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Министерство образования и науки РФ

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования
«Тверской государственный технический университет»

Кафедра иностранных языков



Практикум по развитию иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции

для студентов 1–2-го курсов всех направлений подготовки бакалавров
и специалистов

Тверь 2012
УДК 811=20(075.8)
ББК 81.2Англ.я7

Деева, Н.В. Приложение к аудиокурсу «Разговорный практикум по

английскому языку»: учебно-методический практикум / Н.В. Деева. Тверь:
ТГТУ, 2012. 24 с.

Составлен в соответствии с программными требованиями и учебным

планом по разделу дисциплины «Иностранный язык» в Тверском
государственном техническом университете и предназначен для студентов
1–2-го курсов всех направлений подготовки бакалавров и специалистов,
изучающих английский язык. Является приложением к аудиокурсу
«Разговорный практикум по английскому языку» и состоит из учебных
диалогов, предназначенных для развития коммуникативных навыков в
ситуациях повседневной жизни и профессиональной деятельности.
Учебно-методическая разработка состоит из 4-х разделов, которые
охватывают бытовую, учебно-познавательную, деловую и
профессиональную сферы общения и построены по принципу от простого
к сложному.

Рекомендовано к опубликованию и использованию в учебном

процессе (протокол № 2 от 12.11.2012 г.).

Рецензент: к. ф. н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков Тверского

филиала МЭСИ Соколова А.Ю.

© Деева Н.В., 2012

© Тверской государственный
технический университет, 2012


UNIT I ............................................................................................................... 4
Dialogue 1. What is your name? (Level 1) ...................................................... 4
Dialogue 2. Where are you from? (Level 1) .................................................... 5
Dialogue 3. Do you speak English? (Level 1) ................................................. 5
Dialogue 4. Is it going to rain? (Level 1) ......................................................... 5
Dialogue 5. Have you done your homework? (Level 1) .................................. 6
Dialogue 6. I am having a party (Level 2) ....................................................... 6
Dialogue 7. What is your family like? (Level 2).............................................. 6
Dialogue 8. Will you go to the library with me? (Level 2) .............................. 7
Dialogue 9. Going to see a movie. (Level 2) ................................................... 7
Dialogue 10. Are you going to a party on Saturday? (Level 3) ........................ 8
Dialogue 11. Are you still together? (Level 3) ................................................ 8
Dialogue 12. I moved to a new apartment. (Level 3) ....................................... 9
UNIT II ............................................................................................................ 10
Dialogue 1. Can I borrow your notes? (Level 1)............................................ 10
Dialogue 2. I did not do my homework! (Level 1) ........................................ 11
Dialogue 3. Do you go to college? (Level 1) ................................................. 11
Dialogue 4. What is the schedule? (Level 1) ................................................. 12
Dialogue 5. I am new here. (Level 2) ............................................................ 12
Dialogue 6. Studying for an exam. (Level 2) ................................................. 12
Dialogue 7. How have you been? (Level 2)................................................... 13
Dialogue 8. Are you going to graduate this summer? (Level 3) ..................... 13
Dialogue 9. Your English is so good. (Level 3) ............................................. 14
Dialogue 10. I would like to find a part time job. (Level 3) ........................... 15
Dialogue 11. What’s your major? (Level 3) .................................................. 15
UNIT III ........................................................................................................... 16
Dialogue 1. Do you know how to get to the mall? (Level 1) ......................... 17
Dialogue 2. Can you tell me how to get there? (Level 1) ............................... 17
Dialogue 3. Looking for Holiday Inn. (Level 1) ............................................ 18
Dialogue 4. Did you take any pictures? (Level 2) .......................................... 18
Dialogue 5. Where are you? (Level 2) ........................................................... 19
Dialogue 6. We should ask someone for directions (Level 3) ........................ 19
Dialogue 7. Where is the closest ATM? (Level 3) ......................................... 19
UNIT IV .......................................................................................................... 20
Dialogue 1. What do you do for work? (Level 1) .......................................... 21
Dialogue 2. Where are you working now? (Level 1) ..................................... 21
Dialogue 3. Leaving a message. (Level 2) ..................................................... 22
Dialogue 4. Business communications. (Level 3) .......................................... 22
Dialogue 5. He said he had to cancel the meeting. (Level 3) ......................... 23
Dialogue 6. Did you hear Bill got fired yesterday? (Level 3) ........................ 23

1. Я и моя семья.
2. Повседневная жизнь.
3. Место проживания, дом.

Задание 1. Послушайте диалоги и переведите их на русский язык.

Задание 2. Найдите в диалогах следующие фразы, выпишите их в словарь,

выучите их наизусть.
Level 1.
Привет. Как дела? У меня все хорошо. Как твои дела? Как тебя зовут? Ты
откуда? Я из ….. Приятно с тобой познакомиться. Ты не знаешь, сколько
времени? 8 часов вечера. Спасибо. Пожалуйста. Ты разговариваешь по-
английски? Немного. Пока нет. Кем ты работаешь? А ты? Я тоже. Сегодня
такой замечательный день. Я очень надеюсь,…. Не могу дождаться,
Level 2.
Что у тебя нового? (Что у тебя происходит?) Сегодня у меня вечеринка. Я
не знал(-а). Во сколько? Без сомнения. Ты едешь домой в эти выходные?
Мне очень жаль это слышать. Где живут твои родители? У тебя есть братья
и сестры? Ты их часто видишь? Мои тетя и дядя живут в 30 минутах
отсюда. Ты хотел(-а) бы пойти в библиотеку/ кино/ театр/ на вечеринку со
мной? Конечно. Мы пойдем пешком или поедем на машине? Как нам
отсюда добраться до …..? Это занимает около 10 минут. Что ты делаешь
сегодня вечером? Я бы хотел(-а) пойти в кино. Хочешь поесть?
Level 3.
Будет очень весело. Вы с … еще встречаетесь? Да, у нас все хорошо.
Утебя есть планы на сегодняшний вечер? Пару недель назад. На днях.
Шутишь? Наверное. Давно не общались. Как дела? (Что нового?) Круто. Я
очень рад. Все получилось. Было бы здорово. Я подумаю.

Задание 3. Составьте свой диалог, используя образцы, и выучите его по


Dialogue 1. What is your name? (Level 1)

John: Excuse me, what's your name?
Jessica: My name is Jessica. What's yours?
John: John.
Jessica: You speak English very well.
John: Thank you.
Jessica: Do you know what time it is?
John: Sure. It's 5:10PM.
Jessica: What did you say?

John: I said it's 5:10PM.
Jessica: Thanks.
John: You're welcome.

Dialogue 2. Where are you from? (Level 1)

James: Hello.
Lisa: Hi.
James: How are you?
Lisa: I'm good. How are you?
James: Good. Do you speak English?
Lisa: A little. Are you American?
James: Yes.
Lisa: Where are you from?
James: I'm from California.
Lisa: Nice to meet you.
James: Nice to meet you too.

Dialogue 3. Do you speak English? (Level 1)

Mary: Excuse me, are you American?
Robert: No.
Mary: Do you speak English?
Robert: A little, but not very well.
Mary: How long have you been here?
Robert: 2 months.
Mary: What do you do for work?
Robert: I'm a student. How about you?
Mary: I'm a student too.

Dialogue 4. Is it going to rain? (Level 1)

Jenny: It's such a nice day.
Clarke: Yes, it is.
Jenny: It looks like it may rain soon.
Clarke: Yes, and I hope that it does.
Jenny: Why is that?
Clarke: I really love how rain clears the air.
Jenny: Me too. It always smells so fresh after it rains.
Clarke: Yes, but I love the night air after it rains.
Jenny: Really? Why is it?
Clarke: Because you can see the stars perfectly.
Jenny: I really hope it rains today.
Clarke: Yeah, me too.

Dialogue 5. Have you done your homework? (Level 1)
Mother: Have you done your homework?
Billy: Not yet.
Mother: Then why are you watching TV?
Billy: This is my favorite show.
Mother: Go do your homework.
Billy: But, mom!
Mother: You can watch TV after you do your homework.
Billy: But the show will be over.
Mother: There will be another show next week.
Billy: Please?
Mother: You know the rules.
Billy: I hate the rules! I can’t wait till I grow up.

* to be over – закончиться
* show – передача

Dialogue 6. I am having a party. (Level 2)

Sam: What's going on with you?
Pete: Nothing. What's going on with you?
Sam: I'm having a party this Friday.
Pete: I had no idea.
Sam: Is that right?
Pete: I didn't hear anything about it.
Sam: Can you go?
Pete: What time?
Sam: It starts at 8 o'clock.
Pete: I'll go.
Sam: I hope that I'll see you there.
Pete: No doubt.

Dialogue 7. What is your family like? (Level 2)

Jason: Hi Melissa, are you going home this weekend?
Melissa: No, not this weekend. I have too much work to do.
Jason: Where do your parents live?
Melissa: My father lives in Washington DC.
Jason: How about your mother?
Melissa: My mother died two years ago.
Jason: Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Is your father still working?
Melissa: No, he's retired.
Jason: Do you have any family here?
Melissa: Yes, two of my cousins live here and my aunt and uncle live
about 30 miles from here.

Jason: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Melissa: Yes, I have two brothers who live in New York and a sister
who lives in Boston.
Jason: Do you see them a lot?
Melissa: Not as much as I'd like to. Usually just on holidays like
Thanksgiving and Christmas.

* Washington DC – Вашингтон, округ Колумбия

* cousin – любой двоюродный родственник

Dialogue 8. Will you go to the library with me? (Level 2)

Kevin: Lisa, would you like to go to the library with me?
Lisa: OK. Do you think we can go buy a newspaper first?
Kevin: Sure. First we'll go buy a newspaper and then we'll go to the
Lisa: Are we going to walk or drive?
Kevin: The weather is really nice today. Let's walk.
Lisa: The weather is good now, but I think it's supposed to rain this
Kevin: Alright, then let's take an umbrella. Is your brother coming
with us?
Lisa: No, he's still sleeping.
Kevin: Wow, it's already 10:00AM. He must have been up late last
Lisa: Yeah, he didn't come home until 12:00AM.
Kevin: I hope he can come later.
Lisa: I hope so too. I'll give him a call when we get there.
Kevin: How do we get to the library from here?
Lisa: It's straight down this road on the left, next to the museum. It
takes about 10 minutes.

* АМ – время с полуночи до полудня

* PM – время после полудня

Dialogue 9. Going to see a movie. (Level 2)

Jerry: Ann what do you want to do tonight?
Ann: I'd like to go see a movie.
Jerry: I heard Titanic is playing at the movie theater.
Ann: Oh, I've heard that's a good movie. What time does it start?
Jerry: 6:30PM. It's a long movie. I think it lasts for about 3 hours.
Ann: Will you come and pick me up?
Jerry: What time?
Ann: I think we should get there early because they might be sold

out. Is 5:00PM OK?
Jerry: Yes, that'll be fine. I'll meet you at your house at 5:00PM.
Ann: Do you want to get something to eat before the movie?
Jerry: I'm not sure there will be enough time for that. We can have
popcorn and hot dogs at the theater if you want.
Ann: I don't like the popcorn they have there. I think they put too
much salt on it.
Jerry: OK then, I'll pick you up a little earlier and we can go to the
Thai restaurant next to the theater, is that OK?
Ann: Yes, I like that place.

* tonight – сегодня вечером

* to pick up – забрать

Dialogue 10. Are you going to a party on Saturday? (Level 3)

John: Are you going to a party on Saturday?
Anne: I was thinking about it. Are you?
John: Yeah, I heard it's going to be a lot of fun.
Anne: Really? Well, what time does it start?
John: It starts at 8.00 pm, and I really think you should go.
Anne: Well, who all is going to be there?
John: Everybody from school.
Anne: How do you know it's going to be so fun?
John: This party is going to have a DJ, food, and drinks.
Anne: Wow, that does sound like it's going to be fun.
John: So am I going to see you at the party?
Anne: Yeah, I will be there.

* a lot of fun – очень весело

Dialogue 11. Are you still together? (Level 3)

Paul: Betty, are you and John still dating?
Betty: Yeah, things are going really good.
Paul: Where did you meet him?
Betty: I met him at the library a couple of weeks ago. We were sitting
at the same table and he asked to borrow my pen.
Paul: Wow, that's a nice story.
Betty: I was telling Jim about it the other day. He thought it was pretty
Paul: Do you two have plans for tonight?
Betty: Yes, I think we're going to rent a movie. Have you seen
anything good lately?
Paul: I saw Spider-Man the other day.

Betty: I've heard that's a really funny movie.
Paul: Are you kidding? That movie's not funny. It's sad. I was crying
at the end.
Betty: You're really sensitive, aren't you?
Paul: I guess so. Maybe that's why I can't find a girlfriend.

* to date – встречаться (романтически)

* pretty – довольно-таки
* the other day – на днях

Dialogue 12. I moved to a new apartment. (Level 3)

Gary: Hello?
Nancy: Hey Gary. What's up?
Gary: I haven't talked to you in a long time, what's been happening?
Nancy: Well, I don't know if you heard, I just moved into a new
apartment in LA.
Gary: No, I heard you were thinking about moving but I didn't
know you'd already found a place. That's cool.
Nancy: Yeah, I'm really happy about it.
Gary: Do you have any roommates?
Nancy: No, not this time. It's a big change for me 'cause I've never
lived alone.
Gary: Don't you think you'll be lonely?
Nancy: Not really, I have two friends who live in the same building.
We all had dinner together last night.
Gary: Are they students also?
Nancy: No, they're not students, but there are a lot of students living
in the building.
Gary: Sounds like a nice place.
Nancy: Yeah, I think it's a good environment for learning English.
Gary: Well, I'm glad to hear everything worked out.
Nancy: You should come out here and visit me sometime. There's
even a pool.
Gary: That would be nice. I'll think about it.

* to move – переезжать
* to work out – получаться

1. Высшее образование, мой вуз.
2. Студенческая жизнь.

Задание 1. Послушайте диалоги и переведите их на русский язык.

Задание 2. Найдите в диалогах следующие фразы, выпишите их в словарь,

выучите их наизусть.
Level 1.
Я не смог (смогла) прийти. Почему? Я болела. У тебя есть записи с
прошлого занятия? Вот, пожалуйста. Большое спасибо. Не за что. Я
сегодня не сделал домашнее задание. Что случилось? Ты учишься в
колледже? Тебе нравится? Да, очень. Чем я могу вам помочь? Вам что-
нибудь еще нужно? Нет, это все, спасибо.
Level 2.
Кем ты работаешь? Я студент. В каком учебном заведении ты учишься?
Что ты изучаешь? Моя специальность – английский. Не удивительно.
Приятно снова тебя увидеть. Как дела? Семестр почти закончен. У меня
всю неделю были экзамены. После того, как я окончу университет, я
постараюсь найти работу. Ты знаешь, где бы ты хотел(-а) работать? Пока
нет. Я хочу быть переводчиком с английского. Не волнуйся об этом? Куда
ты сейчас идешь? Я иду учить. Завтра я должен сдавать экзамен. Удачи.
Level 3.
Что ты здесь делаешь? Я жду подругу (друга). Неужели? В августе я
получаю степень бакалавра. Затем мне нужно начинать искать работу. Это
было непросто. У тебя есть предложения по работе? Я разослал резюме, но
получил не много ответов. Сейчас довольно сложно найти работу. Я
думаю, инженерам проще найти работу. Я не уверен(-а), что это так. На
самом деле это не важно. Вам понадобится работа на полный день или с
частичной занятостью? Я хочу работать неполный день. А я получил
(право на) стипендию на четыре года.

Задание 3. Составьте свой диалог, используя образцы, и выучите его по


Dialogue 1. Can I borrow your notes? (Level 1)

Josy: Do you have the notes from last week's class?
Steve: Did you come late?
Josy: I couldn't make it.
Steve: Why is that?
Josy: I was sick.
Steve: Oh, okay. Well, here you go.
Josy: Are these all of them?

Steve: Oh, wait, here are the rest.
Josy: Thanks a bunch.
Steve: Don't mention it.

* notes – записи
* here you go – вот
* a bunch – много

Dialogue 2. I did not do my homework! (Level 1)

Student: I don't have my homework today.
Teacher: You usually are good about turning it in; what happened?
Student: I was really sick.
Teacher: But couldn't you have done it when you felt better?
Student: Yes, I probably could.
Teacher: You have already missed one other assignment; when can I
expect the make-ups?
Student: Next class meeting.
Teacher: That will be soon enough, but make sure you get next
week's assignment in as well, all right?
Student: That would work for me.
Teacher: Good. I know that you are capable of being an excellent

* to turn in – сдавать (задание)

* to miss – пропустить
* assignment – задание
* make-up – отработка

Dialogue 3. Do you go to college? (Level 1)

Valerie: Do you go to college?
Keith: Yes, I do.
Valerie: What college do you go to?
Keith: I go to Pasadena City College.
Valerie: Do you like it?
Keith: Oh, yes, I really like it.
Valerie: Why do you like it?
Keith: Because it has great teachers.
Valerie: What else?
Keith: I like all my classmates, too.
Valerie: Anything else?
Keith: Yes. It’s not expensive!

Dialogue 4. What is the schedule? (Level 1)
Clerk: What can I help you with today?
Student: When does the library close?
Clerk: The library closes at six o'clock.
Student: Does it close at that time every day?
Clerk: Not always.
Student: Is the library open on Saturdays?
Clerk: Yes.
Student: What time do you open and close on Saturday?
Clerk: The hours are from 9 am to 6.30 pm.
Student: Okay. Thank you very much.
Clerk: Do you need anything else?
Student: No, that's all. Thanks.

Dialogue 5. I am new here. (Level 2)

Rachel: Craig, what do you do for work?
Craig: I'm still a student.
Rachel: What school do you go to?
Craig: Boston University.
Rachel: That's a good school. What do you study?
Craig: I'm studying English, math, and history. My major is
Rachel: How long have you been studying English?
Craig: More than six years.
Rachel: That's a long time.
Craig: Yeah, I started to learn English when I was in high school.
Rachel: No wonder your English is so good.
Craig: Actually, it's not that good. I can read but I can't speak very
well. I haven't had a lot of chance to practice.
Rachel: I see. Talking with other people is very important.
Craig: Yes, but I still don't have many friends here yet.
Rachel: I'm having a party tonight at my apartment. You should
Craig: Oh thanks for inviting me. I'd love to come.

* major – главный предмет, специальность

* high school – средняя школа
* no wonder – неудивительно

Dialogue 6. Studying for an exam. (Level 2)

Shawn: Hi Kim.
Kim: Hey Shawn, good to see you again.
Shawn: How have you been?

Kim: OK, I didn't sleep much last night though. I stayed up until
2AM studying for an exam.
Shawn: I was up late last night too. The semester is almost over. I've
had exams all week.
Kim: Are you going back to California after you graduate?
Shawn: I think so. After I graduate I'll probably go back home and try
to get a job.
Kim: Do you know where you'd like to work?
Shawn: Not yet, but I want to be an English translator.
Kim: That'd be really cool. I'd like to be a translator too, but I don't
think my English is good enough.
Shawn: Don't worry about that. Your English is better than most of my
Kim: Thanks. Where are you going now?
Shawn: I'm going to study at the library. I have to take an exam
Kim: Me too. How late does the library stay open?
Shawn: I think it's open until 11:30PM.
Kim: OK, Good luck.
Shawn: You too.

* to stay up – не спать
* to be over – заканчиваться

Dialogue 7. How have you been? (Level 2)

Tom: Hi, I haven't seen you in a while.
Liza: Yes, it has been a long time!
Tom: How long has it been since we last saw each other?
Liza: I think that we last saw each other two years ago.
Tom: What have you been doing for the past two years?
Liza: I have been going to graduate school at USC.
Tom: What are you majoring in?
Liza: I am studying international communications.
Tom: You should easily be able to find a job with that major.
Liza: I am counting on being able to get a good job.
* a while – некоторое время

Dialogue 8. Are you going to graduate this summer? (Level 3)

Tim: Hey Diane, what are you doing here?
Diane: Hi, Tim, how are you? I'm waiting for a friend.
Tim: I heard you're going to graduate this summer. Is that true?
Diane: Yes. If everything goes alright, I'll be getting my bachelors
degree in August. Then I need to start looking for a job.

Tim: I had to do that last year. It wasn't easy. Do you have any job
Diane: No, not yet. I sent out a lot of resumes, but I didn't receive many
responses. It's pretty hard to find a job right now.
Tim: What's your major?
Diane: Psychology.
Tim: That was my major when I started college, but I switched to
engineering after the first year.
Diane: I think it's easier for engineers to find a job.
Tim: I'm not sure about that. It took me about 3 months to find a job.
I finally was able to get a job after I put my resume on one of
those job websites.
Diane: Anyway, it really doesn't matter. If I can't find a job I'll
probably go back to school to get my Masters degree.

* Bachelors degree – степень бакалавра

* Masters degree – степень магистра

Dialogue 9. Your English is so good. (Level 3)

Sara: Thomas your English is so good. How did you learn it?
Thomas: Well, in my country everyone has to take English starting in
the first grade. I've been taking English courses for 12 years
Sara: Wow, that's interesting. I remember when we took that trip
last year and visited your family. It seemed like there weren't
many people that could speak with me in English.
Thomas: Oh, that's because they don't speak English that much.
Sara: But they speak it in school, right? Maybe they just didn't like
me so they didn't want to talk to me.
Thomas: No, actually they liked you a lot. They told me they thought
you were very nice. They are just shy. They're not used to
talking with foreigners. I remember when I first came to the
U.S. I was really nervous about speaking with people.
Sara: I see. I thought there were lots of Americans teaching English
in your country.
Thomas: Yes, that's true. There are probably twice as many now as
there were five years ago, but they are mostly in the cities. My
family lives in the country.
Sara: I wonder why. Personally I prefer the country to the city. It's
so quiet and peaceful. If I were to teach, I would want to teach
in the country.
Thomas: Do you think you would want to teach someday? I know the
schools around my town are looking for teachers, so if you

want I can call them and get more information.
Sara: No, I don't think so. I would need to stay there for a year, and
I don't think I can take that much time off work.
Thomas: Well, if you change your mind, let me know. I think you
would be a really great teacher.

* grade – класс
* to be used to Ving – иметь привычку (привык) что-то

Dialogue 10. I would like to find a part time job. (Level 3)

Student: I was wondering if you could help me use the Student Job
Clerk: There are many ways; what kind of job would you like?
Student: I want to work in a restaurant.
Clerk: Fine! Will you need part-time or full-time work?
Student: I want to work part-time.
Clerk: Fine, the two best ways are to use our local listings binders
over there or you can use the computers with the Internet job
listing sites. See them over there?
Student: Yes, I know what to do.
Clerk: Well, in addition, you can schedule an appointment with a
job counselor on this list. If you would like to do that, sign
here, OK?
Student: Yes, I think that would be great.
Clerk: Fine, well the job search tools are all here for you to use.
Feel free to look around and use what works best for you.
Have fun with it!

* to schedule an appointment – назначить встречу

* to sign – подписать

Dialogue 11. What’s your major? (Level 3)

Maria: Oh, hi Dave. Long time, no see!
Dave: Hi Maria. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d drop
Maria: Come on in. [Thanks.] Take a seat. Would you like
anything to drink? I have Sprite or orange juice.
Dave: Sprite would be fine. Uh, so, how have you been?
Maria: Oh, not bad. And you?
Dave: Oh, I’m doing okay, but school has been really hectic these
days, and I haven’t had time to relax.
Maria: By the way, what’s your major anyway?

Dave: Hotel management.
Maria: Well, what do you want to do once you graduate?
Dave: Uh… I haven’t decided for sure, but I think I’d like to work
for a hotel or travel agency in this area. How about you?
Maria: Well, when I first started college, I wanted to major in
French, but I realized I might have a hard time finding a job
using the language, so I changed majors to computer
science. [Oh]. With the right skills, landing a job in the
computer industry shouldn’t be as difficult
Dave: So, do you have a part-time job to support yourself through
Maria: Well, fortunately for me, I received a four-year academic
scholarship [Wow] that pays for all of my tuition and
Dave: Wow. That’s great.
Maria: Yeah. How about you? Are you working your way through
Dave: Yeah. I work three times a week at a restaurant near
Maria: Oh. What do you do there?
Dave: I’m a cook.
Maria: How do you like your job?
Dave: It’s okay. The other workers are friendly, and the pay isn’t

* to land a job – найти работу

* campus – университетский городок

1. Современный город
2. Городской туризм

Задание 1. Послушайте диалоги и переведите их на русский язык.

Задание 2. Найдите в диалогах следующие фразы, выпишите их в словарь,

выучите их наизусть.
Level 1.
Извините, вы знаете, как добраться до торгового центра/ …? Идите прямо,
потом поверните налево на светофоре. Торговый центр/… будет справа/
слева. Вы знаете адрес? На этой улице больше светофоров. Я ищу
аэропорт. Можете мне сказать, как туда добраться? Нет, извините. Я не
знаю. Я думаю, я смогу поехать на метро. Где это? На той стороне улицы.

Вы не знаете, здесь есть поблизости туалет? Извините, я ищу …. Это вдоль
по улице, налево. Это далеко отсюда? Как далеко? Вы можете дойти
Level 2.
Вы сделали какие-нибудь фотографии? Я обожаю смотреть фотографии.
Где была сделана эта фотография? Она была сделана на вокзале перед тем,
как мы уехали. Ты где? Я в машине, еду домой. Много машин (=Большое
движение). Можешь послать мне смс? Увидимся вечером.
Level 3.
Я думаю, мы заблудились. Надо спросить дорогу. Эта дорога идет через
город. Кажется, это улица с односторонним движением. Мне придется
развернуться. Где ближайший банкомат?

Задание 3. Составьте свой диалог, используя образцы, и выучите его по


Dialogue 1. Do you know how to get to the mall? (Level 1)

Mark: Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the mall?
Betty: Sure, I used to work there. Go straight for about a mile, then
turn left at the light. The mall will be on the right.
Mark: Do you know the address?
Betty: Yes, the address is 541 Main street.
Mark: Can you write it down for me please?
Betty: No problem.
Mark: Is it faster if I take Highland avenue?
Betty: No, that way is longer. There are more stop lights on that
Mark: I think you're right. Thank you.

* mall – торговый центр

* light – светофор

Dialogue 2. Can you tell me how to get there? (Level 1)

Amy: Hi Michael.
Michael: Hi Amy. What's up?
Amy: I'm looking for the airport. Can you tell me how to get there?
Michael: No, sorry. I don't know.
Amy: I think I can take the subway to the airport. Do you know
where the subway is?
Michael: Sure, it's over there.
Amy: Where? I don't see it.
Michael: Across the street.
Amy: Oh, I see it now. Thanks.

Michael: No problem.
Amy: Do you know if there's a restroom around here?
Michael: Yes, there's one here. It's in the store.
Amy: Thank you.
Michael: Bye.
Amy: Bye bye.

Dialogue 3. Looking for Holiday Inn. (Level 1)

Paul: Excuse me, I'm looking for the Holiday Inn. Do you know
where it is?
Nancy: Sure. It's down this street on the left.
Paul: Is it far from here?
Nancy: No, it's not far.
Paul: How far is it?
Nancy: About a mile and a half.
Paul: How long does it take to get there?
Nancy: 5 minutes or so.
Paul: Is it close to the subway station?
Nancy: Yes, it's very close. The subway station is next to the hotel.
You can walk there.
Paul: Thanks a lot.

Dialogue 4. Did you take any pictures? (Level 2)

Kathy: Jim, I heard you took a trip to San Diego. Is that right?
Jim: Yeah, I just got back this morning.
Kathy: That sounds really nice. What did you do there?
Jim: Well, we were only there for three days, so we didn't do too
much. We went shopping and went out to dinner a few times.
At night we walked around the city with some friends.
Kathy: Did you take any pictures?
Jim: Yes, I have them with me. Do you want to look at them?
Kathy: Sure, I love looking at photos.
Jim: This one is of my wife and me on the beach, and this one is
our daughter Emily standing next to my wife.
Kathy: Your daughter looks like her mother.
Jim: I know, they look very similar.
Kathy: Where was this picture taken?
Jim: That was taken at the train station before we left.
Kathy: Did you have time to go to the zoo?
Jim: No, not this time. We went there last time.
Kathy: It looks like you all had a nice time.
Jim: Yeah, it was a lot of fun.

Dialogue 5. Where are you? (Level 2)
Frank: Hello?
Pam: Hi Frank, it's Pam.
Frank: Hey Pam, what's up?
Pam: Not much. Where are you?
Frank: I'm in the car driving home.
Pam: When you get home will you send me an email with directions
to the party tonight?
Frank: Sure, no problem.
Pam: When do you think you'll get home?
Frank: I don't know, maybe in about 30 minutes or so. There's a lot of
Pam: I have to go out soon. Can you just send me a text message
with the address instead.
Frank: OK, I'll do that as soon as I get home.
Pam: Thanks a lot. Drive carefully.
Frank: OK, I'll see you tonight.
Pam: Bye.

Dialogue 6. We should ask someone for directions (Level 3)

Linda: Are you hungry?
Robert: No, why?
Linda: We've been driving for a long time. I think we'd better find
some place to eat soon.
Robert: No, I'm OK. We're late so we'd better not stop.
Linda: We've passed that same store three times already. I think we're
lost. We should ask someone for directions.
Robert: We're not lost.
Linda: I've never gone this way before. Do you know where you're
Robert: Yes, this road goes through town. It's faster than the highway.
Linda: OK. Would you mind driving a little slower please?
Robert: Sure, no problem.
Linda: Did you see that sign back there? I think this is a one way
Robert: No, I didn't see it. I'm going to have to turn around.
Linda: You can't turn around here. I think you should let me drive.
Robert: I think you're right. I'm getting tired.

Dialogue 7. Where is the closest ATM? (Level 3)

Andrew: Pam, where's the closest ATM?
Pam: It's not that far. Do you see that Yellow building over there?
Andrew: The big one or the small one?

Pam: The big one.
Andrew: Yes.
Pam: It's right next to it, on the right.
Andrew: Do you know if there's a convenience store around here?
Pam: I don't think there's one around here. The closest one is on 3rd
street, but that's probably closed now.
Andrew: I really need to get some things before I leave.
Pam: Well, you could go down to 22nd street. There are lot of stores
down there that are open 24 hours a day.
Andrew: Can I take the subway to get there?
Pam: Yes, but that'll probably take about half an hour. You should
just take a cab.
Andrew: Won't that be expensive?
Pam: No, from here I think it's only about 5 dollars.

* ATM – банкомат
* cab – такси

1. Деловая и профессиональная деятельность

Задание 1. Послушайте диалоги и переведите их на русский язык.

Задание 2. Найдите в диалогах следующие фразы, выпишите их в словарь,

выучите их наизусть.
Level 1.
Кем ты работаешь? Где ты работаешь? Где ты сейчас работаешь? Я
работаю в компании, производящей программное обеспечение. У вашей
фирмы есть вебсайт? Это можно загрузить с вебсайта. Мне пора. Было
приятно снова увидеться. Напиши мне по электронной почте на
следующей неделе. Встретимся на кофе. Можно я тебе позвоню? Конечно,
мой номер…
Level 2.
Кажется, вы набрали неверный номер. Кто вам нужен? Хотите оставить
сообщение? Не могли бы вы передать ей/ ему, что … звонил. Я скажу ей/
ему, что вы звонили.
Level 3.
Мы должны были встретиться с новыми клиентами. Можно одолжить твой
телефон? В моей фирме есть вакантная должность. Билл/… может пройти
интервью на этой неделе.

Задание 3. Составьте свой диалог, используя образцы, и выучите его по

Dialogue 1. What do you do for work? (Level 1)

Michael: Robert, this is my friend, Mrs. Smith.
Robert: Hi, Nice to meet you.
Mrs. : Nice to meet you too.
Robert: Mrs. Smith, what do you do for work?
Mrs. : I'm a doctor.
Robert: Oh. Where do you work?
Mrs. : New York University hospital in New York City. What do you
Smith: do?
Robert: I'm a teacher.
Mrs. : What do you teach?
Robert: I teach English.
Mrs. : Where?
Robert: At a high school in New Jersey.
Mrs. : That's nice. How old are you?
Robert: I'm 32.

Dialogue 2. Where are you working now? (Level 1)

Josh: Hi Rachel!
Rachel: Hi Josh! It's been a long time. Where are you working now?
Josh: I work at a software company downtown. I'm an engineer.
Rachel: That's interesting. What kind of software do you write?
Josh: It's a database for small businesses.
Rachel: Does your company have a website?
Josh: Yes.
Rachel: What's the website address?
Josh: www.sun.com
Rachel: How can I get the software?
Josh: You can download it from the website. It's very popular and
it's free.
Rachel: OK, I'll do that. I have to go now. It was really nice seeing you
Josh: It was nice seeing you too. Email me next week and we'll get
together for coffee.
Rachel: My computer is broken so I can't send email right now. Can I

call you?
Josh: Sure, my number is 233-288-2328.

Dialogue 3. Leaving a message. (Level 2)

Laura: Hello?
Jack: Hi, is Heather there please?
Laura: Sorry, I think you have the wrong number.
Jack: Is this 617-228-2289?
Laura: Yes. Who are you looking for again?
Jack: Heather Johnson.
Laura: Oh, I thought you said Laura. Sorry about that. This is the
right number, but Heather's not here right now.
Jack: Do you know where she went?
Laura: She went to the store to buy some groceries. Would you like to
leave a message?
Jack: Yes, would you please tell her Eric Martin called?
Laura: Hi Eric, this is her roommate Kathy. I met you a couple
months ago at the Christmas party.
Jack: Oh, yes. How are you?
Laura: Good. Heather will be back in about 20 minutes. I'll tell her
you called.
Jack: OK. Thanks.
Laura: Bye bye.

* groceries – продукты

Dialogue 4. Business communications. (Level 3)

Secretary: Hello, Ultimate Computers. May I help you?
Caller: Yes, this is Jack Kordell from Hunter's Office Supplies. May I
speak to Elaine Strong, please?
Secretary: I'm sorry, but she's not in right now.
Caller: Okay, do you know when she'll be back?
Secretary: Uh, yes, she should be here later on this afternoon maybe about
4:30. May I take a message?
Caller: Yes. Ms. Strong sent me a brochure detailing your newest line
of laptop computers with a description of other software
products, but there wasn't any information about after-sales
Secretary: Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to fax that to you?
Caller: Yes, but our fax is being repaired at the moment, and it won't
be working until around 2:30. Hum . . . could you try sending
that information around 3: 30? That should give me time to
look over the material before I call Ms. Strong, say, around

5:00 o’clock.
Secretary: Sure. Could I have your name, telephone number, and fax
number, please?
Caller: Yes. Jack Kordell and the phone number is 560-1287. And the
fax number is 560-1288.
Secretary: Okay. Jack Kordell. Is your name spelled C-o-r-d-e-l?
Caller: No. It's Kordell with a "K" and two "l's." K-o-r-d-e-l-l."
Secretary: All right, Mr. Kordell. And your phone number is 560-1287,
and the fax number is 560-1288. Is that correct?
Caller: Yes it is.
Secretary: All right. I'll be sure to send you the fax this afternoon.
Caller: Okay, bye.

Dialogue 5. He said he had to cancel the meeting. (Level 3)

Jessica: Hey, I just talked to Jim.
Mark: What did he say?
Jessica: He said he had to cancel the meeting this afternoon.
Mark: Oh, I see.
Jessica: Is there a problem?
Mark: No, It's not a big deal. He and I were supposed to talk to some
new customers today.
Jessica: Sorry to hear that.
Mark: It's OK. This has been happening quite a bit recently.
Jessica: That's strange. I wonder why?
Mark: His wife has been sick, so sometimes he has to go home early
to take care of her.
Jessica: I see. How's work been going?
Mark: Things are slow right now. Would you mind if I borrow your
phone, mine's out of batteries and I have to call my boss to tell
him about this.
Jessica: OK, let me go get it. Its in the car.

Dialogue 6. Did you hear Bill got fired yesterday? (Level 3)

John: Hello?
Ann: Hi John, sorry for calling so late, I hope I didn't wake you up.
John: Actually, I was just finishing some work. I haven't gone to bed
Ann: Did you hear Bill got fired yesterday?
John: No. I didn't hear that. Are you sure?
Ann: Yeah, Sarah told me this afternoon. She was pretty upset about
John: That's too bad. Bill's a nice guy.
Ann: Yeah, I know.

John: Why did they fire him?
Ann: She didn't say.
John: I see. Well, if you talk to Sara again, tell her there's a job
opening at my company. Bill can have an interview this week
if he wants.
Ann: Oh, thank you so much. I'll call her and tell her.

* to fire – увольнять

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