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О. В.



Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных
учреждений и школ с углублённым
изучением английского языка

14 е издание

Москва «Просвещение» 2012

УДК 373.167.1:811.111
Б Б К 81.2А нгл-922

Р аб о чая тетрадь я в л я е т с я составной частью учебно-методического к о м ­

п л екта по ан гли й ском у я зы к у д л я VI кл асса общ еобразовательны х учреж д е­
н и й и ш к о л с у гл у б л ён н ы м и зу ч ен и ем а н гл и й ск о го я з ы к а и со д ер ж и т
у п р аж н ен и я д л я в ы п ол н ен и я уч ащ и м и ся в кл ассе и дом а. М атериал рабочей
тетр ад и соотнесён с соответствую щ им и уро кам и уч еб н и к а и способствует
ф ор м и р о ван и ю у у ч а щ и х с я ум ен и й в ау д и р о в а н и и , говорен и и , ч тен и и и
п исьм е в р ам к ах предлагаем ой авторам и тем ати ки .

ISBN 978-5-09-028816-3 © Издательство «Просвещение», 1999, 2006

© Художественное оформление.
Издательство «Просвещение», 1999, 2006
Все права защищены
Today's Quotation
*■ ■ I 1 W hile there is life there’s hope.

Write 10 sentences to describe the picture.


1 quotation [kwoo'teifn] — цитата

© This is a card Kate sent to her friend from a holiday camp.
A. Describe how Kate spent her time in the holiday camp last summer.

2)ear Olga,
У am writing to you front a summer hoiideu/ camfi.
У really Like it here. every day is different. We go
to the forest and watch the birds. The weather keefis
fine, so we swim, in the Lake and Lie in the sun a Lot.
yt seldom rains and we have to water the plants
in the garden every evening, but У enjoy doing it.
У have some very good friends here - a boy
and two girls. The boy fdays the guitar and sings
very wed. Уп the evenings we sometimes make a fire,
sit around it and sing together and sometunes we
get ufi early in the morning and watch the sunrise.
yt seems to be the best summer in пш whole Life!
У hofie you are keefiing well. Cive my Love
to your fiarents and your sister. See you at school
very soon.
Sour /Sate
B. Write a postcard to a friend or a relative and describe your own summer. (Write
in the past tense because the summer is over.)

© Your friend has just come from the country where he spent his holidays. You want
to know as much as possible about his holidays. Use the word combinations from
the box and write questions that you can ask him.

IXAMPLI: How o ften did you m ake a fire ?

to m ake a fire, to build sandcastles, to w ear jeans and T -sh irts,

to stay much outdoors, to m eet d iffe re n t people, to take little
children to th e zoo, to have a swim, to be hot and sunny, to
rain a lot, to read m uch, to grow vegetables, to eat a lot of
fru it, to ride bicycles
Look at the pictures and write what Mike and his friends used to do during the

Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in past simple or past pro­

SXAMN.I: A: W a s n ’t th e 9 o ’clock film in te re stin g ?

В : (not w atch; m u m /w a tc h the 9 o’clock new s)
I d id n ’t w atch th e film because m um was w a tc h in g th e
9 o ’clock new s.
1. A: Linda! W ake up! I t ’s not polite to sleep when your elder
b ro th e r is talking.
В : (not sleep; I / t h i n k with m y eyes closed)
2. A: I saw you in m um ’s new hat!
B: (not wear; I / t r y it on)
3. A: Helen, w hat shall I do?
В : Sorry, (I/n o t listen)
4. A: Did you enjoy the football m atch?
B: (w e/not play; it/ra in )
5. A: How are you a fte r your swim m ing race?
В : (we/not swim; the weather/be cold)
6. A: I phoned a t 5, b u t th ere was no answ er.
B: N atu rally. (I/d o shopping at the time)
7. A: W hy did you tell your b ro th e r a lie?
В : (I / n o t ; I/joke)
8. A: Did you win th e race?
В : (we/not run: a thunderstorm /begin)
9. A: W hy did you w rite your te st so badly?
В: (I/w hisper the answer to John)
10. A: So, w hat did your m other say about your plan?
В : ( / /n o t tell her; she/be busy; sh e/ta lk on the phone)

You have heard a weather forecast for different places in Russia. Write what you
have heard. Use the words from the box.

1Л А *M il: In Moscow th e d ay will be cold w ith heavy show ers.

In Moscow...
In St. P e te rsb u rg ... cold hot
In A stra k h an ... w arm wet
In T ula... foggy rain y
In N ovgorod... cool fro sty
In L ipetsk... b rig h t clear
In K u rsk ... d ry m isty
In S arato v ... cloudy windy
In M urm ansk... w ith heavy showers
In N ovosibirsk... w ith a lot of snow
w ith a lot of sunshine
w ith a thick fog
w ith rain sto rm s

Open the brackets and complete the text.

I w ant to tell you w hat (1. happen) to me yesterday afternoon.
W hen I (2. come) home from school I (3. have) d in n er and (4. begin)
doing my homework. W hile I (5. do) it, th e telephone (6. ring). It
(7. be) my frien d . He (3. say) he (9. have) som ething im p o rtan t to
tell me and (10. ask) me to come to his place. I (11. leave) home
two m inutes later. It (12. be) a w onderful day. The sun (13. shine)
and a p le asa n t cool w ind (14. blow). I (15. feel) v ery happy.
I (16. know) som ething w onderful (17. be) going to happen. W hen
I (18. come) to my frie n d ’s place, I (19. find) the door of his fla t
open. I (20. come) in. My friend (21. sit) on the floor. In fro n t of
him (22. stand) a big box and he (23. look) into it. I (24. come) up
to him and (25. look) in to th e box too. There (26. be) two lovely
puppies in the box! “H ere,” said my frien d . “One is m ine and one
is yours. You always (27. want) to have a poodle. It (28. be) my
su rp rise .” The little puppies (29. play) w ith each o th er. It (30. be)
fu n to w atch them . I (31. choose) th e bigger one, (32. thank) my
frien d and (33. go) home. I (34. think) th a t all th e people in the
s tre e t (35. look) a t me and my dog. I (36. feel) so happy!

О Write it in words:
-3 °; 0°; +17°; -1 9 °; +25°; -1 4 °

О W rite the sam e in English.

1. «Новости» — это еж едн евн ая телеви зи он н ая програм м а.

2. Сквозь туманную ды м ку мы увидели башни старого города.
3. Ты слы ш ал сегодня сводку погоды? 4. Мы не ждём гостей се­
годня. 5. — Сколько разны х цветов у радуги? — Семь. 6. День
был тихий и ясный. Ветра не было. 7. П редсказы вать погоду —
трудное занятие. 8. «Мои родители имели обыкновение читать
газеты ежедневно», — сказала мама спокойным голосом. 9. Л ёг­
ки й тум ан рассеялся к утру, когда мы п окидали л агерь.
10. — К ак люди используют барометр? — Он помогает предска­
зать погоду.

ф Complete the chart below.

A djective A dverb A djective A dverb

... happily fa st ...
hard ... late ...
• •• daily calm ...
... early
ф Do you remember your last birthday? Try to remember and describe the weather
on that day.

Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge1
ИЗ 1. She sells seashells on th e seashore.

Today's Quotation
Do all th e good you can,
By all the m eans you can,
In all th e ways you can,
In all the places you can,
A t all th e tim es you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.
О Read the sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. The d o cto r asked me to b re a th e in and o u t sev eral tim es.

2. H e re ’s th e ta x i, g et in quickly . 3. Do come in; w e’ve been
w a itin g fo r you. 4. The w e ath e r is w o n d erfu l and I d o n ’t
w ant to s ta y in . 5. “G et o u t of here!” sh o u ted th e man
a n g rily . 6. The door was locked and th e poor dog stayed
o u t all n ig h t. 7. “Is anybody in ? ” G oldilocks asked. 8. In
sum m er th e ch ild re n lived in th e m o u n ta in s and learned
to cook on a fire and sleep out.

1 T o n g u e-tw ister Challenge [,tAQ twisto 'tjshncfcl — попробуй сказать скоро­

О Fill in either in or out to make the sentences complete.

1. We lifted o u r heads to breathe ... fresh clear air. 2. She has to

stay ... and do the dishes. 3. H is new book will come ... in sum ­
m er. 4. A young lady got ... of the tax i and entered the hotel.
5. W hen you b re a th e ..., you m ake a ir come ... of y o u r lu n g s
th ro u g h your nose or m outh. 6. W hen th e sun, moon or s ta rs come
..., they appear in th e sky. 7. P e te r, stan d up and come ... to the
blackboard. 8. “B reathe ... deeply th ro u g h your nose,” said the doc­
to r. 9. It is g e ttin g a b it cold to sleep ... . 10. She breathed ...
th ro u g h her lips to try and cool th e hot tea.

О Look at the pictures and write 3 sentences about each picture saying what the peo­
ple were not doing.
Mr Green wants to go to Spain on holiday. Complete his conversation with a trav­
el agent.

M r Green: W hich is th e best ... to v isit Spain?

Travel Agent: It depends: if you like ... w eather, you can go th ere
in sum m er, b u t if you p refer ... w eather, I advise you to v isit Spain
in early spring or late au tu m n .
M r Green: Isn ’t th e w eather ... in au tu m n ? I hear th a t one day can
be sunny and an o th er day can be ... .
Travel Agent: N ot quite so. October is a very pleasant m onth in
Spain w ith a ... te m p e ratu re of about 18—20°. Though it can be ...
in the m orning so you have to be careful if you are going to drive.
I don’t th in k th ere will be any rain sto rm s or ... .
M r Green: I hope not. So I w on’t need to take my ... and um brel­
Travel A g e n t: D efinitely not. I ’m su re you’ll have a ... tim e in

Complete the two columns following the example.

She had a g re a t in flu e n ce on her lit t le b ro th e r.

She in flu e n c e d h er lit t le b ro th e r a lo t.

1. 1. My p aren ts have always in ­

fluenced me.
2. His words had a g re a t influ- 2. ____________________________
ence on th e pupils.
3. ------------------------------------------ 3. R adio and telev isio n in flu ­
ence people’s lives.
4. Chekhov’s plays still have a 4. ____________________________
s tro n g in flu en ce on m odern
w riters.
5. ____________________________ 5. Did anybody influence your
6. Clim ate always has an influ- 6. ____________________________
ence on m an’s behaviour.

Look through the text “Climate” (ex. 16 in your textbook) and complete the sen­

1. Clim ate has a very im p o rtan t influence on ...

2. A t th e same tim e th e coldest place on the p lan et ...
3. In th e A rctic ...
4. We produce carbon dioxide when we b u rn ...
5. B ut recently clim ate has changed a lo t ...
6. W in te rs have become ...
7. The ta ig a zone has ...
8. N ow adays th e a ir su rro u n d in g th e E a rth has become m uch
w arm er because ...
9. W here does the carbon dioxide come from ? People and anim als

10. Trees tak e th is gas from th e a ir, and ...

Use the verbs in brackets in the right tense to complete the text.


I (1. work) in a public library. I (2. work) here fo r m any years

and I (3. love) my job. I th in k I (4. be) lucky (5. have) it. F irst of
all I (6. not have to) g e t up early as th e lib ra ry (7. open) a t
10 o ’clock. Secondly, it (3. be) in te re s tin g w ork because people
alw ays (9. come) in and (10. ask) me (11. help) them . This way
I already (12. meet) a lot of in te re stin g people. Y esterday a m an
(13. come) to ask me about th e clim ate in B razil. W hile I (14. look)
fo r th is inform ation, I (15. learn) a lot of in te re stin g th in g s about
th a t w onderful country. There is som ething else th a t m akes me like
my job and th a t is bookm arks. People (16. use) the stra n g e st th in g s
as bookm arks. I (17. find) a penknife, a comb, a w atch, a key, lots
of pens and pencils, d iffe re n t leaves and flow ers and w hat not. B ut
th e o th e r day I (18. have) a su rp rise of my life: I (19. open) th e
book and w hat I (20. see) (21. be) a huge tooth! It (22. be) used as
a bookm ark.

1 a b ookm ark — за к л а д к а д л я к н и г
Fill in the missing forms of the verbs.

I п hi IV
ездить верхом ride ... ... ...
носить (одежду) ... wore ... ...
покупать ... ... bought ...
знать ... ... ... knowing
гореть, сж игать ... b u rn t, ... ...
каш лять ... ... coughed ...
путешествовать ••• ... ... trav ellin g
прятать(ся) hide ... ... ...
пахнуть ... ... sm elled, ...
sm elt
ломать ... ... ... breaking
причинять боль ... h u rt ... ...
кивать ... ... nodded ...
завязы вать tie ... ... ...
беспокоить(ся) w orry ... ... ...
ж арить ... ... ... fry in g
бросать ... ... throw n ...

Make the sentences complete using present perfect or present perfect progres­
sive of the verbs in brackets.

1. Thank you. I (read) your book. You can have it back. 2. Nelly,
how long you (read) “Robin Hood”? 3. My elder siste r (cook) the
pie since 10 and it is not ready yet. 4. I (make) already th e pie.
Have you set the table, dear? 5. — W hy are your hands d irty ? —
I (work) in th e garden. I (make) two flowerbeds. 6. I never (be) to
Italy, b u t I always (want) to be th ere. 7. Oh, look! She (drink) the
whole bottle of m ilk. 8. Jac k and Jo h n (play) ten n is fo r an hour
and a h alf and they (play) th re e gam es. 9. I am tire d . I (wash) the
dishes fo r th e whole evening. I am s o rry , I (break) one p late.
10. N ick is w ork in g on his co m p u ter. He (work) since 9. B ut
I (work, not) on it in my life.
A. Make up words from the parts in the box.

w eather bow
rain house
sun man
green lig h t
sun storm
rain shine

B. Write your own sentences with the words you have made up.

Write the same in English.

1. — Ты видел радугу вчера вечером? — Нет. Я никогда не ви­

дел радугу. 2. Н ик ж ивет на побережье всю свою ж изнь. 3. Его
книги всегда оказы ваю т большое влияние на детей. 4. В конце
XX века люди много говорили о клим атических изменениях. По­
года стала изменчивой. 5. Л ивень с ураганом уничтож ил (разру­
шил) поля. 6. Что вы знаете о «парниковом эффекте*? 7. Я очень
люблю солнце (солнечный свет) и солнечную погоду. Всегда лю ­
бил их, но я терпеть не могу ж ару. 8. Что вы ж гли в саду вче­
ра вечером около восьми? 9. — Ты разбила мамину любимую
чашку! — Да, она была такая хрупкая. 10. Люди и животные
вдыхают кислород, а выдыхаю т углекислы й газ. 11. К аким об­
разом люди производят углекислы й газ? 12. За последнее время
клим ат очень сильно изменился на нашей планете. 13. Сегодня
тум ан ны й день. К акую погоду мы ож идаем завтра? 14. Он
спит на открытом воздухе с 10 лет и никогда не простужается.
15. В наши дни дорого питаться вне дома. 16. — К ак давно ты
знаеш ь Вильямса? — Я знаю его 3 года. 17. У меня эти часы уже
5 лет. Мне их купил папа в Санкт-Петербурге. Они ещё не оста­
навливались. 18. К ак ая сегодня чудесная погода! Я рко светит
солнце, на небе пет облаков, но немного прохладно. Дует холод­
ный ветер. 19. — К акая сегодня температура? — Н оль градусов.
Не та погода, чтобы кататься на лы ж ах.

Describe the climate at the place where you live.

1. Are sum m ers cold (hot)? Have they become d rie r (w etter)? Are
there many rainstorm s? 2. Are w inters warm (severe)? Are there many
snowstorms? Was it so in the past? Do you remember any snowless
w inters (snowless New Years)? 3. Do autum ns and springs tend to be
rainy and cold or otherwise? 4. Do you like this kind of climate?
ф Write a paragraph called “Our weather is going crazy” .

О Explain why greenhouse effect can be dangerous for our planet. Write 15—20 sen­

Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
Ш 2. Swan, swam over the sea,
Swim, swan, swim!
Swan swam back again.
W ell swum , swan!

+ • * • • • + • • Today's Quotation # • • • • • # • •
В —j W h at is a b u tte rfly ? 1 В ^
A t best he is a c ate rp illar2 dressed.

О A. Put the adverbs from the box on the scale in the right order from always to
hardly ever.

g e n e ra lly /u su a lly , seldom , o fte n , h a rd ly ev er, alw ays, som e­

tim es/occasionally

1. alw ays 2. _________ 3. 4. 5.

6. hardly ever

1 a b u tte rfly [ЪлЮПа|] — бабочка

2 a c a te rp illa r [’ksetapila] — гусеница
В. Translate the adverbs in brackets and complete these sentences putting the
adverbs in the right place.

1. M ammals live in th e trees (р е д к о ). 2. Boxes are made of card ­

board (ч а с т о ). 3. One can see th is w onderful bird (п о ч т и не, едва
л и ). It has become alm ost ex tin ct. 4. You can find th e m ost in te r­
esting species of anim als in zoological gardens (о б ы ч н о ). 5. W hen
people ru in n a tu ra l h a b ita ts (в р е м я о т в р е м е н и ), b ird s and anim als
leave them (в сегда ). 6. W e say “birds and anim als” fo rg ettin g th a t
b irds are also anim als (ч а с т о ). 7. It is d iffic u lt to cure th is disease
(и н о г д а ). 8. In th is p a rt of the country it rain s in sum m er (ед ва
л и , п о ч т и н е ). 9. People keep reptiles as pets (р е д к о ). 10. You can
see swans on the ponds in our cities (в р е м я от в р е м е н и ).

Choose the right form of the possessive and personal pronouns and complete the

K H A M P IK : W e g av e th e m o u r p re s e n ts a n d th e y g av e u s th e irs .
1. She gave me ... phone num ber and I gave h er ... . 2. They gave
you ... car and ... . 3. He gave them ... docum ents and ... . 4. W e
gave her ... address and ... . 5. She showed me ... greenhouse and
I ... . 6. He showed ... new pigeons and we ... . 7. They told h er
... fairy tale and she ... . 8. She told ... about h er new pet and I
told ... ab o u t ... . 9. I b ro u g h t them ... puppy and th ey ... .
10. He ruined ... sandcastle and we destroyed ... .

Write sentences to say what the usual habitats for these animals are: foxes, snakes,
bears, crocodiles, turtles, tortoises, eagles, mice, wolves, giraffes.

5 PI LS» Forests are usual habitats for foxes.

Change the sentences to use passive structures.

K * A M P U : Nowadays people hardly ever read books in Old English.

Books in Old English are hardly ever read nowadays.
1. They always take pictures on holidays. 2. Do people w rite le t­
te rs now adays? 3. W e n ev er expect ra in s to rm s in w in te r.
4. Postm en usually bring daily new spapers in th e m orning. 5. He
often breaks fragile th in g s. 6. People o ften grow vegetables and
flow ers in greenhouses. 7. Schoolchildren occasionally b u rn d ry
leaves in au tu m n . 8. W e hardly ever make m arm alade from lemons.
9. The doctors cured your dog in no tim e. 10. W alt Disney c re a t­
ed a lot of fu n n y ch aracters in his cartoons.

Look through ex. 10 in your textbook and write a list of hobbies typical of both
Russia and Great Britain.

Make your own sentences using the table and write at least 10 sentences of your

EXAMPLE: The w ork m u st be com pleted soon.

the work m ust be completed soon

th is telegram o u g h t to be sent today
the film h as to be watched in the evening
••• have to ... ...
•• • should ... ...
... can ... ...

Express the same in a different way.

EXAMPLE: W hen did God c re a te th e w orld acco rd in g to th e Bible?
W hen w as th e w orld created ?
1. You should include this name on the list. This name should ... .
2. D on’t dam age these trees: they look so beautiful! These trees
shouldn’t ... .
3. A nim als die o u t if people destroy th e ir h ab itats. A nim als die out
if th e ir h a b ita ts ... .
4. The v e t1 cured th e dog w ith g re a t d ifficu lty . The dog ... .
5. L et’s not endanger anim als. A nim als m u st no t ... .
6. D uring the w ar fascists ['faefistsj destroyed a lot of cities and vi-
lages. A lot of cities and villages ... .

Write the same in English, use passive structures.

1. Радугу можно видеть на небе после дож дя, когда светит солн­
це. 2. Ж ары следует ож идать только в конце ию ня. 3. Где в н а­
ше время можно купить барометр? 4. Эти виды ж ивотны х долж ­
ны быть помещены (put) в наш зоопарк в этом году. 5. Твою

1 v e t = v e te rin a ria n [.vetarx'neananj — ветери н ар

хрупкую чаш ку можно легко разбить. Будь осторожен! 6. Эти
прекрасные леса не долж ны быть уничтож ены. 7. Отсюда м ож ­
но увидеть побережье Ф ранции. 8. Н екоторые серьёзные болезни
не могут быть вылечены. 9. Н а заводе долж ны производиться
250 автомобилей еж едневно. 10. С колько имён долж но быть
включено в наш список (list)?

Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

endanger, cardboard, include, cure, pigeons, species, insects,

e x tin ct, mammal, h a b ita ts, c reatu re

1. M any ... of a n im als can become ... in th e n e ar fu tu r e .

2. N ow adays m any sc ie n tis ts say th a t some ch em icals1 can ...
hum an life. 3. B irds are anim als. A re ... also anim als? 4. T ourists
p h o tographed th e ... in T ra fa lg a r Square. 5. N elly ’s pig was a
fu n n y ..., with sh o rt legs, sm all ears, and not much h a ir on its
skin. 6. Boxes are generally made of ... . 7. Lakes and ponds are
n a tu ra l ... for frogs. W hat are usual ... fo r snakes? 8. How many
sto ries does the book ...? 9. The crocodile is not a .... i t ’s a rep ­
tile. 10. D on’t w orry, I ’ll ... your little rab b it.

A. Fill in the gaps choosing suitable reflexive pronouns.

1. She fe lt so unhappy th a t she threw ... on the bed and cried.
2. Look a t ... in th e m irror: your face is all d irty . 3. H u rry up,
children! P u t away your toys. You m u st do it ... . 4. A fte r th e
show er he dried ... on a big and so ft towel. 5. It was a w onderful
day and we really enjoyed ... . 6. It was a new place and soon we
understood th a t we had lost ... . 7. I know th a t I ’ll never let ...
ask h er such a question. 8. The boy th rew ... upon his knees in
fro n t of th e king. 9. They have nobody to th an k b u t ... . 10. She
never lets ... sh o u t a t her dog.
B. Write the same in English.
1. Чтобы купить картон и бумагу, м ы пош ли в м агазин «Сделай
это сам» (DIY). 2. Он так устал, что бросился на землю и тут
ж е заснул. 3. Уверен, что на концерте вы получите огромное
удовольствие. 4. Они никогда не позволяю т себе опаздывать на
’chem icals I'kcmiklzl — х и м и каты
уроки. 5. Смотри, не потеряйся, когда будешь идти через лес.
6. Она посмотрела на себя в зеркало и улыбнулась. 7. Ты та­
кой мокрый! Возьми полотенце и вытрись поскорее. 8. Не бес­
покойся. Я всё сделаю сам.

A. Say what the difference between the verbs to destroy and to damage is.

To dam age som ething means to spoil it physically, so th a t it does

not work properly or does not look as good as it did before.
To destroy som ething m eans to dam age it so m uch th a t it is com­
pletely ruined.
B. Choose either to destroy or to damage to express this idea in English.

1. разбить армию
2. уничтож ить бумаги (документы)
3. повредить корабль
4. испортить багаж
5. разбить надежды
6. повредить глаза
7. расстроить чьи-то планы
8. уничтож ить леса
9. разорвать (испортить) платье
10. повредить наш ему здоровью

Write a short story about:

1) your pet if you have one;
2) your friend’s pet;
3) your favourite hobby;
4) your friend’s (parents’ ) favourite hobby.

Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
ЕШЭ 3. If a dog chew s1 shoes
W hat shoes would he choose to chew?
T o o fe w f o r s u r e .
Y ou’re a choosy* shoe-chewer.

1 to chew [tfu:] — ж евать

2 choosy ["фш] — разборчивы й, кап ри зн ы й
Today's Quotation
B etter to give th a n to take.
О A. Look and compare these 2 sentences. Can you see the difference between
them? Notice the use of the comma.1

I f people use nuclear weapons, they will destroy o ur planet.

People will destroy o u r planet if they use nuclear weapons.
B. Complete the sentences using the comma where necessary.
1. If people th in k more about ecology ... .
2. W e’ll have no shortage of food when ... .
3. ... w hen we solve th is problem .
4. ... if we use filters.
5. W e shall survive if ... .
6. ... if we don’t dum p w aste in to rivers.
7. If children take care of anim als ... .
8. ... if people don’t destroy th e ir h ab itats.
9. W hen I come to th e country ... .
10. They will see m any species of mam m als when ... .

О Write questions to these sentences to find out where and when these things will
be done.

К Х А М Ф » 1 .Е : The flo o r w ill be w ashed.

— W hen will th e flo o r be w ashed?
— W here will th e flo o r be w ashed?
1. Bread will be bought.
2. The carpet will be cleaned.
3. The work will be finished.
4. The game will be played.
5. The table will be set.
6. The operation will be made.

1 com m a [’IcDma] — за п я т а я
Find 9 words connected with animals and their life in this word search

a r d о m 0 P s a X к о

m e h r w h П1 a m m a 1
b X b f s a V a n n a e
z t f с t h u e о s u n
i i b t q a a e e У m d
s n r d с b g X e V s a

P с s V e i z 0 w b P n
e t r e P t i 1 e f e g
r f g m с a f n к n с e

q d t u V t a e b g i r
t w h с r e a t u r e e
с d i с u g с q n X s d

Use the word combinations to write what the children will do or won't do if they
join the “Save the Animals" society.

the children join the “Save the Animals” society, they

will feed birds in winter.
to feed birds in w inter, to clean an im als’ h a b ita ts, to
help to keep riv ers clean, to throw (dump) w aste into
riv e rs, to p ro tect wild anim als, to dam age the en v i­
ro n m en t, to h u r t anim als, to tak e home s tr a y 1 a n i­
m als, to prepare food for cold seasons, to help anim als
to survive, to catch insects, to collect b ird s’ eggs

1stray [strei | — бездомный (о животных)

Change the sentences to use passive structures and write them down.

A. 1. Nowadays people forecast w eather more accurately. 2. Chil­

dren should take care of anim als. 3. C ountries m u st not te st nuclear
w eapons. 4. F acto ries and p la n ts m u st n o t poison w a ter in th e
riv ers. 5. H um ans should keep th e ir environm ent clean. 6. People
should n o t dum p w aste in to lakes, riv e rs, and seas. 7. D octors
should cure dangerous diseases. 8. W e ou g h t to save endangered
anim als and plants. 9. Man should not influence clim ate so m uch.
B. 1. They always take pictu res on holidays. 2. Do people often
w rite le tte rs nowadays? 3. W h at do we usually make salads from ?
4. The w eatherm en expect a rain sto rm tom orrow . 5. People g en er­
ally grow flow ers in fro n t of th e ir houses. 6. G rannies usually tell
w onderful fa iry tales. 7. P e te r th e G reat founded S t. P etersb u rg in
1703. 8. W h at languages do people speak in India? 9. The fire
destroyed th e palace. 10. You w on’t fo rg et o u r m eeting, you will
rem em ber it.

Express the same using the comparative degree of the following adjectives.

E X A A ^PL E : n o t so b a d = b ...
n o t so b a d = b e tte r
n o t so u g ly = b ...
n o t so u g ly = m o re b ea u tifu l

no t so good=u>...
not so w et= d ...
not so d i f f ic u l ty ...
not so b o ring= i...
not so sm all=b...
not so u n p leasan t= p ...
not so sad= /i...
not so sh o rt= /...
not so easy=ef...
not so cheap=e...

You are preparing a geography quiz for your friends. Make questions about some
interesting facts. You have all the answers ready.

EX A M PLE: W h ich is th e la rg e s t c ity in A u s tra lia ? — S ydney is.

1) ? New York is.
2) --------------------------- ? E verest is.
3) --------------------------- ? R ussia is.
4) --------------------------- ? The Nile is.
5) ----------------------------- ? The Amazon riv e r is.
6) --------------------------- ? The P acific Ocean is.
7) ? A laska is.
8) --------------------------- ? A frica is.

Give your replies to these phrases as in the example.

Somebody You

— I like long walks in the countryside. — So do I.

— I am not fond o f fishing. — N either am I.
— I can ’t do harm to plants.
— I never walk on the grass in the park.
— I often feed b ird s in w inter.
— I will spend the com ing sum m er a t the
— I have given m ilk to stra y k itte n s m any
tim es.
— I can explain why it is good to recycle
th in g s.
— I am try in g to be g reen .1
— I never leave w aste in th e forest.
— I have read an in te re stin g book about
— I h a te to see w aste dum ps in o u r

Read the sentences and write which activities are good and which are bad for the

N uclear power statio n s can go w rong and cause nuclear pollu­

tion. If you try not to w aste w ater, you save w ater and energy.
U sing filte rs a t electric power statio n s m akes a ir cleaner.
Acid rain s are dangerous fo r th e atm osphere. W hen you throw

1 to be g re en — п оддерж ивать идею охран ы окруж аю щ ей среды

away a new spaper or a m agazine, you are throw ing away some p a rt
of a tree. If you travel by bus instead of a car, you save more en er­
gy. U sing filte rs in cars and buses makes a ir cleaner. W hen you
b u rn th in g s in th e yard, you produce a lo t of carbon dioxide. Some
sp ra y s1 can do a lot of harm to th e atm osphere.
Good activ ities Bad activ ities

1. People try to p la n t tre e s 1. W hen p la stic bags are de-

w herever they w ant them . stroyed, it does a lo t of harm to
th e atm osphere.

Complete this poem using one of the three words from the right-hand column. Use
a dictionary if necessary.

by A n n N olan Clark
Brown fields, (J) w ater
W ith ground all broken, h u rt
I walk softly over you see
I would not ... Ф у о и ,
W hile you keep
The baby corn seeds sleeping.
See, brow n fields, (Dj d ry
The sun will shine fo r you; hot
The sun will w arm you, happy
A nd make you ... ® .
Soon the ... © w ill come (Ш rain s
A nd wet you, th u n d ersto rm s
And give you w ater fogs
For your baby corn seeds sleeping.
The sun will call the corn seeds;
The rain will call th e corn seeds;
They will push up;
L ittle corn seeds will push up, (J) m oving
Up th ro u g h the broken ground, playing
L ittle corn seeds ... ® grow ing

1 sp ra y IspreiJ — а) б ал л он ч и к с ж и д костью , которая расп ы л яется под

д авлением ; б) ж и д кость, ко то р ая р асп ы л яется под давлением
Brown fields, © yellow
You will tu rn to ... (D red
L ittle ... (D corn ears green
G rowing,

® dancing
For th e rain , singing
For th e sun. talking
Write the same in English.

1. Множество заводов и фабрик вырабатываю т отходы и слива­

ют их в реки. Так вода в реках становится отравленной. 2. Д ы ­
ры в озоновом слое очень опасны для людей: ультрафиолетовое
излучение проходит через них и достигает Земли. Такое излуче­
ние может вы звать опасные заболевания. 3. Население многих
стран страдает от недостатка воды. 4. Ядерное оруж ие способно
произвести страш ны е разруш ения на наш ей планете. Ядерные
электростанции не такие уж «чистые», к ак полагают некоторые:
они становятся причиной радиационного загрязнения. 5. Окру­
ж аю щ ая среда — это всё, что вы видите вокруг себя. Сегодня
люди понимают, что необходимо сохранить её в чистоте, если че­
ловечество хочет вы ж ить.

These are 2 words of advice about what must and what mustn’t be done if we want
to survive. Write more advice to people.

Dos Don’ts
1. W aste m u st be recycled. 1. W aste m u st no t be dum ped
in to riv ers, lakes and seas.

Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
Ш 4. P e te r P ip e r picked1 a peck2 of pickled3 peppers.

1 to p ic k — выбирать
2 a peck — мера ём кости с ы п у ч и х тел (щ епот ка. к у ч к а )
3 p ickled — м аринованный
U N I T 5

Today's Quotation
■ ■
T ry to wake up happy. □ V
О There are two mixed up stories here. Put the pieces right and copy out the two
stories giving each a title.

1. This th eo ry I'Biari] answ ers all the questions. S cientists are

still asking questions and try to explain why so m any plants
and anim als became e x tin ct. I t ’s one of th e oldest m ysteries in
th e w orld, and i t may never be solved.

2. In 1900 m any zoos had passenger pigeons.1 On 14 Septem ber,

1908 the last wild passenger pigeon was cau g h t n ear D e tro it.2
M artha, th e last living passenger pigeon in th e w orld, died on
1 S eptem ber, 1914. H er body is placed in a m useum in
W ashington, D. C.

3. M any of them th in k th a t a change in clim ate caused it. B ut

w hat could cause such a change in clim ate? Some scien tists say
th a t an asteroid I'ajstaroidl fell on the e arth 65 m illion years ago.
A huge cloud of d u st rose in to the sky. There was no su n lig h t.
T em peratures became very low, and w ith o u t su n lig h t, p lan ts
died. The dinosaurs died from h u n g er and freezing.

1 a p asse n g er pigeon — странствую щ ий голубь
l 3 L
2 D e tro it [di'troill — г. Д етройт, ш т ат М и ч и га н , СШ А
4. In th e 18th and 19th centuries th e re were m illions of beau­
tifu l passenger pigeons in th e U nited S tates and Canada. A v is­
ito r from H olland w rote, in 1625, th a t th e re w ere so m any
pigeons th a t the sky was d ark w ith them and no sun was seen.
Today, not a single passenger pigeon is alive.

5. D inosaurs lived on th e e a rth fo r over 140 m illion years.

Then, suddenly, 65 m illion years ago, all th e dinosaurs died,
and m ost of th e o th e r anim als and plan ts died along w ith them .
Over 75 per cent of life on earth became e x tin ct. For m ore th an
150 years scien tists have trie d to fin d ou t why.

6. The passenger pigeon was one of th e larg est and m ost beau­
tifu l m embers of the pigeon fam ily. It was about fo rty -fiv e cm
long, had narrow w ings and a long g ra c efu l1 neck. Its tail was
tw enty cm long and was silvery w hite. The head was dark blue
and th e neck was gold and green and purple.

Find the odd word out.

1. To dam age, to endanger, to destroy, to ru in , to create.

2. Safe, nuclear, calm, pleasant, mamm al.
3. R adiation, d estru ctio n , environm ent, population, pollution.
4. Fox, bare, pigeon, reptile, h a b itat, insect.
5. P aper, glass, cardboard, w aste, plastic, wood.

’ g racefu l ['qrcisfall — грац и озн ы й , и зящ н ы й

A. Look at the maps. Can you write the names of the countries you see below?
О A. Match the words in the columns, using the article where necessary.

Scottish shock
global society
scientific crisis
in tern atio n al pile
a /— dangerous energy
terrib le cooperation
huge picnicker
sm iling accent
B. Make up 8 sentences with the word combinations you have got.

EXAMPLE; He is fro m S cotland and speaks w ith a S c o ttis h a c c e n t.

О Answer the questions using the words of Unit 5. Write your answers down.

1. W hat do you call someone who is having a picnic? 2. How will

you describe a room where all the th in g s are in the w rong places
and which is not very clean? 3. W hat do women usually do w ith
fr u it and vegetables in autum n? 4. W h at can happen to a pie if
you leave it on fire for a long tim e? 5. How is a school year u su ­
ally divided? 6. W h at do you call a very bad accident when many
people are killed? 7. W hat do teachers o r p aren ts do when they like
c h ild ren ’s work a t school?

Q Choose the word that you think is right (in four cases both are possible).

tin(s) — can(s)
1. He opened a ... of coke. 2. I can’t find th e ... of beans’ I bought
yesterday. 3. How m any ... of tom atoes shall I buy?
to spoil — to ru in (and th e ir form s)
1. The cook ... the soup as he had p u t a lot of salt in. 2. A fte r the
w ar m any tow ns and villages were ... . 3. The food will ... if you
don’t keep it cool. 4. G randm others o ften ... th e ir grandchildren.
crisis — d isaste r
1. Ilis la st day a t work was a ... . 2. Som etim es a rain sto rm can
be a . . . . 3. A few years ago the country had a political ... .

1 beans — бобы
a b it — a lot
1. L e t’s stay here ... longer. I like th e perform ance ... . 2. He
rem em bered ... more about me th a n I did about him . 3. My s is te r’s
boots were ... too sm all. 4. They talk ... about th is problem.

О Put these words under four categories: Sports, Shopping, Health, Food.


To row , pancakes, cream , chess, th e b a k e r’s, a lo af of b read ,
p o rk , headache, b o a tin g , ru g b y , sick , c ric k e t, th e g ro c e r’s,
a sto m ach , earache, a th le tic s , ill, to o th a c h e, to h u rt, th e
b u tc h e r’s, to buy, blood p re ssu re , hockey, pulse, a ja r of
honey, c o tta g e, cheese, golf, d a iry p ro d u c ts, lu n g s, so u r
cream , to recover, team , h o rse -rid in g , to sell, a pound of
bacon, to cough, com petition, to sneeze, a so ft d rin k , a p acket
of b isc u its, to w rap, a th r o a t, to fry , to c u re , pain,
a p re sc rip tio n , th e fish m o n g e r’s, m edicine, to pay, a sw eet­
shop, a bar of chocolate.

О Look through ex. 20 (Unit 5) of your textbook and write answers to these ques­

1. W h at was th e w eather like on th a t day, the la st day of the

term ?
2. W hat did Vicki see in the grove?
3. W ho m et Vicki a t th e grove?
4. W here did th e girls p u t all the rubbish?
5. W hat did the girls ask th e woman in a pink h a t to do?
6. W h at did th e woman th an k the g irls for?
7. W hy were th e g irls happy w hen th e picnickers drove away?
8. W h at did M r Bird talk to his class about?
9. W hat did he say was the re su lt of th e environm ental crisis?
10. W hat rules have people le arn t to p ro tect th e environm ent?

О Fill in the articles where necessary to complete the story.

Vicki and her friends decided to s ta r t th e ir own Clean up ...

Countryside Society. ... g irls had ... an o th er m eeting ... next day.
Vicki offered to watch fo r ... rubbish dum pers. Everybody agreed
and soon Rosie and Jan e noticed ... picnickers. ... picnickers were
finishing ... lunch and they le ft all ... rubbish on ... ground. ...
girls asked w hat ... picnickers were going to do w ith ... litte r. ...
tall man w ith ... A m erican accent said he did no t know w hat Vicki
m eant, b u t ... woman w ith ... pink h a t on said th a t ... young lady
(she called Vicki like th a t) was rig h t. ... woman said they couldn’t
leave ... rubbish there. Vicki gave them ... bag to p u t ... rubbish
in. ... woman thanked ... g irls for helping them u n d erstan d th a t ...
country was ... b eautiful place.

Write the same in English.

A. 1. Джон приступил к работе в 3 часа, а в половине четвёрто­

го он её уж е закончил. 2. Комната была в ужасном беспорядке.
Я поняла, что мне придётся убрать её. 3. Мы реш или немного
подождать. 4. В наш и дни все понимают, к ак важно меж дуна­
родное сотрудничество. 5. Н елли ничего не знала о работе свое­
го литературного (literary ) общества. 6. Дж он работает на ком­
пьютере часами. Он испортил себе глаза. 7. В ики и её подругам
было приятно, когда учитель похвалил их. 8. На столе леж ала
стопка новых книг. 9. Ш ла (была) последняя неделя четверти.
10. М аленькая сестрёнка попросила Виктора купить банку ко­
ка-колы .
B. 1. А лиса сказала, что Джон говорит с акцентом. 2. Д ж ейн хо­
тела знать, где её двоюродные братья были вчера. 3. Мама ск а­
зала, что летом мы поедем в Грецию. 4. Эндрю ответил, что ни ­
чего не знал о катастрофе. 5. Кити знала, что её сестра не умеет
готовить. 6. Она удивилась, когда поняла, что А нна законсерви­
ровала яблоки. 7. Папа показал мне книгу, которую купил для
брата. 8. Я спросила, куда уехала наш а тётя.

Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
Ш 5. If a three-m onth tru c e 1
Is a tru ce in tru th ,
Is the tr u th of a tru ce in tr u th
A three-m onth tru th ?
1 tru c e [tru:s] — договор о п ерем ири и
Find the odd word out:

1. h eat, sunshine, show er, m am m al, w eather

2. huge, daily, m isty, praise, fragile
3. d isaster, mess, society, crisis
4. b irds, m am m als, insects, shortage, fish
5. pollution, cooperation, greenhouse, population
6. pollute, produce, destroy, dam age, atm osphere, poison

Q Match the two columns to get a correct sentence. Write the sentences down.

1. If nuclear power statio n s go 1. we w on’t be protected from

w rong, u ltrav io let rad iatio n .
2. If people stay in d irect su n ­ 2. th ey will clean a ir again.
lig h t for a long tim e,
3. If th ere is no ozone layer in 3. they will cause nuclear pol­
th e atm osphere, lution.
4. If people use filte rs a t n u ­ 4. th e y w ill g e t u ltra v io le t
clear power statio n s, rad iatio n from th e sun.
5. If factories dum p th e ir waste 5. they will solve th e environ­
in th e rivers, m ental problem s.
6. If people w ant to survive, 6. th ey will become d irty and

A. Form the verbs from these nouns and adjectives.

w a te r — to w a te r, pale — to pale

calm — ..., lig h t — show er — ..., ra in — .. te s t — fil-

te r — ..., w aste — ..., cause — ..., c lea r — m ilk — ...,
eye — ...
B. What is the meaning of the verbs? If you are not sure, consult a dictionary.
C. Write if the underlined words in the sentences are nouns or verbs. Translate the
sentences into Russian.
1. I t ’s very dry; we m ust w ater th e garden. 2. Don’t waste elec­
tric ity , tu rn off the lig h t when you go out. 3. It has sta rte d to
sh o w e r, you’d b e tte r take your um brella. 4. N uclear w aste is a d an ­
gerous th in g . 5. Showers are forecast fo r tom orrow . 6. You m ust
filte r th e d rin k in g w a te r. 7. The fire w on’t l i g h t . 8. People who
live in the co u n try get up early to m ilk th e ir cows. 9. He is the
cause of all my unhappiness. 10. W hen th e sea or th e w eath er
calm s, it becomes quiet and still.

Write the same in indirect speech.

“Tell Colin th a t I can ’t come and see him y e t,” said M ary. “I ’m
very busy in the g ard en .” M artha was not happy to h ear th a t. “Eh!
Miss M ary,” she said, “he will become an g ry w hen I tell him th a t.”
“I can’t s ta y ,” M ary answ ered. “Dickon is w aiting fo r me. I was
not in the garden yesterday. Tell Colin to read o r look th ro u g h his
books.” “He has been w aiting for you since seven o’clock,” M artha
said. “C an’t you come ju s t fo r a m in u te?” “I can ’t and I d on’t w ant
to. I will come to see him in the even in g ,” M ary said. “And d o n ’t
look a t me in th is way, M arth a.”

You are going to interview your partner. Prepare questions you may ask. Find

— how much tim e h e/sh e spends outdoors;

— if h e /sh e keeps to a diet and why;
— how h e/sh e understan d s h ealth y eating;
— if h e /sh e tak es a lo t of m edicines and
when h e /sh e does it;
— w hat h e/sh e is planning to do to keep in
good health;
— how m any meals a day h e /sh e has and if
they are huge meals;
— where h e /sh e spends free tim e;
— how m any hours a day h e /sh e reads;
— when h e/sh e goes to bed.

A. What do you think these words mean? Choose the correct answer. Look the
words up to check yourselves.

1) An under-five is a) a building th a t has fo u r floors.

b) a child who is under five years old.
c) a pupil going to th e fo u rth form .
2) A pushchair is a) a gam e in w hich c h ild re n push each
o th e r off th e ir chairs.
b) a chair th a t stan d s pushed in to a corner
of th e room.
c) a special chair on wheels fo r pushing a
small child about.
3) A high ch air a) a chair w ith long legs used fo r a baby
or a child to s it in.
b) a chair w ith a tall back.
c) a big and b eau tifu l ch air for a king to
sit on.

B. Read the text. It has got five paragraphs. Find a key sentence (a sentence
expressing the main idea of a paragraph) in each paragraph. Write the key
sentences out.
Do under-fives need m ore exercise?

1. Lucy Jackson is the a u th o r of the book “C hildsplay” . In h er

book Lucy w rites th a t sm all children should have special e x er­
cises in exercise classes because a t home th e y do no t have
enough exercise.

2. Small children do th a t because they can ’t ru n around freely.

T hat is not sim ply possible. The world around them is not a
safe place. As a re su lt m any sm all children become no t active
and u n fit.

3. Lucy w rites th a t p a re n ts should begin exercise w ith very

sm all babies. They should move th e ir arm s and legs gently to
the m usic. As children grow they should follow a special e x er­
cise program m e.

4. B u t m a n y people think th a t children will learn to ru n and

jum p as they play n a tu ra lly . They should eat healthy food, play
outdoors. In w estern countries m any p aren ts take th e ir children
to exercise classes w here they jum p around w ith th e ir m others
to disco m usic. They seem to enjoy them selves. B ut it is not
clear if the classes influence th e ir fu tu re developm ent.
5. M ost schoolchildren do some sp o rt a t school. M any of them
tak e re g u la r exercise in th e ir free tim e. B u t th e ir y o u n g er
b ro th e rs and siste rs spend m ost of th e tim e in fro n t of th e
television or s ittin g in a pushchair a n d /o r high chair.

Write questions to the text above using the words: who, where, when, why, what
kind of, what, how many.

Give at least three reasons why Lucy thinks small children should have regular exer­
cise. Write them down.

Read the poem “An Autumn Farm" written by John Holt, a 12-year-old boy, and try
to write your own poem on the topic “The Natural World".

A fresh m orning begins a t a farm .
A smell of bacon in th e air.
A smell of a new day beginning.
A sound of blowing leaves in th e air.
A smell of wind and fog.
A smell of anim als in th e b a rn .1
A sound of the w histle2 from the w ind, th ro u g h th e trees.
A smell of A utum n.
A chill3 in the air.
A lig h t fro st on the ground.

O A. Imagine yourself in the picture. Write a list of words to name the things
you can see around. Compare your list with your friends’. See whose list
is the longest.

1 a barn [ba:n] — сарай

2 a whistle [*wislj — свист
3 chill |tfil] — прохлада
В. Write a list of adjectives that help you to describe these things.

Complete this text about Great Britain and copy it out.

G reat B ritain is a ... country, a kingdom in ... Europe. It lies

0 11 several islands and has a ... of about 57 m ln people. G reat
B rita in ’s capital is ... and the national cu rren cy 1 is a ............is the
m ain language.
The clim ate of G reat B ritain is very ... . There are a lot of ...
falling o u t all the year round. The wind b rin g s rain from the ...
Ocean. Snow only ... occasionally and doesn’t stay fo r long except
in th e ... of S cotland. The u sual ... in E ngland and W ales are
+4 °C in J a n u a ry and + 16 °C in J u ly and A ugust.
A lot of to u rists come to G reat B ritain every year to do some
... in its big and sm all towns.

0 Write the same kind of text about Russia.

Look at the map of London on p. 36. Imagine that you are showing London to your
friends. Write at least 5 sentences about three places you want to show them.

C u rre n c y f'kArnnsiJ — ден ьги , валю та

Regent’s Park

[British Museum

r St. Paul’s Cathedral

Tower of London
P iccadilly Circus
S q u a re . .

JPalace ^
W tCf'A
Tower Bridge

A lbert Hall Houses of Parliament

i-j i ; \ \ /a
W estm inster Abbe'

Choose the right item.

1. The flag of R ussia has th re e colours: w hite, blue and red. In

w hat order do they follow each other?
a) blue b) w hite c) red
w hite blue blue
red red w hite

2. W hich of these cities has never been R u ssia’s capital?

a) Moscow b) Kiev c) Novgorod d) St. P etersb u rg
3. A G reat Fire of Moscow broke ou t in ...
a) 1805 b) 1817 c) 1812
4. Moscow was founded in ...
a) 1147 b) 1148 c) 1149
5. ... threw off th e T a ta r yoke ['tarts 'jouk| and called Moscow the
th ird Rome.
a) P e te r III b) Ivan III c) Boris Godunov
6. The population of R ussia is about ...
a) 100 m ln b) 150 m ln c) 200 mln
7. The firs t settlem en t of Moscow was situ a ted on ...
a) th e Vorobiovi H ills b) K rasni H ill c) B orovitski Hill
8. W hich of these towns is not a town of th e Gold Ring?
a) Suzdal b) V ladim ir c) Tula d) Y aroslavl
9. In th e T retyakov P ic tu re G allery you can see ...
a) p ictures by R ussian pain ters
b) p ictures by foreign pain ters
c) p ictu res by both R ussian and foreign p ain ters
10. In the Bolshoi T heatre you can see ...
a) b allet and listen to opera
b) dram a and listen to opera
c) dram a and ballet

A. Complete the text on the postcard and copy it out.

12 — /

Oear Cinda,
Thank ifои for ^our card. J ant glad ifои re having
a good tinte, but J ant not surprised.
Brighton is wonderful at this tinte of ifear.
We are going on holidaif next tnonth.
We are going to Condon . We are planning
to stag . . . . We are not taking the car.
We are going ... . We want to do a lot of walking.
We want to see ... . J ant taking mg camera
and Chris is taking ... gou know how much
he loves... .
Cnjog gour holidag.
Cove, Chris and Mary

B. Write a postcard to describe your plans for the coming holidays.

Today's Quotation
В I - I ■
Rome was not b u ilt in a day. и

Last summer John Gray visited East Anglia. On his trip he met Joanna who he
admired very much. Now back in Canada, John is thinking about all the nice things
she told him. Write what they were.

1. Our trip is so exciting.

She said their trip was so exciting.

2. There are so m any holiday­ 6. O ur tw o c o u n trie s are con­

m akers here. nected.
3. Y our face is so a ttra ctiv e. 7. W e can see b eau tifu l scenery
4. I have n ev er m et such a here.
stro n g man. 8. I will never fo rg et th is trip .
5. I have never been so ex cit­ 9. I can see you also adm ire th is
ed. place.
10. I like o u r journey.

О Joanna is looking through the album of pictures she took in East Anglia. She
remembers John and the trip, but differently. She thinks John asked her very
many questions. Write what John asked her.

1. W hat’s your birthplace?

He asked me what my birthplace was.
2. Do you go to university? 7. W hen are you going hom e?
3. A re th e re any w aterfalls in 8. W hy d on’t you stay in E ast
Canada? A nglia a b it longer?
4. Do you like hedges in 9. W h a t c o u n trie s have you
England? been to?
5. H ave you got any meadows 10. W ill you come back to
in th e place w here you live? England some day?
6. A re the fields as fla t in your
c o u n try as th ey are in E ast
\A n g lia ?

Write the sentences using a participle instead of a clause.

a) The place that is situated in the Highlands attracts
many tourists.
The place situated in the Highlands attracts many
b) The two rivers that are running in the valley join
together at the foot of the mountain.
The two rivers running in the valley join together at
the foot of the mountain.
1. The old castle which was b u ilt five hundred years ago belongs
to the u n iv ersity . 2. The holidaym akers who were w earing lig h t
clothes walked along the beach. 3. The lands th a t were discovered
by Columbus were rich in gold. 4. The children who were excited
by th e news shouted “H oorah!” th re e tim es. 5. The hedges th a t
divided th e fields were g e ttin g yellow. 6. The young lady who was
stan d in g a t th e door looked very a ttra c tiv e . 7. The two banks which
were connected by a bridge were high and looked dangerous. 8. The
chocolate fa c to ry w hich was ru n by M r W onker m ade th e best
chocolate in the world. 9. B etty Sm ith heard th e noise of a child
who was crying. 10. He entered the yard and sm elt som ething th a t
was b urning.
Copy out the text using just one adjective from the brackets.

Bill: I ’m so {exciting/excited). I ’ve ju s t seen a very {interesting/

interested) film .
Liz: Really? W hat was it?
Bill: It was a h o rro r film called The W hite Moon.
Liz: Oh, h o rro r film s are so {frig h te n in g /frig h ten e d ). I never
w atch them .
Bill: I ’m {surprising/ surprised), all my friends w atch them .
Liz: N ot me. I like rom antic film s.
Bill: I ’m always {boring/bored) when I watch them . Give me a good
comedy or a h o rro r film . They are so {exciting/ excited).
Give them a name.

1. Someone who bakes bread is a baker.

2. Someone who interview s people is an ... .
3. Someone who plays football is a football ... .
4. Someone who eats well is a good ... .
5. Someone who p ain ts houses is a ... .
6. Someone who sleeps well is a good ... .
7. Someone who rules the country is a ... .
8. Someone who kills anim als is an anim al ... .
9. Someone who explores new lands is an ... .

Make up 6 (3+3) sentences with its and it ’s.

Match the words in the two columns to say what these places are famous for.

~ K A M > LE : London is fam ous fo r its m useum s.

K ent — a group of huge stones of pre-historic

tim es
Stonehenge — W in te r Palace (the H erm itage)
L and’s End — its un iv ersity
Liverpool — th e fa c t t h a t i t ’s th e m ost w esterly
point in th e country
Cam bridge — f r u it grow ing and gardens
W ashington, D. C. — a big po rt on th e w estern coast
New York — th e E iffel |‘aitl| Tower
P aris — the W hite House
S t. P etersb u rg — th e Coliseum [.koli'siiam]
Rome — th e skyscrapers
Look through ex. 20 of the textbook and write your answers to these questions:

1. W h at makes B ritain so beautiful?

2. How can you characterise th e scenery of B ritain?
3. W hat is the m ain activ ity in the south-w est?
4. W here is H eathrow A irp o rt situated?
5. W hat are th e principal cities in the M idlands?
6. W h at is special about the shape of E ast A nglia and its position?
7. W hy did E m peror H a d ria n b u ild a wall across th e n o rth of

Open the brackets to complete the text.

W e left Oxford on the th ird day to go back home. It (1. rain).

The w eather (2. change) for the worse when we (3. leave). H arris
said th a t when the sun (4. shine) the riv er (5. turn) everything into
a golden dream , b u t a t th e m om ent the riv e r (6‘. look) grey.
I t (7. rain) fo r several hours when we (3. stop) fo r th e n ig h t. We
(9. have) a good hot supper. A game of cards (10. play) a fte r it.
W hen H a rris and T (11. lose) fiv e pence each, we (12. decide)
(13. stop) because we (14. think) the game (15. get) too exciting.
The fire (16. burn) in th e fireplace and we (17. feel) quite peace­
ful. “If H a rris (18. not, want) to go on such a trip again in fu tu re ,
he (19. be sorry),” I said. “I never (20. feel) so well and ro m an tic.”
B ut H a rris (21. speak) about possible illnesses and (22. say) th a t
it (23. be) very serious if one of us (24. become) ill because we were
a long way from a doctor.

Complete the text using the correct verb forms.

Jack Robinson (be) a fam ous explorer. Today he (come) to th e tele­
vision stu d io (give) an in terv iew abou t his ex citin g life. O liver
Shade, an interview er, (talk) to him .
Interview er: M r R obinson, you (spend) your whole life (ex­
plore) th e w orld. B ut we know th a t your special
in te re st always (be) th e B ritish Isles. W hen you
(get) in terested in trav ellin g ?
J a ck Robinson: j c an ’t tell you the e x a c t1 day b u t I rem em ber
th a t when I (be) a little boy I used (read) a lot.

1 e x a c t [ig'/iekt] — точны й , определённы й

A nd once my p a re n ts (give) me a book about
B ritis h geography . W hen I (look) th ro u g h th e
book, I (see) a p ic tu re of th e Lake D istric t.
I (admire) the place g reatly and a t th a t m om ent
I (decide) (become) a trav eller.
Interviewer: W hen you f ir s t (go) to the Lake D istrict?
J a c k Robinson: W hen I (leave) school, my fa th e r (take) me on a
journey to the N o rth of England and we (spend)
a few days in the Lake D istrict.
Interviewer: W hat o th er p a rts of England you (explore)!
J a c k Robinson: I (be) to all the p a rts of the co u n try and also to
S cotland, W ales and Irela n d . B u t I n ev er (be)
to India w here I (go) n ex t Monday.
I nterviewer: N ext Monday?
J a c k Robinson: Yes. W e (start) on October 12, and a t th e end of
the m onth we (arrive) in India.
Interviewer: You (go) by sea?
Ja c k Robinson: Yes, of course. I (take) p a rt in an expedition (dis­
cover) some lost Indian cities.
Interviewer: Isn ’t th a t great! I hope your journey (be) a suc­
cess. The best of luck to you, sir.

Write the same in English.

A. 1. Города, расположенные на побережье, часто являю тся пор­

тами. 2. П оля, разделённые ж ивыми изгородями, всегда вы гл я­
дят очень привлекательно. 3. О травленные реки представляю т
опасность не только для рыбы, но и для человека. 4. В каж дой
стране есть фабрики и заводы, загрязняю щ ие окружаю щ ую сре­
ду. 5. Места, связанны е с Ш експиром, находятся главным обра­
зом (m ainly) в Стратфорде-на-Эйвоне. 6. Что ты думаеш ь о лю ­
д ях , загрязн яю щ их окруж аю щ ую среду? 7. К ак мы назы ваем
людей, ж ивущ их в Ш отландии и говорящ их на шотландском диа­
лекте (dialect)? 8. Дети, взволнованные цирковы м представлени­
ем, реш или стать акробатами. 9. Есть ли в Британии местности,
покрытые лесами? 10. Ф рукты , законсервированные в прошлом
году, были очень вкусными.
B. 1. К акой район А нглии богат углём? 2. Где располож ены
знам ениты е курортны е города А нглии? 3. Где родились У иль­
ям Ш експир и Оливер К ром вель? 4. П очему р и м ски й п ра­
витель А дриан п р и к азал построить стену на севере А нглии?
5. К аки е города А нглии связан ы с англи й ской культурой?
6. К акой район А нглии был покры т морем? 7. Почему район
юго-западных графств (the Southw est) привлекает отдыхаю щ их?
8. А эропорт Х итроу н аходится далеко от Лондона? К ак д а ­

ф Write three good reasons why you would like to visit:

a) the Southeast of England; d) the Midlands;
b) the Southwest of England; e) the North of England.
c) East Anglia;

Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
Ш 6. Three grey geese in the green grass g ra z in g ,1
G rey were th e geese and green was th e g ra z in g .2

U N I T 9

>• • • • Today's Quotation • • • •

IS ■ B E
Sunny th o u g h ts make th e whole day b rig h ter.

A. Use articles where necessary to make the sentences complete.

1. W h at ... b eau tifu l rainbow! 2. W h at ... huge barom eter! 3. W h at

... golden sunshine! 4. W h at ... fragile cup! 5. W h at ... stran g e
forecast! 6. W h at ... good w eatherm en! 7. W h at ... dangerous habi­
ta ts! 8. W h at ... aw ful d isaste r! 9. W h a t ... deep knowledge!
10. W hat ... brave people! 11. W h at ... m isty w eather! 12. W h at
... a ttra c tiv e scenery! 13. W h at ... exciting journey! 14. W h at ...
excited children! 15. W h at ... green hedges!

1 to graze [greiz] — щипать траву; grazing — пасущийся, щиплющий

2 the grazing — пастбище
В. Write out from the sentences above different nouns and put them into these

Countable nouns, sin g u lar Countable nouns, plural

1. a rainbow 1. w eatherm en
2. .. 2 . ...
3. .. 3. ...
4. .. d
5.. ....
6. ..

U ncountable nouns
1. sunshine
2. ...
3. ...
4. ...

Rewrite these sentences in this way: a) 9 sentences where the underlined words
are nouns; b) 9 sentences where they are verbs.

1. a) D on’t let me influence your choice, b) The s ta r s ’ influence on

people is not proved.
2. a) We saw some shape th ro u g h th e m ist b u t we couldn’t see who
it was. b) The little g irl shaped a small piece of p lasticin e1 in to a
3. a) The boy stood speechless from shock, b) The news, I ’m sure,
will shock the boy.
4. a) The new film received high praise from everyone, b) I can
only praise you fo r your courage.
5. a) There was no can of beans on th e table, b) W hen does yoiir
m other usually can fru it?
6. a) The soldiers and officers could not fo rg et th e ir aw ful d e fe a t,
b) The Duke said he would defeat th e enem y’s arm y.
7. a) If I stand on a chair, I can touch th e ceiling, b) He fe lt the
touch of her hand on his shoulder.
8. a) He says he is in control of th e situ a tio n , b) I ’m not su re he
can control th e class.
9. a) G iving no reason she suddenly left, b) I t ’s d ifficu lt to reason
w ith him . He will never say th a t he is w rong.

1 p la stic in e |'plaestisi:n | — п ласти ли н

Read the sentences. Guess the meaning of the underlined words, then write your
own sentences using these words as another part of speech.

L ittle J o h n n ie w as w o lfin g h is bar of ch o c o la te,

(a w olf—to wolf)
A re you a fra id of w olves?
1. The cow is n ’t m ilking very well. 2. O ur arm ies storm ed the city.
3. They breakfasted a t a small Italian cafe. 4. T onight we are show ­
ing th e film s ta rrin g C harlie Chaplin. 5. The b o ttle was m arked
“Produce of Spain” . 6. Someone tried to poison o u r cat. 7. They
crowned him K ing of P o rtu g al.

Write where you can buy these things.

I can buy m ilk a t th e d airy .

a loaf of bread? a towel?

sheets and blankets? shoes? at th e sw eetshop
a goldfish? pork? at th e d e p artm en t sto re
a map of England? a cake? at th e p et shop
a b ar of chocolate? a tortoise? at th e b a k e r’s
biscuits? at th e bookshop
at th e b u tc h e r’s

Write 16 sentences about the picture on p. 46. Use the examples and the given

1К Л М РШ 1. W h a t (a) b e a u tifu l picture(s)!

2. How b e a u tifu l th e p ic tu re is (th e p ic tu re s are)!
3. I t is so b eau tifu l!
4. I t is su ch (a) b e a u tifu l day (w eather)!
long — s tre e t calm — man
old — cars brave — balloonist
b rig h t — sunshine excited — people
fresh — a ir exciting — journey
huge — crowds unusual — procession
tall — buildings fla t — fields
m isty — day a ttra c tiv e — idea
changeable — w eather pleasant — holiday
A. Look at the picture and write what these people gave their friends for Christmas.

Steve Arnold Jenny Mary

Fiona Ian Liz Tony

B. Write answers to these questions.

Did S teve give Liz th e disk? — No, he d id n ’t. He gave

th e d isk to Tony.

1. Did A rnold give Fiona the toy dog?

2. Did Ian give Tony th e firtre e ?
3. Did M ary give A rnold th e Santa?
4. Did Liz give Ian th e book?
5. Did Fiona give A rnold the box of chocolates?
6. Did Jen n y give M ary th e ring?
7. Did Tony give Liz the album of stam ps?

Look through ex. 19 of your textbook and correct these statements:

1. The Mall, a wide avenue used fo r royal processions, ru n s th ro u g h

Hyde P ark . 2. The Tower of London is th e official residence of
Queen E lizabeth II. 3. There are more th a n tw enty parks in and
around London which are owned by th e Crown. 4. London Zoo is
situ a ted in St. Ja m e s’s P ark . 5. King H enry VIII had eig h t wives.
6. K ing H enry VHI became head of the Roman Catholic C hurch in
1534. 7. Queen V ictoria ruled England in the 16th cen tu ry . 8. In
fro n t of B uckingham Palace th e re is a m onum ent to Queen
Elizabeth I. 9. The Royal A lbert Ilall has rich collections of p a in t­
ings and o th e r w orks of a r t. 10. D u rin g th e reig n of Queen
E lizab eth I B rita in becam e an em pire w ith a lo t of colonies.
11. Queen Elizabeth I ruled for the longest period in th e English

О Look at the picture and connect the places with the names. Write 3 or more sen­
tences about each of them.

a) V ictoria and A lbert Museum
b) R eg en t’s P ark
c) B uckingham Palace
d) A lbert Hall
e) S t. Ja m e s’s P ark
f) the Mall

ф Write the same in English.

1. Какой трогательный рассказ! 2. Узкие улицы этого города на­

поминают мне Венецию (Venice). 3. Королева В еликобритании
царствует, но не правит. 4. Самые известные короны британских
монархов можно увидеть в Тауэре. 5. Кто в вашей семье интере­
суется политикой? 6. С кольким и паркам и в Лондоне и около
Лондона владеет королевская семья? 7. У королевы Елизаветы II
несколько официальны х резиденций в Великобритании, одна из
них находится в Ш отландии. 8. Гайд-парк, Р и д ж ен тс-п арк и
парк Св. Д ж ейм са — королевские п арки Лондона. 9. Многие
места в Лондоне тесно связаны с королевской семьей.

Ф Describe the picture from ex. 5, p. 46.

Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
EI3 7. My dam e’ has a lam e2 tam e3 c ra n e,4
My dame has a crane th a t is lame,
Let my dam e’s tam e crane
Feed and come home again.

1 a dam e [deim] — дама

2 lam e [leimj — хром ой
3 tam e [teim] — ручной
4 a cran e [kreinj — ж у р авл ь
Today's Quotation
п В В 0 в
There is more to life th a n money. J
Life m ust have m eaning.

Complete the story with the verbs from the box (with or without fo).

cook m a rry do w ash m ake clean help

cook clean wash

You all know the sto ry of C inderella. C inderella was very

^ u n h ap p y because h e r ste p m o th e r d id n ’t love h e r and
expected the poor girl ... the house, ... th e m eals, ... th e
plates, and ... many o th e r th in g s. B ut she never w anted
■jfV th e own d au g h ters ... C inderella w ith th is w ork. She did-
*55 n ’t expect them ... or ... or ... . They d id n ’t do an y th in g
• > ) except enjoying them selves. T heir m other w anted them
... P rince C harm ing, so they tried on p re tty dresses all
( th e day long. They also ordered poor C inderella ... more
p re tty dresses for them . C inderella was a kind girl and
trie d very hard to please h er step sisters.

Write the same in English.

1. Я х о ч у , ч т о б ы в ы з н а л и п о б о л ь ш е о п о л и т и к е . 2. Н и к т о не
о ж и д а л , ч т о ко р о л е в а В и к т о р и я б уд е т п р а в и т ь с то л ь д о л го .
3 . Я б ы х о т е л а , ч т о б ы в ы с а м и з а р а б а т ы в а л и себе на ж и з н ь .
4 . Б е д н а я ж е н щ и н а не х о т е л а , ч т о б ы о н и с та л и в о р а м и . 5. Н и ­
к т о не о ж и д а л , ч т о он п р и м е т у ч а с т и е в о ф и ц и а л ь н о й ц е р е м о ­
н и и . 6 . М н е б ы х о т е л о с ь , ч т о б ы о н а в л ад ел а э т о й ф е р м о й . 7. К о ­
р ол ева Е л и з а в е т а I не х о т е л а , ч т о б ы М а р и я С т ю а р т у п р а в л я л а
А н гл и е й . 8. Он посоветовал нам с ка за т ь и м е н н о эти слова.
9 . У ч и т е л я в с е гд а х о т я т , ч т о б ы п о д р о с т к и у ч и л и с ь х о р о ш о .
10. Я п р о ш у вас не к р и ч а т ь .
Look at the pictures and say what Mr Brown wants/doesn’t want (expects/doesn't
expect, would like/wouldn't like, tells/doesn't tell, asks/doesn’t ask, advises/doesn't
advise) the people to do.


the boy the girls

( Do as you please. ) Id)

P u t your money in the bank!
---------- BANK

the ladies
Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

w hat, w hen, w here, who, w hich, why, how

1. Do you know ... th e Mall is? — Yes, it is a s tre e t th a t connects

B uckingham Palace and T rafalg ar Square.
2. Do you know ... Queen Elizabeth II came to th e th ro n e? — Yes,
in 1952.
3. Do you know ... concerts of classical m usic are usually held in
London? — I th in k in th e Royal A lb ert H all.
4. Do you know ... said: “I know I have th e body of a weak
and feeble woman, b u t I have th e h e a rt and stom ach of a K ing
...”? — Yes, Queen Elizabeth I.
5. Do you know ... Q ueen V icto ria was so p o p u la r am ong th e
E nglish people? — U nder her ru le England became a rich coun­
try .
6. Do you know ... of the two Queens — Queen Elizabeth I or Queen
V ictoria had a longer period of reign? — Queen V ictoria did. Her
reign lasted for 64 years.
7. Do you know ... you can g e t from T ra fa lg a r S q u are to th e
Houses of P arliam ent? — Of course I do. Go down W hitehall and
on th e left you’ll see its fine building.

Match the words in these columns.

1. stupid a) deer
2. royal b) music
3. wild c) fam ily
4. exact d) residence
5. wicked e) puppy
6. pleased f) face
7. touching g) tim e
8. official h) w itch
9. public i) film
10. classical j) cerem ony

Put these letters into words. Unit 9, ex. 12 of your textbook can help you.
licpub o n erh t irem pe
nueave rolcont calssailc
ticspoli gedtyra narm coh

Match the dates with the events of which they remind you.

In 1945 W orld W a r II cam e to an end.

Queen V ictoria died.
Queen Elizabeth II came to th e throne.
W illiam the C onqueror invaded th e B ritish Isles.
W illiam Shakespeare was born.
The B attle of Borodino took place.
Queen Elizabeth II visited R ussia.
Columbus discovered A m erica.
Moscow became th e capital of R ussia again.
The G reat F ire of London took place.
The m onum ent to P e te r th e G reat was opened in
S t. P etersb u rg .
Complete the replies to express your feelings.

— R oyal processions are alw ays co lo u rfu l.

— T hey a re so ...!/T h e y a re so in te re s tin g to w atch!
1. — Queen V ictoria reigned fo r 64 years.
— How ... !
2. — I ’ve come to say we are leaving fo r E ast A nglia on M on­
— W h at ... !
3. — E n v iro n m e n tal p o llu tio n is becom ing m ore and m ore d a n ­
— I t is such ... !
4. — Cam bridge U niversity was founded in 1209.
— It is so ... I
5. — P m fond of reading books about p irates.
— They are so ... 1
6. — Lowlands and H ighlands of Scotland a ttra c t so m any holi­
daym akers.
— No wonder. They are such ... !
7. — Look, th e re ’s a rainbow in the sky.
— How ... !
8. — Many species of anim als are endangered.
— W h at ... !

Make the sentences complete. Fill in as, af, on, against, for if necessary.

1. I d o n ’t th in k he acts ... th e law . 2. The tw in s w ere ...

like as two peas. 3. She was so a n g ry th a t she cried ... th e
to p of h e r voice. 4. From h e r w indow N elly could see lots
of snow ... th e top of th e m o u n tain . 5. Susie is one of th e
best pupils. She is always ... th e top of h er class. 6. T hink ...
a w hile. I ’m su re you know th e an sw er. 7. Do ... you please,
b u t I th in k you should come home on tim e. 8. How m uch does
he earn ... a m onth?

Rewrite the story using the articles a, the where necessary.

In ... 16th century, ... S tratford-upon-A von was ... comm ercial
town surrounded by ... rich farm land. Its m arkets a ttra c te d people
from miles around.
... nam es of some s tre e ts tell us today w hat was made o r sold
in these stre e ts, fo r exam ple ... Sheep S tree t or ... Wood S treet.
J o h n S hakespeare was ... son of ... fa rm e r who came to ...
S tra tfo rd to fin d his fo rtu n e. He became ... glovem aker. W ith ...
money he made, he bought ... house in Henley S treet. He also m ar­
ried well. M ary A rden came from ... ra th e r rich fam ily.
In A pril 1564, M ary and Jo h n had ... son — W illiam . ... exact
date of his b irth is not known, b u t many people believe th a t it was
... 23rd of A pril. Today S hakespeare’s b irth d ay is m arked w ith ...
parade th ro u g h ... S tra tfo rd in which people from all over ... world
tak e p a rt.

CD Give them names and write these names down.

1. Someone who takes p a rt in m aking laws is a ... .
2. Someone who makes or repairs shoes is a ... .
3. Someone who has trav elled to a n o th e r place fo r a holiday is
Я ••• •
4. Someone who always causes trouble is a ... .
5. A m achine which makes and serves coffee is a ... .
6. Someone who makes clothes as a job is a ... .
7. Someone who makes film s is a ... .

0 A. Look at the picture and write the names of these places in the theatre.
В. Fill in the prepositions to, in, for, on, about, at, of to make the sentences com­

If you w ant to go to th e th e a tre , you should th in k about some

th in g s beforehand. F irst ... all go ... the box-office and ask if they
have seats ... th e day you w ant. Don’t fo rg et th a t th e m ost expen­
sive seats are ... the fro n t stalls or ... the boxes, and th e cheapest
are ... the gallery. The seats ... th e dress circle are no t so expen­
sive b u t quite good, especially if they are ... th e f ir s t and second
row. If you can ’t decide ... your seats, you can look ... th e map ...
th e hall which usually is ... the wall ... the box-office and can be
quite helpful.

Ф Do this word search square and see if you can find 10 words connected with William

a s к w r s о n n e t

V h a m 1 e t к с r r
e e n a q 1 h b d s a
1 n d с о m e d У t g
e 1 w b f b 1 g w r e
a e b e s g 1 j i a d

P У q t i t о о 1 t У
1 с w h m f с a 1 f w
h m g u n j t d i 0 n
s h a к e s P e a r e
X z f z 1 h e h m d X

© Write questions about William Shakespeare and his life to which the sentences
below are answers.
1. On the riv e r Avon.
2. He died on his b irth d ay , aged 52.
3. Comedies, tragedies and historical plays.
4. He is also fam ous fo r his sonnets.
5. A nne H athaw ay.
6. In the Royal Shakespeare T heatre.
7. It was Lord Gower who gave it to th e tow n.
8. In Holy T rin ity C hurch.
9. Three: one son and two d au g h ters.
10. Because they w ant to see the place connected w ith th e life of
W . Shakespeare.

Write 8—10 sentences to explain why you would like to visit Stratford-upon-

Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
Ш 8. W hatever one to u can 1 can do
Is sooner done by toucans two
A nd th re e toucans ( it’s very tru e)
Can do much more th an two can do.

ЦN | T 11
Write this story using one of the participles from the brackets to make the story

Have you heard of th e Loch Ness
M onster? M any people believe th a t
th e re is a huge anim al ( /. li vi ng/
lived) in Loch N ess in S cotland.
The anim al is ab o u t 50 m etres
long (2. including/included) its tail.
N obody know s a n y th in g ab o u t its

1 a to u can ['tu:ksn) ту кан (a tropical A m e r ic a n bird w ith bright featherR)

(перья) a n d a very large beak (клю в)
(3. e a ti ng /e ate n) h a b its. T here are som e photos of th e anim al
(4. tak ing/ta ken) by d iffe re n t people (5. visiting/visited) th e lake,
b u t nobody can prove th a t th e y are re a l. T his anim al
(6. giving/given) the nicknam e Nessie has been one of the g re a t­
e st to u ris t a ttra c tio n s to th e a re a fo r y e ars. E x p ed itio n s
(7. s en din g/ sen t) to Scotland trie d v ery h ard to fin d and catch
Nessie. A nd so did individuals (8. looking/looked) fo r th e anim al.
B ut th ere has been no re su lt yet. Nessie (9. seeing/seen) now and
again is still a g re a t m ystery. Very few th in g s (10. knowing/known)
about Nessie are: it has a long and th in neck like a g ira ffe ’s; its
head is quite sm all and looks like a h o rse’s or a sn ak e’s head; its
colour is dark yellow and its h a b ita t is th e deepest and th e coldest
p a rt of th e lake.

Open the brackets to get the story about Pat complete, then write your own end­
ing of the story.


P a t (1. have) a lot of trouble w ith h er p aren ts th is year. They
w ant h er (2. be) a t school every day and (3. expect) h er (4. do) more
a t school. She (5. know) she (6. must) (7. work) h ard (8. get) good
m arks b u t she (9. can, not) (10. arrive) a t school on tim e and
(11. be) ready w ith her tasks. P a t (12. be) alm ost tw elve and she
(13. think) she (14. become) a grow n-up person. “I (15. be) not a
child any longer!” she (16. repeat) to h er p aren ts every day. “W hy
you (17. want) me (18. come) back home so early ?”
One day she (19. walk) from her frien d s very late and it (20. be)
d ark in th e s tre e t. P a t (21. feel) very frig h ten e d . Suddenly she
(22. hear) some noise, she (23. turn) round and ...

Write answers to these questions:

1. W hat ch aracters of Disney cartoons do you rem em ber?

2. W hat are hedges in B ritain used for?
3. W ho were fam ous ru lers of ancient Rome?
4. W h at canal connects the A tlan tic and th e Pacific Oceans?
5. W h at adjective is m issing in th e expression “as ... as a p an
6. W hat does th e black raven rem ind you of?
7. W h at is S tratford-upon-A von fam ous for?
Complete the poem using one of the words on the right. Copy the poem

W atching how the sea behaves1
For hours and hours I p la y /lie /s it
A nd I know the sea is full of ... fish /w a ter/w av e s
I ’ve often noticed it.
For on th e deck each s ta r ry 2 ... n ig h t/d a y /e v en in g
The wild waves and th e tam e3
I count and know them all by sig h t
A nd some of them by ... colours/sm ell/nam e
A nd th en I th in k a m an like me
Has no rig h t to roam ;
For I ’m hom esick when I go to ... a p u b /sea/w o rk
A nd seasick when I ’m ... hom e/alone/cold

Look through ex. 3 of your textbook and write questions to the text to find out:

1. w hat carols are; 2. why Bob C ratch it could hard ly w rite; 3. w hat
kind of nephew Scrooge had; 4. who Scrooge saw a t th e door when
he opened it; 5. how th e G host of C h ristm a s P re s e n t changed
S crooge’s hom e; 6. w h at Scrooge saw in Bob C ra tc h it’s house;
7. w hat th e G host of the F u tu re showed Scrooge; 8. w hat Scrooge
prom ised to change in his life; 9. if Scrooge kept his word.

Write this text and make it complete with the help of the words from the box.

p re s e n ts books s to c k in g s (2) t o y s (2) d e ss e rt

ex citin g fireplace give Day sw eets M erry C h ristm as

1 to beh av e [bi'heiv] — вести себя

2 s ta r r y (from “s t a r ”) — звёздны й
3 tam e Iteim] — приручённы й
C hristm as Day, December 25th, is th e m ost ... day of th e year
fo r English children. On th a t day they g et ... and ... p resen ts to
th e ir b ro th ers, siste rs, p aren ts and frien d s.
You probably know th a t E nglish children hang ... a t th e ... or
n ear th e ir beds on C hristm as Eve. In th e m orning th ey usually find
th e ir ... filled w ith sm all toys and ... . They may also find larg er
... lying nearby.
The m orning will be spent playing w ith new ... and reading new
... . Then comes lunch, trad itio n a lly w ith the tu rk e y as the m ain
dish and C hristm as pudding fo r . . . . The whole fam ily tries to come
tog eth er on C hristm as ... to say “ ...” to each other.
Describe the best New Year party you have had.

Write a Christmas story that can be illustrated by this picture.

In this card there are 4 words in which the letters are mixed up. Put the words
right and copy down the text of this greeting.

Design your own (one, two or more) Christmas/New Year cards. Choose the
greetings you like most, write them in your cards and then send the cards to your
parents, relatives, friends.

With best wishes
fo r Christmas and the New hear!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Hear!

With Christmas greetings

and all Good wishes for the New hear!

Hoping Christmas brings

all gonr favourite things!
Happg holidags!

Season's greetings and best wishes

fo r the New hear!
When you wake ир Christmas morning
Hope you find beneath the tree
So many lovely presents
Уои'Л be happy as can be!

Remembering you at Christmas

With a cheery note to sag -
Mag уои spend the festive season
In a most delightful way!

Draw as many toys to put on the firtree as you can, then write their names in
Today's Quotation
ш Ш Ш
ы □ The m ost im p o rtan t th ree words
you can say to yourself: Yes, I can!

A. Read the fairy tale “The Spirit in the Bottle" and write the numbers of the para­
graphs in the right order.

1. ... 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... 5. ... 6. ...

A. The g ia n t gave H erm an a piece of old ra g 1 and said th a t it

was a very u n u su al rag . One end of it could cu re people from
all d iseases, and th e o th e r end could tu r n iron and steel in to
B. The next day H erm an w ent to the fo rest w ith his fa th e r. Though
he had never done such w ork before, th e s tu d e n t w orked well.
A bout noon his fa th e r said they would e at th e ir dinner. H erm an
took his bread and said he would go a little way in to th e forest.
C. Once upon a tim e th ere was a poor w oodcutter who worked very
hard from m orning till n ight. He had a son, H erm an by name. The
old m an had saved some m oney and sen t h is son to u n iv ersity .
H erm an was a very good stu d en t. He worked hard and le a rn t a lot
of things.

1 a ra g — зд. лоскут
D. B ut th e money th a t his fa th e r had given him was all finished
a fte r two years and H erm an came back home. His fa th e r had no
more money and H erm an said he would stay and work w ith his
fa th e r.
E. Then the young man opened the bottle. Im m ediately th e little
th in g jum ped out of th e bottle and began to grow. In a m om ent it
stood before the young man like a huge g ian t. “Thank you, young
m an,” he said. “Now i t ’s my tu rn to help you.”
F. The young m an was so pleased w ith th e b rig h t sunshine th a t he
walked and walked am ong the trees. Suddenly he heard a voice:
“Let me out! Let me out!” H erm an looked down and saw a green
bottle u n d er the tree. There was som ething in th e b ottle th a t looked
ra th e r like a sm all frog and th a t jum ped up and down shouting:
“Let me out!”
B. Write 5 sentences to finish the fairy tale.

Complete the sentences using the adjectives from the box.

sad healthy in terested sorry p leasant

picturesque d irty happy trag ic pleased easy

1. OK, I ’ll do it fo r you if it can m ake you ... .

2. Don’t cry. I don’t understand why you are reading th is book if
it m akes you so ... .
3. L et’s wash the plates and clean th e fla t; I know it will make
m other ... .
4. Spend more tim e in the open a ir, it will make you ... .
5. — Look a t yourself! W hat have you been doing?
— I ’ve been w orking in the garden and it has made my hands
and clothes ... .
6. R eading about Scotland made me really ... in th e m ystery of the
Loch Ness M onster.
7. A lot of terrib le th in g s happened to M ary, Queen of Scots, and
made h er life ... .
8. “I am very angry w ith you and I ’ll m ake you ... fo r w hat you
have done,” said the K ing to his M inister.
9. If we go to Glasgow by car, it will make o ur journey ... and . . . .
10. They planted some trees and flow ers along th e wall and made
the garden even more ... .
Insert to where necessary.

1. I w ouldn’t like th a t wicked boy ... come to o u r p a rty . 2. The

policeman made the th ie f ... re tu rn the th in g he had stolen. 3. He
was made ... earn his living a t th e age of fo u rteen . 4. M ost of the
teenagers are not allowed ... act as they like. 5. My m other would
like me ... come home before nine o’clock. 6. W hen I get good
m arks a t school, it makes me ... feel happy. 7. Tom was made ...
sta y in th e palace and ... do all th e th in g s princes u su ally do.
8. Nobody expected th e trip ... be so w onderful. 9. Let M ary ... p u t
on h er sm art clothes and ... go to th e th e a tre w ith us. 10. We
would like th e tra d e between our countries ... develop.

Make these sentences passive.

1. You make me laugh. 2. She never lets me go to th e riv e r alone.

3. 1 will make you apologise. 4. M other doesn’t let little Jo h n n y
stay up late. 5. My p aren ts let my elder b ro th e r read w hatever he
likes. 6. H enry’s cousin never m akes him iron his clothes. 7. My
g ran ny always makes me clean up my room. 8. L iza’s p aren ts let
h er have p arties in th e ir house.

Write the same in English.

1. Мне не разреш или выбрать ш колу. 2. «Позволь мне поехать в

Ш отландию с бабуш кой», — просила маму м ален ькая Н елли.
3. Мы не ож идали, что он нанесёт удар. 4. М альчика заставили
остаться дома, так к ак он был болен. 5. Мы хотим, чтобы вы со­
средоточились на этой работе. 6. В прошлом году в наш ем горо­
де было построено несколько новых торговых центров, но нам не
разреш или построить стадион. 7. Нам бы хотелось, чтобы они по­
сетили самое живописное место на севере А нглии — Озёрный
край. 8. Не заставляй меня кричать изо всех сил. Он нас не ус­
лы ш ит. 9. Ответ ученика осчастливил (сделал счастливой) ста­
рую учительницу. 10. Детям не разреш или поиграть на компью ­

The words in each pair sound the same but mean different things. Choose the right
words to complete these sentences with them.

son — sun th ere — th e ir flow er — flo u r

made — m aid w rite — rig h t b erry — bury
hour — our k n ig h t — n ig h t tale — tail

О . H . Л ф м п ж 'ь г п л , б К Л .
1. a) The ... is becom ing w arm er: sp rin g is coming! b) Y our s is te r’s
... is your nephew.
2. a) It was a big house and so th ere was a ... who helped to clean
it. b) Is your sm art new sw eater ... of wool?
3. a) It usually takes me ju s t one ... to do my homework in English,
b) We like it when foreign guests come to ... school.
4. a) They are nice boys, besides everybody knows ... devotion to
... friends, b) Have you been to the H ighlands? How long did you
stay ... ?
5. a) D on’t fo rg et to ... me a le tte r when you go away on holiday,
b) I am sure you are ... when you try to learn as m uch as you can
about th e custom s and tra d itio n s in o th e r countries.
6. a) A t ... Moscow looks strik in g ly b eau tifu l, b) How much do you
know about K ing A rth u r? W as he a ... of the Round Table?
7. a) I d id n ’t know th a t th is ... grows only on tops of high rocks,
b) Take th e ... and the eggs and m ix them .
8. a) They decided to ... Shakespeare in the church, b) Do you know
th a t the tom ato is a ... ?
9. a) The fox has a long bushy ... . b) T h a t’s th e best ... I ’ve ever
heard. W here did you fin d it?

Write not less than ten questions on the text “Scotland the Beautiful”
(ex. 25 of your textbook).

Complete the text with the words from the box and copy it down.

tra d in g strik in g deer m odest picturesque

prosperous devoted


To the north of E dinburgh and Glasgow are the H ighlands of
Scotland: m ountains w ith few trees, wild ... and m any sheep. I t ’s
one of the m ost ... places in the world.
The H ighlanders, the people of the area, are very ... to th e ir
country w ith its ... beauty, though it is no t so ... as o th er places
in B rita in . M ost of th ese people a re fa rm e rs and fish e rm e n .
Scotland does a lot of fish ... . On th e small islands to th e north
and west of Scotland th ere are fishing and farm in g villages. The
houses in th e villages look ... b u t they have to be stro n g enough
to keep people warm in w inter when cold w inds blow from the sea.
Some of the people still speak Gaelic, th e ancient Celtic language
of Scotland.
Write down questions to get more information about Edinburgh. Find out:

1. w hat E dinburgh is som etim es called;

2. w hat s tre e t lies between th e Old Town and the New Town;
3. w hat th e Castle used to be;
4. why the Castle a ttra c ts a lot of to u rists;
5. w hat th e Royal Mile is;
6. in w hat p a rt of the city the m onum ent to the dog Bobby is s it­
7. w hat makes E dinburgh especially attra ctiv e;
8. who lives in Holyrood Palace;
9. w hat kind of m usic the perform ers play in th e square in fro n t
of the Castle;
10. how high the m onum ent to S ir W alter Scott is.
Write five good reasons why you would like to visit Scotland.

Remember the poem “My Heart's in the Highlands" by Robert Burns and write the
English equivalents to the underlined parts of this poem. Learn this poem in Russian.


В горах моё сердце ... Доныне я там.
По следу оленя лечу по скалам.
Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу.
В горах моё сердце, а сам я внизу.
П рощ ай, моя родина! Север, прощ ай, —
Отечество славы и доблести к р ай .
По белому свету судьбою гоним,
Н авеки останусь я сыном твоим!
Прощ айте, верш ины под кровлей снегов,
П рощ айте, долины и скаты лугов,
П рощ айте, поникш ие в бездну леса,
П рощ айте, потоков лесных голоса.
В горах моё сердце ... Доныне я там .
По следу оленя лечу по скалам.
Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу.
В горах моё сердце, а сам я внизу!
(Перевод С. Я. Ма ршака)

Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
Ш 9. Round and round the ru g g ed 1 rock
The ragged11 rascal* ran
How m any Rs are th ere in th a t?
Now tell me if you can.


• Today's Quotation • +
0 □
□ The g re a test risk in life is doing nothing. i

О Remember the plural for these nouns. Write the words down,

policem an — policem en

1. sportsw om an — 11. b e rry —

2. valley — 12. child —
3. th ie f — 13. radio —
4. mouse — 14. tooth —
5. sheep — 15. Englishm an
6. wolf 16. hero —
7. deer — 17. video —
8. shelf — 18. wife —
9. potato — 19. goose —
10. brush — 20. photo —

1 ru g g e d ['ragid] н ер о в н ы й , ш е р ш а в ы й , с ш ероховатой поверх-

2 rag g ed I'raegid) — одеты й в л охм отья, оборванны й
3 rascal ['rcrskalj — м ош ен н и к, негодяй
Find the missing information. Draw this table in your notebooks.

Country Capital Population Symbol Interesting Fact

1. E ngland ... ... ... red double-

deckers in Lon­
don stre e ts

2. W ales ... about 3


3. ... E dinburgh ... ...


Match the words in the columns.

1. prosperous a) stre ets

2. picturesque b) valleys
3. m odest c) news
4. sm art d) parades
5. strik in g e) friends
6. devoted f) answ ers
7. m ilitary g) clothes
8. busy h) states

Use the verbs with or without to or V +ing to complete the sentences.

£ W e heard N ick (shout) a t th e top o f h is voice.

W e h eard N ick s h o u tin g a t th e top of h is voice.

1. I have never seen them (sleep) out. 2. I heard them (discuss) th e

greenhouse effect yesterday. 3. Let him (look) a t th is insect care­
fully and (name) it. 4. Don’t let t3hem (destroy) th e anim als’ habi­
ta ts . 5. They were made (stop) nuclear te sts. 6. The queen watched
h er m inisters (join) th e cerem ony. 7. The holidaym akers expected
th e w eath er (be) good. 8. W e w ouldn’t like th e ir team (defeat)
yours. 9. I heard him (remind) his stu d en ts about th e te st. 10. The
thieves w anted Oliver (get) in to th e house th ro u g h th e window.
Look at the pairs of words. In each pair there is a word you know. Read the sen­
tences below and guess what the other word in each pair means.
prosperous — to prosper
a rock — rocky
a grave — a graveyard
m odest — modesty
sm art — sm artly
trad e — a tradesm an
to hang — a hanger [Ъгедэ]
m ilitary — a m ilita rist
to co n trast — c o n trastin g
to concentrate — concentration
1. If th e governm ent looks a fte r the in te re sts of th e people, the
co u n try prospers.
2. It is d iffic u lt to climb a rocky path.
3. There is usually a g rav ey ard near every church.
4. He knows so much b u t never shows it: his m odesty is s u rp ris ­
5. She had a new pink blouse on and we all told h er th a t she was
very sm artly dressed.
6. A tra d e sm a n is a person whose job is to sell goods.
7. Don’t fo rg et to hang your new dress on th e h a n g er if you are
not going to w ear it now.
8. A m ilita r is t is a person who w an ts to s tre n g th e n and
use th e arm ed fo rces1 of his c o u n try to m ake i t m ore pow­
erfu l.
9. W hite and black are two c o n tra stin g colours.
10. The co n cen tratio n of h arm fu l gases in th e a ir can be very d an ­

Complete the text with the words from the box and copy it down.

p ath c a s tle s serv ed s tre a m s a g r ic u ltu r e

scenery picturesque argue v isito rs valleys

1 arm ed fo rces fa:md 'fasizj — вооруж ённы е силы

Many people go to W ales on holiday. It is fam ous fo r its beau­
tifu l m ountains, ... and ... . In W ales th ere are a lot of places
th a t haven’t been dam aged by tourism , ... or in d u stry . Some peo­
ple may ... th a t th ere is a lot to see b u t n o th in g to do in W ales;
and they will be wrong. You can go boating on th e ... Llangollen
Canal or go rid in g along the narrow rocky ... in th e Snowdonia
N ational P ark.

W ales is also fam ous fo r its ... . They stre tch like an iron chain
across the country. ... to W ales often go to see C aernarfon Castle
in N o rth W ales. This is w here P rince C harles became Prince of
W ales in 1969. Don’t fo rg et to m ake a v isit to it. P erhaps the m ost
im pressive castle in W ales is C aerphilly. For cen tu ries it ... as a
fo rtre ss and is still one of th e g re a test castles of th e w estern world.

Look at the pairs of words. In each pair there is a word you know. Read the sen­
tences below and guess what the other word in each pair means.

a) to e n te r — an e n tran ce
b) flu en t — fluency
c) to serve — a se rv a n t
d) b rief — briefly
e) a stream — to stream
f) a g ric u ltu re — an a g ric u ltu ra lis t
g) a clim ber — a climb
h) a p ath — p ath less
1. Excuse me, where is th e en tra n ce to th e cinem a?
2. She could speak G erm an w ith g reat fluency.
3. A s e rv a n t is a person who works in a n o th er p erso n ’s house,
cooking, cleaning, etc.
4. They discussed th e ir holidays briefly.
5. She was crying and tears were stre am in g down h er cheeks.
6. An a g r ic u ltu r a lis t is an e x p e rt on a g ric u ltu re who advises
farm ers.
7. T heir long clim b up th e m ountain was very d ifficu lt.
8. Those areas in the m ountains were absolutely p ath less.

Use the words from the box to complete the text.

b rief, p ath s, rescue, stream s, passports, look,

service, rocks, including, injured

M ountain clim bers are v ery brave people. In th e m o u n ta in s

they risk th e ir lives every m inute. There are no roads o r ... in
th e m ountains b u t th ere are a lot of high ... and ... which are
hard to cross. Climbers often take dangerous ro u te s1 nobody used
before them . They s ta r t g e ttin g ready fo r th e clim b long before
it begins. F irstly they choose th e m o u n tain and ... it up in all
kinds of books, they m ake ... notes and stu d y th e in fo rm atio n .
The more they know about th e m ountain they are
going to clim b th e b e tte r. T hen, if th e y go
clim bing in a n o th e r c o u n try , th e y ’ve go t to
th in k about th e ir ... . The m ost im p o rtan t th in g
is to prepare the equipm ent ... food and m edi­
cines. I t ’s easy to g et ... in th e m o u n tain s.
T hough th e re is a .......... in m any c o u n trie s,
m ountain clim bers m u st be prepared fo r all kinds
of accidents.

Make up 8 sentences with the adjectives: musical, industrial, cultural, regional, tra
ditional, natural, national, agricultural.

1 a ro u te [nrt] — м арш рут

Make these sentences negative or interrogative as in the example.

She has got a good friend. — Has she got a good friend?
He has to return before two o’clock. — He doesn’t have
to return before two o’clock.
1. Steve has got to spend more tim e doing his homework. 2. M other
has got an old photo of herself as a little g irl. 3. We have to stu d y
th e map of the B ritish Isles. 4. They have got a passport. 5. All
th e people have got to take care of the environm ent. 6. We have
go t a good bus service in o u r tow n. 7. This c o u n try has go t a
m onarch. 8. She has to ask someone for advice. 9. W e have got to
learn more about th is em pire. 10. Teenagers have to be polite to
grow n-ups.

Say the same in a different way using the words: class, lecture, exam, mark, book,
talk, lessons, notes. Choose the right preposition in, on.

1. a long ta lk about th e French a rt given to a group of people

2. a long ta lk about th e h isto ry of the country
3. a m ark a geography teacher gives you
4. a book w ith a lot of inform ation about com puter studies
5. an exam pupils take a t th e end of lite ra tu re classes
6. notes about the problem of population
7. lessons where stu d en ts sing and learn m uch about m usic
8. a class w here English G ram m ar is explained

Complete the sentences, make them true.

1. Y esterday my m other noticed ... .

2. W e never saw ... .
3. Nobody ever w atched ... .
4. You can hardly ever h ear ... .
5. My frien d never/alw ays w atches ... .
6. Once I felt somebody ... .
7. I d id n ’t h ear ... .
8. I never noticed ... .

Remember three things that you have never seen, watched, noticed or heard. Tell
the class what you have remembered.
I have n ev e r seen a dodo fly.
I have never heard my teacher speak French.
Write the same in English.

1. Н а что ты смотришь? 2. Береги себя в поездке. 3. Она сиде­

ла на диване и просматривала ж урнал. 4. Что ты ищ еш ь? 5. Кто
присмотрит за ребёнком, пока меня не будет? 6. Он сказал, что
не знает, где её искать. 7. Где мне взять эти сведения? — По­
смотри информацию в словаре. 8. Господин Джонсон ищ ет рабо­
ту. 9. К акие документы ты просматриваеш ь? 10. За кем ты у ха­
ж иваеш ь?

Read to get some more information about Wales. Do you know that...
• In W ales m ost road signs are in English and in W elsh.
• The fo u rth channel on W elsh television gives program m es m ain­
ly in W elsh.
• S t. D avid is th e p a tro n s a in t of W ales. On 1st M arch,
S t. D avid’s Day, p a trio tic W elsh people w ear a leek or a d a f­
fodil, both symbols of W ales.
• Every year, an in tern atio n al festiv al called E isteddfod [ai'stedfad]
is held in th e tow n of L langollen flaen'goGlanl. People come
from all over th e w orld to recite poetry, sing and dance in th is
colourful com petition.
• C ardiff, the m odern capital of W ales, has a Roman castle and
a m odern shopping centre.
• L la n fa irp w llg w y n g y llg o g e ry c h w y rn d ro b w lllla n ty s ilio -
T his is th e longest place-nam e in th e U nited K ingdom
and, probably, in th e whole w orld. C ount how m any le t­
te rs it has!
• R ugby is the national game of W ales. The rules of th e game are
quite d ifficu lt. A team consists of fifteen players. The gam e is
played w ith an egg-shaped ball.
• W elsh is a Celtic language, and is very d ifficu lt to learn. It has
very m usical intonation, and d iffic u lt sounds.
• There are th re e N ational P arks in W ales. These p ark s are p ro­
tected by law because of th e ir n a tu ra l beauty, b u t people live
and work there.
• The h ig h e st m o u n tain peak in W ales is Snow don. I t is
1085 m etres high.
• The W elsh for one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
ten is un, d au , tr i, pedw ar, pum p, chw ech, s a ith , w ytn,
naw , deg.
• The po p u latio n of W ales is ab o u t tw o and a q u a rte r
m illion.
• The W elsh call th e ir c o u n try C ym ru ('клшп] and them selves
Cymry ['kimnl, a word which has the same root as “cam rador”
(friend, comrade).

Write down the names of five-ten things that you think of when you say 'Wales’.

Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
Ш 10. Yellow b u tte r, purple jelly, red jam , brown bread
Spread it thick
Say it quick.
Yellow b u tte r, purple jelly, red jam , brown bread
Spread it thicker
Say it quicker.
Yellow b u tte r, purple jelly, red jam , brow n bread
Now repeat it
W hile you e at it.

Open the brackets and use the verbs in the right form. Copy the text down.

Once upon a tim e in th e m iddle of w inter

a Queen ( i. sit) a t h e r w indow s m ade of
eb o n y .1 She (2. sew). S uddenly th e Queen
p ric k e d 2 h e r fin g e r w ith h e r needle. T here
(3. be) some blood on h er fin g er. The th ree
colours: w h ite, black and red m ade h er
(4. say) to herself: “I would like (5. have) a

1 ebony — чёрное дерево

2 to p rick — уколоть
little d au g h ter w ith a skin as w hite as snow, lips as red as blood,
and h a ir as black as ebony.” Very soon a little d au g h ter was b o m
to her. She (6. he) the p re ttie s t little g irl in the kingdom , ju s t as
the Queen (7. w a n t) her (8. be). Everybody (9. like) (10. watch) the
little g irl (11. play) in th e garden o r (12. feed) h er fav o u rite pet
anim als. All people in the kingdom (13. forget) w hat th is little
P rincess’s real name (14. he) because she (15. call) “Snow W h ite” .
U nfortunately, before her little d au g h ter (16. grow) up the good
Q ueen (17. die) an d a y ear la te r th e K in g (18. marry) a n o th e r
woman. The new Queen (19. be) ta ll and very b eau tifu l b u t she
(20. not, want) anybody (21. be) more b eau tifu l th an herself. She
often (22. ask) her magic looking-glass:
“M irror, m irro r on th e wall!
W ho is the fa ire st one of all?”
A nd th e looking-glass alw ays (23. answer) th a t th e Queen
(24. be). The Queen (25. not, expect) any woman o r g irl (26. become)
as beautiful as the day, and (27. be) more beautiful th an herself.
The looking-glass always (28. tell) th e tr u th . So as soon as th e
Queen (29. hear) she (30. be) the m ost b eau tifu l lady in the k in g ­
dom she (31. feel) quite pleased.
B ut when seven m ore years (32. go) by th e Queen (33. get) a d if­
fe re n t answ er to h er usual question. The m irro r (34. say) Snow
W hite (35. become) th e p re ttie s t g irl in th e country. T hat unex­
pected answ er (36. make) th e Queen pale. She (37. want) h er se r­
v an t (38. take) Snow W hite away into the forest and (39. kill) her.

Look at these story titles and write about them using the example.

“ No One L isten s to A ndy”

a) I d o n ’t know w hy no one liste n s to A ndy.
b) I w onder how A ndy feels ab o u t it.
c) I ’d like to know who A ndy is.
d) P eople ask me if A ndy is v ery u n happy.

1. “M r O’Connor Cleans the G arage”

2. “L arry L ittle Learns to Fly”
3. “The Cat T hat Could N ot Find a M ouse”
4. “Polly Makes New F rien d s”
5. “Ducks for B reak fast”
6. “M ichael Uses H is H ead”
7. “How Penny Got H er W ish”
Express the same in English.

1. К акие длинные волосы! 2. Это необходимые сведения. 3. Ва­

ши советы хороши. 4. Это такие смешные щ енки. 5. Это так ая
ум ная собака. 6. Это такой сладкий кофе. 7. К аки е больш ие
деньги! 8. К акие глубокие знания! 9. К акая сегодня плохая по­

Choose the right word: is or are.

1. W here ... the money?

2. My s is te r’s h air ... so b eautiful.
3. I have never heard of it. The inform ation ... very im p o rtan t.
4. ... the tro u sers in th e wardrobe?
5. The greenhouse ... not big enough.
6. The sunshine ... so b rig h t.
7. These w eatherm en ... w orking for television now.
8. These ... very ra re species of anim als.
9. This ... an endangered species of birds.

Write questions that you are planning to ask a visiting professor from the USA. Find

1. where in W ashington, D.C. you can g et info rm atio n about the

fir s t settlem en t in New England;
2. where the Capitol and the W hite House are situ ated ;
3. how A m ericans greet people when they see them fo r th e firs t
tim e;
4. if A m ericans have an official song and w hat it is called;
5. if all th e states in the USA have th e ir own flags, symbols and
6. w hat he knows about “ghost tow ns” ;
7. which states are th e larg est and which are th e sm allest;
8. when th e f ir s t skyscrapers were built;
9. if A m ericans trav el a lot and where th ey usually spend th e ir
10. if th e re are any in te re stin g m useum s in W ashington and in
New York.
• • • • • • • • • Today's Quotation # • • • • • • • •
The grass is always greener on
the o th e r side of th e fence.

Express the same in one sentence. Use Complex Object.

I saw a strange man. He was walking up the stairs.

I saw a strange man walking up the stairs.
1. My frien d is coming to see me a fte r dinner. I expect him . 2. She
played the piano a t th e p a rty . I heard it. 3. I would like you to do
som ething for me. Read th is sto ry aloud. 4. P e te r w ants to make
the b irth d ay cake him self. Let it be so. 5. Our footballers won th a t
im p o rta n t m atch. W e w atched them w hen it happened. 6. W ill
Uncle Jim take Alex out for dinner? Alex w ants it so m uch. 7. The
th ie f entered the house very quietly. Nobody noticed him . 8. They
are planning to spend the weekend a t home. I w ouldn’t like it very
m uch. 9. The tra in arrived five m inutes early. No one expected it.
10. Liza d id n ’t w ant to recite her poem. W e made her.

Choose the right word: bank(s) or shore(s).

1. Jim climbed out of the boat onto th e ... of the river. 2. They
have a b eau tifu l house on the ... of Lake Geneva. 3. P a ris is s itu ­
ated on the ... of the Seine. 4. W h at is th ere on the left ... of the
river? 5. The lake was huge. W e could see a boat about a mile from
th e ... . 6. It was w onderful to see the ... of England again a fte r
so long a t sea. 7. He followed the man along th e riv e r ... . 8. The
tow n is on the high ... on e ith e r side of th e riv er. 9. W e could see
th e trees on the other ... of th e lake. 10. C hristopher Columbus was
one of th e f ir s t E uropeans to arriv e on these ... .

A. Write the same in English:

1. берег озера 2. берег моря 3. берег реки 4. берег океана

B. Write 8 sentences of your own with these combinations.
Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

1. (Million/Millions) of people travel abroad and enjoy it. 2. I have

th re e (hundred/hundreds) books a t home. 3. I know a t least two
(dozen/ dozens) places w here we could go on holiday. 4. One can see
(thousand/thousands) of s ta rs in the n ig h t sky. 5. Nick b ro u g h t
(hundred/hundreds) of photos from the sum m er camp. 6. We have
learned several (hundred/ hundreds) E nglish words. 7. This car can
do ten (dozen/dozens) m iles an hour. 8. The population of G reat
B ritain is over fifty (million/millions) people. 9. Moscow Zoo has
(hundred/hundreds) of species of d iffe re n t birds. 10. There are only
fo u r (hundred/hundreds) pupils in th is school.

Revise the forms of the irregular verbs and complete the table.

M eaning I 11 III IV
ловить, хватать caught
дрож ать, трясти(сь) shaking
дуть blew
прятать(ся) hide
гореть, сж игать b u rn in g
вести, возглавлять lead
стоить cost
означать m eant
падать falling
выбирать choose
расти grown
терять lost
предсказывать forecast
Look at the pairs of words. In each pair there is a word you know. Read the sen­
tences below and guess what the other word in each pair means; translate the sen­
tences into Russian.

a canoe — canoeing
m ighty — m ight
to rise — a riser
to stre tc h — a s tre tc h /s tr e tc h y /a s tre tc h e r (stretch ers)
1. C anoeing is a kind of sport. 2. M ight is power o r stre n g th . If
she begins shouting, she always shouts w ith all h er m ig h t. 3. An
early rise r is someone who likes to get up early in th e m orning.
A late rise r is someone who likes to get up late. 4. A stre tc h of
land or w ater is an area of land or w ater usually one th a t is large.
5. S tre tc h y m a te ria l is slig h tly e lastic , it can s tre tc h easily.
6. S tre tc h e rs are used to carry inju red or sick people.

Do you remember your Mother’s birthday? Each member of your family had pre­
pared a surprise for Mother. Say what your Mother saw when she came home after
work that day.

W hen M o th er cam e hom e, she saw t h a t F a th e r had cooked

a special d in n e r.

Once upon a time there lived a king who liked to give orders. Report his

> \¥ L £ : K ing (to th e captain): B rin g all th e so ld iers to m y palace.

The K in g told (asked) th e c a p ta in to b rin g all th e soldiers
to h is palace.
Don’t take my power from me. ^ S h o w me your magic m i r r o r ^

Write the same in English.

1. Дж он реш ил, что он поедет навестить своих прабабуш ку и

прадедуш ку через 3 дня. 2. Я не знала, что их дом стоит на бе­
регу озера. 3. Анна спросила нас, бывали ли мы когда-нибудь на
берегах М иссисипи. 4. Ученик сказал, что не может назвать пу­
стыни в А встралии. 5. Я хотела понять, зачем они это сделали.
6. М аленький Д ж он не знал, при какой температуре плавятся
м еталлы . 7. Мы спросили, когда мы снова поедем в Лондон.
8. Он не поверил, что я никогда не видел небоскрёбы. 9. У чи­
тель спросил, каки е крупны е (могучие) реки России и А мерики
мы знаем.

Complete these lists:

1) a rocky beach, ____
2) a m ighty wave, ___
3) a ch ain of w o rd s,
4) an endless film , ___
5) a g re a t a ttra c tio n fo r b ird s , ______
6) a m ix tu re of E nglish and R u ssia n ,

Think of the best way to translate the proverb “The grass is always greener
on the other side of the fence” into Russian and write a short story to illus­
trate it.

Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
Ш H . A fle a 1 and a fly in a flu e 2
W ere im prisoned.3 So w hat could they do?
Said the flea, “Let us fly .”
Said the fly, “Let us flee.”4
A nd they flew th ro u g h th e flaw 5 in th e flue.

u N | r 17 mm

Today's Quotation
™ 0 S „ ra Q 0
I! Real success comes in sm all portions i
every day.
The king gathered his people again and spoke to them. Report his statements in

1. “1 have declared war on Spain.”

2. “My people must obey my orders.”
3. “My helpers gathered in the palace yesterday.”
4. “I will speak to all the citizens at the end of the week.’
5. “I need your support.”

1 a flea [fli:] — блоха

г a flue [flu:] — дымоход
3 were imprisoned — зд. попали в ловушку
4 to flee (fled, fled) — бежать, спасаться бегством
6 a flaw [flo:] — трещина, щель
В. 1. “T h e re a re m an y b each es in o u r k in g ­
d o m .”
2. “W e h av e en d less g ra s sla n d s a n d w ild ­
la n d s.”
3. “T he b ig g est riv e r in th e kingdom is o u r
m ost im p o rta n t w a te rw ay .”
4. “Your Queen is having h er birth d ay tom or­
row. She was born in 1626.”
5. “T he a rm e d fo rces o f th e k in g d o m a re
m ig h ty an d s tro n g .”

Revise the forms and meanings of the irregular verbs and make the table com­

M eaning I II III IV

становиться — — become —
сиять, светить — shone — —
думать th in k — —
пахнуть, нюхать — — — sm elling
летать fly — — —
носить (одежду) — wore — —
подниматься — — risen —
леж ать lie — — —
стоить (о цене) — — — costing
бросать — threw — —
воровать, красть steal — — —
ловить — caught — —

Choose the right word (what, where, when, who, why, how, whose, which) to make
the statements complete.

1. No m a tte r ... long it takes I ’m going to fin ish th is p ic tu re .

2. No m a tte r ... we are going to m eet we shall m eet a t six. 3. No
m a tte r ... said it he is not quite rig h t. 4. No m a tte r ... you may
th in k we are going to do it o u r own way. 5. No m a tte r ... of you
w rote th a t postcard he made a lot of m istakes. 6. No m a tte r ... dog
i t is you should feed it. 7. No m a tte r ... he re tu rn s we shall d is­
cuss it w ith him . 8. No m a tte r ... you have decided to do it, i t ’s
your decision and I will obey.
Open the brackets to make the story complete.


Part I
Long, long ago, in th e days when magic was still in some use,
an old W icked W itch (1. put) a K in g ’s son u n d e r a sp ell.2 She
(2. shut) him in a g re a t iron C hest. Then, w ith th e help of h er
m agic she (3. hide) th e P rince, C hest, and all, in the middle of
a lonely forest. No one (4. know) w hat (5. become) of the Prince.
The P rin ce ’s fa th e r (6. send) men fa r and wide bu t they (7. can,
not) (8. find) him. Y ear a fte r year the C hest (9. stand) th ere in
th e g re a t wild forest.
It so (10. happen) th a t a K ing’s d au g h ter (11. lose) h er way in
th a t forest. She (12. walk) for nine days and suddenly she (13. see)
some stran g e Chest (14. stand) in fro n t of her. She also (15. hear)
th e Chest (16. speak). The Chest (17. want) (18. know) where the
g irl (19. come) from and w here she (20. go). She (21. answer) she
(22. lose) h er way. The voice from the Chest (23. say) it (24. help)
the girl if she (25. promise) (26. come) back and (27. marry) him .
She (28. agree).

Make two lists of words on the topics:

Scenery W ate r bodies
m e ------------- с о ---------- oc — — —
s h --------- d e ------------- ri — — —
b a ----- p a ----- st — — — —
m o -------------------- v a ------------- ch — — — —
r o ----- h e --------- s ——

О Write sentences using: mighty, a shore, a beach, a desert, a chain, an attraction,

a skyscraper, a mixture.

1a chest — сундук
2 to put under a spell — заколдовать
О Say what can:

1) m elt; 2) rise; 3) stre tch .

Look at the pairs of words. In each pair there is a word you know. Read the sen­
tences below and guess what the other word in each pair means: translate the
sentences into Russian.
a religion — religious
a president — p resid en tial
a slave — to slave
to sup p o rt — a su p p o rte r
to obey — obedience fo'biidjonsl; obedient [s'bfcdjant]
to declare — a d eclaratio n
to vote — a v o ter
to judge — a judgem ent
a citizen — citizenship
1. R eligious people believe in God. 2. How often are p resid en tial
elections held in the USA? 3. I have been slav in g in th e garden all
day long and I am dead tired . 4. W hen o ur football team played in
an o th er tow n, all the su p p o rte rs w ent to w atch th e game. 5. Show
your obedience and do as I ask you. 6. They are w onderful, obedi­
e n t children. 7. The A m erican D eclaration of Independence is the
docum ent th a t declared the freedom of th e original 13 A m erican
colonies from G reat B ritain . 8. How m any v o ters gave th e ir voices
fo r him ? 9. I am afraid his judgem en t of the problem is all w rong.
10. He w anted to know how he could get B ritish citizenship.

0 Insert these words where necessary: on, for, against, to, at, by, of.

A. 1. In 1941 G erm any declared w ar ... the Soviet U nion. 2. Have

you paid ... the bill? — I can ’t pay ... the books now. W ill you
send me a bill ... them ? 3. A ten-dollar bill is a bill ... ten dollars.
4. She says she is in terested in the US h isto ry b u t she has never
heard of the Bill ... R ights of th e US C onstitution. 5. A fte r the
meal I asked fo r the bill ... the lunch. 6. O riginally th e re were ten
rig h ts (am endm ents) in th e US Bill ... R ights. 7. They introduced
a new bill ... education into the B ritish P arliam en t.
B. 1. People all over th e w orld fig h t ... peace ... w ar. 2. W ho will
judge ... th e n ext case? 3. He often acts as a judge ... o u r school
sp o rts com petitions. 4. Ju d g in g ... w hat everyone says about him
he is a loyal friend. 5. The m em bers of th e delegation decided to
vote ... th e new school rules. 6. Have you heard about th e new
am endm ents ... the C onstitution?

Ф Choose the right tense form to make the sentences complete (past simple, past
progressive or past perfect).

1. A ndrew (ask) if Jo h n (see) any skyscrapers. 2. W hile the ta ilo r

(measure) him , Mr Brown (try) to be calm . 3. They (shoot) in th e
fo rest when Jo h n (arrive). 4. We (be) sure they (finish) th e ir work
by ten. 5. She (work) as a nurse in 1998. 6. W ho (watch) television
when Dad (come) in? 7. W h at (happen) next? 8. Nobody (know)
w h at (happen). 9. I (not, know) when M rs P adley (be) b orn.
10. W hen Nick and I (meet), he (write) a very in te re stin g project.

Ф Make sure that you know these facts and complete the sentences. Write them

1. The R ev o lu tio n ary W a r (th e W ar of Independence) began in

1775 and was over in _________.
2. The US C onstitution was w ritten in th e city of ------------- .
3. The A m erican governm ent consists of th ree m ain p a rts (branch­
es). They are: a) __________, b)__________ , c) ---------------.
4. The C ongress m akes _________ of th e c o u n try . The C ongress
meets in th e U S . It consists of th e _________ and th e

5. There are _________ senators in th e Senate.

6. A sen a to r’s term is __________years.
7. All in all th ere are _________ congressm en and congresswomen
in the H ouse of R epresentatives.
8. A re p re se n ta tiv e ’s term is __________years.
9. The _________ and __________ c a rry o u t th e law s th a t th e
Congress makes.
10. The P re sid e n t’s term is _________ years. In Am erica one can be
P resid en t fo r no m ore th an _________ term s.
11. The US Suprem e C ourt is made up of _________ judges.
12. The ju d g es w ork in th e US S uprem e C o u rt as long as
Write questions to which these are answers.

1. There were th irtee n colonies.

2. To w rite the C onstitution.
3. In the US Capitol in W ashington, D. C.
4. One hundred.
5. Four hundred and th irty -fiv e.
6. Two years and six years.
7. They carry out the laws th a t the Congress makes.
8. They help the P resid en t to make decisions.
9. T hirty-five years old.
10. In Novem ber of every leap year.
11. They make sure th a t the P resid en t and the Congress follow the
C onstitution.
12. As long as they live.
13. More than 200 years ago.
14. They are called am endm ents.
15. The 13th am endm ent.
16. The 19th am endm ent.

Make up as many words as you can out of the words:

a) representatives
te n t, riv er, ... , ... , ...
b) amendments
send, tea, ... , ... , ...

Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
Щ 12. All 1 w ant is a proper cup of coffee
Made in a proper copper’ coffee pot;
I may be off my d o t,2
B ut I w ant a cup of coffee
From a proper coffee pot.
1copper ['кирз] — медный
2 to be off one’s dot — рехнуться, быть не в своем уме
Iro n 1 coffee pots and tin 2 coffee pots,
They are no use to me
If I can’t have a proper cup of coffee
From a proper copper coffee pot,
I ’ll have a cup of tea.

ЦN I r 18
Today's Quotation
■■ ■ N othing is im possible to a w illing h eart. ■
О Choose the right version.

1. The W ar of Independence began in ... .

a) 1775 b) 1785 c) 1875
2. The W ar of Independence ended in ... .
a) 1780 b) 1783 c) 1873
3. The C onstitu tion was w ritte n in ... .
a) New York b) W ashington c) Philadelphia
4. The C onstitution is a ... .
a) building in W ashington b) law c) group of people
5. The US G overnm ent has ... branches,
a) th ree b) fo u r c) five
6. People who work in the Senate are called senators and people
who work in the House of R epresentatives are called ... .
a) housem en b) congressm en c) m em bers of P arliam en t
7. There are ... sen ato rs th a n congressm en in the Congress,
a) more b) a lot more c) few er

1 iron [’aisn] — железный

2 tin [tinj — жестяной, оловянный
2 a willing [’wilnj] heart — зд. старательный человек
8. The US P re sid e n t’s term is ... .
a) 2 years b) 4 years c) 6 years
9. There are ... judges in the US Suprem e C ourt,
a) nine b) eleven c) th irtee n
10. The Civil W ar lasted ... years,
a) th ree b) fo u r c) five

11. The firs t ten am endm ents to the C onstitu tio n are called ... .
a) the Bill of C itizens b) th e Bill of Freedom s
c) the Bill of R ights
12. All to g eth er th e re are ... am endm ents to th e C onstitution.
а) tw enty b) tw enty-six c) th irty -six

Put the words in two categories — nouns and verbs — and make up your own
sentences with them. Some words can fit both categories.

R epresent, support, judge, vote, citizen, am endm ent, declare, obey,

tru n k , decision, num ber, representativ e.

О Write what or who you can:

1) represent; 2) judge; 3) obey; 4) su p p o rt; 5) vote (fo r/ag ain st);

б) declare.

The king who liked speaking to his people gathered them once more. This time he
asked them some questions. Report his questions in writing.
^ H o w much bread have you baked t o d a y ^ W h a t are you doing here?^

^Did you make clothes for any other kings?) ^ Have you won the war?^
Open the brackets to make the story complete. (Some of the verb forms can be
passive.) Write the story down.
Part I I
The young Princess go t home in no tim e.
She (1. tell) her fa th e r w hat (2. happen) in the
forest. She also (3. add) th a t th e Chest (4. ask)
her (5. bring) a knife w ith h er (3. make) a hole
in th e side of th e C hest. The P rincess (7. not, want) (8. go) to the
fo rest b u t she (9. give) her word and (10. understand) she (11. have
to) (12. keep) her prom ise. The old K ing (13. decide) (14. make) his
d au g h ter (15. stay) a t home. Twice he (16. send) some o th e r girls
to th e forest. They (17. can, not) (18. make) holes th o u g h they
(19. work) hard all n ight. In the m orning th e C hest (20. ask) them
w hat they usually (21. do) early in th e m orning. T heir answ ers
(22. show) th a t th ey (23. be) never in th e palace. The g irls
(24. send) home and the P rincess (25. start) fo r the fo rest. W hen
she (26. reach) the C hest, she (27. begin) w orking w ith h er knife.
A fte r she (28. work) for two hours she (29. make) a little hole, she
(30. look) inside and (31. see) a young P rin c e , w hose h a ir
(32. shine) like gold and who nicely (33. dress).

Revise the phrasal verb to take.

A. Complete these sentences filling in the necessary words in writing.
1. He came hom e, took ... his shoes and changed his clothes.
2. Can I ask you to ta k e th is bicycle ... to P e te r? 3. I was
su rp rised to see how m uch th e boy took ... his fa th e r. 4. W e’ve
got to take ... all the p o rtra its in the classroom and d u st them .
5. I don’t need the m agazines anym ore, you can take them ... .
6. The nurses took ... the p a tie n t’s address. 7. W hen is th e tim e
fo r th e plane to tak e ...? 8. Take th e new spapers ... to th e
lib rary when you are th ro u g h w ith them .
B. Complete the sentences and write them down.
1. Dave (похож) his elder b rother.
2. The m other (унесла нож) from her baby.
3. The te ac h e r asked his s tu d e n ts (з а писа т ь под д и к т о в к у )
a poem.
4. The aeroplane (вз л е т е л ) an hour late.
5. He came in and (снял) his coat.
6. The shop a ssistan t said they (принимают назад) goods if th ere
was a re c e it.1
7. The old lady (сняла) her glasses and p u t them on th e table.
8. W hen does the plane (взлетает)!
9. W ill you help me (снять занавески)'!
10. The re p o rte rs (записали) every word of his speech.

A. Use the word enough and write the same in English.

Достаточпо игруш ек, достаточно глупо, достаточно хлеба, доста­

точно ж арко, достаточно тарелок, достаточно цветов, достаточно
грустно, достаточно друзей, достаточно весело.
B. Put the words in the right order to make up sentences.
1. h im /I/e n o u g h /d o n ’t/w ell/k n o w
2. h av e/q u estio n s/y o u /ask e d /en o u g h /to d ay /m e
3. tim e /h a v e /e n o u g h /th e y /th e /jo b /to do
4. s h e /p re tty /lo o k s/to be photographed/enough
5. en o u g h /to tra n sla te /y o u /w o rd s/E n g lish /k n o w /th e te x t
6. g o o d /b e /a n d /e n o u g h /it/d o
7. th e re /v eg e ta b le s/in the h o u se/are/en o u g h

Write questions to get more information.

1. He tru s ts her. 2. She has m easured it. 3. They shot a t it. 4. He

re tire d .

‘a re c e it [ri'si:t] — чек
О Write the same in English.

1. Учитель спросил, при какой температуре тает лед. 2. Мы зн а­

л и , что Якоб и Вильгельм Гримм (Jacob and W ilhelm G rim m )
написали много сказок. 3. Гид сказал, что строительство здания
К ап и толи я (th e S ta te C apitol) было заверш ено в 1792 году.
4. Учитель сказал нам, что в английском язы ке более 450 ООО
слов. 5. Мы узнали, что Луис Салливан (Louis Sullivan) спроек­
тировал (design) первый небоскрёб. 6. Я прочитала, что Конгресс
США проголосовал за Д еклараци ю независим ости (th e
D eclaration of Independence) 4 ию ля 1776 года. 7. Н а уроках ис­
тории мы много читали о первых колонистах в Америке и узна­
ли, что пилигримы собрали свой первый урож ай осенью 1621 го­
да. 8. А мериканские колонисты не хотели, чтобы ими управлял
король. Они отослали письмо в Англию, где написали, что будут
сраж аться за свою независимость. 9. Мы не знали, что 19-я по­
правка к А мериканской конституции дала ж енщ инам право уча­
ствовать в выборах в 1920 году. 10. Ты знал, что поправка к за ­
кону — это изменение в конституции или закона?

Ф Read this text attentively and make up questions on it. Write them down.

A t th e beginning of the 19th cen tu ry women in A m erica did not
have equal rig h ts w ith men. They did not have the rig h t to speak
in public, to vote. They were not allowed to stu d y a t m ost colleges.
In m ost states m arried women could not own land or houses. Two
women, Elizabeth S tan to n and L ucretia M ott, decided to m eet w ith
o th er women to try to change laws and custom s. In 1848 women
from all over the co u n try m et to discuss wom en’s rig h ts. A fte r
th e ir m eetin g w here all m en and women w ere d eclared equal,
women began to speak publicly about th e ir rig h ts: th e rig h t to own
and sell property, to get education, to work a t any job or in any
profession, to vote; in fact to be equal w ith men.
Many years passed before women began to receive these rig h ts.
M any women understood they had to w ork to g eth er fo r th e rig h ts
of all people, be they black o r w hite, men or women, slaves or free.
Q uestions:
1. A t the beginning of the 19th cen tu ry women in A m erica d id n ’t
have equal rig h ts w ith men, ...?
2. ... to speak in public or vote or stud y a t m ost colleges?
3. W ho decided ...?
4. W hen ... to discuss wom en’s rig h ts?
5. W hat ... a fte r th e ir m eeting?
6. W hat rig h ts ...?
7. W omen in A m erica received th e ir rig h ts soon a fte r they began
fig h tin g for them , ...?
8. W h at ... understand?

ф Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
Щ 13. Л tu to r 1 who tu to re d the flu te
Tried to teach two young to o ters2 to toot3
Said th e two to the tu to r,
“Is it h a rd e r to toot, or
To tu to r two tooters to to o t? ”

) Open the brackets and write the complete story.


Part I I I
W hen the Princess saw th e young m an, she (I. like) him very
m uch. She (2. begin) (3. work) as hard as she (4. can). She (5. think)
she never (6. see) anyone so handsom e.4 She (7. know) she (8. make)

1a tutor ['tjurta] — наставник, учитель; to tutor — учить, наставлять

2 a tooter — дударь
3 to toot [tut] — дудеть, трубить, играть на дудочке
1handsome fhaensam] — красивый (обычно о мужчинах)
him free soon. And she (9. do). The P rince (10. take) her hand and
(11. say) he (12. be) under the spell all those years. He (13. suffer)
a lot. He (14. th an k ) th e P rin cess as she (15. save) him . He
(16. tell) her he (17. want) them (18. go) to his fa th e r’s kingdom
and (19. expect) h er (20. marry) him . The P rin ce ss (21. agree)
because she already (22. fall) in love w ith th e young m an. B ut she
(23. ask) him (24. let) her (25. go) firs t to h er fa th e r’s palace and
(26. say) goodbye to her old fa th e r. The Prince (27. agree) though
he (28. look, not) pleased. He (29. want) the P rincess (30. speak) no
more th an th re e words to h er fa th e r and then (31. come) back to
him im m ediately.

Write an end to the fairy tale "The Great Iron Chest".

Now read the real end of this story and compare it with your own. Write five things
that are different or the same in these stories.

A. In my story the Prince waits for the Princess in the

forest but in the real story the Wicked Witch takes him
to a faraway land.
B. In both stories the Prince and Princess get married.
The Princess told the P rince she would do ev ery th in g he had
asked h er b u t when she got home, w ith o u t th in k in g , she spoke more
than th re e words to her old fa th e r, and (though she was not th ere
to see) no sooner had she spoken th e fo u rth word, than the Chest
and the P rince were gone. W hen th e P rincess came back to th e
place where they had been, she couldn’t find them . So now, the poor
girl walked and walked in th e forest looking fo r h er Prince. A t last
she came to a little cottage. She looked th ro u g h th e window and
saw a clean room w ith a large table set fo r dinner. There were no
people inside only a whole company of frogs. The Princess knocked
and th e frogs let her in. She was kind to them and they told her
th a t th e W icked W itch had taken th e Prince to a faraw ay land.
They said th a t the way there was long and dangerous. They d id n ’t
w ant th e Princess to go on her journey b u t th e girl said she would
go. So she did. She found the P rince over th e glass m ountain on
the shore of a deep lake. He was sleeping. She told him she had set
him free when he was in the iron C hest, she had climbed a glass
m ountain and had swum over a g re a t deep lake before she found
him . The P rince opened his eyes, looked a t th e Princess. He was so
happy she had come! Both of them s ta rte d on th e ir journey back,
th a t long dangerous journey. A fte r nine days of w alking they found
they were in the fo rest w here everything had begun. They saw the
fro g s’ cottage b u t suddenly it changed. There were b eau tifu l flow ­
ers and tall trees everyw here. In the place w here th e old little co t­
tage had stood there was a huge palace. The P rince and P rincess
got m arried. H er old fa th e r came to live w ith them . So they had
tw o kingdom s between them , and they ruled long and happily over
them both.
A mouse did run;
The tale is done.

What’s in the doggy bag? Look at the picture and write 10 sentences about what
Mrs Miller has got in the doggy bag that she has brought home from the restau­
rant. Use a few, a little.

M rs M iller has g o t a few apples.

M rs M iller has g o t a little b u tte r.

О Write these sentences about Scotland, Wales and the USA, don't use the word
country, but make sure that the sentences are still true.

EXAM !>•£.£: T his c o u n try is ru led by a P re sid e n t.

— The U SA is ru le d by a P re s id e n t.

1. This country has got a w ritten C onstitution.

2. In th is country people w ear kilts.
3. The h ig h e st m o u n tain in B rita in is situ a te d in th is country.
4. The second h ighest m ountain in B ritain is situ a ted in th is coun­
5. The tra d itio n of T hanksgiving Day is typical of th is country.
6. The m ilitary ta tto o takes place a t th e end of sum m er or in early
au tu m n in th is country.
7. The people of th is country call them selves Cym ry ['kimri] and
th e ir country Cym ru ['клтп].
8. The city which is called A thens of th e N o rth is situ a ted in th is
9. The daffodil is th e national symbol of th is country.
10. A m onum ent to a dog which has become the symbol of devo­
tion can be found in the capital of th is country.
11. This country is som etim es called “the m elting p o t” .
12. The G rand Canyon, one of th e m ain to u rist a ttra c tio n s, is s it­
uated in th is country.

Express the same in English.

1. Т олкни дверь посильнее (harder), и она откроется.

2. Все уваж али мистера Грина за его честность и мудрость и ду­
мали, что он настоящ ий дж ентльмен.
3. Золуш ка была славной, скромной и застенчивой девочкой, но
мачеха не любила её.
4. «Иногда бывает трудно п одчи н яться (слуш аться) п р ави ­
лам », — заявил судья.
5. А мерика — страна бесконечных равнин, ж ивописны х долин,
саванн и величественных водопадов.
6. Я поддерживаю ваш у идею поблагодарить этого замечательно­
го человека за его верность и преданность.
7. В этом оживлённом городе много небоскрёбов и миллионы го­
8. К онгресс состоит в общей слож ности из 100 сенаторов и
435 конгрессменов — членов палаты представителей.
9. Храбрые люди из спасательной службы помогают тем, кто по­
пал в беду.
10. Эта горная цепь тянется до берега океана. Она очень ж иво­
писна и привлекает толпы туристов.
• Today's Quotation •
□ □
B etter unborn th a n u n ta u g h t. -V
Ten good friends are members of a sports club. They are going to meet at the club
at 6 o’clock in the evening and each will be practising his sport. Write 10 sentences
about them. These pictures can help you.

ЕХ А М -И д : Dan will be canoeing.

1. Dan will be .. 6. H arry
2. R oger will be 7. George
3. Colin ... 8. Robin
4. Max ... 9. Kevin
5. Len ... 10. Ian ..,

О Write what can be:

1) vast; 2) hum id; 3) uninhabited; 4) lonely; 5) sandy; 6) tropical;

7) swampy; 8) inhabited; 9) icy.

Choose the right item and complete the sentences.

a) Present simple or present progressive?
1. I can ’t come to th e phone now. I (to have) a bath . 2. The Queen
(to live) in B uckingham Palace. 3. A u stralia (to export) w heat, wool
and dairy products. 4. Look, th a t man (to smile) a t us. P erhaps he
(to know) us.

b) Future simple or future progressive?

1. I (phone) you tom orrow if you like. 2. Jo h n says he (be) busy a t

10 a.m . tom orrow . He (work) on his lecture. 3. There are a lot
of m istakes in th is docum ent. I (type) it ag ain in th e evening.
4. I (play) tennis w ith K ate tom orrow n ig h t. 5. I (tell) you w hat
to do on S aturday.

c) Past simple or past progressive?

1. How m any cities you (see) in A u stralia? 2. W hat book they (read)
when th e bell (ring)? 3. — You and your frien d looked so excited
when I (see) you. W h at you (talk) about? — We (discuss) th e plans
fo r o u r holidays. 4. W hen he (go) to A u stralia, he (not. know) much
about th is unusual country.

О Open the brackets to complete the sentences. Choose one of the progressive tense
forms — present progressive, past progressive or future progressive.
1. W here is Sarah? — She (take down) the c u rta in s in th e s ittin g
room . 2. The gro u p of to u ris ts from F ran ce (visit) S t. P a u l’s
C athedral a t 2 o’clock in th e aftern o o n yesterday. 3. W hile the
young people (walk) along the p ath , they (argue) an g rily . 4. He
is a s tu d e n t of th e A g ric u ltu ra l A cadem y and (do) v ery well.
5. Tom orrow a t 3 I (fly) over the A tlan tic Ocean. 6. Come to me
a t 6! W e (watch) “The Sleeping B eauty” . 7. She lay in th e sun and
w atched th e puppies who (bathe) in the cold w ater of th e stream .
8. I t is so h o t th a t th e chocolate (melt). 9. N ex t sum m er
we (live) to g eth er w ith my num erous step b ro th ers and step sisters.
10. W hile the ta ilo r was m easuring Jo h n , the boy (tell) him the
la te st news.

A. Continue this list of adjectives formed from the corresponding nouns.

Noun A djective N oun A djective

swamp — swampy sta r(r) —
sand — sandy bone —
rock — rocky sk in (n )—
juice — ... w ater —
grass — ... m ist —
B. Put the adjectives from the right-hand column into these sentences to make
them complete.
1. This ... land is very good for farm ing . Cows and sheep can feed
here all th e year round. 2. P eter, eat some more ro ast beef. You
should e at more: you have grow n so ...! 3. On such ... m ornings
i t ’s v ery d iffic u lt to d riv e , as you c a n ’t see th e ro ad clearly .
4. These are ... apples. I like them m ost of all. 5. My little b ro th ­
er never eats fish if it is ... . 6. H olidaym akers love th e ... beach­
es in the south of A u stralia. 7. W hy does th is coffee ta ste so ...?
8. The picture shows the ... m ountains of Scotland. 9. The sky is
unusually ... to n ig h t. How beautiful! 10. ... places have a lot of
w ater in all seasons.

A. Make up negative adjectives from these words using in- or un- (5 words
with in- and 7 words with un-).

vL*: c o n v e n ie n t — in c o n v e n ie n t

1. inhabited 7. com fortable

2. expensive 8. declared
3. im p o rtan t 9. suitable
4. expressive 10. capable
5. form al 11. educated
6. pleasant 12. dependent
В. Write the same in English.
1. Кресло было большое, дорогое, но неудобное. 2. М ежду двумя
королевствами велась (there was) необъявленная война. 3. В де­
ревне было много необразованных людей, не так ли? 4. Почему
на тебе повседневная одеж да? — Это неоф ициальная встреча.
5. Это сам ая неудобная квартира, в которой я когда-либо ж ил.
6. Страна стала свободной и независимой. 7. Это неваж ны е но­
вости. 8. В этом районе нет незаселённых островов. 9. На лице
молодого человека была неприятная улы бка. 10. Рассказ был ко­
роткий и невы разительны й.

Revise the phrasal verb to give.

A. Complete these sentences filling in the necessary words in writing.
1. Could you give me ... my pen? 2. The teacher gave ... th e exam ­
in ation papers. 3. W hen th e h arv est was really good, we used to
give ... a lot of apples and potatoes. 4. I am su rp rised . They gave
... w ith o u t a fig h t. 5. My elder b ro th e r gave ... sm oking two years
ago. 6. “These are the postcards w e’ve g o t,” Susie said. “W ill you
help me give them ...? ” 7. The trip to Italy was too expensive and
they gave ... the idea of going there. 8. Could you give me my bicy­
cle .... please?
B. Write these sentences in English.
1. П ож алуйста, раздай всем альбомы и карандаш и. 2. Мы отка­
зались от мысли вы играть этот матч. 3. В сказках многие коро­
ли дарят свои королевства. 4. Верни мне мою коллекцию марок,
пож алуй ста. 5. Н и когда не о тк азы вай ся от надеж ды , ладно?
6. Мы просмотрели эти ж урн алы и хотим их вернуть. 7. Вот
деньги для всей группы. Раздай их, пож алуйста.

Look through ex. 20 of your textbook and com plete these geographical

1. Au a 7. A e
2. M u e 8. T a
3. D______ n 9. S______ У
4. A __ a 10. An '
5. С r a 11. В ne
6. Qu nd
В. 1. the I_______ Ocean 4. New Z________ d
2. N___________ T e rrito ry 5. the M_________ R iver
3. th e G n D esert 6. Alice S________ s

О Look at the pictures and write the names for all fruit and vegetables you know.
Use the constructions: This is a ... . These are ... .

Ф Look through ex. 20 of your textbook and finish these sentences:

1. They called th is land terra australis incognita, o r ... .

2. A u stralia is th e w orld’s larg est island and ... . 3. In th e east the
co n tinent is washed ... . 4. There are th ree deserts th ere — ... .
5. In th e n o rth -e a s t tro p ica l fo re s ts ... . 6. New S o u th W ales
is ... . 7. C itrous fru its , grapes, peaches and ... . 8. Queensland
has ... . 9. Most of the land in the South ... . 10. The sta te of
W estern A u stralia ... . 11. Tasm ania, the island sta te , is som etim es
called ... . 12. Darwin is its capital and ... . 13. The capital of
A u stra lia ... .

Ф Write the same in English. Use the words from the box.

occupy vast golden pear lonely apricot

hem isphere busy swampy strik in g hum id
citrous sandy peach inhabited
Далеко от России, в южном полуш арии Земли, находится не­
обычайная страна под названием А встралия. Австралия занимает
целый континент. Это страна разительны х контрастов. Там мож ­
но найти всё: крупные оживлённые города, безбрежные пустыни,
болотистые тропические леса с влаж н ы м клим атом , песчаные
пляж и и поля золотой пш еницы. На одном побережье растут ци ­
трусовые фрукты, яблоки, груш и, персики и абрикосы. Н а дру­
гом побережье, населённом очень небольшим количеством людей,
сухо и ж арко. Здесь вы увидите только одиноко стоящие фермы.
О Write the names of the lands and water bodies which are around Australia.

Ф Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
Ш 14. The six th sh eik ’s1 sheep is sick.

1 a sh eik LfeikJ — ш ей х, гл ава рода

• Today's Quotation • • • • • • • • •
■ 1 Q uarrels , never could last long 1
I f one s id e w e re a ll th e w r o n g .2

Put the words in the right order to make sentences.

1. o fte n /fo o tb a ll/m y f r ie n d s /p la y /in th e e v e n in g /in th e school

2. y e ste rd a y /m e t/tw o h u n te rs/w e /in th e forest
3. b o rro w /b o th /b o o k s/th ey /fro in the library
4. can /seld o m /see/a d in g o /in a zoo/you/now adays
5. cabbages/never/in th e g ard e n /g ro w /th e y
6. o n c e /little /m y fa th e r/fo x e s /in the fo rest/saw /tw o
7. c u rio u s/in th is m u seu m /fin d /c an /alw a y s/in se c ts/y o u /so m e

Write answers to these questions:

1. W h at did the word “A u stra lia ” originally mean? 2. W h at is the

n e a re st c o n tin e n t to A u stra lia ? 3. How m any oceans s u rro u n d
A u stralia? 4. W here do m ost of A u stralian s live? 5. W h at city is
th e capital of A u stralia? 6. How many sta te s and te rrito rie s does
A u stralia have? W hat are they? 7. W h at is th e least populated and
th e least developed p a rt of A u stralia? 8. W hat prim itive anim als
live only in A u stralia? 9. W hich of th e birds th a t live in A u stralia
can laugh?

Give the opposite:

o rd in ary — richness —
d iffe re n t — to land —
a child — u nsuitable —
te a rs — com fortable —

1 a q u a rre l ['kwnralj — ссора

2 if one side w ere all th e w rong — если бы виновата бы ла л и ш ь одна
О How well do you know Australia? Give names to its states and territories and their

Express the same in a different way.

S hall I come w ith you? — Do you w a n t me to come w ith


1. Shall I w ait for you? 4. Shall I lay the table?

2. Shall I make some coffee? 5. Shall I buy some berries?
3. Shall I w ater the flowers? 6. Shall I m easure you?

О Use the passive constructions to express the same.

Som eone cleaned th e w indow s w hile I w as cooking, — The

w indow s w ere cleaned w hile I was cooking.

1. They will post the le tte rs when th e ship a rriv es a t th e p o rt.

2. People buy videos like th is everyw here. 3. W e w ater flow ers
every day. 4. Someone broke the window last n ig h t. 5. C hristopher
Columbus brought potatoes to Spain from South A m erica. 6. People
m ake cheese from m ilk. 7. They fo u g h t th e b a ttle in 1941.
8. Europeans explored A u stra lia in th e 18th cen tu ry .

О Open the brackets to make the story complete. Write an end to the story.

Once upon a tim e th e re lived a little green magic m an in a tree

leaf. H is nam e (1. be) S atchkin-P atchkin. One day he (2. sit) and
(3. dream) about som ething when suddenly he
(4. hear) a quiet voice: “Oh, w hat I (5. do)?l I
(6. sell) my only cow. A nd I (7. not, be able)
(8. have) any m ilk in fu tu r e .” The little man
(3. look) down and (10. see) an old woman who
(11. cry) u n d er th e tree. He (12. remember) th a t
he h im self (13. not, drink) m ilk fo r m any
years. “I (14. must) (15. have) some m ilk o r I
(16. die)," he (17. say). He (18. go) to th e
fa rm e r’s house because he (19. want) th e
fa rm e r (20. give) him some m ilk. B ut as soon
as th e fa rm e r (21. see) him (22. stand) a t his
fro n t door he (23. shout): “W h at you (24. do)
here a t th is hour? I (25. not, have) any m ilk.
So, (26. go) aw ay nowl W hen I (27. have) m ilk, I (28. give)
it to y o u .” B ut th e m agic m an (29. know) th e fa rm e r (30. tell)
him a lie. So S a tc h k in -P a tc h k in (31. decide) to p u n ish th e
farm er.

Give three-five good reasons why Australia can be called an “extraordinary place to
explore” and write them down.

Imagine you are having a biology class tomorrow. You will be discussing wildlife in
Australia. Choose an Australian animal, describe it in 10—12 sentences and draw
its picture.

Listen to the poem, Щ 15, and read it. Then learn the poem by heart.

(by Raymond W ilson)
W hy should th e w orld be usual?
It su rely 1 isn ’t right!
I don’t w ant to confuse2 you all,
W hy shouldn’t day be night?
W hy shouldn’t snow be hot and black?
W hy shou ld n ’t pigs have w ings?3

1 su re ly [/trail] — конечно, непременно

2 to co n fu se (kon'fjuiz] — см ущ ать, приводить в зам еш ательство
3 a w ing [wig] — кры ло
W hy shou ld n ’t th e fro n t be a t th e back?
W hy shou ld n ’t d u stm en 1 be kings?
W hy shouldn’t m arm alade ta ste 2 like m eat?
W hy shouldn’t grass be red?
W hy m ust we always stan d on o u r feet?
W e can stan d on o u r head?
W hy shouldn’t s ta rfis h 3 sing like th ru sh e s? 4
W hy shou ld n ’t elephants fly?
W hy shouldn’t pork-pies grow on bushes?
W hy shouldn’t the sea be dry?
I won’t let th e world be usual?
And if you disagree
I really confuse you all,
W hy shouldn’t you be me?

Practise saying this tongue-twister.

Tongue-twister Challenge
□□ 16. B etty B o tter bought some b u tte r,
B ut she said, “My b u tte r ’s b itte r.
If I p u t it in my b a tte r,3
It will make my b a tte r b itte r.
If I buy some b e tte r b u tte r,
It will make my b a tte r b e tte r.”
So she bought some b e tte r b u tte r,
A nd it made h er b a tte r b etter.

1 a d u stm an (d u stm en ) ['d\stmon| — м усорщ и к (м усорщ ики)

2 to ta s te [teist] — бы ть на вкус
3 a s ta rf is h ['sta: fij] — м орская звезда
4 a th ru s h [0глЛ — дрозд
3 b a tte r [Ъгегэ] — бездрож ж евое ж и д к о е тесто, б олтуш ка

Open the brackets to make the story complete.

It was a b eau tifu l sp rin g m orning. There (1. not, be) a cloud
in th e sky, and the sun (2. shine) b rig h tly , so M r A ndrew s (3. be)
su rp rise d when he (4. see) an old g en tlem an a t th e bus sto p .
The gentlem an (5. have) a big, stro n g black um brella in his hand.
M r A ndrew s (6. say) to him , “You (7. think) we (8. be going)
(9. have) rain today?”
“N o,” (10. answer) th e old gentlem an. “I (11. not, think) so.”
“Then why you (12. carry) th e um brella on such a w arm day?”
The gentlem an (13. smile) and (14. explain), “I (15. be) an old man,
and my legs (16. not, be) very strong. It (17. become) very d ifficu lt
fo r me to walk w ithout a w alking s tic k .1 B ut when I (18. carry)
a w alking stic k , people (19. say) th a t I (20. look) old and th ey
(21. feel) sorry for me. And I (22. not, like) th a t. W hen I (23. carry)
an um brella in fine w eather, people only (24. say): “(25. Look) a t
th a t stupid man!”

Open the brackets and complete the text.

M rs Brown loved flow ers. She (have) a big and b e a u tifu l

g ard en w ith a lot of apple tre e s, p e ar tre e s and plum tre e s.
T h ere (be) also lovely h a w th o rn and honeysuckle b u sh es in it.
B u t m ost of all M rs Brown (be) prou d of h er flow ers: p rim ­
roses, daisies, poppies and — above all2 — h er w onderful roses.
In th e sum m er, her roses (be) always th e best in h er stre e t. She
even (win) a special prize for her yellow roses a t two or th ree flow er
One sum m er a fte rn o o n w hen M rs B row n (read) a w om an’s
m ag azine, th e bell (ring). M rs B row n (get up), (go) to th e
fr o n t door, (open) i t and (see) a sm all boy o u tsid e . The
boy (be) about six years old, and (hold) lots of w onderful roses in
his hands.

1 a w alk in g stick — трость, п ал к а д л я ходьбы

2 above all — больш е всего
“I (sell) roses,” he said. “You (want) any? They (be) very cheap.
Only five pence each. They (be) fresh. I ju s t (cut) th e m .”
“My b o y ,” M rs Brow n answ ered, “roses n ev er (buy) in
my house, because I (have) a lot of them in my garden. You can’t
expect me (buy) your roses when I (have got) my ow n.”
“Oh, no,” (say) the sm all boy. “There (be) no roses in your g a r­
den now. I (cut) them all. They (be) here in m y h an d s.”

О When people go on holiday, they often write about the place they visit. Imagine that
you are visiting Australia. Write a short letter to your friend or parents about its
a) climate, b) land, c) plants and wildlife. Use the adjectives that you will need
from the box.

u n u su a l, p o p u lated , h u m id , s trik in g , sw am py, w ell-know n,

sandy, d ry, e x trao rd in ary (ordinary), (un)inhabited, m ild, tro p ­
ical, v a st, h o t, faraw ay, p ic tu re sq u e , la u g h in g , b rig h tly -
coloured, bushy, (un)healthy, lonely, wild, flying, prim itive

О Choose the right word.

1. The continent nearest to A u stralia is ... .

a) A frica b) Asia c) Europe d) A m erica
2. In A u stralia w in ter comes in ... .
a) December b) J a n u a ry c) J u n e d) Ju ly
3. A u stra lia ’s population is about ... m illion people,
a) 58 b) 18 c) 118 d) 158
4. New Zealand is to th e ... of A u stralia,
a) n o rth b) south c) east d) west
5. The ... resembles a teddy bear.
a) kookaburra b) dingo c) koala d) duckbill
6. A u stra lia is divided in to ... states and two te rrito rie s,
a) 5 b) 6 c) 4 d) 3
7. M elbourne is the capital of ... .
a) New South W ales c) Queensland
b) South A u stralia d) V ictoria
8. Sydney is th e capital of ... .
a) New South W ales c) South A u stralia
b) W estern A u stra lia d) Tasm ania
9. Sheep farm ers in A u stra lia have co n stan t w ars ag ain st ... .
a) dingoes b) kangaroos c) buffaloes d) rabbits
10. Tasm ania is som etim es called the ... isle,
a) pear b) apple c) apricot d) peach
11. ... is one of the few places in A u stralia th a t have enough rain
all year.
a) N o rth ern T e rrito ry c) W estern A u stralia
b) South A u stra lia d) Tasm ania
12. The bushy country rings w ith kookaburras ... .
a) la u g h te r b) cry c) sh o u t d) w hisper

Read these five texts and guess what countries they describe. Rewrite them filling
in the gaps with the names of the countries.

1. W hen you say ... you th in k of: kilts, m ilitary ta tto o and bag­
pipes. ... is a very b e au tifu l country w ith high rocky m ountains,
picturesque valleys and riv ers of clear cold w ater. .. . ’s capital is
som etim es called the A thens of th e N orth , i t ’s a centre of business,
education and law. People of ... love th e ir co u n try and keep its t r a ­
d itions.
2. ... is the w orld’s la rg e st island and its sm allest co n tin en t.
English is the language spoken th e re b u t it is spoken w ith a stro n g
accent. The people who live in ... use so m any expressions of th e ir
own th a t som etim es it is hard fo r an E nglish-speaking fo reig n er to
u n d erstan d w hat they speak about.
3. A lthough nobody needs a passport to cross th e border from
England to ... , i t ’s easy to see th a t ... is a d iffe re n t co u n try as it
has its own c u ltu re, tra d itio n and language. The old capital of ...
was C aernarfon. The castle of C aernarfon is th e place w here P rince
C harles was crow ned as P rin ce o f .................has high m o u n tain s,
in c lu d in g M ount Snow don, w hich is over one th o u sa n d m etres
4. The land in ... was colonized m ainly by the B ritish and th e
French in the 17th cen tu ry , b u t the grow ing disagreem ent between
B rita in and th e colonies led to th e R evolution and th e D eclaration
of Independence in 1776. D ifferences between th e N o rth and th e
South of th e country led to th e Civil W ar. Nowadays ... is one of
th e main in d u stria l countries in th e world.
5. ... is th e la rg e st co u n try in B ritain . Its capital is th e city
w here Queen E lizabeth’s m ain residence is situ a ted . ... gave b irth
to such fam ous people as W illiam Shakespeare, W inston C hurchill,
H oratio Nelson, O liver Cromwell, Jo n a th a n Sw ift. ... has a lot of
tra d itio n s , fo r exam ple fiv e -o ’clock tea o r h av in g tu rk e y fo r
C hristm as.

Look at the map where the countries you have studied are marked. Write the names
of the cities (as many as you can) which are situated in these countries.

U nit 1 ........................................ 3 U n it 1 2 ...................................... 59

U nit 2 ........................................ 8 U n it 1 3 ...................................... 63
U nit 3 ........................................ 14 U n it 1 4 ...................................... 68
U nit 4 ........................................ 19 U nit 1 5 ...................................... 75
U n it 5 ........................................ 25 U n it 1 6 ...................................... 78
U n it 6 ........................................ 31 U n it 1 7 ...................................... 83
U n it 7 ........................................ 34 U n it 1 8 ...................................... 89
U n it 8 ........................................ 38 U nit 1 9 ...................................... 95
U nit 9 ........................................ 43 U nit 2 0 ...................................... 99
U n it 1 0 ...................................... 50 U nit 2 1 ...................................... 105
U nit 1 1 ...................................... 57 U nit 2 2 ...................................... 109

Учебное издание

А ф ан асьева Ольга Васильевна

М ихеева Ирина Владимировна
Рабочая тетрадь

V I класс
Пособие для учащ ихся
общ еобразовательных учреждений
и ш кол с углублённым изучением
английского язы ка
Ц ентр группы герм ан ски х язы к о в
Р уко во ди тел ь Ц ен тр а В. В. К опы лова. Зам . руковод и теля Н. И. М а к си м ен к о .
Р ед акто р ы Н. И. М а к си м ен к о . Х удож ественны й редактор Э. К. Реоли. Т ех ­
н ически е редакторы Е. Н. З е л я н и н а , Т. Е. Х о т ю н . К орректор 3. Ф. Ю рескул
Н ал о го вая льгота — О бщ ероссийский класси ф и катор п роду кц и и ОК 0 0 5 -9 3 —95 3 0 0 0 .
И зд. л и ц . С ерия ИД № 05824 от 1 2 .0 9 .0 1 . П одписано в п ечать 2 0 .0 3 .1 2 . Ф орм ат
7 0 x 9 0 l/ie- Б ум ага оф сетная. Гарнитура Ш к ол ьн ая. П еч ать оф сетн ая. У ч.-изд. л . 6 ,2 4 .
Т и р аж 15 000 эк з. З а к а з № 31477 ш-suii.
О тк р ы то е ак ц и о н ер н о е общ ество « И зд ательство «П ро свещ ен и е» . 1 2 7 5 2 1 , М осква,
3-й проезд М арьш ю й рощ и, 41.
О тпечатано в полном соответствии с качеством предоставленны х м атериалов в ОАО
«Смоленский полиграф ический комбинат». 214020, г. С моленск, ул. См ольянинова, д. 1.

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