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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

Ю. А. Вишневецкая, Л. М. Калянова




Учебное пособие

УДК 4И(Англ)
ББК 81.2Англ-9
В 55

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Е. Ю. Орехова
кандидат педагогических наук, доцент М. В. Денеко

Вишневецкая Ю. А.
В55 Деловой английский язык. Часть I. Business English. Part I : учеб-
ное пособие / Ю. А. Вишневецкая, Л. М. Калянова. — Тюмень :
ТюмГНГУ, 2013. — 160 с.
ISBN 978-5-9961-0658-5
Учебное пособие состоит из 13 разделов, каждый из которых содержит
тематический вокабуляр, диалоги и развернутую систему упражнений
различного типа. В основе построения книги – коммуникативно-
ситуативный подход к обучению устной речи, направленный на овладение
основами делового общения в типичных ситуациях.
Цель пособия – обучить основам делового общения в устных и пись-
менных формах.
Пособие предназначено для студентов неязыковых вузов, изучающих
курс делового английского языка, а также совершенствующих навыки
речевого этикета.

УДК 4И(Англ)
ББК 81.2Англ-9

ISBN 978-5-9961-0658-5 © Федеральное государственное

бюджетное образовательное
учреждение высшего
профессионального образования
«Тюменский государственный
нефтегазовый университет», 2013



ABOUT YOU………………………………………………………....................5

ABOUT YOUR JOB…………………………………………………………...10

MEETINGS AND GREETINGS …………………………...……....................15

PARTINGS AND THANKS………………………………….…………….…24

JOB HUNTING……………………………………………………...................29

EMPLOYMENT CORRESPONDENCE…………………………...................40


FAXES. E-MAILS……..………………………………………………………74


GOING THROUGH THE CUSTOMS………………………………………...97

AT THE RAILWAY STATION……………………………………………...110





Владение иностранным языком является неотъемлемой частью жиз-

ни современного человека. Однако изучение языка требует большого ко-
личества времени и усилий. В большинстве случаев для успешного обще-
ния достаточно минимального знания языка и стандартного набора рече-
вых оборотов. Данное пособие представляет собой курс делового англий-
ского языка, включающий в себя разделы наиболее распространенных си-
туаций речевого общения, необходимых для делового общения с зарубеж-
ными партнерами, а также при поездках заграницу.
Учебное пособие «Деловой английский язык. Часть I» («Business
English. Part I») предназначен для студентов очной и заочной формы обу-
чения неязыковых вузов, изучающих курс делового или разговорного ан-
глийского языка, а также может служить дополнительным материалом при
рассмотрении отдельных тем.
Пособие включает тринадцать разделов, в основу которых положен
тематический принцип. Каждый раздел содержит языковой материал в ви-
де речевых клише, слов и выражений по заданной теме, ситуативные диа-
логи и упражнения. Тематика разделов включает ситуации, наиболее по-
лезные при зарубежных путешествиях и деловом общении.
Система упражнений направлена на развитие коммуникативных
навыков студентов в различных формах работ: самостоятельной, парной,
Учебное пособие направленно на развитие как монологической, так
и диалогической речи. Студентам предоставляются речевые клише, а так-
же примеры их употребления в речи, а затем предлагаются задания на ос-
нове аналогичных ситуаций.
Неотъемлемой частью делового общения является письменная ком-
муникация. В пособие включены разделы, направленные на овладение
студентами письменной речи в наиболее необходимых формах (электрон-
ные сообщения, факсы, корреспонденция при устройстве на работу).
Цель данного пособия состоит в обучении основам делового обще-
ния в устных и письменных формах в типичных ситуациях: знакомство,
приветствия и прощания, устройство на работу, корреспонденция при
устройстве на работу (анкета, резюме, сопроводительное письмо, благо-
дарственное письмо), разговор по телефону, отправка электронных сооб-
щений и факсов, заказ авиа билетов, прохождение таможенного досмотра,
поездка на поезде, проживание в гостинице, посещение ресторана.
Пособие содержит достаточное количество упражнений по практике
делового общения и ведению переписки на английском языке.



1. Useful phrases.
Hello, are you Tom Young? Здравствуйте, Вы Том Янг?
Yes, I am. / No, I am (I‘m) not. Да. / Нет.
Good morning, my name is Mary Доброе утро, меня зовут Мэри Си-
Segal. гал.
Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Доброе утро. / Добрый день. /
Good evening, Mrs. Segal. Добрый вечер, Миссис Сигал.
I work for MAT. Я работаю на ЭмЭйТи.
I work in the finance department. Я работаю в финансовом отделе.
Finance / Sales / IT (information Финансы / Сбыт / Информацион-
technology) ные технологии
What do you do? Чем Вы занимаетесь?
I‘m an accountant. Я - бухгалтер.
an engineer / a sales representative инженер / торговый представитель
(rep) / a designer / дизайнер
What is (What‘s) your (first) name? Как Вас зовут?
My name is___. Меня зовут___.
first name / given name / Christian Имя
family name / last name / surname Фамилия
middle name / patronymic Отчество
What‘s your number? Какой у Вас номер телефона?
It is (It‘s) 020259366 020259366
Ноль / один / два / три / четыре /
0 (oh/zero) 1 (one) 2 (two) 3 (three) 4
(four) 5 (five) 6 (six) 7 (seven) 8 пять / шесть / семь / восемь / де-
(eight) 9 (nine) вять
55 (double five) пять пять
Where are you from? Откуда Вы? (Из какой Вы компа-
I‘m from MTA in Hamburg. Я из ЭмТиЭй в Гамбурге.
Here is my card. Вот моя визитка.
(It‘s) nice to meet you. / Pleased to Приятно (рад) с Вами познако-
meet you. / Glad to meet you. миться.
(It‘s) nice to meet you, too. Мне (я) тоже.

2. Read the dialogues and translate them. Play out one of the dia-

Dialogue 1

 Excuse me. Are you Eddie Yuna from BIT?

 No, I‘m not.
 I‘m sorry.
 That‘s OK. My name‘s Kurt Jarvis. I‘m from Key Trading in Hong
Kong. What‘s your name?

Dialogue 2

 Hi, I‘m Tina Awola.

 It‘s nice to meet you, Tina. Where are you from?
 I work for International Credit Bank, in Lagos. What do you do?
 I‘m a sales rep. Here‘s my card. What do you do at the International
Credit Bank?
 I‘m in the legal department.

Dialogue 3

 Hello, my name‘s Jochen Gramm. I‘m from MAT in Hamburg.

 Hi, I‘m Della Lorn. I work for KLT, in Rome. Good to meet you.

Dialogue 4

 Good morning. Are you Mr. Owen from Accounts?

 No, I‘m Dick Brown from the service department. Can I help you?

Dialogue 5

 Hello. My name‘s Trevor Muller. I‘m in the IT department, in London.

 Nice to meet you. I‘m Sally Gigot from the Cape Town office.

Dialogue 6

 Excuse me, are you Kate Hagel, from AB Engineering, Boston?

 No, I‘m not.
 I‘m sorry.
 That‘s OK. My name‘s Miranda Murphy. I‘m from UP Financial Ser-
vices, in Dublin. I‘m an accountant, not an engineer. Here‘s my card.

Dialogue 7

 Mrs. Brown, I‘d like you to meet my brother Robert.

 How do you do?
 How do you do? How do you like London?
 Oh, it‘s a wonderful city!

Dialogue 8

 Let me introduce myself to you. I am George Wiler.

 How do you do, Mr. Wiler? My name is John Bush.
 How do you do, Mr. Bush? I am a Sales Manager. What‘s your occupa-
 I am a designer from California.
 Pleased to meet you, Mr. Bush.
 Pleased to meet you too, Mr. Wiler.

Dialogue 9

 I‘d like you to meet Mr. Black, our Director General.

 Glad to meet you, Mr. Black.
 Glad to meet you too. Have you ever been to New-York before?
 No, it‘s my first visit to Kiev.
 I hope, you‘ll enjoy your visit, Mr. Black.

Dialogue 10

 Excuse me. Are you Mr. Smith?

 Yes.
 I‘m John Brown, from NST Enterprises. How do you do?
 How do you do?
 Did you have a good trip?
 Yes, thank you.

3. Fill in the gaps in the dialogue with appropriate phrases.

She isn’t is she is Are you Are you I’m not I’m not I’m I’m

 (1)_____Susan Hogg from France?

 No, (2) _____.
 Where (3) _____? Do you know?

 No, I don‘t. (4)_____ in the office.
 Does she have a mobile phone?
 I think so.
 What (5) _____ her number?
 (6)_____sorry. I don‘t know.
 (7)_____from the finance department?
 No, (8) ______. (9)______a receptionist.

4. Say these telephone numbers.

a) 733 046 21 00 b) 628 35092

c) 257 08439 d) 744 290 011
e) 010628844 f) 363404815
g) 23 61 77 h) 578 44 32
i) 0655 5291 j) 489 00 01

5. Match the remarks with the responds.

1) Hello, are you Chris Jacobs? a) I‘m an engineer.

2) Good morning. My name is Jane b) Yes, I am.
3) What do you do? c) I am from TST, New York.
4) What is your name? d) Good afternoon, Mrs. Green.
5) Where are you from? e) My name is John Smith.

6. Fill in this form. Give information about yourself.

First Name:

7. Translate into English.

1) Извините, Вы Джек Питерс из ЭнПиЭс Системз, Сидней?

2) Здравствуйте, Меня зовут Мэри Грей.
3) Приятно познакомиться.
4) Я работаю на Глобал Электроникс.
5) Я инженер.
6) Кто Вы по профессии?/ Чем Вы занимаетесь?
7) Как Вас зовут?
8) Из какой Вы компании? / Откуда Вы?
9) Вот моя визитная карточка.
10) Я работаю в отделе продаж.

8. Read the information about these people and answer the questions.

Terry Maynard: ‗My name‘s Terry Maynard. I work for Fox Construc-
tion, Glasgow. I‘m in the IT department. I‘m an IT manager. My work number
is 765 67 100.‘
 Is she an accountant?
 Is Fox Construction in London?
 Is Terry Maynard in sales department?
 Is Terry Maynard from Fox Construction, Glasgow.

Lucy Gomme: ‗I‘m Lucy Gomme from Spar Engineering, Chicago. I‘m
an electrical engineer. I work in the maintenance department. My number is 34
67 22.‘
 Is Lucy Gomme from Fox Construction, Glasgow?
 Is her number 34 67 22?
 Is Ms. Gomme‘s first name Mary?
 Is Lucy Gomme an electrical engineer?

9. Practise saying who you are.

Excuse me, are you [John Smith] from [ABC]?

Yes, I am. No, I‘m not.

I‘m sorry.

That‘s OK. My name‘s

_____. I‘m from [FWT] in

[Geneva]. What‘s your

(My name‘s)_____. I work for______.

Good / Nice / Pleased to meet you. What do you do?

I‘m in the ______ department. I‘m a / an ______.

I‘m a / an _____ (too). (Here‘s my card.)

10. Tell about yourself (4-5 sentences).



1. Useful phrases.
What do you do? / What is your oc- Чем Вы занимаетесь? / Какая у Вас
cupation? (What‘s your job?) профессия?
What company do you work for? / На какую компанию Вы работае-
Who do you work for? те? / На кого Вы работаете?
Я работаю на ТиЭсТи Системз.
I am (I‘m) with TST Systems. В каком отделе Вы работаете?
Which department are you in? Какая у Вас квалификация (Какое
What qualifications do you have? у Вас образование)?
What company are you from? Из какой Вы компании?
I am (I‘m) from Continental Equip- Я из компании Континентал Экви-
ment. пмент.
I work for an insurance company Я работаю на страховую компа-
called Sarf. нию Сарф.
a bank / a glass manufacturer / a law банк / производитель стекла /
firm юридическая фирма
How do you spell Sarf? Как пишется Сарф?
How do you spell that? Как это пишется?
S-A-R-F. С-А-Р-Ф.
I am (I‘m) on the sales side. Я в отделе сбыта (продаж).
I work in the sales department. Я работаю в отделе продаж.
division / section отдел / подразделение
I work in Sales. Я работаю в отделе сбыта.
I work in European Sales Team. Я работаю в Европейской группе

I‘m (the) deputy sales director. Я заместитель директора по про-
I‘m (the) assistant manager. Я помощник руководителя (заме-
ститель управляющего)
Do you like your work? Вам нравится Ваша работа?
Yes, I do. / No, I do not (don‘t). Да. / Нет.
Yes, I like it very much. Да, очень.

2. Read the dialogues and translate them. Play out one of the dia-

Dialogue 1

 What do you do?

 I work for a bank in Vancouver.
 Which one?
 Credit West. I‘m in the IT department.

Dialogue 2

 You work for a law firm…

 Yes, I do.
 Are you a lawyer?
 No, I‘m on the finance side. I‘m the deputy finance director.

Dialogue 3

 Are you on the sales side?

 No, I work in Maintenance.
 What do you do?
 I‘m an electrical engineer.

Dialogue 4

 What‘s your job?

 I work for a toy manufacturer called Games Inc. I‘m in the European
sales team.
 Do you like it?
 Yes, it‘s OK. I‘m the assistant manager.

Dialogue 5

 Who do you work for?

 A company called Delta. I‘ve been with them for about three years.
 Which department are you in?
 Finance.
 Are you an accountant?
 No, I‘m an assistant manager.

Dialogue 6

 What‘s your job?

 I‘m a waiter. I work in a restaurant. What do you do?
 I‘m a taxi driver.
 Is it an interesting job?
 Yes, I like it.

Dialogue 7

 What do you do?

 I‘m an IT manager. I‘m responsible for all information systems in the
 Who do you work for?
 A company called Root Chemicals. I‘ve been with them for two
 What qualifications do you have?
 I have a degree in engineering.

Dialogue 8

 What do you do?

 I draw and paint pictures for magazines, books, CD covers – all kind
of things.
 Where do you work?
 I work at home.
 How many hours do you work?
 I usually work about eight hours a day, from 9.30 to 5.30.
 Do you earn a lot of money?
 It depends. I earn from about £250 to £3,000 for a picture.
 Do you like your job? Why?
 Yes, I love it. Every day is different and I like using my imagination.

3. Complete the dialogues with appropriate phrases.
He works Is he I do I don’t know do you spell he doesn’t work
he doesn’t He’s Do you like Does he work does

 What (1) _____ Faisal Suri do?

 (2) _____ for a company called Matsu Engineering?
 How (3) _____ Matsu?
 M-A-T-S-U.
 (4) _____ an engineer?
 Yes, but (5) _____ in Production.
 (6) _____ in R&D?
 No, (7) _____. (8) _____ on the trading side.
 What‘s he like? (9) _____ him?
 Yes, (10) _____, but (11) _____ him very well.

4. Study the alphabet and practise spelling the following.

 Your first name.

 Your family name.
 The name of your town / city.
 The name of your company.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r
s t u v w x y z

5. Read the messages below and then prepare a statement about


1) ‗I work for a law firm called TIFF Associates. I‘m not a lawyer. I‘m
on the finance side. It‘s a Japanese company, but I work in Kuala Lumpur of-
fice. I‘m Assistant manager of the accounts department. I like my work very
2) ‗My name is Paоlo Chitolina. I work for an insurance company called
Etaak. It‘s a Brazilian company. I work in Sao Paulo [´səum´pauləu]. I‘m an
electrical engineer. I work on the maintenance side. I‘m Assistant Manager

6. Match the remarks with the responds.

1) What do you do? a) I‘m from Continental Equipment.

2) What company are you from? b) Yes, I am. I‘m a sales rep.
3) How do you spell that? c) I‘m an engineer.
4) Do you like your work? d) S-A-R-F.
5) Are you on the sales side? e) No, I don‘t.

Practise saying what you do.

What do you do?

I work for a/an [insurance company], called___.

Are you on the [sales] side?

No, I‘m not, I‘m in the

Yes, I am.
[IT department].

I‘m a/an [sales rep/computer programmer].

I‘m the [assistant sales/process manager].

Do you like your job?

Yes, I do. [I like it very No, I don‘t. [I don‘t like it

much]. very much].

7. Translate into English.

1) Чем Вы занимаетесь?
2) Я работаю в банке.
3) Я работаю в отделе продаж.
4) Я помощник управляющего.
5) Вам нравится Ваша работа?
6) Вы работаете в отделе информационных технологий?
7) На какую компанию Вы работаете?
8) Как это пишется?
9) Я не юрист.
10) Я очень люблю свою работу.

8. Study the visit card and answer the questions. Make your own vis-
it card.

1) Whose card is this?

2) What is he?
3) What company is he from?
4) What city is he from?
5) What is his telephone number?
6) What is the address of his company?

John G. Smith
Financial Director
9 North Road, Brighton, BN 5
JF, England
Phone: (0273) 543359 Fax:
(0273) 559364

9. Write answers to these questions. Then write a paragraph about


1) What company do you work for?

2) What do you do?
3) Where are you from?
4) Where do you work?
5) What department are you in?



1. Useful phrases.
Good morning, my name is Bill Доброе утро, меня зовут Билл
Smith. Смит.
Welcome to KPG. Добро пожаловать в КейПиДжи.
I would like (I‘d like) to welcome Я бы хотел поприветствовать Вас в
you to KPG. КейПиДжи.
Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Доброе утро. / Добрый день. / Доб-
Good evening. рый вечер.
Hello! Hi! (Informal) Привет! (неофициально)
How was your trip / journey / flight? Как прошла Ваша поездка / полет?
It was fine. / It was terrible. Прекрасно. / Ужасно.
Oh, good. / Oh, dear. Ну, хорошо. / О, Боже!
Was the plane on time? Самолет прилетел вовремя?
early / late рано / поздно
Were the arrangements OK? Все (все приготовления) было в
Yes, they were. / No, they were not порядке?
(weren‘t). Да. / Нет.
Let me introduce myself to you. Позвольте представиться.
Let me introduce you to Mr. White. Позвольте представить Вас м-ру

Let me introduce Mr. White to you. / Позвольте представить Вам м-ра
I‘d like you to meet Mr. White. Уайта.
This is Frank White, our PR Manag- Это Фрэнк Уайт, наш пиар мене-
er. джер.
How do you do? – How do you do? Здравствуйте. – Здравствуйте. (при
первой встрече)
Pleased / glad / nice / good to meet Рад познакомиться с Вами. – Я то-
you. – Pleased to meet you too. же.
I am (I‘m) from France. I am (I‘m) Я из Франции. Я француз.
I speak a little English. Я немного говорю по-английски.
I know a few words. Я знаю несколько слов.
I don‘t speak Chinese. Я не говорю по-китайски.
How are you (getting on)? / How are Как у Вас дела?
things with you?
(I‘m) all right. Thank you. / (I‘m) fi- Все в порядке, спасибо. / Все хо-
ne. Thanks. / Everything is OK. рошо, спасибо.
Thank you.
Not quite well. / So-so. Не очень. / Так себе.
Mister (Mr.) Johnson, Mr. Sage Мистер (господин) Джонсон, Ми-
стер Сейдж (ставится перед фами-
лией или названием должности)
Сэр, господин, сударь (обращение
sir к незнакомому человеку)
Госпожа Джозеф, Госпожа Грин
Mistress (Mrs.) Joseph, Mrs. Green (обращение к замужней женщине)
Обращение к замужней женщине
madam (употребляется без фамилии)
Мисс Ли, Мисс Уайт (обращение к
Miss Lee, Miss White незамужней девушке)
Юная леди (обращение к незамуж-
young lady ней девушке)
Госпожа Ли, Госпожа Уайт (обра-
Ms. ([miz]) Lee, Ms. White щение к женщине независимо от ее
Дорогие друзья! (обращение к
Dear friends! группе мужчин и женщин)
Дамы и господа! (обращение к
Ladies and Gentlemen! группе мужчин и женщин)
Доктор Сейдж, Доктор Уайт (об-
Doctor (Dr.) Sage, Dr. White ращение к человеку, имеющему
ученую степень)

2. Read the dialogues and translate them. Think if these people are
friends, colleagues, if this is their first meeting or not. Play out one of
the dialogues.

Dialogue 1

 Good afternoon. My name‘s Gerry Scalia. I‘d like to welcome you to

TZ. This is Calre Hanah, our PR Manager.
 Hello, it‘s nice to meet you all. How was your trip?
 It was OK.

Dialogue 2

 Hi, it‘s good to see you. How was your flight?

 Not good. The plane was two hours late.
 Oh, dear. Was the hotel OK?
 Yes, it was fine.

Dialogue 3

 Good morning. Welcome back. How was your trip to Britain?

 It was awful.
 Oh, dear. Why?
 The trains were late and the weather was terrible.
 Were the hotel arrangements OK?
 No, they weren‘t

Dialogue 4

 This is Mrs. Walchia.

 How do you do?
 Pleased to meet you.
 How was your journey?
 Er…
 Mrs. Walchia is from Romania.
 I‘m sorry, I don‘t speak Romanian.
 That‘s OK, I speak English. Well, I speak a little English. My journey
was good.

Dialogue 5

 Hi. I‘m Ivan Kovacic.

 Hello. My name‘s Gracie Mayers.

 Nice to meet you.
 It‘s nice to meet you, too.
 Do you work here?
 No.

Dialogue 6

 Good morning, John.

 Good morning, Victor.
 How are you today?
 Not too bad. How are you?
 Oh, fine.

Dialogue 7

 Hello. How was your trip?

 It was terrible. My contact was ill.
 Oh, no!
 And the plane was two hours late.
 Oh, dear! Anyway, welcome back.

Dialogue 8

 This is Pat Ollis from the Rio office.

 Hi, my name is Luis Pinto.
 Pleased to meet you, Luis. Where are you from?
 I work in KRT in Mexico City.
 How was your flight?
 Fine.

Dialogue 9

 Excuse me, are you Mr. Peterson?

 Yes.
 I‘m George Wilson from TST Systems. How do you do?
 How do you do?
 Did you have a good trip?
 Yes, thank you.

Dialogue 10

 I‘d like you to meet Mr. Cartwright, our Director General.

 Glad to meet you, Mr. Cartwright.
 Glad to meet you, too.
 Let me introduce my secretary to you. This is Miss Johnson.
 Nice to meet you, Miss Johnson.
 Nice to meet you, too. Call me Kate.
 I also want you to meet Mr. Black. He is our Sales Manager.

3. Match the responses to the prompts.

1) Welcome to KPG. a) How do you do?

2) Do you know any French words? b) It was OK.
3) Good morning. c) It‘s nice to meet you, too.
4) Do you speak Chinese? d) Thank you.
5) How are you? e) Yes, a few.
6) It‘s nice to meet you. f) I‘m fine, thanks.
7) How do you do? g) Good morning.
8) How was your trip? h) Yes, a little.

4. Fill in the gaps in the dialogue, using the following expressions.

Yes, it was too hi were journey not dear to late ter-


 (1)_____. My name is Max Trompowski.

 Nice to meet you.
 Nice to meet you (2) _____.
 How was your (3) _____?
 It was (4) _____.
 Oh (5) _____. Was the plane (6) _____?
 (7) _____.
 (8)_____ the hotel arrangements OK?
 No, I‘m afraid (9) _____.
 Anyway, welcome (10) _____ Brussels.

5. Study some nationalities and languages.

Country Adjective Person

Albania Albanian (an) Albanian
Algeria Algerian (an) Algerian
America American (an) American
Australia Australian (an) Australian
Austria Austrian (an) Austrian
Belgium Belgian (a) Belgian
Brazil Brazilian (a) Brazilian
Britain British (a) Briton
Bulgaria Bulgarian (a) Bulgarian
Canada Canadian (a) Canadian
China Chinese (a) Chinese
Czech Republic Czech (a) Czech
Denmark Danish (a) Dane
Egypt Egyptian (an) Egyptian
England English (an) Englishman
/ Englishwoman
Finland Finnish (a) Finn
France French (a) Frenchman /
Germany German (a) German
Greece Greek (a) Greek
Holland Dutch (a) Dutchman
Hungary Hungarian (a) Hungarian
India Indian (an) Indian
Iran Iranian (an) Iranian
Ireland Irish (an) Irishman
Italy Italian (an) Italian
Japan Japanese (a) Japanese
Kenya Kenyan (a) Kenyan
Korea Korean (a) Korean
Lebanon Lebanese (a) Lebanese
Libya Libyan (a) Libyan
Malaysia Malaysian (a) Malaysian
Mexico Mexican (a) Mexican
Nigeria Nigerian (a) Nigerian
Norway Norwegian (a) Norwegian
Poland Polish (a) Pole
Oman Omani (an) Omani
Russia Russian (a) Russian
Scotland Scottish (a) Scot
Slovakia Slovak (a) Slovak
Spain Spanish (a) Spaniard
Sweden Swedish (a) Swede
Ukraine Ukrainian (a) Ukrainian
Uruguay Uruguayan (a) Uruguayan

Fill in the gaps in this table.

Country Nationality Language

Brazil Portuguese
British English
China Chinese
Egypt Egyptian
French French
Hungary Hungarian
Japan Japanese
Russia Russian
Spanish Spanish
United English
Practise in pairs. Make sure you can say your nationality and lan-
guage in English.

 Have you been to Brazil?
 Yes, on business / on holiday.
 Do you speak Portuguese?
 I speak a little. / I know a few words.

Complete the sentences with necessary name of the country or na-


1) Alice is from the United States. She‘s _____.

2) Whisky is Scottish. It‘s from _____.
3) Jun is from China. He‘s _____.
4) My friends are Polish. They‘re from ____.
5) Sandra is from Australia. She‘s _____.
6) Toyota cars are Japanese. They‘re from _____.
7) Spaghetti is from Italy. It‘s _____.
8) We‘re French. We‘re from _____.
9) She‘s from Russia. She‘s _____.
10) They‘re Spaniards. They‘re from _____.

6. Read the short dialogues and decide if it is a „Greeting‟ or an „In-


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Dialogue 1

 Hello, Maria. How are you?

 Oh, hi. I‘m very well. How are you?

Dialogue 2

 Mekka, this is Walt Simpson.

 It‘s nice to meet you.

Dialogue 3

 Hello, my name is Angie Blep.

 Welcome to KPG. I‘m Glen Turno.

Dialogue 4

 Good morning.
 Good morning.
 It‘s a beautiful day.

Dialogue 5

 Mr. Kuomi, this is John Ginene, the manager.

 How do you do?
 How do you do, Mr. Koumi?

Dialogue 6

 Hi, I‘m Rob.

 Hi, I‘m Jan.
 Pleased to meet you, Jan.

Dialogue 7

 Hello, I‘m back.

 It‘s nice to see you. How was your flight?

Dialogue 8

 Mustafa, come and meet Gerry. Gerry, this is Mustafa.

 Hi, Mustafa. It‘s nice to meet you.

Dialogue 9

 Good afternoon, Pierre.

 Good afternoon.
 How was your trip to Moscow?

7. Work in pairs. Partner A asks the questions from the table. Part-
ner B answers them.

Questions Answers
the flight
the journey
the hotel(s)
the hotel arrangements Yes, it was.
Was the travel arrangements No, it wasn‘t.
Were the taxi(s) Yes, they were.
the plane No, they weren‘t.
the weather
the timetable
the people

8. Translate into English.

1) Доброе утро, меня зовут, Джон Смит.

2) Добро пожаловать в КейПиДжи. / Рад приветствовать Вас в
3) Как прошла Ваша поездка?
4) Позвольте представиться.
5) Позвольте представить Вам мистера Блэка, нашего менеджера.
6) Здравствуйте. – Здравствуйте. Рад познакомиться.
7) Я из Франции. Я француз.
8) Я немного говорю по-английски. Я знаю несколько слов.
9) Я не говорю по-китайски.
10) Как дела? – Все в порядке, спасибо.

9. Practise meeting someone and introducing yourself.

Hello / Hi. My
Hello/Hi. I‘m___.
(It‘s) nice to meet / see (It‘s) nice to meet / see
you. you too.

How was your [flight / journey]?

It was [fine]. It was [terrible].

Oh good.
Was the [plane] on Oh dear.
time? Was the [plane] late?
[Was the weather [Was the weather bad?]
good?] [Were the arrangements
[Were the arrange- not OK?]
ments OK?]

Yes, it was. / No, it wasn‘t.

(Yes, they were. / No, they weren‘t.)

(Anyway) welcome to___.

10. Work in Groups. Play out the situation. You meet your friends at
the airport. Greet people you know. Introduce yourself to someone you
don‟t know. Ask about the trip.



1. Useful phrases.
Many thanks for your help. / Thank Большое (Вам) спасибо за помощь.
you for everything. / Спасибо за все.
It is (it‘s) my pleasure / Not at all. / Что Вы! (не стоит!) / Пожалуйста!
No problem. / You are (You‘re) wel- (Не стоит благодарности!) / Ну что
come. Вы! / Пожалуйста! (не стоит бла-
Call me on Monday – I will. Позвони (те) мне в понедельник. –
Do not (Don‘t) forget to send those Не забудь (те) отправить эти циф-
figures. – I won‘t (will not). ры (таблицы). – Не забуду.
I will (I‘ll) email you next week. Я отправлю Вам письмо по элек-
тронной почте на следующей не-
week / month / year неделя / месяц / год

I will (I‘ll) see you in the spring. Увидимся весной.
spring / summer / autumn / winter весна / лето / осень / зима
at Christmas/ in the New Year на Рождество / в новом году
in January/ in February в январе / в феврале
We‘ll see you in February. Увидимся в феврале.
Give my regards to your MD (Man- Передайте привет управляющему.
aging Director).
Say ‗hello‘ to you wife. Передавайте привет Вашей жене.
I will. Передам.
You must visit us again soon. Вы должны навестить нас вскоре.
And you must come and see us. И Вы должны заглянуть к нам в
See you soon. / See you. Увидимся. / До встречи.
Keep in touch. Оставайтесь на связи.
Goodbye. / Bye. До свидания. / Пока.

2. Read the dialogues and translate them. Think if these people are
friends, colleagues, if this is their first meeting or not. Play out one of the

Dialogue 1

 Thanks for the lunch.

 You‘re welcome.
 And I‘ll see you next week.
 Yes, see you. Bye.
 Bye.

Dialogue 2

 Have a good flight.

 Thanks, and thanks for everything.
 Well, thank for you coming.
 Don‘t forget to keep in touch.
 I won‘t. And I‘ll see you in the New Year.
 Bye.

Dialogue 3

 Give my regards to your MD.

 I will. I‘ll call you next week.
 OK. By then. See you soon.
 See you. Bye.

Dialogue 4

 Thanks for your help.

 It‘s my pleasure. You must visit us again soon.
 I will.
 Don‘t forget to send those figures.
 I‘ll email them tomorrow.
 Keep in touch.

Dialogue 5

 Many thanks for all your help.

 Not at all. It‘s my pleasure.
 And I‘ll see you next week.
 Bye.

Dialogue 6

 Have a good journey home.

 Thank you, and thanks for everything.
 No problem. You‘re welcome.
 Don‘t forget to keep in touch.
 I won‘t. Bye.
 Goodbye.

Dialogue 7

 Give my regards to everyone in the sales office.

 I will.
 And don‘t forget to ring me next week.
 I won‘t. Thanks for your help.

Dialogue 8

 You must come and see us again soon.

 Thank you, but first you must visit us.
 That would be great. So, have a good flight home.
 Thanks for all your hospitality.
 No problem. See you soon.

3. Match the responses to the prompts.

1) Many thanks for your help. a) OK, take care.

2) Call me on Monday. b) Not at all.
3) Give my regards to your wife. c) Same to you.
4) You must visit us again soon. d) I will.
5) See you. e) I won‘t.
6) Have a nice weekend. f) And you must come and see us.
7) I‘ll see you tomorrow. g) OK, I will.
8) Don‘t forget to send those figures. h) Goodbye.

4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions, if necessary.

In, at, on.

1) I‘ll see you _____ Christmas.

2) I‘ll contact you _____ the summer.
3) I‘ll call you _____ April.
4) I‘ll send you an invitation _____ the autumn.
5) I‘ll visit you _____ the New Year.
6) I‘ll write to you _____ February.
7) I‘ll e-mail a reminder _____ Carnival time.
8) I‘ll visit you _____ Ramadan.

5. Sort out the jumbled sentences.

1) let / this / please / know / me / evening.

2) touch / keep / in / place.
3) again / see / soon / you.
4) forget / don‘ t/ send / the / report / me / to.
5) me / remember / your / secretary / to.
6) you / for / everything / thank.
7) home / journey / good / a / have.

6. Make a dialogue from the sentences below. Then, if possible, prac-

tise the dialogue with a partner.

Visitor Host
Bye. Thanks – we will.
I will. You must visit us again soon.
I won‘t. You‘re welcome. Don‘t forget to
And you must visit us. call us.
Thank you for everything. Have a good flight. And give my
regards to your colleagues.

7. Write examples of invitations using „must‟ in Box 1. Write exam-
ples of requests using the imperative in Box 2.

Box 1 Box 2
You must visit us again. Call me next week.
You must meet for dinner. Give my regards to your wife.
You must bring your family. Don‘t forget to send the report.
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

8. Fill in the gaps with necessary words and phrases.

please OK Bye You’re welcome Thanks have a good flight

Tomorrow afternoon thanks for your help I won’t

 Hi John. I have the documents here, but I need your signature.

 (1) _____.
 Sign here and here, (2) _____.
 Right.
 (3) _____, I‘ll post them today, so I‘ll have an answer on Monday.
 I‘ll be in New York on Monday, but I‘ll call you from there.
 When are you leaving?
 (4) _____.
 Well, (5) _____ and (6) _____.
 (7) _____.
 Don‘t forget to call me.
 (8) _____.
 And remember me to your wife.
 I will. (9) _____.

9. Translate into English.

1) Большое спасибо за все. – Не стоит благодарности.

2) Позвони мне на следующей неделе.
3) Оставайся на связи.
4) Передавай привет семье.
5) Приходите к нам в гости.
6) Береги себя.
7) Счастливого пути (путешествия)!
8) Увидимся завтра.
9) Спасибо за прекрасный вечер!
10) Спасибо, что пришли!

11) Не забудь позвонить. – Не забуду.
12) Спасибо за помощь. – Ну что Вы!

10. Using the phrases in the flowchart, practise saying goodbye.

Thanks for everything.

(Thank you for your help.)
(Many thanks for the lunch.)

It‘s my pleasure.
(No problem.)
(You‘re very welcome.)

I‘ll call you [next Call me [on

week]. Monday].
(I‘ll see you in the (Don‘t forget to
New Year.) call.)
(Keep in touch.)

Right. / OK. I will. / I won‘t.

Have a good flight. / Have a good journey.

(Give my regards to _________. / Remember me to
_______ )

Thank you. I will.

You must visit us And you must

again (soon). come and visit
(See you soon.) us.
(Goodbye. / Bye) (See you.)

1. Useful phrases.
I read an advertisement (ad) about Я прочитал объявление о вакансии
job opening in your company. в вашей компании.
Please, fill in the application form. Пожалуйста, заполните анкету.
How long were you in your last job? Как долго Вы работали в предыду-
щей компании?

What are your three main strengths? Каковы Ваши три основные досто-
What will my responsibilities be? Каковы будут мои обязанности?
Do you work under pressure? – I‘m Вы хорошо выносите повседневные
accustomed to working under pres- нагрузки? – Я привык напряженно
sure. работать.
What weaknesses do you have? Какие у Вас недостатки?
You have excellent references (from У Вас отличные отзывы (с преды-
your previous job). дущей работы).
referee(s) рекомендатель (и)
Does that suit you? Это Вам подходит?
When do you want me to start? Когда Вы хотите, чтобы я начал
What do you consider a fair salary? Какую зарплату Вы считаете до-
application form анкета / бланк заявления
applicant / candidate кандидат на должность
to headhunt / headhunter / headhunt- «охотиться» за талантами / «охот-
ing ник» за профессионалами / «охота»
за профессионалами
position / vacancy (opening position) должность / вакансия
to fill the vacancy заполнить вакансию
to apply for a job подавать заявление о приеме на ра-
application for the position заявление о приеме на работу
(job) interview собеседование при приеме на рабо-
promising / prospective перспективный, многообещающий
creative творческий
competitive конкурентоспособный
responsibility / to be responsible for ответственность / быть ответствен-
/ obligation (s) (duty) ным за / обязательство, обязан-
skillful / experienced умелый, искусный, опытный
entrepreneur / businessman предприниматель
strength / advantage сила, достоинство
reliable / reliability / to rely on (up- надежный / надежность / полагать-
on) ся на
experimental period / term of proba- испытательный срок
self-starter / proactive / self-driven инициативный человек / активный
methodical / systematic / organized методичный / систематический /

computer-literate умеющий пользоваться компьюте-
numerate умеющий работать с цифрами
motivated мотивированный
talented талантливый, способный
team player(s) командный игрок
Human Resources department / Per- отдел кадров
sonnel department
CV (Curriculum Vitae) краткая биография
resume резюме
hire / employ /recruit нанимать
fire / dismiss / discharge / sack увольнять
to promote / promotion продвигать по службе / повышение
supervisor / superior начальник
subordinate подчиненный
employer / employee работодатель / служащий
recruitment agency / employment агентство по трудоустройству
part-time / full-time (job) неполный / полный рабочий день
to earn зарабатывать (деньги)
salary / wages / fee зарплата служащих / зарплата ра-
бочих / гонорар творческих работ-
charge общее название оплаты любых
benefit / premium (bonus) поощрения / премия
net salary / gross pay / annual salary «чистая» зарплата / зарплата до вы-
четов / годовой оклад
vacation / paid vacation отпуск / оплачиваемый отпуск
sick leave / insurance / insurance больничный лист / страховка /
policy страховой полис
in-service courses курсы без отрыва от производства

2. Read and translate the dialogues. Play out one of them.

Dialogue 1

 Hello! I read an advertisement about job openings in your company,

and I‘d like to make an appointment with the personnel manager.
 What position do you want to apply for?
 Manager. Financial department.
 I am very sorry, but the vacancy is filled. I wish you had telephoned
the day before yesterday!

 I would have telephoned if I had been in the country. But I arrived on-
ly today.
 Where did you read the ad?
 In the ―Spectator‖, the ―Want‖ page.
 You know, we still need an accountant. I suggest that you try your
hand in accounting. If you do well, there might be a promotion to the top posi-
 Let me see. OK. When I see the personnel manager?
 Your name please.
 Sarah Guerra.
 Miss or Mrs.?
 Miss.
 You are not a resident, are you?
 No. But I‘ve got a work permit for three years.
 I see. OK, Miss Guerra. You are to come on Wednesday, the third, at
10.30, office 1023. The personnel manager will speak with you.
 What documents must I take with me for an interview?
 A resume, any certificates that you have to verify your education,
qualification background and work experience.
 I can also submit three letters of recommendation from the places
where I used o work.
 OK. They might be useful.
 Should I fill out a job application form?
 You‘ll make it later, after you have spoken with the personnel manager.
 Thanks, goodbye!

Dialogue 2
 Very well, Miss Guerra. So, you‘re saying you worked with ―The
Simpsons Brothers‖ for three years and you also worked with ―Motorola‖. For
how long?
 Well, actually, I worked with ―Motorola‖ part-time, and I had a full-
time job at ―The Simpsons‖.
 I see. It‘s all in the letters of recommendation. OK. What else would
you like to know about this job? The salary?
 Yes, and, of course, the vacation.
 Well, we can offer you the annual salary of $28,000.
 Is it net salary?
 No, it‘s a gross pay. Not too much, I should say, but if you demon-
strate excellent performance and skills you can ask for a pay-rise.
 In addition, there are different benefits and premiums.
 That‘s interesting.

 And you‘ve got a paid vacation.
 By the way, how about the sick leave? I do not mean that I am go-
 Oh, no. I understand. Of course, all our full-time employees have paid
sick leaves. And the company also pays for our insurance policies.
 That sounds great!

Dialogue 3

 Margaret?
 Yes. Hello.
 Good afternoon. My name‘s Michael Morin. Sorry to keep you wait-
 That‘s all right. I have enjoyed your company brochure. It looks very
impressive. It‘s nice to meet you at last.
 Thanks. Have you traveled far to us today?
 Quite far. I‘m staying in London, so I came on the train this morning.

Dialogue 4

 Good afternoon. Royal Palace Restaurant. How can I help you?

 Hello. My name is Ben Coogan. Could I speak to Mr. Patricola in
Restaurant department?
 I‘m afraid he‘s in a meeting. Can I take a message?
 I‘m not sure. I was calling to see if there are any vacancies in your de-
partment. I‘m a recent College graduate, and I‘m very keen to work for your res-
taurant, because of your excellent reputation.
 Actually, I think there is a vacancy. There was an advert in The Times
last week. Have you seen it?
 No. Do you have a copy to send, please?
 Of, course, but you have to be quick: the closing date is the day after

Dialogue 5

 Good morning, sir.

 Good morning. Come in, Mr. Jones, isn‘t it? Please, take a seat and fill
in this application form…How long were you in your last job with Alpha?
 Five years. I‘m only leaving because the firm is moving to another
city, but I think a change will do me good.
 Have you got any questions for me?
 What will my responsibilities and obligations be during the first year?

 First of all to be responsible for our contacts with English partners.
You will need to skillfully negotiate for and buy equipment. The job will in-
volve much travelling.
 I see.
 So tell me what are your three main strengths?
 I think they are: reliability, loyalty, and energy.
 OK. Do you work under pressure?
 Yes. I‘m accustomed to working under pressure.
 Are you a leader, an entrepreneur by nature?
 Yes, I think so.
 All right. Now, Mr. Jones, I am quite prepared to offer you a job with
us. You have excellent references from your previous job. You‘ll start on $450
and if you do well we‘ll review it after three months. The hours are from 9.00 to
17.30., with an hour for lunch and a fortnight‘s holiday. Does that suit you? Any
 What about travel? Where will I go and for what length of time?
 Mostly for England for not longer than a month.
 All right. When do you want me to start, sir?
 In a week, if possible.
 OK. Thank you very much. Goodbye.
 Goodbye.

Dialogue 6

 Well, Mr. Abdulkader, сan you tell a bit about yourself? Where are
you from originally?
 I‘m from Algeria, but I‘ve lived in Kuwait and worked in other coun-
tries a lot.
 How long have you worked in the oil industry?
 Well, I‘ve been diving for about six years.
 Where did you do your training?
 I originally trained in Kuwait, but I‘ve also done course in the UK.
 When were you in Azerbaijan?
 I went there two and half years ago and I‘ve worked on the same rig
ever since.
 Have you done any in-service training courses?
 Yes, I‘ve done dive courses and first-aid training quite recently.
 Your English is very good. How long have you studied English?
 Thank you! It‘s not that good, but I‘ve studied English properly for
two or three years. I also learned it at school, but I didn‘t work very hard then.

3. Study this „Job Research Map‟ and write a plan of finding a job.

1) To asset skills education

2) To search the job employment market
3) _______
4) _______
5) _______

4. Fill in the gaps with the necessary questions.

1) _____________ I want to work for a company that has been here a

long time. I‘m a customer of your company and I think you give excellent ser-
vice. I know this company will be here for a long time. I hope there will be op-
portunities for me to be promoted.
2) _____________ No, thank you.
3) _____________ I have a lot of experience with computers. I can use
Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel. I can type 50 words per minute. I am
good at math and enjoy working with numbers.
4) _____________In my country, I worked as an automobile body re-
pairman at a garage. I worked there for 5 years. I repaired many different kinds
of cars, and I used many different tools. I am good with my hands. I think my
last experience will help me with a job here.
5) _____________ I come from Hong Kong. I graduated from the Moun-
tain High School there. I came to San Francisco in 1993. I‘ve been working at

the Han Gift Shop since 1995. I‘ve been studying English as a Second Language
and office training at City College of San Francisco. I really enjoy working with
people and working with computers.
6) ____________ I‘ve heard the usual salary for this position is between
$12 and $15 per hour. I think that would be OK.
7) ____________ I really enjoy working with people. That‘s why I want
to work as a customer service representative in a store like yours. I have a lot of
experience in customer service. I like helping the customers and talking to them.
I am very friendly.


a) Would you like something to drink?

b) Could you tell me something about yourself?
c) What kind of work do you like to do?
d) What are your skills?
e) Why do you want to work for this company?
f) What salary do you want?
g) Can you tell me about your work experience?

5. Study the possible answers to the following questions. Practise an-

swering them in pairs.

1) Why do you want this job?

a) Because I‘m good with numbers.
b) I like working with people.
c) Your company has a good reputation.
d) It‘s a large company, with opportunities for promotions.
e) This job requires computer skills, and I have a lot of experience using

2) What salary do you want?

a) In my last job, I made $10 an hour. I would like at least that amount.
b) What is the salary range for this job? I‘d like at least (name an
amount), because I have a lot of skills.
c) I think about $2,000 per month is fair.
d) Other companies pay about $12 per hour for this type of work. I think
that is a good wage.

3) Why do you want to work for this company?

a) It‘s a big successful company.
b) Your company is well known and makes good products.
c) It provides dependable service.

d) I know someone who works here. She says there is an excellent work-
ing environment here and the people are friendly.

6. Complete the sentences using one of these words.

Experience, qualifications, training, skills.

1) She‘s never done anything like this before. She has no _____.
2) She‘s never worked at the job but has passed a lot of exams. She‘s got
3) She‘s got the practical ability to do a difficult job well. She‘s got the
4) She got the job with little experience but the company gave her some
excellent ____.

7. Look at the following phrases. Complete the second sentence so

that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given in
brackets. Do not change the given words.

Apply for a job, go for an interview, do something for living, to be given

the sack, get promoted.

1) What‘s your job? (do)

What do __________ living?
2) She had to leave her job because she was always arriving late. (given)
She __________ because she was always arriving late for work.
3) Last year she was the assistant manager; now she is the manager. (got)
This year she __________ from assistant manager to manager.
4) Your application should include a copy of your certificates. (job)
If you __________, you should send a copy of your certificates.
5) He‘s being interviewed today for a new job. (go)
He __________ an interview today for a new job.

8. Replace the words in italics by the following words.

Graduated, train, management, as, experience, education.

1) At 18, he decided to stay in full-time training and went to Mumbai

2) He qualified three years later with a degree in philosophy and politics.
3) He taught for a while, but didn‘t like it. He decided to educate as an
accountant at evening classes.

4) He qualified for an accountant and joined a big accountancy firm in its
London office.
5) When he started, he needed to develop other skills, which would come
through experiments.
6) He received manager’s training to help him develop these skills.

9. Complete these extracts from job advertisements using the words

Motivated, driven; numerate; computer-literate, proactive, self-starter,
team-player; talented, motivated; organized, methodical, systematic.

10. Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your strengths.

I am I A am good at
responsible like to work with sewing
a fast learner people math
healthy communicate well working with my hands
punctual follow instructions numbers
organized hard- get along with co- cooking
working workers
flexible like to work with
pleasant numbers

Note: The question about your weaknesses is a difficult question. You

need to mention a weakness that is actually a strength. Make sure that you al-
ways mention how you try to improve the weakness.

Example: I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satis-
fied. However, I began setting time-limits for myself, if I noticed this happening.

11. You are applying for the job you want. Write your answers to the
following questions. Give as much information as you can.

1) Tell me about your education. Which part of the course did you enjoy
most? Why did you like that subject?
2) Can you tell me about our previous job? What exactly did you do?
What did you learn from your job? Why did you stay so long / so little in that
company? Why did you leave?
3) Tell me something about yourself. What do you do in your free time?
What are your strong points? What are your weak points? Can you work under
4) What are your career objectives? Where do you see yourself three
years from now?

12. Read some Do‟s and Don‟ts while applying for a job and translate
them. Choose three most important do‟s and don‟ts in your opinion. Offer
your own ideas.

 Do learn ahead about the company and its product. Be prepared to an-
swer any questions about its history or business.
 Do practice interviewing before the actual interview.
 Do dress appropriately.
 Do have a good resume and bring extra copies of it.
 Do arrive early (10-15 minutes prior to the interview start time).
 Do beware of body language. Maintain good posture and look enthu-
 Do emphasize your strengths.
 Do ask questions. This will display your interest in the position.
 Do be honest.
 Do close the interview positively. Don‘t forget to let him or her know
that you look forward to hearing from the company soon.

 Don‘t be late.
 Don‘t chew gum or smoke during the interview.
 Don‘t dress casual.
 Don‘t tell jokes during the interview.
 Don‘t be soft-spoken. Confidence is a key.

 Don‘t answer your cell phone. Turn it off.
 Don‘t make negative comments about former colleagues, supervisors,
or employers.
 Don‘t interrupt the interviewer.
 Don‘t bring up or discuss personal issues or family problems.

13. Translate the sentences into English.

1) У Вас отличные отзывы с предыдущего места работы.

2) Заполните, пожалуйста, эту анкету.
3) Я прочитал объявление о вакансии в вашей компании.
4) Как долго Вы работали в предыдущей компании?
5) Каковы Ваши достоинства?
6) Мои основные достоинства – надежность, лояльность, энергич-
7) Я привык работать напряженно.
8) Каковы будут мои обязанности?
9) Вы нам подходите.
10) Какую зарплату Вы считаете достойной?

14. Role-play a job interview. Work in pairs. Interview your partner

for a job. Write down 5-6 questions to ask your partner. Conduct the inter-
view and change the roles.



1. Useful phrases.
With reference to your advertisement in Ссылаясь на объявление в «___»
―___‖ of Tuesday, January 10, I would от 10 января, вторник, я хотел бы
like to apply for the position of ___ in претендовать на должность ___ в
your company. вашей фирме.
I recently heard from ___ that there‘s a Я недавно услышал от ___ о ва-
vacancy in your sales department. кансии в вашем торговом отделе.
Из вашего объявления в ___ я
I see from your advertisement in the узнал, что у вас вакантная долж-
___ that you have a vacancy for a ___. ность ___.
I should like (I wish) to apply for the Я бы хотел подать заявление о
position of ___. приеме на должность ____.
I would be interested to learn (to know) Мне было бы интересно узнать,
whether you have a vacancy for ___. есть ли у вас вакансия ___.

I am writing to enquire about the possi-Я пишу, чтобы узнать о возмож-
bility of working for your company ности работать в вашей компании
___. ___.
I am looking for a position of ___. Я интересуюсь должностью ___.
Пожалуйста, вышлите мне по-
Please send me further details of the po-
sition. дробности о должности.
I should be obliged if you could for- Я был бы признателен, если бы
ward a copy of the application form to вы выслали мне копию анкеты по
me at the above address. вышеуказанному адресу.
For the past__ years I have been em- Последние ___ лет я работал
ployed as___. (кем)___.
Я был ответственным за ___.
I was responsible for (in charge of) ___.
I specialize in___. Я специализируюсь на ___.
This is a position for which I believe IЭто должность, на которую я, как
am ideally suited. мне кажется, идеально подхожу.
I gained wide experience in ___ in ___ Я получил большой опыт в ___ в
department at___ (company). ___ отделе в ___ (компании).
I have already acquired some experi- Я уже получил некоторый опыт в
ence in ___. ____.
Я свободно владею ___ (язык).
I speak fluent ___. (I am fluent in ___).
Я полагаю (уверен), что у меня
I believe (I am certain) I have necessary
необходимое образование и ква-
training and qualities needed for the po-
sition of ___. лификация для должности ___.
I am eager to undertake new responsi- Я хочу взять на себя обязатель-
bilities in a challenging position. ства в новой должности.
I am keen to broaden my knowledge in Я очень хочу расширить свои
the field of___. знания в области ____.
I am used to working on my own. Я привык работать самостоя-
I appreciate the opportunity to work on Я высоко ценю возможность ра-
my own initiative and to take on a cer- ботать с должной мерой ответ-
tain amount of responsibility. ственности, проявляя собствен-
ную инициативу.
During training for my present job I Во время обучения для получе-
took courses in marketing. ния должности, которую я зани-
маю в настоящий момент, я
окончил курсы маркетинга.
Since my present position offers little Так как моя настоящая должность
prospects for advancement, I would pre- не дает мне больших возможно-
fer to be employed in an expanding or- стей для продвижения, я хотел бы
ganization such as yours. работать в такой перспективной
организации, как ваша.

I am at present earning ___ per month. В настоящее время я получаю
___ в месяц.
I enclose (attach) a copy of my resume Я прилагаю копию своего резю-
(CV) which will give you further par- ме, которое даст вам дальнейшие
ticulars (more complete details) of my детали моей карьеры.
career to date.
I will be happy to supply any other de- Я с радостью предоставлю вам
tails you may require. детали, которые вам потребуют-
I would greatly appreciate the oppor- Я был бы очень признателен воз-
tunity of the interview. можному собеседованию.
I can make myself available for inter- Я могу прийти на собеседование
view at any time. в любое время.
I can only come to an interview on___. Я могу прийти на собеседование
в (понедельник, вторник и т.д.)
I shall be available from ___ onwards. Я буду свободен с ___.
The names of two referees are given be- Имена двух рекомендателей при-
low. ведены ниже.
I look forward to hearing from you. Я с нетерпением жду вашего от-
Hoping for a favourable reply. Надеюсь на благоприятный (по-
ложительный) ответ.
Thank you for offering me the position Благодарю Вас за то, что Вы
of ___. предложили мне должность ___.
I have pleasure in accepting this posi- С удовольствием принимаю эту
tion. должность.
I am looking forward to commencing С нетерпением жду начала рабо-
work on September 1. ты 1 сентября.
I regret to inform you that I am unable С сожалением сообщаю Вам, что
to accept the position, since I have re- не могу занять эту должность, так
ceived another, more attractive one. как получил другое, более при-
влекательное предложение.
I feel that my experience in this field Чувствую, что мой опыт работы в
would not be used to its full capacity. этой области не будет использо-
Therefore I have to decline. ван в полной мере, поэтому вы-
нужден отклонить предложение.
Thank you for taking time out of your Спасибо, что выделили время в
busy schedule. своем напряженном графике.
It was a pleasure finally meeting you, Было приятно наконец-то встре-
____. титься с Вами, ___.
I appreciate the time you took to inter- Я ценю время, которое Вы уде-
view me. лили собеседованию со мной.

The job, as you presented it, seems to Работа, как Вы ее описали, ка-
be ___. жется ___.
I am interested in working with you. Я заинтересован в работе с Вами.
The job seems to be an excellent match Работа, кажется, отлично подхо-
for (my skills and interest). дит (моим способностям и инте-
I believe that I would be a perfect can- Полагаю, я мог бы быть отлич-
didate for this position. ным кандидатом на эту долж-
Please feel free to contact me at any- Пожалуйста, обращайтесь в лю-
time if further information is needed. бое время за интересующей Вас
Thank you again for your time (and информацией.
consideration). Еще раз спасибо за уделенное
It was very enjoyable to talk to you время (и внимание).
about___. Было очень приятно говорить с
I want to reiterate my strong interest in Вами о __.
___. Я хочу подчеркнуть мою заинте-
ресованность в ___.

Employment correspondence: conducting a successful job search in

one‘s career; application letters and resumes. Such documents help to asset
one‘s specific skills and goals – knowledge that is essential to successful job
search and preparation for a job interview.

2. You have to prepare documents for your future job employment.

1) What documents should you have?
2) What is the importance of each document?
3) What is the purpose of each document?
4) What does each document include?
5) Do you think it is necessary to have such documents beforehand?

1) Map what you are bringing to the job application (stages of your life:
education, jobs, particular experience, and activity).
2) List your interests (which are relevant).
3) Make a list of your skills, technical and professional.
4) Analyze and list personal qualities.
5) Research the job (advertisement analysis).
6) Read through all the information sent to applicants.
7) Research the company / organization on the Internet.
8) Construct your resume / CV.
9) Word-process your resume / CV.

10) Try to keep it to one side of A4; make sure that all important infor-
mation is on the first side.
11) Use letter of application to emphasize your selling points and include
key personal qualities.
12) Begin with a brief explanation of what you are applying for and why.
13) Use the body of the letter to highlight exactly why the job attracts you
and why you think you are suitable for it.
14) Write a brief conclusion designed to leave the reader with the possible
15) Both documents should be word-processed and printed on a good
printer. Layout ant typefaces should be chosen with care.

3. Study the examples of application forms.

Sample 1
Application Form
Objective (vacancy, practice) Должность
Name Имя, фамилия
Date of birth Дата рождения
Citizenship Гражданство
Address Адрес
Contacts Контактная информация
Phones / Телефон
1. Cell / Сотовый
2. Home / Домашний
E-mail Адрес электронной почты
Marital status Семейное положение
Education Образование
Date Дата
Name of university Название ВУЗа
Training / courses (period, Обучение / курсы (период, название
course‘s name, company) курсов, компания)
Languages (basic, intermediate, Языки (базовый, средний, свободное
fluent) владение)
Computer skills Компьютерные навыки
Have you got international passport? Есть ли у Вас загранпаспорт?
Do you hold a driving license? Есть ли у Вас водительские права?
ABCDE Категория
Career Summary Карьера
Period / company / position Период / компания / должность

I certify that information in this application is true and complete. I
understand that false information may be grounds for not hiring me or
for immediate termination of employment at any point in the future if I
am hired. I authorize the verification of any or all information listed
Signature (подпись)

Date (дата)

Sample 2
Application for Employment
Position You Are Applying For Desired Salary
Date Available for Work:
Last Name Middle
First Name
Address State Zip
Home Phone: Cell
Phone: Email address:
Social Security Number: [ ] Yes [ ] No
Are you a U.S. Citizen? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
If selected for employment are you willing to
submit to a pre-employment drug screening

School Location Years Degree Major
Name Attended Received

Other training, certifications or licenses held:

Employer: ________________________________ Dates Em-
Work Phone: ______________________ Pay Rate: _$ _____ to
City: State: __________________________ _____________ Zip:
Position: ______________________________________________________

Duties Performed: ________________________________________________

Supervisors Name and Title: ________________________________________

Reason for leaving: _______________________________________________

May we contact them? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Name Title Company Phone

Acknowledgement and Authorization

I certify that all answers given herein are true and complete to the best of
my knowledge.
I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application for
employment as may be necessary in arriving at an employment decision.
In the event of employment, I understand that false or misleading infor-
mation given in my application or interview(s) may result in discharge.

Signature of Applicant Date

Choose one of the samples and fill the application form with your own
information. Read the following tips and use them while filling your appli-
cation form.

Application form tips.

1) Complete all requested information. Don‘t leave anything blank! If

you don‘t know the details, bring the application home and return it when it‘s
2) Write clearly and neatly. Use black or blue ink.
3) Check for spelling and grammar errors. Proofread your job application
form before turning it in.
4) List your most recent job first when completing employment infor-
5) List your most recent education first. Include vocational schools and
training programs as well as college and high school.
6) References don‘t necessarily have to be professional. If you have vol-
unteered you can use members of the organizations that you have helped or if
you are a student use your teachers. In all cases, ask for permission prior to us-
ing the person for a reference.
7) Don‘t forget to sign your application.

4. Study the layout and the sample of the cover (application) letter.

A cover letter typically accompanies each resume you send out. Your
cover letter makes take the difference between obtaining a job interview and
having your resume ignored, so, it makes a good sense to devote the necessary
time and effort to writing effective cover letters.
A cover letter should complement, not duplicate your resume. Its purpose
is to interpret the data-oriented, factual resume and add personal touch. A cover
letter is often your earliest written contact with a potential employer, creating a
critical first impression.
Heading Шапка
Name included Имя, фамилия
Full address Полный адрес
E-mail Электрон. адрес
Phone (OK) телефон
Date Дата
Inside address Внутренний
Who (respect for Кому (указать фами-
name / title) лию, должность)

Where (fully) Куда (полный адрес)

Salutation Приветствие
Dear (Mr., Mrs.) Уважаемый (ая) (г-н,
Body Основная часть письма
Intro paragraph Вводный параграф
Brief (5-6 lines) Кратко (5-6 строк)
State purpose Сформулируйте цель письма. Вы запрашиваете,
How you found out имеются ли в наличии какие-либо вакансии, либо
about the job сообщаете, каким рабочим местом интересуетесь.
A ―catch‖(interesting Назовите источник информации.
fact / connect with
company / kind of
work you will be do-
Middle paragraph Основной параграф
Discuss important Опишите свое образование и профессиональный
qualifications that re- опыт. Особое внимание уделите тем положениям,
late specifically to the своего резюме, которые наилучшим образом свя-
job заны с местом, на которое Вы претендуете.

Something on educa-

Something on experi-
Give an example of
your past successful
Team experience
Learning moment
Career hopes
How you match up
with them
Applicable course-
Closing paragraph Заключительный параграф
Mention the resume, Укажите, что прилагаете свое резюме и / или дру-
letters of reference гие необходимые материалы. Выразите желание
Offer to answer any предоставить дополнительную информацию и
questions пройти собеседование.
Offer additional mate-
Make yourself availa-
ble to interviews
Signature Подпись
Sincerely, Искренне Ваш,
Your name Ваше имя и фамилия

Ann Jackson
52 Hanover Street
Futura Gmbh
Blumenstrasse 120 8000
Munich 22

8th January, 2000

Dear Ms Stark: I'm writing to apply for the position, which was advertised
last month in The Daily News.
Although I am presently employed, it has always been my intention to
work in commercial environment. I would like to work for your company as I
have long admired both the quality of the products that it provides and its posi-
tion as a defender of environmental causes. As you notice on my enclosed CV,
the job you are offering suits both my personal and professional interests.

My work experience allows me to work in Public Relations today. I am
sure that this, together with my understanding of the needs and expectations of
sport and nature enthusiasts, would be extremely relevant to the position.
Moreover, as my mother is German, I am fluent in this language and would en-
joy working in a German-speaking environment.
I would be pleased to discuss my resume with more detail at an interview.
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you require fur-
ther information.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Ann Jackson

5. Read the following job advertisement and a cover letter applying

to the described position. Then answer the questions.

Miranda Collins
Regional Sales Manager
Park House 13 Kings Street
Manchester M12 3PG

March 23rd, 2002

Janet Andersen
Personnel Manager
Dot. Com. Solutions Ltd
10Waterbridge Road
Kingcross FK18 9GD

Dear Janet,
I am writing to confirm my interest in the position of Overseas Sales
Manager that was announced last week. As I mentioned during our phone con-
versation, I would very much like to have the opportunity to work abroad
I am confident that I would be able to do the work of this type, as I have
developed a solid customer base in my region and successfully managed our

extensive sales network for a number of years. My previous work in Asia gave
me a lot of experience working with a multinational team, which I think will be
important in the context of this job.
I have contacted my manager to inform him of my application and he has
agreed to release me from my current duties in August.
In the meantime, should you require any further information, please do not
hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Miranda Collins
Miranda Collins

1) What position is Miranda Collins interested in?

2) Does she want to work abroad?
3) What was her previous place of work?
4) What did she develop there?
5) For how long did she manage the sales network?
6) Whom did she inform of her application for a new job?
7) When is she going to leave her present place of work?

6. Fill in the blanks with the following words:

Manager, sales network, experience, require, previous, opportunity, con-

fident, position, environment, pressure

1) Should you _____ any further information, please do not hesitate to

contact me.
2) I am accustomed to working under_____.
3) My _____ work in Asia gave me a lot of experience working with a
multinational team.
4) I have contacted my _____ to inform him of my application.
5) I am fluent in this language and would enjoy working in a German-
speaking _____.
6) I would very much like to have the _____ to work abroad again.
7) I am _____ that I would be able to do the work of this type.
8) I am sure that this would be extremely relevant to the _____.
9) My work _____ allows me to work in this area today.
10) I have successfully managed our extensive _____ for a number of

7. Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences.

1) I am used to a) $ 100 per month.

2) I appreciate the opportunity to b) contact me if you require fur-
ther information.

3) During training for my present job c) work in Public Relations today.
4) I am at present earning d) working on my own.
5) My work experience allows me e) discuss my resume with more
to detail at an interview.
6) Thank you for f) offering me the position of an
7) Please do not hesitate to g) hearing from you.
8) I have pleasure in h) take on a certain amount of re-
9) I would be pleased to i) accepting this position.
10) I look forward to j) I took courses in marketing.

8. Complete the application letter using the following words and

word combinations.
Further particulars, specialized in, enclosed my resume, to be considered
for the position of, available for interview, having graduated from, have the op-
portunity, in a challenging international environment, hearing from you, to date,
broaden my experience, as advertised.
Janet Martin
12 Hacourt Road
18th November
Mr. J. Muller
Export Manager
Magdeburger Str. 250
10785 Berlin

Dear Mr. Muller,

I would like (1) __________ assistant to the Export Manager, (2)
__________in the Times of November 1st.
(3) __________ business school in 1989, where I (4) __________ interna-
tional business, I began working for the marketing department of United Tele-
com. It was there that I came across your products for which I have always had a
high regard. I would be delighted to (5) __________ to work for your company,
in order to (6) __________ in the field of telecommunications (7) __________.
(8) __________ which will give you (9) __________ of my career (10)
__________. I am (11) __________ at any time, and would be happy to come to
Berlin if necessary.
I look forward to (12) __________.
Yours sincerely,
Janet Martin

9. Read the letter of application below and put the parts in the cor-
rect order.

1) I look forward to hearing from you,

2) First of all, I speak English well and I read and write it fluently. I
passed the Cambridge First Certificate exam with a grade B and I am now pre-
paring for the Proficiency exam. I am keen on sports: I am a member of the local
swimming club, and also play basketball regularly. I don‘t have any health prob-
3) In terms of experience, although I have never been a group leader be-
fore, I have attended several summer camps, and therefore understand the kind
of work they do. I believe, I‘m a good leader (I am President of my class at
school) and last year I was captain of the basketball team.
4) Finally, I think I would make a good group leader because I am
friendly and get on with people, especially children.
5) I am writing to apply for the job of group leader at the Sunny Days
Camp in San Remo this summer. I would like to give you some details about
6) I am available to work during the period 1-5 August.
7) Dear Mr. Vogels,

10. Choose one of the following advertisements and write your own
application letter according to the layout. Find other advertisements to
your speciality and write an application letter. Use the following tips while
writing your cover letter.

Cover letter tips

1) Explain why you are sending a resume.

2) Tell specifically how you learned about the position or the organiza-
3) Convince the reader to look at your resume. Call attention to elements
of your background.
4) Reflect your attitude, personality, motivation, enthusiasm, and com-
munication skills.
5) Provide or refer to any information specifically requested in a job ad-
vertisement that might not be covered in your resume.
6) Indicate what you will do to follow-up.
7) Mark why you would be a good job candidate for that organization
based on the information.

11. Study the layout and the samples of resume.

Resume is a selling tool outlining your skills and experience so an em-

ployer can see, at glance, how you can contribute to the employer‘s workplace.
CV is a more detailed form of resume (6-8 pages). The information is
more detailed here.

CONTACT INFOR- Контактная информа-
First Last Name Имя, фамилия
Street Address Название улицы
City, State, Zip Город, страна, код
Phone (Cell/Home) Телефон (сот. / дом.)

E-mail Address Адрес электронной
OBJECTIVE (optional) – What do you want Должность (чем Вы хотите
to do? заниматься)


TIONS (optional) Список основных достиже-
A section that lists key achievements, skills, ний, навыков, характерных
traits and experience relevant to the position черт и опыта, касающихся
for which you are applying. данной должности.
EXPERIENCE Опыт (работы)
Company # 1 Компания № 1
City, State Город, стран
Dates Worked Период работы
Job Title Должность
Responsibilities / Achievements Обязанности / достижения
Company # 2 Компания № 2
City, State Город, стран
Dates Worked Период работы
Job Title Должность
Responsibilities / Achievements Обязанности / достижения
EDUCATION Образование
List the colleges, universities you attended, the Перечислить учебные заве-
degrees you received and any special awards дения, в которых Вы учи-
and honors you earned. лись, дипломы и особые
награды, которые получили.
SKILLS Навыки (умения)
Related to the position / career field that you oтносящиеся к области тру-
are applying for. доустройства
REFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON RE- Рекомендации предостав-
QUEEST ляются по требованию
Лучше иметь отдельный
Rather, have a separate list of references to список рекомендателей,
give to employers upon request. чтобы предоставить по тре-
бованию работодателя

Sample 1
1. Personal Details
Ann Jackson
52 Hanover Street
Edinburgh EH 2 5LM
E-mail: annjackson@mid.net

2. Education

1981-1988 Broadfield School, Brighton.

A levels in German (A), English (B), History
(B) and Geography (C).

1988-1991 University of London.

BA (Honours) in Journalism and Media Studies
(Class II).
1991-1998 London Chamber of Commerce and Indus-
Diploma in Public Relations.

3. Professional Experience
1998 – present Public Relations Officer
Scottish Nature Trust. Editor of the Trust's
monthly journal.
In charge of relations with European environ-
mental agencies.
1999 – 2000 Press Officer, Highlands Tourist Board.
Preparation of promotional materials and bro-
Co-ordination of media coverage.
Summers of The News Herald newspaper.
1990 and 2000 Two-three-month training periods as assistant
to the Sports Editor.
Arranging and conducting interviews.
Preparation of articles covering local communi-
ty sports events.

4. Skills Windows, MS Office 2000, Excel, Internet

Languages Fluent German and proficient in French.
Additional Driving license.

5. Activities Skiing and swimming. Ski Instructor (grade II).

6. References
Herbert Undsay Diane Swans
Professor of Journalism Sports Editor
London University The News Herald

Sample 2
John H. Mill
38 Park Avenue, Ap. 50
New York, N.Y. 11298
Tel. (312) 493-8332
OBJECTIVE A position of a bookkeeper.

SUMMARY 12 years of experience in all routine work in this field.

Perfect knowledge of computers and statistics.

RESPONSIBILITIES Compiled financial reports, balance sheets and produc-

tion planning forecasts.

2005-2011 FRISKO DOCS, Inc.
San Francisco, California.
Deputy Chief of Planning, Commerce Dpt.
In charge of account books, statements, new ideas in
2000-2004 SAKHA Co, Ltd.
New York.
Accountant. Prepared accounts and balance sheets.


(1995-2000) London, Great Britain, Bachelor (Ec.).

PERSONAL Arrived in the United Sates January, 2005.

British subject. Married. One child.

REFERENCES Available upon request

12. Read the following tips and prepare your resume according to the
layout and examples.

Make your resume positive and completely error-free. If you are seeking
two or three different positions, prepare two or three separate resumes, each tai-
lored to the job you are targeting.
1) Include a profile.
2) Keep the resume short.
3) Give more importance on content than on looks.
4) Clearly identify your skills.
5) List your educational and professional qualifications.
6) Add related qualifications and interests.
7) Focus on your job responsibilities.
8) Be honest with your resume.
9) Always attach a covering letter.
10) Proofread your resume.

13. Study the layout and the example of the thank-you letter.
After your interview, you should write a thank-you letter to your inter-
viewer. This person may be valuable to you later. It is also the right thing to do.
Heading Шапка
Name included Имя, фамилия
Full address Полный адрес
E-mail Электрон. адрес
Phone (OK) Телефон
Date Дата

Inside address Внутренний адрес

Who (respect for Кому (указать фами-
name / title) лию, должность)
Куда (полный адрес)
Where (fully)
Salutation Приветствие
Dear (Mr., Mrs.) Уважаемый (ая) (г-н,
Body Основная часть письма
Intro paragraph Вводный параграф
Brief (2-3 lines) Кратко (2-3 строки)
State purpose Сформулируйте цель письма.
Repeat what was the Напомните, о какой должности идет речь.
job position

Middle paragraph Основной параграф
Discuss important Подчеркните те умения и квалификации, которые
qualifications that re- относятся к должности.
late specifically to the
Brief (2-4 lines) Кратко (2-4 строки)
Career hopes Надежды на устройство
How you match up Как Вы подходите на должность
with them
Closing paragraph Заключительный параграф
Offer additional in- Предложите дополнительную информацию
Make yourself availa- Сообщите, как с Вами связаться (время / номер те-
ble (state time / phone лефона)
Signature Подпись
Sincerely, Искренне Ваш,
Your name Ваше имя и фамилия

Jeanne Nguyen
1330 Green Street
Austin, Texas 78776
(512) 554-1730
Mrs. Lori Roberts
Director of Personnel
Johnston Corporation
Austin, Texas 78777

Dear Mrs. Roberts,

Thank you for your time and attention during my interview with you last
week. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and aspira-
tions with you.
I hope that all questions were answered to your satisfaction. However, I
would be happy to supply any further information you may need.
I am very interested in the growth potential of the position we discussed,
and I hope you will consider me as a serious candidate.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,
Jeanne Nguyen

14. Complete the thank-you letter with the following words and ex-

Sincerely; thank you for the interview and your consideration; feel free to
contact me; were strengthened; internship; any additional information; the kind
of opportunity; position; My enthusiasm for the position; job requirements; I
want to reiterate my strong interest; make a significant contribution; I want to
thank you very much for interviewing; learning more about.

212232 Moscow
Lubimovskaya Str. 21, 115
13 August, 20___.
Mr. Philip Wolgin
Director, Editorial Services
Atlantic Publishing
Woroninskij Pr-d, 67

Dear Mr. Wolgin,

(1) __________ me yesterday for the associate editor (2) __________. I
enjoyed you and (3) __________ your publications.
(4) __________ and my interest in working for Atlantic Publishing (5)
__________ as a result of the interview. I think my education and (6)
__________ fit nicely with the (7) __________. I am sure that I could (8)
__________ to the firm over time.
(9) __________ in the position and working with you and your staff. You
provide (10) __________ I seek. Please, (11) __________ at (095) 333-33-33
or profy@aol.ru if I can provide you with (12) __________.

Again, (13) __________.

(14) __________.


15. Imagine that you have just gone through an interview for an oil
and gas company. Write a thank-you letter.

Thank-you letter tips

1) Act fast.
2) Group letters. Chose your approach based on what you think will be
most in keeping with the personality of the organization. Consider whether the

interviews had very much in common with one another. If so, all the people on a
master letter and add a personal note to each. Otherwise, send a personalized let-
ter to each interviewer.
3) More employment thank-you letters. Also thank everyone else who
assists with your job search.
4) Make an impression. Use your letter as a way to stand out from the
crowd and make a good impression.
5) What you didn‘t say. If there was something that you wish you had
mentioned during the interview, here‘s your chance to say it by including it in
your thank-you letter.
6) Thank-you letter basics. The letter can be handwritten, typed or sent
via e-mail. Each thank-you letter should include a thank you for the interview,
your interest in the jobs, your qualifications and skills and a final thank you.
7) Short and simple. Do use the letter to repeat your interest in the job,
your enthusiasm for the company and to sell yourself as ideal candidate.
8) Proof your letter. Spell check and proof your thank-you letter. Then
ask someone to proof it for you.
9) Bottom line. It is always appropriate to say thank you!



1. Useful phrases.
Is it possible to speak to Mr. Semler? Возможно ли поговорить с г-ном
/ Is that Mr. Semler? Семлером? / Это г-н Семлер?
Can I have extension 123, please? Соедините меня с 123, пожалуйста.
Could you put me through to Anna Не могли бы Вы меня соединить с
Choi, please? Анной Чой, пожалуйста?
Just a moment, please. / Hold on, Минуточку. / Не вешайте трубку. /
please. / One moment, please. Минуту, пожалуйста.
You are (You‘re) through now. Я Вас соединил (а).
Who is (Who‘s) calling (speaking), Кто говорит?
Can I have your name, please? Как Вас зовут?
Yes, this is John Brown from CTG. Да, это Джон Браун из СиТиДжи.
How do you spell that? Как это пишется?
Brown. That is (that‘s) B-R-O-W-N. Браун. Б-Р-А-У-Н.
Could you repeat that, please? Не могли бы Вы повторить, пожа-
(Smith) Speaking. Слушаю. (Говорит г-н Смит).
This is Ed Roza from BRAC. Это Эд Роза из компании БРАК.
Good morning, Mr. Roza. Доброе утро, г-н Роза.

Thank you for calling. Спасибо за звонок.
I am (I‘m) calling about the meeting. Я звоню по поводу встречи.
It is (It‘s) about the review meeting. Я по поводу обзорного совещания.
Hello, is that Peter? Алло, это Питер?
No, this is Hans. Нет, это Ганс.
Hello, Hans. It‘s John here. Здравствуйте, Ганс. Это Джон.
Hello, John. Здравствуйте, Джон.
What can I do for you? Чем я могу Вам помочь?
I‘ll see if he is in. Я посмотрю, на месте ли он.
I am (I‘m) afraid she is (she‘s) away Боюсь, ее сейчас нет на месте.
from her desk / out at the moment. /
She is not available at the moment.
She‘s at lunch. У нее ленч (обед).
She will (She‘ll) be away until Tues- Ее не будет до вторника.
She‘ll be away for a week. Ее не будет неделю.
You are (You‘re) through to the У Вас неверное соединение.
wrong extension.
You‘ve got the wrong number. Вы ошиблись номером.
Sorry, you must have the wrong num- Извините, Вы, должно быть, ошиб-
ber. лись номером.
You need extension 417. Вам нужен номер 417.
Hold on. I will (I‘ll) transfer you. Не вешайте трубку. Я Вас соединю.
Can you (he) call back later? Не могли бы Вы (не мог бы он) пе-
резвонить попозже?
Can I take a message? Передать что-нибудь? (Вы оставите
No, thank you. I‘ll call back. Нет, спасибо. Я перезвоню.
I‘m sorry, I cannot (can‘t) talk now. Извините, я сейчас не могу гово-
I‘m with a customer. Я общаюсь с клиентом.
I‘m driving. Я за рулем.
Could you call back___ Не могли бы Вы перезвонить___
___ at 3.15 (a quarter past three)? / ___в 3.15? / ___в 3.30? / ___в 3.45?
___ at 3.30 (half past three)? / ___ at
3.45 (a quarter to four)?
Do you have my mobile number? У Вас есть номер моего сотового?
I‘m on extension 3456. Мой (добавочный) номер 3456.
Can I leave a message? Могу я оставить сообщение?
Could you say (that) Mrs. Gitto Не могли бы Вы передать, что зво-
phoned / called / rang? нила г-жа Джито?
Yes, of course. I will (I‘ll) tell him. Конечно. Я ему передам.
Mr. Sato is not (isn‘t) here at the moment. Г-на Сато сейчас нет на месте.
Please tell him (that) I rang. Пожалуйста, передайте ему, что я

Please tell him (that) the price is Пожалуйста, передайте ему, что це-
$550. / l95euros / 4000 yen на $550 / 195 евро / 4000 иен.
Could you say that again, please? Не могли бы Вы повторить, пожа-
Could you ask her to call me back be- Не могли бы Вы попросить ее пере-
fore five? звонить до 5?
Could you tell him to bring the re- Не могли бы Вы попросить его при-
port? нести доклад?
I sent her an e-mail. Я отправил ей электронное письмо.
an e-mail / a text электронное сообщение / сообщение
I wanted to check she received it. Я хотел проверить, что она его по-
I didn‘t catch your name. Я не расслышал Вашего имени.
public telephone общественный телефон
telephone booth телефонная будка
to make a (telephone) call звонить
to lift the receiver поднимать трубку
to dial the number набирать номер
the line is engaged телефон занят
to replace the receiver повесить трубку
the line is free телефон свободен
to answer the call подойти к телефону (ответить на
answerphone автоответчик
to text отправлять текстовое сообщение
Sorry to have troubled you. Простите за беспокойство.
You are wanted on the phone. Вас к телефону.
to be on the (tele)phone говорить по телефону
to disengage разъединять
to put through / to connect соединять
a telephone directory телефонная книга
a trunk-call междугородный телефонный вызов

2. Read the dialogues and translate them. Play out one of the dia-

Dialogue 1

 Hello, can I speak to Mr. Semler, please?

 Speaking.
 Hello, this is Manuel Postigo from DRK. I‘m calling about the confer-
ence next week. Is it possible to send me some more information?

 Yes, of course. Could you give me your address, please?
 It‘s postigo_h@drk.com.
 Could you repeat that please?

Dialogue 2

 Hello.
 Hello, is that Mr. Druper?
 Speaking.
 Oh, hello. Richard Peace here. Could you tell me something about the
 Yes, of course, Richard. What would you like to know?

Dialogue 3

 Is that Pete?
 No, this Hans.
 Hello, Hans. It‘s Lydia Booker here.
 Hi.
 I‘m calling about the conference.

Dialogue 4

 Can I speak to Pete Karob, please?

 Who‘s calling?
 Rosa Kleeb.
 Is that K-L-E-E-B?
 Yes, that‘s right.
 I‘m sorry, his extension is on voicemail. Would you like to leave a
 No, I‘ll try again later.
 Thank you for calling.

Dialogue 5

 Hello, is that Mr. Waltanen?

 You‘re through to the wrong extension. Who do you want?
 Mr. Waltanen.
 You need extension 417. Hold on – I‘ll transfer you.

Dialogue 6

 Hello, Janet.
 Oh, hello, Fabio. I‘m afraid I can‘t talk now. I‘m in a meeting. Can I
call you back?
 Of course. I‘ll be in the office until quarter past four.
 Fine. I‘ll call you later.

Dialogue 7

 Hello, Roger.
 Is Magda back from holiday?
 No, I‘m afraid she‘s away for two more days. Can she call you when
she gets back?
 Thanks. I‘ll be here until the end of the week.

Dialogue 8

 Mrs. Rill‘s number is on voicemail. Would you like to leave a mes-

sage or would you speak to someone else?
 Does she have an assistant?
 Hold on – I‘ll find out.

Dialogue 9

 Could you give Ali a message, please?

 Yes, of course.
 Could you ask him to call Fernando Robles – that‘s R-O-B-L-E-S – on
223987? I‘ll be at that number until five o‘clock.
 Sure, I‘ll give him the message.
 Thanks. Bye.

Dialogue 10
 Can I leave a message for Bruno?
 Yes, of course. Go ahead.
 Please tell him that Jan Nagel from Atco called, and that I‘ll call again
tomorrow morning.

Dialogue 11
 Hi. Is Hamid Kumal there?
 No, I‘m afraid he‘s not at his desk. Can I take a message?

 Thanks, Could you say that Elena Roche called. Could you ask him to
call me back before six?

Dialogue 12

 I‘m afraid Mr. Kumal isn‘t here at the moment. Can I take a message?
 Yes, I wanted to check he received my message. I sent him an e-mail
and I left a voicemail on his mobile.
 Sorry, I didn‘t catch your name.
 It‘s Svensson. S-V-E-N-S-S-O-N.
 Thank you Mr. Svensson. I‘ll tell him.

3. Read the American telephone alphabet. Then practise spelling

your name and the name of your company using a telephone alphabet.


A for Able J for Jig S for Sugar
B for Baker K for King T for Tare
C for Charlie L for Love U for Uncle
D for Dog M for Mike V for Victor
E for Easy N for Nan W for William
F for Fox O for Oboe X for X-ray
G for George P for Peter Y for Yoke
H for How Q for Queen Z for Zebra
I for Item R for Roger

Study spelling an e-mail address. Practise spelling your e-mail ad-

dress or your company‟s e-mail address.

Spelling an e-mail address:

4. Complete the gaps using the words and phrases in the box.

Is that, this is, it’s about, through, fine, can I do, can I speak, one mo-
ment, how are, help you.

A: (1) _______________ to Mr. Badman please?

B: (2) _______________, please. You‘re (3) _______________ now.
A: (4) Hello, _______________ Mr. Badman?

C: (5) _______________ Jon Gratz.
A: (6) Hello, Jon. _______________ you?
C: (7) _______________, thanks. What (8) _______________ for you?
A: (9) Well, _______________ the Ugandan business.
C: (10) Right. How can I _______________?

5. Write the questions out correctly.

1) (speak / who / did / to / you?)
I spoke to the department manager.
2) (this evening / coming / who / is?)
Just our two Belgian agents.
3) (left / who / briefcase / a / here / yesterday?)
I did.
4) (is / boss / your / who?)
Kathrin Mathys.
5) (you / report / do / who / to?)
I report to Kathrin Mathys.

6. Complete the dialogues with the following words.

Message, It’s, calling, My name is, putting, answerphone, through, Is that,
out, engaged, on, call back, Speaking, speak to, Is that.

Dialogue 1
A: Hello?
B: Good morning. Could I (1) _____ Colin James?
A: Who‘s (2) _____, please?
B: (3) _____ Paul Matthews.
A: One moment, please. I‘m (4) _____ you through.
C: Hello?
B: (5) _____Mr. James?
C: (6) _____.

Dialogue 2
A: Good morning. Boulding Limited. Can I help you?
B: Yes. I‘m trying to contact Simon Fallow. He left a (7) _____ on my (8)

A: I see. Well, I‘m afraid Mr. Fallow‘s (9) _____ at the moment. Can I
ask him to (10) ____ you _____ later?

Dialogue 3
A: Hello.
B: Hi. (11) _____ Carlos?
A: Yeah, speaking.
B: Hi, Carlos. (12) _____ Serena.
A: Oh, hello. I was expecting you to ring last night.
B: I did, but I couldn‘t get (13) _____. The line was (14) _____.
A: Oh yes, I‘m sorry about that. I was (15) _____ the phone to my brother
for about an hour.

7. Many people use their mobile mostly for texting. These are com-
mon abbreviations.
ASAP as soon as possible 2DAY today
BF boyfriend 2MORO tomorrow
GF girlfriend Y why
B4 before PLS please
X kiss CUL8R see you later
IMO in my opinion OIC Oh, I see
B4N bye for now FYI for your information
U you TNX thanks
GRT great LOL laughing out loud
2NITE tonight BFF best friends forever
BRB be right back DIY do it yourself
DK don‘t know F2F face to face
ILY I love you IRL in real life
K Okay LMK let me know
NP no problem OMG oh my god
TTYL talk to you later XOXO hugs and kisses

What do these text abbreviations mean?

1) GRT _____ 7) ASAP _____

2) X _____ 8) FYI _____
3) CUL8R _____ 9) LOL _____
4) OIC _____ 10) THX _____
5) B4N _____ 11) BF _____
6) IMO _____ 12) U _____

8. Fill in the gaps using ask, say or tell.

1) Could you _______ Peter to call me?

2) Could you _______ him I‘ll be late?
3) Could you _______ I‘m leaving now?
4) Please _______ I‘m very sorry.
5) Please _______ her the good news.
6) Please _______her to wait until tomorrow.
7) Could you _______ her I‘ll call back later?
8) Could you _______ her to ring me back?
9) Could you _______ him for the prices?

9. Read and match the caller‟s questions with the replies.

1) Good morning, can I speak to Bren- a) At about 3.30.
da, please?
2) Can I speak to Mrs. Opres, please? b) I‘m sorry, but I‘m in meeting at the
moment. Could you possibly call back
in about half an hour?
3) Do you have her e-mail address? c) No, I‘m afraid he‘s out with some
4) When do you expect him back? d) I‘m sorry, I don‘t know when the
meeting‘s going to finish. Can I ask
her to call you?
5) Could you transfer me? e) I think you are through to the wrong
6) Do you know when she‘ll be free? f) She‘s out of the office today. Do
you have her mobile number?
7) Do you know how I can contact g) I‘m afraid she‘s in a meeting at the
Jane? moment.
8) Hello, is Dave there? h) It‘s jane.c@lrc.com.

10. Put this dialogue in the right order. Then practise with the partner.

1) Don Roger, that‘s R-O-G-E-R.

2) Hello. Is that Petra?
3) Can I take a message?
4) She‘s at lunch at the moment.
5) Yes, please.
6) I‘ll tell her.
7) Sorry, I didn‘t catch your name.
8) Could you tell her that Don Roger called?
9) No, I‘m afraid it isn‘t.
10) Thank you, Mr. Roger.

11. Read the dialogues and fill in the message pad.

Call 1
 Can I speak to Andrew?
 I‘m afraid he isn‘t here at the moment. Can I take a message?
 Thank you. Could you tell him that Jan called?
 Does he have your number?
 I‘m on my mobile – the number is 793172. I‘m returning his call.
 Sorry, I didn‘t catch your name.
 It‘s Jan, Jan Peto – that‘s P-E-T-O.
 I‘ll give him the message.

Call 2
 Hello.
 Is that Tina Lantos?
 No, this is Emma Ford speaking. Can I help you?
 Yes, do you know when Tina will be in?
 Well, she should be in later this afternoon. Can I give her a message?
 Thank you. Could you ask her to call ASK‘s Controller on 3245 – as
soon as she gets in.
 Yes, of course. Could you give me the number again?
 Yes, it‘s 3245. OK?
 Yes, I‘ll ask her to call when she gets in.
 Thanks, bye.
 Bye.

Call 1 / Call 2
Message for
Caller‘s name
Phone number
Please ring back Will call again
Return your call Urgent

Date Time Taken


12. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1) I want that he called me.

2) Could you tell him to call me?
3) I get him for you.
4) Hello. I‘m John Smith speaking.
5) I‘m sorry. The line busy.
6) Can I help to you?
7) Can I take a you message?
8) I‘m sorry. He have a meeting.
9) I‘ll put you back immediately.
10) He not here at the moment.

13. Complete the dialogues with the necessary phrases.

Dialogue 1

 _______________.
 Yes. May I speak to Mr. John Conners?
 _______________.

Dialogue 2

 He is busy t the moment. Can you ring back later?

 _______________.
 Yes, that‘s perfect, thank you. Goodbye.

Dialogue 3

 _______________.
 Yes, who is calling?
 _______________.
 Good morning, Mr. Black. What can I do for you?

Dialogue 4

 _______________.
 Just a moment. I‘ll find out if he is in.
 _______________.
 This is James Brown from Continental Equipment. I‘d like some in-

14. Translate the sentences into English.

1) Вас к телефону.
2) Не вешайте трубку. Я Вас соединю.
3) Вы набрали неправильный номер.
4) Телефон занят. / Телефон свободен.
5) Повесьте трубку.
6) Могу я оговорить с господином Смитом?
7) Кто говорит?
8) В настоящий момент он отсутствует.
9) Позвоните, пожалуйста, позже.
10) Могу я оставить сообщение?
11) Вы можете меня соединить?
12) Хотите оставить сообщение?
13) Я не расслышал Ваше имя. Не могли бы Вы повторить?
14) Не могли бы Вы попросить ее перезвонить мне?
15) Хорошо, я отправлю ему сообщение.

15. In pairs, use the flowcharts to pratise telephone calls, incoming

calls, taking and leaving messages.

1. Making phone calls

Hello, can / could I speak to [Derek Ritter]?

(Hello, is it possible to speak to___?)
(Hello, could you put me through to ___?)
(Hello, could I have extension 123, please?)

Who‘s calling, please? It‘s [John Snow].

(My name is [John

Just a moment, please, I‘ll put you through.

(One moment, please.)
(Hold on, please.)

I‘m sorry___ You‘re through now.

___there‘s no answer.
Shall I try someone Hello. [Derek Rit-
else? ter].
(His / her extension is

on voicemail. Would
you like o leave a mes-

No, I‘ll try again later. Hello, is

that [Mr.

Thank you for calling. Speaking.

Hello, [Mr. Ritter]. This

is [John Snow] from
[ABC Ltd].
(Hello, my name‘s John
Snow. I work for ABC
What can I do for you?

2. Incoming calls

Who‘s calling, please?

[Peter Moinor], form

Can I speak to [Magda
Angelis], please?

Would you like to I‘m afraid she / he is I‘ll put you through.
speak to someone [away from her / his
else? desk at the moment].

Yes, OK – thanks. If you give me you Hello, [Mr. Moinor].

number, I‘ll get her / [Magda Angelis]
him to call you. here.
I‘m sorry, I can‘t talk
I‘m [in a meeting /
with a customer].
Can I call you back?

I‘m putting you Thanks – it‘s___. Of course, can you
through to [Jen And my name is___. call me at
Elvin.] (about)___?
My number is___.

Thanks. I‘ll get her / him to call Thanks, I‘ll call you
you. later.

When will he / she be

back / free?

He / she won‘t be back

/ free till___.
He / she will be away
from his / her desk


Thanks for calling.

3. Phone messages

Hello, can I speak to [Mr Gitto], please?

I‘m afraid he isn‘t here at the moment.

Can I take a mes- Can I give him a

sage? message?
(Can I give him / (Could you give him
her a message?) a message?)

Yes, of course.

Could you say that [Elena Roche] phoned?

(Could you tell him that [Elena Roche]
(That‘s R-O-C-H-E.) Did you get that?

Yes, I did. No, I didn‘t.

(I didn‘t catch your

(Could you say it
again please?)

Could you ask him to call me back [before

(Could you tell him I‘ll call again after

Yes, of course. I‘ll Thanks, goodbye.

tell him.
(I‘ll give him the



1. Useful phrases and words.

Fax /fax message факс (факсимильное сообщение)
fax machine факс (аппарат факсимильной свя-
business correspondence деловая переписка
to send something by fax отправлять что-либо по факсу
to fax someone отправлять кому-либо факс
to fax something (information / offers отправить что-либо по факсу (ин-
/ price lists / advertising materials / формацию / предложения / прайс-
press releases / written inquiries) листы / рекламу / пресс-релизы /
письменные запросы)
to fax someone something / to fax отправить кому-то что-то по факсу
something (over/across) to someone
cover sheet титульный лист
confidential information конфиденциальная информация
intended recipient получатель
advise the sender сообщить отправителю
get one‘s fax получить чей-либо факс
the paper got stuck бумага застряла
the machine jammed машина заклинила
to send something through послать что-либо
to go through пройти (о факсе)
legible разборчивый, четкий, понятный
to resend отправить повторно
e-mail/email/electronic mail электронная почта

to send an email отправить сообщение по элек-
тронной почте
to email someone отправить кому-либо электронное
to reply to one‘s email / to email сообщение
someone back ответить на чье-либо электронное
to check email проверить электронную почту
essential важный, необходимый
immediately / at once немедленно, сразу
regularly регулярно
to reply to ответить на (сообщение)
to delete удалить
spam / junk mail спам
anti-virus software антивирусная программа
attachments приложение к электронному пись-

2. Study some examples of the fax messages. Read and translate


Sample 1
Secretariat General
Please quote:
Bern, 28 July, 2000

Dear Sir, Madam,

I have the pleasure to inform you that X-Council is organizing in War-
saw, on 19 and 20 September 2000, the fourth colloquy in its series of Euro-
pean events. This meeting follows the previous three colloquies organized in
1997, 1998 and 1999.
The Warsaw colloquy is organized in co-operation with National Insti-
tute. It will be followed by a two-day study tour.
I should be grateful if you could attend this event personally or be repre-
sented. I must however state that travel and subsistence expenses incurred by
attendance at this event will not be borne by the X-Council.
The colloquy‘s provisional programme together with a registration and
hotel booking form are enclosed.

Yours faithfully


Sample 2
From William X
To Dr. Alex Z
Facsimile num-
Date 9/5/99

It looks as if the Foundation will fund your attendance at the Conference.

Have you still enough time to acquire visa? If there is anything I can do to
help, please let me know.

With best wishes,


PS. I have your fax. It arrived after your phone call.

PPS. Do you have an e-mail address? If so, please let me know, I can be con-
tacted on wx@cam.ac.uk
Sample 3

To Denny F.
Fax No *******
From Stella J.
Fax No *******
Date 19 February
No of pages (including this one) 1

Dear Mr. F,

This is to confirm your booking for a double room from 1 March to 9 March
inclusive at the rate of $ 300.000 per night.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Yours sincerely

Stella J.

Sample 4
FAX COVER SHEET Box 1212, Sydney, Australia
Tel: 61 2 329 9220
Fax: 61 2 239 9221
Date: 22 November To fax number: +1 213 976 3421
To: Jamie Vasconcelos From: Anna Friedman
Number of pages including this cover sheet: 31
Dear Jaime,
It was good to hear from you again. The following pages give details of the
latest additions tour page. If you require any further information, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Anna Friedman
This fax may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended re-
cipient, advise the sender and destroy this document.
If you do not receive all pages, or if any pages are illegible
please phone +61 2 239 9220 immediately.
«22/11/01 → 11:30:42» FROM: 61 2 329 9221 TO: +213 976 3421

3. Study the structure of the formal fax message. Then write your
own fax.
Government of Canada (1)
Office of the Chairman
Public Service Commission (2)
Ottawa, Ontario

Attention: P. Smith (3)

December 8, 1996 (4)
Dear Sir: (5)
Ref: PC Program analyst 96)

Yours sincerely, (7)
A. Robertson (8)
General Services Division
AP/CL (9)
Encl. (10)
cc: D. Dube (11)

1. Heading (шапка письма)
2. Inner address (внутренний адрес)
3. Attention (not obligatory) (Строка: Внимание (не обязательно))
4. Data (Дата)
5. Greeting (приветствие)
6. Reference (ссылка)
7. Ending (комлементерная концовка)
8. Signature, position, department (Подпись, должность, отдел)
9. Mail initials (посылочные инициалы указывают на тех, кто писал /
переводил письмо и / или печатал его)
10. Enclosed documents (вложения)
11. Copies (копии)

Write a fax message. You are going to a business trip to “Black and
Co”. Send a fax to Henry Smith. His address is 10 Garden Street. Inform
him of your arrival (date, train number, carriage number, time of arrival)
and ask him to meet you.

4. Read the dialogues about sending fax messages and translate


Dialogue 1

 I think, you‘ll be interested in our latest designs.

 Can you send them by fax?
 Sure, I‘ll fax you right now. What‘s your fax number?
 1 for the US, then 213 976 3421
 OK. I‘ve got that.
 Can you fax the information you think we need?
 I‘ll fax you everything we have. There are about 30 pages.
 If you could fax it all over to us, that would be great!

Dialogue 2

 Did you get my fax?

 You‘re not going to believe this, but the paper got stuck and the ma-
chine jammed.
 No problem. I‘ll send it through again.
15 minutes later
 Did the fax go through OK this time?
 Yes, but pages two and three weren‘t legible: I couldn‘t read them.
 No problem. I‘ll resend them.

5. Read the dialogue and correct the mistakes.

 I think you‘ll be interested.

 Can you telefax your most exciting designs?
 Sure, I‘ll fax to you the drawings. What‘s your number of fax?
 46 for Sweden, then 8 753 4298.
 46 8 753 4298. I‘ve got that.
 You know the sort of thing we sell. Can you telefax to me the designs
our customers will be most interested in?
 I‗ll fax to you straightaway. There are about ten pages.
 If you could fax everything between, that would be great!

6. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the following words and ex-
Confidential, intended recipient, illegible, destroy, cover sheet, advise the

1) Swedish Paper Products are not the __________ , and so they tell the
person sending the fax to __________.
2) Information is __________. The manager wants SPP to __________
the fax so no one else can see it.
3) The person can‘t read the fax: the fax, including most of the
__________ is __________.

7. Study some examples of e-mail messages. Read and translate them.

Sample 1
From: Nethekin Gales (gales@2h.org)
Sent: 21 October 2004 20:20
To: Council members
Subject: Help community make cultural development a priority
Dear friends,

With the Organization becoming a larger family, and new Council members
coming into power, the cultural strategy is being reconsidered. Either it can
fade, or if public interest pushes them, the Organization could become a truly
significant driver for cultural development.
Whether or not you are a member, the Organization seeks your opinions. The
more feedback they get, the more seriously they will take cultural develop-
ment. The questionnaire for voicing your opinion is at the site


Other languages are available too.

Please fill at least the short version of the questionnaire. Make your opinion
count and invite others to participate.

Warmest regards, Nethekin Gales

Sample 2
From: p.west@uktel.com
To: bookings@liverpoolarms.co.uk
Date: 17 March
Subject: Booking a room

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to book a single room at your hotel for the nights of 12, 13, and
14 April. Could I possibly have a quiet room at the back of the hotel?
I understand you have a restaurant. Could you tell me when the restaurant
My details are: 15 Monarch Road, London, NW1 2TS.
Tel: (0207) 566 4945. Please, let me know if you need a deposit or a credit
card number.
Thank you very much.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Peter West
Sample 3
To: robert.mcmurdo@megabook.com
From: tina.black@megabook.com
Cc: ruth.mitchell@megabook.com
Thanks for your email asking for ways of reducing the sales force. Please find
attached a Word document with specific plans for this. Please let me know if
you can‘t read this attachment. I‘m copying Ruth Mitchel in on this. Do for-
ward it to the rest of the board if you feel that‘s appropriate. Looking forward
to your reaction.

Best wishes,


8. Study spelling e-mail addresses. Work in pairs. Practise spelling
your e-mail address and the address of your partner.

Spelling an e-mail address:


9. Answer the questions about using the e-mail.

1) How often do you check your e-mail?

2) How many e-mails do you send a week? Are they all essential?
3) How many e-mails do you get every week? Do you read them imme-
4) How quickly do you reply to the e-mails you receive?
5) Do you delete e-mails regularly?
6) Do you get much spam / junk mail?
7) Have you got anti-virus software?
8) How often do you send or receive attachments?

10. Complete the dialogue with necessary words.

Essential, immediately, regularly, anti-virus, checked, attachment.

Dialogue 1

 Do you always reply to e-mails (1) _____?

 Yes. I think it‘s rude if you don‘t reply as soon as you receive an e-
mail. Don‘t you do that?
 No. I don‘t reply at once unless it‘s really (2) _____.

Dialogue 2

 I sent you an e-mail earlier with an (3) _____. Did you get it?
 Oh, I‘m afraid I haven‘t (4) _____ my e-mail today yet. I‘ll do it now.

Dialogue 3

 I keep getting viruses on my computer.

 Ah, you will need to get some (5) _____ software.

Dialogue 4
 Do you delete e-mails (6) _____?
 Yes, every day. I have to, because I have so many, and most of them
aren‘t important.

11. Write an e-mail to book a room at the hotel. Book a double room
for four nights at the hotel. Ask for a room with a view of the sea. Ask
about the Internet and other facilities (phone, television, room service, car
parking etc.). Give your personal details.

12. Translate the sentences into English:

1) Вы можете выслать нам информацию по факсу?
2) Какой у вас номер факса?
3) Вы получили мой факс?
4) Если Вы не являетесь получателем факса, сообщите об этом от-
правителю и немедленно уничтожьте документ.
5) Если Вы получили не все страницы документа, пожалуйста, по-
звоните по номеру 123654.
6) Вы получили мое электронное письмо?
7) Я сразу же ответил на Ваше электронное письмо.
8) Я получаю много спама по электронной почте.
9) Он отправил мне электронное письмо с прикрепленным докумен-
том, но я не смог его прочитать.
10) Какой у Вас адрес электронной почты?



1. Useful phrases.
I would (I‘d) like a ticket to Bahrain. Я бы хотел один билет до Бахрейна.
to book a flight (ticket) забронировать билет
night / morning flight ночной / утренний рейс
a single ticket / a one-way ticket билет в один конец
a return ticket / a two-way (round-trip) билет туда и обратно
an open return (ticket) билет туда и обратно с открытой да-
той обратно
return half обратный билет
business class / economy class бизнес-класс / эконом класс
available имеющийся в наличии

latest time of reporting последнее объявление регистрации
two hours time difference разница во времени 2 часа
When do you want to travel? Когда Вы хотите лететь?
Tomorrow. / On Thursday. Завтра. / В четверг.
I will (I‘ll) call you___ / I‘ll email Я Вам позвоню___ / напишу по
you___ / I‘ll text you ___ электронной почте___ / отправлю
___when the tickets are ready. / ___ когда билеты будут готовы. /
___when I have the details. / ___ as ___ когда у меня будут все детали. /
soon as I arrive. ___ как только я приеду.
You are (You‘re) flying on Continental Вы летите рейсом компании Конти-
Airways. / Your flight number is нентал Эирвейз. / Номер Вашего
CL217. рейса СиЭл217.
What time is the flight due to depart? / Во сколько самолет отправляется? /
(And) what time does it arrive in Lon- (А) когда самолет прибывает в Лон-
don? дон?
It leaves at 09.15. / It arrives at 17.30. Он вылетает в 09.15. / Он прибывает
в 17.30.
How much is it going to cost? / May I Сколько это будет стоить? / Можно
pay in cash? заплатить наличными?
It is (It‘s) £600 one way. / It‘s £900 600 фунтов стерлингов в один ко-
return. нец. / 900 фунтов туда и обратно.

Where can I check in? / Is this the right Где я могу пройти регистрацию? /
check-in for Tokyo? / Where is the Это стойка регистрации рейса на
check-in desk? Токио? / Где находится стойка реги-
Can I see your ticket, please? / Can I Можно Ваш билет, пожалуйста? /
see your passport, please? Можно Ваш паспорт, пожалуйста?
Can I have an aisle seat (seat neхt the Можно мне место у прохода? / ме-
exit) / a window seat / with leg room? сто у окна / место с большим про-
странством для ног
This is your boarding card (pass). Вот Ваш посадочный талон.
free of charge бесплатно (бесплатный)
excess weight перевес, излишний вес
to board the plane садиться на самолет
to announce объявлять
check-in desk стойка регистрации
destination пункт назначения
pay excess baggage (luggage) платить за перевес багажа
aircraft самолет
duty-free shop магазин, торгующий беспошлинны-
ми товарами

overhead locker верхний отсек для багажа (в самоле-
fasten your seatbelt пристегнуть ремень
runway взлетно-посадочная полоса
cabin crew бригада бортпроводников
terminal building аэровокзал (здание аэровокзала)
baggage reclaim выдача багажа
I‘m flying to Los Angeles. Я лечу в Лос-Анджелес.
Do I need to clear customs in Dallas? Нужно ли проходить таможенный
контроль в Далласе?
No, you can clear customs in Los An- Нет, Вы можете пройти таможенный
geles. досмотр в Лос-Анджелесе.
How many pieces of luggage do you Сколько у Вас мест багажа? –
have? – Just two pieces. Всего два.
Is that your hand luggage? / Did you Это ваша ручная кладь? / Вы сами
pack your cases (suitcases / bags) упаковывали чемоданы (чемоданы /
yourself? сумки)?
boarding / gate (number) / departure посадка (на рейс) / выход / время
(take-off) time / arrival (landing) time вылета (отправления) / время при-
I think you are (you‘re) in the wrong Я думаю, Вы ошиблись местом. Это
seat. This seat is A5. / I‘m sorry. / No место А5. / Извините. / Ничего
problem. страшного.
What time do we arrive in (into) Hong Когда мы прибываем в Гонконг?
We are (We‘re) due at five. / We ex- Мы должны прилететь в 5. / Пред-
pect to land in twenty minutes. полагается, что мы приземлимся че-
рез 20 минут.
Are we on time? Мы не опаздываем?
When do you serve lunch? Когда вы подаете ленч?
In three quarters of an hour. / In a Через 45 минут. / Через четверть ча-
quarter of an hour. / In half an hour. / са. / Через полчаса. / Через 20 минут.
In thirty minutes.
Have you got today‘s newspapers / this У вас есть сегодняшние газеты? /
month‘s magazines? журналы этого месяца?
I am (I‘m) sorry we have not (haven‘t). К сожалению, нет. / Я постараюсь
/ I will (I‘ll) try and find one for you. найти для Вас.
Can I have a fruit juice, please? Можно мне фруктовый сок, пожа-
How much is that? Сколько он стоит?
It is (It‘s) three dollars. 3 доллара.
Thank you. Спасибо.

Itinerary [ai´tin(ə)rəri] расписание
departure gate выход на посадку
emergency exit аварийный выход
to delay откладывать
to serve the food подавать еду
direct (non-stop) flight прямой рейс (беспосадочный полет)
flight attendant бортпроводник
complimentary бесплатный
to be airsick плохо чувствовать себя в самолете
(испытывать тошноту)

2. Read and translate the following dialogues. Play out one or two of
Booking Airline Tickets

Dialogue 1

 I want to fly to Geneva on or about the first.

 I‘ll just see what there is.
 I want to go economy, and I‘d prefer in the morning.
 Lufthansa Flight LH 203 leaves at 9.20.
 What time do I have to be there?
 The coach leaves for the airport at 8.15.

Dialogue 2

 I‘d like to book a flight to Munich for Monday the tenth.

 I‘ll have a look in the time-table for you.
 I‘ll need an economy class open return.
 KLM have got a DC-9 leaving at 9.25.
 What else ought I to know?
 The latest time of reporting is 8.35 at the airport.

Dialogue 3

 What flights are there from London to Vienna tomorrow?

 If you‘d like to take a seat, I‘ll find out for you.
 I‘d like to travel first class, please.
 BEA Flight BE 502 takes off from Heathrow at 9.25 and flies direct.
 What time have I got to get there?
 You‘ll have to be at West London Air Terminal by 8.10 as the latest.

Dialogue 4

 Are there any planes to Zurich on a Sunday?

 If you excuse me for a second, I‘ll check.
 By the way, I don‘t want a night flight.
 There is a Swissair Trident out of London at 9.10.
 When am I supposed to check in?
 If you are going to the airport, you must be there before 8.25.

Dialogue 5

 Good morning. What can I do for you?

 I want to fly to London. Are there any seats available on Wednesday,
next week?
 Are you flying alone, sir?
 Yes.
 What class?
 Economy.
 Just a moment, sir. I‘ll check. Yes, there are a few seats left.
 Fine.
 What is your name, sir?
 James Brown.
 As a rule, we sell return tickets too. You can buy an open return.
 OK. How much is it?
 435 dollar, including airport taxes.
 May I pay in cash?
 Certainly, sir. Here you are. Flight PS501
 What time is the flight due to depart?
 It leaves at 8.55 a.m. But you must check in one hour prior to depar-
ture, sit.
 And what time does it arrive in London?
 10.30. Local time. There‘s two hours time difference, you know.

At the Airport

Dialogue 6

 Excuse me, can I check-in for Manila here?

 Yes, sir. Can I see your ticket and your passport, please? Thank you.
Would you like an aisle seat or a window seat?
 An aisle seat, please – if possible.

Dialogue 7

 Do I have to clear customs in Helsinki?

 No, it‘s a through flight. There are customs facilities in Tampere. Do
you have any hand luggage?
 Yes, one piece.
 Did you pack your bag yourself?
 Yes, I did.

Dialogue 8

 Can I have your ticket, please?

 Yes, of course.
 Thank you. How many suitcases have you got?
 Just one.
 Have you got much hand luggage?
 Just this bag.
 That‘s fine.
 Oh, can I have a seat next to the window?
 Yes, that‘s OK. Here‘s your boarding pass. Have a nice flight!

Dialogue 9

 Excuse me, is this the right check-in for Dallas?

 Yes, it is. Can I see your ticket and passport, please? …And how
many bags do you have to check in?
 None, I just have hand luggage. Can I have an aisle seat?
 Yes, we have one left.
 Good, I have long legs so I need some space! I‘m flying on to Los
Angeles – it‘s a long flight. Do I need to clear customs in Dallas?
 No, you can clear customs in Los Angeles.
 Fine.
 Here‘s your boarding card. It‘s Gate 16, boarding at 4.10. Have a good
 Thank you.

Dialogue 10

 Excuse me! Where the departure gate for flight 645 Boston – New-
York? The boarding has just been announced, and I haven‘t checked in yet.
 Hurry up! The plane‘s taking off in half an hour. What‘s your company?

 Your check-in desk is over there. You get your boarding pass and
leave your luggage right at the desk.
 By the way, how much luggage is allowed free of charge?
 No more than 30 kilograms. And you certainly have to pay for excess

On Board

Dialogue 11
 Would you like a drink, sir?
 Yes, a mineral water, please.
 Ice and lemon?
 Just lemon. And have you got today‘s English newspapers?
 No, I‘m afraid I haven‘t. I‘ll try and find one for you later.
 Thank you.

Dialogue 12

 Tea or coffee?
 Tea, please.
 Milk?
 Yes, please.
 Sugar?
 No, Thanks. …And do you know when we get into Sydney?
 We‘re due in at five o‘clock, but I think we‘re going to be late.

Dialogue 13

 Excuse me, I think that‘s my seat.

 Oh, I‘m sorry. I‘ll move.
 Can I put your bag up for you?
 Yes, please. Thanks.
 Do you need your coat?
 Yes, please.

Dialogue 14

 Look! The take-off time is 15.30, and they haven‘t started the engines
yet. Something is up, I‘m afraid. Where‘s the emergency exit?

 Come on! Don‘t worry! The flight is delayed by half an hour. We‘ll
take off at 16.00. There‘s nothing to be afraid of.
 I don‘t like this plane. Next time we‘ll fly by Panam.
 Panam doesn‘t fly its planes to Austin.
 Why did you take the economy class? The business class is much
more comfortable. And they serve food there.
 We had a meal half an hour ago. And didn‘t you tell me that you hate
to travel business class?
 Oh, my!.. How long is the flight to Austin?
 The landing time is 17.30. Two hours all in all.
 Is it a direct flight or do we stop anywhere?
 No, it‘s a non-stop flight. Is there anything else?
 Yes…No…Yes! I‘m already airsick. Call the flight attendant, please!

Dialogue 15

 Excuse me, what time do we arrive in Frankfurt?

 We‘re due in at 10.15, but unfortunately we‘re going to be half an
hour late. Would you like a drink from the bar?
 Yes, please. Can I have a mineral water? Thank you. How much is it?
 Nothing, sir. The drinks are complimentary.

3. Practise saying what flight you prefer.

a first class a night flight

a business class a morning flight
I need an economy class and I prefer an evening flight
a first class, open return an afternoon flight
a tourist class a morning flight

4. Put the sentences into the right place in the dialogue:

S: Grand Tour Agency. Susan Sharp speaking.

H: Hello, Susan. This is Hans Bradly. I need to send two of our sales
managers to Rome next week. (1) __________?
S: OK. (2) __________?
H: Monday October 14th.
S: And if you want to book a return flight I must ask you: (3) __________
H: Four days. They would like to come back on the night of the 17 th. (4)
S: Let me have a look. There is a flight at 8.50 p.m. with British Airlines.
H: (5) __________?

S: Fortunately, there are. I‘ve just called it up on the screen. Shall I re-
serve two right now?
H: Yes, please. And make it Business Class, OK? (6) __________?
S: In three or four days. I‘ll send them to you as soon as they arrive.
a) How long are they staying?
b) Are there any seats available?
c) When will the tickets come?
d) When do they plan to leave?
e) What are the options?
f) Are there any British Airlines flights about that time?

5. Read the dialogues and answer the questions to them.

Dialogue 1

 I‘d like a return ticket to Paris.

 Business class or economy?
 Business class.
 When do you want to travel?
 On Thursday. I need to be there before lunch.
 There‘s an Ocean Air flight. It leaves at 05.50 from Istanbul Ataturk
airport and arrives at Charles De Gaulle airport at 10.15.
 How much is the ticket going to cost?
 It‘s €575 one way and €850 return.
 I‘d like a return, please. With the return details left open. Will you let
me know when you have the ticket?
 This is an e-ticket. You just show your passport at the check-in. We‘ll
email you an itinerary as soon as the booking is confirmed.

1) Where does the traveller want to go?
2) What kind of tickets does he want?
3) When does he want to travel?
4) When does the flight leave?
5) What time does it arrive?
6) Is he travelling by Air France?
7) Does he get a single or a return?
8) How much is it?

Dialogue 2
 I‘d like a return ticket to Bahrain.
 When do you want to travel?

 On Thursday the 19th.
 Business or economy class?
 Business, please.
 There‘s a Continental Airlines flight at 09.30. It arrives in Bahrain at

1) What kind of ticket does the traveller want?
2) When does the flight arrive to Bahrain?

Dialogue 3

 I‘d like a first class return to Barbados.

 When do you want to travel?
 Tomorrow.
 Okay, I‘ll call you when the seats are booked.
 How much is it going to cost?
 Around four thousand dollars.

1) When does the traveller want to travel?
2) How much is it going to cost?

Dialogue 4

 There are two flights tomorrow: one at 11.00 and one at 14.05.
 When does the 14.05 arrive?
 At 17.40. Shall I book it?
 Yes, please.
 I‘ll email you when I have the details.

1) Does the 11.0 flight arrive at 17.40?
2) Which flight is the traveller going to take?

6. In pairs, use the flowchart to practise booking airline tickets.

I‘d like [re- Business When do I‘d like to

turn] ticket class or __________ you want travel on
to__. economy? to travel? ___ (at

There‘s a
I will email It‘s _____ Airways]
Yes, How much
/ call / text one way. flight on
please. / is the tick-
you when I It‘s _____ ___. (It
No, thank et going to
have the return. Shall leaves
you. cost?
details. I book it? at___. It

7. Study the signs you may meet at the airport.


Match the following words and pictures.

baggage reclaim
car park

8. Complete the words or phrases using the following words.

Board, number, crew, card, control, luggage, reclaim, free, baggage,

building, desk, locker

1) departures _____ 7) flight _____

2) excess _____ 8) overhead _____
3) check-in _____ 9) boarding _____
4) hand _____ 10) cabin _____
5) terminal _____ 11) baggage _____
6) duty _____ 12) passport _____

9. Answer the questions.

1) What‘s the place where airline staff check your a) passengers
2) Who are the people that travel on a plane? b) boarding card
3) What do airline staff weigh at the check-in c) check your lug-
desk? gage
4) What do we call the place you‘re travelling to? d) the check-in desk
5) What do airport staff do at passport control? e) runway
6) What do we call the place where you get on f) luggage suitcases
the plane?
7) What do you call the bags that you can take on g) gate
the plane with you?
8) What‘s the part of the airport where the plane h) hand luggage
takes off and lands?
9) What‘s the piece of paper they give you at the i) destination
check-in desk?

10. Using the flowchart, practise checking-in at an airport. Work in

Excuse me, where can I check-in? (Where‘s the check-in desk, please?)
(Is this the right check-in for Tokyo?)

You can check-in here / over there.

Can I see your ticket, please?
Would you like an aisle seat or a win- _________________________
dow seat?

How many pieces of luggage do you

have? _________________________

Is that your luggage?
Did you pack your bags / case your- _________________________

I‘m flying to [Sapporo]. Do I need to clear customs in [Tokyo]?

Yes, you do. (No, you Is that K3? I‘m not sure. I don‘t
can clear customs in I think you‘re on know.
Sapporo.) (Have a good my seat. (Yes, it is – I‘m sorry.)
11. Write a conversation between two passengers on a plane, using
the phrases in the two boxes. Then play out the dialogue in pairs.
Passenger A Passenger B
Are you going to Oslo on business? And do you know when we are due in?
Have you been before? Do you know when they serve lunch?
How do you like it? Good. I‘m very hungry.
I think that‘s my seat belt. I‘m sorry. This one must be mine.
I think we‘re due in at 7.30, in five Very much. What about you?
Quite soon, I think. Yes, I am. I‘m going to a conference.
So am I. Yes, many times.
Yes, I love Norway.

12. Practise saying what is allowed and what is not allowed on board
the plane.
have mineral water
have a snack
be offered newspapers
be given information
about the speed, altitude
Passengers can
and the distance covered
see video films during
the flight on board the plane.
ask a stewardess for a
make a noise
have heavy luggage
Passengers are not al-
unfasten belts when the
lowed to
plane is taking off or

speak with the pilot
have a weapon
take strong drinks
enter the cockpit

13. Read the dialogue between a passenger and a flight attendant,

then answer the questions.

 Excuse me, what time do we arrive in London?

 We‘re due in at 10.15, but unfortunately we‘re going to be half an
hour late. Would you like a drink from the bar?
 Yes, please. Can I have a mineral water? Thank you. How much is
 Nothing, sir. The drinks are complimentary.
 Thank you. Could you tell me if there‘s a bus from the airport to the
city centre?
 There is. The stop is just outside the main terminal building. There‘s
also a train.
 Thanks. Do you know how much the fare is?
 No, I‘m sorry I don‘t know. It isn‘t expensive.

1) When are they due in to London?
2) How late are they?
3) How much is a mineral water?
4) Where does the bus to the city centre stop?
5) What is the fare?

14. Using the flowchart, practise having conversation with a flight at-
tendant. Work in pairs.

Excuse me. Can I have [a whiskey] Certainly, sir / madam.

How much is it? It‘s __________. (There‘s no
Yes, here it is. Can I see your ticket / passport,
(And) have you got today‘s papers? Yes, we have. (I‘ll try to find one for
(have you got an English paper?) you.)
(I‘m sorry we haven‘t.)
(And) when do you serve [lunch]? In [fifteen minutes].
(In a quarter of an hour.)

(And) what time do we get to [Hong We‘re due in at [5].
Kong]? (We expect to land at _____.)
(Are we on time?)
Thank you. You‘re welcome.

15. Answer the questions.

1) Do you think that travelling by air is more convenient than by train?

2) Have you ever traveled by air? When was it?
3) Why must the passenger be at the airport more than an hour in ad-
4) Are passengers allowed to have some luggage with them on board the
5) What is the best and the worst part of the flight?
6) When do you often have delays, and why?
7) What do you usually do on the aircraft during the flight?
8) What‘s the first thing you do on arrival?

16. Translate the sentences into English.

1) Я бы хотел забронировать билет на утренний рейс до Лондона.

2) Имеются ли в наличии билеты эконом-класса?
3) Когда Вы хотите лететь?
4) Вы летите рейсом 235А.
5) Во сколько самолет прибывает в Париж?
6) Где можно зарегистрировать багаж?
7) Можно Ваш билет и паспорт, пожалуйста?
8) Вот Ваш посадочный талон.
9) Можно мне место у окна?
10) Вам придется заплатить за перевес багажа.
11) Пристегните ремни, пожалуйста.
12) Сколько у Вас сумок? – Всего три.
13) Это Ваша ручная кладь?
14) У вас есть последние журналы?
15) Можно мне минеральной воды, пожалуйста?
16) Это прямой рейс, или мы делаем остановки? – Это прямой рейс.
17) Спиртные напитки подают в бизнес-классе.
18) Где находится пункт выдачи багажа?
19) Бортпроводник всегда объявляет о посадке самолета.
20) Я плохо чувствовал себя в самолете.



1. Useful phrases.
Do I need to clear customs in Dal- Мне нужно проходить таможенный
las? досмотр в Далласе?
No, you can clear customs in Los Нет, Вы можете пройти таможенный
Angeles. досмотр в Лос Анжелесе.
How many pieces of luggage do you Сколько у Вас багажа?
Do you have anything to declare? У Вас есть вещи, подлежащие де-
These are my things. Это все мои вещи.
Do I have to declare this? Мне нужно это декларировать?
customs / customs house таможня
to go through customs пройти таможенный досмотр
customs fee таможенные сборы
to prolong / prolongation продлить / продление
entrance (entry) visa / exit visa / sin- въездная виза / выездная виза / од-
gle visa / multiple visa / transit visa нократная виза / многократная виза /
to apply for a visa / to grant a visa / транзитная виза
to put a visa on a passport / to issue a запросить визу / предоставить визу /
visa поставить визу в паспорте / выда-
to be valid for / to expire вать визу
быть действительным, иметь силу /
Embassy / Consulate истекать
to declare / to conceal / to detain / to посольство / консульство
collect декларировать / скрывать / задержи-
gift / present вать / забирать
to be liable to duty / to be duty free подарок
подлежать / не подлежать обложе-
counter нию пошлиной
overweight стойка, окно регистрации
receiving party перевес
принимающая (пригласившая) сто-
entry declaration / exit declaration рона (фирма)
декларация при въезде / выезде

I have nothing to declare. Мне нечего декларировать.
This is a present. Это подарок.
All these things are for my own use / Это вещи для личного пользования.
for my personal use.
I didn‘t know that the import / export Я не знал, что ввоз / вывоз этих ве-
of these things is forbidden. щей запрещен.
I didn‘t know that these things are Я не знал, что за эти вещи нужно
subject to duty. платить пошлину.
I want to have an interpreter. Мне нужен переводчик.
How much alcohol can I import du- Сколько алкоголя можно ввезти
ty-free? беспошлинно?
My luggage is missing. У меня пропал багаж.
Here is my passport. Вот мой паспорт.
When shall I have my passport Когда мне вернут мой паспорт?
civil passport / business passport / гражданский / бизнес паспорт /
overseas passport заграничный паспорт
to invite / invitation приглашать / приглашение
I am here on business. / I‘m here to Я здесь по делу. / Я здесь, чтобы ра-
work / on personal visit. ботать / с личным визитом.
I‘m alone. Я один.
frontier граница
goods / commodity / currency / товары / товар / валюта
to pay customs платить таможенную пошлину
legislation законодательство
to prohibit / strict prohibition запрещать / строгий запрет
article / print / manuscript предмет / гравюра / рукопись
antique / original painting / drawingантиквариат / подлинник живопис-
ного полотна / рисунок
stamp / value марка / ценность
cancelled securities / numismatics / аннулированные ценные бумаги /
arms (weapons) / military equipment оружие / военное оборудование /
/ explosive / drug взрывчатое вещество / наркотик
personal belongings личные вещи
valuable / artistic ценный / художественный
restricted articles / allowance предметы, вывоз которых разрешен
в ограниченных количествах / то,
что разрешено к вывозу
to prevent smuggling предотвращать контрабанду
to scan the enclosure просматривать вложение
concealment сокрытие
illegally / law незаконно / правило, закон

2. Read and translate the dialogues. Play out one dialogue in pairs.

Dialogue 1

 Your passport, please. How long are you planning to stay in the coun-
 Three weeks. Could I prolong my entrance visa in case of necessity?
 Sure. The receiving party shall take care of it.
 Can you put your bags on the table? And your customs form, please?
 How much do they weight?
 23 kilos. I‘m sorry, but you‘ll have to pay excess luggage charge.
 Oh, it‘s only three kilos overweight.
 Yes, sir. It‘s £6. Thank you. Have you go anything to declare?
 Pardon?
 Alcohol, cigarettes, fresh fruit, plants…?
 Uh, no.
 Open your suitcase, please. Any gifts?
 Only one bottle of vodka.
 All right. It‘s duty free. As you probably know, it‘s forbidden to bring
in more than two bottles of alcohol and two blocks of cigarettes to England. And
no limitations as to currency. Here‘s your form.
 Thank you.
 Not at all. Next, please.

Dialogue 2

 Are you from France?

 No. I am from Russia.
 Have you got a civil passport?
 No. I‘ve got the business one.
 Can you show it to me?
 Yes, of course. Here it is.
 Oh, yes, I see. Open your bag, please.
 Here you are.
 Do you come to work?
 Yes, I‘ve got an invitation from an engineering company here in To-
 Are you alone here?
 No, I‘m with my wife. She comes on a personal visit.
 OK. You may go.
 Thank you.

Dialogue 3

 Excuse me! Where can I get a declaration form?

 You can get it at the information desk.
 I see. What do I write there?
 Have you got anything to declare?
 Oh, I‘m afraid, I‘ve got something. I‘ve got a lot of cigarettes and five
bottles of spirits.
 I think you must pay duty on everything.
 I don‘t have American cash. Where can I change money?
 There‘s an exchange office near the information desk. Anybody can
change cash there.

Dialogue 4
 Excuse me, how do I decide whether to go through the red or the
green channel?
 If you have goods to declare you go through the red channel. If you
haven‘t any goods to declare, you go through the green one.
 How do I decide whether I have goods to declare?
 Well, madam, this notice here tells you.
 Oh, I can‘t understand it very well.
 If you‘re a visitor coming here for less than six months, and you ha-
ven‘t any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of the duty free allowance, you go
through the green channel.
 Oh, I have got some spirits.
 How much have you got?
 A bottle of brandy. And I‘ve got two hundred cigarettes.
 That‘s all right. You‘re allowed one bottle and two hundred cigarettes.
Have you got any expensive presents, things for other people? You have to de-
clare anything which costs over ten pounds.
 Well, yes, I have got a watch which cost more than ten pounds in Eng-
lish money.
 Then go through the red channel. And my colleague may wish to look
inside your luggage.
 I see. Thank you.

Dialogue 5
 Are these two bags all you have, madam?
 Yes, and this bag too.
 Have you any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of the duty free allow-

 No, I just have this bottle of brandy and these cigarettes.
 You‘re allowed a bottle of spirits and that number of cigarettes. That‘s
all right. Have you any articles which you intend to leave in the United King-
 This watch. It costs fifteen pounds.
 Have you got any evidence of the cost – an invoice or a bill which
shows that you paid for it?
 Yes, I have the bill. Here it is.
 Thank you. I‘ll have a look at your luggage. Would you please open
the two bags? Thank you. And I‘ll let you know in a moment the duty you must
pay on the watch.
 Thank you very much.

Dialogue 6

 Welcome to Canada. May I see your passport, please?

 Sure. Here it is.
 Where are you coming from?
 I‘m coming from Seoul, Korea.
 What is the purpose of your visit?
 I‘m here on business.
 How long are you planning to stay?
 I‘ll be staying for three weeks.
 Where will you be staying?
 I‘ll be staying at a hotel.
 Have you ever been to Canada before?
 No, this is my first time.
 Do you have anything to declare?
 No, nothing.
 Enjoy your stay.
 Thank you.

Dialogue 7

 Have you filled in the immigration card?

 Yes. Have you?
 I don‘t need to. It‘s only for non-British citizens.
 Oh, yes, of course. Is this the way?
 No, I go through here – «British Passport», you see. I‘m afraid you
have to go over there. It says «Commonwealth and EU Passports».
 All right. See you outside the baggage claim area.

(Speakers: a customs officer and a passenger)
 Can I see your passport?
 Certainly, here it is.
 Have you got anything to declare?
 Nothing.
 What‘s the purpose of your visit?
 I‘m attending a conference in London.
 Well, would you mind opening this bag, please?
 There you are.
 Thank you. Right. That‘s all. You can go through now.
 Thank you.

Dialogue 8

 May I look at your passport and customs declaration form, sir?

 Certainly. Here you are.
 Do you have anything to declare?
 No, nothing. Just the normal allowance.
 What do you have in this suitcase?
 Books, clothes, personal belongings and a bottle of wine.
 Okay, do you have anything else besides these?
 No, I don‘t.
 How much money do you have?
 I have four thousand US dollars and eight hundred Euros.
 That‘s fine, thank you. You can proceed. Have a nice stay in the Unit-
ed States.
 Thank you. I‘m sure I will.

Dialogue 9

 May I see your passport please?

 Here you are.
 How long are you staying in America?
 Two weeks.
 What is the purpose of your visit?
 I am here sightseeing.
 Here you are. Welcome to America.
 Thank you.

Dialogue 10

 Hello, do you have anything metal on you? Any change in your wal-
let, watches, jewellery?

 No.
 Do you have any liquids or gels?
 I have this water bottle.
 Is it less than 100 millilitres?
 No, it is 500.
 I‘m sorry you will have to throw it away.
 Oh, all right.
 Please place your jacket and carry-on in the tray and proceed through
the metal detector.

Dialogue 11

Passenger 1: Hello.
Passenger 2: Hi.
Passenger 1: Do you know which channel to go through?
Passenger 2: No, let‘s ask a customs officer.
Passenger 1: Excuse me. Could you tell me which channel to go through?
Customs officer: If you‘ve got anything to declare you go through the red
channel. If you haven‘t got anything to declare you go through the green channel.
Passenger 1: How do I know if I have anything to declare?
Customs officer: Are you staying in Britain for more than six months?
Passenger 1: No.
Customs officer: Well, the amount of goods you can bring in without paying
duty depends on where you bought them. You can have 200 cigarettes, 1 litre of spir-
its, 2 litres of wine and presents worth 28 pounds if you bought them in a country not
in the EU. If you bought them in an EU country you can have 300 cigarettes, 1 and a
half litres of spirits, four litres of wine and presents worth 120 pounds.
Passenger 1: Right. I have 1 and a half litres of brandy and 3 litres of wine
that I bought in Italy. I don‘t have any presents. That means I don‘t have any-
thing to declare.
Customs officer: That‘s right. You can go through the green channel.
Passenger 2: I‘ve got only 200 cigarettes and a litre of whisky that I
bought on the plane, but I‘ve got a camera that I bought in Italy that cost 200
pounds. It‘s a present for a friend of my father‘s.
Customs officer: Then you must go through the red channel.
Passenger 2: Thank you.
Passenger 1: Shall we meet at the airport shop?
Passenger 2: Sure.
Passenger 2 goes to the red channel.
Customs officer: Have you got any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of
duty-free allowance?
Passenger 2: No, I‘ve got this bottle of whisky and these cigarettes.
Customs officer: That‘s all right. Have you got any presents that you in-
tend to leave in Britain?

Passenger 2: Yes, I‘ve got this camera – it costs 200 pounds. I bought it in Italy.
Customs officer: Have you got a receipt for the camera?
Passenger 2: Yes. Here it is.
Customs officer: Thank you. If you wait a minute, I‘ll tell you how much
duty you have to pay on it.
Passenger 2: Thank you.

3. Complete the dialogue with the necessary replies.

 May I look at your passport and customs declaration form, sir?
 _________________.
 Do you have anything to declare?
 _________________.
 Okay, do you have anything else besides these?
 _________________.
 How much money do you have on you?
 _________________.
 That‘s fine, thank you. You can proceed. Have a nice stay in the Unit-
ed States.
 _________________.

4. Fill in the gaps with the following words.

United States, room, personal, enjoy, purpose, parents, first, visit, pass-
port, bags.

 Next. Your (1) _____ please.

 Okay.
 What is the (2) _____ of your visit?
 I‘m here to (3) _____ a teaching convention for the first part of my
trip, and then I plan on touring the capital for a few days.
 And where will you be staying?
 I‘ll be staying in a room at a hotel (4) _____ for the entire week.
 What do you have in your (5) _____?
 Well, just my (6) _____ belongings, clothes, a few books, and a CD player.
 Okay. Please open your bag.
 Sure.
 Okay. Everything‘s fine. By the way, is this your (8) _____ visit to the
(7) __________?
 Well, yes and no. Actually, I was born here when my (9) ________
were working in the capital many years ago, but this is my first trip back again.
 Well, (10) __________ your trip.
 Thanks.

5. Read and translate the text.

Every day many people travel throughout the world either on business or
for pleasure. Those who cross the frontier of the state have to go through customs.
The customs service is designed for carrying out customs control to regu-
late import and export of goods and currency. The place where customs or duties
are paid is called a customs house.
Every country has its own customs legislation, and if you are going
abroad you are supposed to learn the rules of leaving and entering the foreign
state. To be on the safe side, you should know what is allowed or prohibited to
be brought in or taken out. Before packing your luggage consult the prohibited
articles list which is available at the customs.
Among the articles that are prohibited for taking out of the country in ac-
cordance with customs legislation of all the states you will find works of art, differ-
ent types of prints, manuscripts, valuable musical instruments, cancelled securities,
numismatics, stamps and other articles of artistic, historical and cultural value.
Though strict prohibition applies to antiques, you may be allowed to take
some original painting or drawing out provided you got a special licence for it
and paid duties.
The list of prohibited commodities both for bringing in and taking out also
includes arms, explosives, military equipment and narcotics.
Everybody leaving for a foreign country ought to know that there can be
articles liable to duty and duty free. As a rule, personal belongings, gifts and
souvenirs (the cost of the latter must not exceed a certain limit stipulated by the
customs regulation) are duty free. Money not declared and therefore concealed
from the customs control is liable to confiscation as smuggling. Prohibited or
restricted articles though declared are usually detained, and the traveller can col-
lect them on his way back.
When the passenger enters or leaves the country, he must fill in an entry or
exit declaration which is to be produced to the customs officer. The passenger is
to fill in his name, citizenship, country of residence, permanent address, purpose
and duration of his visit in block letters. He must also declare all dutiable articles.
To make a trip to most countries every traveller must have a visa, single, mul-
tiple or transit, which is issued-by the foreign Embassy or Consulate. The visa may
be prolonged in case of necessity, but the time for which it is valid must not expire,
otherwise the traveller will not be allowed to leave the country. The overseas pass-
port is also necessary. All the documents are carefully studied by the customs officer.
To go through customs means to have your luggage inspected by customs
men. The traveller puts his bags and suitcases on the moving conveyer belt for
checking. To prevent smuggling, modern methods and techniques have been de-
veloped which help customs officers examine the inside of the luggage. TV-
cameras and monitors are installed everywhere at the customs house. When the
passenger puts his hand luggage on the conveyer belt, special monitors are scan-
ning the enclosure. They are able to detect everything, even if it has been con-

cealed in the very secret corner. Customs men know from experience the exact
places of concealment of goods. It may be a double bottom or cover of the suit-
case, a hollowed book, an inside pocket, a tooth-paste tube, a stick; even toys and
dolls can be used for that. Customs officers are trained to recognize travellers who
are carrying illegally and they can prevent smuggling. The smuggling of drugs
has increased a great deal in recent years and has become a world problem. Cus-
toms men in different countries supply one another with helpful information.
In the United Kingdom there is a system of red and green symbols in opera-
tion at big airports. If you have nothing more than the allowances and no prohibited
or restricted goods or goods for commercial purpose, go straight through the channel
indicated by the green symbol unless the officer on duty asks you to stop.
If you have more than the allowances or if you carry prohibited or re-
stricted goods or goods for commercial purpose, go to the channel indicated by
the red symbol.
So, if you follow the customs instructions and you do not break any law,
you will enjoy your trip abroad.

6. Answer the questions.

1) In what case does a traveller have to go through customs?
2) Why are customs houses set up on the frontier?
3) What are the functions of the customs officer?
4) What goods are prohibited for bringing in and taking out by all countries?
5) In what case does a traveller have to pay extra duties?
6) What things can be brought in and taken out duty free? Which are lia-
ble to duty?
7) What articles can be confiscated or detained at the customs house?
8) Is smuggling through the customs possible? What is invented to prevent it?
9) What must be declared in the declaration form?
10) In what case does the tourist have to go through the red channel?
11) Who is green channel intended for?
12) Is the amount of goods you are bringing is unlimited?

7. Name the described things as many as possible.

1) Articles that are duty free are: personal belongings, __________.
2) The following documents are needed for going through customs:
3) A visa can be __________.
4) In the prohibited articles list one can find antiques, __________.
5) Among the articles liable to duty passengers can find original paint-
ings, __________.
6) In the declaration form a traveller must write down a country visited,
7) A conveyer belt, __________ are installed at the customs house to
search the tourist‘s luggage.

8) Customs officers know the exact places of concealment of goods. It
may be an inside pocket, __________.

8. Practise asking questions the customs officer usually asks.

your declaration,
your cash,
Can I see
overseas passport,
transit visa, please,
your exit declaration, please?
Could you show me
your camera,
open your suitcase,
Will you
fill in the declaration,
got any things liable to duty? Brown?
filled your exit declaration? Mrs.
Have you
declared all your money, Smith?
got a transit visa?
taking out spirits and ciga-
Are you rettes?
bringing any commercial
your suitcase?
Is this your declaration form?
your passport?

9. Make up a dialogue. Play out the dialogue in pairs.

Customs officer Passenger
Welcome to [Canada]. May I see your Sure. Here it is. / Here you are.
Where are you coming from? I‘m coming from [France].
What is the purpose of your visit? I‘m here on business / visiting relatives
/ as an exchange student / as a tourist.
How long are you planning to stay? I‘ll be staying for three weeks / for 1
month / until tomorrow / until next
Where will you be staying? I‘ll be staying at a hotel / at my aunt‘s
house / at a dormitory.
Have you ever been to [Canada] be- No, this is my first time. / Yes, I often
fore? go here on business.
Do you have anything to declare? No, nothing. / Yes, I‘ve got something.
You declare here that you haven‘t got I fully confirm my statement.
weapons / drugs / icons / antiques /
military equipment / prohibited or re-
stricted articles / manuscripts / numis-
matics. Do you confirm your written
Enjoy your stay. Thank you.

10. Study the example of the customs declaration.

11. Practise filling in similar customs declaration form.

Full name ________________________________________________________
Citizenship _______________________________________________________
Arriving from _____________________________________________________
Country of destination ______________________________________________
Purpose of visit (business, private, tourism, etc.) _________________________
My luggage (including hand luggage) submitted for Customs inspection consists
of ________________________________________________________ pieces.
With me and in my luggage I have:
1. Weapons of all descriptions and ammunition __________________________
2. Narcotics and appliances for the use there of __________________________
3. Antiques and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures, etc.)
4. Russian roubles, Russian State Loan bonds. Russian lottery tickets
5. Currency other than Russian roubles (bank notes, exchequer bills, coins),
payment voucher (cheques, bills, letters of credit, etc.),securities (shares, bonds,
etc.) in foreign currencies, precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, metals of
platinum group) in any form or condition, crude and processed natural precious
stones (diamonds, brilliants, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and pearls), jewelry and
other articles made of precious metals and precious stones, and scrap thereof, as
well as property papers:
6. Russian roubles, other currency, payment vouchers, valuables and any objects
belonging to other persons ___________________________________________

Description Amount/quality in figures/in For official use

Pounds sterling
US Dollars
I am aware that, in addition to the objects listed in the Customs Declaration, I
must submit for inspection: printed matter, manuscripts, films, video and sound
recordings, postage stamps, pictorial matter, etc., as well as items not for per-
sonal use.
I also declare that my luggage sent separately consists of _____________pieces.

(Date) _____________ 20 ____ Owner of luggage _______________(signed)

12. Translate the sentences into English.
1) Сколько у Вас багажа?
2) Можно Ваш паспорт, пожалуйста?
3) У Вас есть вещи, подлежащие декларированию? – Нет.
4) Мне нечего декларировать.
5) Это мои личные вещи. А это подарок.
6) Сколько алкоголя можно ввезти беспошлинно?
7) Какова цель Вашего визита? – Я здесь по делу.
8) Как долго Вы собираетесь оставаться в стране?
9) Вам придется заплатить за перевес багажа.
10) Откройте, пожалуйста, Вашу сумку.
11) По какому коридору мне нужно пройти?
12) Я везу бутылку бренди и 200 сигарет.
13) Вы заполнили декларацию?
14) Сколько у Вас денег?
15) Это Ваш первый визит в страну?


1. Useful phrases.
Where can I buy a ticket? / How Где я могу купить билет? / Сколько
much is the ticket to [Manchester]? / стоит билет до Манчестера? / Я бы
I would (I‘d) like a ticket to ___. хотел билет до ____.
I want to go to [London]. Мне нужно в Лондон.
When is the next train to [Moscow]? Когда следующий поезд до Моск-
It‘s full. Мест нет.
The train to ___ is cancelled. Поезд до ___ отменили.
The train leaves to ___ from plat- Поезд до ___ отправляется с плат-
form 3. формы 3
The train to ___ is delayed. Поезд до ___ задерживается.
When does the train arrive in ___? Когда поезд прибывает в ___?
What platform does the train to ___ С какой платформы отправляется
leave from? поезд до ___?
Is this the right platform for ___? Поезд в ___ отправляется с этой
Excuse me, which platform do I Извините, с какой платформы от-
need for Avignon? / Is this the right правляется поезд до Авиньона? /
platform for Avignon? Поезд до Авиньона отправляется с
этой платформы?

You need platform 6. Вам нужна платформа 6.
Does this train stop at___? Этот поезд делает остановку в ___?
I have missed my train. Я опоздал на поезд.
May I see your tickets? Прошу предъявить билет.
Your ticket, please. Ваш билет, пожалуйста.
The train is 30 minutes late. Поезд опаздывает на 30 минут.
Is this seat free? Это место свободно?
I got on in ___. Я сел на поезд в ___.
I go to ___. Я еду в ___.
I cannot find my ticket. Я не могу найти билет.
Is the train late? Поезд опаздывает?
What time will we arrive in ___? Во сколько мы приедем в ___?
station / railway station Вокзал
timetable / Schedule Расписание
arrival Прибытие
departure Отправление
ticket office / booking office Продажа билетов (касса)
Справочное бюро (информация)
information service / Inquiry office
platform Платформа
track путь
dining car /buffet car вагон-ресторан
smoking для курящих
non smoking для некурящих
fare оплата проезда
to hurry (up) спешить, торопиться
destination место назначения
left-luggage room /office камера хранения
lost-property room комната забытых вещей, бюро нахо-
waiting room зал ожидания
porter / truck носильщик / багажная тележка
suitcase чемодан
luggage van багажный вагон
sleeping car спальный вагон
label бирка, этикетка
to do without обойтись без
to run fast идти (о поездах) быстро
daily ежедневно
commuter train / through train / пригородный поезд / прямой поезд /
stopping train / fast train пассажирский поезд (со многими
остановками) / скорый поезд
carriage вагон
compartment купе

attendant проводник
to snack перекусить
cafeteria кафетерий
luggage-rack багажная полка
berth полка в вагоне, служащая спальным
to be due out / to be due in (to ar- должен прийти (по расписанию)
delay задержка
to miss пропустить, опоздать
to catch сесть на транспортное средство
transfer / to make a transfer / to пересадка / делать пересадку / пере-
change (a train) саживаться на другой поезд
single ticket / return ticket / day re- билет в один конец / билет туда и
turn обратно / билет туда и обратно, дей-
ствительный в течение одного дня
How long will (does) it take me to За какое время я доберусь туда?
get there?
How come? Как так?

2. Read and translate the dialogues. Play out one of them.

Dialogue 1

 I‘ve found out from the timetable that there are several trains to
Brighton daily.
 Yes, quite so. The next is at 12.30.
 Well, I‘ll take it. One ticket, please.
 Single or return?
 Single, please.
 Here you are. The train is leaving from platform 3.
 Is there a buffet-car on the train? I‘d like to have a snack.
 Unfortunately, no. But if you hurry, you can get a snack at a cafeteria
in the station, otherwise you‘ll have to do without breakfast.
 Thank you very much.
 Not at all.
Announcement: The train now standing at Platform 3 is the 12.30 Inter-
City service to Brighton.

Dialogue 2
 I want to buy tickets to the 2 p.m. train to San Francisco.
 A round-trip?

 No, just one-way.
 Adult?
 One adult and one child. By the way, how long will it take me to get
 If you get on the 2.15 p.m. you are in Frisco at 6.30 p.m. If you choose
the 2 p.m. it will take you half an hour longer.
 How come?
 The 2.15 is a through train. With 2 p.m. train you are to make a trans-
fer in Oakland and wait for about half an hour.
 Are there other trains to Frisco?
 Lots of. You can take a look at the time-table near the Information
 Thank you.

Dialogue 3

 I want a ticket to Leeds, please, second-class.

 Single or return?
 Return, please.
 Second return, Leeds: one and fifty pounds, please…Fifty pence
change, thank you.
 Could you tell me what time the next train goes?
 8.55, platform 12. If you hurry you‘ll just catch it.
 Thanks.

Dialogue 4

 Yes, madam?
 I want to leave some luggage here until this afternoon. Is that all right?
 Oh, yes, madam. That‘ll be quite all right. Is this just one bag?
 No, there are those two suitcases and this trunk. My husband will call
for them with his car this afternoon.
 Very well, madam. Your name, please.
 Mrs. Macpherson.
 Right. Here‘s a ticket. That‘ll be twenty pence, please. Thank you.

Dialogue 5

 When does the London train leave, please?

 9.25. Platform 3.
 What time does it reach London?

 You should be there at 11.31, but you may be a bit later.
 Do I have to change?
 Yes. You change at Lewes and east Croydon.

Dialogue 6

 Which train do I take for Victoria, please?

 9.28. This end of platform 2.
 When does it get in?
 It gets there at 11.34.
 Must I change?
 No, it‘s a through train.

Dialogue 7

 Which train is for London Bridge, please?

 9.27. from platform, 1.
 What time does it arrive?
 It takes roughly 2 hours, so you‘ll arrive just before 11.30.
 Is it necessary to change?
 No, there‘s no need to change.

Dialogue 8

 What time is the next train to Victoria, please?

 9.26. Platform 4. Right up at the front.
 When do we get there?
 It‘s due in at 11.35, but they are running late today.
 Need I change trains?
 Yes. Change at East Croydon.

Dialogue 9

 Yes, sir?
 First-class return to Glasgow.
 Day return?
 No. I‘m going for the weekend.
 A weekend return is £ 7.66, sir.
 Thank you.
 Thank you, sir.
 Could you tell me which platform the 13.30 leaves from?

 Yes, platform 5.
 Thank you.

Dialogue 10

 Porter, sir?
 Yes... would you take this bag to platform 5, please?
 Glasgow train, sir?
 That‘s right.
 Very good, sir.

Dialogue 11

 Which platform for Motherwell, please?

 Platform 14, right up and down, underground level.
 When does the next train leave, please?
 10.30, from Glasgow Central.
 When does it get in?
 You will be in Motherwell at 11.04. It takes roughly about half an
hour to get there.
 Do I have to change?
 No, you needn‘t. It‘s a short distance.
 How much is the ticket?
 Single or return?
 Both.
 One single costs $ 20. The normal return ticket costs double the single
fare but.
 You can buy a day return, which is cheaper.
 Thank you very much.
 It‘s my pleasure.

Dialogue 12

 I want a ticket to Bern, second-class, please.

 Single or return?
 Return, please.
 Sixty-five pounds, please. Five pounds change, thank you.
 Could you tell me what time the next train is?
 8 o‘clock, platform 12. If you hurry you‘ll just catch it.
 Thanks.

3. Practise asking the questions.

Which train do I take for
Manchester ,please?
What time does it reach
Do I have to change?

4. Practise giving information.

The London train

The next train to Leeds at ___o‘clock from plat-
The train to Glasgow form ___.
goes out
The Bristol train
It arrives in
It reaches
Leeds at ___ o‘clock.
It gets in
It‘s due in
There‘s no need to change. It‘s a through train.
Yes, you‘ll have to change in ___.

5. Match the words with their definitions.

1) place where passengers can wait for the train‘s a) passenger

2) place where passengers can leave their luggage b) through train
3) place where we buy railway tickets c) porter
4) place where we can have a snack d) waiting-room
5) train that stops at all stations e) single ticket
6) train that stops only at the larger stations f) luggage van
7) train that takes us to the place of destination and g) cafeteria / restau-
we needn‘t change it rant
8) person who helps us with our luggage h) return ticket
9) person who travels on train i) left-luggage office
10) van on which the porter puts the luggage j) stopping train
11) ticket which is valid only for one direction k) booking office
12) ticket which is valid for both directions l) fast train

6. Answer the questions.

1) Do you like travelling?

2) Have you ever travelled light?
3) How many pieces of luggage do you usually have with you?
4) When travelling a long distance train, what berth do you prefer, lower
or upper?
5) Have you ever missed the train?
6) What information can you get in the inquiry office at the railway sta-
7) What tickets do you usually book, single or return?
8) Is it easy to book a ticket for a long distance train?

7. Fill in the gaps in the dialogues.

Thank you, arrive, single, ticket office, journey, class, What time, leave,
ticket, platform.

Dialogue 1

 Can I have a (1) __________ to Avignon?

 Yes, that‘s 32 euros.
 When does it (2) __________?
 The train leaves at 14.15.
 And which (3) _________is it?
 Go to platform 9.

Dialogue 2

 Excuse me, where is the (4) __________?

 Round the corner.
 Thank you. I want a round trip (5) __________ to Boston.
 What (6)__________?
 First.
 Here it is.
 (7)__________ do we get in Boston?
 The train is due to (8) __________ in Boston at 12.30.
 (9)__________.
 Have a nice (10) __________.

8. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words below.

Catch, get, miss, got, change

1) You‘d better hurry or you‘ll _____ the train.

2) There are no direct trains to Paris from here. You have to _____ trains
in Lyons.
3) I‘m afraid I can‘t stay much longer. I have a train to _____.
4) Jill! Don‘t try to _____ off the train until it has stopped.
5) Nobody _____on the train at Chester. The station was completely

Match the halves of the sentences.

1) I booked the train tickets on the in- a) let‘s get the earlier train.
2) Is it a direct train b) The № 8515 to Bordeaux leaves at
3) Just to be on the safe side, c) at over 200 k/ph.
4) I‘m sure I can download d) or do we have to change?
5) I think we should get a later train. e) because of the snow.
6) All our trains are running late f) but we‘ll have to pick them up at
the station.
7) Some high speed trains travel g) from platform 3.
8) The train to Grantham will leave h) the train timetable.

9. Match the responses to the prompts.

1) When is the next train to Glasgow? a) Yes, sir, it usually runs on time
2) Is it an overnight train? b) Yes, the train has sleeping ac-
3) I don‘t smoke and I‘d like to have c) Platform 5.
the best seats.
4) When does it arrive in Glasgow? d) At 8.40.
5) I hope it will arrive to time. e) Not at all. Have a nice trip!
6) What platform does it leave from? f) It is due to arrive in Glasgow at
6.30 a.m.
7) Thank you for information. g) I can give you a first-class non-
smoking compartment.
10. Translate the sentences into English.

1) Могу я купить билет на этот поезд?

2) Когда отправляется поезд до Лондона?

3) Когда поезд прибывает?
4) Сколько стоит билет?
5) Мне нужен билет туда и обратно.
6) Это прямой поезд?
7) Где я буду делать пересадку?
8) Где моя платформа?
9) Это место свободно?
10) Вам нужна платформа 5.
11) Я опоздал на поезд.
12) Поезд опаздывает на час.
13) Мне нужен билет в один конец в некурящем вагоне.
14) Поезд прибывает по расписанию в 12.30.



1. Useful phrases
At which hotel are we staying? В какой гостинице мы остановимся?
Which is the way to the hotel? Как проехать в гостиницу?
Can you recommend a good hotel? Не могли бы Вы порекомендовать
мне хорошую гостиницу?
I am (I‘m) looking for a cheap ho- Я ищу дешевую гостиницу / хоро-
tel / a good hotel. шую гостиницу.
Is there a hotel near here? Здесь поблизости есть гостиница?
Could you write the address, Вы не могли бы написать мне адрес?
I would (I‘d) like a room. / I‘d like Мне нужен номер. / Я бы хотел за-
to book a room. / I have a room re- резервировать номер. / На мое имя
served. заказан номер.
I‘d like a single room. Мне нужен одноместный номер.
At which hotel are we staying? В какой гостинице мы остановимся?
Which is the way to the hotel? Как проехать в гостиницу?
to book / reserve резервировать, заказывать
to stay at the hotel остановиться в гостинице
to check in регистрироваться
to check out выписываться
room / a single room / a double номер / одноместный / двухместный
room / twin bed (bedded) room / номер / номер с широкой кроватью /
two bed room / suite [swi:t] номер с двумя кроватями / номер люкс
a room with a balcony / a sitting номер с балконом / гостиной / ванной
room / a bathroom

Is it for tonight? / When is it for? На сегодня? / На какое время (ко-
How many nights do you want the На сколько суток Вам нужен номер?
room for? / How long will you be
It is (it‘s) just for tonight. Только на сегодня.
It‘s for three nights. На трое суток.
I‘m going to stay for one day / two Я собираюсь остановиться на одни
days / one week / till Friday. сутки / на двое суток / на неделю /
до пятницы.
I‘m not sure how long I‘m staying. Я не знаю, на сколько дней останов-
I am (I‘m) afraid we are (we‘re) Боюсь, у нас нет свободных мест.
full. / Sorry, we are (we‘re) full.
We have not (haven‘t) got any va- У нас нет свободных номеров.
What a pity! / How disappointing! Как жаль! / Как печально!
We are (we‘re) so busy at the mo- Мы так заняты в данное время.
ment. / It‘s such a busy time.
Do you have identification? У Вас есть удостоверение личности?
Do you have a reservation? Вы бронировали номер?
Would you like someone to take Хотите ли, чтобы кто-нибудь донес
your bag? Ваш чемодан?
No, thanks. I can carry it myself. Нет, спасибо. Я сам справлюсь.
Can I book online? Могу ли я забронировать номер он-
Yes, you can make the reservation Да, Вы сами можете забронировать
yourself. номер.
Just go to our website and click on Просто зайдите на сайт и выберите
«reservations». «бронирование номеров».
Do you have a single room / a dou- У Вас есть одноместные / двухмест-
ble room? ные номера?
I have a reservation. My name is На мое имя забронирован номер.
___. Меня зовут ___.
Reserve a room for me, please. Оставьте, пожалуйста, номер за
Do you have any rooms available? У Вас есть свободные номера?
I would (I‘d) like a single room / a Я хотел бы одноместный / двух-
double room. местный номер.
I want a room with breakfast / bath Мне нужен номер с завтраком / ван-
/ shower / phone / television / air ной / душем / телефоном/ / телеви-
conditioner. зором / кондиционером.
We‘d like a room with a view of Мы бы хотели номер с видом на мо-
the sea. ре.

How much is it per night? / What Сколько стоит номер в сутки?
do you charge for the room per
How much is a single room with a Сколько стоит одноместный номер с
bathroom? ванной комнатой?
Does the bill cover the breakfast? Входит ли завтрак в счет?
It‘s too expensive. Это для меня слишком дорого.
Is there anything cheaper? Есть что-нибудь подешевле?
Is there a reduction for children / Есть скидка для детей / студентов?
Can I see the room? Можно посмотреть номер?
I like this room. Этот номер мне нравится.
I don‘t like this room. Этот номер мне не нравится.
I‘ll take this room. Я беру этот номер.
Here is you key. Вот Ваш ключ.
Give me my key, please, number Дайте, пожалуйста, ключ от номера
___. ___.
Where is the key to my room? Где ключ от моего номера?
On which floor is my room? На каком этаже мой номер?
How do I get to Room 29? Как пройти в номер 29?
Where is the lift (elevator)? Где находится лифт?
You room is on the fifth floor. TakeНомер на пятом этаже. Можете по-
the lift. It‘s over there. ехать на лифте. Он там.
Would you like some help with Не хотите, чтобы кто-нибудь помог
your luggage? Вам с багажом?
Can you fill in this form, please? Заполните, пожалуйста, эту форму.
Sign (your name) here, please. Поставьте (Ваше имя) подпись
здесь, пожалуйста.
Where are my suitcases? Где мои чемоданы?
I left (left behind) my suitcase in Я оставил (забыл) свой чемодан в
___. ___.
Could you iron my shirts / my trou- Вы можете погладить мои рубашки /
sers? мои брюки?
Do you have a safe where I can У Вас есть сейф для ценных вещей?
leave my valuables?
Can I use the telephone? Можно воспользоваться телефоном?
Is there somewhere to wash Можно где-нибудь постирать вещи?
Could you wash my clothes? Вы можете постирать мою одежду?
Do you have a swimming pool? У Вас есть бассейн?
When is breakfast? Во сколько завтрак?
Please, wake me up at 7.00 am. Пожалуйста, разбудите меня в 7.00.
Please, call a taxi for me at 8.00 Закажите, пожалуйста, такси на
am. 8.00.

Please, change the sheets. Пожалуйста, поменяйте постельное
Can I order room service? Можно заказать обслуживание но-
How do I get an outside line? Как выйти на внешнюю (телефон-
ную) линию?
What is he code for Poland? Какой код Польши?
Can I have breakfast in my room, Можно заказать завтрак в номер?
Can I have a wake-up call at 6.30, Не могли бы Вы позвонить, чтобы
please? разбудить меня в 6.30?
What time is breakfast / lunch / Во сколько завтрак / обед / ужин?
Can I (ex)change some money, Могу ли я обменять деньги?
Another pillow / blanket, please. Дайте, пожалуйста, еще одну по-
душку / одеяло.
Send me the chambermaid / the Пришлите мне горничную / кори-
valet / the floor waiter / a messen- дорного / официанта / посыльного,
ger, please. пожалуйста.
How should I switch on / off the air Как включить / выключить конди-
conditioner / TV / radio / lamp? ционер / телевизор / радио / лампу?
I‘d like to make a complaint. Я хочу пожаловаться.
The room is too noisy / dark / dirty. Номер слишком шумный / темный /
The room needs to be cleaned. Номер не убран.
The heating isn‘t working. Отопление не работает.
The television / phone is out of or- Телевизор / телефон сломался.
There is no hot (cold) water / toilet Нети горячей (холодной) воды / туа-
papers / soap. летной бумаги / мыла.
There are no towels. Нет полотенец.
The washbasin is blocked. Раковина засорилась.
The toilet won‘t flush. В туалете не работает смыв.
I‘ve lost my key. Я потерял ключ.
I can‘t open / close the window. Я не могу открыть / закрыть окно.
My things are missing. У меня пропали вещи.
My money is missing. У меня пропали деньги.
I‘m leaving now. Я уезжаю.
We are leaving now. Мы уезжаем.
I would like to pay the bill. Я хотел бы оплатить счет.
I (we) enjoyed our stay here. Мне (нам) было хорошо в вашей
Can I check out, please? Могу ли я выписаться?

Can I have the bill, please? Можно мне счет, пожалуйста?
Please check you bill. Пожалуйста, проверьте счет.
How will you pay? Как Вы будете платить?
Can I pay with a credit card / in Могу я расплатиться кредитной кар-
cash? той / наличными?
Please, have our bill made by the Приготовьте, пожалуйста, счет к
time we leave. нашему отъезду.
Please, take our luggage down. Снесите, пожалуйста, наши вещи
facilities удобства
room service обслуживание номеров
internet access доступ в Интернет
air conditioning кондиционер
parking автостоянка
satellite TV спутниковое телевидение
mini-bar мини-бар
safe сейф
guest гость, человек, останавливающийся
в гостинице
key ключ
complete suite of rooms апартаменты «люкс»
doorman швейцар
bellboy коридорный, посыльный
maid горничная
fully booked полностью занятый
available в наличии
to book a room in advance забронировать номер заранее
to check-in at the reception зарегистрироваться у стойки адми-
to stay остановиться
to check-out выписаться (освободить номер)

2. Read and translate the dialogues. Play out one of them.

Dialogue 1

 I‘d like to book a room, please.

 When is it for, madam?
 Next weekend. I need a double room with a balcony.
 I‘m afraid we‘re full then.
 Oh, what a pity!
 I‘m sorry, but it‘s so busy at the moment.

Dialogue 2

 Good evening, sir.

 Good evening. We‘d like a room, please.
 Do you have a reservation?
 Ah, no, we don‘t.
 How many nights is it for?
 Just tonight.

Dialogue 3

 Can we book on-line?

 Yes, just go to our website and click on «reservations».
 Thanks.

Dialogue 4

 A single room with a bathroom.

 That‘s fine. What name is it, please?
 Dashti.
 How do you spell that?
 D-A-S-H-T-I.
 Could you fill in this card please? Would you like someone to take
your bag?
 No, that‘s OK. I can carry it myself.

Dialogue 5

 I‘d like a room, please.

 Is it for tonight?
 Yes, it is.
 A single or a double?
 A double. We‘d like it for five nights. Is that possible?
 Yes, that‘s fine. What name is it, please?
 Mistri. That‘s M-I-S-T-R-I.
 Thank you, sir. Now, can you fill in this card, please?
 Sure. The room has a bathroom, doesn‘t it?
 Yes, it does.

Dialogue 6

 This is YZ Chemicals. I‘d like to book a room for our sales Manager,
Mr. Yusufzai.
 When does he want the room?
 From the night of the 12th.
 I‘m afraid we‘re full up on the 12th.
 How about the following week, the 19th?
 Does he want a single or a double?
 A double with bathroom.
 All our rooms have suite bathrooms. And how many nights is it for?
 Three. Is that OK?
 Yes, that‘ll be fine. What was the name?
 Yusufzai.
 I‘m sorry. Could you spell that?
 Y-U-S-U-F-Z-A-I.

Dialogue 7

 Excuse me! Where can I get information about hotels?

 What sort of a hotel do you want?
 I want an inexpensive hotel somewhere near the subway station.
 Here is a good hotel near the «Waterloo» station. You can call them
from here.
 Thanks a lot!
 You‘re welcome.

Dialogue 8

 Is this «The Holiday Inn» hotel?

 Yes. What can I do for you? Do you want to make a reservation?
 No. I want to have a room today. Have you got a vacant room for a
 Do you want a single room or a double one? We‘ve got a few vacant
single rooms and a few doubles.
 I want a single room with a shower or with a bath. How much is it?
 A single room with a shower is 50 dollars per night, and the bath is a
little more expensive.
 Are there cheaper rooms?
 No.
 O.K. I take the one with shower. How do I pay? Do I pay in advance?

 Yes, and you may pay with a credit card or you can pay in the cash. Is
that all?
 Oh, no! I also want a telephone in my room.

Dialogue 9

 I wonder whether you have any vacancies for tonight.

 Yes, I can offer you room 24 on the first floor.
 How much is it?
 £ 29 a night excluding service.
 Can I see it please?
 Certainly. Would you take a seat for a moment?

Dialogue 10

 Have you got a single room for two nights?

 Yes, but only on the top floor.
 What price is it?
 £45 with service and TV.
 Fair enough. Can you show me the room, please?
 Of course. Would you like to follow me?

Dialogue 11

 Can I book a double room from now until Friday?
 You can have a room 33 overlooking the sea.
 What‘s the price?
 £ 43 not counting the service.
 Can I look at it, please?
 Yes, of course. Come this way.

Dialogue 12

 Have you got a twin-bedded room for one night?

 I can let you have a room at the back.
 What does is cost?
 With a private bath £ 50, service included.
 Can you show me something a little cheaper?
 Yes, of course. I won‘t keep you a moment.

3. Answer the questions.

1) Why do travelers usually reserve rooms at the hotels in advance?

2) Is it easy to reserve a room at the hotel in your city?
3) What services do hotels usually run?
4) What information is required for filling in the arrival card?
5) What kinds of rooms are available at the hotels?
6) What is usually located downstairs at the hotels?
7) Do you often have to book rooms at the hotels?
8) Is it most important for you to have a hairdryer, a TV or a mini-bar in
a hotel room? What other facilities are important for you? (internet access, air
conditioning, restaurant, 24-hour room service, satellite TV, personal safe)

4. Read to the telephone booking, then fill in the gaps in this e-mail

Subject: (1) __________

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to confirm the telephone book-
ing we made earlier today. The booking is for
(2) __________,
arriving (3) __________ and departing (4)
__________ .
The booking is in the name of (5)
__________ .
 This is Asia Travel.
King Have you got four single rooms?
 I‘m afraid Tina
we only have two single rooms available tonight.
 It‘s not for tonight. It‘s for the weekend.
Asia Travel
 This weekend?
 Yes, Saturday the 12th to Monday the 14th of June.
 The single rooms are all booked this weekend.
 What about double rooms?
 Yes, you can have two double rooms – on Saturday and Sunday night.
 Have they got bathrooms?
 All our rooms have suite bathrooms.
 Good, can I book them now?
 Yes, what name is it, please?
 Asia Travel. The client is Mr. Mitropoulis. That‘s M-I-T-R-O-P-O-U-
L-I-S. We‘ll send you confirmation.

5. Read the e-mail. Complete the e-mail with the following lines and
answer the questions.

a) Could you tell

me what time the restau-
rant closes?
b) I look forward to
hearing from you.
c) Could I possibly
have a quiet room at the
back of the hotel?

1) Who is the e-mail from?

2) Who is it to?
3) What is it about?
4) How does it begin and end?

Write a similar e-mail to book a room at the hotel.

 Book a double room for five nights.

 Ask for a room with a view of the park.
 Ask about room service and other facilities (television, internet, car
parking, etc.). Don‘t forget to give your personal details.

Practise filling in the online booking form. Complete the form with
the information about yourself.

Complete the information in the form in order to book rooms for you
and your friend. Think of the most suitable dates.
Room Reservation Request
Please reserve (insert numbers of rooms)
Twin bedded Double bedded
From night of ________________________________________
To morning of _______________________________________
With breakfast _______________________________________
Without breakfast ____________________________________
Name ______________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________
Telephone No. ______________________________________
Approximate time of arrival ____________________________

6. Match the responses to the prompts.

1) Good morning. a) I‘m afraid not. It‘s the cheapest.

2) I‘d like to book a single room with a b) Let me see. Yes, there are some
shower, toilet and continental break- rooms.
3) Can I have a room with a bath? c) Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
4) How much does this room cost? d) You may try the Northern Star Ho-
tel. It‘s near the station in Davies
5) Are there cheaper rooms? e) I‘m sorry, sir. I‘m afraid we have no
rooms with a shower available at the
6) Is there a cheaper hotel somewhere f) 20 pounds a night.
near here?

7. Complete the dialogue with the following phrases.

Here you are. I have a reservation. It’s OK.

Non-smoking, please. That’s right. Where’s the lift?

 Good evening, madam.

 Hello. (1) __________. My name is Melissa Grant.
 For two nights?
 Yes. (2) __________.
 Can I see your passport, please?
 Just a moment. (3) __________.

 Do you want a smoking or non-smoking room?
 (4) __________.
 Here‘s your key. It‘s room 212 – on the second floor.
 Thank you. (5) __________.
 It‘s over there. Do you need help with your bag?
 No, thanks. (6) _____.

8. Complete the dialogue with following words.

Hairdryer, double, shower, lift, sea, key, phone, TV.

 Can I have a (1) _____ room for tonight, please?

 Would you like a room with a (2) _____?
 Yes, please. And with a (3) _____, please.
 All our rooms have a TV, a (4) _____ and a (5) _____. I can give you
room 25. It has a view of the (6) _____. Here is your (7) _____. The (8) _____
is over there. The room‘s on the second floor.

9. Match what you want on the left with what you need on the right.
You want: You need:
1) to have a drink in your room a) the lift
2) to go to the top floor b) an outside line
3) to open your door c) a shower
4) to get up at 6 am d) a mini-bar
5) to phone your country e) a hairdryer
6) to watch the news f) a wake-up call
7) to wash your hair g) a TV
8) to dry your hair h) a key

10. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1) At reception / reservation you can order room / lift service.

2) We‘d like a two / double room with a view / see of the garden, please.
3) The lift is after / over there. Take it to the second floor / room.
4) Please fill / write in this form / bill.
5) I‘d like a sit-up / wake-up call at 7.30 and I‘d like to make / have
breakfast in my room, please?
6) I have a luggage / reservation for a single / one room with a bath-
7) Can I cash / have the bill, please? I‘ll check / change it now.
8) I‘m leaving today. Can I exchange / order some dollars here before I
pay / check out.

11. Match the words on the left with the words on the right to make

1) service a) room
2) room b) access
3) double c) conditioning
4) internet d) service
5) air e) TV
6) satellite f) included

12. Complete the sentences with necessary words.

Double / twin, service, room, check, tip, reception, heart / centre, stay.

1) Have you booked a _____?

2) Could you first check in at _____?
3) Do you want a single or a _____?
4) Does the price include _____?
5) The hotel _____ included internet access, 24-hour reception and a res-
6) Service wasn‘t included, so I left a 10% _____.
7) The hotel is in the _____ of the town, close to all the main attractions.
8) At the end of your _____ at a hotel, you normally have to _____ out
by midday.

13. Rewrite the sentences on the left starting with the words given.
Keep a similar meaning.
1) I was able to use the internet. a) I had internet _____.
2) Did you book a table? b) Did you make a _____?
3) The hotel was fully booked. c) There were no rooms _____.
4) You don‘t pay extra for service. d) Service is _____.
5) Did you book it before you went? e) Did you book it in _____?
6) Is there somewhere to leave the f) Do you have _____?
7) If you have a chance to put up at g) If you have a chance to _____ in
a hotel you are lucky. a hotel you are lucky.
8) We‘d like a room for two with h) We‘d like a _____ with bath for
bath for the night. the night.
9) When travelling it is better to re- i) When travelling it is better to
serve a room in advance. _____ s room.
10) When staying at the hotel j) When staying at the hotel we had
we had our breakfast in the refresh- our breakfast in the _____ down-
ment room downstairs. stairs.
14. Translate into English.

1) На мое имя забронирован двухместный reception

номер с видом на море. single room
2) Очень жаль! У нас нет свободных номеров. double room
3) Сколько дней вы предполагаете пробыть в lift
нашей гостинице? ground floor
4) Мне нужен номер на одного с ванной. Я со- bar
бираюсь пробыть здесь неделю.
5) Мне нужен номер с завтраком и кондиционером.
6) Вот Ваш ключ. Ваш номер на седьмом этаже. Лифт там.
7) Заполните, пожалуйста, эту форму.
8) Можно воспользоваться телефоном?
9) Можно заказать обслуживание в номер?
10) Я хочу пожаловаться. В моем номере нет полотенец.
11) Я уезжаю и хотел бы оплатить счет.
12) Могу ли я выписаться?
13) Могу ли я расплатиться наличными?
14) Сколько стоит двухместный номер с завтраком? Завтрак входит в
15) Я собираюсь остановиться на неделю.

15. Match the words

and the symbols.

16. You are staying

at the hotel.

1) Ask the floor man- 2) Ask the maid: 3) Ask the porter:
ager: a) to wash and iron a) to take your luggage
a) to call a taxi for you your shirt upstairs
b) to wake you up at 7 b) to bring you another b) to see to your suit-
o‘clock blanket case
c) to give you your c) to change the sheets c) to take your trunk
room key d) to make the bed downstairs
d) to book a ticket for a e) to clean the room d) to take your suitcas-
concert f) to bring you a cup of es to the taxi
Model: Please, do this, coffee in the room Model: Porter, will
madam. Model: Could you do you do this?
this, madam?

17. Complain to the floor manager of something that is out of order.

cold water
Excuse me, mad-
electricity in my room.
am, but there‘s no
air conditioning
hot water
the fridge
the radio set
Excuse me, mad- in my room is
the telephone
am, but out of order.
the shower
the TV-set

18. You are going to have a reservation at the hotel. Ask what you
want and for how long. Ask for the room with special conveniences. Ask
about the price for the room.

a room for a week

a single room for three nights
a double room from now until Monday
Can I book ?
a twin-bedded room for the weekend
a single room for a week
two double rooms for tonight
a room with a private bath.
a double room overlooking the sea.
a single room with air conditioning.
I‘d like to have a twin-bedded room with a shower.
two double rooms on the top floor.
a single room with a private bath.
a double room with air conditioning and TV.
How much is the room?
What does the room cost?

19. You work as a desk-clerk at the hotel. Offer a room to the guest.
Show the guest in his (her) room.

a double room on the second floor.

a twin-bedded room on the top floor.
a single room at the back.
I can let you have
room number 412 near the lift.
two double rooms on the third floor.
a single room overlooking the park.
Would you like to follow me?

20. In pairs, use the flowchart to practise booking a hotel room.

I‘d / We‘d like to book a room,

I‘d / We‘d like a room, please.

Is it for tonight? (When is it for?)

Have you got a reservation, sir /
(How many nights do you want the
room for?)

It‘s for __________.

(We‘d like it for __________.)

No, I‘m afraid Yes, I / we do.

What name is it, please?
not. (No, I‘m
(How do you spell that?)
afraid, we ha-
(Could you fill in this card, please?)

I‘m afraid we‘re full.

(We haven‘t got any vacancies

What a [pity]! How will you pay?

How [frustrating]! Could I have a credit card, please?

Thank you.
I‘m sorry, but we‘re very busy.
Your room number is _____.
(It‘s such a busy time at the mo-
Here‘s your key. Would you like
someone to take your bag?

Thank you. (Thanks.)

(No, thanks. I can carry it myself.)




1. Useful phrases.
I‘m hungry. Where can I have a Я проголодался. Где можно по-
meal? кушать?
Where can I have a fast and inexpen- Где можно быстро и дешево по-
sive meal? есть?
Where is the bar / restaurant / buffet / Где находится бар / ресторан /
café)? кафе / буфет?
I‘m thirsty. Я хочу пить.
Would you care for a drink? Не хотите ли выпить чего-либо?
Shall we go to the bar? Зайдемте в бар?
When (where) shall we have break- Когда (где) будем завтракать?
Let‘s go to a restaurant. / Let‘s have Пойдемте в ресторан. / Пойдемте
our breakfast in a café. завтракать в кафе.
We wish to invite you to a restaurant. Мы хотим пригласить Вас в ре-
Let‘s sit at this table near the win- сторан.
dow. Давайте сядем за этот столик у
I‘d like to reserve a table for two Я хочу заказать столик на двоих
people tonight. на сегодняшний вечер.
A table for ___ people, please. Пожалуйста, столик на ___ чело-
What would you recommend? Что Вы порекомендуете?
I (we) have not (haven‘t) chosen yet. Я (мы) еще не выбрал (и).
I‘m a vegetarian. Я вегетарианец.
I do not (don‘t) eat meat / fish / dairy Я не ем мясо / рыбу / молочные
products. продукты.
Not too spicy, please. Пожалуйста, не слишком остро.
What can I get you? Что Вам принести?
What would you like to have / to Что бы Вы хотели съесть / по-
have to eat / to have to drink? пить?
Coffee or tea? Кофе или чай?
Do you take milk? Вам с молоком?
Would you like a cup of coffee? Не хотите ли чашку кофе?
How do you like it? Как Вы пьете кофе?
Black? / White? / Milk? / Cream? Без молока? / С молоком? / С мо-
локом? / Со сливками?
Do you take sugar? Вы кладете сахар?

Whose coffee is this? Чей это кофе?
Is that your coffee? Это Ваш кофе?
I think that one is (one‘s) mine. Думаю, это мой.
This one‘s yours. Это Ваш.
Can I get you anything else? Вам принести (положить) еще
Is there any more coffee? Есть еще кофе?
I‘m afraid there is not (isn‘t). Боюсь, нет.
Some more coffee? – No, thanks. Еще кофе? – Нет, спасибо.
Another cup? – Yes, please. Еще чашечку? – Да, пожалуйста.
Try one of these. – Thank you. Попробуйте одно из этих. – Спа-
A sandwich / a biscuit / a cake Бутерброд / печенье / пирожное
It‘s very good. / It‘s delicious. Очень вкусно.
Do you like fish? Вы любите рыбу?
Steak / chicken / vegetarian food Бифштекс / цыпленок / вегетари-
анская еда
I do not (don‘t) like steak very much. Я не очень люблю бифштекс.
I know a very good Chinese restau-
rant. Я знаю очень хороший китай-
Indian / Thai / French / Indonesian ский ресторан.
Индийский / тайский / француз-
Would you like to go there this even- ский / индонезийский
ing? Не хотите (хочешь) ли сходить
Would you like to go out for a meal туда сегодня вечером?
tonight? Не хотите ли сходить куда-
Thank you. I would (I‘d) like that нибудь покушать?
very much. Спасибо. С удовольствием.
Do you have a reservation? У вас забронирован столик?
We have a reservation for 8 o‘clock. У нас забронирован столик на 8
My name is Jacobs. Моя фамилия Джейкобс.
This way, please. Сюда, пожалуйста.
Excuse me, can we have the menu, Извините, можно нам меню?
Could you tell me what this is? Вы не скажете, что это?
What do you recommend? Что Вы посоветуете?
I will (I‘ll) have the beef. Я буду говядину.
the pork / the veal / the salmon свинина / телятина / лососина
And we would (we‘d) like a bottle of Мы бы хотели бутылку домаш-
house red. него красного вина.

Are you ready to order? / Have you Вы готовы сделать заказ? / Вы
decided yet? / What will you have to уже решили? / С чего бы Вы хо-
start with? / What would you like for тели начать? / Что бы Вы хотели
the main course? / What vegetables на горячее (основное блюдо)? /
would you like? Какие овощи Вы предпочитаете?
Это подают с рисом и картофе-
It comes with rice and potatoes. лем.
Я не буду ни то, ни другое.
I will not (won‘t) have either. Можно мне и то и другое? / Я
Can I have both? / I will (I‘ll) have буду и то и другое.
both. Какой салат Вы предпочитаете?
What sort of / type of / kind of salad
would you like? Какой бифштекс Вы предпочита-
What kind of steak would you like? ете?
How do you like your steak / coffee? Как Вам подавать бифштекс /
rare / medium / well done. кофе? (о мясе / бифштексе) не
прожаренный с кровью) / средне
прожаренный / хорошо прожа-
Would you like something to drink? Не хотите ли что-нибудь выпить?
What would you like to drink / to Что бы Вы хотели выпить /
eat? съесть?
Would you like anything else? Вы хотите что-то еще?
We would (we‘d) like a bottle of wa- Мы бы хотели бутылку воды /
ter / a glass of wine / a cup of coffee / бокал вина / чашку кофе / короб-
a box of chocolates / a piece of ку конфет / кусочек сыра.
Could we see the dessert menu / a Можно взглянуть на меню десер-
wine list? тов / карту вин?
(And) Can (I) we have the bill, Можно счет, пожалуйста?
Is everything all right? Все в порядке?
Enjoy your meals! Приятного аппетита!
Cheers! За Ваше здоровье! (тост)
This food is good. Это вкусно.
The cheese is delicious. Этот сыр вкусный.
I did not (didn‘t) order this. Я это не заказывал.
I am (I‘m) sorry, I‘ll change it. Извините, я поменяю.
Does the bill include service? Счет включает обслуживание?
It includes tax 17 ½ per cent, but not Он включает налог 17½%, но не
service. включает обслуживание.
The starter was better than the main Первое блюдо было вкуснее, чем
course. горячее.

better / worse / cheaper / more ex- лучше / хуже / дешевле / дороже
The desert was not (wasn‘t) as good Десерт был не так хорош, как ос-
as the main course. новное блюдо.
I am on diet. Я соблюдаю диету.
I do not (don‘t) have strong drinks. Я не пью крепких напитков.
I would like a drop of whisky / gin. Я бы выпил немного виски /
Nothing more, thank you. Больше ничего не нужно, спаси-
I‘ve paid the bill. Этот счет мною оплачен.
You are my guest today. Разрешите мне оплатить счет.
Thank you for the nice breakfast / Благодарю за вкусный завтрак /
dinner. обед.
Excuse me, where‘s the gentlemen‘s Извините, где здесь мужской /
/ lady‘s? дамский туалет?
café / restaurant / bar / pub / fast food кафе / ресторан / бар / паб / ре-
restaurant / take-away сторан быстрого питания / ресто-
ран (кафе) с обедом на вынос
выпить чашку чая / кофе / пере-
to have a cup of tea / coffee / to have кусить / съесть бутерброд / пи-
a snack / a sandwich / a cake рожное
подавать еду / ленч / обед / алко-
to serve meals / lunch / dinner / alco- голь / безалкогольные напитки
hol / soft drinks
waiter / waitress официант / официантка
starter (appetizer) первое блюдо
main course (entrée) основное блюдо
speciality / specialty of the house фирменное блюдо
plate тарелка spoon ложка
cup чашка fork вилка
saucer блюдце knife нож
glass бокал, стакан napkin салфетка
bottle бутылка toothpick зубочистка
vegetables овощи olives оливки
aubergine баклажан parsley петрушка
pea горох salad салат
vegetable mar- кабачок beetroot свекла
mushrooms грибы celery сельдерей

red cabbage краснокочанная capsicum сладкий перец
cauliflower цветная капуста asparagus спаржа
cabbage капуста pumpkin тыква
potato картофель beans фасоль
onion лук garlic чеснок
carrot морковь spinach шпинат
cucumber огурец tomato помидор
fruit фрукт (ы) blackberry ежевика
nut орех strawberry земляника;
apricot абрикос lemon лимон
pineapple ананас tangerine мандарин
orange апельсин almond миндаль
peanut арахис peach персик
banana банан plum слива
grape виноград currant смородина
cherry вишня date финик
grapefruit грейпфрут hazelnut фундук
walnut грецкий орех apple яблоко
pear груша raspberry малина
melon дыня watermelon арбуз
kiwi fruit киви lime лайм
meat мясо chicken курица
lamb баранина (мясо leg нога
молодого ба-
steak бифштекс liver печень
beef говядина pork свинина
goose гусь veal телятина
turkey индейка duck утка
rabbit кролик tongue язык
mutton баранина rumpsteak ромштекс
kidney почка cutlet (отбивная) кот-
minced meat рубленое мясо hare заяц
chicken breast куриная грудка poultry птица
roast chicken жареная курица fried sausage жареная кол-
game дичь chop отбивная
venison оленина paté паштет

noodles лапша spaghetti спагетти
rice рис pasta паста
macaroni макароны lasagne лазанья
fried potatoes жареный карто- mashed potatoes картофельное
фель пюре
vegetable soup овощной суп soup суп
tomato soup томатный суп lentil soup суп из чечеви-
bouillon бульон omelette омлет
porridge каша (овсяная) bacon and eggs яичница с бе-
яйцо всмятку
soft-boiled egg hard-boiled egg яйцо вкрутую
scrambled eggs fish and chips рыба с жареной
болтунья картошкой
caviar икра shellfish рак
plaice камбала fish рыба
carp карп herring сельдь
crab краб cod треска
prawn креветка tuna тунец
salmon лосось, семга eel угорь
perch окунь trout форель
sturgeon осетр pike щука
sole камбала halibut палтус
lobster омар shrimp креветка
oysters устрицы mussels мидии
haddock пикша kipper копченая рыба
dairy молочный butter сливочное мас-
milk молоко cheese сыр
cream сливки yoghurt йогурт
curds творог sour cream сметана
salt соль mustard горчица
sugar сахар ketchup кетчуп
pepper перец spicy острый
vinegar уксус horseradish хрен
dill укроп basil базилик
herbs зелень mayonnaise майонез
coriander кинза chilli (красный)
стручковый пе-

curry карри saffron шафран
fennel фенхель sauce соус
ginger имбирь herb травы
roll булочка cake пирог
bread хлеб biscuit печенье
honey мед open sandwich бутерброд
ice cream мороженое jam варенье
marmalade джем, конфи- pancake блин, оладья
тюр, повидло
chocolate шоколад croissant круассан
fried / roasted / жареный fresh свежий
boiled вареный sweet сладкий
baked запеченный bitter горький
smoked копченый salty соленый
stuffed фаршированный sour кислый
steamed приготовленный sautéed обжаренный в
на пару масле
wrapped завернутый mixed перемешанный,
white wine белое вино beer пиво
whiskey виски champagne шампанское
red wine красное вино gin джин
water вода coffee кофе
mineral water минеральная with milk с молоком
fizzy газированная with cream со сливками
sparkling газированная milkshake молочный кок-
still негазированная juice сок
tea чай apple juice яблочный сок
without sugar без сахара orange juice апельсиновый
with lemon с лимоном lemonade лимонад

2. Read and translate the dialogues. Play out one of them.

Dialogue 1
 Shall we take a short break?
 That‘s a good idea.

 Would you like a cup of coffee?
 Yes, please.
 How do you like it?
 Black, no sugar, please.

Dialogue 2

 Can I get you anything else?

 Yes, can I have a biscuit?
 Yes, of course. You must be hungry. Try these chocolate ones. They
are very good.
 Thanks. Another one. No, thanks.

Dialogue 3

 Is this your coffee, John?

 No, I think that one‘s mine, the one without milk.
 Do you take sugar?
 No, thanks.

Dialogue 4

 Can I get you a sandwich?
 No, thanks.
 Would you like one of these cakes?
 Yes, please. Thanks. Mmmm, they‘re very delicious.

Dialogue 5

 Would you like to go out for a meal tomorrow night?

 That‘s a good idea.
 Do you like Mexican food?
 Yes, I do.
 Good. I know a very good Mexican restaurant. We could go there.

Dialogue 6

 Excuse me. But can we have the menu, please?

 (Waiter) The beef is very good, and I recommend the chicken.
 I‘ll have the beef.
 Chicken for me, please.

Dialogue 7

 Excuse me, the food is cold.

 Oh, I‘m very sorry. I‘ll change it for you.

Dialogue 8

 (waiter) Would you like a dessert?

 Yes, a small piece of cake, please.
 Just a cup of coffee for me, please.
 (waiter) Would you like your coffee now?
 No, thanks, I‘ll have it later.
 (waiter) And would you like coffee?
 No, thank you.

Dialogue 9

 Can I have the bill, please? Thank you. Does it include service?
 No, it doesn‘t. The 17 ½ per cent is VAT. (value-added tax)
 Thank you very much. We enjoyed the meal.
 Thank you.

Dialogue 10

 Are you ready to order?

 Yes, I‘d like the steak, please.
 Would you like it with chips or new potatoes?
 With chips, please.
 How would you like your steak – rare, medium or well-done?
 Well-done, please.
 And what would you like to drink?
 I‘ll have a coke, please.
 Is everything all right?
 Thank you, it‘s delicious.
 Could I have the bill, please?
 Yes, of course.

Dialogue 11

 Good evening, sir. Are you alone?

 Good evening. Yes, I‘m alone.
 Would you like to sit over there, sir? Near the window.

 Yes, thank you. May I look at the menu?
 Of course. Here it is.
 Have you decided yet, sir? May I take your order?
 As a starter I‘ll have a tomato juice…Oh, no. I‘ll have the onion soup.
 OK. How about the main course, sir?
 I‘m not sure. Perhaps you can help me?
 If I were you, sir, I‘d have a steak in wine sauce. I like it very much.
Moreover, it‘s the speciality of the day.
 All right. I‘ll have the steak.
 What would you like with the steak, sir?
 A salad and some mashed potatoes, please.
 Would you like something to drink?
 Yes. Some mineral water, please. And could I see the wine list?
 Of course, here it is.
 I‘ll have some French red wine.
 Yes, sir. Do you want the bill?
 Yes. How much is it?
 Seven pounds twenty-five, sir.

Dialogue 12

 Wouldn‘t you like to finish up the omelette?

 No, really, thank you. I just couldn‘t eat any more.
 Come on now. Surely you can manage it.
 No, thank you, really. I must have put on pounds as it is.

Dialogue 13

 Another piece of meat pie?
 No, thanks really. I‘m on diet.
 Please do. You‘ve hardly eaten anything.
 It‘s delicious, but I don‘t think I ought to.

Dialogue 14

 Do have the rest of the mashed potatoes.

 No, thank you. I‘ve had too much already.
 Just take it to please me.
 OK, but only a small piece or I shan‘t have room for any pudding.

Dialogue 15

 You must have some more chicken.

 No, thanks. I‘m supposed to be slimming.
 Can‘t I tempt you?
 Well, maybe I could manage a very small piece.

Dialogue 16

 Good evening, madam. Do you have a reservation?

 No, we don‘t.
 How many are there in your party?
 Three.
 This way, please. Where would you like to sit?
 How about over there?
 Would you like a drink to start with?
 Could we just have a jug of iced water, please?

Dialogue 17
 What would you like?
 I‘ll have an omelette, please.
 What kind of omelette would you like?
 Cheese, please.
 It comes with French fries or a selection of vegetables.
 I‘d like both. Is that possible?
 Of course. And you, sir?
 I‘ll have a steak.
 How would you like your steak?
 Rare.
 What vegetables would you like?
 I‘ll have a side salad, please.
 And a salad for me too.
 Two salads… Would you like to see the wine list?
 No, we‘ll just have a carafe of house red.

3. Put the words in the correct order to make questions and sentences
in a restaurant.
1) coffee / you / like / some / would / ?
2) order / to / wine / you / like / some / would / ?

3) water / sparkling / still / mineral / or / ?
4) table / two / a / we‘d / for / like / .
5) bill / have / can / the / we / ?
6) menu / have / we / the / could / ?
7) included / service / is / ?
8) first / pâté / I‘d / like / the / .
9) course / the / the / I‘d / chicken / for / main / like / .
10) vegetables / you / what / would / like / ?

Use these sentences to complete the conversation.

Waiter: Good evening, sir. Good evening, madam.
George: Good evening. (1) __________, please.
Waiter: Certainly. Is this table all right?
George: That‘s fine. (2) __________, please?
Waiter: Certainly.
Are you ready to order?
George: Yes. (3) __________.
Linda: And for me the egg mayonnaise.
Waiter: Yes, madam.
George: And then (4) __________.
Linda: And I‘d like the tuna.
Waiter: Certainly, madam. (5) __________?
Linda: Potatoes and peas, please.
Waiter: (6) __________?
Linda: Yes, we‘d like a bottle of French red.
George: And some mineral water, please.
Waiter: (7) __________?
George: Still, please.
That was delicious!
Waiter: Thank you very much. (8) _________?
Linda: Yes, black, please.
George: And (9) __________?
Waiter: Of course.
George: (10) __________?
Waiter: No, it isn‘t, sir.
George: Can I pay by credit card?
Waiter: Yes, that‘s fine.

4. Read the menu and choose what you would like and complete the
conversation with the waiter.

Waiter: Would you like to order? CAFÉ NOIR

You: Yes, please. First, I‘d STARTERS
like the _____. And then Vegetable soup
I‘d like the _____. Egg mayonnaise
Waiter: Certainly. And would Pâté with toast
you like some vegeta- Scampi
You: _______________. MAIN COURSES
Waiter: That‘s fine. And for des- Sirloin steak
sert? Chicken with mushrooms
You: _______________. Fresh tuna steak
Waiter: Certainly. Various omelettes

(All our vegetables are fresh and organic)
Rice, potatoes, or chips
Green salad

Fresh fruit salad
Apple pie
Cheese cake.

5. Read the dialogue and mark the statements true (T), false (F) or not
given (NG).
 Would you like something? Coffee? Tea? Juice? A soft drink? And
what about something to eat? There are some rolls and sandwiches. What would
you like?
 A cup of coffee, please. What sandwiches do you have?
 Cheese, salad or beef.
 Can I have cheese?
 Of course. I‘ll have a cheese one too. This one‘s for you.
 Thanks.
 Do you take sugar?
 No thanks.

 Can I pass you the milk?
 Thanks.
 Can I get you anything else? A biscuit or something?
1) The woman offers several kinds of drinks.
2) They don‘t have any soft drinks.
3) The visitor doesn‘t like beef sandwiches.
4) The woman has a cheese sandwich.
5) The visitor has black coffee.
6) She doesn‘t take sugar.
7) She doesn‘t want a biscuit.

6. Match the questions and the responses.

1) Would you like some more rice? a) Black, no sugar, please.
2) Could you pass the salt, please? b) Yes, of course. I‘m glad you like
3) Could I have a glass of water, c) Do you want sparkling or still?
4) Does anybody want more wine? d) Yes, please. It‘s delicious.
5) How would you like your coffee? e) Yes, of course. Here you are.
6) This is delicious! Can you give f) Yes, please. I‘d love some.
me the recipe?

7. Correct the six mistakes in this dialogue.

 Are you ready for order?
 Yes, I like vegetable soup and steak, please.
 What would you like your steak? Rare, medium or done good?
 Rare, please.
 What you would like to drink?
 An orange juice, please.

8. Complete the dialogue with one word in each space.

I’d, reservation, non-smoking, for, water, order, table, like.
A: Good evening. Do you have a (1) _____?
B: Yes, a (2) _____ for two. My name‘s John McGeever.
A: Smoking or (3) _____?
B: Smoking, please.
A: Come this way, please.
A: Are you ready to (4) _____?
B: Yes, (5) _____ like the mushroom soup, please.
C: Chicken salad (6) _____ me, please.
A: What would you (7) _____ to drink?
B: A glass f red wine and a mineral (8) _____, please.

9. Look at the menu of the day, read the dialogue and write down the
customer‟s order.

 Are you ready to order?

 Yes, I‘d like a fillet steak, please, with vegetables and French fried po-
 How would you like your steak?
 Medium, please.
 Thank you. And would you like a starter?
 Yes, I think I‘ll have the mushroom soup.
 And for dessert?
 Cheese and biscuits. And can I have half a bottle of your house red
 Yes, of course. Thank you very much.

10. Study the different menus and complete the tasks.

Complete the menu with the following words:
Main courses, Desserts, Starters

Donatella’s (1) ___________

Onion soup
Goat’s cheese salad
(2) ___________
Steak and chips
Roast chicken with vegetables
Fresh lasagne
(3) ___________
2 courses Home-made vanilla ice-cream with hot chocolate sauce
3 courses Fresh fruit salad

Study the following menu and answer the questions.
1) What would you choose Menu
to eat from the menu?
2) What can vegetarians eat Starters
from the menu?
3) Do you like eating out? Soup of the day (v)
4) How often do you go to a Mixed salad (v)
5) What restaurants and ca- Main courses
fés do you usually visit?
6) When was your last visit Steak with chips or new pota-
to a restaurant? toes
7) What dishes do you usu- Fish and chips
ally order?
8) What do you have for an Vegetable curry (v)
9) Are you served quickly Salmon fillet with green beans
and politely?
10) What drinks do you usu- Burger with chips and mush-
ally order? Do you order any rooms
strong drinks?
Chocolate ice ream
Apple pie
Fruit salad

11. Answer the questions. Use the following words.

Café, restaurant, fast food restaurant, bar/pub, take-away.
Say where would you go to:
1) buy a meal and take it home to eat? _____
2) have a romantic dinner for two? _____
3) eat a quick lunch? _____
4) have a cake and a cup of coffee? _____
5) drink a glass of wine with friends? _____

Write down the name of a place of this type in your town.

1) fast food restaurant
2) café
3) take-away
4) restaurant
5) bar

12. Make up dialogues using the tables.
Host or Hostess Guest
Do you take tea or coffee? / Would you like Tea, please.
tea or coffee?
How much sugar, one or two lumps? One, please.
Can I give you a little more fruit salad? Yes, please. / No, thank you.
Would you like a second helping of pudding? No, I‘d rather not, thank you.
Do you have a little more fruit salad? Well, just a very little, please
Help yourself to the caviar. Thank you.

the salt,
the mustard,
the butter,
a piece of bread, please.
Would you mind passing
the sugar, please?
May I trouble you for
the ham,
the salmon,
the cheese,

some beef
roast chicken
chicken with peas
mutton with rice
Would you like veal with boiled potatoes
You must have bacon and eggs
some more fish
a cup of strong tea

13. Choose one of the following words which can go with each of the
words in each group.
Steak, curry, pie, soup, salad.
1) You can have tomato / vegetable / chicken ____ as a starter.
2) I‘d like the beef / chicken / vegetable _____ as a main course.
3) I‘ll have the mixed / tomato / fruit _____.
4) Can I have the apple / chicken _____, please?
5) Do you like your _____ well-done, medium or rare?

Fill in the gaps. Use the following words to help you.
Bag, batch, bottle, bowl, box, can, carafe, carton, cup, glass, jar, list, loaf,
packet, piece, plate, range, slice, tin
1) _____ of rice 9) _____ of bread
2) _____ of fruit 10) _____ of orders
3) _____ of coffee 11) _____ of products
4) _____ of soup 12) _____ of companies
5) _____ chocolates 13) _____ of paper
6) _____ of mineral water 14) _____ of cake
7) _____ of honey 15) _____ of house wine
8) _____ of milk 16) _____ of sugar

Match the following words with the vocabulary groups.

Vegetables, starters, desserts, cold drinks, steaks, kinds of salad, coffees,
fish, meat, flavours of ice-cream.

1) Rare, medium, well done _____

2) Soup, pâté, prawn cocktail _____
3) Lager, mineral water, milkshake _____
4) Green, tomato, mixed _____
5) Chicken, pork, veal _____
6) Trout, salmon, plaice _____
7) Black, white, with sugar _____
8) Chocolate pudding, fruit salad, apple pie _____
9) Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry _____
10) Peas, carrots, broccoli _____

Match the words and the definitions.

1) service a) drinks
2) set menu b) reservations
3) bookings c) reduced price
4) discount d) non-alcoholic drinks
5) beverages e) limited menu – you pay a fixed price and every-
thing is included
6) soft drinks f) extra money you pay for the waiters

14. Read the dialogues and fill in the booking list.

Tuesday 17th February
Name Day Time Number

Dialogue 1
 Can I have a table for three tomorrow night at 8 pm, please?
 Certainly, madam. Wednesday at 8 pm. What name is it?
 Lever.
 Is that L-E-V-E-R?
 Yes, it is.
 Thank you.

Dialogue 2
 Is it possible to book a table for tonight?
 What time?
 8.30.
 I‘m afraid we have no vacancies at that time. How many people is it
 Just two.
 I‘ll have a table for two at nine o‘clock.
 Right, that‘ll do fine. The name is De Haan. That is D-E, new word,
 Thank you. See you at nine o‘clock.

Dialogue 3
 I‘d like to reserve a table for Friday.
 How many people is it for?
 Four.
 What time do you want the table?
 7.30.
 That‘s fine. What‘s the name please?
 Gaultier. G-A-U-L-T-I-E-R.

15. Study the difference in the meaning of the following words.

A meal еда, прием пищи

Meals are breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, five-o‘clock tea
Food пища, еда, съестные припасы
Food is meat, vegetables, fruit, bread, milk, etc.
A dish блюдо, кушанье
A fish dish is a dish made of fish.
A dish блюдо, тарелка, миска

Dishes посуда
A course блюдо, т.е. последовательные приемы пищи:
первое, второе, третье
The dinner consisted of three courses: cabbage soup for the first course,
beefsteak for the second course and apple juice for the third course.
Complete the sentences with the words.
Food, dish, meal, course.

1) The second _____ was veal with mashed potatoes.

2) She put apples and oranges on the china _____.
3) The usual _____ in England are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.
4) – What is your favourite _____? – Mine is roast chicken.
5) Beefsteak, chop, roast beef are the meat _____.
6) Many people like to have a hearty _____ in the morning.
7) What is the _____ time for lunch in England.
8) Who usually washes the ______ after dinner?
9) In the evening a light _____ is recommended.

16. Translate the sentences into English.

1) Я проголодался. Где можно покушать?
2) Не хотите ли чего-нибудь выпить или поесть?
3) Я хочу заказать столик на четверых на сегодняшний вечер.
4) Что Вы порекомендуете? – Наше фирменное блюдо – телятина в
винном соусе.
5) Я вегетарианец. Я не ем мясо и молочные продукты.
6) Не хотите ли чашку чая? – Да, пожалуйста.
7) Вы будет кофе со сливками или без?
8) Это блюдо очень вкусное.
9) Я знаю очень хороший японский ресторан. Давайте там поужина-
10) У нас забронирован столик на 10 часов.
11) Извините, не могли бы Вы принести меню и карту вин, пожалуй-
12) Вы готовы сделать заказ? – Нет, я еще не выбрал.
13) Я это не заказывал. Я заказывал копченую рыбу.
14) Я бы выпил немного виски. А Вы не хотите чего-нибудь выпить?
– Извините, я не пью крепких напитков.
15) Принесите, пожалуйста, счет.

17. Practise offering a guest drinks and snacks using the flowchart.
Would you like a cup of
What can I get you? coffee?

Yes, please.
[Coffee], please.
(No, thanks.)

Do you take [sugar]?

How do you like it?

[Black], please.
Yes, please.
(With milk and sugar,
(No, thanks.)

Try one of these [biscuits / sandwiches].

Thank you. It‘s very good.

(It‘s delicious.)

Can I get you anything else?

(Some more coffee?)
(Another cup?)
(Can I get you another one?)

Yes, please. / No, thanks.

Are there any more [biscuits]?

Make sure you can offer a visitor drinks and snacks.

Partner A Partner B
You are the host You are the visitor
Offer your visitor something to You are hungry and thirsty.
eat and drink. Make some sugges- You would like to have something
tions (e.g. coffee, tea, biscuits else to eat and drink.
sandwiches). Ask if your visitor Partner A offers you light refresh-
takes milk, cream, sugar, etc. ments – snacks.

In pairs, use the flowchart to practise ordering a meal.

Good evening, do you have a reservation?

How many are there in your party?
Where would you like to seat?

A table for [one], please.

Certainly, [Madam]. Follow me, please.

Can I offer you a drink?

Yes, please. No, thanks.

A [glass of house white]. Just the menu.

Can I take your order? (Are you ready to order?)

Can you recommend something?

What‘s the local speciality? Yes, I‘d like the [vegetable risotto].
Are there any vegetarian dishes?

Our speciality is [Paella]. It‘s very

Would you like a starter?
(You must try the [duck]. It‘s deli-

Yes, I‘ll have that, thank you. No, thank you. Just [risotto].

Excuse me the food is [cold].

(Excuse me, I didn‘t order [French fries]. I ordered boiled potatoes).

I‘m sorry. (I‘ll change it / them.)

Would you like a dessert?

Yes, I‘ll have the [apple pie] and a

No, thank you, just the bill.

Can you tell me what this is for?

(Do you take credit cards?)

That‘s the service charge. (Yes, we do.)

Prepare the language you need to use when eating out. Work in
groups of three.

1) Prepare the menu.

2) Pass your menu to another group.
3) Organise your group so that there are two diners and one waiter.
4) Study the menu, and then order your meal.
5) Start eating and drinking.
6) Make a complaint.
7) Ask for the bill. Pay.


1. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koening, Paul Seligson. New Eng-

lish File [Текст]. - Oxford University Press, 2011.
2. Stuart Redman. English Vocabulary in Use (Pre-Intermediate and In-
termediate) [Текст]. - Third edition. - Cambridge University Press, 2011.
3. Liz and John Soars. New Headway (Elementary) [Текст]. - Oxford
University Press, 2010.
4. Michael McCarthy, Felicity O‘Dell. English Vocabulary in Use (Ele-
mentary) [Текст]. - Second Edition. - Cambridge University Press, 2010.
5. Peter Levrai, Fiona McGarry. English for the Energy Industries. Oils,
Gas and Petrochemicals [Текст]. - Garnet Publishing Ltd., 2009.
6. George Woolard. Key words for fluency (Pre-Intermediate) [Текст]. –
Thomson, 2005.
7. Ian Badger, Peter Menzies. English for Business Life (Pre-
Intermediate) [Текст]. - Marshall Cavendish, 2005.
8. Ian Badger, Peter Menzies. English for Business Life (Elementary).
Marshall Cavendish 2005.
9. John Seely, Oxford Guide to Effective Writing and Speaking [Текст].
- Oxford University Press, 2005.
10. Luke Prodromou. Rising Star (A Pre-First Certificate Course) [Текст].
- Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2000.
11. Шевелева, С.А., Стогов, В.Е. Русско-английский разговорник для
делового общения [Текст] : учебно-практическое пособие / С.А. Шевелева,
В.Е. Стогов. – Москва: Проспект, 2012. – 208 с.
12. Абрамова, Р.Н., Болсуновская, Л.М. Нефтегазовое дело. Техниче-
ская и профессиональная коммуникация [Текст] : учебно-методическое по-
собие. / Р.Н. Абрамова, Л.М. Болсуновская. - Томский политехнический
университет. – Томск: Изд-во Томского политехнического университета,
2010. – 111с.
13. Агабекян, И.П. Деловой английский. [Текст] : учебное пособие /
И.П. Агабекян. - Издательство «Феникс», Ростов-на-Дону, 2002г.
14. Богацкий, И.С., Дюканова, Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка
[Текст] : словарь-справочник / И.С. Богацкий, Н.М. Дюканова. - Киев: «Ло-
гос», 2002. - 352 с.
15. Дудорова, Э.С. Практический курс разговорного английского
языка. A Practical Course of Conversational English [Текст] : учебное
пособие / Э.С. Дудорова. – СПб.: Издательство «Союз», 2002. – 344с.
16. Шевелева, С.А. Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс [Текст].
Учебник / С.А. Шевелева. – М.: ЮНИТИ, 2002.

Учебное издание

Вишневецкая Юлия Анатольевна

Калянова Людмила Михайловна




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