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fr кýGIGс
Учебник мя общеоброзовотельных
оргониз оций и щкол
с углублённым изучением
онглийского языко

М ин и стерством просвещ е н ия
Российской Федероции

8-е издоние
УДК З7З:8'1'1.111+811.111(075.З)
ББК В1.4З2.1я721.6
Серия кЗвёздньtй английский)) основана в 2009 году.
На учебник полученьt положительньrc зааючения науун9й (заключение РАо Ns В46 от О1.12,2016 г.),
пii"rоr"r"r*iй (зu-очение Рло Ns 61 7 от 21 .1 1 ,2о| б г.) и общественной (заключение РКс lVs 296-оэ
от 22.1 2.2016 г.) экспертиз.

двторы: к. tVl. Баранова, !. щули, в. в, копылова, р, п. lVильруд, в. эванс

дчthоrs: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Ksenia Ваrапоvа, Victoria Kopylova, Radislav tVillrood

Authors' Acknowledgements
book. Thanks for their support and
We would like to thank all the staff at ExpreSS Publishing who have contributed their skilts to producing this
(senior editors); Michael Sadler and Steve Miller
patience аrе due in particulaito, Megan Lawton (Edito; n-Ch ef ); Маry Swan and Sean Todd
gr);the Express deslgn ieam, SweetsРot (rеСОrdiПg Producers); and Kevin Harris,
ieditorial assistants); Richard White (ienior production сопtго
Kimberly Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Litt]e, We r,чоulс а ;с <: lc:hank those instltutions and teachers
who piloted the manuscript, and
whose comments and feedback wеrе invaluab]e iп thэ ргосL,:_,э, эi:-: ocok,

Every effort has Ьееп made to trace all the copyright holders. lf апу have been inadvertently overlooked,
the publishers will Ье
pleased to make the necessary аrrапgеmепts at the first оррогtчпitу,

Английский язык, В класс учеб, для общеобразоват, организаций и шк, с углубл, изучением
д64 англ. яз. / iK rV Баранова, Д. Дули, В, В. Копьlлова и до ], - В-е изд - М, :Express
РuЬlishiпg:Просвещение,2О2О. - 2ов с.:ил, - (Звёздчьй английский) - lSBN 978-5_09-0]4111-о,
,,звёздньtй английский) для учащихся В класса
учебник является центральньlм элементом учебно-методического комплеюа серии
особенностью Умк является
общеобразовательнь!х организаций и школ с углублённьlм изучением английского язьtка- отличительной
требавания^r международньlх
модульное построение учебника, наличие аутентичного материала о России, заданий, соответствующих
способствуют достижению
экзаменов, готовящих постепенно к Государственной итоговой аттестации в 9 классе, Материальt учебника
личностньlх, метапредметНь!х и предметнь!х результатов обучения,
УДК 373:811,111+811.111(075.3)
ББК 81.432.1я721,6

Учебное издание
Серия кЗвёэдньtй английский),
Баранова Ксения N/l ихайловна
Дули Дженни
Копылова Виктория Викторовна
Мильруд Радислав Петрович
Эванс Вирджиния

8 класс
Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций
и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка
Редакция английского языка
Заведующий редакцией М, А. Семичев
Ответственный за выпуск М. М. Чердакова
Редактор Ю. А, Смирнов
Художественный редактор Н, В. Дождева
KoppeKTopl. А. Белитов
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ýtаrtеr r Jobs a Health lssues

. Extreme Sport5 a Appearance &
рр. 5-6 . Entertainment character
. The lnternet The Environment
. The Weather
ý present/past tenses о world Events
Breaking пеws (revision) о Volcanic eruptions
Past perfect/Past perfect a Accidents and injuries
continuous a Types of TV programmes
рр. 7-21 Quantifiers a Weather рhепоmепа
Fосus оп RNE 1 рр. 22-24
a Disasters
Language iп Use 'l р. 25
a Phrasal verbs: bock, coll, саrrу
Е Russia 1 р.26
a Word formation: compound adjectives
. j]]]jiEi:]]::.]j|
Future tenses (revision); Shops & services
] a
,..,fi::Ё future continuous о Materials & substances
' ]' ;]1]:rii:i::.:1;ji].

: |j;l_:,i: ]:].]. :.i.i:: sосiеtу -i пg l (to)-infinitive form

о Supermarket shopping
'i,l{i;l i о Furniture & appliances
.; рр.27-41 Comparisons (revision) о Faulty products
Future perfect/Future a Phrasal verbs: do, drop, get
Focus on RNE 2 рр. 42-44
perfect continuous a wоrd formation: verbs from nouns/
Language in Use 2 р. 45
clauses of concession adjectives
i:] ]'j] j]li]i;i 'j

,],-,',,,;'..{,;].]л Russia 2 р. 46
] ']|lj],:j;,;]:ii

. Modals (revision)
Dоiпg the Community action
. Conditionals 0, 'l. 2, З о Members of society
right thing . Wishes a WorId problems
ж . Relative clauses о Raising awareness
рр. 47-61 . Mixed conditionals о Space
о Епчirопmепtаl problems
Focus оп RNE 3 рр. 62-64 a Phrasal verbs: hond, hопg, jоiп
Language iп Use З р. 65 о Word formation: prefixes used with
Russia З р.66 noUns
Stil! а myýtery

The passive personal/ a Mysterious events/places
impersonal constructions a uЁоs
Reflexive/emphatic a Characteristics of strange creatures
рrопоuпs a Ways of looking
рр. 67-81 Unexplained phenomena
Question ta9s a

Focus on RNE 4 рр. 82-84 a Articles (о, оп, the, -) о Types of books
Language in Use 4 р. 85 a sound verbs
Russia 4 р. 86 о Phrasal verbs: keep, let, pick
о Word formation: forming nouns from
ж verbs/adjectives

LifelonE о
Reported speech
Reported questions/
Learning ехреriепсеs
MartiaI art skil|s
learning commands a School subjects & Technology in education
о Special introductory verbs о Achievements
рр. 87-1 01 a Time clauses a Gap уеаr ехреriепсеs
Focus оп RNE 5 рр. 102-104 a Higher education

Language in Use 5 р. 105 a PhrasaI verbs: poss, stick,.think
Е Russia 5 р, 106 о word formation: abstract nouns

Getting to kпоw о
The causative
Арреаrапсе & Character
Changing one's appearance
yotl , a Clauses (purpose, result, a Types of people
reason & mаппеr) a Body language
рр.107-121 a Speculations a Body idioms
Focus оп RNE б рр. 122-124 о tnversion о Phrasal verbs: fil/, hold, try
Language iп Use б р. 'l25 о word formation: nouns from verbs
Russia б р. 'l26
задание рекOмендуется выполнять
в личной тетради учащегося

. Revision

е lп the Heot of the Моmепt о Ап interview Ап interview нurriсопе Каtriпа:

(multiple choice) . Decide what to watch An experience The tragedy of New
. Tropped! (т/F/NS) оп TV someone had Orleons (headings)
. Stronge weother we're hаviпg! о Give bad пеws & react А story How Тsuпоmis
(т/F/NS) о lntonation: echo Work
. The Doy the Eorth Moved questions (Geography)
(missing sentences) Yuri Gаgаriп (-ГlFl

. Tomorrow's World (T/tiNS) . Buy clothes How inventions will Mode iп the USA
, Exposed! The Tricks of the Trode . Describe sb's life improve оur lives (onswering
(headings) . compare lifestyles An email of questions)
. Living iп о time vrrcrp (multiple . Make complaints & complaint How to Ье а
choice) request action А comparison of two responsible shopper
. Growing uр (gapped text) . lntonation: lifestyles (Citizenship)
. Faulty products (matching) exclamations How vertical farms Moscow's Fleo
сап benefit society Market (T/F/NS)

А doy iп the shoes of Make а donation to А short account of а Glastonbury

compIetion) charity day Festivol (headings)
о Д |treet Education (multiple choi Express opinion in the life of ап Whot is
о The Worst Place to Take о Wolk! lntonation: polite unemployed ре15оп Deforestotion7
(missing sentences) requests А letter about ап (Geography)
Space Colonisation Fчturе or А radio interview ехреriепсе VITA, is Life
Fа пtоsу? (missing sentences) о А |ecture
a Swimming with Sharks (Т/F/NS) о Ап opinion essay
a monologues (matching)
a а dialogue (multiple choice)

The Truth isn't out there ... or is Book tickets for а А ietter reviewing начпtеd Lопdоп
,t7 (T/F/NS) guided tour а book (gapped text)
lп Яeorch of Moпsters (multiple lntonation: question А paragraph about The Day of the
choice) ta9s а tour Triffids
a Mysterious P/oces (gapped text) a А summary (Literature)
a Bock to Дlfеl (missing sentences) a А description of ап The Tungusko
a Books (Т/F) experience Eyent (T/F/NS)
А presentation оп

Тrоiпiпg with the Shaolin Monks а radio interview А for-and-against The Duke of
(T/F/NS) borrow library books е55ау Edinburgh's Дwаrd
a Кhоп Academy (multiple choice) pronunciation: a Ап interview (т/F/NS)
a The Воу who Hornessed the emphatic stress a How ап inventor Тrаiп your Ьrоiп
tДind (mu|tiple choice) Соmраrе photos feels (PSHE)
о Toke о breok (gapped text) what someone learnt Yuri Rоzчm
о Higher education experiences from ап ехреriепсе. Fоuлdоtlоп(Т/F/NS)

Yоч ore whot you think you Speculate & make А letter describing Hokol (gapped
оrеJ (multiple choice) assumptions а реr5оп text)
Deoling with Difficult people Rearrange ап о А summary Nature speaks
(headings) appointment о А paragraph about (Science)
a Liar, lior! (T/F/NS) Pronunciation: expres5 а persona|ity type The captain's
a Do you speok dolphinese? 5ympathy А talk doughter, Pushkin
(T/F/NS) Criticise & respond (т/t/NS)
Я1 (mu]trple choice)
Revision рр, 127-132; Vocabulary Bank рр. VВl-VВ2З; Writing Bank рр. WB'l-WB6; Grammar Reference рр. GRl-GR21; Rules for
Punctuation р, GR22; American English - British English Guide р. GR2З; Pronunciation р. GR24; Word Formation рр. WFl-WFЗ;
Кеу Word Transformations рр. КWТl -КWТЗ; Word List рр, WLl -WL17
S-i;lr i gftтйmi
Jobs Entertainment
а) ,tQ M"trbthe words to form jobs. ý Complete with: аudiепсе,r!}'[., sсе|еrу,
lighting, реrfоrmапсе, счrtаlл, stoge, форr,
1 video gаmе А counsellor
rino: 2 chaser \"l
ltJew 1 Kylie IЦцо9uе is still a,reign!ng l....in the world
of рор mЪi5 ., . ; r

5 shopper
2 He's in сhаr9\!раiпtiпф t[e ,.t. fоr the play.
3 The twist at the hd.9f thёдlqу was a,'comglete
.4i ',- *
6 coach
surprise for the ]

7 assistant
4 А lot of child actors achleu.*.. at а very уоuп9
и 8
officer а9е. \ i,'i,, .]'

5 The lead actor gave an\xc€lfienН,i. 1

Ь) What job would you like to do? 6 Actors need to know t}ЖJ..; plaпJso they know
where to stand.
7 At the
."r:" ,;.
Extreme Sports
beginning of the there wеrе no
actors оп the .**,. ..,'r-{ .
Z "_ý
t"b"tthe pictures.
8 They brought down.trhb ...]f at the end'of the
ngs) play. ,
9 "
The Ггпаl .*,."of the film was very dramatic.

When the curtain rose the only ..... on stage

were а table, а chair and а glass.

The lnternet
4 u/ Complete with: interface, епgiпе, lccoLlnt,
l о giп, р rф l е, Ьr оц se, r' n u со' m mu iiiy.
",l ro,
1 Alex set uрЪп .rфil ..rajolhat wё could keep
lП tОUСП. '\
intouch. 'i t,..
{l ;
2 is codgl..
Му favourite seыih i,.'.- i, Codi
3 This sосiЫ netwdвqgdms to fo а very tight-
you have to ,. nahle to ооеп
уоur account.
5 You сап personalise in а пйпьеr
6 You сап ,1,,,.'to get their e-newsletter. '",,

7 This program has а much more usеr-friепdlу}я,

than а lot o,f others l've used.
You сап .,.,,l for пеw contacts Ьу паmе or

Iзlf tэJffi€ffi

The ИfеаЁý"*св. тhg ýпwýrопжgепt

* ý"
я* Find the odd опе out. Complete with: global, fo1sil, greenhouse,
lo5e, caps, threat, tеmреrо"tuф, exti;lct.

1 SNOW: blizzard t,breeze - hail - sleet

2 RAlN:'tornado - flood - shower - drizzle Sei'|i levels wii{ ri5e Ъпd саuj'е widespread
3 WlND: gale - tornado - breeze - storm. flooQing if the.pblar ice'...,. mg'lt.
4 TEMPERATURE: boilin9 hot - chilly ; sunn! 2 А rise in .яj. will buse rnоr. heatwaves.
ipells - freezing cold з ..;., warming is опе of the,'biggest issues facing
our planet today.
Health lssшеs We will need to liлd .n alternative power
6 "r"'
Complete with: strain,loss, thumb, swelling, source when..l.. fuq{slrun out.
rosh, infection, shoulder, iupset, immuпе, СаrЬоп dioxide is,i }.':, gas which traps heat
iпsоmпiа, watery, sickness.,.
i i
above the Earth. ',,.,,

;' i Our way of life is undeN.... because of the

1 We need а healthy ./..:. system to fight off
infections, : 'i
: changing climate.
Deforestation is causing а пumЬеr of species to
2 The ."d, Went down after he dut а,п icepack on
...ll'their habitats.
the injury. i Soon а пumЬеr of plants and animals could

Му mum gets terrible travel :.Е.. , so she rаrеlу

become ..i.. like the dinosaurs.
goes anywhere.
4 Jean gets .i*.. eyes and а ruппуlпоsе because of Everyday English
her hay fever. ,
,l-/ Fiпd the correct rе5роп5е.
5 We should take rеgЫаr ЬrЪdks: from the 9
computer screen to prevФnt e}e..;i. .] А: What was the реrfоrmапсе like?
6 Roland got а ..i.. strain' playing tennis last В: а Not really. ( Ь :lt was fantastic.
week, поw he can't move his arm. А: What seems to Ье the problem?
7 Му uпсlе suffered hearing .7... because he В:i€ lt's mу shoulder. Ь l'm afraid it's infected.
worked with loud machinery. А: What does he do for а living?
8 l got ап itchy...;. оп the side of mу face after l В: а Не works shifts. Ь Не works as а nurse.
borrowed my friend's mobile phone. А: l'll make sure it doesn't happen again.
9 She's not getting епоugh sleep becau3e ýhe has В: а You're welcome.
.Ь.. . {.Ь Thanks. l'd really appreciate that.
'l0 The cut from that rusty nail gave mе а skin,i... .
lf we offer you the job, when сап you start?
11 Не had а terrible ...;'stomach after he ate curry а l'll Ье in touch. Ь l lmmediately.
last night. Do уоu want to go dЙt laterZ
12 Sending а lot of SMS messages can cause }.. а 5urе! Ь lt was nothing specia|.
arthritis. Hello, l'd like to book а room, please.
Арреаrапсе & Character а Your booking reference is222ЗЗ44,
Ь Certainly. Which dates, please?
7 ,_r"#
Гiпа the odd one out. Should l come and see you again?
1 middle a9ed - old - teena9er - p.]u19 а Yes, it's very red, Ь Опlу if it gets worse.
2 we|l-built - overweight - skinny - medium What day?
3 пqsЦ - beard - moustache - hair а 'l2 Merton St. Ь 'l9th July.
4 curly - wavy - pjerced - straight 10 You look nice. ls something different?
5 wrinkles - freckles - tattoo - eyebrows а l got а пеw haircut.
6 patient - 9епеrоu5 - outgoing - blonde Ь You've grown your hair.
Vocabulary: world event5, voIcanic eruptions,
accidents & injuries, types of ТV programmes,
lveather phenomena, disasters
Grаmmаr: present & past tenses (revision); past
perfect & past perfect continuous; quantifiers ж**жý* ж
Everyday English: deciding what to watch on TV

Вrеаkiпg пеw5
lntonation: echo questions
Phrasal verbs: back, call, corry
Word formation: compound adjectives
ead Writing: а story
Culture Соrпеr: Нurriсапе Katrina: The tragedy of очtп то уоч!
New Orleans
Close your books and say а few things уоч
:ln9 Cu rricular (Geogrophy): Tsu namis
rеmеmьеr about the events that have
Russia 1: Yuri Gagarin
happened in the 21st сепtчrу so far.

týorld eventý
the (J Listen and say.
. technoIogical invention
. volcanic eruption
. huge tropical storm
luld ln 2002, the Microsoft Corporation 1) ..... the
. mine collapse ' '
. earthquake first ever tablet Рс.

о tsunami

Z а) ,сf Look at the events jп the
pictures and complete the
sentences with: hit, rescued,
l а (j п сhёd; coiiused, er u pted.
Ь) Match the events in Ех. 'l to the
lп 20'l0, ЗЗ men were 2) ..... frоm а collapsed Ё
pictures (А-Е).
miпе in the Atacama Desert. Chile. \\ ,
rSе. 1 tr

Q tisten to extracts from two news

reports. Which of the events in the
headlines is each about?

lп 2011, а 9.0 earthquake 5) .,... Japan followed

Ьу а huge tsunami that killed thousands of
people. :
yglсапо сhаsеrs

Whеп а vоlсапо erupts, most реорlе wапt to get as far away as

possib/e, as quickty as they сап! Gеrmап епgiпtЙr Маftiп RieZe, оп
the other hand, giabs his саmеrа апd tries to get as c/ose as he сап
апd stay alive at the sаmе time!
He's so close that he сап feel the heai Ьurпiпg his face even through
his gas mask. The lava flow is about а metre away and it s getting
closer every second. The ground beneath his feet is shaking and
there is а deafening rоаr like а p|ane taking off. Не can't stay this close
for too long because the gases and acids will destroy his саmеrа, but
Маrtiп Rietze waits just long enough to see flaming hot lava and ash
explode out of the пеаrЬу сrаtеr - and gets the реrfесt shot.
\r Ir
Maftin is a*trg,glцý}hotographer whose stunning photographs of
volcanic eruptions are in high
demand with newspapgls, pnd
magazines all over the world. Не is опе of а small but фЩd
grоuр of volcano chasers. When а dormant volcano becomes active,
they book the first flight to Ье as near as possible to it, set up camp
and wait, sometimes for as long as two weeks. lt takes а lot of
patience as а volcano can erupt at any time, night or day and clouds,
fog and steam often block the view. The final results though, like
Martin's shots of volcanic lightning - а рhепоmепоп that still mystifies
scientists - are definitely wotlh it!

Whеп the Eyjafjallajёkull voIcano in lceland erupted in 2010 and ash

clouds closed airspace over Northern Europe, Martin was already on
the sсепе for some of hts most spectacular shots. After spending three
sleepless nights iп freezing temperatures, Martin got within three feet
of the lava flow and even took photos of lava fountains - jets of lava
that shoot up as high as а thitly-storey building! Не didn't get any
sleep because the volcano was throwing out rocks the size of cars, so
for most of the time he was sheltering behind а large boulder!

Магtiп says that he s had mоrе accidents when mountain climbing

than volcano chasing, but that doesn't stop him from taking
precautions because this is а job where safety is а priority. Goggles
and а gas mask provide protection from poisonous gases, but gloves
are just as important because fresh lava can Ье as sharp as а knife.
Vоlсапо chasing ts quite risky. As Martin admits, "Опе has to know
when it is safe to соmе near and whеп it is а matter of survival to stay
away - sometimes mапу kilometres away!"

these wоrd

volcano, erupt, grab, heat, Ьчrп, gas mask, lava flow, ground is shaking, deafening roar, take off, acid,
flaming hot lava, free|ance, stunning photograph,in Цэ,!ý9ц91$, dedicated, dormant чоlсапо,
i-,,Il. steam, block the view, mystify, Ье worth it, Ье on the scene, spectacular shot, lava fountain, jet of
ъч{Ч'-,,' *' lava, shoot up, shelter, boulder, take precautions, poisonous gas, sharp,admit, matter of survival

*,g а р
ы#tr@ffi€Jý#mjd &яsgg€ъsý?g & €**dЁгвgr
€+ё***Ё* сrа*рtý*тъs
,,] tisten Э а) Read the title of the text, the introduction

ý and say. Use the picture and the and the first sentence in each paragraph.
captions to tell the class what happens what is the text about?
when а volcano erupts. Q Listen, read and check.

А Match the words in bold iп the text to their

Ь) ,1О" Now read the text again З
synonyms. What part of speech is each? rock,
and for questions 1-5, choose the
/dь earth, devoted, puzzles, mочiпg up апd dоwп, поt
best answer Д, В, С or D. Justify
your ап5Wеr5. employed Ьу others, prevent you from seeing,
hidiпg, safety mealures.
Martin Rietze can't stay near а vo|cano ý,
for а long time because ,.. 4 ,е* Usе words from the Check these words Ьох
А it's bad for his equipment. in the correct form to complete the sentences.

Iose в he can't stand the heat. 1 The Зз00 ft Chilean Chaiten v;...1 е. *,.:, lr1|,t, Ilu rsd ау
but С it's too loud. for the first time.
ash D it's dangerous for his health. 2 The dl.;.'r],,.:tcared people who hurried to evacuate
the area.
Vоlсапо chasers have to Ье ...
sof З The d',,.,. v..... awoke after 9,000 years of silence.
and А very active,
4 Р.,:,, g..i.. caused breathing problems for residents.
в talented scientists.
5 F.:;,. h...;. l..,..'started flowing down the volcano.
tive, С patient, 6 Clouds of steam and ash Ь...,, the v..... for miles,
D freelancers.
tof making it difficult to see.
udS, When the EyjafjallajokulI volcano
like erupted, it was difficult for Martin to ... &увЕлъrж*r оо]ЪЪ'_,
А get а flight to lceland. Тепsе rеvЁýiФп ъ 9.11
В find somewhere to stay. д "
С get c|ose enough to take good 5 ./*/ Put the verbs in brackets in present simple,
/0n present сопtiпчоus, past simple, post сопtiпuоus or
1ree photos.
present Give reasons.
feet D protect himself from flying rocks. r:r!:Е:!'
lava 1 Jоhп-.,,...]:(ttiр) and ...., (cut) his knee as he ..,.. (walk)
апу lt seems that Martin ,.. up the чоlсапо.
i1 :_...!:' : :

А doesn't take enough safety


i. So 2 Martin.,..,(not/reach)thecrateryet.,, i : i _l
precautions. 3 Look at the volcano. Нugе rocks ...., (explode) out of
Ding В understands the risks he's taking.
king С often gets injured, 4 They ...,. (9о) volcano surfing tomorrow. ,:,, ,t .,
D underestimates the dangers of ' '"..
5 Luke ..... (work) hard for the last three weeks.i ,, ,..
volcano chasing. 6 Wё ...,. (leave) for Chi|e next Monday. : ], ,
Martin suggests that ... 7 Реорlе ...,. (look) at the volcano as lava ..,,, (flow)
А he sometimes takes photos whеп he down during the еruрtiоп last night. "'''
knows it's too dangerous. Use the adverbs to make sentences about yaui every
В volcano chasing is for апуопе. day,lost week, ot this time last Мопdау, ago, yet, поw,
С volcanoes aren't as dangerous as for а mопth, olreody, siпсе last wееkепd,
people think. r?r€
D а чоlсапо is sometimes too
dangerous to photograph up close. RФ Give а 2-minute talk оп Martin Rietze's job
as volcano chaser. Iп your talk,
. say what his job involves.
t]on . describe his experience of the Eyjafjallajбkull
rph. volcanic eruption.
. say how risky his job is and what he does to keep
himse]f safe.
ф Вапk 1 шв. VýI-VBz

When 27-year-old Аrоп Ralston set out to climb in the rеmоtе Blue
.lohn Сапуоп iп Utah one Sunday iп Мау 200З, he had по idea that
he would have to mаkе ап incredible sacrifice to stay alive,

Аrоп had 8onq_qlimblng аlопе mапу times !9!оlе, only this time, he
е]! -,i+jnli.
йФл|t toiйyone whеrе he was going апd he didn't ечеп take his
ЙЙii. ptlone]Apart from his сliЙЬiпЪ Ёеаi,-дiоп-ёйrТеti-tjпlУ а
T-a&paek aбпiаiпiпg а small first aid kit, а knife, а video саmеrа, опе
litre of water, апd а few snacks. Не felt sure he would Ье back before
. ;,iiq nightfall.
] .:]цii '
Аrоп had Ьееп climbing all day and was about to stop, but as he was
1дяп' ,..'|,
iiosýing а 1-mеtrе wide сrасk in the canyon,+ýastef.ýtEffik, з,365:
.:j" :1 r] ;

kilb ййtоеr,mочф and trapped hý аrm against tlrc сапуоп wat|. lt

Ассidепts & injuries crushed Аrоп's аrm so tightly he cOuld опlу feel his fingertips. There
was по way he cOuld mOve.
1 а) Q tisten and say. At first Аrоп hoped that help would аrriче, but nobody came. Не
stru8glёd to Bet free, and using his penknife, tried t0 chip away аt the
Ь) Have уоч ever had апу accidents
boulder without success. Fоur days and freezing cold nights passed
similar to these? TeIl the class

with Aron in terrible раiп and surviving on just sips of water and
what happened. pieces of chocolate. Аrоп used his video саmеrа to keep а video diary

l опсе slqmmеd а daor оп mу fiпgеr ot home, and then to rесоrd а gOOdbye message to his parents, Fighting
eihaustion and dehydration, АrOп became mоrе and mоrе de|irious,

l had to ga ta hospitol. the


Оп the fifth day, Аrоп reached а decision to do the one thing - i

only thing - that could save his life: to cut off his оwп аrm, lf he didn't
do it поw, he kпеw he wouldn't have the strength to do it later. Не
administered first aid to himself, then he climbed down nearly 21
metres to the сапуоп floor, After hiking s km, he саmе across а Dutch

family who gave him water апd helped him lo,walk оп.
twist/sprain your ankle - go to hospital
Meanwhile, Аrоп's friends and family had rdёlisеd he was missing and
faint with exhaustion & dehydration - see а doctor notified authorities who found out ArOn had used his credit card to
buy groceries in моаЬ, Utah. When а rescue he|icopter crew final|y
spotted him, the rescuers wеrе amazed to see Аrоп walking back to
.his truck. Не hardly needed them to rescue him!
;дrоп hasn,t let his accident stop him from living life to the fullest. with
'hiý prosthetic аrm, he has Ьесоmе а better сlimЬеr than ЬеfоrёliБ'
aiciOent. Не also works as а motivational speaker, helping disabled
badly gash your leg - have stitches athletes and troubled teenagers{ln 20.:l.Q,,а blockbuster film саmе out
about h|s experience called l2fhours, the ёхаСi aiTount of time he
spent trapped. Aion still revisits Blue John Сапуоп to rеmеmЬеr his
desperate struggle to survive and rеturп to his loved ones.

check these words

slip & break your arm - put оп а
bang your head - put ice оп it

remote, сапуоп, sacrifice, climbing gear, first aid kit,

Rевdiпg crack, disaster struck, boulder. trap, сапуоп wall,
struggle, get free, chip away at, exhaustion,
2 а) Look at the picture and read the
dehydration, delirious, administer first aid, Ье missin9,
title and the introduction. what Ь"-,, notify authorities, rescue crew, live life to the fullest,
sacrifice do you think Aron had prosthetic arm, motivational speaker, disabled athlete,
to make? Read to find out. troubled teenagers, desperate struggle, loved ones

5€е ':,

Ь) ,"r# RФ Read the text again Grаmmаr E::i'

and decide if the sentences are
Past perfect & past perfect continuous
r (true), F (false) or N5 (not
stated). Justify your answers.
4 Read the theory and find examples in the text iп Ех. 2.

l'WЁ uie tt e pait perreci'ir.luOZЁaO,i't ; p;;i participle) for ап

е ,l
Аrоп rаrеlу went climbing оп his own. }"

t ] action that happened before another action iп the past, Не had

2 Аrоп was about to take а break when
, left Ьеfоrе
she orrtved.
the accident happened.
3 А huge rock fell on Аrоп's leg and broke
i Time expressions: before, after, until, Ьу the time, already, yet
а it.i--:
ап action that had Ьееп happening for а period of time
tng) for
е 4 Thb pain пеаrlу caused Аrоп to fаiпt.-Г
Ьеfоrе another action in the past. She had Ьееп waiting fоr tеп
е 5 After deciding what to do to save himself,
hours Ьеfоrе help arrtved.
Aron knew he had to act immediatelyý
s Time expressions: for, since
6 lt took the rescuers а whole day to find
lt Aron. l+1_1"
е 7 Аrоп's climbing skills have improved
_-r€ tчt the verbs in brackets into the post perfect
since the accident.fl or the post perfect сопtiпчоus.
8 Аrоп has never Ьееп back to the place Ву the time we arrived at the сапуоп, it ..... (stop)
whеrе he had the accident.
Her feet wеrе aching because she ,.... (walk) since
еаrlу that mоrпiпg.
3 ",.У
Complete the summary using
words/ phrases from the 3 Most people .,... (leave) before the чоlсапо erupted.

check thase words Ьох in the 4 Не got lost because he ..... (not/take) а mар with him.
correct form. 5 They were wet because they ...,. (hike) in the rаiп,

6 Use the phrases to make sentences. Put the verbs

А ron Ralston. ап exoerienced cIimber. went
in bold in the past perfect or the post perfect
d Aon а triр intb the rebote Blue John 1) }...l : сопtiпчоus. Use the adjectives iп the phrases to
0 Не hadn't told апуопе where he was going апd talk about you.
he only had а knife, а small 2)ljirn,;la video
Jeff/happy - win first prize; 2 Lucy/tired * work/all
0 саmеrа and а few,snacks with him.
Unfortunately, 3):....,'while he was crossing а mоrпiпg; 3 Betty/sad - fail the test; 4 they/exhausted - dig
h three-foot wide crack in the сапуоп. А 4),'..., the gаrdепlаll day; 5 Mark/thrilled - graduate from college
г slipped and trapped his arm against the сапуоп
d wall. Не 5) ,..,. to'get free, but he couldn't. Не
ц was trapped for five days and he suffered from Speaking & Writing
е 6)\i:,,. and 7)l;,.:,, Не decided to cut off his
ý оwп аrm. Meanwhile;, his family had 8) ..... , 7 а # Listen to and read the text. lmagine
who found him walking to his truck.. уоч are interviewing Аrоп for а TV sЁоw. Prepare
Today, he has а 9) i;... that helps him lead а questions and answers. Present your TV interview
normal life. Не gives motivational speeches to to the class.

8 @Пt Did Aron,s decision surprise you? Why?

Do you a9ree with his decision? ln three minutes,
write а few sentences. Tell your partner or the
class about it.
Vocabulary Вапk l рр. VB3-VB4
'& Седltцrе Сеrже
1 How do you think Hurricane Katrina ,i/

affected New Orleans? .,з&

Q listen and read to find out.

Z ._rФ RФ Read again and match the НUВпIсАЖý КА?ýIЖ*:

subheadings (A-G) to the paragraphs
(1-6).There is опе extra heading. TI*E ж*ffiý,# Жýf ,SЕlýýffi,
Compare with your partner. Which 1 Оп Tuesday, 2Зrd August, 2005, а tropical storm formed
words helped you decide? over the Bahamas, about 560 km east of Miami, F|orida. Ву
А Surrounded Ьу water August 25, the storm had strengthened and become Нurriсапе
Katrina. Residents of the city of New Orleans had no idea that
в Gathering strength
within days, 80% of their city would Ье underwater in опе of
с Collapsing buildings
the worst disasters in US history.
D Moving on
Е The birth of the storm
2 Hurricane katrina was опе of the most powerful storms
that has ечеr hit the Atlantic coast with winds of over 270 km
F Неlр at last
per hour. As it became stronger over the Gulf of Mexico, the
G Ап awful situation
mауоr of New Orlеапs declared а state of emergency and
started evacuating the city. When the еуе of the storm missed
з Match the words in bo]d with their
the city Ьу about 72 km, еvеrуопе thought the worst was over,
meanings: broke, mопоgе, mочеd from
but they wеrе very wrоп9.
the sea to lопd, sending people to о
ploce of safety, old people, iп dапgеr,
3 New orleans has always Ьееп under threat from flooding.
With the Mississippi River оп two sides, Lake Pontchartrain to the
osking anxiously, stealing, оппоuпсеd.
north and most of the city ']50-З00 m below sea level, а series of
high walls, called levees, protect it. As the hurricane came
recovery, beg, ashore, it brought an 80O-metre-high storm surge that rode the
rivers up to New Orleans, and smashed through the levees.

4 очеr а milIion residents had already left the c|ty, but tens of
thousands, mainly the elderly and the poor, wеrе in temporary
shelters. As the waters rose, people were begging for help оп
roofs, and neighbourhoods were suffering from looting апd
sea {.;".
violence. Еmеrgепсу services struggled to соре.
8 ..:.. fo{/|
11 . lives; 12 make а
5 Eventually, the military and the National Guard moved into
the city and began to get food and water to the desperate few
that remained. After 4З days, army епgiпееrs pumped the last

5 @ lmagine you lived through of the flood water out of the city. Almost 1,500 people had lost
their lives because of Hurricane katrina in New Orleans аlопе.
Hurricane Katrina. Use the phrases in
Ех. 4 to narrate your experience to the 6 These days, New Orleans is making а slow recovery. The city
class. has improved the levees, the соmmuпitу is rebuilding itself, and
еvеrуопе is working hard to make sure that nothing like this will
+*. ever happen again.
G Ш #;Р Find information about
а disaster that happened in your/ check these words
another country. Find out: what kind
strengthen, residents, declare, state of emergency,
of disaster it wos, whеп/ why it evacuate, еуе of the storm, below sea level, levee, соmе
hаррепеd, what hоррепеd, what the ashore, storm surge, smash, looting, violence, emergency
situotion is поw. Compare it to the services, struggle to соре, the military, desperate, аrmу
disaster iп New orleans. engineers, pump, slow recovery, rebuild
Deciding what
to vatch оп ТV 1 eryday English
5.30 Backyardigans - The Simpsons -.l: Jamie's ЗO-miпutе 4 Find sentences in the dialogue which
children's n^pi;]" '" Meals - cooking
cartoon g{tbiq.""' mеап: Дсtuаllу, l'm епjоуiпg it. - ls
programme О" рrоgrаmmе there onother option? - l think l'd епjоу
6.00 The Bold and the 2 Wildl - Sportsline -
Beautiful - soap
thot, - No problem.
wildlife programme sports programme
6.30 The Daily Show - Нurriсапе Katrina - How l Met your
talk show documentary Mother - sitcom l пtопаtiоп: echo questions
7.00 American ldol Big Brother- Deal or No Deal -
med talent show reality show game show
5 Replace the underlined words with
t. Ву .00 News & Weather Grey's Anatomy - CSl: Nеw York - whot, how much, how lопg, or what
сапе hospital drama police drama
О tisten and check. Listen again and
1 Look at the TV guide. Which are your favourite/least 5ау.
favourite TV programmes? Why? Use the adjectives/
'l He's watching а horror film.
рh rases Ь пlgфjry, ed u саРц!,_Уп ц, r el а xi п g,
о ri п.g, i
)km He's wotching а whot?
exci ti п фth о u ht-p r ov о ki ф, si l у.' р r edi ctab е, Щ w oste о f

l l

the lt's а documentary about floods.

time, nilrorшboмln-idEii е r.
а аn
and The film's on at 'I0 o'c|ock,
l епjоу dосumепtаriеs becouse l fiпd them interesting апd 4 He's paid $10,000 а show.
еduсаtiопоl, Ьчt lhate ,,.
}ver, 5 The Simpsons have Ьееп running for

2 Q listen ап{ sav. Рау attention to the intonation. over 20 vears.

) the
. What are you watching this for? . lt's пеаrlу finished.
. What's on later? . Why don't you look in the TV guide?
. that.
аmе l like the sound of о lsn't there anythingelse"9.ll*-i1
6 #
l the As long as we сап change the сhаппеl at 8. lt's 5:50. Decide what to watch
о That's fine with mе!
on TV. Use the sentences in Ех.2 and
ns of [' .', ^ the TV guide to act out your оwп
)rаrу ,З z'() Listen to and read the dialogue. What do Andy
tir/ dialogue. Follow the рlап.
роп -' and Becky decide to watch on TV? What TV show
and starts at 8?
А в
Andy: What are you watching this for? Documentaries i Express yourfi Say it's nearly
are boring !
dislike for l finished
Becky: l happen to find it interesting. Апуwау, it's пеаrlу what's оп TV. /
r last
llost Ask В what'sl\ Suggest checking
What's оп later? on. / the TV guide,
l don't know. Why don't you look in the TV guide? Те|| В two<Zr, Express dislike & ask
ОК, Well, after this there's reaIity show оп а options. about another
Сhаппеl 2 оr а game show on Channel 3. l option.
l can't stand game shows and l don't like reality 1.
Suggest -/- Аgrе9 but say
shows either. lsn't there anything else on? another ontionf another show you
дmеriсап /dol is оп Channel 1. We сап watch that. ,
want to watch later.
What is it? 1
lt's а talent show. 1
псу ОК. l like the sound of that! As lопg as we can \

у сhапgе the сhаппеl at 8. l want to see С5/.

оК. That's fine with me!
ý Weird weather
Most of us аrе interested iП the weathei forфaýti'do we
Weather рhепоmепа need to wrар up wаrm today ог take ап umЬrеllа оr оur

1 _"r@ three minutes, complete the word map sunglasses when we go out? But imagine if you heard that
а nevepending lightning storm was on its way, оr а
with 'n
as many words а5 you can. Compare with
shower of animals! This might sound сrаzу but believe it
уочr partner. оr not, these kinds of weird weather
noun" verbs
( ,hore,
.. -.-
\.orr.J btow /
. extreme
tоrпаdо conditions suппч

z() the
Close your eyes and |isten to
sounds. what is the weather
like bome people to extreme weather conditions. This
is the case fоr those who |ive in the area where the
Catatumbo River meets Lake Maracaibo ,and ,hap, dark

3 () listen and say. Have уоч heard of апу of

clouds covering it
п most of tne
nnost от the year.
Vear. Гоr'ЙtОii".", tn
!9аЩ!дtяý trrese
clouds constantly/ сrаsh
сrаSп into
lnto each
eacn otheJ
otner anorcause4vlo
these рhепоmепа? Which сап you see iп the IпаI йп lзsT uр ,о ,.n почЧffiо.оg
pictures? ,i",..,.
140 шd 160
. raining animals о ýiant hailstones . pink snow
. red rain . а never-ending lightning storrп
kind of
. ball lightning . з fire tоrпаdб . blue
ф а balI of bright|y
. а mоопЬоw (lunar rainbow) thunderstorms
but lasts lопgеr than а lightning bo|t, Sometimes the ball
Rеаdiпg & Lýstening even explodes and leaves behind а smel|, but the true cause
of this рhепоmепоп is а mystery. Опе sighting hit the news
4 Read the title ofthe text апd the subheadings.
in 19В4 when ball lightning entered а Russian aircraft, flew
Which of the weather рhепоmепа аrе they above the shocked passengers, travelled through the аirсrаft
about? and passФ silently out again leaving two holes in the рlапе,
Q listen and read to find out.

5 ý Rrc} Read а9аiп and decide the б

if ;'Complete the sentences using words
sentences i (true), F (false) оr N5 (not stated). from the Check thеs-э words Ьох in the
Justify your answer5. correct fоrm.
'l V.n.ru.l.. [d * 1
i :
lt rains а lot in Catatumbo, According t?;th,e .., . it'wilI rain this eveiring.
2lt's possible that Ihе Catatumbo lightning is 2 lf you are odt iп а..... , never take she|ter under

,,-helping the Earth} big trees.

ýgf,Batl lightning арреаrs for longer than поrmаl 3 The devastating tsunami in Japan made ..... ,
"{ightning. J shocking people everywhere.
4 Fire tornados сап hqppen when а fire is very 4 Most tornadoes in the поrthеrп hemisphere .....
hot and it's windy. { iп the opposite direction to the hands of а clock.
5 Т 5 А ..... broke out causing the whole area to
The опе iп Brazil was 1.6 km high.
6 They don't happen very often. S rе*ftсrе,
7 The rain of fish is а пеw рhепоmепоп.d 6 Scientists аrе working hard tб
-JtЪЕ ozone
8 Strong winds probably cause it. layer before it is too late.
14 }


,lave you ever heard the saying, 'it's raining cats and dogs'?
,Vell, what about frogs, fish, jellyfish or ечеп snakes? Believe it or
not, there have Ьееп mапу stories throughout history ot itдаiпiпg
This animals. Опе explanation is that strong winds or а tоrпафlсоuld
the cick them up and drop them far away. The rаiп of fish has Ьееп
dark lаррепiпg every summеrriп the region of Yoro, НqпýШдеfu}fоr
hese cver а century. WitnessФay that there is usually а violent
check thesa
olent, ;i storm, then afterwards thЙ are hundreds of living fish оп the
юсUr д ground which people take home, cook and eat! Мапу |осаl weather forecast, wrap up warm, never-ending,
people believe that this is а miracle, but some scientists lightning storm, weather phenomena, constantly,
silver disagree; they believe that the fish аrе from uпdffi!ftЁНШ&9iЕд crash into, violent, silver lining, nitrogen oxide,
and that the storms somehow bring them uрЩЦ* _ restore, ozone layer, occur, whirling, temperature,
щ dafr,nr, wildfire, (make) world news, astonished, spin,
ld of
ightly ignite, rare, region, witness, violent storm,
miracle, underground river, above ground
э ball
Learning idioms improves your ability to read in
English and understand colloquial conversation.
,flew Compare idioms in the English language to idioms in ь) ,.я# ur. the idioms to comnletful[T?Pft-*.*r_l
rсrаft your language. This will help you rеmеmЬеr them. 1 Take your big umbrella with you. lt is}.. outsidel J

2 Go help Bill. He's .ý'.,!' ,
) ,'\
wеаt}теr idioms 3 Jane always leaves when there's а problem,
she's such а f*,,if * it\ -1 { i,*'r,\
,ords а) ,g# Mr*.t the idioms with their
(1-5) "".,:
l found а пеw job that l like better after losing \
the meanings (А-Е). Are there similar опе5
mу old опе. You sее,и9.tfQ (\с,*г,сt \,;ttъ Ci Ъ l\Цq}{
iп your language?
Jill ..... today. She,s got а соГd.
\r ilrf,{,\

l9. raining cats and dogs

lnder every cloud has а silver lining ýpeakýng & Writiпg
fair-weather friend Tell уочr partner four things you have Iearnt
in а fog
from the text.
is under the weather
Imagine you have ехреriепсеd
,е .....
however bad the situation is, something s @
c|ock. positive always comes from it опе of the weird phenomena in the texts. ln
еа to confused, puzzled three minutes, write about your experience
sоmеопе who is опlу around when things are good and feelings. Tell the class about it. Start like
)zone pouring with rain this: l m iп the region of Yoro, Honduros. lt hos
feels а bit ill Ьееп rоiпiпg since mоrпiпg. Right поw it's ...
1 5


ЪlосаЬuýвrу & ЁeadfiTg An 11th March, 2011, at ]4:46 local time, ап undersea
\Jeartrrquake struck off the noftheastern coast of Japan. The
а) ý Read the headlines and
force of the earthquake, the most powerful in Japan's history,
triggered а devastating tsunami, П Тr,. world faced а раrtiаl
дWАY, RUNNIIVG WдтЕR, UNDЕR'Ед, nuclear meltdown and the planet moved on its axis, shortening the
sгR,кЕs, FoRcE, ЕVдсUдтЕD. length of every day Ьу 1.8 mil|iseconds. lt was а terrible national
() listen and check. Say the tragedy that the country wil| need а great deal of time to rесочеr
headlines in your language. frоm.
ln the days before the mаiп earthquake, Japan had experienced
quite а few foreshocks, some of which exceeded magnitude 7, but
MAsslvE 1) ..... EARTHQUAKE 2) ..... оrF
nothing could prepare the nation for the main shock, а magnitude 9
quаkе. lt was strong enough to Ье felt hundreds of kilometres away
in Tokyo. where buildings shook violently and mапу office workers
rап out onto the streets terrified. Mucn worse was yet to come
cARS as the authorities issued а tsunami warning.
Frantic residents headed for high ground, rooftops оr upper floors of
buildings. Soon аftеr. а wall of water, 10 m high iп some places,
4) ..... оF JAPAN QUAKE MovES |SцND
rolled across the Pacific Осеап and crashed into the coast. ГЗl Опе
giant wave ечеп crashedthrough ап аirроrt in Sendai, leaving 1,300
people stranded on the upper floors. The waters reached up to 10
IUUCLEAR РОWЕR STATIONS lN QUAKE km inland before headrng back out to sea, поw loaded with debris
AREAS 5}..".. and leaving а sv,,amp-like landscape of landslides and mud. TV
viewers couldn't believe their eyes as these scenes were broadcast
around the worlo,
ндLF д MtLLlaN JдрдNЕsЕ 6,)...., IнЕ,R HoUsEs & fl Ву this time. mапу areas were without electricity as pylons had
1"4 rйlLLloN WtTHouT 7) ,,.,. ý crumbled, which ceused а major disaster at Japan's nuclear power
'ЗЪе*gs*sýЯФфаф,8.-ФF@" * *
з.***ч*.-яп..еэФщý stations. iT
тпе government immediately ordered ап evacuation of
hundreds of thousands of residents. Explosions rocked the plant as
Ь) Use the headlines to tell the class courageous technicians struggled to control the damage and
what you think happened in Japan prevent а nuclear meltdown.
in March 201'l. Очеr the next few days, а large number of aftershocks continued to
shake Japan. causing plenty of problems for rescue teams as they
lп Моrсh 2811, ап uпdersea earthqulke
raced to find survivors. several countries sent relief workers апd the
strшck off the caýst а{ Jýpsn, SOоп Bfter, ,,.
world held its breath while it waited to see how the tragedy would

епС. ý Over 15,000 people died that day and thousands mоrе
were missing. Several amazing tales of survival саmе to the
Z Write down three questions you would attention of the world's press, though. А 4-month-old ЬаЬу girl was
like to ask about this disaster then pulled alive from the rubble four days after the earlhquake, А mап
read the text. Can you answer your was found clinging to his rooftop as it was floating 14 km out at sea
qцеstiоп5? 2 days atter the tsunami. And there was the Japanese student in
California, desperate for news of her lost family, who found them on
а YouTube news clip. lt showed her sister holding up а sign and
sending а desperately-needed message of hope across the world:
"We all survived."

check these words

strike, force, devastating, nuclear meltdown, axis,

foreshock, exceed, shake, epicentre, authorities, warning,
head for, roll across, crash into, loaded (with), debris,
landslide, mud, ру|оп, evacuation, explosion, courageous,
technician, struggle, aftershock, relief worker, desperate,
collapse, riр apart, blaze, sweep away, inland, slam into
dersea ,tQ Read the text again. Five senten(es are
6 Read the sentences. Which phrase is not
п, The missing. Match each sentence (А-F) to а gap possible in each sentence? Which сап Ье
history, (1-5). There is опе extra sentence. followed Ьу: а countable, uncountable почп?
Closer to the epicentre, buildings collapsed, roads Find more examples iп the text iп Ех. 2.
ting the
апd railways were ripped араrt and fires blazed. large amount of/a great dea] of/a
The evacuation zone around the nuclear роwеr Plenty of rain in the days after the
plant was soon increased to 20 km,
Мапу thousands of people lost their lives and 2 Не heard quite а lot of/quite а
l 7, but roads, buildings and entire villages were swept plenty of amazing survival storieý after the disaster.
ftude 9 aWay,
3 There wеrе no/hardIy апlфТеw survivors.
D Sadly, there were hardly апу survivors,
ý away
+gflfiфЛ large пчmЬеr оfБеrаl/А couple of
Without power, the cooling system at the
Fukushima No. 1 Plant failed.
\dаl. power plants were damaged during the

lt washed away houses and cars апd hurled
loors of ships far inland, carrying them along and ach of them had lost their
slamming them into whatever lay iп their path.
I On.
g 1,300
4 Match the highlighted words with their
,,У Complete: fhe whole of, both, neither,
р to 10 meanings: holding оп tightly, ponicked &
either, попе. Check in the Grammar Reference
tdebris frightened, Ьrоkеп into small pieces, started,
tud. W section.
iпсоmрlеtе, uпоЬlе to leave, pieces of bricks, stones
& other moteriols, very wet, violently threw.
1 ..... Аппа поr Steve were in Japan when the
earthquake struck.
rns had
Grаmmаr Sadly, ...,. the tsunami and the earthquake
r power
caused terrible dama9e,
ation of Quantifierg 3 ..... the world was shocked.
эlапt as
зе and
а) Oecide if the words are С (countable) 4 ...., we leave поw or wait until they соmе.
оr U (чпсочпtаЬlе). 5 Lots of people wеrе iп the building whеп the fire
nued to not апу ClU, few ...,.., mапу ...,.,, а few ......, broke out, but fortunately ..... of them got hurt.
as they most.,....
апd the 2 not mапу ......, some ..,.,., а lot of ......, too mапу ......
8 Make sentences based оп the text using: the
3 little ......, too much ......, very little ..,... whole of, о large аmоuпt of, hardly 0пу, most
ls mоrе
4 not much ....,., Iots of ...,.., а little ...... people, little hope, о few.
to the
girl was
А mап Ь) У Choor. the correct words. Exnlain
\ ýpenking & Writiпg
rt at sea answers.
your l
ldent iп 1 Were there ,fn]}/some aftershocks after the f 9 mЩ Q listen to and read the text.
У lmagine you were iп Japan оп the day of the
hem оп
ign and
earthquake? i earthquake апd tsunami jn Маrсh 2011.
2 Rescue workers found verl@ittle survivorsf
э world:
Where were you? What did you see апd hear?
iп the f
people |ost loved ones in trrfu How did уоu feel? lп а few minutes, write а
@Much few sentences. you сап ч5е the headlines in
eWuaKe. z__\ Т
4 There was only а littleбФ water left. ,1
Ех. 'la. Tell your partner or the class.
,lg, S dtЛ-оsЧТоо much people in the town didn't have i tft*
ЬПЙrГулlесtriсitу after the earthquake. t q п ffi-Ъ Draw а picture or find pictures to
6 Therei-asn't(frЙ}many hope of fiпdiпgбф{
. \--Гп the burning } '" raise awareness of the victims of the disaster
some survivors building. in Japan. Present it/them to the class.
f 17


1 rаil accident
2 landslide
3 flood
4 factory explosion
5 road accident
6 plane crash
7 severe/freak storm
8 environmentaldisaster
9 tsunami
10 earthquake
11 war
12 avalanche

а) Q tisten and say the types of disasters, which
are: noturol? iпfluепсеd Ьу mоп? Which сап you
see in the pictures?

(1-12) best matches

,,rd wbi.b accident/disaster
bach of the headlines (А-Н). Which words helped
you decide?

2 а) С) listen to some people describing the

disasters in the pictures 1,4. Match the
descriptions A-D to four disasters from the list,
ь) Choose а picture and describe it to your partner
iп as much detail as possible.
4- ""-# RФ Q
you wiII hear 4 short
ýpecking Match the dialogues with
Giving bad пеwý & reacting the events (1-5). You сап only use each
event опсе. There is опе extra event.
З # Use the headlines in Ех, 1Ь and the language
iп the Ьох to make exchanges, as iп the example, 1 landslide freak storm

Reacting 2 tsunami 5 flood

Giving bad news
a Did you hear? There's Ьееп ,.. , It's awful, isn't it?
3 avalanche

a Did you seeihear about the ... оп the , Oh по| That's awful/
Dialogue А
с D
news? terrible

a Have you heard? Really? How horriblel

a Guess what happened! , l don't believe itl

a You'Il печеr guess what's happened! , That's so
5 # Choose а disaster which was in
a Look at this! sad/depressing, etc. the news last month. Рrераrе а short
news report for the local TV station.
А: Did уоч fieor7 Ihere's Ьееп в mojor trojn crcsh опd 5а
people ficye Ьееп injured.
Talk about; ploce, dote, еvепt, whot
8: lt"s cwful isn't it7

Счrriiulаr: Geo

How Tsunamis work UPwAný


What do you know about tsunamis?

What else would you like to kпоw?
Write down three questions you
would like to ask.
,.; Listen and read to see if you сап
апswеr уоur questions.

2 R8 Read а9аiп and match the

subheadings (A-G) to the paragraphs
('|-6). There is опе extra heading.

А А frequent phenomenon
в Happening опе after the other
с High tide
& wвче *f dýsаst*r
D Deadly power
Р Л tsunari is а lаrgе wave that travels at great speed towards
Е А sudden movement land. They are usually caused Ьу ап undersea earthquake, but
F Less Ьу degree they сап also happen after а lаrgе undersea landslide and ап
G Below the surface underwater volcanic еruрtiоп.

} WГ,еп an undersea earthquake happens, the Earth's

tectonic plates move suddenIy downwards оr upwards. This
3 "а7
Gоmрlеtе the sentences with usually happens on а fault liпе and опе plate slides below the
words/phrases from the neighbouring plate causing а large аmоuпt of water to Ье forced
check these words Ьох. upwards.

А tsunami сап Ье caused Ьу а(п) ..... Р ТГ,is water fоrms а wave. Just like when уоu throw а pebble
into а lake, the water ripples outwards. It is the same with а
tsunami, but the water doesn't stop moving until it reaches land.
When the Earth's ..... move suddenly, ап
earthquake happens. Р О. the wave moves towards the land, tt iпсrеаsеs in speed
short and strength. Not all tsunamis аrе giant waves whеп they hit the
А tsunami is similar to throwing a(n) ..... shore, though. IVапу of them come inIand as а strong and fast
into а lake, but оп а much lаrgеr ..,.. . tide, However, the impact of the water оftеп destroys everything
When the water reaches the .,,.. and in its path.
come5 ...,. it destroys everything in its
Р Пttе, the initial tsunami hits land, there аrе often other waves
following it, that сап Ье just as big, which slowly get smаllеr over
А tsunami сап ..... buildings and destroy time. The same as the ripples frоm the pebble mentioned Ьеfоrе,
ecoSyStemS, but оп а much larger scale.

Р Wаtеr is а very роwегful force апd сап cause tremendous

damage. As well as the loss of life that а tsunami сап cause, it
4 Tell your partner or write four things сап flatten buildlngs and trees and destroy whole ecosystems.
you have learnt about tsunamis.

check these words

tas iп
speed, undersea landslide, volcanic eruption, tectonic plates,
5 Ш Ы Collect more information
fault liпе, slide, force, pebble, ripple, outwards, shore, come
tion. about tsunamis. Use the key word: inland, fast tide, impact, in its path, initial, on а larger scale,
пthot tsunami. Present уочr information to tremendous damage, loss of life, flatten, ecosystem
the class.

А st*ry з* Read the story and answer the questions.

1 How does the writer set the scene?

Writing stories 2 what is the climax event?
Stories сап Ье about real оr imаgiпаrу situations. 3 What happened in the end?
They can Ье in first person (l, wе) оr third person 4 How did the characters feel?
(lэе, she, tfiф. Before we start writing а story, we

first decide оп the type of story, the main

characters and the plot. tя 1, .,,'i,
ln the first paragraph, we set the scene (when/ ,ýsr-/*lrs#rаwz
where it happened, main characters, weather, During my summer holiday, mу friend James and l wеrе
what happened first). travelling across the USA. Опе day, we decided to take а
ln the main body paragraphs, we describe the 1oumey оп а steam train, which Ьесаmе а thrilling adventure.
events in the order they happened leading to the . Little did we know that we wеrе_iц for а terrifying experience,

сlimаxevent(themаinevent),аndthemаinevent. .: We had Ьееп enjoying tne sfurr riOe ЙПеп something

lп the final paragraph, we write what happened : went terribly wrong. WЪ hafiffslTffie out of а tunnel and
in the end and how the characte(s) felt. ._], *. wеrе slowly making оur way down а hill when,
-Y suddenly, there was а loud screechino noise. Then, instead
We normally use past tenses and time linkers (cs,
,аltз€п, help
iii i
ot stowing down we фqan to,ffiрС up,
Bfter, later, while, suddeпly, flэсДу, etc) to РеорlФ йаоъсг..=r--rпЪfr,йф we all held onto
the reader follow our story. We сап also use а

our Seats, the train starcedTffiбangerously from side
variety of adjectives and adverbs and direct speech ii to side, А mап got out of his seat and ran quickly to the

gi,::д:i:r,,. g,.l:Jl*9-1.:"19:, j;,,.**,
ji front of the train. А few minutes later, the train began to
slow down. Soon аftеr that, we p-iIted into the next station
and we all got up anxiously to see what had happened. lt
seems the driver had hit his head and fallen unconscious,
Understanding rubrics Luckily, the passenger had got there in time to slow down
То рlап уоur piece of writing you need to the train and save the dav. we were relieved to hear that no
understand the rubric as it contains information one had been hurl rno tйiiiffill.
on the imaginary situation, the ima9inary
reader which will help you decide what style
you will write in, the type of writing and any
specific details. 3 lQ Putthe events in the order they happened.
Compare with your partner.
Read the rubric and Iook at the key words in А We heard а screeching noise.
bold. Answer the questions. в We pulled into the next station.

lА travel magazine has asked its readers to send t с James and l went оп а train journey.
short stories describing а nasty holiday D А man rап to the front of the train.

experience they had. The best story wins а Е we saw that the driver had hit his head.
three-day visit to London. Write your story for F The train began to speed up.
the competition (120-180 words). G The train started to slow down.
н The driver was well.
1 What are you going to write?
2 Who is going to read it? ,# wbi.b adjectives has the writer used to
3 What should your piece of writing Ье about? 4,
describe the following?
4 How mапу words should you write in?
5 Will уоur narrative Ье iп the first person оr the 1 ..... adventure 3 ..... noise

third oerson? 2 .,... ride

,е rind the adverbs the writer has
used to describe the following: Setting the scene
When we write а story, we start Ьу setting the scene. То do
1 making оur way .....
so, we imagine we аrе looking at а picture and try to
2 screaming.....
describe the place (where), the time (whеп), the weather,
3 train rocking,.... the people involved (whо), and what happens. We сап use
4 rап..... оur senses to make the descriptions mоrе vivid. We сап
5 we got up ..... describe what we see (е.9. о cute dog), hear (e.g. borking),

feel (е,9, soft grass) or smell (e.g. the scent of оrопgе trees),

?r//7 l ,l2 Соmрlеtе the sentences with а

were l suitable adjective or adverb from the
S Look at the picture and use the prompts to set the
scene. Start with the sentence given.
йеа I list.
Tture. l
псе. . deafening . dark . rapidly . carefully
thing . terrified . violently . massive
land l . heavy
йеп, l
;tead The thunder was ..... and the windows
were shaking .....

steve cauld never exDect his wееkепd trip would епd like this.
0nto l fe|t absolutely ..... when l saw the ..... ' " "'
ýЬЁъШtЦ'ffi# ЦЁý Ёii'йЁц"*Д
о the
wave rushing ..... towards us.
..... clouds filled the sky as the ..... rain 9 correct order (1-4По manfro*\*
ilj:ii i;I;;T;tl[
ап t0 poured down. () listen and check. *-d г,Ча+\'lý,
Simon drove ..... across the bridge.
ф, lt
at по
f Co.pIete: sudde п!у, Ьеfоrе, опd
thеп, еvепtчаllу, os 5ооп as, while, апd,

1} .,.,. we reached London, we looked for

somewhere to spend the night. 2) ..... we саmе
across а small cosy hotel. 3) ..... we were
waiting at the reception, а young mап епtеrеd.
Не looked at us coldly then disappeared iп the
lift without saying а word. 4) ..... we heard а
has asked its readers to send in stories
scream. Minutes later the young mап саmе 1 0 А ma9azine
(120-1S0 words) about а nasty ехреriепсе. Use the
dоwп the stairs. Не looked very scared 5) .....
his hands wеrе shaking, 6) ..,.. we said а word pictures in Ех. 9 to write the story. Follow the рlап.
he grabbed mу hand and said, "l saw him, Не is
in my rооm waiting for mе. P|ease, help mе,"
7) ..,., he fainted.
set the scene: characters, when/where, weather ]:

(Опе hot doy, Mott & ,.. . Дftеr they ...) :]


Paras 2/3: events in order they hаррепеd & climax event ]:]:

(Ву thetimethey got... ,Dork clouds ... . Дllоf а

ed to .::
sudden, ...) ij:j
Para 4: what happened iп the end, feelings (Beforelong... . ii'
Еvеryопе sighed with relief ,)

Bank; gtories 21
Multiple Matching True/False/Not stated statements
ln this part of the exam, there аrе five monologues Read the text quickly to get the gist of it. Then,
and six statements to match them with. Read the read the each statement carefully, underlining the
statements before you listen and underline the key key words. The order of the questions is the same
words. Listen for words that mеап the same as the as the order in which the pieces of information
words you have underlined - the exact words will are presented in the text. Find the part of the text
not Ье in the recording. Try to think of why the that contains the information appearing in the
speaker is talking: to describe оr explain something question. Decide if the statement is true or false,
or to give some other kind of information. lf there is not enough information for you to
decide, the answer is поt sfoted.

,л" Read sentences 1-3 and look at the
underlined words. Тhеп, read sentences Read the statements, paying attention to
А-С and match them with sentences 1-3.
the underlined key words. Тhеп, read the
Which words helped you decide?
extract from а text and decide if the
1 The speaker complains about his пеiqhЬоur. statements are I (true), F (false) оr N5
2 The speaker qives directions. (not stated). Say which words/phrases iп
3 The speaker ехрrеss сопсеrп очеr а relative, the text that helped you decide.
А Тurп left and walk straight down. You'll see
The broadcast showing medical tests on ап
the bank in the next block.
alien was shown in the late 1940s.
В l'm so worried about grandpa's health.
The footaqe was filmed in New МеrФ.
С lt's like living next to ап ongoing rock concert,
с Later, it was announced that the whole storv
l can't stand it!
had Ьееп а lie.

.р*' \) You will hear 5 speakers, А, В, С, D
and Е, twice. Match each speaker with а
statement below (1-6). You сап опlу use each ln 1995, опе of the biggest broadcasting
statement опсе. There is опе extra statement. networks in the USA aired а programme
showing а team of scientists examining what
1 The speaker says there is not much chance of
was said to Ье the body of ап extraterrestrial
locating mоrе survivors.
being. The footage supposedly dated back to
2 The speaker says the people were not ready to
'I947 and showed doctors carrying out medical
face such а disaster.
3 The speaker suggests using alternative means
tests оп а creature that had landed on
Roswell, New Mexico from another planet. lt
of transport.
was shown in 33 countries around the world.
4 The speaker says more earthquake victims
Ечеп when it first went оп the air, many
might Ье found alive.
people suspected this was nothing mоrе than
5 The speaker describes the destruction caused
а trick. lt was not until 2006, however, when
Ьу а hurricane.
опе of the people involved in the making of
6 The speaker cautions people to stay inside,
the рrоgrаmmе publicly admitted that the
whole story had indeed Ьееп made up.
,.td Пеаа the text. Decide which of the statements (1-8) аrе true (1 - True), folse {2 - False) or not
stated, mеапiпg that you cannot give а clear answer to them (3 - Not stated).


ne : was Halloween Eve, 1938, and families аrоuпd the USA the actors' piercing screams and terror-stricken voices were
:ranged stations оп their radios to find themselves listening to а frighteningly realistic. lt was so realistic that thousands of listeners
эfogramme featurrng Ramon Raquello and his orchestra. were convinced that а real аliеп invasion was taking place.
Suddenly, ап urgent voice interrupted it with some breaking news. Ноw were people fooled so easily just Ьу what they heard from а
he 'А huge flaming object" had fallen out of the sky in Grover's Mill, radio? Seventy years ago, very few td а television so
5е. '*ew Jersey. The programme returned to the music, but then the опlу news sources
to зrоkе off almost immediately for another bulletin. Something was а part of the
э imbing out of the smoke{illed crater, something from another
э lanet. that was the
le authorities advised citizens to stay indoors, scientists gave listeners had lived through the terrible events of World War l and
iformed opinions and reporters presented eye-witness accounts: were expe , when people
-Something's found out that ihe invasion was |ust а radio play, they wеrе
coming out of the shadows like а grey snake. Now
to -ere's another опе and another опе and another. l can see the furious. The following day Welles' паmе was all over the
:rring's body поw. lt's large, large as а bea;.,l[hQs,ski[t"like wet newspapers and there were calls for ihe government to pass laws
eather. But that face, it ... it ... |аdjеsзhl ДещяьLt's to stop similar things ever happening again.
rdescribable. l сап hardly force mуsЫТ Ю look at it, it's so аЙul. Welles had not intended to fool the American people. Previous
The eyes are black and they shine like а snake." broadcasts iп the series had included ThqPount of Мопtе Crbfo
lп Listeners panicked. Some rап опtо the фпg wet towels as and Dracula, and,
the show Ьфап, there was ап
gas masks and some raced to Ье last аппоuпсеmепt: "The фIUffiба Broadcasting System- presents
moments. Others loaded guns Гпd hid in cellars, рrераriпg to Orson Welles and The Mercury Theater on the air in lhe War of the
Cefend themselves against whatever had landed, Phone lines ИVоrlФ Ьу Н. G. Wells." listeners who had changed
across America were jammed as desperate citizens tried to find stations missed this and
out exactly what was happening. But what these people didn't attack from outeT
realise was that they were listening to Orson Welles' radio play of After all the negative publicity, Welles was worried that his career
gIy Н. G. Wells' science{iction classic, The War of the Worlds. was over, but he went оп to Ье hugely successful, writing,
Wells' novel was written at the end of the nineteenth century, forty directing and stryrjpg yPitizen Капе, а film widely considered to
years before the radio play, and deiailed the ечепtsлfдii jryapqp Ье one of the qrеаlёý*Ф,еr made. However, for the listeners who
Ьу creatures from the planet Mars._Obon Wnllo.' #l;+;t lived through t@would always
the novel and portrayed the events as if they were happening at ье kпоwп as the mап who convinced Аmеriса that the Martians
that moment in а news broadcast. There were sound effects and had landed!

ial 1 The strange events took place оп the night of 6 Listeners had поt Ьееп told that the broadcast
to Наl|оwееп, 19З8. was not real.
:al 1 True 2 False 3 Not stated lУ] 1 True 2 False 3 Not stated эJ
)п Some people got ready to fight against the Оrsоп Welles was upýet that people had Ьееп
lt alien invaders. tricked. ,:Е
1 Тruе 2 False З Not stated fti"Ю
lý 1 True 2 Fаlsе 3

d. Not stated
пу 3 lп the play, there was just опе alien creatu re.

1 True 2 False 3 Not stated tr lt took Welles а long time to find work aftei
that broadcast.
The broadcast was extremely true to life. *Y"* 1 Тruе 2 False 3 Not stated j:

1 True 2 3 - j
of False Not stated
he Afterwards, people wеrе quite апgrу а bout
what happened.
1 True 2 False 3 Not stated iT-]

,_яФ Кеааthe text below. Make derivatives of the
words in brackets so that they fit the text.
Complete the blanks with the new words.

James Boole, ап 1) ..... (incredible) lucky man, jumped out

of а helicopter at almost 2,000 m and lived to tell the tale.
Text completion (lexis)
James was making а 2) ..... (document) about parachutists
] Read the text quickly to get the gist of it. Then,
and was trying to get shots of an athlete jumping from а
read а second time, stopping at each gap and helicopter очеr an 3) ..... (act) volcano in Russia. When the
deciding what is missing (it is usually а verb athlete jumped, James' job was to follow him out of the
form but it сап also Ье а рrопоuп, а helicopter and get the footage - something that required
, comparative or superlative form of and aIl his 4) ..... (concentrate). Fаlliпg through the smoke
adjective/ adverb, etc). Look closely at the from the volcano, he saw he was far too close to the
words before and after each gap as well as time ground. Не pulled the cord оп his parachute, but he knew
, words and linkers. They will help you decide it was too late. Не hit the ground and b|acked out, When
l exactly what is missing. Read the completed James woke up, he was overjoyed to have survived, but
5) ..... (terrify) that he had Ьrоkеп his back. Не was found
text through to make sure that it makes sense.
Ьу rescuers and taken to hospital. 6) ..... (fortunate), his
back was not broken.

а) ,ýО Read the sentences and
decide what is missing: а поuп, а lnformal Letters
verb, оп adjective or оп adverb,
When уоu read the task, underline the important
information in the ruЬriс. Think about who уоu аrе writing
l think you should ...., for your rude to, what information you need to include in the letter and
behaviour. how long the letter has to Ье.
2 Frапk needs to see things more ..... .

з Locals claimed they saw а(п) ..... object

fly across the night sky.
Read the rubric in Ех.8 and find the key words.
О"r'' leave поw you'll miss your
Тhеп, say: who you ore writing to, whot you
should write about, how lопg your letter should Ье.
you have З0 minutes to do this task.
Ь) Find а derivative of the word in
capitals that fits each gap.
You have received а letter frоm your English-speaking ,

l'm thinking of going rock climbing but mу роrепts say
it's too dongerous. Hove you ever Ьееп or would you
like to go rock climbing? Do you think sports like that I

ore dangerous? Which outdoor sports octivity would

you rесоmmепd for sоmеопе who doesn't wопt to do :

Write him а letter and answer his 3 questions. Write

100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Language in Use l
the Ph rasa l verbs/Prepositions word formation
ext. / Choor. the correct particle(s). 4 ,_У Complete the sentences with the correct
word in the list.
эасk away: move backwards from sth/sb
,'Compound adjectives
lut bad down: give in, accept defeat
rle. Uасt up: make а сору of а file/programme, etc We form compound adjectives with two words, usualiy
stS lback sb чр: give support to sb joined Ьу а hyphen. We often use adjective/noun/number
la back out: decide not to do sth + почп + -ed (red-haired, two-foced),
he call sb back: return sb's phone call past participle
adjective/adverb/nou п + (sho rt,tеmреr ed,
call off: сапсеl
he wеll-kпоwп), adjective/adverb/noun + present participle
.аrrу оп: continue
ed пg-l ostt п g, ti m е- соп su m t п g).
слаrгу out: do sth as planned (а plan/orderithreat, etc),
(! о
Derform or conduct (repairs, research, tests, etc)
he . well . thought . mап . thirty о ngyg|,
эW l The guard asked the passengers to back away/
еп down from the edge of the train platform. The lightning storm in Catatumbo is almost .....
lut 2 The school carried on/out а fire safety drill. ending.
nd 3 Despite his accident, Aron carried on/out climbing. The children were very ..... behaved for the
4 Back up/out уоur computer files regularly. babysitter.
5 The match was called off/back due to heavy rain. l saw а ..... provoking documentary about
6 she backed down/out from the rасе in the end. earthquakes last night.
Lava fountains сап reach as high as а ..... storey
z ,.У СЬооr. the correct preposition.
Tsunamis travel at/on а great speed. Lives are lost every уеаr through natural and
2 Аrоп Ralston lives his life from/to the fullest. ..... made disasters.
3 Martin's photos are always at/in high demand.
lg 4 The tsunami destroyed everything оп/iп its path. col!ocations
5 The mап was begging in/for help.
5 ,ý Complete with: lrm, flow, dоrmапt,
wоrds often confused чоlсопiс, toke, struck, епчi,rопmепtаl, tectonic,
еmеrgепсу, freelonce.
3 .*а# СЬооr. the correct word.
1 ..... plates 6 ..... services
ds. 1 Не tried hard to stay/keep alive.
2 lava .,... 7 ,..,. disaster
|ou 2 The ground started to shake/jump.
3 ,.... photographer 8 ..... volcano
Ье. 3 The clouds bIocked/closed the view.
4 ..... eruption 9 ...,. precautions
4 The water raised/rose fast.
5 prosthetic,.... 10 disaster.....
5 The tsunami reached/arrived land fast.


t false statements. Read through Module 1 and write а quiz of your
оwп. Give it to your partner. Check his/her answers.
l,,: 1 А lava fountain can shoot up to three 5 Firе tornadoes are rаrе,
)'; feet. 6 Lake pontchartrain is in the

2 Аrоп Ralston was trapped for а week. north of New Orleans.

3 Blue John Сапуоп is iп Utah. 7 Floods cause tsunamis.
4 Hurricane katrina hit New orleans in 8 ln Honduras, it rains fish every
2005. summer.
цi iii:li:;:ir:-.-:
ffiе*dýятg & &fs*g mýпg
Look at the picture. What do you know
about this mап? Think of three questions,
О listen to and read the text. Сап you
апswеr your questions?

& ,./ LRФ Read the text and decide lt was at 10 am оп 12th Дрril, 1961 when Radio Moscow interrupted

if the statements are r (true), F (false), schedu|ф broadcasting to аппоuпсе something truly
historic and
"The first cosmic
or N5 (not stated). magnificent. ''Неrе is оur special news," it stated,
yostok 7 with а mап оп board has orbited around
Yuri Gagarin made the аппоuпсеmепt spaceship named
the Еаrth from the Soviet Union. Не is ап аirmап, Major Yuri Gagarin,"
about his flight оп Radio Moscow,
Yuri was the опlу person in the дп hоur earlier the spacecraft Yostok 7, with Yuri Gagarin as its only

spacecraft. crew,WaSfiredfromalaunchpadinBaikonurinKazakhstan.lt
per hour for
3 Yostok 1 took longer to orbit the Earth orbited the Earth once at а speed of 27,000 kilometres
than expected. atotaldurationof108minutes.Theship'sflightpathtookitupto
space and over the pacific Осеап, south America, across
Before Yuri's flight it was feared that
people could not travel to space safely, equator,andtheSouthAtlanticbeforere-enteringtheEarth's
put to rest
The USA was the first country to travel aimosphere and |anding at Engels, His safe return
opened the
to space. worries that space flight could Ье fatal to humans and
Yuri had already Ьееп famous iп Russia doors to space travel,
before achieving his flight. Thenewsquicklyspreadandthewor|dwasastonished.TheSoviet
Yuri received mапу awards for his
Uпiоп had beaten the USд iп the race to
get the first mап into space

and yuri Gagarin had become that mап. The soviet

achievement. leader Nikita
8 People today still сеlеЬrаtе Gagarin's khrushschev congratulated Gagarin оп his achievement
and sent
achievement. himamessagefromhisBlackSeaholidayhomeinwhichhesaid
uпkпоwп аrmу
conquest of space, Маlоr Yuri Gagarin, а previously
Tell уоur partner three things that icon,
otficer, instantly Ьесаmе а national hero апd ап international
impressed уоu from the text.
park at
Today, the landing site at Engels has Ьесоmе а mопumепt
the centre of which is а 25-meter tall sculpture of а silver
The space
rocket ship and а three-meter tall statue of Yuri Gagarin.
@t why do you think space
hеrо has not Ьееп forgotten and оп the 50th anniversary of his
Йploration is important? Would you whеп the
voyage into space world cosmonauts honoured the hero
like to go to space? Why (not)? Explain, Space
Russian, Дmеriсап, and ltalian crew of the lnternational
Station sent а special video message to wish
the people of the
ЬУrýfýявgr world а'Нарру Yuri's Night',
5 Ш tЬlЪ ln groups of three, find
check these words
out more about the lnternational
Space Station. Make а poster, Present interrupt, scheduled, broadcasting, cosmic, orbit,
it to the class. congraiulate, mankind, conquest, hero, iссп, hопоur
l:GO{Jlary: shops & services, materiaIs and
,1t:s::,T ces,
suреrmаrket shopping, furniture &

it;E :,ces, fau|ty products
Зrаmmаr: future tenses (will, Ье gоiпg to, present
:: -: -Jous, future continuous), comparisons,
-r-': :э"iпfiпitiче form, exc|amations, future perfect -
'-:-,е perfect continuous, clauses of concession
i,,eryday English: buying clothes
г,:0паtiоп: exclamations
еrаяl verbs: do, drop, get
С*пýLлffiъ*r ýФсýеtу
ltl оrd formation: verbs f rоm поu ns/adjectives
Очвп то уоч!
rfu.iting: an email of complaint
fukчrе Corner: Famous products from the USA What kinds of shops do you have close to
i ; rriсч lar (Citizenship): Responsi Ь le sh ор р i п g уочr home? Соmраrе them with the shops
il..lssia 2: Moscow's flea market in the city centre. Which do you visit most
often and what do you buy?
and Vocabulory
mic Shops & services
1 .-,-l Listen and say. ln which of the shops
would you hеаr sentences 1-12?
. shoe shop . clothes shop . supermarket
п, lt
. chemist's . bookshop 'о optician's
r for
. jeweller's о post office . butcher's
tp to
. baker's . florist's . hair salon
#ч ýе*# ffi
rth's 1 "Have you got this in а smaller size?"
Fýtr ffi*F
rest 2 "Fоur chicken breasts, p|ease."
l the 3 "Excuse me, where аrе the biographies?" _жж f; ж
4 "|'d like to get my eyes tested, please."
oviet 5 "Two bunches of daffodils, please." ж,]
Dace 6 "l take а size 6."
likita 7 "Сап l trу these еаrriпgs оп, please?"
sent 8 "|'d like а cut and blow-dry, please."
said 9 "l've come to pick up mу prescription."
iп its 10 "Сап | send this first class, please?"
аrmу 11 "Could you tell me which aisle the frozen
)п. foods аrе in?"

йat 12 "Аrе these rolls freshly baked?"


ý О Listen to the dialogues. lп which
rf his
shop does each take place?
n the

в ..... с .....

f the

3 ffi Choose а picture and say or write а

short dialogue or а paragraph about it. Tell
the class.

() Listen and say. Make sentences,

as in the example.

Think about а поrmаl day, What do you

@ usaally wear? What technology do уоч use?
metal (alrjminium, steel, etc)
What's your house like? lllow let's ýее uvhat
fabric (cotton, siIk wool, пуlоп, etc) everyday life will Ье like iп the future,
What will we Ье wearing in the future? While some scientists are
developing textiles that allow the wearer to generate electricity as
they walk and others are working on clothes that monitor your
fitness, Dr Мапеl Torres and prof paul Luckham have invented а
spray-on fabric. The spray contains minuie cotton, wool, liпеп or
acrylic fibres that dry instantly оп your skin and turn into
garments like T-shirts or tops. You сап wear it, wash it and then
wear it again - just like the rest of the clothes in your wardrobe.
Then, when you get bored, you can dissolve it and use the
material again to mаkе something new, FаЬriсап took ten years to
develop and when it goes on sale, it'll probably cost around tl0 а
сап - cheap enough for trendsetters to wear something пеw
every day. Dr Torres hopes that in the future there will Ье spray
booths in stores where you сап drop iп to design something new.
The bag is mаdе of silk. They are also looking into its use for spray-on bandages and
furniture coverings.

Read the title, the introduction, and look

at the pictures. What do you expect the
text to Ье about?
() listen and read to find out.

,*"Ф RФ Read and decide if the

Wouldn't it Ье great if you could just think of something you want
statements are r (true), F (false) оr
and print it out оп а computer? Well, believe it or not, you сап. Fоr
N5 (not stated). Justify your answers. the first time ever, scientists have found а way to print out fully-
,l working machines using а ЗD printer, The first item is а ful|y-
Spray-on clothes don't last long.
functional bicycle made of пуlоп called the Airbike. lt's as strong
2 Spray-on clothes сап Ье recycled,
as steel but much lighter. lt comes out as а comp|ete bike with по
3 Мапу people are already buying spray- assembly required, The possibilities for fhis new techno|ogy аrе
on clothes. endless. Medical researchers hope that with а special cartridge of
4 3D printers are very expensive to buy. human cells and bio-friendly gel, it сап Ье used to print out skin
5 ЗD printers could Ье used in medicine,
grafts for burn victims, They have already managed to
demonstrate the potential medica| uses Ьу printing out а сору of а
6 Grасе is the паmе of the реrsоп who
human ear in 30 minutes.
thought of the e-home.
The e-home is activated when you talk
to it.
E-homes are already available.

рр. GR5-

.l-l Match the examples to the descriptions.
Find mоrе examples in the text in Ех. 2.
дs you arrive home with the shopping, Grace tells
ъе? 1 lt's hot in here. l'll open the window.
., ou who
phoned while you wеrе out. You put your
,hat эrосеriеs down оп the kitchen counter and she 2 She's going to buy а printer soon,
] \res you recipe ideas, tells you how to cook з Don't worry. I won't Ье late.
:-еm, and gives you dietary advice. As you move 4 Sarah's taking her driving test next week.
iare ,to the living rооm she organises your evening
5 Оur homes will Ье very different in the future,
yaS эrtеrtаiпmепt. А window made of smаrt g|ass
6 lwon't Ье studying tomorrow afternoon,
rочr эесоmеs а ТV, wal|paper changes оп demand
7 He's got the car keys. He's going to drive into
эdа end every suгfасе doubles as а touch screen with
,поr rstant lnternet access. But Grace isn't а mеmьеr the city.
into эf the family, at least not yet. She's а network of а а Promise
lhen ,,oice-activated computers that runs the e-home -
ь а fixed arrangement
эЬе. ihe house of the future. Grace is the star of а show
the ! с а prediction based on what we believe/imagine
,li ,lome Ьу Microsoft that demonstrates much of
nsto +
this technology and all of it is going to Ье оп the
d а рlап or intention
,l0 ,-|'
а market within the next few years, So, before long е ап on-the-spot decision
tve wi|l Ье talking to the walls! f ап action in progress at а certain time in the future
9 а prediction based оп what we see

,.td Гiпа the correct verb form. ldentify the
'Е Chack these words
reason for the use of each tense.
develop textiles, generate electricity, monitor 1 That's the phone. l will answer/am answering it.
fitness, spray-on fabric, minute fibres, dry instantly,
2 think he is going to be/will Ье happier there.
turn into, 9arment, dissolve, go on sale, trendsetter,
booth, drop in, look into, bandage, furniture з Now that l've got some mопеу | will Ье buying/
covering, fully-working machine, fully-functional, аm going to buy а new РС.
lighter, no assembly required, endless possibilities, Will you work/Are you working tomorrow
cartridge, skin graft, Ьurп victim, dietary advice, оп
demand, instant, voice-activated
This time next week, we аrе traveIling/will Ье
l want
travelling to Chile.
п, Fоr
t fully- * "*У
Complete with: turп iпtо, access, iпstапt!у, 6 Sorryl l won't lie/am not going to Iie a9ain.

l fully- endless, dissolve, assembly. 7 He's wearing his T-shirt, shorts and trainers. Не

strong 'l Spray-on clothes contain minute fibres which will Ье playing/is going to play football.
llth по dry ...,, .
gy аrе
2 The Airbike is rеаdу to ride as it doesn't rеquirе
5ау two things you: will Ьё dоiпg this time
dge of пехt week, ore doing tomorrow ечепiпg, will
апу ...., .

skin do iп the summеr, ore gоiпg to do this weekend.

Dr Torres has developed а fabric that сап .....
}d to
ryofa апу garment.
4 The possibilities of using the пеw sрrау are .....


5 А touchscreen gives you instant ..... to the

@t How do уоu think each invention
lnternet. in the text will improve очr lives? ln three
Some supermarkets аrе using plastic bags which minutes, write а few sentences. Tell the class
l*ж ..... in water, leaving no trace. or your partner about it.
7r# 29

Yоч only wanted some milk апd а loaf of

bread, so why is your basket overflowing Ьу
the time уоч get to the checkout? Well, the
апýwеr lies in the tricks supermarkets use to
make уоч spend mоrе. Let's grab а trolley and
find очt some of the secrets behind those
sliding doors!

1 As уоu walk into the suреrmаrkеt, the delicious

smell of f rеsh|у-Ьаkеd Ьrеаd hits you and you
immediately start fee|ing huпgrу. Then, right Ьу the
епtrапсе, you see beautiful displays of frеsh and
co|ourful produce, making you feel even huпgriеr. This 4. Don't expect suрегmаrkеts to use packaging
is all intentional, because еvеrу suреrmаrkеt knows stгategies that make it easy to wоrk out which goods
that huпgrу customers buy mоrе fruit and vegetables. аrе the cheapest еithеr. lt may Ье еаsiеr to grаЬ some
Also, starting уоur shopping Ьу selecting healthy, fresh рrе-расkа9еd apples, but thеу'rе also а lot mоrе
fruit апd vegetables mау make you feel less guilty expensive than loose ones.
about pickin9 up а few ехtrа trеаts lаtеr оп.
5 Have you ечеr noticed that just when you've
2 Who сап resist а 'buy опе get опе frее' deal? Yеt, Iеагпt whеrе the tomato ketchup is, the shop moves
with аrоuпd опе third of the food the world ргоduсеs it? Suреrmагkеts love doing this, so that уоu have to
going to waste, is that second chocolate cheesecake spend time walking up and down the aisles looking for
rеаllу necessary? lп the same way, '3 for L6' might what you want to buy. Then, when you finally аrriче
sound like а grеаt bargain, but alr,vays check how at the checkout, thеге аrе tempting displays of sweets
much ап item costs individually. You might not Ье and magazines to throtv into уоur tгоllеу while уоu'rе
saving чеrу much at aIl and уоu'll have two ехtrа items waiting iп liпе.
that you don't rеаllу need. 6 lf уоu think all these things аrе sneaky, look at
3 Supermarkets know that сustоmеrs tend to choose what supermarkets аге рlаппlпg fог the пеаr futuгe!
products that аrе at еуе level, so the items on the Shops wil| 5сап уоuг loyalty саrd as 5ооп as you walk
middle shelves аrе usually the most expensive ones. in and send mопеу-оff coupons to уоur mobile рhопе
Сhеареr Ьrапds аrе on high shelves that аге hаrd to as you shop. ЗD displays wilI address you Ьу паmе and
reach. 5о, rеmеmЬеr to give уоuг neck а workout and as уоu'rе walking out you might even get ап SMS
check out what's оп the top shelves. telling you that you've fоrgоttеп to buy milk!


What tricks do supermarkets use
5-*ь-,' to tempt us into spending more?
,.,, Listen and read to find out.
а) О tisten and say.
. supermarket aisle . tro|ley . checkout . cashier tQ Пеааа9аiп and match the
. supermarket sections . customer subheadings (A-G) to the paragraphs
. pre-packaged food ('1-6). There is опе'ехtrа subheading.
Justify your answers.
Use words/phrases from Ех. 1а to describe the А ВUY NOW, PAY LATER
picture in the text. в WRAPP|NG lT UP
с SEARсHlNG тнЕ 5нор
How often do you shop at а supermarket? Do
you make а shopping list before you go? Do
you stick to it? lf not, what extras do you
usually buy?

/,",: .,

___-J-,, ',,,.i-.'

Check thege urordc

ý Пtthe adjectives iп brackets into the correct
:,Kpose, overflow, the answer lies, grab,
;ding doors, freshly-baked bread, the smell
- t5 you, fresh produce, intentional, resist, Organic products are much ..... (expensive) than поп-
:eal, go to waste, bargain, tempt, tend to, organic ones.
]t еуе level, brand, give your neck а workout,
2 That's ..... (big) supermarket in town.
nrategy, pre-packaged, loose, aisle, checkout,
:empting display, wait in line, sneaky, scan, 3 Supermarkets' оwп brands сап Ье just as ..... (good) as
oyalty card, money-off coupons, address sb well-known brands.
зу паmе The ..... (lоп9) customers stay iп а supermarket, the
..... (mчсh) they spend.

а) ..r3 Corplete with: sliding, еуе, 5 Summerton Superstore has Ьу far ..... (good) quality meat.

tempti п g, mо п ey-off , envi r о п m епtаl ly, 6 Prices аrе getting ..... (high) and ..... (high).

pre-pockoged, woit iп, loyolty. Use the 7 l think this is one of ..... (tasty) brands of tomato
phrases to make senten(es, as in the ketchup.
example. j:..,*..-,,.=: РР. GR6-
..:=',= j.".. :- -: :'.' : .',.'i:i'-:. 1-1.': т :.j,i ;'] ; ..= GR7
5 ..... line
е 2 6 ..... doors
,_r' Corplete with -iпg form, to-infinitive, or
";i infinitive without to. Fiпd examples in the text.
3 7 ..... level
Give опе example for each category.
4 8 ..... displays
1 avoid, consider, deny, miss, suggest + ...,.

эrеfеr to Ьuу /oose fruit опd vegetables thап 2 make, let + .....
:,e-packaged products, 3 would like, would prefer, would have + .....

4 enjoy, like/|ove, prefer, don't mind, can't stand, is used to

Ь) Match the words in bold to their +.....

е! meanings: exhibitions, trаiпiпg, 5 too/enough ... + .....

lk dishonest, рlаппеd, good buy, get. 6 ask, a9ree, hope, expect, refuse, promise + .,...
le 7 will, may, сап, must, would + ...,.
lS :!.:.j.:l ;: .i__i.. :1 :: :] r: lJ :: ;:_9: i- see .=- ,,tф lutthe verbs in brackets into the (to)-infinitive
:1.,!;i :.::, :,]
,_р. оr -iпg form. How does each verb differ iп mеапiпg?

Read the examples. How do we form а Не forgot ..... (buy) lemons.

е the comparative/ superlative forms of Ь He'l| never forget ..... (shop) at Camden Market.
r? adjectives? Find mоrе examples in а They stopped ...,. (get) coffee from а service station.

the text in Ех. 2. Ь They stopped ..... (work) to have lunch.

а l prefer .,... (live) on mу оwп,

Loose vegetables ore cheaper thап

Ь |'d prefer ..... (go) to the market оп mу оwп.

pre-pockoBed опеs.
а We regret ..... (spend) so much mопеу оп clothes.

Ihоt supermorket ls tfie most expensive of all.

Ь We regret .,... (inform) you that you faiIed.
Try ..... (cut) down оп sweets. You'll feel better.
a Ihls pock ýл't о5 big os that опе,
a The bigger the supermarket, the easier it is to get
Ь Тrу ..... (stick) to а list when you go shopping.

Э ,.:Ё Ё э]i :.:. :: :n ;.,i 5lý :.,;; i.J' j::":Е .;;i;' ;tT ]j;:
a Не spends more апd more rтюпеу every doy.
a The fruit frоп mу loco! market is о lot better tfiал :i @t What did you learn from the text? How
tfie frr.lit frоm the supermorket.
will this information Ье helpful to you? lп three
Ihеsе biscujts аrе Ьу far the best l'че ечеr tosted. minutes, write а few sentences. Tell your раrtпеr
or the class.
::.. з,|
What do you know about the products
in the text? What is the history behind
each product?
() tisten and read to find out.

Who doesn't wear jeans, drink cola and check these words
eat potato chips? Almost everyone does!
wonder, story, go back, durab|e cotton,
But have you ever wondered what the
manual worker, big hit, generation, ban,
stories are behind these products? staple item, take revenge, fussy diner, batch
of fries, crispy, fast-forward, formula.
brass kettle, serving, sales rise, ingredients,
trade secret

Read again. Which product оr products:

lEAxý 1 was originally homemade?

The story of jeans goes back to the 19th century when sailors 2 was invented Ьу someone in а bad
from Genoa, ltaly, wore durable cotton and wool denim trousers, mood?
Then, iп 1853, 24-yeapold Levi Strauss travelled to San 3 was а surprise hit with the public?
Frапсisсо from Gеrmапу and decided to design trousers for
4 became successful а уеаr later?
manualworkers from this material, They were а big hit, and Ьу
5 was origina|ly designed for another
the ,1950s, jeans had become very popular with а whole
generation of young people. At first, mапу places such as рurроsе?
wasn't allowed in some locations?
theatres and restaurants Ьаппеd them. Nowadays, jeans are а
staple item of clothing iп everyone's wardrobe!
Match the words/phrases in bold in
ротАто CHIPý
In '1853, George Crum was working as а chef at а restaurant in
the text with their meanings:
Nеw York. Опе day, а customer sent Crum's Frепсh fries back difficult-to-pleose restaurant customer,
to the kitchen, saying they were too thick. Сrum got very апgrу very pleased, forbade, populor, рчпish,
and decided to take revenge оп the fussy diner; he made а poitions of food or drinks, mеп who
пеw batch of fries so thin and crispy that the customer couldn't work оп а ship, people who work with
eat them with а fork! То George's surprise, the guest was their hands, поt thiп, recipe, bosic,
thrilled with them and other diners began asking for them, too. сruпсhу, соmропепts of о mixture.
Fast-forward to the 2,1st century and, iп the US alone, sales of
potato chips amount to over $6 billion реr year. Make notes about each product under
the headings: wltеп iпчепtеd/Ьу whоm,
John РеmЬеrtоп, а pharmacist from Georgia, invented the how it Ьесаmе populor, the product
original Coca-Cola formula in а three-legged brass kettle in his today. Present them to your partner or
backyard! The soft drink was first sold as а medicine in а to the class.
chemist's оп 8th Мау, 1886. Dr РеmЬеrtоп sold about 9
servings each day, Не made about $50 in the first уеаr, but lCT ".,ъ''l Fiпd out information
unfortunately it cost him about $70 to make the cola! lп 1887, а
about а well-known product from your
businessman bought the formula and Ьу 1900 sales, had risen
country under the headings in Ех.4.
Ьу over 4000%. Coca-Cola rеmаiпs the most famous soft drink
Te]l the class.
in the world, but its exact ingredients are still а trade secret!
l j]'']
;'], . ":

Find sentences in the dialogue which mеап:

а) () listen and say. ls it alright if l use mу credit card to роу? - They
ore reduced iп price right поw, oren't they? -
ь) The sentences are from а dialogue between
Could you please give mе your lD card? - Дrе
а shop assistant and а customer. Who
they the right size? - Wе don't have mапу left.
says each sentence?
() Listen, read, and check.
,]': ' ., l;] .._:.', .,,,,,:..;:1.:
р. GR7
,,:':: , ],:, j

а) ()
]",_] :, _]


1 What Vоli?ф;
l_isten and read the examples. Does
.=:+rrr, rgТ:rЧq, $,',
2 Апу good? the speaker use faIling оr rising
intonation at the end of the exclamation?
Сап ГТifiй?ilоЁ]'Flйtr
4 we've almost jý
whot о/ап + countable noun kyfiof а пtсе dress!
..,,.,| :| : r. ; ||
i- |||' |,,;l.r;,d;r ]_
Йhot + uncountable or plura| noun
5 Can l рау Ьу credit card

-:=.:Ёэittfrкg, ý*ýж What grеаt weother!
6 Your receipt is iп the
How + adjective/ adverb
Do you need any help Ноw silly of mе! How quickly the tlme passes hеrе!

8 Could l hаче уоur lD, please?

':iffiЖ:l_:*:,Yj1l:']',''i"E rc
9 They're оп sale at the moment, аrеп't theyl Ь) ,/-'Complete with what (о/оп) or how.
() t-isten and check, then say.
10 Yes, they fit mе
1 ..... nice jacket!
2 ..,.. beautiful sunglasses!
З ..... great you look in those jeans!
А: Do you need апу help? 4 ,..., kind you аrеI
В: Oh, yes please. l'm looking for the slim-fit
ln jeans that are in the window. They're on
, :l ,.,j .} .' ." :_,l
sa|e at the moment, aren't they?
;' .,;1
lgs: ,;".,

Yes, they are, but we've almost sold out.
What size аrе you?
# ,l
Use the sentences in Exs & 2 to act
out а dialogue in а shop. Follow the plan.
vhо В: |'m а size 'I0.
yith А: Let me take а quick look .., ОК, уоu'rе in
l5ic, luck. These are the last pair in your size.
А в

В: Great. Сап l try them on, please? Ask if В needs апу help Say what уоu'rе
А: Sure, the fitting rooms аrе over there. ... looking for,
tder Апу good? Ask what size В is. Say what size. Ask to
аП, Yes, they fit me rеаIlу well. l'll take them. try it/them оп.
iluct Сап l рау Ьу credit card? Look for/Find item of Say you like the
|r оr Yes, that's no prob|em. That's fЗ8 then, clothing. Tell А where clothes & want to
please. Can l have your lD, p|ease? fitting room is, then ask buy them. Ask to

В: Here you are. if апу good. рау Ьу credit card.

Just sign here, please. Here's уоur credit Аgrее & say the price. Offer credit card.
tion А:
card and lD back. Your receipt is in the Ьа9. Ask В to sign. Give card & Thank А & say
Thank you чеrу much. Goodbye. receipt to customer goodbye.
х.4. В:

А: Goodbye. RepIy.


-) jj.+


а) .rd опе minute, write as mапу

words as possible under the headings
iп your notebooks.
ffi lliчiпg rовm

Life iп the 21st сепturу is fast-poced опd ruled Ьу mobile phones,
the lпtеrпеt опd godgets, so it's easy to uпdеrstопd why some
people lопg to go bock to the simpler times of the past. Meet
lооппе Massey who is living iп а 1950s time wаrр!
sa{* The 1950s wеrе ап era of colourful homes, clothes and
accessories, black and white Tvs, rock and ro|l music and

Ь) Look at the picture. What does it

traditional values. Joanne Massey, from Birmingham, England,
not опlу cherishes these times, but has also chosen to live as
tell us about life in the 1950s? people did back thenl Неr hоmе is just like а 1950s time capsule

с) Think of the kitchen in your .j,',,

with retro dёсоr and second-hand vintage appliances. Неr
cooker, which she bought from а farmer for t32, her radio, bright

house. Compare it with the опе ]'' pink telephone, and metal kitchen units аrе all authentic 1950s
in the picture. , appliances. Joanne also loves
fashion and печеr leaves the
The kitcheп iп mу house has а lot of rпоdеrп house without her 50's-style bright lipstick on, "l опlу ever wеаr
1950s clothing, such as tight pencil skirts, with а white blouse t
: .]i,? ,ns

Read the title and the introduction of

the text. What do you think Joanne
Massey's life is like?
,сd Пеаа the text again and for questions 't-5
choose the best answer {Д, В, С or D). Compare with
О tisten to and read the text to find your partner.
ln the first paragraph, we lеаrп that ...
А Joanne lives as cheaply as she сап.
check these words В Jоаппе was Ьоrп in the 1950ý.

rule, long, time warp, era, values, cherish, С Jоаппе doesn't like modern technology.
time capsule, retro dёсоr, second-hand, D Joanne's husband shares her love of the 50s.
vintage, authentic, lipstick, tight, One thing Jоаппе admires about people in the 50s is that
сопчепtiоп, trilby hat, bland, make do, they...
mend, throwaway fashion, pension,
distressing, admit, conveniences, out of
А always dressed well.

sight, spoil, in retreat from, violence, greed,

В were always cheerful.
materialism, shudder С didn't waste things.
D didn't wоrrу about their appearance.

]i : i :: :::"' she says, While Joanne's husband Kevin -)

" * :-: -э:
at а convention for 50s fans) has to wеаr
, :i,- : -:-эs for work, he too likes to relax in а stylish I

: -: trilby hat at the weekends. Joanne and Kevin сап

, . :; :::^ driving around in а 45-year-old а)

j - :: Joanne and Kevin live this way? Ford Anglia!

,у*/ Complete with:: bright, TVs, fashion,
F ::
,,, as bOrn in the wrong time,'' SayS Joanne. ''Whеп
сопvепiепсеs, music, clreer, back, worp, values,
the phrases to
оррliапсеs, stylish, tlps. Use
! :-,ig I'd watch all the old singing stars iп the
,:*i з-с dream that l could Ье like that one day. make sentences based on the text.
li :"]- ^; modern just seems Ьlапd in соmраrisоп,'' 1 time..... 7 ..... suit
l,-: says that she also really respects the values of 2 black and white ,..,, 8 throwaway .....
'-,. --_. iпе "make do and
mend" attitude that is so
: -:';-: 'rom our age of throwaway fashion and ever- з rock and roll ...., 9 singing.....
".-. j technology. "l do think the 50s wеrе happier 4 traditiona| ..,.. 10 c|eaning.....

Sie SayS, "Everyone knew everyone else and they 5 21st century ..... 11 second-hand.....
, :,oked after each other," Joanne tries hard to bring 6 ..... lipstick 'l2 .,.,. then
,", spirit into the 2'1st century;
she bakes cakes for
+-:s and does shopping and col|ects pensions for
Ь) Match the words in bold in the text to
: _-:,, neiýhbours. Joanne also can't stand shopping iп their meaning.
,_:=,nnarkets and she doesn't read newspapers as it,. . desire to hаче more of sth than you need
, -;S " . а hat made of felt . advice . hidden
ihem too distressing,
-ile Joanne says she's happy to Ье а traditional 50s . moral principles . adores . took care of
|пеs, -::sewife, she doesn't spend all day at home baking
,,0mе о mопOу for retired people from the state
: scuits. She has а successful singing career touring the
. dulI . large meetin9 . energy . antique
-( as а 1940s-style singer called Lola Lamour and she а0 . disposable . upsettlng . confesses
,ies а blog giving 40s and 50s-style shopping and
о running away from о usefuI equipment
tnd 5 - эапiпg tips! She admits to owning some 21st century
tnd :onveniences, too, though. Joanne and Kevin have а . shake in disgust . culture of valuing
nd, =]iop, а microwave, а DVD player and а washing machine. shopping and goods
aS ]:1ough Joanne tries to keep all these things out of sight
ule .: :hat they don't spoiithe 1950s feel, Even the modern TV
{er t0 . lidden inside а 1950s cabinet and they опiу watch things
.э Agatha Christie's Miss Marple and Poirotl Web diagrams
jOs Using web diagrams helps you organise your
admit l am in retreat from the 21st century," Joanne
the .',len l look at the reality of the world today, with all the
)U ideas and take better notes. ',,',,',

ear : епсе, greed and materialism, l shudder, l don't want to

JSe 15 ,: iп that world. Living like this makes mе happier."

- 1.i|:. 'F1 ]1:

Read the text again and complete the
З She tries to сору the 1950s spirit Ьу ... ",.gtr
web diagram about Jоаппе Massey's life in
А baking every day.
В helping others. уочr notebook. Then, use уоur notes to
yith describe Joanne's life to your partner.
С repairing and reusing things.
D living life at а slower расе. bakes cakes for {rieпds

?950s сооkеr


4 Regarding modern technology, Joanne

refuses to use it.
only uses it when it's necessary for her work.
weъrs bright iipstirk
С is getting used to it.
D uses it, but doesn't want it to Ье seen.
5 The quote from Jоаппе iп the final раrа9rарh ffiД What kind of person do you think
Jоаппе is? Tell the class. Give reasons from
expresses her beIief that ...
the text.
А the world was а better рlасе in the 50s.
В people were happier in the 50s. @ Compare your lifestyle to Joanne,s.
С there is nothing good about the 2'lst century. lп three minutes write а few sentences оп the
D mоrе people should live as she does. topic. Read them to your partner or to the class.r,
say. What do you think а skys(raper
farm is? How does it work? Read the Storjes of The Напgiпg Gardens of ВаЬуlоп, опе of the seyen
text to find out. wonders of the апсiепt world, tell of а structure with lush
green gаrdепs оп differeпt /eyels mапу metres high. These are
lопg gопе, but as оur mоdеrп сопsumеr society сопtiпчеs to
drаiп the world of ifs resourceg the populatioл rises апd food
prices soar, а mоdеrп-dау equivalent mау sооп Ье springing up
iп your neighbourhood!

According to UN statistics, Ьу the year 2050, the population of

planet Eafth 1) ...,. (RISE) to over 9 billion and feeding аll these
people will require extra farmland the size of Brazil! Finding this
Solar panels and wind turbines роwеr the building. agricultural land will Ье а real challenge, but опе that some creative
scientists believe they have solved with the idea of vertical farming,
The idea is actually very simple. Just as ап apartment block has
different storeys, а verlical farm will have mапу different floors
growing а variety of frult and vegetables, 0п one floor there 2} ...,,
(ВЕ) lettuces, оп the next floor carrots and оп another tomatoes,
and so on, The walls will Ье made of glass to allow iп sunlight and
Different storeys grow а variety of fruit апd vegetables. instead of soil. the produce will Ье grown in а solution of nutrients
and water,
Dr Dickson Despommier, а professor at Columbia University, points
out that just one ЗO-stоrеу building could provide food for 10,000
people. "With about '160 of these buildings, you could feed all of
New York," he says. But as well as offering а solution to possible
food shortages, this idea is environmentally friendly. Often, Ьу the
time food 3) ...., {АRRIVЕ} on your plate, it wIl| have Ьееп travelling
for days or ечеп months! Verticalfarms, however, will go uр iп the
сепtrе of the city and 4) .,... (РОWЕR) Ьу solar and wind power so
we'll save оп transpot1 costs, burn less fossil fuels and we'll all Ье
eating fresh local produce from the skyscraper next door!
The idea isn't without its problems, though. Crops nearer the glass
would get 5) ...,. (MUCH) light which means they would grow
quicker than crops farlher away. The опlу who|e floor to get direct
sunlight would Ье the top опе. Possible solutions include 6),....
(HAVE) а permanent light source оп every floor like the ones we
поw have in industrial greenhouses. At the moment, the price of
building and lighting these modern Напgiпg Gardens of ВаЬуlоп is
far too high, but that i) ,.... (NOT/MEAN} we won't Ье able to do it
soon, Mankind 8)..... (FАRМ) horizontally for over 15,000 years,
but поw almost 80% of our farmland is already iп use. lsn't it about
Wф:Wi:l,r]r]],]].].] time we 9) ..... (START) growing up?
The produce is grown iп а solution of nutrients and water.

Convert the rooftop of уоur block of flats into

а garden and grow уоur оwп vegetables.
€hack these wordg Е Use window boxes to grow fruit апd veg like
tomatoes, peppers and strawberries.
wonder,structure, lush, long gопе, drain, rise, soar, equivalent, . some communities are getting together and
spring up, vertical farming, solution, nutrients, food shortage, starting their оwп community farms on pieces
environmentally friendly, power, transport costs, local produce, of wasteland. You cou|d get invo|ved iп а local
permanent light source, industrial greenhouse, mankind, pro.ject like this or even start one of your оwп |

horizontally, consume, convert, wasteland


,rС Rrc) Read the text. Use the р, GR8

words iп capitals in the correct form " l :: :.,,:::: .]:;:

iliiiiiiiT9i,1f,.{:it, - Э,:Ца.tЁл,',,* ++ l:*ЁЪ.t,lЕ
so that they fit the text. (omplete the
,п gaps with the new words. Every gap
Read the theory and find another ехаmрlе of each
й corresponds to а djfferent task (1-9).
re tense iп the text in Ех. 1.
)d Fiпd the correct word. Check in your We use future perfect (will have + past participle) to describe ап l
tp dictionaries. actron that will Ье finished before а stated future time. They will
hаче finished mоkiпg the rоаf gоrdеп Ьеfоrе the епd of пехt week,
Finding enough food for the world's Time expressions used with future perfect: before, Ьу, Ьу then,
se growing population won't Ье easy; it'll Ьу the time, until/till (in negative sentences)
1iS Ье а big challenge/ test.
йe]ЙЙ ЙБ.t.*ti,r"*Ъ";ЙФimir. th j
ive The population оп Earth has raised/ , ап action up to а сеrtаiп time in the future. Ву пехt mапth, Jomes

1g. i

risen in rесепt years. ' wil! have Ьееп working at the fоrп fоr ftve i

Мапу new shops and businesses are


)rS i Time expressions used with future perfect continuous use: Ьу .., for j
springing up/coming along iп the аrеа,
eS, We need to save/conýerve оп transport
i] ,r/ eutthe verbs iп brackets into the future perfect
ntS оr the future perfect сопtiпчоus.
The machine is powered/controlled Ьу
ntS solar power. Ву the end of the year, we .,... (live) iп this house for
)00 Harry's busy job sometimes drains/ 10 yearsl
lof exhausts him of his energy. 2 Simon hopes he ,,,., (start) his own business Ьу next year.
The farm shop sel|s fresh produce/ 3 Sam .,... (work) as а gardener for 30 years Ьу the time
ling outlet such as Ьеапs, strawberries and he retires.
the соrп. 4 l can't meet you at б o'clock. l ..... (not finish) work Ьу then.
Fuеl prices аrе advancing/rising at the 5 (we/find) а solution to food shortages Ьу 2050?
moment; prices have пеаrlу doubled 6 Ву the time we reach Bristol, we ..... (drive) for three

lass l since last year. hours and it's two more hours of driving after that.
rоW We're leaving for the airport at пооп. ..,.. (you/pack)

уоur suitcases Ьу then?
,У Complete with: costs, friendly, food, Don't worry, l ..,.. (prepare) everything before our
eof verticol, wiпd, reol, locol, direct, Use the guests arrive,
lп is phrases to make sentences, as in the
Jo it example. ,У Writ., two
things you hope you witl hove dопе
!arS, Ьу the time you're 30, two things you will have Ьееп
эоut 1 food shorta9es 5 ..,., farming
dоiпg for over five yeors Ьу the епd of this yeor,Te|l
2 environmentally 6 ..... produce your partner.
7 transport ....,
ц 3 ...,. chaIlenge 8 ,.... sunlight ,iir,:,:a ;:i вэ :.1 ;;,, r
-iЁт t+iЬj -iтд ;з ;,$
into 4 ..... turbines
Listen and read. What did you learn from the
like lf the рорчlаtiоп сапtiпчеs to rise, there text? Tel] your partner.
might Ье food shortages.
and i @ Why are vertical farms а good idea?
l How сап they benefit society? lп three minutes,
write а few senten(es оп this topic. Read уочr

lwn! i
.--__-J sentences to the class.

а) _,"* ] S ., Listen to five people who have

ordered goods online/by post and match the
statements (1-6) to the speakers (А-Е). Тhеrе is
опе extra Statement.
1 The speaker talks about а damaged item.
2 The speaker claims thеге ч,,аs something missing.
3 The speaker says that they have changed their mind.
4 The speaker says the goods haven't arrived,
5 The speaker worries thеrе is а payment problem.
а) ,d"/ Match i:he problems with the
6 The speaker explains the i,,,rong item was sent to them,

(,,] Listen and check. Listen a9ain I

and say.

1 The heel is broken.

Ь) () tisten again. What did each person ask for?
2 The strap is torn.
З А button is missing,
4 The lens is scratched.
5 The lid is cracked. Use the language in the Ьох and the products &
6 There's а chip iп it. problems in Ех. '1 to act out exchanges, as in the example.
7 There's а hole in the sleeve.
8 The earphones аrе damaged. Making complaints
. lhaveaprob:- , . Тhеrе's something
Ь) Have you ever bought апу products wrопg with this . :: -]-, ,- ) a,ara , and ,., ,

that wеrе faulty? What was the Requesting action

problem? What did you do? Use the . Could l ехсlа, ]: _ _-:-, ease? . Cou]d you give mе а
phrases below to tell your partner. replacement, р eas.- . _. l эоssiЬlе fo get а refund?/l'd like to

. take it back to the shop have my попо)л оэ!1, .:as:, . Сап you take а look at it, please?

о get it repaired Responding to complaints

о get а refund . No рrоЬiеm, . Could lsee your receipt, please?
. exchange it for another опе . Of course, Have you got the receipt?

l опсе bought о dress апd there was а hole iп Д: l bought this caffee mug апd there's а chip iп Could
it. / took it back to the shop cnd ехсhапgеd it you give mе а rерlасеmепt, please7
far onother опе. 8: lilo рrаЬlеrп, Have you got your receipt, please7

which of these sentences best
describe you?

=^ оу bargain-hunting.
: ,,,ays check where and
- : ,,; а productmade. was :;;1 ffi у*ýр*жsýfuý* sfu*рр*r
:'ten shop опliпе.
', lп today's world of endless солsurпеr choices, lf's иеlу easy to spend
э ,vays choose fairtrade products. wtthout thinking, Мапу people епjоу Ьаrgаiп-huпtiпg, but our quest i
:,эfеr big chain-store retailers. рау /ess mау have hidden dangers, The following is а gчldе to

:;ten buy second-hand. rеsролsiЬlе shopping, which соmЬiпеs ап awareness of humап rights i
-ever buy recycled products. апd grееп bsues, as well as how to sаче our hard-earned cash!

:.у to avoid uппесеssаrу packaging. Ве ethical:

:ever throw anything out. While you probably have по problem remembering where you bought your
T-shirt from, do you actually know where апd how it was made? Why not do
l lsua|ly buy things that are on sale.
some research оп the policies of big chain-store retailers iп order to Ье
ethical when it comes to shopping? Find out where they manufacture their
э) Do you kпоw how to Ье а goods and iп what conditions. How do they treat their employees? Аrе they
involved in sweatshops or the use of chi|d labour? These days, the lnternet
responsible shopper?
is а mine of information on big companies and how they operate. Also, you
,.) tisten and read to find очt.
can always choose products labelled 'faidrade', which is а guarantee the
goods have Ьееп made under acceptable working conditions.
Ве green:
я# Read the text and complete the First of all, choose products that use fewer natural resources, and avoid
goods which come in unnecessary packaging. The goal is not to waste
sentences. Then, explain the words
anything! Another great option is buying second-hand, You сап find а
iп bold. treasure trove of quality second-hand items at low prices оп lnternet sites
like еВау, as well as iп traditional charity shops. lt's really worthwhile, as
We сап go опliпе to find out where big
second-hand goods are often much better quality than cheaply made new
companies .,.,. . products for sale at similar prices. Then, of course, there's always recycling.
'Fairtrade' labels mеап ..... .
Try to buy products that сап Ье recycled, or products that are already made
out of recycled materials. Also, think twice before you throw anything out:
3 lt's а good idea to buy second-hand you could always try to recycle your belongings yourself!
because,..... Ве smart:
Instead of throwing things away, we Don't throw your mопеу away! Spending wisely involves some thought and
research as well. First of all, before you buy, Ье clear about what you want
should ..... .
to buy to avoid unnecessary purchases. Then, соmраrе prioes so that you
5 Comparing prices helps us ...., . don't end up paying too much. 0пе great wау to save money is to take

б The sales period is а good time

advantage of seasonal retail shifts, such as the January sales, or late July
and August, when they sell summer products off at reduced prices.
Lastly, try to remember that respoлslb/e shоррiлg lsп'f 7ust about tryiпg to
spend as /lttle as posslb/e. Ihe goalls to find а good Ьаlапсе Ьеtwееп Ьеiпg
ethical, being green, апd uslng good mопеу sense/

,я" Complete with: wоrkiпg, hord-eorneo, check these words

reduced, sеоsопоl, toke, hчmоп, wisely, bargain-hunting, quest, awareness, human rights, hard-earned
child. Make sentences using them. cash, ethical, poliry, manufacture goods, trёаt, sweatshop,
child lаЬоur, miпе of information, operate. guarantee,
1 ..... rights 6 ..... cash natural resources, treasure trove, purchase, seasonal retail shift,
2 .....lаЬоur 7 spend ,..,. sell off, reduced prices, ЬаIапсе, mопеу sense

з ..... conditions 8 ..... retail

4 ..... prices shifts ##y"HiW Has the information in the text helped
you ýее things frоm а different perspective? How
/с 5 ..... advantage of
might this help you become а responsible shopper?
lп three minutes, write а few sentences. Tell the
class оr your partner.

Dear Sir/Madam,
1 lam writing to complain about ап mрз рlауеr оrdеr I

placed through \,оuг \\ebsite www.shop.com оп 1Bth Арril.

UnfortunateIy, I ехреriепсеd а number of рrоlэlеms with
the product, as detailed belolt,.
2 l ordered а Cooltunes 1О0:1 mрЗ plal,er and, despite the
promise that Irvould receite the item ц,ithin 5 working days,
it did not аrriче untii ]nci rlar, ot,er ]0 days later. То make
matters wоrsе, rrhen l erentuaIlr received the mр3 pIayer, it
was badly scratchec. Fl:thеrmоrе, the product description
оп уоur site stated ihai а case rlas included. However, this
was missing.
3 l would it if vou could rерlасе the mрз
player, and iпсluСе а case. lп addition, lfeel ldeserve ап
explanation fоr the сJelar , l аm sending the item back to you
feelings оr the seriousness of the complaint. together with mr inroice.
Mild Complaint: / оm writing to саmрlаiп abaut 4 I look fоrrrаrс to \оur рrоmрt rерlу.
..,/l hope you will
dealwith the matter quickly, yours faithfullr,
Strong Complaint: l аm writing to express mу |апе Morle1,
disgust at the ,/l iлslst uроп full
соmрепsаtiоп or l will Ье farced to take this
matter further.

,.rа and complete the table with the complaints

'оо, justifications.
а) Пеаа the email and match and their

the headings below (A-D) to the
Complaints J ustifications
paragraphs (1-4).

А details of your complaint

в rеаsоп for writing & brief description of
problem Decide if the sentences are орепiпg or closing
с action requested remarks. Which are strong/mild complaints?
D closing comments Compare with your partner.

Ь) ls it а mild or strong email of l аm writing to express my total dissatisfaction with

the mрЗ player l recently bought from ...
complaint? .

2 l insist on an apology, as well as а full refund,

з l hope you will look into the matter promptly and
replace ... .

l am writing to inform you that l was very disappointed

with the product l rесепt|у bought frоm ... ,
а) Read the examples.
р. GR8 ,У rrnathe correct word. Соmраrе with your partner.

1) Although/However the bag was supposed to Ье

Дlthочgh/Ечеп though + clause delivered within three working days, l still have not
Дlthочgh l hod ordered о size lvl block dress, received it. 2) Furthermore/But, when l tried to contact
,,.as sent о size L red опе, you, the person who answered the рhопе was very rude to
lп spite of/Despite + почп/-iпg form/the mе 3) and/but kept mе holding the liпе for ten minutes
foct that before she a99ressively said that mу order had Ьееп
Despite Ьеiпg assured of recetviпg о refu:d,
dispatched апd would Ье delivered the day after.
4) ln addition/However, l still have not received anything.
still hаче поt Ьееп 5елt опе.
As а regular customer of yours l feel very disappointed with
Despite уоur а55чrапсе thot l would rесе .е ,
,efund the way l have Ьееп treated. 5) Therefore/Despite, I would
like to сапсеl mу order and l also expect to receive а

Despite the fact thot l was ossured о{

written apology.
а rеfuпd ,.. .

lbric, an
Read the rubr and ansui the qur
5Werr тп( uestio)ns
uest ls iп the ]

plan. Write your emi

епmail of со laint 1 20-
rplail (1j words).
20-1 8800 tд
Ь) Join the complaints to their examples/
Use phrases; from tl
rs tthe Usefr
eful ап9чоg9е
I geb Ьо;)х.
reasons, using the linking words/
d an t

phrases in brackets. i You recently ordered item

itc from
frt the
thr website
We tý
,у i
www,9reatshop эрiпg.соr
ping.comlm, but you
уо Were
\л ere чеrу disa1 pointed l
The product description said the remote : ;

control wouId work with апу TV. l tried it 1 when it arrivedd.

l. Write nail сofГ сt
Writeе ian emai соmрlllaint 1 50
(1 50-200 t t :l

i int and ii
ng the
words) explainiing ts for your с(compll
the} rreasonS р laint

and it didn't work with mу TV. (despite) д

; luu want th
stating what you tthe como;
1рапу to do. :
The dress l ordered still hasn't arrived. The
website said l would rесеiче it last week.
{ plan l н
(in spite о0
Para 1: What are your opening remarks/your reason for 1{

The webpage stated the DVD player was writing?аm writing to соmрlаiп ,.. which tordered .,.)

muIti-regional. lt can опlу play rеgiоп-2 , ', Para 2: What exactly аrе your complaints7 (l ordered
DVDs. (howeve0 but .,, , То mоkе motter; worse ,,,,) #
Para 3: What do you want the соmрапу to do? (lwould
The саmеrа isn't iп very good condition. oppreciote it if you :
The seller said it was as good as пеw. ' Para 4: Howwillyouendyouremail? 0 lookforwardr J,'$
(despite the fact that)
Uýeful lanýrrage .,.; ",, .,'
The bag l received is plastic. l had ordered а
9 Opening remarks: (Mild) l am writing to complain about/
leather опе. (in spite ofl
regarding/on account of/because oflon the subject of.../l am
writing to draw your attention to .,./l аm writing to you in
connection with .,., etc.
(Strong) l
was appalled at/l want to express mу strong
dissatisfaction with/l feel l must protest/complain about, etc.
Closing Remarks: (Mild) l hope/assume you will replace/l
trust the situation will improve/l hope the matter will Ье
resolved/l hope we сап sort this matter out amicably, etc,
(Strong) l insist you rерlасе the item at опсе/l demand а full
refund/ l hope that l will not Ье forced to take further action, etc.
]] j.! .:ii ]j;r,- ]';

who see it. companies can make а huqe amount of mопеу from sellinq
merchandise re|ated to а film. lп 2012, the Walt Disney Company paid
4 bi|lion do|lars to buv Lucasfilm and the riqhts to Stor VVors. This may
: Match headings to short texts seem а lot, but Disney expects to make $5 bi|lion in sa|es of tovs,
:All the texts are connected Ьу а соmmоп theme. books, and lоБ mоrе, from the release of Star Wars: The Fоrсе
Дwоkепs; and this film is just the first of many new Stor ИУоrs films.
i Read each text to understand the main idea. Look
l at the headings and find words or information in Щ ТЬе latest James Вопd movie, Spectre, is said to Ье the most
: the texts that relate to them. Match the heading
expensive Bond film yet at SЗ50 million, Luckily, producers did not
have to рау for it ali themselves. Fоr Bond films, major Ьrапd names
: to the appropriate text. Remember there is one
wiIl рау to have their product used in the film. The Aston Martin DB10
, extra heading. When you have finished the task,
l that Bond drives was designed especially for the film and donated for
i check that the remaining heading doesn't go free Ьу the car соmрапу, making the film а lot easier to finance.
i with any of the texts.
lЗ дdчеrtisеrs can get their ргоduсt into а fi|m long after i, Йri Лriri.J
filming. There are а пumМr of places that products can Ье digitally
inserted. lt may Ье а poster for the latest smartphone оп the wall behind
the leading actor or it may Ье а soft drink at the front of the fridge as he
or she opens it. You mау not notice that is in the background, but that
lt]::' Ёlt* i'd j'i "j i]',:.,ll'';: j. i; ,,,э; .]i

doesn't stop adveгtisers рауiпg for their product to Ье there.

Read the first text in Ех. 2, paying
attention to the underlined words. Dl lп these days of computer-generated imagery (CGl), advertisers сап
target а particu|ar сопsumеr group, Fоr example, the type of car that
which of the sentences below best
ап actor drives оп screen сап Ье changed to suit the area а film оr TV
summarises the text?
series is shown. lп а rich аrеа, tvhere consumers have mоrе mопеу to
А Advertising а new film costs а lot of money. spend, you might see а luxury саr; iп а poorer опе, you could see а
в А huge profit is made frоm the sale of more affordable vehicle. lt's the same actor in the same scene, but
thanks to CGl, he's driving а different саr.
products that have to do with а film. ]ч}wlэ:ryrrylwlry
The Walt Disney Соmрапу paid а lot of ГЕ Trailers, those 2-minute adveгtisements for а film, are а vital part of
mопеу to make the пеw Stor Wars film. any advertising campaign and are sometimes as eagerly awaited as
the films themselves. 0псе опliпе, they can get thousands of views
within minutes. Breaking social media records becomes а news item iп
itself and often hits the front pages of news sites. As а result. the film

receives ечеп mоrе publiciý: not only because it's а new fi|m but also
,*:1, .я' Read the texts and match each because it has sparked such а huge amount of interest.
text (A-G) with its heading (1-8). Yоu
l оп advertising аlопе.
сап опlу use each heading опсе. There *

is опе extra heading.

During the filming of 20]5's tолtоstiс Four, there were reports of ý
disagreements between the director and the fi|m соmрапу. When the &

1 As popular as the film itself film was finally released, reviews wеrе generally negative. Things got ý
even worse when the film's director went onto socia| media to
2 Bad word of mouth &

criticise the cinema version of the fi|m. Despite his comments being
3 The right product for the right situation
quickly deleted, the damage had Ьееп dohe. The film did not do well ý
4 А part of the sсепеrу
at the Ьох office and the sequel was quietly
|9iww.?..- ..-r-*".е|.рarreýaвrqт.wу@увф.* ý
5 А way to cut costs
6 The price of prime time TV ЩТЬ. cost of promoting а major film сап Ье surprisingly high. А film L
7 Expensive special effects that has cost $'l00 million to make willoften go on to spend another *
8 Spending to make money $50 million on advertising. Fоr film companies willing to рау the moýt, &
there is а TV ad during the US Super Bowl, the final match iп the

American footbaIl championship. А З-sесопd ad during this televised

match can cost mоrе than $5 mil|ion, but it does reach an audience of
over 'l10 million viewers, who are also potential
,.*9...Ф..*,..y.ty|,qф.*9l9"*.*'* ý
= tQ
€jЁrжя.жgввggr ffi Readthe text be]ow. Use the words in
1fl*в**fu g"**$*н,ry+, * F*s$t,Ё capitals in the correct form so that they fit the
text. Complete the gaps with the пеw words.
t Every gap corresponds to а different task (1-9).
Text Compl еtiоп (grommar)
Read the text quickly to get the gist of it.
Тhеп, read а second time, stopping at each

gap and deciding what is missing (it is usually
0 а verb form but it can also Ье а рrопоuп, а Have you ечеr been angry with а shop
)r comparative superlative form of and
оr because they sold you а faulty product
adjective/adverb, etc). Look closely at the and refused to replace it? МауЬе you
words before and after each gap as well as i, feel you ..... for а product оr service but OVERCHARGE

time words and linkers. They will help you i. по опе paid attention to уоur
d decide exactly what is missing. Read the |l complaints?
е completed text through to make sure that it i:l Luckily, there аrе several соп5umеr
tt makes sense, i]. organisations that ensure ..... rights as а YoU
consumer are protected,
п Some of these organisations help
tt consumers Ьу ...,. consumers about their EDUсATE
ffг*вд*е"dн**..ф Ё:,iэ.., i]; r:
V a.j.: -== ::
0 ...:
а) ,*э# пеаа the sentences and decide i
Others, advise соп5umеr5 оп what they
should do if they .,.,. happy with а
what is missing. Explain why the l NoT вЕ
other two options are wrопg. ;
purchase they have made or the
кё l
treatment they have received in а shop,
1 Jason suggested .,... а саЬ to the airport. l

ls SHARE а service and so оп,

а full infinitive Тhеrе аrе also organisations ..,.. job is to


make sure that consumer laws
ь Ьаrе infinitive

п j

0 ln the uk, there are several consumer
2 Liam ,..., to hospital when he broke his organisations where dissatisfied customers

leg. сап seek help. Опе of them is Citizens

а voice

active Advice, previously ,.... as the Citizens

Ь voice
passive i
Advice Bureau,
с causative form i

Citizens Advice is а large network of


That was Ьу far ..... film l have ever sееп. charities that offer free information and
scARY advice so as ..... people who face not HELP
а positive adjective опlу consumer but also legal or mопеу
Ь comparative adjective problems.

п с superlative adjective The service..... assistance to people оFFЕR

!r since the 1930s and has Ьесоmе а mа,|оr
Ь) ,.r/ Complete the sentences using advice provider in the UK,
е lt is the ..... charity in Northern lreland and LARGE
the correct form of the words in
capitals. there аlопе it helps about 200,000
lf ё
consumers а уеаr. t
'a.t!.a?a,..ý.фФ9ф9-"ъ ьа:.,&r*Фr&*'*ýryч 4,ыt.ý*?ýi!r.:$8'q\,..фз.,_r}-ý_ý.|.. аъaФ?|ф|*r.i ь*N||рф...

вý Take part in а telephone survey. You
have to апswеr six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. RеmеmЬеr that
you have 60 seconds to answer each
Answering questions
q uestion.
l Рау particular attention to the word(s) that each
, question starts with (Who, Which, WhOt, Where,
', Whеп, Why, How, How mапу/оftеп/lопg/fаr, etc). lf Electronic assistant: Hello! It's the electronic
, the question does not start with а question word, assistant of Dyson's Сопsumеr Services. We kindly
i the answer should start with "yes" or "по", unless it ask you to take part in our survey. We need to
i is an 'either/or' question (е.9. Do you prefer indoor find out about people's shopping habits. Please
, оr outdoor sports?). You mау expand уоur answers answer six questions. The survеу is апопуmоus -
: to these types of questions - Ьу giving reasons, for you don't hаче to give your name. 5о, let's get
, ехаmрlе - if you wish. Answer using full sentences, ..i
,I sta rted.
. not single-word responses. :|
.', Electronic assistont: How old are you?
Student; 1) .,...
i Electronic ossistant: How often do you 9о
.3 Student:2) ...,.
./*' Read the questions and choose the l

Electronic ossistont: Do уоu shop at small shops in

appropriate responýe, а or Ь. Explain why
your area оr do you рrеfеr large shopping centres?
the other response is not appropriate.
Studепt: З) ..,..
1 How often do you eat out? Electronic assistant: Do you wait for the sales
а l'm а strict vegetarian and l печеr eat any ] when you want to make а purchase?
meat products.

Student: 4) .,...
Ь l usually eat out опсе а week, often оп а Electronic ossistont: Have you еvеr bought
Friday night, something you don't reaIly need just because you
2 Would you consider living abroad for some saw it advertised somewhere?
time? Student:5) .,...
а Yes. Electronic assistant: Which form of advertising do
Ь Yes, l believe it would а good lеаrпiпg you think is mоrе effective for people your age: TV
experience. ads, newspaper/magazine ads or опliпе ads?
Stчdепt; 6) ....,
Would you rather watch TV оr read а book in
Electronic ossistant: That is the end of the survey.
your free time?
Thank you чеrу much for your соореrаtiоп.
а l рrеfеr reading а book when I have time
to spare.
Ь Because reading books is fun and relaxing.

Do commercial breaks during уоur favourite

TV show аппоу уоu?
а No, they don't. l like learning about new
Ь No, they aren't bother me at all. Some are
quite funny and creative.

,i;] {Е]

; ]li,....? ;li :i],ij: ll :: ir iij i -;...]a ]a;,ii

, i.._-lj]
.!,J .n :.;i:': :dlj 1l:: I


,__? rinathe correct particle. ,.l# Complete the sentences with the correct
word derived from the word in brackets.
do up: 'l)fasten (clotlres),2)decorate (а room, а building)
do sth over (again): repeat sth
Forming verbs from nouns/adjectives 1

drop by/in: visit а place/person We can form verbs from nouns and adjectives Ьу adding .

drор out: Ieave before the end (schooI, college) the prefix еп- оr the suffix -en: dапgеr - епdопgеr,
llc get across: make sb understand, communicate

Ily get а|опg (with someone): Ье friendly with someone

т| _!I|i!л:
lупуу,ь -

to get ahead: do welI in а career 1 People often ,.... the паmе Coca-Cola to just
Coke. (SHORT)

1 Sam dropped in/out of his marketing course.

2 Exercise and eating healthily helps ...,. your
body. (STRENGTH)
et 2 l've put оп weight, l can't do over/up my jeans!
3 They don't get along/across.
3 Please .,... you have уоur receipt when returning
faulty items. (SURE)
4 Сап we drop up/by the supermarket оп оur
way home? We need some bread.
4 How much will it cost to ..... these photographs?
5 This essay isn't good enough. l think you should
do it over/up again.
5 We must ..... consumers to shop responsibly.
6 Не couldn't get the message across/along.

оr' Complete with: to, оп, 0t, of , for, frоm,

,_r9 Complete with: mlпul!, medicol, appliances,
1 Shoppers often buy products that аrе оп the responsible, high-heeled, odvice, loyalty, sliding.

shelves ..,.. еуе level.

dietary,.... 5 .,... shopper

2 Тrасеу always takes advantage special 2 ..... shoes 6 ..... card

offers. 3 ...., doors 7 household .....

3 Amy exchanged the dress ..... а T-shirt. 4 ..... wоrkеr 8 ...., researcher

4 ЗD printers are already .....the market.

5 lt's unbelievable how much food goes
waste. ý Оо or mоkе? Complete the phrases. Check
in your dictionaries.
6 This T-shirt is made ..,.. recycled material.
7 Cheese is made ..,.. milk. 1 ..... research; 2..... sense; 3..... the shopping;
4..... sb feel hungry; 5..... your best; 6..... ап offer;
7,.... your hair; 8,....you good; 9..,.. badly;

10 ..... а mess; 11 ..... ап effort; 12 ,..,. friends
, ,i: ,,.:];,:]. .11;iJ.j..r:jiai"{..аli1J1:'i,. i,ij]].i],:i:.:..]l:.!.]],,, ,.. ,...

а "}

Decide if the sentences are I (true) or F (false) and соrrесt thё false statements.
Read through Module 2 and write а quiz of your own. Give it to уоur partner. Check j;i
his/her answers.
1 Fabrican took 20 years to develop. 5 Products labelled 'fairtrade' mean they
z Ап e-home runs оп а network of computers. have been made Ьу chi|dren. a
3 Americans throw away half of the food 6 Jоаппа Massey lives iп а time capsule. '
America produces, 7 Coca-Cola was first sold as а medicine.
Levi Strauss used denim to design trousers 8 Products are sold off at reduced prices ;.;
for teenagers. in charity shops.

ffiе*dýявg & &ýsrе яъýrъg

а) Look at the picture and the title of the

text. What do you know about the place?
What would you like to know? Think of
two questions.

Ь) () t-isten to and read the text. Does it

answer your questions?

Э "*/
Пеаа the text and decide if the statements
are r (true), F (false) or N5 (not stated). Correct
the false statements. l
l zmaylovo Market is а famous ореп-аir flea markel
1 lzmaylovo Market is the largest ореп-аir market located пеаr the lovely lzгпа,,,iоl,,о Park in [t/oscow and is
in Europe. опе of the city's top tourist attt,actions.

2 Not mапу visitors of Moscow know about the

The market covers ап area of З km2 and is constructed
оп three |evels. The ground flcor has got mапу stalls
market. selling folk art and souvenirs including а huge range ol
Products sold at the market tend to Ье cheaper colourful matryoshka dolls апd other traditional wooden
than in the centre of Moscow. carvings and is very popuiar rvith tourists. Fur hats,
The fast food sold at the market сап Ье linens, pottery, chess sets, toys and beautiful hand-
made rugs from ihe Caucasus and Сепtrаl Asia сап also
Ье bought there. Оп the first floor of the market you can
The weekend is the best time to visit the market. find а rапgе of old and second-hand products from
cutlery or CDs to vintage cameras and other odds and
а Find words in the text that mеап: ends while the top level houses а number of antiques
and artwork dealers. You can find just about everything
1 variety 5 used Russian at lzmaylovo Market and peopie say that prices
2 а good deal 6 street musician оп а lot of items are а lot lower than in the city сепtrе,
There are also lots of food stalls serving fast food such
3 favourite 7 very old as kebabs, Although the market is officially ореп every
4 highest 8 cheaper day from 9 am to б рm some sellers опlу come at the
weekend so Saturday and Sunday is the best time to
visit if you are |ooking for а bargain.
& Use the words in the Check thase words
to present lzmaylovo Market to the class. lzmay|ovo Market is а great рlасе to spend some time,
have fun, and listen to buskers реrfоrmiпg on the stage-
set medieval palace just inside the entrance. lts beautiful
5 Think of another market in your town. Write
surroundings also make it а great place to go for а walk
а paragraph describing it. Present it to the
with friends on а suппу day in Moscow,

check these wоrds

open-air, flea market, construct, level, stall, cutlery,

vintage, officially, bargain, busker, medieval,

ocabulary: community action, members of

sэсiеtу, world problems, raising awareness, space,

:nvironmental problems
Grammar: modals (revision), conditionals (type 0,
2, З), wishes, relative clauses, mixed conditionals
Everyday English: calling to make а donation to а

lntonation: po|ite requests
Phrasal verbs: hond, hопg, jоiп
ffi*жжffi ffifoж
Word formation: prefixes used with nouns to form
Writing: ап opinion essay
жffiffifotr trfuжжffi
Culture Соrпеr: Glastonbury Festival
Сu rricular (Geogrophy): Deforestation очrп то уоч!
Russia 3: V|TA is life
lп pairs, think of your community.
;..Ё' J F
What could you do to make it better?
Ч,"фf{ffff яflogя,i"
Tell another pair.
i -.эт"_пз+*э='о}" ."
Jf rче 5rrllt оп апimsislзеlfеr, lhere
,ru*cJfdfi'f Ь* strly впimаls iп thesfre*Ёs.
_f*/ Match the phrases to the pictures.
Q listen and check, then say. fi; rо;ld g/so
lf/е ",. .

lле4, " .
]rket 1 rесусlе old materials
nd is 2 pick up litter in your neighbourhood
З help the elderly
4 donate to charities
1е of
5 look after stray animals
Use the vocabulary in Ех, 'l and the
ideas below to make sentences, as iп
from the ехаmрlе.
. have food to eat
. not so much rubbish
,ices . neighbourhood/be сlеап
ntre. . help people in need
;uch . improve their quality of life
: the i vse r*cyc!* old rчаtеr!аis, there \,ч,ап't Ь€ 5*
eto ,,,;чth rubbish"

€-€- :


"Before уоu abuse, criticise апd acctlse, walk а
mile iп mу shoes." (Дmеriсап siпger/soпgwriter
tý#* ýwер Joe South, 19б9)

Ы*g*&аg ýжrу
ffi*жтfu*rх *Ё **ciety
а)о Listen and say.

The city сап Ье ап unfriendly place at the best of

times. lmagine then, how it might feel for the elderly
or the homeless - people who аrе often marginalised
Ьу the rest of society. 5о to find out what it's really
like to Ье in someone else's shoes, two reporters went
undercover, опе as ап eighty-year-old and another as
а homeless реrsоп. The results wеrе eye-openingl

,.. ffll SldGrlШ le*ý byTracyBond

Turning 25-year-old mе into ап 8O-year-old was no easy task; with
the help of а make-up artist, l had to Ье covered with layers of
prosthetic make-up. After putting оп а shabby coat апd holding
tightly onto а walking stick, my transformation was complete - and
very convincing! Then it was time to set out to see how the world
would react,
Making sure that mу voice sounded oid and weak, l immediately
tried to make small talk on the bus with the young wоmап sitting
next to mе. She stared straight ahead. She might not have heard, l
Ь) Q listen to four people talking. thought. l tried again, but it was quite сlеаr that the wоmап didn't
Which 9rоuр does each Ьеlопg to? want to talk to а chatty senior citizen, Then it was time for some
shopping. At my favourite make-up counter, where the assistant
Pete Е Sandy i дпп t Bart ! usually laughs and jokes with mе, she looked as rf she couldn't wait
to get rid of me. Later, in а music shop, mу request for some CDs
was met with laughter from sales assistants who couldn't believe ап

а @ Choose опе of the members 8O-year-old was interested in the latest .char1 hits! l felt incredibly
of society from Ех. lа. Say а few embarrassed and lonely, as if nothing about me was important,
except that l was old! All day, опlу опе реrsоп seemed to want to
sentences about their lifestyle.
chat to mе - а homeless mап; he too was invisible and unwanted Ьу
ffi**dýяэgr & &ds**язЁляgr As l finally took my make-up off, l couldn't help wondering how l
would have treated 8O-year-old me. Over the next 50 years, the
ý Look at the people in the pictures in пumЬеr of elderly people in society will triple. RеmеmЬеr that the
the text. What сап а typical day in their next time уоu'rе out and about and соmе across ап elderly person,
lives Ье like? One day, it could Ье you!

() listen and read to find out.

... ff h0mвlвýý mж ьуsГfrоt"п.
Carrying а sleeping bag and wearing scruffy clothes, l headed for
the spacious shop dooмays where the homeless spend their
nights, When l arrived there, lwas shocked to see men апd wоmеп
already curled up iп most of the doorways. l got into my sleeping
bag in the |аrgе, we|l-|it doorway of а boutique, but l couldn't
sleep. lt wasn't just the biting co|d, but l was constantly aware of
people walking close to mу head and the hard stone floor dug into
mу shoulder and hip. l finally dozed off, опlу to Ье woken up at
about 5 аm Ьу the cleaners who arrived to wash the steps.
As l walked, реорlе avoided looking at me and crossed the road,
l walked into а саfё to use the toilet and l was angrily told l had to
leave. At the public toilets, I couldn't believe the reflection l saw
in the mirror. Му eyes were red and puffy, mу skin ра|е and mу
hair was trizzy.l looked terrib|e.
Later, at а soup kitchen, l got а free hot mеаl and l spoke to
реорlе who were оп the streets because of terrible debts or
family break-ups, RоЬ told me that he couldn't get
off the streets because he had по official identity, l suddenly
remembered how mапу times l had walked past young homeless
people and thought, "You should just get а job!" forgetting that
you can't Ье employed without ап address and |D.
Му day as а homeless реrsоп has taught mе how much the
these words homeless need our help, поt our judgment. These days, I donate
mопеу to а homeless charity and volunteer at а soup kitchen.
abuse, criticise. accuse, marginalised, 9о undercover,
МауЬе you could do the same.
eye-opening, prosthetic make-up, shabby, walking
stick, convincing, set out, make small talk, chatty,
senior citizen, get rid of, embarrassed, invisible, scruffy #rgffýrЁ?*r 'i"" ',
clothes, curled up, dig into, doze off, puffy eyes, frizzy
hair, debt, family break-up. judgment, donate M*daýs {r*,,igй*п} Tiffý'''
# Rewrite the sentences. Use: cтn't,
4 ,.,У Пеаа аgаiп and complete the sentences with should, must, could, mu;tп't, didn't hаvе
words/phrases from the text. to. Find examples of modal verbs iп
the text.
1 Tracy changed her |ooks in order to ..,.. .

2 Sales assistants made hеr feel ..... .

lt's impossible for Mike to find а job.
3 At the end of the day she felt ..... .
Mike соп't fiпd а job"
4 Sam couldn't sleep well оп the streets because ,.... .
2 ls it ОК if we go поw?

5 Соmmоп rеаsопs for homelessness are ..... .

3 wasn't песеssаrу for lап to go,

6 The homeless often can't work because ,.... .

4 lt's а good idea to help the poor.
5 lt's forbidden to enter the area.

5 ,,7' Complete with: еуе-орепiпg, to!k, senior citizen, 6 lt's your duty to inform John about it.
invisible, frizzy, identification, debts, curled. rý

1 She has retired from work. She's а(п) ..... . 3 {*'*iЗ Take roles and att out ап
2 Living опе day on the streets can Ье а(п) ..... ехреriепсе.
interview with the people iп the texts.
3 lt seemed nobody could see him, he was ..... .
4 While waiting for the bus, he made small ..... with the
ýр**Frfятgr & fuУr ý*ý rr g
реr5оп next to him.
* Г'Тffi lmagine уоч spent а day
5 Не ..... up in his bed and slept. as ап unemployed person. Wrlte а
6 The beggar's hаir was dry and ,.... . short account of what you did, how
7 Не couldn't рау off his ..... so he had to leave his flat. people treated you, and how you
8 Without апу official ,.... уоu can't get а job. felt. Tell the class.

,r, i,li;fiill;rrdiфrGi.,,,
#ýwf;ffiж у*жу Ё*ж€
W*g*&gg ýжrу
W*rЁ# рr"*Ьý*rъэ*

ý а) \/ f,-# Listen and say.

€.€,, ,=
poverty illiteracy

rac!sm WопLD

population growth

Ь) Are there any of these problems in

check these words
your (ountry? lf so, what do you think worthwhile, privileged, affection, slum, appalling,
can help the situation? Te]l your partner. , volunteer 9rоuр, hygiene, literacy, makeshift
school, wealthy, Ьrоkеп home, violence, beg, shine
There is а high rote of сrimе iп our саuпtrу. t think we shoes, пегче-rасkiпg, turп up, eager, destitution,
пееd more police. This woy the crime rate will drop shack, leak, reputation, host family, adopt,
unofficial, eye-opening, miss out
What would you do if you had three months to do
whatever you wanted? Mitch McGregor spent his еаgеr to lеаrп. They only got опе meal а day of just rice
three months in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he апd beans апd at night they s|ept under bridges and iп
taught English to homeless street children. Не told doorways, but these children saw lеаrпiпg English as а
us all about his life-changing experience. possible way out of their lives of danger and destitution. As
days went Ьу, l got used to the place, The roof of the little
"Most of my friends wеrе travelling the world during their shack leaked when it rained and there wasn't а schedule
summеr holiday, but l wanted to do something worthwhile; or textbooks: still, the kids trusted me and some of them
l wanted to volunteer, but where and how? At the age of made а lot of progress. During break times, we headed out
20, l would say l'd had а privileged childhood. Му parents into the tiny yard to kick а ball around and l found out why
had put mе through school, fed and clothed me, and given Brazi|ians have а reputation as the best football рlауеrs!
mе plenty of love and affection. So, after reading about the Then we cooked and ate together, but at the end of the
favelas, the slums of Brazil, where thousands of street day when they left to go back... where?... loften
chi|dren live in appalling poverty and оftеп don't even wondered whether l would ечеr see them again,
reach the age of 18, ldecided that l'd spend раrt of mу The host family that I stayed with was marvellous, They
summer helping these children iп whatever way l could. adopted mе as an unofficial "Carioca", which is the паmе
l set off for Rio de Janeiro where l would join а volunteer for someone who was born and lives iп Rio de Janeiro. lt
group that taught basic skills such as hygiene, literacy, was the school, though, that made my time iп Brazil tru|y
English, and business skil|s iп а makeshift school in the special. Even though l was the teacher, the street children
heafi of the fave|as. The residents of these slums, which taught me а lot mоrе. l learnt that no matter how bad
stretch up the hillsides around and away from the wealthier conditions are, there is always hope for the future. Му time
city centre, make up about опе fifth of the population of iп Brazil was eye-opening. lf l hadn't gопе, l would have
Rio de Janeiro. The poverty leads to many broken homes missed out оп the experience of а lifetime. lf l could do it
and, if they experience violence at home оr their families all again, l'd jump on а рlапе right now!"
can't look after them апуmоrе, children end up on the
streets. Those who can't survive Ьу begging, selIing
newspapers, оr shining shoes, оftеп turn to crime to F* !е

survive. l was going to work in а school which gave those

kids а basic education.
Му first day at school was really nerve-racking. l'd never
Ж Read the title of the text, the introduction, and
the first sепtепсе of each раrаgrарh. What
taught before, l опlу knew а few words of Portuguese and l
just didn't know what to expect. The ten children who do you think Mitch's experience was like?
turned up to mу first Eng|ish lesson were rеаllу friendly and О Listen and read to find out.
.я€ Read the text а9аiп and for questions ,,Р nut the verbs in brackets into the correct
'1-4, choose the best answer д, В, С, or D. tense. Say what type conditional each sentence
Justify your answers. is.

Mitch chose to volunteer in order to lf l .,... (win) а lot of money, l'd donate it to
А make his parents proud. charity.
в do the same as his friends. lf Sarah ..... (learn) Portuguese, she would have
С help those less fortunate than himself, enjoyed her stay iп Brazi| more.
D forget his оwп prob|ems. Whеп chiIdren ..... (not/have) loving homes,
The favelas аrе а poor аrеа they develop emotional problems.

А close to city centre. 4 lf it rains tomorrow, we ..... (not/play) football.

В five times larger than the urЬап centre. 5 lf l ..... (Ье) you, l wou|dn't do it.
С where four fifths are unemployed 5ее
Ъfi*+i*qэчъs рр, GR9-
D situated оп а mountaintop. GR,l0
Mitch's job was difficult because ,f Read the .*ТЙрl.r. Which sentence refers
А mапу kids didn't соmе to class, to the present? past?
в he had to cook as well as teach, , iчнis!з iwttsiwеrе iл iilc (l want to go to Rio)
С it wasn't easy for the kids to ]еаrп. . l ь,ыj,+fo i lzsd g*п* i; Ёlэ (but l didn't go)
D he only had basic facilities
Mitch's host family *}_ What could each реrsоп wish for?
А wanted him to stay in Rio. 1 pete wants to travel abroad, but he doesn't have

в treated him like а native. enough mопеу. J i,yisft f **# *л*r;gh ж*:з*у,
С gave him Portuguese lessons, 2 Kate didn't get into college because she hadn't
D have invited him back to Brazil. studied enough.
3 She doesn't have апу friends; she feels lопе|у.

,d*/ Complete with: poverty, host, еуе, mаkе, ВоЬ wanted to go to the party, but he was ill.
shine, privileged, basic, broken, truly, makeshift, 5 Не didn't get the job because he doesn't speak
еOgеr, ехреriепсе. Choose five of the phrases Spanish.
and make sentences about Mitch.
1 ...., childhood 7 Ье ... . to lеаrп
J-$p *uK fu ,f ;ч,# ffi Жl.t*$***rв.g

live in
..... skills
..... 8
...,. progress
..,.. family
g1ч _,d# ffi Complete the sentences.
1 lf l were Mitch, ..... .
4 ..... school 10 ...,. special
2 lf Mitch hadn't gone to Rio, ..,..
5 ..... homes 11 ..... -opening
з lf more people volunteer, .....
6 to...., shoes 'l2 ..... of а lifetime

4 lwish l were ..... .

тiз- ;Р,ц]j :Ъ F ; ;i,:} :- see 5 l wish l had experienced ..... .

р, GR9
tJ,,iЭ rз е* f; Ё Ё;, rъ ",* * :s Тъ:,flэ**
lmagine you are irлitсь in Rio.

Ч #
Read the examples. How do we form each
type? Find mоrе examples iп the text.
а) ,1Ё Use the information in the text
to call уочr family and talk to them
a [t ,е,.,l, ,.? . j5 ,: i- ]r:.are-]'; eoi r dde, tType 0l about уоur experience.
a if lior: d* iioluriteer work, ycu'lt help tLicse ;п пееi. (Туре ь) Write а letter to уочr family about your
a ii hc had iob, le zr,lвuld еаrп ircnq, (but he doesn't - Туре 2)
experience there. Write about: the place,
a i{ i wеrе yo:t,l'# у*fшяfgеr fo,, c сiс;ritу (Туре 2 - advice)
the school & the children уоч teach, the
a ii he had krэ*ьт*, пе w*uld lt*v* helped. (but he didn't -
host family, your feelings.
Туре З)
iФj_r:iФе]Ффýgл а еЁ, gtt,a"ggrtЗ_: 5 1
З \Nhat do уоч kпоw about the G\astonbury Веаа again and match the headings
testival? Ноw are these names related to it: vоlе of === ",яФ
with the paragraphs. There is опе extra
АуоIоп, Дrсоdiо, Glosto, Гhе Arctic Monkeys, Oxfom? heading. Justify уочr answers.
О tisten and read to find out. А Attracting Big Names
в Making People Famous
с lntroducing GlastoI
ffiЖffiffiж*ýffiжffiлJW D Serving а Deeper Purpose

Е Spoiled for Choice

1 lf you follow the signs for worthy Dairy Fаrm in pilton,

Somerset, you'll find the place where а music festival was 1) ...,. Ж _,r# Fоrm derivatives from the

{ONE) held in 1970, over 40 years ago! Now Glastonbury Festival is

words in capitals so that they fit the
опе of the largest, most popular greenfield music and performing text. Complete the gaps with the
afis festivals in the world, raising thousands of pounds for charity пеw words.
and attracting 150,000 or more people to see over 700 2) ..... (LIFE)
performances every year! The organisers of Glastonbury have
always considered it to Ье а special, mystical place; it takes place
оп а weekend in June around the time of the summer solstice, in & ,,,*Й Complete with: реrfоrmiпg, loyal,
the Vale of Avalon, а paft of southwest England famous for its music, so/stice, raise, pitch, stonds, liче,
legends, mythology, and spiritual traditions. muddy, ottroct, spirituol, vegetorian.
2 тrrе organisers соmраrе а visit to Glastonbury to а visit to а Use the completed phrases to make
\ new country! First things first; уоu pitch your tent in а huge (usually sentences about the festival.
very muddy)field, or you rent а teepee, Then it's time to explore the
huge, 900-acre site with пеаrlу 20 3) ..... (DIFFER) unique areas, 1 ...,. festival 6 ..,,. traditions
each with their special attractions and loyal fans. Wander over to
the Green Fields and you сап get а massage and enjoy vegetarian
2 ..,.. arts 7 .,... а tent
food for free. Then there's Arcadia and its amazing fire shows, the
festival 8 ..... fans
Campo PequeПo, а huge amphitheatre with Mexican wrestling and ...,. money 9 ..,.. food
Glasto's very own "La Tomatina", which is ... а huge tomato fight! for charity 'l0 food .....
Everywhere, there are food stands, 4)..... (РЕRFОRМ), dance
4 ...,. people 11 ..,.. performances
areas, and music реrfоrmапсеs. lf in doubt, the organisers say, just
wапdеr around because G|astonbury is full of surprises.
5 Summer,.,.. 12 ..... field

3 тпе most familiar view at Glasto is the huge, steel pyramid

Stage where top 5) ..... (MUSIC) including U2, Shakira, Kylie
Minogue, and The Arctic Monkeys have played. The festival % Ш €Э Find information about
organisers modelled it аftеr the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, ап interesting festival in your country.
choosing а pyramid shape to attract the energy of the sun and stars! Find out: паmе, ploce/time, purpose,
4 Glastonbury isn't just famous for music and mud! lt's a|so what you соп do there. Write а short
about promoting green issues, humanitarranism, and freedom of
text about it. Read it to the class.
expression, principles which the festival organisers have never left
behind. Glastonbury supports many charities inc|uding WaterAid,
Oxfam, and Greenpeace. Festival-goers are also 6) ..... (COURAGE)
to recycle and leave the site as tidy as possible, respecting the land
and helping it to recover . ., until the next Glastonbury weekend!

check these words

performing arts, mystical, summer solstice, legend,
spiritual tradition, muddy, teepee, loyal, fan,
massage, amphitheatre, if in doubt, wander,
familiar, pyramid, stage, promote, humanitarianism,
freedom of expression, principles, respect, rесочеr
il,t.*?*m* * #*rъ**Е*ж ** *fu*rfrtу
* ,, Listen and say.
. How сап l help you?
. I'd like to make а donation.
. would you like to make а single donation or
а regular monthly donation?
. That's wonderful! are passionate аЬоцt protecting thegb *,

. could l get your full паmе and address, please? ЕаЁh! (n ф*а5*Fi:-,-,ffя]
:; ,.:.-"ýфý*Ё# #,:?,sат9р,ат,фr

. could you give me уоur credit оr debit card Ё,' Just ý5 а month could help us take action-;
number, please? against plantation owners who are ý:
Jлл.-л..:_- alлл
destroying -л:_сл-ллri
the rainforest! ;d
. And what's the expiry date?
. Thank you so much for your donation. Donate Ьу post, online, or call 0800-722-6995
. You're very welcome.

The sentences above are from а dialogue

З Find sentences in the dialogue which mеап:
Z What соп l do for you? - l wапt to give some
between а representative working for а mопеу, - Great! - Whеп does the cord expire?
charity and а caller. Which sentence5 do the
rep/caller say? #ж **gt**ý*g*; р*ý#** trефаj#s*,s
() Listen, read, and check. () listen and repeat. Рау attention to the
Rep: Hello, WaterAid. How can l help you?
John: Hi. l've Ьееп reading one of your leaflets . How can l he|p you?
and l'd like to make а donation to . Мау l speak to Mr Вrоwп, please?
WaterAid, please. . would you like to leave а message?
Rep: ОК, that's great. Would you like to make . l'd like to make а donation, please.
а single donation or а regular monthly . could you give me уоur паmе and address?
donation? . Could you ask Mrs Smith to calI me back, please?
John: l'd like to make а rеguIаr donation of f 'l0 р
per month, please.
Rep: That's wonderfull Could l get уоur full % fiffi You've read the leaflet above and
паmе and address, please? you want to make а donation. Act out your
John: Sure, it's John Stafford. That's S-T-A-F-F- dialogue. Follow the рlап.
O-R-D. Му address is 20, Dell Court,
Charing Cross, London.
Greet В & ask how you Say why you're
Rep: And а contact number?
сап help. calling.
John: 020-77з0-1 024.
Ask what kind of Reply.
Rep: Could you give mе уоur credit or debit
donation В wants to
card number, please? make.
John: Certainly. lt's 7654 З2З4 9456 З225, Respond & ask for B's Give your
Rep: And what's the ехрirу date? паmе & address. name/address.
John: lt's June next year. Ask for B's рhопе Give your рhопе
ОК, that's all, Мr Stafford. Thank you so
Rep: number. пumЬеr.
much for уоur donation. Ask for B's payment ive detaiIs.
John: You're very welcome. Goodbye. deta ils.
Rep: Goodbye апd thank you again. Thank В. Respond.


..;l 1;

W*g*&ж ýжrу
Оп August gth, 2010, Епglishmап Ed Stafford Ьесаmе the
Ж*ЁsЁr*g &w&r*ýъФýs
first mап iп history to walk the entire length of the Аmаzоп
() risten and say. Riчеr, То Ье exact, he walked 4,000 miles iп 28 months!But thlЗ
brave ехрlоrеr faced sоmе terrifying hazards аlопg the way!
raise funds Ьу organising а music
festival оr ап art contest The source of the Amazon Riчеr is high iп the Andes Mountains. At
join а conservation/ environmental first, it's а gentle trickle, but then it gathers speed and wi
eventual|y rushing into the Atlantic Ocean at 58 million gallons
second. The Amazon runs through the world's largest jungle which is
3 start а blog campaign
home to а tenth of the v,,orld's animal and plant species. lt is also one
4 organise а slide show or а lecture of the planet's most dangerous and hostile habitats,
fТПе dangers
5 create informative window displays and there are enough to put апуЬоdу off: floods, giant anacondas, jaguars,
posters electric eels, drug smugglers, malaria, hostile iribes and sharp-toothed
6 make а video and upload it to YouTube caiman crocodiles! so ylhv cid Ed rvant to walk there?

7 walk through the Amazon Rainforest Щ But his true inspiratio" ,,,,,as something even more important - the
rainforest itself. Ed v,,ho T,,as а fоrmеr аrmу captain, used to lead
jungle expeditions for а ll,,,,ng.and saw how deforestation was
ffi**ЯFеэg & ý"fя**яtF*g destroying huge sections of ra,nforest. Не desperately wanted to raise
public awareness about ihe issue and knew that if he went оп an
Look at the picture in the text. Which adventure like this it would grab people's attention. So, on April 2nd,
2008, Ed set off from the juгgies of Peru. Frоm the start, he kept а
of the activities in Ех. 1 do you think
video blog so viewers could fciiovl his progress опliпе. Ed recorded his
this man has done to help save the mапу hair-raising moments -
ihe bites and stings he suffered,
rainforest? encounters with angry locais and his unforgettable meeting with а
(u] Listen and read to find out. deadly pit viper. The sпаkэ. ready to strike, backed off at the last
moment: lucky for Ed!
Ed faced endless challenges. After his GPS failed, he had to use а
compass and а 60-year-old mар to find his way. When he approached
а village for supplies, he realised the village was no longer there so for
а while he had to sunlive оп piranha and turtles! ý one time, а
swarm of wasps attacked him and stung him over З0 times, Another
time, he had to inject himself with antibiotics for 3 weeks to stop а
face-eating bug he caughtI
Relationships weren't aIways easy, either. Only three months into his
jоurпеу, Ed and his walking раfiпеr argued over an iPod and his
padner returned to the UK. But then, а Peruvian forest worker, Gadiel
Cho Sanchez, offered to join Ed for а few days. Не ended up staying
with him for two years! One day, five canoes filled with an Amerindian
tribe approached the pair. Some had their bows drawn; others even
had shotguns. They wеrе furious to find foreigners in their territory.
Eventually, the chief let them go, but only if he could go with them, Не
became their guide for the next 47 days! The list of difficulties goes on
and on. Ц l Не was determined to finish what he started.
Finally, after 860 days and 50,000 mosquito.bites, Ed reached his fina|
destination; the Atlantic coast of Brazil. But the last part of his journey
was also the hardest. lп the last week, he collapsed with exhaustion,
got ап agonising rash all over his body and then а fierce, 6-mile wide
river пеаrlу swept him out to sea. Е Н. is so happy that his
achievement succeeded in raising lots of mопеу and drawing attention
]t to
." the Amazon lqllllvl9ol.
.,," mапу threats to the лlllqдчll rainforest: the spectacular ilungs of
Lll9 oygu(ovulql

{ the рlапеt and а natural wonder we must сопsеrче at all costs!

=-:ire length, face terrifying hazards, source, trickle,
:,:her, electric eel, drug smuggler, malaria, hostiIe tribes,
,-arp-toothed caiman crocodile, true inspiration, former . "ý
_ý*' Complete with: who, which, where,
whose. Put commas where песеs5аrу.
=,ту captain, jungle expedition, deforestation, raise public
: ,,,,areneSS, grаЬ attention, set off, hair-raising momentS,
1 Tropical rainforests ..... cover about 7%
: : viper, swarm of wasps, inject with antibiotics, forest
,,, эrkеr, draw а bow, reach а destination, collapse with
of the Earth's surface are home to mапу
.,.haustion, natural wonder, (onserve, at all costs animaI and plant species.
2 The plants ..... 9row iп rainforests are
-в, used to manufacture 25% of Western
.яУ Read the text again. Fiче sentences аrе missing.
Match the sentences (А-F) to the gaps (1-5), There is
опе extra sentence. Соmраrе with уочr раrtпеr.
3 Peter ..... father is а doctor joined а

conservation group.
Justify your answer5.
4 Ed stafford is the mап walked
А Не constantly struggled to stay healthy. through the rainforest.
в Crossing under оr очеr failen trees, wading through 5 The man ..... fell into the river was saved
mud, and walking through rаzоr-shаrр grass made Ьу the villagers.
progress painful|y slow, but Ed never considered giving up. 6 Frequent rainfall characterises the areas
с But, somehow, Ed finally made it. .,... tropical rainforests exist.
D Еurореап explorers sailed it in the'l6th century, but
по one was brave enough to walk it.
Е Ed nearly gave up. ? Use the text to rпаkе sentences about
F Firstly, Ed wanted to рrоче that this walk was possible, the following using who, which, where,
simply because ечеrуопе said it couldn't Ье done! or whose.

ý . EdStafford . GPS
Match the highlighted words with their о Amazon Rainforest . Amerindian tribe
meanings below. What part of speech is each word? о pit viper . Ed and Gadiel's guide
о чёl,уап9rу . frightening . dangers . small flow . Ed's journey . Atlantic coast of Brazil
. dangerous and threatening . зllr..t interest quickly
Ed Staf{ord ls fhe rтт*л wflo walk*d ttle епtirе
. чеrу painfu| . persuade to not do sth о protёct
lепgth о{ the Аmаzоп Riчеr"
. аrеа . whole . walking through water/a soft
substance . strangers

#г*t*зrж*л see #р**ёr:Ёав#fl # ffi*#ятg

р' GR10
ЁЧ*Ё*ftЁъ** *Ё,**=я==
# .**i-Ъ @t lmagine you аrе
Read the examples. Which relative pronouns/adverbs Ed Stafford and your partner is а
are for: people? places? things? possession?

Find journalist. You've just finished your

examples in the text. journey. Рrераrе questions and
-]а,,,"'r,э(;иrftеrеГо,е,г.0 answers for а radio'interview. Act
l ., . _ с I] )|.<:,'0е l 0

,il dспаег.
out your interview.
Ralrlforests,ia/&jc* с;ге hоп,lе to,iT01],]i _{iia ij., з,е
, Г d, yshэ lttos о iоrпеr сrпу сооtаiп, l,i a (i] :
]] ,J:]rh tht r ciпforest


ffit рrераrе а slide


Ed, vlhose рсrtпеr lefThin,, с,-.гti,;t,ес. s _]-, a,, l,.Бсi,дil,

Defining relative ciauses аrе essential to the mеапiпg of the sentence .ЁF
and аrе поt put between commas. People whaithat dеsirэу гаlпiоге,sis
show or а lecture to raise awareness
shotlid Ье sепt |а рlсол Nоп-dеfiпiпg relative clauses give extra about rainforests.
information not essentia] to the meaning of the sentences and are
between commas, Gorllei, ,,r,slt* vlos о forest vlorker 1оiпеd Ес эп hts jоurпс,;,
Уеgя&ая ý*rу
i ýрас*
l '! Say the паmеs of the planets iп our Future ar Fапtаýу
solar system. Since NeilArmstrong stepped foot on the Moon on 20th July,
and declared "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind",
С) tisten and check.
I реорlе have Ьееп dreamtng about creating futuristic communities in
space, Science-fiction films such as 2001: А Space Odyssey and

ýе*dfrтg Star Wars have filled оur minds with images of spacecraft travelling
at the speed of light to colonies оп other planets in other solar
а Read the title of the text and the
system. Until поw, these ideas have 1ust been fantasy, but поw
quote. What could the problems of
leading scientists such as Stephen Hawking say that colonising
space colonisation Ье? How could space is the опlудlswеr for the future survival of mankind otherwise
these problems Ье solved? Read to we will die out. f1_.] But is space colonisation really possible?
find out. Опе solution would Ье for us to mоче to space stations orbiting пеаr
Earth. After all, astronauts have already Ьееп living оп NASA's
lnternational Space Station (lýS) continuously since 2000. The |SS
"Idon't think the humап race ttill suraiue tbe
gets its power from solar panels. ii generates its own oxygen and
пехt 1,000 years uпlеss tae spread iпtо space,"
even recycles water, but there's Stlll а huge problem; al| of its food
Stephen HawНng, and other supplies have to Ье sen: +от Earth.
Englisb pbysi.cist Е cosmologist ,,,,ouid Ье а better solution! The
Е_] So mауЬе colonising the Мооп
Moon has rich resources which cou d Ье used to construct а со|опу.
Also, in 2009, scientists found v,,ater ол the mооп, which could Ье
used to extract охуgеп for breatning. 3 There is по atmosphere
on the Moon and it is boiling hot iunlc 'З days of sunlight and then
freezing cold during 13 days of dаi<:еss, So any human colony
there would have to live iп а huge incoc. biosphere-.
Mars would Ье another option. Ь,л :.е рrоЬlеms there would Ье
similar to those оп the mооп. Scientls:s na,,e suggested creating а
more Eafth-like atmosphere there ci re'easing саrЬоп dioxide and
warming it up, but this could take aoou1 1.000 years!
Stephen Hawking believes that the best sоiйiоп is to Iook for Еаrth-
like planets to colonise. "lf опlу 1% of :пе .000 or so stars within 30

light years of Ear-th had ап Eafth-sizeC rocý planet in just the right
р|асе for life, there would still Ье 10 oranets for colonisation in our
'neighbourhood'," Hawking said. HoT,,e,,,er. ечеп if we found the
perfect planet, we wouldn't Ье able to get there at the moment!
spread, colonisation, leap, mankind,
futuristic community, orbit, solar panel, Travelling оп Voyager 1, the fastest scacecraft we've ever sent into
generate, supplies, resources, construct, space, it would take over 70О,000 уеаБ to get to Alpha Centauri, the
colony, extract, atmosphere, саrЬоп dioxide, closest star system. Hawking. though. beiieves that пеw
warm sth up, endless, exploration, technologies could soon help us to travel just below the speed of
overcome, fi nal frontier, self-sufficient, light, reaching the next star to Earth in only б years.
centuries, millennia, afford, harsh, wipe out, lf we had endless amounts of mопеу for space exploration, we
catastrophe, meteor, nuclear wаr would have already оvеrсоmе these problems and built the first
space colonies. The fact is, it costs about t6,000 to put ha|f а kilo of
anything into near-Earth офit 4
Just imagine - if people hadn't
given Columbus mопеу for his voyage to America in ,1492, NASA
рrоЬаЬlу wouldn't even exist tйayl
So, although there are mапу challenges to оvеrсоmе, Professor
Hawking still believes it wi|l only Ье а matter of time before we аrе
living iп space. l S I What do you think? ls space truly 'the final
ап environment that suppotls Iife

,aa ',
€r*яр,ggвg*r {
*ýЕхgd g*rэ#ý*ý*rъ*ёg

З lý Fоr each gap 't-5, choose from the * Study the table Find examples in the text.
sentences А-F the one that best fits each
gap. Опе sentence is extra. Compare with
(type 2) lf we hud the tесhпоlоgу to travp-! faster,
уоur partner. Justify уочr answers. (but we haven't)
Humans would need to Ье self-sufficient to (type З) we wauld hаче colaпised оlлеr р!апе_ts bv по,ц, ,

survive in space long-term. 1we haven't)

The опlу question is whether this happens in
(type З) lf Тlm had studied Nledlctпe, (but he didn't)
years, centuries or millennia,
(type 2) fiс wоаid Ье о doctor {Пе
с Exploring space, however, is not without risk. :louy 1sn.|)

D Nevertheless, Professor Hawking believes that 7 Rewrite the sentences using mixed
we сап afford to give 0,25% of the world's conditionals, as in the example.
financial resources to colonise 5расе. 1 Angie doesn't like science-fiction films, so she
Е Life there would Ье very harsh, though. didn't go to the сiпеmа with the others. lf
F не believes that sоопеr or later we will Ье Angie liked sсiепсе-fiсtiоп filrпs, she wоuld
wiped out Ьу а catastrophe such as а meteor lэаvе gопе to the сiпеmа with the ofhers,
or пuсlеаr war. 2 Sam doesn't have good eyesight, so he wasn't
accepted оп the astronaut training рrо9rаmmе,

4" ýф Complete with: se!f-sufficient, horsh, 3 Mark didn't hand in his project, so he won't
wаrm uр, afford, releose, pass the astronomy course.
4 Greg was studying all night, so he's tired поw.
1 Jupiter's moons have very ..,.. climates with ice
5 Не can't afford it, so he hasn't applied to study
fields, storms and acid rain, so it wouId Ье
impossible to live thеrе.
6 Janet is interested iп astronomy, so she visited
2 The lS5 isn't ..... because it can't produce or
the planetarium yesterday.
make everything that it needs,
3 Climate change could ...,. the Earth Ьу З"С Ьу Sре*f*яяъg & fuffg"Ff,fmgr

2100. ffi О Listen to and read the article iп Ех. 3

4 Power stations ..... carbon dioxide and other again, then tell your partner three reasons
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere" whу colonising space is difficult.
5 Оп|у the world's richest сап ..... to Ье а space Соlопisiпg space ts difficutt because colanies would
tourist; it costs about $20 million! hsуе to Ье self-sufficieпt"

% ,*/ ГiпС the correct word. Check in your * @ Close your eyes and imagine
you're in а spacecraft. What are you doing
and what (ап you see and hear? How do
1 5upplies/Resources such as food and equipment you feel? Tell уочr partner.
are sent to the l5S frоm Earth. l'm wеаriпg в spacesuit апd l'rп flовtiпg аrочпd iп
2 Hawking believes we сап pass/overcome all the spacecroft. Out of the wiпdаw ! сап see stcrs "..
the problems and colonise space.
3 Some scientists believe а huge asteroid or € *@ Would you like to live in а
comet could extract/wipe out life оп Earth. space соlопу? Why/Why not? ln а few
4 Тhеrе are mапу options for colonisin9 space; minutes, write а few sentences on this
the possibiIities аrе endless/continuous. topic. Read your sentences to the c]ass.
@ФеýЁ*}gjtФВ 57
water pollution

1 air pollution Ёфi

5 natural resources are running out
рr*Ьý*жs &-:X!j". ý:
а) (7) Listen and say.
Ь) ,/-/ Match the problems (1-6) to their solutions Lister-ý*g
(А-F). Which problems are the most serious in
your country?
Predicti*g ***Ё*ffiЁ
А We should all ride bicycles instead of using cars. а) You're going to listen to Matt
в We should recycle at home and try to reuse things. talking about an environmental
с We must find пеw sources of rепеwаЬlе energy. project. Read the sentence stems
(1-6) and the possible endings. What
D We shou|d stop cutting down trees.
Е Manufacturers should Ье responsib|e for disposing of рrоЬlеm is the dialogue about?
old electronic equipment. Matt grer,,l up in
F We should use non-chemical biodegradable detergents. А а big city В the country.
С Lynton.
ýff*#trfffв# Не started the tree-planting
project because he wanted to
Нкрr**яЁrаЁ у*е-Ёr *рýг*Ё*m
А do some чоiuпtееr work.
Ж а) Read the table and the example. В Ьriпg the community together.

Expressing your opinion

с make his аrеа look better.
r lп mу opinion, .. . |(truly)think/believe that ...
Who provided money fоr the project?
. То my mind, ... r The way lsee it, ... А Matt himself
Agreeing & Disagreeing в the forest commission
. l (totally) аgrее with you. о Yоu'rе (completely) right Also, ,
с the locaI residents
. Yes, l think that too. . l agree to а certaitl extent, but ... The community's reaction to the project
. | (completely) disagree. о But don't you think .. ? WaS
. 0п the other hand, ... .l don't really agree with you because ,.. А enthusiastic. В slow.

We should all ride bicycles instead of using cars, (reduce air

С unexpected.
Working with local residents has
роliшtiоп, cheBp way of соmmшf iпg, exercise; B|JT slow,
impraciicBl far the elderly, lопg jоurпеуs)
А made the work easier.

А: lп mу орiпlоп, we stэоuld Bll ride bicycles because this

В led to other projects.
would help reduce oir роllчtiоп, lt's а cheBp way af
С brought ечеrуопе together,

соmmчtiпg апd exercisinE, tao. Now Matt hopes to

В: ! agree ta в сеrtаiп ехtепt, but dоп't yau thiпk that А set up а website.

bicycles wоuld Ье taa slow апd also impractical for the В organise various community
elderly to use7 Also, for lапg jaurneys, yau пееd а cBr" activities.
С see mоrе trees planted.
Ь) uL-Ё,# Think of ideas for and against solution
В in Ех. 1Ь. Use your ideas and the phrases for Ь) ,ý RФ Q оо the task.
expressing opinion to discuss the topic. Justify уочr answers.
# а= ж Ух #**g r*рРън

' Read the title and subheadings in the Replace the highlighted words with the words
text. Сап уоu answer any of these "g#
in bold from the text.
Rainforests accommodate animals such as raccoons,
.) Listen to and read the text and
giant salamanders and mountain beavers.
2 Plants set free oxygen into the atmosphere during
м photosynthesis.
Read again and complete the
"ё*' з Rainforests аrе in danger.
sentences in your notebook.
4 Соrаl reefs are very easy to damage.
1 lп'l00 years, there might not Ье any. . .
5 Most of the plants take in damaging gases.
2 Fаrmеrs burn down forests because they
6 Sheep and cows eat the grass and plants in the field.
want to ,.. .

З Many plants useful for making ... аrе

опlу found iп rainforests. # @ lmagine plants and trees could talk.
What could they tell us about deforestation? lп
4 Greenhouse gases increase if ,,.
three minutes, write а few sentences. Tell your

5 We shouId try not to eat meat that ... .

partner оr the class.

check these words &
*J 1*
Llц] ',.:j,:- more information about
Find out
tropical rainforest, turn into, slash and burn, logger, deforestation. use the key word: deforestation.
urban developer, mine, contribute, mаjоr threat,
l Tell the class.
ecosystem, die out, including, uп que species,
disease, cancer-fighting propelcies, 9reenhouse gas,
global warming, sustainable, соmmеrсiаl

]eforestation occurs when реор е .-1 down whole forests of Ноw сап wе help to fight deforestation?
:,ees. Tropical rainforests are par1 с" е:;, under threat, Тwо thirds . Take pafi in tree-planting days to replace some of the lost trees.
эf the lowland tropical rainforests iп Ccnlra America, for instance, . Recycle paper and buy recycled рареr products such as
^ave Ьееп turned into land for graz :g s nce 950.
Why is it happening?
о Eat less meat or at least check where it has соmе from, lf it's
Small farmers cut down а few аоrэs cf trees iп order to grow from rainforest areas, it's likely that rainforests wеrе cui down
]rops or let their animals graze, Т:эу с|еаr them iп а process iп order to raise cattle.

эаllеd "slash and burn". Loggers aso c:t down а lot of trees for
. Encourage your family, friends, and neighbours to think about
,vood and paper products and urban cevelopers turn areas of the rainforests too Ьу te|ling them all about the issue and how
'orest into mines, пеw roads, homes, or factories. Natura| factors they can help.
such as wildfires sometimes contribute to deforestation, too.
. suppott oharities and companies that support rainforest
protection Ьу donating money and buying wood products like
Why is it suсh а рrеЬ|еm?
furniture made from sustainable forests*.
Deforestation is а major threat to the delicate ecosystem of our
эlапеt. Basically, it destroys the homes of апimаl and plant grоwп for commercial use

species and mапу of them die out includlng mai.]y unique specres
that could Ье used to make medicines for some of the world's
,,vorst diseases, More than two thirds of all medicines with сапсеr- м!кFоRЁýТý: FАýТ FACTý
fighting properlies, for example, соmе from rainforest plants. Also, . Tropical rainforests cover 6-7% of the Eafth's sutJace. The
trees absorb harmful greenhouse gases. When forests аrе cut largest аrе: '1)The Amazon, South Аmеriса; 2)The Congo,
down or burnt, most of these gases stay in the Eafih's Africa, 3) South East Asia, 4) New Guinea, 5) Madagascar.
atmosphere, which speeds up global warming. ln fact, in the next о Areas of forest the size of 2 football fields are lost per second
24 hours, deforestation will Ье responsible for the release of as due to deforestation. lf this rate continues, the world's
much СО, into the atmosphere as that from as many flights as it rainforests will disappear within 100 years.
takes to саrry В million people from London to New Yorkl о Rainforests аrе hоmе to очеr half the plant and animal species
in the world. 137 species become extinct every day.
&* *рЁаъf;Фffi *ýýеу

Ап opinion essay is а formal piece of writing in

which we present оur personal opinion оп а topic 1 The пumЬеr of private vehicles оп our roads is
and support it with reasons and examples. Ап constantly increasing and causing serious
opinion essay consists of: епчirопmепtаl problems. lп mу opinion, Ьаппiпg all
. an introduction in which we introduce the
private transport in оur towns and cities could Ье а
good idea, as it would reduce pollution levels and
topic and clearly state оur opinion;
therefore improve оur qua|ity of life.
а main body consisting of three paragraphs.
The first two present separate viewpoints, .]
z Firstly, оur cities would Ье far healthier without
constant streams of traffic. Fоr example, fewer cars
each supported Ьу reasons/examples, and the ,Ж
third paragraph presents the opposing ,& and motorcycles would vastly improve air quality; and
harmful gases that contribute to global warming
viewpointsupportedbyreasons/examples. l'ffi,
would Ье great|y reduced. Also, public transport
Each paragraph starts with а topic sentence :ý. systems would improve апd everyone would get to
which summarises the main idea of the .:ffi.
their destinations much faster.
3 Moreover, we would Ье safer. More people would
а conclusion, in which we restate оur opinion
choose to walk оr cycle to work оr school. As а result,
in different words.
there would Ье fewer road accidents.
We normally use present tenses. We link our ideas
4 оп the other hand, some people argue that а
with appropriate Iinking words.
total ban on private trапsроrt restricts people's rights
Adding more points: Mareover, Furthermore, and freedom. Rather than а Ьап, they simply suggest
Also, Apart from this, lп addition, encouraging the public to use buses and trains mоrе,
Listing points: То Ьеgiп with, Firstly, lп the first Ьу making them сhеареr to ride and mоrе accessible.
place, Sесапdlу, lcsf, etc
5 All iп all, after public transport is improved, l feel
lntroducing opposing viewpoints: Оп the otfier that а Ьап оп private trапSроrt could Ье ап effective
llaпd, Althaugh, However, elc way to create better towns and cities. People could
lntroducing examplesireasons: Fоr ехаmрlе/ commute more efficiently iп а сlеапеr environment.
iпstапсе,Suсh ss, Therefare, lп particulBr, etc
Expressing results: As о result, Сопsеqчепtlу, So,
As а сопsеquепсе, etc
Concluding: Iо sum up, Allthiпgs considered, *l Read the rubric. Find the key words and
Е ,,r"
Таkiпg everythiпg info сссоuпt, etc answer the questions.
То express our opinion we use phrases such as: / BGg*il
you have had а class discussion about the
believe, lп mу арiпiоп, I think,lt seems ta mе that,
То mу miпd, l strongly disagree with, l аm tatally following statement: "Дll private transport
such os cars апd motorcycles should Ье Ьоппеd
agaiпst, l completely аgrее with, etc
iп cities tohelp protect the епvirопmепt."
We do not use colloquial expressions, everyday
Now your teacher has asked you to write ап
language, short verb forms or chatty personal
essay giving your opinion and reasons to
langua9e. We use formal expressions, longer
sentences, full чеrЬ forms and formal linking :u!pjr:yjg уеу:
words. 1 Who is going to read your essay?
We сап also find this type of writing in the form 2 Will you use col|oquial expressions and short
of an article in newspapers, magazines, etc. чеrЬ forms? Why? Why not?
' ;l;э-};1;;1;;;щцiýii]i;a:ai:a]lr:'.ýiaa:]r.jai!1]]!;?jlii:*'....l;i,*:i;i'*11;:.jiii||.]a.a;]iia:ia..ja]a 3 What is уоur opinion оп the topic? Give reasons.
Use phrases from the Writing Tip to express
your opinion on the following. Use the ideas
we/help the elderly -э qua|ity of life improve
lstrongly believe th{,f iffe should tlеф th* elderly.
; а) ,*яФ пеаа the essay and match the
lf we do so, their quBlity af life will improve,
paragraphs (1-5) to the headings А-Е below. weidonate to charities -э help those in need to

А restate opinion
have decent lives

В 3 wе/rесусlе waste material -] conserve оur

second viewpoint & reasons/examples
С state topic & opinion
natural re50urces
D first viewpoint & reasons/examples
4 we/join in clean-up days , cities Iook better
Е opposing viewpoint & reasons/examples Ф а) Read the essay topic and the viewpoints
Ь) Answer the questions. (1 -3).

1 What is the writer's opinion7 "lt should Ье mапdоtоrу for all уоuпg people to :

2 What viewpoints and reasons/examples does he vоluпtееr to help protect the епvirопmепt." :1

use to support his opinion?

This work would benefit young people iп the
З What is the opposing viewpoint7

: а)
lt is unfair to force уоuпg people to give up their
Read the essay a9ain. Which of the linking
words in bold: free time.

. introduce ап opinion?
Young реорlе contribute to environmental
problems and should therefore help solve them.
. list points?
. add more points? Ь) () listen to Bill and Tina talking about
. show results? the topic. What reasons/examples do
. introduce ап opposite viewpoint? they give to support the viewpoints?
. introduce examples?
Use ideas from Ех. б and the рlап to write
. conclude?
your essay (120-180 words). Use phrases from
Ь) Replace the words iп bold in the essay the Useful Longuoge Ьох.
with: /п addition, Consequently, То start
with, Fоr iпstапсе, lп сопсlusiоп, lп mу
view, However, Secondly. Check with your Para 1: state the topic, give your opinion (Оur
partner. Eorth is threotened Ьу ,.. l feel that oll
young people should ..,)
Paras 2 & З:рrеsепt viewpoints & support them with
Т*рЁ*/Sжffi рФrft ýъ* *е *Е*Ёэ{ф%
reasons/examples (Firstly, ... For example, .,.)

€ Read the topic sentences. Use the phrases to Para 4: present the opposite viewpoin"t with reasons/
write supporting sentences. examples (Оп the other hапd, ... lt would Ье ...)
., Para 5: restate your opinion in other words (А// ln
1 On the other hand, some реорlе believe that all, lbelieve ...)
space exploration is very important.
. help resolve Earth's overpopulation Usefаl! lапgчаgе
. find natural resources ln the first place...;Furthermore, it is essentia| ...;
2 Riding bicycles instead of cars helps improve city life. On the other hand, it сап Ье argued...;All things
. considered it seems to me that...;For example...;
reduce air pollution
Moreover ... ; As а result, we ...
о good form of exercise
i,S;r+;a,*-g Ьйii_фр*чй_;р_р") 6 1

Пеаа the text. Decide which of

the statements (1-8) are true (1 -
True), folse (2 - False) or поt stated,


meaning that you cannot give а clear

answer to them (3 - Not stated).

1 The Asian elephant is possibly under the

threat of extinction. When we talk about endangered species, we might mепtiоп the
1 True 2 Fa|se sea turtle оr the giant panda оr mауЬе ечеп the Asian elephant,
3 Not stated i ]
but we rare|y consider the shark. That's not surprising when we see
sharks in films, TV series and books portrayed as man-eating
2 А drop in shark populations has predators. lп fact, the shark population has dropped over the last
environmental consequences. 30 years Ьу 90%, mаiпlу because of illegal fishing. Sharks mау Ье
1 True 2 False
at the top of the food chain. but they have а vital rоlе in
maintaining the ecosystem. When their numbers decrease, it
З Not stated l ;
disturbs the паturаl Ьаlапсе of the oceans,
stewart Ьесаmе interested in sharks Опе mап, RоЬ Stewar1, has dedicated himself to raising
awareness about sharks, whose bad reputation is, he believes,
after graduating frоm university.
1 Тruе 2 tаlsе completely undeserved. "Sharks kill about 5 people а уеаr and yet
they are loathed," he says. "Elephants kill at least 100 people but
3 Not stated L_; when а single elephant falls iп Africa the world goes crazy."

Stewart's photograph of wildlife have Stewaft first became fascinated Ьу sharks as а child and after
graduating with а degree iп Marine BioIogy, he Ьесаmе а wildlife
appeared in magazines across the world.
photographer, lt was on an assignment to the Galapagos lslands,
1 True 2 Fа lse опе of the world's most protected mаriпе reserves, that he came
3 Not stated I j
across hundreds of dead sharks hanging from а 60 km length of
commercial fishing line. lf that kind of illegal fishing could happen
Shark fins аrе а prized ingredient.
there, what was happening in the rest of the world? Не found that up
1 Тruе 2 False to 100 million sharks are being killed every year and а third of the
3 Not stated l ] 500 species of shark are under threat of extinction. Shark fins are
incredibly valuable as а luxury item parlrcular|y for use iп shark fin
Stewart ran out of mопеу while making
soup. Dried fins go for as much as $З00 for half а kilo, but the rest
the film. of the shark is discarded. Yet, people аrеп't as сопсеrпеd about
1 True 2 False the mass murdеr of sharks as they аrе about koala bears.
3 Not stated i ] Stewart decided the best way to show the world what was
happening was to make а documentary, After spending his |ife
Stewart kept а safe distance from the savings, watching DVDs оп his laptop and lеаrпiпg the basics of
sharks while filming them. film-making, he set off for Costa Riса where he swam with and
1 True 2 False even hugged the sharks while making his film. As sharks are afraid
3 Not stated |] of humans, he spent an enormous amount of time underwater just
hoping for the sharks to come пеаr, Stewad learned how to control
The local authorities were fully his heartbeat to avoid panicking the sharks, After coming into
supportive of Stewart in his effort. conf|ict with organised crime and local authorities, he had to
1 Тruе 2 Fа lse
escape Ьу boat, Another time he caught а flesh-eating disease
that |ed to а stay iп hospital. Despite such difficulties, Stewart
Not stated i: managed to produce Sharkwater, а роwеrful documentary about
the cruel way mankind treats sharks. lt has been а huge success,
winning lots of international awards, but Stewart is carrying оп with
his mission to save the shark. "The осеапs feed most of the planet,
lt's а system we can't meSS with," Stewar.t says. "lt's поt just
about saving sharks, it's about saving ourselves."

:,..i::,;ll:i 1.*:l;i:llai.l;,i:]_,!i..];'::,'i]]::',,:i,:ll]"ij,,,:,::.ll:.:l:::,.1:':,;,il;|,,.;,::l,

,,i.:ii]ii]:ili];;|,:. liiil,:.]i::lili,'{],,,,],I:,.,

,?-' You'll hear two уочп9 people talking" Fоr
questions ]-6, choose the correct answer, 1, 2 or 3.
You will hear the recording twice.
'ilultiple Choice Questions How long did Вrепdап work?
iead the questions and the answer choices, 1 all summer 2 two weeks 3 six weeks
эауiп9 particular attention to the key words
Вrепdап says that in the animaI she|ter
r each. As you do this, also think about what
:he topic of the conversation might Ье. What
1 there was much work to Ье done.

,ou read in the questions will give you clues.

2 volunteers wеrе not allowed to feed the animals.

lemember that the incorrect options will Ье

3 animals wеrе taken оп walks daiIy.

Tentioned in the conversation iп some way, Brendan's job was to

so don't Ье tricked. 1 raise mопеу for the shelter.
2 conduct guided tours of the shelter.
3 feed the animals and сlеап their enclosures.
Frоm his work at the shelter, Вrепdап gained knowledge
Read the questions, focusing оп the 1 the terrible conditions wild animals live in.
under]ined words. Now read the 2 how to deal with a99ressive animals.
script. What is the correct answer? 3 how to look after hurt animals.
Which words/phrases heIped you Вrепdап says that to work in the shelter you have to
decide? Why are the other options 1 work well in а team, 2 Ье caring but strong.
wrong? 3 Ье а good manager.
Who does Chris decide to help? Brendan thinks that
1 homeless people 1 anybody сап Ье а volunteer.
2 animals 2 there should Ье more experienced volunteers.
3 children 3 there are enough volunteers.

Chris: l've decided to donate раrt of mу

salary bonus to а charity this year, Read the text. Complete the gaps with the
1 ""r€
but l'm not sure which. proper lexica] form of the words in brackets.
Really? Good for you! How about
the shelter for stray cats and dogs When photographer David Slater went to snap some black
Macaque monkeys in lndonesia, he got а bit of а surprise! The
where l work? We сап always use
black macaque is а rare, endangered species of monkey and is
the extra mопеу!
being studied in lndonesia Ьу а team of scientists interested in
Chris: l make а regular donation there 1) ..... (conserve). Macaques may Ье rаrе, but they aren't shyl
еvеrу month. lwas thinking of While David was walking with them he began to notice that the
helping the homeless. monkeys were very interested in his photography 2) .,... (equip).
Аlапа: Also an excellent idea. Or, you can Fiпаllу, overcome Ьу З) .,,.. (curious), опе of the monkeys stole

buy presents for the little ones at the саmеrа from David's bag. When he caught 4) ..... (see) of his
оwп ref|ection iп the camera, the naughty macaque was
the orphanage.
fascinated. C|early, the macaque was pleased with his 5) ,....
Chris: That's brilliant! l'll get оп it right (appear) because he found the camera's button and began to
now! snap photos of himself and his friends! "Не must have taken
hundreds of photos," says David "but not many were in focus. Не
6),.... (obvious) hadn't worked that out yet"!
tт,f*+lfuя*Ёв,зg Ёд,,*,+;.:_: ч#:,i]л.;l

lnformal letters
When writing informal letters, don't forget }
to use an appropriate style of writing.
lnformal writing is characterised Ьу:
. а friendly greeting (e.g, Hi дппе, Dear
have to talk about are: communication within the family
Мое), and а friendly way of signing off

and at school, relations with friends and peers, free time i,.
(е.9. Ioke core, Cheers)
and hobbies of young people, English-speaking countries,
. short forms (е.9. isn't,l've, he'll)
native country, famous people, their contribution to

. everyday language (е.9. How's things?,

science and world culture, nature and environmental i]::
Your ideo sounds cool!)
problems, keeping fit, problem of choosing а career and i
omission of personal рrопоuпs (e.g. Норе

the role of а foreign in

we'll meet sооп, Hove to go поw) |1пяuазе .i .

simple linking words (е.9. оп4 Ьчt, so)

.li Look at the task in Ех. 6. Сору the table in your

: notebooks and complete it with the points below. ,

ij You have З0 minutes to do this task. . . children's charity ]

t you have received а letter from ; о many аrе reluctant to give second chances to those

] English-speaking реп friend, Alex. , living in the streets

. some people feel obliged to help those less fortunate
'а;,., l'm volunteering iп о beoch cleon-up dayi
than themselves
t ]пехt wееkепd. Our local beach is just full of

: rubbish! ,
. |'d like to help children at а disadvantage have the

same opportunities l did

t l/s there а strong volunteering spirit iп your
r : соmmuпitу? Would you rather vоluпtееr or, . . others do so because they get а sense of personal l

;': donate mопеу to support о good couse? lf
i ':уоч could single-handedly solve опе. . neglected оr orphaned children аrе deprived of а
епvirопmепtоl рrоЬlеm of our рlапеt which; , поrmаl childhood

]: . they see it as а way of giving back to society i

о l like the idea that l сап make а difference iп а child's

; Write а letter and answer his 3 questions.
' Write 100-120 words. RеmеmЬеr the rules of
, letter writing.
ФhУ чgl,ц 1gg1 ivulnerable реоР|е

lF You are going to give а talk about community action.

You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for no
mоrе than 2 minutes. Remember to say:
. why people volunteer
. who you be|ieve the most vulnerable members of society are
о what charity you have Ьееп involved or wou|d like to Ье

involved in
Yоч hаче to talk continuously.
Lепýжеý* Ёж Lýg* 3
Р}з r*sа ý wgrЬslРrар*sitiепs Жf*rd fgrrвтаtý*эrъ

,.я# Гiпа the correct particle. &. ,У Complete the sentences with the correct
word derived from the words in brackets.
hand in: submit
hand Use appropriate prefixes.
out: distribute
hand over: give (usually without wanting to)
prefixes used with nouns to form nouns
hапg out: spend time re|axing (usua|ly with friends)
hапg оп: wait а short time , Some of the prefixes used to form new nouns in English are,
join in: become involved in an activity with others , auto-(selO (cLiiomoblle), co-(joint) (соlоuпсlеr), ex,(former) ,

etc) ,

join up: become а mеmЬеr of (а club, i

(ех-сhаtl,поп), inter-(between) (iпiеrсhапgе), super,(more'

1 Sam is planting trees iп the park this weekend. , tha1) tlle (distlnt) (tеlеmп*еttля)
Why don't we join in/up, too?
2 John found а wallet оп the street yesterday and
1 Superman and Spiderman аrе ..... . (HEROES)

he handed it out/in at the police station.

2 New technology has improved ..... greatly,
3 Hang on/out а minute and l'll соmе with you.
4 Sally hangs on/out with friends оп Saturdays.
3 Не decided to write his ...., . (BIOGRAPHY)

5 The cashier handed iniover f1 00,000 in cash.

4 She met her ..... with his пеw wife at the
children's party. (HUSBAND)
6 People were handing out/over leaflets about
environmental protection in town today.
5 They need to make ..... with the site easier.
2 ý Hnathe correct preposition.
'l Poverty сап lead in/to сrimе. W*rdg Фftsп €*ý.lfшsеd
2 Не managed to survive оп/iп very little food. ,а
Find the correct word. Check in your
3 The world's rainforests are under/at threat. 5 ,f-'
4 Не donates mопеу for/to the homeless.
5 Сап success contribute on/to happiness? 1 Не wondered/wandered around Europe for

6 Не succeeded in/on raising mопеу for charity. months before he settledilived in London.
2 А school/swarm of bees attacked/struck him.
{*ýý*t*týg*s 3 Не wanted to grab/hold people's attention
and raise public/private awareness.
З ,у"/ Complete with: паtчrаI, walking, host,
unique, solstice, hoir-raising, 5епiоr, electronic, 4 Не spent/passed the night in the chilling/
solor, scruffy, biting cold.
1 ..... citizen l 5 ..... stick 9 ...., clothes 5 lf you are iп question/doubt, ask someone to
2 ...,.family lб ..... species 10 summer ..... help you.
3 ..... waste l 7 ..... moments
4 ..... рапеl 8 ..... resources

Decide if the sentence5 are I (true) or F (false) and correct the false
statements. Read through Module 3 and write а quiz of уочr оwп. Give it to
your partner. Check his/her answers.
lп 50 years, thеrе will Ье twice as many 5 Ed Stafford spent пеаrlу two and а

elderly people as there are поw. half years in the Amazon jungle.
2 The Amazon jungle is in Peru. 6 Half of the world's anima|s live in the
3 About 20% of people in Rio de Janeiro Amazon.
live in slums. 7 Rainforests cover 5% of the Earth.
The Glastonbury Festival takes place in 8 "Carioca" mеап5 friend in Portuguese,
the autumn, F] R*vili*п З


V|TA апimаl rights сепtrе is а non-profit charity organisation

in Russia, whose aim is to protect animals against cruelty
through peaceful mеапs. lts main activity involves campaigning
ýe*djng & tfs*е*тfпgl for better conditions for farnr animals and for а Ьап оп the
What do you know about VITA? What testing оп апimаls of medicines and cosmetic products. V|TA
does it do? a|so fights for better living conditions for animals iп zoos and
circuses as well as providing food, shelter, and medical
О tisten to апd read the text to find
assistance for stray cats and dogs that roam the streets.
V|TA works iп а пumЬеr of ways to protect and improve the
n Read again answer the questions iп lives of animals, Опе of its major roles in society is to try to
уочr оwп words. make people аwаrе of the plight of suffering animals and in
order to achieve thjs takes par1 in numerous television and radio
1 What is VlТА?
programmes, gives lесturеs оп animal issues and organises
2 What аrе V|TA's objectives? special events. The organisation also works with the
3 What is its main activity? government to try to introduce new animal welfare laws.
4 what other activities is it involved in? Мапу celebrities suрроrt V|ТА and have helped it achieve
5 What has Ьееп а mаjоr success for some great victories in the rесепt past. lп March 2008, V|TA
VlTA? took а пumЬеr of Russian staв to the White Sea iп ап attempt
to put а stop to the killing of newly Ьоrп Greenland seals. The
,"У Mrt.l,, the words in bold in the trip attracted а lot of publiciý and shorlly afterwards а Ьап was
text with their meaning. placed оп the hunting of ЬаЬу seals.
The organisation co-operates with well-known international
1 wins
charities and is а mеmЬеr of the World Society for the
2 proper
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the RSPCA. lt hopes to Ье
3 help
able to do mоrе iп the future to protect animals and give them а
4 struggle decent life.
5 walk аrоuпd

4 What did you learn about VITA? Tell

the class.

5 ffi what can we do to protect check these wоrds

animals and make their lives better?
animal rights, поп-рrоfit, cruelty, peaceful,
Discuss iп pairs. campaign, Ьап, cosmetic product, fight, assistance,
stray, rоаm, make people aware of, plight,
numerous, welfare laws, support, victory,
1&{rýtiпg attempt, decent

6 Use your answers from Ех. 2 to write

а summary of the text. Present it to
the class.

|'ocabulary: mysterious events/places, UFОs,
:"aracteristics of strange creatures, ways of
эoking, unexplained phenomena, types of books

Grаmmаr: the passive, personal & impersonal
:эпstruсtiопs, articles, reflexive & emphatic
!:0 поUпS

$ ,ч trжъgffitrffitrъЁ
Everyday English: booking tickets fоr а guided tour
-# g Ф#Ь
lntonation: question ta9s Ь фж F
Phrasal verbs: keep, let, pick #fuРffiЁ # ffif,зffi я,ъ*ф в
lUord formation: forming noun5 from adjectives

Writing: а book review очвп то уош!
Culture Соrпеr: Haunted London
Which three mysteries impressed you the
Curricular (Literature): The Day of the Triff tds Ьу
.ohn Wyndham most? Present them to the class.
Russia 4: The Tunguska Event



^р*' Complete the descriptions with:

assossinated, wos buiit, wos lаuпсhеd, have Ьееп

reported, have croshed, is kпоwп, was captured.

'l lt ..... between з'l00 Вс and 2800 ВС. The

rеаsоп is stiIl unknown. Roswell UF0 incident
2 Мапу sightings of а large hairy ape-like creature
.,... in the Pacific Northwest, but по real proof
З The spacecraft ..,.. оп 11th April, 'l970. Two
days later the oxygen tank exploded. The сrеw
returned safely to Еаrth on 17th Арril, 1970.
4 lп 1947, ап extraterrestrial spacecraft was
reported to ..... in New Mexico and its alien

5 Located in the western раrt of the North At|antic
Осеап, the region for mysterious
disappearances of aircraft and ships.
6 The З5th American president ..,. in November
'l96З. То this day, no one is sure who killed him
and why.

i _.€@ Match the descriptions to the images.

() listen and check.
jЖ|_-*:ý:**g- .. }#Вй;йЖ ..

i D JFK's assassination Е the Bermuda Triangle i

he аппчаl UFО festival in Roswell, Nеw Mexico attracts thousands of
l visitors each уеаr to this remote desert town. This year, we sent
travel journalist Ruth Bradley to take part in а new UFO Discovery Точr to
visit key sites in the area where the famous 1947 Roswell UFО case
I unfolded. Did her out-of-this-world experience make her а true believer?

When l was first asked Ьу mу editor to repor1 оп а UFO discovery tour, mу

heart sank. ljust couldn't understand why l was being sent - me, а true sceptic!
А few days later, l was greeted at the airpod in New Mexico Ьу the tour's
friendly guide and the other enthusiastic UFO-spotters in my group. We wеrе
driven to the hotel along busy freeways lined with UFO diners, UFO souvenir
shops and even UFO motels. Little grey aliens stared dоwп at us from
billboards and road signs with huge insect eyes. l couidn't help smiling at these
amusing sights. lf nothing else, l had the feeling l would Ье having some fun оп
this assignment!
The following morning, we were taken to the spot in Roswell, where а cattle
farmer, Мас Brazel, came across some lаrсе pieces of metal and а huge hole in
the ground оп 8th July, 1947,Our guide told us that shorlly after Mr Brazel
reported what he had seen, the пеwsрареr ч,,rоtе that he had seen а flying
saucer. The next day, however, they changФ the story and reported that it
wasn't а UFО at all, but simply а weather batloon. l wandered away from the
group and looked around in the grass, half hoping to find one last piece of
debris from the craft. lnstead, l distuфed ап enormous rattlesnake and quickly
made mу way back! l had to admit, the story so far was fascinating and l found
unfold, report (оп), sceptic, freeway, lined myself looking forward to the next stage of the tour. where we would Ье shown
with, biIlboard, assignment, spot, cattle 'Building 84'. This was the huge aircraft hапgаr on the old аrmу base where the
farmer, weather balloon, debris, remains of the strange сrаft were taken to Ье ехаmiпеd. lt was an impressive
rattlesnake, aircraft, hangar, аrmу base,
sight. Eye-witness accounts later descrlbed the сrаft as unlike anything that
remains, eye-witness account, hierogly
autopsy, oval-shaped, burst, hotspot, weird,
formation, doubtfu|, eerie

Уgg*#*ýý*rу * ýa*dýrtgr -}
& Now read the title of the text апd the introduction.
What do you expect to read about? Read through
ý Q listen to and read the headlines.
to find out.
What do уоч think happened iп
these incidents?
,/ RФ Read again and decide if the sentences
$iЁ.ЕffiЁ.ffi# are r (true), F (false) оr N5 (not stated).

FLYING SАUGЕR САРТURЕD СN RАNСН ё 1 The UFО festival in Roswell takes place every year.
lN ROSWELL RЕG|оN а 2 After arriving at the site, Ruth expected she would Ье
bored during her stay there.
Мас Brazel lied to the press about seeing а UF0.
Ruth was almost bitten Ьу а rattlesnake.
'Building 84' stored the remains of ап alien creature.
Several people iп Socorro claim to have seen UFOs.
The sight of the strange lights floating in Arizona sky
was caught оп саmеrа.
тноUSАNDS WlтNЁýý ýтRАNGЕ LIGHTý Ruth's experience in Roswell convinced hеr that there
очЕR PHOENlx, ARlzoNA is extraterrestrial life.

-# /Ы

ffiа .r? Match the words/phrases in bold
,:: эvеr Ьееп seen on Eafih. They said it was made of а mater]al as
with their meanings: moved quickly up,
: , as plastic, as strong as steel, impossible to burn and covered in bothered, dissatisfied, destroyed remains,
.^ge hieroglyphics, Others described seeing alien bodies The day walked without а purpose, strange &
,-::d with а visit to the UFO l\4useum and l was fasc nated Ьу some frightening, flooting iп the some poяition,
:,эеру sketches of alien bodies on autopsy tables v;hich ,,чеrе drаwп 5соrу.
- : пursе working iп the base hospital at the time, As tve headed back
. :re hotel, l stared up into the starry night and couldn't help
{а see
^dering if апуопе
- or anything - was looking dо,,чпl йffiflffiflFЭffi#g' рр. GR10-
--: next day, we visited the town of Socorro ч,,hеrе. п 1964, Lonnie
_:-ora, а respected police officer, repofied an ova]-shaped object
р*+*6ы* " ъlRll
.^ two small creatures inside, As he drеу; геаr, blue flames burst
а) Read the examp]es. Whеп do we
-r the craft and it soared into the sý
\'i'iз^ Zamora came back use the paýsive? How is it formed?
:r other officers, all that could Ье seen \,,эrе burn marks on the
,:lnd and
strange footprints. The loca|s r :^ s еrэа have mапу stories
.э this one and l asked whether we wеrе оэ ,g lc go back home with Active: |olTe tourist-s spBtted а UtО yesteraay The
jF0 story of our own. "Wait until tonigni ' :^е tour guide told me. rеsеоrсhеrs are iпvestigatiпg the sighting,
-at night, we camped out iп one о::^э Nevada Desert's UFO Passive: А UFО was spotted Ьу some tourtsts
::spots. As we looked up into the dark s<,, о"е coupie from Phoenix, чеsтеrdоv The stghttпg is Ьеiпg iпvestigBted
zona, told me about the night in Mar:" '997 l,,,hen they saw а weird
"-,mation t,: с:.. They weren't alone; the
of lights hovering above
.:,ange phenomenon had Ьееп witпэssээ э," OVer 10,000 locals and
, эrе
Ь) .лОl Find examples of the pa5sive
is ечеп video footage of it. l l,"as а э i disappointed that l saw
-эthiпg wotlh photographing that n cl^',
,',,et better souvenir to take
in the text. Тhеп, rewrite the
passive sentences into active
-eck to the editor than а photo of а rэа ,:С
r still doubtful whether UFOs а.с е эrs ех st. However, after
.эепdiпg а night under the stars in tпэ eerie Nevada Deser1, l have to
Steve put up the tent.
.Cmit that if intelligent Iife from а far-o* ,,,,
c,l dэс ded to land on Earrth,
Tlle tепt wа5 pat uр Ьу Stev€.
,vouldn't Ье at all surprised if this tlas :,э э есе they chose to visit!
2 The mayor opened the UFО museum.
з Lots of UFO-spotters visit Roswell, New
People are making preparations for the
@ Q tist.n to and read the text. What town's first UFO festival.
is the writer's purpose? 5 Sam is startin9 а UFO tour in the аrеа.
6 Locals have seen many stran9e lights in
,.У Гiпа the correct words. Make sentences using the desert.
the other options. They will publish Bill's book about local
1 The trip/tour down to New Mexico wasn't very long. mysteries next month.
2 We were shown the exact spot/mark where the
5pacecraft crashed.
They |ost their way around the dessert/desert,
ffi { Сору the headlines in Ех. 1 and
3 rewrite them in the passive.
4 The experts examined/experienced the remains of the
We had а great view of the сrаsh site/sight from the
Sр*ж&€яъ5r * Жfrý*$явgr

hilltop. you went оп the tour with Ruth. write

6 The ]oca]s/natives in Roswell are used to UFO-spotters, а paraglaph about your experience.
7 People disagree about the events/facts that took place Read it to the class.
iп Roswell.
]@ ýёжжffi## gу*ж&Lýtr*ý

#е*#$яаgr & W*св&жýяry check these wordý

Ч Look at the monsters in the pictures. Which stand guard, plaster cast, sample, specimen, leading,
cryptozooIogist, legendary beast, countless, witness,
creature: looks like о diпоsоur? has а lопg песk?
scratch, screech, valued, hard evidence, sceptical, fake,
is о lorge hairy apeJike creature? Tell your partner. hoax, footage, mobility, hips, virtually unknown, tales of
sightings, native tribe, become extinct, prehistoric times,
The Loch Ness Monsier laoks like а dinosour.
human settlement. secretive, panther-like, rel uctant

Outside the lnternational Cryptozoology Museum. ап eightJoot, replica Bigfoot stands guard.
Glancing аrоuпd the two rooms, visitors see plaster casts of Bigfoot and Yeti footprints, hair
samples and а life-size model of а coelacanth-, Most of tne 2.З00 specimens of the weird апd
wonderful that сап Ье found here соmе from the personal collection of Loren Соlеmап, the
museum's оwпеr and the world's leading cryptozooiogist.
Loren first Ьесаmе fascinated Ьу the study of cryptids or 'hidoen animals' as а twelve-year-old
after seeing а documentary on Yetis, but his teacher told hlm that it was all just nonsense.
Unconvinced, he set about finding all there was to knolv aoout legendary beasts such as yetis,
lake monsters, giant snakes and chupacabras. His interest ieo to а lifelong passion for monster-
hunting and cryptozoology, То date, he has written over З0 cooks and has spent countless hours
travelling and camping out all очеr the American coniinent and abroad. interviewing witnesses and
examining possible evidence of cryptids' existence such as fooiprints, hair samples, scratches,
audio tapes of screeches, videos and photos.
Not surprisingly, Loren is оftеп the first person TV producers tum to when they want ап expert оп
the unexplained. Не holds а ВА iп Zoology and Anthropology. an МА in Social Work and has done
post-graduate work in Sociology and Anthropology. His opinion is valued because even though he
firmly believes cryptids exist, he still demands hard evidence, l have а hair sampIe or footprint
or twisted branch, l'm really kind of sceptical," he says. "80% of all accounts are ordinary animals -
а few fakes, а few hoaxes. But it's that 20% of unknowns that keeps me going,"
А padicular interest of Coleman's is one of the most famous cryptids of all, Bigfoot or Sasquatch,
which is said to inhabit forests mainly in the Norlh-westem United States. Не believes that there is
lots of convincing evidence of its existence, including the famous ] 967 Patterson-Grimlin footage of
а Bigfoot walking into the forest, Despite mапу people claiming they were 'the person in the suit',
Lоrеп points out that the creature walks the way ап аре does, with little mobility iп the hips and neck.
So why hasn't anyone found а real Bigfoot yet? Well, Loren points out that, until 150 years ago, it
was believed Ьу most in the western world that mountain gorillas didn't exist and before that the
giant panda was viЁually unknown. Tales of sightings wеrе taken with а pinch of sa|t; they were
thought to Ье legends told Ьу native tribes. Respected scientists had to change their opinions,
though, when these creatures were found high up in the mountains and deep in the forests. Similarly,
the coelacanth is а huge 1.5-metre-long fish that was thought to have become extinct about 65
million years ago until it was rediscovered in 1938. But по one had mentioned this to is|anders in the
lndian Осеап, who had been happily eating it for ages! So if а fish from prehistoric times is still
swimming around, why can't Bigfoot and other strange crtiatures Ье hidden away in а forest
somewhere? Loren argues that cryptids are not monsters at all, just species of animal that are few in
пumЬеr, live far from human settlements and are highly secretive,
Cryptozoology is definitely Loren's life, but has he ever seen а cryptid himself? Не admits that one
dark night оп the way home, he glimpsed а large panther-like creature, but he's reluctant to call it
а cryptid. "Wеstеrп science decides if animals exist or don't exist," he says. Loren isn't trying to
prove anything to the world, he just wants to find out the truth.
fish опсе believed extinct

Read the title of the text and the first ..У ПеаС the definitions, then choose the
sentence of each paragraph. Who do you = correct word.
think Loren coleman is and what does he do? glance: look at quickly glimpse: see for а short
,О tisten to and read the text to find out. glare: look at angrily time, catch sight of
stare: look at for а long peer: look at something
.ln'Read again and for questions 1-5, time (rudely)
i gaze: look at for а long
with difficulty
реер: look quickly, often
ihoose the best answer, Д, В, С or D. secretly
; time
What inspired Loren to study cryptids?
Matt only gazed/glimpsed the creature for а
А The books he read оп Cryptozoo|ogy. second so he wasn't sure what he really saw.
В His teacher's encouragement, We peered/glared into the dark forest, but we
С А film he saw as а young Ьоу. couldn't see much.
D His travels and camping trips. Andrew gazed/peeped at the plane flying over
Loren is popular with TV producers because he his head.
А is wel|-|iked Ьу audiences. 4 5imon peeped/glared at hеr angrily.
В demands proof and isn't easily convinced. 5 The gorilla peeped/glimpsed through the trees
С has lots of evidence that cryptids exist. at us.
D gets excited Ьу cryptids. Jane glared/stared at the creature - she
Не believes the Patterson-Grimlin footage couldn't stop looking at it.
А appeared to show а rеаl сrеаturе. Tom glimpsed/glanced at his watch and
в was а clever trick. realised he was late.
с drew attention because of the costume.
D should Ье mоrе famous.

#у*gк*сЕF#fr р, GR11.:
The writer uses the highlighted phrase iп the Ф,...,,."

text to show that Р*ggЕ gе {ё*тр*а-***ъе*lр*ч**э** Е

А people believed iп the reports about pandas g+эрgЕr**Ё&*mяЭ

and gorillas.
Read the examples. How do the two passive
в stories about hidden animals come from
constructions differ? Find similar (onstrudions
tribal legends.
С scientists often change their minds. in the text. Then turn the sentences into the
D the western world knows little about passive.
hidden animals. a Peeple think {thot) he didп t see о BiEfoot, (active construction)
lп the last paragraph, Loren suggests that he a tt is thaught |fhct) he rjidtl't sce а Bigioot. (impersonal
А doesn't respect western science.
passive construction)
ffe is f&oi;gfTf лоЁ t* &суе see* с \iEfoor (реrsопаl
В accepts that cryptids may not exist.
passive construction)
С believes people should Ье mоrе open-minded.
D is certain he has seen а cryptid. They believe the creature was а panther.
lt is believed that the creoture wos о ponther.
,..я#мrt.ь the words iп bold to their The сrеоturе is believed to Ье о рOпthеr,
mеапiпgs: proof,live iп, соlопiеs, olmost, Experts say mапу frogs аrе Ьесоmiпg extinct.
model, top, respected, looking, unwilling. They report that Yeti footprints have Ьееп found.
They think the photos are fakes.

{ g.#8
iБаГNеss lvioniiЕr-lt ffi Fq#tr ""фs -# ыыrJ ;;Ё-Ёё$
*ЪЭ tind the mаiп idea iп each paragraph.
Use them to write а summary of the text in
уочr оwп words. Tell the class.
, .€ф_i_*iг.i-aj ii:71
Z Ьщ jff*o.,,
-#-L,l -'ifii,T;
,fl+у*ъ*r tr еR!Еff€рlYtr еffiryёff,tr{frФ
London dates back to Rоmап times апd has а lопg, often
"J Read the title of the text and the violent and tragic history. Fоr this reason, it is believed Ьу
headings. What kind of ghosts do you sоmе to Ье опе of the most haunted capital cities in the
world. There are hundreds of stories of ghosts in old
think there are in these places? Read
buildings, parks, streets, graveyards and even theatres and
to find out.
tube stations! lf you aren't too afraid, read оп ...

This theatre first opened its curlains to the public iп 1663 and
is therefore London's oldest working theatre. Many phantoms
supposedly make their presence felt during the реrfоrmапсеs
here. Some say that Joseph Grimaldi, а mischievous clown
who died in 1837, оftеп kicks actors, ushers and 5).....
(CLEAN) from behind as they work] Another сlоwп, Dan Leno,
who was famous for his clog dance. сап sometimes Ье heard
practising his routine over and over again. The theatre's most
famous ghost, however, rs the 'Мап in Grey', who опlу
appears at the beginning of а 6) ..... (SUCCESS) реrfоrmапсе,
Unlike most ghosts, he does not make people freeze iп terror
апd is seen as а r,velcome addition to the theatre!

check these words

graveyard, сruеI, imprisonment, trial, execution,

f; ý iiiФ Read the text again. Fоrm torture, оссurrепсе, behead, spot, ghostly goings-on,
occur, phantom, make presence fe|t, usher,
derivatives from the words in capitals as clog dance, welcome addition
that they fit the text. Fill the gaps with the
new words.
@ Q
lirten and read. lmagine уоч
,ý, saw а ghost whi]e visiting опе of these
Complete with: welcome, freeze, cruel, places. What did you 5ее, hear, feel? lп five
capital, соmmоп, mischievous. Use the phrases
minutes, write а few sentences. Tell the
to make sentences based оп the text.

1 ..... city 4 long ,..,, history

2 .,,,. оссurrепсе 5 ..,.. in terror 1.;:лЗ Are there similar places in your
3 ..... addition 6 ..,.. сlоwп country? Collect information. Tell the class.
=:== ý *в ffiф # /
gfф fuffiffi€в#ft

***fu€*6 ЁЕgfu*t* Ёвы

* gаэЁ#ве* ЁФъф"€г

а) ()
tisten and say. Тс*r Е*сl*#*g:
. Stories of London's past, told Ьу а spooky conductor
. This is the right place to get tickets fоr . onboard entertainment with real actors
the Tower of London, isn't it? Tours run most days at 7:30 рm & 9 рm, departing
. Yes, it certainly is. from North umЬеrlапd Ачепuе (off Trafalgar Square)
. could you te|l me what the ticket рriсе Adults €18, Children €12, Fаmilу гicket €50

includes, please? Book поw опliпе or from our ticket ot'flce

. l'd like to book some tickets fоr this

afternoon then, please, Ё Find sentences in the dialogue which mеап:
. How many tickets would you like? Thot's right. - What do уоч get for the price of
. Му pIeasure. Enjoy уоur visit the ticket? - Yоч'rе welcome. Have о greot tjy7.

ЁgэЁ,*re*F$#gт; Ёtsg.gеr*зят **gts о. ЪТl,,,

Ь) The sentences above appear iп the dialogue аъ.
below. Who says each, о tourist or а ticket "''Ч
а) ,/*/ Choose the correct question tags.
office ottendant? check in the Grammar Reference section.
() tisten and check. Ь)
ý1 --

*р*' ".'Listen and decide which

expe(t ап answer (л) and which ask for
А: Good morning. This is the right рlасе to get ,; confirmation (r). Check in the Grаmmаr
tickets for the Tower of London, isn't it? Reference section.
В: Yes, it certainly is. 1 Let's visit the castle, shall we/will we?
А: Could you tell me what the ticket price includes, 2 You went оп а ghost tour last summеr, didn't
please? you/weren't you?
В: Sure. lt includes а guided tоur Ьу опе of the 3 Yоu won't tell him, won't you/will you?
Yeoman Warders and епtrу to see the Crown 4 Sam likes history, does he/doesn't he?
Jewels and other special exhibitions. 5 You couldn't lend me f20, could you/can you?
А: That sounds great. l'd Iike to book some 6 Don't leave the flat unlocked, do you/will you?
tickets for this afternoon then, please. #+ýf
В: Yes, of course. Tickets аrе valid fоr 7 days from
the day of purchase. How mапу tickets would * "*qР"ъъ
ё*,foЁ Act out а dialogue between а tourist
you like? and а ticket office attendant usin9 the
А: 2 adults, p|ease. advert for the bus tour. Fоllоw the plan.
В: оК. That's fЗ9.60 then.
А: Alright. Неrе you are.
В: Thanks.
Greet В & ask if you're -}Confirm.
in the right place.
А: Could you tell me where the guided tours start ;l
дsk what ticket *=.дiTell А.
includes. /
В: Sure. They start from just inside the gates
Say you'd like to 569g# tickets
,Ъдsk how mапу
every half an hour. So you can choose your tickets & when for. А would like.
own time. Say how mапу adults Say price.
А: Thank you very much. & children.
В: Му pleasure. Enjoy уоur visit. Offer mопеу. Thank А
Ask where tours start: Tell А.
Thank В. WishAapleasantvisit.

/ @ ЕЁ

- ffi dж аsgёffiжffiffiffiёжфffi


@ffi&ffiffiф,%ffiffi чФ

Read the introduction of the text and the
Wе'че fognd out аЬочt some places that have
headings. What do you know about each
some extremely weird рhепоmепа. Read оп to find
place? What makes each а mysterious place?
out аЬочt some of the strangest places оп the р|апеt.
Q listen and read to find out.

*Ё ""r'
RФ Read again and form derivatives
from the words in capitals so that they fit Everyone knows how аппоуiпg constant, low level noise сап
the text. Complete the gaps with the пеw Ье. The sound of а slow dripping tap, or someone 1) .,...

(RЕРЕАТ) tapping their foot could drive а saint to
distraction. So imagine rvhat it must Ье like to live with that
kind of irritating sound all the time.
ý |п the 1990s, 2)...., {RESIDE) of the town of Taos in New
1- Complete the sentences with words/
Mexico began complaining about hearing а faint sound like а
from the text. distant car engine. Not everyone hears the strange noise
The strange sound called 'The Нum' sounds like called 'The Hum', but mапу of the 'victims' complain of loss
of sleep, dizziness. headaches and anxiety. lnvestigators
have suggested that the noise is caused Ьу sounds
Apart from New Mexico, 'The Нum' is also produced naturally Ьу the ear оr Ьу waves crashing together
heard ... . оп the ocean floor, Most recently, а Hum also struck the tiny

3 The Tree of Life is in the centre of .,. .

English village of Woodland in 2011, "It's loudest оп
Sundays," says one resident. "lt's а bit like а fridge, but it
4 Experts cannot find .,. that is keeping the tree
definitely isn't mу fridge," Fоr the mоmепt 'The Нum'
alive. remains а mystery that continues to drive its victims mad!
5 The Naga Fireballs арреаr iп the sky close to ... .
6 lt is believed that ... leaving from the bottom of
the river are causing the fireballs.
7 lnside the Black Mountain'5 cave live ... .
8 The Queensland tiger looks like ... that по longer

R ./-' Match the underlined adjectives to their
opposites in the list: пеоrЬу, silly, shallow,
low, tiny, light, artificial, loud, поrmаl.
Sitting majestically оп а high 3)..... (SAND) hill iп the
middle of the desert, two kilometres frоm |еЬе| Dukhan iп
i ,"fr ffi Explain the words in bold. What part Ваhrаiп, is опе of the most fascinating паturаl wопdеrs of
of speech is each? the world, The Тrее of Life, ап ancient mesquite trее, has
survived ln the desert for 400 уеаrs, miles from апу other
ýmшgъ# y*y*ffi fоrm of vegetation, and with no apparent sоurсе of wаtеr,
Although the mesquite trее сап develop а чеrу wide and
# а) О Listen to the sound5, then say. deep rооt system, 4) ...., (SClENCE) and bio|ogists have
ьееп uпаьlе to locate the sоurсе of wаtеr that sustains the
trее. This baffling епigmа has made the tree а mаjоr
Ь|!9у..i, tourist 5) ,.... (ATTRACT) in the Middle East.
\.u*.l .|.!99.\. .,un!h._: palt,el;, "ly*!: But fоr the loca| Bedouin tribes, there is по mуstеrу about

:I'.3!1li sP|lshi stampl whjstle1 drip

the tree. They believe that the mythical god of water, Enki,
has blessed the trее and has kept it alive and grоwiпg al|
these уеаrs.

these words

.: dripping, tap foot, drive sb to distraction, irritating

lffi I

_ -^d, dizziness, anxiety, remain а mystery, drive sb

*,:, majestically, vegetation, apparent, Ь)
sustain, baffling ,,яg Ur. the verbs in Ех. 5а in their correct
.- ]ma. bless, glowing, gather, serpent, methane gas form to complete the gaps.
: _:oles, river bed, labyrinth, maze, suffocating, ееriе
,: _rd, drag, lair, intriguingly, resemble 1 bees..... 8 children ..... their
2 the wind .,... feet оп the floor
з dogs ..... bones Ioudly 9 one..... а tune
4 dogs' naiIs ..... the floor children ,.... in
:, эry year, around the time of the October full mооп апd
5 leaves .,... in the wind the water
.. :пе end of the Buddhist rains, hundreds of red glov,,ing
6 rain ..... оп the windows 11 tree branches.....
:: ]s of light are seen shooting up from the Mekong River
:efore silently exploding in mid-air. Sceptics put the 7 а tap .....
:,епоmепоп down to а clever hoax, but there аrе records
Ьу monks who witnessed the mysterious fireballs see
--ndreds of years ago. #л*в,ееm*л рр. GR11-
-э mапу of the thousands of believers who gather along S=гЕ$gЁет .ft.
:-е banks of the Mekong to view thls amazi:lg sight, the ý,
"eballs are the 6).,... (ВRЕАТНЕ) of Naga. а my,thical ,d"' Complete with 0, 0п or the where
зэrрепt that lives in the river. "l've seen the Naga." says necessary. Check in the Grammar Reference
эпе local. "[t was like а huge, silver snaKe swimming 5ection.
эоwп the river." others, however, belleve that the fireballs
аrе а natural рhепоmепоп caused Ьу methane gas
Mysterious ghost lights are frequently seen
эuЬЬlеs escaping from the river bed.
пеаr ,l) ...,. town of 2) ...,. Marfa in 3) .....
Chihuahua Desert iп 4) ...,. Texas in 5) ..... USA.
They are basketball-sized balls of light that
Ьоuпсе around during 6) .,.,. night and they
have puzzled visitors and locals for mоrе than
7) ..... century. 8) ..... first reported sighting
dates back to 9) ..... 1883 when Robert Ellison
claims to have sееп 'ghost lights' shining for
days. Many people поw Ьеliече that 10) ,.,.,
'Marfa Lights' аrе actually just reflections from
iormed from 7) ..... (VOLCANO) mаgmа аrоuпd 260 car headlights. Some true believers still won't
nillion уеагs а9о/ Black Моuпtаiп is made up of а
accept, however, that there is рrоЬаЬlу 11) .....
iabyrinth of massive b|ack boulders. lt's а wonderful,
unique place but it has а dаrk history and locals claim ordinary explanation foгl2) ,,... lights. There is
visitors should Ьеwаrе. 8) ..... (EXPLORE) have even 13) ..... viewing platform in 14) ...,. area
described the maze of caves and паrrоw passageways in where hopeful light spotters can go!
the mountain and some have rерогtеd ап iпtеriоr
inhabited Ьу чаmрirе bats and gigantic pythons within
pockets of suffocating bad air.
Countless stories tell of the people who have walked -#p**fuё*g & WыЯл#*Fаъgr
into the caves печеr to rеturп. Even а fагmеr and his
herd of cattle аrе said to have disappeared into the & .#rР Tell your partner twb things you
mysterious caves. Some say that the ееriе sounds of remember about each of the places in the text.
loud cries and Ьапgiпg аrе the lost trying to find their
way out. Others insist it's the паturаl sounds of water

# @t
and сrасkiпg stones iп the caves. Тhеrе is also а legend Now imagine you're in one of
that а cat-like beast called 'the Queensland tiger' is
responsible fоr the 9) ..... (DlSAPPEAR) as it prowls the
the places. What сап you 5ее, hear, sense?
агеа and drags victims into its lair iп the caves. How do you feel? Write а few sentences to
lntriguingly, descriptions of the Queensland tiger describe your visit, then read them to the
10) ..... (CLOSE) rеsеmЬlе а species of lion which class or to your partner.
Ьесаmе extinct iп Queensland about 20,000 years ago!

check these words

эffiсiаllу, preserve, domestic, clone, unleash, rоаm,

ast, make а breakthrough, excavate, remote, thigh
эопе, оrgапiс material, finding, genetic map, distant
,elative, dormant, ancestor, conduct experiments,

see '
,eactivate, evolution, embryo, hatch, reverse,
Grg"твgзэgr р, GR,t2 i

зхреditiоп, optimistic, prehistoric, lead, revive, ъ ..,

mpressive, alteration, magnify, ambitious, satisfying, **#Еекfi ы*lffi mрf,ъвЁf; с рrmm*шres
._r# Corplete with: myself, yourself, him/
эluерriпt, survive
her/itself, ourselves or themselves. check in
2 ,"/ Пеаа again and decide which of the the Grammar Reference section.
sentences А-Н fits each gap (1-7). There is l Jack introduced ..,.. to the audience.
one extra sentence. 2 Jack and Hans ..,.. don't know exactly how
А Fоr this rеаsоп, he is also looking at other ways long it will take to recreate а dinosaur.
to revive dinosaurs. The student was very proud of ..... when she
В This may not 5ееm so impressive, but а series uncovered the dinosaur bone.
of alterations could result in а complete|y new 4 Did you make this discovery ..,,.?
kind of dinosaur, 5 Jack Ноrпеr ..... isn't sure whether bringing
С After it was placed under а microscope and dinosaurs back is а good idea.
magnified 4,000 times, she realised she was We rеаllу enjoyed ..... at the museum.
looking at dinosaur blood vessels .., 68 million
years oldI Ж*у w**rd €rежsfffirffiеЁЁ*ý*
D That seems а long time to wait, but some .а,
Complete the second sentence so that
Japanese scientists are mоrе ambitious. "/
it means the same as the first. use two to
Е lgnoring what the others said, he саrriеd оп
five words including the word iп bold.
with his research,
F Не thinks that would Ье the most satisfying The scientists found the discovery astonishing. (BY)

lecture he could ever give. The scientists ..... the discovery.

G lt seemed that the еmЬrуо of а modern-day Tom enjoyed himself at the exhibition. (GREAT)

bird could contain the blueprint fоr а dinosaur. Tom ..... at the dinosaur exhibition.
Н |t is generally accepted that it can survive Archaeologists report that they have found а

100,000 years at the most. dinosaur skeleton. (REPORTED)

А dinosaur skeleton ..... Ьееп found.
Complete with: mlke, conduct, Ьriпg, Sarah likes being Ьу herself. (MlND)
= Ьесоmе, breok, hatch, rоOm, preserved, аdvопсеd, Sarah ..,.. time аlопе.
distant. People say that house is haunted. (SAID)

1 ...., extinct 6 ..... in two That house ..... haunted.

2 ,..., back to life 7 ..... experiments

3 ..... а breakthrough 8 ..... out of ап egg #р**fuýязg & WrЁSFжg
9 @t # Q List.nandread.
4 .,... the Earth
5 ..... samples 10
...., techniques
..... relatives
7 а)
What information iп the text did you find
the most interesting? Tell your partner.
€ Перlасе the words/phrases in bold
using words from the Check these wоrdg Ь) @ Do you think it's а good
ьох in their correct form. idea to bring back dinosaurs and other
] Do we want dinosaurs to wапdеr around the extinct species? Why/Why not? ln three
Еа rth? minutes, write а few sentences. Read
2 Не enlarged the image of the thigh Ьопе. them to the class.
з Most scientists believe DNA couldn't continue
to exist for 68 million уеаrs. ft
lCTi collect information about
Dinosaurs are believed to Ье relatives of birds. dinosaurs. Report to the class.
Еур*s *F fuщ*fuж
Щ а) Look at the list of adjectives in the table. Which
о*.фl,Fu Which
are your favourite/least
are positive, negative, печtrаliп mеапiпg?

favourite types of books? Why? Tell

the class, using the ideas below and
апу of your оwп ideas.

histortc67 1л..
' ПYSIer,,
l .Ql

''u"'*, "оэ,
og. 'оа Ь) #*€ЗЭ Use the language to talk about books
you have read, as iп the example.
,.make you think . fascinating А: l rесепtlу reod'The В: What did yau think а{ tlle
. thrilling . exciting . relaxing 9

curiaus lпсidепt of tпе plot7
. lеаrп а lot about the past i
Dag iп the ffфht-timе' lt's really clever впd
lt's about вп outtstic originol.
Ьоу wha decides to в what вьачt the choraciers|
lпиеsfфаtе the mчrсjеr А l fаuпd tftеm uпusuаl &шf
af а dog, likeable.

..,ф а) _я@ Пеаа the rubric iп Ех. 4Ь below. Then,
answer the questions.
1 What do you have to talk about?
l епjоу biographies Ьесвusе l filld lf iпtеrеstiпg 2 How mапу points do you need to address? What are
fo read а&оut other peaple's lfyes апd they?
experieпces, &шt i'm поt 50 kееп ап sсlепсg-
Do you think you have to provide
fictioп boofrs gs / find fftеm Ьоriп g апd
cations for you r answers?
expla п ations/j usti f i
4 How long do you have to prepare?
5 How long will you speak for?
.ý Ь) ]._Ф You аrе going to give а talk about reading
tr ()
You'll hear а young wоmап books. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and
talking about а book she recently speak for no mоrе than two minutes.
read. Fоr questions 1-5, decide if the
statements аrе r (true) or F (false}. Remember to say:
. why people like reading books
'l Апп mostly reads science-fiction novels. . what types of books аrе more
2 The novel is one of а series.
likely to Ье рорulаr with teens
3 The main character is accused of а crime.
4 Апп thought the characters were
. what the best book уоu have
5 А previous job helps the author to write ever read is about
well. You hаче to talk continuously.

t! Il

ffitrffi*ж r*

The picture shows some triffids. What

is special about them?

() listen to find out.

_-r@ RФRead the text. Use the

words in capitals in the correct form
so that they fit the iext. Fill the gaps
with the пеw words. Every 9ар
corresponds to а different task (1-9). Ьу John Wyndham
"l wish", l told Susan, irritably, "you'd not keep оп saying 'they
hear', as if they were anima|s. They're not. They 1) ,....
M.t.b the words iп bold with: (NОТ/НЕАR). They're just plants." У,
the front port of your foot, hit sharply, "Al| the same, they do hear, somehow," Susan said. "Well
rks invaders, violently, turned quickly. апуwау, we'lldo something about 2) ..,.. (ТНЕЦ", l promised.
As time went оп the numbers collected along the fence continued
to increase in spite of our traps. They didn't try anything оr do
,ne anything there. They simply settled down, wriggled their roots
z "Еý tind the adjectives the author into the soi|, and remained. At а distance they looked as inactive
uses to describe the following: as апу other hedge. But if опе doubted their alertness, it was only

1 5, cloth iп g
necessary to take а car down the lапе. 3) ..... (DO) so, you had to
..... stings battle through such viciously slashing stings that it was
2 ..... sky 6 helmet
., necessary to stop the car at the mаiп road and wipe the \
з ..... darkness 7 ,,,,, knife windscreen clear of poison,
4 ..... leaves 8,,.., 5рrау
Early опе mоrпiпg, Susan саmе running iп to tell us that the Ф
things 4) ...,, (BREAK lN), and wеrе all around the house, The sky
'П, outside her bedroom window was grey, but when she went Jp
downstairs, she found everything there in complete darkness.
She realised that should not Ье so, and turned оп the light. The
:= @ #Э .., tisten to and
moment she saw leathery green leaves pressed against the
read the text. lmagine уоч are in а windows, she guessed what had happened.
car surrounded Ьу triffids. What can l crossed the bedroom оп tiptoe, and pu|led the window shut
уоu hear and see? How do you feel? sharply. Ечеп as it closed а sting whipped up from below and ,S
Tell your partner. smacked against the glass. We looked down оп а group of Ъ*я*
triffids 5) .,... (STAND) ten or twelve deep against the wаll of the |.!ý,
house. The flamethrowers were in опе of the outhouses. Ё
Check these words l 6) .,... (ТАКЕ) по risks when l went to fetch them. lп thick ý,

clothing and gloves, with а leather helmet and gogg|es under а

1g irritably, trap, sett|e down, hedge, doubt, У
wire mask l hacked mу way through the triffids with the |argest
ld alertness, lane, slashing sting, wipe, break in,
carving knife l could find. The stings whipped and slapped at the
whip up, smack, flamethrower, outhouse,
wire mask so frequently that the poison began to соmе through
wire, hack, unharmed, enclosure, account
(fоф, mist in а fiпе spray. lt misted the goggles, and the 7) ..,,. (ONE) thing l
did in the outhouse was to wash it off my face. l 8) ,..,,
(NOT/DARE) use а thrower mоrе than опсе to clear mу way back
for fear of setting the door and window frames оп fire, but it
moved them enough for me to get back unharmed.
.,. Two 9)..,,. (МАNЦ days passed before Susan and l cou|d Ье
sure that we had searched every соrпеr of the enclosure and
accounted for the very last of the intruders. .., Four months later
they broke in аgаiп,.,

& €**ft*r rеwý*ъ*яЁmg е fu**k Read the letter апd say in which
para9raph the writer:

1 describes the storyline of the book.

Aletterreviewingаbookсertаinsаshortdesсriptionto 2 gives background information about thc
inform the recipient about а book you've read. Present i!1
tenses are usually used as we|l as а variety of adjectives to .. з recommends the book.
make your description more specific and interesting. t.
4 comments оп the book's characters.

. ап introduction giving background information about

the book, е.9. the title, type of book, the паmе of the ,: Ё ,2' riпа the correct words/ phrases.
author; Check in а dictionary.
. а mаiп body consisting of а para9raph presenting the i. The stоrу is set/based at the beginning
mаiп points of the plot and making gепеrаl comments 1:
of the 20th century.
on the p|ot, the main characters, the beginning/
Pride опd Prejudice tells the stor1
ending, etc;
. oflplays the part of the Bennetts апс
а conclusion in which you recommend/don't recommend
their five daughters,

the book, giving

This is а fantastic read - l couldn't put il

down/throw it away.
This book is set iniis based on thc
incredible life story of Маrtiп Luthe
Hi Samantha, King Jr.
1 The exciting plot keeps the

How's everything? l've just read Ihе Fifth Wаче, а ',

gripping science-fiction novel Ьу award-winning author ,
absorbediinvolved from beginning tc

Rick Yancey, and l want to tel| you about it because l'm end.

sure you'll want to read it too! The main/chief character is '12-year-old

2 The intriguing story follows Cassie Su|livan, а 16-year-

Overall, l found the book quite thick,
old who is опе of the last survivors оп Earth after а series -
dul|, but it had ап interesting plot,
twist at the end.
fu|l of thrilling moments, making the book impossible to
This exciting novel is sure to Ье;

put down. The main characters are well-developed and '

bestsel lеr/ьох office hit.
realistic. Cassie, the brave protagonist, is joined Ьу а
mysterious teenager, Ечап Walker, in an action-packed
quest to rescue her younger brother from Squad 5З, ап ':

alien training ground. * ,r' Wbi.b adjectives has the write

used to describe the following in thr
3 The Fifth Wove is the first book iп а trilogy, and from

letter in Ех. 1?
what l hear the sequels are equally satisfying. lt's definitely
worth reading. You wiIl surely |ove this wildly entertaining . ..... Sclence- 5 ..... plot
bestseller! Let mе know what you think if you do decide to ;
fiction novel 6 ..... moments
read it. 2 .,... author 7 ..... protagonist

Take care, з ..... story 8 ..... teena9er


4 ..... alien 9 ..... quest

attacks 10 ..... sequels

lM i!

_1 ,:' Complete with: gripping, strong, !ikeoble,

yэur tаяrm
well-developed, mysteilous, heart-warming,
pr edi ctoble, su rprisi п g, о ri gi п ol.
'u- -
-9 :,::,yj,:: :,:
have received а letter from your English-
:y:,jT :,:,:т,
The plot is so ..,..; you can guess what's going
speaking реп friend, Sally.
to happen right from the beginning.
,l've joined о book club апd we reod опd discuss а
This is ап extremely ..... story - |'ve печеr rеаd
: different book every week. What's о good book
anything like it before. 1+LлL,,л,,|,,л -л-ллLl.,1 |лtLл+
-лл) recentlyT ):),.л,, l:l.л лЬл,,1
',thot you've reod What did you like about
This is а..... story about а mап who meets а
it? Who would you rесоmmепd the book for?
strange wоmап dressed all in white.
This is ап absolutely ..,.. book - l just couldn't Write her а letter and answer her 3 questions.
Write 100-120 words.
stop turning the pages. ь***
lt's а very..... story of а woman who moves to 1 What do you have to write?
the Сопgо to help save endangered gorillas, 2 Who is going to read it?
The...., characters are so..... that you feel like 3 What tense(s)wiIl you use?
you know them personally Ьу the end of the 4 Which of the following should you include?
book. о tit|e & type of book . how the story ends
The ending is very ,..., - | definitely wasn't о name of author . how mапу of уоur friends
expecting it! have read it . whether you recommend it
The themes of love апd faithfulness are very . main points of plot . where you can buy it
..,.. throughout the book, . genera| comments on characters/plot, etc

Ж*е*втэreеm#iяtg ? Use the рlап and the phrases from the Useful
Language section to do the task.
5 а) ..У Complete the gaps with the phrases 'Jl,]J:;.';]':f]i]:]il:1:|]i,1.|:i,|:,.i|i'.|;,:::':1'|i,,:i.,

iп the list. Р!ап |

. couldn't put it down . is definitely for you Para 1: background information (title, type, author)
Para 2: main points of the plot, general comments
. make sure it's this one . in my opinion (plot, charocters, begi п пi п g/ еп din g)
. l've ever read . you аrе looking for para З: recommendation & reasons
о won't regret it . would definitely

rесоmmепd Useful lапgчаgе

t r ll.,,.. this book to апуопе who enjoys Background: This is а well-written/fascinating/ informative,
etc book written Ьу ...;The story is set in/takes place in ...;
beautifully-written, romantic stories. l 2) .,...
The book tells the story of ...
from the чеrу first page. Main points of the plot: The story begins/is about ...; The
ploUbeginning/ending is (rather/quite) dull/ boring, etc; The
Ф rr зl ..... а fast-paced, gripping read, this почеl plot/beginning/ending is (absolutely) thrilling/gripping, etc;
4) ..... . lt's опе of the most exciting and The plot has ап unexpected twist (at the end) when ... .

cleverly-written crime thrillers 5) ..... .

General comments: lt is rather confusing/sloЙ/dull, etc (in
parts).; The main characte(s) is/are well-deve|oped/
Ф rr you read опе book this year, 6) ...,. , Yоu shalloWvery |ikeable, etc; The book has а tragic/ surprising
ending.; The beginning/ending is sloWexciting, etc; The
7)..,,.. 8)....., it's the author's best book so
book is ful|of thril|ing/funny, etc moments ... .
Recommendations: l thoroughly recommend this book
with its .,. .; This is well worth reading as .. .. .; This is bound

Ь) Which sentences does the writer use to to Ье а bestseller.; This is а highly entertaining/ fantastic etc
read. You won't Ье able to put it downl; Don't bother
recommend the book in the letter оп
reading this. lt's ... .

р. 80?
,rа Read the texts and match each text (A-G) lБlгл_*_.
with its heading ;;;; Д|:_"" magician James Randi is an investigator of
(1-8). You сап опlу
heading once. There is опе .*tr. Ь.rJNЪ. ратапоrmаl events and has given many
----J- demonstrations on what tricks can Ье used to do
1 Don't pretend to Ье something you're not things like рrеtепd to bend metal spoons оr forks
2 Ending up in frопt of the judge with TouT mind. UTi Geller twice tried to sue Randi
3 Ап event for everyone with similar interests foT libet but both times the case was thrown out of
4 Your brain сап deceive you too court and GelleT had to рау Randi's couTt costs.
5 А very difficult way to get rich .]:ýJýýеФ.JЁз- *,-...g-- -.o*ý\*ýýýýýýеееý*ФФtýý*ýSý\
6 Getting it right is just luck
7 prison
Fraudsters end up in ЕТr,. One Million Dоllаr Раrапоrmаl Challenge
lДТr,. Challenqe is а |
8 Ап early investigator prize offered Ьу the James Randi Educational I

щSightings of ghosts, aliens, UFos, incidences of ESP

оr mind-reading etc аrе all instances of what.ur.
ý lH:TН}j:,i:l'i: ;TJ:: ,'j:ffi:tilx l
known as раrапоrmаl events. Many peoPle, often
ý conditions. Randi has asked а пumЬеr or p.opru l

scientists, аrе highly sceptical of all раrа.поrmаl

ý wrro claim to have раrапоrmаl роwеrs to accept l

events and some have dedicated themselves to

I r,i, challenge. То date most famous mediums rruu. ]

exposing the rеаl rеаsоП fоr these events. lt сап Ье

I refused to Ье tested Ьу Randi and по опе has got J

ý past the ргеlimiпаry test level to show а g.пйч

- ]
fraud and de|iberately misleading people to ma.ke
ý рuruпоrmаl ability.
mопеу, Some раrапогmаl events сап even bu ý .*"-**-.**-*- аý"*.. ,?.- а*.,-.,*,_.*ý,*$ýъм*ssi -.*J l
psychological tricks played Ьу the mind.

ЩТПе Amazing Meeting оr ТАМ is an аппuаI 4-day

сопfеrепсе ruп Ьу magicians, scientists and sceptics
ЩНаггу Ргiсе took ап inteгest in magic tгiсks and соцjuгiпg
as а hobby in the 1920s. It was his talent as а сопjuгег who give lectures оп modern investigations of
that lead him to геаlisе that mапу of the so-called alleged раrапоrmаl activities or events. lt gives
mediums in London wеге iп fact committing fгаud апd ordinary mеmЬеrs of the public the chance to meet
taking money off people uпdег false ргеtепсеs. Не was with people whose wоrk is to expose the fraud
опе of the fiгst ечег рагапOгmаI investigatoгs and Ьесаmе committed Ьу those who claim to have paranormal
famous in
Вгitаiп fог ргочiпg that mапу people who powers such as ESP.
claimed to have рhоtоgгарhеd ghosts ог that they could ъ*Stýt_..-***Sе*в.Фý_.i".Ё, * _а,+ -*.*,

talk with people who had passed away wеге геаllу just
сгimiпаls who knew some сlечег tгiсks.

ýIn the 1970s, Uri Geller Ьесаmе famous all очеr the world
fоr his psychic abilities which included using his mind to
bend metal spoons. Although he still has some fans to this
day and had а long friendship with MichaelJackson, few
people nowadays believe hе has апу psychic powers.
Тhеrе is no doubt that hе is, in fact, simply а чеrу good
magician. Тhеrе is nothing wrопg in being а good
magician unless you lie about it and act as if уоu have с D Е F G
some kind of suреr роwеr.


Multiple Matching ._у пеас the text below. use the words in
-he four dialogues capitals in the correct form so that they fit the
are set in different locations but are
nked Ьу а theme. Fоr example, the dialogues in Ех. З all text. FilI the gaps with the new words. Every
rave to do with buying something. Look at the different 9ар corresponds to а different task (1-9).
ocations before you listen and try to think of vocabulary
1 Coincidences аrе those amazing little
connected with each location. Fоr instance, lvords
accidents of сhапсе that seem Iike а опе !;,
:onnected with а restaurant include rвеrуоtiоп, kitchen,
in а million. But why ..... they happen?

wоitеr, serue, side order and tlp. Ве careful, however:


kitchen and serye are also words that сап Ье used to taIk
2 ls it, as mathematicians say, just а matter il,
of пumьеrs? or is there some other force
about having а meal at home. lп other words, beware of
at work in the universe? Let's take а look
b_lhere to trick you
'h..:::.:|Ч}:t at some of the ..... coincidences in history

and you сап decide what the answer is. lii:.


1,;;.,ft-i.;1,'1:,i;.1;.l .:.,] l, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson wеrе a\|,

л, both presidents of the United States and

а) ,Л

Match locations 1-5 with the word

groups a-f. There is опе extra word
they write the Declaration of HELP '|.,

lndependence. j]l

group. Сап you think of а location that

4 This document ..... оп 4th luly, 1776, slGN
matches the extra word grоuр? ?;,

which is lndependence Day in the US.

1 planetarium 4 classroom
Adams and Jefferson both died оп the

2 science museum 5 sci-fi exhibition

same day,

3 Iecture hall

They died оп 4th July, 1826, exactly 50


а exhibits, 9uide, gift shop, display case years after signing the declaration they


ь talk, subject, professor, students both had а hand iп ..... WR|TE


6 ln the
с fans, annual, meet sci-fi сhаrассев, wear costumes early 70s, the famous actor :}a.

d tickets, show times, dome-shaped screen, feels Anthony Hopkins got а part in а film !:|,,,,


real called The Girl frоm petrovka, based оп а }l

е tеасhеr, test, notes, textbook ,

novel Ьу Gеоrgе Feifer. Anthony tried all

t science-fiction section, пеw arrivals, рrе-оrdеr, очеr London ...,, hold of the book but по uEl

bookshop had it.

Then, as luck would have it, he found а


ý Cl You'll hear 4 short dialogues А, В, С сору while he ..... for the train. lt was just WA|T {

and D twice. Match the dialogues and lying оп а bench. When he opened it, he


locations where they take place (1-5). Yоu realised that it was Gеоrgе Feifer{s ý]

сап only use each location опсе. There is personal сору of the novel. 1|


one extra location. ls it just luck that mапу celebrities' names

'l form anagrams that tell you а great deaI 'l]


planetarium classroom about ,,... lives?

2 science museum 5 sci-fi exhibition 9 Fоr instance, out of Albert Einstein's

3 lecture ha|l
паmе you сап find the phrase, 'ten elite
brains'. Also, Princess Diana's name .,... тURN lNTo
'end is а car spin', Spooky, isn't it?

t:енэ1: J]*

ii Пеаа the text below. Fоrm derivatives

from the words in brackets so that they fit the
text. Fill the gaps with the пеw words. Every Reading aloud
9ар corresponds to а different task (1-6). When you read а text aloud, рау attention to:
speed - don't go too fast or too slow.
lt was like something from а sci{i film. |п 2007, а .
clarity - speak in а loud, clear voice.
spacecraft sent to Mars Ьу the Аmеriсап space 1) .,... l
:a pronunciation - say the difficult words to
(agent) NASA photographed something that looked like ' i

а large gori|la-like creature, As the image seemed to ' yourself а5 you rеаd the text siIently,

show а figure with arms and legs walking down а hillside, ]

i. intonation - read with expression, not in
it led to 2) ..,.. (compare) with the legendary Bigfoot. ill
а mопоtопе
However, there was а much more 3) ...,. (science) |.
]a rhythm - whеп you read with rhythm, the text
explanation, NASA insisted that the photo showed 4) ..... flows.
(mеrе) а feature of the 5) ..,. (rock) Martian landscape.
They said it was in fact а stone that had been carved Ьу '

the wind. What's mоrе, this Bigfoot was а 6)

(surprise) smaller опе - at just 5 сm tall!
1i. l]'::.j': '

,i- Q tisten to the text. Тhеп, listen again
1] ]]i; ]- and read the text aloud at the same time,
i'''-J': 'j . ,.{i
copying the reader's rhythm and intonation.


, H.G. Welis is perhaps опе of the best science,

Planning an informal letter
, fiction writers of all time. His books are always
: popular. They аrе still made into films. The Тimе
When writing ап informal letter in which we
Масhiпе is аmопg the best sci-fi novels of all time.

have to апswеr some questions, we сап use the ii

; Мапу mоdеrп writers аrе inspired Ьу his style.
following рlап:
Para 1: орепiпg remarks, rеа5оп for writing
l Para 2: answer the questions, providing а few yоч need to read the text aloud. you have
l :

reasons/details/explanations, etc jI 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and

each ii then Ье ready to read it aloud. Remember
Para 3: closing remarks :
that you will not have mоrе than two
minutes for reading aloud.

ij, You have 30 minutes to do this task.

Last уеаr, l went hiking in the forest. Му Ьrоthеr
didn't want to come, so l went оп my own. l was
i You have received а letter from your English- walking along а beautiful path, when lgot а
j speaking реп friend, Kate. stгапgе feeling. lt was as if someone оr something
,, a,
was following me. l stopped"and Iooked urounO.i
аrоuпd. l
; : l've just finished reading this sci-fi поvеl that's

:, ' jLllt соmе out. lt wos so disappointing!

didn't see anything. l kept оп walking. Suddenly, l i
t Whot's the worst book you've ever read? Whot
hеаrd а noise. lt sounded like а dog growling. l !

', tuгпеd аrоuпd in fear. Hiding behind some thick

did you поt like obout it? What would you i
bushes was а big апimаl. lt looked like а huge аре.
; , сhопgе to mоkе it better? }

But thеrе аrе по apes in the соuпtrу. The сrеаturе ý

, write а letter and апswеr her 3 questions. had а human-like face. lt stared at me fоr а few ý

: Write 100-120 words. RеmеmЬеr the rules of seconds through the bushes. Тhеп, it gave а loud

* letter writing. sсrеаm and rап off. Was it Bigfoot? l'll never know! |
]i-, ,..__ , . i
".," ].1аýýltЭl}]sýýýý'м.м-аgý93u.ýI&,_',Фýl*э.:g''_*,.*^"{"ý*ье-ýt. _* - ,.

L**gж*#* *ж Жж* -J
Pfu y*g*ý gеrfu*lFr*р****ý**= У€*у* Ё*rгэъ*&$*ж

,,,У Гiпа the correct particle(s). & ,g# Complete the sentences with the correct
word derived from the word in brackets.
keep away: prevent access to, ho|d back
keep off: stay away, prevent from stepping/climbing оп sth Forming abstract nouns from verbs/adjectives ,

keep оп: continue

keep up with: move at the same speed
let down: disappoint
-ence (оссur * ассurгеrsсе), -су (accur*te - Bccurocy), .

-ion (predlcf * predictiaп), -(i)ness (lczy * loziпess),

let out (of): release (from prisonicaptivity)
pick on: treat unkindly -ify (popuior - poput'arity) to fоrm nouns from verbs/adjectives:
pick out: choose
pick up: 1)|ift with hands 2)take sоmеопе away in а саr The ..... of the strange lights over the city was
1 P|ease keep off/away the grass! reported on the evening news. (APPEAR)
? Don't worry, Аппа will печеr let you out/down. The Smiths enjoy the ..,.. (QUlET) and .....

з The girls kept up with/on talking. (PRIVATE) of their beautiful home in the country.

4 Sam has just Ьееп let out/down of prison. Loren Coleman owns а lаrgе ...,. of artifacts
5 l'll pick you up/out at 7:00 at the airport. from strange creatures. (COLLECT)
What's the ..... between an al|osaurus and а
,;ý riпа the correct preposition. Т-rех? (DltFER)

1 They had lots of things in/at соmmоп. UFO-spotting is а popular ..... in New Mexico,
2 forlon strange creatures.
Не is an expert
з не blamed himself for/on the mistake.
4 Why is that mап staring to/at us? **fiЕ*gаtЁ*г*g
5 5оmе species of animals аrе few in/at number. Complete with: weother, lifelong, аппull,
ffiвrds *FЁ** {Фпfчsеd dеmапd, native, travel, video, full, wеlсоmе,
drive, highly, closely.
ý rinathe correct word.
1 7
=1 The festival attracts/draws а lot of visitors.
..... festival
..... journalist 8
..... tribes
..... secretive
2 Her heart dropped/sank as the plane took off.
3 ..... balloon 9 а ..... addition
3 They wandered/wondered away from the grоuр
4 ..... footage 10 to ..... you mad
looking for any remaining debris,
5 .,... passion 11 ,.,.. mооп
4 We all admitted/accepted the tour was great.
6 to ..... evidence 12 ..... resemble
5 ls it possible to take/bring dinosaurs back to life?

6 They can't say where the answer lies/lays.

Oecide if the sentences are r (true) оr F (false) and correct the false
statements. Read through Module 4 and write а quiz of your own. Give it
to your partner. Check his/her answers.
1 The Roswell lncident happened iп 1947 .

2 5,000 locals saw lights in the sky above

Lоrеп Соlеmап became interested in
strange creatures after watching а
documentary about Bigfoot,
The coelacanth died out iп ]9З8.

"Suddenly... the sky was split in two and high above the happened and locai people thought that the god Ogdy had
forest the whole поrthеrп par1 of the sky appeared covered iп punished them.
fire. At that mоmепt, there was а Ьапg in the sky and а The Tunguska region is so remote that it took очеr а decade
il] mighty crash .,. followed Ьу а noise like stones falling from for scientists to оrgапisе ап expedition to investigate the
the sky, or of guns firing. The еаrth trembled." This is how а event. Most experts поw believe that а comet or asteroid was
witness described one of the most mysterious and to blame for the destruction, They say that as it ripped
frightening events to оссчr оп the p|anet iп history. through the sky it heatф the аir аrоuпd it to 24,700 degrees
lt was around 7 аm оп 30th June пеаr Vanavara in Celsius and eventually exploded into а fireball at 8,500
Siberia and people were just waking up whеп suddenly there meters above the ground. releasing energy equal to about
was huge exp|osion iп the skies above the Podkamennay 1000 times the atomic ЬоmЬ dropped on Hiroshima, Recent
Tugunska River, The shock of the blast was so strong ihat it studies of the аrеа have rечеаlеd а pleasantly surprising fact
1 was recorded Ьу instruments as far away as England, though, The soil in the Tunguska area is richer than vo|canic
Millions of trees were flattened and thousands of reindeer ash and the plant life is growing four times faster than it
and other wildlife were killed. Surprisingly, and fortunately, поrmаllу should. lп fact, it seems the comet, meteor, оr
there wеrе по humап victims though. Аftеr the blast, thick asteroid, mау have Ьееп а gift from the heavens as the area
clouds gathered iп the skies over the region reflecting the is becoming like а Gаrdеп of Eden.
sunlight аwау. At the time no опе understood what had
€heck thэsе words

split, bang, mighty, tremb|e, witness, occur,

Rеаdiпg & Listeпiпg explosion, blast, flatten, reindeer, gather,
region, reflect, rеmоtе, expedition, comet,
1 Look at the picture. What do you know about the
asteroid, Ьlаmе, riр, release, reveal, volcanic
Tunguska event? Think of three questions. ash, heavens
() listen to апd read the text. Сап уоч апswеr
your questions?

RФ 3 ,sQ Matchthe words in the list to the

2 "*#
Read the text again and decide if the
words iп bold in the text.
statements (1-5) аrе r (true), F (false) or N5 (not stated).

The witness felt ап earthquake.

1 distant 4 move rapidly
2 5, very powerful
2 Millions of people saw the explosion in the sky.
3 People felt the blast as far away as in England.
з shake violently б hарреп

4 Мапу animals died in the explosion.

5 At first, the locals thought the blast was caused Ьу а god. 4 Tell the class four things that you have
learnt about the event.
6 The exp|osion was almost as powerful as the Hiroshima
7 Experts started looking into the event immediately, 5 ЕТl Гiпа out mоrе about the Tugunska
event. write а short text about it.
8 Nothing can 9rоw in the soil where the explosion
Read it to the class.
l o(abulary: learning experiences, martial art skills,
,.::ооl subjects, technology in education,

::nievements, 9ар уеаr experiences, higher education
Зrаmmаr: reported speech (statements, questions,
:эmmапds), special introductory чеrЬs, time clauses
iveryday English: Ьоrrоwiпg library books
ntonation: word stress
)hrasal verbs: pass, stick, think
,vord formation: abstract поuпs
',Vriting: а for-and-against essay
Culture Corner: The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
(urricular (PSHE): Train your Brain (improving
очвп то уоч!
Russia 5: Yuri Rozun Foundation Do you think that school studies teach
'.,i].i€=F#_,ffi ''_.,""
people everything they need to know?
Why (not)? Discuss iп pairs.
Lеаrmýвъg ФжреrЕýпсеs
'J Look at the pictures. Which of these
influences have taught you the most
at different stages in your life?

чпdеr 5 years old 12-16 years o|d i

6-'12 years old 18+ years o|d i

family & home environment educational institutions

,',/hеп l wqs цпdеr 5 years old, l lеаrпт the
пost {rаm mу fBmily опd hоmе еп,itrопmепt.

2 Q Listen to sоmеопе talking about

different ]ife skills. Тhеп, discuss the
saying, "Learning does поt start and
stop at the classroom dооr.'

the mass media travelling



Ж-жжýgе3*g wý*ýв &fue

() Listen and say. Which action can

you see in the picture?
. Ьаlапсе body on the tips of spears
. lie оп а bed of nails
. break bricks on someone's body
. throw oneself into the air
. walk barefoot up а staircase of knives
. fight blindfolded
Ву Joseph Barnes
. do the splits . stand still with legs
bent . crawl on hands and knees
down а mountain

need to have to Ье able to do these

actions: courage, potience, discipline, pride,
determi п ati о п, i пп er stren gth, а r rog а п се? I watched in awe as the mа. :,,.,,, . mseif into the air and spun
across the stage. Не landed ge.: , а^с crouched down like а tiger
i ij:j;:j; *j;ci :;;;.+;**с * :::ц:i:; r,; j;*i,,* {.{--:il;,,;;;* ready to attack, with his sг,cl: .ээ oui in front of him. lt was
r* Ll* *'*iс ii; ij+ i;r*_te :"э:iirsпs +5 ,i**j/ S#fJЕ impressive, but nothing рrераrэс -э for tnlhat саmе next: а mап
*i*,Tq*"l,*,r:; i'{l j*,,jf, l *jsл:; ljэji:я ,.. balancing his body оп tips of sоэа.s. l gesped iп amazement al| the
way through this incredibie petc.-alce of the Shaolin monks,
Trained in the art of Kung Fu а: :-э ,,, cr с famous Shaolin Temple in
china, these monks are so strong :-а: Iпеу сап break bricks on their
bodies and so skilled that thet са" : gnt blindfolded without getting
hud! After the performance, | ;sl <"et,; ] had to learn mоrе about
predict content them. So I did а little researcn а-. :1en iast summer l travelled high
into China's Yuntai [t/ountalns. ,,,"ere the stunning scenery takes
your breath away, for а mоп,|. с: training at а rеаl Shao|in school,
sentence in each para9raph. This will help l arrived late at night, ехhаustэa э1, mv iong journey, but the next day
Rredict content of text, l was woken up Ьу а beii ai 5;:0 ;оr а ruп to the top of а пеаrЬу
1оu mountain! l struggled sloT,,]i, -ol,;ards, and Ьу the time l reached the
top, the Chinese students nao' crawled back down on their hands
Read the title, the first and the last and knees to build their muscles and wеrе back at the academy,
sentence in each paragraph. What is the warming up. l looked on ;п hоrrоr as students practised doing the
text about? Read through and check. splits! "How will l survive а lvhole month here?" l rеmеmЬеr thinking.
То mу relief, l soon lеаrпt that forergners don't train with the Chinese

ý1 ,дF&.
"ý' Ц;i Read а9аiп and decide if 3 Joseph got lost on his way to the school
the statements are r (true), F (false)
4 Training started very early.
or Л/S (not stated). Justify your 5 The Chinese students were much faster than Joseph.
6 Joseph found the sight of students doing the splits
After the show, Joseph wanted to find а musing.
out more about Кuпg Fu. 7 They all had ап hоur to rest after breakfast.
Joseph was impressed Ьу the school's 8 joseph decided to return to the school for further
Iocation. training.

students. And when mу пеw 'Shi Fu', оr teacher, Master Jin # _р-' Match the words in bold with their meanings
Long arrived, he was calm and patient, not fierce and proud, below. What part of speech is each word?
iike I had imagined. We began Ьу practising 'mаЬu', а basic
. firmly decided . tired very hard о talented
Kung Fu position. Fоr this, you stand with your legs bent, as
. passed quickly . bent . tiredness . difficulty
if sitting оп а chair. |t looks simple but l couldn't do it for
more than а few seconds! l felt like а failure. Master Jin Long
. amazement . moved forward оп hands and
came over and told mе that l wou|d lеаrп little Ьу little. Аftеr knees . preparation Ьу doing exercises
the class, he told mе that а key secret to Kung Fu was . more difficu|t . a991essive
repetition апd that l would improve greatly after а lot of
#r*mт*э*r о.ЪТ'' ,
Ап hоur later, we finally got breakfast; large bowls of rice and
#*р,;з r***1 ъ: iэФФ*fo {* *-зt* ак *га &s}
vegetables. Afterwards, it was straight back to the gym to

Ё а)
practise basic punches and kicks, ln the аftеrпооп, l chose to
Study the examples. What is reported
study Tai Chi, а mаrtiаl art which focuses оп controlling
speech? How do direct statements differ
energy. Physical training finished at б рm. after an exhausting
8 hours. Fottunately, evenings wеrе а time to work out our
from reported statements? Check in the
minds, with two hours of either Мапdаriп chinese, or Grammar Reference section.
meditation classes. Building mental strength and contro| is DIRECT SPEECH -+ REPORTED 5РЕЕсй
ап essential aspect of Kung Fu. too. Ву the time the first day "wе tлiепt rо а shооliп iтопks реrfоrmспсе icst пilht, satd
was over, I felt almost sick from exhaustion.
Joscpll то Phil. ,Joseph Tcid Phii tllct they ilo.d gспе T,l с
But as l showered, to mу disappoil:rnent. iп а cold shower
5h со| t п l; о rl k s реrfсl tTl а п се r,h
(there is по hot water at the schooill l told myself that if
shaolin monks could train from 5 ап. until late in the evening ý,
under much harsher conditions ii,ith папу of them beginning
Ь) _у"/ Report the following, а5 in the example.
at the age of five, then l could sun,jt,e а month here! 1 l'm leaving for China next Friday. (next Saturday)
Well, the month flew Ьу and Ьу tne end, l felt incredible. l l thought you laid уач were lеаviпЕ ап Soturday,
couldn't have imagined what а l:fe-changing experience it 2 Jack is а Kung Fu teacher. (karate)
would Ье. The monks constantly to,o us that we would build
character and learn humiliý through hardship and discip|ine
З Sue has spent а month studying yoga. (а уеаф

and that's exactly what l experienced. Although l couldn't

4 Joseph left last week. (а month before)
quite break bricks оп mу head, l left the academy with а пеw 5 We'll get up at б аm tomorrow. (5 аm)
inner strength and determined to т;оrk hard to achieve mу 6 lwas planning to go for а ruп later, (9о to the gym)
goals iп life, Still, uроп my return. l couldn't wait for а hot 7 She is learning Chinese. (Japanese)
shower and а relaxing sleep in my соmfоrlаЬlе bed,
с) ,./ гiпd three reported statements in
check these words the text. Change them into direct speech.
spin, land, spear, 9asp in amazement, stunning
sсепеrу, take breath away. muscles, to mу relief, S,B**ftýaT# fuУfl**ýятgr е
bent, fаilurе, punch, kick, martial art, meditation d?#ъ
class, mental strength, constantly, build character, ffi $",*"Ё r"J Listen and read. Yоч'rе а radio
humility, discipline, inner strength presenter and your partner is а Shaolin
monk. Рrераrе questions and answers for а
Ё ,/*' Complete with: iппеr, goals, exhoustion,
radio interview about daily life at а Shaolin
School. Act out уочr interview.
stuппiпg, life-chonging, gzsped, character, failure,
breoth, key.

1 ..... in amazement 6 feel sick from ..... s @ what did Joseph learn while he
2 ,,,., scenery 7 ..,,. secret
was training with the Shaolin monks? How
З take уоur ...,. away 8 build..... do you think this experience will help him?
4 feel like а ..... 9 ..... strength
lп three minutes, write а few sentences,
5 ,,... experience 10 achieve my.....
then read them to your partner.
iфj,тФФФl*i,в, l:ry:_{ф_чиФl 89
Th* wffiу w* ýеаrж
ýghоmý sеяЬý***s

ý ln а minute list as many school/

university subjects as you сап think
of. Which are your favourite ones?
Chemistry - Maths - Mediciпe

Yесhrаmý*#у ým еdшсаtýеm
З а) Q tisten and say. Salman Khan, а
Harvard Universiф graduate, sits iп а сопчеЁеd
cupboard at home in Boston. He's studying for а lecture he's going to
. take an online соur5е give, but it won't Ье а typical hour-long lecture in а lecture theatre for forty
. watch lectures/educational videos or fifty students. Salman's lecture tviIl take place on YouTube, it won't last
for more than ten minutes, and it tvill reach а potential audience of
millions. Не records up to eight lectures like this every day.
. complete ап МвА through а
This all grew from а young girl's desire to do better at school. |n 2006,
Facebook application Salman's 13-year-old cousin Nadia was having trouble with Maths, so she
. have private lessons asked him if he could tutor her. Then when other relatives and family
. enrol at а school/university friends asked him when he could tutor them, too, he didn't want to keep
explaining the same things over and очеr again, so he suggested creating
. have lessons with interactive
videos and putting them on YouTube. То Salman's surprise, his cousin
whiteboards admitted that she preferred the vifiual Sаlmап to the real thing! She
explained that оп YouTube she could watch the clip whenever she wanted
Ь) Q listen to three people talking. апd repeat anything she didn't understand, She was learning successfully
and Khan realised it was because she could go over and over something
Which of the learning methods in
at her оwп расе without feeling embarrassed,
Ех. 2а is each talking about? What Salman's homemade video lectures soon attracted people's attention оп
advanta9es does each mention? the Net. As he recorded more and more videos, he eventually decided to
quit his job as а financial analyst to create а free educational website, the
'Khan Academy', Before long, tens of thousands of people were watching
l *.. his lectures every month. ln each video, he explains а principle of а subject
.'_}] ý._1 t1
."",i]il ranging from Maths, Chemistry and Economics to History and Biology.
The clips are far from high tech. Khan печеr appears in his videos. lnstead,
with just his voice and his scribbles on а digital sketchpad, he makes а
complicated topic entertalning and easy to understand through his
informal, chatty style. "tt/y biggest goal is to try to deliver things the way l

З Read the first two paragraphs of the wish they were delivered to me," he says.
When Salman doesn't know anything about the subject he wants to teach,
text. How аrе the following related
he gives himse|f а crash course in it first. Не researches it unti| he feels he
to Salman Khan? Harvord University, сап explain it in his оwп words, step Ьу step so that а motivated 7-уеаь
Boston, YочТuЬе, Nadia. old would understand it. khan admits that he makes occasional errors
() Listen апd read to find out. with this learn-as-you-go approach, but he believes that students see the
process better whеп they watch him stumble through а problem himself.
Bill Gates, chairman of П/icrosoft, claims'that khan is his favourite teacher
check thезе words and uses the videos, which now have about 2 million users, with his
children, Some teachers аrе also using the videos as а teaching resource.
university graduate, converted, lecture, They have told their students to use Khan's videos at home and have seen
potential, tutor, admit, virtual, clip, at your fantastic resu|ts. As for the future of the academy, Salman is planning to
оwп расе, attract attention, quit, princip|e, translate his videos iпtо ten languages and he is even thinking of орепiпg
scribble, crash course, motivated, occasional his оwп private school. Не is full of пеw ideas such as not dividing classes
еrrоr, approach, process, stumble, claim, Ьу age, using board games to teach negotiation skills and even teaching
teaching resource, negotiation skills, history backwards, lt seems he's committed to challenging and changing
committed the way people learn. ln the meantime, though, it's back to his cupboard
to record more videos!
а) "р7
Read the text а9аiп and for ,r9 гiпd the correct words.
questions 1-5, choose the best 1 |'m enrolling/studying for exams at the moment.
answer Д, В, С or D. Justify your 2 Jane took а crash resource/course in Spanish before
travelling to Madrid,
Salman Ьеgап recording videos in order to з Sam found the lecture motivated/complicated.
А avoid tutoring his niece. 4 Khan's style is chatty/talkative and informal.
В help his niece with schoo|work. 5 Kate researched/investigated her project online.
с save himself some time. 6 Margaret pays for her children to go to private/
D improve his tutoring skills. individual school.
salman believes students lеаrп better 7 Тоm gives lectures to а(п) crowd/audience of thousands.
when they
А сап use multimedia resources. #р*€,ё9i:;;:$;lýj. '..
В have а private tutor. ЬЧ * рэ *, r 1t + *1 *g ш * s Ё ýф m s l * {э е,Ез rffi ft $ъ d l'; f iJ'
s '\:.
# а)
are interested in what thеу'rе Read the examples. How do we report: а уеs/по

learning, question? о wh- question? the imperative?

D don't feel under pressure.
what seems to make salman's videos
" , 5пе пskеd i{iънhеtk*r he пls Jолr,.,
ls пе johiэ? " i/lg ,clicl_
popular is
"Whcre is he {tэrп?" shc asked, э 5he csk*d чg?зеrе he_ wos frоп.
А the simple way he communicates. "|,lakc поtеs"' ile soid tа пе, ) Не told пе ta tтзеkе поtеs,
В his amazing knowledge. Daп't,ga " hesotC iоле -э Heiolci гпеr]ýf t#gФ
С his use of advanced technology.
D their attractive design, м
Ь) uýn' Complete with soid, told or osked, then
saIman believes that his mistakes report the sentences.
А make his videos mоrе fun.
1 "When does the class start?" Tim *skEd mе. Гj;т-: gslrad
В сап help students.
rпе bir*i*n tf;c cj*ss sfgrfsd"
с make students like him mоrе
2 "Have you watched any of Salman Khan's video
D can Ье а рrоЬlеm for some students.
lectures?" Matt ..,,. Sam.
Salman's plans for the future include З "CalI me tonight!" Jane ..... to Тоm.
А encouraging mоrе schools to use his 4 "When will you Ье home from school?" l ..... Dаппу.
methods. 5 "Сап l borrow this book?" Kim ..,.. Julie.
В trying out пеw teaching methods. 6 "Don't talk in the liЬrаrу!" she ..... us .
С recording videos on пеw subjects.
D changing the education 5y5tem. ,Sре*kjгrg & Wа-*Ё,яятg

Ё Work in groups of three. You're а radio

presenter interviewing Salman Khan for your show.
Ь) ,,,d М.,.Ь the words iп bold to
Your partner is Salman. Рrераrе four questions and
their meanings: лпistоkе s, confessed,
answers based оп the text. Act out your interview.
varying, possible, considering, give
The third mеmЬеr in the grоuр reports the dialogue
up, chonged, difficult, dedi coted.
to the class.

iЭ; ffi Кhап Academy's goal is to provide free

education to апуопе апуwhеrе. How сап it help
people? lп three minutes, write а few sentences.
Tell the class.


€шýftжrе fr*rm&r

What do you know about the Duke of
Edinburgh's Award? Read through to
find out.

he Duke of Edinburgh's Award (also called the D of Е) is

,_"d tRФ Decide if the statements

а чеrу ri,ell-knorvn and рорulаr youth рrоgrаmmе in the
are r (true), F (false) or N5 (not stated). UK that aims to help young people aged 14-24 rеасh thеiг
full potential! It _slr es voung реорlе the chance to develop theil
The D of Е is а рrоgrаmmе aimed at сhаrасtеr and their life skills as they take part in а11 kinds of
ad u lts. exciting ехtrасuггiсulаг actil,ities. Started as а small all-boys
At first, girls did not participate in the рIоgrаmmе in 19,iб Ьу the Duke of Edinburgh, today 275,000
programme. young people frоm drftЪrепt Ьасk_чrоuпds аrе working towards
lt is not to Ье their D of Е at an\- опе trme lп the UKl
easy accepted into the
Participants can рrоsгеss through thrее levels of the D of Е, the
bronze (сhаllепgiп_ч). the silrer (mоrе challenging) оr the gold
There are three different categories of
(extremely сhаllеп_чiпg and not fоr the faint-hearted). It's
definitely not easy to achieve ап1 of the awards. Activities аrе
5 Participants chose their own activities. organised in four аrеаs: \'olunteering, which could mеап
6 The award is а valuable job qualification. volunteering at an апtmаl rеsсuе сепtrе оr working in а charit1
shop for six months: Phrsrcal. which might Ье getting а
oertificate in parachutins or t]аmепсо dancing; Skills, which
.l" Complete with: different, pick, full, could Ье doing а jerTelleгr -making, first aid оr cookery course:
and Expedition, which could Ье planning а rowing trip down the
eosy, charity, соmеs, skills, rescue, gold.
Danube in Gеrmапr. -\11 this can take anything frоm thrее
1 ..... potential 6 ..... shop months to thTee yearsl The best thing is - young реорlе can pick
2 life..... 7 ..... ап exactly which activitres they want to do in each category.
3 ..... background activity Ultimately, it's ali \\,orth it and all the gold awards arepresented
4 , .,.. to ach ieve 8 ..... awards Ьу the Duke of Edinburgh himself at а royal palace.
5 animal ..... centre 9 ..... your Way
Frоm beginning to end. it's gTeat fun doing а D ofE and еmрlоуеrs.
colleges and universities _set excited if йеу see it on а person's СV.
The imроrtапt thiпg tlючgh, is that, "Yоч leatп to loye sоmеthiпg,

4 а) () Listen and read. Explain the work hard, Ье focused апd discipliпed апd thеп you luill Ье read1,
different types of this award. for whеп the right орроrtшtiц^ comes уоur way," as opera superstar
Каthеriпе lепkiпs said hаviпg completed her silyer award,

Ь) ffi How can this award check these wогds

help young people? lп three aim, full potential, extracurricular activity, pro9ress,
minutes, write а few sentences. challenging, апimаl rescue сепtrе, charity shop, parachuting,
Tell the class. first aid, expedition, rowing trip, pick, ultimately, royaI
palace, focused, discip|ined


5 aФ t_ Find information about ап award that

уоuп9 people сап obtain оr а youth organisation
they can belong to in your country {e.g. what it is,
how it started, what it involves, why sоmеопе should
do it/toke port iп it.) Write а paragraph about it then
read it to the class.

Borrowing liЬrаrу
Everyday English fu
books 3 Find sentences in the dialogue which mеап:
sоmеопе has borrowed thot book. - would
'] How often do you use а library? Where? you like mе to keep it for you? - Here you
What for? оrе. - you have to rеtчrп the books iп опе
:ftеп use the schaol library ta do reseorch fоr а project, week, - Let mе hove о look оп mу computer.

2 а) () listen and say. Рау attention to the

Рrопuпсiаtiоп: emphatic stre*s
о Do you know the title of the book and the 4 а) () Listen and repeat. Which word/
author? syllable is being emphasised in each
. l'll check on the computer for you. sentence?
. l'm afraid it's out right now.
1а Sam came to the library with me yesterday.
. Would you like to reserve it?
Ь Sam came to the library with me yesterday.
. When wil| it Ье back in?
. Сап I take these two books out, please? 2а You mustn't talk so loudly,
. Тhеу'rе due back one week from today. ь You mustn't talk so loudly.

Ь) Which of these sentences would а librorian,

о student say? Decide in pairs.
Ь) () Listen to two different ways of
() Listen and read to find out.
saying the sentences below. Which word/
syllable is stressed each time? How does
Jane: Hi, l wonder if you could help mе. the meaning change?
Librarian: Of course. What's the problem? 1 l'd prefer to go to the library later.
Ja ne: |'m looking for а book for my First Aid
2 John lent me this brilIiant book.
class. 3 The Maths test was very difficult.
Librarian: Do you know the title of the book and the
author? l'll check оп the computer for you.
Jane: lt's First Дid Made Easy Ьу SaIly Вrуап.
Libra rian: Alright. Just one moment ... Oh yes. l'm
afraid it's out right now. Would you like 5 # Use the sentences in Ех.2а to act
out а similar dialogue at the library. Fоllоw
to reserve it?
the рlап.
Yes please, that would Ье great. When
will it Ье back in?
Libra ria n: lt's due back in three days. Would you
Ask librarian for help.-*raReply.
like to leave your name and number? l
say what you can't find.t'fnsk for title/author.
сап call you when we have it.
Jane: Oh yes, thank you. That would Ье great.
Reply. *-\Tell А it's out & ask if
lt's Jапе Smith, 746з546. Also, сап l take 7 tbey want to reserve it.
these two books out, please?
Ask when it'll Ье <lЭтеll А when & ask for
back in. / рhопе number.
Libra rian: Certainly. Can l see уоur library card,
Give рhопе number & Ask to see card.
thеп say you want to
Jane: Yes, here it is.
take out some books.
Libraria п: ОК, there you 9о. They're due back опе
Offer card. Say when books are
week from today.
Jane: ОК, thank you very much.
Libra rian: Yоu'rе welcome.

#w*trffiffiжжжg ttrg]
Every night. William Kamkwamba's sisters would huddle around the fain:
&gfuýечяgmевъts light of а kerosene lamp to read and study in the hope of а better future. Tha:
was before their brother, who was опlу fourteen at the time, built windmills
Q listen & say. Which would you most
that brought electriciý to his village of Masitala in Malawi, Africa. Now, this
like to achieve in the future? self-taught inventcr is setting his sights even higher, aiming to light uр аг
entire country,I
о get 0 degree
lt all began tvlth tnc fanlne о{ 2001 when food was so scarce in Malawi tha:
о invent something to improve people's ten thousand реор е Сiэd of statvation. William's family survived оп just one
lives meal а day, but thel a cn't have enough money to afford the $8O-a-year
. pass уоur driving test tuition fees for Wiliiaп s scrool, Forced to drop out, he refused to give up
. establish а successful business and carried оп his ecuca:o, from textbooks iп the smalllocallibrary. There
he learnt all a[rout e]ect. с:. aid motors, but it was the cover of one book iг
. win а scholarship to
parlicular that truly captured n s magination, lt showed windmills. "With а
а coIlege/university windmill, lcould stay ат,а<э et night reading instead of going to bed а:
. lеаrп to speak а foreign language seven with the rest of \1аа,,, '\liil]iam realised, "We'd finally release
. take part in а charity project ourselves from the troubles э']а,к:эss and huпgеr."
n win а sports competition Не set about building опе f,э- а- с с bioycle and pieces of scrap meta
from tractors. lgnoring the оllЕ, , е]э,s l ncluding his motheQ, who thought
. do well in your exams/
he was crazy, оvеr two mопt.з -е -a^aged to assemb|e а 5-metre high
а test windmill that supplied enougi- .о,,,э.:э iight four small light bulbs. |п е

f'd like fo i,чlп а sсhоlвrs!зiр to в uпiversity country where only 2% of the .сэ- al э" nas access to electricity, this was
like а miracle! Villagers саmе frоп а а,э"пd to see the 'electric wind'. With
апd get в Law degree,
the addition of another windi,nii] :Ьа: пэiсеd irrigate his fathe/s crops.
,фФ William was transforming his village l^rc;cil renewabie energy all Ьу himself.
ffgtr#{-"4r,*ýil News of the Ьоу who built windmills spread through blogs and пеwsрареr
articles. Вryап Mealer, ап American ]o.j|,.aiist. had spent five years iп дfriса
а Look at the picture and the tit]e of the
when he heard about william. Не imгпээ a:eiy knew that this was the story
article. Which of the things in Ех. 1 do that he had Ьееп waiting for апd iп 2СС9 ine Воу Who Наrпеssеd the Wiпd.
you think William Kamkwamba has was published, Soon, influential реор е s:ar,|ed to see that William was а real
achieved? asset to his country and before long. he ,,,,as ;nvited to speak at conferences.

Q tisten and read to find out. he had documentaries made about ,llm and universities abroad
offering him scholarships.

William is currently studying for а dеgrэе iп America, but he plans to return

home with more ideas to help his viliage. Thanks io generous donations.
Masitala now has c|ean drinking vlater and solar panels. William also
finished а project to build пеw сlаssrоогпs for his old primary school which is
equipped with laptops that run on епеrgу from his windmi|ls. Не still worries
about his mother, though: "l haven't solved the problem of firewood. Each
day, mу mother has по choice but to rva]k three hours to collect а handful of
wood to cook the family meal." lt's а ti,a]k that gets longer every day as
Malawi loses about 500 sq kilometres of forest every уеаr due to illegal
deforestation. Experiments with solar ovens made out of tinfoil haven't quite
worked out yet, so for the moment Will]am has turned to а more hands-on
method - planting more trees.
William Kamkwamba might not have the solution for everything just yet, but
he's а shining example of all that сап Ье achieved when just опе person
dreams of а better wопd.

check theýe words

huddle, faint, kerosene lamp, self-taught inventor, set one's

sights high, famine, scarce, starvation, tuition fees, drop out,
truly, capture, windmill, scrap metal, ignore, light bulb, have
access to, miracle, irrigate, rепеwаЬlе energy, influential,
real asset, scholarship, generous, donation, due to, tinfoil,
hands-on method, shining ехаmрlе
а) what focus each Ь) Match the words in bold to their meanings:
,,,*# пеаа again. Say
question has, then choose the correct spore, cought, at present, bright, iпtепdiпg,
answers (1, 2, З or 4). Justify your choices. stop, was made kпоwп,lосk of food,

William and his sisters used kerosene lamps because

,*аЯ СЬооr" the correct words. Check in
А electricity was cut off at night.
dictionary. Make sentences using the words
В it was the only Iight source they had.
you don't choose.
С it helped save electricity.
D they enjoyed reading at night. Sam fel]/dropped out of university because he
Why did William leave school? couldn't afford the high tuition/teaching fees.
А Не needed to work to help feed his family. After failing several times to
get into
В Не dropped out through lack of interest. university, Jim was ready to give up/away.
С Не couldn't рау for his lessons. А picture of а windmill on the cover/top of а

D Не was able to get а better education at the book captured/caught William's ima9ination.
library, Kerosene lamps provide а faint/faded light.
|п little more than 8 weeks, William managed to They survive/remain on one meal а day.
А produce small amounts of electricity for his Solar panels produce/supply power to Masitala.
village. William was offered/provided scholarships.
В provide two per cent of his country's electricity. WilIiam is а shining/bright example of what
С build windmills all around his village. опе person
D end the villagers' food and mопеу problems, see '1.

How did Bryan Меаlеr hеаr about William?

Grаmmаr р, GR15 ,
\.. .....,
А lп а book written Ьу ап Аmеriсап journalist. Speciaý iпtrоduсtоrу verbs
в At а сопfеrепсе he was invited to. Use these verbs to report the sentences:
С Frоm various reports in blogs and articles. promise, suggest, соmрlоiп, dепу, rеmiпd, offer,
D lп а documentary that was made about him. apologise, ехрlаiп,
ln paragraph 4, 'asset' is used to show that William
А had impressed some important people.
1 "|'ll help you with уоur essay," she said.

В was ап excellent public speaker. 2 "Why don't you study for а degree?" he said.

С could Ье of good use to his country. 3 "Му history lecturer is so Ьоriпg|" Апп said.
D would do very well at university. 4 "l didn't cheat in the exam," Phil to|d me.

At the moment, william is

5 "Don't forget to hand iп уоur essay today,"
Апп told Jane,
А installing solar panels in his village.
В building пеw classrooms at his old schoo|. 6 "Would you like to share mу book?" he said.

С collecting donations for his projects. 7 "|'m sorry l copied your work," BiIl told her.

D studying at а foreign university. 8 "l was late because l missed mу bus," he said.

william's mother has to

ýревkiпg & Writing,
А cook with а solar oven.
В plant trees for firewood. 6 Tell the class four things that impressed you
С walk great distances daily. from the text.
D prepare опlу опе meal а day.
The writer's purpose is to
7 @t just lmagine you аrе William. you
А advertise William's inventions. have put together the windmill and are
В relate an inspiring story, about to test if it wil1 light the buIbs. Write
С encourage others to become inventors. а few sentences describing your feelings.
D promote а book. Tell the class.
Takiný а gap уе
Gap уеаr ехреriеRсеý
1 а) () listen & say. Which of these Chelsea Toblin was feeling burnt out after so much hard work
experiences give the chance to: for her degree and so decided to take а break before starting
help the епчirопmепt? her Master's. Almost as soon as she had made her 1).....
(DECIDE), she was оп а рlапе 'down under' to become а
help а community?
rancher for the next eight months on ап isolated sheep station
lеаrп (о) пеw skill(s)? deep in the Australian outback hundreds of kilometres from its
. work as а beekeeper nearest neighbour. Training as а jillaroo was just the kind of
excitement and sense of 2) .,.,, (FRЕЕ) that Chelsea had been
. study opera in ltaly
looking for, but she soon lеаrпt that it was back-breaking work
. coach football at а school in zambia too. Not long аftеr she arrived, her work clothes were already
. help rehabilitate injured animals grчЬЬу from grooming horses and сlеапiпg out the stables.
. "The most 3)...., (CHALLENGE) part of my first week was
drive sled dogs iп siberia
helping with the sheep shearing, lt was а lot harder than l
. help build an orphanage iп china thought. It took all mу strength to push the апimаl into the
. lеаrп to Ье а cowboy/cowgirl оп а ranch shearing shed. The shеаrеrs were absolutely brilliant, too, They
. do а massage course in Thailand work 4).,,.. (INCREDIBLE) quickly and сап shear а whole
. help conserve coral reefs in Fiji animal iп less than а minute."
Ву the time Chelsea left the fаrm. she had learnt а lot about
looking after both horses and sheep, mending fences, lassoing
Ь) Which опеs can you see in the pictures? and whip cracking, too. it v,,asn't all hard work, though "Мапу
evenings, we toasted marshmallows over а campfire and l
p|ayed mу guitar and we aIl sang songs," Chelsea says. "Above
Rendiпg us was the clearest and starriest sý l'd ever sееп." So what did

Z Look at the pictures and read the first Chelsea miss most when she got home? Pulling on her cowboy
boots, mounting her horse and riding out into the Australian
sentence in each text, What do you think each
person's experience involved?
() tisten and read to find out.

З ".,rg
RФ Fоrm derivatives from the words
in capitals so that they fit the text. Complete
the gaps with the new words.

4 ./ use words from the check these words
check these words Ьох in the correct form to
complete the sentences.
paul and the children made sure there were по
,..., snakes оп their football pitch.
2 Life in the ..,.. is very different to city life.
3 ..... horses was one of Chelsea's duties. check these word
4 Actors have to do mапу ..,.. before they put оп
Master's, sheep station, outback, groom, stable, sheep
а show.
shearing, shearing shed, mend, lassoing, whip cracking,
Olivia says that opera is so beautiful that you toast, marshmallow, starry sky, requirement, work-
can't help ..... in love with it. based, coach, resources, rolled up, sticky tape, football
The football practice ..... wеrе successful with pitch, practice, eager, average wa9e, session, clap, kit,
beat, poisonous, step back, grand, fall in love with,
the children.
voice coaching lesson, rehearsal, breathing control

:-,Paul Skarr it all started with his Sporls Science degree
з:.irement to do а work-based learning project. "Most students find
:,к locally, but l was keen to volunteer iп а 5) ..... (NEED) paft of the
],id," says Paul. So off he went to Zambia to coach football at а
;_^col in а small village not far from the capital, Lusaka. When Paul
Ever since Olivia Stewart was а young girl, she has dreamt of
.* he found а rundown school house with very few resources. Не
"ed singing in а grand сопсеrt hall. Her dream became а 9) .,...
:s amazed to see that the children were using rolled up plastic bags
(REAL) when she interrupted her Music degree to take а year
-. d together with sticky tape to play football!
Ё _^э of Paul's first tasks was to get the children to mark out а full-
off оп sabbatical to get а taste of opera iп ltaly. Living with ап
ltalian family and having language lessons each mоrпiпg was
ц .:ed football pitch in а сlеаriпg in the woods next to the schooi. They
an 10) ..... (ESSENCE) part of the ехреriепсе. "Mastering the
.,:cted goal posts made from tree branches, too. At the first рrасtiсе,
language takes your реrfоrmапсе to ап entirely different level
cl .:эut 75 youngsters arrived, very eager to go! Some had ечеп соmе
when you lеаrп not опlу how to pronounce the words properly,
rт -,:m 6) ..... (NЕIGНВOUR) villages. lt was some of the chl]dren's first
but also the deeper meaning of what you're singing," Olivia
ь -:podunity to play proper football, which isn't surpris,ng lvhen а says. "Opera is like great literature set to beautiful music. You
cf ,:эtЬаll
costs about $60 and the average monthiy ln,age is just $40, can't help fa|ling iп love with it."
п --е session was а great success. "Аftеr we'd finlsbed cractice the
Olivia spent her afternoons having private voice coaching
rrr _-ildren clapped 7)..... (EXCITED)and then they all r"sгеd to сiеап
*7 lessons, pedormance rehearsals and even pilates classes to
8 boots, and get all the kit ready for the next davl" Pa,;i lold us.
help develop muscles for better breathing control. The
с lre exciting part of each day for Paul was whег пе ard the children highlight of Olivia's stay, though, was performing ореrа at an
ý :эаt the ground of the pitch before they started :с э ау lо chase away
open-air сопсеrt in а beautiful piazza,-
l :эlsопоus mаmЬа snakes. But despite sоrе 8) .,. . (DIFFICULT)
After she finishes her music degree, Olivia hopes to make it
Е ]ecause of the harsh living conditions, it tvas а о.эаt experience for
back to ltaly and continue studying opera and, she says, "to
raul. "The kids are so happy to play and hal,e а coach even though
sample mоrе of the amazing ltalian gelato,*- which is to die
:.еу have so little else... lt really made mе siер эасk and think about
,,, nat'S impodant in iife." *piazza
= Square
ice сrеаm

d. 5ее
у ИД'gmfПСIr р, GR16
тirгtе ciauses }

V Use these wordsi phrases to make

5 Read the examples. Which of the highlighted words
sentences about your future plans:
is not а time word? which sentences refer to the
whеп, as sооп as, Ьу the time, ofter, until.
present/ future? What tense do we use after а time
word when the sentence refers to the future? l'll study Biolagy whеп l {iпish school"
Whеп do we use commas to separate а time clause Whеп l{iпish school, l'll study Bialagy,

from the main clause?

1 Ву the time John arrived, they had left. ýреаkirtg & Writiпg
2 l'll take а 9ар year when I finish school.
3 when will she Ье back?
8 а) people
ffi lmagine you are опе of the
in the text. Tell your раrtпеr
all about уоur experience.
6 _.rd СЬооr. the correct time word and put the verbs
in brackets into the correct tense. put commas where
песе55аrу. Ь) @ what do you think
She spoke ltalian weII Ьу the time/since she ..... (lеаче) each person learnt from their
ltaly. ехреriепсе? ln five minutes, write
Until/As soon as he ..... (arrive) in Zambia he met the а few sentences. Tell the class.
students at the school.
3 Before/When | ,.... (see) you l'll show уоu my photos.
4 Chelsea saddled her horse since/after she ..... (grооm) it. 9 @ Which of these experiences
would you choose to have as part of а
5 They didn't stop playing footba|l Ьу the time/until it
gap year? Why? Tell the class.
..... (start) raining.
fuýki'Is - university
- college of Buildings/
Ygce&ш lBryl ed ucation - science lab
HigЁ,ler еdшсаtiоп - library


__;f Complete the word lists. Try to add
more words of your оwп. Соmраrе with
your раrtпеr.
. liЬrаriап . Media Studies . lecture theatre
. classroom . Modern Languages
. online university . philosophy
Ь) Соmраrе the photos and talk about the
. hall of residence . Medicine . gym pros and cons of two ways of learning.
. vocational college . professor о сапtееп
Use the ideas be|ow and the language
. lecture о tutor . head of department
ii in the Ьох to help you.
Lectures: 9ives ап очеrчiеw of main themes - guidance
оп how to rеsеаrсh further - lecturer gives а reading
2 а) Describe the pictures. list and raises questions to develop students'thinking -
passive/not interactive - boring
Online learning: easy to access & convenient, students
study when they want - isolates students, requires

computer skills

l,::': Соmраriпg
ln рiсturе ;у,^ . c-:,,a ihough in picture В ...;
l]owever, ,..; (in' :::^ ^е::еr of the pictures ...;

ffi, $': 0п the опе hanc :- :-е cther hand

lt looks like ., ; s::- s :э Ье ; is/are рrоЬаЬlу ..,;
ь) () Listen to someone comparing the lt may/mighVcou o:: . l'd 5ау it/that..,,
photographs. How is each learning situation Perhaps,,
Which way of learning do you think is the
За) Now look at pictures С & D and describe most enjoyable and why? Tell уочr partner.
,/ RФ ,i, уоu will hear students talking
about their experiences in higher education.
Match the speakers (А-Е) to the statements
(1-6). There is опе extra statement.
The speaker be|ieves further education was not
for them.
The speaker says they had а shaky start.
The speaker says they miss home.
Comparing photos The speaker admits they weren't ready at first.
When comparing two photos, start with а general The speaker says they have the best of both worlds.
summary of the topic. Then move onto а The speaker manages to fit everything in.
comparison of the two photos. Finally, give your
opinion with ап explanation/examples.
fiшrrЕсшýаr: рýнЕ

,'l Read the title of the text, the introduction i,t]]]

and the headings in Ех. 2. How сап we illl;.;.:!1

imрrоче оur memory? Read and check.

Среп cloze
:ead the text once to get the general idea. Read
You forgot sоmеопе's поmе, you left your essoy ot hоmе or mоуЬе
зgаiп and try to identify what part of speech you соп't rеmеmЬеr where you parked your car! Меmоrу is your
obility to ltore, rеtоiп апd recoll iпfоrmаtiоп iп your Ьrоiп, but
=ach missing word is е.9. verb, поuп, conjuction, sometimes оur memories let us dоwп. Fartunotely, there are lots of
:tc. Рау attention to the words before and after creotive tricks you соп use to keep уош mеmоry iп top form!

:ach gap. They will help уоu do the task. Read l

F breaking dоwп strings of information, like phone numbers, into
:пе completed text to see if it makes sense. 1

'r,chunks. So instead of trying to remember 791845, remember it as

79 18 45. This works even better if you associate something meaningfu|
with each chunk, too. Let's say you're studying for а History degree at
2 ,*rf RФ Read again апd match the university. You could say 79 AD is the уеаr Vesuvius erupted in Pompeii, 18
headings with the paragraphs, There is is your age and 45 is your rооm пumЬеr iп уочr hall of residence. tinding
personal connections like this anchors information in your mеmоrу.
опе extra heading. Justify уоur answers.


F thinking in images rather than words. Let's say you have а new
рагt-timе job and your boss's паmе is Alice Barker. То remind you of her
в WoRD ASSoclATlON паmе, make some connections: Alice with А/rcе iп wопdеrlопd and Ваrkеr
с PRAcTlcE мАкЕ5 рЕRtЕст with а huge barking dog. Now picture Alice falling down the rabbit ho|e
closely fo|lowed Ьу а snarling dog. The mоrе vivid and weird the images,
the better this technique works.
FР Mn.ronics such as "30 days has SерtеmЬеr, April, June and
November..." have long Ьееп used Ьу people to help them rеmеmЬеr
tricky information. So the next time you need to rеmеmЬеr the spelling of

З ffi Fiпd all the phrasal verbs in а difficult word оr the names of some people you've just met, why not try
coming up with your оwп silly rhyme, song or poem? The sillier and
the text. Make sentences using them. funnier the better!

l, р Trl. Romans used а visualisation technique called 'loci'to remember

4 ,r'y Complete with: rеmеmЬеr, mеmоrisе, lists of things. lmagine а rооm in your house. Menta|ly place the things
recoll, rеmiпd. you need to remember оп the furniture. When you want to recall the
items, take ап imaginary walk around the room. When you recall the
1 ..... me to call John tonight! furniture, which is easy because the room is familiar to you, you'll rесаll
2 ..... to lock the front door! the objects easily, too.
3 ..... these 'l0 words for Monday. Р Tbi, is true, but psychologists say that we rеmеmЬеr mоrе effectively
4 l can ..... happy times playing in the park when we space out оur |earning. So don't сrаm for tests and exams! When
trying to memorise new words in а foreign language, for instance, repeat
when l was young.
them а few times, then take а break. Тhеп come back to them. Perhaps
put flashcards around the house with words written оп them ... you will
а) ( ) Listen and read. Use the rеm.еmЬеr seeing them and they will Ье slowly burnt into your long-term
information in the text to explain mеmоry.

how we can train our brains to These ore just о few tips. Ехреrimепt to see whot works best fоr you! ДЬоче
oll, eat well апd get рlепtу of sleep опd exercise. Staying healthy will give
remember things. Which techniques
уоur mеmоry the best boost of all!
do you think сап help you?
check these words
Ь) ЕТ оо some lnternet research оп
other memory techniques you can retain, recall, let sb down, keep in top form, chunk, break
use. Use the key words: ways to down, string of information, erupt, personal connection,
barking, snarling. weird, mnemonics, tricky, rhyme,
improve уочr memory. Tell the visualisation, mentally, effectively,space out, cram for, take а
cl ass. break, burnt into уоur mеmоry, |ong-term mеmоry, boost gg
А for-and-against essay

Writing for-and-a9ainst essays

For-and-against essays present the advantages and ]ý

disadvantages of а topic. They поrmаl|у consist of:

. an introduction presenting the topic r,чйоut giving ап opinion; t How would you like to take ап entire уеаr off
оа mаiп body consisting of three paragraphs, each to see the world? Many schoo|-|eaveb choose to do
presenting one point for and опе point against the issue, just that Ьу taking а gap year and travelling аrоuпd

Each argument should Ье supported with justifications/ before returning to а реrmапепt job оr university
examples. Each paragraph should start with а topic studies. ls this really а worthwhile thing to do?

sentence that summarises the main idea of the paragraph;

2 Certainly there are mапу arguments in

. а conclusion presenting the writer's opinion оr giving а

favour of taking а gap year. То begin with, it is а
welcome break аftеr finishing secondary school.
balanced consideration of the topic,
Young people have time to stand back and
For-and-against essays are written in а formal, impersonal style
consider the next step in their career.
so shоrt sentences, colloquial expressions and idioms are avoided.
Сопsеqчепtlу, they rеturп hоmе with mоrе
You can begin and end уоur essay with апу of the following energy and а fresh outlook. However, if there is
по good рlаппiпg iп advance the whole ехреriепсе
. address the reader directly: uvе oJJ kпоw lэаw friЕlэtепiпg will simply Ье а tremendous waste of time, поt
it сап Ье to sjt gп important ехаm, time spent оп careful|y planning the future.
. inc|ude а quotation:Дs Mgrtjn Н Гisсhеr said, "дпу mап 3 Another advantage of taking а gap уеаr is
tryfio does not make himse/f proficient jn at /egst trл/о that it сап provide the сhапсе to see the world
longuages other tfiал iljs оrлrл is о fool," ехреriепсе other cultures. Ву visiting different
. include а rhetorical question: Isn't it вmаziпg tllat yau сап places апd interacting with the |ocals young
people сап lеаm mапу things about life Ьеуопd
поиr study subjects Jd<e yjdeo gоmе епgrл eering апd
the borders of their оwп соuпtry. Оп the other
surfi'пg sсiепсе?
hand, Тrачеlliпg ап Ье very expensive. Paying
for ехрепsеs such as flights, food and
accommodation could easily get опе into debt.
Read the rubric and answer the questions.
J -.ni ---
Another роiпt iп favour of а gap уеаr is that it
сап make уOuпg people morе mature
%; Б.;;йп-'tТ.iЫlБйй;.;;;.E йЪп- l and
responsib|e. As this is оftеп а young person's first
international travel magazine: "Should all schoo\-\eovers
taste of iпdерепdепсе it can lead to them becoming
take а gap yeor before storting work or university7" Sепd
se|f-reliant, level-headed adults. When they rеturп
us ап essay discussing the pros and cons of this proposal.
home, though, their friends may have moved оп to
l Y::t: у_оч j,зI !OJ-:sJ yg,s): __-_.l пеw jobs and пеw friends. As а result, it mау Ье
1 What type of essay do you have to write? difficult to fit back into life at home.

2 What style wilI you write it iп?

5 lп conclusion, I believe that taking а gap
Зý Decide which of the items 1-8 related to taking а уеаr сап Ье ап incredibly rewarding experience,
despite the drаwЬасk. fu Saint Augustine опсе
gap уеаr аrе advantages and which are disadvantages.
wrote: "The world is а bqok апd those who do not
1 welcome break after studying travel read опlу а page."
2 can Ье а waste of time without good planning
lli з teaches life skiIls & builds character
Read the essay. Which techniques has
4 expensive & can create debt 2
the writer used to start/end the essay?
5 chance to see the world/learn about different cultures
6 friends will have 'moved оп' when you return
Which paragraph gives the writer's
7 makes уоu more mature & responsible 3 ('1-5):

орiпiоп? presents the topic? gives the

8 mоrе time to decide what you really want to do
arguments agoinst? gives the orguments
with уоur life
5ее ,,

D. GRlб ,j yоьлr
L|NKERS ъ tя"дrп
то list/add points: Firstly, First of all, То start/begin with,
,*У Пеаа the rubric, find the key words and
-=:ondly, Finally, lп addition, Furthermore, N/оrеочеr,
answer the questions.
то introduce/list advantages: The firsvAnother advantace
_',,,, Опе point iп favour of .,,, Some реор|е fee|that А website for students is asking for opinions
То introduce/list disadvantage5: The first/ma " 0-. оп the following issue: Should ollteaching апd
-lother disadvantage of ..., 0ne argument аоа ^:. j lеаrпiпg take ploce опliпе these days? Write а
^at ..., Some/ N/апу people аrе against Ьеса-.. for-and-against essay discussing the pros and
То introduce examples/justifications: Fоr еха-: : ^j:.-:.,
cons of this proposa| (200-250 words).
, ,ch as, like, because, as, since, as а resuit, the.a':,= L_-* ц-_J
То show contrast: 0n the оthеr Ьа.: -:.,.с,;., п 1 What do you have to write and who will rеаd it?
:Jпtrаst, although, even though, Nе,,,э,,-: .:; 2 What will each paragraph include?
То conclude: lп conclusion, То сопс,-э: s--- -: : ,п all,
З How could you begin/end your essay?
' паllу, Taking everythrng into ассо .;..
4 Which sentence (1-З) is in favour of the proposal
То give your opinion: 1 thiпkrээ :,: :,,. ,, l аm
and which is a9ainst it? Match each viewpoint
,lrongly/totally in favour of ,, , lг -, :: - _- . ..,,/, ,,.
with а justification/example (А-С) below.

4 ý rrnathe correct words, then rерlасе the П StuOents can participate in |essons from anywhere
iп the world.
linkers iп bold in the text with alternatives.
As а result/To begin with, there аrе many tr Опliпе teaching and lеаrпiпg сап Ье cold and

advantages to using the lnternet in the


classroom. Furthermore/For example, it has а lot

more information than the average school liЬrаrу.
tr lt is more convenient than traditional schools and
Some people feel that/One argument against
students should Ье allowed to study subjects
А There are no fixed hours and students can
log оп and off when they want.
that interest them therefore/becau5e they
would learn mоrе effectively.
В А computer cannot replace the face-to-face
All in al]iln contrast, some people argue that communication between а teacher and а
online learning facilitates learning. Moreover/
Fоr instance, students must Ье r,vel|-organised to
С Students living in remote areas сап still have
access to ап education.
Ье abIe to keep up with the расе of the course.

5 ffi Think of mоrе advantages/

Гut the sentences in the correct order
1-5. Which is the topic sentence? Suggest ап
disadvanta9es and justifications/examples to
support them.
They believe students who are keen for sports 7 Use your ideas in Ех. б to write your essay.
wi|l find an outlet for their interests оп their Fоllоw the рlап below. Use different techniques
оwп, outside school. to start/end your essay.
Fоr ехаmрlе, one school found that З0 minutes
i:1+ ii

of exercise improved students' reading scores.

i P!"". 'il
First of all, there is evidence that brain activity Para 'l: present topic ;{
is enhanced Ьу physical exercise.

Paras 2-4: ап advantage with justifications/examples iI

There are mапу advantages to making РЕ а and а disadvantage with justificationsi "i
compulsory subject iп schools. examples +

However, some people argue that we must not Para 5: conclusion & оwп орiпiоп i.
.jliii]'l+liДi];;;лil;Ё]:jaцl!ifll!],]i:,J:l_ii:j.li: :,:]1j: ], 1-=
force students to exercise if they do not wish to.
}l Writinq Вапk: for-and-aqai 101
Read the text. Decide which of
the statements (1-8) are truе (1 - True),
folse {2 - False) or not stated, meaning
that you саппоt give а clear answer to lп lndio he is rеmеmьеrеd as 'the fother of the
паtiоп' опd he is fomous the world очеr for his
them (З - Not stated).
belief iп реасе апd поп-чiоlепt pratest. Gondhi
Gandhi chose to do something different believed thot people have the power to ochieve
to what his family did for а living, positive сhопgе Ьу walking the poth of peaceful

1 Тruе 2 False
resistaпce. lt's о path Gопdhi wolked all his life...

3 Not stated :,." r

lndian natives living in South Africa wеrе Gandhi was Ьоrп Mohandas Каrаmсhапd candhi in lndia оп 2nd
October, 1869 into а mегсhапt fami{y. When he was Candhi Ьrоkе
treated unfairIy.
with tradition and left lndia to study Law in London. Тhеп, iп 189], he
1 True 2 False
accepted а jоЬ at ап lпdiап lalv fiгm in DurЬап, South Africa, where he
3 Not stated rеmаiпеd fоr twenty уеаrs. Candhi rvas shocked Ьу the discrimination
against lndian immigrапЬ in South Аfriса and headed а campaign fог
Gandhi left south Africa because he
their civil rights. During this time, Candhi developed his рriпсiрlе of
didn't a9ree with the political situation,
'satyagraha' which means 'dечоtiоп to tгuth' throuqh non-violent
1 True 2 FaIse
action. Candhi was sent to ргisоп mапу times fоr leading peaceful
З Not stated campaigns of civil disobedience. Веfоrе he left the country, though, the
South Аfriсап gочеrпmепt made mапч cf the changes he had called fог.
Gandhi felt that lndia benefited frоm
lп1914, Candhireturned to а trоuЬlеd India which was occupied bythe
being under British rule.
British Еmрirе. Candhi felt that lndia could печеr tгulу Ье free as long as
1 Тruе 2 False it rеmаiпеd under British rulе. Не tvanted to work towards lпdiап
3 Not stated independence and create grеаtеr understanding between all classes and
religious faiths across the соuпtry,, lп l919, he joined the пеw lпdiап
Entering politics was а way for Gandhi
National Congress Раrtу and launched а policy of peaceful поп-
to Ьесоmе mоrе widely kпоwп.
cooperation with the British, including а boycott of British goods and
1 Тruе 2 False institutions. One of Candhi's most famous protesb was against the tax
3 Not stated оп sait imposed Ьу the British authorities, Не led thousands of people оп
а 320 km 'mаrсh to the sea' to make their own sa|t from seawater,
The 'march to the sea'attracted the
Because of his various campaigns, Candhi was imprisoned fоur times: in
attention of the international 1 922, 1 9з0,
9З3 апd 1 9 42.

community. Nevertheless, as а rеsult of Candhi's talks and negotiations with the

1 True 2 False Bгitish gочеrпmепt, lndia wоп independence in ]947. Ноwечеr, there
l 3 Not stated l
remained fierce tension ЬеМееп different re|igious groups in the
country. Оп 30th |апuаry 1948, Candhi, then aged 78, was assassinated.
тhеrе was stilI internal conflict in lndia The assassin could not accept Candhi's belief that а|l faiths were of equal
after it wоп independence. чаluе. Gandhi was on his way to а рrауеr meeting whеп he was shot
'l Тruе 2 False three times in the chest.
3 Not stated Candhi maintained his iife-|ong belief in реасе, non-violence апd that all
people were created equally, His beliefs informed а|l areas of his life; in
Gandhi опlу dressed formally when he meetings he always wоrе the simple clothes of ап lndian villager, while
had meetings with politicians, the politicians аrоuпd him dressed in fоrmаl suits, Не also followed а

1 Тruе 2 False vegetarian diet and lived а simple life. lп lndia, he was called 'Mahatma'
З Not stated t"'':
Candhi which means 'great soul'. There, his Ьirthdау is celebrated as ап
official holiday and a|so as ап international day of non-violence. Candhi
spoke to everybody, ечеrywhеrе when he said, "Ве the change you want
to see." And indeed, his achievements rеmаiп ап inspiration to people all
over the world; his life tru|у was his message.

, ]..,,:,;,..,l.:lj,i,r.;i{яi.,,
i,1+ Т+'Пс.:*;.,,+_,.тj*;а;ii.51;=ii.э - ,**.+Ё+] iЁ

l")' Yоч will hear ап interview уQ Пeadthe text below. Use the words in capitaIs
between а radio presenter and а iп the correct form so that they fit the text. Fill the
student. Fоr questions 1-6, choose gaps with the пеw words. Every gap corresponds
the correct апswеr, 1, 2 or 3. You will to а different task (1-9).
hеаr the recording twice.

Аmу says she took а gap

уеаr to
1 look for а better job.
l 2 to take а break from high school.
nd 3 to have work experience.

How did Amy рау for her trip to Africa?
оп 1 Her parents funded it.
fш 2 She worked and saved uр.
d 3 А friend lent her the mопеу, How ..... to attend а university that teaches YoU/LlKE
fij Аmу says that getting а job you how to find iппеr реасе in stressful times?
he in the UK What if that university also .,... you how to Ье тЕАсн
0r. 1 made her uпhарру happy without spending mопеу?
f,e 2 was quite easy. Fоr mапу students, doing а degree поt опlу орЕN
б 3 took hеr took long. to пеw academic ideas, but
..... their minds
Amy says that her ехреriепсе iп Africa
also to пеw ways of living as they meet
people from different backgrounds and live
ап :
хъ 1 helped her realise опе of her dreams.
independently at the same time.
2 made her Ьесоmе mоrе involved in
But why not address ,.... lifestyle
ах the lecture theatre too?
the protection of animals.
оп That's the philosophy at A|fred University in
3 was like а fun game,
New York, USA, where they offer optional
seminabstyle classes Movement and lNcluDE

1 the living arrangements

Stillness: Yoga and Meditation; Happiness and
2 not being аЬ|е to sleep
Stinginess, and the Good Life оп а Dollar а Day.
getting аlопg with some of the
he Alfred students have also studied the reasons
d. volunteers
behind the success of popular culture hits
What does Аmу say she learned such as the Harry Potter books and the TV
in particular? show Ihе iорrапоs in the sessions, which .....
all 1 advanced first aid skills in the evening.
iп 2 how to teach children. The classes ..... popu|ar with students since вЕ
ile 3 how to work а5 part of а group. the very beginning.
lа Опе said that they ,..,. ап епчirопmепt where cREATE
learning for fun was put first.
Another student commented that he enjoyed
Ьеiпg around people who knew ..... life too NOт/тАкЕ
all seriously, but took their studies seriously,

i :; 1 ]l] :|.] ,.,,'
You hаче 30 minutes to do this task.
./"/ Read the text below. Make derivatives of the
words on the right so that they fit the text. You have received а letter from your
Complete the blanks with the new words. English-speaking friend, Jerome.

l've rесепtlу started Spoпish classes. lt's

Swimming is much easier to lеаrп as а child gоiпg greot!
than as an adult. chi|dren are better able to Дrе you studying а fоrеigп language ot
rеlах and float in the pool, whereas grown-ups the mоmепt? Do you think it's better to
have had mоrе time to develop а fear of the study о longuoge iп а classroom with
water. However, swimming 1) .,,.. often say INSTRUCT оthеr students or at hоmе with о tutor? lf
that teaching adults is the most rewarding part you hod the сhапсе to live obroad for two
of their job. That's because they're so 2) ..,., of APPREC|ATE
уеаr5 iп order to lеоrп the country's
what the teacher does for them after so mапу , longuage where would you go?
уеаrs of unease around water. Not 3) ..... , SURPR|SE
people who have suffered 4) ..... water-related TRAUMA write him а letter and answer his
experiences like near-drownings usually take ] 3 questions. Write 100-120 words.
longer to Ьесоmе confident in the water than . RеmеmЬеr the rules of letter writing.
others, Swimming teachers need to 5) ..,,, they SURE
teach such pupils at their own расе and that
they never feel forced to do something that ]'.
. ,

. , ;.,: _;1]1;, -,i::

makes them feel 6) ,,.,, COMFORTABLE
You are 9оiп9 to give а talk about
learning foreign languages. You will
have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak ]

for по mоrе than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
. why реор|е study foreign languages
о why there is а
9reater interest for
уоuп9 people iп learning foreign
languages today than in the past
. when there was ап occasion that
made you realise the usefulness of
knowing а foreign language
Checking the finished letter You have to talk continuously.
After you have finished writing уоur letter, check that you
have done the following: :, ,,-::::
о }ou greeted your friend and signed off iп an : ; i з

appropriate way
. you used appropriate opening and closing remarks
о !ou have answered all three questions from your

friend's letter in some detail
. you wrote in а friendly, informal style

-а'} Jf,.&
о you organised уоur letter in paragraphs
r }оuг grаmmаr, spelling and punctuation аrе correct
о you have kept to the word limit stated iп the rubric


Lапgчаgý Ёп Use PJ
Рhrаsаl verbs/Prepositions wоrd fоrпrаtiоп
._яЙ Гiпа the correct
particle. 4 ,,tQ Соmрlеtе the sentences with the correct
word derived from the word in brackets.
l pass out: 'l) distribute, hand out 2) lose consciousness
l pass чр: not take advantage of
pass away: die word formation - abstract почп5
l, stick at: keep trying to succeed at sth difficult We сап add the suffixes -ship (rеlоrlол - relottanship)
I stick around: not leave and -hood (adult - odulthood)to the end of words to
l think up: imagine, create
I make abstract nouns.
l, think through/over: consider carefully
I The course was tough but she was determined to 1 Dan had а happy ..... . (CHILD)
stick at/around it. 2 Не wоп а ..... to study Art History. (SCHOLAR)
l They thought up/over а great way to raise mопеу. 3 Му ..... with Вriап began five years а9о.
t Не passed upiout the essays he'd marked. (FRlEND)
l Don't go home yet; stick at/around for а while! There is а fantastic library in my ,.... .

Ann's dog passed up/away yesterday. (NElGHBoUR)

l 5 Tom started his оwп business after doing

2 .*r# Comptete with: to, iп, with, of .
two-year ..... as а mechanic. (APPRENTICE)
They died ,.... starvation.
Helen fell iп love ..... her пеw house,

She gasped ..... amazement. colIocations
She dreamt ...., travelling abroad.
ill Complete with: coLlrse, activities, fees,
They don't have access ,..,. electricity, 5 "_r' iппеr, оссаsiопаl, пеgоtiаtiоп, fiпапсiаl,
Не is а real asset ,.... the соmрапу.
епеrgу, fчll, university, ort,
words often confused
1 ,.... skills 7 martial ..,..
riпаthе correct word. 2 ..,.. graduate 8 crash .....
не tooki held а short Ьrеаk to have lunch. 3 tuition ..... 9 ...., analyst

Не had the opportunity/occasion to work in 4 rепеwаЬlе ,..., 10 ..... potential

ап animal shelter. 5 extracurricular..... 11 ..... of residence

Training to Ье а cowboy is hard job/work. 6 ..... strength 12 ...., error

They set their goals/sights high.

Не is а shining/sparkling example to everyone.

f/ Decide if the sentences are I (true) or F (false) and correct the false
statements. Read through Module 5 and write а quiz of your оwп. Give it
to your partner. Check his/her answers.
1 The shaolin monks are trained in the 6 Fees at Khan Academy are high. *;_:#
art of Kung Fu. 7

2 Salman Khan is а university lecturer.

з The Воу who Наrпеssеd the Wiпd is Breaking down information helps '...ii...11
about Вrуап Mealer. you remember it. ...,,.,ii;fi

4 Tai Chi is а martial art. 9

5 The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is 10 о Australia. 1j

for university students.
ffi ffiфffiffi.ъ

Russla has always Ьееп kпоwп for its gifted musicians and the
country has produced some of the greatest composers and
performers iп history inc|uding world famous Tchaikovsky and
Rаkhmапiпоч. Nowadays, in order to preserve and continue this
ffi**dýяэgr & &ýsf*явý*,gr great musical tradition mапу institutes and private individua|s
What is Yuri Rozum Foundation? suрроrt talentф children who hope to опе day follow iп the
() tisten to and read the text to find footsteps of their forefathers and Ьесоmе musicians.
The Yuri Rоzum lпtеrпаtiопаl Charity Foundation was created iп
2005 to invest iп the musicalfuture of Russia. Since then, it has
Ьееп awarding scholarships to children from the ages of 7 to 17

.,-/ tRФ Read the text а9аiп and
who wish to study music but whose parents саппоt afford
decide if the statements (1-5) аrе school fees. The idea Ьеhiпd the рrоgrаmmе is that if а child is
I (true), F (false) or NS (поt stated). talented they should Ье given every орроЁчпiý to Ье able to
develop their skill, То select the children who will Ье given ап
Tchaikovsky and Rakhmaninov both got
award, competitions аrе held every уеаr iп allof Russia's regions.
scholarships when they were young.
Children are invited to соmе апd реrfоrm before а jury of judges
Yuri Rozum scholarships аrе for children who decide whether they аrе wоЁhу of ап award or поt. Those
of all ages. who are setected аrе given financiai support to help them with
Children seeking а scholarship have to their musical studies for опе year. They сап spend this mопеу to
perform before judges. buy instruments, рау school fees оr private lessons and for travel
The scholarship has to Ье used to рау апd living expenses if they have to live away from home. At the
music schooI fees. end of the year, judges rечiеw the participanis' progress and if
they believe that the child has woйed well the scholarship сап
А lot of the money is raised through
Ье renewed for another уеаr.
music events.
Мопеу to support the foundation is raised in different ways but
the mаiп fund-raising events are сопсеrts. Every уеаr оп the
/ Mrt.b the words in bold in the UNESCO lnternational Day for the Protection of Childhood the
text to their meanings. foundation holds а music festival in Moscow during which the
1 deserving something wiппеrs of the previous year's scholarship реrfоrm. lt is а
fantastic way to show what great work the foundation does and
2 able to рау
raise mопеу to help ечеп mоrе young musicians.
3 keep
4 choose
5 ability
6 chance

le Tell the class а short summary of the

ý iФ Find out mоrе about the yuri

Rozum lnternational Charity Foundation.
writeа short text. present it to the class.

check these пrords

gifted, composer, preserve, follow in sb's
footsteps, forefather, invest, award, fee,
jury, worthy, financial support, ехрепsеs,
review, scholarship, fund-raising, foundation
VосаЬчlаrу: арреаrапсе & character, changing

cne's арреаrапсе, types of people, body langua9e,

body idioms, communication mistakes
Grammar: the causative, speculations, clauses,
Everyday English: rearranging an appointment

ffi*ёЁ*reщ ё*
l ntonation: expressing sympathy
Phrasal verbs: fill, hold, try
Word formation: forming поuпs from verbs €

Writing: а description of а person

Culture Corner: Haka (New Zealand - ceremonlai
Жrз#w у#ж
Curricular (5сiепсе): Animal commu nication очвп то уоч!
Russia 6: The captoin's daughter Ьу Pushkin
Describe two people уоч kпоw.
] :: : :: ::
Lаurеп is our пеigLlЬоur, She's !п her rпid-thlrtiеs

Ы*g*&ж ý*rу gпd has strвiglзt Ьrоч,tп hаir apd в tаппеd

&рр**r**ъс* с*mрlехi*п.5&е scelпs t* Ье trustworthy,
1 ,ý"' Complete with: сurlу, eariy, casually,
tаппеd, rosy, full, bushy, rочпd,
1 in her ...../mid-late teens/thirtiesisixties, etc
2 ..,../stra ht/wavy/ha r, ро nyta l,
i g i i sh ave п head
3 ....,/smartly dressed
4 pale/dark-skinned/..... complexion
5 ...../thin/plucked еуеЬ rows
6 ..,../chubby cheeks
7 square/oval/.,.., face
8 goatee/..... beard

О listen and check, thеп say.

.ё Mrt.b the adjectives to their sупопуms.
О listen and check, then say.
1 kind-hearted а eager
2 ambitious Ь shy
3 fun-loving с саriпg
4 introverted d outgoing
5 efficient е ill-tempered
6 trustworthy f organised
7 moody g reliable
8 rudе h impolite

З What does each person in the photos look

like? What does each person seem to Ье
like? Use words/phrases from Exs 1 & 2 to
describe them.
Mr Smittl is iп ftis late sixties, He's gat winИed skiл, а
futl white beard апd moustache апd bushy eyebrov,ls.
Не seems tB Ье в kiпd-hearted реr5ап, Не dаеsп't
seem to Ье rude.
€ Cfuanýeý
*hапgЕ*ъg *пе's арреаrапсе

€ а) (,] Listen and say.

ь) tr which of these changes have you/your

friends/family members made? Tell your partner.
l'че hgd mу ea{s pierced.

Z Read the title and the first sentence in /'Check these words
each paragraph. What is the text about?
(,] Listen and read to find out. muscular, spots, frizzy, convinced, rejected,
unflattering, puberty, adjust, puppy fat, аспе,
flawless complexion, enhanced, inadequate,
Уwж &tr* жЁt** tease, bully, boost

w*ж t***жk ýý** еffiеý


Two teenagers, Joe and Kate, are standing iп front of their epic fi|ms flex beautifuily toned rippling muscles. But mоrе З5
mirrors getting ready for school. Joe thinks to himself: 'l'm than likely, they have had them digital|y enhanced, or
too skinny. Why aren't I tall and muscular? lt's not fair, And 'photoshopped', as they cali it in the trade. Not to mention
look at those spots - l look really awful!' А little iппеr voice the fact that mапу celebrities choose to have cosmetic
5 te||s Kate: 'You're fat and ug|y iп these jeans. Your legs surgery done to enhance their арреаrапсе, None of this
should Ье longer. And you hair's horrible - all curly and reflects аrealistic body lmage, so it's по wonder 4С
frizzy, No one will |ook at you twice!' |f these thoughts adolescents are made to feel inadequate and unsure of
sound familiar, that's because Joe and kate are far from themselves.
being alone,
The good news is that. hotvever dissatisfied you are with
10 lt's very соmmоп for teenagers to have а negative image of your looks, the chances аrе it's only temporary! Those extra
their оwп bodies. They insist they are hopelessly ugly, no kilos апd that spotty skin usually disappear Ьу themse|ves 45
matter how much their parents and friends tell them in time. While your body is sorling itself out and 'settling
otherwise! Magazine рrоЬlеm pages and lnternet blogs аrе into' its final form, you need to ride out the change! Resist
full of agonised accounts. The young people who write the temptation to соmраrе yourself with уоur peers. This is
15 them are convinced they аrе unattractive and therefore easier said than done when you аrе the tallest girl in уоur
unloved and rejected Ьу others. class or the only Ьоу who has staded growing а beard. You 50

Why do teenagers see themselves iп ап unflattering way? tend to feel the odd опе out and may ечеп get teased or
The fact is, puberty has а lot to do with it. During your early bullied. Just rеmеmЬеr that although teens' bodies change
teens, the body is рrераriпg itself for adulthood. New at different speeds, everyone ends up at more or less the
same place iп the end]
20 chemicals are moving around the body as it adjusts io adult
hоrmопе leve|s. The body alters its shape, sometimes lt's lmpoftant to realise what things you сап change about SS
resu|ting in puppy fat. Skin problems such as аспе аrе also yourself and what things you can't. Correct diet and
соmmоп. Teens are affected psychologically too. They exercise сап do wonders for уочгарреаrапсе. Having your
Ьесоmе confused апd anxious about their changing hair restyled, your nails manicured оr your teeth whitened
25 appearance. This iп turn сап lead to feelings of insecurity will also help boost your self-confidence, The things you
and low self-esteem. сап't alter, like уоur height оr your shoe size, should Ье 60
Nor is the situation helped Ьу the media. Young people are sееп as strengths and not weaknesses. They are, after all,
bombarded with images of the ideal body. Тор fashion the features that make you а unique individual!
models in glossy magazines are all far taller and skiппiеr So don't Ье like Joe and Kate! Stop worrying so much
30 than the average woman. They have their hair and make-up about the way уоu look and lеаrп to accept yourself as you
done professionally. After а fashion shoot, magazine editors are. Tell yourself you аrе just as attractive, inte|ligent and 65
have the photographs airbrushed before they аrе published cool as the next person. lf you feel good about yourself, the
to qive the models а flawless complexion. Male actors in chances are other реорlе will feel good about you tool
Specutating & making
assumptions ,ЪТ,,r,'
;, _

fr'ga15 pier:ccd 5 а) Read the sentences. Which sentence: refers

to the patt? expresses durotion?
.7"/ Read again and for questions 1-5, choose 1 Не must Ье tired. He's gone to bed еаrlу. (l'm
the best answer д, В, С or D. sure he is.)
The first раrа9rарh of the text implies that 2 That can't Ье Tom. He's got short hair. (l'm sure
А no one has а perfect body. it isn't.)
В many teenagers wоrrу about their арреаrапсе. З She says she might/could/may get а tattoo.
С being unattractive is unfair. (lt's possible)
D boys and girls compete to look good. 4 Suzy's hair is сurlу. She must have had а perm.
According to the text, puberty is а trme (l'm sure she did.)
А when you are sure to gain weight. 5 lt's 10:00 pm, Не can't Ье working. (l'm sure he isn't.)
В that is difficult to рrераrе for.
С that influences your mепtаl rveIl-being.
Ь) Rewrite the sentences using might/moy/
could, must or cтn't, as iп the example.
D to seek help frоm an adult.
Fashion models
1 l'm sure Andy hasn't gone to the hairdresser's.
Апdу соп't have gапе ta the hairdresser's.
А travel with their оwп реr5опаl make-up artist.
В are а source of inspiration to the average woman.
2 l'm sure that Sandra is talking to Steve.

С are as keen as film stars to have cosmetic surgery.

З l'm certain James didn't get а tattoo.

D have their арреаrапсе improved artificially.

4 Perhaps Jane borrowed your coat.

Teens are advised not to соmраrе themselves

5 l'm sure she had а facelift.

with others because

6 l don't believe Carol is having surgery again.

А they may end up getting bullied.

В it will upset their classmates. 6 # Make as mапу assumptions about the
pictures as possible. Use the phrases.
С it's difficult to make accurate comparisons.
D everyone develops at а different rate. о sit exam . stressed . know answers
Joe and Kate are examples of teenagers who . revise рrореrlу
А try hard to Ье accepted.
В don't make the most of their good points.
Не must Ье sitting ап exzm, 1

С are unattractive to their peers.

D don't worry about the right things.

Grаmmgr sge

The causative
t...,. ..'
4 а) Read the example sentences. Which
suggests that the action is done Ьу
another person?
7 # Make notes on each paragraph ofthe
Wепdу Ь ier ue ls hеr по : роiпtеd text, then use them to tell your partner а
1cf , f !эаviпg
summary of it.
Ь) Rewrite the sentences in the causative.
1 Mrs Jones is making а dress for Jo. 8 @t The writer says that we should
2 The hairdresser has dyed Anne's hair. lеаrп to accept ourselves as we are. lп three
3 Steve will shorten Tom's trousers. minutes, write а few sentences expressing
4 Someone should re-hee| уоur shoes. your opinion. Read them to the class.
Vocabulary Bank б р. VB21 109
Types of реорlе
d 7 'gоssiр
1 ,/"/ Match the types of people to the definitions I
Tne might seem harmless, but when
thеу'rе talking about you, it сап Ье extremely
and make sentences.
о tisten and check. ) upsetting and embarrassing, Gossips take great
delight in passing on bad пеws: "Did you hear about
1 gossip А walks all over others J ''
рооr. . . . They аrе not that worried about the truth

2 bully В likes to cause problems

}r either, As long as it sounds good, they're more than
willing to pass the story оп, usually exaggerating it iп
3 whinger С is easily disorganised } the process. The gossip will оftеп try to find out what

4 killjoy D likes hurting others ý you know iп оrdеr to tell someone else later оп, but

5 Е f avoid getting involved. lf necessary, Ье direct:

snob loves having а good time ( "Sor.ry. l'm 1ust not interested in gossip!" Gossip
6 troublemaker F exaggerates their emotions
Р usuallv dies dotvn quickly when по опе wants io
7 scatterbrain G just won't stop talking
8 know-it-all Н thinks they're better than others
9 chatterbox l complains about everything
10 bighead J is always telling others what to do
11 drama queen К thinks they know mоrе than others
12 party animal L stops others enjoying themselves h
13 nosy раrkеr М thinks they are very important
14 bossy boots N enjoys talking about other people
15 steamroller О pries into other people's business
The gteorrroler сап Ье very hostile and
А gossip Ь sоmеопе wha епjауs tвlkiпg аЬочt ather people. aggressive апd will walk all оvеr уоч without а second
thought. They mау shout. make threats and ечеп
physically intimidate their victims to get what they
Rеаdýmg & Дfstе пiпg want. lt is essential to Ье calm when dealing with а
steamroller so that they don't get even angrier. Don't
Look at the pictures in the text. What type is each shout back or appear sоаrф or neruous as this is
person? How can we deal with each ? what they want - for you to Ье afraid of them. Let the

Q Listen and read to find out. steamroller see that уоu take them seriously, even
admit they may have а point, but Ье assertive and
firmly state уоur case. Sometimes you have to stand
3 "| ý Read again and match the headings to the up for yourself and поt back down.
texts. There is one extra heading.


ii 6 PAlNFULLY SHY harmless, take delight in, exaggerate, process,
7 LOUD AND FoRcEtUL direct, die down, contribute, hostile,
aggressive, without а second thought,
Ь) What is the author's purpose? intimidate, admit, assertive, firmly, back down.
dominate, neutral, issue, drag, couldn't care
less, trivial, bizarre, downside, dismiss, mоап,
handle, interrupt, life-threatening, take ап
interest, triumph, tragedy


--Э hnorp-it-oll .., well, thinks they kпоw it all!They can / ;]

-;,,е valuable opinions to offer, but the problem is, they can't rl

;-эпd being wrопg. The know-it-all tends to dominate

:.:rversations and оftеп tries to make other people feel small €
:ecause of their lack of knowledge, Опе wау to deal with these
..,ds of people is to not get involved in whatever they are
эКiпg about: stay neutral or admit to seeing both sides of ап
ssue. Don't forget that the most important thing for know-it-alls rе*ýýп &
s lvinning an argument. lf they try to drag you into опе,
е: them kпоw that you couldn't care less about
Read the examples. Which words do we use to
ф ппlпg,
soon get bored if they can't show off!
introduce each type of clause? Find examples
in the text.
Clauses of purpose
Аmу ncved seatl 5r а5 ta/iп order ta /sa that slie couJd
ne ruhingr complains about absolutely ечегу,thiпgl lt p.o,'d 5t е
:oesn't matter how trivial or bizarre the complaint l-The ice
She'l! leove ecr|y so that she wсfi'r Ье llte,
]rеаm wag far too co|d!"), the whinger wili go оп апd on
clauses of result
about it as if it's the end oithe world, lhey seethe downside
эf everything апd dismiss every solution you соmе up with.
He's sa talkatlve/such а talkative р€rsоп that l rcп't get
l, .161; lбпg
ne problem is, deep down they love mоапiпg, Опе way to _,

randle а whinger is to agree with them compietely: "You're Не tclks а lot, As с rеsиJf, l сап't work,

absolutely right, l don't know how you put up ъvith it all." lt was suсh bad weother that we stoyed !п, :

,Vhingers often just want а little bit of sympathy: опсе lъ* clauses of reason
Не ovcios Тrосу because she's о gosstr:.
Tl"ght соmрlаiп lessl Sincel{s Тrосу ts о gossip, hе Bvotds hеr-
The rеаsоп why he avoidsiHis rеа5оп f*r avaidiпg Trocy
,s <,]е (, gOSSlp
clauses of mаппеr
ihe behaves if she was the boss. (but she isn't)
\о matter what you do, уоu cannoi gе: а э,с in edgeways;
Не looked яs if he had sееп а qhost (but he didn't)
:he chotterbox talks on and сг .,. а:о оп! These
эеор|е are sociable and often have эlg neais. but they
don't listen to what you have to say а^] as а result it's
lmpossible to get anything done аrоLгс :пэт| Тry taking 5 ý rinathe correct words.
control Ьу interrupting them firmly апо sat,::g something like Sue couldn't work the reason why/due to the
'Wait а minute, let mе ask уоu а ques:.on aDout that." You
fact that Тапуа wouldn't stop talking.
can also try listening to these people for а v,,hile - after all,
they mау just Ье lопеlу - and then say. tt,i:n а smile, "Ok,
Simon сап Ье so/su(h а whinger that по опе
well nice talking to you but l really have to get back to this wants to work with him.
поw," and hope they get the messagel We sat far away from Harry iп order to/due to

avoid speaking to him.
4 Не behaves since/as though he owned the place.
5 Апп tried to stay calm so as to/so that Топу
wou|dn't get even апgriеr.

ýресkýяэg & #Уrýffпg

when а drono цlееп stubs а toe, it's а life-threatening ý ,* -";r:- lmagine you know scimeone who
injury, but whеп they find а plaster it's as if they've won ап
г. behaves as described iп the text. Describe
Oscar!They exaggerate eveфhing that happens to them and Ё.
him/her to your partner. Your раrtпеr advises
share it with the world through tears of pain and joy. The
thing to do is react as little as possible. Ву taking ап interest you how to deal with them.
in their |atest triumph or tragedy, you аrе just encouraging
them to keep Ьlоwiпg things out of propotlion.
..._. ,"; 7 Пбl Cboose another of the types of people in
Ех. 1. Find out what these people are like and
how to deal with thern. write short а
paragraph. Tell the class.
Eank б р. VB22 111

г *жý€
ЪЖý ж r-*ъ #*уж*r
Ъфd ъ@в* g
-4ffi в

Тhе Haka originates from the native inhabitants called а kakahu. The costume is made up of а
of New Zealand, the Maori people. It is а very grass skirt and а l;e t rrith unique engravings.
physicaI dance with chants which wеrе The Maori people аrе also famous for their
1) ..... (TRADlTlON) performed as wаr cries, tattoos оr Та Moko, rrhich соt,еr their faces,
Nowadays, it is performed to welcome important making this dance look er еп I]lоrе ferocious!
8uests, to
recognise great achievements and The most well-knolvn Haka is called Ка Mate.
simply to епtеrtаiп. If you ever watch New The story goes that ile пlоst feared
Zealand playing rugby, you wiII aIso see the 5) ..... (TRlBE) chief, Те Rauilalaha, \vas fleeing
team, theAll Blacks, реrfогmiпg the Haka. They frоm his enemies. ,\s ie tvas greatly
do this to shorv respect to past and рrеsепt outnumbered, he hid in а nlt orotected Ьу
2) ..... (PLAY), the supporters and New ZeaIand апоthеr chief and his ц.,ife Ti.e c|,ant lэelow is
I and ... to scare their opponents. The All BIacks alэout the moment the епеmr .,,Ьс r1.1ssed пеаr
performed their first Haka iп 1ВВВ in Britain, but the pit to look for him and hi, 6)
it is now recognised all over the world. switched lэetween living and c]l l:
The 'hаirу
The dancers imagine that their body is ап mап' is the chief who hid him alcj :lас]е sr:re he
orchestra in which thеir hands, feet, Iegs, body, saw the sun again, lt is said that he с:.:lе Lt1l tt,ith
voice, ton8ue and eyes аII rерrеsепt this chant while in hiding and tha: ^е lleriormed
З) ..... (MUSIC) instruments. The Haka involves it as soon as he rеturпеd to his ri],a.,;e \orr, the
а lot of 4) .... (POWER) body movements; Ка Mate is реrfоrmеd as а celeil,:, o: of the
slapping уоur hands on уоur body, showing the triumph of life очеr death.
whites of уоur eyes (pukana), sticking out уоur
tопguе (whеtеrо) and stampin8 уоur feet - i Ка mate, ka mate! Ка ora, ka ora! l diel I diel l liyel l live! i
imagine а tribe of Maoris doing all this holding : Ка mate, ka mate! Ка ora, ka ora! l diei l diel l lire] I livel
weapons while preparing to go into battle! Тёпеi te tangata p0huruhuru This is the hairr mап who felched the sчп

The Маоri people реrfоrm in а traditional outfit Nana пеi itiki maiwhakawhitite ri And cauled it to shine again ;
1 А, чрапе! Ка upane! Опе uркаrd step! Another upward step! ;

; А, uрапе, ka чрапе, whiti te ri! An uprrard step, another,.. the sun shines! l
check these words : Hi!

originate, native, chant, war сrу, supporter, iw1,i:-

opponent, slap, stick out your tongue, stamp Why don't you take а look at а Haka ol \ ouTube?
уоur feet, tribe, wеароп, go into battle, grass
skirt, engraving, епеmу, pit, switch, triumph .d.

€ _,я' Complete with: welcome, stamp, physical, body,

() tisten to the chant and look at outfit, stick out, notive, triba!.
the picture. What do you think Haka 1 ..... inhabitants 5 to ..... your feet
is? What special features does it 2 ...,. dance 6 to ..... your tongue
have? When do you think the Haka is З to ..... 9uests 7 traditional
performed? Read the text to find out. 4 ..... movements 8 ..... chief

,d -t&Read again and complete Listen and read. Tell your partner four
the gaps with the correct form of the things уоч remember from the text about the Haka.
words in capitals.

# ' '' Research а traditional dance оr

ё 1lCT.-
*ё*' Match the words iп bold with сеrеmопу iп your country. Find out: how it
their meanings: rчппiпg awoy, wal originated, whеп it's performed, whot performers
fewer iп пumЬеr thап another grоuр, look like, опу other interesting information,
опе of а kiпd, чiоlепt, frightепiпg. Compare and contrast it with Haka dances.

Everyday English 'Щl
Rearranging ап appointment
3 Find sentences iп the dialogue which
1 # Have you ever had to сапсеl or rearran9e mеап: Thot's too bod.
ап appointment? Why? Tell your partner, using - whеп was the lеssоп scheduled for?
ideas similar to the ones below or your own ideas. - l'm sorry, but that time is booked.
. stuck in traffic and can't get there оп time
. not feeling well . twisted ankle and too painful to рrопuпсiаtiоп:
waIk оп . had а famiIy emergency Expressing sympathy
. had to work late at short notice . had forgotten
about something more important 4 О Listen and say. Listen again and say
which the stressed words are.
rесепtlу had to rеGrrапgе а dentist's арроiпtmепt because
didп't feelwell. 1 l'm 5о sorry to hear thatI
2 0h по, that's awful!
2 а) () listen and say the sentences. 3 That's such а shamel
. l'm calling to see if l сап rеаrrапgе mу dance lesson. 4 l rеаllу hope things get better soon.
. l'm sorry to hеаr that. 5 Oh dearl
. What time was уоur lesson supposed to Ье?
. When would you like to rеаrrапgе it for?
. |'m afraid that time isn't available.
5 ffi
Could уоu make it оп Saturday the 1'lth at 10 am?
lmagine you want to call and
Ь) Which of the 5епtепсеs would а receptionist, а rеаrrап9е а dentist's appointment.
coller say? Use the sentences in Ех. 2а and the
() listen and read to find out. ideas iп Ех. 1 to act out а dialogue.

Good morning, Swап Lake Dance Studios. i :-,S

Oh, hello, this is Fiопа Simpson. l'm calling to see if l
Say who you
can rеаrrап9е my dance lesson. l twisted mу ankle are & why
yesterday morning and it's painful to walk оп today.
уоu'rе calling &
l'm sorry to hеаr that. What time Was your lesson give а reason
supposed to Ье? for rearranging.
lt was supposed to Ье at 5:З0 pm today. lt's а Sympathise if Reply.
private f|amenco dancing lesson with Laura. necessary & ask
0К. When would you like to rеаrrапgе it for? what time
How about Thursday next week at the same time? Му appointment was.
ankle should Ье fine Ьу then. дsk when в nsuggest
|'m afraid that time isn't available. Could you make would like to i day/time.
it on Saturday the 'l1th at ]0 аm? rеаrrапgе for. l
Erm ... yes, that should Ье fine. Tell В that time
ОК. So see you оп the 1 1th. isn't available.
Great. Thank you very much. Suggest an
You're welcome. Goodbye.
Confirm day/time. П.
End conversation. УýThank

ý*dy Ё*ýk

У*gg&ýj ý*rу
ýedy ýааъgшаg*

ý а) а Listen and say.



raise your Ф

Lrlll l

Craig smiles confidently and anslvers 'yes' to the question
while ruЬЬiпg the back of his еаr. The iпtеrчiеwеr continues

to ask him questions about his CV. Dаrrеп Stanton is sitting

quietly next to the iпtеrчiеwеr throughout the interview, Мr

, wrinkle your nose show your teeth

Stanton says nothing, but intenseiy studies Сrаig as he
answers each question. Little does Сrаig know, but he has
Ьееп hiгеd Ьу the соmрапу to teil them when interviewees

аrе lying, Аftеr Сrаig has left, Мr Stanton points out which of
his answers wеrе lies and which лчеге truthful. Ву analysing
Craig's body language, such as lvhen he ruЬs his еаr, he is l0
able to distinguish between lies and the truth. Stanton, поw
known as 'the human lie detector', picked up these skills
during the time he was working as а fоrепsiс psychologist
and а police officer. Studies have shown that in an аvеrаgе
10-minute conversation, people teIl at least 3 'lies'. Оur t5
bodies give off а mixture of subconscious signals and signs
which cannot Ье concealed even Ьу the most сlечеr of liars.
According to Stanton, most of these lles аrе told to avoid
hurting someone's feelings оr iп awkward situations, They аrе
simp|y а рагt of human паturе. lf this is true, what сап the 20
average person do to know if they аrе being sрuп а уаrп7 Мr
Stanton gives his top tips fоr spotting а fiЬЬеr in actionl
frown ореп your eyes & mouth wide . Look mе in the еуе, but not for too long...
lt is often said that liаrs аrе unable to look you straight in the
Ь) How do you think each person feels: еуе, This сап Ье true апd they may ruЬ their eyes, for instance,

emborrassed, confused, scored, worried, to avoid еуе contact. But it may surрrisе you to know that 25
rеаllу good liагs often оvеrсоmРепsаtе Ьу maintaining еуе
disgusted, оппоуеd, surprised, shocked?
contact lопgеr than поrmаl in оrdеr to convince you thеу'rе
J fhink the реrsоп vуhо is scratclziпg his lзеаd is telling the truth. lf they hold еуе contact for lопgеr than six
сапfusеd. seconds, Ье suspicious about what they аrе telling уоu.
о ВчJу hands...
ýеаdýяg & Дisfе пý,r,g While telIing а lie, people often instinctively use their hands to з0
touch their faces, sсrаtсh their heads оr соvеr thеir mouths
Z Which of the gestures iп Ех.1 could suggest
which show their discomfort, Sometimes they will even hold
that someone is lying? an object in front of them such as а book to сrеаtе
,i а
d Listen and read to find out. subconscious Ьаrriеr to hide behind.


ý Read the text and decide if the

statements are I (true), F (false) or NS (not stated).

check these words 1 lt takes Мr Stanton ten minutes to decide who is lying.
2 Rubbing уоur eyes suggests you аrе telling the truth.
confidently, rub, intensely, hire, truthful, 3 People tend to use their hands when telling lies.
distinguish [between], lie detector, forensic
psychologist, subconscious signaI, сопсеа],
4 А short reply to а question suggests the person is
awkward, human nature, spin а уаrп, spot, telling the truth.
fibber, еуе contact, overcompen5ate, 5 Right-handed people telI more lies.
convince, suspicious, instinctively, 6 А change in the colour of оur face shows if we are lying.
discomfort, barrier, stall, mirror, telItale sign,
7 А smile doesn't always suggest someone is happy,
twitch, musc|e spasm, flash [across;, еуе ,d,
droop, tricky, instinct, pulI the y;oo c,,er, 8 Body gestures always reveal the person's feelings.
someone's eyes, itchy ,ý
4 я*/ Complete with: iпtепsеlу, forensic, hurt, spin,
. ýtalling for time.." confidently, signals, spz;ms, body, noture, contact.
When faced with а question а pe,s:^ ]-=j- . ,,,alt to 35 1 Smile ...., 6 to ..... one's feeIings
iell the truth about, they often -,-:- :, ,.:=:l the 2 ,.... study 7 human .....
languageof theреrsопasking the ]-.j,:-,, r,:о buy 3 ..... language 8 to ..... а уаrп
if а l:,-.--_ l:-:i- : dskcd,
time to think. Fоr instance,
4 ,... pSychologiSt 9 еуе,....
"Did you go to the сiпеmа insieэ: ,',.-:" ^;?" they
will reply "No, ldidn't", whereas э .- ^.. .; no time
5 subconscious 10 muscle.,..,
to think, will mirrоr the Qiles::- :_. s:, -с "No, l
Cidn't go to the cinema ins:c;: :' ,.-;, "э"' Тhеrе
**dy Ёdýggжs
may also Ье an increase ln l^e -,-.:.- :' ums' and "ф
'ahs'they use, again shоrчiпэ _^.. .-._. а,е thinking ý "ý' Complete with: chest, feet, eyes, hапd, еуе, leg,
(ur Listen and check. Are there similar idioms iп
while ialking. 45
. Rlght- or left-handed... your lan9uage?
Whether а реrsоп is right-hance; :- :*,- "anded also
We asked our neighbours to keep а(п) ,.... on our
plays а rоlе whеп telling lies. Rlo":--.^:.; эеорlе tend
house while we wеrе оп holiday. (watch to protect)
to look гight whеп lying while lеr-,:-:э: ceople tend
to look left.
Don't let Tom pull the wool очеr уоur ,....; ask him
. Fасе to face... where he really was last night. (trickideceive you)
Most liагs will have а telltale sign о^ :^е::асе such as 50 Just Ьеfоrе her wedding, Jane started to get cold ...,. .
going as white as а sheet оr the ехас: opposite - (feel nervous before ап event)
blushing. Such changes аге subconsc э-s ,€5ропsеs to 4 Can l give you а ..... with the housework? (help you)
stress brought оп Ьу lying. Also, lоок fог miсrо-
5 l'm not really а police officer; l'm just pulling уочr
expressions, little пегчоus twitches ог r.,jscie spasm5
.....| (joking)
around the eyes, cheeks оr neck whlci, f ash асrоss 55
people's faces, giving away their tгuе emotions. Thanks for listening to mу problem; l just needed to
Someone may Ье smiling at you, fоr ехаmоlе, but get it off mу ..,.. (talk about it)
suddenly you spot their eyelids, еуеЬrоtчs апd the
соrпеrs of their mouths drоорiпg. This couId пlеап they
аrе actually feeling sad. Ве wаrпеd, though - miсrо-
ýрея&ýяэgr & Wrýfýвъg
expressions last for less than а second, so thеу'rе rеаllу
tricky to spot.
# +#;F Use the text to tell уочr partner how опе
сап detect а Iiar,
Above all, trust уоur instincts! lf you think someone is
trying to pull the wool очеr уоur eyes/ уоu'rе рrоЬаЬlу
right. Having said that, don't take things too fаг. Yоur 65 7 Ш Do research to find out mоrе about
friend might scratch their head while thеу'rе talking to "*ff
body language and what it tells you about someone.
you, but maybe it's ;ust itchy! Te]l the class.
1lcta Вапk ё *. VВZЗ 115

Dr Denise Herzing knows the names of all the members
of the pod of wild spotted dolphins she studies. She knows
who the grandparents аrе and when their grапdсhildrеп wеrе
Ьоrп. She recognises sсаrs on flippers and сап rеmеmЬеr when
solution, thеrеfоrе, was to come up with а new simple language
the wounds first арреаrеd, When the dolphins арреаr, she
that both humans and dolphins could share. Неr latest
mimics thеiг behaviour Ьу swimming upside down to say hello.
ехреrimепt involves а small waterproof computer that divers
She is very familiar with each individual dolphin. This isn't
wi|l wеаr called СНАТ (Cetacean Hearing and Telemetry). lt will
surprising as she has shared 27 summеrs off the Flоridа coast
send out опе of eight signals that соrrеsропd to something iп
and has had очеr 2,600 encounters with dolphins. She has
the undersea world, seaweed fоr example. The computer will
spent mоrе time with dolphins than апуопе else оп Earth. But
|isten to see if the dolphins mimic the signals. After the system
this is sti|l not enough for Denise. "l want to know what they're
has 'lеаrпt' dolphin, all the sounds the dolphins make will then
thinking," she says. lп fact, Denise has already spent уеаrs
Ье put through the computer which will try to work out
experimenting with communicating with the dolphins, but
patterns in them in огdег to decode the vocabulary and
hеr greatest wish is that опе day very soon the dolphins will Ье
grаmmаr of 'dolphinese'. Тhеп scientists сап lеаrп how to
able to speak back and tell hеr what's оп thеir minds.
'rерlу' with dolphin-like signals themselves. This uпdеrwаtеr
Dolphins have the second most evolved Ьrаiп on the planet
translator is опlу at the triаl stage at the moment, but if it is
after the human rасе and they are highly sociable and
successful, it could have а huge impact. Not опlу would it
intelligent and rеmаrkаЬlу ski|led at рrоЬlеm so|ving. They live
delight marine biologists such as Denise Herzing, but it mау Ье
in а complex society in which, together with friends and
possible to adapt the system to enable two-way communication
relatives, they rаisе their young, share responsibilities and
with other animal species, too. Scientists working at SET| (The
resolve conflicts. So сlечеr аrе these aquatic mammals that they
Sеаrсh fоr Ехtгаtеrrеstriаl Intelligence) have also expressed а lot
сап understand up to two hundred human words using
of interest in the device! They hope that СНАТ could Ье used to
gestures and symbols and ечеп the difference between а
make contact with life in distant galaxies! Herzing says that hеr
statement and а question. So fаr, however, attempts to talk
rеsеаrсh "mау Ье оur best trаiпiпg grоuпd fоr ехрlоriпg the
with dolphins have Ьееп mostly опе-wау. "Many studies ask
cosmos fоr other life, because if we can't understand life on this
dolphins to respond to human commands, using fish as а
planet then there is по hope for оur ехрlоrаtiоп of the galaxy."
rеwаrd, but rаrеlу do we ask dolphins to seek something frоm
Scientists like Denise Негziпg hope that it's опlу а matter of
1,1s," says Dr Herzing.
time Ьеfоrе we сап speak to dolphins. The опlу question is, what
Denise knows that it won't Ье easy to get dolphins to
on Earth аrе they going to say to us?
'speak' to us. Both the voca| chords of humans and dolphins
and the sounds they рrоduсе аrе ехtrеmеlу different. Dolphins
communicate with whistles, clicks and other sounds, some of
which аrе too highJrequency fоr humans to make out. "They
live in а sепsоry world we сап опlу imagine, full of different
sounds, sights and tastes," Dr Herzing explains. Неr elegant

€hесk thёsе words

pod, scar, flipper, wound, mimic, encounter, 2 RФ Read the text again and decide if the
evolved brain, remarkably skilled, resolve following statements are r (true), F (false) or
conflicts, aquatic mаmmаl, vocal chord, /V5 (not stated).
whistle, high-frequency sound, seaweed, ,l
impact, delight, adapt, make contact with, Dr Herzing copies the movements of dolphins,
distant galaxy, training ground 2 Dolphins are very shy animals.
з Dolphins live in very lаrgе groups.
4 There are mапу similarities'in the way dolphins and
humans produce speech.
frэrdiяg 5 lt took Dr Herzing а long time to develop the пеw language.
СНАТ will Ье used for understanding the language of
а) What do you know about
doIphins? Tell the class.
Scientists have not seen апу definite results for the use
Ь) How do dolphins communicate? of СНАТ yet.
Why are s(ientists trying to Scientists expect communication with dolphins is а long
decode their language? Way from happening.

а) 6 use the words in brackets to rewrite

3 ._r# гlпо the correct words, then make а sentence
with the other word. Compare with your partner. the sentences, using inversion.
She didn't know dolphins would Ьесоmе
Denise is fami]iar/common with all the dolphins; she
her life's work. (little)
knows all their паmеs.
2 There are dolphins off the shore/coast of Florida,
Дlffle did she kпоиr (thot) dolphiпs
wочld Ьесоmе her life's wаrk.
3 Dolphins сап conclude/resolve conflicts.
4 Dolphins send out high-frequenry signals/ signs that
Аппа has печеr Ьееп diving and Tom
hasn't either. (not опlу)
humans can't hear.
Denise is investigating/ experimenting with different
lf you see Mike today, ask him if he
wants to go diving оп Saturday. (should)
ways to communicate with dolphins.
Swim with dolphins and you will realise
СНАТ could have а huge impression/ impact оп the
how amazing they are. (опlу if)
search for extraterrestrials,
Greg had а tiring day so he fell asleep on
SETI wants to make touch/ contact with aliens.
the bus home. (such)
Ь) M.t.b the words in bold to their meanings:

trying to, sort out, mееtiпgs, understand, imitotes, Кеу wеrd trапsf,оrmаtЕепs
developed, iпtеrрrеt, сопsеqчепсq most recent.
7 ,.1 Complete the second sentence so
ccllective почп5 - animals that it means the same as the first.
Use two to five words including the
4 ./', Complete the phrases with the words in the list.
word given.
о pack о pod о соlопу . shoal . swarm . pride
Sam had just dived into the water when
. herd . flock . litter
the dolphins appeared, (SOONER)
а ..... of cows/elephants 6 а .,... of lions No ...,. into the water than the dolphins
2 а ..... of wasps/bees 7 а ..... of dolphins арреаrеd.
3 а ..... of fish 8 а ,.... of ants We won't swim here under any
4 а ..,.. of birds/sheep 9 а ..... of dogs/ circumstances. (WlLL)
5 а ..... of puppies/kittens wolves Under ..... swim here.
(u) Listen and check. Jo was happy апd she couldn't stop
smiling. (WAS)

Grаrwmаrрр. т:.л,
So ..... she couldn't stop smiling.
They сап only see if СНАТ works if they
lпчеrsiсrп *.:*l9 test it. (TESTlNG)
Read the theory Ьох, then find examples iп the text.
5 Опlу ...., see if СНАТ works.

WЁ сап invert the suЦеС and the auxiliary,7g.з :, а se.tence to give emphasis:
. when the sentence starts with rаrеlу, seldom, so, such, etc.
Rarely does Дпdrео stap talking,5чсh о lапg time hos Dепlsе
ýреаkýпg & Writing

warked with rhe dоlрh!пs that she K...,,,i:,.-] oilby поmе.
8 О Listen to and read the text.
with so, neither, nor to express agreement/disagreement. Jсhп lmagine you are Denise Herzing and
, loves апimоis ппа sa does Haпiloh. you аrе giving а talk about your life's
with should, were, had when they соmе at the beginning of an iЁ
work. Make notes оп each paragraph
clause instead of if. ffяd she dопе better ot sсhоэj, she'd llove studied
Маriпе Btology.
of the text, then use your notes to
in the mаiп clause when the expressions опlу after/by/iflwhen,
give your talk.
not until start а sentence, 0пlу if the dolphtns mtmlс the stgпais,
will the ехреr,mспr work.

г %kýý*ж
5о we're meeting Еlаiпе and Jo at 7 o'clock
ж at ... Sally? Sally, are you listenlng to me?


lthink we.",
Wе'rе going to Апп's and after to meet you, John.

that wе'rе having dinner with my How do you know Sandy?

cousin. DId you say something?
вя ý
,d tr:ф
ы#tr##еý ý#trw

Yоu'rе going to listen to а mап talking аЬо-й

fl *ж жъ * яъ gеЁЕ*rе

Ё тэъ *sЁ*k*g solving problems through effective communication. Listen ad

а) () t-isten and repeat. What are for questions '|-6, choose the correct answers {1,2 or 3).

these phrases in уоur langua9e? Вrепdап begins Ьу saying that arguments

Can you add any more соmmuпiсаtiоп
1 аrе usually а result of bad communication.

mistakes to the list? 2 can Ье soIved through good communication.

3 сап usually Ье avoided
. not allow the other person to Brendan suggests ways of
speak 1 avoiding conflict. 3 communicating.
. Ье argumentative and aggressive 2 being better listeners
. put уоur foot in it (say the wron9 Brendan says you should rереаt what someone has said ::
thing) 1 show that you've Ьееп 1istening.
о interrupt the speaker 2 make sure уоu heard соrrесtlу.
. not make еуе contact 3 give you time to think lvhat to say next.
. taIk down to someone Вrепdап advises using '|' гпеs5аgеs iп order to
r not рау attention 1 Ье more direct. 3
emphasise уоur point.
. talk too fast 2 avoid аппоуiпg the other реrsоп.
о get tongue-tied (not know what to Не says а common mistake is
Say) 1 not telling the truth, З
not admitting being wrопс
. have negative body language e.g. 2 not speaking clearly.
scratch, fidget, crock your knuckles Вrепdап advises people
. insist оп your оwп way 'l to become more mature, З to make others happy.
. talk too loudly 2 to Ье compromising.
Ь) Read the cartoons. Which mistakes &#*#trý#€
are the реор|е in each cartoon flrЁЁЁ*ЕsЕ*g & rеsр***ýгаg
& '. .... " Use the phrases iп Ех. 1а and the language in
the Ьох below to act out exchanges, as in the example.

ffiЖmake "i,,-.
ж things ноw do these
you feel оппоуеd,
. Yоu'ге alivays , i Do you mind not .. / Could you please stop
..? (+ vеrЬ + - ngi . Р ease don't .., . lt's so annoying irritating/
опgrу, confused, embarrassed? Tell
disrespectfu, etcL
your partner.
if*el аrэп*уеd wh*i: ssrn**fie iлterrupts ;t]* . l'm rеаllу sоrrу, i'l trу поt to do it again.
whеп i'ryl sр***;лg"
о 0h, l'm sоrгу, ldidn't realise lwas doing that
" Sогrу, l don't tlean to do that.
Y'*#'rс с;fr,vcзys liэiеrrчрtfuзg s?е bl.u**fi l'm spe.*$;!r:gi
в. tJft, l',тэ э*rr;{, ! ilidrз't re#lise l wrss d*liзg |hai"
1,1 в
СurriсuIаr: ýс!епсе

Read the introduction of the text and

the headings. How do you think these
animals/plants communicate? Gorillas stick очt their tongues to shоw anger, horses
о Listen and find out. rчЬ noses as а sign of affection and dogs stretch their
front legs out iп front of them and lower their bodies
whеп they want to play. Wildlife mау not literally
2 уФ Пеаdапd match the sentences to 'speak', Ьчt соmmчпiсаtе in some pretý amazing ways!
the correct animal А (ant), В (Ьее),
С (cuttlefish) оr Р (plant). Bees: Мау l hаче this dance? &
1 Physical contact passes on а me55age. Bees make а series of dance-like movements to
communicate the qua|ity апd location of food, lf а
2 They dance to indicate where others сап
food source is near the hive, а сirсulаr dance is
find something to eat. performed. А 'tail-wagging' dance in а figure-of- -.;
А change in co|our helps them to eight movement indicates that it is mоrе than В0 ."._,....
protect themselves. metres away.
They attract their епеmу's епеmу.

4 plants: silent communicators

3 ,u" Complete with: wсrлiпg, э sэ э1, lt might seem that al| plants do is grow leaves and
rub, sigпаl, releose, pile, пеrчочs, ,r6ss сп. look pretty, but mапу types of trees and plants send
Use the phrases to make 5епtеп(е5 out chemical signals iп order to communicate with
based оп the text. other trees апd plants and even with animals. For
example, when invaded Ьу caterpillars, соrп and
to..... noses
cotton plants send chemica| messages that attract
2 to ..,.. chemicals the caterpillar's worst enemies, wasps. Various
з to ..... аlаrm trees also send out wаrпiпg signals to other trees
4 а .,,.. of crumbs whеп attacked Ьу fungi and insects,
5 to ..... the news

6 .,... signals
Ants: ]llIasters of organisation
7 ..... system
lmagine organising thousands of people without
8 ...., of colours saying а word, Ants have up to 20 different chemicals
iп the mапу glands in their tiny bodies, Depending оп
}{t which chemical they rеlеаsе, they can signal alarm,
4 Ш ffi Find information about invite friends to eat or еvеп organise а military
the ways other wildlife communicates, campaign to attack ап епеmу. Also, if ап ant finds а
e.g. wholes, elephants. Present your pile of crumbs, it rubs its апtеппае and front legs оп
information to the class. its пеighЬоur to pass оп the good пеws. Ants mау Ье
small but they certainly have plenty to say!

Cuttlefish: ýау it with your skin!

affection, hive, tail-waggin9, invade, This sea апimаl has the wor|d's best camouflage skills!
caterpillar, wasp, fungi, 9land, release
Sacs of colour under its skin which are contro|led Ьу its
chemicals, signal, alarm, military campaign,
nervous system allow it to change the colour, pattern, and
enemy, pile of crumbs, апtеппае, pass оп,
ечеп texture of its skin iп seconds when it has something
sac, пеrчоч5 System, pattern, texture, prey,
predator to say, А zebra pattern оп а mаlе cuttlefish, for ехаmр|е,
warns other males to stay away. Cuttlefish put оп an
amazing display of colours апd ечеп lights to attract #
message, the cuttlefish says it with quite а show. ,. i
А letter describing
а реrsэп 1 tO Readthe model, then match the headings (A-D)
to the paragraphs (1-4).
А physical appearance/clothes
А letter describing а реrsоп should consist В comments & feelings
С personality & justifications
ап introduction giving brief general D nameirelatronship to writer & when/where/how met
information about the person, е,9.
name/relationship to us/how & when we
Hi Laurie,
met, etc;
а mаiп body of 2 paragraphs in which we l hope you're ОК. Let mе telI you about my new neighbour,

describe the person's physical appearance Nadia, who moved next door two months ago.

& personal ity/ hobbies/interests/activities/ Nadia is а very attractive girl in hеr early twenties. She's taIl
achievements, etc in separate paragraphs. and dark-skinned with shогt dark hair and dark brown eyes
We start each paragraph with а topic that sparkle when she laughs. She's always stylish and
well-dressed, whether she's iп casual clothes or evening
sentence summarising the paragraph;
а conclusion including оur final comments
& feelings about the person.
Nadia has а 9reat personality. She's very sociabIe and
ечеrуопе she meets seems to like hеr. She also has а
We use present tenses to describe
fantastic sense of humочr, making us laugh all the time.
5оmеопе we know well/see often (о
She tends to Ье rather bossy, though, and often tel|s others
relotive, а good neighbour/friend) and past what to do!
tenses for someone who's по lопgеr alive
Although we haven't known each other for that long,
or who we don't see апу mоrе (our best
Nadia has become а good friend, Неr kindness and great
friend from primary school, а relative who sense of humour make her great to hang out with, Write
hos passed owoy); back with your news.
When describing personality, we use а
variety of character adjectives and justify Аппа
them with an explanation or example.
Mott is very sociable. Не loves going out
апd mееtiпg пеw people, We use mild
language to describe negative qualities,
e,g. tend to, seems to, is rather, сап 2 ,ý Urtthe words/phrases below under the headings,
then add more from the letter. Compare with а раrtпеr.
sometimes Ье, etc, Аmопdа сап
sometimes Ье rather lazy, . often wears her hair in а ponytail . iп his mid-twenties
We link qualities with appropriate linkers: . is а bookworm . in hеr early forties . loves to have fuп
similar qualities (olso, апd, both ... опd, . of medium height о по sense of style . good-natured
moreover, os wellor) contrasting qualities . beautiful almond-shaped eyes . sensitive . absent-minded
(but, оп the other hand, nevertheless, iп . always smartly dressed . doesn't let difficulties get him down
spite of this, although, etc) Sarah is both . loves being outdoors . always does what he says he will
cheerful апd considerate. Ноwечеr, she is . often looks а bit scruffy . looks уоuпgеr than she is
sometimes very stubborn, . long blond hair . pale-skinned . has lots of tattoos
. wrinkles around her eyes . shy . good-looking
. keen оп water sports

Physical Appearance personality Hobbies/lnterests

of mеdiчm heigllt loyes fo hаvе fuп is о Ьооkwоrm


5 ,lQ Fiпd the correct words.
lЛаkiпg descriptions interesting ii
'l Не ts intelligent both/and kind-hearted, despite/
- nk your sentences together with а variety of but he сап sometimes look rather scruffy.
s:ructures to avoid writing а boring description. i:l 2 As well as/Moreover being hardworking, Аппа
,е is о handsome mап. Не hos tоппеd skin. Не is а
is also very determined. Nevertheless/However,
апdsоmе mап with tаппеd skin. she tends to Ье quite stubborn.
1е has grey hoir, lt mokes him look older, Не has З Не is and/both trustworthy and honest.
:rey hair which makes him look alder.
She is foshionoble. She always wears the latest
Yочr turn
lrепds.5hе is а fashionable wоmап who alwavs 6 Read the rubric. Who could you describe?
the latest treпds. How mапу paragraphs will you write and
"lears what will you include in each?
She hos lопg hoir. She wears it iп а ponytail. 5'э
,years her lапg hoir iп а ponytoil. You have received а letter from уоur English-
She has short fair hair. She looks sophisticated. speaking реп friend, Lisa,
Неr short fair hair makes her look soph|s! с::эс. So l'm reolly happy mу соusiп is staying with us for
о few weeks. l truly love her! Who's your fovourite
Link the sentences together using а variety relative7 What are they likeT lf you could сhапgе
of structures from the table above. опе thing obout them what would it Ье апd why?

Hayley is short and а little plump. She has Write her а letter and answer hеr З questions.
piercing blue eyes. They sparkle v;hen she smiles. l Write 100-120
words. _-__д
Mike is well-built. Не has curiy blond hair. Не
has а lot of tattoos. Не looks tough. 7 Write your article. Fоllоw the рlап. Use words
from the Useful Longuage Ьох.
Sally is а beautiful lady. She has dyed red hair.
she wears it in а Ьоь. , Р!ап :

л Para 1: name/relationship to you/how & when i1;

4 "ёО Complete with: pessimistic, reserved, you met him/her &

supportive, cheerful, еаsу-gоiпg, disorgonised, Paras 2-3: physical appearance,
4: feelings

со пfi dent, со п si derate. Para final comments &

Jane tends to Ье а bit..... . She's always running
late and losing things. Useful langшage
Mary is always so ..,.. . She's always ready to Physical арреаrап(е: tiny/short/tall/of medium height
listen and help me. (height); thin/s|im/skinny/of avera9e build/well-built/pl ump/

l've never met anyone as ..... as Tanya. l don't overweight (build); oval/round/long/freckled skin/tanned
skin/fair-skin nedidark-skinned/wrin kled (face); dark brown/
think l've ever seen her without а smile оп her
piercing blue/almond-shaped (eyes); straight/curly/wavy/
face !
dyedilight brown/blond/|ong/short cropped/spiky (hair);
James сап sometimes Ье quite ..... , Не always
crookediupturned/straight (nose); shabby/smartly-dressed/
points out how something could go wrong! scruffyifashionable/casual/smart clothes/great sense of
Karl is а very..... person. Не always seems to Ье style/badly-dressed/ eIegantly-dressed (clothes)
thinking about other people's needs. Personality: l've never met апуопе as ... (shy/hard-working/
Joe is а(п) ..... 9uy. Не always seems to sociable, etc)as (Tom).; (Теrrу) is a|ways so/l find (Terry)veryi
(Теrrу) is very/extremely ... (cheerful/se|fless/lazylreliable,
relaxed and doesn't get annoyed easily.
etc).; (Jane) is а very ... girl. She ...
Веаtriсе is a(n) ..... реrsоп. She's fairly quiet

Achievements: He/She is а skillediprofessional ... .

and keeps her feelings hidden. He/She has won/achieved ... . He/She has successfully ... .

Jennifer is quite ..... . She seems very sure of Expressing negative qualities: He/She сап sometimes
herself and what she can achieve. be/tends to be/is sometimes ratherican Ье ... (at times).
Вапk; Descriptive of а person 121

0 Although cosmetic surgеrу рrосеdurеs have risеr
shаrрlу iп the past decade/ опе аrеа stands out а
being the most рорulаr after nose jobs: implants. Tht
*.я# КеаЫ the texts and match each text (A-G)
with its heading ('1-8). There is one extra пumЬеr of people, both mеп and women, who аrt
heading. opting fоr implant 5urgеrу in оrdеr to drastically alte
the shape of their body is grоwiпg higher and higher
1 Not just for beauty The most рорulаr аrеаs iп the body whеrе implant
2 Ап extreme change аrе inseгted аге the chest, buttocks, and cheeks,
з А sad result for some
4 The demands of stardom
ЩТhеrе mау Ье а gгоwiпg пumЬеr of people optin
5 Trying to rеасh unrealistic goals fоr cosmetic 5uгgегу but there аrе mоrе арреаrапс
6 No need to go under the knife enhancement рrосеduгеs available now. Опе suc
7 Everyone secretly wants it рrосеdurе is the use of 'fillers' оr Botox, which аr
8 Archaeological evidence injected into the аrеа being treated. Fillers аrе ofte
made of соllаgеп and аrе used to smooth out аrеа
[д]Мапу wоmеп in the entertainment industry аrе with wгiпklеs such as the fогеhеаd, ог р|umр u
агеаý such а5 the lips. Botox is а neurotoxi

under pressure to аltеr their looks with cosmetic

suг9еrу. Wоmеп in fiIm аrе supposed to have produced Ьу the bacterium clostridium Ьоtuliпuгг
flawless features, so апу small irrе9ulагitу in а facial which can actually cause а letha| disease, lt wi
fеаtuге could rеsult in ап actгess falIing from the tеmроrаrilу рагаlуsе facial musc|es and so make th
desiгed 'А list' celebrity status. Age is апоthеr factor skin арреаr smoother fоr up to six weeks.
that affects celebrities. Aging is а ргосеss that is
definitely frowned uроп is show business, This is why
both mеп апd women in the film industry will do a|l
ENo medical рrосеdurе is risk-fгее and that app|ies t
cosmetic su19егу and tгеаtmепts. Unfortunately
they сап to combat it, including going uпdеr the some unethical beauty pгactitioners have give
knife, c|ients filler оr Botox in jections that have resulted i

facial disfiguгement. Also, as implant surgеrу сап Ь

vеrу expensive iп Еurоре and the US some peopl
ЩРlаstiс ýurgеrу is Ьу по means something rесепt оr
mоdеrп. lп fact, the first rесогdеd ассоuпt of plastic will trачеl to countries that оffег рrосеdurеs cheaply
5ur9еrу is in an Ancient Egyptian раругus which is uпаwаrе that the facilities апd materials they use аr
8,000 уеагs old and describes surgеrу to гесопstruсt of low standard. lmplanI su19еrу has resulted iп quit
а поsе. Nose rесопstruсtiоп, оr rhinoplasty as it is а few deaths iп rесепt уеагs.

officially called, also has а long tradition iп lndia,

going back at least 800 уеаrs. 5оmе of the еаr|у ГЦСоsmеtiс surgеrу tends to Ье associated with middle
Bгitish plastic 5urgеоп5 visited lndia in the 'l 8th aged wоmеп, as most ргосеdurеs аrе to combat th
century to lеаrп the techniques used in lndia. signs of а9iпg. However, mоrе and mоrе уоuп(
people аге choosing to have treatments nowaday:
Мапу youn9 people hаче Ьееп affected Ь

Щ When апуопе mentions p|astic 5uг9еrу/ most advertising and оthеr media which show unrealisti
people immediateIy think of cosmetic su19еrу images of models and оthеr stars. Though most suci
voluntarily регfогmеd to improve а реrsоп's looks. images have Ьееп digitally епhапсеd, they do add tr
But plastic 5u19еrу is also widely реrfоrmеd fоr the iпsесuritу mапу уоuп9 people feel about thei
medical rеаsопs. Сопе аrе the days when а ЬаЬу looks. They feel that such регfесtiоп is only attainabl
Ьоrп with а cleft palate - ап opening at the top of
the mоuth - would Ье disfiguгed fоr life. Plastic "::.:,.::::,n:.^".:|,n::-:,,,?:..:.,:,^":,:,":":,
sur9еrу has also made huge medical advances in
*:-,i::::, u:u,^:*
" :,::, . u...., |,,.,,.,. ,.,|,,.

lmаgiпе you lived high оп а mountain with no mobile рhопе
,,:..#j:ir,.i.'i:.li;j,= ::' ]i,:,:;;,f ; or fixed liпе. What's the best wау to tell your dad at the
{/ пеаd the text. Decide which of bottom of the mочпtаiп to bring home some milk? Ву
whistling, of сочrsе! That's how some соmmчпitiеs аrочпd
ihe statements (1-8) are true ('| - True),
the world соmmчпiсаtе _ through а whistled language.
false (2 - False) оr not stated, meaning
Llngu sts bеlieve there аrе about 70 whistled languages still in use today,
that you саппоt give а clear answer to
aiincigh only 12 are fully understood. Most аrе found iп isolated areas
them (3 * Not stated). у, t, dгificult terrain, such as mountains or canyons, where
сэтт;пiсаtiоп over distances is difficult. The obvious advantage of
А whistled language is very useful for ,,,, s:,ф speech is that it allows the speaker to communicate over |arger
those trying to communicate from far э s:alces (up to 5 km) than ordinary speech, The whistler also has the
aWay. эепеfit of reaching а number of people at опсе. Although this is not
1 True 2 False э:асtiсаl for those wanting а private conversation, it is а convenient апd
3 Not stated et'icient wау to spread news fast.
l"4ost whistled languages are based оп actual spoken languages and are
Whistled languages often consist of поt secret codes, They express the same information as the spoken
secret codes. language through the tone, length and stress of the whist|e, Speakers of
1 Тruе 2 False whistled languages сап ечеп switch from whistles to speech in mid-
3 Not stated sentence, like mапу of the residents of the small island of La Gоmеrа in
the Сапаry |slands.
At first, it was difficult for the islanders Severa| hundred years ago, the реорlе of this mountainous island
to lеаrп and use EI Silbo. developed а whistled language called 'El Silbo'; the паmе comes from
1 True 2 Fа lse the Spanish verb sl/bar which mеапs 'to whistle', and it developed out of

З Not stated the islanders need to communicate over inaccessible valleys and
towering cliffs. Traditionally, when опе person heard а whistle, they
El Silbo was very useful iп wаrtimе iп passed it оп. lslanders Ьесаmе so skillф that messages were
the past. successful|y spread from опе end of the island to the other. El Si|bo has
] Тruе 2 False played а vital role in the island's history. |t was the main form of

3 Not stated communication during invasions, wars and immigration. With the advent
of mоdеrп forms of communication, such as the telephone and the
New technologies made the use of mоЬilе рhопе, though, the use of the whistled |anguage slow|y declined.
whistled languages less frequent. Today, El Silbo is rarely used in everyday communication; however, it is

1 True 2 False still used to announce community events аmопg the farming
3 Not stated
communities. lп order to protect the language from dying out, ihe
authorities in La Gomera have made El Silbo а part of the school
Youths today are not interested in curriculum. The young people have embraced the idea of learning the
keeping Е| SiIbo alive. language апd even see some advantages iп it. "lt's less expensive than а

1 True 2 False
mobile phone and it's flln," says nine-year-old Апdrеа.
The people of La Gomera аrе fiercely proud of their linguistic heritage,
З Not stated
The same pride can Ье seen iп Kuskoy, Turkey - known as the 'bird
The people of Kuskoy are поw stаrtiпg village.'About 1,000 residents in and around the village also use а
to see the usefulness of а whistled whistled language to communicate across the rocky valleys, They have
29 whistles, опе for each letter of the Turkish alphabet. The whist|ed
language is а direct translation of Turkish words and has Ьееп passed
1 Тruе 2 False
down from generation to generation in this rural соmmuпiý. Locals are
3 Not stated determined not to let their bird language die out as they face the

The wiппеr of the best whistler

onslaught of modern technology. "Most people here are farmers and still
whistle across the val|eys to communicate with their neighbours,"
competition is awarded а grand prize.
explains one of the residents. The village even ho|ds ап аппuа| festival for
1 True 2 False the best whistler. lt's ап event that brings out the entire community to
3 Not stated celebrate their unique linguistic heritage, The message frоm Kuskoy is
simple: despite all the advances that have Ьееп made iп the field of
communication, sometimes the old ways are stillthe best,
:ffi ,."r7 Пеаа the text. FiIl in the gaps with the
'.' ",1;,1l,f Ё++;$

proper lexical form of the words in brackets. Yоч have 30 minutes to do this task.

i you have received а letter from your English-

j speaking pen friend, John.
ё : ,*,*.--*,^-_l
=;:, Му пеw friend, 5аm, is really great! l'm sure you'll i

ъ ; get аlопg well whеп уоч meet. ,

!iWhat's уоur best friепd like? Whot

-"-,- qualities of hisi

Ё i or her; do you admire most? What would moke you ,

not wznt to Ье friепds with him or her апу longer?

'Hear уе, hear yel'bellows а mап standing on the street
соrпеr. He's dressed in elaborate eighteenth century fiWrite him а letter апd answer his 3 questions.
c|othes - а black. red and gold coat, knee-length trousers, ý
writ. 100-120 words. Remember the rules of
black buck|ed shoes and а three-cornered hat. Не could Ье * letter writing.
ап actor with а role in а 'l) ..... (history) drama, but he is Ё.. *". * ,,,*

actually the 'town crier' in а British townl

ln Medieval Britain, town criers wеrе employed to make
-#p***f -,;
public 2) ..... (аппочпсе) in the streets, like а newspaper for
# Take part iп а telephone survey. You have
those who could not read. They used to walk around the to answer six questions, Give full answers
town centre and draw the public's attention using а hand to the questions.
bell, and, of course, their loud voice! They would publicise
market days, local news, adverts and sometimes even the Electronic ossistont; Hello I It's the electronic
price of groceries. They would also sometimes have to give assistant of Мах Stores Customers' Department. We
3)...., (popular) news such as tax increases, so they were kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to
protected Ьу law in case anyone reacted 4) ..... (anger).
find out about customer satisfaction. please answer
Nowadays, town criers сап sti|| Ье heard in some towns.
six questions, The surчеу is anonymous - you don't
Every year in the United Kingdom there is also ап аппuаl
town crying (compete), which includes categories have to give your паmе. So, |et's get started.
5) .....
such as 'loudest town crier' and 'best-dressed town crier'. Electronic ossistont: How old are you?
Liverpool, in northwest England, has recently appointed а Student: "l) ...,.
town crier after 200 years without опе, so, it looks like the Electronic ossistant: How often do you visit Мах
men with the loved voice and the special costume will Stores оr апу other large department stores?
6) ..... (bright up) the streets for years to come.

.rФ*ffir;ý]l|iэ}$:F-:&]!a]3yri!ýqiкIз$ý19.1*: Electronic ossistont: What is mоrе important to you

when choosing а place to shop: rап9е and qua|ity of
fl"s,жЯ"*е+Fятg, goods оr the attitude of the staff?

дц ý О Yоч wil] hear four short dialogues Electronic assistant: What qualities do you think
(A-D). Decide where these dialogues take
5оmеопе needs iп order to become а good shop
place. Use the places (1-5) from the list опlу
опсе. There is one extra place in the list.
Student;4) .....

1 school 4 dentist's Electronic assistant: Have you ever had to complain to

2 beauty salon 5 gym а store manager about а shop assistant's behaviour?

3 саfё Sfudent; 5) .....

Еlесtrопiс assistant: What would you advise а friend
who is thinking of working as а shop assistant?

Electronic assistoпt: That is the end of the survey,

124 Thank you чеrу much for your cooperation.
Languagg in Use
Phrasal yerbs/Prepositions word formation
,lQ Findthe correct particle. 4 ,,,/ Complete with the correct word
derived from the wоrd in brackets.
mplete (official documents)
fi]] out/in: compl
fill up: put as much
muc in sth as possible verbs

Forming nouns from

hold up: 1)delayllay 2) commit а robbery using guns We can change verbs into nouns Ьу adding
hold on: wait -у (recover * rесочеrу), -ure фiесsе - pleasure), -

hold off: not start

,tart оr do sth immediately ication (si m pl i fy - simpiif}catюnj,
-епсу (tелd - tелdелф or -ing {grow * grоwiпg).
try on: put on clothing
clot to see if it fits
ete for а place (оп а team)
try out: compete
1 We're taking of our пеw

try sth out: use st to see if it works/you like it
;е sth
tomorrow. (DELlVER)
1 We filled in/up with petrol before starting the long drive, 2 Betty called the doctor as а matter of ,..,.
a 2 I hope the rain holds on/off until after the picnic! (URGE).
l Dan tried the jacket on/out Ьеfоrе he bought it.
3 His attempt to climb the mountain ended
4 Hold offlon! l'll Ье back iп а minute. in ..... (FAlL).
5 The robbers held upioff the bank апd got away with f 50,000. 4 Dr Herzing is опlу at the ,.... of her
6 Emily's trying oution for the basketball team. experiments with СНАТ. (BEGlN)
5 Апп put her job ..... in the post this
2 ,,,яЙ Гiпа the correct
morning. (APPLY)
1 Jon called me last night out of/from the b|ue.
2 СНАТ may have а huge impact аUоп other research.
3 The office bully left Jane to/in tеаrs.

r Rachel is ashamed from/of hеr mother's behaviour.

5 ._У Complete with: cosmetic, plucked,

5 lt is hard to distinguish очеr/Ьеtwееп а lie and the truth. chubby, stomp, bite, еуе, conflict,
6 You could see she was at/in аgопу. tопgче, dromo, muscle.

wэrds эftеп confused

3 ,,У ГlпО the correct word. 1 ..,.. eyebrows maintain.....
1 sue has beautiful, enhanced/flawless skin. 2 ..... sUr9ery contact
2 Sam admitted/agreed gossiping about Fауе. 3 ..... cheeks 7 resolve а ...,,
з Her арреаrапсе had radically adjusted/altered since 4 stick out 8 ..... quееп

the last time I saw her. your ..... 9 ..... 5pasm

The Al| Blacks' supporters/viewers cheered and ..... уоur nails 10 .,... your feet

chanted throughout the match.

lt was а rather clumsy/awkward situation.

. ..,,.jf::...;__,1:-===::::.:,,...., """]=:--:=t;jla#:1!- _.:__]Я,+T, -, ,

,.У Oecide if the sentences are I (true) or F (false) and correct the false

н I {re statements. Read through Module б and write а quiz of your оwп. Give
it to your раrtпеr. Check his/her answers.
According to studies, iп а 10-minute
conversation people tell at least 5 lies
2 Dolphins speak а special language.
3 The Haka originated in Australia.
4 Bees dance to indicate where ап епеmу is.
Revision б u. 132
6 y*ъ*СжG*ir***
И, ееhtеr
П Лу rеГlесtiопs upon the rоаd tчеrе not of the pleasant In оrdеr to console рооr Savelitch,I made him the promise
IYIKinO, The loss at play was according to mу not to dispose in future of а single kopek without his
ciTcumstances, not inconsiderable. I was to acknowledge acquiescence. Ву and Ьу, he got а liffle consoled. аlthоuф
to myself, that mу Ьеhачiоur in the hotel at Simbirsk was still shaking his head frоm time to time, and muttering
very foolish. I also felt wrопg and unjust in rеgаrd to поw and then "hundred гоuЬlеs - а trifleI"
Savelitch. All these reflections tormented mе. The old mап I approached mr destination. fuound mе. as fаr as I could
sat and silent, sighing опlу from time to time. I wanted see. was nothing Ьut а dull wildemess, crossed Ьу hills апd
absolutely to make it up with him, but did not how to begin gulfs. Everywhere ц,аs deep snow. Оur Hbitka drove
it. At last, I said to him: "Well Savelitch, let bygones Ье along the small Toad. ог rайеr along the track made Ьу the
bygones, and let us make реасе: I was wrong, I see it sledges of the раsапБ. At last the coachman began to
myself. I played stupid tricks yesterday, and insulted you look sideways and Гша1l1 иking off his hat and turпiпg to
today without reason. I promise you, however, to act mе, said.
henceforth mоrе reasonably, and to take your advice. Do 'Master, shall we not rегurп?"
not Ье angry any mоrе, we will Ье friends." "What fоr?"
"Ah, mу dear Peter Andreitch," he answered with а deep "The weather Ьефs to Ье ttrreatening. The wind rises
drаwп sigh, "I аm апgц, against myself; it is I who hаче visibly. Do you see hoц,it drives the snow away?"
committed а thorough blunder. How could I leave уоu "What then?"
alone in the hotel? Alas! If it is а man's destiny to sin, he "But do you not see there?" pinting with his whip to the
will do it. How саmе it into mу head to visit mу god- east.
mother, the wife of the sexton? I am just situated as the "I see nothing beside йе white steppe and the сlеаг
proverb says: heavens,"
Went his god-mother to see, "Yonder, t}rat small cloud.''
То the gibbet finally саmе he. I now Ьеgап to perceive оп the horizon, а little white
I am а lost mап! How shall I again show myself before mу cloud, which I had misиkеп at frst for а distant hill.
master and mistress?"
check these words
*оуlэф\, чý .ý', N.ъчв**ý*''еВ.еý. !\-уryеý,ý\..,,ffi'\,,_м*еч*,., -''
reflection, inconsiderable, torment, sigh, sin,
dispose, mutter, peasant, whip
Rеаdiпg & Listeniпg
1 What do you know about Pushkin? Tell the class.
4 ,"r# M.t,b the words/phrases in bold
in the text with their meaning.
L) Read the adapted extract from the почеl The
'l from now оп
Coptain's Doughter. What is happening iп it?
2 see
3 unfair
3 .эf Пеаа the text again and decide which of the
4 the past stays iп the past
statements (1-5) are I (true), F (false) or N5 (not
5 mistake
6 cheer up
1 Реtеr is enjoying his trip.
2 Peter blames himself for upsetting SaveIitch. ш Find out about Alexander pushkin
3 They had both been staying in the hotel. and h is поче] The Coptoin's Doughter.
4 Peter agrees to get Savelitch's permission in the future. Write а few sentences. present it to the
5 The cloud iп the distance is а snow storm. class.

Revision ý #

nlo Complete with: predictable, dеmапd, 4 ý Hnathe correct item.
collopsed, grabbed, fainted, administer, rеmоtе,
The meeting was called back/off due to the
dеаfепiпg, survivors.
1 33 mеп wеrе trapped underground whеп а
2 The tsunami travelled with/at а great speed.
miпе ..... in Chile. 3 No one backed him down/up and he was very
2 Аппiе ..... with exhaustion after walking ail day disappointed.
in the hot sun. 4 Не begged for/in mопеу to support his family.
3 l slipped and ...., John's аrm to stop myself from 5 His photos are оп/iп great demand.
falling, 5х2=10 marks
4 The Blue John Сапуоп is in а .,... location; по
./-- Match the exchanges.
опе lives пеаrЬу and it's difficult to 9et to.
5 There wеrе five ,,... from the рlапе crash; it's
1 Can't we watch C5l? А lt's пеаrlу finished.

2 Do we have to watch В l don't like the

sound of that,
6 You always know what's gоiпg to happen iп
that soap opera; it's so.....!
There's а documentary С Sure, hеrе you are.

7 His photographs are iп great .,... all очеr the world, on

about whales D Yes, isn't it awful?

8 The чоlсапо erupted with а ..... rоаг. 5.

Сhаппеl 2 at Е оК, but then we're
9 lt was very difficult fоr him to ...,. first aid to about
Did you hear switching over to
the landslide?
himSelf. 9х2=18 marks
Channel 3.
5 Сап you pass me the
TV guide? 5х4=20 morks
/ Put the verbs iп brackets into the
correct present or past tense forms.

1 Amy ..... (sleep) when the eaгthquake happened.

6 ,-У Complete the sentences with the correct
2 They .,... (travel) to lceland пехt week, word derived from the words in bold.
3 Billy ..... (go) climbing every weekend. 1 А ..,.. storm formed above the islands, (TROPIC)
4 Hundreds of people ..... (lose) their lives as а 2 The earthquake was very ..,,, . (POWER)
result of the earthquake so fаr. 3 The city is mаkiпg а slow ..... . (RECOVER)
5 Sam ..... (read) at the mоmепt. 4 Аrоп helps ...,. athletes. (ABLED)
6 They ..... (look) at the fire as it was quickly 5 Не spent three days in ..... temperatures before
spreading. they found him, (FREEZE) 5х2=10 marks
7 Brian was апgrу because he ...., (wait) for
наппаh for ап hоur.
7 Write а story called 'А lucky escape'
8 Ву the time we arrived at the beach, it .....
(120-180 words).
(start) to pour with rаiп. 8х2=16 morks
20 mоrks
Total: 100 morks

| ,"r' Find the correct item.

1 The alI/who|e world joined in to help the victims.

2 Both/Neither 5andy поr Sam went to Jарап. . talk and write about disasters
3 They had hardly any/several mопеу with them, . talk and write about accidents and injuries
. decide what to watch оп Tv
4 А large пчmЬеr oflA great dea] of residents . give bad news & react
left their houses. . write а story
5 There was very few/little to Ье done. . talk about tsunamis
6 There is quite а number/plenty mоrе to соmе.
бх1=6 morks

Revision ý 5,

.rQ Complete with:

predictoble, dеmапd, ,te riпd the correct item.
collapsed, grobbed, fointed, administer, remote,
The meeting was called backioff due to the
dеаfепiпg, survivors.
acci dent.
ЗЗ mеп wеrе trapped underground when а
2 with/at а 9reat speed.
The tsunami trave|led
miпе .,... in Chile. 3 No опе backed him down/up and he was very
Аппiе ...., with exhaustion after wa|king all day disappointed.
in the hot sun, 4 Не begged for/in mопеу to support his family.
I slipped and ..... John's аrm to stop myseIf from 5 His photos are оп/iп great demand.
faIling. 5х2=10 marks
4 The Blue John Сапуоп is rn а .,.,, location; по
опе lives пеаrЬу and it's difficult to get to.
5 ý M^trПthe exchanges.

5 There were five ,,... from the plane crash; it's 1 Can't we watch C5l? А lt's пеаrlу finished.

amazing 2 Do we have to watch В |don't like the


6 You always know what's going to happen iп

sound of that,

that soap ореrа; it's so.....! There's а documentary С Sure, here уоu аrе.
7 His photographs аrе in great ..,., all over the world. about whales оп D Yes, isn't it awful?
8 The volcano erupted with а ..... rоаr. Channel 2 at 5, Е оК, but then we're
9 lt was very difficult for him to..... first aid to Did you hear about sw|tching over to
himSelf. the lands|ide? Сhаппеl З.
9х2=18 morks
5 Сап you pass mе the
TV guide? 5х4=20 morks
,1 rutthe verbs in brackets into the
correct present or past tense forms,

1 Amy ..... (sleep) when the еаrthquаkе happened,

6 "/ Complete the sentences with the correct
2 They ..... (travel) to lceland next ,,ъ,ееk, word derived from the words iп bold.
3 Billy ..,.. (go) climbing ечеrу weekencj. 'l А ,.... storm formed above the islands. (TROPIC)
4 Hundreds of people ..... (lose) thеir lii,es as а
2 The earthquake was чеrу ..... . (РОWЕR)
resu|t of the earthquake so far.
3 The city is making а slow ,..., . (RECOVER)
5 Sam ..... (read) at the moment. 4 Аrоп helps ..... athletes. (ABLED)
6 They ,.,.. (Iook) at the fire as it iчаs quickly 5 Не spent three days in ...., temperatures before
spreading. they found him. (FREEZE)
7 Вriап was апgrу because he,..., (wait) for 5х2=10 marks

Hannah for an hour.

8 Ву the time we arrived at the beach, it ..... 7 Wrlte а story called 'А lucky е5саре'
(start) to pour with rain.
(120-180 words). 20 morks
8х2=1б mаrкs
Totol: 100 marks

;Q rinathe correct item.

1 The alliwhole world joined in to help the victims.

2 Both/Neither Sandy поr Sam went to Jарап. talk and write about disasters
3 They had hardly any/several mопеу with them. talk and write about accidents and injuries

4 А large пчmЬеr oflA great deal of residents decide what to watch on Tv

give bad news & react
left their houses,
write а story
5 Тhеrе was чеrу few/little to Ье done. talk about tsunamis
6 There is quite а number/plenty mоrе to come.
бх1=6 morks

,./' Comptete with: hits, temptiпg, address, ,_У Mrt.b the exchanges.
oisle, mопч\l, Ьаппеd, rеVепgеt values,
l'd like to exchange А |'m а size 10.
scratched, throws.
this саmеrа. в Could I see уоur
1 We should upho|d traditional family ..... . 2 Апу good? receipt, please?
2 Holly often ,.... hеr money away on things she з Do you need any The fitting rooms аrе
doesn't need. help? оп the left.
3 Jim took his пеw camera back to the shop Whеrе can l try l'm looking for а раir
because the lens was ..... . these оп? of sunglasses.
Мапу teenagers can't wеаr jeans to school What size are you? Yes, they fit mе really
because their school has ..... them. Well' 5x4=/Q ynq7ks
5 Jim's father is а ..... worker.
6 The smell of freshly-baked cakes ..... уоu as уоu ..r# Complete the gaps with the correct wоrd
derived from the words in brackets.
enter the bakery.
7 1 Сап you ..... this skirt? (SHORT)
The frozen foods are iп ..... 10,
8 There аrе ,.... displays of sweets at the checkout.
2 We should ..... ечеrуопе to buy fresh local
produce. (COURAGE)
9 Please ,.... him Ьу паmе when he arrives.
з l like ..... lettuce. (CRlSP)
10 5о ап9rу with John he decided to take
4 They grow а .,... of fruit. (VARY)
10х2=20 marks The situation may ..,.. . (WORSE)
5"2=10 ,ork,

,;i ГiпС the correct item. ,.t' Comptete the sentences using the words
"*У in bold. use two to five words.
l think Tom's пеw invention will make/will Ье This dress is more expensive than that one.
making him rich. That dress ..... this one.
That checkout has Ьу far the longer/longest |'ve never seen such beautiful tulips.
quеuе. MOST These are ..... have ever seen.
3 Two for the price of one seems to be/being а They made her рау f200.
bargain. WAs
4 This time next week, Dan will move/will Ье 4 Could you саrrу the bags?
moving into his new flat. MIND Would .,... the bags?
These reduced-price biscuits aren't as tasty/ 5 We can't wait to go shopping.
tastier as the brand-name ones. LOOKING We ..... shopping. 5х4=20 morks
This time next month, we will Ье travelling/
wil] have travelled to Spain. Write ап email of complaint about а watch
The hungriest/hungrier l аm when shopping, you bought online from а site called
the mоrе l spend. supergoods.com (120-180 words). 20 morks
Gary doesn't mind to pay/paying more for Тоtql: 100 morks
quality goods.
We're going to buy/buying а ЗD TV during the

winter sale. . talk and write about products of the future
trampton's sells the best/better sausages in . talk about shops and shopping
town. Nothing else compares. . buy clothes
10x1=1Q mqil<5
. complain about faulty products
. write ап email of complaint
Revision il
З "..У
Complete with: sollrce, raise, hair-raising,
ý ,У Complete the sentences чsiпg the words
сопsеrче, reach, inspiration, grabbed, faced, in bold. Use two to five words. Don't change
wandered, dопоtе. the word in bold.
1 His lecture was а true ...,. to us.
Rесус|iпg rеgulаrlу is а good idea.
2 The ..... of the river is iп the mountains.
SHOULD We ..... regu|arly.
3 Greenpeace aims to ..... public awareness of
lt's а pity you didn't come with us.
ecological issues.
W|SH l..... us,
4 His speech ..... people's attention.
she сап't travel abroad because she can't
5 Fасiпg crocodi|es was а ..... ехреriепсе he wоп't
afford it,
WOULD lf she could ..... abroad.
6 Despite the challenges he ,...., he continued his
не failed his exams because he hadn't studied.
HAVE lf he had studied, ..... his exams.
7 Не took а month to ..... his destination.
Не doesn't ride а bike so he didn't join the tour.
8 We should all help ..... оur forests.
JO|NED lf he rode а bike, he ..... the tour.
9 We ..... money to animal charities.
5х2=10 morks
10 Не ..... around the festival to see what was
going оп. 10х2=20 morks
6 .У Mrt.b the exchanges.

Z f Гiпаthе соrrесt item. 1 Hello how сап l help you?

1 Mark's the student who/whose raised the mопеу. 2 Could you give mе уоur credit card пumЬеr?
2 Sally mustn't/didn't haye to wash her саr; her 3 What's the expiry date?
dad did it for hеr. 4 l believe that cars should Ье banned.
Yоu can't/shouldn't use chemical cleaners; 5 l'd like to make а donation of f20 per month,
they're bad for the епчirопmепt.
А lt's Мау, 2014.
4 The Amazon is а place thaUwhere jaguars |ive.
В l'd |ike to make а donation, p|ease.
5 That's the Ьоу who/whose father is а professor.
С ltotally а9rее with you.
5x2=1Q yngyp5
D That's wonderful!
Е Сеrtаiпlу. It's 8987 6574 65З4 2З14.
З ,,_z' Гчt the verbs iп brackets in their correct
5х4=20 morks

1 l wish t .,... (Ье) mоrе patient.

Write ап орiпiоп essay оп the topic'AIl zoos
2 lf l ...,. (Ье) you, l'd leave.
should Ье Ьаппеd'(120-1S0 words).
3 lf you apply for this job, you ..... (get) it.
4 I wish | ,..., (go) to the party last night.
20 morks

5 What ..... (you/do) if you got lost in the jungle?

Totol: 100 morks

5х2=10 marks

4" Complete the sentence with the correct word

derived from the words in bo]d.

1 She looked at her .,... iп the mirrоr. (REFLECT)

2 Не lacks а basic ,,... . (EDUCATE)
. talk and write about social problems
3 Му time there was ,.,.. special. (TRUE)
. call to make а donation
. taIk about environmental problems
4 The festival promotes ,,... of speech, (FRЕЕ), о write ап opinion essay
5 The possibiIities аrе ..... . (END)
5х2=10 morks
,.." 1

-J реь
# ft

Complete with: conduct, gripping,
countless, predictable, vоlчеd, whistling, or-.
debris, glared, sank, gothered.
..... spacecraft is believed to have crashed iг
The ...,. from the crash was scattered a|l очеr .,.., Nevada Desert.
the desert. . .., coelacanth was thought to Ье ..... extinc
They decided to ...,. some experiments оп the speci es.
bones. 3 Big Веп is iп ..... capita| city of ..... England.
3 Му heart ..... when Tom said he would leave. 4 Some say ..... Yeti lives оп .,.., Mount Everest,
4 А lot of people ..... to watch the mysterious 5 Residents of ..... Phoenix saw UFOs iп ..... 1997
fireballs. 6 ...., sound kпоwп as the 'Taos Нum' was firs:
5 The почеl was .....; from the beginning l kпеw hеаrd iп ..,..'l990s.
what was going to happen. бх2=12 marks
6 His opinion is hi9hly ..... .

7 The plot was so ..... l couldn't put the book down.

8 Апп ..... angrily at Susan. ,,uf M.t.b the exchanges.
9 Mike has Ьееп ..... that tune to himself a|l day!
When do the guided А Му pleasure.
10 There have Ьееп ...,. sightings of Bigfoot in
tours start? В lt's rеаllу
North America. 10х1=10 marks ls this the right place fast-paced and
"ý to Ьuу tickets? exciting.
Э _я"' Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Thank you чеrу С Two adults,
1 People сап hеаr а strange noise iп Taos. much. pIease.
2 Scientists haven't found ап explanation for the What did you think D They start ечеrу
Hum. of the p|ot? half hоur.
3 They say that Yetis live iп the mountains. How mапу tickets Е Yes, it certainly is.

4 Мапу people saw the Naga fireballs last night. would you like?
5x4=|Q ynq7p,
5 They believe the lights wеrе UFOs.
5х4=20 morks
d. You have recently read а book that impressed
' _я? Complete the sentences with the correct you. Write а letter to а friend to te]l them
question tag.
about it (100-120 words).
1 He's а world famous UF0 expert, .....?
20 morks
2 We got а photograph of the monster, .,...?
Totol: 100 morks
3 Don't go into the woods аlопе, ....,?
4 Let's camp out tonight, .....?
5 You're not frightened of the dark, .....?
5х2=10 morks
Я "ёu'
Join the sentences with the correct
reflexive/emphatic pronouns.
" talk and write about uFos

1 Lоrеп ..... thinks he once saw а cryptid. . talk and write about strange creatures
n book tickets for а guided tour
2 We photographed .,... on the banks of Loch . talk and write about mysterious places
" talk about books you've read
3 They really enjoyed ..... оп the UFО tour. . write а review of а book
4 HeIp ..... to snacks frоm the fridge! GOOD -/ VERV GOOЕ} /,/ ЁжеЕLLЕNт /,//
4х2=8 morks

ffi*wЕsýgж Ы
З ,#* Complete with: reiie| dropped out, skilled, ffi
** -я# put the verbs into the correct tense and
crash, Ьurпt out, тwe, asset, focused, stumbled, choose the correct time phrase.
Dan will travel across Asia until/by the time he
1 Steve realised university wasn't for him so he ..,.. (run) out of mопеу.
l'll go оп holiday since/when l ..... (finish) mу
2 Sandra is а real ..... to the соmрапу. examS.
3 The Shaolin monks аrе highly,.... in Kung Fu. Ву the time/As sооп as they ..... (arrive) at the
4 You have to Ье ..... to get а D of Е Award. party, their friends had left.
5 Не took а..... соursе in English. |'ll call you after/while l ..... (get) back from
6 We watched in ..... as he performed his tricks. the library.
7 То Simon'5 ..... , he passed his driving test John wants to take а 9ар year until/before he
whеп he took it for the ihird time. ..... (go) to university.
8 Jапе had spent three months studying hard for 5х2=10 marks

her exams and was . .., .

9 The tuition ,.... wеrе tоэ l.igh for him to afford.

Mrt.h the exchanges,
10 Не forgot his notes so he..... through "d
his J
10х2=20 morks when will the book А Yes, can l see
Ье back in? уоur library card,
l wonder if you could please?
З *d' Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. help mе. в what's the title
This book is due back of the book and
"You must practise hэrd ечеrу day," my Kung
four days from the author?
Fu teacher told me.
"Сап you show mе the way to the library?"
today, С ОК, thank you
can l take this book very much,
тоm asked mе.
3 "Don't Ье late fоr the lecture," said Liam,
out, please? D lt is due back iп
l can't seem to find
4 "|'m doing а Brochemistry degree at Oxford,"
four days,

said Непrу,
one of the books l Е What's the
need. problem?
5 "What time is it?" she asked.
5х4=20 marks
5х2=10 marks

Write а for-and-against essay about going

,J ,g* Rewrite the sentences iп the reported to university or college (200-250 words).
speech. Use the verbs iп brackets.
20 morks
"Hand in your essays Ьеfоrе Friday," he said.
Totol: 100 morks
"You broke the printer," Апп said to Steve.
"l didn't take your library card," 5ue said. о write and act out an interview
(denied) . talk and write about а youth organisation
4 "Let's go to the theatre," Веп said. (suggested) . talk about gap year experiences
5 "|'m sorry l lied to уоu," he said. (apologised) с соmраrе photographs
. write а for-and-against essay
5х4=20 marks

,g Revision


з" Complete with: stamped, goatee, raised,
,,я# Kewrite the sentences using the words
pocks, fidgeting, сопviпсе, delight, cosmetic, in brackets to start the пеw sentence.
exaggerotes, sigпаl.
People will like you if you |ike yourself. (ONLY
l almost didn't recognise you. When did you lF)
grow а ...,.? lf he hadn't gone out every night, he might
2 Tony ..... his eyebrows in disbelief. have passed his exams. (HAD)
3 ...,. of wolves sti|| rоаm the countryside in some 3 He's а good liar and everyone believes him.
countries. (5UcH)
4 Some people take great ..... in аrguiпg with 4 Не had just left when started raining. (NО
others, sooNER)
5 Наrrу ..... problems and makes them seem worse. 5 she's so familiar with the dolphins that she
6 Не didn't ..... us that he was telling the truth. calls them Ьу паmе. (SO)
7 Не was чеrу nervous and kept ..... in his сhаir. 5Х2=| Q mqyl<g

8 Ants release chemicals to ,.... аlаrm.

9 Tom .,.., his feet to keep warm. 5 """У
M.t.b the exchanges.
10 She turned to ...,. sur9еrу to change the shape
of her nose, 10х2=20 morks
Could you please Thank уоu very
stop interrupting much.
me? yes, that should
Э _.Я# ГlпС the correct item.
2 l'm stuck in traffic, Ье fine.
Bees dance in order to/so that pass on 3 Could you make June How about Friday
information. the 5th? afternoon?
Не might/must have Ьееп telling the truth, but 4 See you on the 22пd. |'m sorry, l'll try
|'m not sure. 5 When would you Iike not to do it again.
Dаrrеп knew Craig was lying due to/as he to rеаrrапgе it for? |'m sorry to hear
avoided еуе contact. that.
That can't/muýtn't have Ьееп Sally you saw; 5X4=2Q mqyp5
she's оп holiday.
Siеппа acts so that/as though she's very write а letter to а friend and tell them
important. about а friend or relative who has played
There was so/such а lot of noise in the rооm ап important rоlе iп your life. Write ап
that l couldn't work. article for the magazine (100-120 words).
l felt upset yesterday because ofl as а result
20 mаrks
the argument l had.
100 marks
The email can't/mustn't Ье from Tom; he
doesn't have а computer.
9 Jo's crying. She must/could Ье upset,
9х2=18 morks
. talk & write about difficult people
3 ns Rewrite the sentences in the causative. . talk about changes to your appearance

Му new phone will Ье delivered tomorrow.

о rеаrrап9е an appointment
. talk апd write about body language
2 Someone will pierce Stacey's ears for her. . criticising & responding
3 А plastic surgeon is fixing Danny's nose. . write а description of а person
4 The hairdresser has shaved John's head.
4х3=12 mоrks
,€,д,t" зг;t ý g:ё
:bli,,* g"т+
*r,t Ё ;+;+;
,tQ Fiпd the correct word.

,У t.b.l the pictures.

The avalanche victim stayed live/alive Ьу
. volcanic eruption . hurricane creating an air pocket пеаr his nose and mouth.
. earthquake . avalanche . lightning bolt The photographer got а perfect shot/shoot of
. landslide . drought . hailstorm the чоlсапiс eruption.
' flooding . tropical storm After the flood wаrпiпg, evacuating the Iocal
community became а matter/case of urgency.
Jon caught/grabbed his саmеrа and took а
picture of the breathtaking sunrise.
lt's important to take/make precautions when
going ice-climbing.
The flood waters kept raising/rising so we
headed fоr higher ground.

ffi .*/ Complete with the correct preposition:

from, iп, оп, Llnder, to,

After the earthquake, food supplies were .....

high demand.
The news reporters were .,.,. the scene within
The trapped сачеr was suffering ..... exhaustion
and dehydration.
The homeless hurricane victims spent the first
few days ..... temporary shelters.
There was а freak storm and hundreds of
people were stranded ..... the island.
lt came ..... mу attention that Joe was still
shaking hours after the earthquake.
The woman was clingin9 ..... her rooftop,
waiting for the res(ue сrеw to arrive.
The tornado destroyed everything that lay ...,.
its path.
The area remains ..... threat of flooding.

ф Wb.t is the worst natural disaster you

have read about? where and when did it
hарреп? What happened? Write а short
paragraph about it.

а) ý Complete with: lava, crater, ash, с) ,ýq Complete with: destroy, tectonic
block, gases, event, predict, erupt, explosion, plate, collapse, shelter, cOuse, evOctlOte,
destroy in the correct form. mеоsчrе, rubble, shoke in the correct form.

Оп а сlеаr Sunday morning, оп the 18th Мау

]980, Mount St He|ens 1) ..... after 'I23 уеаrs of
silence, The eruption was the deadliest volcanic
2) ,..,. iп the history of the United States, At
exactly 8:З2 аm, а(п) 3) ..... so huge it was heard
"The Grеаt East Japan Earthquake of 2011 was
hundreds of miles away occurred. Tons of red
the fifth most ро\\,егful quake on Еаrth in mоrе
hot 4)...., emerged frоm the volcano's 5)...,.
than 100 years. It 1)..... 9.0 оп the Riсhtеr
and rасеd down the mountainside. Every
Scale. The qLrake tгi_чgеrеd strong tsunami
building within а 600 km radius 6) ..... , Очеr ].5 waves which 2) ..... everything in their path.
million tons of poisonous 7) ,.,.. wеrе released leaving piles of 3)..... behind. Homes and
into the atmosphere. 8)..... clouds darkened buildings 4) ..... in ап instant. Очеr fifteen
the sky and 9) ..... out the sun. Geologists and thousand people \\,еrе killed. Surчiчоrs.
volcanologists did not 10) ..... the disaster. stunned and 5)...... 6)..... the area hoping to
find 1) ..... until the nightmare ended.
Geologists stated that this disaster was 8) .....
Ьу one 9) ..... being pushed uпdеr another.
Ь) Complete with: flatten, storm, threat,
reaches, flooding, evacuated, rеlеO5е5, winds,

...1,} ,.rЯ Mrt,b the words, then use the phrases

to make sentences.

1 breaking А f|ooding
When а ,l) .,... at sea becomes а hurriсапе
2 massive в roar
and 2) ...., shore, it poses а serious 3) ..,,, to
public safety. Опсе а hurriсапе 4) ..... its fu||
3 deafening с neWS

power, it will 5) ..... everything in its path, 4 dormant D ServiceS

Strong 6) ..... and torrential rainfa|| uproot 5 еmеrgепсу Е volcano

trees, 7) ...., buildings, and cause serious 6 poisonous F shelter
8) ,,... . Communities must Ье 9) ..... if 7 temporary G 9aSeS
fatalities are to Ье avoided. 8 flaming н winds
9 fault l lava
'l0 violent J line

+€*m $,*Fвя",&g;*Е+*ф*з**;/fi нъg е-* t,*+*

,.1 bb.l the items with: trдЫ , sproin, gash/wound, Ьопg, faint, break,
cut, bruise,
dehydrated, grтze, сопсчlsiоп, dislocote, scratch, scald.

Have you ever had апу of the accidents аьоче? what happened?
write а short
раrа9rарh in уочr notebook.

ffi ,tУ Corplete with: redLlce, opply, treat, injured, ,_У CorpIete with: struggle, sove,
roise, crutches, wrаррiпg, ease, раiп, go dоwп. notify, odminister, rescue, survive, ache,
hurt, injure, сurе, suffer, heal, catch,
operate, prescribe, treot iп the correct

His legs were frоm skiing all

Nurses know how to first-aid
The first-time marathon runner was .....
frоm exhaustion and dehydration.
The doctor ..... painkillers to ease mу
You've just sprained уоur ankle and you're ехреriепсiпg а back pain.
shooting 1) ..... up your leg. What do you do? You сап 5 Unfortunately, some diseases саппоt Ье
2) ..... уоur апklе using the R|CE Method.

R is for rest. You need to rest the injured апklе iп order to

6 Аrmу personnel ..,.. the survivors of the
рlапе crash.
reduce the pain and avoid further injury. Your doctor may
advise you to use 3) ..... so that you don't place апу weight
7 Еmеrgепсу services ..... to соре with the
large пumЬеr of casualties after the
оп your foot.
l is for ice. You сап 4)...., ап ice pack to the ankle for'l5 8 The authorities are сопсеrпеd that the
minutes, which will help 5) ,.... the pain and 6) .,... the flood victims might ..... water-borne
swelling. Repeat the procedure every 2 hours. diseases.
С is for compression. 7) ..... your ankle up with а bandage 9 Еmеrgепсу aid has ..... the lives of
provides support and helps the swelling S) .,..,. millions of people.
Е is for elevation. Put your foot up and let someone else wait
10 Опlу 'l5 of the 50 passengers ..... the
оп you! lf you 9)..... your foot, it reduces bleeding and рlапе crash.
swelling Ьу aIlowing fluid to flow away from the 10) ..... аrеа. 11 lt was difficult to ,,.,. all the victims as
there was а shortage of medicine,
12 We ..... the authorities as sооп as we

ф ._а7 ГiпО the correct word.

realised that John was missing.
David ...., his back while c|imbing up а
1 Наrry broke his leg and was in а lot of раiп/асhе. cliff face.
2 Disaster attacked/struck whеп two of the climbers iп 14 Doctors had to ..,.. оп Paul's knee.
оur group fell into а gorge. 15 | banged my head оп а Ьrапсh and it
After З weeks, the rescue crew came/formed to the rеа|lу ..... .

difficult decision to аьапdоп the search. 16 Маrу's scar is ..... Slowly.

lf Robert's surgery is successful, he will Ье able to
hoId/Iead а поrmаl Iife.
She опlу took а small sip/swallow of water as she
didn't have much left,
6 We rea|ised Oliver was misplaced/missing when he
hadn't returned Ьу nightfall.
i 7 Disabled/Unable athletes participate in the Special

,у гiпс the correct word.


M.t.b the words to make phrases. а) ,f' Complete the text. Use: temperatures,
snowfall, chilly, frostbite, showers, drop, freezing,

'l weather А sky Hi, I'm Wales and this is your weekend wеаthег
2 lightning В lауеr report. It's quite 1)..... this mоrпiпg and for most of us it
3 ozone С hot will Ье cloudy rTith а few 2) ..... which will Ье heavieT in
4 blue D winds the поrth of the соuпtrу. Overnight, 3) ..... will probablT
5 clear Е conditions 4) ..... to at least minus two. Тоmоrтоw's 5) ..... is for quite
6 boiling F mооп а bit of 6) ..... lTith а high of zero and а low of minus thTee.
7 hurricane G bolt Conditions аrе perfect for skiing this weekend, so if уоu'rе
8 strong Н warning heading out to the slopes tоmоrrоw rеmеmЬеr it's 7) ....,
cold so wтap uр t0 protect yourself fTom 8) ...,. .

"' ,i*.ý Complete with:9/оиr, freeze, hail, Ь) ,ur# Complete the text. Use: rаiп, windy, heпtwave,
pour, shine, sпоw iп the correct form. scorching,

1 lt was so cold that the lake had .....

Good mоrпiпg, this is Ken McKenzie with your Monday
weather report. The 1).,... that slowed everybody down
2 The evening suп ..... in the sky.
this weekend is hеrе to stay. Today's temperature could
3 When it ..... , the children have snowball
climb to а 2).,...40"С Ьу early afternoon. Unfortunately, no
3)..... is forecast for the next five days. lt will, however,
4 lt was ..... down with rain and we had to
become 4) ..... in the north, which is bad news for the forest
find shelter.
fires that are raging across this part of the country.
5 She put оп her sunglasses because the
suп was ..... brightly.
6 lt's windy and ..... and the street is *:i
_."/ Гiпа the correct word.
covered in ice.
1 Му kids love playing iп the snow/snowfall.
2 During the summer, the humidity/mist in the air is
.: *fq Complete with: bolt, gust, rтy, higher than the winter.
3 Every time it pours, our basement floodsirises.
thчпdеr, flake, drop, strong, extreme,
4 The forecast for the next couple of days is sunny, but
dark, light.
extremely windy/rai пу.
1 а ..... of sunshine А hurricaneishower is а very powerful and dangerous
2 а ...,. of rаiп storm.
3 ...., weather conditions The рlапе couldn't take off because of the blizzard/
4 а ..... of lightning cold.
5 а ,.... bolt We couldn't see the bridge because there was too
6 а,.... of wind much foglwind,
7 а snow ..... On а clear/muggy night, you сап see mапу stars.
8 ,.... winds
9 ..... shower
10 ..... clouds
_,,/ Coll..t information from the lnternet then
write а short weather forecast for tomorrow. Read
it to the class.
ý Match the names of the shops (А-Т) to the pictures (1-20).

shoe shop Е jeweller's l confectioner's м bookshop а newsagent's

optician's F antique shop J chemist's N florist's R petrol station
hardware shop G supermarket К baker's о laund rette s flea market
c|othes shop Н butcher's L greengrocer's р hairdresser's т fishmonger's

lп which of the shops in Ех. 'l сап you buy/do the fo!lowing?
omincemeat.bunchof tulips.abirthdaycake.salmon.ascrewdriver oaboxof chocolates
.ajacket.apairof sunglasses.amysterynovel .agoldbracelet.coughsyrup.apairof
stilettos.afashionmagazine o9ёtahaircut omotoroil .milk.o|drecords.oldsilver
candlestick . wash and dry clothes . organic fruit

Yоч соп buy miпсеmеаt at а butcher's/supermarket.

ЕЁ What shops are there iп your neighbourhood? How often do уоu visit them?
What do you usually buy?
lЪft 8фв* ýffi ffi фfl ёззf*уfu g*Ё

Ч ') ,-У Mrt.b the products to the supermarket sections.



Ь) .У *r'r. two things уоч сап buy iп each с) How often do you go to the supermarket?
supermarket section. What do уоч usually buy?
а) ..У t.b.l the pictures.
. shopping trolley . aisle . checkout . sheil,es . sliding doors
. credit card . price tags . receipts . shоррlпg iist


Ь) Describe the supermarket where you 9о shopping.

Complete with: Ьоrgо;п, aiscount, credit, cosh, pre-packoged, display, qllel)e,

соuроп, mопеу off, offered, chonged the packoging, woste, lower price, save,
rеsоurсе;, shift, reduced, offer.

1 Every Tuesday, my local suреrmаrkеt has а ,..., 11 Every time lgo to the post office, lend up
оп freshly-baked goods. waiting in а ..... for over ап hour,
2 l got this ..... in the newspaper which gives f5 12 The local hairdresser's has а special ..,.. оп
off CDs at Harper's music shop. haircuts every Tuesday.
Зl always prefer paying in when l go 13 Tom's boss ...,. him а promotion.
shopping. 14 The jumper l purchased at half price was а rеаl
4 We are using all of the Еаrth's natural ,.... and
one day we will regret поt being mоrе careful. 15 Hackers who steal ..... card details and other
5 l prefer cooking with fresh food rather thап ..,.. personal information shouId Ье prosecuted.
food. 16 l asked for some ..... the compuier because it
6 Don't ,..., mопеу buying things you don't need. was damaged.
7 James is trying to .,,,. mопеу to buy а пеw саr. 17 Опе way to ..... products you can't sell is to
8 The shoe shop has drastical|y . . the prices of lower their price.
summer sandals. 18 You сап usually buy books опliпе for а much
9 Мапу companies have ..... of their products to ..,.. than at bookshops.
more rесусlаЬlе materials.
0 This shop's window really епсоurаgе
customers to go in.
Ё*qъuъg;* f,}; *Ъ t=fr *-,+ $ч;s

а) _ý rrb.l the picture. Ь) How do you like the foods in Ех. 2а

. fats and oils о nuts . oil о рёstэ . poultry
о meat . chocolate . fruit . fish . grains . riсе
. vegetable5 . bread
,_./ Complete with: feed, storve, sоаr,
пчtriепts, shortoges, produce, grow.
сопsчmеr, raw, rotten, чпriре.

The food we eat provides the ..... that

оur bodies need to grow and stay
:i]_J;l|i:_{ Mankind produces more than enough
food to ..... ечеrуопе оп Earth.
Never, ечеr ..... yourself in оrdеr to lose
4 Eating fresh ,.... is healthier than eating

processed food.
Мапу fаrmеrs sрrау their сrорs with
; fertilizer iп order to he|p them ...., .

6 Bread prices ..... whenever there is а

wheat shortage.
7 l dislike cooked carrots, but l love them

8 The best way to tell if an egg has gопе

..... is to crack it ореп and smelI it.
..... avocados can take 4-5 days to riреп
at rооm temperature.
one iп six countries in the world faced
Ь) _.**#
writ. two foods iп each category.
food ..... in 2005 because of droughts.
Ё а) ,*f сору the table in your notebooks and write 11 We live in а ..... society.
the products iп the correct section:
. e99s . beef . chicken r potatoes . carrots
о pаstа . broccoli . fish . rice . Ьеапs
. peppers о р8а5 . Sausages . соrп

,,.l fried :l
,i,i baked .,

i.,,, boiled ,.

.: roast :

.:] griIled '|.

| ,l Poached ,,
i., ,.

steamed ;

.]]]_],,,.,,,l , : I

VB,l 0

iЁffi" #я**:r**ч,*у

а) Study the table. Read the prices. опе

.fЗ.28 .f8 .fl.З5 .f10.02 оf2.0'| .f6,50

'Щ::*j "жфtфж 1р/а реппу

two pounds
f5 = five pounds/quid (а fiver) colNs
f]0 = ten pounds/quid
(а tеппеr)
]р = oneia реппу
f20 = twenty pounds/quid 5р = five pence
= fifty poundsiquid 10р - ten репсе
20р = twgn1, ,.r..
50р = fifty pence
f1 = опе/а pound/quid
Ь) What is the счrrепсу in уочr сочпtrу?


Complete with: Ьопчs, еаrпiпgs, iпсоmе, gross iпсоmе, profits, rise, solory, wlges,
сurrепсу, debt, bill, cost, ехрепsе, Ьоrgаiпs, instollments, price, receipt, refunds, sOче,
sрепd, wтste, owes, роу, withdroy|l, borrow, lепd, playing,

Мапу companies аrе cutting employees' ..... due 'l5 Our cousins made а lot of mопеу ..... the stock
to the economic crisis, market.
Wоmеп usually ..... а lot mоrе mопеу оп clothes 16 The bookshop does not give ..,.. on used books.
than mеп. 17 Samantha worked part-time to help ..... for her
The ..... of oil has risеп significantly in recent university fees.
year5, 18 l didn't find апу ...,. in апу of the clothes shops l

l am sure Sally will give me back the mопеу she went into.
,,... me. 19 John went to the bank to ..... f800 from his
5 Мау l ..... your car? savings account.
6 Can you ..... me уоur black dress for mу dinner His father spared no ..... when it саmе to his
party tonight? education.
lf l .,... rеаllу hard, l will Ье able to buy а пеw РС 21 Не еаrпs а monthly ..... of f2000.
iп two months'time, 22 The соmрапу's ...., dropped 10% in the first
The ..... of living has skyrocketed over the past 5 quа rter.
years. Му mum thinks it's а ,.... of her mопеу to go to
Му соmрапу did really well this уеаr so the boss а hairdresser'5 to get her hair dyed so she does
is giving ечеrуопе а Christmas ..... . it herself.
lt is store policy that you have to produce уоur 24 Unemployment figures continue to ..... .
..... in order to return а product. 25 Supermarkets аrе slowly increasing their prices
11 People with а low ..... do not рау taxes. in order to increase their .,.,. .

12 The dollar is the unit of ..,,. in the United States. l wanted а high ..... career so l chose to Ье а
13 Му sister got herself into .,,.. after making doctor.
expensive purchases online, 2l The shop is letting u5 рау for the washing
|'m not looking forward to my electric ,.... this machine Ьу monthly ..,.. .

month, as l've had the heating оп а lot.

Ц ; t г: 1 *j flli i,"tiiв ii"ъ * c:i: ;:llj Ё

._У l.b.l the pictures.

r illiteracy . war . crime . population growth
. pollution . hunger . racism . resource depletion
. homelessng55 о g|obal warming r poverty
. disease о water scarcity . ageing population

Complete with: face, affect, suffer, drop out, volunteer, survive, trust, adopt, abLlle,
moke, gоiп in the correct form.

Не is thinking of ..... of school and getting а job 6 At weekends, he ..... at а retired реrsоп's home.
to help his family. 7 Не mana9ed to .,... the earthquake.
2 ..... is ап important factor in every relationship. 8 А lot of countries ...,. from water scarcity.
з We went to the dog shelter and ..... а 4-month 9 WWF has.,... good progress protecting sea
old puppy. turtles.
Chi|dren who go through physical оr mental ..... 10 Black people continue to ..... racial discrimination
are severely traumatised. iп mапу areas of life.
Dr Harris has ..... а reputation as ап authority 1'| Climate change is already ..... marine life.
оп global warming.

VB,l 2

':'- : l:l f; Г; Ц1 ;|.Т ",ёi{.ý ;:f,,;j: $jЭ {gi :1; ]ii

,са Complete with: ingredients, atmosphere,

,У Complete with: roise, jоiп, start, сhапgе, logging, dеп5е, produce, destroyed, hobitat,
provide, gоiп, grab, promote, fight, drow in the
esti mаtе, deforestation, grow,
correct form.
The rainforest's сапору was so ..... , sunlight
Му friends and l have а fundraising couldn't penetrate it.
campaign to save the Asian tiger. Tra9ically, the world's rainforests are being ,....
The charity asked the celebrity if he would help
at а staggering rate.
them ..... the cause. ..... is the permanent destruction of forests and
The poorest children iп Africa have Iittle hope woodlands.
of ..... апу secondary education, Тоо much саrЬоп dioxide in the Earth's ...,. will
The United Nations World Food Рrоgrаmmе was
cause our planet to heat up,
set up to ..... huпgеr worldwide. Perhaps the greatest threat to biodiversity is
That newspaper headline really my ..... loss.
attention. Fruits that ..... in the Amazon rainforest include
lf you want to do something about осеап pineapples, oranges and bananas.
pollution, why not ..... ап organisation that is The key ..... in mапу life-saving medicines are
trying to stop it? derived frоm rainforest plants.
Volunteering really ...,. my life for the better. Rainforests about 20% of the planet's
Many parents in poor countries can't even oXygen.
afford to ..,.. their children with one decent Scientists ..... that more than half of aIl the
meal а day. world's plant and animal species live in tropical
Organisers hope the campaign will rа inforests.
awareness of the issue of air pollution. 10 ..... companies are cutting down some of the
The purpose of the documentary is to.,... most endangered forests оп the planet just to
people's attention to the issue of global make wood and paper products.

Mrt.b the words to make phrases. д

".*# ,р-' Find the correct word.
An advertiser's aim is to instantly grab/hold
1 natural А challenges the attention of viewers.
2 public В moments They face/meet а difficult challenge getting
3 window с awareness the bank loan approved.
4 endless D displays The children were determined/fixed to finish
5 true Е wonder the puzzle.
6 hair-raising F in s р ira tion we should reach/arrive our destinbtion iп 15
After running for over ап hour, he collapsed/
broke with exhaustion.
Tom finalIy succeeded/managed in rising to
mana9ement level.
lt's important to conserve/protect water
during times of drought.

VB,1 з

i-i,i _ч";l;,т*.пr*


lj ../" Match the pictures to definitions.
jr::xi**"o, lii;jtё!:=;;:;.,*нi].l;;]"i=!:€.:?;.i;;liйiii.::: j,:,::,:

-r 1 асolleсtionofbillionsofstаrs,gаs,аnddust=П

bound together ЬУ gravitY


ii=, А The sur] В galaxy

+i: 2 the star that is at the centre of our solar system 1*.,1.='.,
fiз the celestia| body which orbits the Еаrth ?Fa
ll;x 4

*fi;ffi;ffiffi ffi@


Ёi; 6 а small body that orbits the Sun and is composed i, D The Мооп
of ice, and has а 'tail'
,, i]

, а round-shaped celestial body that orbits the 5uп,

but is not big enough to Ье а planet
Е8 small pieces of rock/metal that orbit the Sun
itЁ 9 а ball of gas, that generates its оwп light and
heat and is visible in the night sky

Н asteroids
! | dwarf planet

Ё ,г# rrb.l planets in очr solar system. :ý ..У Complete with: orbits, gепеrаtе, соlопisе,
. Меrсurу о Venus . Earth . Mars . Jupiter release;, очеrсоmе, rotates, forms, survil
о saturn . uranus о Neptune exploring, toke off ,

1 The Еаrth ..... оп its axis опсе ечеrу 24 hours.

2 The Earth ,..., the Suп.
3 The space shuttle is scheduIed to at 'l 1.З0
ln my opinion, governments shouldn't Ье
spending mопеу ..... space when there аrе
people starving hеrе оп Earth.
Опе day, the humап race may other
Мапу problems must Ье before space
colonisation becomes а Teality.
When а star explodes, it ..... а huge аmоuпt of
8 Rubbing уоur hands together will heat оп
your palms.
Опе day, it may Ье possible to put .,... in space
so astronauts сап grow their оwп food,
10 Astronauts cannot iп 5расе without
wearing speciaI spacesuits.
_]:] .-Е]
_ " i!a.,

] ] :.Е
. ...] :. :,;a:]'aiill,r]i]],:]:'&
]| ]i. :a]:j:,::ýiiiil' i

]:.ji ,i]. il.ii]]


4 ,tQ riпd the correct word for each sentence.

,/-' Complete with: unidentified flуiпg . fо rе ig п ё r' . aiТie ;-,s t rаnýrЬj,

object, souсеrl оliеп, wreckoge, debris, 1 _ _;_Ь_чlsrugi-_ "- _:

spacecroft, witness, епсочпtеr, 5рOсе,

When l first started at mу new school, it was hard to
autopsy, footprints, footage, disclosure. fit in because l felt like а(п) ..... .
2 Не was а(п) ...,. and could not speak the language.
Recently there have been reported з Susan had never met him. Не was а complete ..... to her.
sightings of ..... spacecraft in Phoenix, 4 Some people believe that ..... creatures have visited
Arizona. Earth mапу times in the past.
Several locals claim to have spotted ап
. abductions ррlп9 . selzure . пUаскlпg
..... hovering in the night sky.
The journalists demanded full ..... of the 5 The ..... of the рlапе Ьу а group of terrorists was
facts. broadcast worldwide.
David's ambition was to become ап 6 Many people believe a|ien ..... have occurred,
astronaut and travel into оutеr ..... 7 All papers covered the ...,. of the businessman's child.
8 The..... of land and property Ьу the rebels left mапу

Justin said the object in the sky ъчаs flat

and rоuпd like а flying ...., .
citizens homeless.
The couple had а mysterious ...,. with ап . siqhtinqs . sites
sites . siqhts . incident
alien creature. 9 Leo сап hardly rеmеmЬеr anything about the .....

Hundreds of people саmе to see the site 10 We had а fabulous time in Rome and saw all the ,.... .

and the ..... left in the soii. 11 The Mars Exploration Program has identified а пumЬеr
8 The crash left |аrgе pieces of ..... all over of landing .....for future missions.
the field. 12 There were some unconfirmed ..... of flying saucers in the
9 Scientists examined the strапgе creature area.
оп the ..... table.
10 John Smith was not the опlу еуе ,,... to j+ Гiпа the correct word.
the strange event.
ApoIlo ]7 was the eleventh spacecraft to land/park оп
11 Firefighters rushed to the scene of the
the mооп,
crash to pull any survivors from the .....
The Earth revolves/rotates around its axis опсе every

12 The man claims to have video ..... of ап

24 hours.
3 The raft sank/dropped and the survivors swam to the shore.
1З The Apollo 11 ..... landed on the moon iп
4 The helicopter floated/hovered очеr the crash site,
1 969,
looking for survivors.
The local TV station sent а journalist to mention/
report оп the UFО sightings.
А bright light, which was shining/li9hting through
the clouds, blinded us.
7 The eagle soared/raised gracefully into the sky.
8 The children camped/based out оп the mountainside
all night in the hope of spotting а UFО.
She lay down on the grass and watched the clouds
fIoating/swimming across the sky.
10 The police found the man departing/wandering
aimlessly about.
1,| The satellite burst/split into flames as it re-entered
the Earth's atmosphere.
Vв 1 5

:', t .,1 ;'; * * $;i. t'+;:,* ,i: ыt +'с* *,

-Ё ,.я# Гiпа the correct prepositions.

Mrt.b the words to form phrases.
"_У 'l Реrrу was fascinated the discovery of а

giant squid,
1 legendary А fairy 2 0пlу half the scientists invited to the
2 abominable В ape-men сопfеrепсе have responded to/in date.
З leading С beast 3 Непrу Osborn was ап expert оп/iп the field of
4 hairy D monster paleontology.
5 tiny Е snake 4 Scientists are sceptical in/about the existence
6 sea F cryptozoologist of cryptids.
7 lake G serpent 5 The ВВС has produced а great series of
8 giant Н snowman documentaries for/about dinosaurs.
6 sam is convinced oflin the existence of а beast
iп the lake пеаr his house.
Complete with: lifеlопg, сопviпсiпg, 7 The lack of convincing evidence raised doubts
virtuolly, highly, countless. to/about the truth of the reports.
The saola, ап antelope-like creature found in 8 Lоrеп Соlеmап has spent mапу years at/in
Vietnam, was ...., unknown to the outside search of legendary monsters.
world until 1992. 9 This octopus lives on/in extreme depths.
Timothy has had а ..,.. passion for hunting 10 The scientific community does not believe at/in
mysterious creatures. cryptozoology.
Patricia spent hours studying the rаrе 11 There is а growing demand for/of scientists
animal's behaviour. skilled in computer techno|ogy.
4 Тhеrе is по ..... evidence that cryptids exist.
5 The yeti is а ...., secretive creature that avoids
human contact. iэ __я#
Гiпа the correct word.

1 Did you hеаr that noise, оr was it а figment/

,3f Complete with: existence, living, sign of my imagination?

eyewitness, ехtiпсt, cryptids, legends, evidence, 2 The issue has received serious attention/
pastime, study, science, concentration from schoIars.
3 After examining/interrogating the evidence,
the researchers concluded that the account was
Cryptozoology, which literally means 'the I) ..... of
а hoax.
hidden anima|s,' refers to the search for animals
whose 2) ..... hasn't Ьееп proven. Cryptozoology 4 They could not match the hair sign/sample to
includes looking for 3) ..... examples of animals that апу known animal.
аrе considered 4) ..... (e.g. dinosaurs), as wе|l as 5 l really value/estimate his opinion.
animals whose existence lacks physical 5) ..... but 6 The quagga, which was .half zebra and half
which арреаr in myths and legends (e.g. Bigfoot; the horse, was officially declared disappeared/
Loch Ness Monster). Тhе anima|s that extinct iп 188З.
cryptozoologists study are rеfеrrеd to as '6).....'. wild creatures inhabit areas far from hчmапе/
Cryptozoologists rеlу heavily оп alleged 7) ..... human settlements.
accounts and рорчlаr 8) ..... . lt goes without saying The much disputed/argued photograph was
that cryptozoology is поt а recognised Ьrапсh of eventually proved to Ье authentic,
zoology or а discipline of 9) ...... It is, however, а
very fчп 10) .....!


& ,fC Complete with: room ,

сlопе, uпlеоsh,
Complete with: preserved, dormant,
gепеrаllу, distant, lost, optimistic, astonishing.
excavote, conduct, revive, evolve, hctch iп the
correct form.
Completely intact DNA can опlу Ье extracted 1 Scientists think plants ,,.., from green algae.
frоm а саrеfullу ..... specimen. 2 Dinosaurs ..... the Earth for over 165 million
The scientists rushed to publish their уеа r5.
findings. Archaeologists аrе currently ..... ап lrоп Age
lt is ,.... accepted that modern humans evoit,ed settlement in wales.
in Аfriса, Scientists have successfully ..... many animals,
Scientists say the fossil foot bone they found including sheep and mice.
confirms man's ancestor coi;!d rvalk 5 l'm not iп favour of ..... extinct species such as
upright. the dodo.
Paleontologists are...,. they rviil flnd dinosaur 6 The students are ...,. ап ехреrimепt iп the lab
fossils in the аrеа, right поw.
Some people believe that а..... l,.orld lies The decision to proceed with research into
human cloning ..... а wave of protest.
buried deep beneath the Atlantic осеап,
Sea turtle eggs usually ..... at night.
The scientists hope to reactivate the.,... gene.

Пеаа the text and complete the gaps

with the words in the list.
,_/ M.t.t the words to make рhгаsеs.
о event о extinct . primitive . mySter}
. evolved . reign . theory . existence
1 prehistoric А mар
2 organic В experiments Dinosaurs аrе one of the most successful groups of
3 9enetic с relative animals ever to have lived. Their 1) ...., lasted from the
4 distant D world late Triassic period (about 2З0 million years ago) until

5 blood Е material
the end of the Cretaceous period (about 65 million years
ago). The first evidence suggesting the 2) ..... of
6 conduct F vessels
dinosaurs was the discovery of their ancient footprints
in rocks in the 19th century. Later, their fossilised
ske|etons were found in locations all аrоuпd the world.
Dinosaurs 3) ,.,.. from mоrе 4) ...,. reptiles known as
_/ Find the correct word. archosaurs. The smallest dinosaurs wеrе по |аrgеr than а
chicken, but the Iargest rеасhеd lengths of 1 50 feet.
The woolly mammoth, extinct for over 5000 Dinosaurs suddenly became 5) ...,. about 65 million years
years, could Ье brought/carried back to life ago, along with mапу оthеr species. The most widely-
thanks to а breakthrough in cloning technology. accepted 6) .,... is that а large meteor hit the Earth
The analysis was done Ьу trained biologists, causing а mass extinction 7) ...,. But some scientists
believe climate change was to blame. The truth might
using advanced/forward techniques.
always rеmаiп а 8) .....
Scientists are running/walking tests оп the

Researchers believe the answer to these questions
mау sit/lie in оur DNA.
This пеw line/row of research will hopefully
lead to mапу breakthroughs.


, "-dФ
Label the pictures: lond, Ьепd, рuпсh, kick, Ьа!апсе, break,lie, stand, throw, walk, do, fight.


3 kung fu high .....

\г- -т7д"-
сэJ \,,_/ l
:* ': Ь*:

4 ..... оп nails kung fu ,,.,,

..... yourself in the air 8 ..,.. body on tips of swords 9 ..... barefoot оп knives

..... the splits

..У Complete with: crouch, attock, gasp, ,t2 Read the definitions and then complete the
struggle, crawl, build, defend, осhiеvе iп sentences using the verbs iп the correct form.
the correct form.

l .,... iп amazement as the Кuпg Fu

:, " *:*,:g]';,iР:gnч :',*J
::, ж*
master broke bricks оп his head.
They ..... their goal of building up their :"o""o/,(-u*:l1,19*y"o::I*:*?"Y,*: j,о::ч,жJ
stamina апd strength.
Terry ..... down to avoid Ьеiпg kicked iп :
IJ:"lжз-У::':,Ж ygJ
the face Ьу his opponent.
расе /pers/ (v): to walk up and down, especially because
The obstacle соur5е involved
through а muddy tunnel оп уоur hands
and knees. drаg /dreg/ (v): to move with difficulty. especially
lп these classes you will lеагп imрогtапt because you are ill, tired, or unh
tactics for ,.... yourself against attackers.
We to complete the гigоrоus hop /hop/ (v): to jump (forwards or upwards) оп one foot }
trаiпiпg programme.
They lift weights rеgulаrlу to ..... their slip /sIrp/(v}: to lose уоur Ьаlапсе and slide оr fall }
Susan was .,... while walking home, but
mаrсh /motfi (v): to walk quickly with firm regular steps }
she was able to get away unharmed.
:l": :жi*gj:, :Y: y":#,Yj* Рнg1,*:: :ýj
сrаwl /kэll/ (v): to move along оп уоur hands and knees }
Гiпа the correct preposition.
The view from the mountain top will 1 They ..... along the beach, enjoying the afternoon sun.
take your breath away/off, 2 I saw Frank ..... down the street trying to catch the
The students looked оп auin hоrrоr as the bus.
mап lay оп а bed of nails. 3 As we were practising the techniques, l ..... оп my
Iп/То my disappointment, l was uпаЬlе partner's foot.
to master the techniques right away. 4 l ..... myself to the gym ечеп though l was feeling sick.
4 Martial arts focus оп/iп реrsопаl discipline. 5 The students had to ..... through barrels оп all fours as
5 TolIn mу re|ief, l wasn't expected to get part of the exercise.
the moves right оп the first day. 6 After being punched in the stomach, he
The shaolin monks train очеr/ under backwards.
harsh conditions. 7 Теrrу ..,.. оп the ice and sprained his ankle.
8 Kylie ..... up and down the corridor as she waited for
the resu|ts of the competition
9 After spraining his ankle, he had to ..... around on опе
leg for а week.
10 They ..... around the courtyard all day as part of their

VB,l 9

$lj,t.jЁ +"t т-: *д t i *., я:п

,с8 Mrt.b the phrases.

Complete with: take, епrоl, ottend, sit,

foil, research, grтduтte, mт;ter, retake, cheot,
1 crash
А rеsо rсеs
qualify iп the correct form. u
2 private
в year
The students wеrе ,..,. а topic for their history 3 gap
с website
project оп the lnternet. 4 video D lesson
More and more people are ..,.. опliпе соursеs to 5 teaching
Е fees
save time travelling to college. 6 boarding
F lectu res
3 lt took Jane four years to ..... the language. 7 tuition
G course
4 Students who wish to ..... in the course must do 8 educational
н school
so Ьу the end of the week,
5 The student who ..... in the test was suspended.
6 Rachel ..... her Maths exam, but passed her
other exams. ф ,_э7 M.t.b the acronyms to their full forms,
She is considering ..... some of the courses she
got low grades iп. ,l
мвА А Doctor of Philosophy
l was obliged to ..,.. seminars three times а
В Master of Arts
2 вА

His degree .,... him for the job.
3 мА с Master of science
4 BSc D Bachelor of Arts
10 Do you to
..... an exam for уоur drama
5 MSc Е Bachelor of Science

class or is it а practical test?
6 PhD F Master of Business
Francis ,.... from law school last month.

Ж ,_/ Complete with: tutor, teacher, instructor,

graduate, postgraduate, trтiпеr, librarian, coach,
Complete with: degree courte, mlrks, telts,
professor, ехоmiпеr. 5.{ ".а#
quolificotion, scholorship, certificate, сurriсulum,
1 l passed the driving test on my first attempt, coreer, term, course,
thanks to my fantastic driving .....
She wоп а ,.... to study Medicine at university,
2 Exam papers аrе assessed Ьу ап external ...,. ,
2 Тrасу is doing а short ..... in Journalism for two
3 The children wеrе home-schooled Ьу а private
Maths and English are ап essential part of the
James is а ..... student studying for а Master's
school ..,., ,
degree in Civil Engineering.
4 She was accepted into а ..... in Accounting.
Our school hired а professional
5 Vince would like to pursue а ..... in marketing.
train the team.
6 The spring ..... ends in Play.
6 Fiопа is а ,.... of Leeds University.
7 Applicants for the job should have а teaching
7 Му History ..... always gives intriguing lectures.
8 The ..... helped mе find а rеfеrепсе book for mу
8 John's ,.... have improved this term.
English project.
9 After а two-year course in Business Studies, he
Му favourite ..... at рrimаrу school was Mrs was awarded а national ,.... .
10 Some schools have entry ..,.. which аrе used to
10 Не had а personal ..... to help him get fit.
select students for admission.

,,яя l.b.l the
pictures with: spiky hoir, sideburns, dork-skinned, flat поsе, wrinkles,
moustache, beord, curly hair, chubby cheeks, full itps, freckles, Ьuп,
ропуtаil, grey hoir,
f ringe,

']=.. ыf


L0 -*.


,-яФ Complete with: moody, sad, опgrу, organised, grumру, mеOп, rude, aggressive,
f uп -l ovi п g, еmЬа rrassed.

1 Mary's ..... with John because he took hеr car 6 Daniel looked .,... and worried when l told him
without asking. |'d lost my job.
2 When апуопе criticises him, he becomes ...., 7 lt was чеrу..... of Мах to speak like that to his
and loses his temper. best friend.
Тапуа was а ..... teenager who spent а lot of She сап Ье ..... at times and picks оп her
time аlопе. уоuпgеr brother.
When l haven't had enough sleep l feel ..... and Наrrу felt ..... about singing in front of the
unsociable in the morning. whole class.
5 The students wеrе very ..... and finished their 10 Katy is а ..... girl who loves going to parties.
project оп time.


* "**#
Mrt.b the opposites. ,,,У Complete with: trustworthy, ambitious,
gепеrочs, modest, friendly, confident, selfish,
'l рuпу А dark
shy, stubborn, relioble, iпdерепdепt, cheerful.

2 slim в thin Andrew is an ..... man - he is determined to

3 wrinkled с muscular become а famous businessman.
4 plump D straight He's so .....! Не doesn't care about апуопе'S
5 сur|у Е overweight feelings except his оwп.
6 pale F smooth Mark is чеrу ..... - he never te|ls апуопе he is а
self-made millionaire.
l told Frапk that the рlап wouldn't work, but
!],+ he's 5о .,... that he just wouldn't listen.
elegont, hопdsоmе, smart, ottractive, scruffy. Esther is the most ..... person l know. She
1 She moved in а(п) ..... mаппеr, just like а would печеr let mе down,
dancer. John is а реr5оп. Не печеr betrays а
Му parents think l look ..... iп these tоrп jeans, confidence.
but I like them. Му mother's чеrу .....; she's always buying litt|e
3 Alice looked ..... iп her long silk evening gown. gifts for her friends.
4 Charles was а tall, ..... mап with dark hair and а 8 Leo was too..... to ask Mandy out оп а date.
beard. 9 As children grow uр, they Ьесоmе mоrе..... and
Не wasn't good-looking, but he wasn't ..... less reliant оп their parents.
either. 10 She was а ..... girl
- always smiling and singing.
Susan was а tall, slim and ..... woman in her 11 The children at mу new school are ,.... and
mid-thirties. made mе feel welcome immediately.
Jean, who had Ьееп ..... а5 а child, was поw а 12 Не was ..... of his musical abilities and knew
beautiful slender wоmап. that he'd win the talent contest.
Jack looks чеrу ,.... in his black suit, doesn't he?

ý and complete the table with the

?j Дпr*.r the questions in your notebooks.
in the list. ",.r#

. What do(es) you/your best friend look like?

of average height . tanned
о toddler
2 What are уоur best/worst character traits?
. obese . in his/her 20s . fat . short
. 3 What character traits аппоу you?
overweight . dark-skinned . ЬаЬу . freckled
. well-built . average build . tall . light
. slim . thin . elderly/old . skinny
. olive-skinned . middle-aged о teenager
о rosy . in his/her late ЗOs . in his/her early 60s




€оТryГrf,rоr fuппеd,


* 1i' ;- l.j ;..,.],: -.;
Ь) ,tQ
',-: i,. ]:ii l';:

Complete the sentences to say which
а) ,/'" Complete with: scrotch, bite, rоisе, feeling each gesture shows.
frоwп, shrug, wink, cross, wrinkle, pull out,
. nervous . uncertain . confused
drum, purse, ореп.
о annoyed . frustrated . surprised
. disgusted . impatient . shocked
. cheeky . defensive . unhappy

Sоmеопе may scratch their head whеп they

feel ......
Someone may shrug their shoulders when they
2 ..... heac
feel .,... ,
3 Someone mау bite their nails when they feel

4 Sоmеопе may purse their lips when they feel

Someone may wrinkle up their nose whеп they

feel ..... ,
Someone may pull out their hair when they feel

Someone mау drum their fingers when they

i feel ..... .
8 Someone mау frown when they feel ...,. .

9 Someone mау wink when they feel ..... .

10 Someone mау ореп their eyes and mouth up
.. nails wide whеп they feel ..... .
11 Someone may cross their arms and legs when
they feel ..... .

12 Sоmеопе mау raise their eyebrows whеп they

feel .....,

7 8 ..... arms ani legs ,{ ,f"' Find the correct word.

Most people tell white lies so as not to hurt/

pain other people's feelings,
Iп а job interview, it's а good idea to continue/
maintain good еуе contact with the interviewer.
l don't think Claire was saying/telling the
truth because she was rubbing her earj.
9 ,.,.. eyebrows There's been a(n) raise/increase in the пumЬеr
of people having plastic surgery.
Stella felt as if she was starring/playing а rоlе
rather than being herself.
& 6 Mary never reveals hеr true/real feelings.

,r8; 7 Wendy was 5о tired that her eyelids began to

11 ..... up опе's nose You should always trust/believe your instincts.


* ё1.*"_ъ *: i +,+

stories can Ье written either in the first or the third-
person and present а series of events, rеаl or Ап English magazine ;.;;Jii, '..,аЪ'.,
Ъ:;,; ;l
imaginary. The events in the story should Ье written iп short stories with the title: 'А Lucky Escape'. The best I

the order in which they happen. Stories include: story wins f250, Write уоur story for the competition
an introductory paragraph which sets the scene
(descrtbes the ttme, ploce, people, activity, weather,
(120-180 words). t

. main body paragraphs (descrtbing iпсidепts lеоdtпq
up to the mоtп ечепt, the mоiп event ttself апd its А Lucky Escape Ьу Jane Lucas

а concluding paragraph (describing what happens tп
1 0ne Friday afternoon, last winter, I was travelling home
on the bus. lt was very cold and the rain was pounding
фsз!!, peopl e's reoctto пs/fееl t п qs, etc),
Stories are characterised Ьу: heavily against the windows. l was looking forward to having
r the use of past tenses (Ihe suп wqs shlпiпq brlghtly а hot bath and а cooked meal to warm myself up once lgot
whеп they set out. she put оп her coat, орепеd the home, l had no idea that l would have а very lucky escape.
door апd wепt outstde. whеп the woiter brouqht ibe
btll, Мr Bartlett wos emborrossed ta fiпd rе rсо
2 The bus was making its way along the high street when
forqotten to Ьrtпg hts wollet,),
something went terribly wrong. We were опlу about five
. linking words/phrases that convey time and minutes away from mу house when suddenly the driver
sequence of events itt,st/qt first, then/ пехt, slammed his brakes оп. Everyone оп the bus was thrown
ofter/before thot, durtng, whtle, mеопwhtlе, as sооп forwards and then the bus skidded, spun around and veered
os, the mоmепt thot, Ьу the ttme, tп the епd/fiпаllу,
off the road. The last thing l remember is spinning over and
. descriptive adjectives/adverbs to make the story
more interestiпg (еlеgопt, pleosant, breathtaking, .3 .
When l came round, people were moaning. Му head was
fost, poiltely, softly, etc); throbbing and there was blood running down the side of my
. direct speech to make the story more dramatic face. l realised l was trapped in the bus which was on its side,
("Whot ore you dotng? " she yelled,),
but l could hear the sound of sirens in the distance. soon
after that, the emergency services were cutting us out of the
vehicle and taking people to hospita|.
Starting а story/Setting the scene
, Karen fell (exhousted) as she had Ьееп (studytng hard
: 4 Fortunately, а couple of hours and three stitches later, l
fоr her exoms for slx mопths), was able to go home. l was extremely relieved that по one
, The birds were singing happily when Tom woke up was seriously injured and very happy to finally make it home.
on Saturday.
Leading up to the main event
. At first, we didn't notice (спуthiлg strопgе).
, The (porty) had only just (started) when ...
. The next thing (Iоm) knew, (he was .,.),
The main event/climax of the story
. They started (sсrеоmlпg опd shouting iп
. l felt sure (the рlопе) was going to (crash).
Answer the questions.
Describing people/places/objects/feelings 1 How has the writer set the scene?
э Theold mап behind the counter ... 2 what senses has the writer referred to?
с The streets of the small town were crowded and
3 what is the climax event?
bustling during Carnival week.
. Small puffy white clouds drifted lazily above our 4 What adjectives/adverbs has the writer used?
heads. 5 what time words has the writer used to show the
* То their (surpпse/dsgusilhorrar, etc) .,., sequence of events?
. lmagine our (disорроiпtmелt) when .,.

Ending а story
. l've never f elt so (reheved/scared, etc) in my whole life.
. Не knew he would never (9о) again.
r lt was the most (еmьаrrаsstпg) moment l've ever

. .= { #еt*}
Е *"ч; ji{::Еэi1 iJ * ! :l

':"-.ai letters/emails are usually sent to people

- i You recently ordered ап item опliпе frоm w:ww.gliiftsauilюm

:- know or people iп ап official position, e,g. whеп

i but you were чеrу disappointed with it. Write an email !
: - , ng fоr о job/course, maktng о соmрlаtпt оr requesttng
_,эоtiоп, etc. They include: of complaint explaining why you are dissatisfied and :

а formal greeting (Deor Str or Моdоm, Dеоr Mr

what уоu would like the соmрапу to do
Sntth); i
. an introduction with our opening remarks and the Wоrd5).
rеаsоп for writing;
. main body paragraphs, опе for each separate
. with our closing remarks;
а conclusion
. а formal ending (Yоurs faithfully, whеп you dоп't )еа: Sir/Madam,
kпоw the реrsоп'; паmе/Yочrs stncerely, whеп ус-
1 l want to соmрlаiп about an ХЗ60 camera which l
kпоw the реrlап's поmе) + your full name.
:ormal style is characterised Ьу: э.dеrеd through your website on 2sth November.
. formal expressions. advanced vocabulary & Unfortunately, l have experienced Ь) lots of problems.
longer sentences (/ сm ovotloble fаr оп tп:-е,, :,,, ., 2 То start with, l ordered the camera iп blue but the one l

опу ttme сопчепtепt fоr you.) received was black. Secondly, с) although your website said
, formal linking words (However, lп oddtt э"
. batteries were included, there were no batteries in the
full verb forms // аm writlпg ю ...
. use of the passive (l соп Ье COnt0c:,;
camera. Also, l did not receive the free case that was
supposed to соmе with the camera.
3 l аm very disappointed. d) You have to rерlасе the
саmеrа for the correct colour and include the case and
Applying for а job/course
.l am writing to аррlу for lne э:ý::- э' ,.,
batteries е) right away. ln addition, 0 l want уоч to say
advertised iп (yesterdoy's,E,c,
,, :,-, sorry for the trouble you've caused, l am sending the item
. With reference to your advertise-e,: , back to you together with my invoice. g) You have to рау me
. l have Ьееп working as а .,. for iпе а5: .- ,?e,s. back for the cost of the stamps.
. Despite mу lack of .., ехреriепсе. ':i :-эi,
";ou]d 4 h) Write back soon.
.lconsidermyselftоЬе(рuгс:_,:,., -,,,: ..: Yours faithfUlly,
.lenclose а reference from mу рrЕ\, э-s .*оiоу,еr.
sasha Соhеп
. l would Ье grateful if you v, э; э сэ^s dеr my
. Can you tell me the duration of the cc"r,se?
. Please send me а pro5pectu5 9l\, ас ii]e соu15е
detai ls.
. ls it possible to епrо[ online? ]Фti4lF+iEЁ.jgffi1+7+ri;lя::tj!r:Jir::il]ii;i+iФi,iiiljэil]i:J,ii}jE;.+j!i;lffiiilg#ii+dтEer]F]Pýjs,i;фi:9;F]/i#,]effiii

, l look forward to hearing from you,

Complaining "Р .,"# Read the email and replace the informal
. l am writing to draw уоur attention to ,,, expressions in bold with the formal опеs below.
. l am writing to expre55 my strong dissatisfaction at
the .. .
1 despite the fact that your advertisement stated
r l am writing to complain about the quality of ... l 2 l look forward to а prompt reply.
recently purchased from you. 3 lwou|d like you to
. The sales assistant was extremely rude and ,..
. l demand an immediate replacement or а full refund. 4 I expect the postage to Ье refunded.
. l would appreciate it if ... could Ье replaced, 5 as soon as possible
. l hope you will replace ... 6 а пumЬеr of problems with the order.
. l hope that this matter will Ье dealt with promptly. 7 l аm writing to complain about
, l look forward to а prompt reply.
8 l would appreciate ап apology for the inconvenience.

*}.F pl ё ;,э i - :: в;э 1i.*, i* 1+f #

Opinion e5say5 аrе discursive essays iп which we

present оur personal opinion оп а particular topic. 0ur Yоur teacher has asked you to Write ап essay giving I
opinion must Ье stated clearly and supported Ьу your opinion оп the following statement: 'we should r
justifications. We should also present the opposing Ьап the use of plastic bags completely to help the

viewpoint(s) in а separate paragraph.

епч rо п m е nt' J uslifv.vo:: .j:" r
::, Т9= 1r1. }ojd']):. __ .j

Ап opinion essay поrmаllу consists of:

. ап introduction in which we introduce the subject
and state our opinion clearly; 1 The пumьеr of plastic bags iп landfillsites and oceans is
. а main body, consisting of two or mоrе paragraphs continualIy increasing and damagin9 the environment, lп mу
(each presenting а separate viewpoint supported Ьу
opinion, banning plastic bags altogether would Ье а good
reasons/examples), including а paragraph giving the
Ьу idea as it would help solve а Serious environmental problem
opposing viewpoint supported reasons/
examples; and prevent further damage to the environment,
. а conclusion in which we restate our орiпiоп z. 1) Firstly/Also, it would Save energy. 2) For exampIe/
using different words. Therefore, producing plastic bags uses а lot of electricity, Ву not
We normally use present tenses in this type of producin9 any mоrе plastic bags we could reduce energy
writing, and phrases such as l believe, lп mу орtпtоп, l
consumption. 3) A|though/Secondly, it would reduce pollution,
think, lt sееrпs to mе that, l strongly disogree with, etc to
expre55 our opinion. We list our viewpoints with 4) Moreover/For instance, the production of plastic bags creates
Ftrstly, Furthermore, Моrеочеr, дlsо, etc, and introduce chemical waste products, which are harmful to the environment,
the opposing viewpoint using Ноwеvеr, 0п the other з. Therefore/Moreover, wildlife wouId Ье safer, Plastic
hопd, etc,
bags аrе light and can Ье blown Ьу the wind into trees, rivers
Opinion essays аrе normally written in а formal style,
therefore we should avoid using colloquial and lakes. They damage natural habitats and сап cause а choking
expressions, short forms or personal examples. we сап hazard for many animals. The handles can also get caught
find this type of writing in the form of ап article in around animals' legs and beaks. Removing them from the
newspapers, magazines, etc. environment would remove the danger they pose to animals,
4,- 6)оп the other handiBesides, some people argue that
а total ban on plastic bags is unnecessary. They state that
there are types of plastic bags that can Ье recycled and rather
Fоr giving opinions
(that) ... than а ban, they simply suggest encouraging people to reuse
" l believe/think/feel
l strongly believe .., their plastic bags as much as they сап and then dispcse of
. lп my opinion/view, ... ]
them safely.
. The way l see it, ... .5 , with/All in all, l feel that а ban оп plastic
7) То start
, lt seems/appears to me (thaO ...
bags could Ье an effective way to improve the environment,
l То my mind, ...
. l (do not) agree that/with .,.
People, animals and natural habitats would all benefit immensely,
, Му opinion iS that ...
r As far as l аm сопсеrпеd, ...
. l (complete|y) agree that/with ...
l (strongly) disagree that/with ...
. l аm totally against ...
. l couldn't agree rпоrе that/with ...
,t ,.rf kead the model апd find the correct linker,
l couldn't disagree mоrе that/with ,..

._У M.t.b the paragraphs to the


А Second viewpoint & examples

в restate opinion
с first viewpoint & examples
D subject & opinion
Е opposing viewpoint

-]i Replace the topic sentences in the main body
paragraphs with other appropriate ones.

"' ': '' -'

: Your English teacher has asked you to write а review of .
: а book you have rесепt|у read. Write уоur review 9iving i
: а summary of the plot and saying why you think other i
, readers might enjoy it (120-'l80 words).
l,.., ,, ,,,,. ,,,", ,i

1 -,,е Нчпgеr Gomes Ьу Suzanne Collins is the first novel in

а be5t-selling triIogy. lt is а fast-paced science fiction novel

TlhIch tells the exciting story of 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen.
2 The story is set in District 12 iп the future world of
Рапеm. Every year, the Capitol holds а lottery to select а Ьоу
and girl from each of the twelve districts to fight to the
death in the Hunger Games оп live TV. When Katniss']2-
year-old sister is selected, she volunteers to take hеr place,
She will have to fight for her life against others who have
trained for the Games aIl their lives. will she survive7
З The book's original story, interesting characters and
fast-paced plot are guaranteed to keep readers completely
absorbed right from the start. lt is fulI of thrilling action and
nerve-racking tension as well as touching moments а5 we
fo|low Katniss' journey through the Games. The characters
are strong and well-developed and the reader becomes
quick|y interested and attached to them.

4 l totally recommend The Hunger Gomes. lt is а

thoroughly enjoyable read that will completely engross
readers from the first page. Ifyou like fast-paced action and а
creative, exciting and original plot then this is the book for
you. Don't miss itI

Read the model. What is ea(h paragraph about?

.-= How does the writer recommend the book? Replace

the sentences with other appropriate опеs_.

Which adjectives does the writer use to describe
the story, the characters and the plot?


f,:*t t, --,* :: +.i " ;+ +; * i аз :ъf; +Ёsfr эf Ё
For-and-against essays are formal pieces of writing
which discuss the advantages and disadvantages of а Write ап essay (200-250 words) rоl. . ,tuJ.r'-*.Ёr'r.
topic. Arguments on both sides of the topic are discussing the pros and соп5 of working part-time while
presented in equal detail and the writer's opinion is
studying at university.
included at the end of the essay.
For-and-again5t е55ау5 include:
. ап introductory paragraph introducinq the topic
and its two sides;
1 Many уоuпg people work part-time during their
. three main body paragraphs - each paragraph university studies, but is it sensible to try and work and study
presents an arqument for and arqument aqainst at the same time?
the topic - arguments should Ье supported with
iustifications/ examples.
2 Certainly there are а number of advantages to working
. а concluding paragraph which summarises the part-time while studying. 1) То start with, the mопеу earned
arquments and qives the writer's opinion. сап go towards paying уоur living expenses.2) |п this way,
Note: in for-and-against е55ау5, each main body you may not have to get а student loan and so will leave
paragraph begins with а topic sentence that outlines university without huge debts. З) However, working takes
the mаiп idea of that paragraph.
away from your study time. You will have fewer hours to
For-and-against essays аrе characterised Ьу:
. formal/semi-formal vocabulary and some |onger
study and your grades mау suffer as а result.
senten(es (Although sоmе people mау disogree, tп mу 3 Another advantage of having а part-time job while you
view, the advoпtoges for outwetgh the dtsadvantoges,); are studying is that you gain work experience. 4) Therefore,
. formal linking words to join ideas (Дlthough,
you have ап advantage очеr other graduates when looking for
Whereos, Fоr this rеоsоп, etc);
. fu|I verb forms (lt is well worth ,.,), а job after the completion of your studies. 5) Nevertheless,
. а mild impersonal style that avoids colloquial
your work life may iпtеrfеrе with your university life. You may
expressions or strong personal feelings (Rепtiпg о miss out on social or other events because you have to work.
hоmе ts thought Ьу same people to Ье а better sаlчttоп 6) This means that you may miss out on socialor other events
thon Ьчуiпg опе,),
because you have to wоrk.
4 Опе more point in favour of working part-time and
+L$lil"ffiffi studying at the same time is that it gives you the chance to do
Listing points something different. Gorng to work means spending some
" Firstly,/To begin with, , Secondly, time away from the academic environment, and this wilI give
n Furthermore,/Moreover, " Finally, your brain а break from coursework, assignment deadlines,
lntroducing advantages
lectures and so on.7) Оп the other hand, handIing work and
" Опе/Ап important/The main advantage of ...,
. Another/An additional benefit of study simultaneously may prove exhausting, which could lead
. Some/Many people are in favour of ..., to you feeling stressed.
Introducing disadvantages 5 S) All in all, there are both advantages and disadvantages
. А serious drawback/major disadvantage of ..., to working while studying at university. lt does not suit everyone
. Some/Many people are against ...,
and l think апуопе considering doing it should carefully decide
Justifying points and giving examples
for themselves if the drawbacks outweigh the benefits.
Justifying о point:
. This is because ... . The reason for this is ... о This
means that ... . After al|,
":i.' :t:Ъi..j:i: ъtЁ
Giving exomples:
r For instance,/For example, . such as
Contrasting ideas
. 0п the other hand, . However,/Nevertheless,/ Read the model. What is each paragraph about?
Nonetheless,/Re9ardless of this, . Despite/ln spite of
(the foct that) ,,,

Expressing opinion
о{ ,*r# Перlасе all the topic sentences in the essay
. ln mу opinion/view, l believe/think/feel ..., with other appropriate опеs.
, ln conclusion, . All thing5 considered, ; "У Перlасе the linkin9 words in bold in the
essay With suitab]e alternatives.

it!.iflЁ,JйЕ д: "Ё;'i€ i:

. А descriptive article about а person should consist of:

- an introduction in which we give gепеrаl Yоur English teacher has asked you to write ап article
information about the person, saying when, describing sоmеопе whose company you enjoy. Write
where and how we first met them;
уоur artic|e and describe their арреаrапсе, character and
- а main body in which we describe theil
why уоu like them (120-180 words).
physical арреаrапсе, personal qualities аос
hobbies/interests. We start а new раrа9гаэts
for each topic;
- а conclusion in which we write оur (оmггa,:;
1 Наrrу is mу neighbour. Не moved in next door thirteen
and/or feelings about the person.
. When describing sоmеопе we know t^,,e|! э, s:: уеаrs ago and went to the same primary schoo| as mе. We are
often (е,9, а frtend, о netghbour, etc), we !5i 0,.sз-: very close and he is like а brother to me.
tenses. When describing sоmеопе ,,. - э : -:
2 Не is eighteen, а year older than me, and he is quite
longer alive, or 5оmеопе we knew а lопс: *е :::
pas:::-;:; handsome. He's tall and slim with pale skin and blonde hair.
and we do not see апу more, we u5e
. Descriptions of people сап Ье found in а: : :s Не has а casual style and always wears sportswear and
letters, narratives, etc, trai пеrs.
. when we describe someone's physical арреаrап(е 3 Harry is а very outgoing person. Не is always friendly
We Start with the generaI features . _: -,. ;-
and chatty and loves to have fun. Не has а great sense of

butld, age) and move оп to the mоrе sэзс': .-.s

humour and likes nothing better than making people laugh.
such as hair, eyes, по5е, etc, Vrе сэ- а 5: э:: а
description of the clothes the ре.sэ, I..: :: ,,.:а,, However, he can Ье а bit childish at times and sometimes he
takes а joke too far, which upsets someone.
\cs goT red hot , g,ce" : -.,, .- . . ,, .
,. :
4 Harry loves team sports. Не likes footba|l and rugby and
weors smаrt suits.
. spends а lot of time either playin9 оr watching matches. Не
When we describe sоmеопе's р.,sс,э с_а : е5
We Support our description чli:г эr:-э eS э,с оr
enjoys reading science fiction too and is а bit of а comic book
fa n.

it difftcult to make new fr е,:: 5., All in all, l really like spending time with Harry. He's
We сап also describe someone'5 ре1,5э-э :., :"cJgh
great fun to Ье with and l really enjoy his соmрапу. l'm sure
their mannerisms Ьу:
. referring to the way they speak:
we'll always have а close relationship.
Не speoks tп а soft votce qs if he ,,,,,.
. describing the gestures they use:
She сопstопtlу uses hеr h7nds wrе, :,: ::.,, :
. mentioning а particular habit they have:
loson olwoys bites his noils whеп he is "e,,,,cb,s,
Note: When we mention someone's negative qualities
we use mild language (seems to, сOп эе,э:,:-, :.:, Fоr
example, instead of saying Poul ls ::,, it is better to
Match the paragraphs to the headings.
say Poul сап Ье rother Iozy at ttmes.
. То make оur piece of writing more interesTing, we А hobbies/interests
сап usе а variety of linking words апd phrases to
join sentences оr ideas together.
В name/when/where/how they met
Jayce hos got red hatr, She's _Bot freckles. . -:,
,_. j-:
-. С feeling/comments
red hoir апd freckles. D physical арреаrапсе & dress style
Dovid is а tcll rпоп, Не is tп hts late fortles.
- i:.. :. :, -.:
Е personal qualities
mоп tvho ts ,п his lote
Bidget is ап attractive wоmап, She's gat sho" :,.-,- :,:,,
hoir, -Brtciget ts ап lttractive wоmап v,litc 5,:-..,- ;t Answer the questions.
lепgth hair,
1 What tenses has the writer mainly used?
ihe is toll \he ts thtп, She is both toll апd thtп
2 lп which paragraph does the writer say when and
where they met the person?
3 What sty|e of writin9 has the writer used? Give examples.

модуль 1 О Наречия частотности ставятся в предлохении пер::
М ы сЛ 0 В ы М ГЛ а ГоЛ о l\il П о СЛ е в с П 0 lV о ГаТеЛ Ь Н о Го ГЛ а Г0,- :
Present simple {Настоящее простое С

BpqM{L .
и глагола to Ье. ffз uss.saily sf eeps е*rftr; *л 5ыло*уs.
Thtq ý{€ *.эsшаl{у rst work лl lftis l!m* *f d*y"
l/You/We/They ruп.
Р rese пt сФпtiп чФus ( На стоя щее
He/She/lt runs.
l/You/We/They do not/don't ruп.
продолженнФе время}
: ]
He/She/lt does not/doesn't rlln. Формообразование:
Do l/you/we/they ruп? Рrеsепt сопtiпчоus образуется при помощи вспоI\j:
Does he/she/it ruп? гэIс,-э*]-с глагола to Ье (аm, is, are) и смыслово-:
глаго] э,: о<ончаниеп,t -iпg,

; Yes, he/she/it does.

No, l/you/we/they don't. |'m eating, |'m not eating.
No, he/she/it doesn't. You're eatlng, Yоu аrеп't eating.
He/Shei lt's eating. He/She/lt isn't eating.
Правила правописания (З-е лицо единственного числа) . We/You/Thev're eating. We/You/They aren't ealing
О К большинству глаголов в З-пл лице единственного
числа добавляется -5:
Аm l eating? ls he/she/it eating?
Jsfl - S** sifs
Аrе you eating? Аrе we/you /they eating?
О К глаголам, оканчивающимся на -ss, -sh, -ch, -х и
-о, добавляется -е5:
l pcss * he pcsses, i лчлsf, * lte ws-sftеs, l tеасlз - he Yes, l am. No, l'm not.
feccfies, j fjx * пqs fixes, !dc - fts dc*is Yes, you аrе. No, you aren't.
О У глаголов, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, -у Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn't.
за[/еняется на -i и добавляется -е5. Yes, we/you/they а:е. No, we/you/they аrеп't.
,l j.J
fiu - hэ f/iat
О К глаголаlv, оканчивающимся на гласную + у, добав- Правила правописания
ляется -5: о У большинства гliэ -]--aз скончание -iл9 добавляетс.
J sýil - ** s*1,g к начальной форl.,: -_-э-сла, с.:я -. *зftf*g, sрелd -
Present Simple исполоз!€Iся, когда речь идёт:
О У глаголов, оканч1.1ва-a-,,хся на -е, опускается -е;,
О о повседневных действиях. добавляется -lл9,
,я*г& ryg,{s * w*кiятg. с6.|.€ - эсtсiпg
Sfte si*r*s *i 9 **;.
о о привычках: rhеу пIwcys do their s'порр!пg *п Friday,
О У глаголов, оканчиtsа,с-,,хaя на гласную * согласная, :

о о постоянных действиях: #g wаrfts as а teacher. ударением на эт0[,j с-traгэ, :0гласная удваивается и при-
о о расписаниях/п рограмtчlах:
бавляется -и9: sic;
j:tr!дl-g, r*grеt rеgгеttiпЕ -
НО; ft*рр*л - ,hс,эрslirg (ударение на первоп,л слоге)
ifie лтijsеilm ope:;s ct ?G *tT.
об общеизвестных фактах или законах природы: Употребление
l#*ter boifs *t 2i2'Г Present сопtiпчоus употсебляется, когда речь идет о:
О об интервью/спортивных коIvп/ентариях/повепвованиях: О действиях, происходяl lих сейчас, в l\loп/eHT речи,
ifte уоuпg ясi*г gfиes *с ехсеiiе*t реrlоrmаже iп sь"irп,п;лg, _-, . -_.,,..
Г;rп fs

{лts. деиствиях, происходящих в настоящий период вре-

iмени, но не обязательно в MOlveHT речи:
Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с They аrе р*iлtiлg iпс;r hэ,зsе rh*se d*ys,
рrеsелt simple,, ечеrу hour/day/week/month/year/etc, запланированнь х действиях в будущеп,л,, i'm
usually, always, every morning/afternoon/evening/night, fr*veffing to Lспdэп *л 5u**су. (согласно плану)
at пооп, at night, in the mоrпiпg/аftеrпооп7ечепiпg и т. д. ý*п is ,1*чjпg с рсi[у эrl S*turclay,
временных ситуаJиях
P*tiy is w*ля j;:g ct her uжlе's s,hop tлis sуmmеr.
Adverbs of f req u епсу (На реч ия изменяющихся и развивающихся ситуациях:
часIотности) Не is g*f fi*g Ьеliеr *r rgi,?лiý,

a Наречия частотности показывают, как часто что-то

с такиN/и наречияl\,4и, как always, constantly, conti-
пuаllу, для выражения эNiоционального сOстояния
происходит. К ниrv относятся:
(часто раздрахения) по поводу часто повторяющихся
always - всегда (100%), sometimes - иногда (25Yo)
usually - обычно (15Уо), rаrеlу/sеldоm - редко/
действи й,
He's *|w*уs f*rgе*fiлg ftis rчgf lgi,
эп изодическ и(1 0ОЬ)
Некоторые глаголы состояния (statiye yerbs) обычно не
often - часто (50%), пеvеr - никогда (0%)
имеют форму present сопtiпчоus, Среди них: have

= possess), like, love, hate, wапt, kпоw, rеmеmЬеr, Примечание: Глагол епiоу мохет использоваться в

'эrgеt, understand, think, believe, cost и т. д. l wапt to рrеsепt со пti п uо us дл я в ы рахен и я п редпочтен и я :

:-, !oL] somef hing. l reol[y епjау еаtiпg out, (общее предпочтение)
Ухазiтели времени (сЙгналil), упоiреблrЬмыЬ i |'m епjоуiпg а пiсе diппеr cf fiomE. (опреде-
present сопtiпuоus,. поw, at, the mоmепt, at present, лённое предпочтение)
-:лаdауs, these days, today, tоmоrrоw, next month и Глаголы look, feel, hurt и ache могут использо-
т. д.
ваться в present сопtiпчоus без разницы в зна-
resenf ýеr?t чении:
Beth looks чеrу еlеgопt fonighf. = Beth is {oo&ing
very е!еgапt tзпight,
^.et jbles ,f uture аrrапgеmепts
/i{m starts at 6, 'l'm goiпg out оп Suпday.
Pasf srлтрlе {*Ц_роlшедшзее простgе врепяя}
:=,тапепt states & facts temporary situarLons
-,еу {iye iп tfiе He's wоrkiпg |rоп -:
*; : -j
:эчпtrу. week,

blti7ioutines actions happening ,:,,, ., - -^ э
1е goes joggiпg ечегу the time of speak
rorning" ýhеЪ sleeping с;:^: -:*:-:.

Staffye уеr&ý {Глаголы состоя ния) l/You/ He/5hel lt/We/They stayed/ rап.

3 английскоtl,л языке есть глагольL, (C-]l:: :i:,-;lают

,,-э Э-., -.-э-сiэl
:остояние, а не действие предмета .
,,потребляются в presenf сопtiпчоus С::-,, -,,,
Полная форма i Краткая форма j

О глаголы чувственного воспсr]я-,,; арреа4 feel, hear, l/You did not stay/run. l/You didn't stay/run. ]

look, see, smell, sочпd, talte ,, -. - He/She/lt did not stay/run. He/She/lt didn't stay/run.
,We/You/They did not l We/You/They didn't
/ feeI hoppy.
о ГЛаГОЛЫ, ОПИСЫВаЮЩИ€ \1э i--"-i--:-_,,] -?:-Э:"]ЬНOСТЬ stay/run. stay/ ruп.
(be/jeye, forget, kпоw, uпdеrstапd -- -
l dап't understand whot the э:ээ.?^,s.
о глаголы, вырахаЮщие чу3:-:, "' :',' - -,',' (desire, Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/ ]

Did they did?

епjоу, hate, like, lоvе, prefer, want ,, -- - -

/ Iike swimming.
l /you / he/she/it/we/ they l No, l/you/he/she/it/we/
о некоторые другие глаголы: Ьеlопg, сопtаiп, cost, fit, stay/ rчп? ; they didn't?
have, keep, пееd, owe, оwп v,,-- - -,
She owes mе t25. Правила правописания: А
Некоторые из этих глаголов l"tc-a . -:-эеЬляться в
О В глаголах, оканчивающихся на -е, добавляется }ý
только -d: l live - l liyed tr
present сопtiпчоus, но в другом знэlз-.,,,,
a В глаголах, оканчивающихся на согласную + у, -у
ýtr заtменяется на -iи добавляется -ed: l try - l trfed &rý
О В глаголах, оканчивающихся на гласную * у, добав- , {.i
l аm thiпkiпg ]' ,-:оиiпg. ;
ляется -ed: l епjоу - l enjoyed
:=, -], l
(= an cons f a В однослохных глаголах с гласной мехду двумя
Не hcs а sparts саr, l аm having diппеr. $
согласными удваивается пOследняя сOгласная и
(= eating l She is
(= owns, possesses) hoving а добавляется -ed l admit - l admitted
Ьrеоk. (= tak,^j ":L
Употребление :ja
;l соп see the riуеr frоm He's seeing 0 пеw сliелt Past simple употребляется для рассказа о: \_
;mу rооm. (= it is visible) ifоmоrrои (= n^eet ng)

;!. О действиях, которые произошли в опРеделённый Mto- kъ-
l see whot уоur роiлf fs.
(= understand) :]
Y [/ент времени в прошлом:
ýue соrпе hоmе ot 7 рm. (Когда? В 7 вечера,)
rhis tea fcstes чеrу Тоm is tosting thе 50uce ro i{ i О прошлых привычках: Мum оftеп fook mе to the рсrk
lsweet" ',see if it has епочgh pepper. whеп l wos litt{e.
l {= it ir7t",u, the flачоur of) ,
(= is trуiпg) О последовательных действиях в прошлом: Вrаd, had
These f lowers smell nice, The соt is smel/ing its /ood. breok|ost, rелd the rпоrпiпg рареr, апd left for work.
(= have the aroma) (= is sniffinq)
, Укаййлй iРiмЁни ji и гнал ы 1, употребл яейiiЁ'с Ёйl
YoLl срресr to Ье опgrу. Liz is appearing iл New Уоrk ,simple: yesterday,,yesterday mогпiпg/ечепiпg и т, д,, Iast j

(= seem to) tvgek, weeks/a month.ago; in 20'l 0 и т. д,

ihis {= 11
n9rf_ormin9) ; night/week etc, two l

:: . .i..|.:riij::;.€-,. DiJ r, you,'Бelirlelii, йё, trrey usec
i , ,-'','.:':l',.'"T.lVea;
to ptay footbatt?
,..-..,';- 1,.i'...,::.:.j
i '' l, уоч, rrеlirrёlii;rЁ; they did.

',',,,' _],],.__'...iclan].!,
О Used to/past simple употребляются для обозначения
привычек и регулярных действий в прошлом. Не used
to dгiчеldrаче to work, (Не doesn't do that апу mоrе.)
О Would/used to употребляется, когда речь идёт о
i повторяющихся (рутинных) действиях в прошлом.

* Would не употребляется с глаголами состояния: She

l used to wake uplwould ylake up еаrlу еvеrу day. НО:

She used to hсуе lопg fioir" (Неправильно: Не would
l hэyejo-qg}ar+)
О Past simple употребляется, когда речь идёт о
; дейпвиях, которьlе произошли в определённый
момент вре|"1ени в прошлом: Не wепt to wоrk ecrly
yesterdcy. (Неправильно: Щ

Present (Настоящее
совершённое время)
Presenf perfect образуется при помощи вспомо-
гательного глагола have/has и причастия прошедшего
вреN/ени 0сновног0 глагола.

Указатели времеiй iiиiiiлiri, употребляейitе i piiii
сопtiпuоus, while, when, as, all day/night/morning,; I i You /We/They've passed.
l/You/We/They haven't
yesterday и т. д. passed.
He/Shei lt's passed.
He/She/ lt hasn't passed.
vs соп
',.{"", -"].
].-]'-.'], 1l':'']:;].. '.1.1.,]]:]
]:];::i ].::,
j. ,,:,l:. :lr,".:i"i::-:.,.l_ ,l

i.iii ;., ' i"1

Have l/youiwe/they ies, l/you/we/they havb.
lдеиствие, которOе про-:деЙовие, которое проис-
passed? No, l/you/we/they haven't.
изошло в указанное вреN/я ходило в определённое вре- Has he/she/it passed?
Yes, he/she/it has.
iB прошлом: 1мя в прошлом. При этоп,l не
No, he/she/it hasn't.
iThe accident hаррепеdсf iуказывается, когда дейпвие
: Present perfecf употребляется, когда речь идёт:
,Не was watching с fiockeyl О о действии, начавшемся в прошлом и продолхающе-
glmе at 8 iп the ечепiлg. мся до сих пор, особенно с глаголами состояния: Ье,
i пOследOвательные ;два или более одновре- l
hаvе, like, kпоw и т. д.: Eddie has tived оп tfiis street
;деЙствия в прошлом: N/енных действия, про- far tеп years. (= Не moved to this street ten years ago
,They paid the bil! ппd lеft,исходивших в развитии в; and he's stillliving hеrе,)
l the restcurcnt. п рошлOlv: О о дейовии, произошедшем в прошлом, но имеющем
Ellie wos checking hег reci- видимый результат в насгоящем: 5оmеопе has crcshed
ре while she was рrераriпg into mу саr опd it fias с big denf iл the dоог.

fhe dish, Оо действиях, произошедших в неустановленное
время в прошлом, При этом действие более вахно,
чем время: Sile fios quit fier job. (When? We don't
know, it's not important,). Present Perfect такхе
употребляется с
today, this mоrпiпg/аftеrпооп/
week, so far и т. д., когда эти периоды времени не
закончены к моменту речи: Nоfitсл has called yau
fhrее times fodcy. (The time реriоd - today - is not over
yet. Не may call a9ain.)
Оо недавно завершённых lvlum has just



seryed diппеr. (The action is соmп еlе, -: -:,,: *аlавшееся В деиствие, которое началось
поw served. ) .родолхающе- и закончилOсь в прошлом:
l о личноп,л опыте, переживан/яi, .::,,,:-:-,, __ ,,,, -о0, Реrе lэаs haC Не worked !п в Ьапk !*r
рые произошли: l tlave печеr Соле :,. ::,2 ссr fоr tеп уевгэ" threc уесгs, (Не doesn't
:_ -as the same саr.) work iп а bank апуmоrе, )
Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые
presentperfec*just, already, yet, fo1 s,псе, -:,:.,.-
о \.t

ное время}

Have gопе (ta)/Have Ьееп (to)/Have g


Ьееп in Формообразование: подлежащее + had+ past participle, *

Lisc hcs gопе to the shop. j.:. . -

shop оr she's thеrе поw Sle , э:, -_ -, - , eate
п' l/You/He/etc had not/hadn't
li You/He/etc had
Llndo hcs Ьеел fo Hawc;l. ,S-= eaten.
=- _-
isn't there поw" She's соmе Ьа:.l
Wе hсче Ьееп iп Los Дпsеr:, ,: :
, jj
Yes, l/you/he/etc had.

in Los Angeles поw Had l/you/he/etc eaten?
) No, l/you/he/etc hadn't.

Presenf perf,ect conti п u о us ( Н а сто я щее Употребление

совершённое продолже н ное в ремя) Past perfect употребляется, когда речь идёт о:
О действии, которое произошло перед другим дейст-
Формообразование: подлех{ащее - hаче has - Ьеел вием в прошлом или до обозначенного N/оlvента в ъ
- глагол с окончанием -iпg, прошлом: Тhе сhildrел had {iпished al{ thеiг сhоrеs ý

Ь*fоrе fftejr лтоffrеr gof foоmе, The mееtiпg had ,i

-'= eяded Ьу 'i 1 a'clack, lt
/You/We/They have/'ve -: о ппt/
l l 9L/
действии, которое завершилось
Ьееп working.
He/She/lt has/'s Ьееп -э: ^:: nasn't
описании его результата: ffе fтsd missed his Ьыs so fte
прошлоlv, при
,J wcs rsсjJу fafe. ;
working. ,I
Указатели временЙ (iигналы), употребляемые с pasf
perfect: before, afte1 already, just, fоr, since, till/until, ,1
Have l/you/we/they ,:, - _ е :rey have.
whеп, Ьу the t|me, пеvеr и т. д. ,ф;*"- *uj
Ьееп wоrkiпg? :- /,э :ley haven't.
Has he/she/it Ьееп
-_л :- л__
-_ _ ,- л__лrд
wоrkiпg? : : d)il L.

совершJённое прOýол}кенное время}
PreSent perf ect сопtiпчоu5 . a
-: : - : :- - : .,
] гщd Ф_ор119образ9в:ние: had * Ьееп + pr9se|t pa{liciple:
), =

подчеркивается значение -.- ,,-:.- =, -:-," деЙствия,

КОТOРОе НаЧаЛОСЬ В ПРOi-, :',' *: -Э]lХаеТСЯ
настOящего времени:
" ДО
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They had been ptaying.
She has Ьееп waiting fоr hеr .i,'r,:: ':. с,lег оп hоur.
О обозначается деЙствие, нё:э:-::-: ] ilрошлоlv и
l/You/He/She/lt/We/They had not/hadn't Ьееп ptaying.
продолжающееся некоторое может ещё з::,,,: Э -э
длиться или быть завершено, -: -:..r-ельно иNi еет
видип,lый, ощутип,лый ^ -: ---:_эм,
Had |/you/he/etc. Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they had.
lt hos Ьееп rаiпiпg all day апа the s:-э9:5 cre flooded.
Ьееп ptaying? ]
No, hadn't.
VкiiJiели врiЙени tiЙiналы), употребляемые с presenf ъ
ý Ра
pertect сопtiпuоus: since, for. how lопg lчтсбы сделать, st ре rfe ct со nti п u о u s у п отребл я ется, ко гда,
акцент на длительноои действия) О подчеркивается длительность действия, которое на-
и в

чалось закончилось прошлоlv перед другим

действиепл в прошлом, обычно с sисе или for,,
Present vs l had Ьееп looking fаг mу саmеrа fаr half ап hоur,
.,.l.'ir"ft; whеп / rеmеmЬеrеd l had {оапеd it to а f riепd,
' '1'l,:,:
О обозначается действие, которое длилось некоторое
деиствие, произошедшее в .Щ€ИСТВИС, ПР0; ,зоL,].,]едшее в
вреN/я в прошлом, и описывается его результат (в
неустановленное вреN/я в определён ное всеlля в
прошлом): They had Ьееп wclJ<ing аrоuпd tlэе tоwп
]ПРОШЛONl: прошлоN/:
all day опd they ч,tеrе tired,
iShe hgs baught с сог" (We ,Sаrаh wепt to 5рсiл lcsf
i don't know when. ) уеgr. (When? Last уеаr, The i rк;#;й ;рейеяи (с" rнал ы), употребляем Jle i-pjJt;
time is mentioned ) ,perfect сопtiпчочя for, since, how long, before, uпtil и т. д. l

Quantifiers ( Вьеражениё значения группам. Bofh несёт в себе полохительное значени:
t и употребляется с глаголом в форме N4нохественногс
I количества} числа, Bofh противоположно пеithеr/поf either пс
1 значению:
дсrk спd Ваь are businessmen. Bottl lt{ark апd Воь аrе
blrsinessrлen, They аrе ýoth Ьusiпеssmел, 8ofh af thеп
t ore Ьusjпеssmел. Bofh mеп Qrе Ьusiпеssrпеп.

о Either {= любой из двух)/Л/еithеr (: ни один иj

двух) относятся к двум людяl\i, предlvетами илv
t not mапу/апу i not muсh/апу :р!ilпам и употребляются с глаголоN/ в форме
едriia,iвеннOго или мнOхественного числа
О Д lot/ots оfупотребляется в утвердительных пред-

Neither саr is cheap епочgh for mе to buy.

лохениях с неисчисляеl\iыми и исчисляеN/ыlvи су-
Neither of/Either of употребляются с глаголом в
ществительными во lvножественноI\i числе. Предлог
of опускается, если после а lot/lots нет сущест- форrtе е;инственного или l\,4нохественног0 числа:
Nеithеr о/ the boys /fkei lii<es football,
в ител ьно го:
Дrе there lots of books in the liогаrу? Ye;, thеrе оrе О A/l чпотреб;яется, когда речь идёт о более чеN/ двух
людях, Iсэгt.lетах или группах. А// несёт в себе
положит€лэ*се значение и употребляется с глаголоt!{
о Мчсh и ,палу употребляются в отрицательных или в форме Nlчохественного числа. А// противополохно
во п росител ь н ы х п редлохе ниях. М чсh уп отребл я ется
попе по знэч?:;,ю. ДIl the sfudeлts passed the ехаm.
с неисчисляемыми существительныlvи, а mапу с - ДIl of them pcsseo ihe ехсm. They all possed the ехоm.
исч исляемыми существительн ы ми во мнохествен ном
дll + that-claиse ,,-отребляется с глаголом в форме
числе: / hочеп't got much time. Дrе thеrе mапу pcintings
единственногс ч,,l--э. Дll that she did was соmрIаiп
iп the exhibition?
obout ечеrуthiпg.
о Haw muсh употребляется с неисчисляеtr/ыIuи сущест-
о JVone употребляе;с;, (сгда речь идёт о более чем
вительныl\i и в вопросах о количестве чего-либо: Hotv
mчсh milk da you пееd? А ki{o. (=количество)
двух людях, предl.,еiах лли группах, Nопе несёт в

себе отрицательнос зilаJение и не употребляется с

о How mапу употребляется с исчисляемыlvи сущест-
"ls ihеrе апу juice left?"
существительныl"1: "No,
вительными в вопросах о числе людей/предплетов:
How mапу visftors does she expect?
Nопе of употребляется с глаголом в форме едино-
a д few означает (неivного, но достаточно) и упо- венного или мнохестtsе--ого числа. Л/опе of проти-
требляется с исчисляемыми существительными во
вополохно аlIпо значе;;::э, Nопе of the studentslthem
MHoxecTBeHHoм числе: Тhеrе а few opples iп the
haslhave finished the рrоjесt.
fridge. l сап mаkе ап apple pie.
Примечание: по + существительное. There's по time
a д little означает (неN/ного, но достаточно) и
to study.
испол ьзуется с неисчисляем ыми существител ьн ыми
Не put о little mопеу aside so cs to go ап holiday this

О Every употребляется с исчисляемыlvи существитель-

ныlvи в единственно|,1 числе, Еиеrу относится к
группе людей или предt,lетов и означает (все) или
Примечание: Few/little означает (почти нет, недоста-
и l\iожет использOваться с vеrу для усиления Й>.
She hcs to рау о rепt ечегу month.
смысла: (Vеrу) few people go to work Ьу bike, We've got
(very) Iittle time left. Нurrу up!
О Each употребляется с исчисляемыми существитель-
ными в единственноlч1 числе, Each обычно употре-
О Д couple of, several, а few, mапу, both, а (large/
бляется значении ккаждый из двух): Each mеmьеr of
great/good) пumЬеr of употребляются с исчисля-
the wiппiпg teom wos аwаrdеd а medal,
еlvыlvи существительными: Ihеrе wеrе several people
Примечание: Every опе и each (опе) употребляются с
at the meeting.
предлогом of
О (Тоа) much, Jtttlе,..аgr^еаt/gоо*ЙlЪr, а hrge/
small' аmоuйt7dilаntiti'; or употребляются с
Every опе oflEach (опе) of the students was inyited to
the graduatioп се rеmопу.
сфесгГЙiельнып,tи: She hos mode а
О Whole (= весь) употребляется с исчисляемыI\,4и

fll AJgtgJ*J.*,!э:!lу:
good deal of рrоgrеss in hеr studfes"
существительными: а, the, this, mу и т. д. t whole +

исчисляемое существительное: the whole doy = u;1

употребля юТtЯ

О Both ... апd употребляется с глаголом в форме
мнохественного числа: Both Julie апd Debbie are
О lVeither ... nor/Either .., or/Not опlу .,. Ьut also .,,
8оtIт- ýl"fher/Veither - All * JUone * употребляются с глаголом в форме единственного или
Every -ýacll -Wýlafu мнохественного числа в зависиl\{ости от тOг0, в KaKOlv
числе стоит подлехащее после поr, or или but also:
О Both относится к двум людям, предN/етами или

---гп оr his pci,ents аri gоiпg r0 п,}sеt уоu
ci tite ;; ;;i;;,"v' :lr li]".',l'#'$Ж; i,' Ёil i',, g о iп g Ё о
О планах на Ьудуuее (ite's рlаппiпg to ",)
:'rDOгt. trсче{ лЬrоссJ пехt mолri-}, или
на том, u19,*:, видим
О пllогнозах, основанных
модуль 2 знаем: Look ou|; *no * fo fci{
going iпtо_fhе роо{,

О принятых р",*Й,*-
;i;;;il.* Ьуоу*",
5пi{у,fs s?i:y,l",iock fоr
с п*w

+ инqиfiитlв без частицы

Эормообразование: will
]сэ ,Shе nas аlrеаdу decided
to do tnls,,

/ou / Не / She/ lt/We/The5 Il/You/He/ShellilWelTlrey
stay. , stay, времени,
. в значении будуlцего
",_ _
,il./,tt .. ,:wiltnot/won't
*9ч1_1"ь идет о
/it/we/they witi,
О Present simple употребляетсl,
His рlопе londs сt Z:O0
Yes, l /you/he/she оасписании/про,рu*Й,, 11 л
l it/we l tney,\ оп' t, когд: речь идет 0
,./we/they stay? rUЪ,' r'lu*it .ishe . ЁЖ;; ;;;;";; употребляетс:,
запланироваппо,*'ЪЁИi,i"" !x1:.,J, Tfue iii{{ers
rпотребление -:l+:_p:::.'_-:_
_ когда известпо upJ*,
и место действия:
I invited theл,} {05t
:utuie simple употребляетсr, ro аiппlr tonight,
эчу сrе соrлiпg
J t]Ke L lr]tr j _--
об речь идёт
О о сиюп,tинутных решениях, о Present сопtiпuоusупотрЪбп"",,_коца
thein. --о с ,1: изменяющихся
ча б,-,,-=, ^i^л4оrе спd mоrе students 0rе
О о прогнозах и предсказаниях lbe/ieye lexpect;
' ;r,;;;;;,*, l hope,
will Ье cpplying to seyerc{
Hffi;;;,"biibii, ,л,:/i
Ре'rhарs: сhопgе
cble to sOIVе tne р16ы.Ь.
his mind сьоuf it"
Н;;;;;iЙ,* (оОо,..*о с глагс;э"",
promise swear время) ",
-. io t-э,
*,s:-* :'гrT OrrOи
подлежаtцее + WilI
+ Ье + глагол
;", o1,Tp"*i,* I'Il take уоU ii wili Ье :,э cnCof оur Формообра,о""й
О обугрозах: Lie ta",g,i, спС С ОКОНЧаНИе" -'n1.._..".._.__. j'T' ]


mоrс :,,е, -,"
ОЪ предупрехдениях: Driче тЫеr,
i7Y;u l Ё ; i,Ёе7 ii l vie

J}:: -_ __ .,..
hсче сп cccident, ihе job.
a iylt}"Pg
ql_.qpll_g_:* _ _ _,_,_._

о по!опо*.*иях, l'Il
make уо,l sс--_:
о будущем де":-],
о об информации ,,Witr ilyou/БJliБ,litl
Witt ilyoulrre/she/i1 , Yes, l/you/he/she/
W9Jl 't.l
;;) ;iЁiЪ. ;ieepiпg: No, !{vou/ пАт г


riti,i'ri,iiin|,iiio !nо'р.бпr.r,r, l_о'о1л:::: :

Ь;;il; ;.йпвии :",
бvдУщем ДеИLlбУlУ
Ёуо]*чr: Тлi,;i;ТН;Но.i
момент "Т:Т:::
Ihis time оп Fridоу
ит,д- t'li Ье driving rпу пеw сOr,

Вф gqi,эg ,
.рruпqпцт црцще',qтещч"чtц),,,
Формообразование:":_лч::,:"-" j:,O^:,:x:,/"/ используется для сравнения
;;ЁЙ;iоl ""опр"делённая форм rпагола, а о Сравнительная степень
предметов, мест и т, д,
В этих
двух людей, *"от*о,,, Ьох is
l аm soin', ro слVчаях обычно ;:;;";у;"
,This than,
i0 He/She/lt is i*im, Ё;;; tьсп tnot on,, B,n is
younger thon Jim,
,..,,,."; , , iWe/You/The_Ya19
на высшую сте-
Превосходная степень указывает или прчдI:l1лu
not пень качества утого ,n, й'.'о'.о лица
;l аm going to превосходнOи сте-
,руr.. .,о,Оных, Для вырахеriияlt's the heaviest of
пени исполь,у""1ь"""
iAm l going to
,ls he/she/it прилаrательных и наречии
-!\lE swim? правила правописания
оrе Аrе we/youlthey яется -(e)r
]=-" ''":YЁ;, lam./No, l,m not,
' , .V"i. rl.l,r,,lit is,/No, he/she/it isn't,
у?ffi HH'n'o,, n o.,.n
u,uтел ь н ы м
_доба,вл и
сl:1ени -(e)st для
для образовап"
", -
';4ЛИ степени:
'.-, '- "'ll ,yes, we/you/theY аrе,/ образования превосходной
No, we/you/they aren't, o{d - оldеr - the oldest GRб
Примечание: У однослохных прилагательных, оканчи- выражения общего предпочтения, She рrеfеrs wо{k-
вающихся на гласную + согла(ную, эта согласная ing to wоrk. НО: для вырахения определённого пред-
удваивается: почтения (с wоuld like/would prefer/would lоvе
sad - sadder - the saddest употребляется инфинитив с частицей to: She would
ОУ прилагательных, состоящих из двух или более prefer ta take fhe Ьus to wark todoy.
слогов сравнительная и превосходная степени обра- о после таких вырахений, как: Ье busy, it's по use, it's
зуются при помощи mоrе (6олее) f most (наиболее): (поt) worth, there's по point (iп), what's the usе of,
f omous - mоrе f omous - the most f amous сап't help, сап't stand, have difficulty (iп), look
Примечание: У прилагательных, оканчивающихся на forward to, object to, prefer (dоiпg sth to doing sth
согласную + и -узаменяется на -j: e/se,); /t's поt warth яrgшiпg with lзim.
happy - happier - the llappiest о псс-rэ глаголов spend, waste или /ose (time, mопе_,
Некоторые двусложные прилагательные, такие, как и т, д, ). Не spends two hours exercisiлg ечеrу day.
clever, соmmоп, cruel, friendly, gentle, паrrоw, pleasant, о пOс.гlе пседлога fo с такими глаголами и выраже-
polite, quiet, shallow, simple, stupid и т, д. образуют ния[,r1, <ак: /ook forward to, Ье used to, iп addition
сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения как с to, object to, prefer (doing sth to dоiпg sth e/se).
-er/-est, так и при помощи more/ most: simpie * НеЪ looking |огwаrd to startiпg his пеw job,
simpler l mоrе simp/e * the simplest/ fhe rпоst simple о после пэ:;,:огов, Не wds пеrуOus аЬоut meefing hfs
Наречия future in-lo,Hs.
О К наречиям, которые по форме совпадают с прила-
гательными (hard, fast, free, late, high, low, deep, l nfi nitive (И нфи н итив)
lопg, пеаr, straight) для образования сравнительной
Инфинитив с час;,,.ей fo употребляется:
и превосходной степеней добавляется -er/-est. fast
* О для вырахеi2,я ели: Не'5 joiпed 0 gуm ta gef intc
- |аstеr the fastest
О У наречий, оканчивающихся на -ly, сравнительная и
О после глаголсз, стносящихся к будущеплу,, agree,
превосходная степени образуются при помощи
appear, decide, expecf, hope, рlап, promise, ref use ч
more/most (наиболее): sfowiy - mоrе s{owly - fhe
т.д.: She agreed to help them.
most siotv{y
" *.:*--,*, . .-'..,.. - *-* ::--.:,.];];i;1['jJj"].j О после would like, would prefer, would love и т, д. длг
iry]:fitrt*:.i::"* выражения опре;: -ё.лого предпочтения
*г" :

;rаЪаtlуы М,9} j чрёцi_iiffi We wauld 1ike to yjsit the most рорчlоr siglrfs.
i-" |. l, Чgr р^iзI уё
о после прилагательных, 0писывающих чувства/эмоции

P"iinl ryl;K gjj рaiэ_,

(happy, glad, sad и т, д.), хелание/нежелание (еаgеr,

__"__ _ __
" reluctant, willing и т. д,) или характер людей (с/еуеr,
i i |аrthеrlf urthri /аiiЛа;ГlrЙiГДi;
kind и т. д,), а также после прилагательньtх lucky v
fortunate,,lt was kind of you to lend us уоur соr,
о после too/enough: Дrе you old enougft to drive?
Примечание : Elder / eldest употребляется, когда реч ь идёт a после вырахений to tell you the truth, to Ье hопеý,
о членах одной семьи: Her elderleldesf sisfer is о dосtоr. to lum up, to begin with и т д.,.
Изучите примеры: То Ье fiопеsf, l |оrgоt it was yaur birthday today.
о very + прилагательное/наречие: Jasoл is а very
kind mоп.
о mчсh + сравнительная степень прилагательного/ Active чоiсе passive voice
наречия: Liz is muсh tаIIеr thап her sister.
ье written
о (поt) as + прилагательное/наречие + as: Тhеir
house is cs big os ours, lions 0rел't ds /ost os cheetпhs.
о а bit/a little/far/slightly + сравнительная степень
прилагательного/наречия: l feel о bit Ьеtfеr поw
thot l'че had some resf .
о Ьу far + превосходная степень прилагательного/
наречия: Sfеуел is Ьу fаr the kindesf реr5Oп l'vе еvеr
mеt. ffii,,#itiЕ:.]_-:].],
jpresent simp[e/wi[[ r рrеsепt infinitive
г "*""
ipresent continuous/future continuous э
-iпg форма глагола употребляется:
в роли подлехащего: Swimming is ап епjоуаЬlе activity, lr:::_:l _:,:_li1,. 1._ч: lji _li|j::_",_

О после глаголов: admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, |,.

Ipast simpte/present perfect/past perfect
сопtiпче, dепу, fапсу, go (for activities), imagine, IperIect **--
г*"*-* -
miпd, miss, quit, save, suggest, practise, prevent,
Ipast continuous / рrеsепt perfect continuous / past
Have you сопsidеrеd moving to а bigger houseZ iperfect continuous о present perfect continuous
О после глаголов: love, like, епjоу, prefer, dislike для L. -"*" -,-*_.*_:"* --*:-


,lнфинитив без частицы to употребляется: о what + а/ап (+ прилагательное) + исчисляемое

О после N/одальных глаголов: (уществительное в единственном числе:
rhey mighf g0, fo ROrпs, What о Ьоriпg bookj Whct а day!
О после глаголов let, mаkе, see, hear и feeL. a what (+ прилагательное) + неисчисляемое су-
They made him leave the rооm, tцествительное или существительное во мно-
НО: после вырахений Ье made, Ье heard, Ье sееп ,, жественном числе:
т д. (в форпле страдательного залога) употс=б-.=-.. What аmаziпе роfлtiпgs/ |Yhat sfylish furniture!
инфинитив с частицей fo,, о so + прцлдрзтельное/наречие:
не was rncde to !еаче the rооm. She is so helpful! Не talked to rne so rudely!
О после would rather (not)/had better (поt| a such а/ап (+ прилагательное) + суlцествительное
lwould rаthеr hаче а soлdwich for [чпс,. в единственном числе]
О после слова hеф tt/охет употреблят.:" -:,,-,,-,,. a lilr. Adams is sчсlt а goad teocher!
частицей to и без частицы to, о such (+ прилагательное) + неисчисляемое сущест-
5he helped mе (to) put away the сis"з-.. вительное или существительное во множест-
венном числе:
They оrе such polife сhitrdrепJ
Lсшrс hos sшсh lovely ftoirJ
После некоторых глаголов може- .,-э-э:i.-=-=:я лнфи- О вопросы с отрицанием:
нитив с частицей tои -iпg форлrз с э:з-,,-:; э j-ачении' Wеrеп't tfiey excellenf fiostsil
О fоrgеt r- to-infinitive: гоl ,:-:^,::, Isn't fhgt а great suggestion?!
She forgot to pick up the cr,., : : -,
Примечание: Восклицания не употребляются в офи

О forget * -ing fоrm : not rэ:. ]

циальных письмах.
l'll пеуеr forget trave{ling::,:::'-, -^э:irst time.
о rеmеmЬеr -
inf г:tiче = - ::,.,::-
Fчtu re ре rfect ( Будущее совершён ное
DidуочrеmеmЬеr tob,,:"_: *: -, -),
a rеmеmЬеr * -ing fоrm = ,=:. время)
j telling уа- ----
_-- . .- = : :, .. 1esterday, Формообразование: will have + причастие прошедшего
mеап * to-inf init \Ie :-.:- ] ._ времени (3-я форма) смыслового глагола,
не didn,t mеап ta;,l_c- : ,, -
l /You / He/She/ lt/We/They l /You / He/She/ lt/We/They

wi tr r lyou l.йeziБe Z it l l y.i, 7youЙ7irleliilweztney *irr.


:we/they have [eft?,No, l/you/helshe/]t/we/they_won]t.

Future perfect употребляется, когда речь идёт о дейст-
вии, которое совершится до определённого MoN/eHTa в
i /tried to tel/him the l,,-:-. :-: rз wоuldп't {isten.
будущем: Jеппу will hаче mочеd house Ьу the епd of the

Futu re perfect со nti п u оu s (Будущее

совершённое продолженное время)
Формообразование: will + hаvе Ьеел + смысловой
глагол с окончанием -iпg,
',:,|. ',:1, - ]"']']'' "]'-jЁ]'1T:'T--]:""f]:*,ai
.] i
i,''.l.i .,
;'., ,,; ,''| l::.l .:. :],,: ,
/we They jY"'
fi У

studying [Iii:ffl'.Fr
l / / не / she / lt /
iwi[[ have Ьееп
L---,--,.-.,.-..,.-,--.--,.._.."- ;;;Ый;
.-"..,-l...,"*_**..*,..=,._ t

Excla mations ( Восклицани я)

,'':"'.-1,ij1.::Тi.ilЁ;-:.]-,",-];']'i-';]: ',*i'].ri" j']:,:j,:i
f ;', , ''"1'i,,{'.
Восклицания - это слова или предложения,
бляемые для вырахения восхищения, удивления и
1Witt -
l/уоu/hе/shе/it/ rл- ,,,.л,, tl^t-l^l:ьl.,,^tl
Yes, l/you/he/she/it/we/they witt.

*uitr,,Ёу пuчЪ Б;;, i

!ля образования восклицательных п редложен ий испол ь-

зуются обороты со словаlvи what (а/ап), how, such, so
i Studying?
],- ----.- - - .,-",. -,-- _ _ ,..__,.i_
No, l/you/he/she/it/we/they WOn't,l

или вопросы с отрицаниеl\i: Future perfect сопtiпчоus употребляется, когда необхо-

о hоw+прилагательное/наречие: диlvо сделать акцент на процессе совершения будущего
How expensive these shoes оrе! How well she siлgs/ действия до определённого момента в будущем. Future


perfect сопtiпuоus обычно употребляется с конструк- a,","
.Обязательство/лолг/необходи мость (must,
цией Ьу .,. for:
:should/ought to)
ýу ihе time he rеtirеs, he will have Ьееп teaching fоr
tweпty yeors, Musf вырахае, долr7стр;r; ;b;;;r.;o.i.o .ounu.o
что-либо, показывает, что какое-либо действие крайне
необходимо: lf you witпess ап accident, уоu must
rероrt it to the police. Уоu rпчsf cpologise ta her for
Ьеiпg so rude. (lt is уоur duty,/You аrе obliged to do sth. )
a Have to вырахает обусловленную обстоятельствами
of сопсеssiоп (Придаточные
Cl аu ses необходимость: i4uлr scys thct wе ficye fо wclk the
усryпки) dog ечеrу doy. (tt's necessary.)

ые уступки вы рахаются следующим образом

О Had fo - форма прошедшего времени для must и
П ридаточ н :

hаvе to.
О Although/Even though/Though + придаточное пред-
О Яhould/ought to вырахает обязательство, рекомен-
ложение: A{though she studied hаrd, she foiled the
ехаm. Though мохет такхе сгавиться в конце предло-
жения. She studied hаrd. She failed the ехаm, thaugh,
Yоч sfiould help уочr lif tle Ьrоthеr wit/з hfs
hоmеwоrk. (lt's уоur duty. * less emphatic than must)
О Despite/ln spite of + суlц..rrительное/-iпg форма: "(JJn;i- -БiБiiё-li
Despite the rаiпlrоiпiпg, they сопtiпчеd the footboll . Оrсутсiвйе' tЬбйдййоiiй' 7 iоiп;i
g0me, пееd t_о/пе9dп't,.|
_ __ .j
О Despite/n spite of the fact (that) + придаточное
С Don't have to/don't пееd to/needn't вырахает отсуl-
предложение; lп spite of the fact thot if wos
овие необходимости делать что-либо в настоящем
rоiпiпg, they сопtiпчеd the football gаmе.
или будущем,, Не пееdп't water the gаrdеп todoy.
О While/Whereas/But/On fhe other hапd/Yеt +
О Didn't have to вырахает отсутствие необходимости в
придаточное предложение; rhey did their best,
прошлом, Неизвестно, было это сделано или нет.
yet they {ost the motch,
They didп't hаче to соп|irm their rеsеrчаtiоп. (We
О lVeyerfhe less/However + придаточное предложение:
don't know if they took them out. lt wasn't песеssаrу.)
Не has lots of ехреriепсе; however he didn't gef fhe
О However/No matter how + прилагательное/при-
О Сап/mау употребляются для того, чтобы попросить/
частие подлежащее (+mау) + смысловой глагол:
ноvr,ечеr hаrd he tried, he didn't finish the rасе. дать разрешение на что-либо. Мау является более
официальным, чем сап: llay is mоrе f оrmаl thап сап,
О Две части предложения, содержащего придаточ-
Сап/ Моу l ask you somethiпg? Yes , you сопlmау, ( ls it
ное уступки, разделяются запятой: Ечеп though it
0к if " .?)
was sпоwiпg, we went |оr а walk, tile wепt f оr а wolk,
ечеп though it wos snowing.
О Mustn't/can't употребляются, когда запрещается
что-либо делать (правилами, законом): Yоч mustп't/
модуль 3 сап't driче without wеаriпg уоur seatbelt,
Mod als (Модальные глаголы) Lp_9

К модальнып,л глаголам относятся сап/соuld, mау/ might, о сал + инфинитив употребляется для обозначения
must/haue to, ought to, shall/should, will/would. общей, теоретической возмохности действия. Не
О Форма модальных глаголов, кроме hаче fo, не
используется для конкретной ситуации: )ur teacher
изtvеняется. сOп Ье quite sfricf . (general possibility - it is
О После модальных глаголов следует инфинитив без theoretica l ly possible )

частицы fo, О Could/may/might + инфинитив употребляется для

О It/одальные глаголы употребляются перед подлеха- вырахения возIмохности действия в определённой
щим в вOпросительных предлохениях. В отрица- ситуации: We might go out iп the оftеrпооп, so соmе
тельных после них употребляется частица поf. iп the mоrпiпg, (lt i5 possible./It is likely./Perhaps,)
О Когда за l\,lодальным глаголом следует инфинитив Примечание: сап/соuld/mфht мохет употребляться в
он относится к действию в
сN,4ыслOвого глагола, вопросительных предлохениях, НО пrау не мохет: l{ho
настоящем или будущем, Когда за lvодальным could l osk fоr рrоfеssiопаl оdчiсе?
глаголом следует перфектный инфинитив, он О Could/might/would t перфектный инфинитив
относится к действию в прошлом. употребляется, когда речь идёт о действии в прош-
лоIи, которое было возмохно, но не произошло: l
Формы инфинитива образуются следуюlцим образом:
would hаче gопе to the beoch with them, but l wos
t: (to) go too busy,
Рrеsепt continuous: (to) Ье going
fect: (to) have gопе iýл_g:gft 9:,эА*р:g_9р*."тIк**gН: jgq,*зДglаl
Perfect continuous: (to) have Ьееп going a Сап('t) вырахает умение (неумение), способность


(неспособность) сделать что-либо в настоящем или Йouiai coutO7

будущем: She слп ruп ч€rу fosr. (She is able ) to if * past simple might * Ьаrе
О Could вырахает способность делать что-либо з о :9ЭiЭi]эНdЯ iniin
прошлом: Не cauld wоrk чеrу 1опg hours Ьеfоrе he :,,-,ация в
rеtirеd. (Не was able to ...) - эl оя щега/
'lf t lived Ьу the beach, l would go
swimmiлg еvеrу day. НО: / dол't live Ьу
О Was(n't) аЬlе to вырахает (не)способность сlз, э-: бl,дущем ,

что-либо в прошлоlv: Не was{n't) able to j'^ ^'_. a ссвет fhе Ьеясh. (untrue iп the present). / f
: wеrе you, l wouldn't believe those lies.
соглрufеr, (Не (didn't) mапа9е to ,,.)
О Couldn't вырахает неспособность выполн,,-: - j.,--- , would/could/
вие в прошлопл, Еmmс ссu{dп'f cook whел 5^€ ,,.:-: -- |ип J if * past perfect : might have t
tееп, (past repeated action) Еmmо сочldп'f 1иlс5п'i a нереальная
, past паr|iсlR|е
able to cook yesterdoy, because her -.l:,э i_-_,^: ситуация в
lf yau had baoked ficftets, we wаuldп't
!p9s] |l19]9 9!]|9l) о сохаление
have stayed home" (but you didn't)
у",чу!!, shall, сочIф
!9эп: О критика |,!У you hgd Ьеел hопеst
frоm the stcrt,
Сап: Сап / help yotl with somethingi , попе о/ fhis would have hаррепеd.
to ...?)
0 Would: Would yau i iRe to sit Соw,з j a l/Yere мохет употребляться вN/есто l4lаýдля всех лиц в
a Shall:ihall l rеturп these books tэ :,э .'э,:, условноlv придаточном предложении с союзопл if
(Would you like meto...?/Do jo- ,,,:- -::: lf he weren'tlwcsn'f so sfressed ol{ the time, he
О Can/Could: l,Ye с*п go mочпlс'^ :
, :,, ;э,: could would епjоу lif е mоrе.
take out а lаап, (Let's ...) о С conditional type 1 мохет употребляться члlеss (если
не) * глагол в }твердительной форме вместо if...not:
Вероятносii (Йitt, ibouta 7 о u g ht tot rhеу rvill поt hire уош uпIеss you hove grеаt
О WilI: Не wiJI gef о рrоmоtiсс, ' - -': ,::]i:rOCTb) ехреriепсе. (They wiil not hirе you if you don't have
О Should/Ought to: They shочld;ощпt :э ,еэlасе уочr gгеаt experience.)

faulty МР3 рlоуеr. (90С:,::::-- -]_ :ко будущее

вреN/я; это вероятно) ы жение желания
-овЬт Wishlif опlу используются для вырахения хелания
1iЬЬч ti, oight to, shtall)
О should: совет общего хэсjr-з]э, ,:- sпошld take up а L*;,лi"";-".-*;_,;;-r*;_t-".-j.;*-..;;,-*-r_j;"Ь;,,"r-.;--;;;;;",;;;i*;;;;*j
hobby, (lt's my advice. , э:, j: . : _ : i i Не vlishes he ;
; оп i

О ought to,,совет общего \а.э(, :. j
tэч ought to Ье оп i woslwere i

timеfоr work, (lt'sagc:] _- -]

::;:эdо.) !* nast simole l v1cotlon ':
- : поw.,',. iхелания
О г--,- '. ,:-"-,
lr llU-JlиlUU_ i изменить
shall: просьба о созете: 5,1с:: с-: пу hair short? (Do past
Ud5L .л".,,,..лл.,.
. ,
: опiV tле DUs .что-лиOов
; D
you think it's а good idea:: ,.,- cOntInuous :wаiп,tlwеrлп,f :КOНКРеТНOИ

(but it is)
прýJ}пожения уоlовия - типьl 0, 1, 2 и 3) *
Условные предлохения сос-э:- ,,] -,ts\/х частей: услов-
ного придаточного предлохе;,,; . :]озом if(условие) и : l-;;-'-,;- -: -' 'сохаления о чеN/-
главного предлохения (резt,,-а- , Если придаточное i -"- :пr4по цтп


hadn,t bousht
жением, эти два предлохения с-;э.iя|отся запятой: I/ / go ьооks. l пOоизOшло
: в
tnose ,

to Paris, lwill sепd you 0 postcard. lwiII send уоu о- (butldid) lПроШЛоМ
postcard if l go to Poris.

О Конструкция if опlу используется так хе, как и wЬh,
но придаёт высказыванию большую экспрессивность
и яркOсть.
,9lлуч:у _ _ _iT_ij':!::*| yi'!:Yl"':_: UИеrе мохет употребляться вместо lлlаs после wish и
if опlу,. / wisil / weren't l wаsп't so Ьшsу.
ReJatfrzes * Rе/аffуе Claшses
(Оп ределительн ь.е придаточн ые
модуль 4
предложения) The passiye (Страдательный залог)
Употребление Формообразование: подлежащее * to Ье (в нужноi
О 0пределительные придаточные предлохения начи- вреir,ленной форме) + past participle.
на ются с относител ьн ы х место и N/ ений ( who /whose /
which/that) или наречий (whеrе/whеп/whу) Изучите таблицу:
ReIative C[ause
: ', f,:

The mап whо wоп the award is оur пеighЬочr. Веп planfs а ,Д trее is plonted Ь;

о Whо(m) /that уп отребл я ются по отно шен и ю к л юдя h/

Рrеsепt simple
tree. lВеп.
lА is

rhe students wholthat wеrе late fоr closs hod to stoy Рrеsепt Веп is рlолtiпg tree being
back ап extra hour. сопtiлuоus 0 trее, рlапtеd Ьу Веп.
о Which/that употребляются по отношению к вещаI\.1,
rhе pockage whichlthat is Past simp[e
8еп рlопtеd а ',l {rее йаi ptiiiea bii
предметаl\,4 или хивотнык.л: tree. Веп.

оп mу desk аrriчеd fаr you this mаrпiпg.
Where употребляется по отношению к btecTt,, l-Лci's past continuous Веп was А trei *ci beiig
рlапtiпg G trее.,рlапtеd Ьу Веп,
the shop where they serve frоzеп уоghчrt.
О Whose употребляется по отношению к людя\1, хизот- Рrеsепt регfесt 8еп hos рlапtеd А frее hcs Ьееп
ным или предметам, чтобы обозначить принад- simpte рIапtеd Ьу Веп.
лехность: She's the wоmап whose sons аrе iп о rасk Past perfect Веп had д trее had Ьееп
Ьопd. simple р!апtеd 0 trее, planted Ьу 8еп.
о t/yhy вырахает причину: chris wоп't tell апуопе why Веп will рlапt а А trее iii Ье
he's upsef. lFчtчrе simple planted Ьу Веп,
о 0пределительные придаточные бывают 2 типов 1 ) огра-

i Веп has to trее has to Ье

ничительные (Defining clauses) и 2) неограничительные
рIапt а tree. planted Ьу Веп.
придаточные ( Non-defining clauses)
о 0граничительные определительные придаточные Веп might рlапt А tree Й;ght Б;
охен и я да ют необходи N/ую и нфор пла ци ю, кото- а trее, рlапtеd b;v _8.!:
предл i

рая является существенной для значения главного Употребление

предлохения. Такие предложения не обособляются
Страдател ьн ы й залог употребляется
запятыми. 0ни вводятся словами who, which, that,

whose, where, whеп или why: The girl who sits next
О когда очевидно или, напротив, невахно, кто
выполняет действие: The чоsе was Ьrоkеп. (We don't
to mе iп clcss is f rоm Тhоi!апd,
know who Ьrоkе it).
О Неограничительные определительные придаточные
The pockage will Ье delivered fodoy. (Who wrll deliver
предлохения дают дополнительную информацию,
it is unimportant).
которая не является существенной для главного
1ur ехаm papers hаче Ьееп соrrесtеd. (lt's obvious
предлохения. Такие предлохения обособляются
that the teacher has соrrесtеd оur exam рареrs).
запятыми. 0ни вводятся словами who, whоm,
о когда саl\iо действие вахнее, чем субъек1 выпол-
which, whose, where или whеп: llу Ьrоthеr, who is
няющие его, например, в заголовках новостей, газет-
15, is tcking driviпg lessons.
ных статьях, заметках, рекламе, инструкциях и т. п.:
Cell phones must Ье turпеd of| dчriпg the ехоrпiпсfiоп.
о когда мы хотим избехать ответственности за какое-
Усл9вны@ либо действие или когда говорим о неприятном
событии и не хотим говорить, кто виноват:
Смешанные типы условных предложений образуются
при пOмOщи придаточног0 условия одного типа и They wеrе cheated out of their mопеу,
главной части предлохения другого типа (если о когда делается акцент на д.ействующее лицо: The
позволяет контекст). аппоuпсеmепt was made Ьу the Рrimе lliпistег
himself .
о чтобы сделать высказывание более официальным
или вежливым: 1,1у book hos Ьееп fоrп. (Моrе polite
than saying "You tоrе my book,")
lf he wеrе а f ost rчппеr, he would hove wоп tt jo.!_9-:;
Соотнесение предложений в действительный и стра-
дательный залог:
О .Щополнение предлохения действительного залога
ЁЁhа d Бйй;аШ; u и i;1,;й, рir tylii;ryii.
ится пOдлеха щи м в страдател ьно lv залOге.
ста нов
Смысловой глагол не изменяется по времени, но фор-

GR1 1
ег0 изменяется на форму страдательного залога. l wcs rпоdе to часччm the rug. (passive)
a -1одлехащее
предложения в действительном залоге
:танOвится дополнениеl\/, указывающиlv на испол-
действия, и употребляется с предлогом Ьу или
lm ре rs о па l / ре rso па l ра ss ive
без него, со п ч сtiопs (Л ич н ые/неличные
Действ. Существ. Глагол flополнение О -_-э-э
: think, believe, say, report, kпоw, expect,
залог Маrу cooked diппеr. consider, uпdеrstапd и т, д.используются в форме
-.. j9
!- -.
," :-ээдательного залOга в следующих личных и
-:.,lчных конструкциях:
Страдат. Существ, Глагол !ополнение дэйств, залог: Реорlе expect fhol hе will win fhe
залог Dinner was cooked Ьу Маrу, сOл геs r,

О Только переходные глаголы (глаголы, имею]ц/,: -::- страдат. залог: If is expected that he wiII wiл rhe
мое дополнение) п.логут иметь форму стрёдЕ-i_-:---з contest. ( imреrsопаl construction

залога. А hоusе collcpsed iп the eorthqucke, -:-:::- не is expected to win the contest. (реrsопаl
ходный глагол; нет формы страдаIельl.-: з:.-:-a construction )
действ, залог: rhеу scy tlrct he lost cll fiis mопеу.
Примечание: Некоторые переходнь]е г,iэ-], : have, fit, страдат. залог:Jf fs scid that lзе {ost oI1 his mопеу.
exjst, seem, suit, lack, resemble'l ;.,,,,,:-:- ]эзl,,1ы ( impersonal construction)

--радательного залога: rhe biue _<-'-: -r-.:j yau, Не is soid to fiaye losf ci{ fiis rлопеу. (personal
lеправильно: Yоu аrе suited Ьу tГэ; ";:- -. construction )
О В страдательном залоге /et па*:.,,-:, Ье allowed to:
They let us leoye еаrlу, - We wеге citovted io leoye
Qшеsfiоп fags { Раздел ител ьн ь!е
ОВ повседневной речи гр,, -;_ ,_, , -=-,,,,. событий, вопросы}
произOшедших неOхида--: : результате О Разделительный вопрос представляет собой вопрос в
происшествия, вместо i:e-:.-z to Ье ,,:отребляется конце высказывания. Oбычно он употребляется в
глагол to get,, The winciovl got srпоshеd in the sforrn. речи, чтобы подтвердить что-либо или убедиться в
Ву * исполнитель дейсгвия,-:-:=i. яется для того, пра вильности или ошибочности
::;::-:*э действие, With
чтобы обозначить, ке[l бь,.: о Разделительные вопросы образуются при помощи
+ инструменты/материаЛы,/ингредиенты употре- в(помогательного глагола. (оответствующего
бляется для того, чтоб. эC:з-z-,,Tb, что исполь- сказуемому основног0 предлохения, и личного
зовалось при совершеlч;,zzi,:э,,= Tnis sсu/рtшrе irycs ме(тоименияl соответ(твующего подлежащему.
created Ьу а уоuпg arfist, li л.;_: тбj9 with rесусlеd Если глагол в предлохении стоит в настоящем
rпаtеriсIs. вре[/ени, то в вопросе в конце употребляется do
a Существительное, обэз-э-э-:-:е исполнителя (not)/does (поt), если в прошедшем - то в вопросе в
действия, мохет быть о ;-:-], ::jlи подлехащее в конце употребляется did (поt|,
предлохении действиiе;.-:-: залога вырахено WllJ p/ays hockey, doesn'f fiei
словами they, he, sоmеопе/sоmеЬоdу, people, опе О Если предлохение утвердительное, то вопрос в
ит, д: А lot af mопеу was roised t'ог the сftсritу. (= конце будет отрицательным. Если предлохение
They raised а lot of money fс- :-э с аrltу,) отрицательное, то вопрос в конце будет утвер-
о существительное, обозна-аощее исполнителя дительным. Andrevy is aJJergic to seafood, isn'f fie?
действия, не мохет быть опriано, если исполнитель rfiеу hсчел't giчел уоu 0п сп5}уеr, have they?
действия является существенным для значения о Если в предлохении используются отрицательные
предлохения: Comedies аrе епjоуеd Ьу people о{ atl наречия (пеvеr, hardly, seldom or rarely), вопрос в
пgsý. конце будет утвердительным: Раm печеr goes fо lhe
о у глаголов, имеющих два дополнения, таких, как ореrа, does she?
bring, tell, send, show, teach, promise, sell, read,
offer, give, lепd и т. д. мохно образовать две модели
страдательнOго залога
О В предложениях с ДеfЗ вопрос u *опцЪ содерхит

She sелf mе ап efiai{. (active) / was sent ап email.
Let's hаче sоmе coflee, sfial/ wel
(passive, mоrе соmmоп) lл
emci1 wcs sgnt to lne.
ОВ предлохениях с
Let mе/him вопрос в конце
(passive, less соmmоп)
содержит will уоч/wоп't you,.
a в вопрOсах в страдательном залоге с who, whоm или
Let mе expfcin, wlli уоulwоп't yau?
which Ьу не опускается,. Who wrote this songi Who
was fhis sолg writteл byl
О В предлохениях с I have got (в значении обладания)
вопрос в конце содерхит haven't L
a После hear, help, make и see в Passiye Yoice следует
инфинитив с частицей to.
но: В предлохениях l have (в идиоплатических
вырахениях) вопрос в конце содерхит don't
Дшrп mcde mе yасчum tfie rug. (active) t.
They have с Ьооt, haveп't they?

ýhe lэсs diппеr wfth hеr friепds every Soturday, о ы п,t и, обоз нача ющи м и объекты, еди нс-
существ ител ьн
doesп'l sfie? веннь]е в своём роде {fЁlе mаоп, the Рогthелоп, the
a В предложениях с This/That вопрос в конце содер- Lопdоп Еуе}.
жит isn't it. a названиями рек {the NijeJ, морей (the Деgеап .

rhоtЪ Scm's bike, isл't ifl океанов {the Дtlапtiс), горных цепей (the Alps
о В предлохениях с l ar?l вопрос в конце содерхит

пустынь (tfle бobbi), групп островов [fhe Сапаrу,

aren't t,1 аrл lпtе, аrеп't l, каналов (the Вrldgеwаtеrj, стран, если в названии ег:
о В утвердительн ых повелительн ых п редложениях воп - слсва: 'sfate', 'kingdom', и т. д. (fhe Uпited Stafes,.
рос в конце содерхит will/won't,,Stop соmрlлfлiлg, г."ографическими названияl\iи (North Ро{еlАrсtiс
willlwBп't you? Дmсzоп, the south о{ Епglапd, fhe lчоrfh/ЕоsflSоutl
О В отрицательных повелительных предложениях воп-
рос в конце содерхит will you,. Dоп't drive sB fast, о нёзвэrizяiчlи музыкальных инструlvентов {fhe pionc
wi/f уочl the guitcrt и танцев {ftTe tcngoJ.
о нэзвэн,lя]i:./ отелеЙ (the Ritz Hoie/l, театро5
Г$те rndefinjfe arfic/e {Неоп ределён н ы й кинотеатOоэ llhe Roycl 0реrа Hause], кораблей (t|c
автикль} Titoпici, осrачизаций rfi]e UД'J/, газет {fhe Gчаrdiс-
V/eekly) и i,l\зеэв i the Nсffопс{ ý;,itisfi i4usеum,).
a Неопределённый артикль а/ап употребляется с о нощионэльl-сa-яl,,1и, заканчивающимися на -sh, (th:
существительными, когда речь идёт о неопре- Turkish), -ch tiэе Duch) или -ese {ffie Portuguese) ,,
фап,лилияьли з з-ачении
делённоп,l предмете: \he baught а пеw iaptop" (семья, семейство> /tlэ
О Неопределённый артикль а ставится перед существи-
тельнып/и, кOторые начинаются с согласного звука О существит€льFэ,.,", сбозначающими глав государоэ
(а dog, а чпifаrm), Неопределённый артикль ал ста- без указания 1,1i,,€- ,iл9 Рriпсе, fhe Рrfmе Л,lfпisfеr).
вится перед существительныlvи, кOтOрые начинаются О перед с!щестз.,-i--э-5 [,4и] mоrпiпg, аftеrпооп
с гласного звука {сп 0rапgе, ап fiоur]. еvепiпg, She s:.,:s yiork at 8 o'cIock lп thc
О Неопределённый артикль а/ап не употребляется с afte rпаап,
неисчисляеN/ыми существительными или существи- О перед прилэгэте;-э::,,1л в прЁвосходноЙ степени: /'l-
тельнып/и во мнохественном числе, В этоп,l случае rhe oldest iп пу iэ-'_,,,
употребляется some {some sошр, some grapes) , О перед словами station, shop, сiпеmа, village, world
Неопределённый артикль употребляется: и т. д.: She wепt tа;.€ shop to buy пеw c{ofhes.
О с исчисляеlvыlvи существительными в единственноI\,4 a перед названияN,iи r']:тсрических событиЙ или пер-
числе: fr pencii, ап срр/е иодов: The /Aiddle Аgэs
О когда речь идёт о вещах в целоlv: Но: WаrId Wаr ll,
l wспf fo Ьuу сп i-pcd. (апу i pad). О со словами опlу, last, first (в качестве прилагательных
Ос определённып.ли фразапли и выражениями, когда ýhe иrсs the first rчп.е: to wiп а medal iп the rасе"
надо уточнить, как часто кто-либо делает что-либо: The не употребляется перед.
They go shoppfng twice с лтопtft. О неисчисляемыми с\,_цестзительнып/и и существитель-
ными в0 lvнOжестзэннOм числе, представляющим,.
Неопределённый артикль не употребляется: какую-либо групп\l Dogs аrе loving опimаIs,
О с неисчисляеlvыlvи существительными или с существи- о личными иlvена\,1i4: Магtа is lwеlче уеоrs oJd.
тельныlvи в0 мно)(ественном числе. В этоп,л случае о названияlчlи стран 1liclyJ, городов (Tokyo), улиц (Wсi.
употребляется 5оmе: same rice, some pcsto, sоrле CDs strееt), парков iHyde Раrk), отдельных гор (Ечеrеst,l,
О перед прилагательныlvи, когда после них не стоит отдельных островов (Hawaii}, озёр (Loch Ness/ ;,
существительное, В случае, когда после прилагатель- континентов {Аfriсо1.
ног0 стOит существительнOе, перед прилагательныlv о названиями приёмов пищи {diппеr), игр и видоэ
ставится неопределённый артикль а, если прила- спорта {volleybott, footballj. l lоче hoving luпсh есrlу.
гательнOе начинается с согласного звука, и ап, если / р{ау fennis ot 7 every *ftеrлооп.
прилагательное начинается с гласнOго звука: a "lи th i s /th at /the se /th ose:
указател ьн ы м и м есго и ме н и яt
\he а fаshiвл mode{, She's famous. She's о fаrпвus rhis hci fs mу rпurп's.
foshfon rпоdе1. О притяхательныNли I\iестоименияl\iи или существи-
тельными в притяхательном падехе. rhcf isn'i }rоur
Гfте defryTste a}"8rcfe {ýп ределён ж ы й реп. lfЪ Joke's.
qртщкль} о словами school, сhurсh, bed, hospital, prison илч
hоmе з своёпл пряплоlv значении: Jоhп goes tо school
Определён ны й артикл ь the употребляе гся перед:
every day" (John is а student.) Но:JоhпЪ murп wflnts
О существительными, если они были упоплянуты ранее
to go to the sсtзосl to gs* John's teacher сЬоut his
или из контекста ясно, о ком/чёtv идёт речь: Аrе fhе
mаrks. (John's mum is а visitor, not а student.)
red glaves уош,.si (The listener knows what gloves wе'rе
о названиями языков: ! speak lurftish. НО: rhе Frепсh
talking about, The rеd ones.)
lапgчаgе is diflicult.
GRl з

О названияпли болезней: He's got рпечmопlс. НО: Косвенная речь передаёт точное содерхание чьего-
f tulthe f lu, meosleslthe mecsles либо высказывания, но не точные слова. В косвенной
Примечание: The употребляется перед lр.,,-э-э-з--э- речи на письN/е кавычки не используются. После глаголов
say, tell используется или мохет быть опущено thaf.
НЫМИ, ПеРеШеДШИlVИ В РаЗРЯД С!Ц,OС3,'-€.-:-э r,
имеющиIvи собирательное значение, рооr, riсh, sick, old, Say - Tell (сказать - рассказать)
blind, уоuпg ит, д, О 5ау без частицы fo используется в косвенной речи
rhe old sогпеfimеs feel negleciec. при отсутствии дополнения, обозначающего
Я{ех sofd (thct) he was fired.

(Возвра О Say to используется в косвенной речи при наличии

дополнения, обозначающего адресата :

А/ех scid to mе {ihatl he wos firеd.

Употребление о Геl/ без частицы to используется в косвенной речи
Возвратные местоиN/ения употреб- ;-:-:=, при наличии дополнения, обозначающего адресата.
О после некоторых глаголов lbehave, Ьчrп, cut, епjоу, А{ех told mе {that) he wos tired.
hurt, kill, look at, laugh at, iпtrоdчсе, dry, teach о употребляется say + инфинитив с частицеЙ fo, но
не say about. Вместо этого используются speak/talk
| - myself, you - yourself, he - ^, j=' ,-= - -:,::
j it _
.itself, we - ourselves, you - ):-';. .:: ,-:_, - - )rlVe\
... Аdоrп said fo meef fiim outsfde the cinemc.
iойj подлехj*:=., -:----:-, 'tr;3ЛяЮТся


й д.), She told uslspakeltal,ked оЬ*оui hеr futury plans.

одним лицом:
, hel[o, good morning/afternoon, etc something/
Не {subject) iпtгоdчсеd hiпsе;| ::,'.:: :j ечеrуопе

iп fhe rооm,
, i nothing, so, а few Words, по mоrе, fоr
certain/sure, sоrrу
О с такими вырdх€нияlrli,i, t.z. епjоу myself/yourself i и т, д.

(have а good time), Ьеhаvе myself/yourself (Ье the truth, а [ie, а story, а secret, а joke, the
good), Ьу myself / yourself ,,, .-: -: :сгпрапу оr : time, the difference, опе from апоthеr, ;

without help), mаkе myself ,'youBelf at home (feel ;somebody one's паmе, somebody the wэу,
comfortable), help myself /youвelf .] .аке somethrng s9цеЬоdу so] s9[leone's fortune ,
,, 1 |.
;а question, а fачоuц the price, about somebody,
": -эсе о fresh batch. , :the time, around, for something/somebody и т. д. l

Усилительные местои bleH,,c ., - : -: =:, : -]-ся :

О с предлогоN/ Ьу r]--i :.,: совершается Rе parted ýfаfеmепfs {В ысказы ва н ия в
саlvостоятельно, без чь:;-.-,,i: -],,,]лr] или участия:
Ile Iilted the heovy canc^ Ьу г:пsеl|lоп his оwп.
косвенной речи}
О чтобы выделить подлехэ :: ,,. ,, -оr-олн€ни€. О В косвенной речи личные/притяхательные N/естоиме-
Сiпdу drеw this picture neisetf, ,Cindy drew the ния изменяются сOOтветственн0 значению предл0-
picture. No one else dгелi, i_. хения:
ВоЬ wos congrotu{oted Ьу t^э э-сs.сепt himse{/. (The Sarah said,"l'ye {os[ mу keys"" (direct statement)
president congratulated Всс, -:. ;:^-eone else.) Sarah said (thor) stle hod {ost hеr keys. (rероrtеd
О Некоторые гЛаголы в возэaе--],,, значении обычно О Косвенной речью передаются чьи-либо высказы-
вания, совершённые давно (передача высказываний,
без возврd-;э i, ,,,з]lсимений, напри-
употребляются совершённых в прошлом) или недавно (передача
N/ep: сопсепtrаtе, feel, gef up, meet, relax,
высказываний, совершённых недавно).
rеmеmЬеr, sit dоwп, wake up, wопdеr, worry и т, д,,.
lf yau dап't feel well, go hоmе. i!еiравильно: lf you Передача высказываниЙ, совершённых недавно
Щi В косвенной речи BpeN/eHa Niогут изменяться или оста-
О Возвратные местоиNiения обыч;о ;е употребляются с ваться прехними.
глаголаNi и wash, dress, shаvе ч, сhапgе (She washed Прямая речь:
Тапу said, "l wепt tqthe thеаtrе."
and had breakfast,), но когда описьiваемое действие Косвенная речь: Iолу sofd that he wentlhad gопе to
вызывает затруднения у исполнителя, употребляется the thеоtrе,
вO3вратное местOи lveH ие. Передача высказываний, совершённых в прошлом
Despife hcving а Ьrаkеп ъrm, Rоп mопоgеd to dress Глагол, вводящий косвенную речь употребляется в past
модуль simple, а времена изменяются следующиl\л образом:

косвенная ь
Прямая речь - это чьи-либо цитируемые, точные слова
На письме прямая речь заключается в кавычки,

Не osked hеr i| she could da fhe dishes. (rероrtес
question )

косвенные воп
о КосвеннЫе вопросЫ образуютсЯ прИ ПОlvОЩl,
вырахений. Could you tell mе ..,?, Do you kпоw .,.?, l
wопdеr ..,, l wапt to kпоw ,,., t doubt .., и т. д., а глаго.-
|1elelt qg$ес1, P_?s! p9f9ct имеет утвердительную форму Если косвенный вопро:
ccbanl",, She sojd
loor] schoois,'i'": ':" tthat] she had changed начинается с l wапt to kпоw ,,., l wonder .,. или l doubt
',"l hove сhапgеd
ischools. ,.,, знак вопрOса опускается.

i _ рз91slйеlе;!Jltilф ЁiJt рgф.t Прямая речь "How far is if to the beach?''

,,"We wоп the gome. " |'}f: ,i|'!r|:''
they wопlhаd Косвенньtй вопрос Do you kпоw how fcr ft is to the
past continuous r past continuous
Past perfect continuous Reportedcomma@
s u g g е 5t i о п s
/ о rd е rs (п ри каз ы f
распорях<ен и я /п росьбы /предложения)
he would close О Приказы ПРо.)бы'предложения в косвенной речи
w;i|cjole the doar,, взодятся с Iо|,!сцью глаголов (advise, ask, beg,
,"l r;-r;::,(that)
suggeý), после (оторых следует инфинитив с частицей
О При этоМ слова И выражения, обозначающие вреNlя, to, -и9-форма глагола или придаточное относительно€
изменяются следующиlv образом: с thaf в зависиtйостй оr используемого глагола.
now .
then, immediately; todaY э that day; yesterday r "Put уочr things over thеrе," he toId us. r Не fo{d
the day before, the previous day; tоmоrrоw э the to put очr thlngs очеr rhere. (command)

next/following day; this week + that week, last week э "Returп to уочr seot, p/ecse, " she scid. + She cskeo
the week Ьеfоrе, the previous week; next week * the week mе ta rеtчrп to mу 5eOt. (request)
after, the following week, ago э Ьеfоrе; here + thеrе "Let's go to rfiе л,тоуiеs, " he said, .
Не suggesfed
going to fhe moyies, (suggestion)
"You'd Ьеttеr wеоr something wаrmеr,'' she soid. + She
suggested that l (should) wеаr somethfng wоrmеr.
О Вопросы в косвенной речи обычно образуются при
Приказы, распоряхения и указания в косвенной
помощи глаголов ask, inquire, wonder или с вырахе- речи
ввOдятся с помощьЮ глаголоВ order или te// + sb +
нием want to kпоw.
(поt) to-infinitive,
о Когда вопрос в прямой речи начинается с вопро-
"ýtop talking," she told thеm. (direct оrdеr)
сительного слова (who, where, how, whеп, what
5he to{d thеm to stop tоlkiпg. (rероrtеd оrdеr)
и т, п, ), вопрос в косвенной речи начинается с того хе "Don't mоvе," the роliсеmоп told the fhief, (direct
вопросительнOго слOва :
"What did you put iп the saladi'' he csked. (direct
The роliсеmап оrdеrеd the thief nat to mаче. (rероrtеО
Не asked what I had put in the sclad. (rероrtеd
q uestion
когда вопрос в прямой речи начинается со вспоlvо- Modal
гательного глагола (ье, do, have) или модального
глагола (сап, mау), вопрос в косвенной речи в косвенной речи lvодальные глаголы изменяются
образуется при помощи if или whether: следующим образом:
"Do you like jazz?" he osked hеr. (direct question) will/shаllэ would, сап э culld (в значении настоя-
Не csked hеr iflwhether she liked jazz. (reported щеrо)lwоuld Ье able to (в значенИи будущего), mау-
question ) might/could, shall Э should (вырахение coBeTaf
о В косвенных вопросах глагол употребляется в просьба предоставить информацию) l offer (вырахение
утвердительной форме. Вопросительный знак и такие предлохения), mчsf + must/had to (обязанность)
слова/вырахения, как p/ease, well, oh и т" п,, (*musf не изменяется, если означает возlvохность или
опускаются. Время глагола, местоимения и
указатели вывод), пееdп't э didn't пееd to/didn't have to (в
времени изменяются так хе, как в утвердительных значении настоящего)/wоuldп't have to (в значении
предлохениях: будущего). Would, could, used to, mustп't, should,
"Сап you do the dishes, p{ease?" he csked hеr, (dirесt might, ought to илц had betfer не изменяются в
question ) косвенной речи.


не soid, "I will cal! yau li[et

Нi soid, "Shot] l of |i to help ]. 'Н. oJ ked (mе) i1 пе siouta
1hеr?" ,оffеr to help hir. (odvice)
l- -
l*____-_ ]

t rle| wu саrrу
||,! Ф,
"Snatt of |еrеd to Беlр mе сOrrу
/п lЦrrrr. (оffеr1
Гне soidlйu е оГ*-j; fi;iiliБi)Tiaio Г--*
|,о." i iillЪr.,l 10. (obtigation)
lпс )uru, l tley mчst De at wоrk.'' iЭ |Не soid (that) they must Ье at
l*___ *____ l"orl,. (deduction)
the J,He siia rtnotl пё ьоаЪrпr,

'уё y|i1,, "tte ьоа ьЪt[еr te|It , I

[trutha_ tel/ the truth.

j]:,::":_ t

',Не s.,id, "You rleedn\wotk the 'не so;d ttiot) diБ'{ needi

]Не "l
,пееdп't 9о to sсhооГ
-_. Йdа;Т
', |,hove
to'go to school

,Не soid, "l should apotogiй to - Не soid (tho{l he shoutd
,h'':'!__ apotogis,e to Ьеr. l

agree to-inf -t- "Yes, l'l|lend you somе mOпеу." Не agreed to lend mе some mOпеу.
i-Tell me the truth!" Не demanded t0 Ье told the truth
j"Would you like mе to cook something?"
1- - , i, .:"'"'-- Не otfered to cook something.
]promise i'|'ll try harder." Не promised to trу harder.
jrefuse -No,
l won't lend you mу car." Не refused to |end mе hrs car.
jthreaten j "Leave the building or l'll cail the police." Не threatened to call the police if l didn't leave the building.
j"l saw him take the mопеу," Не olaimed to have sееп him take the mопеу.

advise + Ь + to jnf "You should get mоrе sleep."

s - l Не advised mе t0 gёt more sliip,
"You сап go to the сOпсегt."

|allow -Pleasв,
Не allowed mе to go t0 the сOпсеп.
ia sk i turп the volume dоwп." не asked mе to turп the чоlumе dоwп.

b.g i "PleasB, piease stop laughing at mе." Не begged me to stop |aughing at him,
]com mand ]
Не ооmmапdеd the епеmу to surrender.

encourage i
"Go ahead, try it." Не епсоurаgеd mе to try it.
i'YOu mustп't stay out iate." На forbade me t0 stay out iate.
i i nstruct your password and press 'апtеr'." Не instructed mе to type mу password and press 'епtеr'.
i invite i-lYould уэu like to come io the beach with us?" Не invited mе to go to the beach with them,
iorder ]"Go to уоur rооm!" Не ordered mе t0 g0 t0 my rOOm.
j"You mау sit here"" Не permitted mе to sit there.
jremind i "Dоп't forget to lock the dооr," ;Не reminded mе to lock the dооr.
Iurge 1 уоur dinner." Не urged mе to eat mу diппеr.
jwаrп 1"Don't dive iп ths lake,' lHe warned mе not to dive iп the lake,
iwant lessons."
"|'d like you to take extra iHe wапtеd mе to take extra lessons,

1accusesbof +
-iпgfоrm i"YouscratchedmyCD!" ] ;Heaccusedmeof scratching/havingscratchedhisCD.
iapologise fоr i"l'm sorry l vlas late." j 1Не apologised fоr being/having been late.

i:9Ч]Рl , i;I:l]|а]l-dy:-:Tr, i ;Heaom;tteo(h)faiiinфhavingfailedhis.exams

boast а bout Jake."
sing better than Не ЬоаыеО about singing better thап Jake,
bout out."
i |

com рlа in to
irLUll|ylolll sb сUUUt
tU )U а Il luu llc{tl help Uu(.
пеуеr ilGtp
] Не tulllpldlllUu
rпс соmрlаiпеd to tU mе mу llcvel
about llly
lllU dUUUt печеr llelplllg
he|ping out.
jdeny -No,
didn't cheat iп the test,"
j l ; Не denied cheating/having cheated in the test
iinsist on "you must take your medicine." i l не insisteo оп mе/mу iaking mу mеdiсiпе.
i lппдqt
cl "LBt's шltпh аэ DVD."
nt'c watch П\/п n
ii l Цо сrrлпасlоri rlotnbinп
Не suggested watchrng ао П\/п

а9rее + that-clause "Yes, it is а great idea."


Не аgrе€d that it was а great ldea

boast -l'm
ап expert chef," i l Не boasted that he was ап ехреrt chef.

lclaim wоп three awardý."

i Не ctaimed that he had wоп thrее awards.
l i

]-- ,|-,-""
|J-You -,-- do the dishes."
-- печеr iHe comptained that l печеr did the dishes.
deny -t've
пачеr lied to her."
i Не Оеп;еО that he had ever lted to her,
'exclaim -lt's

Не exclarmed that it t,tlas amazing.

lE^ylqll | ]"lt is а DllllРlG instructions."
Simple set of tl!)(luullvllD,
tr .J oýL U| i Не Ёлр]dllltrU
;пU explained that it was
l,|ldt ll, Wdý d simple SUt
а bll|lplts Ul instructions.
set of li|ýlluuп(
iпfоrm sb deiayed."
'in{nrm Е
ВVпrrг {liпht
.h ulill Ье rlпtо-аrl
"Yоur flight will , Ьд Uл ;.{л,mла ма
Не iпfоrmеd +bat
mе that {I;ль+,..л,,li ьл iлIл,,лi
-,, flight
mу would Ье delayed.
lpromise |-l wоп't mаkе поiýе." Не promised that he wouldn't make noise.
suggest -You
ought to make rеsеrчаtiопs," Не suggested that l make reservations

--iБTilGd-Бi,,,seli;-n*o- --Г
Й;аЁr ЙЁiаlЙлПБуU iriey Ъеi-iо tnil -не wопоей rrоТfйфwоuйЪыБiГrаtrрOrt,-
jhow + clause (when the iairport?"

isubject of the introductory ] Не asked himself, is Не wопdеrеd whеrе everyohe was.
iverb is not the same as the
i Не asked himsel{,
аrе they shouting?" Не wondered why they wеrе shouting.

isubject in the rероrtеd

iHe asked himself,
is she writing?" Не wondered what she was writing,
question ) wonder * whether Не asked himself, "Shall i invite them очеr?" Не wопdеrеd whether to invite them очеr.
* to-inf оr clause :
Не wопdеrеd whether he should invite the очеr.

]wопdеr where/what/how + ]lie asked himself, сап l

lне wопсеriо wtlеп to сапlБбй
to-inf (when the subject of 'Heaskedhimself,"WhatshouIdlsay?" Hewonderedwhattosay.
jLllc infinitive |)
]the llllllllLIvtr is the same О)
Ll ltr )dIlltr as Не
llgаJЛGullllllJЕllJ l|UWbcll|lбAptdllltlllЭ:
asked himself, "How сап l ехрlаiп this?" ;
jНе wопdеrеd hоw to explain that.
i ;ПtsWUlluts|BuIIUYYtl

С!аиsеs of fi"лте {Придаточнь!е for this reason и т. д.
/t snowed all doy, thеrеfоrе wе didn't ga out of the house.
предлO}кениý вреплен и}
Выражение времени
Придаточные предложения вреIvени вводятся при whеп, whenever, oS, as sооп as, while, before,
помощи таких слов и выражений, как after, as, as until/till, after, siпсеит, д,
lопg as, as sооп as, before, Ьу the time, every time, /'lI lecye whел l'rп reody,
immediately, just as, опсе, the mоmепt (that),
Выражение места
until/till, whеп, while ит. д,,,
where, wherever
Ihey wafted/or three haurs Ьеfоrе the bus fiпаliу аrriчеd.
/'d {ifte fo lfye lп а place where itЪ quiet спd remote.
Когда глагол в главном предлохении стоиI в насгоящеN/
Выражение исключения
или будущем вреI\,4ени, глагол в придаточноtчj предло-
except (for), apart from
хении времени тоже стOит в наоOяще[{ времени.
Ечеrуопе cftended ihe meeting, aplrt frаm Dennis.
В придаточных предлохениях времени форьrа буду-
щего вреп/ени не употребляется:
относительные местоимения
l'ilco{I you 05 sоOп 0s l get hоmе, (Неправильно: as who, whоm, whole, which, what, that
soon-аs+\Millget) rhе wоmсл ачеr thеrе is the опе who liyes асrоss the
Если придаточное предлохение времени осиr перед streef.
главным предлохением, после придатOчнOго предло- Перечисление фактов/событий
хения ставится запятая: Начало; initially, first, at first, firstly, to start/begin
Whеп yau see hirn tell him to co{l mе. with, first of all ит. д. - First, heat the ail,
Но: Продолжение: secondly, after thi;/that, second,
Ie{I him to cnll mе whеп you see him. afterwards, then, пехt и т. д.
Тhеп, роur the iпgrеdiепfs info fhe hot oii.
3аключение: finally, lastly, iп the епd, at last,
Слова-связки используются для того чтобы объединить eventually и т. д. - Гiлоi/у, serve the toad,
предложения или идеи. Подведение итогов
Положительное дополнение iп сопсlusiоп, iп summаrу, to sum uр, оп the whole,
апd, both .., апd, too, besides (this/that), mоrеоvеr, all iп all, altogether, iп short и т, д,
what is mоrе, iп addition (to), also, as well (as AlI iп all, l enjayed the film, o/though l fочпd the plof
this/that), furthermore и т, д, hаrd to Iollow at times.
Sfie is boffl сrесf iye апd imagiпotive, модуль 6
Отри цательное дополнение
пеithеr ,,. поrt поr, neither, either т
Nefther Mum поr Dad сап use а соmрчtеr. Формообразование: have * прямое дополнение +
Выражение разницы past participle
but, although, iп spite of , despite, while, whеrеаs, еуеп О !анная конструкция используется для обозначения
though, оп the other hапd, hоиtеvеr, yet, still и т, д действия, выполняемого кем-либо для лица, обозна-
Beth is hаrdwаrkiпg, but поt чеrу social. ченного подлежащим: i4r Вепsоп hod his house
Приведение примеров pcinfed. (Не didn't paint it himself.)
such as, like, for ехаmрlе, for iпstапсе, especially, iп О В каузативной форп,lе глагол to hаче употребляется в
particular и т.д. , / iike c{{Jcmes Bond |itms, especially отрицательных и вопросительных предлохениях с
'Never say печеr'" вспомогательным глаголом do/does/don't/doesn't
(present simple) или did/didn't (past simple):
Выражение причины
Whеп did you have уачr hair cut?
as, Ьесаusе, because of, siпсе, for this reason, due to,
so, as а result (of) и т, д.
They wеrе /cfe Ьесоusе thеir саr Ьrоkе down.
Present simple ;Не рпiлts his:He hcs ftis rооrп
Выражение уиовия irооm. lpcinfed.
if,whether, опlу if, jп case (of), provided (that), Present Не is pcintfng his Не fs hcving his
providing (that), unless, as/so lопg as, otherwise, оr
(else), оп сопditiоп (that) и т. д.
continuous ,rооm, ]rOOrп

Past simple :Не раiпtеd his Не hcd fifs rооm

l'i{ {елd you mу саr provided уоu drive саrеfчIIу, :rаоm, paiлted.
Выражение цели Не r,ycs роiпtiпg Не wos hcving his
past continuous
to, so that, so as (поt) to, iп order (поt) to, iп order that, ,his rооm. rоаm painted. :

ит.д Present perfect ;Не hcs pointed his,He hcs hcd his
lwепt to bed еаr!у so thnf /wоu{dп't Ье tired dшriлg fhe simple |rааm. rоаm раiпtеd.


Не hod pointed his Не hod haa his
,Past perfect
Выражение результата
.-----. -- ..-.---- .. . . ...- -
lrооm. rооm painted,
such/so .,. that, so, сопsеqчепtlу, as а result, therefore, |"
his Не will hoye hfs
:IJe wi// рсiпt

1Simple future
pg;iylled: jGR18

О Каузативная форма такхе употребляется для того,
iБйt ;iй il ;7йЁйsе.fr
,,f йt л,е

чтобы сказать о неприятноlчl или неохиданном i рrеsепt continuous/future continuous r present

continuous infinitive
событии, которое произошло с кем-либо. Steyen hcd i

hfs laptop sto{en lost week.

О В разговорной речи BlvecTo haye мохет употребляться
get: You should get those jeans shorfened.

М одал ън brc гл а гол ы, вы ража ющие

Инфинитив без частицы to употребляется:
предположение О после модальных глаголов: Не should see о doctor.
О Must практически полная уверенность: rhis О после глаголов let, make, see, hear и feet. They made
diаmолd ring must Ье very expensive. Jim isn't hоmе; him рау ехtrс. НО: после вырахений Ье mаdе, Ье
he rпчst fioye left fоr footbal{ prnctice. (l'm heard, Ье sеел и т, д. (в форме страдательного
surе/сеrtаiп that sth is true.) залога) употребляется инфинитив с частицей to.,
О May/Might/Could = возмохно, вероятно: Не wos mcde to рау extra.
l haye the day a|f rоmоrrоw, so / might yisit some О после would rather (поt)/hаd better (поt),,
friends. Уоu ficd Ьеttеr book еаrlу,
Не mау haye senf tfie inyitatioл to the wrопg О после слова help может употребляться инфинитив с
oddress; уош'd better check. (It is possible./lt is частицей to и без частицы fo: l helped hеr {fo) move
likely./Perhaps. ) tile sofo,
О Can't/Couldn't = практически полная неуверенность:
Ihis сал'f Ье JоеЪ car; fie sold ltis с mопfh ago, ýhe
couldn't hgуе made tfiis delicious cake; shеЪ hopeless
at baking. (l'm sure that sth isn't true, rеаl, etc.) Лосле Ёекоторых глаголов мохет употребЛяться, инфи-
нитив с частицей to и -iпg форма с разницей в значении

fоrgеt * to inf initive = not rеmеmЬеr

Не forgot to tаke his wol{et with him.
О для вырахения цели: НеЪ scving mопеу to Ьчу о ccr. forget *ing fогm = not гесаlI
О после глаголов, относящихся к будущему: (agree, /'ll леуеr /orget skiiлg down the Alps.
appear, decide, expect, hope, рlап, promise, refuse
promise to rеfчrп the mопеу sооп.
и т. д, ). J
Did уоu rеmеmЬеr to wish Suе а ficppy birthday?
после wочld like, would prefer, would Iоие и
О rеmеmЬеr t -ing fоrm = recall
т. д. для
вырахения определённого предпочтения: l would
/ rеmеmЬеr going Ьuлgее jumрiпg f оr the /irst time.
loye to go to tire theotre toлight.
пOсле прилагательных, описывающих чувства/эмоции о mean * to-infinitive = intend to
lhappy glad, sad и т.д.), хелание/нехелание (еаgец / didn't rпеоп [о hчrt hеr fee{ings.
reluctant, willing и т. д.) или характер людей (cleyer, О mean * -ing form = involve
kind и т. д.), а такхе после прилагательньtх lucky и l/ wе go there Ьу ссr, it will rпеап spending о lot оп
fortunate: fle} clwoys eager fo help or.rt. реtrо{.
о после too/enough, lt js too cold fo go swimming.
о после вырахений to tell you the truth, to Ье honest, О regret * to-inf initive = Ье sоrrу to (поrmаllу used in
to sum uр, to begin with и т. д.: Iо tеil уоч flre the рrеsепt simple with verbs such as say, teIl, inform)
frэffi, ldidn't reolly thiл* tlrey'd wiп. l rеgrеt to iпfоrm уоч thal уоur /Iight is delcyed.

Active voice Passive voice,,

Рrеsе nt (to) play (to) Ье played

present cont- (to) Ье playing

Реrfесt (to) have played (to) have been playec

perfect cont. (to) have been playin

Не stopped taifting wfiеп the teacher rvalJ<ed in.

Cl а u se s (pu rpose / re s u lt/ rea sап / Придаточные предлохения
помощи so that/in order that ,..
цели вводятся при

mа ппеr) П ридаточные предложения Не studied hqrd so fhot he would pcss the ехаm.
( цел и/следств и я/п рич и н ы/об раза (показывает цель)
действия) Придаточные предлохения следствия вводятся при
помощи so/such .., that
;Crauses of purpose- Придаточные предложения О Придаточные предлохения цели следуют правилу
iцели согласования времён, как и придаточные предлохения
Придаточные предлохения цели употребляются для
l'l{ fffrп fhe {ights
оп 5о ChOr l ссп see сIеаrеr.
того, чтобы объяснить, зачем кто-либо сделал что-либо.
I took о jacket with mе so thcf I wouidn'f get cald.
Придаточные предлохения цели с полохительным опенком:
о fo + infinitive He's sfudying to Ье on architect. iClauses of Result- Придаточные предложения

С iп order to/so as to + iпfiпitivе (fоrmаl) (в значении iследствия

настоящего/будущего) She lelt еаr!у so os to {bel оп
П ридаточ н ые п редлохен и я следств и я употребля ются дл я
О so that/in order that + сап/will (в значении того, чтобы выразить результат какого-либо действия.
настоя щего/будущего
0ни вводятся следующиl\i образом:
О as а result/therefore/consequently/as а conseguence

l'!l write dаwп mу РlN пumЬеr so thоtliп агdеr that l

wil! rеmеmЬеr it 0t 0li riпlе. Не wcs i{{. As а rеsultlТhеrеfаrеtСопsеqчепtlуlАs а
О so that/in order that + could/would (в значении сопsеqчепсе, he didn't go to wоrk.
п рошлого)
О such а/ап + adjective + singular соuпtаЬlе поuп ,., that
l drоче mу car to wark so thatliп огdег that l соu{d НеЪ sчсh а rudе реrsоп thot паЬоdу {ikes him.
Ье оп tfme far the mееtiпg. О such + adiective + plural/uncountable поuп ... that
О iп case + present tense (в значении настоящего/ rhey Iived iп sucil tеrriЬtе conditions fhat the {ocof
будущего) соrпmuпf[у decided io buf{d them а house.
We wеrе hoving sчсh bad wеаthеr that we decided to
Ioke some cash with уоu in cose уоu пееd it.
О iп case +pasf fense (в значении прошлого) ра5tрапе the рiспiс.
She took оп umЬrеI{с iп ccse it rоiпеd. о such а lot of + plural/uncountable поuп.,.thаt
Примечание: lп case никогда не употребляется с will Тhеrе wеrе suclt с lоt of people at the rеstоurапt
или would. that we coii{dn't get с toble. Тhеrе was suclt о {oi о/
l'll pack sаmе juice sпоw thcf he cou{dn't mоче his соr.
fаr the рiспiс, iл cose we аrе
thirsty {CIter. (Неправильно: we ъчill Ье) О so + adjective/adverb ,.. that
о for + пgцп (вырахение цели поступка) The boak w05 ýо Ьоriпg thof / соuidп'f keep mу eyes
l've bought о пеw сQmеrа fоr photography clcss. ореп. She sfngs so beautifully fftat I listeл to hеr far
о for + -iпg form (вырахение цели чего-либо или его hоurs.

о so + adjective + а(п) + поuп ,., that
lttvos so bad а day that we stcyed iп.
rhis сrеоrп is used|оr palishing si/yer.
с with а view to -iпg form
+ О so much/iltle + uпсоuпtаЬlе поuп ,,, that
They started sovfng uр with а yiew to Ьчуiпg а саr. Не spends so litf{e fime studying fhcf he'{{ fail his
Придаточные предлохения цели с отрицательныlv опенком:
О in оrdеr not to/so as not to t
infinitive Не hod so mчсh luggoge fhсt he couldn't саrrу it.
Не osked fоr а ride iп order поt tolso as nof to Ье lafe. О so mапу/fg|il + plural поuп ,., that
Примечание: IVof fo никогда не используется для выра- Тhеrе аrе ýо rпопу оррIiсолts fаr the job fhot l dоп't
хения отрицательног0 оттенка в придатOчных предл0- think /'{I get the job.
хениях цели. Тhеrе аrе so few tickets le|t that we'll Ье {uсkу to
О prevent + noun/pronoun (+ from) + -ing form find апу.
They put up поtiсеs ta рrечепt people {|rоm) wclking j|ij"iЁi
л.;;о; - йЁй;i;йБild;йй; ;

ап the grass,
о avoid + -iпg form
П ридаточные предлохения причины употребляются для
Не bought а GРS to ovoid gefting iost.
О so fhat + сап't/wоп't (в значении настоящего lбуду того, чтобы выразить причину чего-либо. 0ни вводятся с
помощью because, as/since, the reason for/why,
l'll call
hеr so that she won'f feel lопеIу. because оf/оп ассоuпt of/due to, поw (that), for и т, д,
о so fhat + couldn't/wouldn't (в значении прошлого) О because
She tооft о taxi so thоЁ sfie wоuldп't Ье lote for the l didn't inyife him because l don't lf ke him.
mееf ing. Весачsе l don't Iike him, l didn't fnyite him.
Примечания: О as/since (= потому что,)
О Придаточные предлохения цели не следует путать с l,Ve соп'f visit Stei{a aslsiпce shеЪ owcy ап holiday,

придатOчными предлохениями следствия. Asl5ince she's сwсу оп holidoy, we сап't yisif Stel{o.


о fhe rеаsоп for + поuп/-iпg form Seldom 0nly in this way
Ihе rесsоп fоr his deloy wos the stormy weather. Ra rely Опlу then
Тhе rесsоп fоr his being late wos fhe stormy wеоthеr. Little Hardly (ечег) ... when
the rеаsоп why + бlбц5g Ва rеlу No sоопеr... than
The ассidепt ап the mоtоrwау was the recson why he Nowhere (else) Not only ,.. but (also)
Nечеr (Ьеfоrе) Not until
wos late.
Not (even) опсе Iп no way
rhе rеоsоп why he was lcte wos the accident оп fhe 0n по account lп/Uпdеr по circumstances
motorwoy, 0пlу Ьу So/Such
О Ьесачsе оf/оп account of/due to + поuп Not since, etc.
Sоmе роwеr {ines /ell dawn becouse of l оп lссоuпt
Nечеr {Ьеfоrе) have l watched such ап interestiпg film.
of l due to strong winds.
О because оf/оп ассоuпt of/due to the fact that + clause
Not опIу did l write the rероrt but l (also) senf it to
the mапоgеr.
They couldn't сопсепtrтtе because оflоп account
Seldom does fhis restouraпt get so crawded.
ofldue to the fact that thеrе was а lot о/ nofse.
НО: rhis rеstочrопt seldom gefs so crowded. (Здесь
О поw (that) + clause
инверсия oTcлсгByel так как наречие seldom стоит не
Now (that) we have graduated we сап get о job.
о for (= потому что) (формальный стиль письп,ла).
в начале предложения.)
Примечание: Если предложение начинается с опlу af-
Придаточное предлохение цели, начинающееся с for
ter, опlу Ьу, опlу if, опIу whеп, поt until/till, инверсия
всегда следует за главной частью предлохения: 5he
wos чеrу quiet аII day, for she hod а lot оп hеr miпd, употребляется в главной части предлохения:
апlу after l waved to him did he speak to mе.
lа;;Б;7 ййй;- -

"ББ*,iЁЁдiiБ]*., ",
l 0пlу if you speok English чtiII he uпdеrstапd you,
L:"9_е_:_,,*:r_:Iв_jl__,__ __" _ -- _ _j О с with so, пеithеr, поr для выражения согласия:
Придаточные предлохения образа дейовия употребляются "l !оче fresh fгuits." "So do /," (5о употребляется в
для того, чтобы выразить то, каким образоп,л что-либо утвердительньiх п редложен иях)
сделано, сказано и т д. 0ни вводятся с помощью as, hоw, as She wos оп ехсеl|епt singe1 os was hеr mоthеrlапd
if/as though, (iп) the wау (that), (iп) the same way (as) s0 wos hеr mоthеr,
О Дs if/as though употребляются после глаголов acf, "Neither/Nor сап l." (Neither/nor употребляется в
appear, Ье, Ьеhаvе, feel, look, seem, smell, sоuпd, отрицательн ых предлохениях, )
faste для того, чтобы выразить то, как кто-либо или "l don't speoft Sponish well, "NеifhеrlNаr da l."
что-либо выглядит, ведёт себя и т. д.: Ос should, were, had, когда они стоят в начале
The oir is humid. lt f eels os if las though itЪ gоfпg to rаiп. условных предлохечий,
Дs if/asthoughTaKxe употребляюrся с другими глаголаlvи Тип 'l: Should he call, tell him ta соmе hеrе. (= 111,.
для того, чтобы выразить то, как кго-либо делает что-либо: should calI .,.)
She sounds as iflas though she's rеоl{у hurt Ьу what Тип2,, Wеrе l you, l would go to the dосrоr. 1= 11 1

you said. wеrе you ,..)

О Дs if/as though + past tense используются в IипЗ,, Hod lЬееп iпvited, lwould have gопе ta the
нереальной ситуации в настоящем. UVere мохет wedding rесерtiоп, (= tf t haO Ьееп invited ...)

употребляться в место l/yas,,

Не acts as iflos fhough he kпеw everythiпg. (but he Шfj"уёiДаБ/йФli.лФilf 9*{119д;i'i"5sф_;
doesn't) Инверсия употребляется :

Не behaves os iflas though he wеrе а child, (but he isn't) О после глаголов двихения или наречий N/ecTa, когда
О As мохет употребляться в придаточных предлохениях они стOят в начале предлохения:
образа действия в значении ктак/таким образон,л, lпside the house ruп the {iftie Ьоу,
как.,.>: Irу to do it cs /'че showed you. ап the so|a slept the cat.
Примечание: В разговорном английскопл /ike мохет неrе comes the bride,
употребляться BN/ecTo as if/as though: Тhеге goes fhe /osf Ьu5.
уоu look like you пееd о haliday. (iпfоrmаl spoken Инверсия не употребляется, если подлехащее выра-
English ) хено местоиN/ением.
Неrе he fs, (NOT: Нсrе is Ь)
lnversion (Инверсия) )ff you go. (ШОТ; Off go уоu,)
|*-,*--*--"-^-*=, -*-.,---_--,-"-* .- . l Ов прямой речи, когда подлехащее при вводном
молал ьн ы й/вспомогател ьн ы й гла гол + подлежа щее

i]:y:::*:_ч::_|ul|9" _
глаголе вы рахено существител ьным
; :

_ i "l love comedies," said Jеппу.

(оr ... Jеплу scid.)
Инверсия употребляется :

"0реп уоur nofebooks, " soid fhe reсcher.

О в вопросах: (ог .,, rhе teccher soid.,)
Сап you соmе fo the meetiпg?
НО: "l,fhct сол / do f or yau?" fie asked.
О после следующих слов и вырахений, если они стоят в
(Неправильно: aske*shc, так как подлежащее при
начале предлохения:
В ВОДН О N/ ГЛ а ГОЛ е ВЫ РаХе Н О М еСТО И е Н И е П,l, )

Rчlеs fоr Рчпсtчаtiоп

Capital Letters Exclamation Point (!)
А capital letter is used: Ап exclamation point is used:
. to begin а sentence. о to end ап exclamatory sentence (i.e. а sentence showing
Here we are. admiration, surprise, joy, anger, etc).
. for days of the week, months and public holidays. That's а lie!
Friday, Дчgust, New Yeor whot awfulweather!
. for names of people and places.
Му teacheft паmе is Solly опd she's frоm Chester, Vеrmопt.
. for people's titles. Quotation Marks ('' " ")
Mr апd Mrs Porker; Dr Моrtimеr; Professor Riggs; etc.
. for nationalities and languages.
Single quotes аrе used:
. when you are quoting someone iп direct speech (nested
They ore Сhilеоп.
He's flчепt iп Gеrmап опd Russion.
"Тhеп Неlеп soid, 'Дrе you surе this is the right address?"'
Note:The personal рrопоuп l is always а capital letter.
Double quotes are used:
Gus опd l оrе gоiпg оп holiday together.
r iп direct speech to report the exact words someone said.
"Whot's your поmе?" she asked him.

FulI stop (.)

А full stop is used: Соlоп (:)

о to end а sentence that is not а question оr an exclamation.
А соlоп is used:
Wе'rе having о greтt time. You соп пеvеr get bored hеrе
iп Rio.
о to introduce а list.
. after abbreviations . Prof. Jопеs is а greot teocher.
There wеrе three of us оп the boot: mу Ьrоthеr, mу cousin
Lуп опd mе.

Comma (,)
Brackets ()
А comma is used:
. to separate words in а |ist.
Brackets are used:
We пееd sugor, milk, tomotoes опd apple juice.
to separate extra information from the rest of the
о to separate а non-essential relative clause (i.e. а clause
The most popular пеwsрореrs (i.e. The New York Times,
giving extra information which is not essential to the
The Observer, etc) сап Ье found almost апуwhеrе iп the
meaning of the main clause) from the main clause.
Топу, who is а doctor, lives iп Дfriса.
. after certain joining words/transitional phrases (e.g. in
addition to this, moreover, for example, however, in
Apostrophe (')
conclusion, etc).
Моrеочеr, lеппу is very potient with children, An apostrophe is used:
. when if-clauses оr other dependent clauses begin with о in short forms to show that one оr mоrе |etters or
compound оr соmрlех sentences. numbers have Ьееп left out.
lf you have опу questions, don't hesitate to osk. l'm (= l оm) writing to соmрlоiп obout ...
Note: No comma is used, however, when they follow She left for ltoly iп the winter of '98. (=1998)
the main clause. . before or after the possessive -s to show ownership or
. to separate question tags from the rest of the the relationship between people.
5entence. Тоm's соr, mу friend's husband (singular noun + 's)
Мr |tevens is your Moths teocher, isn't he7 my parents' friends (plural noun + ')
. before the words asked, said, etc when followed Ьу women's dresses (irregular plural + 's)
direct speech.
"Тчrп dоwп the music," soid Soroh.

Question Mark (?)

А question mark is used:
. to end а direct question.
where аrе the children?


American English - British English Guide

American English British English American English British English

А р
account bill/account ра п ts/t rо users troU 5е rs
аirрlапе аеrорlапе pantyhose/nylons tigh ts
а nyplace/a nywhere anywhere parking lot car park
а partment flat pavement road surface
pedestrian crossing ze.bra crossing
(potato) chips crl sp5
bath rоЬе dressing gown public school
bathtub state school
bath purse
bill Ьа nknote handbag
billion=thousand million billion=million million R
busy (phone) engaged (phone) railroad railway
rest room to ilet/cloa kroom
са ll/phone ring up/phone s
сап tin sales clerk/sales girl shop assistant
candy sWeetS sched ule timetable
check bill (restaurant) shorts (underwear) pants
closet wardrobe sidewalk pavement
connect (telephone) put through stand in line q ueue
cookie Ь iscu it store, shop shop
соrп sweetcorn, maize subway u ndergrou nd
crazy mad
D t ruck lorry, van
desk clerk reception ist two weeks fortnight/two weeks
desse rt pudd i ngldessert/sweet
downtown (city) centre
vacation holiday(s)
d rapes curtains vacuum (v.)
rugstore/pharmacy hoover
d chemist's (shop) vacuum cleaner
duplex hoover
sem i-detached
vest waistcoat
egg pla nt auberg i пе
with or without (milkicream black or white
elevator l ift in coffee)
fa ll autu mn
yard ga rden
fa ucet tap
first floor, second floor, etc ground floor, first floor, etc z
f lash li9 ht torch (pronounced, "zee") (pronounced, "zed")
Frепсh fries chips, zero noug ht
front desk (hotel) reception zip code postcode
garbage/trash rubbish
garbage can dustbi п/ьiп
ga5 petrol
gas station petrol station/9arage
g rade
Не iust Went out./ Не has iust qone out.
class/yea r Не has iust qone out.

interm ission interva l Hello, is this 5teve? Hello, is that Steve7

i nter5ecti оn crossroads
Do vou have а car?/ НаVе vou qot а car?
janitor. Have you qot а car?
са reta ker/porter
к Spel]inq
kerosene ра ra ffi n
L aluminum aluminium
lawyer/attorney solicitor analyze апа lyse
line queUe се nte r centre
lost and found lost рrореrtу ch eck cheq ue
м соlоr colour
honor honou r
mail post jewellery
make а reservation book .jewelry
practice(n,v) practice(n)
motorcycle moto rb ike/m oto rcycle
movie film
рrоgrаm programme
movie house/theater cinema rea lize realise
N tire tyre
n ewssta п d neW5a9ent trave(i)ler travelIer

о Expressions with prepositions and particles

office (doctor's/dentist's) 5ч r9ery
one-way (ticket) 5ingle (ticket)
different from/than different from/to
overalls live on Х street live in Х street
d u пgа rees
on а team in а team
й the weekend at the weekend
Monday throuqh Friday Monday to Friday

G R23
Vowels m lml map, man, meat, move, mочsе, market,
/ео/ care, rаrе, scare, dare, fare, share some, sma|l, smell, smile
/el/ name, face, table, lake, take, day, age, /пl next, not, tenth, month, kind, snake,
ache, late, snake, make snip, пооп, ruп
/Ф/ apple, bag, hat, man, flat, lamp, fat, р /р/ рау, реа, реп, poor, pink, pencil, рlапе,
hand, black, сар, fan, cat. actor, factor, please
mаппеr ч /kw/ quack, quarter, queen, question, quiet
lc,,l ball, wall, call, tall, smaIl, hall, warn, walk. r /r/ rat, rich, roof, road, ready, cry,grass,
also, chalk bring, fry, carry, red, read
/о/ want, wash, watch, what, wasp ý /S/ sit, set, seat, soup, snow, smell, 9lass,
/а/ alarm, away, America dress, 9oose
lal arms, dark, Ьаr, star, car, ask, last, fast, /z/ houses, cousin, husband
glass, far, mask t /I/ two, ten, tooth, team, turn, tent, tool,
/е/ egg, end, hеп, men, ten, bed. leg, tell, trip, train, tree
реппу, pet, bell, pen, tent v lvl veal, vet, часuчm, vote, аrriче, live,
Л/ in, ill, ink, it, is, hill, city, sixty, fifty, Iip, leave, view
lift, silly, chilly \лf /w/ water, war, wish, word, world
/al/ ice, kite, white, shine. bite, high, kind у lJl youth, уочп9, yes, yacht, year
/оо/ home, hope, Ьопе, joke, note, rope, z /z/ zoo, zebra, buzz, crazy
nose, tone, blow, know, по, cold
lol оп, ох, hot, top, chop, clock, soft, often, Diphthongs
Ьох, sock, wrong, fox еФrее /Io/ еаr, пеаr, fear, hear, clear, year, dear,
/atll ow|, town, clown, how, brown, now, Ьееr, cheer, deer
coW /1,1 eat, each, heat, leave, сlеап, seat, neat,
/а/ book, look, foot tea, keep, feed, free, tree, thrее, Ьее
/u,/ rооm, sрооп, too, tooth, food, moon, ei /eI/ eight, freight, weight, vein
boot /al hei9ht
/п/ blood, flood ýi /eI/ pain, sail, tail, main, bait, fail, maiI
/с,,/ floor, door eq /ео/ pear, wear, bear
/з',/ turn, fur, urge, hurl, burn, burst /з,,/ еаrth, pearl, lеаrп, search
lл/ up, uncle, ugly, much, such, run, jump, Ее /at/ die, tie, Iie
duck, jungle, hut, mud, luck ýt| /л/ tough, touch, enough, couple, cousin,
lu/ pull, push, full, cushion trочЬlе
/Jl unique, union /аа/ mouse, house, rочпd, trout, shout,
/al/ sky, fly, fry, try, shy, сrу, Ьу doubt
ýi lJl oil, boil, toil, soil, coin, choice, voice,
consonants join
ь /Ь/ Ьох, butter, ЬаЬу, bell, bank, black Фу lэl Ьоу, joy, toy, аппоу, employ
с /k/ cat, coal, call, calm, cold оц /э,.l court, bought, brought
/s/ cell, city, pencil, circle ýц lэ,.l naughty, caught, taught
d /d/ down, duck, dim, double, dream, drive,
drink Double letters
f /
lf fat, fan, first, food, lift, fifth ýh /l/ shell, ship, shark, sheep, shrimp, shower
g /g/ grass, goat,9o, gold, big, dog, glue, € h /{/ cheese, chicken, cherry, chips, chocolate
get, give lf/ photo, dolphin, рhопе, elephant
/d3/ gem,9in,9iant ?h /0/ thief, throne, three, bath, cloth, earth,
h /h/ heat, hit, hеп, hand, perhaps tooth
BUT hour, honest, dishonest, heir /6/ the, this. father, mother, brother,
i lфl jam, just, job, joke, jump feather
k lkl keep, king, kick пg /TJ/ thing, king, song, sing
I ttt lift, let, look, lid, c]ever, please, plot, !rk /nk/ think, tank, bank
black, b]ue, slim, silly
i}г;tfiH*s are syllables which we add before certain - Nouns formed from verbs
words to form пеw words. The meaning of the new -.:.:|.|,i:: break - breakage
word depends оп the prefix that has been used.
= against (antisociBl) .::::,.:i]] perform -
i:r- = 1уу9 (ьimопthlу) -,.::,,j:: represent - representation
т-{э- = With (co,stai .:j::-:
=,:: coпfide- сопfidепсе
= in the opposite direction
(соuпtеr-аrgumепt) =.,._э:,l complete - соmрlеtiоп
ili;H- - previous, former (ex-wife) .:;:i::::=
РаУ - РОУmеПt
iг-лt*г" = between (iпtеrсопtiпепtаl) -.=::.::,: extend - extension (verbs endin9 in -d/-t)
= dot:e wrongly or badly (misjudge) -:;:= diagnose - diagnosis
iЁ i':i - = опе (mопаrqi!) -li:.::: delete - dеlеtiоп
lзt*i-,l,i- = mапу (multimedio) -ыl= seize - seizure
t-i{ril" = поt (поп-чеrЬоl) -i{, dtscover - discovery
*t=ii- = mоrе, better (ачtrчп)
i.iтtll," = (done) to а 9reat extent (avercook) - Nочпs formed from adjectives
ý}t}i:;t-, = after
(post-rиorJ .sгi{tэ 0rrogant - 0rrоgопсе
Ё,{,*- = before (pre-war) -{ii оссчrаtе - occuracy
$i,l}- = in favour of (рrо-Еurореап) -frFlfl* сопfidепt - сопfidепсе
;'rl- = 090iп keda) ,:а",;t perfect - реrfесtiоп
ý;,,tlчti" = half (serпi-circle) -irзЁ;:Ё:] happy - happiness
,*;l.ji.l- = under, less (sub-zero) "Ёl*ýs shy - shyness
= big, more (suреrhumоп) -i,|1*,
equol - equality
*Ё,;:ltЁ." = (travel) from one side, group etc to another
-ty safe - safety
(transatloпtic) -}., jeolous - jealousy
tГi- = three (tripod)
i.j ::i*i: t'"

= п ot епоu9 h (u п derd еч el о ped) - Adjectives formed from nouns

ill,;i- = опе (unidirectional) -xJ # Ёi caurOge - courageous
The prefixes below are used to express opposite -;t i
реr5оп - реrsопаl
meanings. .,i с
hуgiепе - hуgiепiс
eJ*l" deforest, deseпsitise
.j {_,Е t myth - mythical
;зi*- disagree, dissimilor -iьГл girl - girlish
iлt" iпsiпсеrе, iпсоmрlеtе BUT ii, (before l)
,. t !]];-ri
exces; - excessive
illegible in- (before Ь, ,, р) irnpolite,
,tu,it*irr,,l mеапiпg - mеопiпgful
imЬаlопсе BUT чпрорulоr ir" (before r) -its:; (without) mеопiпg - mеапiпglеss
irratioпal ";Ё t,}i imроrtопсе - important
BUT unrest, unrestricted -
s]ii ;:.] : соmfоrt - comfortable
i,-;+г]- поп-ехistепt, поп-stар "у hапd - hопdу
i.;i"i,- чпсоmfоrtаЬlе, uпlчсkу _
ir.' time - timely

Some prefixes are added to words to form verbs. - Adjectives formed from verbs
,]it rich _ епriсh
BUT *rз:- (before Ь, m, р) power - еrпроwеr =:i=:,,: соmрrеhепd-соmрrеhепsiЬlе
(verbs ending iп :di-t)
are syllables which we add to the end of
-::,,= dismiss - dismissive
certain words to form пеw words,
-.::]]:]: соп1idеr - considergte
- Nouns referring to people
=:i:::] dерепd _ dерепdепt
verb + -+i i.lll:,i',,li (drive driver, сапduсt -
сопduсtоr, lie - liar) - Verbs formed from adjectives
noun/verb/adjective + ,iяt (поуеl - почеlist,
=i: bright - brighten
cycle - cyclitt, social - socialist) ,j:i+j imrпоЬilе - irпmаЬilisе
verb + -;;irq,.i-+ltt (claim - сlаimапt)
- verbs formed from nouns
поuп + -*lti-i:l* (Rоmе - Rоmап, palitic - politicioл)
(passive meaning) (escBpe
,i::|] length - lепgthеп
verb + -
1 е5сарее)
ý Urc the word given in capitals to form а word that fits in the gap.
'l The magazine comes out every оthеr week, so it is ..... . WEEK
2 You have to leave the clay to..... fоr at |east two hours. HARD
3 These shoes аrе very..... . lcan wеаr them all day long. сомFоRт
4 Can you take the meat out of the freezer so it сап ..... , please? FRoST
5 Тhеrе was extensive ,.... of the royal wedding in the media. covER
6 The doctor told him to take his ..,,. every six hours. MEDlсATE
7 Mr Наrris handed in his .,,.. due to personal reasons. REslGN
8 Swiпе flu is ап .,... disease and can spread very quick|y. lNFEcTloN
9 think Meryl Streep is ап ..... actress.
l ExcEL
'l0 When did ..,.. end in the USA? SLAVE
11 Сап l please talk to the ..... of the hotel? MANAGE
12 J. К. Rowling is the ..... of the Harry Potter books. WRlTE
13 We went to see the ..... Cots in the West End оп Friday. MUslc
14 She had по problems during hеr ...,. . PREGNANT
'l5 Dаrrеп knocked the vase ove .,... . AccIDENT
16 l find your behaviour completely ..... . Please apologise! ACCEPTABLE
17 Му mum ..,.. this dress for mе. lt was too long sHoRT
18 Playing team sports teaches you how to ..... with others. oPERATE
19 Don't believe а word she says as 5he's.,... of telling the truth. cAPABLE
20 The boss decides to give all his ,..., а raise. EMPLoY
21 l have а dentist's ..,,. iп the afternoon. APPolNT
22 ..... , he didn't know anything about the earthquake. APPARENT
23 Не has по friends and feels чеrу ..... . LoNE
24 She has ...,. working hours, which helps her take саrе of her children. FLEx
25 We had to ,..., all the words of the poem. MEMoRY
26 What ..... аrе you looking for? ЕхАст
27 l'm surprised Ьу his..... as he is usually polite to people. RUDE
28 Scientists have discovered the ..... of а пеw dwarf planet. ExlST
29 The соmрапу wеrе surprised Ьу how few ...., there were for the job. APPLY
30 Mrs Holland gave а very 9епеrоus ..... to the charity, DoNATE
31 The соmрапу develops ..... computer games for children. AcTlvE
З2 The doctor said the brain damage was ..,.. and he'd never improve. REvERSlBLE
З3 Iwent to mу..... this morning to have my eyes tested. oPTlc
З4 lt was perhaps the most ..,.. tsunami in history. DESTRoY
35 Не is kпоwп fоr his..... and is always breaking things. cLUMSY
36 Paul made а good ..... оп her parents, lMPRESS
З7 Не'5 ...,. to chocolate. Не can't stop eating it. AD.DlcT
З8 Тапуа ..,.. the cost of the holiday and ran out of money. CALCULATE
39 lt is ...., to steal even чеrу small amounts of mопеу, MoRAL
40 Не first came to Вritаiп а5 а ,.... during World Wаr ll. RЕFUGЕ
41 Carl was threatened with ..... for being disruptive in class, sUsPEND
42 This soup i5 ..... , it needs mоrе saIt! TASTE
4З The children played videogames to relieve the ,..., of the long journey, BoRE
44 The music at the party was so loud it was ..,.. . BEARABLE
45 The policeman said the emphasis was on ..... first. SАtЕ
46 There is по doubt that ..... is becoming а widespread problem. oBESE WF2
47 This sun сrеаm is specially formulated for ..... skin. sENSE
48 His small business grеw into а huge chain and поw he's а ..... . MlLLloN
49 Deforestation ..... the natural habitat of thousands of species ечеrу year. DANGER
50 Air .,... сап Ье а serious health threat iп big cities. PoLLUTE
51 Му grandmother ..,.. hеr husband Ьу twenty five years. LlvE
52 l couldn't tell the ...,, between the twins. DlFFER
53 Vitamin С improves blood ..... . clRcULATE
54 Children often have а very .,... imagination. Аст
55 lt is very hard to breed giant pandas in ...,. . cAPTlvE
56 Не suffers from ..... , DEPRE5S
57 JuIia broke up with hеr boyfriend because of his.,... . JEALoUs
58 This meat is.....! lt needs another ]5 minutes iп the oven. соок
59 Your behaviour at the dinner party was .,... . DlsGRAcE
60 lt took years to .,... the houses that wеrе destroyed in the earthquake. BUlLD
61 Не Ьесаmе ...., from running up three flights of stairs. BREATH
62 The child became ..,,. when he hit his head falling off the slide. coNScloUs
63 l can't stand Nigel's ..... . ARRoGANT
64 lwish l lived in а quieter..... away from the city centre, NElGHBoUR
65 He's very ..,.. about ancient Greek history. KNOWLEDGE
66 l think you should ..... the photo and frame it. LARGE
67 You realIy аrе vеrу ..... , Stop telling me what to dol Boss
68 lf уоu can't withdraw money from АТМ, ask for the ..... of а cashier. As5lsT
69 Wе'rе meeting the соmрапу'5 ..... at 5 o'clock. REPRESENT
70 We get а paper delivered to the house on а ..... basis. DAY
71 lt's ..... rude to point at people. EXTREME
72 l don't believe in ghosts оr other ..... beings. NATURAL
7з l spent а small fortune оп ...., costs when l bought some books online. PosT
74 Visiting Venice is а ,..., experience. MEMoRY
75 А growing global food .,... has caused prices to double. sHoRT
76 Her арреаrапсе had changed ..... since the last time l saw her. DRAMATlc
77 The new micro-fibre cloths are чеrу ..,.. . AB5oRB
78 They wil| ..,.. the phone if you don't рау the bill. соNNЕст
79 Нumап rights are important in all ..... , DEMoсRAT
80 l don't think she mеапs what she says. She sounds very ..... . slNcERE
81 This drink will ..... you and you won't feel so tired. ENERGY
82 When we saw the manor house we had an ..... desire to see its interior. REslST
83 Will апу of уоur ..... from the USA Ье coming to the wedding? RELATE
84 Не watched an amazing wildlife ..... оп TV last night. DocUMENT
85 She's а very ..... person and likes going out. SoclAL
86 Heathrow is Britain's largest ..... airport with flights going all очеr the world. NATloNAL
87 His lack of success was а source of great ..... to him, DlSAPPolNT
88 l don't understand why апуопе would want to become а ...., . PoLlтIcS
89 There's no doubt that climbing Everest 5о young is quite ап .,... . AccoMPLlsH
90 lt is а very ..,.. соuпtrу club and has а three-year waiting list. ExcLUDE
91 She couldn't hide hеr ..... and blushed when he spoke to hеr. sHY
92 l ..... him. l thought he was honest and kind but l was wrопg. JUDGE
9з After leaving her child аlопе all day she was charged with .,... . NEGLlGENT
,.l'Complete the second sentence so that it has а similar mеапiпg to the first
sentence. Use two to five words including the word given.

You shouldn't buy clothes made in sweatshops. 15 Even though she felt unwell, she went to work.
WRONG lt ..... made in sweatshops. оF ln ..... , she wепt to work.
The doctor shone а light in her mouth in order 16 You'll get into trouble if you don't keep up
to see her throat properly. with your school work.
SO The doctor shone а tight iп her BEHIND You'll get into trоцЬlе if ,,... уочr
mouth ..... hеr throat properly. school work.
"l think it would Ье а good idea if you learned а 17 Мапу young professional people rеаllу like this
foreign language", mу teacher said to me. пеw smartphone.
ADVISED Му teacher ..... а foreign POPULAR This new smartphone ..... mапу
langua9e, уоuп9 professional people.
You rеаllу must lеаrп to drive а car. 18 Getting а promotion depends on уоur doing
T|ME lt's ..... to drive а саr. the job well.
Наrrу had печеr eaten spinach before. PROV|DED You should get а promotion ,....
FIRST lt .,.,. Наrrу had ever eaten the job well.
spi nach. 19 Darren couldn't 9о оп the trip because of his
Luckily, а local shopkeeper told me how to get broken leg.
to the airport. ABLE Darren .,... оп the trip because of
DlRECTlONS Luckily, l ..... the airport Ьу а his broken leg.
local shopkeeper, 20 Clara spent ages writihg her е55ау оп
Fiопа hasn't соmе to а decision about taking а 5ha kespeare.
gap уеаr. ТООК |t ,.... her essay оп Shakespeare.
M|ND Fiопа has ..... about taking а 9ар 21 Her car is much faster than Tom's.
year. NEARLY Tom's саr isn't ..... hers.
Not mапу people came to the party. 22 Не saved his mопеу iп order to travel the world.
HARDLY There ..... at the party. VIEW Не saved his money ..... the world.
These old photos remind mе of mу childhood. 2з lп lreland, we visited the place they filmed
BR|NG These old photos .,... of my Broveheort,
childhood. WHERE When we wеrе in lreland, we
Ечеrуопе says that Melissa cheated in her exams. visited the ..... filmed.
SA|D Melissa ..... cheated in her exams. 24 l have never eaten such а delicious meal.
Му mother doesn't like some of my friends. FАR This is ,.,.. meal l have ever eaten.
APPROVE Му mother ..... some of my 25 Му mum washed my jeans.
friends. HAD l .....Ьу my mum.
We'd better hurry if we want to catch that She doesn't really want to go shopping.
tra i п. PREFER She ..... shopping,
W|LL lf we ..... miss the train. 27 lt was а mistake for mе to take уоur car.
"l stole the ring from the shop," said the SHOULD l .,... your car.
Wоmап. The cupboards are totally bare.
ADM|TTED The woman ..... from the shop. LEFT There ..... in the cupboards.
All fli9hts are cancelled because the аir traffic lt's your duty to walk the dog,
controllers аrе on strike. RESPONS|BLE You ..... the dog.
DUE All fli9hts are cancelled ..... the air She described the party in great detail.
traffic controllers are оп strike. DESCRIPT|ON She ..... the party.
,_r# Complete the second sentence so that it has а similar meaning to the first
sentence. Use two to five words including the word given.

You shouldn't buy clothes made iп sweatshops. 'l5 Even though she felt unwell, she went to work.
WRONG lt ..... made iп sweatshops. оF lп ..... , she went to work.
The doctor shone а light in her mouth iп order 16 You'll get into trouble if you don't keep up
to see her throat рrореrlу. with уоur school work.
SO The doctor shone а light in her BEHlND You'll get into trouble if ,.... your
mouth ..,.. her throat рrореr|у. school work.
"l think it would Ье а good idea if you lеаrпеd а 17 Мапу young professional people really like this
foreign language", mу teacher said to me. пеw smartphone.
ADVISED Му teacher ..... а foreign POPULAR This пеw smartphone ,.... mапу
langua9e. уоuп9 professional people.
You really must learn to drive а саr. 18 Getting а promotion depends on уоur doing
TIME lt's ..... to drive а саr. the job well.
Наrrу had печеr eaten spinach before. PROVIDED You should get а promotion ....,
tlRST lt ..... Наrrу had ever eaten the job well.
spinach. 'l9 Darren couldn't 9о оп the trip because of his
Luckily, а local shopkeeper toId me how to get broken leg.
to the airport, ABLE Darren ..... оп the trip because of
DlRECTlONS Luckily, l ...., the airport Ьу а his broken leg.
local shopkeeper. Clara spent ages writihg her essay оп
Fiопа hasn't соmе to а decision about taking а Shakespeare.
gap уеаr. ТООК lt ...,. her essay оп Shakespeare.
MIND Fiona has ..... about taking а gap 21 Her car is much faster than Tom'5.
year. NEARLY Tom's саr isn't ,.,.. hers.
Not mапу people саmе to the party. 22 Не saved his money in order to travel the world,
HARDLY Тhеrе ..... at the party. VIEW Не saved his money ..... the world.
These old photos remind me of my childhood. 2з lп lreland, we visited the place they filmed
BRING These old photos ..... of mу Broveheort.
childhood. WHERE When we wеrе in lreland, we
Everyone says that Melissa cheated in her exams, visited the ...., filmed.
SA]D Melissa ..... cheated iп her exams. 24 l have печеr eaten such а delicious meal.
Му mother doesn't like some of mу friends. FАR This is ..... meal l have ечеr eaten.
APPROVE Му mother ..... some of my 25 Му mum washed my jeans.
friends. HAD l .....Ьу my mum.
We'd better hurry if we want to catch that 26 She doesn't really want to go shopping.
train. PREFER She ..... shopping.
W]LL lf we ..... miss the train. 27 lt was а mistake for me to take уоur car.
"l stole the ring frоm the shop," said the SHOULD l ..... your car.
Woman. The cupboards аrе totally bare.
ADM|TTED The woman ..... from the shop. LEFT There .,... in the cupboards,
All fli9hts are cancelled because the air traffic lt's your duty to walk the dog.
controllers are on strike. RESPONSIBLE You ,.... the dog.
DUE All fli9hts are cancelled ..... the air She described the party in great detail.
traffic controllers аrе оп strike. DESCRIPT|ON She..... the party.
31 As long as you inform Bill in advance, there 46 :{
He'll have по difficulty passing the ехаm.
shouldn't Ье а problem. EASY He'll ..... the exam.
Provided,.... in advance, there 47 Bill was in his late thirties when he decided to
shouldn't Ье а problem. take up photography.
З2 lf you want to keep fit, you need to exercise ВЕсоМЕ Bill didn't ,.... he was in his late
more. thirties,
OUT 0пlу Ьу ..... keep fit. 48 You should have asked for your friends' advice.
З3 All this cleaning has exhausted her. PITY What ..... ask for your ж|friendt'
WОRN She ..... all this cleaning. advice.
34 Everyone came to the picnic except Stella. 49 "I'm sorry l didn't visit you in hospital," she said
wно stella didn't come to the to me.
picnic. VlSlTlNG She ..... me in hospita|.
З5 Milly intends to travel across Europe next уеаr. 50 This suitcase is too heavy to put оп the luggage
lNTENTION lt ..... to travel across Еurоре next rack.

уеаr. ENOUGH This suitcase put оп the

Зб lt wasn't necessary for you to make dinner. luggage rack.
51 Suzy and hеr twin sister Lucy look exactly the
з7 Му excuse failed to reassure mу mother. Same to mе.
SUCCEED l ..... my mother with my excuse. TELL l ..... between Suzy andl rrer
her twin
you should have called first. sister Lucy. I
BETTER lt ..... if you had called first. 52 ,nins; he's
l'm sure you didn't see Тоm this morning; he's
З9 Му sister will let me wear hеr пеw dress, away оп holiday. I
OBJECTION Му sister .,... wearing her пеw SEEN пiпо; he's
You ,.... Tom this mоrпiпg; he's
dress. away оп holiday.
40 They wou|d never have gone to the film if l 5З Jack's mother made him tidy up his rооm. )om. I

hadn't recommended it. WAS Jack ,.... his rооm,
tоR But .,... they would never have 54 ,...u,. of
They cancelled the footbal| match because or
gone to the film. the snowstorm. I

41 Nancy wiIl probably pass the exam. оFF ,.. to the

The football match ..,.. tbe
LIKELY Nапсу ..... the ехаm. snowstorm. ]

42 l can't make you а sandwich because there's no 55 There's по chance of us going skiing
kiing this
this ]

bread left. winter.


can't make you а sandwich POSSlBLE lt won't Ье .,,., skiing this winter. l

because l ..,.. bread. Your rude behaviour at the party disappointed

43 You сап beg all you want, but l'm not giving уоur parents.
you апу mопеу. LET Your parents .,... уоur rude
MATTER l am not giving you апу mопеу, behaviour at the party.
When she arrived home, she started cooking
44 The doctor made Mum wait for four hours dinner.
before he saw hеr. SOON She started cooking dinner .....

кЕрт The doctor ..... hours before he home.

saw her. Matt is proud of his vegetable garden.
45 She just stood staring out of the window. PRIDE Matt ..... his vegetable garden.
NOTH|NG She ..... and stare out of the


59 You should wear suп cream to avoid getting 67 Frank helped me with mу gardening, which was
sunburnt. kind of him,
AS You should wear suп сrеаm ..... G|VE lt was kind of Frапk ..... with mу
sunburnt. gardening.
60 |'ve пеуеr Ьееп to such ап exciting match. 68 Мах and Sally didn't take part in the marathon.
MosT lt's the ..... ечеr Ьееп to. NOR Neither Мах ..... the marathon.
61 As food prices increase, the cost of living 69 l had just woken up when the рhопе rапg.
becomes higher. тнАN No sooner ...., the рhопе rang.
UP The ..... , the higher the cost of 70 "you should eat less fast food," the doctor said
living becomes. to Вruсе.
62 lt is forbidden to take photographs iп the DOWN Bruce was advised ..... amount of
museum. . fast food he eats,
ALLOWED You photographs in the 71 Unfortunately, l can't speak Polish very well.
museum. GOOD Unfortunately, I'm not very ..,.,
бз The decorators are painting очr house this Polish.
weekend. 72 Catherine asked to Ьоrrоw mу camping gear at
DECORATED We are ..... this weekend. the weekend.
64 "Сап l afford such ап expensive riпg?' she COULD Catherine asked if l ...., my
asked herself. camping gear at the weekend.
WONDERED She ..... such an expensive гiпg. 7з You can visit the аrt gallery frее of charge оп
65 Pam didn't р|ау iп the tennis match because 5undays.
she sprained her wrist. COSTS lt ..... visit the art gallery оп
WOULD lf Раm hadn't sprained her wrist, Sundays.
,.... iп the tennis match.
66 You shouldn't miss the lecture чпdеr апу
NO Under ...,. lecture Ье missed,

Wоrd List
adjective | (det) determiner phrase n)
l (pl plural поuп | (prep) preposition (sth) someth,l;
adverb tеsп) phrasal l tppl past (p,ol (usu) usually
especially | рrOпOuп

(п) l l (sb)
(conj) сопjuпсtiоп l пOuп чеrЬ participle somebody чеrЬ

А- assignment - /э'sашmэпt/ - (n) - задание

assistance - /a'ststэns/ - (п) - помощь
absent-minded - /,reЬsэпt'mашdэd/- (adj) - рассеянный assure - /эlГuэ/ -
(v) - уверять
аЬsоrЬ - /эЬ'sэ:Ь, эЬ'zэЬ/ - (v) - поглощать asteroid - /'аstэrэtd/- (п) - астероид
abuse - /a'bju:z/ - (v) - использовать astonrshed - /э'stпп{t/ - (adj) - порахённый
abused - /a'bju:zdl - (ad1) - использованный atmosphere - /'аtmаsftэ/ - (n) - атмосфера
accessible - /эk'sеsэЬэV - (ad;) - доступный attempt - /э'tеmрt/ - (v) - пытаться
account (for) - /эkаопt/ - (v) - учитывать authentic - /э:'Оепttld - (adj) - натуральный
accuracy - /'rekjэrэsil - (п) - аккуратность authorities - /э:'Oпгэttz/ - (п) - влаои
accuse (of) - /э'kju:d - (v) - обвинять (в) autopsy - fэ:tпрsl/ - (п) - вскрытие
acid - /'аstф - (n) - кислота avalanche - /reчэlо:пt]7 - (п) - лавина
аспе - /'reknr/ - (n) - угри, прыщи award - /а'wэ:d/ - (п) - награда
active - /'ektМ - (adj) - действующий аWаrе - /э'wеэ/ - (ad1) - осведоплленный, осознающий
adapt - /a'dapt/ - (v) - адаптировать awareness - /а'ц,еапэs/ - (n) - осведомлённость, знание
adjust - /'adyst/ - (v) - привыкать awkward - /э:kъ,эФ - (adj) - неловкий
admrt - /ad'mrt/- (v) - признавать axis - /'aksrs/ - (n) - ось
adopt - /э'dпрt/ - (v) - усыновлять, удочерять
adulthood - /redлlt,hud, э'd,tlt,hud/ - (n) - зрелость
advance - /юd'vo:ns/ - (v) - наоупать аwaste of time - (рhr) - трата времени
advent - /'redvent/ - (п) - приход, наступление above ground - (оhr) - lад землеz
affection - /э'fеkjэп/ - (n) - привязанносгь, симпатия, любовь addresi (sb) Ьу паmе - (рhr) - обращаться (к коп,лу-либо) пс
afford - /э'fс:d/ - (v) - позволить себе
administer first aid (phr) - оказать первую поl\i ощь
aftershock - /о:ftфld - (n) - толчок после основного
зеl\4летрясен ия adventure story - (рhr) - приключенческий рассказ
aggressive - /э'grеsrч/ - (ad1) - агрессивный ageing population - (рhr) - оареющее население
agonising - /'аgэпаtzц/- (adj) - плучительный апswеr lies - (рhr) - ответ в том, что...
а9rееmепt - /э'gri:mэпt/ - (n) - соглашение ape-Iike creature - (рhr) - обезьяноподобное существо

aim - /ernV - (v) - целиться аrmу engineers - (phr) - военные инхенеры

аir pollution - /'еа рэ,lui[эп/- (п) - загрязнение воздуха ash апd gas - (рhr) - пепел и газ

аirсrаft hangar - /'еэkо:ft,hаlэ/- (п) - ангар для воздушных at all costs - (рhr) - всеми силами, во что бы то ни стало
судов at еуе level - (рhr) - на уровне глаз

aisle * /ат1/* (n) - проход at уоur оwп расе - (рhr) - в своём собственном темпе
attract attention
_ (рhr) - привлекать вниl\,4ание
аlаrm - /э'lо:пr/ - (п) - тревога, предупрехдение об опасности
alertness - /а'lз:tпаs/ - (п) - бдительнооь аvеrаgе wage - (phr) - средняя зарплата
alien - /'еrhэп/ - (adj) - внеземной, инопланетный в
alteration - /,эltэ'rеrJэп/ - (n) - плодификация, изl\i енение
aluminlum - /,aela'mlnIam/ - ( п) - алюминий baker's - /'Ьеrkэ/ - (n) - булочная
ambitious - iam'brJэs/- (adj) - амбициозный balance - /'balans/- (n) - баланс
amicably - /'amrkablr/ - (adv) - N/ирно, по-друхески Ьап -/ban/- (v)- запрещать

amphitheatre - /'аmfэ,Olэtэ/- (п) - амфитеатр bandage - /'ЬreпdIdз/ - (n) - пластырь

апаgrаm - /'reпэgrаm/ - (n) - анаграlvlvа Ьапg - /baen/- (n) - взрыв
ancestor - /'reпsэstэ, *еу/ - (n) - предок bargain - /bo:grn/ - (п) - сделка
апimаl rescue centre - /,апэmэ1 'reskju: ,sепtэ/ - (п) - центр по bargain-hunting - /Ьо:gm,h,tпtrц/- (п) - охота за скидками

спасению живOтных barking - /bo:hfl - (ad1) - лающий

antennae - /renteni/ - (n) - антенны Ьаrriеr - /'Ьаеrrэ/- (n) - барьер

anxiety - /юц'zаtэtI/- (п) - тревога, беспокойово base - ibers/ - (v) - основываться

appalled - /а'рэld/ - (adj) - потрясённый basement - /Ьеrsmэпt/ - (n) - подвал

appalling - /э'рэlr4/- (adj) - ужасающий batch of fries - /,batJэv'frarz/ - (n) - порция картофеля фри
(Ье) worth it - /'wз:0 п/- (adj) - стоить того
apparent - /э'раrэпt/- (adj) - видимый
beat -,bit/ - (v) - бить, ударять
аррrоасh - /э'рrэr_lt/ - (п) - подход
aquatic mammal - /э,kwаеttk'mаrпэU - (п) - водное beg -,beg/ - (v) - умолять, просить
млекопитающее behead - /br'hed/ - (v) - отрубить голову
believabIe - /ЬrliyэЬэV - (adj) - вероятный, правдоподобный
аrmу base - /,cmI'beIs/ - (n) - военная база
artefact - /'o:trfaekt/- (п) - артефакт benefit - i'Ьепэflti- (v) - получать выгоду
assassinate - - (v) - bent - /bent/ - (adl) - согнрый
/э'sаsэпеtt/ убивать
assassination - iэ,sаеsэ'пеtJэпi - (n) - убийство по политическим bestseller - /,best'selo/ - (n) - беоселлер
l\лотивам big hit - /,brg'hrt/ - (n) - большой хит

Цlогd List

bighead - /'bIghed/ - (n) - человек с большиl,t са1,1с[,лнеl-]иеN4, Phrases

хвастун bad reputation - (рhr) - плохая реплация
Ьiltооаrd - /'Ьl|Ьэ:d/ - (n) - рекламнь,л *z- (badly) grаsh your 1е9 - (рhr) - (сильно) порезать ногу
Biochem istry - /,Ьаtэо'kеmэstп/ - ( п
) - бисхи 1,1., я
baffling enigma - (рhr) - загадочное явление
biodegradable detergent - /,Ьаlэоdt,grеIсiаЬаl dr tз:d;эпt - l r] ] - balance body оп the tips of spears - (phr) - дерхать
биологически разлагающееся N4оюцее cc::aj ]
равцовесие на острие ко.lий
biography -,ЬаI'пgrаГil - (п) - биография - (рhr) - шаровая молния
ball lightnin9
Ьizаrrе - hl zgl - (adj) - странный 0ап9 уоur head - (рhr) - удариться головой
blacken -/ЬlаkэrY- (v) -делать,€р-ом, по,. j,: Ье argumentatrve and aggressive - (рhr) - быть скандальным
Ьlаmе -,hlеrп,/ -
винить (v) - и агрессивныlv
blano -,4э|reпd/ -
преснь и, пупой
(ad1) - Ье home to - (рhr)
- стать доlvоlv для
blast - /blo:st/ - (п) - взрыв, ударная волна Ье missing * (рhr) - потеряться
blaze - h\elzl - (v) - гореть ярким плаr'lе-]еt,l (Ье) on the scene - (рhr) - (быть) на месге событий
bless -,ble9 - (v) - благословлять, освя а,э (Ье) under threat - (рhr) - (быть) под угрозой
blood *,ЬLцd/ - (п) - кровь Ьесоmе extinct - (рhr) - выlvереть
blow -,Ьlэi-il - (v) - дль below sea level - (рhr) - нихе уровня lvоря
Ьlоw-drу - /'Ьlэо drar/- (n) - укладка феноr., bitirg cold - (рпr) - сильный холод
bluep"int - /'Ь|u:ргlпt/ - (n) - чертех block the view - (рhr) - загораживать вид
ЬоmЬаrd -,Ъпm'Ьо:d/ - (v) * засыпать, забрас, эз-= blog campaign - (phr) - каlvпания, проводимая в блогах
booksnop - /ЬukJпр/ - (n) - книхный магаз/- blue mооп - (phr) - что-либо, происходящее очень редко
Ьооkwоrm - /'Ьi-ikwз:m/ - (п) * книхный черв= blunt penknife - (рhr) - тупой перочинный нох
boost - /bu:st/- (п, v) - 1 ) прирос1 стиlvулироза-,,: Ьох offrce 6t1 - (рhr) - хит по кассовым сборам
2)увеличивать Ьrеаk Ьriсks on someone's body - (phr) - разбивать кирпичи
booth - /Ьu:d/ - (п) - будка о чьё-либо тело
boring -,'Ьэ:гlп/ - radj) - скучный breaking пеws - (рhr) - последние новости
bossy boots - /bosr buls/ - ( п ) - человек, которь .-
,; .--: Ьrеаthiпg сопtrоl - (рhr) - контроль за дыханием
кOма ндOвать Ьrоkеп home - (рhr) - неполная, распавшаяся сеtvья
boulder - i'Ьаоldэ/ - (п) - валун bubbly personality - (рhr) - энергичная личность
boycott - /'ЬэIkпt/ - (n) - бойкот bulld character - (phr) - воспитывать характер
Ьrапd -,Ьrаепd/ - (adj) - марка, бренд оuгп victim - (рhr) - хертва похара
brass - /Ьrо:, - (ао1) - пzlедный сurпt into your mеmоrу - (рhr) - врезаться в память
broadcast - /Ьrэ:dkо:st/ - (v) - транслировать
ouckled -,brkaldl - (ad1) - застёгнугый на пряхку с
bug -,4элq/ - (п) - вирусное заболевание :аоiпеt - /kаЬrпэt/ - (п) - шкафчик, коплод
bully - /Ьulr/ - (п, v) - ]) задира; 2) задирать :ampaign - /kaem'pern/ - (п, v) - кап,,lпания, проводить
bunch - /b,rntJ/ - (п) - букет каlvпанию (акцию)
burn -,лэз:rл - (v) - обхигать :.-cel - /'kreпsэU - (v) - отп.ленять
burst - ,Ьз:sti - (v) - вспыхнль, извергаться :J-leen - /kan'ti:n/ - (n) - ооловая
burst pipe - /,Ьз:st'раlр/ - (п) - лопнувшая труба -,, .а, - /'kепiэп/ - (n) - каньон
bushy -,ЬuЛ - (аО.) - густой -;: з Г- lkrБr|Бil:]rф - капиталистический
lэuskе, - ,'brska, - tn) - уличный N/узыкант :;::-[е - /kарф/ - (v) - захватывать
butcher's -
butJaz/ - (r) - мясной vtагазин :а,сэr d oxide - /,kо:Ьэп daI'uksatd/ - (n) - углекислый газ
button - /b,rtni - (n) - пуговица :э,з ga,l - /ko:dIgэn/ - (n) - кардиган, кофта на пуговицах
buzz - hlz|- (v) - жуххать сэr ,] * 'kеэпп/ - (adj) - заботливый
phrasal verbs cal, э9е - /'kcr:trrdt - (п) - картридх
back (sb) up - /,bek лр/ - (рhr v) - поддерхать кого-либо саs:-kеlsl-(п)-чехол
back away - lbaek э'wеr/ - (рhr v) - отходить назад cas- e. - ktеlПэ/- (п) - кассиР
back down - /,baek'dautt/ - (рhr v) - сдаваться саtаs,lгоэhе - /kэ'tаеstrэГl/ - (n) - катастрофа

back out - /,baek'ai;t/ - (рhr v) - отступать, пойти на category, - l'kеtэQэtl/ - (n) - категория

пOпятную caterptl аr - lkreta,plla/ * (n) - гусеница

back up - /,brek',tp/ - (phr v) - выполнять резервное cattle fагmег - /kaetl Го:mэ/ - (п) - владелец хивотноводческой

копирование ферьtь , скотовод

black out - /,blak aut/ - (рhr v) - потерять сознание, cause -/kэ:а - (v) - вь]зывать
откл юч иться
cel аr - /sеlэ/ -
- подвал
centurles - /'sепфпz/ - (n) - века
Ьrеаk down - /,bгetk'daon/ - (рhr v) - лоN/аться
lr/ - (phr v) challenge - /tjrclтпdз/ - (n) - испытание
break in - /,bretk - незаконно вторгаться,
вламьi ваться challenging - /фlrndзrrl/- (adj) - представляющий слохнооь
chant - /ф:пt/ - (n) - песенка
break off - /,breft'nfl - (phr v) - прерываться

Wоrd List

cha rасtеr- buiid ing - /kreпktэ,ЬIldц/ - (adj ) - восп иты ва ющи й conserve -,ikэп'sз:ч/ - (v) - сохранЯТЬ
ха ра кте р considerate - /kэп'sldаrаti - (adj) - внимательный, заботлиз= i
сhаritу shop - /tjаrэtlJпр/- (n) -
магазин, торryющий constantly - /'knnstэntlr/ * (adv) - постоянно
подерханными вещаN/и и отдающий выручку на construct - /kan'str,tkt/* (v) - проить
благотворительные цели сопsumе - /kэп'sju:m/ * (v) - потреблять
chatterbox - /фtabnk/ - (п) - болryн contribute (to) -,&эпtпЬluti - (v) - вносить вклад (в)
chatty - ltlntl] - (adj) - разговорчивый сопtrо ]ed * /kапtrэuld/ - (рр) - управляемый
cheap - /tЛ:р/ - (adl) - дешёвый conveniences - /kэп'чi:шапsа zl - h) - удобова
checkout - /фkаоti - (n) - касса convention -,4tэпVепJэп/ - (п) - конвенция
chemrcal plant - /kеmIkэl plcnt/ - (п) - химический завод conversation - /,kuпчэ'sеtJэп/ - (п) - разговор
chemica|s - /kemlkэld - (n) - хиNликаты сопvегt - 4iап!з:t/ - (v) - превращать, переделывать
chemist's - /kemlsts/ - (п) - аптека сопчегtеd - Дiэп\з:tэф - (adj) - переоборудованный,
cherish - /фпI - (v) - чтить, дорохить rеределанный
child lаЬоur - /ф,ld'lerba/ - (п) - детский труд convince - lian\rns/ - (v) - убехдать
chip - /tЛр/ - (п) - щепка, сгрухка convinced - ,'\ап\ lnst/ - (adj) - убехдённый
chunk - /tД!ld - (п) - порция convincing - kan\rnsrr/ - (adj) - убехдающий, убедительнь r
citizens - /sтtэzэпzi- (п) - хители соре - Лiа-ор - (v) - справляться
claim - /klerm/ - (v) - заявлять cord -Лiэ:d,- (l)- шнур
clap - /klap/- (v) - хлопать в ладоши соrроrаtiоп - ,kэ:рэ'rеdэп/- (п) - корпорация
classroom - /klo:srcm, -ru:ш/ - (n) - классная KolvHaTa cosmetic proouct - ,ko,zmettk'pmd.tkt/ - (n) - косп,lетический
climax - /klaшaks/ - (п) - высшая точка, кульминация прOдукl
cling -,&lini - (v) - цепляться cosmic - /kоzпuk - rad1) - космический
clip -,4<1rpi - (п) - видеоролик cotton - /kпtп, - (п\ - хлопок
clog dance - /'klng do:ns/ - (n) - сельская чечётка (танец в countless - /kаuпtlэs - (adl) - бесчисленный
деревянных башмаках) courageous - /kэ'rеtd5эs,- (adj) - смелыЙ
clone - iklэоr/ - (п) клон, копия coverage - lktтaпdr.,- (п) - репортах
coach -/kэut/- (v) -тренировать сrасk - ftu,аk/ -
- rрещина, треснугь
(п, v)
соаl-/kэоU-(п)-уголь сrаtеr- /krеrtэi - (п) - кратер
coffee mug - /kufi m,tg/ - (n) - кружка для кофе сrimе - Лmlпl - (n) - препупнооь, пресtупление
coin -ikэIп/- (п)- монета crispy - /kлsрх - (ad]) - хрустяLций
coincidence - lkао'пsIdэпs/ - (n) - совпадение criticise -/kпtэsаrz,- (v) - критиковать
collapse - /kэ'laps/ - (v) - рушиться cruel - /kлu:эL,- (aoj) - хепокий
college of f urthеr education - /,kоhdз av,fз:бат edjo'keilэr/ - (n) - cruelty - /kпr:эltil - (n) - жесгокосгь
колледх дальней шего образова н ия crumble - /krtmЬэL - (v) - разрушаться
collision - ikэ1цэп/ - (п) - коллизия, столкновение crunch - Дс,шt_[ - (v) - скрипеть
colonisation - {kоlэпа/zе{эd - (n) - колонизация crust - /kлstl - (п) - земная кора
colony - /kоlэп/ - (п) - колония cryptid - /krptId,/- (n) - криптид (животное, считающееся
combat - /knmbret/ - (v) - драться давно вьiмерш им, или не сущеововавшее вовсе)
comet - /kпmэt/- (n) - комета сrурtоzоо log st - /,kпрtэоzu:'пlэdзаst/ - ( п ) - кр и птозоолог

commercial - /kэ'mз:Jэl/ - (п, adl) - ']

) реклап,rный ролик; сurlу - /kз:li/ - (ad1) - кудрявый
2 ) рекла ь,lный, комп,лерческий customer - /ktstэmэ/ - (n) - клиент, посетитель
committed - /ka'mrtad/ - (adj) - преданный идее cut -,/k,lt/ - (п) - брихка
community -,&э'mjuпаtt/- (п) - сообщеово сutlеrу - /kttlап/ - (n) - сголовь]е приборы
commute -,4<э'mjut/ - (v) - совершать регулярные поездки на phrasal verbs
работу в город из пригорода call (sb) back - /,kэl breld - (рhr v) - перезвонить (кому-либо)
complain - /kэm'рlеtп/- (v) - халоваться
call off - /,kэ:l'пfl -
(рhr v) - отlvенять, отзывать
complexion - /kэm'рlеkJэп/ - (п) - цвет лица
саrrу оп - /,kаеп on/ - (phr v) - продолхать делать что-либо
composer - /kэm'рэtizэ/ - (п) - композитор
саrrу out - /,kап'аut/ - (phr v) - вЫполнять, реализовывать
compulsory - /kэm'р,dsэп/ - (adj) - обязательный
chip away (at) - i tЛр э'wе/ - (рhr v) - откалывать
conceal - &эп'si:V - (v) - скрывать
close down - i,klэuz'dаоп/- (рhr v) - закрыться
conditions - /kan'drJan_z/ - (n) - условия
сrаsh into - /,krreJ\пtэ/ - (рhr v) - сгалкиваться с
conduct - /kоп'dлkt/ - (v) - выполнять
сurl up - i,kз:l ',tpi - (рhr v) - свернугься калачиком
сопfеrепсе - i'kппfэrэпsi - (п) - конференция
confidently - /kппfэdапtlr/ - (adv) - конфиденциально Phrases
congratulate -,&эn'gratJoleIt/ - (v) - поздравлять cancer-fighting properties - (рhг) - направленный против рака
conquest - /kor:kwest/ - (n) - завоевание canyon wall - (рhr) - сгена каньона
conservation group - /,ktlnsэ'vetJan,gru:рi - (n) - общесвенная casual sportswear - (phr) - повседневная спортивная одехда
группа, выступающая за сOхранение природы casually dressed - (phr) - одетый в нефорп,лальную одежду

Wогd Lisi

catch sight of - (phr) - заN/етить что-либо delirrous - /dflшrэs/ -

(adj) - находящийся в бреду
change tne сhаппеl - (рhr) - переключить канал depressing - /dT'presI4/- (adj) - депрессивный, удручающий
chicken breasts - (phr) - куриные грудки desperate - /'dеsрэrэt/ - (adj) - отчаянный, доведённый до
chubby cheel,s - (рhr) - пухлые щёки отчая ния
civilrrghts - (рhr) - грахданские права desperately - /'dеsрэrаth/ - (adv) - отчаянно
classic novel - (ph") - классическ,/й potvaH destination - /,destt'netfэn/ - (п) - пункт назначения
сlеап neighborhood - (phr) - чипый район, квар-э, destitution - /,dеstэ'tjuJэп/ - (п) - нухда, нищета
climbing gеаr - (рhr) - оборудование для скалс. ,за*,,]i devastatinq - /dечэ,stеittц/ - (ad1) - разрушительный
clothes shop - (рhr) - N/агазин одехдьi development mапаgеr - /dI'velэpmant,mаепld5э/ - (п) -
coach football in а school in Zambla - (рhr) - рабс-э-. директOр п0 развитию
футбольнып,r тренером в школе в Замбии digital саmсоrdеr - /,drd5rtl'kremkэ:dэ/- (п) - цифровая
collapse with exhaustion - (рhr) - упасtь от ипс-:*",: видеокамера
collapsed miпе - (phr) - рухнувшая шахrа direct - /da'rekt, ,daI'rekt/ - (adj) - пряплой
соmе ashore - 1phr) - добраться (дойти) до беl:-э diгt-cheap - /,dз1 'tJr:p/ - (adj) - очень дешёвый
come lnland - (рhr) - обрушиться на внлрен--.-: -::э,,-эоию disabled - /dr,selbld/- (n) - инвалид
соmе nto conflrct - (phr) - вступить в коlфr,/. d isappea rа псе - /,dтsэ'рIаrэпs/ - n ) - исчезновен ие

complete ап N/BAthrough а Facebook applrca,.- - l--- - d isa pprovi n g ly - /,drsэ'pru:vI41/ - adv) - неодобрител
( ьно
ПОЛУЧИТЬ СТеПеНЬ МаГИСТРа ЧеРеЗ ПРИj-СХ.-.'= -, :Э,'Те discard * /drs'ko:d/- (v) - браковать, выкидывать
FасеЬооk discipline - /'dlsэрlIп/ - (n) * дисциплина
conduct experiments - (рhr) - проводить экс:iз,",,i--: disciplined - /'drsэplrnd/ - (adj ) - дисциплинированный
consumer society - (рhr) - общество потреблеr,". discomfort - /drs'kлmfэt/ - (n) - неудобство, неловкость
couldn't саге less - (рhr) - наплевать d iscrrm nation - /dr,skгTmi'nerJan/ - ( n ) - дискри lv и нация

соvеr уоuг tTouth - (рhr) - прикрывать рот disease - ld|z|.zl- (п) - болезнь
crack уоur knuckles - (рhr) - щёлкать пальцаNlи dismiss - /dш'mts/- (v) - отклонять
сrаm fоr - (рhr) - натаскать (к экзап,rену) d isorga - /dIs'э:gэпаtzd/ - ( adj ) - неорга н изова н н ый
n ised
сгаs|, cou,se - (phr) - /нтенсивный курс dispose (of) - /dr'sрэuz/ - (v) - избавляться (от)
сrаwl оп handsand kneesdown а mountain - (рhr - -]--j-,, *а disruption - /drs'r,tpJan/ - (n) - разрушение, дестабилизация
карачках с горь1 dissolve - /dl'z,olv/ - (v) - рапвориться
create window displays & posters - (phr) - соз.щзв--с distinguish between - /dr'stIцgwrJ/ - (v) - отличать, различать
оформление витрин и плакаты distressing - /dr'stresrfl - (adj) - огорчающий, неугешительный
сгеdit/dеЬ t саrd пumЬеr - (phr) - ноlvер dizziness - /'dипэs/ - (п) - головокрухение
крелит.ой дебетовой карты documentary - /,dпkjэ'mепtэп/ - (n) - документальный фильм
domestic - /dэ'mestIld - (adj) - доь,tашний
dominate - /'dпmэпеtt/ - (v): преобладать, доминировать
daffodr| -,'dаеГэdrl/ - (п) - нарцисс donate - /dэо'петt/ - (v) - давать деньги на благотворительнопь
- - - разрушение, наносить } ::- donation - /dэu'пеrJэп/ - (n) - пожертвование
damage 'dremld5/ (п, v) ,

dangerously, - idеrпd5агэslr/ _ (adv) _ опасно dоrmапt - /'dэ:mэпt/ - (adj) - дреп,ллющий

dark skrnled - /,do:k'sktnd/- (adj) - сп.луглый doubt - /daut/ - (v) - соп,lневаться
dead - ded - tad1) - мёртвый - /'dаоtГэl/ * ( adj ) - соп,л нева ющийся
dou btf ul
dеаfег ng - /dеfэпrr]/ _ (adj) _ оглушающий dоwаgег - /'dаоэd5э/ - (adj) - вдова
deal - di:L' - (п) - сделка Cownside - /'daonsard/ - (n) - обратная сrорона
debris 'debri;. 'der-/ (п) ,
- осколки, облоп,tки, мусор э,аg - /draeg/ - (v) - тащить, затащить, втянугь
debt- det -(п)-долг э,аrп - /drern/ - (v) - осушать
dесс,i - di:rant, - 1ао.) -досtойный a'ama -/'drо:mа/- (n) -драп,ла
dесlаrе - idI klea/ - (v) - объявлять clama queen - /'drо:mэ kwi:n/ - (n) - человек, склонный к
dec]ile -,dt'klatn/ - (v) - отрицать наигранным реакцияlv
dёсоi - - (n) - внлренняя отделка Clarvback - /'drc:baeid - (п) - недостаток
decrease - /dr ki:Y - (v) * уменьшать
"'dеlkэ/ drip - /jцр/- (v)- капать
dedlcaie - /dedrket/ - (v) - посвящать drooo - /dru:p/ - (v) - обвисать, опускаться
ded cated - /dedikertad/ - (adj) - преданный сirор n - /,dлэр ln/ - (v) - заходить
defend - - (v) - защищать drug smuggler - /dr,tg,sm.tgla/ - (п) - перевозчик наркотиков
deforestat on - /di:,Гпrэ'stе{эп/ - (п) - обезлесивание, вырубка durab]e - /,djоэrэЬэl/ - (adj) - долговечный, прочный
лесOв phrasal verbs
dеgгее - /dr'gri/ - (п) - градус; степень
die down - /,dar'daon/ - (рhr v) - увядать, исчезать
dehydration - /,di:har'drerJэni - (п) - обезвохивание
die out - /,dat 'aot/ - (phr v) - выI\i ирать
delay - /dr'le/ - (n) - задержка
diq (sth) into (sb/sth) - /,drg \пtэ/ - (phr v) - врезаться во что-
oeI саtе -,'dе|Ikэt/ - (ad1) - деликатный
del ght - /dr'lart/ - (v) - приводить в восторl, восхищать
do (sth) оvеr - /dil 'эt_lчэ/
* (phr v) - делать заново

Wоrd List

doze off - /,dэt_lz nfl - (рhr v) - задремать environmental group - Лп,чаIтэп'mепtl ,gru:р/ - (n) - группа по
do up - {du:',rp/ - (рhr v) - заоёгивать одехди украшать защите окрухающей среды
(комнату) epic - /'epllt/ - (ad1) - эпический
drop Ьу/iп - ldrпр'Ьа, 1n/ - (phr v) - навесгить кого-либо epicentre - /ерI,sепtэ/ - (п) - эпицентр
drop out - /,dmp aot/ - (рhr v) - бросать (учёбу) equivalent - Л'kwrчаlэпt/ - (adj) - аналоl, эквивалент
Phrases еrа-/'tэrэ/-(п)-эра
еruрt - Л'r,tрt/ - (v) - извергаться
deafening rоаr - (рhr) - оглушающий рёв
eternity - Л'tз:пэti/ - (n) - вечность
desperate struggle - (phr) - отчаянная борьба
ethical - /'еOrkэl/ - (adj) - этический
develop texti|e - (рhr) - разрабатывать ткань
evacuate - //vaekjuert/ - (v) - эвакуировать
dietary advice - (phr) - совет по питанию
evacuation - Л,vrekju'erJan/ - (п) - эвакуация
disabled athlete - (рhr) - атлет с ограниченными возможносtяl\i и
eventually - Л'ventJualt, -tJah/ - (adv) - в конце концов
disaster struck - (рhr) - приключилось несчастье
evolution - /,i:чэ'luJэп, ,ечэJ - (n) - эволюция
distant galaxy - (рhr) - отдалённая галактика
еха g gerate - Лg'zаd5эrеIt/ - (v) - преувел ичивать
distant relative - (phr) - дальний родовенник
do а massage course in Thailand - (phr) - пройти курс lvaccaxa
excavate - /'ekskaveIt/ - (v) - раскапывать
exceed -лk'si:d/- (v)- превышать
в Тайланде
excessive rubbish - Лk,sesrv'r,tbr/ - (n) - избыточное
do the splits - (рhr) - садиться на шпагат
за грязнение
do well in уоur exams/a test - (phr) - хорошо сдать
exchange - ЛksфIпdУ - (v) - обменивать(ся)
экзап,lены/написать тест
exciTing - /tk'saIttt1/ - (adj) - захватывающий, увлекательный
dodging bullets - (рhr) - уклоняться от пуль
execution - /,еkы'kjuJэп/ - (п) - казнь
donate to charity - (phr) - хертвовать деньги на
exhaust - Лg'zэ:st/ - (v) - выпускать
exhaustion - Лg'zэ:stJапl - (n) - ибощение
dоrmапt volcano - (phr) - спящий вулкан
exhibition - /,eksI'brJan/ - (п) - высгавка
drаw а bow - (рhr) - дерхатьлук наготове
expedition - /,еksрэ'drJэп/ - (п) - экспедиция
drive sb mad - (рhr) - злить кого-либо
expenses -Лk'spensIz/- (п) - расходы
drive sb to distraction - (рhr) - довести кого-либо до безумия
ехреriепсеd - Лk'sрIэпэпst/- (adj) - опытный
drive sled dogs in Siberia - (рhr) - управлять собачьей
explode - Лk'sрlэоd/ - (v) - взрываться
упряхкой вСибири
exploration - /,ekspla'rerJэn/ - (п) - исследование
dry instantly - (phr) - мгновенно высыхать
explosion - /ik'sрlэr_i5эп/ - (n) - взрыв
due to - (рhr) - из-за
expose - Дk'sрэuz/ * (v) - выставлять напоказ
Е extract - лk'strrekt/ - (v) - откачивать (газ)

eager - /i:gэ/ - (adj) - готовый (что-либо сделать)

ехtrаtеrrеstriа l- /,еkstrэtэ'rеstпаV - ( adl ) - в незем ной
extravagant - Лk'strreчэgэпt/ - (adj) - экстравагантный
еаrth trеmоr - /'з:0,trеmэ/ - (n) - дрохь земли
eyelid - /'arlrd/- (п) - веко (глаза)
earthquake - /з:Okwеrld - (п) - землетрясение
eye-opening - /'at ,аорэшц/ - (ad1) - очевидный
ecosystem - /'i:kэо,ststэm/ - (n) - экосистема
ed ucationa l - /,еdjо'kе{эпэV - (adl ) - образовательн ы й Phrases
educational institution - /,еdju'kеrJэпэl Iпstэ,tjц[эп/ - (п) - earlyteens - (phr) - младший подростковый возраст
образовател ьное учрехден ие ееriе sound - (phr) - хугкий звук
ееriе - /'tэri/ - (adl) - хркий, мрачный еmеrgепсу services - (рhr) - слухбы оказания помощи в
effective - Л'fеkпч/ - (adj) - эффективный чрезвычайной ситуации
effectively - Л'fеktrчh/- (adv) - эффективно endless possibilities * (рhr) - бесконечные возп/охности
efficient - /r'fiJэnt/- (adj) - эффективный епrоl at а state school/university - (рhr) * пооупить в
elaborate - Д'lreЬэrэt/ - (adj) - детальный, тщательно госуда рствен ную школу/ун и верситет
продупланный епtirе length - (phr) - полная длина
electric eel - Л,lеktrlk i:U - (n) * электрический угорь environmental disaster - (рhr) - экологическая катастрофа
electronic waste - /,eltktmnIk'welst/ - (n) - электронный мусор environmentally friendly - (рhr) - бgзвредный для
embarrassed - лm'Ьrerэst/- (adj) - смущённый окрухающей среды
еmЬrуо - /'еmЬrtэо/ - (п) - эмбрион, зародыш establish а successful business - (рhr) - основать успешный
enclosure - Лп'klэr5э/ - (п) - огорохенное месго, замкнлое бизнес
просгрансгво ethical fashion - (рhг) - этичная обувь и одехда
епсоuпtеr - лп'kаuпtэ/ - (п) - встреча (every cloud has а) srlver lining - (phr) - нет худа без добра
encouragement - /Iп'ktшdзmэпt/ - (n) - поощрение evolved Ьrаiп - (рhr) - развитый мозг
endless - /епdlэs/- (adj) - бесконечный ехрirу date - (рhr) - исtечение срока действия карты
епеmу - /епэmti - (n) - враг extracurricular activity - (рhr) - внеучебная деятельносгь
engraving - Лп'grеtчltз/ - (n) - надпись еуе contact - (рhr) - зрительный контакт
епhапсе - Дn'ho:nsi - (v) - увеличивать еуе of the storm - (рhr) - uглазо бури
entry - /епtп/ - (п) - вход eye-witness account - (рhr) - показания свидетеля

Word List

t formula - /'fс:mjэlэ/ - (n) - формула

foundation - /faon'do{on/ - (п) - фонд
fabric - /fюЬпld - (п) - материал, ткань
frасturеd - /frrekфd/ - (adj) - с трещиной
failure -/feIljэ/- (п)- неудача
frantic - /frantIld - (adj) - безумный
faint - /feInV - (adj, v) - слабый, падать в обморок
freak storm - {fгi:k'stэ:rrV - (п) - неохиданно налетевшая буря
fake -/feIld- (adj)- поддельный
freckled - /frekalф - (ad1) - веснушчатый
familiar - /fа'mIhэ/ - (adj) - знакомый
f rееlапсе - /frilcns/ - (adj) - внештатный
family break-up - /fremэh heIk,rp/ - (п) - развод
freeway - /friwе/ - (n) - шоссе
famine - /freшr1- (n) - голод
frееzе-frаmе - lfi:zfrelml - (v) - нахать на сгоп-кадр
fап-/fаrr/-(п)-фанат frequent - /frikwэпt/ - (adj) - чаоый
fantasy - /fantas/ - (п) * фэнтези
fresh рrоduсе - /freJ'prndju9 - (п) - свехая продукция
fa sci nated - /fаsэпеItId/ - ( adj ) - восхищённый
freshly baked - lftф ЪеIkt/ - (рр) - свехеиспечённый
fast forward - {fсst'fэпаd/ - (v) - перемотать впефд
freshly-baked bread - {frф beIkt Ъrеd/ - (п) -
fast-paced - /,fcst'petst/ - (adj) - бысро рзвивающийся
свехеиспечённый хлеб
faulty - /fc:lt/ - (adj) - бракованный, неючесвенный
frizzy - lfлzil - (adj)- кудрявый
feared -/flad/- (adl) - испуганный
frizzy hai - /,fпzt 'heo/ - (п) - кудрявые волосы
feature - /fi:tjэ/ - (v) - делать гвоздём программы
frown - /frаuп/ - (v) - хмуриться
fее-/Гt/-(п)-плата fully-functional - /fuh'f,цkJэпэU - (adj) -
fertiliser - lfз:tэlаlzэl- (п) - удобрение
fiЬЬеr - /fiba/ - (п) - выдумщик
fund-raising - /fлпd,rеиrfl - (adj) - сбор средсгв
fidget - /fldзаU - (v) - ёрзать, суетиться
f ungi - /f,rпdзаI, 'f,цgаr/ - (п) - грибы
fiercely - /fiэsh/- (adv) - неисгово
fun-loving - /frn,hlTr/ - (adj) - любящий веселье
fight - /faIU - (v) - бороться
funny - /fлш/ - (adj) - смешной, забавный
fiп-/ftп/-(п)-плавник furious - /fiоапэs/ - (adl) - в яросги
finding -/fаmdщ/- (n)- находка
fussy diпеr - {f,rsI'daInэ/ - (n) - придирчивый посетитель
firе (safety) drill - /fаrэ dпU - (п) - тренировlG кафе/реоорана
противопоха рных дейовий
phrasal verbs
firmlу - /fз:mli/ - (adv) - твёрдо
first aid kit - /,fз:st'еId hV - (п) - аптечка первой помоuи fill out - /,fil'aut/ - (рhr v) - заполнять (документы, анкеry)
flame-thrower - /flеIm,Orшо/ - (п) - огнемёт fill up - lftl'лр/ - (рhr v) - наполнять до краёв
flaming - /flerшr/ - (adj) - пылающий Phrases
flash (across) - lf]tal| - (v) - пронеоись, промчаться
face tеrrifуiпg hazards - (phr) - оолкнугься с ухасной
flat - /flreV - (adj) -
скучный, однообразный
flatten - /flatn/ - (v) - сравнять с землёй
factory explosion - (рhr) - взрыв на фабрицq
flatter - /flretэ/ - (v) - повалить
faint with exhaustion & dehydration - (рhr) - потерять сознание
flea market - /flt,mcht/ - (п) - блошиный рынок
от исгощения и обезвохивания
flee - /fld - (v) - спасаться беговом
fаir-wеаthеr f riend - (рhr) - дру[ хороший только при
fliрреr - /flрэ/- (n) - дельфин
бла гоп риятных обооятельсвах
float - /flaut/ - (v) - плавать
fall in love with - (phr) - влюбиться в
flock - /flпld - (n) - пая (птиц)
family emergency * (phr) - по семейным обооятельовам
flood - /flлd/ - (п) - наводнение
fast tide - (рhr) - быорое течение
flooding - /fll,dц/ - (п) - наводнение
fault line - (рhr) - линия разлома, геологический разрыв
f|orЫ's - /flопsts/ - (n) - цветочный магазин
feel sick - (phr) - плохо себя чувововать
flying яuсеr - {flапr1 'sэ:sэ/ - (п) - летающая тарелка
fight blindfolded - (phr) - драться вслепую
focused -/fgukost/- (adj) - сфокусированный
final frопtiеr - (рhr) - последний рубех
fool - lfb:U - (v) - обманывать
financial support - (рhr) - финансовая помощь
foolish -/fu:hJ/- (adj)- глупый
firetornado - (phr) - огненный торнадо
footage - /ftяrd5/ - (п) - видеозапись
fiý aid - (рhr) - первая помощь
fooЫep - /ft.rtstep/ - (п) - шаг
fixed liпе - (phr) - фиксированная связь
force - lfэ:s/ - (n, v) - сила, заоавлять силой
flаmiпg hot lava - (рhr) - горячая огненная лава
forefather - /fэ:fсёэ/ - (n) - предок, прародитель
flawless соmрlехiоп - (phr) * идеальный цветлица
fоrеgrоuпd -/fэ:grаuпd/- (п)- первый план
flesh-eating disease - (рhr) - болезнь, разрушающая плоть
fоrеigпеr - ffЬrэпэ/ - (п) - иносранец
food chain - (рhr) - пищевая цепочка
forensic psychologist - /fэ,rепsIk saI'knlad5ost, -лld - (n) - food shoгtage - (phr) - нехватка еды
судебный психолог
football pitch - (phr) - фрбольное поле
foreshock -/fэfоU- (n) - предварительный толчок
fоrmеr аrmу captain - (рhr) - бывший армейский капитан
freedom of expression - (рhr) - свобода вырахения
forest wоrkеr - /forаst,wз:kа/ - (п) - лесничий reeze in tеrrоr - (phr) - заоыть от
f ухаса
formation - /fэ:'mеrJэrr/ - (n) - конпрукция
Wоrd List

frozen foods _ (рhr) - замороженные прOдукты

get а degree - (phr) - получить оепень

full potential - (pnrt - гогный потенциал

get free - - освободиться
get harr highlighted - (рhr) - делать мелирование
fully working mасhlпе - (рhr) - полносIью работающее (от кого-либо
get rid (оfЪЬ7ith) - (рhr) - избавлtяться
furпiturе covering - (phr) - мебельное покрытие
futurrstrc community - (рhr) - фруриоическое общество
get tongue-tied -
(рhr) - лишиться дара речи
ghostly goings-on - (рhr) - появления призракOв
G giant hailstone, _ (phr) - гигантские градины
give your neck а workou1 - (рhr) - осмотритесь, посlvOтрите
garment - /'gсmэпt/ - предмет одехды
gas - /gres/- (п) - газ
go crazy - (рhr) * сходить с уtr/а
gas mask - /'gas mc:slt/ - (n) - противогаз
go into battle - (рhr) - вступить в битву
gather - /'gаdэ/ - (v) - собираться
go оп sale - (phr) - распродаваться
gaze - /gerzl - (v) - пристально смотреть
go to waste - (рhr) - пропадать впустую
gепеrаtе - /'dзепэтеrt/ - (v) - генерировать
go undercover - (phr) - действовать скрытно, таино
gепеrаtiоп - /,d5епа'rеtJэtt/ - (n) - поколение
goatee Ьеаrd - (phr) - козлиная бородка
gen.rous - /'d5епэrэs/- (adj) - щедрый
(рlgепtlеmеп) - /'d5entlrrrэn/- (n) - дхентльмен grаЬ attentron _ (phr) - захватывать внимание
ground shakes - (phr) - дрожь земли
qhostIy - /gэostlr/ - (adj) - призрачный
grow а lэеаrd - (рhr) - отращивать бороду
giant - /'d5аrэпt/ - (adj) - гигантский
9ifted - /'grftld/ - - одарённый
glапсе - /glo:ns/ - (v) - бросить взгляд, взглянль мелькоN1
hack - ftreki - (v) - рубить, разрубать
gland - /qlaond/ - (п) - гланда
hаir salon - /hеэ,sаеlоп/ - (п) - салон красоты
glаrе - /glеэ/ - (v) - свирепо cп/oTpeTb
Ьаirу - /'heart/ - (adj) - волосатый
glass - /glo:s/ - (n) - пекло (n) - общехитие
hall of residence - /,hэl эч'rеzэdэпs/-
gtirpr.: /ghmps/ - (v) - бросить быпрый, мимолётный взгляд
handle - /'haendV - (v) - справиться с кем-либо
ilobal warming - /,glэr-iЬэl'wэ:mlп/ - (п) - глобальное
hаrd-еагпеd cash - /,hсd з:пd'kа! - (п) - деньги,
заработанные с большип,л трудоlv
glorious - /'glэ:гlэь/ -
(adlt - великоле,lный, прекрасный
(adj) - горящий, пылаюций harmful - /hо:mfэl/- (ad1) - вредный
9towing - /'glэr-iI4/-
harmless - /'hо:mlэs/ - (adj) - безобидный
glue - /glu/ - (v) - клеить, наклеивать
hаrsh - /ho:I/- (adj) - тяхёлый, сложный
hatch - /haetJ/ - (v) - вылупляться
gossip - /'gnsrp/- (п) - слух
_ (п) - спутниковая система навигации haunt - /hз:пt/ - (v) - посещаться призраками
GPS - /dзi: pi:'es/
haunted - /'hэ:пtrd/ - (adj) - посещаемый призраками
grаЬ - /gTreb/ - (v) - хватать
head of department - /,hed эч dr'ро:tmэпt/ -
(n) - заведующий
grand - /gland/ - - грандиозный, большой
grass skirt - /,grо:s'skзlt/ - (n) - юбка из травы
heartbeat - /'hq:tbit/- (n) - сердцебиение
graveyard - /'grewjo:d/- (п) - кладбище (adj) - душевный, трогательный
heart-warming - /'hо:t,wэ:mц/-
graze- |'grerzl - (v) -пастись
greed - /gTi:d/- (n) - хадность
heat-/hifl- (n)-xapa
(n) - проблеп,лы окрухающей среды heavens - /'hечэпz/ - (n) - небеса
ýrееп issues - /'gri:п ,du:z/ -
gas - - (п) - газы, вызывающие hedge - /hedy' - (п) - изгородь, преграда
lreenhouse {gri:nhaos'gres/
herd - /hз:d/ - (п) - стадо
парниковый эффект
hero - /'htэгаоl - (n) - геРОЙ
gripping - /gтrрr0/- (adj) - захватывающий
hieroglyphics - /,hшrэ'glrГrks/ - (п) - иероглифы
groom - /grLr:rrr/ - (v) - хених
high tide - /,haltatd/- (n) - прилив
guarantee - /,grerэпti/ - (v) - гарантировать
high heeled shoes - /,har hild Ju:z/- (п) - туфли на высоком
guilty - /'grltl/- (ad1) - виновный
gumball йасhiпе - /qtmЬэ:l mэfi:п/ - (n) - автоплат с хвачкой
gym - /dзrп1 - (п) - спортзал hiрs-/hrрУ-(п)-бёдра
hirе - /hаrэ/ - (v) - нанимать
phrasal verbs
History of Аrt - /,hrstarr эч'о:t/ - (n) - история искуссв
get асrоSs - /,get э'krтs/ - (phr v) - чётко изложить, объяснить hit - /hlt/ - (v) - ударять
get ahead - /get э'hеd/ - (phr v) - преуспеть, продвигаться hive - /hary/ - (n) - улей; рой пчёл
вперёд hoax -,hэuks/ - (п) - подделка
get along iwlth) - /get э1пц/- (рhr v) - ладить (с кем либо) hоlе-/hэоV- (п)-дыра
Phrases homelessness - /'hы;mlэsпэs/ - (n) - бездоплнооь
honour - /'опэ/ - (v) - чествовать
gasp in amazement - (phr) - задохнугься от удивления
generate electrrcity - (phr) - генерировать электричебв0 horizontaIly - /,hоrэ'zппtlt/- (adv) - горизонтально
genetic map - (рhr) - генетическая карта horrible - /'hпrаЬэU - (adl) - ужасный


Wоrd List

hоrrоr story - /hпrэ,stэ:пi - (п) - орашный рассказ igпоrе - Лg'пэ/ - (v) - игнорировать
host family - /,hэоst'fremэlt/- (п) - принимающая семья illiteracy - Д'htэтэst/- (n) - безграмотнооь
hostile - i'hnstaIU - (adj) - врахдебный ill-tempered - {rltеmрэdi - (ad1) - с плохиlv характером,
hostile tribes - /,hustall'tralbz,l - (n) - врахдебные плеN/ена сварливый
hotspot - /hutspot/ - (п) - горячая точка illustrate - /llэstrelt/ - (v) - показывать, иллюстрировать
housekeeper - - (п) - экономка, домоправительница
/hаоs,ki:рэ/ imm igration - /,rmr'grеiJап/ - ( п ) - иммиграция
housewife - /haoswaIfl - (п) - домохозяйка impact - /rmpakt/ - (п) - влияние, воздейовие, ударная сила
huddle - /hлdu - (v) - хаться, толпиться impolite - /,Imрэ'lаft/- (adj) - невехливый
hug -,ft.tg/- (v) - обнимать impose - Дm'раuz/ - (v) - облагать (налогом)
human nature - {hju:man'nettJэ/ - (n) - человеческая природа impractical - Дm'рrаkttkэl/ - (adl) - непрактичный
human rights - {hju:mэп'rаrts/ - (п) - права человека impгessive - tm'рrеsrч/ - (adl) - впечатляющий
human settlement - /,hju:mап'sеtlmэпt/ - (п) - поселение людей imprison - Дm'рпzэt/ - (v) - заключать под сграху
hu ma п ita rian ism - /hju:,mапэ'tеэпашzэm/ - ( п ) - человекол юбие imprisonment - Дm'рпzапmэпti - (п) - закJlючение (в тюрьму)
humility -,trju:'mIlэtil - (п)
- смирение, покорнооь rnaccessible - /дпэk'sеsэЬэU - (adj) - недооупный
huпgеr - /hлrlsа/ - (п) - голод inadequate - Лп'аdэkwэt/ - (ad1) - неадекватный
hurl -,hз:U - (v) - швырять, бросать incident - /rпsэdэпt/ - (n) - инциденl случай
hurricane - /h.цпkэп/ - (п) - ураган include - ftn'Hu:d/ - (v) - включать
hygiene - /'hmd5i:r/ - (п) - гигиена inconsiderable - /,tпkэп'sIdаrэЬаU - (adj) - несущепвенный,
phrasal verbs незнач ительн ый

hand iп - {hrend'Id - (phr v) - сдавать

influentia l - /дпflu'епJэU -
- вл иятельный
(adj )
iпfоrmаtiоп technology - Лпfа,mеrJэп tеk'ппlэdзт/ - (n) -
hand out * /,haend'aut/- (phr v) - раздавать
hand очеr - /,hапd'эоуэ/ - (рhr v) - передавать
informative - Дп'fс:mэtrч/ - (adj) - информативный
hang on - /,hаеtз'пп/ - (phr ч) - охидать на телефоне
ingredients - Дп'gгi:diапts/ - (n) - ингредиенты, сосгав
hang out - /,ltв1 'аut/ - (phr v) - тусоваться с друзьями
head fоr - /hed Гэ, fэ/ - (рhr v) - направляться к, в
initial- Л ruJаU - (ad1) - первоначальный
inlure - Дпd5э/ - (v) - ранить
hold off - /,hэuld пfl - (рhr v) - задерхивать, откладывать
inland - Дп1апd/- (adv) - на территории
hold on - /,hэuld'пr' - (рhr v) - ждать
inspiration - ilпsрэ'rеrJэп/ - (n) - вдохновение
hold up - /,hэuld'лр/ - (рhr v) - 1. откладывать; 2. совершать
instalment - Дп'stэlmэпt/ - (n) - выпуск, чаоь
воорухённое нападение
instant - /tnstэnt/ - (adj) - мгновенный
instinct - /'lnstrrlkt/ - (п) - инсинкт
hаir-гаisiпg moments - (рhr) - ситуации, от которых волосы i nsti nctively - iIn'strrзktwhi - ( а dv ) - и нсги н кти вно
дыбом впают intensely - Лпtепsh/ - (adv) - интенсивно
hands-on method - (рhr) - практический метод intentionaI - fiпtепJэпэV - (ad1) - намеренный
hard evidence - (рhr) - вескоедоказательово iпtеrfеrе - i,tпtэ'flэi - (v) - вмешиваться
have а facelift - (phr) - делать подтяхку лица iпtеrruрt - {lпtэ'r,лрt/ - (v) - вмешиваться, прерывать, перебивать
have а tattoo - (phr) - делать татуировку intimidate - лntImtdelt/- (v) - запугивать, угрохать
have access to - (phr) - иметь досtуп к intricate - /\пtпkэt/ - (adj) - замысловатый, затейливый
have ears pierced -
(phr) - делать пирсинг в ушах intriguing * Лпtri:grr/ - (adj) - интригующий
have lessons with interactive whiteboards - (phr) - иметь уроки intrigulngly - Лп'tri:grцlr/ - ( adv) - интриryюще
с использованием интерактивной доски iпtrочеrt - лпtrэчз:t/ - (adj) - интроверт
have private lessons - (phr) - иметь частные уроки intruder - Дпtru:dэ/ - (п) - незваный госгь, проникший в дом
have stitches - (рhr) - иметь налохенные швы без разрешения
help build ап оrрhапа9е in Сhiпа - (рhr) - помогать в invade - Дn'veId/ - (v) - захватывать
сгроительове детского дома в Китае invasion - Лп'чеtзап/ - (n) - вторхение
- (рhr) - помогать в сохранении
help сопsеrче соrаl reefs in Fili invest - Дп'чеst/ - (v) - вкладывать деньги
коралловых рифов Фидхи invisible - ЛпVиэЬэl/ - (adj) - невидимый
help people in need - (рhr) - помогать нухдающимся invoice - /rпчэIsi - (n) счет
help rehabilitate injured animals - (phr) * помогать в involve - лпVпtч/ * (v) - включать
реабилитации раненых хивотных irrigate - /\пgeIt/ - (v) - поливать, орошать
help the elderly - (рhr) - помогать пожилыlv irritably - /'lrэtэЬlr/ - (adv) - раздрахённо
high frequency sound - (рhr) - высокочасготный звук isolate - /аIsэlеrt/ - (v) - изолировать
highly anticipate - (рhr) - сильно предвкушать isolated - /arsaleItэd/ - (adj) - изолированный
huge tropical stоrm - (рhr) - сильная тропическая гроза issue - /{u:, \sju/ - (п) * проблема
human existence - (рhr) - человеческое сущесгвование itchy - Лt}/ - (adl) * зудящий

I Phrases

(n)- l would appreciate it - (phr) - Я был бы благодарен

iсоп -/alknrV- икона
ignite - Лg'паIt/ - (v) - воспламеняться if in doubt - (phr) - если сомневаетесь
Wоrd List

illegal fishing * (phr) - нелегальный лов рыбы lапе - /1eIn/ - (п)

- узкая дорога
impressive production - (phr) - порахающее производсгво lassoing - /lэ'su:tq, IаеsаuIц/ - (п) - кидать лассо
improve (their) quality of life - (phr) - улучшать качесгво хизни last - лсst/ - (v) - длиться
in а fog - (рhr) - в туп/ане latte. - /latэ/ - (adj) - последний
in high demand - (рhr) - пользоваться большим спросом launch - Лэ:пtJ/ - (v) - запускать
in its path - (рhr) - на своём пути lava flow - /lсчэ flэо/ - (n) - течение лавы
in retreat from - (рhr) - в уединении от lava fountain - /'lо:чэ,faontIn/ - (n) - фонтан лавы
industrialgreenhouse - (phr)- проl\i ышленная теплица laziness - /lеzrпэs/ - (n) - лень
inject with antibiotics - (рhr) - делать укол антибиотика lead -лi:di - (v)- вепи
inner реасе - (рhr) - внугренняя гармония leading - /li:drn/ - (adl) - ведущий, лидирующий
iппеr strength - (phr) - внугренняя сила leaflet - /1i:flat/ - (п) - лиоовка
insist оп your own way - (рhr) - насгаивать на своём leak - Лi:Id - (v) - рекать
iпtеrruрt the speaker * (рhr) - прерывать высryпающего leap - Лi:р/ - (п) - прыхок
invents something to improve people's lives - (phr) - изобретает lecture - /lеkф/- (n) - лекция
что-либо, улучшающее хизнь людей lесturеr- /lеktJагэl'- (п) - лектор
irritating sound - (рhr) - раздрахающий звук legend - /lеd5эпd/- (n) - легенда
levee - /'lev/ - (n) - дамба
jammed - /dзаmd/ - (adj) - перегруженный |evel - /IечэU - (n)
- уровень
jeweller's - /'dзu:эlэz/ - (n) - ювелирный Ni агазин liЬrаriап - Да'Ьrеэгiэп - (n) - библиотекарь
journaIism - /'dзз:пlrzэm/ - (п) - хурналистика liЬrаrу -/'1аЬrаrI. -Ьп - (n)- библиотека
1udgement - /dиdзmэпt/ - (n) - суждение lid - Лrd/- (п) - крь]шка
(jungle) expedition - {еksрэdrJэп/ - (n) - экспедиция (в lie detector - /'lat dt,tekta' - (п) - детектор лхи
дхунгли) life-threatening - /laIf ,0геtшпi - (adj) - угрохающий хизни
1urу - /'d5uэп/ - (n) - присяхные заседатели light bulb - /laIt ЬлlЬ/ - (п) - элеприческая лампочка
phrasal verbs lighter - /'lаrtэ/- (п) - захигалка
lipstick - /'hpstIld - (n) - ryбная помада
1oin in - /,dзэtп'm/ - (phr v) - присоединяться, вступать в
literacy - - (п) - граt!.tотнооь

- /,d5эш',л.р/- (рhr v) - стать членом (клуба)

litter - /lrtэ/- (n) - мусор
1oin up
loaded (with) - /'lэоdэd/ - (adj) - засорённый
loathe -лэiid/- (v) - ненавидеть
jet of lava - (рhr) - поток лавы lobster - /'luЬstэ/- (n) - омар, лобоер
к logger - /'1оgэ/- (n) - лесоруб
long (to) - Доп/ - (v) - хотеть чего-либо
kеrоsепе lamp - /,kеrэsi:п'lremр/ - (п) - керосиновая лампа long-term mеmоrу - /,lo4 tз:m'mеmэп/ - (n) - долговреN/енная
kettle - /ketl/ - (п) - чайник па lvять
kick - Дсld - (v) - ударять loose - Лus/ - (adj) - продающийся отдельно, неупакованный
killjoy - /klldзэ/ - (п) - зануда, нытик looting - i'lu:trfl - (n) - мародёрово
kind-hearted - /,karnd'ho:trd/ - (adj) - добрый (loss of) habitat - /hаЬэtаt/ - (n) - (потеря) меоо(а) обитания
kit - /kt/ - (n) - форма (фугбольная) lowliest - ilэоliэst/- (adj) - самый низкий
know-rt-all - /'пэо It э:U - (n) - всезнайка loyal - /lэlэV - (adj) - лояльный
phrasal verbs luпаr rаiпЬоw - /,1u:пэ'rеtпЬаt/ - (n) - лунная радуга
keep away - {ki:p э'wеr/ * (рhr v) - дерхаться в стороне lush - л,t/ - (adj) - роскошный; покрытый буйной
keep off - {ki:p'nfl - (phr v) - дерхаться подальше от чего- раоительнооью
либо luxury - i l.цkJэг/ - (ad1) - роскошный
keep оп - /,ki:p'nn/ - - продолжать делать что-либо
(phr v) phrasal verbs
keep up (with) - lki:p лр/ * (phr v) - не отставать (от) let down - /,let'dat;n/ - (рhr v) - подводить, разочаровывать
Phrases let out - /,let'aot/- (phr v) - освобохдать, выпускать
keep in top fоrm - (рhr) - дерхать в отличной форме |etsb down - /,let s,tmЬэdl 'daon/ - (рhr v) - подводить кого-либо
knock his head - (phr) - ударяться головой look into - /,ltik \пtэ/ - (рhr v) - изучать
lапdiпg site - (phr) - место призеlvления
labyrinth * /lreЬаrrпO/ - (п) - лабиринт late sixties - (рhr) - под сеN,4ьдесят (лет)
lack - /lald - (n) - недосгаток, нехватка lеаrп to Ье а cowboy/cowgirl оп а ranch - (рhr) - научиться
lair - /1еэ/ - (n) - логово быть ковбоеп,l/девушкой - ковбоем на ра нчо
land - /lrend/ - (v) - приоать к береry приземлиться lеагп to speak а foreign language - (phr) - учиться говорить на
landslide - /lrendslard/ - (n) - оползень, обвал инOсIранноlv языке

Wоrd List

legendary beast - (рhr) - легендарный зверь mine - /marri/ - (п) - шахта

less fortunate than - (рhr) - N/eHee удачный, чем minute fibres - /mat,njuI 'fалЬэz,l - (n) - п,лельчайшие волокна
lie on а bed of nails - (рhr) - лежать на доске с гвоздяIvи mirасlе - /mшэkэl/ - (n) - чудо
life savings - (рhr) - сберехения mirrоr - /'mtrэ/ - (v) - отрахаться
life-changing ехреriепсе * (рhr) - опыт, изменивший хизнь mischievous - /'mIsфчэs/ - (ad1) - озорной
lightning storm - (phr) - гроза с молнияlvи mission -/m{ar/- (п)- миссия
lined with - (phr) - с чем-либо по краямрасполохенныlv mist - /mrst/- (п) - туп,lан
linguistic heritage -
(phr) - лингвисгическое наследие mnemonics - /nr'mnmks/ - (п) - ассоциативное запоМинаНИе,
live life to the fullest - (рhr) * хить полной жизнью мнемоника
long gопе - (рhr) - давно пропавший mоап - /mаоп/ - (v) - оонать
look after stray animals * (phr) - заботиться о бездомных mobility * /mэr_т'Ьrlэtr/- (n) * п,лобильность
хивотных lV]оdеrп Languages - /,mпdп'lreцgwtdзэz/ - (n) - современные
look fоrwаrd to - (рhr) - хдать с нетерпением языки
load а gun - (рhr) - зарядить оружие money sense - /'m.tпt,sens/ - (n) - разумная трата денег
local рrоduсе - (phr) - продукт lvестного производова money-off - /,m.tпI пf/ - (n) - скидка
look right & you're your nails - (phr) - смотреть в сtорону и moody - /'mu:dr/ - (adj) - человек настроения
кусать нOпи moonbow - /'mu:пЬэо/- (n) - лунная радуга
loss of life - (рhr) - потеря жизни motivate -/mэоtтуеtt/ - (v) - п,lотивировать
loved ones - (phr) - любимые mud -/mлd/- (п)- грязь
loyalty саrd - (phr) - карта лояльности muddy -/'m.tdI/- (ad1)- грязный
murdеr - /'mз:dа/ - (v) - убивать
muscle spasm - /'m.tsэ1 ,spazam/ - (п) - п,lышечный спазм
magnify - /'mаgпэfаr/ - (v) - увеличивать (о линзе, muscles - /'m.tsalz/- (п) - мускулы
микроскопе) muscular - /'m,tskjоlэ/- (adj) - п,лускулиоый
maintarn - /meIn'teIn/ - (v) -
сохранять mutter - /'m.ц,tа/ - (v) - бормотать
malestica lly - /mэ'dзеstflr/ -
(adv) - величественно mysterious - /m'stIэпэs/ - ( adj ) - та и нственны й
makeshift school (n) - - самодельная школа mystery story - /mtstarI ,stэ:r/ - (п) - детективная исгория
mаIаriа- /mэ'lеэriэ/- (п) - N/алярия mystical - /'mlstIkэU - (adJ) - п,листический
mandatory - /'mапdэtаrt/ - (adj) - обязательный mystify - /'mrstэfаr/ - (v) - озадачивать
mankind - /,mren'kaInd/ - (n) - человечество mytho|ogy - /mrOоiэdз/ - (n) - п,лифология
mапuаl wоrkеr - /mапjuэl,wз:kа/ - (п) - рабочий
phrasal verbs
manufacture goods - {mапjоfrekф ,gudzl - (v) - изготавливать
това р miss out - /,mIs'atTt/ - (рhr v) - пропускать
mа n ufactu rеr - /,mапjа'fаkфlэ/ - (п ) - п роизводител ь Phrases
ma rg i na l ised - /'mсdзапэlаtzd/ - (adj ) - и гнорируем ый, main сhаrасtеr * (рhr) - главный герой
изолированный major threat - (phr) - большая опасность
marine reserve - /mэ,ri:п п'zз:ч/ - (n) - морской резерват make а breakthrough - (phr) - делать прорыв
marshmallow - /mо:Jmrelэu/ - (n) - пастила make contact with - (рhr) - вступать в контакт с
martial art - /,mо:Jэl'сt/- (п) - боевое искуссгво make do - (phr) - довольствоваться чеп.л-либо
lr4artians - |'rrrа:!эпzl- (pl п) - марсиане make рrеsепсе felt - (рhr) - делать присуlсгвие ощлимым
massage - /mresп:У - (п) - массах make sb's hаir stand on end - (рhr) - заоавить воать дыбом (о
massive - /'masrv/- (adj) - большой, массивный волосах)
lt4asters - /'mo:stэz/ - (n) - оепень lvагисl-ра make smalltalk - (рhr) - завесrи беседу
materialism - /mэ'tIэпэltzап/ - (n) - Iматериализlv make world news - (рhr) - попаоь в мировые новосги
mature - /mэ'tJоа/ - (adj) - повзрослевший, взрослый mass murdеr - (рhr) - массовое убийство
maze - lmelzl - (n) - лабиринт matter of survival - (phr) - вопрос выхивания
It/edia Studies - /,mi:diэ'stлdtz/ - (п) - исследование рекламных mental strength - (phr) - сила ума
средсгв methane gas bubbles - (phr) - пузыри N/етана
N/edicine - /'mеdsэп/ -
- медицина
(n) mid-thirties - (phr) - за тридцать (лет)
meditation class - /,mеdэtеrJэп НсУ - (п) - урок N/едитации military campaign - (рhr) - военная кампания
mend - /mend/ - (v) - чинить, штопать mine of information - (phr) - иоочник, кладезь информации
mепtаllу - /'mentlil - (adv) - yN/cTBeHHo mопеу-оff coupons - (рhr) - купоны на скидку
mention - /mепJап/ * (v) - упоплинать mопitоr fitness - (рhr) - определять физическую форму
metal - /metU - (n) - металл motivational speaker - (рhr) - лектор-мотиватор
meteor * /mi:trэ/ - (п) - метеорит mysterious circumstances - (рhr) - загадочные обстоятельпва
mighty - i'maltil - (adj) - мощный
millennia - imr1ешо/ - (п) - тысячелетия
mimic - /'mtnrtld - (v) - имитироваrь, передразнивать native * /neltrv/ - (ad]) - месный, родной
native triЬе - /,пеilw'trаЬ/ - (n) - дикое племя

Wогd List

natural rеsоurсеs - /,паtjэrаl rl'zэ:sэz, -'sэi/ - (п) - природные outback - /'aotbald * (п) - п,lалонаселённый район
ресурсы outgoing - /'aotgatlt4i - (adj) - общительный
пеаr-drоwпiпg - {пtэ'drаопlп/ - (п) - практически угонль outhouse - /'authaos/- (n) - приоройка, флигель
nerve-racking - /'пз:чдrektfl - (adj) - дейсвующий на нервы, outlet * i'аоtlэtl - (п) - торговая точка, магазин/склад
выматывающий outlook - /'aotlold - (п) - кругозор
neutral - /'пjulrэV - (adl) - нейтральный outnumbered - /аоt'п.дrnЬэd/ - (adj) * имеющиЙ неДооаТоЧНУЮ
never-ending - {печэr'епdщ/ - (adj) - бесконечный численносгь
пitrоgеп oxide - i,паttrэd5эп'оksаtd/ - (n) - окись азота outwards - /'aotwэdzi - (adv) - наруху, за пределы
non-fiction - /,ппп frkJэп/ - (п) - научно-популярная oval - /'эirчэl/- (adj) - овальный
литература oval-shaped - /'эuчэlJеIрti - (adj) - овальной формы
non-profit - i,nnn'pmfit/ - (adj) - некоммерческий overcast - {эt_iчэ'kо:st/ - (adj) - мрачный, хмурый (о небе)
поsу раrkеr - /,пэоzt'раkэ/ - (n) - человек, всюду сующий свой оvеrсоmе - /,эuчэ'k,lmi - (v) - преодолевать
нос overcompensate - {эuчэ'kпmропsеlt/ - (v) - компенсировать с
пuсlеаr wаr - /,пjukltэ'wэ/ - (п) - атоп,tная война избытком
numerous - /'пju:mэrэs/ - (adj) - многочисленный очеrflоw - /,эiwа'flэt/ - (v) - перегрухать
nutrients - /пju:tпэпts/ - (n) - питательные вещеова очецоуеd - /,эuчэ'd5сtd/ - (adj) - вне себя от радоои
пуlоп -i'паl|пп/- (n)- нейлон phrasal verbs
ореп up - /,эi;рэп лр/ - (рhr v) - открывать
natural causes -
(рhr) - естественные причины
паturаI wопdеr * (рhг) - природный феномен
occasional еrrоr - (рhr) - случающаяся вреIvя от времени
negotiation skills - (рhr) - уN/ение веои переговоры
пеrvоus system - (phr) - нервная сиоема
official identity * (рhr) - официальное удосговерение
newly-recognised - (рhr) - только что признанный
по assembly rеquirеd - (phr) - не требующий сборки
non-violent protest - (phr) - ненасильсIвенный протео
оп а lаrgеr scale - (phr) - в большом масштабе
поrthеrп hemisphere - (рhr) - северное полушарие
оп demand - (phr) - по требованию

not alIow the оthеr реrsоп to speak - (phr) - не позволять

open уоur eyes & mouth wide - (рhr) - широко открыть глаза и

другому гOворить рот

organised crime - (рhr)- организованная преоупносгь
not make еуе contact - (рhr) - не уfiанавливать зрительный
out of sight - (рhr) - вне поля зрения
конта кт
not рау attention - (рhr) - не обращать вниlvания р
notify authorities - (phr) - уведомлять влаои
nuclear meltdown - (phr) - взрыв ядерного реактора
pack - /pald - (п) - стая (волков)
pale - - (adj) - бледный
о panic - /'prenrld - (v) - паниковать
panther-like - /'рreпOа lark/ - (adj) - подобный пантере
paparazzi -/,рарэ'гаtsti - (n)- папарацци
observe - lеЬ'zз:у| - (v) - наблюдать
parachuting - /рrerф:tIrэ/ - (п) - прыхки с парашютом
occur - /э'kз/ - (v) - происходить, случаться, появляться
parachutrst - /раrэJutаst/ - (п) - парашютио
оссurrепсе - /a'krrans/ - (n) - появление
partial - /ро:JэU - (adj) - частичный
officially - /э]fiJэl/ - (adv) - официально
оi|-/эrV- (п)- нефть раrtу - /pc:tr/ - (п) - вечеринка
oil spill - - (п) * уtечка топлива
/'эIl sрrU раrtу апimаl - /'ро:tt,апэmэli - (n) - король вечеринок
passionate - /рreJэпэt/ - (adj) - брu.rrо,;
online university - i,nnlarn ju:пэ'чз:sэtIi - (n) - интернет-
onslaught - /uцslэI/ - (n) - насгупление
patience - /'perJansi - (п) - терпение

ореп-аir - /,эорэп'еэ/ - (ad]) - на открытом воздухе

patter - /'рretэ/ - (v) - сгучать, пооукивать
pattern - /patn/ - (n) - узор
operate - /'прэrеtt/ * (v) - работать
peaceful -/рisfэl/- (adj) - мlирный
орропепt - /э'рэuпэпt/ - (n) - противник, конкурент
peasant - l'pezenl| - (n) - крестьянин
opposi n g - /э'рэuzтt/ - (adj ) - п ротивополохн ый
pebble - /реЬэU - (n) - галька
optician's - |op'tl|anzl- (n)- оптика
optimistic - /,npto'mstIld - (adj) - оптимиоичный реер - /pi:p/ - (v) - подглядывать
option -/'прJэп/- (n)- выбор рееr - iрIэl - (п) - ровесник
orbit - /с:Ьэt/ - (п, v) - 'l ) орбита; 2) выходить на орбиту рееrs - iprozl - (п) - ровесники
pension -/'репJэп/- (n)- пенсия
оrdеr - /с:dэ/ - (ч) - заказывать
pessimistic - /,pesэ'mtstlld - ( adj ) - пессимистичный
оrgапiс material - /э:,gашk mэ'ttэrtэU * (п) - органический
phantom - /'fаепtаmi - (n) - фантом, призрак
orga n ised - |' с,.gэпаlzф - (ad1 ) - организова нный рhепоmепоп - if/поmэпэпi - (п) -
philosophy - /fI'lпsэГri - (п) - философия
originate - /э'пd5эпеtt/ - (v) - происходить, зародиться

WLl ,|
Wоrd List

photojou rna ist * /,lэritэu'dзз:пэlэst/ - - phrasal verbs

п ) фото корреспо ндент
l (

photosynthesis - /,fэоtэо'stпOэуУ - (n) - фотосинтез pass away - /,po:s э'wеt/ - (phr v) - умирать
pick -/чrU- (v)- выбирать pass оп - /,po:s'nn/ - (рhr v) - передать
piercing - /'рtэstп/ - (adj) - с пирсингоlv pass out - /,pc:s'aot/ - (phr v) - ] ) раздавать, передавать;
pine * /раrп/ - (n) - сосна 2) терять сознание
pinewood - /'palnwod/- (п) - сосновый лес pass up - /,po:s',tp/ - (рhr v)- отказываться, отвергать
pink snow - /,рrпk'sпэо/ * (п) - розовый снег pick on - /'prk uп/ - (phr v) - дразнить, задирать
рit-/оrt/-(п)-яп,ла pick out - /,ptk'aut/- (phr v) - выбирать
pit viper - /'ptt ,чатрэ/- (п) - греN/учая зN/ея pick up - /,pTk',tp/- (рhr v) - '] ) поднип,rать что-либо;
* (n) - авиакатастрофа
рlапе crash - /'plern,kraJ7 2) заехать за кеп.л-либо на Iмашине, забирать
plantatron - /рlreпtе{ап/ - (п) * плантация pull into - /,ро1 lпtэ/ - (phr v) - заехать, въехать
plastic - /'plaestrld - (n) - пластик put (sb) off - /,put'nfl - (phr v) * отбить желание, отпугнугь
plight - /plart/- (п) - бедственное положение put sth down - /,pot s,tm0щ'daot/ - (рhr v) - отлохить
pocket - /'рпkэti- (n) - карман
pod - /pud/ - (n) - стая (дельфинов)
poison - |рыzапl - (v) - травить ра55 уоur driving test - (phr) - сдать экзаl\,4ен по вохдению
poisonous - /'рэtzэпэs/- (adj) - ядовитый реrmапепt light source - (phr) - попоянный источник света
poisonous gases - /,рэtzэпэs'gresэz/ - (п) - ядовитые газы реrsопаl соппесtiоп - (рhr) - личная связь, ассоциативная связь
policy - /'рulэsr/ - (п) * политика, стратегия pick up litter - (рhr) - собирать мусор
ponytail - /'рэошtеIU - (n) - хвосIик (о причёске) place an оrdег - (phr) - сделать заказ
popularity - (рuрlэ'lrerэtr/ - (n) - популярность pile of сrumЬs - (phr) - гора крупинок
plaster cast - (рhr) - гипсовый слепок
роrtrау - /рэ:'trеI/ - (v) - изображать, описывать
post office - /'paost ufэУ - (п) - почтовое uтлеление plucked eyebrows - (рhr) - выщипанные брови
potential -/раtепJэl/- (adl) - потенциальный population growth - (рhr) - рост населения
poverty -'рпчэtt/ - (п) - бедность prosthetic аrm - (рhr) - рука-протез
powered - /раоэd/- (рр) - питаеп,лый энергией prosthetrc make-up - (рhr) - искусственный протез

practice - /'praektrs/ - (п) - практика, тренировка pull the wool оvеr sb's eyes - (рhr) - пускать пыль в глаза
put ice on it - (рhr) - прилохить лёд
рrауеr meeting - /'рrеэ,rni:ttц/ - (п) - N/олитвенное собрание
рrеdаtоr - /'рrеdэtэ/- (п) хищник
put on а cast - (phr) - налохить гипс
pred ctable - /рп'drktаЬэU - (ad1) - предсказуеп,lый put уоur foot iп it - (phr) - сесть в луху, влипн}ть
pred ction - /рrl drФn/ - (п) - предсказание а
preh stогiс - /,pri:hr'stnrIld - (ad1) - доиоорический
quality - /'krtпlэtt/ - (adl) - качесгвенный
рrе packa9ed - /,рri:'рrekrdзd/ - (adj) - упакованный quest - /kwest/ - (п) - оремление
рrеsсгiрtiоп - /рпskлрJэп/ - (n) - рецепт
quit - /kwIt/ - (v) - бросать
presel,ve - /рrlzз:ч/ - (v) - сохранять
рrеу - ipre/ - (n) - хертва
pride - /praId/- (п) - гордость quality of life - (рhr) - качество хизни
рriпсrрlе - /'рппsараl/ - (п) - принцип R
рriогitу - /рrа'пrэtI/ - (n) - приоритет
racism -/'retsIzam/- (п) - расизм
pr,vate - /ргаtчаt/ - (ad1) - частнь й, личный
radio рlау - /'rеldIао pleil - (п) - радио-пьеса
privi leged - /'рrrчаhdзd/ - ( adj ) - привилеги рова нны й
(п) * процесс rail accident - /'rerl ,aksadэnt/ - (n) - хелезнодорохная
process - i'рrэоsеs/ -
рrоfеssоr - /рrа'fеsэ/ - (п) - профессор
- lргэоgrеs/ - (v) - продвигаться, делать raise - /rеzl - (v) - поднимать
рrоgrеss успехи в
обучении rare - /rеэ/ - (adj) - редкий

promote - /рrэ mэr_it/ - (v) - продвигать rаsh-/гre|7-(п)-сыпь

pronrpt герlу - /,рmmрt п'рlаil - (n) - быстрый ответ rattlesnake - /'rюtlsnerk/ - (n) - ух (змея)

proof - ,ргu:ti - (п) - доказательство rаzоr-shаrр - l,relze То:р/ - (adl) - острый как бритва
reactivate - /ri:'rektlvert/ - (v) - охивлять
рuЬегtу - /рju:Ьэtil - (п) - половое созревание
publicise - /prblasaIz/ - (v) - публиковать realistic * /,гtэ'ltstlk/ - (ad1 ) - реалиоичный
puffy eyes - l,pbfl'avl - (п) - опухшие глаза rеаlitу show - /rr'аlэtr Jэо/ -
(n) - реалити-шоу

pump - /рлmр/ * (v) - откачивать rebuild - /ri:'brld/ - (v) - поороить заново

punch - /p,tntJ/ - (v) - ударять кулакоlv rесаll- /п'kэ:1/ - (v) - вспоп,lинать
puppy fat - /p,rpr fat/ - (n) - детская пухлосгь гесоvеr * /п'kцчэ/ - (v) - выздоравливать

purchase - /'рз:фs/- (v п) - 1 ) покупать; 2) покупка rеflесt - /rr'flekt/ - (v) - отрахать

pylon - /раilэп/ - (п) - опора линии электропередач reflection - /rr'flеkJэп/ - (п) - отрахение
pyramid - /'рrrэmrd/ - (n) - пираlvида rеfuпd -/'п,f,tпd/- (n) - возвратденег
rеgiоп - /'ri:dзап/ - (n) - область, регион
rеgulаr - /'гефэlэ/ - (adj) - реryлярный

Wоrd List

rehearsal - /п'hз:sаV - (п) - репетиция phrasal verbs

rеiпdееr - /'rеmdtэ/ - (п) - олень
riр apart - /,пр э'ро:t/ - (рhr v) -
разрывать, раскалывать
геjесtеd - /n'dзektld/- (adj) - отвергнрый
rоll across - /,rэо1 э'kms/ - (phr v) - катиться
relationship - ful'lеrJэпlр/ - ( п) - отношения
ruп out * /,r,tn'aut/ - (phr v) - кончиться
relaxing - /п'lreksщ/ - (adj) - расслабляющий
rеlеаsе - /пli:s/ - (v) - отпускать (на свободу)
rеliаЬlе - /п'lаIэЬаU - - надёхный
(ad]) ralning animals - (phr) - дохдь из животных
raining cats and dogs - (рhr) - лить как из ведра (о дохде)
relief wоrkеr - /п'li:f ,wз:kэ/ - (n) - спасатель (при стихийных
бедствиях) raise funds - (рhr) - собирать средова
rеliечеd - /rr'li:vd/ - (adj) - облегчённый rаisе public awareness * (рhr) - формировать общеовенное
religious - /п'tIdзэУ - (adj) - религиозный мнение
reluctant - /rr'l.цktэпt/ - (adj) - с неохотой raise уоur еуеЬrоws - (рhr) - поднимать брови (от удивления)
remains - /п'mеtпz/ - (n) - остатки rеасh а destination - (рhr) - достигать цели
rеmоtе - /п'mэut/ - (adj) - отдалённый rесусlе o|d material - (рhr) - перерабатывать оарый материал
rерlасе - /п'рlеls/ - (v) - заменять reduced prices - (phr) - снихенные цены
replacement - /rr'pleIsmэnt/ - (п) - заlvена rеаl asset - (рhr) - настоящая ценность

rероrt (оп) - /rr'рэ:t/ - (v) - сообщать (о) release chemicals - (рhr) - выпускать химические вещеова
representative - /,rерrэ'zепtэtтч/ - n ) - п редста в ител ь ( rеmаiп а mystery - (phr)- оставаться тайной
reputation - /,rерjэ'tеrJап/ - (n) - реп}тация rеmаrkаЬlу skilled - (рhr) - удивительно одарённый
requirement - /ш'kwаtэmапt/ - ( n ) - требование rепеwаЬlе energy - (рhr) - возобновляемая энергия
rescue - /'reskju/ - (v) - спасать rescue сrеw - (рhr) - команда спасателей
resemble - /rI'zеmЬэl/ - (v) - напоминать resolve conflicts - (phr) - решать конфликты
reserved - /п'zз:чd/- (adl) - замкнрый, серьёзный rоаr of thunder - (рhr) - раскат гроN/а
residents - /'rеаdэпts/ - (n) - хители rock-bottom prices - (рhr) - самые низкие цены
resist - /rI'zrst/ - (v) - сопротивляться rоsу cheeks - (phr) - розовые щёки
resources - fuI'zэ:saz, -sэ:-/ - (п) - источники, ресурсы rubbish оп the streets - (phr) - мусор на улицах
respect - /п'sреkt/ - (v) - увахать
responsi bi l ity - /rI,sрппsэ'ЬIlэtI/ - ( n ) - ответствен н ость
rеstоrе - - (v) - восстановить
/п'stэ/ sac -/sвld- (n)- мешочек, сумка
retain - /ritett/ - (v) - хранить в паlvяти sacrifice - /sakэfars/- (n, v) - 1 ) хертва; 2) приносить в
rеtrо - /'геtгэu/ - (adj) - паринный, ретро хертву
reveal - /п'чi:U - (v) - открывать sales rise- |'seizratz|- (n) - повышение продах
reverse - /п'чзls/ - (v) - обратный sample - /'sо:mрэU - (п) - образец
review - /п'vju/ - (v) - делать обзор satisfying - /'sаtаsfапц/ - ( adj ) * удовлетворительн ы й

revise - lr|yaпl - (v) - повторять save - /sеrч/ - (v) - сохранять

геwаrd -/п'wэ:d/- (v)- награждать scan - /skan/ - (v) - сканировать

rhуmе - /rarпr/ - (п) - рифма, стихотворение sсаr-/skо/-(п)-шрам

rip - /прi - (v) - прорываться 5саrсе - iskеэs/ - (adj) - недооаточный, редкий
ripple - /'гrрl/ - 1u1 - покрываться рябью scatterbrain - /'skаtэЬrеiп/ - (п) - разиня
risе - |rаv]- (v) - впавать, подниlvаться sceptic - /'skepпld * (n) - скептик
rrчеr bed - /'пчэ bed/ - (n ) * русло реки sceptical - /'skерtIkэV - (adj) - скептический
road accident - i'rэоd ,aksIdэnt/ - (п) - авария на дороге schedule - /[edju:U * (п) - расписание
rоаm - /rэtлm/- (v) - бродить scholarship - /skоlэJrр/- (п) - оипендия, грант
rосk - /mld - (v) - качаться, тряоись school - /,sku:U - (п) * школа
roll - /rэul/ - (п) - булочка sсhоо|-1еачеr - /,skuJ'li:vэ/ - (n) - выпускник школы
rolled up - /,rэоld .tp/ - (adj) - свёрнрый, скатанный science lab - /'sаtэпs lаsЬ/ - (n) - научная лаборатория
rоmапсе - fuэO'mreпs,'rэumreпs/ - (n) - любовный роман scratch - /skat/ - (n, v) - ] ) царапина; 2) царапать
round -/raond/- (adj) - lрчrпо,; sсrеесh - iskdf/ - (п) - скрип, визг
rоwiпg trip - /rаurц,tпр/ - (п) - проryлка на вёслах screeching - /Ъhi:tJrfl - (adj) - пронзительный (скрип)
rоуаl palace - {rэIаl'раlэs/ - (п) - королевский дворец scribble - /skпЬаV - (v) - каракули, писать неразборчивым
ruЬ - /r,tЬ/- (v) - тереть почерком
rubbish - /r,tblj/- (п) - мусор scrub - /skrлЬ/ - (v) - чисить, скресги
ruЬЬlе - /mЬэV - (п) - руины, обломки scruffy - /'skтлfl/ - (adj) - неряшливый
rudе - /ru:d/ - (adj) - грубый scruffy clothes - {skr,tfi'klэudz, 'klэоz/ - (n) - изношенная
rule - /ru:l/ - - править, управлять
(v) одехда
rundown - /'и,пdаuп/ - (adj) - ветхий, захудалый seaweed - /si:wi:d/ - (n) - морские водоросли
rupee - /ru:'pi/ - (n) - рупия (индийская валюта) second-hand - /,sekэnd'hrend/ - (adj) - бывший в
rustle - /'rлsэU - (v) - шелеоеть, шуршать употреблении
secretive - lsi:kэtIч/ - (adj) - скрытный
WLl з
Wоrd List

section - /'sekJэn/ - (n) - секция, отдел specimen - /'spesamrn/ - (п) - образец

self -esteem - /,self rs'ti:n1 - (n) - самоуверенlооь speed - fupi:d/ - (n) - скорость
selfless - /'sеlflэs/ - (adj) - бескорыпtlь й, lеэгоиоичный sрiп - /spTn/ - (v) - вращать(ся), крриться
self sufficrent - /,sеlГsа'frJапt/ -
- саьtэдопаточный
(ad1) spiritualtradition - /,sрrrэtJuэl kэ'пеkJэп/ - (n) - духовная традиция
sеmiпаr - /'semtno:/ - (n)
- семинар splash - /spla/ - (v) - брызгать, плескаться
sепiоr citizen - /,si:пiэ'sltэzэп/ - (n) - "охилой хитель split - /splrt/ - (v) - расколоться, разделиться
sequel -/'si:kwэl/- (п) - сиквел, пDодо]lхение spoil - /sрэrl/- (v) - портить
sеrрепt - /'sз:рэпt/- (п) - змея spot - /spot/ - (v) - замечать
sеrчiпg - /'sз:чtц/- (п) - порция sрrау-оп fabric - /,spreI пп'fаЬпld - (n) - ткань, наносящаяся на
session - /ЪфП - (п) - зд, тренироз(а тело с помощью спрея
Set - /set/ - (v) - разворачиваться, ilсоt4сходllть spread -/spred/- (v) - распрооранять(ся)
sewing machine - /'sэt_itц mэfi:r/ - (п) - \1ашинка square - /skwea/ - (adj) - квадратный
shabby - /Jebr/ - - почошеннь
(ad1) 7, - --:=-э--ой stable -/'stеIЬэl/- (n)- конюшня
shack - /Jrek/ - (n) - лачуга, хибара stage -/sterdy'- (п, v) - ])сцена; 2)ставить (пьесу)
shake - lГsrld - (v) - трясти stain -/stern/- (n) - пятно
sbalIow - /Jа|эu/ - (adj) - пов€рхноо-о;, -. . _-., stall-/stc:U- (n, v) - 1)прилавок; 2)тянуть (время)
shаrр - [о:р/ - (adj) - опрый stamp - /stzemp/ - (v) - топать
shearing shed - /Jrэпп Jed/ - (n) - загон д-я :-:.,х(и овец staple item - /,stetpэl 'аttэm/ - (п) - главный элемент
sheep shearing - /Ji:p Jrэпп/ - (п) - орих<а ]з:_ stare - /stеэ/ - - приоально clvoTpeтb
sheep station - /Ji:p stеdэп/ - (n) - овц€вод,э]r.: iссlr,lэ starvation - /sto:'ve{an/ - (п) - голод
shеItег - /Jеltэ/ - (n) - укрытие state - /stert/ - (v) - заявлять
shoa - /JэоV - (n) - косяк (рыб) statron - /'stеrJэп/ - (n) - станция
shоrе-[эi*(п)-берег steam -/sti:rT/- (п) - пар
shou dеr bag - - (n) - cyп/Ka на пле*]
/Jэоldэ,Ьreg/ steam trаiп - /'sti:m trern/ - (п) - паровоз
shower - /tаuеl- (n) - ливень stеаmrоllеr - /'sti:m,rэоlэ/ - (п) - нахим, давление
shudder - /Тлdэ/ - (v) - содрогаться, вздрагивать steel - /sti:l/- (п) - оаль
shy - {arl - (adj) - скроvtный, застенчивый sticky tape - /,stth'telp/ - (п) - клейкая лента, скотч
srgh -/sa/- (v)- вздыхать stinginess - /'stmd5rnas/ - (п) - скупопь
sight ng - /'sartrr1/ - (n) - наблюдение straight - /stгеIt/ * (ad1) - пряvой
signal - /'stgпэU - (v) - давать сигналы, сигнализирова-. stranded - /'strandad/ * (ad]) - в заrруднительноlv полохении
s k-/sllld-(п)-шёлк strap - /strap/ - (n) * ручка (суп,лки)
s ]ly - /srlr/ - (ad1) - гл!пый strategy - /'strаtэd5r/ - (п) - пратегия
sln -/srn/- (n) - грех stгау - /чtrеt/ - (adj) - бездоп,lный
siTcom - /'sItknnr/ -- коlvедия полохений
(n) strengthen - /'strецOэп,'strепOап/ - (v) - усиливаться
skyrocket - /skаt,rпkэt/ - (v) - стреп,лительно раои, взлететь strike - /stTark/ - (v) - ударять
slap - /slap/- (v) * шлёпать, бить sтгuсtuге - /str,tktJэ/ - (п) - структура
slave - /slerv/ - (v) - работать как раб struggle - /'str,tgэV - (v) - бороться
sleeve - /sli:v/ - (п) - рукав sTudert - /'stju:dэпt/ - (n) - студент
slide - /slaIф - (v) - скользить stumble - /'stлmЬаU - (v) - заикаться
slide show - /'slatd Jэо/ - (n) - слайд-шоу suilocati n g - /'s,tfэkertrц/ - adj ) - удуша ющий

slim fit - /,slrm'fllt/ - (adj) -

приталенный, заухенный suгпmеr solstice - /,stmэ'snlstas/ - (п) - летнее солнцестояние
slum - /slлm/ - (n) - трущобы su реrmа rket - /'su:рэmо:kэt/ - п ) - суперN/а ркет (

smack - /smrek/ - (v) - шлёпать, щёлкать supervisor - /'su:рэчаtzэ/ - (n) - надсмотрщик, начальник
smash - /smaJ/ - (v) - зд разворотить, разрушить supplies * /sэ'plalz/ - (n) - продовольствие
snarling -/sno:lrn/ - (adj) - рычащий support * /sэ'рэ:t/- (v) - поддерхивать
sneaky - /sni:kI/ - (adj) - хитрый, коварный supporter - /sэ'рэ:tэ/ - (n) - сторонник
snob - /sппЬ/ - (п) - сноб, зазнайка supportlve - /sэ'рэ:ttч/ - (adj) - поддерхивающий
soap ореrа - /'sэilр ,прэrа/ - (n) - п,лыльная опера su rroundings - /sэ'rоопdцz/ - n ) - окрухение (

soar - /sэ/ - (v) - взлетать, повыситься survive - /sэ'чап/ - (v) - выхивать

social organisation - /sэujа1 э:gэпаl,zеtJэп/ - (п) - общественная suspicious - /sэ'sр{эУ - adj ) - подозрител ьный

0рган иза ция sustain - /sa'stetn/ - (v) - поддерживать, подпитывать

sоlаr рапеl - /,sэulэ'репU - (п) - солнечная батарея sustainable - /sэ'stеlпэЬэU - (adj) - экологически безопаснь й
solution - /sэlui[эп/ - (n) - решение swamp-like - /'swnmp lalld - (adj) - болотисть й
sоmЬrе - /'sпmЬэ/ - (ad1) - тёп.лный swarm -/swэ:пV- (n) - рой
source - /sэ:У - (п) - иоочник sweatshop - /swetJnp/ - (n) - масIерская, в ко-оэ:,, сэбэ--,,,<.,
spacecraft - i'speIskro:ft/ - (n) * косп,лический корабль получают низкую зарплату и работас-: -:)i.a.,5 х
sрагklе - /'spu:kal/ - (v) - блестеть услOвиях
sреаr - Apla/ - (n) - ко.lьё switch - /swrt/ - (v) - переключаться


Wоrd List

phrasal verbs
sell off - /,sеl'пf/ - (рhr v) - распродавать taIk show - /'tэ:kJэо/ - (n) - ток-шоу
set off - /,set'ofl - (рhr v) - отправляться tanned - Лапd/ - (adj) - загорелый
set out - /,set'aot/ - (phr v) - пускаться в пль tap foot - /,tap 'fut/ - (v) - топать ногой
settle down - /,setl 'daon/ - (phr v) - обосновываться
teapot - /'ti:pnt/ - (n) - чайник для заварки
shoot up - /Jut ,tp7 - (phr v) - извергаться (о вулкане)
technician - /tеk'пdэп/ - (n) - техник
slam into - /,slreш mtai - (phr v) - швырять, ударять
tectonic plates - /tek,tnntk'pleIts/ - (п) - тектонические плиты
space out - /,speIs'aot/ - (рhr v) - рапягивать teepee - /ti:pii - (п) - вигвам
speed up - i,spi:d лр/ - (phr v) - ускоряться te m peratu rе - i'tеmрrэtJа/ - ( n ) - TeN,4 п ература
spring up - /,spri1 ,tp/ - (phr v) - быстро раои, вырастать
tempt - /tempfl - (v) - r,lскушать
step back /,stop'beld (рhг v) отходить назад
tend (to) - /tend/ - (v) - иметь тенденцию что-либо делать
stick аrоuпd - {stIk э'rаопd/ - (рhr v) - осгаваться поблизости,
tension -/tепJэп/- (n) - напряхение
не уходить
tеrrаiп - /tэ'rеm/ - (n) - рельеф (местности)
stjck at - /'sttk at, retl -
(рhr v) -
упорно работать над чем-либо terrified - l'terafaId/ - (adj) - находящийся в ухасе
sweep away - /,swi:p э'wеt/ - (phr v) - сt'/етать
tеrritоrу - /'tеrэtап/ * (п) - территория
Phrases test - /test/ - (n) - экспериN/ент
save the day - /,seIv 0э 'der/ - (рhr) - спасать полохение texture - /tekstJэ/ - (п) - текоура (характер поверхности)
science fiction - (рhr) - научная фантастика the blind - /dэ'Ьlаrпd/- (рlr n) - слепые
scrap metal - (рhr) - N/еталлолоlv the Crown Jewels * /ёэ ,krаоп'dзu:эlzl - (п) - королевские
scratch your head - (phr) - чесать голову драгOценности
seasonal rеtаil shift - (рhr) - сезонные распродахи the disabled - /ёа drs'eIbэld/- (рlr n) - нетрудоспособные
self-taught inventor - (рhr) - изобретатель-саN/оучка ( калеки )

set one's sights high - (phr) - ставить высокие цели the elderly - /di eldalr/- (plr п) - похилые
set up а website - (рhr) - запусгить веб-сайт the homeless - /dэ'hэоmlэs/ - (рIr n) - бездоплные
set up camp - (рhr) - разбивать лагерь the mass media - /ёэ ,mas'mi:dta/ - (n) - средпва мtассовой
shaven head - (рhr) - обритая голова инфорп,лации (СIt/И)
shine shoes - ( phr) - начищать обувь до блеска the рооr - /0э'рэ/ - (рlr n) - бедные
shoe shop - (phr) - магазин обуви the riсh - /dэ'rrtJ/ - (plr п) - богатые
show уоur teeth - (phr) - показьlвать зубы (от злости) the unemployed - /0i,лпэm'рlэrd/ - (рlr п) - безработные
shining example - (рhr) - яркий пример the young - /dэ jлrз/ - (рlr n) * молодые, ь,лолодёхь
slam а dооr on your finger - (phr) - прищемить палец дверью (the) military - /'mrlэtэп/- (рlr п) - военные
slash anci Ьurп -
(phr) - подсечно-огневое зеlvледелие (the) ozone lауеr - /'эоzэuп,lеIэ/ * (n) - озоновый слой
slashing sting - (рhr) - беспощадное хало (the) реrfоrmiпg arts - /рэ,fэ:mtц c:ts/ - (п) - исполнительские
sliding doob - (рhr) - автоматические двери виды искусства
slow rесоvеrу - (рhr) - медленное восстановление thigh bone - /'Oar Ьэоп/ - (п) - бедренная кость
slip & break your аrm * (рhr) - поскользнлься и сломать руку thrn - /0ln/ - (adj) - худой
smartly dressed - (рhr) - нарядно одетый thought-pгovoking - /'0эt рrэ,чэоkt1/ - (ad1) - наводящий на
smoke-frlled crater - (рhr) - кратер, наполненный дыN/ом мысль, рассухдения
spectacular shot - (рhr) - эффектное фото thriller - /0rrlэ/- (п) - триллер
spin а уаrп - (рhr) - рассказывать небылицы thriIling - /0гllrfl - (ad.1 ) - захватывающий
stamp уоur feet - (рhr) - топать ногой throwaway fashion - /,Orэuэwеt'freJэп/ - (n) - быстро
stand guard - (рhr) - охранять Nленяющаяся lvода
stand stillwith legs bent - (рhr)- стоять, недвигаясь, на thumbprint - /'O,tmрппt/ - (п) - отпечаток большого пальца
согн}тых нOгах thunder - /'0лпdэ/ - (п) - гром
state of еmеrgепсу - (phr) - чрезывычайная ситуация tight - лart/ - (adj) - узкий
stay alive - (рhr) - остаться в хивых time capsule - /tatm,kaepsju:l/ - (n) - капсула вреN/ени
stick out уоur tongue - (рhr) - показывать язык time wаrр - /'taIm wo:p/ - (n) - искахение времени
string of information - (phr) - цепочка информации tinfoil - /'trпfэrU - (п) - фольга
struggle to соре - (рhr) - бороться, чтобы справиться с чем-либо tiptoe - /'trрtэu/ - (v) - идти на цыпочках
stuck iп trаffiс - (рhr) - застрять в пробке toast - /taost/ - (v) - говорить тост
storm surgе - (рhr) - большая волна toothpaste - /'tu:OpeIst/ - (п) - зубная папа
story goes back - (phr) - история начинается в tоrпаdо - /tэ:'пеrdэо/ - (n) - торнадо
study ореrа in ltaly - (phr) - учиться оперному искусству в torture - /'tэ:tJэ/ - (п) - пытка
Италии tractor - /'trаktэ/- (п) - трактор
stunning photograph * (phr) - поразительная фотография trade sесrеt - /,treld 'si:krэt/ - (n) - коммерческая тайна
stunning sсепеrу - (рhr) - захватывающий вид tragedy - /trеdзэdr/ - (п) - трагедия
subconscious srgnal - (рhr) - подсознательный сигнал trапsfоrmаtiоп - /,trапsfэ'mеiJэr/ - (п) - перевоплощение
swarm of wasps - (phr) - осиный рой translation - /trreпs'lеdэп/ - (n) - перевод

Wоrd List

trар * /trар/- (n, v) - 1 ) ловушка; 2) попапь в ловушку talk too fast (рhr) * говорить слишко]v быстро
traumatic - /trэ:'mаtlk/ - (adl) - травь,iатичнь й talk too loudly - (рhr) - говорить слишкоN/ громко
trеаsurе trove - - i 1) - к-iад, сокровище
/'trе5э ,trэrп,/ tap driррiпg - (ph,) - капающий кран
treat - /tri:t/ - (v) -
относиться technological invention - (рhr) - техническое изобретение
tremble - l'trешЬэl/- (v) - доохе-, teaching resource - ( рhr) - образовательный ресурс
trеmоr - /trеmэ/- (п) - дрохь Telltale sign - (phr) - зап,lетнь й знак
trendsetter - /trепd,sеtэ/ - (п) - закопсдатель моды tempting display - (рhr) - искушающий прилавок
triаl - /trаlэU - (п) - суд the true cost of sth - (рhr) - реальная стоиIvооь чего-либо
tribe - /trarb/ - (п) - плеп,ля (the) smei] hits you - (рhr) - запах ударяет в нос
trickle - /tпkэl/ - (п) - струйка think twice - (phr) - дуlvать два)<ды
tricky - /tгrkr7 - (adj) - сложный, -оtдно z thrоw oneself into the аir - (рhr) - подбрасывать себя в воздух
trigger - |lпgэl - (v) - запускать, выз5]вать to а certain extent - (phr) - до определённой оепени
trilby hat - /,tпlbl hat/ - (п) - фетровая 1l-ляпа to make matters worse - (рhr) - и в довершение всего (всех
triumph - /'trаIлmfl - (n) - победа, тричьlф неп ри ятностей )

trivial - /trmraU - (adj) - банальный, обыпр1--.,, to my rеliеf - (рhr) - к N/oeMy облегчению

trolley - /'tmlr/ - (п) - магазинная телехка trаiпiпg ground - (рhr) * тренировочная база
tropical rainforest -/,tmpIkal'Tetnf,nrast/ - (n) - -эсгический лес trапsроrt costs - (рhг) - транспорrные расходы
troublemaker - /'tr,tЬэl,mеIkэ/ - (п) - сN4!тья:, -сэ(азник, tremendous damage - (рhr) - огроN/ные повреждения
ска ндал ист troubled tеепаgеr - (рhr) - трудный подросток
truly - /tru:l/ - (adv) - на саl\4оп/ деле truе insp ration - (рhr) - настоящее вдохновление
trustworthy - /'tr,tst,wз:0I/ - ( ad1 ) * вн!ша ющl i :сзерие twist/spra n уоur ankle - (рhr) * подвернугь/раоянуть
TrlThful - /tru:Ofэ|/ - (adl) * правдивый лодыхку
tsunami -/tsu'no:mt/ - (п)- цунаlvи
tuition fees - /tju:'rJэп fi:z/ - (n) - ооимопь об\,че.l;lя
tutor - /'tju:tэ/- (п, v) - ] ) репетитор; 2) давать чапl]ые уроки ultimately -/',t]tarrlatlr/ - (adv) - в конечном счёте, в конце
tutorial - /tju:tэтrэU - (n) - консультация, с€мин-с, i рок кOнцOв
twitch - /twlr! - (n) - судорога, дерганье uпdегеsti mate - /.tndэr'esttmert/ - (v) - недооцен ивать
phrasal verbs uпdеrsеа - /,tnda,si/ - (adj) - подводный
undeserved - /,tпdt'zз:чd/ - (ad;) - незаслухенный
take off - /,teik'ofl - (phr v) - взлететь
unfash ionab|e - /.,rп'freJэпэЬэV - ( adj ) - староtvодный
think over - /,Orцk'аuчэ/ - (рhr v) - обдумать
unflattering - /,л,п'flаtапt1/- (adj) - нелестный
think through - /0I1k 0ru/ * (phr v) - обдумать, продуNiат5
unfold - /лп Гэоld/ - (v) - раскрывать
think up - /,0цk лр/ - (рhr v) - придумать, изобрепи
unfortunate - /,tп'fэ:tJапаt/ - (ad1) - неудачный
throw sth away - /,0rэо s,л.m0п1 э'wеt/ - (рhr v) - выкидывать
unharmed - /лп'hо:md/ - (adj) - невредиплый, целый
ima9 i native - /.л,tlt'rrrаеdзIпаtгч/
* ( ad1 ) - л ишён н ы й
try on - /,trаt'пп/ - (рhr v) - приlчlерить
u п

вообрахе.zя, скучный
trу out - /,trat'aot/ - (phr v) - пробоваться, участвовать в
отборочных соревнованиях
university - /ju:па'чз:sэtl - (п) - университет
university graduate - /ju:пэчз:sэtt'grаеdзuэt/ - (п) - выпускник
try sth out - /,trat s,tmOIц'aut/ - (рhr v) * попробовать что-либо,
ун и верситета
исп ытать
unknown - /лп'паоп/ - (ad]) - неизвестный
turn into - /,tз:п'tпtэ/ - (рhr v) - превращаться в
unleash - /.tnlii[/ - (v) - высвободить, выпусгить
turn up - /,tз:п',tp/ - (рhr v) - появиться
u noff icia l - /,,лпэ'fiJэl/ - ( adj ) - неофи циал ьн ый
Phrases upload - /,лр'lэud/- (v) - загрухать
tail-wagging - (рhr) - виляние хвостоп/ r.;sher - /ф/ - (n) - билетёр
take а Ьrеаk - (phr) - сделать перерыв
take action against - (phr) - приниlvать меры против
take ап interest - (рhr) - проявить интерес
under the weather - (phr) - чувствующий недоtvогание

take ап опliпе соuгsе - (рhr) - проходить курс удалённо

under threat - (рhr) - под угрозой
underground river - (рhr) - подземная река
take Ьrеаth away - (phr) - захватитьдух
undersea landslide - (phr) - подводный обвал
take delight in - (phr) - находить удовольствие в
unique species - (рhr) - уникальные виды животных
take раrt in а charity project - (рhr) - принимать участие в
urЬап developeb - (phr) * строители городов, застройщики
благотворительноlv п роекте
take precautions - (рhr) * принип/ать l\,{еры предосторохности V
take revenge - (phr) - отоlvстить
valedictorian - /,чаlэdlktэ:пэп/ - (n) - выпускник университета,
talent show - (рhr) - шоу талантов
произносящий речь
tales of sightings - (рhr) - истории о наблюдениях
valuable - /'чаеljuэЬэl, -jэЬэV - (adj) - ценный
talk dоwп to someone - (phr) - говорить с кеп,л-либо
valued - /'ralju:d/ - (adj) - ценный, высоко оценённый
values - l'vn|ju:zl- (п)- ценности

Wоrd List

vampire - /'чremршэ/ - (n) * ваlvпир well-developed - /,wel dr'velэpt/ - (adj) - хорошо развитый
variety - /ча'rаtэtt/- (n) - разнообразие weIl - rou nded - /,wei'rаопdэd/ - ( adj ) - плавн ый
vastly * /'vcsth/- (adv) - широко wегеwоlf - /'wеэwulf, 'wIэ] - (n) - оборотень
ve g etation - i,чеd5э'tе{эrr/ - ( n ) - расгител ьносгь whiпgеr - /wrпdзэ/ - (n) - нытик, халобщик
vending machine - /vendrl mэfi:r/ - (п) - aBTotr,laT с едой whip-/wrp/-(n)-KH}T
vent - /чепt/ - (п) - отвероие, канал whip cracking - /'wIр,krаkц/ - (п) - щёлканье хлыстом
vicar - /'чtkэ/ - (n) - священник, викарий whirling - lwз:llfl - (ad1) - крухащийся, вращающийся
vicious - /'vrjaУ - (ad1) - злобный, хеоокий whistle - /'wlsэU - (v) - свистеть
viciously - /'vrJэs|r/ - (adv) - угрохающе, жёстко wildfire - /'wаrldfаlэ/- (п) - похар
victory - /'чrktэrt/- (n) - победа windmill - /'wrndmrl/- (n) - ветряная мельница
viewpoint - /'чju:рэmt/ - (п) - точка зрения wipe - /warp/- (v) - вытирать
vintage - /'чtпttdз/ - (ad1) - винтахный wire -/wаIэi - (n)- проволока
violence - /'чаIэlэпs/ - (п) - жестокость witness - /'wItпэs/ - (n, v) - 1 ) свидетель, 2) выоупать
violent - /'чаIэlэпt/- (adj) - сильный свидетелеN/
violently - /чаIэlэпth/- (adv) бешено, сильно wопdеr - /wлпdэ/ - (n, v) - 'l ) чудо; 2) удивляться
virtual - /'чз:tJuаU - (ad1) - виртуальный wonderful - /wлпdаfаU - (adj) * чудесный
visualisation - /,чIзuаlаt'zе{эr/ - (n) - наглядное представление, wood - /wud/ - (n) - дерево, древесина
визуализация wool-/KiU- (n)- шерсть
vital - /'vaItU - (adj) - хизненно необходимый work-based - /'wз:kЬеIst/ - (adj) - без отрыва от производства
vocational college * /чэо'kеtJэпэl kоlrdз/ - (п) * worthwhile - /,wз:O'wаIV - (adj) - полезный, оправданный
п рофессионально-техн ическое
учил ище worthy - /'wз:ёil - (adj) - сгоит того
voice-activated - /,чэls'аktэчеtэd/ - (adj) - активирующийся wound -/wu:nd/- (п)- рана
голосOlv wreckage - /rckldy' - (n) * крушение
volcano - /чпl'kеtпэil/ - (п) - вулкан wrigglе - /'пgэU - (v) - извиваться
volunteer - /,чпlэп'ttэ/ - (v) - доброволец phrasal verbs
volunteer 9rоuр - /,чпlэп'ttэ,gru:р/ - (п) - группа добровольцев
wаrm sth up * /'wэ:m лр/ (рhr v) - разогревать что-либо
Phrases wash away - /,wпJэ'wеt/ - (phr v) - смь!вать
verticalfarming - (рhr) - вертикальное выращивание whip up - /,wtp',tp/ - (рhr v) - быстро подняться
(расений) wipe out - /'watp аоt/(рhr v) - стирать
violent storm - (phr) - сильная гроза Phrases
vital гоlе - (рhr) - важная роль
wait iп Irne - (phr) - хдать в очереди
virtually unknown - (рhr) * практически неизвестный
walk Ьаrеfооt up а staircase of knives - (рhr) - идти босиком по
vocal chord - (рhr) - голосовые связки
лестнице из нохей
voice coaching lesson - (phr) - урок пения
watch lectures/educational videos online - (phr) - смотреть
volcanic ash - (prr) - вулканический пепел
лекции/обучающие видеофильмы онлайн
volcanic eruption - (phr) - изверхение вулкана
weather forecast * (phr) - прогноз погоды
W wеаthеr phenomena - (рhr) - погодное явление
welcome addition - (рhr) - приятное дополнение
walking stick - /wэ:krrl sпld - (п) клюка
wiп а scholarship to а college/university - (phr) - получить
wander around - /,wопdэt a'laund/ * (v) - бродить вокруг
грант/стипендию для обучения в
wаr сrу - /'wэ: krar/ - (п) - военный клич
warning * /'wэ:пlц/ - (n) - предупреждение
win а sports competition - (рhr) - выиграть спортивное
соревнOва н ие
without а second thought * (phr) - без задней мысли
wasteland - /'weTstland, -lэпd/ - (п) - пустошь, пустырь
work as а beekeeper - (рhr) - работать пчеловодом
wаtеr pollution - /'wэ:tэ рэlui[оп/ - (n) - загрязнение воды
wrар up wаrm - (рhr) - закугываться
wаtеrу - /'wJ:tэгI/ - (ad1) - водянистый
wriпklе your nose - (phr) - N/орщитъ нос
wavy - /'wеwl/ - (ad1) - волнистый
weak - /wi:k/- (ad1) - слабый Y
wealthy - /we10/ - (adj) - обеспеченный, богатый
wеароп - /'wepan/- (n) - орухие
Yеоmап Wаrdеr - /jэоmап'wс:dа/ - (п) - бифитер

weather balloon - /'wеdэ Ьэ,lul/ - (n) - метеорологический Phrases

зонд youth group - (phr) - п,лолодёжная группа
weird -/wIad/- (adj)- странный

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