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Готовые монологи
по английскому языку

Задания взяты из открытого

банка заданий ФИПИ

Общая информация………………………………………….………………..………3
Как проходит экзамен……………………………………………………………....…3
Как построить монологическое высказывание на максимальный балл…………...4
Фразы и шаблоны…………………………………………………………………..…8
ВАЖНО! Где теряют баллы……………………………………..…………………..10
Критерии оценивания……………………………………………..…………………11
Дополнительная схема оценивания………………………………...………………13
Типичные ошибки ………………………………………………..…………………13
School holidays……………………………………………………...……………..…16
Reading books……………………………………………..………………………….18
Keeping fit…………………………………………………………………………….20
School life……………………………………………………………………………..23
Environmental problems……………………………………………..……………….25
Free time……………………………………………………………….……….…….29
School homework…………………………………………………………………….31
Learning foreign languages……………………………………………..…………….35
Keeping fit…………………………………………………………………………….36
Best friend…………………………………………………………………………….38
The place where you live…………………………………………………..………….39
Об авторе………………………………………………………………………….…..41
Бесплатная подготовка к ОГЭ…………………………………………………….…41

Максимум за задание - 7 баллов
Время на подготовку - 1,5 минут
Время ответа - 2 минуты (10–12 предложений)

Устная часть экзамена проходит с помощью компьютера, куда записываются

ответы. Участнику предлагается выстроить связное монологическое высказывание
на определённую тему с опорой на предложенный в задании план, состоящий из 4-х
пунктов, в последнем из которых надо выразить свое отношение к теме задания.

На подготовку к ответу выделяется 1,5 минуты, а на само высказывание - 2 минуты.

Если вы не успеваете ответить за отведенное время запись все равно прекращается
и соответственно экспертом проверяется только 2 минуты.

За время подготовки необходимо в первую очередь внимательно прочитать текст

задания, обращая особое внимание на вопросы, которые необходимо раскрыть с
учётом времени, отводимого на ответ, и требуемого объёма высказывания. Затем
нужно продумать само монологическое высказывание, а именно: вступление
(представление темы), основную часть (раскрытие четырёх аспектов задания),
заключение (подведение итога сказанному, выражение своего мнения). Впрочем,
для вступления и заключения можно использовать шаблоны, что я и советую
делать. В процессе подготовки записи вести нельзя.

В задании 3 на контроль выносятся следующие умения монологической речи:

● строить монологическое высказывание в заданном объеме в контексте
коммуникативной задачи в различных стандартных ситуациях социально- бытовой,
социально-культурной и социально-трудовой сфер общения c опорой на план,
представленный в виде косвенных вопросов;
● выражать свое мнение / отношение к теме обсуждения;
● логично и связно строить монологическое высказывание;
● точно и правильно употреблять языковые средства оформления
монологического высказывания.

Задание 3 «Тематическое монологическое высказывание» оценивается по трем


1) решение коммуникативной задачи (максимальный балл – 3);

2) организация высказывания (максимальный балл – 2);
3) языковое оформление речи (максимальный балл – 2).

Успешное решение коммуникативной задачи в рамках задания 3 «тематическое
монологическое высказывание» означает:
● полное и точное раскрытие содержания в соответствии с ситуацией общения,
указанной в задании;
● умение выражать свое отношение к теме высказывания и аргументировать
● соответствие высказывания объему, определенному в задании.

В ответе на задание 3 участник ОГЭ должен полно, точно и развернуто раскрыть

все аспекты (пункты), указанные в задании.

Полным ответом является ответ, раскрывающий содержание всех пунктов плана и

отвечающий коммуникативной задаче. Полный ответ на пункт плана включает все
элементы вопроса: WHERE and WHEN, WHAT and WHY. Если дан ответ только
на одну часть вопроса, то такой ответ считается неполным.

Точным считается ответ, соответствующий предложенным пунктам плана.

Неточным считается ответ, если он содержит фактическую ошибку, отсутствие
одного из элементов, заявленных в пункте, отход от темы или элементы топика.

Иногда пункт плана может включать why, например, нужно сообщить предпочитает
ли автор традиционные книги или виртуальные, почему да или нет. В случае если
учащийся ответил только на первую часть пункта (аспекта), и не аргументировал
свой ответ, то такой ответ считается неполным. В случае, если в пункте требуется
рассказать, принимает ли автор и его друзья участие в волонтерском движении и
экзаменуемый отвечает только о себе, например, что он не принимает участие, и не
упоминает своих друзей, то это неточный ответ.

На пункт плана why it is important to learn foreign languages можно построить ответ

I think there are many reasons why it is important to learn foreign languages. People want
to know languages, to write to their pen-friends or to communicate with people from
different countries, to meet more people and make new friends. Also, they want to read
books of famous writers in original, to read newspapers and magazines.

Если же вы ответите следующим образом, то эксперт посчитает, что аспект раскрыт
не полностью:

People learn foreign languages because it's useful for them. - аспект раскрыт не

Немаловажен также объем высказывания: для получения максимального балла (3)

по критерию решение коммуникативной задачи монологическое высказывание
участника ОГЭ должно содержать 10–12 фраз; для получения 2 баллов требуемый
объем – 8–9 фраз. Минимальное количество фраз для получения 1 балла по
данному критерию – 6. Если объем высказывания – 5 и менее фраз, то задание не
выполнено, по РКЗ выставляется 0 баллов.

Объем высказывания важен и напрямую влияет на итоговые баллы. Можно

попытаться увеличить его с помощью растягивание введения и заключения. Однако
ключевое здесь слово «попытаться».
I'd like to give a talk about (тема монолога). Some people think this topic is worth
discussing. Others that it's unimportant and doesn't deserve a conversation. I join the
latter opinion and want to express my view.

Слишком большие по сравнению с основной частью начало и конец могут не

засчитать или даже поставить минус за организацию высказывания. Если вы
все-таки решите это сделать, то следует говорить всё время в одном темпе. Лично я
советую ограничиться по одному предложению на начало и конец.

Пункты плана - это не просто вопросы, на которые можно ответить одной фразой.
Старайтесь комментировать каждый пункт плана не менее чем двумя-тремя. Так вы
гарантированно наберёте необходимый объём высказывания, а ваш ответ будет
достаточно распространённым, полным и точным. Надо также помнить о том, что
за недостаточный объем, даже если вы и ответили на всё, вам снизят балл.

Для того, чтобы увеличить объем высказывания, не отходя при этом от темы
начните с об­щей фразы о том, что есть несколько причин того или иного.

There are several reasons why… (сам пункт плана).

To my mind, there are 2\3\4 reasons why… (сам пункт плана). Затем перечисляйте
эти причины.

Особенностью оценивания выполнения задания 3 является то, что при получении
экзаменуемым 0 баллов по критерию решение коммуникативной задачи все задание
оценивается в 0 баллов.

По критерию организация высказывания оценивается:

● наличие вступления и заключения, завершенность высказывания
(монологическое высказывание не должно заканчиваться на середине фразы).
● логичность и правильное использование средств логической связи (союзы,
вводные слова, местоимения и т.п.);

Максимальный балл по ОВ – 2 балла выставляется при полном отсутствии

нарушений в организации высказывания. Если отсутствует вступительная или
заключительная фраза, имеются 1-2 нарушения в использовании средств
логической связи, то ответ оценивается 1 баллом, при этом высказывание в
основном логично. Если высказывание нелогично И/ИЛИ не имеет завершённого
характера, вступительная и заключительная фразы отсутствуют; средства
логической связи практически не используются, или допущены многочисленные
ошибки в их использовании, выставляется 0 баллов.

При оценивании языкового оформления речи учитывается:

● соответствие использованных лексических единиц и грамматических
структур поставленной коммуникативной задаче;
● правильность оформления лексических словосочетаний, соблюдение
общепринятой сочетаемости английского языка, разнообразие используемой
лексики и ее соответствие допороговому уровню иноязычной коммуникативной
● разнообразие и правильность используемых грамматических средств,
соответствие используемых грамматических конструкций допороговому уровню
иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции;
● соблюдение норм произношения английского языка: звуки в потоке речи,
соблюдение ударения и норм интонационного оформления речи.

Под лексико-грамматическими ошибками понимаются нарушения в использовании

слов в контексте, словосочетаний и нарушения в использовании грамматических

Фонетическими ошибками являются нарушения в использовании фонетических

Грубыми ошибками являются ошибки элементарного уровня и ошибки, которые

меняют смысл высказывания.

Фразы и шаблоны

Для введения используйте такие фразы как:

Let me give a talk about…
I’m going to talk about…
I'd like to give a talk about...
Now I would like to speak about…

В качестве заключения:
That's All. Thank you for your attention.
That's all I wanted to tell you about… I hope you liked my answer.
That's all I wanted to say.

Ваша речь должна быть естественной и спонтанной без заученных наизусть

длинных предложений из топиков. Во всяком случае такие предложения лучше
говорить в вашем обычном темпе речи. Для этого используйте в своем ответе
следующие слова и выражения:

Well, … - Ну …
To tell the truth … - Честно говоря …
To be honest … - Если быть честным …
You know, … - Знаете …
As far as I know, … - Насколько я знаю …
As far as I can see, … - Насколько Я могу судить …
Actually, … - На самом деле …
The thing is that … - Дело в том, что …
It's a kind of … - Это что-то вроде …
I am sure that … - Я уверен, что …
I believe that … - Я полагаю, что …
I think that … - Я думаю, что …
In my opinion … / To my mind … - По-моему мнению …
Let me see. - Дайте-ка подумать.
Without any doubt, … - Вне всякого сомнения …
It goes without saying that … - Понятно без слов… / Безусловно...
Firstly, … - Во-первых, …
Secondly, … - Во-вторых, …
Thirdly, … - В-третьих, …
Besides, … - Кроме того …

Moreover, … - Более того …
Last but not least, … - Последнее, но не менее важное.
I should say / I admit that … - Хочу сказать / отметить, что …
By the way, … - Кстати, …
All in all, … - В целом …
In conclusion, … - В заключение …
First of all,...
Besides,... / In addition,... Moreover,... /What is more,... Finally,...

Примерный шаблон монологического высказывания:

I’m going to talk about…тема

Well, I want to say that…( Аспект 1)
As far as I know,....( Аспект 2)
Also,....( Аспект 3)
In conclusion, I would like to say that… ( Аспект 4)
That's all I wanted to tell you about…


Отсутствие таких фраз как «in my region», «among teenagers» если в плане они есть,
ведет к тому, что ответ вам не засчитают, или засчитают как неполный.

I think, football in summer and volleyball in winter are the most popular sports activities
among teenagers. Volleyball and cycling are also widespread and have their own fans. -
Пункт плана раскрыт не полностью, так как не уточнено, что данные виды спорта
популярны в регионе отвечающего.

I think, football in summer and volleyball in winter are the most popular sports activities
in my region. Volleyball and cycling are also widespread and have their own fans. -
Пункт плана раскрыт не полностью так как не уточнено, что данные виды спорта
популярны среди подростков.

I think, football in summer and volleyball in winter are the most popular sports activities
with teenagers in my region. Volleyball and cycling are also widespread and have their
own fans. - Пункт плана раскрыт полностью.

​Критерии оценивания выполнения задания 3 (Тематическое монологическое
высказывание) – максимум 7 баллов

Примечание. При получении участником ОГЭ 0 баллов по критерию «Решение

коммуникативной задачи» все задание оценивается в 0 баллов.

В процессе проверки развёрнутых ответов на задание 3 эксперты используют
дополнительную схему оценивания

Укажем наиболее типичные ошибки экзаменуемых

● не обращают внимание на условия задания: четыре аспекта, которые

необходимо раскрыть, время на подготовку к ответу (1,5 минуты) и время ответа (не
более 2 минут), а потому неэффективно используют время на подготовку и/или не
успевают уложиться в заданное время;
● забывают, что монологическое высказывание требует
вступления/вступительной фразы (о чем будут говорить) и
заключения/заключительной фразы (подведение итога сказанному);
не начинают с общего представления темы;
● не раскрывают полно и точно содержание четырех аспектов задания;
забывают давать развернутую аргументацию, если в одном из аспектов задания есть
● дают избыточную информацию, которая не обозначена в пунктах плана;
● нарушают целостность и связность монолога;

● допускают ошибки в средствах логической связи;
● допускают фонетические, а также лексические и грамматические
ошибки элементарного уровня и ошибки, искажающие смысл высказывания.

*Обратите внимание, что в некоторых монологах больше 12 предложений для того,

чтобы у вас была возможность подкорректировать и подстроить под себя!

Вариант 1

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● what your typical school day is like;

● what your favourite subject is, and why;
● what you like most about your school;
● what your attitude to your school life is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about my school.

As a student, my typical school day is quite busy and structured. I usually wake up early
in the morning and have breakfast before heading off to school. My classes start at around
8:00 am, so I need to make sure that I arrive on time.

To tell the truth we have to study a lot of subjects at school. But my favourite subject
is English because a lot of scientific books and articles are published in English. This
language is becoming more and more popular and now it is hard to live without knowing
it. Moreover, many languages borrow English words and expressions and people use
them in their everyday speech.

As a student, there are many things that I like about my school. Most of all I like the
variety of extracurricular activities that are available at my school. There are clubs for
almost every interest, from sports to music to academic pursuits. These activities allow
me to explore my interests outside of the classroom and meet new people who share these

In conclusion, I would like to say that I feel lucky to attend a school that provides such
a positive and enriching experience and my attitude to my school life is positive.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about my school.

Вариант 2

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school holidays. You will have to start in
1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● when you have school holidays;

● what school holidays you would make longer, and why;
● what you enjoy doing during your school holidays;
● what your attitude to school holidays is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about school holidays.

When I have school holidays, it can be a great opportunity to relax and take a break from
your studies. I have school holidays 4 times a year. The longest holiday is the summer
one. We have got 3 months to have a rest and enjoy doing whatever we want.

Without any doubt, I would make spring holidays longer because I am already tired after
seven months of studying and I need more time to rest. It's important to make the most of
my school holidays, but it's also important to balance rest and relaxation with
productivity. I don't want to return to school feeling burnt out or unprepared. Setting some
goals or creating a schedule for my time off can help me stay motivated and focused.

To be honest, I enjoy spending time with family and friends during my school holidays.
It's also a good time to pursue hobbies or interests that I don't have time for during the
school term. For example, I learn a new skill like cooking or painting, or take up a sport
or exercise routine.

In conclusion, I would like to say that school holidays can be a wonderful opportunity to
recharge and explore new things. Obviously, I have got a positive attitude to school

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about my school holidays.

Вариант 3

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes
and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● why people like travelling in Russia;

● what means of transport is the most popular for travelling in Russia, and
● what places in Russia you would like to visit;
● what your attitude to travelling is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about travelling.

There are many reasons why people like travelling in Russia. One reason is the history
and culture of Russia. Russia has a long and interesting history with many famous
landmarks and museums to visit. Another reason is the natural beauty of Russia. Russia
has many beautiful landscapes like mountains, forests, and lakes. People enjoy hiking,
camping, or fishing in these areas.

As far as I know, the most popular way of travelling in Russia is by train. People go from
one city to another by train if the distance between them is too big, or if they do not have
a car. Modern trains are also rather comfortable and travelling by train is convenient and

Well, I would like to visit Moscow. Moscow is a big cultural centre of Russia. There are a
lot of cinemas, clubs, concert halls, numerous drama and musical theatres, including
world famous ones like the Bolshoi Theatre and the Maly Theatre.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I am a big fan of travelling so, of course, my
attitude to it is very positive.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about travelling.

Вариант 4

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about reading books. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● whether reading is popular with teenagers, and why, or why not;

● what kind of books you like reading;
● why many people prefer e-books to paper books;
● what your attitude to reading is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about reading books.

I think it is impossible to live without reading because of it, reading is popular with
teenagers. Books contain a lot of useful information and give pleasure.

Well, I like reading books a lot. I read non-fiction books when I prepare for my studies.
But in general I like fiction books. My favourite genres of books are fantasy and horror. I
think it is very popular with young people nowadays. My favourite author of fantasy
books is J. Rowling. I like her books about Harry Potter.

It goes without saying that e-books are becoming more and more popular these days.
Many people prefer e-books to paper books because they are easy to carry around. You
can store many e-books on a small device like a tablet or an e-reader, which is very
convenient. You don't need to carry heavy books in your bag anymore.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I like reading, and my attitude to reading is

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about reading books.

Вариант 5

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes
and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● why most people enjoy travelling;

● what people like doing while travelling;
● what place you would like to go to, and why;
● what your attitude to travelling is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about travelling.

Travelling is something that many people enjoy doing. There are many reasons why
people like to travel. One reason is to explore new places and experience different
cultures. Another reason why people like to travel is to take a break from their daily
routine. Sometimes, it's nice to get away from work or school and do something different.
Travelling can be a great way to relax and recharge your batteries.

Without any doubt, people like meeting new people and making new friends while
travelling. When you visit a new place, you have the opportunity to interact with locals
and other travellers. This can be a great way to learn about different cultures and make
connections with people from all over the world.

You know, I would like to go to London because there are a lot of historic places and
places of interest. Buckingham Palace is one of them. It has been the residence of British
kings and queens for ages. When Queen Elizabeth is at home the flag is above the palace.

In conclusion, I would like to say that travelling is a wonderful way to enjoy life. I think
that my attitude to travelling is positive.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about travelling.

Вариант 6

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about keeping fit. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● why doing sport is very important for modern teenagers;

● what else besides sport young people do to keep fit;
● what you enjoy doing in your free time;
● what your attitude to doing sports activities is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about keeping fit.

Without any doubt, sport plays an important role in people’s life. Doing sport is very
important for modern teenagers because sport is also a good way to keep fit, and
everybody knows that keeping fit and being healthy is important.

But keeping fit doesn’t mean only doing sport. Nowadays young people go on a diet to
keep fit. On the one hand, it makes you feel better because you avoid eating fatty and
unhealthy food, but on the other hand, some people start eating very little and they lose
weight and do not look healthy at all.

As for me, I enjoy doing sports regularly in my free time. I am not a professional, I am an
amateur. I play football with my friends and I jog in the morning. But my favourite sport
is swimming and I go to the swimming pool twice a week. This helps me feel fit and

In conclusion, I would like to say that I try to lead a healthy life, because I like feeling fit
and happy, and my attitude to keeping fit is positive.

I think that’s all that I wanted to say.

Вариант 7

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about animals. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes
and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● what wild animals live in your region;

● whether it is a good idea to keep a wild animal as a pet, and why;
● why people build zoos in cities and towns;
● what your attitude to zoos is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about animals.

In my region, there are many wild animals that live in the forests and mountains. Some of
the most common animals include deer, foxes, squirrels, and rabbits.

I admit that keeping a wild animal as a pet is not a good idea. Wild animals are not meant
to be kept in homes as pets because they need to live in their natural habitat. When you
keep a wild animal as a pet, it can become very dangerous for both you and the animal.

Without any doubt, zoos are places where people can see many different animals up
close. People build zoos in cities and towns for many reasons. One reason is that it allows
people who live in cities to see animals that they might not normally see. Another reason
is that it can help protect endangered species.

In conclusion, I would like to say that zoos provide an opportunity for people to learn
about and appreciate different animal species, and my attitude to zoos is positive.

That’s all I wanted to say.

Вариант 8

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● what your typical school day is like;

● what subjects at school you find most useful for your future, and why;
● what you are going to do when you leave school;
● what your attitude to school life is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about school.

My school day usually starts at 8 am in the morning. I wake up early and have breakfast
before leaving for school. I usually have cereal and milk for breakfast. When I get to
school, I go to my classroom and sit down at my desk. I usually have 6 lessons. In the
evening I do my homework.

Actually, at school there are many subjects that we study. Some of them are more useful
for my future than others. In my opinion, the most useful subjects are math and English.
Math is important because it helps us to solve problems in our daily life. English is also
very important because it's an international language. When you learn English, you can
communicate with people from all over the world.

I think I am going to go to university when I leave school. I want to be a programmer. It

is a highly paid job, and it can give many opportunities. I will be able to work on the full
range of development activities such as analysis, design, coding, testing and

In conclusion, I would like to say that I have to get down to some hard work now if I
want to achieve my aims, and my attitude to school is positive.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about school.

Вариант 9

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about school life. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● what your weekday is like;

● what you like about your school most of all;
● whether you prefer classroom learning or online learning, and why;
● what your attitude to your school life is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about school life.

My weekday is usually busy and full of activities. I wake up early in the morning at
around 6:30 am. Then, I brush my teeth, take a shower and get dressed for the day. After
that, I have breakfast which usually consists of cereal and milk or toast with jam and
butter. I go to school at 8 and come home at 3. Then, I do my homework.

Actually, I really like my school because it's a friendly and welcoming place. Most of all I
like my school library. It has lots of books that I can borrow and read, and there are also
computers that I can use to do research for my projects.

By the way, I prefer classroom learning to online learning because I can interact with my
teacher and classmates face-to-face. I can ask questions and get immediate feedback on
my work. I can also work in groups and learn from each other.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I feel lucky to be a student at this school and I hope
to continue learning and growing at school, and my attitude to school life is positive.

That’s all that I wanted to say.

Вариант 10

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about sports. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes
and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● why a lot of young people do sports nowadays;

● what sports clubs and teams there are in your school;
● what you do to keep fit;
● what your attitude to doing sports activities is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about sports.

You know, a lot of young people do sports nowadays because it's a fun way to stay active
and healthy. Doing sports can help you improve your physical fitness, build strength, and
increase your endurance. It can also help you feel better about yourself and boost your

In my school, there are many sports clubs and teams that I can join. We have a football
team, a basketball team, and a volleyball team. If you like running, we also have a track
and field club.

As for me, I do sports and eat healthy food to keep fit. From time to time I play football
with my friends and I jog in the morning. But my favourite sport is swimming and I go to
the swimming pool twice a week. This helps me feel fit and healthy.

In conclusion, I would like to say that playing sports is a great way to stay active and
healthy, and my attitude to sports is positive.

That’s all that I wanted to say.

Вариант 11

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about environmental problems. You will have to
start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● why people worry about environmental problems nowadays;

● what the most serious environmental problem in the place where you live is;
● what young people can do to improve the ecological situation;
● what your attitude to environmental problems is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about environmental problems.

People worry about environmental problems nowadays because the problem of ecology is
very important today. We live in a polluted world. People all over the world discuss
environmental protection, but they still continue to pollute air, water and soil.

I think the most serious environmental problem in the place where I live is water
pollution. It is dangerous kind of pollution. Factories and plants throw wastes into rivers
and lakes making them dirty. Animals die when they drink this water, people get sick
when they swim in it and eat fish that live there.

To tell the truth, young people can reuse the litter, for example paper, cloth, glass and
plastic. Also, they can reduce the usage of water and electricity to improve the ecological

In conclusion, I would like to say that we must not ignore the problems of environmental
pollution and try to make everything possible to reduce if not stop it.

That’s all that I wanted to say.

Вариант 12

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about pets. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and
speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● why people keep pets;

● what pets are most popular in big cities;
● whether having pets is a big responsibility, and why;
● what your attitude to keeping pets is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about pets.

Nowadays a lot of people keep pets at home. A pet is a domesticated animal that is kept
for pleasure rather than utility. I think that a pet can be a good friend especially for elderly
people who live alone. They have somebody to care about and don’t feel lonely.

As far as I know, many people in big cities like to have pets. Some of the most popular
pets in big cities are cats and dogs. Cats are popular because they are independent and
don't need as much attention as dogs. They are also good for people who live in small
apartments because they don't need a lot of space to move around. Dogs are also popular
pets in big cities, especially smaller breeds like Chihuahuas and Pomeranians. They are
good for people who like to go for walks or runs because they need exercise every day.

In my opinion, pets are a big responsibility because you need to take care of them every
day. Pets need food, water, and exercise to stay healthy and happy. You also need to clean
up after them and make sure they are safe.

My attitude to keeping pets is strongly positive as I have got a cat myself. My cat is the
prettiest and the cleverest animal in the world!

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about pets.

Вариант 13

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes
and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● why most people like travelling;

● which season is the best for travelling in your opinion;
● what means of transport is the best for travelling, and why;
● what your attitude to travelling is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about travelling.

Actually, most people like travelling for many reasons. Some people travel on business,
others travel to visit their families, but most people travel to see the world and different

In my opinion, the best season for travelling depends on what you want to do and see. If
you like warm weather and going to the beach, then summer is the best season for you.
You can swim in the ocean, sunbathe, and enjoy the outdoors.

There are also a lot of ways of travelling. People can travel by car, by plane, by ship, by
train, by coach or on foot. I think the best transport for travelling is by car. I think this is
one of the most comfortable means of travelling. You can enjoy the view looking through
the window and this way of travelling is rather fast. You can travel to different cities and
towns of your native country and even abroad.

In addition, I am a big fan of travelling so, of course, my attitude to it is very positive.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about travelling.

Вариант 14

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● what you like about your school most of all;

● how many lessons a day you usually have;
● what school subjects you have chosen for your exams, and why;
● what your attitude to the number of subjects you have to learn is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about school.

I really like my school because it's a fun and friendly place to be. Firstly, I like teachers
most of all. They are very nice and they always help me when I need it. Secondly, we
have a lot of activities at school too, like music lessons and drama club. I like to sing and
act, so I joined the drama club. We put on a show every year for our parents and it's
always a lot of fun.

You know, I usually have 6 lessons a day. The most difficult day of the week for me is
Monday as we have 7 lessons.

At school, we have to choose the subjects we want to study for our exams. I have chosen
English, Math, Science, and History. I like English because it's interesting to learn new
words and grammar rules. Math is also good because it helps me solve problems and
think logically. Overall, I chose these subjects because they interest me and because they
will help me in the future. It's important to choose subjects that you enjoy and that will
benefit you in the long run.

In general, my attitude to my school is positive. As all teenagers I’m sometimes lazy and
don’t want to go to school but there are many good things about it.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about my school.

Вариант 15

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your free time. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● whether you have a lot of free time, and why, or why not;
● what you enjoy doing in your free time;
● what your Sunday afternoons are like;
● what your attitude to planning your free time is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about my free time.

I’m a schoolboy/girl at the moment and after a hard day at school and 4-5 hours of
homework I definitely don’t have a lot of free time. In my opinion we should be given a
bit less homework to have some time for our hobbies and interests. I can say that only on
Sundays I can have some time for myself as it is the only day I don’t have to go to school.

Speaking about me, I like reading books in English, listening to English radio stations and
watching films in English in my free time. I also talk to my foreign friends and this helps
me improve my knowledge of the language. I also like listening to music. I have a big
collection of CDs with different kinds of music. I also have some favourite singers and I
collect information about them.

To tell the truth, on Sunday afternoons, I usually like to relax and do something fun.
Sometimes I go for a walk in the park or visit my friends. Other times, I stay at home and
watch TV or read a book. If the weather is nice, I might go for a bike ride or play some
sports with my family.

Moreover, my attitude to having free time is absolutely positive, and I love planning my
free time a lot.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about my free time.

Вариант 16

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about films. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and
speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● what kinds of films modern teenagers enjoy;

● where you prefer watching films: on TV, on the Internet or in the cinema, and
● what film you have seen recently, what it was about;
● what your attitude to watching films as a way to spend your free time is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about films.

Without any doubt, modern teenagers enjoy watching different kinds of films. Some of
them like action movies, with lots of fighting and explosions. Others prefer romantic
comedies, with funny and sweet stories about love. Horror movies are also popular
among some teenagers, as they like to be scared and thrilled.

I would rather watch films on the Internet. I think it’s obvious that it’s more comfortable.
I don’t need to go out and can watch a film any time I like. These are the main advantages
of seeing films on the Internet at home.

Well, I have watched a movie called "The Lion King". It's an animated film about a
young lion named Simba who is destined to become the king of his pride. However, after
his father dies, Simba runs away and grows up with two new friends, Timon and Pumbaa.
They teach him how to live a carefree life, but eventually, Simba realizes that he needs to
go back home and take his place as king.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I am a big fan of watching films so my attitude to it
is mainly positive. I believe that watching films is a good way to spend my free time.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about films.

Вариант 17

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about school homework. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● how long it takes you to do your homework;

● what subject you usually start with, and why;
● whether schoolchildren should be given more or less homework, and why;
● what your attitude to school homework is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about my school homework.

I believe that It usually takes me from 3 to 4 hours to do my homework. It depends on the

day, of course, for example Friday is the busiest day of my week and it means that on
Thursday I have to spend even more than 4 hours to finish all the tasks for the next day.
Also, it depends on the subjects I have to learn too.

Let me see. I usually start with the subjects I’m good at such as English. Starting with
English homework helps me get into the right mindset for the rest of the day.

In my opinion, children should be given a reasonable amount of homework that is

appropriate for their age and grade level. Homework can be helpful in reinforcing what
they learned in class, but it shouldn't be so much that it causes stress or interferes with
their personal lives.

In my opinion, we should be given a bit less homework to have some time for our
hobbies and interests, so I have got a contradictory attitude to school homework.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about my school homework.

Вариант 18

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about TV. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and
speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● why people spend time watching TV;

● what most teenagers prefer: watching TV or browsing the Internet, and why;
● whether there is a TV programme you really like;
● what your attitude to watching TV as a way to spend your free time is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about television.

As far as I know, people spend time watching because television gives a great opportunity
for people to learn latest news. There are also a lot of educational programmes, children’s
programmes, films and soap operas on TV. Talk shows are also very popular with people
nowadays. I usually watch news and films on television.

Of course, teenagers choose the Internet. They can use social media to connect with their
friends and share photos and videos. They can also play online games or watch videos on
YouTube. The Internet is a great source of information and they can learn about different
topics that interest them.

It goes without saying that there is a TV programme that I really like. It's called Friends
and it's a comedy show about six friends who live in New York City. I love the characters
and their funny stories. The show is very popular and has many fans all over the world.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I am a big fan of watching TV as a way to spend
my free time, so my attitude to it is positive.

I think that’s all that I wanted to say.

Вариант 19

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about TV. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and
speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● whether watching TV is a popular pastime with teenagers, and why, or why not;
● how many hours a week you watch TV;
● what TV programme is the most popular within your family;
● what your attitude to TV is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about TV.

As far as I know, TV is a popular activity for many teenagers. They can watch movies,
shows, and sports games. It's an easy way to relax and unwind after a long day at school.
They can also watch TV with their friends or family and have fun together.

Without any doubt, I watch TV a lot. I think I spend more than a couple of hours a week
doing it. My parents are hockey fans and on Sundays we watch matches all together.

In my family, we all like to watch different TV programmes. My dad likes to watch

sports, especially football and basketball. My mom likes to watch cooking shows and
reality TV programmes. My sister likes to watch dramas and romantic comedies, while I
prefer to watch cartoons and anime. However, the most popular TV programme in my
family is a comedy show called "Friends". We all love to watch it together and laugh at
the funny jokes and situations.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I am a big fan of watching TV, so my attitude to it
is rather positive.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about TV.

Вариант 20

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● what you like most about your school;

● what weekday you find the most difficult, and why;
● what you would like to change in your school life;
● what your attitude to your school life is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about school.

It goes without saying that I really like my school because it's a fun and friendly place to
be. Most of all I like activities at school. Also, I like music lessons and drama club. I like
to sing and act, so I joined the drama club. We put on a show every year for our parents
and it's always a lot of fun.

For me, the most difficult weekday is Monday. On Monday, I have to wake up early and
start my week with a lot of work. I feel tired after the weekend and it's hard to get
motivated to do anything. Mondays are also busy days at work, so I have a lot of
meetings and tasks to complete. By the end of the day, I feel exhausted and just want to
go home and relax.

To be honest, school life is important for learning and growing, but there are some things
that I would like to change. Firstly, I wish we had more time for breaks between classes.
It's hard to sit in class for a long time without a break, and it can make me feel tired and
unfocused. Secondly, I would like to have more options for lunch at school. Sometimes
the food is not very tasty or healthy, and it would be nice to have more choices for what
to eat. Maybe we could have a salad bar or some vegetarian options.

In conclusion, I would like to say that my attitude to my school life is more positive than
negative. I think I will miss it.

That’s all that I wanted to tell you about my school.

Вариант 21

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about learning foreign languages. You will have to
start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● why lots of people learn foreign languages nowadays;

● why you have chosen to do the English exam this year;
● what you did to prepare for your English exam;
● what your attitude to learning foreign languages is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about foreign languages.

Actually, lots of people learn different foreign languages and English is the most popular
one. It is happening because nowadays we can travel a lot and it’s much easier to visit a
country if you know the language. In addition, having a good level of English can open
up many opportunities for me. It can help me with my studies, my job, and my travels. I
want to be able to speak confidently and fluently in English,

To tell the truth I have decided to take the English exam this year because I want to
improve my English skills. English is an important language that is spoken all over the
world, and I think it's important to be able to communicate well in English. By taking the
exam, I hope to learn more about grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

It goes without saying that preparing for an English exam can be challenging, but it's
important to do your best. To prepare for my English exam, I did a few things. First, I
studied my vocabulary words every day. I made flashcards and practiced them until I
knew them well. Next, I read a lot of English books and articles. This helped me improve
my reading comprehension and grammar skills.

As I am having my English exam now I think it is obvious that my attitude to learning

foreign languages is very positive. I’m sure that it will be useful for everybody.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about learning foreign languages.

Вариант 22

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about keeping fit. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● why a healthy lifestyle is popular nowadays;

● what you do to keep fit;
● what sports activities are popular with teenagers in your region;
● what your attitude to a healthy lifestyle is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about keeping fit.

Nowadays, many people are interested in living a healthy lifestyle. This is because
they want to feel good and have more energy. A healthy lifestyle includes things
like eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.

As for me, I do sport regularly. I am not a professional, I am an amateur. I play

football with my friends and I jog in the morning. But my favourite sport is
swimming and I go to the swimming-pool twice a week. Also, I try to eat healthy
food and sleep 8 hours.

Moreover, teenagers in my region enjoy many different sports activities. Some of

the most popular sports are soccer, basketball, and volleyball. Many teenagers also
like to go jogging or running, especially in the morning or evening when it's cooler

In general, my attitude to keeping fit is positive. I believe that it helps me to be

healthier and happier.

That’s all that I wanted to tell you about keeping fit.

Вариант 23

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● why today’s teenagers use the Internet so much;

● how the Internet makes long-distance communication easier;
● what dangers teenagers can face when they use the Internet;
● what your attitude to the Internet is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about the Internet.

I admit that today's teenagers use the Internet a lot because it's an easy way to stay
connected with their friends. Another reason why teenagers use the Internet so much is
that it's a way to express themselves. They can create their own blogs or websites to share
their thoughts, ideas, and experiences with others.

Moreover, the Internet is a very useful tool that has made long-distance communication
much easier. With the Internet, you can communicate with people who are far away from
you in real-time. Another benefit of using the Internet for long-distance communication is
that it's affordable. You don't have to pay a lot of money to make a phone call or send a

Last but not least, there are many dangers that teenagers can face when they use the
internet, such as cyberbullying, online predators, and exposure to inappropriate content.
Online predators are people who use the internet to prey on young people. They may
pretend to be someone else to gain the trust of a teenager and then try to meet up with
them in person. This can be very dangerous and can put a teenager's safety at risk.

In conclusion, I would like to say that my attitude to the Internet is positive. I can’t
imagine even a day of my life without it anymore.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about the Internet.

Вариант 24

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your best friend. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● what people need friends for;

● how long you and your friend have known each other;
● what you enjoy doing together;
● what your attitude to friendship is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about my best friend.

It is important to have friends. People need friends for many reasons. Friends are there to
support you when you're feeling sad or upset. They can make you laugh and feel better.
Friends can also give you advice when you have a problem or need help with something.

You know, I have a friend named Denis. We have known each other for a long time -
about 10 years now. We met in school when we were very young.

By the way, we usually go for a walk, play computer games and do our homework
together. I really like spending my time with him. Denis is a very good pupil. Sometimes
he helps me with this or that subject. All of us like computer games. We play together
online and have fun.

In conclusion, I would like to say that my attitude to friendship is very positive. I can’t
imagine even a day of my life without my friend. I think that my friend is very nice and I
am glad to have him.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about my best friend.

Вариант 25

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the place where you live. You will have to
start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● what your city, town or village is famous for;

● what your favourite place in your city, town or village is, and why you like it;
● whether you are going to stay in your city, town or village after leaving school or
move to another place, and why;
● what your attitude to your city, town or village is.

You have to talk continuously.

I’m going to give a talk about the place where you live.

To be honest, every place in the world is unique and has something special that makes it
stand out. My town is famous for its beautiful beaches and sunny weather. Many people
come here to enjoy the warm climate and relax on the sandy shores.

It goes without saying that my favorite place in my town is the park. It's a big green area
with lots of trees, flowers and benches where you can sit and relax. I like it because it's
very peaceful and quiet there. You can hear the birds singing and see squirrels running
around. It's also a great place to exercise or play sports.

By the way, after I finish school, I'm not sure if I want to stay in my city or move to
another place. There are pros and cons to both options. If I stay in my city, I will be close
to my family and friends. I know the area well, so it will be easy for me to get around.
However, there may not be many job opportunities in my field of interest. On the other
hand, if I move to another place, I may have more job opportunities and new experiences.

In general, my attitude to my city/town/village is positive. I like some places here, I love

some people who live here, but I am considering an opportunity to live somewhere else

That’s all that I wanted to tell you about the place where I live.

Вариант 26

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about photography. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences).

Remember to say:

● why people like taking photos;

● why taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past;
● what the best photo you have ever taken is;
● what your attitude to taking photos is.

You have to talk continuously

I’m going to give a talk about photography.

You know, taking photos is a popular activity that many people enjoy. There are many
reasons why people like taking photos. One reason is to capture memories of important
moments in their lives, such as birthdays, weddings, and vacations. Another reason why
people like taking photos is to share them with others. People often take photos of
themselves, their friends, and their families to share on social media or to send to loved
ones who live far away.

Moreover, taking photos has become more popular today than in the past because of
advancements in technology. In the past, cameras were big and expensive, and not
everyone could afford them. Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone with a camera
that is easy to use and carry around.

By the way, taking photos is a fun and exciting hobby that many people enjoy. I remember
taking a photo of my family on vacation last year that I really love. We were all standing
on the beach, with the sun setting behind us. It was a really special moment because we
were all together and happy. I took the photo with my phone and it turned out really well.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I am a big fan of taking photos, so my attitude to
this process is mainly positive.

I think that’s all that I wanted to tell you about photography.

При подготовке пособия были использованы ресурсы/материалы:

1. Демонстрационные версии КИМ ОГЭ по английскому языку Федерального

института педагогических измерений – www.fipi.ru;

2. Открытые варианты КИМ ОГЭ по английскому языку ФИПИ;

3. Открытый банк заданий ОГЭ по английскому языку–www.fipi.ru

3. 55 устных тем по английскому языку Ю. А. Смирнов.

4. Методические материалы для предметных комиссий субъектов Российской

Федерации по проверке выполнения заданий с развернутым ответом
экзаменационных работ.

Об авторе
Меня зовут Кристина Валерьевна, я преподаватель английского языка и эксперт в
подготовке к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ.

Моя группа по подготовке к ОГЭ https://vk.com/englishwithkris74

Для вас:
● Научу продавать свои пособия и разработки, и получать дополнительный
доход https://vk.com/market-180249086?w=product-180249086_7018228
● Курсы для преподавателей по подготовке к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ (готовый план и
материалы для работы).
● Курсы для преподавателей по обучению онлайн на платформе zoom.
● Много полезных материалов для подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ.
● Сборники по подготовке к ОГЭ с готовыми ответами и шаблонами на
максимальный балл https://vk.com/market-180249086 Задания взяты из открытого
банка заданий ФИПИ!

Тренажёр по грамматике с автопроверкой https://t.me/QuizBot?start=5lVcrJD3

Полезные материалы для подготовке к ОГЭ


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Несколько фактов обо мне:

1. Эксперт ОГЭ и ЕГЭ

2. Высшее педагогическое образование
3. Училась и работала в Америке
4. Работала в школе
5. Участвовала в конкурсе «Учитель года»
6. Работаю в лучшем языковом центре России
7. Работаю онлайн 6 лет
8. Автор сборников по подготовке к ОГЭ

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