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©@kate.khashchiiuk Dear friend

I'm pleased to welcome you. Если Вы читаете эту страницу, значит, Вы готовы
продолжить свой путь цель которого изучение и улучшение английского, и я надеюсь
он окажется вам в удовольствие вместе с главными героинями из фильма
"The Princess Switch".

Я благодарна за то, что Вы доверились мне в этом пути. Разрешите представится,

меня зовут Екатерина, я автор этих красочных страниц, а также дипломированный
преподаватель английского с более чем 9-летним опытом. Я считаю преподавание
своим призванием и стараюсь делать это не только эффективно но и увлекательно.
Именно с такой целью создавалась эта рабочая тетрадь.

В фильме обычная сотрудница пекарни перед Рождеством меняется местами с

похожей на нее герцогиней: ситуация осложняется тем, что герцогиня влюбляется в
коллегу по хлебопекарному цеху, а кондитерша — в ее жениха-принца.

Разрабатывая эту тетрадь, я постаралась отобрать всю самую полезную лексику и

выражения. Здесь собраны задания
на тренировку таких навыков: понимание речи на слух, чтение, грамматика,
выражение мыслей на английском.

Все задания поделены на основе смысловых сегментов фильма длиной в 2-20 мин. ,
поэтому выполнение каждого из заданий может занять у вас от 7 до 30 минут в
зависимости от Вашего изначального уровня знаний. В конце тетради расположены
Keys с правильными ответами, а также Notes для записи занятных идей. Также
рекомендую обратить внимание на Vocabulary list, Phrasal verb list, Useful Phrases.

Данные материалы подойдут как для самообучения, так и для работы в группе и
использования на уроках.

Я надеюсь, что Вы получите удовольствие и пользу от занятий по этой тетради!

Yours, Kate.
Разрешено использование:
☑ в личных целях. Запрещается продавать тетрадь третьим лицам, а также размещать в
открытом доступе с использованием сети интернет и прочих цифровых сетей. Нарушение
данных правил является административным правонарушением в соответствии с ст. 51-2
Кодексу Украины.
☑в профессиональных целях только в качестве учебных материалов без последующего
распространения частным лиц

Stacy, a type-A planner with a penchant for schedules, takes a

spontaneous trip to the charming land of Belgravia at the
suggestion of her sous-chef and best friend, Kevin. While preparing
for the Royal Christmas Baking Contest, Stacy faces an identical
stranger and a strange request. Free-spirited but royally
obligated,all Duchess Margaret Delacourt really wants is one last
chance to experience life as a "normal person" before she dutifully
marries the Crown Prince of Belgravia. Stacy can give her that wish.

Here's the link


Vocabulary List
Nutcracker-щелкунчик Apron-фартук
Goddaughter-крёстная дочь Intense-наряжённый
Contest-соревнование Uncanny-необъяснимый
Fancy-люксовый Rumor-сплетня
Pastry-выпечка Settle-осесть
Behest-повеление Destiny-судьба
Handsome-привлекательный Favor-одолжение
Spontaneous-спонтанный Duty-обязанность
Mention-упоминать Arranged marriage-брак по
To date-встречаться договорённости
Fair-ярмарка Adorable -очаровательный
Stocking-рождественский чулок Fabulous-потрясающий
Prep-готовится Precious-прелесть
Neurotic -невротик Curtsy-реверанс
Invisible ink-невидимые чернила To stare-пялится
Familiar-знакомый,похожий Lazy eye-косой глаз
Camera-shy- стеснятся камеры Fatigue -усталость
Contestant-участник соревнования Quaint -причудливый
Piping bag-кондитерский мешок Pedestrian-пешеход
Rolling pin-скалка Road hazard-устраивать опасность
Sifter-сито на дороге
Prep spoon-поварешка Stuffy-душный
Sauté pan-сотейник Proper- должный
Handle-ручка Nightgown -ночная рубашка
Mean-подлый Substitution-замена
Messy-грязнуля Exception -исключение
Stain-пятно Exchange-обмен
Precisely-совершенно верно Draft-набросок, черновик
Offend-оскорблять Fastidious-дотошный
Bow-поклон Attorney-адвокат
Oven-духовка Salad dressing-заправка для салата

Vocabulary List
Terrible -жуткий Resignation-увольнение
Dreadful-ужасный Magnificent-великолепный
To change-переодеваться Filling-начинка
Laundry-стирка Commendable-достойный похвалы
Breathtaking-захватывающий дух
Shelter-приют, убежище
Rusty- подзабыл
Stage fright-боязнь сцены
Immature-не зрелый по возрасту
Endearing-милый, привлекательный
Booths-киоск, кабинка
Complicated-сложный для понимания
Mothballs-нафталиновый шарик
Phrasal verbs

Count on-расчитывать на кого-то/что-то

Take care-берегите себя
Break up-расставаться
Cheer up-подбадривать
Turn out-оказывается
Move on-двигатся дальше
Show up-показаться, выйти наружу
Set up for sth-готовиться к
Clean up-чистить
Run into-врезаться
Pack up-упаковаться
Get out-да ну тебя
Deal with-иметь дело с
Help out-помогать
Head off-отправляться
Mix up -перепутать
Get away-уходить
Head back-возвращаться
Figure out-узнать что-то
Sneak in-прокрастся
Run out of-заканчиваться
Act up-разыгратся
Tuck in-заправлять, накрывать
Hand out-вручать
Piss off-бесить, злить
©@kate.khashchiiuk Other useful phrases
The best kept secret-малоизвестное но очень привлекательное место
To spread the word-распространять информацию
Put something on a map-сделать что-то известным
Down to the last minute-до самого конца
Life’s what happens when you make other plans-жизнь происходит тогда,
когда ты строишь совсем другие планы
It wouldn’t hurt to be a little early-не помешает прийти заранее
As a matter of fact-кстати говоря
To be to someone’s liking- быть кому-то по вкусу
Short notice-короткий срок
Lips are sealed-рот на замок
To be a thing-иметь романтические отношения
If sparks were gonna fly, we’d know by now-если бы между нами была
искра, мы бы уже об этом знали
Consider it done-считай что это уже сделано
One final finishing touch- последний штрих
How’s it hanging?-как дела(сленг)
Be very becoming-подходить(про цвет)
Take as a compliment-принимать как комплимент
Top drawer-первоклассный
Take a nap-вздремнуть
Sleep like a log-спать как убитый
If you say so-как скажешь
Out of the blue-ни с того ни с сего
To catch some Z’s-ложиться спать
Safe travels-пожелание в дорогу, безопасного путешествия
Affairs of state-государственные дела
Around the corner-на носу(идиома)
To keep a close eye on-пристально следить
Get a trim-подстричься
It wasn’t a rocket science-рус.это не высшая математика
It must have slipped my mind-вылетело из головы

A match made in heaven-пара созданная на небесах

To be ahead of time-опережать своё время
To make a marriage work-сделать брак удачным
To put a finger on-понять
Practice makes perfect-практика, это путь к совершенству
To be an item-быть романтической парой
Keep calm and carry on-сохраняй спокойствие и продолжай
Knock yourself out- ни в чем себе не отказывай
A remarkable resemblance-невероятное сходство
Make way to your seats-пройдите к своим местам
To be under the weather-приболеть
Give a hand-помогать
Take a look-взглянуть

The invitation

Read the quotation.

Who said that and why?

Life's what happens when you're

busy making other plans.

Task 1. Watch the episode 0:46-3:33.Answer the questions

Where does Stacy work?
Who is Kevin?
What news is Kevin going to tell Stacy?
What's special about the festival in Balgravia?
Why doesn't Stacy want to accept the invitation?
Who's Paul?
Is Stacy ready to move on after her break up?
Task 2. Write the correct preposition (on, up, about, for, with, at, out)
1. Count____ 2. Carry____3. Talk____4.Break____5.Cheer____6. Pay____7.Close____
8. Turn____9.Good____10.Argue____11. Come____12.Move____

Task 3. Match the halves of the sentences.

1.You know I'm not good a. a really special time for us.
2.You plan your life b. with a Beatle?
3.And you can't argue c. at spontaneous.
4.Well, maybe if they gave d. down to the last minute.
5It's not good to stay at home at Christmas alone e. and feel sorry for yourself.
6.Christmas was f. us more notice.


Read the quote.
Who said that and why?

Christmas wishes have been known

to come true.
Task 4. Watch the episode 03:33- 05:23 without subtitles and complete the
dialogue with the missing words.

-Stacy, hey.
-Hey. I was thinking about you the other day.
-You 1)_____?
-Last Christmas? That 2)________ in Vermont?
-Yeah, that was pretty 3)__________.
-Hey, 4)___________. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Taylor.
-Stacy. Stacy De Novo. I'm sure Paul 5)_______________ me.
-Actually, no, he didn't. Was he 6)_______________ to?
-Stacy and I dated for a while.
-Honey, if we're 7)_______ catch that train, we better run. We're spending Christmas week
with Paul's parents.
-Well, that sounds...big.
-It is.
-Do you have any plans for Christmas?
-Yeah. Big plans. Super 8)________.
-Like what?
-I will be competing at a baking 9)________in Belgravia. No, in fact, I got to go and start
packing my 10)____ 11)______ suitcase right now. See ya.



Read the quote.

Who said that and why?

Well, if the Mouse

King shows up,
I'm out of here.

Task 5. Watch the episode 5:24-6:53 and put the adjectives into 2
columns. Those that we can use to describes Stacy's personality and
those that cannot.

Adventurous, neurotic, spontaneous, easy-going, bossy, flexible,

control freak, meticulous, irresponsible, neat, silly, serious,

neurotic adventurous


Stockings seller
Read the quote.
Who said that this time and why does
Stacy need to hear it?

Life's what happens when you're

busy making other plans.

Task 6. Watch the episode 6:53-9:03 and mark the sentences below
True, False or Not Given.

1.The stockings seller was in Chicago last week.

2.The Prince of Belgravia is getting married to the

Duchess of Montenaro.

3. The Duchess is very pretty.

4. The Duchess was touring the set for the royal

baking competition.

5.The Children's Ballet Conservatory has got a spring


6.Stacy is in a hurry so she doesn't let Olivia to watch



Task 7. Watch the episode 9:04-10:10 and answer the following questions.

1.What did Stacy do to the equipment list? How does it describe her?
2.What doesn't Kevin like?
3. Who did Stacy meet? Was she pleased to see this person? Why do you think so?
4.Who won the competition last year?
5.Where did Stacy and Briana study? What do you know about this place?
6.What did Stacy mean saying Briana sauced Pr. Kendall's berries?

Task 8. Label the pictures

Piping bag, prep spoon,

rolling pin, sifter, sauté pan.

_______ _________ __________ __________ _________


Meet the

Answer the question

What would you do if you

met someone who resembles

Task 9. Watch the episode 10:10-13:35. Complete the phrases and write
who says them Stacy (S), Duchess (D), Kevin (K) or Olivia (O).

1.____________,I have my own shop in Chicago.

2.The Royal pastry chef here has a ______________, and I'm not sure they're ____________.

3.Well, when it comes to wedding cakes, ____________ is always right.

4.I know _____________, but would you join me at the palace for a consultation later on

5.I wouldn't want to risk ___________ the King and Queen.

6.I really wish you and Stacy ____________.

7.If sparks were gonna fly,____________.

8.Besides, she's just a little________________ for someone like me.



Task 10. Watch the episode 13:35-22:20 and choose the correct answer.
1.How many generations ago did great-grandmother's cousin, Cecil, flee the country
after a dalliance with a vulgar American divorcee?
a) 4 generations
b) 2 generations
c) 3generations

2) Who married the man named De N'Ofrio?

a) Cecil
b) Cecil's daughter
c) Cecil's goddaughter

3) What favor does the Duchess need?

a) To become Stacy.
b) To learn how to be normal
c) She needs help with her wedding cake.

4)Why doesn't the Duchess sound happy about the marriage?

a) Edward is too formal and unpleasant man.
b) This marriage isn't about love it's about duty
c) She doesn't know Edward at all.


5.What is the only thing Stacy has to do while being the Duchess?
a) To have breakfast with the King and the Queen.
b) To sit at the apartments and relax
c) Visit Children's Ballet Conservatory.

6.What does Stacy want for doing a favor?

a) To be back in time for bakery competition.
b) To sponsor a summer program for Olivia.
c) To win bakery competition.

Task 11. Put the dialogue in the correct order, then watch the episode again
and check it.
9-Oh, well... I have a lazy eye. Yes. Uh, not all the time. Just when I get fatigued.
2-Might I say you look lovely in pink.
3-Oh! And you look lovely as well. Not in... Not in pink. Just... you know, in general.
Though I'm sure pink would be very becoming.
1 -Please do come in!
6-Yes. But is there a problem with the sofa?
18 -Road hazards?
7-No. No, no, not at all.
15-Oh, well, we're a quaint, little country. But I don't want to keep you from Spain.
10-Perhaps it's not to your taste or not comfortable enough.
12 -A log?
5-Oh, yes, they're top drawer!
8-You seem to keep staring at it.
13-Yes, dear, a royal log. It's an expression we have in Montenaro.
14-A royal log? It's very quaint.
4-I'll take that as a compliment. I trust the accommodations are to your liking.
17-Yes, off you go. Oh, and do tell your driver to be careful of pedestrians and other
road hazards.
11-Oh, no, no, it's very comfortable. Very comfortable indeed. In fact, I took a nap on
it. Slept like a log.
16-Oh, yes, I...I suppose I should be heading off.


Out of the blue

Read the quote.

Who said that? Why?

There's a first time for everything.

Task 12.Watch the episode 22:20-24:05. What difference does Kevin notice
between Stacy and Margaret? Do you think he'll find out that this isn't
Stacy? Why?

Task 13. Choose the correct option.

1.Take in the sights means:

a) to walk around
b) to go sightseeing.

2.Out of the blue means:

a)spontaneous decision
b)just like that

3.Catch some Z's means:

a)to stay up late
b)to get some sleep


Mrs. Donatelli

Task 14.Complete the dialogue with the correct option. Then watch the
episode 24:05-25:20 and check.

-So... I guess it's just you and me for the next two days.
-1)________ you _________ with a Duchess for a long time?
- Since she 2)________ a little girl.
- And you're okay with us trading places?
-Well, the Duchess 3)_____________ rather spontaneous. And, uh, it's not my place to have an
-But you have one anyway.
-The dear girl has been through so much already. Losing both her parents so young, and
now, all the responsibility of 4) ___________ a royal when she 5) __________ even really know
who she is. The truth is I 6) ________ do anything for her, which means that for the next two
days, 7)____ do anything for you. So, uh, 8)___________ I bring you a fresh pot of tea?
-No, thanks. I think I'll be fine.
-Yes. I believe you will be.

1. a) did work b) do work c) have worked

2. a) has been b) was c) had been
3. a) has always been b)was always c) has always be
4. a) being b) becoming c) getting
5. a) don't b) doesn't c) isn't
6. a) will b) would c) shall
7. a) will b) am going to c) shall
8. a) Should b) Can c) Will


A hat to tea
Read the quote.
Who said this?
Do you agree with it?

A goal without a plan is just a wish

Task 15. Watch the episode 25:20-27:30 and match the words with their
1.to fetch a. a list of the times when events are planned to happen.
2.custom b. to go to another place to get something or someone and bring it.
3.nightgown c. giving too much attention to small details and wanting everything to
. be correct and perfect
4.substitution d. a comfortable loose dress worn by a woman or a girl in bed.
5.fastidious e. a lawyer
6.attorney f. a way of behaving that has been established for a long time.
7.schedule g. the use of one person or thing instead of another.

Task 16. Complete the sentences with the words in the correct form from the
previous task.
1.She is 54 and still wearing a ________ printed with teddy bears.
2.She covered her head out of deference to Muslim _______.
3.He_______ the children from school on Mondays and Fridays.
4.She has overloaded her __________ with work, study, and family responsibilities
5.He is very __________ about how a suitcase should be packed.
6.They paid a high-powered __________ to plead their case.
7.After one of the players was injured, a ___________ was made on the field.



Task 17. Watch the episode 27:30-31:40 and answer the questions.

1.What was there with the reception menu?

2.Why was Stacy "surprised"?
3.What was the reason Edward decided not to go to Spain?
4.What are Edward and Stacy going to do tonight?
5.What is the engagement present?
6.What is Edward plan for the morning? Do you think Stacy likes it?
7.What argument did Stacy make in order not to go horse riding? Did it work?
8.Why did the King tell Frank to keep an eye on the Duchess?



Look at the picture.

Do you think it is easy for Margaret to

pretend that she is Stacy?
Who do you think finds it harder to

Task 18. Watch the episode 31:40-34:45 and find the synonyms to the
highlighted phrases.

1.Uh, I guess I'm a bit nervous with the big contest approaching.
2.Maybe we should go to a restaurant.
3.Oh, I got a haircut.
4.He said he'd buy you a new apron.
5.I wouldn't want to force.
6.I was just trying to be of use.


A horse ride

Task 19. Watch the episode 34:45-38:08.Translate the highlighted phrases

in the dialogue.
This really is quite breathtaking.
Yes. Yes, it is.
I come here when I need to get away.
Do you need to get away a lot?
Sometimes the affairs of state can be a burden.
Burdens usually aren't so bad when you have someone to share them with.
I doubt you'd be interested in the details of foreign trade.
- Why not?
- You shouldn't have to worry about that.
Because I'm not bright enough?
No, because you have a wedding to plan.
So I should stick to things like polishing my tiara?
No, I didn't mean it like that.
Well, I think it's precisely what you meant. It's getting a bit chilly. I think it's time to
head back.
Task 20. Answer the question.

Do you agree with Stacy that prince really thinks she isn't bright enough to discuss
the affairs of state with her?


A new "Stacy"

Answer the question.

Who do you think enjoys her new life
more Stacy or Margaret? Why?

Task 21. Watch the episode 38:08-42:45. Complete the sentences with the
missing words or phrases and write who says them Stacy(S), Margaret(M),
Olivia(O), Kevin(K) or Stocking seller(SS).

1.Ugh! Boy, am I glad you _____________.

2.There's been ____________________ at this end.

3.It wasn't _________ science.

4.You kidding? I get to ______________ royalty.

5.I suppose it _________________________my mind.

6.I__________________ a horse!

7.Then let's forget about that schedule of yours and just________________.

8.Rudolph the ________________ Reindeer?

9.Okay,_____________________, let me see yours.

10.Looks like a match ____________________ to me.



Task 22. Watch the episode 42:45-44:45 and answer the questions below.

1. Who is depicted on the portrait?

2. What necklace is she wearing?
3. What's interesting about that woman on the portrait?
4. Why did Edward want to see Stacy?
5. What did he apologize for?
6. What does Edward mean by saying "I want to make this marriage
7. Did Edward notice something strange about "Margaret"?
Task 23.Watch the episode 44:45-46: 05 and choose the correct option.

1.Margaret has been to a sing-along before.

a) Yes
b) No
2. Stacy went to a sing-along with Paul last year.
a) Yes
b) No
3. Paul broke Margaret's heart.
a) Yes
b) No
4.The annihilation means complete destruction or obliteration.
a) Yes
b) No


Charity Ball
Do you know what Christmas tradition is
associated with mistletoe? Where does it
come from?

If not you can click on the mistletoe and read about it

Task 24. Watch the episode 44:45-52:51.

What adjective is used to...

describe a tradition_______________________________________________________________________________
describe the Duchess after she kissed the prince____________________________________________
describe Stacy's appearance_____________________________________________________________________
feelings of people at St.Andrew's________________________________________________________________
describe Stacy's abilities to play the piano(Stacy)___________________________________________
describe Stacy's abilities to play the piano(Queen)__________________________________________
describe the chords________________________________________________________________________________
describe the couple________________________________________________________________________________
describe the idea___________________________________________________________________________________


Phone Call
Task 25. Watch the episode 52:51-54:28.Write what which of two girls think
about Edward and Kevin. Why do you think their opinions differ so much?

Stacy Margaret
____________________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________

Stacy Margaret
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________


St. Andrew's

Task 26. Watch the episode 54:28-59:10. Answer the questions.

1. What does Stacy think about the charity work which the Royal's do with St.
2. Why does Edward say that Stacy sounds like his grandmother?
3. What is main thing about being a princess according to Stacy?
4. What is missing in St. Andrew's for the real Christmas? Why?
5. What solution does Stacy suggest?




Task 27. Watch the episode 59::10-1:03:50. Translate the highlighted words
and phrases.

1. Yeah. There you go. Knock yourself out.

2. I'd love to do a feature on you.
3. So the buzz is you're the one to beat this year.
4. Well, what's wrong with saving the Earth from an alien invasion?
5. Yes. We'll need about a dozen.
6. Take off your shoes this instant.
7. I changed my mind. Let's go see Santa.
8. Oh, my goodness! I feel so... so faint!
9. Sorry to be a bother.
10. My car has run out of petrol.
11. Think you could give an old man a hand?
12. On the square in town. You had one of those booths.
13. Closed early today. Rheumatism's acting up.


Task 28. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the
previous task.

knock yourself out, do a feature on, buzz, alien invasion,

dozen, instant, change mind, faint, to be a bother, run out of,
give a hand, booth, acts up

1. You (all) ________________ to the survivors of the tsunami because it is the correct thing
to do.
2. In the movie, his character, along with his family, battles to save their vacation
home and the world from an __________________.
3. The heat made me feel __________.
4. Local authorities will _____________________ money part way through the financial year.
5. I'm going to ___a double-page _____________ global warming.
6. He sent a ________ roses to his betrothed.
7. My car always _________ in cold weather.
8. I'm sorry __________________, but could I have that number again?
9. If we get separated, let’s meet at the information____________.
10. She's very young. She might ________ her ________ about what she wants to do.
11. Some people expect __________ gratification .
12. There's a ________ about Mr. Smith and his assistance.
13. You got 2000$ left, so _______________________.


New tradition

Task 29. Watch the episode 01:03:50-01:07:40 and choose the correct option.

1.Stacy was taught to cook cookies by 2.Who thinks it is still all right to play
a) The Grand Duke of Montenaro. a) Edward
b) her father. b) Stacy

3.Did Edward wrap the presents himself? 4. The word dignified means
a) Yes a) serious
b) No b) stately

5.What is a new tradition? 6. What new clause appeared in Frank's job

a) To visit a shelter every Christmas description?
b) To visit a shelter every month a) to play Twister
b) to come to shelter



Task 30.Watch the episode 01:07:40-01:11:05. Answer the questions.

What does Kevin tell about his relationships with Olivia'

What does Kevin think changed in "Stacy"?

Watch the episode 01:11:05-01:12:50 and answer the questions.

What did Edward learn from Stacy?

What is written on the family crest?
Why does Stacy say that Edward will see his Duchess
in the morning?

Watch the episode 01:12:50-01:15:41 and answer the questions.

What was there in Margaret's stocking ?

Do you think Margaret feels the same as Kevin?
Why does Margaret want to pretend that the kiss never


Switching back

Task 31. Watch the episode 01:15:41-01:18:15.Write a short opinion essay

" What appears more important to you love or duty?"



Princess Reveal

Task 32. Match the words to their definitions.

a)The layer of food inside a sandwich, cake, etc.
b)A mistake, especially something for which you are to blame.
c)A small, white ball containing a chemical with a strong smell
that keeps moths away from clothes
1. Mothball
d)A long, narrow strip of material used to tie things together or
2. Creepy
as a decoration.
3. Resignation
e)The force that some people think controls what happens in
4. Plumbing
the future, and is outside human control.
5. Resemblance
f)A lamp whose beam can be directed, or a circle of light
6. Filling
produced by such a lamp.
7. Ribbon
g)Strange and slightly frightening.
8. Commendable
h)The act of telling your employer that you are leaving your
9. Fault
10. Spotlight
i)Deserving praise.
11. Complicated
j)The fact that two people or things look like each other or are
12. Destiny
similar in some other way.
k)The water pipes and similar systems in a building.
l)Involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to


Task 33.Watch the episode 01:18:15-01:33:56. Put the sentences in the

chronological order.

Competition begins.
Stacy and Olivia meet again.
Margaret and Edward head off to Wembley.
The Queen tells Edward and Margaret that she needs their help in handing out the
ribbons at the bakery competition.
Mrs. Donatelli speaks plainly with the Duchess.
Margaret tells Kevin the she loves him.
Frank comes with an urgent business to the King.
Margaret tells Kevin the she loves him.
Margaret tells everything Edward.
Stacy faces the problem at the competition.
The Queen finds out the truth about Stacy.
Edward makes a proposal to Stacy.
Stacy and Margaret reveal their secret to Kevin.
Stacy and Kevin win the competition.



Task 34. Watch the last episode 01:33:56-01:36:12. Answer the questions.

Did you expect such an ending of this film?

Do you enjoy such Christmas movies?
Would you recommend this film to your friends?
Would you like to watch the sequel?

©@kate.khashchiiuk Notes

©@kate.khashchiiuk Keys
Task 1.
She works in a bakery.
Kevin is Stacy's sous-chef.
He's going to tell her that they recieved an invitation to the
Christmas festival in Belgravia.
Only the best pastry chefs
in the entire world get invited to this festival.
Because she thinks they can't close up a bkery before
Christmas and she is bad at spontaneous things.
Paul is Stacy's ex-boyfriend.
No,she isn't

Task 2.
1. Count on 2. Carry on 3. Talk about 4. Break up
5.Cheer up 6.Pay for 7.Close up 8. Turn out 9. Good at
10. Argue with 11. Come on 12. Move on.

Task 3.
1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-f, 5-e, 6-a.

Task 4.
1) were, 2) lodge, 3) terrific, 4) sweetie, 5) mentioned, 6) supposed,
7) gonna, 8)huge, 9) contest, 10)big, 11) old.

Task 5.
Column neurotic, bossy, control freak, meticulous, neat, serious
Column adventurous, spontaneous, easy-going, flexible,
irresponsible, silly.

Task 6.
1- False, 2- True, 3- NG, 4- True, 5- False, 6- False.

©@kate.khashchiiuk Keys

Task 7.
1. She alphabetized it. She is organized.
2. The handle of the sauté pan.
3. She meets Brianna. No, she wasn't. Your own ideas.
4. Brianna Michaels.
5. Le Cordon Bleu. It is one of the best culinary schools in the
6. That they had love affair.

Task 8.

_______ piping bag
_________ sauté pan
__________ rolling pin _________
__________ prep spoon

Task 9.

1. As a matter of fact, I have my own shop in Chicago. Stacy.

2. The Royal pastry chef here has a way of doing things, and I'm
not sure they're to my liking. Margaret.
3. Well, when it comes to wedding cakes, the bride is always
right. Stacy.
4. I know it's short notice, but would you join me at the palace for
a consultation later on today? Margaret.
5. I wouldn't want to risk offending the King and Queen.
6. I really wish you and Stacy were a thing. Olivia.
7. If sparks were gonna fly, we'd know by now. Kevin.
8. Besides, she's just a little too intense for someone like me.

©@kate.khashchiiuk Keys

Task 10.
c, 2.b, 3.a, 4.b, 5.a, 6.b.

Task 11.
-Please do come in.
-Might I say you look lovely in pink.
-And you look lovely as well. Not in... Not in pink. Just... you know,
in general. Though I'm sure pink would be very becoming.
-I'll take that as a compliment. I trust the accommodations are to
your liking.
-Oh, yes, they're top drawer!
-Yes. But is there a problem with the sofa?
-No. No, no, not at all.
-You seem to keep staring at it.
-Oh, well... I have a lazy eye. Yes. Uh, not all the time. Just when I
get fatigued.
-Perhaps it's not to your taste or not comfortable enough.
-Oh, no, no, it's very comfortable. Very comfortable indeed. In fact, I
took a nap on it. Slept like a log.
-A log?
-Yes, dear, a royal log. It's an expression we have in Montenaro.
-A royal log? It's very quaint.
-Oh, well, we're a quaint, little country. But I don't want to keep you
from Spain.
-Oh, yes, I...I suppose I should be heading off.
-Yes, off you go. Oh, and do tell your driver to be careful of
pedestrians and other road hazards.
-Road hazards?

©@kate.khashchiiuk Keys

Task 12.
Your own answer.

Task 13.
1.b, 2.a, 3.b.

Task 14.
1.c, 2.b, 3.a, 4.b, 5.b, 6.b, 7.a, 8.a.

Task 15.
1.b, 2.f, 3.d, 4.g, 5.c, 6.e, 7.a.

Task 16.
1.nightgown, 2.custom, 3.fetches, 4.schedule, 5.fastidious,
6.attorney, 7.substitution.

Task 17.
1. It's the salad course. Chef was thinking about a peanut sauce
for salad dressing.
2. Edward didn't go to Spain.
3. He thought it's wrong to be concerned with affairs of state with
their wedding just around the corner.
4. To attend the St. Andrew's Shelter Charity Ball.
5. Tiara.
6. A ride through the countryside. Not really.
7. It's too cold for the horses to go outside. No, it didn't.
8. She seems different.

©@kate.khashchiiuk Keys

Task 18.
1. coming up, 2.eat out, 3.trim, 4.pick up, 5.impose, 6.service.

Task 19.
To get away-сбежать
The affairs of state-государственные дела
Foreign trade-внешняя торговля
Stick to things-заниматься только определённым занятием

Task 20.
Your own answer.

Task 21.
1. picked up. Stacy.
2. a bit of a snag. Margaret.
3. a rocket. Olivia.
4. hang with. Olivia.
5. must have slipped. Margaret.
6. vaulted over. Stacy.
7. hang out. Kevin.
8. blood-sucking. Margaret.
9. smarty-pants. Kevin.
10. made in heaven. Stockings seller.

©@kate.khashchiiuk Keys

Task 22.
1. Edward's grandmother.
2. A family crest.
3. She was a rebel and ahead of her time.
4. He wanted to apologize.
5. For being an utter imbecile in the morning.
6. He wants to have a happy marriage not just a duty.
7. Yes, he did.

Task 23.
1. b, 2.a, 3.a, 4.a.

Task 24.
1. silly,
2. strong-minded,
3. stunning,
4. thrilled,
5. rusty,
6. gifted,
7. simple,
8. fine,
9. fabulous.

Task 25.
Stacy about Kevin: He is very immature and behaves like a puppy
If you're nice to him, he'll follow you anywhere.
Margaret about Kevin: He is very endearing and looks really hot
with his shirt off.
Stacy about Edward: He's nice and looks really good in tuxedo.
Margaret about Edward: He's formal and was born in tuxedo.

©@kate.khashchiiuk Keys

Task 26.
1. She thinks they really need to be more involved.
2. Because she has new ideas.
3. The most important thing about being a princess is caring
about other people.
4. A Christmas tree and presents.
5. To buy everything themselves.

Task 27.
1. Knock yourself out-ни в чем себе не отказывай.
2. To do a feature on somebody- сдклать заметку, написать
3. Buzz-сплетня.
4. Alien invasion-инопланетное вторжение.
5. About a dozen-примерно дюжина.
6. Changed my mind-изменила свое мнение.
7. Feel faint- чувствовать себя плохо,
8. To be a bother- показаться назойливым.
9. Run out of-заканчиватся
10. Could give an old man a hand- помочь старичку.
11. Booths-киоски
12. Acting up- разыгрался ( про ревматизм)

Task 28.
1. give a hand,
2. alien invasion,
3. faint,
4. run out of,
5. do a feature on,
6. dozen
7. acts up

©@kate.khashchiiuk Keys

8. to be a bother,
9. booth,
10. change mind,
11. instant,
12. buzz,
13. knock yourself out.

Task 29.
1. b, 2.b, 3.a, 4.b, 5.b, 6.a.

Task 30.
1. They weren't meant to be together.
2. She's less intense now.
3. How to understand people and how to reach out to them.
4. "Veritas, Anoris, Amare." "Truth, honor, and love."
5. He will meet Margaret instead of her.
6. Your own answer.
7. Because she won't be with him anymore.

Task 31.
Your own answer.

Task 32.
1. c, 2.g, 3.h, 4.k, 5.j, 6.a, 7.d, 8.i, 9.b, 10.f, 11.l, 12.e.

©@kate.khashchiiuk Keys
Task 33.
1. Stacy and Olivia meet again.
2. Frank comes with an urgent business to the King.
3. Mrs. Donatelli speaks plainly with the Duchess.
4. The Queen finds out the truth about Stacy.
5. Competition begins.
6. The Queen tells Edward and Margaret that she needs their help
in handing out the ribbons at the bakery competition.
7. Stacy faces the problem at the competition.
8. Margaret tells everything to Edward.
9. Margaret and Edward head off to Wembley.
10. Stacy and Kevin win the competition.
11. Stacy and Margaret reveal their secret to Kevin.
12. Margaret tells Kevin the she loves him.
13. Edward makes a proposal to Stacy.

Task 34.
Your own answers.

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Opening this page means that you have successfully finished the
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I would appreciate if you devoted some of your precious time to

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With respect and admiration,
yours, Kate.
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