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Lingua Delight


Lingua Delight
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ра служат нужными зацепочками для памяти при просмотре анимационного фильма “The
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The Secret Life of Pets

Max (Louis C.K.) is a spoiled terrier who enjoys a comfortable
life in a New York building until his owner adopts Duke, a giant
and unruly canine. During their walk outside, they encounter a
group of ferocious alley cats and wind up in a truck that's bound
for the pound. Luckily, a rebellious bunny named Snowball
swoops in to save the doggy duo from captivity. In exchange,
Snowball demands that Max and Duke join his gang of abandoned
pets on a mission against the humans who've done them wrong.

You can use the following links to watch this film:


Lingua Delight Task 1
to get along – ладить, уживаться he’s the death of all good things – он
a loyal protector – преданный защит- губит все хорошее
ник to chew a stick – жевать/грызть палку
soul mates – родственные души to bear – выносить
a pound – приют для животных to flip out – психовать, слететь с ка-
to get used to – привыкать к тушек
to take in – принять to trash – разгромить, испортить
to take care – заботиться sewers – канализация
stubborn – упрямый to play fetch – играть в прятки
to fit – подходить, быть в самый раз a napper – любитель вздремнуть
comfy – удобный, уютный to mess up – портить дело
to scoot – удирать, смываться to stall – увиливать
to get rid of sth/sb – избавиться от че- to appreciate – ценить

Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/_a2ijae?x=1jqt&i=3ingiu

TASK 1. Put the verbs in brackets (...) in the right form to complete the sentences. Watch the
episode 00:00:00 - 00:03:552 and check.

I 1)_______________ (live) in this city all my life. I 2)____ (be) Max. And I 3)_____ (be) the
luckiest dog in New York because of her. That's Katie. Katie and I... Well, we 4)_______ (have)
the perfect relationship.
We 5)________ (meet) a few years ago. And, boy, let me tell ya, we got along right away. It
6)______ (be) one of those relationships where you just 7)________ (know). And get this! She
8)__________________ (look) for a roommate. And so 9) ________ (be) I! So I just
10)__________ (move) in that same day. It was perfect.
We 11)____________________ (be) together ever since. Katie would do anything for me. And I
12)______ (be) her loyal protector. Our love is… How do I put this? Our love is stronger than
words. Or shoes. It's me and Katie. Katie and me. Us against the world. I wouldn't go so far as to
call us soul mates, even though any sane person who saw us would.
There 13) _______ (be) just one little problem. Pretty much every day…
-Come on, Max.
...she leaves.
-I 14)_________ (see) you tonight.
Sometimes I 15)_________ (try) stuff to get her to stay.
-Okay. Sit. Spin. Speak. Okay. That's a good boy.
But it never 16)__________ (work). Where 17) ___ she __________(go)? What could she pos-
sibly 18)____________________ (do)?
Oh, I 19)_________ (miss) her so much.
-Oh my! She's back!
-Forgot my phone.
-What 20)__________ (take) so long? Why did you… Oh, come on!
Oh! I miss her so much.

hereinafter the time of the episodes is according to http://ororo.tv
Lingua Delight Task 1

Lingua Delight Task 2
TASK 2. Watch the episode 00:03:55 - 00:09:20. Write down the pets’ names.

What do they do when their owners leave home?


Lingua Delight Task 3
TASK 3. Katie adopts Duke from the pound. Watch the episode of meeting Max and
Duke and fill in the gaps in the dialogues.

1. 00:09:20 - 00:10:45

I'm home, Max. Hey, Maximilian. How was your day, 1)____________? That's a good boy.
Oh, yes. I'm so 2)_________ to see you too, buddy. Okay, boy. 3)_____________, it's okay.
Let's all be calm. Now, I have some big news. I know this'll take some getting used to, but I
think it's gonna be a 4)_______ thing in the long...Oh! Max, this is Duke. He's going to be your
No, Max. It's gonna be all right, Duke. It's okay. Aww. See? He likes you.
Whoa. Aww. Yeah, that's it, Duke. Take a 6)________ around. I know, buddy. This is a lot
to 7)_______ ____. But he didn't have a home. So you and I are gonna have to take 8) _______ of
him. Okay?
Oh, my 9)________! Duke found our lost ball! What a great 10)________ we're gonna be.

2. 00:10:45 - 00:12:08
- Psst. Psst. Hey. Little guy. This place is so great!
- Uh-huh.
- By the way… That is one 1)___________ bed.
- Yeah, it's okay.
- Maybe we could 2)_________? You know, one night you get the bed. The next night, I do.
That 3)_______ of thing.
- You know, this bed is mine. You? You get an old blanket. That 4)_______ you. You're an
old-blanket kind of a dog.
- Oh, wow. You are 5)_______. Hey, I get it. I'm stubborn, too. But we gotta learn to get

Lingua Delight Tasks 3 & 4
- Wait. What are you...
- I 7)_____ we can both fit in this bed if we really try. Let me 8)________ on in there.
- No, wait.
- Ah! Perfect. This is 9)________, right?
- No, it is not.
- I'm comfy.

3. 00:12:08 - 00:13:17
- Duke is just 1)__________ our lives! It's an emergency that you get 2)_______of this dog.
He stole my… And he's scary, and he's 3)__________, and he's the death of all good things.
- Aww. You little 4)_______ pie.
We'll play tomorrow, buddy, okay? Okay,
sleep well.
- Are you trying to get rid of me?
- Before I answer that... I'd like to
5)______ how much you heard.
- So, that's how it's gonna be, huh?
Oh, man, are you making me 6)________!
And when I get angry, I do this. And I
don't want to do that. I 7)_________ this
place. And if it's gonna 8)_______ down
to you or me… It's gonna be me.

TASK 4. Watch the episode 00:13:17 - 00:23:15 and do the exercises a), b) and c)
a) Complete the sentences with a verb in the right form. Then watch the episode 00:13:20 -
00:14:45 where Max complains about Duke and check. Translate the phrases in bold.

not want get (x2) not care not do sleep bring want not help start

- Chloe, Chloe! I (1)_______ a bad situation. Katie (2)__________ home a new dog from the
pound. She said he's my brother. I (3)_______________ a brother. I don't even have a bed now. I
(4) ________________ on the floor, like a dog. Why would Katie do this to me?
- Because she's a dog person, Max. And dog people do weird, inexplicable things. Like they
(5)__________ dogs instead of cats.
Okay, please don't start now, Chloe. That
- Max? Come on, I'm your friend. Okay?
And as your friend, I gotta be honest with you. I
(7)_____________________ about you or your
problems. But if you (8)______________ some-
thing about this guy, and soon, your perfect lit-
tle life with your dumb, bleh, human is gonna
be over, forever.
- Forever?
- Forever. Yeah, that's what I just...Why is
this mouse on my paw still? Look, if you really
(9)_________to get your turf back you're gonna
have to (10)__________ acting like the alpha
- Right. Alpha dog. I can do that.

Lingua Delight Task 4

b) Are you a dog person or a cat person? Have you got any pets? If you’ve got, describe your

c) Useful expressions. Complete the sentences, then translate them.

1. I'm not sure if you're _____________, but one of those food bowls, technically... (Max)
2. I was just thinking, I don't know, maybe we could ____________ some ground rules. (Max)
3. Katie's gonna _______ ______ when she sees how you __________ her whole place. (Max)
4. Oh, that's a __________. (Max)
5. This could only be the work of a dangerous ________, who hasn't laid down a ___________
of trust. (Max)
6. Thank __________ you're here. (Max)
7. Not that I __________. It doesn't _________ to me. (Gidget)
8. Hey, _______'s up? (a dog walker Guillermo)

Lingua Delight Tasks 4 & 5

9. __________ mind. (Max)

10. Be a good _______ and bring me a stick, won't you? (Max)
11. It would please me to _________ on a stick just now. (Max)
12. I wanna make ________ I grab you the right one. (Duke)
13. Well, that's very, uh, ___________. (Max)
14. __________ your own business. (Duke)
15. Oh, my ______, what happened to you? (Duke)
16. I just remembered I gotta be _______________! (Duke)
17. No ___________, but good-bye! (Max)
18. Throw it with your arm, you lazy __________! (Mel)
19. I would not _________ that. I'm old-_________. (Buddy)
20. Max, it's the end of the ________ for me. (Duke)

TASK 5. Watch the episode 00:23:15 – 00:28:50 and do the exercises a) and b).
a) Match the contractions with their full form
1. Whatcha doing in the middle of the road?

2. I'm busting you outta here! a)am not, are not, is not, has not, have not

3. And now you're gonna burn. b) you all

4. I ain't no pet! c) out of

5. Oh, y'all cold-blooded. d) what are you

6. What are y'all waiting for? e) going to

10 !
Lingua Delight Tasks 5 & 6
b) Translate the sentences.

1. Maria, your face, it wears a thousand sorrows.

(on TV)
2. Oh, I have come face-to-face with the worst
thing in the world. (on TV)
3. I cannot bear another moment without knowing! (Gidget)
4. How dare you! (Buddy)
5. Calm down, girl. (Buddy)
6. The revolution has begun! Liberated forever! Domesticated never! (Snowball)
7. Yeah, you got the stench of domestication all over you. (Snowball)
8. If I had a dime for every owner I killed... (Duke)
9. That's fine. (Duke) Sounds like a fun challenge. (Max)
10. All right, guys, let's do this! (Snowball)
11. To the sewers! (Snowball)

TASK 6. Watch the episode 00:28:50 - 00:42:25 and answer the following questions.

1. Who helps Chloe to find Max?

2. What does Max look like?
3. What is the new password in the Flushed Pets?
4. What story does Max tell?
5. Who is Ricky?
6. What is the rabbit’s story?
7. Who is Viper? What happened to him?

Lingua Delight Task 7
TASK 7. WRITING. Snowball says: “Humans say they
love us but then they turn around and throw us out like
garbage. It's not our fault we don't look like the ad!”.
Do you agree with this? Does it happen in our society?
What do you think?

Write a small essay about this problem.


Lingua Delight Tasks 8 & 9

TASK 8. Do the puzzle, find 14 adjectives.

TASK 9. Watch the episode 00:42:25 – 00:59:35. Translate these sentences into English.

1. Его хозяин никогда не бывает дома, так что это своего рода горячая
точка. (Buddy)
2. Что за пустая трата времени! (Chloe)
3. Кстати, я не хотел обидеть, я просто… (Chloe)
4. Чувствую себя странно, чувак. (Buddy)
5. В итоге, я иду прямо за тобой Tiny Dog! (Snowball)


Lingua Delight Task 10
TASK 10. Watch the episode 00:59:35 - 01:02:25 with Duke telling Max about his former
owner. Put the phrases into the correct order.

❏ Of course he liked you. He was your owner. I mean, he's probably worried sick!
❏ Well, I do know and we're going! Your owner's gonna freak! I'm freaking out just
thinking about it. Okay. Let's do it!
❏ Right back at you, man.
❏ When I met you, I was all like, "I don't know if I like him." But now that I know you,
I'm like, "I like him." You know, I saw this place from the outside many times. Had I known what
treasures awaited within these walls, I would've broke down that door a long time ago, I'll tell you!
❏ Yeah, but… But he never came for me. Maybe he… Maybe he didn't like me.
❏ What are you talking about?
❏ You know what? This may be the sausage talking, but you're okay.
❏ Duke, man, wait. Did you
used to have an owner?
❏ Yes, you do. Come on. I don't
❏ But you know what? He was
so cool.
❏ Yeah?
❏ He was the best. Man, we had
fun. We'd play fetch. We'd go for walks.
We'd take naps. We were both big nappers. I got out one night, chasing a butterfly, or a car. By the
time I had caught up with it and ate it… Probably a butterfly, then. I realized I was so far away from
my home I couldn't find it. A few days later, I was picked up by Animal Control. I had a great thing
going. But I had to go and mess it up.
❏ Duke, we gotta go to your house.
❏ Nah.
❏ My old owner and I used to live around here.
❏ Your owner's gonna be relieved!
❏ Will he?
❏ I don't know.
❏ Well, it was a long time ago. I don't want to talk about it.
❏ Yeah.

Lingua Delight Tasks 11 & 12
TASK 11. Watch the episode 01:02:25 – 01:20:00. Who says this? Mark the sentences with D
(Duke), M (Max), C (Cat), S (Snowball). Translate the highlighted phrases.

1. Let's have a long talk about why you think I'm stalling.
2. Duke, you have nothing to be nervous about.
3. Your owner is going to be thrilled to see you.
4. And I'm gonna have to ask you to get off my lawn before I get, um, what you have.
5. I was trying to help you!
6. You were trying to get rid of me!
7. You know what, Duke? I don't need this. I'll see you later.
8. Finally got you, big fella.
9. This kills me to say, but we gotta join forces, man.
10. We make a great team, Tiny Dog!
11. Well, mainly, I'm doing all the hard work, but you're helping!
12. Always keeping me in check.
13. Have you ever lived across from someone your whole life, but you don't really appreciate
them, until they're beating up dozens of animals on the Brooklyn Bridge?
14. I guess what I'm trying to say is... If you ever wanna...

TASK 12. Look at the examples of zero and first conditionals* in this film. Join the be-
ginnings of the phrases with their ends. Translate the sentences. What type of conditionals is
used here?

1. (00:12:47-00:12:50) If it's gonna come down to a) …when she sees that.

you or me,
2. (00:12:39-00:12:42) When I get angry, b) …you're gonna have to start acting like
the alpha dog.
3. (00:14:26-00:14:35) If you don't do something c) …it's the end of the line for me.
about this guy,
4. (00:15:52-00:15:54) Katie's gonna be so upset d) …I do this.
5. (00:15:54-00:16:00) Katie's gonna flip out e) …I'm on my way to the roof to look for
6. (00:14:43-00:14:49) If you really want to get f) …I'll find your friend.
your turf back,
7. (00:23:08-00:23:10) If I go back, g) …put on the hood and pretend to be
8. (00:24:25-00:24:24) If he is your true love h) … it's gonna be me.
9. (00:24:49-00:24:52) If anyone asks, i) …I'll be your best friend.
10. (00:29:51-00:29:54) If you let me out, j) …Max is as good as found.
11. (00:31:51-00:31:56) If you find Max k) …when she sees how you trashed her
whole place.
12. (00:32:47-00:32:51) If my owner comes, l) …getting there is gonna take days.
13. (00:48:09-00:48:13) If he agrees to help us, m) …your perfect little life with your
dumb human is gonna be over.
14. (00:52:27-00:52:30) If we take the human n) …you can look at my battle plans.
15. (00:57:25-00:57:28) If you don't believe me, o) …you must go to him!

Lingua Delight Task 12


*Grammar point
Conditionals describe general, possible or probable results of a certain condition. They are
used to speculate about what usually happens, what could happen, what we wish would happen or
what might have happened. The if (or when) clause tells you a condition (If you study hard) and the
main clause tells you a result (you will pass your exams). Conditional sentences are often divided
into 4 types. Here are two of them.
1) Zero conditional (If/When + Present Simple, … Present Simple). It is used:
- to talk about regular events or situations and their result
e.g. When I eat dairy products, I get red spots on my skin.
- to talk about things that are generally true, especially for laws, rules or scientific facts.
When we give a general instruction, we use an imperative in the result clause.
e.g. If you heat water at 100 degrees, it boils.
I get tired if I work too much.
If a chip pan is on fire, throw a fire blanket on it.

2) First conditional (If/When + Present Simple, … will + infinitive). It is used:

- to describe possible future events or situations and their results
e.g. If we don’t hurry, we’ll miss the train
- for offers, suggestions and warnings
e.g. I’ll call the hotel if you don’t have time.
- for commands, but note we use an imperative in the main clause

Lingua Delight Task 12
e.g. Don’t forget to lock the doors if you go out.
- we can use not only will, but other modal verbs or be going to
e.g. If we miss the bus, we can get the next one.
If you drop that glass, it might break.
If he calls you, you should go.
If you are not ready, I’m going to cancel the meeting.

Lingua Delight Notes

Lingua Delight
Dear friend!

Opening this page means that you have successfully finished the course “The Secret Life of
Pets”! And we are heartily congratulating you on this achievement! Yes, it’s another step to
mastering English: you’ve made a lot of progress, learnt new words, revised important grammar
aspects, improved your listening skills and abilities to express your thoughts in this lovely foreign
language! We sincerely hope that you’ve taken great delight in doing this course and got motivated
to continue the way to a better version of your English! We have faith in you, your strength and
Furthermore, we’d like to encourage you granting a special discount of 15% on any other
courses by Lingua Delight! All you have to do is to leave us your feedback
Ø via direct mails on Instagram (@lingua_delight) or
Ø via following this link https://forms.gle/fKCVxoQCRh5U58tw8 where you’ll find a
short questionnaire, which would take you 5-10 minutes.

We’d be infinitely grateful if you devoted some of your precious time to let us know your im-
pressions and suggestions that eventually will help us become better for you, our dear friends!

With respect and admiration,

delightfully yours, LD २

Поздравляем Вас, дорогой друг, с окончанием курса, с таким заметным достижением на пути совершенство-
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ного времени! Мы становимся лучше для Вас и благодаря Вам! Ваши внимание и участие бесценны! С
уважением и восхищением, delightfully yours, LD

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