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Paddington Bear
Genre: Kids & Family, Comedy, Adventure
Original Language: English
Director: Paul King
Runtime: 1h 35m
IMDb rating : 7.2/10 scan and watch
A young Peruvian bear travels to London in search of a home. Finding
himself lost and alone at Paddington Station, he meets the kindly Brown
family, who offer him a temporary shelter. A bear tries to find the proper
home, but someone put an eye on him...

Main characters

Paddington Bear Uncle Pastuzo Aunt Lucy Explorer Clyde

Hugh Bonneville Sally Hawkins Samuel Joslin Madeleine Harris

as Henry Brown as Mary Brown as Jonathan Brown as Judy Brown

Nicole Kidman Peter Dougan Capaldi Juliа Walters James Broadbent

as Ms.Clyde as Mr.Curry as Mrs. Bird as Mr.Gruber
1. a timepiece – часы
1. ripe - спелый
2. a paw – лапа 2. careful – осторожный
3. species – вид 3. annoying – надоедливый
4. a specimen – экземпляр 4. brave - храбрый
5. a conversation – разговор 5. rare - редкий
6. a handbag – сумка 6. naked – обнаженный
7. a button – пуговица 7. destroyed – разрушен
8. an arrow – стрелка 8. retired - престарелый
9. a knight – рыцарь 9. strange – удивительный
10. a route – маршрут 10. dusty – грязный
11. a tortoise – черепаха 11. modest – скромный
12. a phone box - телефонная будка 12. undiscovered - неисследованный
13. a fortress - крепость 13. unexplored - неизведанный
14. a wallet - кошелек 14. fair - честный
15. curious – любознательный
15. a roof - крыша
16. famous – известный
16. an impression – впечатление
17. wise - мудрый
17. an earwax – ушная сера
18. endangered – вымирающий
18. a false arm – протез 19.

19. a childhood – детство

20. an earthquake - землетрясение
21. a sewer – канализация
22. a customer – клиент
1. to greet - здороваться
23. a relative – родственник
2. to suppose – думать
24. a direction – направление
3. to scream – кричать
25. a railway station – железнодорожная 4. to disappear - исчезать
станция 5. to rescue – спасать
26. marmelade - джем 6. to increase - увеличиваться
27. a pickle – огурец 7. to worry - волноваться
28. a label – табличка 8. to treat - относиться
29. an attic - чердак 9. to contain - содержать
30. a murder – разбойник 10. to lock – закрывать
31. a district – район 11. to track – отслеживать
32. a jail - тюрьма 12. to pronounce – произносить
33. a pickpocket – мелкий вор 13. to drop - уронить
34. a jar - банка 14. to enjoy - наслаждаться
35. a shelter - укрытие 15. to involve – привлекать
36. peanut - арахис 16. to miss - скучать
37. a brush – щетка 17. to shoot - стрелять
Phrases Adverbs
1. Jolly good – очень хорошо 1. deep – глубоко
2. It rather suits me! – А мне подходит! 2. luckily - к счастью
3. No “buts” – никаких "но" 3. strange – удивительно
4. Real brolly-buster, isn't it? – Настоящий 4. at last – наконец
потоп, разве нет? 5. probably – пожалуй
5. In case of emergency – на экстренный 6. finally - в конце концов
6. Stay out of sight – не высовываться
7. Coming down in stair rods – льет как из
P1.hto give
r aups- aсдаваться
l verbs
8. Night-night – спокойной ночи 2. to make up - придумывать
9. To play havoc – сыграть злую шутку 3. to work out – выяснить
10. You’re pulling my legs off – вы шутите 4. to hang on - подождать
11. Don’t take it the wrong way – не
5. to set in - происходить
6. to stand by - сдаваться
12. I always stick to it – я всегда
7. to send away - отправить
придерживаюсь его
8. to cheer up - улыбаться
13. To keep an eye on – присматривать за
14. That was the last straw – это была 9. to sneak out - залезть
последняя капля 10. to calm down - успокоиться
15. Don't you get it – ты так и не понял?
16. There's no way out – выхода нет
Vulgar slang
Why don’t you clear off – почему
тебе не уйти отсюда?
Take your rotten flowers and get
out of here – заберите свой
веник и выметайтесь
Shut up your piehole – закрой

Scan and learn

Part 1 Part 2
Task 1 Put down the correct word under the picture. Use Wordlist.

Task 2 Read the definition and match the adjective which fits the

1. A person giving a lot of attention to what you are

doing so that you do not have an accident, make a a) ripe
mistake, or damage something is
2. A fruit completely developed and ready to be b) careful
collected or eaten is c) annoying
3. A person not covered by clothes is
4. A person stopped working permanently, usually d) brave
because of age is
e) rare
5. Not common or frequent, very unusual item is
called f) naked
6. An object that cannot be used again because of
the damages is called g) destroyed
7. A person showing no fear of dangerous or h) retired
difficult things is
8. A person making you feel slightly angry is
Task 3 Write the synonyms to the words.

1. to vanish a) to greet волноваться

2. to care b) to suppose содержать
3. to shake hands c) to scream относиться
4. to behave d) to disappear думать
5. to think e) to rescue запереть
6. to include f) to increase увеличивать
7. to close g) to worry исчезнуть
8. to save h) to treat кричать
9. to cry i) to contain спасти
10. to add j) to lock здороваться

Task 4 Put the letters into the correct order to

create adverbs.

1. pdee -
2. allifyn -
3. egrtnas -
4. ta stal -
5. abbroply -
6. kculiyl -

Task 5 Finish the words and make sentences with new words

1. an im _ _ _ _ _ _ _n
2. a c _ _ _ _ _ _ r
3. a f _ _ _ _ ar _
4. an ea _ _ _ x
5. a r _ _ _ _ _ _ e
6. a di _ _ _ _ _ _ n
7. a s _ _ _ _
8. a chi _ _ _ _ _ _
9. a co _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n
10. an ear _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Task 6 Write the synonyms to the words.

1. An ... is a sign that shows us the direction

2. When people say something loudly, they ...

3. Te synonym to the word "think"

4. The top of the building is called ...

5. An animal with a thick, hard shell and

moves very slowly

6. A man of high social position trained

to fight as a soldier on a horse is a ...

7. When the fruit is ready to eat, it is ...

8. To say "hello" to the person is to ...

9. A particular way or direction

between places is...

10. A small bag for money, keys,

make-up, etc.

11. To close = ...

Task 7 Put the missing words into the phrases.

1. To keep an ______ on
2. Don’t _____ it the wrong ______
3. To play _________
4. You’re _______ my ______ off
5. Night - __________
6. There’s no ________ out
7. In ______ of emergency
8. Take _______
9. ________ good
10. No “______”
Task 8 Choose the correct preposition to the phrasal verbs from the

to give ____ to make ____

to work ____ to hang ____
to set ____ to stand ____
to send ____ to cheer ____
to sneak ____ to calm ____

in up (x3) on by away down out (x2)

Task 9 Fill in the missing phrasal verbs from ex. 8

Thousands of children were s_______ for safety.

He s______ in the mail van.
But... I haven'tquite w_______ how to find home.
Her latest story is s_______ the old tunnels and sewers under London.
H_______ a minute.
C_______, mate.
Oh, do c_______, you two. There's no need to rush.
But I'm not s_______ while there's a chance of finding you a proper home.
I g_______.

Task 10 Put the words to the correct columns.

Nouns Adjectives Adverbs Verbs

childhood, to disappear, ripe, brush, luckily, to scream, handbag, impression, damaged, to contain,
at last, to rescue, knight, probably, paw, to greet, rare, to suppose, annoying, strange, finally, brave
Task 11 Find and circle 10 verbs. Write down.

Task 12 Finish the phrases of the characters.

1. A wise bear always keep a _________ sandwich in his hat in case of

________ .
2. Thousands of children were sent away for safety, left at ____________
with _______ around their necks.
3. A _______ who takes you into their home and looks after you.
4. Luckily, I met the Browns, who are letting me sleep in their _____ .
5. Could you tell me the way to the central business _______ ?
6. However, it's not enough for me just to look after this _____ old
7. I think they were _____ prints.
8. There are thieves, _______ and pickpockets on every platform.
9. I suppose I didn't make the best first __________.
10. Either a very long call or you're placing unauthorized advertising in a
public ____ box.

phone / grown-up / dusty / emergency / railway stations / paw /

impression / labels / attic / marmalade / murders / district
Task 13 Find and circle 10 verbs. Write down.

1. To keep an eye on 5.улыбнуться

a) искать a) sneak out
b) присматривать за b) cheer up
с) внимательно смотреть с) bucket down

2. Don’t take it the wrong way 6. придумывать

a) не делай этого a) make up
b) не бери это b) look for
c) не обижайся c) set off

3. No “buts” 7. лить как из ведра

a) выхода нет a) set in
b) никаких но b) get over
c) ничего c) bucket down

4. You’re pulling my legs off 8. успокоиться

a) вы шутите a) come up with
b) не толкайся b) send away
c) не трогай мою ногу c) calm down

Task 14 Explain the words in English.

pickles / a jail / a customer / a pickpocket / an earthquake / a paw

Task 15 Choose the odd word out.

1. Modest, accident, specimen, shelter

2. Undiscovered, unexplored, dusty, brave
3. Pickles, jar, marmalade, peanut
4. Worry, add, enjoy, arrow, promise
5. Curious, fair, famous, endangered, wise
Task 16 Watch an episode 8:00 - 18:38 and translate the sentences.

1. До Лондона не высовывайся.
2. Они помнят, что такое доброта к незнакомцу.
3. Это действительно на экстренный случай.
4. Семь процентов детских несчастных случаев начинаются со скачков.
5. Взрослый, который берет тебя домой и ухаживает за тобой.

What is your first impression of this family?

Will Paddington live in their house at the end?

Task 17 Turn off the subtitles. Watch an episode 27:45 - 28:36 and
fill in the gaps.

- I do wish we could have found the _______.

- I know, Paddington. But I've been looking everywhere and I still can't find
any _______ of an English expedition to Peru.
- But there really was an explorer, Mrs Brown. He gave my _______ this hat.
- What, that was the explorer's hat?
- Hm-hmm. Why?
- I've got a _______ who runs an antiques shop in the Portobello Road.
- He _______ all about old things like your hat.
- Oh...
- It's just possible he could help us find your explorer.
- Well, that would be wonderful.
- But didn't Mr Brown say...
- Don't you _______ about Mr Brown?
- As far as he's concerned, we're going to the authorities.
- But I'm not _______ by while there's a chance
of finding you a proper home.
- Now make sure you get some sleep, OK?
- Night-_______.
- _______, we are going to find the explorer.
friend / worry / night / tomorrow / explorer / uncle /
knows / mention / standing
Task 18 Watch an episode 31:28 - 36:30 and write True or False.

1. Pigeons like marmelade sandwich.

2. 34% of pre-breakfast accidents involve stairs.
3. Mrs Brown liked her daughter using hard
4. Jonathan thinks that his father is very cool.
5. Children decided to tell everyone at school
about Peddington.
6. Paddington got lost in the underground.
7. Mr.Gruber was the owner of the antique shop.
8. Parents sent the old man across Africa.

Task 19 Watch an episode 41:35 - 46:19 and correct the mistakes

in the sentences.

1. I'm sorry, but he were telling the truth.

2. You've only been in London a week and you're
already famous.
3. It's just it's a new college and I didn't want
everyone to think I was weird.
4. When I first met him, he is a very different man.
5. I suppose I don't make the best first impression.
6. Hang out a minute. You're not talking about...
7. Doesn't it rain enough in this city without
taking showers in the house?
8. The point is, we were parents now and we have
to protect our children.
9. He worn it on his first day at school.
10. You must get a lot of strange clients in here.
11. Yeah. Had one in here last year, actually.
12. Let me tell you about my rule.

Who of the parents, Mary or Henry, is right in this argument?

Describe the look of the Paddington after cleaning.
Did the taxi driver tell the woman the location of the bear? Why?
Task 20 Watch an episode 46:20 - 53:25 and put the sentences in
the order.

My aunt taught me to do them when people had forgotten their

I really do like these French sandwiches, Mrs Bird.
I start with the nasal hair.
There are over two million letters, diaries and artefacts up in our
archive, meticulously filed, and they don't stay that way by letting
strange men and their bears rummage
Welcome to the Geographers' Guild.
You've been in there for 47 minutes.
Is that peanut butter?
It's a false arm.

Task 21 Watch an episode 53:00- 58:15 and answer the


1. Why Mr.Brown was dressed like a

2. What jammed the system?
3. Did Mr.Curry agree for the offer of
4. What did she want him to do?
5. Does Paddington miss his home in
6. What does Paddington like in every
member of the family?
7. Why Mrs. Bird decided to go to the
8. What are the code names of Ms.Clyde
and Mr. Curry?
Task 22 Watch an episode 1:11:25 - 1:24:50 and write who told

1. Welcome to your new home, bear.

2. They were intelligent and civilised.
3. It'll be locked up like a fortress.
4. Would you mind helping a frail old woman?
5. I know what I'm doing!
6. My hero.
7. Mr Curry explained everything.
8. That's not pipes. That's bear.
9. Give up, bear!
10. He's family.
11. You're not even the same species.
12. Erm, could I have one last request?
13. The crew's nest!
14. So does that mean I don't have to eat vegetables?
15. I think every home should have a marmalade day.

Task 23 Watch an episode 1:11:20 - 1:12:05 and fill in the gaps.

- _______ to your new home, bear. This is a _______ of knowledge. Every major
_______ has added to its glory. Charles Darwin brought the giant _______ from
the Galapagos.
- Good evening.
- Captain Scott, the emperor penguin from Antarctica.
- Gentlemen.
- Captain Cook, the kangaroo from Australia.
- G'day.
- Each of these men has been immortalised through his finds. But do you see
anything from my _______?
- No.
- Because when he met your oh-so-precious _______ , he refused to _______ a
- No _______?

specimen / father / species / welcome / explorer / cathedral / collect / tortoise

Task 24 Match the pictures with the correct statement. Name
the characters.

a) This person masters any language and she didn't want to tell at school about
the bear in order not to seem weird.
b) This person fell in love with one woman and was the neighbour of the
c) She decided to give the shelter for the bear and helped him to find explorer.
d) He was against the bear in the house because he worried about children.

Task 25 Read and translate the quotes. Discuss the episode.

Task 26 Describe your favourite moment of the film.

Task 27 Answer the questions below.

1. What is the surname of the family that took the bear to their home?
2. Why Mr.Brown was dressed like a woman at the Geography Guild?
3. Who of the family wasn't happy to live with Paddington?
4. Why did Paddington become the star of the newspaper?
5. Where did aunt Lucy decide to send Paddington?
6. Who is Mr.Gruber? What kind of shop does he has?
7. Describe the reaction of the neighbours to the animal.
8. What did Ms.Clyde decide to do with the animal?
9. Who Paddington was going to find?
10. What was the name of the explorer?
11. Who helped Ms.Clyde to find a bear?
12. Where is Paddington's new home now?
13. What happened to his uncle Pastuzo?
14. Where is the bear from?
Task 28 Are these statements True or False? Color.

1. Mr.Henry was happy to live with the bear and wanted him to stay
with them.
2. Paddington came to London to find his parents and live with them.
3. Mr.Gruber had a book shop and Mrs.Bird's friend.
4. Children decided to tell everyone at school about Paddington.
5. The bear wore the T-shirt that Mr.Brown used to wear long ago.
6. Lady on the reception told that there was no any information about
the explorer.
7. Mrs.Clyde didn't like Mr.Curry and didn't want to have the dinner
with him.
8. Mr.Gruber called the family and told what has happened to the bear.
9. Paddington's new home was now at the Brown's.

Task 29 Translate and explain the phrases from the film.

1. Paddington, please don't take this the wrong way, but are you certain
there was an explorer?
2. I thought my time was up, my ticket was punched.
3. Take your rotten flowers and get out of here! Go!
4. I keep an eye on all the comings and goings and...
5. That's my code and I always stick to it.
6. Coming down in stair rods, isn't it?
7. They play havoc on people's skin.
8. Or you can drink it. Jolly good.
9. Real brolly-buster, isn't it?
10. You're pulling my legs off.
11. Ah, shut your piehole.
12. That was the last straw.
13. Why don't you clear off?
Task 30 What's going on in these pictures? Describe these scenes.
Put the pictures in order.
Affirmative will/ 'll go
Negative will not / won't watch
Will you bring

to say what you want to do in the to make promises, offers and

future, spontaneous actions requests, own predictions

Task 31 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of Future Simple and
words from the gaps.

1. I ________ like other people, but that's alright. Because I am a bear. (never/ be)
2. In that case, the authorities _______ you in some kind of government facility. (house)
3. Follow these simple rules and you _______ at home in London. (always/ feel)
4. If we look up every "M Clyde", we _______ your explorer. (find)
5. I _______ safe in the home for retired bears. (be)
6. I hope that...now I have gone, things _______ down a bit. (calm)
7. Everyone's gone. He _______ to come with us. (have)
8. If I start hanging around, people _______ questions. (ask)
9. Come on, you two, or you _______ for school. (be late)
10. Yes, alright, we _______ if they know anything. (see)
11. Aren't you worried people _______ questions? (ask)
12. This _______ me down to the ground. (suit)
13. Oh. Then, what _______? (you/do)
14. There _______ a storm tonight. (be)
Make sentences using Future simple
To be going to
Affirmative am/is/are going to go
Negative am not/ isn't/ aren't going to watch
Are you going to bring

to tell about your future plans to can also express a conviction

or a certainty

What are you going to do after lesson? What are you going to eat?
What are you going to do tomorrow? Why?
What are you going to do this week? What are you going to watch this week?

Task 32 Translate the sentences with the help of the structure "to
be going to".

Ты не отправишь Пенддингтона к представителям власти, не правда ли?

Госпожа Берд, завтра на улице не будет дождя.
Насколько он знает, мы идем к представителям власти.
Завтра мы собираемся разыскать исследователя.
Ты сделаешь фантастическое дополнение к коллекции.
Мне придется попросить вас уйти.
Я сделаю из тебя чучело, мишка.
Task 33 Describe what is going to happen next using "to be going

Task 34 Circle the correct variant.

1- If you don't take a taxi, you won't/ aren't going to arrive on time.
2 - Have you got any plans for tomorrow?
- Yes, I am going to / will visit my grandparents.
3 - Why is she learning Spanish?
- She will / is going to travel to Spain.
4 - We are thirsty.
- Wait here. I am going to / will get some water.
5 - Meat or fish?
- I 'll / am going to have some fish, please.
6 - What do you want the keys for?
- I 'm going to / will close the door.
7 - Why do you want so many oranges?
- I am going to / will make an orange juice.
8 - Oh! I haven't got enough money to pay!
- Don't worry. I 'll / am going to lend you some.
Task 35 Match the phrases.

1. No a) night Ты так и не понял?

2. Jolly b) the wrong way Не высовываться
3. Stay out c) sight Присматривать за
4. Coming down d) "buts" Леет как из ведра
5. Don't you e) emergency Настоящий потоп
6. Don't take it f) to it На экстренный случай
7. Keep an g )good Очень хорошо
8. I always stick h) in stair rods Спокойной ночи
9. That was the last i) eye on Не обижайся
10. Night- j) straw Никаких "но"
11. In case of k) buster Это была последняя капля
12. Real brolly- l) get it? Я всегда его придерживаюсь

Task 35 Recall some of the words in English.

впечатление покупатель черепаха упоминание

сдаваться залезть выяснить придумать

Task 36 Try to guess the phrase or the word from ex.34,35.

1.What's the name of Paddington's uncle?
a) Michael
b) Pastuzo
c) John

2. What does it say on the label attached to Paddington’s coat?

a) Please look after this bear. Thank you
b) Please be kind to this bear. Thank you
c) Please feed this bear

3. What is the name of the family who find Paddington in the railway station?
a) The Smiths
b) The Clintons
c) The Browns

4.What's the name of the english explorer that Paddington searches in the film?
a) Clyde Montgomery
b) Lucas Walton

5.Where does Paddington come from?

a) Venezuela
b) Peru

6. What's the job of Miss Brown?

a) teacher
b) singer
c) cartoonist

7.What's Paddington's favourite food?

a) pizza
b) fish and chips
c) orange marmalade

8. Why does Millicent want to catch Paddington?

a) Because she wants to stuff it
b) Because Paddington stole her money

9.What's the end of the film ?

a) Paddington is stuffed by Millicent Clyde
b) Paddington returns in Peru
c) Paddington finally finds a place to stay:
he remains with the Browns
Task 1 Task 2
1.a handbag 7. a phone box 1.careful
2.a button 8. a knight 2.ripe
3.an arrow 9. a brush 3.naked
4. a route 10. a wallet 4.retired
5.a tortoise 11. a timepiece 5.rare
6.a fortress 12. a roof 6.destroyed

Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

1. to vanish = to disappear = исчезнуть 1. deep an impression
2. to care = to worry = волноваться 2. finally a customer
3. to shake hands = to greet = здороваться 3. strange a false arm
4. to behave = to treat = относиться 4. at last an earwax
5. to think = to suppose = думать 5. probably a relative
6. to include = to contain = содержать 6. luckily a direction
7. to close = to lock = запереть a sewer
8. to save = to rescue = спасти a childhood
9. to cry = to scream = кричать a conversation
10. to add = to increase = увеличивать an eathquake

Task 6 Task 7 Task 8

1. eye to give up
2. take, way to work out
3. havoc to set in
4. pulling, legs to send away
5. night to sneak out
6. way to make up
7. case to hang on
8. care to stand by
9.jolly to cheer up
10. buts to calm down

Task 10

Task 9
childhood ripe luckily to disappear
1.sent away 6.cheer up
brush damaged at last to scream
2.sneaked out 7.calm down
handbag rare probably to contain
3.worked out 8.standing by
impression annoying strange to rescue
4.set in 9.give up
knight brave finally to greet
5.hang on
paw to suppose

Task 11 Task 12 Task 13 Task 15
1. marmalade, emergency 1. b 1. modest
2. railway stations, labels 2. c 2. brave
3. grown-up 3. b 3. jar
4. attic 4. a 4. arrow
5. district 5. b 5. endangered
6. dusty 6. a
7. paw 7. c
8. murders 8. c
9. impression Task 19
10. box
1. he was
Task 16 Task 17 Task 18 2. a day
3. new school
1.Stay out of sight until London. explorer 1. True 4. he was
2.They will not have forgotten how mention 2. False 5. didn't make
to treat a stranger. uncle 3. False 6. hang on
3.It's really just for emergency. friend 4. False 7. without having
4.Seven per cent of childhood knows 5. False 8. we are
accidents start with jumping. worry 6. True 9. he wore
5.A grown-up who takes you into standing 7. True 10. strange customers
their home and looks after you. night 8. False 11. last night
tomorrow 12. my code

Task 20 Task 22 Task 23

1.He pretends a cleaning woman. welcome
6,2,1,5,4,3,8,7 2.A baguette. cathedral

3.Yes, he did. explorer

4.She wanted him to keep an eye on a bear. tortoise
5.Yes, he does. father
Task 22 6.The way Mr.Brown arranges his stationary. species
Objects that Mrs.Brown finds in her handbag. collect
1. Ms.Clyde Mrs.Bird has a hoover for every occasion. specimen
2. Mr.Clyde Judy can master any language.
3. Mr.Henry Brown Jonathan can build anything.
4. Mrs.Bird 7.She went to refresh marmalade supplies.
5. Jonathan Brown 8.Honeypot and Fierce Eagle.
6. Mrs.Mary Brown Task 25
7. Mr.Henry Brown 1. А семья держится вместе. Так что
8. Judy Brown Task 24 если тебе нужен он, придется
9. Ms.Clyde взять всех нас.
10. Mrs.Mary Brown b, Mr. Curry 2. Родители тысяч детей посадили
11. Ms.Clyde c, Mrs.Mary их на поезд, надев им на шее
12. Paddington Brown таблички, и отправили их в
13. Mrs.Bird d, Mr.Henry безопасное место. А там
14. Jonathan Brown Brown неизвестные люди приняли этих
15. Mrs.Mary Brown a, Judy Brown детей и любили как своих
Task 27 Task 28 Task 29
1. Brown Паддингтон, не обижайся, пожалуйста, но
1. False уверен ли ты, что был исследователь?
2. He wanted to find the 2. False
information about an Я думал, мое время вышло, билеты
3. False пропали.
expedition to Peru 4. False
3. Henry Уберите свой веник и выметайтесь
5. False отсюда. Давайте!
4. He caught a murder 6. True
5. To London Я присматриваю за всеми приходящими и
7. False уходящими, но...
6. Mary's friend. Antique shop 8. False
7. Mr.Curry didn't like it Это мое правило, и я всегда его
9. True придерживаюсь.
8. She decided to stuff him
9. The explorer Льет как из ведра, не правда ли?
10. Montgomery Clyde Они сыграют с кожей злую шутку.
11. Mr.Curry Или выпей это. Очень хорошо.
12. At the Brown's Настоящий потоп, разве нет?
13. He died Вы шутите.
14. From Peru Закрой свою рот.
Это была последняя капля.
Почему тебе не уйти отсюда?
Task 30 Task 31 Task 32
1. will ne You're not going to send Paddington
2. will house to the authorities, are you?
3. will always feel Mrs Bird, it is not going to rain indoors.
4. will find As far as he's concerned,
we're going to the authorities.
5. will be
6. will calm we are going to find the explorer.
7. will have You are going to make
8. will ask a fantastic addition to the collection.
9. will be late I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
10. will see I'm going to stuff you, bear.
11. will ask
12. will suit
1. won't 5. I'll
13. will you do
14. will be Task 34 2. am going to 6. am going to
3. is going to 7. am going to
Task 35 4. will 8.I'll
1. d, никаких "но"
2. g, очень хорошо
3. с, не высовываться Task 36 Task 37 Quiz
4. h, льет как из ведра 1. b
5. l, ты так и не понял am impression I always stick to it
2. a
6. b, не обижайся to give up Coming down in stair rods
3. c
7. i, присматривать за a customer Night-night
4. a
8. f, я всегда его придерживаюсь to sneak out To keep an eye on
5. b
9. j, это была последняя капля a tortoise Real brolly-buster
6. c
10. a, спокойной ночи to work out To sneak out
7. c
11. e, на экстренный случай a mention No "buts"
8. a
12. k, настоящий потоп to make up To work out
9. c
Task 17
- I do wish we could have found the explorer.
- I know, Paddington. But I've been looking everywhere and I still can't find
any mention of an English expedition to Peru.
- But there really was an explorer, Mrs Brown. He gave my uncle this hat.
- What, that was the explorer's hat?
- Hm-hmm. Why?
- I've got a friend who runs an antiques shop in the Portobello Road.
- He knows all about old things like your hat.
- Oh...
- It's just possible he could help us find your explorer.
- Well, that would be wonderful.
- But didn't Mr Brown say...
- Don't you worry about Mr Brown?
- As far as he's concerned, we're going to the authorities.
- But I'm not standing by while there's a chance
of finding you a proper home.
- Now make sure you get some sleep, OK?
- Night-night.
- Tomorrow, we are going to find the explorer.

Task 21
- Welcome to your new home, bear. This is a cathedral of knowledge. Every major
explorer has added to its glory. Charles Darwin brought the giant tortoise from the
- Good evening.
- Captain Scott, the emperor penguin from Antarctica.
- Gentlemen.
- Captain Cook, the kangaroo from Australia.
- G'day.
- Each of these men has been immortalised through his finds. But do you see
anything from my father?
- No.
- Because when he met your oh-so-precious species, he refused to collect a
- No specimen?

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