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Текст 1.

(1611 знаков)
Приморский край, г. Владивосток
Двенадцатое октября две тысячи двенадцатого года
Настоящей доверенностью Закрытое акционерное общество «Санаторий Седанка» (далее
«Общество»), зарегистрированное Инспекцией Министерства по налогам и сборам по
Советскому району г. Владивостока, «21» июня 2003 г, в лице Генерального директора
____, действующего на основании Устава, уполномочивает_______
паспорт _______________ № ____________, выдан ________________________,
_____________________, проживающую по адресу: Приморский край г. Владивосток,
представлять интересы ЗАО «Санаторий «Седанка» в органах государственной и
муниципальной власти РФ (в т.ч. в Отделении №1 филиала ФГУП «Ростехинвентаризация
– Федеральное БТИ» по Приморскому краю, в Департаменте земельных отношений,
государственного строительного надзора и контроля в области долевого строительства
Приморского края, в Управлении муниципальной собственности г. Владивостока, в
Управлении градостроительства и архитектуры администрации г. Владивостока, в ФГУ
«Земельная кадастровая палата» по г. Владивостоку, в ФГУ «Земельная кадастровая
палата» по Приморскому краю, в ООО «Кадастровое бюро», в Управлении федеральной
службы государственной регистрации и картографии по Приморскому краю (Росреестр), в
Управлении Роспотребнадзора по Приморскому краю, и др.) по вопросу оформления в
аренду и собственность земельных участков и объектов недвижимости, а так же решать
вопросы, относящиеся к деятельности ЗАО «Санаторий «Седанка».
Настоящая доверенность выдана сроком на два года, без права передоверия её другим

Текст 2. (2884 знаков)

Countries that have benefited most from globalisation are the most fearful of change
People in slower-growing rich countries are most at ease with it
THE PAST decade has been an uncomfortable one for economic liberals. The global financial
crisis of 2007-09, and the Great Recession that followed, caused many to question the merits of
trade and immigration. Such doubts have given rise to a wave of populist movements across the
West, many of which cut across the traditional left-right political divide. In 2016, shortly before
Donald Trump was elected America’s 45th president, this newspaper observed that the world
appeared to be separating into two distinct groups of people: those who are “open” to change and
those who are not. Drawbridge down, or up?
A sweeping new survey by Ipsos MORI, a pollster, sheds some light on precisely where support
for pulling up the drawbridge is strongest. In August 2019 Ipsos asked 22,000 adults across 33
countries (a representative sample covering some two-thirds of the world’s population) more
than 300 questions about their attitudes towards the world, their country, their community and
their own lives. The results suggest that on average, people view globalisation more favourably
than they did in the depths of the financial crisis. In the 20 countries surveyed by Ipsos over the
past six years, 56% of respondents, on average, think that globalisation is good for their country,
up from 49% in 2013.
Yet discontent with globalisation is still common in rich and poor countries alike. Curiously, the
very places that have gained most from globalisation in recent years, measured by economic
growth, are also among the most sceptical about the changes it brings. Fully 85% of respondents
in four of the large emerging countries surveyed—Brazil, China, India and Turkey—thought that
the world was changing too quickly. A similar share agreed that people in their country lived
happier lives in the past.
To test this further, The Economist constructed an index using eight of Ipsos’s questions about
openness to societal change and progress. For this, we employed principal component analysis
(PCA), a statistical technique for simplifying data sets, in order to compress eight variables of
interest into just one element. The resulting “drawbridge” index captures nearly 50% of the
variation across our eight questions concerning attitudes to openness. We find that for the 34
countries surveyed by Ipsos, the correlation between growth in GDP per person between 2008
and 2018 and our drawbridge index is 60%. In other words, countries that have grown faster over
the past decade tend to be more resistant to change.
This may seem puzzling. Economic growth has the power to pull millions out of poverty. But it
can also be disruptive. This may be particularly true in emerging countries. Liberals may have
further uncomfortable years ahead.

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