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_ Ехат $КИ$ Фог Виза

ак ОГЭ и ЕГЭ
Йскому языку:
ИЕ} YpoBent
С ОНЛ: -версией упражнен 7]

мне Е. о-|

ИАА птаст!ап
| PA education
Macmillan Education
4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW
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ISBN 9781380015488
Text, design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2018
Written by Steve Taylor Knowles and Malcolm Mann.

The authors have asserted their right to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Design and
Patent Act 1988.

First published 2018

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Основная задача
пособия Подготовка к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ по английскому языку: грамматика и лексика. Уровень А1+
состоит в том, чтобы помочь учащимся подготовиться к сдаче Основного государственного экзамена (ОГЭ)
по английскому языку для выпускников 9 классов. Пособие может быть использовано как начальный этап
подготовки к сдаче выпускного экзамена в 11 классе в формате Единого государственного экзамена (ЕГЭ),
а также для подготовки к сдаче экзаменов по английскому языку на уровень А2 Общеевропейской системы
оценки владения иностранным языком, например экзамена Сатбиаде ЕпайзВ: Кеу (КЕТ).

Структура книги для учащегося

Книга включает в себя 42 лексико-грамматических раздела и структурно подразделяется на 14 блоков.
Каждый блок состоит из двух грамматических разделов, одного лексического и одного раздела на
повторение. Все разделы одного блока объединены тематически, что обеспечивает простоту и лёгкость
усвоения грамматического и лексического материала.

Грамматические разделы
Грамматические разделы начинаются с теоретической части, в которой в доступной форме объясняются
грамматические явления. Наиболее сложные моменты выделены в рубрике \МаюЬ оий. В рубрике
Helpful 61 даются полезные советы по правилам употребления изучаемых грамматических структур.
Практическая часть грамматического раздела включает в себя разнообразные по форме и сложности
задания в формате ОГЭ, направленные на поэтапное закрепление пройденного материала.

Лексические разделы
Лексические разделы включают в себя типы заданий, соответствующие требованиям ОГЭ и ЕГЭ. Каждый
урок начинается с введения лексического материала: лексические единицы по изучаемой тематике,
речевые образцы, устойчивые словосочетания и словообразовательные цепочки. Лексические упражнения
различной степени сложности обеспечивают поэтапную отработку и закрепление материала блока.

Повторение и закрепление пройденного материала

Особое внимание в пособии уделяется повторению и закреплению пройденного материала.

Пособие содержит:
e 14 разделов на повторение пройденного материала (после каждого третьего раздела);
® 3 промежуточных теста на закрепление пройденного материала, представленных в книге для учителя;
® 2 теста на проверку степени усвоения пройденного материала (после уроков 21 и 42).
Все тесты и разделы на повторение составлены из заданий в формате раздела «Грамматика и лексика» ОГЭ.

Дополнительные материалы
Дополнительные справочные материалы, размещённые в конце книги для учащегося, содержат:
® справочный материал по образованию количественных и порядковых числительных;
® справочный материал по образованию форм настоящего времени ряда глаголов;
» список наиболее употребительных неправильных глаголов;
® список активной лексики по каждому блоку с переводом на русский язык и примерами её употребления;
» справочный материал по сочетаемости слов;
® справочный материал по словообразованию.
Units ‘Pages

Unit 1 Grammar to be; there is / there are; it’s; this / these / that / those 6

“Unit 2 бр Present simple 1 9

Unit 3 Vocabulary My home 12

Review 1 Units 1, 2 and 3 15

Unit 4 Grammar Present simple 2 16

Unit 5 Grammar Present continuous 19

Unit 6 Vocabulary Hobbies and pastimes 22

Review 2 Units 4, 5 and 6 25

Unit 7 Grammar Present simple and present continuous 26

Unit 8 Grammar Past simple 1 29

Unit 9 Vocabulary School life / 32

Review 3 Units 7, 8 and 9 35

Unit 10 Grammar Past simple 2 36

Unit 11 Grammar Past continuous о ОИ 39

Unit 12 Vocabulary Making friends and getting to know people 42

Review 4 Units 10, 11 and 12 45

Unit 13 Grammar Present perfect 1 46

Unit 14 Grammar Present perfect 2 49

Unit 1 5 Vocabulary Travel 52

Review 5 Units 13, 14 and 15 55

Unit 16 Grammar Present perfect and past simple 56

Unit 17 Grammar will and be going to 59

Unit 18 Vocabulary Sports and healthy lifestyle - 62.

Review 6 Units 16, 17 and 18 65

Unit 19 Grammar Modal verbs 1 66

Unit 20 Grammar Modal verbs 2 69

Unit 21 Vocabulary Rules 72

Review 7 Units 19, 20 and 21 75

Progress test 1 Units 1-21 76

Unit 22 Grammar Plurals, countable and uncountable nouns 1 78

Unit 23 Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns 2 81

Unit 24 Vocabulary Food and shopping 84


Review 8 Units 22, 23 aad 24 87

Unit 25 Grammar have and have got, some and any 88

Unit 26 i Grammar Wh- "На апа чево aes - О 91

Unit 27 Vocabulary . Character and appearance 94

Review 9 ea Units 25,26and27 — в

Unit 28 Grammar Articles 98

Unit 29 ыыы / Nur. . 7 ee 10 1

Unit 30 Vocabulary Weather and seasons, nature and ecology 7 104

Review Ip. or ene Units 28,29 and 300 — 107

Unit 31 Grammar Possessive ’s, Whose ...? 108

Unit 32 НИИ | Pronouns and ee Инне О 111

Unit 33 Vocabulary = Clothes

and fashion = _ 114
Review 11 pa Units 31,32 and33. 117
Unit 34 Grammar Relative pronouns and adverbs, relative clauses 118

Unit 35 | Grammar First conditional . о 121

Unit 36 Vocabulary __—_—Jobs and professions . — _ 124

Review 12 Units 34,35 and 360 127
Unit 37 Grammar Comparatives, as... as 128

Unit38 Grammar Superlatives = 131

“Unit 39 Vocabulary Famous people and places 134

Review 13 ETS ‘Units 37, 38 аапа 39 Sey 2 137

Unit 40 Grammar Imperative, infinitive, -ing form, I'd like .. 138

Unit 4 1 - аи арене, movement and = / 1 41

Unit 42 a Vocabulary = Communication and technology | — - . 144

Review 14 ae | Units 40, 41 and 42 147

Progress test 2 Units 22-42 148

Reference section Cardinal and ordinal numbers 150

Irregular present forms 150

Irregular verbs 151

Topic vocabulary 152

Phrases database 163

Word formation 166
to be; there is / there are; it’s; this / these /
that / those
© to be
Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ
Гат (’т)... lam not (’m not)... Am !...?
Yes, | am. / No, I’m not.
He / She / It is (’s)... He / She / It is not Is he/she / it ...?
(isn’t)... Yes, he / she / it is. / No, he / she / it isn’t.
You/ We/ They are (‘re)... You / We/ They are not Are you / we/ they ...?
(aren’t)... Yes, you / we / they are.
No, you / we / they’re not (aren’t).

Употребление Примеры Watch out!

возраст He is ten. ® Формы глагола го Ве в настоящем времени - ат, Г, аге.
имя lam Sarah. * Врусском языке можно построить предложение, не
профессия “They etn используя глагол: Ему десять лет. В английском языке
- использование глагола обязательно: Не #5 ten.
национальность You aren’t English.
Helpful hints
В устной речи, как правило, используются краткие формы
глагола {о be.
dopmpi rnarona to be €) c. 150

© there is / there are

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ
There is... There is not (isn’t) ... Is there ...? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
There are... There are not (aren't)... Are there ...? Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.

Употребление Примеры
нахождение кого-либо или чего-либо There is a table in the room.
в определённом месте There are two men in the house.

O it’s
Употребление Примеры
явления природы / погода It isn’t dark yet. / It’s cold today.
время суток / дни недели It isn’t late. It’s only 9 o'clock. / Yes, it’s Friday!
расстояния Is it far away from your school?
факты / мнения It’s a new house. / It’s nice.

© this / these / that / those

Единственное число Множественное число
this these
that those

Употребление Примеры
рядом с говорящим This is my book here.
These are my pens here.
на расстоянии от говорящего That is your book over there.
Those are your pens over there.
to be; there is / there are; it’s; this / these/ that / those Unit 1

( обведите правильный вариант ответа.

| am / be ten years old.

Anna is / am in the living room.

You and your sister be/ are Russian.
You are / is a good student!
Sasha be / is my brother.
The computer are / is in my room.
Ann and Alex is / are teachers.
We are/ is at home now.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


_— in the kitchen. 5 The computer very good.

А Гт пот A isn't
B | notam B are not
2 You_ 12 years old. You’re 11. 6 We-__intheclassroom.
A isn’t A are not
B aren't B isn't
3 Julia ___ at school today. 7 my books.
A arenot A They’re not
B isn’t B They is not
4 Dasha and Andrei __ at home. 8 It__ my desk.
A isn’t A aren't
B aren't B isnot

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

ie Nikita! (1) Are you / You are OK?

(2) I’m / 1am, thanks. How (3) is / are you? //
a Fine, thanks. (4) Are / Is your brother here?

Yes, (5) he is / he’s. “/

& (6) Is he / He is in his bedroom?

No, he (7) aren’t / isn’t. He’s in the living room. “/

& OK. (8) Is / Are your mum and dad at home?

No, they aren't. “/


5 (9) Be / Are they at work?

Yes, (10) they’re / they are. /“/

Unit 1 Grammar

Г] заполните пропуски, используя данные слова.

ТВеге 15 ‹ ТПеге аге ° ТПеге 15п*{ ‹ ТПеге агеп*{ °® 1$ {Пеге ° Аге {Пеге

apples in the cake?


milk in the fridge?


boys and girls in the house — they're my friends.

a big sofa in the living room. | sit on it to watch TV.
people on the balcony because it’s winter.

a computer in the bedroom. It’s in the living room.

a supermarket near here?
a bird in our classroom!
sweets on the table? Yum!
noisy children outside!

Я заполните пропуски, ucnonpaya it’s, it isn’t unu is it.

1 love this house. _____________ a nice house.
2 №5 Мопдау {одау. _—__ Тиезадау.
3 — Икее Ш гоот. — _ уобшгоот?
4 Вий _——_-srvvery cold today.
5 far to your house from the park?
6 great to see you!
uA early. It’s only 6 o'clock.
8 There’sasofain my room. __________ big, but comfortable.
9 your birthday today?
10 sunny today and very hot!

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

‘| like itin here. ls this/ those your room?’

‘Yes, it / they is.’

This is my bed here. That/ These is my desk over there.

Come and see this/ these photos on the computer.

Is that / this your dad over there?

This/ Those is my house. It’s new and beautiful.

‘Are these / those boys over there students?’
‘No, it/ they aren't.’
Give me that/ those pencils, please.

8 This / These book is very interesting.

It/ They is about animals.
9 Look at these / this gloves!
It is / They are nice and warm.
10 ‘Are these / those your shoes over there?’
‘Yes, it/ they are.’
Present simple 1

© Present simple
Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ
17 You / We / They walk... |/ You / We / They
do not Do! / you / we / they walk ...?
(don’t) walk... Yes, |/ you / we / they do.
No, | / you / we / they don't.
He / She / It walks... He / She / It does not Does he / she / it walk ...?
(doesn’t) walk... Yes, he / she / it does.
No, he / she / it doesn’t.

Употребление Примеры
регулярные действия в настоящем | _ Amy walks to school every day.
факты из жизни О They live in a big house. Oe
общеизвестные истины, законы природы The Sun rises in the east.
чувства, мысли, состояния ОИ . The book costs five pounds. — 7 -

Helpful hints —
Takue rnaronbi, Kak have (got), want, cost uT. 4. Ha3bIBaloT
глаголами состояния, потому что они передают состояние,
а не действие предмета. Особенность этих глаголов в том,
что они не употребляются в ргезепЕ сопйпиоиз.
| X Heishaving-apet
/ Hehasa pet.

Список глаголов состояния 6) с. 26

Watch out!
Если глагол согласуется с подлежащим в 3-м лице
единственного числа, то в утвердительной форме к глаголу
прибавляется окончание -(е)з.

© Spelling rules

К большинству глаголов прибавляется -S ski > skis

К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на -eS miss > misses
-sS, -sh, -ch, -x and -o, npu6aBnaetca brush = brushes
watch => watches
fix > fixes
go > goes
К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на -е5$ (у меняется на 1) study > studies
согласную + -у, прибавляется
К глаголам, которые оканчиваются на -$ play > plays
гласную + -у, прибавляется

Watch out!
[5] — после звуков [1 [К]; [р] и [t] laughs, thinks, keeps, hates
[2] после звуков [$], [Л], [17], [43] и [2] misses, wishes, matches, arranges, rises
[2] = во всех других случаях dreams, plays, begins, stands, saves, skis
Unit 2 Grammar

ny Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Jean walk / walks home every day.


| doesn’t / don’t like this food.

We live / lives near the school.
My dog eats / eat in the kitchen.
Does / Do your brothers sleep here?
Do / Does you watch TV?
My dad works / work at home.
Do / Does this fridge cost £500?

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


Do you __ with your brother? 4 Egor English very well.

A play A speak
B plays B speaks
2 _уоштмит work? 5 14014 Т\Уе\ует дау.
A Do A watches
B Does B watch
3 We-__ this room for parties. 6 They _live in the city.
A use A don’t
B uses B doesn’t

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Hi Dima,

Thanks for your email. | (1) lives / live in Liverpool with my

mum and dad. | (2) walks / walk to school every day. My dad
(3) works / work in the city but my mum (4) doesn’t work /
not work so she cooks me dinner when | come home. We
(5) has / have a nice house with a garden. | (6) like / likes
my bedroom. There’s a TV and a computer in it.

What about you? (7) Does / Do you walk to school? Do your

parents (8) works / work? Write and tell me about your


FY Hanuwmte nucbmo Bunnu. OtsetbTe Ha ero BONpOCbI, Ucnonb3ya present simple.

Present simple 1 Unit 2

BD) 3anonnute nponycku, noctasue Bbifenenuble rnaronbi B present simple.

Kate _________ (play) football with her brother.

Dima _________ (miss) his house in Vladivostok.

lrina _________ (brush) her hair every day.
Alex _____._ (watch) videos in his room.
Elena ________ (go) to school with her brother.
Olga ______ (study) English at home.
Тпе спаг _ (со #50.
№Мап _ __ (Ях) сотрщег$ м 1$ free time.

Перепишите предложения в отрицательной форме.


My uncle lives in Saint Petersburg.

Sandy watches TV with her brother.

Andrew and Lydia read books.

Max goes to English lessons in the evening.

Polina and | take the bus to school.

Tanya and Sveta like the new house.

You fix laptops.

The dog runs in the garden.

Составьте вопросы и допишите краткие ответы.

You study in the living room.


No, |
Your brothers like football.
Yes, they
We have a dog.
Yes, we
Your cat sleeps in the kitchen.
Yes, it
Stella talks in class.
No, she
Martin works in London.
Yes, he

Vocabulary ©
My home
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений $ с: 152

© Nouns
address furniture: (arm)chair, bed, housework
carpet bookcase, cupboard, sofa, key
ceiling table, wardrobe rooms: bathroom, bedroom,
curtains garden kitchen, living room
flat ground / first / second floor wall

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

brush (your teeth) get up wash
clean put away water
dust share
feed (your pet) tidy

© Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives hard-working Adverbs
clean lazy daily
comfortable messy downstairs
daily upstairs

© Phrases
do the cooking / ironing / shopping / vacuuming / washing / washing-up
get dressed
get ready (for school)
go home / to bed
help someone with
make your bed / a mess / a snack
tell someone to do something

© Word formation
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
day daily daily
dirt dirty
dust dust dusty
laziness lazy
mess messy
quick quickly

My home Unit 3

© Nouns

[М заполните пропуски данными словами.

bathroom ° bed © bedrooms ° carpet © ceiling ° cupboard © curtains ° flat © floor
living room ¢ sofa table © walls

ws | | а
Hi Anna,
My new (1) _ 15геайу псе. Ме Пе оп {Пе зесопа (2) ________.. There are three
(3) __ (аоотюЮгтме, агоот Тогту ег апа а гоот ог ту рагет$).
Му room has a high (4) and there are pictures of my favourite singers on the
(5) _ . | sleep in a comfortable (6) __________ and there’sa big (7) ______ for alll
my things. There are blue (8) on the windows and a blue (9) _________. on the floor.
Blue is my favourite colour!
Of course, there is a big (10) to wash in and a kitchen to cook in too. We eat at a big
(11) _______in the kitchen. | think my favourite room is the (12) _ .„Меа/зКоп\е
(13) _____ and watch TV in there.
Write and tell me your news!

FY Напишите письмо Скай. Поделитесь новостями и опишите свой дом.

[] прочитайте определения. Найдите УМЗ$ЗАСАКВ ОЕ М

и напишите слова.
1 aroom to cook food
2 you have one to open the door U}A|R/IM/C;}H/A]1I/]RI]F
3. aplace that often has flowers
4 jobs you do at home Les a 8] Oa eee
5 furniture
for your books ткхисхк мо А
6 ahouse number, a street name and the CIEIOIDITIVIYVYIOIHIE
паре ую И GIy ну|т ум м о|Е Г В
7 ~ furniture for your clothes
8 aplacetosit EJ EI PLS! PIAL LTUYe
© Verbs and phrasal verbs

Заполните пропуски словами. Первые буквы слов даны.

1 Is__ a bedroom with my brother.

2 Wew______ Dad’s car on Sundays.
3. My-brother and I help ¢ the house on Saturdays.
4 |пеедо* ___ пугоот апар_ а туБоокз.
5 |d______ the furniture in my room every week.
6 Wef_____ the dog and w_______ the flowers every day.
7 The first thing | do when|lg Ss u___in the morning is b_______ my teeth.

Unit 3 Vocabulary

© Adjectives and adverbs

Г] выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 Mybrother is__ .He doesn’t help in 5 Our parents are very __ so we all help with
the house. the housework.
A lazy A comfortable
B daily B hard-working
2 Isyourbed__? 6 Myroomis_—.Mum wants me to put my
A hard-working things away.
B comfortable A messy
3 Thekitchen is __ and the bedroom is on B lazy
the first floor. 7 ~~ There’s a big window __ in my bedroom.
A downstairs A upstairs
B lazy B daily
4 Thank you for your hard work! The house 1$ 8 Mrs Green cleans the house __ .
very __ now! A messy
A clean B daily
B downstairs

© Phrases

[3 из трёх вариантов ответов вычеркните один, который является неверным.

Devon, get home / ready / dressed for school now, please.

Jack helps me with / gets ready / tells me to do my homework.

Mum wants me to do the cooking / the vacuuming / ready for school now.
| make my bed / a snack / the ironing every morning.

We eat and then we go ready for school / home / to bed.

| do the washing up / the washing/ a mess in my house.
Who does the cooking/ bed / shopping in your family?

Word formation

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Holly loves her day/ daily routine.
Tyler and Noah are good friends. They always agree / disagree about things.
| never see dust or dirt/ dirty in my house because Mum cleans every day.
Pavel runs very quick / quickly.
Your room is very mess / messy. Please clean it!
| dust / dusty the furniture in the house.
| hate my bed -— it’s so comfortable / uncomfortable.
Vika isn’t lazy / laziness — she helps her parents every day.

Review 1
Ц Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1 My favourite room inthe houseisthe___. 6 Myroom is very __ because | tidy it every day.
A garden A clean
B kitchen B messy
2 Myclothesareallinthe__. 7 |—_tobedat9pm.
A armchair A go
B wardrobe B do
3 Caitlin __ her dog at six o’clock every day. 8 Doyou—_ your bed in the mornings?
A feeds A do
B dusts B make
4 Sergey a room with his brother. 9 |__with you. You're wrong.
A gets up A agree
B shares B disagree
5 Zoyais__. She studies every day. 10 leat breakfast __.
A hard-working A quick
B lazy B quickly
(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

[ обведите правильный вариант ответа.

ооо Q
Holly’s blog
My name is Holly and (11) this / those is my blog. | (12) be / am Scottish and 13 years
old. | go to school in Glasgow but | (13) am / is not at school today because it’s Sunday.
My parents (14) be / are teachers. They (15) aren’t / not at home now but my sister
(16) are/ is. We share a room. (17) It/ There is a nice room but it (18) aren’t/ isn’t very big.
There (19) are / is beds in the room but there (20) not / isn’t a television. Comments here!

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в соответствующую форму.

21 МИШе _ (60) ® 5споа а 8 ам.
22 Mycat_____——_ (not / like) chocolate!
23 ‘_______———(Thomas / live) here?’ ‘Yes, he does.’
24 Ashton_____—————_—s (Study) in his room.
25 Mysister__.___ ————s (watch) TV in the living room.
26 _________—(you / play) football?
27 Liza__.__ (buy) food at this shop.
28 John getsupand_____——_— (brush) his teeth at 7 am.
29 ‘____—C__C#§(thee sofa / cost) twenty euros?’ ‘No, it doesn’t.’
30 They________ (not / work) on Sundays.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

Present simple 2

© Adverbs of time

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ

1/7 You/ We/ They walk... 1/Уои/ Ме/ They do not (don’t) Бо [/уои/ме/ еума...?
walk... Yes, |/ you / we / they do.
No, |/ you / we / they don't.
He / She / It walks ... He / She / It does not (doesn’t) Does he/she/ it walk...?
walk... Yes, he / she / it does.
No, he / she / it doesn’t.

РгезепЕ этр/е обычно употребляется с наречиями, которые указывают на то, как часто происходит действие.
always | always study in my bedroom.
usually BO We usually walk to school.
often Dad often watches TV on Friday night.
sometimes Mum sometimes reads in bed.
rarely Alex rarely forgets his homework.
never They never talk in class.

Watch out!
Наречия времени, как правило, ставятся перед смысловым глаголом, но после глагола ® Бе.
/ Гпа ойеп ИЗеп$ ю тис.
/ Иете аМау$ Рарру оп Зашгдау$!

© Time expressions
На регулярный характер действия в ргезепЕ хтр/е могут указывать словосочетания:
_ еуегу аау / меек / уеаг ит. д. | go to school every day.
оп Ейаау$ ит. д. We don’t study on Fridays.
in the summer / autumn ut. A. She swims in the summer.
at weekends / the weekend / 7 pm/3o’'clockut.g. Do you watch TV at weekends?

Watch out!
Указатели времени обычно стоят в начале или в конце предложения.
/_ | play football at weekends.
¥ Atweekends, | play football.

Helpful hints
every every day/ week / year iT. O.
on on Mondays / Tuesdays / Fridays wT. 2.
in in (the) spring / summer / autumn / winter
at at weekends / the weekend / 7 pm / 3 o'clock “T. 2.
Present simple 2 Unit 4

PN O6sequte npasunbublii Bapuant oTBeTa.

Kristina often / never plays chess because she loves it.

Mark sometimes / always swims in the sea but he uses the pool too.
‘Do the boys always / rarely walk to school?’ ‘Yes. Every day.’
These students don’t like tests! They often / never enjoy them!
‘Do you like weekends?’ ‘Yes, | do. |am always/ never happy at the weekend!’
‘Do you watch television every day?’ ‘No, | never / always watch television.’
Victoria is a very good tennis player so she usually / rarely wins.
My friends never/ rarely play video games — only at weekends.

[] Где стоит наречие времени? Отметьте (/) А или В.

1 = Slava (A) __ is (B) __ tired after football. often

2 We (A)__ play (B) — tennis in the winter. never
3 | (A)__ walk (B) __ to the sports centre. sometimes
4 Yana (A) __ is (B) __ hungry in the morning. usually
5 My dad (A) __ works (B) __ on Sundays. always
6 You (A)__ are (B) ___ late for school. rarely

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

ооо Q
Ruslan’s blog
My name is Ruslan. | live in Kazan with my parents and my
sister, Dinara. (1) We often / often we play tennis together and
(2) we swim sometimes / we sometimes swim in the summer.
My parents (3) are always / always are at work when we come
home from school. My mum (4) usually leaves / leaves usually
food for us but (5) my sometimes sister / my sister sometimes
cooks. She’s very good! | (6) cook never / never cook because |
don’t like cooking but (7) 1am rarely/ | rarely am hungry because
there is always nice food in this house!

FY Напишите о себе, используя ргезепЁ $71тр(е и наречия времени.

Unit 4 Grammar

Перепишите предложения, используя наречия времени. Помните о порядке слов.

1 | do my homework when | come home. always

ee We go out at the weekend. usually

Football is on television. often

| read stories. sometimes

| go to basketball matches. rarely

Alice is late for school. never

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

at ° at © every © every © ine on

We often go for walks ____ the summer.


| love going to the park _____ the weekend.

Helena rides her bike _______ day.
We don’t go to school ____ Saturdays.
week, we watch our favourite TV programme.
We meet ____ 7 pm every Friday.

Заполните пропуски, расставив выделенные слова в правильном порядке.


Кае _ _____ __ (ИЧет$/ ойепт) to music.


1ео апа Мпа _ __ (па/ изиайу / ау / 90) сотрщег ватез.

Do_______——Ss—""______—- (Sometimes / you / swim) in the winter?
Kate_____——Ct—C (verry / day / Studies).
We___—SCS7S (меекетд$ / happy / always / are / at)!
Апбетпа _ __ (тагеу/масипез) Яйт$ оп ТУ.
Ме_ _ Ф©„/ъвспоа/ехету / май) дау.
| (have / at / an English lesson / never) 5 pm.

Present continuous

© Present continuous

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ

[ат (’т) маКт& пом. [Гат по (’т пой маКт& Am | walking now?
now. Yes, | am.
No, I’m not.
He / She / It is (’s) walking He / She / It is not (isn’t, Is he / she / it walking now?
now. ’s not) walking now. Yes, he / she / it is.
No, he / she / it isn’t (’s not).
You / We / They are (re) You / We / They are not Are you / we / they walking now?
walking now. (aren't, 're not) walking now. Yes, you / we / they are.
No, you / we / they aren't (’re not).

Употребление Примеры
действия, которые происходят в момент речи — I’m playing basketball at the moment. ии -— 5
действия, которые длятся определённый период Тот’з %аутё ийн из Бесаизе №5 рагепез аге амау. —
времени в настоящем
для описания картинок и фотографии = — In the photo, they’re watching a film.

Watch out!
He often reads to his sister.
At the moment, he’s reading a book.

Подробно о времени present simple 6 с. 9

Подробно о сравнении времён ргезепЕ этрие и ргезеп! соп#пиоиз $ с. 26

© Time expressions
Present continuous обычно употребляется со словосочетаниями, которые указывают на момент речи или
период времени в настоящем.
at the moment Dad’s sleeping at the moment. 7 —
now I’m studying now. — =
right now Mum’s reading right now.
| today They're going shopping today.
this week / month uT. Q. We’re playing in a football match this week.

© Spelling rules
При добавлении к смысловому глаголу окончания -т&
большинство глаголов не меняется play > playing
конечная непроизносимая -е опускается dance > dancing
в односложных глаголах с одной гласной и одной run > running
конечной согласной такая согласная удваивается
конечная -! удваивается. travel > travelling
конечное буквосочетание -е меняется на -у lie > lying

Unit 5 Grammar

обведите правильный вариант ответа. 3

1 lis/ am going to the theatre this week.
2 We're staying / We’re stay with our grandparents at the moment.
3 Peter is talk / talking about the film.
4 Look! In this photo, it’s / it snowing!
5 Areyou / You are going to the cinema?
6 My parents aren’t / isn’t working today.
7 You're not / You’re aren’t listening to me!
8 Evais / Is Eva sleeping right now?

[] составьте предложения.
1 film am enjoying this |

2 hockey are playing now we

3 is fun not Jane having

4 homework you are your doing ?

5 not sleeping are the girls

6 is the moment raining at it т

$ reading Adam is book not his

8 is today coming Veronica school to ?

Заполните пропуски, поставив выделенные глаголы в ргезепЕ сопНпиоиз.

1 —ТПе чидем$ (dance) in the classroom now!
2 Thedog (run) in the park.
3 We__ (travel) to Viadivostok this week.
4 Peter (lie) on his bed.
5 You (play) ice hockey.
6_ Inthis picture, | (open) my present.
7 They (watch) the match on TV.
8 Lanaissad — she (cry).
| Present continuous Unit 5

Dp) Заполните пропуски данными словами.

а{ о Бейтя о Рт о ИУептя о ИБ о $Пе’$ ® {5 о уоиге

Dear Joni,

I’m having a great time at home. My mum and dad are travelling
(1) _ пом ТПеуе staying with my grandparents
(2) ___—S——CT Weel rnd: I’m _ here with my elder sister, Rosa.
(3) _____________ cooking in the kitchen (4) Ш
moment. It’s funny — she’s (5)______to music and dancing in there!
(6). Ss ing on my bed writing this but I’m (7)
hungry — the food smells good!
| hope (8) _ having a nice time.

FY Напишите письмо Бену. Опишите, чем занимаетесь вы и ваша семья

в настоящий момент.

8 перепишите предложения в отрицательной форме.

1 = My brother is working for my uncle this month.

2 ~~ Itis raining now.

3 __Inthis photo, we are walking in the park.

4 lamcycling.

5 You are looking at your stamp collection.

6 They are eating in a café.

Gi Составьте вопросы и дополните краткие ответы.

1 You are studying for exams this week.

No, |
2 ‘I’m talking fast.
Yes, you
3 Oleg and Olya are ice skating.
No, they
4 Valeria is taking photographs.
‘ Yes, she
5 Weare having fun.
No, we
6 Peter is watching TV right now.
Yes, he

Hobbies and pastimes
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений S с. 152

© Nouns

birthday / fancy-dress / pyjama / cinema musical instruments: drums,

surprise party disco guitar, piano, trumpet, violin
board / computer / video game film picture
camera folk / pop / rap / rock music song
cartoon free time theatre
hobby TV programme

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

draw laugh spend watch (TV)
enjoy paint sing
go out relax stay in

© Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives difficult funny Adverb

amazing exciting lovely really
boring favourite

© Phrases

be good at something / doing something have / throw a party

feel bored listen to music
go to the cinema / theatre play / have a game (of)
have fun read a book
have time to do something take a picture / photo

© Word formation

Noun Verb Adjective

drawing draw
enjoy enjoyable
fun funny
luck lucky
music musical

painter | paint
player play
reader read
- relax relaxing
singer sing
Hobbies and pastimes Unit 6

© Nouns

И Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

We're going to the cinema / theatre / disco to watch a film.


Jessica doesn’t know about the party because it’s a surprise / birthday / folk party.
You play the violin / guitar / trumpet with your mouth.
At a fancy-dress / rock / pyjama party, we sleep at a friend’s house.

| take great films / pictures / cartoons with my new phone.

Do you listen to rap / computer / board music? s

Shhh! I’m watching my favourite camera / TV programme / video game!

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

board © camera ° сотрщег ° Нее ЧНте * hobbies © piano © pop © songs

Leon’s blog
It’s the school holidays now and | have a lot of (1)
to do some of my (2) ____——S——_—: . | like. music so | play the
(3) ___—CU in. the afternoons. | listen to a lot of
(4) ss music and I’m learning some new
(5)_______ and trying to play them. | like taking pictures too
so when the weather is nice, | go out with my (6) .
| Вауеп\ 5ота (7) _ $91 аоп+ рау сотрщег ватез eo
Бит | ПКе р!аутё (8) _ __ ватез. Аге уоч Паутя Тип оп
your holidays? Leave a comment

FY Оставьте комментарий к статье в блоге Леона. Расскажите о своих увлечениях.

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

Составьте слова из выделенных букв.

1 Рота (8т$$) _ [ _ рор5$0п5$ еуету дау.
2 _There’s a good show on TV. Do you want to (chwat) __ it?
3 Let’s(tapin)__-__~~——a picture!
4 I|don’t(despn)__ Ss much time at home in the summer.
5 _|wantto (asyt ni)___ tonight because I’m tired.
6 Doyou sometimes (ward) pictures of people?
7 |usually come home from school, eat and (laxer)__—————s for an hour.
8 Doyou (glahu) ________ when you see cartoons that are really funny?
9 Wedon’t(jenyo)____ video games but we like board games.
10 Му ег апа | амау$ (о& ио?) _ оп Зашгаау пе.

Unit 6 Vocabulary

‘O Adjectives and adverbs

Г] заполните пропуски словами. Первые буквы слов даны.

This board gameisr___ good fun!

It's al day — let’s go for a walk.

Morgan is laughing because the cartoon is very f
What’s your f kind of music?
I think footballisaverye___
English isn’t d to learn.
This film is b ! Let’s go to the park.


Соедините две части предложений. Выделенные слова помогут вам.

We always have __ at playing the guitar.


Phoebe usually has a __ the theatre tonight?

I’m not very good __ to music.
Do you want to play __ fun at the beach.
| sometimes feel ___ a photo of us, please.
Do you want to go to __ bored when I’m at home.
Is he reading __ a game of chess?
Sorry, | haven’t got __ party on her birthday.
Robert, take __ a book in the garden?

In my free time | always listen __ time to talk to you now.


Word formation

Заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они


лексически и грамматически соответствовали смыслу предложений.

1 We’re sitting on the beach and it’s really : RELAX

2 = =Irinaisavery__._. girl. | always laugh when I’m with her. FUN
3 Doyou Кпом мпо рат$ {Пезе — ? РАМТ
4 Iwanttobea__________ when I’m older. MUSIC
5 Меае_ _ Бесаизе ме Ме т а beautiful place. LUCK
6 Are you a вооа {еп — ? PLAY
7 | want to stay in. | think it’s very ENJOY
8 Lookatmy__________! Do you like it? DRAW
9 Myhobbyis__. _. READ
10 Do you know the words to this_____——? SING

Review 2 Orie И в and 6

A Заполните пропуски данными словами.

| amazing « board . boring « good « musician ° paint « player * rap « stays ‹ takes |

1 ‘Do you like _______ music and pop music?’ ‘Yes, | do.’
2 loftenplay_______ games with my family.
3 Wesometimes__________ pictures in our free time.
4 Logan usually _________ in on Mondays.
5 Mysister doesn’t like football. She says it’s
6 llovethis song! It's!
7 This phone________ great photos!
8 Henry likes playing the guitar but he’s not very___——_att it.
9 Libby is a great tennis
10 | wantto bea rock

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

[Е] где стоит указатель времени? Отметьте (/) А или В.

11 You (A)_— are (B) _~ late for school. sometimes
12 (А) go (B)_— for a walk in the park. often
13 We (A) _— eat (B) _ burgers. never
14 We(A)_— don’t go to school (B)___. on Sundays
15 My dog (A) is (B) __ happy when | come home. always
‚16 Lewis (A) __ sleeps at my house (B)___ . at weekends
17 1|(A)—— feel bored (B) __ with my friends. rarely
18 My brother (A) __ helps me (B) __ with difficult homework. usually
19 They (A) _ take the bus (B)___. every day
20 (A)__, Paige visits (B) __ her grandparents. in the summer

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Заполните пропуски, поставив выделенные глаголы в ргезепЕ сопНпиои$.

21 КРИеу_ (travel) at the moment.
22 Erin _____——C (dance) in her bedroom.
23 ‘_____—————_—S((Filorence
/ go) to your birthday party today?’ ‘No, she isn’t.’
24 Matthew____————_—Cs (not / play) football now. He’s at home.
25 Му905_ == (тит) ше рак апе тотег%.
26 ____— (you / have) fun now?
27 Shhh!|____————S—_ (talk) on the phone.
28 ‘___—C (Leon / lie) on his bed now?’ ‘Yes, he is.’
29 We__—C.. (Stay) at my aunt’s house this week.
30 My parents are at work. They____———S——S—S (not / shop) right now. 7

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

Present simple and present continuous

© Present actions: present simple or present continuous

O6pa3o0BaHue Bpemeun present simple 6 с. 9
Образование времени present continuous $ с. 19

Употребление Примеры
описание регулярных действий в настоящем Не маез №5 ЫКе to school every day.
present continuous описание действий, происходящих в данный —Оигеаспег 1 talking at the moment.
момент или период времени в настоящем

Watch out!
[naronb! coctoaHna He ynoTpe6natiotca B present continuous.
Ктаким глаголам относятся:
agree love
believe remember
belong to see
cost seem
forget smell
hate taste
have think
know understand
like want

Xx #miking-maths-and-seience:
/ |like maths and science.
Х She’s-knowingthe-answer-
/ She knows the answer.

_© Time expressions: present simple or present continuous

Bpema Указатели времени Примеры
present simple always We always have breakfast at 7.00.
usually - _______ When do you usually do yourhomework? _
often | often take the bus to school.
sometimes _ Sam sometimes gets bad marks.
rarely He rarely goes to bed at ten o'clock.
never We're never late for classes.
every day Do you have Language Club every day?
every Sunday uv T. Q. Do you play basketball every Sunday?
present continuous atthemoment = We’re doing a test at the moment.
now Are the students reading their books now? oe
right now Are you writing right now?
today We're watching a video today.
this week / month uT. Q. We aren't studying this week.


Present simple and present continuous Unit 7

[Л обведите правильный вариант ответа.

1 lamstudying / study French at the moment.
2 Hank loves/ is loving the chess club.
3 Doyou usually drink / Are you usually drinking water after PE class?
4 In Canada, it often rains/ is raining.
5 Is she watching / Does she watch a history programme now?
6 Wenever have / are never having dinner at 8 pm.
7 They are doing / do their homework today.
8 lam understanding/ understand your question now.

С Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 Igetupat6am__. 6 |__ goto bed before 10 pm.

A every day A rarely
B atthe moment B now
2 We're looking at our English books ___. 7 | We__ goon holiday during the school year.
A now A never
B usually B now
3 She __ does the shopping early in the day. 8 They __ take the bus to school.
A now A today
B often B usually
4 Students write in their notebooks __.. 9 Do__ read books in your bedroom?
A every afternoon A sometimes you
B today B you sometimes
5 We're talking to our Spanish teacher __ . 10 They don’t __ their bikes to school every day.
A always A never ride
B atthe moment B ride

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Hi, Andrew. (1) Are you studying / Do you study history now?

No, | (2) am reading / read a book for English class.

| (3) often do / am often doing English homework first.
| (4) am liking / like my English class. w

| (5) am agreeing / agree. English is my favourite subject.

We (6) learn / are learning to write stories in my class at the
moment. It’s a nice thing to do and | (7) don’t love / love it!

| (8) am not writing / don’t write stories

Бит геадт8 {Пет 1$ Тип. //

Unit 7 Grammar

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

am singing ¢ are helping « do @ is going « is having ° meet e play . runs.

The dog _____in the park every day.


Tom ___________ to Maths class at the moment.

Нопе! апа Зсой а\Мау$ =
_ Базкефай аКег $спо91.
We___ ютум ИН project now.
Beth_______~—_— Junch in the school cafeteria today.
We___ SSM our Music Club every Wednesday at 6 pm.
| ие 5спо9а| сопсеп 115 уеаг.
Уоч _ ___ уоигпотемогк т the kitchen every evening.

Заполните пропуски, поставив выделенные глаголы в ргезепЁ $57тре или

present continuous.

We___ SS (take) photos att the Moment.

(she / have) lunch at school every day at 1 pm?
They________~——_—s (talk) now and the teacher is angry.
| _ Бее\уе) Чеши$$ Пеат м Ну &аз$$.
Не оКеп _ __ (автее) мии 11$ Шепа$.
You_____———_—sO(listen) to music in your bedroom now.
The teacher_____—S (not / give) us our homework at the moment.
It___———_—s (get) very cold outside now.
(he / watch) TV now?
| (по / мам) |ипспй Фодау.

Составьте предложения. Используйте ргезепЕ 57тр(е или ргезепЕ сопНпиоиз.

"мы il

she / walk / to school / now

he / always / like / Maths class / ?

the children / want / more pizza / ?

the teacher / not draw / a picture / now

| / not go / to piano lessons / every Tuesday

we / not cook / spaghetti / at the moment

you / phone / your music teacher / today / ?

Lionel / often / think / about music

Past simple 1

© Past simple: regular verbs

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ
1/7 You/ He/She/It/We/ |I/You/He/She/It/We/They Did!/you/he/ she / it / we / they walk to
They walked to school. did not (didn’t) walk to school. school?
- Yes, |/ you / he / she / it / we / they did.
No, |/ you / he / she / it / we / they didn’t.

Употребление Примеры
действия, которые произошли в определённый They watched a film on TV last night.
момент в прошлом
последовательность действий в прошлом Joe picked up the book, opened it and started to read.
регулярные действия в прошлом My dad played basketball every day when he was a boy.

Watch out!
В отрицательной и вопросительной формах на прошедшее время указывает а.
X Wedidn’twatked-to-seheot
/ We didn’t walk to school.

О Spelling rules
К большинству глаголов прибавляется -ed walk > walked
К глаголам, оканчивающимся на -е, прибавляется d taste 2 tasted
Ca Ha -ie, npbnOaBnAeTCA lie > lied
К глаголам, оканчивающимся на согласную + -у, -ed cry > cried
прибавляется (буква у меняется на]
К глаголам, оканчивающимся на гласную + -у, -ed stay > stayed
К глаголам, оканчивающимся на согласную stop > stopped
с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком,
прибавляется в
(конечная согласная
К глаголам, оканчивающимся на ударную гласную ргеег > preferred
и одну согласную, прибавляется yARanbaqin)
К глаголам, оканчивающимся на -1, прибавляется travel > travelled

Watch out!
[9] в большинстве случаев arrived, repaired, showed, robbed
[9 после звуков [К], [$], [47], [Л, [В и [р] looked, missed, touched, wished, laughed, dropped
[1d] nocne 3BykoB [t] u [d] waited, needed

© Time expressions
yesterday | walked to school yesterday. Jelpful hints =
yesterday morning / evening We talked to them yesterday morning. В вопросе И/еп...? и ответе
-last night/ week They played basketball last night. на него используется past
a year / two months ago = She stayed here a year ago. simple. |
on Tuesday -__ You learned about Greece on Tuesday. When did Bill stop work? |
at five o'clock ОВ Bill stopped work atffive o’clock. oa ae ped worrat five |
in 2017 / June They lived in Moscow in 2017. /

Unit 8 Grammar

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 He __ video games with his brother last night. 6 We-__ to school yesterday.
A played A walks
B plays B walked
_— in Croatia for their holiday last summer? 7 He__a party for his friends.
A They did stay A plan
B Did they stay B planned
Michelle __ yesterday because she was ill. 8 The teacher __ me for my homework.
A didn’t worked A didn’t ask
B didn’t work B did ask
___ to cook dinner? 9 \It__here yesterday.
A You tried A rains
B Did you try B rained
Sam and |__ Maths together every day 10 | because the film was very sad.
last week. A cry
A studied B cried
B study

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Tonya listened to her teacher yesterday / morning.

We learned about animals in our Science class on / at Wednesday.

You and Alicia studied in Italy on/ in 2016.

We played in a basketball match three/ a months ago.
Julie and Pam cleaned the house last/ yesterday morning.

Bill arrived at school at/ in eight o'clock.

Mark talked to his friend in Poland last/ yesterday night.

| visited my aunt yesterday afternoon / week.

Раскройте скобки, noctaBusB rnaronbi B past simple.


They ___________ (stop) the music to listen to the teacher.


Michael ___________ (look) at the nice pictures in his classroom.

Our teacher really __._________ (like) our school play.
|_ (not/ try) to join the club.
We____S——C (Cancel) the school party.
М/Пеге _ (уои/ спапве) со{пез ТогРЕ с!а$$?
Не _ (саму \е Боок$ Рог Ш{еаспег.
Треу _ _ (пот/ мау) а school last Friday.
Ме_ __ (ЧНауе) о $сойапа Тог оиг зспоо{йр.
10 Ус _ (lie) about your exam grade.
(they / live) near your school last year?
iZ К ($пом) а night.

Ш ‹
> Past simple 1 Unit 8

Г] раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в разЁ я7трие.

a Hi, Tony. (1) _________ (your class / visit) a museum yesterday?

Yes, we did.

а \!па+ (2) _ __ (уош/Леат)?

Well, a museum guide (3) ______ (Show) us the museum.

Не (4) (talk) about the pictures and the painters. //

д What pictures (5) _ (уби/епоу)?

| (6) (prefer) the French paintings. The museum has

videos about the paintings, too, but | (7) (not / watch) those. ~

| see. When (8) (уси /геитт) Фо school?

We (9) _______ (arrive) back at school at 3 pm.
1 (10) SSCS (ove) the trip! и

В Вставьте пропущенное слово в каждую ответную реплику.

1 ‘When did your aunt work in the school 5 ‘When did the class start?’
canteen?’ К at 2 pm.’
‘She there last year.’ 6 ‘When did you and your class travel to
‘When did you talk with your uncle?’ London?’
to him yesterday evening.’ ‘We ______ to London in September.’
‘When did he finish school?’ 7 ~~ ‘When did they listen to your song?’
‘He at 3 pm.’ ‘They________ to it last night.’
‘When did you help Erin with her homework?’ 8 ‘When did the stadium close?’
her yesterday evening.’ ‘It__ sat 10 pm.’

Составьте вопросы и дополните краткие ответы.

You studied in your room.


No, |
Mark and Tom watched the football match.
Yes, they
We lived in another town.
No, we
| opened the classroom door.
Yes, you
Beth talked in class.
No, she
Our teacher, Mr Jones,.worked in Leeds.
Yes, he

School life
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений 6 с. 153

© Nouns
blackboard / whiteboard school items: bag, notebook, pencil case, pencil
class(room) sharpener, rubber, ruler
classmate subjects: Art, Geography, Handicraft, History, IT,
Chess / Dancing / Drama / Language / Maths / Literature, Maths, Music, PE, Science
Science Club term
homework test / exam
lesson timetable

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

check learn study
choose miss teach
fail pass
know remember

© Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives hard Adverbs
boring interesting hard
correct right right
easy wrong wrong

© Phrases
be interested in get a good / bad mark
cheat in atest / an exam go to school
do (your) homework have / take / do atest / an exam
fail / pass a test / an exam make a mistake
find something hard / easy pay attention to

© Word formation
Noun Verb Adjective
beginner begin
choice choose
educate education
knowledge know
spelling spell
student study
teacher teach
School life Unit 9

@ Nouns

uN 0 каких школьных предметах или кружках говорится в утверждениях 1-9?

Установите соответствия.

Science -1 Wesometimes draw pictures of flowers in this lesson. Dancing

History 2 Welearn French and Spanish in this Club. Music

3 Myclassmates and | enjoy making things in these lessons.

Chess 4 | usually win the games we play at this Club. IT

Drama 5 Welearn about computers in these lessons. Handicraft

6 This Club is my favourite activity. | love acting in plays like

Art Romeo and Juliet! Geography
7 Pp ith _ р (eae
Maths m good with numbers so this is my favourite subject PE

8 My classmates and | often sing songs in these lessons.

Language 9 I'malways happy in this lesson because | love books Literature

and reading.

Я Заполните пропуски данными словами. В каждом случае одно слово лишнее.

In our(1)________, there is a в (2) _— оп\пемаи.

The teacher writes on this in the (3)

classmates homework rubber timetable

| look at my (7) _______ every evening to see what (8) ___ | have.
| sometimes phone one of my (9) ___-___ to check.

@ Verbs and phrasal verbs

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Itis important to check / choose your homework before you give it to your teacher.

Mr Smith learns / teaches us Geography.

| passed / failed the test. | got 45% and my parents are angry.
| missed / remembered my Maths lesson today because |.am ill.
All my classmates study / know really hard for tests and exams.
Unit 9 Vocabulary

© Adjectives and adverbs

Г] Перепишите предложения так, чтобы их смысл изменился на противоположный.

Используйте данные слова.

easy © boring °‹ boring * wrong * wrong © wrong |

You're right.
This film is very interesting.

| have the correct answer.

This board game is fun.
The test is really hard.
Zoe has the right answer.

© Phrases

9 Исправьте ошибки.

Jack passed the exam. He only got 40%.


| make my homework and then | give it to the teacher.


Do you take good marks in tests?

We don’t go in school on Sundays.

Ruby cheated to the test and her teacher isn’t happy.

| rarely do mistakes in spelling.
Please pay attention at the teacher.
We make exams at the end of the year.
Are you interested at Science?
‘| dislike Maths.’ ‘Really? | look it really easy.’

Word formation

От выделенных слов образуйте однокоренные. Заполните пропуски.

When you havea_________—_— it means you can choose.
We go to school to getan________——_——— it’s where people educate you.

is important. When you spell a word wrong, you lose a mark.

А =_ _550отеопе мпо 15 Бебтття зотей!тв.

Уоцг ___ teach you subjects — Maths, IT, PE, for example.
A person who studies is called a
Most of the answers were correct but two were

is all the things you know.

Review 3 Orie 7 Ss and 9

(М выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 Ksenia is a teacher. She is very nice 6 We think Geography is __ and we love our
to her__. lessons!
A pupils B classmates A boring B interesting
2 Weusually play basketball in our __ 7 — | write in pencil and use a rubber when | ___
lessons. a mistake.
A PE B IT А make B do
3. |__the Maths test because | didn’t 8 Ella always __ attention when her teacher is
understand all the questions. talking.
A_ missed B failed A gets B pays
4 |’'m__ for my exams at the moment. 9 It’s important that you learn how to __.
A. studying B learning A spelling B spell
5 Tia, you found the __ answer. Well 10 | like Biology and French but | have to __ one of
done! them.
A correct B wrong A choice B choose
(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

[ заполните пропуски, поставив выделенные глаголы в ргезепЕ тре или

present continuous.
11 Rosie________ early every morning. (not/ get up)
12 | абоокай пе тотепь, (геаа)
13 Таигеп = basketball on Saturdays. (always / play)
14 You_____——S—-_~S at home when | phone you! (never/ be)
15 __—CC#*i: guitar now? (Aaron / play)
16 ____—CCC the. question? (you / understand)
17 MumandDad_____——"-___ this restaurant. (love)
18 It____——_- at the moment. (not / rain)
19 Rebecca_____——S—™~—s dinner with her mum at 5 o'clock every day. (cook)
20 We___——_«&Xto Ethan right now. (talk)

(по 1. баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

21 =| prefered / preferred Art to Literature last year.
22 | walked into the living room, turned on the TV and did watch / watched a film.
23 ‘When did it stop raining?’ ‘It stopped / did stop raining an hour ago.’
24 Amydidn’t shop / shopped here yesterday.
25 Wefinished school at 2 pm yesterday / a year ago So | visited my friend.
26 Finley not lie / didn’t lie to the teacher.
27 Westayed with my aunt at five o’clock / last night.
28 They tried / tryed to help their parents every day.
29 | didn’t study / studied very hard for my test.
30 When did you live / you lived in London?

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

ce a ae

Past simple 2

© Past simple: to be
Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ
1/ Не/ $Ве/ И ма$ nice. [/Не/ пе / It was not (wasn’t) nice. М/а$ // Ве / she / it nice?
Yes, |/ he / she / it was.
No, |/ he / she / it wasn’t.
You / We / They were You / We / They were not (weren’t) nice. Were you / we / they nice?
nice. Yes, you / we / they were.
No, you / we / they weren't.

Watch out!
Формы глагола ю Бев прошедшем времени - ма$ и иеге.

© Past simple: irregular verbs

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ
1/ Уси/Не/ She / It / |/You/He/She/It/We/They Did!/you/he/she/ it/ we / they go...
We/ They went... did not (didn’t) go... Yes, |/ you/ he / she / it / we / they did.
No, |/ you / he / she / it / we / they didn’t.

Watch out!
По способу образования формы раз э/тр/е английские глаголы делятся на правильные и
неправильные. Большинство глаголов являются правильными и образуют форму раз simple nyrém
прибавления к инфинитиву окончания -е4. Неправильные глаголы образуют форму раз хтрие
особым способом.

Изменение гласной Другие изменения Без изменений

Infinitive Past simple Infinitive Past simple Infinitive Past simple
become became bring brought cost cost
begin began — build built cut cut :
break broke buy bought hit hit
choose chose _ catch caught hurt hurt о
come came do did let let as
draw — drew feel felt put put
drink _ гапк fight fought
eat ate go went
fall Ш] have had
find found keep kept
get got о leave left
give _— вауе_ lose lost
grow grew a make made
know knew pay paid
meet met say said
read read _ see saw
run ran send sent
sing _ зап зрепа spent
sit sat stand stood
speak _ роке take took
wake woke - teach taught
wear wore tell told
win won think thought
write — wrote understand understood

Полный список неправильных глаголов 6 с. 151

Past simple 2 Unit 10

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 |___ happy at my friend’s party. 5 He__ inthe cinema when the film started.
A were A weren’t
B was B wasn’t
We __ late for the concert. 6 They __ friends in school but they are now.
A were A weren't
B was B were
__ at the match on Friday? 7 ‘Were they the boys with the black
A Were you dog?’ ‘No, they __ .’
B You were A weren't
She __ tired last night. B wasn't
A were 8 __itnice to see your grandparents?
B was A Were
B Was

Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в раз simple.

She____————C (find) her friends at the park an hour ago.
They __————_— (drink) milk this morning.
as Be

We___—_—C (not/ bring) our books.

‘(She / Send) an invitation to Peter?’
‘No, she _____—_—((do).’
They______———_—s (leave) for their holiday last night.

| (1ю$е) муепа’$ рпопе питвег уечегадау.

You______ (not / pay) for your coffee.
‘____s (they/ keep) your picture in a photo album?’
‘Yes, they___————S—S—S (dd).

Заполните пропуски, поставив глаголы в раз simple.


| Бесоте ® БийЙ4 о споо$е °® Пауе ® гип о ЗТЯ ® $Й ® win |

1 They finished school and then they ________ famous singers.

2 Mark ______ a big dog house for his new puppy.
3 They ________ to school because it was a rainy day.
4 The singer _____ seven songs at the concert.
5 We ____ on chairs in the garden and talked.
6 Нза _ _ the race and | was very happy for my friend!
He_____———s dinner at his new friend’s house.
8 Karen_________ her best friends for the team.

Unit 10 Grammar

Г] заполните пропуски, поставив глаголы в раз simple.

Hi Amy,

| (1) _ (Пауе) амопадени! {те at your party at the weekend. 1 (2) _ (meet) ten
пем реоре апа К (3) _ (ее) веа о таке пем Шепа$. | (4) _ (Spend) an hour
м/и уоцг сои, М/епду. ЭпПе (5) (tell) me about your camping trip. She (6)
(say) that it was amazing! | (7) ___ _. (Speak) to Darrel and Tom for a long time too. We
(8)_____ (stand) outside in your lovely garden. They (9) ____ (give) me a ticket for the
concert this weekend — that (10)_____~—~—_—s (be) nice! Thanks for asking me to your party!
Bye for now,


FY От лица Лены придумайте и напишите письмо Даррелу и Тому, в котором

благодарите их за концерт. Используйте разЁ 51тре.

[2 выделенные глаголы употреблены с ошибками. Исправьте их.

They begin to cook an hour ago.

We speak on the phone this morning.

Do you bought a gift for your new friend last Friday?
He don’t took the money from his parents yesterday.
We make a cake for you this afternoon.
Does she went to the dance last night?
He fall in front of his house.
They don’t broke the neighbour’s window last week.

Составьте предложения, используя разЁ 7трие.


Dan / teach / English in Russia

2 she / understand / her friend’s question

3 Michelle / catch / the ball

4 you /do /all your homework / ?

5 Ben / beat / his friend / in the race

6 Paul / cut/ his hand / on the knife

7 Tom / let / his dog/ run in the park

8 she / think / ofa great idea

9 1/nottell / them / my problem

10 he/ put / his books / on your desk / ?

Rt SAUER С хто I MLD TS от ИЯ них

| Past continuous

О Past continuous
Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ
1/ Не/ She / It was playing. | 7 He / She / It was not (wasn’t) Was |/he/ she / it playing?
playing. Yes, |/ he / she / it was. |
No, |/ he / she / it wasn’t.
You / We / They were You / We / They were not Were you / we / they playing?
playing. (weren’t) playing. Yes, you / we / they were.
No, you / we / they weren’t.

Употребление Примеры
действие, которое происходило в определённый ‘What were you doing at two o'clock?’
момент в прошлом ‘was having a tennis lesson.’
Dan was playing football at 7 am this morning.
действие, которое происходило в прошлом и было The players were practising when it began to rain.
прервано другим действием в прошлом It began to rain while the players were practising.

Ра$ё сопИпиои$ обычно употребляется с выражениями, указывающими на определённый |

момент в прошлом. |
e at that moment |
e atone o'clock / two o'clock ut. д. |

Watch out!
Bpema past continuous Mo)KeT Vcnonb3oBaTbCA BME cTe C past зтрее в случае, когда одно действие
прервало другое действие в процессе его совершения. В главном предложении используется
past simple, a B npugaTouHoM -— ра$ соп#пиои$. Придаточное предложение вводится словами
ипеп или ие.
/ Our pizza arrived when / while we were watching the film on TV.
v/ When/ While the players were practising, it began to rain.

Ра$Ё соп#пиои$ не используется для описания законченных или повторяющихся действий в прошлом.
В таких случаях употребляется раз simple.
x BiH falling off his-bi : р.

/ Bill fell off his bike three times last month.

© Spelling rules
При добавлении к смысловому глаголу окончания -т5
большинство глаголов не меняется play > playing
конечная непроизносимая -е опускается dance > dancing
в односложных глаголах с одной гласной и одной конечной run > running
согласной такая согласная удваивается
конечная -1 удваивается. travel > travelling
конечное буквосочетание -е меняется на -у lie > lying
Unit 11 Grammar

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

| were / was talking to my friend at three o’clock.

They was / were having lunch with their neighbours at that moment.
She was/ were helping her sister at one o'clock.
He weren’t / wasn’t listening to music at 8 pm last night.
Were / Was you visiting a friend at nine o’clock yesterday?
They weren't / wasn’t talking about you at that moment.
It was/ were snowing at 7 am this morning.
What was / were he doing at that moment?

Допишите ответы.
“Were you talking to her at that moment?’


‘Was he taking photos at four o’clock yesterday?’


"NO; nscuhace: att ona

‘Were they dancing at ten o'clock last night?’


‘Was | telling lies at that moment?’

"МО, Ш

‘Were you eating lunch together at 12 o’clock?’


‘Was she watching a play at 9 pm on Tuesday?’


‘Were they being nice to you at that moment?’

FIN je

Was it raining at 5 am?’


Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

They __ in the living room when the phone 5 Tina and Gina __ for coffee twice last week.
rang. A were meeting
A spoke B met
B were speaking 6 _— to work when you hit the tree?
My dog wanted to go out while | __ a book. A Did you drive
A was reading B Were you driving
B read 7 ___ you out to dinner three times last month?
She was looking at holiday photos when her A Did they take
mum __ her door. B Were they taking
A was opening 8 We __ about Nancy when she phoned us.
B opened A didn’t talk
They __ a football match at one o’clock. B weren't talking
A watched
B were watching
Past continuous Unit 11


Г] заполните пропуски, поставив глаголы в past simple unu past continuous.

1 Тпееза_— (play) golf with friends at five o’clock yesterday.
2 Ароок _ (fall) off the shelf while Lance and Eric were painting.
3 Wendy___ (not / visit) a music shop last month.
4 Mark was standing at the bus stop when a 5 _ (ask) him a question.
5 (you / wait) for a friend when Jonathan called you?
6 Helaughed while she ___ (tell) him a funny story.
7 Тпеу— (not / plan) a party at that moment.
8 What_____——_— (he / do) at two o’clock last night?

Заполните пропуски глаголами. Ucnonb3yite past simple unu past continuous.

ask ¢ break « do ° fall © hear © leave « make « meet « stop ° write

- Anew friend
| (1) a salad in the kitchen when | (2) my phone buzz. It was a is
_ text message from my new friend, Anna. We (3) __________ for the first time last week in my
_ yoga class. It was a funny class! | (4) _______ down on the floor while | (5) г
exercises! Anna helped me stand up again — wasn’t that псе о! пег? | (6) class —
to go home when she (7)___________ me at the door. She (8)_______—s me for my phone
number while we were walking out of the gym. | (9) my number in her notebook |
~ when my pen (10)______! Anna laughed and gave me her pen to write my number. And
now we are going for ice-cream tomorrow!
BRE SoG See av Ae

FY От лица Анны опишите встречу с вашим новым другом. Используйте past

simple u past continuous.

@ составьте предложения, используя разЁ $7тр(е u past continuous.

1 she/notwrite / an email / at eight o’clock

2 therain / start/ while / they / have / lunch / in the garden / ?

3 Bill / call / his grandparents / four times / last month

4 we/sit/inacafé / at that moment

5 the teacher / tell / us / a story / when / the class / finish

6 he/shop / for gifts / when / you / meet/ him / ?

7 they / not cook / dinnér / when / the fire / start

8 myfriends / visit / me / twice last week

Making friends and getting to know people
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений 8 с. 154

© Nouns
adult family: aunt, brother, father, guy(s)
(best) friend grandmother/father, mother, neighbour
child / kid nephew, niece, sister, uncle relative / relation

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

become hang out with someone meet

chat happen move
fall out with someone invite share
get on (well) with someone look sound

© Adjectives
cool elder / little kind special
different friendly same

©. Phrases
be born in look like someone
have a chat / chat online make friends
have a good / nice time say sorry
have something in common talk to someone

© Word formation
Noun Verb Adjective
argument argue
beauty beautiful
differ _| different
friend friendly
friendship unfriendly
help help helpful
invitation invite
kindness kind
meeting meet

Making friends and getting to know people Unit 12

© Nouns

A Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

My Aunt Charlotte is my mum’s sister/ adult.


My dad has got one brother. He’s my aunt / uncle.

My mother / father is Lucy. She’s 38 years old.
Chloe’s got one brother / sister. His name is Adam.
My elder sister is thirty and she’s got two daughters. They’re my nieces / nephews.
My brother is 13 today. He’s a child / teenager.
Our kids/ neighbours are Emily and Stanley. They live next to us.
Your parents, sisters and brothers are all relatives / nieces.
My mum’s mum is Grace. She’s my grandmother/ grandfather.
10 Poppy is my aunt. That means |’m her nephew / brother.
11 Mr Smith lives in that house. He’s a very nice guy/ relation.
12 |don’t like that boy because he’s unkind. He’s not my best friend / guy.

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

[] выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Ed and | aren’t friends now. | ___ out with 5 A trip to the park __ like a nice idea.

him. A sounds B looks

A got B fell 6 We were __ out with our friends last
2 | —_—my bestfriend Ryan in Science class. weekend.
A became B met A happening B_ hanging
3 Jessica__ me toa party on Saturday. 7 Do you __ online with friends?
A moved B_ invited A sound B chat
4 Reece didn’t have food for lunch so | ___ 8 | sometimes don’t __ on well with my
my food with him. brother but | love him!
A_ shared B made A fall B get

© Adjectives

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

| cool « different © elder © friendly « kind ° little ° same © special

James gave his friend Liam a very video game — he loves it!

Maya isa person. She talks to all her classmates.

I’m 14 and my sister’s 16. She’s my sister.
John and George wore the blue trousers to the party — it was very funny!
Paige is because she often helps people.
Today is a very day because it’s Grandma’s 90th birthday!
Му = brother,Daniel is two years old.
Nicole’s dress is red, but Scarlett’s dress is white. Their dresses are colours.

Unit 12 Vocabulary

©. Phrases

Dp) Подберите определения 1-6 к словосочетаниям А-РЕ.

1 Wedo this when we do something wrong. __ A have something in common
2 This happens when we talk for a short time with friends. __ B haveachat
3 When we meet someone we like for the first time, we do this. __ С look like someone
4 When our face is like another face, we say this. __ D_ saysorry
5 This is when you and a friend enjoy something you do together... Е haveanicetime
6 This is when two people like the same thing. __ F make friends

3 обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Hi, Amber. Did you have a (1) best / good

time with your new friend on Friday?

Yes, | did! | really like her because we’ve а

got a lot т (2) соттоп / гейа оп. //

2 Oh? What?

Well, we were both (3) met / born in January. That’s really cool! “ @

а Ah, OK. Your birthdays are at the same time of the year.

Right. We also both look (4) like / same our mums, a

and we both love to (5) meet / chat online. ~

38 That’s great!

Yes, I’m happy | (6) talked / said to her in class. It’s а

good to (7) have / make friends with new people!

© Word formation

1 заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они

лексически и грамматически соответствовали смыслу предложений.
1 —Тиуапа Куе меге паутб ап _— when | walked in the room. ARGUE
2 Daniel painted my kitchen table for me. He’s very______! HELP
3 Shesentan_______ for the fancy-dress party to her new friend Ellie. INVITE
4 That man often tells my little brother to be аше*. Не’$ мегу —
__. KIND
5 You look_______ today! Is that a new dress? BEAUTY
6 | fell out with my best friend. I’m о! HAPPY
7 These chairs are ______. One is big and the other is small. DIFFER
8 We'rehavinga________ with the Drama Club at 4 pm today. MEET
9 Mymumhadalovely__________- . She remembers lots of nice things. CHILD
10 Henry and Sam hang out a lot because they've gota good _. FRIEND
Review 4 ШТОР,
(Я обведите правильный вариант ответа.
My mum’s brother is my favourite nephew / uncle.

My family have relatives / guys in Iceland.

| hang/ fall out with my cousins at weekends. We have fun!
Charlie shared / invited me to his birthday party.
I’m 12 years old and my little/ elder brother is 13.
My sister and | are twins so we have the special / same birthday.
Jack said/ talked sorry when he broke Ella’s phone.
Bethany and | like books. We have that in common / time.
My dad says his childhood / child was a great time for him.
Our neighbour is unfriendly / friendly. He never says hello.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

11 We-__ orange juice at the birthday party 16 The students __ up, said good-bye to the
last night. teacher and left.
A drink B drank A_ stood B stand
12 They sandwiches or crisps yesterday. 17 |__illthis morning so | didn’t go to my
‘A didn’tate B didn’teat lesson.
13 Did you find Anna’s house last week? A feel B felt
No, |__. 18 Lily and Joe __ at Luke’s house last
A wasn't B didn’t summer.
14 Holly _— her new friend a gift this morning. A were B was
A got B get 19 ‘Was the concert fun?’ ‘No, it__.
15 Did you __ your phone last month? . A weren't B wasn’t
A_ lose B lost | 20 Joel his hand yesterday evening.
A cut B cuts
(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Заполните пропуски, поставив выделенные глаголы в ра$ё 571тр(е или

past continuous.
21 Мпа (you / do) at 8 o’clock last night? _
22 \|was reading a book when my 5гапата — (сай.
23 They were playing in the park when it ____ (start) to rain.
24 We_____————_— (not/ cook) dinner when Samuel got home.
25 ‘__—CC(the teacher / tell) you a story at that moment?’ ‘Yes, she was.’
26 ____—._ (Tom / visit) his aunt three times last week?
27 |____________ (not/ write) an email when you arrived.
28 Faith_________ (drop) her phone while she and Amy were walking to class.
29 Thephone______—_—s (not / ring) while they were watching the film.
30 Oliver got on the bus while the doors ______ (close).

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

| | | | 45
Present perfect 1

©. Present perfect

Угвердительная форма _ Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ

|/ You / We / They have 17 You / We / They have not Have | / you / we / they travelled?
(ve) travelled. (haven’t) travelled. Yes, |/ you / we / they have.
No, |/ you / we / they haven't.
He/She/Ithas(’s) — He / She / It has not (hasn’t) Has he / she / it travelled?
travelled. travelled. Yes, he / she / it has.
No he / she / it haven't.

Употребление о Примеры | р
действия в прошлом, без указания (точного) времени их I’ve finished my English homework.
жизненный опыт Have you ever visited Scotland?
No, I’ve never visited Scotland.

Watch out!
present perfect = have / has + past participle

Past participle — npuyactue прошедшего времени. Форма причастия прошедшего времени

правильных глаголов образуется путём прибавления к инфинитиву окончания -еа. Формы
причастия прошедшего времени неправильных глаголов необходимо знать наизусть.
Infinitive Past participle
be been
become __ became
begin begun
buy — bought
come came
do done
give given
know known
make made
Bul SO eee ee
read read
speak — spoken
< taken
SC understood=
write — written Полный список неправильных глаголов $>) с. 151

©. Time expressions Watch out!

Высказывание Наречие
yet He hasn't bought our tickets yet. Утвердительное already
already We've already visited the museum. just
just We’ve just eaten lunch. Отрицательное yet
ever Have you ever seen the River Thames? never
never I've never seen the River Thames. Вопросительное a

Present perfect 1 Unit 13

Отметьте (/) правильный вариант.
A He have visited Scotland. __

B He has visited Scotland. —

A They have watched a film. ooo
B They has watched a film. —_
А \|t hasn’t rained. —_
B It haven’t rained. __
A We has booked a holiday. —_
B We have booked a holiday. __
A She haven't finished her homework. —_
B She hasn't finished her homework. __

A | haven't joined the Drama Club. os
B | hasn’t joined the Drama Club. po

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Have you been to Cairo? 4 Has the museum opened yet?

A No, | hasn't. A No, it hasn't.

B No, | haven't. B No, they haven't.
Have they moved the table? 5 Have they made new friends on their trip?
A Yes, we have. A No, we haven't.
B Yes, they have. B No, they haven't.
Has Leo called the travel agent? 6 Have you bought new holiday clothes?
A Yes, he have. A Yes, | have.
B Yes, he has. B Yes, | has.

Packpoute cko6Ku, noctaBus rnaronbi B present perfect.

1 |___s (buy) Some souvenirs for my friends.
2 (you / read) Julia’s postcard yet?
3 Саше —_ __ (маЮ агоипа Тгатаваг Задчаге т London.
4 Тпеу _ (соте) ю м( из.
5 ___——C (Ste / write) to her parents?
6 The show _______ (not / start) yet.
7 М/пеге _ _ (ме/рм) е чат tickets?
8 Тот (not/ speak) to his brother in London yet.

Unit 13) Grammar

Dp) Заполните пропуски данными наречиями.

1 Hehasn't finished his homework .

2 TinaandJoe have__________ returned from their holiday today.
3 Haveyou_______ eaten fish and chips?
4 Sadly, I've __________ visited the Science Museum in Toronto — | want to go!
5 Shehas_________ been to the magic show — she doesn’t want to go again.
6 HasCarlphoned___————?

[3 составьте предложения.
a plane bought we've the tickets already

2 just packed bag he’s his

3 yet started they trip haven't their

4 spoken French | never ‘ve

5 Lorna ever abroad has travelled ?

6 me has Olivia phoned just

7 London have before visited they ?

8 Amy yet has presents opened her ?

а Заполните пропуски, поставив глаголы в ргезепЕ регфесЕ.

а Hello, Andy!

Уез, апа | доп” {ИК | (2) (е\мег/ до) зо ме!

a Oh, really? (4) __.______ (you / visit) Bern yet?

Why? Is it your brother? What (6) (he / do) this time?

Present perfect 2

© Present perfect

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ

1/7 You / We / They have ( ve) 38 / You / We / They have not Have | / you / we / they travelled?
travelled. (haven't) travelled. Yes, |/ you / we / they have.
No, |/ you / we / they haven't.
He / She / It has (’s) He / She / It has not (hasn’t) Has he / she / it travelled?
travelled. travelled. Yes, he / she / it has.
No he / she / it haven't.

Употребление Примеры
действие, которое началось в определённый момент в прошлом She’s lived in Wales for two months.
и продолжается до сих пор I’ve worked in Ireland since 2016.

© How long ...?, for and since

В вопросе Ном! [оп8...? запрашивается период времени, в течение которого длится то или иное действие.
В таком вопросе употребляется ргезеп{Е ре!Тесё. В ответах на вопрос Ном [оп8...? употребляется
present perfect uv cnosa for unu since.

Howlong...2 Since К Юли

How long have!/you/we/ 1/You/We/They have taught 1!/ You / Ш / They have taught English
they taught English here? English here since 2015. here for a year.

“How long has he / she / it He / She / It has worked here He / She / It has worked here for two days.
worked here? since last week.

Helpful hints
Гог + период времени
Рог вводит период времени, в течение которого длится действие. Период времени может быть выражен
фразами йуе ттие$, мо меек$, эх уеагз$ и т. д.
They have travelled for two weeks.
since + MOMeHT BpemeHn
Зтсе указывает на момент начала действия. Такой момент может быть выражен фразами 9 рт,
1$ January, (last) Monday ut. 4.

They have travelled since 5th July.

Unit 14 Grammar

[М обведите правильный вариант ответа.

She hasn’t visited us for/ since last year.

I’ve lived here for / since three years.

Laura hasn’t phoned for/ since Saturday.
They have been there for / since twelve hours!
Ben hasn't been on a plane for / since last Christmas.
We have known Alice for/ since six months.
The rain hasn't stopped for/ since this morning.
The weather has been great for / since the weekend.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

" &

| have been in this museum since __ . 5 We haven’t had a break __ four o’clock.
A 9o'clock A since
B two hours B for
2 Vince has studied English ___ three years. 6 We have been on this train __ two days!
A since A for
B for B since
3 They have lived here __ five months. 7 Katie has been on the bus for ___ .
A for A hours
B since B all day
4 I|haven’t had a meal since __ . 8 They have visited three galleries __ 1st June.
A three hours A for
B this morning B since

[4 заполните пропуски в вопросах, поставив глаголы в present perfect. O6sequte

for unu since B oTBeTax.
1 A: Howlong__————S (you / teach) English in Moscow?
B: For / Since five years.
2 A: Howlong__. (Stella / study) French?
B: For / Since last year.
3 А: Ном юп8 — (it/ rain) today?
B: For / Since three hours.
4 A: Howlong__ (they/ work) at your company?
B: For/ Since a month now.
5 А: Ном юп5 — (he/ have) the radio on?
B: For/ Since seven o’clock this morning.
6 A: Howlong_______——_ (the band / play) music together?
B: For / Since a few weeks.
| Present perfect 2 Unit 14

Г] составьте npegnomenua, ucnonp3ya present perfect u cnosa for unu since.

1 1|/notwatch /a film / at the cinema / three months

2 She/ live abroad / 2015

3 We/nothave /aschool trip / last summer

4 Simone / not speak / to Lucas / Tuesday evening

5 They / work / in Germany / two years |

6 Ricky / be / ona sailing trip / last week

В Заполните пропуски данными словами.

fore has e Пауе ® По\м ® |0п& ® зтсе

Hi Felicity,

1 miss you So much now you’re in Spain! (1) ________ long have you lived in Madrid? Layla
says you have Бееп {Пеге (2) _ 291 Мау. Is that right? I’d love to visit you! I’ve
heard it’s a great city and I’ve never visited Spain before. What’s the food like there? My dad
+ (3)____ eaten paella and he loved it! Remember Keira and Solomon? They (4)
travelled to Portugal. They’ve been there (5) _ момеек$ пом.

Oh, one more thing! How (6) _______ have you studied Spanish? I’m starting lessons
tomorrow. I’m very excited!

Write back soon.


FY От лица Фелисити напишите письмо Хейли и ответьте на её вопросы.

Ucnonb3ynte present perfect uw cnosa for u since.

@ напишите вопросы, используя present perfect. 3anonuute nponycku B OTBeTAaX

словами /ог или $7псе.
1 А: 7 4 А: ?
B: He has lived in Bristol ______ four B: It's snowed ____ eight hours.
months. 5 А: ?
2 А: ? В: They've been in Benidorm
B: She has studied in Leeds ____ yesterday.
September. 6 А: ?
3 А: ? B: Mr Lee has taught English in Spain
B: They've played hockey together _______ fifteen years.

Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений 6 с: 155

© Nouns

airport plane
capitals: Beijing, Berlin, London, Madrid, Moscow, ticket
Paris, Rome, Tokyo, Washington tour
hotel tourist
journey town / city
passport train (station)

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

arrive in / at get on / off

check in / out leave
enjoy stay
fly travel
get in / out of visit

© Adjectives

attractive exciting modern

crowded famous popular
excited foreign safe

© Phrases

by bus / car / plane / taxi / train on atrip to

go on a bus / a walking tour on holiday
have a good time see the sights
have a problem take a picture / a photo of

© Word formation
Noun Adjective
America American
Australia Australian
Britain British
China Chinese
France French
Germany German
Japan Japanese
Russia Russian
Spain Spanish

Travel Unit 15

© Nouns

[Я найдите слова и заполните пропуски.



is the capital of Italy.


is the capital of China.

is the capital of Russia.
is the capital of Britain.
is the capital of France.

is the capital of Japan.

is the capital of Germany.

is the capital of Spain.

is the capital of America.

EE] O6sequte правильный вариант ответа.

Have you ever flown on a train / plane?

We took a ticket / tour of the city yesterday.

You need a passport / journey to travel to foreign countries.
Planes leave from and arrive at airports / hotels.
| live in a very small city/ town. It’s really quiet here.
They went on a journey / tourist across China.
Your train is arriving at the hotel / station now.

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 — Ном опв аге уоч — т {пе соипиу? 5 We-__ atthe airport at 6 o'clock this morning.
A leaving A visited
B staying B arrived
2 ‘I've never __ Australia. 6 It was their stop so they __ the bus.
A flown A got off
B visited B checked out
3 Where’s Megan? Has she already __? 7 Weusually __ to Jersey. We don’t take the
A left boat.
B travelled A enjoy
4 They in the taxi quickly. B fly
A arrived 8 She__ in for her flight an hour early.
B got A checked
B stayed
© Adjectives

p) Заполните пропуски данными словами.

_ attractive » crowded ° excited ° exciting « famous ° foreign e modern © popular « safe ‘|

| was уегу парруапа _ мпепмеагмеа т Атепса.


О уси зее _ == people from films when you were in Los Angeles?
Сгеесе 1$ ауегу _ соипиу® м5. Мапу реорле во {Пеге еуету уеаг.
It’s not____——S—S—C to. walk round a city at night — it’s dangerous.
Ном/ папу — _ Шапбчавез$ ао уои зреак?
We went on a really_______~~—_tour of all the castles in Britain — it was amazing!
Millions of people live in Cairo. It is very noisy and
Тпе {юм 1$ о!4, Би {пеге аге тапу — buildings.
Sara wore a very nice dress at the party. She looked very

© Phrases

{9 обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Hi Phoebe,
How is your holiday going? | hope you’ re (1) having/ getting a good time. Are you in Austria yet?
| know you’re travelling (2) on / by train. Are you excited to (3) do / see the sights of Vienna? It’s
a beautiful city! | haven’t been there, but a friend told me about it. Are you (4) taking / going on
a walking tour? (5) Take/ Go a photo of St Stephen’s Cathedral for me!
My sister is (6) at/ on holiday now too. She’s (7) on / in a trip to Berlin at the moment. | hope
you aren’t (8) having / making problems with your trip and that you’re having a really lovely time.
Write back soon,

FY Напишите Фиби, как вы проводите каникулы, и ответьте на её вопросы.

© Word formation

@ заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они

лексически и грамматически соответствовали смыслу предложений.

| геаПу |о\е _ Юодапа | often eat it. СНМА


Our neighbour is ________ . She’s from Nizhny Novgorod. RUSSIA


Аге {пеге папу —[ реоре Имп т Сапада? BRITAIN

My aunt lives in a small _________ town and she loves it. GERMANY

I’m not sure where she’s from but she sounds —___. AUSTRALIA

Цишк те _ __ Иапбиабе 1$ уегу беащй и. FRANCE

Аеа! _ cities really big? AMERICA
Ithink______———S—_—st towns are very safe to visit. JAPAN
My neighbour is a__________ teacher from Madrid. SPAIN
Review 5 ПЕК
[Я выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1 —\Ме’те чцауе тя {о Атепйса Бу —. 6 __ British people like __ food from places like
A town B plane India and China.
2 Have you already bought your bus __? A excited 8B foreign
А иска B passport 7 | want to —__ the sights of Paris.
3 Lewis __ in the car and drove to А take B see
the railway station. 8 Wewent_— a walking tour in Amsterdam.
A got B checked A by B on
4 Does your train __ today? 9 Doyou know those __ people?
A. stay B leave A German’ B Germany
5 | don’t like New York City because it’s__.. 10 Dothey use pounds in__ ?
A crowded 8B attractive A Japan B Japanese
(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

[ заполните пропуски, поставив выделенные глаголы в ргезепЕ рег{есе.

11 бат (take) a boat from Denmark to Norway.
12 Тпеу_ (not / speak) to their friends about the trip yet.
13 (таке) plans for our holiday this summer.
14 ___CCC‘s(oou / visit) Dubai?
15 She_____——_— (write) a book about travel in the Sahara.
16 __ (She / already / shop) in the new supermarket?
17 №, ме_ = (never / travel) to Ottawa.
18 __—C—Cés(tthe@y / ever / teach) English in Russia?
19 $0опу, | (not / understand) your question.
20 ЦК _ (just/ begin) to rain.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.


How’s your sister doing in Italy? (21) Have you had / You have had any texts from her?

Oh, yes! (22) I’ve had / I’ve lots of messsages from her. She loves it.
Good! How long (23) has she lived / she has lived there?
She’s lived there (24) since / for a year. She went last May.

(25) Have you visited / Did you visit her?

No, (26) | haven’t / didn’t, but | want to. | (27) haven’t / hasn’t had a holiday (28) for /
since last summer!
My family haven’t had a holiday (29) for/ since two years!
Really? Come to Italy this summer with us!

That sounds like fun! | (30) didn’t/ haven’t travelled outside England before.
Let’s go and ask our parents now.
(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

ee 55
Present perfect and past simple

©. Past actions: present perfect or past simple

Bpema Употребление Примеры

ргезеп ретесЁ описание действия в прошлом, точное She’s finished her project.
время совершения которого не указано:
оно не важно либо не известно говорящему

“past simple описание действия в прошлом, точное She finished her project last night.
время совершения которого указано
либо известно из ситуации
O6pa3oBaHue Bpemeun present perfect (>) с. 49
Образование времени раз эйтр 65) с. 29
© Time expressions
Время Указатели времени Примеры
past simple ago Dean took the test a week ago.
yesterday We went to the gym yesterday.
last week - | played football last week. _
on Monday | watched a match on Monday.
at six o'clock They had dinner at six o’clock.
in 2016 ut. Qo. She started teaching in 2016.
present perfect already - We have already done the cooking.
ever Have you ever eaten this kind of fish?
just We have just finished making lunch.
never | have never tried Chinese food.
yet You haven't done your homework yet.

© for, since or ago

Употребление Примеры
for указывает, в течение какого времени длится She has played tennis for three years.
действие, выраженное ргезепЕ ретесё
since указывает, с какого момента в прошлом Peter has been in the team since 2016.
длится действие, выраженное ргезепЕ ретес{
ago указывает, когда именно произошло | joined the gym two years ago.
действие, выраженное раз этр/е

© How long ...? or When ...?

Употребление Примеры
How long...? запрашивает период времени, в течение How long have you lived here?
которого длится действие, выраженное
present perfect
When...? запрашивает точное время, когда When did you move to this town?
произошло действие, выраженное
past simple How long ...?, for and since $) с. 49

Present perfect and past simple Unit 16

Я Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 __the gym last week? 4 Oscar us the money.
A Has she joined A gave already
B Did she join B has already given
2 The film —_ yet. 5 __that crime book yet?
A hasn't started A Did you finish
B didn’t start B Have you finished
3 We-__ the phone ring last night. 6 Luke __ tennis with Noah a few days ago.
A didn’t hear A played
B haven’t heard B has played

[] обведите правильный вариант ответа.

1 We've already / since eaten the salad.

2 Have you picked up the match tickets ever / yet?
3 Howlong / When have you played basketball?
4 She has ever / never done yoga before.
5 Myteam has just / since won the match.
6 Miaand Jacob have been on holiday for / already a week.
7 They have played four matches since / for this morning!
8 Howlong / When did you score a goal?
9 Have you ever / yet won a race?
10 | haven’t watched the film yet / already.

Packponte cko6Ku, ucnonb3ya present perfect unu past simple.

_ The summer is here so it (1) _ _ (Беатеммеек$ Since |
posted a new Ыб. |(2) (таит)
_ Кот а $споо! $рой$
trip yesterday. It was a great trip! On Monday, we (3) р
(play) a match т 1опдоп. (4) | (never / see) such Rf
an amazing stadium! Then, a few days ago we (5)
(travel) to Wales. It was fabulous. I’m very sad my trip is over but
(6)|______—————_—O (decide) to join a gym to keep me busy for the
rest of the summer.

| want to hear all your news — leave a comment. (7)

(you / ever / enjoy) a trip like my trip? What (8)
(you / do) last week? Let me know below!

Напишите комментарий к статье в блоге Райли. Ucnonb3yite present perfect

uv past simple.

Unit 16 Grammar

|. Заполните пропуски данными словами.

| ago * ate ine laste one yesterday

1 —Тобумопа во теда! 2016.

2 Па $орНа 50 {о {Пе роо! _ week?
3 Did you have оса! ргасйсе брт уезегадау?
4 Joe didn’t come to the park _— Saturday.
5 | saw the match on television a week
6 Ivy met Alfie at the sports centre

Расставьте слова в правильном порядке.


Wimbledon a Daisy to ago week went

2 tickets already match the for I've the bought

3 before yoga Ruby done never has

4 ate Italian last they at restaurant the week

5 ever you ice hockey played have ?

6 go basketball match they did to the when

7 didn’t yesterday coach us phone the

8 just trip we've our from returned

TH дополните каждое второе предложение таким образом, чтобы по смыслу оно

совпадало с первым предложением. Используйте не более пяти слов, включая
выделенное слово.
1 Lucy spoke to Amy a week ago. NOT
Lucy to Amy for a week.
2 | know she has already finished her project. LAST
| know she week.
3 Wejoined the gym this morning. ALREADY
We the gym.
4 Ethan started snowboarding in 2015. SNOWBOARDED
Ethan since 2015.
5 Wereturned from the park five minutes ago. JUST
We the park.
6 I played tennis last month. PLAYED
| a month.
will and be going to

О ит
ил + инфинитив без частицы {0
Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ
17 You / He / She / It / We / 1/7 You/ He / She / It/ We / Will | / you / he / she / it / we / they play
They will (Il) play tomorrow. They will not (won’t) play tomorrow?
tomorrow. Yes, |/ you / he / she / it / we / they will.
No, |/ you / he / she / it / we / they won't.

Употребление Примеры
р действия в будущем The gym will have a pool. Itwill be wonderfull |
| решения, принятые в момент речи _ Окау. ll ask Dina to help me.
просьбы Will you help me?
t предложения - Will you have a cup of coffee?

Watch out!
Для выражения вежливого предложения
у Форма глагола и! не меняется. |
с местоимениями [и ме используется
Will you live in London? Yes, | will. (Yes, I’ll live in London). | BonpocuTenbHaa dopma Shall! / we ...?
Tim won't live in London. He'll live in Viadivostok. / Shall | tidy the kitchen?
My friends will not live in London. They will live in Moscow. | v Shall we go to the cinema?

О be going to
ье дотд №0 + инфинитив
Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ
| am ('m) going to train | am not (’т not) going to Ат |! going to train tomorrow?
= tomorrow. train tomorrow. Yes, | am. / No, I’m not.
He/She / It is (’s) Zoingto He/She/ltis not (isn’t, Is he / she / it going to train tomorrow?
train tomorrow. ’s not) going to train tomorrow. Yes, he/she / itis.
| No, he / she
/ it isn’t (’s not).
You / We / They are (’re) You / We / They are not Are you / we / they going to train tomorrow?
going to train tomorrow. (aren't, re not) going to train Yes, you / we / they are.
tomorrow. No, you/ we / they aren’t (‘re not).

Употребление Примеры
намерения и планы | am going to go swimming айег эсноо!. |
вероятные или неизбежные Look at the black sky! It’s going to rain.
события в будущем
ожидаемые действия в будущем The gym is going to have a pool. |

Watch out!
Для выражения действий в будущем можно использовать как м//!, так и be going © без
значительных отличий.
У The gym will have a pool. It’s going to be wonderful!
/ The gym is going to have a pool. It’ll be wonderful!

Unit 17 Grammar

[Я обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Fin will run / runs the London Marathon.

Keira won't come / came to the gym.

Will / Shall | help you carry that box?
Will / Shall Harry be the team captain?
They will travel / travel by coach to the match tonight.
| won’t swims/ swim in the pool.
Will the team win/ won the match?
It’s cold in here. | will close / closing the window.

Дополните ответы.

Will you and Peter come to the match tomorrow?

2 Will Ben make a salad tonight?
3 Will they play tennis later?
4 Will Sasha come swimming with us?
Уез, tS
5 Will it be sunny this week?
ев -
6 Will your mum drive us to the gym?

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

are e bee going [$ ® зпа! ® toe will * won't

м Hi, Jack, (1) ______ you going to go to the cricket match tomorrow?

am captain forthis match.

& Really? | didn’t know. Erin and | (3) _ Пар таке 1ипсп апахеа.
—towatch the match at all?
| (5) ___ have time because there are 150 sandwiches to make!

________ be very busy. w

(7)__.___ sds Mum and | come and get you in the morning?

ur mum going to drive us? w


~ Great! See you in the morning.

will and be going to Unit 17

Я Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 She__ tothe pool today. 6 It’sacold day. | ___ not going to ride my bike to
A are going school today.
B is going A am
2 We-__ to eat pizza for lunch. B is
A are going 7 __it going to stop raining?
B is going A Are
3 ‘Are you going to train today?’ ‘Yes, __.’ B Is
A you are 8 Grace is to be a doctor.
B lam A go
4 It’s raining. They__ to play football this B going
afternoon. 9 You are going to __ a good mark.
A isn’t going A getting
B aren’t going B get
5 Is Charlie going to eat breakfast? No, __. 10 __ we going to walk up the hill?
А Гт пот А Аге
B heisn’t B Is

Я заполните пропуски, ucnonp3ya will/ shall v выделенные слова.

1 Tammy ——_ (help) me cook tonight.
2 (I / wash) the vegetables for you?
3 Sam_____———_— (not / play) in the match tomorrow.
4 (they / win) the cup this year?
5 _ Did you leave your ticket at home? That’s okay. | __________——_—s (bury) you a new one.
6 It__________(be) sunny with some clouds today.
7 ~~ I’mnot пипяу. | (not / eat) a sandwich now.
8 (we / drive) you home now?

Составьте предложения, используя фе going to.

it / snow / this week / ?

they / not go / hockey practice / tomorrow

3 1|/exercise / in the gym / every day this week

4 we/make /acake / for the party /?

5 — mydad / cook / a healthy meal / tonight

6 it/ not be / easy / win the match

7 Magda and Lucy / buy / fresh fruit / at the supermarket

8 you / ride / your bike to school / today / ?

Unit ( §. Vocabulary
Sports and healthy lifestyle
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений 6 с. 155

© Nouns

athlete football / basketball player healthy / junk food

athletics game of football / basketball race
exercise goal stadium
football / basketball match gym team

©. Verbs and phrasal verbs

cycle skateboard / snowboard

exercise ski
lose swim
roller-skate take up
skate win

© Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives indoor Adverbs

extreme last first
first outdoor indoors
fit strong last
healthy outdoors

© Phrases

do gymnastics / karate / sport / yoga play football / basketball

get / do some exercise ride a bike / a horse / a scooter
get / keep fit score a goal
go for a jog / run / walk
go cycling / jogging / skating / skiing / surfing / swimming

© Word formation
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
competition compete
cycling cycle
fitness fit
health healthy healthily
loser lose
strength strong strongly
trainers train
winner win
Sports and healthy lifestyle Unit 18

© Nouns

( обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Е Aaron is a really great athletics / athlete.
We're going to the stadium / gym to see a football match.

| don’t eat healthy/ junk food because it makes me unwell.


Are you going to see Jack play in the football player / match tonight?
They played a game / goal of basketball yesterday evening.
They’re going to join that gym / exercise in Maple Street tomorrow.
Who’s your favourite basketball race / team?

Verbs and phrasal verbs

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Maria got a new bike so she __ to school. Is it safe to ___ in the ocean?

A roller-skated A swim
B cycled B snowboard
We're going to __ down the mountain this winter. | want to __ up karate.
A skateboard A take
B ski B ski
Don’t worry. I’m sure you will __ the game | want to learn to ___ . It’s a great outdoor
tomorrow. winter activity.
A lose A exercise
B win B skate

_ Adjectives and adverbs

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Faith finished last / first / oudoors

in the race and won a prize.
People often go snowboarding
last / outdoors / indoors in winter.
| love indoor / extreme / first sports.
| want to ski down a really big mountain!
The gym has got an outdoor / the last / an indoor
swimming pool for the winter.
Louis felt unhappy because he finished
indoors / first / last in the competition.
People eat fit / healthy / strong food
if they want to look good and feel great.
Athletes are usually very strong / indoor / extreme.

Take up jogging! It’s important to be fit / last / first.

Don't stay indoors / outdoors / strong all day!
Some fresh air will do you good!

Unit 18 Vocabulary

©. Phrases

Dp) Заполните пропуски данными словами.

| до ° do ° go 50 ® keep ° play ° ride « ride

1 Emma and Maisie _________ basketball in the school team.

2 Mymumand dad __ yoga in the living room.
3 We_____ swimming at the beach every summer.
4 Doyou wantto—_ for a run this evening?
5 — МПа ао уои 9040 — fit, Jonah?
6 15{пагаю a horse?
7 ~ Shewill _____-__ gymnastics after she finishes her homework.
8 Did you_______ a scooter to school when you were a little girl?

Исправьте ошибки.
| like to do jogging in my neighbourhood.

| want to go some exercise this weekend.

I'm happy because |’m doing surfing tomorrow!
Do you want to go football this afternoon?
Henry went karate when he was twelve years old.
Do the children often do goals in their matches?
| want to play for a walk because it’s a lovely day.
A good way to be fit is to go to the gym every day.
Did you do skiing last winter?
10 Alfie doesn’t want to go sport. He prefers reading books.

© Word formation

@ заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они

лексически и грамматически соответствовали смыслу текста.


I’m really excited about the зроп$ (1) оп Зашгаау. Гуе гатеа СОМРЕТЕ
for this day and it’s going to be great! I’m one of the (2) т CYCLE
a big bicycle race and I’ve bought a new pair of (3) ________ for it. It’s TRAIN
a long race — 20 kilometres — we will need (4) юм! STRONG
I’m happy that I’m in the race. Two years ago, | was very (5). HEALTH
| didn’t exercise or eat healthily so | often felt (6) _______ . Now things WELL
are very different. (7) _ _—sWis’-svery':«=simportant to me. FIT
| want to be the (8) _______ of the race because I’ve spent hours WIN
training. | don’t want to be a (9) ________. See you there! LOSE

FY Напишите статью для блога. Расскажите, в каком спортивном мероприятии

вы собираетесь принять участие.
Review 6 Unis 16 17.018
Обведите правильный вариант ответа.
We're going to the football gym / stadium to watch the game.

| rarely eat indoor / junk food because | know it’s bad for me.
I'll take up / exercise a sport when school begins.
| know you'll win / lose the match on Sunday because you’re great athletes!
Chloe is very happy because she finished last / first in the race.
Have you ever done an extreme / a strong sport?
Alexander and Holly are going to ride / go skating this weekend.
They don’t do / get karate every day.
Isabelle was the first cyclist / bicycle to finish the race.
I’m making a salad for dinner — it’s important to eat healthily/ healthy.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Я We __ basketball last week. 16 Gracie __ French for two years now.
A haveplayed B played A hasstudied B_ studied
12 They __ the new player yet. 17 He__ fora walk yesterday.
A didn’tmeet B_ haven't met А мет В has gone
13 She __ a competition in 2016. 18 Amelia _— to the match on Friday.
А has won B won A didn’tcome B_hasn’tcome
14 —— you ever tried skiing? 19 You __ gymnastics at the gym yesterday.
A Did B Have А havedone B did
15 |___. never swum in an indoor pool. 20 Luca__ahorse since 2015.
A have B did A didn'tride B_hasn’tridden
(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Заполните пропуски частями предложений.

am going to go © Are you going to start ° |!am * I won’t © I willcome ° Зпа!1]от
will go © willhave * Will you go jogging * won't jog

Mia, | plan to exercise more this уеаг. | (21) _

jogging every day.
That’s a great 'деа! (22) _ __ in your neighbourhood?

№, (23) _ _. There are cars and it’s not very safe. |(24)__.
= —=-—=———— to the
park near the library. It’s really big.
(25)______—_—r you? | like jogging too.
That sounds great! It’s nice exercising with a friend! I’m know we (26) ___-——S——_ fun.

OK! Мпаг$ уоцг р!ап? (27) jo Sing tomorrow?

Уез, (28) ____Гтгеадую
— “ам!
Сооа! (29) м уш
That was a quick decision! And don’t worry — we (30) юг Ппош$ оп оуг
first day! `
(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

Modal verbs 1

О Modal verbs
Модальные глаголы:
® не обозначают действие, а выражают отношение к нему
® употребляются с инфинитивом смыслового глагола без частицы ©
® не изменяются по лицам и числам
® не требуют вспомогательного глагола для образования отрицательной и вопросительной форм

© can, can’t, could, couldn’t

Модальные глаголы Употребление Примеры

can/can't способность, умение (в настоящем и будущем) Гсап / сап”ё Рер уои with the cleaning.
could J couldn't _ способность, умение (в прошлом) | could / couldn’t read when | was three.
сп = разрешение — — You can use this laptop.
can't — запрет its — You can’t use this laptop.
can / could npocb6a OO Can / Could | use this laptop?
Could you help me?

Ipful hints и
Отрицательной формой сап является саппоё,‚ но в разговорной $ Для придания просьбе более
| речи принято использовать сокращённый вариант сап*. вежливой формы предпочтительно
! cannot help you. =! can’t help you. использовать сои!4. |

© may, may not, could

Модальные глаголы Употребление Примеры
тау/ тау по! возможность, вероятность совершения They may / may not visit the museum. |
could действия (в настоящем и будущем) | could go to the library.

Watch out!
Чтобы сказать, что действие, возможно, не произойдёт, используется форма may not. Popmy couldn't
в этом значении использовать нельзя.
¥ Alex has a cold so he may not come to schoo! tomorrow.

Modal verbs 1 Unit 19

EN обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Can / May you watch videos on your phone?

Can't/ Could | go home, please, Mr Jones?

We can / can’t take phones to school but we can / can’t use them in class.
| can’t/ couldn’t speak English when | was three but now | could / can!
‘Do you know French?’ ‘No, | can’t / may not speak French.’
‘What do you want to do?’ ‘We could / couldn’t go to the park.’
‘What are you doing tomorrow?’ ‘I’m not sure. | may/ can go jogging.’
My brother may not/ could play the piano when he was five!

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Are you going to come to my party? 5 Could! phone you tonight?

A No, sorry. | can’t. A Yes, you can.
В No, | couldn’t. B Yes, you couldn't.
2 Can|lsee what you've written? 6 Wemay goto the museum tomorrow.
A No, you couldn't. A Can! come?
B Yes, you can. В | couldn’t come.
3 Could you swim when you were three? 7 Cameron is ill.
A Yes, | can. A Yes. He couldn’t come tomorrow.
B No, | couldn't. B Yes. He may not come tomorrow.
4 What job do you want to do when you finish school?
A | may be a doctor.
B | can be a doctor.

[4 O6sequte правильный вариант ответа.

(1) Could / May not we go swimming tomorrow?

Yes, we (2) may / could but...


Don’t you want to go?

Yes, but... | (3) couldn’t / can’t swim! //


Really? | (4) may not / could teach you.

_(5) Could / Can you swim really well?


Yes, | (6) could / can swim when | was a baby!

OK. Well, | (7) may / can’t come. I'll think about it. 4 —


tS (8) Can / May you send me an email tonight to tell me?

Unit 19 Grammar

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

сап 40 ° сап рагК © can’t go ® can’ttalk ® сои зреаК ° тау 50 ° тау not have

Ме _ оп! ерпопе т 1е$$оп$. №'$ а гше.

You__________ your car here.

You ___________ down that road — the police will stop you.

| haven't got school tomorrow so|________ shopping.

Ме _ _ аезютопом. К сома Бе пех меек.

When Evan was young, пе _ English and German.

Our teacher says we __________ our homework on a computer.

Установите значения модальных глаголов. Некоторые значения можно


использовать дважды.

Sorry, but you can’t sit there. __ А умение


Can | use your phone? __ В разрешение

| could ride a bike when | was five. __ С запрет
You can put your bike here. __ О = npocb6a pa3pewuTb

| may not go to school tomorrow. __ Е — вероятность совершения действия

She couldn't understand the letter. __

We could go to Italy this summer but we haven't

decided yet. __
8 Could | see your new tablet, please? __

Расставьте слова в правильном порядке.

т your bike can’t there leave you !

read please book, | that could ?

four were when could ° you you swim?

get home | when , my may do homework

these rules can’t Brittany understand

laptop Evan may the buy not

hear couldn't me Aleksei

you leave can the yes, classroom

Modal verbs 2

© Modal verbs

Модальные глаголы:
® не обозначают действие, а выражают отношение к нему
® употребляются с инфинитивом смыслового глагола без частицы to
® не изменяются по лицам и числам
® не требуют вспомогательного глагола для образования отрицательной и вопросительной форм

©) Watch out!
g Исключение составляет глагол Рауе 0. По значению он является модальным, а по форме схож с
обычными глаголами: изменяется по временам, лицам и числам. Для образования вопросительной
и отрицательной форм требуется вспомогательный глагол.
v Ihave to buy some new pencils tomorrow.
/ |don’t have to buy some new pencils tomorrow.
¥ Doyou have to buy some new pencils tomorrow?

© must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to

Модальные глаголы Употребление Примеры

must обязанность You must do that!
He must do his homework every day.
mustn't запрет | mustn’t talk during the lesson.
She mustn't be late for class.
have to необходимость _ [Вамеюаопту потемокк емеиу дау.
She has to do that!
don’t have to отсутствие необходимости You don’t have to sit down. 7
He doesn't have to leave the classroom.

©) Watch out!
™ Have to uv must 6nu3ku no 3HayeHnio: | have to / must do my homework.
Ho 3HaYeHUA MX OTPKLaTeNbHbIX POPM pasnuuHbi: don’t have to BbipakaeT OTCyTCTBNe HEOOxOAMMOCTH,
a mustn’t — 3anpert.
Уси аоп* Вауе ю Биу уоиг {еаспега ргезеп+. = Это не обязательно, но ты можешь это сделать по
You mustn’t buy your teacher a present. = 3To0 3anpeujeHo. STO противоречит правилам.

() Watch out!
Brnarone mustn't 6yKBa t He nponsHocntTca.

| 69
tet 20 Gera

п Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

its 10 pm! | have get/ to get the bus and go home now!

Galina has / have to do her homework before she can watch TV.
vo & WN

You mustn't / don’t have to write on your desks.


This schoolbag is old — | must / have to buy a new one.

Students doesn’t have to / don’t have to go to school on Saturdays.
You can’t drive in the park — you must/ have walk.
Serge mustn’t / doesn’t have to sing if he doesn’t want to.
Callum doesn’t have study / to study for an exam today.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

" а

We mustn’t __ in the school. 4 You_ — have to do this homework now.

A run A don’t
B torun B doesn’t
2 You have __atthe red light. 5 Do you __ wear a uniform at your school?
A stop A have to
B tostop B has to
3 We__ eatin the classrooms - it’s a rule. 6 We-__ be quiet because those students
A mustn't are doing a test.
B don’t have to A don’t have to
B must

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Hi Max,

Thanks for your email. You asked about my new school. Well, it’s nice but there are rules that
we (1) have / must to follow.
Rule one: we can have our phones with us in the lessons but we (2) don’t have to/ mustn’t
use them.
Rule two: we (3) must/ mustn’t do our homework every night.
Rule three: we (4) have to / mustn’t listen to the teacher. We (5) mustn’t / don’t have to talk
to our friends!
Rule four: students (6) has / have to be at the school at 8.30 am — we (7) mustn’t / don’t
have to be late.
In my school we can wear the clothes we like — we (8) mustn’t/ don’t have to wear a uniform.
| really like that!
Write and tell me your news,


FY Напишите Джейку письмо. Опишите правила в вашей школе и поделитесь

новостями. Используйте модальные глаголы.

Modal verbs 2 Unit 20

Г] заполните пропуски данными словами.

doesn’t ® доп“ ® has e have e must e must e mustn't « to ]

1 Wehave____ eatin the school cafeteria.

2 People inthe library Чак.
3 Theteacher says that you__________ read the school rules.
4 Students________ to study for exams.
5 You_______ have to walk to the shops — you can take the bus.
6 Theboys_______—s be home by 9 pm.
7 He____ have to come with me.
8 Victoria____ to do her English homework.

[3 установите значения модальных глаголов. Используйте каждое значение

1 Wehave to keep milk in the fridge. __
2 You must be quiet in the hospital rooms. _—
3 She doesn't have to go on the trip. __
4 Students mustn’t run inside the school. _—
5 People under 16 don't have to pay to get in here. __
6 He has to help my brother with his school work. _—
7 | Wemustn’t drive on this street — the police will stop us. __
8 You must do all of the exercises. __

A обязанность
B запрет
С необходимость
О отсутствие необходимости

@ 3anonnute nponycku rnaronamn doesn’t have to / don’t have to, has to/
have to unu must/ mustn’‘t. B HeKOTOpbIx Cny4aAx BO3MOMKHbI HECKONbKO
вариантов ответа.
1 Ма finish his homework so he isn’t going to the party tonight.
2 You____—————SM do any homework today but you will have homework at the weekend.
3 Students____————_ bring a pen to write the test. |
4 You_______——r cheat in exams.
5 Vika______————S&*AeI|p her mum clean the house - it’s a house rule!
6 Паа ___ go to work today because it’s Sunday and his office isn’t open.
7 You__________ forget to give the dog its food.
8 Theboys______—————_—sW'waiilk to school when it’s cold because mum takes them.
Unit 21 Vocabulary
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений 6 с. 156

© Nouns

helmet make-up safety / school / traffic rules

jewellery notice school uniform
law police officer seat belt
litter road traffic lights

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

allow fight
arrest let
drive park
drop throw away
enter (a place) wear

© Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives necessary quiet Adverb

careful noisy safe always
dangerous polite

© Phrases

against the rules / the law (not) allowed to do

be late / in time (for) tell a lie
break (the rules / the law) tell the truth
no running/ talking / etc turn left / right

© Word formation
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
apology apologise
care care careful carefully
careless carelessly
danger dangerous dangerously
driver drive
entrance enter
liar lie -
noise noisy noisily
quiet quietly
truth true

Rules Unit 21

© Nouns

PN O6sequte правильный вариант ответа.

You must wear a helmet/ seat belt when you’re in a car.


The traffic / safety lights are green now.

The teacher is going to put a notice/ law on the board.
We have to wear school uniform / jewellery at my school.
| always wear a helmet/ belt on my head when |ride my bicycle.
Does your school have many safety laws / rules?

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


Can you wear __ at your school?

A jewellery
B seat belts
2 Mymum doesn’t like wearing —.
A helmet
B make-up
3 Don’tdrop __ in the street.
A litter
B notice
4 That’s not the __ to the park.
A traffic
B road
5 You must do what the __ says.
A seat belt
B police officer
6 Hebroke the __ and now he’s in trouble.
A law
B litter

Verbs and phrasal verbs

Соедините две части предложений.

I’m not allowed to stay —= you to school every day?

My dad always wears — out late at night.


The police officer is going to arrest — to enter the school.

It’s against the law to drop — you come to the party?
Does your mum drive __ your bike here because it’s against the rules.

You can use the door on the right a the thief because he took that woman’s
The two boys got into trouble — топеу.
Will your parents let — because they were fighting in the classroom.

You can’t leave — away your old clothes!

10 Don’t throw о litter in the park.

a seat belt in his car.


Unit 21 Vocabulary

© Adjectives and adverbs

i Заполните пропуски данными словами.

always ¢ careful о дапбегои$ ‹ песеззагу ° по!5у о роШе о чше{ о safe

A: _ It’s your first day at this school, Jonas, and | want to tell you about the school rules.
Уоиц (1) = _ have to follow the rules. You must never break them.
В: OK, Petra, | understand. I'll be very (2) ______ to follow the rules. | don’t want to get into trouble.
A: It’s not really about getting into trouble or not. It’s so that we, our classmates and the teachers are
(3)___——_. It’s because breaking the rules can be (4)________ — people may have accidents.
В: Do people have many accidents here?
A: No, butin all schools rules are (5) _____ . We need them so that people don’t get hurt.
В: You’re right. | know students aren’t allowed to be (6) _____in class.
A: Right. We have to be (7) _______in class. And we have to be (8) _______ to the teachers.
В: Yes, | know those things! Oh, there’s the bell! Let’s go.

© Phrases

9 Заполните пропуски данными словами. against

1 Oh, no! I'm going to be late ___________ school again. broke

2 Youarenotallowed_____————s run in the school. for
3 He___ the law and now he has to go to prison. in
4 I\It's________ the rules to wear make-up at my school. no
5 Bedquiet, please! _ talking in class. tell
6 Mishahasto_____ the police officer the truth. tell
7 \Уоипауею Бе _ time for your lessons. to
8 Youcan______ right at the next street and park in the car park.
9 It’snotniceto________ lies, children. Hart

© Word formation

i Заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они

лексически и грамматически соответствовали смыслу предложений.

1 You must___________—sr to the teacher for being impolite. APOLOGY

2 It’s the last day of school. The students м! Бе уегу ючдау. NOISE
3 You mustn’t drive ____——S—SO or weII have an accident. CARE
4 Myclassmate called mea_____——_,, but I’m not. LIE
5 Its_____———_— to ride a bike in that busy street at night. DANGER
6 Wehavetosit__..-__——_—s and wait for the teacher to arrive. QUIET
7 15 бат вот ючецие _ абощ мпа* Паррепеа? TRUE
8 Students must use that__________ to go into the school. ENTER
9 That________is going very fast — | think he’s going to hit the tree! DRIVE
10 You mustn’tbe_______———_— to people. Always be nice. POLITE

Review 7 Units 19, 20 ana 21
( обведите правильный вариант ответа.
People aren’t allowed to park / fight their cars here.

You must’stop when the traffic light / belt is red.


Don’t drop / throw away old newspapers and bottles!

You are not allowed/ can to run near the pool.
Dad never drives careful / carelessly on the roads.
| always wear a notice / helmet when | ride my bicycle.
Tell the police officer the true / truth!

Children! You are very noisy / necessary today. No talking!

Alex was late to/ for school again.
You mustn't against / break the rules.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

11 __l|Iuse your laptop, please? 16 All students __ wear school uniform every day.
A Can A must
B Must B could
12 You__to goon the trip. 17 Yes, you borrow my camera for your trip.
A mustn’t A have to
B don’t have B can
13 It’s anice day so we __ go out. 18 Her schoolbag is dirty so she __ clean it.
A could A has to
B have to B can
14 |_swim when | was five. 19 You __ use this entrance —it’s closed.
A can't A can't
B couldn't B don’t have to
15 John come tothe party tomorrow 20 Evan__ be late again or the teacher will call his
because he’s sick. parents.
A maynot A couldn't
B couldn't B mustn't
(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ) |
Обведите правильный вариант ответа.
21 Yes, you can visit the museum tomorrow. разрешение / возможность
22 You mustn’t go now. That’s a red light. необходимость совершить действие / запрет
23 | can speak Russian and English. возможность / способность
24 They must have a ticket to enter. обязанность / разрешение
25 Could | use your smartphone, please? способность / просьба разрешить
26 | could ride a horse when | was ten. возможность / способность
27 She doesn’t have to clean the house. отсутствие необходимости / возможность
28 They may not go on holiday this year. возможность / отсутствие необходимости
29 Mum says! can’t go to the concert. просьба разрешить / запрет
30 They have to buy new pens and pencils. необходимость совершить действие / запрет

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

Units 1-21 Progress test 1.
прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные
заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически
соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными

1 Last week a difficult week because my family BE

and | moved to a new town.
2 | to say goodbye to my old friends and HAVE
| found that hard.
3 Inthe beginning | very happy because МОТ / ВЕ
things weren't the same.
4 Butnowlam happy. | this in my new bedroom. WRITE
It’s a lovely room!
5 There two big windows and | can see the forest BE
and the hills from my room.
6 Mynewschool is nice, too, and | have new friends! MAKE
7 Oneof them is Eva. She the same things | do. LIKE
8 While we home yesterday, she invited me WALK
to go to her house this weekend.
9 Ihave a great present to give her when | see her CHOOSE
on Saturday!

FE] Npountaite приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные

заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски
полученными словами.

1 __ I think it’s important to be friendly with the people you meet and
be about what you say to them. CARE
2 When someone doesn’t understand what you say, it can start
an . ARGUE
3 You may say something that you think is but the other FUN
person may think you are being unkind.
4 Sometimes you say the wrong things. It happens! But then you have
to quickly and there won’t be a problem. APOLOGY
5 Friends can also _ about things — you don’t have to AGREE
think the same way about everything! .
6 Weare to have our friends — we must be nice to them! LUCK

Units 1-21 Progress test 1

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные

заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически
соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными
1 Jack was really excited because he London for VISIT
the first time.
2 Ashe got off the train, he was happy to see that
the sun ; SHINE
3 Jack was fit and healthy so he decided to jog to his hotel. He got there
and to check in. GO
4 But when he looked for his passport, he find it! NOT / CAN
5 ‘Oh, no. | it,’ thought Jack, ‘What am | going to do?’ LOSE
6 While he was looking in his bags, a man to him. SPEAK
The man looked very hot and tired.
7 ‘Excuse me,’ he said, ‘ you Jack Smith?’ ‘Yes,’ BE
said Jack.
8 The man said ‘I have just your passport.’ FIND
9 ‘lt out of your bag when you were getting off FALL
the train. | wanted to give it to you — but you started jogging!’

Г] прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные

заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски
полученными словами.

1 Wassily Kandinsky was a painter. He lived from RUSSIA

1866 to 1944.
2 Не ма born in Moscow but he spent his CHILD
in Odessa.
3 He moved to Moscow again when he became a ‘ STUDY
4 Kandinsky hada life to other artists. DIFFER
5 He was always interested in art but he became a law ‘ TEACH
6 This great man didn’t do his first famous until he PAINT
was 30 when he moved to Germany.
ME <

МиР ДМИ Grammar

Plurals, countable and uncountable nouns 1
© Plurals
К большинству существительных прибавляется -S hat > hats
К существительным, оканчивающимся -е$ (у меняется на} baby > babies
на согласную + -у, прибавляется
К существительным, оканчивающимся -е5 bus > buses
Ha -S, -SS, -sh, -ch, unu -x, npuOaBnaetca dress > _— dresses
dish > dishes
watch > watches
box > boxes
К существительным, оканчивающимся -е5 (Е меняется на у) leaf > leaves
на -Гили -Ге, прибавляется knife > knives

© Countable nouns
Исчисляемые существительные обозначают одушевлённые и неодушевлённые предметы или явления,
которые можно сосчитать. Такие существительные могут употребляться как в единственном, так и во
множественном числе. |

Watch out!
child > children foot > feet sheep > sheep
man > теп goose > geese fish = fish
woman > women tooth > teeth mouse > mice

С исчисляемыми существительными можно Примеры

использовать а / ап, зоте / any Или There's an orange on the table.
числительные There are some / five oranges to make juice.
спрашивать Ном/ many...? — — ~ How many chairs do we need?

© Uncountable nouns
Неисчисляемые существительные обозначают предметы или явления, которые нельзя сосчитать. Такие
существительные употребляются только в единственном числе.

Watch out!
art electricity hair make-up perfume sugar
bread food information money room travel
butter fruit Jewellery music scenery water
cheese furniture milk news shampoo work

С неисчисляемыми существительными можно Примеры -

использовать 5оте / апу There’s some flour in that bag.
cnpawWuBatb How much...? How much time have we got?

©) Helpful hints _
“2 YTO6bI CocuMTAaTb HENCHVCAAEMbIE существительные, можно использовать фразы:
2 bottle of milk a bar of soap a piece of news a glass of water
2 loaf of bread a packet of pasta a cup of tea =

Watch out!
В английском языке некоторые существительные имеют TONbKO OPMy MHOMKECTBEHHOrO Yuna: Clothes,
85525. еап$, росе, $с!5зог$, зВог, оизегз. Будьте внимательны при употреблении с ними глагола.
# Pepoliceiscomine
__ # Thepolice are coming.
Plurals, countable and uncountable nouns 1 Unit 22

[М заполните таблицу.
boy « child ® dog e fish * foot e hat » house о тап® тоизе e shop « table * woman

| Regular plurals Irregular plurals

4 7
2 "а
[3 . 9 7
4 _ | 40 - о
5 111
6 и [12 О

0 Заполните пропуски, поставив существительные во множественное число.

1 —ТПеге аге гее _ in the room. baby

2 Wehavetotaketwo____——S—"_:« to the shops. bus
3 Doyou wash the_______———_—sS in your house? dish
4 ТПеге аге 15 _ in the shop. dress
5 Nikohas__..._in his garden. goose
6 Wesometimes give ____________ of chocolates as presents. box
7 Thereare___—S—-_: On the trees in summer. leaf
8 Please putthe___——S—_—sCoarnd forks on the table. knife

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


How much milk __ in the fridge?


A is
B are
2 How__ cupboards are there in your kitchen?
A many
B much
3. Thechildren __ playing in the garden.
A is
B are
4 Your make-up __ nice.
A looks
B look
5 __ your furniture?
A lIsthis
B Are these
6 There __no cheese on my pizza!
A is
B are
7 — Sonya’s teeth __ very white.
A is
B are
8 | need __ information about food in Russia.
A some
B an
Unit 22 Grammar

p) Впишите 15 или аге.

Can you buy eggs? The money оп\меыЫе.


The police _____ looking for two men.


My new trousers _______ black.

the jewellery in that shop expensive?
There ______ room in the kitchen for a big table.
The music in this film very nice.
Негпаи ___ black.
Тпеге fruit in the bowl.
Where __ my glasses?
The news ____ good - we’ve passed the test!

LE Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

1 | always have a piece / bar / cup of tea in the morning.
2 | read an interesting bar / piece / packet of news yesterday.
3 Can you buy a glass / bottle / loaf of bread, please?
4 There’s only one bottle / packet / piece of milk in the fridge.
Е Please buy a bar / glass / cup of soap.
6 Would you like a packet / glass / piece of water?

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

= Brittany’s shopping blog
Some people hate food shopping but | love it! | always look to
see how (1) much / many things we need. | do this because
- sometimes there (2) isn’t / aren’t money to buy things we
_ don’t need.
_ | always look in the fridge to see how many bottles of milk there
— (3) is / are and | look in the cupboards to see that we've got
things like (4) bars / packets of pasta.

One thing we always need (5) is / are bread, so | usually buy

two (6) loafs / loaves. | try to buy fresh fruit because | know
(7) itis / they are healthy.

_ Руе been to the supermarket four or five times now and |

really enjoy it! Do you like shopping for (8) food / foods?
Leave a comment HERE.

FY Напишите комментарий к статье Бриттани. Расскажите, какие продукты

покупаете вы.

Countable and uncountable nouns 2

© much, many, a lot of, lots of

Мисй, тапу, а 1оЁ ог, 1015 оГозначают «много». Их употребление зависит от существительного.

Употребление Примеры
much с неисчисляемыми существительными She doesn’t eat much meat. a
many с исчисляемыми существительными во There aren't many vegetables in the fridge.
множественном числе
а |оЕ оЁ/ 1015 о с неисчисляемыми существительными He eats a lot of / lots of meat.
и исчисляемыми существительными во She eats a lot of / lots of vegetables.
множественном числе

() Watch out!
Мисв и тапу, как правило, употребляются в отрицательных предложениях и в вопросах.
В утвердительных предложениях предпочтительно использовать а [оЁоГ/ lots of.
X Hehas-getmueh-checotate-
¥ He has got a lot of chocolate.

О How much ...? and How many ...?

How much u how many o3HayaivT «CKONbKO». Ux ynoTpe6neHue 3aBUCnT OT CYLECTBUTENbHOrO.

Употребление Примеры
how much с неисчисляемыми существительными ‘How much sugar is there in the bag?’
‘One kilogram.’
how many с исчисляемыми существительными BO ‘How many apples are there on the table?’ ‘Three.’
множественном числе

© little, a little, few, a few

A little v a few o3HaYaloT «HEMHOFO, HECKONbKO, AOCTATOYHOR KONUYECTBO?». Little uv few O3HaYaIOT «Mano,
недостаточное количество». Употребление /ИНе иа НЕ, Гем и а Гем/ зависит OT существительного.

Употребление Примеры
little С неисчисляемыми существительными I've got little time, so we can’t go shopping.
a little I've got a little time, so let’s go shopping.
few / _ сисчисляемыми существительными во We've got few oranges, so we can't make juice.
a few множественном числе We've got a few oranges, so let’s make juice.

Unit 23. Grammar

Заполните пропуски словами талпу или much.

| Вауеп* 50{ _ money.

There aren’t______ oranges on that tree.

How __________ chocolate have you got?
Caitlin has got a lot of books, but | haven’t got
We don’t eat ______ meat in our house.
Ном _ English-speaking friends have you got?
| didn’t get ____ information from that cookbook.
Zoe hasn't got _____ dresses.

Отметьте (/) правильные предложения. Перепишите те предложения, где

пропущен артикль а.
There are few students in my cooking class — only four! __

| have little money so | can’t buy you a cup of coffee. __

There are few tomatoes in the kitchen so I’m going to make a big pizza. __

We haven't got much chocolate! __

There is little time before the lesson. Let’s go for a walk. __

We have got lot of work to do. __

‘Are there any bananas?’ ‘Yes, there are few.’ __

He has got lots of furniture in his new house. __

Поставьте предложения, отмеченные (Х), в отрицательную форму, а отмеченные

(?), в вопросительную форму. Используйте тапу или тисй.
There is a lot of fruit. (X)

There are lots of bananas. (?)

There are some shirts in that shop. (X)

There is some sugar. (?)

We eat a lot of apples. (X)

There are lots of cakes. (?)

Countable and uncountable nouns 2. Unit 23

By Заполните пропуски данными словами.

| ae fewe little ° lot ° many ° much ©

We've gota __ time — what do you want to do?


students want to do eight hours of homework every night!

How cheese did you put on the pizza?
There area _____ of things to do in my town.
‘How pieces of cake have you had?’ ‘Three.’
‘Do you want sugar in your tea?’ ‘Yes, please, Ме.”

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

How many apples are there in the bowl? 4 How much information have you got?
A Three. A I've gota few.
B One kilogram. B I've gota little.
How much orange juice is there? 5 Whycan’t we make an apple pie?
A Afew A Because there are few apples.
B Allittle. B Because there are a few apples.
Can we go shopping? 6 |need some potatoes. Have you got any?
A No, I've got little money. A Yes, I’ve got a few.
B No, I’ve gota little money. B Yes, I’ve got few.

а Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

$ I’m going shopping. What do we need?

~ you
3 pu
bt sone sope as a There. a
_ potatoes but there are (4) a few/ a little

OK. I’ve put those things on the list.

~ Let me look in the fridge. Thereis

please buy one bottle, not two. Ther
ss many cheese in here

OK. I'll go to the shops now.

OK. I'll buy the things on the list. | can go shopping again at the
weekend for (9) few / a few more things.

Food and shopping
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений S c. 156

© Nouns
barbecue menu: first / main course, dessert
credit card / cash people: chef, cook, customer, shop assistant,
drinks: coffee. juice, lemonade, milk, tea, water waiter, waitress
food: apple. banana, biscuit, bread, burger, butter, piece of bread / cake
cake. carrot. cheese, chicken, chips, chocolate, price
cream. egg. fish, fruit, ice cream, jam, lemon, shops: bakery, bookshop, chemist, department
meat. oil, omelette, onion, orange, pasta, pizza, store, shopping centre, supermarket
potato. rice, salad, sandwich, tomato, vegetable things: bottle, bowl, cooker, cup, dish, fork,
meal: breakfast, |Junch, dinner fridge, knife, plate, spoon

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

buy eat out

cook: boil, grill, fry, bake order
cut sell
drink taste
eat wash up

© Adjectives

cheap expensive open sweet

closed hungry salty thirsty

©. Phrases

do the washing-up have breakfast / lunch / dinner

go ona picnic make a cup of tea / a sandwich
go shopping pay for something in cash / by credit card
have a snack spend money

© Word formation
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
assistant ам И |
cook cook
cooker — 4
close closed =
fry fried -
hunger a hungry =
salt salty Ч
shopping shop
shopper о Ее паки
thirst thirsty
Food and shopping Unit 24

© Nouns

(\ обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Can | pay for the meal by credit cash / card, please?

| don’t eat jam / meat because it’s not kind to animals to eat them.

Can you put the food on the barbecue / biscuit now?

| love fruit / vegetables — pears are my favourite.
My little brother likes strawberry jam / butter.
It's hot today. Can we have an ice cream / cake, Mum?
Fry the vegetables in some oil / cheese.
Do you want one piece of price / bread or two, Victoria?
| usually have fried chocolate / eggs for breakfast on Sunday mornings.

Соедините группы слов с категориями, к которым они относятся.

РА |

places to buy things —_ А со[ее, лисе, етопаде, пйК, {еа, ма{ег

fruit —_ В bakery, bookshop, chemist, department store,

vegetables es shopping centre, supermarket

things to drink == bottle, bowl, cooker, cup, dish, fork, fridge, knife, plate, spoon
EN oe


people —_ apple, banana, lemon, orange

things in a kitchen — chef, cook, customer, shop assistant, waiter, waitress
meat — carrot, onion, potato

food items pos chicken, burger


types of meal a breakfast, lunch, dinner, first / main course, dessert

chips, pasta, pizza, sandwich, rice, omelette, salad

О Verbs and phrasal verbs

Заполните пропуски данными словами.
bake о Бой ‹ Биу® СШ о МПК о еа{ о frye grille orders selle taste » wash

ООО i | Q ast №
Hannah’s chicken pasta recipe
When people (1) _________ out in a restaurant, they often (2) ______ pasta, but it’s easy to
make at home too. Here’s an easy recipe for a great lunch.

e (3)___——S—s some chicken and some cream from the supermarket.

e (4)__——s the chicken into small pieces and (5) ______ it in a little oil until it’s brown.
e Add the cream and alittle salt and then (6) ______ the sauce. Is it good?
о (7) _ some pasta in water for ten minutes.
e Put the pasta and sauce in a dish and put some cheese on it.
e (8)__S— or (9) ___——_ it in the cooker for twenty minutes.
YUM, like the pasta that they (10) ___in a restaurant!

| Же то (11) _ tea with this meal. Now all you have to do is (12) ______ up!

FY Напишите рецепт своего любимого блюда. Используйте глаголы, данные выше.

Сых 24 Vocabulary

Соедините две части предложений.

1 | want to eat dinner now __ because it’s got lots of sugar in it.

2 We don’t like chicken soup aa because I’m hungry.
3 She’d like a bottle of water —_ but Tom said it was cheap.
4 This tea is very sweet —_ because she’s thirsty.
5 | thought the meal was expensive — but it was open.

6 We thought the restaurant was closed —_ because it’s often very salty.


Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Let’s ____ on a picnic or have a barbecue. 5 We want to __ shopping on Saturday.
A go A have
B do B go
Are you hungry? ___ a snack. 6 We will __ for the meal in cash, please.
A Have A spend
B Do B pay
| will __ the washing up. 7 I’m going to __ a cup of tea.
A do A make
B have B do
My dad doesn’t want to __ money 8 We want to __ dinner at that new restaurant.
to eat out in restaurants. A make
A pay B have
B spend

Word formation

Заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они


лексически и грамматически соответствовали смыслу предложений.

| like to drink orange juice when I’m THIRST


The зирегтагке{ 1$ — _ опЗипдауз. CLOSE

I'm going to have a big burger because I’m HUNGER
Оо уси Ше 151? FRY

is my favourite hobby. COOK

This meat is very -\СК! SALT
The shop. ———_—r+hellped me find the fruit and vegetables. ASSIST

Зоте реор!е геа!у 10уе „Би! 9доп\. SHOP

Review 8 [newyears er!
BN Coeguuute vse yactu предложений.
1 —\Ме!вауе теа Йэ$1 апа роаое$ юг __ А credit card or in cash.
2 Dad didn’t want to cook last night so — B do the washing up.
3 Here’s a list of things — C when!am really thirsty.
4 Youcan pay by = р the main course of the meal.
5 Hannah had a piece — E of cake for dessert.
6 | bought some bread —_ F my pocket money in that new store.
7 When you’ve finished eating, — G_ weate out at a restaurant.
8 Did you make — H asandwich for your lunch?
9 |wentshopping yesterday and|spent __ | when | went to the bakery.
10 I only want water —_ J you can buy at the supermarket.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

выберите правильный вариант ответа.

11 Everyone knows that __ love cheese! 16 These cakes __ very good. Yum!
A mice B mouses A is B are
12 Rebecca thinks those __ are beautiful. 17 Are there __ eggs in the bowl?
A_ babys В babies A any B some
13 __ supermarket she always goes to is 18 Buya-__ of pasta from the shop,
in Elm Street. please.
AA B The A loaf B_ packet
14 Putthe __ and forks on the table, Li. 19 __ these scissors yours?
A knifes B_ knives А 15 В Ае
15 How-__ bread do you need? 20 I’ve got __ chocolate for you.
A many B much A any B some

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Заполните пропуски, используя few, little, lot, lots, many unu much. Hekotopbie
слова можно использовать дважды.
21 ТПеге!з salt in the soup — taste it.
22 ‘How much flour do we need to make a cake?’ ‘Only a '
23 Thereis________ of butter in the fridge.
24 How______ time have we got before the shops close?
25 This pizza hasn’t gota ____ of cheese on it.
26 \Ме пауеп\ 501 _ sugar -— only a little.
27 How______ eggs do you want me to buy?
28 There weren’t_______ children at the party.
29 Dowe have any lemons? Yes, but only a
30 ТПегеаге _ отаюез т {пе Бо\ зо ГИ у some.
(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

have and have got, some and any

© have and have got

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ
17 You / We
/ They 1/7 You / We / They
do not Оо | / уси / ме / they have ...?
have... (don’t) have ... Yes, | / you / we / they do.
No, | / you / we / they don’t.
He / She / It has... Не / She / It does not Does he / she / it have ...?
(doesn’t) have ... Yes, he/she / it does. / No, he / she / it doesn’t.

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ

1/7 You/ We/Theyhave |/You/We/Theyhavenot Havel/you/we/ they got...?
(ve) got... (haven’t) got... Yes, | / you / we / they have.
No, |/ you / we / they haven't.
He / She / It has (’s) He / She / It has not Has he/she / it got...?
got... (hasn’t) got... Yes, he / she / it has. / No, he / she / it hasn't.

Helpful hints nee Watch out!

Have u have got означают «иметь, обладать». Но в американском | В 3-м лице единственного
английском предпочтителен вариант Рауе, а в бр UTAHCKOM — have got. числа глагол Вауе имеет
| have two sisters and a brother. = I’ve got two sisters and a brother. форму Ваз.

Употребление Примеры
имущество, собственность We рауе / И!е’уе 5о{ а black car.
семья _ He has / He's got two uncles.
характеристика человека / предмета She has / She’s got short hair.
болезни | ОИ I have /I've got a terrible cold.

© some and any

Some передаёт значение «немного» с неисчисляем ыми существительными и значение «некоторые»
с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе.

Употребление Примеры
в утвердительных высказываниях I've got some biscuits. / It’s okay. I’ve got some money.
в высказываниях, выражающих просьбу или Would you like some tea and biscuits?
предложение Could | have some tea and biscuits, please?

Апу передаёт значение «сколько-нибудь» с неисчисляемыми существительными и значение «какие-нибудь,

какие-либо» с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе. Апу в сочетании с пой
означает «никакие».

Употребление Примеры
в отрицательных высказываниях | haven't got any apples. / On, no! | haven’t got any money!
в вопросительных высказываниях Have you got any apples? / Has he got any money?
elpful hints a О Watch out!
Зоте может употребляться в вопросе, a Значение «какой-нибудь» с исчисляемыми
только если он выражает вежливую просьбу существительными в единственном числе
или предложение. передаётся неопределённым артиклем.
Can | have some sugar, please? X tve-gotseme-took.
Would you like some sugar? v I've got a book.

have and have got, some and any Unit 25

Г обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Brittany has / have a big white dog.

| has / have two brothers and two sisters.

We has / have two cats, a dog and a pet bird.
You have / has blonde hair.
Arthur don’t have / doesn’t have brown hair.
They doesn’t have / don’t have a big house.
Does / Do your flat have big bedrooms?
| don’t have / doesn’t have green eyes.
Does / Do you have your books for class?
The garden have / has lots of flowers in it.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


Do you have a cold? 4 Does Zara have a little sister?

Yes, __. Yes, __.
А |490 A she does
В | don't B she has got
2 Dowe have any coffee? 5 Does your cat have small ears?
№, —. №, —.
A we don’t A it doesn’t
B wedo B it does
3 Dolhave chocolate on my face? 6 Do they have friends in Moscow?
Yes,.—_.: Yes)...
A you does A they does
B you do B they do

3anonHuTe Nponycku AaHHbIMM CnNOoBamu, Ucnonb3ya has got, hasn't got, have got,
haven't got.

My friends and family BLOG
My name is Vlad and | (1) amum, a dad and two
brothers. | love them! My mum (2) a sister. Her
name is Marina and she’s my aunt. Marina (3)
a son but she has got a daughter. My dad has got a sister
but he (4) a brother so | (5) an
uncle. My brothers are twins so they (6) the
same birthday. Sadly, | (7) a pet at the moment.
| love dogs but my dad doesn’t. My best friend is Max. He
(8)___———S— dog, three cats and a parrot. | often visit
Max and | play with his pets! Leave a comment HERE.

FY Напишите комментарий к статье в блоге Влада. Расскажите о своей семье

и друзьях, используя рауе got.

Unit 25 Grammar

О Составьте вопросы и допишите ответы.

1 You've got straight hair.

No, |
2 Caitlin’s gota beaLitiTu smile.

Yes, she
3 They've got a hamster and a tortoise.

No, they
4 You and Martina have dot brown eyes.

Yes, we
5 I’ve got an email from Toby.

Yes, you
6 Thecat’s got a short tail.

No, it

Заполните пропуски, используя а, апу или 5оте.

1 Have you got___ friends in Canada?

2 Could! have _______ water, please?
3 Ое\уоп’$ 5% very nice computer.
4 азтте паз 5% _ _ топеу.
5 — \Мепауеп\“ 501 — dogs in our neighbourhood.
6 Науе {пеу 5% _ food in the kitchen?
7 Joseph and Libby have got_______ beautiful new car.
8 Thecat’s got______ nice toys to play with.

Каждое предложение содержит грамматическую ошибку. Вычеркните неверное

слово и напишите правильный вариант.

I've got any presents for your family. .


Have we got a apples?

They haven’t got some aunts or uncles.
Would you like an milk in your tea?
I've got some great English teacher!
Can | have any biscuits, please?
We haven't got some nice clothes for the festival.
Have you got some pencil to write the exam?

Wh-questions and question tags

© Wh-questions
Специальный вопрос начинается с вопросительного слова. Как и в общем вопросе, вспомогательный
глагол, модальный глагол или глагол ® Бе ставится перед подлежащим.
Where do you go to school? What can you see? What time is it?

Вопросительное слово — Значение Примеры _

who KTO Who's that boy in your class?
where sre / Kyga Where did you go? =
which который (о животных и предметах) —— Which book are you going to buy? —
what что / какой _ What's that?
what colour | какого цвета What colour are your eyes? _
what time который час / в котором часу What time is your lesson?
when Korma —_ When was your exam?
why почему _____ Whyare you smiling?
whose чей Whose book is this?
how | __ _ Как/ каким образом How do you make a pizza?
how old— сколько лет How old is your brother?
how many | - сколько (об исчисляемых существительных) How many apples are there?
how much сколько (о неисчисляемых существительных) How much tea is there?
how long как долго / сколько (по времени) How long have you lived here?
Watch out!
В вопросах к подлежащему вспомогательный глагол не употребляется.
/ Ито knows the answer?

О Question tags
Разделительные вопросы Примеры
с глаголом ®ю бе You are a student, aren’t you? / Your brother wasn’t at the party, was he?
c have got They’ve got some money, haven't they? / You haven’t got any pets, have you?
B present continuous You’re writing, aren’t you? / You aren’t writing, are you?
B present perfect She has sent the email, hasn’t she? / The film hasn't started yet, has it?
с модальными глаголами | can.use your phone, can’t |? / Mike can’t use a laptop, can he?
B present simple She likes my brother, doesn’t she? / You don’t have a sister, do you?
B past simple They watched the film, didn’t they? / They didn’t send an email, did they?

Употребление Примеры
проверка или уточнение информации Уоигрпопе питрег & 260998, п" #? / Уси агеп* in my group, are you?
ожидание согласия от собеседника It’s difficult, isn’t it? / It isn’t difficult, is it?

Watch out!
Если в первой части вопроса стоит /’т, то во второй части используется форма агеп* I.
/ I'miate again, aren’t |?
Ecnuv B nepsou yactu Bonpoca cTonT /’m not, To BO BTOpOK YacTu UcnoNb3yeTca dopma am I.
/ I’mnot late, am |?

Helpful hints
Разделительный вопрос.состоит из двух частей. Первая часть - утвердительное / отрицательное
предложение. Вторая часть — краткий общий вопрос. В обеих частях используется одно ито же
грамматическое время.
Если первая часть утвердительная, то вторая часть отрицательная: Не ма$ уоиг тепа, мазп” Ве?
Если первая часть отрицательная, то вторая часть утвердительная: He wasn’t your friend, was he?
Unit 26 Grammar

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

__ does Morgan live? 7 __coatis this?

A Where A Who
B When B Whose
__ time will the bus arrive? 8 __has mum cooked for dinner?
A When A What
B What B Why
__— old is your best friend? Q __ milk do you like in your coffee?
A How A How many
B Which B How much
___ do you always wear black clothes? 10 She's got three aunts. __ aunt has got brown
A When hair?
B Why A What
__ was your favourite English teacher? B Which
A Who 11 _ colour was the dress she was wearing?
B When A How
__ did you make those biscuits? B What
A How 12 _ will it take to get to Gran’s house?
B What A How much
B How long

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

When did you meet / you meet your friends?

What time is it / it is? J

How much bread there was / was there in the kitchen?
Where they went / have they gone on holiday?
Whose pretty green hat that is / is that?
What colour his eyes are / are his eyes?
Who knows / does know those people?
Which school subjects she does like / does she like?
Why were you asking / you asking him about his school?

How many eggs will you need / need you for the cake?

Прочитайте ответы и заполните пропуски в вопросах.


is your coat?’ ‘It’s in the car.’

was at your party?’ ‘My friends from English class were there.’

did they start their English classes?’ ‘They started on 8th September.’
do you make chocolate cake?’ ‘You use flour, sugar, chocolate and eggs.’
people were in the team?’ ‘There were 12 people in the team.’
were you watching that programme?’ ‘Because | wanted to learn about nature.’

bag is this?’ ‘It’s my friend Ryan’s.’

can we do at the sports centre?’ ‘We can do lots of things.’
did your trousers cost?’ ‘They cost 30 pounds.’
kind of sandwich is this?’ ‘It’s a chicken sandwich.’

Wh-questions and question tags Unit 26

py Допишите разделительные вопросы.

| aml ° areyou © aren’tyou © canwe ° can’t! © didthey * doyou °* doesn’t she |

hasn’the ¢ wasit * wasn’the ° weren’t they

You’re my brother’s friend, _?


Тпеу ап’ пуке Пег {о {Пе рапу, ?

| can visit Lena in Volgograd, —___?
You aren’t buying that ugly shirt, ?
It wasn’t raining [аз п, о?
Уоц доп Кпом/ {Пе ЗтИИ$, ?
Gabby likes listening to music,
Your brother has lived in Paris,
They were nice people, ?
10 Dan was here last week, SSCS
11 Wecan'teat in the living room, ____ SSP
12 Гт по Бойпя, —?

Допишите разделительные вопросы.

Рауе! 1$ уоиг ТауошКе ипае, ?


Ме агеп* маст а Поггог Ил, о?

Your mum’s got curly red hair, __________?
Тпа{ Маз а эгеа{ ипсИ, — ?
You haven't finished yet, ?
These {гоизегз Чап” со${ а 101, о?
I’m your best friend, _?
Уочцг рагеп{$ пауе Бееп {0 Мо$со\и, ?
He can’t swim, ?
We don’t need to |еауе {пе рацу пом, — ?

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.


Hi Alex. How are you?


Hi Natasha. Fine, thanks. And you?

I'm fine. Your cousin hasn't left yet, (1) hasn’t / has she?
No, she’s here.
Oh, good. I've got two extra tickets to the cinema. Maybe we can all go. Sofia likes films,
(2) doesn’t / don’t she?
Yes, of course. Thank you for the offer! (3) When / Where does the film start?

It starts at 8 o'clock. That’s not too late, (4) is / isn’t it?

That’s perfect. (5) Who / Where do you want to meet?
We can meet at the cinema. It’s on Jackson St. You’ve been there, (6) haven’t/ didn’t you?
Yes, I've been many times. This is really nice of you!
I’m a great friend, (7) am not/ aren’t |?
Yes, you are! We can buy.you supper after the cinema, (8) can / can’t we?
No, that’s ok. I’m just happy that you’re coming. See you there!
Yes, see you!

Unit Vocabulary
Character and appearance
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений 6 с. 158

© Nouns

appearance height
build personality
character pets: cat, dog, fish, hamster, parrot, rabbit, tortoise
face smile
friendship weight

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

admire look after respect take after

frown love share trust
get on with prefer smile

© Adjectives

cute kind polite short tall

good-looking loyal reliable slim

© Phrases

care about look different / great / the same

have a good sense of humour make someone laugh
have a lot of fun with take care of
have short / long / straight / curly / wavy / dark / light / fair hair worry about

© Word formation
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
admiration admire
appearance appear
care care caring
careful carefully
careless carelessly
friend friendly
friendship unfriendly
kindness kind kindly
laughter laugh
polite politely
impolite _
preference prefer и
rely reliable
Character and appearance Unit 27

© Nouns

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

I’ve just taken my hamster/ dog for a walk in the park.
Charlie has lost a little weight / build since he started running every day.

We Sawa lot of fish / cats in the sea when we went swimming.

My friendship / personality with Olivia is very important to me.
Wearing nice clothes can make a big difference to your character / appearance.

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

‘face e height ¢ parrot « rabbit ° smile ° tortoise

A______isakind of bird.

‘Can you {е! те уоиг _— ?’'\е$, it’s one metre, 65 centimetres.’

Jake’s pet________ has very long ears.
Joseph’s gota nice _______in this photo. It makes him look very happy.

A_________ has got four legs and it walks very slowly.

You've got some chocolate on your ___, Ethan.

Verbs and phrasal verbs

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Do you___ cats or dogs as pets?
А respect B prefer
Emily__ all the girls in her class.
A frowns B_ gets on with
Charlie, can you___s my dog this weekend?
А look after B_ take after
My uncle is kind and reliable.
lreally_ shim.
A_ share B admire
| don’t think Dad’s Парру. Не’$ ___.
A_ frowning B_ smiling
Daniilcan__ his brother to look after
his cat for two days.
A trust B love
Mia___ her clothes and money
with her friends.
A_ shares B_ respects
‘Who do you___?’ ‘People say | look like
my grandfather.’
А look after B_ take after

Unit 27 Vocabulary

о Adjectives

О Заполните пропуски словами. Первые буквы слов даны.

Poppy’s lost some weight. She is very s____ now.

My friend Benjamin is very r_________ . He always does what he says he'll do.
Dogs are great pets. They are very |_____ to their owners.
Many Hollywood actors are g = JO
‘How t_____is your brother?’ ‘One metre, 56 centimetres.’
P__________—srpeople always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
Itis veryk_______ of you to offer to look after my tortoise.
| love my pet rabbit. | think it’s really c .
‘Your dad's tall, isn’t he?’ ‘No, he isn’t. He’s quite s.

fl ©

Заполните пропуски данными словами и фразами.

a lot of fun ° care ° curly ° laugh . looks different ° sense of humour ° takes care of * worry about |

Hi, Lena. Have | ever met your sister?

Oh, hi, Nick. I’m sure you’ve seen her. She’s tall and she has (1)______ hair, which is purple!
She (2) ________ but she’s very attractive. She doesn’t (3) _____-_- about what other people
Do you get on with her?
Уе5, ме пауе (4) _ She ‘s got a good (5) ____._-_ so she makes me (6)

Does she look after the house when your parents are away?
Yes, she cooks and cleans. My parents are happy when Anastasiya 1$ (7) _ теапа ту
little brother. She also studies a lot, too, because she wants to go to university. | sometimes
(8) ________ her because she gets really tired.

о Word formation

а Заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они

лексически и грамматически соответствовали смыслу предложений.
Thank you for giving me flowers. | really respect your ____. KIND

Don’t be ____! You'll make a lot of mistakes. CARE

Do уоц Пауеа__ for small pets or large ones? PREFER
Lucas has a really nice____—. PERSON
Faith doesn’t care about her______-_ — she always wears old jeans and a T-shirt. APPEAR
I've gota lot of ______ for my parents. They work really hard. ADMIRE
| can’t be friends with a person м/По 1$. RELIABLE
is really important to me. It makes me happy! FRIEND
Lots of people think Imogen’s _______ but she’s just shy. POLITE
There’s always _ in the room when Leon’s here because he’s got LAUGH

a good sense of humour.

Review 9 — ШТ
п Заполните пропуски данными словами.

| admiration ® саге * cute © different ® frowning © get height |

personality ° trust e unreliable "|

‘Is Owen tall?’ ‘Yes, 11$ is one metre, sixty-five centimetres.’


Why are you________—»«, Dad? Are you angry with me?

Му Без{ Шепа Паз$ а 5геа{ _ — she’s kind and fun!
| enjoy taking ______ of my dog.
|_ _ опмйпа! {пе реоре т ту Татйу.
Megan had long hair but now she has short hair. She looks very пом!
That little cat is very_______————. | want to take it home!
Tia is ________ because she never does what she says she will.
| have a lot of _______ for people who work hard.
Do you ____ Tom? Do you think he’s a loyal friend?

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

a1 Do they have got / have any pets?
12 I’ve got some / any nice biscuits.
13 She have / has got long curly hair.
14 They haven't / haven’t got a саг.
15 Would you like some/ a tea and cake?
16 Have they got some / any money for the trip?
af Has she got blue eyes? No, she don’t / hasn't.
18 Have they got a/ some cute little dog?
a9 Do you have a cold? Yes, | have / do.
20 They don’t have / haven’t a tortoise.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

___ sandwich is this? 26 They didn’t trust him, __ they?
A Who's B Whose A did B have
__.do you go to school? 27 time does the party start?
A Where B What A When B What
23 You are Amy’s brother, __. you? 28 _car do you like?
A are B aren't A Which B How many
24 Isabel can’t borrow your coat, __ she? 29 _ do you always frown at people?
A can't B can A How B Why
25 I’m late again, __ |? 30 __ is your grandfather?
A aren't B am A Howold B How much

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30


© Indefinite article
Неопределённый артикль употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе.

а перед словом, которое начинается с согласного звука We’re having a party.

ап перед словом, которое начинается с гласного звука He wears an anorak in cold weather.

Helpful hints =
Будьте внимательны, используя неопределённый артикль со словами ап Поиг, а еиго, а ипИогт.

Употребление Примеры
в значении «один» о | met a girl.
в значении «любой, всякий» _ Adog is an animal.
перед названиями профессий He is a doctor.

Watch out!
Выбор формы неопределённого артикля зависит от следующего за ним слова -— существительного,
прилагательного или наречия.
/ It wasa film. / It was an interesting film. / Itwas an amazingly interesting film.

Helpful hints
©. Definite article Артикль {пе
произносится [дэ]
Употребление _Примеры
перед словом,
в значении «определённый» Where is the book | gave you? .
—— | _ Которое начинается
при повторном упоминании лица/предмета | met a girl. The girl was very nice.
| ссогласного звука
если по ситуации ясно, о чём идёт речь Can you open the door, please?
ыы | (the book), W[di] -—
если предмет - единственный в своём роде the Earth, the Moon, the sea перед словом, которое
начинается с гласного
© No article звука (the Earth).

Артикль не употребляется Примеры

перед существительными во множественном числе и You can buy tickets here.
неисчисляемыми существительными, если предметы What time do you finish work?
не конкретизируются
перед именами и фамилиями Shakespeare, Ann Black

© Special rules
Особые случаи —__ . Артикль Примеры
части света, материки, страны Europe, Australia, Brazil
населённые пункты, улицы, площади Moscow, High Street, Trafalgar Square
отдельные горы и острова Fiji, Sakhalin
озёра - Lake Ontario —————s—“‘<‘—“‘“‘<‘ i”
языки Can you speak English?
национальность отдельного человека Kath is English.
люди одной национальности The English drink a lot of tea.
страны, названия которых содержат слова the UK, the USA, the People’s Republic of China,
republic, kingdom, states, emirates the United Arab Emirates
страны во множественном числе _ — the the Philippines, the Netherlands
горные цепи, группы островов the Ural, the Kuril Islands
реки, моря, океаны the Volga, the Caspian Sea, the Pacific
пустыни И the Sahara Desert
организации и учреждения Janet joined the police.
место работы — _ _ а/ап
_ | work in a huge school.

Articles Unit 28

FN выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 —Мупоизе 1$ пеаг _ Тоге\. 6 Summer is __ exciting time of the year.
A an Aa
Ba B an
2 ~ Is your dad __ weatherman? 7 Weclimbed __ high mountain last week.
Aa Aa
B an B an
3 Have you got __ apple for lunch? 8 Jacob is __ honest boy.
A an A an
Ba Ba
4 Wevwill be home in_—— hour. 9 He goes to __ university in Leeds.
Aa A an
B an Ba
5 Do you wear __ uniform to school? 10 Mysister wants to be __ ecologist.
A an A an
Ba Ba

Е Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

1 There are some black clouds in - / the sky today.

2 We're visiting friends in the / - Bucharest at the moment.
3 The/-UK often has cloudy weather.
4 Itis often warm and rainy in - / the Philippines.
5 Myuncle works for the / - police in my town.
6 The/- French like good food.
7 My friend Galina can speak the/ - Chinese.
8 There are beautiful places to walk near - / the Lake Baikal.
9 Myfriend, Erik, wants to live in the / - Europe.
10 The/ - Nile goes through Egypt.
11 You can sometimes see - / the Moon in the afternoon.
12 We often talk to - / the people from other countries.

Впишите артикли, где необходимо.


| met __ girl today, and __ girl was from __ Sweden.


Our neighbour across __ street is from __ Australia, and she works as __ English teacher.
_— Fiji is __ island in __ Pacific.
My dad works on __ boat as __ fisherman in __ USA.
__ Shakespeare is __ writer of __ love story, Romeo and Juliet.
___ Sahara is in ___ Africa. __ weather there is __ hot and dry.

Unit 28 Grammar

Г] заполните пропуски артиклями. Если слово употребляется без артикля,

поставьте знак (-).

(1) _ Сапагу 1$апа$ Беюопй 10 (2) _— Spain. They

| are (3) __ beautiful group of islands in (4) _— Atlantic
Ocean, with many forests and parks. (5) -— tourists
travel there to see (6) __ unusual plants and animals.
(7) __ popular island there is (8) __ Tenerife. This island has
got (9) __ big city with many hotels. You can drink (10) __ nice
cup of coffee, sit under (11) __ sun and enjoy (12) __ amazing
holiday there.

[3 вкаждом предложении артикль употреблён неверно. Исправьте ошибки.

1 Our history teacher lives on the Jameson Street.
2 There is the beautiful tree in the garden behind my house.
3 The shop in my neighbourhood has got plants and they cost
an euro each.
4 The4J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books.
5 Ms Banks is the English and she’s from Birmingham.
6 Doyou wantto take a trip to the Mount Everest some day?
7 | met Mr Charles the other day and he’s the very nice man.
8 It’s very cold here now so bring a anorak.

Составьте предложения, используя артикли, где необходимо.


my aunt / teaches / Italian / at / school / in / Warsaw

River Volga / flows into / Caspian Sea


3 Red Square / in / Moscow / is / interesting place / for / tourists

4 1|/work
/ in / office / in / Asia

5 We/wentto / Lake Eire / on / sunny day

6 Amsterdam / is / city / in / Netherlands

и ПЕ
wl Ti я id
—— a оч te


© Cardinal numbers
aes Список числительных 65) с. 150

Числительные 13-19 образуются с помощью суффикса -Еееп.

Числительные 20, 30, 40... 90 образуются с помощью суффикса -ty.

Употребление - — Примеры —_
количество ы There are three apple trees in the garden.
календарный год | was born in 2001.

Watch out!
Перед словами Випагед, {поизапа, тюп и Бот употребляется числительное опе или артикльа. Эти
слова не принимают окончание множественного числа -$, если перед ними стоит количественное
/ ТРервопе со$5 опе/а Випаге4 роипа$. „ ТВе зюгт айецеа {мо Випагеа реорг.

Watch out!
В британском английском в числительных свыше 100 перед единицами/десятками употребляется апа.
103: one hundred and three
5,699: five thousand, six hundred and ninety-nine
Если в числительных свыше 100 единицы/десятки не содержатся, апа не употребляется.
2,500: two thousand, five hundred

© Ordinal numbers

NopsagkosBble YncnuTenbHbie O6pa3yloTcA C NOMOLIbIO cypdutca -th.

Vicknioyeunsa: first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd)

Употребление Примеры
порядковый номер при счёте Peter was the third person to finish the race.
календарная дата It’s the first of July.

© How to write and read numbers

Случаи употребления Пишем Говорим =
дата 14th July _ the fourteenth of July
год 1900 nineteen hundred
1975 nineteen seventy-five
2001 two thousand and one
2018 two thousand and eighteen unu twenty eighteen
номер телефона 9024580 nine-oh-two-four-five-eight-oh
Temnepatypa o°c zero degrees Celsius/Centigrade
спортивный счёт 5-0 five nil
процент 50% fifty per cent
простая дробь 1/2 a half
1/3 a third
5/8 five eighths
десятичная дробь 1.31: one point three one
5.07 five point oh seven

(2 Watch out!
Y4ucnutenbHbie 21-99 nuwytca c geducom: There are thirty-one days in December. _ =

Unit 29. Grammar

(Ч выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 46 А forty-six B_ forty-sixth
2 13th A thirtieth B_ thirteenth
3 2014 А two thousand and fourteen B_ two zero fourteen
4 52nd A fifty-second B fifty-two
5 98 A ninety eight B_ninety-eight
6 29°C A_ twenty-ninth degreeC B_ twenty-nine degreesC
7 20th A_ twentieth B_ twenty
8 65% A sixty-fifth per cent B sixty-five per cent
9 3/5 А three fives B three fifths
10 71st A_ seventy first B_seventy-first
11 89% A_ eighty-nine per cent B_ eight-nine per cent
12 1/3 A athird B athree

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

1 January is the 1st/ 1 month of the year.
2 There are 16/ 16th people in my science class.
3 You got 89%/ 89th of the answers right — you did well!
4 Myhouse is the two / second house on the left.
5 Summer begins on the 1st/ 1st June.
6 The phone costs two hundred / hundreds pounds.
7 ~~ |knew three/ third people in her group.
8 There were eleven people in the race, and Jill came fortieth / fourth.

ra Напишите числительные, данные в скобках, цифрами.

1 —Оптмту пех ыийдау, | ме — (зеуетееп).

2 Wewenttoacafe ог ту ч$ег$ ____ (мейп) ыйваау.
3 —ТПеге аге осеапз оп _ (зе\уету-Я\е) % о {пе Еамп.
4 Forthe_____ (tenth) time, children — please be quiet!
5 About_______ (three fifths) of a person is water.
6 Mawsynram, India, had about ______ (one thousand) inches of rain in 1985 — that’s
about 2,540 centimetres!
7 Jessica was born on______ (twenty-second) February.
8 It’s going to be ____ (thirty-two) °C in Singapore today.

Numerals Unit 29

@ Каждая строка текста содержит числительное. Напишите его словами.

Yugyd Va is a large park in Russia. It’s about 1,500 kilometres from Moscow, 1
Russia. The park opened in 1994. It is a beautiful park with many trees. 2
About 1/2 of the park has got forests, and there are lakes and 3
rivers there too. About 180 different kinds of birds live in the 4
park, and the lakes and rivers have got 20 different kinds of fish. 5
It’s hard to get to the park so it only has about 4,000 tourists a year. 6

2 напишите выделенные слова цифрами.

1 A: ‘Did Manchester United win the match last night?’
B: ‘No, they lost three nil!’

2 A: ‘Can| have the phone number for the science museum?’

B: ‘Yes, it’s oh-one-six, nine-seven-oh, four-two-oh-six.’

3 A: ‘When is Beth and Ron’s party?’

B: ‘It’s on the twenty-third of August.’
4 A:‘How much rain did we have last night?’
B: ‘The weatherman said one point oh six centimetres.’

5 A: ‘What will the temperature be tomorrow?’

B: ‘You'll have to wear a coat — it will be zero degrees C!’

6 A: ‘How many of the children in your group are boys, Jake?’

B: ‘| think about a third.’

@ заполните таблицу.

1 first (1)
2 (2) 2nd
4 fourth (3)

8 (4) 8th
16 (5) 16th

32 (6) 32nd -

64 sixty-fourth (7)

128 (8) 128th

256 (9) 256th

512 five hundred and twelfth (10)

1,024 one thousand and twenty-fourth (11)

2,048 (12) 2,048th

Weather and seasons, nature and ecology
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений 6) с. 158

© Nouns

geographical features: forest, hill, lake, mountain seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter
natural disasters: earthquake, flooding, hurricane weather

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

blow pollute
breathe rain
cut down recycle
pick up shine
plant snow

©. Adjectives

cloudy dangerous fresh warm

cold foggy sunny windy

©. Phrases

get wet keep something clean

in (the) spring / Summer / autumn / winter on (the) Earth
in the country(side) onacold / frosty / nasty / rainy / sunny / wet day
in the sky on the ground

© Word formation

Noun Verb Adjective

cloud cloudy
danger _ dangerous
fog foggy
heat hot
pollution ; ‘| pollute polluted :
rain rain rainy
recycling recycle recyclable
storm ___| stormy
sun _| sunny
wind windy

Weather and seasons, nature and ecology Unit 30

© Nouns

Соедините две части предложений.

We sometimes walk through you need to stay in the house.


From the top of that hill isn’t very nice here in the winter.
Were any people hurt during the earthquake?

When there is a hurricane the trees in the forest.

| like the autumn but | prefer the spring.

The weather you can see the sea.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


There’s a ___ near my house where we sometimes go swimming.

A forest
B lake
There’s a lot of __ on the beach.
A weather
B rubbish
It never Snows in __ in Greece.
A winter
B summer
After all the rain we had, there was __ by the river.
A flooding
B hurricane
Have you ever climbed a very high __ ?
A earthquake
B mountain

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

When the wind blows / snows in the autumn, all the leaves fall off the trees.
We're going to plant / breathe some trees. Will you come and help?
This is a beautiful place to take photos when the sun is raining/ shining.
The cars and buses in the city centre recycle / pollute the air.
Do you want to go to the beach? We’re going to cut down / pick up rubbish and then swim.

Unit 30 Vocabulary

© Adjectives

Dp) Заполните пропуски данными словами.

| cloudy « cold » dangerous ° foggy « fresh * sunny e warm ° windy

1 iIt's___S——_—to breathe polluted air.

2 __Let’s go for a walk and get some ат
3 Theskyis__._____. I think it’s going to rain.
4 Theseais___.__in winter so we can’t go swimming.
5 Itwasa____________ day. All the apples blew off the tree.
6 llove___________——S—s Summer nights when you don’t need to wear a jacket.
7 ~~ Becareful driving. In __________ weather, you can’t see very far.
8 On___________ days, | have to wear sunglasses so | can see.

© Phrases

2 заполните nponycku cnosamu in, on, get unu keep.

Look after our planet!

Do you want to help look after all the wonderful things that we have here (1) ___ Earth? Our
group meets to pick up rubbish every weekend. We love our planet So we try to (2)
clean. You'll have fun with us, you’ll get lots of exercise (3) ________ the countryside, and you'll
meet some great people! We don’t always go (4) ___ the summer when the sun is shining
(5) _____ the sky — we go when it’s cold too. We go (6) _____ the winter (7)
rainy or frosty days! So be ready to (8) ________ wet or cold, or both. We can’t work when there’s
эпом/ (9) _ the ground so that’s when we relax!

Join us this weekend!

© Word formation

а Заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они

лексически и грамматически соответствовали смыслу предложений.

1 ‘Freya loves going for a walk in the hills on a _____ day. SUN
2 A lotof the things we throw in the rubbish are ______.. RECYCLE
3 Thelake near my house is very ________ POLLUTE
4 Don’t swim near the rocks — it’s ______. DANGER
5 Кмазуеу — so | didn’t ride my bike to school yesterday. WIND
6 Reuben loves to be at home during ___ weather. STORM
7 Itwasa___________ day, but we played football — and got very wet! RAIN
8 Sometimes when it’s____________ , we have a lesson outside. HEAT
9 Archie likes taking photos of dark, ___________ skies. CLOUD
10 It’sso_____—_ that you can’t see more than a few metres! FOG

Review 10. (tmars:37 eR
EN выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1 Spring comes before __. 6 It’s a__ day. | think it’s going to rain.
A winter A windy
B summer B cloudy
2 __ It’s dangerous to be in a house when 7 Alina went for a walk __ a cold winter day.
there’s___. A on
A weather B in
B an earthquake 8 _|__ wet when | fell in the lake.
3 Weare __ too many trees — we must stop! A kept
A cutting down B got
B picking up 9 There is a lot of __ in big cities.
4 |feel happy when the sun is __. A pollution
A shining B polluted
B blowing 10 | think there’s going to be a ___ tomorrow.
5 My friends and | like __ weather. A storm
A warm B stormy
B fresh
(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

[ заполните пропуски, используя а, ап, Ше. Если артикль не нужен,

поставьте знак (-).

Сгеесе па$ тапу1!апа 5гоцрз. (11) Оодесапезе1$ {Пе патеота гоир о З!апаз{па{
5 арац 01 (12) _ Сеесе. (13) _ пате Dodecanese means 12, but there are
15 large islands and 150 small islands. Many of them are near Turkey т (14) __ Aegean
беа. Зоте 01 (1.5) _ islands don’t have anyone on them, but(16)_______ people live
on 26 of them. In summer, a lot of tourists visit these islands and have (17) ______ amazing
time. (18) _______ Greeks speak (19) _______ English so you won't have (20)
problem if you can’t speak the Greek language.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

21 Myteam lost the game four zero / nil.
22 Tomorrow is my brother’s 13rd / 13th birthday.
23 Our exams start on the eighth / eight of May.
24 The earthquake affected two thousands / two thousand people.
25 Icame one/ first in the race.
26 Wehad a surprise party for my grandmother's ninety ninth / ninety-ninth birthday.
27 | was born in two thousand and three / two thousand three.
28 The temperature today is oh / zero degrees Celsius.
29 ‘Fifty points / per cent of the students in my class are girls.
30 One three / third of the trees are on the mountain.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

Possessive ’s, Whose ...?

©. Possessive ’s

существительные в единственном числе +’s Look at the dog’s ears.

Have you got Tim’s shirt?
существительные во множественном числе, +’s Is this the children’s wardrobe?
образованные не по правилам Is this the sheep’s food?
существительные во множественном числе +’ This is the boys’ bedroom.
This is the Smiths’ house.

Употребление Примеры
принадлежность лица или предмета кому-либо the dog’s tail
Sadie’s skirt
the boys’ hats

Watch out!
Притяжательный падеж неодушевлённых существительных выражается с помощью предлога of.
Хх thetessen‘s-end
/ the end of the lesson

Watch out!
В английском языке сначала указывается, кому принадлежит лицо/предмет, а потом — само лицо/
предмет. В русском языке часто бывает наоборот.
Сравните: Liza’s тоеги мама Лизы

Watch out!
| really liked Sue and Joe’s party. (= BeYepuHky OpraHu30Bann o6a YenoBeka BMECTe)
Гоок аё Зие’$ апа /ое’$ тагк$. (= оценки каждого человека в отдельности)

©. Possessive ’s: pronunciation

[s] [2] [12]
the cat’s / cats’ toy the boy’s / boys’ house James’s brother

© Whose ...?

Со слова ипозе начинаются вопросы о принадлежности. Такие вопросы можно строить двумя
‘Whose bag is this?’ unu ‘Whose is this bag?’
‘Whose shoes are these?’ unu ‘Whose are these shoes?’

Whose shoes are these?

v They're Ann's (shoes).
/ They're her shoes.
v They're hers.

Притяжательные местоимения } с. 111

Possessive 's, Whose ...? Unit 31

обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Have you seen new coat Ella / Ella’s new coat?


Next Tuesday is the end of the sale / sale’s end.

| love Masons’ / Mason’s hat.
The dog’s / dogs eyes are blue.
Ben’s/ Bens house is on the corner.
We can go at the beginning of the week / week’s beginning.
The hamster/ hamster’s tail is very small.
Did you go to party Sarah / Sarah’s party?

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 \Уоисапазк __ to drive you. 5 Martha is wearing her __ for the party.

A Leon’s dad A mums’ dress
В dad Leon B mum's dress
2 | think __ is very old fashioned. 6 The__has its name on it.
A Harry’s suit A dogs’ dish
B Harrys’ suit B dog's dish
3 Where does __ live? 7 ~~ I’m sure __ is blue.
A Amber’ brother A Theo’s coat
B Amber’s brother B coat’s Theo
4 Have you seen __? 8 The__is made of leather
A Toby’s trainers A boys belt
B Toby trainer’s B boy’s belt

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

aa Are you going to go to (1) Anna’s and Joel / Anna and Joel’s party?

| thought it was a (2) childrens’ / children’s party. // $

а No, it’s a fancy-dress party. They're having it at

their (3) parents’ / parent’s house.

It sounds like fun. | can wear one of my (4) dads’ / dad’s old suits! “/ $

Be I’m going to wear some of my (5) aunts’ / aunt’s clothes.

They have some beautiful hats and dresses.

You could go to (6) Annas’ / Anna’s shop. She has lots of interesting things. “/ $

Be That's a good idea! I’m sure | will find some unusual clothes there. Do you
remember the Christmas party? Do you remember (7) Hannah’s and Megan’s /
Hannah and Megan’s clothes? They bought them at that shop.

(8) Hannah’ iy Hannah’s dress was great, but Megan looked silly! “/ $

Unit 31 Grammar

Г] выберите правильный вариант произношения.

a Is that Jack’s new sweatshirt? 4 Matt’s bag is very big and heavy.
А [$] А [$]
В [2] В [2]
C [iz] C [iz]
The Jones’s house is near the school. 5 Do you like Bess’s blue skirt?
A [s] А [$]
В [7] В [7]
С [12] C [iz]
The dog’s bed is in the hall. 6 The girls’ wardrobe is in their bedroom.
А [$] А [$]
в [2] в [2]
C [iz] с [iz]

Перепишите предложения, используя (”), где необходимо.

Where’s Julias bag and Liams coat?

The Smiths house is next door to Dylan Heggars house.

Owens new shirts are great.

Zaras dress isn’t woolen, but my twin sisters dresses are.

It was Alex and Ryans idea to go to the shopping centre.

The womens clothes are very nice.

Напишите вопросы, используя м/Нозе.

It’s the girls’ homework.

It’s Tyler's car.

It’s my school lunch.

It’s my dog’s ball.

They're my mum’s gloves in the wardrobe.

It’s my sister’s new dress.


Pronouns and possessive determiners

© Personal pronouns and possessive determiners

Личные местоимения Личные местоимения Притяжательные местоимения
в объектном падеже
|/you/ he/she/it/we/they me/you/him/her/it/us/them my/your/ his/her/ its / our/ their

Местоимения Употребление Примеры

личные _ . . в качестве подлежащего _ |Вауе adog. — _ .
личные в объектном падеже в качестве дополнения Ann gave me a dog.
притяжательные . в качестве определения. . It's my dog. na =

Watch out!
It’s — сокращенная форма # №. Helpful hints
5 — притяжательное местоимение. Притяжательное местоимение всегда стоит
Vv It’s an exciting job. (№15...) | перед определяемым существительным.
/_ТРе $Вор ореп$ И$ 4оог$ at 5 pm. | У Is that his notebook?

© Possessive pronouns

mine / yours / his / hers / ours / theirs

Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений употребляется вместо существительных и выражает

принадлежность предмета / предметов тому или иному лицу.

Употребление | _ Примеры =— a —
повторное упоминание предмета / предметов _ It isn’t my book. It's yours. — a
указание на предмет / предметы Whose gloves are these? They're mine.

1 7
This istout: ‘ane Helpful hints aaa :
Y This jacket is hers. У притяжательного местоимения Й абсолютной формы не существует. |

Притяжательный падеж и вопросы с иро5е 6) с. 108

©. Reflexive pronouns

myself / yourself / himself / herself / itself / ourselves / yourselves / themselves

Употребление Примеры
при описании действия, ‘направленного на его исполнителя He cut himself when he was cooking.
при описании действия, совершаемого без посторонней помощи He washed the clothes himself.
с некоторыми глаголами (behave, enjoy) Enjoy yourselves on the shopping trip!

Watch out!
Takuve rnaronbi, Kak feel, wash, аге5$ не употребляются с возвратными местоимениями, хотя в русском
языке мы говорим чувствовать себя, мыться, одеваться.
/ Пеерарру!
/ He washed and dressed quickly.

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

That’s my coat / coat my you’re wearing!


She / Her dress is beautiful.

They / Their bought new swimsuits yesterday.
Your/ You have a new shirt — | like it!
The Smiths haven’t got us/ our phone number.
What is him / he going to wear tonight?
Did you buy you / your trainers in that sports shop?
Why don’t you give that blouse to me / my?

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

__ Паза long black coat. 5 That cat looks funny because __ tail is very

A She short.
B Her A it’s
We bought __ some winter boots. B its
A his 6 Don’t let изе your things without asking.
B him A their
That’s not __ jacket! B them
A you 7 Jake always looks smart because __ wears
B your great clothes.
___ parents like to wear comfortable A he
clothes. B him
A Us 8 Did you give __ the red dress?
B Our A |
B me

Поставьте личные местоимения в нужную форму.

1$ {па (у итыеЙа?
Ivy is putting —_ ($Пе) Т-5Ищ$ м {пе мазйтя тасйте.

We are going $Порртб мии —_ (Ме) рагем6.

Сап | Пауе _ (уои)татег$ ог РЕ с!а$$?
It's__ (they) car.
Did Пе я№е уоу _ (he) cardigan?
The school is having ____ (it) concert on Friday night.

Pronouns and possessive determiners Unit 32

p) Соедините вопросы и ответы.

1 Is that your shopping bag? —_ A No, it’s not hers.

2 Is that Max and Sarah’s house? es B Yes, it’s mine.
3. Dothese scarves belong to you and Joel? == С No, they’re not ours.
4 This is my hat, isn’t it? —_ D_ Yes, it’s theirs.
5 Is this Harry’s phone? — E Yes, it’s his.
6 Does this shirt belong to Lilly? = F No, it’s not yours.

Заполните пропуски местоимениями.

Не соокед атпег _ = уеЗегаау еуептт — Мит дап\ пер him.


Be careful, Morgan, or you will hurt

|cut_____ with a knife yesterday.
We own that clothing shop. It’s .
Did you and Libby enjoy а пеТа$Моп $Пом?
My parents have a big car. It’s ;
We laughed at _____ because we were wearing silly hats.

Have you lost something? Is this phone _____————?

Пе оКеп |00К$ а _ ше mirror.
10 The cat sat in the sun and washed _______ carefully.

Заполните пропуски местоимениями.

Sophia’s blog
This week I’m 5отя {о {е! уоц а! або (1) _ friend
Ruby’s party.

First, | want to tell you about her beautiful house with

(2) sarge garden and pool. My friends and | were very
excited about going to a party at that lovely house! The party was
a fancy-dress party so Ruby wanted all of (3) _— юмеаг
clothes like people wear in a carnival! My dress was beautiful.
| was very happy with it when | saw (4) шие mirror
wearing it!

When | arrived at the party all my friends were really enjoying

(5) _ __. There was food and music, and there were lots of
balloons. All the girls looked great. (6) _________ dresses were
amazing! The boys looked smart too.

We all behaved (7) ________ at the party and helped tidy up

when (8) _________ was over at 11 pm. We all had a fantastic

FY Опишите вечеринку, на которой вы недавно побывали. Используйте


Unit Vocabulary
Clothes and fashion
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений >>) c.159

© Nouns

clothes: boots, cap, cardigan, belt sleeve

coat, dress, gloves, hat, jacket, fashion (sun)glasses
jeans, scarf, shirt, shoes, skirt, (hand)bag watch
socks, suit, sweatshirt, top, hood
trainers, trousers, T-shirt pocket

© Verbs and phrasel verbs

dress up put on
fasten suit
fit take off
grow out of tie
match tryon

© Adjectives

comfortable old-fashioned
fashionable patterns: checked, plain, spotted, striped
loose tight
materials: cotton, denim, leather, silk, woollen

© Phrases

be in / out of fashion the latest style

get dressed the right size
look good on someone too big / small for someone
look smart wear something on top of / under something

© Word formation

Noun Adjective Adverb

colour colourful
comfort comfortable
fashion fashionable
length long
real really
style stylish
trend trendy
warmth warm
width wide

Clothes and fashion Unit 33

© Nouns
Обведите правильный вариант ответа.
Ethan’s boots / coats are great. His feet are never wet.
My dad wears a hood / suit to work.
It’s an important meeting so | think I'll wear my new watches / trousers.
It’s a very sunny day so wear your shirts / sunglasses.

Michael usually wears a red woollen cap/ sock on his head.

You can’t wear jeans / shoes at Mum’s office.
Brr! My hands are cold. | need my scarf / gloves.
He put the money in his pocket / sleeve.

Прочитайте определения и напишите слова. Первые буквы слов даны.

This is warm and you wear it in winter. с

This goes on your head. h

Women wear this with a top. It can be long or short. 5
This is big and warm and you often wear it at home. $
Women wear this. d
You wear this in cold weather on top of your shirt.
This can be a shirt or a T-shirt. t
You wear these on your feet when you want to jog or exercise. t
You don’t want your trousers to fall so you wear this. b
10 Some clothing magazines and TV programmes are about this. f
14 Women can put money, make-up and a phone in this. h
12 You can wear this as a top on hot days.

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1 Joseph __ his clothes and wentto school. 4 These trousers don’t __ me because they are
A puton too small.
B took off A fasten
Emma and Lacey are going to __ for the B fit
party. 5 You can __ on the clothes before you buy them.
A grow out of A take
B dress up B try
Archie’s shoes don’t __ because one 6 That brown dress doesn’t __ you.
is red and one is blue. A suit
A match B match
B tie

Unit 33. Vocabulary

© Adjectives
Г] обведите правильный вариант ответа.
Тпезе 51о\уе$ аге геа!у 1юозе / ЧЕ. Тпеу’ге {оо М5.
Benjamin was wearing a nice pair of leather / cotton shoes.

| don’t like clothes from the 1990s. They're old-fashioned / fashionable.

Jeans are usually made of denim / silk.
She wore a plain / spotted white dress to the party.
Lucas’s boots don’t look good but they’re tight / comfortable.
Woollen / Checked clothes are good for the winter because they're warm.
Erin was wearing a striped / denim grey and red T-shirt.

© Phrases

В Заполните пропуски данными словами.

Ыб о дгеззе4 ° 5004 ° |а{е${ о оп{ор оф ® ощофо ИБП эта! о smart

a What are you doing, Jacob?


& | think they're too (3) _ Югуоц.

в Уез, уоц пееа {Пе (5) _ size. Wear a jacket (6) ем.

You have to buy new clothes that are the (8)

style. It’s important to look (9) ___!

© Word formation
@ заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они
лексически и грамматически соответствовали смыслу предложений.
1 Those trousers are_______ today but they were in fashion 20 years ago. FASHION
2 That’'sa_______ lovely coat you’re wearing. REAL
3 She’s a beautiful woman and her clothes are very. STYLE
4 She was wearing a_________ scarf with lots of red, yellow and orange on it. COLOUR
5 №5ауегу пе агез$ Би К’ по {Пе и о. LONG
6 |like to be cool so! buy_______ clothes. TREND
7 Plants need light and _____ to grow. WARM
8 This suit is very tight and ___. | want to take it off! COMFORT
9 The_____ of these shoes is great. They fit me! WIDE

Review 11 ([TSEIRRY2eRs:
A Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1 Olga bought a — for her jeans. 6 Irina says that __ clothes feel hot and
A pocket B belt uncomfortable.
2 Vadim is wearing black trousers and a A loose B tight
sweatshirt with a__.. 7 Isthis the __ size for me? Does it look OK?
А hood B_ sleeve A right B latest
3. |don’t often __ — only on special 8 I think this shirt is___ for me.
days. A infashion 8B too big
A dressup B puton 9 Glebisavery__ person. He spends
a lot of
4 Does that fit you? You can __ to see. money on clothes.
A tryiton B take it off A_ stylish B style
5 __Kostya doesn’t care about the latest 10 Freya doesn’t like the __ of that skirt. She thinks
style — he wants his clothes to be __. it’s too short.
A_ spotted B comfortable A long B length

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

EE] обведите правильный вариант ответа.

11 Isthat Mary’s sister / Marys’ sister?
12 | want to speak to you at the lesson’s end / end of the lesson.
13 These are the childrens’ / children’s clothes for the trip.
14 Masha is Victoria’s mother / mother Victoria.
15 Did you go to Alexes and Jamies / Alex and Jamie’s party?
16 My two brothers share a room. This is the boy’s / boys’ bedroom here.
17 Who/ Whose is this watch?
18 | love my grandparents and | love staying at my grandparents’ / grandparent’s house.
19 Look at Ethan and Devon’s / Ethan’s and Devon’s new jackets.
20 We havea dog. We keep the dog’s / dogs’ food in this cupboard.

(по 1. баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

hers о Пт о №5 о те ‹ тте о тузей ‹ оиг ® \Петземе$ ‹ уои ° yourself

21 Joe wanted that cap so | bought it for .

22 That’s my cardigan — it’s not yours. Give itto________, please.
23 That photois__.-_ ___ — | took it with my new camera.
24 Ве сагети!! Воп си with that knife.
25 |washed the dishes____———S— ~ Mum didn’t help me.
26 Zoeand Rosie enjoyed____—_— at the party.
27 Oh, no! | think that horse has Пий leg.
28 Myclassmates and | like _________ teacher. She’s really nice.
29 ______are looking at yourselves in the mirror — again!
30 |моге ту пем агез$ апа Зага моге too.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

Relative pronouns and adverbs, relative clauses

© Relative pronouns and adverbs

Относительные слова (местоимения и наречия) вводят определительные придаточные предложения

и ставятся сразу после существительного, к которому они относятся.

The man is my neighbour. He is a vet. — The man who is my neighbour is a vet.

Относительные слова Значение Примеры

who кто, который (о людях) We met a woman who is a photographer.
whose чей He's the boy whose father is a doctor.
which который (о предметах The photos which she takes are lovely.
и животных)
where где, куда These trees grow in countries where the weather is hot.
when _ когда That was the day when | met your mother.

© Relative clauses

Определительные придаточные предложения отвечают на вопросы какой?, который? и вводятся

относительными словами.
относительное слово + глагол The man who helped my dog is a vet.
относительное слово + личное местоимение + That’s the dog which he helped.
глагол This is the place where he lived in his childhood.
Do you remember the time when we went to England?
относительное слово + существительное + That's the man whose dog barks every morning.

Употребление Примеры
Определительные придаточные предложения The person who | saw in the shop was my friend.
вводят уточняющую, существенную информацию The shop which | like best sells clothes.
о существительном в главном предложении The shop where she works has lots of nice clothes.
Tuesday was the day when | visited the shop.
The woman whose shop | visited is French.

Watch out!
В определительном придаточном предложении вместо who u which MOMKHO UcnoNbsoBaTb that.
/ The person that! saw in the shop was my friend.
/¥ The photos of the dog that were in the magazine were lovely.

Relative pronouns and adverbs, relative clauses Unit 34

(Я обведите правильный вариант ответа.

| talked to a man who/ which is a doctor.

The office where / when she works is on Elm Street.

That was the time which / when | finished university.
The job who / which | do is hard work.
The woman which / whose bag you found is over there.
That was the moment which / when | knew | had the job.
That’s the house where / which | lived when | was young.
The girl where/ who came to the party is from Spain.
Can you give me the pen when / which | gave you.
There’s the man who / whose son is a teacher.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

This is the room __ we have meetings.

A when
B where
2 Look at my laptop __ is on my desk.
A who
B that
3 Have you met the man __ | work for?
A which
B who
4 It was the year ___ he started working in my factory.
A where
B when
5 _That’s the man __ company makes phones.
A whose
B who
6 The woman __ was here wanted to speak to you.
A that
B which

Заполните пропуски относительными местоимениями или наречиями.

В некоторых случаях возможны два варианта.

Dear Diary, |

We had a visitor at school today. The man (1) ______~~. came to talk to us is called Mr Jones and
he has a company. The business (2) _________ he owns is very big and lots of people work in it. |
Мг/опе$ зауз [15$ Тауоцще дау \маз {пе дау (3) _ Пе орепеа 115 сотрщег Тасоту. Не р
зауз Пе |о\уе$ вот8 {о {Пе о се (4) _ Пемогк$ еуету дау. Тпе реоре (5) мож
for him like it too. I’ve thought about the job | want to do when | grow up. | want to be a doctor
because it’s a profession (6) _ 5уету итропапе. | Пауе фо go to sleep now! Goodnight!

FY Опишите профессию своей мечты. Используйте определительные

придаточные предложения.

Unit 34 Grammar

Dp) Заполните пропуски данными словами.

when e where © which e who ® who « whose

1 That’s the shop ______ | buy my clothes for work.

2 Doyou remember the time Пий ту агт?
3 MrJames is the man________ works as a lawyer.
4 — Наппай 1$ {пе 8щ — рагет$ омп а сотрщег $Пор.
5 _He’s the photographer __________ took our class photo.
6 _I'llwear the dress ______ you bought me.

Перепишите предложения, расставив выделенные слова в правильном порядке.

" Ш

The man (found / my cat / who) is an engineer.

The shop (works / she / where) is on Main Street.


3. That’s the boy (house / huge / is / whose).

4 That's the car (bought / he / which) yesterday.

5 The girl (lost / that / her phone) is my sister.

6 _That’s the day (they / when / bought) a sports company.

@ составьте предложения, используя данные слова и одно из относительных

местоимений или наречий.
1 this /1 / the building / work / is where/ who

2 the doctor / Dr Smith / Angel’s Hospital / is / works at who / when

3 mynewjob / the day / start /| / that’s which / when

4 like / you / yesterday / wore / do /| / the dress / ? whose / that

5 the cleaner / our office / he’s / comes to that/ when

6 dog/the man / frightened me / that’s that / whose

7 she / the photograph / took / here’s / from the balcony which / who

First conditional

О Introduction to conditionals

Условное предложение состоит из двух частей: придаточного предложения (условие) и главного

предложения (результат).
условие результат
If you miss the bus, you will be late.
результат условие
You will be late if you miss the bus.

Если придаточное предложение предшествует главному предложению, оно отделяется запятой.
If you eat too fast, you will feel ill.
If you get a job, I'll get one too.
Если придаточное предложение следует за главным предложением, запятая не ставится.
You will feel ill if you eat too fast.
lll visit you later if| have time. |

О First conditional

If + present simple, и/{[ + инфинитив без частицы 0

Употребление Примеры В — _
реальное или вероятное условие в настоящем или If you try, you'll get the job.
будущем If you don’t try, you won't get the job.

Watch out!
В придаточном предложении ий! не употребляется.
Х 4tfyeu-wiltstudy-hard_yotrtpass-yourexam.
/ Ifyou study hard, you'll pass your exam.

Watch out!
B отрицательных предложениях вместо Й по можно использовать ип!е$$.

/ Ifyou don’t go to bed now, you'll be tired tomorrow.

/¥ Unless you go to bed now, you'll be tired tomorrow.

ful hints — 7
В главном предложении вместо ий! можно использовать модальный глагол сап.
| ¥ Ifyou like making things, you can come to our classes.
Для выражения совета или инструкции в главном предложении можно использовать повелительное
У Гуои don't feel well, go home!
/ Ifyou want to use my laptop, don’t forget to ask me first.

Unit 35 Grammar

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 __| don’t do my homework, | can’t go out. 6 If he __ get the job, he’ll be sad.
A lf A doesn’t
B Unless B won't
If you become a footballer, you __ 7 ~~ She'll get a prize if she __ the race.
famous! A win
A are B wins
B will be 8 If we talk to the
__ he will help us with our
If you’re thirsty, __ some water. problem.
A drink A boss,
B drinks B boss
He __ come to the part if he wants to. 9 ‘If you hate cycling, __ get a bike.
A is A won't
B can B don’t
___ they work hard, the boss will be angry. 10 If she__, she can speak to the manager.
A lf A calls
B Unless B call

Соедините две части предложений.


If you need money, __


We'll get wet os

If he studies hard,
Unless you hurry, —_
|] рауе а party —
She won’t get the job —_

he can become an engineer.


get a job.
unless she applies for it.
if | find a job.
you'll miss the bus.
if it rains.

Заполните пропуски данными словами.


| сап е сапф ео if unless ® will © won't |

| _ _ Безигризеа И пе doesn’t help you — she’s always helpful!


Уосц МИ Тай {Пе ехат — you study hard.

you don’t like the job, get a new one.
They ______ have a sandwich if they’re hungry.

If you don’t buy a ticket, you__________ come to the theatre.

If the weather's bad, we_______ go to the company picnic.

First conditional Unit 35

Г] Раскройте скобки, используя соответствующую форму глагола. В некоторых

случаях возможны два правильных варианта.
1 Ни _ (be) asunny day, we_____———_ (go) out.
2 He_______—(not / get) the job unless he_________——_(trry).
3 Муоу— (want) lots of money, _____—~—S— (open) a business.
4 He______—_— (not / be) successful if he ____—~~——S—— (not / work) hard.
5 |___s(not / buy) a bike unless my dad________ (give) me some money.
6 Ifshe_________(not/ be) here at 9 am every morning, she ___________ (lose) her job.
7 You_________ (look) smart if you_________ (wear) a suit.
8 Тпеу _ (not / come) if you____——SS—S—S——S (not / ask) them.

[2 рласкройте скобки, используя соответствующую форму глагола.

School notice: Working at summer camp

To all students:
e If you (1) _ (want) to help at a children’s camp this summer, (2)
(ask) Mr Davies for a form to apply.
e You (3) ________ (not / пар) а пе сатр итез$ уоиг рагеп$ (4) _ (зау)
you can.
e [уси (5) —_ (not / like) sports, you (6)_____——————s (not / enjoy) yourself at the
e On days when there are few campers, the camp leader (7)_________———s« (send) you home if
he (8) _ (not / need) your help.
e Ifthe weather (9)___—=—~—SE—S—— (bee) bad, you (10)__——S——SCS—CSSS (nck / Come) to the camp
because it won’t be open that day.
Hope to see you at the camp!

@ составьте условные предложения. Поставьте запятые, где необходимо.

1 if / you not eat / you be / hungry this afternoon

2 unless / she see / a doctor / she not feel better

3 youneed /acar / if you / get that job

4 goto bed / if you / be tired

5 she / move to New York / if she / take the job

6 __ if they / want a pizza / they make one

Unit Vocabulary
Jobs and professions §
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений S c. 160

© Nouns

boss jobs: dentist, designer, doctor, engineer, office

business hairdresser, journalist, lawyer, nurse, police staff
company officer, receptionist, (shop) assistant, teacher, work
factory tour guide, waiter / waitress, manager

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

apply for help

become pay
deal with serve
design teach
earn treat

© Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives freelance responsible Adverbs

clever full-time useful full-time
creative part-time well-paid part-time

© Phrases

be in charge of work as a doctor / teacher / etc

find / get / have a job work for a company
run a business / company / shop / etc work hard
wear a uniform work in a factory / office / plant / etc

© Word formation

Noun Verb Adjective

assistant assist
boss bossy
business busy
design design
manager manage
work work

Jobs and professions Unit 36

© Nouns

И Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

My mum is a doctor / dentist. She helps people to have healthy teeth.


My uncle is a nurse/ manager in a shop.

We asked our teacher / waiter to bring us more water.
The boss told the staff / business to stop talking and do some work.
Can we ask the police officer / tour guide questions when we’re in the museum?
Michael has a lot of company / work these days so he’s very busy.

Прочитайте определения и напишите слова. Первые буквы слов даны.


People make things like cars here. f

This person decides how things will look and work. d

You see this person when you first walk into a hotel. r
This is a place where people work. о
This person asks questions and writes news stories. j

This person makes things like bridges and roads. e

This person can cut your hair. re
This person helps you when you are buying things. 5 а

This person tells workers what to do. b

10 This person helps people with the law. |

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 | want to __ for a job at a hospital.
A apply
B help
2 George is a teacher who __ history.
A becomes
B teaches
3 Doctors __ people who are ill or hurt.
A serve
B treat
4 _Lily___a lot of money in her job —
she’s a lawyer.
A earns
B pays
5 David is a manager so he has to __ with
a lot of people.
A serve
B deal
6 Louis is the man who __ our new house.
A paid
B designed

Unit 36 Vocabulary

© Adjectives and adverbs

DI Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Thomas doesn’t work for only one company. He is a freelance / full-time worker.

If you become a doctor, you will get a well-paid / part-time job.

She works full-time / part-time in a factory. She works 16 hours a week.
Poppy studies hard because she is a useful / responsible student.
If you want to be a designer, you'll have to be creative / freelance.
A computer is useful / responsible because it can do lots of things.
Full-time / Part-time work can be hard because it’s usually 40 hours a week.
You have to be clever / useful to get into a good university.


Заполните пропуски данными словами.

be ¢ find ° run © wear ® work °® work °® work ® МОК

& What do you want to do when you finish university, Nikita?

BAERS ag SaesC 1S:> Speen URINE StS


а That sounds like a good plan. You'll have to (3)

hard with that type of job.

м | Вауеп{ дес!4ед у/па\ | мат! +0 до уе\. | Поре о (5)

a good job. | could (6) _____in an office. There are lots of those
jobs. My mum and dad (7) _______ their own business. | could do
that when | finish university.

© Word formation

@ заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они

лексически и грамматически соответствовали смыслу предложений.
1 —Оау 1$ ап ипропаг" — _ мпомогк$ м а1агёе сотрапу. BUSY
2 If aperson is in trouble with the police, they need a good __ SE. LAW
3 Ellaisthenew________ at the Hotel Americana. RECEPTION
4 Му дача паз а Тасоту. Не паз а %ай о 50 о. WORK
5 My brother Rhys is a famous fashion ___———— EE” DESIGN
6 The people who work for Dylan say he is very —___. BOSS
7 The____———_—oof a restaurant has to deal with lots of problems. MANAGE
8 Shestartedasan_____in that business but now she runs it. ASSIST

Review 12 [aBSUEREIOBR
[Я обведите правильный вариант ответа.
| want to start a company/ work one day.

You have to study hard to become a law / lawyer.

Daniel didn’t know how to apply for/ deal with the problem.
If | become a famous actress, will | pay/ earn a lot of money?
Nicole’s got a full-time / part-time job. She only works on Saturdays.
If you want to be an inventor, you have to be creative / freelance. |
Arina got a job working as / like a receptionist. :
When | leave school, | want to get / run a job in a factory. |
Harriet is a very boss/ bossy person who likes telling people what to do.
The job of a police officer / dentist is to find the ‘bad guys’.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

3anonuute nponycku, vcnonb3ya who, which, where, when unu whose.

a4 New York is the city ________ | was born.
12 That’s the year________ my sister started school.
13 The person _______ spoke to me was a doctor.
14 That’s the man ______ daughter is a journalist.
15 Show me the laptop _______ you bought.
16 Тре мотап _ пареа те миаз уегу тсе.
17 This is the office Ш могк.
18 Do you remember the day_______ we first met?
19 15 {па {пе боу _ даа 1$ а юоа!ег?
20 Сап уоц гететрег {Пе пате о {Пе стета _ we went to?

(по 1. баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

are ° can ® 4оп* ® еа{$ ® Й о {е! ® ише$$ ® ите$$ ® МИ! ® м

21 If Jonn_________ alll that pizza, he will be ill.

22 You won’t pass the exam ______ you don’t study.
23 | _ _ рПопе уои И | Пеаг апу пемз$ абои the job.
24 You can’t getin _________ you have a ticket.
25 What ____ we do if it rains?
26 If you__________ go now, you will miss your bus to work.
at If you don’t feel well during the exam, ___-__ your teacher.
28 You_______ take that book home with you if you want.
29 Your boss will be angry _________ you apologize.
30 If you_________ too tired after work, | will clean the house.
(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

Comparatives, as ... as

Прилагательные Положительная ie Сравнительная

степень степень
Односложные Old, + -ег older
Односложные, оканчивающиеся wide +-r wider
на -е В =
Односложные с кратким гласным big + -ег (конечная согласная ~—_—Cigger
Двусложные, оканчивающиеся на +y easy __ + -егу меняется на ap cis___ easier
Многосложные difficult more + прилагательное more difficult

Употребление Примеры
сравнение двух предметов / людей / явлений This café is more colourful than that one.
The museum is older than the library.

О Watch out!
é ' good 3 better little > less
bad м worse many > тоге
far > farther / further much > more

() Helpful hints
py Сравнительная степень обычно употребляется с союзом than.
/ Toronto is bigger than Ottawa.

О as... as
Структура Употребление Примеры
а$ + прилагательное + аз сходство двух предметов / This street is as beautiful as that one.
людей / явлений Your ticket is as cheap as mine.
not as/so + прилагательное + аз различие между двумя This city is not so beautiful as that one.
предметами /людьми / Our street is not as noisy as theirs.

Comparatives, as... as Unit 37

(М выберите правильный вариант ответа.

a. Manchester is __ than Liverpool. 5 |Itis__ to find a hotel room in the summer.
A bigger A much difficult
B more bigger B more difficult
It’s bad if you lose your suitcase, but it can 6 Insome parts of the city, the buildings are in __
be __ if you lose your passport. condition.
A worse A more good
B more worse B better
We need to make the roads __ to help with 7 ~~ There’s __ information about Dmitri
traffic problems. Shostakovich than Sergei Prokofiev in this book.
A wider A little
B more wide B less
Was your Maths exam __ than yourEnglish 8 There are always __ people visiting famous
exam? places in summer than in winter.
A easy A more
B easier B many

Поставьте выделенные прилагательные в сравнительную степень.

Гопдоп 5а_ = city than Halifax. busy

My brother is __________ than | am. young
If they can find the money, they will make that bridge________ мае
| think the city centre is much _____________ now — cars can’t come in. nice
I think Paris is__________ than Berlin. | just prefer it. beautiful
Don’t you find it______ to travel with a friend than by yourself? interesting

Раскройте скобки, используя прилагательные в сравнительной степени.

Hi Alfie,

You wanted to know about where | live, so here is some information for you.

| live in Oxford, which is a nice city with some lovely villages nearby. | love the villages, but there’s
(1)____-~—~—S——S (mutch) to do in the city than in a village. London is about 80 kilometres from
here, but other famous cities, like Manchester and Liverpool, are (2) _____—~~——_— (far) away
than that.

I think life is(3)__._~¥_~_~~—~— (goood) in Oxford than in other places. There are (4) __———SS
(many) beautiful buildings than in other places. There is a lot of traffic here but (5) __—==—=———S
(little) than in London and some other places. The traffic is (6) _ (ад а аюипа
eight in the morning than in the early afternoon because people are going to work and school.

Please write and tell me about where you live.


Напишите письмо Луису и расскажите о том, где вы живёте.

Используйте прилагательные в сравнительной степени.

Unit 37 Grammar

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

as ° better * |е5$ о тисП ® по* ® {Пап

He’s a good actor but he isn’t_________ famous as Ryan Gosling!


| don’t like the cinema as_____ as the theatre.

There were _________ aS many tourists here this year as last year.
A doctor makes more money аро!се officer.

The film was good but the book was ___.

We spent ____ time in Vienna than in Zurich — only half a day.

Составьте предложения, используя данные слова. В некоторых случаях возможны

два варианта.

Athens / not / big / New York

He / more / famous / lots of other writers

That artist / paint / good / pictures / me

The country / not / noisy / the city

In Greece, / the summer / usually / hot

The Hudson / not / be / long / the Nile

Дополните каждое второе предложение таким образом, чтобы по смыслу оно

совпадало с первым предложением. Используйте выделенное слово.

We thought Moscow was more interesting than Frankfurt.

We didn’t think Frankfurt
| think Shakespeare is more famous than Dickens.
| think Dickens
The first café wasn’t as expensive as the second one.
The second café
History is better than Geography.
I’m better at chess than at tennis.
It’s more fun to travel with friends than alone.


О Superlatives
Прилагательные Положительная 5 Превосходная
степень степень
Односложные old + -est oldest
Односложные, wide +-st widest
оканчивающиеся на -е
Односложные с кратким big + -е${ (конечная согласная biggest
гласным удваивается)
Двусложные, еазу + -е$ (у меняется на} easiest
оканчивающиеся на -у
Многосложные difficult то + прилагательное most difficult

Употребление Примеры
сравнение трёх и более предметов / людей / He’s the strongest boy in the class.
явлений That’s the most interesting museum in the city.
The best way to travel is by train.

Watch out!
good > best far > farthest / furthest many > most
bad > worst little > least much > тоя

Watch out!
Прилагательные в превосходной степени обычно употребляются с артиклем the.
¥ That is the coldest place in the world.

Helpful hints
Чтобы подчеркнуть исключительность какого-либо предмета / человека / явления в , ряду других,
употребляются выражения:
in the world It’s the best place in the world.
in my family/ class _ She’s the tallest person in my family / class.
on Earth Death Valley is the hottest place on Earth. —
| know She’s the nicest person I know.
I’ve ever seen It’s the most amazing building I’ve ever seen.
of all Of all the students in the class, he’s the best. |

О Comparatives and superlatives

Сравнительная степень прилагательных означает, что какой-то признак проявляется в одном предмете /
человеке в большей или меньшей степени, чем в другом.

Превосходная степень означает, что какой-то признак проявляется в одном предмете / человеке
в наибольшей или наименьшей степени.
v This flower is pretty.
¥ This flower’s prettier than that Пом/ег. (сравнительная степень)
/ Ога! Ше йомегз т 1е рагк, 115 Йомег [5 пе ргевез (превосходная степень)

PN обведите правильный вариант ответа.
Sasha is the tallest / tall person in his class.

That’s the small / smallest car I’ve ever seen!

Mount Everest is the high / highest mountain on Earth.
Is Queen Elizabeth the famous / most famous person in the world?
Maths is the most difficult / difficult subject I’ve studied.
The cold / coldest place in Russia is Oymyakon.
That's the most beautiful / most beautiful park in the city.
Ms Brooks is the nicest / nice teacher in the school.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

* &

My brother Oliver is the __ person in my family.

A youngest
B young
2 Is Bill Gates __ richest person in the world?
B the
3. That was the __ film I’ve seen.
A most boring
B boring
4 __|s Daisy __ person in our school?
A clever
B the cleverest
5 | think the Eiffel Tower is __ tower in Europe.
A the most amazing
B amazing
6 Ofallthe students in my class, Ethan is the __.
A quiet
B quietest
7 Japan is the __ place Гуе been to.
A most exciting
B exciting
8 Of all the buildings in my town, this is __.
A oldest one
B the oldest

В каждом предложении прилагательное содержит орфографическую ошибку.

Исправьте её.
Is Sochi the hotest city in Russia?

We bought the wideest table in the shop for our new house.
It rarely rains in the Atacama Desert. It’s the dryest place on Earth.
My cat eats a lot. She’s the fatest cat | know!
He’s the niceest person I've ever met.
| can’t move this box. It’s the heavyest box in here!

Superlatives Unit 38

Г] раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательные в превосходную степень.

1 Thisisthe______———S——_—sSX((eassy) homework I’ve done!
2 Тпамаз те (Бад ьоок Г’\е еуег гваа.
3 Myneighbour, Charles, isthe = (мепдуУ) тап | Кпом.
4 Thisisthe___________ (many) people that I’ve ever seen at a concert!
5 Junk food isthe ___________—_ (little) healthy food you can eat.
6 The Hermitage isthe _________ (interesting) museum in St. Petersburg.
7 This game is the ______ (good) one I’ve played.
8 Sydneyisthe__________ (far) place she’s ever travelled to.
9 Те РасШс Осеап 15 41е _= (агБе) осеап оп Еайи.
10 Ога! {пе пит Гуе еуег зееп, {па{ маз {пе _ (за9).

Заполните пропуски, используя прилагательные в превосходной степени.

exciting . expensive ° fast ® great « long ¢ pretty

og How was your trip to Los Angeles?

Well, | think it was (1) = рапешр Гуе еуег $

taken. It was 20 hours! But | had fun. w

з Тпаё$ 5004, апа р!апез аге (2) _ мауюцаме..

They're also (3) ___._______. You need lots of money to fly!

| agree. Oh! | had the chance to see some famous people in $

Los Angeles. | saw Emma Stone in Hollywood. | think she’s
(4) _..___ actress on Earth! | love her films. w

ae | love them too. Did you go sightseeing?

Yes, | did. | walked down Sunset Boulevard. Of all the things that | did in $
Los Angeles, that was (5) _ . | also went to the beach, and the
осеап \а$ беащИи!. К \мма$ (6) sight I’ve seen in my life! w

@ составьте предложения, используя данные слова. Употребите

прилагательные в превосходной степени.
1 Disney World / happy place / on Earth ji

2 Monday / important day / of the week / ?

3. Ofall the shows on TV / The Big Bang Theory / funny!

4 | want / thin piece of pizza / in the shop

5 Ofallthe students / Max:/ excited / about the trip

6 easy way / to travel up the mountain / on foot

Unit Vocabulary
Famous people and places
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений S с. 161

© Nouns

famous people: actor / actress, famous places: building, star

artist, explorer, inventor, king, castle, cathedral, museum, tourist attraction
politician, queen, singer, sportsman / palace, statue, tower world record
woman, writer prize

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

build 50 п rule wonder at

create perform visit
discover play walk around

© Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives fast successful Adverbs

brilliant great talented anywhere
fantastic rich well-known fast

© Phrases

all around the world be located in

be a big fan of be the first person to do something
be born in (a place / year) hold the record for
be famous for something hope to meet / see / visit

© Word formation
Noun Verb Adjective
collector collect
description describe
discoverer discover
discovery _ .
explorer explore
fame ae famous
inventor invent
invention .
performer perform
performance _
success - successful
talent talented
tour tour

Famous people and places Unit 39

© Nouns

[Я обведите правильный вариант ответа.

Do you know who the queen / actress of the Netherlands is?

Cate Blanchett is a well-known actress and film star / king.


The king wants to build a bigger statue/ palace to live in.

Who was the first inventor / explorer to discover America?

The Tower of London is one of Britain’s most famous tourist museums / attractions.
Who holds the world record / prize for cycling?

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

" м

She’s a famous __ and | love listening to her music.

A writer
B singer
2 Canterbury __ is a very old church.
A Cathedral
B Museum
3 This church has one of the tallest __ in the world.
A buildings
B towers
4 The__, Pablo Picasso, painted many pictures.
A politician
B artist
5 Wecan see some of the best Roman __ in this little museum.
A castles
B statues
6 | want to be __ and make a car that can fly!
A an inventor
B asportsman

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

Заполните пропуски данными словами.


around °® БийА ® сгезе4 ° 415соуеге4 ® т © performs « play ® гше © М$Й ® мопаег


1 Those scientists have ________ a robot that talks.

2 We've got lots of time. We can walk___—S—S—s the museum all morning.
3 Let’sgo________ the castle. It’ll be very interesting.
4 Омегмй — [ © ~KBHamlet in the school performance.
5 They're going to_______——"_«XSA house as big as yours.
6 It’s the job of the queen or king to_________ the country.
7 Many people _______ at Einstein’s amazing intellectual abilities.
8 CaptainCook_____——_—sOAustralia in 1770.
9 Thatactor___..______the part better than all of the actors in the Drama Club.
10 Weplanto____________ France this winter. | want to see all the sights!

Unit 39 Vocabulary

© Adjectives and adverbs

Г] впишите слова. Первые буквы слов даны.

ооо Q
Teen ae tt )
Hi! I’ve just returned from a (1) f family holiday in California. We had a
(2)b_ time in America! I’ve never been (3)a_____§__ аз (4) 5 ___ _ а$ 10$ Angeles
in my life. The best day of the holiday was the day when we went to a Hollywood film studio. We
mettwo(5)t___ actors. They haven’t become really (6)w___-k____ performers yet
but I’m sure they’ll be famous in the future. The most (7)S_____§_§___ person we met was a
director. His name is Zack Snyder. He made the film Batman v Superman! | hope I’m as (8) r__ _
as he is one day. I'll move to California and buy a really (9) f____ sports car because | enjoy going
(10) f__ _! Are you enjoying your holiday? Leave a comment!

FY Напишите комментарий к статье в блоге Эллис. Опишите, как вы проводите

каникулы. Используйте прилагательные и наречия.

©. Phrases
а Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1 Не паз 4гауейеа __ агоипа {пе мона. 5 Mymumwas born __ 1975.
A all B in A in B to
2 ~The palace is located __ a beautiful part of the 6 Does Usain Bolt __ the record for the
country. 100-metre race?
A of B in A hope B hold
3 Heis famous __ playing bad guys in films. 7 Wehope __ visit you this summer.
A for B in A to B in
4 Alexei Leonov __ the first person to walk inspace. 8 |l’mabig fan__ the singer Adele.
A held B was A to B of

Word formation
El ©

Заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они

лексически и грамматически соответствовали смыслу предложений.
1 They found an old city in Bulgaria. It was a эгеа{ о. DISCOVER
2 Heis__.._ for starting his own company when he was a teenager. FAME
3 Ernest Shackleton is one of the best-known Arctic о. EXPLORE
4 Lexi hasa brilliant________ of paintings of cats. COLLECT
5 |wantedtoreada_____—_—sCOof' the island before | went there. DESCRIBE
6 Heisthe most_________ businessman in the world. SUCCESS
7 Асебауеу _ асшез$. TALENT
8 Thomas Edisonwasan_____ о. INVENT
9 Greece is popular with _____————_—s from all over the world. TOUR
10 |аоп’ {тк Гуе еуег $ееп а Бецег _ of that play. PERFORM

Review 13 (monyAR 2B
(М выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1 The wants to design a car that can 6 __Holly was very __, but few people knew who
travel in water. she was.
A_ inventor B explorer A well-known B talented
2 = ‘They built that __ of the queen because 7 I’m Drake’s biggest __ !
they loved her. A_ person B fan
A castle B statue 8 Who-__ the record for the fastest swimmer
3 Doesaking_— that country? in the world?
A build B rule A hopes B holds
4 Most people __ at Shakespeare’s talent. 9 Mydadisa__ — hehas a lot of old watches
A create B wonder and clocks.
5 _ Picasso’s paintings are ___, aren’t they? A collector 8B collection
A. brilliant B fast 10 Lexie’s __ in the play was better than mine.
A performer B performance

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Е Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

11 Actors and actresses have the harder / hardest job in the world.
12 | think singing is more difficult/ difficulter than dancing.
13 Ofall the ways to travel, are planes the fastest / faster?
14 Mycousin is older than / older me.
15 Ofall my friends, Rosie is closest friend / the closest.
16 My new neighbourhood is as noisy / noisy as my old one.
17 My maths teacher is the cleverest / cleverer person | know.
18 Those palaces are the most amazing / amazingest buildings on Earth.
19 This painting of the park is not so more beautiful / beautiful as the park.
20 Our old theatre was not as good / worse than the new one.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательные в соответствующую форму.

21 Arepoliticians__. (friendly) than kings and queens?
22 Yourdeskisalot____________—_—s (wide) than the desk in my room.
23 Amberisthe_________—_—s (funny) student in our class.
24 Thistownhas____—————_(little) tourism than the town where | live.
25 Негретогтапсе т {11$ Я!т 15 _ (good) than the one in her last film.
26 Paige’smumisthe____________ (interesting) person | have met.
27 Тодау!$ —_ __ (пм) than yesterday.
28 Теп КНотеез 15$ {пе _ (far) I’ve ever walked.
29 Мпагзе _ Пагве) сцу ше мопа?
30 Ога! {пе соиптез т {Пе мона, Спта Па$ 50 {Пе _ (тапу) реоре.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

Imperative, infinitive, -ing form, I’d like ...

©. Imperative

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма

Open the window. Don’t open the window. It’s cold in here.
Повелительное наклонение употребляется для выражения приказа, просьбы или совета.

О Infinitive
После ряда глаголов используется инфинитив с частицей to.
agree choose hope offer promise seem
ask decide need plan refuse want

Jake agreed to come to the party. | hope to become a doctor.

© -ing form
После ряда глаголов используется форма глагола с окончанием - ing.
dislike finish hate love suggest
enjoy goon like miss

They enjoy working in their garden. He hates being late for school.

Watch out!
/ He offered to drive me to school. VY They suggested going to the beach.

© -ing form or infinitive

После некоторых глаголов может использоваться как форма глагола с окончанием -!тв,
так и инфинитив с частицей Ю без разницы в значении.
begin continue start

It began raining. = It began to rain. They continued talking. = They continued to talk.

Watch out!
Bo временах группы сопйпиои$ после глаголов begin, continue, start всегда используется инфинитив
с частицей to: X tts-beginning-snewing. VJ It’s beginning
to snow.

После некоторых глаголов может использоваться как форма глагола с окончанием -/т,
так и инфинитив глагола с частицей ®, но с разницей в значении.
forget remember stop

Please don’t forget / remember to buy milk. (He 3a6bITb / NOMHMTb, YTO YTO-TO HYKHO CAeNaTb)
I'll never forget / always remember going to America. (He 3a6bITb / NOMHUTb, KAaK YTO-TO NNON3OWNO)

| stopped talking when the [е55оп бевап. (прекратить что-то делать)

On my way to school, | stopped to talk Ю а тепд. (остановиться, чтобы что-то сделать)

О Id like...
Употребление Примеры
out! я 2
— р - / ШКе иаКт& т {Пе гаг. (мне нравится)
росьба /т ребование I'd like to use your computer. /¥ Id like to walk in the rain. (A 6bi xoTen)
желание ‘Vd like to, o to London.

Imperative, infinitive, -ing form, I’d like .... Unit 40

EN Coequuute age части предложений.

1 Open —_ A your new trainers to school.
2 Stop __ В the door, Leon! | want to come in.
3 Don’t wear a С anold-fashioned laptop.
4 Give goo D talking in the library.
5 Don’t buy a Е doing your test — it’s not break time.
6 Continue __ Е = memy phone back now.

Я Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

1 Mymum dislikes to use / using social media.

2 ‘I’ve decided buying/ to buy a smartphone.
3 He agreed giving/ to give me money to buy a new camera.
4 Nathan loves play / playing games on his computer.
5 Theo and Ben have finished cooking/ to cook dinner.
6 You must promise calling/ to call me this weekend.
7 Sheseems being / to be very busy now.
8 Mydad suggested to get / getting a new laptop.

| {{ Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

| 1 siIt’s beginning
—_ cold in the USA now.
| A to get
B getting
2 Dad offered __ me to school this morning.
A todrive
B driving
3 Millie started __ French lessons this week.
A take
B taking
4 |can’t continue __ on this old-fashioned computer!
A to work
B work
5 Theo began __ sports last month.
A do
B doing
6 We're starting __ Spanish next month.
A learning
B to learn
Unit 40 Grammar

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

agreeing « do « playing « taking « talking « to buy ® то Зиду ° то изе

Libby suggested __________ computer games this weekend.


your homework now.

Abigail enjoys _________ photos with a digital camera.
Don’t stop __________ to Amalia! She’s your best friend!
I’m planning _______ a new smartphone in that shop this week.
My parents refuse ____ Instagram.
Toby doesn’t remember _______ to give you his laptop.
Did you decide ________ computer programming at university?

Раскройте скобки, используя инфинитив или форму глагола с окончанием -714.


Hello, Lola. Did you remember (1) _____—S—S—_— (brings) back my computer game?

Н!, АШе. | гететюег (2) ___ (Бомом) Коп Friday but | forgot (3) Саке)
it with me to school this morning. I’m sorry.
That’s OK. | can wait until tomorrow. Oh, | wanted to tell you something. | stopped

(4)___——S—— (See) Mr Jones on my way to class this morning because | want to join the
Computer Club that you’re in. You haven’t stopped (5) (50) ю есь, Пауе уоц?
Oh, yes, | have! I'll never forget (6) ___________ (make) a big mistake while | was using a new
program. Everyone laughed and it was awful!
Don’t be silly. I'd like (7) ___-___ (join) the club. We can go together.
Hmm. | really like (8) ____________ (learn) about computers but | don’t know if | want to join the
club again. Let me think about it for a few days.

Составьте предложения, используя инфинитив или форму глагола

с окончанием -770.
Mason wants / study / computer technology

Jude dislikes / go / to the gym

I'll never forget / visit / Russia in 2016

turn off the TV / and / go / to bed

Don’t forget / take / photos / of your trip

Ра like / join / a photography club

Katie remembers / win / the gold medal

Isla likes / listen / to music

It’s starting / snow / now

10 They hope / build / a robot that can do factory work

Prepositions of place, movement and time

© Prepositions of place
Предлоги места Примеры Watch out!
above / over above the door, over your head В устойчивых сочетаниях
at at home / work / school, at the airport / the train station at home / school / work
behind behind the bus station никогда не используется
below / under below the window, under the desk . притяжательное местоимение.
т in the car, in Russia, in hospital X Edisathishome-today.
in front of in front of the hotel ieee / Edis at home today.
inside / outside inside the room, outside the station
near near the lake
next to next to the café 7
on on the bridge / the road, on the bus
opposite opposite the desk

© Prepositions of movement
Предлоги движения Примеры
into g0 / walk into the room / put something into a bag —
out of g0 / walk out of the kitchen / take something out of a box
through g0 / walk through a door / a tunnel
to g0 / walk / come to school / work / the cinema _

Watch out!
™ by car/ bike / train We went to the park by bus.
on foot We went to the park on foot.

Helpful hints
Предлог Ю обычно употребляется с глаголами движения соте, go, Move, run, walk, drive uT. n., YTOObI
показать перемещение из одного пункта в другой. / $Ве агоуе ®ю Вепт 1а${ зиттег.
Предлог т используется для обозначения местонахождения человека или предмета. / $Пе №е$ т Вей.

О Watch out!
В устойчивых сочетаниях аги№е / 50 / соте поте никогда не используются притяжательное местоимение
и предлог to.
X Fheyarrivedto-theirhometast
night: X Theyerrived-tehometast
night. / They arrived home /ast night.

© Prepositions of time
Предлоги времени Примеры
at at three o'clock, at night, at the weekend, at Christmas / Easter / New Year
during during the week, during the lesson /
for for three hours, for a day
in in May, in the morning, in (the) winter, in 2015, in the holidays, in the 20th century
on on Monday, on 15th February, on Saturday morning, on my birthday

Watch out!
in the morning / afternoon / evening Are you going shopping in the morning?
on Tuesday morning/ afternoon / evening We're going shopping on Tuesday morning.

Unit 41 Grammar

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

The school is opposite / in front the park.

Zoe’s laptop is under/ at her desk.

The TV is next/ near the window.
Your smartphone is on / in the table.
Lily’s camera is into/ in her bag.
The window is on / above the kitchen sink.

The cat is in front / outside of the door.

The computer shop is behind / next the train station.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

" м

We went __ after the lesson.

A toourhome
B home
Go __ that door to get to the computer room.
A over
В through
Take the TV __ the box.
A out of
B out
Do you walk __ every day?
A_ school
B_ toschool
Put the camera back __ your schoolbag.
A into
B over
We are moving __ Moscow tomorrow.
A in
B to
Olivia went to town __ foot.
A on
B by
The technology museum is __ the town centre.
А т
В оп

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

ate bye Чит& ° Гого пеаг ® пехё о оо оп


The regional finals of the World Video Сбате Сощез{ м! ореп (1) __ Зашгаау, 7th June.
The contest will be (2) ~~ ~—S——s the Expo Centre which is (3)____-~———s the Town Hall. The contest
ми бе оп (4) _ мочдауз. М$Ког$ мупо соте (5) _— Бизсап ве off the bus in front
(6) __ шеТомл На!. М$Ког$ сап ао рагК (7) — ое Томт На. Те сойее эпоо
will be open for snacks and sandwiches if you get hungry or {Пиз\у (8) _ пе =
Come and see your favourite players playing your favourite games!

Prepositions of place, movement and time Unit 41

Заполните пропуски предлогами аЁ, диппод, }ог, т, оп. В некоторых случаях

возможны два варианта.
| only go on social media Пе меекепча.

Jessica was talking ________ the lesson.

Are you coming to the robot exhibition Saturday morning?
We were chatting on Skype three hours today.
| got my first зэтайрпопе — 2015.
| can't come to the gym early__—s the morning.
We’ll meet you ___ six o’clock at the café.
It’s my birthday ______—sr the 22nd of May.

iS Впишите пропущенные предлоги.

41 | пеуег изе {пе пцете! the week.
2 ТПе саг 1$ рагке4 т оп: the bank.
3 Гасеу 15 _ home today because she’s ill.
4 We went to town _________ bike.
5 | start Spanish lessons the 15th of September.
6 We live ______-— New York now.

Составьте предложения, используя данные слова и необходимые предлоги.

went to / we / the computer shop / foot

your laptop / | / your desk / put

five o'clock / is / the computer programming lesson

today / a French lesson / two hours / had / we

this Friday / to meet / do / want / you / the city centre / ?

never / Robert / plays / the week / computer games

oa Vocabula
Communication and technology
Перевод и примеры употребления слов и выражений © c. 161

© Nouns
app gadgets: laptop, (smart)phone, tablet
computer: keyboard, mouse, printer, screen, social media / network
software, touchpad text (message)
email address the internet

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

browse log in(to) / log on(to) / log out
call post
click send
download / upload subscribe to
install text

© Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives online Adverbs
chatty shy at once
digital smart immediately
downloadable online

© Phrases
answer the / your phone go online
click on a link have a conversation / chat with someone
comment on a post / video surf the internet
follow someone on Instagram / VK take / posta selfie

© Word formation
Noun Verb Adjective
attachment attach
blog blog
chat chat chatty
communication communicate
download downloadable
follower follow
listener listen
speech speak
subscription subscribe

Communication and technology Unit 42

© Nouns

Обведите правильный вариант ответа.

| can send you the photos but | need your email address / tablet.
Heidi has created the internet / website so that she can blog.

Send me a text message / network when you arrive at the station.

It’s easy to make calls on my smartphone / touchpad.
Do you like using social apps / media?
We can look up the information on the network / internet.

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

| keyboard © mouse ° printer * screen ° software ° touchpad

[ вауе а со!оиг that. I use to print photographs.


| have to clean my computer ____ —- | can’t see anything!

| need anew ______.. If | use this one for too long, my hand hurts.
| can type very fast on the _ of my laptop.
Move your finger across the ____ to ‘tell’ your computer what to do.
You will need special ___________ to create art on your computer.

© Verbs and phrasal verbs

Впишите пропущенные слова. Некоторые буквы слов даны.


Hi Emma,

How are you? I’ve got a cool new tablet! It’s fantastic. It has a touchscreen so you can use your
finger to (1) c_i_ kon anything you want to open. It’s really easy to (2) b__ o _ se the internet
too. It has a music player and | can (3)_ own ____ d lots of music and videos from my favourite
music websites. The tablet | have isn’t the same as a smartphone: | can’t use it to (4)_ a__
my friends to talk and | can’t use К то (5) _ _ xt so | can’t (6) s_ _ d them text messages. But
it has got a brilliant camera! I’ve decided to (7) s__ Ss _ r __be to a Social media website so |
can (8) р _ _ t lots of photos. I'll need to (9) i_ _ t _ Il some good photography software first.
When I’ve done that, I'll tell you how you can (10) 1_ _ onto the website to see the selfies that |
(11) u___ ad to my page there.

Bye for now,


FY От лица Эммы напишите письмо Дэвиду. Расскажите, какими цифровыми

устройствами и мобильными приложениями пользуетесь вы.

Unit 42 Vocabulary

© Adjectives and adverbs

Г] Заполните пропуски данными словами.

| chatty ‹ Ч15Ка! ‹ домпоаЧаШе ° immediately * once ° оп!те ° опте ‹ этам ® эПу

1 Stop using that а Е а _ апа до уоцг могк.

2 Shehasaverycool_________ home that she can control using her computer.
3 Erinis______ and doesn’t like meeting new people.
4 Stanley is really __________ — he can talk for hours!
5 You need acredit card to do______ shopping.
6 Most modern phones have a_____ camera.
7 The music from this website is :
8 Click on this link and you'll see the comments ____ — you don’t have to wait.
9 Ном тапу Почг$ до уои репа — = every evening?

©. Phrases

[3 обведите правильный вариант ответа.

| like going/ having online and downloading music.
Post / Answer the phone, please!

Follow / Click on this link to see your photos.

Has Anna commented / surfed on your video yet?
Leo dislikes having / taking selfies.
| like following/ surfing famous people on Instagram.
Stop posting / surfing the internet and talk to me.
| enjoy clicking/ having an online chat with my friend in the evening.

Word formation

Заполните пропуски, преобразуя выделенные слова так, чтобы они


лексически и грамматически соответствовали смыслу предложений.

1 Emmaisa_________ -- she’s got her own website. BLOG
2 MrRhys gavea__ about smart technology. SPEAK
3 Lilyisvery___________ today! She sounds very happy! CHAT
4 Раууоцгищете _ огусисапт во опте. SUBSCRIBE
5 — \Уоисап зепа {пе рсиге$ т ап етай — о. АТТАСН
6 Are the маео$ оп {11$ мебз\е — ? DOWNLOAD
7 technology is very important in today’s world. COMMUNICATE
8 Good evening, __._ ~~ _~_ ! Welcome to the best radio programme LISTEN
in the world!
9 Ном тапу— = do you have on VKontakte? FOLLOW

Review 14 tract:
EN O6sequte правильный вариант ответа.
Click / Install on the link to get to our website.

| like posting / blogging selfies on Instagram.

| follow / listen some celebrities on Twitter.
Send me your email address / message, please.
You need to log / call into this site to see your messages.
My brother enjoys texting / surfing the internet.
What's your favourite smart / social media website?
| always check who's calling before | answer / chat the phone.
Call your grandad at once / immediately.
| can’t type very fast on this software / keyboard.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

[ раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в соответствующую форму.

11 I|like ______ (chat) on the phone with friends.
12 Етиу ргоп5ез _ (с!еап) Бег room today.
13 You've 50{ а{егйЫе со|8. | зи55ез{ (зее) а досог.
14 I'dlike _____ (look) for a new phone on Saturday.
15 _______ (turn) off the lights when you leave the room, please.
16 I'llnever forget_________ (go) to Disneyland last year.
17 Mydad refuses ______ (use) social media like Instagram.
18 It’s beginning _______ (get) very cold now.
19 _ (not / open) the door unless you know who it is.
20 Did you remember ____ (install) that new software last night?

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Заполните пропуски данными словами.

Бу ° диппб° Гог © М © М°0 © 0 © {ИГОЦЕП ® to « to

21 The phone is next_____ the laptop.

22 She walked ош _ the building and got in her car.
23 The best way to get to town is ____ bus.
24 Wecan meetin front____ the cinema.
25 You have to go_____ the tunnel to get to the lake.
26 Don’ttalk_______ the exam!
27 We love going to the beach ___ the summer.
28 We waited т {пе адчеце — two hours.
29 Weare moving —____ London next month.
30 Tomis unwell. Heis_________ hospital at the moment.

(по 1 баллу за каждый правильный ответ)

Итоговый балл: ...../30

Progress test 2
EN Mpountaiite npusegéuueii Hue TeKcrt. Mpeo6pa3yiite cnoBa, HaneyaTaHHble
заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически
соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными

Hawaii got a group of islands called the Hawaiian Islands. HAVE

These islands get some very interesting weather — sun, rain and snow.
The island in the group has the same name as the island BIG
group, but people also call it ‘the Big Island’.
On the Big Island there is a mountain called Mauna Kea. IT
height is 4,207 metres.
Of all the mountains on the Hawaiian Islands, Mauna Kea is
the Ё HIGH
There is interesting fact about Mauna Kea - it’s a A
volcano so smoke and fire can come out of it. However, this hasn’t happened
for about 5,000 years.
The name of the tallest mountain on the Hawaiian TWO
Islands is Mauna Loa. It’s on the Big Island too.
Mauna Loa is 4,169 metres. It’s than Mauna Kea by SMALL
about 36 metres.
Mauna Kea is also a volcano but it’s not as quiet as Mauna Loa! It was active in
1984 and tourists visited it because they enjoyed it. WATCH
If you visit in the winter months, you snow on top of SEE
Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. Come for a visit!

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные

заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски
полученными словами.

Samuel works as a shop . His job is difficult and he ASSIST

has to do lots of things.
Mr Peterson owns the shop where Samuel works. He hasn't got a very nice
and he is often unkind to Samuel. PERSON
Mr Peterson can also be to Samuel. He tells Samuelto POLITE
work harder in front of the people who come to the shop.
This makes Samuel feel bad. It makes the feel bad too. SHOP
Last Friday Samuel asked Mr Peterson to apologise to him for being unfriendly and
Mr Peterson apologised and said that Samuel was a TALENT
worker. They get on better now!

Units 22-42 Progress test 2

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные

заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически
соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными

Tilly and Brooke are special best friends because Tilly HAVE
the same birthday as Brooke!
They celebrate birthday together every year. They THEY
invite friends to a party.
It’s really fun because their birthday is on the twenty- ONE
of June — the beginning of summer!
They usually have the party at Brooke’s house because it’s
than Tilly’s. LARGE
This year, however, Tilly wanted to have the party at SHE
Brooke and Tilly always get the gifts from their friends. GOOD
This year, Brooke got two tickets to a music concert.
Tilly hoped a new red dress in one of the gift boxes. FIND
She liked all her gifts but she didn’t see the dress. OPEN
Then Brooke gave Tilly a box to open — it was the dress! Tilly
said, ‘I love the best friend in the world!’ HAVE

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные

заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски
полученными словами.

Nikola Tesla was an . He lived in the late 1800s INVENT

and early 1900s.
He made many about electricity. He was a very DISCOVER
clever scientist, but some people thought he wasn’t the same as other people.
He wasn’ta man. He worked very hard and didn’t CHAT
see people for days.
He always felt with doctors and he rarely COMFORT
visited one.
However, he had some good friends. He also wore FASHION
clothes and sometimes went to friends’ parties.
Tesla loved birds. People often saw him feeding them on hot days and
on days. Tesla was an interesting man! RAIN

Cardinal and ordinal numbers
Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers Cardinal numbers » Ordinal numbers
т опе 1st first 13 ‘thirteen 13th thirteenth
2 two 2nd _ second 20 ‘twenty 20th —_ twentieth
3 three За Чиа 21 мепу-опе 21% twenty-first
4 four 4th fourth 22 twenty-two 22nd ___ twenty-second
5 five 5th _ fifth 30 thirty 30th thirtieth
6 six 6th — sixth 40 forty 40th fortieth
7 seven 7th seventh 50 fifty 50th fiftieth
8 eight 8th eighth 60 эху 60th _ sixtieth
9 nine 9th ninth 70 ~~ seventy 70th — земепией
10 Че 10th tenth 80 eighty 80th — eightieth
11 ее\еп 11th eleventh 90 птеу 90th _ninetieth
12 ‘twelve 12th twelfth 100 ahundred 100th hundredth

Irregular present forms

© tobe
Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма Краткий ответ
Г ат (’т) парру. lam not (’m not) happy. Am | happy? Yes, | am.
No, I'm not.
You / We / They are(’re) | You / We / They are not Are you / we /theyhappy? __| Yes, you / we / they are.
happy. (aren’t) happy. No, you / we / they aren’t.
He / She / It is (’s) happy. He / She / Itis not (isn’t, Is he / she / it happy? Yes, he / she / itis.
’s not) happy. No, he / she / itisn’t.

© to have
Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма Краткий ответ
1 / You / We / They have 1/You/We/Theydonot /|Do!/you / we / they have Yes, | / you / we / they do.
a pencil. (don’t) have a pen. a pencil? No, | / you / we / they don’t.

He / She / It has a pencil. He /She / It does not Does he / she / it have Yes, he / she / it does.
(doesn’t) have a pencil. a pencil? No, he / she / it doesn't.

Irregular verbs
Bare infinitive Pastsimple | Past participle Bare infinitive Pastsimple | Past participle
be was, were been keep kept kept
beat beat beaten know knew known
become became become leave left left
begin began begun let let let
blow blew blown lose lost lost
break broke broken make made made
bring brought brought meet met met
build built built pay paid paid
buy bought bought put put put
catch caught caught read read read
choose chose chosen run ran run
come came come say said said
cut cut cut see saw seen
do did done send sent sent
draw drew drawn sing sang sung
drink drank drunk sit sat sat
eat ate eaten speak spoke spoken
fall fell fallen spend spent spent
feel felt felt stand stood stood
fight fought fought take took taken
find found found teach taught taught
get got got tell told told
give gave given think thought thought
gone, understand understood understood
go went
been wake woke woken
grow grew grown wear wore worn
have had had win won won
hit hit hit write wrote written

Ucnonb3yemble coKpaueHua: n (noun) — cywwecTBuTenbHoe, v (verb) — rnaron, adj (adjective) — npunaratenbHoe,
adv (adverb) — Hapeune

Unit 3
address (n) _ | адрес. My address is 2, Green Road.
armchair (n) | кресло There is a big armchair in the living room.
bathroom (n) | ванная комната _ Your toothbrush is in the bathroom.
bed (n) кровать I'm really tired so I'm going to bed.
bedroom (n) спальня There are two bedrooms in my house.
bookcase (n) книжный шкаф —_ The books are in the bookcase.
brush (your teeth) (v) чистить (зубы) Do you brush your teeth before you go to bed?
carpet (n) ковёр There is a red carpet on my bedroom floor.
ceiling (n) | ПОТОЛОК The ceiling of my room is white.
clean (adj) _ | чистый _ a Do you know where my clean shirt is?
clean (v) чистить; убирать My mum cleans the house on Saturdays.
comfortable (adj) удобный ОИ This is a very comfortable armchair.
cupboard (n) (стенной) шкаф; буфет It was an old kitchen cupboard.
curtains (n) | шторы There are green curtains on the windows.
daily (adj) | ежедневный My dad has a daily walk before work.
daily (adv) — ежедневно We clean the house daily.
downstairs (adv) вниз по лестнице; внизу | washed my face and went downstairs for breakfast.
dust (v) вытирать пыль My sister and | dust the furniture once a week.
feed (your pet) (v) кормить (домашнего питомца) Do you feed your dog every day?
flat (n) квартира We live in a flat in Leicester.
garden (n) ИЕ can — There isn't a garden at this house.
get up (Vv) | вставать, подниматься We get up at 7 am and go to school at 8am. _
round / first / second floor (n) первый / второй / третий этаж Our flat is on the second floor. —
hard-working (adj) трудолюбивый; усердный Sam is hard-working. He always gets high test scores.
housework (n) работа по дому The children help with the housework.
key (n) КЛЮЧ Is this the key to your flat?
kitchen (n) KYXHA Is there a table in the kitchen?
lazy (adj) ленивый Evie is lazy. She doesn't study.
living room (n) гостиная We watch TV in the living room.
messy (adj) грязный; неопрятный Your room is messy. Put your things away in the
put away (v) убирать (что-либо) Put your books away now. It’s time to go home.
share (v) владеть совместно; делить (с кем-либо) | Do you share a bedroom with your sister?
sofa (n) диван Our new sofa is really comfortable.
table (n) стол We eat at the kitchen table.
tidy (v) опрятный, аккуратный; чистый | tidy my room at the weekend.
upstairs (adv) вверх по лестнице; наверху My sister went upstairs to do her homework in her room.
wall (n) cTeHa There is a photo on the wall.
_wardrobe (n) шкаф, гардероб Molly puts her clothes in the wardrobe.
wash (v) мыть, умываться We wash our hands in the bathroom.
water (v) поливать Please water the flowers in the garden.

Unit 6
amazing (adj) удивительный, поразительный | love this film. It’s amazing!
birthday party, fancy dress party, праздник в честь дня рождения, | I'm going to a fancy dress party.
pyjama party, surprise party (n) костюмированная вечеринка, пижамная
вечеринка, вечеринка-сюрприз
board / computer / video game (п) настольная / компьютерная / видео- We play video games every day.
boring (adj) скучный _ This film is boring. Let’s play a game.
camera (n) | фотоаппарат __ My new camera takes great pictures.
cartoon, film, TV programme (n) | мультфильм,
фильм, телепрограмма Megan's watching cartoons on TV now. _
стета (п) | кинотеатр Do you like watching films at the cinema or on TV?
difficult (adj) трудный This test is very difficult. | don’t understand it.
draw (v) рисовать; чертить ‘Katie is drawing pictures in her sketchpad.
disco (n) дискотека о | | danced a lot at the school disco.
drums (п) барабаны | Leo plays the drums in his band.

enjoy (v) получать удовольствие My sister and | enjoy going to the cinema.
exciting (adj) захватывающий; увлекательный This film is very exciting. I’m enjoying it.
favourite (adj) любимый My favourite programme is on TV now.
folk / pop / rap / rock music (n) фольклорная / поп- / рэп- / рок- музыка We sometimes listen to folk music.
free time (n) свободное время What do you do in your free time?
funny (adj) смешной, забавный This is a very funny cartoon.
go out (v) выходить из дома (чтобы развлечься) We don't go out when we have school the next day.
guitar (n) гитара | want to learn to play the guitar.
hobby (n) хобби, увлечение My favourite hobby is reading.
laugh (v) смеяться My sister is laughing at me! She thinks I’m funny!
lovely (adj) прекрасный, очаровательный It's a lovely day — let’s go for a walk.
paint (v) красить; писать красками | want to learn to paint pictures.
piano (n) фортепьяно There’s a piano in my house but | don’t know how
to play it.
picture (n) картина; фотография This picture shows me on my birthday.
really (adv) действительно; на самом деле | think rap music is really great!
relax (v) отдыхать After school, | come home to relax.
sing (v) петь Oscar is singing and playing the guitar now.
song (n) песня | want to play that song again. | like it.
spend (v) проводить (время) Do you spend a lot of time in your bedroom?
stay in (v) оставаться дома | like to stay in and watch TV on Sundays.
theatre (n) театр There isn’t a theatre in my town — only a cinema.
trumpet (n) труба (музыкальный инструмент) Liam is learning to play the trumpet.
violin (n) скрипка | like listening to him play the violin.
watch (TV) (v) смотреть (телевизор) Do you watch TV every day?

Unit 9
Art (n) рисование (учебный предмет) | love Art because we draw and paint in our lessons.
bag (n) сумка, портфель | carry my books in my school bag.
black-/ whiteboard (n) классная / интерактивная доска The teacher writes things on the whiteboard.
boring (adj) скучный | like my school subjects. They're not boring.
check (v) проверять | always check that my books are in my bag.
Chess Club (n) шахматный клуб We learn things about chess at our Chess Club.
choose (v) выбирать What did you choose to wear to the party?
class (n) класс (группа учащихся) There are 20 students in our class.
class(room) (n) класс (кабинет) The pupils are not allowed to use their phones in the
classmate (n) одноклассник | often laugh with my classmates.
correct (adj) правильный Yes, that is the correct answer. Well done!
Dancing Club (n) танцевальный кружок At Dancing Club we learn to do dances.
Drama Club (n) драматический кружок | like Drama Club because we learn about the theatre.
easy (adj) лёгкий, нетрудный My homework is easy. | usually spend an hour doing it.
fail (v) провалиться (на экзамене) Jamie didn’t study so he failed his English test.
fun (adj) забавный; увлекательный | like our Art lessons. They are fun!
Geography (n) география (учебный предмет) We are learning about Africa in Geography at the
Handicraft (n) труд, технология (учебный предмет) Handicraft is my favourite subject.
hard (adj) трудный, сложный This is a really hard subject. | don’t understand it.
hard (adv) усердно, упорно | want to study hard and get a good grade in my test.
History (n) история (учебный предмет) Today we are learning about the 1800s in History.
homework (n) домашняя работа Do you get a lot of homework at your school?
interesting (adj) интересный | think Maths is really interesting but Misha thinks it’s
И (п) информатика, информационные | have IT once a week. | use a computer in those lessons.
технологии (учебный предмет)
know (v) 3HaTb Do you know the answer? | don’t.
Language Club (n) языковой кружок At Language Club we learn English words and phrases.
learn (v) учить, изучать Is it hard to learn Russian?
lesson (n) урок What time is your Maths lesson today?
Literature (n) литература (учебный предмет) My brother is reading Tolstoy in Literature this week.
Maths (n) математика (учебный предмет) I'm not good with numbers so Maths is hard for me.
Maths Club (n) математический кружок Maths Club teaches us some of the fun things about
miss (v) пропускать | never miss school. | go there every day.
Music (n) музыка (учебный предмет) Music is my favourite subject — | love to sing and play the
notebook (n) тетрадь, блокнот | write things in this notebook.

раз$ (у) | сдать (экзамен) I'm really happy because | passed all my exams!
РЕ (п) | физкультура (учебный предмет) In PE we sometimes play basketball.
pencil case (n) | пенал | always have my pencil case with me in the lesson.
pencilsharpener(n) | точилка You need a pencil sharpener when your pencil breaks.
pupil (n) ученик, учащийся There are 23 teachers and 450 pupils in my school.
remember (v) помнить; вспоминать Do you remember the name of the film we watched last
men month?
ИВТ (а) _ _ | правильный; верный Is this the right answer?
right (adv) | правильно; верно | got one answer right but the others were wrong.
rubber (n) 7 ластик When | draw | use a pencil but | never use a rubber.
ruler(n) 7 | линейка _ | have a ruler in my pencil case.
‘Science (n)_ _ | естествознание (учебный предмет) | love Science. We learn some interesting things in our
Science Club (n) естественно-научный кружок We're learning about spiders in Science Club this week.
study (v) _ | заниматься, учиться On Sunday evening, | usually study and do my homework.
teach (v) учить, обучать; преподавать Mr Brown teaches us Maths.
term (n) | семестр, четверть There are three terms in the school year.
test/ exam (n) контрольная работа, тест / экзамен Our teacher often gives us tests.
timetable (n) _ | расписание —_ According to the timetable, Maths is on Friday.
“wrong (adj) ва ЕЕ неправильный, неверный I'm sorry — that is the wrong answer.
wrong (adv) _ __ | неправильно, неверно | drew my picture wrong so | had to start again.

Unit 12
adult (n) ` взрослый (человек) и There were 20 children and 5 adults at the party.
aunt (n) № [тая That's my aunt. She's my mum's sister.
become (Vv) становиться My aunt is studying to become a doctor. _
(best) friend (n) | (лучший) друг My best friend’s name is Millie. We get on really well.
brother(n) брат My brother is 15 and my sister is 12.
chat (v) _ | болтать, непринужденно беседовать | like chatting to people on the computer. | _
child / kid (n) _ | ребёнок When | was a child | loved watching cartoons on TV.
соо! (а9]) —_ | МОДНЫЙ, СТИЛЬНЫЙ My parents gave me a cool new phone!
different (adj) _ | разный, различный _ Do you like learning different things in Science class?
elder (adj) _| старший I'm 12. Jacob's my elder brother — he’s 17.
fall out with someone (v) ссориться с кем-либо Phoebe said some really bad things to me and | fell out
with her.
father (n) отец My father met my mother in Viadivostok in 1996.
friendly (adj) дружелюбный Our teachers are friendly — they make the lessons nice.
get on (well) with someone (v) ладить, быть в хороших отношениях с | get on with all my classmates. We're a great class!
grandmother / father (n) бабушка / дедушка My grandmother sometimes helps me to do my
guy (n) парень | like my brother. He’s a good guy.
guys (n) ребята How are you doing, guys?
hang out with someone (v) проводить время с кем-либо | usually hang out with my friends at the weekend.
happen (v) _ случаться; происходить Hi, Ethan. What happened at school today?
invite (v) приглашать My best friend invited me to her pyjama party this
7 — weekend.
kind (adj) и _ | добрый My best friend is kind and friendly.
little (adj) маленький | was playing with my little sister last night — she’s only
look (v) выглядеть You look happy. Did you pass your test?
meet (v) встречаться) Let's meet outside the cinema at 7 pm.
mother (n) MaTb My mother works as a dentist.
move (v) переходить, переезжать | don’t want to move to a new school. I’m happy here.
neighbour (n) сосед My neighbour lives on the first floor and | live on the
— second.
nephew (n) племянник That's my nephew. He's ту Бго{пег'$ son.
niece (n) 7 | племянница _ | That's my niece. She's my brother's daughter.
relative / relation (n) | родственник - Sometimes we have a big party and invite all our

same (adj) | один и тот же, одинаковый _ Amelie and| get on well because we like the same music.
share (v) делить (с кем-либо) Do you want to share a pizza with me?
sister (n) сестра lam from a big family. | have two brothers and three
sisters. _ — —
sound (vy) - звучать; создавать впечатление A fancy dress party sounds like a great idea!
special (adj) особенный Today is a special day. It's my birthday!
teenager (n) подросток — т 23 today — I'm a teenager now!
uncle (п)_ _ARDA | That's my uncle. He’s my mum's brother.

Unit 15
airport (n) аэропорт We're going to the airport to meet my uncle.

in / at (v) | прибывать, приезжать We leave here at 1 pm and arrive in London at 3 pm.
attractive (ad)) привлекательный | That's an attractive building. It's really beautiful.
Beijing (n) _ | Пекин _ Beijing is the capital of China.

Berlin (n) | Берлин | Berlin is the capital of Germany.

check in / out (v) зарегистрироваться (в отеле) / We checked in at the hotel and went for a walk around the city.
выехать (из отеля)
crowded (adj) _| переполненный | The city is very crowded. There are lots of people living here.
епуоу (\) _ получать удовольствие | don’t enjoy travelling on a plane but | love trains.
excited (adj) взволнованный, возбуждённый | I'm excited about going to India. I've never been there before.
exciting (adj) | увлекательный, захватывающий _ It is very exciting to arrive in Venice at night.
famous (adj) знаменитый, известный Have you ever met a famous singer or a film star?
fly (v) | летать, лететь | It takes four hours to fly to Paris from here.
foreign (adj) | иностранный Have you ever been to a foreign country?
get in / out of (v) садиться в / выходить из We got out of the car and went in the house.
__ (машине)
geton/ off (у) | садиться в / выходить из | got off the train at the wrong station.
ae _ | (©б автобусе, самолёте, поезде)
hotel (n) | гостиница | Did you stay in a hotel in Amsterdam?
доигпеу (п). путешествие, поездка Did you have a comfortable journey?
leave (v) | уходить, уезжать We leave at 6 am and we arrive at 5 pm.
London (п) | Лондон London is a very famous city.
Madrid (n) | Мадрид | Madrid is the capital of Spain.
modern (adj) | современный | Our house is not old. It’s very modern.
Moscow (n) MockBa | My uncle and aunt live in Moscow.
Paris(n) _ | Париж _ People say Paris is a very attractive city at night.
passport (n) | Macnopt | Show your passport at the hotel when you check in.
plane (n) | самолёт _ My plane leaves at 6.45 am and arrives at 9 am.
popular (adj) популярный _ This place is very popular with tourists.
Воте (п) Pam Rome is the capital of Italy.
safe (adj) | безопасный | Is it safe to walk around the town at night?
stay (Vv) остановиться, жить, гостить Where are you going to stay in Madrid?
ticket (n) | 6unet | I've just bought my ticket for the train.
Tokyo (n) | Токио _ Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
tour (n) | путешествие; экскурсия, поездка We went on a tour of Athens.
tourist (n) | турист | Do tourists come here in the summer?
town / сНу (п)_ город . _ What is the name of the town where you live?
train station (n) железнодорожный вокзал | Meet me at the train station at 3 pm.
travel (v) | путешествовать _ I've never travelled to a foreign country.
УИ (У) | посещать _ We're going to Rome to visit my uncle.
Washington (n) Вашингтон | Washington is the capital of the USA.

Unit 18
athlete (n) спортсмен; легкоатлет William loves running. He’s going to become an athlete. _
athletics (п) | лёгкая атлетика п love watching all kinds of sport and athletics on TV.
cycle (v) | ездить на велосипеде My dad wants to be fit so he cycles to work in the morning. |
exercise (п) упражнение; тренировка | Do you do a lot of exercise in PE? =
exercise (\) | тренироваться It's important to exercise daily. Walking is a great way to do thet.
extreme (adj) ‚ экстремальный ‘| don't think extreme sports are safe. | don’t like them. _
first (adj) _| первый | My first lesson in the morning is English.
first (adv) | сперва; в первую очередь | do my English homework first.
fit (adj) | здоровый, бодрый | Playing a sport is a great way to get fit.
football / basketball match (n) | футбольный / баскетбольный матч | Наме you ever been to a football match?
Гоо{Ба! / Базке{ва! р!ауег (п) _ футболист / баскетболист My friend wants to become a basketball player.
game of football / basketball (n) | играв футбол / баскетбол Let's play a game of football!
5оа! (п). | ГОЛ | We played a game of football and | scored two goals.
gym (п) спортивный зал Sometimes | go to the gym to exercise.
healthy (adj)| | | здоровый; полезный для здоровья | It isn't healthy to sit in front of the computer al! day.
healthy/ junk food (п) _| здоровая / нездоровая пища ir try to eat healthy food.
indoor (adj) комнатный, находящийся в | Playing board games is my favourite indoor activity.
' помещении
indoors (adv) = (внутри) дома, в помещении | You play squash indoors but you usually play tennis outdoors. |
last (adj) ` последний; прошлый _ Did you eat the last piece of pizza?
last (adv) | в последнюю очередь | | put my shoes on last.
lose (v) проигрывать | want to score a goal — | don't want to lose this match!

roller-skate (v) кататься на роликовых коньках How did you learn to roller-skate? | always fall!
outdoor (adj) находящийся или происходящий вне | Skiing is a great outdoor activity in the winter.
дома, на открытом воздухе
outdoors (adv) вне дома, на открытом воздухе When the weather is good, we have a lesson outdoors.
race (n) состязание в беге; гонка My favourite athletics event is the 100-metre race.
skate (v) кататься на коньках | learned to skate on ice in Canada.
skateboard / snowboard (v) кататься на скейтборде / сноуборде When you know how to skateboard, it’s easy to snowboard.
ski (v) кататься на лыжах We learned to ski in the mountains of Austria.
stadium (n) стадион People are walking to the stadium to watch the big match.
strong (adj) СИЛЬНЫЙ Football players have to be fit and strong.
swim (v) плавать | love to swim in the sea in the summer.
take up (v) начать заниматься (чем-либо) | think I'm going to take up a new sport.
team (n) команда — My favourite football team lost the match today.
win (v) выигрывать; побеждать It's very exciting when you win a race.

Unit 21
allow (v) позволять, разрешать Do your parents allow you to go to pyjama parties?
always (adv) всегда | am always careful when | walk in the street.
arrest (v) арестовывать The police arrested a man for taking things from a shop.
careful (adj) осторожный Be careful when you go out at night.
dangerous (adj) опасный | don’t like walking in the park at night. It’s dangerous.
drive (v) водить машину - I'm going to learn to drive a car when I'm 17.
drop (v) о ронять; бросать Don't drop litter in the street!
enter (a place) (v) входить, въезжать You can't enter the building. It’s not open now.
fight (v) драться You can't fight at school. The teachers will get very angry.
helmet (n) шлем You have to wear a helmet when you ride your bike.
jewellery (n) ювелирные украшения Bethany has some really nice jewellery but she can’t wear it to
law (n) закон The police will arrest you if you break the law.
let (v) позволять, допускать Sometimes my mum lets me sleep at a friend's house.
litter (n) —_ мусор You mustn't drop litterinthe street. — _
make-up (n) декоративная косметика, макияж Do your teachers let you wear make-up at school?
necessary (adj) __ | Необходимый, нужный It isn't necessary to wear special clothes to my party.
Noisy (adj) | шумный ОИ The cars in the city are very noisy!
notice (n) объявление Can't you see that notice? It says you mustn't enter here!
Park (v) парковать(ся) You mustn't park your car in front of the hospital.
police officer (n) полицейский The police officer arrested the man for fighting in the street.
polite (adj) вежливый, воспитанный I'm always polite — | always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
quiet (adj) Тихий, СПОКОЙНЫЙ | It’s quiet in my town. When | lived in the city, it was very noisy.
road (n) дорога The children have to cross a busy road to get to school.
safe (adj) безопасный Don't be frightened. You're safe now.
school / safety / traffic rules (n) правила школы / безопасности / The pupils have to read the school rules.
дорожного движения
school uniform (n) школьная форма We don't have to wear school uniform.
seat belt (n) ремень безопасности You have to wear a seatbelt on the bus.
throw away (v) выбрасывать Don't throw that away! | want it.
traffic lights (n) светофор At the next traffic lights turn right.
wear (v) носить Cyclists must wear a helmet.

Unit 24
apple (n) яблоко | love fruit and red apples are my favourite.
bake (v) печь, запекать On special days, my grandmother usually bakes а cake.
bakery (n) пекарня; булочная We buy fresh bread from the bakery every morning.
banana (n) банан A banana is a long, yellow fruit.
barbecue (n) барбекю Barbecues are great! | love eating outdoors.
biscuit (n) печенье | like chocolate biscuits.
boil (v) кипятить, варить | sometimes boil an egg for breakfast.
bookshop (n) книжный магазин | bought my friend a book from the bookshop.
bottle (n) бутылка Can you buy me a bottle of water to drink?
bowl (n) миска We always have a bowl of fruit in the kitchen.
bread (n) xne6 We haven't got any bread so | can't make a sandwich.
breakfast (n) завтрак They say it isn't healthy to miss breakfast.
burger (n) гамбургер When we go into town, we sometimes eat 2 битве аи сто.
butter (n) масло Don’t put a lot of butter on your bread — @s not healthy.
buy (v)| покупать What will we buy Helen for her birthday?

cake (n) торт, пирог People often have a cake when they have a birthday party.
carrot (n) морковь A carrot is a long, orange vegetable.
cheap (adj) дешёвый Cheap food isn’t always bad.
cheese (n) сыр Do you want cheese on the pizza?
chef (n) шеф-повар | love cooking food. | think | want to become a chef.
chemist’s (п) аптека At the chemist’s you can buy medicines and beauty products.
chicken (n) цыплёнок, куриное мясо We cook chicken on Sundays and have it with potatoes and
chips (n) ломтики жареного картофеля Chips are fried potatoes.
chocolate (n) шоколад Chocolate is very nice but it has a lot of sugar in it.
closed (adj) закрытый The shops are closed today because it’s Sunday.
coffee (n) кофе It's a bad idea to drink coffee in the evening — you won't sleep.
cook (n) повар I'm a good cook. | want to work in a restaurant.
cooker (n) кухонная плита Most homes have a cooker in the kitchen.
cream (n) сливки We sometimes have fresh fruit with cream on it.
credit card / cash (n) кредитная карта / наличные Do you want to pay by credit card or in cash?
cup (n) чашка Do you want a cup of coffee?
customer (n) покупатель There were a lot of customers in the shop so| left.
cut (v) резать You have to cut the potatoes to make chips.
department store (n) универмаг They sell many different things in a department store.
dessert (n) десерт That was a great meal. Do you want some ice cream for
dinner (n) обед, ужин Dinner is the evening meal. We have dinner at about 8 pm.
dish (n) блюдо, тарелка | often help my mum wash the dishes.
drink (v) пить It's healthy to drink lots of water every day.
eat (v) есть | don’t always have time to eat breakfast.
eat out (v) есть в кафе / ресторане My family often eats out. We like going to different restaurants.
egg (n) ЯЙЦО There aren't any eggs so we can’t make an omelette for lunch.
expensive (adj) дорогой The meat in the shop was very expensive so | bought fish.
first / main course (n) первое / основное блюдо | think I'll have pasta for my main course.
fish (n) рыба They say it’s healthy to eat lots of fish.
fork (n) вилка We eat with a knife and fork.
fridge (n) Холодильник There's cold milk in the fridge.
fruit (n) фрукт | always eat a little fruit every day — usually an apple.
fry (v) жарить You need oil to fry food and it’s not very healthy.
grill (v) жарить на гриле When you grill meat, be careful not to burn it.
hungry (adj) голодный I'm really hungry. Is there any food?
ice cream (n) мороженое | love eating ice cream on a hot summer day.
jam (n) варенье, джем For breakfast, | have bread with butter and jam.
juice (n) сок Do you want water or juice to drink?
knife (n) нож | need a knife to cut this fruit.
lemon (n) лимон Lemons are sour, yellow fruit.
lemonade (n) лимонад My mum makes lemonade with fresh lemons, water and sugar.
lunch (n) обед We eat our lunch at school at 1 pm.
meat (n) мясо It isn’t healthy to eat meat every day.
milk (n) MONOKO | don't eat at night but | sometimes drink a glass of milk.
ой (п) масло (растительное) You use oil to fry things like meat, fish and potatoes.
omelette (n) омлет Dad makes great omelettes. He uses milk, cheese and six eggs.
onion (n) лук Some people don't like onions on their pizza.
open (adj) открытый Is the shop open? | need to buy something for breakfast.
orange (n) апельсин Oranges are round fruit. You can eat them or make juice with
order (v) заказывать (еду) The waitress said, ‘Are you ready to order your food?’
pasta (n) макароны Spaghetti is my favourite kind of pasta.
piece of bread / cake (n) кусок хлеба / торта, пирога Some people always want a piece of bread with their dinner.
pizza (n) пицца Pizza is a great fast food. It came from Italy.
plate (n) Tapenka Can | have a plate for this piece of pizza, please?
potato (n) картофель You can boil potatoes, fry them or bake them.
price (n) цена Can you tell me the price of these oranges, please?
rice (n) рис In places like China and Indonesia, they eat a lot of rice.
salad (n) салат (блюдо) A fresh salad is a healthy thing to eat for dinner.
salty (adj) солёный Fast food is really salty. | always feel thirsty after eating it.
sandwich (n) „| бутерброд When I'm hungry, | make a cheese sandwich.
sell (v) продавать They sell fresh fruit in the shop in Elm Street.
shop assistant (n) продавец The shop assistant helped me choose what to buy.
shopping centre (n) торговый центр The shopping centre in town has many different shops.

spoon (n) ложка | like to eat ice cream from a bowl using a spoon.
supermarket (n) | супермаркет | We buy most of our food from the supermarket.
sweet (adj) | сладкий Chocolate and ice cream taste very sweet.
taste (v) | пробовать (на вкус) Can | taste your ice cream? lwant to orderthe same. |
tea (n) чай People drink a lot of tea in England.
thirsty (adj) испытывающий жажду | | was really thirsty after the race — | drank two litres5 of water! _
tomato (n) помидор Mum has lots of lovely red tomatoes growing in her garden.
vegetable (n) овощ "Potatoes and carrots are vegetables.
waiter (n) официант Ask the waiter for a glass of water.
waitress (n) официантка | The waitress was very polite when we ordered our food.
wash up (v) мыть посуду The best thing about eating out is that you don’t have to wash
water (n) вода We must drink water every day.

Unit 27
admire (v) восхищаться | admire my mum because she’s very good at her job. —
appearance (n) внешность Owen doesn’t care about his appearance. His clothes are often.
dirty. ры НИ ee
build (n) телосложение ‘I haven't got the right height
or build to become a police officer.
cat (n) кот, кошка | My pet cat Jason has got a long tail. _
character (n) характер А регзоп’$ спага‹ег is important. | can’t be friends with—
someone rude.
cute (adj) очаровательный My pet hamster isreally clcute.
dog (n) собака | | take my dog for his daily walk after school.
face (n) лицо The first thing | look atis a person’s face. ==
fish (n) рыба “Ava keeps fish as pets. They live in a bowliin| her livingroom.
friendship (n) дружба Friendship is very important to me. | am very loyal to my friends.
frown (v) | хмуриться Why are you frowning? Youlook sad. —_ _
get on with (v) | ладить, быть в хороших отношениях Do you get on with your relatives or do you fight?
good-looking (adj) красивый, привлекательный | George is really good-looking. He’sgot fair hair and blue eyes.
hamster (n) XOMAK Liam feeds his pet hamster when he gets up in the morning.
height (n) poct My height is 1 metre 67 cm.
kind (adj) добрый You must always be kind tcto people and animals.
look after (v) присматривать, заботиться | I'm looking after my best friend’ s dog while she’s onn holiday.
love (v) любить _l love my pets very much. = aie
loyal (adj) верный, преданный It's important that my friends are
are loyal andr reliable.
parrot (n) попугай You can teach your pet parrot‘to talk.
personality (n) характер, личные качества ‘I choose my friends because of their personality.
polite (adj) вежливый, воспитанный | When you have a nice personality, you are always polite to
| people. _ — —
prefer (v) предпочитать | | prefer cats to dogs. | don't like dogs very much.
rabbit (n) кролик We have a pet rabbit. It lives in the garden.
reliable (adj) надежный | Reliable people are never late. |
respect (v) уважать You must respect how other people feel. We are not all the
| same. =
share (v) владеть совместно My brother shares a house with three of his friends._
short (adj) короткий; невысокий | му pet dog's got very y short legs.
slim (adj) стройный | Peter is slim because he gets a lot of exercise and he doesn’t_
| eat much.
smile (n) | улыбка My mum always has
a smile on her face. She
She never frowns.
smile (v) улыбаться When you smile, it makes other pépeople feel more comfortable ~
around you.
take after (v) походить, быть похожим || take after my dad. We have the same hair and eyes.
tall (adj) высокий Toby
| i is very tall. That helps him | when he
he plays basketball. _
tortoise (n) черепаха | d like to keepaa tortoise as a pet.
trust (v) доверять ‘I can trust my friends. . They’ reall
ill vvery reliable and
ind loyal.
weight (n) | вес “The doctor wrote down my age, height and weight.

Unit 30
autumn (n) осень In autumn, the weatherstarts to,
to get cold.
blow (v) | дуть The: wind blew my hat off! 7
breathe (v) дышать ||| like to breathe the fresh air in the forest.
cloudy (adj) облачный | feel unhappy on cloudy days. | love the sun!
cold (adj) Холодный ‘It's really cold today. Put on your jacket.
cut down (v) рубить (деревья) ‘They mustn't cut down all the trees in the forest. _
dangerous (adj) опасный The pollution in cities is dangerous for your health. |

пацаке (п)
(n) | землетрясение | There was an
an earthquake and some houses fell | down.
flooding (n) о наводнение - a - | After the rain, we were worried that there would be flooding.
foggy (adj) _ туманный 7 [it was a foggy ‘day and we couldn't see when we were driving.
forest (n) : i “Ti | лес 7 |The forest has got thousands of trees.
fresh (adj) - i свежий — - | Тве air is usually really fresh after the rain.
hill (n) | холм __ _ _|№е live in a house on a hill. We can see the town from here.
hurricane (n) | ураган. ыы: | Hurricanes don’t happen very often but they can be dangerous.
lake (n) озеро | There are a lot of fish in the lake.
mountain (n) = “ropa в |_ Have you ever climbed a highmountain?
pick up (у _ поднимать, подбирать You must pick up your litter. Don't drop iti in the street.
plant (v) . —_ сажать (растения) Sometimes pupils from my school go to plant trees.
pollute (v) загрязнять (окружающую среду) Cars and buses pollute the air that we breathe.
(it) rain(s) (v) a | идёт дождь - | When it rains, there is sometimes flooding.
recycle (У) | перерабатывать, повторно | We can recycle glass and plastic bottles. Don’t throw them
| использовать away.
rubbish (n) Е. мусор = Put your rubbish in the right place. ‘Don't drop litter.
shine (v) x сиять, светить ____| The sun was shining so we went for a walk.
(it) snow(s) (v) =] идёт cHer | | Does it often snow here in winter?
spring (n) В — ‘весна _ _ —_ п ‘like the spring— it's when all the flowers start growing.
summer (n) лето | The summer is my favourite seasonn because | love sunny days.
sunny (adj) _ солнечный When
| it’ s sunny, we> play football ¢ or ride our bikes.
warm (adj) a —_ о тёплый | It's a warm day today. | think we can swim in the sea.
weather (n) погода. | What's the weatherlike where you
u live? Is it very hot?
windy (adj) ветреный | It’s very windy today. I'm happy | don't have to go out!_
winter (n) ee зима — | Winter is cold here. It snows a lot.

Unit 33
belt (n) пани ‘ремень ОИ 7 I like to wear ab
a belt with myt trousers.
boots (n) сапоги, ботинки — It's snowing So wear your boots to keep your feet warm.
cap (n) : - кепка, шапка _ ОИ | wear a cap on my head in the winter.
cardigan (n) кардиган, кофта It’s a little cold. I’ m going to put my cardigan on.
checked (adj) И _Max was wearing a black and white checked shirt.
coat (n) пальто | You'll need your coat — it’s going to snow.
comfortable (adj) — = ‘удобный. а | like these trainers. They're really comfortable for kicking aa
cotton (adj) - 7 ‘хлопчатобумажный — i like cotton n shirts - they’ reccomfortable to wear.
denim (adj) | Джинсовый = О | like your new denim skirt!
dress (n) nate” a Lauren i is wearing an attractive red dress.
dress up и. —— ‘одеваться, наряжаться | ‘The children sometimes dress up in funny clothes and have a
fashion (n) Moga — 7 ‘Bright trainers are in fashion this summer. _
fashionable (adj)| МОДНЫЙ Руопа bought a fashionable new top to wear to the ‘party.
‘fasten (v) _ _ | застёгивать(ся)_ — This jacket is really small — | can’t fasten it.
fit (v) подходить (по размеру), быть впору т This shirt is too big. It doesn't fit me.
(hand)bag (п). _ сумка “My mum puts her phone and her money in her handbag. |
gloves (n) - перчатки Wear gloves cor your hands will get cold.
grow out of (У) вырастать из | grew out of my favourite jacket and | need to buy a new one.
hat (n) ‘шапка, шляпа о Г\Мпеп и cold|wearahat.
hood (n) капюшон —_ This s jacket has a hood. It will keep your head warm.
jacket (n) _ ' куртка, пиджак 7 | Poppy always wears the | same denim jacket.
jeans (n) | DKMHCbI a | need a new pair of blue jeans. These are very old.
leather (adj) кожаный Li wears a leather jacket and trousers when she rides her
loose (adj) . |<свободный, мешковатый (об одежде) | | prefer clothes that are loose. They feel more comfortable.
match (v) _ | подходить, сочетаться — Luca bought a blue shirt to match his blue trousers.
old-fashioned (adj) | старомодный `Мус!clothes are a little old-fashioned but | don’t care.
plain (adj) a й | простой, без рисунка | | wanted a plain shirt, not a striped or checked one.
pocket (n) | карман _ | | always keep my phone in my shirt pocket.
put on (v) | надевать | When it's cold, | put on a sweatshirt.
scarf (n) | wapd Wear a scarf around your neck because it’s very cold.
shirt (n) _ рубашка . | What do you think of my new shirt? Does it match my jacket?
shoes (n) туфли, ботинки; обувь | Ed doesn’t wear leather shoes to school. He always wears
‘silk (adj) _ | шёлковый Ella bought a silk dress to wear to her sister’s party.
skirt (n) юбка - | Madison never wears trousers. She always wears dresses or

sleeve (n) рукав In the winter, | wear clothes with long sleeves to keep my arms
socks (n) носки Hugh's feet are always cold so he wears his socks to bed.
spotted (adj) в горошек | love that spotted dress! Shall | buy it for you?
striped (adj) полосатый, в полоску Some people say that striped shirts make you look slim.
suit (n) KOCTIOM This jacket matches my trousers so it looks like one suit.
suit (v) быть клицу That colour really suits you — it matches your eyes.
(sun)glasses (n) (солнцезащитные) очки Lucy wears sunglasses on sunny days.
sweatshirt (n) толстовка | wear T-shirts but when it’s cold | put a sweatshirt on top.
take off (v) снимать When | take off my clothes | put them on the armchair.
tie (v) завязывать My little brother is three so he can't tie his shoes.
tight (adj) тесный (об одежде и обуви) These trousers are really tight. | can’t put them on!
top (n) топ, верхняя деталь одежды Gracie wore a green skirt with a matching top.
trainers (n) кроссовки | need new trainers so | can play tennis at the weekend.
trousers (n) брюки Hannah wears jeans or trousers every day. She doesn't like
try on (v) примерять | tried the shirt on in the shop so | know it fits.
T-shirt (n) футболка When we do PE at school, we wear white shorts and a T-shirt.
watch (n) наручные часы He looked at his watch and saw he was late.
woollen (adj) шерстяной | like my woollen sweater - it's very warm.

Unit 36
apply for (v) подавать заявление (на работу) My dad is a teacher and he’s going to apply for a job at my
become (v) становиться | think | want to become a dentist when | finish studying.
boss (n) начальник My mum gets on very well with her boss at work.
business (n) бизнес; дело I'd like to study and have my own business one day.
clever (adj) умный о You have to be clever and work hard to pass all your exams.
company (n) компания My mum works for a travel company in the city centre.
creative (adj) творческий; изобретательный Designers need to be creative — you have to have good ideas.
deal with (v) иметь дело с A police officer has to deal with difficult problems daily.
dentist (n) стоматолог | went to the dentist to check my teeth.
design (v) проектировать | want to design computer games when | finish school.
designer (n) дизайнер Designers work on many things. If you're creative, you will do
doctor (n) врач Being a doctor is good — you get a lot of money and you help
earn (v) зарабатывать Do you know how much money your dad earns from his job?
engineer (n) инженер | want to be an engineer. Then | will design a new car.
factory (n) завод, фабрика He works in a car factory. :
freelance (adj) внештатный, независимый If you are a freelance designer, you can work for different
full-time (adj) занимающий полный рабочий день A full-time job is usually about 40 hours a week.
full-time (adv) (на) полный рабочий день My mum works full-time so we help with the housework.
hairdresser (n) парикмахер А Панагеззег сщ$ апа 5Уе$ реор!е'$ па.
help (v) помогать I'm looking for a job where | can help animals — | may become
a vet.
journalist (n) журналист A journalist writes things for newspapers or websites.
lawyer (n) юрист You need to know the law very well if you want to be a lawyer.
manager (n) управляющий, менеджер I'd like to speak to the manager.
nurse (n) медсестра My aunt is a nurse. She works with doctors in the hospital in
office (n) офис | want to work outdoors. | think it'll be boring if | work in an
part-time (adj) работающий неполный рабочий день | A part-time job may be 10 or 20 hours a week.
part-time (adv) (на) неполный рабочий день I'm a student so | work part-time to earn money.
рау (\) платить; оплачивать My parents pay the bills every month.
police officer (n) полицейский You need to be fit and healthy to be a police officer. It's a hard
receptionist (n) портье; секретарь My sister works as a receptionist in an office.
responsible (adj) ответственный You must be responsible if you want to work with children.
serve (v) подавать (еду, напитки); обслуживать | | work as a waiter at weekends. My job is to serve food and
(shop) assistant (n) продавец | work in a department store as a part-time shop assistant.
staff (n) персонал, штат We've got a big staff at my company — 100 workers.
teach (v) учить, обучать; преподавать | think | want to teach English one day.
teacher (n) учитель A teacher usually has to work after school too.
tour guide (n) гид, экскурсовод | work as a tour guide in Saint Petersburg.

treat (v) лечить The doctor treated my dad for a bad cold.
useful (adj) полезный A good computer is very useful.
waiter / waitress (n) официант / официантка My elder brother has a part-time job as a waiter in our local
well-paid (adj) высокооплачиваемый A doctor has a well-paid job. They earn a lot of money.
work (n) работа It's important to have work but you need free time too.

Unit 39
actor / actress (n) актёр / актриса The actors and actresses in that film were very good, weren’t
anywhere (adv) где-нибудь, куда-нибудь Are you going to go anywhere nice after the end of term?
artist (n) художник Kandinsky was a brilliant artist who painted amazing pictures.
brilliant (adj) отличный, великолепный Come and see this new computer game. It’s brilliant!
build (v) строить | wonder if it’s hard to build a house.
building (n) здание There are lots of famous buildings in London.
castle (n) замок There are lots of old castles in Europe.
cathedral (n) co6op A cathedral is a very big church.
create (v) создавать I'd like to create a new kind of mobile phone.
discover (v) делать открытие, открывать Do you know who discovered America?
explorer (n) исследователь, путешественник | want to be an explorer and discover new places.
fantastic (adj) потрясающий, изумительный The trip to the museum was fantastic. | really enjoyed it.
fast (adj) быстрый Are you a fast runner?
fast (adv) быстро My dad’s car is OK but it doesn't go very fast.
go in (v) ВХОДИТЬ | didn’t want to go in the classroom and write my exams!
great (adj) замечательный, потрясающий My grandfather tells some great stories about the past.
inventor (n) изобретатель Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of the telephone,
wasn't he?
king (n) король Who was the King of England in 1066?
museum (n) музей | love trips to the museum because History is my favourite
palace (n) дворец We heard a story about a king who lived in a very big palace.
perform (v) представлять; играть, исполнять Do you think it is difficult to perform in front of people ina
(роль) theatre?
play (v) играть What part are you going to play in the performance?
rule (v) править The queen ruled the country for many years.
politician (n) политик Politicians usually help rule a country.
prize (n) приз, премия, награда Did you win a prize for coming first in the race?
queen (n) королева Queen Victoria ruled Britain from 1837 until 1901.
rich (adj) богатый | want to become rich and buy lots of cars and houses!
singer (n) певец She wants to be a singer in a rap band.
sportsman / woman (п) спортсмен / спортсменка Can you earn a lot of money as a sportsman?
star (n) звезда (о человеке) | want to become a singer but not a star. | don’t want to be
statue (n) статуя, памятник One day, if you're famous, they'll build a statue of you!
successful (adj) успешный A successful student will get a certificate.
talented (adj) талантливый There are a lot of very talented actors and actresses in the
tourist attraction (n) достопримечательность Red Square is the biggest tourist attraction in Moscow.
tower (n) башня Some old castles have towers that you can climb up.
visit (v) посещать Which country are we going to visit next year?
walk around (v) гулять, прогуливаться It's nice to walk around the city at night.
well-known (adj) известный, знаменитый Buckingham Palace is a well-known building in London.
wonder at (v) удивляться (чему-либо) | always wonder at the beauty of Saint Basil's Cathedral.
world record (n) мировой рекорд Which athlete holds the world record for the 100-metre race.
writer (n) писатель | want to be a writer. | want to write stories like Turgenev.

Unit 42
app (n) мобильное приложение You can get apps for your phone that help you learn English.
at once (adv) немедленно, сразу We met at a party and became good friends at once.
browse (v) просматривать I'm not doing anything special. I’m just browsing on the
call (v) звонить по телефону I'll call you after school. We'll speak then.
chatty (adj) болтливый, разговорчивый I'm nota very chatty person. | don't like talking.
click (v) щёлкать Click on this link if you want to see my website.
digital (adj) цифровой | want a digital camera because they take great photos.
download / upload (v) скачивать / загружать | upload photos to social media so my friends can see them.

downloadable (adj) доступный для скачивания This website has got Gownlinactsitie а]
at home.
email address (n) адрес электронной почты Give me your email address so | can sénc you the homework.
immediately (adv) сразу, непосредственно | looked for the answer online and | found i immecictety.
install (v) устанавливать You need to install a program on your computer to Gownload
keyboard (n) клавиатура Most laptops have a compact keyboard.
laptop (n) ноутбук Would you prefer to have a laptop or a tablet?
log in(to) / log on(to) / входить в систему / выходить из When you log into this website, they ask for your telephone
log out (v) системы (при работе на компьютере) |питрег.
mouse (n) мышь (компьютерная) | use a mouse when | work on the computer.
online (adj) онлайн Online shopping is popular because you can order what you
want from your home computer.
online (adv) в Интернете, в режиме онлайн You can study your school lessons online if you have a
post (v) оставлять сообщение на вебсайте Don't post things that are not nice when you're using social
printer (n) принтер | haven't got a printer so | have to read things on the screen.
screen (n) экран Some people buy computers with really big screens.
send (v) отправлять, посылать Shall | send you an email when | get to Rome?
shy (adj) застенчивый, стеснительный I'm very shy so | don't like to see pictures of me on the screen.
smart (adj) смарт- (умный, компьютеризованный) | | want to buy a smart TV — they're as good as a computer.
(smart)phone (n) смартфон Asmartphone is more than just a phone. It’s like a little
computer in your pocket.
social media / network (n) социальные сети (в Интернете) Most young people chat to each other on social media.
software (n) программное обеспечение A piece of software is usually a program that you download.
subscribe to (v) присоединяться к; подписываться на |\/тсп Шов до уоц зибзсте to?
tablet (n) электронный планшет | like to read e-books on my tablet.
text (message) (n) текстовое сообщение, смс Sending a text message is often cheaper than making a phone
text (v) отправлять смс Don't forget to text me when you arrive in Madrid.
the internet (n) Интернет | love the internet and | go online every evening.
touchpad (n) сенсорная панель There's a touchpad on this laptop but you can use a mouse if
you like.
website (n) сайт в Интернете Some of the websites | see online are really interesting.

Phrases database
against the rules / the law | unit 21 | противозаконно You can’t use mobile phones in the classroom —
it's against the rules. —s
all around the world junit39 | по всему миру I've travelled all around the world and this is my
favourite place.
answer the / your / etc phone | unit 42 подходить к телефону, отвечать на | was calling you — why didn’t you answer your
| звонок phone?
be a big fan of | unit 39 | быть большим поклонником чего-либо I'ma big fan of Selena Gomez. | think she’sa
| great singer.
be born in (a place / year) . ‘unit 12,39 | родиться (где-либо, когда-либо) | was born in Tomsk in 2004.
be famous for something | unit 39 | быть знаменитым благодаря чему-либо | Ватме! Сга!в 1$ ‘атои$ for acting i in James Bond
be good at something / doing unit 6 | быть способным
к чему-либо. | enjoy learning Japanese but I'm not воод ай. |
something a ee
be in / out of fashion unit 33 — | бытье в моде / выйти из моды These jeans are in fashion this year.
bein charge of unit 36 | отвечать за что-либо The manager is in charge of this office. Do you -
e . want to speak to him?
be interested in junit 9 интересоваться, увлекаться чем- либо т very interested inin music. en
be late/ in time (for) unit 24 | опаздывать/ приходить вовремя (куда- | I’m never late for school.
|либо) Рей
be located in — unit 39 находиться в Novosibirsk is located in Siberia.
be the first person to do ипй 39 быть первым человеком, который Who was the first person to travel into space?
something . __ | Совершил что-либо
break (the rules / the law) unit 21 нарушать правила / закон | When we break the rules at our school, the
[cee teachers call our parents.
by bus / car/ plane / taxi / unit 15 Ha автобусе / машине / самолёте / We always go to school by bus. =
train _ i Taken / поезде —
саге абоц_ unit 27 заботиться, волноваться о чём-либо Charlotte doesn't care about sport — she’s not_
— | ИЕ . = _ = interested in it.
chat online unit 12 pasroBapuBatb B MHTepHete, B pexkume_ | Last night | was chatting online with my uncle in
т _| онлайн | the USA.
cheat in atest/ an exam > unit 9 пользоваться шпаргалками, cnucbipatb | Students who cheat in an exam will fail. —
ча . на контрольной работе / экзамене
click on a link | unit 42 щёлкнуть по ссылке Be careful on the internet because when you _
| ИНН: click on a link, it may not be what it says it is.
comment on a post/ / video / etc
etc | unit 42 комментировать статью / видео / ит. п. | №5 ОК ю соттег\ оп а post online but you
ee | пиз{ амауз Бе роще. _
do (your) homework . пи 9 делать домашнюю работу | do my homework between 6 pm апа7р рт.
do gymnastics / karate / unit18 = | заниматься гимнастикой / карате / My mum always does yoga after work.=
sport/ yoga ____| enoptom / йогой —
do the cooking/ ironing/ “| unit 3; 24 готовить / гладить / совершать покупки / | | 40 {Пе washing in our house and my mum does
shopping / vacuuming / пылесосить / стирать / мыть посуду the ironing.
washing / washing-up ee —
fail / pass atest / an exam unit 9 провалиться на контрольной / I’m really happy when | pas
pass a test at school.
экзамене, справиться с контрольной /
feel bored unit6 = скучать | | feel bored when | watch
a film and it's bad.
find / get / have a job unit 36 найти / получить / иметь работу _When | leave school, I’m goingto find a job. :
find | something hard / easy | unit 9 считать, что-либо сложным / лёгким | find Geography easy. | It’ s my favourite subject.
follow someone on Instagram // “fu 42 — ‘интересоваться кем-либо в Инстаграм / | А! ту Мепа$ follow me on Instagram.
VK/ etc ВКонтакте / ит. п. ИИ .
get / do some exercise junit 18 выполнять / делать ‘физические When you have studied for an hour, it’s a good
| упражнения _ idea to get some exercise.
get / keep fit luniti8 | обрести / поддерживать хорошую ‘Playing : a sport is a good way to keep fit.
физическую форму _ ie ОО
get a good / bad mark ‘unit 9 | получать хорошие / плохие оценки _ | When we get a bad mark at school, our teachers
| call our parents.
get dressed [unit 3,33 | одеваться || can get dressed in two minutes when I'm late
| | for school.
‘get ready (for school) | unit 3 собираться (в школу) | Ме get up at 7.30 am and get ready f for school.
get wet : “unit 30 | промокнуть | Таке your umbrella or you'll get wet.
go cycling / jogging / skating / | ИПК 18 | ездить на велосипеде / бегать трусцой / | In the winter, we sometimes go skating on the
skiing / surfing / swimming | кататься на коньках / кататься на лыжах lake.
|/ заниматься сёрфингом / плаваньем
50 Гога ]ов / гип / walk | | unit 18 | отправляться на пробежку / прогулку | When | want to get some exercise, | usually go
for a jog. и
go home / to bed за | unit 3 | идти домой / ложиться спать | Ме go toh bed at about 10 pm.
go on a bus / walking tour unit 15 отправляться на автобусную / | | went on a bus tour of the city— it was great!
| пешеходную экскурсию
go on a picnic unit 24 устраивать пикник lit’sanice day. Shall we have lunch in the
go online unit 42 заходить в Интернет I've got a computer in my room but | don't go
online every day.
go shopping unit 24 ходить за покупками We usually go shopping for food on Saturday
mornings. 2
go to school unit 9 ходить в школу; учиться в школе My sister is only four. She doesn't go to school.

go to the cinema / theatre unit 6 ходить в кино / театр Lexi often goes to the cinema to watch films with
her friends.
have / take / do atest / unit 9 писать контрольную работу / сдавать Go to bed - you have a test in English tomorrow.
an exam экзамен
have / throw a party unit 6 проводить / устраивать вечеринку We throw a big party every summer. All our
friends come to our house.
have a conversation / chat unit 12,42 | говорить, болтать с кем-либо | Вад а chat with Jasmine yesterday. She told me
with someone _ to say hello to you.
have a good / nice time unit12,15 (хорошо проводить время Have a nice time at the party tomorrow!
have a good sense of humour _— unit 27 обладать хорошим чувством юмора Owen's a funny boy. He has a good sense of
have a lot of fun with unit 27 отлично проводить время с кем-либо | have a lot of fun with my brother. We get on
very well.
have a problem unit 15 столкнуться с проблемой When | have a problem, | talk to my parents.
That usually helps.
have a snack unit 24 подкрепиться, перекусить We eat dinner late so when | come home from
school | have a small snack.
have breakfast / lunch / dinner | unit 24 завтракать / обедать / ужинать We have lunch at school. It’s usually very nice.
have fun unit 6 веселиться, хорошо проводить время We usually have fun in our lessons. They aren't
have short / long / straight / unit 27 иметь короткие / длинные / прямые / | вауе Поп, дагк, сипу Пай апа ту Бго{пег’$
curly / wavy / dark / light / fair кудрявые / волнистые / тёмные / got long, fair, wavy hair.
hair светлые волосы
have something in common unit 12 иметь что-то общее My brother and | have something in common —
== we both love rock music.
have time to do something unit 6 VMETb BPeMA AIA KakOro-nK60 AencTBuA | | don't have time to eat breakfast before school.
help someone with unit 3 помогать кому-либо с чем-либо My mum helps me with my homework.
hold the record for unit 39 держать рекорд, удерживать рекордв | Who holds the record for the most goals ina
чём-либо football match?
hope to meet / see / visit unit 39 надеяться встретить / увидеть / | hope to visit my cousins in Cyprus next year.
in (the) spring / summer / unit 30 весной / летом / осенью / зимой It's beautiful here in the summer when all the
autumn / winter trees are green.
in the country(side) unit 30 за городом _ My family lives in the city so when we can, we go
| for a ride in the country.
in the sky unit 30 Ha / B He6e | It was a beautiful spring day. There wasn’t a
cloud in the sky.
keep something clean unit 30 содержать что-либо в чистоте Don't throw litter — we have to keep the
countryside clean.
listen to music unit 6 слушать музыку | listen to music on my phone in my room.
look different / great / unit 27 выглядеть по-разному / превосходно / | They are sisters but they look very different.
the same одинаково
look good on someone unit 33 хорошо смотреться на ком-либо That shirt looks good on you — where did you
buy it?
look like someone unit 12 быть похожим на кого-либо A lot of people say | look like my mum but I think
| look like my dad.
look smart unit 33 выглядеть элегантно You look smart in those clothes. You could wear
them for a party.
make a cup of tea / a sandwich | unit 24 приготовить чашку чая / бутерброд When mum comes home from work, | usually
make her a cup of tea.
make a mistake unit 9 ошибиться | made a mistake in the test but | passed it.
make friends unit 12 подружиться | moved to a new school but | soon made friends
make someone laugh unit 27 | рассмешить кого-либо Harrison makes me laugh — he’s a funny guy.
make your bed / a mess / unit 3 застелить постель / устроить My brother makes a mess in our bedroom and |
a snack беспорядок / приготовить что-нибудь have to clean it.
| перекусить
no running/ talking/ etc unit 21 не бегать / не разговаривать / ит. п. No talking! This is an exam!
(not) allowed to do unit 21 (не) разрешать делать что-либо We're not allowed to run in the school buildings.
on (the) Earth unit 30 на Земле How many people live on Earth?
onacold / frosty/ nasty/ unit 30 3 холодный / морозный / ужасный / | love going for a walk on a cold, frosty day.
rainy / sunny / wet day дождливый / солнечный / сырой день
on atrip to unit 15 30 время поездки. во время My parents are on a trip to Madrid.
пуешестви$ =уда-либо
on holiday una 15 S Coc. $S SSwyrax I'm on holiday in Italy. | love it here!

Phrases database

on the ground unit 30 на земле There's lots of snow on the ground. Let’s make
—_ a snowman.
pay attention to unit9 уделять внимание чему- либо / кому- Please pay attention to me. What I'm saying is
либо important. -
pay for something incash/ by | unit 24 NNaTUTb HANMYHbIMU / KPeAMTHON Kapton | | never pay for things by credit card. | always pay
credit card in cash.
play / have a game (of) unit 6 сыграть партию (в), сыграть (в) Let’s play a game of basketball!
play football / basketball unit 18 играть в футбол / баскетбол My brother plays football every Saturday.
read a book unit 6 читать книгу | go to bed and read a book at about 10 pm.
ride a bike / a horse / a unit 18 ездить на велосипеде / лошади / Do you know how to ride a horse?
scooter самокате
run a business / company / unit 36 управлять, руководить бизнесом / My dad works hard — he runs a business and he
shop / etc компанией / магазином / ит. д. is always at the office!
say sorry unit 12 извиняться, просить прощения When | do something bad, | always say sorry.
score a goal unit 18 забивать гол | scored a goal in the football match at school.

see the sights unit 15 осматривать достопримечательности When | visit a new city, | always want to see the
spend money unit 24 тратить деньги | usually spend my money on sweets and books.

surf the internet unit 42 искать в Интернете | was surfing the internet to find ideas for my
take / post a selfie unit 42 сделать / разместить селфи When | was in Rome, | took a selfie and posted it
on Instagram for my friends to see.
take a picture / a photo of unit 6, 15 фотографировать что-либо | haven't taken a photo with my new camera yet.
take care of unit 27 заботиться о ком-либо, ухаживать за My friend, Connor, takes care of my dog for me
кем-либо when I'm on holiday.
talk to unit 12 говорить, разговаривать с кем-либо | talked to the new girl at school today. She's
tell a lie unit 21 солгать | can’t tell a lie. | broke the window, not Josh.
tell someone to do something — unit 3 сказать, попросить кого-либо сделать My teachers told me to do a project.
tell the truth unit 21 говорить правду | want you to tell the truth now. Did you cheat in
the test?
the latest style unit 33 новейший стиль I'm not interested in the latest style. | like old-
fashioned clothes.
the right size unit 33 подходящий / нужный размер | like these trousers but they're not the right size
for me.
too big / small for someone unit 33 слишком большой / маленький для I've grown out of these dresses and they're too
кого-либо small for me now.
turn left / right unit 21 повернуть налево / направо When you come out of the school, turn left and
I'll meet you there.
wear a uniform unit 36 носить форму Do pupils have to wear a uniform at your school?
wear something on top of / unit 33 надевать что-либо на / подо что-то | usually wear a sweatshirt on top of my T-shirt.
under something
work as a doctor / unit 36 работать врачом / учителем / ит. д. My uncle works as a teacher at a school in
teacher / etc Leeds.
work for a company unit 36 работать в компании When you work for a company, you have to
follow their rules.
work hard unit 36 работать усердно If you work hard at this job, they'll give you more
work in a factory / office unit 36 pa6oTaTb Ha 3aBoge, da6puke / B Oduce | Roman works in a factory near Rostov-on-Don.
worry about unit 27 волноваться, беспокоиться о чём-либо | Please stay safe when you're travelling. You
know | worry about you.

admire admiration (n) _| have a lot of admiration for people who help others. It's a great thing to do. mae
agree disagree (v) We sometimes disagree but we never fight. “
America American (adj) American English has different spelling to British English.
apology apologise (v) | apologise for what | said. I'm really sorry.
appear appearance (n) Your appearance is important if you want someone to give you a job.
argue argument (n) | had an argument with Anna but we're friends again now. ВЕ
assist assistant (n) Mum works as an assistant to the manager.
attach attachment (n) | sent the picture as an email attachment.
Australia Australian (adj) The kangaroo and koala are typical Australian animals.
beauty beautiful (adj) This painting is beautiful. Did you paint it? — —_
begin beginning (n) In the beginning, | didn’t like my new school.
beginner (n) | can’t play the violin very well —I'ma beginner. _
blog blog (v) Finley blogs about his life in Ireland.
blogging (n) Blogging is a great way to write what you think.
| blogger (n) I'm not 2 blogger but | read what other people write in their blogs. ie
boss bossy (adj) She's really bossy — she always tells us to do things!
Britain British (adj) The American word ‘color’ is spelled ‘colour’ in British English.
busy business (n) | want to have my own business.
businessman/woman(n) | Sam is a businessman. He runs his own company.
care care (v) | care what you do!
careful (adj) Be careful when you walk near the road.
careless (adj) Don't be careless at work.
caring (adj) Mum's a very caring person.
carefully (adv) Hold that knife carefully. Don't cut your hand.
carelessly (adv) | was playing carelessly and | broke the window.
chat chat (v) The girls are chatting online now.
chatty (adj) Luke was very chatty — he didn’t stop talking. _
child childhood (n) Did you have a happy childhood?
China Chinese (adj) Have you ever eaten Chinese food?
choose choice (n) You have a choice for dinner — vegetables or pasta. _
close closed (adj) The shop was closed so | didn't buy bread. —
cloud cloudy (adj) It's cloudy and | think it’s going to rain. и
collect collection (n) | have a big collection of songs — over 5,000.
— collector (n) Dad loves old cars. He’s a collector. —
colour colourful (adj) That's a very colourful top you're wearing.
comfort comfortable (adj) My bed is very comfortable — it’s pleasant to sit on.
uncomfortable (adj) This chair is uncomfortable — can | sit there?
communicate communication (n) Online communication is fast — you can send a message very quickly.
compete competition (n) Did you win the chess competition?
cook cooking (n) | love cooking — | always make dinner in my house.
cooker (n) In the kitchen, there’s a fridge, a cooker and a big table.
cook (n) My mum works as a cook in our school.
correct incorrect (adj) Sorry, but your answer is incorrect. Does anyone know the right answer?
cycle cycling (n) Cycling is a good way to get fit.
cyclist (n) Drivers need to be careful of cyclists on the road. —e
danger dangerous (adj) This sport is dangerous. Don’t do it.
- - dangerously (adv) Dad never drives dangerously.
day daily (adj) Kieran takes the dog for its daily walk.
р daily (adv) | drink three glasses of water daily. Е
describe description (n) Can you give me a description of the man you saw? What was he wearing? —_ aa
design design (n) | like the design of this phone. It’s attractive.
designer (n) | love fashion and | want to become a fashion designer. _ ae
differ different (adj) Our old teacher left. We have a different teacher now. три
dirt dirty (adj) When my clothes are dirty, | wash them and iron them. a =
discover discovery (n) The discovery of the old castle was very exciting.
discoverer (n) Who was the discoverer of America?
download downloadable (adj) The downloadable lessons on this website are free.
draw drawing (n) | did a drawing in my Art lesson. а
drive driver (n) The driver of the car wasn’t looking at the road.
dust dust (v) | always dust the furniture in my room.
dusty (adj) The old house was very dusty and dirty.
educate | едисайоп (п) _ You go to school to get an education. It's important to learn things.
enjoy enjoyable (adj) The trip was very enjoyable and | had a great time.
enter entrance (n) This is the entrance to the school — this is where we go in every day. а __
ехрюге exploration (n) Exploration of a new city is always exciting.
explorer (n) We learned about explorers in our History lesson.
fame famous (adj) Alexander Pushkin was a famous Russian writer.

Word formation

fashion fashionable (adj) Heidi always wears fashionable clothes.

unfashionable (adj) | don’t care if my clothes are unfashionable. I'm not interested in fashion.
fitness fit (adj) Exercise and you'll be fit and strong.
follow follower (n) | have 500 followers who read my posts on Instagram.
France French (adj) Jean-Pierre is a student at my school. He’s French and he was born in Paris.
friend friendship (n) My friendship with Lydia is very important to me.
friendly (adj) If you are friendly to dogs, they won’t hurt you.
unfriendly (adj) Lola was very unfriendly. She told me to leave!
fry fried (adj) We're having fried chicken for dinner. ee
fun funny (adj) You're funny! You make me laugh!
Germany German (adj) Hans is from Germany and he’s looking for a shop where they sell German food.
happy unhappy (adj) Why are you frowning? Are you unhappy?
health healthy (adj) If you eat good food and exercise a lot, you'll stay healthy.
unhealthy (adj) Tia has a very unhealthy life — she eats all the wrong things and she never exercises.
_ healthily (adv) Leah is always unwell because she doesn’t eat healthily. —
heat > | hot (adj) It’s very hot here in the summer. _
help helpful (adj) Thanks for cleaning the house. You've been very helpful.
hunger hungry (adj) I'm hungry! Can we order a pizza?
invent invention (n) The computer is a great invention.
inventor (n) My brother wants to be an inventor — he’s always making things!
invite invitation (n) | have an invitation to go to Libby’s party.
Japan Japanese (adj) We went to Tokyo and had Japanese food. It was very good.
kind unkind (adj) You were unkind to your aunt. You have to apologise.
kindness (n) She bought me some flowers to thank me for my kindness.
know knowledge (n) I'm amazed by my dad’s knowledge. He knows lots of things!
laugh laughter (n) | could hear laughter so | knew the children were happy.
law lawyer (n) My brother is studying law because he wants to become a lawyer.
lazy laziness (n) You haven't cleaned your room. | don’t like your laziness!
lie liar (n) | know Kira is a liar because she said some things that were untrue.
listen listener (n) Good afternoon, listeners! Welcome to the programme!
long length (n) We need to know the length of the table before we buy it. It may be too big for the kitchen.
lose — loser (n) It’s great when you win a game but someone is always the loser.
luck lucky (adj) You were very lucky to find a good smartphone for that price.
manage manager (n) The manager of the company gave the workers more money.
meet meeting (n) My mum has a meeting with my teachers at the school tomorrow.
mess messy (adj) Your room is always messy. Why don’t you clean it?
music musician (n) He's a great musician — he can play the guitar, violin and piano.
— musical (adj) I'm not very musical. | can’t play the drums or the piano.
noise noisy (adj) It's very noisy in our class because it’s Friday!
noisily (adv) My sister walked in the room noisily and woke me up.
paint painting (n) She didn’t want to show the painting until it was finished.
painter (n) Marc Chagall was a famous Russian painter.
perform performance (n) We went to the theatre to watch a performance.
performer(n) The performers made us laugh.
person personality (n) | think she has a great personality.
play player (n) Brandon is a great guitar player. | love listening to him.
polite impolite (adj) If you don’t speak, people will think you are being impolite.
pollute pollution (n) The factory is responsible for air pollution.
— polluted (adj) The air in big cities is often polluted.
prefer preference (n) We can eat Indian or Chinese food tonight. Do you have a preference?
quick quickly (adv) Elliot was hungry so he ate very quickly.
quiet quietly (adj) Mum's sleeping so talk quietly.
rain rain (n) There’s a lot of rain here in the winter.
rainy (adj) | hate rainy days because | have to stay at home.
read reading (n) Reading books is a great hobby.
reader (n) Does your blog have a lot of readers?
real really (adv) You're a great cook. That food was really good!
reception receptionist (n) When you get to my office, ask the receptionist to call me.
recycle recycling (n) Recycling is a good way to stop polluting the Earth.
recyclable (adj) Paper, glass and plastic are all recyclable — don't just throw them away.
relax relaxing (adj) We didn't have school today so we had a relaxing afternoon in the sun.
reliable unreliable (adj) Logan's really unreliable. He says things and then he doesn’t do them.
Russia Russian (adj) What is your favourite Russian food?
salt salty (adj) That pizza was very salty. | drank three glasses of water after eating it.
shop shopping (n) My favourite activity is shopping — | love buying things.
shopper (n) There are a lot of shoppers in the town centre today.
sing song (n) Can you play me a song on the piano?
singer (n) Adele is my favourite singer.
Spain Spanish (adj) Real Madrid and Barcelona are Spanish football teams.

speak speech (n) Are you worried about giving your speech tomorrow?
speaker (n) The manager was the first speaker at the meeting.
spell spelling (n) Spelling is important. You won't get good marks in the test if you spell words wrong.
storm stormy (adj) The weather has been stormy for a few days. There has been a lot of rain.
strong strength (n) | haven't got the strength to pick up that sofa.
study student (n) Matthew is an Art student. He wants to become a painter.
style stylish (adj) You're looking very stylish today. Are those new clothes?
subscribe subscription (n) Do you have to have a subscription to that music website to listen to music?
subscriber (n) There are over 5,000 subscribers to this website.
success successful (adj) Nathan applied for the job and he was successful. He starts next week.
sun sunny (adj) My mum won't let us stay in on sunny days — she says we have to get some exercise.
talent talented (adj) Morgan is a talented violin player. He may become famous one day.
teach teacher (n) Pay attention to what your teachers tell you to do.
thirst thirsty (adj) After the race, | was really thirsty and | drank a litre of lemonade!
tour tour (n) Did you go on a bus tour in Ottawa?
tourist (n) Millions of tourists visit Paris every year to see the sights.
train trainers (n) | wear trainers to school because my feet feel more comfortable in them.
trend trendy (adj) We went to a trendy café. It was a very fashionable place.
truth true (adj) Stop telling lies! | want to hear what's true!
untrue (adj) What you said was untrue. It was a lie.
warm warmth (n) It was winter and | didn’t want to get up and leave the warmth of my comfortable bed.
well unwell (adj) If you are feeling unwell, go and see the school nurse.
wide width (n) Can you tell me the length and the width of this carpet?
win winner (n) I'm the winner! | came first in the competition!
wind windy (adj) It was very windy and my hat blew off.
work worker (n) My dad is an office manager. There are 15 people working for him.


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