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Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан

Карагандинский государственный университет

им. Е.А. Букетова

Факультет иностранных языков

кафедра теории и методики иноязычной подготовки


для специальности 5B011900 - «Иностранный язык: два

иностранных языка (английский)»

Курс: 2
Семестр: 3

Караганда 2019
Составители: Рамазанова А.Р., преподаватель кафедры
теории и методики иноязычной подготовки

Данный учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «Базовый

иностранный язык в контексте межкультурной коммуникациии»
включает в себя описание учебной дисциплины, планы
практических занятий, методические рекомендации по
подготовке к практическим занятиям, планы занятий в рамках
самостоятельной работы студентов под руководством
преподавателя, тематику письменных работ, тестовые задания для

Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «Базовый

иностранный язык в контексте межкультурной коммуникациии»
для специальности 5В011900 – Иностранный язык: два
иностранных языка (английский)/ Сост. Рамазанова А. Р. -
Караганда: Изд-во КарГУ, 2019 г. – 30 с.

© Карагандинский государственный университет, 2019

1. Рабочая учебная программа очной формы обучения









3 -4 2 3 3 30 - 15 45 90 Экзамен

Наименование темы Семиарски




1. Life around the world 5 8 3

2. Sport. an international 5 8 3
3. Culture clash 5 8 3
4 Traveling abroad 5 8 2
5. A taste of culture at home- 5 8 2
foreign food
6. Stereotypes or cultural 5 5 2
Всего: 30 - 45 15

2 Данные о преподавателях:
1. Соколова Ирина Николаевна – ст. преподаватель,
irinapl04.12@mail.ru, 9.00-17.30, корп. №9, каб. № 218.
2.Есказинова Жанар Амантаевна – cт. преподаватель,
martbek@mail.ru, 9.00-17.30, корп. №9, каб. № 218.
3.Дениварова Надежда Валерьевна – преподаватель
romashkababy@mail.ru, 9.00-17.30, корп. №9, каб. № 218.
4. Тимошенко Валерия Игоревна, преподаватель,
musalira@mail.ru, 9.00-17.30, корп. №9, каб. № 218.
5. Карманова Анна Андреевна – преподаватель,
antossik_anna@mail.ru, 9.00-17.30, корп. №9, каб. № 218.
6. Аккерман Елена Олеговна – преподаватель,
biata_e@mail.ru, 9.00-17.30, корп. №9, каб. № 218.

3 Пререквизиты курса:
Иностранный язык, Базовый основной иностранный язык (В2)

4 Постреквизиты курса:
Язык для специальных целей (уровень С1,С2)

5 Краткое описание курса

Программа рассчитана на 3 семестр в объеме 90 ч.
Главным воздействующим средством является речь, поэтому
одной из главных задач в профессиональной подготовке педагога
любой дисциплины является формирование его речевых
Речь должна обеспечить продуктивное общение,
взаимодействие между педагогом и студентами, положительное
воздействие на сознание, чувства студентов с целью
формирования их знаний, навыков, убеждений и мотивов
деятельности, полноценное восприятие, рациональную
организацию учебной и практической деятельности студентов.
Цель дисциплины «Базовый иностранный язык в контексте
межкультурной коммуникациии» - формирование
компетентности бакалавра иностранного языка, необходимой для
практической деятельности в условиях работы в современной
Задачи дисциплины:
1. Сформировать общие представления о языке и речи, нормах
современного английского языка.
2. Обеспечить овладение студентами нормами и правилами
речевого поведения в различных коммуникативных ситуациях,
составляющих суть психолого-педагогического общения.
3. Обеспечить овладение основными стилями и жанрами устной
и письменной речи в целях воздействия на разные социальные
слои общества.
4. Способствовать формированию открытой для общения
личности, имеющей высокий рейтинг в системе современных
социальных ценностей.
В результате изучения дисциплины студент должен:
- основные характеристики языка и речи, их функции;
-основные особенности функциональных стилей английского
языка, их жанровое разнообразие и сферу функционирования;
- правила построения и исполнения публичной речи;
- правила речевого этикета.
- правильно выбирать языковые средства в разных речевых
- анализировать и создавать тексты разных функциональных
стилей и профессиональных жанров устной и письменной речи;
-ориентироваться в речевых ситуациях, связанных с
особенностями национальной культуры.
-навыками речевого этикета: правилами слушания и говорения;
-методикой выбора языковых средств, предназначенных для той
или иной речевой ситуации, тех или иных коммуникативных
- методикой анализа речи и поведения собеседников;
- навыками построения устной иноязычной речи;
Результаты (предметные и надпредметные
В результате изучения дисциплины “ «Базовый иностранный язык
в контексте межкультурной коммуникациии»” у студентов
должны быть сформированы следующие компетенции:
 профессиональная коммуникативная

 социокультурная
 межкультурная коммуникативная
 дискурсивная

6. График выполнения и сдачи заданий по дисциплине

№ Виды Цель и Реком Форм Балл Форма Сроки
работ содержание ендуе а ы отчѐтно сдачи
мая контр (от сти
литер оля 50
атура до
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1. Презентация Умение 1-5 ТК 1 50- устно 3

English раскрыть 100 недел
Breaking the тему, я
language логическо
barriers верно
2. Презентация Умение 1-5 ТК 2 50- устно 6
Culture clash высказывать 100 недел
ся свободно я
по теме
3. Презентация Умение 1-5 ТК 3 50- устно 10
A taste of представить 100 недел
culture at и донести я
home- информацию
foreign food корректно

4. За активность Закрепление 1-5 TK3 50- устно 15
пройденного 100 недел
материала я

7. Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины

№ Наименование учебников, пособий, Кол-во учебников

использованные по курсу в Научной
библиотеке КарГУ
1.Основная литература
1 Kathy C., Davis H. English for 10
academic purposes, «Longman»,
Malaysia, 2018
2 Davis Briggs, Paul Dummett. Skills 10
plus. Listening and speaking.
Macmillan, 2017
3 Will Forsyth, Sue Lavender. Skills plus. 10
Grammar and speaking. Macmillan,
4 Tess Ferree. North Star 4, Listening and 26
speaking. Longman, 2015
5 Will Forsyth. Skills plus. Reading and 10
speaking. Macmillan, 2018
6 First Certificate. Reading skills. Practice 21
book Grammar and Vocabulary. Luke
Prodmou. Macmillan.
7 First Certificate. Reading skills. Practice 21
book Grammar and Vocabulary. Luke
Prodmou. Macmillan.
8 First Certificate. Language practice.
Practice book Grammar and Vocabulary.

Luke Prodmou
9 Блинова С.И. Практика английского
языка. Сборник упражнений по
грамматике.- СПб.:Союз, 2017,-384с.
10 Кагазбаев Ж.А., Хорошавина И.Г.,
Корнева Т.С. Communicative activities
in English: учебное пособие.-
Караганда: Изд-во КарГУ, 2017.-57с.
2. Дополнительная литература
11 Кошманова И.И.,Сидорова Н.А.
Topics for discussion. «Союз», Санкт-
Петербург, 2016.
12 Крылова И. П.Грамматика
современного английского языка:
Учеб.-5-е изд. – М.: Кн. дом Ун-т,
2016. -443с.
13 Headway. English Course Liz and John
Soars. Oxford University Press
14 Блинова С.И. Практика английского
языка. Сборник упражнений по
грамматике.- СПб.:Союз, 2018,-384с.
15 Хмиль Е.О. Англо-русский
Тематический словарь. Харьков, 2017
16 Everyday English / Под ред.
Т.Ю.Дроздовой.- СПб.:Антология,
17 Корнеева Е.А., Баграмова Н.В.,
Чарекова Е.П. Практика английского
языка. Сборник упражнений по
устной речи.- СПб.: Издательство
18 Murphy R. English Grammar in Use: A
self study reference and practice book
for intermediate students.- New York:
Cambridge University Press, 2015.-
19 First Certificate Star. Practice book
Grammar and Vocabulary. Luke

20 English Grammar in Use. Raymond 49

Murphy. Cambridge University press.
21 Kazakhstan in brief: Пособие по 43
английскому языку для учащихся
старших классов и студентов/ Г.Х.
Молха. – СПб; Астана.: КОРОНА
принт, научная книга, 2017. – 96 с.,
22 Поговорим о Казахстане. Пособие по 25
английскому языку для учащихся
старших классов и студентов/ П.В.
Коссович. - СПб; Мажор, 2017. – 134
2.1 Список периодических изданий
2.2 Список источников на электронных носителях
23 Английский язык для автономного изучения. Асанова Д.Н.,
Аккерман Е.О.
2.3 Интернет источники
24 www. imdb.com
25 www.learnenglish.org.uk
26 www.lyrics.com
27 www.newspapers.com
28 www.president.kz
29 www.researchville.com
30 www.oup.com/elt/headway
8 Лекционный комплекс (тезисы лекций)
Лекционных занятий по данной дисциплине не предполагается

9 Планы практических занятий.

Тема 1: Life around the world

1. Do you ever have to adapt the way you speak to help you
2. Do you always say what you're thinking? Are there any
unwritten rules in your language as to what is considered to
be polite?
English Grammar & Vocabulary
1. watch video about Oliver and Alfie decide to enter a bike
2. The video showsthe grammar being used in natural
conversations. Then read an explanation of the grammar
point and do the exercises to check that you can use the
language correctly.

Breaking the language barriers: part 1

I know that speaking is an important part of learning a language.

But speaking and communicating are two very different things.
When you go abroad, you have the chance to speak in another
language, to improve it and to use it to communicate with others.
But when two people don't speak the same language, it's not easy to
be understood and they often encounter a language barrier.

I worked in a school in Seville, Spain for a year. My experience

there can be divided into two parts.

Before moving, I thought that I‟d be speaking in Spanish all the
time. But for the first five months, I lived in a flat (in the area of
Triana) with a German boy and two Polish girls. Unfortunately, my
flatmates couldn't speak Spanish and I don‟t speak German or
Polish; so, to communicate we had to speak in English – and I soon
discovered that this isn‟t as easy as it sounds.

I remember explaining something to one of the girls and I knew

immediately that she hadn‟t understood me. As a native English
speaker, I was speaking naturally – like I do with my family and
friends. But for her I was speaking too fast. And I could see the
confusion on her face. So, I had to learn to speak much slower.

I discovered that simplicity is very important too. Sometimes, I

would begin to tell my flatmates something and then I‟d realise that
I was using an expression that was too complicated. So, I had to
learn to use alternative words and expressions that were much
simpler and easier for them to understand. I even began to use my
hands more so that when I spoke they understood me better.

Being Scottish, I have an accent – not a very strong one, but in

comparison to the foreign-American accent of my flatmates, I
always heard it when I was speaking. My flatmates found it
difficult to understand me because they weren‟t used to the accent.
So, I had to learn to control it. I also tried to control my accent at
work so that the teachers and children understood me. For example,
I used more of an English accent to pronounce certain words like
„bird‟, „earth‟, „girl‟ and „mirror‟ because they are pronounced
differently in Scottish English.

Sometimes, I felt more foreign than my flatmates – even though we

were speaking in my native tongue. They spoke with a similar
accent, they used the same expressions and they even made the
same mistakes. They also used words that I never use because they
speak American English. But to make things easier, I would say
„chips‟ (American English) instead of „crisps‟ (British English),
„fries‟ instead of „chips‟, „movie‟ instead of „film‟, and „trash‟
instead of „rubbish‟.

Living with my flatmates was a great experience. But it was

difficult too. I had to learn to speak slower and simpler, to control
my accent and to use words that I never use. I had to completely
change the way I speak – and this was exhausting. From speaking
at work to speaking at home, I could never speak naturally. I
always had to compromise.

But sometimes, that‟s what communication is about. When you go

abroad, you will encounter language barriers. There will be
confusion and misunderstanding. But we have to compromise.
When two people don‟t speak the same language, one can't expect
the other to understand them. They both have to make an effort to
communicate – they have to make an effort to break the barrier.

And after all the effort I made, I discovered that my voice

eventually changed. I even lost my accent for a while. And still
today, I have to learn to stop using my hands when I speak.

The dos and don'ts of learning a new language

People decide to learn another language for many different reasons.
Some decide to learn another language because they would like to
live in another country. Others decide to learn a language because
of their job. Some people have to study a language at school and
others might decide to learn a language just for fun!
I‟ve been learning French for just over two years. I decided to learn
it because I wanted to learn something new and because I love
French culture. Learning French has been a fun and exciting
journey but it‟s also been challenging. I‟ve learnt a lot about the
challenges faced whilst learning a new language and have put
together some „dos‟ and „don‟ts‟ to help advise other language
enjoy it
Learning a new language can be a hard and repetitive process that
requires a lot of motivation. Try different activities and to make
your language learning as much fun as possible. Why not try
watching your favourite TV series in that language or listening to
music in that language?
write down your mistakes
A person correcting you is a good thing and it will help you
improve. I like to write the mistakes that I make in a small pocket
book. I also write new vocabulary that I‟ve learnt too.

set unrealistic expectations
If you have recently started learning another language it may be
unrealistic to expect to be fluent within a couple of months.
Wanting to become fluent is a great goal, but be aware that it could
take a while. The same thing goes for accents. It‟s very difficult to
have a native accent. The most important thing is that you‟re clear
and people can understand you. Take your time and celebrate the
progress that you‟ve made so far.
be scared
When I first started speaking French I wasn‟t confident. I worried
about my accent, pronunciation, grammar and didn‟t make the most
of speaking opportunities. Looking back it seems silly and now I‟m
more than happy to speak French. My advice is don‟t be scared or
overthink it, just be confident and speak.

Have you got any language learning tips? What do you like to
do when you’re learning a new language?

Рекомендуемая литература: [1]

Тема 2: Sport. an international language
1. Which sports are popular in your country?
2. Can dance be considered a sport?
English Grammar & Vocabulary
1. watch video about Sophie is working closer to home this
week. She‟s in London and she has a surprise for Oliver and
2. The video show the grammar being used in natural
conversations. Then read an explanation of the grammar
point and do the exercises to check that you can use the

language correctly.


As a new resident of Provence, upon arrival in Marseille airport I

couldn't ignore the number of football shirts proudly worn by the
city's residents. 'Droit du bût', the club's famous motto, which
means 'straight to the goal', was visible from small cafés to
prominent graffiti in the city.

This region may be teeming with passionate football fans but my

passion is reserved for another sport. One of the first things I did,
having moved to the south of France to start a language assistant
post, was to find the local running club!

I have been a keen runner competing in regional championships in

the UK during my teenage years and national championships whilst
at university. Running is in my blood! So why not make the most of
the phenomenal 'Allipine' mountains which surround my new town
and the extraordinarily warm temperatures? In England it almost
seems strange if you aren't running in the rain!

I felt immediately at home at my first session with the familiarity of
the striking 400m red and blue track. Much like my own club in
London, 'Club Athlétisme Salonais' is like an extended family but
instead of aunties and uncles, you find throwers and sprinters to
fulfil those roles. It may sound very clichéd but having moved
abroad to work, it has been really important to my first few weeks
settling in. The competition season is fast approaching, with the
first race in two weeks, so plenty of time to get to know more of the
club, and of course, improve my times.

I haven't, however, completely ignored the football in Marseille. In

a few weeks time I will have a football fan come and visit for a few
days. We plan to see a home match at the magnificent stadium,
sitting amongst the 67,000 fans. I think I'll need to buy a football

Рекомендуемая литература: [1]

Тема 3.. Culture clash

Do you like meeting people from other countries?

English Grammar & Vocabulary
1. watch video. Sophie is in Iceland for work and Oliver is in
a really bad mood.
2. The video show the grammar being used in natural
conversations. Then read an explanation of the grammar
point and do the exercises to check that you can use the
language correctly.

Culture clash: UK and Finland

What do you visualise when you think of Finnish culture? 2 years
ago I wouldn‟t have even been able to point the country out on a
map, let alone tell you about its culture. Now I can tell you much
more than an average Brit probably could.
During my first year studying at the University of Chester, I met
other students from across Europe who were spending a year in the
UK through the ERASMUS programme, which enables higher
education students like me to study or work abroad as part of their
degree. Throughout the year I was able to share the students‟
experiences of British culture, which led me to learn about the
differences in culture between the UK and Finland and establish
lifelong friendships with some Finnish students.
During one of my first conversations with a Finnish student, I
learnt that Finland is situated in northern Europe; the name of the
capital is Helsinki and it has a subarctic climate, which means it
often experiences very cold weather during the winter. From then
on it was interesting to discover the differences in culture through
the ways in which we reacted to the world around us. For example,
winters in Finland can reach -45 degrees and experience heavy
snow, which I experienced when I visited Finland during the
Christmas holidays. Finland is very well equipped for this weather
and continues to maintain daily activities with little difficulties. On
the contrary and to the amusement of many Finns, snowy
conditions in the UK often appear dramatized as what seems like a
small amount of snow to a Finn can cause British everyday life to
grind to a halt.
Winters in Finland can last from November to April and include a
period in which the sun doesn‟t rise, which can vary from days to
months. Similarly, during midsummer there is a period when
Finland has no sunset at all. Perhaps the sauna, which is popular
with Finns in all seasons, is used as a method of enduring this
extreme weather.
This experience has demonstrated to me that travelling abroad does
not only impact your own life, but it can also impact the lives of
others too. Experiencing languages and cultures that I am
unfamiliar with has now become one of my passions and I look
forward to discovering other cultures and their fascinating
similarities and differences that make them so unique.
Рекомендуемая литература: [1,2, 3, 8]

Тема 4. Travelling abroad

1. Have you ever travelled by air? What is the longest flight you
have taken?
2. Is it better to go on holiday with family, friends, or alone?
English Grammar & Vocabulary
Present perfect: simple and continuous
1. watch video. Sophie is working in Dubai but Amy was
hoping she may be able to ask her a favour..
2. The video show the grammar being used in natural
conversations. Then read an explanation of the grammar
point and do the exercises to check that you can use the
language correctly.

Adventure travel
Put the activities under the correct holiday.

try different sports/ learn about foreign cultures/ visit Scotland/ try
different local food/ go kayaking/ see lions/ follow a local guide/ visit the
South Pole/ see whales/ climb mountains


Adventure travel

Check out this brochure with some of the most exciting adventure
holidays around the world and improve your reading skills. Are you
ready for this?

Рекомендуемая литература: [1]
Тема 5. A taste of culture at home- foreign food
1. Do you like trying food from different countries?
2. Do you use cookery books or the internet to find new recipes?

3. Do you ever cook? What is your favourite thing to make?
English Grammar & Vocabulary
Passive voice
1. watch video. Sophie is in China for work and phones home
to tell Ollie about her trip
2. The video show the grammar being used in natural
conversations. Then read an explanation of the grammar
point and do the exercises to check that you can use the
language correctly.


With there being so many different cultures to discover across the

world, I often find myself contemplating how I will ever begin to
explore the traditions of such a vaste number of countries. Finally, I
have found an answer to this question, and that answer is food.

Food is an important aspect of any culture, and often becomes the
basis for cultural stereotypes. England, for example, is renowned
for its Sunday roasts, whilst snails and frogs legs are typically
associated with France. Stereotypes aside, trying different cuisines
can be a great way of exploring foreign culture in the comfort of
your own home, providing a taste of culture whilst also avoiding
the high costs of travel.

There are an abundance of cheap and simple recipes online these

days, so you need not be an expert chef if you wish to cook some
foreign food. Indeed, online websites provide a great opportunity
for young people who want to learn to cook. This way, you can
avoid the habit of ordering takeaways on a daily basis when you
leave home. In addition, most recipe websites now have different
pages for different types of cuisine, so it is easier than ever to
discover popular foreign food.

Not adventurous with food? Whilst I do consider myself relatively

adventurous with food, you will not find me trying snails anytime
soon. However, in my own research, I have found many recipes that
use everyday ingredients with different cultural twists. This could
therefore be a perfect option if you are not overly adventurous with
food, or simply if you fancy a slight change from your routine
weekly meals.

Whether you‟re a budding cook, or simply a lover of food, foreign

cuisine could be the perfect solution to all your cultural worries,
providing a great way of enjoying a culture whilst avoiding
excessive costs.

Рекомендуемая литература: [1,2,3]

Тема 6. Environment and life style


1. Do you think there's a difference between stereotypes and
cultural characteristics?
2. What are some stereotypes of your culture? Do you think they
are true or false?
English Grammar & Vocabulary
Question tags

1. watch video. Sophie is in the Australian outback and not

everything goes to plan.
2. The video show the grammar being used in natural
conversations. Then read an explanation of the grammar
point and do the exercises to check that you can use the
language correctly.

Stereotypes or cultural characteristics?

Several years ago, Jeremy Clarkson, presenter of the famous BBC

television programme „Top Gear‟, discovered that one of his guests
was half German and half Irish. Immediately, he retorted: “That‟s

quite an odd combination. It‟s like, „this must be done absolutely
perfectly… tomorrow‟”.
This joke played on stereotypes of the Germans as ruthlessly
efficient and the Irish as lazy. Many people could understandably
be offended by these kinds of assertions. We do not know every
Irish person, so how can we then conclude that every Irish person is
Despite this, there are many places which encourage us to make
general assumptions about different nationalities and cultures. From
travel guides to websites, it is common to receive advice on the
attitudes of the inhabitants of a country.
I recently read on a website that Irish business people were describe
as being 'generally rather casual' and 'more outwardly friendly than
many European countries'. German business people, on the other
hand, are considered to be very direct and according to the website,
they 'do not need a personal relationship in order to do business'.
Once you hear advice like this, it becomes easier to understand
where jokes like the one in the first paragraph come from.
So why do some people frown upon the kind of stereotypes as seen
in Clarkson‟s joke, while not batting an eyelid when it comes to
generalisations. What is the difference between the two?
By definition, a stereotype is a widely held but fixed and
oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
A cultural characteristic, on the other hand, is a pattern of
behaviour that is typical of a certain group.
So what does this really mean? Stereotypes are simply exaggerated
assumptions about groups of people. Imagine if a tourist visited a
small town in Switzerland and saw a number of locals playing the
alphorn instrument, and then claimed that Swiss people can play the
alphorn. This would be a stereotype! This is an exaggerated image
of the Swiss which is based on one tourist‟s experience.
If, however, this tourist were to say that the Swiss are very
punctual, this could be seen as a cultural characteristic. This is
because it is a pattern of behaviour which is very typical in
Switzerland: from their transport system to their business meetings.
In this way, some people argue that generalising another culture is
not just useful, but important. Politicians always have to be mindful
of the cultural characteristics of different countries. By becoming
aware of different cultural characteristics, they can avoid causing
offence in those cultures.
However, others argue that generalising cultures will always lead to
offensive stereotypes. They argue that the best thing we can do is to
stop generalising cultures and start treating people as individuals.
All this raises important questions: can making generalisations
about groups of people be a positive thing? Or should we always
avoid making broad assumptions about different groups?
Рекомендуемая литература: [1, 14]

10. Планы лабораторных занятий

Лабораторные занятия по данной дисциплине не предусмотрены.

11. Планы занятий в рамках самостоятельной работы

студентов под руководством преподавателя

Тема 1: Life around the world

Good luck around the world
Форма проведения СРСП:
1. Preparation of the power point presentation.
2. Analysis of the stages of presentation.
3. Discussion of pluses and minuses of the represented presentations.
Методические рекомендации по выполнению заданий:
1. Study and work with the texts, recommended on practical training
and in this section.
2. Make the power point presentation in accordance with the given
3. Make your own project on the issue “Old university traditions”.
Рекомендуемая литература: [2-7]

Тема 2: Sport. an international language


Extreme sports
sports Listening (3, p. 50)
 Grammar (3, p.50-51)
 Speaking (3, р. 51)
Форма проведения СРСП:
Reading the represented texts
1. Making analysis of the texts
Методические рекомендации по выполнению заданий:
1. Study the recommended texts in conformity with tasks
2. Explain the meaning of the unknown words and terminology using
your vocabulary
Рекомендуемая литература: [1-11]

Тема 3: Culture clash

The importance-sharing-cultures
Форма проведения СРСП:
1. Share infornation
2. Background and vocabulary
3. Focus on listening
4. Focus on speaking .
5. Reading
6. Speaking
Методические рекомендации по выполнению заданий:
1. Study and work with the texts, recommended on practical training.
2. Give your own examples for descriptive and narrative writing.
Рекомендуемая литература: [1-7]

Тема 4: Traveling abroad

Задания: Travel guide

Форма проведения СРСП:
1. Listening
2. Vocabulary
3. Colloquial phrases
4. Speaking
Методические рекомендации по выполнению заданий:
1. Study and work with the texts, recommended on practical training;
2. Answer the multiple choice test;
Рекомендуемая литература: [1-7]

Тема 5: A taste of culture at home- foreign food

Задания: English breakfast
 Listening
 Grammar
 Speaking
Форма проведения СРСП:
1 Discussion of problem questions of a theme.
2 Making the conspectus
3 Writing final copy.
Методические рекомендации по выполнению заданий:
1. Study and work with the texts, recommended on practical training.
2. Study the model of final copy and find the topic sentence,
supporting points and supporting details.
Рекомендуемая литература: 1-7]

Тема 6: Stereotypes or cultural characteristics?

Stereotypes. True or false
Форма проведения СРСП:
1. Reading in discussion groups of three
2. Speaking „
3. Vocabulary
Методические рекомендации по выполнению заданий
1. Study and work with the texts, recommended on practical training
and on this section;
2. Explain the meaning of the “put on sway”. Find other unusual
words and word-combinations.
Рекомендуемая литература: [1-7]

12. Планы занятий в рамках самостоятельной работы


Тема 1. Life around the world

Read the articles to help you to get ready for Unit 2
www. simple wikipedia.org/wiki/poverty
Форма проведения СРСП:
While reading this article think about: What problems does poverty
Методические рекомендации:
1. Study all the theoretical and practical material offered at the
practical lessons;
2. Read “How to prepare and present an oral presentation” (2, p. 108-
Рекомендуемая литература: [1-7]

Тема 2: Sport. an international language

Read the articles to help you to get ready for Unit 3
www. en. wikipedia.org/wiki/fundamental_science
www. en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Applied _science
Методические рекомендации по выполнению заданий
While you are reading these articles think about:
- What the difference between a oure science and applied
- Which do you think is more useful to society?
Рекомендуемая литература: [1-7]

Тема 3: Culture clash

Read the articles found on the websites below
Методические рекомендации по выполнению заданий
1.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English for_academic_purposes
Методические рекомендации по выполнению заданий:
What is the definition of English for academic purposes?
What are the criteria that define literary genres?
Рекомендуемая литература: [1-7]

Тема 4: Traveling abroad

Read the articles to help you to get ready for Unit 5
www. huffingtonpost.com/201-layout-2010_/03/29new-wikipedia-
Методические рекомендации:
Consider the following questions about the sites
What makes news?
What makes a news announcement?
Why has Wikipedia been announced in the huffeingtonpost.com
Рекомендуемая литература:

Тема 5: A taste of culture at home- foreign food

Read the articles to help you to get ready for Unit 6
www. simple wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_effect
www. simple wikipedia.org/wiki/Global warming
Методические рекомендации по выполнению заданий
While reading think about
What is the article „Greenhouse effect‟?
Why the Greenhouse effect occur?
What are the likely results of the Greenhouse effect?
Рекомендуемая литература:[1-5]

Тема 6: Stereotypes or cultural characteristics?
Задания: Go to the website of the university you intend to apply or
any university you have heard of in an English-speaking country
Методические рекомендации по выполнению заданий
Think about
What support services are available to overseas students?
Which of those services might be useful to you?
How can you access them?
Рекомендуемая литература:[1-5]

13. Тематика письменных работ по курсу, курсовых работ

Не предусмотрено

14. Информация по оценке

Рейтинговая шкала оценки знаний студентов

Рейтинг Баллы
Текущий 50-100
Рубежный 50-100
Итоговый 50-100
Всего: 50-100

Критерии оценки знаний студентов

Количество правильных
90-100 отлично
75-89 хорошо
50-70 удовлетворительно
ниже 50 неудовлетворительно

15. Экзаменационные вопросы по курсу

1. Life around the world

2. Sport. an international language
3. Culture clash
4 Traveling abroad
5. A taste of culture at home- foreign food
6. Stereotypes or cultural characteristics?


1. Рабочая учебная программа дневного отделения 3

2. Данные о преподавателях …………... 3
3 Пререквизиты.……… 4
4. Постреквизиты …………………………………. 4
5Краткое описание дисциплины 4
6 График выполнения и сдачи заданий по дисциплине 6
7 Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности дисциплины... 7
8. Лекционный комплекс (тезисы лекций)…………………….. 9
9. Планы практических занятий................................................ 9
10. Планы лабораторных занятий .................................................... 24
11. Планы занятий в рамках самостоятельной работы студентов 24
под руководством преподавателя…………………..
12. Планы занятий в рамках самостоятельной работы 27
13. Тематика письменных работ по курсу, курсовых работ......... 29
14. Информация по оценке................................................................ 29
15. Экзаменационные вопросы по курсу………………………… 30
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