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УДК 811.111(075.

ББК 81.2Англ-9

Дизайн обложки Д. С. Агапонова

Иллюстрации А. А. Кузьминой

Филиппова, Татьяна Валентиновна.

Ф53 Английский — это просто. Практическая грамматика английско-
го языка с проверочными работами и ключами / Татьяна Филиппова. —
Москва : Издательство АСТ, 2018. — 128 с. — (Иностранный просто).

ISBN 978-5-17-104548-7

Татьяна Филиппова представляет уникальную авторскую методику, основанную

на использовании мнемотехники, которая поможет легко овладеть основами языка.
Пособие содержит необходимые грамматические темы, практические упражнения,
а также тесты и ключи для самопроверки, и предназначено для начинающих изучать
английский язык.

УДК 811.111(075.4)
ББК 81.2Англ-9

ISBN 978-5-17-104548-7
© Филиппова Т.В., 2018
© Кузьмина А.А., иллюстрации, 2018
© ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2018
Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Present Simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Present Simple: To be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Present Simple: Have got / Has got. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Present Simple: Can. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Present Simple: Must . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Present Simple: Revision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Test 1. Present Simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

Past Simple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

Past Simple: to be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Past Simple: Revision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Test 2. Past Simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

Future Simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66

Future Simple: Revision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72
Test 3. Future Simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73

Countable and uncountable nouns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78

Countable nouns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Article: a/an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Article: the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
Prepositions: in / on / at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90
Test 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94

Final Test 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97

Final Test 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
Irregular verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124

Как строится английское предложение?
Представим, что предложение — это дом, и посмотрим, кто живет в нем.
В английском языке всегда четкий порядок слов в предложении.
Первым всегда идeт подлежащее, за ним сказуемое, потом — второстепенные члены предложения.
Представим их, как семью: «Мама, папа, я — английская семья».

английская семья
подлежащее сказуемое второстепенные
(кто, что) (что делает) члены предложения

They speak English

I go to the cinema
You live in Moscow
We drink coffee
Children do homework
I work at school

Факты I like milk.
You play the piano.

Регулярные A boy eats meat.

действия She goes to school.

Истины The sun is warm.

My hair is brown.

Ключи помогут тебе понять, что это время Present Simple:

often / часто I often go to the zoo.

sometimes / иногда She sometimes listens to music.

always / всегда He always drinks tea.

usually / обычно Tim usually plays games.

never / никогда Susan never eats meat.

seldom / редко They seldom go to the zoo.

every day / каждый день I do my homework every day.

on Saturdays / по субботам We eat cake on Saturdays.

rarely / изредка Ann rarely drinks milk.

I / [aK] / я to eat cake / [tU i:t keIk] / есть торт

he / [hi:] / он to go to school / [tU g@U tu: sku:l] /

ходить в школу
she / [Si:] / она
to go to the zoo / [tU g@U tu: D@ zu:] /
they / [DeI] / они идти в зоопарк
to listen to music [tU 'lIs@n tu: 'mju:zKk] /
we / [wi:] / мы
слушать музыку
you / [ju:] / вы, ты to drink milk [tU drKÎk mIlk]/
it / [It] / оно, она, он пить молоко
to do homework / [tU du: 'h@Um"wÆ:k] /
a clever boy / [@ 'klev@ bOI] / умный мальчик
делать домашнюю работу
the bright sun / [D@ bröIt sön] / яркое солнце to play games / [tU pleI geImz] /
играть в игры
warm tea / [wO:rm ti:] / теплый чай
to play the piano / [tU pleI D@ pI'{n@U] /
my brown hair / [maK braUn he@] / играть на пианино
мои каштановые волосы
to want to eat / [tU wÁnt tu: i:t] /
to like meat / [tU laIk mi:t] / любить мясо хотеть есть

1. Составьте предложения в Present Simple.
a cat / a boy / sees A boy sees a cat.

1. many / know / words / I. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

2. basketball / play / They. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

3. well / swims / He. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. like / tomatoes / We. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. dances / with / A girl / her friend. ......................................................................................................................................................................

6. a bag / have / You. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. sleeps / in the house / A dog. ...................................................................................................................................................................................

8. his / loves / sister / Mike. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

9. in / live / We / a new house. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Переведите ключевые слова и заполните пропуски.

1. They ............................................................................................................................................................ study for this class. (часто)

2. The cat ...................................................................................................................................................... drinks milk. (иногда)

3. She studies literature ...................................................................................................................... . (каждый день)

4. We watch TV ......................................................................................................................................... . (по понедельникам)

5. Tom .............................................................................................................................................................. drinks juice. (изредка)

6. I get up at 7:00 ..................................................................................................................................... . (каждый день)

7. You ............................................................................................................................................................... have eggs for breakfast. (обычно)

8. He ................................................................................................................................................................. eats meat. (никогда)

9. I ...................................................................................................................................................................... go to the cinema. (редко)

10. Anna ......................................................................................................................................................... eats porridge. (всегда)

3. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

Я пью чай. I drink tea.

1. Мы часто ходим в зоопарк. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Детям нравится игра. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Мальчики редко едят торт. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Они делают домашнюю работу каждый день. .......................................................................................................................................

5. Мы иногда едим мясо. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Я люблю молоко. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Они всегда играют в игры. .....................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Иногда мы слушаем музыку. ................................................................................................................................................................................

Чтобы понять, как изменяется глагол в Present Simple, посмотри на схему.

Это цветочки He / She / It. На них прилетает пчелка

a grand- и садится на глагол:
a father



a mo

a te

as Al
tud ice
en cle a he, she, it — reads we, they, I — read_

She likes |to| drink. They want |to| go to the village.

a table Примеры: A student wants |to| eat. Но You like |to| stay here.

Olga plays a game. We always hurry to school.



A cat likes milk. Children do homework.


at Мы не можем поставить два глагола рядом друг с другом в одном
r предложении — они поссорятся. Для того чтобы разделить их,
a rive
поставим между ними стенку — частицу to.

Если глагол оканчивается на -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o,

то в 3-ем лице ед. ч. к нему прибавляется окончание -es:
go He goes to the village.
Примеры: wash She washes up.
miss Sonia misses lessons.
Если глагол оканчивается на -y, и ей предшествует согласная,
то она изменяется на букву i и к ней добавляется окончание -es:
study He studies.
Примеры: try She tries.
hurry He hurries.
Если букве -y в окончании глагола предшествует гласная,
то к окончанию добавляется -s:
play He plays.
stay She stays.
enjoy He enjoys.

a father / [@ 'fA:D@] / папа in a village / [In @ 'vIlI³] / в деревне

a mother / [@ 'möD@] / мама at the lesson / [{t D@ lesn] / на уроке
children / ['¶Kldr@n] / дети to wash up / [tU wÁS öp] / мыть посуду
a grandmother / [@ 'gr{n"möD@] / бабушка to miss the train / [tu: mIs D@ treIn] /
a grandfather / [@ 'gr{n"fA:D@] / дедушка опоздать на поезд
an uncle / [{n 'öÎkl] / дядя to hurry / [tU 'höri] / торопиться
a bright student / [@ braIt 'stju:d@nt] / hurry up / ['höri öp] / торопиcь!
умный ученик
to stay at the hotel / [tU steI {t D@ h@U'tel] /
a smart teacher / [@ smA:t 'ti:tS@] / останавливаться в отеле
умный учитель
to enjoy English/ [tU In'³OI 'IÎglIS] /
a table / [@ 'teIbl] / стол наслаждаться английским
a black cat / [@ bl{k k{t] / черная кошка to try to study English / [tU traI tU 'stödI 'IÎglIS] /
in the river / [In D@ 'rIv@] / в реке пытаться выучить английский
1. Выберите play / plays.
1. He......................................... 6. You ..................................... 11. A dog ............................... 16. Mother...........................
2. A student ....................... 7. An uncle .......................... 12. Students ....................... 17. A cat ................................
3. A grandmother ........... 8. I ............................................ 13. A teacher ...................... 18. The girl ..........................
4. They .................................. 9. She ....................................... 14. James............................... 19. Boys .................................
5. We ........................................ 10. Alice ............................... 15. Children ....................... 20. A child............................

2. Раскройте скобки в Present Simple.

He / She / It + washes They / We / You / I + wash_
He (take) his brother to the zoo. He takes his brother to the zoo.
1. I (sleep) every day. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Tim (study) English well. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. We (sing) badly. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. They (try) to learn the lesson. ................................................................................................................................................................................

5. She (miss) the train. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. I (paint) a house. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Anna (buy) a bicycle. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. I (jump) high. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. You (run) fast. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Переведите словосочетания.
она работает / они работают she works / they work
1. я работаю / мы работаем .........................................................................................................................................................................................

2. он отдыхает / ты отдыхаешь ................................................................................................................................................................................

3. ты торопишься / она торопится ........................................................................................................................................................................

4. мы играем / он играет ................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. они моют / я мою ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. они учатся / она учится ............................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Учитель иногда торопит ученика. .....................................................................................................................................................................
2. Мама моет стол каждый день. ..............................................................................................................................................................................
3. Дети редко пропускают урок. ..............................................................................................................................................................................
4. Он наслаждается музыкой. ...................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Его дядя работает учителем. ................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Они вcегда торопятся. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Кошка любит мясо и молоко.................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Мы ходим к реке по субботам. .............................................................................................................................................................................
9. Бабушке нравится в деревне. ................................................................................................................................................................................
Для того чтобы построить отрицательное предложение, нам
нужно позвать помощников do и does, которые помогут нам
нести частицу not.
They He
I do not She
does not

He does not like meat. She does not watch TV.

I do not play the piano. They do not read books.

В повседневной речи do not и does not часто сокращаются:

do not don’t
does not doesn’t

Для того чтобы построить общий вопрос, нам нужно

позвать на помощь солдат do и does. Они встанут
на посту перед нашим домом. Посмотри на схему:

общий вопрос краткий ответ

Do you know English? Yes, I do.

Do they read books? No, they do not.
Does he works hard? Yes, he does.
Does it eats carrots? No, it does not.

Чтобы ответить на общий вопрос, нужно помнить, что в ответе мы

отдаём того помощника, которого получаем в вопросе.

Do you eat meat? Yes, I do.

Примеры: Does he live in Moscow? No, he doesn’t.
Do they want a candy? Yes, they do.
Does she play the piano? No, she doesn’t.

a sweet carrot / [@ swi:t 'k{r@t] / to live in Moscow / [tU lIv In 'mÁsk@U] /

сладкая морковь жить в Москве
a lemon candy / [@ 'lem@n 'k{ndi] / to know English well/ [tU n@U 'IÎglIS wel] /
лимонная конфета знать английский хорошо
to watch TV /[tU wÁ¶ "ti:'vi:] / смотреть телевизор
to work hard / [tU wÆ:rk hA:d] /
to read books/ [tU ri:d bUks] / читать книги работать упорно

1. Составьте отрицательные предложения.
A boy sees a cat. A boy doesn’t see a cat.
1. A girl dances with her friend. ..................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Cats drink milk. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Every day I wake up at 6 o’clock. .........................................................................................................................................................................

4. He swims well. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. I know many words. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Mike loves his sister. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. My brother goes to school. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

8. We like carrots. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. She eats candy. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Сократите do not и does not.

George does not sleep long. George doesn’t sleep long.
1. We do not answer the questions. ...........................................................................................................................................................................
2. Anna does not cook dinner. .......................................................................................................................................................................................
3. You do not drive the car. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

4. He does not smoke. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. I do not like carrots. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Jim does not work on Sunday. .................................................................................................................................................................................

7. They do not go to England. ......................................................................................................................................................................................

8. We do not work hard. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. She does not sing a song. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Дайте утвердительные и отрицательные ответы на общие вопросы.

Do we watch TV on Tuesday? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
1. Do our families drink juice? ................................................. 5. Does she like cabbage? .............................................................

2. Does she study Math? .............................................................. 6. Do we live in a big house? ......................................................

3. Do they listen to the music? ................................................ 7. Do you have a wallet? ...............................................................
4. Does he play tennis? .................................................................. 8. Do they eat candy? ......................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Он читает книги? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Она ест сладкую морковь? .....................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Ты знаешь английский? ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Том не играет на пианино. ......................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Они работают в школе? ............................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Мы не любим лимонные конфеты. .................................................................................................................................................................
7. Он не работает упорно. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Он живет в Москве? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

Специальные вопросы нужны, чтобы получить больше информации.
Для того чтобы наши помощники do и does никуда не ушли,
поставим босса. Он будет стоять здесь и задавать вопросы
солдатам: where, why, what, when, whose, how, how many,
how much, how often, how old.

Where do they live?

Why does Mark go to school?
How do I get to the centre?
How much does this dress cost?

Для того чтобы задать альтернативный вопрос, необходимо задать общий вопрос
и добавить союз or (или) и второй вариант ответа к необходимой части речи.

Do you like tea or coffee?

Do they or we wake up at 7 o’clock?

Do students read articles in English or in Russian?

Does he sing well or badly?

Do you like meat or fish?

where / [we@] / где this dress / [DIs dres] / это платье

when / [wen] / когда black coffee / [bl{k 'kÁfi] / черный кофе
why / [waI] / почему white coffee / [waIt 'kÁfi] / кофе с молоком
what / [wÁt] / что, какой, какая Russian article / [röSn 'A:tIkl] /
whose / [hu:z] / чей статья на русском языке

how / [haU] / как How much does the book cost? /

Сколько стоит эта книга?
how many / [haU 'meni] / сколько
(для исчисляемых существительных)* to eat fish / [tU i:t fIS] / есть рыбу

how much / [haU mötS] / сколько to live in the centre / [tU lIv In D@ 'sent@] /
(для неисчисляемых существительных)* жить в центре
to get to the theatre / [tU get tU D@ 'TI@t@] /
приходить в театр
how old / [haU @Uld] / cколько лет to wake up / [tU weIk öp] / просыпаться
how often / [haU 'Áf@n] / как часто to sing badly/ [tU sIÎ 'b{dli] / плохо петь
1. Задайте специальные вопросы к предложениям.
He reads new articles with a great interest. How does he read new articles?
On Monday the professor reads new articles at the lesson. ( )
When ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
What ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Where ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Why ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
How many new articles ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

We get up at 8 o’clock very quickly. ( )

When ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Where ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Why ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
How often .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Задайте альтернативные вопросы.

He likes tea. (coffee) Does he like tea or coffee?
1. She goes to the park. (zoo) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ?

2. I read books. (play games) ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ?

3. They live in Berlin. (Moscow) ............................................................................................................................................................................ ?

4. She goes to bed at 10. (at 12) ............................................................................................................................................................................... ?

5. John plays the guitar. (drums) ............................................................................................................................................................................. ?

6. We eat meat. (fish) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ?

7. He works at 4. (relax) ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ?

8. Phil calls his mother. (write) ................................................................................................................................................................................ ?

9. I drink milk. (tea) ............................................................................................................................................................................?

3. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Где она живет? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Вы учите английский язык или французский язык? ......................................................................................................................
3. Чего ты хочешь? .............................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Ей нравится черный кофе или кофе с молоком? ................................................................................................................................

5. Ты любишь петь или читать книги? ..............................................................................................................................................................

6. Как пройти в зоопарк? ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Когда ты встаешь? ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Когда она приходит в школу? .............................................................................................................................................................................

9. Какое платье тебе нравится? ................................................................................................................................................................................

10. Сколько стоит эта рыба? ......................................................................................................................................................................................

Для того чтобы задать вопрос к подлежащему, необходимо
вместо него поставить вопросительное слово who / кто, what / что,
which of you /кто из вас, which of us / кто из нас, which of them / кто из них.

I teach you. Who teaches you? I do.

Примеры: Bob eats meat. Who eats meat? Bob does.
Sveta and Mary run fast. Which of the girls runs fast? Sveta does.
Plants live in the water. What lives in the water? Plants do.

Для того чтобы построить разделительный вопрос, необходимо сначала написать

утвердительное предложение и добавить в конце предложения «хвостик».
Помогут нам в этом солдаты do и does и местоимение, относящееся к подлежащему.
Если предложение положительное, то «хвостик» будет отрицательным.

I like cats. I like cats, don’t I? / Я люблю кошек, не так ли? Yes, I do.
She goes to the gym. She goes to the gym, doesn’t she? Yes, she does.
John listens to music. John listens to music, doesn’t he? Yes, he does.
They sing songs. They sing songs, don’t they? Yes, they do.

Если предложение отрицательное, то «хвостик» будет положительным.

He doesn’t like movies. He doesn’t like movies, does he? No, he doesn’t.
Он не любит фильмы, не так ли?
Sara doesn’t want juice. Sara doesn’t want juice, does she? No, she doesn’t.
We don’t play games. We don’t play games, do we? No, we don’t.
I don’t know English. I don’t know English, do I? No, I don’t.

a newborn baby / [@ 'nju:"bO:n 'beIbi] / to go to the gym / [tU g@U tu: D@ ³Im] /
новорожденный ребенок ходить в спортзал
apple juice / ['{pl ³u:s] / яблочный сок to watch horror movies /
[tU wÁtS 'hÁr@ 'mu:vIz]/
the whole cake / [D@ h@Ul keIk] /
смотреть фильмы ужасов
целый торт
to sing songs / [tU sIÎ sÁÎz] / петь песни
the whole day / [D@ h@Ul deI] /
целый день to run fast / [tU rön fA:st] / бежать быстро
the whole life / [D@ h@Ul laIf] / целая жизнь to teach well / [tU ti:tS wel] / учить хорошо
to swim in the water / to grow tropical plants /
[tU swIm In D@ 'wO:t@] / [tU gr@U 'trÁpIkl plA:nts] /
плавать в воде выращивать тропические растения
1. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему, используя слова who или what, и дайте краткие ответы.
Tim likes bananas. Who likes bananas? Tim does.
1. A taxi-driver drives carefully. ..................................................................................................................................................................................

2. A dog barks the whole day. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. A giraffe has a long neck. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

4. A boy plays snowballs. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Father loves his baby. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. The computer stands on the table. .......................................................................................................................................................................
7. We eat ice cream. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. His friend works hard. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Our grandfather loves books. ..................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Задайте разделительные вопросы.

+ – – +
He likes to sing. He likes to sing, doesn’t he? We don’t walk every day. We don’t walk every day, do we?
1. Tom doesn’t like coffee. ................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. They always listen to music. .....................................................................................................................................................................................

3. You read books every day. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Sara often eats meat. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. I never watch TV. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. We often go for a walk. ................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. She loves her cat. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. He doesn’t dance. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. They never do their job. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Вы часто ходите в спортзал, не так ли? .......................................................................................................................................................
2. Кто любит пить сок? — Они. ................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Кто живет в воде? — Растения. ..........................................................................................................................................................................

4. Вы смотрите фильмы ужасов, не так ли? ..................................................................................................................................................

5. Кто из вас смотрит страшные фильмы? .....................................................................................................................................................

6. Кто из мальчиков быстро бегает? — Ваня. ................................................................................................................................................

7. Кто из них поет эти песни? — Он. ...................................................................................................................................................................

8. Он поет песни целый день, не так ли? ..........................................................................................................................................................

9. Кто из них тебя учит? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. Ты знаешь английский хорошо, не так ли? — Да..............................................................................................................................

Ему восемнадцать. He is 18.
Картина красивая. The picture is beautiful.
Погода хорошая. The weather is nice.

Как видите, в примерах

на русском языке глагола нет. В английском предложении всегда
четкий порядок слов: существительное глагол второстепенные члены
Поэтому нам необходим глагол н0ль = to be.

he I
she they
it we
Tea is hot. They are clever dogs. I am a doctor.
The dress is black. We are excellent students. I am 30.
The cat is white. You are from Berlin. I am a nice girl.

В повседневной речи глагол to be c местоимениями часто сокращается:

He is He’s I am I’m They are They’re
She is She’s We are We’re
It is It’s You are You’re

a nice idea / [@ naIs aI'dI@] / хорошая идея hot chocolate / [hÁt 'tSÁkl@t] /
nice weather / [naIs 'weD@] / горячий шоколад
хорошая погода hot coffee / [hÁt 'kÁfi] / горячий кофе
a famous doctor / [@ 'feIm@s 'dÁkt@] / from Berlin / [frÁm bÆ:'lIn] / из Берлина
известный доктор
a clever dog / [@ 'klev@ dÁg] / умная собака from Moscow / [frÁm 'mÁsk@U] /
из Москвы
an excellent picture / [{n 'eks@l@nt 'pIktS@] /
отличная картина from the Crimea / [frÁm D@ kraI'mI@] /
из Крыма
an excellent idea / [{n 'eks@l@nt aI'dI@] /
отличная идея to take a dog for a walk /
a beautiful woman / [@ 'bju:t@f@l 'wUm@n] / [tU teIk @ dÁg fO:r @ wO:k] /
красивая женщина взять собаку на прогулку
a beautiful baby / [@ 'bju:t@f@l 'beIbi] / let’s go drink coffee / [lets g@U drIÎk 'kÁfi] /
красивый ребенок давайте пойдем выпьем кофе
1. Заполните пропуски, используя глагол to be (is, am, are).
1. I ............................ 8. Her brothers ................ 15. He ..........................

2. They ....................... 9. My birthday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. She . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. Milk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. My mother ................ 11. A cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. You .........................

5. Helen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. A carrot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. Kate and I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6. We ......................... 13. Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. All friends .................

7. My name .................. 14. Grandmothers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Поставьте глагол to be в краткую форму.

I am a student. I’m a student.

1. You are beautiful. ......................................................................... 6. You are 12 years old. ......................................................................

2. It is a crocodile. ............................................................................ 7. I am clever. ...........................................................................................

3. You are in the zoo. ...................................................................... 8. They are my parents. .....................................................................

4. We are from New York. ........................................................... 9. He is a strong man. .........................................................................

5. He is a champion. ....................................................................... 10. She is from Berlin. ........................................................................

3. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Она умная девочка. Она учится хорошо. ...................................................................................................................................................

2. Эта картина красивая. — Я не думаю так. ................................................................................................................................................

3. Давайте поедем в Крым. — Прекрасная идея! .......................................................................................................................................

4. Сегодня хорошая погода. Я хочу погулять. .............................................................................................................................................

5. Он известный врач. — Ему нравится его работа? ................................................................................................................................

6. Я хочу горячий шоколад. Давайте пойдем в кафе. ............................................................................................................................

7. Они студенты из Берлина. Они знают русский язык. .....................................................................................................................

8. Это прекрасное платье. Где ты покупаешь одежду? ........................................................................................................................

9. Чай горячий? Он любит горячий чай. .........................................................................................................................................................

10. Когда ты ходишь в спортзал? — Я хожу туда вечером. ..............................................................................................................


To be строит из себя короля. Он очень сильный,

а значит мы можем положить not на его плечи.
not He is a brave soldier. He is not a brave soldier.
Примеры: We are from Moscow. We are not from Moscow.
The weather is very cold. The weather is not very cold.
It is a heavy bag. It is not a heavy bag.

В повседневной речи глагол to be местоимениями в отрицательном

предложении часто сокращаeтся:
Is not Isn’t I am not I’m not She is not She’s not
Are not Aren’t They are not They’re not
We are not We’re not

Глагол to be water
сильный и сам
может встать
на защиту семьи, cold
вот так:

The sun is hot. Is the sun hot? Yes, it is.

Susan is ill. Is Susan ill? No, she isn’t.
The stars are bright. Are the stars bright? Yes, they are.
Pupils are smart. Are pupils smart? No, they aren’t.

Для того чтобы построить специальный
вопрос, берем общий вопрос и зовем босса:
where, why, what, when, whose, how, how her
many, how much, how often, how old. Why e


The weather is sunny today. What is the weather today? Какая погода сегодня?
They are here to study. Why are they here? Почему они здесь?
My keys are here. Where are my keys? Где мои ключи?
She is five years old. How old is she? Сколько ей лет?

a bright star / [@ braIt stA:] / яркая звезда a very cold evening / [@ 'veri k@Uld 'i:vnIÎ] /
a brave soldier / [@ breIv 's@Ul³@] / очень холодный вечер
храбрый солдат a smart car / [@ smA:t kA:] / «умная» машина
a heavy bag / [@ 'hevi b{g] / тяжелая сумка a smart dress / [@ smA:t dres] /
красивое платье
bitter chocolate / ['bIt@ 'tSÁkl@t] / a smart pupil / [@ smA:t 'pju:pIl]
горький шоколад умный ученик
a bitter cold / [@ 'bIt@ k@Uld] / сильный мороз to be ill/ [tU bi: Il] / болеть
a bitter enemy / [@ 'bIt@ 'en@mi] / to be healthy / [tU bi: 'helTi]/
заклятый враг быть здоровым
1. Составьте отрицательные предложения с глаголом to be.
I’m 11 years old. I’m not 11 years old.

1. They ........................................................... bad people. 6. My father ................................................ on the right in the picture.
2. My phone number ............................. 676876-2323. 7. My birthday ......................................... on the 4th of September.

3. Frida .......................................................... a secretary. 8. They ........................................................... American.

4. My name ................................................. Bob. 9. My post code......................................... 600034.

5. We ................................................................ from Tallinn. 10. Her name .............................................. Anna.

2. Поставьте глагол to be в краткую отрицательную форму (isn’t, aren’t, I’m not).

I am a manager. I’m not a manager.

1. You are clever. ................................................................................ 5. He is brave. .....................................................................................

2. It is a tiger. ........................................................................................ 6. You are 8 years old. ....................................................................

3. You are in the restaurant. ..................................................... 7. I am sleepy. ......................................................................................

4. We are from Oslo. ...................................................................... 8. They are my grandparents. ..................................................

3. Задайте общие вопросы, используя глагол to be, и дайте краткие ответы.

February is a cold month. Is February a cold month? Yes, it is. (No, it isn’t.)
1. Foxes are red. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Pepper is bitter. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. My nose is short. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Babies are usually happy. ............................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Her eyes are red. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Geometry is difficult. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Bears are brown. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. My computer is new. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. The Earth is round. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Он не смелый солдат....................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Звезда яркая? — Да. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Он очень болен? — Нет. Он здоров. ................................................................................................................................................................
4. Эта сумка очень тяжелая? — Да. .......................................................................................................................................................................
5. Чай не очень горячий. .................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Маша умная девочка? — Да. Она умная и красивая. .......................................................................................................................
7. Почему он его заклятый враг? .............................................................................................................................................................................
8. Они всегда покупают горький шоколад? — Нет. ................................................................................................................................

9. Молоко не холодное. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

10. Они умные дети? — Да. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
Для того чтобы задать альтернативный вопрос c глаголом
to be, необходимо задать общий вопрос, а затем добавить
к нужной части речи союз or (или) и второй вариант ответа.
The sun is hot. Is the sun hot or cold?
You are tall. Are you or your brother tall?
This school is red. Is this school red or black?
They are good dancers. Are they good dancers or singers?

Для того, чтобы задать вопрос к подлежащему

с глаголом to be, необходимо поставить вместо него
вопросительное слово (who / кто, what / что,
which of them / кто из них, which of us / кто из нас).


He is hungry. Who is hungry? Кто голодный?

Mary is lucky. Who is lucky? Кто удачливый?
The books are red. What is red? Что красное?
They are loud. Who is loud? Кто громкий?

Для того чтобы задать разделительный вопрос с глаголом to be, необходимо добавить
к предложению «хвостик». В его основе будет та же форма глагола, что и в предложении.
Если предложение положительное, то «хвостик» будет отрицательным, и наоборот.


She is lucky. She is lucky, isn’t she? Yes, she is.

James isn’t tall. James isn’t tall, is he? No, he isn’t.
Cats are funny. Cats are funny, aren’t they? Yes, they are.
The dancers aren’t happy. The dancers aren’t happy, are they? No, they aren’t.

a lucky dancer / [@ 'löki 'dA:ns@] / a hungry child / [@ 'höÎgri tSaIld] /

удачливый танцор голодный ребенок
a good singer / [@ gUd 'sIÎ@] / хороший певец a red fox / [@ red fÁks] / рыжая лиса
your key / [jO: ki:] / твой ключ a tall brother / [@ tO:l 'bröD@] / высокий брат
a corner shop / [@ 'kO:rn@ SÁp] / today / [t@'deI] / сегодня
магазин на углу I am at home today. / Я дома сегодня.
a sunny day / [@ 'söni deI] / солнечный день here / [hI@] / здесь
a cold day / [@ k@Uld deI] / холодный день The shop is here. / Магазин здесь.
1. Задайте альтернативные вопросы, используя глагол to be.
They are kind/evil. Are they kind or evil?

1. He is 6/7 years old......................................................... 5. Your mother is a doctor/an actress. ...............................................

2. The milk is cold/hot. .................................................. 6. He is in Moscow/ in London. .............................................................

3. I am tall/short. ................................................................ 7. You are a good/bad student. ................................................................
4. This is a box/a suitcase. ............................................ 8. She is at home/at school. .......................................................................

2. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему, используя глагол to be.

Donald is a teacher. Who is a teacher?
1. The keys are in the pocket. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
2. The woman is at the railway station. .................................................................................................................................................................

3. The birds are in the sky. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

4. The president is at the meeting. .............................................................................................................................................................................

5. Tim is hungry. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. The books are on the shelf. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

7. The trees are tall. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. The boys are happy. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. The girls are lucky. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. Jane is loud. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Задайте разделительные вопросы.

My key is red. My key is red, isn’t it?

1. Jim is a brave man. ........................................................ 5. His brother isn’t hungry. ........................................................................

2. She’s not in Rome. ........................................................ 6. This book is brown. ....................................................................................

3. Holidays are long. ......................................................... 7. Gregory is 20 years old. .........................................................................

4. It is sunny. ......................................................................... 8. My shirt isn’t white. ..................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Он хороший танцор или певец? ........................................................................................................................................................................
2. Собака очень голодная? — Нет. .........................................................................................................................................................................
3. Где хороший магазин? — Хороший магазин на углу. ......................................................................................................................

4. Ваня высокий или низкий? ...................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Что это за громкие звуки? — Это музыка. ................................................................................................................................................
6. Кто высокий? — Брат. .................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Ты ходишь в магазин на углу? ............................................................................................................................................................................
8. Ты голоден? — Да. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Это твой ключ? — Нет. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

10. День солнечный или холодный? — Сегодня солнечный день. ............................................................................................

11. Здесь хорошо, не правда ли? ..............................................................................................................................................................................

12. Ты в Москве, не так ли?..........................................................................................................................................................................................
ȇ Have got / has got — сильный глагол, т. е. он все делает сам —
и отрицательное предложение, и вопрос.
ȇ šƅžžƋƀƆŹƐžƆƁžkƁƅžƋƕ{ kƇźƄŹŽŹƋƕ{
It has got a cosy jacket.
Примеры: She has got a blouse.
He has got a shirt.

I have got a sweater.

We have got socks.
They have got an umbrella.
You have got a skirt.

В повседневной речи глагол have got / has got с местоимениями часто сокращается:
He has got He’s got They have got They’ve got
She has got She’s got We have got We’ve got
It has got It’s got I have got I’ve got

not not

I haven’t got a shirt. She hasn’t got shoes.

Примеры: Примеры: He hasn’t got a tie.
We haven’t got coats.
They haven’t got boots. It hasn’t got a toy.
You haven’t got a scarf.

a warm sweater / [@ wO:m 'swet@] / a cosy jacket / [@ 'k@Uzi '³{kIt] /

теплый свитер удобная куртка
a woollen sock / [@ 'wUl@n sÁk] / a white coat / [@ waIt k@Ut] / белое пальто
шерстяной носок a new tie / [@ nju: taI] / новый галстук
a short skirt / [@ SO:t skÆ:t] / a big umbrella / [@ bIg öm'brel@] /
короткая юбка большой зонт
a blue blouse / [@ blu: blaUz] / a long scarf / [@ lÁÎ skA:f] /
голубая блузка длинный шарф
a dirty shirt / [@ 'dÆ:ti SÆ:t] / new boots / [nju: bu:ts] / новые ботинки
грязная рубашка old shoes / [@Uld Su:z] / старые туфли
1. Составьте предложения, используя глагол have got/has got.
We / new shirts We have got new shirts.

1. Tom / a warm sweater 6. You / a winter coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Andrew / a dirty jacket ................................ 7. They / big boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. Wendy / a nice blouse .................................. 8. I / a wonderful tie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4. Linda / a blue skirt ..................................... 9. Tracy / white socks .....................................

5. Nelly and Mina / black shoes .......................... 10. I / new umbrella. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Поставьте глагол have got / has got в краткую форму.

1. He has got a dirty jacket. .............................................................. 6. He has got a warm sweater. .........................................................

2. I have got a wonderful tie. ........................................................... 7. She has got white socks. ................................................................

3. She has got a blue skirt. ................................................................. 8. We have got new shirts. .................................................................

4. They have got black tights. ......................................................... 9. She has got a nice blouse. .............................................................

5. They have got big pillows. ........................................................... 10. You have got a winter coat. ......................................................

3. Составьте отрицательные предложения, используя глагол have got / has got.

Bob has got a warm sweater. Bob hasn’t got a warm sweater.
1. Christine has got a blue skirt. ..................................................................................................................................................................................
2. I have got a winter coat. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

3. You have got a wonderful tie. ..................................................................................................................................................................................

4. My parents have got warm sweaters. .................................................................................................................................................................

5. Nina has got white socks. ............................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Paul has got a dirty jacket. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

7. I have got black books. .................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Jane has got a nice blouse. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

9. You have got new shirts. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. У меня нет теплого свитера. (Я не имею) .................................................................................................................................................

2. У меня есть красная юбка. .....................................................................................................................................................................................

3. У тебя нет пальто? ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. У меня есть новый галстук. ...................................................................................................................................................................................
5. У нее нет зеленой куртки. .......................................................................................................................................................................................
6. У нее нет черных туфель. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
7. У детей есть длинный красный шарф. .........................................................................................................................................................
8. У нас нет носков. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. У тебя нет белых туфель. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

10. У него есть новые ботинки. ................................................................................................................................................................................

Have got / has
got — сильный They
глагол. Он сам as
может пойти wim
poo ming
на пост охраны. l


I have got a hat. Have I got a hat? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
She has got a suitcase. Has she got a suitcase? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
You have got a plane. Have you got a plane? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.

Специальные вопросы с глаголом have got / has got

строятся по уже известной нам схеме:

He has got this record. Why has he got this record?

She has got that dress. What has she got?
They have got fish for dinner. What have they got for dinner?
I have got it at home. Where have you got it?
She has got a book there. Where has she got a book?

Для того чтобы задать альтернативный вопрос с глаголом have got/has got,
необходимо задать общий вопрос, а затем добавить к нужной части речи or
и второй вариант ответа.


I have got a suitcase. Have I got a suitcase or a bag?

Lily has got brown hair. Has Lily got brown or black hair?
We have got dinner ready. Have we got dinner or supper ready?

a sad story / [@ s{d 'stO:ri] / to have breakfast / [tU h{v 'brekf@st] /

грустная история завтракать
a green toy / [@ gri:n tOI] / to have supper / [tU h{v 'söp@] / обедать
зеленая игрушка to have dinner / [tU h{v 'dIn@] / ужинать
to take a suitcase / [tU teIk @ 'su:t"keIs] / to wear a hat / [tU we@ @ h{t] /
взять чемодан носить шляпу
to have an old record / [tU: h{v {n @Uld to go by plane / [tU g@U baI pleIn] /
'rekO:d] / иметь старую пластинку лететь на самолете
1. Задайте общие вопросы, используя глагол have got / has got, дайте краткие ответы.
you / a cup Have you got a cup? Yes, I have.
1. he / a suitcase ........................................................................................ 6. you / many books ...............................................................................
2. they / a record ...................................................................................... 7. he / an umbrella ..................................................................................

3. she / a pencil .......................................................................................... 8. they / tickets .........................................................................................

4. we / a key ................................................................................................. 9. she / food ..................................................................................................

5. it / a tail ..................................................................................................... 10. I / bag ........................................................................................................

2. Задайте специальные вопросы, используя глагол have got / has got.

They have got the tickets (how many). How many tikets have they got?
1. He has got a suitcase. (what) ....................................................................................................................................................................................
2. You have got books. (how many) ...........................................................................................................................................................................
3. He has got an umbrella. (why) ................................................................................................................................................................................
4. We have got time. (how much) ...............................................................................................................................................................................
5. You have got a house. (where) .................................................................................................................................................................................
6. She has got a pencil. (why) ........................................................................................................................................................................................
7. They have got children. (how many) .................................................................................................................................................................
8. She has got food. (what) ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Задайте альтернативные вопросы, используя глагол have got / has got.

She has got a suitcase. (a bag) Has she got a suitcase or a bag?
1. We have got five books. (three)...............................................................................................................................................................................
2. Jane has got a blue book. (red) ................................................................................................................................................................................
3. They have got a big house. (small) .......................................................................................................................................................................
4. He has got five guests. (three)..................................................................................................................................................................................
5. I have got a toy. (a book)..............................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Tim has got a big hat. (a coat)..................................................................................................................................................................................
7. We have got fish for dinner. (meat) ......................................................................................................................................................................
8. The children have got a computer. (books)....................................................................................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. У тебя есть зеленое платье? ..................................................................................................................................................................................

2. У меня есть история о животном. ....................................................................................................................................................................

3. Что у тебя есть? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Где ты обедаешь? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. У тебя есть чемодан или сумка? .......................................................................................................................................................................

6. Почему у тебя есть эта старая пластинка? ................................................................................................................................................

7. Кто знает эту историю? ............................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Ты летаешь на самолете? ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

Для того чтобы задать вопрос к подлежащему,
необходимо поставить вместо него
вопросительное слово (who / кто,
what / что, which of them / кто из них,
which of us / кто из нас).


He has got brown hair. Who has got brown hair? He has.

They have got green tea. Who has got green tea? They have.

The book has got sad stories. What has got sad stories? The book has.

The cat has got a toy. What has got a toy? The cat has.

Для того чтобы задать разделительный вопрос с глаголом have got/has got,
необходимо добавить к предложению «хвостик» — «не так ли», «не правда ли».
Если предложение положительное, то «хвостик» будет отрицательным, и наоборот.

He has got a story. He has got a story, hasn’t he? Yes, he has.

Masha hasn’t got a white bag. Masha hasn’t got a white bag, has she? No, she hasn’t.

I have got a book. I have got a book, haven’t I? Yes, I have.

fresh vegetables and fruits / a purple onion / [@ pÆ:pl 'önj@n] /

[freS 've³t@blz @nd fru:ts] / фиолетовый лук
свежие овощи и фрукты a purple berry / [@ pÆ:pl 'beri] /
a red apple / [@ red '{pl] / красное яблоко фиолетовая ягода
a red tomato / [@ red t@'mA:t@U] / a small orange / [@ smO:l 'ÁrIn³] /
красный помидор маленький апельсин
a red strawberry / [@ red 'strO:b@ri] / a big pineapple / [@ bIg 'paIn"{pl] /
красная клубника большой ананас
a yellow banana / [@ 'jel@U b@'nA:n@] / a tiny blueberry / [@ 'taIni 'blu:b@ri] /
желтый банан крошечная черника
a yellow lemon / [@ 'jel@U 'lem@n] / a wonderful day / [@ 'wönd@f@l deI] /
желтый лимон замечательный день
a yellow pepper / [@ 'jel@U 'pep@] / a thin summer jacket /
желтый перец [@ TIn 'söm@ '³{kIt] /
a green lime / [@ gri:n laIm] / тонкая летняя куртка
зеленый лайм to have a wonderful day /
a green cucumber / [@ gri:n 'kju:"kömb@] / [tU h{v @ 'wönd@rf@l deI] /
зеленый огурец хорошо проводить день
a green watermelon / [@ gri:n 'wO:t@"mel@n] / to have a surprise / [tU h{v @ s@'praIz] /
зеленый арбуз приготовить сюрприз
purple grapes / [pÆ:pl greIps] / to have a lesson / [tU h{v @ 'les@n] /
фиолетовый виноград заниматься
1. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему, используя глагол have got / has got, и дайте краткие
Grandmother has got a headache. Who has got a headache? She has.
1. A cook has got food. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. A film has got a happy end. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. A cat has got a house. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. We have got time. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. They have got many students. ................................................................................................................................................................................

6. A suitcase has got a zipper. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

7. This book has got dirty pages. .................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Ann has got guests. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Rick has got a computer. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Задайте разделительные вопросы, используя глагол have got / has got, и дайте краткие
Mark has got a blue shirt. Mark has got a blue shirt, hasn’t he? Yes, he has.
1. She has got a red pencil. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Anna has got a dog. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. He hasn’t got tea. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. We haven’t got toys. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. I have got a story. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. James hasn’t got a cat. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. You have got a summer jacket. .................................................................................................................................................................................
8. They have got vegetables. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
9. She has got strawberries...............................................................................................................................................................................................
10. I haven’t got oranges. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. У кого есть свежие овощи? — У Миши. ......................................................................................................................................................
2. У него есть фрукты, не так ли? ..........................................................................................................................................................................

3. Вы прекрасно проводите время вместе с бабушкой, не так ли? ..............................................................................................

4. У нас в Москве сегодня отличный день. .....................................................................................................................................................
5. У нас есть только тонкая летняя куртка. ....................................................................................................................................................
6. У него есть для нас сюрприз, не так ли?......................................................................................................................................................
7. У кого сегодня урок английского? — У Маши. .....................................................................................................................................
8. У тебя есть лимоны или апельсины? .............................................................................................................................................................
9. Ане нравится виноград, не так ли? ..................................................................................................................................................................
10. У Вани есть красное яблоко, не так ли? ...................................................................................................................................................
Can — сильный глагол. Он сам может построить отрицательное
и вопросительное предложение.
Но он не хочет рядом с собой видеть to и прибавлять s.
Имеет значение «уметь», «мочь».

I can to speak English.

He cans to play the violin.
Helen cans sing well.
Ivan cans jump high.
They can paint different portraits.
We can cook meat.

Can — сильный глагол. Для того чтобы

построить отрицательное предложение,
необходимо поставить частицу not на его плечи.

I can swim. I can’t swim.

She can drive. She can’t drive.
They can solve problems. They can’t solve problems.
It can climb. It can’t climb.

to play the violin / [tU pleI D@ "vaI@'lIn] / to play football / [tU pleI 'fUt"bO:l] /
играть на скрипке играть в футбол
to play the guitar / [tU pleI D@ gI'tA:] / to play basketball / [tU pleI 'bA:skIt"bO:l] /
играть на гитаре играть в баскетбол
to play the flute / [tU pleI D@ flu:t] / to play volleyball / [tU pleI 'vÁlI"bO:l] /
играть на флейте играть в волейбол
to play the drum / [tU pleI D@ dröm] / to play hockey / [tU pleI 'hÁki] /
играть на барабанe играть в хоккей
to play the cello / [tU pleI D@ 'tSel@U] / to play golf / [tU pleI gÁlf] /
играть на виолончели играть в гольф
to play the trumpet / [tU pleI D@ 'trömpIt] / to play tennis / [tU pleI 'tenIs] /
играть на трубе играть в теннис

to solve a problem / [tU sÁlv @ 'prÁbl@m] / to drive a car / [tU draIv @ kA:] / вести машину
решить задачу to climb up the hill / [tU klaIm öp D@ hIl] /
to paint a portrait / [tU peInt @ 'pO:trIt] / карабкаться на холм
нарисовать портрет to cook fish / [tU kUk fIS] / готовить рыбу
to swim in the river / [tU swIm In D@ 'rIv@] / to jump high / [tU ³ömp haI] /
плавать в реке высоко прыгать
1. Составьте предложения, используя глагол саn.
Напишите подобные предложения о себе и своих знакомых.
you / solve problems You can solve problems. My mother can solve problems.
1. Jackie / drive a car ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Mary / swim fast ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Ken / play the violin .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Luke / dance ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Dirk / climb the mountains ......................................................................................................................................................................................

6. We / speak English .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. A little child / draw ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Eagles / fly high .................................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Tommy / read ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. Ellie / sing............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Составьте отрицательные предложения, используя глагол саn.

Напишите подобные предложения о себе и своих знакомых.
A little child can draw. A little child can’t draw. My sister can’t draw.
1. Dirk can climb the mountains. ...............................................................................................................................................................................

2. Eagles can fly high. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Jackie can drive a car. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Ken can play the violin. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Luke can dance. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Mary can swim fast. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Tommy can read. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. We can speak English. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. You can solve problems. ................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. She can paint. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Я могу забраться на холм. ......................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Она может нарисовать портрет. ........................................................................................................................................................................

3. Том не умеет плавать. .................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Они могут решить задачу. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Мой друг может играть в футбол. ...................................................................................................................................................................

6. Мы умеем играть на скрипке. ..............................................................................................................................................................................

7. Хелен не умеет готовить рыбу. ...........................................................................................................................................................................

8. Я не могу идти в школу сегодня. ......................................................................................................................................................................

9. Он может хорошо играть на барабане. .........................................................................................................................................................

10. Она умеет хорошо играть в хоккей. ............................................................................................................................................................
Саn сам идет на пост охраны.

She can dance. Can she dance? Yes, she can.
swim They can’t run. Can they run? No, they can’t.

I can jump. Can I jump? Yes, I can.

Ann can’t skate. Can Ann skate? Yes, she can’t.

Children can play Can children play Yes, they can.

football. football?

We can’t ski. Can we ski? No, we can’t.

Для того чтобы задать специальный вопрос с глаголом can, нам понадобится
помощь босса.

Parents can ask Why can parents

Parents children about school. ask children?
ch ask I can cook porridge. What can you cook?
When ild
They can go to Where can they go?
Why the beach.
Where Tom can call tomorrow. When can Tom call?
How We can travel there How can
by plane. we travel there?

a parent / [@ 'pe@r@nt] / родитель to go to the sea / [tU g@U tU D@ si:] /

ехать к морю
grandparents / ['gr{n"pe@r@nts] /
бабушка и дедушка to have a rest at the sea /
a child / [@ tSaIld] / ребенок [tU h{v @ rest @t D@ si:] /
отдыхать на море
children / ['tSIldr@n] / дети
to travel by plane / [tU 'tr{v@l baI pleIn] /
grandchildren / ['gr{n"tSIldr@n] / внуки путешествовать на самолете
an oat porridge / [{n @Ut 'pÁrI³] / to travel by bus /
овсяная каша
[tU 'tr{v@l baI bös] /
a plate of porridge / [@ pleIt @v 'pÁrI³] / путешествовать на автобусе
тарелка каши
to travel by ship / [tU 'tr{v@l baI SIp] /
a sandy beach / [@ 's{ndi bi:tS] / путешествовать на корабле
песчаный пляж
to travel by car / [tU 'tr{v@l baI kA:] /
a famous beach / [@ 'feIm@s bi:tS] / путешествовать на машине
известный пляж
tomorrow morning / [t@"mÁr@U 'mO:nIÎ] / to go on foot / [tU g@U Án fUt] /
завтра утром путешествовать пешком
1. Задайте общие вопросы, используя глагол can, и дайте краткие ответы.
Barbara can play the violin. Can Barbara play the violin? Yes, she can.
1. Benny can drive a car. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Donovan can draw. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Harry can swim fast. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. I can speak English. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Jim can climb the mountains. ..................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Keith can dance. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Thompson can read. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Owls can fly high. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. They can solve problems. ............................................................................................................................................................................................

10. People can travel by plane. .....................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Задайте специальные вопросы, используя глагол can.

I can solve the problem. (how) How can I solve the problem?
1. He can sit. (where) ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. The visitors can come. (when) .................................................................................................................................................................................
3. He can give money. (how much money) ...........................................................................................................................................................
4. The teacher can speak languages. (how many languages) ...................................................................................................................
5. You can write. (what) .....................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. She can go. (where) .........................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. They can go to bed. (when) .......................................................................................................................................................................................
8. He can tease the animals. (why).............................................................................................................................................................................
9. The driver can take us. (where) .............................................................................................................................................................................
10. We can travel. (how) ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Его дедушкa и бабушкa могут путешествовать. ....................................................................................................................................
2. Он может есть овсяную кашу каждый день?...........................................................................................................................................
3. Где мы можем найти песчаный пляж? ..........................................................................................................................................................
4. Кто отдыхает на море каждое лето? ................................................................................................................................................................
5. Они могут пойти в зоопарк пешком. ..............................................................................................................................................................
6. Дети хотят отдохнуть на море..............................................................................................................................................................................
7. Каша горячая. Я не могу есть ее. ........................................................................................................................................................................
8. Студенты могут поехать туда на автомобиле. ........................................................................................................................................
9. Мы можем поплыть на корабле..........................................................................................................................................................................
10. Он может поехать на машине завтра. ........................................................................................................................................................

Для того чтобы задать альтернативный вопрос с глаголом can,
необходимо задать общий вопрос, а затем добавить к нужной части
речи or и альтернативный вариант ответа.

I can go to London by car. Can I go to London by car or by train?

They can sing a sad song. Can they sing a sad or a happy song?
He can cook dinner today. Can he cook dinner today or tomorrow?

Для того чтобы задать вопрос к подлежащему, необходимо

поставить вместо него вопросительное слово
(who / кто, what / что, which of them / кто из них, which of us / кто из нас).

He can write. Who can write? He can.

They can’t dance. Who can’t dance? They can’t.
The lamp can fall. What can fall? The lamp can.
She can’t sing. Who can’t sing? She can’t.

Для того чтобы задать разделительный вопрос с глаголом can, необходимо

добавить к предложению «хвостик». В его основе будет та же форма глагола, что
и в предложении.
Если предложение положительное, то «хвостик» будет отрицательным, и наоборот.


She can dance well. She can dance well, can’t she? Yes, she can.
We can’t sing this song. We can’t sing this song, can we? No, we can’t.
You can ask your teacher. You can ask your teacher, can’t you? Yes, you can.
I can’t play this game. I can’t play this game, can I? No, I can’t.

v an amusement park / to go to the playground /

[@n @'mju:zm@nt pA:rk] / [tU g@U tu: D@ 'pleI"graUnd] /
парк развлечений идти на детскую площадку
to ride a merry-go-round / to go to the fair / [tU g@U tu: D@ fe@] /
[tU raId @ 'merIg@U"raUnd] / идти на ярмарку
кататься на карусели to play miniature golf / [tU pleI 'mIn@tS@ gÁlf] /
играть в мини-гольф
to ride a roller coaster /
to enjoy the rides / [tU In'³OI D@ raIdz] /
[tU raId @ 'r@Ul@ 'k@Ust@ ] /
веселиться на аттракционах
кататься на американских горках
to feel great / [tU fi:l greIt] /
to ride the big wheel / [tU raId D@ bIg wi:l] / хорошо себя чувствовать
кататься на колесе обозрения to spend hours at the park /
to go to the arcade / [tU g@U tu: DI A:r'keId] / [tU spend 'aU@z {t D@ pA:rk] /
идти в зал игровых автоматов проводить часы в парке
1. Задайте альтернативные вопросы, используя глагол can.
Dogs can bark. (bite) Can dogs bark or bite?

1. We can ride the big wheel. (merry-go-round) ..............................................................................................................................................

2. She can go to the arcade. (amusement park). ...............................................................................................................................................

3. They can feel great. (bad)............................................................................................................................................................................................

4. We can ride the roller coaster. (go home) ........................................................................................................................................................

5. I can write. (read) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. She can sing. (dance) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. He can go by train. (by plane)..................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Alice can cook dinner. (supper) ..............................................................................................................................................................................

9. You can play a game. (write a letter) ...................................................................................................................................................................

10. Teachers can talk to students. (to parents)..................................................................................................................................................

2. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему, используя глагол can.

This plane can take me to Italy. What can take me to Italy?

1. The snake can crawl. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Hugh Jackman can work hard. ...............................................................................................................................................................................

3. Sue can sleep for hours. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

4. The hare can jump. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. I can do it easily. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. We can be better. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. They can go home. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. She can make a picture of you. ................................................................................................................................................................................

9. The dog can bite. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

10. I can read this book. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Я могу проводить много времени в парке. ...............................................................................................................................................

2. Кто из вас пойдет в парк развлечений? ........................................................................................................................................................

3. Мы можем покататься на колесе обозрения или на карусели? ...............................................................................................

4. Ты себя хорошо чувствуешь, да? .......................................................................................................................................................................

5. Он не может кататься на американских горках. ...................................................................................................................................

6. Какие аттракционы есть в этом парке? ........................................................................................................................................................

7. Он веселится на аттракционах, не так ли? ................................................................................................................................................

Must — сильный глагол.
Имеет значение «должен», «обязан».
You must to work hard.
Примеры: Doctors must to cure patients.
Anton must to cook dinner.
Soldiers must to protect us.
She must to win the match.
I must to go to work.

Как и остальные сильные глаголы, must всегда держит частицу

not not на своих плечах. Must not имеет значение «запрещено».


Children must go there. Children mustn’t go there.

They must smoke here. They mustn’t smoke here.
You must use these documents. You mustn’t use these documents.
She must stay there. She mustn’t stay there.
I must tell a lie. I mustn’t tell a lie.

Must сам строит вопрос, занимая
для этого место на посту охраны. go
alo here

He must leave this place. Must he leave this place? Yes, he must.
I must write this test. Must I write this test? Yes, I must.
They must go on a trip. Must they go on a trip? No, they mustn’t.
Sara must drink milk. Must Sara drink milk? No, she mustn’t.
Ann must take this medicine. Must Ann take this medicine? Yes, she must.

to make a document / to cure patients / [tU kjU@ 'peIS@nts] /

[tU meIk @ 'dÁkjUm@nt] / лечить пациентов
создавать, составлять документ to protect children / [tU pr@'tekt 'tSIldr@n] /
to leave the place / защищать детей
[tU li:v D@ pleIs] / to protect our country / [tU pr@'tekt aU@ 'köntri] /
оставлять место, уезжать защищать нашу страну
to take a test / [tU teIk @ test] / to take medicine / [tU teIk 'med@s@n] /
проходить тест принимать лекарство
to go on a trip / [tU g@U Án @ trIp] / to tell a lie / [tU tel @ laI] /
отправиться в путешествие говорить ложь
to catch a mouse / [tU k{tS @ maUs] / to tell the truth / [tU tel D@ tru:T] /
поймать мышь говорить правду
1. Составьте предложения, используя глагол must / mustn’t.
we / do it We must do it.

1. He / stay in bed. He is ill. ............................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Students / study well. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Children / go to sleep. It’s noon. ............................................................................................................................................................................

4. She / dress quickly. We’re late. ................................................................................................................................................................................

5. I / do it. It’s wrong. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Paul / learn new words. He knows a lot already. ........................................................................................................................................

7. Lina / go home. It’s late. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Jim / go to sleep. He has to work. ..........................................................................................................................................................................

9. You / go to work. It’s Sunday. ..................................................................................................................................................................................

10. Kevin / stop smoking. .................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Задайте общие вопросы, используя глагол must, и дайте краткие ответы.

Donald must stop smoking Must Donald stop smoking? Yes, he must. No, he mustn’t.

1. I must go home. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Jimmy must return money. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Luke must go to sleep. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Parents must go to work. ............................................................................................................................................................................................

5. You must do it. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. She must stay in bed. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. They must dress quickly. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Sam must learn new words. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Я обязан написать эти документы? .................................................................................................................................................................

2. Ты должен уехать отсюда сегодня. ...................................................................................................................................................................

3. Врачи должны лечить пациентов......................................................................................................................................................................

4. Солдаты должны защищать нашу страну...................................................................................................................................................

5. Ученики должны прочитать этот текст. .......................................................................................................................................................

6. Мы не должны отправляться (нам запрещено) в путешествие сейчас.............................................................................

7. Мэри всегда должна принимать эти таблетки. ......................................................................................................................................

8. Ты не должен лгать........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Children must do Why must children do
their homework. their homework?
He must call them. When must he call them?
What I must tell to them. What must I tell to them?

do mew
She must go on foot. Where must she go on foot?

th or
Why You must arrive When must you arrive?

eir k
on time.
They must say Why must they say
How the truth. the truth?
I must live Where must I live?
in Moscow.

Для того чтобы задать альтернативный вопрос с глаголом must, необходимо задать общий
вопрос, а затем добавить к нужной части речи or и альтернативный вариант ответа.
They must write this test today. Must they write this test today or tomorrow?
She must go by plane. Must she go by plane or by ship?
He must play football. Must he play football or tennis?

Для того чтобы задать вопрос к подлежащему,

необходимо поставить вместо него вопросительное
слово (who / кто, what / что,
which of them / кто из них, which of us / кто из нас).

Jane must go to hospital. Who must go to hospital? Jane must.

He must bake a cake. Which of us must bake a cake? He must.
The star must shine. What must shine? The star must.

Для того чтобы задать разделительный вопрос с глаголом must, необходимо добавить
к предложению «хвостик» — «не так ли», «не правда ли».
Если предложение положительное, то «хвостик» будет отрицательным, и наоборот.

I must go now. I must go now, mustn’t I? Yes, I must.

They must arrive today. They must arrive today, mustn’t they? Yes, they must.
She mustn’t lie. She mustn’t lie, must she? No, she mustn’t.
Jake mustn’t eat fish. Jake mustn’t eat fish, must he? No, he mustn’t.

to go home / [tU g@U h@Um] / to go to hospital / [tU g@U tu: 'hÁspIt@l] /

идти домой идти в больницу
to go to bed / [tU g@U tu: bed] / to go to prison / [tU g@U tu: 'prIz@n] /
ложиться спать сесть в тюрьму
to go to school / [tU g@U tu: sku:l] / to go to space / [tU g@U tu: speIs] /
идти в школу лететь в космос
to go to work / [tU g@U tu: wÆ:k] / to arrive at the station / [tU @'raIv @t D@ 'steISn] /
идти на работу прибывать на станцию
1. Задайте специальные вопросы, используя глагол must.
You must show me. (what) What must you show me?
1. He must go there. (why) ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
2. The train must arrive. (when) ..................................................................................................................................................................................
3. People must live. (where)............................................................................................................................................................................................
4. They must cook dinner. (why) ................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Tim must change his clothes. (when) .................................................................................................................................................................
6. She must go to the doctor. (why) ..........................................................................................................................................................................
7. Children must play. (where)......................................................................................................................................................................................
8. We must tell him. (what) .............................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Задайте альтернативные вопросы, используя глагол must.

A pilot must travel by plane. (by ship) Must a pilot travel by plane or by ship?
1. A baby must sleep. (eat) ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
2. A teacher must read. (write) .....................................................................................................................................................................................
3. A doctor must cure patients. (go home) ...........................................................................................................................................................
4. A secretary must write. (call) ...................................................................................................................................................................................
5. A student must lie. (tell the truth) ......................................................................................................................................................................
6. A parent must arrive today. (on Monday).......................................................................................................................................................
7. A child must eat vegetables. (candy) ..................................................................................................................................................................
8. A cat must eat fish. (meat) ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему, используя глагол must.

Dave must do homework. Who must do homework?
1. The dog must catch the thief. ..................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Sara must prepare lunch. ............................................................................................................................................................................................

3. The book must arrive on time. ................................................................................................................................................................................

4. He must write. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. We must show the way. ................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Children must eat breakfast. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

7. She must stop crying. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. They must come with me. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Она должна сказать правду. ...................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Кто должен приехать?.................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Почему мы должны идти в колледж в субботу?...................................................................................................................................
4. Кто должен использовать яркие цвета?.......................................................................................................................................................
5. Антон едет в больницу или в институт каждое утро? ....................................................................................................................

6. Что должны делать врачи? .....................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Как часто я должен принимать эти лекарства? .....................................................................................................................................
8. Мы должны лететь самолетом, правда? .....................................................................................................................................................
Здесь вы видите коридоры настоящего (Present Simple), прошедшего (Past Simple), будущего (Future Simple)
времени. Зачем они нужны? Когда мы начинаем говорить, мы мысленно отправляем глаголы в определенном
направлении, а дальше направляем их в определенное время-дверь. Это помогает сделать нашу
речь более быстрой. Но пока давайте войдем в дверь Present Simple и выполним проверочные работы.


3. she/he/it like
they/we/you/I like
every day 4. + I like tea.
usually — I don’t like tea.
5. Общий: Do you like tea? — Yes, I do.
Специальный: What do you like?
Альтернативный: Do you like tea or coffee?
К подлежащему: Who likes tea?
Разделительный: You like tea, don’t you?

А вот и наши сильные глаголы.

Они сами могут строить отрицательные
и вопросительные предложения.

+ She is nice. + He can dance.

— She isn’t nice. — He can’t dance.
? Is she nice? ? Can he dance?

+ They must to go. + Bob has got a parrot.

— They mustn’t go. — Bob hasn’t got a parrot.
? Must they go? ? Has Bob got a parrot?
1. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке.
1. computer / is / this / your .........................................................................................................................................................................................

2. children / sweets / like ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. phone / doesn’t know / number / Tina / my ...............................................................................................................................................

4. on TV / likes / to watch / Ted / movies ..........................................................................................................................................................

5. come / do / from / where / you ..............................................................................................................................................................................

6. usually / relatives / visits / her / Nina ..............................................................................................................................................................

7. often / it / here / rains .................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. family / in / lives / St. Petersburg / his............................................................................................................................................................

9. early / hates / Kevin / to get up ...........................................................................................................................................................................

10. drink / in the morning / we / tea ......................................................................................................................................................................

2. Поставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. Suzy ................................. 6. you ............................................. 11. children ............................... 16. coffee.........................................
2. we ....................................... 7. cat ............................................... 12. sock......................................... 17. grandfather ..........................
3. Donovan........................ 8. she .............................................. 13. village ................................... 18. sun ..............................................
4. zoo...................................... 9. they ........................................... 14. teacher.................................. 19. patient .....................................
5. I .......................................... 10. Chris ...................................... 15. mother .................................. 20. actors ......................................

3. Заполните пропуски, используя глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. I ..................................................... from London. 11. She ........................................................... a good singer.
2. What .......................................... his phone number? 12. We ............................................................ talented students.
3. They ........................................... at home. 13. The ball ................................................ red.

4. What .......................................... your name? 14. The dog ................................................ funny.

5. The cup .................................... on the table. 15. Children .............................................. loud.

6. He ................................................ a journalist. 16. We ............................................................ on a plane.

7. ....................................................... this a famous castle? 17. Parents ................................................. in the car.

8. ....................................................... your brother at school? 18. He ............................................................ at school today.

9. What .......................................... her address? 19. Where ................................................... my homework?

10. ..................................................... you a singer? 20. How ........................................................ you?

4. Заполните пропуски, используя глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. She ........................................ a very bright student. 6. I don’t remember what his phone number ...........................
2. Where ................................ my books? 7. Anne ............................................ very hungry.
3. You ....................................... a very good singer! 8. It .................................................... the best zoo in Europe.
4. I .............................................. in the hospital right now. 9. Do you know where my dresses ..............................................?
5. He ......................................... famous for his portraits. 10. My brother .......................... excellent at basketball.
5. Переведите предложения, используя глагол to be в Present Simple.
1. Откуда ты? ................................................................................... 8. Они учатся в колледже. ......................................................
2. Ее зовут Кейт............................................................................... 9. Это его сумка. ..............................................................................
3. Обычно я дома. .......................................................................... 10. Чья эта книга?..........................................................................
4. Я из Москвы................................................................................. 11. Яблоко лежит на столе. ....................................................
5. Моя сестра – врач.................................................................... 12. Это мое платье.........................................................................
6. Ты в школе? .................................................................................. 13. Они из Берлина. .....................................................................
7. Ему 25 лет....................................................................................... 14. Чей это пиджак? ....................................................................

6. Переведите предложения, используя глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. Чья это книга? – Это книга Пита. ...................................................................................................................................................................

2. Мой любимый вид спорта – футбол. .............................................................................................................................................................

3. Где моя гитара? – Она рядом с пианино. ....................................................................................................................................................
4. Мой папа — учитель. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Чей это шерстяной шарф?.......................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Меня зовут Егор. Мне 20 лет. ...............................................................................................................................................................................
7. Мой любимый предмет – литература. ..........................................................................................................................................................
8. Где мои ботинки и пальто? ......................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Чья это картина? .............................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. Где твоя собака? – Она дома. .............................................................................................................................................................................

7. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple (добавьте -s).

1. to do ........................................................ 4. to drink................................................... 7. to discuss...............................................
2. to fly.......................................................... 5. to mix....................................................... 8. to go ..........................................................
3. to catch................................................... 6. to teach................................................... 9. to buy ......................................................

8. Подчеркните правильный вариант.

1. Hugh sometimes go/goes to the opera. 6. The shelf is/are black.
2. Tom drive/drives fast. 7. The students study/studies grammar rules by heart.
3. Olga have/has some good discs. 8. We like/likes to swim in the swimming pool.
4. Ron gather/gathers berries in the wood. 9. I am/are an office worker.
5. Monica am/is an actress. 10. They listen/listens to the radio in the evening.

9. Выберите правильное подлежащее.

1. I/they/the cat likes milk. 6. Pamela/we/I is a secretary.
2. she/we/it usually wash the car on Tuesday. 7. Rick/the teacher/they live in Madrid.
3. we/Jane/they writes wonderful stories. 8. mother/we/students prefers to stay at home.
4. we/Bob/she sleep very badly. 9. Tina/you/Eva sing very well.
5. I/Nelly/father often see Mike. 10. they/the teacher/we teaches my little sister to read.
10. Раскройте скобки, используя Present Simple.
1. Tom (to be) a student in school. He (to do) homework every day. ..............................................................................................

2. My father (to like) to read newspaper in the morning. .........................................................................................................................

3. She often (to cook) fish for dinner. .......................................................................................................................................................................
4. When (to do) you go to work in the morning? ...........................................................................................................................................
5. Can you (to write) this letter? ................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Julie (to listen) to music a lot...................................................................................................................................................................................
7. We (to live) in Moscow, but our sister (to live) in St. Petersburg. ...............................................................................................
8. They (to study) English and French. .................................................................................................................................................................
9. James (to be) a singer. He (to sing) very well. .............................................................................................................................................
10. The cat often (to play) with the ball. ...............................................................................................................................................................

11. Раскройте скобки, используя Present Simple.

1. We usually (to go) to the beach in the 5. Jane (to play) tennis every day.
6. They (to eat) dinner.
2. My sister (to work) in a school. 7. I (to read) a new book every month.

3. You (to work) every day. 8. They (to dance) at parties a lot.

9. She (not to drink) milk at all.

4. He (to like) (to drink)
tea in the morning. 10. Your sister (to like) apples, doesn’t she?

12. Составьте отрицательные предложения в Present Simple.

1. We understand Spanish. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Andy knows everything about life. ......................................................................................................................................................................

3. Betty waters the flowers. ............................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Dolly has two brothers. ................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Garry is a scientist. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. We play with a ball in the yard. ..............................................................................................................................................................................
7. Victor usually goes to work by tram. .................................................................................................................................................................

8. The children sing merrily. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Mike spends winter holidays in the country. ...............................................................................................................................................

10. Her parents are at work. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

13. Задайте общие вопросы в Present Simple.

1. Larry wears a warm coat in winter. .....................................................................................................................................................................

2. They watch the news on TV. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Linda rides a bicycle. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Their grandparents live in the country. ............................................................................................................................................................

5. Sam often meets his friends. .....................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Fred mends the roof of the house. ........................................................................................................................................................................

7. The pupils always come to school in time. .....................................................................................................................................................

8. You play computer games. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Gerry likes to travel. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

10. She plays football and tennis. ................................................................................................................................................................................

14. Задайте специальные вопросы к предложению в Present Simple.

Bob often visits his grandparents in Dresden.
Where .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Why .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
How ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

When ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

15. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему, используя who или what, в Present Simple.
1. A dog swims very well. .................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Nancy helps her mother with the dishes. ........................................................................................................................................................

3. The picture hangs on the wall. ................................................................................................................................................................................

4. They meet their friends every weekend. ..........................................................................................................................................................
5. A bird sings in the tree...................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. His watch works properly............................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Leopold speaks Japanese. ............................................................................................................................................................................................
8. Pete dances a little. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Betty often goes skating. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

10. Jim likes pop music........................................................................................................................................................................................................

16. Задайте альтернативные вопросы в Present Simple.

1. We go to college every day. (school) ..................................................................................................................................................................

2. Amelia usually eats an apple for breakfast. (supper) ...............................................................................................................................

3. I like to play the violin a lot. (piano) ..................................................................................................................................................................
4. They can sing very well. (dance)............................................................................................................................................................................
5. You have two blue pencils. (red) ............................................................................................................................................................................
6. Children like to drink tea. (juice)..........................................................................................................................................................................
7. My mother is very kind. (father) ...........................................................................................................................................................................
8. He likes to live in a big city. (village)..................................................................................................................................................................
9. Her sister is very smart. (brother) ........................................................................................................................................................................
10. The weather is cold. (hot) ........................................................................................................................................................................................
17. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.
1. Мой дедушка часто слушает музыку. ............................................................................................................................................................
2. Сегодня очень солнечный день! .........................................................................................................................................................................
3. Я ем кашу каждое утро...............................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Тебе нравится играть в футбол или в волейбол? .................................................................................................................................
5. Нам нужно приехать на станцию утром......................................................................................................................................................
6. Эмили покупает новый шарф каждую осень. .........................................................................................................................................
7. Они часто ходят в театр. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
8. Я люблю пить чай с молоком. ..............................................................................................................................................................................
9. Он едет на работу на машине каждый день..............................................................................................................................................
10. Берлин – очень красивый город! ....................................................................................................................................................................

18. Задайте разделительные вопросы в Present Simple.

1. We play a lot of games. .................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. This book is very interesting.....................................................................................................................................................................................

3. He doesn’t like tea with milk. ...................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Emma has a big red suitcase. .....................................................................................................................................................................................
5. His uncle can’t play the guitar. ................................................................................................................................................................................
6. This mouse isn’t afraid of the cat. ..........................................................................................................................................................................
7. I always go to school by bus. .....................................................................................................................................................................................
8. He’s a very bright student...........................................................................................................................................................................................
9. You don’t like to wash dishes. ...................................................................................................................................................................................
10. This place is very nice. ................................................................................................................................................................................................

19. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple.

1. Мой отец работает врачом в больнице. .......................................................................................................................................................
2. Ты умеешь готовить рыбу, не так ли? ............................................................................................................................................................
3. Джек очень высокий. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Москва – самый большой город России. ....................................................................................................................................................
5. Твоя собака очень старая..........................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Ты можешь купить молока?...................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Ты хочешь торт или конфеты? ............................................................................................................................................................................
8. Эта вода чистая и холодная. ..................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Я покупаю новое синее платье. ...........................................................................................................................................................................
10. У нее есть очень много книг................................................................................................................................................................................
11. Этот город очень красивый. ................................................................................................................................................................................
12. Кейт ходит в спортзал каждую неделю .....................................................................................................................................................
13. Это твоя зеленая книга? .......................................................................................................................................................................................

14. Тина любит пить чай с лимоном. ....................................................................................................................................................................

15. Моя мама может играть на скрипке. ............................................................................................................................................................
I was born in Moscow. / Я родился в Москве.
He lived here in 1936. / Он жил здесь в 1936 году.
в прошедшем времени
He painted this picture. / Он нарисовал эту картину.

She worked on a farm. / Она работала на ферме.

Регулярные действия
I ate a lot of fruit. / Я ел много фруктов.
в прошедшем времени
Girls walked in the park. / Девочки гуляли в парке.

Действия, They came and sat down. / Они пришли и сели.

которые произошли He looked and waved. / Он посмотрел и помахал.
одно за другим I got up and ran away. / Я встал и убежал.

Для того чтобы открыть дверь Past Simple и построить предложение, нам нужны ключи:

yesterday / вчера She was at school yesterday.

last week, month, year / на прошлой неделе, I was in Moscow last month.
в прошлом месяце, в прошлом году

a week ago, a month ago, a year ago / We bought it a week ago.

неделю назад, месяц назад, год назад

the other day / на днях I met Sally the other day.

once / однажды He tried to solve the problem once.

Для того чтобы построить

утвердительное предложение
в прошедшем времени, нам надо
просто сказать правильному глаголу:

И он отправится в прошлое.
They cleaned the flat yesterday.
We watched the play two days ago.
He played football well.
Глаголы также бывают неправильные. Они живут по своим правилам.
Такие глаголы необходимо запомнить.
Список всех неправильных глаголов и их форм на стр. 124.

to live on a farm / [tU lIv Án @ fA:rm] / to meet friends / [tU mi:t frendz] /
жить на ферме встречаться с друзьями
to run in the park / [tU rön In D@ pA:rk] / to try again / [tU traI @'gen] /
бегать в парке пытаться снова
to clean the flat / [tU kli:n D@ fl{t] / to try on / [tU traI Án] / примерять
убираться в квартире to wave / [tU weIv] / махать
to be born/ [tU bi: bO:rn] / рождаться to wave at (to) someone /
to buy fruit / [tU baI fru:t] / [tU weIv @t (tU) 'sömwön] /
покупать фрукты махать кому-то
1. Поставьте предложения в Past Simple.
A boy cleans the table. A boy cleaned the table.

1. Mother prepares breakfast. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

2. I help him study. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. He likes apples. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. He never lives on a farm. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

5. We like tomatoes. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. He paints well. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. I wave to my grandparents. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

8. You want to read an interesting book. ..............................................................................................................................................................

9. Our family watches TV in the evening. ...........................................................................................................................................................

10. She reads books................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Поставьте предложения в Past Simple. Используйте ключевые слова yesterday / last

week / last month / last year / a week ago / a month ago / a year ago / once / the other day.
Mike smiles at us. Mike smiled at us yesterday.
1. We want to play the guitar. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

2. They usually listen to pop music. .........................................................................................................................................................................

3. My brother works at the university. ...................................................................................................................................................................

4. You often cook tasty cakes. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Sally sometimes dances with her friend. ..........................................................................................................................................................

6. They play basketball well. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Alice always tries on jeans. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

8. She plays with a doll. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Students prepare for the exams. ............................................................................................................................................................................

10. A girl sings a song. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Переведите предложения, используя Past Simple.

1. Мы жили на ферме в прошлом году................................................................................................................................................................

2. Мы вчера бегали в парке. .........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Он убирался в квартире на прошлой неделе. ..........................................................................................................................................

4. Она родилась в 2015 году. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Мы примерили три костюма два дня назад..............................................................................................................................................

6. Тим жил в этом доме в прошлом месяце.....................................................................................................................................................

7. Мы помахали родителям и пошли в парк..................................................................................................................................................

Окончание прошедшего времени для правильных глаголов зависит
от того, какие буквы стоят в конце слова.
Если правильный глагол оканчивается на согласную, то необходимо
добавить к нему окончание -ed.

want wanted
watch watched

Если правильный глагол оканчивается на немую гласную e, мы убираем

ее и добавляем окончание -еd.

like liked
dance danced

admire admired

notice noticed

Если правильный глагол оканчивается Если перед y в конце слова

на гласную y, то необходимо заменить ее на i стоит другая гласная, то y
и добавить окончание -ed. не меняется.
study studied
Примеры: Примеры: stay stayed
cry cried
play played
fry fried enjoy enjoyed
apply applied obey obeyed

Если слово односложное или оканчивается на согласную, перед которой стоит

ударная гласная, то при образовании формы прошедшего времени последняя
согласная удваивается, а затем к слову прибавляется окончание -ed.

rúb rubbed
stóp stopped

plán planned

do [du:] — did [dId] — done [dön] — делать

eat [i:t] — ate [et] — eaten ['i:tn] — есть
run [rön] — ran [r{n] — run [rön] — бежать
swim [swIm] — swam [sw{m] — swum [swöm] — плавать
go [g@U] — went [went] — gone [gÁn] — идти
teach [ti:tS] — taught [tO:t] — taught [tO:t] — учить
1. Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple.
1. to carry ................................................................................................... 11. to rob.....................................................................................................
2. to copy .................................................................................................... 12. to stop ..................................................................................................
3. to enjoy .................................................................................................. 13. to drop .................................................................................................
4. to play ..................................................................................................... 14. to sip ......................................................................................................
5. to stay...................................................................................................... 15. to scan ..................................................................................................
6. to try ........................................................................................................ 16. to knit ...................................................................................................
7. to fry......................................................................................................... 17. to rip ......................................................................................................
8. to marry ................................................................................................. 18. to nod ...................................................................................................
9. to dry ....................................................................................................... 19. to sob.....................................................................................................
10. to study ............................................................................................... 20. to plot ...................................................................................................

2. Напишите формы глаголов для Present Simple и Past Simple.

Present Simple Past Simple
play He plays He played

watch We ..................................................................................... .............................................................................................

thank My mother ................................................................. .............................................................................................

love I ........................................................................................... .............................................................................................

wash She .................................................................................... .............................................................................................

skate Children ........................................................................ .............................................................................................

dance They ................................................................................. .............................................................................................

work You .................................................................................... .............................................................................................

live A cat ................................................................................. .............................................................................................

dress Jack................................................................................... .............................................................................................

clean Anna ................................................................................ .............................................................................................

3. Переведите предложения, используя Past Simple.

1. Мы поели дома. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Он плавал в бассейне в прошлый понедельник. .................................................................................................................................

3. Вчера мы ходили на прогулку. ............................................................................................................................................................................

4. Она научила меня готовить. .................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Они работали в этой компании. ........................................................................................................................................................................

6. Они сделали домашнюю работу час назад. ..............................................................................................................................................

7. Мы посмотрели этот фильм на прошлой неделе. ................................................................................................................................
8. Бабушка улыбнулась ему. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Дети поиграли в хоккей вчера. ............................................................................................................................................................................
10. Девочки примерили эти платья.......................................................................................................................................................................
Для того чтобы построить отрицательное предложение,
необходимо снова позвать на помощь солдата.
В прошедшем времени работает солдат did. Он выполнит
not всю работу: возьмет на плечи частицу not и освободит
глагол от прошедшего времени. Поэтому в отрицательных
предложениях глагол всегда «чистый» (в инфинитиве).
She taught me to read. She did not teach me to read.

He wanted to watch a football He did not want to watch a football

match. match.

I arrived at the station. I did not arrive at the station.

They bought a cake. They did not buy a cake.

Вы уже знаете, что должно произойти для того, чтобы мы смогли составить общий
вопрос. Догадались? Правильно! Отправим помощника на пост охраны нашего дома:
Did I dance? Yes, I did.
Did we finish our work? Yes, we did.
Did Nina go to school? No, she didn’t.
Did they call me? No, they didn’t.

Для того чтобы построить специальный вопрос и спросить «где ты учился»,

«куда ты ходил» и т. д., нам понадобятся босс и помощник:

They bought a house. Where did they buy a house?

She wore a red dress. Why did she wear a red dress?
We heard music. When did we hear music?
You read the book. Why did you read the book?
I spoke about football. How did I speak about football?

put [pUt] — put [pUt] — put [pUt] — класть

cut [köt] — cut [köt] — cut [köt] — резать
fall [fO:l] — fell [fel] — fallen ['fO:l@n] — падать
drink [drIÎk] — drank [dr{Îk] — drunk [dröÎk] — пить
fly [flaI] — flew [flu:] — flown [fl@Un] — летать
choose [tSu:z] — chose [tS@Uz] — chosen ['tS@Uz@n] — выбирать
1. Составьте отрицательные предложения в Past Simple.
I liked to write compositions. I didn’t like to write compositions.
1. His sister wanted to buy a new dress. ................................................................................................................................................................
2. We drank tea. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Darya looked happy. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Tim read poems. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. They built a house. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. I wanted to give you my smartphone. ...............................................................................................................................................................
7. The plane flew to Amsterdam. ................................................................................................................................................................................
8. The painter opened the exhibition. .....................................................................................................................................................................
9. The teacher explained the new topic. ................................................................................................................................................................

2. Задайте общие вопросы в Past Simple и дайте краткие ответы.

We watched TV on Thursday. Did we watch TV on Thursday? Yes, we did.
1. Our family drank juice. ................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. She studied Maths. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. The students prepared for the exams. .................................................................................................................................................................
4. They listened to the music. .......................................................................................................................................................................................
5. He played tennis. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. She liked cabbage. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. We lived in a big house. ................................................................................................................................................................................................
8. You had a wallet. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Mike came here. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Задайте специальные вопросы в Past Simple.
Jack went to the museum on Sunday. (where) Where did Jack go on Sunday?
1. Oleg told me about a book yesterday. (when) ..............................................................................................................................................
2. She painted a picture. (what) ...................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Teacher spoke to my grandmother. (why).......................................................................................................................................................
4. We ate apples in the morning. (what) ................................................................................................................................................................
5. Jack bought five new books. (how many) ........................................................................................................................................................
6. I drank tea in the evening. (how much) ............................................................................................................................................................
7. They sang a song last Monday. (when)..............................................................................................................................................................
8. We went to the zoo. (why) .........................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Alice wrote a letter last week. (when)................................................................................................................................................................
4. Переведите предложения, используя Past Simple.
1. Я положила книгу сюда вчера. ...........................................................................................................................................................................
2. Ты порезала хлеб? — Нет. .......................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Игорь упал в воду прошлым летом. ...............................................................................................................................................................
4. Почему выпили все молоко вчера? ................................................................................................................................................................
5. Вы летали в Крым в прошлом году?...............................................................................................................................................................
6. Он не выбрал пиджак вчера...................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Он не пил кофе сегодня.............................................................................................................................................................................................
8. Когда мама приготовила обед?............................................................................................................................................................................
9. Они ходили в этот спортзал в прошлом году? – Нет. ......................................................................................................................
Для того чтобы задать альтернативный вопрос, необходимо задать общий вопрос
и добавить or (или) и альтернативный вариант ответа.

Did we or they arrange the meeting?

Did they help or disturb us?
Did you like cake or ice cream?

Для того чтобы задать вопрос к подлежащему, необходимо

поставить вместо него вопросительное слово
(who / кто, what / что, which of them / кто из них, which of us / кто из нас).

He got up very early. Who got up very early? He did.

James went to see the doctor. Who went to see the doctor? James did.

The cake was tasty. What was tasty? The cake was.

The children played a game. Who played a game? The children did.

The joke was funny. What was funny? The joke was.

She sold flowers. Who sold flowers? She did.

Для того чтобы построить разделительный вопрос,

необходимо добавить к концу предложения «хвостик»,
составить который нам поможет солдат did.
Если предложение положительное, то «хвостик» будет
отрицательным, и наоборот.

I stayed in bed, didn’t I?

Примеры: He didn’t go for a walk, did he?
We made a cake, didn’t we?
They didn’t like the concert, did they?

buy [baI] — bought [bO:t] — bought [bO:t] — покупать

speak [spi:k] — spoke [sp@Uk] — spoken ['sp@Uk@n] — говорить
sell [sel] — sold [s@Uld] — sold [s@Uld] — продавать
wear [we@] — wore [wO:] — worn [wO:n] — носить
read [ri:d] — read [red] — read [red] — читать
hear [hI@] — heard [hÆ:d] — heard[hÆ:d] — слышать
1. Задайте альтернативные вопросы в Past Simple.
You bought a skirt. (shirt) Did you buy a shirt or a skirt?
1. He went to the park. (school) .................................................................................................................................................................................

2. She liked tea. (coffee) .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. We saw an elephant. (a crocodile).........................................................................................................................................................................
4. They collected stamps. (coins) ................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Fred liked to sleep. (work) .........................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Tracy met John. (Sam) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. We went by plane. (train) ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
8. They came in late. (early)............................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Rick studied German. (English) ............................................................................................................................................................................
10. She read a book. (newspaper) ................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему в Past Simple и дайте краткие ответы.

Sara liked ice cream. Who liked ice cream? She did.
1. The taxi driver drove carefully. ..............................................................................................................................................................................

2. A cat mewed all day. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. An elephant had a long trunk. .................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Children played hide-and-seek. .............................................................................................................................................................................

5. I bought a new car. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. The computer broke. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. The apple was tasty. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. His friend was stupid. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Our grandmother cooked well. ...............................................................................................................................................................................

10. We sold apples...................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Задайте разделительные вопросы в Past Simple.

He liked to play. He liked to play, didn’t he?
1. Jane went to school. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. She didn’t drink milk. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. They laughed loudly. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. We didn’t go for a walk. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

5. You didn’t like the song. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

6. I ran home. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Past Simple.

1. Вчера мы купили новые книги, не так ли? ..............................................................................................................................................

2. Он не говорил по-французски. ..........................................................................................................................................................................

3. Кто продал дом в прошлом месяце? ..............................................................................................................................................................

4. Она надевала это платье прошлым летом или осенью? .................................................................................................................

5. Я прочитал все эти книги два года назад. ...................................................................................................................................................
6. Мы услышали громкий звук. ...............................................................................................................................................................................
Примеры: I was in Paris.

He was 14 last year.

Sveta was in the room.

was were You were at this party.

Employees were at
work on Sunday.

Глагол to be — сильный, поэтому

он сам строит отрицательные
The furniture was not old. The furniture wasn’t old.
The play was not fantastic. The play wasn’t fantastic.
The children were not happy. The children weren’t happy.

Для того чтобы построить общий вопрос, They

необходимо использовать глагол to be.
Он сильный и сам может встать difficult
на защиту семьи:


Sara was happy. Was Sara happy? Yes, she was.

The children were loud. Were the children loud? Yes, they were.
He wasn’t at home. Was he at home? No, he wasn’t.
They weren’t in London. Were they in London? No, they weren’t.

a good employee / [@ gUd "emplOI'i:] / in the bathroom / [In D@ 'bA:T"ru:m] /

хороший работник в ванной
wooden furniture / ['wUd@n 'fÆ:nItS@] / in the living room / [In D@ 'lIvIÎ ru:m] /
деревянная мебель в гостиной
old furniture / [@Uld 'fÆ:nItS@] / in the dining room / [In D@ 'daInIÎ ru:m] /
старая мебель в столовой
a fantastic play / [@ f{n't{stIk pleI] / in the kitchen / [In D@ 'kItS@n] / на кухне
великолепный спектакль in the hall / [In D@ hO:l] / в коридоре
a fantastic exhibition / to listen to loud music /
[@ f{n't{stIk "eksI'bISn] / [tU 'lIs@n tU laUd 'mju:zIk] /
великолепная выставка слушать громкую музыку
in the room / [In D@ ru:m] / в комнате to have a party / [tU 'h{v @ 'pA:rti] /
in the bedroom / [In D@ 'bedru:m] / в спальне устраивать вечеринку
1. Заполните пропуски, используя глагол to be в Past Simple.
I ___ 8 years old. I was 8 years old.

1. My phone number .......................................... 87872-567. 6. They .......................................................... from Spain.

2. George .................................................................... a pilot. 7. They .......................................................... nice people.

3. We .............................................................................. very happy. 8. My uncle ................................................ on the right in the picture.

4. Her name .............................................................. Jane. 9. Steve ......................................................... a very good student.

5. My post code ..................................................... 137289.

2. Заполните пропуски, используя глагол to be в отрицательной форме в Past Simple.

Dolly Dolly wasn’t
1. a mouse.................................................. 4. girls ......................................................... 7. Pete .........................................................

2. I................................................................... 5. animals ................................................. 8. doctors ...................................................

3. he ............................................................... 6. you ........................................................... 9. woman ..................................................

3. Задайте общие вопросы в Past Simple, используя глагол to be, и дайте краткие ответы.
You were tall. Were you tall? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.

1. Dick was in Paris. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Biology was difficult. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. People were angry. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. The dog was lazy. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Children were funny. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Your mother was a good cook. .................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Tourists were in the castle. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

8. It was too late. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Your hands were dirty. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Past Simple.

1. Я был на вечеринке. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Он был хорошим работником? — Нет. ........................................................................................................................................................

3. Эта мебель была очень старой и дорогой. .................................................................................................................................................

4. Его собака была громкой. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Концерт был фантастический. ...........................................................................................................................................................................

6. Они не устраивали вечеринку в прошлом году. ...................................................................................................................................

7. Это был хороший год? ................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Ванная была голубой? ................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Ей не понравилась еe комната. ............................................................................................................................................................................

Для того чтобы построить специальный вопрос c глаго- They
лом to be, нам снова понадобится помощь босса, кото-
рый может спросить where, why, what, when, whose,
how, how many, how much, how often, how old. cul
Why t

You were there yesterday. Where were you yesterday? You were there.
We were at home last Monday. When were we at home? Last Monday.
He was 24 last year. How old was he last year? He was 24 years old.

Для того чтобы задать альтернативный вопрос в Past Simple с глаголом to be,
необходимо задать общий вопрос, а затем добавить к нему союз or (или)
и второй вариант ответа.

They were difficult. Were they difficult or easy?

It was sunny. Was it sunny or rainy?
They were happy. Were they happy or sad?

Для того чтобы задать вопрос к подлежащему в Past Simple c глаголом to be,
необходимо поставить вместо подлежащего вопросительное слово (who / кто,
what / что, which of them / кто из них, which of us / кто из нас).
При этом глагол to be примет форму was.

Books were difficult. What was difficult? They were.

I was scared. Which of us was scared? I was.

Children were happy. Who was happy? They were.

We were in the park. Who was in the park? We were.

She was a good singer. Who was a good singer? She was.

Для того чтобы задать разделительный вопрос в Past Simple с глаголом to be,
необходимо добавить к предложению «хвостик». В его основе будет та же форма
глагола, что и в предложении.
Если предложение положительное, то «хвостик» будет отрицательным, и наоборот.
He was here yesterday. He was here yesterday, wasn’t he? Yes, he was.
We were happy. We were happy, weren’t we? Yes, we were.

a difficult task / [@ 'dIfIk@lt tA:sk] / an unhappy man / [{n ön'h{pi m{n] /

сложное задание несчастный человек
an easy job/ [{n 'i:zi ³Áb] / легкая работа a sad face / [@ s{d feIs] / грустное лицо
sunny weather / ['söni 'weD@] / the first snow / [D@ fÆ:st sn@U] /
солнечная погода первый снег
a rainy day / [@ 'reIni deI] / a brave soldier / [@ breIv 's@Ul³@] /
дождливый день смелый солдат
a misty morning / [@ 'mIsti 'mO:nIÎ] / a scared boy / [@ ske@d bOI] /
туманное утро испуганный мальчик
1. Составьте специальные вопросы к предложению, используя глагол to be в Past Simple.
Mina was at an exhibition last year.
Where ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Why ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
How often ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
When ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
How many times ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Задайте альтернативные вопросы в Past Simple, используя глагол to be, и дайте краткие
She was in Berlin. (in London) Was she in Berlin or London?
1. They were your parents. (grandparents)..........................................................................................................................................................
2. It was hot. (cold) ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. They were small. (big) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Don was a driver. (a teacher)....................................................................................................................................................................................
5. The children were hungry. (thirsty) ...................................................................................................................................................................

3. Составь вопросы к подлежащему с глаголом to be в Past Simple.

Tea was hot. What was hot?
1. The lion was big. ............................................................................ 6. Jim was sleepy. .................................................................................

2. The professor was clever. ......................................................... 7. We were unhappy. .........................................................................

3. The paper was old. ........................................................................ 8. The books were interesting. ...................................................
4. Irene was married. ........................................................................ 9. The city was amazing. ................................................................

5. Teddy-bear was soft. .................................................................... 10. The first snow was white. .......................................................

4. Задайте разделительные вопросы в Past Simple, используя глагол to be.

This was an easy job. This was an easy job, wasn’t it?
1. The door was open............................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. The animals were in the zoo. .....................................................................................................................................................................................
3. My father was kind. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. The oranges weren’t bitter..........................................................................................................................................................................................
5. She wasn’t happy................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Переведите предложения, используя Past Simple.

1. Тест был сложный или легкий? .........................................................................................................................................................................
2. Прошлый месяц был солнечный или дождливый? ..........................................................................................................................
3. Она была счастливая или грустная вчера? ..............................................................................................................................................
4. Это было последнее яблоко. .................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Почему он был очень напуган? ..........................................................................................................................................................................
6. Это был первый снег? ................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Кто был счастлив? ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Это задание не было легким. ................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Кто из вас был напуган? ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
10. Что было на столе? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
В прошедшем времени вместо глагола have got/
has got используется глагол had.

Утвердительное предложение: I had tea for breakfast yesterday.

Отрицательное предложение: I didn’t have tea for breakfast yesterday.
Общий вопрос: Did I have tea for breakfast yesterday?
Yes, I did.
Специальный вопрос: When did I have tea for breakfast?
Альтернативный вопрос: Did I have tea or coffee for breakfast?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who had tea for breakfast yesterday?
I did.
Разделительный вопрос: I had tea for breakfast yesterday, didn’t I?
Yes, I did.

Глагол can в прошедшем времени

приобретает форму could.

Утвердительное предложение: I could write a letter.

Отрицательное предложение: I couldn’t write a letter.
Общий вопрос: Could I write a letter?
Yes, I could.
Специальный вопрос: When could I write a letter?
Альтернативный вопрос: Could he write a letter or call on the phone?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who could write a letter?
I could.
Разделительный вопрос: I could write a letter, couldn’t I?
Yes, I could.

У глагола must нет формы прошедшего времени.

Вместо него необходимо использовать глагол had to
и его отрицательную форму didn’t have to.
Утвердительное предложение: Jane had to go to school last year.
Отрицательное предложение: Jane didn’t have to go to school last year.
Общий вопрос: Did Jane have to go to school last year?
Yes, she did.
Специальный вопрос: When did Jane have to go to school?
Альтернативный вопрос: Did Jane had to go to school last year or the year before that?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who had to go to school last year?
Jane did.
Разделительный вопрос: Jane had to go to school last year, didn’t she?
Yes, she did.
1. Составьте отрицательное предложение и задайте вопросы в Past Simple.
They had to go to school yesterday.
Отрицательное предложение: ....................................................................................................................................................................................
Общий вопрос: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Специальный вопрос: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Альтернативный вопрос: ................................................................................................................................................................................................
Вопрос к подлежащему: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
Разделительный вопрос:.................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Составьте отрицательное предложение и задайте вопросы в Past Simple.

They could swim in the sea.
Отрицательное предложение: ....................................................................................................................................................................................
Общий вопрос: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Специальный вопрос: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Альтернативный вопрос: ................................................................................................................................................................................................
Вопрос к подлежащему: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
Разделительный вопрос:.................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Составьте отрицательное предложение и задайте вопросы в Past Simple.

Oleg had to meet them at the station.
Отрицательное предложение: ....................................................................................................................................................................................
Общий вопрос: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Специальный вопрос: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Альтернативный вопрос: ................................................................................................................................................................................................
Вопрос к подлежащему: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
Разделительный вопрос:.................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Past Simple.

1. Они должны были принести кофе. ..................................................................................................................................................................
2. Они смогли вырастить хорошего сына. .......................................................................................................................................................
3. У них не было молока. ................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. У вас была хорошая идея. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Вы смогли сделать эту работу? ...........................................................................................................................................................................
6. У меня не было теплой куртки............................................................................................................................................................................
7. Ты должен был петь эту песню. ..........................................................................................................................................................................
8. Он не смог приготовить ужин. ............................................................................................................................................................................
9. Этот пациент должен был принести документ......................................................................................................................................
10. У нее были очень добрые родители. ............................................................................................................................................................

Мы открыли дверку Past Simple

и теперь можем говорить в двух временах.

Давайте все вспомним и выполним проверочные работы.

1. 2.

3. she/he/it like
never they/we/you/I like
sometimes 4. + I like tea.
every day — I don’t like tea.
5. Общий: Do you like tea? — Yes, I do.
Специальный: What do you like?
Альтернативный: Do you like tea or coffee?
К подлежащему: Who likes tea?
Разделительный: You like tea, don’t you?

last week/month/year
a week ago
the other day

1. 2. 3. V + ed
2-я форма

4. + We liked the game.

– We didn’t like the game.
5. Общий: Did you like the game? — Yes, I did.
Специальный: What did you like?
Альтернативный: Did you like the game or the play?
К подлежащему: Who liked the game?
Разделительный: We liked the game, didn’t we?
1. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке.
1. were / they / students / good. .................................................................................................................................................................................

2. in / moscow / Ann / lived...........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. had / I / a / sweater / green. .....................................................................................................................................................................................

4. sister / worked / my / a school / at. ...................................................................................................................................................................

5. played / games / children / all / day. ..................................................................................................................................................................

6. mother / his / soup / had / yesterday. ...............................................................................................................................................................

7. went / we / the / sea / to / month / last. ........................................................................................................................................................

8. book / the / was / red. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. could / she / not / ticket / a / buy. .....................................................................................................................................................................

10. tea / James / drank / the / in / morning. ....................................................................................................................................................

2. Подчеркните правильный вариант.

1. Mick was/were from Paris. 4. What was/were his name? 7. Was/were this a library?

2. What was/were her phone 5. The teapot was/were on the 8. Was/were your sister at school?
number? table.
9. What was/were their address?
3. We was/were at home. 6. He was/were a pilot. 10. Was/were you a dancer?

3. Заполни пропуски, используя was или were.

1. Betty a vet in a zoo. 6. Andrew good at basketball.

2. Jack a good driver. 7. They at home last Sunday.

3. The cars black. 8. I funny and loud.

4. They in class yesterday. 9. My grandmother a good cook.

5. Anna an artist. 10. They alone in the house.

4. Составьте три положительных и три отрицательных предложения о том, какими

вы были в детстве, используя Past Simple.
ȇtall ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ȇ short
ȇ smart ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ȇ stupid
ȇ kind
ȇ mean ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
ȇ active
ȇ lazy ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



5. Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple.
1. catch ......................................................... 8. paint .......................................................... 15. stay ..........................................................
2. teach .......................................................... 9. wear .......................................................... 16. love .........................................................
3. discuss ...................................................... 10. play .......................................................... 17. cook.........................................................
4. buy .............................................................. 11. put............................................................ 18. eat.............................................................
5. copy ........................................................... 12. speak....................................................... 19. choose....................................................
6. fall ............................................................... 13. call ........................................................... 20. stay ..........................................................
7. work........................................................... 14. rest ........................................................... 21. drop .........................................................

6. Составьте предложения в Past Simple.

1. We have English classes on Mondays. ..............................................................................................................................................................

2. We come from France.....................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. I drive the car slowly. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. I go to school by bus........................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. We always help our parents. ......................................................................................................................................................................................
6. I have dinner at 10 o’clock..........................................................................................................................................................................................
7. I play the piano every day............................................................................................................................................................................................
8. I usually watch TV in the evening........................................................................................................................................................................
9. We often fly to Berlin. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. I play basketball on Fridays....................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple.

usually yesterday
wash He ................................................................................... He ................................................................................................................
listen Granny ......................................................................... Granny ......................................................................................................
read Mum .............................................................................. Mum ...........................................................................................................
dance Sveta .............................................................................. Sveta ...........................................................................................................
write Doctors ........................................................................ Doctors .....................................................................................................
run Soldiers ........................................................................ Soldiers .....................................................................................................
buy Seller.............................................................................. Seller...........................................................................................................
stay Oleg ................................................................................ Oleg .............................................................................................................
speak My parents ................................................................ My parents .............................................................................................
teach I ......................................................................................... I ......................................................................................................................

8. Составьте отрицательные предложения в Past Simple.

1. They understood Italian. ............................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Mick knew something about cats. .........................................................................................................................................................................

3. Lucy watered the plants. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Tina had a red ball. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Gerry was weak. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. We played chess in the yard.......................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Olga went to work by bus. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
8. The children sang songs................................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Melinda spent summer holidays in Egypt. ......................................................................................................................................................
10. Her parents were busy.................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Задайте общие вопросы в Past Simple и дайте краткие ответы.

1. Moscow was beautiful. .................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. We were happy.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Alice played the violin yesterday. ..........................................................................................................................................................................
4. He listened to the music a lot. ..................................................................................................................................................................................
5. We ate candy and played games at a party. .....................................................................................................................................................
6. I liked apples and oranges. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
7. The play was excellent...................................................................................................................................................................................................
8. She was a great doctor. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
9. You had to take that medicine. ................................................................................................................................................................................
10. The boys were at school.............................................................................................................................................................................................

10. Задайте общие вопросы в Past Simple и дайте краткие ответы.

1. Ann wore a woollen sweater. ....................................................................................................................................................................................
2. We watched shows on TV............................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Paul drove a car...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Our parents lived in Iceland......................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Lena often met Bob..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Svetlana bought a new house. ..................................................................................................................................................................................
7. The students came to school late. ..........................................................................................................................................................................
8. They played computer games. ..................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Bill liked to do sports. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. You painted a picture. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

11. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему в Past Simple, используя who, what.

1. The shark swam very well. .........................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Kelly helped her mother with the dishes. ........................................................................................................................................................
3. The lamp hung on the wall. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
4. They met the professor on Tuesday. .....................................................................................................................................................................
5. A bird sang in the tree....................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. His computer worked perfectly. ..............................................................................................................................................................................
7. Hugh spoke Chinese. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
8. Lina danced a little...........................................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Eve went to the shop. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. I liked pop music. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................

12. Задайте cпециальные вопросы в Past Simple.

1. My father drank tea with sugar. (what)............................................................................................................................................................
2. Pete washed his hands before the meal. (when) .........................................................................................................................................
3. They went to the skating rink. (where) ............................................................................................................................................................
4. That was the best present for her. (what)........................................................................................................................................................
5. John worked three times a week. (how many) .............................................................................................................................................
6. Usually, Don made the tea. (what).......................................................................................................................................................................
7. A cat slept on the sofa. (where) ...............................................................................................................................................................................
8. Irene preferred to travel by car. (why) ..............................................................................................................................................................
9. I met my younger brother. (when) .......................................................................................................................................................................
10. They spent so much time here. (where) .........................................................................................................................................................

13. Задайте альтернативные вопросы в Past Simple.

1. We went to London by plane. (by train) .........................................................................................................................................................
2. She bought a red dress. (jacket) .............................................................................................................................................................................
3. I painted a portrait last Sunday. (last Monday)..........................................................................................................................................
4. Jack had porridge for breakfast yesterday. (supper) ................................................................................................................................
5. He called us in the morning. (in the afternoon)..........................................................................................................................................
6. Her father was very good at golf. (football) ...................................................................................................................................................
7. They went to the hospital last month. (to the library) ..........................................................................................................................
8. This was a good idea. (bad) ........................................................................................................................................................................................
9. The river was very deep. (wide) .............................................................................................................................................................................
10. Alice went to the sea last summer. (Helen) .................................................................................................................................................

14. Задайте разделительные вопросы в Past Simple.

1. The show started at 10 o’clock in the evening. ...........................................................................................................................................
2. We solved the problem together. ............................................................................................................................................................................
3. Vera didn’t like her new hat. ......................................................................................................................................................................................
4. I worked on this letter very hard. ..........................................................................................................................................................................
5. He had an old record.......................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. My parents were very happy. ....................................................................................................................................................................................
7. She was brave and strong. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
8. His brother had the key to the house. ................................................................................................................................................................
9. The fox was orange and black...................................................................................................................................................................................
10. The coffee was cold........................................................................................................................................................................................................

15. Раскройте скобки, используя Present Simple и Past Simple.

1. I (to drink) tea yesterday. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Last week we (to go) to the zoo. ...........................................................................................................................................................................

3. We (to listen) to the music every day. ................................................................................................................................................................

4. Julie (to walk) to work every Monday...............................................................................................................................................................
5. They (to have) a big party that month. .............................................................................................................................................................
6. He (to study) languages every day. ......................................................................................................................................................................
7. You always (to take) a bus. .........................................................................................................................................................................................
8. The family (to go) to the beach last week. ......................................................................................................................................................
9. I (to be) very busy yesterday. ...................................................................................................................................................................................
10. Tim (to tell) the truth to his parents every time. ....................................................................................................................................
11. Ann (to like) (to cook) for her family every week. ................................................................................................................................
12. I (not to have) the key last month. ...................................................................................................................................................................
13. We (to read) this newspaper a few days ago. ..............................................................................................................................................
14. It (to be) a nice place once. .....................................................................................................................................................................................
15. We (to tell) this story every Halloween. .......................................................................................................................................................

16. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple и Past Simple.

1. Первым уроком был английский язык. ......................................................................................................................................................

2. Когда ты приготовила обед?..................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Я пригласила дедушку и бабушку вчера.....................................................................................................................................................
4. Этот стол грязный. Протри его. ..........................................................................................................................................................................
5. Эти документы не готовы. .......................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Мои друзья разные. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Вы выбрали платье вчера? ......................................................................................................................................................................................
8. Мы не пьем кофе. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Они никогда не носят форму. ...............................................................................................................................................................................
10. Они подарят шоколад?............................................................................................................................................................................................
11. Они приехали в Москву в понедельник, но не позвонили нам. ...........................................................................................
12. Почему они не съели торт? ..................................................................................................................................................................................
13. Они играли плохо на прошлой неделе. .....................................................................................................................................................
14. Ванна большая. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................
15. Они никогда не отдыхают на пляже. ...........................................................................................................................................................

17. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple и Past Simple.

1. Кто носил эту черную кофту? .............................................................................................................................................................................

2. Вы купили фрукты или десерт? .........................................................................................................................................................................

3. Ты позвонил бабушке? ...............................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Дети были дома, не так ли? ....................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Мы пьем кофе утром....................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Какие краски вы используете? ............................................................................................................................................................................
7. Когда открывается выставка? ..............................................................................................................................................................................
8. Мы летали в Крым в прошлом месяце. ........................................................................................................................................................
9. Она получила отличную оценку на прошлой неделе.......................................................................................................................
10. Это вечер теплый. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
11. Они не ездили в Берлин.........................................................................................................................................................................................
12. Кто получил письмо?................................................................................................................................................................................................
13. Я не умею играть в гольф......................................................................................................................................................................................
14. Эта мебель не удобная. ............................................................................................................................................................................................
15. Вы получили удовольствие, не так ли?.....................................................................................................................................................
I will go to school.
Tom will do his job.
в будущем
Parents will buy clothes.
I will buy coffee.
She will sit down.
Ann will go by bus.
I hope you will return.
При выражении
They probably will go there.
опасения, надежды
Perhaps, she will call.
или обещания
I think he will phone me.

Для того чтобы открыть дверь Future Simple и построить предложение,

нам нужны ключи. Они помогут лучше понять, что это за время.
tomorrow / завтра I will see you tomorrow.

in an hour, in a week, etc. / Jack will call you in an hour.

через час, неделю и т.д.

next week, next month, next year, next Sunday, They will come next week.
next September, etc./ на следующей неделе,
в следующем месяце, в следующем году, в следую-
щее воскресенье, в следующем сентябре и т.д.

soon / скоро We will arrive soon.

Present Simple — это то, что происходит сейчас.

Past Simple — это то, что уже произошло, и попасть туда
мы можем с помощью воспоминаний.
А как попасть в будущее?
Нам поможет фея Will. Она подхватит «чистый» глагол —
инфинитив — и улетит с ним в будущее.

Примеры: I will enjoy having a party.

My sister will choose flowers.
He will go to the concert.
They will play a song.
We will answer the letter.

to enjoy swimming / [tU In'³OI 'swImIÎ] / to enjoy pop music / [tU In'³OI pÁp 'mju:zIk] /
наслаждаться плаванием наслаждаться поп-музыкой
to enjoy jogging / to choose flowers / [tU tSu:z 'flaU@z] /
[tU In'³OI '³ÁgIÎ] / выбирать цветы
наслаждаться бегом to choose presents / [tU tSu:z 'prez@nts] /
to enjoy listening / выбирать подарки
[tU In'³OI 'lIs@nIÎ] / to choose colours / [tU tSu:z 'köl@z] /
слушать и наслаждаться выбирать цвета
to enjoy something / [tU In'³OI 'sömTIÎ] / to answer a phone call / [tU 'A:ns@ @ f@Un kO:l] /
наслаждаться чем-либо отвечать на телефонный звонок
1. Переведите предложения в Future Simple.
Students prepare for the party. Students will prepare for the party.
1. Dogs eat meat. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. She studies algebra. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. On Saturday we watch TV. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

4. I wake up at 9 o’clock. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. You drink juice. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. They listen to the radio. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

7. My sister goes to school. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Our families exercise a lot. .........................................................................................................................................................................................

9. John paints his house. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Раскройте скобки, используя Present Simple или Future Simple.

Anna (wash) the dishes tomorrow. Anna will wash the dishes tomorrow.
1. Father (make) dinner every Sunday. ..................................................................................................................................................................
2. I (get) home at 7 every day.........................................................................................................................................................................................
3. He (buy) grapes tomorrow. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
4. We (go) to the beach next week. ............................................................................................................................................................................
5. You usually (read) this newspaper. .......................................................................................................................................................................
6. The students (go) to classes in September......................................................................................................................................................
7. Bob (ride) his bicycle every day. ............................................................................................................................................................................
8. She (do) her homework in the evening. ............................................................................................................................................................
9. They always (answer) the phone. ..........................................................................................................................................................................
10. Elena (go) to work soon. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Раскройте скобки, используя Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple.

Keith (to have) a new computer soon. Keith will have a new computer soon.

1. We (to go) to America last year. 6. They (to work) there every day.

2. They (to drink) coffee tomorrow. 7. Carl (to finish) soon.

3. I (to do) morning exercises every day. 8. Matthew (to get up) in an hour.

4. Steve (to sleep) after dinner. 9. We always (to work) hard.

5. I (to grow) potatoes every summer.

4. Переведите предложения, используя Future Simple.

1. Он вернется завтра. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Я отвечу на звонок через 5 минут. ...................................................................................................................................................................
3. Она скоро скажет мне. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Джек вернется домой в следующем месяце. ...........................................................................................................................................

5. Они выберут подарок в четверг. ........................................................................................................................................................................

6. Ты скорее всего справишься. ...............................................................................................................................................................................

7. Возможно ты удивишь меня. ...............................................................................................................................................................................

Наша Will сильная, мы можем поместить not на еe плечи.

take I will take I will not take I won’t take

a picture. a picture. a picture
She will make She will not make She won’t make
her bed. her bed. her bed.

Фея Will сама строит вопрос,
fill in
ей не нужны помощники. forthe

He will buy a car. Will he buy a car? Yes, he will.

Jane will get a puppy. Will Jane get a puppy? No, she will not.
We will play a game. Will we play a game? Yes, we will.
They will dance tomorrow. Will they dance tomorrow? Yes, they will.

Для того чтобы построить специальный вопрос c глаголом to be,

нам снова понадобится помощь босса и феи.
Managers will make a decision. When will managers make a decision?
The competition will take Why will the competition take place in Irkutsk?
place in Irkutsk.
He will finish the task. What will he finish?
The movie will last two hours. How long will the movie last?
Pizza will cost 5 dollars. How much will pizza cost?

a soft bed / [@ sÁft bed] / мягкая кровать a large mirror / [@ lA:³ 'mIr@r] /
a comfy sofa / [@ 'kömfi 's@Uf@] / большое зеркало
удобный диван to make a decision / [tU meIk @ dI'sIZn] /
a big armchair / [@ bIg 'A:m"tSe@] / принимать решение
большое кресло to take part in a competition /
an old chair / [{n @Uld tSe@] / старый стул [tU teIk pA:t In @ "kÁmp@'tISn] /
участвовать в соревновании
a square table / [@ skwe@ 'teIbl] /
квадратный стол to finish a task / [tU 'fInIS @ tA:sk] /
заканчивать задание
a wooden cupboard / [@ 'wUd@n 'köb@d] /
to last for a while / [tU lA:st fO: @ waIl] /
деревянный шкаф
длиться какое-то время
a brown desk / [@ braUn desk] / to cost a lot of money / [tU kÁst @ lÁt @v 'möni] /
коричневый письменный стол стоить много денег
a high shelf / [@ haI Self] / высокая полка to cost little money / [tU kÁst 'lItl 'möni] /
a tall lamp / [@ tO:l l{mp] / высокая лампа стоить немного денег
1. Составьте отрицательные предложения в Future Simple.
Jill will come tonight. Jill won’t come tonight.
1. Suzy will collect stamps. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

2. I will write a letter. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Pamela will have a new skirt. ...................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Greg will drive to Los Angeles. ..............................................................................................................................................................................

5. That bell will ring twice. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Boris will drink tea tomorrow. ................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Workers will get their salary. ...................................................................................................................................................................................

8. They will go to Africa. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Joe will work hard. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

10. She will look in the mirror. ...................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Задайте общие вопросы к предложениям в Future Simple и дайте краткие ответы.

A girl will see a dog. Will a girl see a dog? Yes, she will. No, she won’t.
1. A cat will sleep behind the house. ........................................................................................................................................................................

2. A singer will sing a new song. ..................................................................................................................................................................................

3. The tiger will run fast. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. We will wake up at 8 o’clock. ...................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Keith will eat pears. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Pamela will jump well. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. They will come soon. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Children will go to sleep. ............................................................................................................................................................................................

9. She will listen to the music. ......................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Составьте специальные вопросы к предложению в Future Simple.

In winter all children will skate and ski in the woods.
When ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Where .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Why ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
How many ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Future Simple.

1. Он закончит свою домашнюю работу. ...........................................................................................................................................................
2. Джейн купит деревянные стул и стол. ..........................................................................................................................................................
3. Это зеркало будет стоить много денег. .........................................................................................................................................................
4. Она положит книги на полку. ...............................................................................................................................................................................
5. Дети будут участвовать в соревнованиях завтра. ................................................................................................................................
6. Мама даст мне задание в понедельник. ........................................................................................................................................................
7. Мы примем это решение на следующей неделе. ..................................................................................................................................
8. Эта кровать будет очень большой и мягкой. ...........................................................................................................................................
9. Они купят диван и два кресла. ............................................................................................................................................................................
10. Дождь продлится два часа....................................................................................................................................................................................
Для того чтобы задать альтернативный вопрос в Future Simple, нам необходимо задать
общий вопрос, а затем добавить к нему союз or (или) и второй вариант ответа.

We will go there in the morning. Will we go there in the morning or in the afternoon?
She will go to the store now. Will she go to the store now or later?
Tom will buy meat. Will Tom buy meat or fish?

Для того чтобы задать вопрос к подлежащему в Future Simple, необходимо

поставить вместо него вопросительное слово (who / кто, what / что,
which of them / кто из них, which of us / кто из нас).

I will meet them. Who will meet them? I will.

Примеры: She will sing tomorrow. Who will sing tomorrow? She will.
He will make a speech. Who will make a speech? He will.
The grass will grow. What will grow? The grass will.
The dog will bark. What will bark? The dog will.

Для того чтобы построить разделительный вопрос, необходимо добавить

к концу предложения «хвостик» — «не так ли», «не правда ли».
Если предложение изначально положительное, то «хвостик» будет
отрицательным, и наоборот.


She will sing. She will sing, won’t she? Yes, she will.
We won’t stay. We won’t stay, will we? No, we won’t.
I won’t finish the book. I won’t finish the book, will I? No, I won’t.
They will eat apples. They will eat apples, won’t they? Yes, they will.

an interesting profession / a talented journalist /

[@n 'Intr@stIÎ pr@'feSn] / [@ 't{l@ntId '³Æ:n@lIst] /
интересная профессия талантливый журналист
a head manager / [@ hed 'm{nI³@] / a young cashier / [@ jöÎ k{'SI@] /
главный менеджер молодой кассир
an important director / an old engineer / [@n @Uld "en³I'nI@] /
[@n Im'pO:t@nt d@'rekt@] / старый инженер
важный начальник
a famous scientist / [@ 'feIm@s 'saI@ntIst] /
a strong policeman / [@ strÁÎ p@'li:sm@n] /
известный ученый
сильный полицейский
a brave firefighter / [@ breIv 'faI@"faIt@] / to make a speech / [tU meIk @ spi:tS] /
смелый пожарный произносить речь
a good lawyer / [@ gUd 'lO:j@] / to finish something / [tU 'fInIS 'sömTIÎ] /
хороший юрист заканчивать что-либо
1. Задайте альтернативные вопросы в Future Simple.
He will buy a book. (pen) Will he buy a book or a pen?
1. She will go to the park. (library) ............................................................................................................................................................................
2. He will like the potatoes. (tomatoes) .................................................................................................................................................................
3. We will see an eagle. (sparrow) ...............................................................................................................................................................................
4. They will pick up mushrooms. (berries) ...........................................................................................................................................................
5. Hugh will dance. (sing).................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Cecilia will hug John. (Jim) .......................................................................................................................................................................................
7. We will sleep until 5. (until 6) .................................................................................................................................................................................
8. They will come here. (there) .....................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему в Future Simple и дайте краткие ответы.

The cupboard will be big. What will be big? The cupboard will.
1. The bear will be hungry. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

2. The professor will bring textbooks. ...................................................................................................................................................................

3. The calculation will be wrong. ..............................................................................................................................................................................

4. Mary will cook the dinner. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Ted will catch the train. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

6. The sweater will be made of wool. ......................................................................................................................................................................

7. We will be champions. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. The books will lie on the shelf. ...............................................................................................................................................................................

3. Задайте разделительные вопросы в Future Simple.

I will make a speech. I will make a speech, won’t I?
1. He will compete tomorrow. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

2. The tree won’t grow. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. She will wake up early. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. They won’t meet in the afternoon. ........................................................................................................................................................................
5. Shaun won’t be at home. .............................................................................................................................................................................................

6. You will make the decision. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

7. We will win. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
8. You won’t listen. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Future Simple.

1. Скоро нам придется принять решение. ......................................................................................................................................................

2. Завтра ученый произнесет речь. ........................................................................................................................................................................

3. Менеджеры пойдут домой вечером.................................................................................................................................................................
4. Кассир уйдет в понедельник. ................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Джеймс будет смелым полицейским. ............................................................................................................................................................
6. Она будет очень талантливым журналистом..........................................................................................................................................
Вместо глагола have got/has got в будущем времени используется
глагол have. Нам также понадобиться помощь феи will.

Утвердительное предложение: I will have a party tomorrow.

Отрицательное предложение: I won’t have a party tomorrow.
Общий вопрос: Will I have a party tomorrow?
Yes, I will.
Специальный вопрос: When will I have a party?
Альтернативный вопрос: Will I have a party tomorrow or next Sunday?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who will have a party tomorrow?
Разделительный вопрос: I will have a party tomorrow, won’t I?

Глагол can в будущем времени всегда принимает форму to be able to.

Чтобы построить предложение, необходимо использовать эту форму,
а также фею will.

Утвердительное предложение: Jane will be able to call you next week.

Отрицательное предложение: Jane won’t be able to call you next week.
Общий вопрос: Will Jane be able to call you next week?
Yes, she will.
Специальный вопрос: When will Jane be able to call you?
Альтернативный вопрос: Will Jane be able to call or message you next week?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who will be able to call you next week?
Jane will.
Разделительный вопрос: Jane will be able to call you next week, won’t she?
Yes, she will.

Глагол must в будущем времени принимает форму to have to. Чтобы построить
предложение, необходимо использовать эту форму, а также фею will.

Утвердительное предложение: We will have to read this book tomorrow.

Отрицательное предложение: We won’t have to read this book tomorrow.
Общий вопрос: Will we have to read this book tomorrow?
Yes, we will.
Специальный вопрос: When will we have to read this book?
Альтернативный вопрос: Will we have to read this book or watch this movie tomorrow?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who will have to read this book tomorrow?
We will.
Разделительный вопрос: We will have to read this book, won’t we?
Yes, we will.
1. Составьте отрицательное предложение и задайте вопросы в Future Simple.
They will have to make a decision tomorrow.
Отрицательное предложение: ....................................................................................................................................................................................
Общий вопрос: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Специальный вопрос: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Альтернативный вопрос: ................................................................................................................................................................................................
Вопрос к подлежащему: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
Разделительный вопрос:.................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Составьте отрицательное предложение и задайте вопросы в Future Simple.

We will be able to go to the beach next week.
Отрицательное предложение: ....................................................................................................................................................................................
Общий вопрос: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Специальный вопрос: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Альтернативный вопрос: ................................................................................................................................................................................................
Вопрос к подлежащему: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
Разделительный вопрос:.................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Составьте отрицательное предложение и задайте вопросы в Future Simple.

The girl will have to compete tomorrow.
Отрицательное предложение: ....................................................................................................................................................................................
Общий вопрос: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Специальный вопрос: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Альтернативный вопрос: ................................................................................................................................................................................................
Вопрос к подлежащему: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
Разделительный вопрос:.................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Переведите предложения, используя Future Simple.

1. Она позвонит мне завтра..........................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Родители вернутся домой вечером. .................................................................................................................................................................
3. Он будет талантливым музыкантом...............................................................................................................................................................
4. Эмма поедет на пляж следующим летом? .................................................................................................................................................
5. Мы купим большой стол и три стула, не так ли? ................................................................................................................................
6. Какая кровать будет мягче? ...................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Я не смогу приехать на работу завтра. ..........................................................................................................................................................
8. Он сможет сделать это завтра или в четверг?.........................................................................................................................................
9. Нам придется пойти в школу завтра. .............................................................................................................................................................
10. Тим скоро сделает ужин. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
Итак, мы с вами построили первую пирамиду Simple в трех временах: Present, Past, Future.
В ней мы говорим о фактах и регулярных действиях в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем временах.
Когда нам необходимо выразить глагол, мы определяем направление и заходим в нужную дверь, где нас
встречают яркие грамматические образы, помогающие нам построить любое предложение. Я уверена,
что вы не забудете их и они помогут вам начать свободно говорить по-английски.

1. 2.

3. she/he/it like
never they/we/you/I like
sometimes 4. + I like tea.
every day – I don’t like tea.
5. Общий: Do you like tea? — Yes, I do.
Специальный: What do you like?
Альтернативный: Do you like tea or coffee?
К подлежащему: Who likes tea?
Разделительный: You like tea, don’t you?

yesterday tomorrow
last week/month/year in an hour, in a week,
a week ago in a minute, etc.
the other day next week/month/year
once soon

1. 2. 3. V + ed 1. 2.
2-я форма

4. + We liked the game. 3. + We will go to the zoo.

– We didn’t like the game. – We won’t go to the zoo.
5. Общий: Did you like the game? — Yes, I did. 4. Общий: Will we go to the zoo? — Yes, we will.
Специальный: What did you like? Специальный: Where will we go?
Альтернативный: Did you like the game or the play? Альтернативный: Will we go to the zoo or to the park?
К подлежащему: Who liked the game? К подлежащему: Who will go to the zoo?
Разделительный: We liked the game, didn’t we? Разделительный: We will go to the zoo, won’t we?
1. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке.
1. in winter / will / the weather / change ..........................................................................................................................................................

2. become / will / Tracy / a designer ........................................................................................................................................................................

3. me / help / she / breakfast / to cook / will ....................................................................................................................................................
4. will / the invitations / write / Mark ...................................................................................................................................................................
5. leave / will / for Paris / in a month / Uma .....................................................................................................................................................
6. grow / vegetables/ grandparents / will / her ...............................................................................................................................................
7. will / my / Wendy / like / present........................................................................................................................................................................
8. will / a new flat / Jim / to / move .........................................................................................................................................................................
9. breakfast / will / cook / for / the company / I ............................................................................................................................................
10. the skating rink / go / will / to / Alex ............................................................................................................................................................

2. Составьте предложения в Future Simple.

1. We have English classes on Mondays. ..............................................................................................................................................................

2. We go to Romania. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. I drive a car slowly. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. I go to school by bus. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. We help our parents. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. I have dinner at 10 o’clock. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

7. I play the piano every day............................................................................................................................................................................................

8. I watch TV in the evening. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
9. We fly to London. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. I play baseball on Wednesday. ..............................................................................................................................................................................

3. Подчеркните правильный вариант.

1. Pete will go/goes to the zoo tomorrow. 6. The fence was/will be green on Tuesday.
2. Dick drive/will drive dangerously. 7. The students will study/studied geometry last year.
3. Sally will have/has two good dresses 8. We will enjoy/enjoyed to stay here tomorrow.
next Monday.
9. I am/will sleep with a toy.
4. Ron will take/took pictures yesterday.
10. We usually will listen/listen to the news in the
5. Nelly will become/were an actress some day. evening.
4. Составьте предложения о том, что эти люди вероятно будут делать в будущем,
используя perhaps и Future Simple.
to do homework ȇ to catch fish ȇ to drink I ȇ my mother ȇ he
juice ȇ to teach children ȇ to discuss a movie ȇ my brothers ȇ Eric ȇ
to fly in a plane ȇ we
5. Составьте отрицательные предложения в Future Simple.
1. We will learn this by heart. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Eric will bring us some food. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Chris will water the flowers. .....................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Mother will go to the shop. .......................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Luke will be a scientist. ................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. The children will play basketball in the yard. .............................................................................................................................................

7. Diana will go to work by car. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

8. The birds will sing loudly. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Sally will spend spring holidays in Hungary. ...............................................................................................................................................

10. Philip will fix the car. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Дайте ответы на вопросы.

1. Will you get up early tomorrow? ................................. 6. Will you watch TV in the evening? .....................................

2. Will you celebrate New Year? ........................................ 7. Will you meet your friends on Sunday? ..................................

3. Will you go to the zoo? ....................................................... 8. Will you read newspapers? .........................................................

4. Will you buy a new computer? ...................................... 9. Will you go to the concert? ........................................................
5. Will you prepare dinner tonight? ................................ 10. Will you listen to the music in an hour? ........................

7. Задайте общие вопросы в Future Simple.

1. Lina will wear a red dress. .........................................................................................................................................................................................

2. They will watch the news on TV. ...........................................................................................................................................................................

3. Hugh will ride a bicycle. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Their parents will stay at home...............................................................................................................................................................................
5. Ringo will meet his best friend. ...............................................................................................................................................................................
6. Bob will mend the roof of the house. ...................................................................................................................................................................
7. The pupils will come to school at nine. ..............................................................................................................................................................
8. We will play computer games. ..................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Jim will take a bus. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. Pete will get some presents. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Задайте специальные вопросы к предложению в Future Simple.

John and Sam will go to the swimming pool next Saturday.
Where .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Why .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
How .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

When ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

How often ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему в Future Simple, используя who, what.
1. A log will drown. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Anna will help her mother to cook. .....................................................................................................................................................................

3. The picture will hang on the wall. .........................................................................................................................................................................

4. They will meet their friends soon. .........................................................................................................................................................................
5. Birds will sing in the tree. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Winter will come in a month. ..................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Andy will speak French. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

8. The lesson will be difficult. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Marcia will go fishing. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

10. John will jump with a rope. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

10. Задайте cпециальные вопросы в Future Simple.

1. She will go to college when she’s older. (when) .........................................................................................................................................
2. I will drink lemonade. (what lemonade) ..........................................................................................................................................................
3. Jack will grow flowers next month. (when) ...................................................................................................................................................
4. You will clean your bedroom in the evening. (why) ................................................................................................................................
5. Children will do their homework tomorrow. (what) ...............................................................................................................................
6. They will stay at an expensive hotel. (where) ..............................................................................................................................................
7. We will go there by ship. (how) ..............................................................................................................................................................................
8. He will give her a present this evening. (what)...........................................................................................................................................
9. The tropical rain will fall. (why) ............................................................................................................................................................................
10. You will swim in the sea next week. (when) ...............................................................................................................................................

11. Задайте альтернативные вопросы в Future Simple.

1. He will tell this story again tomorrow. (next week) ...............................................................................................................................

2. Nina will play the violin tonight. (piano) ........................................................................................................................................................

3. I will buy a new table for my kitchen. (chair) ..............................................................................................................................................
4. The song will play for the next 5 minutes. (3 minutes) .........................................................................................................................
5. The star will shine brighter tomorrow. (the day after tomorrow) .................................................................................................
6. He will clean the kitchen in an hour. (in two days) .................................................................................................................................
7. They will fly to the islands next week. (we) ..................................................................................................................................................
8. This letter will be very long. (document) ........................................................................................................................................................
9. Jack will cook a nice dinner tomorrow. (breakfast) ..................................................................................................................................
10. She will visit the exhibition on Monday. (on Tuesday) ......................................................................................................................
12. Задайте разделительные вопросы в Future Simple.
1. I will go fishing. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Jerry won’t be at the party. .........................................................................................................................................................................................
3. His new book will be a big success........................................................................................................................................................................
4. Mike won’t be tired..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. My brother will write his first poem....................................................................................................................................................................
6. You will be clever. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. He won’t tell a lie. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................
8. This bag will be very heavy. .......................................................................................................................................................................................
9. This will be the biggest prison in the country...............................................................................................................................................
10. They will protect their children. .........................................................................................................................................................................

13. Раскройте скобки, используя Future Simple, Present Simple и Past Simple.
1. He (to like) to swim in the river every day. ....................................................................................................................................................
2. You (to teach) me to dance tomorrow. ...............................................................................................................................................................
3. It (to be) sunny on Sunday.........................................................................................................................................................................................
4. This violin (to be) very old. .......................................................................................................................................................................................
5. They (to cook) supper for everyone yesterday.............................................................................................................................................
6. This chair (to be) very comfortable! I sit in it every day. .....................................................................................................................
7. He (to wash) the dishes in the evening. ............................................................................................................................................................
8. Children (to like) play tennis every Tuesday. ...............................................................................................................................................
9. This boy (to be) very brave when he grows up. ..........................................................................................................................................
10. The book (to be) very boring. I (to finish) it yesterday......................................................................................................................

14. Переведите предложения, используя Future Simple.

1. Мой друг завтра купит новую рубашку. .....................................................................................................................................................
2. Этот певец будет очень знаменитым. .............................................................................................................................................................
3. Нам надо будет отдохнуть.......................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Ты сможешь купить это лекарство, не так ли? ......................................................................................................................................
5. Ты поедешь в Лондон в следующем году?.................................................................................................................................................
6. Я пойду гулять в парк утром.................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Она купит новый стол или новую полку? .................................................................................................................................................
8. Дети выпьют молоко завтра. .................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Это задание будет очень сложным для них? ...........................................................................................................................................
10. Погода будет солнечной завтра, не так ли? ...........................................................................................................................................
11. Летом семья поедет на ферму. ...........................................................................................................................................................................
12. Она будет очень умной, когда вырастет. ..................................................................................................................................................
13. Мои друзья подарят мне подарки на день рождения. ...................................................................................................................
14. Ира не сможет поехать в Крым осенью. ...................................................................................................................................................
15. Завтра мы полетим на самолете. .....................................................................................................................................................................

15. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple и Future Simple.

1. Ужин скоро станет холодным. .............................................................................................................................................................................
2. Завтра на улице будет солнечно. .......................................................................................................................................................................
3. Они играют в эту игру каждый день. .............................................................................................................................................................
4. Я научусь играть на флейте?.................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Пол ходит на пробежку каждый понедельник.......................................................................................................................................
6. Он не сможет играть в футбол в следующем месяце. ......................................................................................................................
7. Анна не будет покупать новую мебель, не так ли? .............................................................................................................................
8. Я не умею петь или танцевать..............................................................................................................................................................................
9. Мы выберем победителя сегодня вечером! ..............................................................................................................................................
10. Сегодня на улице очень холодно. ...................................................................................................................................................................
11. Моя дочь родится на следующей неделе. ................................................................................................................................................
12. Тим позвонит мне завтра утром. .....................................................................................................................................................................
13. Обычно мы едим кашу на завтрак, не так ли? .....................................................................................................................................
14. Мы летаем в Берлин на самолете каждый год. ...................................................................................................................................
15. Ты пойдешь в школу завтра? .............................................................................................................................................................................

16. Переведите предложения, используя Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple.
1. Кто купил это молоко? ..............................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Его родители пойдут на концерт в среду. ...................................................................................................................................................
3. Я не смогу купить этот письменный стол. .................................................................................................................................................
4. Эту проблему надо решить, не так ли? .........................................................................................................................................................
5. Вчера Джим ел мясо на обед. ................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Мой друг был очень веселым. ..............................................................................................................................................................................
7. Я смогу играть на виолончели? ..........................................................................................................................................................................
8. Ты не покупал эту книгу, не так ли? ...............................................................................................................................................................
9. Россия – очень большая страна..........................................................................................................................................................................
10. Эти цветы очень красивые! Посмотри на эти цвета! .....................................................................................................................
11. Мой брат перестанет есть конфеты на следующей неделе. ......................................................................................................
12. Ты научишь меня играть в гольф?.................................................................................................................................................................
13. Эта волна была очень большая и страшная. .........................................................................................................................................
14. Дети пойдут в зоопарк в следующем месяце, не так ли?............................................................................................................
15. Английский — это очень просто! ....................................................................................................................................................................
Это существительные, которые можно представить в виде
отдельного предмета и посчитать:

В предложениях исчисляемые существительные можно заменить

местоимениями he/she/it для единственного чиcла или they для множественного.
A cake is on the table. It is on the table. The cakes are sweet. They are sweet.
A girl is at school. She is at school. Girls are pretty. They are pretty.
An umbrella is big. It is big. Umbrellas are red. They are red.

Для того чтобы указать на определенный предмет или определенного человека, вместе
с существительным используются местоимения this/that для единственного числа
и these/ those для множественного.
This cake is small. Этот торт – маленький.
That girl is tall. Та девочка – высокая.
These umbrellas are wet. Эти зонтики мокрые.
Those boys are funny. Те мальчики смешные.

Это существительные, которые невозможно представить

в виде отдельного предмета и посчитать:
Жидкости: tea, coffee, lemonade, …

Продукты: fish, meat, bread, food, sugar, rice, …

Материалы: iron, glass, wood, …

Учебные предметы: Literature, Maths, English, …

Абстрактные понятия: work, news, chaos,

luck, behavior, …
Вместе с неисчисляемыми существительными используются местоимения some/any.
Some переводится как «несколько», «некоторый», «сколько-то» и употребляется
в утвердительных предложениях.
I bought some milk.
She gave me some candy.
Jane ate some porridge.

Any употребляется в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.

Lily doesn’t have any sugar.
Do we have any time?

1. Заполните таблицу.
air ȇ award ȇ beauty ȇ blood ȇ bottle ȇ bread ȇ builder ȇ butter ȇ car ȇ chair ȇ cheese ȇ chess ȇ day
ȇ family ȇ finger ȇ girl ȇ partner ȇ happiness ȇ information ȇ knowledge ȇ meat ȇ pineapple ȇ rain
ȇ remark ȇ rice ȇ room ȇ salt ȇ silver ȇ stick ȇ table ȇ tea ȇ telephone ȇ time ȇ word.

Countable Uncountable

2. Заполните пропуски, используя a/an или some.

bacon some bacon

1. .........................................behavior 11. ......................................fruit 21. ......................................chair

2. ..........................................bread 12. ......................................glass 22. ......................................milk

3. .........................................film 13. ......................................gold 23. ......................................news

4. .........................................cheese 14. ......................................help 24. ......................................bed

5. .........................................book 15. ......................................umbrella 25. ......................................girl

6. .........................................apple 16. ......................................paint 26. ......................................salt

7. .........................................pen 17. ......................................cake 27. ......................................sugar

8. .........................................education 18. ......................................lemonade 28. ......................................boy

9. .........................................fish 19. ......................................love 29. ......................................game

10. ......................................flour 20. ......................................luck 30. ......................................wool

3. Заполните пропуски, используя some/any.

Do we have ......................... rice? Do we have any rice?

1. We bought ..................................................... potatoes 6. Please, buy ...................................................... bread.

2. Did they want ............................................. jam? 7. Do you want ................................................. lemonade?
3. There aren’t .................................................. sweets. 8. He didn’t do ................................................. work.
4. Don’t buy ....................................................... water. 9. She had ............................................................ coffee.
5. They have got .............................................. money. 10. Did they have ........................................... news?
Множественное число существительных образуется с помощью окончаний -s, -es.
sea seas an apple apples a book books
a parent parents a pie pies a year years

Если существительные оканчиваются на:

ȇ-s, -ss, -sh ȇ-ch, -x ȇ-o
то во множественном числе добавляется окончание -es.
a bus buses a brush brushes
gas gases a church churches
a glass glasses a torch torches a photo photos

a class classes a tax taxes a radio radios

a kiss kisses a fox foxes a piano pianos

a dish dishes a potato potatoes

Если существительное оканчивается Если существительное

на -y, перед которой стоит оканчивается на -y, перед
согласная, то y меняется на i, которой стоит гласная, то к слову
и к слову добавляется окончание -es. добавляется окончание -s.

baby babies day days

Примеры: Примеры:
country countries boy boys

Если существительное оканчивается на -f wife wives

или -fe, то оба этих окончания меняются на -ves. Примеры:
leaf leaves

knife knives

shelf shelves

roof roofs

safe safes

Формы множественного числа некоторых слов образуются особым способом.

Такие слова и их формы необходимо запомнить.
Замена man men foot feet tooth teeth
гласных: woman women goose geese

child children one sheep two sheep

Замена Слова,
слова: ox oxen не меняющие one deer two deer
person people форму: one fish a lot of fish
mouse mice one hair a lot of hair
1. Образуйте множественное число существительных.
bench benches

1. class .................................................................................................... 8. leash ..................................................................................................

2. fizz ...................................................................................................... 9. wish ......................................................................................................

3. flash ..................................................................................................... 10. dress ..................................................................................................

4. fox ........................................................................................................ 11. potato ..............................................................................................

5. glass ................................................................................................... 12. piano.................................................................................................

6. sandwich ......................................................................................... 13. radio..................................................................................................

7. kiss ..................................................................................................... 14. photo ................................................................................................

2. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

elf elves

1. knife .................................................................................................. 7. shelf ...................................................................................................

2. leaf ........................................................................................................ 8. thief ...................................................................................................

3. life ........................................................................................................ 9. wolf ....................................................................................................

4. loaf ....................................................................................................... 10. wife ....................................................................................................

5. self ....................................................................................................... 11. safe .....................................................................................................

6. sheaf ................................................................................................... 12. half .....................................................................................................

3. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

child children

1. foot ...................................................................................................... 7. sheep ..................................................................................................

2. goose ................................................................................................. 8. tooth .................................................................................................

3. man .................................................................................................... 9. woman ..............................................................................................

4. mouse ............................................................................................... 10. louse..................................................................................................

5. ox ........................................................................................................ 11. die.......................................................................................................

6. person ................................................................................................ 12. penny ...............................................................................................

4. Подчеркните правильный вариант.

My box/boxes is brown.

1. An ox is/are big. 6. Вuses is/are fast.

2. The news is/are nice. 7. The leaf is/are green.

3. These sheep is/are white. 8. These dice is/are lucky.

4. Women is/are smart. 9. This root is/are long.

5. This shelf is/are wide. 10. Those countries is/are friendly.

Артикли a/an используются с неизвестными, исчисляемыми существительными
в единственном числе и имеют значение «один».

There is a bag.
Примеры: It has five balls.
I want a sweet.
They had money.
I bought a newspaper. There is water on the floor
It was her car.
They lived a quiet life. She makes coffee.
I like a certain house. We eat some sweets.

В конструкциях с глаголами to be и to have.

I am a doctor. He has a cat.

I am a student She has an apple.
It has a tail.
He is a teacher.
She is an artist.
This is a cup.

It is a sunny day. This is an orange.

It is a fun game.
That is a pen.
I have an idea. That is an elephant.
You have a book.
They have a plan. There is a clever girl.
We have a dog. There is an excellent student.

В устойчивых словосочетаниях.
to have a good time / хорошо a number of / несколько
Примеры: проводить время
in a day / за один день
to be a success / быть успешным in a week / за одну неделю
to catch a cold/ простудиться in a month / за один месяц
a lot of / много in a year / за один год

В восклицательных предложениях используется только артикль a/an.

Примеры: What a good day! What a juicy fruit!

What a fun game! What a fresh bread!
What a great story!
1. Поставьте артикль там, где это необходимо.
1. This is .......................... bed. 11. We have got .................... car.
2. That is ........................apple. 12. Our ......................................... cat is orange.
3. There are ..................trees in the forest. 13. My brother is ................. student.
4. I have ..........................friend. 14. Is this your ....................... bag?
5. This is my ................ book. 15. Did you have .................. breakfast?
6. That is ........................ girl. 16. She is her .......................... daughter.
7. It’s .................................cat. 17. When is your ................. birthday?

8. That is ........................ hand. 18. That ...................................... man is very strong.

9. It’s .................................elephant’s tail. 19. He has ................................. ball.
10. I don’t have ......... uncle. 20. Would you like ............. banana?

2. Поставьте артикль там, где это необходимо.

1. He ate .................................................... orange. 11. In the morning I drink ...................... tea.
2. This is our .......................................... sofa. 12. Did they eat .............................................. meat?
3. Can you bake ................................... cake? 13. His daughter is ..................... engineer.
4. This is my ........................................... pet snake. 14. Give me that ........................... pen, please.
5. Can I eat this ...................................egg? 15. We will eat ............................... rice with vegetables.
6. I like to draw with ....................... pencil. 16. I got ..................... letter from my mother yesterday.

7. I have .....................................................aunt. 17. His friends have got ............................. dog.

8. Is this your ........................................ apartment? 18. We read .......................... book in class.
9. Put it in ................................................box. 19. ............................................... fruit is delicious.
10. Did you read that ......................article? 20. This is my father’s ................................... hat.

3. Поставьте артикль там, где это необходимо.

My son is student. He is good student. My son is a student. He is a good student.
1. I have cat. Its name is Felix. .........................................................................................................................................................
2. They have large family. ..................................................................................................................................................................................

3. She works at good school. ...........................................................................................................................................................................

4. My sister is at work. She is engineer. .....................................................................................................................

5. I got present from my friend yesterday. .............................................................................................................................
6. You have some apples, but I have no apples. ...................................................................................................................

7. His father is doctor. He works in large hospital. ...........................................................................................

8. She has two brothers. Her brothers are students. ......................................................................................................................

9. This book is blue. This is my sister’s book. .......................................................................................................................
10. Jane is at home. She is eating toast and drinking coffee. ......................................................................

Упоминая что-либо в первый раз, мы используем артикль a/an.
При повторном упоминании используется артикль the.
I have a garden. The garden is big.
This is a picture. The picture is great.
She has a bicycle. The bicycle is expensive.

С уникальными в своем роде существительными.

the Earth the end the capital

the Moon the beginning the Equator
the sky the weather the world

in the north to the north

in the south to the south
in the east to the east
in the west to the west

При упоминании какого-либо определенного предмета.

The tea is hot. Именно тот чай, который я попробовал.
Take the book from the table.
Olga sat in the armchair near the window.
Bring the bag from my car.

С некоторыми географическими названиями.

Океаны: the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean
Моря: the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Northern Sea
Реки: the Amazon, the Lena, the Nile
Каналы: the Suez Canal, the Panama Canal
Пустыни: the Sahara desert, the Gobi desert
Горные цепи: the Urals, the Alps, the Andes
Группы островов: the Galapogos Islands, the Kuril Islands

the Everest одна гора, the Sicily один остров.

1. Поставьте правильный артикль там, где это необходимо.
1. Saturn 11. USA

2. weather 12. Russia

3. Cyprus 13. Panama Canal

4. bag 14. Caspian Sea

5. Uluru 15. Galapagos Islands

6. Moscow river 16. Arctic Ocean

7. east 17. table

8. light 18. world

9. orange 19. planet

10. book 20. country

2. Поставьте правильный артикль там, где это необходимо.

1. river is to north of city.

2. I’ve never seen Atlantic Ocean.

3. Sicily is very beautiful.

4. They have two cars.

5. I have a piano. piano is very expensive.

6. There was big lake near village.

7. Is New York capital of the United States?

8. It is very cold in Siberia.

9. Moscow is capital of Russia.

10. Red Sea is very warm.

3. Поставьте правильный артикль там, где это необходимо.

1. Africa is continent.

2. They have son and daughter.

3. She is only daughter of his.

4. This is map of world.

5. We went to Black Sea last summer.

6. New Zealand is near Australia.

7. Antarctic is in south from here.

8. Russia is a very big country.

9. I want to go to Ukraine for holidays.

10. Nile is river in Egypt.

Для обозначения всей семьи.
the Browns
the Smiths
the Smirnovs

С порядковыми числительными.
the seventh day
the first snow the fourth year the eighth planet
the second place the fifth book the ninth finger
the third anniversary the sixth child the tenth month

Перед превосходной

Примеры: Russia is the biggest


This is the best book.

C названиями культурных и туристических объектов.

Отели и рестораны: The Holiday Inn
The Savoy
The Prague

Театры и кинотеатры: The Bolshoy Theatre

The Moscow Art Theatre
The Grand Opera
The Pioneer Cinema

Музеи и галереи: The Tretyakov Gallery

The History Museum
The Polytechnic Museum

С обстоятельствами места.

in the world on the radio

in the sky in/on the street
at the library in the garden
1. Поставьте правильный артикль там, где это необходимо.
1. Equator 11. France

2. Mariott 12. Urals

3. sweater 13. Titanic

4. student 14. universe

5. Hermitage 15. car

6. Smiths 16. Red Sea

7. north 17. cup

8. dark 18. star

9. South Pole 19. sun

10. chair 20. ground

2. Поставьте правильный артикль там, где это необходимо.

1. I like people in this town.

2. She thinks that New York is best city in world.

3. Do you have map we bought?

4. Paris is capital of France.

5. He wants to go to London next month.

6. Lake Baikal is deepest lake on Earth.

7. We usually play chess.

8. She took second place in competition.

9. Lena is longest river in Russia.

10. March is third month on year.

3. Поставьте правильный артикль там, где это необходимо.

1. We will meet at station.

2. Thames is river in London.

3. This is small town.

4. What is highest mountain on planet?

5. Alps are very big.

6. They sailed across Atlantic Ocean.

7. My mother is teacher in school.

8. I woke up early in morning.

9. sun rises in east.

10. Jane has got dog.

Если перед существительным стоит местоимение (my, his, your, etc.) или числительное
(one, two, three, etc.).
My room is large. Mum’s face is pretty.
Примеры: I need your books. Irina ate four sweets.

C именами собственными.

Примеры: Mary, James, Doctor Green

С географическими названиями.
Континенты: Asia, North America, Australia
Страны: Russia, France, Argentina
Примеры: Города: St. Petersburg, New York, Adelaide
Остров (один): Sicily, Madagaskar, Tasmania
Гора (одна): Everest, Fuji, Uluru
the United States of America
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
the Netherlands the Congo
the Ukraine the Crimea

С днями недели. С названиями месяцев.

Monday, Tuesday, January, February, March, April,
Примеры: Wednesday, Примеры: May, June, July, August, September,
Thursday, Friday October, November, December

C названиями городских объектов.

Улицы: Tverskaya Street, Broadway, Oxford Street
Примеры: Парки: Hyde Park, Gorky Park, Central Park
Площади: Red Square, Trafalgar Square, Independence Square

С названиями образовательных учреждений.

Университеты: Cambridge, Harvard, Moscow State University
Колледжи: Williams college, Cornwall college

С названиями школьных предметов, наук.

Maths, English, Astrophysics, Biology,

Примеры: Примеры:
Literature Medical Science
1. Поставьте артикль там, где это необходимо.
1. .................................................. New York 11. ................................................ Russia

2. .................................................. berry 12. ................................................ cat

3. .................................................. Biology 13. ................................................ Friday

4. .................................................. Dick 14. ................................................ Australia

5. .................................................. elephant 15. ................................................ Sicily

6. .................................................. father 16. ................................................ pencil

7. .................................................. Carl 17. ................................................ doctor

8. .................................................. Paris 18. ................................................ Broadway

9. .................................................. textbook 19. ................................................ mountain

10. ............................................... Rick 20. ................................................ island

2. Поставьте артикль там, где это необходимо.

1. .................................................. Paul 11. ................................................ Maths

2. .................................................. eagle 12. ................................................ park

3. .................................................. Saint-Petersburg 13. ................................................ Everest

4. .................................................. calculator 14. ................................................ university

5. .................................................. Suzy 15. ................................................ father

6. .................................................. Moscow 16. ................................................ Harvard

7. .................................................. mother 17. ................................................ August

8. .................................................. chair 18. ................................................ month

9. .................................................. paper 19. ................................................ day

10. ............................................... Geometry 20. ................................................ Literature

3. Поставьте артикль там, где это необходимо.

1. .................................................. monitor 11. ............................................... science

2. .................................................. Mary 12. ............................................... policeman

3. .................................................. lion 13. ................................................ June

4. .................................................. Berlin 14. ............................................... Ottawa

5. .................................................. shirt 15. ............................................... language

6. .................................................. milk 16. ............................................... theatre

7. .................................................. Tom 17. ............................................... Grand Opera

8. .................................................. card 18. ............................................... meat

9. .................................................. Rome 19. ............................................... university

10. ............................................... Nancy 20. ............................................... James

Необходимо использовать in, когда речь идет о местах
и помещениях. Мы представляем, как предмет
находится внутри чего-то большого.

In a room — в комнате
In a box — в коробке
In a bottle — в бутылке
In a garden — в саду
In a river — в реке
In the country/city/town — в стране/городе
In a pool — в бассейне

Необходимо использовать on, когда речь идет

о поверхностях. Мы представляем, как предмет
находится на поверхности чего-либо.

On the ceiling — на потолке

On the door — на двери
On the floor — на полу
On the wall — на стене
On the bottle — на бутылке
On the table — на столе
On the island — на острове

Необходимо использовать
at, когда речь идет о местах,
где мы мало проводим время.

At the bus stop — на остановке

At the door — у двери
At the window — у окна
At the reception — около стойки ресепшн
At the traffic lights — на светофоре

1. Заполните пропуски, используя предлоги in или on. Переведите предложения.
1. Is there a carpet the floor? ...................................................................................................................................................................

2. There is some cheese the fridge. .......................................................................................................................................................

3. There are five toys the box. ...................................................................................................................................................................

4. Are there two plates the table? .........................................................................................................................................................

5. Is there a bathroom your house? .....................................................................................................................................................

6. There are no cups of tea the table. ..................................................................................................................................................

7. There is some juice the cup. .....................................................................................................................................................................

8. There are three pigs and two cows the farm. ...............................................................................................................................

9. There are four hamburgers the plate. ...........................................................................................................................................

10. Are there three rooms his flat? .......................................................................................................................................................

2. Заполните пропуски, используя предлоги in или at. Переведите предложения.

1. I am the bus stop. ............................................................................................................................................................................................

2. There are two dogs the yard. ...................................................................................................................................................................

3. There are some cucumbers the salad. ................................................................................................................................................

4. The cars stand the traffic lights. ............................................................................................................................................................

5. What is there the door? .............................................................................................................................................................................

6. There is an apple my pocket. ...................................................................................................................................................................

7. Fill the form the reception. ......................................................................................................................................................................

8. The girl stands the window. .....................................................................................................................................................................

9. There is an armchair the sleeping-room. ........................................................................................................................................

10. There is a small window their room. ..............................................................................................................................................

3. Заполните пропуски, используя предлоги on, in или at. Переведите предложения.

1. There is a picture the wall. .......................................................................................................................................................................

2. There are fifteen desks the classroom. ..............................................................................................................................................

3. There are many people the building. .................................................................................................................................................

4. the Internet there is much information. .........................................................................................................................................

5. There is no pot the table. ...........................................................................................................................................................................

6. There are new gadgets the car. ..............................................................................................................................................................

7. There are many beautiful flowers the garden. ............................................................................................................................

8. What’s the menu? ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

9. There are three rooms her apartment. ..............................................................................................................................................

10. There are some motorbikes the corner. ........................................................................................................................................

Эта тема не простая, без игры еe нельзя запомнить надолго!

Примеры: In October / November / December —

в октябре / в ноябре / в декабре

In winter / spring / autumn —

зимой / весной / осенью

In 1188 / 1992 — в 1188 году / в 1992 году

In the 19th century — в 19 веке

In the Middle Ages — в Средние века

In the past / in the future —

в прошлом / в будущем

Примеры: On Friday / Sunday — в пятницу / в воскресенье

On 16 April — 16 апреля

On my birthday — в мой день рождения

On Christmas Day — в день Рождества

On Friday morning — утром пятницы

Примеры: At 5 — в 5 часов
At 11.40 — в 11.40
At midnight — в полночь
At sunset — на закате
At sunrise — на рассвете
At night — ночью
At weekend — в выходной
At present — в настоящем
At Christmas — на Рождество

1. Заполните пропуски, используя предлоги at или on.
1. .................................................. Monday 11. ............................................... the meeting

2. .................................................. Christmas Day 12. ............................................... a cold night

3. .................................................. sunset 13. ............................................... the weekend

4. .................................................. 12:43 14. ............................................... 12 o’clock

5. .................................................. the 5th of June 15. ............................................... the 15th of December

6. .................................................. Wednesday morning 16. ............................................... the end of May

7. .................................................. 5 o’clock 17. ............................................... this Monday

8. .................................................. his birthday 18. ............................................... last Sunday

9. .................................................. night 19. ............................................... 17:30.

10. ............................................... midnight 20. ............................................... a party

2. Заполните пропуски, используя предлоги at или in.

1. .................................................. April 11. ............................................... two months

2. .................................................. 6 12. ............................................... my party

3. .................................................. the past 13. ............................................... July

4. .................................................. sunrise 14. ............................................... the afternoon

5. .................................................. summer 15. ............................................... next century

6. .................................................. the Middle Ages 16. ............................................... midnight

7. .................................................. Christmas 17. ............................................... New Year’s Eve

8. .................................................. 2018 18. ............................................... November

9. .................................................. present 19. ............................................... the last year

10. ............................................... 9:11 20. ............................................... February

3. Заполните пропуски, используя предлоги at, on или in.

1. .................................................. August 11. ............................................... the morning

2. .................................................. autumn 12. ............................................... the next five years

3. .................................................. 7 13. ............................................... the last day of summer

4. .................................................. 1976 14. ............................................... Monday evening

5. .................................................. Sunday 15. ............................................... 6 in the morning

6. .................................................. winter 16. ............................................... 1956

7. .................................................. 4:22 17. ............................................... the 10th century

8. .................................................. Thursday 18. ............................................... night

9. .................................................. the future 19. ............................................... workdays

10. ............................................... her birthday 20. ............................................... the next life

1. Прочитайте слова и заполните таблицу.
fork ȇ furniture ȇknife ȇlamp ȇadvice ȇcow ȇclothes ȇalbum ȇmoney ȇfood ȇbook ȇbanana

Countable Uncountable

2. Поставьте неопределенный артикль.

1. .................................................. disc 5. .................................................. eagle 9. .................................................. hare
2. .................................................. ox 6. .................................................. orange 10. ............................................... tram
3. .................................................. pizza 7. .................................................. lion 11. ............................................... lamp
4. .................................................. apple 8. .................................................. elephant 12. ............................................... door

3. Поставьте неопределенный артикль там, где это необходимо.

1. .................................................. man 5. .................................................. men 9. .................................................. people
2. .................................................. geese 6. .................................................. teeth 10. ............................................... child
3. .................................................. children 7. .................................................. woman 11. ............................................... tooth
4. .................................................. women 8. .................................................. goose 12. ............................................... person

4. Заполните таблицу.
toys ȇknowledge ȇcucumbers ȇnews ȇpeople ȇhomework ȇchildren ȇinformation ȇboys ȇluggage
ȇ`pencils ȇmoney

How many? How much?

5. Образуйте множественное число существительных.

1. cat ........................................................................................................... 6. child .......................................................................................................
2. knob ....................................................................................................... 7. tiger .......................................................................................................

3. man ........................................................................................................ 8. bell ........................................................................................................

4. sheep ..................................................................................................... 9. foot .........................................................................................................

5. picture ................................................................................................. 10. hen .......................................................................................................
6. Поставьте перед существительным определенный артикль и скажите, как изменилось
значение слова:
1. a dog — .................... dog .......................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. a house — ............... house ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. a pencil — .............. pencil ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. a child — ................. child ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. a day — .................... day........................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. a book — ................. book ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. a ball — .................... ball .......................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. a woman — ............ woman ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

9. a boy — .................... boy .......................................................................................................................................................................................................

10. a bird — ................ bird ......................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Поставьте определенный артикль там, где это необходимо.

1. ........................... Nelly 5. ........................... biology 9. ........................... father

2. ........................... London 6. ........................... Nile 10. ........................ Alps

3. ........................... Pacific Ocean 7. ........................... Oxford University 11. ........................ moon

4. ........................... Earth 8. ........................... Ivanovs 12. ........................ Sakhalin

8. Заполните пропуски, используя предлоги in или on.

1. ........................... the wall 5. ........................... the garden 9. ........................... the shelf

2. ........................... the kitchen 6. ........................... the table 10. ........................ the floor

3. ........................... the board 7. ........................... Russia 11. ........................ the north

4. ........................... the bathroom 8. ........................... Moscow 12. ........................ the news

9. Заполните пропуски, используя предлоги at или on.

1. ........................... the moment 5. ........................... 15th November 9. ........................... a train

2. ........................... a bus 6. ........................... the bus stop 10. ........................ the party

3. ........................... 6 o’clock 7. ........................... work 11. ........................ the station

4. ........................... the cinema 8. ........................... the first day 12. ........................ the page

10. Заполните пропуски, используя предлоги at или in.

1. ............................the car 5. ..................... the summer holidays 9. ............................the cupboard

2. ............................bed time 6. ..................... the example 10. .........................the autumn

3. ............................the mornings 7. ..................... 9 o’clock 11. .........................the evening

4. ............................2011 8. ..................... Spain 12. .........................the dark

11. Заполните пропуски, используя предлоги at, in, on.
1. ..................... the evenings 5. ........................... Wednesday 9. ................... Wednesday afternoon

2. ..................... Independence Day 6. ........................... the afternoon 10. ................ 3rd December

3. ..................... Monday 7. ........................... the window 11. ................ the TV

4. ..................... night 8. ........................... the morning 12. ................ the meeting

12. Заполните таблицу.

Christmas morning ȇthe end of the night ȇthe evening ȇ1986 ȇclass ȇthe page ȇthe zoo ȇthe surface
ȇ`the party ȇthe house ȇthe cup ȇJanuary ȇthe TV ȇthe table

at in on

13. Заполните таблицу.

7:00 ȇdinner ȇFriday ȇJuly 12th ȇmy lunch break ȇJune ȇlunch ȇmy birthday ȇsunrise
ȇthe 1990’s ȇ`the 19th century ȇthe afternoon ȇthe moment ȇnight ȇthe past ȇthe morning ȇ
the start of the show ȇtime

in at on

1. Поставьте артикли там, где это необходимо.
1. I bought car yesterday. 8. soldiers must be brave.
2. He will have party tomorrow. 9. We will go there by boat.
3. Kremlin is center of Moscow. 10. I didn’t have phone last year.
4. Can we go to zoo? 11. lake is to south of my town.
5. You didn’t have cat. 12. I wish to travel to North Pole.
6. I don’t remember last words of the text. 13. universe is big and full of stars.
7. She is sly like fox. 14. He bought dog.

2. Заполните пропуски предлогами at, in или on.

1. ................................................... winter 8. ................................................. 1998
2. ................................................. night 9. ................................................. the New Year
3. ................................................. midday 10. .............................................. the night of the event
4. ................................................. Christmas Eve 11. .............................................. August
5. ................................................. 5 o’clock 12. ............................................. the 14th century
6. ................................................. the moment 13. .............................................. December

7. ................................................. the bed 14. .............................................. the page

3. Заполните таблицу.
1. cookies 11. news
How many? How much?
2. luck 12. tables
3. pencils 13. stars
4. work 14. windows
5. time 15. rice
6. money 16. buildings
7. birds 17. juice
8. love 18. paper
9. eggs 19. water
10. carrots 20. books

4. Заполните пропуски, используя глагол to be в Present Simple, Past Simple

и Future Simple.
1. We never late. 6. He ill last Monday.
2. Cats very funny yesterday. 7. Bella his little sister.
3. Tim and Tom good friends. 8. I 12 years old last year.
4. Keith our boss next month. 9. The students unhappy.
5. My name George. 10. She very beautiful when she grows up.
5. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple.
1. to watch He .................................................................. ........................................................... ................................................................

2. to crash They ............................................................. ........................................................... ................................................................

3. to touch She ............................................................... ........................................................... ................................................................

4. to fuzz It...................................................................... ........................................................... ................................................................

5. to match We .................................................................. ........................................................... ................................................................

6. to sell I ........................................................................ ........................................................... ................................................................

7. to buzz Bees .............................................................. ........................................................... ................................................................

8. to tell Parents ....................................................... ........................................................... ................................................................

9. to leave A cat ............................................................. ........................................................... ................................................................

10. to mix Children.................................................... ........................................................... ................................................................

6. Поставьте предложения в Past Simple.

1. Helen buys some milk, bread and eggs. .......................................................................................................................................................

2. She goes to the cinema. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

3. My family is large. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Me and my sister fight a lot. ...................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Does Ann help you wash the dishes? .............................................................................................................................................................
6. My mother works at a school. .............................................................................................................................................................................

7. Bob speaks four languages.......................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Can you sell me any fruit? .......................................................................................................................................................................................
9. We teach children to read and write...............................................................................................................................................................
10. I run in a marathon every year. ........................................................................................................................................................................

7. Поставьте предложения в Future Simple.

1. Lily never washes the dishes. ...............................................................................................................................................................................
2. Can you write me a letter? ......................................................................................................................................................................................
3. He always protects his sisters...............................................................................................................................................................................
4. Does she like coffee with milk? ...........................................................................................................................................................................
5. His mother knows French and Spanish. ......................................................................................................................................................
6. The music is too loud! ................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. He didn’t read this book. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
8. They are ready to do the test. ...............................................................................................................................................................................
9. She sells a lot of fruit....................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. My family went to the Urals last month. ...............................................................................................................................................
8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple.
1. He (to make) coffee every morning.
2. Jane (to call) her teacher tomorrow.
3. I (to not have) any fruit.
4. They (to be) students in this university 10 years ago.
5. She (to listen) to this song all the time.
6. You (to have) a green jacket.
7. Ann (to not like) yesterday’s party.
8. Tim (to be) at home tomorrow.
9. We (to go) to the amusement park next month.
10. I always (to wash) the dishes.

9. Составьте отрицательные предложения.

1. Tom comes home late. ................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. My sister was a secretary. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Wendy walks her dog. ................................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Mother will cook dinner. .........................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Olga makes a cake. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. They will celebrate Christmas. ............................................................................................................................................................................
7. In the evening I usually read books.................................................................................................................................................................
8. Luke will buy toys for his son...............................................................................................................................................................................
9. Sarah watched TV. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................
10. Children went to bed early. .................................................................................................................................................................................

10. Задайте общие вопросы к предложениям и дайте краткие ответы.

1. George is my best friend. .........................................................................................................................................................................................

2. I woke up at 7 o’clock. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

3. The children played in the yard. .......................................................................................................................................................................

4. Mike always thinks about money. ....................................................................................................................................................................

5. We don’t have a nice car. .........................................................................................................................................................................................

6. She will visit her parents on Monday. ..........................................................................................................................................................

7. Boys often fight. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. I fly to Ireland. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................
9. We won’t have a party tomorrow. ....................................................................................................................................................................

10. Girls don’t like to cry. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

11. Составьте отрицательные предложения и задайте общие вопросы.
1. They are not in the supermarket. ....................................................................................................................................................................
2. Joe was a pilot. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. We went to Sicily last year. ....................................................................................................................................................................................
4. I am a student in a university................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Ann will cook dinner tonight. ..............................................................................................................................................................................
6. This will be a table. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. You will be angry. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................
8. My parents bought me a new computer. .....................................................................................................................................................
9. Don was a doctor at a hospital. ...........................................................................................................................................................................
10. Mina was 5 years old. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

12. Задайте альтернативные вопросы к предложениям.

1. Bob has his English lesson on Tuesday. (on Monday) ....................................................................................................................

2. We will go to the zoo in the afternoon. (to school) ............................................................................................................................

3. He always gets up at 9. (at 10) ............................................................................................................................................................................
4. My parents talked to me yesterday. (last Tuesday) ............................................................................................................................
5. She plays the guitar. (piano) .................................................................................................................................................................................
6. You liked apples. (oranges) ....................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Your father will go fishing next week. (tomorrow) ............................................................................................................................
8. The children swim in the sea. (parents).......................................................................................................................................................
9. Rick travelled alone last summer. (with friends) .................................................................................................................................
10. We will speak English with them. (French) ........................................................................................................................................

13. Задайте специальные вопросы к предложению.

My parents send twelve Christmas cards from Alaska with pleasure.
Where ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Why ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

When .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

How many .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

14. Задайте разделительные вопросы к предложениям и дайте краткие ответы.
1. Sue loves Pete. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. I saw a black cat. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. My father read a book yesterday. .......................................................................................................................................................................
4. Mike will go there by plane. ...................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Jill has a son. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. They must study English. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
7. You never drink coffee. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................
8. Sam won’t build a garage. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
9. She didn’t like the grapes. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
10. Jon buys flowers every day. ..................................................................................................................................................................................

15. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему и дайте краткие ответы.

1. A cat has new food. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. We listened to the teacher. .....................................................................................................................................................................................
3. A boy washed his face. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

4. Andrew will fix his car. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

5. A mouse will eat the cheese. .................................................................................................................................................................................

6. A tiger lives in the jungle. .......................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Grandfather was angry. .............................................................................................................................................................................................
8. Victor had nothing to do. ........................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Paul plays the piano. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

10. He will be a doctor. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................

16. Переведите предложения.

1. Кому нравится его рубашка? ...........................................................................................................................................................................
2. У нее есть большой синий зонт. .....................................................................................................................................................................
3. У этой реки будет песчаный пляж. .............................................................................................................................................................
4. Этот свитер новый, не так ли? .........................................................................................................................................................................
5. У Анны было много книг. .....................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Я видел Атлантический океан прошлым летом. ............................................................................................................................
7. Ты любишь холодную или теплую погоду?........................................................................................................................................
8. У Марка есть барабаны и две гитары. ......................................................................................................................................................
9. Я езжу на поезде каждый день. .......................................................................................................................................................................
10. Она пыталась позвонить мне вчера. ......................................................................................................................................................
1. Поставьте артикли там, где это необходимо.
1. I was born in Moscow. 8. My friends will have party on Sunday.
2. Did you swum in ocean? 9. Mary lives near big lake.
3. Paris is so beautiful! 10. Browns live right next to supermarket.
4. He bought bag of apples at market. 11. Do you want some tea?
5. London was built on Thames. 12. There is cup on table.
6. moon today is big and bright. 13. Look! first snow!
7. I’ve never been to USA. 14. She couldn’t read text.

2. Заполните пропуски предлогами at, in или on.

1. ................................................. Saturday 8. ................................................. the 5th of July
2. ................................................. the party 9. ................................................. 1987
3. ................................................. the morning 10. .............................................. Wednesday
4. ................................................. September 11. .............................................. spring
5. ................................................. Thursday 12. .............................................. the corner of your eye
6. ................................................... 2017 13. .............................................. the 21st of September
7. ................................................. the beginning of the text 14. .............................................. May

3. Заполните таблицу.
1. boxes 11. snowflakes
How many? How much?
2. boys 12. chairs
3. air 13. fish
4. geese 14. oranges
5. milk 15. files
6. cups 16. phones
7. sunshine 17. coffee
8. teeth 18. fingers
9. bags 19. clothes
10. snow 20. toys

4. Заполните пропуски, используя глагол to be в Present Simple, Past Simple

и Future Simple.
1. Dinner tasty yesterday. 6. The supermarket not far from my house.
2. The soldiers always brave. 7. John and Suzy students last year.
3. The ball I had last year ed and blue. 8. The car very old but I like it.
4. This tea hot! I can’t drink it. 9. Morning exercises easy.
5. They our managers next week. 10. The teacher nice yesterday.
5. Поставьте глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple.
1. to buy I ........................................................................ ........................................................... ................................................................

2. to kiss They ............................................................. ........................................................... ................................................................

3. to go Friends ....................................................... ........................................................... ................................................................

4. to crash A car ............................................................. ........................................................... ................................................................

5. to wear We .................................................................. ........................................................... ................................................................

6. to drink She................................................................. ........................................................... ................................................................

7. to talk People ......................................................... ........................................................... ................................................................

8. to rush Tim................................................................ ........................................................... ................................................................

9. to spin A ball ........................................................... ........................................................... ................................................................

10. to eat You ................................................................ ........................................................... ................................................................

6. Поставьте предложения в Past Simple.

1. Pamela washes her face and hands in the morning. ...........................................................................................................................
2. Jessica cooks pies well. ................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. They will play football on Saturday. ...............................................................................................................................................................
4. The cat sleeps on a mat. .............................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Keith reads books from the library. ..................................................................................................................................................................
6. We will work in an office. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Bruce will come home very late..........................................................................................................................................................................
8. She is a very talented dancer.................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Jane will send those emails in the evening. ...............................................................................................................................................
10. We drink coffee for breakfast. ............................................................................................................................................................................

7. Поставьте предложения в Future Simple.

1. My father gets up early in the morning. ......................................................................................................................................................
2. Victor is a true gentleman. .....................................................................................................................................................................................

3. We were at class last Monday. ..............................................................................................................................................................................

4. This cat makes me laugh. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Alice bought some milk and cheese. ...............................................................................................................................................................
6. Did you enjoy the rides at the amusement park? ...............................................................................................................................

7. She wrote a book about animals. ......................................................................................................................................................................

8. I can go to see the new superhero movie. ....................................................................................................................................................

9. This sweater is wet and heavy. .............................................................................................................................................................................
10. Tim has got two dogs and a cat. .......................................................................................................................................................................
8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple.
1. Mike (to cook) breakfast every day. ..............................................................................................................................................................

2. She (to spend) her time at the library yesterday. .................................................................................................................................

3. We must (to go) to school tomorrow. ............................................................................................................................................................
4. I (to not like) apples or oranges. ........................................................................................................................................................................
5. They (to play) a game yesterday. .......................................................................................................................................................................
6. John (to call) me last month. ................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Mary will (to buy) some milk. .............................................................................................................................................................................
8. You (to listen) to this song every day. ...........................................................................................................................................................
9. They (to like) to read newspaper in the morning................................................................................................................................
10. I (to want) some ice cream. .................................................................................................................................................................................

9. Составьте отрицательные предложения.

1. Jane can dance for hours. .........................................................................................................................................................................................
2. You can ask the professor about the book. .................................................................................................................................................
3. The dog bit the boy........................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. We will have to do it. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. My parents and I met last Sunday. ...................................................................................................................................................................
6. Jessica will finish this book. ....................................................................................................................................................................................
7. She rides a bicycle every day. ................................................................................................................................................................................
8. He will help you decorate the house for Christmas. ..........................................................................................................................
9. They fixed my car in three hours. ......................................................................................................................................................................
10. I can read Spanish well. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

10. Задайте общие вопросы к предложениям и дайте краткие ответы.

1. His son plays computer games every day. ..................................................................................................................................................
2. Bob likes to drink tea with milk. ........................................................................................................................................................................
3. Her boss worked overtime last month. .........................................................................................................................................................
4. They won’t eat pizza and drink juice..............................................................................................................................................................
5. Kevin lives in Iceland..................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Nancy works in a corner shop. .............................................................................................................................................................................
7. Their cat wasn’t brown and white. ...................................................................................................................................................................
8. I won’t see a horror movie next weekend. ..................................................................................................................................................
9. They can go to the city by train or by car. .................................................................................................................................................
10. We have got eggs and toast for breakfast. ...............................................................................................................................................
11. Составьте отрицательные предложения и задайте общие вопросы.
1. We will be there soon. ................................................................................................................................................................................................


2. Tom is a policeman.........................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. I like to read adventure books about pirates and treasure. ..........................................................................................................


4. She was in the classroom yesterday. ................................................................................................................................................................


5. This book cover is red and gold. .........................................................................................................................................................................


6. My friend watches a lot of movies. ...................................................................................................................................................................


7. It will be difficult. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................


8. My parents bought a new sofa last Thursday. .........................................................................................................................................


9. I am very tired today. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................


10. Jane has got a new red car. ..................................................................................................................................................................................


12. Задайте альтернативные вопросы к предложениям.

1. He prefers horror movies. (dramas) ...............................................................................................................................................................

2. Cats usually like to stay inside. (dogs) .........................................................................................................................................................

3. He works a lot. (travel)..............................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Kate will be a student at the university. (school) ...............................................................................................................................
5. Your parents lived in Switzerland. (Austria)...........................................................................................................................................
6. I think raccoons are very cute. (hedgehogs) ............................................................................................................................................
7. Marina will have very long hair. (short) .....................................................................................................................................................
8. He is good at Maths. (Chemistry)....................................................................................................................................................................
9. We usually go to work by car. (by train) .....................................................................................................................................................
10. My father worked until 6 o’clock every day. (7 o’clock).............................................................................................................

13. Задайте специальные вопросы к предложению.

Usually I put two of my keys on the small table.
Where ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
What ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

How many...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

14. Задайте разделительные вопросы к предложениям и дайте краткие ответы.

1. People bought food in this store. ......................................................................................................................................................................
2. Tina did not like black tea.......................................................................................................................................................................................
3. They played football all day long. .....................................................................................................................................................................
4. The train always leaves at 12. ...............................................................................................................................................................................
5. Mother cooked well. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. We met Rob at 6. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Jessica studies Italian every day. ........................................................................................................................................................................
8. He didn’t want to help you.....................................................................................................................................................................................
9. He won’t carry a heavy suitcase. ........................................................................................................................................................................

15. Задайте вопросы к подлежащему и дайте краткие ответы.

1. You will meet Rick at 9. ............................................................................................................................................................................................
2. We watched TV before lunch. ..............................................................................................................................................................................
3. The apartment will be closed. ...............................................................................................................................................................................
4. Mary gets up at 6 every day. ..................................................................................................................................................................................
5. A little boy will take an ice cream.....................................................................................................................................................................
6. Andrew called you. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. He studies in the evenings. .....................................................................................................................................................................................
8. The box stands behind the house. ....................................................................................................................................................................
9. The ball will fall into the river. ............................................................................................................................................................................
10. The children went to the beach. .....................................................................................................................................................................

16. Переведите предложения.

1. Он играл в шахматы со своими друзьями в прошлый понедельник. .......................................................................

2. Джейн всегда много беспокоится.................................................................................................................................................................

3. Они пойдут в парк завтра?..................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Футбол – очень популярная игра, не так ли?...................................................................................................................................
5. В следующем году она будет учить детей английскому языку. .......................................................................................
6. Мы ходим на пляж каждый день. .................................................................................................................................................................
7. Когда кошка поймала мышь? ...........................................................................................................................................................................
8. Я не смогу прийти на твою вечеринку завтра вечером. ..........................................................................................................
9. Ей нравятся бананы или виноград? ...........................................................................................................................................................
10. Он пишет письма своей маме каждый месяц. ...............................................................................................................................
p. 7, ex. 1. 6. They always hurry.
1. I know many words. 7. The cat likes meat and milk.
2. They play basketball. 8. We go to the river on Saturdays.
3. He swims well. 9. Grandmother likes the village.
4. We like tomatoes.
5. A girl dances with her friend. p. 11, ex. 1.
6. You have a bag. 1. A girl doesn’t dance with her friend.
7. A dog sleeps in the house. 2. Cats don’t drink milk.
8. Mike loves his sister. 3. I don’t wake up at 6 o’clock every day.
9. We live in a new house. 4. He doesn’t swim well.
5. I don’t know many words.
p. 7, ex. 2. 6. Mike doesn’t love his sister.
1. They often study for this class. 7. My brother doesn’t go to school.
2. The cat sometimes drinks milk. 8. We don’t like carrots.
3. She studies literature every day. 9. She doesn’t eat candy.
4. We watch TV on Mondays.
5. Tom rarely drinks juice. p. 11, ex. 2.
6. I get up at 7:00 every day. 1. We don’t answer questions.
7. You usually have eggs for breakfast. 2. Anna doesn’t cook dinner.
8. He never eats meat. 3. You don’t drive a car.
9. I rarely go to the cinema. 4. He doesn’t smoke.
10. Anna always eats porridge. 5. I don’t like carrots.
6. Jim doesn’t work on Sunday.
p. 7, ex. 3. 7. They don’t go to England.
1. We often go to the zoo. 8. We don’t work hard.
2. Children like the game. 9. She doesn’t sing a song.
3. Boys rarely eat cake.
4. They do homework every day. p. 11, ex. 3.
5. We eat meat sometimes. 1. Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
6. I like milk. 2. Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
7. They always play games. 3. Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
8. Sometimes we listen to music. 4. Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
5. Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
p. 9, ex. 1. 6. Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
1. he plays; 2. A student plays; 3. A grandmother plays; 7. Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
4. They play; 5. We play; 6. You play; 7. An uncle plays; 8. Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
8. I play; 9. She plays; 10. Alice plays; 11. A dog plays;
12. Students play; 13. A teacher plays; 14. James plays; p. 11, ex. 4.
15. Children play; 16. Mother plays; 17. A cat plays; 1. Does he read books?
18. The girl plays; 19. Boys play; 20. A child plays. 2. Does she eat sweet carrots?
3. Do you know English?
p. 9, ex. 2. 4. Tom doesn’t play the piano.
1. I sleep every day. 5. Do they work in a school?
2. Tim studies English well. 6. We don’t like lemon candy.
3. We sing badly. 7. He doesn’t work hard.
4. They try to learn the lesson. 8. Does he live in Moscow?
5. She misses the train.
6. I paint a house. p. 13, ex. 1.
7. Anna buys a bicycle. 1) 1. When does the professor read new articles?
8. I jump high. 2. What does the professor read at the lesson on Monday?
9. You run fast. 3. Where does the professor read new articles on Monday?
4. Why does the professor read new articles at the lesson
p. 9, ex. 3. on Monday?
1. I work/we work 5. How many new articles does the professor read at the
2. he relaxes/you relax lesson on Monday?
3. you hurry/she hurries 2) 1. When do we get up very quickly?
4. we play/he plays 2. How do we get up at 8 o’clock?
5. they wash/I wash 3. Where do we get up very quickly at 8 o’clock?
6. they study/she studies 4. Why do we get up very quickly at 8 o’clock?
5. How often do we get up very quickly at 8 o’clock?
p. 9, ex. 4.
1. The teacher somtimes hurries the student. p. 13, ex. 2.
2. Mother washes the table every day. 1. Does she go to the park or the zoo?
3. Children rarely miss class. 2. Do I read books or play games?
4. He enjoys music. 3. Do they live in Berlin or in Moscow?
5. His uncle works as a teacher. 4. Does she go to sleep at 10 or at 12?
5. Does John play the guitar or the drums? 9. He’s a strong man.
6. Do we eat meat or fish? 10. She’s from Berlin.
7. Does he work or relax at 4?
8. Does Phil call or write to his mother? p. 17, ex. 4.
9. Do I drink milk or tea? 1. She’s a very clever girl. She studies well.
2. This picture is beautiful. – I don’t think so.
p. 13, ex. 3. 3. Let’s go to the Crimea. — What an excellent idea!
1. Where does she live? 4. The weather is nice today. I want to go for a walk.
2. Do you study English or French? 5. He’s a famous doctor. – Does he like his job?
3. What do you want? 6. I want hot chocolate. Let’s go to the café.
4. Does she like black coffee or coffee with milk? 7. They’re students from Berlin. They know Russian.
5. Do you like to sing or to read books? 8. This is a beautiful dress. Where do you buy clothes?
6. How do I get to the zoo? 9. Is the tea hot? He likes hot tea.
7. When do you get up? 10. When do you go to the gym? – I go there in the evening.
8. When does she arrive to school?
9. Which dress do you like? p. 19, ex. 1.
10. How much does this fish cost? 1. They are not bad people.
2. My phone number is not 676876–2323.
p. 15, ex. 1. 3. Frida is not a secretary.
1. Who drives carefully? He does. 4. My name is not Bob.
2. What barks all day? It does. 5. We are not from Tallinn.
3. What has got a long neck? It has. 6. My father is not on the right in the picture.
4. Who plays snowballs? He does. 7. My birthday is not on the 4th of September.
5. Who loves his baby? He does. 8. They are not American.
6. What stands on the table? It does. 9. My post code is not 600034.
7. Who eats ice cream? We do. 10. Her name is not Anna.
8. Who works hard? He does.
9. Who loves books? He does. p. 19, ex. 2.
1. You aren’t clever.
p. 15, ex. 2. 2. It isn’t a tiger.
1. Tim doesn’t like coffee, does he? 3. You aren’t in the restaurant.
2. They always listen to music, don’t they? 4. We aren’t from Oslo.
3. You read books every day, don’t you? 5. He isn’t a brave.
4. Sara often eats meat, doesn’t she? 6. You aren’t 8 years old.
5. I never watch TV, do I? 7. I’m not sleepy.
6. We often go for a walk, don’t we? 8. They aren’t my grandparents.
7. She loves her cat, doesn’t she?
8. He doesn’t dance, does he? p. 19, ex. 3.
9. They never do their job, do they? 1. Are foxes red? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
3. Is pepper bitter? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
p. 15, ex. 3. 4. Is my nose short? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
1. You often go to the gym, don’t you? 5. Are babies usually happy? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t
2. Who likes to drink juice? – They do. 6. Are her eyes red? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
3. Who lives under/in the water? – Plants do. 7. Is geometry difficult? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
4. You watch horror movies, don’t you? 8. Are bears brown? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
5. Which of you watches horror movies? 9. Is my computer new? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
6. Which of the boys runs fast? – Vanya does. 10. Is the Earth round? Yes, it is.
7. Which of them sings these songs? – He does.
8. He sings songs all day long, doesn’t he? p. 19, ex. 4.
9. Which of them teaches you? – James does. 1. He is not a brave soldier.
10. You know English well, don’t you? – Yes, I do. 2. Is the star bright? – Yes, it is.
3. Is he very sick? – No. He’s not sick. (He is healthy)
p. 17, ex. 1. 4. Is this bag very heavy? – Yes, it is.
1. am; 2. are; 3. is; 4. is; 5. is; 6. are; 7. is; 8. are; 9. is; 10. is; 5. The tea is not too hot.
11. is; 12. is; 13. are; 14. are; 15. is; 16. are; 17. is; 18. are; 6. Is Masha a smart girl? – Yes. She is smart and pretty.
19. are; 20. are; 21. is. 7. Why is he his bitter enemy?
8. Do they always buy hot chocolate? – No, they don’t.
p. 17, ex. 2. 9. The milk isn’t cold.
1. You’re beautiful. 10. Are they smart children? — Yes, they are.
2. It’s a crocodile.
3. You’re in the zoo. p. 21, ex. 1.
4. We’re from New York. 1. Is he 6 or 7 years old?
5. He’s a champion. 2. Is the milk cold or hot?
6. You’re 12 years old. 3. Am I tall or short?
7. I’m clever. 4. Is this a box or a suitcase?
8. They’re my parents. 5. Is your mother a doctor or an actress?
6. Is he in Moscow or in London? 3. You haven’t got a wonderful tie.
7. Are you a good or a bad student? 4. My parents haven’t got warm sweaters.
8. Is she at home or at school? 5. Nina hasn’t got white socks.
6. Paul hasn’t got a dirty jacket.
p. 21, ex. 2.
7. I haven’t got black boots.
1. What is in the pocket? 8. Jane hasn’t got a nice blouse.
2. Who is at the railway station? 9. You haven’t got new shirts.
3. What is in the sky?
4. Who is at the meeting? p. 23, ex. 4.
5. Who is hungry? 1. I don’t have a warm sweater.
6. What is on the shelf? 2. I have a red skirt.
7. What is tall? 3. You don’t have a coat?
8. Who is happy? 4. I have a new tie.
9. Who is lucky? 5. She doesn’t have a green jacket.
10. Who is loud? 6. She doesn’t have black shoes.
p. 21, ex. 3. 7. The children have a long red scarf.
8. We don’t have socks.
1. Jim is a brave man, isn’t he?
9. You don’t have white shoes.
2. She’s not in Rome, is she?
10. He has new boots.
3. Holidays are long. aren’t they?
4. It is sunny, isn’t it? p. 25, ex. 1.
5. His brother isn’t hungry, is he? 1. Has he got a suitcase? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
6. This book is brown, isn’t it? 2. Have they got a record? Yes, they have. No, they haven’t
7. Gregory is 20 years old, isn’t he? 3. Has she got a pencil? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
8. My shirt isn’t white, is it? 4. Have we got a key? Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
p. 21, ex. 4. 5. Has it got a tail? Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.
1. Is he a good dancer or a singer? 6. Have you got many books? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
2. Is the dog hungry? – No, it isn’t. 7. Has he got an umbrella? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
3. Where is a good shop? – The corner shop is good. 8. Have they got tickets? Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
4. Is Vanya tall or short? 9. Has she got food? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
5. What are these loud sounds? – It’s music. 10. Have I got a bag? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
6. Who is tall? – The brother is. p. 25, ex. 2.
7. Do you go to the corner shop?
1. What has he got?
8. Are you hungry? – Yes, I am.
2. How many books have you got?
9. Is this your key? – No, it isn’t.
3. Why has he got an umbrella?
10. Is the day sunny or cold? – Today is a sunny day.
11. It’s nice here, isn’t it? 4. How much time have we got?
12. You’re in Moscow, aren’t you? 5. Where have you got a house?
6. Why has she got a pencil?
p. 23, ex. 1. 7. How many children have they got?
1. Tom has got a warm sweater. 8. What food has she got?
2. Andrew has got a dirty jacket.
p. 25, ex. 3.
3. Wendy has got a nice blouse.
4. Linda has got a blue skirt. 1. Have we got five or three books?
5. Nelly and Mina have got black shoes. 2. Has Jane got a blue or a red book?
6. You have got a winter coat. 3. Have they got a big or a small house?
7. They have got big boots. 4. Has he got three or five guests?
8. I have got a wonderful tie. 5. Have I got a toy or a book?
9. Tracy has got white socks. 6. Has Tim got a big hat or a coat?
10. I have got a new umbrella. 7. Have we got fish or meat for dinner?
8. Have the children got a computer or books?
p. 23, ex. 2.
1. He’s got a dirty jacket. p. 25, ex. 4.
2. I’ve got a wonderful tie. 1. Have you got a green dress?
3. She’s got a blue skirt. 2. I have got a story about an animal.
4. They’ve got black tights. 3. What do you have got?
5. They’ve got big pillows. 4. Where do you have dinner?
6. He’s got a warm sweater. 5. Have you got a suitcase or a bag?
7. She’s got white socks. 6. Why do you have this old record?
8. We’ve got new shirts. 7. Who knows this story?
9. She’s got a nice blouse. 8. Do you fly by plane?
10. You’ve got a winter coat.
p. 27, ex. 1.
p. 23, ex. 3. 1. Who has got food? He has.
1. Christine hasn’t got a blue skirt. 2. What has got a happy end? It has.
2. I haven’t got a winter coat. 3. What has got a house? It has.
4. Who has got time? We have. p. 31, ex. 1.
5. Who has got many students? They have. 1. Can Benny drive a car? Yes, he can.
6. What has got a zipper? It has. 2. Can Donovan draw? Yes, he can.
7. What has got dirty pages? It has. 3. Can Harry swim fast? Yes, he can.
8. Who has got guests? She has. 4. Can I speak English? Yes, I can.
9. Who has got a computer? He has. 5. Can Jim climb the mountains? Yes, he can.
6. Can Keith dance? Yes, he can.
p. 27, ex. 2. 7. Can Thompson read? Yes, he can.
1. She has got a red pencil, hasn’t she? Yes, she has. 8. Can owls fly high? Yes, they can.
2. Anna has got a dog, hasn’t she? Yes, she has. 9. Can they solve problems? Yes, they can.
3. He hasn’t got tea, has he? No, he hasn’t. 10. Can people travel by plane? Yes, they can.
4. We haven’t got toys, have we? No, we haven’t.
5. I have got a story, haven’t I? Yes, I have. p. 31, ex. 2.
6. James hasn’t got a cat, has he? No, he hasn’t. 1. Where can he sit?
7. You have got a summer jacket, haven’t you? Yes, you have. 2. When can the visitors come?
8. They have got vegetables, haven’t they? Yes, they have. 3. How much money can he give?
9. She has got strawberries, hasn’t she? Yes, she has. 4. How many languages can the teacher speak?
10. I haven’t got oranges, have I? No, I haven’t. 5. What can you write?
6. Where can she go?
p. 27, ex. 3. 7. When can they go to bed?
1. Who has got fresh vegetables? – Misha has. 8. Why can he tease the animals?
2. He has got fruit, hasn’t he? 9. Where can the driver take us?
3. You have good time with grandmother, haven’t you? 10. How can we travel?
4. It’s a wonderful day in Moscow today. p. 31, ex. 3.
5. We have a thin summer jacket. 1. His grandfather and grandmother can travel.
6. He has got a surprise for us, hasn’t he? 2. Can he eat oat porridge every day?
7. Who has got an English lesson today? Masha has. 3. Where can we find a sandy beach?
8. Do you have lemons or oranges? 4. Who has a rest at the sea every year?
9. Anya likes grapes, doesn’t she? 5. They can go to the zoo on foot.
10. Vanya has got a red apple, hasn’t he? 6. The children want to go to the sea.
7. The porridge is hot. I can’t eat it.
p. 29, ex. 1.
8. Students can go there by car.
1. Jackie can drive a car. 9. We can go by boat.
2. Mary can swim fast. 10. He can go by car tomorrow.
3. Ken can play the violin.
4. Luke can dance. p. 33, ex. 1.
5. Dirk can climb the mountains. 1. Can we ride the big wheel or the merry-go-round?
6. We can speak English. 2. Can we go to the arcade or the amusement park?
7. A little child can draw. 3. Can they feel great or bad?
8. Eagles can fly high. 4. Can we ride the roller coaster or go home?
9. Tommy can read. 5. Can I write or read?
10. Ellie can sing. 6. Can she sing or dance?
7. Can he go by train or by plane?
p. 29, ex. 2. 8. Can Alice cook dinner or supper?
1. Dirk can’t climb the mountains. 9. Can you play a game or write a letter?
2. Eagles can’t fly high. 10. Can teachers talk to students or to parents?
3. Jackie can’t drive a car.
p. 33, ex. 2.
4. Ken can’t play the violin.
5. Luke can’t dance. 1. What can crawl?
6. Mary can’t swim fast. 2. Who can work hard?
3. Who can sleep for hours?
7. Tommy can’t read.
4. What can jump?
8. We can’t speak English.
5. Who can do it easily?
9. You can’t solve problems.
6. Who can be better?
10. She can’t paint. 7. Who can go home?
p. 29, ex. 3. 8. Who can make a picture of you?
1. I can climb a hill. 9. What can bite?
10. Who can read this book?
2. She can paint a portrait.
3. Tom can’t swim. p. 33, ex. 3.
4. They can solve the problem. 1. I can spend a lot of time in the park.
5. My friend can play football. 2. Which of you goes to the amusement park?
6. We can play the violin. 3. Can we ride the big wheel or the merry-go-round?
7. Helen can’t cook fish. 4. You feel alright, don’t you?
8. I can’t go to the school today. 5. He can’t ride the roller coaster.
9. He can play the drums well. 6. What rides does this amusement park have?
10. She can play hockey well. 7. He enjoys the rides, doesn’t he?
p. 35, ex. 1. p. 37, ex. 4.
1. He must stay in bed. He is ill. 1. She must tell the truth.
2. Students must study well. 2. Who must arrive?
3. Children mustn’t go to sleep. It’s noon. 3. Why must we go to college on Saturday?
4. She must dress quickly. We’re late. 4. Who must use bright colors?
5. I mustn’t do it. It’s wrong. 5. Does Anton go to hospital or to university every morning?
6. Paul mustn’t learn new words. He knows a lot already. 6. What must the doctors do?
7. Lina must go home. It’s late. 7. How often must I take these medicines?
8. Jim mustn’t go to sleep. He has to work. 8. We must go by plane, mustn’t we?
9. You mustn’t go to work. It’s Sunday. p. 45, ex. 1.
10. Kevin must stop smoking.
1. Mother prepared breakfast.
p. 35, ex. 2. 2. I helped him study.
1. Must I go home? Yes, I must. No, I mustn’t. 3. He liked apples.
2. Must Jimmy return money? Yes, he must. No, he mustn’t. 4. He never lived on a farm.
3. Must Luke go to sleep? Yes, he must. No, he mustn’t. 5. We liked tomatoes.
4. Must parents go to work? 6. He painted well.
Yes, they must. No, they mustn’t. 7. I waved to my grandparents.
5. Must you do it? Yes, I must. No, I mustn’t. 8. You wanted to read an interesting book.
6. Must she stay in bed? Yes she must. No, she mustn’t. 9. Our family watched TV in the evening.
7. Must they dress quickly? Yes, they must. No, they mustn’t. 10. She read books.
8. Must Sam learn new words? p. 45, ex. 2.
Yes, he must. No, she mustn’t. 1. We wanted to play the guitar.
p. 35, ex. 3. 2. They listened to pop music last week.
3. My brother worked at the university last year.
1. Must I make these documents?
4. You cooked tasty cakes a week ago.
2. You must leave here today.
5. Sally danced with her friend last week.
3. Doctors must cure patients.
6. They played basketball well last month.
4. Soldiers must protect our country. 7. Alice tried on jeans yesterday.
5. Students must read this text. 8. She played with a doll once.
6. We mustn’t travel right now. 9. Students prepared for the exams yesterday.
7. Mary must always take this medicine. 10. A girl sang a song last week.
8. You mustn’t lie.
p. 45, ex. 3.
p. 37, ex. 1.
1. We lived on a farm last year.
1. Why must he go there? 2. We ran in the park yesterday.
2. When must the train arrive? 3. He cleaned the flat last week.
3. Where must the people live? 4. She was born in 2015.
4. Why must they cook dinner? 5. We tried on 3 suits two days ago.
5. When must Tim change his clothes? 6. Tim lived in this house last month.
6. Why must she go to the doctor? 7. We waved to the parents and went to the park.
7. Where must the children play?
8. What must we tell him? p. 47, ex. 1.
1. to carry – carried;
p. 37, ex. 2. 2. to copy – copied;
1. Must a baby sleep or eat? 3. to enjoy – enjoyed;
2. Must a teacher read or write? 4. to play – played;
3. Must a doctor cure patients or go home? 5. to stay – stayed;
4. Must a secretary write or call? 6. to try – tried;
5. Must a student lie or tell the truth? 7. to fry – fried;
6. Must a parent arrive today or on Monday? 8. to marry – married;
7. Must a child eat vegetables or candy? 9. to dry – dried;
8. Must a cat eat fish or meat? 10. to study – studied;
11. to rob – robbed;
p. 37, ex. 3. 12. to stop – stopped;
1. Who must catch the thief? 13. to drop – dropped;
2. Who must prepare lunch? 14. to sip – sipped;
3. What must arrive on time? 15. to scan – scanned;
4. Who must write? 16. to knit – knitted;
5. Who must show the way? 17. to rip – ripped;
6. Who must eat breakfast? 18. to nod – nodded;
7. Who must stop crying? 19. to sob – sobbed;
8. Who must come with me? 20. to plot – plotted.
p. 47, ex. 2. 6. He didn’t choose a jacket yesterday.
1. We watch, we watched; 7. He didn’t drink coffee today.
2. My mother thanks, my mother thanked; 8. When did Mom cook dinner?
3. I love, I loved; 9. Did they go to this gym last year? – No.
4. She washes, she washed;
p. 51, ex. 1.
5. Children skate, children skated;
1. Did you go to the park or to school?
6. They dance, they danced;
2. Did she like tea or coffee?
7. You work, you worked;
3. Did we see an elephant or a crocodile?
8. A cat lives, a cat lived;
4. Did they collect stamps or coins?
9. Jack dress, Jack dressed;
5. Did Fred like to sleep or to work?
10. Anna cleans, Anna cleaned.
6. Did Tracy meet John or Sam?
p. 47, ex. 3. 7. Did we go by plane or by train?
1. We ate at home. 8. Did they come in late or early?
2. He swam in the swimming pool last Monday. 9. Did Rick study German or English?
3. We went for a walk yesterday. 10. Did she read a book or newspaper?
4. She taught me to cook. p. 51, ex. 2.
5. They worked in this company.
1. Who drove carefully? The taxi driver did.
6. They did their homework an hour ago.
2. What mewed all day? A cat did.
7. We watched this film last week.
3. What had a long trunk? An elephant did.
8. Grandmother smiled to him.
4. Who played hide-and-seek? Children did.
9. Children played hockey yesterday.
5. Who bought a new car? I did.
10. Girls tried on these dresses.
6. What broke? The computer did.
p. 49, ex. 1. 7. What was tasty? The apple was.
1. His sister didn’t want to buy a new dress. 8. Who was stupid? His friend was.
2. We didn’t drink tea. 9. Who cooked well? Our grandmother did.
3. Darya didn’t look happy. 10. Who sold apples? We did.
4. Tim didn’t read poems. p. 51, ex. 3.
5. They didn’t build a house,
1. Jane went to school, didn’t she?
6. I didn’t want to give you my smartphone.
2. She didn’t drink milk, did she?
7. The plane didn’t fly to Amsterdam.
3. They laughed loudly, didn’t they?
8. The painter didn’t open the exhibition.
4. We didn’t go for a walk, did we?
9. The teacher didn’t explain the new topic.
5. You didn’t like the song, did you?
p. 49, ex. 2. 6. I ran home, didn’t I?
1. Did our family drink juice? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. p. 51, ex. 4.
2. Did she study Maths? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.
1. We bought new books yesterday, didn’t we?
3. Did the students prepare for the exam?
2. He didn’t speak French.
Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.
3. Who sold the house last month?
4. Did they listen to the music? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.
4. Did she wear this dress last summer or last autumn?
5. Did he play tennis? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.
5. I read all these books two years ago.
6. Did she like cabbage? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.
6. We heard a loud sound.
7. Did we live in a big house? Yes, we did. No, we didn’t.
8. Did you have a wallet? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t. p. 53, ex. 1.
9. Did Mike come here? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. 1. My phone number was 87872–567.
2. George was a pilot.
p. 49, ex. 3.
3. We were very happy.
1. When did Oleg tell me about a book? 4. Her name was Jane.
2. What did she paint? 5. My post code was 137289.
3. Why did the teacher speak to my grandmother? 6. They were from Spain.
4. What did we eat in the morning? 7. They were nice people.
5. How many new books did Jack buy? 8. My uncle was on the right in the picture.
6. How much tea did I drink in the evening? 9. Steve was a very good student.
7. When did they sing a song?
8. Why did we go to the zoo? p. 53, ex. 2.
9. When did Alice write a letter? 1. a mouse wasn’t; 2. I wasn’t; 3.He wasn’t;
4. girls weren’t; 5. animals weren’t; 6. you weren’t; 7. Pete
p. 49, ex. 4.
wasn’t; 8. doctors weren’t; 9. woman wasn’t.
1. I put the book here yesterday.
2. Did you cut the bread? – No. p. 53, ex. 3.
3. Igor fell into the water last summer. 1. Was Dick in Paris? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
4. Why did we drink the milk yesterday? 2. Was biology difficult? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
5. Did you fly to the Crimea last year? 3. Were people angry? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.
4. Was the dog lazy? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t. 3. When did they have to go to school?
5. Were the children funny? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t. 4. Did they have to go to school or to the hospital yesterday?
6. Was your mother a good cook? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t. 5. Who had to go to school yesterday?
7. Were the tourists in the castle? Yes, they were. No, they 6. They had to go to school yesterday, didn’t they?
8. Was it too late? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t. p. 57, ex. 2.
9. Were your hands dirty? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t. 1. They couldn’t swim in the sea.
2. Could they swim in the sea?
p. 53, ex. 4. 3. Why could they swim in the sea?
1. I was at a party. 4. Could they swim in the sea or sit on the beach?
2. Was he a good employee? – No, he wasn’t. 5. Who could swim in the sea?
3. The furniture was very old and expensive. 6. They could swim in the sea, couldn’t they?
4. His dog was loud.
5. The concert was fantastic. p. 57, ex. 3.
6. They didn’t have a party last year. 1. Oleg didn’t have to meet them at the station.
7. Was this a good year? 2. Did Oleg have to meet them at the station?
8. Was the bathroom blue? 3. Where did Oleg have to meet them?
9. She didn’t like her room. 4. Did Oleg have to meet them at the station or at home?
5. Who had to meet them at the station?
p. 55, ex. 1. 6. Oleg had to meet them at the station, didn’t he?
1. Where was Mina last year?
2. Why was Mina at an exhibition? p. 57, ex. 4.
3. How often was Mina at an exhibition last year? 1. They had to bring coffee.
4. When was Mina at an exhibition? 2. They could raise a good son.
5. How many times was Mina at the exhibition? 3. They didn’t have milk.
4. You had a good idea.
p. 55, ex. 2.
5. Could you do this work?
1. Were they your parents or your grandparents? 6. I didn’t have a warm jacket.
2. Was it hot or cold? 7. You had to sing this song.
3. Were they small or big? 8. He couldn’t cook dinner.
4. Was Don a driver or a teacher? 9. This patient had to bring a document.
5. Were the children hungry or thirsty? 10. She had very kind parents.
p. 55, ex. 3. p. 65, ex. 1.
1. What was big? 1. Dogs will eat meat.
2. Who was clever?
2. She will study algebra.
3. What was old?
3. On Saturday we will watch TV.
4. Who was married?
4. I will wake up at 9 o’clock.
5. What was soft?
5. You will drink juice.
6. Who was sleepy?
6. They will listen to the radio.
7. Who was unhappy?
7. My sister will go to school.
8. What was interesting?
8. Our families will exercise a lot.
9. What was amazing?
9. John will paint his house.
10. What was white?
p. 65, ex. 2.
p. 55, ex. 4.
1. The door was open, wasn’t it? 1. Father makes dinner every Sunday.
2. The animals were in the zoo, weren’t they? 2. I get home at 7 o’clock every day.
3. My father was kind, wasn’t he? 3. He will buy grapes tomorrow.
4. The oranges weren’t bitter, were they? 4. We will go to the beach next week.
5. She wasn’t happy, was she? 5. You usually read this newspaper.
6. The students will go to classes in September.
p. 55, ex. 5. 7. Bob rides his bicycle every day.
1. Was the test hard or easy? 8. She will do her homework in the evening.
2. Was the last month sunny or rainy? 9. They always answer the phone.
3. Was she happy or sad yesterday? 10. Elena will go to work soon.
4. That was the last apple.
p. 65, ex. 3.
5. Why was he very scared?
6. Was that the first snow? 1. We went to America last year.
7. Who was happy? 2. They will drink coffee tomorrow.
8. This task wasn’t easy. 3. I do morning exercises every day.
9. Which of you was scared? 4. Steve will sleep after dinner.
10. What was on the table? 5. I grow potatoes every summer.
6. They work there every day.
p. 57, ex. 1. 7. Carl will finish soon.
1. They didn’t have to go to school yesterday. 8. Matthew will get up in an hour.
2. Did they have to go to school yesterday? 9. We always work hard.
p. 65, ex. 4. 7. Who will be champions?
1. He will come back tomorrow. 8. What will lie on the shelf?
2. I will answer the call in 5 minutes. p. 69, ex. 3.
3. She will soon tell me.
4. Jack will come back home next month. 1. He will compete tomorrow, won’t he?
5. They will pick the present on Thursday. 2. The tree won’t grow, will it?
6. You will probably do well. 3. She will wake up early, won’t she?
7. Perhaps you will surprise me. 4. They won’t meet in the afternoon, will they?
5. Shaun won’t be at home, will he?
p. 67, ex. 1. 6. You will make the decision, won’t you?
1. Suzy won’t collect stamps. 7. We will win, won’t we?
2. I won’t write a letter. 8. You won’t listen, will you?
3. Pamela won’t have a new skirt. p. 69, ex. 4.
4. Greg won’t drive to Los Angeles.
1. Soon we will have to make a decision.
5. That bell won’t ring twice.
2. Tomorrow the scientist will make a speech.
6. Boris won’t drink tea tomorrow.
3. Managers will go home in the evening.
7. Workers won’t get their salary.
4. The cashier will leave on Monday.
8. They won’t go to Africa.
5. James will be a brave policeman.
9. Joe won’t work hard.
6. He will be a very talented journalist.
10. She won’t look in the mirror.
p. 71, ex. 1.
p. 67, ex. 2.
1. They won’t have to make a decision tomorrow.
1. Will a cat sleep behind the house? Yes, it will. No, it won’t.
2. Will they have to make a decision tomorrow?
2. Will a singer sing a new song? Yes, he will. No, he won’t.
3. When will they have to make a decision?
3. Will the tiger run fast? Yes, it will. No, it won’t.
4. Will they have to make a decision tomorrow or next week?
4. Will we wake up at 8 o’clock? Yes, we will. No, we won’t.
5. Who will have to make a decision tomorrow?
5. Will Keith eat pears? Yes, he will. No, he won’t.
6. They will have to make a decision tomorrow, won’t they?
6. Will Pamela jump well? Yes, she will. No, she won’t.
7. Will they come soon? Yes, they will. No, they won’t. p. 71, ex. 2.
8. Will children go to sleep? Yes, they will. No, they won’t. 1. We won’t be able to go to the beach next week.
9. Will she listen to the music? Yes, she will. No, she won’t. 2. Will we be able to go to the beach next week?
p. 67, ex. 3. 3. Where will we be able to go next week?
4. Will we be able to go to the beach or to the zoo next week?
1. When will the children skate and ski in the woods? 5. Who will be able to go to the beach next week?
2. Where will the children skate and ski in winter? 6. We will be able to go to the beach next week, won’t we?
3. Why will the children skate and ski?
4. How many children will skate and ski? p. 71, ex. 3.
1. The girl won’t have to compete tomorrow.
p. 67, ex. 4.
2. Will the girl have to compete tomorrow?
1. He will finish his homework. 3. Why will the girl have to compete tomorrow?
2. Jane will buy a wooden chair and a table. 4. Will the girl have to compete tomorrow or next week?
3. This mirror will cost a lot of money. 5. Who will have to compete tomorrow?
4. She will put the books on the shelf. 6. The girl will have to compete tomorrow, won’t she?
5. Children will take part in the competition tomorrow.
6. Mother will give me a task on Monday. p. 71, ex. 4.
7. We will make this decision next week. 1. She will call me tomorrow.
8. This bed will be very big and soft. 2. The parents will return home in the evening.
9. They will buy a sofa and two armchairs. 3. He will be a talented musician.
10. The rain will last for two hours. 4. Will Emma go to the beach next summer?
5. We will buy a big table and three chairs, won’t we?
p. 69, ex. 1.
6. Which bed will be softer?
1. Will she go to the park or to the library? 7. I won’t be able to come to work tomorrow.
2. Will he like potatoes or tomatoes? 8. Will he be able to do it tomorrow or on Thursday?
3. Will we see an eagle or a sparrow? 9. We will have to go to school tomorrow.
4. Will they pick up mushrooms or berries? 10. Tim will make dinner soon.
5. Will Hugh dance or sing?
6. Will Cecilia hug John or Jim? p. 79, ex. 1.
7. Will we sleep until 5 or until 6? Countable: award, bottle, builder, car, chair, day, family,
8. Will they come here or there? finger, girl, partner, pineapple, remark, room, stick, table,
telephone, word.
p. 69, ex. 2. Uncountable: air, beauty, blood, bread, butter, cheese, chess,
1. What will be hungry? happiness, information, knowledge, meat, rain, rice, salt,
2. Who will bring textbooks? silver, tea, time
3. What will be wrong?
4. Who will cook the dinner? p. 79, ex. 2.
5. Who will catch the train? 1. –; 2. some; 3. a; 4. some; 5. a; 6. an; 7. a; 8. –; 9. a; 10. some;
6. What will be made of wool? 11. some; 12. – ;13. some; 14. some; 15. an; 16. some; 17. a;
18. some; 19. –; 20. –; 21. a; 22. some; 23. – ;24. a; 25. a; p. 89, ex. 2.
26. some; 27. some; 28. a; 29. a; 30. some. 1. –; 2. an; 3. –; 4. a; 5. –; 6. –; 7. a; 8. a; 9. –; 10. –; 11. –;
12. a; 13. –; 14. a; 15. a; 16. –; 17. –; 18. a; 19. a; 20. –.
p. 79, ex. 3.
1. some; 2. any; 3. any; 4. any; 5. some; 6. some; 7. some; 8. any; p. 89, ex. 3.
9. some; 10. any. 1. a; 2. –; 3. a; 4. –; 5. a; 6. –; 7. –; 8. a; 9. –; 10. –; 11. –; 12. a;
13. –; 14. –; 15. a; 16. a; 17. –; 18. –; 19. a; 20. –.
p. 81, ex. 1.
1. class – classes; 2. fizz – fizzes; 3. flash – flashes p. 91, ex. 1.
4. fox – foxes; 5. glass – glasses; 6. sandwich – sandwiches 1. Is there a carpet on the floor? – На полу лежит ковёр?
7. kiss – kisses; 8. leash – leashes; 9. wish – wishes 2. There is some cheese in the fridge. –
10. dress – dresses; 11. potato – potatoes В холодильнике есть сыр.
12. piano – pianos; 13. radio – radios; 14. photo – photos 3. There are five toys in the box. – В коробке пять игрушек.
4. Are there two plates on the table? –
p. 81, ex. 2. На столе стоят две тарелки?
1. knife – knives; 2. leaf – leaves; 3. life – lives 5. Is there a bathroom in your house? –
4. loaf – loaves; 5. self – selves; 6. sheaf – sheaves В твоём доме есть ванная?
7. shelf – shelves; 8. thief – thieves; 9. wolf – wolves 6. There are no cups of tea on the table. –
10. wife – wives; 11. safe – safes; 12. half – halves На столе нет чашек с чаем.
p. 81, ex. 3. 7. There is some juice in the cup. – В чашке есть сок.
8. There are three pigs and two cows on the farm. –
1. foot – feet; 2. goose – geese; 3. man – men
На ферме три свиньи и две коровы.
4. mouse – mice; 5. ox – oxen; 6. person – people
9. There are four hamburgers on the plate. –
7. sheep – sheep; 8. tooth – teeth; 9. woman – women
На тарелке лежат четыре гамбургера.
10. louse – lice; 11. die – dice; 12. penny – pence 10. Are there three rooms in his flat? –
p. 81, ex. 4. В его квартире три комнаты?
1. is; 2. are; 3. are; 4. are; 5. is; 6. are; 7. is; 8. are; 9. is; 10. are. p. 91, ex. 2.
p. 83, ex. 1. 1. I am at the bus stop. – Я на остановке.
1. a; 2. an; 3. –; 4. a; 5. –; 6. a; 7. a; 8. a; 9. an; 10. an; 11. a; 2. There are two dogs in the yard. – Во дворе две собаки.
12. –; 13. a; 14. –; 15. –; 16. –; 17. –; 18. –; 19. a; 20. – 3. There are some cucumbers in the salad. –
В салате есть огурцы.
p. 83, ex. 2. 4. The cars stand at the traffic lights. –
1. an; 2. –; 3. a; 4. –; 5. –; 6. a; 7. an; 8. –; 9. a; 10. –; 11. –; Машины стоят на светофоре.
12. –; 13. an; 14. –; 15. –; 16. a; 17. a; 18. a; 19. –; 20. –. 5. What is there at the door? – Что там у двери?
6. There is an apple in my pocket. – В моём кармане яблоко.
p. 83, ex. 3. 7. Fill the form at the reception. –
1. a, –; 2. a; 3. a; 4. –, –, an; 5. a, –; 6. –, –; 7. –, a, a; 8. –, –; Заполни бланк у стойки регистрации.
9. –, –; 10. –, –, –. 8. The girl stands at the window. – Девочка стоит у окна.
9. There is an arm-chair in the sleeping-room. –
p. 85, ex. 1. В спальне есть кресло.
1. the; 2. the; 3. –; 4. a; 5. –; 6. the; 7. the; 8. the; 9. an; 10. a; 11. –; 10. There is a small window in their room. –
12. –; 13. the; 14. the; 15. the; 16. the; 17. a; 18. the; 19. a; 20. a. В их комнате есть маленькое окно.
p. 85, ex. 2. p. 91, ex. 3.
1. a, the, the; 2. the; 3. –; 4. –; 5. the; 6. a, the; 7. the; 8. –; 1. There is a picture on the wall. – На стене висит картина.
9. –, the; 10. the. 2. There are fifteen desks in the classroom. –
p. 85, ex. 3. В классе находится пятнадцать парт.
3. There are many people in the building. –
1. –, a. 2. a, a; 3. the; 4. a, the; 5. the; 6. –, –; 7. the, the; В здании много людей.
8. -–; 9. –; 10. the, a, –. 4. On the Internet there is much information. –
p. 87, ex. 1. В Интернете много информации.
1. the; 2. the; 3. a; 4. a; 5. the; 6. the; 7. the; 8. the; 9. the; 10. a; 5. There is no pot on the table. – На столе не стоит банка.
11. –; 12. the; 13. the; 14. the; 15. a; 16. the; 17. a; 18. a; 19. the; 6. There are new gadgets in the car. –
20. the. В машине новые гаджеты.
7. There are many beautiful flowers in the garden. –
p. 87, ex. 2. В саду много красивых цветов.
1. the; 2. the, the; 3. the; 4. the, –; 5. the; 6. –, the, the; 8. What’s on the menu? – Что в меню?
7. –; 8. the, the; 9. the, the, –; 10. the, the, –. 9. There are three rooms in her apartment. –
В её квартире три комнаты.
p. 87, ex. 3. 10. There are some motorbikes at the corner. –
1. the; 2. the, a, –; 3. a; 4. the, the; 5. the; 6. the; 7. a, –; На углу стоит несколько мотоциклов.
8. the; 9. the, the; 10. a.
p. 93, ex. 1.
p. 89, ex. 1. 1. on; 2. on; 3. at; 4. at ; 5. on; 6. on ; 7. at; 8. on; 9. at;
1. –; 2. a; 3. –; 4. –; 5. an; 6. a; 7. –; 8. –; 9. a; 10. –; 11. –; 10. at; 11. at; 12. on; 13. on; 14. at; 15. on; 16. at;17. on;
12. a; 13. –; 14. –; 15. –; 16. a; 17. a; 18. the; 19. a; 20. an. 18. on; 19. at. 20. at.
p. 93, ex. 2. p. 93, ex. 3.
1. in; 2. at; 3. in; 4. at; 5. in; 6. in; 7. at; 8. in; 9. at; 1. in; 2. in; 3. at; 4. in; 5. on; 6. in; 7. at; 8. on; 9. in; 10. on;
10. at; 11. in; 12. at; 13. in; 14. in; 15. in; 16. at; 11. at; 12. in; 13. on; 14. on; 15. at; 16. in; 17. in;
17. at; 18. in; 19. in; 20. in. 18. at; 19. on; 20. in.

Ex. 1 9. Whose painting is this?

1. This is your computer. 10. Where is your dog? – It’s at home.
2. Children like sweets. Ex. 7
3. Tina doesn’t know my phone number.
1. does; 4. dirnks; 7. discusses;
4. Ted likes to watch movies on TV.
2. flies; 5. mixes; 8. goes;
5. Where do you come from?
3. catches; 6. teaches; 9. buys.
6. Nina usually visits her relatives.
7. It often rains here. Ex. 8
8. His family lives in St. Petersburg. 1. goes; 4. gathers; 7. study; 10. listen.
9. Kevin hates to get up early. 2. drives; 5. is; 8. like;
10. We drink tea in the morning. 3. has; 6. is; 9. am;
Ex. 2 Ex. 9
1. is; 6. are; 11. are; 16. is; 1. the cat; 4. we; 7. they; 10. the teacher.
2. are; 7. is; 12. is; 17. is; 2. we; 5. I; 8. mother;
3. is; 8. is; 13. is; 18. is; 3. Jane; 6. Pamela; 9. you;
4. is; 9. are; 14. is; 19. is;
Ex. 10
5. am; 10. is; 15. is; 20. are.
1. Toms is a student in school. He does homework every day.
Ex. 3. 2. My father likes to read newspaper in the morning.
1. am; 6. is; 11. are; 16. is; 3. She often cooks fish for dinner.
2. is; 7. is; 12. is; 17. is; 4. When do you go to work in the morning?
3. are; 8. is; 13. are; 18. are. 5. Can you write this letter?
4. is; 9. are; 14. are; 6. Julie listens to music a lot.
5. is; 10. is; 15. are; 7. We live in Moscow, but our sister lives in St. Petersburg.
8. They study English and French.
Ex. 4 9. James is a singer. He sings very well.
1. is; 4. am; 7. is; 10. is. 10. The cat often plays with the ball.
2. are; 5. is; 8. is; Ex. 11
3. are; 6. is; 9. are; 1. go; 5. plays; 9. does not;
Ex. 5 2. works; 6. eat; 10. likes.
3. work; 7. read;
1. Where are you from? 4. likes to drink; 8. dance;
2. Her name is Kate.
3. Usually I am at home. Ex. 12
4. I am from Moscow. 1. We don’t understand Spanish.
5. My sister is a doctor. 2. Andy doesn’t know everything about life.
6. Are you at school? 3. Betty doesn’t water the flowers.
7. He is 25 years old. 4. Dolly doesn’t have two brothers.
8. They study in college. 5. Garry isn’t a scientist.
9. This is his bag. 6. We don’t play with a ball in the yard.
10. Whose book is this? 7. Victor usually doesn’t go to work by tram.
11. An apple is on the table. 8. The children don’t sing merrily.
12. This is my dress. 9. Mike doesn’t spend winter holidays in the country.
13. They are from Berlin. 10. Her parents aren’t at work.
14. Whose jacket is this? Ex. 13
Ex. 6 1. Does Larry wear a warm coat in winter?
2. Do they watch the news on TV?
1. Whose book is this? – It’s Pit’s book. 3. Does Linda ride a bicycle?
2. My favourite sport is football. 4. Do their grandparents live in the country?
3. Where is my guitar? – It’s near the piano. 5. Does Sam often meet his friends?
4. My father is a teacher. 6. Does Fred mend the roof of the house?
5. Whose woolen scarf is this? 7. Do the pupils always come to school on time?
6. My name is Egor. I’m 20 years old. 8. Do you play computer games?
7. My favourite subject is Literature. 9. Does Gerry like to travel?
8. Where are my boots and coat? 10. Does she play football and tennis?
Ex. 14 3. I eat porridge every morning.
1. Where does Bob often visit his grandparents? 4. Do you like to play football or volleyball?
2. Why does Bob often visit his grandparents 5. We need to arrive at the station in the morning.
in Dresden? 6. Emily buys a news scarf every autumn.
3. How often does Bob visit his grandparents in Dresden? 7. They often go to the theatre.
4. What does Bob do in Dresden? 8. I like to drink tea with milk.
5. When does Bob visit his grandparents in Dresden? 9. He goes to work by car every day.
10. Berlin is a very beautiful city.
Ex. 15
Ex. 18
1. What swims very well?
1. We play a lot of games, don’t we?
2. Who helps her mother with the dishes?
2. This book is very interesting, isn’t it?
3. What hangs on the wall?
3. He doesn’t like tea with milk, does he?
4. Who meets they friends every weekend?
4. Emma has a big red suitcase, don’t she
5. What sings in the tree? 5. Her uncle can’t play the guitar, can he?
6. What works properly? 6. This mouse isn’t afraid of the cat, is he?
7. Who speaks Japanese? 7. I always go to school by bus, don’t I
8. Who dances a little? 8. He’s a very bright student, isn’t he?
9. Who often goes skating? 9. You don’t like to wash dishes, do you?
10. Who likes pop music? 10. This place is very nice, isn’t it?
Ex. 16 Ex. 19
1. Do we go to college or to school every day? 1. My father works as a doctor in a hospital.
2. Does Amelia usually eat an apple 2. You can cook fish, can’t you?
for breakfast or for supper? 3. Jack is very tall.
3. Do I like to play the violin or the piano a lot? 4. Moscow is the biggest city in Russia.
4. Can they sing or dance very well? 5. You dog is very old.
5. Do you have two blue or red pencils? 6. Can you buy some milk?
6. Do children like to drink tea or juice? 7. Do you want cake or sweets?
7. Is my mother or my father very kind? 8. This water is clean and cold.
8. Does he like to live in a big city or a village? 9. I buy a new blue dress.
9. Is her sister or her brother very smart? 10. She has got a lot of books.
10. Is the weather cold or hot? 11. This city is very beautiful.
12. Kate goes to the gym every week.
Ex. 17 13. Is this your green book?
1. My grandfather often listens to music. 14. Tina likes to drink tea with lemon.
2. Today is a sunny day! 15. Her mother can play on violin.

Ex. 1 Ex. 5
1. They were good students. 1. caught; 8. painted; 15. stayed;
2. Ann lived in Moscow. 2. taught; 9. wore; 16. loved;
3. I had a green sweater. 3. discussed; 10. played; 17. cooked;
4. My sister worked at a school. 4. bought; 11. put; 18. ate;
5. Children played games all day. 5. copied; 12. spoke; 19. chose;
6. His mother had soup yesterday.
6. fell; 13. called; 20. stayed;
7. We went to the sea last month.
8. The book was red. 7. worked; 14. rested; 21. dropped.
9. She could not buy a ticket. Ex. 6
10. James drank tea in the morning.
1. We had English classes on Mondays.
Ex. 2 2. We came from France.
1. was; 4. was; 7. was 10. were. 3. I drove the car slowly.
2. was; 5. was; 8. was; 4. I went to school by bus.
3. were; 6. was; 9. was; 5. We always helped our parents.
Ex. 3 6. I had dinner at 10 o’clock.
7. I played the piano every day.
1. was; 4. were; 7. were; 10. were.
2. was; 5. was; 8. was; 8. I usually watched TV in the evening.
3. were; 6. was; 9. was; 9. We often flew to Berlin.
10. I played basketball on Fridays.
Ex. 4
1. I was tall. 4. I wasn’t stupid. 7. I was active. Ex. 7
2. I wasn’t short. 5. I was kind. 8. I wasn’t lazy. 1. he washes, he washed;
3. I was smart. 6. I wasn’t mean. 2. Granny listens, Granny listened;
3. Mum reads, Mum read; 3. Where did they go?
4. Sveta dances, Sveta danced; 4. What was the best present for her?
5. doctors write, doctors wrote; 5. How many times a week John worked?
6. soldiers run, soldiers ran; 6. What did Done make usually?
7. seller buys, seller bought; 7. Where did the cat sleep?
8. Oleg stays, Oleg stayed; 8. Why did Irene prefer to travel by car?
9. my parents speak, my parents spoke 9. When did I meet my younger brother?
10. I teach, I taught. 10. Where did they spend so much time?
Ex. 8 Ex. 13
1. They didn’t understand Italian. 1. Did we go to London by plane or by train?
2. Mick didn’t know anything (knew nothing) about cats. 2. Did she buy a red dress or a jacket?
3. Lucy didn’t water the plants. 3. Did I paint a portrait last Sunday or last Monday?
4. Tina didn’t have a red ball. 4. Did Jack have porridge for breakfast or supper yesterday?
5. Gerry wasn’t weak. 5. Did he call us in the morning or in the afternoon?
6. We didn’t play chess in the yard. 6. Was her father good at golf or at football?
7. Olga didn’t go to work by bus.
7. Did they go to the hospital or to the library last month?
8. The children didn’t sing songs.
8. Was this a good or a bad idea?
9. Melinda didn’t spend summer holidays in Egypt.
9. Was the river very deep or very wide?
10. Her parents weren’t busy.
10. Did Alice or Helen went to the sea last summer?
Ex. 9
Ex. 14
1. Was Moscow beautiful? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
2. Were we happy? Yes, we were. No, we weren’t. 1. The show started at 10 o’clock in the evening, didn’t it?
3. Did Alice play the violin yesterday? 2. We solved the problem together, didn’t we?
Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. 3. Vera didn’t like her new hat, did she?
4. Did he listen to the music a lot? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. 4. I worked on this letter very hard, didn’t I?
5. Did we eat candy and play games at the party? 5. He had an old record, hadn’t he?
Yes, we did. No, we didn’t. 6. My parents were very happy, weren’t they?
6. Did I like apples and oranges? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. 7. She was brave and strong, wasn’t she?
7. Was the play excellent? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t. 8. His brother had the key to the house, hadn’t he?
8. Was she a great doctor? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t. 9. The fox was orange and black, wasn’t it?
9. Did you have to take that medicine? 10. The coffee was cold, wasn’t it?
Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.
Ex, 15
10. Were the boys at school? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.
1. I drank tea yesterday.
Ex. 10 2. Last week we went to the zoo.
1. Did Ann wear a woollen sweater? 3. We listen to the music every day.
Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. 4. Julie walks to work every Monday.
2. Did we watch shows on TV? Yes, we did. No, we didn’t. 5. They had a big party that month.
3. Did Paul drive a car? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. 6. He studies languages every day.
4. Did our parents live in an Iceland? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. 7. You always take a bus.
5. Did Lena often meet Bob? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. 8. The family went to the beach last week.
6. Did Svetlana buy a new house? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. 9. I was very busy yesterday.
7. Did the students come to school late? Yes, they did. 10. Tim tells the truth to his parents every time.
No, they didn’t. 11. Ann likes to cook for her family every week.
8. Did they play computer games? Yes, they did. 12. I didn’t have the key last month.
No, they didn’t. 13. We read this newspaper a few days ago.
9. Did Bill like to do sports? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. 14. It was a nice place once.
10. Did you paint a picture? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t. 15. We tell this story every Halloween.
Ex. 11 Ex. 16
1. What swam very well? 1. The first lesson was English.
2. Who helped her mother with the dishes? 2. When did you make supper?
3. What hung on the wall?
3. I invited grandfather and grandmother yesterday.
4. Who met the professor on Tuesday?
4. This table is dirty. Wipe it.
5. What sang in the tree?
5. These documents aren’t ready.
6. What worked perfectly?
6. My friends are different.
7. Who spoke Chinese?
8. Who dances a little? 7. Did you choose a dress yesterday?
9. Who went to the shop? 8. We don’t drink coffee.
10. Who liked pop music? 9. They never wear uniform.
10. Will they gift chocolate?
Ex. 12 11. They arrived in Moscow on Monday, but they haven’t called us.
1. What did my father drink? 12. Why didn’t they eat the cake?
2. When did Pete wash his hands? 13. They played badly last week.
14. The bath is big. 7. When does the exhibit open?
15. They never rest on the beach. 8. We flew to the Crimea last month.
9. She got an excellent mark last week.
Ex. 17 10. This evening is warm.
1. Who wore this black jacket? 11. They didn’t go to Berlin.
2. Did you buy fruit or dessert? 12. Who got the letter?
3. Did you call grandmother? 13. I can’t play golf.
4. The children were at home, weren’t they? 14. This furniture is uncomfortable.
5. We drink coffee in the morning. 15. You enjoyed it, didn’t you?
6. Which paint do you use?

Ex. 1
8. The birds won’t sing loudly.
1. The weather will change in winter.
9. Sally won’t spend spring holidays in Hungary.
2. Tracy will become a designer.
10. Philip won’t fix the car.
3. She will help me to cook breakfast.
4. Mark will write the invitations. Ex. 7
5. Uma will leave for Paris in a month. 1. Will Lina wear a red dress?
6. Her grandparents will grow vegetables. 2. Will they watch the news on TV?
7. Wendy will like my present. 3. Will Hugh ride a bicycle?
8. Jim will move to a new flat. 4. Will their parents stay at home?
9. I will cook breakfast for the company. 5. Will Ringo meet his best friend?
10. Alex will go to the skating rink. 6. Will Bob mend the roof of the house?
Ex. 2 7. Will the pupils come to school at nine?
8. Will we play computer games?
1. We will have English classes on Mondays.
9. Will Jim take a bus?
2. We will go to Romania. 10. Will Pete get some presents?
3. I will drive a car slowly.
4. I will go to school by bus. Ex. 8
5. We will help our parents. 1. Where will John and Sam go next Saturday?
6. I will have dinner at 10 o’clock. 2. Why will John and Sam go to the swimming pool next
7. I will play the piano every day. Saturday?
8. I will watch TV in the evening. 3. How will John and Sam go to the swimming pool next
9. We will fly to London. Saturday?
10. I will play baseball on Wednesday. 4. When will John and Sam go to the swimming pool?
5. How often will John and Sam go to the swimming pool?
Ex. 3
1. will go; 5. will become; 9. will sleep; Ex. 9
2. drives; 6. will be; 10. listen. 1. What will drown?
3. will have; 7. studied; 2. Who will help her mother to cook?
4. took; 8. will enjoy; 3. What will hang on the wall?
4. Who will meet their friends soon?
Ex. 4 5. What will sing in the tree?
1. Perhaps, I will do my homework. 6. What will come in a month?
2. Perhaps, my mother will catch fish. 7. Who will speak French?
3. Perhaps, he will drink juice. 8. What will be difficult?
4. Perhaps, my brothers will teach children. 9. Who will go fishing?
5. Perhaps, Eric will discuss a movie. 10. Who will jump with a rope?
6. Perhaps, his sister will buy apples.
7. Perhaps, Tanya will copy a document. Ex. 10
8. Perhaps, we will fly in a plane. 1. When will she go to college?
2. What lemonade will I drink?
Ex. 5 3. When will Jack grow flowers?
1. We won’t learn it by heart. 4. Why will you clean your bedroom in the evening?
2. Eric won’t bring us some food. 5. What will children do tomorrow?
3. Chris won’t water the flowers. 6. Where will they stay?
4. Mother won’t go to the shop. 7. How will we go there?
5. Luke won’t be a scientist. 8. What will he give her this evening?
6. The children won’t play basketball in the yard. 9. Why will the tropical rain fall?
7. Diana won’t go to work by car. 10. When will you swim in the sea?
Ex. 11 7. Will she buy a new table or a new shelf?
1. Will he tell this story again tomorrow or next week? 8. Children will drink the milk tomorrow.
2. Will Nina play the violin or the piano? 9. Will this task be very hard for them?
3. Will I buy a new table or a chair for my kitchen? 10. The weather will be sunny tomorrow, won’t it?
4. Will the song play for the next 5 or 3 minutes? 11. In the summer the family will go to the farm.
5. Will the star shine brighter tomorrow or the day after 12. She will be very smart when she grows up.
tomorrow? 13. My friends will give me presents for my birthday.
6. Will he clean the kitchen in an hour or in two days? 14. Ira won’t be able to go to the Crimea in the autumn.
7. Will they or we fly to the islands next week? 15. Tomorrow we will fly on a plane.
8. Will this letter or document be very long?
9. Will Jack cook a nice dinner or breakfast tomorrow? Ex. 15
10. Will she visit an exhibition on Monday or on Tuesday? 1. The dinner will be cold soon.
2. It will be very sunny outside tomorrow.
Ex. 12 3. They play this game every day.
1. I will go fishing, won’t I? 4. Will I learn to play the flute?
2. Jerry won’t be at the party, will he? 5. Paul goes for a run every Monday.
3. His new book will be a big success, won’t it? 6. He won’t be able to play football next month.
4. Mike won’t be tired, will he? 7. Anna won’t buy new furniture, will she?
5. My brother will write his first poem, won’t he? 8. I can’t sing or dance.
6. You will be clever, won’t you? 9. We will pick the winner today in the evening!
7. He won’t tell a lie, will he? 10. It’s very cold outside today.
8. This bag will be very heavy, won’t it? 11. My daughter will be born next week.
9. This will be the biggest prison in the country, won’t it? 12. Tim will call me tomorrow morning.
10. They will protect their children, won’t they? 13. Usually we eat porridge for breakfast, don’t we?
Ex. 13 14. We go to Berlin by plane every year.
1. He likes to swim in the river every day. 15. Will you go to the school tomorrow.
2. You will teach me to dance tomorrow. Ex. 16
3. It will be sunny on Sunday/It was sunny on Sunday. 1. Who bought this milk?
4. This violin is very old. 2. His parents will go to the concert on Wednesday.
5. They cooked supper for everyone yesterday.
3. I won’t be able to buy this desk.
6. This chair is very comfortable! I sit in it every day.
4. This problem needs to be solved, isn’t it?
7. He washes the dishes in the evening/He will wash the
5. Yesterday Jim had meat for supper.
dishes in the evening/He washed the dishes in the evening.
6. My friend was very funny.
8. Children like to play tennis every Tuesday.
7. Will I be able to play the cello?
9. This boy will be very brave when he grows up.
10. The book was very boring. I finished it yesterday. 8. You didn’t buy this book, did you?
9. Russia is a very big country.
Ex. 14 10. These flowers are very beautiful! Look at the colors!
1. My friend will buy a new shirt tomorrow. 11. My brother will stop eating candy next week.
2. This singer will be very famous. 12. Will you teach me to play golf?
3. We will have to rest. 13. That wave was big and scary.
4. You will be able to buy this medicine, won’t you? 14. The children will go to the zoo next month,
5. Will you go to London next year? won’t they?
6. I will go to the park in the morning. 15. English is easy!

Ex. 1 Ex. 4
Countable: fork, knife, lamp, cow, album, book, banana. How many? toys, cucumbers, people, children, boys, pencils
Uncountable: furniture, advice, clothes, money, food How much? knowledge, news, homework, information,
luggage, money
Ex. 2
1. a; 4. an; 7. a; 10. a; Ex. 5
2. an; 5. an; 8. an; 11. a; 1. cat – cats; 2. knob – knobs; 3. man – men; 4. sheep – sheep
3. a; 6. an; 9. a; 12. a. 5. picture – pictures; 6. child – children; 7. tiger – tigers
8. bell – bells; 9. foot – feet; 10. hen – hens
Ex. 3
1. a; 4. –; 7. a; 10. a; Ex. 6
2. –; 5. –; 8. a; 11. a; 1. a dog (неизвестная собака) – the dog (известная собака)
3. –; 6. –; 9. –; 12. a. 2. a house (неизвестный дом) – the house (известный дом)
3. a pencil (неизвестный карандаш) – the pencil (известный Ex. 10
карандаш) 1. in; 4. in; 7. at; 10. in;
4. a child (неизвестный ребёнок) – the child (известный 2. at; 5. in; 8. in; 11. in;
ребёнок) 3. in; 6. at; 9. in; 12. in.
5. a day (неизвестный день) – the day (известный день)
Ex. 11
6. a book (неизвестная книга) – the book (известная книга)
1. in; 4. at; 7. at; 10. on;
7. a ball (неизвестный мяч) – the ball (известный мяч)
2. on; 5. on; 8. in; 11. on;
8. a woman (неизвестная женщина) – the woman 3. on; 6. in; 9. on; 12. at.
(известная женщина)
9. a boy (неизвестный мальчик) – the boy (известный Ex. 12
мальчик) in: in the evening, in 1986, in class, in the house,
10. a bird (неизвестная птица) – the bird (известная птица) in the cup, in January.
at: at the end of the night, at the zoo, at the party.
Ex. 7 on: on Christmas morning, on the page, on the surface,
1. –; 4. the; 7. –; 10. the; on the TV, on the table.
2. –; 5. –; 8. the; 11. the;
Ex. 13
3. the; 6. the; 9. –; 12. –;
in: in the 19th century,
Ex. 8 in the 1990’s, in June,
1. on; 4. in; 7. in; 10. on; in the past, in the morning,
2. in; 5. in; 8. in; 11. in; in the afternoon.
3. on; 6. on; 9. on; 12. in. at: at 7:00, at lunch, at dinner, at sunrise,
at the start of the show,
Ex. 9 at the moment, at night.
1. at; 4. at; 7. at; 10. at; on: on my birthday, on Friday,
2. on; 5. on; 8. on; 11. at; on July 12th,
3. at; 6. at; 9. on; 12. on. on my lunch break, on time.

Ex. 1 4. Me and my sister fought a lot.

1. a; 2. a; 3. the, –; 4. the; 5. a; 6. the; 7. a; 8. –; 9. –; 10. a; 5. Did Ann help you wash the dishes?
11. the, the; 12. the; 13. the; 14. a. 6. My mother worked at a school.
7. Bob spoke four languages.
Ex. 2 8. Could you sell me any fruit?
1. in; 2. at; 3. at; 4. on; 5. at; 6. at; 7. in; 8. in; 9. on; 10. at; 11. in; 9. We taught children to read and write.
12. in; 13. in; 14. on. 10. I ran in a marathon every year.
Ex. 3 Ex. 7
How many? cookies, pencils, birds, eggs, carrots, tables, stars, 1. Lily will never wash the dishes.
windows, buildings, books. 2. Will you be able to write me a letter?.
How much? luck, work, time, money, love, news, rice, juice, 3. He will always protect his sisters.
paper, water. 4. Will she like coffee with milk?
5. His mother will know French and Spanish.
Ex. 4 6. The music will be too loud!
1. are; 2. were; 3. are; 4. will be; 5. is; 6. was; 7. is; 8. was; 9. are; 7. He won’t read this book.
10. will be. 8. They will be ready to do the test.
9. She will sell a lot of fruit.
Ex. 5 10. My family will go to the Urals next month.
1. He watches, watched, will watch. Ex. 8
2. They crash, crashed, will crash.
1. He makes coffee every morning.
3. She touches, touched, will touch.
2. Jane will call her teacher tomorrow.
4. It fuzzes, fuzzed, will fuzz. 3. I don’t have any fruit.
5. We match, matched, will match. 4. They were students in this university 10 years ago.
6. I sell, sold, will sell. 5. She listens to this song all the time.
7. Bees buzz, buzzed, will buzz. 6. You have a green jacket.
8. Parents tell, told, will tell. 7. Ann did not like yesterday’s party.
9. A cat leaves, left, will leave. 8. Tim will be at home tomorrow.
10. Children mix, mixed, will mix. 9. We will go to the amusement park next month.
10. I always wash the dishes.
Ex. 6
1. Helen bought some milk, bread and eggs. Ex. 9
2. She went to the cinema. 1. Tom doesn’t come home late.
3. My family was large. 2. My sister wasn’t a secretary.
3. Wendy doesn’t walk her dog. 9. Did Rick travel alone or with friends last summer?
4. Mother won’t cook dinner. 10. Will we speak English or French with them?
5. Olga doesn’t make a cake.
6. They won’t celebrate Christmas. Ex. 13
7. In the evening I don’t usually read books. 1. Where do my parents send twelve Christmas cards from
8. Luke won’t buy toys for his son. Alaska?
9. Sarah doesn’t watch TV. 2. Why do my parents send twelve Christmas cards from
10. Children didn’t go to bed early. Alaska with pleasure?
3. What do my parents send from Alaska with pleasure?
Ex. 10 4. When do my parents send twelve Christmas cards from
1. Is George my best friend? Yes, he is. Alaska?
2. Did I wake up at 7 o’clock? Yes, I did. 5. How many Christmas cards do my parents send from
3. Did the children play in the yard? Yes, they did. Alaska with pleasure?
4. Does Mike always think about money? Yes, he does.
Ex. 14
5. Do we have a nice car? No, we don’t.
6. Will she visit her parents on Mondays? Yes, she will. 1. Sue loves Pete, doesn’t she? Yes, she does.
7. Do boys often fight? Yes, they do. 2. I saw a black cat, didn’t I? Yes,I did.
8. Do I fly to Ireland? Yes, I do. 3. My father read a book yesterday, didn’t he? Yes, he did.
9. Will we have a party tomorrow? No, we won’t. 4. Mike will go there by plane, won’t he? Yes, he will.
10. Do girls like to cry? No, they don’t. 5. Jill has a son, doesn’t she? Yes, she does.
6. They must study English, mustn’t they? Yes, they must.
Ex. 11 7. You never drink coffee, do you? No, you don’t.
1. They aren’t in the supermarket. Are they in the 8. Sam won’t build a garage, will he? No, he won’t.
supermarket? 9. She didn’t like the grapes, did she? No, she didn’t.
2. Joe wasn’t a pilot. Was Joe a pilot? 10. Jon buys flowers every day, doesn’t he? Yes, he does.
3. We didn’t go to Sicily last year. Did we go to Sicily last year? Ex. 15
4. I’m not a student in a university. Am I a student in 1. Who has new food? The cat does.
a university? 2. Who listened to the teacher? We did.
5. Ann won’t cook dinner tonight. Will Ann cook dinner 3. Who washed his face? A boy did.
tonight? 4. Who will fix his car? Andrew will.
6. This won’t be a table. Will it be a table? 5. Who will eat the cheese? A mouse will.
7. You won’t be angry. Will you be angry? 6. Who lives in the jungle? A tiger does.
8. My parents didn’t buy me a new computer. Did my parents 7. Who was angry? Grandfather was.
buy me a new computer? 8. Who had nothing to do? Victor did.
9. Don wasn’t a doctor in a hospital. Was Don a doctor in 9. Who plays the piano? Paul does.
a hospital? 10. Who will be a doctor? He will.
10. Mina wasn’t 5 years old. Was Mina 5 years old?
Ex. 16
Ex. 12 1. Who likes his shirt?
1. Does Bob have his English lesson on Tuesday or on 2. She has a big blue umbrella.
Monday? 3. There will be a sandy beach near this river.
2. Will we go to the zoo or to school in the afternoon? 4. This sweater is new, isn’t it?
3. Does he usually get up at 9 or at 10? 5. Anna had a lot of books.
4. Did my parents talk to me yesterday or last Tuesday? 6. I saw the Atlantic Ocean last summer.
5. Does she play the guitar or the piano? 7. Do you like cold or warm weather?
6. Did you like apples or oranges? 8. Mark has got drums and two guitars.
7. Will your father go fishing next week or tomorrow? 9. I go by train every day. (I ride the train every day.)
8. Do the children or the parents swim in the sea? 10. She tried to call me yesterday.

Ex. 1 Ex. 4
1. –; 2. the; 3. –; 4. a, the; 5. –, the; 6. the; 7. the; 8. a, –; 9. a; 1. was; 2. are; 3. was; 4. is; 5. will be; 6. is; 7. were;
10. the, the; 11. –; 12. a, the; 13. the; 14. the. 8. is; 9. are; 10. was.
Ex. 2 Ex. 5
1. on; 2. at; 3. in; 4. on; 5. on; 6. in; 7. at; 8. on; 9. in; 10. on; 1. I buy, bought, will buy.
11. in; 12. in; 13. on; 14. in. 2. They kiss, kissed, will kiss.
3. Friends go, went, will go.
Ex. 3 4. A car crashes, crashed, will crash.
How many? boxes, boys, geese, cups, teeth, bags, snowflakes, 5. We wear, wore, will wear.
chairs, oranges, files, phones, fingers, toys, plants. 6. She drinks, drank, will drink.
How much? air, milk, sunshine, snow, fish, coffee, clothes. 7. People talk, talked, will talk.
8. Tim rushes, rushed, will rush. treasure. Do I like to read adventure books about pirates
9. A ball spins, spinned, will spin. and treasure?
10. You eat, ate, will eat. 4. She wasn’t in the classroom yesterday. Was she in the
classroom yesterday?
Ex. 6 5. This book cover isn’t red and gold. Is this book cover red
1. Pamela washed her face and hands in the morning. and gold?
2. Jessica cooked pies well. 6. My friend didn’t watch a lot of movies. Did my friend
3. They played football on Saturday. watch a lot of movies?
4. The cat slept on a mat. 7. It won’t be difficult. Will it be difficult?
5. Keith read books from the library. 8. My parents didn’t buy a new sofa last Thursday. Did my
6. We worked in an office. parents buy a new sofa last Thursday?
7. Bruce came home very late. 9. I’m not very tired today. Am I very tired today?
8. She was a very talented dancer. 10. Jane hasn’t got a new red car. Has Jane got a new car?
9. Jane sent those emails in the evening.
10. We drank coffee for breakfast. Ex. 12
Ex. 7 1. Does he prefer horror movies or dramas?
2. Do cats or dogs usually like to stay inside?
1. My father will get up early in the morning. 3. Does he work or travel a lot?
2. Victor will be a true gentleman. 4. Will Kate be a student at the university or at school?
3. We will be at class last Monday.
5. Did your parents live in Switzerland or in Austria?
4. This cat will make me laugh.
6. Do I think raccoons or hedgehogs are very cute?
5. Alice will buy some milk and cheese.
7. Will Marina have very long or short hair?
6. Will you enjoy the rides at the amusement park?
8. Is he good at Maths or at Chemistry?
7. She will write a book about animals.
9. Do we usually go to work by car or by train?
8. I will be able to go to see the new superhero movie.
10. Did my father work until 6 or 7 o’clock every day?
9. This sweater will be wet and heavy.
10. Tim will have two dogs and a cat. Ex. 13
Ex. 8 1. Where do I usually put two of my keys?
2. Why do I usually put two of my keys on the small table?
1. Mike cooks breakfast every day.
2. She spent her time at the library yesterday. 3. What do I usually put on the small table?
3. We must go to school tomorrow. 4. When do I usually put two of my keys on the table?
4. I don’t like apples or oranges. 5. How many keys do I usually put on the small table?
5. They played a game yesterday. Ex. 14
6. John called me last month. 1. People bought food in this store, didn’t they? Yes, they did.
7. Mary will buy some milk. 2. Tina did not like black tea, did she? No, she didn’t.
8. You listen to this song every day. 3. They played football all day long, didn’t they? Yes, they did.
9. They like to read newspaper in the morning. 4. The train always leaves at 12, doesn’t it? Yes, it does.
10. I want some ice cream. 5. Mother cooked well, didn’t she? Yes, she did.
Ex. 9 6. We met Rob at 6, didn’t we? Yes, we did.
1. Jane can’t dance for hours. 7. Jessica studies Italian every day, doesn’t she? Yes, she does.
2. You can’t ask the professor about the book. 8. He didn’t want to help you, did he? No, he didn’t.
3. The dog didn’t bite the boy. 10. He won’t carry a heavy suitcase, will he? No, he won’t.
4. We won’t have to do it. Ex. 15
5. My parents and I didn’t meet last Sunday.
1. Who will meet Rick at 9? You will.
6. Jessica won’t finish this book.
2. Who watched TV before lunch? We did.
7. She doesn’t ride a bicycle every day.
3. What will be closed? The apartment will be.
8. He won’t help you decorate the house for Christmas.
4. Who gets up at 6 every day? Mary does.
9. They didn’t fix my car in three hours.
5. Who will take an ice cream? A little boy will.
10. I can’t read Spanish well.
6. Who called you? Andrew did.
Ex. 10 7. Who studies in the evenings? He does.
1. Does his son play computer games every day? Yes, he does. 8. What stands behind the house? The box does.
2. Does Bob like to drink tea with milk? Yes, he does. 9. What will fall into the river? The ball will.
3. Did her boss work overtime last month? Yes, he did. 10. Who went to the beach? The children will.
4. Will they eat pizza and drink juice? No, they won’t.
Ex. 16
5. Does Kevin live in Iceland? Yes, he does.
6. Does Nancy work in a corner shop? Yes, she does. 1. He played chess with his friends last Monday.
7. Was their cat brown and white? No, it wasn’t. 2. Jane always worries a lot.
8. Will I see a horror movie next weekend? No, I won’t. 3. Will they go to the park tomorrow?
9. Can they go to the city by train or by car? Yes, they can. 4. Football is a very popular game, isn’t it?
10. Have we got eggs and toast for breakfast? Yes, we have. 5. Next year she will teach kids English.
6. We go to the beach every day.
Ex. 11 7. When did the cat catch the mouse?
1. We won’t be there soon. Will we be there soon? 8. I won’t be able to come to your party tomorrow evening.
2. Tom isn’t a policeman. Is Tom a policeman? 9. Does she like bananas or grapes?
3. I don’t like to read adventure books about pirates and 10. He writes letters to his mother every month.
Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Перевод

arise [@'raIz] arose [@'r@Uz] arisen [@'rIz@n] возникать, появляться

awake [@'weIk] awoke [@'w@Uk] awoken [@'w@Uk@n] будить
be [bi:] was (were) [wÁz] ([wÆ:]) been [bi:n] быть
bear [be@r] bore [bO:r] born [bO:rn] нести, рожать
beat [bi:t] beat [bi:t] beaten ['bi:t@n] бить
become [bI'köm] became [bI'keIm] become [bI'köm] становиться
begin [bI'gIn] began [bI'g{n] begun [bI'gön] начинать
bend [bend] bent [bent] bent [bent] гнуть
bet [bet] bet [bet] bet [bet] держать пари
bind [baInd] bound [baUnd] bound [baUnd] связывать
bite [baIt] bit [bIt] bitten ['bIt@n] кусаться
bleed [bli:d] bled [bled] bled [bled] кровоточить
blow [bl@U] blew [blu:] blown [bl@Un] дуть
break [breIk] broke [br@Uk] broken ['br@Uk@n] ломать
breed [bri:d] bred [bred] bred [bred] размножаться
bring [brIÎ] brought [brO:t] brought [brO:t] приносить
build [bIld] built [bIlt] built [bIlt] строить
buy [baI] bought [bO:t] bought [bO:t] покупать
catch [k{tS] caught [kO:t] caught [kO:t] ловить
choose [tSu:z] chose [tS@Uz] chosen ['tS@Uz@n] выбирать
cling [klIÎ] clung [klöÎ] clung [klöÎ] цепляться
come [köm] came [keIm] come [köm] приходить
cost [kÁst] cost [kÁst] cost [kÁst] стоить
cut [köt] cut [köt] cut [köt] резать
deal [di:l] dealt [delt] dealt [delt] вести дела
dig [dIg] dug [dög] dug [dög] копать
do [du:] did [dId] done [dön] делать
draw [drO:] drew [dru:] drawn [drO:n] рисовать, тянуть
drink [drIÎk] drank [dr{Îk] drunk [dröÎk] пить
drive [draIv] drove [dr@Uv] driven ['drIv@n] водить автомобиль
eat [i:t] ate [eIt] eaten ['i:t@n] есть

Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Перевод

fall [fO:l] fell [fel] fallen ['fO:l@n] падать

feed [fi:d] fed [fed] fed [fed] кормить
feel [fi:l] felt [felt] felt [felt] чувствовать
fight [faIt] fought [fO:t] fought [fO:t] бороться
find [faInd] found [faUnd] found [faUnd] находить
flee [fli:] fled [fled] fled [fled] сбежать
fly [flaI] flew [flu:] flown [fl@Un] летать
forbid [f@r'bId] forbade [f@r'b{d] forbidden [f@r'bId@n] запрещать
forget [f@r'get] forgot [f@r'gÁt] forgotten [f@r'gÁt@n] забывать
forgive [f@r'gIv] forgave [f@r'geIv] forgiven [f@r'gIv@n] простить
freeze [fri:z] froze [fr@Uz] frozen ['fr@Uz@n] замораживать
get [get] got [gÁt] got [gÁt] получать
give [gIv] gave [geIv] given ['gIv@n] давать
go [g@U] went [went] gone [gÁn] идти
grow [gr@U] grew [gru:] grown [gr@Un] расти
hang [h{Î] hung [höÎ] hung [höÎ] висеть
have (has) [h{v] ([h@z]) had [h@d] had [h@d] иметь
hear [hI@r] heard [hÆ:rd] heard [hÆ:rd] слышать
hide [haId] hid [hId] hidden ['hId@n] прятать
hit [hIt] hit [hIt] hit [hIt] попадать, ударять
hold [h@Uld] held [held] held [held] держать
hurt [hÆ:rt] hurt [hÆ:rt] hurt [hÆ:rt] причинять боль
keep [ki:p] kept [kept] kept [kept] держать
know [n@U] knew [nju:] known [n@Un] знать
lay [leI] laid [leId] laid [leId] класть, стелить
lead [li:d] led [led] led [led] вести, лидировать
learn [lÆ:rn] learnt (learned) [lÆ:rnt] learnt (learned) [lÆ:rnt] учиться, узнавать
leave [li:v] left [left] left [left] покидать, оставлять
lend [lend] lent [lent] lent [lent] давать взаймы
let [let] let [let] let [let] позволять
lie [laI] lay [leI] lain [leIn] лежать

Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Перевод

light [laIt] lit [lIt] lit [lIt] зажигать, освещать

lose [lu:z] lost [lÁst] lost [lÁst] терять
make [meIk] made [meId] made [meId] делать, мастерить
meet [mi:t] met [met] met [met] встречать, знакомиться
mean [mi:n] meant [ment] meant [ment] значить
pay [peI] paid [peId] paid [peId] платить
put [pUt] put [pUt] put [pUt] класть, ставить
read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] читать
ride [raId] rode [r@Ud] ridden ['rId@n] ездить верхом
ring [rIÎ] rang [r{Î] rung [röÎ] звонить
rise [raIz] rose [r@Uz] risen ['rIz@n] восходить, подниматься
run [rön] ran [r{n] run [rön] бежать
say [seI] said [sed] said [sed] сказать
see [si:] saw [sO:] seen [si:n] видеть
seek [si:k] sought [sO:t] sought [sO:t] искать
sell [sel] sold [s@Uld] sold [s@Uld] продавать
send [send] sent [sent] sent [sent] посылать
set [set] set [set] set [set] устанавливать
shake [SeIk] shook [SUk] shaken ['SeIk@n] трясти
shine [SaIn] shone [SaIn] shone [SaIn] светить, сиять
shoot [Su:t] shot [SÁt] shot [SÁt] стрелять
show [S@U] showed [S@Ud] shown [S@Un] показывать
shrink [SrIÎk] shrank [Sr{Îk] shrunk [SröÎk] сжиматься
shut [Söt] shut [Söt] shut [Söt] закрывать, затворять
sing [sIÎ] sang [s{Î] sung [söÎ] петь
sit [sIt] sat [s{t] sat [s{t] сидеть
sleep [sli:p] slept [slept] slept [slept] спать
slide [slaId] slid [slId] slid [slId] скользить
smell [smel] smelt [smelt] smelt [smelt] пахнуть, нюхать
speak [spi:k] spoke [sp@Uk] spoken ['sp@Uk@n] говорить
speed [spi:d] sped (speeded) [sped] sped (speeded) [sped] мчаться

Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Перевод

spell [spel] spelt (spelled) spelt (spelled) произносить

[spelt] [spelt] по буквам
spend [spend] spent [spent] spent [spent] тратить, проводить
spill [spIl] spilt (spilled) [spIlt] spilt (spilled) [spIlt] разлить
spin [spIn] spun [spön] spun [spön] крутить
split [splIt] split [splIt] split [splIt] разделять,
spoil [spOIl] spoilt (spoiled) [spOIlt] spoilt (spoiled) [spOIlt] портить
spread [spred] spread [spred] spread [spred] развернуть,
stand [st{nd] stood [stUd] stood [stUd] стоять
steal [sti:l] stole [st@Ul] stolen ['st@Ul@n] воровать
sting [stIÎ] stung [stöÎ] stung [stöÎ] жалить
stink [stIÎk] stank [st{Îk] stunk [stöÎk] вонять
strike [straIk] struck [strök] struck [strök] бастовать, ударять
swear [swe@r] swore [swO:] sworn [swO:n] клясться, ругаться
sweep [swi:p] swept [swept] swept [swept] подметать
swell [swel] swelled [swedl] swollen (swelled) опухать
swim [swIm] swam [sw{m] swum [swöm] плавать
take [teIk] took [tUk] taken ['teIk@n] брать
teach [ti:tS] taught [tO:t] taught [tO:t] обучать
tear [te@r] tore [tO:] torn [tO:n] рвать
tell [tel] told [t@Uld] told [t@Uld] рассказывать
think [TIÎk] thought [TO:t] thought [TO:t] думать
throw [Tr@U] threw [Tru:] thrown [Tr@Un] бросать
understand understood understood понимать
["önd@r'st{nd] ["önd@'stUd] ["önd@'stUd]
wake [weIk] woke [w@Uk] woken ['w@Uk@n] будить
wear [we@r] wore [wO:] worn [wO:n] носить одежду
win [wIn] won [wön] won [wön] побеждать
wind [wInd] wound [waUnd] wound [waUnd] заводить часы,
write [raIt] wrote [r@Ut] written ['rItn] писать

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