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Russian lesson 1

When = Когда At this time = В это время
Why = Почему, Зачем For this reason, because = По этой причине, потому что
Who = Кто This person = Этот человек
What = Что That = Тот, (fem. та, neut. то, plur. те)
Where = Где Here, there = Здесь, там, вот
How = Как This way, like this = Вот так
To have = иметь
To do = делать
To say = Сказать, говорить
To get = доставать
To make = делать

иметь делать говорить доставать

я име́ю де́лаю говорю́ достаю́
ты име́ешь де́лаешь говори́ шь достаёшь
он/она/оно име́ет де́лает говори́ т достаёт
мы име́ем де́лаем говори́ м достаём
вы име́ете де́лаете говори́ те достаёте
они име́ют де́лают говоря́т достаю́ т

иметь делать говорить доставать

я/он име́л де́лал говори́ л достава́л
я/она име́лa де́лалa говори́ лa достава́лa
оно име́лo де́лалo говори́ лo достава́лo
мы/вы/они име́ли де́лали говори́ ли достава́ли

Grammar: How to say here/there:

здесь (here)
машина здесь = the car is here
я здесь = I am here
ты здесь = you are here
Твоя куртка здесь. = Your jacket is here.
Твои часы здесь. = Your watch is here.
Вы не здесь? = Aren’t you here?
Вот здесь (over here)
Пожалуйста, подпиши вот здесь. = Please, sign over here.
Вон там (over there)
Выход вон там. = The exit is over there.
Твоя комната вон там. = Your room is over there.
Твоя часы не там. = Your watch isn’t over there.

The area that is today the country of Russia has been inhabited by people for thousands of years. The
first modern state in Russia was founded in 862 by King Rurik of the Rus, who was made the ruler of
Novgorod. Some years later, the Rus conquered the city of Kiev and started the kingdom of the
Kievan Rus. Over the 10th and 11th century the Kievan Rus became a powerful empire in Europe
reaching its peak under Vladimir the Great and Yaroslav I the Wise. During the 13th century the
Mongols led by Batu Khan overran the area and wiped out the Kievan Rus. In the 14th century the
Grand Duchy of Moscow rose to power. It became the head of the Eastern Roman Empire and Ivan IV
the Terrible crowned himself the first Tsar of Russia in 1547. Tsar was another name for Caesar as the
Russians called their empire the "Third Rome". In 1613, Mikhail Romanov established the Romanov
dynasty that would rule Russia for many years. Under the rule of Tsar Peter the Great (1689-1725),
the Russian empire continued to expand. It became a major power throughout Europe. Peter the
Great moved the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg. During the 19th century, Russian culture
was at its peak. Famous artists and writers such as Dostoyevsky, Tchaikovsky, and Tolstoy became
famous throughout the world.

What are you doing? = Что ты делаешь?
What do you want? = Что ты хочешь?
Where are you? = Ты где?
What is your name? = Как тебя зовут?
My name is… = Меня зовут…
How old are you? = Сколько тебе лет?
I am … years old. = Мне...лет.*
Where do you live? = Где ты живёшь?
I live in… = Я живу в…
* It is :
- год, when the number is 1, 11, 21, etc.
- года, when the number is 2-4,12-14,22-24, etc.
- лет, when the number is 0/5-9,10/15-19, 20/25-29, etc.

Topography: Ten biggest cities in Russia:

1. Москва Moscow
2. Санкт-Петербург Saint Petersburg
3. Новосибирск Novosibirsk
4. Екатеринбург Ekaterinburg
5. Казань Kazan
6. Нижний Новгород Nijni Novgorod
7. Челябинск Tcheliabinsk
8. Самара Samara
9. Омск Omsk
10. Ростов-на-Дону Rostov-on-Don

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