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Lesson 7
The Subjunctive mood with wishes
The Subjunctive mood in object
The Subjunctive mood in subject
The Subjunctive mood -это сослагательное наклонение,
которое выражает:

Cубъективное отношение говорящего к действиям/

Возможное, предполагаемое, желательное, но
нереальное действие или состояние.
Примеры :

God save the Queen -Боже, храни Королеву (отношение).

I wish I were rich and famous - Я хотела бы быть богатой и знаменитой

(желательное, но пока нереальное).
The Subjunctive mood. Wishes and related forms

For wishes about the present: I wish + the Past Simple

1. I wish I lived in L.A. (I do not live in L.A.)- Вот бы я жила в Л.А.

For wishes about the past: I wish + Past Perfect

1. I wish I had gone to that concert with you last week (I did not go)- Жаль, что я
не пошел на коцерт с тобой на прошлой неделе.

For wishes about the future : I wish + could

1. I wish I could get there on time - Надеюсь, я смогу приехать туда вовремя.

In order to complain: I wish + would

1. I wish you would be more patient - Вот бы ты был более терпеливым.
2. I wish you would not make such a mess - Вот бы ты не устраивал такой
The Subjunctive mood in object clauses

In object clauses after verbs: suggest, demand, request, insist,

advise, recommend, desire, order we use should + infinitive

He suggests that the meeting should be postponed till Monday -

Он предлагает отложить собрание до понедельника.
He recommended that we should take part in this competition -
Он рекомендовал нам принять участие в этом соревновании.
The Subjunctive mood in subject clauses

In subject clauses after: It is (was) necessary / important/ desirable/

advisable/ recommended/ requested / demanded / ordered we use
should + infinitive

It is advisable that you should take up sport to keep fit-

Желательно, чтобы ты начал заниматься спортом, чтобы
поддерживать форму.
The Subjunctive mood in subject clauses

In subject clauses after: It is strange / odd/ funny/ wonderful / impossible/

doubtful / unnatural we use should + infinitive

It is strange that you should be staying in the same hotel-

Странно, что ты сейчас остановился в том же самом отеле.
It is essential that each of you should meet him -
Необходимо, чтобы каждый из вас встретился с ним.
It is impossible that he should have said such things -
Не может быть, чтобы он такое сказал.
Give a response to the following sayings, beginning with "I wish"
1. She is very suspicious about people -________________________________
2. He is not a man of principle - ________________________________
3. She has no sense of humour - ________________________________
4. I followed his advice - ________________________________
5. He doesn't know German-_____________________________
6. She was rude but she wouldn't apologize- ____________________________
7. Peter didn't pass his driving test last week- ___________________________
Rewrite the sentences using the Subjunctive Mood with the verb "should"
All the library books are to be returned before the summer vacation.
It's requested ______________________________________________________________
You'd better see this method in practice first before introducing it into our work.
It's advisable _______________________________________________________________
It's necessary for him to practice more if he wants to win the competition.
It's necessary _______________________________________________________________
I doubt that he swam across the English Channel.
It's doubtful _________________________________________________________________
You'd better consult a specialist.
It's necessary ________________________________________________________________

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