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Н.А.Андрощук, В. Н. Баскакова

АнглиЙскиЙязьl к


2-е uзOанuе,
uсправленное u dополненное


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lK 375.L67.t:8!L,111+8 t 1.111(07 5.3)
)К 87.4З2.tя721,-7

Серия "Ехаm SkiLls" основана в 2021 году

Андроtцук, Наталья Ариевна.

л66 Английский язык. Practise speaking : учебное пособие / Н. А. Андрощук,

В. Н. Баскакова.-2-е изд., испр, и доп. -
Обнинск : Тиryл, ).022. 48 с. - -
(Exam Skitts).
|SBN 978_5-00163-210_8.

Учебное пособие серии "Ехаm Ski[[s" предназначено для подготовки к устной

часги ЕГЭ, включая задания ЕВ-2022 (перспективной модели ЕГЭ), а также для
отработки умений, необходимыхдля сдачи устных заданий ряда меr(цународных
экзаменов (lEITS, TOEFL). Задания для подготовки к ЕГЭ обозначены значком
EGE и соответствуют формаry заданий ЕГЭ-2022, Также выделено задание на
словообразование, которое облегчает тренировку грамматики и полезно для
подготовки к заданиям на грамматику письменной части ЕГJ.
В аудиоприложении записаны образцы чтения для заданий на чтение вслух,
а также вопросы-интервью (новый формат ЕГЭ). В книге 5 разделов, в кащдом из
которых задания на несколько тем Примерной программы. Список тем указан в
оглавлении, поэтому можно работать с ка)t(дым разделом как последовательно,
так и брать задания на нужную тему при изучении ее в классе.
Аудиоприложение можно скачать бесплатно по QR-коду с обложки или пройдя
no ссылке: http://titut,rula udio/7 2

УДК 37 3.167.1:В1 1.1 1 1+В1 1.1 1 1(075.3)

ББК В1.432.1я721-1

() Лlчц)a)i,lук l l, Д , l,.rr l.rlrltr,r li l l , ,r0") l
rtl ()t|lltlrtrttt,tttlг.lll){ll|]|lлrfir,,llЁlllJt|.l)ll{,ll|)()(1llnll(,llи(,
вN 9/8-5-00lбj-Jt0"lt SДФ'И$lаrелr,,r l вu "lиlylr'i l UJ 1
далее при сравнении фотографий rIастнику экзамена H}DKHo пре-
доставить два различия (с точки зрения темы проекта). Обратите
РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ДЛЯ УЧАЩИХСЯ, СДАЮЩИХ ЕГЭ внимание на различия в видах деятельности людей, местах дей-
(АнглиЙскиЙ язык, устнАя чАсть) ствия, атмосфере на фотографиях и т. д.
в 2о22 году при выполнении следующего пункта задания экзаменующийся
должен высказаться о преимуществах и недостатках ситуаций,
/[ля выполнения заданий Nq3 и N94 на высший балл необходимо представленных на фотографиях (согласно теме проекта);
l}lrlПОЛНИТЬ НеСКОЛЬКО ВаЖНЫХ ПУНКТОВ. в 4 пункте плана предполагается, что }rчастник экзамена обоснует,

.дание N9 3. Ответы на вопросы интервьюера: почему именно эти фотографии выбраны для иллюстрации темы
совместного проекта (две причины);
. во время подготовки к экзамену прежде всего необходимо вни- . в заключение следует высказать свое мнение о теме проектной
мательно прочитать и проанализировать критерии оценивания
работы и обосновать его (две реплики);
выполнения данного задания; . воспроизвести заключительную/ные фразу/фразы монолога.
. внимательно послушать вопрос/вопросы и постараться ответить
не односложно, а несколькими фразами (2-З); ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ!
. вам необходимо дать развернутый ответ (полный), употребляя при 1.Помните, что монологическое высказывание должно содержать
необходимости слова- клише ; 12-15 предложенийи звучать не более трех минут.
. времени на ответ (40 секунд) вполне достаточно, чтобы обдумать 2. Обязательно следуйте плану задания, используйте слова-клише,
ответ и воспроизвести его. .Щаже если интервьюер задает два во- слова-связки между предложениями и выражения для вступления
llpoca в одной реплике, необходимо ответить полностью на них; и завершения монологического высказывания, описания фотогра-
. (,сли при ответе необходимо выразить свое мнение или пояснить,
фий,их сравнения и обоснования собственного мнения. В образце
Ilочему вы так думаете, то необходимо также использовать выра- выполнения данного задания в разделе "Sample answers" вы найдете
л(ения, слова-клише (они выделены жирным шрифтом в образце их выделенными жирным шрифтом.
ltыполнения в разделе "Sample answers"). 3. Все задания на ЕГЭ будут на разные темы. Поэтому и в нашем

lдание Nc 4. Монологическое выGказывание G элементами раGсуждения пособии в каждом разделе представлены упражнения на разные
t заданной сиryации. темы. Это поможет вам развивать нужные умения и в то же время
()и,lyация в задании: }лrастнику экзамена необходимо ,,записать го- повторять темы, которые моryт встретиться на экзамене.

Jl()c()Boe сообщение" своему друry по поводу иллюстраций, которые

()ll llilшел по теме их совместного проекта, и высказаться по всем
llyllKT,tlM задания.
l lуtll<,I,ы плана, вступление и заключение высказывания:
. IIl)c)qlc всего учасI,}{ику экзамена рекомендуется обратить внима-
1lи(, llil ,гему Ilp()0l(,l,il;
. ll(,()бх(чlим() tllllliI,I,1, м()lI().,ll()l,иtIOское высказывание с вступитель-
ltttй tP1l;t:l1,I Ill)иlt("|,("I,1tlIrl /l|)yI,il, tlбъяснения IIриtlиIlt,l голосового
t,rltlбltlt.l l иtl t1,, l l |)1.1 l(l )(.l l_,l(.l I l lrl r|lrrгографий ;
. 't;l'|'('M ('Jl('/(v(''|'()llll(,il,|,l, rIrrlt,rrt,;l;ttIlии (да,гl, ll(),/llt(,хill)ill(,I,еl)истиI(и
ti;tлi7цrll.irIlrгt'rll';l;ttIlltll),ll{}l\lll,|,Ill,()()|lll/l()Jl)l(llll|{)t,lll,r lt,l,tilIllllc"l,t,Mttй
I l | )( )(, l(,l,i l ,

Irdil Exercise 5

Imagine that you аrе taking part in а language game. Yоur classmates
and you have to talk for 2 minutes about different things. Now it's your
turn and you have to speak about уоur attitude to shopping.
You should say:
. whеrе you do shopping
Exercise 1 . if you саrе about the price whеп buying things
Introduce yourself (6-8 sentences about yourself).
. what you bought not long ago; why?
. explain how you feel about doing shopping.
Exercise 2

Choose two оr three questions frоm the list below and give Жffiж Exercise 6
full answers: In-ragine that you аrе рrераriпg а рrоjесt with your friend. You have
. what wеrе your first English lessons like? found some interesting material for the presentation and you want
. what were the most important things you learned at school? to read this text to уоur friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text
. what would Ье the most interesting iob for you to do? why? silently, then Ье ready to read it out aloud. You will not have mоrе
. What do you plan to study in the future? Why? than 1.5 minutes to read it.
. why do young people want to Ье freelancers nowadays?
Exercise 3 Siberia is the раrt of Russia that is in Asia. It covers wide landscapes,
and stretches frоm the Ural Mountains to the Pacific. It goes frоm
Discuss the projects below with your раrtпеr. What projects аrе
the Arctic Ocean to the Ьоrdеr with China, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.
the most interesting? Decide which project would Ье the best
The yenisei Riчеr is sometimes called the Ьоrdеr between East siberia
fbr both of you.
. Ecological problems in the place whеrе you live and West Siberia, Siberia соvеrs about 77% of all Russian territory,
. stray animals in оur time lrut only 2В% of Russians live there. It is опе of the coldest places
. youth fashion and world's trends on Earth where people live. 70% of people in Siberia live in big cities
- youth and lrealthy life style and small towns.
. youth and modern gargets , Novosi,birsk is the largest ciý in Siberia, with а population mоrе than
Ytlu have 3 minutes to complete the task.
1.5 million. Omsk and Krasnoyarsk also have populations of очеr
а million people. Big cities Yekaterinburg (almost 1.5 million) and
Exercise 4 , Chelyabinsk (almost 1.2 million) аrе situated in NorthernAsia, but not
Дпswеr tlre questiotls. in the Siberian Federal District. The historical сепtrе of Yekaterinburg
l. Stlttle 1lеор|е say tltirt gtling out to relax is а wasl(,rll'titlrc. and its subuфs are worth studying if you аrе interested in the history
ittlcl пrсlпсу. Dtl ytltt lt1.1tt,c? Why? / Why not? of the industrial architecture. The city is the fourth biggest in Russia
2. Wlrlrt stlrt tll'tllirrl;s llll;lt,tlplt,c,omplain abottt ilr ll r,;rlii after Moscow, Saint Petersbltrg, irncl Novosibirsk, and one of the richest.
itrttl rt,st ltttt-;tttl s?

i{, Wtlrrltl yrlrr likt, ltl wtll li itt lt ll,slltttrant? Wllv,'" Wlrv tllll /
4. Wlr;rt tyltt,s tll l(,sliItll;lttl:;;tlr.llltlsl 1l<l1lttl:tt illll()ll1,Vl)llll}l 1lt,tl1llt,? Exercise 7
Wlrv/ Дttstvсl lllt, t;ttcsl irltt:,,
l. Wlr;rl litt,ts ltllvt,yrltl lr,,tlrtl,tl ltllrlttl Sillt,rilr lltlrrl lltr,tcxt'/
l )l. Wlllrl llttgt, t,tlit,s ;ttt, lltl,tt, ltt Silrt,riir'/
К Exercise 8 f{аГflf Exercise 12
Complete the wоrd store as in the example and then match the
ad|ectives with the nouns to make word combinations: You аrе going to give а talk "Му hobby is the beginning of my future
саrееr" at the раrепts' school meeting.
globe global damage global warming
Make 10-12 sentences to рrоvе уоur idea.
catastrophe rеsеаrсh
ecology progTeSS

епчirопmепt rеlеаsе
П[аЖ Exercise 1з

nature lSsue Imagine that you are doing а рrоjесt "So mапу people - so many
hobbies" together with уоur friend. You hаче found some illustrations
perSon diSaSter
and want to share the news. Leave а voice message to уоur friend.
polSon protection In 2.5 minutes Ье rеаdу to tell the friend about the photos:
Sclence Warmrng . give а brief description of the photos (2 relevant details in each
photo minimum);
technology responsibility
. soy in what way the pictures аrе different (2 relevant details minimum);
tеrrоr accident . explain why you have chosen these photos to illustrate the project
"So mапу people
Exercise 9
- so mапу hobbies";
. express yotrr opinion on the subject of the pro|ect;
Think of an online video about the ecological situation in your region . suggest the next step in уоur work.
you have viewed rесепtlу. Answer the questions. You will speak for not mоrе than З minutes (2-3 sentences for
1. What was it about? ечеrу item of the рlап, 12-15 sentences in total). You have to talk
2. What happened? continuously.
3, How would you describe it?

Е Exercise 10
You аrе going to give an interview. You have to answer six questions.
Give full answers to the questions (2-4 sentences).
Remember that you have 40 beconds to answer each question.

Exercise 11
Yоu are going to organize а photo exhibition "Му classmates'hobbies"
ltlrd аrе tryin8 to convince those who don't want to participate
lly sirying that their hobbies may not Ье interesting for others.
l;irrcl 2-З reils()ns that everyone has the right to do what опе likes
ilt li,t.t.titttt,.
fftгil Exercise 5
Imagine that you аrе taking part in а language 8аmе. Your classmates !!
and you have to talk for 2 minutes about different things. эс
Now it's уоur turn and you have to speak about your attitude to art.
You should say: z
. what museums оr art galleries you have already visited lZ

xercise 1 . if you want to learn mоrе about art; why? 1,1J

Introduce yourself (say 6-В sentences). . if people in your country en|oy making аrt tл

. sзу if you enioy making art and why. Е
xercise 2
Select two оr three questions from the list below and answer Exercise 6
the questions. Imagine that you аrе preparing а project with your friend. You have
. Who аrе the most important people in уоur family? Why? found some interesting material for the presentation and you want Y
. What's the most exciting thing you have ечеr done? to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text
. Is there anything you'd love to Ье able to do in the future? why? silently, then Ье ready to read it out aloud. You will not have mоrе

. Do you and your friends share the same ideas? than 1.5 minutes to read it.
. what is уоur favourite day of the week? why?
ixercise 3 Captain }ames Cookwas ап English ехрlоrец пайgаtоr and cartogTapher.
Discuss the film genres below with your partner. What film genres Не made three voyages to the Pacific Ocean, mapping many areas and
would Ье the most interesting to watch? Decide what film genre you recording several islands and coastlines on Еurореап maps fоr the
would рrеfеr to watch with your раrtпеr. first time. Не is most notable for the British finding the east coast
. action film of Australia, finding the Hawaiian Islands and the first mapping of
. comedy Newfoundland and New Zealand.
. drama It is interesting to mention that Ьу 1752, Cook had risen to а position of
. hоrrоr film mate.In 1755, he was offered а command of а collier, but he turned down
. science fiction the offer. In mid-1755, he made ап uпusuаl decision of volunteering
You have 3 minutes to complete the task. in the пачу as ап ordinary sailor.

xercise 4 During his lifetime, he sailed twice аrоuпd the world. Не crossed
the Antarctic Circle and found пеw islands and landscapes in North
Answer the questions.
America and the South Pacific. During his trips, he spent а lot of time
l, What types of films do you печеr watch? \,Vhy? оп science experiments, and mapping new areas. Не also wrote а lot
2. What can yoll lеагtl itbout а country's culture Ьу watching films frоm
ofbooks about what he found.
tlrat ccluntry?
З. Are thеrс itгlу l'iIrtts tltitt yrltt'd like to watch again? Why?
4. WtltrIcl ytltt 1lrсlt,t llcitrli ilt ir l'illn оr behind tlre scc,l"lt,s? Exercise 7
Дllswt,г tl-re questions,
l. Wllirt tlо wc, knclw itlxlttt (ilrptain |ашlеs Ctlok?
2. Wlly is ltt, l:tltltttts?
rftГil Exercise 8 rftгil Exercise 12

Fill in: ,:
calcium, fat, balanced, protein, carbohydrates, lettuce, cholesterol. While making а survey you have found out that handicrafts аrе эс
beconring mоrе and mоrе popular among girls in your class.

А balanced diet is an important part of а healthy lifestyle. Dieting does \9

not mеап eating only (1).... You need to get all types of substances Can you explain why? Give 3 reasons. z.
including fat, (2) ... and (3) .... People today аrе probably mоrе ш
cclncerned about food than ечеr before. The secret of а (4) ... diet is

to reduce foods that are high in (5) ... while, at the same time, eating Exercise tз ш

those that аrе rich in (6) ,.. and iron. Eating well doesn't mean that you Imagine that you are doing а project "Frее time of mоdеrп teenagers" г(J
should cut all уоur favourite foods containing (7)... оr carbohydrates; together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want е.
it iust means eating sensibly and trying to avoid too much |unk food. to share the news. Leave а voice message to уоur friend. In 2.5 minutes
Ье ready to tell the friend about the photos:
:xercise 9 о give а brief description of the photos (2 relevant details in each photo =
You аrе participating in а class discussion "Healthy lifestyle". Tell уоur minimunr); Е

classmates why it is inrportant to consult doctors regularly. You only . sзу in what way the pictures аrе different (2 relevant details minimum); ш
llltve 2 minutes to complete the task. . mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of the two types of
'l'his is the beginning of activities;
уоur speech:
"Gооd health is аЬоvе wealth". It testifies to the fact that people have . explain how these photos illustrate the project "Frее time of mоdеrп
ttlwctys cared about their health. Апd it's easy to tmderstand why. teenagers";
Wltett а реrsоп is healtlly he епjоуs life. Не сап work, study, go iп for . express уоur opinion on the subiect of the project - whether you would
.s;;tlrts, trаvеl апd do practically all he wants. like to spend your free time doing something and why yes оr no.
Ytlu nray use the following phrases: You will speak fоr not mоrе than 3 minutes (2-3 sentences fоr every
ltl lrave regular checkups, to examine smb carefully, to feel pulse, item of the plan, |2-|5 sentences total). Yоu have to talk continuously.
tll sound chest, heart and lungs, to test blood pressure, to make ап
it1l1lointment with an optician, (а psychologist, а dentist), to prevent
sltltl-t, to describe the symptoms of уоur illness, to Ье taken to hospital
l<lr f'uгtlrеr tests and treatment.

Tffn Exercise 10
Ytltt аrе going to give an interview. You have to answer six questions.
(iivt, t'rrll a1,1sweгs ttl tltc questions (2-4 sentences).
ltt,tttt,Ittllt,r that ytltl lllrvc 4() seconds to answer each question.

ixercise 11
Ytltl ltl,t, tttilltilt11 il l)()sl(,I "Ntl t,llttt,lt p()tiltOCS in tlttr t,lltss".
Wt ilr,;r lttrll ltl tll lt :;ltlrtl t lt1,11,,, ( l lirrt,s) t,ttt,tltlt;tliitt)l v()tll сlltsstrrlttcs
lrl l;ll<t,lll) s|)(ltl:; lll lltгtl llгl,lttttt,.
Е Exercise 5 ,il#ýif]
Imagine that you аrе taking part in а language gаmе. You and уоur .g
classmates have to talk for 2 minutes about different things. эс
Now it's уоur turn and you have to speak about your attitude to т*

fashion. z

You should say:
ixercise 1 . what makes teenagers wеаr trendy clothes Lu

. if wearing fashionable clothes is important for you; why?

Introduce yourself (say 6-8 sentences).
. if it is good to judge people Ьу what clothes they wеаr and say what
ixercise 2
уоur favourite clothes аrе. в
Select two оr three questions from the list below and апswеr
the questions. lТf{ Exercise 6

. Whеrе would you like to go on holiday in the future? Why? Imagine that you аrе preparing а project with your friend. Yоu have (л
. Do you like to plan уоur holidays carefully or do you prefer iust to go? found some interesting information for the presentation and you want Е
. What's the most interesting рlасе you've visited?

to read this text to уоur friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text
. which аrеа of уоur country would you like to get to know better? silently, then Ье ready to read it out aloud. You will not have mоrе
Why? than 1.5 minutes to read it.
. Наче you ечеr used your English on holiday? \,Vhere?
ixercise 3 * Tt . London UndergTound is а system of electric trains in London, UK. ]
Discuss the places below with your раrtпеr. Can they help people епjоу = tt is the oldest undergTound railway in the world. It started running ,,

lifЪ in а city? How? Decide which two premises аrе the most important. ; i" 1863 as lhе Меtrороlitап Railway. After the opening the system ::
. restaurants ý was copied in many other cities, for example New York and Madrid. i
. museums } Even though it is called the Uпdеrgrоипd about half of it is above the :
. cinemas З gTound. The "Tube" is а slang паmе for the London Underground, :,
. сопсеrt halls ,. because the tunnels fоr some of the lines аrе round tubes running *
. universities . through the gTound. The UndergTound serves 270 stations and очеr -'
You hаче З minutes to complete the task.
; 408 km oftrack. Frоm 2006-2007 очеr 1 billion passengers used the i-
- underground. i
xercise 4
; UndergTound train systems in other cities mау Ье called иetros (like ?
Give ftrll апswеrs. the Тупе and Wear Metro in North East Englan d) or subways (Glasgow
Ir.SubwayinSсotlandandinmostofNorthAmeriса).Subwауisаlsoused ,,

l. Why do you think some people choose to live in the city centres?
2. t,iving in а city сап Ье lonely. Do you agree? Why? / Why not? : across Britain to refer to underground walkways. Тhеrе аrе some key 1
З. Sottlc. people рrеf'еr living irr the соuпtrу. What advantages аrе there , points about the London UndergTound. Fоr example, the authorities
frtr tlrerrl? ] penalise you heavily for buying single iourney tickets. In the centre

4. l)tl ytltt think yotIr t,litsstlratt,s will choose to live in thl, city youсаnpaуmorethаndoublethepriсethanifyouusedаnoуster
tlr itt lllt, t,<lttttl t у? Саrd fоr example.

Exercise 7
Апswеr the questions.
Е Exercise 15
Imagine that you аrе doing а project'Аrе you fоr risý sports?"
1. What do we know about the London Urrderground?
together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want
2. What is the underground called in other cities?
to share the news. Leave а voice message to уоur friend. In 2.5 minutes
Ье ready to tell the friend about the photos:
Е Exercise 8
. give а brief description of the photos (2 relevant details in each photo
Complete the word table as in the example:
kind Hndness . sEly in what way the pictures аrе different (2 relevant details minimum);
. mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of the two types of
risý sports;
reliable . explain how these photos illustrate the рrо ject 'Аrе you for risý sports?";
polite . express уоur opinion оп the subject of the рrоjесt - whether you would
like to do risky sport and why yes or по,
You will speak for not mоrе than 5 minutes (2-3 sentences for ечеrу
item of the plan, t2-t5 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.

Exercise 9
Your friend is 1В today. You аrе invited to а birthday party but you have
to stay at hоmе because you аrе ill. Send уоur friend а 1-minute voice
message to congratulate him/her and tell what features of character
you appreciate most of all.
You may use words from Ех. 1.

Jтdlt Exercise 10
Ytlu аrе going to give ап interview. You have to answer six questions.
Give full answers to tlre questions (2-4 sentences).
ll,ctrlcmber that you lrave 40 seconds to апswеr each question.

Exercise 11
llxllt-t,ss уtlttг tlpit-ticlt-t:'Aгe yor.t for risky sports?". Give 2-З rеаsопs
ltl ;ll tlvt, vtltlt, itlt,its.
Exercise 12
'|'ltсlt,i:;;ttt rr;litlirltl llr;rl гxtl(,ll|(,ljll()lls (,illl ltcl1l tlrrlrllrl lllc t,llltt'ltt,ll,t
Ytltt sltrlttrIlV llisitttt,t,t,witlr rl. (livt,]{ l,t.itslltts l(} stll)l,(lll vtltlt tltlittitltt.
К Exercise 5

Imagine that you аrе taking part in а language 8аmе. You and your
classmates have'to talk for 2 minutes about different things.
Now it's your turn and you have to speak about reading books.
You should say:
. what books you аdоrе reading; why?
Exercise 1 . if reading рареr books is as pleasurable as in digital format;why?
Introduce yourself (say 6-8 sentences).
. what the reasons are to read and explain how you feel about reading
а new book.
Exercise 2
Select two оr three questions from the list below and answer lтdц Exercise 6
the questions. Imagine that you are preparing а project with your friend. You have
. How do you find out what's happening in the world? found sоmе interesting information for the presentation and you want
. How important is ТV to you? to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to rеаd the text
. what's the difference between reading the news and watching it silently, then Ье ready to read it out aloud. Yоu will not have mоrе
on TV? than 1.5 minutes to read it.
. Do уоu think computers will replace Tv in the future?
Why? / Why not?
. Do you watch апу ТV channels? Why? / Why not? Canada has а government called а constitutional monarchy. It has а
mопаrсh (meaning а king оr queen is the head of that country), and is
Exercise 3 а democracy (meaning the people of that country rulе it). The head of
Discuss the gadgets below with уоur раrtпеr. How important аrе the state is Queen Elizabeth II, who is officially the Queen of Canada. She
gadgets in your life? Choose Мо that are so important you could not appoints а gочеrпоr general to represent her in the country however,
live without them. It is not песеssаrу to agтee with each other. the choice of governor general is made Ьу the Prime Minister.
. а watch The Queen's роwеrs аrе mostly exercised Ьу the gочеrпоr general. The
. а smartphone gочеmоr general, like the Canadian sovereign (King/ Queen of Canada),
. а laptoP is not political and rеmаiпs above politics, and because of that they do
. а personal computer not usually use their powers without the advice of the Рrimе Minister
. а tablet оr other ministers.
Yоu have 3 minutes to complete the task. The head of govemment is the Prime Minister.Eachprovince and territory
has а рrеmiеr to lead its government. The day-to-day operations of the
Exercise 4
gочеrпmепt аrе ruп Ьу the cabinet. The cabinet is usually formed from
Answer the questions. the largest раrý in Parliament.
l. How popular is "fast food" аmопg young people?
The Parliament of Canada passes the laws of the country. The gочеrпоr
2. What dishes do you usually оrdеr?
general, acting on behalf of the monarch, has the right to veto а law
3. Wlrat is уоur idea about vegetarianism?
4. Why clo strme people рrсfсr htrme cooked meals whilc rltlrc,rs but this right has ntlt Ьееп used fЬr some time.
liko rt atly-tnade? i

Exercise 7
Ffifl Exercise 12 2I
Апswеr the questions.
Many of your fiiends сап play musical instruments. What is the <-

1. What do we know about the political system of Canada? с

most popular musical instrument? Why? Give З reasons to support э
2. what does the parliament of canada do?
уоur ideas. (]
frЕГil Exercise 8 шfilTI Exercise 13

Fill in as in the example: ц

Imagine that you аrе doing а project "Music is а раrt of уоur life" о_

together with уоur friend. You have found some iilustraticrns and want ш
to share the news. Leave а voice message to уоur friend. In 2.5 minutes a
Ье ready to tell the friend about the photos: е,
. give а brief description of the photos (2 relevant details in each photo о-

. s&y in what way the pictures аrе different (2 relevant details minimum); эLл
. mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of the two types Е
of dealing with nlusic; х
. explain how these photos illustrate the project "Music is а part of
уоur life";
. express your opinion on the subject of the рrо ject - whether you would
Bulgaria like to live without music and why yes or no.
You will speak fclr not mоrе than 5 minutes (2-З sentences for ечеrу
item of the plan, 12-15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.

Exercise 9
l,ast year you decided on making а саrееr of ап interpreter and started
working hard at уоur English. Yоur tutor advised yott to watch films in
tlre original to develop your listening skills. Answer the questions.
l. What films have you watched?
2. Did you watch films with subtitles?
З. F{оw often did you pause а film to read subtitles?
4. Do you watch movies with оr without subtitles now?
]j. l)tl уоu tlrink you have improved уоur listening skills?

rк:f Exercise 10
Y<ltt ilrt, grling ttl givt, ltlt itttсrчiеw. You have to апswеr six questiclns.
( iivt, litll aIlswLil,s ttl t ltc t;ttt,sl itllls (2-4 sentetlces).
|(t,tttt,tttllt,I tlt;tt vlltl ltllt,t, ,l() sct,tltltls l<l ltt,tswt,t, r,;tt,lt rlttt,sl itltt.

Гxcrcise 11

Yrltl;ttt,l;rlitrli ltl ittlt,tvl(,\,!;l l;tltltrtls ltttlsiсi;rll;tlrrlttl llt,,t,lIt,rll ltttt:;it,

F;Ш Exercise 5

Imagine that you аrе taking part in а language game. You and
уоur classmates have to talk fоr 2 minutes about different things.
Now it's уоur turn and you have to speak about your attitude
to eating out.
You should say:
Exercise 1 . what makes people eat out
Introduce yourself (say 6-В sentences).
. if people in уоur country enjoy going оп picnics; why?
. what types of food you ordered not long ago in а restaurant
Exercise 2 and say if you like eating out and why/why not.
Select Мо or three questions from the list below and answer
the questions:
Еlзгil Exercise 6
. why can't people live without modern devices nowadays? Imagine that you аrе preparing а proiect with your friend. You have
. Do you agTee that the Internet has revolutionized our lives? found some interesting information for the presentation and you want
Why? / Why not? to rеаd this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text
. what's your idea about distance learning? silently, then Ье ready to read it out aloud. You will not have mоrе
. Do you think robots will replace teachers at schools in the future? than 1.5 minutes to read it.
Why? / Why not?
. what is уоur opinion about cloning people?
The Volga is the longest river in Еurоре. In Russian it is called Волга,
Exercise 3 in the Tatar language its паmе is idel.
Discuss the imроrtапсе of the things below in the countryside with Many people see it as the national river of Russia. It flows through the
your partner. Choose two that are so necessary you could not live western раrt of the country. It is Europe's longest riчеr, with а length
without them in the countryside. It is not necessary to agree with of 3,530 kilometres, and forms ttre core of the largest river system in
each other. Еurоре.
. domestic animals It rises in the Valdai Hills of Russia, 225 m above sea level north-west of
о асаr Moscow. The Каmа, Oka, Vetluga and the Sura аrе its main tributaries.
. electricity and central heating The Volga and its tributaries form the Volga River system, which drains
. shops ап аrеа of about 1.35 million square kilometres in Russia. The Volga
. the Internet, Delta has а length of about 160 kilometres. It includes 555 channels and
You have 3 minutes to complete the task. small streatns. It is the lаrgеst estuary in Еurоре. It is the only place in
Russiawhere pelicans, flamingoes, and lotuses mауЬе found. TheVolga
Exercise 4
freezes fоr most of its length for three months each year. Some of the
Giче full answers. biggest reservoirs irr the world can Ье found along tlre river.
l. What global рrоЬlепrs does the humanity face today?
The Volga River is readily recognized аrоuпd the worlcl as the national
2. What ecological clisasters do уоu consider the most dangerous?
symbol of Russia.
3. Wlrirt is уtluг tllrittitltl rln clelrlrestittion?
4, lltlw (,ill) y()Lllll] 1lt.tlltlt, ltt,l1l tllc envirсlnntt,ttt?

Exercise 7 Iш Exercise 10
Find the answers in the text above and read them to уоur partner. You are going to give ап interview. Yоu have to anýwer six questions.
1. What do we know about the \r'olga? Give full answers to the questions (2-4 sentences).
2. What can we say about the Volga River system? Remember that you have 40 seconds to апswеr each question.

Е Exercise 8 Exercise 11

Соrrесt the mistakes, mind gтаmmаr rulеs: You strongly believe that volunteering is necessary. Give 3 reasons
to convince your classmates.
I want to Ьесоmе ап епýпееr like mу father always. Епýпееrs are
require поwаdауs. I hope they will still iп dеmапd whеп I will graduate
from the university.
i *ffi Exercise 12
You are going to write an article "Who can Ье а volunteer?" fоr an
Exercise 9 online magazine for schoolchildren. Call your friend and share your
Match the definitions to the words: ideas (3-4 ideas) what features of character one must have to become
а volunteer.
1. А реrsоп who designs, builds, оr maintains а) web designer
engines, machines, оr structures. f{iгil Exercise 13
2. А реrsоп trained to give emergency medical саrе Ь) coach Imagine that you аrе doing а pro|ect "Volunteering can save the world"
to people who are injured оr ill, typically in а together with уоur friend. You have found some illustrations and want
setting outside а hospital. to shаrе the news. Leave а voice message to уоur friend. In 2.5 minutes
Ье ready to tell the friend about the photos:
3. А private tеасhец фpically one who teaches с) paramedic
а single pupil оr а very small gToup.
. give а brief description of the photos (2 relevant details in each
photo minimum);
4. А person whose profession is operating а video, d) engineer . say in what way the pictures аrе different (2 relevant details minimum);
television, оr film саmеrа. . mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of the two ýpes
of volunteering;
5. А person who designs websites, especially with
а focus on aesthetics, content, and ease of use.
е) саmеrаmап
. explain how these photos illustrate the proiect "volunteering can
save the world";
6. А реrsоп employed in а bank to deal with f) chef . ехрrеsý уоur opinion on the subiect of the project - whether you
customers' transactions and undertake would like to live without music and why yes оr no.
administrative duties. Yоu will speak for not mоrе than 5 minutes (2-3 sentences for every
7. An instructor оr trainer in sport. g) tutor item of the plan, l2-|5 sentences total). You have to talk continuously,

8. А person who creates paintings оr drawings h) апimаtоr

as а profession оr hobby.

9. А professional cook, typically the chiefcook i) bank clerk

in а restaurant оr hotel.

l0. А регsоп who makes animated l'ilms. |) artist

Fill in the lines with suitable words,

Convenient: location,

Advantages: not very expenslve,

Inconvenient: crowded,

Disadvantages: loud music,

Fill in the lines with suitable words.

Advantages: good for уоur heart,

Interesting: old architecture,

Disadvantages: you need special equipment,

Not very interesting: draйngs,
Fill in the lines with suitable words.
Places you d like
to go to

What fashion you follow:

Things you do with friends: playing football,

What fashion you refuse to follow:

Things you do alone: walking,
UNlT 4
Fill in the lines with suitable words.

Music that your friends like:

Advantages of electronic books: many books in one device,

Music that your friends don't like:

Advantages of paper books: better for eyesight,

UNiT 5
Fill in the lines with suitable words,
Types What you use !mportant features
of devices them for of devices

tablet Рс sеаrсhiпg the battery life


Opportunities for volunteering in уоur аrеа:


Devices that аrе most useful for you:

Opportunities for volunteering in neighbouring regions:

Other devices that you would like to have:

InteМewer: What Hnd of sports do you do?
InteМewer: In уоur opinion, is healthy eating necessary?
InteМewer: Do you think that уоu сап Ьесоmе healthier only
ftript for UNlT 1 Ьу dieting?
InterTiewer: Hello! lt's Teenagers Rоuпd the World Channel and today ýtudent:
we аrе going to discuss one of the most serious topics "РrоЬlеms of the Intenliewer: Why is it important to consult doctors regularly?
world". Оur guest today is а teenager frоm Russia. So we'd like to Student:
know young people's attitude to the problems and how you solve them
InteМewer: What bad habits lead to early death?
in Russia.
Intenliewer: Do you knowwhat global problems are and what causes them?
Iпtемеwеr: Thank уоч чеry mчсh for уоur interview.
Interviewer: What is the most serious рrоЬlеm of the world in уоur Sсriд for UNlT 3
opinion and why? InterTiewer: Hello! lt's Теепаgеrs Rоuпd the World Channel and
Student: we are going to discuss the topic'Friendship". оur guest today
is а
InteМewer: what measures should Ье taken to survive? teenager from Russia. So we'd like to know
- уоur attitude to friendship
Student: and being а good friend.
InteМewer: What аrе sоmе problems in the place where you live? Intenliewer: What rоIе does friendship play in очr lives?
Student: ýtudent:
Interviewer: How can you and уоur classmates help local authorities InteМewer: Why is it important to have friends?
to improve the situation? ýtudent:
Student: Iпtеплiеwеr: what do you like doing together with your friends?
Interrriewer: Is it possible to solve all world problems in the пеаr ýtudent:
futurе? Interviewer: In уоur opinion, is it possible to have many true friends?
Student: l,Vhy? / Why not?
InteМewer: Thank уоu very much for your inteМew. ýtudent:
InteМewer: What personal qualities do you appreciate most in
Script for UNlT 2 уоur
Interviewer: Hello! lt's Теепаgеrs Rоuпd the World Channel and
today we аrе going to discuss "Healthy lifestyles". Оur guest today is а
InteМewer: What things can уоч do for уоur friend?
teenager from Russia. So - we'd like to know уоur attitude to healthy
Iiving and what you do to lrt, htitlthy. Student:
Interviewer: Do you think that sроrt is ап imроrtапt раrt of оur life? Intervlewer: Thank уtlч lilr ytlur lnterview.
[l<lw intptlrtant is it fоr ytlu?
Script for UNIT 4 ýtudent:
Intenliewer: Hello! It's Теепаgеrs Rоuпd the World Channel and today IпtеМеwеr: Whose advice is mоrе imроrtапt for you:
уоur parents'
we are going to discuss'Studying foreign languages'. Оur guest today is а оr уоur friends'?
teenager from Russia. So -
we'd like to know what foreign languages you Student:
study at school and what you do to improve уочr skills. Inteмewer: How do your teachers Support you in your choice?
Iпtепliеwеr: Do you think it is important to study foreign languages? ýtudent:
Student: InteМewer: Thank you чеry much for уоur inteМew.
Iпtеrrлiеwеr: What foreign languages do you study at school?
Iпtешiеwеr: Is it easier for you to speak or to wTite in English?
InterTiewer: What would you recommend to уоur friend to improve
Interviewer: If you had ап opportuniý, what other foreign language
would you study and why?
InteМewer: In уоur opinion, what foreign language is gaining
populariý nowadays?
InteМewer: Thank you very muсh for your interview.
Scriф for UNlT 5
Intenriewer: Hello! |t's Теепаgеrs Rоuпd the World Channel and today
we аrе going to discuss "Making а future саrееr". Оur guest today is а
tеепаgеr from Russia. So - we'd like to know how you аrе going to make
а саrееr in the пеаr future.
InterTiewer: What important things should you keep in mind whеп
choosing а future !оЬ?
InteМewer: What !оЬ you аrе going to choose?
InteМewer: Who helps yclu ttl make the best choice?
lnterviewer: Do yclu tlrilrk it is lllways better to follow ytlttr parents'
f'ootýtepý in choosing thc счr(,еr? Why? / Why ntlt?
habitat of many unique species is being destroyed. опе mоrе problem
is аir pollution like in other big cities, then people suffer from noise
InteМewer: How can you and уоur classmates help local authorities
to improve the situation?
ýtudent: I believe mу classmates and I сап organize сlеап-uр days
collecting rubbish оп the beaches of the Baltic sea. we сап also
Exercise 10 (Task 3 EGE)
attract people's attention to the problems of the region through social
You аrе going to give an interview. You have to answer six questions. neмorks.
Give full answers to the questions (2-4 sentences).
InteМewer: Is it possible to solve all world problems in the near
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Interviewer: Hello! lt's Teenagers Rоuпd the World Channel and today student: I think it is impossible to solve all world problems in the
we аrе going to discuss one of the most serious topics "Problems of the пеаr future. Тhеrе аrе some rеаsопs. It will take years as we need
world". Our guest today is а teenager from Russia. So we'd like to international cooperation to solve them. And to start with, school
know young people's attitude to the рrоЬlеms and how you solve them children should Ье taught to Ье eco-friendly.
in Russia. InteМer,tler: Thank you very mчсh for your interview.
Interviewer: Do you know what global problems аrе and what causes
Student: То begin with, I know there аrе ecological problems such as
different kinds of pollution, acid rains, gтeenhouse effects and global
warming. They are caused Ьу the rapid technological progress. What
is more, in recent years tеrrоrism and the threat of war have Ьесоmе
serious issues.
Interviewer: What is the most serious рrоЬlеm of the world in your
opinion and why?
Student: In mу opinion, the most serious problem is the threat of
bacteriological wаr which can destroy mankind completely. It's very
dangerous because we have no immuniý against bacteriological
Interviewer: what measures should Ье done to survive?
Student: There some things that should Ье done. Firstly, gочеrпmепts
should do their best to keep piece all over the world, control and resist
any terrorists' activity. Secondly, we should develop eco-friendly
technologies and cooperate with other countries in the field of
environmental protection.
Interviewer: What:,tt,c tltl, 1ll"tllrlt,ms in the place whеrе you live?
ýtudent: l livc iп Saint Pt.lt,l,sllttrg оп the shore of the Baltic Sea
which is shalltlw лttcl tlrat's wlry cusily polluted, It lttcittts that паturаl
Ехеrсisе 13 (Task 4 ЕВ) Definitely, both types of hobbies have some advantages and
Imagine that you аrе doing а pro|ect "So mапу people - so mапу disadvantages. The first advantage is that the photographer has
hobbies" together with your friend. You have found some illustrations а gTeat choice of obiects to take pictures of and he is never
and want to share the news. Leave а voice message to уоur friend. Ttre second one is that he can share his best photos with
his friends
In 2.5 minutes Ье rеаdу to tell the friend about the photos: in social networks, but one of the disadvantages is that he can
. give а brief description of the photos (2 relevant details in each dislikes. As fоr the girl, the greatest plus is that she enioys love
photo minimum); mutual understanding with а strong and gTaceful animai. ihe only
. say in what way the pictures аrе different (2 relevant details mirrimum); minus fоr hеr is that she can't take hеr horse home like а саmеrа.
. explain why you have chosen these photos to illustrate the proiect In my opinion, these photos illustrate our proiect'So mапу people-
"So many people
- so mапу hobbies";
. express your opinion
So many hobbies" very well as they show different people
оп the subject of the proiect; different hobbies; then, these hobbies appeal to the hearts of millions
. su88est the next step in уочr work. of people of both genders.
Yоu will speak for not mоrе than 3 minutes (2-3 sentences for every item Actually, I completely а8тее with the subiect of оur proiect and these
of the plan, 12-15 sentences in total). Yоu have to talk continuously. photos illustrate it. As for mе, I would like to t"K. up playing
guitar Iike my elder Ьrоthеr. Мау Ье one day I will play the guitar
in his
То sum up, I hope you'll like these photos. Let mе know. That's
for поw.

Hi, Дех! I know уоu аrе at the gym now and can't апswеr nry call.
That's why I'm sending а voice message to you. I've fbund two photos
fоr оur project "So mапу people - so mапу hobbies" and I'd like to
discuss them with you.
In the first photo I сап see а Ьоу with а саmеrа taking pictures of
breathtaking views sоmеwhеrе at the foot of the mountains, while the
second photo shows а girl doing equestrian sports. She is sitting
cln а horse iumping очеr an obstacle. Both pictures show hobbies,
Iп fact, these photos lrave some differences. Firstly, they
clenltrnstrate difTeгcIlt lltllllries: plrotography in the first photo arrd
Irtlrsc-ricling in tIrt, st,t,tllltl tl]lt,. Secondly, the places where the hobbies
ltlt, tltlI,tt, itrt, tlil'li,lt,ltt: tltc llrly is t,lritlying tlre cotttllrysitlt,, while tl-re
girl is tlvt,t,t,tltttitt1; tlllsl;tгll,s (lll il ll()l,sclrat,k itl lht.sl;ttlittttr.'tlrirdly,
lltt,llrly is t,;tslt:tlIy tlll,s:;r,rl, rllt lltt.t,llttlt,;tt,y, tllt,girI is wr,;tliltg it sllt,t,i;tl
Hungary Hungarian Hungarian
Romania Romanian Romanian
Bulgaria Bulgarian Bulgarian
Spain Spanish Spaniard
Italy Italian Italian
UN|T 1
Exercise 8
catastrophic damage, ecological issue, environmental protection, Exercise 8
natural disaster, personal responsibility, poisonous release, scientific
have always wanted to Ьесоmе an engineer like
rеsеаrсh, technological progress, terrible accident mу father.
Engineers аrе required nowadays. I hope they will
still ье in demand
UNIT 2 when I gTaduate from the university.
Exercise 8
Exercise 9
А balanced diet is an important раrt of а healthy lifestyle. Dieting does
ld, 2с, 3g,4e, 5a,6i, 7Ь, 8',9f, 10h
not mean eating only lettuce. You need to get all types of substances
including fat, protein and carbohydrates. People today are probably
more concerned about food than ever before. The secret of а balanced
diet is to rеduсе foods that аrе high in cholesterol while, at the same
time, eating those that аrе rich in calcium and irоп. Eating well doesn't
mean that you should cut all your favourite foods containing fat or
carbohydrates; it just means eating sensibly and trying to avoid too
much iunk food.

Exercise 8
kindness, seriousness, reliability, politeness, respectfulness, attentiveness,
optimism, creativiý, carefulness, friendliness

UNlT 4
Exercise 1

Country Language Nationaliý

Russia Russian Russian
England English Englishman
(it,гпtапу (iсгIlrап Gеrmап
l; rit llct, |;l t,ltt',lt l;rclrclrnral-t

l'tllirrtrl islr
l't l l l)rll:rt,l<
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Ехаm Skilb
Редактор А.В.Кояобеев
Корректор Г. А. Киселева
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чебное пособие'hнглийский язык. Practise speaking" предназначено
для подготовки к устной части ЕГЭ и развитию умений говорения,
необходимых для сдачи ЕГЭ как в текущем формате, так и в перспек-
тивной модели. Эти же умения необходимы для выполнения ряда умений
международных экзаменов, включая TOEFL и lELTS.
Тематически задания сOответствуют Примерной
основной образовательной программе среднего
общего образования и позволяют повторять прой-
денный на уроках материал, а также органично
дополнять уроки в классе. Книга также включает
раздел VосаЬч[аrу Оrgапisеr для систематиэации
лексики, Аудиоприложение содержит образцы вы-
полнения всех заданий на чтение вслух, а также трfffирO8очныЕ тtсты
a прkмFрндlми птпFтдмс
аудиозаписи вопросов интервью.
Аудиоприложение можно скачать бес-
ЕffiЕ платно по QR-коду или пройдя по ссылке:

ЁilПfr http://titut.ru/audio/72
Е*fia' Пособие содержит ключи к заданиям
и может использоваться как на уроках,

так и для самостоятельной тренировки. Книга входит
в серию "Exam Ski|,|,s".
Также для подготовки к ЕГЭ рекомендуем:
о Андрощук Н. А. и др. "ЕГЭ. Устная часть.
дil:rл?Б l
Тренировочные тесты с примерными ответами". ,
о Андрощук Н. А, и др. ,,ОГЭ и ЕГЭ на высший балл,
Личное письмо и эссе". Английский язык

Jлл[шш шшшil
чебное пособие'hнглийский язык. Practise speaking" предназначено
для подготовки к устной части ЕГЭ и развитию умений говорения,
необходимых для сдачи ЕГЭ как в текущем формате, так и в перспек-
тивной модели. Эти же умения необходимы для выполнения ряда умений
международных экзаменов, включая TOEFL и lELГS.
Тематически задания соответствуют Примерной
основной образовательной программе среднего
общего образования и позволяют повторять прой-
денный на уроках материал, а также органично
дополнять уроки в классе. Книга также включает
раздел VосаЬч[аrу Оrgапisеr для систематизации
лексики, Аудиоприложение содержит образцы вы- УСТНАЯ ЧАСТЬ
полнения всех заданий на чтение вслух, а также трfflиро8очffыЕ тЕсты
a прtмFрннми птпFтдмс
аудиозаписи вопросов интервью.
Аудиоприложение можно скачать бес-
ЕffiЕ платно по QR-коду или пройдя по ссылке:

Н;Еfi http://titut.ru/audio/72
E*fii Пособие содержит ключи к заданиям
и может использоваться как на уроках,

так и для самостоятельной тренировки. Книга входит
в серию "Exam Ski|,|,s".
Также для подготовки к ЕГЭ рекомендуем:
о Андрощук Н. А. и др. "ЕГЭ. Устная часть.
Тренировочные тесты с примерными ответами'. ,
f,ilir,f,Б l
о Андрощук Н. А. и др.'ОГЭ и ЕГЭ на высший балл.
Личное письмо и эссе". Английский язык

Jш[il]ш лшililшll

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