Start to do - Start doing - Infinitive - Изучаем иностранные языки -

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Статьи English Grammar Infinitive Start to do / Start doing Войти


Start to do / Start doing

The difference concerns more the focus on the action after the word start than on the start itself.
The same rule is used for begin and finish.

Использование инфинитива или герундия после слова start зависит от того, на чем нужно
сделать акцент - на действии как таковом, или же на начале самого действия.

Это же правило используется для слов begin и finish.

Start + Infinitive Start + Gerund

Start to do focuses more on a single activity,

starting point of an activity, denotes more
spontaneous actions, unprepared actions,
indicating the very beginning of the action rather
than its process or continuation. Start doing focuses more on continuing activity
Start to with stative verbs is more preferable: in the process, denotes prepared actions, not
start to feel, start to seem, start to appear, start the actual start of the action.
to sound, etc.

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действия, а не на процесс или продолжение. действия, а не фактическое начало
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He stopped walking when he saw her
She started cleaning the kitchen with
start to shudder.
tears in her eyes.

gerund, grammar, infinitive, zno, зно


— 27.03.2017 53926 Admin

2 комментария

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Тамара Мишак 28.03.2017 15:02 # +1

the translation is impeccable, thanks.


Тамара Мишак 28.03.2017 15:08 # +1

it is great you leave the english version unchanged, there might be someone to prefer english

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