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10–11 классы

3-е и з д а н и е, э л е к т р о н н о е

УДК 372.881.111.1
ББК 81.2Англ-922
Т66 6+

Издание допущено к использованию в образовательном процессе

на основании приказа Министерства образования и науки РФ от 09.06.2016 № 699.

Р е ц е н з е н т – канд. пед. наук, учитель английского языка

ОЦ ОАО «Газпром» Н.Ю. Шматко.

Тренажёр : грамматика английского языка. 10–11 классы / сост.

Т66 Т.С. Макарова. – 3-е изд., эл. – 1 файл pdf : 97 с. – Москва : ВАКО, 2023. –
Систем. требования: Adobe Reader XI либо Adobe Digital Editions 4.5 ;
экран 10,5″. – Текст : электронный.
ISBN 978-5-408-06393-2
Тренажёр предназначен для активной отработки грамматических тем, представ-
ленных в большинстве современных УМК по английскому языку, рекомендованных
Министерством просвещения России для общеобразовательной школы. Грамматиче-
ские темы, включённые в тренажёр, составляют основу формирования иноязычной
коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся 10–11 классов. Технологии выполнения
заданий тренажёра способствуют успешной подготовке обучающихся к прохождению
государственной аттестации по английскому языку.
Издание предназначено для учителей английского языка и обучающихся
10–11 классов общеобразовательной школы.
УДК 372.881.111.1
ББК 81.2Англ-922

Электронное издание на основе печатного издания: Тренажёр : грамматика англий-

ского языка. 10–11 классы / сост. Т.С. Макарова. – 2-е изд. – Москва : ВАКО, 2023. –
96 с. – ISBN 978-5-408-06226-3. – Текст : непосредственный.

В соответствии со ст. 1299 и 1301 ГК РФ при устранении ограничений, установленных

техническими средствами защиты авторских прав, правообладатель вправе требовать от
нарушителя возмещения убытков или выплаты компенсации.

ISBN 978-5-408-06393-2 © ООО «ВАКО», 2018


Современный учитель английского языка имеет возможность выбирать

из  представленных на  рынке учебной литературы те пособия, которые по-
зволяют наиболее эффективно учитывать образовательные возможности
и  потребности обучающихся и  в  то  же время не  противоречат содержанию
УМК, используемых при обучении в  настоящее время. Дополнительные
учебные пособия позволяют в  большей степени сконцентрировать внима-
ние на  определённых аспектах обучения английскому языку, в  частности
на  грамматике. Необходимость в  системной разработке дополнительных
грамматических упражнений продиктована их недостаточным количест-
вом в большинстве УМК, что приводит к многочисленным грамматическим
ошибкам в речи обучающихся, некорректному построению вопросов, непра-
вильному использованию вспомогательных глаголов и т. д.
Грамматический тренажёр “Grammar Practice, 10th – 11th forms” под-
готовлен в  соответствии с  требованиями Федерального государственного
образовательного стандарта основного общего образования и основывается
на  современных педагогических технологиях обучения иностранному (ан-
глийскому) языку.
Отличительной особенностью грамматического тренажёра “Grammar
Practice, 10th – 11th forms” является его направленность на последователь-
ную и  поэтапную отработку грамматических структур английского языка
с  учётом трудностей, возникающих при восприятии грамматического ма-
териала. Достаточное количество упражнений по  каждой грамматической
теме позволяет учителю системно выстроить учебный процесс, начиная
с  повторения ранее пройденного материала и  постепенного ввода новых
грамматических явлений в  задания коммуникативного характера. Значи-
тельное количество упражнений направлено на  закрепление грамматиче-
ской формы (вопросы, отрицательные предложения и  т.  п.), что позволит
обучающимся в  дальнейшем корректно выстраивать свои высказывания
в  содержательном плане. Следует особо подчеркнуть необходимость пись-
менного выполнения представленных упражнений с целью прочного усвое-
ния грамматического материала. Все грамматические задания построены
на  активном лексическом материале, пройденном ранее или изучаемом
в  10–11  классах. Такой системный подход к  процессу овладения грамма-
тическим материалом позволит планомерно подготовить обучающихся
к  успешному прохождению государственной аттестации по  английскому
Тренажёр может быть использован по  усмотрению учителя на  этапах
первичной отработки грамматических тем и закрепления пройденных, в ка-
честве материала для домашнего задания или дополнительной самостоя-
тельной работы, а также на факультативных занятиях.

Грамматический тренажёр состоит из  восьми частей (блоков): блок 1  –
глагол, блок 2 – существительное, блок 3 – прилагательное, блок 4 – наре-
чие, блок 5 – местоимение, блок 6 – числительное, блок 7 – предлоги, блок
8 – словообразование.
Блок 1 (The Verb) включает разделы (Units):
• Present Active Tenses;
• Past Active Tenses;
• Future Active Tenses;
• Active Voice Tenses (Revision);
• Passive Voice Tenses;
• Reported Speech;
• Verb + Verbing Construction;
• Subjunctive Mood;
• Modal Verbs;
• Phrasal Verbs;
• Participles;
• The Complex Object;
• Questions.
Блок 2 (The Noun) состоит из разделов:
• Singular / Plural Forms;
• Сountable / Uncountable Nouns;
• Articles;
• The Possessive Case.
Блок 3 (The Adjective) содержит разделы:
• Adjectival Prefixes and Suffixes;
• Degrees of Comparison.
Блок 4 (The Adverb) включает упражнения, направленные на  отработ-
ку употребления наречий, блок 5 (The Pronoun) посвящён различным раз-
рядам местоимений, блок 6 (The Numeral) содержит упражнения на  чис-
лительные, блок 7 (The Preposition) состоит из  упражнений на  отработку
употребления предлогов, блок 8 (Word Formation) включает упражнения
по отработке правил словообразования.
Грамматический тренажёр составлен по принципу рабочей тетради, что
позволяет также выстраивать индивидуальную образовательную програм-
му для каждого обучающегося с  учётом его уровня владения английским


Unit 1.1. Present Active Tenses

1.1.1. Put the verb do into Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present
Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous in the following sentences.
1) Jane does her homework from 3 to 6 every day.
2) What the children at the moment?
3) How long you this?
4) Look! Pete already his bed.
5) What you usually at the weekend?
6) Mary already her best to improve
the present situation.
7) Who shopping in your family?
8) They just up our school.
9) Little children never it by themselves.

10) Which of you morning exercises regularly?

1.1.2. Rewrite the sentences using Present Simple instead of Present

1) We’re going for a walk after lunch. (every day)
We go for a walk every day.
2) My sister is leaving at a quarter to eight. (usually)

3) My children are coming with me. (always)

4) Jack is taking his dog out for a walk. (regularly)

5) My granny’s frying pancakes now. (every weekend)

6) Tim isn’t bringing anybody to the party. (never)

7) The boys are going to a fast-food restaurant. (at the weekend)

8) Are you staying at this hotel? (always)

9) Who is listening to classical music now? (usually)

10) The Smiths are moving to the country next Sunday. (every summer)

1.1.3. Rewrite the sentences using Present Continuous instead of Present

1) The boys play football every weekend. (now)
The boys are playing football now.
2) My father doesn’t work at the weekend. (now)

3) Does Ann attend every lecture at the library? (this afternoon)

4) We go for a swim in hot weather. (today)

5) The children go to school on September 1st. (tomorrow)

6) We don’t often have an English test. (tomorrow)

7) Where does Mary buy her clothes? (now)

8) My parents don’t eat out on Saturday. (tomorrow)

9) Who works at the weekend? (next Saturday)

10) John always books his tickets by phone. (tomorrow morning)

1.1.4. Add already, yet, still or always as appropriate.
1) Paul is still playing tennis.
2) He has won several school tournaments.
3) Mary goes for a walk in the evening.
4) She has had her lunch at this cafe.
5) Gosh! It is midnight.
6) My parents haven’t seen my scores .
7) We have finished the lesson.
8) The soup is very hot.
9) Is James back home? No, he hasn’t come from his club
10) I  haven’t brought your magazine , though I  have
read it.
11) Is it drizzling?

1.1.5. Ask short general questions.

1) We often go to the theatre.
Do we?
2) Jane is meeting her friend tomorrow.

3) Pete has seen the new film this week.

4) Kate has been speaking on the phone for ages.

5) Bob always lends me his bike.

6) The film begins at 8 o’clock p.m.

7) They are having a meal at an Italian restaurant.

8) Tom always tells the truth.

9) It is the best film I have ever seen.

10) There are some new magazines on the table.

1.1.6. Answer the questions using either since or for in your sentences.
1) How long have they been in London? (Monday)
They’ve been here since Monday.
2) How long have you known your best friend? (10 years)
I have known him for 10 years.
3) How long have they had breakfast? (a quarter of an hour)

4) How long have they been busy? (10 a.m.)

5) How long has Bob had that laptop? (January)

6) How long has Mary been ill? (last week)

7) How long has Jane been fond of painting? (her childhood)

8) How long have they been absent? (two o’clock)

9) How long have you had a headache? (early morning)

10) How long has Dad been in? (two hours)

1.1.7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (Present Simple, Present
Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous)
1) Mr Watson is coming (come) to Moscow early in spring.
2) How many days a year the sun (shine) in
this part of the world?
3) The students already (be) to the British

4) Carol (practise) since early
5) In spring days (grow) longer and nights
(become) warmer.
6) It often (rain) in Moscow in October.
7) Paul (go) to London by train this evening.
8) I  still (wait) for an answer to my first
9) you ever (have) fish for breakfast?
10) The waiter just (bring) the menu.
11) How long you (stand) here?
12) Mike (not speak) English very well.
13) Jack (be) interested in tennis since his
14) It (snow) for the last three hours.
15) She still (pack) her suitcase.

1.1.8. Ask two special questions to each sentence.

1) Peter has brought a cat to school. (who / where)
Who has brought the cat to school?
Where has Peter brought the cat?
2) My parents discuss the recent news in the evening. (who / when)

3) The children are playing in the garden. (who / where)

4) Mary has learned a new poem. (who / what)

5) The tourists have been waiting for their bus for an hour. (who / how long)

6) Linda is good at cooking. (who / what)

7) Our guests come from Scotland. (who / where)

8) Mary is wearing her mother’s dress. (who / whose)

9) They have been presenting their project for an hour. (who / how long)

10) I want two bars of chocolate. (who / how many)

1.1.9. Put the verb in brackets into the present form.

1) It’s the best film I  have seen this year. (see)
2) Let’s go out. It raining. (stop)
3) There are a lot of pools of water in the street. It
the whole day. (rain)
4) Is Alan good at tennis?  – Yes, he it
three or four times a week. (play)
5) Where are the children?  – They in
the lake. (swim)
6) Please, do not make so much noise. Your father
to concentrate. (try)
7) John always to loud music. (listen)
8) Jim for a  number of jobs recently,
yet without any success. (apply)
9) Mr Brown his business partner at
4 p.m. tomorrow. (meet)
10) Max very hard all this year as he
wants to go to University. (work)

Unit 1.2. Past Active Tenses
1.2.1. Put the verb write into Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect or
Past Perfect Continuous in the following sentences.
1) Mary wrote a letter to her parents yesterday.
2) What you when I entered the room?
3) Pete the article long before they
asked him to do it.
4) At noon Mike still writing something
in the library.
5) Jack told us that he never postcards.
6) Nancy her essay for an hour when the bell rang.
7) Who this note the day before yesterday?
8) you the paper by midnight?
9) I didn’t know who the report.
10) Paul a lot when he was at school.
11) She an e-mail when she was interrupted.

1.2.2. Ask tag questions.

1) John bought a history book, didn’t he?
2) Mrs Smith had brought some fruit and vegetables by noon,
3) The second lesson didn’t last long, ?
4) The girl was singing a nice song when we entered, ?
5) The car had stopped before the policeman saw it, ?
6) Paul had been working with Ann for a year before she left,
7) Three guests hadn’t arrived by 7 p.m., ?
8) The sisters were looking for the keys when their mother came,
9) The English teacher gave a lot of homework, ?
10) Thousands of people were present at the match, ?
11) Nancy had cooked dinner by 3 p.m., ?

1.2.3. Underline the correct form of the verb.
1) The weather was nice. The sun (was shining / had shone) all day long.
2) When you (phoned / had phoned) me, I was having lunch.
3) Mom (cooked / had cooked) dinner by 7 p.m.
4) Jim (was training / had trained) in the sports club at 5 p.m.
5) It was late. There was nobody at school. Everybody (left / had left).
6) I (didn’t see / hadn’t seen) Ted for a year before we met last week.
7) We (wrote / were writing) a test at 9 a.m.
8) The sportsmen (played / had played) volleyball for two hours.
9) Frank (was buying / had bought) a present for Helen by her birthday.
10) Dad (took / was taking) a shower when somebody phoned him.

1.2.4. Combine each pair of sentences into one following the model.
1) The phone rang. Nick left the house.
The phone rang when Nick was leaving the house.
2) Bob went out. It got dark.

3) Paul rode a bike. He saw his friend.

4) Mary read my diary. I came in.

5) Pete listened to music. The teacher called him.

6) The film began. I made the tea.

7) My dad saw me. I looked at the map.

8) John returned home. His mother went to bed.

9) It started to rain. I walked in the park.

10) The children slept. The light went off.

1.2.5. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the past form.
1) It had stopped (stop) raining by the time we went out of the
2) It was raining heavily, so I  (take) my
umbrella before I left home.
3) When we arrived at the theatre, the performance
(not start) yet.
4) Tom didn’t go to the cinema with us because he
(see) the film twice.
5) She (learn) the poem by heart by 6 p.m.
6) When I came home, my mother already
(cook) dinner.
7) Margaret wasn’t very good at tennis because she never
(play) it before.
8) There was nobody at school. Everybody (leave).
9) I came to school late. I  never (be) left
for school before.
10) I  couldn’t get into the house because I  (lose)
the key.

1.2.6. Use Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect or Past Perfect
Continuous appropriately in the following sentences.
1) Paul was (be) tired because he had been writing (write)
his essay for a week.
2) First she (have) breakfast, and then she
(pack) her bag.
3) After they (discuss) the question for an hour, they
(find) the best solution.
4) They (do) their homework for more than an hour and
a half when their parents (arrive).
5) The pupils (leave) the room as soon as the teacher
(finish) speaking.
6) Mary quickly (look) around the room.
7) When we (go) out, the sun
(not shine) brightly.

8) He (tell) me that he
(learn) English for the last two years.
9) I didn’t know either that you never
(be) abroad.
10) He (come) and (leave) again
a moment later.
11) They (leave) before the sun (rise).
12) There (be) a lot of pools of water as it
(rain) for hours.
13) Jane (study) English for three years before she
(go) to England.
14) It (snow) when Nancy
(wake) up last Monday.
15) The tourists (arrive) by midnight.
1.2.7. Put down questions to the following sentences.
1) They had done their homework by 8 o’clock last night.
By what time had they done their homework?
2) Anna was doing morning exercises when her mother called her.
What ?
3) Sheila made dinner at 7 p.m.
When ?
4) Paul and Ted had played two sets by the time we arrived.
How many ?
5) The children were too noisy at the theatre.
Who ?
6) He had fallen asleep by midnight.
By what ?
7) The boys were watching a thriller last night.
What ?
8) Mike was the last to arrive at the station.
Who ?
9) The storm had broken out by midnight.
By what ?

1.2.8. Use Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect or Past Perfect
Continuous appropriately in the following sentences.
1) It was still raining (rain) when I  came (come) home.
2) it (snow) much last winter?
3) I  (wait) for you for nearly an hour before you
(call) me at last.
4) Jane still (watch) a  new film when
Paul (come) round to her place.
5) Betsy said that she (not see) her brother for weeks!
6) My parents (work) from 5 to 7 p.m. yesterday.
7) It (rain) a lot last autumn.
8) They (go) to this club for the last 10 years
before it (close).
9) Mary knew that Mark (be) busy for two hours.
10) they (find) a solution to this problem
by that time?

Unit 1.3. Future Active Tenses

1.3.1. Put the verb read into Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future
Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous in the following sentences.
1) What book will you read next?
2) Jane the article by the time we come?
3) What journal you tomorrow
4) Dad his paper for half an hour
by the time we arrive.
5) I  my friend’s letter tomorrow.
6) How long you the essay
by the time the lesson starts?
7) Our students three English novels by
the new academic year.
8) Your son books in the original if he has a good
command of the language.

9) How long you the
textbook and how much you by
your Literature exam?
10) Paul a new book to his child tonight.

1.3.2. Answer these questions using Future Perfect.

1) Will you leave on Monday? (book tickets)
I won’t have booked tickets by Monday.
2) Shall we present our project on Friday? (finish)

3) Will you bring the book next week? (read)

4) Shall we invite Tom to our party next Saturday? (come back)

5) Can you come at 7 a.m. tomorrow? (wake up)

6) Will you give me your answer tomorrow? (decide)

7) Shall we have dinner at seven? (finish our work)

8) Can you leave in ten minutes? (finish my breakfast)

9) Shall we have lunch at two o’clock? (get hungry)

10) Shall we go for a swim on Saturday? (get warm)

1.3.3. Answer these questions using Future Perfect Continuous.

1) Have you been learning English for ten years? (next year)
By next year I’ll have been learning English for ten years.
2) Has Ann been studying art for three years? (September)

3) Have the girls been shopping for four hours? (10 p.m.)

4) Have the children been playing a computer game for two hours? (noon)

5) Have the tourists been travelling for a month? (July 1st)

6) Have they been presenting their project for an hour? (2 p.m.)

7) Have they been competing for nine hours? (midnight)

8) Has he been speaking at the meeting for two hours? (noon)

9) Has Paul been working as a doctor for a year? (next June)

10) Has he been sleeping for eight hours? (breakfast time)

1.3.4. Use Present Simple or Future Simple in the following sentences.

1) If he sees (see) the play, he will enjoy (enjoy) it.
2) If you (invite) them to your birthday party, they
(be) very pleased.
3) If I  (have) time, I  (come).
4) Pete (pass) the exam if he
(work) harder.

5) You (be) on time if you
(take) a taxi.
6) If Bob (play) football longer, he
(not have) time to do his homework.
7) Your mother (be) angry if you
(miss) your lessons.
8) My brother (make) more friends if he
(stay) here any longer.
9) I  (fall) ill if I  (go) out.
10) If the weather (be) nice, we
(go) to the country.

1.3.5. Use Present Simple, Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect
or Future Perfect Continuous appropriately in the following sentences.
1) We will finish (finish) this exercise tomorrow.
2) We are late. The concert (start) by the
time we (arrive).
3) From two to four tomorrow they (discuss)
this question.
4) They (have) lunch by 3 p.m.
5) Next year you (become) a  University
6) The tourists (leave) by the time the sun
7) Pete (not wake) up by 6 a.m. yet.
8) They (decide) what to do by midday.
9) By next summer he (work) for this
company for five years.
10) We (fly) for twelve hours by the time
the plane (land).
11) I  (wear) these jeans for two years
by next week.
12) The play (start) before we
(reach) the theatre.
13) How long you (stay) here by next year?

Unit 1.4. Active Voice Tenses (Revision)
1.4.1. Match the two parts of the sentences.
Ann met her friends at the weekend.
Ann will meet her friends at 5 yesterday.
Ann hasn’t met her friends by tomorrow.
Ann usually meets her friends last night.
Ann was meeting her friends at the moment.
Ann will have met her friends at noon tomorrow.
Ann is meeting her friends yet.
Ann will be meeting her friends f or two hours by the time
we come.
Ann will have been meeting her friends
if she is not busy tonight.

1.4.2. Put the verb speak into the appropriate tense.

1) Our teacher speaks good English.
2) Who you to yesterday?
3) Mr Brown for an hour before he was interrupted.
4) What you about again?
5) Jane to her mother before you come.
6) My parents already to my teacher
about it.
7) What you to my friend
about when I saw you?
8) Mary to Kate about it if she turns up.
9) What foreign languages you ?
10) Ann English since her childhood.
11) What time they about my
project tomorrow?
12) We about our summer plans for
two hours by the time you join us.
13) Paul never about it to anybody.
14) Let’s about it tomorrow!
15) Mum can hardly understand what Bob about.

1.4.3. Express your surprise by putting a short general question.
1) Mr Brown comes from Scotland. – Does he?
2) Pete is your neighbour.
3) Mrs Brown has never left her country.
4) Mary missed our last lesson.
5) Jack will invite all his friends to his party.
6) That was a terrible film.
7) The students are still having an English test.
8) You speak English much better at present.
9) The team has lost the last ten games.
10) There is still something to do.
11) They had hardly known each other for a month before they got married.

12) It hasn’t stopped raining yet.

13) The furniture is old here.
14) They are building a new school in our district.
15) My friends will have finished their project by next month.

1.4.4. Use Present Perfect or Past Simple in the following sentences.

1) He came (come) to Moscow four years ago.
2) I  (be) in this English class for six months.
3) Peter (be) ill last week.
4) Two years ago Ann (go) to Spain.
5) Ted (not finish) his homework yet, although he
(start) it two hours ago.
6) The children (play) tennis a lot recently.
7) Jane (go) to school 10 minutes ago.
8) We (not see) Mary today, but we
(see) her a couple of days ago.
9) They (be) friends since their childhood.
10) I  (buy) a new dress last week, but
I  (not wear) it yet.

11) When you (meet) Ben? – I 
(meet) him yesterday.
12) I  (just have) my lunch. I  (finish)
it five minutes ago.
13) I  (not see) Mrs White since we
(go) to the party together.
14) I  (never play) tennis in my life, but I 
(play) football when I  (be) at school.
15) you ever (be) abroad? – Yes,
I  . I  (be) in England last year.

1.4.5. Translate the verb in brackets using the proper tense form.
1) When did you see (видеть) Mr Brown?
2) How long he (быть) in Moscow?
3) He (уезжать) tomorrow morning.
4) When the show (начаться)?
5) I  (слышать) this news on TV yesterday.
6) The sun (не светить) as it is cloudy.
7) How many mistakes you already
8) When you (выступать) in public?
9) When you (прибыть) yesterday?
10) He (быть) busy for the last three hours.
11) Mary (играть) the piano since morning.
12) I  just (прочитать) your
latest essay.
13) We (выходить на улицу) as soon as it
(прекратиться) raining.
14) He (быть) tired as he
(идти пешком) for at least three hours when he (уви-
деть) the village.
15) I  (принести) the book I 
(взять) from the library the day before yesterday.
16) I  (не видеть) you here before.

Unit 1.5. Passive Voice Tenses
1.5.1. Put the verb translate into the appropriate tense.
1) The book was translated last year.
2) the book already ?
3) Who this book by last year?
4) What kind of books usually
into foreign languages?
5) The book already before
John learned about it.
6) this book ever into Russian?
7) books only by professionals?
8) This book next year if approved by the editor.
9) How long this book ?
10) What book at the moment?

1.5.2. Fill the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb be.
1) The project has already been presented.
2) The news broadcast now.
3) All the money spent yesterday.
4) How long the matter discussed?
5) Why children sometimes punished?
6) This idea can’t realized at the moment.
7) all the things already packed?
8) When this school built?
9) Why such questions raised again?

1.5.3. Rewrite the sentences in Passive Voice.

1) They have built a lot of blocks of flats this year.
A lot of blocks of flats have been built this year.
2) The children do a lot of homework every day.

3) Ann has made a new dress.

4) Nick is bringing a birthday cake for you.

5) You cannot make this decision in a hurry.

6) Pete will show them the way to the station.

7) We are still writing invitations to our party.

8) They haven’t filmed the final episode yet.

9) They play football all over the world.

10) The teacher answered all your questions.

1.5.4. Underline the correct variant.

1) The house destroyed / was destroyed by the hurricane.
2) The best route recommended / has been recommended to us.
3) His car has been serviced / has been servicing the whole week.
4) Our classroom is tidied / is being tidied up at the moment.
5) The e-mail is sent / will be sent in a moment.
6) A  new school has been built  / had been built by the beginning of the
academic year.
7) The new film will have shown / will be shown for a month.
8) The topic hasn’t been discussed / hasn’t discussed yet.
9) The seats were booked / was booked via the Internet.
10) The parcel was delivered / has been delivered a moment ago.

1.5.5. Put the verbs in brackets into the passive form.

1) A new school is being built (build) in our district.
2) Several lessons (miss) by Paul recently.
3) A new film about our school (make) at the moment.
4) The project (present) by next month.

5) Your letter (answer) now.
6) Who this building (design) by?
7) Recent news (broadcast) regularly.
8) What glass (make) of?
9) When the letter (deliver)?
10) Nothing (do) so far.

1.5.6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.
1) The flight to Madrid was delayed because of bad weather. (delay)
2) Good food always at this café. (serve)
3) Pets never at restaurants. (allow)
4) The flight by 9 a.m. yesterday. (book)
5) The decision at the moment. (take)
6) Which trip to us next time? (recommend)
7) Our flight just . (announce)
8) Whose project right now? (discuss)
9) The essay by midnight. (write)
10) All the mistakes at the last lesson. (explain)

1.5.7. Translate the verbs in brackets and complete these passive sentences.
1) The decision will be made (принять) as soon as Ted arrives.
2) When the tickets (забронировать)?
3) This author’s latest book
(не опубликовать) yet.
4) The work (представлять)
by our students now.
5) Mary (сказать) to come here after school.
6) All the flowers already (полить).
7) The magazine (принести) tomorrow.
8) When the furniture (внести) in?
9) all the questions (подняты)
at the meeting?
10) The table (накрывать) at the moment.

1.5.8. Put the verbs in brackets in either active or passive tense form.
1) If it doesn’t rain (not rain) tomorrow, the children will be
taken (take) out for a walk.
2) Jack (work) very hard all this year as he
(offer) a new job recently.
3) Look! The weather (change) for the better.
4) Pete (not see) by anybody lately.
5) When the new performance (stage)?
6) It is a pity you (not call) me yesterday.
7) Nick (come) at once if he (ask).
8) The decision already (made).
Hardly anything can (change).
9) The children (look) after very carefully now.
10) Nobody (tell) them that they
(not meet) at the station.
11) The house (look) the same as before, though it
completely (change) inside.

Unit 1.6. Reported Speech

1.6.1. Use the correct form of tell or say to complete each sentence.
1) Mrs Harris told her son to play in the garden.
2) Can you us another story?
3) he good morning when he came in?
4) Jane refused to anything.
5) it again please.
6) Can you me the time?
7) Sorry, what did you ?
8) Mother me to leave early.
9) Can you it in good English?
10) Jane can hardly understand what you her about.
11) He nothing to me and ran away.

1.6.2. Change the following commands and requests into reported speech.
Follow the model.
1) Don’t be noisy.
What did he tell his son?
He told his son not to be noisy.
2) Don’t make such a noise.
What did the teacher tell the class?’

3) Please help me with this English exercise.

What did Mike ask his sister to do?

4) Don’t leave the house in this weather.

What did Granny tell Mary?

5) Please don’t tell my parents.

What did the boy ask his teacher?

6) Don’t tell them our plans.

What did the manager ask his colleagues?

7) Don’t wear this terrible dress!

What did Mrs White tell her daughter?

8) Please don’t talk to me like that.

What did Ann ask her friend?

9) Don’t spend so much time on the computer.

What did the doctor advise his patient?

10) Don’t drive so fast.

What did the policeman ask the driver?

11) Don’t be angry with me.

What did Alice ask her friend?

1.6.3. Put the following sentences into reported speech using the verbs in
1) Hello, children. (say)
The teacher said hello to the children.
2) Good night, my dear. (say)

3) What are you doing? (ask)

4) How long does it take you to do your homework? (ask)

5) Please switch on your laptops. (ask)

6) You should prepare everything in advance. (advise)

7) I won’t be long. (promise)

8) Go ahead. (tell)

9) What’s the matter? (wonder)

10) You have really done your best. (say)

1.6.4. Report these general questions.

1) Are you very busy today?
Ted asked me if I was very busy that day.
2) Have you already seen the new film?

3) Is this question so important to discuss?

4) Are you acquainted with him?

5) Will Nancy come back?

6) Are you good at computer games?

7) Would you like to know the truth?

8) Was Jack glad to see Ann again?

9) Is there anything to do there?

10) Is the book easy to get?

11) Are you leaving?

1.6.5. Report the following sentences.

1) Ted’s late. He’s missed the bus.
Mary said that Ted was late as he had missed the bus.
2) He didn’t do his homework yesterday.

3) Ann has decided not to take part in our performance.

4) Jane’s seen the play already.

5) I can’t answer your question at once.

6) We haven’t seen them this week.

7) The sun is shining and there are no clouds in the sky.

8) The children have been playing football for two hours.

9) The play will have started by 7.

10) Sheila has already been given a lot of advice.

1.6.6. Report the following questions.

1) What’s that girl’s name? Ask her.
I’ll ask her what her name is.
2) Where does she live? Ask her.

3) What’s the weather like? Ask him.

4) What do their parents do? Ask them.

5) Why is she still at home? Ask your mother.

6) How do you spell your name? Ask the tourist.

7) Who did John get that card from? Ask him.

8) How far is it from here? Ask the passer-by.

9) When will the film end? Ask Charles.

10) What does your sister look like? Ask her.

11) At what time will you friend come? Ask him.

1.6.7. Report the following questions.
1) You cannot watch this film.
My mother said I could not watch that film.
2) The children shouldn’t go out in this nasty weather.

3) You do not have to get up early tomorrow.

4) You cannot bring your dog into the house.

5) You must go to bed at once, children.

6) We will have to run all the way there.

7) You should not interrupt others when they speak.

8) We will be able to read books in the original next year.

9) You should obey your parents.

10) You do not have to apologize again.

Unit 1.7. Verb + Verbing Construction

1.7.1. Fill the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb.
1) Do you enjoy listening (listen) to music?
2) Can you make John (get) up earlier?
3) We have (change) our plans at once.
4) I would like (have) a short rest.

5) Let’s (go) for a ride together.
6) Do you want me (give) you a hand?
7) Shall I  (come) tomorrow, too?  – No, you needn’t
(do) it.
8) I have never heard you (sing) English.
9) We would like you (read) more in the original.
10) I am looking forward to (have) my summer holidays.
11) The weather is fine. You needn’t (take) an umbrella.

1.7.2. Make up sentences.

1) I / be interested / learn / another foreign language / future.
I am interested in learning another foreign language 
in the future.
2) We / enjoy / attend / art exhibitions / together.

3) They / not want / stay / after classes.

4) They / agree / change / their plans / Saturday.

5) I / hate / go to bed / early.

6) They / decide / buy / new car.

7) We / plan / have / picnic / yesterday.

8) They / look forward to/ have / English party / next week.

9) Father / teach / his son / drive / soon.

10) He / be / sorry for / be late / again.

1.7.3. Write the verb in the appropriate form, with or without -ing.
1) We are responsible for taking our own decisions.
2) Mary has to (look) after her little brother.
3) You enjoy (watch) thrillers, don’t you?
4) He wants me (go) to the library once a month.
5) We are looking forward to (meet) you soon.
6) My granny was afraid of (fall) down as it was very
7) Excuse me for (interrupt) you again.
8) My parents insist on my (go) to Moscow University.
9) Would you like (try) your birthday cake?
10) Unfortunately I have forgotten (bring) your magazine.

1.7.4. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1) I don’t want you to make so much noise, children .
2) My mother is interested in .
3) Paul is good at .
4) My brother specializes in .
5) He has made up his mind to .
6) Jane has succeeded in .
7) Can you hear the children ?
8) Shall we ?
9) Let the children .
10) What would you like ?
11) I’m sorry for .

1.7.5. Answer the questions using the construction be used to doing smth.
1) Do they often go to the swimming pool?
Yes. They’re used to going to the swimming pool.
2) Do you often play football inside?

3) Does your granny always get up early?

4) Do you always have six lessons a day?

5) Do you often go out in the evening?

6) Does Ann always have a shower in the morning?

7) Do they always have ice tea for breakfast?

8) Does Jane go to the sea for her holiday?

9) Does your sister always read before going to bed?

10) Do they speak English to each other?

1.7.6. Translate the verbs in brackets into English.

1) Pete is used to riding a bike (ездить на велосипеде).
2) My brother is used to (работать) hard.
3) The children are not used to (просыпаться)
early in the morning.
4) Mary is used to (плавать) in winter.
5) Pete is used to (говорить) two foreign languages.
6) My parents are used to (ездить) to the
country every weekend.
7) Ann is used to (играть) the piano four
hours a day.
8) We are used to (приглашать) all our
neighbours to our parties.
9) My brother is used to (отвечать) dozens
e-mails every day.
10) Her students are used to (выполнять)
tests within 15 minutes.

Unit 1.8. Subjunctive Mood
1.8.1. Complete the following sentences using the verbs in brackets.
1) If you aren’t so busy today, we will go (go) to the cinema.
2) If you weren’t so busy today, we would go (go) to the cinema.
3) If you hadn’t been so busy yesterday, we would have gone (go)
to the cinema.
4) If he comes back tomorrow, we (discuss)
the matter together.
5) If Tom were good at chess, he (participate)
in the school tournament.
6) If the teacher had been satisfied with my work, he
(not make) me do it again.
7) If Pete were kidding, Helen (feel) so hurt.
8) If they hadn’t seen each other for ages, they
(not know) so much about each other.
9) If the weather is nice tomorrow, we (go) for a picnic.
10) If you had followed my advice, you (complete)
your project by now.
11) If I arrive late at night, I  (take) a taxi.
1.8.2. Rewrite these sentences in two different ways. Follow the model.
1) If he sees the play, he’ll enjoy it.
If he saw the play, he would enjoy it.
If he had seen the play, he would have enjoyed it.
2) If you invite them to your birthday party, they’ll be very pleased.

3) If I have more free time, I will see you more often.

4) Pete will pass the exam if he works harder.

5 You’ll be on time if you take a taxi.

6) If Bob stays out longer, he won’t have enough time to complete his project.

7) Your mother will be happy if you do your best at school.

8) My friend will visit a lot of sights if he stays here longer.

9) I’ll recover if I take this medicine.

10) If you hurry, you’ll catch the last bus to town.

1.8.3. Rearrange the words to make sentences.
1) if would enough had I bought bike I had money have a.
If I had had enough money, I would have bought a bike. 
2) would if my beforehand friend had theater he have at the on left arrived

3) she went if would Mary foot to her healthier school on feel.

4) wouldn’t if hadn’t childhood been the since her she won Ann piano the
playing contest have.

5) if way we station knew map the to the we need the wouldn’t.

6) see you would film older be were to the if allowed you.

7) open have if the bought shop been we would present yesterday her a had.

8) the wouldn’t you stop break you if didn’t traffic policeman rules.

9) went would a we them we for invite walk if.

10) would if it an had have important been event we known about such it.

1.8.4. Put the verb in brackets into the appropriate form of Subjunctive Mood.
1) If they had played (play) better, they would have won the match.
2) If I knew the answer, I  (tell) you.
3) If it (rain) tomorrow, we would go to the theatre.
4) If you had got up earlier, we (catch) the 5 o’clock
5) They (not do) it if they had known how dangerous
it was.
6) If I  (be) you, I would apologize first.
7) I would have helped him if he (ask) me to do it.
8) If pigs had wings, they (fly).
9) I  (take) part in the performance if they invited me.
10) I would have taken my umbrella with me if I  (know)
it would rain again.

1.8.5. Rewrite these sentences using Subjunctive Mood.

1) Pete and Mike will be on time if they get up early.
Pete and Mike would be on time if they got up early.
2) They missed the train yesterday as they didn’t hurry.
If they had hurried, they wouldn’t have missed the train 
3) If it rains again tomorrow, we will have to stay at home.

4) I did my best because you asked for help.

5) Peter will never say a word if he doesn’t want to.

6) Ted was happy as we all came to his party.

7) You will improve your English if you practise more.

8) As soon as they got hungry, they decided to have a break.

9) If there is a good film on, we’ll go to the cinema.

10) I passed all my exams successfully, so I became a University student.

1.8.6. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate form.

1) If the weather were better now, I  would go (go) for a walk.
2) If it had been (be) warmer last Sunday, we would have gone to
the country.
3) If you trained harder, you (win) the
competition next week.
4) If I  (be) you, I would do sports and keep fit.
5) If you had learned new English words, you
(write) the test better.
6) If I  (know) that you were ill last week,
I would have gone to see you.
7) Jim (go) to the cinema with us if he hadn’t
seen the film twice.
8) If I  (take) your address, I would have sent
you a postcard from London.
9) I  (forget) about Sue’s birthday if Anna
hadn’t told me about it.
10) If I spoke German, I  (read) German books
in the original.

1.8.7. Complete the sentences using Conditionals.

1) If my parents hadn’t got up late, they would have not missed
the bus.
2) If she felt well,
3) If people had cared more of the environment,

4) If Tom had forgotten that it was Sunday,

5) If I knew your telephone number,

6) If Alex had trained harder last month,

7) If many forests hadn’t been cut down in the past,

8) If I hadn’t had a sandwich an hour ago,

9) If you had stayed at home in such cold weather,

10) If Jim listened to the weather forecast now,

11) If we had seen it,

1.8.8. Use the appropriate form of Subjunctive Mood in the following sentences.
1) If my brother had done (do) well at school, he would have
gone (go) to university.
2) You (find) a  better job last year if
you (pay) more attention to your studies.
3) If I  (not win) the last competition,
I  (not be awarded) with this trip.
4) If my parents (mind) my going in for sport,
I  (give) it up now.
5) If my brother (be) free now, he
(join) us too.
6) If John (invite) by Mary to her party, he
(come) then.
7) If I  (have) a bike, I 
(be) the happiest chap in the world.
8) If I  (not study) hard, I 
(not pass) the exams last month.

9) If the weather (change) now, we
(be) able to cross the river.
10) If it (stop) raining, the sun
(shine) brightly.
1.8.9. Make up sentences using Subjunctive Mood.
1) She / miss / the plane / if / she / not get / airport / two o’clock.
She would have missed the plane if she hadn’t got to the 
airport by two o’clock.
2) if / you / speak / him / nicely / he / help you.

3) if / the weather / be / sunny / he / go / country.

4) if / he / miss / so many lessons / last month / he / not fail / exam.

5) if / I / need it / I / read / news / the Internet.

6) if / you / not know / him / you / never guess / he / be / seventy.

7) you  / speak English  / much better  / if  / you  / spend  / at least six
months / England.

8) I / not go / theatre / if / you / not go / tonight.

9) I / not ask you / to help me / if you / not be / friend / mine.

10) We / finish / write our report / time / you / help / us / then.

1.8.10. Translate the verbs in brackets using Subjunctive Mood.
1) If I  had had (иметь) enough money, I’d have gone
(поехать) abroad last summer.
2) I  (пропустить) the concert today
if I  (быть) too busy.
3) If the work (быть) very difficult, it
(занять) them much more time to finish it last week.
4) If you (посетить) to the British Museum,
you (увидеть) a lot of exhibits there.
5) If Nancy (не пригласить) us to her party, we
(остаться) at home.
6) If we (быть) free this morning, we
(навести порядок) our rooms.
7) If the weather (не испортить) everything,
we (получить удовольствие) our last stay
in the country.
8) If we (забронировать) tickets in advance,
we (посмотреть) the match at the stadium.
9) If the sky (быть) clear, our flight
(не отменить).
10) If the film (быть) boring, we
(уйти) early.

Unit 1.9. Modal Verbs

1.9.1. Translate the modal verb or its equivalent in brackets appropriately.
1) All children must (должны) go to school at the age of 6 in this
2) You (приходится) answer such questions regularly.
3) (Следует) we give them a call at once?
4) Which of you (умеет) speak at least one foreign
5) You (нельзя) go out if you are falling ill.

6) Next year he (cможет) cross this river if he practises
a lot in the swimming pool.
7) (Придется) they to do this English
test again?
8) We (не  смогли) come yesterday as we were too busy
with our project.
9) (Надо) I  help you with this task?  – No, you
(не надо).
10) (Можно) I go out for a moment?

1.9.2. Fill the gaps with the appropriate form of the modal verb have.
1) Do you usually have to get up early?
2) I  to call him back last night.
3) The children to follow the instructions carefully.
4) Mary to look after her little brother at the moment.
5) You to follow me tomorrow, ?
6) I  to go by bus to my school every day.
7) you to go shopping yesterday?
8) Jack never to change his plans.
9) the boy always to play alone in the garden?
10) you ever to do what you can hardly do?

1.9.3. Use appropriate modal verbs can, could, have to or should in the
following sentences.
1) We should be responsible for what we do or say.
2) The girl neither read nor write. She is too little.
3) we simply get there on foot?
4) Why didn’t you call me? I  come and help you.
5) You to get up early every day, don’t you?
6) He leave at once or he’ll be late again.
7) If you want to pass the exam, you work harder.
8) it be so late?
9) You be more attentive at the lessons.
10) The weather was pretty nice and we go for a walk.

1.9.4. Fill the gaps with must, can, may.
1) Listen, you must stay in if you have a sore throat.
2) you help me? – I am afraid not.
3) You take this book, I don’t need it now.
4) Let’s ask Mary. She know the answer.
5) Hurry up! We come in time.
6) The children do this test. It is very easy.
7) I ask you a couple of questions? – Why, yes!
8) Who show Mr Brown the city sights?
9) Parents look after their little children properly.
10) you give me a hand with this translation?

1.9.5. Fill the gaps with mustn’t or needn’t.

1) You mustn’t interrupt others when they are speaking.
2) We ring the bell. I have got the key.
3) Visitors feed animals in the zoo.
4) You come so early. 10 o’clock will do.
5) Mother go shopping tonight. Dad has bought
6) Nick give away his friend’s secret.
7) Pupils talk during their lessons.
8) You turn on the light. I can see everything quite
9) You cross the street in the wrong place.
10) Little children go to bed so late.

1.9.6. Underline the appropriate modal verb.

1) I’m going to the theatre tonight. What (should / must) I wear?
2) You (mustn’t / needn’t) touch the dog. It’s dangerous.
3) It’s a secret. You (mustn’t / don’t have to) tell anyone what I said.
4) You (shouldn’t / needn’t) wash up. Mother has done it.
5) Do you think I (have to / should) learn another foreign language?
6) You (needn’t / shouldn’t) play computer games so much.

7) You (needn’t  / shouldn’t) watch television so much. It’s not good for
your health.
8) You (don’t have to / needn’t) go shopping. I’ve bought everything.
9) I (can’t / mustn’t) find my pen. Haven’t you seen it?
10) Tom has three cars. He (may / must) have a lot of money.
11) You look tired, I think you (need / should) stay at home.
12) It’s impossible! You (have to / must) be joking.

1.9.7. Fill the gaps with appropriate modal verbs or their equivalents.
1) James must work harder to pass his final exams.
2) I  go out as I  to help my parents.
3) I help you with your English? – Do, please.
4) You to take a taxi not to miss the 8 o’clock train.
5) Everybody knows he practise his English more to
speak better.
6) You (not) repeat one and the same thing every hour.
7) you come a bit earlier tomorrow?
8) You (not) be late for school!
9) You to know more about the situation.
10) I come in?
11) I don’t feel fine. I  to have some rest.

1.9.8. Complete the following sentences.

1) Mary can get up early as she is used to doing it .
2) Mary must get up early .
3) Does Mary have to get up early ?
4) Mary should get up early .
5) Can Mary get up early ?
6) Did Mary have to get up early ?
7) Mary ought to get up early .
8) Mary could get up early .
9) Mary will have to get up early .
10) Mary will be able to get up early .

Unit 1.10. Phrasal Verbs
1.10.1. Fill in the gaps with the right preposition after the verb look.
1) I  have been looking for my key for an hour already, but
I can’t find it!
2) Could you please look our cat while we are away.
3) You must look all the unknown words in the dictionary.
4) I’ll just look this magazine and give it back to you.
5) I’d like to look your new cell phone. Can I?
6) I’m really looking my winter holidays.
7) Look the blackboard.
8) We have always looked him as the best specialist in this
9) I am ready to look your luggage.
10) What are you looking again?

1.10.2. Translate the verbs in brackets using the phrasal verb look.
1) How often do you look up (cмотреть) words in the
dictionary when reading a book in the original?
2) We (с нетерпением ждать) our trip to London!
3) Pete (просматривать) his files for some time
when his boss called him.
4) Let Boris (искать) these contacts himself.
5) (смотреть) those laughing kids! How funny they
6) Who (присматривать) your dog while you were
7) How long your brother (искать)
a new job?
8) My parents (считать) you as my best friend.
9) Who this lady (искать)?
10) Why not (посмотреть) this word in the online
11) Could you (присматривать) the children
while I’m out?

1.10.3. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition after the verb break.
1) The storm broke out late at night.
2) What made the little girl break tears so suddenly?
3) How often does your computer break ?
4) The fire broke when everybody was asleep.
5) We were late as our car broke on the way to the airport.
6) My granny claims that somebody tried to break our house
last night.
7) The situation was so ridiculous that we all broke laughter.
8) Please, pull yourself together. Do not make everybody break
9) The printer will break if you use it in this way.
10) A lot of old houses will be broken soon.
11) The boys heard a thunder and broke a run.
12) Severe thunderstorms broke over London last Saturday.
13) The thieves have broken through the bedroom window.

1.10.4. Fill in the gaps with the right preposition or adverb after the verb put.
1) Ann always complains that she has nothing to put on .
2) Never put till tomorrow what you can do today.
3) My sister will never put with this situation.
4) Jack is a  professional mechanic, he will put your car in
no time.
5) Put your home address at the bottom of the sheet.
6) What shall I put if it rains tomorrow, too?
7) Jane has a lot of urgent work to do, but she can put it if
you need her help.
8) Let me put everything for you.
9) The children put their homework at the end of the lesson.
10) I can hardly put with such a terrible noise.
11) Wait a minute! I’ll put your phone number .
12) The match has been put until tomorrow because of bad

1.10.5. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition or adverb after the verb
1) You are welcome! Come in !
2) I came a lot of terms while reading this article.
3) Come to my place any time you like.
4) I came my school friend in the library yesterday.
5) Don’t let anybody come before 10 a.m.
6) Come ! It is going to be OK. Don’t be afraid.
7) You can come this old man every Sunday in the park.
8) Look! A button has come my trousers.
9) Let’s come . The door isn’t locked.
10) I came this odd word in my friend’s letter.

1.10.6. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition or adverb after the verb
1) How are your parents getting on ?
2) Come on! Get the car quickly or you’re get wet
3) Who was the last to get the train?
4) My parents always help me to get my troubles.
5) Jack always gets at the same time.
6) The tourists were in a hurry to get the bus.
7) Pete couldn’t get his illness without medicine.
8) The new English teacher is getting well with all her
9) How did they manage to get from the police?
10) The bus started after everybody got .

1.10.7. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition or adverb after the verb
1) I don’t want you to give up tennis.
2) You’d better give your old clothes that you don’t wear
any more.
3) The footballer refused to give and continued playing.

4) Old cars used to give too much smoke.
5) Can you feel the smell that the house is giving ?
6) Mrs Smith regularly gives some money to different
charity organizations.
7) Don’t forget to give his pen when you finish writing.
8) Doctors recommend to give bad habits.
9) Nobody gives good jobs.
10) This plant gives a bad smell.

1.10.8. Fill in the gaps with the right preposition or adverb after the verb
1) They say Jack takes after his grandfather.
2) Pete used to take different hobbies in his childhood.
3) What time does the plane take ?
4) Why not take windsurfing for a change?
5) Ben took his coat and left it in the cloakroom.
6) In what cases does the US vice-president take ?
7) Who do children usually take ?
8) Paul took the company when his father retired.
9) I hope that my brother will take me for my birthday.
10) The weather is changing for the better. Take your warm

Unit 1.11. Participles

1.11.1 Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the participle.
1) The new musical is so exciting (excite)!
2) Why do you find this book (bore)?
3) Helen is not (educate) enough to make such
a presentation.
4) The storm left a lot of (break) trees.
5) The teacher was (surprise) to find the door closed.
6) The results are (disappoint) again.
7) Who is this (sing) girl?

8) The (lose) key was found at last in my mother’s bag.
9) Try not to wake the (sleep) baby.
10) The tourists were (frighten) by the weather

1.11.2. Fill the gaps with the appropriate form of the participle. Follow the
1) The dog frightened the child. The frightened child burst out
2) The performance bored everybody. It was a  very
3) Ann was so excited when she heard the news. It was
4) The topic seems to be very interesting. I have always been
in things like that.
5) I am very embarrassed. It is really an situation.
6) Mike’s parents were shocked by his words. These were
words in fact.
7) It was the most fascinating concert I had ever attended. My friends were
also by it.
8) The children were amazed at the tricks they saw in the circus. The tricks
were so .
9) Mother threw away the vase. She wondered who
had broken it.
10) Thieves stole a painting from the museum. The police are looking for the

1.11.3. Underline the correct form of the participle.

1) Nick is very interested / interesting in soccer.
2) The boys were really excited / exiting by the match.
3) The children were very frightened / frightening by the noise at night.
4 The teachers are amazed / amazing at Nick’s progress.
5) The parents were surprised / surprising at their son’s decision.
6) I was astonished / astonishing at the obvious difference.
7) Parents are usually worried / worrying about their children’s health.

8) We were quite bored / boring with the lecture.
9) They were really thrilled / thrilling by the news.
10) Nick was shocked / shocking by the result he got at the exam.

1.11.4. Underline the correct form of the participle.

1) The present bringing / brought by my friend was the least expected one.
2) The music performing / performed by the band was irritating.
3) The tourists stayed at the hotel situating / situated far from the centre
of the city.
4) Our teacher is a well-educated / well-educating person.
5) The presentation made  / making by the third group was a  complete
6) The design showing / shown at the conference was a revolutionary one.
7) John is looking for a well-paying / well-paid job.
8) Look! There is a cat sleeping / slept in the armchair.
9) These are alarming / alarmed figures.
10) The questions discussing  / discussed at the meeting made everybody

1.11.5. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of the participle.
1) It has been raining the whole day. The weather is so depressing
2) Travelling is always so (excite).
3) At the end of the week Mary usually feels (tire).
4) After the accident everybody was really (shock).
5) The lesson was (bore), so Andy fell asleep.
6) It is not (surprise) that Betsy has won the
7) Are you also (interest) in football as much as your
brother is?
8) I do not know why the teacher is not (satisfy) with
my project again.
9) The critics were (disappoint) with the new film.
10) We couldn’t imagine that the food would be so

Unit 1.12. The Complex Object
1.12.1. Underline the correct variant.
1) Two people saw the accident happen / happening.
2) I saw your cat run / running along our street.
3) I have never heard you speak / speaking Japanese.
4) I expect Ann invite / to invite my sister to her party too.
5) Can you hear a baby cry / crying?
6) Something is wrong with the computer. I’d like you to put / put it right
as soon as possible.
7) Let us to discuss / discuss this question together.
8) All parents want their children to be / be healthy and happy.
9) Do not make Paul change / to change his point of view.
10) Did you feel the temperature drop / dropping?
1.12.2. Put the words in brackets into the correct form.
1) We consider them to be (they, be) our best friends.
2) I expect (he, come) much earlier than usual.
3) My parents want (I, get) on well with my
younger brother.
4) Mary didn’t expect (we, lie) to her.
5) I  have heard (she, tell) our secret to the
6) John expected (they, present) him a football
for his birthday.
7) Tom’s parents will make (he, go) to University
after school.
8) The policeman watched (we, cross) the
street in the wrong place.
9) Jim wouldn’t like (I, interfere) into his plans.
10) I have never heard (you, sing) folk songs.
1.12.3. Complete the sentences using suitable verbs.
1) We have done two exercises, but the teacher wants us to do three
2) Jim is your friend. He expects you him to your
birthday party.

3) I would like you the competition.
4) Helen will continue her education. Her parents want her
5) There are 5 questions to the text. I’d like you them.
6) I’m not fond of sport, but my parents want me sport.
7) Anna is good at tennis. We expect her the match.
8) I would like you a letter to him.
9) You have worked hard. I  expect you an excellent
result at the final exam.
10) Alex is always late. I don’t expect him in time.

1.12.4. Put the words in brackets into the correct form.

1) I haven’t seen Tom hurt (hurt) his leg.
2) Let Jack (apply) for the job he is interested in.
3) How many people saw the accident (happen)?
4) Can’t you hear my parents (talk) in the next room?
5) My parents would like me (be) more active.
6) Let Andy (help) you with this task.
7) Ron’s parents want him (study) harder.
8) It was Mary who saw me (wait) for a bus.
9) I looked through the window and saw a man (turn)
round the corner.
10) Would you like me (be) responsible for the children?

Unit 1.13. Questions

1.13.1. Complete the questions with the missing auxiliary verbs.
1) Does your friend speak any foreign language?
2) What you doing when your mother called you?
3) my children been too noisy the whole evening?
4) Helen going to college next year?
5) Tom be watching a football match tomorrow at 5 p.m.?
6) Jim noticed cheating at the exam?

7) this your first flight abroad?
8) the e-mail already been sent?
9) the performance been over by the time we arrived?
10) Which of you ready to present his topic?
11) mobile phones turned off during the exams?
12) How long she waiting here?

1.13.2. Put short general questions.

1) The performance was a complete failure. – Was it ?
2) All parents want their children to do well at school. – ?
3) Pete has never been to a concert of classical music. – ?
4) There was somebody at home last night. – ?
5) The plane had taken off by 10 p.m. – ?
6) I know where Ann is now. – ?
7) Jim left the railway station at 7.30 p.m. – ?
8) Our students participated in the competition. – ?
9) I was so surprised to see so many people in the hall. – ?
10) Tom plays football well enough to join our team. – ?
11) They haven’t seen each other for ages. – ?
12) The situation changed for the better last month. – ?

1.13.3. Complete the sentences making them tag questions.

1) It’s a lovely day, isn’t it ?
2) The weather has been awful all this summer, ?
3) It doesn’t look like rain, ?
4) There was nothing in the bag, ?
5) Helen is trying to concentrate, ?
6) The British always talk about the weather, ?
7) Nick has never been keen on volleyball, ?
8) Sue’s parents are Irish, ?
9) Their luggage had been checked in by 9 a.m., ?
10) Such questions are not good to ask, ?

1.13.4. Complete the questions to the sentences.
1) English is spoken all over the world.
Where is English spoken ?
2) Jack is tired as he has been overworking lately.
Why ?
3) Julia and Sue were invited to Steve’s birthday party.
Who ?
4) Alex passed his English exam last week.
When ?
5) We have been waiting for Ann for half an hour.
How long ?
6) Shakespeare’s plays were translated into many languages.
How many
7) The newspaper comes out once a week.
How often ?
8) The book should be returned immediately.
What ?
9) This is the best film Paul has seen lately.
What kind ?
10) All of us have come in time.
Which of you ?

1.13.5. Ask special questions to the words underlined in the sentences.

1) Tom hurt his leg when playing football.
What did Tom hurt when playing football?
2) I am not good at games.

3) Linda succeeded in music because she was very talented.

4) Bob has been in hospital for a week.

5) Madame Tussaud’s museum is very popular with tourists.

6) There is some milk in the fridge.

7) Broken trees were lying across the road.

8) Bill was addicted to computer games in his childhood.

9) Meals will be served four times a day.

10) Nancy is still waiting for my answer.


Unit 2.1. Singular / Plural Forms

2.1.1. Give the plural form of the following nouns.
forget-me-not forget-me-nots piano
photo Frenchman
chief Sunday
dwarf Mary
ski clergyman
passer-by goose
businesswoman echo
thief policeman
Roman housewife

2.1.2. Give the singular form of the following nouns.

children child heroes
deer halves
mice proofs
sheep swine
copies women-writers
oxen mothers-in-law
skies gentlemen

2.1.3. Translate into English.

пара ботинок a pair of boots
пара перчаток
дюжина яиц
средство передвижения
пять рыбок
сотни людей

период хорошей погоды
буханка хлеба
тысячи примеров
пара дней
пакет молока
банка кока-колы
несколько машин
кусок сахара
плитка шоколада
кусок мела
несколько новостей
раскат грома
пара недель
кусок колбасы
стакан воды

2.1.4. Make plurals where possible.

1) A tiger eats meat.
Tigers eat meat.
2) That boy wants to have another toy.

3) My grandmother planted a tree in her garden.

4) She bought a bottle of mineral water.

5) The news is terrific.

6) I must buy a new shelf and an armchair.

7) The bench is made of wood.

8) A parent can give good advice to his child.

9) The businessman left his luggage on the chair.

10) A mouse is caught by a cat.

11) There is a goldfish in the park pond.

2.1.5. Add some, any or no.

1) There is no time left.
2) Mike brought books from the library.
3) Would you like water to drink?
4) Do not say words now!
5) Would you like to do shopping?
6) I have answer to this question.
7) Jane will do urgent work tomorrow.
8) He wrote e-mails to his friends.
9) Is there hope of finding the lost man?
10) Help yourself to book on this shelf.

2.1.6. Fill the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb be.
1) There is some time left.
2) Your parents’ advice good for you.
3) All little children taken to school by their parents.
4) there enough chairs in the room?
5) Why you so worried about the situation?
6) Who such books read by?
7) Some old skis thrown away last winter.
8) There some foreign guests waiting outside.
9) When these cups broken?
10) His papers being printed at the moment.

Unit 2.2. Сountable / Uncountable Nouns
2.2.1. Divide the following nouns into two groups: countable and uncountable ones.
Scissors, news, customs, advice, trousers, buses, subjects, equipment,
authorities, clothes, species, glasses, gloves, colours.
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

Customs, Scissors,

2.2.2. Add a (an), some or any if needed in the blank spaces.

1) He put a glass of water on the table.
2) I would like you to write me e-mail.
3) Would you like milk in your tea?
4) We don’t need advice now.
5) I’d like cup of hot tea with
lemon, please.
6) There isn’t food in the kitchen.
7) Have you got news?
8) Nick has bought new pair of jeans.
9) Would you like porridge for breakfast?
10) Take cake you like.

2.2.3. Write these sentences in the negative using much or many.

1) I’ve got a lot of time.
I haven’t got much time.
2) There were a lot of people in the hall.

3) I took a lot of photos while I was on holiday.

4) Ben made a lot of friends last summer.

5) They helped me with a lot of information.

6) I’ve got a lot of work to do.

7) There are a lot of English books in our school library.

8) There is a lot of furniture in my granny’s house.

9) The children saw a lot of animals in the zoo.

10) There were a lot of pools of water in the street.

2.2.4. Add few, a few, little, a little as appropriate.

1) I’m very busy today, I have little free time now.
2) children are fond of soup for lunch.
3) people are experts in international politics.
4) There’s time left. We have to hurry.
5) There are chairs in the room. Let’s fetch some more.
6) The ticket was very cheap. It only cost roubles.
7) I have homework to do for tomorrow.
8) He was giving examples during his lecture.
9) John had interest in games.
10) We have English lessons at present.
11) There were guests at the party.

2.2.5. Choose the correct verb form in the following sentences.

1) This team are / is going to lose again.
2) A number of people are / is worried about the situation.
3) One of your children has / have lost a doll.
4) Ten divided into two are / is five.
5) I wonder why my family are / is so angry with me.
6) There are / is a couple of cups on the table.

7) Neither Bill nor his friends are / is happy today.
8) The crowd at the football game was / were huge.
9) Both you and your sister are / is afraid of the dark.
10) Whose clothes are / is there on the chair?

Unit 2.3. Articles

2.3.1. Add a or the where necessary.
1) The sky was growing grey and dark.
2) I was eager to follow tourists.
3) He was student when I first met him.
4) She brought glass bowl in and put it on table.
5) To her left there was green grass.
6) He said this in whisper.
7) She finally went into room and turned on light.
8) There is good article here on topic you are
interested in.
9) He enjoys quiet life in the country.

2.3.2. Add a or the where necessary.

Mr Smith is going abroad on – business soon. He went
shopping in city centre day before yesterday. As a matter
of fact he needed lot of things. First of all he went to
large department store to buy some warm clothes. He bought nice
wool sweater and pair of blue jeans, scarf and
pair of gloves.
Mr Smith couldn’t find any warm boots in colours he likes. He
likes black and brown; he doesn’t like yellow or beige.
He also bought dozen pocket books. Mr Smith is fond of reading
especially detective stories. Next he went to supermarket
to buy cheese, bar of chocolate and packet of
juice. Finally he went to chemists’ to buy some medicine.
He hopes he will not need it but he would like to be on safe side.

2.3.3. Fill the gaps with articles if needed.
1) Let’s have coffee for a change.
2) I never eat fruit for breakfast.
3) Jane was born on  10th of August.
4) What will happen to us in future?
5) Smiths are holding party for their friends on
6) It happened in twentieth century.
7) Let’s go to Gate seven.
8) I would like to buy bar of chocolate.
9) We still have lot of time left.
10) most famous shops are situated here.

2.3.4. Fill the gaps with articles if needed.

1) Tom goes to – school five days a week.
2) I am used to going to bed late.
3) Let’s go to cinema after work.
4) How long has Tom been in hospital?
5) Ann works as teacher at school.
6) There is old church in this town.
7) My friend is doctor at hospital.
8) Children go to school at age of six in this country.
9) Jane is being operated on in hospital.
10) All family are already at table.
11) Kate was late for work because she overslept.

2.3.5. Add the in the spaces where necessary.

1) The United Kingdom consists of – Great Britain and –
Northern Ireland.
2) Where is Black Sea situated?
3) What is the shortest way to Oxford Street?
4) They visited south coast of England.
5) Hague is the capital of Netherlands.

6) Washington, D.C. is the capital of United States.
7) Do you come from Russia?
8) What is Hyde Park famous for?
9) Mary went to Florida as a tourist.
10) I am looking forward to seeing Lake Baikal.

2.3.6. Complete the sentences using the definite article the if necessary.
1) – Italy is situated in – Europe.
2) Moscow is the capital of Russian Federation.
3) United States is situated in North America.
4) Amsterdam is the capital of Netherlands.
5) Russia is the largest country in the world.
6) London is the capital of United Kingdom.
7) Canada is situated in North America.
8) United Kingdom is situated in Europe.
9) Australia is the smallest continent.
10) Where is Hague situated?
11) Northern Ireland is a part of UK.

2.3.7. Fill the gaps with articles if needed.

1) The full official name of the country is the United States of
2) The country is situated in North America.
3) Hawaiian Islands are a part of the country.
4) They are situated in Pacific Ocean, which washes the country
in West.
5) The longest river is Mississippi.
6) USA is washed by Atlantic Ocean in
East and Pacific Ocean in West.
7) Rocky Mountains are one of the highest mountain chains.
8) The largest lake is Lake Superior.
9) Have you ever been to Lake Baikal?
10) Everest is the highest mountain in the world, isn’t it?

2.3.8. Fill the gaps with articles if needed.
1) There is hardly a cloud in the sky.
2) Have you heard weather forecast for tomorrow?
3) We have hardly seen sun for a week.
4) I don’t know how many stars there are in Galaxy.
5) People started travelling to space in  20th century.
6) What awful weather, isn’t it?
7) It was sunny warm day.
8) weather in the UK is changeable.
9) The sun is star.
10) There are a lot of galaxies in space.
11) What wonderful morning!

2.3.9. Fill the gaps with articles if needed.

1) Mary has – short curly dark hair.
2) kilt is Scottish tradition.
3) Sue has been in hospital for a month.
4) I don’t like clothes she usually wears.
5) Nick usually wears casual clothes.
6) It’s opera in three acts.
7) television was invented in the 20th century.
8) I’d like to buy new cell phone.
9) Do you know the proverb ‘ health is above wealth’?
10) What beautiful weather again!

Unit 2.4. The Possessive Case

2.4.1. Put the noun in brackets in the possessive case.
1) These are the children’s books. (the children)
2) This is letter. (my father)
3) That is work. (Mary and Ann)
4) Here is French teacher. (Jane)

5) This is book. (John’s brother)
6) That is car. (their parents)
7) Here are tools. (the men)
8) These are papers. (the students)
9) That is house. (the Browns)
10) Here are books. (the student)

2.4.2. Translate into English.

мудрые слова моей матери my mother’s wise words
новый рассказ этого писателя
учебники моего младшего брата

дом моего друга

ошибка моей сестры
мокрый зонт Елены
первые слова моего сына
самое лучшее произведение Шекспира

тихий голос соседа

новая квартира Петра
комната мамы и папы
популярная мелодия Чайковского

неприятности Теда
домик Барби

2.4.3. Join the nouns using either the possessive ’s or of.

1) toys / the children the children’s toys
2) the walls / the room the walls of the room
3) the centre / the city
4) journal / last month
5) boots / Ronaldo

6) the end / the match
7) the country house / my parents

8) children / Mary
9) tail / the cat
10) party / the Smiths

2.4.4. Fill the gaps with articles if needed.

1) Those were the words of – Peter’s father.
2) Such was famous politician’s opinion.
3) big children’s store has been built here.
4) woman’s voice behind me said something softly.
5) You can buy this at butcher’s.
6) I was surprised by young man’s answer.
7) John’s words were not quite correct.
8) I haven’t seen Tom’s exam results.
9) It’s a shop selling ladies’ wear.
10) He was wearing elegant officer’s uniform.

2.4.5. Answer the questions with the correct form of the noun and the pronoun
in brackets.
1) Whose magazine is this?
It is Ann’s . (Ann)
It is not mine . (I)
2) Whose coat is this?
It is . (my friend)
It is . (he)
3) Whose flowers are these?
They are . (our teacher)
They are . (she)
4) Whose book is it?
It is . (my twins)
It is . (they)

5) Whose house is that?
It is . (our family)
It is . (we)
6) Whose parents are talking to our teacher?
They are . (Helen)
They are . (she)
7) Whose children are playing over there?
They are . (Tom and Mary)
They are . (they)
8) Whose boots are these?
They are . (David)
They are not . (you)
9) Whose cell phone is this?
It is . (our guest)
It is . (he)
10) Whose passport is this?
It is . (Susan)
It is not . (I)

2.4.6. Join the words according to the model.

1) good news / today today’s good news
2) a snow storm / yesterday
3) holidays / two weeks
4) the newspaper / Friday
5) the train / last night
6) the show / tonight
7) a journey / one day
8) the tournament / last year
9) the decision / last week
10) a break / one hour


Unit 3.1. Adjectival Prefixes and Suffixes

3.1.1. Form adjectives from the following words.
talk talkative truth
child madness
doubt success
misery imagination
sense stupidity
understand fruit
happiness respect
trust economy
beauty gold
value disaster
wood profit
shine friend
importance ability
interest activity
comfort fashion
bore heart
pleasure agriculture
wool honour
faith practice
anger industry
reason revolution

3.1.2. Use the correct prefix to make negative forms of the adjectives.
correct incorrect proper
legal regular
important perfect

probable helpful
capable conscious
selfish hospitable
significant profitable
successful complete
satisfied active
attentive equal
attractive known

3.1.3. Change the structure of the sentences according to the pattern.

1) I am very interested in tennis.
Tennis is very interesting.
2) The boys were really excited by the football match.

3) The little boy was very frightened by the film.

4) The children are fascinated by the cartoon.

5) We were surprised at his decision.

6) I was astonished when I heard their answer.

7) The math teacher was worried about her pupils’ results.

8) We were quite bored with the lesson.

9) They were really thrilled by the performance.

10) Nick’s parents were shocked by the news.

Unit 3.2. Degrees of Comparison
3.2.1. Give the comparatives and the superlatives of the following adjectives.
quiet quieter (the) quietest

3.2.2. Complete the chart.

old older (the) oldest

(the) farthest
(the) worst
(the) most

3.2.3. Ask questions using superlative adjectives.

1) There are three bags.
Which bag is the heaviest one?
2) There are so many bright students in this class.

3) There are so many famous football players in this team.

4) You have so many good books in your library.

5) Your students have made such good presentations.

6) Here are some very difficult tasks.

7) There are so many places of interest to see in this old town.

8) Most instruments are hard to play.

9) I am looking forward to giving your sister a good present.

10) There are different ways of travelling.

11) There are plenty of easy cake recipes in this cookbook.

3.2.4. Complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative form of the
adjective in brackets.
1) This grey bag is heavier (heavy) than the red one.
2) Why is this dress (expensive) than the
red one?
3) Jane is (old) than her brother.
4) This is (bad) present I have ever received.
5) Who is (capable) student in your group?
6) Jack is (successful) than the rest of
his family.
7) This computer is (powerful) than the
previous model.
8) What shall we do (far)?
9) Can you show me the way to (near) shop?
10) This software is (advanced) than that one.
11) Sometimes (simple) answer is the best one.

3.2.5. Fill the gaps with the appropriate degree of comparison.
1) Mary has higher (high) scores at school than her sister.
2) What is (expensive) laptop out of all these?
3) What shall we do for our (near) lesson?
4) This film is (long) than that one.
5) Can you show me (quick) way to the station?
6) This book is (interesting) one in my library.
7) The last football match was (exciting) than
the previous ones.
8) When shall we have our (far) round-table
9) The (soon) you arrive the better.
10) I hope the weather will change for the (good).
11) This joke was (funny) joke I’ve ever heard.
12) She is two years (young) than her husband.
13) It’s probably (quiet) vacuum cleaner on the
market today.

3.2.6. Translate into English.

вежливее, чем с другими more polite than with others
самая яркая звезда
дальнейшие события
самый важный вопрос
лучшее решение
в ближайшие три недели
второй тест сложнее
в два раза моложе
не хуже, чем у других
менее надежный источник
самая тихая комната
почти на год старше
намного лучше, чем прежде

3.2.7. Insert as … as, so … as or than.
1) Tom is as old as Nick.
2) Nothing is more pleasant to sit in a comfortable armchair
with an interesting book.
3) Your sister is old Ann’s.
4) My brother is older I  am, but he is younger
my sister.
5) The Sun is bigger the Earth.
6) Room 5 is much bigger Room 6.
7) His computer is not powerful mine.
8) Peter’s English is good his father’s.
9) This textbook is better that one.
10) This film is not thrilling the one we saw last


4.1. Fill the gaps using each of the words given below once.
1) I could hardly say a word.
2) Have you spoken to a native speaker?
3) you must know the traffic rules to drive a car!
4) I haven’t answered most of the e-mails .
5) Better late than .
6) Have you read this book?
7) They’re fast workers. They did the job in only two
8) The music is on.
9) Will you help me with my luggage? – !
10) I cannot describe him well. We meet.
11) How do you read English books in the original?
12) The museum building is as interesting as the
museum itself.
Words: rarely, still, already, certainly, yet, hardly, often, ever, never,
almost, really, surely.

4.2. Fill the gaps with adverbs rarely, still, already, yet, hardly, ever, never,
really, always, often.
1) We don’t know yet what has happened.
2) I haven’t spoken English so much.
3) Have you seen him?
4) It is midnight.
5) Do you eat porridge for breakfast?
6) Does it rain here in winter?
7) Jane is ready to answer.
8) I  see him at school.
9) I have been dreaming of going there.
10) Our English teacher looks attractive.

4.3. Rearrange these series of words to form sentences.
1) carefully the quietly and opened window Alice.
Alice opened the window quietly and carefully.
2) a their take usually the out walk children for took after breakfast dog.

3) loudly my in the elder bath sings always brother.

4) country have the recently Browns the settled in.

5) morning born early baby the was in the.

6) o’clock school four usually pupils leave at.

7) sing beautifully that song Joan can generally.

8) very music classical my well father plays.

9) speak fluently which English of you can?

10) theatre never to Paul has the been.

4.4. Choose the correct word in brackets to complete the sentences.

1) This is a very hard task to do. (hard, hardly)
2) I can understand the language he speaks. (hard, hardly)
3) Tom is a  -working student. (hard, hardly)
4) It was raining so outside. We were afraid of getting
wet through. (hard, hardly)
5) Pete is crazy about rock. (hard, hardly)
6) It’s to say for sure who will win this game. (hard, hardly)
7) It was so noisy we could hear each other. (hard, hardly)

4.5. Choose the correct word in brackets to complete the sentences.
1) Last time I  saw her, she was wearing an amazing red dress.
(last, lately, late)
2) Have you seen Mary ? – Yes. I saw her
week. (last, lately, late)
3) You are always . (last, lately, late)
4) Better than never. (last, lately, late)
5) The but not least thing to do is to inform your
parents. (last, lately, late)
6) Mr Brown was the to arrive. (last, lately, late)
7) I haven’t heard from him . (last, lately, late).

4.6. Choose the right variant.

1) I left the house (quick / quickly) because I was in a hurry.
2) I felt (cold / coldly).
3) She has never felt so (happy / happily).
4) The roses smelt (beautiful / beautifully).
5) He was trying (hard  / hardly), but it seemed (impossible / impossibly)
for him to win.
6) The news was (serious / seriously).
7) She looks very (attractive / attractively).
8) They drove home before it got (dark / darkly).
9) They arrived (late / lately).
10) The music sounded (nice / nicely).
11) Throw the ball as (high / highly) as you can.
12) Wake up! It’s (near, nearly) eight.

4.7. Add already, yet, still or always as appropriate.

1) At ten o’clock little Ann was still in bed.
2) Although my younger brother is only five years old, he can
read quite well.
3) Mary was doing her homework when her parents
came back.
4) My father gets up at six in the morning.
5) I phoned him just now, but he isn’t back .

6) We have had lunch.
7) Is James here? – No, he hasn’t come from school
8) I  haven’t brought your book , though I  have
read it.
9) Is it windy?
10) I am looking forward to going to the country.

4.8. Complete the sentences with suitable adverbs.

1) His answer came at once .
2) Mother looks after us .
3) Tom examined the car .
4) Why do your clothes look so ?
5) Which part of Moscow do you like ?
6) The rock band played .
7) Did you go to bed?
8) Ann could control her feelings.
9) They presented their project .
10) Jack took the ball .

4.9. Underline the appropriate word as in the first sentence.

1) Sportsmen can run very (quick / quickly).
2) Danny is fond of sport. He jumps very (high / highly).
3) She works (hard / hardly) to keep fit.
4) Anna was very nervous before the competition and could (hard / hardly)
5) On Sundays I get up (late / lately).
6) I haven’t seen any good films (late / lately).
7) Jim is training (hard / hardly) to get ready for the competition.
8) Planes fly (high / highly) in the sky.
9) Bob is going to be (late / lately) again.
10) Be (quick / quickly)! There is no time left.
11) We were so tired we could (hard / hardly) walk.

4.10. Supply the missing words given below. There is an odd word!
1) He is the only sportsman who can swim so fast .
2) I’ve got a headache. I don’t feel very .
3) Baseball is popular in the USA.
4) Don’t jump so . It can be dangerous.
5) How does it take you to do your homework?
6) You should read this book. It’s very .
7) Bob could recognize his friend three years later.
8) We haven’t heard from you .
9) The story is interesting.
10) The teacher didn’t expect the work to be done so .
Words: quite, recently, badly, long, good, hardly, well, pretty, high, much,

4.11. Put the adverb in brackets into the correct form.

1) This sportsman runs fastest of all. (fast)
2) I like this writer’s novel of all. (well)
3) My granny always asks me to come to hear me
. (close, well)
4) Jack lives from his University than his friend. (far)
5) My parents go to the theatre than yours. (often)
6) Mike works in the class than the others. (little)
7) Please give me some tea. (much)
8) My father knows the History of Art much than
I do. (well)
9) Nick may arrive than you expect. (soon)
10) Sorry, but you have presented the project of all.


5.1. Use it or there.

1) There is a new school next to the cinema.
2) are some English books on this shelf.
3) was very wet when I went out in the morning.
4) is difficult to speak English well.
5) is warm today, but are some clouds in
the sky.
6) is true that are some mistakes in my
7) is impossible that is somebody at home.
8) was difficult to explain the situation to everybody.
9) was a concert at our school last week.
10) What time is now?
5.2. Translate into English.
один из нас one of us
кто-нибудь из твоих друзей
лучше, чем ничего
никто из них
где-то на юге
больше ничего
кто-то из друзей моего брата
что-то из этого произведения
лучше, чем кто-либо
5.3. Fill in the gaps with possessive pronouns.
1) The speaker cleared his throat.
2) Nick looked around and jumped to feet.
3) Mrs Smith glanced at husband in surprise.
4) ‘You will be all right,’ she said holding the little boy by

5) When Jane heard the news, face turned pale.
6) The Browns invited all neighbours to
7) We have to buy a new computer. What about price?
8) I will do best to find out the truth.
9) Take umbrella with you. It is going to rain.
10) The children gave a handmade present to mother.

5.4. Fill in the blanks with other, the other, others, the others or another.
1) Here are two books. One is in Russian, the other is in English.
2) When are guests coming?
3) I saw Pete in the park day.
4) In words, mother is right as usual.
5) There are ways of solving this problem.
6) I can take these bags, will be delivered later.
7) Jane borrowed book from the library yesterday.
8) There were Mary and Lucy, Ann and Helen and at
the beginning of the performance.
9) There was long pause after the teacher’s question.
10) Will you give me piece of advice?

5.5. Complete the sentences using the words who, that, which.
1) Have you learned the poem which / that we read yesterday?
2) The English, the Welsh, the Scots and the Irish are peoples
live in the United Kingdom.
3) These are the countries I’d like to visit.
4) Football, hockey and boxing are the kinds of sport
are more interesting for boys.
5) Andrew, Alice and Paul were the students were
asked at the English lesson on Wednesday.
6) Chinese, English and Russian are the languages
are spoken by millions of people in the world.
7) of you hasn’t handed in his paper yet?
8) None of us knew Paul had fallen ill.

9) else is absent today?
10) Why not discuss the film you saw last week?
11) I like the watch you gave me for my birthday.
12) colour do you prefer – beige or light yellow?

5.6. Complete the sentences putting the pronoun in brackets into the right
1) Can I borrow your pen? I can’t find mine . (I)
2) Whose roller skates are these? – They are . (she)
3) Is this your T-shirt? – No, it’s . (you)
4) Your house is larger than . (we)
5) The glass on the left is . (he)
6) Our cat is black, but is dark grey. (they)
7) This phone belongs to Susan. It is . (she)
8) What a large cat! It is much larger than . (we)
9) Here are the children’s toys. They are . (they)
10) This is not my money. It is . (he)
11) If you don’t have an umbrella, you can borrow . (I)
12) Who lives in the house next to ? (your)

5.7. Use the pronoun in brackets in the correct form.

1) Let me give you a piece of advice. (I)
2) Let do it himself. (he)
3) Let stay at home. It is raining hard. (we)
4) Let learn another poem by heart. (she)
5) Let take your books to the library too. (I)
6) Let do these exercises in class. (they)
7) Let have one more day off. (he)
8) Let meet one of these days. (we)
9) Let be as you hope! (it)
10) Let join our club. (they)
11) Let pack your belongings. (she)
12) Let know what you think about our new website. (we)

5.8. Change the following statements according to the model.
1) He is my friend. He is a friend of mine.
2) It is her idea.
3) Kate is his distant relative.
4) Helen is her niece.
5) This is their letter.
6) Meet my cousin.
7) This is our guest.
8) That is their house, too.
9) It is her hobby.
10) My uncle is a doctor.
11) It is her money.
12) Paul is our friend.


6.1. Write in words.

14 fourteen
74 + 56 =
112 : 6 =
3–0 (result in a match)

6.2. Translate into English.

тысячи людей thousands of people
две сотни студентов
полтора часа
ноль градусов по Цельсию
пятичасовой поезд
в третий раз
двухтысячный год
один дюйм
в начале девяностых
тридцать процентов
в возрасте семи лет
два с половиной года

6.3. Translate the words in brackets into English.
1) At the moment the other two (двое других) got out of the room.
2) Mrs White was only (пятьдесят четы-
ре), but she felt tired and ancient.
3) (в восемь) we both got up feeling better.
4) This was Nancy’s (первый) dance.
5) (сотни) participants were arrested.
6) (две третьих) of our class are all for this.
7) All the family were present at Betsy’s
8) You will never guess the answer at (пер-
вого взгляда).
9) They have already read (дюжина) English
books in the original.
10) Bill was (второй) to make a presentation.
11) Most metro stations in Moscow open at (поло-
вина шестого) in the morning.

6.4. Write these numbers in words.

1) 1,468 a (one) thousand four hundred and sixty-eight
2) 395
3) 42,573

4) 325,000

5) 205,841

6) 5,010,000
7) 100,100
8) 6,001,278

9) 1, 937
10) 1,000,000

6.5. Write these years in words.
1) 1508 fifteen oh eight (fifteen hundred and eight)
2) 1047
3) 1009
4) 1711
5) 1865
6) 1900
7) 2000
8) 2013
9) 2017
10) 2022


7.1. Add the prepositions on, at, in, until, from, to, of.
1) We came to London on the  20th of July and left it
in September.
2) My parents went out half past one; they’ll be back
ten minutes.
3) Ben plays football summer and hockey
4) My father leaves early the morning and comes back late
5) He works hard Monday Friday.
6) This famous writer was born the nineteenth century.
7) I am not busy Friday evening.
8) He’s school present.
9) Will you be able to see me Sunday?
10) Let’s speak about it the end the lesson.
11) The telephone rang midnight.

7.2. Add the prepositions on, at, in, until, from, to, of.
1) We stay at school from 8.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
2) We are leaving night.
3) Take your clothes that table!
4) Jane comes to the club two o’clock.
5) John’s lessons last 3 o’clock p.m.
6) Where is she staying present?
7) I will be home 5 o’clock.
8) We are looking forward our summer holidays.
9) The little girl is afraid dogs.
10) The walls the room are dark blue.
11) Will it snow New Year’s Day?

7.3. Fill the gaps with the right preposition.
1) The film is worth talking about .
2) Paul is also good tennis.
3) Paul succeeded winning the most difficult championship.
4) What is the idea discussing this problem now?
5) Jane is interested reading about Japanese art.
6) Bob is fond seeing thrillers.
7) The children are crazy playing games.
8) People go for sport to keep fit.
9) I am responsible next year’s performance.
10) You should go foot more often.

7.4. Fill the gaps with the right preposition.

1) Turn the lights on . It has got dark.
2) They are looking to seeing each other.
3) My friend is fond listening the radio.
4) They haven’t seen each other a long time.
5) The plane is the quickest means transport.
6) I don’t see much difference these computer programs
7) Pete succeeded reaching the railway station alone.
8) Why should we be a hurry? There is still a lot
9) I have always relied my family.
10) Which hotel will we be staying ?

7.5. Fill the gaps with the right preposition.

1) Are you thinking of going to University?
2) My parents are very proud my success.
3) Jack is interested studying law.
4) Pete was really sorry being late.
5) I wish you had apologized being rude with your friends.
6) Boris has never been good basketball.

7) Polly is tired doing the same thing again and again.
8) Mary has always dreamt becoming a musician.
9) I have got an invitation the party.
10) There is a great demand such books.
11) Is this the answer my question?
12) Here are some reasons giving up this plan.
13) I put my sister’s coat mistake.
14) Where are you planning to go holiday?
15) I wonder what there is breakfast.

7.6. Fill the gaps with the right preposition if needed.

1) Mary likes to stay at home in the evening with
an interesting book.
2) They are fond classical music. They can listen
it hours.
3) When the last exam was , Jane was so tired that she
couldn’t sleep night.
4) When are you leaving London?
5) Where are you ? Describe your home town
6) How long will you friends be staying us?
7) Mary saw this film the local cinema the
other day.
8) Schools must provide children every opportunity to
develop their abilities.
9) Thanks coming my rescue.
10) I am familiar many plays this author.

7.7. Fill the gaps with the right preposition if needed.

1) I am going to tidy up my flat at the weekend.
2) Mr Smith left the house late the evening.
3) What time is it your watch?
4) Boris is leaving Moscow the tenth

5) Why are you so late classes today?
6) This news is great importance me.
7) If you are interested research work, you can join
scientific team.
8) It is most unpleasant to fail the examination.
9) Will you lend me your laptop a few days?
10) The little boy rushed the room saying
a word.

7.8. Fill the gaps with the right preposition if needed.

1) It is very nice of you to bring me a cup of coffee.
2) Will you explain Mike that he must apologize
his behaviour?
3) Will you turn the light?
4) The sky is covered dark clouds.
5) My breakfast consists porridge and a cup
6) I  haven’t made my mind yet where to go
a holiday.
7) Kathy pointed that she would go
University when she left school.
8) I  don’t want to work the evening or the
9) I enjoy looking small children.
10) Do you have any idea when Jill’s flight gets ?


8.1. Use the word in brackets to form a word that fits the sentence.
1) Helen’s brother leads an adventurous life. (adventure)
2) What is this scientist for? (fame)
3) Jack looks rather . (excite)
4) The situation is becoming too . (danger)
5) Which occupation is the most one at present? (respect)
6) She lives in lovely . (surround)
7) He is often late. That’s of him. (type)
8) She wrote the dictation . There were no mistakes
at all. (care)
9) Whose was it? (decide)
10) They sometimes talk about matters. (politics)
11) The puppy certainly has a  appetite. (health)
12) They have finally come to an . (agree)

8.2. Use the word in brackets to form a word that fits the sentence.
1) Our guests felt comfortable at our place. (comfort)
2) He cannot be at that meeting. (presence)
3) There are a lot of to realize yourself in the future.
4) She is such a  girl! (talk)
5) Nick enjoys stories. (adventure)
6) Make yourself . (comfort)
7) The weather is so . (change)
8) Can you give the of this word. (define)
9) Let’s come up to some . (conclude)
10) You are too . It is not good. (care)
11) I haven’t got much about the issue. (inform)
12) Some shops here accept only in dollars. (pay)

8.3. Use the word in brackets to form a  word that fits the gap in the same
1) What necessary measures should we take? (necessity)
2) A person should get a proper . (educate)
3) I find this advice rather . Thank you. (use)
4) Where is Park situated? (centre)
5) Mr Black is a very neighbour. (help)
6) India became after World War II. (depend)
7) The palace was a hundred feet in . (high)
8) They will find a  to this problem soon. (solve)
9) The proved to be right. (decide)
10) The noise in the classroom was absolutely . (deaf)
11) He has received numerous awards for his . (invent)
12) All the participants of the parade were dressed in
costumes. (tradition)

8.4. Use the word in brackets to form a  word that fits the gap in the same
1) The lesson was really interesting . (interest)
2) This is the most performance we have ever staged.
3) My trousers are too long. I must them. (short)
4) The engineer works very . (quick)
5) Most people are with their living conditions.
6) His parents him to take the exam. (courage)
7) His is so bad that even his parents can’t control
him. (behave)
8) He watched the performance with obvious . (enjoy)
9) The situation in this area is too dangerous. (crime)
10) is the only thing he is looking for. (popular)
11) These dishes are for vegetarians.(suit)
12) It has been a very evening. (please)

8.5. Underline the proper word.
1) My little sister is very (curious / curiosity). She asks a lot of questions.
2) Ron has lost his dog. He is very (unhappy / unhappiness).
3) The story was very funny. I liked the (humour / humorous).
4) Jim is a good (musical / musician). He plays the violin very well.
5) The armchair is large but not very (comfort / comfortable).
6) You should be more (care / careful) about the things you say.
7) If I were a teacher, I would never (punish / punishment) pupils.
8) If I were you, I would buy this book. It’s very (useless / useful).
9) People should (protect  / protection) the Earth if they want to live on
a clean planet.
10) We have to solve a lot of (ecology / ecological) problems.

8.6. Use the word in brackets to form a  word that fits the gap in the same
1) Water in many rivers and lakes is polluted . (pollute)
2) Human beings have many species of animals,
birds and fish. (destruction)
3) The of space began in the 20th century. (explore)
4) The is the natural world around us: the land,
water, air, plants and animals. (environmental)
5) Only 4% of waste is . (recycle)
6) He can play the guitar very well. He is a  good .
7) I didn’t know the guests at the party. So I didn’t feel .
8) The sportsmen lost the game. They were .
9) Don’t break the vase. Be . (care)
10) We need vitamins because they are . (use)

8.7. Use the word in brackets to form a word which will fill the blank.
1) Is it possible to predict our future? (prediction)
2) is my favourite school subject. (biological)
3) disasters can be very dangerous. (nature)

4) The new musical is so ! (excite)
5) Ben is considered to be very . (talent)
6) She is the most mother I  have ever heard of.
7) is a very difficult language to learn. (China)
8) Ted is expected to learn next year. (Germany)
9) My mother would like me to be more . (act)
10) Don’t expect Peter to give you a hand. He is such a 
person. (self)

8.8. Choose the correct prefix for the following words (pre-, ex-, mis-, non-,
over-, out-, re-, un-, im-, in-, dis-, super-).
1) a partner an ex-partner
2) honest
3) possible
4) healthy
5) understood
6) dependent
7) print
8) convenient
9) comfort
10) certain
11) number
12) write
13) play
14) historic
15) natural
16) crowded
17) a hero
18) a president
19) sleep
20) patient

8.9. Fill the gaps with the correct prefixes.
1) The meat is over done. I can hardly swallow it.
2) If you do your task together, you operate.
3) The teacher asked Tom to write the exercise.
4) Sorry, you understood me. I didn’t mean to hurt you.
5) My mother approves of my new friend.
6) You have been too kind to your colleagues recently.
7) Pete finds your question possible to answer.
8) Give up this healthy food as soon as possible.
9) How can Boris be so different to our failure?
10) The USA is a  cultural country.

Предисловие  ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3

1. THE VERB ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Unit 1.1. Present Active Tenses ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 5
Unit 1.2. Past Active Tenses ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
Unit 1.3. Future Active Tenses ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 15
Unit 1.4. Active Voice Tenses (Revision)  �������������������������������������������������������������� 19
Unit 1.5. Passive Voice Tenses ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 22
Unit 1.6. Reported Speech ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 25
Unit 1.7. Verb + Verbing Construction  ������������������������������������������������������������������ 30
Unit 1.8. Subjunctive Mood ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
Unit 1.9. Modal Verbs �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41
Unit 1.10. Phrasal Verbs  �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45
Unit 1.11. Participles �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 48
Unit 1.12. The Complex Object ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 51
Unit 1.13. Questions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52

2. THE NOUN �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56
Unit 2.1. Singular / Plural Forms  ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 56
Unit 2.2. Сountable / Uncountable Nouns ������������������������������������������������������������ 59
Unit 2.3. Articles �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61
Unit 2.4. The Possessive Case �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64

3. THE ADJECTIVE  �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68

Unit 3.1. Adjectival Prefixes and Suffixes ������������������������������������������������������������ 68
Unit 3.2. Degrees of Comparison �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70

4. THE ADVERB �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74

5. THE PRONOUN ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 79

6. THE NUMERAL ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 83

7. THE PREPOSITION  ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86

8. WORD FORMATION ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90
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Уч е б н о е э л е к т р о н н о е и з д а н и е

Макарова Татьяна Сергеевна

Грамматика английского языка
10–11 классы

Выпускающий редактор  Марина Сизых

Дизайн обложки  Юлии Морозовой
Вёрстка  Дмитрия Сахарова

Подписано к использованию 29.07.2022.

Формат 15,5×22,5 см.
Гарнитура SchoolBook.

109369, РФ, Москва, Новочеркасский бульвар, д. 47, кв. 25.
Сайт: https://www.vaco.ru

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