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Unit 15 Late payers

Late payers and small businesses

1h 2j 3e 4k 5a 6g 7i 8d 9b 10f 11 c


1 Lack of cash (because vou are a victim of late pavment / falling
order book / overtrading due to rapid growth) or poor financial management
2 Cashrow problems,unauthorsed overdraits and high bank
charges, time-consuming and stresstul
3 Businesses which are victims of late payment may refuse to do business, may only accept cash in advance, will not trust late payers in
4 Check credit worthiness, set credit limits, automate bookkeeping and monitor payments of invoices, keep your bank informed, have
procedures for recovering debts.

1 constraints
2 unauthorised
3 punitive (bank) charges
6 undle
5 upfront
6 overdue
7 sound
8 root causes

Letter to a late payer

Listening 1
1 two customers
2 cash-flow/cashflow difficulties
3 overdraft
4 credit limit
5 registered letter
6 11 days

Grammar workshop: complex sentences

1 According to 2 However 3 which 4 As 5 As a consequence
6 not only 7 but also 8 since 9 with whom 10 and that
1 The bank which normally handles our transactions has agreed to extend our overdraft for another month.
2 I regret to inform you that not only do we keed a list of late payers,but also we share this information with other suppliers /...but we also
share this information with other suppliers.
3 We may have to put this matter in the hands of our lawver, which we would regret having to do.
4 As I informed you in my previous letter, we shall not be supplying you with any further goods.
5 According to my accountant, we should set a credit limit of 5000.

1 in a position
2 deeply regret
3 unpleasantness
4 mutually profitable
5 further
6 settle your account with
7 assured
8 prompt
9 indicated
10 shortly
11 outstanding
12 awaiting

Listening 2
1 cash flow
2 pay promptly
3 no good reason
4 team
5 legitimate reasons
6 satisfied with
1 paragraph 1
2 paragraph 2
3 paragraph 2
4 paragraph 3
5 paragraph 3
6 paragraph 3
7 paragraph 4

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