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Упражнения по современной
английской грамматике для студентов II курса

Нижний Новгород 2008


Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ГОУ НГЛУ

и м . Н . А . Д о б р ол ю б о ва . С п е ц и а л ь н о с т ь : 0 2 2 9 0 0 – П е р е в од и
переводоведение. Дисциплина: Практический курс I иностранного языка
(английский язык).

УДК 802.0 (075.83)

Exercises in Modern English Grammar for Second Year Students=

Упражнения по современной английской грамматике для студентов II курса
– Н. Новгород: НГЛУ им.Н.А.Добролюбова, 2008 – 132c.

Пособие предназначено для совершенствования грамматических

навыков студентов, изучающих английский язык как первый иностранный.
В него вошли избранные упражнения по современной английской
грамматике из учебника Ю.А.Крутикова.

©Издательство ГОУ НГЛУ им.Н.А.Добролюбова, 2008




The Indefinite Tense Forms
1. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite or the
Past Indefinite.

1. They (to work) hard at that problem for a whole year, but when they (to
fail), the failure (not to discourage) them and they (to start) working anew. 2.
Stratford-on-Avon (to be) a small town in central England where Shakespeare
(to be born). 3. Renaissance (to mean) “a new birth,” “a revival”. Thus we (to
call) the time of the great revival of art and learning which (to cover) the 15th
and 16th centuries and (to mark) the transition from medieval to the modern
world. 4. Some two centuries ago, when there (not to be) trains, cars and trams,
people (to travel) in carriages. The mail-coach (to take) both people and the post
from town to town. In some carriages the driver (to stand) or (to sit) behind the
carriage. Even, when the train (to appear) some English writers still (to prefer)
to make their heroes travel by cabs, hansoms and mail-coaches. 5. Latin (to be) a
dead language now, but it (to be) the international language some four centuries
ago. 6. Many thousands of years ago Cyprus (to be) famous for its copper. Our
word “copper” (to originate) from the old word “cuperus”, which (to come)
from Cyprus. 7. The Metric system (to be) a system of measures and weights
which (to be) first adopted in France. 8. In ancient Rome people (to use) sticks
of bone or metal with a pointed end, for writing on waxed tablets. They (to call)
these sticks “styles”. Now this word (to mean) a mode of writing or speaking. 9.
I (not to know) that Shishkin (not to create) his picture Morning in the Pine
Wood alone. The no less famous painter Savitsky (to paint) the bear with her
three little cubs.

2. Translate the following into English; using the Present Indefinite or

the Past Indefinite.

1. Я очень благодарен вам за то, что вы вчера при встрече напомнили

ему об этом. 2. Он улыбнулся, когда увидел своего приятеля в окне вагона.
3. Жаль, что вы не хотите воспользоваться такой прекрасной
возможностью. 4. Он говорит, что не помнит многих подробностей в
романе, так как читал его еще в детстве. 5. Шофер остановил машину и
сказал, что мотор не в порядке и его надо проверить. 6. Этой книги уже нет
в продаже. Жаль, что я не купил ее на прошлой неделе. 7. В течение двух
дней путешественники бродили по степи и не могли найти пригодной для
питья воды. 8. Кажется, он очень интересуется химией? – Да, он увлекался
ею еще в школе. 9. Вы не пришли за книгой вчера, а сегодня я уже не могу
вам ее дать. 10. Она осталась в гостинице, сославшись на головную боль, а
мы отправились осматривать город. 11. Я даже еще сейчас сержусь на вас
за то, что вы были так невнимательны вчера. 12. Громоздкая машина
загородила дорогу, и все движение остановилось. Мы простояли с 6 до 7 и
опоздали на поезд. 13. Наша библиотека снабжает студентов всеми
нужными им книгами. 14. В те времена я бывало часто сопровождал отца
на охоту. 15. По его улыбке я понял, что ему приятно услышать эти
новости. 16. Он был настолько самоуверен, что считал, что к нему эти
правила не относятся. 17. Oн почувствовал себя неловко, когда при его
появлении все посмотрели в его сторону.

3. Complete the following, using the Present Indefinite or the Future


1. If you put this slip under the microscope … . 2. I shall accompany you
with pleasure as soon as … . 3. The performance will be a great success if … . 4.
As soon as the operation starts … . 5. If this time is convenient for you … .6. We
shall not complete the work this week in case … . 7. Dinner will be served

before … . 8. When the tourists descend into the valley … .9. If she keeps her
promise … . 10. You will be in my way if … . 11. After you have your boots
polished … . 12. The experiment will be carried out as soon as … . 13. When
you turn into that blind alley … . 14. As soon as it begins to freeze … 15.
Unless you look at this picture at some distance … . 16. I shall remind you of
your promise in case … . 17. The dentist will pull out the tooth if … .

4. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Future Indefinite or the

Present Indefinite.

1. The delegation (to start) for London as soon as they (to receive) their
visas. 2. At the travel bureau they (to tell) you exactly when the train (to
leave). 3. Ask the smith if it (to take) him long to make a double of this key.
4. I (not to think) I (to be able) to call on them and (to say) good-bye before I
(to go) abroad. 5. If you (not to want) to climb the tree you can shake it and
the apples (to fall) down to the ground. 6. If I (to go) to Leningrad I usually
(to stay) at my friends’. 7. Ask him when he (to finish) packing. 8. Ask her if
she (to come) to the party alone or her sister (to come) too. 9. If she (to
come) to the party alone and there (to be) nobody she (to know), she (to feel)
lonely. 10. The milk (to be) fresh a long time after I (to put) it in the
refrigerator. 11. Ask the flower-girl how much money I (to have) to pay if I
(to take) all the flowers. 12. Tell the hotel boy to brush your shoes when you
(to come) from the outing. 13. Ask the dean if we (to study) according to the
old time-table, or a new one (to be) ready when we (to begin) to study.

5. Translate into English.

1. Я не могу решить, присоединиться ли мне к ним, пока не будет

известно, когда они выезжают. 2. Если вы будете работать усердно, то к
концу дня кончите работу. 3. Я с ним переговорю до твоего возвращения,
но я не уверен, последует ли он моим советам. 4. Я буду вам очень

благодарен, если вы мне продиктуете эту статью. 5. Я думаю, все станет

ясно, как только мы получим от него письмо. 6. Скажите ему, что если он
поедет в горы, я дам ему свои спортивные ботинки; они ему очень
пригодятся. 7. Спросите их, не дадут ли они мне пылесос, если мне нужно
будет почистить ковер. 8. С вашей стороны будет очень глупо, если вы не
воспользуетесь этой возможностью. 9. Я уверен, вы полюбите ее, как
только она начнет работать с нами. 10. Если она позвонит и нас не будет
дома, спросите ее, зайдет ли она к нам вечером. 11. Все будет зависеть от
того, успеем ли мы дать им знать об этом еще сегодня. 12. Поезд 17
прибывает в Москву через час. Если вы возьмете такси, то успеете
встретить брата. 13. Как только вы его увидите, спросите его, когда он
уезжает и сможет ли он зайти к нам перед отъездом. 14. Спросите на
таможне, будут ли они осматривать наш багаж. 15. Если вы доберетесь до
лагеря первыми, ждите нас.

6. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the tense relations expressed

by the verbs in bold type.

1. Sarie knew that she would fight for Lanny, do anything for him. (P.A.)
2. Sarie would always laugh at Sam’s jokes and dimples would appear in her
cheeks. (P.A.) 3. Gert said he would go to Smith’s in the evening. Whenever he
went to Smith’s he stayed for the night or longer. Then he would return, sick
and red-eyed from drinking. (P.A.) 4. She suddenly understood how much fear
there was in their lives. But soon that would be over. Their love would come
into the open of daylight and sunshine and no one would be able to harm them

7. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

1. On his way to school the boy called on his neighbour and asked her:
“Will you be able to look after my little sister while I am away?” 2. The doctor
said: “You will have to keep your broken arm in a sling for quite a time.” 3. He
said: “If you follow my advice everything will turn out all right.” 4. Mabel said:
“Nothing will change my decision and I shall leave for Cape Town to-night.” 5.
She asked: “Will you help me to pack the last things?”

8. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Future-in-the-Past or the

Past Indefinite.

1. She (to know) that the fishermen (to return) home late and (to leave)
them supper on the kitchen table. 2. On top of my linen I (to put) some books in
the suit-case as I (to know) that I (to start) reading as soon as the train (to pull
out). 3. He (to know) that in a day or two his friend (to come) and (to apologize)
for his rudeness. 4. I (to want) to ask him what (to be) matter with him, but I (to
know) beforehand what answer he (to give). 5. She (to warn) me that at first it
(to be) very difficult for me to get along with her people. 6. She (to begin) her
story hesitatingly but I (to know) that she (to tell) me everything no matter how
difficult it (to be) for her. 7. From the door he (to shout) that he (to be) back in
two hours’ time. 8. I (to wonder) if I (to be able) to solve such a problem alone
without any outside help. 9. He (to think) that if he (to push) the door hard the
lock (to give) way. 10. The instructor (to point) out that only the best sportsmen
(to take) part in the All-Union competitions.

9. Translate the following into English; using the Present, Past,

Future Indefinite or the Future-in-the-Past.

I. 1. Как только вы прибудете в город, приезжайте ко мне: в

доме достаточно места для всей вашей семьи. 2. Он имел обыкновение
говорить так быстро, что я с большим трудом следил за его рассказом. 3.

Он чувствовал свою вину и весь день вчера избегал разговора с нами. 4.

Интересно, удастся ли ему сделать все так, как он предполагает. 5. Мы
обычно начинали занятия кружка с обсуждения работы за неделю. 6.
Если вы откажетесь от работы сейчас, вам никогда больше не
представится такая блестящая возможность. 7. Он не любит
высказывать свое мнение заранее, и пока комиссия не будет обсуждать
ваш план, вы не узнаете, что он думает о нем и поддержит ли он его. 8.
Я буду вам очень признателен, если вы напомните брату о его
обещании. 9. Тагор считал, что он не рожден для борьбы, однако всю
жизнь боролся против господства колонизаторов, лжи и невежества. 10.
Через месяц в салоне откроется выставка картин молодых художников.
В ней примут участие не только профессионалы, но и все, кто выразит
желание выставить свои картины. В течение этого месяца жюри, в
состав которого войдут лучшие художники страны, будет отбирать
картины для выставки.

II. 1. Экзаменатор предупредил, что скажет, когда можно войти

следующему студенту. 2. Хирург сказал, что он будет оперировать
больного только в том случае, если родственники больного дадут на это
согласие. 3. Он обещал достать мне несколько справочников по этому
вопросу, как только я начну работать над статьей. 4. Он решил купить
часы, когда получит первую зарплату. 5. Было очевидно, что она споет
нам, если мы ее попросим. 6. Мы обещали им, что закажем номер в
гостинице заранее. 7. Я сказал, что буду ждать их до половины
восьмого, а затем продам билеты. 8. Он сказал, что пошлет телеграмму,
если не получит в ближайшее время никаких известий из дому.

9. Молодой скрипач волновался и чувствовал, что концерт не будет

удачным, если он не возьмет себя в руки. 10. Мы тренировались
регулярно, надеясь, что летом покажем лучшие результаты.

The Continuous Tense Forms

10. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite or the
Present Continuous where necessary.

1. Stop smoking! The room (to be) full of smoke which (to come) from
your pipe. Usually nobody (to smoke) in here as mother can’t stand it. 2. The
woman who (to speak) with my sister in the yard (to be) our neighbour who (to
live) across the street. 3. You (to ask) too much of me. I (to be) quite powerless
to help you. 4. “You (to hear) the speaker well?” “Yes, I (to hear) him clearly. I
(to listen) very attentively, but still I (not to understand) what he (to drive) at.” 5.
You (to go) in my direction? I can give you a lift. 6. It (to be) a very interesting
scientific film. In it you can see how the grass (to grow) and the flowers (to
unfold) their petals right before your eyes. 7. I (to look) at the barometer and (to
see) that it (to fall). 8. Don’t enter the study. Father (to work) there and he (not
to like) to be disturbed. 9. You (to see) that woman in the corner? She (to have)
her dessert now. As soon as she (to leave) we (to occupy) the table.10. “Where
you (to hurry)?” “I (to be) afraid to miss the 2.35. My friend (to come) with it.”

11. Give answers to the following questions, using the Present Continuous
or the Present Indefinite:

1. “Where are you going this Sunday?” This Sunday …, but usually on
Sundays … .” 2. When is he coming to see us?” “He … Friday night though
most often … .” 3. “The delegation of French physicians is arriving by plane to-
night, isn’t it?” “Yes, it … at the Vnukovo airport; all the foreign delegations, as
a rule … .” 4. “When is the boat from Odessa coming?” “It … in half an hour, as
it late to-night, but regularly it … at 8 sharp.” 5. “When is the night train for
Leningrad leaving?” It … half an hour. It … at 15.15 according to the time-

12. Translate into English, using the Present Indefinite or the Present

1. Дождь все еще идет. Я вижу дождевые капли на стекле. 2. Эти

люди так пристально смотрят на вас. Вы их знаете? 3. Как называется
журнал, который вы просматриваете? 4. Что вы стоите в дверях?
Проходите, мы как раз пьем чай; выпейте с нами чашку. 5. Мы
приближаемся к морю. 6. Что ты слушаешь? – Я слушаю концерт из
Колонного зала. 7. Этот человек, конечно, очень хорошо говорит по-
английски, но мне трудно понимать его, так как он говорит очень быстро, а
я знаю язык недостаточно хорошо. 8. Молодой рабочий, с которым
разговаривает журналист, работает на 12 станках. Сейчас он, очевидно,
рассказывает о своих методах. 9. Я не люблю таких людей, как он. Он
всегда мечтает, но ничего не делает, чтобы осуществить свои мечты. 10.
Позвони на вокзал, пожалуйста, и узнай, когда приходит поезд из Ростова.
11. Достаньте ваш билет. Контролер проверяет билеты. 12. Не шевелитесь,
фотограф уже снимает тебя. 13. Вы ошиблись, вы передаете мне горчицу, а
не перец. 14. Она всегда жалуется на своего сына, когда бы я ее ни
встретил. 15. Вы говорите, что уезжаете скоро. Может быть вы побудете
здесь, пока он не приедет. 16. Почему вы все время переключаете
приемник с одной станции на другую? Что вы хотите послушать? 17. Не
входите в комнату, он проявляет пленки.

13. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Past Indefinite or the Past

1. Andrew (to write) the label when the surgery bell (to ring) and
presently a short man (to enter). A dog (to follow) him. There (to be) silence
while the man (to look) Andrew up and down. “I (to see) a light in your window

as I (to pass),” he (to say). 2. During dinner while Andrew (to chew) his piece of
old meat, Mrs. Page (to help) herself to wine and a hot beefsteak. After dinner
while Andrew (to try) hard to swallow the last piece of meat she (to sit) studying
him, and by the look in her eyes Andrew (to see) that she (to reflect) on
something concerning him. 3. Jim’s way (to lie) along the quay. He (to walk)
slowly. The multitude of ships of all sizes and nations (to delight) him. In one
ship sailors (to sing) at their work; in another sailors (to hang) to threads that (to
seem) no ticker than a spider’s; along the quay men (to walk) their clumsy
swaggering sea-walk. Jim half (to dream) still when he (to come) to the place of
his destination and (to meet) Squire Trelawney, who (to come) out of the door of
a large inn.

14. Translate into English, using the Past Continuous or the Past

1. Когда я вошел в зал, студенты все еще обсуждали первый доклад.

2. Поезд приближался к станции; делегаты стояли у окон и махали
шляпами. По перрону бежали дети с цветами. 3. Пассажиры так и не
увидели Байкал. Когда поезд проезжал Байкал, была ночь. 4. Охотники
замолчали. Красивый олень медленно приближался к ним. 5. Вдруг, когда
уже не оставалось никакой надежды на спасение, люди на тонущем
корабле увидели дым на горизонте. Какой-то пароход направлялся к ним на
помощь. 6. Поезд набирал скорость, когда он вскочил в вагон. 7. Я
разговаривал с Воронежем по телефону в течение 10 минут. Но каждую
минуту что-то случалось: то кричали какие-то голоса, то телефонистка
прерывала нас, то что-то свистело в трубке. 8. Машинистка печатала
доклад, когда вошла секретарь и положила на стол еще какие-то бумаги. 9.
Иванов писал свою знаменитую картину «Явление Христа народу»
двадцать лет. 10. Пока директор вел деловую беседу с представителями
иностранных фирм, секретарь сортировала утреннюю почту. 11. В то время

как он пробирался сквозь толпу, он услышал, как кто-то окликнул его. 12.
Мы вошли на привокзальную площадь. Толпы народа спешили на вокзал и
с вокзала; сновали носильщики с тяжелыми чемоданами, подъезжали и
отъезжали машины, кто-то покупал цветы. К нам подошел шофер такси
испросил, куда нам ехать.

15. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

1. The professor asked his assistant: “What are you doing in the laboratory
at such a late hour?” The assistant answered: “I am carrying out an experiment. I
want to see its results for myself.” 2. He said: “Are you leaving the town to-
night? I should like to see you to the station.” 3. The nurse said to the patients on
the verandah: “A cold breeze is coming from the sea, so you will have to go into
your wards.” 4. A man asked over the telephone: “Am I speaking to Martin?” 5.
He said, entering the room: “Are you having a rest? I don’t want to disturb you,
but I have a very interesting article here which I am dying to read to you.”

16. Translate the Russian sentences into English, making them the logical
continuation of the English ones.

1. We shall be playing chess in half an hour. – А они будут играть в

шашки. 2. What will you be doing when I come? – Я буду, очевидно, писать
доклад. 3. What will the coach be doing at this time to-morrow? – Он будет
тренировать юношескую команду. 4. I shall be listening to one of my
favourite symphonies at 8 o’clock to-morrow. – А я буду в это время писать
доклад о творчестве Шелли. 5. To-morrow at this time we shall be taking
leave of each other at the station. – Вы вдвоем поедете на север, чтобы в
Мурманске присоединиться к своей экспедиции, а я поеду на Урал.

17. Join the following pairs of sentences with if, when or while.

1. You will be packing our things. I shall be making arrangements over the
telephone. 2. We shall come at 12 o'clock. They will be rehearsing the second
act. 3. You will ring up at 3 o'clock. I am afraid I shall be having a long-distance
call and the line will be engaged. 4. The German students will be having their
oral test. The English students will be writing their examination paper. 5. The
ward doctors will be examining their patients. The professor will make his daily

18. Translate the following, using the Future Continuous where possible.

1. Завтра в это время вы будете пересекать Ла-Манш, если погода

будет благоприятной. 2. Вы увидите, какое незабываемое впечатление
производит город, когда вы будете приближаться к нему со стороны моря.
3. Вот увидите, через минуту он вам будет рассказывать о своей встрече с
чемпионом. 4. Когда мы придем домой, мать еще будет готовить обед, и
нам придется подождать. 5. Если вы хотите застать их, вы должны
поторопиться, иначе, боюсь, вы придете в тот момент, когда они будут
уходить. 6. Мы посидим в фойе, пока актеры будут репетировать
последнюю сцену. 7. Теперь я буду заходить к вам чаще. У меня будет
больше свободного времени. 8. Спускайтесь, я вас сейчас догоню. 9. Ровно
в 5 часов утра многие астрономы и любители будут наблюдать солнечное
затмение. 10. Не звоните мне от 3-х до 5-ти: я буду работать в лаборатории.

19. Change the following sentences from direct into indirect speech.

1. He said: “It is haymaking time; and if you go to the collective farm to-
morrow, the farmers will be working in the fields.” 2. She said to me: “Go to the
post office now, as in half an hour they will be having a break and will be
closing down for dinner.” 3. The secretary said: “Go to the director and hand in
your application now, as in some 15 minutes, when he is having visitors, you
won’t be able to speak to him.” 4. The typist said: “I am sure I shall be still

typing your report if you come in an hour. Better come, say, in an hour and a
half.” 5. The young man said over the telephone: “I have got two tickets for to-
night’s performance; if you take a taxi, you will be here in no time. I shall be
waiting at the entrance.” 6. The instructor said: “At this time to-morrow the first
group of tourists will be coming to our camp.” 7. She asked: “Will you still be
discussing my proposal if I come in half an hour?”

20. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Continuous tense forms

where necessary.

1. “Hush,” (to say) Amelia when Dobbin (to enter) the room. His boots (to
creak) and he (can) wake up little Georgy. In his arms he (to carry) a cargo of
toys and (cannot) take Amelia’s outstretched hand before he (to free) himself of
the cargo. “I (to be) here to say good-bye, Amelia,” (to say) Dobbin. “To-
morrow at this time I (to sail) across the Channel.” Soon Dobbin’s carriage (to
run) along the drive, but Amelia (not to hear) the noise of the wheels. She (to
look) at her sleeping son, who (to smile) in his sleep. 2. Lanny (to walk) along
the road in the moonlight when Celia (to overtake) him. They (to start) running.
Now she (to get) her second wind. Celia (to remember) the evening when they
(to run) thus together for the last time to catch the last bus. And now they (to
run) together for the last time to catch the train that (to take) her out of his life
for ever. “The train (to pass) the station in half an hour,” Lanny (to say).
21. Translate into English, using the Continuous tense forms.

1. Анна стояла на платформе. Мимо нее пробегали занесенные

снегом люди, кричали разные голоса. Она уже хотела вернуться в вагон, но
какой-то человек стал на ее пути. Она тотчас узнала Вронского. «Я не
знала, что вы едете. Зачем вы едете?» — «Зачем я еду?» — повторил он,
глядя ей прямо в глаза. — «Вы знаете, я еду для того, чтобы быть там, где
вы. Я буду следовать за вами везде, я не могу иначе». 2. Миссис Чивли не
просила, она ставила условия. «Завтра в это время я или буду слушать в

парламенте вашу речь в пользу аргентинского канала, или весь свет будет
знать, что вы из себя представляете». 3. На крыльце сидела девочка лет
девяти и сосредоточенно смотрела прямо перед собой. Она, казалось, не
замечала, что ее маленький брат, который лежал рядом на ступеньке,
громко кричал. По улице по направлению к дому ехала карета, которая и
привлекла внимание девочки.

The Perfect Tense Forms, Common Aspect

22. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite or the
Present Perfect. Translate into Russian.

1. As a rule I (to have) ham and eggs for breakfast, but this time I (to
order) an omelette. 2. This is the house where I (to live). I (to live) here since
childhood. 3. Once in a week I (to write) letters home, but I (not to write) one
this week, so my next letter must be particularly long. 4. No wonder he (to look)
tired after the strain under which he (to be) lately. 5. She just (to ask) a porter to
carry her bags as they (to be) too heavy for her. 6. “Where (to be) your
monitor?” “She (to go) to the library.” 7. I regularly (to see) him every morning
at the tram stop, but I (not to see) him these two or three days. 8. “It (to be) cold
in winter in Moscow, as a rule?” “Yes, generally it (to be), but this winter (to be)
exceptionally warm.” 9. “Why you (not to shave) this morning?” “I (to shave)
every other day.”

23. Answer the following questions:

1. Have you ever been to the Crimea? When were you there last? 2. Have
you read anything by Dickens? Which of his novels did you read when a child?
Have you read any of his novels lately? 3. Have you been to the Bolshoi
Theatre? What operas and ballets have you seen there? When were you there
last? What did you see? 4. Have you ever travelled by air? When did you fly for
the first time? 5. Have you already visited your sick friend? When did you go to

see him? 6. Have you written any composition this month? When did you write
it? What mark have you got for it? 7. Have you taken any pictures this year?
When was it, in spring or in summer? Have you already developed the films? 8.
Have you finished reading The Path of Thunder? When did you finish it? How
long did it take you to read it? 9. How long have you lived in this city? When
did you come to live here? 10. Have you ever tried your hand at translation?
How much time has passed since your first translation was published? Were you
a success?

24. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Perfect, the Present
Indefinite or the Past Indefinite.

1. “You ever (to be) to this picture gallery?” “Yes, I (to visit) it once when
a youth, and the pictures (to make) a great impression on me. Since then I (not
to be) here.” 2. “You already (to see) the new Indian film?” “Yes, I (to manage)
to see it yesterday. I (to go) to the cinema in the evening and (to get) two tickets
quite easily.” 3. “You always (to draw) books from our library?” “Yes, as a rule,
I (to draw). Last year I (to go) to another library but I (not to find) it as good as
this one. I (to draw) books from here for some 10 months already.” 4. “I (not to
see) anything of Jane lately. When you ( to see) her last?” “I (to meet) her two
days ago. I (to think) that she (to change) very much.” 5. “You (to have dinner)
already?” “No, not yet. The waitress (to take) my order 15 minutes ago and (not
to bring) me anything yet.” 6. “You ever (to see) Ulanova dance?” “Oh yes, I (to
like) her very much and I (not to miss) a single performance with her this winter.
I (to watch) her for many years. She (to be) not only a splendid dancer, but a
good actress as well.” 7. “You (to bring) your bathing suit with you?” “Yes, I am
going to show you how much I (to improve) since last summer. I (to take) some
swimming lessons lately. Now it (to be) for you to judge if I (to make) any
progress.” 8. “Where you (to get) this fine new bicycle from?” “My parents (to
give) it to me as a birthday present.” “Let us go cycling this afternoon. I (to find)

some really nice places in the vicinity.” 9. The Egyptian civilization (to be) the
oldest which (to leave) us art. It (to begin) about five thousand years ago. The
story of Egyptian art (to cover) three thousand years and (to include) the art of
different periods.

25. Translate into English, using the Present or the Past Indefinite, the
Present Continuous or the Present Perfect.

1. Вы перебили меня, и теперь я не помню, на чем я остановился. 2.

Я очень рад, что он согласился на наше предложение. 3. Мы только что
продали последний экземпляр этой книги. Жаль, что вы раньше нам не
сказали, что она вам нужна. 4. Вы зря, потратили время на перевод этой
статьи; она не представляет никакого интереса. 5. Он никогда не
вмешивался в мои дела, и я ему за это благодарен. 6. Его никак нельзя было
назвать любопытным; хотя он всегда охотно выслушивал других, но сам
почти никогда не задавал вопросов. 7. Ваш товарищ уже рассказал мне в
чем дело, и я думаю, что смогу помочь вам. 8. Я не спрашивал его ни о
чем; он сам мне все рассказал. 9. Он только что звонил на вокзал и узнал,
что поезд еще не пришел. 10. Я узнал ваш телефон в справочном бюро и
звонил вам несколько раз, но никто не отвечал. 11. Экзаменаторы пришли
четверть часа тому назад и вызвали трех студентов. 12. Экзаменаторы уже
пришли; три студента уже готовятся отвечать. 13. Дождь уже прекратился,
и люди идут без плащей и зонтов. 14. Я никогда не забуду вашу доброту.
Вы всегда были так внимательны ко мне. 15. Когда мы были студентами,
мы всегда помогали друг другу. 16. Я знаю его много лет; он всегда был
мне хорошим другом. 17. Очень рад с вами познакомиться. Я столько
слышал о вас и давно хотел с вами встретиться. 18. Где вы достали этот
чудесный ковер? — Он у меня с тех пор, как я переехал на эту квартиру.
(Он у меня с тех пор, как я живу на этой квартире.)

26. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Past Indefinite or the Past

1. They (to complete) all the preparations for the fancy-dress ball by 5
o'clock. 2. On leaving the hospital the man (to thank) the doctor who (to cure)
him of his disease. 3. In the morning all the passengers (to feel) good after the
night they (to spend) in the comfortable sleeper. 4. During my last visit to the
picture gallery I (to find) that I no longer (to like) the pictures which (to
impress) me when I first (to see) them. Evidently my taste (to change). 5. Last
night he (to complete) the experiment which he (to begin) some months before.
6. No sooner she (to open) the drawer than she (to find) the photo which she (to
think) she (to lose) long before. 7. They (to be) friends for some ten years before
I (to meet) them. 8. I (to refuse) to give a definite answer before I (to receive) a
letter from him. 9. Hardly he (to touch) the pillow when he (to fall) asleep. 10.
Everybody (to be) at the bus station, but the guide (not to come) yet. 11. We (to
stop) and (to wait) until the train (to pass). 12. He (to find) the landscape even
more beautiful than he (to expect) it to be. 13. She (to read) in his eyes what he
(to want) to say before he (to say) it. 14. Their friends (to call) for them before
they (to be) ready. 15. We (to have) to stay at the station for the night because
we (to miss) the last train. 16. Sarie (to remember) the night when she (to find)
Lanny on the ground and (to bring) him back to wash the blood from his face.
His eyes (to have) the same look she (to see) in her father's many years before
when he (to learn) that his wife (to burn) his books. 17. Sarie (to understand)
why Lanny (not to come) the previous evenings. She (to know) that he (to stay)
away because he (to be) afraid. 18. When Gemma (to finish) reading the letter
she (to understand) that she (to lose) Arthur for ever. She hardly (to slip) the
letter into her pocket when Martini (to enter) the room and seeing her tear-
stained face (to run) up to her and (to fling) his arms round her. But Gemma (to
hurry) to the window and (not to notice) even that Martini (to betray) his

feelings. Steadying himself, Martini (to say) that he (to bring) sad news:
Cardinal Montanelli (to die) suddenly at Ravenna that morning.

27. Change the following sentences from direct into indirect speech.

1. The monitor of the group said: “I have already spoken with this student,
but he is deaf to all advice.” 2. She told me over the telephone: “I have changed
my mind and I intend to spend Saturday evening at home.” 3. He said: “I saw
the New Year in with a group of my former schoolmates.” 4. The passenger
whom we found in the compartment said: “This place is not vacant. It is
occupied by a man who has gone out to buy some cigarettes.” 5. The man
shouted: “Come and see what has happened to my window! The boys have
smashed it to pieces with their ball.” 6. The teacher said: “Your spelling has
become better since you started learning the words properly.” 7. The lecturer
explained: “Any language which developed out of Latin is a Romanic
language.” 8. The patient said: “The nurse has just given me a powder, so the
pain will stop in no time, I am sure.” 9. The young man said: “This song is not
popular any longer. I haven’t heard it even on the wireless since last year.” 10.
The mother asked: “Why did you eat so much honey? You know, it never agreed
with you.”
28. Translate into English, using the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous
or the Past Perfect.

1. Она дала мне письмо только после того, как я сказал свое имя.
2. Никто не говорил ей, как тяжело она была больна, до тех пор, пока она
не выздоровела. 3. Радио сообщило, что самолет, который только что
прилетел в Новосибирск, вылетит в Иркутск через полчаса. 4. Его не
пропускали в здание, пока он не показал пропуск. 5. За столом против меня
сидел седой человек, который несколько десятков лет тому назад был
знаменит как путешественник, а теперь был не меньше известен как
писатель. 6. Преподаватель сказал, что его произношение значительно

улучшилось после того, как он несколько раз позанимался в лингафонном

кабинете. 7. Когда приехала скорая помощь, спасательная команда еще не
поднялась из шахты. 8. Строитель показал своим иностранным друзьям
мост, в строительстве которого он сам принимал участие в 1948 году. 9.
Когда он прочел письмо, он поднес его к свече и наблюдал за тем, как оно
горело. 10. Придя утром в лабораторию, он с удовлетворением отметил,
что лаборантка ничего не трогала на его столе, и он мог сразу приступить к
работе. 11. После того, как актриса сняла грим, я увидел усталое лицо
человека, который тяжело поработал. 12. Едва мистер Мордстон появился в
доме Копперфильдов, как жизнь маленького Давида стала невыносимой.
13. Не успел мистер Пиквик произнести и двух слов, как миссис Бардль
упала в обморок. 14. Я видел много репродукций этой картины до того, как
увидел оригинал, и должен сказать, что я нашел в ней много такого, чего я
не замечал в репродукциях. 15. К тому времени как я пришел, стол был уже
убран, и молодежь танцевала. 16. Все было уже готово к отъезду, а машина
еще не пришла. 17. Солнце еще не поднялось над горизонтом, когда мы
тронулись в путь. 18. Он не мог принять участия в экспедиции, так как он
еще не совсем оправился после болезни. 19. Он спросил, что мы сделали с
тех пор, как начали работать над этой проблемой. 20. Вопрос оказался
гораздо проще, чем мы думали.

29. Put the verbs in brackets in the Future Perfect where possible.
Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The committee (to draft) the plan by to-morrow. 2. The librarian (to
register) all the books that (to come) into the library by the end of the week. 3. I
am afraid we (not to discuss) all the questions by the time they (to come). 4. The
secretary (to look through) all the papers by the time the director (to come). 5. I
hope that they (to receive) my letter by Saturday and (not to expect) me on
Sunday. 6. Let me know as soon as you (to make) an appointment with him. 7.

After the clerk (to decode) the telegrams he (to take) them to his chief. 8. I am
sure he (to throw) some light upon this matter before I (to learn) about it from
my sister’s letter. 9. Don’t start arguing until you (to hear) what I have to say.
10. I suppose that when my letter (to reach) you, you (to return) from your
voyage. 11. We (not to be able) to start the experiment before we (to obtain) the
necessary data.

30. Complete the following sentences.

I. 1. By the time you get into contact with them .... 2. By the moment the
interview is over ... . 3. By the time he gives us some instructions ... . 4.
Before he telephones us ... . 5. We shall not make any decision until ... .

II. 1. ... after he has dictated his business letters to the stenographer. 2. ... before
we have studied all the instructions. 3. ... until some steps have been taken.
4. ... before you have apologized to him. 5. ... as soon as the surgeon has
finished the operation.

31. Take the sentences from Exercises 29, 30 (after you have done them)
and change them according to the model.

Model: He said: “By the time you turn to the professor for assistance we
shall have done the greater part of the work.”

He said that by the time she turned to the professor for assistance they
would have done the greater part of the work.

32. Translate into English.

1. Поезд уже уйдет к тому времени, как мы приедем на станцию. 2.

Боюсь, к тому времени как вы вернетесь с деньгами, они уже распродадут
все книги. 3. Позвоните мне, когда вы прочтете книгу; я зайду взять ее. 4. Я
напишу ему после того, как увижусь с его родителями. 5. Я дам вам знать,

как только закончу переводить статью. 6. Мы сделаем все упражнения к его

приходу, и затем все вместе пойдем на каток. 7. а) Приходите на
консультацию после того, как вы проработаете весь материал. б) Не
приходите на консультацию, пока вы не проработаете весь материал. 8. Он
сказал, что не даст тебе другой книги, пока ты не вернешь ту, которую взял.
9. Наш завод выполнит производственный план к 5 декабря. 10. Он
спросил, разрешите ли вы ему просмотреть ваше сочинение после того, как
вы его напишите.

33. Translate into English, using the Perfect tense forms.

1. У вас был когда-нибудь опыт подобной работы? 2. Он еще не

решил, что ему делать. 3. Он вошел в комнату и сказал, что только что
обыграл своего друга в теннис. 4. Он по ступил в научно-
исследовательский институт после того, как поработал под руководством
видного физиолога. 5. Они все детально запланировали, прежде чем
отправиться в экспедицию. 6. Он сказал, что они знакомы с тех пор, как
состоят членами этого спортивного клуба. 7. Вы бывали когда-нибудь на
Кавказе? — Да. — Вы, конечно, видели озеро Рица? — О да, я никогда не
видел ничего более красивого. 8. Не знаю, напишет ли он статью к первому
сентября. Если она будет готова к тому времени, мы ее напечатаем. 9. Годы,
которые Артур провел в Южной Америке, так сильно изменили его, что
друзья не могли узнать его. 10. После знакомства с Сондрой, Клайд стал
избегать Роберту, к которой он некогда был очень привязан. 11. Я только
что нашел способ, как решить эту задачу. 12. Мы знакомы с тех пор, как
встретились на борту парохода «Короленко». 13. Он узнал меня только
после того, как я напомнил ему, где мы с ним встречались. 14. Я до сих пор
помню вашего брата, хотя не видела его с тех пор, как он уехал из нашего
города. 15. В кино пришла новая техника: стереофонический звук и
панорама. 16. В этом году студия «Мосфильм» дублировала ряд

иностранных фильмов. 17. Было уже десять часов вечера, а сумерки еще не
наступили. 18. Мы не прошли и половины пути, когда один из моторов
вышел из строя, и мы вынуждены были вернуться обратно. 19. Прошло
уже 2 года, как он уехал, и с тех пор он нам не пишет, и никто его не
встречал. 20. В сентябре этого года исполнится (исполнилось) 5 лет, как
они женаты.

34. Replace the infinitives by the appropriate form of the verb given in

On a stormy autumn day when the Black Sea (to beat) angrily against the
rocky shores of the Crimea, a steamer carrying a party of people, who (to come)
to make their homes there, (to dock) at Yalta. Most of the passengers (to be)
former soldiers demobilized as unfit for active service, the wives of servicemen,
people who during the war (to lose) their homes and families. Among them (to
be) colonel Voropaev, a demobilized officer, who (to be) second in command of
an army corps which (to cover) itself with glory during the great offensive that
(to begin) on the Volga.
In the battle for Vienna Voropaev (to be) severely wounded and afterwards
(to be discharged) from active service. The German invaders (to rob) him of all
his near ones with the exception of his ten-year-old son who (to be) in need of
the southern sun. It (to be) the quiet corner that Voropaev (to look) for.

The Perfect Continuous Tense Forms

35. Answer the following questions.

1. Have you finished writing your report? For how long have you been
working at it? How much time did it take you to write the introductory part?
2. When did you come to Moscow? What town have you come from? How long
have you already been living in Moscow? 3. Have you lost something? When
did you lose your fountain-pen? Have you looked for it everywhere? How long

have you been looking for it? 4. Have you taken many pictures this summer?
Have you already developed them all? Since when have you been developing
them? 5. What are they doing in the hall? Have they already completed all the
preparations for the New Year party? When did they start the preparations?
Since when have they been decorating the hall? 6. What have you done to
improve your health? For how long have you already been doing your morning
exercises? 7. What are you doing? Has number 87-13 not answered you yet?
How long have you been trying to get in touch with your friend? 8. Have you
found the article or are you still looking through the magazines? Have you been
looking through them long?

36. Replace the infinitives by the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect

1. This short-sighted man (to lose) his spectacles. We (to look) for them
everywhere but we can't find them. 2. “You ever (to act) as interpreter?” “Yes,
that is what I (to do) for the last five months.” 3. A skilful photographer (to help)
me with the development of films for two weeks, but we (to develop) only half
my summer films. 4. “They (to make) up their quarrel?” “I don’t know. I only
know that they (not to be) on speaking terms since September." 5. I (to try) to
get into contact with them for a long time, but now I (to give) it up as hopeless.
6. Our pilot (to ask) for permission to take off for ten minutes already, but he (to
get) no answer yet. 7. The workers (to work) very hard these two weeks, they (to
be busy) with the interior decoration of the house. 8. I (to call) at the box-office
of the Maly Theatre several times in the course of the last weeks, but I (not to
have) your luck and I (not to get) any tickets. 9. Now that the picture (to appear)

everybody can see what thorough work the producer and the cameraman (to do).
10. You (to be) of great help to us since you (to be) with us.

37. Replace the infinitives by the Present Indefinite, the Present

Continuous, the Present Perfect, or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. He (to solve) the cross-word puzzle for half an hour and he (to say) he
(to be) about to finish it as he (to think) over the last word. 2. The actors (to
rehearse) since early morning; now they (to go over) the first scene as they (not
to be) satisfied with their acting. 3. Here you (to be) at last! I (to wait) for you
for twenty minutes. You (not to be) ashamed? 4. She (to speak) over the
telephone long enough, it (to be) time for her to stop talking. 5. Since you (to
keep) late hours this week you (to look) tired and worn out. 6. It (to snow)
steadily the whole week and it still (to snow). If it (to go) on like this nobody
will be able to reach the camp. 7. At last you (to open) the door! I (to ring) for an
hour at least, it (to seem) to me. 8. My watch (to keep) good time ever since the
first repair. 9. They (to discuss) this questions ever since I (to be) here and they
(not to come) to any definite conclusion yet. 10. The typist (to miss) several
words as she (to talk) all the time. 11. The lecturer (to mention) this name
several times but I cannot remember it. I (to write) it down as soon as he (to
mention) it again. 12. He (to work) at the language all the time and (to make)
great progress. His phonetics (to be) perfect, only a slight accent (to remain).

38. Translate into English, using the Present Indefinite, the Present
Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Continuous.

1. Они второй день играют ту же партию; они сделали уже 75 ходов.

2. Дирижер еще не вышел, а оркестранты уже на своих местах и
настраивают инструменты. 3. Неужели эта книга все еще у него? Сколько
времени он ее читает? 4. Он закончил первую главу диссертации и пишет

вторую. Он работает над диссертацией уже 2 года. 5. Он наш тренер с тех

пор, как я играю в этой команде. 6. Они уже приняли резолюцию по
первому вопросу? - Нет. Они все еще спорят. Они обсуждают этот вопрос
уже два часа и еще не пришли ни к какому соглашению. 7. Уже двадцать
лет, как я живу в этом городе, а в сентябре исполнится ровно девять лет,
как я преподаю здесь в институте. 8. Теперь, когда мы проработали столько
времени и приобрели достаточный опыт и знания, мы видим, чему нам еще
нужно научиться, чтобы еще лучше делать то, что мы делаем.

39. Replace the infinitives by the Past Perfect, the Past Perfect
Continuous or the Past Indefinite as required.

1. They (to drive) in the car for many hours before they (to come) to the
crossroads. 2. The scientists (to carry) out dozens of experiments before they (to
achieve) satisfactory results. 3. The violinist (to practise) the passage hour after
hour until he (to master) it at last. 4. At last the postman (to bring) the letter
which I (to expect) several weeks. 5. He told me he (not to see) much of her
since he (to move) to another place. 6. When I (to arrive) he (to stay) at the same
hotel where we first (to meet). He (to tell) me he (to wait) for me for some time
already. 7. He (to consult) his watch nervously several times before he (to see)
her at the end of the platform. 8. He (to write) and (to tear) up more than one
letter when at last he (to find) the necessary form of address. 9. My watch (to
keep) good time before I (to drop) it. 10. At the end of the week the fishermen
(to think) they (to sail) long enough to reach the shore, and as there (to be) no
land in sight, they (to understand) that they (to lose) their course and (to follow)
the wrong route. 11. It (not to rain) for more than two months, and the fruits (to
fall) before they (to become) ripe, when one August night the people (to be
roused) by the sound of heavy drops beating against the roofs and window-
panes. With the rain there (to come) hope.

40. Translate into English, using the appropriate tenses.

1. Студенты пишут контрольную работу уже почти два часа. Время

подходит к концу, а пока только двое сдали работы. 2. Он проработал с
нами только месяц, но доказал, что он опытный работник. 3. Утро было
солнечное, но с одиннадцати часов погода изменилась, и теперь идет
дождь. 4. Шел очень сильный снег, и я не мог разобрать номера
троллейбуса. Когда я проехал уже несколько остановок, я понял, что ехал
не в том направлении. 5. Я упорно звонил вам с 4-х часов, и ваш номер был
все время занят. – Я говорила все это время с Ленинградом. 6. Художники
работают с утра, так как мы хотим повесить стенную газету еще сегодня
вечером. 7. Река всегда угрожала населению деревни наводнением, пока не
была построена плотина. 8. Две недели шли дожди, пока, наконец, три дня
назад не установилась хорошая погода. 9. Пруд замерз; мальчишки уже
катаются на коньках. 10. На реке лед уже растаял, а в лесу кое-где еще
лежал снег. 11. Мальчики быстро разобрали велосипед, почистили все
части, но собирали его так долго, что у них в этот день не осталось
времени кататься. 12. Мальчики уже больше двух часов собирали
велосипед, когда пришел отец и сказал, что им придется все снова
разобрать, так как они неправильно его собрали. 13. Что вы делали с тех
пор, как мы расстались (как мы не виделись)? 14. Пока мы шли со станции,
он успел мне рассказать обо всем, что произошло со времени моего
отъезда. 15. Мы дружим с тех пор, как работаем вместе. 16. Сергей
приехал? – Да, он здесь уже два дня. Он приехал еще в пятницу. 17. Я
решил, что пока живу на даче, буду каждый день совершать долгие
прогулки. 18. Обед уже был готов; все давно проголодались, но двоих
гостей еще не было. 19. Певец окончил свое выступление, в зале гасли
огни, а публика все еще не расходилась. 20. Уже прошло пять лет, как мы
работаем над этой проблемой. 21. Когда я пришел, он уже вернулся и сидел
у камина, перелистывая журнал. 22. Меня просили передать вам, что вас

известят, как только ваша просьба будет рассмотрена. 23. Мы еще не

отошли от леса, когда нас догнал наш старый знакомый охотник. 24. 14
июля 1789 года парижане штурмом взяли Бастилию — крепость, в которой
в течение многих веков короли держали неугодных им людей. 25. К 1867
году — году парламентской реформы — английский рабочий класс уже в
течение 30 лет боролся за право голосовать. 26. Суриков писал свою
картину «Степан Разин» с 1907 по 1910 год.

The Passive Voice
1. Give the corresponding active construction, using the word or of
words in bold type as the subject of the sentence. State in each case to
what object of the active construction the subject of the passive
construction corresponds.

1. Many interesting experiments are carried out in our laboratory. 2. The

other day I was entrusted with a new task (the professor). 3. The other day a
new task was entrusted to me (the professor). 4. Problems of vital importance
are touched upon in this book. 5. My patience was exhausted by the child’s
behaviour. 6. Monday was agreed upon as the most suitable day for the first
rehearsal (the actors). 7. She hopes she will not be refused a visa (the
Embassy). 8. She hopes a visa will not be refused her by the Embassy. 9. Many
goods are exported from the People’s Republic of Bulgaria. 10. Mothers and
children in our country are taken much care of (the government).

2. Change the voice of the verb in bold type. Give two passive
constructions where possible.

1. Tchaikovsky used many folk songs in his compositions. 2. The coach

gave the boxer some instructions. 3. They will grant me a leave in July if there
is no urgent work to be done. 4. His friends never forgave him his disloyalty. 5.
The management offer me several jobs and I can’t decide which to take. 6. The
commander charged him with a very responsible mission. 7. They will promise
you much, but don’t imagine they will give you everything they promise. 8.
When the Portuguese rulers refused Columbus assistance, the Spanish
Government offered him three ships. 9. His parents regularly sent him parcels
with fruit from their garden. 10. The lecturer showed the students some recently
devised apparatus. 11. They usually sent the children to camp for summer.

3. Give the corresponding passive construction.

l. We looked through all the advertisements very attentively. 2. The

gardener gathered all the dry leaves and set fire to them. 3. People will talk
much about the successful debut of the young actress, no doubt. 4. You can rely
upon your guide’s experience. 5. Why didn't the speaker dwell longer upon this
question? 6. You should send the sick man to hospital. They will look after him
much better there. 7. He was very glad that nobody took notice of his late
arrival. 8. He was a brilliant speaker, and, whenever he spoke, the audience
listened to him with great attention. 9. Why did they laugh at him? 10. Nobody
ever referred to that incident again.

4. Translate into English. (Dictation-translation.)

1. О ней очень хорошо отзываются. 2. Свет в квартире погас, и

послали за электромонтером. 3. В магазине ему предложили целый ряд
книг на интересующую его тему. 4. Можно ли положиться на эти цифры?
5. Будет ли ему предоставлена возможность пользоваться лабораторией? 6.

Задавали ли вам дополнительные вопросы на экзамене? 7. Решение, к

которому, наконец, пришли, было всеми одобрено. 8. Их тепло благодарили
за помощь. 9. Надо положить конец этим бесполезным спорам. 10. В
детском саду за детьми не только присматривают и не только играют с
ними, но также учат их песням и танцам, читают им, водят в кино и
детские театры.

5. Make up sentences out of the following words and word-

combinations, using the passive or the active construction or both if
possible. Add the prepositions by or to where necessary.

1. a group of people, the guide, some pictures, to show. 2. the gardener, to

ask, I, to help him, in the garden. 3. they, a warm welcome, to give. 4. the
students, the engineer, a model of a new loom, to demonstrate. 5. to refer to, in
his article, this question. 6. the visitor, the head of the information department,
to refer to, the secretary. 7. the idea of the story, the writer, to suggest, that
incident. 8. Pavlov, to present to, the Cambridge students, a toy dog. 9. Darwin,
to present with, the students of that time, a toy monkey. 10. nowadays, the
problems of automation, to pay much attention to.

6. Translate into English.

1. В нашей стране иностранные книги переводятся и издаются не

только на русском языке, но и на многих языках национальных республик.
2. Эта звезда хорошо видна только незадолго до восхода солнца. 3. Нам
сообщили состав команд только накануне соревнования. 4. Иностранным
студентам показали аудитории, лаборатории и общежитие Московского
университета. 5. Больного не будут оперировать без его согласия. 6.
Телеграмма была принята поздно ночью, и так как она была очень важной,
капитана тут же разбудили и передали ему ее. 7. Факты, на которые
ссылался свидетель, заинтересовали адвоката. 8. Было рассмотрено много

различных маршрутов, а об этом даже не подумали. 9. Проект был в

основном одобрен, но инженеру указали на отдельные недостатки, которые
можно было легко исправить. 10. Советую вам пойти на этот концерт:
будут исполнены ваши любимые произведения. 11. Нам объяснили новое
правило, затем продиктовали несколько примеров и дали упражнения для
домашней работы. 12. Не беспокойтесь, о вашем багаже позаботятся, и он
будет доставлен в номер. 13. Тема для симфонической поэмы
«Шехерезада» была навеяна Римскому-Корсакову арабскими сказками
«Тысяча и одна ночь». 14. Об этой картине очень много говорят. Я сам не
был на выставке, но мне ее так живо описали, что мне кажется, я ее видел
собственными глазами. 15. Этот материал сейчас все носят. Он очень
хорошо носится и стирается.

7. Change the voice of the verb in bold type, making all other necessary

I. 1. The Russian troops under the command of Suvorov captured Ismail.

They partly annihilated, partly took prisoner the Turkish garrison. It was one of
the glorious victories that Suvorov won. 2. Meteorologists collect weather
reports from all parts of the country. 3. You will have to wait while they are
soling your shoes. 4. Soviet scientists have made many wonderful discoveries.
5. A pleasant and appetizing smell was spreading all over the place. Evidently
somebody was roasting chicken. 6. Very soon on many railway lines Diesel and
electric locomotives will replace steam-engines. 7. The company had shipped
the cargo to the town before the agent arrived. 8. The librarian will have
entered the new books in the register before another parcel arrives. 9. Don’t
leave yet; in a minute the head of the expedition will be giving each of us
instructions. 10. These six months many young workers from our plant have
been attending a course of lectures on labour protection. 11. At last came the
day they had so long been looking forward to.

II. 1. A new foreign film is being dubbed at the Moscow studio. 2. Our
room has been papered lately. 3. The house was built in place of the one that
had been destroyed by the fire. 4. I didn’t have to wait long for the professor as
when I came the last student was being examined. 5. He has been showing
much better results since he has been trained by this coach. 6. All the business
letters will have been answered by noon. 7. And finally he decided to come
back and settle down in the house of his parents which since his mother’s death
had been kept by his aunt.

8. Supply the missing part of the analytic form of the verb.

1. Why… the curtains drawn across the window? Who ... drawn them? 2.
The foreman ... dividing today’s work among the teams. Among how many
teams is the work ... divided? 3. It was impossible to lift the barrel into which so
much water … pumped already. 4. Don’t move the barrel; it ... ... filled. 5. “The
letter is ... decoded.” “Who is ... it?” 6. The custom officers are ... the baggage. It
will ... ... examined by the time the train leaves. 7. Postage stamps with gummed
backs ... invented in 1840. Before that letters ... franked with a stamping
machine to show that the postage ... ... paid. 8. ... the event ... much commented
on in the press? ... it still ... commented on? 9. ... anything interesting... broad-
cast to-night? 10. ... anything interesting ... broadcast that you ... listening in so
attentively? 11. We shall start working according to the new program as soon as
it ... ... adopted by the board. 12. The public ... all the time ... watching the match
with lively interest as far as I can judge.

9. Use the verb in brackets in the appropriate form.

1. The second draft resolution (not to discuss) yesterday; it (to withdraw)

long before the beginning of the meeting. 2. The inspector is not in town; he (to
send) on a special mission to the mining district. 3. At the publishing house I (to
tell) that the book (to publish) by the end of the year. 4. You can’t use the

refrigerator at the moment, it (to fix) by the mechanic. 5. Many Soviet cities (to
change) beyond recognition by Soviet architects and builders. 6. A new Metro
line (to construct) now. One of its stations (to build) in our street. 7. Like many
medieval cities, Moscow developed round the walls of a stronghold. First a
brick wall (to build) around the merchants' quarter which (to know) as Kitai-
gorod, then, in the 16th century, a new wall (to erect) round the so-called Bely
Gorod. 8. Maize (to use) by many peoples of the world to make their bread. 9.
The Reconstruction Plan of Moscow (to draw up) with an eye to the city's future
growth and work. It (to carry out) on a giant scale. 10. A second talk on how to
handle the new machine (to give) to-morrow at the same time by one of the
inventors. 11. No objections to the plan (to offer) so far, but it (not to introduce)
until it (to put) to vote. 12. Everybody was busy as a welcoming party (to
prepare) in honour of the distinguished visitors. 13. Some final touches (to put)
to the picture; it (to complete) in a quarter of an hour. 14. Evidently the tea (to
sweeten) before I put sugar into it. 15. Meteorology is a comparatively new
science and its teachings (to change) as new discoveries about the climate (to
10. Translate into English, using the passive voice where possible.

1. Улицу перед нашим домом всю разрыли: чинят газопровод. 2. Трое

студентов в нашей группе освобождены от занятий по физкультуре, так как
они занимаются в спортивных секциях. 3. Покажите мне, где в вашем
городе строится новый театр. 4. Во время экскурсии по городу нам
показали завод, где производится синтетический каучук. 5. Со мной так
никогда еще не разговаривали. 6. Нам в лагерь регулярно доставляют на
вертолете провизию и почту. 7. Книги, которые хорошо читаются, редко
найдешь на полках библиотеки. 8. Объяснили ли вам, почему вам не
разрешили принять участие в этих соревнованиях? 9. Жаль, что на
конференции таких вопросов не касались. 10. Когда мы приехали в Киев,
это здание было только что восстановлено. 11. В прошлом месяце наконец

вышла книга, которую с таким нетерпением ожидали. Сейчас ее широко

обсуждают в прессе. О ней уже написано много статей, из которых видно,
что мнения критиков разделились. 12. Не говори таких вещей, а то над
тобой будут смеяться. 13. Мне еще ничего об этом не говорили. 14. Ваш
проект уже принят? – Нет, он все еще рассматривается. – Сколько же
времени его уже рассматривают? 15. Ничего удивительного, что цветы
погибли: их не поливали целую неделю. 16. Вас уведомят по телеграфу, как
только чертежи будут посланы. 17. Почему так прохладно в зале? – Его как
раз проветривают. Читальный зал, как вы знаете, проветривается несколько
раз в день. 18. Булочная закрыта на обед; она закрывается с часу до двух. –
А сколько времени осталось до того, как она снова откроется? 19. Когда
делегатам переводили выступление представителя профсоюза, оно их так
заинтересовало, что они захотели записать некоторые факты, и им их
специально повторили. 20. Я боюсь, что наш запас бензина будет истрачен
прежде, чем мы доберемся до ближайшей бензоколонки.

11. Put questions to the parts of the sentences given in bold type.

1. The document has been signed by the president of the board. 2. The
poem was written by an unknown author. 3. A new railway line is being
constructed across the desert. 4. The flowers will be planted next week. 5. This
record has been played so many times that it is no good any more. 6. A place
where people go skating is called a skating-rink. 7. The plant had been run by
the head engineer for a fortnight before a new director was appointed.

12. Translate the following questions into English, using the passive voice.

1. Кто сконструировал этот прибор? 2. Где сейчас конструируют этот

прибор? 3. Как долго конструируется этот прибор? 4. Где конструируются
такие приборы? 5. Когда будет сконструирован этот прибор? 6. Чей

фортепьянный концерт сейчас исполняется? 7. Кем будет сыгран этот

концерт на открытии фестиваля? 8. Интересно, сколько раз уже исполнялся
концерт этим пианистом? 9. Скажите, когда этот концерт исполнялся в
первый раз? 10. В который раз уже обсуждается этот вопрос? 11. Часто у
вас обсуждаются подобные вопросы? 12. Давно уже этот вопрос
обсуждается? 13. Обсуждался ли где-нибудь этот вопрос до того, как он
был передан в комитет?

Forms of the type I should / he would (go) and I / he went in simple

sentences and independent clauses

1. Answer the following questions.

I. Imagine: 1. You meet a friend of yours. What would you say? 2. It is a

good day for winter sports. Would you go skiing or skating? 3. What would your
family do on a sunny day in summer? 4. A man has a weak heart. When do you
think it would be the best time for him to go to the South? 5. Where would you
advise me to go for my summer holiday? 6. I don’t know from which platform
my train leaves. Where should I inquire? 7. We have missed our train. What
would you do in our place?
II. (Combine the answers into a narration. Retell the story in the third
person singular.) Imagine you come to the institute and find that a student in
your group, a friend of yours, is absent, as he has fallen ill.
Would you go to see him? When at your sick friend's place, whom would
you ask about his health? Would you ask for permission to see him? What would
you tell him? What would he answer you? What would you wish him? What
would he say in parting? Would you promise to come again? When would you
promise to come? What would the other students ask you next day? What would
you tell them?

2. Give answers to suit the situation.

Imagine: 1. You had to stay in a town where you had not a friend or a
relation. Where would you have put up? 2. You were caught in the rain without
an umbrella or a raincoat. What would you have done? 3. A student could not
translate an article for he had no dictionary at hand. What would you have done
in his place? 4. A friend of yours comes to see you after a long absence. How
would he greet you? 5. One has hurt somebody without meaning to. What would
he say to apologize? 6. You are to make a report. What book would you choose?
7. A ticket was offered you last night. Would you have gone to the theatre? 8.
Would he have accepted their invitation for Sunday last in spite of being
otherwise engaged? 9. A skier has his leg broken. Would he take part in
competitions the same year? 10. Where would you have gone in the summer to
see something of the typical Russian country-side?

3. Translate into English. (Dictation-translation.)

1. Было бы ошибочно думать, что языком можно овладеть, не работая

систематически. 2. Было бы лучше сказать ей правду тогда же. 3. Почему
вы не позвонили мне? Я бы пришел и помог вам. 4. Хорошо, что он сам
отказался ехать. А то сейчас бы ворчал и действовал всем на нервы. 5. Мы
бы давно все закончили и ушли, но прислали новое срочное задание. 6.
Хорошо, что вы пришли вовремя. Никто бы не стал принимать во
внимание ваши извинения. 7. Стали бы вы браться за дело, в которое не
верите? Я бы не стал. 8. Я уверен, что они слишком торопились, иначе бы
они нашли более удачное решение. 9. Заказ не очень сложный. За какой
срок вы смогли бы его выполнить? 10. Очень сожалеем, но мы вряд ли
смогли бы предупредить вас об этом намного раньше.

4. Replace the infinitives by the correct form of the subjunctive mood.


1. But for the toothache, I (to enjoy) the concert. 2. But for him we still (to
sit) here waiting for the car. 3. But for my smile he (to believe) me. 4. The
children (to sleep) in the open air but for the rain. 5. Nobody (to recognize) him
but for the scar on his left cheek. 6. But for his severe look the child (not to
begin) crying. 7. But for the accent with which he speaks nobody (to say) he is
not Russian. 8. One (may take) him for a Russian but for the accent with which
he speaks. 9. But for the late hour I (to stay) here longer. 10. But for the
darkness they (not to lose) their way. 11. But for the fog we (to continue) our
way. 12. But for the heavy bag she (to go) there also on foot. 13. I (to read) the
book sooner but for the small print. 14. But for his assistance it (to be)
impossible to do the work in time. 15. But for the hot climate he (to go) there
together with us. 16. But for Fieta Lanny (to see) by Gert in his own house, and
something terrible (may happen). 17. Lanny probably (to learn) never that he
was the son of old Gert Villier but for Mako and Isaac. 18. Lanny (to choke) by
Gert but for Mad Sam, who came to his rescue.

5. Complete the following.

1. But for the rain the tourists ... . 2. But for the late hour we ... . 3. I ... but
for you. 4. The plane ... but for the sudden change of weather. 5. But for the fact
that we did not know the language ... . 6. But for your being so careless ... . 7.
The Gadfly ... from prison but for the fit of sickness. 8. But for his mother's
unhappy marriage to Mr. Murdstone David’s life ... .

6. Translate into English.

1. Если бы не важность этого дела, я бы остался дома. 2. Если бы не

гроза, мы бы уже подходили к вершине. 3. Я бы присоединился к вашей
компании, если бы не неожиданный приезд моего знакомого. 4. Если бы не
этот веселый и интересный человек, мы бы чувствовали себя неловко
среди незнакомых людей. 5. Мы бы так и не узнали, что он за человек, если

бы не этот случай. 6. Мы бы все время работали точно по плану, если бы не

эта маленькая задержка.

7. Use the verb in brackets in the subjunctive mood.

1. I (not to advise) you to act hastily in the situation. 2. He never (to leave)
you so soon, but he had some very urgent matter to attend to. 3. We (to stay)
much longer but for the late hour. 4. There were not so many people as one (to
expect). 5. They (to start) earlier, but they promised to wait for him. 6. I think
nobody (to object) to having a day off tomorrow. 7. Everyone in your place (to
inquire) for her address the very first thing. 8. It was possible to make it some
other day, but it (not to make) much difference if at all. 9. But for a week’s delay
the year’s quota (to be fulfilled) well ahead of schedule. 10. But for his
impatience with the pupils, he (to make) a good teacher.

8. Translate into English.

1. Я слышал, вы едете на Кавказ. Я бы с удовольствием

присоединился к вам. – И я только что подумал, хорошо бы нам поехать
вместе. 2. Он очень аккуратный и ни за что не опоздал бы без причины.
Что бы это могло его задержать? 3. Жаль, что вы не обратились к нему. Он
помог бы вам. 4. Если бы не собака, дети еще долго блуждали бы по лесу.
5. С ее стороны было бы неразумно выходить на улицу, когда она еще не
совсем здорова. 6. Он не знал, что вы были там в одно с ним время, а то бы
он разыскал вас. 7. Почему вы не написали ей об этом сразу? Я уверен, она
бы все поняла и приехала. 8. Если бы не важность вопроса, мы перенесли
бы обсуждение на следующий день. 9. Я не стал бы читать книгу в
переводе, если бы я мог прочесть ее в оригинале. 10. Было бы совсем

неплохо закончить более легкую часть работы как можно быстрее, мы бы

освободили себе больше времени для более трудоемкой.

Forms of the type I should/he would (go) and I / he went

in complex sentences

1. Paraphrase the following into complex sentences, using the

subjunctive mood (with subordinate clauses of condition).

1. It’s a pity the weather was so bad. Otherwise we should have spent the
whole day out in the country. 2. I should have invited him as well, but I could
not get in touch with him. 3. He does not have much time to spare, or he would
show you around the exhibition himself. 4. It is their bad luck that they ran into
an accident: they would have been two days or so on their way here by now. 5.
She would be very much obliged to you for your assistance. 6. The house would
be more comfortable to live in but for the constant noise coming from the
airfield. 7. Why haven’t you asked him about it? He wouldn't have refused to
advise you on the matter. 8. Come and stay with us for a week or thereabout. We
should be only too glad! 9. Would it not be tactless of him to have said that? 10.
The bird was throwing itself against the cage and would have opened the small
door, but it was safely bolted from outside. 11. There could not be modern
science without modern technology. 12. They would have sent us information,
but there was none to send.

2. Change the indicative mood into the subjunctive, making up complex

sentences with clauses of unreal condition.

1. Shelley died very young, and, therefore, his works are not very
numerous. 2. Chapayev could not reach the other bank of the Ural as he was
badly wounded. 3. Sedov’s expedition was very scarcely supplied, and that is
why it ended so tragically. 4. Zhukhrai took refuge in the Korchagins’ house.
The Petlura soldiers could not find him. 5. Eliza managed to escape and thus
saved her child from slavery. 6. Meresyev was extremely strong-willed. Being
seriously wounded he crawled for eighteen days to reach the front line. 7. I
recognized you at once, for your brother described you to me. 8. I forgot to wind
up my watch. It stopped. 9. The shoes pinch. I won't buy the pair though I like it.
10. If I have no time this week, I shall not be able to join your excursion. 11. I
did not invite them, so they will not come. 12. I was very busy that day and I
could not go shopping with you. 13. Why didn’t you follow the doctor’s advice?
You are down with quinsy again. 14. I am expecting a friend. I shall stay at
home. 15. The river was not frozen. We could not go skating.

3. Translate into English.

1. а) Если у него сейчас занятия, нам придется долго ждать. б) Если

бы у него сейчас были занятия, нам пришлось бы долго ждать. 2. а) Если я
ее увижу в ближайшее время, я, конечно, расскажу ей об этом, б) Если бы я
ее увидел в ближайшее время, я бы, конечно, рассказал ей об этом. 3. а)
Если он не был это время болен, он посещал тренировки, б) Если бы он не
был это время болен, он бы посещал тренировки. 4. а) Если она смогла
выбрать время, она просмотрела ваши замечания. б) Если бы она смогла
выбрать время, она бы просмотрела ваши замечания. 5. а) Если вы там
бывали, вы знаете, как выглядят эти места. б) Если бы вы там побывали,
вы бы знали, как выглядят эти места.

4. Answer the following questions.


1. Where do you think your brother would go if he were on leave? 2.

Would you have made the mistake if you knew the rule? 3. What would you
reply if somebody apologized to you? 4. What would he have answered if
somebody had thanked him? 5. What would you say if you wanted to interrupt
somebody? 6. What would one do if he wanted somebody to hold his parcel for
a moment? 7. What language would you like your son to know? And your
daughter, if you had one? 8. How much time would he spend on this work if he
were asked to do it? 9. What museum would you choose to go on an excursion
to if you were to organize one? 10. Would you have answered the questions in
the same way if you were in my place?

5. Complete the story according to the pattern given below. Make up a

story of your own on the same pattern.

If it were winter vacation, I should go to Leningrad. If I went to Leningrad,

I should stay with my friends. If I stayed with my friends, they would ... etc.

6. Translate into English. Join the clauses asyndetically where possible.

1. Будь я на вашем месте, я бы пошел пораньше, чтобы застать его. 2.

Если бы я был художником, я бы обязательно нарисовал портрет этого
человека. 3. Что бы вы сказали, если бы я обратился к вам за советом? 4.
Вы были бы недовольны, если бы я не пришел? 5. Если бы вы пришли на
заседание научного кружка, вы бы услышали интересный доклад одного из
наших студентов. 6. Если бы он поступил в институт четыре года назад, он
в будущем году уже окончил бы его. 7. Если бы меня поставили в
известность раньше, я бы не оставил это дело без внимания. 8. Если бы мы
знали, что вам нужна эта книга, мы бы захватили ее с собой. 9. Они бы
заметили эту ошибку, если бы были более внимательны. 10. Если бы она
сейчас же пошла в читальню, она бы еще застала там библиотекаря. 11.
Если бы Пафнутьич не был так напуган, он бы рассказал Троекурову о

французе на следующий же день. 12. Если бы Пирогов не был к тому

времени уже опытным хирургом, он не смог бы спасти столько жизней во
время Крымской войны. 13. Вы бы пошли куда-нибудь вечером, если бы я
пригласил вас? 14. Если бы вы не были таким рассеянным, вы бы не
сделали так много орфографических ошибок. 15. Если бы поезд вышел
вовремя, он прибыл бы в конечный пункт завтра рано утром. 16. Если бы
вы занимались систематически, у вас не было бы таких пробелов. 17. В
том, что я сделал, нет ничего особенного; любой на моем месте сделал бы
то же самое. 18. Если бы не его лукавая улыбка, я бы искренне поверил
ему. 19. Кто бы мог предвидеть, что все так внезапно изменится? 20. Если
бы вы выполнили все предписания врача, вы давно бы выздоровели и
работали сейчас вместе с нами. 21. Если бы вы мне дали это понять
немного раньше! 22. Я бы отложил свою работу и поехал бы с вами на
экскурсию, если бы я знал об этом заранее. 23. Я бы посоветовал вам
серьезно подумать над этим. 24. Если бы не метро, я бы тратил на дорогу
около часа и при этом делал бы две пересадки. 25. Я бы на вашем месте ни
минуты не колебался и принял это предложение. 26. Если бы я знал, что вы
так хотите прочесть эту книгу, я бы давно закончил ее и дал вам. 27. Если
бы они представляли себе, как в действительности обстоит дело, они бы
прекратили излишние разговоры на эту тему и приняли бы решительные

7. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the

subjunctive mood.

1. We (to come) back by all means even if it (to be) as late as midnight. 2.
“Even if I (to write) to Dave, he (not to get) the letter,” said Stephanie. 3. You
hardly (to believe) it even though you (to see) it with your own eyes. 4. Even
though you (to come) earlier you (not to find) me in. 5. Even if you (to know)
him well, you (not to recognize) him, he has so greatly changed. 6. He is a

sound sleeper and you (not to wake) him up even if your voice (to be) as loud as
a train whistle. 7. Even if the work (to be) twice as difficult I (not to refuse) to
do it. 8. You (to do) as you please even if I (to give) you advice. 9. Even though
the way (to be) twice as short we (to miss) the train all the same, for I got the
schedule mixed up. 10. She (cannot join) our excursion even if you (to invite)
her; she was ill.

8. Translate into English. (Dictation-translation.)

1. Даже если бы вы позвонили мне вчера, я не смог бы прийти. 2. Он

бы выполнил это задание, даже если бы оно было вдвое труднее. 3. В зале
было так много народу, что я не мог бы найти его, даже если бы знал, что
он там. 4. Даже если бы вы предупредили меня, я не успел бы повидать
его. 5. Я не смог бы поговорить с ним на эту тему, даже если бы я его вчера
видел. 6. Я не закончу эту работу к вечеру, даже если бы мне помогли. 7.
Даже если бы он очень изменился внешне, я бы всегда узнал его по голосу.
8. Он ни за что с вами не согласится, даже если бы он был неправ.

9. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the

subjunctive mood.

1. She sat huddled in the armchair as if the last energy (to leave) her. 2.
They talked as if they (to know) each other for ever so many years and this (not
to be) the first time they met. 3. She seemed greatly surprised as though she
never (to see) anything of the kind before. 4. It seemed as though what was
going around him (to be) of little, if any, interest. 5. Suddenly it began to grow
dark as if dusk (to set) in. 6. They spoke about the book as though they
themselves (to be) the authors of it or (to write) many others. 7. He felt awkward
as if everyone (to look) at him. 8. He looked as if he (to be going) to say
something but (to change) his mind. 9. She said this as if she (to be) a great
authority on the matter. 10. The leaves of the book were so yellow and worn out

that it seemed as if it (to be published) a hundred years ago. 11. Fieta looked at
the young man. He did not behave as though he (to do) anything wrong. 12. It
was as though nothing (to happen).
10. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the
subjunctive mood (give as many variants as possible).

I. 1. “You are looking wonderful,” Marguerite said. Stephanie glanced up

apprehensively, and Marguerite, shaking her head, told her, “I wish I (to have)
your health and vitality.” “Why, you're as healthy as a horse, Maggie.” “I wish I
(to be).” 2. “I wish we never (to see) those odious purse-proud Osbornes,” she
said. 3. “Does it hurt much?” asked Sarie. “No, it’s all right now”, answered
Lanny. “I wish I (can wash) the blood off before I go back. It would upset my
mother to see me like this.” 4. “I wish I (can be) at the committee yesterday.
What decision did you finally arrive at?” 5. “I wish, my dear, you (to try) to find
some topic of conversation in which these gentlemen might take some rational
II. 1. They wish you (to read) more than you are. 2. They wished you (to
read) more than you were. 3. They wish you (to read) more than you have. 4.
They wished you (to read) more in future. 5. She wishes we (can understand)
her. 6. I wish I (can make) myself understood. 7. She wished they (not to notice)
her embarrassment. 8. Do you wish he (to take) care of by an experienced
doctor? 9. We wished he (not to know) it.

11. Complete the following.

1. He wishes I .... 2. Do you wish they ... ? 3. I wished I .... 4. They wished
we ... . 5. He wished his friend ... . 6. We wish all of us.....7. Did she wish ... ? 8.
They wished they .... 9. He wished his son .... 10. Do you wish you ... ? 11. I
wish you .... 12. We wished we ....

12. Paraphrase the following so as to use the subjunctive mood in object

clauses after the verb wish:

1. It’s a pity you are so busy these day. 2. My friend regrets not having told
you this at once. 3. She was sorry not to have had time enough to make the
experiments in order to prove the assumption. 4. It’s a pity we shan’t be able to
reach the destination before sunset. 5. I am sorry I made you angry by disturbing
you at such an early hour. 6. We were very much disappointed that she had not
convinced him as to how important it all was. 7. What a pity you are leaving us
so soon! 8. Unfortunately, you will not receive an answer before the New Year.
9. The patient was sorry he had not pulled himself together and had spoken to
the doctor so rudely. 10. “It’s a pity, doctor, “said Gemma, “that you did not
send for one of us last night.”

13. Translate into English, using the subjunctive mood after the verb

I. 1. а) Жаль, что вы пришли так поздно. б) Жаль, что вы не пришли

пораньше. 2. а) Обидно, что мы ушли до его прихода. б) Обидно, что мы
не дождались его прихода. 3. а) К сожалению, они еще ничего не знают. б)
К сожалению, они уже знают об этом. 4. а) Жаль, что он такой
легкомысленный. б) Жаль, что он не очень серьезен. 5. а) Я теперь жалею,
что не послушал его совета, б) Я теперь жалею, что последовал его совету.
II. 1. Мне бы хотелось посмотреть этот фильм еще раз. 2. Я очень
сожалею, что не смогу пойти завтра на вашу лекцию. 3. Жаль, что я еще не
могу прочесть эту книгу в оригинале. 4. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы все-таки
прочли эту книгу. 5. Напрасно вы поручили ему эту работу, это ему не под
силу. 6. Мой брат жалел, что не присутствовал при проведении этого
опыта. 7. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы еще раз продумали мое предложение,
прежде чем отвергнуть его окончательно. 8. Жаль, что мы так и не

встретились перед отъездом. 9. Напрасно мы не обсудили пьесу сразу

после того, как ее посмотрели. 10. Лучше бы ты не был так упрям и
послушал, что говорят товарищи. 11. Вы не жалели, что не
воспользовались такой возможностью? 12. Хотелось бы верить, что это так.
13. Он пожалел, что пришел и еще привел с собой друга.

14. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the subjunctive mood in

subject-clauses after the expression it is (about, high) time.

1. It is time you (to understand) it is no joking matter. 2. It is high time

that you (to get down) to business. 3. It’s about time we (to be leaving). 4. It’s
high time you (to change) your opinion of him. 5. Isn't it time the rain (to be
stopping)? 6. It is about time he (to express) his own point of view for once. 7.
You are still sleeping, aren’t you? It's high time you (to have) breakfast. 8. You
are not a child. It’s time you (to feel) some responsibility. 9. Look, the flowers
have drooped their heads. Isn’t it high time they (to water)? 10. Dinner is ready.
It is time we (to sit down) to table. 11. Why are they not back yet? Isn’t it high
time they (to return)? 12. It is about time fine weather (to set in).

15. Paraphrase the sentences, using the subjunctive mood after the
expression it is (about, high) time.

1. It is necessary to put an end to this pointless talk. 2. You do not seem to

realize the importance of the matter. 3. Why can’t you express such simple
things in English as yet? 4. If you do not want your illness to assume a serious
character you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. 5. You must begin
reading books in the original no matter how difficult it may seem to you. 6. Isn’t
it time to be moving up front? We are getting off next stop. 7. It is high time for
everybody to come. 8. It is about time for the train to pull out. 9. It is high time
for the second course to be served. 10. It is about time for you to start on a

research. 11. It’s time for her to understand that she is no longer a child and to
seriously think of her future. 12. It is about time for the team to start practising.

16. Answer the following questions, using the subjunctive mood after it is
(high, about) time.

1. What would the teacher say on learning that one of the students has not
begun reviewing the material when there is little time left before the
examination? 2. What would you say if one of your friends still mixed up the
expressions “to pay attention to something” and “to call somebody’s attention to
something,” the difference between which has been explained more than once?
3. What would you say if looking at the watch you realized that there was not
much time left before the beginning of the performance and you were still at
home? 4. What would you say if the question were clear and the people were
still discussing it? 5. What would the librarian say if someone were still keeping
the book which he should have returned a long time before?

17. Translate into English.

1. Вы водите машину не первый год. Пора знать правила уличного

движения. 2. Давно пора зажечь свет. Зачем портить зрение? 3. Ребенку
давно пора спать. 4. Не пора ли обратить серьезное внимание на этот
вопрос? 5. Не кажется ли вам, что давно пора закончить ремонт. Скоро
зима. 6. Вам давно пора обратиться к зубному врачу. 7. Давно бы пора
привыкнуть к его причудам. Они ведь знают его не первый год. 8. Чего мы
ждем? Нам бы пора уже быть в пути. 9. Пора вам знать формы глагола to
lie. 10. Не пора ли им прекратить эти шутки? Они меня раздражают.


18. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the

subjunctive mood.

1. She wished she never (to mention) the name. 2. He stared at me as if I

(to be) somebody from another world. 3. (Not to be) it for his presence of mind,
one can hardly imagine what (to happen) to the ship and her crew. 4. They
looked as though they (to see) a ghost and the fright (to linger) in the eyes. 5.
There was not one who (to agree) to it. 6. He would not give it up now even
though you (to command) him to. 7. I (not to wait) to get a slap in the face. 8. Is
it not time everybody (to turn in)? 9. If you (to allude) to it at least! 10. They
loved the boy as they (to love) their son. 11. His story did not convince me and I
wanted to find out if it (to be) true.

19. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use the subjunctive mood

in subordinate clauses.

1. They did this hardest job as if playing an amusing game. 2. But for his
tender eyes, his face would seem almost cruel. 3. I am sorry to have bothered
you about such trifles. 4. The competition would have taken place even in cold
weather. 5. He thought it time to close the debate. 6. He behaved
ungentlemanlike. 7. The pudding would taste better for some more plums. 8. It’s
a pity you can’t keep us company. 9. I should have never believed it, but I saw it
with my own eyes. 10. After the bath he felt as if born anew. 11. Watching the
man at the wheel, the boy thought that, if allowed, he could drive the car as
skilfully. 12. I would never complain in your place.

20. Translate into English.

1. Если бы я мог дать определенный ответ, я давно бы это сделал. 2.

Мне бы не хотелось, чтобы вы так дурно думали о них. 3. Даже если бы вы
меня и предупредили, я вряд ли смог бы прийти проводить вас. 4. Он
смотрел на всех с удивлением, как будто не понимал, в чем дело. 5. Жаль,
что ты не был с нами в театре. Если бы ты был, то смог бы принять
участие в обсуждении пьесы. А нам очень хотелось, чтобы ты высказал
свое мнение. 6. Старик говорил очень медленно, словно с трудом подбирал
слова. 7. Если бы ты побывал здесь лет восемь назад, то увидел бы только
глухую тайгу. 8. Если бы вы мне сказали, что план изменен, я бы
соответственно изменил свое расписание и, думаю, уже заканчивал бы
первую часть работы. 9. Давно пора вам прекратить этот нелепый спор. 10.
С чего бы вы начали, если бы вам пришлось организовать драматический
кружок? 11. Он очень жалел, что я его не познакомил со своими
товарищами. 12. Прежде всего вам нужно было бы составить список
литературы, который ваш преподаватель просмотрел бы и исправил. 13.
Благородный человек не только не позволил бы себе так поступать, но
даже не допустил бы подобной мысли. 14. Даже если бы я был более
сведущ в этом вопросе я бы колебался, прежде чем вам ответить. 15. Нам
так хотелось, чтобы доклад был прочитан по-английски. Если бы мы знали,
что он будет делать его по-русски, мы ни за что не остались бы. 16. Если
бы был хоть один человек, который бы полностью разделял его взгляды!
17. Они так хорошо знают привычки друг друга, будто много лет прожили
вместе. 18. Обидно, что я не увижу вашу выставку; меня уже в это время
здесь не будет. 19. Я бы на вашем месте не стал поднимать такой шум. 20.
В этой новой области мы бы еще долго шли ощупью, если бы не блестящее
исследование, проведенное группой наших ученых. 21. Если бы ему
встретилась пьеса, которая соответствовала бы его романтической натуре,
он безусловно поставил бы ее с большим вдохновением. 22. Долгое время я

не был уверен, прав ли он, и если бы не случай, я, возможно, все еще

сомневался бы в этом. 23. Пора бы вам помириться.

Forms of the type I / he should (go) and I / he go

1. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the

subjunctive mood:

1. If anything of the kind (to crop up) again, you will know how to handle
the situation. 2. The demonstrators demanded that the wages (to increase) in
proportion to the rise in prices. 3. “What if it (to be) the author himself?” the
publisher thought when the man entered. 4. The dread lest he (to recognize) had
dominated his thoughts ever since. 5. If I (to have) to decide such matters I
should not leave a point unconsidered. 6. That he (to make) this strange choice
was against every common sense, to put it mildly. 7. I propose that five of you
(to go) and (to relieve) the others, the rest (to stay) here till given further
instructions. 8. Their friendly advice was that he (to take) it easy. 9. Whatever
else he (to be) he is not a coward. 10. I think we ought to thrash it out before we
come down to details so that the principles (to be) clear from the very start. 11.
Even if it (to be) so or otherwise, it will not influence our decision. 12. Was it
your proposal that the discussion (to confine) to the questions having a direct
bearing on the problem under consideration? 13. The mother put some sugar
into the medicine that the child (to swallow) it easily.


1. Make up sentences, using the following elements.

1. I should be very much obliged to you if ... .2. If you had paid attention to
what I was saying ... . 3. He would have acted differently ... . 4. ... if I were you.
5. Had he heard the news ... .6. If we had obtained the necessary data ... . 7.

Were it not a real fact ... . 8. ... he would not have been taken ill. 9. Could we
start right off ... . 10. Should you come across a reproduction of the picture ... .
11. Supposing ... , what would you have answered? 12. ... should any need arise.
13. Be sure to let us know should ... . 14. ... could he have anticipated the
reaction to his remark. 15. If you should find it inconvenient ... .

2. Translate into English. (Dictation-translation.)

1. Если бы дорога была лучше, мы бы доехали значительно быстрее.

2. В случае если он не придет, я зачитаю его доклад. 3. Как бы вы решили
эту проблему, если бы вам пришлось заняться ею? 4. А что, если он
задержится и не доставит пакет вовремя? 5. Если бы не случай, он никогда
не узнал бы об этом. 6. Если бы она вчера достала билет, то завтра бы
уехала. 7. Во вторник тренировка состоится на открытом воздухе, при
условии что установится хорошая погода. 8. Если бы он не проглядел этой
ошибки, он бы теперь не переделывал весь проект сначала. 9. Если бы мне
довелось писать статью на эту тему, я бы не стал приводить столько цитат.
10. Если бы я хорошо ходил на лыжах, я бы обязательно принял участие в
переходе, который совершили студенты нашего института прошлой зимой.

3. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the verb.

1. If it (to be) all the same to me, I (not to come) and (to talk) with you. 2.
(To be) there some more of us, it (to take) only a few days to get through with it.
3. If anyone (to call), I shall give him the telephone number so that he (to get in
touch) with you. 4. Leave a message for me if you (not to find) me in. 5. He (not
to understand) it even if he (to be given) a broad hint which none other would
miss. 6. He (not to be confused, or embarrassed) even if somebody (to say) it
straight into his face. 7. Both of them fell to their roles as though they (to be
born) to them, as though it (to be) in their blood, as though they (to be guided)
by an instinct. 8. He did not allow himself to lie down lest he (to fall) asleep. 9.

They poured the water on the floor all over the room that it (to keep) cooler
inside. 10. You can give an explanation by way of a footnote if it (to be
required). 11. If you (to come across) an expression that you do not know, write
it out, please. 12. He was very careful with his things in order that they (to last)
longer. 13. He went on arguing as if he (not to hear) what I had said. 14.
Whatever (to be) the motives, it is the result that counts. 15. The fishermen
made the boat fast lest it (to be carried away) by the current. 16. He spoke as if
he (to answer) at an examination. 17. You (not to find) the house even if you (to
look) for it for another hour or so: it has been pulled down recently.


Must, To Have (to), To Be (to)

1. State the meaning of the verb must in the following sentences.
Translate them into Russian.

1. “You see,” Celia said, “I really don’t want you to go, Lanny.” “I’m
sorry, Celia, but I must go. That community sent me here.” (P. A.) 2. “You must
speak out. You must not allow your father to take such a mad step. You must
prevent it, Agnes, while there’s time.” (Ch. D.) 3. “I am afraid I must be going
now,” he said. 4. “I must be getting old,” thought old Jolyon. (Glsw.) 5. We must
have met somewhere, your face seems very familiar to me. 6. “I am the
preacher. You were too young when you went away to remember me, sir, but I
remember you.” “Then you must remember my name,” Lanny said. (P. A.) 7. On
tiptoe Sister Swartz went into the room. She mustn’t disturb Lanny. He must be
very tired after his journey. She looked on the shelf but the sixpence wasn’t
there, Mabel must have taken it. (P. A.) 8. Andrew felt that he must laugh. (A.
C.) 9. He had the sudden conviction that he must lose his case tomorrow. (A. C.)

2. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the rendering of the meaning

of the verb must.

1. Her English is very poor, she must study very hard. 2. Her English is
rather good, she must be studying hard. 3. Her English has considerably
improved, she must have studied hard during her vacation. 4. She must have
been studying English these five years. Her English is rather idiomatic and
fluent. 5. She must have been studying at that moment, that’s why she did not
answer our telephone call. 6. You must always think twice before you say
anything. 7. She must be thinking of what I have said. 8. She must be at home
now, I saw her leaving the Institute. 9. She must be at home now, she can’t go as
there is no one else to take care of her sick father. 10. Eight bars, and all so thick
and strong! ... He must have been filing for hours, yes, of course, that was what
made his arm ache. (V.) 11. “It is certainly very cold,” said Peggotty.
“Everybody must feel it so.” “I feel it more than other people,” said Mrs.
Gummidge. (Ch. D.)

3. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Она, должно быть, ждет нас в институте. 2. Она должна ждать нас
в институте. 3. Доктор говорит, что он должен жить на юге. 4. Он, должно
быть, живет на юге. 5. Он должен много читать вслух, чтобы исправить
свое произношение. 6. Он, должно быть, много читает вслух; у него
хорошее произношение. 7. Я должен остаться здесь до зимы. 8. Она,
должно быть, гостит у своих друзей, так как она писала, что проведет свой
отпуск у них. 9. Они, должно быть, ждут меня, а я никак не могу дать им
знать о себе. 10. Книга распродана; надо поискать ее в букинистических
магазинах. 11. Он, по всей вероятности, забыл, что обещал прийти. 12.
Они, наверно, пишут сочинение уже около двух часов и скоро должны

4. Combine the verb must with the proper form of the infinitive in

1. Look! People are hurrying along the street with collars and umbrellas
up. It must (to rain) hard. 2. Peggotty enclosed the half-guinea in the letter; I
was afraid she must (to have) a world of trouble to get it out of Mr. Barkis’s box.
(Ch. D.) 3. You must (to follow) my advice. There is no other way out for you.
4. I saw an old woman sleeping soundly in Green Park. A shower was falling at
the time, she must (to be) drenched to the skin. (J. L.) 5. All the time we were
out the two gentlemen smoked incessantly — which, I thought, if I might judge
from the smell of their rough coats, they must (to do) ever since the coats had
first come home from the tailor’s. 6. “The hotels must (to do) a tremendous
business,” Old Jolyon thought. “A few years ago there had been none of these
big hotels.” Then he thought of his son. “... If Jo were only with him. The boy
must (to be) forty by now.” (Glsw.) 7. She must (to be) angry with me. She left
without saying good-bye. 8. She must (to get) angry with you. She never looked
in your direction. 9. Mary must (to be) ill, otherwise she would have come. 10.
Mary must (to fall) ill. She looked so pale and tired last night.

5. Pay attention to the negative form of the predicate group without not.
Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. You must have misunderstood me. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
2. She must have failed to understand this rule, that’s why the exercise is done
in the wrong way. 3. Our telegram must have never reached them. No wonder
they have not come to meet us. 4. Nobody must have seen him enter the hall.
Everybody was surprised when he took the floor. 5. What a pity I could not say
good-bye to them, but they must have had no chance to warn me about their
departure. 6. He must be quite unaware of his clumsiness. 7. He must have left
the letter unanswered.

6. Change the following sentences, making them opposite in meaning.

(See Exercise 5).

1. Everybody must have noticed that he was not used to speaking in

public. 2. He must have written to them of his arrival in due time. 3. She must
have bolted the door forgetting that I was to come later. 4. He must have a fair
chance of winning, he is in good form. 5. The man must have understood me,
for he nodded his head. 6. She must have been quite conscious of having made a
mistake. 7. They must have given us the correct information about the road. I
can see all the landmarks they have spoken of. 8. The telegram must have
certainly come in time. 9. She must have been very careful. She did not spill a
drop of milk. 10. He must have done something about it, I see some changes in
the design. 11. The dog must have recognized his master. It did not bark as we
approached the house. 12. He must have been very experienced in sailing

7. Translate the following sentences into English avoiding the use of not:

1. Он давно у нас не был. Ему, вероятно, не сказали, что мы уже в

Москве. 2. Вы, должно быть, не узнали меня и поэтому не подошли ко мне.
3. Вы, наверно, и не пытались это сделать, иначе вы бы не говорили, что
это очень легко. 4. Иностранец, очевидно, неправильно произнес название
этого кушанья, и официант принес ему совсем другое. 5. Вы, должно быть,
давно там не были. 6. Вам, наверно, ничего об этом не сказали. Иначе вы
бы пришли раньше. 7. Они, должно быть, не опоздали на поезд. Иначе они
бы уже вернулись. 8. По всей вероятности, они не попали на поезд, так как
вышли из дому слишком поздно. 9. Он, наверно, так и не догадался,
почему мы смеялись. 10. Вы, наверно, положили ключ не на то место, и я
не смог войти в дом. 11. Вы, наверно, не узнали его. — Нет, это был не он.
12. Их, очевидно, неправильно информировали. Они должны были прийти

сегодня. 13. Хотя с 15 апреля введено новое расписание, для утренних

поездов оно, скорее всего, не изменилось.

8. Paraphrase the sentences, using the verb must.

1. I am sure he has got all he needed. Did you see how triumphant he
was? 2. The boy was evidently reading something funny. He was smiling all the
time. 3. The boy is probably reading something funny. He is smiling all the time.
4. They have most likely not realized what opportunity they were losing. 5. I
shan’t bother you any longer; no doubt you are tired of my talking. 6. I see
something is eating him. He is like on tenterhooks. 7. It was clear the family
were expecting some guests: the mother was bustling about the house tidying up
the rooms. 8. She was obviously upset by something. I never saw her so
unbalanced. 9. He surely did not find out the real reason for their silence.

9. Analyze the meaning of the verb to have.

1. King Lear had three daughters. 2. Have a look at the picture. I think it is
a Repin. 3. I have to answer many letters. 4. I have some information to pass on
to you. 5. During our trip we had an accident in which I had my leg badly hurt.
6. I’ll have him come at six o’clock if that suits you. 7. He has just come from
abroad. 8. You will have to leave at six to catch the train. 9. Is that all you have
to say to me? 10. There are two kinds of speeches: there is the speech which a
man makes when he has something to say, and the speech when he has to say
10. Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to the meaning
of the verb to have (to).

1. Thoughtfully Lanny went up the side street to the house where he

lodged. Only two more hours before he had to catch his train and then Cape
Town would be behind him. (P. A.) 2. The Gadfly and Michele were waiting for

an emissary, to whom important directions had to be given. (V.) 3. “You are too
young to know how the world changes every day,” said Mrs. Creakle, “and how
the people in it pass away. But we all have to learn it, David; some of us when
we are young, some of us when we are old, some of us at all times of our
lives.” (Ch. D.) 4. Lickcheese. Why not Dr. Trench marry Miss Blanche, and
settle the whole affair that way? Cokane. You forget, Mr. Lickcheese, that the
young lady, whose taste has to be considered, decisively objected to him. (B.
Sh.) 5. They had to repeat what they were doing several times before the engine
burst open and started ... (J. A.)

11. Change the following into the negative and interrogative.

1. Mother has to cook dinner after work. 2. He had to sit up late with this
work. 3. You will have to get up very early tomorrow. 4. The girl had to take
care of her younger sister and brothers. 5. She will have to do it once over again.
6. These documents have to be filed. 7. They had to cover the whole distance on
foot. 8. We shall have to speak to him about it.

12. Translate into English, using the verb to have in its modal meaning.

1. Мне сейчас приходится много работать, так как я болела и отстала

от группы. 2. Вам придется поговорить с ним лично. 3. Нам пришлось
переждать дождь на станции. 4. Я вынужден был извиниться, хотя мне это
и было неприятно. 5. Книгу необходимо переплести, иначе некоторые
страницы могут потеряться. 6. Вам приходится очень рано вставать, не так
ли? 7. Он вынужден был сделать вам замечание, не правда ли? 8. Ему не
нужно было сдавать вступительные экзамены. 9. Нам не пришлось
провожать их в гостиницу. Они сами хорошо знали дорогу. 10. Работу
придется сделать сегодня. 11. Он сказал, что вам придется ехать туда
одному. 12. Всю страницу пришлось перепечатать из-за одной опечатки.

13. Fill in the blanks with must or had (to).

1. When I asked him why he was so late, he told me that he had missed an
earlier train and ... wait for another one. 2. The man warned us that the place
was dangerous to bathe in and we ... look for a safer spot. 3. His wife kept
telling him that he ... not ... sit up so late. 4. The doctor told him he ... give up
smoking, as it might be ruinous to his lungs. 5. The father said to the children
that they ... be careful while crossing the street. 6. The bus was not going that
direction, so he ... change. 7. It was not that the work ... be finished soon, but we
ourselves wanted to be through with it as soon as possible. 8. I had no special
desire to do it, but as I felt it ... be done this way or another, I started on it,
though reluctantly. 9. I saw that I ... speak louder to make myself heard. 10.
Telling himself that he ... control himself, he did not answer anything. 11. Martin
knew that he ... stand up to be introduced. 12. For a moment she felt her heart...

14. Refer the following to the past. Make all the necessary changes.

1. It is getting pretty late. I must leave, or I shall be late for the last bus. 2.
This is getting too far, I feel I must do something before it is too late. 3. It can’t
go on like this any longer. It must blow up sooner or later. 4. I know it’s a secret
and I must keep it. 5. He is trying to explain why the measures he proposes must
be resorted to if we want to save the situation. 6. He does not understand why
such urgent measures as have been taken must be resorted to even in the face of
the situation. 7. It is impossible to change anything. One must take things as
they are. 8. I do not agree with him that one must always take things as they are
without trying to change them. 9. Do you realize that you mustn’t mention it to

15. Analyze the modal meaning of the verb to be (to) in the following
sentences, and translate them into Russian.

1. Large sums are now being spent on educational developments and still
larger sums are to be spent in the near future. 2. He was to leave that night... for
Gravesend, where the ship, in which he was to make the voyage, lay, and was to
be gone I don't know how many years. (Ch. D.) 3. Mr. Priors was to remain shut
up in the room while I was gone, and was on no account to open the door. (Ch.
D.) 4. What do you want with my things? Am I to be moved into another cell?
(V.) 5. Mrs. Pearce. I want to know on what terms the girl is to be here. Is she to
have any wages? And what is to become of her when you've finished your
teaching? You must look ahead a little. Higgins. Give her orders: that's enough
for her. Eliza, you are to live here for the next six months, learning how to speak
beautifully. (B. Sh.) 6. It is evident that we are to have a backward season for
grains. (M. T.) 7. A little disconsolate, he watched the steamer splashing down
the sound towards the pier. What sort of fellow-travellers was he to have?
(Blake.) 8. “My dear Trot!” cried my aunt, in a terrified whisper ... “I don’t
know what I am to do!” (Ch. D.) 9. There was something in his manner that was
not to be resisted. 10. Why are you late? You were to have come an hour ago.

16. Explain the difference in meaning between the two sentences in the
following pairs:

1. a) The plane was not to take off at night as the weather was too bad. b)
The plane was to have taken off at night, but the weather was too bad. 2. a)
There was to be an interesting concert last night, but I didn't feel well and had to
stay at home. b) There was to have been an interesting concert last night, but the
singer fell ill and the concert had to be postponed. 3. a) The order came that we
were not to leave the village before dawn. b) We were not to have left the village
before dawn, but by the time the order came we were two miles away from it.

17. Combine the modal verb to be (to) with the proper form of the
infinitive in brackets.

1. I stood at the window, looking at them disappear, and my heart kept

repeating “Good-bye, good-bye!” I was not (to see) them for nearly five years.
(G. E.) 2. You know Mako’s Kraal ... on the other side there is land with water,
that was the land Sam was (to buy). There they were (to live). (P. A.) 3. Nobody
met me when I came. I was (to arrive) by the ten o'clock train, but I couldn’t get
a ticket for it. 4. Remember that we are (to be) at his place not later than eight.
5. Why are you so late? Didn’t you get my letter saying that we were (to meet)
at 4? 6. There was a violent storm that night and the Albatross which was (to
arrive) at the port in the morning had to drop anchor near an island a hundred
miles off the port.

18. Insert the verb to be (to) or to have (to) in the necessary tense form.

1. I wondered what ... to happen to us. 2. It looks like raining. You ... to
take your raincoats. 3. We agreed that the one who came first ... to reserve seats
for the rest of us. 4. Nobody met me at the airfield as I ... to have arrived a day
later and could not warn any of my friends of the change. 5. He always puts off
doing what he ... to do until it ... to be done. 6. We ... to leave on Monday, but
because of a two days’ delay with the visas we ... to book tickets for Wednesday.
7. There is nothing strange in what he did. It ... to be expected. 8. It was too late
to change the plan, and it ... to remain as it was. 9. You ... not to tell him about it
if you don't want to. 10. You ... not to tell him anything about it before you get
further instructions. 11. They hoped to spend the summer together, but that ...
not to be. 12. ... I to do it all by myself? 13. When no food ... to be had he
seemed capable to do without.

19. Fill in the blanks with to be (to), to have (to), or must, using the
correct form of the infinitive.

1. I did not know who ... (to be) my travelling companion. 2. According to
the state plan, many new dwelling houses ... (to build) this year. 3. We ... (to

work) hard to achieve good results. 4. “I think we ... (to drop) anchor in that bay
until the storm quiets down,” the captain said to his mate. 5. I ... (to say) your
behaviour has been far from straightforward. (B. Sh.) 6. “Mabel has gone,”
Lanny said in a flat, impersonal voice. The old woman went back to her chair
and sat down heavily. “It ... (to be). Where did she go, son?” (P. A.) 7. “Have
you been studying much law lately?” I asked to change the subject. “Oh, Master
Copperfield,” he said with an air of self-denial; “My reading ... hardly (to call)
study.” (Ch. D.) 8. Sartorius. If I give in now I ... (to give in) always. (B. Sh.)
9. Mrs. Pearce. What ... (to become) of the girl? ... she (to pay) anything? (B.
Sh.) 10. This is serious; you ... (not to joke) about it. (B. Sh.)

20. Translate into English, using to have (to), to be (to) or must.

1. Вы должны приготовить эту работу к четвергу. 2. Я должен был

приготовить эту работу к четвергу (Два варианта). 3. Вы не должны
прекращать работу, пока не закончите ее. Завтра уже четверг. 4. Мне
пришлось приготовить эту работу к четвергу. 5. Мне придется приготовить
эту работу к четвергу. 6. Ему приходится готовить эту работу сегодня, так
как все эти дни он был занят. 7. Вам не придется готовить эту работу.
8. Мне не нужно было готовить эту работу. 9. Так как он приготовил все
заранее, ему не нужно делать этого теперь. 10. а) Если бы он не приготовил
все заранее, ему нужно было бы сделать это теперь. б) Если бы мы
приготовили все заранее, нам не пришлось бы делать это теперь. 11. а) Он,
должно быть, приготовил эту работу еще в четверг. б) Он, должно быть, не
приготовил работу к четвергу. 12. а) Он, вероятно, не успел подготовить
работу заранее и был (будет) вынужден потратить на нее все воскресенье,
так как ее нужно закончить к понедельнику. б) Он, вероятно, не успел
закончить работу или, скорее всего, не знал, что ее нужно подготовить к
понедельнику. 13. «На этой неделе нам предстоит провести ряд новых
опытов», – сказал директор лаборатории. 14. Выбора не было, и ему

пришлось согласиться. 15. Мне было поручено сделать подробный доклад

по этому вопросу, и для этого я должен был просмотреть много
литературы. 16. Я должен был ходить в библиотеку почти каждый день:
оставалось всего несколько дней до того, как мне нужно было сдать
доклад, а я еще не написал и половины. 17. Мне придется посидеть эти дни
дома. Врач говорит, я не должен никуда выходить, пока температура не
будет нормальной. 18. Я думаю, что если бы вам довелось выполнять
подобное задание в первый раз, вы бы тоже были вынуждены
неоднократно обращаться к кому-нибудь за помощью. 19. Посидите здесь,
пока он занят. Я думаю, вам не придется долго ждать.

21. Translate into Russian.

1. I did not expect that the worst was yet to happen. (Ch. D.) 2. Sir Peter
[looks at his watch]. This is the time I was to have gone. (Ph. Sh.) 3. I’ve been in
the editorial business going on fourteen years, and it is the first time I ever heard
of a man’s having to know anything in order to edit a newspaper. (M. T.) 4.
Cokane [to Trench]. How is anybody to know that you are well brought up if
you don’t show it by your manners? (B. Sh.) 5. “We shall wait on the steps,” he
said as they trooped out. “You have only to call.” 6. One has only to attend her
lesson once to be convinced that she has all the makings of an excellent teacher.
7. “I’ve spoken to many women, but I have still to speak to one who is not
opposed to war,” said Mrs. Seares, an active fighter for peace. 8. Mabel
complained violently while she dressed. Nothing but work here ... . Best to run
away. Go to Cape Town where girls wore beautiful high-healed shoes and didn't
have to work. Why should she work all the days of her life? (P. A.) 9. This very
evening I was to have brought him a gentleman from the city, who does not
know him, and will, I believe, advance him some money. (Ch. D.)

22. Analyze the meaning of the verb need.

1. Don’t forget to bring the book tomorrow, I need it for my report. 2.

Pickering. Does it occur to you, Higgins, that the girl has some feelings?
Higgins. Oh, no, I don’t think so. Not any feelings that we need bother about.
(B. Sh.) 3. You may keep the money I’ve given you, I don’t need it yet. 4. “Must
I go there immediately?” “No you needn’t. Wait till I ring you up.” 5. Need you
bother about such trifles? 6. Do you need my help? 7. “All is agreed and
understood between us now, Trot,” said my aunt, “and we need talk of this no
more.” (Ch. D.) 8. You needn’t have gone into so many details. The report was
too long. 9. Mr. Maugham is very discreet, Louisa: you needn’t be afraid of
telling him anything. (W. M.) 10. Sartorius. Need you be so inflexible, Blanche?
(B. Sh.) 11. Why need my name have been dragged in? (D. H. L.)

23. Paraphrase the following, using the modal verb need:

1. I see no reason why we should argue. 2. It was not necessary for her to
carry the bags all by herself: there were porters at the station. 3. Is it so very
necessary that you should go there at all? 4. There is no use worrying about her;
she is quite able to take care of herself. 5. What’s the use of reproaching
yourself? 6. I don't think there is any need to help them. 7. It was quite
unnecessary for you to do the work instead of him.

24. Translate into English.

1. У нас поставили телефон, и нам теперь не нужно ходить к соседям.

2. Вам незачем идти на улицу: у соседей есть телефон. 3. У нас теперь
построили стадион, и детям не приходится ездить далеко. 4. Им незачем
ездить так далеко, можно заниматься в нашем читальном зале. 5. Можешь
не отвечать на этот вопрос, если не хочешь. 6. Не обязательно вам
приходить самому. Можете прислать кого-нибудь. 7. Ему незачем

беспокоиться. Все будет в порядке. 8. Нам не нужно было ходить в

библиотеку. У нас были все необходимые книги. 9. К вечеру зуб перестал
болеть, и он решил, что ему не надо идти к врачу. 10. Много ли вам
пришлось потратить времени на эту работу? 11. Преподаватель сказал,
что нам не надо делать это задание письменно. 12. Оказалось, что у меня
есть этот словарь, так что мне не пришлось покупать новый. 13. Вам не
нужно было покупать этот словарь, у меня есть лишний экземпляр, и я с
удовольствием дал бы его вам, если бы вы только попросили. 14.
Разговор наш продолжался недолго, все было достаточно ясно, и нам не к
чему было вдаваться в излишние подробности. 15. Ему не к чему было
вдаваться в подробности; это все равно не помогло. 16. Все слова в тексте
были знакомы, и им незачем было пользоваться словарем; это только
отняло у них больше времени. 17. Все слова в тексте были настолько
хорошо знакомы, что мне даже незачем было пользоваться словарем.

25. Translate and make up your own sentences by analogy.

1. Must I myself get in touch with him or is the secretary to do this?

2. Will they have to come here every day? 3. Need you be in a hurry? You have
a lot of time left before you leave. 4. Am I to understand that I am not wanted
here? 5. Did he have to make a living for the whole family at such an early age?
6. Do you think that she must make the first step to make up the quarrel with
him? 7. You have to get up very early to catch the first train, don't you? 8. Need
you so exert yourself having such big boys to help you?

26. Translate into English, using the verbs must, to be (to), to have (to) or
need. (Dictation-translation.)

1. Сказал ли преподаватель, что мы должны выучить этот текст

наизусть? 2. Я не знал, что этот текст не надо учить наизусть. 3. Зря вы
учили этот текст наизусть; его надо было просто читать. 4. Не шумите;
дети, должно быть, спят. 5. Никто, наверно, не сказал ему об этом. 6. Они
должны были прийти в 5, а уже 6 часов. 7. Они, наверно, забыли, что
должны были прийти в 5 часов. 8. И все же, товарищи, нам придется
подождать еще. 9. Надеюсь, вас не пришлось долго ждать, да? 10. Эту
книгу можно найти в любой библиотеке. 11. Стоит ли волноваться из-за
таких пустяков?

27. Analyse the meaning of the modal verb should and translate the
sentences into Russian.

1. My family are of opinion that Mr. Micawber should quit London and
exert his talents in the country. (Ch. D.) 2. Bosinney looked clever; but he
should be easy to deal with in money matters, Soames thought. (Glsw.) 3.
Soames thought: “Why is all this? Why should I suffer? What have I done? It is
not my fault!” (Glsw.) 4. Eliza. I want to know what I may take away with me. I
don’t want to be accused of stealing, Mr. Higgins. Higgins. Stealing! You
shouldn’t have said that, Eliza. That shows a want of feeling. (B. Sh.) 5. And
suddenly Lanny remembered ... on the highveld one did not speak to a white
man till he spoke to you. He should have remembered. (P. A.) 6. When Swithin
approached his usual seat, who should be sitting there but Rozzi. (Glsw.) 7. “To
think that you should be the first to kindle the sparks of ambition in my ‘umble
breast, and that you’ve forgotten it! Oh!” exclaimed Uriah. (Ch. D.)

28. State whether should is auxiliary or modal.

1. You (we, he) should have done it long ago. 2. We told him that we
should let him know the day of our arrival. 3. Had it not been for the rain, we

should have come in time. 4. He should be more careful about his health. 5. Is it
possible that he should have misunderstood me? 6. I should gladly do it for you,
but I am too busy now. 7. “I shouldn't have missed the chance,” he reproached

29. Use should or had (to) with the correct form of the infinitive in

1. We ... (to call) on him yesterday, but we were too busy as we ... (to
attend) an extra meeting. 2. I ... not (to tell) him this news; he was so much
upset, but I really ... (to do) so, for the circumstances demanded that. 3. You ...
(to see) him dance! You have missed a lot. I ... (to take) you to the concert. 4. It
was very hard work but we ... (to do) it. 5. She ... (not to let) it pass like that, she
... (to explain) it to him that he was wrong. 6. Although it was unpleasant to her,
she ... (to tell) him that he was wrong.

30. Use should or need with the correct form of the infinitive in brackets.

1. I am very sorry I … not (to bother) you with this trifle. 2. You ... not (to
come) so early, now you will have to wait. 3. You ... not (to give) the child so
much money. It will spoil him. 4. You ... not (to return) the money so soon. I
could have waited. 5. You ... not (to help) him with this work. He could have
managed it himself.

31. Fill in the blanks with either should or must. Translate into Russian.

1. a) You ... have spoken to him already. I see you know everything. b)
You ... have spoken to him of the matter. Why keep him in the dark? 2. a)
They ... have studied the subject more thoroughly; they will regret it later on. b)
They... have studied the subject thoroughly; they answered every question. 3. a)
You ... have ignored the traffic regulations. That’s why you were fined, b) You ...

have followed the traffic regulations, then you would not have been fined. 4. a)
He ... have forgotten to send them a telegram. b) He ... have remembered to send
them a telegram. 5. a) I ... have taken Grandfather’s spectacles. I cannot see
anything through them, b) I ... have taken my opera-glasses. I don’t see anything

32. Translate into English, using must, to be (to), have (to), needn't or

1. Я не должен был говорить с ней таким тоном. Именно мой тон,

должно быть, и обидел ее. 2. Мы, должно быть, пропустили его. Мы
должны были прийти пораньше. 3. Вам не надо было так торопиться;
нужно было быть здесь не раньше пяти. 4. Она должна была выгладить это
платье, до того как оно высохло; теперь ей придется смочить его снова. 5.
Она не должна была закрывать окно так быстро, надо было проветрить
комнату получше. 6. Это должно было случиться. Всем известна его
рассеянность. 7. Этого следовало ожидать, и нечего удивляться. 8. Нам не
пришлось тащить вещи на себе: нам попалась попутная машина. 9. Вы не
должны так расстраиваться по пустякам. Надо держать себя в руках. 10. Вы
не должны грызть ногти. Это отвратительная привычка, и нужно от нее
избавиться. 11. Надеюсь, ты не должна теперь так рано вставать; ты ведь
теперь работаешь в десяти минутах ходьбы от дома. 12. Она, очевидно,
была очень приятной женщиной. Все говорят о ней с такой любовью. 13 В
Крыму есть много растений, которые нельзя трогать руками, так как они
оставляют ожоги. 14. Это лекарство можно получить только по рецепту
врача. 15. Там, наверно, идет дождь; смотри, какое темное небо. 16. С
какой стати я буду делать то, что я не должна. 17. Они, вероятно, что-то
горячо обсуждали; они даже не заметили, как мы вошли. 18. Через год эта
железная дорога будет полностью электрифицирована.

Ought (to)

33. Analyse the meaning of the verb ought (to) and translate the
sentences into Russian.

1. The young ought to respect old age. 2. I know that from every practical
standpoint, from the standpoint of common decency, from the standpoint of
what is right and wrong, I have done what I ought to do. (W. M.) 3. The girl
cannot be blamed. She was behaving naturally, as others ought to have behaved.
(F. V.) 4. He was a lawyer, and thought that things ought to be done according to
juridical formulas which he had learned. (Glsw.) 5. You ought not to show to
him that you notice his stammer, he feels it very keenly. 6. “Do you know your
mistress’s name?” asked Mr. Murdstone. “She has been my mistress a long time,
sir,” answered Peggotty. “I ought to know it.” (Ch. D.) 7. With his straight
delicate nose, his fine brow and well shaped mouth he ought to have been good-
looking, but surprisingly enough he was not. (A. H.) 8. “I could have my tea
here with you,” she suggested. “I’d love it,” replied Jon. “Only I feel, you ought
to be with the other guests, oughtn't you?” (Glsw.) 9. “ ... perhaps he was right,”
she told herself ... “after all, Erik ought to know far more than anyone else what
he wanted.” (M. W.) 10. “Where is Bosinney?” “He ought to be in his
study.” (Glsw.)

34. Fill in the blanks with ought, to be (to), to have (to).

1. Don’t contradict her, you ... to respect her age. 2. She is not a bad sort,
if somewhat capricious; so you sometimes... to put up with her whims. 3. The
situation grew awkward. He felt that something ... to be done, or else the party
would break up; so he ... to say a few conciliating words to put the guests at
their ease. 4. He was boiling with rage, but he ... to control his feelings not to
give himself away. 5. I thought I ... to do something to return their hospitality. 6.
Not a living thing ... to be seen. 7. Why do you ask my opinion? You have been
in the business much longer, you ... to know better. 8. You are a father, you ...
not to neglect your duties to your children. 9. According to the rules of the game

a football player ... not to touch the ball with his hands. 10. He ... to have taken
the floor and spoken in favour of the proposal. 11. Ring me up at 6. The
situation ... to clear up by then.

35. Fill in the blanks with must, should or ought (to).

1. Your questions surprise me, you ... (to know) this. 2. Children ... (to
obey) their parents. 3. Though it is a very unpleasant mission, I feel I ... (to tell)
you the truth. 4. Why… I (to know) where he is? 5. Let’s tell him all as it is.
He ... (to understand). 6. You ... (to apologize) when you saw that his feelings
were hurt. 7. You ... (not to eat) so much bread; you will gain weight, which is
not good for your heart. 8. She... (not to speak) about such things in the child’s
presence. Now you see the result. 9. I ... (to know) that it might come to that. 10.
a) If they had been warned in time, they ... (to be) there by now. b) If they were
warned in time they ... (to be) there by now. 11. His heart was now thumping so
violently he felt it ... (to burst). 12. He gave you just that feeling of assurance, of
confidence that a doctor ... (to give).

Can and May

36. Analyse the meaning of the verb can. Translate the sentences into

1. In the dimness of the landing I could not see very well. (J. L.) 2. “Your
servant, sir,” said Mr. Omer. “What can I do for you, sir?” (Ch. D.) 3. You can
take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink. 4. Eliza. I can do
without you; don’t think I can’t. Higgins. I know you can, Eliza. I told you you
could. (B. Sh.) 5. I think you could do it if you tried. 6 She could not have said
why but she was sure of it. (Th. D.) 7. “Martha, is it you?” says Emily, “Oh,
Martha, can it be you?” (Ch. D.) 8. ... She cannot deceive me. Her name cannot
be Doolittle. Doolittle is an English name, and she is not English. (B. Sh.) 9.
Could this old woman be Louise? She can’t have changed like that. 10. I should

think there never can have been a man who enjoyed his profession more than
Mr. Creakle did. (Ch. D.) 11. I cannot conceive whose stockings they can have
been that Peggotty was always darning, or where such an unfailing supply of
stockings in want of darning can have come from. (Ch. D.) 12. I was so fresh
and lively myself, in the pleasure of being there, that I could have stopped the
people in the streets and shaken hands with them. (Ch. D.) 13. She can't have
failed to notice this mistake.

37. Use can in the correct form followed by the appropriate infinitive.

1. ... you (to call) a little later? I'm afraid I shall be busy till seven. 2. ... it
(to be) a joke? 3. You ... not (to see) him at the meeting. He was ill. 4. ... we (to
cover) fifteen kilometres? The village is not yet seen. 5. He ... not (to forget)
your address; he has visited you several times. 6. If you had let us know, we ...
(to send) our car for you. 7. I should be very much obliged to you if you ... (to
lend) me your dictionary for a couple of days. 8. I don’t believe her, she ... (to
fail) to recognize me. 9. He said he ... (to manage) the task by himself. 10. Why
didn't you ask me? I ... (to do) it for you.

38. Translate into English using the verb can. (Dictation-translation.)

1. He может быть, чтобы он опоздал. Он всегда такой пунктуальный.

2. Неужели он произвел на вас впечатление рассеянного человека? 3. Не
может быть, чтобы я неправильно вас понял. 4. Он не мог прочитать эту
книгу так быстро; она трудна для него. 5. Не может быть, чтобы она не
нашла вашего дома. 6. Вряд ли она забыла об этом; я об этом напоминал ей
только вчера. 7. Неужели вы не помните, что я возвратил вам эту книгу? 8.
Разве мог кто-нибудь подумать, что эта команда займет первое место? 9.
Если бы не хорошая погода, экспедиция не смогла бы подняться на
вершину горы. 10. Неужели вы не нашли мою книгу?

39. Analyse the meaning of the verb may. Translate the sentences into

1. I said to Mrs. Micawber: “May I ask what you and Mr. Micawber
intend to do, now that Mr. Micawber is out of his difficulties? Have you settled
yet?” (Ch. D.) 2. He said I might come to him any day I liked. 3. “The door was
open,” he said. “Might I see your wife for a minute?” (Glsw.) 4. If he walks
from the station, he may arrive in the course of the next half-hour. If he drives,
he may be here at any moment. (B. Sh.) 5. Here Miss Murdstone ceased her
speech, and shutting her mouth, looked as if she might be broken, but would
never be bent. (Ch. D.) 6. It was some special occasion. I don’t remember what.
It may have been my birthday. (Ch. D.) 7. He may not have learned the news,
that’s why he looks as if nothing had happened. 8. We might have gone about
half a mile, when the carrier stopped short. (Ch. D.) 9. Mrs. Micawber beckoned
to me to climb up and put her arm round my neck, and gave me just such a kiss
as she might have given to her own boy. (Ch. D.) 10. I do think, after all I’ve
done for them, they might be more thankful. 11. Mrs. Higgins. Eliza is upstairs.
Higgins. Upstairs!!! Then I shall jolly soon fetch her downstairs. But you might
have told us this half an hour ago. (B. Sh.) 12. Whenever you may come, you
are always welcome. 13. Sartorius. I desire that there may be no wrong
impression as to my daughter's breeding. (B. Sh.) 14. I borrowed the half-guinea
that I might not be without a fund for my travelling expenses. 15. A faint wind
moaned through the trees, and Tom feared it might be the spirits of the dead ...
(M. T.)

40. Use may in the correct form followed by the appropriate infinitive.

1. ... I (to ask) you to explain the rule once more? 2. She asked me if
she ... (to switch off) the radio. 3. I’m afraid it ... not (to stop) raining by the
evening. 4. We wish your journey ... (to be) successful. 5. My neighbour lent me
her opera-glasses that I ... fully (to enjoy) the ballet. 6. No matter how bad the

weather ... (to be) she never missed her everyday stroll after dinner. 7. Don’t be
angry with her. She ... (to do) it by mistake. 8. If nothing prevents them, they ...
(to arrive) ahead of time. 9. It ... (to be taken) for a joke if his face had not been
so serious. 10. You should not feel offended; they ... not (to notice) you. 11. Tell
him he ... (to warn) me and not (to put) me in such an awkward position. 12.
He ... (to have) to walk a long distance, he looks tired. 13. There is no regular
ferry there. You ... (to have) to hire a boat.

41. Translate into English.

1. Право же, вы могли бы сделать это для меня. 2. Скажи ему, что он
мог бы быть более внимательным к своим старым друзьям. 3. Хотя похоже
на то, что будет дождь, но кто знает, может быть завтра будет хорошая
погода. 4. Вы можете встретить это выражение в любой книге. 5. Я думаю,
что вы сможете уговорить его, если попытаетесь. 6. Я думаю, что вы
смогли бы уговорить его, если бы попытались. 7. Если бы вы выехали на
десять минут позже, вы могли бы опоздать на поезд. 8. Как вы
неосторожны! Вы могли бы сломать ногу. 9. Если бы у вас были облигации
этого займа, вы могли бы выиграть. 10. Еще одна минута, и ребенок мог бы
попасть под трамвай. 11. Если бы вы предупредили меня о его отъезде, я,
может быть, пошел бы (мог бы пойти) проводить его. 12. Возможно, он и
знал обо всем, но не показывал вида. 13. Может быть, об этом ничего не
говорилось открыто, но почему-то все уже было известно.

42. Paraphrase the following sentences, using the modal verbs can or may
in the correct form.

1. I don’t believe that he has done the work carelessly. 2. Perhaps, you
changed at the wrong station, that’s why it took you so long to get here. 3. I
think he will be able to substitute for you in case you shouldn’t come. 4. Is it not
in your power to change the time-table? 5. Most probably he did not see you,
otherwise he would have come up to you. 6. Perhaps I shall have to take him to
hospital; it is possible that he has broken him arm. 7. Why blame her? Maybe
she did not know it was so urgent. 8. It is impossible that she has wrongly
interpreted your words. 9. I suppose they were unable to get in touch with you.
10 Would you mind my smoking here?

43. Translate and complete the following phrases.

1. Я, возможно, смогу ... . 2. Я, возможно, смог бы ... . 3. Мне, возможно,

придется (пришлось бы) ... .4. Не мог ли бы я ... ? 5. Не могу ли я ... ? 6. Не
можете ли вы ... ? 7. Не могли бы вы ... ? 8. Он, должно быть, ... ? 9. Вы,
возможно ... . 10. Вам незачем (было) … .11. Возможно ли, чтобы ...? 12. Не
может быть, чтобы ... .

44. Fill in the blanks with can or may in the correct form.

1. ... I see you to-night? 2. ... I find you there to-night? 3. You ... read this
article. You have knowledge enough. 4. You ... take this book; I don’t need it. 5.
... I be of any service to you? 6. You ... avail yourself of my services. 7.What ...
he want here? 8. Buy this dictionary. You ... want it one day. 9. “What... have
made them so late?” “Something … have happened to the car.” 10. ... I ask you
to do me a favour? 11. ... you do me a favour? 12. They ... have said something
of the kind, but I hardly believe it. 13. I don’t think they ... have said anything of
the kind. 14. I... not imagine her teaching children, she used to be so impatient;
but who knows, time changes people; she ... have become quite different. 15.
You ... never tell; everything ... turn out quite all right. 16. I am sure you ... have

done it much better. You did not try. 17. If she ... not call on me, she ... have
called me up at least. 18. It was a very popular song at the time, you ... hear it
everywhere. 19. Something was wrong with the receiver, I ... not hear you well.
20. A fool ... ask more questions than a wise man ... answer. 21. “How do you do
it, if I ... ask?” “Simply phonetics. I ... place any man within six miles.” (B. Sh.)
22. Mrs. Pearce. … she use some of those dresses you brought from abroad? I
really ... not put her back into her old things. (B. Sh.) 23. I was so angry, I ...
have thrown my boots at him. (Ch. D.) 24. They had something of the sort of
pleasure in us, I suppose, that they ... have had in a pretty toy.
25. Roberts. You made a mistake to think that we would come to heel. You …
break the body, but you … not break the spirit. (Glsw.)

45. Translate into English.

1. Я должен сделать это сегодня? – а) Нет, вы можете сделать это

завтра, если хотите. б) Да, это нужно сделать сегодня. 2. Можно мне
посмотреть вашу работу? – а) Пожалуйста. б) Нет, она еще не готова. 3.
Доктор, можно мне купаться в море? – а) Нет, нельзя; вы можете опять
заболеть. б) Конечно, можно. Это принесет вам только пользу. 4. Мне
нужно переписать всю работу или я могу только исправить ошибки? 5.
Когда мне можно прийти за остальным материалом? – Вам незачем
приходить самому. Мы вам пришлем его, когда он будет готов. 6. Не
можете ли вы зайти ко мне вечером? 7. Не могли бы вы зайти ко мне
вечером? 8. Нельзя ли мне попросить вас зайти ко мне вечером? 9. Не мог
бы я попросить вас зайти ко мне вечером? 10. Не могли бы вы зайти
немножко позже? 11. Не мог бы я попросить вас зайти немножко позже?

46. Paraphrase the given sentences, using the modal verbs can, may,

1. It is quite possible that the performance is over as there are many

people leaving the theatre. 2. The performance was evidently over as many
people were leaving the theatre. 3. a) I don’t believe that he said it. b) Is it
possible that he should have said it? 4. a) I think they knew everything about it.
b) I am sure they knew everything about it. 5. I am almost sure that she did not
do anything of the kind. 6. a) Is it possible that they should have refused to help
you? b) It is possible that they have refused to help him. c) It is impossible that
they should have refused to help you. 7. a) Perhaps it’s all true, I am not sure. b)
Perhaps it was true, I am not sure. 8. a) There is probably some
misunderstanding. b) There was probably some misunderstanding. 9. a) Really,
you don’t mean it? b) Really, you didn’t mean it? c) Do you really mean it? 10.
There is no doubt that it was all prepared beforehand. 11. a) Is it possible that
they have already left? b) It is impossible that they should already have left. c) It
is possible that they have already left. 12. I don’t believe that they did not
recognize you. 13. It is likely that his comrades helped him; his English is quite
decent now. 14. My students are certainly at a lecture now. 15. Is it possible that
this old man is your brother? 16. The message was evidently delivered in time as
we received an immediate answer. 17. Is it possible that you should not
remember our talk?

47. Translate into English.

1. Он должен быть там завтра. 2. Он может быть там завтра. 3. Он,

возможно, будет там завтра. 4. Он, возможно, был там вчера (не был). 5.
Он, по всей вероятности, был там вчера. 6. Он должен был быть там вчера.
7. Не может быть, чтобы он был там вчера. 8. Возможно ли, чтобы он был
там вчера? 9. Неужели он там был вчера? 10. Не может быть, чтобы это
была правда. 11. Неужели это правда? 12. Это, должно быть, правда. 13.
Возможно, это правда. 14. Кто знает? Может быть, это и правда. 15.
Возможно, это была правда. 16. Это, очевидно, была правда. 17. Вы,

вероятно, ошиблись. 18. Вы, должно быть, ошибаетесь. 19. Не может быть,
чтобы вы ошиблись. 20. Неужели (возможно ли, чтобы) вы ошиблись? 21.
Не может быть, чтобы они меня не поняли.

48. Translate into English. (Dictation-translation.)

I. 1. Как удачно! Еще пять минут, и мы могли бы не получить

билетов. 2. Надо было поставить нас в известность, что вы не сможете
сделать свое сообщение. Мы могли бы отложить обсуждение этого
вопроса. 3. Вы могли бы предупредить меня, что не придете; мне бы не
пришлось так долго вас ждать. 4. Незачем вам было ходить туда, они могли
бы сами прийти. 5. Не надо было так разговаривать с ним; все же он
постарше вас. 6. Надо было подумать об этом раньше; теперь уже этого не
исправишь. 7. Экспедиция должна была зимовать в Арктике, но из-за
неблагоприятных метеорологических условий вынуждена была вернуться
в январе. 8. Нельзя ли мне задать вам несколько вопросов? 9. Не могли бы
вы дать мне консультацию сегодня? 10. Неужели вы им поверили? Они,
скорее всего, пошутили над вами.

II. 1. Я не могу понять, почему Н. не пришел на совещание. Не может

быть, чтобы он забыл о нем; он, вероятно, заболел. 2. После прохождения
практики в школе каждый студент должен представить отчет. 3. Тебе
придется много заниматься. Если бы ты мог приходить ко мне по воскре-
сеньям, я бы с удовольствием занимался с тобой. 4. Если вы не хотите
заниматься этим сегодня, вы можете закончить работу в течение
завтрашнего дня. — Зачем же мне откладывать на завтра то, что я могу
сделать сегодня! 5. В прошлом году я жил близко от института, и мне
приходилось вставать не так рано, как сейчас. 6. Я думаю, что вам не
следует обращать на это внимания. Стоит ли беспокоиться о пустяках? 7.
Вы, должно быть, все читали эту книгу. Если нет, то вам следовало бы ее
прочесть как можно скорее, чтобы вы могли обсудить ее на занятиях

нашего кружка. 8. Вы все, вероятно, прочли книгу Голсуорси

«Собственник». Вам следует теперь прочитать критическую литературу. 9.
Вам бы следовало разговаривать с ребенком поласковее. 10. Эта машина,
должно быть, отечественного производства. 11. Не могли бы вы прийти к
нам на совещание завтра? 12. Этот дом не требует большого ремонта; его
достаточно покрасить. 13. «Нужно ли мне повторить это правило, чтобы
вы его записали?» – спросил преподаватель у студентов. 14. По-моему, нам
нужно подождать еще полчаса. Экскурсанты могут приехать следующим
поездом. 15. Вы бы лучше послали ему письмо; он может не догадаться,
что вас задерживают дела, и будет волноваться. 16. Не могли бы вы
прочесть мою книгу к завтрашнему дню? Мне, может быть, придется
завтра вечером уехать, и книга мне понадобится.

Shall and Will

49. Analyse the modal meaning of shall and translate the sentences into

1. The victory of peace can and shall be won. There shall be no war. 2. He
shall do it whether he wants it or not. 3. “Darling, I wouldn’t let that child be
chewing that pine stick if I were you.” “... There isn’t any harm in the child’s
chewing a bit of pine stick if she wants to, and you know it perfectly well. And
she shall chew it, too. So there, now!” (M. T.) 4. Higgins. Listen, Eliza. I think
you said you came in a taxi. Eliza. Well, what if I did? I’ve as good a right to
take a taxi as anyone else. Higgins. You have, Eliza, and in future you shall have
as many taxis as you want. You shall go up and down and round the town in a
taxi every day. Think of that, Eliza. (B. Sh.) 5. You shall answer for it! 6. “As
long as I'm alive and have this house over my head,” said Peggotty, “you shall
find it as if I expected you here directly minute.” (Ch. D.) 7. I passed the night at
Peggotty’s in a little room in the roof, which was to be always mine, Peggotty
said, and should always be kept for me in exactly the same state. (Ch. D.) 8.

“Now, here you see young David Copperfield, and the question I put to you is,
what shall I do with him?” said my aunt. “Why, if I were you,” said Mr. Dick,
considering and looking vacantly at me, “I should wash him!” (Ch. D.)

50. Analyse the meaning of will and would and translate the sentences
into Russian.

1. “When I say I’ll do a thing, I do it,” said Mr. Creakle; “and when I say I
will have a thing done, I will have it done.” (Ch. D.) 2. “My dear Master
Copperfield,” said Mrs. Micawber, “you can render me another kind of service,
if you will; and a service I will thankfully accept of.” (Ch. D.) 3. “... I can’t do
what you ask, Arthur, but I will do what I can, I will arrange your escape.”
“...Padre, wake up, and we will begin our life again!” (V.) 4. Cokane. We’ll
leave in the morning, and do Mainz and Frankfurt. Trench. All right. You look
out the trains, will you? (B. Sh.) 5. Trench. I won’t have the relations between
Miss Sartorius and myself made part of a bargain. (B. Sh.) 6. Jip showed his
whole set of teeth, got under a chair, and would not hear of the least familiarity.
He wouldn’t let me touch him, when I tried. (Ch. D.) 7. I had my own old mug
with “David” on it, and my own old fork and knife that wouldn’t cut. (Ch. D.) 8.
I was at liberty to do what I would, for three weeks or a month. 9. “Would you
like to hear the petition read?” asked the captain. He would have read it twenty
thousand times, if twenty thousand people would have heard him, one by one.
(Ch. D.) 10. “I think you are wrong, Uriah,” I said. “I dare say there are several
things that I could teach you, if you would like to learn them.” (Ch. D.) 11. What
would I have given to have been sent to the hardest school that ever was kept! –
to have been taught something, anyhow, anywhere! (Ch. D.)

51. Compare the meaning and use of the modal verbs shall and will.

1. Sartorius. I am resolved that my daughter shall approach no circle in

which she will not be received with the full consideration to which her education
and her breeding entitle her. (B. Sh.) 2. Sartorius. And now, Dr. Trench, since
you have acted handsomely you shall have no cause to complain of me. There
shall be no difficulties about money: you shall entertain as much as you please. I
will guarantee all that. (B. Sh.) 3. I will take care that it shall be all right. 4. I
will call him to account, he shall pay dearly for this affront. (B. Sh.) 5. My boy
shall not be worried, I will protect him. 6. “Come! I know what you mean,”
cried Mr. Wickfield, “you may pay for David if you like, Miss Trotwood. We
won’t be hard about terms but you shall pay if you will.” (Ch. D.)

52. Fill in the blanks with shall or will in the correct form.

1. “No harm ... be done to your child. I ... see to it,” the doctor tried to
soothe the mother. 2. If you ... not take any steps you ... never get rid of the
malady. 3. May I go on with the work or ... I wait for further instructions? 4.
He ... sit for hours reading, paying no attention to what was going on around
him. 5. ... I help you with the work or will you manage it yourself? 6. Don’t
worry, everything ... be arranged as you want, I promise you. 7. We tried to
persuade him, but he ... not listen to our arguments. 8. We waited for two hours,
but the rain ... not stop. 9. I wish to ask a few questions, and shall be very much
obliged if you ... answer them. 10. But remember this: what I can’t have, no one
else ... . Do you understand? No one else! 11. Trench. I’ve a good mind never to
speak to you again. Blanche. You ... not — not ever. I ... take care of that. (B.
Sh.) 12. He ... always say something which makes us laugh. 13. He put the
money in his pocket, and kindly told me not to make myself uneasy; he ... take
care it ... be all right. (Ch. D.)

53. Analyse the verbs should and would. State whether they are auxiliary
or modal.

1. I had two Indian girls to teach. Their parents were old-fashioned and
would not send them to school. (P. A.) 2. “I do wish,” June cried, “Uncle
Timothy wouldn’t talk about what doesn’t concern him!” (Glsw.) 3. Old Jolyon
would sit for long spells brooding, his paper unread, a cigar between his lips.
(Glsw.) 4. It is really quite a coincidence that Traddles should be here at all. (Ch.
D.) 5. Peggotty was resolved that it should be quietly done. (Ch. D.) 6. Blanche.
I’m quite well, and I will not go abroad. Why will you bother me so about my
health? (B. Sh.) 7. During my recital, she kept her eyes on Mr. Dick, who, I
thought, would have gone to sleep but for that.... (Ch. D.) 8. I didn’t like him or
his deep voice, and I was jealous that his hand should touch my mother’s in
touching me, which it did. (Ch. D.) 9. “Then, you see, Clara,” returns Miss
Murdstone, “you should just give him the book back, and make him know
it.” (Ch. D.) 10. As she would not hear of staying to dinner lest she should by
any chance fail to arrive at home before dark, some lunch was provided for her
there. (Ch. D.) 11. If you would come and see us any afternoon and take a cup of
tea at our dwelling, mother would be as proud of your company as I should be.
12. I told him humbly that I wanted money, and that nothing else was of any use
to me, but that I would wait for it, as he desired, outside, and had no wish to
hurry him. 13. By-the-by, I should hardly have thought before, that he could
wink. 14. Here I sit at the desk again ... my head is as heavy as so much lead. I
would give the world to go to sleep. 15. She told me that everything would be
arranged for me by Mr. Wickfield, and that I should want for nothing. (Ch. D.)

54. Insert would or should.

1. I left the young man to go where he ... with my box-and money. (Ch.
D.) 2. My aunt ... not hear of staying to dinner, lest she ... by any chance fail to
arrive at home with the grey pony before dark. (Ch. D.) 3. “But that it ... have

been you who saw me drunk!” said I to Agnes. (Ch. D.) 4. Mr. Micawber was
anxious that I ... stay to dinner. (Ch. D.) 5. I was awkward enough in their
games, and backward enough in their studies (at school); but custom ... improve
me in the first respect, I hoped, and hard work in the second. (Ch. D.) 6. “... you
know how to buy mutton (if asked to)?” I ... repeat. Dora ... think a little and
then reply. (Ch. D.) 7. Algernon. The fact is, I have just had a telegram to say
that my poor friend Bunbury is very ill again. They seem to think I ... be with
him. (O. W.) 8. I think that in both our interests it ... be extremely undesirable
that matters ... be so left at this stage. I did not mean to say that if you ... exceed
the sum named in my letter to you by ten or twenty or even fifty pounds, there ...
be any difficulty between us. This being so, I ... like you to reconsider your
answer. (Glsw.) 9. “Don’t look at the clock,” Sarie told herself over and over
again. But her eyes ... stray to the clock; ... watch the slowness of the minutes, ...
count them in their weary, unhurried journey. (P. A.)

55. Translate the following sentences; using shall; will; should or would.

1. Вы этого не сделаете. Запомните это! 2. Я сделаю эту работу к

сроку, хотя бы мне и пришлось не спать всю ночь. 3. Магазин, должно
быть, еще открыт. Если вы поторопитесь, вы успеете купить хлеб. 4. Он
сказал, что ему придется уехать через несколько дней, но мы и слушать не
хотели. 5. Бесполезно доказывать ему, что вы правы; его никогда нельзя
убедить. Он очень упрямый. 6. Но это ни в коей мере не касается его.
Незачем было ему вмешиваться (с какой стати было ему вмешиваться). 7.
Сейчас, должно быть, довольно поздно. 8. Вы ответите за ваши действия.
9. Вам придется держать экзамен еще раз. Вам надо обратить больше
внимания на синтаксис. 10. Вам бы следовало предупредить нас (дать нам
знать), что вы не придете. Мы бы не ждали вас. 11. Зря (напрасно) вы не
прочитали «Мертвые души» перед тем, как пойти в театр. Вы бы получили
двойное удовольствие от спектакля. Вы бы почувствовали стиль и дух

произведения. 12. Я лег и пытался заснуть, но сон не шел. 13. Вы бы

только видели ее лицо, когда она услышала эту новость. 14. Какое
упражнение мне читать раньше, на двадцатой странице или на двадцать
второй? — Можете начать с любого. 15. Вы прекрасно знали, что это
бесполезно, и вы все же это делали.

56. State the meaning of will (would) and translate the sentences into

1. Maxwell. There’ll be a lot of Negro soldiers coming back. We have to

bear that in mind. Alice. Some of them will be bad; they will have been
corrupted. (G. and d’U.) 2. In these days, Miss, as you will have noticed, one
thing comes on the top of another, and people haven’t the memories they had.
(Glsw.) 3. “Dear me!” he said. “It’s past one. The moments slip away so that it’s
almost half past one. The house that I am stopping at will have gone to bed these
two hours.” (Ch. D.) 4. The children recognized the voices of the men, who
would have been sent after them with promise of a reward if they brought them
back. (Lnd.) 5. A voice said: “I don’t see any footprints. The snow would have
covered them.” (A. S.) 6. Locate her if you can. She will be under cover
somewhere. (E. G.) 7. She was gone, she was lost to him, she would be in
England by this time. (Т. С.) 8. Age will tell.

57. Translate into English. (Dictation-translation.)

1. Мы бы, возможно, опоздали на пароход, если бы поехали вечерним

поездом. 2. Я бы ни за что не взял свои слова обратно, даже если бы он
извинился передо мной. 3. Может быть, она и была на концерте, но я ее не
видела. 4. Он не должен быть в это время дома; он, очевидно, еще работает.
5. Напрасно ты сказала ей об этом. Тебе надо было промолчать. 6. Не
может быть, чтобы он не слышал о нашем решении, но я все же скажу ему
об этом сама. 7. Он, должно быть, не успел еще прочитать эту книгу или,

возможно, не достал ее. 8. Он просил предупредить, что вам, возможно,

придется подождать еще дня два-три, прежде чем он сможет вас принять.
9. Операция должна была быть сделана 10-го, но ввиду плохого состояния
больного ее пришлось отложить на неопределенное время. 10. Незачем
было вам это делать вчера; вы могли бы сделать это сегодня.

58. Translate into English.

В воскресенье утром я должна была пойти в библиотеку, чтобы

готовиться к докладу, который мне предстояло сделать на уроке
английского языка. Но я не смогла получить нужной мне книги, так как
пришла поздно. Очевидно, какой-то другой студент взял ее до меня. Мне
следовало прийти пораньше. Было досадно, что теперь мне придется
прийти еще раз. Когда я уже собиралась уходить, ко мне подошла высокая
женщина лет тридцати и сказала: «Ваше лицо кажется мне знакомым.
Должно быть, мы с вами встречались; но я не помню где». – «Я тоже не
помню», – сказала я. – «Возможно, мы встречались летом в каком-нибудь
доме отдыха». – «Возможно. Не может быть, чтобы мы работали или
учились вместе. Тогда мы бы должны были помнить друг друга лучше».


The Infinitive
1. State the form of the given infinitives.

to be mentioned; to have known; to have been dealt; to be shouting; to

have been wanting; to smile; to be dancing; to have been told; to have been
traveling; to be asked; to shut; to have said.

2. Supply forms according to the task.


a) Give the perfect form of the following infinitives (active voice):

to stay; to grow; to get; to have; to prefer; to continue; to sing; to see;
to be; to cry; to sleep; to stop.

b) Give the continuous form of the following infinitives (perfect and

non-perfect, active voice):
to go; to run; to arrive; to study; to cut; to live; to come; to copy; to dye;
to tie; to swim; to listen.

c) Give the passive form of the following infinitives (perfect and non-
to write; to give; to prove; to buy; to look for; to bring; to attack; to forget;
to take care of; to play; to beat; to ring.

d) Give all the possible forms of the following infinitives:

to work; to lie; to carry; to choose; to stand; to show; to lay; to laugh;
to smoke; to like; to break; to strike.

e) Supply all the missing forms of the following infinitives:

to be done; to have been talking; to have made; to be held;
to have been tried; to be leaving; to be spoken of; to have risen;
to have been spending; to be selling; to be raised; to ski.

3. Build the form of the infinitive according to the description (take any
verb that can have the form).

1. The passive non-perfect form. 2. The active perfect continuous form.

3. The active non-perfect non-continuous form. 4. The passive perfect form.
5. The active non-perfect continuous form. 6. The active perfect non-continuous

4. a) Use the infinitive in the non-perfect form of the active or passive


1. I hate (to bother) you, but the man is still waiting (to give) a definite
answer. 2. He hated (to bother) with trifling matters when he had many more
important questions (to decide). 3. She would never miss a chance (to show) her
efficiency, she was so anxious (to like) and (to praise). 4. The idea was too
complicated (to express) in just one paragraph. It seemed it would take not less
than a page (to put) it into words. 5. Is there anything else (to tell) him? I believe
he deserves (to know) how the matter stands and (to tell) all about it. 6. The
book is likely (to publish) and (to appear) on sale pretty soon. It is sure (to sell)
well and (to sell) out in no time. 7. What he took to writing for was not (to earn)
a living but a name. All he wanted was (to read) and not (to forget).

b) Use the infinitive in the required form of the active voice.

1. How fortunate he is (to travel) all over the world and (to see) so much
of it. 2. The man appears (to know) practically all European languages; he is
said (to learn) them while travelling. 3. The river was reported (to overflow) the
banks and (to advance) towards the suburbs of the city. 4. The girl pretended (to
read) a book and not (to notice) me. 5. You seem (to look) for trouble. 6. It
seems (to rain) ever since we came here. 7. It is so thoughtful of you (to book)
the tickets well in advance.

c) Use the appropriate form of the infinitive.

1. The man seemed (to study) me, and I felt uneasy in his presence. 2. Perhaps it
would bother him (to speak) about the quarrel. 3. He is supposed (to work) at the
translation of the book for two years. 4. The only sound (to hear) was the ticking
of the grandfather’s clock downstairs. 5. The book was believed (to lose) until
the librarian happened (to find) it during the inventory. It turned out (to
misplace). 6. The strength of the metal proved (to overestimate) by the designer.
The engineer claimed (to warn) against its use for the purpose all along as he
had been always sure it was likely (to deform) under great load. 7. We seem (to
fly) over the sea for quite a time and there is yet no land (to see). 8. Not (to

answer) would have been a wrong step. 9. We don’t seem (to acquaint), at least I
can’t remember ever (to meet) him. 10. The third key remained (to test).

5. Translate into English.

1. Я рад, что дал вам эту книгу. 2. Я рад, что мне дали эту книгу. 3.
Мы хотим проинформировать вас об этом. 4. Мы хотим, чтобы нас
проинформировали об этом. 5. Мы рады, что встретили его на станции. 6.
Мы рады, что нас встретили на станции. 7. Они очень довольны, что их
пригласили на конференцию. 8. Они очень довольны, что пригласили вас
на конференцию. 9. Я не думал прерывать ее. 10. Я не предполагал, что
меня прервут. 11. Мне неловко, что я причинил вам столько беспокойства.
12. Он будет счастлив повидаться с вами. 13. Он был счастлив, что
повидался с вами. 14. Он, казалось, подыскивал слова, чтобы точнее
выразить все, что он хотел сказать. 15. Говорят, что комиссия уже
познакомилась с нашей программой и изучает планы. 16. Как ему повезло,
что он побывал в такой интересной поездке. 17. Он терпеть не может, когда
над ним шутят. Впечатление такое, что он не понимает шуток. 18. Мне
пришлось принять его приглашение, так как я знал, что отказаться было бы
равносильно обиде или даже оскорблению. 19. Дети любят, когда им
рассказывают сказки. 20. Мы притворились, что не заметили его ошибки,
чтобы не смущать его. 21. Я вспомнил, что встречал уже этого человека.
Мы как-то были вместе в туристском походе. 22. Вы, кажется, уже давно
здесь сидите. Вы ждете кого-нибудь?

6. Translate into English. Pay special attention to the use of perfect and
non-perfect forms of the infinitive.

1. Мы намерены вернуться к концу месяца. 2. Мы намеревались

вернуться к концу месяца. 3. Мы намеревались вернуться к концу месяца
(но задержались). 4. Ожидают, что иностранные спортсмены приедут за

несколько дней до начала соревнования. 5. Предполагают, что в начале

следующего месяца погода резко изменится. 6. Я надеялся достать билет на
футбольный матч в прошлое воскресенье, (но не сумел). 7. Куда вы
пропали? Ведь вы собирались прийти еще на прошлой неделе. 8. Я не
хотел его обидеть, я думал помочь ему. 9. Я намеревался написать свой
доклад на прошлой неделе (но заболел). Я надеюсь, что закончу его не
позднее, чем послезавтра. 10. Рейс должен был быть беспосадочным, но
из-за неблагоприятной погоды самолет вынужден был сделать посадку.

7. Insert the particle to where necessary.

1. The brave boy helped the partisans ... find the way to the railway line in
the dead of night. 2. He would rather ... die than ... betray his friends. 3. Suvorov
was never known ... retreat. 4. Why not ... start out now? We cannot wait for the
weather ... change. 5. Have you ever heard him ... complain of difficulties? 6. He
was never heard ... complain of difficulties. 7. You’ll be lonely to-morrow. You'd
better ... come and ... dine with us. 8. Don’t let us ... waste time. There are a
hundred things ... be done. 9. I have never known him ... do such things. 10. I
know him ... have been an actor once. 11. We had better ... make haste. 12. You
ought not ... sit up so late. 13. What made you ... think so? 14. “Thanks,”
Andrew answered; “I’d rather ... see the cases for myself.” 15. He was made ...
do his work independently. 16. She seems ... know a great deal about music. 17.
I thought I would sooner ... get to the gallery alone, but I was obliged ... accept
his company. 18. ... have gone through what you have gone through is the lot of
very few. 19. I’ll have him ... tell the truth. 20. Get them ... come as early as
possible. 21. All I have now time ... do is ... send them a telegram. 22. There is
hardly anything ... do but ... work out an alternative plan.

8. Complete the following, using the infinitive as subject with the

anticipatory it.

1. It gives me pleasure ... . 2. It will take you ten minutes ... . 3. It is wise
of him ... .4. It does people a lot of good ... .5. It won't do you any harm ... .6. It
was natural ... . 7. It has become his habit ... . 8. It surprised me ... . 9. It would
never do ... . 10. It must be very nice... . 11. It made me feel awkward ... .

9. Complete the following:

a) Use the infinitive as subject without the anticipatory it (take the

infinitive phrases from the following list):
to forget the past; to be humming a tune; to say such a thing to a child; to
have gone out on that rainy day; to know the map well.
1. ... means to be able to show any country or town on it. 2. ... would have
been the death of me. 3. ... is a usual thing for her. 4. ... would be ridiculous.
5. …was impossible.

b) Use the infinitive as predicative.

1. Our plan was ... . 2. To act like this meant ... . 3. The first thing he did
was ... . 4. The main problem is ... . 5. Our next step must be ... . 6. What I want
is ... . 7. Our only chance to see him is ... . 8. To ask him a straight question
means ... .

c) Use the infinitive as object.

1. The children were anxious ... . 2. We were not afraid ... . 3. I pretended
not ... . 4. They have not decided whether ... or not. 5. The boys agreed never ....
6. Do you care ... ? 7. I was very careful not ... .8. I wish we had not forgotten ...
9. They thought ... . 10. He proposed ... . 11. When did you learn ... ? 12. I’ll try
to remember ... . 13. The tourists were lucky ... . 14. The father promised ... . 15.
They offer ... . 16. He attempted ... . 17. We are sorry ... . 18. The boy asked ... .

d) Use the infinitive as attribute (take the infinitives from the

following list):
to remember; not to be contradicted; to desire; to speak (to, about); to do;
to be done; to follow; to worry about; to be erected; to read; to laugh at; to be
answered; to answer.
1. This is just the man ... . 2. Packing was the first thing ... . 3. Here are
some instructions ... . 4. The monument ... on this square will add beauty to the
place. 5. The book leaves much ... . 6. There was nothing ... . 7. These are the
letters ... . 8. His was the tone ... . 9. Have you got anything ...? 10. She will
always find something ... .

e) Use the infinitive as adverbial modifier:

1) of purpose.
1. I read the story the second time (so as) ... . 2. He had to work hard (in
order) ... . 3. We must hurry (so as not) ... . 4. After classes we stayed at the
institute ... . 5. Has he come ... ? 6. ... you should read more out loud. 7. I called
on him yesterday ... .8. We stopped ... .9. ... we must begin preparing for the
exams immediately.
2) of result.
1. I was too astonished ... . 2. The boy is clever enough ... . 3. The task
was such as ... .4. He was gentleman enough ... . 5. The wind was so strong as ....
6. The ship was too far ... . 7. I don't know him well enough ... . 8. The slopes of
the hill were too steep ... .9. You have only to see it once ... . 10. The problem
was too complicated ... . 11. His illness was not such as ... . 12. She was woman
enough ... . 13. The impression was such as never ... . 14. You have only to reach
out your hand ... . 15. He was so fortunate as ... .

10. Translate into English.

a) Use the infinitive as subject:

1) in the construction with the anticipatory it:

1. Меня очень удивило, когда я увидел его на Черном море: доктора
не разрешают ему жить на юге. 2. Ей доставляло огромное удовольствие
наблюдать, как играют дети. 3. Должно быть очень приятно пить из этого
источника в жаркий день. 4. Вам вовсе не помешает, если вы займетесь
спортом. 5. Как предусмотрительно с вашей стороны было предупредить
его обо всем заранее. 6. Нам понадобилось немало времени на то, чтобы
убедить его, что он неправ. 7. Работа на заводе принесла ему огромную
пользу; он начал на все смотреть иначе. 8. Вздремнуть в своем кресле
после обеда было его давнишней привычкой. 9. Разве не естественно
отвечать добром на добро? 10. Неплохо бы поехать за город завтра. Было
бы очень весело покататься на лыжах с гор и поиграть в снежки.

2) without the anticipatory it.

1. Сказать ему правду в эту тяжелую минуту означало лишить его
последней надежды. 2. Знать язык хорошо – значит овладеть им полностью
во всех его аспектах. 3. Не предупредить его об этом было бы нечестно. 4.
Побывать в Крыму и не видеть моря было очень обидно. 5. Они знали, что
выполнение этого задания потребует большого мужества.

b) Use the infinitive as predicative.

1. Первое, что необходимо было сделать, – это посоветоваться с
врачом, а потом уже решать, поместить больного в госпиталь или нет. 2.
Наш план заключался в том, чтобы закончить полевые работы до
наступления дождливой погоды. 3. Все, что ей удалось сделать, – это
узнать номер их телефона. 4. Теперь нам остается только послать
объявление в газету. 5. Пользоваться телефоном для справок значит
экономить время. 6. Единственное, что ему хотелось, – это найти место, где

можно было бы остановиться на ночь. 7. Задача была в том, чтобы

добраться до лагеря до рассвета.

c) Use the infinitive as object.

1. Мы не боялись попасть под дождь: у нас были плащи. 2. Я
притворился, будто не заметил его смущения, и продолжал говорить. 3.
Они решили больше никогда об этом не упоминать. 4. Мне было досадно,
что я забыл поблагодарить его. 5. Он предложил устроить туристов в своем
доме. 6. Где вы научились так хорошо говорить по-английски? 7. Я
постараюсь не забыть послать им телеграмму. 8. Клайд вспомнил, что он
слышал от родителей о богатом дяде, который жил в Ликурге. 9. Клайд был
рад познакомиться с друзьями Сондры. 10. Клайд был счастлив, что ему
дали новую работу. 11. Миссис Гриффитс пожалела, что не пригласила
Клайда в свой дом раньше. 12. Клайд очень не любил, когда ему
напоминали о бедности его родителей.

d) Use the infinitive as attribute.

1. На этот факт нужно обратить особое внимание. 2. Есть ли в доме
кто-нибудь, кто мог бы присмотреть за больным, пока придет сестра? 3.
Вот человек, с которым можно поговорить на эту тему. 4. Она всегда
найдет, над чем посмеяться. 5. Не о чем было беспокоиться. Больной
чувствовал себя лучше. 6. Пьеса оставляет желать лучшего: я большего
ожидал от нее. 7. Вот статья, которую надо прочитать. 8. Пятиэтажный
дом, который должен быть построен на углу улицы, предназначен для
рабочих и служащих нашего завода. 9. План нашей работы будет
обсуждаться на заседании, которое состоится завтра. 10. Ему нечего было
сказать в свое оправдание. 11. Он тяжелый человек; с ним трудно иметь
дело. 12. Вы как раз тот человек, который может помочь нам в этом
трудном вопросе. 13. Кто вторым пришел к финишу? 14. Главный
архитектор показал нам проект памятника, который будет воздвигнут на
центральной площади города. 15. Я на этой неделе очень занят; у меня

много дел. 16. Он первый протянул мне руку и поздравил меня. 17. Он был
не из тех, кого можно было легко запугать. 18. Она знала, что ни в чем не
виновата; ей нечего было бояться. 19. Я позже всех разгадал ее намерение.
20. Я вижу, вы ищете предлога отказаться от своего обещания.

е) Use the infinitive as adverbial modifier.

1) of purpose.
1. Все было сделано для того, чтобы спасти его. 2. Он вызвал
машину, чтобы отвезти нас на станцию. 3. Я встал в 6 часов, чтобы не
опоздать на утренний поезд. 4. Я написал ему письмо, чтобы напомнить
ему о его обещании. 5. Ребенок выбежал навстречу матери. 6. Вы приехали
для участия в конференции? 7. Он сдал свою рукопись в издательство на
редакцию. 8. Давайте дадим ему денег, чтобы он купил словари для всей
2) of result.
1. Ребенок слишком мал, чтобы понять вашу шутку. 2. Эта книга
слишком большая, чтобы прочитать ее в один день. 3. Он был так поражен,
что не мог вымолвить ни слова. 4. Было уже слишком поздно, чтобы
менять что-нибудь. 5. Он был достаточно художником, чтобы оценить
картину. 6. Они не знают его достаточно хорошо, чтобы доверить ему это
ответственное дело. 7. Вопрос был слишком сложным, чтобы решать его
так поспешно. 8. Он был достаточно мужчиной, чтобы не растеряться в эту
трудную минуту. 9. Это был такой спектакль, что его нелегко забыть. 10.
Ураган был такой сильный, что сорвал крыши со многих домов.

11. Change the structure of the following sentences so as to use the

infinitive as subject with or without the anticipatory it.

1. The question is not so easy to answer. 2. There was no necessity to re-

do it. 3. The thought of it cheered him up. 4. I was amazed to see it. 5. He felt
ashamed when he read the letter. 6. Worrying and fussing was useless. 7. All
they wanted was to make themselves understood. 8. He wanted to see the play
staged as soon as possible. 9. My companion was discreet enough not to
mention it. 10. I must ask you a few questions on the matter. It is my duty. 11.
You say he kept his opinion to himself. Is it usual of him? 12. How greatly
disappointed we were when we found that it was only a joke! 13. The sight of
them made us laugh. 14. The sculpture was completely ruined. The restoration
was impossible. 15. The car’s engine is out of order. The repair will take not less
than two days.

12. Make up sentences so as to use the infinitive in bold type as


1. your next task, the results, to check up, of the observations, is. 2. I
meant, was, the last thing, to offend you. 3. every success, and, I have come for,
is, to wish you, what, to congratulate you. 4. on the subject of research, to
write, his job, abstracts of articles, was, in the laboratory. 5. could do you good,
is, the only thing, to take a long rest, that. 6. to see himself, the most exciting
experience, for the first time, was, he had ever had, in a film. 7. an experienced
lawyer, was, the next move, to consult, he had made. 8. what turn, is the best
thing, things will take, to do, to see, now.

13. Translate into Russian. Note the use of the infinitive as object after
the verbs ask, demand, beg, say.

1. He asked to leave for a few minutes. 2. He demanded to know the truth.

3. I beg to inform you of the details of the developments. 4. We asked to be

given convincing evidence. 5. They demanded to be shown the authentic

documents. 6. You yourself said not to mention it to him. 7. Mr. Chairman, I beg
to move that the meeting be adjourned. 8. My wife also asks to join her
greetings and thanks (from a letter).

14. Translate into English.

1. Он требовал, чтобы ему предоставили возможность доказать это

на опыте. 2. Она попросила, чтобы ей разрешили осмотреть новый цех. 3.
Я прошу, чтобы меня выслушали. 4. Он сказал, чтобы ничего никому не
давали без его разрешения. 5. Мы потребовали, чтобы нам дали выслушать
всех очевидцев. 6. Она попросила, чтобы ей рассказали подробнее о
предстоящей экспедиции. 7. Разрешите доложить. 8. Я попросил
разрешения остановиться у них на несколько дней. 9. Почему вы не
потребовали, чтобы вам дали копию резолюции? 10. Он попросил, чтобы
ему дали прочесть это письмо. 11. Позвольте с вами не согласиться.

15. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the rendering of the infinitive
as attribute.

1. The desire to write was stirring in Martin once more. (J.L.) 2. He had a
good deal to say about India. (Glsw.) 3. The relief from that long waiting, the
feeling of nothing to worry about, was so delicious .... (Glsw.) 4. ... The first
person to enter was Mrs. Evans, her face white, her dark frightened eyes
avoiding his. (A.C.)5. He looked at the shelves of books to be read and
understood. (M.W.) 6. He received a note to say that he was expected at the
family dinner. (J.H.) 7. Andrew was the third to go in for interview. (A.C.)
8. You have health and much to live for. (J.L.)

16. Paraphrase the following using a noun instead of the verb in bold
type with the infinitive as attribute, make all other necessary changes.

Model: He offered to help us but we refused. – We refused his offer to help

us. I don't want to change my mind. – I have no desire to change my mind.

1. I was surprised that he refused to go there. 2. We did not know that

they planned to leave soon. 3. They demand to be regularly informed, and you
will have to comply with it. 4. I remember you promised not to talk of it. 5. I
told him that I firmly determined to find out the truth. 6. It was quite obvious
that he longed to confide his secret to somebody. 7. He was permitted to leave.
8. I don’t intend to do anything about it. 9. They repeatedly attempted to stage
the experiment. 10. He did not wish to let you down. 11. The trainer instructed
the cyclists to examine their bicycles before the competition. 12. He consented
to fill up the vacancy.

17. Paraphrase the following using a noun instead of the adjective in bold
type with the infinitive as attribute, make all other necessary changes.

Model: They did not conceal that they were impatient to see the whole
thing through. – They did not conceal their impatience to see the whole
thing through. He was too busy, it was impossible to speak to him. – ...we
had no chance (opportunity) to speak to him.

1. One could easily notice that she was anxious to change the
conversation. 2. I doubt if he is willing to help. 3. I could not understand why he
was reluctant to speak. 4. It was funny and pleasant to watch how eager the
children were to see the presents. 5. It was clear to everybody that they were not
inclined to answer any questions. 6. It is unnecessary to copy the whole text. 7.
I never thought of how important it was to do it. 8. Is it possible to get a ticket
for to-morrow? 9. I’m not sure it is necessary to remind them of it. 10. It is
needless to talk of it now.

18. Combine the sentences into one using the infinitive as an attribute to
the noun in bold type.

Model: He always finds something to justify himself. It has become a

tendency with him. – He has a tendency to justify himself.

1. The motion was to pass on to the next item on the agenda. It was
adopted unanimously. 2. It was necessary to regularly supply the expedition with
water. The only way was to transport it by air in helicopters. 3. His ambition in
life was to become a good surgeon, and we were sure it would be realized. 4.
They were anxious to complete the experiment in three months. To get more
people to work on it was the only means. 5. Her long-cherished desire had been
to play in a film, and quite recently she got an invitation from the studio.

19. Insert the infinitives given in brackets. Use prepositions if necessary.

1. I have a lot of things ... and many problems ... (to think, to consider). 2.
How many classes have you got ... this week? (to attend). 3. There were usually
hundreds of matters, big and small, ... (to attend). 4. He would never fail to find
something ... even if there was little or nothing ... (to say, to speak). 5. She
always came with some little story ... , looking for somebody ... it (to tell). 6.
Tell the child matches are a dangerous thing ... (to play). 7. There are two more
games ..., and the tournament will be over (to play).

20. Paraphrase the following so as to use the infinitive as attribute.

I.1. There was nothing that might keep him at home that night, and he
gladly accepted the invitation. 2. He is not the man who would shirk his duty. 3.
This is a mineral that can be found only in this part of the country. 4. There are
so many letters that must be answered! 5. I have so many letters that must be
answered! 6. She had no one in whom she could confide. 7. Can you entrust the
work to anyone? 8. Here is the list of medicines which are not to be sold without
a prescription. 9. We could not spare a moment. 10. Can anything be done in
order to prevent such accidents?

II. 1. The parcels are all sorted out. Here are the ones that will go by air
(that are to be sent by air). 2. The questions that are going to be submitted for
discussion must be circulated two days before the opening session. 3. The ship
with the pictures which will be displayed at the international exhibition has
arrived. 4. The delegates to the scientific conference which will be held on the
19th of July have to register with the organizing committee. 5. The library has
received a prospectus of the books which will be published this year. 6. We must
have five more reports printed.

21. Insert the infinitive in the appropriate form and translate the
sentences into Russian.

1. Mr. Snodgrass was the first ... the astonished silence (to break). 2. The
first patient ... was a small boy in his early 'teens (to examine). 3. Safety is the
first principle ... in shooting competitions (to observe). 4. He complained that he
was always the last ... (to inform). 5. I am the last man ... a question of the kind
(to ask). 6. Among the last ... , they attracted the attention of the entire gathering
(to arrive). 7. He found that he was the only one ... the discrepancy (to notice). 8.
If there is to be a vacancy I would like to be the one ... the job (to offer). 9.
These houses were among the few ... after a great fire (to survive). 10. Mikhail
Tahl was the youngest Soviet chess player ... the title of All-Union Champion (to
win). 11. The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre players were the second British
company ... the Soviet Union (to visit). 12. The Nuremberg trial was the biggest
international trial ever ... (to hold).

22. Complete the following, choosing a suitable infinitive phrase from

the following list:

what to say, where to change, whom to address, how to do it, which to

choose, when to come, what book to refer to, with which to open, what to speak
about, to whom to turn, whether to agree to it or not.

1. He hesitated ... . 2. Show me the key ... the drawer. 3. Can you advise me ...?
4. ... is the first thing to decide. 5. Do you know the station ...? 6. I can’t make
up my mind ... . 7. The trouble is ... .

23. Paraphrase the sentences so as to use the infinitive as adverbial


1. He must have got into a pretty fix if he had to take a risk like that.
2. The girl waved her handkerchief that she might be taken notice of. 3. The
father came home late and did not switch on the light lest the child should wake
up. 4. The man made in my direction as if he was going to stop me, then turned
abruptly and walked away. 5. Miss Pinkerton did not know a word of French,
but she was very proud and would not confess it. 6. She did not have courage
enough, otherwise she would have said it to your face. 7. The foreigner was very
careful to pronounce every word distinctly for fear of being misunderstood.
8. His behaviour was such that it aroused everybody’s indignation. 9. On hearing
me say that she shrugged her shoulders as though she wanted to express her
indifference. 10. If you hear him speak you might think he had never been in the
wrong. 11. He turned to me as if he were going to say something.
24. Think of all possible ways to convey in Russian the idea expressed by
the infinitives in bold type.

1. He returned to his motherland never to leave it again. 2. He went to

Africa to die of malaria. 3. When the first two cantos of Childe Harold's
Pilgrimage саmе off the press, the success of the poem gave Byron every right
to write in his diary: “I awoke one morning to find myself famous.” 4. He
yawned, stretched himself vigorously, and went on deck to be told that they
were almost abreast of the lights of Brighton. (R.K.) 5. They heard a voice
above them, and looked up to see a woman’s head thrust through a small
window-hole under the thatch. (J.L.) 6. He went out into the street to find

himself alone. 7. At times he smiled softly to himself – only, immediately after,

– to relapse again into gloom.

25. Replace the finite verbs in bold type by the infinitive, making all
other necessary changes.

1. Oliver heard the side gate open, and, looking out of the window, she
saw John walking up the garden. 2. When I came back I found the door locked
and the key hanging from a nail in the hall. 3. He opened his eyes and saw
clouds and drenched trees and felt the drops splashing on his face. 4. He tried to
persuade her not to do so, but only broke down and had to stop. 5. On entering
the house she saw her son walking up and down in an agony of doubt. 6. When
he returned he found his wife already come home and seated with some work..
7. He looked towards the door and saw the butler standing in the conventional
attitude. 8. He joined the Philharmonic Orchestra, where he very soon became
the leading violin soloist. 9. He had toured the world and understood how true
the saying was which went, “East or West, home is best.” 10. After a long
separation they met at last, and never did they part again.

26. Translate into Russian. Pay special attention to the use of the

1. To make a long story short, the company broke up, and returned to the
more important concern of the election. (Ch. D.) 2. She had broken a precious
china, one of her husband’s wedding presents, and, to make the things still
worse, she never told anyone about it. 3. To meet the increased demand for
industrial goods, a great number of new shops have been opened in the towns
this year. 4. She had become one of those London girls to whom rest, not to say
pleasure, is unknown. 5. To crown all, there was a story full ten years old now,
which had lost nothing in the telling, of his treatment of a cattle driver. (Glsw.)
6. To claim damages was not a pleasant thing to do. 7. It was awfully cold, to be

sure. 8. To put it crudely, whatever is man’s manner of life, such is his manner of

27. Make up sentences, using the following infinitive phrases


to be quite frank; to tell the truth; to make a long story short; to put it
more plainly; to be sure; to put it mildly; to crown all; to be more precise; to say
nothing of ...; to make things worse.

28. Translate into Russian. Pay special attention to the use of the

1. The reason of his success is easy to understand. (B.Sh.) 2. Her

neighbour was difficult to talk to. 3. The house was charming to look at, but
rather inconvenient to live in. 4. Is your friend easy to deal with? 5. The date of
the letter was impossible to make out. 6. Gemma was pleasant to look at and
interesting to talk to. (V.) 7. The Gadfly was difficult to convince. (V.)

29. Change the structure of the sentences according to the model.

Model: It is difficult to explain his behaviour.

His behaviour is difficult to explain.

1. It is rather hard to read his handwriting. 2. It is very pleasant to listen to

him. He sings so well. 3. It is hard to polish a diamond. 4. It is easy to answer
such questions. 5. It is very comfortable to work at this desk. 6. It was very
amusing to watch the scene. 7. It was easy to follow the track. 8. It was difficult
to get along with him.

30. Complete the following.


1. The book was difficult ... . 2. She is pleasant ... . 3. This problem will
not be difficult ... .4. The boy is hard ... .5. What he says is pleasant ... , but
rather hard ... . His stories are too incredible ... . 6. The sentence is easy ... and
useful ... . 7. All she cooks is nice ... and delicious ... .

31. Make up sentences according to the model to Exercise 28. Use the
following infinitives with the adjectives from the following list:

funny, interesting, hard, (un)pleasant, difficult, nice, easy, (un)comfortable,

(in)convenient, amusing, useful, charming, restful.

to deal with; to remember; to understand; to carry; to see; to hear, to

forget; to persuade; to argue with; to sit on; to follow; to look at; to talk to; to
account for; to avoid; to watch; to agree to.

32. Translate into English.

1. В туристских автобусах установлены откидные кресла, в которых

удобно спать. 2. С его доводами трудно не согласиться. 3. Такую роль,
должно быть, очень интересно играть. 4. Как приятно танцевать под эту
мелодию. 5. Когда смотришь на море, это действует успокаивающе. 6. В
пьесе слишком много сцен: ее не легко поставить. 7. Вряд ли это было
удобное место для ночлега. 8. Это заболевание трудно поддается лечению.


33. Translate into Russian and state what the functions of the infinitive

1. Surely it is not at all necessary to go into details. 2. I rose to receive my

guests. 3. He seems to be satisfied to be doing nothing. 4. Passing by a radio-
shop he suddenly remembered to buy some tape for his recorder. 5. At the sight

of the man I felt an impulse to laugh. 6. Her first action was to visit the
establishment of a famous dressmaker. 7. I could not help but tell him
everything about the past two months. 8. He was too astonished to speak. 9. It is
a great pleasure to make your acquaintance. 10. The best thing Lanny could do
was to get out of here. 11. Soon the boy began to take an interest in his
surroundings. 12. To know London is to know the contrasts of a big capitalist
city. 13. He waited for her to speak but it seemed that her answer would never
come. (P.A.) 14. Larry was the last person I should have expected to find in such
a place (a library). He looked up as I passed, recognized me and made as if to
get up. (W.M.) 15. It is said that the best way to see London is from the top of
the bus. 16. I would like to get these shoes half-soled. 17. I want you to tell me
what you know of the East End. (J. L.) 18. Lanny watched Mabel go. (P.A.)

34. Use the appropriate form of the infinitive in brackets.

1. He must (to read) something funny; he is smiling all the time. 2. They
seemed (to learn) the news; they looked excited. 3. This book is said (to sell) out
already. 4. I am glad (to introduce) to you. 5. The box was (to handle) with care.
You should (to ask) someone (to help) you. This might not (to happen). 6. This
man must (to sit) here for about an hour. Who can he (to wait) for? 7. Her mood
seems (to change) for the worse. We had better not (to speak) to her now. 8. The
first thing (to do) was (to get) somebody (to take) the luggage to the station. 9.
Look how animated they are! It must be nice (to dance) like that. 10. I am sorry
(to disappoint) you but I did not mean anything of the kind. 11. He is happy (to
award) the first Landscape Prize for his picture. 12. He was anxious (to take) the
first place in the figure skating competition. 13. The poem can easily (to
memorize). 14 This poem is easy (to memorize). 15. I meant (to ask) you about
it long ago but I had no opportunity. 16. I did not expect (to ask) this question.
17. There were so many things (to do), so many experiments (to try). 18. Don't
you worry about him, he is sure (to have) a good time at the moment. 19. Why

(to go) into that matter at all? 20. The teacher expected him (to give) a better
answer at the examination. 21. They are supposed (to experiment) in this field
for about a year and are believed (to achieve) good results.

35. Replace what is given in bold type by infinitive phrases.

1. The house which will be built here is designed for the workers of our
plant. 2. I am glad that I was able to assist you. 3. He was so astonished that
he could not speak. 4. I left the window open that I might hear the music. 5.
How thoughtful it was of him that he had sent me the souvenirs. 6. She looked
quickly at him as though she wanted to ask him for an explanation. 7. He
came there and was told that he might as well not have come at all. 8. The
lecture was very interesting, and the students kept quiet lest they should miss a
word. 9. There are a few more things that require an explanation. 10. My idea
is that we should make a stop there for one or two days on our way back.
11. The book is very long, one can’t read it in a day. 12. Helen reached the
hospital and found her brother a little better than when she had last seen him.
13. There was nothing in the article that might interest him. 14. She read her
composition a third time for fear that she might overlook a mistake. 15. It
made me feel sad when I saw him in distress.

36. Translate into Russian.

1. He waved his hands as if to express his intense distaste. 2. As if to bring

matters to a focus, Tess’s father was heard approaching at that moment. (Th.H.)
3. He was careful not to allude to the subject. (Glsw.) 4. It’s an awkward thing to
have to say. 5. The horse was quiet to ride. (Lnd.) 6. The man was not one to
think rapidly. 7. A gentleman to come to that! (Glsw.) 8. He must have been very
tired to come and fall asleep like that. 9. Later in the evening they went to the
club to be joined by the young artist they had met at the studio. (F.F.) 10. He to
have said that – only to think of it! 11. And suddenly he hated Crum. Who the

devil was Crum, to say that? 12. To hear him talk, you might think he was
bossing it.

37. Translate into English.

1. Создание кинофильма требует объединенных усилий многих

людей различных специальностей. 2. Железная дорога, которая будет
открыта в этом году, соединит отдаленные районы этого края со многими
промышленными центрами. 3. Туман был такой, что приостановил все
движение. 4. Команде осталось еще две игры до конца чемпионата. 5. Он
не такой человек, о котором можно судить с первого взгляда. 6. За его
мыслью было трудно следить, он перескакивал с предмета на предмет. 7.
Прошу держать меня в курсе дела. 8. Вы не помните, кто последний читал
эту книгу? 9. Он всегда найдет чем похвастаться. 10. Послушать, как он
рассуждает, можно подумать, что он прожил уже большую жизнь. 11. В
этот момент ей хотелось только одного – чтобы ее оставили в покое. 12. В
доме царила глубокая тишина; не слышно было ни единого звука. 13. Он
знал язык не очень хорошо, и ему приходилось напрягать все свое
внимание, чтобы не терять нить разговора. 14. Я слишком слабый
шахматист, чтобы давать советы. 15. С ножом не играют, смотри,
порежешься. 16. Он повернулся ко мне, как будто хотел что-то сказать. 17.
Когда мы вышли, мы увидели, что такси уже ждет нас. 18. Только он
заметил эту ошибку. 19. Газетные заголовки иногда очень трудно

The Gerund
1. Find gerunds in the following sentences and state their noun and verb
characteristics. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Travelling abroad can be exciting enough, but just now it is more

exciting being here. 2. She stopped answering my letters and I wondered what

the matter might be. 3. Can you recall having mentioned the fact to anyone? 4.
Thorpe was terrified, terrified of having to touch something, and even more, of
being touched. (S. H.) 5. Young Jolyon, on the point of leaving the club, had put
on his hat, and was in the act of crossing the hall, as the porter met him. (Glsw.)
6. After having been rejected by a dozen magazines, they (the stories) had come
to rest in The Globe office. (J.L.) 7. I wonder at Jolyon’s allowing the
engagement. (Glsw.) 8. I understand perfectly your wanting to leave. (F.F.) 9.
People will talk, there is no preventing it. (Ph. Sh.) 10. The host broke the
awkward silence by inviting the guests to proceed to the dining-room. 11. This is
laying the blame at the wrong door. 12. On being told the news she gave a gasp
of surprise. 13. The idea is worth considering.

2. Use the gerund of the verb in brackets:

a) in the active or passive voice (non-perfect form).

1. Why do you avoid (to see) me? 2. He tried to avoid (to see). 3. We
insist on (to send) him there at once. 4. He insists on (to send) there instead of
me. 5. Do you mind (to examine) the first? 6. He showed no sign of (to know)
them. 7. She showed no sign of (to impress). 8. He had the most irritating habit
of (to joke) at the wrong moment. 9. I was annoyed at (to interrupt) every other
moment. 10. He hated (to remind) people of their duties or (to remind) of his.
11. On (to introduce) they easily fell to (to talk). 12. In (to discuss) the problem
they touched upon some very interesting items. 13. The equipment must go
through a number of tests before (to install). 14. The operator can set the
machine in motion by (to push) the button or (to press) the pedal. 15. The water
requires (to filter). 16. The matter is not worth (to speak of).

b) use any appropriate form of the gerund.

1. Excuse me for (to give) you so much trouble. 2. You never mentioned
(to speak) to them on the subject. 3. He was proud of (to award) the prize.
4. I don't remember ever (to see) you. 5. I don't remember (to ask) this question.
6. The boys were punished for (to break) the window. 7. The boy was afraid of
(to punish) and hid himself. 8. He was quite serious in (to say) that he was
leaving the place for good. 9. She seemed sorry for (to be) rude to me. 10. He
confessed to (to forget) that he was to come on Friday. 11. The old man could
not stand (to make) fun of. 12. Letters were no use: he had no talent for (to
express) himself on paper. 13. After thoroughly (to examine) by the doctor, the
young man was admitted to the sports club. 14. Soon she could not help (to
attract) by the fact that she was being looked at. 15. The camera wanted (to
adjust). 16. They accused me of (to mislead) them. 17. She was so eagerly
looking forward to (to give) the leading part to play that she was greatly
disappointed at not even (to offer) it. 18. She reproached me for not (to keep)
my promise. 19. After (to look) through and (to sort) out, the letters were
registered and filed. 20. He liked to do things without (to disturb) anyone or (to

3. Translate into English.

1. Нельзя ли попросить вас повторить, что вы только что сказали? 2.

Я помню, что видел этого актера в какой-то другой пьесе. 3. Я настаиваю
на том, чтобы меня выслушали. 4. Он и виду не показал, что узнал нас. 5.
Он подозревал меня в том, что я выдал его секрет. 6. Не стоит упоминать
об этом. 7. Странно, почему она избегает говорить на эту тему. 8. Терпеть
не могу, когда со мной разговаривают таким тоном. 9. Внимательно
посмотрев мои часы, часовщик сказал, что они в порядке и нуждаются
только в чистке и смазке. 10. Он боялся, что его неправильно поймут. 11.
Он признался, что неверно информировал нас. 12. Я думаю, он несерьезно

сказал, что хочет переменить профессию. 13. Он напомнил мне, что уже
как-то отказался от этого предложения, и дал мне понять, что бесполезно
снова поднимать этот вопрос. 14. Она боялась испортить свое первое
впечатление, посмотрев картину снова. 15. Меня упрекнули в том, что я
опоздал и заставил всех ждать. 16. Услышав гудок автомобиля, сторож
пошел открыть ворота.

4. Complete the following, using gerunds:

a) as subject or predicative (use the verbs given in bold type in the

sentences in brackets).

1. (Why go into every detail?) I think it’s no use ... . 2. (Did he realize
what risk he was running when he tried to land the plane on such a small
clearing in the wood?) He knew only too well that … was ... , but there was no
alternative. 3. (Now you keep strict hours of meals). … must do you a lot of
good. 4. (The children watched the monkeys go through different tricks.) It was
such fun ... . 5. (We could not get in that night.) All tickets were sold out, there
was no ... . 6. (I see you are going to assemble your bicycle.) Is it worth while
… so long before the beginning of the season? 7. (It was so very pleasant to be
free and alone.) What I enjoyed most in that quiet corner after the noise of the
city and the strain of the last two months was … . 8. (The boy cried over the
broken toy.) “Is it any good...?” the mother said to the child. “Tears are no help
in sorrow.” 9. (I did not expect to find you there.) It was quite unexpected ... .
10. (You distort facts and turn things upside down.) This is ..., it is ... . 11. (He
liked to collect postage stamps.) a) ... was a hobby with him. b) His hobby
was ... . 12. (When one reads without paying attention to the language, one robs
oneself of great intellectual pleasure.) … is ... .

b) as part of a compound predicate.


1. Has it stopped ...? 2. We must go on ... . 3. The guide began ... . 4. The
doctor continued ... . 5. When will you finish ... ? 6. When the motors ceased ... .
7. Before the band started ... .8. The boy kept on ....

c) as a non-prepositional object.

1. Don’t put off ... . 2. You should avoid ... . 3 He hates ... . 4. The book
(poem, picture, film, proverb) is worth ... .5. She does not seem to mind .... 6. I
don’t think he remembers ... . 7. I don’t regret .... 8. Do you intend ... ? 9.
Everyone enjoyed ... . 10. The car (stockings, house, shoes) wants (want) ... . 11.
They denied ... . 12. The father suggested ... . 13. He never mentioned ... . 14.
Just imagine ... . 15. They don’t seem to have attempted ... .

d) as a prepositional object.

1. He never thought of .... 2. The boy is very clever at .... 3. I don’t insist
on .... 4. Does anyone object to ...? 5. His friends accused him of ... . 6. Children
ought to be prevented from ... . 7.I am not used to ... . 8. Nobody suspected us of
... . 9. He was quick in … . 10. Did he confess to ...? 11. We were tired of ... . 12.
Why do you persist in ...? 13. We are most grateful to our guide for ... . 14. Who
would have thought him capable of ...? 15. Did you succeed in ...? 16. I found
them engaged in ... . 17. Who is responsible for ...?

e) as an attribute.

1. It was very kind of you to have taken the trouble of … . 2. The idea
of ... was extremely exciting. 3. I can’t make out the reason for... . 4. There was
little hope of ... . 5. He is well known for his skill in ... . 6. In summer you will
have the chance of … . 7. Do you have any objections to ...? 8. At the party I had
the pleasure of ... . 9. He displayed no interest in ... . 10. He very quickly got
into the habit of ... . 11. You should have seen her surprise at ... . 12. They
snatched at the opportunity of ... . 13. I’ve got no experience in ... . 14. We took
precautions against ... . 15. This is the most perfect instrument for ... . 16. What
is the most effective method of ...?

f) as an adverbial modifier.

1. His outlook has broadened after ... . 2. In ... she missed a line. 3. She
took far too much upon herself by .... 4. He produced his pass on ... . 5. I don’t
want to raise false hopes by ... . 6. You will have to take my words on faith
before ... . 7. He was so much irritated that on ... he banged down the receiver
without ... . 8. In ... the geological party struck upon a new oil deposit. 9. He
could tell the funniest joke without ... . 10. In spite of … the sportsman pulled
through to the finish. 11. He was afraid he might upset all their plans by ... . 12.
But for ... the play would not have enjoyed such popularity. 13. On ... the young
man did not trouble himself to reply. 14. Take your time before .... 15. On ...she
suddenly felt her nerves were at breaking point. 16. The matter cannot be so
easily dismissed without ... .

5. Translate into English, using the gerund:

a) as subject or predicative.

1. Бесполезно звонить ему; его в это время никогда не бывает дома. 2.

Сон на открытом воздухе очень полезен. 3. Он не только хороший певец,
но и прекрасный актер; его стоит послушать в опере. 4. Нет смысла делать
перерыв, нам всего на полчаса работы. 5. Переходить реку в этом месте
опасно. 6. Когда после долгого подъема достигаешь вершины горы,
испытываешь чувство необычайного удовлетворения. 7. Спорить с ним —
это только понапрасну терять время. 8. Так приятно встречаться со
старыми друзьями! 9. Слушать его рассказы — это еще раз переживать
волнующие события тех дней. 10. Я не вижу в этом логики; по-моему, это
все равно что ставить телегу впереди лошади.

b) as part of a compound predicate.


1. Когда вы кончите одеваться? Ведь мы можем опоздать. 2. Дождь

пошел как раз, когда мы выходили из дому. 3. Клайд продолжал лгать
матери, говоря, что у него мало денег, хотя он знал, как она нуждалась в его
помощи. 4. После ухода миссис Чивли Мейсон стал тушить свечи в
гостиной. 5. Услышав кашель Сэма, мистер Потт перестал читать газету и
посмотрел в его сторону.

с) as an object (prepositional or non-prepositional).

1. Простите, что я опять напоминаю вам об этом. 2. Секретарь сейчас

занята перепечаткой срочного материала. Не позвоните ли вы минут через
двадцать? 3. Не полагайтесь на то, что достанете билеты накануне; лучше
закажите их заранее. 4. Надеюсь, вы не возражаете, если ей все расскажут?
5. Все сердечно поздравляли пилота с установлением нового рекорда. 6.
Мы очень благодарны вам, что вы избавили нас от стольких хлопот. 7. Я не
привыкла, чтобы со мной так обращались. 8. Забудьте об этом; не стоит из-
за этого так огорчаться. 9. Когда Роберта пришла на почту, она была очень
расстроена тем, что не нашла там письма от Клайда. 10. Клайд не хотел
признаваться, что убил Роберту из боязни, что она может помешать ему
жениться на Сондре Финчли, и пытался отрицать, что он имел какое-либо
отношение к ее гибели.

d) as an attribute.

1. Его опыт вождения машины пригодится ему в будущей работе. 2.

Он никак не мог свыкнуться с мыслью, что ему придется пробыть там еще
полгода. 3. В такое время года есть только одна возможность добраться
туда - это самолетом. 4. Он очень обрадовался перспективе поработать
несколько лет под руководством такого известного ученого. 5. Представьте
себе их восторг, когда они узнали, что он получил первую премию за свой
проект. 6. Он пытался найти удобный предлог, чтобы уйти пораньше. 7.
Истинная причина столь поспешного возвращения миссис Чивли в Лондон

заключалась в ее личной заинтересованности в том, чтобы сэр Роберт снял

свой доклад в парламенте. Она понимала, что только страх быть
разоблаченным может заставить его согласиться на это. 8. Метод обучения
мистера Броклхерста убивал у детей всякую инициативу и желание
учиться. 9. Когда Мейсон получил возможность разобраться в деле Клайда,
у него были все основания потребовать для Клайда смертного приговора
по обвинению в убийстве Роберты.

e) as an adverbial modifier.

1. Он вышел из зала, не дожидаясь окончания спектакля. 2. Увидев

приближающийся поезд, мы поспешили на платформу. 3. Просматривая
журналы, он натолкнулся на очень интересную статью по экономике
Англии. 4. Прежде чем писать об этих событиях, он решил съездить в те
места, где они происходили. 5. Мы уговорили его прийти, сказав, что
никого из посторонних не будет. 6. Проверяя годовой отчет, бухгалтер
обнаружил ошибку. 7 Он ушел, не сказав ни слова, даже не простившись. 8.
Кто мне может сказать, куда ушел Андрей, закончив работу? 9. Не буду
утомлять вас перечислением всех деталей. 10. Он выглядел бодрым и
веселым как всегда, несмотря на то, что провел бессонную ночь у постели
больного. И. Если бы он не был таким раздражительным, с ним было бы
гораздо легче работать. 12. Он начал с рассказа о том, как он попал сюда.
13. Вы бы меня очень обязали, если бы передали посылку по адресу. 14.
Увидев почтовый ящик, я остановился, вспомнив, что уже два дня ношу с
собой письмо. 15. Граммофонные пластинки не могут быть посланы по
почте без соответствующей упаковки. 16. Услышав крик ребенка, мать
вскочила и бросилась в детскую. 17. При объяснении этого физического
явления преподаватель продемонстрировал несколько опытов.

6. Change the structure of the sentences so as to use the construction

there is no + gerund.

1. Once he started talking on his favourite subject, nothing would stop

him. 2. No one would have denied the strength of the argument. 3. You can
never tell what he may do next. 4. When theу are together they must quarrel, and
it is impossible to avoid it. 5. She is so unbalanced. It is hardly possible to
account for her moods. 6. The old man is very shrewd. You won’t deceive him.
7. He is too stubborn. Don’t even try to persuade him. 8. He was ready to gratify
her every wish, but she was not to be easily satisfied.

7. Complete the following by translating what is given in brackets, using

the gerund in the function of an object. Insert prepositions where

1. They prided themselves ... (что первые выдвинули эту теорию). 2.

We counted ... (что застанем его на месте). 3. I can’t recall ... (чтобы меня с
ним когда-нибудь знакомили). I even don’t remember ... (что видел его). 4.
Не couldn’t get used ... (чтобы его называли дедушкой). 5. She was quite
unconscious ... (что пришла в неудачный момент). 6. Excuse me ... (что я
вошел не постучав). 7. I'm really ashamed ... (что так давно вам не писал). 8.
Не is upset ... (что ему приходится начинать все снова). 9 She denied ... (что
обещала что-либо подобное). 10. We hope he will succeed ... (найти свое
место в жизни). 11. Why do you avoid ... (называть вещи своими именами)?

8. Translate the following attributive groups and use them in sentences

of your own.

никаких признаков повреждения; боязнь подвести друзей; мысль о

том, что он допустил ошибку; мысль о том, чтобы научиться ...; честь быть
приглашенным; возражения против того, чтобы поднимать этот вопрос;
возможность продвижения по службе; чувство, что уже видел ...;
преимущество, что знал язык лучше других; признание того, что был не

9. Make up sentences, using the following word combinations as

adverbial modifiers.

without so much as apologizing; after getting rid of the unexpected

visitor; by promising that he would keep it secret; on hearing the telephone call;
in talking of the past events; without knowing it; before coming to any
conclusion; by leaping from one extreme to the other; on being reminded of the
incident; without bringing suspicion upon himself.

10. Complete the following:

1. The children couldn’t help … . 2. The audience burst out ... . 3. He has
given up ... . 4. There is nothing like ... . 5. I don’t feel like ... . 6. It’s no use ... .
7. If it were not for ... . 8. We were for ... . 9. He was against ... .10. There is no
harm in ... . 11. I can see no sense in ... . 12. She hesitated to say it for fear of... .
13. Far from ... , they... . 14. Besides ... , the play ... .15. I ... instead of ... .
16. Far from ... , the book ... .


11. Replace the parts in bold type by gerundial phrases.

1. When the girl entered the room, she glanced a little wonderingly at
the faces of the three men. 2. He felt much better after he had been operated
on. 3. Just before I got into my apartment I was approached by a man who
asked me if I was a doctor. 4. This woman's face attracted his attention as
familiar for he remembered that she had passed by him several times. 5. That
I was on the spot was a bit of luck for him. 6. Roberta insisted that Clyde
should marry her for she wanted to give name to her child. 7. While he was
writing his report, he remembered that he had forgotten to mention some facts.
8. When she saw him she stopped reading at once and put the letter away and

even did not comment in any way upon what she was reading. 9. The whole
neighbourhood was so dreary and run-down that he hated the thought that he
would have to live there. 10. When Samuel Griffiths came back from
Chicago on this particular day, after he had concluded several agreements
there, he was inclined to feel very much at ease and on good terms with the
world. 11. She did not feel as if she would go out that day. 12. In this thick fog
she was afraid that she might be knocked down. 13. You will nothing but
irritate him if you will nag him all the time. 14. He preferred to keep silent for
fear that he might say something inopportune. 15. He was not only the
author of brilliant short stories, he was also a talented playwright. 16. Once he
gets into his head an idea of doing something, it is impossible to talk him out
of it.

12. Make one sentence out of the following pairs of sentences by using
gerundial phrases. The part in bold type is to become the predicate.

Model: She talked about food. It made him feel hungry.

Her talking about food made him feel hungry.

1. He had been with us for twenty minutes. He didn’t say a word. 2. He

made everything clear to me. He explained every detail. 3. She has quite a gift.
She makes complicated things clear and simple. 4. He surely risked. He might
have broken his neck when he jumped across the stream. 5. My brother has a
very irritating habit. He hums some tune all the time. 6. She sang out of tune. It
annoyed me immensely. 7. We have no objections. They may leave earlier. 8.
She looked out of the window. She saw a large crowd gathering in the garden in
front. 9. They were engaged. They were bedding out the flowers. 10. She was
very much disappointed. She had not received any letters. 11. We kept the child
from crying. We told him funny stories. 12. He decided not to go there. He gave
up the idea completely. 13. Why are you sitting idle? You ought to take the

initiative into your hands. 14. He was not at all helpful. More than that, he was a
burden to us.

13. Use the appropriate form of the gerund. (Insert prepositions where
necessary.) Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. (to ask) whether he would go to the South he answered he hadn’t yet

made up his mind. 2. You can’t be serious (to make) me such a proposition. 3.
After this unpleasant scene, he avoided (to see) by his friends. 4. We couldn’t
help (to smile) at the child’s earnestness. 5. She left (not to say) good-bye to
anyone, which was very rude of her. 6. I remember (to stay) a week-end with
him. He is a pleasant fellow. 7. The engineer came up to the platform for the
purpose (to demonstrate) some special technique. 8. I think you made a mistake
(to come) here. 9. Suddenly she burst out with, “I’m tired (to make) jellies and
soups for him. I can’t go on (to waste) the best years of my life.” 10. The day
was spent (to pack), and in the evening the people came to say good-bye. 11.
I’ve got to have some good excuse (to see) him more often. 12. Our guests
showed little hesitation (to accept) the invitation. 13. I succeeded (to extinguish)
the flames which were devouring the curtains. 14. The initiative (to arrange) a
party did not come from our side. 15. When engaged (to eat), the brain should be
the servant of the stomach. 16. He tempted me to write this story (to assure) me
that it would be read by only a few of his colleagues. 17. Your son is well able to
take care of himself (to ask) favours of anybody. 18. He had some difficulty (to
control) his temper. 19. (to see) his mother the boy rushed forward with
outstretched arms. 20. The old dog lay on the porch, coiled up as if afraid
inadvertently (to tread upon). 21. (to recover) the balance he discovered that he
had risked (to break) his neck (to fall) into the well of the stairs. 22. Lady
Basildon. I delight (to talk) politics. But I can’t bear (to listen) to them. 23. Lady
Chiltern. She is incapable (to understand) an upright nature like my husband’s ...
And what did she mean (to boast) that she had got you to lend your support...?

24. Sir Robert Chiltern is on the brink (to accept) the Prime Minister’s offer... .
25. Sir Robert. (to defend) myself against Mrs. Cheveley I have a right to use
any weapon I can find, have I not?

14. Translate into English.

1. Дефо неоднократно штрафовали и сажали в тюрьму за нападки на

власти. 2. Теккерей был очень способен к рисованию. Я недавно узнал, что
он сам иллюстрировал «Ярмарку тщеславия». 3. Клайд избегал говорить о
своем прошлом с Сондрой и ее друзьями. 4. Сондра была разочарована,
когда узнала, что Клайд всего лишь бедный родственник Гриффитсов. 5.
Миссис Чивли делала вид, что вернулась в Лондон потому, что ей надоело
жить за границей. 6. Лорд Горинг любил говорить парадоксами и
испытывал удовольствие, когда его не понимали. 7. Леди Чилтерн
вспомнила, что когда-то училась вместе с миссис Чивли. 8. Миссис Чивли
намеревалась выйти замуж за лорда Горинга. 9. Лорд Горинг не дал миссис
Чивли вмешаться в дела сэра Роберта Чилтерна. 10. Больше всего леди
Базилдон не любила, когда ее поучали. 11. Когда Ривера пришел в Хунту,
он выполнял все, что ему поручали. Можно сказать, что он начал свою
работу на революцию с мытья полов. 12. Долгое время члены Хунты
подозревали Риверу в том, что он шпионит за ними. 13. Об этом стоит
написать. 14. Не то что у него нет чувства юмора, просто ему сейчас не до
шуток. 15. Неизвестно, чем бы все это кончилось, если бы он не пришел в
этот момент. 16. «Раз увидеть лучше, чем сто раз прочесть», — гласит на-
родная пословица. 17. Когда обмениваешься мнениями, это позволяет
лучше сформулировать свои собственные мысли. 18. Я не сержусь, когда
меня критикуют, если это критика по существу. 19. Доклад может быть
рекомендован к опубликованию только после того, как он будет обсужден и
одобрен ученым советом. 20. Спасибо, что позвонили. Было так приятно
поговорить с вами. Не зашли бы вы как-нибудь до отъезда? С нетерпением

жду встречи с вами. 21. Сидеть на боковых местах неудобно, потому что не
видно всей сцены. 22. В Англии многие художники, не имея работы,
пытаются выручить хоть немного денег, рисуя на тротуарах. 23. Мой
приятель такой любопытный, что, увидев знакомое лицо, он не может не
подойти и не расспросить обо всех общих знакомых. 24. Вот это деловой

The Participle
1. Replace the construction with Participle I by a clause. Pay attention
to the tense relation between the predicate and the participle.

I. 1. Which of the four men smoking by the fireplace is Ben? 2. They

passed groups of farm-workers trimming vines and picking ripe apricots.

3. From time to time you will get letters notifying you of my movements. 4.
There is a covered passage connecting the kitchen with the garage. 5. A gloomy
darkness covered the little hill overlooking the two valleys. 6. When you enter
the hall you will see a staircase leading to the basement. 7. A new road will soon
be built joining the plant with the railway station. 8. What we really want
(wanted, shall want) is (was) a good critical article revealing our drawbacks. 9.
He speaks (spoke) like a man having his opinion of everything. 10. The horse
leading the race was the winner of a similar event two months ago.

II. 1. She smiled remembering the joke. 2. Every now and then the man
raises his head from the book, looking at the clock on the opposite wall. 3. I
hope you will write soon, explaining your intention. 4. Closing the door gently,
she stole upstairs. 5. Receiving no reply by the end of the month we shall
consider the order cancelled. 6. Taking a book from the shelf, he sits down under
the floor-lamp to read it. 7. We shall go by train as far as Odessa, then take a
boat to Batumi, finally returning by plane. 8. In the evening they caught some
fish, eating part of it and saving the rest for breakfast. 9. You can take the jet TU

104 from Khabarovsk reaching Moscow in about eight hours. 10. Being very
unambitious, he is satisfied with what he has.

III. 1. Having got what he wanted, he took his hat and went away. 2.
Having seen so little of the country, I’m afraid I cannot give exhaustive answers
to all your questions. 3. We shall not discuss our future plans before I come back
having settled the business. 4. And saying so, he left the room. 5. And having
said this, he threw himself back in his armchair and looked around triumphantly.
6. Having arrived two days before the opening of the conference, they had
enough time to do the city. 7. Arriving at the airport, he went to have his luggage
weighed and registered. 8. Knowing how fond he is of good music, I brought
him a few records. 9. Having known him from school, I have never heard
anyone speak of him without respect.

IV. 1. The new Moscow University is a symbol of the new civilization

being created by the people of the Soviet Union. 2. Special mention must be
made of the extensive research now being conducted in chemistry. 3. A party of
specialists was sent to inspect the installations then being made at the new
metallurgical plant. 4. That method of support was quite different from those
being employed at the time in other mines. 5. They were told that unlike twenty
years ago the machine tools being used at the factory were exclusively home-
made. 6. Being asked what he thought of the innovation, the engineer said he
approved of it. 7. The yacht lay well out in the middle of the river, being carried
down by the current. 8. Having been examined by the customs, the goods were
let through.

2. Translate what is given in brackets, using:

a) Participle I (active, non-perfect) as an attribute where possible.

1. We came up to the man (стоявший на углу) and asked him the way.2.
Go to the corner and ask the militiaman (стоящий там) to show you the way. 3.

The man (стоящий у расписания) was our teacher last year. 4. Did you see in
what direction the man (стоявший здесь) went? 5. He wants to write a book
(которая бы подытожила) his impressions of the trip. 6. A new power plant is
to be built here (которая будет снабжать электричеством) three districts in two
years' time. 7. The people (ожидающие доктора) have been sitting here for a
long time. 8. The people (ожидавшие вас) have just gone.

b) Participle I (active, perfect or non-perfect) as an adverbial


1. (Рассказав все, что он знал), the witness left the box. 2. (Постучав
дважды и не получив ответа), he decided that there was nobody in. 3.
(Толкнув дверь), he felt that it was not locked, and (открыв ее), he looked
inside. 4. (Тихо закрыв за собой дверь), he tiptoed into the room. 5. Each time
(рассказывая об этом случае), he could not help a smile. 6. (Приехав в
гостиницу), she found a telegram awaiting her. 7. (Приехав сюда) only a few
years before, he knew those parts as if he had always lived there. 8. We took a
trip in a motor-launch down the river and spent the whole day on the water,
(приехав обратно) when it was dark. 9. I felt very tired, (проработав целый
день) in the sun. 10. (Опустив монету и подняв трубку), he began to dial the
number. 11. (Уронив монету на пол), he did not care to look for it in the
darkness and took another one.

c) Participle I (passive, perfect or non-perfect) as an attribute or

adverbial modifier where possible.

1. The conference (проходящая сейчас) at the University is devoted to

problems of nuclear physics. 2. Unable to attend the conference (проходившую
тогда) at the University, we asked to be sent the type-written reports. 3. They are
now at a conference (которая проходит) at the University. 4. They stood (у
заправлявшейся машины) and watched the meter. 5. The sight of
(накрываемого стола) made my mouth water. 6. Suddenly I heard a sound of a

key (поворачиваемого) in the lock. 7. (Когда их поставили в воду), the

flowers opened their petals. 8. (Так как их долгое время держали без воды)
the flowers faded.

3. Substitute Participle I for a finite verb, where possible, making all

other necessary changes.

1. When he arrived at the gallery, he paid his entrance fee, picked up a

catalogue and entered. 2. As they were promised assistance they felt more
assured. 3. We shall drop you a line as soon as we have settled at the new place.
4. After he was shown in he was asked to wait a while. 5. The parks and gardens
that are being laid out in the city will very soon form a green belt all around it.
6. They started the construction of the dam early in spring and completed it
before cold weather set in. 7. He lit a cigarette, leaned against the porch rail and
looked at the trees and the rain that was pouring down steadily and
monotonously. 8. It has been planned to dig out a new canal here, which will
supply the whole area with water for irrigation. 9. When she was going down the
steps she suddenly stopped as she remembered that she had left the gas burning.
10. He stood at the counter and hesitated, he did not know what to choose. 11.
After they had finalized the programme, they proceeded to the discussion of the
items that dealt with financial matters. 12. As he had long been a resident of the
city and knew the family very well, he at once recognized the young man whom
he remembered as a boy. 13. He knows the language better than a foreigner
usually does, for he has been living in France for a long time. 14. If it is handled
properly, the machine may serve longer. 15. Though he had lived there for a
long time, he knew very few people in the neighbourhood.

4. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of Participle I.

1. (to reject) by the editorial board, the story was returned to the author for
revision. 2. (to reject) by publishers several times, the story was accepted by a

weekly magazine. 3. (to wait) for some time in the reception room, he was asked
into the office. 4. (to wait) in the reception room, he thought over what he would
say when he was asked into the office. 5. They reached the peak at dusk, (to
leave) their camp with the first light. 6. They put up for the night at a temporary
camp, (to leave) it at dawn. 7. The friends went out into the city (to leave) their
cases at the left luggage department. 8. (to write) and (to leave) a note with the
porter, he said he would be back in a half-hour. 9. (to write) in an archaic
language, the book was difficult to read. 10. (to write) his first book, he could
not go far beyond his own experience. 11. (to be) away so long he was happy to
be coming back. 12. (to be) so far away he still felt himself part of his commu-
nity. 13. The children looked wonderingly at the elephant, never (to see) such a
huge animal. 14. Not (to want) to go deeper into the matter, he abruptly
changed the conversation.

5. Replace the attributive clauses in the following sentences by phrases

with Participle II where possible.

1. The animals that were caught in the snare struggled furiously. 2. There
was a peculiar silence in the room, which was broken only by the crackle of
paper. 3. The melancholy tune which is being played by the band brings back all
the sweet memories of my youth. 4. The long-playing records that are produced
by the local factory are of exceptionally fine quality. 5. He specialized in
treating occupational lung diseases, which are mainly caused by dust. 6. And the
answer that had so long been expected came at last. 7. The newspapers carried
reports of a storm that had devastated several villages. 8. The machinery which
has been ordered from abroad will be delivered by ship. 9. The opinions that
were (are) expressed by the critics greatly differ.

6. Translate the Russian participles in brackets by the English

Participle II where possible.

1. The number of apartment houses (строящихся) for the population of

Moscow is rapidly growing. 2. What is the number of apartment houses
(построенных) in the past few years? 3. The houses (строившиеся) many years
ago are not as convenient as the modern ones. 4. The workers (строившие) this
house used new construction methods. 5. At the conference they discussed new
methods (применяемые) in building. 6. The new methods (примененные) in
the building of houses proved more effective. 7. They decided to abandon some
of the methods (применявшихся) formerly in building. 8. The bricklayer
(применивший) a new method in building made a report at the conference.
9. Here are some samples of the products of this plant (посылаемые) to
different parts of the country. 10. These are the samples of products
(посланных) last month. 11. Here are the samples of products of the plants
(посылавших) us machinery. 12. These are the samples of products
(посылавшихся) before the restoration of the plant.

7. Translate into English, using participles where possible.

1. Оставив вещи в камере хранения, мы пошли осматривать город. 2.

Оставляя пальто в гардеробе, вы получаете номер. 3. Человек, оставивший
свой чемодан в вестибюле, прошел к администратору. 4. Пассажиры,
оставляющие свои вещи в камере хранения, получают квитанцию. 5. Вещи,
оставляемые в камере хранения, сохраняются там двадцать дней. 6. Вещи,
оставленные в трамвае, могут быть получены в любое время на станции у
дежурного. 7. Оставшись один, он начал распаковывать вещи. 8. Я не мог
переодеться, так как оставил вещи на вокзале. 9. Мы пробыли весь день в
городе, уехав вечером. 10. Купив билеты и оставив вещи на вокзале, мы
решили навестить друзей.

8. Fill in the blanks with Participle II or Participle I (passive) of the

verb in brackets.

1. a) The monument ... on this square has been recently unveiled. b) The
monument ... on this square will be soon unveiled (to erect). 2. a) We could hear
the noise of furniture ... upstairs. b) For a moment they sat silent ... by the story
(to move). 3. a) I cannot forget the story ... by him. b) They listened breathlessly
to the story ... by the old man (to tell). 4. a) One can’t fail to notice the
progress ... by our group during the last term. b) These are only a few of the
attempts now ... to improve the methods of teaching adult students (to make). 5.
a) We live at a time of outer space ... by man. b) “I wish I could live to see outer
space ... by man,” said the old professor (to conquer).

9. Replace the phrases with Participle II in the following sentences by

attributive or adverbial subordinate clauses.

1. A machine drawn by a grey horse was turning an early field of hay.

(Glsw.) 2. At the back of the house there was a garden entered through a lattice
gate. 3. The decision arrived at was to everybody's satisfaction. 4. The
promotion, so long denied him, had come at last. (A.C.) 5. The pilot, refused
permission to land, had to take his plane to another airfield. 6. Rained on for
several days, the road was made impassable. 7. Left to himself before the fire,
Adrian brooded. (Glsw.) 8. He was a self-contained undemonstrative little man,
seldom given to enthusiasm. 9. The explosion, believed to have been caused
through an accumulation of gas, wrecked several houses. 10. The red room was
a spare chamber, very seldom slept in. (Ch. B.) 11. Once started, the matter will
take care of itself. 12. Defeated, he did not feel discouraged. 13. Viewed from
the air, the sight would have been impressive, no doubt.

10. Translate into English, using Participle II.

1. Полученное вчера известие взволновало всех. 2. Построенный на

вершине холма дом был виден издалека. 3. Олень, преследуемый собаками,
скрылся в чаще. 4. Преследуемый собаками олень скрылся в чаще. 5. По

дороге двигалась запыленная коляска в сопровождении двух всадников. 6.

Недавно выпущен каталог картин этого художника, хранящихся в
национальных музеях. 7. Собиравшаяся в течение многих десятков лет
коллекция рукописей в этом университете является одной из самых
богатых в мире. 8. Получив разрешение сделать копию знаменитой
картины, молодой художник с увлечением принялся за дело. 9. Хотя книга
была посвящена узкой теме, она представляла интерес не только для
специалистов. 10. Некоторые вопросы, которые затрагиваются в докладе,
заслуживают серьезного внимания. 11. Поскольку статья была написана
трудным языком, ее нелегко было перевести. 12. Если этот рассказ
адаптировать, его можно дать студентам первого курса для домашнего
чтения. 13. Когда правило объяснили еще раз, оно показалось совсем
легким. 14. Цифры, на которые ссылается статья, взяты из отчета ко-
миссии. 15. Завод приступил к выпуску грузовых автомашин, которые, как
говорят, очень экономичны. 16. Соглашение, которое, как сообщалось,
было подписано в прошлом месяце, ратифицировано обеими сторонами.

11. Translate into Russian. Pay special attention to the rendering of the
participles given in bold type.

1. Vegetables grown in hot-houses are not so rich in colour and taste as

vegetables growing in natural surroundings. 2. I could hardly recognize in this
self-possessed man grown to maturity the hot-headed youngster I had once
known. 3. His beady eyes had the eager and expectant look of a man returning
home after a long absence. 4. He had the happy and elated look of a man just
returned home after a long absence. 5. A great many people are ever grateful to
the surgeon for the power of seeing returned them by his skilful hands.
6. Beneath the trees lay a thick carpet of fallen leaves turned yellow, red and
brown. 7. She left the stew on the gas turned low. 8. Changed into his uniform,
he looked younger and slimmer. 9. They followed the route of the recently

departed party. 10. Arrived at the ship, the passengers were shown their cabins.
11. A reward was announced for a tamed bear escaped from the circus. 12. We
came nearer to listen to the guide explaining something to the people grouped at
the picture. 13. The girl sat huddled in the armchair. 14. Finished with his
breakfast, he remained for some time at the table, looking through the
newspapers. 15. I have never seen him at the club before; he must be a member
recently joined.

12. Use Participle II instead of Participle I where possible.

1. Having been wounded in the leg, he limped a little. 2. Being badly

wounded he recovered slowly. 3. The boy was wearing a cap similar to those
being worn by other jockeys at the stables. 4. The importance of the experiment
being made is that it may lead to a discovery of great consequence. 5. Having
arrived in a big sea port, I started to look for a job. 6. By this time, having
acclimated himself to the atmosphere of the new place, he no longer felt a
stranger. 7. Having slept two hours, I felt refreshed and rested. 8. Having been
once found on the beach, the stone served now as a paperweight and was one of
the table's decorations. 9. Being sung by the voice of this unseen girl, the strain
brought back to me long forgotten memories. 10. Having completed all our
preparations, we hired a cab and hurried off. 11. Being completed, the parts were
transported to the assembly shop. 12. When the young people, having returned
from their day's outing, came into the dining-room, they found dinner ready and
served. 13. Not having been approved of by an overwhelming majority of the
members of the committee, the proposal was turned down. 14. Never having
experienced such difficulties, he was at a loss. 15. Rain is very rare in our parts,
but having once begun, it won't stop for days on end.

13. Complete the following and translate into English.


сравнивая эти машины; эта машина по сравнению с той;

условившись встретиться; склонившись над бумагами; не найдя нужной
книги; не зная, что сказать; экспонируемые картины; инженер,
сконструировавший; не испугавшись угроз; картина, которая бы
отобразила; невиданный ранее; сказав, что неважно себя чувствует; не
погасив свет; оперируемый больной; когда его вызвали; прослужив во
флоте; прислушиваясь к шуму; не расслышав его слов; геологи, только что

14. Compose sentences out of the given parts. Pay attention to the place
of the participle.

1. left, gaily, the company, the cafe, chattering. 2. the bus, will arrive, at
noon, you, in time, leaving, to catch. 3. arrived, the telegram, promised, never. 4.
a guide, experienced, was, finding, chief, good, the difficulty. 5. at the branches,
in the darkness, slowly, stared, moving, the girl. 6. showed, the enemy, no
resistance, surrounded. 7. flooding, the water, came, the valley. 8. cleaning, the
person, inside the building, was, only, a charwoman. 9. they, into the thicket,
soon, the boundary, moved, reaching. 10. passing over, to any decision, the
matter, dropped, not having come, the committee, to the next item. 11. asleep,
the boy, slipping, immediately, fell, into bed. 12. sleeping, the child, was, on his
back, lying. 13. to him, smiling, turned, she, her face. 14. with a frown, I, at him,
perplexed, looked. 15. no answer, we, receiving, a cable, sent.

15. Translate into English.

Возле небольшого мостика, стонавшего от страшной тяжести, стояла

легковая машина, пережидавшая, пока пройдут пушки. Шофер,
привыкший, очевидно, к такого рода остановкам, с улыбкой оглядывал
пьющего из каски бойца. Сидевший рядом с ним батальонный комиссар то
и дело смотрел вперед - виден ли хвост колонны...

Вскоре машина снова бежала среди прохладных тенистых лесов, по

мостикам, пересекавшим извилистые речушки, по заполненным туманом
долинам, мимо тихих прудов, отражавших звездное небо. Шофер, долго
молчавший, вдруг негромко сказал: «Товарищ батальонный комиссар,
помните бойца, пившего из каски, сидя на орудии? Почувствовал я в нем
брата своего. Вот почему он меня так заинтересовал».
(По В. Гроссману.)

16. Specify the syntactical function of the participles, using the

conjunctions when, while, if, as if, as though, though, unless, until,
once, as.

1. She was about to take a step, which, ... mistaken, might lead to further
complications. 2. ... so occupied, he vaguely gathered the impression of
somebody darting silently across the road. 3. The man stood still for fully a
minute ... debating with himself. 4. I think we now may regard the matter ...
settled. 5. A promise accounts to little ... kept. 6. ... resolved to do something, he
wouldn't swerve. 7. ... proofread several times the text contained a number of
misprints. 8. It can't go to press ... signed by the editor. 9. She screamed ... badly
hurt. 10. ... waiting for you I have looked through all the newspapers and
magazines. 11. Your assistant called you leaving a message where he could be
found ... needed. 12. The article described him ... having attempted nearly every
kind of writing and ... adorning them all. 13. He did not hurry ... pressed for
time. 14. He was in a hurry ... pressed for time. 15. He wouldn't hurry ... pressed
for time.

17. Translate into Russian.

1. Bessy was the only person yet risen. (Ch.B.) 2. He had received an
urgent message asking him to telephone Sir Matthew. (A.C.) 3. The room
door ... bore inscribed in legible characters the imposing words “Mr. Foggs”;

having tapped thereat, and been desired to come in, Jackson ushered Mr.
Pickwick into the presence ... (Ch. D.) 4. He sighed and kicked a piece of stone
broken from the banquette. 5. Recently turned thirty but looking more like
twenty, she was a moderately tall woman with wind-blown dark hair and an
eager captivating smile. (E. C.) 6. So true it is that certain pursuits, wherever
carried on, will stamp man with the same character. (Ch.D.) 7. When Joe and I
got home, we found the table laid ... and the dinner dressing. (Ch. D.) 8. The
words came rushing into his mind. (Glws.) 9. For a second the car went sliding.
10. Mildly speaking, you are exaggerating. 11. Judging by the colour of the
setting sun it should be windy tomorrow. 12. Coming down the steps, all this
passed through his mind. 13. Sitting down in her bedroom by the open window,
it seemed to her that the room was full of people. (Glsw.) 14. Propped up in the
bed, her black eyes glittered in the dim light. 15. ... Having exhausted his
credit ..., his wheel and suit went back to the pawnbroker. (J.L.)

18. Make up sentences with the following participial phrases.

striking a match; having waited outside; being dissatisfied with the

answer; touched by the friendly welcome; as if thinking of something else; all
the information required; taking everything into consideration; grouped around
the monument; slamming the door on me; never having heard; half-turning on
his chair; now being imported; driven by the necessity.



Упражнения по современной
английской грамматике для студентов II курса

Редакторы: Л.П. Шахрова

Н.И. Морозова

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