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Упражнения на правила чтения и орфографии

1. Письменно переведите слова на английский язык, назовите их по буквам.

испанский, арабский, французский, эстонка, Шотландия, голландский, Швейцария,
датский, Финляндия, англичанин, голландец, Греция, датчанин, англичанка, Испания,
грузинка, японка, Египет, грузинка, греческий, аргентинец, китаянка, эстонец, египтянин,
шведский, испанец, Грузия, финн, шотландец, финский, японец, Дания, Нидерланды,
Аргентина, швейцарец, аргентинский, Нидерланды, француз, голландка, швейцарский,
испанец, японец, Англия, Китай, эстонский, грек, Япония, египетский, шотландский,
японский, английский, грузинский, египетский, француженка.

2. Напишите следующие слова.

[keɪdʒ | gæp | tʃæp | geɪp | dʒæb | edʒ | eɪdʒ | keg | sæg | eg]

3. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения буквы j и буквосочетаний ge, -edge в

следующих словах.
а) car, Mark, park, large, class, Charlie, dark, far, army, fact, bat, shark, shame, shack, part,
glass, sharp, gas, bark, sack, flask bardge, tag, Dartle, battle, task, jar, lance, glance, dance,
marble, starch, pass, chance, bask, back, char

б) hash, hatch, hammer, habit, hamster, hamburger, Harry, hatred, habitat, hackles, haddock,
haggard, haggis, hamlet, hamper, handle, handler, hanky, hapless, happy, harras, hassle,
hassock, hatchery, hatchet, match, hatchway, hatpin

в) nut, hut, cut, gut, but, jut, fun, run, nun, sun, gun, bun, up, pup, sup, cup, rug, mug, pug,
jug, dug, bug, hub, rub, tub, bud, mud, cud, sum, hum, gum, rum, pug

г) page, Jane, Jim, cheese, cheap, teach, match, chip, ditch, jay, patch, hitch, jade, chime,
badge, jilt, chat, stage, leech, chain, chest, cheat, speech, jet, wage, lynch, jazz, slledge,
cheep, pitch, hedge, age, jab, jeep, cheap, each, tinge

д) cage, game, gain, jack, gap, gag, gage, Benge, hinge, eagle, badge, gab, gamp, gaze, ledge,
leg, mig, midge, egg, edge, catch, cinch, hitch, chain, peach, chap, gleam, dig

е) shelf, she, fish, Sheila, Swedish, finish, Spanish, shy, shine, dash, cheek, shake, shame,
chap, gash, check, shell, cash, catch, leash, shack, dish, desk, chilly, shilly, stitch, splash

ж) this, that, they, them, bathe, thin, thick, thane, theme, faith, thigh, lathe, bathe, seethe,
swathe, lithe

з) lathe – lays, bathe – bays, seethe – sees, swathe – sways, lithe – lies

и) cart, train, cater, arena, parch, Chester, reach, sprain, dealer, streamer, refrain, parade,

к) music, student, tune, blue, rule, June, tule, rude, jute, ruby, Lucy, blue, prune, flute, duty,
true, Luke, due, tunic, huge, tube, juke, Judy, ruler, Jule, amuse, lute

л) call, walker, walls, stalk, talker, task, stalls, ball, bask, small, glance, all, hall, dancer, calling,
appalling, prance

м) work, word, wore, more, worms, worker, worth, woe, port, pock, woke, wobble, working,
dorm, worm, world, worthy, sport, pore, before, worship, worse

н) under, sunder, thunder, asunder, plunder, undershirt, understand, underbrush, underground,


o) hang, bang, sing, think, bank, tank, wing, song, long

p) cedar, hammer, painter, pitcher, letter, litter, Edgar, barber, enter, catcher, larder, piper,

4. Прочитайте, обращая внимание на сочетания ng, nk, -nge.

ink, lankle, uncle, angle, cnange, range, jingle, tinge, drink, rung, plunge, hungry, think, wing,
stung, reading, revenge, cringe, inkling, humming, bitting, hitting, lungs, , avenge, sting, singe

5. Прочитайте, обращая внимание на чтение буквы g в разных позициях в слове.

а) guide, prestige, garden, language, during, ecology, game, age, garage, gym, bridge,
together, page, geese, green, guard, girl, gate, damage, ecological, give, message, guest,
judge, gift, luggage, passenger, manager, agent, get, package, big, garage, ecology, gift,
passenger, garden, luggage, page, gym, ecological, damage, guide, guitar, age, bridge,
message, guest, judge, manager, agent

6. Прочитайте следующие слова. Назовите слова, которые читаются не по правилам

чтения (исключения).
а) take, give, style, eve, mule, vase, lake, illuminate, dyke, June, bake, one, move, note, five,
dome, have, rope, Pete, late, dene, Adam, rate, tune, hope, nine, lose, home, whose, time,
prove, Mike, Alan, ate, live, plate, come, type, dene, take, are, Alice, rule, wake, some, same,
plane, love, make, glove, joke, above, Pete, none, lute

б) man, brother, can, company, am, what, fill, mother, it, bad, cover, flat, comfort, hand, was,
bed, red, help, colour, cup, ten, address, put, did, sun, big, hill, London, trip, money, in,
English, want, lyrics, worry, typical, hotel, England, him, from, Emily, under, govern, bus,
other, cut, nothing, full, one, hot, top, clock, wonder, college, Monday, with

7. Прочитайте слова и словосочетания, обращая внимание на правильность выбора

фонетического варианта произнесения артикля.
the line, the apple, the page, in the table, the name, the elf, at the end, the plan, the child, the
aim, in the bag, the man, the East, the ice, at the map, the English language, the eagle, the
yellow scarf, the white dress, the elephant, the pupil, the school cafeteria, the end

8. Прочитайте.
а) They have thin pencils. This is a thick pen, and that is a thin pen.
б) Six thick thistle sticks. Six thick thistles stick.
в) Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.
г) Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards.
д) This music has little tune in it.
е) June is a student.

9. Прочитайте вслух.
1. ~ he shaves; it bites; she takes; he wishes; he pipes; she dives; he hikes; she cries; he
fishes; she wakes; he catches; it itches; he bakes; she senses; it shakes; he apes; it matches;
he fakes; it splashes; he tapes; she advises; she weaves; he edges; she dislikes; he states; he
2. ~ 1. They say it’s late. 2. He says it’s time. 3. She says she’s ill. 4. We say they’re fine. 5.
Nick says it’s a pity. 6. Alice says it’s dark. 7. Jack and Jane say they need it. 8. Charles says he
has it. 9. Charlotte Fisher says she likes it. 10. Jenny says she sees him. 11. Archie says he
plays it. 12. The teachers say they plan it. 13. George Clarke says he’s enjoying it. 14. Oliver
Richards says he’s working on it. 15. Rebecca Wright says she’s waiting for him. 16. James
Harris says he’s looking forward to it. 17. Hannah Smith says she misses him. 18. Jack says he
misses them. 19. Jane says she teaches them. 19. Iris and Elizabeth say they need it. 20.
Martha says she lelps them. 21 She says she does it. 22.He says he asks them.
10. Продиктуйте друг другу по буквам следующие слова (один студент диктует, другой
записывает, затем наоборот). Проверьте друг у друга, правильно ли выполнено
Student 1: beg, peak, fetch, debate, eave, edgy, mete, elate, effective, meddle, fee, indent,
select, wedge, delete, absence, settle, acetic, penge, picky, festive, kedge, avenge, sledge, eek,
Student 2: peg, beak, match, estate, leave, pledges, cede, abate, expensive, pebble, lee,
depend, insistence, sect, sedge, beset, tricky, keg, fetid, cadence, ledge, fledge, dredge, bagel

11. Прочитайте и объясните правила чтения в следующих словах.

might, sight, knight, kite, kit, keg, stage, sigh, ship, eight, night, nigh, weigh, bite, bit, deny,
shag, blight, gage, tight, plight, pit, galactic, slight, fag, fight, delight, sleigh, fit, spite, aline,
akin, define, befit, knightly, alight, Wight,wit

12. Образуйте словоформы имён существительных и глаголов, оканчивающихся на

шипящие и свистящие. Запишите их в транскрипции. Придумайте 4-5 собственных
1. wish → seven …; 2. itch → it …; 3. barge → ten …; 4. peach → five …; 5. wish → she …; 6.
change → it …; 7. teach → she …; 8. cage → two …; 9. gaze → George …; 10. witch → three …

13. Образуйте словоформы имён существительных и глаголов, оканчивающихся на -y.

Запишите их в транскрипции. Придумайте 4-5 собственных примеров.
1. dynasty → five …; 2. key → ten …; 3. stay → he …; 4. pity → he …; 5. signify → it …; 6. party
→ three …; 7. enemy → two …; 8. toy → six …; 9. study → she …; 10. study → his …

14. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе и

протранскрибируйте их.
ash, essay, weekly, ditch, galaxy, arch, wage, fish, way, daisy, penalty, amnesty, stitch, dish,

15. Протранскрибируйте имена собственные в притяжательном падеже.

Grace’s hat, Finch’s flat, Charles’s mother, George’s tablet, James’s friend, Tess’ hat, Jim Page’s
table, Ben Mash’s niece, Tim Richards’ computer

16. Напишите –ing-форму следующих глаголов.

type, speak, sit, fulfil, say, believe, swim, feel, fit, give, like, play, set, spin, limit, remit, keep,
take, stem, put, place, study, enjoy, hate, invite, cut, forgive, get, fit, set, ban, can (не
модальный), worry, bother, time, win, migrate, simulate, travel, stay

17. Составьте и запишите предложения со следующими глаголами в настоящем простом

времени, употребляя в качестве подлежащего имена собственные из списка слов к
данному разделу, а также любые другие слова (можно использовать и готовые
примеры из словарей английского языка). Протранскрибируйте все глаголы в форме
настоящего простого времени.
buy, deny, catch, charge, apply, fetch, delay, pay, march, establish, switch, testify, fly, flash

18. Расставьте знаки препинания в предложениях с прямой речью.

She’s ill Tom says 2. Tom says she’s ill 3. It’s a nice idea she says 4. Bill says I’m sleepy 5. Andy
asks what’s the time 6. John says we’re late 7. We’re late John says 8. She asks are the boys in
9. It’s my website he explains 10. I say I’m fine 11. I’m fine I say 12. Jane asks are we in time.

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