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Институт языка и литературы

Кафедра английского языка


Учебно - методическое пособие

Тирасполь, 2014
УДК 802.0(075.8)
ББК Ш 143.21 – 923
А 64

Е.В. Блонарь, Д.К. Жосан, преп. каф. английского языка

В.Г. Егорова, канд. филол. наук, доц. каф. иностранных языков филиала ПГУ им.
Т.Г. Шевченко г. Рыбница
Ю.И. Назарчук, канд. филол. наук, доц. каф. английского языка Института
языка и литературы ПГУ им. Т.Г. Шевченко

А 64 Учебно - методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов технических

специальностей бакалавриата / Сост. Е.В. Блонарь, Д.К. Жосан. – Тирасполь, 2014. -

Содержание пособия соответствует содержанию типовой программы дисциплины

«Английский язык» в неязыковом вузе.
Учебно- методическое пособие предназначено для студентов технических
специальностей бакалавриата 1-2 курса дневного обучения аграрно - технологического
факультета. Цель пособия – заложить у студентов основы практического владения
устной речью, научить правильному чтению и пониманию иноязычных текстов без
словаря и пересказу на английском языке на изученном лексическом и грамматическом
материале, а также привить навыки чтения текстов со словарем.

УДК 802.0(075.8)
ББК Ш 143.21 – 923

Утверждено Научно-методическим советом ПГУ им. Т.Г. Шевченко

© Составление:
Блонарь Е.В., Жосан. Д.К., 2014
Предлагаемое учебно – методическое пособие предназначено для студентов –
бакалавров 1 и 2 курсов аграрно – технологического факультета всех
специальностей дневной формы обучения. Содержание пособия соответствует
содержанию типовой программы дисциплины «Английский язык» в неязыковом
вузе. Оно направлено на формирование языковых и коммуникативно-речевых
знаний и умений, достаточных для дальнейшей учебной, научно-
исследовательской деятельности, для изучения зарубежного опыта в
профессиональной деятельности и для осуществления деловых контактов с
носителями языка. Данное пособие рассчитано на три семестра аудиторной и
самостоятельной работы ( около 150 часов).
Основная задача данного пособия - заложить у учащихся основы устной
речи, чтения, письма. Тексты в пособии направлены в первую очередь на развитие
всех видов чтения и на расширение словарного запаса, что особенно важно для
дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности студентов, а также на формирование
коммуникативных навыков.
Актуальность учебного пособия и его соответствие современным
требованиям к преподаванию иностранного языка определяется его
коммуникативной направленностью. Компетенция свободного общения
достигается путем формирования, развития и закрепления у студентов навыков
устной речи на основе системы коммуникативных заданий.
В связи с существующим в агротехнологических вузах разнообразием
профилей и направлений настоящее пособие отражает в текстах материал,
одинаково полезный и доступный для представителей любого
сельскохозяйственного профиля, расширяющий научный кругозор и эрудицию
студентов. Это и биография студента, наш родной край и город, наш университет
и высшее образование, сельское хозяйство в Великобритании, Лондон и его
достопримечательности, что такое сельское хозяйство, агроинженерия,
механизация сельского хозяйства.
Настоящее пособие состоит из 10 уроков (Unit). Каждый из уроков состоит из
разделов, способствующих формированию и развитию навыков и умений таких
видов речевой деятельности, как обогащение словарного запаса (Vocabulary
Training), чтение (Reading) и говорение (Speech Practice).
На предтекстовом этапе предлагается ряд заданий, направленных на
усвоение активного словаря, предлагаются предтекстовые упражнения,
снимающие трудности работы над текстом.
Текстовой этап предполагает развитие навыков селективной обработки
информации по степени важности, значимости для последующего использования.
Послетекстовой этап представлен заданиями творческого характера,
направленными на обобщение и обсуждение представленной информации, ее
анализ и оценку с точки зрения стоящей перед студентом проблемы, выражение
согласия (или несогласия), неуверенности.
После основных текстов следуют дополнительные (Supplementary Reading),
которые представлены в виде объемных текстов, связанных с проблемами защиты
окружающей среды, сохранения почв, использования удобрений в сельском
хозяйстве, производства энергии и другие. После каждого текста следуют
вопросы к его содержанию, предлагаются различные варианты ответов на
В конце пособия представлен основной грамматический материал,
теоретическое объяснение которого дополняется практическими упражнениями
для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы. Предлагается информация об
аннотировании специальных текстов.
Пособие может быть использовано как на групповых практических
занятиях, так и при самостоятельной работе студентов.

Unite 1
Vocabulary Training
1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations.

Match the headings and the groups

of words.

name, marital status, sex, relations by marriage, origin, religion, relations by birth

?surname / family / second name фамилия

first / given / personal / Christian name имя
patronymic / middle name отчество
full name полное имя
pet name / nickname прозвище
pen-name, n литературный псевдоним
pseudonym, n псевдоним
married name фамилия по мужу
maiden name девичья фамилия
namesake, n тезка
name, v называть, давать имя
?be from, v быть откуда-либо
come from, v приходить (происходить) откуда –
immigrant, n иммигрант, переселенец
foreigner, n иностранец
native, a уроженец
race, n раса
?(un)married,a женатый, неженатый
divorced, separated,a разведенный, разведенная
single,a холостой, незамужняя
widowed, a овдовевший
bachelor, n холостяк
marry, v жениться, выходить замуж
get married to, v жениться, выходить замуж
be married (to), v быть женатым (замужем) за кем-л.
be engaged, v быть помолвленным
divorce, v расторгать брак, разводиться
get a divorce получить развод
?parents, n родители
father / dad / daddy, n отец, папа, папочка
mother / mum / mummy, n мать, мама, мамочка
daughter, n дочь
son / sonny, n сын, сынок
grandparents, n дедушка и бабушка
grandfather / grandpa / granddad, n дедушка
grandmother / grandma / granny, n бабушка
grandchildren, n внуки
granddaughter, n внучка
grandson, n внук
aunt, n тетя
uncle, n дядя
nephew, n племянник
niece, n племянница
sister, n сестра
brother, n брат
cousin, n двоюродный брат/сестра
twins, n близнецы, двойня
triples, n тройня
?husband, n муж
wife, n жена
spouse, n муж, жена
fiancé, n жених
fiancée, n невеста
relative, n родственник
mother-in-law, n теща, свекровь
father-in-law, n свекор, тесть
son-in-law, n зять
daughter-in-law, n невестка, сноха
stepsister, n сводная сестра
stepbrother, n сводный брат
stepparents, n неродные родители
?male, n мужчина
female, n женщина
man, n человек, мужчина
woman, n женщина
member of the opposite sex представитель противоположного
gentleman, n господин, джентльмен
lady, n леди, дама, госпожа
?baby, n ребенок, младенец
toddler, n ребенок, начинающий ходить
kid, n ребенок, малыш
child, n ребенок, дитя
teenager, n подросток (от 13 до 19 лет)
adult, n взрослый, совершеннолетний
grown-up, n человек (от 20 лет)
generation , n поколение
young, a молодой
old, a старый
middle-aged, a средних лет
elderly, a пожилой, почтенный
be in one’s early / late 40s быть около 40 / за 40
be under / over 40 быть меньше сорока / за сорок лет
at the age of в возрасте
be / come of age быть совершеннолетним
?Orthodox, a православный
Catholic, a католический
Christian, a христианский
Presbyterian, a пресвитерианский
Moslem, a мусульманский
trust, v верить
believe (in), v верить
God, n Господь
service, n служба
faith, n вера, вероисповедание

2. How do you call a person:

who is 10 months who is 25
who is about a year who is 38
who is a year and a half who is 42
who is 16 who is 70
3. Fill the gaps with the proper words.
a) Andrew’s parents don’t live together. They are …. 2. Frank has no parents. So
he is an …. 3. Her … name was Hope. But after the marriage her name is Dickson. 4.
He hasn’t got a family of his own, he is … so far. 5. Are you an … child in the family?
–No, I’ve got an elder brother. 6. My grandparents are … already.
7. He is 19. He … of age last year. 8. Children go to school at the … of six in our
country. 9. He is married now but two years ago he was …
b) 1. He is in … late sixties. 2. His daughter is in … midteens. 3. Is Kate a relation
of … ? –No, we are just friends. 4. Do you have a family of … own? 5. This is Barbara
Dickson. She is a colleague of … 6. I’m a namesake of …, Lucy. 7. They prefer to live
by … 8. Does she live with … parents? 9. He is a dear old friend of … .

4. Fill in the missing words:

1) My mother’s sister is my … and her brother is my …
2) My wife’s mother is my … and her father is my …
3) My wife’s sister is my … and my wife’s brother is my …
4) My uncle’s son is my … and my aunt’s daughter is my … too.
5) My mother has a sister, her son is my mother’s …
6) My father has a brother, his daughter is my father’s …

5. Study the following passage and make up 5 sentences of your own

using some of the underline words:
In Britain most people have three names (In Russia people also have three
names: the first name, the surname and the patronymic):
first name = Christian name = forename (mainly in official documents); middle name (it
is not used very often);
surname = family name = last name.

For example: My name is James Brown. My

first name is James or Jimmy. My middle
name is Clarke. My surname is Brown, as I
said. My full name is James Clarke Brown.

6. a) Study the following expressions:

1. He lives in England. 2. She lives in America. 3. He lives in Scotland.
He is from England. She is from America. He is from Scotland.
He is English. She is American. He is Scottish.
He is an Englishman. She is an American. He is a Scot. He is a Scotsman.
b) Match the countries and their nationalities, make up sentences to
introduce one and the same person in different ways.
1. Great Britain 9. Canada a) Swede i) Frenchman q) Englishman
2. England 10.Russia b) Australian j) Danish r) Irish
3. Scotland 11. China c) Scot k) British s) Russian
4. Wales 12. New Zealand d) Canadian l) Scottish t) Chinese
5.Northern Ireland 13.Denmark e) Welsh m) English u) Swedish
6. The USA 14. Sweden f) German n) Japanese
7. Australia 15. Japan g) Irishman o) American
8. France 16.Germany h) Scotsman p) New Zealander

1. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions.
Look through the words and word-combinations before

good-looking – красивый, миловидный, slim – стройный, experienced –

опытный, квалифицированный, broad-shouldered – широкоплечий, to be handy
with smth – уметь делать что-л., быть искусным в чем-л., to fix – чинить,
исправлять, washing machine – стиральная машина , fridge - холодильник ,and
what not – и так далее, и тому подобное, to have much in common – иметь много
общего, views on smth – взгляды на…, horror film – фильм ужасов, to go in for
smth – заниматься чем-л., to take care of smb – заботиться о ком-л., accountant –
бухгалтер, twins – близнецы, a first-year student – первокурсник, to be fond of –
увлекаться чем-л. ,to be deeply attached to smb – быть сильно привязанным к
кому-л., to get on well – быть в хороших отношениях.
I am Alex Samoylov. Alex is my first name and Samoylov is my surname. I am
seventeen years old. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is large.
I have got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother and a grandmother. There are six of us in
the family.
First of all some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of biology. She
works in a college. She likes her profession. She is a good-looking woman with brown
hair. She is forty-four but she looks much younger. She is tall and slim.
My father is a computer programmer. He is very experienced. He is a broad-
shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes. He is forty-six. My father often sings
and when we are at home and have some free time, I play the guitar and we sing
together. My father is handy with many things. He can fix almost everything: a vacuum
cleaner, a washing machine, a fridge and what not.
My parents have been married for twenty-six years. They have much in common,
but they have different views on music, books, films, sports. For example, my father
likes horror films and my mother likes “soap operas”. My father is fond of tennis. My
mother doesn’t go in for sports.
My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of me
and my father. My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the
house. She is fond of knitting. My sister Helen is twenty-five. She is married and has a
family of her own. She works as an accountant. Her husband is a scientist. They have
got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery school. My brother Boris is
eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor but he is not sure yet.
I want to become an engineer. I’m a first-year student of the Pridnestrovian State
University. This year I have left secondary school and entered our university. I’m a hard
worker and like to do everything well. When I have spare time, I like to go in for sports.
I’m fond of sport games and my favourite one is football. I’m fond of music too. I like
to listen to music and collect information about popular singers.
We have got a lot of relatives. We are deeply attached to each other and we get on
very well.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. What is your first name? What is your surname?
2. How old are you?
3. Is your family large? How many are you in your family?
4. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
5. What are your parents? Where do they work?
6. How long have your parents been married?
7. Do they have much in common?
8. Do you spend a lot of time with your family?
9. What sort of things do you do together?
10. Do you go out with your parents?
11. Can you describe your mother (father, sister, brother, friend)?

3. Complete the following sentences using the text.

1. Alex is my… 2. I have got a… 3. My mother is… 4. She is a good-looking… 5.
My father is… 6. He is a broad-shouldered… 7. He can fix… 8. They have much… 9.
My mother keeps… 10. My grandmother is… 11. My sister… 12. Her husband… 13.
They have got… 14. My brother… 15. I want… 16. I’m a… 17. This year I have… 18.
I’m a hard… 19. When I have spare time… 20. I’m fond of… 21. We are deeply… .

4. Work in pairs. Correct wrong statements.

Begin your answers with the following expressions:
That’s right. Exactly so. Precisely so. You are right. I agree
with you. You are incorrect. You are not right.

1. Alex has got a mother, a father, a sister, and a brother.

2. His mother is a teacher of biology.
3. She is forty-four but she looks much older.
4. She is tall and slim.
5. His father is a broad-shouldered, tall man with fair hair and grey eyes.
6. His parents have much in common, but they have different views on music.
7. His mother keeps house and takes care of me and my father.
8. My grandmother is a pensioner.
9. His brother is married and has a family of his own.
10. His brother Boris is eleven.
11. Alex is a first-year student of the Omsk Technical University.
12. This year he has left secondary school and entered the Institute.
13. Alex is a hard worker and likes to do everything well.
14. He is fond of sport games and his favourite one is basketball.
15. Alex doesn’t like to listen to music.

5. Give English equivalents for the following word-combinations and use them
in the sentences of your own:
Красивый, миловидный; стройный; квалифицированный; широкоплечий;
играть на гитаре; быть искусным в чем-л.; чинить, исправлять; пылесос;
стиральная машина; холодильник; и так далее, и тому подобное; иметь много
общего; взгляды на…; фильм ужасов; «мыльная опера»; заниматься чем-л.;
заботиться о ком-л.; пенсионер; бухгалтер; ученый; близнецы; детский сад;
первокурсник; поступить в университет; быть трудолюбивым; увлекаться чем-л.;
заниматься спортом; быть сильно привязанным к кому-л.; быть в хороших
отношениях, ладить друг с другом.

Speech Practice
1. Find out about your group mates (their countries of residence, birthplace,
nationality, age, family, etc.).

Use the following dialogues as


1) - Who are you? 2) - How old are you?

- I’m Jim Brown. - I’m eighteen years old.
- What is your full name? - How old is your friend?
- My full name is James O. Brown. - He’s nineteen.
- What is your brother’s first name? - When were you born?
- My brother’s first name is Tom. - I was born on the 26th of October 1990.
- Is Tom Brown any relation to you? - Where were you born?
- Yes, he is my brother. - I was born in Omsk.
- What relation are you to Ann?
- She is my cousin.
3) - Where are you from? 4) - Have you got a family?
- I’m from Britain. - I’m not married yet and I live in my
- Where does your father come from? parents’ house.
- He is from Minsk. - What relation is Mrs. Black to you?
- What town are you from? - She is my aunt.
- I’m from London. - Is Kate any relation to you?
- No, she is a distant relation of mine.
5) - What do you do? 6) - Is your family large?
- I’m studying to be an electrical - Not very. There are only three of us. / It
engineer. is very small. I’m single. In fact, I’m a
- Where do you study? bachelor. / No, it isn’t. I’m the only child
- I study at the Omsk Technical in the family.
University. - How many people does your family
- What is your hobby? consist of?
- My hobby is collecting coins. - It consists of 3 members.
- What is your sister’s hobby? - Are you married?
- She is crazy about dancing. - Yes, I have been married for five years.
/ I’m not married. I’m single.
- Is your brother married yet?
- Not yet, but he is going to.

2. Write down the special questions to which the following sentences are the
1. That boy is my nephew. 2. My brother goes in for sport. 3. Her parents are
musicians. 4. Ann is my niece. 5. Her uncle is American. 6. His parents are elderly
people. 7. She was born in 1975. 8. My sister is 12. 9. My friend is Bill. 10. His children
are fond of playing tennis. 11. We are four.

3. Work in pairs. Make up a dialogue about your family. Try to get as much
information about the family of your partner as you can.

You may use the following expressions:

Look here! / I say! - Послушай!

As for… - Что касается…
By the way. - Между прочим.
Really? - Неужели?
All right! - Ладно! Хорошо!
After all. - В конце концов, в конечном счете.
I doubt it. - Сомневаюсь.
And what about… (your son)? - А как насчет … (вашего сына)?
Tell me… - Скажите…
I should say… - Я бы сказал…
I shouldn’t say so… - Я бы не сказал…
You see… - Видите ли…
How very interesting! - Как интересно!
You don’t say so! - Что вы говорите! (удивление)
I see. - Ясно. (Понятно).

4. Do the quiz. Guess the names of the people described below.

1. said: “All I need to make a comedy is a park, a pretty girl and a policeman”.
was born: in England
lived: in the USA
died: in Switzerland

2. said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your
came: from one of America’s richest families
was assassinated: in 1963

3. said: “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players”.
was born: in the sixteenth century, in Stradford-on-Avon
wrote: 37 plays and an enormous amount of poems

4. was born: in Hollywood

became: one of America’s most famous film stars
acted in: Gentlemen prefer Blondes
committed suicide: in 1962

5. were: great British musicians

work: started their musical career in Liverpool, made a great many songs,
became world famous.

6. was: a USA citizen, but lived some years in Cuba.

wrote: Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea, many other novels and
died: in 1960s

7. said: “I’m not a citizen of Greece, but of the world”.

wrote: nothing himself, all we know was written by his followers
suicide: was made to drink poison by the government
died: in Switzerland

8. said: “God is really only another artist”.

was born: in Spain
lived: in Paris
painted: “Guernica”
Keys are here:
Picasso Charles Chaplin
John Kennedy the Beatles
Socrates Marilyn Monroe
Hemingway Shakespeare
5. Translate into English.
1) Как Вас зовут? 2) Как Ваша фамилия? 3) Меня зовут Андрей, фамилия
Лавров. 4) Вы находитесь в родстве с Анной Лавровой? – Да, мы брат и сестра. 5)
Сколько Вам лет? – Мне 22 года. 6) Когда Вы родились? – Я родился 26 июля
1975 года. 7) Сколько лет Вашим родителям? 8) Где Вы родились? – Я родился в
Канаде, но мои отец и мать британцы. 9) Сколько лет Вашему племяннику? Он
выглядит очень молодо. - Он на пять лет старше меня. 10) Ваш сын уже женат? –
Нет, он еще холост. 11) Кем Вы приходитесь Анне Лавровой? – Я ее тетя. 12) Кто
Вы по профессии? – Я экономист. 13) Где Вы работаете? – На заводе. 14) Кем
работают Ваши родители? – Они уже пенсионеры. 15) Сколько лет они женаты? –
Они женаты 25 лет. 16) Чем Вы увлекаетесь? – Я очень люблю путешествовать.
17) Как Ваша сестра предпочитает проводить свободное время? – Она любит
читать книги по вечерам. 18) У Вас большая семья? – Нет, не очень. Нас трое: я,
жена и ребенок.

6. Find the Russian equivalents of the following proverbs:

As the tree, so the fruit.
Many a good father hath but a bad son.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
He is tied to his wife’s apron strings.

7. Tell the class about yourself and your family.

Check List to Unite 1

1. What is your first name? What is your surname?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
4. Is your family large? How many are you in your family?
5. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
6. What are your parents? Where do they work?
7. How long have your parents been married?
8. Do they have much in common?
9. Do you spend a lot of time with your family?
10. What sort of things do you do together?
11. Do you go out with your parents?
12. Can you describe your mother (father, sister, brother, friend)?
13. Who runs the house in your family?
14. What are your household duties?
15. Who is the first to get up in the morning in your family?
16. What is your father’s hobby?
17. What does your morning begin with?
18. Do you take a shower (a bath) in the morning or do you just wash your face
and hands?
19. How is the evening usually spent in your family?
20. Are you fond of watching TV? Are there any TV programmes which you
especially like and try to watch regularly, or do you turn on TV just to pass away the

Unite 2
Vocabulary Training
1. Read the words and the expressions below.
Consult your dictionary to check the
correct pronunciation of the following
The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, government, Transnistria, Pridnestrovye,
Europe, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, to equal, thousand, representative, language,
legislative, Christianity, monetary, unit, sovereign, state, southern, wineyard, kilometer,
Dniester, official, to situate, presidential, agriculture, industry

2. Group the words from exercise 1 into the following groups: proper nouns,
nouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals.
Read and remember the following words
to be located in- располагаться на
to border on - граничит c
to be situated on - располагаться на
Supreme Council – Верховный Совет
monetary unit – денежная единица

1. Read this text quickly and define the main idea of this text.

After you read try to give the heading

to this text

The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (or Transnistria, or

Pridnestrovye) was formed on the 2nd of September 1990. It is located in the southern
part of Europe. It borders with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. It is situated on
the left bank of the river Dniester. Its territory is about 10 thousand square kilometers
and the population is about 550 thousand people. The capital of our republic is Tiraspol.
Our republic has its own flag and hymn. The largest cities are Tiraspol, Bendery,
and Rybnitsa. The official languages are Russian, Moldavian, Ukranian. Most of
population professes Christianity. The monetary unit of the republic is the Dniester
The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is a sovereign
state. By the form of government, it is a presidential republic.
The president is elected for five – year term. The highest
representative and legislative organ of the state power in the
republic is the Supreme Council (Parliament) elected for five –
year term. The main political parties of Pridnestrovye are the
Communist Party, The Liberal Party and the Democratic Party.
The Dniester Region is an agro industrial state. The leading
branches of economy are engineering, metalworking, food-
processing and light industries, iron and steel and electric power industries, production
of building materials and highly intensive agriculture. Our republic is also called a land
of gardens and wineyards.
As to climate, it is moderate continental with short warm winters and lengthy hot
Unfortunately our republic has not been officially recognized at present but it has
close ties with many countries and it is still growing and developing successfully from
day to day.

2. Give the answers to the questions below

1. When was our republic formed?
2. Where is our state located?
3. What is the capital of the PMR?
4. How many official languages are there in our republic? What are they?
5. What is the highest legislative organ of the republic?
6. What are the main political parties of the PMR?
7. What are the leading branches of economy?

3. Find English equivalents in the text:

Исповедовать, быть расположенным на, суверенное государство,
промышленный, машиностроение, денежная единица, срок, законодательный
орган, сельское хозяйство, метоллообработка, гимн, пищевая промышленность,

4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. ПМР граничит с Украиной и Республикой Молдова.
2. Большинство населения нашей республики исповедует христианство.
3. Президент ПМР избирается сроком на 5 лет.
4. Основные политические партии Приднестровья - это Коммунистическая
партия, Либеральная партия и Демократическая партия.
5. Нашу республику также называют краем садов и виноградников.
5. Write a plan to the text:

Compose a plan of the text above.


Vocabulary Training
1. Read and remember the following words and word combinations.

Look into your dictionary in case you

don’t know the proper pronunciation.

representative democracy - представительная демократия

exercise – осуществлять
vest – облекать, наделять
Federal Assembly – Федеральное собрание
bicameral – двухпалатный
deem – считать, полагать

2. Read the following words and expressions and guess their meaning. You
may look through the text when doing this exercise.
national referendum, constitutional crisis, according to, representative democracy,
the head of government, two chambers, legislative branch, the commander-in-chief of
the military

3. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

Choose one of the words in brackets that best
corresponds to the meaning.

1. The Russian Federation is fundamentally structured (состоит, структурирован,

построен) as a representative democracy.
2. Legislative power is vested in (даны, дана, наделена, наделены) the two
chambers of the Federal Assembly.
3. The president can veto (отменить, наложить запрет) legislative bills before
they become law.
4. Judiciary branch (юридическая ветвь, законодательная ветвь, судебная
власть) includes The Constitutional Court.
5. The president will be elected by popular vote (популярным голосованием,
народным голосованием) for a five - year term.


1. Read and translate the text about new Russia.

The new Constitution of Russia was adopted by national
referendum on 12 December 1993, following the 1993 Russian

constitutional crisis. According to the Constitution Russia

is a federation and formally a semi-presidential republic,
wherein the President is the head of the state and the
Prime Minister is the head of the government. The Russian
Federation is fundamentally structured as a representative democracy. Executive power
is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in the two chambers of the
Federal Assembly.
The federal government is composed of three branches: legislative, executive and
Legislative branch is the bicameral Federal Assembly, which is made up of the
State Duma and the Federation Council. The Federal Assembly adopts federal law,
declares war, approves treaties, has the power of the purse, and has the power of
impeachment, by which it can remove the President.
Executive branch is the President. The president is the commander-in-chief of the
military, can veto legislative bills before they become law, and appoints the Cabinet and
other officers, who administer and enforce federal laws and policies.
Judiciary branch includes The Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Supreme
Court of Arbitration and lower federal courts, whose judges are appointed by the
Federation Council on the recommendation of the president, interpret laws and can
overturn laws they deem unconstitutional.
The president is elected by popular vote for a four
- year term. Ministries of the government are
composed of the premier and his deputies, ministers,
and selected other individuals; all are appointed by the
president on the recommendation of the Prime Minister
(whereas the appointment of the latter requires the consent of the State Duma).
Leading political parties in Russia include United Russia, the Communist Party, the
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. and Fair Russia.

2. Work together with your desk - mate.

Compose a plan of the text above.

3. Complete the following sentences.

1. The new Constitution of Russia was adopted … .
2. The Russian Federation is structured as … .
3. The federal government is composed of … .
4. Legislative branch is … .
5. Executive branch … .
6. Judiciary branch includes … .
7. The president is elected by … .
8. Ministries of the government are composed … .
3. Give the answers to the questions below.
1. Why is Russia a semi-presidential republic?
2. What are the branches the federal government is composed of?
3. What is the president’s power?
4. What is the Federal Assembly responsible for?
5. What does judiciary branch include?

Speech Practice
1. Work in groups of three of four. Compose a conversation about modern
Avail yourself with the following fable:
You are a group of Russian students talking to an English
graduate who now is writing a paper on new Russian history.
Give answers to his questions about modern Russia.

2. Work in groups of three or four.

Make four or five questions to the text and then ask

them to another group of students

Check List to Unite 2

1. When was the PMR formed?
2. Where is our state located?
3. What is the capital of the PMR?
4. How many official languages are there in our republic? What are they?
5. What is the highest legislative organ of the PMR?
6. What are the main political parties of the PMR?
7. What are the leading branches of economy of the PMR?
1. Why is Russia a semi-presidential republic?
2. What are the branches the federal government is composed of?
3. What is the president’s power?
4. What is the Federal Assembly responsible for?
5. What does judiciary branch include?

Unite 3
Vocabulary training
1. Remember the words and word combinations given below.

Consult your dictionary to check the correct

pronunciation of given words

a great historical past – великое историческое прошлое

capital - столица
to occupy - занимать, оккупировать, захватывать
to commemorate the victory – чтить память, праздновать победу
the first dwellers – жители, первые поселенцы
anniversary – годовщина, юбилей
wine and brandy making – вино-коньячное производство


1. Read and translate the text about early days of Tiraspol.

Tiraspol occupies the left bank of the river Dniester. It is the capital of
Pridnestrovye and besides it has a great historical past.
The town of Tiraspol was founded by Suvorov in 1792 to commemorate the
victory of the Russian army over the Turkish in 1792. The name Tiraspol means “a
town on the river Tiras”. “Tiras” is the ancient name of the Dniester and “polis” in
Greek means “a town”. Some time later the Greeks went away and Tiraspol became a
small village with narrow streets and houses made of straw and clay. The first dwellers
of our town were people of different nationalities: Moldavians, Russian and Ukrainians.
Nowadays it is also a multinational town.
Tiraspol celebrates its anniversary every year on October 14.

2. Give the answers to the questions below.

1. When was Tiraspol founded?
2. Whom was Tiraspol founded by?
3. What is its geographical position?
4. What does the name “Tiraspol” mean?
5. When do people celebrate the town’s birthday?

3. Complete the following sentences using the contents of the text.

1. Tiraspol is the capital of …
2. The town of Tiraspol occupies …
3. Tiraspol was founded by …
4. The name Tiraspol means …
5. The first dwellers of Tiraspol were…

Vocabulary training
1. Read and remember the following words and word combinations.

Look into your dictionary in case you

don’t know the proper pronunciation.

Population, nowadays, cultural, administrative, abroad, textiles, electrical

equipment, intellectual, University, education, branch, establishments, technical,
theatre, to encourage, architecture, machine, residential.


1. Read and translate general information about Tiraspol.

Tiraspol became the capital of Pridnestrovye in 1990. Nowadays the population of
Tiraspol is about 150 thousand people. It is political, administrative, economic and
cultural center.
Tiraspol has a great network of plants and factories producing different goods,
which are well-known both in our country and abroad. They are textiles, clothes,
machines, plastics, electrical equipment, footwear and wide range of tinned food.
Tiraspol is famous for wine and brandy making.
Intellectual and cultural life is blooming in Tiraspol. It has University, branches of
Russian education institutions, several colleges, technical schools, lyceums and
gymnasiums which have close ties with the educational establishments of Russia,
Moldova and the Ukraine. Besides we are proud of our State Drama Theatre, Art
Gallery, and the nature museums. In the center you can see the Memorial of Glory,
Suvorov Square.

State Drama Theatre The Memorial of Glory

Encouraging sport, the town has many sport clubs and sport grounds, stadiums,
swimming pools, a skating rink, bowling club.

Stadium “Sheriff” Swimming pool

Tiraspol is a town of old and modern architecture, historical monuments and new
residential areas.

2. Give the answers to the following questions.

1. What is the population of Tiraspol?
2. Is it political, administrative, economic and cultural center?
3. What do our plants and factories produce?
4. How is intellectual and cultural life blooming in Tiraspol?
5. What can you see in Tiraspol?

3. Copy out the sentences in which the following words occur in the text.
Network, economic, branches, establishments, center
4. Give the antonyms to the following words.
Ancient, great, close, many, town, different, nowadays, wide, to bloom, old, new

5. Ask questions to the following sentences, beginning with question words in

1. Tiraspol occupies the left bank of the river Dniester.(What bank…?)
2. The town of Tiraspol was founded by Suvorov in 1792 to commemorate the
victory of the Russian army over the Turkish in 1792.(Why …?)
3. The first dwellers of our town were people of different nationalities:
Moldavians, Russian and Ukrainians. (Who…?)
4. Tiraspol became the capital of Pridnestrovye in 1990. (When…?)
5. Tiraspol has a great network of plants and factories producing different goods,
which are well-known both in our country and abroad.(What…?)
6. In the center you can see the Memorial of Glory, Suvorov Square.(Where…?)
7. Tiraspol is a town of old and modern architecture, historical monuments and
new residential areas. (Is…?)

6. Work out a plan to the text.


Vocabulary training
1. Read the geographical names.
Pay attention to their pronunciation.

Moscow, Volga Canal, the Baltic Sea, the White Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Black
Sea, the Sea of Azov.

Geographical names of rivers, seas and oceans are use the

Sea of Azov with the definite article the.

2. Read and translate the following word-combinations, phrases and proper

a) total area, a port of five seas, one of the best-known plants, interesting portraits
and landscapes, a treasure-house of Russian art, the Central Military Museum, the
Kremlin, large squares, a lot of foreigners, railway stations,
b) Yuri Dolgoruky, Tretyakov, Alexander Pushkin, Ivan Fedorov, Mikhail


1. Read and translate general information about Moscow, the capital

of Russia.
Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is one of the biggest and most beautiful cities in
the world. Moscow is a modern city now. The population of the city is about 9.8 million
people. Moscow is a political centre, where the government of our country works.
Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky.
The total area of Moscow is about nine hundred square kilometers.
We say that Moscow is a port of five seas, as the Moscow—Volga Canal links
Moscow with the Baltic, White, Caspian and Black seas and the Sea of Azov.
Moscow is an industrial centre too. There are many
factories and plants in it. One of the best-known plants
produces many lorries, and the other one produces cars.
There are about 40 theatres and 250 Palaces of Culture
in Moscow. The Bolshoi Theatre is one of the famous
theatres all over the world. If you are fond of painting you
can go to the Tretyakov Art Gallery or to the Pushkin Fine
Arts Museum and see a lot of interesting portraits and landscapes there. We say that the
Tretyakov Art Gallery is a treasure-house of Russian art. Young people like to visit the
Central Military Museum. There are many tanks, guns and war documents there.
One can see the Kremlin and Red Square in the city. There are many fine
buildings, wide streets, green parks, large squares, churches and monuments in
It is necessary to mention such famous monuments as monuments to the great
Russian writer Alexander Pushkin and to the first Russian printer Ivan Fedorov.
Visiting the capital a lot of foreigners from all over the world come to see these
One of the highest buildings in Moscow is the State Moscow University. It was
founded in 1755 by the great scientist Mikhail Lomonosov.
As to transport , Moscow is a very big city, and its transport must be comfortable
and fast.
One can see a lot of cars, buses, trolley-buses, trams in the streets of the city. The
Moscow metro began its work on the 15th of May, 1935. There were 13 stations at that
time. Now it has 190 stations. Metro is a beautiful and convenient one.
There are nine railway stations in Moscow and five airports around the city.
There are many stadiums in Moscow. The Central Stadium is in Luzhniki. Many
competitions and football matches are held there.
The Olympic village was built for the 22nd Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. It
is a big complex for sport games.

2. Find the following words and word-combinations in the text.

современный город, политический центр, общая площадь, пейзаж,
необходимо отметить, иностранец, ученый, был основан, московское метро,
удобный, железнодорожные станции, соревнования, аэропорт.

3. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the capital of Russia?
2. Is Moscow industrial, political and cultural center, isn’t it?
3. What is the population of the city?
4. Is Moscow is a port of five or two seas?
5. How many theatres are there in Moscow?
6. What is the Central Stadium in Moscow?
7. Are there any railway station and airports in Moscow?
8. What are the most famous theatres and museums of the city?
9. When did Moscow metro begin its work?
10.Have you ever visited Moscow?

Speech Practice
1. Choose any attraction of the town Tiraspol, find out photos and tell the
class about it.

2. Make a Power Point presentation of the topic “Tiraspol”.

Check List to Unit 3

1. When was Tiraspol founded?
2. Whom was Tiraspol founded by?
3. What is its geographical position?
4. What does the name “Tiraspol” mean?
5. When do people celebrate the town’s birthday?
6. What is the population of Tiraspol?
7. Is it political, administrative, economic and cultural center?
8. What do our plants and factories produce?
9. How is intellectual and cultural life blooming in Tiraspol?
10.What can you see in Tiraspol?
1. What is the capital of Russia?
2. Is Moscow industrial, political and cultural center, isn’t it?
3. What is the population of the city?
4. Is Moscow is a port of five or two seas?
5. How many theatres are there in Moscow?
6. What is the Central Stadium in Moscow?
7. Are there any railway station and airports in Moscow?
8. What are the most famous theatres and museums of the city?
9. When did Moscow metro begin its work?
10.Have you ever visited Moscow?

Unite 4
Vocabulary training
1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations.
Consult your dictionary to check the
correct pronunciation of the
following words

general terms
paid платный
higher высший (высшее образование)
entrance поступление, прием
accept принимать
term семестр
comprehensive общеобразовательный, единый
knowledge знание, познания
competitive конкурсный (экзамен)
applicant претендент
free of charge бесплатно
education образование
university университет
to enter the University поступить в университет
to graduate from the university окончить университет
to teach at a university преподавать в университете
academy академия
admitted принятый
opportunity возможность, шанс
extramural заочный
combine объединять, соединять
curriculum курс обучения, учебный план
applied прикладной, практический
comprehensive course общеобразовательный, единый курс
evaluate оценивать
scholarship, grants стипендия
to take an examination сдать экзамен
to take a test сдавать зачет
to fail in an examination не сдать экзамен
to be in the first year быть на первом курсе
to be the first year student быть первокурсником
to attend посещать
to train specialists готовить специалистов
to deliver a lecture on читать лекцию по…
to give classes проводить занятия
department / faculty факультет
Faculty of Arts and Architecture Факультет искусств и архитектуры
Agro-technological faculty Аграрно- технологический ф-т
Natural geography faculty Естественно-географичкский ф-т
The Faculty of Medicine Медицинский ф-т
Faculty of Education and Ф-т педагогики и психологии
Faculty of Physics and Физико-математический ф-т
Faculty of Physical Education and Ф-т физической культуры и спорта
Faculty of Military Training Военный институт
The Faculty of Economics Экономический факультет
Institute of History, State and Law Институт истории, государства и права
Institute of Language and Институт языка и литературы
Literature Инженерно-технический институт с
Engineering Institute with a техническим колледжем им. Ю.А.
technical college named Y.A. Гагарина
Bendery branch Бендерский филиал
Rybnitsа branch Рыбницкий филиал
humanities гуманитарные науки
technical/engineering sciences технические науки
natural sciences естественные науки
higher mathematics высшая математика
strength of materials сопромат
mechanics механика
machine elements детали машин
drawing черчение
descriptive geometry начертательная геометрия


1. Read the text about the University you study at.

State University of Pridnestrovye named after T.G. Shevchenko was founded in
1930. It is the oldest higher educational institution in the region. Over 12 thousand
students study at the University at present.
At present the University has 3 institutes, 9 faculties and 2 departments. Here are
more than one thousand highly qualified teachers. They give
knowledge on different faculties: Physics and Mathematics,
Economical, Pedagogical, Historical, Arts, Medical, Law,
Agricultural –Technological, Physical Culture and Sport and others. The University is
also staffed by highly qualified senior teachers, associate professors, Doctors of
Sciences and more than 150 Candidates of Sciences.
Many people study by correspondence. They combine
work and study. The University also has an extra – mural
department where people can get higher education without
leaving their job.
The students of the University have good conditions
for study. Numerous lecture halls, study – rooms, a medical center, a well – stocked
library with some reading halls, canteens and sport halls are at their disposal. The
electronic library is functioning too.
The academic year is divided into two terms: winter term and summer term. Term
examinations are held in January and June. The course of studies lasts four or six years.
The University provides the students with a high standard of theoretical and
practical knowledge.
The government provides young people with everything necessary for study. The
majority of students get grants and many of them live in comfortable hostels which are
situated near the University.
Since its foundation the University has prepared thousands of highly qualified

2. Complete the following sentences using the text.

1. Taras Shevchenko State University of Pridnestrovye is … in the region.
2. The University has … and 2 departments.
3. Highly qualified teachers give knowledge on different faculties: Economical,..
4. Many people study by … .
5. The University is staffed by highly qualified senior teachers, … and more than
150 Candidates of Sciences.
6. The academic year is divided … .
7. … are held in January and June.
8. The majority of students get … and many of them live in … .

3. Give equivalents to the following sentences.

1. State University of Pridnestrovye named after T.G. Shevchenko was founded in
2. At present the University has 3 institutes, 9 faculties and 2 departments.
3. University is also staffed by highly qualified senior teachers, associate
professors, Doctors of Sciences and more than 150 Candidates of Sciences.
4. The University also has an extramural department where people can get higher
education without leaving their job.
5. The University provides the students with a high standard of theoretical and
practical knowledge.
4. Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations
using the text.
1) был основан, 2) факультет, 3) заканчивать факультет, 4) ректор, 5)
преподаватели, 6) образовательное учреждение , 7) специалисты, 8) факультет
искусств и архитектуры, 9) аграрно- технологический ф-т, 10) естественно-
географичкский ф-т, 11) медицинский ф-т, 12) ф-т педагогики и психологии, 13)
физико-математический ф-т, 14) военный институт, 15) ф-т физической культуры
и спорта, 16) экономический ф-т, 17) обучение, 18) осуществляться, 19)
бюджетная основа, 20) договорная основа, 21) семестр, 22) одновременно, 23)
общежитие, 24) издательство, 25) доктор наук, 26) кандидат наук, 27) бакалавр,
специалист, магистр, 28) общежитие, 29) аспирантура, 30) дневное обучение, 31)
заочное обучение.

5. Make up sentences using the following words:

If you are not sure, look through the text.

1. Named after T.G. Shevchenko , was founded in 1930, State University of

2. Over, at present, at the University, 12 thousand students , study.
3. The students, good conditions, of the University, have, for study.
4. And, examinations, in, are held, January, term, June.
5. Young people, for study, the government, with, provides, everything, necessary.

6. Answer these questions.

1. When was the University founded?
2. How many students study at the University at present?
3. What departments are there at the University?
4. What can you say about the stuff of the University?
5. What terms is the academic year divided into?
6. How long does the course of studies last?
7. What does the government provide young people with?
8. The students of the University have good conditions for study, haven’t they?

Speech Practice
1. Comment on the following aphorisms:



2. A delegation of students and teachers from Cambridge are on a visit at

your University. You are asked questions about it. Give information about the
items listed below:
1. the name of your University;
2. its location;
3. the faculties at the University;
4. how long the complete course lasts;
5. the number of the students at the University;
6. the subjects you study;
7. the equipment the University is provided with;
8. the student’s hostels;
9. what you like and what you don’t like about the University.

3. What words (ideas) would you associate with A GOOD LEVEL OF

EDUCATION? A beginning has already been made for you. Fill in the word web.

4. Your friend who is 20 years old works as a car mechanic. He wants to
continue his education in order to become an engineer. He doesn’t know which
faculty to choose. Help him to solve his problem. Give your reasons. Work in pairs.

5. Express your opinion answering the questions.

Use the expressions: I think…; In my opinion…; To
my mind…; As far as I know… .

1. Why do young people enter high schools?

2. What can you say about the curriculum of your higher school? Give your
3. What is more difficult: to be a full-time or a part-time student? Give your
4. Do you think there are a lot of opportunities for the young people in our country
to get higher education? Give your examples.

Check List to Unit 4

1. When was the University founded?
2. How many students study at the University at present?
3. What departments are there at the University?
4. What can you say about the stuff of the University?
5. What terms is the academic year divided into?
6. How long does the course of studies last?
7. What does the government provide young people with?
8. The students of the University have good conditions for study, haven’t they?

Unit 5
Vocabulary training
1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations.
Consult your dictionary to check the correct
pronunciation of the words given.
to ʼseparate – отделять(ся) ′current – течение
to in′clude – включать inde′pendent – независимый
to wash – омывать flat – плоский, равнинный
to de′pend on – зависеть mountainous – гористый
to occupy - занимать ′rocky – скалистый
to be ʼsituated – быть расположенным ′changeable – изменчивый
to be bound – быть ограниченным ′moderate– умеренный
′island – остров deep - глубокий
peʼninsula [ pɪʼnɪnsjulə] – полуостров mild – мягкий
county - графство wet – влажный
′coast – берег, побережье ′cloudy – облачный
surface[′sə:fis] – поверхность ′total – полный, весь
harbour[′ha:bə] – гавань in length – длиной, по длине
a number of – ряд, несколько as a rule – как правило
in addition to – в дополнении к

2. Work in pairs. Student A translate these sentences into Russian, student B

translate them into English.
1. to in′cludе – включать 6.′harbour – гавань
Great Britain includes England, Scotland The coast line has excellent harbours.
and Wales. 7. flat – плоский, равнинный
2. to de′pend on – зависеть The greater part of the surface of England
As a rule the climate depends on the is flat.
geographical position of the country. 8. ′mountainous – гористый
3. to wash – омывать 9. ′rocky – скалистый
The warm sea washes the country. The northern part of the country is
4. to be bound – быть ограниченным, mountainous and rocky.
граничить 10. mild – мягкий
On the west Great Britain is bound by the 11. ′cloudy – облачный
Atlantic Ocean. 12. wet – влажный
5. ′coast – берег, побережье The England weather is mild, wet and
The northern coasts of the country are cloudy.
washed by the North Sea.

2. Read the geographical names.

Pay attention to their pronunciation.

1.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

[ju:ʼnaɪtid ʼkindəm əvʼgreit ʼbritən ənd ʼnɔ:Әən ʼailənd] -
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.
2. Great Britain [ʼgreit ʼ britən] – Великобритания
3. the British Isles [ ʼbritiʃ ʼailz] – Британские острова
4. England [ ʼɪ:ῃglənd]– Англия
5. Scotland [ ʼskɔtlənd] – Шотландия
6. Wales [ ʼweilz] – Уэльс
7. the Irish Sea [ ʼairiʃ ʼsi:] – Ирландское море
8. the North Sea [ ʼnɔ:θ ʼsi:] – Северное море
9. the European Continent [ju:rəʼpi:ən ʼkɔntinənt] – Европейский континент
10. the English Channel [ ʼi:ηgliʃ ʼʧᴂnəl]– пролив Ла-Манш
11. the Strait of Dover [ʼstreit əv ʼdouvə] – пролив Па-де-Кале
12. Ben Nevis [ben ʼnevis] – г. Бен Невис
13. the Severn [ʼsevn] – р. Северн
14. the Thames [ʼtemz] – р. Темза
15. the Windermere [ʼwindəmiə] – оз. Уиндермир
16. the Gulf Stream [ʼgʌlf ʼstri:m]–течение Гольфстрим
17. Celtic [ʼkeltik] – кельтский
18. Manchester [ʼmᴂnʧistə] – Манчестер
19. Liverpool [ʼlivəpu:l] – Ливерпуль
20. Glasgow [ʼglα:sgou]] – Глазго
21. Birmingham [ʼbə:miηəm]– Бирмингем

Geographical names of rivers, seas and oceans are use

with the definite article the.

3. Find the synonyms.

main, total, flat, coast, state, about, territory, shore, area, chief, entire, level,
country, mild, soft, several, cool, current, flow, cold, nearly, a number of.

4. Read the adjectives and form degrees of comparison. Translate them into
great mild warm long
large changeable small wet
deep moderate high short

5. Make sure if you remember the suffixes of adjectives.

mountain – mountainous; climate – climatic; rock – rocky; cloud – cloudy; wind –
windy; geography – geographical; tropics – tropical; Europe – European; north –
northern; south – southern; change – changeable.

6. Read and translate the following word-combinations and phrases.

a) geographical position, total area, excellent harbours, independent republic,
Northern Ireland, on the west coast, the Lake District, Celtic languages, warm current of
the Gulf Stream, the highest mountain Ben Nevis, the largest lake Windermere,
b) can be used by ships, it brings a little of tropics to the very doors of English
people, as a rule, the surface is flat.

7. Translate the sentences into Russian and then back into English.
1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on two
large islands.
2. The country is separated from the European Continent by the English Channel
and the Strait of Dover.
3. The southern part of Ireland is an independent republic.
4. On the west coasts of the state is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean.
5. The British Isles are washed by the warm current of the Gulf Stream.

1. Study the following text.
Try to understand all details.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on 2 large
islands and 5.000 smaller ones. These are the British Isles. Great Britain is the largest
island in Europe. It is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea, from the European
Continent – by the North Sea, the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. In the east
the country is washed by the North Sea. On the west coasts Great Britain is bound by
the Atlantic Ocean.
Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales. Administratively Great
Britain is divided into 55 counties.
England is the largest part of Great Britain. It occupies over 50 %
of the territory and its population amounts to 83 % of the total
population of Great Britain.
Wales is а peninsula in the south-west of the island of Great Britain. It occupies
about 9 % of its territory with the population of 4.8 % of
the total population. The Welsh speak their own language.
The capital is Cardiff.
Scotland is the most northern part of Great Britain
with the territory of 32 % of the total territory and with the
population of 9 % of the total population of Great Britain.
Its capital is Edinburgh.
Northern Ireland occupies the north-east part of the
island of Ireland. Its territory amounts to 5.2 % of the total
territory of Great Britain. Its capital is Belfast.
The southern part of Ireland is an independent republic.
The greater part of the surface of England and Ireland is flat. The northern part of
Scotland and Wales is mountainous and rocky. The main rivers are short but can be
used by ships. The longest of them are the Severn, 353 kms in length and the Thames,
332 kms in length. There is a number of lakes in the country. The largest lake is the
Lake District. The coastline of the country has excellent harbours.
As a rule, climate depends on the geographical position of the country. The British
Isles are washed by the warm current of the Gulf Stream, It makes the climate more
moderate than on the Continent and brings a little of tropics to the very doors of English
people. So the weather is mild, wet, cloudy, windy and changeable.
The total area of the country is about 21.600 square miles or 245.000 kms. The
population of Great Britain is about 58 million, 44 being Englishmen. Over 80 % of the
population live in cities and towns. Nearly all people speak English but some speak
Celtic languages.
The main cities are London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh,
Glasgow and Cardiff.

2. Translate into English.

on: на двух больших островах; на континенте; на Темзе; на озере Виндермир;
на Тихом океане; на западном побережье.
in: в Европе; в Шотландии; по длине; в стране; на севере; на юге; на западе
by: отделен Ирландским морем; ограничен Атлантическим океаном;
использованы кораблями; омывается тёплым течением.
of: теплое течение Гольфстрима; Королевство Великобритании и Северной
Ирландии; поверхность Англии; самая длинная из них; 80 % населения; ряд озер;
прибрежная зона страны.

3. Choose the right word.

1. The southern part of Ireland is an (developing, independent, socialist) republic.
2. The coastline of the country has excellent (gulfs, mountains, harbors).
3. The English weather is (changeable, unchangeable, dry).
4. The longest river Severn is 353 km (in a year, in number, in length).
5. The British Isles are (bound, washed, situated) by the warm (current, sea, ocean)
of the Gulf Stream.

4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word-
скалистый; прибрежная линия; независимая республика; это делает климат
более умеренным; могут быть использованы судами; приносит немного
«тропиков» к самым дверям англичан; на западном побережье; причем 44 – это

5. Translate the following sentences.

1. Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии
расположено на Британских островах.
2. Великобритания включает Англию, Шотландию и Уэльс.
3. Южная часть Ирландии – это независимая республика.
4. Полная площадь страны равна 245 тыс. кв. км.
5. Большая часть Англии и Ирландии плоская.
6. Северная часть Шотландии и Уэльса горная.
7. Самые длинные реки – Северн и Темза.
8. Британские острова омываются теплым течением Гольфстрима и это
делает климат более умеренным.
9. Погода в стране мягкая, влажная, изменчивая.
10. Население страны равно 58 миллионам.
11. Главные города – Лондон, Бирмингем, Ливерпуль, Глазго, Манчестер.

Speech practice
1. Express your opinion.
Use the following expressions:
I believe/consider (that)…; I think…; In my opinion…; To my mind…;
As far as I know…; It seems to me…; Iʼm not sure/certain about…
1. The total area of Great Britain is about 245.000 square kms.
2. Over 80 % of population of Great Britain live in cities.
3. The longest rivers are the Severn and the Thames.
4. The river Thames is 332 kms in length.
5. The Strait of Dover is only 31 kms across.
6. The main cities of the country are London, Birmingham, Liverpool and

2. Say it in English using the model.

This time you may consult the dictionary if
1. to be situated – быть расположенным
a). Франция расположена на Европейском континенте.
b) Шотландия расположена на севере Великобритании.
c) Великобритания расположена на Британских островах.
2. to be separated – быть отделенным
a) Великобритания отделена от Ирландии Ирландским морем.
b) Великобритания отделена от Европейского континента Северным морем.
c) Шотландия отделена от Англии горами и холмами.
d) Франция отделена от Великобритании проливами Ла Манш и Паде-Кале.
3. to include – включать
a) Великобритания включает Англию, Шотландию и Уэльс.
b) Британские острова включают 2 больших острова и более 5000 маленьких
c) Лондон включает 3 основные части.

3. Express your opinion.

Agree or disagree with statements
according to the model.

Model: T: The greater part of England is flat.

St: It is right. The greatest part of England is flat.
T: The population of Great Britain is 130 million.
St: It is wrong. The population of Great Britain is 58 million.
1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on 1 large
2. Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales.
3. Great Britain is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea.
4. Great Britain is bounded by the Pacific Ocean.
5. The main rivers of Great Britain can be used by ships.
6. The British Isles are washed by the cold current of the Gulf Stream.
7. The Gulf Stream brings a little of tropics to the very doors of English people.
8. The weather in England is mild, wet, cloudy, windy and changeable.
9. The main cities of Great Britain are New York, Washington, San Francisco and

4. Fill in the missing words and phrases from the following listed:
mountainous, flat, Ben Nevis, rocky, in length, in Scotland, the warm current of
the Gulf Stream, wet, cloudy, mild, moderate.
1. The greater part of the surface of England and Ireland is ….
2. The northern part of Scotland and Wales is ….
3. The Severn is 353 kms…, the Thames is 332 kms ….
4. The weather in England is ….
5. The highest mountain is ….
6. The Gulf Stream makes the climate more ….
7. The British Isles are washed by ….

5. Imagine you are a teacher of geography in English school.

Speak about Great Britain, its main parts, rivers, lakes, mountains
and climate; use the map of Great Britain.

6. Describe the geographical position of Great Britain.

а) the position of the country; d) climate;
b) what parts it consists of; e) its population;
c) its scenary; f) the main cities;

7. Discuss the following topics (use the map and some additional sources of
1. Physical background of Great Britain. 3. Big cities of Great Britain.
2. English scenery and climate. 4. Four parts of the country.


Vocabulary training
1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations.
Consult your dictionary to check the correct

to mean – означать place of interest –

to grow together – слиться достопримечательность
to be proud of – гордиться original – первоначальный
to cover – покрывать, охватывать commercial – торговый
village – селение, деревня urban – городской
association – ассоциация vast – огромный
church – церковь ancient – древний
castle – замок fashionable – модный, светский
handicraftsman – ремесленник densely populated – плотно, густо
wealth – богатство заселенный

2. Practice the reading of the proper names.

the Romans – римляне the Tower – Тауэр
the Normans – нормандцы Westminster Abbey – Вестминстерское
the Germanic invaders – германские Аббатство
завоеватели Westminster Palace – Вестминстерский
Llyn-din – Лин-дин Дворец
the City – Сити the Victoria Tower – башня Королевы
the West End – Вест-Энд Виктории
the East End – Ист-Энд Renaissance - Эпоха Возрождения
the Manshion House – Резиденция Cockney – кокни
Лорда-мэра the Highgate Cemetry – Хайгетское
the Royal Exchange – Королевская кладбище
Биржа the Hyde Park – Гайд-парк
the Bank of England – Английский St.Paul’s Cathedral – Собор Святого
Банк Павла

3. Find the synonyms.

Fine; ancient; vast; commercial; to edit; to mean; old; enormous; to publish; trade;
artisan; occupant; handicraftsman; invader; wealthy; rich; to signify; beautiful.

4. Read and translate the following word-combinations and phrases.

The largest part in Europe; the territory of 400 square miles; more than 20
centuries old; the Celts gave London its name; to destroy the city; the Germanic
invaders; Llyn-din means a «lonely port»; vast urban area; Greater London;
governmental office; is famous for its historical associations; the finest Renaissance
church; fashionable part; a densely populated district; smog hangs dark in the sky.

5. Fill in prepositions if necessary.

1. London is situated … the river Thames.
2. London covers … the territory of 400 square miles.
3. Modern London is a number … cities, towns, villages.
4. Every block of the City is famous … its historical associations.
5. Londoners are proud … being called Cockneys.
6. Karl Marx lived … many years in London.
7. Lenin visited London … several times.
6. Fill in articles if necessary.
1. London is the capital of … Great Britain.
2. London is one of … biggest port in the world.
3. London is situated on … river Thames.
4. … Romans made the city the centre of their colony.
5. … main traditional parts of … London are…City, … West End and East End.
6. … many banks, offices are situated in … City.
7. … St. Pau’s Cathedral is … finest Renaissance church.

7. Paraphrase the italicized words.

You may use the following prompts: main,
commercial, to cover, a number of, ancient castle.

1. London is the major trade centre of the country.

2. London occupies the territory of 400 square miles.
3. Modern London consists of several cities, towns, villages, that have grown
4. The Tower of London is an old fortress.

8. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. London is the largest city in Europe.
2. London is the main political, commercial, transport centre of Great Britain.
3. The population of London is about 9 million.
4. London is more than 20 centuries old.
5. Modern London is a number of cities, towns, villages that have grown together
to make one urban area.
6. «Great London» consists of many parts but the main parts are: the City, the West
End and East End.
7. The City is the commercial and business centre of London.
8. The West End is the richest, fashionable and most beautiful part of London.
9. The East End is the poorest district of London, its industrial part.
1. Study the following text.
Try to understand all the details.

London, the capital of Great Britain, and the largest city in Europe, is situated on
the river Thames. It is the main political, commercial, transport centre of the country
and one of the biggest ports in the world.
London covers the territory of 400 square miles. It’s
population is about 9 million people. London is a very old city.
It is more than 20 centuries old. The old Celts gave London its
name. Modern London is not one city. It is a number of cities,
towns and villages that have grown together to make one vast urban area. «Great
London» consists of many parts but the main traditional parts are: the City, the West
End and the East End.
The City is an oldest and very important part of the capital, it’s commercial and
business centre. Many banks, governmental and newspaper offices are situated in the
City. People do not live in the City, they only work there. The heart of the City are 3
buildings: the Manshion House, the Royal Exchange and the Bank of England. Every
block in the City is famous for it’s historical associations. St. Paul’s Cathedral, the
finest Renaissance church in Europe, and the Tower of London, an ancient castle, are
the most famous places of interest in the City.
The West End is a symbol of wealth, the richest,
fashionable and most beautiful part of London. It is situated
between the City and Hyde Park. Here you can see wide
streets, fine theatres, cinemas and concert halls, the best
hotels and restaurants. Among all historical places of the
West End the most interesting are: Westminster Abbey and Westminster Palace, known
as the Houses of Parliament, with 2 towers: the Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower
with Big Ben.
The East End is the poorest district of London, it’s industrial part with many
plants, factories, workshops. It is a densely populated district. Workers, dockers,
handicraftsman live in the East End. They produce the wealth of the West End and are
proud of being called true Londoners. The port of London is also in the East End. The
smog hangs dark in the sky over the East End. It is often said: «The City is the money
of London, the West End is it’s goods, the East End is the hands of London».
The main industries of London are shipbuilding, textile and machine-building
Many famous people lived in London: Heinrich Heine, the German poet; Mozart,
the German composer; Alexander Herzen, the Russian writer; Ivan Pavlov, the famous
Russian physiologist and many other scientists, artists, writers, painters. Karl Marx
worked and lived for many years in London and is buried in the Highgate Ceremony.

2. Find in the text the words which have an opposite meaning.

The richest district; narrow streets; modern; to build; unknown; unimportant; the
worst hotels; old.

3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word-
Лондон занимает территорию; прекрасная церковь эпохи возрождения;
издательства газет, которые слились вместе; пытались разрушить; «одинокий
порт»; первоначальное название; плотно населенный район; гордятся; похоронен
на Хайгетском кладбище.

4. Translate the following sentences into English.

You may work with your partner, look

into the text if necessary.

1. Лондон, столица Великобритании и самый большой город в Европе,

расположен на реке Темзе.
2. Лондон занимает территорию в 400 кв. миль.
3. Древние кельты дали Лондону его название.
4. Лин-дин было первоначальное название поселения, которое означало
«Одинокий порт».
5. Современный Лондон – это ряд городов, городков и деревень, которые
слились вместе, чтобы образовать один огромный мегаполис.
6. Сити – старейшая и очень важная часть столицы, ее торговый и деловой
7. Вест Энд – это символ богатства, самая богатая, фешенебельная и
наиболее красивая часть Лондона.
8. Ист Энд – беднейший район Лондона, его промышленная часть.
9. Ист Энд – это очень плотно заселенный район.
10. Ист Энд – это руки Лондона.
11.Главными отраслями промышленности Лондона являются
кораблестроение, машиностроение и текстильная промышленность.

5. Answer the following questions.

1. Is London the main political, commercial, transport centre of the country?
2. How old is London?
3. What are the main traditional parts of London?
4. What part of London is the oldest?
5. What offices are situated in the City?
6. What are the most interesting places of interest in the West End?
7. What people have in the East End?
8. Where is the port of London?
9. What famous people live in London?

Speech practice
1. Use the following words to speak about
а) London – the capital of Great Britain: the capital; the largest city in Europe; the
main political; commercial centre; the biggest port; the population of 9 million; a
number of towns; to be situated; to cover the territory; to grow together; to make one
vast urban area.
b) the history of London: a very old city; 20 million centuries old; the old Celts;
the Romans; the Germanic invaders; the Normans; the original name Llyn-din; a
«lonely port»; to give; to make the centre of the colony; to destroy; to mean; to make
the capital.
c) the parts of London: the main traditional parts; the City; the West End; the East
End; banks; governmental offices; newspaper offices; a symbol of wealth; wide streets
and fine theatres; cinemas and concert halls; workers; dockers; handicraftsmen; the
smog; many plants; factories; workshops; to live; to be situated; to work; to hang; to
produce the wealth.

2. Learn the dialogues.

Reproduce these dialogues in pairs

1. – Which are the most interesting picture galleries in London?

– Well, the National Gallery, to begin with, then comes the National Portrait
– Yes, but what about the British Museum? I’ve heard a lot of it.
– Oh surely, you ought to go there, but the British museum is not a museum of
Fine Arts. It’s a museum of history, archeology and ethnography. It’s also one of
the largest libraries in the world.
2. – This is Fleet Street.
– It’s name suggests a sea voyage.
– Nothing of the kind. It suggests journalism.
– Why?
– Because all the big British daily newspapers are edited here.
3. – Why, it’s № 10 Downing Street:
– Exactly so. Here the Prime Minister of Britain lives.
– And where’s the residence of the Queen?
– The London residence of the British kings is Buckingham Palace. When the
Queen is in the residence the Royal Standard is flown at mast head (флагшток).

3. Comment on the following proverbs and sayings. (Explain their meaning,

give their Russian equivalents.)
East or West, home is best
There is no place like home.
So many countries, so many customs.
When at Rome, do as the Romans do.


Vocabulary training
1. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations.
Consult your dictionary to check the correct
pronunciation of the words given.

to obtain – получать grain crops – зерновые культуры

to increase – увеличивать barley – ячмень
to develop – развивать wheat – пшеница
to be famous for – быть известным arms expenditure – военные расходы
чем-либо resources – ископаемые
to receive – получать limestone – известняк
to provide – обеспечивать china clay – каолин, фарфоровая
to manufacture – производить глина
to destroy – разрушать oil shale – нефтеносный сланец
to devote – посвящать fuel – топливо, горючее
production – производство well - нефтяная скважина
variety – разнообразие employment – занятость
deʼposit – месторождение extreme – чрезвычайный
exʼpansion – расширение naval – морской
vehicle – транспортное средство coal-mining – добыча угля
dairy-farming – животноводство

2. Read the following international words and compare them with

corresponding Russian ones.
Capitalist, colony, decade, industrial, export, import, production, electrical, textile,
television, radio, motor, resources, centre, manufacture, port, expansion, military,
sector, fund, million, product.

3. Match the words in A with those in B.

change сталь
vehicle ячмень
barley месторождение
steel независимость
to obtain бюджет
to manufacture десятилетие
deposit электротовары
budget получать
products изменение
decade производить
independence транспортное средство
electrical goods продукты

4. Produce word-combinations.
a variety of the military sector
to devote to of mineral resourses
to be the centre of steel industry
to produce electrical goods
the extreme expansion arms expenditure

5. Give Russian equivalents.

Car industry, state budget, extreme expansion of the military sector, coal deposits,
variety of mineral resources, have greatly increased, last decades, to obtain
independence, cotton industry, everything one needs in life, to provide employment, all
over the world.

6. Translate the sentences into Russian.

If there any difficulties in translation, feel free to ask your

1. After the Second World War Great Britain has lost almost all it’s colonies. 2.
During the last decades there has been a great change in the structure of British industry.
3. Now British export of machinery and electrical goods has increased greatly. 4. Many
of new branches of industry have developed in the last decades. 5. One-third of the
state budget has been developed to arms expenditure.

7. Complete the sentences with English words instead of their Russian

1. The country (известна) its car industry. 2. Clydeside and Belfast (известны)
their ship-building. 3. There is no (разнообразия) of mineral resources in Great Britain.
4. Today the development of British industry is destroyed by the (чрезвычайным
расширением) of the military sector. 5. Military industry (получает) more state funds.
6. The main branch of British agriculture is (молочное животноводство). 7. The main
(зерновые культуры) are (пшеница) and (ячмень).

1. Study the following text.
Try to understand all the details.

Great Britain is highly developed industrial capitalist country. It is a member of the

Common Market. Before the Second World War the country was an old naval powerful
state. After the war Great Britain has lost almost all its colonies, some of them feel
under the influence of the USA, others obtained independence.
During the last decades there has been a great change
in the structure of British industry. The main British exports
were coal and textiles. But now British export of machinery, vehicles and electrical
goods has greatly increased. Many new branches of industry have developed: such as
the production of motor cars, radio and television sets and others.
There is no variety mineral resources in the country, but coal deposits take the 6 th
place in the world. Coal-mining is one of the oldest industries together with ship-
building and cotton industries. In the centre of England there is a district called the
Black country. From here coal and iron are brought to many industrial cities.
Recently deposits of oil and natural-gas have been found in the British sector of
the North Sea. Production of oil from offshore wells in the North Sea began in 1975,
and the country is self-sufficient in petroleum. Other mineral resources include iron ore,
tin, limestone, salt, china clay, oil shale, gypsum, and lead.
The country's main exports are manufactured goods, fuels, chemicals, food and
beverages, and tobacco. The main imports are manufactured goods, machinery, fuels,
and foodstuffs. The United States, Germany, France, and the Netherlands are the main
trading partners, and the Commonwealth countries are also important.
Britain has a large and sophisticated service sector. The service industries include
finance, retailing, wholesaling, tourism, business services, transport, insurance,
investment, advertising, public relations, market research, education, administration,
and government and professional services. Telecommunications has become a dynamic
growth industry, particularly with telex, facsimile, and e-mail communications
Sheffield is the centre of steel industry. Everything one
needs in life is manufactured in Birmingham. Manchester is a
textile centre. Liverpool is an important part as well as London.
Clydeside and Belfast are famous for their ship-building.
Today the development of British industry is destroyed
by the extreme expansion of the military sector in it. One-third of the budget has been
devoted to arms expenditure. Military industry receives more state funds.
Four-fifth (4/5) of the land is devoted to agriculture. It provides employment for
more than 1 million people. The main branch of British agriculture is dairy-farming.
Milk and milk products are famous all over the world. The main grain crops are wheat
and barley. But a number of agricultural products is still imported.

2. Enumerate the main industries developed in Great Britain.

3. Scan the text. Name the cities mentioned in it.

4. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word-
Разнообразие; все, что необходимо в жизни; зерновые культуры; наряду с;
электротовары; уголь и железо; доставляют; член общего рынка; потеряла почти
все колонии; молочные продукты; высокоразвитая промышленная
капиталистическая страна; 4/5 земли отводится сельскому хозяйству; получили
независимость; получает большие государственные фонды; большие изменения в
структуре промышленности.

5. Answer the questions.

1. Is Great Britain a highly developed industrial country?
2. Is Great Britain a member of the Common Market?
3. What were the main British exports?
4. What are the new branches of British industry?
5. Is there a variety of mineral resources in the country?
6. What are the main industrial centers of the country?
7. What is the main branch of British agriculture?
8. Is a number of agricultural products imported to the country?

6. Complete the following sentences.

1. Great Britain is a member of … 2. Some of the former British colonies
obtained …. 3. The main British exports were … 4. One-third of the budget
has been devoted to … 5. The development of British industry is destroyed by… 6.
Four-fifth of the land is devoted to …
Speech practice
1. Ask questions and give answers according to the model.
Model: What’s the city Model: As far as I know, that city is
of Manchester known for? the biggest centre of textile industry.

Liverpool a ship-building centre

Clydeside a large industrial centre

Birmingham an important port

2. Speak about:
а) the industrial cities of Great Britain: Sheffield - steel industry; Manchester -
textile industry; Clydeside and Belfast - ship-building industry; London and Liverpool -
important ports; Birmingham - the city of 1500 industries.
b) agriculture: agriculture – 4/5 of the land; main branches – dairy-farming; wheet
and barley; milk and products; employment – one million people; a number of products
– to be imported.
c) the main branches of industry: old industries – coal, textile; ship-building; main
deposits – coal and iron; new branches – motor cars, radio and television sets; today
exports – machinery, electrical goods, vehicles.

Check List to Unit 5

1. Is Great Britain situated on an island or on the continent?
2. How many parts does Great Britain consist of?
3. By what is Great Britain separated from the continent?
4. The climate of Great Britain is mild owing to the warm Gulf Stream, isnʾit?
5. What do we call a group of islands situated to the northwest of Europe ?
6. What are the most important rivers in Great Britain ?
7. What industrial cities of Great Britain do you know?
8. What are the capitals of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?
9. What is the name of the Queen of Great Britain?
10. What parties are there in Great Britain?
11. Is the United Kingdom rich in mineral resources?
12. Give the names of 1) the longest river, 2) the highest mountain, 3) the largest
lake, 4) the largest city outside London.
13.What is the name of the English state flag?
14.Where are most of the government offices situated in London?
15.Why is a district in the centre of England called The Black Country?
16.What is the name of one of the biggest textile industry centers in England?
17. What's the City, the West End, the East End?
18. What are English buses called?
19. What is the name of the tower which contains the famous Big Ben?
20. What is the name of London underground?
21. Can you name the person of England whose final Battle was at Trafalgar?
22. What is the famous place in Hyde Park where people can say anything they

Unite 6
Vocabulary training
1. Find in the dictionary the translation of the words below
Consult your dictionary to check the correct
pronunciation of the given words.

Acid soils, agronomy, application Nutrient substances

Branches of agriculture Organic fertilizers
Cattle breeding, cotton, Pig growing, plant protection,
crop growing, crop rotation Poultry breeding, protein
Equilibrium Raw materials
Feed, flax, food crops, foodstuff Soil
Grain crops To breed, to cultivate, to disturb,
Herbicide To irrigate
Industrial crops, intensification Utilization of fertilizers
Liming Yield
Mechanization, mineral fertilizers
2. Guess the meaning of the following international words and word
activity, materials, Latin, cultivation, intensification, climate, hybrid,
mechanization, herbicides, biological, equilibrium, sector, economy, industry, factor,
system, agronomy, technical, tractor, combine, machinery, electricity, chemical,
material, chemization, mineral, organic, biological.

3. Match the words on the right A with their definition on the left B.
1) to breed a) produce by cultivation
2) field b) supply (land) with water
3) agriculture c) soil management and crop
4) economy d) subdivisions of agriculture
5) branches of agriculture e) a piece of ground especially for
pasture or tillage or playing games
6) soil f) cultivation of the soil and rearing of
7) yield g)upper layer of earth, in which
plants grow
8) agronomy h) produce or return as fruit, profit or
9) to irrigate i) management of concerns and
resources of state or business or
10) to grow g) raise (cattle etc.)

4. Give Russian equivalents for:

crop growing, livestock breeding, sufficient good soil, to produce high yields, crop
rotation, chemical fertilizers, comprehensive mechanization, plant breeding, poultry-
breeding, pig-growing, nutrient substances.

5. Draw lines to show which words go together.

e.g. animals food produce breed

1) protection country’s plant achievements

2) application of rotation fertilizers crop
3) utilization of production natural resources agricultural
4) liming of yields high acid soils
5) agronomical zones measures climatic
6) mechanization use of full herbicides

1. Study the following text.
Read the text and say why agriculture is a vital
sector of economy

Agriculture is a human activity in which people use areas of land to produce
food, clothing and other necessary materials.
The word agro is a Latin word. It means a field. The word agriculture means the
cultivation of fields and growing crops. But this is the old meaning of this word. Now it
also means the use of land to breed animals.
Agriculture is the vital sector of the economy. Its condition and development
largely determine the country’s achievements, the supply of the population with
foodstuffs and many industries with raw materials.
At present there are two main branches of agriculture. They are crop growing and
livestock breeding.
We do not know when people began to grow crops. It was many thousand years
ago. Now crop growing is a highly developed branch of agriculture.
The soil is the basis of agriculture. Enough food for all the people can be grown if
there is sufficient good soil for crops to produce high yields. So an increase in the yield
of grain and other crops is ensured by a number of factors. First comes the system of
agronomical measures. All farms have to introduce better crop rotation systems.
Rotation systems naturally differ in various areas and under various conditions. Second
goes the technical equipment of farms. Tractors, combines, lorries and other machinery
will considerably reduce the time required for agricultural work. Field work has already
been mechanized to a very high degree. Power stations provide farms with electricity.
Third, an increase in the deliveries of chemical fertilizers and the improvement of their
The enlargement of the material and technical basis of agriculture and its
intensification through chemization, the comprehensive mechanization of crop and
animal farming and improvement are the key conditions for increasing agricultural
But all intensification factors, such as full mechanization, high application of
fertilizers and extensive use of herbicides must be used in such a way as not to disturb
the biological equilibrium of the soil.
Depending upon the field of application crops can be subdivided into food crops,
feed crops, industrial crops and vegetables. Potatoes and other vegetables are major
food crops. Vegetables are grown everywhere where the climate is most favorable for
these crops.
Industrial crops are also widely cultivated by the farmers. Perhaps the most
important industrial crop for textile industry is cotton. Cotton is generally grown on the
irrigated lands. Flax is another important crop.
Livestock breeding comprises cattle-breeding, pig-growing, poultry-breeding, etc.
One of the principle problems cattle-breeding faces is that of fodder or feeds. To choose
the necessary feeds, rich enough in protein and other nutrient substances is not an easy
thing. Increasing the production of meat, milk and wool can be achieved by raising
productivity and also by increasing the heads of livestock and the amount of poultry.

2. Find information in the text to answer the following questions.

1. What is agriculture?
2. What are the key conditions for increasing agricultural production?
3. What branches of agriculture do you know?
4. How many groups are crops subdivided into?
5. What does livestock breeding comprise?
6. What problem does cattle-breeding face?
7. How can the production of meat and milk be increased?

3. Open the brackets using the verbs in Passive Voice:

1. Enough food for all the people (can grow) if there is sufficient good soil for
crops to produce high yields
2. An increase in the yield of grain and other crops (to ensure) by a number of
3. Field work already (to mechanize) to a very high degree.
4. Depending upon the field of application crops (to subdivide) into food crops,
feed crops, industrial crops and vegetables.
5. Vegetables (to grow) everywhere where the climate is most favourable for these
6. Industrial crops also widely (to cultivate) by the farmers

4. Divide the text into several parts. Find the key sentences in each part. Sum
up the content of the text.

Speech Practice
1. Problem! Problem!
2. Refer to the text again and prove that an increase in the yield of grain and
other crops can be ensured by:
- the system of agronomical measures
- the technical equipment of farms
- an increase in the deliveries of chemical fertilizers and -- an improvement of their


Vocabulary training
1. Define according to the suffixes what part of speech these words belong to.
specialist, colder, coldest, adaptation, nature, natural, effective, economic,
greatly, development

2. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations.

Consult your dictionary to check the correct

pronunciation of the words given.

1. per hectare - с гектара; на гектар 10. control - борьба, уничтожение

2. high-yielding - высокоурожайный 11. disease - болезнь
3. cultural practices -агротехнические 12. feed (fed) - кормить
приемы; агротехника 13. fertilizer - удобрение
4. in such a way— таким образом 14. harvest - убирать
5. as not to damage — чтобы не 15. insect - насекомое
повредить 16. livestock - скот
6. most — самый, наиболее (перед 17. obtain - получать
прилагательным) 18. plant - сажать, сеять
7. most; most of — большинство 19. quality - качество
(перед существительным) 20. soil - почва
8. application - применение 21. variety - сорт
9. dean - чистить 22. weed - сорняк

3. Name the sentences where the adjective is in a comparison degree.

Translate them.
1. This is the most effective cultural practice. 2. Application of fertilizers is one of
the best methods of increasing crop yields. 3. Man obtains more food by growing
better crop varieties. 4. Intensification is a most popular way of increasing food
products now. 5. Higher-quality crops are obtained by our farm now than in the past.

4. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the bold words.

1. Most of the farms in our region are animal breeding farms. 2. High- yielding
crops are most popular among farmers. 3. There are many highly important food
plants. 4. Our farm plants some of the crops in autumn.

1. Study the following text.
Read the text and say what are intensive technologies
in agriculture


There are two ways of increasing the yield of farm crops. They are the cultivation
of new lands and the increase in yields per hectare. In the recent
past the first way was more popular. At present more agricultural products are
obtained by intensification of agricultural production.
Intensification is based on mechanization, electrification and chemization
which are the main sources of progress in agriculture. Most of agricultural processes
in crop production and animal husbandry are mechanized now. They are the
preparation of the soil, planting and harvesting crops, feeding farm animals and
cleaning livestock buildings.
Chemization of agriculture is increased by higher production and use of
mineral fertilizers and other chemicals. They increase crop yields and quality.
Some other important intensive technologies are the development of better
high-yielding5 varieties of crops, the application of most effective cultural
practices, the breeding of better farm animals, the control of weeds, insects and
All intensification factors must be used in such a way as not to damage the
land which is the basis of agriculture.

2. Answer the following questions.

1. How can crop yields be increased?
2. What is intensification based on?
3. Is harvesting of most crops mechanized?
4. What is the basis of agriculture?

Speech Practice
1. Problem! Problem!
What is the most popular way of
increasing the yield of farm crops?


Vocabulary training
1. Find in the dictionary the translation of the words below
Consult your dictionary to check the correct
pronunciation of the given words.

Amount The Law of Conservation of Energy

Capable To cause
Capacity To combine
Chemical reaction To discover
Common To evaporate
Constant To lift
Energy To release energy
Equator To replace
Motion To store
Pole Substance

2. Guess the meaning of the following international words and word

energy, transformation, magnetism, region, equator, start, volcano, geyser,
chemical reaction, combine (v), reactor, process, muscle, balance.

3. Match the words on the right A with their definition on the left B.

1) energy a) set free, allow to move from fixed position
2) to store b) to begin
3) equilibrium c) moisture or other substance diffused or
suspended in air
4) equator d) ability of matter to do work
5) vapour e) state of balance
6) constant f) great circle of earth equidistant
from poles
7) to start g) to lay up for future use
8) to replace h) continuous
9) to release i) to put back in place

4. What are these words derived from? Notice the different suffixes,
indicating different parts of speech.
Capability, astronomical, reaction, storage, replace, growth, transformation.


1. Study the following text.

Energy is the capacity to do work. Energy comes in many forms. Heat, light,
electricity, magnetism, motion are various forms of energy.
The most common form of energy is the Sun’s heat and light. We know the Sun’s
heat and light is the form of energy because it can do work. It can heat the ocean and
evaporate it and lift astronomical quantities of water vapour high into the air.
Water vapour falls as rain to the Earth. Rain that falls on high ground flows back to
the sea in the forms of rivers. We know the moving water contains energy. Long ago,
people began to use the energy of flowing water that comes from the energy of the
The sunlight also heats the air. The air nearer the equator gets more heat than the
air nearer the poles. The warm bodies of air rise, and the cold bodies of air fall, which
causes winds all over the world. The winds contain energy. Long ago people started to
use the energy of the wind that comes from the energy of the Sun.
There are some forms of energy that do not come from the Sun. There is heat
inside the Earth. In some places, the hot regions appear quite near the surface on the
Earth in the form of volcanoes, geysers and hot springs.
The most important forms of energy for man, however, are various kinds of
chemical energy. Green plants grew in sunlight (provided they also have water and
certain chemicals from the air and the soil). The green plants make use of the energy of
sunlight and store it in their leaves in the form of certain substances. When these
substances are slowly combined with oxygen from the air, a chemical reaction takes
place that releases energy. It is on this «chemical energy» that the plant lives and grows.
Plants are capable to store more energy than they are using. Animals can eat the
plants and change the plant chemicals into their own, which they then store in their own
body. The energy of animals’ muscles comes from the energy of sunlight. In the process
about 80 to 90 per cent of the energy stored in the plants is lost, 10 to 20 per cent being
stored in the animal. It takes about seven kilogrammes of plant life to support one
kilogramme of animal life.
There is always a balance or «equilibrium» between plant and animal life in nature.
If animals eat more plants than can be replaced by plant growth, the amount of food for
animals grows less. Some animals die and the plants grow better than usual, there being
fewer animals to eat them.
The total amount of energy is constant. When energy is spent there is as much
energy as before, though its form can be changed. All the transformations that are
always taking place are only changes of energy from one form into another without
affecting the whole. This is the Law of Conservation of Energy discovered by
M.V.Lomonosov, one of the greatest Russian scientists.

2. Scan the text again to find English equivalents for the following Russian
способность выполнять работу, самая распространенная (обычная) форма,
давным-давно, теплый фронт воздуха, тело животного, высвобождать энергию,
растения способны, Закон сохранения энергии.

3. Identify the main idea in each paragraph and look for sentences that carry
the main thrust of the argument.

Speech Practice
1. Work in pairs. Agree or disagree with the following statements.
Begin your answers with the following expressions:
That’s right. Exactly so. Precisely so. You are right. I
agree with you. I disagree with you. You are incorrect. You
are not right.

1. The most common form of energy is the energy of water.

2. The energy of flowing water comes from the energy of the Sun.
3. All forms of energy come from the Sun.
4. Various kinds of chemical energy are the most important for man.
5. Animal eats plants and store about 90 per cent of the energy stored in the plants.
6. Seven kilogrammes of plants life are necessary to support one kilogramme of
animal life.
7. When energy is spent it disappears.
8. The Law of Conservation of Energy was discovered by V.Lomonosov.
2. Sum up the ideas of the above text and prepare the report on the topic


Check List to Unit 6

1. What is agriculture?
2. What are the key conditions for increasing agricultural production?
3. What branches of agriculture do you know?
4. How many groups are crops subdivided into?
5. What does livestock breeding comprise?
6. What problem does cattle-breeding face?
7. How can the production of meat and milk be increased?
8. How can crop yields be increased?
9. What is intensification based on?
10. Is harvesting of most crops mechanized?
11. What is the basis of agriculture?

Unit 7
Vocabulary training
Crop production is the practice of growing and harvesting crops. The most
important crops grown by man are grain crops, vegetables and grasses. In order to
obtain high yields crops are grown under favourable soil and climatic conditions.

1. Find in the dictionary the translation of the words below

Consult your dictionary to check the correct
pronunciation of the given words.

Abnormally Requirements
Adaptability To affect
Average To compensate
Barley To conserve
Corn To incorporate
Due to To influence
Essential To mature
Irregularities To prevent
Oats To regulate
Property Relationship

2. Guess the meaning of the following international words and word

climate, progress, to control, practice, to regulate, cultivation, to incorporate,
organic, to compensate, irrigation, temperature, effect, erosion, problem, process.

3. Translate the following pairs of words paying attention to prefixes.

regular — irregular, proper — improper, normal —abnormal, successful —
unsuccessful, possible — impossible.

4. Read the following sentences and guess the meaning of the underlined
words according to the context.
Crops should not be harvested before they mature. 2. All crops grow best under
favourable soil and climatic conditions. 3. To improve soil fertility proper fertilizers
should be incorporated into the soil. 4. The same crops should not be grown for many
years on the same area. When different crops are grown one after another on the same
land, such system is called crop rotation.

5. Match the words on the right A with their definition on the left B.
1) progress a) total quantity
2) moisture b) forward movement, advance, development
3) amount c) fully developed; ripe
4) cultivation d) season for reaping and storing of grain; season’s yield
5) mature e) liquid diffused as vapour or condensed on surface
6) harvest f) preparation and usage of soil for crops

1. Study the following text.
Read the text and say how people could assist the creating better
conditions for plant growth.


Man cannot influence climatic conditions. However, with new progress in science,
crop production can be controlled by applying improved farming practices.
So, the farmer cannot regulate the amount of rainfall, but he can prevent loss of
moisture by proper cultivation and by incorporating into the soil large amounts of
organic matter which helps conserve moisture. In some areas irregularities in rainfall
and lack of moisture are compensated by irrigation.
Proper temperature is also essential for successful plant growth. In addition it helps
conserve water in the soil. So, some plants grow best in cool climate not only because
of direct effect of temperature, but due to higher supply of water under such conditions.
Wind is another climatic factor influencing crop production. The farmer cannot
control the wind, but he can farm his land in such a way as to lose as little soil as
possible due to wind erosion. He can plant winter crops in areas where they will mature
before dry, hot windy weather becomes a problem the next summer.
Sunlight is highly important for many processes taking place in the growing plant.
There exist a relationship between length of the day and the flowering and fruiting of
plants. Some plants produce flowers only when days are long and nights are short. They
are called long-day plants. Some plants produce flowers and fruit in autumn when days
are short and nights are long. They are called short-day plants. Some plants are not
likely to be affected by the length of the day.
Crops vary in their climatic requirements. Corn can be grown under a variety of
climatic conditions, the most favorable environment being the one where the average
summer temperature is between 70 and 80 F. Wheat sown in the fall does best in
regions where the climate is cool and moist during the fall, winter and early spring
months followed by warm and dry harvest period. Low yields may often result from too
low temperatures and abnormally dry weather. Wheat and corn may sometimes be
grown in rotation with each other, because wheat is a winter and spring crop, and corn is
a summer crop. Like potatoes, oats and barley do best in cool, moist climate. Both
quality and yield of potatoes are better in cool regions. Vegetables, because of their high
adaptability, are grown under different soil and climatic conditions, soils of good
physical properties being especially important.
To obtain high yield of a good quality crop it is necessary to select a proper variety
best adapted to the conditions of the region it is to be grown in.

2. Agree or disagree with the following sentences:

1. Man can control the amount of moisture in the soil.
2. All plants are classified into long-day plants and short-day plants.
3. Application of the most progressive agricultural practices may improve crop
4. Choosing the proper variety to be grown is one of the important factors in crop
5. Wheat and corn have the same climatic requirements.
6. There are two ways of increasing moisture in the soil.
7. Soil moisture is in direct proportion to temperature.
8. There are no ways of controlling wind erosion.

Speech Practice

1. Which climatic factors influence greatly crop production? And

how can people assist better plant growth? Complete the diagram below.
Loss of moisture CROP PRODUCTION

Hot weather

Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture including the breeding of farm
animals and their use. Dairy and beef cattle, hogs, sheep, and poultry are widely bred
throughout the world. Farm animals are highly important sources of food for man.
They are kept for the production of such nutritious products as meat, milk and eggs.

Vocabulary training
1. Find in the dictionary the translation of the words below
Consult your dictionary to check the correct
pronunciation of the given words.

Beef cattle Favorable

Dairy cattle, Down Fatten , Feather
Draft cattle Machinery
Dual-purpose cattle Mutton
Skin Wool

2. Translate the following sentences.

1. One should provide farm animals with proper feeds. 2. We know that farm
animals are important sources of food for people. 3. Products that are produced by farm
animals are highly nutritious. 4. The problem of supplying the population with meat is
the one that must be solved in the near future. 5. Concentrates, that is, the feeds
high in protein and energy are good for hogs. 6. Hay made from alfalfa is higher
in nutrients than that made from grasses. That is why farmers grow this crop widely.

1. Study the following text.
Animal husbandry, a branch of agricultural production, includes the breeding
of farm animals and their use. Farm animals are highly important sources of food for
man. They are known to produce highly nutritious products such as milk, meat and
eggs. In addition, the skin of animals, down and feather of poultry and wool of
sheep are used as raw materials to produce clothing and for many other purposes.
The most important group of farm animals is cattle. There are four types of
cattle. They are dairy cattle, beef cattle, draft cattle and dual - purpose cattle.
Dairy cattle, that is, dairy cows provide milk that may be sed in making various dairy
products. Beef cattle are the producer of beef. One can raise dual-purpose cattle
producing both milk and meat. Draft cattle and horses are almost everywhere
replaced by agricultural machinery.
Important sources in producing human food are sheep and hogs. Sheep are raised
for two purposes: wool and mutton production. The production cycle of hogs is much
shorter than that of cattle or sheep. In other words, unlike the other farm animals
hogs are rapid growing ones. They may be fattened in less than six months. That is
why hog breeding is one of the most important and economic ways of solving the
problem of supplying the population with meat.

2. Read the sentences, replacing the Russian words in parentheses into

their English equivalents.
1. Milk produced by this (корова) is of high quality. 2. Farms breeding sheep
produce (баранина) and (шерсть). 3. Both milk and meat are produced by (мясо-
молочными коровами). 4. Poultry supply us with meat, eggs, (пух) and (перо). 5.
About six months is usually required to (откармливать) a pig.

3. Answer the questions.

1. Why are farm animals so important for man?
2. What raw materials do farm animals supply industry with?
3. What are the four types of cattle?
4. What are sheep raised for?
5. Why is hog breeding the most economic way of producing meat?

Speech Practice

1. Sum up the ideas of the above text and prepare the report on the

Check List to Unit 7

1. What factors of the environment are most important for plants?
2. Can man regulate the amount of moisture in the soil?
3. How can man regulate soil moisture?
4. What crops require higher temperature for growth than corn?
5. Why is sunlight important for plants?
6. What are the most important nutrients for plants?
7. How many elements are essential for plant development?
1. Why are farm animals so important for man?
2. What raw materials do farm animals supply industry with?
3. What are the four types of cattle?
4. What are sheep raised for?
5. Why is hog breeding the most economic way of producing meat?

Unit 8
Vocabulary training
1. Find in the dictionary the translation of the words below
Consult your dictionary to check the
correct pronunciation of the given words.
Ability Opportunity
Automatic control Processing equipment
Compact construction Reasonable
Cooler Seasonable
Demand Source
Design To handle
Effectiveness To reduce
Electric power Variations
Electrician Engineering

2. Guess the meaning of the following international words and word

industry, biological factor, engineer, principle, adaptable, effectiveness,
mechanically, operation, period, design, variations, mechanization, automatic compact
construction, milk, modern, reconstruction, intensification, classification, organize,
stimulation, original.

3. Match the words on the right A with their definition on the left B.

1) engineer a) outfit, tools, apparatus
2) industry b) the application of engineering
knowledge to agriculture
3) selection c) a person who works in a branch of
4) biology d) branch of trade or manufacture
5) agricultural engineering e) the system when only best animals,
plants or trees are taken and used for
future production
6) nutrients f) science of physical life of plants and
7) equipment g) substances serving as or providing

5. Juxtapose a word on the left to the appropriate antonym on the right.

efficient harmful
often out-of-date
below seldom
modern dry
moist inefficient
to reduce to heat
useful above
to cool to increase
to produce to take
to give to consume

1. Look through the text to answer the following question.

What is agricultural engineering?

1. Agricultural engineering means the application of engineering knowledge to
agriculture. The agricultural engineer must understand that there are basic differences
between agriculture and other industries. The biological factor is an important one in
engineering application, and the engineer must know well the basic principles and
practices of agriculture.
2. Changes in agricultural practices often need to make a machine adaptable or to
increase its effectiveness. Processing equipment may also need changes to harvest crops
mechanically, for the quality of yield of a crop may sometimes be reduced by the use of
an improper machine.
3. Most field operations are seasonable in nature often with only a short period of
time in which to do the job. Therefore field machinery in many cases has a low annual
duty (i. e. very few hours of operation per year).
4. The field of farm machinery design gives greater opportunity to an engineer than
any other field of engineering. Farm machines must work where the temperature may be
above 100 F or where it is below freezing. They must be able to work in rain and in
snow as well. Instead of resting on the floor of a factory, they must operate over any
kind of land. They must also be designed to handle wide variations in crop and soil
5. Not only agricultural engineers in the field of mechanization are in demand on
the farm today. Electricians, i. e. agricultural engineers capable of designing, operating,
controlling and adapting any form of electric energy to farm needs are wanted by
modem agriculture.
6. As is known, electric power has become the main source of energy in
agricultural production and its sphere of application is ever increasing.
7. For example, it is a most reasonable source of mechanical power for some kinds
of equipment such as electric motors which are very suited for farm jobs because of
their automatic control, long life, compact construction, ability to run in cold or hot
weather, etc.
8. All kinds of equipment for handling milk, such as milking machines, milk
coolers, water heaters and others are also operated by electricity.
9. The great effects of various types of radiation on seeds, plants, insects, and
animals have been studied and are well known today. Those are but a few examples of
electric power application on the farm which a modern agricultural engineer must work

2. Look back at the text again and identify in which paragraph you can find
the answers to the following questions:
1. How is the equipment for handling milk operated?
2. Why are electric motors suitable for farm jobs?
3. Why are electricians wanted in modern agriculture?
4. Can radiation affect crops or animals?
5. What is meant by agricultural engineering?
6. What is there specific about field operations?
7. What factor can sometimes reduce the quality and yield of a crop?

Speech Practice
1. Exclude some detailed information from the text and write down the main
idea of it.

2. Sum up the ideas of the above text and prepare the report on the topic

Check List to Unit 8

1. How is the equipment for handling milk operated?
2. Why are electric motors suitable for farm jobs?
3. Why are electricians wanted in modern agriculture?
4. Can radiation affect crops or animals?
5. What is meant by agricultural engineering?
6. What is there specific about field operations?
7. What factor can sometimes reduce the quality and yield of a crop?

Unit 9
Vocabulary training
1. Find in the dictionary the translation of the words below.

Consult your dictionary to check the correct pronunciation

of the given words.

Axle Steering Productivity

Design features Synchromesh Pump
Engine Telescopic Reliability
Gearbox Traction Wind-rower
Installation Transmission Workload
Lift height Transporter Rotor
Load capacity Self-propelled
Loader Valve
Mobility Vehicle
Power output Wheel
2. Guess the meaning of the following international words.
telescopic, model, transmission, hydrostatic, radius, maximum, tonne, hydraulic,
function, indicator, progressive, stability.

3. The following groups of words are all related in meaning because they have
the same roots. Notice the different suffixes indicating different parts of speech:
telescope (n), telescopic (a); load (v), loader (n); accuracy (n), accurate (a),
accurately (adv); visibility (n), visible (a), visibly (adv); safety (n), safe (a), safely
(adv); hydraulic (a), hydraulically (adv); harvest (v), harvester (n); reliable (a),
reliability (n); separate (v), separation (n), separator (n).

4. This is a diagram of the text. Look through it. And as you read the text
match the information from the text with the diagram and find one extra block.


Sphere of application
The advantages
of the machine
over other models Modernization for
small areas
The size and
the price of the
Design features machine

Transmi- Steering Power Safety Conveniences

ssion output equipment of working
The possibility of Peculiarities
working on rough terrain of steering

1. Look through the text to answer the following question.

Try to find how the ideas are linked in the text


1. Most of the 1000 telescopic loaders sold to UK farms each year are bought for
big areas. Small to medium sized farms rarely buy this type of equipment, according to
research conducted by JCB.
2. In an attempt to offset this trend, the 520-55 model has been added to the JCB
Loadall range to make it easier for smaller farms to justify a telescopic loader.
3. It is not as big as other models in the range and has a smaller load capacity and
lift height but at $50,000, it is $16,000 less than a standard model.
4. Design features include the JCB Synchro Shuttle transmission that is based on a
synchromesh four-speed gearbox with a torque converter and a forward/reverse shuttle.
Selectable 4WD is standard equipment with equal-size wheels front and rear. There
is hydrostatic power steering to the rear axle with a built-in antishock valve.
5. The rear-wheel steering allows a tight turning circle of 4.22m outer radius and
this steering arrangement has particular benefits when working in confined spaces
including narrow feed passages.
6. Most rear-wheel steer machines have unequal size wheels but the 520-55 design
now offers improved rough terrain handling.
Maximum power output is 88.4hp from a naturally aspirated Perkins engine. The
520-55 has a maximum lift capacity of two tones to full lift height and 700kg with the
boom extended.
7. Safety equipment includes load hold check valves fitted to the boom and
carriage hydraulic functions. There is a safe load indicator in the cabin to provide a
progressive readout of forward stability. Visibility from the cabin is good. The large
glazed area has tinted glass.

2. Refer text again to train this skill and say what words the author uses to
name the described machine.

3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian words.
телескопический погрузчик; грузоподъемность; высота подъема; 4-х
скоростная коробка передач.

Speech Practice
1. Identify the main idea in each paragraph and look for sentences that carry
the main thrust of the arguments.

2 . Find information in the text to prove that:

-The JCB Loadall is designed for restricted areas.

-A new model has a specific transmission.
-The machine has particular benefits when working in confined spaces.

3. Compare the described type of loader with those which are used in

4. Don’t you think there is any necessity to use such type of loaders on our
Pridnestrovian farms?

5. Is it possible to use the same type of loader for small and for big areas?

6. Look through the text “Loader for small farms” quickly and find the
italicized key words and phrases to make predictions about what you expect the
text to be about. Share your ideas about the strategy used with the whole class.
Check List to Unit 9
1. What kinds of machines do you know?
2. What are their functions?
Unit 10
Vocabulary Training
1. Read and remember the following words and word combinations.
Before you start doing other exercises, please, look through the
words here and group them according to the headings:
-work and employment
-places of work
-hours of work and reasons for not working

A. ?
occupation, n unemployed, a
profession, n employer, n
trade, n be (un)employed
job, n line, n
position, n career, n
post, n promotion, n
work, n curriculum vitae (CV)
labour, n vacancy, n
business, n accept, v
employ (for), v take up, v
apply for, v What are you by profession (by
make an application trade)?
make an appointment What post do you hold?
advertise for, v What business are you in?
employee, n What's your line?
employment, n
B ?
at a factory / plant in a shop
at a firm / company in a bank
at a farm in an assembling department
at a workshop in a hospital
at a high school at a travel agency
at the police -Where do you work? - I work at a
in an office candy factory. / I work for Philips.
C. ?
work shift-work leave, v (job, position)
be on flexi-time work half /part / full time
work irregular / long hours work nine-to-five
give up work be fired
be on / take maternity leave be dismissed
be on / take sick leave be out of work
take early retirement get the sack
turn down, v be made redundant
reject, v dismiss from, v
give up, v retire, v
D. ?
salary, n profit, n
wages, n earn money
fee, n make / do money
payment, n What's your family income?
income, n How much do you earn (make)?

2. Work as a group and give the names of occupations related to:

a) teaching; g) mass media;
b) health care; h) science;
c) law; i) art;
d) industry; j) manual work;
e) business; k) services;
f) management; l) rare jobs.

3. Choose the right word.

If you are not sure, consult
your dictionary.

1. What do you ... (do/make) for a living?

2. Workers are called blue collars and they earn ... (wages /salaries).
3. Wages in the USA and Europe are paid ... weekly /monthly.
4. Office clerks are called white collars and they earn ... salaries/fees.
5. Salaries are paid ... monthly/daily.
6. Payment for particular professional advice or service (private doctors, lawyers,
teachers) is called ...fee/profit.
7. I have been ... offered/proposed a job in London. But I haven't been prepared to
... give up / take on that job.
8. A curriculum vitae /autobiography is a brief account of somebody's previous

4. Work as a group now and think on the following:

How would you call people who:

do the hair; are in charge of a whole company;

gather crop; bake bread, buns;
prepare medicines; check tickets on a train;
build or repair roads; make up computer programmes;
compose music; control or give orders to others;
do the painting; control a business;
sell meat; preside at a meeting;
have special knowledge, skill; fly a plane.
do the plumbing;

5. Match the following Russian and English word combinations:

a) work conditions, work experience, employment book (record), employment
office, family income, income tax, application form, written request, retire, be sacked
/ dismissed;
b) доход (бюджет) семьи, заявление (о приеме на работу), уйти на пенсию,
быть уволенным, трудовая книжка, письменная просьба, трудовой стаж,
зарплата, условия труда, подоходный налог.

1. Now scan the information quickly and say what this passage generally is

It's important to assess yourself realistically when you look for a job. Look at your
experience, your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes and decide. What you are
good at, not so good at, what sort of things you want to do and can do. Use all possible
sources to help you get careers advice: employment agency; job center; private
employment agencies; national and local newspapers; professional or trade newspapers
and journals; applications to possible employers; local radio stations and TV; the
Internet; friends and relatives.

2. Answer the following questions.

1. Why is it important to assess yourself realistically when you look for a job?
2. What are the possible sources to get careers advice?
3. Have you already thought about your future possible job?
4. Have you had work experience yet?

3. Read the second text carefully and think of the possible title to this text.
If you feel you like the job being advertised or being offered to you make an
application. The aim of your application is to get you an interview; the aim of interview
is to get you the job. The first thing to do is to draw up a personal information chart -
curriculum vitae (CV) or resume. In the field of education or medicine the paper is
called CV and in any other field or branch? For example in engineering, it is known as
resume. This should contain clearly separated sections, setting out: personal details,
education, work experience, computer and language skills, activities and interests and
references. Chronological CV is the most common format for an English CV. As for
education, you have to put your most recent studies first. Here you don’t go too far back
in time or leave any gaps. Your work experience has to be presented in reverse
chronological order too, from the most recent job to the most former. Here it is better to
give more detail about more relevant experience. Your CV should not be too long, not
more than two pages. All the parts of you CV should be clearly presented. Your CV
should look attractive and easy to read. Correct spelling and grammar are very
important. It is good to make your resume checked by an English person. Finally, do
avoid negative descriptions. The curriculum vitae is a means to sell yourself, not to
discourage the employer.

4. Look through the sample CV and pay attention to the details.

Personal Details Veronika Henderson
Date of birth Address
31.07.1978. Apt.45,29Merrypark
UK 452121
Tel. 124896765324
Education 1997 - present
Degree in French and Film Studies, University of London,
Specialist subjects: British Cinema, The Narrative
1992 -1997
Royal Latin School, Aylesbury
4 A Levels: French (B), German (C), English (B), Film
studies (A)
7 GCSEs: French (A), German (A), English (A), History
(B), Art (A), Maths (B), Economics (B)
Work experience 1999
Information Officer, Futuroscope, France
Responsible for dealing with enquiries in a busy office,
responding to 2,000 enquiries a week. This demonstrated my
ability to retain a professional approach and a sense of
humour while working under pressure.
Customer Services Assistant
Provided support for customer enquiries. Dealing with
customers' complaints demonstrated my ability to remain
calm under pressure. Explaining complex issues simply and
clearly helped me to develop my communication skills.
Skills Good working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel
Working knowledge of French and Italian
Current clean driving license
Interests Travel: I have travelled extensively and independently in
Music: I play the guitar in a semi-professional band and
have done a number of 'gigs' for school and student clubs
References Damish Richards Michael Brown
(tutor of University (Customer Service
of London) Manager)
12 Midland Avenue 81 Light Street
Oxford London
OX11 3GGR CE 14 7 LSR

5. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the aim of an application?
2. What are the important sections of CV?
3. What is the most common format for an English CV?
4. What is peculiar about studies information in CV?
5. Is it necessary to dwell into deep details about all the experience you have?
6. Why is it good to make your CV checked by an English person?

6. Complete the following sentences using the contents of both texts.

1. When you look for a job, it's so important … .
2. Use all possible sources to help … .
3. If you feel you like the job being advertised or being offered to you … .
4. CV should contain clearly separated sections, setting out: personal details, your
work experience … .
5. Chronological CV is the most … .

7. Work with your partner. Study the sample cover letter (job application
letter). Working together, please, pay close attention to
the structure of the letter, make a plan of this
letter and discuss the gist of each paragraph.

Sample Job Application Letter

Mr.George Gilhooley
XYZ Company
87 Delaware Road
Hatfield, CA 08065
(909) 555-5555
Dear Mr. Gilhooley,
I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union.
As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume
and three references.
The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my
strong technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate
for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include:
- I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications
- I strive for continued excellence
- I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers
With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the
full life cycle of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and
excelling at new technologies as needed.
Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
I can be reached anytime via my cell phone, 555-555-5555. Thank you for your
time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment
First Name Last Name

Speech Practice

1. Say which job you would prefer and why:

- providing good living, but rather boring and routine;

- which involves working indoors;
- which would be quite intellectual;
- a job involving a foreign language and living abroad;
- providing poor living but interesting;
- which involves working out of doors;
- which would be in some way physical or manual;
- a job involving no language at all; part-time job; full-time job.

2. Find out about your group-mates' and other people's occupations.

Use the following dialogues as models, please.

Model A: Model В:
- What do you do for a living? - What do you do?
- Actually, I don't work yet. I go to - Oh, I want to take up computers.
Harvard University and study - Why do you want to study computer
management. programming?
- Why have you chosen management as - Well, I lost my job last month and
your future profession? haven't been able to find another one.
- Because it's a demanding and
prestigious job today.
Model C: Model D:
- What's your present job, Jully? - What would you like to be, Phil?
- I work as a personnel manager at a - Actually I don't know yet. I think I'd
big firm but I want to transfer rather be a writer.
to the International Sales Division. - Are there any special reasons for that?
- What for? - I see only one: I like to see my name
- Well, I don't really like to work at the in print.
cabinet. I just want to travel, to go to
Africa or Latin America, for example.
- Hmm, that's exciting

Check list to Unit 10

1. What is CV?
2. What are the main sections of CV?
3. Why is it good to make your CV checked by an English person?
4. What is the basic structure of a job application letter?



Agriculture has had a long positive association with the environment, its
production has quadrupled in this century alone, contributing to accelerated urban
development, industrial growth and expansion of the service sector. But at the same
time agricultural pollution has increased and the quality of a number of rural landscapes
has declined.
Farming has become much more mechanized and more intensive, with greater
regional and on-farm specialization and greater regional concentration. Exploiting
mechanization and technology, replacing man and beast with energy from fossil fuels,
strengthening the productivity of the soil and crop yields with fertilizers and pesticides
(pesticides are understood to include insecticides, herbicides and fungicides),
agriculture has evolved to a state where short term profits can be made without
maintaining the traditional harmony and interdependence between agriculture and the
environment which has existed for centuries.
While agriculture still makes a significant contribution to the landscape in many
areas, because of a failure to integrate agricultural and environmental policies the above
changes have often brought with them a number of significant problems. These
problems, which vary in character and degree from country to country and region to
region, include concerns about:
—the human health effects of pesticide and fertilizer residues, heavy metals, feed
supplements and contaminants in soil, water bodies, food products and the food chain;
—the decrease of biotopes valued for nature conservation;
—the contamination of ground and surface waters by nitrates and phosphates
leading to local health risks, declines in the quality of aquatic resources, losses in
recreation values and increased water supply costs;
—agricultural pollution problems associated with the growth of intensive animal
—air pollution from intensive animal production, manure spreading and crop
—the salinization of soils which is contaminating water supplies and causing
losses in soil productivity and landscape values;
—losses of landscape and wildlife habitat caused by the amalgamation of farms,
the growing emergence of monocultures, the removal of hedges, walls and terraces, the
draining of wetlands and the deterioration and destruction of traditional farm buildings;
—soil compaction, erosion and pollution which have led to productivity losses,
declines in the quality of water resources and reduction in the capacity of water
At the same time the policies of other sectors and the pollution which has resulted
from some of them have had bad effects on agriculture in some regions. Severe
financial problems have also arisen within the agricultural sector.
The structural evolution associated with these changes has altered the rural
As a result of the above, significant structural change within the agricultural sector
can be expected in the near future. Suggestions for the most desirable direction for this
change vary from country to country and region to region. But in several countries,
restructuring is increasingly seen as compatible with a desire to improve the
environment, promote regional diversification and reduce the dependence of certain
rural areas on agriculture.
Agriculture’s beneficial effects for the environment can only be considered in the
light of a clear understanding of what is meant by a desirable environment. In the
broadest sense, agriculture’s greatest contribution to man’s well-being is to provide the
food and the “nutritional” security for the release of an increasing proportion of the
population into productive activities in other sectors. At the same time, this has enabled
man to enjoy increasing leisure time so that we can pause, enjoy and profit from our
environment. Agriculture also has a special place in keeping the countryside inhabited,
attractive and thriving. The presence of farmers and the maintenance of farm buildings
can also improve environmental quality.
Over the centuries agriculture has shaped a landscape that is now highly valued
and it is doubtful whether most people would wish it to be returned to its wilderness
state. The demand for access to the countryside for enjoyment and recreation may be
difficult to reconcile with a prosperous agriculture, but farming does keep open such
opportunities. In most countries farmers are increasingly providing tourist and
recreation facilities which increases the value of their land and their land maintenance
efforts. More than half of Finland’s farmers, for example, earn less than half their
income from agriculture.
As a complement to conservation reserves and forests, it seems that most people’s
vision of an ideal countryside includes agriculture. For example, managed hedgerows,
created by and for agriculture are visually more attractive and provide better wildlife
habitat than wire fences.
The drainage of land farming has undoubtedly been a major cause of the
elimination of malaria and probably other diseases in Europe and North America.
Drainage and other soil cultivation operations can have diverse beneficial effects on
flood control and water purity. On the other hand, some forms of cultivation on hillsides
encourage erosion, while other forms of cultivation can be possibly beneficial effects on
the environment.
Many of the phenomena now considered to pose significant long-term
threats to agricultural production are only now coming under intense study. Among
threats which have only relatively recently been perceived are:
— increasing concentrations of C02 which, in addition to being a factor in the
“greenhouse effect” of atmospheric heating, may also directly affect plant metabolism;
— increases in ozone concentration at the earth’s surface which appear to be
causing declines in crop yield;
—diseases in ozone concentration in the upper atmosphere, which allow greater
amounts of ultraviolet radiation to reach the earth’s surface, with
effects on plant growth;
— pollution of the soil by harmful chemical and physical agents which has led to a
decline in food quality and increased cancer risks;
— global climate changes, including prolonged periods of unseasonable weather
and an apparent trend towards atmosphere warming which could have far-reaching
affects on growing seasons and precipitation.
In other cases, the long-term negative impact on agriculture of well-known
pollution like water and air pollution from industry and sewage spreading on
agricultural land are only now being quantified.
Although by definition unpredictable, nuclear and industrial accidents like
Chernobyl have brought major pollution of soil and water resources, loss of agricultural
output and the need for significant financial compensation by. governments.
In several countries, pollution from other sources has led to regional declines in the
quality of food production and, the quantity of food produced.
In summary, the nature, intensity, and extent of the acid deposition, photochemical
oxidants and sewage in agriculture remain largely unknown. There is need for more
research such as cause-effect and, as a second step, limiting needs have still to be
clarified at present levels of acid deposition.
Thus, both agriculture and environment today need human protection.

1. Why is the traditional harmony and interdependence between agriculture
and the environment destroyed?
a) because of the accelerated urban development;
b) because of exploiting mechanization and technology;
c) because of using fertilizers and pesticides;
d) because of replacing man and beast with energy from fossil fuels;
e) because of industrial growth and expansion.
2. What are the environmental problems formed by agriculture?
a) the extinction of scarce plants and animals;
b) the contamination of ground and surface waters;
c) the human health effects of pesticides and fertilizer residues;
d) air pollution from intensive animal production, manure spreading and crop
e) soil compaction, erosion and pollution;
f) hunger and malnutrition;
g) reduction in natural resources;
h) the salinization of soil;
i) losses in landscape and wildlife habitat;
j) the decrease of biotopes.
3. What is agriculture’s greatest contribution to man’s wellbeing?
a) access to the countryside for enjoyment and recreation;
b) provision of better wildlife habitat;
c) provision of the food and ‘nutritional’ security;
d) the elimination of malaria and other diseases.
4. What are the pollution phenomenon from other sources that pose significant
long -term threats to agricultural production?
a) increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide;
b) desertification;
c) increases in ozone concentration at the earth’s surface;
d) water logging;
e) decreases in ozone concentration in the upper atmosphere;
f) pollution of the soil by harmful chemical and physical agents;
g) global climate changes;
h) soil erosion;
i) the salinization of soil.
5. What are the main sources of nonagricultural air and water pollution?
a) industry;
b) intensive irrigation;
c) sewage;
d) acid precipitation;
e) nuclear and industrial accidents.

By attracting worldwide sympathy to their suffering, the victims of famine in sub-
Saharan Africa have served to attention upon a worsening global problem: the
continuing spread of deserts into neighboring populated lands, a process called
“desertification”. Though a severe, prolonged drought was the immediate cause of the
crop failure and resulting starvation in Africa’s Sahel in the 1980s, drought is a
temporary condition that has come and gone many times in that part of the world; more
worrisome is the evidence that drought is merely furthering the long term, virtually
irreversible process of desertification already under way in the region. Furthermore, the
deserts of Africa are not the only ones that are advancing: desertification is also
proceeding at an accelerating pace in other sub humid areas of the world, especially the
Middle East and part of north-western Asia. Each year an additional 200,000 square
kilometers are rendered useless in this manner – an area equivalent to all of New
England plus New Jersey states. Altogether, the threat extends to 20 per cent of the
earth’s land surface, home to possibly 80 million people.
This destruction of productive land is largely a result of prolonged human use and
misuse of a vulnerable natural environment. Soils form slowly in arid lands, and they
are usually deficient in various important plant nutrients. Because of the scarcity of
moisture, plant covet is sparse, and the shallow soils are susceptible to rapid
deterioration through erosion and gulling. In these areas of ecological instability, the
chief agents of land degradation are over cultivation, overgrazing, and deforestation.
Over the ages poor farming practices, trampling and close cropping of vegetation by
goals and sheep, and stripping of woodlands for timber and fuel have so reduced the
natural ground cover that the soils lie exposed to erosion from sun and wind.
Human pressures upon this fragile ecological system are intensifying, for the rates
of population growth in these areas are among the world’s highest. As they struggle to
feed their expanding numbers, the farmers and grazers of the semiarid lands struggle to
get more and more out of the land until finally the soil is so exhausted that it yields
nothing. The onset of a drought therefore finds the land stripped of its natural defenses,
and the process of desertification quickens. Eventually the inhabitants must abandon
their farms and seek food wherever they may hope to find it.
The most recent drought in sub-Saharan Africa began in the 1970s, slowed slightly
in 1980, then started with new strength in the following years to become the worst in a
century and a half. In the process, an estimated 70,000 square kilometers become
desertificated each year. The band of most intense drought stretched uninterruptedly for
6,000 kilometers from Dakar on the Atlantic to the Horn of Africa on the Indian Ocean,
an area twice the size of the continental United States. The severest impact fell upon
Chad, Ghana, Mali, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Senegal. Farther to the southeast,
Mozambique was among the hardest hit in still another area of drought.
The human tragedy was immeasurable: more than 150 million people lacked
sufficient food, and countless numbers died of disease and starvation. By 1983, grain
output in the affected countries had fallen 35 per cent below normal, a decline further
grown by severe insect infestations of crops. Adding to the misery were outbreak of
cattle disease and brushfires, as well as wars and revolutions in Chad, Ethiopia, and
If the past is a reliable guide, the recent siege of droughts in sub-Saharan Africa
should not continue much longer. The record shows that, for reasons not yet well
understood, droughts in this region occur in cycles: averaging seven years in length,
with especially severe episodes having reappeared in each of the past three centuries.
An episode of intense droughts occurred between 1820 and 1840, according to historical
records; and a still earlier one took place between 1773 and 1758, as indicated by
geological evidence. It seems unlikely however, that the end of the drought of the 1980s
will return the sub-Sahara to previous levels of food output. The lands most recently lost
in the process of desertification are probably lost for good.

1. What was the immediate cause of the crop failure and resulting starvation in
Africa’s Sahel in the 1980s?
a) desertification;
b) drought;water-logging;
2. What areas of the world are subject to desertification?
a) New England;
b) Sub-Saharan Africa;
c) The Middle East;
d) New Jersey;
e) north-western Asia.
3. What are the chief agents of land degradation?
a) over-cultivation;
b) over-grazing;
c) over-fertilization;
d) over-drainage;
e) deforestation.
4. What were the results of the recent drought in sub-Saharan Africa?
a) people and cattle diseases;
b) flooding;
c) starvation;
d) insect infestations of crops;
e) high yields.


The intensive use of inorganic fertilizers, particularly those that contain nitrogen
and phosphorus, is a key factor in the high yields obtained per hectare in modem
intensive agriculture. In the United States, increases in yield per hectare, due in the part
to the use of such materials, led to a decline in the area of cultivated land by 27 million
hectares between 1944 and 1969. During this period, fertilizer use climbed from about
10.9 million tons per year. This increase was necessary partly because of the depletion
of nature fertility that had occurred since American farmlands were first put into
cultivation. However it was permitted some agricultural land to return temporarily to
grass and woodlands, which protected it from erosion and allowed fertility to build up
It is easy to demonstrate that the addition of inorganic fertilizers makes rapid and
significant improvement in crop yields. In general, about 20 per cent of total crop and
forage production is due to fertilizer use although the specific affect varies with crop
and location. In other words, if present use of fertilizer were stopped, the next season’s
yield would be expected to drop by that amount (all other factors being equal). On the
other hand, a number of basic crop species, such as soy-beans and wheat neither receive
much fertilizer nor show strong responses to it.
It is clear that fertilization is essential to permanent agriculture and just as clear
that the fertilizing techniques in mechanized agriculture are highly successful.
Nevertheless, there are negative side effects, moreover, the increasing energy costs and
the important considerations of raw material availability make it essential to examine
present fertilizers use critically.
More nitrogen fertilizers are used than any other. Now, however, a serious problem
has developed in the form of increasing cost of nitrogen fertilizer. Hydrocarbon fuels
are required in quantity both as raw material and as fuel to create the high temperature
and pressure conditions needed for ammonia synthesis. As a result nitrogen fertilizer
costs sharply reflect changes in petroleum prices. Alternative techniques of obtaining
hydrogen such as the electrolytic breakdown of water molecules, at present used only in
a few plants, also have high energy costs.
Much of the nitrogen fertilizer produced is applied as anhydrous ammonia a
liquified gas. It is also converted to a number of other ammonium salts, nitrates, and
other compounds for use as fertilizer. These materials applied to the soil ecosystem
create major changes in ecosystem dynamics.
The recent comprehensive estimates of the transfer occurring in the nitrogen cycle
at the global level show that industrial fixation of nitrogen (about 30 tons per year) is
still well below the rate of biological fixation (175 million tons).
A second intervention by man is the increased rate at which nitrogen oxides are
introduced into the atmosphere by combustion. Most of these oxides are returned to the
land surface by precipitation.
Intensive cultivation and livestock production have significantly increased the
outflow of nitrogen from agroecosystems. We know that food harvests and accelerated
erosion deplete the original soil nitrogen pools; two other factors also contribute to this
depletion: the application of large quantities of inorganic fertilizers and the development
of feedlots; poultry factories, and other sources of concentrated animal wastes.
Because of their toxicity, however, high concentrations of particular nitrogen
compounds in crops and in water supplies can be a direct concern to health (when
nitrate in the blood combines with hemoglobin and thus reduces its oxygen carrying
The growing use of nitrogen fertilizers has recently become a matter of concern in
relation to the ozone layer of the stratosphere. Some scientists believe that the ozone
layer might be reduced by roughly 20 per cent during the first quarter of the twenty-first
century as a result of current and future use of nitrogen fertilizers.
The ozone layer of the stratosphere acts as a shield to absorb incoming ultraviolet
radiation. Among other effects, increased ultraviolet radiation raises the incidence of
skin cancer. A significant harm to health could thus be created, and close attention must
be given to the movement of nitrogen compounds through the atmosphere as well as
other parts of the biosphere.

1. What kinds of inorganic fertilizers greatly affect the crop yields in modern
intensive agriculture?
a) containing potash;
b) containing nitrogen;
c) containing phosphorus;
d) containing manure.
2. Due to what techniques did American farmers try to improve soil fertility?
a) application of manure;
b) application of fertilizers;
c) return to grass and woodland;
d) land reclamation.
3. What is the serious problem that has developed in fertilization?
a) the increasing energy costs;
b) raw material shortage;
c) the increasing cost of nitrogen fertilizers.
4. What are the results of man’s interventions into ecosystem dynamics?
a) the increased amount of nitrogen in atmosphere;
b) the increased rate at which nitrogen oxides are introduced into
c) the reduction of the ozone layer;
d) the increase of the ozone layer.
5. What reflects changes in petroleum prices?
a) the availability of nitrogen fertilizers;
b) the amount of nitrogen fertilizers used by farmers;
c) the cost of nitrogen fertilizers.

Артикль – это служебное слово, являющееся одним из основных формальных
признаков существительного. Он не имеет самостоятельного значения и не
переводится на русский язык. В английском языке есть два артикля –
неопределенный и определенный. В русском языке артиклей нет.
1. Неопределенный артикль имеет две формы: a и an.
Форма a употребляется перед словами, которые начинаются с согласного
звука: a man - человек. Форма an употребляется перед словами, которые
начинаются с гласного звука: an answer - ответ, an old man - старик.
Неопределенный артикль произошел от древнеанглийского
числительного an один, поэтому он употребляется лишь перед исчисляемыми
существительными в единственном числе. Во множественном числе он
опускается (так называемый "нулевой артикль"), а иногда заменяется
неопределенными местоимениями some несколько, any любой, всякий.
2. Определенный артикль имеет одну графическую форму the,
употребляется перед существительными в единственном и множественном числе.
В самой простой форме основное правило артиклей звучит так: если речь
идет об известном говорящему предмете, то перед этим предметом ставится
определенный артикль {the), а если о неизвестном, то неопределенный артикль



1 Если говорится о единственном в мире предмете The sun is in the sky.

2 Когда говорится о предмете (или лице), The teacher is in the classroom.

единственном в данной обстановке

3 Когда о данном предмете уже упоминалось в "I’ve got a very interesting book," says
разговоре или повествовании Mike.
"Please show me the book," says Nick.

4 С существительным, перед которым стоит We are on the fourth floor.

порядковое числительное

5 С существительным, перед которым стоит He is the best student in our group.

прилагательное в превосходной степени

6 Если говорится об определенном количестве Is the milk on the table?

вещества, например tea чай, milk молоко, Молоко на столе?
bread хлеб и т. п.

7 Перед названиями морей, горных массивов, I’m taking a trip to the mountains next
островов, рек, пустынь, кораблей, гостиниц, week. .
кинотеатров, театров; перед словами country Did you go to the Black Sea or
за городом, sea море, seaside у моря, to the Volga?
mountains горы (и при обобщении)

8 Перед существительным в единственном числе, The whale is a mammal, not a fish.

обозначающим целый класс предметов, людей (т.
е. при обобщении)

9 После слов one of один (из), some of Most of the stories are very
некоторые (из), many of многие (из), each of interesting.
каждый (из), most of большинство (из) Give me one of the books.
(часто после слов all все, both of оба)

10 Перед названиями четырех сторон света the Northern part of our country

11 Перед фамилией во множественном числе (при The Petrovs are at home.

обозначении всех членов семьи)



1 При упоминании чего-либо впервые A man came up to a policeman.

2 При обобщении A baby deer can stand as soon as it is


3 При обозначении неопределенного количества Pass me a piece of bread.

конкретного предмета

4 Перед названиями профессий или должностей He is a doctor.

5 В значении один перед исчисляемыми Will you be back in an hour?

существительными, обозначающими время

6 Перед исчисляемыми существительными He is quite a young man.

в единственном числе, определяемыми It is a most interesting book.
словами such, quite, rather, most (в значении

N.B. Артикль an употребляется тогда, когда следующее за ним слово начинается с гласного
звука: an old woman старуха, an honest man честный человек.



1 Перед исчисляемыми существительными во My father and my uncle are doctors.

множественном числе

2 При обобщении Carrots are my favorite vegetable.

3 В выражениях с собственным существительным John’s coat

в притяжательном падеже

4 Перед существительным в функции определения guitar lessons

5 Перед названиями континентов, стран, штатов, I’ve been neither to South Africa nor to
городов, улиц, озер North America.

6 Перед неисчисляемыми (абстрактными) This is important information.

существительными I need advice.

7 В некоторых You can get there in time if you go by

сочетаниях существительного с предлогом, train.
когда все сочетание имеет характер наречия. to /
at / from school, university, college; to / in / into /
from church; in time; at / from home; by
car, bus, bicycle, plane, train, metro, boat etc.; for
breakfast и т. д.

8 Перед именами и фамилиями людей My name is Bond, James Bond.

1. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. When my grandfather was ... young man, he studied ... physics. 2. Do you speak
... Spanish? 3. My uncle is ... great specialist in ... biology. 4. ... Japanese is more
difficult than ... French. 5. We listened to ... very interesting lecture on ... English
literature yesterday. 6. Yesterday at ... lesson of ... geography ... teacher told us ... very
interesting things about ... famous travellers. 7. My father speaks ... English and ...
French, but he does not speak ... German. 8. We had ... lesson of ... mathematics
yesterday. We wrote ... test-paper in ... mathematics. ... teacher said: "I shall correct...
test-papers in ... evening. Tomorrow you will know ... results".

2 . Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1.There is ... thick red ... carpet in my ... room. ... carpet is on ... floor in ... front of
... sofa. 2. Where is ... table in your brother's ... room? — His ... table is near ... window.
3. I can see ... fine ... vase on ... shelf. Is it your ... vase? 4. We have no ... piano in our
... living-room. 5. My ... uncle is ... married. He has ... beautiful wife. They have ... son,
but they have no ... daughter. 6. I can see ... nice ... coffee-table in ... middle of ... room
to ... right of ... door. It is ... black and ... red. I like ... coffee-table. 7. Our ... TV-set is
on ... little ... table in ... corner of ... room. 8. There is... beautiful picture in my father's
... study, ... picture is on ... wall to ... left of ... window.

3. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. ... Thames is ... short river. 2. ... Russia is washed by ... Arctic Ocean in ... north.
3. Kiev is to ... south of ... Moscow. 4. ... Europe is ... continent. 5. ... Moscow is ...
capital of ... Russia. 6. Is ... Asia ... island or ... continent? 7. ... Black Sea is in ... south
of our country. 8. ... White Sea is in ... north of our country, 9. This is ... map of ...
world. What can you see on ... map? What ... colour are ... valleys on ... map? 10. Petrov
is ... architect. He is ... experienced architect. He is in ... Far East. He has ... wife. His
wife is ... typist. They have ... son and ... daughter. 11. ... Philippines are situated to ...
south-east of ... Asia.

4. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1.... Moscow is situated on ... Moscow River. ... Moscow is a river that moves very
slowly. There is ... canal called ... Moscow-Volga Canal which joins ... Moscow to ...
Volga. ... Volga runs into ... Caspian Sea. 2. Several rivers run into ... sea at... New
York. ... most important is ... Hudson River which empties into ... Atlantic Ocean.
Besides ... Hudson there are ... two other rivers: ... East River and ... Harlem River. 3. In
... Siberia there are many long rivers: ... Ob, ... Irtysh, ... Yenissei, ... Lena and ... Amur.
4. ... Altai Mountains are ... higher than ... Urals.

5. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Once ... Frenchman was travelling in ... Sweden. He stopped at ... hotel in ... little
Swedish town. It was ... evening, ... man was tired, so he went to ... bed at once. In ...
morning he had ... breakfast in ... hotel restaurant. After ... breakfast he went for ... walk.
He walked along ... streets of ... town, visited ... museum and ... shops. Presently he felt
hungry and dropped into ... cafe for ... lunch. He sat down at ... table, called ... waiter
and ordered ... mushrooms. But... Frenchman did not know ... Swedish and ... waiter did
not know ... French. Nobody in ... cafe could speak ... French. Then ... Frenchman took
... piece of ... paper and ... pencil and drew the picture of ... mushroom. ... waiter looked
at ... picture and left ... room at once. Five minutes later he returned with ... umbrella.

6. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

At... beginning of ... 19th century ... little boy was born in ... family of John
Dickens, ... clerk at ... office in ... Portsmouth, and was named Charles. He had ... sister
who was older than himself, arid there were several other children in ... family. When
Charles was seven, he was sent to ... school. He was not... strong child. He did not like
to play ... cricket or ... football and spent all his free time reading. In 1821 ... family
went to ... London and little Charles left behind him ... happiest years of his childhood.
His father was in ... money difficulties, and ... family became poorer and poorer. ... boy
had to give up his studios. Mr. Dickens was put into ... debtors' prison. Little Charles
learned to know all ... horrors and cruelty of... large capitalist city. He had to go to work
at... blacking factory. He worked there from ... morning till ... night. When his father
came out of prison, Charles was sent to ... school for some time. Soon he got work as ...
clerk. Then he learned ... stenography and became ... reporter; in Parliament. In 1836
at... age of 24 Charles Dickens published his first book. It was ... collection of... stories.
... title of... book was "Sketches by Boz." There were followed by "Pickwick Papers"
and "Oliver Twist" and many other famous novels. Charles Dickens is one of... greatest
writers of ... 19th century. His novels are now translated into most languages of... world.

Именем существительным называется часть речи, которая обозначает
предмет и отвечает на вопросы: кто? что?
Образование множественного числа существительных
Существительные образуют множественное число путем добавления:
1. Большинство существительных maps, pencils, students

2. Существительные, оканчивающиеся radios, videos, zoos

+s на гласную + o или удвоенную o
3. Аббревиация, заканчивающаяся на o autos, photos
4. Музыкальные инструменты pianos
3. Существительные, оканчивающиеся wife - wives
на –fe (fe –ve +s)
1. Другие существительные, potatoes, tomatoes
+ es заканчивающиеся на o
2. Существительное оканчивается на - buses, churches, boxes
ch, -sh, -x, -ss, -s
3. Существительные, оканчивающиеся wolf - wolves
на – f ( f – v +es)
1. Существительные, оканчивающиеся ladies, victories, countries
+ ies на согласную + y ( y - i + es)

Исключения: man – men, woman – women, foot - feet, tooth -teeth, goose –
geese, mouse - mice, ox -oxen, child – children, sheep - sheep ,swine – swine, deer –
deer, means –means.

1. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число
(обратите внимание на артикли: неопределенный артикль во множественном
числе опускается, определенный артикль сохраняется).
A star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man,
a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a
mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.

2. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. What is that child's name? 2. The cat has caught a mouse. 3. There was a lady, a
gentleman, a boy and a girl in the room. 4. In the farm-yard we could see an ox, a sheep,
a cow and a goose. 5. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? -He is a Frenchman.
6. Why don't you eat this potato? 7. This strawberry is still green. 8. The withered leaf
has fallen to the ground. 9. Can you see a bird in that tree? 10. Does your tooth still
ache? 11.1 held up my foot to the fire to warm it. 12. His child studies very well. 13.
This man works at our office. 14. There is a new house in our street. 15. This story is
very interesting. 16. I have hurt my foot. 17. The wolf has been shot. 18. He keeps his
toy in a box. 19. Put this knife on that table.

Притяжательный падеж существительных

Притяжательный падеж - это форма Р.п., выражающая принадлежность. Эта

форма употребляется с одушевленными существительными. Существительные в
притяжательном падеже употребляются перед определяемыми существительными
и имеют окончание ' s в единственном числе и просто апостроф во
Например: The child's toys — The children's toys. The boy's books — The boys'

1. Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания и предложения,
употребляя притяжательный падеж.
1. The room of my friend. 2. The questions of my son. 3. The wife of my brother.
4. The table of our teacher. 5. The poems of Pushkin. 6. The voice of this girl. 7. The
new club of the workers. 8. The letter of Pete. 9. The car of my parents. 10. The life of
this woman. 11. The handbags of these women. 12. The flat of my sister is large. 13.
The children of my brother are at home. 14. The room of the boys is large. 15. The
name of this girl is Jane. 16. The work of these students is interesting.

2. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя притяжательный падеж.

1. Он показал мне письмо своей сестры. 2. Она взяла коньки своего брата. 3.
Дайте мне тетради ваших учеников. 4. Принесите вещи детей 5. Вчера дети нашли
птичье гнездо. 6. Это семья моего друга. Отец моего друга инженер. Мать моего
друга преподаватель. 7. Чья это сумка? - Это сумка Тома. 8. Чьи это словари? -
Это словари студентов. 9. Вы видели книгу нашего учителя? 10. Мне нравится
почерк этого мальчика. 11. Я слышу голос моей сестры. 12. Она открыла окно и
услышала смех и крики детей. 13. Она поставила мокрые сапоги мальчиков к
печке. 14. Это бабушкино кресло.


Данный оборот в английском языке служит для того, чтобы сообщить
местонахождения предмета. Перевод подобных предложений следует начинать с
обстоятельства места. Оборот there is/ there are соответствует русскому
выражению есть, находится, имеется.
Например: There is a mistake in this text - В этом тексте есть (имеется) ошибка.
There are trees in his garden - В его саду есть (имеются) деревья.
1. Переведите предложения.
1. There is a desk and four chairs in the room. 2. There are four chairs and a desk
in the room. 3. Were there many interesting views in her composition? 4. What is there
for breakfast today? 5. Who is there in the kitchen? 6. How much money is there in your
bag? 7. What books are there on your table? 8. There is no message for you. 9. There
isn’t any news in his letter. 10. How many students are there in the auditorium? 11. How
much water is there in the swimming pool? 12. What pictures were in his room? 13.
There won't be any journalists at the meeting. 14. There is no sugar in my cup. 15. There
was an airport and two railway stations in our city.

CARDINAL - Количественные ORDINAL- Качественные числительные
0-12 13-19 (+ teen) the колич. числит. + th
0 — zero 13 — thirteen 13th thirteenth
1 — one 14 — fourteen 1st first 14th fourteenth
2 — two 15 — fifteen 2nd second 15th fifteenth
3 — three 16 — sixteen 3rd third 16th sixteenth
4 — four 17 — seventeen 4th fourth 17th seventeenth
5 — five 18 — eighteen 5th fifth 18th eighteenth
6 — six 19 — nineteen 6th sixth 19th nineteenth
7 — seven 20 - 90 (+ty) 7th seventh 20th twentieth
8 — eight 20 — twenty 8th eighth 21st twenty-first
9 — nine 30 — thirty 9th ninth 30th thirtieth
10 — ten 40 — forty 10th tenth 40th fortieth
11 — eleven 50 — fifty 11th eleventh 50th fiftieth
12 — twelve 60 - sixty 12th twelfth 60th sixtieth
70 — seventy 70th seventieth
80 — eighty 80th eightieth
90 — ninety 90th ninetieth
100 — one (a) hundred 100th hundredth
1,000 — one (a) thousand 101st hundred and first
1,000,000 — one (a) million 116th hundred and sixteenth
1,000,000,000 — a (one) milliard (в 1,000th thousandth
Англии); a (one) billion (в США) 1,256th thousand two hundred and fifty-sixth
NB Числительные hundred, thousand, million не приобретают окончание s
как показатель множественного числа, однако если эти слова выполняют
функцию существительных, т. е. перед ними нет числительного (а после них
обычно стоит предлог of), то во множественном числе добавляется s: hundreds of
people сотни людей, thousands of words тысячи слов.
1. Переведите следующие предложения.
1. It was Jane`s second impression. 2. Jack saw thousands of blubbers. 3. Sixty
citizens voted for him. 4. Jack earned six hundred dollars a month. 5. That happened
three hundred years ago.6. This company employed fifty-nine workers.

2. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Мы читаем урок шестой, упражнение пятое. 2. Джон пишет сегодня
четвертое письмо. 3. Сегодня одиннадцатое декабря. 4. Вчера было девятое
января 2013 года. 5. Джек должен выучить сорок семь слов. 6. Сегодня шестьсот
двадцать третий день с начала шоу. 7. Джейн родилась в 1980 году.
8. Это была вторая попытка Джеймса сдать этот экзамен.

Личные Объектные Притяжательные Возвратные
I me my mine myself
he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
it it its its itself
we us our ours ourselves
you you your yours yourselves
they them their theirs themselves
1. Заполните пропуски личными или возвратными местоимениями.
1. He is quite right, I agree with … completely. 2. I looked at … in the mirror
and left the house in a very good mood. 3 . “Who is it?” — “It’s … may I come in?” 4
. Mr. Lloyds is very fat … weighs over a hundred kilos? 5 . … introduced his wife to
the guests. 6 . Where shall … meet, Bob? 7 . James took the book and opened …. 8 .
We don’t dress … for dinner here. 9 . I taught … to play the guitar. 10 . Selfish people
only care about … .

2. Закончите предложения, используя притяжательные местоимения.

1. I left … car in the garage. 2 . Mary hung … coat on the peg. 3 . Jack had … hair
cut. 4 . Neil and David ate … supper. 5 . I hope you enjoy … holiday. 6 . We’ll invite
you round to … house sometime and complete these by adding a possessive with own. 7
. You must make up … own mind. 8 . The children had to cook … own supper. 9 . Bill
borrowed Jenny’s car … own can was being repaired. 10 . I’ll bring … own sheets and
towels. 11 . Every dog had … own special basket to sleep in. 12 . You should do …
own washing up.


Неопределенные местоимения some и any в английском языке служат для
обозначения неопределенного количества предметов или вещества.
Some употребляется, как правило, в утвердительных предложениях перед
исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и перед
неисчисляемыми существительными, имеет значение несколько, некоторые: I've
got some interesting books to read. -У меня есть интересные книги (=несколько
интересных книг) для чтения.
Any употребляется, как правило, в вопросительных и отрицательных
Have you got any interesting books? – У вас есть интересные книги?
Some и any часто не переводятся на русский язык.



+ thing + body + оnе + where

Some something somebody someone somewhere

Any anything anybody anyone anywhere

No nothing nobody no one nowhere

Every everything everybody everyone everywhere

1. Вставьте some, any или nо.
1. There are ... pictures in the book. 2. Are there ... new students in your group? 3.
There are ... old houses in our street. 4. Are there ... English textbooks on the desks?
Yes, there are ... . 5. Are there ... maps on the walls? No, there aren’t... . 6. Are there ...
pens on the desk? Yes, there are.... 8. Are there ... sweets in your bag? Yes, there are ... .
9. Have you got ... English books at home? Yes, I have ... . 10. There are ... beautiful
pictures in the magazine. Look at them. 11. There is ... ink in my pen: I cannot write.

2. Вставьте something, anything, nothing или everything.

1. ... is all right, the patient is much better today! 2. Is there ... interesting in the
program of the concert? 3. I could see ...: it was quite dark. 4. Give me ... to drink.
5. I didn't take any money with me so I couldn't buy.... 6. My new eyeglasses are very
good, I can see ... now. 7. I saw ... near the wood that looked like a tent. 8. Give me ... to
read, please. 9. I don't know ... about your town. Tell me ... about it.
Please give me ... warm: it is cold here. 11.1 understand ... now. Thank you for
your explanation. 12. There is ... white in the box. What is it? 13. Is there ... that you
want to tell me? 14. Where is the book? It is on the table. No, there is ... there.

3. Вставьте somebody, anybody, nobody или everybody.

1. Has ... in this group got a dictionary? 2. ... left a magazine in our classroom
yesterday. 3. The question was so difficult that... could answer it. 4. 1 am afraid I shan't
be able to find ... in the office now: it is too late. 5. ... knows that water is necessary for
life. 6. Is there ... here who knows French? 7. You must find ... who can help you. 8. ...
knew anything about America before Columbus discovered it. 9. I saw ... in the train
yesterday who looked like you. 10. There is ... in the next room. I don't know him. 11.
Please tell us the story. ... knows it. 12. Is there ... in my group who lives in the
dormitory? 13. Has ... here got a red pencil? 14. ... can answer this question. It is very

4. Поставьте следующие предложении в отрицательную и

вопросительную форму.
1. They have done something. 2. He has given them some money. 3. You have
brought something for us. 4. I have taken some English books from you. 5. She was
reading something. 6. He has written a letter to somebody. 7. Somebody by the name of
Petrov lives on the third floor. 8. They have some English books. 9. There are some tall
trees in front of their house. 10. Peter has something in his box. 11. There are some
parks in this town. 12. There are some good book shops in our district.

5. Вставьте somewhere, anywhere, nowhere или everywhere.

1. I put my dictionary ... yesterday and now I can't find it ....-- Of course, that is
because you leave your books ... . 2. You must go ... next summer. 3. Did you go ... on
Sunday? 4. Let's go ... . The weather is fine. I don't want to stay at home in such
weather. 5. I cannot find my glasses .... I always put them ... and then look for them for
hours. 6. Today is a holiday. The streets are full of people. There are flags, banners and
flowers ... .


с исчисляемыми с неисчисляемыми
существительными существительными
many много much много
few мало (недостаточно) little мало (недостаточно)
a few несколько, немного (есть) a little немного (есть)
a lot of - много, большое количество
разг. формы: lots of -множество; plenty of-много
a large number of- a great deal of -много, большое
множество, большое число количество

1. Заполните пропуски местоимениями much или many
1. Не translates ... letters into English. 2. The teacher gives us ... homework. 3. My
brother reads .... 4. Kate gets ... telegrams on her birthday. 5. My parents work too .... 6.
Does your son read ... ? 7. ... students study two foreign languages. 8. We sent letters to
... foreign firms.
2. Вставьте much, many, little или few.
1. My brother is a young teacher. Every day he spends ... time preparing for his
lessons. 2. I know I very ... about this writer. It is the first book I am reading. 3. The
pupils of our class ask ... questions at the lesson. They want to know everything. 4. You
do not make ... mistakes in your spelling. Do you work hard at it? - Oh, yes, I do, I work
very .... 5. Does your sister read ...?- Yes, she does. And your brother? -Oh, he doesn't.
He has so ... books, but he reads very ... . 6. Have you ... work to do today? - No, not
very ... . 7. Walk quicker, please. We have very ... time. 8. I am sorry to say, l have read
very ... books by Walter Scott.

3. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов.

Немного денег, мало денег, несколько стульев, мало стульев, несколько

песен, мало песен, немного веселья, мало веселья, мало мальчиков, немного воды,
несколько человек, мало воды, мало воздуха, мало столов, несколько минут,
несколько кошек, мало травы, немного удачи, несколько дней, мало работы,
немного соли, несколько ложек, мало света, мало окон, несколько машин,
немного сахару, мало яиц, мало сыра.

4. Вставьте much, many, little, few, a little или a few.

1. He had ... English books at home, so he had to go to the library for more books.
2. She gave him ... water to wash his hands and face. 3. I'd like to say ... words about my
journey. 4. After the play everybody felt ... tired. 5. Let's stay here ... longer: it is such a
nice place. 6. There were ... new words in the text, and Peter spent ... time learning
them. 7. There was ... hay in the barn, and the children could not play there. 8. There
was ... water in the river, and they decided to cross it. 9. My mother knows German ...
and she can help you with the translation of this letter. 10. When we walked ... farther
down the road, we met another group of students.


Качественные Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная

прилагательные степень степень степень
the positive degree the comparative the superlative
degree degree

одно - и young younger the youngest

двусложные на heavy heavier the heaviest
-er, -ow, - у, -е. hot hotter the hottest
simple simpler the simplest
многосложные difficult more difficult the most difficult
interesting more interesting the most interesting
Исключения good better the best
bad worse the worst
many, much more the most
little less the least
имеющие по две far farther the farthest
формы степеней далекий более далекий самый дальний
сравнения, further the furthest
различающиеся дальнейший самый далекий
по значению и old older старше the oldest
употреблению старый (no возрасту) самый старый
elder старше (в the eldest самый
пределах одной семьи) старший

Для выражения сравнения существует также ряд конструкций:

1. As... as - такой же... как : Не is as cheerful as his brother.
2. More... than ... - более ... чем: This task is more important than that task.
3. The + сравн. степень, the + сравн.степень: The warmer the weather, the
better I feel.

1.Образуйте степени сравнении следующих прилагательных.

Easy, short, important, good, nice, comfortable, big, small, tall, long, beautiful, hot,
strong, bad, difficult, sunny, old, little.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.

1. Which is (large): the United States or Canada? 2. What is the name of the (big)
port in the United States? 3. Moscow is the (large) city in Russia. 4. The London
underground is the (old) in the world. 5. There is a (great) number of cars and buses in
the streets of Moscow than in any other city of Russia. 6. St. Petersburg is one of the
(beautiful) cities in the world. 7. The rivers in America are much (big) than those in
England. 8. The island of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland. 9. What is the name
of the (high) mountain in Asia? 10. The English Channel is (wide) than the straits of

Indefinite (Simple) Continuous Perfect Continuous Perfect

Te (констатация факта) (процесс) (процесс в течение некот. (завершенность)
nse периода времени)

Gibraltar. 11. Russia is a very (large) country.

3. Скажите это по-английски.

1. Я думаю, что яблоки - самые лучшие фрукты (fruit). 2. Река Лена - самая
длинная река в нашей стране. 3. Сегодня самый короткий день в году. 4. Моя
собака меньше твоей собаки. 5. Она учится хуже, чем ее брат. 6. По субботам он
приходит домой раньше, чем обычно. 7. Моя комната меньше, чем его, но она
самая лучшая комната в доме. 8. Сегодня погода такая же холодная, как и вчера.
9. Чем скорее он придет, тем лучше.

4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. What is your height? You are taller than me. 2. She felt as strong as her brother.
3. We started earlier than you. 4. He was more careful than I. 5. This student is the most
attentive in our group. 6.1 need a warmer coat. 7. He is as tired as you. 8. He was one of
the most experienced workers at the factory. 9. Better late than never. 10. She was not
so attractive as her mother. 11. His work is not so difficult as mine. 12. He was the
eldest in the family. 13. It is easier to swim in the sea than in the river. 14. This is the
smallest room in our flat.
+ V , Vs (he, she, it) to be + V ing Have / has been + V ing Have/has + V3, V(ed)
P ? Do Does (am, is, are) + V ing
He has been living in He has never been
r He goes to school every day. He is reading now. Tiraspol since 1995. there.
e 1) Does he go to school? 1) Is he reading now? 1) Has he been living in 1)Has he ever been
2) Does he go to school or 2) Is he reading or writing Tiraspol? there?
s college? now? 2) He has been living in 2)Has he or she been
e 3) He goes to school, does not 3) He is reading, is not he? Tiraspol or Bender? there?
n he? 4) What is he doing? 3) He has been living in 3)He has done, it has
4) When does he go to school? 5) Who is reading? Tiraspol since 1995, has not not he?
t 5) Who goes to school? --------------------------------- he? 4)Why has he done it?
------------------------------------ now, Look! Listen! 4) How long has he been 5)Who has done it?
every day (week, month, at this moment living here? -------------------------
year),often, always, seldom, 5) Who has been living in ever, never, already,
regularly, usually, as a rule. Tiraspol since 1995? just, yet, this week
------------------------------- (month, year), today
for, since
+ V(ed), V2/ ? Did was / were + V ing Had been + V ing Had + V(ed) ;V3
ед.ч мн.ч
He moved (went) to Moscow. He had been writing the I had written the letter
1) Did he move (go) to He was reading at 5 letter for 10 minutes when by 3 o’clock yesterday.
Moscow. o’clock yesterday. you came? 1. Had you finished it
2) Did he move (go) to 1) Was he reading at 5 1.How long had he been by 3 o`clock?
P Moscow or London? o’clock yesterday? reading when you came? -----------------------
a 3) He moved (went) to 2) Was he reading at 5 or --------------------------------- by3 o’clock yesterday,
Moscow did not he? 6? for (since) some time , before he came
s 4) When Did he go to 3) He was reading was not before she came
t Moscow? he?
5)Who moved (went) to 4) What was he doing to 5?
Moscow? 5) Who was reading at 5?
------------------------------------ ---------------------------
yesterday, the day before at 4 yesterday,
yesterday, last week (month, from 10 to 12, when she
year), ago, in May came, While
(I, We) shall / will + V Will be + Ving Will have been + Ving Will have + V3(ed)

F He will go to Kiev soon. He will be watching TV at He will have been reading He will have read this
1) Will he go to Kiev? this time tomorrow. for an hour when I came. text by 12 tomorrow.
u 2) Will he or she go to Kiev? 1)Will he be watching TV 1) Will he have been reading 1) Will he have read it?
t 3) He will go to Kiev wont not
at this time tomorrow?
for an hour?
2) What will he read by
u 4) Where will he go? --- by 3 o’clock tomorrow, -------------------------
5) Who will go to Kiev? tomorrow, at this time, when mother comes by some time
r ----------------------------------- tomorrow at 3 o’clock tomorrow
e tomorrow, soon, next week
(month, year) soon, in May
(summer, 2015), in 2 days
u- Употребляются в косвенной речи
in would + V would be + V ing would have been + Ving would have +V3(ed)
NB: В предложениях с употреблением будущего времени в сложных
предложениях после слов : when, as soon as, if, before, after, till, until в английском
языке глагол пишется в настоящем: He will do it when he comes back - Он сделает
это, когда вернётся.
1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present или Past Simple.
1. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock
yesterday. 3. My brother (to wash) his face every morning. 4. Yesterday he (to wash)
his face at a quarter past seven. 5. I (not to have) history lessons every day. 6. We (not
to rest) yesterday. 7. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday. 8. My mother always
(to take) a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not to take) a bus. Yesterday she (to
walk) to her office. 9. You (to talk) to the members of your family every day? - Yes, I ...
But yesterday I (not to talk) to them: I (to be) very busy yesterday. 10. You (to come)
home at six o'clock yesterday? - - No, I .... Yesterday I (to come) home from school at
half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. After dinner I (to
be) very thirsty. I (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I (to rest). 11. Your sister (to go) to
school every day? Yes, she ....

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present или Past Simple.

1. My friend (to know) Spanish very well. 2. Who (to ring) you up an hour ago? 3.
He (to live) on the third floor. 4. It (to take) you long to find his house yesterday? 5.
When your lessons (to be) over on Monday? 6. I (to have) dinner with my family
yesterday. 7. Her friends (to be) ready at five o'clock. 8. One of her brothers (to make) a
tour of Europe last summer. 9. Queen Elizabeth II (to be) born in 1926. She (to become)
Queen of England in 1952. 10. You always (to get) up at seven o'clock? — No,
sometimes I (to get) up at half past seven.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future

1. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 2. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock
yesterday. 3. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow. 4. I (not to go) to the cinema
every day. 5. I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday. 6. I (not to go) to the cinema
tomorrow. 7. You (to watch) TV every day? 8. You (to watch) TV yesterday? 9. You (to
watch) TV tomorrow? 10. When you (to leave) home for school every day? 11. When
you (to leave) home for school yesterday? 12. When you (to leave) home for school
tomorrow? 13. My brother (to go) to work every day. He (to leave) home at a quarter
past eight. As the office he (to work) at (to be) near our house, he (to walk) there. He
(not to take) a bus. Yesterday he (riot to go) to work. Yesterday he (to get) up at nine
o'clock, 14. You (to have) a PT lesson yesterday? — No, I..., 15. What you (to buy) at
the shop yesterday? -I (to buy) a book. 16. Yesterday my father (not to read)
newspapers because he (to be) very busy. He (to read) newspapers tomorrow.

4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple или

Future Simple.
1. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons every morning. 2. He (to turn)
on the television to watch cartoons yesterday morning. 3. He (to turn) on the television
to watch cartoons tomorrow morning. 4. I always (to go) to the Altai Mountains to visit
my relatives there. 5. I (to be) very busy last summer and I (not to go) there. 6. I (not to
go) there next year because it (to cost) a lot of money and I can’t afford it. 7. They (to
enjoy) themselves at the symphony yesterday evening? 8. Who (to take) care of the
child in the future? 9. How often you (to go) to the dentist’s? 10. We (not to have) very
good weather, but we still (to have) a good time during our short stay in London.


1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Past

1. I (to write) an English exercise now. 2. I (to write) an English exercise at this
time yesterday. 3. My little sister (to sleep) now. 4. My little sister (to sleep) at this
time yesterday. 5. My friends (not to do) their homework now. They (to play)
volleyball. 6. My friends (not to do) their homework at seven o'clock yesterday. They
(to play) volleyball. 7. You (to eat) ice-cream now? 8. You (to eat) ice-cream when 1
rang you up yesterday? 9. What your father (to do) now? 10. What your father (to do)
from eight till nine yesterday? 11. Why she (to cry) now? 12. Why she (to cry) when 1
saw her yesterday?
2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен:
Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1. Various kinds of sports (to be) popular in England. 2. Both children and grown-
ups (to be) fond of sports. 3. What (to be) the matter with her? She (to be) so excited. - I
(not to know). 4. Where you (to go)? - - I (to go) to the to see the match which (to take)
place there today. 5. You (to know) that a very interesting match (to take) place last
Sunday? 6. He (to go) to the south a week ago. 7. When I (to be) about fifteen years old,
I (to enjoy) playing football. 8. Our football team (to win) many games last year. 9.
Where (to be) Barry? - He (to play) chess with his friend.
10.You (to be) at the theatre yesterday. You (to like) the opera? –Oh yes, I (to enjoy) it

3. Откроите скобки, используя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. Something (fall) out of that window while I (stand) under it. 2. When Jane
(have) her Saturday job at a flower shop she (send) me flowers. 3. Dad (pay) me very
well when I (work) in his shop in the holidays. 4. It (snow) while we (make) the
snowman. 5. I (leave) the shop and then I (see) this picture, so 1 (buy) it. 6. A light rain
(fall) when I (arrive) in Abilene for the first time. 7. I (write) to you while my husband
(speak) over the phone.


1. Раскроите скобки, переведите.

1. When he (to come) home, his mother already (to cook) dinner. 2. When we
(to come) to my friend’s house, he just (to leave). 3. When her husband (to enter) her
office, she already (to finish) her work for that day. 4. Jennifer (to send) him an email
after he (to call). 5. Andy (to ask) his friend before he (to propose) him his help. 6. We
(to eat) a cake which I (to bring) an hour before. 7. My sister (to take) my dress which I
(to buy) in Morocco. 8. I (to work) on the computer yesterday which I (to buy) a week
ago. 9. I (to know) that my friend (not yet to complete) the test in the university. 10.
Nick and his wife (to come) home from the theatre at five o'clock. 11. Nick and his
wife (to come) home from the theatre by five o'clock. 12. She (to finish) my homework
at seven o'clock. 13. She (to finish) my homework by seven o'clock. 14. They (to sell)
their house before they (to buy) the new one. 15. He told me that he (to buy) a new car.
16. Yesterday I (to wake up), (to open) my eyes and (to remember) what I (to do) the
day before. 17. She said that she (to have) a great vacation trip. 18. You (to complete)
the test by Friday? 19. I (not to have) a lunch by the afternoon, so I was very hungry.
20. I (to fix) my car before my daughter (to return) back from school.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Present Simple,

Present Continuous, Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1. They (to go) to the Hermitage last week. 2. They (to be) to the Hermitage twice
this week. 3. After school yesterday he (to come) home, (to have) dinner, (to read) an
article from the latest magazine and (to begin) doing his homework. 4. When your
friend (to return) from the south? - She (to return) yesterday. - You (to go) to the station
to meet her? - No, I..., I (to be) too busy. 5. With whom you (to discuss) this question
yesterday? 6. I (to see) this film this week. I like it very much. 7. When I (to enter) the
kitchen, I (to see) that my mother (to stand) at the table and (to cut) some cabbage. She
(to cook) dinner. 8. As soon as I (to hear) a cry, I (to run) out of the room and (to see)
that a child (to lie) on the ground and (to cry). "What (to happen)? Why you (to cry)?
You (to hurt) yourself?" I asked. 9. As soon as I (to see) him, I (to understand) that he
(to work) hard. He (to write) something and (not to notice) anything. 10. When I (to
come) home yesterday, the children (to run) and (to sing) merrily. "We (to learn) a new
song!" they cried.


1. Раскройте скобки.
1. James is in his room, he (to play) there since the morning. 2. For 3 hours now
we (to chat) about it and we haven’t come to any decision yet. 3. Jane, do you know
where my hat is? I (to look) for it for half an hour and I can’t find it. 4. Your cousinr (to
dance) with that red-haired girl since she came into the room. 5. He (to try) to solve this
problem for several months now but he hasn’t found a solution yet. 6. He (to teach) at
school for twenty years. 7. Mr. Smith (to work) in his room since early morning. 8. The
children (to sleep) for 5 hours.

2. Переведите предложения, объясните употребление данного времени.

1. Не had been sitting here for 40 minutes when the telephone rang. 2. I had been
trying to get him on the phone all day. 3. At eight in the morning we had been driving
for six hours. 4. Tom had been doing his homework for an hour when his friend came to
see him. 5. He had been waiting for her for long time before she came.

3. Раскройте скобки, переведите предложения.

1. She (to study) in London for two years when I come here. 2. He (to teach)
German for two years when I begin to teach English. 3. By next July she (to live) here
for five years. 4. At six o’clock I (to work) for five hours. 5. I (to work) at the library for
8 hours when you come there.


Present Past Отриц. Что Эквиваленты

Indefinite Indefinite форма Перевод обозначает (синонимы)
can could cannot can’t могу, физическая или to be able (to)
could not можем, умственная
сможешь возможност ь,
вежливая просьба
may might may not might можно, разрешение; to be allowed
not возможно предположение (to)
must had to must not должен, долженствование to have (to)
mustn’t need надо
not needn’t
to have (to) had (to) don’t have (to), придется, вы- необходимость, -
has (to) doesn’t have нужден, надо вызванная
(to), didn’t (было) обстоятельства
have (to) ми;
to be (to) am was (to), were is not (to), was должен, необходимость -
is (to) are (to) not (to) надо совершения
(обусловленног о)
should - should not следует, совет, ought (to)
shouldn’t надо желательность
ought (to) - ought not следует, необходимость, -
oughtn’t надо обусловленная
логикой вещей,
моральный долг;

1. Пользуясь таблицей, переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на
перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов.
1. Не couldn’t do this work. 2. We will be able to finish this work in time. 3. Will
you be allowed to take this magazine? 4. You ought to help your sister in English. 5.
Students have to pass exams twice a year. 6. Our sportsmen can win gold medals at the
competition. 7. You may ring me up. 8. She can enter the University. 9. That Sunday 1
might get up later. 10. They must wait for us. 11. You should be more tactful. 12. You
ought to visit your parents. 13. I am to come at 5. 14. I’m typing the letter you had to
type in the morning.

2. Поставьте частицу to перед инфинитивами после модальных

глаголов, где необходимо.
I саn ... see; he ought ... know; he will be able ... change; he was allowed ...
translate; I may ... arrive; he could ... go; I must ... do; he has ... ask; they are ... read;
they have ... translate; he should ... help; we had ... build; they may ... build; they were
allowed ... answer; he will be able ... make; he has ... arrive; she must ... change; you
will be able ... translate; they should ... tell; they ought ... tell the truth.

3. Раскройте скобки, переведите предложения.

1. The talker (can, must) remember that conversation (must, should) serve a
purpose (цель). 2. We often (may, have to) use encyclopedias where we (must, can)
find information that we need at the moment. 3. Writers do not always express things
directly so that you (have to, may) think carefully to see what they mean. 4. Reading a
book (may, should) be a conversation between you and the author. 5. To achieve
(чтобы достичь) progress in any subject we (may, must) discuss things. 6. You (can’t,
shouldn’t) worry. 7. When we are introduced to new people we (may, should) try to
appear friendly (казаться дружелюбными). 8. You (must, can) be there on time. 9. I
(may, have to) get up early. 10. The lecturer (may, must) remember the names of his

4. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на то, что

неопределенное местоимение one может быть подлежащим для обозначения
неопределенного лица. Такие предложения на русский язык переводятся
неопределенно-личными предложениями.
One can see - можно видеть One must know - нужно знать One needn’t hurry -
не надо спешить One must not be late - нельзя опаздывать.
1. One must know at least one foreign language. 2. If one wants to study, one can
always find time for it. 3. One can easily do it. 4. One must work hard at a foreign
language if one wants to master it. 5. One mustn’t be late for classes. 6. What can one
see out of the window of your classroom? 7. One may take magazines from the library.
8. One needn’t use a dictionary if the text is clear. 9. One must know a lot of words to
read books on the speciality.
Причастие относится к неличным формам глагола и обладает признаками
как прилагательного (иногда наречия), так и глагола. Глагольными признаками
причастия являются его способность иметь прямое дополнение, определяться
наречием и иметь формы времени и залога. Но время, выраженное причастием
носит относительный характер, т. е. соотносится с действием глагола-сказуемого
предложения и выражает либо одновременность, либо предшествование этому
Причастия в английском языке подразделяются на причастие I (Participle I) и
причастие II (Participle II).
a) Причастие I настоящего времени действительного залога
Причастие I образуется путем прибавления суффикса - ing к основе глагола:
working- работающий, работая.
1. Определение: употребляется перед определяемым growing trees - растущие деревья
существительным (левое определение) или после него (правое Look at the trees growing in our
определение). На русский язык такое причастие переводится garden. Посмотри на деревья,
причастием действительного залога настоящего времени. растущие в нашем саду.
Правое определение часто бывает выражено причастием I с Reading an English book he wrote
2. Обстоятельство:употребляется
относящимися в начале
к нему словами и в этом илипереводится
случае в конце на out many new words. Читая
предложения. В этом случае причастие
русский язык причастным оборотом I обычно переводится
английскую книгу, он выписал
на русский язык деепричастием, оканчивающимся на -(а)я.
много новых слов.
3. Часть сказуемого: в этом случае причастие I вместе с
глаголом to be является сказуемым предложения в одном из They will be working at that time
времен группы Continuous. Такие сказуемые переводятся на tomorrow.Они будут работать
русский язык глаголом в личной форме в соответствующем завтра в это время.
1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия.
1. Everybody looked at the dancing girl. 2. The little plump woman standing at the
window is my grandmother. 3. The man playing the piano is Kate's uncle. 4. Entering
the room, she turned on the light. 5. Coming to the theatre, she saw that the performance
had already begun. 6. Looking out of the window, he saw his mother watering the
flowers. 7. Hearing the sounds of music we stopped talking 8. She went into the room,
leaving the door open.

a) Причастие II прошедшего времени действительного залога

Форма причастия II (причастия прошедшего времени) стандартных
(правильных) глаголов совпадает с формой прошедшего времени этих глаголов,
т.е. образуется прибавлением к основе глагола суффикса -ed с соответствующими
орфографическими изменениями: to solve решать - solved решил - solved
решенный (-ая, -ое).
Форма причастия II нестандартных (неправильных) глаголов образуется
разными способами и соответствует 3-й форме этих глаголов: to speak - spoke -
spoken, to make - made - made, to go - went - gone.
1. Определение: в этой функции причастие II the solved problem, the problem solved -
употребляется либо перед определяемым словом решенная задача
(слева от него), либо после (справа).В последнем the houses built- построенные дома
случае, если нет относящихся к нему слов, при the opened book- открытая книга
переводе причастие переносится влево. На the method used -используемый метод
русский язык причастие II обычно переводится
причастием страдательного залога на -мый, -
щийся, -нный, -тый, -вшийся
2. Обстоятельство причины: соответствует в Well-known all over the world the Russian
русском языке причастиям на -мый, -щийся, - book on electronics was also translated into
нный, - тый, -вшийся или придаточным English. - Так как русская книга по
предложениям причины электронике известна во всем мире, она
была переведена и на английский язык.
3. Обстоятельство времени: соответствует в
When given the book read the article about
русском языке придаточным предложениям
environment protection.- Когда вам дадут
времени. Такие обстоятельственные причастные
книгу, прочтите статью об охране
обороты могут иногда вводиться союзами when
окружающей среды.
когда, while в то время как, во время
4. Часть сказуемого: в этом случае причастие II
Не had translated the text before I came.-
вместе с глаголом to have является сказуемым
Он перевел текст, прежде чем я пришел.
предложения в одном из времен группы Perfect
1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на Past Participle.
1. My sister likes boiled eggs. 2. We stopped before a shut door. 3. Tied to the tree,
the goat could not run away. 4. They saw overturned tables and chairs and pieces of
broken glass all over the room. 5. This is a church built many years ago. 6. The books
written by Dickens give us a realistic picture of the 19th century England. 7. She put a
plate of fried fish in front of me. 8. The coat bought last year is too small for me now. 9.
Nobody saw the things kept in that box.

2. Выберите из скобок требующуюся форму причастия.

1 . a) The girl (writing, written) on the blackboard is our best pupil.
b) Everything (writing, written) here is quite right.
2. a) The house (surrounding, surrounded) by tall trees is very beautiful.
b) The wall (surrounding, surrounded) the house was very high.
3. a) Who is that boy (doing, done) his homework at that table?
b) The exercises (doing, done) by the pupils were easy.
4. a) The girl (washing, washed) the floor is my sister.
b) The floor (washing, washed) by Helen looked very clean.
5. a) We listened to the girls (singing, sung) Russian folk songs.
b) We listened to the Russian folk songs (singing, sung) by the girls.
6. Do you know the girl (playing, played) in the garden? 7. The book (writing,
written) by this scientist is very interesting. 8. Translate the words (writing, written) on
the blackboard. 9. We could not see the sun (covering, covered) by dark clouds. 10. The
(losing, lost) book was found at last. 11 (Going, gone) along the street, I met Mary and
Ann. 12. Read the (translating, translated) sentences once more. 13. Name some places
(visiting, visited) by you last year. 14. I picked up the pencil (lying, lain) on the floor.
15. She was reading the book (buying, bought) the day before.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Participle или Perfect

1. (to do) his homework, he was thinking hard. 2. (to do) his homework, he went
for a walk. 3 (to sell) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hoping to see his friends.
4. (to sell) all the fruit, he went to see. his friends. 5. (to eat) all the potatoes, she drank a
cup of tea. 6. (to drink) tea, she scalded her lips. 7. (to run) in the yard, I fell and hurt
my Knee. 8. (to look) through some magazines, I came across an interesting article
about UFOs. 9. (to write) out and (to learn) all the new words, he was able to translate
the text easily. 10. (to live) in the south of our country, he cannot enjoy the beauty of St.
Petersburg's White Nights in summer.

Пассивный залог в английском языке или Passive Voice служит, чтобы
подчеркнуть, что подлежащее не выполняет никакого действия. Passive Voice в
английском языке образуется при помощи глагола to be, который необходимо
согласовать с подлежащим в числе, лице и времени, и третьей формы смыслового
глагола (V3).
to be + past participle
Present Past Future Future in the Past
Indefinite The book is The book was The book will The book would be
written. written. be written. written.
Сontinuous The book is being The book was --- ---
written. being written.
Perfect The book has The book had The book will The book would
been written. been written. have been have been written.

Present Simple: am/is/are + V3,(Ved). - The flowers are watered twice a week —
Цветы поливают дважды в неделю.
Present Continuous: am/is/are + being + V3, (Ved). - The student is being
listened to attentively at the moment — Студента внимательно слушают в данный
Present Perfect: have/has + been + V3(Ved). - The pictures have been painted
this week - Картины были нарисованы на этой неделе.
Past Simple: was/were + V3(Ved). - The village was built in 1658 - Деревню
построили в 1658 году.
Past Continuous: was/were + being + V3, (Ved). - Children were being played
with at 10 in the morning yesterday — Вчера в 10 утра с детьми играли.
Past Perfect: had + been + V3, (Ved). - The road had been destroyed before the
troops entered the city — Дорога была разрушена до того, как войска вошли в
Future Simple: shall/will + be + V3, (Ved). - A new movie theatre will be built
here in a year - Здесь будет построен новый кинотеатр через год.
Future Perfect: shall/will + have + been + V3,(Ved). - All the work in the garden
will have been finished by 3 p.m. — Вся работа в саду будет закончена к трем
Future-in-the-Past Simple: should/would + be + V3,(Ved). - He said that a new
servant would be brought to the house the following week — Он сказал, что в дом
привезут нового слугу на следующей неделе.
Future-in-the-Past Perfect: should/would + have + been + V3,(Ved). - We were
informed that the contest would have been interrupted by 3 o’clock - Нас
проинформировали о том, что соревнование будет прервано к трем часам.

1. Переведите на английский, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или
Future Simple Passive.
Мне рассказывают — Мне расскажут — Мне рассказали
Мне показывают — Мне покажут — Мне показали
Ее привели — Ее приводят — Ее приведут
Нас спросили – Нас спрашивают – Нас спросят
Нам ответили - Нам отвечают – Нам ответят
Нас послали – Нас посылают – Нас пошлют
Им дали – Им дают – Им дадут
Ему помогли – Ему помогают - Ему помогут

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future

Simple Passive.
1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to receive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to
Moscow next week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5.1 (to give) a very interesting
book at the library last Friday. 6. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. This
work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to translate) at the last lesson. 9. These trees (to
plant) last autumn. 10. Many interesting games always (to play) at our PT lessons. 11.
This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow. 12. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday.
13. My question (to answer) yesterday. 14. Hockey (to play) in winter. 15. Mushrooms
(to gather) in autumn. 16. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London. 17.
His new book (to finish) next year. 18. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 19.
St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.

3. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice.

1. Эту статью написал один английский журналист. 2. Это стихотворение
должны выучить все студенты нашей группы. 3. Статья должна быть переведена к
пяти часам. 4. Перевод будет закончен вовремя. 5. Когда я пришла домой, обед
был уже сварен. 6. Их будут обучать английскому языку. 7. Когда яблоко было
съедено, девочка взяла куклу и пошла в комнату. 8. Когда будет написана ваша
книга? 9. Все эти книги взяты из библиотеки. 10. Диктант был сдан преподава-
телю после звонка. 11. Я думала, что хлеб и масло купит моя сестра. 12. Весной
это поле будет покрыто зеленой травой и цветами. 13. Уроки были приготовлены,
книги и тетради уложены в портфель. 14. Письма были оставлены на столе. 15.
Мальчику не разрешили купаться в реке.

4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice.

1. I am sure I (to ask) at the lesson tomorrow. 2. They told me that the new student
(to speak) much about. 3. The hostess said that one more guest (to expect). 4. The
newspaper said that an interesting exhibition (to open) in the Hermitage the next week.
5. This new dictionary (to sell) everywhere now. 6. All the texts (to look) through yes-
terday and not a single mistake (to find). 7. Two reports on Hemingway's stories (to
make) in our group last month. Both of them were very interesting. 8. He said that
Grandmother's letter (to receive) the day before. 9. Two new engineers just (to
introduce) to the head of the department. 10. Don't worry, everything will be all right:
the children (to take) to the theatre by the teacher and they (to bring) back to school in
the evening.

5. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. We asked him about his holidays. 2. They have already discussed the novel. 3.
He did not give me his address. 4. She showed him the way to the metro station. 5. He
will introduce me to his friends. 6. They are building a bridge over the river. 7. I haven't
yet translated the article. 8. We were looking at the man with great surprise. 9. You will
speak about the film at the lesson. 10. The headmistress sent for the pupil's parents. 11.
Has the secretary typed the letters? — No, she is typing them now.

6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Active Voice или Passive Voice.

1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2. The money (to receive) tomorrow. 3. He (to
give) me this book next week. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the
encyclopedia. 5. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation
tomorrow. 6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this
book. 7. Budapest (to divide) by the Danube into two parts: Buda and Pest. 8. Yuri
Dolgoruky (to found) Moscow in 1147. 9. Moscow University (to found) by
Lomonosov. 10. We (to call) Zhukovsky the father of Russian aviation. 11. He (to
speak) very highly of the doctor.

7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice.

1. The rule explained by the teacher at the last lesson (to understand) by all of us.
2. The poem was so beautiful that it (to learn) by everybody. 3. I hope the invitation (to
accept) by everybody. 4. The letter (to post) in half an hour. 5. It seems to me that music
(to hear) from the next room. 6. At the last competition the first prize (to win) by our
team. 7. The question (to settle) as soon as they arrived. 8. Your report must (to divide)
into two chapters. 9. Soon he (to send) to a conference. 10. The book (to discuss) at the
next conference. 11. The essay must (to hand) in on Wednesday. 12. Yesterday he (to
tell) to prepare a speech. 13. The article (to publish) last week, if I am not mistaken. 14.
The lecture (to attend) by all of us yesterday.

Инфинитив в английском языке - это неличная форма глагола, которая
выражает действие. Инфинитив является первой формой глагола и именно
этой формой каждый глагол представлен в словаре. Отличительным
признаком этой формы глагола является наличие частицы to (to run - бегать,
to cook - готовить). Без этой частицы мы используем инфинитив после
модальных глаголов (кроме ought to); глаголов shall / will; глаголов чувственного
восприятия (типа feel — чувствовать, see — видеть, hear — слышать и т.д.);
глаголов let (разрешать), have (иметь), make (заставлять); после выражений had
better (лучше) и would rather (лучше бы).
We shall visit you tomorrow. - Мы навестим вас завтра.
Не must reread this book. - Он должен перечитать эту книгу.
I heard her sing. - Я слышала, как она поет.
Let him behave the way he wants. - Пусть он ведет себя так, как захочет.
I would rather go to the cinema. - Я бы лучше сходил в кинотеатр.
1. У инфинитива в английском языке есть такие формы (на примере
глагола to ask – спрашивать).
2. Indefinite Active (неопределенный в действительном залоге) - to ask.
Indefinite Passive (неопределенный в страдательном залоге ) - to be asked.
3. Continuous (длительный) - to be asking.
4. Perfect Active (совершенный) - to have asked.
5. Perfect Passive (совершенный в страдательном залоге) - to have been
asked. Perfect Continuous (совершенный длительный) - to have been asking.
Инфинитив в действительном залоге обозначает действие, которое выполняет
подлежащее, а в страдательном залоге - действие, направленное на лицо,
выраженное подлежащим: I like to teach. - Я люблю учить (кого- либо). I like to
be taught. - Мне нравится, когда меня учат (чему-либо).
Инфинитив неопределенный не уточняет процесс протекания действия, а
длительный инфинитив подчеркивает его продолжительность: Не likes to read
magazines. - Он любит читать журналы. Не must be still reading this magazine. -
Наверное, он все еще читает этот журнал. Несовершенный инфинитив
определяет действие, происходящее одновременно с действием сказуемого (или
следующее за ним). А вот совершенный инфинитив в английском языке называет
действие, которое предшествовало действию, выраженному сказуемым: I am
sorry to have told him this secret. - Мне жаль, что я рассказал ему этот секрет.
6. Инфинитив может быть не только частью составного сказуемого
(What I want is to be left alone - Все, что я хочу, это побыть наедине), но и
выполнять роль других членов предложения. Он может быть:
Подлежащим: То walk late at night was very dangerous. - Гулять поздно
вечером было очень опасно.
Дополнением: She was glad to have moved to another city. - Она была рада,
что переехала в другой город.
Определением: Who will be the first to start working here? - Кто первым
начнет здесь работать?
Обстоятельством: You are too young to use make-up. - Ты еще слишком
молода, чтобы пользоваться косметикой.

1. Вставьте частицу "to" перед инфинитивом, где необходимо.
1. My son asked me ... let him ... go to the club. 2. You must make him ... practice
an hour a day. 3. She was made ... repeat the song. 4. He is not sure that it can ... be
done, but he is willing ... try. 5. Let me ... help you with your work. 6. She asked me ...
read the letter carefully and ... write an answer. 7. You ought ... take care of your health.
8. I looked for the book everywhere but could not... find it. 9. He was seen ... leave the
house. 10. We had ... put on our overcoats because it was cold. 11. He wants his son (to
become) a lawyer.

2. Translate into Russian.

1. The buyers want to know our terms of payment. 2. This is for you to decide.
3. The plan of our work will be discussed at the meeting to be held on May 25. 4. To
walk in the garden was a pleasure. 5. Jane remembered to have been told a lot about Mr.
Smith. 6. I felt him put his hand on my shoulder. 7. This writer is said to have written a
new novel. 8. She seems to be having a good time at the seaside. 9. They watched the
boy cross the street.

3. Замените части предложений инфинитивными оборотами.

E. g. The boy had many toys which he could play with. The boy had many toys to
play with.

1. I have no books which I can read. 2. Is there anybody who will help you with
your spelling? 3. Don't forget that she has a baby which she must take care of. 4. Have
you got nothing that you want to say on this subject? 5. There was nothing that he could
do except go home. 6. I have only a few minutes in which I can explain these words to
you. 7. I have an examination which I must take soon, so I can't go to the theatre with
you. 8. King Lear decided to have a hundred knights who would serve him after he had
divided up his kingdom. 9. Here is something which will warm you up. 10. Here is a
new brush which you will clean your teeth with.

Запомните следующие застывшие словосочетания с инфинитивом:

to cut a long story short — короче говоря; to tell (you) the truth — сказать (вам)
по правде; to say nothing of — не говоря уже о; to put it mildly — мягко выражаясь;
to say the least of it — по меньшей мере; to begin with — начнем с того что.

Запомните следующие предложения:

The book leaves much to be desired. — Книга оставляет желать лучшего.

Не is difficult to deal with. — С ним трудно иметь дело.

Не is hard to please. — Ему трудно угодить.

She is pleasant to look at. — На нее приятно смотреть.

4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя застывшие

словосочетания с инфинитивом.

1. Мягко выражаясь, она была невежлива. 2. Ваша работа оставляет желать

лучшего. 3. Сказать по правде, я не люблю бокс. 4. Вашей сестре трудно угодить.
5. Начнем с того, что я занят. 6. На него было приятно смотреть. 7. Короче говоря,
он не сдал экзамен. 8. Мы все были рады, не говоря уже о маме: она сказала, что
это самый счастливый день в ее жизни. 9. Твое сочинение оставляет желать
лучшего. 10. Это очень странно, по меньшей мере. 11. Для начала, она открыла
все окна. 12. С моим соседом трудно иметь дело. 13. По правде говоря, я очень
устал. 14. Его поведение оставляет желать лучшего. 15. Мягко выражаясь, вы
меня удивили. 16. На этих детей приятно посмотреть. 17. Короче говоря, они
поженились. 18. Самая известная книга Джерома — "Трое в лодке, не считая
собаки." 19. Вам трудно угодить. 20. По меньшей мере, мы были удивлелы.


The Complex Object (Objective - with - the - Infinitive Construction) . Сложное

дополнение - эта конструкция состоит из существительного в общем падеже или
местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива. Обычно переводится на русский
язык придаточным дополнительным предложением. Не wants the book to be
returned tomorrow. Он хочет, чтобы книгу вернули завтра.
I want him to help me. I'd like him to help me.

1. Перепишите следующие предложения, употребляя сложное
дополнение вместо придаточных дополнительных предложений.
E.g. I expect that she will send me a letter. I expect her to send me a letter.
I know that he is a great scientist. I know him to be a great scientist.
1. I did not expect that my brother would forget to send her flowers. 2. He knows
that my mother is a very kind woman. 3. She expected that her brother would bring her
the book. 4. I know that your uncle is an excellent mathematician. 5. People expect that
the 21st century will bring peace on the earth. 6. I know that my friend is a just man. 7.1
expect that he will understand your problem and help you to solve it.

2. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя сложное дополнение.

1. Я рассчитываю, что письмо придет завтра. 2. Он рассчитывал, что учитель
похвалит его. 3. Она не рассчитывала, что они вернутся так поздно. 4. Я знаю, что
она талантливая певица 5. Я знала, что он великий ученый. 6. Мы не рас
считывали, что вы так много сделаете. 7. Учитель рассчитывал, что ученики
поймут правило 8. Я не ожидал, что он напишет такие прекрасные стихи. 9. Она
знала, что он очень добрый человек. 10. Все знали, что она прогрессивны!"
ученый. 11. Я знаю, что твоя сестра очень способная студентка. 12. Все знают, что
Байрон великий поэт. 13. Я не ожидал, что это случится так скоро. 14. Мы
рассчитываем, что вы нам поможете. 15. Он ожидал, что министр ответит сразу.
16. Мы рассчитывали, что погода изменится.

3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на оттенки значений

сложного дополнения в зависимости от того, выражена ли его вторая часть
причастием или инфинитивом.
1. We saw them jump with parachutes. 2. He heard a car approaching from the
opposite direction. 3. In the room he could see a man sitting in ar, old armchair. 4. I
heard the door of the entrance hall open and close softly. 5. In the little summer house at
the bend of the garden path he saw some one sitting. 6. He went back to the window
and. looking through it, suddenly saw her walking down the path. 7. They all gathered
on the hill to watch the sun rise. 8. She watched her mother bending over the tea-things.
9. The people living in the north do not see the sun come out for months. 10. He felt her
arm slipping through his.

4. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя сложное дополнение.

E.g. Mother made me eat the soup.
1. Учитель заставил ее переписать упражнение. 2. Она заставила собаку
перепрыгнуть через забор. 3. Он заставил брата прыгнуть в воду. 4. Дождь
заставил нас вернуться домой. 5. Заставьте ее надеть пальто: сегодня очень
холодно 6. Почему вы не заставили сына выучить стихотворение? 7. Я не могу
заставить свою кошку ловить мышей. 8. Когда ты заставишь своего друга делать
зарядку? 9. Пожалуйста, не заставляйте меня пить молоко. 10. Она не могла заста-
вить его ложиться спать рано.

The Complex Subject (The Nominative - with - the - Infinitive Construction).

Сложное подлежащее состоит из существительного или местоимения в
именительном падеже и инфинитива. Переводится на русский язык придаточным
предложением. She is expected to come any minute. - Ожидается, что она приедет
с минуты на минуту. The water seems to be boiling.- Кажется, вода кипит. The
Delegation is reported to have left London. - Сообщается,что делегация покинула
Лондон. Не is likely to know her address.- Он, вероятно, знает её адрес, car was
seen to disappear. Видели, как машина скрылась.
Эта конструкция употребляется:
С глаголами, обозначающими чувственное восприятие - to see, to hear, to
notice и др. и с глаголами, обозначающими умственную деятельность - to think, to
consider, to expect и др. (в страдательном залоге); а также с глаголами to say, to
report, to ask, to order, to announce (в страдательном залоге).
Со словосочетаниями to be likely (вероятно), to be unlikely (маловероятно), to
be certain / to be sure (несомненно / обязательно).
С глаголами в действительном залоге to seem / to appear (казаться /по-
видимому), to prove / to turn out (оказываться), to happen (случаться).
He is said to know six languages. - Говорят, что он знает шесть языков.
He was said to know six languages. - Говорили, что он знает шесть языков.
He is said to have gone to London. - Говорят, что он уехал в Лондон.
He was said to have gone to London. - Говорили, что он уехал в Лондон.

1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное
1. Не was said to be one of the most promising nuclear physicists. 2. He is said to
be a good translator. 3. Roberta was known to be an honest and hard-working girl. 4.
Clyde was expected to arrive at the weekend. 5. Becky and Tom were supposed to have
stayed at the widow Douglas'. 6. The number of the unemployed is reported to be
increasing with every year. 7. Many new textbooks are expected to be published soon.
8. The Moscow Underground is said to be the finest in the world. 9. Chernyshevsky is
known to have spoken several foreign languages. 10. A hare is known to run very fast.
11. The man was seen to take off his coat. 12. The diamond content of the mines in
Western Yakutia is said to be in no way inferior to that of the world-famous South Afri-
can mines. 13. That power station is known to be situated on the Angara River. 14.
These devices are considered to be very effective. 15. Many books are known to be
published in our country every year.

2. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное

E.g. We heard that a car stopped outside the door. A car was heard to stop
outside the door. It is believed that the poem was written by Byron. The poem is
believed to have been written by Byron.
1. We know Bernard Shaw to have been a very witty man. 2. People consider the
climate there to be very healthful. 3. It was announced that the Chinese dancers were
arriving next week. 4. It is expected that the performance will be a success. 5. It is said
that the book is popular with both old and young. 6. It is believed that the poem was
written by an unknown soldier. 7. It is supposed that the playwright is working at a new
comedy. 8. It is reported that the flood has caused much damage to the crops. 9. It was
supposed that the crops would be rich that year. 10. It has been found that this mineral
water is very good for the liver. 11. Scientists consider that electricity exists throughout
space. 12. It is said that the weather in Europe was exceedingly hot last summer.

Запомните следующие предложения, содержащие Complex Subject:

He is likely to win the prize. — Похоже, что он выиграет приз.
He is sure to come. — Он обязательно придет.

3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на словосочетания to

be likely to, to be sure to.
1. Mr. Worthing is sure to be back soon. 2. These two young people are sure to be
very good friends. 3. You are sure to be there tomorrow night, aren't you? 4. We most of
us want a good many things that we are not likely to get. 5. He is sure to tell me all
about this even if I don't ask him. 6. When Sondra said that they were sure to meet
again, she saw Clyde's face suddenly brighten. 7. If we go on arguing, we are sure to
quarrel. 8. They are sure to acknowledge your talent. 9. He is sure to give us some
useful information. 10. The article is likely to appear in the next issue of the journal.


Герундий - это неличная форма глагола, выражающая название действия и

обладающая как свойствами глагола, так и существительного. В русском языке
нет соответствующей формы. Его функции в предложении во многом сходны с
инфинитивом, однако он имеет больше свойств существительного.
Глагольные свойства герундия выражаются в том, что:
1. Герундий переходных глаголов может иметь прямое дополнение (без
предлога): reading books - читать (что?) книги; preparing food - готовить (что?)
2. Герундий может иметь определение, выраженное наречием (в отличие от
существительного, определяемого прилагательным): reading loudly - читать (как?)
громко driving quickly - ездить (как?) быстро.
3. Герундий имеет неопределенную и перфектную формы, а также формы
залога - действительного и страдательного.
Всеми этими признаками обладает и причастие I (также имеющее ing-
форму). Однако герундий обладает и свойствами существительного, которые
выражаются в том, что герундий:
Может определяться притяжательным местоимением и существительным в
притяжательном или общем падеже (это - герундиальный оборот):
their singing - пение (чье?) их; my friend’s reading - чтение (чье?) моего друга;
Helen(’s) coming - приезд (чей?) Хелен.
Перед ним может стоять предлог, например: by reading - путем чтения,
читая; before leaving - перед уходом.
Как существительное он может служить в предложении: подлежащим,
частью составного сказуемого, дополнением, определением или обстоятельством.
Примечание: Однако герундий в отличие от существительного, в том числе и
отглагольного (та же ing-форма), не может иметь артикля и формы
множественного числа.
Перевод герундия. Аналогичной части речи в русском языке нет, а так как
он имеет признаки существительного и глагола, то в русском языке можно найти
два способа его перевода:
а) существительным, передающим процесс: курение, чтение;
б) глаголом, чаще всего, неопределенной формой (инфинитивом) - делать, а
иногда, если есть предлог, деепричастием - делая.
Сложные формы герундия почти всегда переводятся придаточными
Образование герундия. Герундий образуется так же, как и причастие I: к
инфинитиву без частицы to прибавляется окончание —ing, это так называемая IV-
я форма английского глагола. Отрицательная форма герундия образуется с
помощью частицы not которая ставится перед герундием.
Выбор между инфинитивом и герундием.
В тех случаях, когда приходится выбирать, что употребить - инфинитив или
герундий, а это касается не только приведенного списка глаголов, но и всего
вопроса в целом, следует руководствоваться следующими тремя положениями:
Инфинитив обозначает более краткое или более конкретное проявление
данного действия.
Герундий, будучи -ing формой обозначает процесс, более продолжительное и
более общее проявление данного действия.
Инфинитив по своему происхождению связан с будущим, с направлением к
цели, которую еще нужно достичь.
Герундий соответственно будет ассоциироваться с настоящим и прошлым.
В последнее время, как в американском, гак и в британском английском
языке проявляется тенденция к более широкому употреблению инфинитива за
счет герундия.

1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на герундий.
1. Have you finished writing? 2. Taking a cold shower in the morning is very
useful. 3. I like skiing, but my sister prefers skating. 4. She likes sitting in the sun. 5. It
looks like raining. 6. My watch wants repairing. 7. Thank you for coming. 8. I had no
hope of getting an answer before the end of the month. 9. I had the pleasure of dancing
with her the whole evening. 10. Let's go boating. 11. He talked without stopping. 12.
Some people can walk all day without feeling tired. 13. Living in little stuffy rooms
means breathing poisonous air. 14. Iron is found by digging in the earth. 15. There are
two ways of getting sugar: one from beet and the other from sugar-cane. 16. Jane Eyre
was fond of reading. 17. Miss Trotwood was in the habit of asking Mr. Dick his

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму герундия.

1. Excuse me for (to break) your beautiful vase. 2. You never mentioned (to be) to
Greece. 3. She was proud of (to award) the cup of a champion. 4. I don't remember ever
(to meet) your sister. 5. I don't remember (to ask) this question by anybody. 6. The cat
was punished for (to break) the cup. 7. The cat was afraid of (to punish) and hid itself
under the sofa. 8. The machine needs (to clean). 9. I am quite serious in (to say) that I
don't want to go abroad. 10. He seemed sorry for (to be) inattentive to his child. 11. She
confessed to (to forget) to send the letter. 12. The old man could not stand (to tell) what
he should do. 13. Going to the party was no use: he had no talent for (to dance). 14.
The Bronze Horseman is worth (to see).15. After thoroughly (to examine) the student,
the professor gave him a satisfactory mark.
I don't mind opening the window. I don't mind his opening the window.
She did not object to doing the room. She did not object to my doing the room.
She insisted on being allowed to go home. She insisted on her son being allowed to
go home.
3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на существительные
и местоимения перед герундием.
1 I had no idea of his leaving St. Petersburg so soon. 2. Aunt's coming here gives
me much pleasure. 3. The librarian did not object to the reader keeping the book one
day longer. 4. She said that she knew nothing about the door having been left open. 5.
The mother was surprised at her daughter having tidied up the room so quickly. 6. My
trying to convince him is of no use. 7. When asked why she had missed the train, she
said something about her watch being slow. 8. She approached without my seeing her.
9. She stayed in town the whole summer because of her daughter being ill.

Таблица наиболее употребительных неправильных глаголов

английского языка



arise arose arisen Возникать, появляться
be [bi:] was [wɔz], were [wз:] been [bi:n] Быть
become [bi:kʌm] became [bi:keim] become[bi:kʌm] Становиться
begin [bi'gin] began [bi'gæn] begun [bi'gʌn] Начинать
blow [blou] blew [blu:] blown [bloun] Дуть
break [breik] broke [brouk] broken ['brouk(e)n] Ломать
bring [briŋ] brought [brɔ:t] brought [brɔ:t] Приносить
build [bild] built [bilt] built [bilt] Строить
burn [bз:n] burnt [bз:nt] burnt [bз:nt] Гореть
buy [bai] bought [bɔ:t] bought [bɔ:t] Покупать
catch [kætʃ] caught [kɔ:t] caught [kɔ:t] Ловить, хватать,успеть
choose [tʃu:z] chose [ʃəuz] chosen [tʃəuz(ə)n] Выбирать
come [kʌm] came [keim] come [kʌm] Приходить
cost [cɔst] cost [cɔst] cost [cɔst] Стоить
creep [kri:p] crept [krept] crept [krept] Ползать
cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] Резать
do [du:] did [did] done [dʌn] Делать
draw [drɔ:] drew [dru:] drawn [drɔ:n] Рисовать, тащить
dream [dri:m] dreamt [dremt] dreamt [dremt] Мечтать, дремать
drink [driŋk] drank [dræŋk] drunk [drʌŋk] Пить
drive [draiv] drove [drouv] driven ['drivn] Водить
eat [i:t] ate [et] eaten ['i:tn] Есть
fall [fɔ:l] fell [fel] fallen ['fɔ:lən] Падать
feed [fi:d] fed [fed] fed [fed] Кормить
feel [fi:l] felt [felt] felt [felt] Чувствовать
fight [fait] fought [fɔ:t] fought [fɔ:t] Бороться
find [faind] found [faund] found [faund] Находить
fit [fit] fit [fit] fit [fit] Подходить по размеру
fly [flai] flew [flu:] flown [floun] Летать
forget [fə'get] forgot [fə'gɔt] forgotten [fə'gɔt(ə)n] Забывать
forgive [fo'giv] forgave [fo'geiv] forgiven [fo'givn] Прощать
freeze [fri:z] froze [frouz] frozen ['frouzn] Замерзать
get [ get ] got [gɔt] got [gɔt] Получать
give [giv] gave [geiv] given [givn] Давать
go [gou] went [went] gone [gɔn] Идти
grow [grou] grew [gru:] grown [groun] Расти
hang [hæŋ] hung [hʌŋ] hung [hʌŋ] Вешать
have [hæv] had [hæd] had [hæd] Иметь
hear [hiə] heard [hз:d] heard [hз:d] Слышать
hide [haid] hid [hid] hidden ['hidn] Прятать
hit [hit] hit [hit] hit [hit] Попадать в цель
hold [hould] held [held] held [held] Держать
hurt [hз:t] hurt [hз:t] hurt [hз:t] Ушибить
keep [ki:p] kept [kept] kept [kept] Содержать
know [nou] knew [nju:] known [noun] Знать
lay [lei] laid [leid] laid [leid] Класть
lead [li:d] led [led] led [led] Вести
learn [lз:n] learnt [lз:nt] learnt [lз:nt] Учить
leave [li:v] left [left] left [left] Оставлять
lend [lend] lent [lent] lent [lent] Занимать
let [let] let [let] let [let] Позволять
lie [lai] lay [lei] lain [lein] Лежать
lose [lu:z] lost [lɔst] lost [lɔst] Терять
make [meik] made [meid] made [meid] Производить
mean [mi:n] meant [ment] meant [ment] Значить
meet [mi:t] met [met] met [met] Встречать
mistake [mis'teik] mistook [mis'tuk] mistaken [mis'teik(e)n] Ошибаться
pay [pei] paid [peid] paid [peid] Платить
put [put] put [put] put [put] Положить
read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] Читать
ride [raid] rode [roud] ridden ['ridn] Ездить верхом
ring [riŋ] rang [ræŋ] rung [rʌŋ] Звенеть
rise [raiz] rose [rouz] risen ['rizn] Подниматься
run [rʌŋ] ran [ræŋ] run [rʌŋ] Бежать
say [sei] said [sed] said [sed] Говорить
see [si:] saw [sɔ:] seen [si:n] Видеть
seek [si:k] sought [sɔ:t] sought [sɔ:t] Искать
sell [sel] sold [sould] sold [sould] Продавать
send [send] sent [sent] sent [sent] Посылать
set [set] set [set] set [set] Ставить
shake [ʃeik] shook [ʃuk] shaken ['ʃeik(ə)n] Встряхивать
show [ʃəu] showed [ʃəud] shown [ʃəun] Показывать
shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] Закрывать
sing [siŋ] sang [sæŋ] sung [sʌŋ] Петь
sink [siŋk] sank [sæŋk], sunk[sʌŋk] sunk [sʌŋk] Тонуть
sit [sit] sat [sæt] sat [sæt] Сидеть
sleep [sli:p] slept [slept] slept [slept] Спать
slide [slaid] slid [slid] slid [slid] Скользить
sow [sou] sowed [soud] sown [soun] Сеять
speak [spi:k] spoke [spouk] spoken ['spouk(e)n] Говорить
spell [spel] spelt [spelt] spelt [spelt] Произносить по буквам
spend [spend] spent [spent] spent [spent] Тратить
spill [spil] spilt [spilt] spilt [spilt] Проливать
spread [spred] spread [spred] spread [spred] Расстилать
stand [stænd] stood [stu:d] stood [stu:d] Стоять
steal [sti:l] stole [stoul] stolen ['stəulən] Красть
sweep [swi:p] swept [swept] swept [swept] Выметать
swim [swim] swam [swem] swum [swʌm] Плавать
take [teik] took [tuk] taken ['teik(ə)n] Брать, взять
teach [ti:tʃ] taught [tɔ:t] taught [tɔ:t] Учить
tear [tɛə] tore [tɔ:] torn [tɔ:n] Рвать
tell [tel] told [tould] told [tould] Рассказывать
think [θiŋk] thought [θɔ:t] thought [θɔ:t] Думать
throw [θrəu] threw [θru:] thrown [θrəun] Бросать
understand[ʌndə'stænd] understood [ʌndə'stud] understood [ʌndə'stud] Понимать
wake [weik] woke [wouk] woken ['wouk(e)n] Просыпаться
wear [wɛə] wore [wɔ:] worn [wɔ:n] Носить
win [win] won [wʌn] won [wʌn] Выигрывать
write [rait] wrote [rout] written ['ritn] Писать


(общественно-политические статьи, научные, учебные статьи по
Аннотация - краткие сведения, характеризующие произведение со стороны
его содержания, идейно-политической направленности, ценности, назначения,
План-схема аннотации
1. The title of the article. The article is headlined…
The headline of the article I have read is…
As the title implies the article describes ...
2. The author of the article, The author of the article is…
where and when the article was The author’s name is ...
published. Unfortunately the author’s name is not mentioned ...
The article is written by…
It was published in … (on the Internet).
It is a newspaper (scientific) article (published on March
10, 2012 / in 2010).
3. The main idea of the article. The main idea of the article is…
The article is about…
The article is devoted to…
The article deals (is concerned) with…
The article touches upon the issue of…
The purpose of the article is to give the reader some
information on…
The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some
material on…

4. The contents of the article. The author starts by telling (the reader) that…
Some facts, names, figures. The author (of the article) writes (reports, states, stresses,
thinks, notes, considers, believes, analyses, points out, says,
describes) that… / draws reader’s attention to... )
Much attention is given to…
According to the article…
The article gives a detailed analysis of…
Further the author reports that …
In conclusion the author writes that …
The author comes to the conclusion that…
The following conclusions are drawn: …
5. Your opinion. I found the article (rather) interesting (important, useful) as
/ because…
I think / In my opinion the article is (rather) interesting
(important, useful) as / because…
I found the article too hard to understand / rather boring as /

Glossary: regard, consider - рассматривать, считать; describe, depict –
описывать enumerate - перечислять что-либо; inform, communicate – сообщать;
analyze, examine – анализировать; as to -что касается; it follows/results - из этого
следует; as appears from the above - как следует из сказанного; from the author’s
point of view - по мнению автора; consequently/therefore – следовательно

1. Переведите приведенные ниже предложения:

1. The author of the article regards the questions on higher education. 2. She has
analyzed this problem deeply. 3. The student described the question in details. 4.
Please, enumerate the article you’ve used in your work. 5. The scientist informed us
about his latest discovery yesterday.

2. Выберите подходящий по смыслу глагол:

1. The author (underline, point out) the importance of this affair. 2. The article
(speak, depict) the current events. 3. In the article the author (regard, depict) many
interesting problems. 4. The article (inform, consider) about the discovery of great

3. Дополните предложения глаголами considered, reached, studied.

1. The human characters Shakespeare ... thoroughly. 2. After the Revolution “And
Quiet Flows the Don” was the first supreme work that the West. 3.“Translation from
English into Russian” was the question he ... in his book.

4. Скажите по-английски:
Рассматривать вопрос; подчеркивать значение; отмечать важность

проблемы; знакомить с результатами; указывать, что это играет важную роль.

5. Переведите:
1. Автор подчеркивает значение этой проблемы. Он описывает результаты
своей работы. 2. Автор рассматривает много интересных вопросов. 3. Ученый
сообщает о своем последнем открытии. 4. Автор знакомит нас с последними
достижениями науки в этой области. 5. Студент перечисляет самые крупные
порты Великобритании. 6. Автор считает, что проблема важная. 7. Он обращает
внимание на важность проблемы. 8. Он указывает на важную проблему.

6. Переведите:
1. Что касается электроники, то это наука молодая. 2. Из этого следует, что
статья интересна. 3. По мнению автора, необходимо еще исследовать этот вопрос.
4. В заключение можно сказать, что это важная проблема.


1. Adamson D. Practise your Tenses: Longman, UK, 2001. – 65 p.

2. Komarova N. English for Students of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary
Medicine: M., 2010. – 384 p.
3. Белоусова А. Р. , Мельчина О. П. Английский язык для студентов
сельскохозяйственных вузов. – М.: Лань, 2010. –352c.
4. Голицынский Ю. Б. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. –6-е изд., – СПб.:
Каро, 2007. – 554 с.
5. Дроздова Т.Ю. Everyday English. – М.: Антология, 2012. – 656 с.
6. Курашвили Е.И. Английский язык. Пособие по чтению и устной речи для
технических вузов: Учебное пособие. – М.: Высшая школа, 2001. –140 с.
7. Луговая А. Л. Английский язык для студентов энергетических
специальностей. М.: Высшая школа, 2009. – 54с.
8. http://en.wikipedia.org

Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 3
Unit 1 My Identity………………………………………………………………5
Unit 2 a) The PMR……………………………………………………………..17
b) The Russian Federation……………………………………………...20
Unit 3 a) Tiraspol – the Town Where I Study…………………………………24
b) Moscow – the Capital of Russia…………………………………….27
Unit 4 University Training: Taras Shevchenko State University……………...31
Unit 5 The UK and Northern Ireland
a) Geographical Position of the UK…………………………………....38
b) London – the Capital of the UK…………………………….……….46
c) Industry and Agriculture…………………………………………….53
Unit 6 What is agriculture? ……………………………………………………59
a) Intensive Technologies in Agriculture………………………..……..64
b) Sources of Energy…………………………………………………...67
Unit 7 Two Branches of Agriculture
a) Crop Production……………………………………………………..71
b) Animal Husbandry…………………………………………………..74
Unit 8 Agricultural Engineering……………………………………………….77
Unit 9 New Agricultural Machinery…………………………………………...81
Unit 10 Job and Occupation……………………………………………………85
Supplementary reading……………………………………………………….93
Grammar material…………………………………………………………..103
Annotation plan…………………………………………………...…………147
Recommended literature…………………………………………………….149
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Учебно - методическое пособие

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