, it doesn’t make you feel low even
though you may be feeling tired. I need a fair bit of sleep so when I do get it, I feel
really good. When I’m running at six hours’ sleep a night, I feel a bit wet. I know
exercise gives me energy, but it’s finding the energy to do it! I do a yoga class
once a week before work and I try to do a workout tape at home. But if I’ve done
exercise, my spirits rise amazingly. I get very low patches in the office between 3
and 5 in the afternoon and think it’s probably good to eat something then.’

C Annie Nightingale
Disk jockey: ‘I don’t eat healthily to get my energy – I think it’s natural enthusiasm
and being positive. I really can’t stand people with negative attitudes. I’m quite
naive – I think we should all enjoy our lives, grab the moment. Enjoyment comes
first. You’ve got to achieve things and set yourself various goals. I enjoy what I do
and the last two years have been very exciting. In my line of business there are lots
of lively young people and you can’t help being affected by that. I love tearing
around the place on jobs, having a mad life. I’m very sociable. I enjoy taking
photographs but I’m not sure if I’m good at it. I rush to get them printed and can’t
wait to see them. I also started writing words for imaginary songs – it’s just for fun
and it’s a good release for my mind when I’m doing a lot of travelling.’

D Floella Benjamin
Author and childrens’ TV presenter: ‘My energy comes from things I do and
enjoy. I believe in what I’m doing, both at work and at home with my family, and I
think that being positive about life helps. That’s why I love working with kids,

they give out so much and have an inbuilt resilience. Energy is like a natural
chemical, triggered off by communicating with others – just try smiling at people
and feel the thrill you get when they smile back. It’s far better than feeling sorry
for yourself. Although I try to eat healthily and don’t smoke or drink, I don’t have
an exercise plan. The most energetic I get is running around with the kids and
playing with them.’

E Deborah Moggach
Author and playwright: ‘What I love doing more than anything in the world is
making a garden out of complete wasteland. I did that once. The garden was solid
concrete – I smashed up all the concrete and dug in loads of soil. It was far better
than any amount of workouts or tennis. The other thing that gives me energy is
knowing that somebody wants to read what I’m writing – I find it difficult to write
in a void. And I like sneaking into a farmer’s land or a wood. If I’m found, I say
“What a wonderful wood, I didn’t know it was private property,” and so on. I like
it because it’s childlike.’

А Katherine Monblot
Therapist: ‘I believe you must have an interest in and respect for what you do in
life. I like to take risks and I get bored quickly, which keeps me motivated. Doing
things you don’t want to do wears you out. I used to be a member of various
committees and resented the demands they made on my time. You only have a
certain amount of energy, so I direct it into the things that are most important to

5.4. Writing Enhancement

Assignment. You have just read the following advertisement.

Hardworking, reliable people needed this summer for our International Working

Holiday Camp picking fruit and vegetables

 Free accommodation Contact: Jane Fellion, Ripple Farm

 Good pay Organics, Crundale, Nr. Canterbury,

 Evening English course England

Write your letter of application to the farm. Say why you are interested in the
work and ask for more details about the information given in the advertisement.
Do not write any addresses.

5.5. Speaking Reinforcement

Assignment 1. Get ready to act out a conversation with your partner: talk about
your interests and your career plans.

Assignment 2. Get ready to act out conversations 1 - 7 with your partner; and to
talk on 8 and 9 for 3-5 minutes .

1a 1b
Conduct a stress interview. Your have to You have applied for a job of a FBI
see whether this candidate answers the agent and was invited to come to the
requirements of a job of a FBI agent. interview. Sell yourself as the most
You have found some inconsistencies in appropriate candidate. You don’t think
her/his resume and suspect there are that your diploma in cross-cultural
some points the candidate wants to communication and one year work for
conceal. the KGB should be a problem.
2a 2b
You are a Human Resources Manager. You have applied for a job of a
You have decided to ask a pretty translator/interpreter in a big blue-chip
candidate to have a lunch interview as company. You are to have a lunch
you want to see how she can handle interview and are eager to demonstrate
herself. She has applied for a job of a that your knowledge and reasoning
translator/interpreter. If she does well power can win others over.
invite her to a more extensive interview.
3a 3b
You are a Personnel Manager, and are You have applied for a job of a PR
interested in finding a new PR officer officer as you think you are cut out for
(the previous one is in hospital with an this job. You answer a telephone call to
incurable nervous breakdown). Call one find out that the Personnel Manager
of the applicants pretending to check on wants to check on your resume. Make
the resume but make sure you eliminate sure to honestly answer the questions
poorly qualified candidates so that only and jump at a chance to show yourself
a few are left for a personal interview. in the best light.
4a 4b
You are a member of the committee You are a member of the committee
weeding out the candidates. You are to weeding out the candidates. You are to
discuss their CVs and cover letters to discuss their CVs and cover letters to
put them on the short list. Give your put them on the short list. Give your

arguments why you think some arguments why you think some
candidates look like potential assets to candidates look like potential assets to
the company but some others are not the company but some others are not
worth wasting time on. Try to come to a worth wasting time on. Come to a
consensus but be rather strict about your consensus about who should be
opinion. shortlisted.
5a 5b
You are to carry out a job interview to You have been invited to have an
see if the applicant for a Sales rep will interview for the position for a sales rep.
fit in with the company. Break the ice You are well prepared to answer even
and build a rapport before asking tough the most difficult questions like:
questions like: What are your main strengths and
‘What have you learned from your past weaknesses?’; ‘Give an example of how
work experiences?’; ‘What is the you have worked as part of a team’;
biggest dilemma you have ever faced?’, ‘You haven’t been much of a success so
‘Where would you like to be in 5 years far have you?’; ‘‘What has been your
time?’; ‘What can you do what no one biggest achievement?’; ‘Why should
else can do?’; ‘So sell me this product’ we employ you?’; ‘What salary would
you expect?’, etc.
7a 7b
You are to carry out a job interview to While having this interview remember
see if the applicant for a Sales rep will to put yourself in the employers’ shoes
fit in with the company. Break the ice and think about what lies behind each
and build a rapport before asking tough line of questioning, e.g.
questions like: "Why did you get into this line of
When did you realize this would be your work?" "Where does this job fit into
career?" "If you had to convince a friend your career path?" "Say a coworker tells
or colleague to apply for this job, what you that he submitted phony expense
might you tell them?" "Talk about a account receipts. Do you tell your
time when you had to overcome major boss?" Where do you think the company

obstacles.""If you had to convince a should be in ten years?" "What's your
friend or colleague to apply for this job, opinion of our new product?"
what might you tell them?" Have you
seen the company's new ad campaign?"
8 Speak about the structure of your 9 Look at the cartoon and find one (or
company. Make sure to mention the two) which best correspond to your
following points about the company’s company organisational chart. Give
background: your commentaries providing some
 Type of ownership; Key area of background information, e.g.
business: main product, current  Type of ownership and key area of
activities, main markets business
 Size, annual turnover, profitability;  The size and profitability
Location of headquarters, offices,  Location of headquarters, offices,
plants, branches, franchises branches, etc.
 Company’s history in brief  Company’s history in a nutshell
 Organisational structure  Organisational structure
 CEOs and middle managers  CEOs’ and middle managers’ duties
 Your job description  Your place in the company


This is the time to go through all the Active Vocabulary Lists in the relevant
units of your textbooks “Achievement” and “Good Start – I, II” and find out if
there still are vocabulary units you haven’t learned properly. Write them out, e.g.

to accomplish to do research on sth

beneficial a self-made man/woman
a go-getter to be shortlisted, to be put on the
fee shortlist
to lack energy Dress to impress!

Think of a number of contexts you can use these words and phrases in.


6.1. Improve Your Listening Skills

Assignment 1. Listen to the recording to Unit 6. Which is the problem Ed has?
What symptoms are described? On the Internet Ed found some information –
how helpful was it?
Listen to the recording again and jot down the words and expressions, which the
speakers define and exemplify after their dialogue. Find their Russian

Assignment 2. and write down the dialogue ‘At the Doctor’s’.

6.2 Vocabulary Enrichment

Assignment 1. Complete these words. The first letter is given. They are all parts
of the body.
1 t ............... (you have one on each hand)
2 1 ............... (two parts of your mouth)
3 e .............. (you hear with these)
4 g .............. (your teeth grow in them)
5 e .............. (the middle part of your arm)
6 s .............. (the part under your foot)
7 h .............. (Achilles had a problem with this)
8 k .............. (a joint in your leg)
9 c .............. (the part below your mouth)
10 s ............... (the soft part below your waist)
11 n .............. (it holds up your head)
12 s .............. (the row of bones down the centre of your back)

13 w ............. (you put your watch round it)
14 n .............. (the small hollow place in the centre of your stomach)
15 c .............. (you have one on each side of your face)
16 e .............. (the flap that comes down over your eye while you sleep)
17 n .............. (the holes in your nose)
18 s .............. (the front part of your lower leg)
19 f .............. (the part of your face above your eyes)
20 t ............... (the front part of your neck)

Assignment 2. Fill the gap with an appropriate preposition from the list. You
need to use some prepositions twice (consult the Active Vocabulary section).
for against from on out with in

1 Children should be vaccinated ............ measles and rubella.

2 Paul won't be at work today – he's gone down ............ flu.
3 Pollution in cities is causing more and more children to be treated .......... asthma.
4 You're so................ of condition! Don't you think swimming every morning will
5 Too many people die ............. lung cancer due to smoking.
6 If you have a fever, there is definitely something wrong .............. you.
7 I spent the weekend in a health farm and am ................ really good shape now.
8 She's still recovering ................ the stomach bug she picked up on holiday.
9 It's best that we operate ................ you and remove the lump from your breast.
10 I've injected your mother ................ a painkiller so that she can sleep.

Assignment 3. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the list.

lie down hurt die symptoms suffered

agony fainted aching painless had

1 I'm feeling ill - I think I'd better go and.................
2 I felt so dizzy that I nearly.................
3 I had to have an internal examination but it was quite.................
4 They gave me an injection and it really.................
5 The................are a high temperature and a rash.
6 He................a heart attack and had to be rushed to hospital.
7 The doctor prescribed some drops for my earache but it's still.................
8 I fell down the stairs and I was in................waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
9 He................ from an incurable illness for many years.
10 I hope I................ in my bed of old age.

Assignment 4. Complete the sentences using as many words or phrases from the
list as possible.
Example: I feel ill, fit, ...

a headache some rest ill sore measles

an operation fit an injection into hospital her to hospital
your ankle an aspirin cancer a cold numb
your doctor a broken wrist his tooth out mumps in agony
an arm hot a virus a sore throat a consultant
inoperable flu dizzy incurable an earache
nauseous in great pain jogging her temperature your blood

this medicine your wrist fatal in plaster stitches
sick painful depressed an infection surgeon

1 I feel ____________________________________________
2 You must have ____________________________________
3 I've got ___________________________________________
4 Be careful you don't catch ____________________________
5 You need to see ____________________________________
6 I'm afraid it's _______________________________________
7 He'll take __________________________________________
8 You've sprained ____________________________________
9 She's ____________________________________________
10 It feels __________________________________________

Assignment 5. Match the first part (1-10) with the second part (a-j) of these sentences.
1 If you've got a bad headache, … a with flu.
2 You have a heart problem and … b incurable.
3 He sprained his ankle and … c lost weight.
4 She went out in the pouring rain and caught … d was in great pain for days.
5 She's not at work because she's gone down … e need an operation.
6 He works out in the gym because … f he had measles.
7 She went on a diet and … g a cold.
8 He had spots all over his face because … h he wants to feel fit.
9 After aerobics last week … i take an aspirin.
10 Not all cancers are … j my legs felt really sore.

Assignment 6. Phrasal verbs and idioms.

Complete the second sentence so that it is as similar in meaning as possible to
the first, using the word given. Do not change this word.

1 I had to have a tooth extracted last week. out
I had my ____________________________________________
2 Has he recovered from his illness yet? over
Has ____________________________________________
3 He took care of you while you were ill. after
He ____________________________________________
4 You've gained a lot of weight since I last saw you! on
You've ____________________________________________
5 The drugs aren't having any effect now. off
The effect..............
6 After fainting he regained consciousness after a few minutes. round
Having ____________________________________________
7 He caught flu and had to have time off work. down
He ____________________________________________
8 She has had a lovely baby girl and is feeling fine. birth
She has ____________________________________________
9 Since her heart attack, my mother has not been at all well. poor
Ever ____________________________________________
10 Michelle often has terrible headaches. from
Michelle ____________________________________________

Assignment 7. Translate the following sentences into English. Use the words and
expressions from the Active Vocabulary section.

1. Дети вечно болеют.

2. Глубоко вдохните.
3. Мы договорились встретиться с ним в 6 часов.
4. Возьми с собой таблетки на всякий случай.
5. У него, должно быть, раскалывается голова.
6. Тебе больно глотать?
7. Обидно, что он не пришел навестить меня в больнице.
8. Когда я вижу ее, у меня разрывается сердце.
9. У меня аллергия на клубнику.
10. Я записался на прием к зубному врачу на 3 часа на завтра.
11. Моя тетя страдает одышкой. Ей следует обратиться к терапевту
12. После гриппа могут остаться серьезные осложнения.
13. Пациент находится в критическом состоянии. Его жизнь висит на
волоске. Он может уйти от нас в любую минуту.
14. Здесь очень душно. В таких условиях невозможно работать.
15. Врач не гарантирует полное выздоровление, но худшее уже позади.
16. Есть ли средство от рака?
17. Врач не смог поставить диагноз больному.
18. С вашей раны необходимо удалить повязки.
19. У него сильный жар.
20. Может быть, у него ветрянка.
21. Она задыхается. У нее сильный приступ кашля.
22. Если бы он принимал таблетки ежедневно, он бы давно уже
23. Где я могу сделать анализ крови и проверить кровяное давление?
24. Могу ли я заказать лекарство в вашей аптеке?
25. Вы уже прошли медосмотр? Да, но мне еще надо сделать рентген
грудной клетки и проверить зрение.
26. Врач прописал мне микстуру от кашля и теперь мне надо заказать ее в
аптеке и принимать по 1 столовой ложке три раза в день после еды и
еще 1 столовую ложку перед сном.
27. У меня болят глаза, когда я смотрю на дисплей.
28. Я хотел бы записаться к врачу на пять часов, если возможно.
29. Врач вас примет только по предварительной записи.
30. Сделайте глубокий вдох и задержите дыхание.
31. Это лекарство хорошо помогает от простуды.
32. Она постоянно жалуется мне на мигрень.
33. После операции жизнь больного висела на волоске: у него появились
осложнения, и его состояние ухудшилось.
34. Сегодня я просто не в состоянии заниматься спортом. У меня болит все
тело после вчерашнего кросса.
35. Он был в сознании до последней минуты.
36. Если ты чувствуешь себя плохо, то не жалуйся на боль, а обратись к
37. Дайте мне что-нибудь от сильного кашля.

38. Найдено новое эффективное лечение этой болезни.
39. Эта болезнь неизлечима.
40. Авитаминоз может привести к тяжелым заболеваниям.
41. Гладиатор умер от ран на арене.
42. У меня кружится голова, когда я смотрю вниз.
43. Если бы ему сразу перевязали рану, то он не потерял бы столько крови
и не было бы необходимости делать переливание крови.
44. У меня проверили зрение и, оказалось, что мне нужны более сильные
45. Вы скоро почувствуете действие лекарства.
46. Меня лихорадит. Я, наверное, подхватила грипп.
47. Он еще не может работать. Он все еще на больничном.
48. У Мерилин вошло в привычку принимать на ночь таблетки от
49. Эти капли абсолютно безвредные.
50. От этого шума у меня разболелась голова.
51. У него совсем больной вид.
52. Не может быть, чтобы у нее не было аптечки в машине, когда она
проходила техосмотр.
53. Он перенес операцию на желудке и сейчас он полностью исключил из
своего рациона алкоголь и жирную пищу.
54. Чем можно сбить температуру?
55. Врач пощупал мой пульс, прослушал сердце и легкие и измерил
температуру и давление.
56. Она не в состоянии разговаривать. У нее ужасно болит зуб.
57. Я вся дрожу. Должно быть, я простудилась.
58. Я не могу читать вслух. У меня болит горло.
59. Беспокоиться не о чем. Его успешно прооперировали.
60. Я, пожалуй, приму эти пилюли от головной боли и рано лягу в постель.
А завтра я буду совершенно здоров.

61. Почему ты ходишь в такую погоду без шляпы? Ты ведь недавно
серьезно болел. У тебя могут быть осложнения.
62. Вам сделали рентген ноги? Если она сломана, вам придется несколько
недель носить гипс и еще месяц ходить на костылях.
63. Вот рецепт. Горло надо полоскать каждые несколько часов, а микстуру
от кашля принимать по столовой ложке 3-4 раза в день.
64. Врач попросил пациента раздеться до пояса и послушал его.
65. На вашем месте я придерживалась бы строгой диеты, у вас ведь не в
порядке желудок.
66. Кажется, доктор забыл выписать мне лекарство от насморка.
67. Почему у вас одышка? Вы страдаете от высокого давления или у вас
что-то с сердцем?
68. Я должна была посетить окулиста на прошлой неделе, но внезапно
слегла с гриппом и провела дома несколько дней.
69. Неужели врач не выписал тебе это лекарство? Без рецепта тебе его не
дадут ни в одной аптеке.
70. Врачи, должно быть, уже поставили ему диагноз.
71. В целях профилактики туберкулеза и других серьезных заболеваний
органов дыхания рентген грудной клетки следует делать каждый год.
72. Если бы ты записался на прием к врачу заранее, он смог бы назначить
тебе время и выписал бы тебе больничный.
73. Какими лекарствами тебя лечили в больнице от гастрита?
74. Запломбируй ты зуб вовремя, не мучилась бы сейчас от жестокой боли.
75. Неужели тебе никогда не измеряли кровяное давление? – Но я никогда
не страдала от головных болей.
76. Педиатр не поставил бы правильный диагноз, если бы ребенок не сдал
анализ крови.
77. По всей вероятности, его забирают в больницу, чтобы прооперировать
на предмет острого аппендицита.

78. Ты должен записаться на прием к хорошему врачу. У тебя сильный
сухой кашель. Утром у тебя быль ужасный приступ кашля. При ходьбе
у тебя одышка, а в груди боль.
79. У меня все болит. Наверное, я что-то подхватил. Ты не знаешь, когда
принимает наш врач?
80. У больного очень высокая температура – 39.9. У него все болит, он
жалуется на постоянную головную боль. А вчера он потерял сознание.
Через несколько минут он пришел в себя, но был слишком слаб, чтобы
ходить. Болеутоляющие таблетки ему также не помогают.

6.3. Reading Improvement

Assignment 1. Read the passage below. For each paragraph, choose the most
suitable heading from the list which follows. There is one extra heading you do
not need to use. In the Cambridge First Certificate, the time for this exercise
would be 15-20 minutes.

A. Not all doctors agree.
B. Adequate nourishment essential.
C. Additives disguise bad ingredients.
D. Diet to be fat-free, sugar-free.
E. Coffee increases risk of heart disease.
F. Tea and coffee bad for you.
G. Processed food may be bad for you.
H. Doctor's argument not logical.
1. ..........................
After the cigarette manufacturers, it has become the turn of the food processors to
suffer the attacks of those who would have us lead a healthy life. Sometimes you
have the feeling that almost everything you eat is liable to damage your brain, clog
your arteries, ulcerate your stomach, or impact your intestine. On the other hand, it
is certainly true that there is nothing like reading the list of ingredients on the back
of a cereal packet or a pot of jam to put you off your breakfast.
2. ..........................
One dietician writes of pork pies as follows: "People wouldn't buy a pork pie if
chemicals had not been designed into them. A pork pie can contain as much as 50
per cent of highly saturated fat which is bad for the heart and arteries. A perfectly
good pork pie could be made from reasonable ingredients but it is cheaper to make
it with additives because less meat is then needed. The additives in the pie do little
harm in themselves. The fat is made acceptable by a perfectly safe emulsifier.
Added colour makes the fat look like meat. The additives in it deceive our senses
and persuade us to eat too much fat. Even if the additives themselves are
considered to be relatively safe, the nutritional consequences are appalling."
3. ..........................
Since a study by Johns Hopkins Medical Centre, Baltimore, in the mid-eighties,
coffee has been on everyone's blacklist. According to the study: "Regardless of the
measure of coffee consumption used, analyses found that heavy coffee drinkers
were almost three times more likely to have coronary disease than were non-
drinkers. Even one or two cups of coffee a day appear to be associated with a small

extra risk of heart disease - a one-third increase over non-drinkers." The one piece
of good news appears to be that the risk decreases rapidly once a person stops
drinking coffee.
4. ..........................
Few arguments create greater passion among medical experts than the supposed
link between diet and heart disease. Some doctors, however, refuse to accept any
connection between the two. They have argued that diets which cut back on dairy
produce, although unlikely to cause physical harm, could lead to malnutrition,
particularly among children. They are appalled that breakfast, that traditional
British meal, should be under attack by the spectre of disease. Come between some
doctors and their bacon and eggs and feelings will run high.
5. ..........................
The nutritionists have fought back. They remain convinced that sugary, fatty foods
lead to preventable ill health. One doctor argues that a fibre-rich diet is only of use
to those who suffer from diabetes. Rubbish, say the nutritionists, and go on to point
out that "over one third of British adults are constipated. At least one in seven takes
laxatives. And dietary fibre is of proven value in the treatment of constipation."
6. ..........................
Yet another doctor argues that dental decay should really be seen as a disease
which results from a lack of fluoride. What we need to do is clean our teeth like
crazy, have them coated with sealants, and take fluorides daily. The nutritionist
blasts back by pointing out that you might as well say that headaches are caused by
a lack of aspirin.
7. ..........................
What we do know is that nutrition does affect health. Too little food and too much
food are both bad for you. In Britain, poor boys tend to be two inches shorter on
average than rich boys.

Assignment 2. Before reading the text below make a list of things which make
you feel depressed. While reading compare your list of depression triggers to
those mentioned in the text. Then answer the questions.

Biggest Depression Triggers and How to Turn Them Off
It’s downright scary: More than 20 million Americans can expect to suffer from
depression in the coming year. But you don’t have to be one of them if you’re alert
to the events and situations that can turn the blues into something more serious.
Here, the 10 most common depression triggers — and what to do to prevent them
from dragging you down.

Depression trigger #1: Losing a job

Why: In addition to causing financial stress, losing a job can jeopardize your sense
of identity and feelings of self-worth. Unemployment and financial stress also
strain marriages and relationships, bringing conflict that compounds stress and

Who’s most vulnerable: Statistics show that the older you are or the higher you
were paid, the longer it’s likely to take to find work again. Also, those employed in
downsized industries and fields, such as the auto industry, may have to retrain or
start over in a new field, which can be frightening and can undermine self-

What helps: Connect with others in the same situation, whether it’s through a job
skills class, training program, or job-search support group. Also, if you can afford
it, use a career counselor or coach to help you create a plan, stay accountable, and
feel supported. Experts also recommend building a support network by reaching
out to friends and colleagues and setting up regular events throughout the week.
The more you can structure your time with lunches, walks, and other get-togethers,
the better. Try signing up for a morning exercise class or schedule regular morning
walks to get you going each day.

If time goes by and it doesn’t look like you’re going to find a replacement job
quickly, consider volunteering. It’s not only a way to boost your self-esteem and

get out of the house but it’s also great for learning new skills and making new

Depression trigger #2: “Empty nest” syndrome

Why: Two of the hardest things to deal with are loss and change, and when a child
leaves home you’re suddenly hit with both, all at once. “Your entire routine
changes, from the minute you wake up in the morning to the moment you go to
bed at night,” says Celestino Limos, dean of students at Lewis & Clark College in
Portland, Oregon. “Parents tend to focus on all the practical details of getting a
child ready for college, but they’re unprepared for how much the rhythm of their
own lives changes from day to day.”

Who’s most vulnerable: Women seem to suffer more acutely than men, perhaps
because their self-identity is more closely associated with being parents, experts
say. But men can suffer an acute sense of loss as well, and they may be less
prepared for the onslaught of emotions. Those who are divorced or otherwise
single are much more likely to be lonely once the kids are gone, but married
couples may also find themselves struggling, particularly if the marriage is rocky
or they’ve developed a tag-team approach to family life and don’t share many
activities and interests. Parents of only children are also more vulnerable.

What helps: Plan in advance. Parenting experts suggest that parents begin
exploring independent interests during their child’s last year of high school. Sign
up for a class one night a week, or subscribe to a travel magazine and think about
trips you might want to take.

When your child leaves home, give yourself a few weeks of quiet time to grieve,
but don’t spend too much time alone. Set up regular events you can look forward
to. Organize weekly walks with friends, join a book group, or sign up for a yoga,
pilates, or dance class. Plan your weekends ahead of time, so you’re not caught off
guard with time heavy on your hands. Try something completely new, such as a

cooking or language class. When you discover a new interest or passion, having
more time available becomes a good thing rather than a liability.

Depression trigger #3: Alcohol abuse

Why: Recent research backs up what addiction and depression experts have long
argued: Alcohol abuse and depression are often linked in what’s called a “dual
diagnosis” or, colloquially, “double trouble.” The reason for this complicated
interaction is the effect alcohol has on mood. When you stop into your local tavern
for a cold one, you might think you’re staving off the blues with some camaraderie
and relaxation. But alcohol acts as a depressant in the central nervous system,
triggering depression in those who are susceptible.

Who’s most vulnerable: Those already prone to depression or those prone to

overusing alcohol are at greatest risk. In either group, the combination of alcohol
abuse and depression is dangerous. According to studies, between 30 and 50
percent of alcoholics suffer from major depression. And the relationship works the
other way too: Studies have found that alcohol use causes relapse in people with
depression, and that when people with depression drink they’re more prone to

What helps: Cut back on drinking and seek help for alcohol abuse or addiction.
“There’s a reason we’ve got the stereotype of the weepy drunk,” says Liliane
Desjardins of Pavillion International, a treatment center in Texas. “Alcohol triggers
a mood crash.” But people who drink too much rarely attribute their misery to
drinking, she adds. Instead they blame it on other people and factors.

There’s only one solution: Cut back and see if, over time, you feel better. If you
repeatedly promise yourself or others not to drink and your efforts fail or your
drinking brings other negative consequences into your life, you may need help to
stop. Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs are effective for some
people. Others need the physical restriction and concentrated services of a

residential alcohol rehabilitation facility or the supervised medical detox of an
inpatient program. No matter what type of alcohol treatment program works for
you, you’ll find it has the additional benefit of preventing depression.

Depression trigger #5: Illness

Why: When you’re diagnosed with a serious illness, it changes your sense of
what’s possible in the present and affects your outlook for the future. Finding out
you have diabetes, cancer, or another condition can set in motion a chain of events
that profoundly alters your sense of yourself, your relationships, and your
expectations for what life may hold in store. “People call diagnosis of a serious
illness a ‘wake-up call,’ but often it’s more like a slap in the face,” says Gloria
Nelson, a senior oncology social worker at Montefiore-Einstein Medical Center in
New York. “Nothing is as it seemed even a few days ago, which can be
disorienting and terrifying.” Pain and fatigue are physical symptoms, but they take
an enormous emotional toll as well.

Who’s most vulnerable: At highest risk are those diagnosed with cancer,
Alzheimer’s, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), multiple sclerosis,
Parkinson’s, chronic pain, or any other debilitating condition.

What helps: A support group. “I can’t say it strongly enough — no one is going to
understand what you’re going through like your fellow patients,” says Nelson.
“Your spouse, your friends, your family — they all love you and support you, but
they can’t really ‘get it’ like others going through the same thing.”

Advocating for yourself to obtain effective treatment is important, too. If you

aren’t getting the answers or help you need from your doctor, ask for a second
opinion or referral to a specialist. For many conditions, such as cancer, a social
worker can be a valuable addition to your team, offering access to additional
resources the doctor may not tell you about. In some circumstances, a patient

advocate can be valuable in helping you pursue aggressive or experimental

True or false?
1. Age is of no importance when finding a new job.
2. Finding a new job often requires retraining.
3. People can cope with their problems easier if they don’t start telling
everybody about them.
4. The need to adjust to deprivation and alterations is backbreaking.
5. Mothers suffer more than fathers from the empty nest condition.
6. Being busy or taking up new hobbies can only aggravate the situation.
7. ‘Double trouble’ refers to cases when people lose their job and their families
getting divorced.
8. Alcohol acts as a tranquiliser and a relaxant.
9. Almost one in two heavy drinkers have bouts of depression on a regular
10.Alcoholics typically attribute their distress to alcohol addiction.
11.Mood swings do not depend on alcohol abuse.
12.Keeping being on the wagon does not need professional help.
13.Serious diseases crash people’s mood.
14.Having heard your diagnosis can be so intimidating you develop
overtiredness and other bodily disorders.
15.There are many reasons why a patient should get a second opinion.

6.4. Writing Enhancement

Assignment. The following test contains 15 spelling mistakes. Edit the text, spell
the words correctly.
Is there anything better than a contageous giggle that you absolutely can’t
control? (Ok, maybe not so good in school or church.) Laughter works wonderfully

well in the moment, but it also has some surprising long-term health benefits. In
the book A Better Brain at Any Age: The Holistic Way to Improve Your Memory,
Reduce Stres, and Sharpen Your Wits (Conari Press, 2009), author Sondra
Kornblatt explores how laughter can truly make you feel better.
She writes that the new field of gelotology is exploring the benefits of
laughter. It was brought to the public’s awareness in Norman Cousins’ memoir
Anatomy of an Ilness. Cousins found that comedies, like those of the Marx
Brothers, helped him feel better and get some pain-free sleep. That’s because
laughter helps the pituitary glend release its own pain-suppressing opiates.
What can laughter do?:
 Lower blood pressure.
 Increase vascular blood flou and oxygenation of the blood.
 Give a workout to the diafragm and abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and
back musles.
 Reduce certain stress hormons such as cortisol and adrenaline.
 Increase the response of tumour- and disaese-killing cells such as Gamma-
interferon and T-cells.
 Defend against respiratory infections – even reducing the frequency of colds
–by imunoglobulon in saliva.
 Increase memory and learning; in a study at Johns Hopkins University
Medical School, humor during instruction led to increased test scores.
 Improve alertness, creativity, and memory.
Humor and creativity work in similar ways, says humor guru William Fry,
M.D., of Stanford University – by creating relationships between two disconnected
items, you engage the whole braine.
Humour works quickly. Less than a half-second after exposure to something
funny, and electrical wave moves through the higher brain functions of the serebral
cortex. The left hemisphere analyzes the words and structures of the joke; the right
hemisphere “gets” the joke; the visual censory area of the occipital lobe creates

images; the limbic (emotional) system makes you happier; and the motor sections
make you smile or laugh.
So let’s laugh. What makes you laugh? Tell us your favrite funny movie, or
how about a good joke?

6.5. Speaking Reinforcement

Assignment 1. Sort out the following questions and answers into two columns
according to who pronounced them – the doctor or the patient. Then order them
so that the dialogue makes sense.

1. What seems to be the problem today Jake?
2. How long has this been going on?
3. Tell me, have you done anything or eaten anything unusual in the last couple
of days?
4. What did you drink and how much?
5. Do you usually drink that much?
6. Do you happen to remember if you fell down or hit your elbow against
7. What can I do to feel better?
1. I’m not sure Doctor, I just feel lousy all over. I have a splitting headache, my
stomach is upset, all I want to do is sleep, and my right elbow is hurting.

2. It just started today. Yesterday I felt great, but when I woke up this
morning ...oh.
3. Well let’s take your temperature and blood pressure and see how they are.
4. You don’t have a fever, and your blood pressure and pulse are normal. There
is a flu going around, but that wouldn’t explain your elbow hurting.
5. Not really, I did go to a party last night and drank a little.
6. Not much, 7 or 8 cans of beer and a bottle of tequila.
7. No, it was the first time drinking anything. I was celebrating my 21 st
8. Well, no wonder you feel lousy, you have a major hangover.
9. Now that you mention it, I seem to recall I fell down when I was getting out
of my car.
10.Well your elbow seems OK, just a bad bruise. It’ll be OK in a few days.
11.For your elbow, you might want to put on a cold pack. For your hangover, I
suggest taking some aspirin, drinking lots of water, eating something light
and going back to bed. You’ll feel good as new tomorrow.
12.Thanks doctor. You’re a life saver.

Make up a similar dialogue.

Assignment 2. Tell your partner about your recent visit to the doctor using some
of the ideas for discussion below. Your partner should ask questions to get more

 when did you go

 why did you go
 where did you go
 what kind of treatment did you receive
 did you have a follow-up visit

Assignment 3. 2. Pair work-discussion

Use your imagination and express sympathy to your partner in a number of

situations (your partner should tell you about the situations listed below).
Continue the conversation by asking questions to get more details.
 getting fired from a job
 parents’ divorce
 being dumped by your girlfriend/ boyfriend
 failing an important test

Assignment 4. Pair work-Role Play.

Working with a partner, role play the situation, using the information below.
The roles: A doctor, a patient.
The patient has the following symptoms or problems mentioned in the tabl
belowe. The doctor should: 
● ask what the problem is 
● ask how long it has

● ask if the patient has
done or eaten anything
unusual lately
● make a recommendation
for treatment

The patients’ problems and The doctor’s treatment

Cold : Runny nose, cough,   Bed rest, drink fluids
muscle aches  (orange juice),  
cold medicine
Fever: Hot forehead,   Bed rest, alcohol rub,
headache, shivering aspirin
Upset stomach: Vomiting,   Take antacid
stomach pain,
Back pain: Pain in lower   Bed rest, massage,
lumbar region heating pad, take
  analgesic (pain pill)
Head ache: Pain in head, at
  Bed rest, aspirin 
Cool site with cold
Skin burn (from hot water):
water, apply aloe or
Pain at site of burn, red skin,  
other skin burn
Broken finger: Extreme   Set finger in cast,  pain
pain, lack of mobility pill

Sore throat : Pain in throat,   Gargle with salt water,

difficulty swallowing take throat lozenges

Allergies: Runny noose, Take allergy pills

sneezing, watery, itchy eyes 

Unit 6. Health Matters

Make sure you know how to pronounce and translate the words and expressions on
subtopics: Health Problems, Office Solutions, Bad Habits Die Hard, Maladies of
the XXI Century1. Practice using them in meaningful contexts.

abuse, v/n drug / alcohol abuse

abusive, adj syn. insulting
addict, n a drug / alcohol addict
addicted, adj to be addicted to sth
addiction, n an addiction to sth
adjust, v
adjustable, adj
ache, v/n backache
allergy, n
allergic, adj to be allergic to sth
appoint, v
appointment, n to have/ fix/ make an appointment with sb
to keep/ break/ ask for appointment

All the relevant synonyms, antonyms, collocations, etc. can be found in the corresponding units from A Good
Start-1, A Good Start-2 and Achievement.

by appointment
appointment diary/ calendar
breath, n to hold one’s breath, to take one’s breath, to be
out of breath, to be short of breath
breathe, v to breathe in / out
breathless, adj
breathtaking, adj
case, n just in case
check-up, n to go for/ have a check-up
cold, n
complain, v to complain of a pain
complaint, n
complication, n to develop ~
to avoid/ cause ~
complications may set in
compression, n nerve/ muscle/ tendon compression
condition, n to be in good/ poor/ no / out of condition
working conditions – syn. working
surroundings, working environment
under/ in such conditions
conscious, adj ant. unconscious
consciousness, n to lose consciousness – syn. to faint, to pass out
to recover/ regain consciousness – syn. to come
consult, v to consult sb about sth
cough, v/n to have a bad/ heavy/ dry/ persistent cough
cure, v/n to cure sb of sth
a cure for sth
curable, adj ant. incurable
damage, v/n

deficient, adj to be deficient in sth
deficiency, n deficiency in/of sth
diagnose, v
diagnosis, n to make a diagnosis
die, v syn. pass away
death, n to cause death
dizzy, adj to be/ feel dizzy
syn. to be giddy
disease, n acute/ common/ incurable/ serious/ rare/
chronic/ infectious disease
to catch/ pick up a disease
to go/ come down with a disease
to cure/ prevent a disease
to recover from/ get over a disease
doctor, n syn. medical man, practitioner, GP
drug, n to take/ use/ be on drugs
drug addiction
ergonomics, n ergonomics requirements
examine, v to examine sb for sth
to have sth examined
faint, v/n/adj syn. to pass out
feel, v
fever, n to feel a high/ slight/ constant fever
fit, adj ant. unfit
to keep fit
to be fit for/ to sth
habit, n bad habits
eating/ drinking/ sleeping habits
to be in / fall into / get into the habit of doing

to cure sb of the habit of doing sth
to get out of/ break the habit
habitual, adj syn. regular, usual
harm, v/n syn. damage, injury
to do / cause harm to sb/sth
harmful, adj ant. harmless
hazard, n occupational hazard
hazardous, adj hazardous to sb/sth
heal, v
hurt, v/n it hurts me to do sth
Where does it hurt?
to hurt one’s feelings
illness, n syn. disease, sickness, ailment, malady
infection, n
infectious, adj syn. contagious, catching
inflammation, n
injection, n an injection against sth
to give an injection
injure, v syn. to hurt, harm
to injure badly/ seriously/ severely/ slightly
to injure one’s health by smoking, drinking,
injury, n
layout, v/n cellular / open-plan layout
malinger, v syn. to feign a sickness
malingerer, n
medicine, n
medicine chest, n
medical, adj medical service
medicinal, adj to be used for medicinal purposes

numbness, n numbness in arms/ hands
ointment, n to rub ~ on/ in(to)
operate, v to operate on sb for sth
operation, n syn. surgery
to undergo/ have/ perform an operation for sth
pain, n an acute/ constant/ severe/ sharp/ dull/ steady/
sudden pain
to be in pain
to ease/ soothe/ relieve/ kill a pain
painful, adj ant. painless
painkiller, n
patient, n
pill, n syn. tablet
to take pills
side-effects of the pill
prescribe, v to prescribe for sth
prescription, n to write out/ fill/ make up a prescription
prevent, v
prevention, n
preventable, adj
recover, v syn. to get over
recovery, n to make a quick/ speedy/ slow/ good recovery
to be on the road/ way to recovery – syn. to be
on the mend
reduce, v syn. to cut down on sth
remedy, n a remedy for sth
shiver, v syn. to tremble, shudder
to shiver with sth
to feel shivery
sick, adj syn. ill

to feel sick – syn. to vomit
to be air-/ sea-/ motion-/ travel-/ carsick
to be on sick leave
to be off sick
sneeze, v/n
sore, adj syn. painful, aching
sound, v to have one’s chest/ lungs sounded
stiff, adj
stiffen, v
strain, v/n
stress, n to be under stress
stressful, adj
swell, v
syndrome, n
temperature, n to get/ have/ run a temperature
to take sb’s temperature
to bring down/ reduce the temperature
test, v/n
treat, v to treat sb for sth with sth
treatment, n a treatment for sth
to have/ undergo a course of treatment
vital, adj
vitally, adv
workstation, n
X-ray, v/n to have one’s chest X-rayed

Phrasal verbs
to come / go down with sth
to get over
to pick up

to get through
to cut down on
to cut out
to put on
to take up
to pass out
to come round

Idiomatic Expressions
to be as fit as a fiddle
to feel low
to take it easy
to feel off colour
to feel out of sorts
to feel under the weather
to be/ feel worn out
to be/ feel run down
His/ her life is hanging by a thread
to burn the candle at both ends
to be out of danger / to be off the danger list
to be on the mend
to be as right as rain
to be as good as new


7.1. Listening Development

Assignment 1. Listen to the recording to Unit 7 in which former England
cricketer Ed Smith argues that too much professionalism is not a winner.
Summarize the main ideas in one or two paragraphs.

Assignment 2. Writer and entrepreneur Dominic Hobson explains why he thinks

organised competitive games are damaging for players and spectators alike.
Listen to his talk and put down at least seven of the ideas he expresses. If you
agree with some of them, put the word AGREE next to them. If you disagree,
write DISAGREE and give your explanations.
1. ____________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________

7.2. Vocabulary Enrichment

Assignment 1. Which words do you associate with sport? Make a word net.


Assignment 2. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with a word or phrase
from the diagram.

1 I enjoy watching football but I've never been very good................ it.
2 At our local sports centre you can play a wide variety of................ sports.

3 I'm not too keen................ sports such as boxing.
4 The................you need for skiing, like boots and a ski suit, can be quite
5 It's a pity that most people only support................ during the Olympics.
6 Are you fond................ sports like tennis?
7 Which do you prefer - summer or................ sports?
8 Is swimming an................ or indoor sport in your country?
9 Personally, I think the................ should have awarded a penalty.
10 Athletes have to be extremely................ if they want to compete successfully.

Assignment 3. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with a word or phrase from
the table.
beach ball golf ball football tennis ball
pitch court field course
basketball volleyball football softball
throw touch kick hit shoot bounce pass catch head
BALL punch volley lob smash
bat club racquet stick
team side
match game set
player defender striker goalkeeper
play for a team / your country / beat a team / player / side
kick off
score a goal / point
win a game / set / match / competition / Cup
take a shot at goal
play a game of
1 Ronaldo took a shot................ goal but the goalkeeper caught the ball.
2 A good basketball player must be able to................ the ball to other players.
3 Brazil................ Germany 2-1.

4 In table tennis, you must let the ball................ on the table before you hit it.
5 Bergkamp plays................ Arsenal in England.
6 How many times has Germany................the World Cup?
7 If he gets this game, he'll win the set and could win the.................
8 Martina................ the ball over her opponent's head to the back of the court.
9 Tiger Woods' shot was superb – he ...............the ball and it rolled ten metres and
fell into the hole.
10 We love playing................ in bare feet on the beach.

Assignment 4. Look at the list of sports below and group them into categories.
Some sports may go in more than one category. Tennis, for instance, is both a
racquet sport and a ball game.
aerobics horse riding athletics ice skating
badminton netball basketball roller skating
billiards/snooker rounders cricket rugby
cycling swimming football table tennis
gymnastics ten pin bowling hockey tennis

ball games: ________________________________________________________

water sports: _______________________________________________________
indoor sports: ______________________________________________________
winter sports: ______________________________________________________
motor sports: ______________________________________________________
target sports: ______________________________________________________
equestrian sports: __________________________________________________
racquet sports: _____________________________________________________

Assignment 5. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word (consult Active

Vocabulary section of this Unit).
1 Have you ever been to a boxing................ ?

2 You can't row without one or two.................
3 The person who selects the players for a game is the.................
4 In table tennis you hit the ball with a round.................
5 The official who makes sure players follow the rules in games like tennis,
squash, and basketball is the.................
6 London's most famous venue for international matches is Wembley.................
7 When there is a foul during a football match, the referee blows his.................
8 The football player who tries to score goals is called a.................
9 We play squash and tennis on an indoor.................
10 Marathon runners make one circuit of the................before leaving the stadium.

Assignment 6. Complete the chart by adding the words below.

umpire canoeing ring pool snooker golf
squash coach club athletics bowls defender
rod oar course field swimming motor racing
track pitch boxing skiing ground tennis
skis football hockey court stadium basketball
volleyball player referee net bat judge
stick whistle team goalkeeper boots trunks
captain manager diving fishing racquet striker


Assignment 7 . Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions.

1. Yoga appeals ___ me.

2. They managed to beat ___ the opponent.
3. He always cheats ___ cribbage (a card game).
4. He’s training them ___ the championship.
5. The match ended ___ a draw.
6. Slow down. I can’t keep ___ ___ you.
7. They lost ___ a stronger side.
8. We won ___ 5 points ___ 2. / We won ___ 3 points.
9. We have a new rival ___ the title of champion.
10. They won their title ___.

Assignment 8 . Translate the following sentences into English (consult Active

Vocabulary section of this Unit).
1. Вряд ли она примет участие на скачках в Дерби в этом году. Она еще
долго будет восстанавливать силы после травмы.
2. Увы, ни одна команда не забила гол.
3. Этот мальчик наверняка пойдет по стопам отца и станет хоккеистом.
Уже сейчас все о чем он мечтает – это клюшка и шайба.
4. Каспаров выиграл кубок Кремля по шахматам.
5. Вы хотели бы завоевать кубок в этом соревновании?
6. Я должен назначить встречу с моим тренером.
7. Этот футболист принимает участие во многих футбольных матчах.
8. Она составила список всех спортивных соревнований, которые она
должна была посетить во время своего пребывания в этой стране.
9. Вы заметили, что футболист, который только что открыл счет, самый
молодой в команде?
10. Не могли бы вы позвонить ему и сказать, что завтра состоится
соревнование по плаванию?
11. Нам пришлось отменить игру, так как один из игроков заболел.
12. Соревнование должно было начаться в 10, но из-за плохой погоды
пришлось его отложить.
13. Вы за какую команду болеете?
14. Этот молодой футболист забил три гола!
15. Не могли бы вы сказать мне счет матча?
16. Вам не следовало бы говорить Джеку, что его любимая команда
проиграла со счетом 2:3.
17. С какой стати я буду объяснять ему правила игры?
18. Не волнуйся. Они обязательно победят.
19. Не может быть, что игра окончилась вничью.
20. Плавание – это отличный вид спорта, которым можно заниматься
круглый год. Вы можете заниматься им вместе со своими детьми, и он
обеспечит великолепную тренировку для практически всех групп мышц.
21. Если вы займетесь фигурным катанием, то будьте уверены, что у вас
будет великолепная осанка.
22. Мы выиграли с преимуществом в два очка.
23. Кафельников превзошел себя и сохранил титул чемпиона.
24. Два бегуна пришли на финиш одновременно.
25. Вы занимаетесь баскетболом?
26. Он тренирует нашу команду по плаванию.
27. Команда, забившая наибольшее количество очков, выигрывает.
28. Вратарю разрешается трогать мяч руками.
29. Он – абсолютный чемпион олимпийских игр.
30. Соревнование включает 42 вида спорта.
31. Он всегда нечестно играет в гольф.

32. Ура, наши забили гол!
33. В теннис играют круглый год на различных кортах.
34. Итак, Джек выиграл с преимуществом в 32 секунды, Дон пришел
вторым, а Крис получил утешительный приз за то, что добежал до

7.3. Reading Improvement

Assignment 1. Look at the article’s headline – Ronald McDonald to promote

fitness – and guess 10 words that are used in the article.
1. __________________ 6. __________________
2. __________________ 7. __________________
3. __________________ 8. __________________
4. __________________ 9. __________________
5. __________________ 10.__________________


Ronald McDonald has had a makeover. The mascot clown

from the world’s largest fast food chain of restaurants is to
become a more athletic, active and health conscious icon.
TV ads will start screening on June 10 revealing the new
look, sportier Ronald kitted out in a more figure-hugging
jumpsuit. He will be overflowing with vitality as he
juggles fruit, snowboards with superstar basketball player
Yao Ming and plays basketball and soccer. The ads exude
energy and fitness. Succulent, fresh strawberries abound,
while hamburgers and fries are conspicuously absent.
There will be nothing of what McDonald’s actually sells
in the colorful commercials.

The company is attempting to jettison traditional images of cholesterol-laden
fries and fat-soaked burgers to encourage children to get on the move. Jeff Carl,
McDonald’s corporate vice-president of global marketing, said of this change of
tack: “We felt it more appropriate to expand the discussion to all foods at this
point.” He made no indication that the company would replicate the health
conscious message of the ads into his restaurants’ menus. Mr. Carl explained that
Ronald is “encouraging children to get up on their feet and start moving.” This
may help to reduce the burden of blame on McDonald’s for obesity in children.

Assignment 2. Say whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):

a. McDonald’s will open fitness gyms inside its restaurants. T/F

b. Ronald McDonald will wear a sportier jumpsuit while snowboarding. T/F
c. McDonald’s will start selling succulent strawberries. T/F
d. New McDonald’s TV ads do not show any hamburgers or fries. T/F
e. The company is trying to jettison traditional images of cholesterol. T/F
f. A marketing chief made a confusing statement about food. T/F
g. The marketing chief said McDonald’s menus would be healthier. T/F
h. McDonald’s wants children to lead more active lives. T/F

Assignment 3. Match the following synonyms from the article:

a. makeover mirror

b. kitted out get-up-and-go

c. vitality noticeably

d. succulent millstone

e. conspicuously dressed in

f. jettison lush

g. laden approach

h. tack loaded

i. replicate image change

j. burden abandon

Assignment 4. Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one
combination is possible):

a. ads will start screening

b. kitted out tack
c. overflowing absent
d. exude the move
e. conspicuously with vitality
f. jettison traditional images conscious message
g. get on energy and fitness
h. change of of blame
i. health in a more figure-hugging jumpsuit
j. reduce the burden of cholesterol-laden fries

Assignment 5. Put the words in the column on the right into the correct spaces.

Ronald McDonald has had a ________. The mascot clown icon

from the world’s largest fast food chain of restaurants is to exude
become a more athletic, active and health conscious conspicuously
________. TV ads will start screening on June 10 ________ makeover
the new look, sportier Ronald ________ out in a more figure- abound
hugging jumpsuit. He will be overflowing with ________ as vitality
he juggles fruit, snowboards with superstar basketball player kitted
Yao Ming and plays basketball and soccer. The ads ________ revealing
energy and fitness. Succulent, fresh strawberries ________,

while hamburgers and fries are ________ absent. There will
be nothing of what McDonald’s actually sells in the colorful

The company is attempting to ________ traditional images of tack

cholesterol-________ fries and fat-soaked burgers to obesity
encourage children to get on the ________. Jeff Carl, jettison
McDonald’s corporate vice-president of global marketing, replicate
said of this change of ________: “We felt it more appropriate burden
to ________ the discussion to all foods at this point.” He laden
made no indication that the company would ________ the expand
health conscious message of the ads into his restaurants’ move
menus. Mr. Carl explained that Ronald is “encouraging
children to get up on their feet and start moving.” This may
help to reduce the ________ of blame on McDonald’s for
________ in children.

Assignment 6. Look at the next article’s headline – “Yoga is best for back pain
sufferers” – and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F):

a. Yoga is around 800 years old. T/F

b A study says yoga is better for back pain than conventional therapy. T / F
c. Adults chose between yoga and a self-help book in a back-pain T / F
d A doctor said a collision of mind and body effects brought pain T / F
. relief.
e. Exercise is hugely effective in relieving chronic low back pain. T/F
f. Yoga encourages couples to exercise and breathe in unison. T/F
g Western medical literature is full of articles about yoga and back T / F

. pain.
h Millions of yoga practitioners worldwide swear a lot. T/F

Assignment 7. Find the eight incorrect words in each paragraph. Replace then
with a correct alternative.
New research from the United States suggests that the millennia-old therapy
of yoga could benefit millions of people who surfer from back problems. In an
article published in the Annals of Internal Medicine on December 20, researchers
concluded that yoghurt was a more effective treatment for back pain than
controversial therapy. A study conducted at the Group Health Cooperative in
Washington State required 101 adults to follow a choice of remedial treatments – a
12-year course in yoga, 12 weeks of standard therapeutic exercise or the same
period following instructions in a self-help back. The results showed yoga both
expedited reliance from pain and had longer lasting beneficiaries. Lead researcher
Dr. Karen Sherman said this was because “mind and body effects” were in

The article states that: “Most treatments for chronic low back paint have
modest efficacy at best. Exercise is one of the few proven testaments…however,
its effects are often small, and no form has been shown to be clearly better than
another. Yoga, which often couplets physical exercise with breathlessness, is a
popular alternative form of ‘mind–body’ therapy…[It] may benefit patients with
back pain simply because it devolves exercise or because of its effects on mental

focus. We found no published studies in western biomedical literature that
evaluated yoga for chronic low back pain; therefore, we resigned a clinical trial to
evaluate its effectiveness.” Millions of people worldwide profane by yoga to
improve their mental and physical health.

Assignment 8. Match the following synonyms from the article:

a. millennia-old hastened

b. annals research

c. remedial severe

d. expedited archives

e. collusion links

f. chronic effectiveness

g. efficacy ancient

h. couples depend on

i. literature remedying

j. swear by cooperation

Assignment 9. Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one
combination is possible):

a. the millennia-old pain than conventional therapy

b published in the physical exercise with breathing

c. a more effective treatment for back the few proven treatments

d follow a choice of remedial by yoga

e. yoga both expedited relief from pain at best

f. have modest efficacy treatments

g Exercise is one of Annals of Internal Medicine


h Yoga, which often couples western biomedical literature

i. no published studies in therapy of yoga

j. Millions of people worldwide swear and had longer lasting benefits

Assignment 10. Look at the words below. Try to recall exactly how these were used in the

 suggests  modest
 concluded  small
 conducted  couples
 choice  focus
 expedited  clinical
 collusion  swear

Assignment 11. Think of the best remedial treatment for the following aches and pains.
Decide whether yoga could be of use in relieving the pain.






Can you think of other sports that can be of use in relieving the pain?

7.4. Writing Enhancement

Assignment 1. Write a letter to children telling them about the advantages of

an active lifestyle and the dangers of a sedentary one. Show your letter to your
fellow students. Did you have the same ideas?

Assignment 2. Choose a sport you enjoy. Research and write a short history of
it, as well as its rules and benefits for health, and present it in the form of a

– What is a mosquito's favorite sport?

– Skin diving.

7.5. Speaking Reinforcement
Assignment 1. Get ready to act out conversations according to the information in
the cards (based on the information in the article about McDonald’s new

Role A
You are Ronald McDonald. Ever since you started snowboarding,
playing soccer and eating strawberries you have become incredibly fit
and healthy. You believe kids can eat as much McDonald’s as they want
as long as they exercise. Getting on the move is key to children’s health.

Role B
You are an advertising ethics officer working for your government. You
believe McDonald’s is guilty of false advertising. You know everyone
knows that McDonald’s is unhealthy. You want McDonald’s to end its
strawberry and fitness campaign and advertise more honestly about the
dangers of cholesterol.

Role C
You are a concerned parent who wants his/her kids to be healthy. You
have had enough of McDonald’s gimmicks – the cheap Disney toys that
shamelessly lure children into the restaurants, the token attempts at
health food (salads) and now snowboarding, sporty Ronald. You want
McDonald’s to stop its propaganda for kids. You hate Ronald
McDonald. Obesity isn’t a happy condition.

Role D
You are a kid. McDonald’s is your favorite. You think Ronald is cool –
he’s always so happy – such a good role model for kids. The burgers are
much better than your mum’s/mom’s cooking. The McDonald’s Happy
Meals are the best. You think Ronald’s new message of fitness is great.
You will definitely become more active – just like Ronald. What a guy!

Unit 7. Sports and Keeping Fit

Sport or sports?
1. sport (noun, uncountable): Johhny loves sport.
2. sports (noun, countable): Johnny plays two sports; football and tennis.
3. sports (adjective): Johhny reads the sports news every day.

Word Meaning Example sentence
engaged in something,
like playing sports, The Olympic Games were
without payment; non- originally for amateur athletes only.
a person who trains for Most professional athletes spend
and competes in a sport hours every day in training.
to give someone
All the members of the winning
award something as a reward for
team were awarded a gold medal.
high achievement
to defeat someone in a Italy beat France to win the 2006
game or a competition FIFA World Cup.
to shout encouragement The fans made a lot of noise
cheer on
to a team or a player cheering on their team.
a person who trains and
Players should carry out their
coach directs an athlete or a
coach's instructions during a game.
sports team
to take part in a contest or Over 10,000 athletes will compete
a competition in the Olympic Games.
a game or event in which Do you know who won this year's
people compete to win figure skating contest?
a quadrangular area on
which ball games are The tennis courts at Wimbledon in
played, such as tennis or London have a grass surface.
an area of land prepared
A golf course usually has eighteen
course for racing, golf, or other
a cup-shaped trophy, After they won the final game, the
cup awarded as a prize in a winners were awarded the
contest Championship Cup.
to win a victory over Our players were very happy after
defeat opponents in a game or they defeated their opponents in the
contest; to beat final game.

to finish a contest or The score was 1-0, but the losing
draw game with an even score; team got a late goal and the game
tie ended in a 1-1 draw.
the score at the end of a Today's basketball game was very
final score
game close. The final score was 84 to 82.
the interval between the The players went into the rooms at
half-time first and second halves of half-time and listened to their
a game coach.
a group of sports clubs
that play each other over Nearly every town in the U.S. has
a period for a teams in a local baseball league.
free time, or the use of It's good for kids to spend some of
free time for enjoyment their leisure time playing sports.
Her lob flew high into the
air and dropped into the a shot that is hit in a high arc,
back of the court, just usually over the opponent's head
inside the baseline.
In an illegal position
Forwards have to learn how to
ahead of the ball (in
offside avoid being caught in an offside
football, rugby, hockey,
the person one competes
Roger Federer's opponent in the
opponent against in a contest or a
Wimbledon final was Rafael Nadal.
game; rival
to throw or kick the ball
A defender tries to pass the ball to a
pass to another player on one's
forward in a good position to score.
own team
a punishment imposed on
a player or team for The penalty for abusing a referee is
breaking the rules of a usually a one-match suspension.
the form or shape of a Rugby players work hard in the
person's body gym to build up their physiques.
The fans cheered as the players ran
pitch (1) a playing field (British)
onto the pitch.

a throw of the ball, esp. in Our pitcher threw one of the best
pitch (2)
baseball and softball pitches of his life to win the game.
the number of points a
Do you know how to keep score in
score competitor or team earns
during a game
to hit the ball to begin
Serving the ball is one of the most
play (in tennis, table
serve important skills in sports like
tennis, squash, volleyball,
to kick, hit, or throw the
In basketball, players try shoot
ball in an attempt to score
shoot from outside the 3-point line to
a goal (in soccer, hockey,
score the extra points.
basketball, etc.)
Spectators can add a lot to sporting
a person who watches an
spectator events by creating an exciting
an attitude of fairness,
respect for opponents, Good managers know how to teach
and graciousness in their players sportsmanship.
winning or losing
Rugby players have to learn how to
to challenge an opponent
tackle tackle an opponent strongly but
who has the ball
The best teams spend a lot of time
the combined action of a
teamwork on the training ground working on
group of people
a result in a game in The score was very close
tie which teams have the throughout the game, and it ended
same final score; a draw in a tie with 89 points each.
a decorative object The players carried the trophy over
trophy awarded as a prize in a their heads as they ran around the
contest or a tournament stadium.
a sports official with
In a game of cricket, there are two
umpire authority to make rulings
umpires on the field during play.
during a contest
whistle a small instrument that The referee blew his whistle twice
makes a high-pitched to signal the end of the match.

noise when blown

Sport Idioms
Sports idioms generally originate from a specific sport such as baseball or
sailing. Over time these phrases have come to mean something that can be used in
everyday life. While most sports idioms can still be used when discussing sports,
they are even more common in other areas of life, especially the business world.
You can study these idioms just as you would any other vocabulary. Look at the
model sentences and practise writing your own. When you think you have
mastered all of the idioms, take the quiz and test your knowledge. More
importantly, try using them at work, school, and social events. You will sound like
a pro!

Meaning Example Sentence
sport of origin

across the board Ten percent raises were given across

equal for everyone
cards the board.

at this stage in
Nobody knows who is going to win
the game at this time
the election at this stage in the game.
any sport

"Do you think I should accept the job

the ball is in your it's your decision or
court responsibility to do
"Don't ask me. The ball is in your
tennis something now
court now".

bark up the I think you're barking up the wrong

you've got the wrong
wrong tree tree by blaming Matt for the missing
person or idea
hunting money.

blind-sided to not see something George blind-sided Eric with his fist
any sport coming at the bar.

call the shots While our boss is on vacation, Bob

make the decisions
billiards will call the shots.

front runner one of the people who Angela is a front runner for the new
track is expected to win supervisor position.

get a head start They gave the walkers a head start in

start before all others
horse racing the run for cancer.

get into the full be comfortable doing It will probably take a month of
swing something after some working at my new job before I get
tennis time into the full swing of things.

The child got off the hook for stealing

get off the hook escape, have
because the security camera was
fishing responsibility removed

give something
You should give Nadine a fair shake
or someone a fair try for a while before
before you decide she isn't good
shake giving up
enough for the job.

get a second I was exhausted after 3 kilometres of

have a burst of energy
wind running, but I got a second wind after
after tiring
sailing I passed the beach.

give it your best

Give it your best shot and you may
shot try your hardest
just make it to the finals.

You can't believe everything Janice

go overboard do or say more than says about Rick. She tends to go
sailing you need to overboard when she's complaining
about him.

go to bat for Andy is asking for a salary increase,

someone defend someone and I'm going to go to bat for him if
baseball the boss says no.

have the upper The Blues have the upper hand in the
have a better chance of
hand tournament, because none of their
winning or succeeding
cards players is injured.

do or say something Amanda was hitting below the belt

hit below the belt
that is very unfair or when she called Adrian an unfit
martial arts
cruel father.

The renovations were going along

hit a snag come up against a
great until we hit a snag with the
boating problem
carpet installation.

The children hold all the aces when it

hold all the aces expected to win or
comes to the father-son baseball
cards succeed

hot shot (big
a person who thinks Even though Luke only placed 20th in
they are the best the ski race, he thinks he's a hot shot.

I guess I jumped the gun by buying

jump the gun
start too early Pam and Steve a wedding gift. They
called off the engagement.

keep one's head We are so busy during the tourist

try not to fall behind in
above water season I can barely keep my head
work or other duties
swimming above water.

learn the ropes The first week on the job you will just
understand new things
sailing be learning the ropes.

level playing The spelling bee is a level playing

everyone has an equal
field field because all of the kids are in
any field sport grade nine.

long shot a very difficult thing to Jim thinks we can afford the house,
hunting accomplish but I think it's a long shot.

George and Stan are neck and neck

neck and neck to be in a close tie with
in the hockey pool. Either of them
horse racing someone
could win the money.

no sweat I told Lily it was no sweat for us to

no problem
any sport babysit next weekend.

not up to par not good enough for a I'm afraid your resume isn't up to par
golf job or position for the engineering position.

on target doing the right thing to We are on target to meet our budget
darts succeed this month.

The new receptionist is really on the

on the ball
ready and able ball when it comes to answering the

out of someone's
I'd like to date Maria, but I'm afraid
league not as good as someone
I'm out of her league.
team sport

there is almost no time

race against time It's a race against time to find a
left to accomplish
track kidney donor for my cousin.

settle a score
get even with a person My brother wants to settle the score
with someone
after a previous battle with that guy who stole my wallet.
any sport

shot in the dark I was lucky to win the quiz. All my

a guess
hunting answers were shots in the dark.

You're skating on thin ice by not

skate on thin ice do something risky,
sending in your college application
skating take a chance
before now.

start the ball

Please can everyone be seated so we
rolling begin something
can start the ball rolling.
ball sports

take sides choose a person or I hate to take sides, but I think Jerry
any sport group to support is right about the paint colour.

take the bull by Even though this new job will mean
accept the challenge
the horns relocating, I think you should take
and try your hardest
bull fighting the bull by the horns for once.

throw in the If they don't accept our offer this time

towel give up we are going to throw in the towel
boxing and look at houses elsewhere.

time out Let's take some time out and grab a

any sport coffee.

under the table I don't have a work visa, so they have

gambling to pay me under the table.

win hands down The other team was missing half of

easy victory
gambling its players. We won hands down.


1. English Speech Practice. 2 курс : учеб. пособие / Р.В. Фастовец [и др.] ;

под ред. Р.В. Фастовец – Минск : ТетраСистемс, 2008. – 400 с.
2. Alexander, L.G. Right Word Wrong Word: Words and Structures Confused
and Misused by Learners of English / L.G. Alexander. – Longman, 1996. – 309 p.
3. Harmer, J. More than Words: Vocabulary for Upper Intermediate to Advanced
Students / J. Harmer, R. Rossner. – Longman, 1999. – B. 1. – 193 p.
4. Harmer, J. More than Words: Vocabulary for Upper Intermediate to Advanced
Smtudents / J. Harmer, R. Rossner. – Longman, 1999. – B. 2. – 230 p.
5. Mascull, B. Key Words in Business / D. Mascull. – London: Harper Collins
Publishers,1996. – 206 p.
6. McCarthy, M., O’Dell, F. English Collocations in Use / M.McCarthy, F. O’Dell,
Cambridge : CUP, 2006. – 190 p.
7. McCarthy , M. English Vocabulary in Use (Upper-Intermediate and Advanced) /
M. McCarthy, F.O’Dell. – Cambridge : CUP, 1995. – 296 p.
8. Redman, S. English Vocabulary in Use (Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate) /
S. Redman. – Cambridge : CUP, 1997. – 270 p.
9. Rudzka,B. et al. The Words you Need / B. Rudzka [at al.]. – Edinburg:
Longman: 2000. – 211 p.

10. Wellman G. Worldbuilder: Vocabulary Development and Practice for
Higher-Level Students / G. Wellman. – Oxford : Heinemann, 1992. – 266 p.



Unit 1. BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: FACE TO FACE..................................4

Unit 2. CAREER PROSPECTS FOR LANGUAGE STUDENTS.........................23

Unit 3 CORPORATE LIFE....................................................................................46

Unit 4. JOB HUNTING...........................................................................................58

Unit 5. JOBS AND CAREERS: REVISION & CONSOLIDATION....................74

Unit 6. HEALTH MATTERS.................................................................................99

Unit 7. SPORTS AND KEEPING FIT.................................................................129


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