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Государственное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования
«Алтайская государственная педагогическая академия»


Part 1

(для студентов 1 курса неязыковых факультетов)

Барнаул 2011
УДК 802.0(075)
ББК 81.43 Англ - 923
Е 56

English for Future Teachers. Part 1 (для студентов 1 курса неязыковых факультетов):
учебно-методическое пособие для студентов 1 курса неязыковых высших учебных заведений
/ сост. А.Д.Иванова, Н.Л.Муравьева, Е.Н.Семенчина, И.В.Федоткина, Л.Н.Черепанова –
Барнаул : АлтГПА, 2011. – 96 с.

Составители: А.Д.Иванова – к.ф.н, доцент кафедры иностранных языков АлтГПА;

Н.Л.Муравьева – ст.преп. кафедры иностранных языков АлтГПА;
Е.Н.Семенчина – к.ф.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков АлтГПА;
И.В.Федоткина – ст.преп. кафедры иностранных языков АлтГПА;
Л.Н.Черепанова – ст.преп. кафедры иностранных языков АлтГПА.

Учебно-методическое пособие «Английский язык» содержит разнообразные задания,

направленные на формирование и закрепление навыков разговорной речи у студентов 1
курса неязыковых высших учебных заведений.
Данное пособие разработано с учетом грамматического и лексического материала,
изучаемого в курсе английского языка в неязыковых высших учебных заведениях.

Рецензент: О.В. Козина – канд.пед.наук, доцент

кафедры иностранных языков ААЭП

© Алтайская государственная педагогическая академия, 2011

© Иванова А.Д., Муравьева Н.Л., Семенчина Е.Н., Федоткина И.В.,
Черепанова Л.Н., 2011


living cell of society – живая ячейка общества
to share smth. – делить что-то, делиться чем-то
responsibility – ответственность, обязанность
to start a family – обзавестись семьей
in order to – для того, чтобы
to succeed in one’s life – преуспеть в жизни
to bring up - воспитывать
labour achievements – трудовые достижения
mood – настроение
happiness – счастье
to be happy – быть счастливым
to depend on family relations – зависеть от семейных отношений
to unite by blood – соединять кровными узами
to consist of smb. – состоять из
to support smb. – поддерживать кого-либо
delightful – восхитительный, очаровательный
dear – дорогой, милый, любимый
(close) relatives – (близкие) родственники
relationship – отношение, взаимоотношение; взаимосвязь, родство
members of a family – члены семьи
the only child
female (male) child – ребенок женского (мужского) пола
to call - называть
first cousin
in-laws - приобретённая родня, родственники со стороны жены, мужа
brother-in-law – зять (муж сестры), шурин (брат жены), деверь (брат мужа)
sister-in-law – невестка (жена брата), золовка (сестра мужа), свояченица (сестра жены)
daughter-in-law – невестка (жена сына), сноха
son-in-law – зять
spouse – супруг, супруга
husband – муж
wife – жена
grandmother (great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother)
grandfather (great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather)
step-sister – сводная сестра
to marry smb. – жениться (на ком-л.); выходить замуж (за кого-л.); вступать в брак
to acquire a new family – обзаводиться новой семьей
nuclear family – малая семья; семья, состоящая из супружеской четы с детьми
extended family – большая семья, расширенная семья (включающая, кроме родителей и
детей, также ближайших родственников)
single-parent / one-parent family – неполная семья
childless family – бездетная семья
adoptive – приёмный (усыновлённый, удочерённый)
in addition to – в добавление к
to include – включать, включать в себя
household – семейство, семья; домочадцы, домашние; все, кто живёт в конкретном доме
generation – поколение
to live together – жить вместе
the head of the family – глава семьи
more often than not – очень часто, почти всегда
to take care of smb. – заботиться о ком-либо
to be divorced – быть разведенным
to be dead – умереть
to choose – выбирать; предпочитать
to concentrate on one’s career – концентрироваться на карьере
to replace smb. – заменять кого-либо
to have pets instead of children – заводить любимых домашних животных вместо детей
whatever family it is – какая бы ни была семья
to get along well with each other – хорошо ладить друг с другом
to quarrel – ссориться
to argue – спорить
household chores – домашние хлопоты, повседневная работа по дому, по хозяйству
to help each other both in everyday life and in household chores – помогать друг другу как в
повседневной жизни, так и в обязанностях по дому
to organize duties among all the members of a family – распределять обязанности между
членами семьи
one’s usual round of duties – обычный круг обязанностей
to keep (to run) house – вести хозяйство
to keep the flat tidy – содержать комнату в порядке
to do the “hoovering” (to do the vacuum cleaning) – пылесосить, чистить пылесосом
(чистить ковры)
to do shopping – делать покупки
to do the washing up (to wash/do the dishes) – мыть посуду
to cook meals – готовить еду
to iron the clothes – гладить одежду
to have fun together – веселиться вместе
to be God’s gift to smb. – быть Божьим даром для кого-либо


1.1 Mind the pronunciation of the following words.

daughter [ˈdɔːtə ] fiancé [ fiˈɑ:nseɪ ] widow [ ˈwɪdəʊ ]

niece [ niːs ] fiancée [ fiˈɑ:nseɪ ] widower [ ˈwɪdəʊə(r) ]
nephew [ ˈnefjuː ] matrimonial [ ˌmætrɪˈməʊniəl ]
blonde [ blɒnd ] moustache [ məˈstɑːʃ ] swarthy [ ˈswɔː(r)ði ]
brunette[ bruːˈnet ] forehead [ ˈfɒrɪd ] eyelashes [ˈaɪˌlæʃiz ]

1.2 Consult a dictionary and pronounce the words. What is specific about their

grandfather grandparents granddaughter grandma

grandmother grandchildren grandson grandpa

1.3 Practise the pronunciation of the combinations of letters ght.

light [ laɪt ] length [ leŋθ ]

height [ haɪt ]
straight [ streɪt ]

1.4 Revise the pronunciation of the definite article. Mind that you should pronounce
the article "the" as [ðɪ] in front of words that start with a vowel-sound. You pronounce the
article "the" as [ðə] in front of words that start with a consonant-sound.

to do the room the aunt

to do the cooking the uncle
to lay the table
to do the shopping
to clear away the dishes

1.5 Practise the linking [ r ] sound.

My mother’s sister is my… Your husband’s mother is your …
My daughter’s brother is my… My father’s daughter is my ..

2.1 Family
Family is a living cell of society, a group of people who live together and share different
physical and moral responsibilities in their daily life. People start the families in order to succeed in
this life, to have someone special to love and to be loved back, to have children and bring them up.
Labour achievements, mood and what is called happiness depend on family relations.
But it’s wrong to think that your family is only your father and mother. A family is a group of
people united not only by blood, but also by love. Your family consists of all the dearest people.
Family are the people that always love you, support you and help you.
The proverb says, “There is no place more delightful than home and there are no people more
dear than your relatives”.
Your closest relatives are your parents: your mother and father; and your siblings (brothers
or sisters). If your mother or father is not an only child, you also have aunts and / or uncles. An
aunt is the sister of your mother or father, while an uncle is the brother of your mother or father.
Your female child is called your daughter, and your male child is your son.
If your aunts or uncles have children, they are your first cousins. (In English, the word cousin is
used, whether the cousin is female or male.) Your female cousin is your mother (or father’s) niece,
while a male cousin is the nephew of your mother and father.
When you marry, your husband (or wife’s) family become your in-laws. The mother of your
spouse (husband or wife) is your mother-in-law and his or her father becomes your father-in-law.
The term in-law is also used to describe your relationship with the spouses of your siblings. So the
husband of your sister becomes your brother-in-law, while the sister of your husband becomes
your sister-in-law. If you are a woman, you become the daughter-in-law of your husband’s
parents, and if you are a man, you become the son-in-law of your wife’s parents.
The parents of your parents are your grandparents – grandmother and grandfather. You are
their grandchildren – either a granddaughter or a grandson.
The mother of your grandmother or grandfather is your great-grandmother. The father is your
great-grandfather. The grandparents of your grandmother or your grandfather are your great-
great-grandmother and great-great-grandfather.
If your mother or father remarries, you can acquire a new family and set of relatives. If your
father marries a second wife, she becomes your step-mother. Any children she already has become
your step-sisters or step-brothers. Your mother’s second husband becomes your step-father.
Families may be classified into a number of different types.
The most recognized of these families is the so-called nuclear family, which consists of a
husband and wife and their biological or adoptive children.
A family that includes in one household near relatives in addition to a nuclear family is called
an extended family. It is a big family consisting of at least three generations living together. The
head of the family is usually the oldest man. More often than not, such family consists of grand-
parents, their sons and their son’s families.
A single-parent / one-parent family is another type of family. It is a family in which there is
only one parent who takes care of the child or children because the parents are divorced, or because
one of the parents is dead.
Besides, there are families which have no children. Many childless families choose not to have
children because they concentrate on their careers, or like to travel. To replace children, childless
families usually have pets instead.

But whatever family it is its members will be happy if all of them get along well with each other,
don’t quarrel or argue but help each other both in everyday life and in household chores, when all
the duties are organized among all the members and each one has his usual round of duties. Then it
will be much easier to run house: to keep the flat tidy, to do the “hoovering” (the vacuum cleaning),
washing up, shopping, to cook meals, to iron the clothes etc., and then to find some time to have fun
You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them. (Desmond Tutu)

2.2 Look through the text and define the meaning of the words in bold type.


3.1 Translate the following international words without a dictionary.

Group, physical, moral, to start, special, to classify, type, biological, to concentrate, career, to

3.2 Look through the text, pick out words with word-building affixes, define which parts of
speech these words are and be ready to do word-building exercises below.

3.3 Make adjectives with the help of the given suffixes, define the parts of speech to the stem
of which these suffixes are added and translate all the words into Russian:

- al biology, philology, mathematics, physics, politics, history, culture, nature, tradition

- ent to differ, to depend, to excel (превосходить), to insist (настаивать)
- ful delight, beauty, help, care, success, youth, power, use, pity, joy, colour, hope
- less child, mother, father, hair, end, help, care, power, use, pity, colour, hope, law

3.4 Define the part of speech the following words with the suffix –ive belong to. Translate the
words into Russian.

Adoptive, supportive, positive, negative, demonstrative, descriptive

3.5 Make nouns from the following words with the help of the given suffixes. Define the parts
of speech to the stem of which these suffixes are added. Translate the words into Russian.

- tion to relate, to generate, to concentrate, to add, to classify, to adopt, to organize

- ment to achieve, to delight, to place, to replace, to arrange, to enjoy, to govern
- ness happy, dark, ill, busy, kind, weak, sad, friendly
- ship relation, friend, member,citizen, leader
- ity responsible, real, individual, actual, electric, public, possible, humane

3.6 Give English equivalents of the following verbs, all of which have one and the same prefix.

Жениться еще раз, переставить, переделать, переписать, пересказать, вновь собрать, вновь
сыграть, реформировать, реконструировать

3.7 Fill in the correct family member.

1. My mother’s sister is my ___________ . 2. My daughter’s brother is my ___________ . 3. My
father’s daughter is my ___________ . 4. My mum and dad are my ___________ . 5. My sister’s
son is my ___________ . 5. My aunt’s son or daughter is my ___________ . 6. My father’s brother
is my ___________ . 7. My mother’s father is my ___________ . 8. My daughter’s son is my
___________. 9. My brother’s daughter is my ___________ .

3.8 Write down the term for the opposite sex.

mum -
brother -
son -
uncle -
grandmother -
granddaughter -
nephew -
wife -
boyfriend -
cousin –

3.9 Write one word in each gap.

1. Your female child is your ___________.

2. A person who is your brother’s wife is your ___________ .
3. Nick’s sister has a son whose name is Mike, so he is Mike’s _____________ .
4. Your husband’s mother is your ___________ .
5. The persons who are your parents’ parents are your ___________ .
6. Your son is married, so his wife is your ___________ .

3.10 Say who are all these people to Fiona and speak about the whole family.

3.11 Define the type of the family.

1. We are many. All the members of our family have close relations. We live together.
2. They have the only child who is in the centre of their attention.
3. We are many. We share our parents’ attention.
4. We enjoy doing many things together with our grandparents who live with us.
5. There are only two of us. We do everything together.
6. When I have a problem I can always find a person to discuss it with.
7. Sometimes I feel a lack of one parent badly.
8. My father is my best friend. But I have no mother. She is dead. I have a stepmother.
9. They are good parents but all their children are adoptive.
10. They are unhappy because there are no children in their family.

3.12 Fill in the missing words and word combinations from the list below.
1. I ___________ with my parents and all of us ___________ of each other. 2. My ___________
are my best friends and we never ___________. 3. He is a bad father, he doesn’t feel ___________
for his family. 4. I have many uncles and aunts so I have many ___________ . 5. My mother is
going to marry again, so I’ll have a ___________ . 6. I ___________ my room with my sister. 7.
My grandfather’s ___________ is my grandmother. 8. They ___________ adoptive children but
they love them very much. 9. My sister ___________ but I know that she doesn’t love her
___________ . 10. Small families, so-called ___________ are typical for most European societies.
11. If parents ___________ , children are left with a mother or a father only. 12. She is in a bad
___________ today. 13. Family relations ___________ on many things. 14. He does everything
___________ to be happy. 15. How many members does your family ___________ of?
responsibility, stepfather, get on well, share, mood, take care, siblings, consist, are divorced, bring
up, nuclear families, depend, husband, in order, relatives, wife, is married, quarrel

3.13 Match the phrases in column A with those in column B. More than one answer is

Model: I am the youngest in my family. It’s a disadvantage. Everyone tells me what to do.

Would you prefer to be the only child or one of two or three children?

1. I am the youngest in my family. a) It’s an advantage.
2. A disadvantage of being the only child is that … b) It’s a disadvantage.
3. An advantage of being the only child is that … c) I am the centre of attention.
4. I get along well with my brothers and sisters. d) they tease (дразнят) me.
5. The advantage of having brothers and sisters is e) I always share personal secrets with them.
that … f) they are my best friends.
6. I always quarrel with my brothers and sisters g) everyone tells me what to do.
because … h) I can do whatever I want.
i) we always take care of each other.
j) we spend a lot of time together.
k) I have nobody to play and share secrets
3.14 a) Match the verbs to the nouns.
to wash the beds
to dust the carpets
to do the clothes
to iron the dishes
to vacuum the windows
to clean the floors
to mop (мыть, протирать шваброй) the furniture

b) Which of these household chores do you do? How often? Which do you like/not
mind/hate doing?
Model: I sometimes wash the dishes in the evening.

3.15 Complete the sentences with the word combinations from the box.

to cook meals, the “hovering”, organized among the members of our family, iron, to keep the
flat tidy, do, household chores, take care, my usual round of duties, keeping the house,
shopping, wash up

My Household Chores
As I am very busy I can’t help my parents much in ___________. But still I have some
___________. I ___________ my room and my bed and ___________. It’s not difficult
___________ if you do your rooms regularly. Once a week I help my mother to do some other work
about the house, ___________or ___________ the clothes, for example. This is ___________.
My brother has his own duties. He repairs electric appliances, does ___________ and goes
___________. All the duties are ___________. But we ___________ of each other and help each

3.16 Answer the questions.

1. How big is your family? What type of family is it? Are you married? 2.Do you have any brothers
or sisters? Are you the oldest among your siblings? How old are they? 3. Do you have any
children? If yes, what are their names and ages? 4. Do you like your family? Why or why not? 5.
Do you live with any of your grandparents? 6. Do you often argue with your mother or father?
What about? 7. Do you often visit your grandparents? 8. How do your parents look like? (tall,
short, relatively normal height, slender, a little bit plump, lovely, good-looking, handsome,
attractive, fair hair (blonde), brunette, brown-haired, wavy / curly / straight / long / short hair,
medium length hair, to be bold = to have no hair, to wear glasses, fair / lightly tanned skin,
swarthy, moustaches, beard, high forehead, long eyelashes, even white teeth, rosy cheeks) 9.
What are the occupations of your family members? 10. What does your father do? What’s his
job? 11. Do you call your parents by name? 12. Are you pressured by your family to act in a
certain way? 13. Are your parents strict? 14. Do you get along well with your family? 15. Do you
usually have any influence on family matters? 16. Do your parents let you stay out late? 17. How
often is your entire family together? 18. What do you and your family like to do together? 19. Who
do you get along better with, your mother or your father? 20. Which do you think is more
important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams? 21.
What was the most important thing your parents taught you? 22. Do your parents get along well
with each other? 23. How do you share household duties in your family? 24. Who keeps the house?
25. Do you help each other to do the work about the house? 26. Who does the cooking? 27. Are you
a good cook? 28. What is your usual round of duties?

4.1. Open the brackets. Put the right forms, active or passive, of the verbs.
1. Family ___________ (to be) a group of people who live together. 2. Mood and what
___________ (to call) happiness depend on family relations. 3. If one's mother is not the only child,
her son or daughter also ___________ (to have) aunts or uncles. 4. When you ___________ (to
marry), your husband (or wife's) family ___________ (to become) your in-laws. 5. Families may
___________ (to classify) into a number of different types. 6. A family that ___________ (to
include) in one household near relatives ___________ (to call) an extended family.

4.2 Present Continuous or Present Simple?

1. Who ___________ (to sit) near you? 2. They ___________ (to like) to play tennis on Sundays. 3.
My mother ___________ (to be) a good teacher. 4. Our family seldom___________ (to have)
breakfast early. 5. He ___________ (to read) a book now. 6. Helen and I never ___________ (to
read) books in the evening. 7. Who ___________ (to live) in your flat? 8. Our uncle and aunt
___________ (to go) to the stadium at the moment. 9. In the evening after supper we usually
___________ (to watch) TV. 10. My sister ___________ (to be) a good dancer. 11. I often
___________ (to visit) my granny. 12. He ___________ (to write) a letter now. 13. Nick never
___________ (to come) to the University early. 14. Mike and Susanne ___________ (to be) good
friends. 15. You really ___________ (to recognize) him?
4.3 Put in the right article.

This is Mike and that is his wife Helen. They are going to ... market. Mike wants to buy …
new hat. Helen wants to buy … blue coat. They have … car. … car is black. It is … good car. Mike
likes to drive his car. It is his hobby. Helen likes to read … book before sleep. On Sundays they
often play … tennis. Mike is … good player. They also have … dog. … dog is very small. They
love … dog. They often take it with them when they go out.

4.4 Translate into English:

1). Ты играешь в футбол, не так ли? 2). Мои родители часто приезжают ко мне. 3). Кто
говорит по-английски хорошо? 4). Кто сейчас говорит по телефону? 5). В данный момент
мама моет пол, а я помогаю ей по дому. 6). Когда он приходит в университет обычно? 7).
Мой брат никогда не моет посуду. 8). Все в нашей семье любят читать и смотреть телевизор.
9). Они всегда приходят вовремя. 10). У тебя хорошая семья, не так ли?

4.5. Choose the right variant A,B, C to fill the spaces in 1-10

1. … roof was painted green.

A) a B) the C) 0
2. Isn't it … nasty weather?
A) a B) the C) 0
3. It's not … Rome I knew in my childhood.
A) a B) the C)0
4. There is … good hospital in this region.
A) a B ) the C) 0
5. She went on a diet … lose weight.
A) in order to B) because C) so
6. My neighbour came home … a taxi that night.
A) on B) by C) in
7. How …
A) she studies hard B) hard she studies C) hardly she studies
8. Nobody called on me, …?
A) did anybody B) did he C) did they
9. I forgot to take the spaghetti out of the water and … went soft.
A) they B) all C) it
10. Could you please go and get … chair from next door?
A) another B) other C) an other

4.6. For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits
each space. There is an example at the beginning.
Example: 0. A) long time B) sometimes C) ages D) lately

Dear Trevor,

I know it's been C (0) I wrote to you but I've been very busy ___ (1) we decided to move in the
country. The house in the village is not quite ready ___ (2) but as you can imagine ___ (3) the last
few weeks we've had to chase up builders and plumbers and we've ___ (4) got a long way to go.
It's been such a long time we ___ (5) work on it I've almost forgotten how long it's been exactly. We
must have started it about seven years ___ (6) and we've ___ (7) spent a small fortune on it. We are
___ (8) living in our rather cramped flat where you ___ (9) us a few years ago but it ___ (10) to get
unbearable and we ___ (11) moving out. We are still ___ (12) around from morning ___ (13) night
and it's been particularly hectic ___ (14) the last week. Anyway, ___ (15) all this was going on
Karen fell and sprained her ankle was the last thing we needed!

1. A. every time B. ever since C. while D. before

2. A. still B. already C. yet D. soon
3. A. for B. as C. while D. since
4. A. yet B. already C. nearly D. still
5. A. have started B. start C. did start D. started
6. A. before B. ago C. previous D. since
7. A. still B. not C. already D. yet
8. A. already B. still C. yet D. longer
9. A. were visiting B. have visited C. had been visiting D. visited
10. A. begun B. is beginning C. begins D. begin
11. A. have looked forward B. looked forward C. will look forward D. are looking forward
12. A. rush B. rushed C. rushing D. be rushed
13. A. and B. into C. till D. through
14. A. during B. from C. in D. while
15. A. in B. during C. while D. for


5.1 Modern Families

Listen to James describing his family situation and answer the questions.

1. What are Rachel? Louise? Richard?

2. What is James opinion of Richard?
3. Who is the eldest child in the house?
4. Why doesn’t James like Louise’s behaviour?
5. What does their mum say when James and Rachel complain about Louise?
6. What happens when they have an argument with Louse?

Discuss what you think James should do about his family situation.

5.2 Working mothers

a) How do you think that working mothers who leave their children with other people feel
about the situation? Discuss it with your group-mates.
b) Alison and Berth both leave their children at Daisies Day Care Center. Listen to what they
say and answer the questions.

1. How many children does each woman have?

2. How long do their children spend at Daisies each week?
3. How does the woman feel about their children being there?


6.1 Give talk on your family. Remember to say who is in your family, what they do, what
things you like to do together, who you are close to in your family, and why.

6.2 Imagine you are talking to a person from England. Ask him about his family.

6.3 Speak about the history of your family. How did your family find itself in Siberia/in
the Altai Region?

6.4 Every family has some customs and traditions. Speak about the traditions and rules
in your family and the household chores you all have.

6.5 Compare traditional families and modern ones. Do they differ much? Have a panel
discussion with your group mates.

6.6 Imagine you have many brothers and sisters. And your friend is an only child in the
family. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of living in these types of families.

6.7 Discuss the problems modern families have. Express your opinion about the
importance of family planning.

6.8 Speak about the family of your dream.

6.9 Draw your family-tree and tell the other students in your group about your ancestors.

6.10 Discuss family climate. Remember to say about generation gap, sibling conflict, love
for each other and tolerance.


7.1 Look through the text. Say what information is given in its first, second, third passage.

7.2 Read and translate the text.

Household chores
There are stereotypical responsibilities of the husband, the wife, and the children in a family.
They say that the wife’s responsibilities are, basically, to do everything, as far as I can see … to
make the beds in the morning, cook the breakfast, and then, when the children go to school and the
husband goes to work, to start washing the clothes, then tidy up the kitchen, do the washing up,
clean the kitchen, go shopping and buy the food for the week, and then put out the washing. If she
has a garden, she can hang the washing out on a washing-line – and then tidy up the living room, do
the “hovering” (the vacuum cleaning), and tidy the children’s bedrooms, although I think it should
be the children’s responsibility, really, to keep their own bedrooms tidy.
The typical role of a husband, I suppose, is that during the week he goes out to work and earns
money for the family. Maybe, at the weekend, he cleans the car and does more technical things
around the house, like changing fuses and putting up shelves. Lots of people in England are really
into DIY, that’s do-it-yourself, and they try to make furniture, put in their own bathroom appliances,
put tiles on the bathroom walls themselves, put up shelves and things like that, and these things are
usually seen as the husband’s responsibility. It’s also seen as his job to put up the wallpaper, paint
the walls, and maybe also to work in the garden, mowing the lawn, cutting the hedges, trimming the
rosebushes, etc.
I think it’s becoming much more balanced these days, as quite often the wife goes out to work
too, and, of course, when she comes home from work she doesn’t want to have to start doing the
vacuuming immediately. Some men are more willing to iron their own shirts and sew on buttons
than others, but I think, nowadays, they’re quite often willing to help out with the household chores,
such as cooking or washing up the dirty plates after the meal.
Concerning the children’s responsibilities, I think they should definitely keep their own rooms
tidy, and make their own beds. If I had children, I would give them some pocket money, but on
condition that they did some chores around the house every week. In this way, they might learn that
the house doesn’t clean itself. You have to get the vacuum cleaner out and do some work if you
want the place to stay tidy.
Wife, mother and career woman … well, I suppose if you’re a housewife and that’s what you’re
decided you want to be, then that’s fine, but you have to take all the duties that go with that. So you
have to be prepared to look after children and really play some part in their upbringing, and help
them learn to read and write, and teach them how to tell the time and do up their shoelaces, take
them to school, things like that. You also have to be prepared to do all the boring menial household
duties. However, I think that if a woman wants to go out to work, she should be able to. Some
people think it’s really bad if the wife leaves the children, puts them in a nursery school and goes
out to work, as if she was neglecting them, but if she stayed at home with the children and was
miserable, it wouldn’t solve anything, because maybe then she would just resent the children. So, a
woman should follow her own heart, I think, and if she wants to work, then that’s fine.

household chores - домашние обязанности
responsibility – ответственность
to tidy up the kitchen – прибираться на кухне
to do the “hovering” – пылесосить
to do the washing up – стирать
to earn money – зарабатывать деньги
to change fuses – менять пробки
to put tiles on something – выкладывать кафель на что-либо
to put up the wallpaper – наклеивать обои
to mow the lawn - стричь газон
to sew on buttons – пришивать пуговицы
to look after somebody – ухаживать за кем-либо
to do up shoelaces – завязывать шнурки
to neglect somebody or something – пренебрегать кем-либо, чем-либо
to resent somebody – недолюбливать кого-либо
to put in bathroom appliances – устанавливать сантехнику
pocket money - деньги на карманные расходы
to be miserable – быть несчастным
on condition that – при условии что

7.3 Study the following model:

If I had children, I would give them some pocket money.
Если бы у меня были дети, я бы давала им деньги на карманные расходы.

Say what would you do if

- you had a garden
- you were a husband
- you were a wife
- you moved into a new flat
- you had grandparents
- you had children

7.4 Find the following words and word combinations in the text.

сложившиеся обязанности, готовить завтрак, прибраться в гостиной, содержать спальни в

порядке и чистоте, ходить на работу, заниматься мелким ремонтом в доме, система «Сделай
сам», подрезать живую изгородь и розовые кусты, гладить собственные рубашки, что
касается обязанностей детей, участвовать в воспитании, оставлять детей в садике, поступать
в соответствии со своими желаниями

7.5 Answer the questions.

1. What are stereotypical responsibilities of a woman in a family?

2. What is a typical role of a husband in a family?
3. What does “do-it-yourself” mean?
4. What are children’s responsibilities in a family?
5. What tendency is becoming more balanced these days?
6. What is the best way out of the situation?

7.6 Form the new words according to the model, translate them into Russian.

telephone – to telephone

contact part start

direct visit play
call place dream

7.7 Study the model:

We used to live in a small village, but now we live in the capital.
Мы раньше жили в маленькой деревне, а сейчас живём в столице.

Complete the sentences with “used to”.

1. David never remembers his wife’s birthday nowadays, but he … ten years ago.
2. I don’t eat sweets any more, but … when I was young.
3. The baby doesn’t cry so much now, but he … all day and all night.
4. When my brother was a child he … to the cinema. Now he watches video at home.

7.8 Read and translate the text. Headline it.

Nowadays, I don’t have very close contact with my father and mother, and I hear news from my
brother. Sometimes I get a letter from my grandmother as well. Also, occasionally, we telephone
each other.
I haven’t felt such a close part of the family unit since my mother and father got divorced.
They’ve been divorced for about eleven years now. I’m 25, by the way, so when they were divorced,
I was 14, and from this age I started to get my independence, started to live my own life a little bit.
When I was younger, though, the family atmosphere was mostly very happy. I remember going
away with my parents for trips in the country, in the park. We had a dog, who was called Badger,
for the first 12 years of life, and for a couple of years after that we had another dog, who was called
Meg. We used to wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning to go to a local park to watch the sun coming
up. The parks were very big in the area where I was born, which was on the edge of the city. So one
side of the village went into the city and the other side of the village went into the countryside, and
in the direction of the countryside there was a huge park, called Bradgate Park, where I used to go
with mum and dad, and my little brother.
During my early childhood, I spent almost all of my time with my mother. She taught us things
and of course cooked for us, and played with us all day, when we were at home. When we went to
school, of course, things were different as well, but my first close connection was really with my
mother. However, when she left, when I was 14, this changed and my relationship with my father
became stronger. Things were never the same after the family broke up, really. I suppose we were
quite a nuclear family in our own way before that, quite an isolated family. We were rarely visited
by friends of the family. Sometimes we would see a few people, but they weren’t very sociable,
really, and my father still isn’t. However, I used to have friends over to stay and go out with and I
stayed with my friends sometimes, and so I had a lot of contact with other children’s parents when I
was younger. Also, of course, I spent a lot of time with my brother in my growing years. My
brother being younger than me, a lot of the time, I must admit, I saw him as a bit of an annoyance,
saw him as being in the way, and we didn’t get on so well a lot of the time, but, of course, we spent
a lot of time together in the summer holidays and we used to play together. Sometimes, often
actually, we’d end up with quarrelling or fighting, maybe that’s usual for young children brought up
in this kind of society.
Every other week, or sometimes every week, we could go at weekend to stay with my
grandmother, who we called Nanna. My grandmother’s really lovely. She never stops making tea.
Every 15 minutes of the day, she comes into the room with a big pot of tea and says: ”Would you
like a nice cup of tea?” She seems to spend half of her life in the kitchen cooking things for when
people come to visit her. How, she’s getting a little bit older, and I think she doesn’t do as much as
she did, but she is a really wonderful person. She takes care of the elderly neighbours around her,
visit them frequently, and for some of them who can’t really walk or get help, she goes and fetches
the shopping.

to have close contacts with – быть близким с кем-либо
to get divorced - развестись
to quarrel – ссориться
to take care of smb – заботиться о ком-либо
to fetch the shopping – помочь с покупками
neigbours – соседи
a nuclear family – очень тесная семья
relationship – отношения
to live one’s own life – жить своей собственной жизнью
sociable – общительный

7.9 Study the information in the text. Mind the constructions with should.

My Own Rules for a Happy Marriage

by James Graver Thurber
Nobody, I hasten to announce, has asked me to formulate a set of rules for the perpetuation of
marital bliss and the preservation of a sacred union. Maybe what we need is a brand-new set of
rules. Anyway, ready or not, here they come, the result of fifty years spent in studying the nature
and behaviour, mistakes and misunderstandings of the American Male and his Mate.
RULE ONE: Neither party to a sacred union should run down, disparage or badmouth the other's
former girls or beaux. The tendency attack their character, looks, intelligence, capability and
achievements is a common case of domestic discontent.
RULE TWO: A man should make an honest effort to get the names of his wife's friends right. This
is not easy. The average wife keeps in touch with at least seven old classmates. These ladies known
as "the girls" are often nicknamed: Molly, Muffy, Missy, Midge, Mabby, Maddy and so on. The
careless husband calls them all Mugs.
RULE THREE: A husband should not insult his wife publicly, at parties. He should insult her in the
privacy of their home.
RULE FOUR: The wife, who keeps saying, "Isn't that just like a man?" and a husband, who keeps
saying, "Oh, well you know how women are," are likely to grow farther and farther apart through
the years.
RULE FIVE: When a husband is reading aloud, a wife should sit quietly in her chair, relaxed but
attentive. If he has decided to read the Republican platform, an article on elm blight, or blow-by-
blow account of a prize fight, it is not going to be easy, but she should at least pretend to be
interested. She should not break in to correct her husband's pronunciation, or to tell him one of the
socks is wrong side out, swing her foot, file her fingernails, catch a mosquito. The good wife allows
the mosquito to bite her when the husband is reading aloud.
RULE SIX: A husband should try to remember where things are around the house so that he doesn't
have to wait for his wife to get home before he can put his hands on what he wants. Perhaps every
wife should draw for her husband a detailed map of the house, showing clearly the location of
everything he might need. Trouble is, he would lay the map down, somewhere and not be able to
find it until his wife got home.
RULE SEVEN: If your husband ceases to call you "Sugarfoot" or "Candy Eyes", or "Cutie Fudge
Pie" during the first year of your marriage, it is not necessarily a sign that he no longer cares or has
come to take you for granted. It is probably an indication that he has recovered his normal
RULE EIGHT: Two persons living in holy matrimony must avoid slipping into the subjunctive mood.
The safest place for a happily married couple is the indicative mood, and of its tenses the present is
the most secure. The future is a domain of threats and worries, and the past is a wasteland of
sorrows and regrets.
I can hope in conclusion, that this treatise itself will not start, in any household, a widening gap that
can never be closed.
bonds of matrimony – узы брака
indicative mood – изъявительное наклонение
subjunctive mood – cослагательное наклонение.
treatise – трактат
household – home, family

7.10 Match the words from the text with their synonyms.

disparage customary, usual

beaux plant disease
mug be in a hurry
blight girl’s admirer
hasten stop, discontinue
average dishonor, undervalue
cease face , grimace

7.11 Write T (true) or F (false) after each of these statements. Explain your choice.

 A man should remember the names of his wife's friends.

 A husband should never insult his wife at parties.
 When a husband is cooking, a wife should sit quietly in her chair, relaxed.
 A husband should wait for his wife to get home before he can put his hands on what he
 The indicative mood is the best for a happily married couple.

7.12 Train the phrase - (I/you/he/she/they should…..) and give your own examples.
Model: A husband should not insult his wife.

7.13 Comment on all the rules formulated by J. G.Thurber. Add your own rules even though
you haven't got J.G. Thurber's experience yet.

7.14 Read and translate the article. Divide the text into several parts and choose in each part
a sentence which best introduces or summarizes the information. Make a short summary of
the article.

Do (strict) Chinese mums know best?

The Observer

Amy Chua claims that soft western parenting fails because it stops children from fulfilling their
potential, whereas her hardline Chinese approach gets results. Journalist Toby Young and
psychologist Oliver James have their say.

Toby Young, journalist and campaigner for “free schools”: The problem with western parents,
Amy Chua says, is that we assume our children are fragile, delicate creatures. We think they'll be
permanently damaged if we push them too hard or express our disappointment if they're under-
achieving. Chinese mothers, by contrast, will chastise and ridicule their children, confident that
they're strong enough to take it. “Chinese parents demand perfect grades because they believe that
their child can get them,” she writes. “If their child doesn't get them, the Chinese parent assumes it's
because the child didn't work hard enough. That's why the solution to substandard performance is
always to excoriate, punish and shame the child.”
A lot of this is exaggerated, of course, and I'm sure many Chinese mothers will resent being
stereotyped in this way. But I like Chua's lack of ambivalence about her own values. She knows her
own achievements are based on back-breaking labour – she's a professor of law at Yale – and wants
her daughters to be as successful as her. She doesn't have any truck with the trendy notion that
children should be allowed to flower in their own way. Her daughters aren't allowed on sleepovers,
they've never watched TV or played computer games and they've never appeared in school plays.
And, yes, they always get As. Apart from in drama and PE, which don't count.
She claims that Chinese children make for more robust adults, having been galvanised in the
hot-house of the Chinese parenting academy. The problem with constantly boosting our children's
self-esteem, telling them they're budding little geniuses when they manage to add 2 + 2, is that
we're setting them up for a fall. We send them out into the world with an inflated idea of their own
abilities and the moment they come face to face with a tough competitor – one of Ms Chua's
daughters, for instance – they collapse like a house of cards. Bye-bye, self-esteem. Hello,
This sounds like a good reason to be a bit tougher on our children, but is it? You're the
psychologist, you tell me.
Oliver James, psychologist and author: Chua is right that the great majority of exceptional
achievement in many domains is the product of hothousing, not in our genes. Whether it be the
Williams sisters, Michael Jackson (who, along with his brothers, was whipped by his father if he
did not come straight home from school and practise singing and dancing until bedtime for every
day of his childhood) or Tiger Woods, such stars' parents hijacked them as vehicles for their own
ambitions by coercing them to focus on a particular skill to the exclusion of any other gratifications
from a very young age. While the vast majority of prodigies do not go on to be exceptional adults,
it's true hothousing is the main cause of exceptional skills in most fields. For instance, studies of
musicians show that from childhood onwards, compared with "mere" orchestral players, soloists
practised for more hours, under more pressure to do so, from earlier ages.
The evidence also shows that indiscriminately positive praise for children, as opposed to praise
for specific efforts, leads to bloated, unreal self-esteem and is one of the reasons for the epidemic of
narcissism now afflicting the USA.
However, there is also very robust evidence that offspring of perfectionist, over-controlling
parents whose love is conditional on performance do worse than ones whose parents love them for
"who they are".
It's not just that such children are at much greater risk of depression, anxiety, eating disorders
and substance abuse. Overall, paradoxically, they actually do worse academically.
Presumably we agree that we both want mentally healthy offspring who have the skills to do well in
fields they enjoy…..

7.15 Read and translate the text.

Children after School

What do American children do if they don't stay after school for extracurricular activities but come
home to an empty house? It is actually not only an American problem, it is a universal problem
because in the modern world in most families both parents work and the children are doomed to
fend for themselves. On the bright side it is true that some children develop independence earlier,
they learn some domestic chores doing part of the house work. But it is not always the rule. Some
children turn to the street.
Children are an adventurous lot both intellectually and emotionally, so they may be en-tangled
with criminal youngsters' gangs.
But if the child is too young and shy and wouldn’t leave home, what would he do? Probably,
watch TV or play video games. These children are often in the grip of fear because though there is
no immediate danger they are afraid of dark corners, intimidated by the house silence and often
develop signs of nervousness which is difficult to treat. Psychologists hold that the sense of fear is
innate in both younger and older children. Over time it can lay the foundation for a temperament
where a person is insecure, and that can be balanced by aggressiveness.
So, in the long run, the child’s loneliness is really something that can affect a child’s future life.
The fact that many children keep returning home from school day after day with the key on a chain
round their neck requires thought. Children cannot be left alone to themselves, most psychologists
insist. Parents and communities must step in to prevent dangerous consequences.

curriculum – course of study
prevent – keep from happening
doom – destine to a grim fate
consequence result; importance
independent – not dependent on or controlled by another person or thing
insecure – not safe
adventure – exciting or dangerous experience
fear – unpleasant sensation caused by danger or pain
immediate – with no delay; nearest
innate – inborn

7.16 Make up a list of dangerous consequences, using the information of the text and steps
which help to prevent them.

consequences steps

7.17 Express agreement or disagreement with the following.

1. The sense of fear is innate in both younger and older children.

2. Children are an adventurous lot both intellectually and emotionally.
3. If a person is insecure, that can be balanced by aggressiveness.
4. Loneliness is really something that can affect a child’s future life.

8.1 В общем виде структура письма на английском языке может быть представлена следу-
ющим образом:
1. Адрес отправителя (sender's address).
2. Дата (date).
3. Адрес получателя (inside address).
4. Обращение (salutation).
5. Зачин, или первая фраза (opening sentence).
6. Текст письма (body of the letter).
7. Заключительная фраза (closing sentence).
8. Заключительная формула вежливости (complimentary close).
9. Подпись отправителя (signature).
10. Постскриптум, т.е. приписка к оконченному письму (P.S. или Postscript).


1. Имя, фамилия отправителя, 2. Марка,

номер квартиры/ дома, указание на способ
название улицы, город, доставки
штат/ район, почтовый

3. Имя,фамилия получателя,
номер квартиры/ дома, название улицы,
город, штат/ район, почтовый индекс,

Образец оформления конверта

J. Wilhelm Stamp
410 Lawrence Street, Apt. 5 REGISTERED MAIL
Ann Arbor MI 48105 AIR MAIL

Mr. J. R. Smith
400 S 5th Avenue, Suite # 80
Detroit, MI, 48202-2831

Дата отправления чаще всего указывается в правом верхнем углу, сразу под адресом
отправителя (если он есть).
Существует несколько вариантов написания даты:
September 7, 1996
September 7th, 1996
7 September, 1996
7th September, 1996

Адрес получателя.
Адрес получателя пишется так же, как и адрес отправителя, и располагается в левой
части страницы, несколько ниже строки с датой.
Перед фамилией лица, которому вы направляете письмо (если это не ваш родственник
или хорошо знакомый), должна обязательно ставиться одна из трех форм: Mr., Mrs., Miss.

Форма обращения в письме зависит от степени знакомства или родственных связей с
лицом, которому вы адресуете письмо. Так, к друзьям или хорошо знакомым вы

Dear John, Дорогой Джон!

My dear John, Мой дорогой Джон!
John, Джон!
Dearest, Дорогой!
My darling, Мой дорогой!

К малознакомым или незнакомым людям:

Dear Mr. Smith, Уважаемый господин/ мистер Смит!

Dear Miss Smith, Уважаемая госпожа/ мисс Смит!
Dear Mrs. Wilson, Уважаемая госпожа/ миссис Уилсон!
Dear Ms. Green, Уважаемая госпожа Грин!
Dear Messrs. Smith and Jones, Уважаемые господа Смит и Джоунз!

В строго официальных по тону и содержанию письмах вы пишете:

My dear Sir: Глубокоуважаемый сэр/ господин!

My dear Madam: Глубокоуважаемая мадам/ госпожа!

В официальных письмах незнакомым людям, фамилий которых вы не знаете,

используются следующие формы:

Sir: Сэр/ Господин!

Dear Sir, Уважаемый сэр/ господин!
Dear Sirs, Уважаемые господа!
Gentlemen: Господа!
Dear Sir or Madam: Уважаемый сэр/ господин или
мадам/ госпожа!
Madam: Мадам/ Госпожа!
Dear Madam, Уважаемая мадам/ госпожа!

Зачин письма обычно состоит из слов благодарности за полученное ранее письмо или
из каких-либо других фраз в зависимости от ситуации.

Текст письма.

Заключительная фраза
Заключительная формула вежливости.
Как и форма обращения, заключительная формула вежливости зависит от того, кому
вы пишете письмо. На русский язык эта формула переводится в зависимости от ситуации
как 'С уважением' или 'Искренне Ваш/ Искренне твой'. Эта формула может иметь несколько
Sincerely yours,
Very sincerely yours,
Yours sincerely,
Yours very sincerely,
Always sincerely yours и т.д.

Близким друзьям и родственникам можно написать:

Affectionately (yours),
Yours affectionately,
Yours with love, Любящий тебя
(Lots of) love,
(Lots of) kisses, Целую

8.2 This is part of a letter from your English pen-pal.

…Do you often have arguments with your parents? I do. My mother thinks that I spend too
much time watching TV. Do you often watch TV?
What programmes do you like best and why? And what do you do when you disagree with
your parents about the programmes to watch?
Write back soon.

Write a letter to Ann answering her questions. Remember the rules of letter writing.

8.3 You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-pal Helen who writes:

I’m going shopping with my mum this afternoon. She wants to buy me some new clothes.
What do you think about modern fashion? Are you brand-conscious? Sometimes my parents don’t
approve of the clothes I prefer wearing…What about you?

Write a letter to Helen answering her questions. Remember the rules of letter writing.

8.4 Read an extract from your pen-pal’s letter. His name is John. In your letter tell him
about your family and ask questions about his plans for the summer.

…Tell me more about your family. What do your parents do? What is your sister like? Do
you get along?
I can’t wait for the summer. I’ve got a lot of exciting plans…

8.5 Read the extract from your pen friend’s letter.

… Do you often meet your friends?
What do you usually do together? And what do you do when you disagree with your parents
about how you spend your free time?
Write back soon.

Write a letter to Jane answering her questions. Remember the rules of letter writing.

8.6 You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-pal called Zoe.

I wish I got more pocket money. Do you get pocket money? How much do you get and what
do you spend it on?
I have to go now. My brother wants me to help him with his homework…

Write Zoe a letter. Tell her about your pocket money and ask her about her brother.



It doesn’t matter what your home is like – Не имеет значения (неважно), какой у Вас дом
country mansion – большой загородный дом (особняк)
modest – скромный
detached house – отдельный дом (как правило на одну семью)
semi-detached house – сблокированный (двухквартирный) дом, каждая половина которого
имеет отдельный вход
to move in a new flat – переезжать в новую квартиру
to one’s own taste – по своему вкусу
to furnish – обставлять мебелью
(three-room) flat – (трехкомнатная) квартира
modern conveniences – современные удобства
central heating – центральное отопление
running water – водопровод
rubbish (refuse) chute [∫u:t] – мусоропровод
hospitality – гостеприимство, радушие
cosy – уютный, удобный
to make smb. feel at home – позволить кому-либо чувствовать себя как дома
front door – входная дверь
to find oneself – оказываться
to greet one’s guests – встречать (приветствовать) гостей
to get the first impression about smth. – получить первое впечатление о чем-либо
carpet – ковер
entrance hall – вестибюль, холл, прихожая
wall – стена
ceiling – потолок
to be papered (with a small pattern) – быть оклеенным обоями (с мелким рисунком)
floor – пол; этаж
spectacular – производящий глубокое впечатление, впечатляющий, эффектный
seat – сиденье
mirror – зеркало
wardrobe – гардероб, платяной шкаф
coat rack – вешалка для одежды
to stretch – тянуться (зд. располагаться)
on the right – справа, с правой стороны
to the right (left) of – направо (налево) от
to lead – вести
comfortable – комфортабельный, удобный
though – хотя, несмотря на
furniture – мебель
bedroom – спальня
double-bed – двуспальная кровать
by the sides of the bed – по обеим сторонам кровати
reading lamp – настольная лампа
table – стол
bed-side table – прикроватная тумбочка
dressing table – туалетный столик
to make up – пользоваться косметикой, краситься
perfumes – духи, парфюмерия
it isn’t a surprise – это не удивительно
to be filled with scents (with sunshine; with the sounds of one’s favourite music; with the
delicious smells of one’s cooking ) – быть наполненным ароматами (солнечным светом,
звуками любимой музыки, восхитительными запахами чьей-то стряпни)
double glazing – двойное остекление, двойные оконные рамы
one’s favourite room – любимая комната
one’s own room – собственная комната
to wake up to the refreshing smell of coffee from the kitchen – просыпаться под бодрящие
ароматы кофе из кухни
window – окно
bright – яркий
full-length curtains – шторы во всю длину
to draw back (curtains) – раздвигать (шторы, занавески)
study – рабочий кабинет
bookshelf – книжная полка
not far from – недалеко от
lamp bracket – бра
chest of drawers – комод
fluffy – пушистый, мягкий
to make one’s room funny and merry – делать комнату забавной и веселой
toy – игрушка
to collect statuettes – собирать статуэтки
to receive guests – принимать гостей
to drink tea with sweets and candies пить чай с конфетами и другими сладостями
to talk about one’s problems, interests and news – разговаривать о своих проблемах,
интересах и новостях
as for … – что касается …
living room (sitting room, drawing-room, lounge) – гостиная, общая комната
chandelier – люстра
sofa – диван, софа
armchair – кресло
table for magazines – журнальный столик
standard lamp – торшер, напольная лампа
lampshade – абажур
wall-unit – мебель стенка
sideboard – сервант, буфет
bookcase – книжный шкаф
colour TV set – телевизор
blinds – шторы, жалюзи
to draw the blinds across the window – задёрнуть шторы (жалюзи)
kitchen – кухня
to chat for hours – непринужденно болтать (беседовать, разговаривать) часами
rather – довольно
cosy – уютный
modern fitted – современно оснащенный (оборудованный)
to face (east) – выходить окнами (на восток)
that’s why – вот почему, поэтому
air – воздух
stool – табурет, табуретка
wonderful – замечательный, изумительный, поразительный, удивительный
gaily-coloured curtains – занавески (шторы) с веселеньким рисунком
in the corner – в углу
gas cooker – газовая плита
(cooker) hood – вытяжка, вытяжной шкаф
cupboard – шкаф, буфет, стенной шкаф
sink unit – раковина, мойка
set of built-in closets – набор встроенных шкафов
electric appliances – электрические приборы
refrigerator (fridge) – холодильник
microwave oven – микроволновая печь
coffee maker – кофеварка
toaster – тостер
dishwasher – посудомоечная машина
vacuum-cleaner (which is usually called a “hoover” in England) - пылесос
house plants – комнатные растения
bathroom – ванная комната
toilet – туалет, уборная, унитаз
to be covered with tiles – быть покрытым кафелем
bath – ванна
washbasin – раковина, умывальник
washing machine – стиральная машина
to be sure – быть уверенным
stylish – стильный, модный, элегантный, изящный
dwelling – жилище, местожительство
reliability – надежность
upstairs – наверху, на верхнем этаже; наверх
downstairs - внизу, на нижнем этаже (здания); вниз (по ступенькам)


1.1 Mind the pronunciation of the following words.

cottage [ ˈkɒtɪdʒ ] furnished [ ˈfɜː(r)nɪʃt ]

chandelier [ˌʃændəˈlɪə(r) ] furniture [ ˈfɜː(r)nɪtʃə(r) ]
conveniences [ kənˈviːniənsiz ] microwave [ ˈmaɪkrəˌweɪv ]
couch [ kaʊtʃ ] refrigerator [ rɪˈfrɪdʒəˌreɪtə(r) ]
cucumber [ ˈkjuːˌkʌmbə(r) ] rubbish chute [ ˈrʌbɪʃ ʃuːt ]
electricity [ ɪlekˈtrɪsəti ] storey [ ˈstɔːri ]

1.2 Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the intonation of the sentences
and the linking [r] in the word combinations there is/there are… . Mind stresses
on prepositions.

'There is a 'thick 'carpet on the ˎfloor.

'Is there a 'telephone on the ͵table?
Be'tween the 'two 'large 'windows there is a 'little ˎtable.
'Near it there is a 'sofa with some ˎcushions.
'There’s a 'clock on the ˎwall.
A'mong them there are 'many 'interesting ˎbooks.
'In it there is a ˎbath.
'In this 'room there are 'two ˎbeds.

1.3 Fill in the puzzle spaces with the words represented by their phonetic symbols.


Across: 2
2. [ˈkɒrɪdɔː(r) ] ___________
4. [ˈɡærɑːʒ ] ____________
7. [ ˈtʃɪmni ] ____________ 3
8. [ ˈlævətri ] ______________ 4
10. [ˈætɪk ] _______________ 5 6


1. [ˈterəs ] _____________
8 9
3. [ ˈbælkəni ] _____________
5. [ˈselə(r) ] _______________
6. [ vəˈrændə ] ______________
9. [ˈtɔɪlət ] ______________

2. My Flat
It does not matter what your home is like — a country mansion, a more modest detached or
semi-detached house, a flat in a block of flats or even a room in a communal flat. Anyway, it is the
place where you once move in and start to furnish and decorate it to your own taste.
I live on the second floor in a three-room flat. It has all modern conveniences: central heating,
running hot and cold water, electricity, gas, a lift, a rubbish chute, telephone and Internet. Even after
the first few minutes in our flat you can feel all hospitality and friendliness of this place and the
family which lives there. Our flat is very warm and cosy, so it makes you feel at home.
As you come in through the front door, you find yourself in a long hall. It is the place where we
greet our guests and where you can get the first impression about our flat. There is a grey carpet on
the floor of our entrance hall, but the walls and the ceiling are papered white. Such contrast between
the dark floor and the light walls is very spectacular. Near the door there is a little seat and a mirror.
A wardrobe with coat racks stretches along the right wall.
The first door on the right of the hall leads into my parents’ bedroom. It is a very comfortable
room, though there isn’t much furniture there. There is a double-bed near the wall and two bed-side
tables by its sides with reading lamps. In front of the bed you can see an elegant dressing table with
a big mirror. It’s the place where my mother makes up every morning. There are always a lot of
perfumes on this table and it isn’t a surprise that the room is always filled with their scents. In my
parents’ room there is also a door leading to a large balcony with double glazing.

My favourite room in our flat is my own bedroom. It is the place where I wake up every
morning to the refreshing smell of coffee from the kitchen. There is a big window in the room, so
when the bright full-length curtains are drawn back, the room is filled with sunshine. My bedroom
is also my study, so you can see a table near the window and three bookshelves on the wall with
various books. Not far from the table there is my bed with a lamp bracket over it and a bed-side
table with a telephone. You can also find a wardrobe, a chest of drawers in my room and a fluffy
carpet on the floor. My room is always filled with the sounds of my favourite music. There are a lot
of beautiful things that make my room funny and merry; I have a lot of toys which sit on my bed
and on the shelves. I collect statuettes, that’s why a lot of them are situated on the chest of drawers
and on the shelves. I like to receive guests in my room where we listen to music, drink tea with
sweets and candies and talk about our problems, interests and news.
As for our living room it is the largest room in our flat. There is a beautiful chandelier on the
ceiling. The walls in this room are white but the sofa and armchairs are red. There is a table for
magazines and a standard lamp with a red lampshade between two armchairs. At the front wall
there is a wall-unit which has several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe, a bookcase and some
shelves. There is also a colour TV set in the living room. In the evening we usually draw the blinds
across the window, and the red lampshade gives a warm colour to the room.
To the right of the hall or in front of the living room there is our kitchen where we sit chatting
for hours in winter. Our kitchen is rather small, but cosy and modern fitted. It faces east, that’s why
there is a lot of sunshine there especially in the morning. The air of this room is usually filled with
the delicious smells of my mother’s cooking. The walls are papered blue with a small pattern. A
table and four stools stand near the window with wonderful gaily-coloured curtains. In the corner to
the left of the door there is a gas cooker with a hood, two wall-cupboards and a sink unit. There also
is a set of built-in closets there. We also have some modern electric appliances. They make our life
more comfortable. We have a refrigerator, a microwave oven, a coffee maker, a toaster and a
dishwasher in the kitchen. And house plants make the kitchen really cosy.
Between the kitchen and the living room there is a bathroom and a toilet. Our bathroom is rather
large. Its walls are covered with blue tiles, but the floor with grey ones. In front of the door there is
a bath. Near it you can find a washbasin and a mirror with some shelves over it. There is also a
washing machine in this room. I’m sure that our bathroom is very stylish and nice.
I love every corner and every thing in my flat. “My home is my castle”, it is my territory, my
dwelling, the place where I feel comfort, warmth and reliability.

3.1 Translate the following international words without a dictionary.

Communal, to start, to decorate, modern, central, electric, electricity, gas, lift, telephone,
Internet, minute, hall, contrast, comfortable, lamp, perfume, balcony, coffee, favourite,
music, to collect, statuette, problem, interest, section, refrigerator, toaster, toilet, style

3.2 Look through the text, pick out words with word-building affixes, define which parts of
speech these words are and be ready to do word-building exercises below.

3.3 a) Make adjectives with the help of the given suffixes, define the parts of speech to the
stem of which these suffixes are added and translate all the words into Russian.

- able to rely, to understand, to love, to enjoy, to laugh, to agree, fashion

- ish child, girl, boy; sweet, green, blue, grey
- ic economy, diplomat, fantast, optimist, realist, ideology, science
-y sun, rain, snow, fog, thirst

b) Find the examples of the adjectives with these suffixes in the text and translate them.
3.4 Point out the suffixes in the following words from the text. Define the parts of speech
these words belong to. Translate the words into Russian. Give your own examples of the
words with the same suffixes if you can.

Elegant, delicious, various, favourite, spectacular; entrance, appliance, impression, furniture

3.5 Point out the suffix in the following nouns. Give the verbs from the stem of which the
following nouns are formed and translate the verbs into Russian.

Toaster, cooker, coffee maker, dishwasher

3.6 Form adverbs from the following adjectives with the help of the suffix -ly and translate
them into Russian.

Warm, cosy, comfortable, elegant, beautiful, funny, merry, special, delicious, wonderful, gay,
modern, stylish, nice

3.7 Read and translate the following groups of derivatives. Mind the word-building suffixes.

To eat – eatable – eatability; hospitable – hospitably – hospitability; friend – friendly –

friendless – friendliness; to comfort – comfort – comfortable - comfortably; paper – to paper –
papery – paperless; place – to place – placement – placeless; bright – brightly – brightness; to
refresh – refreshment; to furnish – furniture; to collect – collector – collection; warm – warmth
– warmly; to rely – reliable – reliably – reliability

3.8 Match the words to make compounds.

arm room
bed cup
vacuum shade
book cleaner
dish room
lamp chair
bath washer
tea case (shelf)

3.9 Use the proper word.

1.A house/home is a building for people to live in and is usually built on more than one level
(storey). 2. A cottage/detached house is a small, old house, especially in the country. 3. A set of
rooms (including a kitchen and bathroom) within a large building is a house/flat. 4. A large grand
house is called a mansion/detached house. 5. A house not connected with any other building is a
semidetached/detached house while one of a pair of joined houses is a dwelling/semidetached house.
7. The place where you live is your house/home whatever type of dwelling it is.

3.10 Say what pieces of furniture, electric appliances and other objects you can usually see in
the following rooms.

entrance hall: …
living room: …
dining room: …
bedroom: …
kitchen: …

3.11 Which of the following pieces of furniture is not a table in fact.

A dressing table, a dining table, a desk, a bedside table, a table for newspapers and magazines,
a coffee table

3.12 Point out the word that doesn’t suit the line.

a) bedroom, living room, classroom, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, toilet, entrance hall;

b) lamp bracket, standard lamp, reading lamp, electric lamp, lampshade, night lamp;

c) sink, refrigerator, microwave oven, coffee maker, vacuum cleaner, washing machine

3.13 Match the words to make pairs of synonyms or antonyms.

stylish cosy
sweets to draw the blinds back
sunshine a lounge
hot water candies
to draw the blinds across the window a hoover
comfortable darkness
a living room a coffee table
a table for magazines cold water
a vacuum cleaner elegant

3.14 Match to make sentences.
1. A house is … a) a room which you use for reading, writing and studying.
2. The floor is … b) a room in a house or a flat where people have their meals.
3. An entrance hall is … c) a building in which we live.
4. A dining room is … d) a piece of equipment that is used for hanging things on.
5. A living room is … e) a device for cooking food in the kitchen using gas or
6. A study is … electricity.
7. A coat rack is … f) the area just inside the front door of the house.
8. A bed is … g) the room where people sit and relax.
9. A sideboard is … h) a piece of furniture that you lie on when you sleep.
10. A washing machine is … i) the flat part of a room that you walk on.
11. A cooker is … j) a machine which you can wash clothes in.
k) a piece of dining room furniture like a low cupboard, used
to hold dishes, glasses, etc.

3.15 Use the required word in each gap.

1. A _________ helps us to move from one floor to another.
2. A _________ contains generally a bed, a desk and a chest of drawers and a wardrobe. We use
it to sleep.
3. We usually watch television and entertain our guests inside a _________ .
4. We can take a bath and get washed in a _________ .
5. A _________ is a passage between the rooms of the house.
6. We use a _________ to serve and eat meals and it is sometimes connected with the kitchen.
7. The place ideal for keeping a car is a _________.
8. Dad uses his computer in a _________ .
9. The best place for a washing-machine is a _________.
10. You open the front-door and you are in the _________.

3.16 Complete the sentences using the words from the Key Vocabulary:
1. We have a large room with a high ceiling and a big window facing south, so the room is always
filled with _________.
2. I like to drink coffee, so in the morning my room is filled with _________.
3. My brother is fond of listening to pop music, so his room is always filled with _________.
4. My mother is a good cook, so our kitchen is always filled with _________.
5. My sister likes to use perfumes. There are a lot of them on the dressing table in her room, so the
room is always filled with _________.
6. Our kitchen is filled with _________ which help to make our life more comfortable.
7. If you don’t use refreshing means your toilet may be filled with unpleasant _________.
8. Our living room is filled with various pieces of _________.
3.17 Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the box:

dishwasher, carpet, mirror, cooker, full-length curtains, cosy, bookcase, door, armchairs,
kitchen, flat, seat, bedside tables, garage, wallpaper, elegant, hall, hood

1). The House of My Dream

People always want to make their dwelling a place, where one feels comfortable and ________ .
A dwelling of my dream is not a _________ but a two-storeyed mansion. And as a real hostess
I’d like to arrange everything in the house according to my taste. Now, let me show you around my
When you come to my place, you push a big wooden front _________, wipe your feet on the
door-mat, and enter a spacious _________ with a wide staircase. The floor is covered with a fluffy
_________, the _________ is light and has a small pattern. There’s a _________ and a small table
near the wall and a huge _________ above it.
Then you enter the living-room. The bright _________ are drawn back, and sunshine fills the
room. The living-room suite, consisting of a sideboard, filled with china and crystal, a _________, a
sofa, an _________ coffee table and two _________, is arranged around the walls. There’s a video
system near the window. But the heart of the living-room is the fire-place by which we can sit for
some time listening to pleasant music or sipping coffee.
On the ground floor there’s also a kitchen and a bathroom. The _________ is a very large room
with a big window. There is a gas _________ with a _________, a cupboard and a sink unit there.
Near the opposite wall there is a _________, a refrigerator and a table.
Let’s go upstairs and have a look at the bedroom. The bedroom suite consists of a bed, two
_________ and a wardrobe. The window overlooks the back yard.
In my house there is also a terrace, a _________, a garden and so many other things I’d like to
have, at least, in my dream house.

3.18 a) Which of these items are in your house? In which room?

• refrigerator • vacuum cleaner • electric heater • washing machine • microwave

• air conditioner • hairdryer • dishwasher • cooker

b) Match the columns. Which of these have you/haven’t you got in your house?

built-in system
central hall
fitted glazing
double wardrobes
entrance kitchen
security heating

Model: There are built-in wardrobes in our house.

But we haven’t got …

3.19 Do the following crossword puzzle.

2. Devices and services that give comfort.
7. A comfortable chair which has a support on each side for your arms.
11. A long passage in a building or a flat with doors and rooms on one or both sides.
12. A piece of furniture which is used for keeping dishes, cups, clothes, etc.
13. A room that contains a bath or shower and washbasin for washing your face and hands.
14. A room that you use for cooking and for household jobs such as washing dishes.
15. A set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a large building.
17. A flat piece of glass which reflects light so that when you look at it you can see yourself
reflected in it.


1. A piece of furniture with shelves for keeping books.

2. A piece of furniture for one person to sit on with a back and four legs.
3. A room which is used for sleeping in.
4. A piece of cloth that you can pull over a window in order to keep out the light.
5. A thick, flat piece of cloth which is used to cover the floor.
6. A long comfortable seat with a back and usually with arms which two or three people can
sit on.
8. A piece of material which hangs from the top of the window and which you pull across.
the window when you want to keep light out or prevent people from seeing you.
9. One of the vertical sides of a building or room.
10. A large container cool inside so that the food and drink in it stay fresh.
16. A piece of furniture in which you can hang your clothes.

1 2 5 6

7 8 10





14 15


3.20 Look at the plan of a flat and decide how you would arrange it. Imagine that you discuss
it with someone of your family. Make use of the phrases below.
Let’s (put, place, hang) … in the middle Давай (поставим, поместим, повесим) ...
посередине …
What about putting ... in the far end of the Как насчет того, чтобы поставить … в
room дальний конец комнаты
What do you think of putting ... in the right- Как ты думаешь, не поставить ли нам … в
hand corner by ... правом углу у …
I think we should (put, place) … in the left- Я думаю, нам следует (поставить, поместить,
hand corner at … повесить) … в левом углу у …
Shall we (put, place, hang) … to the right Не (поставить, поместить, повесить) ли нам
of … … справа от …
Perhaps the best thing would be (to put, Наверное, лучше всего было бы (поставить,
place, hang) …to the left of … поместить, повесить) … слева от …
Everybody puts ... beside … Все ставят … рядом с …
Well, couldn't we (put, place, hang) ... near Что ж, не могли бы мы (поставить,поместить,
… повесить) … около …
Why don't we (put, place, hang) ... (just) Почему бы нам не (поставить, поместить,
opposite … повесить) … (прямо) напротив …

3.21 Identify the rooms in the pictures and say what you can see in these rooms and where
these items are situated using the following prepositions.

1. in front of
2. next to
3. behind
4. opposite
5. on
6. between
7. above
8. in the middle of

3.22 Find an extra word in each line.

It is difficult to generalize about how British people use of the various rooms (1) _________
in their houses. The only safe generalization is that, what in a house with two floors, (2) ______
the rooms on upstairs are the ones used as bedrooms. The toilet (often separate) (3) _________
and bathroom are also usually on upstairs. The living room(s) and kitchen are (4) ___________
on downstairs. The latter is usually small, but those who can afford the space often (5) _______
like to have a ‘farmhouse kitchen’, a big enough for the family to eat in. (6) _______________
Class divisions are sometimes involved in the names used for a rooms. (7) ______________
With living rooms, on for example, the terms ‘sitting room’ and ‘drawing room’ (8) _________
are regarded as upper-middle class, while how ‘lounge’ is regarded as lower class. (9) ________
‘Front room’ and but ‘back room’ are also sometimes looked down on. (10) _______________

3.23 Answer the questions.

1. Can you describe each room of your house? 2. What does the outside of your house look like?
3. Do you like the place where you are living? Why or why not? 4. What is your favorite room
in your house? Why? 5. How many rooms are there in your house? 6. What do you like about
your home? What don’t you like? 7. Which room do you spend the least time in? 8. Who are
your neighbors? Do you get along well with your neighbors? 9. Make a list of the 10 most
important things you would look for when choosing a house to live in. 10. Do you live in a
house or an apartment (flat)? 11. What type of house is it? 11. Do you like being at home alone?
12. What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘home’? 13. Are you a stay-at-home
person or a going-out person? 14. Do you do homework and housework? 15. Is there anything
you hate about your home? 16. Are you jealous of other people’s homes? 17. Would you like to
design your own house? 18. What type of house would you like to live in?


4.1 Choose the right variant.

1. At the moment he _______ a book.

1) is to read
2) are reading
3) am read
4) is reading

2. Yesterday from 5 till 8 we ______ for the test.

1) was preparing
2) were prepared
3) were preparing
4) was preparing

3. The whole morning tomorrow Helen ________ the piano.

1) shall be playing
2) will be played
3) will play
4) will be playing

4. When mother came home, I _________ a letter to my friend.

1) was to write
2) shall write
3) was writing
4) was written

5. When we met Nick in the cinema, he _________to a pretty girl.

1) were to talk
2) was talking
3) will talk
4) never talks

6. She ________her homework when you come.

1) will do
2) will be doing
3) was doing
4) will have to do

7. I wanted to invite her for dinner but she said she _______ for a telephone call.
1) will wait
2) will be waiting
3) was waiting
4) is waiting

4.2 Present, Past or Future Continuous?

1. Felix _________ (to play) golf now. 2. At the moment we _________ (to go) to the zoo. 3. She
_________ (not to learn) a poem the whole evening yesterday. 4. Tomorrow in the morning our
mother _________ (to prepare) a big dinner for our family and the guests. 5. Mr. Brown is busy
right now. He _________ (to work). 6. My friends (to come) to see me. 7. Last Friday from 8 till
9.30 in the morning they _________ (to write) a test. 8. I _________ (to speak) to the secretary
exactly at 7 p.m. tomorrow. 9. The world (to change) quickly. 10. Who _________ (to disturb) me?

4.3 Put 4 types of questions to the given sentence:

George and his family are going to Spain now.

4.4 Match two parts of the sentences correctly:

I were jumping in the rain.

My sister are discussing a problem.
That man am reading a magazine.
Many people is cooking breakfast.
Our teachers was standing near.

4.5 Translate into English:

Сейчас осень. Идёт дождь. Я сижу у окна и учу стихотворение. Вчера весь вечер я готовила
уроки и много читала. Завтра с 8 до 12 утра мы будем слушать лекции и участвовать в
семинарах по психологии, истории и другим предметам. Мой друг не учит стихотворение. Он
спит. Завтра всё утро он будет готовить уроки. Он — студент математического факультета.
Его занятия будут проходить с 1 до 6 вечера.

4.6 Present, Past or Future Continuous?

1. At the moment we _________ (to go) to the Academy. 2. My parents _________ (to come) to see
me. 3. Next Monday from 9.30 till 11 a.m. they _________ (to write) a test. 4. The world
_________ (to change) quickly. 5. Alex _________ (to play) ping-pong now. 6. The whole day our
mother _________ (to prepare) a big dinner for our family. 7. Why she _________ (to cry)? 8. Mrs.
Tompson _________ (not to drink) tea at the moment, she _________ (to watch) the news on TV. 9.
Who _________ (to knock) at the door? 10. From evening till night yesterday I _________ (to
clean) my room.

4.7 Put 4 types of questions to the given sentence:

I am sending a message to my friend.

4.8 Match two parts of the sentences correctly:

Helen were having fun the whole night.

We is asking for milk.
Our group mates was snowing all day long.
It will be taking part in the meeting.
The cat are writing a test just now.
4.9 Translate into English:

Вчера в 7 вечера мы возвращались из кино. Было тепло. На улице гуляло много людей. Мой
друг Дмитрий стоял около академии и разговаривал с какими-то студентами. Они громко
смеялись. Завтра мы все вместе будем играть в футбол в 6 вечера. А сейчас 7 утра, я
завтракаю и читаю газету. С 8 до 10 я буду выполнять лабораторную работу, а затем весь
день буду спать.

4.10 Translate into English. Pay attention to there is|are where necessary.

1. В нашей семье восемь человек: мама, папа, дедушка и бабушка, два брата, тетя и я. 2. В
нашей группе десять студентов. 3. В России более 2000 рек и озер. 4. На этой улице много
новых домов. 5. В комнате лежит собака. 6. В комнате - новый стол и четыре стула. 7. Новый
стол стоит в моей комнате. 8. Книги на полке в шкафу. 9. На небе нет облаков. 10. Эта
комната моя, а та — моей сестры. 11. Дай ему свою ручку, его не пишет. 12. На столе лежат
учебники моих студентов.


5.1 Answer the questions on conversation 1.20.

1. What does the Front Desk Clerk give Consuela?
2. What floor is Consuela’s room on?
3. Which room is she in?
4. What time does the main restaurant close?

5.2 Listen to conversation 1.21 and find these facts:

1. What kind of room does Julie Morrison want?

2. How much will the room be per night?


6.1 Give a talk on where you live. Remember to say what kind of building (house, flat,
etc.) you live in, who you live with, what the neighborhood is like.

6.2 Describe the place you live in. Speak about the rooms, the furniture, modern
conveniences and the design of your flat.

6.3 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a detached house and in an
apartment building.

6.4 Compare living in a country house and in a modern town flat.

6.5 Imagine you can afford a villa on the Black Sea coast. Describe the villa and the

6.6 Speak about the house of your dream.

6.7 Discuss what makes our homes a comfortable place.

6.8 Express your opinion about the importance of living in a place of your own.

6.9 Imagine you are talking to an American. Ask him/her about his place of living and
typical American homes.

6.10 Comment on the following English proverbs: “East or West, home is best”, “There is
no place like home”, “My house is my castle”. How do they characterize English-speaking


7.1 Form the words according to the model, translate them into Russian : real – unreal

7.2 Read the following international words, give the Russian equivalents.
separate, illustrate, status, symbol, extreme, aristocratic, corridor, graffiti, theory, objective, reason,
toilet, image.

7.3 Read and translate the text.

Almost everybody in Britain dreams of living in a detached house; that is, a house which is a
separate building. The saying, ‘An Englishman’s home is his castle’ is well-known. It illustrates the
desire for privacy and the importance attached to ownership which seem to be at the heart of the
British attitude to housing.

Houses, not flats

A large, detached house not only ensures privacy. It is also a status symbol. At the extreme end
of the scale there is the aristocratic ‘stately home’ set in acres of garden. Of course, such a house is
an unrealistic dream for most people. But even a small detached house, surrounded by garden, gives
the required suggestion of rural life which is dear to the hearts of many British people. Most people
would be happy to live in a cottage, and if this is a thatched cottage, reminiscent of a pre-industrial
age, so much the better.
Most people try to avoid living in blocks of flats (what the Americans call ‘apartment blocks’).
Flats, they feel, provide the least amount of privacy. With a few exceptions, mostly in certain
locations in central London, flats are the cheapest kind of home. The people who live in them are
those who cannot afford to live anywhere else.
The dislike of living in flats is very strong. In the 1950s millions of poorer people lived in old,
cold, uncomfortable nineteenth century houses, often with only an outside toilet and no bathroom.
During the next twenty years many of them were given smart new ‘high rise’ blocks of flats to live
in which, with central heating and bathrooms, were much more comfortable and were surrounded
by grassy open spaces. But people hated their new homes. They said they felt cut off from the world
all those floors up. They missed the neighbourliness. They couldn’t keep a watchful eye on their
children playing down there in those lovely green spaces. The new high-rise blocks quickly
deteriorated. The lifts broke down. The lights in the corridors didn’t work. Windows got broken and
were not repaired. There was graffiti over the walls.
In theory (and except for the difficulty with supervising children), there is no objective reason
why these high-rise blocks (also known as ‘tower blocks’) could not have been a success. In other
countries millions of people live reasonably happily in flats. But in Britain they were a failure
because they do not suit British attitudes. The failure has been generally recognized for several
years now. No more high-rises are being built. At the present time, only 4 % of the population live
in one. Only 20 % of the country's households live in flats of any kind.
The image of a home as a castle implies a clear demarcation between private property and the
public domain. This is very clear in the case of a detached house. Flats, on the other hand, involve
uncertainties. You share the corridor outside your front door, but who with? The other residents on
the same floor, or all the residents in the building? What about the foyer downstairs? Is this only for
the use of the people who live in the block, or for the public in general? These uncertainties perhaps
explain why the ‘communal’ living expected of flat-dwellers has been unsuccessful in most of

detached house - отдельный дом
thatched cottage – дом, крытый соломенной крышей
ownership – собственность
to ensure – предоставлять, обеспечивать
to avoid (doing) smth – избегать, уклоняться от
to hate – ненавидеть
to feel cut of from - чувствовать себя отрезанным от мира
to miss smb – скучать по кому-либо
to be dear (to) – быть дорогим кому-либо
reminiscent – напоминающий, вызывающий воспоминания
to dream of smth – мечтать о
high-rise blocks – многоэтажные дома
household – семья
to deteriorated – вырождаться, разрушаться

7.4 Answer the questions.

1. What does almost everybody in Britain dream of?
2. What does the saying “An English-man’s home is his castle” illustrate?
3. Why is a detached house is dear to the hearts of many British people?
4. Why do most people try to avoid living in blocks of flats?
5. Can you point out the reasons for witch the ‘communal’ living is unsuccessful in Britain?


8.1 You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-pal Tom who writes:

…In Great Britain most young people want to become independent from their parents as
soon as possible. Could you tell me what you and your friends think about not relying on your
parents? Are you ready to leave your family immediately after you finish school? Is it easy to rent
a house or an apartment for students in Russia? As for the latest news, I have just returned from a
trip to Scotland…

Write a letter to Tom.

In your letter:
− answer his questions
− ask 3 questions about his trip to Scotland.

8.2 Write a letter to your pen-pal Mary, who has just moved to a new house. In your letter
ask Mary about her new place of living.
8.3 You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-pal James who writes:

I hope you are happy with your new house. What is your bedroom like? Is there plenty to do
in your new neighborhood? I’m going on holiday with my family next week. I think it will be great

Write a letter to James, tell him about your house and ask him questions about his



leisure (spare) time – свободное время, досуг

to have spare time – иметь свободное время
to spend leisure time – проводить свободное время
to rest – отдыхать
to occupy one’s precious leisure time – занимать чье-либо драгоценное время
pursuit – занятие, дело; профессия
to prefer – предпочитать
favourite occupation – любимое занятие
hobby – хобби, увлечение, любимое занятие, страсть
activity – деятельность
entertainment – развлечение
to run a hobby – иметь хобби, увлекаться
to feel bored – чувствовать скуку
to go in for sport (swimming, etc.) – заниматься спортом (плаванием и т.д.)
to lead an active way of life – вести активный образ жизни
amateur – любитель, непрофессионал
to do sport (for fun) – заниматься спортом (ради удовольствия)
for exercise – для тренировки, в качестве зарядки
to keep fit – поддерживать (сохранять) хорошую физическую форму, укреплять здоровье
to cheer for one’s favourite team – болеть за любимую команду
to prefer watching sporting events on TV to attending them – предпочитать смотреть
спортивные соревнования по телевизору, а не посещать их
to pass away one’s free time – коротать свободное время
stay-at-home (person) – домосед
to spend day and night (doing smth.) – проводить круглые сутки (занимаясь чем-либо)
endless number of soaps – бесконечная вереница мыльных опер
the perfect way to spend free time – идеальный способ провести свободное время
to range from … to … – приобретать различные формы (варьироваться) от … до …
to be extremely popular – быть чрезвычайно популярным
to be tired – уставать
to need some time to relax – нуждаться в каком-то количестве времени, чтобы
расслабиться (отдохнуть, сделать передышку)
in this case – в этом случае
to switch on – включать
CD-player – плеер
mini-system – музыкальный центр
to have background music while working – работать под тихо звучащую музыку (под
музыку, звучащую на заднем плане)
teenager – подросток; юноша или девушка (в возрасте от 13 до 19 лет), тинэйджер
to attract smb. by voice or appearance – привлекать кого-либо голосом или внешним видом
to drive smb. crazy – сводить кого-либо с ума
to such an extent – до такой степени
to be ready to follow smb. to the ends of the earth – быть готовым следовать за кем-либо на
край света
fan – болельщик, фанат, почитатель, любитель
to join a fan group – вступить в группу фанатов, присоединиться к группе фанатов
to network with other hobby enthusiasts – переписываться по Интернету с другими ярыми
поклонниками этого хобби
to share interests – разделять чьи-либо увлечения (интересы)
art gallery – картинная галерея
to go to the theater (to the cinema) – ходить в театр (в кино)
to be widespread – быть широко распространённым
to be mad about smth. – быть без ума от (чего-л.) , быть помешанным на (чём-л.)
motorbike – мотоцикл
fishing – рыбалка
to be popular among stronger sex – быть широко распространенным среди представителей
мужского пола
a pastime – времяпровождение
to do a crossword puzzle – решать кроссворд
to train one’s brain – тренировать мозг
to be keen on smth. – (страстно) увлекаться чем-либо
to make up one’s own puzzle – составить свой собственный кроссворд
according to one’s mood – в соответствии с настроением, по настроению
the world of fashion – мир моды
to develop fast – быстро развиваться
to be gradually replaced by smth – быть постепенно замененным чем-либо
to spend a lot of time in World Wide Web – проводить много времени во «Всемирной
to get information – получать информацию
moreover – сверх того, более того, кроме того
way of communicating with people – способ общения с людьми
to chat – непринужденно болтать, беседовать, разговаривать
to explore the Internet all day long – целый день копаться в Интернете
both grown-ups and children – как взрослые, так и дети
to be fond of (doing smth.) – любить, увлекаться чем-либо
to play different computer games – играть в различные компьютерные игры
relatively – относительно, сравнительно
to breathe fresh air – дышать, вдыхать
to travel – путешествовать
to escape from daily routine – вырваться из будничной жизни
to discover new things – открывать для себя (узнавать) новые вещи
to deal with - иметь дело с (кем-л.)
to include – включать (в себя), содержать (в себе)
handicraft – ремесло, ручная работа
to fix as a hobby – выбирать в качестве хобби
stamp – (почтовая) марка
coin – монета
record – видео- или аудиозапись (на любом виде носителя), грампластинка (виниловый
музыкальный диск)
postcard – открытка
a good deal of money – много денег
to collect paintings – собирать художественные полотна (картины)
rare – редкий
art objects – произведения искусства
in this case – в этом случае
to be a rather expensive activity.
to exist – существовать
quite a different sort of leisure activities – совсем другой вид проведения досуга
to bet – держать пари, спорить на деньги
to gamble – играть в азартные игры
to give hope for a huge prize – давать надежду на огромный приз
to arouse a sense of excitement – пробуждать (вызывать) чувство возбуждения (волнения)
consuming passion – всепоглощающая страсть
intention – намерение, стремление
to make money from a hobby – "делать" деньги посредством хобби
to lead to a trouble – приводить к беде
to be wise – быть мудрым, благоразумным
to put down a hobby – отказаться от хобби
as soon as possible – как можно скорее


1.1 Mind the pronunciation of the following words.

biathlon [ baɪˈæθ.lən] genre [ ˈʒɑ:nrə]

billiards [ ˈbɪliə(r)dz ] gymnastics [ dʒɪmˈnæstɪks]
enthusiast [ ɪnˈθjuːziæst] leisure [ ˈleʒə(r) ]
equipped [ ɪˈkwɪpt] require [ rɪˈkwaɪə(r) ]
equipment [ ɪˈkwɪpmənt] pleasure [ ˈpleʒə(r) ]

1.2 Consult a dictionary and write the following literary genres in phonetic

comedy historical novels psychological novels

crime fiction legend science fiction
detective stories love story sea stories
fairy tales mystery short stories
fantasy myths thrillers

1.3 Practise the pronunciation of the - ing form in the names of hobbies.

boating fencing skiing

body building figure skating skydiving
bowling power lifting sledding
camping rowing snowboarding
hiking sailing hunting
cycling shooting wrestling
diving skateboarding speed skating
Leisure Time

Nowadays people work all day long and rarely have spare time to rest and to do something they
like. But when time allows they try to occupy their precious leisure time with the pursuit they prefer.
A favourite occupation of a person in his free time is his hobby. At present it’s even hard to name
all the activities, entertainments and hobbies that people run in their free time. There are a lot of
things to do that can help you not to feel bored.
Many people prefer to go in for different kinds of sports and lead an active way of life. But most
of them are amateurs and do sport just for fun, for exercise and to keep fit. Aerobics is one of the
most popular sporting pursuits for women. Many men like to go to the stadium and to cheer for
their favourite team there. But a growing number of people prefer watching sporting events on TV
to attending them.
Watching TV is, by the way, a very popular pursuit that people choose to pass away their free
time. Stay-at-home persons spend day and night watching different informational, educational and
sports programs or an endless number of soaps.
Nowadays the perfect way to spend free time is listening to music. People’s musical interests
range from pop and rock music, which are extremely popular at present, especially among young
people, to classical music and opera. Very often a person is so tired that he can’t move any longer
and his brains need some time to relax. In this case he may switch on his CD-player or mini-system
with favorite music. Some people like to have background music while they are working. Many
teenagers have pop idols that attract them by their voice or appearance and drive them crazy to such
an extent that they are ready to follow them to the ends of the earth. Many music fans join various
fan groups and network with other enthusiasts of this hobby with whom they share their interests.
Other popular occupations are visiting museums, art galleries and going to the theater or cinema.
Shopping and cooking are widespread among women. A great number of men are mad about their
cars or motorbikes. They spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing them, painting them or
buying new bits and pieces to make them go even faster. Fishing is also very popular among
stronger sex.
An interesting and useful pastime is doing crossword puzzles. It trains your brain. Those who
are keen on this activity sometimes try to make up their own puzzles, which is not less interesting.
Reading books, papers and magazines is also a way of spending leisure time. You can choose a
genre according to your mood and read whatever you want. From magazines and papers you know
the latest news in the world of politics, fashion, cooking, technology, etc. But technology is
developing so fast that this way of getting information is being gradually replaced by the other one.
Nowadays a great number of people spend a lot of time in World Wide Web getting information
there. Moreover the Internet is a way of communicating with people. And people all over the world
sit at the computers chatting or exploring the Internet all day long. Both grown-ups and children are
fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more
and more popular.
But some people prefer to go to a country to breathe fresh air or to travel somewhere. People
like to visit other places to escape from daily routine and discover new things that they can never
see or learn at home.
There are a lot of hobbies dealing with making things. They include drawing, painting, making
sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts or DIY and others.
Collecting things is also an activity that many people fix as a hobby. Almost everyone collects
something at some period of his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys,
watches and other things. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and
other art objects. In this case it is a rather expensive activity.
But there exists quite a different sort of leisure activities, betting and gambling for example,
which give thousands of people hope for a huge prize, arouse a sense of excitement, a consuming
passion and intention to make money from the hobby. That sort of consuming passion may lead to a
trouble and it is wise to put those hobbies down as soon as possible.

2.2 Find the term DIY in the text, look through its definition and give the Russian definition
of this term:

Do it yourself (or DIY) is a term used to describe building, modifying, or repairing of

something without the aid of experts or professionals. It is also used to describe crafts such
as knitting, sewing, handmade jewelry, ceramics, etc.

3.1 Translate the following international words without a dictionary:

To occupy, person, hobby, sports, active, aerobics, popular, information, program, pop
music, rock music, classical music, opera, to relax, CD-player, teenager, idol, to attract, fan,
fan group, enthusiasts, interest, to visit, museum, gallery, theater, crossword, genre, politics,
technology, Internet, to communicate, computer, routine, sculpture, costume, to collect,
period, to fix, object, sort, prize

3.2 Look through the text, pick out words with word-building affixes, define which parts of
speech these words are and be ready to do word-building exercises below.

3.3 Find compounds in the text and translate them.

3.4 Find in the text the words with the suffixes –ture and –sure, define the part of speech they
belong to and give your own examples of the words with these suffixes.

3.5 a) Translate the following groups of words formed with the help of conversion.
Free – to free, favourite – a favourite, program – to program, interest – to interest, need – to
need, switch – to switch, group – to group, share – to share, paper – to paper, new – news,
chat – to chat, air – to air, design – to design, sort – to sort, hope – to hope

b) Find the words formed with the help of conversion in the text.

3.6 Read and translate the following groups of derivatives. Mind the word-building suffixes.

Act – to act – actor – action – active – activity – activate – activation, to educate – educator
– education – educational, to inform - informer – information – informational, to entertain –
entertainment, to pursue – pursuit, possible – possibly – possibility, to relax – relaxation

3.7 Use the words given in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits in the
gap in the same sentence.

1. I am very tired and need some time for _________. (RELAX)

2. Hobby is a wonderful _________ for leisure time. (OCCUPY)
3. Playing basketball is a highly enjoyable _________ for me. (ACTIVE)
4. Going to the cinema is the _________ which I prefer to anything else. (ENTERTAIN)
5. If you have a hobby your life becomes more _________. (INTEREST)
6. I am a theatre- _________. (GO) Theatre is my passion. I want to be an actress.
7. Some hobbies are rather _________. (EXPENSE)

3.8 Choose the verb which completes all the expressions in each box.
to get to have to keep to play to go to do

1. the shopping 2. house 3. in for sports

crossword puzzles the flat tidy fishing
the bed fit to the cinema
sport a secret dancing/clubbing
cooking a word for a walk
4. the guitar 5. an occupation 6. married
board games a good time information
cards a rest ready
computer games breakfast the first impression
chess fun together along well with smb.

3.9 Which of the following verbs doesn’t collocate with the noun “hobby”.

to select
to have
to spend
to put down a hobby
to share
to try
to run
to pursue

3.10 Cross out the odd word:

rather expensive
popular among smb.
replaced by smth
to be mad about smth
fond of smth.
keen on smth.

3.11 Use the required preposition.

1. I am not interested … pop music but I am keen … rock music. 2. He is not very fond … dancing.
3. They are mad … collecting stamps. 4. Exploring the Internet is widespread … people of all ages.
5. It is a strange way … getting information. I don’t like it. 6. Volleyball is very popular … the
students of our university. 7. I don’t want to occupy my leisure time … this boring occupation.
8. Nobody knows when this picture in our art gallery was replaced … its imitation. 9. She has no
hobby to run … her free time. 10. He keeps fit because he goes in … sports. 11. If you want to
escape … daily routine, fix traveling … your hobby. 12. I prefer watching soaps … TV … going …
the cinema.
3.12 Match the words to make pairs of synonyms or antonyms.

to relax pastime
to switch on youth
hobby emotion
active to rest
pursuit busy
passion often
teenager occupation
rarely professional
free to switch off
amateur passive

3.13 Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things
and learning things.
Arrange the following words connected with certain classes of hobbies by putting them
into the correct column.

amateur theatre, board games, books, foreign languages, cards, postcards, knitting, computer
games, stamps, gardening, classical music, painting, photography, postcards, crossword puzzles,
the Internet, cooking, matchbox labels, traveling, sewing, gambling, toys, reading, aerobics,
fishing, shopping

doing things making things collecting things learning things

3.14 Match each hobby with the benefits people get from it. More than one answer is possible.
a. Stamp-collecting 1. More general knowledge
b. Writing to pen-friends 2. An introduction to foreign languages
c. Gardening 3. Pride in the way things look
d. Sport 4. Keeping fit
e. Art 5. Meeting people
f. Music 6. Discipline
g. Tourism 7. Enjoying the beautiful
h. Painting 8. Discovering new things

3.15 Make sentences with the words from the table. Say what you like or dislike doing when
you have leisure time.
Swimming letters to friends is one of my hobbies
Walking in the garden is not among my interests
Reading to good music is my favourite weekend activity
Listening football occupation
Writing in the sea way of spending my time
Working in the park
Playing detective stories

3.16 Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B. Tick (٧) the phrases
which apply to you.
1. I study a lot. I have no a. to keep fit
2. Playing computer games is b. a drama society
3. I joined the club c. fun
4. Dancing is d. doing crossword puzzles
5. I go in for sport e. leisure time
6. I am crazy about f. amusing
7. I love theatre. I attend g. to meet interesting people
8. I am keen on h. knitting
9. I enjoy i. pop music
10. I love g. poetry and art

3.17 Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the list below.
The difference between A PASTIME and A HOBBY

Both words are perhaps used to denote the same _________– something that you do for pleasure
and _________ during _________ . However, you have more personal interest, almost an emotion,
invested in a _________ . A _________ is something you do when you have nothing better to do at
the moment. You may do _________ , read novels, _________ , or teach your younger brother how
to dig in volleyball – they may not necessarily be _________, but they help you _________ on a
dull afternoon.

pastime, spare time, pass the time, activity, hobby, hobbies, watch TV, crossword
puzzles, relaxation
3.18 Complete each sentence in a logical way using the words from the Key Vocabulary.

4. A hobby is _________.
5. People can collect different things: _________.
6. Hobbies popular among stronger sex are _________.
7. Women prefer _________.
8. Hobbies dealing with making things are: _________.
9. Stays-at-home are fond of _________.
10. Teenagers are keen on _________.
11. I have little spare time but _________.
12. The Internet is very popular nowadays because _________.
13. Never run such hobbies as _________ because _________.

3.19 Answer the questions.

1. What do you usually do in your free time? 2. Do you often watch TV? 3. What is your
favourite TV channel? 4. What is your favourite TV program? 5. Do you often read books? 6.
What is your favourite literary genre? (tragedy, comedy, short stories, fantasy, mystery, crime
fiction, detective stories, love stories, thrillers, psychological novels, historical novel, science
fiction, sea stories, fairy tales, myths and legends) 7. Who is your favourite writer? 8. Do you
often go to the cinema? 9. What is your favourite film genre? (action films, adventure films,
comedies, crime (gangster) films, drama, historical films, horror films, musical films, science
fiction, war films, westerns, love story) 10. Who is your favourite actor/actress? 11. Who is your
favourite film director? 12. Do you do any sport regularly? 13. What is your favourite sport?
(alpinism and mountain climbing, badminton, basketball, beach volleyball, biathlon, billiards,
boating, body building, bowling, camping and hiking, checkers, chess, cycling, darts, diving,
fencing, figure skating, fitness, football, gymnastics, handball, ice hockey, oriental combat,
racing, motorcycle racing, horse racing, paintball, power lifting, rowing, sailing, shooting,
skateboarding, skiing, skydiving, sledding, snowboarding, speed skating, sport dance, table
tennis, tennis, track and field athletics, underwater hunting, wrestling) 14. Have you ever tried
any extreme sport? 15. Is there a lot of sport facilities in your neighbourhood ? 16. Do you like
listening to music? 17. Do you often listen to music when you’re at home? 18. Do you often
listen to music when you’re out? 19. What is your favourite kind of music? (classical / pop/
folk / dance music, hip hop, rock, jazz) 20. Who is your favourite singer? 21. What is your
favourite music band? 22. Do you often go to concerts? 23. Do you like traveling? 24. Do you
travel a lot? 25. Do you like playing computer games? 26. Have you ever heard of somebody
having a very unusual hobby? What is the hobby? 27. Do your friends have similar hobbies to
yours? 28. How much free time do you have for your hobbies each week? 29. Can you tell me
the differences between hobby and pastime? 33. What do you like doing? 34. What sort of
hobbies do you have? 35. What do you like doing in your spare time? 36. Have you got a
hobby? If so, what is it? 37. Is it an expensive hobby in your country? 38. What do teenagers
like doing in your country? 39. What hobbies are usually expensive in your country? 40. What
do you like about your hobby? 41. How much time do you spend on your hobby? 42. Is your
hobby a common hobby in your country? 43. Are there any new hobbies that you would like to
take up? 44. Have you ever been abroad? 45. Are there any games / sports that you watch but
don’t play / do? 46. What games / sports do you play / do? 47. What games / sports are you
good at?


4.1 Put in model verbs or their equivalents.

1. My uncle ________ swim very well.

2. I ________ do it right now.
3. ________ I call him later?
4. We ________ go with you, because you will need helpers.
5. Peter ________ do it very well, just ask him!
6. Why didn't you come? I told you, you ________.
7. Who ________ give me a piece of advice?
8. Her dad likes to repeat that when he was young he ________ run for ours without z stop.
9. Soon my friend ________ to start working.

4.2 Complete the dialogue with can or can’t

1: Mum, ____ I have my pocket money early this week?

2: No, you ____! I only gave it to you yesterday.
1: _____ you give me next week’s pocket money? I want to buy a present for Barbara’s birthday
2: You ____ go to Barbara’s birthday party.
1: Why ____ I go to the party? I went to Jenny’s party.
2: Laura! You know the answer to that. You ____ go to the party because you have exams the next
day. You ___ go to parties after the exams, OK?
1: I ____ go if I want to.
2: No, Laura! You ___ .
1: I ___ do anything I want to. I’m not a child, Mum. I’m sixteen.
2: Yes. Only sixteen. That’s why you ___ go to a party the night before an exam.
4.3 Translate into English.

1. Я не должен идти туда.

2. Ее двоюродная сестра хорошо умеет играть на гитаре.
3. Можно я пойду домой?
4. Скоро ты сможешь декорировать свою новую комнату на свой вкус.
5. Ты никогда не умел танцевать.
6. Должен ли я позвонить ему прямо сейчас? – Нет, не нужно.
7. Кто это был? – Это мог быть любой из нас.
8. Кто может ответить на вопрос? – Можно мне?
9. Справа от кухни вы можете увидеть гостиную.
10. Моя сестра должна мыть пол в детской комнате.
11. Зачем ты привела эту грязную собаку домой? – Можно она поживет у нас?
12. Тихими зимними вечерами мы можем сидеть у камина на диване и дружески беседовать.
13. Они вынуждены уехать раньше.
14. Здесь запрещено курить.

4.4 Past Perfect or Past Simple? Put in a suitable verb, mind the form of the verbs!

1. Last year we ________ to England.

2. By that moment she realized that her puppy ________ back home.
3. Nick walked for a while and suddenly thought that he ________ his best friend yet.
4. _____ you ________ lunch?
5. I came home, had supper and then recollected that I ________ my umbrella in the taxi.
6. In the corner there ________ a table and three chairs.

4.5 Make up one sentence using Past Perfect.

Example: I wrote the test. Then I left the room.
I left the room after I had written the test.
1. Mr Loveday went out of the room. Then they started discussing the news.
2. Jenny finished her composition. Then she began to clean the floor.
3. I selected a pair of fashionable gloves. Then I paid for them.
4. Fred lost his mobile. And his mother gave him her own.
5. He paid for the dinner. Then he left the restaurant.
6. Kelly’s father got into a snowstorm. Then he caught a cold.
7. Mrs Ray came to the café. And we started the party.

4.6 Future Simple or Future-in-the Past?

1. I ________ (to take) an umbrella if it rains. 2. Dear Sarah, I’m writing to tell you I ________ (to
be) in Edinburgh next week. 3. She thought dad ________ (to be) happy if she gave him this book.
4. Do you think it ________ (to snow) tomorrow? 5. We’re lost. I ________ (to stop) and ask the

way. 6. I hope my parents ________ (to give) me a puppy as a birthday present. 7. Soon we
________ (to leave) the city and ________ (to go) abroad.

4.7 Combine the separate words into sentences. Use Present Perfect.

1. He | travel | Australia ___________________________________________________

2. They | travel | England __________________________________________________
3. We | visit| museums ____________________________________________________
4. Helen | go | shopping _______________________________________________
5. Mother | cook | my favourite pie ____________________________________________
6. Some of them | discover | new places ________________________________________
7. The reason | find ________________________________________________________

4.8 Complete the sentences with Present Perfect.

1. I ________________football at home. (to watch)
2. She ______________ in St. Petersburgh. (to study)
3. We ______________the National Park. (to visit)
4. They _______________ in Singapore. (never, to live).
5. My friends _____________in a lot of hotels. (to stay)
6. I ________________ a lot. (to travel)
7. His family _______________ Indian food. (to try)
4.9 Choose the right variant among the given ones.

1. Right now I ___ a test in English.

a) write b) was writing c) will be writing d) am writing

2. Some years ago Bob ___ very good at skiing.

a) Is b) were c) was d) will be

3. Who ___ to the cinema with you last Sunday?

a) did go b) went c) goes d) will go

4. As a rule I get to the University ___ bus.

a) with b) by c) in d) on

5. This house is ___ than that one.

a) old b) older c) more old d) the oldest

6. This book is very popular. It ___ by many students in Russia.

a) has read b) is read c) reads d) don’t read

7. We go ___ London every summer.

a) to b) in c) into d) within

8. Do you have ___ English magazines? – Yes, I have ___ .

a) any, some b) any, no c) some, few d) any, little
9. When ___ you usually get up?
a) does b) had c) do d) were

10. When ___ he get up?

a) do b) is c) shall d) does

11. I didn’t eat much for lunch, only ___ sandwich.

a) a b) the c) 0

12. I went ___ the theatre last Sunday.

a) for b) to c) 0

13. I am going ___ .

a) to the home b) to home c) home

14. The film was ___ .

a) interesting b) interested c) interest

15. I am sorry, I can’t talk to you right now. I have ___ time.
a) little b) a little c) every

16. Who ___ in this house?

a) lives b) does live d) is live

17. I prefer ___ car.

a) a bigger b) a more bigger c) the most bigger

18. He ___ skate. His leg is broken.

a) doesn’t b) isn’t c) weren’t

19. We stayed at home because it ___ raining.

a) was b) is c) will be

20. (Все) knows him.

a) everything b) nobody c) everybody

21. Has he ___ friends? – Very ___ , as far as I know.

a) some, any b) any, few c) a few, nothing

22. You are from Barnaul, ___?

a) does he? b) aren’t you c) isn’t it

23. Who ___ to participate in different activities?

a) shall like b) does like c) likes

24. Yesterday from 4 till 7 they ___ for the test.

a) are preparing b) were preparing c) was preparing

25. When ___ you go home next week?
a) was b) shall c) will

26. It is such a good film. I thought it would be ___ .

a) better b) worse c) the worst

27. Bob often ___ Mary.

a) telephones b) was telephoning c) will never telephone

28. The dialogue ___ by heart.

a) to be learnt b) was learnt c) learns

4.10 Put the right forms of the verbs.

1. When the morning came, the storm already _________(to stop), but the snow still _________ (to
fall). 2. Yesterday by eight o’clock he _________ (to finish) all his work, and when I _________ (to
come) to his place at nine, he _________ (to read). 3. I _________ (to wait) for permission to go
abroad for three weeks already, but I _________ (not to receive) the visa yet. 4. Everybody
_________ (to be) at the door of the museum, but my friend _________ (not yet to come). 5. We
_________ (to drink) tea when the telephone _________ (to ring). 6. Johnny noticed that everybody
_________ (to look) at him, and he _________ (to feel) shy. 7. When he _________ (to come)? I
_________ (to wait) for him for half an hour already. 8. When I _________ (to come) to Peter’s
house last Sunday, he _________ (to read) a new book. He _________ (to say) he _________ (to
give) it to me soon. Today I _________ (to take) it from him. I _________ (to finish) it by Friday.

5.1 Time out

Listen to Kristen, an American 16-year old, completing the questionnaire and fill in her
answers. Are her answers the same as you expected?

Write often, sometimes or never.

Computer activities
Going to movies
Watching TV

Which other activities do you do in your free time that aren’t listed above?

5.2 Extreme sports

Listen to Paula describing her first experience of base jumping. Tick the things from the list
that she mentions.

a. The location of the place where she jumped.

b. The exact amount of parachuting she had done before.
c. The exact amount of parachuting her friends had done before.
d. How long it took them to climb to the top of the ridge.
e. Why they chose that particular jump for her.
f. A difference between skydiving and base jumping.
g. What injury her friend had.
h. How long he had to stay in hospital.

5.3 Popular television

A Listen to three TV executives discussing a possible new reality TV show. What is the best
title for the show?

a. Football academy
b. Sports academy
c. Celebrity football academy
d. Celebrity sports academy

B Answer the questions.

a. How long would the young people stay in the training school?
b. Why don’t they want to have a programme on just school?
c. What would the programme concentrate on, apart from the sports?
d. What would the winner get?

5.4 Holidays
Listen to the family discussing what type of holiday to have. What is their final decision?

5.5 Texting
Listen to four teenagers talking about their texting habits.

Who sends the most texts?

Why do they enjoy texting so much?
Why do you think that the majority of texters are teenagers?


6.1 Speak about your typical day off.

6.2 Discuss spending your free time from the point of view of social and family life.

6.3 Speak about the advantages and disadvantages of clubbing and nightlife in Barnaul.

6.4 Describe your active and passive leisure habits. Remember to speak about doing sports,
your recipe for keeping fit.

6.5 Tell the group if you are into the Internet surfing and playing net games.

6.6 Imagine you are talking to an English person about his favorite pastime.

6.7 Comment on the following: Tell me what your hobby is and I will tell you what you are.

6.8 Speak about your hobby.

6.9 Discuss different ways of spending a vacation.

6.10 Talk about what you enjoy doing and don't like doing in your free time.


7.1 Write out the transcription of the given international words from the dictionary, read and
translate them.

Collect, decorate, imitate, routine, regular, aerobics, yoga, rhythm, design, object, aspect, definition,
exotic, gallery, private.
7.2 Study the model and use it in your own sentences.
Model: No matter what people collect, it gives them pleasure.
Что бы люди ни коллекционировали, это доставляет им удовольствие.

7.3 Pre-reading focus.

- What is a hobby? What hobbies do you know?
- Write down the definition of the word “hobby”.
- Make out a list of hobbies.

7.4 Read the text “Hobbies”.

While reading the text:
- compare your definition of the word “hobby’ with the definition given in the text,
- classify hobbies, write down examples of hobbies,
- compare your list of hobbies with the classification given in the text.

In the 16th century a favorite toy for children of all ages was the hobbyhorse. In appearance a
hobbyhorse could be as simple as a stick, or it could have a decorated wooden framework with an
imitation horse's head attached. Whether simple or elaborate, children used them for the games of
the time involving war and knighthood, much as children in the early part of the 20th century
played cowboys and Indians. In time the popularity of the hobbyhorse declined, but the pleasure of
doing something outside the routine activities of daily life had brought a new word into the
language, the word hobby which is a shortened form of hobbyhorse.
Hobbies today include a vast range of activities. The definition that best covers all these
activities is probably constructive leisure-time activities. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have
chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more
interesting. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting
things, and learning things. The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide
variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.
Sport has always been popular in our country. Millions of people watch figure skating
competitions, hockey and football matches, car races, tennis tournaments and other sports events.
Certainly watching sports events and going in for sports are two different things. Now everybody
knows that sport can be a profession and a business. But sport can be fun as well. Besides, it helps
to stay in good shape, to keep fit and to be healthy. Doing sports is becoming more and more
popular. Some people do it occasionally - swimming in summer, skiing or skating in winter - but
many people go in for sports on a more regular basis. They try to find time to go to a swimming
pool or a gym at least once a week for aerobics or yoga classes, body building or just work-out on a
Gardening is one of the oldest of man's hobbies. It's a well-known fact that the English are very
fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.
Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling, they travel to enjoy
picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It's always interesting to discover new things,
different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical
rhythms. Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting
museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers
usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe
and laze in the sun.
Most travellers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that
interests them - the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, valleys,
plains, waterfalls, forests; different kind of trees, flowers and plants, animals and birds. Later,
perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they have had. People
travel by train, by plane, by boat and by car. All means of travel have their advantages and
disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations. If we are fond of
travelling, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may
read about them in books and newspapers, and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study
geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in
their own homes.
Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively
new hobby but it's becoming more and more popular.
Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts.
Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. Almost everyone collects something at
some period in his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some
collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in
museums and galleries.
Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a
good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other art objects. Often such private
collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in
seeing them. No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning
from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning
things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.
according to - в соответствие с чем-либо, согласно чего-либо
to do things – заниматься чем-либо
to make things – изготавливать что-либо
to go in for sports – заниматься спортом
to keep fit – поддерживать хорошую форму
to do something occasionally – время от времени делать что-либо
to travel by (train) – путешествовать (поездом)
to get to know – узнать что-либо
handycraft – ручная работа, ремесло
to play musical instruments – играть на музыкальных инструментах
to watch sports competitions – смотреть спортивные соревнования
to spend time – проводить время
to have the opportunity (of doing something) – иметь возможность что-либо делать
to be interested in - интересоваться чем-либо
to be fond of – увлекаться чем-либо, любить что-либо

7.5 Find in the text the following words and word combinations.
Со временем, сокращенная форма от, как и вкусы хобби отличаются друг от друга,
соревнования по фигурному катанию, быть в хорошей форме, хотя бы раз в неделю, для
смены обстановки, общеизвестный факт, попробовать другую пищу, преимущества и
недостатки, частные коллекции.

7.6 Answer the questions.

1) What is the origin of the word “hobby”?
2) What is the definition of the word “hobby”?
3) What are 4 large classes hobbies are divided into?
4) What is the most popular of all hobby groups?
5) What can sport be? Can sport be fun as well?
6) What is one of the oldest of man’s hobbies?
7) Why are people fond of travelling?
8) What is a relatively new hobby, which is becoming more and more popular?
9) What do people usually collect?
Animal Lovers
7.7 Pre-reading focus.
1) Do you think that keeping pets is a good idea?
2) What pets are generally kept in town? In the country?
3) What are unusual (exotic) pets to keep? What is the most unusual pet you have heard of?
4) What problems do people face if they keep pets?
5) Why do people keep pets nowadays?
6) Have you ever had a pet? What was it?
7) Are you keeping a pet now? What is it and what is it like?

7.8 Read and translate the text.

A Nation of Animal Lovers:

Do you have a pet? It is no secret that British people love their pets to bits and would do
anything to make their life enjoyable. But just how far does this love go? The answer is
QUITE far.

As you walk anywhere in Britain, you are greeted by hundreds of literally smiling cat faces,
which makes you think that the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland might not have been a mere
product of Lewis Carroll's imagination. Well, British cats have every reason to smile.
British pet owners spend around 3.5 billion pounds a year on pet care and products. In the last
five years, the amount spent on pet food, toys and vet bills has risen by almost 25%. There are some
pet owners who spend thousands of pounds on medical care to keep their sick pets alive. Pets can
even have their teeth cleaned and special pet contact lenses prescribed. Recently, it has become
legal to use organ transplants to treat serious pet illnesses, such as kidney failure. However, it has
not yet been decided on the source of donor organs.
In America, organ transplants for pets have been allowed for a long time. Normally, owners of
pets receiving the organs are expected to adopt the donor animal, usually a stray animal, and care
for both. There are a number of pet accessories available to pets and their owners. Special flashing
collars for walking at night, water-resistant dog jackets, car ramps for old or overweight dogs - you
name it, they have got it!
There are also special accessories designed to keep your pet fit, such as treadmills for dogs to
exercise indoors or orthopaedic beds for dogs that suffer from a bad back. There is even a special
pet hotel in Newcastle upon Tyne that offers cats and dogs an opportunity to exercise in the indoor
gym, relax in the Jacuzzi or watch videos of their owners on personal TV and video sets.
Unfortunately, in spite of Britain's reputation as pet lovers, animal abuse and cruelty still happen.
There are a number of organisations that protect animals in Britain, but the most important is the
RSPCA – the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The word 'Royal' indicates
that the Society is under special patronage of the Queen. Compare this to the National Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and you will get a quick taste of how serious the British are
about animal welfare.
Although all pets are entitled to love and devotion from their owners, there are some pets that
deserve good treatment and care more than others. These are assistance dogs. Endal, an assistance
dog owned by a Gulf-war veteran Allen Parton, who is confined to a wheel-chair after suffering a
serious head injury, has even won a number of awards recognising the dog's achievements in
helping people. Endal can use cashpoint machines, buy bus tickets and do the shopping. Endal is
not the only dog that deserves a reward. For example, Rosie, a search and rescue dog from Scotland,
once helped find a three-year-old boy who had gone missing. The list could be easily continued.
Well, the British may be crazy about animals, but isn't it nice to know that the animals themselves
play an increasingly important role in British life?
M. Morris
to love smb to bits - очень любить
literally - буквально,
Cheshire cat - Чеширский кот
vet (veterinary) bill - счет от ветеринара
lens - линза
to prescribe - прописывать
organ transplant - пересадка органов
kidney failure - почечная недостаточность
to adopt - усыновлять, принимать как члена семьи
stray [strei] - бездомный (о животных)
accessory - аксессуары
available - доступный
flashing collar - светящийся ошейник
car ramp - пандус, приспособление для погрузки животного в машину
treadmill - тренажер
orthopaedic - ортопедический
to suffer from a bad back - страдать от болей в спине
animal abuse and cruelty - жестокое обращение с животными
patronage - покровительство
to get a quick taste - получить короткое представление
welfare - благополучие
to be entitled (to) - иметь право на
assistance dog - собака-помощник
Gulf-war veteran - ветеран войны в Персидском заливе
to be confined (to) - быть прикованным к
wheel-chair - инвалидная коляска
head injury - ранение в голову
achievement - достижение, успех
cashpoint machine - банкомат
search and rescue - поисковые и спасательные работы

7.9 Post-reading discussion.

- What is the author’s attitude towards British people, their pets and their love?
- What is your attitude towards British people, their pets and their love? Is it basically positive,
basically negative, or something in between?
- What is your attitude towards pets? Is it basically positive, basically negative, or something in

7.10 Quiz.
Give honest answers to the following questions. The results of the quiz will help you to figure out
your real attitude towards pets. Maybe taking care of animals is just what you need for your leisure

Will you make a good owner?

So you decided to get a dog. And you prepared to devote a little time to it? Will you make its life
happy? Read the questions and answer "yes" or "no":

1. A good owner must have a sense of responsibility.

2. A dog mustn't be aggressive.
3. Cross-breeds (mongrels) are not so clever as their pedigreed brothers.
4. A dog depends upon its owner for all its needs.
5. Small dogs live longer than big ones.
6. Dogs can eat the same food their owners have.
7. Daily exercises are not necessary for small dogs.
8. Regular check-ups by a vet are not necessary for a healthy dog.

Check your score:

1, 2, 4, 5, 7 – “yes”. 3, 6, 8 – “no”.
Congratulations! You’ll be a good owner. Or, perhaps, you are doing this test together with you
faithful pet…

1, 2, 4, 5 – “yes”. One of 3, 6, 7, 8 – “no”.

You have a chance to become a good owner. Try to learn more about dogs.

1, 3, 6, 8 – “Yes”. Three or more of 2, 4, 5, 7 – “no”.
Stop! Are you really eager to have a dog?

Sports and Leisure Activities in Britain

7.11 Pre-reading focus.

1) It is fair to say that Russia as most Western countries has become

a leisure-orientated society. Do you agree/disagree?
2) Russian people have also become extremely healthconscious
and for many young people keep-fit is a very important part
of their lives. Do you agree/disagree?

7.12 Pre-reading task.

Look through the essay written by a British teacher, Mrs. Penn, about
popular sports and leisure activities in Britain. When you have finished, think of your own
definitions to the following words and phrases:

to mushroom
keep-fit (a noun)
to be preoccupied with
to spring up
light exercises

While reading think of possible evidence to prove that the following statement are true:
“For many young people Keep-fit is a very important part of their lives”.
“Many people say that aerobics is a very exhilarating experience”.

7.13 Read and translate the text.

Popular Sports and Leisure Activities in Britain

Over recent decades the number and range of available leisure activities has mushroomed, in
Britain. It is fair to say that Britain, in common with most Western countries, has become a leisure-
orientated society. Western people have also become extremely health-conscious, and for many
young people Keep-fit is a very important part of their lives. In addition there is a widespread
preoccupation with healthy eating: trying to avoid fatty and fried foods, and cutting down on sugary
products, eating vegetables and fruit. Many young people, especially young women, regularly go to
the gym to do aerobics, weight-lifting, and so on. Aerobics is equivalent to what the Russians call
"Shaping". Such Keep-fit centres offering these kinds of exercises have sprung up all over Britain
and there, mostly women-of all shapes, sizes, and ages, gather together to do light exercises often to
the latest hit records. Many people say that the experience is a very exhilarating one, that their

adrenalin flows, and that attending aerobics classes becomes akin to an addiction...but a healthy one
at least!

7.14 Compare your definitions with those given in the dictionary.

to mushroom – to spread, grow, or develop quickly.

health-conscious – aware of one's own health and body
keep-fit (a noun) – being in good physical condition; in good health
to be preoccupied with – to be absorbed or engrossed to the exclusion of other things
aerobics – 1. also called aerobic exercises. (used with a pl. v.) any of various sustained exercises,
as jogging, rowing, swimming, or cycling, that stimulate and strengthen the heart and lungs, thereby
improving the body's utilization of oxygen.
2. (used with a sing. v. ) a physical fitness program based on such exercises: Aerobics is
a good way to get your body in shape.
weight-lifting - the act, art, or sport of lifting barbells of given poundages in a prescribed manner,
as a competitive event or conditioning exercise.
to spring up - to grow rapidly
light exercises - of little weight; not heavy
exhilarating - enlivening; invigorating; stimulating
addiction - the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically
or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.

7.15 Speak on the popular sports and leisure activities in Russia. Use the vocabulary from the
text above.

7.16 Read and translate the text.

The Use of Leisure

By the way in which a man uses his leisure his character can be told - more surely in all
probability than by the way he does his work. For most men work is necessity in order to gain a
living. Vast numbers of men have not even been able to choose what work they would do, but have
been forced by economic necessity to take the first job that came their way. But in their leisure time
they do what they really want to do and their real selves are reflected in their actions.
Some people are completely passive during leisure hours. If such people go out they go to some
place of entertainment where no effort is required by them, a cinema or a dancing hall, and if the
latter, they do not dance but simply sit and watch others dancing.
A different type of person hurries home from work full of eagerness to begin on some scheme
which he has been planning for his leisure time. Perhaps his hobby is carpentry or model
engineering, or gardening, or he might wish to write, or to study some subject in which he is
interested. This is the creative type of character. For him, his leisure hours are full of promise and
he can look back on them with satisfaction when he reviews what he has achieved in them.
Leisure should be refreshment; it should send a man out with fresh spirits to battle with the
problems of life. Sometimes this freshness comes not from doing anything, but by filling one's mind
with fresh springs of beauty. Many a man gets full value from his leisure by contemplating nature,
listening to music, or reading noble books. By this sort of occupation he may not have made anything
that he can show, but he has none the less recreated his own source of inspiration and made his own
mind a richer and fuller treasure house. This is the true use of leisure.

7.17 Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

досуг; огромное количество; свежие источники красоты; садоводство; полный стремления;

место развлечения; собственный источник вдохновения; сокровищница; род занятий.

7.18 Answer the questions.

1. Why can a man's character be told by the way he uses his leisure?
2. What types of men are there by the way they spend their leisure?
3. What do passive people do during leisure hours?
4. How does a creative type of character spend his leisure time?
5. Why should leisure be refreshment?

7.19 Read and translate the text.

There’s no need to agonies over where and when to take break next year: there are month-by-
month vacation charts suggesting holidays each month to suit all tastes, from beaches, skiing,
family and under-25 getaways to cruises and weekend escapes.
Who believes in Santa? Fly across the Arctic Circle to Finnish Lapland to meet him and take a
reindeer sleigh ride.
Get next to nature for a close-up view of geysers and glaciers. Reykjavik isn’t cheap but it’s
clean – and the sights are stunning.
Tiptoe through the tulips on a Dutch bulb-fields tour. Take in Amsterdam’s canals and the
Hague’s museums for more colour and culture.
Join a coastal steamer to discover Norway’s spectacular fjords and fishing villages.
Ski in the morning and go biking, hiking, rafting or play tennis or golf after lunch. A trip to
Austria offered for a week including breakfast, packed lunch and dinner with wine.
Celebrate the arrival of spring with a three-night gala weekend in Paris. A dinner and show at
Lido or Moulin Rouge, plus a river cruise, will be provided.
Hail a passing gondola or hop on a water bus for a city tour with a difference. The canals and
palaces of Venice give it a unique appeal.
Take a Turkish bath and tour the dazzling Topkapi palace, see Istambul’s exotic attractions,
have cheap shopping and enjoy eating out at excellent restaurants.
Spend nights under the stars on a 14-day of exploration of the deserts and mountains of
Discover the temples, tranquility and superb sandy beaches of Bali, a desirable retreat for
romantics, nature lovers and water-sports enthusiasts.
Sail around the Malay Peninsular and southern Thailand abroad a luxury motor yacht.
Camping expeditions may be an inexpensive, fun way of touring the western USA. You will
visit San Francisco, the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas.

7.20 Consult the text and find the words.

a) close to meaning to: to take break, vocation, tour, celebrate;

b) opposite in meaning to: cheap, clean, eating out;
c) the English equivalents of: подходить всем вкусам.
7.21 Make up your own examples with the word and phrase list.

7.22 Train the phrase – “neither … nor”.

7.23 Find in the text the names of:

a) geographical names;
b) kinds of vocation.

7.24 Read the statements and answer which of them are not true to fact. Correct them.

1) Who believes in Santa? Fly across the Arctic Circle to Africa.

2) Reykjavik isn’t expensive but it’s clean – and the sights are stunning.
3) A trip to Austria offered for a week including breakfast, packed lunch and dinner with
4) The factories and palaces of Venice give it a unique appeal.
5) Sail around the Malay Peninsular and Southern Thailand abroad a luxury motor boat

7.25 Read and translate the text.

The most significant economic change for many countries of the world has been the
development of mass tourism since World War II. Tourism is a risky business: capital investment
can be considerable, whereas the season in which to recoup expenditure may be short and can be
disrupted by economic difficulties within a country and in neighboring countries or by cool, rainy
weather in summer. Furthermore, there is fierce competition to attract tourists, not only among
different countries but also among the resorts within each country.
Tourism is a growing industry and one of the largest sources of foreign exchange. Enormous
sums of money are injected into the economies of some nations by winter and summer tourism.
Employment opportunities in the service sector increase substantially. The tourism trade is one of
the most important sources of employment and revenue and is served by numerous hotels and
boardinghouses, youth hostels, restaurants, and retail businesses. Many cities are also important
centers for international conferences and exhibitions.
The number of tourists increases steadily. In some countries, though, tourism has not been at the
heart of their economies, so the lack of facilities make travel in them a rugged experience.
Nevertheless, it is becoming a part of governmental policies in those countries to include
provisions for paved highways and hotel construction in each successive development plan. Thus,
the tourist industry has been actively encouraged by the authorities. Luxury establishments are
developed for wealthy foreigners. Many workers find employment in tourism, now continuous
through all seasons in many countries, binding the cities’s economies ever more firmly to tourism.
Tourism supports the many small businesses that provide food, lodging, fuel, and other supplies and

7.26 Choose the best answer.

1. The most significant economic change for many countries of the world has been the development
of mass tourism since __________________.
a) World War I
b) World War II
c) Great October Socialist Revolution

2. The tourism trade is one of the most important sources of _____________.

a) employment and revenue
b) employment only
c) provisions

3. The number of tourists increases _______________ .

a) recently
b) never
c) steadily

7.27 Insert the proper prepositions.

1. The most significant change ____ many countries ___ the world has been the
development ___ mass tourism ______ World War II.
2. Enormous sums of money are injected _____ the economies ____ some nations ____
winter and summer tourism.
3. Many cities are also important centers ____ international conferences and exhibitions.
4. In some countries tourism has not been _____ the heart ____ their economies.
5. The tourist industry has been actively encouraged ____ the authorities.
6. Many workers find employment ____ tourism
7.28 Answer the following questions.

1. Why tourism is a risky business?

2. Where are enormous sums of money injected into?
3. What is becoming a part of governmental policies?
4. What find many workers in tourism?
5. What does tourism support?

7.29 Give the main points of the text in a few sentences.


8.1 Read the given letter and comment on its structure.

6 Sadovaya St
18 March 2011
Dear Alice,
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. In your letter you asked me about my summer
holidays. Well, I had a very good time!
In June I stayed at home because I had exams at school. Luckily the weather was nice and warm
and at the weekend my parents and I went to our country house. We went sunbathing and swimming
in the lake near there.
In July I went to a summer camp. It was fantastic. I made a lot of new friends. Every day we went
swimming in the river, and we played different games. There was a disco every night. Once we went
hiking in the forest for two days. We cooked our meals on the fire and at night we sat around the
fire, sang songs and told stories.
Are you happy with your new house? Is it bigger than your old house? Have you got a room of your
own? Please tell me more about it.
Write soon.

8.2 Translate the letters into English. Mind the rules of letter writing.

1. Дорогой друг!
Ты, вероятно, удивишься, получив письмо от человека, которого никогда не встречал,
поэтому я прежде всего тебе представлюсь.
Я студент второго курса педагогического университета, специализируюсь в английском
языке и литературе, а также слушаю лекции по истории, философии, лингвистике и т. п.
После лекций я играю в волейбол и теннис. Я член университетской волейбольной команды.
Вечерами я читаю, гуляю или хожу в кино, чтобы развлечься.
Я бы очень хотел узнать о твоей учебе и интересах. Вкладываю в письмо несколько
сделанных мной фотографий.
Искренне твой…

2. Дорогой Джек!
Возможно, ты хочешь переписываться с парнем твоего возраста из России.
Мне семнадцать лет, и я учусь в средней школе. Хочу поступить в университет и изучать
английский язык. Мой папа — учитель математики, а мама — врач. Кроме учебы, я играю в
волейбол и занимаюсь фотографией.
Когда будешь мне писать, не забудь рассказать о своих увлечениях. Я думаю, они
отличаются от моих, но мне все равно будет интересно о них узнать.
Насколько я понял, ты изучаешь русский язык. Было бы неплохо, чтобы ты писал мне по-
русски, а я тебе по-английски. Это станет для нас хорошей практикой, и если у меня будут
ошибки, надеюсь, ты мне их исправишь.
С большим нетерпением жду от тебя вестей. Пожалуйста, напиши поскорей.
Искренне твой…

8.3 You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend called Kate who writes:
Hi, Mary,
Thank you for your letter. It was interesting to learn about your Drama Club. My hobby is reading.
I’ve recently finished reading “A Farewell to Arms” by Ernest Hemingway. It’s a great story about
true love. I advise you to read it. I’m sure you’ll like it.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Write a letter to Kate. Thank her for advice and tell her a few words about the book you’ve
recently read.

8.4 Вы получили письмо от своей австралийской подруги Марии. Она хочет знать:
1. занимаетесь ли вы спортом;
2. какие виды спорта сейчас популярны в России;
3. знаете ли вы, что сейчас многие девушки в Австралии увлекаются дайвингом;
4. есть ли в России возможность заниматься дайвингом.
Напишите Марии ответ. Обратите внимание на правильное оформление письма.

8.5 You saw an advertisement for an adventure holiday and contacted the company for more
details. Read the advertisement carefully. Then write a letter to your friend in another town,
giving the necessary information about the holiday and trying to persuade your friend to join

Mendip Adventure Holidays

Ever wanted to go rock climbing?
How about abseiling down a cliff?
Mendip Adventure Holidays offers you the opportunity to try all of these activities at a price that’s right
for you: only &200/week, including food and accommodation.
Beginners welcome.
Tel. 0567 5967944 for further information.

While writing, use informal punctuation, such as exclamation marks.

Use contractions.
Start a new paragraph for each main point you want to make.
Give a reason for ending your letter.
Use a closing expression.
Use an expression to sign off.
Only write a first name.


A letter asking for information is a type of transactional letters. A transactional letter has a
practical purpose (you want to have something done) and it requires a reply from the person you
send it to.
Here are some tips on writing a transactional letter.
• The style of the letter should be formal or semi-formal, depending on who you are writing to.
• Open and close your letter appropriately.
• Explain in the first sentence why you are writing.
• Organize the information clearly into paragraphs. Each paragraph should have a specific purpose.
• State in the last sentence what you expect from the reader.

And here are a few useful phrases for this kind of letters. While working with the model letters
from tasks 8.7/8.9 add some more expressions to the chart.

I am writing this letter …

I would also like to ask …
I would also like to know …
Could you please send me more information about …
I am interested in …
I would like more information about the cost /
dates …
I would like to visit …
Will I get the opportunity to … ?
In your advertisement you refer to …
I look forward to hearing …

Age limit? Accommodation?

Calling all enthusiasts from everywhere,
bringing the youth of the world together!!!

Participation is invited in an athletics and sports festival.

For further information contact BarcelonaYouthSports.com

How many people per team? Application forms?

A. Read the model letter asking for more information on the advert. Find the words and
phrases which have the following functions:
1 to say why you are writing 3 to ask for information
2 to say who you are 4 to draw the letter to close

Dear Sir or Madam,

I saw your advertisement for the International Sports Convention in Total Sport Magazine and I am writing for more information. I am
a member of a basketball team and we were glad to know that basketball is one of the events, and we are keen to take part in it, but
require further details

First of all, we would like to know the exact dates and age limit of the basketball events.

We would like to bring a total of seven people including our coach; will this be acceptable?

Also, there are no details about accommodation in your advertisement and it would be useful for us to know what options are and
whether booking is made by you or by the participants themselves.

Finally, could you please send us an information pack, including application forms and any other useful information about the
Convention and the city of Barcelona.

I look forward to receiving your answer,

Yours faithfully,

Sophie Wyss

B. Now read the second letter which contains mistakes in tenses / word order / vocabulary /
spelling / style. Can you find them?
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to ask for more informations for the International Youth convention which I saw advertised in Total Sport Magazine. In
fact, my team-mates and I were thrilled when we have seen that basketball is included! But there are some things we’d like you to
inform us on. To begin, I’d like to know what are the exact dates of the basketball tournament, as some of the dates won’t be
convenient for us, due to school exams. Secondly, as accommodation wasn’t mentioned in your advertisement, I’d appreciate some
information concerning hotels in the area where the tournament is going to take place. In addition to these, I request information on
the number of players that are allowed for each team and I, also, didn’t understand whether there is an age limit or not? Finaly, we
want to know whether the games are knock-out or whether there will be groups consisting of a number of teams, and how many
teams are expected to participate.

I look forward to receiving an answer;

That’s all for now!
Kind regards,

8.8 Here is an advertisement and two letters asking for information. Read the letters and fill
in the chart.

Spend 6 days of fun in Orlando this summer
with other students 12-18 years old
from around the world.
Tour Disney World, Kennedy Space Center,
Movie Studious, & much more!
For details contact OceanviewAdventures.com

Good features Letter A Letter B Bad features Letter A Letter B

relevant information irrelevant information
good vocabulary & grammar grammar mistakes
formal expressions wrong words
clear paragraphs spelling mistakes
appropriate salutation & ending too informal
unclear paragraphs

Letter A
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing in response to the advertizment about student holidays in Florida who I saw in yesterday’s International Harold News.
Although I am interested to the holiday, I would like and more information.

I am 15 years old and my English is very good but I would like to improve it.
First, could you tell me where the other children will be coming from? Will they be able to speak English? What kind of acomodation
will there be. I would and like to know if I must to share a room with other students.

Could you also tell me more about how the six days will be organized? Are the trips you are referred to included in the fee or do we
must pay extra?
I look forward to hearing from you,
yours faithfully,

Letter B

Dear Mister (or Madam),

I am writing because of your notice about holidays in Floreda this summer for the young guys (and girls). It sounds interesting but I
want more details, as quickly as possible. The first thing I must to ask is wear exactly Orlando is? Is it far from Florida? You talk
about students from abroad - how many other students will it be and which countries they come from? Of course I have to know the
bill for all this – how much. Yes and how I will pay all this?

And please: a bit more informations – cos it will be my first time in America and I need to know more.

Write soon
Best wishes,


8.9 First read the model letter asking for detailed information about Safari and Leisure Park
in Namibia.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to ask for more information about the safari holidays which I saw advertised in the Daily News.

Firstly, I would like to know whether it would be possible for you to arrange a holiday for four people in the middle of July. We are
very keen on walking and we all enjoy horse-riding.

We are also interested in flying tours, but would like to know whether these are by plane or by helicopter. Another thing which is not
clear in the advert is the difference between the ‘Night drives’ and the ‘Overnight trail’.

I would also be grateful if you could send more information about which animals live in the park.

Finally, we would like to know whether it would be possible to fly from Paris.

We look forward to hearing from you,

Yours faithfully,

Helen Holwill

Now it’s your turn. Read the advertisement published in Holiday Fair Magazine and write a
letter asking for more information.

How much? How long? Any stops there?


The Ocean Safari, a luxury yacht, offers inexpensive cruise holiday in the Maldives.

On Ocean Safari, you will have air-conditioned cabins, double and twin, a large dining area and a
bar with everything you need for a comfortable and unforgettable cruise.

Relax on a large sun deck and enjoy the panoramic view of the thousands of islands lining the
horizon as the cruiser makes its way through the coral islands.

• 10 air-conditioned cabins
• 20 persons maximum
• All necessary diving equipment including separate snorkelling and fishing gear
• Almost all water sport are offered

For more information contact OceanSafari.com

How many crew members? For extra pay?


Спасибо/ огромное спасибо за доброе/ теплое Thank you/ thank you very much/ thank
письмо от 15 мая. you ever so much for your kind/ warm
letter of May 15.

Большое спасибо за ваше доброе и теплое письмо от Many thanks for your kind and warm
16 июля. letter of July 16.

Спасибо тебе за твое письмо по поводу визита Thank you for your letter concerning
Джона в... John's visit to...

Вчера я получил твое письмо... I received your letter yesterday...

Я был очень рад получить твое письмо. I was delighted to receive your letter.

Я очень ценю твои добрые слова. I appreciate your kind words.

Я искренне благодарен тебе за... I am sincerely/ truly grateful to you for...

Я очень сожалею, что у меня не было возможности I regret very much that I did not have an
лично поблагодарить тебя за... opportunity to thank you personally
Было приятно получить от тебя письмо после столь It was nice to have a letter from you
продолжительного времени и узнать, что... after so long and to hear that...

Было приятно получить от тебя письмо после столь It was nice to have a letter from you
долгого перерыва. after all this time.

Какая приятная неожиданность! What a pleasant surprise!

Для меня было большим удовольствием... It was with great pleasure for me...

Я только что получил твое письмо и... I have just received your letter and...

Сегодня утром, к моему огромному удивлению, я This morning, to my great astonishment,

получил от тебя письмо. I received a letter from you.

Я так рад, что ты... I am so pleased that you...

Я пишу тебе... I am writing you...

Я не слышал о тебе... I have not heard from you...

Приятно было узнать, что ты... How nice to hear that you...

Какие захватывающие/ замечательные/ волнующие/ What exciting/ wonderful/ thrilling

радостные новости! /happy news!
Так много всего произошло с тех пор, как я писал So much has happened since I wrote
тебе. you.
Как много времени прошло с тех пор, как мы What a long time it is since we last met!
встречались последний раз!

Прошло много времени с тех пор, как я от тебя что- It is a long time since I heard from you
либо слышал, и я очень хочу узнать, как ты пожи- and I am anxious to know how you are
ваешь. getting on.

Как только я услышал... As soon as I heard...

Привет, как ты поживаешь сейчас? Hello, how are you these days?

Теперь позволь мне рассказать о себе. Now let me tell you about myself.

Поздравляю с... Congratulations on...

Поздравляю и желаю всего наилучшего! Congratulations and all best wishes!

Поздравляю с днем рождения! Many happy returns!

Я хотел бы только пожелать вам веселого Рождества This is just to wish you a very merry
и счастливого Нового года. Christmas and the happiest of New

Наилучшие пожелания к Рождеству и Новому году. With best wishes for Christmas and the
New Year.

Ты будешь удивляться, почему я так долго тянул с You will be wondering why it has taken
ответом... me so long to reply...

Я только что вернулся из... I have just returned from...

Теперь, когда я наконец могу сесть и написать вам Now that I am finally able to sit down
снова... and write you again...
Кажется, уже все в мире, кроме меня, написали тебе By now everyone in the world except
и поздравили тебя, но я был... me seems to have written to congratulate
you, but I have been...

Я задержался с ответом на это письмо, потому что... I have delayed answering this letter

Я собирался написать с тех пор, как получил твое I have been meaning to write ever since
письмо, но у меня было так много важных дел, что я I received your letter, but I have had so
никак не мог найти время. many important things to do that I just
haven't had time.

Вы будете удивлены, получив письмо от абсолютно You will be surprised to get a letter from
незнакомого человека. a perfect stranger.
Я надеюсь, вы не будете против получить письмо I hope you don't mind receiving a letter
от... from...
Вы не знаете меня, поэтому позвольте мне пред- You don't know me so let me introduce
ставиться. myself.
Я узнал ваше имя и адрес от... I obtained your name and address from...

Я пишу, потому что, как я понимаю, вы бы хотели I am writing because I understand you
иметь друга по переписке в моей стране. would like to have a pen friend in my

Ваше имя я узнал от г-на X, который посоветовал Your name has been given to me by Mr.
мне связаться с вами. X who suggested that I should get in
touch with you.

Пишу короткую записку, чтобы поблагодарить тебя This is just a brief note to thank you
Я даже не знаю, как благодарить тебя за... I don't know quite how to thank you
От имени моего мужа и от себя лично я пишу вам, On behalf of my husband and myself I
чтобы поблагодарить вас за ваше... am writing to thank you for your...

Как мило с твоей стороны вспомнить о моем дне How very kind of you to remember my
рождения и какой прелестный подарок! birthday and what a lovely present!

Теперь, когда я возвратился домой, я хочу сразу же Now that I am back home I want to
написать и поблагодарить тебя за... write straightaway and thank you for...

Теперь, когда я возвратился домой, я считаю своим Now that I am back at home, I feel that 1
долгом написать и выразить тебе мою самую теплую must write and thank you most warmly
благодарность за всю ту доброту и гостеприимство, for all the kindness and hospitality
которое ты оказал мне в своем доме. shown to me at your place.

Боюсь, это письмо причинит вам боль. Я долго сом- I am afraid this letter is going to hurt
невался, прежде чем написать его, но... you and I hesitated a long time before
writing it, but...
Я надеюсь, вы простите меня за беспокойство, но я I hope you will forgive me for troubling
знаю, что вы единственный, кто мог бы помочь мне. you, but it has occurred to me that you
are the only person who may be able to
help me.
Извините, пожалуйста, что беспокою вас, но я был Please forgive me for troubling you but I
бы очень благодарен, если бы вы помогли мне в would be very grateful if you would help
очень деликатном деле. me in a very delicate matter.

Я был бы вам признателен, если бы вы... I should be grateful if you would...

Я хочу просить вас об очень большом одолжении. I want to ask you a very great favor.

Не могли бы вы сделать мне одолжение? I wonder if you would do me a favor.

Не знаю, как начать, так как я хочу просить вас о I don't know how to begin because I
большом одолжении. have a great favor to ask you.

Прошу прощения, что не мог встретить вас, как пла- I am terribly sorry that I could not meet
нировалось. you as planned.
Я с сожалением узнал, что... I was sorry to learn that...

Нет слов, которые бы выразили мою огромную/ There are no words that can express my
глубокую печаль по случаю... great/ deep sorrow about...

Мне было очень/ужасно тяжело услышать о... I was extremely/ terribly sorry to hear
Мы были искренне огорчены, узнав о вашей потере. We were sincerely/ honestly/ very sorry
to hear about your loss.
Я считаю своим долгом написать вам, как я сожа- I feel I must write to tell you how very
лею... sorry I am...

Пишу с тем, чтобы выяснить... I am writing to inquire...

Я заинтересован в должности... объявление о кото- I am interested in the post of... which I
рой я нашел в... saw advertised in...

Я — идеальный кандидат для работы, которую вы I am the ideal candidate for the job you
рекламировали, и я очень хочу ее получить. have been advertising and I am very
anxious to get it.

Я был бы очень благодарен, если бы вы выслали мне I would be most grateful if you could
сведения о любых аспирантских стипендиях, кото- send me details of any postgraduate
рые вы предлагаете для иностранцев. scholarships which you may be offering
to students from overseas.

В ответ на ваш запрос от 21 сентября о... мы можем In answer to your inquiry of September
сообщить вам, что... 21 about... we are able to inform you
Мы с сожалением сообщаем вам о том, что... We regret to inform you that...

С сожалением сообщаем вам... It is with regret that we inform you...

Мы благодарим вас за ваше письмо и сожалеем, что We thank you for your letter and regret
по причине... мы не сможем помочь вам. that, owing to... we will not be able to
help you.

Дела в Нью-Йорке задержали мое возвращение на Business in New York delayed my

работу до сегодняшнего дня. return to the office until today.

Это письмо является жалобой на... I am writing to make a complaint

Спасибо за ваше письмо от 20 ноября и за тот ин- Thank you for your letter of November
терес, который вы проявили к нашей фирме. 20 and the interest expressed in our firm.
ас очень интересует... We have considerable interest in...
Мы рады узнать из вашего недавнего запроса, что вы We are glad to know from your recent
интересуетесь... inquiry that you are interested in
learning about...
Большое спасибо за ваш запрос о... Thanks a lot for your request for
information about...

Месяц тому назад мы послали вам... About a month ago we sent you...

Это письмо содержит важную информацию, кото- This letter contains some important
рую, я уверен, вы будете рады получить. information, which I am sure you will be
glad to have.

Примите, пожалуйста, наши искренние извинения за Please accept our sincere apology for the
ошибку в вашем июньском счете. error in your June bill.

С удовольствием We have pleasure in submitting the fol-

сообщаем вам следующие цены... lowing quotation...
предлагаем вам следующие товары... offering you the following goods...
посылаем вам наш последний каталог... sending you our latest catalogue...

Прилагаем... Attached please find...

Прилагаем к данному письму образец... You will find enclosed with this letters
sample of...

Сообщите нам, пожалуйста... Please kindly inform us...

Сообщаем вам, что... Please know that...

Настоящим подтверждаем, что... This is to confirm that...

Ссылаясь на вашу рекламу... Referring to your advertisement...

Подтверждаем получение... We acknowledge the receipt of...

В продолжение нашего письма... To follow up on our letter of...

Относительно вашего заказа... With the reference to your order...

Позвольте мне от имени г-на N ответить на ваш за- On behalf of Mr. N allow me to respond
прос от... to your inquiry of...

Прошу меня извинить за то, что не ответил на ваше My apologies for not responding your
письмо раньше. letter any sooner.

Напиши, пожалуйста, поскорее. Please write soon.

С нетерпением жду от тебя ответа. I look forward/ I am looking forward very

much to hearing from you.
Надеюсь, что ты вскоре снова напишешь мне и I hope that you will write me another letter
что письма у вас не задерживаются. soon and that there isn't a postal "go-slow" in
your country.
Постарайся написать мне еще одно письмо. Do try to let me have another letter of yours.
Обязательно напиши мне поскорее и расскажи Do write to me soon and tell me all about
мне все о себе и о своей семье. yourself and your family.

Я очень хочу услышать что-нибудь от тебя, I am very eager to hear from you, so please
поэтому напиши, пожалуйста, как можно write as soon as you can.

Ты не представляешь, как я хочу услышать от You have no idea how much I am looking
тебя что-нибудь. forward to hearing from you.

Надеюсь вскоре получить от тебя письмо. I hope to have a letter from you before long.

Я буду рад услышать что-нибудь о тебе. I would be delighted to hear about you.

Я был бы признателен за скорый ответ. I would appreciate an early reply.

Я понимаю, что осталось мало времени, и был I realize that this is very short notice, and
бы благодарен за быстрый ответ. would be grateful for an early reply.

Напиши мне, пожалуйста, и расскажи все Please write and tell me all the news of...
новости о...
Я очень хочу тебя увидеть и поэтому не буду I am looking forward to seeing you and will
до встречи говорить ни о каких новостях. keep all my news until then.

Я жду, что вы напишете мне в ближайшее I look forward to hear from you at your earliest
удобное для вас время. convenience.

Хорошо бы вскоре услышать что-нибудь от It would be nice hearing from you soon.
Интересно, как ты поживаешь и как I have been wondering recently how you are
продвигаются твои дела. getting on and whether things have been
improving for you.

Если у вас будет время, пожалуйста, напишите Please write to me before long if you have
мне поскорее. Мне всегда приятно получать от time. I always enjoy letters.
вас письма.
Я был бы благодарен, если бы получил от вас I would be grateful to hear from you as soon as
известие как можно скорее. possible.
Я вкладываю конверт с адресом и маркой с I enclose a stamped, addressed envelope for
тем, чтобы вы мне ответили. your reply.
Пожалуйста, пиши мне так часто, как только Please write me as often as you can.
В следующий раз я постараюсь отправить And next time, I will make sure that I send a
письмо вовремя. letter in time.

Всего самого наилучшего. All the best.

Желаю удачи! Best of luck to you!

С наилучшими пожеланиями! With all good wishes!

Мы желаем тебе самого большого счастья. We certainly wish you all the happiness in the
Наилучшие пожелания от всех нас по случаю... With best wishes from all of us on...

С сердечным приветом. With kind/ kindest/ best regards.

Передай привет Мэри и детям. Give my love to Mary and the children.

Я буду любить тебя всегда. I (will) love you forever.

Поцелуй за меня детей. Kiss the children for me.

Мои мысли всегда с тобой. My thoughts are always with you.

Все твои старые друзья передают тебе All your old friends send their love.
сердечный привет.
Я хочу, чтобы ты знал, что я не забываю тебя. I want you to know I am thinking of you.

Передай мой привет твоей маме и Джорджу, и Remember me to your mother and to George
еще раз большое тебе спасибо. and many thanks again.

Моя мама присоединяется ко мне и желает те- My mother joins me in wishing you a very
бе веселого Рождества и счастья и успехов в merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous
новом году. New Year.

Я надеюсь, что ты хорошо отдохнешь. I hope you will have a very nice holiday.

Береги себя. Take care of yourself.

Желаю тебе хорошо провести время. Пиши Have a good time and write often.
Извини, что беспокою тебя таким образом. Please forgive me for troubling you in this
Я надеюсь, что вы примете мои искренние I do hope you will accept my heartfelt
извинения. apologies.
Эдвард присоединяется ко мне с извинениями Edward joins me in apologizing for troubling
за беспокойство, и мы оба шлем вам наши you and we both send you our best wishes.
самые лучшие пожелания.
Хотя я никоим образом не несу Though I am in no way responsible for this
ответственности за эту неловкую ситуацию, я, unfortunate situation, I will naturally do
естественно, сделаю все от меня зависящее, everything in my power to remedy it.
чтобы исправить ее.

Пожалуйста, еще раз прости меня за то, что не Once more, please forgive me for not returning
возвратил тебе эту вещь немедленно. this thing to you immediately.

Извините, что вынужден был написать такое Forgive me for having to write such a letter,
письмо, но, поверьте, у меня нет выбора. but, believe me, I have no alternative.

Пожалуйста, извини меня, но мое решение Please forgive me, but my decision is quite
абсолютно окончательно. irrevocable.

Очень мило с твоей стороны писать мне так You are a dear to write me so often.
Твои письма делают меня счастливой. Your letters make me so happy.

Если ты не ответишь в течение двух недель, я If you do not reply within two weeks, I will
буду вынужден изменить свое решение и... have to change my mind and...

Дай мне знать, что ты решишь. Let me know what you decide.

Если вы будете заняты в это время, дайте мне If you are not free then, let me know if there is
знать, какое другое время будет вам удобнее. any other time which would be more
Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать поскорее, Please do let me know soon if you are
заинтересованы ли вы в этом. interested in it.

Что вы думаете? What do you think?

Хотелось бы знать, когда вас ожидать. Let us know when to expect you.

Не забудь... Don't forget to...

Дайте мне знать, удобно ли это вам. Let me know if this is convenient for you.

Возможно ли это? Would that be possible?

Если вы знаете какую-либо книгу, которая If you know of any book which might be of
была бы мне полезна, то я был бы очень вам assistance to me, I would be most grateful.
Приношу извинения за причиненное вам While I greatly regret the inconvenience, I feel
беспокойство и надеюсь, вы поймете, что sure you will understand it was due to
обстоятельства были сильнее меня. circumstances quite beyond my control.

Я был бы благодарен, если бы вы выслали мне I would be grateful if you would send me
больше информации и анкету для поступления. further details and an application form.

Может быть, вы будете так любезны и дадите Perhaps you would be kind to let me know if
мне знать, удобно ли это. this is convenient.

Сожалею, что беспокою вас, но я не знаю, что I am sorry to bother you with this, but I don't
делать. know what to do.

Я не знаю, что бы я делал без тебя. I don't know what I would do without you.

Если у вас будет время помочь мне, буду вам If you have time to give me any assistance, I
очень обязан. will be greatly in your debt.

Благодарю и жду. Thanking in advance/ anticipation.

Заранее благодарю вас за неоценимую помощь. I thank you in advance for your much valued
Разрешите мне заранее поблагодарить вас за Let me thank you in advance for your help.
вашу помощь.
Разрешите мне еще раз поблагодарить вас. Let me thank you once again.

Мы твои должники за... We are indebted to you for...

Пожалуйста, дай мне знать, чем я могу помочь. Please let me know what I can do to help.

Пожалуйста, позвони мне, если понадобится Please call on me if there is anything I can do
какая-нибудь помощь от меня. to help.

Ты ведь знаешь, что всегда можешь You know you can always count on me.
рассчитывать на меня.

Дай мое имя и адрес интервьюерам, если Do not hesitate to give my name and address
нужно. to interviewers.

Мы ждем ваших указаний. We await your instructions.

Если вам потребуются еще какие-либо If you require any further details or assistance,
уточнения или помощь, то напишите мне, please write to me or telephone at the above
пожалуйста, или позвоните по указанному number.
Если мы ничего не получим от вас со Unless we hear from you by return mail we
следующей почтой, мы будем вынуждены shall be compelled to place the matter in the
передать это дело в руки наших юристов. hands of our lawyers.

К сожалению, это уже не первая наша жалоба, Unfortunately this is not the first time we have
и, если вопрос не будет решен положительно, had to complain and if the matter is not dealt
мы не будем больше посылать вам заказы. with satisfactorily, we will not place any
further orders with you.
Если мы не дали ответ по каким-либо пунктам If we have not covered all the points in your
вашего запроса, пожалуйста, напишите нам inquiry, please do not hesitate to write to us
снова. again.

Само собой разумеется, что любая Naturally, any information which you supply
информация, которую вы предоставите, будет will be treated in the strictest confidence.
рассматриваться строго конфиденциально.

С сожалением ставим вас в известность, что, We regret to inform you that if the goods have
если товар не поступит к нам к концу месяца, not reached us by the end of this month, we
мы вынуждены будем аннулировать заказ. will be compelled to cancel the order.

Я все же надеюсь, что эта задержка не I do hope the delay has not caused you any
причинила вам неудобств и вы примете мои inconvenience and once more hope you will
извинения. accept my apologies.

Мы примем все необходимые меры для того, We will take all possible steps to ensure that
чтобы подобная ситуация больше не such a situation does not arise again.

В данных обстоятельствах мы можем только In these circumstances we can only ask you to
просить вас принять наши искренние accept our sincere apologies for the trouble
извинения за причиненное вам беспокойство. caused.
Мы были бы чрезвычайно благодарны, если бы We would be most grateful to have your reply
вы ответили нам как можно скорее. as soon as possible.

Мы были бы признательны за быстрый ответ. We would appreciate a prompt answer.

Может быть, вы будете так любезны и Perhaps you would be good enough to
подтвердите получение. acknowledge the receipt.

Мы были бы признательны, если бы вы могли Your early reply will be appreciated.

ответить быстро.

Надеемся на удовольствие работать с вами. We look forward to the pleasure of serving

Ваш быстрый ответ поможет нам оказать вам An early reply would help us to help you.
Рассмотрите, пожалуйста, наши предложения. Please give our proposals your kind
Надеемся вскоре получить от вас ответ. We hope to hear from you shortly.

Пожалуйста, обращайтесь к нам If you have any further questions, please do

незамедлительно, если у вас возникнут еще во- not hesitate to contact us.
Надеюсь, вы согласитесь с конструктивностью I hope you find the above constructive.
сказанного выше.

Sincerely yours,
Yours sincerely,
Искренне Ваш
Very sincerely,
Very sincerely yours,
Most sincerely yours,
Truly yours, Преданный Вам
Yours truly,
Yours very truly, Весьма преданный Вам
Very truly yours,
Yours, Ваш/ Твой/ Преданный Вам
Faithfully yours,
С совершенным почтением/ уважением
Yours faithfully,
Cordially yours,
Yours cordially,
Cordially, Искренне Ваш
Very cordially,
Most cordially yours,
Respectfully yours, С уважением/ почтением
Best regards/ Regards, С наилучшими пожеланиями
Devotedly yours,
Преданный Вам/тебе
Your devoted husband, Твой любящий муж
Affectionately yours,
Yours affectionately yours, С любовью
Your most affectionate son, Любящий тебя сын
Your affectionate cousin, Любящий тебя брат
Yours ever,
Ever yours,
Всегда Ваш/твой
Always yours,
As ever,
Love, With love,
With all my love,
Lovingly yours, Любящий тебя
All my love,
Your loving son/ friend, Любящий тебя сын/ друг
Adoringly yours,
Любящий тебя
Your own, Твой
Your friend, Твой друг
Tenderly, Любящий тебя
Cordially, as always, Сердечно, как всегда
With sincere thanks, С искренней благодарностью
Good-bye for now, До скорого
Дружески (членам клуба)


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