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Л.М. Гудкова, О.В. Терентьева



П р ед и с ло в и е .................................................... 6 Вариант 8
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 45
П И С Ь М Е Н Н А Я Ч А С Т Ь ................................ 7 Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ............... 46
Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
В ариант 1 и лексике ................................................. 49
Раздел 1. Задания по ауди ровани ю . . . . 7 Раздел 4. Задание по письму ............... 50
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 8
Вариант 9
Раздел 3. Задания по гр ам м атик е
и л е к с и к е ...................................................... 11 Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 51
Раздел 4. Задание по п и сьм у ................ 12 Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ............... 52
Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
В ариант 2 и лексике ................................................. 55
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . . 13 Раздел 4. Задание по письму ............... 56
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 14
Вариант 10
Раздел 3. Задания по гр ам м ати к е
и л е к с и к е ...................................................... 16 Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 57
Раздел 4. Задание по п и с ь м у .................. 17 Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ............... 58
Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
В ариант 3 и лексике ................................................. 61
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 18 Раздел 4. Задание по п и с ь м у ................. 62
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 19
Раздел 3. Задания по грам м атике Вариант 11
и лексике .................................................... 21 Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 63
Раздел 4. Задание по п и сьм у ................ 22 Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ............... 64
Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
В ариант 4
и л е к с и к е ................................................... 67
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 23
Раздел 4. Задание по п и с ь м у ................. 68
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 24
Раздел 3. Задания по гр ам м ати к е Вариант 12
и ле к с и к е .................................................... 26 Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 69
Раздел 4. Задание по п и сьм у ................ 27 Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ............... 70
Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
Вариант 5
и л е к с и к е ................................................... 73
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 28
Раздел 4. Задание по письму ............... 74
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 29
Раздел 3. Задания по гр ам м ати к е Вариант 13
и л ек си к е .................................................... 32 Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 75
Раздел 4. Задание по п и сьм у ................ 33 Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ............... 76
Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
В ариант 6
и л ек с и к е ................................................... 78
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 34
Раздел 4. Задание по письму ............... 80
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 35
Раздел 3. Задания по гр ам м ати к е Вариант 14
и л ек си к е .................................................... 37 Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 81
Раздел 4. Задание по п и сьм у ................ 38 Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ............... 82
Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
В ариант 7
и л ек с и к е ................................................... 85
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 39
Раздел 4. Задание по письму ............... 86
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 40
Раздел 3. Задания по гр ам м атик е Вариант 15
и лексик е .................................................... 43 Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 87
Раздел 4. Задание по п и сьм у ................ 44 Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ............... 88

Раздел 3. Задания по грам м атике Раздел 2. Задания по чтен и ю .................. 136

и л е к с и к е ................................................... : 91 Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
Раздел 4. Задание по п и с ь м у ................ 92 и л е к с и к е ..................................................... 139
Раздел 4. Задание по письму ................ 140
В ариант 16
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 93 Вариант 24
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 94 Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию. . . .141
Раздел 3. Задания по грам м атике Раздел 2. Задания по чтен и ю .................. 142
и л е к с и к е .................................................... 97
Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
Раздел 4. Задание по п и с ь м у ................ 98 и л е к с и к е ..................................................... 145
В ариант 17 Раздел 4. Задание по письму ................ 146
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 99
Вариант 25
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 100
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию. . . . 147
Раздел 3. Задания по грам м атике
Раздел 2. Задания по чтению ...................148
и л е к с и к е ...................................................... 103
Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
Раздел 4. Задание по п и с ь м у .................. 104
и л е к с и к е ..................................................... 151
В ариант 18 Раздел 4. Задание по письму ................ 152
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 105
Вариант 26
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 106
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию. . . . 153
Раздел 3. Задания по гр ам м ати к е
и л е к с и к е ...................................................... 109 Раздел 2. Задания по чтению ...................154
Раздел 4. Задание по п и с ь м у .................. 110 Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
и л е к с и к е ..................................................... 157
В ариант 19 Раздел 4. Задание по письму ................ 158
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 111
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 112 Вариант 27
Раздел 3. Задания по гр ам м ати к е Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию. . . . 159
и л е к с и к е ...................................................... 115 Раздел 2. Задания по чтению ...................160
Раздел 4. Задание по п и с ь м у .................. 116 Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
и л е к с и к е ..................................................... 163
В ариант 20
Раздел 4. Задание по письму ................ 164
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 117
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 118 Вариант 28
Раздел 3. Задания по грам м атике Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию. . . . 165
и л е к с и к е ...................................................... 121 Раздел 2. Задания по чтению ...................166
Раздел 4. Задание по п и с ь м у .................. 122 Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
и л е к с и к е ................... .,............................... 169
В ариант 21
Раздел 4. Задание по письму ................ 170
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 123
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 124 Вариант 29
Раздел 3. Задания по грам м атике Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию. . . . 171
и л е к с и к е ...................................................... 127
Раздел 2. Задания по чтению ...................172
Раздел 4. Задание по п и с ь м у .................. 128
Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
В ариант 22 и л е к с и к е ..................................................... 175
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 129 Раздел 4. Задание по письму ................ 176
Раздел 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ................ 130
Вариант 30
Раздел 3. Задания по гр ам м ати к е
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию. . . . 177
и л е к с и к е ...................................................... 133
Раздел 2. Задания по чтению .................. 178
Раздел 4. Задание по п и с ь м у .................. 134
Раздел 3. Задания по грамматике
В ариант 23 и л е к с и к е ..................................................... 181
Раздел 1. Задания по аудированию . . . 135 Раздел 4. Задание по письму ................ 182

В ариант 31 (К о н т р о л ь н ы й ) П р и л о ж е н и е 2. Ответы на з а д а н и я 280

Р а з д е л 1. Задания по аудированию . . . . 183 П р и л о ж е н и е 3. Порядок оценивания
Р а з д е л 2. Задания по ч т е н и ю ..................184 экзаменационных р аб о т ................................ 301
Р а з д е л 3. Задания по грам м атике П р и л о ж е н и е 4. Критерии оценивания
и л е к с и к е ........................................................ 188
выполнения задания 33
Р а з д е л 4. Задание по п и сьм у .................. 189
«Л и ч н ое письмо» ...........................................302
П р и л о ж е н и е 5. Критерии оценивания
У С Т Н А Я Ч А С Т Ь ............................................ 190
выполнения заданий устной ч а с т и 304
П р и л о ж е н и е 1. Л и т е р а т у р а ................................................... 306
Тексты аудиозаписей к разделу
«А уд ирование» и устной ч а с т и ...................221

Ц е л ь н а с т о я щ е го п о с о б и я — п о м о ч ь у ч а щ и м с я 9 -х к л а с с о в в к р а т ч а й ш и е с р о к и п о д г о т о ­
в и т ь с я к э к з а м е н у п о а н г л и й с к о м у я з ы к у в ф орм е о с н о в н о го го с у д а р с т в е н н о г о э к за м е н а
(О Г Э ). О но м о ж е т б ы т ь т а к ж е п о л е з н о у ч и т е л я м , к о т о р ы е н а й д у т в н ё м н е о б х о д и м ы й м а т е р и ­
а л д л я работы на ур ок ах.
В с б о р н и к е п р е д с т а в л е н ы т и п о в ы е т р е н и р о в о ч н ы е в а р и а н ты э к за м е н а ц и о н н о й р а б о т ы ,
к о т о р ы е м о ж н о и с п о л ь з о в а т ь в к а ч ес т в е п р а к т и ч е с к о го м а т е р и а л а д л я п о д г о т о в к и к э к з а м е ­
н у . П о с о б и е о р и е н т и р о в а н о на а д а п т а ц и ю к те с т о в ы м т е х н о л о г и я м к о н т р о л я с у ч ё т о м и х н о ­
в ого ф ор м ата и с о д е р ж а н и я .
В со о т в ет с т в и и с д е м о н с т р а ц и о н н ы м в а р и а н то м О Г Э т р е н и р о в о ч н ы е в а р и а н т ы со с т о я т и з
п и с ь м е н н о й и у с т н о й ч а сти . П и с ь м е н н а я ч а с т ь р а б о т ы со ст о и т и з ч е т ы р ё х р а з д е л о в ( « З а д а ­
н и я по а у д и р о в а н и ю », «З а д а н и я п о ч т е н и ю », «З а д а н и я по г р а м м а т и к е и л е к с и к е » , «З а д а н и е
по п и с ь м у » ), в к л ю ч а ю щ и х в се б я 33 задания.
Р а зд е л 1 («З а д а н и я по а у д и р о в а н и ю ») с о д е р ж и т 8 за д а н и й , и з к о т о р ы х п ер в ы е два — на
у с т а н о в л е н и е о т в е т ст в и я и 6 за д а н и й с в ы б о р о м о д н о го п р а в и л ь н о г о о тв ета и з т р ё х п р е д л о ­
ж е н н ы х . Р е к о м е н д у е м о е в р е м я н а в ы п о л н е н и е р а з д е л а — 30 м и н у т .
Р а зд е л 2 («З а д а н и я п о ч т е н и ю » ) с о д е р ж и т 9 з а д а н и й , од н о и з к о т о р ы х на у с т а н о в л е н и е с о ­
о т в е т ст в и я и 8 за д а н и й с в ы б о р о м о д н о го п р а в и л ь н о г о отв ета и з т р ё х п р е д л о ж е н н ы х . Р е к о ­
м е н д у е м о е в р е м я на в ы п о л н е н и е р а з д е л а — 30 м и н у т .
Р а зд е л 3 («З а д а н и я п о г р а м м а т и к е и л е к с и к е » ) с о д е р ж и т 15 за д а н и й с к р а т к и м о тв е то м .
Р е к о м е н д у е м о е в р ем я на в ы п о л н е н и е р а з д е л а — 30 м и н у т .
Р а з д е л 4 («З а д а н и е по п и с ь м у » ) п р е д с т а в л я е т со б о й н е б о л ь ш у ю п и с ь м е н н у ю р а б о т у (н а п и ­
са н и е л и ч н о г о п и с ь м а ). Р е к о м е н д у е м о е в р е м я на в ы п о л н е н и е р а з д е л а — 30 м и н у т .
О б щ ее в р е м я п р о в е д е н и я п и с ь м е н н о й ч а ст и э к за м е н а — 120 м и н у т .
У с т н а я часть в к л ю ч а е т в себя 3 задания.
Задание 1 п р е д у с м а т р и в а е т ч т е н и е в с л у х н е б о л ь ш о г о т е к с т а н а у ч н о - п о п у л я р н о г о х а р а к ­
тер а. В р е м я н а п о д г о т о в к у — 1,5 м и н у т ы .
В зад ании 2 п р е д л а г а е т с я п р и н я т ь у ч а с т и е в у с л о в н о м д и а л о ге -р а с с п р о с е : о т в е т и т ь на
ш е с т ь у с л ы ш а н н ы х в а у д и о за п и с и в оп р осов т е л е ф о н н о го оп р оса.
В задании 3 н е о б х о д и м о п о с т р о и т ь св я зн о е м о н о л о г и ч е с к о е в ы с к а з ы в а н и е на о п р е д е л ё н ­
н у ю т е м у с о п о р о й на п л а н . В р е м я н а п о д г о т о в к у — 1,5 м и н у т ы .
О б щ ее в р е м я о тв ета о д н о го у ч а с т н и к а О ГЭ (в к л ю ч а я в р е м я н а п о д г о т о в к у ) — 15 м и н у т .
В н у т р и к а ж д о г о р а з д е л а з а д а н и я р а с п о л о ж е н ы п о п р и н ц и п у н а р а с т а н и я с л о ж н о с т и от б а ­
з о в о го у р о в н я д о п о в ы ш е н н о го , ч т о н е о б х о д и м о у ч е с т ь п р и р а с п р е д е л е н и и в р е м е н и на и х в ы ­
п о л н е н и е . П р е д л а г а е м ы е в а р и а н ты п о м о г у т с о ста в и т ь п р е д с т а в л е н и е о с т р у к т у р е п р е д с т о я ­
щ е г о э к за м е н а , к о л и ч е с т в е , ф орм е и у р о в н е с л о ж н о с т и з а д а н и й , а т а к ж е в ы р а б о т а т ь п р а ­
в и л ь н у ю с т р а т е ги ю п о д г о т о в к и к э к за м е н у .
П о о к о н ч а н и и в ы п о л н е н и я за д а н и й к а ж д о г о и з р а з д е л о в не за б ы в а й т е п е р е н о с и т ь св ои о т ­
в еты в Б л а н к отв етов № 1. П р и в ы п о л н е н и и з а д а н и я р а з д е л а «З а д а н и е по п и с ь м у » п о л н ы й
ва р и а н т о тв е та н е о б х о д и м о за п и с а т ь в Б л а н к о тв етов № 2. В ы п о л н е н и е за д а н и й к у с т н о й р е ­
ч и ф и к с и р у е т с я э к за м е н а т о р о м в с п е ц и а л ь н о м б л а н к е отв етов к у с т н о й ч а сти .
П о с л е в ы п о л н е н и я в се х за д а н и й вы м о ж е т е с в е р и ть св ои отв е т ы с клю чам и , п р е д с т а в л е н ­
ны ми в прилож ении.
В п о со б и и т а к ж е п р и в е д е н ы тексты д л я ауди рован и я, тексты к устной части и возм ож ­
ные варианты ответов на задание 33 (п и с ь м о л и ч н о г о х а р а к т е р а ).
П о с л е в ы п о л н е н и я к а ж д о го ва р и ан та р а б о т ы п р о а н а л и з и р у й т е д о п у щ е н н ы е в а м и о ш и б ­
к и , в ы п и ш и т е и в ы у ч и т е в с т р е т и в ш и е с я н е зн а к о м ы е с л о в а , е щ ё раз п о в т о р и т е гр а м м а т и ч е с ­
к и е п р а в и л а , з н а н и й к о т о р ы х вам о к а з а л о с ь н е д о ста то ч н о . П о с т а р а й т е с ь в ы п о л н и т ь к а к
м о ж н о б о л ь ш е за д а н и й и н а б р а ть н а и б о л ь ш е е к о л и ч е с т в о б а л л о в н а эк за м ен е .
В связи с возм ож ны м и изм ен ен и ям и в ф орм ате экзам ен а реком ендуем в процессе
подготовки обращ аться к м атериалам сайта оф ициального разработчика экзам ен ац и о н н ы х
зад ан и й — Ф е д е р а ль н о го института п ед агоги ч еск и х и зм ерений : w w w .fip i.r u .

Ж е л а е м у сп е х а !



Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому
д иалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И спользуйте
каждое место дейстаия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место

1. In the park. 4. A t the airp o rt.

2. In the street. 5. A t home.
3. In the garden.

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквам и.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие между высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. Th e speaker thinks i t ’ s a cu ltu ral shock.

2. Th e speaker talks about the h air fa c to r.
3. The speaker says th ere are no problem s.
4. The speaker talks about a liv e exam ple.
5. The speaker says i t ’ s much m ore than good looks.
6. The speaker talks about a stran ge d iet.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквам и.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h e n w ill J an e’ s cousins a rrive ?

1) On M onday. 2) On Sunday. 3) On Saturday.
О т в е т :_____________________ .

Jane te lls M a ry about h er cou sin s’ a r riv a l because

1) she hopes to g e t M a r y ’ s help.
2) she doesn’ t know w hat to arran ge.
3) M a ry has a good idea.
W h a t is the best th in g at P iz z a H u t?
1) C o ffe e . 2) Ice cream . 3) P iz z a .
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t film are th ey g o in g to watch?

1) F rien d s A broa d. 2) D a rk R a in . 3) C atch a T a x i.
О т в е т :______________________.

M a ry is unsure about the boat trip because

1) it is on M on d ay m orn in g.
2) it can be too crow ded.
3) it can be too early.
О т в е т :______________________.

H o w do th ey choose to go to the beach?

1) B y train . 2) B y b icycle. 3 ) B y bus.
Ответ: .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому
тексту, обозначенному буквами А -G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный
цифрами. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

P la n n in g can be b e tte r Sad fig u re s

Sad, but tru e A n im p o rta n t social d u ty
L o o k in g fo r advan tages o f ten der clim ate 7. A good w a y to d isco ver local sigh ts
4. V e r y unusual indeed 8. M u d d y w a lk in g routes

A . G ard en in g is a w ell-kn ow n fa v o u rite . A s the w eath er in B rita in is ra th er m ild ,

B ritish people m anage to do ga rd e n in g alm ost all the yea r round. S om etim es this can be
ju st w eed in g and som etim es, serious veg e ta b le and fr u it g ro w in g . In fa c t, the B ritis h can
alw ays fin d p len ty to do in e ith er a sm all or a b ig garden. E v e ry Sunday m o rn in g (ex cep t
fo r w in te r) th ey com e out to m ow th e ir lawns. Th e B ritish see an u n tid y law n, not o n ly as
a sign o f laziness, but also as d isrespect to others.
B. W a lk in g is also v e r y popular. A s k any B ritish person i f th ey have a p air o f w a lk in g
boots and the answ er w ill p robably be yes. E xcept fo r d ry sum m er days, the b ea u tifu l
B ritish cou n trysid e is m uddy, so you need a good p a ir o f w a lk in g boots to e n jo y y o u r
w alk. W a lk in g as a leisu re a c tiv ity has a lo n g tra d itio n in E nglan d. Y o u can buy a v a r ie ty
o f maps and gu ides to w a lk in g routes. O rga n ized w a lk in g w ith a grou p o f lik e-m in ded
people and a good gu ide is also v e r y popular.
C. A n d , o f course, the fam ous B ritish e cc e n tric ity is the cause o f such sports as
e x tre m e iro n in g . E xtrem e iro n in g is a serious sport w h ere team s o f people com pete at
w ho can do th e ir iro n in g in m ore extre m e con d ition s (f o r exam ple, u n der the w a te r or
rid in g a b icycle). E xtrem e iro n in g is now an in tern a tio n a l sport w ith serious
com p etition s and o rga n ized events.
D. O f course, not all B ritis h people keep f i t by e n g a g in g in e xtrem e sports. M an y go
to the gym , sw im m in g pool or fitn ess classes. H o w e ve r, it has to be said th at the B ritish
АНТ 1 9

are not the sp ortiest n ation in the w orld . Y o u see, w a tch in g T V o fte n gets in the w ay.
In crea sin gly , B ritish people spend th e ir fr e e tim e w a tch in g T V . The o n ly c o m fo rtin g
th in g is th at th ey are n ot on th e ir ow n — m ost o f the w o rld seems to be d oin g the same!
E. A s fa r as actu ally g o in g aw ay on h olid a y, m any B ritish people choose to spend th e ir
h olidays abroad, p re fe ra b ly som ew here w arm and d ry. Spain, France and G reece are
re gu la r cou n tries due to con ven ien t loca tion and kind clim ate. I t ’ s a good idea fo r
ch an gin g the scenery and e n jo y in g new places w ith o u t too much trou ble.
F. U n lik e the popular b elie f, w in ter is a v e r y busy tim e fo r com panies sellin g holidays.
People get so fed up w ith bad w eath er and stress that th ey just cannot w a it to ge t away.
Some people also buy holidays fo r the sum m er or even n ext year d u rin g the fe s tiv e season
as it can w ork out s ig n ific a n tly cheaper than b u yin g closer to the tim e o f travel.
G. A c c o rd in g to statistics, the num ber o f fa m ily breakdow ns doubles in the post-
C hristm as p eriod as a resu lt o f stress, debt and over-consu m ption o f alcohol. A s it is a
w ell-kn ow n fa c t, some m agazines publish tips on how to cope w ith Christm as, such as
yo ga , m ed itation or h olidays abroad.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответствуют

содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано,
то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not
stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.

A Christmas Story
Y e a rs ago, th ere was a v e r y rich man whose m ain in terest in life was a rt collectin g.
H e was a w id o w er and he had a son, who shared his fa th e r ’ s passion. T o g e th e r th ey t r a v ­
elled around the w o rld , b u yin g the fin e s t pictu res fo r th e ir collection .
W a r put an end to th e ir tra v els . The yo u n g man le ft to serve his cou n try. A f t e r a fe w
weeks, his fa th e r g o t the news th at the yo u n g man had died w h ile ta k in g a fe llo w sold ier
to hospital.
M iserab le and lo n ely, the old man th o u gh t about the upcom ing C hristm as holidays.
On Christm as m orn in g, a knock on the d oor aw akened the depressed old man. A s he
opened the door, he saw a yo u n g sold ier w ith a la rg e package in his hand. ‘ I was a frie n d
o f you r s o n ,’ he said. ‘ I was the one he was rescu in g w hen he died. M ay I com e in? I have
som eth in g to show y o u .’
The sold ier to ld the old man how his son had saved his life and how e veryo n e in the
re gim e n t lo ved and respected him .
‘ I ’ m an a r tis t,’ said the sold ier, ‘ and I w an t to g iv e you th is .’ H e handed the package
to the old man. The old man unw rapped the package and saw th at it was a p ictu re — a
p o rtra it o f his son. The old man knew enough about a rt to understand th a t the p ictu re
was not the w ork o f a genius, but it was his son ’ s face, his fea tu res, his exp ression ... The
likeness was s trik in g .
The p a in tin g o f his son soon became his m ost p rize d possession. H e valu ed it m ore
than the pieces w h ich museums around the w o rld w ou ld be proud to have.
The fo llo w in g sp rin g, the old man becam e ill and died. A s he had no re la tiv e s , all his
p ain tin gs w ere to be sold at an auction. A c c o rd in g to the w ill o f the old man, the pictures
had to be auctioned on C hristm as day, the day he had received his g rea test g if t . A r t c o l­
lectors fro m around the w o rld ga th ered to buy some o f the w o r ld ’ s m ost fam ous p a in t­
in gs.
The au ction began w ith a p a in tin g th a t was not on any m useum ’ s list. It was the
p a in tin g o f the m an ’ s son. Th e au ctioneer asked fo r an open in g sum. The room was s i­
lent. ‘ W h o w ill start w ith $ 1 0 0 ? ’ he asked. N o one spoke. M in u tes passed. From the back

o f the room came, ‘ W h o cares about th a t p a in tin g? I t ’ s ju st a p ictu re o f his son. L e t ’ s

fo r g e t it and go on to the good s t u f f . ’
‘ N o , we have to sell this one f i r s t , ’ rep lied the au ctioneer. ‘ N o w , w ho w ill take the
son ?’
A f t e r a fe w m inutes a man stood up and said, ‘ I ’ m n ot an a rt collecto r, I ju st knew the
fa th e r and the son, and I ’ d lik e to have the b o y ’ s p o rtra it, i f nobody wants it. B ut I have
o n ly ten d o lla rs .’
‘ T en dollars. W i l l anyone go h ig h e r ? ’ called the au ctioneer. ‘ G o in g once, g o in g tw ice.
A n d now the au ction is o v e r .’
The room w en t qu iet. E ve ry b o d y looked at the au ction eer in d isb elief. Then som ebody
asked, ‘ W h a t do you mean i t ’ s o ver? W e d id n ’ t com e here fo r a p ictu re o f some old m an ’ s
son pain ted by an a rtis t nobody has heard o f. W h a t about all these p a in tin g s ? ’
The au ction eer rep lied , ‘ I t ’ s v e r y sim ple. A c c o rd in g to the w ill o f the fa th e r, w h o ever
takes the son ... gets it a ll.’

10 Th e old m an’ s son was a passionate artis t.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

11 T h e old man used to celebrate C hristm as w ith his son.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

12 The yo u n g man served as a m edical o ffic e r in the arm y.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

13 Th e so ld ier a rtis t m anaged to p ain t a close to life p o rtra it o f his frien d .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

14 C hristm as D ay was a special day fo r the old man.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

15 A r t collectors came to the au ction fo llo w in g the old m an’ s w ill.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

16 The p o rtra it was bou gh t by the old m an ’ s neighbour.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

17 The old man m ade a special w ill con cern in g his collection .
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

По окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

From the H istory of Skyscrapers

18 I t ’ s v e r y d iffic u lt to b elie ve the fa c t th at t h e ___________ sky- ONE
s c ra p e rs ________________ in C h icago d u rin g the 1880s. B U IL D
20 T h e y w ere the resu lt o f a need f o r . w o rk in g and liv in g MUCH
21 space in some A m eric a n b ig ________ w h ere the cost o f liv in g C IT Y
22 BE
v e r y high .
In stead o f u sin g a lo t o f exp en sive space on the grou nd
_____________ bu ild ers used the fr e e space o f the sky. THEY
The w alls o f the e a rly skyscrapers o fte n o f stone — MAKE
not fo r p ractical reasons, but to m ake t h e __ look solid and B U IL D IN G
stron g.
So the m ost fam ous sym bols o f A m e ric a _ m ore than a
cen tu ry ago.

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и слова­
ми. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

W h a t is G lobal W arm in g?
‘ G reenhouse e f f e c t ’ is a ctu a lly a fea tu re o f our NATURE

atm osphere w ith o u t w h ich life on our plan et w ou ld b e ________________ P O S S IB L E

C ertain atm osph eric gases w ork as a kind o f blan ket, k eepin g the E arth
w arm . The am ount o f these ‘ green h ou se’ gases used to be m ore or less
29 the same fo r cen tu ries. B ut t h e _______________ re v o lu tio n broke this IN D U S T R Y

30 balance. Because o f h ea vy in d u stry and oth er h u m a n ____ . the A C T IV E

am ounts o f C 0 2 and oth er gases have increased by 30% .
____________ average
Clim ate experts p red ict th at by 2050 the __________ GLO BE
tem peratu re w ill rise by 2 -3 degrees. It doesn’ t seem much. Rem em ber,
32 how ever, th at t h e _____________ between the average global tem peratures D IF F E R
now and the last ice age (20,000 years ago) is on ly 6 to 8 degrees.

По окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Разд ел 4. ЗА Д А Н И Е ПО П И СЬМ У

Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. При выполнении задания

33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться тольк о по записям,
сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут учиты ваться эк ­
спертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма пись­
ма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый
объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u h ave 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u h ave received a le tte r fro m yo u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , Ben.

.. .The thought of eating a dead animal actually m akes me sick. So, I eat a lot of vegetables,
fruit and nuts. Som etim es a few e g g s or a little cheese is possible. I’m sure that being a veggie
is good for health. ...
What do you think about being a veggie? What’s your diet? How do you keep fit?

W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.

W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em ber the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие м еж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому
д иалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те
каждое место действия из списка 1—5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место

1. A t the ch em ist’ s. 4. In a shop.

2. A t the d o c to r’ s. 5. A t a tr a v e l agency.
3. A t the h a ird resser’ s.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш и те пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker doesn’ t object g o in g to school b y tram .

2. The speaker usually goes to school by car.
3. The speaker usually goes to school by underground.
4. The speaker p refe rs to go to school by bus.
5. The speaker likes g o in g to school by bike.
6. The speaker is happy to go to school by skateboard.
З апиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h y has Susan been busy la tely ?

1) She has been a rra n g in g her h olidays. 3) She has been lo o k in g fo r a job.
2) She has been s ta y in g at h er au n t’ s place.
О т в е т :_____________________ .

W h a t kind o f job can A n n ’ s fa th e r o ffe r ?

1) A m anager. 2) A shop assistant. 3) A secretary.
О т в е т :_____________________ .

H o w much does A n n earn at h er fa th e r ’ s shop?

1) £ 4.00 per hour. 2) £ 4.50 p er hour. 3) £ 5.00 per hour.

Susan is en th usiastic about g e ttin g the job because

1) th ere is not too much w ork.
2) she likes it.
3) she can w o rk to g e th e r w ith her frien d .

W h e re does A n n th in k is the best place to h ave lunch?

1) A t home. 2) In the park. 3 ) A t P iz z a H ut.
О т в е т :______________________.

A f t e r the con versation w ith A n n Susan decides

1) to apply fo r a job. 2) to fin d an easier job. 3) to talk to h er parents.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. L ik e me and you 5. Y o u r ow n in d ica to r

2. N ob od y w ill see you in it 6. A robot fo r a pet
3. Some fa c ts about robots 7. F o r coach potatoes
4. A t yo u r service 8. T h e y are am ong us
A . The w ord ‘ ro b o t’ is a Czech w ord fo r a servan t o r slave. It was in ven ted b y a Czech
w r ite r K a re l Capek in 1920. Th e w o rd ‘ ro b o tics ’ was fir s t used by Isaac A s im o v in 1937
in a s to ry called Robby. The sm allest rob ot in the w o rld is nano-bot. T h ey are sm all
enough to tra v e l in side yo u r blood vessels. One o f the hardest th in gs to make a rob ot do...
is w alk.
B. A ib o the dog, design ed by Sony, can w alk, talk and w a g its ta il. It can express
em otions o f happiness, sadness, surprise, fe a r and d islik e. Y o u can talk to it and it w ill
respond. A ib o can read y o u r e-m ail and take pictu res. Y o u can p rogram m e A ib o to
respond to a s p ecific name. Y o u can also change its s o ftw a re so th at it becomes a puppy.
Y o u d on ’ t h ave to clean a fte r it and its fe e d in g is v e r y cheap — ju st rech arge its
b atteries.
C. I f you are sick and tire d o f h elp in g yo u r parents about the house, then a new robot
can be the answer. It has been d esign ed to make the p eop le’ s liv es easy. T h is y e llo w robot
w ith b rig h t eyes can do d iffe r e n t jobs fo r you and help you rem em ber th in gs you have to
do. I t ’ s so c le v e r th a t w hen his b atteries run out, the rob ot knows th at it needs to
rech a rge them and does it its e lf.
D. A s im o is a hum anoid robot. It has tw o legs, tw o arms and red lig h ts fo r eyes. It can
w alk, ta lk clim b stairs and even dance. It can also reco gn ize p eop le’ s faces, gestu res and
voices. It took H o n d a’ s engineers 16 years to create A s im o . T o d a y ’ s m odel is 120 cm ta ll
and w eigh s 43 kg. The rob ot is n ot fo r sale because its creators w an t it to becom e even
m ore in te llig e n t.
E. I f you w a n t to h ave a rob ot th a t can understand how you fe e l, then the crea tion o f
tw o U S scien tists w ill be o f in terest. T h e y ’ d lik e th e ir m odel to be sen sitive to our moods
and em otions. T h e ir rob ot w o n ’ t have em otions o f its own but it should be able to respond
to its o w n e r’ s m ood. So, i f you fe e l sad, the robot w ill ask i f it can help you. I t ’ s not an
easy job because everyo n e shows em otions in qu ite d iffe r e n t ways.
F. A Japanese p ro fesso r has in ven ted an in v is ib ility coat. A cam era on the back o f the
p erson ’ s head film s the scene behind them and p rojects it on to the coat. The tech n o lo gy
- ЭИАНТ 2 15

has p ractical application s: in the fu tu re doctors could see ‘ th ro u g h ’ th e ir hands or oth er

obstacles when th e y are d oin g operation s.
G. A n am azin g new sofa has been in ven ted b y a grou p o f scien tists in N o rth e rn
Irelan d . A s soon as you sit dow n on it, it w ill know i t ’ s you. The sofa is connected to a
com pu ter and w eigh s you when you sit on it, then it checks its m em ory and decides who
you are. Then i t ’ ll be able to set lots o f elec tric a l appliances ju st how you lik e them , lik e
the lig h ts or m aybe the T V w ith o u t you h a v in g to m ove a fin g e r.

З апиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквам и.

Текст A В С D Е F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — T ru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

The Best Picture

W h en Sebastian was a boy at school, his fa v o u rite lesson was art, and he w on several
p rizes fo r it. Once he le ft school, he g o t a p osition as a clerk in a bank, but th ree tim es a
week he w en t to eve n in g classes in art, and w h en ever he had tim e at the w eekends, he
H e p ain ted in a v e r y m odern m anner — m ysteriou s objects and shapes, w om en w ith
th ree pink eyes, la rge blank areas, and so on.
A f t e r a fe w m onths he th ou gh t, ‘ Perh aps I can sell some o f m y p ictu res and get
enough m oney to a ffo r d to leave the bank and becom e a real a rtis t. Then I can tra v e l
around as much as I lik e, and go to fo r e ig n museums, and see oth er a r tis ts ’ p ain tin gs,
and study in o th er cou n tries w hen I fe e l lik e it. T h ou gh I tr y to make the best o f the job
and I d on ’ t re ga rd the w ork as d iffic u lt — at least not at present — I d on ’ t lik e life in a
bank. I o n ly en jo y p a in tin g .’
In the bank, Sebastian som etim es had to deal w ith a man w ho owned a p ictu re shop,
and a fte r he had had a fe w con versation s w ith him , Sebastian in v ite d him to his home one
e ve n in g to see some o f his w orks. ‘ Then perhaps you could te ll me w h eth er I can re a lly be
a good a rtis t and g e t some m oney fro m m y p a in tin g ,’ Sebastian said h o p efu lly.
The man said he was prepared to com e and see w h at he th o u gh t o f S eb astian ’ s w ork ,
so he a rriv e d one e ve n in g at Sebastian ’ s home. Sebastian took the man to his studio and
started to show him some o f his p ictu res, w ith some p ride and hope.
The man looked at them one a fte r the o th er w h ile Sebastian w atched his fa ce, but to
Sebastian ’ s d isappointm ent the man did not say a n yth in g, and his exp ression did not
change at any o f them eith er.
Then, when he had fin ish ed , he looked around, and his glance fe ll on som eth in g else.
A happy look came o v e r his face fo r the fir s t tim e, and he said, ‘ N o w I lik e th is one v e r y
much! I t ’ s so fu ll o f deep fe e lin g ! I ’ m sure I could sell th is one fo r yo u !’
‘ T h a t,’ said Sebastian, ‘ is the place w h ere I clean the p ain t o f f m y bru sh es.’

Sebastian earned his liv in g s ellin g his pictures.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

II H e fo llo w e d the m anner o f Picasso.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

12 I Sebastian ’ s dream was to change his life .

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

13 | H is w o rk qu ite s a tis fie d him .

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

14 | Sebastian o fte n used to ta lk about his p ain tin gs.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

15 | One o f his clien ts was a g re a t e x p e rt in m odern art.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

16 | Th e v is it o r was fascin ated by Sebastian ’ s pictures.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

17 | Th e v is it o r was gla d to buy one o f Sebastian ’ s pictures.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

По окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

W h a t Does It M ean to Be a Good Father?

18 I th in k m y m is s io n ___________ to becom e a good fa th e r. I th in k th at BE
a f a t h e r _______________ teach ch ild ren about good and e v il. H e must SH ALL
20 p r o t e c t ________________and help to solve th e ir problem s. THEY
T h e ________________rem em brance o f m y childh ood is m y fa th e r who B R IG H T
________________in to F a th er F ro s t on N e w Y e a r ’ s E ve. I knew it, but I CHANGE
n e v e r _______________ him about it because th ere was calm and peace in TELL
m y soul when I ________________ on his knees tou ch in g his beard. S IT
I f all fa th ers understood th e ir m issions our w o r ld ________________ b e­ W IL L
come b ette r and much m ore boys and g irls could say p rou d ly, ‘ M y f a ­
th er is t h e _________________’

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и слова­
ми. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

W h e re the C ar is King?

A s k an A m eric a n man to choose betw een lo sin g h is . COM FORT

house and lo sin g his car, and he m i g h t ___ choose to EASY

keep his car.
29 A car, a fte r all, g iv e s y o u _____________ and th is is w h at FREE
A m erican s w an t m ost o f all.
30 Th e car is such an im p o rta n t p a rt o f A m e ric a n L IV E
_____________________th a t m any p eop le ju s t ca n ’ t liv e w ith o u t it.
A w om an liv in g in a suburb, f o r exa m p le, has a tw e n ty -m in u te
d r iv e to ta k e h er c h ild re n to sch ool. She th en tu rn s h er car
arou n d and d riv e s f o r h a lf an h ou r in a n o th e r ___________ to g e t D IR E C T
to h er job in an o ffic e .

32 T o do her _, she has an oth er lo n g d riv e to a su- SHOP

p erm ark et, so she plans and buys fo o d fo r tw o weeks in one trip .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с
приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К ОТВЕТОВ № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превышаю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u h ave 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u h ave received a le tte r fro m yo u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , John.
... One of the most wonderful things I discovered last year was an electronic book. I load
some fantasy books from the Internet and read them everywhere I go. It’s so convenient! I’ve
even forgotten about sport m agazines I usually read.
What kind of books do teenagers in Russia read? Do any of your friends use electronic
books? What m agazines are popular with teens in your country?
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100— 120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w ritin g .


Вы два раза услы ш и те четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому
д иалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И спользуйте
каждое место действия из списка 1 -5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место

1. A t the d e n tis t’ s. 3. In the garden . 5. In the clin ic.

2. A t the shop. 4. A t home.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1—6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. Th e speaker speaks about the r ig h t w a y to dress.

2. Th e speaker thinks i t ’ s a p re tty bad m istake.
3. The speaker talks about some steps fo r b e tte r health.
4. The speaker talks about B ritis h character.
5. The speaker th in ks th ey d islik e you.
6. The speaker th in ks i t ’ s a usual th in g in B rita in .
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h a t is K a te lo o k in g fo rw a rd to?
1) H a v in g a w alk w ith frien d s. 3) H a v in g a good rest.
2) S eein g h er re la tive s.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h y does Don fe e l happy?

1) H e is ab solu tely fre e .
2) H e is g o in g fo r a w a lk w ith his frien d s.
3) H e has w ritte n an e xcellen t re p o rt fo r his science lesson.
О т в е т :______________________ .

K a te is n ’ t w o rried about h er studies because

1) she lik es w o rk in g at w eekends. 3) she has done h er w o rk in L ite ra tu re.
2) she has lit t le le ft to do.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t does Don decide to do on Sunday?

1) To go to the con cert. 3) To p lay tennis.
2) To w atch a th r ille r at the cinem a.
Ответ: .

W h a t does Don persuade K a te to do n ex t w eekend?

1) T o do some sport. 2) T o go s u rfin g . 3) T o have a lo t o f practice.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h en Don decides to jo in her K a te feels

1) em barrassed. 2) scared. 3) surprised.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие м еж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­

дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А -G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. Choice. 5. A g re a t problem .
2. T h e ir own du ty. 6. W a y s out.
3. B ein g a teenage m other. 7. Factors o f in flu en ce.
4. A chance fo r the baby. 8. A b it o f h istory.

A . In V ic to ria n B rita in any discussions o f sex and s ex u a lity w ere not allow ed and con ­
sidered im m oral. Since then, B rita in has seen the c ra zy six ties w ith th e ir new ideas o f
‘ fre e lo v e ’ and ‘ sexual r e v o lu tio n ’ . It has also seen the seven ties, w hen B ritish w om en b e­
gan to see th em selves as career-m akers as w e ll as m others and w ives. In the e igh tie s it
became norm al to see nude im ages on T V and in the n in eties nobody was any lo n ger su r­
prised at the g re a t num ber o f sexual im ages in the m edia.
B. A l l these social changes h a ven ’ t changed the B ritish attitu d e tow ards sex. A lo t o f
B riton s s till fin d it d iffic u lt to discuss sex. The U K has the h igh est p ro p o rtion o f teenage
pregnancies in W e s te rn Europe. Each yea r 90,000 g irls g e t pregn an t. 2,200 o f these are
under 14 and 77,000 are under 16 years old. The B ritis h fig u r e fo r this yo u n ger grou p is
10 tim es h igh er than in Japan and ten tim es h igh er than in Sweden and the N eth erlan d s,
w h ere a ttitu d es to sex are m ore open.
C. Th e d ram atic situ a tion w ith teenage pregnan cies in the U K is due f ir s t ly to the
lack o f sex education, secondly, to the lack o f gen eral education and th ird ly to the lack o f
necessary fa m ily support. I t ’ s w e ll known th a t m ost teenage m others come fro m p oo rly
educated and d ep rived fa m ilies.
D. B ein g a teenage m other is not easy. Some pregnant teenage g irls decide to have an
abortion. H ow ever, some decide to go all the way. Q uite o ften , keepin g the baby means n ev ­
er con tinu in g education and endin g up unem ployed and liv in g on ben efits fro m the state.
E. I t ’ s clear th at b etter and m ore open sex education can help p reven t teenage p re g ­
nancies. C on tracep tive advice and services can also have a p o s itiv e in flu en ce on teen a g­
e rs ’ sexual beh avior. C reatin g special support schools, w here school-age m others can com ­
bine school education w ith lo o k in g a fte r the babies is a good idea. T his giv e s the youn g
m others a chance to make th e ir w ay in the w o rld and not to depend on state b en efits.
F. B e fo re g iv in g b irth to th e ir babies, you n g m oth ers m ostly con cen trate on th e ir so­
cial life . Instead o f stu d yin g or h elp in g th e ir fa m ilie s th ey w ould go out clubbing and
d rin k in g. T h ey d on ’ t re a lize th at h a vin g a baby means a lo t o f personal resp o n sib ility
and th at v e r y o fte n m em bers o f th e ir fa m ilie s can ’ t or even d o n ’ t w ant to share it.

G. In some cou n tries sin gle m others are o b liged by law to g iv e the newspapers some
d etails o f th e ir past i f th ey w a n t to g iv e the baby up fo r adoption. Th e you n g wom en
m ust g iv e th e ir name, h eig h t, w e ig h t, eye color, the names o f th e ir sexual p artners and
etc. T h is is done to g iv e the b ab y’ s fa th e r, w ho m ay or m ay not know about the baby,
a chance to claim re sp o n sib ility fo r the ch ild b e fo re it can be adopted.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.
Текст A В С D Е F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N ot stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

The Mystery o f A g a th a Christie

A g a th a C h ristie is one o f the w o r ld ’ s best-know n and b est-loved authors. H e r fam ous
d etec tiv es , H ercu le P o ir o t and M iss M arp le, and h er b r illia n tly con stru cted n ovels have
cau ght the im a gin a tio n o f gen era tion s o f readers. T h ou gh she liv e d to an old age and
w ro te m any books, she d id n ’ t re ve a l much about h er personal life .
In D ecem ber 1926, an in cid en t happened w h ich could be a d e te c tiv e s to ry in its e lf.
A t the h eig h t o f h er success w ith h er f ir s t n ovel, she suddenly disappeared fo r ten days.
A t th a t tim e she was distressed because her husband was h a v in g an a f f a ir w ith an oth er
w om an and w an ted a d ivo rce. She was sleepin g badly, she cou ldn ’ t w r ite and she was ea t­
in g v e r y little .
On F rid a y 3rd D ecem ber, A g a th a to ld her secretary C h arlotte th at she w anted a day
alone. W h en C h arlotte retu rn ed in the even in g, she fou n d th at the ga rage doors w ere open
and the m aids looked frig h te n e d . A c c o rd in g to them , M rs C h ristie had g o t in to her car at
about eleven in the even in g and d rive n o f f qu ick ly w ith ou t sayin g an yth in g to anybody.
C h arlotte w a ited an x io u sly all n ig h t but A g a th a d id n ’ t retu rn . E a rly the n ex t m orn ­
in g the p olice fou n d A g a th a ’ s em p ty car w ith its lig h ts on. T h ere was no trace o f A g a th a .
A n ation -w ide hunt fo r the m issin g n o ve list began. The p olice w ere suspicious. D id
the servan ts know a n yth in g else? W a s A g a th a ’ s husband h id in g a n yth in g ? N ew spapers
p rin te d w ild stories about h er disappearance — th a t she had com m itted suicide, th a t she
had been kidnapped, th a t she had run aw ay w ith h er secret lo ve r. Some even suggested
th at she had planned the w h ole th in g as a p u b licity stunt.
The m ystery ended ten days later when A g a th a was fou nd a live and w ell in H arrogate,
a health spa in Y o rk sh ire. H e r husband explained to the w a itin g reporters th at she had lost
her m em ory. But to this day, nobody re a lly knows w hat happened d u rin g those ten days.

A g a th a C h ristie d id n ’ t lik e to disclose her p riva cy .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

C h ristie used some fa c ts o f h er life in her d etec tiv e stories.

1) T ru e 2) False 3 ) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

A g a th a C h ristie w an ted to d ivo rc e h er husband.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: .

13 I A g a th a C h ristie had a lo t o f problem s w ith her health.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: .

C h ris tie ’ s servan t was g re a tly w o rrie d b y her absence.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

R ep o rters helped the p olice to in v e s tig a te the case.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

A lo t o f rum ours w ere published in the press.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

N ew spapers g o t fu ll exp lan ation s fro m A g a th a C h ris tie ’ s husband.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

The A B C of Success
I t ’ s in te re s tin g th a t m any successful p oliticia n s and rich people
18 seem to share a com m on c h a r a c te r is tic :___________ surnam es are lik e ly THEY
to be in the fir s t h a lf o f the alphabet. T w e n ty -s ix o f P res id en t Bush’ s
predecessors, in clu d in g his fa th e r, ___________ surnam es in the fir s t HAVE
h a lf o f the A B C again st ju st 16 in the second h alf.
~ 20 ~
O f 19 B ritish p rim e m in isters ___________ in the 20th cen tu ry, all ELE CT
except W ils o n and T h a tch er w ere blessed w i t h _________________b e g in ­ SURNAM E
n in g w ith le tte rs betw een A and M .
A n d the w o r ld ’ s f i v e ____________men, in clu d in g G ates, are all close R IC H
to the top o f the alphabet.
E ven the Spice G irls, t h e _______ fem a le grou p, fo llo w the ru le SUCCESSFUL
Beckham (A d a m s), B row n, Bunton, Chisholm and H a lliw e ll.
T h e ___________________ hope fo r those people whose surnames GOOD
w ith le tte rs betw een A and M , is to go in to business. N O T B E G IN
~26~ N in e o f the w o r ld ’ s 10 la rg es t com panies RUN
by bosses
w ith surnam es in the second p art o f the alphabet.

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В13—В18, так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и слова­
ми. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию В13—В18.

The M an Behind James Bond

D id you know th a t the man w h o in ven ted Jam es Bond was a secret
agen t h im self? B e fo re he started w r itin g the Jam es Bond stories, Jan
F le m in g w ork ed fo r B ritish N a v a l In te llige n ce .
In some w ays, Jan F le m in g was ju st lik e Jam es Bond. W h en he was
27 you n g, w om en fou n d him v e r y _________ Jan F le m in g was also educated ATTRACT
28 at E ton and w a s ________________ in sports. IN T E R E S T

A n d lik e h is . . character, Jan F lem in g lik ed adven tu re, F IC T IO N

ga m b lin g, fa s t cars, fin e w ines and good food .
In 1939, Jan F le m in g m et som eone in the B ritish N a v a l In te llig e n ce
who was lo o k in g fo r b rig h t you n g men. T h ou gh he was yo u n g Jan
30 F le m in g was g iv e n a lo t o f ___________ R E S P O N S IB L E

31 H e p lotted in te llig en c e and carried out dangerous O PERATE

m issions. V e ry soon, he becam e the righ t-h a n d man to one o f B r ita in ’ s
32 top spym asters, A d m ira l John G o d fre y. D u rin g his q u it e ____________ca­ SUCCESS
reer, F le m in g m et m any im p o rta n t people and he used some o f them as
m odels fo r the characters in his books.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

О ТВ ЕТО В № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. П ри переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с
приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do this task.

Y o u h ave received a le tte r fro m y o u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , Simon.
...i’ve just returned from the mountains where I tried mountain biking and rafting! That was
great and really breath-taking. Of course, my mother was against such extreme activities, but
I got my father’s full support....
Have you or any of your friends ever tried extreme sports? If not, which of them would you
like to try? What do your parents think of such activities?...
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100— 120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w ritin g .


Вы два раза услы ш и те четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому
д иалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И спользуйте
каждое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место

1. A t the station . 3. On the phone. 5. On the plane.

2. On the train . 4. A t the custom s.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker talks about d rin k in g c o ffe e day and n igh t.

2. The speaker talks about good re la x a tio n w ith frien d s.
3. The speaker talks about the im p ortan ce o f b ein g fit .
4. The speaker talks about w a tch in g the tim e c a re fu lly .
5. The speaker talks about sh ort breaks.
6. The speaker talks about a good n igh t sleep b efo re exams.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш и те разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запиш ите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш и те запись дважды.

W h a t does P au l th in k about the cam era th ey see?

1) T h a t i t ’ s qu ite up-to-date.
2) T h a t he can’ t a ffo r d it.
3) T h a t he can g e t the necessary sum.
О т в е т :______________________.

R ea d in g the message P au l understands th at

1) he w ill g e t a cam era. 2) he w ill g e t m oney. 3) he w ill g e t a present.
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h y does H elen su ggest th a t P au l should buy a notebook?

1) Because it can be v e r y h elp fu l.
2) Because it is on sale.
3) Because th ere is n o th in g else in the shop.

W h a t does P a u l fin a lly decide to buy?

1) A n ew notebook to c a rry to college. 3) A new p rin te r instead o f the old one.
2) A new cam era he has been d rea m in g about.
О т в е т :______________________ .

H elen and P au l choose the m odel

1) w h ich his parents in sist on. 3) w h ich is sold round the corner.
2) w h ich is cheap enough.
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h e re do H elen and P a u l decide to go fir s t?

1) T o buy a new walkm an. 3) T o g e t a new p rin ter.
2) T o the shop round the corner.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к к а ж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами A —G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. A lo n g rou te 5. S exu al d iscrim in ation

2. Games am ong O lym pic Gods 6. A sigh t lik e no oth er
3. A ren ew ed tra d itio n 7. In honour o f sportsm en
4. A b it o f h is to ry 8. The m ain m o tiv a tio n

A . T o d a y ’ s O lym pic Games are v e r y d iffe r e n t fro m th e f ir s t ones, w h ich w ere held
e v e ry fo u rth sum m er in ancient G reece 2,800 years ago. A t th at tim e all w ars w ere
stopped fo r a p erio d o f the Games. W o m en cou ldn ’ t play; th ey w e re n ’ t even allow ed to
w atch. A th le te s com peted w ith o u t any clothes on! Th e e a rly even ts w ere foo traces. L ater,
w re s tlin g , ja v e lin , discus, ju m p in g and o th er even ts w ere added. A th le te s becam e stars
in those days, too. T h ere w ere no T V com m ercials, but w in n e rs ’ im ages o fte n appeared on
coins or as statues a fte r th e ir v ic to rie s . In 394, a R om an E m peror ended the ancient
O lym pics and th ey w e re n ’ t ren ew ed u n til m any cen tu ries later.
B. In 1896, a Frenchm an, Baron P ie r r e de C oubertin began w o rk in g to b rin g back the
O lym pics. H e hoped th a t the Games w ou ld help to p rom ote peace am ong nations. Tw o
years later, the f ir s t m odern O lym pics took place. O f course, th ey w ere held in G reece to
sym b olize the con tin u ation o f the cen tu ries-old tra d itio n . Th e O lym pics have changed
w ith the tim es. Th e f ir s t even ts fo r w om en w ere held in 1900. M an y sports h ave been
added. T h is year, fo r the f ir s t tim e, wom en com peted in the same num ber o f team sports
as men.
C. One o f the m ost fam ous O lym pic tra d itio n s is the lig h tin g o f the O lym pic flam e.
A u s tra lia n ath lete C ath y Freem an carried th e O lym pic torch up a w h ite stairw ay,
w a lk in g th ro u gh w a ter to lig h t the fla m e on stage. Freem an is an A b o rig in e , w hich
means her ancestors w ere the fir s t people to in h ab it A u s tra lia . She was the last o f six
A u s tra lia n w om en to ca rry the torch at the end o f its fou r-m on th jo u rn e y to the O lym pic

Stadiu m . These wom en carried the torch to its fin a l d estin ation to celebrate the 100th
a n n iversa ry o f w om en ’ s p a rticip a tio n in the Games.
D. Sm oke, fir e , m usic, dancing, horses and m arch in g bands am azed fan s as th ey
cheered team s fro m all o v e r the w o rld at the open in g cerem ony. Th e closin g cerem on y
was even m ore spectacular — w ith g ia n t shrim p on b icycles, shin y robots on stilts,
a Fran ken stein kan garoo and a huge in fla ta b le eyeball. F irew o rk s — the b ig g e s t the
w o rld had e v e r seen — lit up the S ydney H arbou r B rid ge.
E. Th e O lym pic Games a ren ’ t ju st about w in n in g. The real th r ill is com p etin g again st
the best players on earth. In o th er w ords, ‘ E v e ry ath lete w ants to fa ce an opponent w h o ’ s
h a v in g the p erform a n ce o f a life tim e . T h a t is w hen you tr u ly fin d th at you are the b e s t.’
F. In old tim es wom en w ere n eith er allow ed to take p art in the O lym p ic Games o r even
to w atch them at the stadium . F o r v io la tin g o f these rules wom en could be s ev erely
punished and even execu ted. T h ere was a sin g le excep tion , w hen a w om an coached her
son and accom panied him to the stadium in m en ’ s clothes. She w asn ’ t punished on ly
because her son showed fin e results in m any sport events.
G. D u rin g the Gam es poets recited th e ir poem s; singers sang hym ns, dancers danced
and orators pronounced speeches. B e a u tifu l s tro n g ath letic bodies in sp ired artists and
>вой scu lptors. T h ey pain ted w a ll p ictu res and made statues o f m arble and bronze.
шя- Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквам и.
з со-
Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста н ельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N ot stated). В поле ответа запиш ите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

T axiin g in the U K
I know th at the f ir s t th in g anyone should do when you v is it any c ity is to g e t ou t and
w alk the streets and avenues to fe e l y o u rs e lf w h at the c ity has to o ffe r , rig h t? B ut I ’ m
not g o in g to say th at. In stead, I say d on ’ t g e t out, make sure you g e t in — a ta x i th at is.
Take a load o f f those tired , to u rist-w o rn fe e t and e n jo y ta x iin g the w a y it should be done,
held b y p rofession als. Thou gh not in case y o u ’ re in the U S w h ere y o u ’ ll be ab solu tely ign o red
w ere b y the d r iv e r w ho is on the cell-phone to his g ir lfr ie n d . W h a t I ’ d lik e to te ll you about is
ed to the exp erien ce m y w ife and I had th is sum m er w h ile tr a v e llin g th ro u gh the U K .
,ater, A s soon as we w ere fre e o f the h ea vy H e a th ro w t r a ffic , ou r d riv e r, T e rr y , as we soon
stars fou n d out, en gaged us in con versation . B y the tim e we reached our h otel, we w ere old
ed on frien d s. H e to ld us th at w e m ust tr y Y o rk s h ire P u d d in g but keep aw ay fro m any
icient S h eph erd’ s P ie th at w asn ’ t hom em ade, lik e his w i f e ’ s. A t the h otel T e rr y , d id n ’ t w alk,
but ran our lu g g a g e up to the fr o n t door. I w o u ld n ’ t have been surprised at all i f he
:k the w ould have checked us in and carried our bags s tra ig h t up to our room .
. Two L a te r one a ftern o o n , we w en t on a hunt fo r catalogs fro m some local m agic shops to
ece to g iv e to m y dad, whose hobby is con ju rin g. W h en I asked the d riv e r, W a lla c e , to take me
m ge d to a shop I had fou n d in the phone book, he asked me i f I was in the ‘ B roth erh ood o f
>been M a g ic ia n s ’ . A f t e r I to ld him m y reason, he answ ered, ‘ D a v e n p o rt’ s is w h ere you w an t to
>ports go. I f y o u r dad know s a n y th in g about m a gic, h e’ d have heard o f D a v e n p o rt’ s .’ Dad was
qu ite jealous th at I had been to D a v e n p o rt’ s. A n d I was jealous o f London fo r h a vin g
la m e, W a lla ce .
rw ay, I f you tr a v e l to London, th ere is d e fin ite ly one th in g th a t you m ust do. T o u r the
which T o w e r o f L on don ? C e rta in ly . See B u ck in gh am P alace? O f course. L e t y o u r s e lf be
o f six c o v e red w ith p igeo n s in T r a fa lg a r S quare? T h a t goes w ith o u t s a yin g. B ut above all,
ym pic rid e the ta x is — th is ad vice is ra re ly fou n d in the tra v e l brochures.

|10 The au th or alw ays tra v els b y ta x i w hen abroad.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

| 11 A m eric a n ta x i-d riv e rs seem to him in d iffe r e n t to th e ir passengers.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :________________ _ _ _ _ .

| 12 D u rin g one o f the trip s the au th or learn t a lo t about B ritis h cuisine.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

| 13 T h e B ritish d r iv e r w asn ’ t to o eager to help w ith the lu g ga ge.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________.

| 14 W a lla c e g o t frig h te n e d o f the a u th o r’ s request.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________.

| 15 Th e au thor used to ask ta x i-d riv e rs w h ere to buy presents.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

| 16 T e r r y and W a lla c e w ere ty p ica l B ritish ta x i-d riv e rs .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

| 17 Th e au th or fou n d in fo rm a tio n about ta x iin g in tra v e l gu ides.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

О ТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18—26.

The W o r ld o f Teddy B ears

T he s to ry o f te d d y b e a r s ____________ back to 1902, when T h eodore GO
19 R o o s e v e lt was P res id en t o f the U n ited States. The press and the people
fo n d ly called him Ted dy. H e ____________the name, but accepted it. N O T L IK E
Once P res id en t R o o s ev e lt in the fo re s t. A f t e r several HUNT
hours, he s till hadn’ t b agged an yth in g. Then one o f his aides
d iscovered a lost bear cub and tied it to a tree — here was the
И P re s id e n t’ s trop h y fo r the day! But R o o s e v e lt ___________ b rin g h im s elf CANNOT
to shoot the cub, and ord ered it to be set free .

22 The n ex t day newspapers w ith cartoons d ep ictin g him F IL L

23 w ith a bear. A n idea came to the o f a candy store in N e w OW NER

24 Y o rk . T h e y made a litt le to y bear cub and put it in shop THEY

w in d ow w ith a n otice sayin g ‘ T e d d y ’ s B e a r’ . The B ear was such a h it
th at th ey sent a bear to the W h ite H ouse, to g e th e r w ith a requ est to use
the P re s id e n t’ s name fo r th e ir s tu ffe d bears. R o o s e v e lt g la d ly g a ve his
perm ission.
Soon new toys becam e t h e ____________ com panions o f all A m eric a n F A V O U R IT E

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и слова­
ми. Каж ды й пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 2 7 -3 2 .

Did You Know?

27 In spite o f the rep u ta tion o f the B ritish , o v e r 16 m illio n R O M A N T IC

V alen tin e cards are sent each yea r on F eb ru ary 14th. 39% o f V alen tin e
cards are sent by w om en and 61% by men.
28 ___________ , V a le n tin e cards w ere on ly sent by men to wom en. T h ey O R IG IN A L
w ere all handm ade and ela b ora tely decorated.
29 The oldest ___________ V a len tin e card can be fou n d in the B ritish E X IS T
M useum . It was sent in the yea r 1415.
30 St V a le n tin e ’ s D ay is n o w __________ in m any cou n tries all o v e r the C E L E B R A T IO N

~зГ w orld , R ussia and China. IN C L U D E

32 But in China y o u r flo w e rs can be con fiscated i f the p olice A T H E IS M

see you in the s treet w ith a bouquet.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

О ТВ ЕТО В № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с
приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. При выполнении
задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превышаю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m you r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , K elly .
... Great news is that I ’ve become chess champion in my age category. But there is also bad
news-а running competition for all the students of our school. I feel nervous and scared as
athletics isn’t my style of life at all....
How can a person get ready for the running competition? Do I need to lose a few extra kilos?
How is it possible to get in shape quickly?
W r it e her a le tte r and answ er her 3 questions.
W r it e 100— 120 w ords. R em em ber the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и профессиями, о котороых говорится в диалоге:
к каж дому ди алогу подберите соответствующее название профессии, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое название профессии из списка 1 -5 только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее название профессии.

1. A U n iv e r s ity teacher.
2. A custom s o ffic e r .
3. A rep o rter.
4. A policem an.
5. A recep tion ist.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные циф ры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог A В С D

Вы два раза услы ш и те пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker talks about the sym bolic m ean in g o f colours.

2. The speaker says how colours in flu en ce our health.
3. The speaker talks about the m ean in g o f colours in the w ild life .
4. The speaker talks about the em otion al in flu en ce o f colour.
5. The speaker talks about the h isto ry o f body art.
6. The speaker says how the a ttitu d e tow ards colours changed.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h ose idea was to p lay a gam e o f tennis?

1) H a r r y ’ s. 2) J i l l ’ s. 3) O f both o f them .

W h y d id H a r ry lik e the gam e?

1) Because i t ’ s a popular B ritish gam e. 3) I t ’ s played all the yea r round.
2) Because i t ’ s his fa v o u rite gam e.

W h y was J ill a fra id o f w ater?

1) Because she cou ld n ’ t swim . 3) Because she alm ost drow ned.
2) Because nobody ta u gh t h er to swim .
Е-ЭИАНТ 5 29

B oth frien d s d islik ed

1) sw im m in g and b ox in g. 2) b ox in g. 3) w a ter polo.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t was J i l l ’ s hobby?
1) C ollectin g. 2) Fitness. 3) S port.
О т в е т :______________________.

8 F irs t o f all J ill was ea ger to

1) p lay a gam e o f tennis. 3) see h er collection .
2) buy an oth er p a ir o f shoes.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А -G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш­
ний заголовок.

1. C ra zy but safe 5. The oldest sport

2. A n eager fan 6. The roots o f skatin g
3. E ve ryb o d y w ins 7. A record b reaker
4. M u tu al success 8. V e r y dangerous

A . P eo p le h ave been sk a tin g since the 9th cen tu ry but the f ir s t skates w ere ra th er
unusual — th ey w ere made o f anim al bones. The e a rliest bone skates w ere fou n d in a lake
in Sweden. W o od en skates appeared in the 14th cen tu ry. Iro n skates w ere in trod u ced in
the 17th cen tu ry. Th e fir s t steel skates w ere sold in the 1850s. So sk a tin g has lon g been
a means o f tra v e l in the cou n tries w ith lo n g cold w in ters, such as N o rw a y , Sweden,
R ussia, F in lan d and H ollan d . In the 18th cen tu ry sk a tin g became not o n ly a means o f
tra v e l but also a popular sport.
B. W a n t some m ore stran ge facts? H o w do you tra v e l and how m any kinds o f
tran sp o rt do you know? A B ritish wom an has tra v e lle d fro m the top to the b ottom o f
B rita in using 73 kinds o f tran sp ort. D u rin g her six-w eek tr ip she used a d og sled, a
canoe, an am bulance, a b icycle, a camel and even a law n m ow er. O th er tran sp o rt types
inclu ded a w h eelb arrow , stretch er, shopping tr o lle y , stilts.
C. F iv e years ago a Dutch arch itect b u ilt a v e r y unusual house in A fr ic a . I t ’ s shaped
lik e a fo o tb a ll. ‘M aybe I am c ra zy but I h ave a passion fo r fo o tb a ll,’ he says. H e b u ilt his
house in M a la w i because he ju st lik es A f r ic a and w ou ld lik e to stay on the con tinen t
fo r e v e r . S tan d in g on a th ree-m etre-ta ll b rick w a ll, the a rc h ite c t’ s house has become a
popular to u rist attra ctio n .
D . Z o rb in g is a new e x c itin g sport. I t ’ s popular in N e w Zealand, A u s tra lia and m any
oth e r cou n tries. A zorb it s e lf is a huge plastic ball (3 - 3 ,5 m etres ta ll) w h ich contains
an oth er ball. Th ere is a sm all entrance hole so you can squeeze in to the sm aller ball. The

ball ro lls dow n the h ill and so do you. A zorb can reach up to 5 0 -6 0 km an hour w hen i t ’ s
r o llin g down. A l l people fro m ch ild ren to th e ir gran dp aren ts can do it. K id s are usually
b ra v er than th e ir parents. The adults usually w o rr y a lo t and scream lo u d ly th ou gh th ey
understand p e r fe c tly w ell th a t th ere is a cushion o f a ir b etw een them and the grou nd,
w hich w ill p ro tect them .
E. S treet hockey is fa s t and fu n , and you d on ’ t need any ice. I t ’ s popular in the U S A
because you can p lay it all yea r and in lots o f places: car parks, basketball courts, em pty
streets. Y o u w ear tennis shoes, not ice skates. A n d you can use a ball o r a puck. B ut the
tactics and rules are sim ilar. P ro fe ss io n a l ice-h ockey team s sponsor s tre et hockey fo r
yo u n g people. So the teens g e t g re a t equipm en t and u n iform s. A n d the ice-h ockey team s
g e t fu tu re fans.
F. H isto ria n s fou n d m any fa cts th a t ru n n in g, ju m p in g and th ro w in g had been held in
m any ancient cou n tries: E g y p t, A s s y ria and o f course, Greece. A n c ie n t O lym pic gam es
inclu ded m o stly a th letic even ts. I t ’ s a w ell-kn ow n s to ry about m arathon ru n n in g when a
man covered m ore than fo r t y k ilom eters, ru n n in g to te ll the people about th e ir v ic to r y .
G. In show ju m p in g a horse and a rid e r m ust jum p several d iffe r e n t fences and w a ter
p its in a certain p eriod o f tim e. Th e fen ces are made o f wooden bars and oth er m aterials.
I f the horse knocks down the bars o r lands in w a ter, or refu ses to jum p, o r fa lls — all
these are pen alized . A ls o , i f a rid e r does not s ta rt w ith in one m in ute a fte r the sign al, he
loses the r ig h t to com pete fu rth e r.

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста н ельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N ot stated). В поле ответа запиш ите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

A W o n d e rfu l Discovery

Sarah had a son o f ten, called Jack. H e did not lik e stu d yin g, but lo ved w a tch in g T V .
Sarah used to d riv e to school at h a lf past fo u r in the a ftern o o n , b rin g Jack back home
and g iv e him his tea, but as soon as he g o t in to the house, he alw ays rushed to the T V set
and tu rn ed it on.
‘ H a v e n ’ t you g o t any h om ew ork, J a ck ?’ his m oth er alw ays asked him as she began to
make the tea.
‘ Eh? Oh, yes, I ’ v e g o t a l it t le , ’ he used to answer. ‘ I ’ ll do it la ter w hen th ere is n oth in g
in te re s tin g on T V . ’
A t fir s t Sarah allow ed Jack to w atch T V in stead o f d o in g his h om ew ork fir s t , but she
soon d iscovered th at he n ever had a litt le hom ew ork — it was alw ays a g re a t deal — and
th at th ere was n ever a tim e when th ere was n o th in g in te re s tin g on T V , so a fte r p u ttin g
o f f d oin g his hom ew ork fo r a couple o f hours, Jack was too tire d to do his h om ew ork
p ro p erly, i f at all.
Sarah then decided to make him do hom ew ork fir s t. T his was alw ays a b attle, and o f ­
ten when Jack obeyed his m oth er, he did the w o rk q u ick ly and carelessly in o rd er to f in ­
ish it and g e t back to his b eloved T V .
The resu lt was the same — bad w o rk , fo r w h ich he usually g o t low m arks the n ex t day
at school, e ith e r because his hom ew ork was fu ll o f m istakes, o r because he did not know
the w o rk he was supposed to have prepared the n ig h t b efo re.

One even in g J a ck ’ s science h om ew ork was about fam ous scien tists lik e Thom as E d i­
son, w ho made im p o rta n t d iscoveries and in ven tio n s in the fie ld o f e le c tric ity . W h en he
had h om ew ork th a t consisted o f lea rn in g facts, his m oth er u su ally tested him when he
fin ish ed , to make sure th at he had re a lly done the w o rk p ro p e rly and not le ft an yth in g
out, and this is w h at she did this tim e. She d id n ’ t let him stop u n til she was sure th at he
knew w h at was in his book.
B ut th is tim e it was less o f a fig h t than usual to make Jack sit dow n and do his h om e­
w ork c a re fu lly , because it had a s tro n g con n ection w ith televisio n .
In class the n ex t day, the teach er asked Jack, ‘W h a t are some o f the th in gs th at T h o ­
mas Edison did fo r scien ce?’
‘W e l l , ’ Jack answ ered h ap pily, ‘fir s t o f all, i f it w e re n ’ t fo r Edison, w e ’ d all be w a tc h ­
in g T V by c a n d le lig h t!’

10 Jack spent m ost o f his tim e ly in g on the sofa.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

| 11 | Som etim es Jack d id n ’ t do h om ew ork a fte r w a tch in g T V .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

12 Jack was alw ays tire d a fte r school.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

13 M o th er easily made Jack f ir s t do hom ew ork and then w atch T V .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

I 14 Jack n ever g o t good m arks.

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

15 M o th er used to check her son in some cases.

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

16 Science hom ew ork was the o n ly hom ew ork Jack did.

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

17 | Jack understood e v e ry th in g he learn t about Thom as Edison.

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Р а зд ел 3. ЗА Д А Н И Я ПО ГРА М М А ТИ КЕ И Л Е К С И К Е
Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18—26.

Choosing a Career: Generation Gap

I decided to become a p rofession al m usician. I knew it w ou ld be d i f ­

18 fic u lt, but I w an ted to try . B u t m y f a t h e r ________________ the idea. N O T L IK E
19 O f course, I to ld him n o th in g a t ________________, because I knew he ONE
20 NOT U N D E R ­
B ut one day m y fa th e r said he w an ted to talk to me. H e asked me STAND
w h at I ________________ to do a fte r le a v in g school. I to ld him I w anted to IN T E N D

22 be a m usician. H e said th at a career in m u s ic ____________ v e r y risky. BE

H e said th at I ou gh t to becom e an accountant, because it was a safe job.
23 W e talked fo r a lo n g tim e. T h e ________________ we talked the m ore d e­ LONG
pressed I got.
24 O f course, I ________________ see m y fa th e r was r ig h t in a w ay. I knew CAN

25 it w ou ld be m ore sensible to pass m y and g e t a safe job. EXAM

26 But I on ly in p la y in g the gu ita r. T h a t was w h a t I w anted IN T E R E S T

to do!

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и слова­
ми. Каж ды й пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

The G orilla

T h e g o r illa is a shy crea tu re and seldom v io le n t.

In fa c t, it is qu ite d iffe r e n t fro m t h e ____________ anim al w e some- DANGER
tim es see in film s and com ic books. It o n ly stands on tw o legs and beats
its chest i f it wants to fr ig h te n an enem y aw ay.
G o rilla s are the la rges t and the m o s t ________________ o f all the apes. POW ER
A d u lt m ales reach an a v e ra ge h eig h t o f 1 5 0 -1 7 0 cm and w e ig h fro m
135 to 230 kg. Fem ales are sm aller. B oth m ales and fem ales are
_______________ stro n g and can tear dow n branches and pu ll up sm all EXTREM E
30 trees. T h ey spend th e ir d a y s ____________ fo r fo o d or re stin g in the LO O K
w arm sun.
31 B ut th ere are fe w o f these anim als le ft in the w ild . T h is is because
people are c u ttin g dow n the fo rests in w h ich g o r illa s _________________ I f L IF E
we w an t to save the g o rilla , we m ust take now. ACT

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

О ТВ ЕТО В № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с
приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Разд ел 4. ЗА Д А Н И Е ПО П И СЬМ У

Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К ОТВЕТОВ № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u h ave received a le tte r fro m yo u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , Rob.
... Every day I have fights with my mother. She thinks I’m getting dependent on computer
and doesn’t want to admit that there are a lot of other ways to use a computer, not just for
gam es.
Aid what does computer mean for you? Do you find much time to play gam es (what kind of
them)? Does it help you much in your studies?...
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w ritin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и профессиями, о котороых говорится в диалоге:
к каж дому д и алогу подберите соответствующее название профессии, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое название профессии из списка 1 -5 только один раз. В задании есть
одно лишнее название профессии.

1. A n astron om er. 3. A n electricia n . 5. A cook.

2. A n actor. 4. A clow n.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог A В С D

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. Th e speaker talks about a d etec tiv e film .

2. Th e speaker gets frig h te n e d b y a h o rro r film .
3. Th e speaker g iv e s his/her opin ion o f a docum en tary.
4. Th e speaker is happy to w atch a com edy.
5. The speaker talks about a science fic tio n film .
6. The speaker is d eeply touched by a rom ance.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h y did M a r tin ’ s frie n d recom m end th a t restau ran t?

1) It was new. 2) It was tren d y. 3) It was im p ressive.
О т в е т :_____________________ .

W h a t was S a lly ’ s opin ion about the restau ran t?

1) She lik ed e v e ry th in g excep t music. 3 ) She lik ed e v e ry th in g except fu rn itu re .
2) She d islik ed e v e ry th in g .
О т в е т :_____________________ .

S ally had v is ite d the restau ran t

1) the p reviou s day. 2) the day b efo re yesterd a y. 3) a week b efo re.
О т в е т :_____________________ .

The frien d s decided to go to

1) the same restau ran t. 3) the place th ey saw on th e ir w ay.
2) a nice restau ran t.
Ответ:________ _____________ .

W h y did S ally w an t some soup?

1) She w an ted to w arm up. 3) She p re fe rre d soup to m eat.
2) She han’ t eat soup fo r a lo n g tim e.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t d id the frie n d s fe e l about the new place?

1) T h e y w ere d isappointed. 3) T h ey w o rried about it.
2) T h e y w ere pleased.
Ответ: .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К ОТ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. H a rd to g e t the m ean in g 5. S tra n ge but h elp fu l

2. A m a z in g fa c t 6. L a z y pupils
3. H o w it all began 7. V ocabu lary w id e n in g
4. F o re ig n in flu en ce 8. A glob al lan gu age
A . In S h akespeare’ s tim e o n ly a fe w m illio n people spoke E n glish . A ll o f them liv e d in
w h at is now G reat B rita in . T h rou gh the cen tu ries, as a resu lt o f d iffe r e n t h isto rica l
even ts, E n glish spread th ro u gh ou t the w o rld . F iv e hundred years ago th ey d id n ’ t speak
E n glish in N o rth A m eric a : the A m eric a n Indians had th e ir own langu ages. So did the Es­
kim os in Canada, the ab origin es in A u s tra lia and the M aoris in N e w Zealand. The E n ­
glish a rriv e d and set up th e ir colonies. T od ay, E n glish is represen ted in e v e ry con tinen t.
B. P eo p le have lo n g been in terested in h a vin g one lan gu age th at could be spoken
th ro u gh ou t the w o rld . Such a lan gu age w ou ld help to increase cu ltu ral and econom ic ties
and make com m unication b etw een people sim pler. T h rou gh the years, at least 600 u n i­
v ersa l lan gu ages have been proposed, in clu d in g E speranto. A b o u t 10 m illio n people have
learn t E speranto since 1887. B u t, accordin g to specialists, E n glish has b e tte r chances to
re a lize th is task.
C. W h e n W illia m the C on qu eror in vaded E nglan d in 1066, French becam e the o ffic ia l
lan gu age o f the cou rt. Th e E n glish looked a fte r the anim als and cooked th e ir m eat, s till
ca llin g the anim als p ig , sheep and cow. The N orm an s, when th ey saw cooked m eat on
th e ir table, used F ren ch w ords — pork, m u tton and b eef. I t ’ s am azin g but d u rin g th is p e­
rio d 10,000 w ords entered E n glish , in clu d in g such w ords as table, chair, carpet, coun­
try , state, nation, law , arm y, b a ttle, peace, beauty, etc.
D. G eog ra p h ica lly, E n glish is the m ost w idespread lan gu age on earth and it is second
o n ly to Chinese in the num ber o f people w ho speak it. A c c o rd in g to recen t study 90% o f
B ritish teens a ren ’ t g o in g to learn any fo r e ig n lan gu age. M aybe because th ey d on ’ t have
to, w h o knows?
E. E n glish has becom e so popular th a t m ore and m ore people in China h ave ton gu e o p ­
eration s because th ey w an t to im p ro ve th e ir E n glish . P la s tic surgeons say th a t the o p e r­
ation is q u ite sim ple and a fte r it the p ronu n ciation w ill be as good as the p ronu n ciation
o f n a tive speakers.

F. O th er lan gu ages absorb E n glish w ords, o fte n g iv in g them new fo rm s and new
m eanings. So m any Japanese, French, Spanish and Germ ans m ix E n glish w ords w ith
th e ir m oth er tongu es th a t re su ltin g hybrids are called Japlish, F ra n glais, and Spanglish.
G. F or a Lon don er i t ’ s easier to understandan A m eric a n than a Cockney. Cockney has
a p ronu n ciation , accent and vocab u la ry un like any oth er dialect. Cockney speech is f a ­
mous fo r its rh y m in g slang. A w o rd is replaced by a phrase or a p erson ’ s name w hich
rhym es w ith it.

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D Е F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N ot stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

The Horse
S cien tists b elie ve th a t the horse f ir s t appeared in N o rth A m eric a . B ut it was n ot the
horse we know today. It was a fo x -s ize d anim al o n ly about a fo o t h igh at the shoulder.
But these sm all creatu res k ep t ch a n gin g and g ro w in g and about a m illio n years ago, po­
n y-sized horses ga llop ed across ancient plains around the w orld .
M an established a relation sh ip w ith the horse about 50,000 years ago. A t f ir s t people
hunted horses, w h ich w asn ’ t v e r y easy, then th ey learned to herd these anim als, and kept
them m a in ly fo r m eat, p ossibly also fo r m ilk , but it is lik e ly th at the horses w ere also
used to c a rry th in gs w hen people had to m ove fro m one place to another. The horse was
becom in g a w o rk e r — a source o f help to man — n ot ju st a m eal on the h oof.
M ost scien tists th in k th at the f ir s t horses w ere used to pu ll carts, not fo r rid in g . But
people fin a lly m ou n ted the horse. A n d su d den ly th e y cou ld tr a v e l lo n g d istan ces, e x ­
p lo re unknow n lands — and conquer them ! P eo p le q u ick ly re a lized how u sefu l the horse
could be in w ar. Oxen and donkeys, alth ou gh much calm er than horses, could not come
even close to the horse on the ancient b a ttle fie ld .
G ra d u ally horses becam e associated w ith p ow er and w ealth . O xen and donkeys w ere
fo r w o rk in g people, horses w ere the p r iv ile g e o f the rich.
It is the o rd in a ry w orkh orse, h ow ever, th a t had the b ig g e s t in flu en ce on human h is­
to ry . P eo p le m anaged to breed s tro n g and h ea vy horses to c a rry goods.
C erta in ly, horses w ere no m atch fo r m odern engines. B ut even now we use the term
‘ h orsep ow er’ — coined by the E nglish en gin eer James W a t t — to m easure how much w ork
is done by an engine. T his term shows ju st how much respect the horses have earned.
P eo p le q u ic k ly re a liz e d th a t th e horse cou ld be used fo r en terta in m e n t. H orse races
w e re popular in an cien t G reece and th ey are no less popular now. Q uite a fe w people take
part in horse races, h u n tin g on horseback, p olo and show jum p, much m ore people en joy
w a tch in g these even ts, and m any learn to rid e ju st fo r fu n . H orses continu e to a ttra c t us.
T h ey capture our im a gin a tio n — and our hearts.

The fir s t horses w ere n ot la rg e r than a fo x .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: .

11 P eop le made horses th e ir helpers e a rlie r than dogs.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

G ra d u ally people fou n d new w ays o f u sin g horses.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

Thousands o f horses died d u rin g the w ars.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

H orses w ere much cheaper than donkeys and oxen.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

P eop le s till m easure the m ig h t o f th e ir cars in ‘ h o rsep ow er’ .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

16 H orse races are not so popular now as th ey w ere in ancient Greece.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

H orses h ave becom e a ttra c tiv e as pets fo r some people.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

W i ll W e Live to See the First Cloned Man?

F ilm s and science fic tio n books have o fte n p layed w ith the idea
18 o f rep rod u cin g e x a c t ________________ o f people. T od ay, science f i c ­ COPY

19 tio n science fa c t. The re vo lu tio n began in 1997, BECOM E

w hen B ritish scien tists fro m E din bu rgh U n iv e r s ity produced the
20 ________________ cloned sheep, D o lly. Since then scien tists have ONE

21 cloned ., cows, dogs and pigs. M OUSE

22 C lon in g anim als e x c itin g m edical p ossibilities: OPEN

— M an y people are in need o f organs fo r tran sp lan tation .
C lon in g can solve th is problem .
— M an y anim als are on the brin k o f e x tin ctio n . C lon in g can
________________ to p reserve them . USE

— S cien tists can create anim als, w h ich produce m ore m ilk , m eat and
w ool, or anim als, w h ic h ________________diseases. T h is can save the lives o f NOT
s ta rv in g people. CATCH
C lon in g is a co n tro ve rs ia l issue. Some people are read y to eat cloned
fru its and vegeta b les, but m any people are again st clon in g anim als. CONTRO­
25 T h e qu estion o f human clon in g is e v e n _________________ W ill he have V E R S IA L
the same as we have? R IG H T
N eve rth e le ss , the idea seems v e r y e x c itin g .

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и слова­
ми. Каж ды й пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 2 7 -3 2 .

A re Teenagers a Problem ?

A c c o rd in g to ‘ the o ld er g e n e ra tio n ’ teen agers are lazy, th ey w ear

____________ clothes and are rude to th e ir elders. W h a t ’ s m ore, th ey R ID IC U L E
spend all th e ir tim e lis te n in g to a w fu l music and w a tc h in g ________________ S U IT A B L E
film s. A n d a ll th e y e v e r th in k about is p arties, dru gs and sex.
_______________ , it seems to me to be qu ite the opposite. Teen agers ACTUAL
spend a lo t o f tim e th in k in g about th e ir w o rk (stu d ies), th e ir fa m ilie s and
frien d s and th e ir hobbies. Sure, th e y th in k about clothes, m oney, th e ir
bodies a n d ________________ in a certain situ ation . BEHAVE
But is n ’ t it the same fo r m ost people? So w h at about the m yth th at all
31 G R EE D
teenagers are rude, selfish , la z y a n d ________________? A s fa r as I ’ m con ­
cerned, i t ’ s nonsense. The v a st m a jo r ity o f yo u n g people I m eet are p olite,
________________ , open, in terested and h ard -w ork in g. F R IE N D

По окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. П ри переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с
приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К ОТВЕТО В № 2. При вы полнении задания
33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям,
сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут учиты ваться эк­
спертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблю дения указанного объёма пись­
ма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый
объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do this task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m yo u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , Brian.
... Excuse me for a short letter but my mother is waiting for me to go shopping. How I hate
these long walks around the supermarket pushing a trolley. But mother thinks it’s my duty to
help her carry food for the whole week.
A id do you go shopping with your parents? Do you feel comfortable inbig superm arkets or
in small boutiques? What are the things you really like buying?
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em ber the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и видами транспорта, о котороых говорится в
диалоге: к каж дому д иалогу подберите соответствующее название вида транспорта, обозна­
ченное цифрами. И сп ользуй те каждое название вида транспорта из списка 1-5 только один
раз. В задании есть одно лишнее название вида транспорта.

1. B y tra in . 3. B y plane. 5. B y bus.

2. B y car. 4. B y ship.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Вид транспорта

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие м еж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker p refe rs ice hockey th ou gh th ere are lots o f a c tiv itie s .
2. Th e speaker is sure m a rtia l arts make him fe e l re a lly tou gh.
3. The speaker jo in ed a g ym to practice some w e ig h tliftin g and becom e fit .
4. Th e speak er’ s business ro u tin e made him /her fe e l o verw ork ed .
5. The speaker enjoys this a c tiv ity as it is lik e d an cin g to m odern music.
6. Th e speaker thinks th at c y c lin g to w o rk and back helps him /her keep fit .
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h a t kind o f h o lid a y was A n n speakin g about?

1) H e r dream h oliday.
2) H e r h o lid a y in the Crim ea.
3) H e r h o lid a y at the seaside.

A n n was w o rried about

1) b ein g lost in the crow d.
2) h igh prices fo r e v e ry th in g .
3) the place to have meals.

W h y d id n ’ t M a ry w o rr y about the place to liv e in sum m er?

1) She could book a h otel suite.
2) She could ren t a house.
3) She could stay at her u n cle’ s.

6 I W h o could help A n n w ith accom m odation?

1) M a r y ’ s uncle. 2) A n n ’ s re la tive s. 3) Th e g ir ls ’ frien d s.

7 | A n n w an ted to
1) go on a tr ip to pyram ids.
2) tr y scuba d iv in g .
3) make her h o lid a y as e x c itin g as possible.
Ответ: .

8 I H o w did the frien d s decide to spend th e ir tim e?

1) T o go to E g y p t to geth er.
2) T o go to the C rim ea to geth er.
3) T o go to the C rim ea and to E g y p t to ge th e r.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. К аж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


9 Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие м еж ду текстами и их заголовками: к к а ж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. In a T -sh irt but w ith a w arm sw eater

2. Check y o u r a ir-co n d itio n in g system
3. G et read y fo r qu eu ing
4. The a rt o f ancient people
5. Q uite unique fo r A m e ric a
6. V e r y c a re fu l guides
7. E xp lo re the houses o f ancient Indians
8. G et a b oiled e g g w ith o u t the fir e
A . In the C apitol R e e f N a tio n a l P a rk in U ta h you can see lots o f b ea u tifu l c liffs and
rocks. M an y o f them are covered w ith p etro glyp h s (ro ck c a rv in g s ) and p ictograp h s (rock
p a in tin gs). T h e y w ere m ade b y the F rem on t In dian s, who liv e d th ere tw o thousand years
ago and m ysterio u sly disappeared in 1300 A D .
B. Th e H a w a ii V olcanoes N a tio n a l P a rk has tw o o f the w o r ld ’ s m ost a c tiv e volcanoes.
The tru e character o f the park is best d iscovered on fo o t. Y o u can w alk alon g the paths o f
hard la va and o fte n you can take a photo o f real flo w in g lava ru n n in g dow n the volcan o
slope! B u t d on ’ t w o rry , the park ran gers w o n ’ t le t you g e t too close.
C. The G rand Canyon in A r iz o n a is one o f the tru e n atu ral w onders o f the w o rld . It
makes up m ost o f the G rand Canyon N a tio n a l P a rk and m illio n s o f to u rists v is it it e v e ry
year. Th e G rand Canyon is o v e r 320 km lo n g and up to 6 km deep. The top and the b ottom
o f the canyon h ave v e r y d iffe r e n t w eath er and v e g e ta tio n . W h ile it is v e r y hot at the top,
it can be v e r y cold at the b ottom , esp ecially at n igh t. T h ere are signs th a t people liv e d in
the G rand Canyon 4,000 years ago.

D. Th e Y e llo w s to n e N a tio n a l P a rk is the fir s t and the oldest n ation al park in the
U S A . It was fou n ded in 1872. N o w it is hom e to a la rg e v a r ie ty o f w ild life in clu d in g g r i z ­
z ly bears, w o lves, bison, and elk. I t ’ s fam ous fo r its geysers and hot sprin gs. The m ost
fam ous g e y s er is called ‘ Old F a ith fu l’ because it shoots hot w a te r and steam qu ite re g u ­
la r ly — once e v e ry 75 m inutes.
E. G o in g to D eath V a lle y once m eant d an ger and even death. I t ’ s the h o ttest place in
the U n ited States and sum m er tem p eratu re can go up to 54 degrees! T od ay, D eath V a lle y
is a n ation al park and thousands o f to u rists d riv e th ere (in com fo rta b le cars, o f cou rse)
to e n jo y th e beau ty o f th is stra n ge land. T h ere are lots o f gh ost tow ns in D eath V a lle y . In
the 1800s people came here lo o k in g fo r go ld and s ilv e r, but the te rrib le heat made them
leave the place. T od ay, you can v is it these gh ost tow ns and look in side old houses, p ris ­
ons and banks to see how people liv e d then.
F. L ocated ro u g h ly 2,600 m iles southw est o f H a w a ii, N a tio n a l P a rk o f A m eric a n Sa­
moa com prises f iv e volca n ic islands and tw o coral atolls. The park p rotects hundreds o f
plant species in f iv e d istin c t rain fo re s t com m un ities: low land, m ontane, coast, rid ge ,
and cloud. It is the o n ly such rain fo re s t on A m eric a n soil. A m o n g the fauna v is ito r s can
see are tro p ic a l b irds and the endangered fly in g f o x — a fr u it bat w ith the w in gspan o f a
barn ow l.
G. B oth the solitu d e o f the alpine rid g e and the th ron gs o f the v a lle y are p art o f the
exp erien ce when you v is it Y o s e m ite N a tio n a l P ark . A b o u t 4 m illio n v is ito r s com e here
annu ally. A n d about 90 percent o f them go to the v a lle y , a m ile-w id e, 7 -m ile -lo n g can­
yon cut by a r iv e r , then w idened and deepened by gla cia l action . W a lle d by m assive
dom es and soa rin g pinnacles, it covers about one percen t o f the park. In sum m er, the
con cen tration o f autos b rin gs t r a f fic jam s and a ir p ollu tion .

Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные циф ры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста н ельзя дать ни полож ительн ого, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — Not stated). В поле ответа запиш ите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

Two Candidates
M r. Stone was a v e r y c le v e r man whose th ou gh ts w ere alw ays on learn in g. W h en he
applied fo r a post at C a m ford U n iv e r s ity , his frien d s had no doubts th at he w ou ld g e t the
job. E ven th ough th ere w ere hundreds o f candidates w illin g to tr y th e ir luck, he made up
his m ind to take p art in the contest. A r r iv in g at C a m ford , a v e r y sm all tow n , he learn t
th a t the o n ly h otel was alrea d y fu ll. So, he had to stay in the same room w ith an oth er
candidate, a ch eerfu l fe llo w called A d am s, about tw e n ty years yo u n ger than h im self. The
s. com m ittee listen ed to all the candidates and on ly tw o o f them , M r. Stone and M r. A d am s,
of w ere chosen because it seemed im possible to decide w ho was m ore s k ilfu l. T h a t is w h y,
oo th ey w ere both asked to p repare a re p o rt on ancient G reece and to g iv e a lectu re on the
subject in th ree d a ys’ tim e.
It M r. Stone alm ost stopped e a tin g and sleepin g. H e w ork ed day and n ig h t, a rra n g in g
ry his th ou gh ts, w r itin g out and lea rn in g his lectu re by heart. A s fo r A d am s, he d id n ’ t seem
>m to do any p rep aration . H e spent m ost o f his tim e p la y in g tennis and g o in g to p arties and
>p, did not retu rn to his room t ill m id n igh t.
in On the day o f the lectu re M r. Stone, w a itin g fo r his tu rn to speak, d iscovered th at his
speech had disappeared. T u rn in g his head, he saw A d am s take the stolen speech out o f

his p ocket and heard him read i t to the audience. A d am s read it so w e ll th a t w hen he f i n ­
ished th ere was a storm o f applause. M r. Stone was too much upset to p rotest. So, when
his tu rn came, he could o n ly repeat the same speech w ord fo r w ord , in a low voice.
W h e n the com m ittee w en t out to decide w ho the successful candidate was, everyon e
was sure w h at th e ir choice w ou ld be. H o w e ve r, when the Dean ga ve M r. S to n e’ s name at
last, nobody could b elie ve it! T h ey all had adm ired M r. A d a m s ’ s rem arkable speech so
much! A s k ed f o r exp lan ation , the Dean said: ‘ The reason w h y w e have chosen M r. Stone
is th a t he was able to repeat fro m m em ory a b rillia n t lectu re he had n ever heard b efo re.
W h a t a m em ory m ust he have! A n d a fin e m em ory is qu ite necessary fo r th is p o s t.’
A s th ey w alked out o f the room , the Dean came up to M r. Stone and, shakin g his
hand, said: ‘ C on gratu lation s, M r. Stone! H o w e ve r, let me g iv e you a piece o f ad vice. Be
m ore c a re fu l and d on ’ t leave valu able papers ly in g about!’

10 M r. Stone was in need o f a job at the m om ent.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

11 M r. Stone had no doubts he w ou ld g e t the job.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

12 M r. A d am s and M r. Stone w a ited fo r the o th e r candidates to leave.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

13 B oth candidates w ere g iv e n the same top ic fo r th e ir fin a l rep ort.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

14 M r. A d am s g o t prepared fo r his re p o rt much b ette r than M r. Stone.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________.

15 M r. Stone spoke so q u ie tly th a t nobody heard him .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________.

16 Th e audience was a n g ry w ith the c o m m ittee ’ s decision.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________.

17 Th e Dean and the com m ittee w ere n ot d eceived b y M r. A d a m s ’ speech.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТО В № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
Е-ЭИАНТ 7 43

Р а зд ел 3. ЗА Д А Н И Я ПО ГРА М М А ТИ КЕ И Л Е К С И К Е
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1 8 -2 6 , так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

M ass M ed ia
T h e m ass m e d ia p la y an im p o r ta n t p a r t in o u r liv e s . N e w s p a p e rs , ra d io
18 and e s p e c ia lly T V in fo r m us o f w h a t _________________ on in th is w o r ld . GO
I t is tru e th a t th e w o r ld to d a y is fu l l o f d r a m a tic e v e n ts and m o st new s
_________________ to be bad new s. SEE M
~20 NOT
B u t p e o p l e _____ in o r d in a r y e v e n ts . T h a t is w h y th e r e a re so
m a n y p r o g r a m m e s and a r tic le s ab ou t n a tu r a l d is a s te rs , p la n e crash es,
w a rs , m u rd e rs and _ ROBBERY

22 S om e p e o p le sa y th a t jo u r n a lis ts _____________ to o m u ch fr e e d o m . T h e y G IV E
o fte n f o llo w c e le b r itie s and p r in t se n sa tio n a l s to r ie s a b ou t th em w h ic h are
23 u n tru e o r h a lf-tr u e . T h e y ta k e p h o to s o f th e m i n _________________ m o s t i n t i ­ THEY
m a te m o m en ts. T h e q u e s tio n is — sh o u ld th is be a llo w e d ?
T h e m a in so u rce o f n ew s f o r m illio n s o f p e o p le is te le v is io n . S t ill, m a n y
p e o p le p r e fe r th e r a d io . I t ’ s g o o d to lis te n to in th e c a r o r w h en y o u do s o m e ­ NOT
24 t h in g a b ou t th e h ou se. N e w s p a p e r s _________________________to e v e n t s as q u ic k ­ REACT
l y as T V , b u t t h e y u s u a lly p r o v id e us w it h e x t r a d e ta il.
2d T h e I n t e r n e t _________________ r e c e n t ly a n o th e r im p o r ta n t so u rce o f i n f o r ­ BECO M E

26 m a tio n . T h e _________________ a d v a n ta g e _o f th e In t e r n e t is th a t n ew s a ppears GOOD

on th e screen as soon as th in g s h app en in r e a l l i f e and y o u d o n ’ t h a v e to w a it
f o r n ew s tim e on T V .

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и слова­
ми. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27—32.

Fitn ess
P h y s ic a l fit n e s s is a g e n e r a l s ta te o f g o o d h e a lth , u s u a lly as a r e s u lt o f
e x e r c is e and n u tr it io n . P h y s ic a l fit n e s s can also be d e s c rib e d as a c o n d itio n
th a t a llo w s us to lo o k , fe e l and do o u r b est. B e in g f i t h elp s us h a v e m o re e n ­
e r g y f o r w o r k o r s c h o o l, and en o u g h e n e r g y to e n jo y o u r le is u r e tim e
F itn e s s is an in d iv id u a l q u a lity . I t is in flu e n c e d b y a g e , s e x , h e r e d ity ,
28 ____________________ h a b its, e x e r c is e and e a t in g p r a c tic e s . Y o u c a n ’ t do PERSO N
29 _________________ a b ou t th e f i r s t th r e e fa c to r s . H o w e v e r , i t is w ith in y o u r p o w ­ ANY
e r to ch a n g e and im p r o v e th e o th e r s w h e re n eed ed .
30 T h e le v e l o f p h y s ic a l fit n e s s can be in flu e n c e d b y r e g u l a r , ________________ SYSTEM
e x e r c is e . H o w o fte n , h o w lo n g and h o w h a rd y o u e x e r c is e , and w h a t k in d s
o f e x e r c is e s y o u d o sh ou ld be d e te r m in e d b y w h a t y o u a re t r y in g to g e t.
31 F o r e x a m p le , an a t h l e t e _________________ f o r h ig h - le v e l c o m p e titio n w o u ld T R A IN
32 f o llo w a ________ p r o g r a m th a n a p e rso n w h ose ГРЛо I о
and a c t iv e life .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К ОТВЕТОВ № 2. При выполнении
задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do this task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m y o u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , Brenda.
...Just imagine — after several weeks of promises my father started giving me driving
lessons! Of course, he lets me drive somewhere in the country, because the city streets are very
Have you got a car in the family and who drives it? Is it easy to drive a car in the place where
you live? At what age can you get a driving license in your country?
W r it e her a le tte r and answ er her 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 words. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и видами транспорта, о котороых говорится в
диалоге: к каж дому д иалогу подберите соответствующее название вида транспорта, обозна­
ченное цифрами. И сп ользуй те каждое название вида транспорта из списка 1-5 только один
раз. В задании есть одно лишнее название вида транспорта.

1. B y bus. 3. B y b icycle. 5. B y car.

2. B y the tube. 4. B y train .
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Вид транспорта

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устано­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speak er’ s frie n d doesn’ t lik e d oin g his hom ew ork.
2. The speaker th in ks exam s are too stressfu l to do w e ll there.
3. The speaker supports the idea o f a ll-g irls schools.
4. The speaker thinks pupils shou ldn’ t be g iv e n any hom ew ork.
5. The speaker doesn’ t th in k teachers should g iv e so m any tests.
6. The speaker’ s parents tr y to keep his b ro th er aw ay fro m bad com pany.
З апиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h a t kind o f book was A le x readin g?

1) It was a th rille r.
2) It was a d etec tiv e.
3) It was classics.
О т в е т :_____________________.

W h a t d iffic u ltie s did A le x have read in g his book?

1) Connected w ith u n d erstan d in g o f the p lot.
2) Connected w ith u n d erstan d in g o f some words.
3) Connected w ith u n d erstan d in g o f the m o tives o f crim e.
О т в е т :_____________________.

W h y was N ic k fo n d o f re a d in g A g a th a C h ris tie ’ s books?

1) Because th ey w ere in Russian.
2) Because th ey had un expected end.
3) Because th ey w ere easy read in g.
Ответ: ____.

A l e x ’ s rea d in g p referen ces included

1) the m ost popular authors.
2) serious classical authors.
3) both D ickens and C h ristie.
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h y did A le x read A g a th a C h ris tie ’ s books?

1) T h ey w ere in te re s tin g fo r him .
2) T h ey w ere tran slated in to f i f t y languages.
3) T h ey w ere o rig in a l.
О т в е т :______________________.

A le x th ou gh t A g a th a C h ris tie ’ s books

1) com bined p ractical and e n te rta in in g aspects.
2) should be on ly read in the o rig in a l.
3) should re ce iv e the h igh est honour.
Ответ: .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К ОТ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш­
ний заголовок.

1. A n independent p ro ject
2. P re s id e n t’ s nicknam e
3. L o ve d b y everyo n e
4. W h a t ’ s the connection?
5. In v e n tiv e people
6. A noble deed
7. A new brand
8. A tru e frie n d
A . T od a y w e can h a rd ly im a gin e our w o rld w ith o u t th is eager lis te n e r and loyal
frie n d , the ted d y bear. B ut how did he come in to creation ? W h y is it called T ed d y? W h y
not H a rry or Joe or Jane? Th e s to ry goes back to 1902, when T h eodore R o o s e v e lt was
P res id en t o f the U n ited States. The P res id en t was called Theodore, but the press and the
people fo n d ly called him T ed dy. H e d id n ’ t lik e the name, but accepted it. It made him
seem m ore in fo rm a l to the people he served.
B. In N o v em b e r 1902, P res id en t R o o s ev e lt, v is it in g M ississip pi, decided to go out
h u n tin g fo r the day. A f t e r several hours he s till hadn’ t had an yth in g. Then one o f his
helpers d iscovered a lost bear cub w a n d erin g th rou gh the woods. C atch in g it, he tied it to
a tree — here was the P re s id e n t’ s tro p h y fo r the day! B u t R o o s e v e lt cou ldn ’ t b rin g h im ­
s e lf to shoot the cub, and ord ered it to be set free .
: ' АНТ 8 47

C. The new spapers w ere fille d w ith cartoons d ep ictin g him w ith a bear. The s to ry b e­
came legen d. The cartoon was seen by M r. and M rs. M ich tom , w ho owned a candy store
in N e w Y o rk . U s in g one o f the cartoons as a gu id e th ey q u ick ly made a litt le to y bear cub.
T h ey put it in th e ir shop w in d ow w ith a h an d w ritten n otice sayin g ‘ T e d d y ’ s B e a r’ .
D. The B ear was such a h it w ith the public th a t the M ich tom s design ed and produced
a bear to be presented to the W h ite House, accom panying a requ est to use the P re s id e n t’ s
name fo r th e ir to y bears. R o o s ev e lt g la d ly g a ve his perm ission. The rest is h isto ry! The
Bears sold lik e w ild fir e , and w ith in a year, the M ich tom s closed th e ir candy store, and
fou n ded the Id ea l N o v e lt y and T o y Co — s till one o f the b ig g e s t to y firm s in the w orld .
E. M ean w h ile across the ocean, in G erm an y R ich a rd S t e iff was w o rk in g fo r his aunt,
M a rg a re t S t e iff, in her to y business. R ich ard , a fo r m e r a rt student o fte n v is ite d the
S tu ttg a rt Zoo to d raw anim als. In 1902, the S t e iff fir m made a to y bear based on R ic h ­
a rd ’ s designs. T his bear fir s t appeared at the 1903 S p rin g T o y F a ir at L e ip z ig , but n o ­
b od y seem ed in te re sted . It was o n ly as R ich ard was packin g aw ay the stand at the end o f
the fa ir , th at an A m eric a n to y bu yer, w ho knew about the g ro w in g in te re st in ‘T e d d y ’ s
b ears’ in the States, came up to him and ord ered 3000 bears to sell them in the US.
F. W ith in a fe w years o f in ven tion , T ed dy Bear-m ania had swept the w orld . In A m e r i­
ca, society ladies carried th e ir teddies e veryw h ere, and ch ild ren had th e ir p ictu res taken
w ith th e ir fa v o u rite toys. R o o s e v e lt adopted the bear cub as his m ascot fo r a successful
re-election cam paign.
G. Since then the T ed d y Bear has becom e popular all o v e r the w o rld . It is courageous,
wise and p eacefu l, and alw ays w illin g to listen — a tru e c o m fo rte r in tim es o f trou ble.
O ver the years, the to y has taken m any shapes and v a rie tie s , but it rem ains a ted d y bear,
named a fte r a p resid en t w ho w o u ld n ’ t k ill a bear cub on a h u n tin g trip .

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N ot stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

W ild and Beautiful

I saw m y fir s t tig e r in a n ation al park in In dia. It was a m ale and he was d rin k in g at
a w aterh ole. H e raised his head s lo w ly and stared at us fo r a fu ll m inute. Then he tu rn ed
his back on us and disappeared qu ick ly in to the ju n gle.
T w e n ty years ago, the tig e r was in trou ble. In In d ia its numbers w ere around 1,800.
Then the In d ian go vern m en t launched P ro je c t T ig e r , w h ich set up n ation al parks all o v e r
the cou n try. P oach ers s till hunt the tig e r ille g a lly , but at least it is no lo n ger in dan ger
o f extin ction .
In A fr ic a , the m ost im p o rta n t species in dan ger is the elephant, the w o r ld ’ s la rgest
liv in g land m am m al. In 1979, th ere w ere 1.3 m illio n elephants th ere. Ten years later,
numbers w ere dow n to fe w e r than 600,000 and s till fa llin g . C on servation ists w arned
th a t the species could be e x tin c t b y the end o f the cen tu ry.
But s lo w ly the situ a tio n changed. In J u ly 1989, K e n y a ’ s P res id en t M o i p u b licly burnt
his c o u n try ’ s stock o f iv o r y , and tow ards the end o f 1989 the w o rld agreed to ban the iv o ­
ry trade com p letely. Since then, the demand fo r iv o r y has fa lle n sharply, and elephant
numbers in cou n tries such as K e n y a and T an za n ia are in crea sin g ra p id ly.

On the o th e r side o f the w o rld , the g re y w hales o f C a lifo rn ia n ea rly disappeared in the
last cen tu ry. F o rtu n a tely, the US M arin e M am m als P ro te c tio n A c t o f 1972 saved them .
T h a t same year, M ex ic o created the w o r ld ’ s f ir s t w hale san ctuary on the w est coast o f the
Baja. The g r e y w hales recovered qu ick ly. T od a y th ere are perhaps 20,000 and these ge n ­
tle gia n ts are now w o rth m ore a liv e than dead. The reason is w h ale-w atch in g, A m eric a n
craze fo r tou rists.
A l l o v e r the w o rld oth er rare species continue to re ce iv e p ro tection ; g ia n t to rto ises in
the G alapagos, pink p igeon s in M au ritiu s. In A m e ric a you can hear the song o f the tim ­
b er w o lf, and see the m ountain lion in the canyons h igh forests.
S uddenly, w ild life is good fo r the to u rist trade. A n d tou rism — p ro vid ed it takes on ly
pictu res and leaves o n ly fo o tp rin ts — is good fo r the n ation al parks. I f w ild life can be
seen to be p a yin g its w ay, then its chance o f s u rv iv a l w ill be much gre a ter.

10 T he au th or was h u n tin g tig e rs in In dia.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

11 T h e num ber o f tig e rs in In d ia has g ro w n tw ice.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

12 The iv o r y trad e put the elephant in dan ger.

1) T ru e 2 ) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

13 Ille g a l hunters s till th reaten the s u rv iv a l o f elephants.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

14 D iffe r e n t cou n tries com bine th e ir actions to save th e whales.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

15 T ou rists w ere not in terested in w hales th ir ty years ago.

1) T ru e 2) False 3 ) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

16 A m e ric a is the o n ly con tin en t w h ere ra re species are protected .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

17 T ou rism can o n ly be h arm fu l fo r w ild life .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: .

По окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18-26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

Computer R evolution

18 50 years ago people even o f com puters, and to d ay we NOT HEAR

cannot im a gin e life w ith o u t them . C om puter tech n o lo gy is the fastest-
19 g ro w in g in d u stry in th e w orld . T h e fir s t c o m p u te r _________________the BE
20 size o f a m inibus and w eigh ed a ton. Tod ay, its job can . by DO
a chip the size o f a pin head. A n d the re vo lu tio n is s till g o in g on.
21 The n ex t gen era tio n o f c o m p u te rs _____________ to talk and even th in k BE A B L E
fo r th em selves. O f course, th e y ’ ll be a lo t sim p ler than human brains,
but it w ill be a g re a t step fo rw a rd . Such com pu ters w ill help to diagnose
illnesses, fin d m in erals, id e n tify crim in als and con trol space tra v el.
22 Som e people say th a t com pu ters are dangerous, but I _______________ NOT AGREE
w ith them . T h ey save a lo t o f tim e. T h ey seldom m ake m istakes. I t ’ s
23 m u c h ________________ to s u rf the In te rn e t than to go to the lib ra ry . On­ EASY
24 lin e shopping it possible to fin d e x a c tly w hat you w ant, M AKE
25 s a v in g both tim e and m oney. E -m ail . a g re a t in ven tio n , too. BE
I t ’ s fa s te r than sen d in g a le tte r and cheaper than sen ding a telegra m .
A l l in all, I s tro n g ly b elie ve th a t com puters are a usefu l tool. T h ey
________________ our life fo r the b etter. So w h y shou ldn ’ t we make them CHANGE
w o rk to ou r advan tage?

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27 -3 2 , так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и сл о ­
вами. Каж ды й пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27—32.

M y Mission

I th in k m y m ission is to create a good hom e. H om e is n ’ t ju st w alls

o r people or m em ories connected w ith _ _ ____________ C H IL D
~28~ H om e is som eth in g d iffe r e n t. ABSOLUTE
~29~ I t ’ s the atm osphere o f love, and HAPPY
~зо~ _______________ th at g iv e s me lots o f life e n ergy . H om e is m y m oth er UNDERSTAND
whom I lo ve v e r y much. Som etim es she w o rries about me when I come
31 hom e late or do _______________ th in gs. S o rry, mum! H om e is m y EXPECTED
b ro th er w hom I lo ve too, th ou gh som etim es he annoys me v e r y much.
32 H om e is the place w h ere I can hide aw ay fro m all m y ________________, D IF F IC U L T
w h ere I can re la x a fte r a hard school day and be m y s e lf. I f I leave m y
hom e, a piece o f it w ill be alw ays in m y heart.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

О ТВ ЕТО В № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, зап яты х и других
доп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. П ри выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do this task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m yo u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , K ate.
... I study hard, but the moment I enter the exam room, I’m so nervous that I don’t seem to
remember anything. Of course, I often show bad results or even fail.
Do you feel nervous and forget things when you are taking exam s? What do you do to feel
self-confident? How do you get ready for exam s to memorize things better?...
W r it e her a le tte r and answ er her 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и видами спорта, о котороых говорится в диало­
ге: к каж дому д иалогу подберите соответствующее название вида спорта, обозначенное
цифрами. И сп ользуй те каждое название вида спорта из списка 1 -5 только один раз. В зада­
нии есть одно лишнее название вида спорта.

1. Footb all. 4. F igu re-sk a tin g .

2. Ice hockey. 5. W a te r polo.
3. Canoeing.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Вид спорта

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker en joyed a w a lk in g to u r th ro u gh th ree cou n tries.

2. The speaker had a w o n d erfu l h o lid a y at a seaside resort.
3. The speaker th in ks it was an u n fo rg e tta b le sea cruise.
4. The speaker w anted to have a d iffe r e n t kind o f h oliday.
5. The speaker spent tw o weeks on a cam psite.
6. The speaker p re fe rre d a car to u r o f the place.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор мамы с дочерью. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h y did m oth er exp ect so m any people on board the ship?

1) Because it was h igh season.
2) Because it was com fo rta b le to sail.
3) Because it was an in te re s tin g voy a ge.

W h e re was the best place to spend tim e?

1) In the deck cabin. 2) A t the restau ran t. 3) On the upper deck.

The w a y to C airo was to take

1) th ree and a h a lf hours.
2) the w hole day.
3) about f iv e and a h a lf hours.

H o w much tim e was it possible to spend in C airo?

1) E nough to see the m ain attra ctio n .
2) L itt le to see the m ain attra ctio n .
3) A litt le to see the m ain attra ctio n .
О т в е т :_____________________ .

W h a t could the d au gh ter do on board late at n igh t?

1) She could sleep.
2 ) She could dance.
3) She could h ave tea.
О т в е т :_____________________.

S ta rtin g the v o y a g e both m oth er and d au gh ter fe lt

1) pleased.
2) w o rried .
3) enth usiastic.
Ответ:_______________ ______ .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К ОТ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. П ри переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. Bad s m ellin g but a ttra c tiv e 5. A b it o f h isto ry

2. F it and a c tiv e 6. A m ix tu re o f cultures
3. N a tu ra l w onders 7. D iv e rs ity o f nature
4. V e r y much isolated 8. M et now here else
A . N e w Zealand is a c ou n try o f islands located in the P a c ific Ocean. The N o rth Island
and the South Islan d are the m ain ones, and th ere are num bers o f sm all ones, some o f
w h ich are hundreds o f k ilom eters fro m the m ain islands. The c o u n try ’ s n earest n eig h ­
bou r is A u s tra lia , w h ich lies m ore than 1,600 km n orth w est o f N e w Zealand. I t ’ s n ever
v e r y h ot or v e r y cold in N e w Zealand because it is surrounded b y w a ter. Sum m er and
w in te r tem p eratu res in m ost places d iff e r b y less than 10 5C.
B. N e w Zealand has an oth er name, A o te a ro a , w h ich means ‘ the land o f the lo n g w h ite
c lou d ’ in M a o ri lan gu age. The f ir s t M a o ri settled in N e w Zealand about a thousand years
ago. T h e y came fro m P o ly n e s ia and w ere e x c e llen t sailors and w a rrio rs . W h en the Dutch
e x p lo re r A b e l Tasm an came to N e w Zealand in 1642, M a o ri w a rrio rs fo u g h t o f f his s a il­
ors and he was unable to land! It was A b e l Tasm an w ho g a ve the cou n try its present
name. Z e ela n d means ‘ Sea L a n d ’ in Dutch.
C. N e w Zealand has g o t it all — snowcapped m ountains, sleepin g and a c tiv e v o lc a ­
noes, fa s t-flo w in g riv e rs , green fo re s ts and p eacefu l lakes w ith crysta l clear w a ter. Y o u
can spend a w h ole day b y some lake or r iv e r and be the o n ly person th ere. T h ere are places
in th is b ea u tifu l land th a t have n ever f e lt a human footstep .
НТ 9 53

D. The isola tion o f N e w Zealand fro m o th er lands allow ed the s u rv iv a l o f anim als and
plants fro m the tim e o f the dinosaurs. A n c ie n t tree fern s , plants th a t produce spores
ra th er than seeds, and p rim itiv e re la tive s o f pine trees s till g ro w in the forests. The an­
cien t s ilv e r fe r n can be fou n d o n ly in N e w Zealand. I t can be 10 m etres h igh o r m ore!
M an y sports team s in N e w Zealand use this p lan t as an em blem .
E. W it h its m ild clim ate and a lo t o f riv e rs , lakes and m ountains, N e w Zealand is a
g re a t place fo r sports. T h rill-seek ers can go s u rfin g , d iv in g , r a ftin g , m ountain b ik in g
and so on. Z o rb in g and bungee ju m p in g, tw o o f the m ost e x c itin g sports in the w orld ,
w ere in ven ted in N e w Zealand. N e w Zealand is also one o f the lea d in g nations in w o rld
ya ch tin g, esp ecially open -w ater lo n g distance or rou n d -th e-w orld races.
F. N e w Zealand is a land o f volcan oes. M ost o f them are sleepin g, but some are a ctive
and you can see steam and smoke com in g fro m them ! The la rges t and m ost a c tiv e volcan o
is the W h ite Islan d volcan o. The w h ole place sm ells o f ro tten eggs, and you can hear a
ro a rin g sound — lik e the g ro w l o f a liv in g creatu re — com in g fro m beneath the grou nd.
The W h ite Islan d volcan o last eru p ted — w ith o u t w a rn in g — in 2000. In spite o f the te r ­
rib le sm ell it is a popular to u rist a ttra ctio n . W a lk in g th rou gh the cra ter is lik e b ein g on
another planet!
G. In N e w Zealand you can fin d E n glish and M a o ri th in gs to g e th e r, and th is o fte n
seems fu n n y or su rp risin g to v is ito rs . E n glish is the m ain lan gu age, alth ou gh M a o ri is an
o ffic ia l lan gu age, too. On Christm as D ay N e w Zealanders o fte n h ave a M a o ri h an gi: th ey
d ig a hole in the grou n d and heat it w ith hot stones. Then th ey put m eat and vegeta b les
in to this hole, cov e r it and let the fo o d cook inside. A f t e r the m eal th ey sit around and
sin g C hristm as carols.

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

Liverpool and the Beatles

On W ed n esd ay 24th O ctober 1962, L o ve M e D o, entered the B ritish T op T h ir ty . It was

the fir s t sin gle by an unknown grou p fro m L iv e rp o o l called the Beatles. It was the fir s t
o f a num ber o f b ig hits th a t w ou ld make John Lennon, P au l M cC artn ey, G eorge H arrison
and R in g o S ta rr the m ost successful pop grou p the w o rld has e v e r known.
H o w e ve r, the road to success was not alw ays easy. John and P au l had spent m any a f ­
ternoons lis te n in g to A m eric a n stars lik e Chuck B e rry and E lvis P re s le y b efo re th ey w ere
able to w r ite the fam ous Lennon and M cC a rtn ey songs.
A lth o u g h the lon g even in gs spent p la y in g in hot n igh tclu b s in L iv e rp o o l and H am ­
b u rg in G erm an y had not earned them much m oney, th ey fou n d the exp erien ce v e r y use­
fu l w hen p la y in g to huge audiences la ter on.
N o t o n ly was th e ir style o f s in g in g new and e x c itin g but th e ir unusual h aircu ts and
c ra zy sense o f hum our im m ed ia tely becam e the latest fashion .
One o f the m ost im p o rta n t people at the s ta rt o f th e ir careers was B rian Epstein,
a L iv e rp o o lia n record -d ealer. H e m anaged to change fo u r o rd in a ry w ork in g-class lads in ­
to in tern a tion a l superstars. G eorge M a rtin , th e ir record produ cer, encouraged them to

in trod u ce all kinds o f unusual in stru m en ts on th e ir records and com bine popu lar and
classical styles in a new and o rig in a l w ay.
D u rin g the 1960s, the B eatles w ere alw ays in the news headlines; film s , w o rld tours
and som etim es scandal. John once su ggested th a t the B eatles w ere b e tte r know n than
Jesus C h rist. T h is caused hundreds o f yo u n g A m erica n s to burn th e ir B eatle records. In
a d d ition some people th o u gh t th ere w ere hidden m essages about dru gs in some o f the
A f t e r a decade o f successful music and film s , the B eatles fin a lly decided to break up
in the e a rly seven ties, a fte r public d isagreem en ts about m oney and p erson alities.
A lth o u g h m any fan s hoped th ere w ou ld be a reunion th ro u gh ou t the 1970s, th is be­
came im possible w ith the tra g ic m u rder o f John Lennon in N e w Y o r k in 1980.
T h e s u rv iv in g B eatles are s till d eep ly in v o lv e d in m usical and film p rojects, but m any
fans s till lo n g fo r the m usic o f the 60s.

10 L o v e M e D o was the f ir s t song w r itte n by the Beatles.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

11 Chuck B e rry and E lvis P re s le y helped The B eatles w r ite th e ir songs.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

12 P la y in g in n igh tclu bs tu rn ed out to be qu ite h elp fu l.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

13 The B ea tles’ fan s w ere a ttra cted by the n o v e lty o f th e ir m usic and appearance.
1) T ru e 2) False 3 ) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

14 T h e B eatles made th em selves in tern a tio n a l stars w ith o u t any help.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

15 Th e relation s o f the fo u r sin gers w ere not alw ays sm ooth.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

16 John L en n on ’ s tra g ic death put the end to Th e B eatles.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

17 The rem ain in g sin gers are s till popular all o v e r the w orld .
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: _________

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
5- ЭИ А Н Т 9 55


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

P lan n in g a Trip
18 I f you are p lan n in g a h olid a y, rem em ber t h e _____ w a y to SAFE
c a rry m oney is to take tr a v e lle r ’ s cheques.
19 I f you accid en ta lly happen to lose _______________ o r th ey THEY
~20 _______________ replacem ent cheques are p ro vid ed by the bank. Such STEAL
cheques are v a lid all o v e r the w orld .
21 Take t r a v e lle r ’ s cheques and you can be certain y o u _______________ NOT STAY
w ith o u t fu n ds w h a te ve r happens.
S te rlin g and d o lla r cheques _______________________ availa b le at m ost BE
~24 Y o u should be prepared fo r the taken out insurance to BAD
cov e r any loss o f the lu g ga ge ; tr a v e l delays and m edical expenses.
N o t all insurance __________________________ c o v e r in ju rie s which P O L IC Y
26 ________________by s p o rtin g a c tiv itie s , so check yo u r p o lic y b eforeh and. CAUSE
Some com panies have a h elp lin e to p ro vid e assistance and advice,
w h ich could be useful.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и слова­
ми. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

Spiderm an — a Superhero for the 21st Century

In 2002, a n ew m o vie was released. The p lo t is v e r y sim ple. The hero,

27 P e te r P a rk er, is a student and also w orks as a _________________ H e liv es in PH O T O
N e w Y o r k w ith his aunt and uncle. H e is a shy yo u n g man, in lo ve w ith
a g ir l n ex t d oor, but he is v e r y aw kw ard, and the g ir l doesn ’ t n otice him
28 much. In sh ort th ere is n o t h in g about him . HERO
B ut one day he is b itten by the m u tant spid er and gets its qu alities.
29 N o w he has su p erh u m a n ________________ and re fle x e s , he w alks up w alls STRONG

"зо" and s tic k s ________________ to any su rface, he can shoot w ebbin g fro m his P R A C T IC A L
w rists. P e te r decides to use his e x tra o rd in a ry pow ers to fig h t
31 ________________ liv in g in his city. C R IM E

32 In his red suit, S piderm an p atrols the streets to save W ONDER

the good people o f N e w Y o r k fro m all kinds o f danger.

По окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do this task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m yo u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , Fred.
... I find the Internet really useful with my schoolwork and catching up with friends... plus
chat rooms are a great way of making friends in different countries. But I don’t write anything
personal that would let people contact me anywhere except online....
W h ic h in fo rm a tio n do you g iv e about yo u rse lf? Do you th in k i t ’ s safe to put yo u r p ic­
tu re on the In te rn e t? W h a t do you th in k about ‘ in te rn et d a tin g ’ ?
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 words. R em em ber the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие между диалогами и видами спорта, о котороых говорится в диало­
ге: к каждому диалогу подберите соответствующее название вида спорта, обозначенное
цифрами. Используйте каждое название вида спорта из списка 1-5 только один раз. В зада­
нии есть одно лишнее название вида спорта.

1. S h ootin g. 3.C yclin g. 5. A th le tic s .

2. H orse rid in g . 4.B iath lon.
З апиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D

Вид спорта

Вы два раза услышите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устано­

вите соответствие между высказываниями и утверждениями из следующего списка:
к каждому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker was attacked by a d og in the street.

2. The speaker talks about a bank rob bery attem p t th at m orn in g.
3. The speaker talks about an earthquake th a t m orn in g.
4. The speaker talks about the fa ilu r e to keep people under con tro l d u rin g the fir e .
5. The speaker says the d r iv e r was in ju re d in the car crash.
6. The speaker talks about his sport in ju ry .
З апиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услышите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

W h y d id Fion a agree to go to the m ovies?

1) Because she was bored.
2) Because it was in te re stin g .
3) Because she ra re ly w atched film s.
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h e re d id the frien d s fin d ou t about the m ovies?

1) T h e y searched the In tern et.
2) T h e y looked th ro u gh a program m e.
3) T h e y read some ad vertisem en ts.
О т в е т :______________________.

The frie n d s agreed to w atch

1) the best film o f the year.
2) a film P e te r h adn ’ t seen.
3) a film Fion a had seen.

W h a t did the frien d s fin d at the cinem a?

1) T h ere w ere no seats le ft.
2) T h ere w ere a lo t o f vacan t seats.
3) T h ere w ere no fr o n t seats.
О т в е т :_____________________ .

W h y cou ldn ’ t Fion a see in a p rop er w ay?

1) Because she w asn ’ t w e a rin g her glasses.
2) Because P e te r was d is tra c tin g h er atten tion .
3) Because the screen was bad.
О т в е т :_____________________ .

A s a resu lt F ion a fe lt
1) em barrassed.
2) sa tisfied .
3) disappointed.
Ответ: ___ .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующ ий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. B ro u gh t fro m the past 5. S cottish celebration s

2. S cottish sports 6. U n stable p ro p e rty
3. N a tio n a l clothes 7. N a tio n a l fab rics
4. N a tio n a l m usic 8. N a tio n a l plant
A . E v e ry sch oolch ild in Scotland learns the legen d o f how the th is tle saved th e coun­
tr y in the M id d le ages, w hen the Scots and the N orsem en w ere at w ar. U n d er c o v e r o f
darkness, the N orsem en m anaged to land unobserved on the coast o f Scotland. R e m o v in g
th e ir boots, th ey crep t on bare fe e t tow ard s the unsuspecting S cottish arm y. Suddenly, in
the calmness o f the n ig h t th ere came a sharp c ry o f pain: a N o rs e sold ier had stepped on
a th is tle . Thus awakened, the Scots acted q u ick ly and d ro ve in va d ers fro m th e ir shores.
B. Th e b ord er betw een S cotland and E nglan d stretch es fo r 174 km alon g the C h evio t
H ills and the r iv e r T w eed to the N o rth Sea. H a d ria n ’ s W a ll, b u ilt by the R om ans, ran
fu r th e r south than th is, fro m C a rlisle on the r iv e r Eden to the r iv e r T yn e in the east. The
tow n o f B erw ick-on -T w eed , at th e m outh o f the T w eed , changed hands betw een Scotland
and E nglan d 13 tim es betw een 1147 and 1482 b efo re fin a lly becom in g p art o f E ngland.
C. B agpipes are fou n d in m any cou n tries besides Scotland, but th ey have becom e so
lin ked w ith Scotland th at the cou n try and its in stru m en t are p ra c tic a lly synonym ous.
P ip es take m any d iffe r e n t shapes and form s, and th ou gh fo r m e r ly used in p astoral cele­
bration s, tod ay th ey are used fo r e v e ry kind o f fe s tiv a l a c tiv itie s . T h ey have been ad op t­
ed b y m ilita r y bands; no w ed din gs or p arties can do w ith ou t p ip in g.

D. A tra d itio n a l S cottish k ilt is made o f 100 p ercent w oolen m a terial. It should sit
h igh on the w aist, w ith the b ottom edge at the cen ter o f the knee. It can cost fro m $400
to $700. K ilt s d on ’ t have pockets, so a special purse or bag is attached to the leath er b elt
to ca rry keys, m oney etc. K ilts are g e n e ra lly accepted at both fo rm a l and in fo rm a l
even ts. P rin c e Charles o fte n wears a tra d itio n a l k ilt on cerem on ial occasions.
E. Th e w ord ta rta n o rig in a lly came to Scotland fro m France and it began to denote a
special p attern fo r m in g checks o f d iffe r e n t colours. T artan is tra d itio n a lly used fo r m ak­
in g k ilts, sk irts, shaw ls and w h a t n ot. C e rta in c olo u rs and p a tte r n schem es are c o m ­
m on in c e rta in re g io n s . N ow adays ta rta n pattern s are e x tre m e ly popular a ll o v e r the
w o rld and are w id e ly used in m odern fashion .
F. H igh la n d Games are held th ro u gh ou t the yea r in Scotland and m any oth er coun­
tries o f the w o rld as a w a y o f celeb ra tin g S cottish and C eltic cu ltu re and h eritage. C e r­
tain aspects o f the gam es have becom e em blem atic o f Scotland, such as bagpipes, the k ilt,
and s p o rtin g even ts. W h ile cen tered around com p etition s in p ip in g and d ru m m ing, danc­
in g and S cottish h ea vy ath letics, the gam es also in clu de en tertain m en t and exh ib its r e ­
lated to oth er aspects o f S cottish and G aelic cultu re.
G. H ogm an ay is the Scots w ord fo r the last day o f the year and is synonym ous w ith the
celebration o f the N e w Y e a r in the S cottish manner. Its o ffic ia l date is Decem ber 31. H o w ­
e ver this is n orm ally o n ly the start o f a celebration w hich lasts th rou gh the n igh t u n til the
m orn in g o f 1 Janu ary or, in m any cases, 2 January. Th e roots o f H ogm an ay reach back to
the pagan celebration o f the w in te r solstice. The w in te r fe s tiv a l w en t underground w ith
the P ro te sta n t re fo rm a tio n but re-em erged near the end o f the 17th century.

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста н ельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

The Painter

On 25 O ctober 1881, a litt le b oy was born in M alaga, Spain. It was a d iffic u lt b irth
and to help him breathe, c ig a r smoke was blow n in to his nose! B ut despite b ein g the
you n gest e v e r sm oker, th is baby g re w up to be one o f the 2 0 th c en tu ry ’ s gre a tes t p a in t­
ers — P ab lo Picasso.
Picasso showed his tr u ly excep tion a l ta len t fro m a v e r y yo u n g age. H is f ir s t w ord was
lapis (Spanish fo r p en cil) and he learned to d raw b efo re he could talk. H e was the o n ly son
in the fa m ily and v e r y go o d -lo o k in g, so he was th o ro u g h ly spoilt. H e hated school and o f ­
ten refu sed to go unless his d o tin g parents allow ed him to take one o f his fa th e r ’ s pet p i­
geons w ith him!
A p a r t fro m pigeons, his g re a t lo ve was a rt, and w hen in 1891 his fa th e r, w ho was an
am ateur a rtis t, g o t a job as a d ra w in g teach er at a college, P ab lo w en t w ith him to the
college. H e o fte n w atched his fa th e r p ain t and som etim es was allow ed to help. One
eve n in g his fa th e r was p a in tin g a p ictu re o f th e ir p igeon s w hen he had to leave the room .
H e retu rn ed to fin d th at P ablo had com pleted the p ictu re, and it was so a m a zin gly beau­
t ifu l and life lik e th a t he g a ve his son his own p a lette and brushes and n ever painted
again. P ab lo was ju st 13.

F ro m then onw ards th ere was no sto p p in g him . M an y people rea lized th a t he was a g e ­
nius but he d isappointed those w ho w an ted him to becom e a tra d itio n a l p ain ter. H e was
alw ays b rea k in g the rules o f a rtis tic tra d itio n and shocked the public w ith his strange
and p o w e rfu l p ictu res. H e is probably best known fo r his ‘ C u b ist’ pictu res, w h ich used
o n ly sim ple g eo m etric shapes. H is p ain tin gs o f people w ere o fte n made up o f tria n g le s
and squares w ith th e ir fea tu res in the w ro n g place. H is w o rk changed our ideas about
art, and to m illion s o f people m odern a rt means the w ork o f Picasso. Guernica, w h ich he
p ain ted in 1937, records the bom bin g o f th at litt le Basque tow n d u rin g the Spanish C iv il
W a r, and is un d isp u ted ly one o f the m asterpieces o f m odern p ain tin g.
Picasso created o ve r 6,000 p ain tin gs, d raw in gs and sculptures. T od a y a ‘ P ica sso ’
costs several m illio n pounds. Once, w hen the French M in is te r o f C u lture was v is it in g P i ­
casso, the a rtis t a ccid en tally sp ilt some p ain t on the M in is te r ’ s trou sers. Picasso ap olo­
g iz e d and w an ted to pay fo r them to be cleaned, but the M in is te r said, ‘ N on ! Please, M on ­
sieu r Picasso, ju st sign m y trou sers!’
Picasso died o f h eart fa ilu r e d u rin g an attack o f in flu en za in 1973.

10 P ab lo Picasso started sm okin g at an e a rly age.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

11 P ab lo P ica sso ’ s parents le t him do w h a te ve r he wanted.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

12 Picasso ra re ly g o t good m arks at school.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

13 P ab lo was less talen ted than his fa th e r.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

14 Picasso was the fir s t to use g eo m etric fig u re s in p ain tin g.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

15 Picasso p articip a ted in the Spanish C iv il W a r.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

16 H a r d ly anybody recogn izes P ica sso ’ s w ork s as m asterpieces.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

17 The French M in is te r o f C u lture collected P ica sso ’ s works.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18—26.

Slim m ing Food

18 T h ese days m ost p eo p le, e s p e c ia lly y o u n g g ir ls , lik e to lo o k slim .

Our g ra n d fa th e r’ s ta s te s ____________________________ d iffe r e n t fro m ours but BE
nowadays no one _____________________________ to en jo y lo o k in g at fa t SEEM
21 That is why m any fo o d recen tly COM PANY

22 special food s to help people to slim . DEVELOP

23 T h e o n ly th in g th a t is w ro n g w ith th is is w hat a frie n d o f ______________ MY

said to me the oth er day:
24 ‘I ________________ ea tin g these food s i f th ey g iv e me a good fig u r e but N O T M IN D
w h y do th ey have to taste so a w fu l? ’ . The reason is th at the m a n u fa ctu r­
ers h ave to in clu de a lo t o f vita m in s to s a tis fy the law , so the
________________ ad vice I could g iv e m y fr ie n d was : ‘ E at norm al foo d , but CLEVER

e a t ________________’ . L IT T L E

П рочит айт е приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйт е слова, напечат анные загл авны ­
ми буквами в конце строк, обозначенны х номерами 2 7 -3 2 , так, чтобы они граммат ически
и лексически соот вет ст вовали содержанию текста. Заполнит е пропуски полученными
словами. Каж ды й пропуск соот вет ст вует отдельному заданию 27 -3 2 .

Can W e Live Longer?

S cien tists say th a t in the fu tu re people w ill liv e lon ger. W ith
27 h ea lth ier life s ty le s and b e t t e r __________________ care the a verage person M E D IC IN E
can liv e to 1 0 0 .
But th a t’ s to m o rrow . A n d tod ay, w e continu e to s tu ff ourselves
w ith fa s t foo d . W h a t is ta sty is not alw ays h ealth y. D octors say th at
chips and p izzas are fa tte n in g , cola spoils our teeth and c o ffe e
28 _______________ our lives. I f we eat too much, it w ill lead to h eart dis- S H O R T

29 ease, diabetes and oth er serious But the w o rld to d ay is IL L

g e ttin g fa tte r and fa tte r .
30 Lack o f exercise is a n o th e r ___ problem . W e spend hours IM P O R T A N C E
in fr o n t o f our com puters and TV -sets. F ew o f us do m o rn in g exercises.
W e w a lk less, because w e p re fe r to use cars or public tran sp ort. R e ­
search shows, h ow ever, th a t you n g people who d on ’ t take enough e x e r­
cise o fte n s u ffe r fro m h eart attacks.
31 I t ’ s com mon ________________ th at c ig a re ttes and alcohol can make KNOW
our liv es sh orter d ra m a tica lly. Y e t m any yo u n g people drin k b eer and
32 fe w o f them g iv e ггр________________ SM OKE
W e all know th a t the h ea lth ier we are, the b e tte r we fe e l. The b ette r
w e fe e l, the lo n g er w e liv e . So w h y not take care o f ourselves?

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. При выполнении
задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблю дения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do this task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m yo u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , A lison .

... I share the room with my younger sister who is always leaving tons of her junk in every
corner, lying in bed in her street clothes and muddy shoes. What’s more, she has never done
any vacuuming. I ca n ’t stand this any longer!....
Should I go on trying to be a good example to her? Do I need to tell our parents about her
behaviour? What would you do to stop it?
W r it e her a le tte r and answ er her 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D. У с ­

тановите соответствие между диалогами и жанрами фильмов, о котороых говорится
в диалоге: к каж дому диалогу подберите соответствующее название жанра, обозначенное
цифрами. И сп ользуй те каждое название жанра из списка 1 -5 только один раз. В задании
есть одно лишнее название жанра.

1. T h r ille r. 4. L o v e story.
2. D ete ctiv e . 5. A d v en tu re .
3. Fantasy.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Ж анр фильма

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устано­

вите соответствие м еж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker talks about a v e r y tren d y restau ran t.

2. The speaker talks about the prospects o f shopping.
3. The speaker doesn’ t th in k low prices are the m ain th in g.
4. The speaker is d isappointed b y the serv ic e and the q u ality.
5. The speaker p refe rs them fo r a g re a te r v a r ie ty o f goods.
6 . The speaker advises the best tim e fo r shopping.
З апиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

H ow did J u lia learn about the open in g o f the superm arket?

1) S u zy phoned her. 2) A n n to ld her. 3) She read about it.
О т в е т :______________________.

J u lia w en t to the superm arket because

1) A n n had asked her to buy som ethin g.
2 ) she w an ted to buy som eth in g at a lo w e r price.
3) she was lo o k in g fo r an ad vertisem en t.

W h a t d id J u lia buy?
1) Some cosm etics.
2) A m usic CD.
3) A nice bag.

H o w much did the p resent cost?

1) £ 4.00. 2) £ 4 .5 0 . 3) £ 7.00.
О т в е т :_____________________ .

S u zy decided to go to the superm arket because

1 ) she hoped to buy a present.
2 ) th ey w ere g iv in g a pop-show th ere.
3) she had n o th in g else to do.

W h e n did S u zy and J u lia agree to go shoppin g to geth er?

1) On F rid ay.
2) On Saturday.
3) On Sunday.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. П ри переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А -G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. L iv in g th rou gh ages 5. S till a m ystery

2. In flu en ced b y fash ion 6 . A lo t to see and to do
3. Y o u n g and e n ergetic 7. W elc o m e to students
4. Old and b ea u tifu l 8 . F in e scen ery

A . Irela n d is situ ated on the w estern edge o f Europe. It is an island o f g re a t beauty

w ith ru gge d m ountains, blue lakes, ancient castles, lo n g sandy beaches and picturesque
harbors. Th e clim ate is m ild and tem p erate th ro u gh ou t the year. Irela n d en joys one o f
the cleanest en viron m en ts in Europe. Its u n spoilt cou n trysid e p ro vid es such leisu re ac­
tiv itie s as h ik in g, c yclin g, g o lfin g and h orse-rid in g.
B. O ver the past tw o decades, Irela n d has becom e one o f the top destin ation s f o r E n ­
g lis h lan gu age lea rn in g — m ore than 100,000 v is ito rs come to Ire la n d e v e ry yea r to
stu d y E nglish . One q u a rter o f Ire la n d ’ s p opulation is under 25 years o f age and Dublin
acts as a m agn et fo r yo u n g p eo p lelo o k in g fo r q u a lity education. Th e Iris h are relaxed ,
frie n d ly , spontaneous, hospitable people and h ave a g re a t lo ve o f con versation . So, th ere
is no b e tte r w a y o f lea rn in g a lan gu age than to learn it in the cou n try w h ere it is spoken.
C. D ublin sits in a v a st n atural harbor. Such a p ro tected harbor appealed to the fir s t
settlers 5,000 years ago and traces o f th e ir cu ltu re h ave been fou n d around D ublin and
its coast. B u t it was n ot u n til the V ik in g s came s a ilin g dow n the coast in the m id 9th cen ­
tu ry th at D ublin became an im p o rta n t tow n. N e x t to a r riv e w ere the A n g lo -N o rm a n ad ­
ven tu rers. T h is was the b e gin n in g o f the lo n g process o f colo n iza tio n th a t d icta ted Ir e ­
la n d ’ s d evelop m en t o v e r the n ext seven hundred years.

D. N o w D ublin is ch an gin g fa s t and p a rtly i t ’ s thanks to its y o u th fu l p opulation —

o v e r 50 p ercent are under the age o f tw e n ty -fiv e and th a t makes the c ity com e a live. T o ­
day D ublin is a c ity fu ll o f charm w ith a dyn am ic cu ltu ral life , sm all enough to be fr ie n d ­
ly , y e t cosm opolitan in outlook. T h is is the cu ltu re w h ere the h erita g e o f ancient days
b rin gs past and p resent to geth er.
E. In gen era l, cu ltu ral life o f D ublin is v e r y rich and you can e n jo y v is it in g d iffe r e n t
museums, a rt g a llerie s and exh ib itio n s. B ut fo r those lo o k in g fo r peace and qu iet th ere
are tw o public parks in the cen tre o f the c ity : St. S teph en ’ s G reen and M errio n Square.
T h e c ity cen tre has several g re a t shoppin g areas d epen din g on yo u r bu d get as w e ll as nu­
m erous parks and green areas fo r re la x in g in. D ublin is also a sports-m ad c ity and w h e th ­
er you are p la y in g or w a tch in g, it has e v e ry th in g fo r the sports enthusiast.
Г. Step dances are the crea tio n o f Iris h d an cin g m asters o f the late 18th cen tu ry.
D an cin g m asters w ou ld o fte n tr a v e l fro m tow n to tow n, teach in g basic dan cin g steps to
those in terested and able to pay fo r them . T h e ir appearance was m o tiv a ted by a desire to
learn the ‘ fash io n ab le’ dance styles w h ich w ere com in g fro m France. The dance m asters
o fte n changed these dances to f i t the tra d itio n a l music and, in d oin g so, laid the basis fo r
much o f to d a y ’ s tra d itio n a l Iris h dance — c eili, step, and set.
G. St P a tric k is know n as the p atron saint o f Irelan d . T ru e, he was not a born Irish .
B ut he has become an in te g ra l p art o f the Iris h h erita g e, m o stly th ro u gh his service
across Irela n d o f the 5th cen tu ry. P a tric k was born in the second h a lf o f the 4th cen tu ry
A D . T h ere are d iffe r e n t view s about the exa ct yea r and place o f his b irth . A c c o rd in g to
one school o f opin ion , he was born about 390 A .D ., w h ile the o th er school says it is about
373 A D . A g a in , his b irth place is said to be in e ith er Scotland or R om an E ngland. So,
th ou gh P a tric iu s was his R om a n icized name, he became la ter know n as P a trick .

Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

Seat Belts: Do W e R eally N eed Them?

f I In m any cou n tries now seat belts are com ptdsory fo r the d r iv e r and fr o n t seat passen­
gers at least.
M ost doctors b elie ve th at seat belts save people fro m b ein g seriou sly h u rt in a crash,
but th ere are some people w ho s till th in k th a t it is m ore dangerous to w ear a seat belt
о I than n ot to w ear one.
n I T h ey say th at a seat b elt m ay trap one in a car th a t is b u rn in g, or th at has fa lle n in to
[, I a r iv e r or the sea and is sin k in g, so th at one is bu rn t to death or drow ned,
e I B ut less than h a lf o f one per cent o f car accidents lead to fir e or sin k in g, and in any
l. I case, a seat b elt m ay easily save a person fro m b ein g knocked unconscious in an accident,
it I so th at he or she is able to undo the seat b elt im m e d ia te ly and g e t out o f a car th at is on
d I fir e or sin k in g.
l- I P eop le w ho ob ject to seat belts also som etim es say th at w ith o u t one, one m ay be
1- I th row n r ig h t out o f a car in a crash, but doctors w ill te ll you th a t th at is the last th in g
г- I one wants to happen: i f one is th row n out o f a car, one h its som ethin g, usually the road,
and usually hard and at speed. It is b e tte r to rem ain in side a car in the case o f a crash.

T h ere is also the qu estion o f personal freed om ; some people say th a t it is an attack on
th e ir freed om to fo rc e them to w ear a seat b elt, w h eth er th ey w ant to or not. B u t even in
a dem ocracy th ere are a lo t o f th in gs a person is denied the r ig h t to do th ou gh he or she
wants to do them . I m ay, fo r exam ple, w an t to p lay m usic lou d ly at n igh t; it in te rfe re s
w ith m y freed o m i f I am not allow ed to do this. B ut m y neighbours have th e ir ow n rig h ts
to freed om , ju s t as I have. T h e y w an t to be fre e to sleep q u ietly at n igh t, and i f I stop them
doin g so, I am in te rfe rin g w ith th e ir freedom .
H o w does th is a ffe c t seat belts? In w h at w ay does it in te r fe r e w ith the rig h ts o f others
i f som eone refu ses to w ear a seat b elt? W e ll, f ir s t o f all because com m on sense te lls us
th a t a d riv e r w ith o u t a seat b elt has less con tro l o f a car i f th ere is an accident, so th a t he
or she is m ore lik e ly to be a d an ger to oth ers, w h o a fte r all also have the r ig h t to be p ro ­
tected as much as possible fro m accident.

10 | A l l people agree th at seat belts are a good th in g.

1) T ru e 2) False 3 ) N o t stated

11 I M ost doctors are am ong those w ho support w e a rin g seat belts.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

12 | Cars g e t on fir e at least once a m onth.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

13 | W e a rin g a seatbelt you can g e t fe w e r in ju ries.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: .

14 I P erson al free d o m means d oin g w h a te ve r you want.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: .

15 N o t w e a rin g seat belts can seriou sly a ffe c t o th er people.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: .

10 D riv e rs w ith o u t seat belts get in to accidents m ore o ften .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: .

17 I In some dem ocratic cou n tries people w e a rin g seat belts is not com pulsory.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. П ри переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, зап я­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённые ниж е тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18—26.

P ablo Picasso

M an y people re a lized th at P ab lo Picasso was a genius but he disappoint-

18 ed those w h o w a n te d ______________ to becom e a tra d itio n a l p ain ter. H e was HE
alw ays b rea k in g the ru les o f a rtis tic tra d itio n s and shocked public w ith his
19 stran ge and p o w erfu l p ictu res. H e is p r o b a b ly _______________know n fo r his GOOD
‘ C u bist’ pictu res, w h ich used o n ly sim ple g eo m etric shapes. H is p ain tin gs
20 o f people o f t e n ______________ up o f tria n gle s and squares w ith th e ir fea tu res M AKE
in the w ro n g place. H is w ork changed our ideas about a rt and, nowadays, to
21 m illion s o f people m odern a r t _______________ the w o rk o f Picasso. M EAN

George Bernard Shaw

G eorge B ern ard Shaw, an o u tstan din g Iris h p la y w rig h t and c ritic ,
22 ______________ in D ublin on J u ly 26, 1856 to a poor p ro testan t fa m ily . BEAR

23 L a te r the fa m ily _______________ to London. T h ere he started w r itin g MOVE

24 novels and plays. B etw een 1892 and 1930 h e _________________o v e r tw en ty W R IT E

plays, both tra ged ies and com edies.
25 One o f t h e _______________plays is ‘P y g m a lio n ’ . In m any cou n tries o f the POPULAR

26 w o rld this p lay alw ays a g re a t success w ith the public. BE

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

D ifficu lt Problem s

27 The use o f anim als fo r . purposes is a d iffic u lt eth ical p rob ­ S C IE N C E

lem . M an y people owe th e ir liv es to m odern dru gs or su rgical techniques
28 th a t f ir s t w ere tested on anim als. Some o f t h e s e _______________ w ou ld not DEVELOP
have been possible w ith o u t anim al exp erim en ts. P eo p le w ho cam paign fo r
29 anim al rig h ts are u su ally you n g a n d ______________ , and have n ot y e t needed H EALTH

30 the b en e fits o f m edical p rogress. Perh aps it is e t h ic a lly ________________ to ACCEPT

s a c rific e anim als fo r the sake o f m edical research, as lo n g as the anim als do
31 n ot s u ffe r. B ut t h a t ______________ poin t o f v ie w rises an oth er d iffic u lt ques­ THEORY

32 tion : w h a t can be considered a s ________________? SUFFER

По окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.



Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. П ри выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m y o u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , T im o th y.
...It’s my third week at the language school. The programmes are full and very interesting,
but most of the learning is done in the classroom s. I ca n ’t say that I’m disappointed, but I’d like
to have more practice and experience the language culture outside the classroom s.
How do you study English? Where do you practise it? Do you think that it’s necessary to go
abroad to develop your language skills?...
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие между диалогами и жанрами фильмов, о котороых говорится
в диалоге: к каж дому д иалогу подберите соответствующее название жанра, обозначенное
цифрами. И спользуйте каждое название жанра из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании
есть одно лишнее название жанра.

1. A c tio n . 3. D etective. 5. Fantasy.

2. M elodram a. 4. A d v en tu re .
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Ж анр фильма

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И спользуйте каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker advises not to lose com m on sense.

2. The speaker adm its th at som etim es i t ’ s easier online.
3. The speaker w arns not to fo r g e t the s a fety.
4. The speaker thinks th at i t ’ s ra th er b orin g.
5. The speaker is sure th at r e a lity is b etter.
6. The speaker knows th at m ost are not too honest.
З апиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух друзей. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну цифру,
которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

Th e p a rty is g o in g to be
1) on F rid a y . 2) on Saturday. 3) on Sunday.
О т в е т :______________________.

The p a rty is g o in g to take place

1) at a restau ran t. 2) at S te v e ’ s house. 3) at his cou sin ’ s house.

W h a t c lo th in g are the guests supposed to w ear to the party?

1) In d ian costum e.
2) Fancy dress to th e ir lik in g .
3) O ffic ia l clothes.

W h a t kind o f music are th ey g o in g to have at the p arty?

1) P la ye d by a disk jock ey. 2) L iv e . 3) Tape-recorded.

W h a t kind o f b irth d a y cake is S teve g o in g to have?

1) In the shape o f a g u ita r. 3) In the shape o f a m otorcycle.
2) D ecorated w ith an ice-cream m otorcycle.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t tim e w ill L isa a rrive ?

1) A t 7.30. 2) A t 8.00. 3) A t 8.30.
Ответ: .

По окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами A —G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. Thanks to new tech n o lo gy 5. H ap p y n ext year

2. A custom fo r a sw eet-tooth 6 . N o t allow ed f o r some tim e
3. The upside dow n w o rld 7. W a tc h out or g iv e the m oney
4. N ic e fo r people in lo ve 8 . C hristm as is com in g

A . Houses are d ecorated w ith colou red paper ribbons and chains. H o lly w ith red b e r­
ries is put on the w alls and looks v e r y c o lo u rfu l. A piece o f m istleto e (a p lan t) is hung
fro m the c e ilin g . It is said to be lu ck y to kiss under the m istleto e h an gin g fro m the c e il­
in g. A s you can understand, a lo t o f people w ho m ay not usually kiss each o th er take the
chance g iv e n by a piece o f m istletoe!
B. One o f the d elicacies the B ritish have en joyed fo r alm ost 900 years is the m ince pie.
T his is a sort o f sm all cake w ith a d eliciou s m ix tu re o f spices and fr u it. It was the C ru ­
saders w ho in trod u ced it when th ey b ro u gh t back new arom atic spices fro m the H o ly
Land. In the 17th cen tu ry O liv e r C rom w ell trie d to ban the e a tin g o f m ince pies (as w ell
as s in g in g o f carols) — but people continu ed to eat (and s in g ) in secret.
C. C hristm as D ay is a fa m ily day w hen fa m ilie s tr y to be to geth er. In past years, the
Queen has broadcast a radio message fro m h er study at San drin gh am H ouse. Since 1959
she has been re co rd in g her m essage e v e ry yea r some weeks b e fo re Christm as, so it could
be broadcast on C hristm as D ay b y radio in all parts o f the B ritis h Com m onw ealth.
D. In the U S A m any tow ns have a public tree place in some square or park or outside
the tow n hall. T h is custom began fir s t in A m e ric a w hen an illu m in a ted tree was set up in
1909 in Pasadena, C a lifo rn ia . N o w we can observe the cerem on y o f p u ttin g up the
Christm as tree in R o c k e fe lle r C enter in the heart o f N e w Y o r k C ity , as w e ll as in the
m ain square o f e v e ry tow n in th e cou n try. Th e n a tio n ’ s m ain C hristm as tree is set up in
W a s h in g to n , D.C. on the parade grou n d near the W h ite H ouse. A fe w days b efo re C h ris t­
mas the P res id en t o f the U n ited States presses a bu tton to lig h t the tree. T h is is the s ig ­
nal fo r lig h tin g trees across the land.
E. Th e custom o f b rea k in g a wishbone (o f a chicken or tu rk e y ) comes fro m the R o ­
mans w h o used them fo r fo rtu n e te llin g . T h e y exam in ed the bones o f s a c rific e d b irds,
w h ich th ey th o u gh t w ere m essengers fro m th e ir gods. L o o k in g fo r signs o f fu tu re

even ts, th ey broke the wishbone and the person w ith the lo n gest piece could make a w ish
w h ich m ay b rin g him luck or good fo rtu n e.
F. C hristm as in A u s tra lia is not lik e an yw h ere else since D ecem ber is one o f the h o t­
test m onths o f the year. B ut the A u stra lia n s h ave a g re a t tim e anyw ay. Those w ho liv e
near the coast go to the beach on C hristm as day. T h e y have a sw im , p lay crick e t o r v o l­
leyball, s u rf o r ju st sit around w ith fa m ily and frien d s e n jo y in g C hristm as dinn er. Santa
Claus a rrive s on a su rfboard — qu ite a change fro m s lid in g dow n a chim ney!
G. C hristm as c a ro lin g is p a rtic u la rly popular in W a le s w h ere it is called eisted d fod d e
and is o fte n accom panied by a harp. In some ru ral areas a v illa g e r is chosen to be the M a ri
L w y d . T h is person tra v els around the tow n dressed in w h ite and c a rry in g a h orse’ s skull
on a lo n g pole. A n y o n e g iv e n the ‘b ite ’ b y the h o rse’ s jaw s m ust pay a fin e .

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквам и.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — Tru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запиш ите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

A u d rey H epburn
A u d r e y K a th leen van H eem stra H epbu rn -R u ston was born in Brussels on M ay 4,
1929 in the fa m ily o f a w e a lth y E n glish banker and a D utch baroness. She spent h er e a rly
childh ood tr a v e llin g betw een E nglan d, B elgiu m , and the N eth erlan d s. H e r parents d i­
vo rce d w hen she was six. Then came the w ar. H e r m oth er m oved w ith A u d r e y to h er p a r­
en ts’ hom e in the n eu tral N eth erlan d s. The fo llo w in g yea r the cou n try was in vaded by
the N a zis . It was a d iffic u lt tim e fo r the w h ole fa m ily . T h ere was v e r y litt le fo o d . A u d r e y
and h er fa m ily had to d ig vegeta b les fro m the hard fro z e n grou n d , fo r some tim e th ey
s u rv ive d on flo u r made fro m tu lip bulbs.
A u d r e y ’ s gre a tes t lo ve was music. She w an ted to be a dancer, and she studied dan cin g
since she was fiv e . In 1948, A u d r e y and h er m oth er m oved to London. A u d r e y w en t to a
b allet school. She w ork ed hard at her dan cin g. She had no tim e fo r b o y frien d s. B u t one
day the b allet school teach er told her, ‘ I ’ m sorry, but y o u ’ ll n ever be a fam ous dancer.
Y o u ’ re too t a ll. ’
A u d r e y was sad, but then som eth in g happened. She was g iv e n a sm all p a rt in a b ig
London m usical. She qu ick ly fou n d jobs in oth er m usicals. E ve ry b o d y lik ed th is th in g ir l
w ith a p re tty face and w id e sm ile.
W h en A u d r e y was tw en ty, she had sm all parts in several m ovies and d u rin g the f ilm ­
in g o f a m ovie she m et a fam ous n o ve list and scre e n w rite r C olette. C olette w anted to fin d
a g ir l fo r the B roadw ay m usical o f h er book, Gigi. W h en she saw A u d re y , she said. ‘ She
is G ig i! H alf-w o m a n , h a lf-b o y .’ T h is ro le won H epburn a T h ea tre W o r ld A w a rd in 1952.
The same yea r a H o lly w o o d m o vie produ cer o ffe r e d h er the p art o f a princess in a b ig
new m o vie, R o m a n H olid a y . The film was a g re a t success and A u d r e y w on an Oscar fo r
Best A ctress.
A u d r e y s ta rred in about 30 film s , am on g th em w ere W a r and P e a ce (1 9 5 6 ), B r e a k ­
fa st at T i f f a n y ’s (1 9 6 1 ), M y F a i r L a d y (1 9 6 4 ), Нош to S te a l a M i l l i o n (1 9 6 5 ). B u t she
alw ays made it clea r th a t fa m ily was m ore im p o rta n t f o r h er than w o rk . She was m a r­
rie d tw ic e and had tw o sons. A f t e r h er second son was born in 1970, she said: ‘ I d o n ’ t
w a n t to make any m ore m o vies. I ’ m happy as a go o d w ife and m o th e r.’ H o w e v e r, h er
second m a rria g e ended in d iv o rc e — ju s t lik e the f ir s t one.

Since 1970 A u d r e y liv e d a q u iet life in her house in S w itze rla n d ra isin g her tw o sons.
She o n ly made tw o or th ree m ore m ovies, and th ey w ere not v e r y good. She made them
because she needed m oney.
W h en she becam e old er, she w anted to do som eth in g m ore im p o rta n t w ith h er life .
She started to w o rk fo r the U n ited N a tio n s. She was o ffic ia lly appointed U N IC E F G ood ­
w ill Am bassador. She v is ite d the poorest and m ost dangerous cou n tries in the w o rld . In
1992, she tra v e lle d to A f r ic a fo r the last tim e. W h e n she came back, she was seriou sly ill.
The d octors th ou gh t it was some in fe c tio n , but it was cancer. On Jan u ary 20, 1993, A u ­
d rey H epburn died. She was s ix ty -fo u r.
A u d r e y was one o f the fe w actresses w ho becam e the sym bol o f th e ir tim e, whose look
was im ita te d by thousands o f g irls . She becam e and stayed the sym bol o f elegan ce, g la m ­
our, charm , and grace. A s one o f film c ritic s said ‘ In th is cruel and im p e rfe c t w o rld A u ­
d rey was liv in g p ro o f th a t God could s till create p e r fe c tio n .’

10 T h e f ir s t years o f A u d r e y ’ s childh ood w ere fu ll o f hardships.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________.

11 T h e N eth erlan d s was n ever occupied by the Fascist troops.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

12 A u d r e y had a g re a t ta len t fo r dancing.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

13 A u d r e y H epburn w on several Oscars.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

14 A u d r e y H epburn put h er actin g career h ig h er than a n yth in g else.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

15 In th e second p a rt o f h er life A u d r e y spent much tim e in c h a rity a c tiv itie s .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

16 She started w o rk in g fo r the U N because she needed m oney.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

17 A u d r e y H epburn had a g re a t p ers o n a lity and seemed p e rfe c t in e v e ry th in g .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: __________.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. П ри переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
Е - э И А Н Т 12 73

Р азд ел 3. ЗА Д А Н И Я ПО ГРА М М А ТИ КЕ И Л Е К С И К Е
Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18—26.

C e le b ra tin g M o th e r’ s D ay

18 One o f t h e _______________ w ays to celebrate M o th e r’ s D ay is to g iv e you r GOOD

mom the day o ff. L e t h er take it easy and re la x w h ile all the oth er m em bers o f
19 the f a m i l y ______________ the w ork . DO
M an y fa m ilie s b egin M o th e r’ s D ay w ith b rea k fa st in bed. Dad and the kids
20 th in k th at i t ______________ the m ost pleasant and h ea lth y w a y to let mom sleep BE
late as th e y go to the kitch en and prepare h er fa v o u rite meal. It can consist o f
a n yth in g yo u r m o m ______________ L IK E
~ 22 ~ A f t e r the foo d tr y to do you r best to arran ge e v e ry th in g COOK
n icely on the tra y. D on ’ t fo r g e t the vase w ith the sin gle flo w e r. W h e n e v e r y ­
th in g ______________ read y, c a re fu lly ca rry the tra y to the bedroom . Cards and BE

sm all presents fro m the can be placed on the tra y b efo re it is C H IL D

presented to m om , w ho at th a t m om ent soundly and is not SLEEP

w oken up e ith e r by the alarm clock or b y the noise fro m the kitchen.
26 I f you are ea ger to show w h at y o u ______________ alrea d y and can ’ t w a it any DO
lon ger, switch q u ie tly m om ’ s fa v o u r ite m usic on and e n jo y the resu lts o f yo u r
surprise preparation s.

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж ды й пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27—32.

R e a d in g B ooks N o w a d a ys

In an epoch o f techn ical progress, rea d in g books is lo sin g its value. L itt le
by litt le radio, te le v is io n and in te rn et are b e gin n in g to fo rc e books fro m our
_______________________ life . I f in the past a lo t o f the gre a tes t poets and w rite rs , DAY
such as Pushkin , Y esen in , B u lga k o v created th e ir w orks, in our days such
m asters o f w ords are absent. W e b egin to consider some d etec tiv e and lo ve ADVAN-
28 stories o f p oor q u a lity as ‘ lite r a r y w o rk s ’ . I t ’ s a b i g ________________________ fo r TAGE
all m ankind.
29 A book is a _______________frie n d fo r a man. R ea d in g is the th in g w h ich F A IT H
helps us to d evelop ou r soul, teaches us to g e t to know our life . The heroes o f
books, by th e ir exam ples, help us to avo id m istakes. A good book is a w ise
30 com pany, w h ich can g iv e u s _______________ advice. USE
R ea d in g d evelops our m em ory; our speech becomes rich er, m ore lite ra te EX-
31 a n d ________________________ PRESS
R ea d in g books in a fo r e ig n langu ages, w e can g e t to know the cu ltu re and
32 tra d itio n s o f n a t iv e ___________________ , im p ro ve our lan gu age and broaden our SPEAK

По окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВЕТО В № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m yo u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , Susan.
... I have just returned from the cinem a I watched a new film with Leonardo DiCaprio. I ca n ’t
understand why my sister is so crazy about him. She thinks he is smart and cool. Though,
I admit som e of his films are interesting.
A n d w hat actors do you adm ire? W h a t film s have you seen w ith them ? Do you r
frien d s share yo u r in terests?

W r it e her a le tte r and answ er her 3 questions.

W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и названиями хобби, о котороых говорится
в диалоге: к каж дому д иалогу подберите соответствующее название хобби, обозначенное
цифрами. И сп ользуй те каждое название хобби из списка 1 -5 только один раз. В задании
есть одно лиш нее название хобби.

1. D o in g th in gs. 3. T ra v e llin g . 5. M a k in g th in gs.

2. F ly in g by plane. 4. C o llec tin g th in gs.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Д и алог A В С D
Х обби

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И спользуйте каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лиш нее утверждение.

1. Th e speaker thinks his fa m ily are stuck to the box.

2. Th e speaker is sure th at business comes b efo re pleasure.
3. Th e speaker talks about couch potatoes.
4. Th e speaker th in ks he is Jack -of-all-trad es.
5. Th e speaker is gla d th at he feels no gen era tio n gap.
6. Th e speaker adm its h a vin g an exp en sive hobby.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящ ий А В С D Е
Утверж дение

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h y did Susan go to Cyprus?

1) She won a lo tte ry .
2) She g o t the to u r as a C hristm as present.
3) She g o t the to u r as a b irth d a y present.
О т в е т :______________________.

H o w d id Susan tr a v e l to Cyprus?
1) B y car.
2) B y airplane.
3) B y train .
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h o did Susan go on h olid a y w ith ?

1) H e r aunt and uncle.
2) H e r parents.
3) H e r frien d s.

W h a t is the w eath er lik e on the island?

1) Sunny.
2) R a in y.
3) H o t and hum id.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t fo o d do tra d itio n a l restau rants serve?

1) Fish and chips.
2) Steaks.
3) Fish and vegetables.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h e n is Susan g o in g home?
1) T om orro w .
2) N e x t week.
3) N e x t Tuesday.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. К аж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. A tw o-la n gu a ge m e ltin g pot 5. N a tiv e tribes

2. B orn o f hardships 6 . D iffic u lt life
3. Enough land fo r both 7. Back to the roots
4. Failu res and successes 8 . The b irth o f the new nation

A . L o n g b efo re Europeans fir s t came to A m eric a , m any grou ps o f Indians liv e d there.
T h ey hunted fo re s t anim als fo r fo o d and cloth in g. T h ey ga th ered b erries and nuts in the
forests. M an y groups fish ed in the riv e rs and stream s th at flo w e d th rou gh the forests.
M ost an th rop ologists agree th a t the N o rth A m eric a n Indians m igra ted o v e r the B e rin g
Sea fro m S iberia, 10,000 to 30,000 years ago.
B. L a te r, in 1534 the French k in g sent Jacques C a rtie r to fin d a w a ter rou te to the Far
East. C a rtie r made several v oy a ges to the new W o r ld , and he trie d to establish a colon y
on the banks o f the St. Law ren ce R iv e r (w h ere M on trea l is located to d a y) but he fa ile d .
In 1608, Sam uel de Cham plain b u ilt the fir s t perm anent Fren ch settlem en t in Canada.
H e named it Quebec.
C. Both nations began to expand in the N e w W o r ld . E n glish colon ists began to settle
alon g the A tla n tic Coast. The French began to e xp lo re and bu ild fo r ts in the re g io n south
o f the G reat Lakes in the v a lle y s o f the Ohio and M ississip pi R iv e rs .
D. So G reat B rita in and France w ere fig h tin g fo r con trol o f Canada u n til 1763. A s a
resu lt, France sign ed a tre a ty g iv in g up all its claim s to land on the con tinen t o f N o rth
A m erica . The French who w ere liv in g in Canada did n ot retu rn to France. T h e y continued
to fo llo w the customs and re lig io n o f th e ir n a tive land. T h ey became ‘ French Canadians’ .

E. Since th at tim e, m illio n s o f im m ig ra n ts fro m the U n ited States, Scotland, Irelan d ,

E ngland, G erm any, R ussia, P olan d, Scandinavia, and oth er cou n tries o f the w o rld have
m oved to Canada. T od a y about one th ird o f the Canadians speak French and about tw o
th ird s speak E nglish . E n glish and French are both o ffic ia l lan gu ages o f Canada.
F. Since the 1950s, th ere has been a rem arkable re b irth o f In d ian cu ltu re. N a tiv e la n ­
gu age, cu ltu re and h isto ry p rogram m es have been in stitu te d in schools. C u ltu ral centres
are flo u ris h in g , and tra d itio n a l p ractices and b elie fs are in crea sin gly b ein g used to com ­
bat alcoholism and d ru g problem s. In dian elders are once again p la y in g a v ita l role and
lin k in g gen eration s.
G. Canadian sport is indebted to In dian cu ltu re fo r the tob oggan , snowshoe, lacrosse
stick and canoe. M an y In dian gam es had u tilita ria n purposes related to s u rv iv a l, e.g.
w res tlin g , arch ery, spear th ro w in g , fo o t and canoe racin g. Some o f them in itia lly w ere
m eant to prepare you n gsters fo r c oo p era tive existen ce in a cruel en viro n m en t w h ere it
was necessary to know on e’ s toleran ce lim its.

Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — Tru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

N ic c o lo P a g a n in i: V irtu o s o or D e v il?
H e was the fir s t superstar. H is in cred ib le technique — he could do m iracles w ith his
v io lin — and his unusual appearance tem p ted m any o f his adm irers to w h isper th a t he
was the son o f the d ev il.
A lth o u g h N ic co lo P a g a n in i was alw ays the subject o f rum our, the secret o f his pow er
was th at he w ork ed hard since e a rly childhood. P a g a n in i was born in Genoa, Ita ly , on O c­
tober 27, 1782. H is fa th e r, A n to n io P a g a n in i raised his son w ith a hand o f iron . H e
hoped th at his son’ s ta len t w ou ld b rin g the fa m ily fam e and w ealth , so he fo rc e d N ic co lo
to practise fro m m o rn in g to n igh t. H e d rille d the b oy con stantly, even le a v in g him w ith ­
out foo d , i f he d id n ’ t play w e ll enough. In 1797, P a g a n in i started his con cert tours. H e
earned enough m oney to support h im s elf and he le ft home.
ге. H e com posed, he ta u gh t, he g a ve concerts. H is v io lin could sound so s o ft and sweet
the th at his audiences o fte n burst in to tears. P eop le ju st cou ldn ’ t b elie ve th a t a man could
its. p lay lik e that.
ing P a g a n in i’ s appearance seemed to support this opin ion . H e was ta ll and th in , and his
lo n g pale face, his eyes w hich w ere lik e fla m in g charcoals and his lon g cu rly h air looked
Far a b it diabolic. Som etim es people crossed th em selves i f he a ccid en tally touched them .
any P a g a n in i becam e som ethin g o f a legen d. H e en joyed p la y in g trick s at his concerts. In
led. the m id dle o f a piece, he w ould cut all o f the strin gs except fo r one and continu e ju st on
ida. the one s trin g.
P a g a n in i made a lo t o f m oney d u rin g his career. B ut in 1836, he decided to open a ca­
■ttle sino — a ‘ Casino P a g a n in i’ — in P a ris. It was a fa ilu re and he lost alm ost all his m oney.
P a g a n in i’ s health had alw ays been weak and a fte r th a t his illness g re w w orse. H e died on
M ay 27, 1840 in N ic e , France.
Church refu sed to allo w him a bu rial on h o ly grou nd. P a g a n in i’ s son took his fa th e r ’ s
A.s a
body to Genoa, but th ey w ere not allow ed to en ter the c ity . O n ly f iv e years a fte r P a g a n i­
n i’ s death, his son, b y app ealin g d ire c tly to the P op e, received perm ission to b u ry the
body o f the g re a t v io lin is t in a v illa g e church.
ms’ .

10 P a g a n in i’ s fa th e r was e x tre m e ly s trict.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

11 P a g a n in i’ s appearance a ttra cted p eo p le ’ s atten tion .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

12 P a g a n in i o fte n touched people to scare them .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

13 A t the concerts he o fte n p layed on one s trin g.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

14 P a g a n in i was a successful businessman.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

15 H e d ied o f a h ea rt attack.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

16 P a g a n in i was b u ried in Genoa.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

17 P a g a n in i’ s son paid the church fo r his fa th e r ’ s burial.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, зап я­
ты х и других д оп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

F irs t F o o tin g

It was b elieved th a t the fir s t person to v is it o n e’ s house on N e w

1 Y e a r ’ s D ay could b rin g good or bad luck.
^ I T h e re fo re , p e o p le to choose a con crete person TRY

| ______________________T h a t person was stan d in g outside th e ir houses THEY

Е-ЭИАНТ 13 79

read y to be let in the m om ent m id n igh t came. T o f u lf ill the cerem ony, a
20 dark haired man u s u a lly ________________________ by people. C H O O SE

It be a wom an, fo r she w ou ld b rin g bad luck. Th e CANNOT

f ir s t fo o te r was requ ired to c a rry th ree th in gs: a piece o f coal to w ish
w arm th , a piece o f bread to w ish fo o d , and a s ilv e r coin to w ish w ealth .
оо In parts o f n orth ern E nglan d this c u s to m _______________________ s till . O BSERVE

Easter Symbols

M an y m odern E aster sym bols come fro m pagan tim es. The e g g , fo r
23 in s ta n c e ,____________________a f e r t ilit y sym bol lo n g b efo re the Christm as BE

24 era. The ancient Persian s, G reeks and Chinese eggs EXCHANGE

at th e ir sp rin g fe s tiv a ls . In C h ristian tim es the e g g took a new m eaning
s ym b o lizin g the tom b fro m w h ich C h rist rose. Th e ancient custom o f
d y in g eggs at E aster tim es is s till one o f t h e _____________________ POPULAR
The E aster bunny also o rig in a te d in p re-C h ristian tim es. Th e rabbit
was the m ost fe r t ile anim al our ancestors knew, so th ey selected it as a
26 sym bol o f new life . Tod ay, ch ild ren en jo y c a n d y _______________________ BUNNY
and are lis te n in g to stories about the E aster bunny, w ho b rin gs E aster
eggs in a fa n c y basket.

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 2 7 -3 2 , так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и слова­
ми. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

Fashion H urts
27 Do you know th at clothes can be bad fo r you! F A S H IO N

28 T h is m ay surprise you, but some clothes can cause _____________________ V A R IE T Y

problem s. R esearchers have d iscovered th a t fo llo w in g the latest fashion
29 trends can b e ________________________ F o r exam ple, i f you tie a s ca rf o r tie H EALTH Y
too t ig h t ly it increases yo u r blood pressure. T ig h t jeans and trou sers,
short sk irts m ay all cause illnesses.
H o w can we exp la in this? V e r y tig h t cloth es can p reven t people m o v ­
30 in g _______________________ , and th is is n ot good fo r you. I f you w ear tro u ­ NATURAL
sers o r sk irts th a t are too tig h t around the w aist, then yo u r stom ach does
n ot have room to expand a fte r you have eaten, and th is can cause stom ­
31 achache. _______________________ shoes w ith h igh heels can lead to fo o t and WEAR
back problem s. E ven p ractical shoes can cause backache i f th ey d o n ’ t f i t
32 y o u ------------------------------ PROPER

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запиш ите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с
приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К ОТВЕТОВ № 2. П ри выполнении
задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do this task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m y o u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , Tom.
... You know I’ve recently moved to a new city and now I have to go to a new school. Som e
of my classm ates are bullying me. What’s more, I have to wear a horrible uniform with the most
terrible tie. So, I ca n ’t feel free and relaxed...
Have you ever had to change schools and get used to new places and people? Was it
difficult for you to make friends? What do you think about school uniform?...
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш и те четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и названиями хобби, о котороых говорится в диа­
логе: к каж дому д и алогу подберите соответствующее название хобби, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каж дое название хобби из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лиш нее название хобби.

1. P a in tin g . 3. R ea d in g. 5. P la y in g the gu ita r.

2. L is te n in g to music. 4. G o in g in fo r sports.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквам и.

Д и алог A В С D
Х обби

Вы два раза услы ш и те пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. У стан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лиш нее утверждение.

1. The speaker doesn’ t lik e to be in flu en ced .

2. The speaker p refe rs to have a lo t o f clothes to m atch them .
3. The speaker adm its th a t the low p rice is im p orta n t.
4. The speaker adm its fe e lin g u n com fortab le about shopping.
5. The speaker says th at spen din g m oney is the m ost im p o rta n t in shopping.
6. The speaker talks about d iffe r e n t shoppin g habits in d iffe r e n t situation s.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквам и.

Говорящ ий А В С D Е
Утверж дение

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

K a te is surprised to see Ian because

1 ) she d id n ’ t exp ect him.
2 ) he came too late.
3) he was to com e later.
О т в е т :______________________.

Ian came to K a te because

1 ) he knew she was h a vin g a p arty.
2 ) he had a lo t to do th at day.
3) he had an e x tre m e ly busy day.
О т в е т :______________________.

K a te b ou gh t e v e ry th in g except
1 ) some ju ice and w ater.
2 ) some drin ks and ice-cream .
3) some m in eral w a ter and ice-cream .

K a te asks Ian to buy w a te r because

1 ) she is a lle rg ic to ju ice.
2 ) one o f h er frien d s doesn’ t lik e ju ice.
3) one o f h er frien d s can ’ t d rin k some o f th e juices.
О т в е т :______________________ .

K a te is w o rrie d because
1 ) she was le ft w ith o u t a p layer.
2 ) h er litt le b ro th er is a n au gh ty boy.
3) she has broken a CD -player.
О т в е т :_______________ .

W h a t oth er th in gs has K a te g o t to do?

1) A lo t o f cookin g.
2) Some cook in g and cleanin g.
3) Some cook in g and la y in g the table.
Ответ: .

По окончании выполнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каж­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами A —G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. The h is to ry o f a popular drin k 5. Some changes in B ritis h d iet

2. H e a lth y drin k 6 . Some changes in B ritis h tastes
3. T h ey w an t it quick and easy 7. M a k in g tea process
4. N o t a drin k 8 . H e lp fu l hin t

A . B ritis h attitu d e to w h at th e y eat d a ily has changed a lo t o v e r the past tw en ty

years. In the 1990s each person ate about 352 gram s o f ‘ re d ’ m eat each w eek, but now i t ’ s
less than 250 gram s. P eo p le p re fe r chicken and fres h fish . A n d m ore people are in te re s t­
ed in h ealth y e a tin g these days. In 1988 the n ation al average was 905 gram s o f f r u it and
f r u it ju ices each w eek, but now i t ’ s n ea rly 2 , 0 0 0 gram s.
B. T w e n ty years ago, B ritish people usually ate at hom e. T h ey o n ly w en t out fo r a
m eal at special tim es, lik e fo r som ebody’ s b irth d ay. T od a y w hen both parents are w o rk ­
in g, th ey cannot cook la rge m eals in the even in gs. ‘ R ea d y-m ad e’ m eals fro m superm ar­
kets and M arks and Spencer and ‘ ta k e-a w a y’ m eals fro m fa s t fo o d restau ran ts are v e ry
popular. I f you are fe e lin g tire d or lazy, you can even phone a local restau ran t. T h ey w ill
b rin g the fo o d to you r house.
C. In the past, tra d itio n a l steakhouses w ere v e r y popu lar places, but now m ore and
m ore people p r e fe r fo r e ig n fo o d . E v e ry B ritis h tow n has In d ian and Chinese restaurants,
and la rge tow ns h ave restau ran ts fro m m any oth er cou n tries too.
£ - ЭИАНТ 14

D. T h e B r itis h p o p u la tio n d rin k s a lo t o f tea. T ea — m o s tly g re e n :e

— cam e to B rita in in th e la te 1500s. B u t it w as o n ly f o r th e v e r y ric h . It Ьеслш т i
e r about th re e h u n dred yea rs la te r, w h en it w as p la n ted in In d ia and la te r in C eylon
(S r i L a n k a ). P e o p le fr o m a ll classes s ta rte d d r in k in g it. B u t som e p eople th o u g h t th a t
to o m uch tea was bad f o r th e ir h ea lth . So th e y s ta rte d p u ttin g m ilk in it to m ake it
h ea lth ie r!
E. A fte rn o o n tea is a sm all m eal. N o w m ost o rd in a ry B ritis h fa m ilie s do not have tim e
f o r aftern o o n tea at hom e, but in the past it was a tra d itio n . It becam e popular w hen rich
ladies in v ite d th e ir frien d s to th e ir houses fo r an aftern o o n cup o f tea. T h ey started o f ­
fe r in g th e ir v is ito r s sandwiches and cakes too. Soon everyb o d y was e n jo y in g th is e x c it­
in g new meal.
F. I f som eone in E nglan d asks you ‘W o u ld you lik e a cuppa?’ th e y are ask in g i f you
w ou ld lik e a cup o f tea. I f som eone says, ‘ L e t me be m o th e r’ o r ‘ Shall I be m o th e r?’ th ey
are o ffe r in g to pour out the tea fro m the teapot.
G. M ost people to d ay use teabags to make tea, but some serious d rin kers make tea in
th e tra d itio n a l w ay. F irs t the w a te r is boiled. Then some o f the b oiled w a te r is used to
w arm the teapot. Then the tealeaves are put in the teap ot. Then the b o ilin g w a te r is add­
ed. Then the pot is le ft fo r fiv e m inutes under a ‘ tea c osy’ . F in a lly , the tea is served in
d elicate cups w ith saucers.

Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — T ru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста н ельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

T h e S e le c tiv e M em o ry

L o n g , w arm e ve n in g s spent m essin g arou nd th e v illa g e harbour. W a tc h in g the

fish e rm e n g o in g about th e ir business. I rem em ber a ge n era l sensation o f w e ll-b e in g .
It n e v e r used to be cold as i t alw a ys seem s to be w h en I w a lk a lo n g th e seacoast t o ­
d ay. T h e endless d ays spen t in d oors because o f the stead y ra in are fo r g o tte n . O n ly
the sunshine and w a rm th rem ain as a m em ory.
I liv e d in a litt le seaside v illa g e which was fu ll o f h olidaym ak ers in the sum m er and
d eserted the rest o f the year. W e ran fre e , a ga n g o f local ch ild ren o f all ages. School
w ork was n ever a b ig issue; we used to do it qu ick ly so we could go o f f dow n to the v i l ­
lage. W e used to eat enorm ous slices o f bread and jam b efo re p u llin g on our b ath in g cos­
tum es and h eadin g fo r the harbour to jo in the oth er kids.
Our m ain occupation d u rin g the sum m er m onths was ju m p in g o f f the h arb ou rw all in ­
to the sea. W e used to encourage one an oth er to jum p h igh er and h igh er. Th e m ost ad ­
m ired fe a t used to be the b ig ju m p fro m the top o f the sm all ligh th ou se w h ich was the
h igh est p oin t alon g the sea w a ll. O n ly the b ravest m em bers o f the ga n g used to do this
B ut our gre a tes t ad m ira tion was fo r the b ea u tifu l, yo u n g people w h o d ro ve speed
boats around the bay. W e used to s it on the w a ll w a tch in g these stran gers w ho liv e d in
fa r-a w a y tow ns and w ho spent th e ir h olidays sun b ath in g and w a te r sk iin g. W e used to

dream o f b ecom in g mem bers o f th e ir ex clu sive club and g o in g fo r trip s around the bay.
B ut th ey n ever m ixed w ith us locals.
S om etim es we w en t fis h in g o f f the rocks. W e used to spend hours in the rock pools
w hich w ere o n ly v is ib le at low tid e. W e d id n ’ t use to do th in gs accordin g to the tim e o f
day, but instead, w e fo llo w e d the rh yth m o f the sea. Our clock was the tim etab le at the
entrance to the harbour w h ich in fo rm ed the fish erm en o f the d a ily tim es o f h igh and low
Th e m em ory selects o n ly parts o f childhood, the rest is pushed in to dark corners. W e
n ever rem em ber the w h ole tru th , o n ly b its and pieces picked up here and there.
M y ow n m em ory has on ly kept the happy m om ents o f a fre e and easy childhood, but
I w on d er i f th is is alw ays the case?

10 The au th or rem em bers o n ly the best days o f his childhood.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

11 The au th or spent his childh ood w ith his gran dparen ts.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

12 The v illa g e was em p ty in cold seasons.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

13 The au th or d id n ’ t stu d y w ell.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

14 The ch ild ren n ever cared about w h at to eat.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

15 The au th or was the b ravest m em ber o f his com pany.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

16 The au th or made a lo t o f frien d s w ith tou rists.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

17 Th e ch ild ren d id n ’ t have a s tric t tim etab le.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, за п я ­
ты х и други х доп олн и тельн ы х си м в олов . Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

Bob M arley
18 Bob M a rle y . b y m illion s all o v e r the w o rld not o n ly REM EM BER
fo r his m usic but fo r his b elie fs and his w o rk fo r peace. M a rle y was the
f ir s t superstar fro m the ru ral n orth o f Jam aica. P o v e r ty as w e ll as am ­
19 b ition s ____________________ Bob to m ake music. H is p ro fessio n al career D R IV E

20 began in 1962 when he made his sin gle. H e and his ONE
grou p becam e a sensation in Jam aica and eve ry w h e re in the Caribbean.
T h e y id e n tifie d w ith rebelliou s you th . B ut soon M a r le y ’ s life was to be
changed b y a new in flu en ce. In the e a rly 1960’ s the R a s ta fa ria n m o ve­
21 m ent _____________________ in Jam aica, becom in g m ore and m ore popular. GROW
The R asta fa ria n s b elieved th a t e v e n tu a lly all black people
22 _____________________ to th e ir hom eland to A fr ic a . M a rle y was in terested in RETURN

23 r e lig io n and fro m 1967 his music this. REFLECT

24 A t the s ta rt o f the 70’ s his grou p s till unknown in te r ­ BE

n a tion a lly. B u t in 1971 w h ile v is it in g B rita in , th e y sign ed a con tract
w ith Islan d R ecords in London. Th e deal g a ve a b ig advance and access
25 to t h e _____________________ reco rd in g equipm ent. B y 1975, when the sin gle GOOD

26 ‘ N o W o m an , N o C r y ’ reached the charts, th ey B rita in . CONQUER

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и слова­
ми. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27—32.

A re You a Couch Potato?

C en turies ago, people d id n ’ t have much fre e tim e, because e v e r y ­

27 body w a s _____________________ w o rk in g too hard. S IM P L E
In B rita in in the n in eteen th cen tu ry, people in ven ted fo o tb a ll, ru g ­
28 b y and crick et. It was e v e n ____________________ to w atch a sport and P O S S IB IL IT Y

29 g iv e the th at you w ere actu ally d oin g som ethin g. IM P R E S S

L a te r leisu re a c tiv itie s becam e less and less dem an din g, and m ost
30 people g o t a v a r ie ty o f m ore o r l e s s _____________________ in terests and ENERGY
hobbies. B ut now th ere is a new type o f person w ho thinks th a t ly in g
on the sofa w a tch in g te le v is io n is the m ost e x c itin g th in g . T h is is the
31 tw en tieth -c e n tu ry couch p otato. F o r them , e v e r y _____________________ is A C T IV E

32 too much trou ble, and is an a rt form ! LAZY

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

О ТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m yo u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , M ichael.
... Last week our class had a very interesting excursion to the British Museum. I like our
school excursions because every time we learn something new. This time I was greatly
impressed by the Department of Coins and Medals...
Are there any museums in your city? What kind of museums do you prefer to visit? What
interesting excursions have you got with your classm ates? ...
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и гаджетами, о котороых говорится в диалоге:
к каж дому диалогу подберите соответствующее название гаджета, обозначенное цифрами.
И сп ользуй те каждое название гаджета из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее название гаджета.

1. Com puter.
2. F rid ge .
3. E lec tric k ettle.
4. V acuum cleaner.
5. Cooker.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог A В С D

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие м еж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker says th a t he/she uses it fo r p eacefu l purposes.

2. The speaker th in ks th at i t ’ s e x tre m e ly usefu l.
3. The speaker adm its h a v in g a sw eet tooth .
4. The speaker says th a t i t ’ s a m u ltifu n ctio n a l th in g fo r him /her.
5. The speaker talks about his/her bad m em ory.
6. The speaker says th at it helps him /her to ach ieve the aim.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну циф­
ру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

S u sie’ s parents h a ven ’ t decided on

1) the place to tr a v e l to. 2 ) the tim e to go there. 3) the w ay to go th ere.

M a x p re fe rs tr a v e llin g
1) b y car. 2 ) w ith his dad. 3) d r iv in g a car h im self.

S u sie’ s fa m ily p re fe r to f l y because

1 ) none o f them d rives.
2 ) it is cheaper.
3) her p aren ts’ h olidays are too short.

6 Susie p refe rs s ta y in g in h otels because

1 ) th ey d on ’ t lik e to take ten ts w ith them .
2 ) it is cheap enough.
3) she likes to fe e l com fortab le.
О т в е т :______________________.

T h ey are g o in g to save m oney by

1 ) re n tin g a car.
2 ) h irin g a local gu ide.
3) d oin g w ith o u t a local gu ide.
О т в е т :______________________ .

M ax prom ises Susie to

1 ) p ro vid e h er w ith a good gu id e book.
2 ) fin d a good gu ide.
3) w r ite to her about the place.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запиш ите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. A b solu te h onesty 5. A n o th e r ap p lication

2. The cost o f education 6 . O ption al teach in g
3. Just choosing 7. N eed ed m ove
4. In fo rm a l teach in g 8 . U n certa in parents
A . A t the b egin n in g o f y o u r last yea r at school you re ce iv e an ap p lication fo rm . On
this fo r m you choose up to f iv e u n iv ersities th a t you w ou ld lik e to go to. The fo rm is sent
to those u n iv ersities w ith in fo rm a tio n fro m y o u r school about you and yo u r academ ic
results. I f the u n iv ersities are in terested in yo u r ap p lication , th ey w ill ask you to attend
an in te rv ie w and w ill o ff e r you a place. A n y o ffe r , h ow ever, is o n ly con d itio n al at this
B. А -level exam in ation s are the exam s taken at the end o f y o u r tim e at school. So,
when a u n iv e rs ity makes an o ffe r , it w ill te ll you the m in im u m grades th a t you m ust get
on y o u r а-level exam . I f you d o n ’ t g e t those grades, then you w ill not be accepted and you
w ill have to ap p ly again to an oth er u n iv ersity .
C. L ik e all B ritish u n iv ersities , O x fo rd is a state u n iv e rs ity not a p riv a te one.
S tudents are selected on the basis o f th e ir resu lts in the n ation al exa m in ation or the
special O x fo rd entrance exam in ation . T h ere are m any applicants and nobody can g e t a
place b y p ayin g. Successful candidates are a d m itted to a special college o f the u n iv ersity:
th at w ill be th e ir hom e fo r the n ex t th ree years and fo r a lo n g e r p eriod i f th ey w ou ld like
to go on stu d yin g fo r a p ostgrad u ate d egree.

D. A n un d ergrad u ate w ill spend an hour a week w ith his or her ‘ tu to r ’ ; perhaps in the
com pany o f one oth er student. Each o f them w ill have w ritte n an essay fo r the tu to r,
w hich serves as the basis fo r discussion, argum en ts, the exp o sitio n o f ideas and academ ic
m ethods. A t the end o f the hour the students go aw ay w ith a new essay and a lis t o f books
th at m ig h t be h elp fu l in p rep a rin g fo r the essay.
E. Lectu res and sem inars are oth er kinds o f teach in g; popular lectu rers can a ttra ct
audience fro m several fa c u ltie s , w h ile others m ay fin d th em selves speaking to tw o or
th ree loyal students or m aybe to no-one at all. In p ractice, m ost students at O x fo rd are
en th usiastic about academ ic life and m any o f them w o rk fo r days on each essay,
som etim es s ittin g up th rou gh the n ig h t w ith a w e t to w el round th e ir heads.
F. M ost 18 and 19 year-olds in B rita in are ra th er independent people, and when the
tim e comes to pick a co llege, choose one as fa r aw ay fro m home as possible. So, m any
students in n orth ern and S cottish u n iv ersities come fro m E ngland and v ic e versa. I t ’ s
v e r y unusual fo r students to liv e at hom e. A lth o u g h parents m ay be a litt le sad to see this
happen, th ey usually have to approve o f this step and see it as a necessary p art o f
b ecom in g an adult.
G. Students all o v e r the w o rld have to w ork fo r th e ir education. A college edu cation
in the U S A is exp en sive. Th e costs are so h igh th a t m ost fa m ilie s b egin to save fo r th e ir
c h ild re n ’ s edu cation w hen th e ir ch ild ren are the babies. E ven so, m any yo u n g people
cannot a ffo r d to pay the expenses o f fu ll-tim e c o llege w ork . T h ey do not have enough
m oney to pay fo r school costs. T u itio n fo r a tte n d in g the u n iv e rs ity , books fo r classes,
and d o rm ito ry costs are h igh . T h ere are oth er expenses such as ch em istry and b io lo g y
lab oratories fees and special student a c tiv ity fees.

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — Tru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

In v e s tin g in M em o ries

M y uncle had a m oustache, a good job in the C iv il S ervice and used to smoke fo r t y
c ig a re ttes a day. B ut w hen he o rga n ized day trip s fo r our fa m ily he used to behave lik e a
boy. T od ay, seven ty years later, we s till talk about the w o n d erfu l trip s to the sea our
uncle used to o rga n ize when we w ere ch ildren .
H e o rga n ized the trip s v e r y c a re fu lly . H e used to buy the ra ilw a y tick ets and w r ite
special program m es lon g b e fo re the day a rriv e d so we began to look fo rw a rd to the trip .
On the co v e r o f the p rogram m e was the name o f the place we w ere v is it in g and a
hum orous d ra w in g o f everyo n e in the fa m ily . T h ere was even a lu cky num ber on each
p rogram m e and the w in n er d id n ’ t have to ca rry the bags on the w a y home.
A l l th rou gh the day he o rga n ized gam es and com petition s. In his v ie w , all the gam es
had to be s lig h tly an ti-social. So i f the p rogram m e said ‘ 4p.m .: A n n u a l Ladies and
G entlem en m a tch ’ , the m atch w ou ld alw ays take place, even i f the beach was v e r y
crow ded. H e o rgan ised treasu re hunts, m o d ellin g com petition s w ith seaweed, shells and
bits o f w ood fro m the beach, and oth er even ts. T h ere w ou ld be a special p rize fo r the
w in n er o f e v e ry com p etition , usually an old s p o rtin g cup fro m a local ju n k shop.

Н е m ade sure th a t th ere w ere as m any people on the to p as possible, and in v ite d
neighbours and th e ir ch ild ren as w e ll to jo in the fa m ily fo r the day. The fu n started as
soon as we le ft home. E ven the w a lk down to the station in the m orn in g used to in v o lv e a
gam e ( ‘ the f ir s t person to see a policem an gets a p o in t’ ).
One gam e we used to p lay in the car was called ‘ I know th a t la d y ’ . One o f us w ould
choose som eone w a lk in g alon g the street, and as we approached, the d riv e r sounded the
car horn, and eve ryb o d y w aved. The wom an w o u ld n ’ t understand w h y we w ere w a v in g at
h er and w ou ld look p u zzled.
H e n ev e r th o u gh t m oney spent on a w e ll-o rg a n ized o u tin g was w asted. W h e n his w ife
com plained about the cost o f a fa m ily day out, he said, ‘ L ook, i t ’ s not w a stin g m oney, i t ’ s
in v e s tin g in m em o ries.’

10 The a u th o r’ s uncle had a la rge fa m ily .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

11 The a u th o r’ s uncle made his childh ood u n fo rge tta b le .

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

12 T h ey w en t cam pin g all o v e r the place.

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

13 The a u th o r’ s uncle was ra re ly in v e n tiv e .

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

14 A l l the neighbours took p art in the fa m ily trips.

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

15 Some o f th e ir gam es annoyed oth er people.

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

16 The a u th o r’ s aunt disapp roved o f h er husband’ s b eh avior.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

17 The a u th o r’ s uncle n ever re g re tte d about the m oney spent.

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

О ТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, зап я­
ты х и других доп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

The Geography o f the Russian Soul

18 T h ere much m ysteriou s in R ussian h isto ry, in BE

d estin y o f the R ussian people and the R ussian state. The
re la tio n betw een the R ussian people and the huge R ussian state
19 s t i l l ___________ a rid d le in the g e o gra p h y o f the R ussian state. R E M A IN
R u ssia was in flu en ced b y its huge spaces. Th e R ussian
20 people ___________ to fo rm a la rg e state. The R ussian soul is FOR CE
en circled b y vast R ussian fie ld s and deep R ussian snows.
21 Russian space ____________ the R ussian man instead o f the D O M IN A T E

~ 22 ~ R ussian man d om in a tin g R ussian space. huge T H IS

spaces are represen ted as the geo grap h ica l fa c to r o f R ussian
23 h isto ry. B ut fro m a ___________ , m ore in te rn a l p oin t o f v ie w such DEEP
spaces can be con sidered as the in tern a l, s p iritu a l fa c t o f
R ussian d estin y. I t is the G eograp h y o f the Russian soul.
24 In the R u s s ia n ___________ th ere is none o f the n arrow s p irit MAN

"25" o f the European people. Th ere none o f th is BE

carefu ln ess, the econom y o f space and tim e and the greatn ess o f
26 cu ltu re. D epth, stren gth , and sym p ath y are g e n e r a l___________ C H A R A C T E R IS T IC
o f the R ussian soul.

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и сл о ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

T ravellin g with Parents

27 I lik e tr a v e llin g because it can ou tlook and helps BROAD

me to understand o th er cultu res. I th in k th at I ’ m alrea d y an
28 e x p e rie n c e d ___________ TRAVEL

29 F irs t o f all e v e ry th in g should be planned. I ’ m CAREFUL

not an ad u lt y e t so I tra v e l w ith m y parents. T h is yea r we
decided to go to B rita in .
In B rita in we stayed in a sm all h otel near London. It o ffe r e d
30 us a w id e range o f gam es, such as tennis and D IF F E R

~зГ fo o tb a ll, and a lo t o f . b oa tin g, can oein g and so on. A C T IV E

~32~ was o ffe r e d fo r those w ho w an ted to g e t to C YCLE

rem ote places choosing scenic routes.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВЕТОВ Л» 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превышаю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do this task.

Y o u h ave received a le tte r fro m yo u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , Pam ela.
... Christm as is coming but, frankly speaking, I am tired of celebrating it in a swimming suit
(you know, here in Australia it’s hot on Christm as). Once I found a video about Russian winter in
the Internet. I wish I could have such white Christmas!
How do you celebrate Christm as and New Year in Russia? Is it possible to stay outdoors at
night while celebrating? Do you always have so much snow?
W r it e h er a le tte r and answ er h er 3 questions.
W r it e 100— 120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w ritin g .


Вы два раза услы ш и те четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и гаджетами, о котороых говорится в диалоге:
к каж дому д иалогу подберите соответствующее название гаджета, обозначенное цифрами.
И спользуйте каждое название гаджета из списка 1-5 тольк о один раз. В задании есть одно
лиш нее название гаджета.

1. Cooker. 4. Т У set.
2. M icro w a v e oven. 5. Dish washer.
3. Phone.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Д и алог A В С D

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И спользуйте каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 тольк о один раз. В задании есть одно
лиш нее утверждение.

1. Th e speaker is sure th at it helps to stay to geth er.

2. Th e speaker says it can be done anyw here and any tim e.
3. Th e speaker th in ks th at i t ’ s b ette r fo r re la x in g .
4. Th e speaker is sure th at i t ’ s less d iffic u lt to g e t the idea.
5. Th e speaker talks about d iffe r e n t e ffe c ts o f books and T V .
6. The speaker thinks i t ’ s b e tte r fo r yo u r oral speech.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящ ий А В С D Е
Утверж дение

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h y d id n ’ t P au l go to s a fa ri park?
1) H e was busy.
2) H e d id n ’ t w an t to jo in A n n .
3) H e doesn’ t lik e to see anim als in c a p tiv ity .
О т в е т :______________________.

Does A n n agree w ith Paul?

1) P a r t ly because she dislik es Zoos.
2) N o , because she likes g o in g to the Zoos or s a fa ri parks.
3) Y es, because she likes n eith er Zoos nor s a fa ri parks.

A n n thinks th at s a fa ri parks
1 ) m ake anim als sad.
2) are a good a lte rn a tiv e to the Zoos.
3) should be closed.

W h a t was the film A n n and P au l w atch ed about?

1) A b o u t m onkeys liv in g in the Zoo.
2) A b o u t m onkeys w h ich w ere taken to the Zoo fro m the ju n gle.
3) A b o u t the m onkeys w h ich came back to the ju n g le fro m the Z oo.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t does P au l th in k people should stop doin g?

1) B u ild in g m ore s a fa ri parks. 3) S en d in g anim als back to the w ild .
2) C losin g anim als in cages.
О т в е т :______________________.

P au l decides to buy the m agazin e because

1) th ere is an a rtic le about A fr ic a . 3) th ere is an a rtic le about a s a fa ri park.
2) th ere are pictu res o f A fr ic a .
Ответ: .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А -G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. U n frie n d ly n ation 5. P ro g re s s iv e b rin g in g up

2. D iffe r e n t m ean in g o f tim ek eep in g 6 . N o t any topic
3. Loud in te rlo cu to rs 7. V e r y lo gic a l
4. The m ain d iffe r e n c e 8 . A sign o f respect

A . Th e Fren ch lik e con versation . W h e n you are speakin g to French people, do n ot be

surprised i f th ey keep in te rru p tin g you and even raise th e ir voices; it is qu ite norm al.
French people shake hands much m ore than A m erica n s or m ost Europeans; i f you fa il to
shake hands, you m ay be considered rude. Y o u shou ldn ’ t sit dow n in the cafe u n til y o u ’ ve
shaken hands w ith everyo n e you know. A wom an in France w ill o ff e r her hand fir s t.
B. I lik e how A m erican s raise th e ir ch ildren . T h e y raise them to be independent. It is
p art o f A m eric a n cu ltu re. Sm all ch ild ren learn to do th in gs on th e ir own. T h e y learn to
take care o f th em selves, clean th e ir room s, help w ith the dishes and the lau n dry, spend
tim e aw ay fro m th e ir parents in day-care or w ith a b ab y-sitter. M ost teens tr y to fin d
sum m er or a fte r school jobs, so th a t th ey can have th e ir own m oney.
C. Russians have m any sup erstition s w h ich are o fte n taken seriou sly. B u t th ey are
fun. F o r exam ple: m eetin g a wom an w ith em pty buckets — bad luck; a fe e lin g o f your
face or ears b u rn in g means th a t som eone is ta lk in g about you. B e fo re le a v in g on a
jo u rn ey th ey sit dow n q u ie tly fo r a fe w m om ents to ge th e r. B ut this su p erstition is very
reasonable. It helps to con cen trate all on e’ s th ou ghts and a tten tio n and not to leave
a n yth in g im p o rta n t at home, tick ets, fo r exam ple.
D. O f course, p u n ctu a lity is a necessary habit in the life o f a c iv iliz e d society.
W ith o u t it, n o th in g could e v e r be b ro u gh t to a conclusion. B ut how do d iffe r e n t
n ation a lities understand it? I f you have arran ged a b irth d a y p a rty, w h at tim e should you
exp ect yo u r fo r e ig n guests to a rrive ? I f th ey are G erm an, th e y ’ ll be on tim e. I f th ey are

B ritish , th e y ’ ll come 10 or 15 m inutes late — this g iv e s hosts tim e to fin is h th e ir

preparation s. A n d you should allo w up to an hour fo r the Italian s.
E. In variou s parts o f G erm any, i f you a r riv e at din n er table and you cannot shake
e v e ry o n e ’ s hands because y o u ’ ll have to stretch across the table, the G erm an y gu est w ill
tap his knuckles lig h tly on the table to sign al his g re e tin g to everyon e. T h is same gestu re
also applies to w hen the person leaves the table. A ls o , u n iv e rs ity students use this
gestu re in o rd er to g re e t th e ir p rofessors in a classroom .
F. D on ’ t b elie ve all the stories about how u n frie n d ly the E n glish are. In a tra in or
cafe, anyw here re a lly , th ey w ill talk to you, but you m ust ‘ break the ic e ’ fir s t. Then see
them talk. A n y subject w ill do — the w eath er, th e ir dogs, the Com m on M ark et, fo o d . But
d on ’ t be curious about th e ir p riv a te life . N e v e r ask them how much m oney th e y earn.
T h is w ou ld be considered v e r y rude unless you know the person v e r y w ell. D on ’ t ask
about th e ir age and w e ig h t. A v o id re lig io n , too. T h ey also d on ’ t lik e ta lk in g about
p o litics, but i f th e y do, th e y usually speak on th is subject in a v e r y gen era l w ay.
G. I ’ v e been in E nglan d qu ite a lo n g tim e now. W h a t d iffe re n c e s do I n otice betw een
R u ssia and E nglan d? O f course, the b ig g e s t d iffe r e n c e is people. The average
E nglishm an is ra th er reserved . H e is frie n d ly , but he doesn’ t tr y to be fr ie n d ly too soon.
The land and clim ate in B rita in d on ’ t have any extrem es. N e ith e r do people.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.
Текст A В С D • E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — Tru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

C h arles D ickens
Charles D ickens can be considered to be the fir s t c ele b rity au th or in the w o rld . H e had
becom e popular by the age o f 25 and he was trea ted ju st lik e rock stars and m o vie stars
are trea ted tod ay. E ve ryw h e re he w en t, th ere w ere crow ds o f people ch eerin g him ,
shakin g his hand, and asking fo r his au tograph . H is fan s in the US even cut bits o f fu r
fro m his coat fo r sou ven irs. H e was so fam ous th at when he died at the age o f 58 he was
b u ried at W e s tm in s te r A b b ey.
A g re a t n o ve list, short s to ry w r ite r , jo u rn a list, he was also an e d ito r — and a fa th e r
o f 1 0 children!
D icken s’ s life was much lik e th at o f his m any characters, a rags-to-rich es story.
B orn in P o rtsm o u th on the 7th o f Febru ary, 1812, he was the second o f e ig h t
ch ildren . W h en he was 10 years old his fa m ily m oved to London. But th ere w ere serious
m oney problem s and his fa th e r w en t to prison fo r debt. H is fa m ily la te r jo in ed him . It
was com mon in those days fo r the fa m ily o f a d eb tor to liv e w ith him in prison.
Charles was taken out o f school and sent to w o rk in a b lack in g fa c to ry w h ere he put
labels on b ottles o f shoe polish. H e w ork ed lo n g hours fo r v e r y litt le m oney and liv e d
aw ay fro m his fa m ily , alone in London. Charles n ever fo r g o t this. E ven as a fam ous and
successful adult, he carried a deep m em ory o f the g r ie f, h u m ilia tio n and hopelessness he
had fe lt.
L a ter, he w en t to school again, and le ft it at 15 to becom e a re p o rter. H is genius fo r
d escrib in g com ical characters and his an ger about social in ju stice w ere soon noticed. In
1836, he began Th e P ic k w ick Papers. Th e book was so popu lar th a t b y the age o f 25
Charles was the m ost popular n o ve list in both B rita in and A m erica .
Charles D icken s’ n ovels w ere fu n n y and e x c itin g , but th ey had a v e r y serious
message. H e described the hard life o f p oor people and attacked in ju stice, h yp ocrisy and
oth er social ills o f V ic to ria n E ngland. H e o fte n w ro te about real people and real events.

H is stories w ere so p o w erfu l th at P a rlia m en t som etim es passed law s to change th in gs fo r

the b ette r. F o r exam ple, a fte r p u b lish in g N ic h o la s N ickleby, some o f the cruel b oa rd in g
schools in E nglan d w ere closed down.
Lon don was D icken s’ muse. T h rou gh o u t his life , he both lo ved and hated the c ity .
W h e n he was a boy, it fille d him w ith h o rro r and w on der. A s a man, he re g u la rly w alked
ten to tw e n ty m iles across th e c ity , w o rk in g out his plots. The c ity alw ays in sp ired him ,
and w hen he was aw ay fro m it he o fte n fou n d it d iffic u lt to w ork . H e called it his ‘ m agic
la n tern ’ , and it n ever fa ile d to spark his im a gin atio n .
D ickens is read and rem em bered to d ay fo r the unique characters he created. O liv e r
T w is t, D a vid C o p p erfield , U ria h H eep, E ben ezer S crooge, and m any, m any m ore liv e in
ou r m em ories as real people. W h en D ickens created his characters, he o fte n ran to the
m irro r and acted out th e ir m ovem en ts and fa c ia l expressions. P ro b a b ly th a t’ s w h y th ey
are so m em orable.
One his m ost fam ous characters is S crooge fro m A C hristm a s C arol. T od ay, this name
is p art o f the E n glish lan gu age: we o fte n call a mean person a ‘ scro o ge ’ .
D ickens is as popular to d ay as he was d u rin g his life tim e . T o m ark his b irth d a y, th ere
are celebration s all o v e r the E nglish -speak in g w o rld — p erform an ces, exh ib itio n s,
fe s tiv a ls and even parades!

10 Charles D ickens lik ed to be trea ted lik e a star.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

11 D icken s’ s childh ood was fu ll o f hardships.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

12 W h en he becam e a w r ite r , he soon fo r g o t about his w ork at the fa c to ry .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

13 Charles D ickens was o n ly known in G reat B rita in and the U S A .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

14 Th e G overn m en t o f G reat B rita in paid no a tten tio n to D icken s’ s works.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

15 H e n ev e r le ft Lon don because he could w o rk o n ly there.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

16 D ickens w ork ed a lo t to make his characters look real.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

17 The names o f all o f his characters becam e nicknam es.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: ____________ .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, зап я­
ты х и других доп олн и тельн ы х си м в олов . Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18—26.

T h e A r t o f F o r g e ttin g
I t ’ s am azin g w h at we can rem em ber and w hat we fo r g e t!
S ix years a fte r the death o f P rin cess D iana, a fam ous m a ga­
zin e ________________th at e v e ry one o f the fam ous people th ey had REPORT
~19 asked could rem em ber the exact o f how th ey D E T A IL
~ 20 ~ ________________ heard the news o f the p rin cess’ s death on A u g u s t ONE
31, 1997.

21 We rem em ber such shockin g and d ram atic

________________ than any oth ers but w h y do we fo r g e t an yth in g?
even ts
The th in gs we m ost o fte n fo r g e t are names (o f th in gs as w e ll as
22 p eople), num bers, dates and th in gs w e ________________ NOT UNDERSTAND
W e also fin d it hard to rem em ber a n yth in g w hen we
23 ________________, ill or v e r y tired . EM BARRASS
H o w e ve r, fo r g e t tin g is p e r fe c tly n orm al. T h ere is, it seems,
a lim it to w hat w e can rem em ber. I f we could rem em ber e v e r y ­
24 th in g, all the tim e, l i f e ______________ im possible! A s w e g e t older, BECOM E
~25~ we lose m ore and m ore o f le a v in g on ly the M EM ORY
26 IM P O R T A N T

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

A P e rs o n ’s O p in ion on H ig h e r E du cation

In m y opinion, the R ussian system o f h igh er education is

27 m o re fo r its e a rly sp ecia liza tion . Besides, the VALUE
course w o rk produces m ore in fo rm ed students in the fie ld s o f
28 studies chosen by t h e m .______________ success in R ussian u n iv e r­ ACADEM Y
sities depends on the tim e and e ffo r ts put in class. M ean w h ile in
29 m a n y ___________and A m eric a n u n iv ersities it is hom ew ork. A ls o B R IT A IN
R ussian students are m o stly used to s o lv in g problem s at
30 sem inars w ith oth er students. D IF F E R
I som etim es ask m y s e lf i f the cost o f education is w orth it.
31 A student spends years o f ________________ tim e stu d yin g and P R IC E
learn in g. A n d parents have to w o rk hard to pay fo r the educa-
tion . W h a t are the b en efits? In m ost cases, the e ffe c t makes a
32 b ette r life . A n d w h at can be m o r e _______________ than that? IM P O R T A N C E

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, зап яты х и других
д оп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВЕТО В № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превышаю­
щая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u h a v e 30 m in u te s to d o th is task .
Y o u h a v e r e c e iv e d a le t t e r fr o m y o u r E n g lis h -s p e a k in g pen fr ie n d , K a te .
...At school we have a tradition of helping sick people. Twice a week after classes we visit
elderly people, who live in the neighbourhood. We help them with shopping and cooking.
Mother says it helps us to be kinder and more responsible...
Are there any charity activities at your school? What do you think of organizing charity
concerts to collect money? How would you spend this money?
W r i t e h e r a le t t e r and a n s w e r h e r 3 q u e stio n s.
W r i t e 100—120 w o rd s . R e m e m b e r th e ru le s o f le t t e r w r it in g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому
д иалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те
каждое место дейстаия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место

1. A t a p arty. 4. A t the beach.

2. A t the p olice station . 5. A t the shop.
3. In a restau ran t.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверж дение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker is sure th at h ea lth y look is above all.

2. The speaker warns th at you should be c a re fu l w ith fo o tw e a r.
3. Th e speaker is sure th at it adds a lo t to y o u r good looks.
4. Th e speaker advises to make sm all changes in the u n ifo rm .
5. Th e speaker talks about the im p ortan ce o f sm all details.
6. The speaker thinks th at make-up is not necessary.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

H ow did frien d s o rga n ize the p arty?

1) T h ey asked Jane to do e v e ry th in g .
2) T h ey agreed to b rin g fo o d and drinks.
3) T h ey decided to go to the restau ran t.
О т в е т :_______________ .

W h a t was Tom responsible fo r?

1) H e was to b rin g the drin ks. 3) H e was to make a chocolate cake.
2) H e was to o rg a n ize the m usic.
О т в е т :______________________.

M ark was asked to b rin g

1) bananas and oranges. 2) biscuits and fr u it . 3) biscuits o r fr u it.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t kind o f salad did Jack b rin g?

1) M ea t salad. 2) Chicken salad. 3) S eafood salad.

W h a t was S ally asked to b rin g?

1) A b ig box o f chocolate.
2) W h a te v e r she decided to b rin g.
3) A n y th in g to M a rk ’ s choice.
О т в е т :______________________ .

M ark helped S ally to buy

1) shrim ps. 2) all kinds o f delicacies. 3) a box o f sweets.
Ответ: .

По окончании выполнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К ОТ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каж­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А -G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. A means o f com radeship 5. D angerous en tertain m en t

2. M u scle-pow er sports 6 . D iscrim in ated in sports
3. C ontents o f Sports A r tic le s 7. A n ation o f sports pioneers
4. The h isto ry o f sports 8 . I t ’ s fo r h ea lth y m ind in a h ea lth y body

A . S port is p robably as old as h u m an ity its e lf. It has been d ev elo p in g w ith the gro w th
o f m ankind. A l l o v e r the w o rld people o f d iffe r e n t ages are v e r y fon d o f sports and
gam es. S port not o n ly helps people to becom e stro n g and to d evelop p h ysically but also
makes them m ore o rg a n ized and b e tte r d iscip lin ed in th e ir d a ily a c tiv itie s . W e all need
exercise. R e g u la r exercises g iv e you m ore en ergy. T h a t is w h y m any people w ho s u ffe r
fro m gen era l tiredn ess should take m ore exercise as it makes them fe e l and look b etter.
B. The B ritis h are know n to be g re a t sports-lovers, so when th ey are n eith er p la yin g
n or w a tch in g gam es, th e y lik e to ta lk about them . F ootb all is, m aybe, the m ost popular
sport in the U K . E nglan d , W a le s, Scotland and N o rth e rn Irelan d have th e ir ow n Footb all
Leagu es and N a tio n a l team s. M an y o f the gam es w e p lay now com e fro m B rita in . The
B ritish g o t g o in g m any o f the sports now p layed w o rld -w id e, in clu d in g fo o tb a ll, tennis,
badm inton, crick et and g o lf.
C. D u rin g the 1993 F a ir in St. Lou is M r. H atch decided to bungee jum p. H e a rriv e d at
10.30 a.m ., sign ed the release docum ent and was lift e d in the bungee cage 170 fe e t above
the grou nd. H is jum p was b ein g taped by a local te le v is io n station . The bungee m aster
to ld him th a t he had attached the bungee cord. U n fo rtu n a te ly , he fo r g o t to attach the
oth er end o f the bungee cord and M r. H atch fle w 170 fe e t to the airb a g on the grou nd. A s
a resu lt o f the serious in ju rie s he s u ffe re d , the ju r y aw arded him $ 5,00 0 ,0 0 0 again st
both the F a ir Fou n dation and the bungee ju m p operator.
D. The o rig in a l O lym p ic Gam es began in ancient G reece in 776 B.C. These gam es w ere
p art o f the fe s tiv a l held e v e ry fo u rth yea r in honour o f the God, Zeus at a place called
M ou n t Olym pus. I t was a g re a t ath letic fe s tiv a l, in clu d in g the com petition s in w re s tlin g ,
fo o t ra cin g, ch a rio t ra cin g, ro w in g and others. Th e gam es w ere fo r men on ly. G reek
wom en w ere forb id d en not o n ly to p a rticip a te in com p etition s but also to atten d the
O lym pics.
ВАРИАНТ 17 101

E. S cottish H igh la n d Games a ttra ct la rg e num bers o f spectators fro m all o v e r the
w o rld . These m eetin gs are held e v e ry y e a r in d iffe r e n t places o f S cottish H igh lan d s.
T h ey include the clans led by th e ir pipers, dressed in k ilts , w ho m arch round the arena.
N o one knows e x a c tly when the men o f the H igh lan d s fir s t ga th ered to w restle, toss
cabers, th ro w ham m ers, dance and p lay music. The Games re fle c te d the hard life o f the
e a rly Scots. T h ey had to handle tim ber, l i f t rocks to b u ild the houses, hunt, etc. The
contests o f the H igh la n d Games have d evelop ed fro m such a c tiv itie s .
F. The w o r ld ’ s gre a tes t in tern a tion a l sports gam es are known as the O lym pic Games.
The O lym pic idea means frien d sh ip , fr a te r n ity and coop eration am ong the people o f the
w orld . The O lym pic m ovem en t p roves th a t real peace can be ach ieved th rou gh sport. The
O lym pic em blem is f iv e in te rlin k in g rin gs: blue, ye llo w , green, black and red. A n y
n ational fla g contains at least one o f these colours.
G. M uch o f the in fo rm a tio n on the sports pages is tem p orary: it is o f in te re st fo r the
cu rren t day and m ay be o f litt le in te re st the fo llo w in g day. It includes the resu lts o f
y e s te rd a y ’ s gam es and the prospects fo r to m o rro w ’ s gam es. B ut sports fe a tu re articles
do deal w ith la rg e r issues, such as the role o f business and p o litics in sports. O ther
fea tu re a rticles g iv e in sig h t in to the sport it s e lf or in to the people w ho p lay the sport.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.
Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — T ru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительн ого, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

Sh arks
Sharks are p robably the m ost fea red o f all sea anim als. T h ere are m ore than 360 kinds
o f sharks in the w aters o f the w o rld . But, scien tists say, o n ly some species are dangerous
to man.
T h e y liv e in oceans th ro u gh ou t the w o rld but are usually fou n d in w arm w aters.
Sharks are rem arkably successful anim als. The fir s t sharks liv e d on our p lan et m ore
than 420 m illio n years ago! T h ey are fa s t and stron g. T h e y have v e r y fe w parasites and
are h ard ly e v e r ill. T h e y have alm ost no enem ies except oth er sharks.
Some people th in k th at all sharks are b ig. B ut some kinds o f sharks are no b ig g e r than
yo u r hand. Th e sm allest shark is about 16 cen tim eters lo n g and w eigh s about 28 gram s.
The b ig g e s t shark — and the la rges t o f all fis h — is the w hale shark. It m ay g ro w up
to 12 m etres lo n g and m ay w e igh o v e r 14 tons, o v e r tw ice as much as an a vera ge A fr ic a n
elephant! The w hale shark has th ree thousand teeth but it w ill n ever b ite you. It is qu ite
harm less. It eats o n ly tin y shrim p and fish .
D iffe r e n t sharks h ave d iffe r e n t habits. Some kinds liv e in the depths o f the ocean and
are v e r y seldom seen. Others are fou n d near the su rface. A fe w species en ter riv e rs and
lakes. S cien tists b elie ve th at one species, the Ganges R iv e r shark o f In d ia and P ak istan ,
liv es on ly in rivers.
Some sharks are loners, oth ers lik e to ga th er to g e th e r. B lue sharks are called the
w o lves o f the sea because th ey stay to g e th e r in packs.
Blue sharks o ften swim a fte r a ship fo r days. A lon g tim e ago sailors th ou ght this
m eant that someone was g o in g to die. T od ay we know th at sharks fo llo w ships because o f
the noise th ey make. W h en the garbage is th row n in to the w a ter the sharks stop and eat it.
M ost fis h la y eggs. B ut m ost sharks do not. T h e ir babies are born a liv e and com p letely
d eveloped. T h ey do not need p aren tal care. A baby shark is called a pup. The pup o f the
g re a t w h ite shark is alm ost the size o f a man. A s soon as th ey are born the pups go th e ir
ow n w ay. It is n ’ t safe to stay near a h u n gry m other.

A sh a rk ’ s brain is sm all but its teeth are b ig. It has m any row s o f teeth. W h e n a tooth
breaks o f f a new to o th m oves up to take its place. In some species new teeth replace the
row s o f o ld er ones as o fte n as once a week!
W h a t do sharks eat w ith all these teeth ? Fish and m ore fish , oth er sharks, seals,
tu rtles, crabs. A lm o s t a n yth in g th a t swim s in the sea.
S om etim es sharks eat th in gs th at are not foo d . N o one knows w h y. A l l these th in gs
have been fou n d in side b ig sharks: a w a llet, a drum , a b ottle o f w in e, a chest o f jew els
and a su it o f arm our!
Do sharks eat people? Y es, th e y do. I f a person is near a shark, the shark m ay attack.
B ut it doesn’ t happen v e r y o fte n . F ew er than 100 shark attacks a yea r are reported
th rou gh ou t the w orld .
The m ost dangerous shark in the sea is the g re a t w h ite shark. It is so nam ed a fte r its
w h ite b elly. The g re a t w h ite shark m ay be m ore than 6 m etres. It can sink a boat, it can
b ite a man in tw o, it can even sw allow a man w h ole. I t circles its p rey, ap p earin g fro m
n ow here, and o fte n approach in g fro m below .
H o w e ve r, specialists say, m ore people die fro m bee stin gs than fro m shark bites!
Sharks do not go h u n tin g fo r people. B ut people do go h u n tin g fo r sharks. A n d then
th ey have to be c a refu l. A shark m ay look dead. Then all o f a sudden it can ‘ wake u p ’ —
and attack!

10 Sharks are the oldest anim als on our planet.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

11 T he la rges t shark is the m ost dangerous one.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

12 Some sharks can liv e in riv e rs and lakes.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О твет: .

13 In old tim es sailors w ere su p erstitiou s about sharks.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

14 A l l baby sharks stay w ith th e ir m others.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

15 The teeth o f some sharks g ro w v e r y fast.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

16 Some sharks can sw allow a n yth in g w h ich is in th e ir w ay.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

17 W h ite sharks attack about 100 people a year.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: _________.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, зап я­
ты х и других доп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
ВАРИАНТ 17 103


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1 8 -2 6 , так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18—26.

Get Fit
18 A f t e r princess D ia n a . . in 1997, the B ritish P rim e M in ister, D IE
T on y B lair, called her ‘ the people’ s princess’ . This was not on ly because
she was v e ry popular, but also because she did many things that ordinary
people did. One o f these things was to regu la rly v is it her local gym .
19 O ver the past tw e n ty years, g o in g to a g y m ____________ an im p o r­ BECOM E
tan t p art o f m any p eo p le’ s lives. N ow adays, the fitn ess business
20 ____________ ! B ut fo r m any people fitn es s is n ot the m ain reason fo r g o ­ BO O M
in g to a gym . T h ey go because th ey are unhappy w ith th e ir appearance.
T h ey w ant to change the w a y th ey look by lo sin g w e ig h t and m akin g
21 th e ir m u sc les ___________E ven the b ea u tifu l D iana was n ot sa tis fie d w ith F IR M
her body.
T h ere are gym -go ers, h ow ever, w ho exercise to im p ro ve th e ir f i t ­
22 ness. I t _________ them fe e l good. MAKE

23 T h e y _________________th a t w a lk in g m iles on a trea d m ill, or using a D IS C O V E R

ro w in g m achine has m any physical b en efits. T h ey have m ore en ergy,
~2А th e ir h e a lt h ___________ and th ey fe e l less stressed. Studies have shown IM P R O V E

20 th a t re g u la r exercise a l s o _______________ m any p sych ologica l b en efits. HAVE

It im p roves con fiden ce and self-esteem , P eo p le also re p o rt th at when
26 th ey are fit t e r , th ey can t h in k __________ GOOD

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и сло ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

Dale Carnegie
In 1912, D ale C arn egie was a p o o r _______________ actor liv in g in EM PLOYED

28 N e w Y o r k C ity . H e w an ted to change his bad lu c k ___________

__________ So, he GREAT
had a talk w ith the d ire c to r o f a Y o u n g M en ’ s C h ristian A ssocia tio n .
D ale needed listen ers and a place fo r his n ig h t course in public speak­
29 in g. Th e d ire c to r g a ve him t h a t ________________ chance. C a rn eg ie ’ s b ril- LUCK

"з о " lia n t career as an A m e r ic a ’ s m aster o f _________________ad vice started PSYCHO LO GY

w ith th at job. H e was sure th a t it was possible to overcom e
3! ________________, fe a r and lack o f con fiden ce. H e ta u gh t th at anyone SHY

32 could be w on by a w arm and sm ile. H is book ‘ H o w to FRIEND

W in Frien ds and In flu en ce P e o p le ’ , becam e the fir s t paperback to sell a
m illio n copies, and it is s till in p rin t in dozens o f languages.

По окончании выполнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, зап яты х и других
доп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К ОТВЕТОВ Л ’ 2. При вы полнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответь: будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакне записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do this task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m y o u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , Jane.
... My boy-friend Alec invited me to a night club. He advised me to dress up in a special
outfit. I also changed my hairstyle. In the club I felt great! I don’t know where w e’ll go next time
but I’m sure Alec will think of something interesting...
Where do you and your friend usually spend time? Which of you chooses where to go? Who
advises you what to wear and how to behave?
W r it e her a le tte r and answ er her 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em ber the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш и те четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
л о гу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж ­
дое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место дейс­

1. A t home. 4. In a cafe.
2. A t the p olice station. 5. A t the d en tist.
3. In the street.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker shares his exp erien ce o f s ta y in g calm .

2. The speaker talks about his w a y o f s ta y in g e n ergetic.
3. The speaker adm its th at th ere is som eth in g besides sport.
4. The speaker m entions the social im p ortan ce o f sport com petition s.
5. The speaker talks about his sports v icto rie s .
6. The speaker adm its th at re g u la r tra in in g can be a good m o tiv a tio n .
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3 - 8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h a t colou r is the hall?

1) O range. 2) Blue. 3) P in k .
О т в е т :______________________.

W h y did N a n cy p ain t the liv in g room blue?

1) Because the room is o fte n too sunny. 3) Because the room is v e r y sm all.
2) Because the room is v e r y lig h t.
О т в е т :______________________.

H o w d id N a n cy g e t prepared fo r red ecoration w ork?

1) She atten ded courses. 3) She used ad vice g iv e n in m agazines.
2) She g o t p rofession al advice.
О т в е т :______________________ .

N a n cy pain ted the room s

1) upstairs. 3 ) dow n stairs.
2 ) both upstairs and dow nstairs.

H o w did N a n cy choose the colo r fo r her bedroom ?

1) She w an ted it to be the same. 3) She w a n te d it to m atch the fu rn itu re .
2) She w anted it to m atch the new flo o r.
О т в е т :_____________________ .

Bob likes the kitch en because

1) it has a new w ooden flo o r. 2) it looks la rg er. 3) it looks stylish .
Ответ: ________.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К ОТ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. D iffic u lt to grou p 5. The liv in g p lan et

2. M od ern in fo rm a tio n 6 . The air
3. A l l liv in g th in g s ’ p ro tection 7. U s e fu l gases
4. C om fo rta b le con d ition 8 . The hidden p ictu re
A . L ik e oth er planets the E arth m oves around the sun. B u t the E arth is d iffe r e n t
fro m all the oth er planets in our solar system . I t ’ s w e ll known th at life exists o n ly on the
earth. The su rface o f our plan et in w h ich organism s can liv e is called ‘ the B io sp h ere’ .
The biosphere includes all the places w h ere life exists: sky, sea and land. The soil on
w h ich plants g ro w and the o x yge n we breathe are produced by liv in g th in gs. The
b iosphere exten ds v e r tic a lly to a h eig h t o f ten thousand m eters. In the opposite d irectio n
it exten d s to f iv e thousand m eters in to the oceans and several hundred m eters b elow the
land su rface. The biosphere depends on the sun d ire c tly or in d irec tly .
B. D iffe r e n t cultu res im a gin e d iffe r e n t shapes w hen th ey look at the same grou p o f
stars. T h e y see sim ple objects, anim als or people. The ancient G reeks o fte n named
con stellation s a fte r the g re a t heroes o f G reek m y th o lo g y , the Japanese a fte r th e ir
sam urai w a rrio rs . One o f the best-know n sm all grou p o f stars are seven b rig h t stars seen
fro m the n orth ern p art o f the w orld . T h e y fo rm a p art o f the con stellation the G reat
B ear. B ut the B ritish named them the P lou gh . The A m erican s saw a la rge spoon w ith a
lo n g handle so th ey called it the B ig D ip per. The A ra b s saw a v e r y sad p ictu re: a c o ffin
and th ree m ourners. The A z te c s saw a god. A lth o u g h a con stellation m ay fo rm a p ictu re,
to m odern astronom ers it is ju st a grou p o f balls o f b u rn in g gas.
C. It is easy to te ll the d iffe r e n c e betw een a tree and a dog, but i t ’ s not so easy to te ll
the d iffe r e n c e betw een all plants and anim als liv in g on the E arth. Y o u m ig h t say th at
anim als have eyes and ears, w h ile plants do not. P la n ts c e rta in ly do not h ave such sense
organs, but th ere are also m any anim als w ith o u t them , fo r instance earthw orm s. U n lik e
green plants anim als can ’ t make th e ir own fo o d . Because o f th e ir need to fin d foo d , th ey
d evelop w ays o f m o v in g around and resp on din g to th e ir surrou ndin gs. Some m icroscopic
liv in g th in gs can make th e ir ow n fo o d in the same w a y th at plants do, but also take in
ready-m ade fo o d lik e anim als.
D. The E a rth ’ s atm osphere consists o f d iffe r e n t gases. T h is is w hat the liv in g th in gs
b reath e to liv e . The atm osphere exten ds to a fe w hundred m iles above the su rface o f the
E arth. It includes w a te r va p o r and the gases n itrogen (7 7 % ) and oxygen (2 1 % ). It also
includes argon, carbon d iox id e, helium , neon and h yd rogen .
ВАРИАНТ 18 107

E. The lo w er p art o f the stratosp h ere contains a band o f w arm gas called the ozone
layer. O zone absorbs v e r y sh ortw a ve u ltra v io le t ra d ia tio n — th at is the h arm fu l,
b u rn in g rays fro m the sun. These rays k ill plants and cause burns, skin cancer and
cataracts in anim al and man.
F. Th e solar system consists o f the sun, nine planets and th e ir moons and oth er objects.
The sun is a star th at radiates heat in all direction s. Th e planets in the solar system w ere
form ed about 4,5 b illio n years ago. The distance o f the E arth fro m the sun is about
93 m illio n m iles. The E arth m oves around the sun in a re gu la r orb it. The to ta l orb it area
o f the planet is about 197 m illio n square m iles. Land covers about 30% o f the surface.
Oceans cover about 70 percent. Th e E arth has on ly one moon. The M oon is sm aller than
any o f the nine planets. But lik e the planets it shines by r e fle c tin g the sun’ s lig h t.
G. The Earth has the p erfe c t tem peratu res fo r life . I t ’ s not too hot unlike Venus and
not too cold unlike N eptu n e. D iffe r e n t places on E arth have d iffe r e n t tem peratu res and
d iffe r e n t types o f w eath er. H o w ever, the average tem peratu re on the E arth is about 60 °F
(16 °C).
З апиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — T ru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста н ельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

N o stra d a m u s the P ro p h e t
W a s a man liv in g in the 16th cen tu ry able to p red ict the French R e v o lu tio n , W o r ld
W a r T w o and th at M an w ou ld w a lk on the m oon? The answer is ‘yes’ i f we ask the fans o f
N ostradam us, a g re a t French a s tro lo ge r and astron om er, w ho used both a s tro lo g y and
astron om y to p red ict the fu tu re.
N o stra d a m u s’ real name was M ich el de N ostradam e. H e was born on the 14th o f
D ecem ber, 1503, in a sm all tow n in southern France. A s a child he was v e r y good at
m athem atics and as tro lo gy . A t the age o f 15, he becam e a u n iv e rs ity student, but the
U n iv e r s ity was soon closed because o f an outbreak o f the plague. N ostradam us tra v e lle d
across the cou n try and helped v ic tim s o f the plague u sin g his ow n m ethods. It is said th at
he in ven ted a ‘ rose p ill’ th at could p ro te ct people again st the plagu e. Sadly, his fir s t w ife
and tw o sm all ch ild ren la te r died o f the plague.
N ostradam us continu ed to learn and practise m edicine, but he also g o t in terested in
a s tro lo gy . Soon legends began to g ro w about his stran ge a b ility to p red ict the fu tu re.
One s to ry said th at when N ostradam us was in Ita ly , he m et a m onk. H e im m e d ia te ly w en t
down on his knees and called the m onk ‘ Y o u r H o lin ess’ . A b o u t 45 years la te r the monk
becam e Pope.
N ostradam us realised th at he had an unusual g i f t and started w r itin g dow n his
p red iction s in the fo rm o f fo u r-lin e poems. H e q u ick ly became fam ous, and even Queen
C ath erine de M ed ici o f France w an ted to m eet him . N ostradam u s p red icted the death o f
her husband, K in g H e n ry II, and in 1559 his p red ictio n came true!
It is said th at N ostradam u s even p red icted his ow n death! W h en his assistant w ished
him g o o d n ig h t on the 1st o f J u ly 1, 1566, N ostradam us said: ‘ Y o u w o n ’ t fin d me a liv e at
su n rise’ . H e was fou n d dead on the 2nd o f July.
A ll in all, Nostradam us w rote o ver 900 predictions about the fu tu re o f the w orld. T h ey
w ere published in tw o books called The Centuries, which w ere published in 1555 and 1558.
N ostradam u s’ s fou r-lin e poems predicted events fro m the mid-1500s u n til the end o f
the w orld . People have studied and in terp reted his predictions since the sixteen th century!

The problem w ith these p red iction s is th a t th ey are v e r y vagu e and can mean m any
th in gs. N ostradam us made his poems d iffic u lt to understand b y using w ords fro m L atin ,
French, G reek and Ita lia n . T h e y have anagram s and rid dles and are not placed in
ch ron ological ord er. T h is was because he d id n ’ t w an t the Church to accuse him o f b ein g
a m agician or a h eretic.
B ut ju st how did N ostradam us p red ict the fu tu re ? H e w ork ed w ith an cien t books, he
studied the stars u sin g his kn ow led ge o f as tro lo gy . H e also used an an cien t m ethod o f
p re d ic tin g the fu tu re — he looked in to a b ow l o f w a te r u n til he had an in sp ira tio n or saw
an im age.
P eop le who b elie ve him say th a t he p red icted the G reat F ire o f London o f 1666, the
rise o f both N apoleon and H itle r , the assassination o f A m eric a n P res id en t John F.
K en n ed y and even the te rro ris t attacks o f the 11th o f Septem ber, 2001.
M an y o f his p red iction s seem true. B ut some o f the even ts n ever happened. Sceptics
th in k th a t N o stra d a m u s’ p red iction s can be in te rp reted to f i t alm ost any even t.

10 N o stra d a m u s’ s fa th e r was rich enough to g iv e him good education.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

11 N ostradam us in ven ted a lo t o f m edicines.

1) T ru e 2) False 3 ) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

12 N ostradam us trie d to hide his p red iction s in p oetic fo rm .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

13 H e could on ly p red ict the fu tu re o f o th e r people.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

14 H is books w ere n ever published a fte r 1558.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

15 M ost people can in te rp re t his p red iction s because th ey are put in ch ron ological order.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

16 The Church accused him o f b ein g a h eretic.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

17 P eop le b elie ve him because some o f his p red iction s came true.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, зап я­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
ВАРИАНТ 18 109


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

E x tre m e S ports
H ea rt-stop p in g a c tiv itie s such as m ountain b ik in g, snow boardin g
18 and s k y d iv in g _______________ as ‘ e x tre m e s p o rts ’ . A n d th e y are a t­ KNOW
tra c tin g m ore and m ore people. R ock -clim b in g, fo r exam ple,
19 ______________now by m ore than h a lf a m illio n A m erican s. O n ly 50,000 ENJO Y
w ere d oin g it in 1989.
20 One o f t h e _____________ o f all these sports is B A SE jum pin g. F irst done EXTREM E
in Г980, B A S E ju m pin g is ju m pin g o f f tall buildings, tow ers and bridges,
21 using a parachute. I t _______ dangerous, but o f course, th a t’ s w hy BA SE BE
jum pers love it. Lik e other extrem e sports, i t ’ s the risk o f disaster that
09 makes B A SE ju m pin g so excitin g. A s one B A SE jum per __________ it, PUT
‘ There aren ’ t many in ju ries in B A S E jum ping; you eith er liv e or d ie ’ .
23 Some exp erts p red ict th at extrem e s p o r t s _____________the m ajor BECOME
~24~ sports o f the 21st cen tu ry. T h ey m ay b e c o m e than tr a d i­ PO PU LAR

tion al fa v o u rite s lik e soccer and baseball. One o f t h e ________________ is R EASO N

th at parents start ta k in g th e ir little kids to extrem e sports shows. A n d
26 ________________ , also a tten d in g them , w ou ld lik e to do these dangerous TEENAG ER
sports in the near fu tu re .
W h a t ’ s m ore, th ey are alm ost sure that th ey w ill be able to repeat
th e ir ‘ d ea d ly’ jum p once again, lik e th ey alw ays do in a com puter gam e.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

A s S e lfis h as M od ern P eo p le
W e b elie ve th at in old tim es people w ere ‘ e n v iro n m e n ta lly
_______________ ’ and liv e d in harm on y w ith nature. Some people (such F R IE N D

28 as the In d ian s) respected and p rotected th e ir e n v iro n ­ A M E R IC A

m ent. B ut th ere are m any exam ples o f ancient people w ho carelessly
d estroyed the land th ey inhabited.
The g rea t c ity o f U r was d estroyed by floo d s because people cut down
29 the tr e e s _____________ on the bank o f th e ir r iv e r to use fo r th e ir fire s . A l ­ REG U LAR
th ough the B ible says th at the cause o f the floo d s was the an ger o f God,
30 the real cause o f the flo o d was p ro b a b ly ________ dam age by man. E N V IR O N ­
The dodo was a la rg e b ird , ra th er lik e a tu rk ey, th a t liv e d on the is ­ MENT
land o f M au ritiu s in the In dian ocean. W h en the fir s t man a rriv e d in
M au ritiu s in the e a rly 16th cen tu ry, th ey fou n d th at the dodos w ere
31 not a fra id o f people. T h e ________________ k illed dodos p a rtly fo r fo o d and SETTLE
p a rtly fo r sport. Less than 200 years a fte r the fir s t man settlem en t on
M au ritiu s, the last dodo was dead. O n ly the expression ‘ as dead as a d o ­
32 d o ’ lives in t h e ________________ langu age. ENG LAND

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, зап яты х и других
доп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. П ри вы полнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. П исьм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m yo u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , M ark.
... We’re doing a project about beliefs and superstitions in different countries. I’ve found a
lot of information, but nobody knows anything about R ussia The only thing I know that in old
times Russian people could forecast weather by some signs...
Could you write me a few words about Russian superstitions connected with good luck and
bad luck? Are there any funny ones? Do the superstitions about the weather really help?
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие между диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
ло гу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И спользуйте каж ­
дое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место дейс­

1. In the street. 4. A t the airp o rt.

2. A t the seaside. 5. A t the shop.
3. In the un dergroun d.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие м еж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И спользуйте каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker talks about his music lessons.

2. The speaker shares his exp erien ce o f p la y in g in a team .
3. The speaker is s o rry to h ave no o p p o rtu n ity to continu e p la yin g.
4. The speaker talks about lin g u is tic aspects o f lis te n in g to songs.
5. The speaker talks about music h elp in g him to relax.
6. The speaker is sure th at m usical a c tiv itie s help him in his studies.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h y is fa th e r a b it skeptical?
1) Because D ian a’ s frien d s have come a lo n g w ay.
2) Because he thinks i t ’ s e a rly to speak about fu tu re jobs.
3) Because he doesn ’ t b elie ve his dau gh ter.
О т в е т :______________________.

F a th er is sure th a t b ein g in terested in som ethin g

1 ) w o n ’ t make a person a p rofession al.
2 ) w o n ’ t help choose a job.
3) is v e r y im p o rta n t fo r choosing a job.
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h a t does D iana th in k o f M a r y ’ s decision?

1) She doesn’ t th in k she is p re tty enough.
2) She doesn’ t th in k she should be an actress.
3) She doesn’ t th in k she is ta len ted enough.

W h a t came as a surprise f o r fa th e r?
1) T h a t M a ry wants to be a p ilot.
2) T h a t M a ry changed her m ind.
3) T h a t D a vid w ants to be a p sych ologist.

7 I F a th er is curious about D ian a’ s frien d s because

1 ) he lik es ask in g questions.
2 ) he likes s o lv in g th e ir problem s.
3) he seems to be close to his dau gh ter.
О т в е т :______________________ .

8 I Does anybody w an t to fo llo w th e ir re la tiv e s ’ exam ple?

1) N o b o d y does. 2) T om does. 3) Diana does.

По окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К ОТ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. П ри переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. A litt le b it h ig h er 5. M ore e x tre m itie s

2. T oo em otion al 6 . D iffe r e n t changes
3. B roken balance 7. G loom y p red iction s
4. R ad ica l changes in outlook and life s ty le 8 . N o t fo r sure

A . J erom e K . Jerom e said th at we are n ever happy w ith the w eath er. The w eath er,
lik e the go vern m en t, is alw ays in the w ron g. B ut som eth in g has been re a lly w ro n g w ith
it la tely . D rou gh ts, w ild fir e s , landslides, avalanches, gales, tornadoes, flo o d s ... A l l o ve r
Europe i t ’ s the same sto ry. The w eath er is d e fin ite ly g e tt in g w orse and the so-called
extre m e w eath er even ts are b ecom in g m ore and m ore freq u en t.
B. G reenhouse e ffe c t is actu ally a n atu ral fe a tu re o f our atm osphere w ith o u t which
life on our plan et w ou ld be im possible. C ertain atm osph eric gases (th e m ost im p o rta n t o f
them is carbon d io x id e — C 0 2) w o rk as a kind o f b lan ket, k eepin g the E arth w arm . The
am ount o f these ‘ green h ou se’ gases used to be m ore or less the same fo r centu ries. But
the in d u strial re vo lu tio n changed this steadiness. Because o f h ea vy in d u stry and other
human a c tiv itie s the am ounts o f C 0 2 and o th e r gases h ave increased by 30% .
C. C lim a te e x p e rts p re d ic t th a t b y 2050 th e glo b a l a v e ra g e te m p era tu re w ill rise by
2 - 3 d egrees. It d oesn ’ t seem m uch. R em em b er, h o w e ve r, th a t th e d iffe r e n c e betw een
the a v e ra g e glo b a l tem p eratu res now and th e last ice age ( 2 0 , 0 0 0 years a g o ) is o n ly 6 to
8 d egrees.
D. N o rth e rn region s w ill be w e tte r and w a rm er, southern regio n s w ill be d rie r and
h o tter. Forests w ill g ro w instead o f tu n dra in Siberia. I t ’ ll be possible to g ro w grapes in
ВАРИАНТ 19 113

B rita in . N o t so bad so fa r. B ut parts o f Spain, It a ly and G reece w ill tu rn as d ry as a

desert. Snow w ill m elt in the A lp s and oth er m ountains, and the w a ter w ill cause floo d s,
landslides and avalanches. Sea levels w ill rise and a lo t o f coastal areas w ill disappear
under w a ter. So w ill w h ole species o f anim als and plants.
E. M o r e o v e r, som e e x p e rts a rgu e th a t th e s h o rt-te rm g lo b a l w a rm in g w ill lead to
a m ore c a ta s tro p h ic lo n g -te rm g lo b a l c o o lin g . A s th e a rc tic ice cap m elts, a flo w o f
fre s h w a te r w ill ch an ge c u rre n ts , in c lu d in g th e G u lf S tre a m , w h ic h n ow keeps
E u rop e w a rm .
F. C e rta in ly we can cheer ou rselves up w ith the idea th at this fo rec a s t is fa r fro m
p roven . A f t e r all, people began to m easure tem p eratu re not so lo n g ago. The c lim a to lo gic
h is to ry o f the w o rld is lo n g and m an ’ s k n ow led ge o f it is short.
G. But it doesn’ t mean th a t we can ju st sit and w a it. Since the glob al w a rm in g is the
resu lt o f a ir p ollu tion , the m ain th in g is to lo w er greenhou se gases em issions. P eop le
should use clean en ergy , such as w in d, solar and w a ve pow er, w hich do n ot em it
greenhou se gases. I f w e recycle cans and paper, take public tran sp ort and th in k about
e n e rg y e ffic ie n c y in the home — sw itch in g o f f unused lig h ts , fo r exam ple, w e ’ ll reduce
the th rea t o f glob al clim ate change.

З а п и ш и т е в т а б л и ц у в ы б р а н н ы е ц и ф р ы п од с о о т в е т с т в у ю щ и м и б у к в а м и .

Текст A В С D E F G
О твет:

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — Tru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запиш ите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

T h e P r in c e ’ s T r u s t

A fe w years ago, K e v in H e w itt, 24, had gone ‘ as low as you can possibly g e t ’ . H e was
hom eless and was s tea lin g fro m fa m ily and frien d s u n til he fin a lly ended up in prison.
A f t e r he g o t out, he fou n d out about Th e P r i n c e ’s T r u s t and it changed his life .
The P r i n c e ’s T r u s t was fou n ded b y Charles the P rin c e o f W a le s in 1976. It o ffe rs
support such as tra in in g and m on ey to people aged 14 to 30. The go al is to help people get
o v e r the d iffic u ltie s th ey have had in th e ir liv es and realise th ey can becom e successful.
Since it was fou n ded, m ore than h a lf a m illio n you n g people in E ngland, Scotland and
N o rth e rn Irela n d have been helped, in clu d in g K e v in .
The T r u s t focuses p a rtic u la rly on you n g people who have low m arks in school, are out
o f w o rk or have been in trou ble w ith the law . It supports them in a num ber o f ways.
F irs tly , th e y m ay b orro w up to £5,000 to s ta rt th e ir ow n business. T h ey also g e t a
‘ m e n to r’ , a person w ho has opened th e ir own business and can o ffe r some good ad vice
and help w hen needed. Secondly, The T r u s t runs tw elve-w eek personal d evelop m en t
courses called Team. The p articip an ts, aged 16 to 25, gain new skills, q u a lifica tio n s and
w o rk exp erien ce th rou gh team w ork in the com m u n ity. N e x t th ere is S ou n d L iv e , a six-
m onth program m e th at d evelops yo u n g p eo p le’ s m usical talen ts and con fiden ce.
P ro fessio n a ls train p articip an ts and help them fin d w ork in the music business or oth er
These p rogram m es and oth ers o ff e r encouragem en t to m any d isadvan taged you n g
people. Says K e v in : ‘ W h en I g o t out o f prison, I f e lt alone and to g e t so much tru st fro m
an o rga n isatio n was ju st w hat I n eed ed .’

O f course all these p rogram m es need fu n d in g, and this is ach ieved in m any ways.
P eo p le w ho w an t to help can e ith e r make donations on the In te rn e t u sin g th e ir cred it
card or o rgan ise th e ir ow n fu n d -raiser. H o w e ve r, the m ost fam ous fu n d -ra is in g even t is
P a r t y in the P a r k w h ich has taken place in H yd e P a rk , London e v e ry sum m er since 1998.
In fa c t, it has becom e E u ro p e’ s b ig g e s t one-day pop even t, w h ere audiences en jo y m usical
p erform an ces by w ell-kn ow n pop stars and bands such as M e a t L o a f, Sugababes and
S h a k ir a. O ver £1 m illio n is raised and audiences can see am azin g stunts such as pop
groups fly in g across the stage on a rope.
T od ay, K e v in is b egin n in g a career as a you th w o rk er, h elp in g oth ers lik e h im s elf get
o f f the street. H e knows the d iffe r e n c e Th e P r i n c e ’s T r u s t can make. ‘ I learn t to b elieve
in m y s e lf and was g iv e n the o p p o rtu n ity to w o rk w ith o th er people. I can ’ t thank them
en o u gh .’

10 Th e P r i n c e ’s T r u s t is aim ed to help teenagers.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

11 | A l l the people helped b y The T r u s t have becom e successful.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

12 | P eo p le w ho need help can g e t it in d iffe r e n t ways.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

13 | G ifte d people can g e t p ro fessio n al help.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

14 | T h e P r i n c e ’s T r u s t gets m oney on ly fro m c h a rity a c tiv ity .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

15 | W ell-k n o w n pop stars and bands make donations to The T r u s t ’s fund.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

16 | F u n d -raisin g even ts a ttra ct a lo t o f people.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

17 | A lo t o f you n g people w ho g o t o f f the street s ta rt w o rk in g in The T ru s t.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О твет:

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробел о в , запя-
ты х и других доп олн и тельн ы х си м в олов . Каж дую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
ВАРИАНТ 19 115


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

D iaries
Once upon a tim e a personal d ia ry was som eth in g you kept hidden
18 aw ay. It was w h ere you w rote dow n y o u r ________________ th ou ghts and P R IV A T E
fe e lin g s , k n ow in g th at no one else w ou ld read it. Then alon g
19 ________________ the In te rn e t, and now the idea o f a p riv a te d ia ry seems COME

20 to be old-fash ioned. ________ days m any teen agers w r ite d iaries T H IS

ju st fo r oth er people to read. In the U S A alone, one in f iv e teenagers
21 ________________th e ir ow n web page. T h e ir sites con tain stories, poems HAVE

22 and w ith p ictures and, o f course, d iaries. M an y te e n a g ­ F IL L

ers lik e w r itin g on line d iaries because th ey fe e l fre e to w r ite an yth in g.
23 H o w e ve r, some p e o p le ____________not sure th at on line diaries are a BE
good idea. ‘ Teen agers need to be c a re fu l w h a t th ey w r ite on the w eb ­
24 s ite ’ , says P a tric ia , a m oth er o f th ree, w h o ________________ her web site. RUN

25 ‘ I t ’ s p la y in g w ith fir e . Y o u w ho is v is it in g yo u r web site NOT K N O W

and w h eth er th ey w ill tr y to fin d you. A n d th ere are alw ays people who
26 fin d pleasure in fin d in g and s p o ilin g the ________________ m om ents o f DEAR
yo u r life described in the d ia rie s ’ , she adds.

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

H ow I W as a ‘Punk’
In the fash ion and music in du stries h air styles change as
27 as t r a ffic lig h ts but b rig h t red or green usually dom inates. Q U IC K
So, I ’ m n eith er the fir s t nor the last to dye m y h air a shocking
28 color. W h en you dye yo u r h air s o m e _______________ color, people fe e l NATU RAL
th at you are tr y in g to d raw a tten tio n to y o u rs e lf and th ey start passing
~29 ________________ com m ents. D IF F E R

30 So, w hen some adults saw m y ________________ red and green hair, C O LO R
th ey to ld me th a t th ey hated the colo r and some ch ild ren cried, ‘ Look-
i t ’ s a punk’ .
A t last I was not allow ed to take m y school exam s because o f th at
b rig h t color.
31 I _____________ th in k th a t our social a ttitu d es h a v en ’ t changed since S E R IO U S
the late 1970’ s and the days o f the punk M ohican. I was called ‘ re b e l­
32 lio u s ’ and ‘______________ ’ . I have also d iscovered w h at poor m anners P O L IT E
m any people show w hen it comes to rea ctin g to o th er p eo p le’ s choice o f
h air color. O n ly h air colo r and n o th in g else.

По окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запяты х и других
д оп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. П ри выполнении задания

33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям,
сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут учиты ваться эк ­
спертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма пись­
ма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый
объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do this task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m yo u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , P h il.
...At my mate’s party I tried to repeat a few break-dance moves. Suddenly my trousers
ripped from back to front and fell down on the floor! Now I would think twice what to wear if
I ever went to any of my friends’ parties!
Do you always know beforehand what to put on? Is it necessary tofind outwhat to wear for
different occasions? Who do you usually consult about your clothes?
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em ber the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
л о гу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж ­
дое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место дейс­

1. A t the seaside. 4. In a gym .

2. A t the recep tion desk. 5. In a tra v e l agency.
3. A t the d o c to r’ s.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. Th e speaker adm its b ein g a p e rfe c t student.

2. Th e speaker thinks th ere is n o th in g to rem em ber about school years.
3. Th e speaker n ever th o u gh t o f con tin u in g stu d yin g.
4. Th e speaker was cpiite a n a iiv e student.
5. Th e speaker was ju st a sociable student who had a success.
6. The speaker adm its n ever b ein g a h ard -w o rk in g student.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквам и.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну циф­
ру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

H o w did Dan g e t good photos?

1) H e g o t close to the elephants.
2) Th e gu ide fou n d him a good place.
3 ) H e used a good cam era.
О т в е т :_____________________.

John is d isappointed at
1) h a vin g an exp en sive cam era.
2) ta k in g photos p ro fessio n a lly.
3) fa ilin g to take good pictures.
О т в е т :_____________________.

W h a t does Dan w an t to be in the fu tu re?

1) A p rofession al tra v e le r.
2) A w ild life researcher.
3 ) A p ro fessio n al p h otograp h er.
Ответ: ____________________ .

W h a t is his p aren ts’ a ttitu d e tow ards his decision?

1) T h ey approve o f it.
2) T h e y d isapp rove o f it.
3) T h ey d on ’ t care about it.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t kind o f course w ou ld Dan and John lik e to take?

1) T a k in g photos under w a ter.
2) Scuba d iv in g .
3) T a k in g w ild life photos.
О т в е т :______________________.

Dan is sure the course w ill be h elp fu l fo r him because

1) he has alrea d y trie d th is a c tiv ity .
2 ) he s till has a lo t to learn.
3) he is disappointed.
Ответ: .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К ОТ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами A —G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. H o w it all began 5. G reed y b o rro w er

2. D iffe r e n t or alike? 6. A u n iversa l lan gu age
3. A w a y o f lea rn in g lan gu ages 7. A special day
4. A w o rld lan gu age 8. A lan gu age teacher

A . Do you know how m any people th ere are w ho speak E n glish ? I t ’ s qu ite a number!
The exa ct fig u r e is im possible to te ll, but it is around 400 m illio n people. G eograp h ica lly,
E n glish is the m ost w idespread lan gu age on earth , and it is second o n ly to Chinese in the
num ber o f people w ho speak it. It is spoken in the B ritish Isles, the U S A , A u s tra lia , N ew
Zealand and much o f Canada and South A fr ic a . E n glish is also a second lan gu age o f
an oth er 300 m illio n people liv in g in m ore than 60 cou ntries.
B. In S h akespeare’ s tim e o n ly a fe w m illio n people spoke E n glish . A l l o f them liv e d in
w h at is now G reat B rita in . B ut as a resu lt o f variou s h isto rica l even ts E n glish spread all
o v e r the w orld . F o r exam ple, f iv e hundred years ago people d id n ’ t speak E n glish in
N o rth A m eric a : the A m eric a n Indians had th e ir ow n lan gu ages. So did the Eskim os in
Canada, the ab origin es in A u s tra lia , and the M aoris in N e w Zealand. Th e E n glish a rrived
and set up th e ir colon ies... T od ay, E n glish is represen ted in e v e ry con tin en t and in the
th ree m ain oceans — the A tla n tic , the In d ian and the P a c ific .
C. E n glish is m ix in g w ith and m a rry in g o th e r lan gu ages around the w o rld . It is
probably the gre a tes t b orro w er. W o rd s n ew ly created or in fash ion in one lan gu age are
v e r y o fte n added to E n glish as w ell. T h ere are w ords fro m 120 lan gu ages in its
vocab u lary, in clu d in g A ra b ic , French, Germ an, G reek, Ita lia n , R ussian, and Spanish.
ВАРИАНТ 20 119

D. A cen tu ry ago, some lin gu ists predicted th at one day England, A m erica , A u s tra lia
and Canada w ould be speaking d iffe r e n t languages. But w ith the a rriv a l o f records,
cinema, radio, and television , the tw o brands o f E nglish have begun to draw back to geth er
again. B riton s and A m erican s probably speak m ore alike today than th ey did 50 or 60 years
ago. (In the 1930s and 1940s, fo r exam ple, A m erican film s w ere dubbed in England. I t ’ s no
lon ger the practice to d a y.) Canadian E nglish, A u stralia n English, South A fr ic a n English,
and m any oth er ‘ E n glish es’ around the w o rld are com ing to resemble one another.
E. P e o p le h ave lo n g been in te re s te d in h a v in g one la n gu a ge th a t cou ld be spoken
th ro u g h o u t th e w o rld . Such a la n gu a ge w o u ld h elp to in crea se c u ltu ra l and econ om ic
ties and m ake com m u n ica tio n b etw een p eop le ea sier. T h ro u g h the years, at least,
600 lan gu ages h ave been p roposed , in c lu d in g E sp eran to. A b o u t 10 m illio n p eople h ave
lea rn ed E sp eran to since its c re a tio n in 1887, but E n g lish , a c c o rd in g to s p ecia lists, has
b e tte r chances to becom e a g lo b a l la n gu a ge.
F. F o r lin gu is ts across the con tin en t, the 26th o f S eptem ber is a tim e o f c e le b ra tio n -
it is the European D ay o f Lan gu ages. The aim o f the day is to focus on en cou ra gin g
people to s ta rt lea rn in g a lan gu age. T h e y take p art in even ts celeb ra tin g lea rn in g and
speakin g oth er languages and consider the b en e fits th a t lan gu age lea rn in g can b rin g.
G. The su ggestion : ‘ Lan gu ages are learned, th ey are not ta u g h t’ is v e r y p rod u ctive.
A new term ‘ self-access w o rk ’ is not hom ew ork, it is class w ork ; an oth er one is do-it-
yo u rse lf. So, it is the person w ho learns, the teach er w ho o n ly helps, assists, train s
learners to be m ore responsible, m o tiva tes, in v o lv e s eve ryb o d y in to the le a rn in g process,
encourages them to speak and p rom otes discussions.

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

A C olourful W o r ld
M ost o f us have a fa v o u rite colou r, but all colours a ffe c t our moods and em otions.
Some o f them in sp ire passion and e n ergy , w h ile oth ers re la x us.
Y e llo w can be a ch eerfu l, sunny colou r th at m o tiva tes you. Some people, h ow ever,
fin d it tir in g and an n oyin g. F o r those o f you w ho lik e y e llo w , h ere ’ s a tip : avo id p a in tin g
yo u r kitch en or bedroom s ye llo w . A su rvey showed th a t husbands and w iv e s tend to fig h t
m ore in y e llo w kitchens. E ven babies c ry m ore in a y e llo w room .
G reen and blue, on the o th er hand, are supposed to be the colours o f balance and
harm ony. T h ey actu ally help lo w er b lood pressure and h eart rate and m ay have a h ea lin g
e ffe c t on the body. C oncert halls and th eatres have a ‘ green ro o m ’ w h ere n ervous
p erfo rm e rs re la x b efo re g o in g on stage.
V e r y b rig h t colou rs, such as ye llo w , red and oran ge are used both to w arn and to
attra ct. B irds, rep tiles, fis h and insects use b rillia n t com binations o f colours to a ttra ct
mates. B u tte rflie s are an e xcellen t exam ple. B ird s have the best v is io n in the natural
w o rld and, th e re fo re , also com e in b ea u tifu l colours and patterns.
Some pred ators use b rig h t colours to a ttra ct th e ir p rey. Take fo r instance the spin y
spider o f A u s tra lia . W h en a research er dyed the y e llo w back o f a spiny spid er black, he
n oticed th a t it cau ght less p rey than w ith its n atural colour.
Some anim als also use b rig h t colours to w arn p oten tia l p redators th a t th ey are nasty
and poisonous. O thers ju st im ita te the w a rn in g pattern s o f dangerous anim als to fo o l
p red ators and p ro te ct them selves.

A r o u n d th e w o rld , colo u rs are associated w ith d iff e r e n t id eas, em o tio n s and

e ve n ts . Som e c o lo u r associatio n s are s im ila r across c u ltu re s, e s p e c ia lly w h en it com e;
to safety. Th e m ost com m on colours fo r w a rn in g signs are red, ye llo w , black and w hite.
I t was decided in the U S A in 1935 th at all stop signs, w hich w ere ye llo w , should be red to
m atch the red t r a f fic lig h ts . T od ay, stop signs around the w o rld are red.
H o w e ve r, th ere d on ’ t seem to be m any s im ila ritie s besides th at. In South A fr ic a , fo r
exam ple, red is the colou r o f m ou rn in g, w hereas the Chinese b elie ve th at red b rin gs good
luck. B rides w ear red on th e ir w ed d in g day, and babies are g iv e n the names at a red-egg
cerem ony.
W h ite is a u n iversa l sym bol o f peace and innocence, but w h ile in W e s te rn cou ntries it
sym bolises b irth , in China and Japan it means death.
W e s te rn brides c a rry som eth in g blue on th e ir w e d d in g day, since blue stands fo r love.
On the o th er hand, blue is associated w ith sadness or heartbreak, as in ‘ fe e lin g b lu e’ . But
when asked fo r th e ir fa v o u rite colou r, one out o f tw o people say i t ’ s blue.

Colours can in flu en ce people in a d iffe r e n t way.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

Y o u should th in k tw ice b e fo re p a in tin g y o u r bedroom yello w .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

G reen and blue have the least sooth in g e ffe c t.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

B ird s and b u tte r flie s are the o n ly ones to use b rig h t colou rs fo r a ttra c tin g mates.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________.

14 A l l poisonous anim als are e x tre m e ly b rig h t.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

15 Some w a rn in g colours are the same in m ost cou n tries.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

16 W h ite and red h ave the same m ean in g all o v e r the w orld .
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

17 B rid es in all cou n tries fo llo w the tra d itio n o f w e a rin g som eth in g blue.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: ____

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, зап я­
ты х и других доп олн и тельн ы х си м в олов . Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
ВАРИАНТ 20 121


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

Comic Books
Com ic books started out as collection s o f com ic strip s fro m new spa­
18 pers. T h e y ________________as ‘ fu n n y books’ , because the com ic strip es KNOW
w ere hum orous. It w asn ’ t u n til the 1930’ s th a t the fir s t ad ven tu re sto ­
ries started to appear. Th e heroes o f these stories w ere characters lik e
19 D ick T ra c y and the Phan tom . B ut alth ou gh th ey ______________ some HAVE
cool ga d gets, these heroes w ere s till ju st o rd in a ry people.
Then in June 1938 a new com ic came out. It had a new kind o f hero.
20 H is pow ers w ere f a r ________________than any norm al p erson ’ s. H is name GREAT
was Superm an, and he w asn ’ t ju st a hero; he was a superhero.
21 Since Superm an made his debut t h e r e m any com ic book su- BE

22 perheroes. M ost w ork ed alone but som etim es th ey ________________ up TEAM

w ith oth er superheroes. T od a y the m ost popular superhero team is the
23 X - _____________ M AN
O utside the U S A com ics have d evelop ed in d iffe r e n t w ays. Japanese
com ics (know n as ‘ m a n ga’ ) include m any m ore top ics than A m eric a n
com ics do. T opics range fro m g ia n t robots and tim e tr a v e l to cook in g,
24 sport, rom ance and much m ore. T h e r e ________________ also a huge va rie - BE
ty o f a rtis tic styles.
25 A lth o u g h now m anga c o m ic s _________________ to becom e popular out- START
side Japan, th ey s till a ren ’ t as w e ll know n as A m eric a n com ic books.
M ost people outside Japan w o u ld n ’ t know w ho Captain H u rlock was.
26 B u t you can bet t h e y ________________ o f Superm an. HEAR

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

Great V alu es o f the Internet

27 One o f the m o s t ___________ fu n ctio n s o f the In te rn e t is its in fo r- VALU E

m ation fu n ctio n .
28 Th e In te rn e t keeps people in fo rm ed about _____________ even ts as D IF F E R

29 w e ll as about the la t e s t ________________ in science and cultu re. A C H IE V E

R e c e n tly a system o f distance le a rn in g has becom e popular. Y o u can
stu d y fo r e ig n lan gu ages and even stu d y at u n iversities. In d ivid u a l
30 __________ _ _ p ro gra m can be d evelop ed esp ecially f o r you. ED UCATE

31 Th e In te rn e t is also used in business. Thanks to the W ID E

32 In te rn e t, we have a quick w ith p artners fro m all corners CONNECT

o f the w o rld . Y o u can also conduct n eg otia tion s, hear and see yo u r con ­
tacts, and exch an ge gra p h ic and te x tu a l in fo rm a tio n .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превышаю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m yo u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , Liz.
... My family and I have just visited one of the most charming museums showing fine
collections of English furniture, paintings and decorative art. I can say that our visit was really
I wonder if there are such museums of living history in your country. Could you write me
about them? Do you often spend your free time visiting them?...
W r it e her a le tte r and answ er h er 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
л о гу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те к а ж ­
дое место действия из списка 1 -5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лиш нее место дейс­

1. In a tr a v e l agency.
2. A t home.
3. A t a p a rk in g place.
4. On board a plane.
5. In a garage.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Д и алог А В С D
М есто действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 тольк о один раз. В задании есть одно
лиш нее утверждение.

1. The speaker says th a t this h o lid a y is popular w ith grow n-ups.

2. The speaker is sure o f the g i r l ’ s help in d is trib u tin g presents.
3. The speaker says th at c le v e r stran gers g a ve th e ir g ift s to a baby.
4. The speaker stresses th at men tr y to do th e ir best on this day.
5. The speaker says th at this h olid a y has no fix e d date.
6. The speaker thinks th at people shou ldn’ t be a n g ry on th is day.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящ ий А В С D Е
Утверж дение

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну циф­
ру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h a t does Pam ask her m oth er to do?

1) To buy h er a jack et. 2) To lend her a jack et. 3) T o put on a jacket.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h y doesn’ t m oth er let Pam take her clothes?

1) She is a fra id she w ill spoil them .
2) She has a special occasion to w ear them .
3) She hasn’ t w orn them yet.
О т в е т :______________________ .

Pam needs m o th e r’ s clothes because

1) she doesn’ t buy clothes fo r h erself.
2) she has fe w clothes.
3) she needs som eth in g special.

W h y cou ldn ’ t A n n go shopping w ith Pam ?

1) H e r parents w ere w o rk in g.
2) H e r parents d id n ’ t let her go.
3) T h ere was nobody else to take care o f her b roth er.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h y doesn’ t P am lik e shoppin g alone?

1) She alw ays gets lost in the shop.
2) She alw ays loses m oney.
3) She can ’ t make up her m ind.
О т в е т :______________________.

F in a lly m oth er decides to

1) help her d au gh ter.
2) send a fe w e-m ails.
3) g iv e Pam her new dress.
Ответ: .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш­
ний заголовок.

1. F o r the w o rld c h ild re n ’ s w e llb ein g

2. A n in tern a tion a l b ill o f rig h ts
3. F o r equal rig h ts
4. H o w it all began
5. A step tow ard s peace
6. M ore fo r c e fu l than b efo re
7. T o support or not?
8. A n a g gre ss ive m ethod
A . Th e m odern w om en ’ s lib era tio n m ovem en t began in the 1960’ s. It was started by
wom en w ho w ere concerned about th e ir role in the society and th e ir w ork . M an y women
w an t fu ll e q u a lity w ith men in e v e ry aspect o f life . In m a rria g e, th ey w an t husbands and
w ives to share all the w o rk and resp o n sib ilities o f a home and a fa m ily . In w o rk th ey want
w om en and men to have the same jobs and the same chances to succeed. T h ey want
wom en to be paid ju st as much as men fo r the same w ork.
B. M an y people agree w ith the ideas and aim s o f w om en ’ s lib era tion . T h e y fe e l that
wom en ou gh t to be considered equal to men in e v e ry w ay. T h ey fe e l th at a wom an should
be able to decide to stay at home and raise a fa m ily o r to stay at home and not raise a
fa m ily or to go ou t and w ork or to h ave a job outside the home and fa m ily as w ell. Other
people are opposed to w om en ’ s lib era tion .
C. U n ited N a tio n ’ s C h ild ren ’ s Fund (U N IC E F ) cou n try program m es w ere form u lated
in con sultation s w ith govern m en ts. T h ey include coop eration w ith people fro m all parts
ВАРИАНТ 21 125

o f society in clu d in g go vern m en t agencies, n on -govern m en tal orga n iza tion s, com m u n ity
leaders, teachers, parents and ch ild ren . M ore than 130 cou n tries re ce iv e U N IC E F
support fo r p rim a ry health care, fo o d , basic education and w a ter and san itation
program m es.
D. T e rro ris m is the system atic use o f te rro r o r u n predictable violen ce again st
govern m en ts, the public or in d ivid u a ls to ach ieve a p o litic a l aim . T erro rism has been
used by p o litic a l o rga n iza tio n , by n ation a listic and eth n ic grou ps, b y revo lu tio n a ries and
b y the arm ies and secret p olice o f govern m en ts th em selves. In the 20th cen tu ry
te rro ris m becam e the tr a it o f a num ber o f p o litic a l m ovem en ts, groups or even
in d ivid u a ls w ho w ere tr y in g to d esta b ilize or o v e rth ro w e x is tin g p o litica l in stitu tio n s.
E. M od ern te rro ris m d iffe r s fro m th a t o f the past because its v ic tim s are o fte n
in n ocent people w ho are ju st picked up by chance or w ho sim p ly happen to g e t in to
te rro ris t situ ation s. V io le n t acts o fte n in clu de kidn appings, assassinations, h ijackin gs,
bom bing, etc. Th e u n iversa l a v a ila b ility o f weapons, exp lo sives, com plicated devices
alon g w ith the glob al com m un ication re vo lu tio n adds to the te rro ris m s ’ cap ab ilities.
F. In 1945, leaders fro m fifty - o n e cou n tries m et in San-Francisco and o rga n ized the
U n ited N a tio n s. W o r ld W a r I I has ju st ended, m illio n s o f people had died and th ere was
d estru ction e veryw h ere. P eo p le hoped th ey could bu ild a fu tu re o f w o rld peace w ith this
new o rga n iza tio n . T od a y alm ost e v e ry cou n try in the w o rld is a m em ber o f the U N . Each
cou n try has sign ed an agreem en t th a t says it w ill help the U N in its actions or
in tern a tion a l peace and human rig h ts to all people. It also says th a t all m em bers prom ise
to solve in tern a tion a l problem s in a peacefu l w ay, and no m em ber w ill use fo r c e against
an oth er m em ber.
G. U n iv ersa l D eclaration o f H um an R ig h ts is a resolu tion adopted in D ecem ber 1948
b y the U n ited N a tio n s G eneral A ssem b ly. Th e o b je c tiv e o f the 3 0 -a rticle d eclara tion is to
p rom ote and encourage respect fo r human rig h ts and fu n dam en tal freed om s. The
d eclara tion proclaim s the personal, c iv il, p o litic a l, econom ic, social and cu ltu ral righ ts
o f humans w h ich are lim ite d o n ly b y re co g n itio n fo r the rig h ts and freed om s o f others
and the requ irem en ts o f m o ra lity , public o rd er and gen era l w e lfa re .

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

Circus Oz
In 1977, tw o successful circus grou ps, Soapbox Circus and the N e w Circus, join ed
to g e th e r to s ta rt Circus Oz. The p erfo rm e rs had o rd in a ry circus skills but th ey w anted to
m ake a d iffe r e n t kind o f show, ad d in g m usic, th eatre and com m ent. T h ey g o t to g e th e r a
collectio n o f old trucks and caravans and w en t on the road. It was a fres h and o rig in a l
v o ic e in circus and was im m ed ia tely popular w ith audiences.
Since th a t tim e, Circus Oz has p erfo rm e d in 26 d iffe r e n t cou n tries. A s w ith all
circuses, perform an ces take place in side a ten t or B ig Top. Circus O z’ s fir s t ten t was
sewn to g e th e r by p erfo rm e rs in a la rg e basem ent. It was used fo r years to to u r A u s tra lia
but w hen it becam e too sm all, Circus Oz was fo rc e d to h ire ten ts or m ove in to theatres.
In 2002, Circus Oz had a new ten t made. It is d esign ed w ith fe w poles (сто лб, ш ест)
in side so people w a tch in g can see b e tte r than in o th er circuses.

The p erform an ces are suitable fo r people o f all ages and each show fea tu res a liv -
band. The B ig T op is heated and air-con dition ed . Snacks and drin ks are served in the Bu
Top but not fu ll meals.
Circus Oz classes are held at the Circus Oz H ead qu arters in P o r t M elbourne. E v e r
S atu rday o f the school term th ere are classes fo r both ch ild ren and teenagers. The
In trod u ctio n to Circus class is fo r 7 -1 2 y e a r olds, ta k in g the ch ild ren th ro u gh a range с :
circus sk ills w ith afocus on d ev elo p in g good fo rm and h a vin g fu n . The Circus S k ills class
is fo r 8 -1 2 year olds, and is o ffe r e d to ch ild ren who h ave been p ra c tis in g th e ir skills fc :
a w h ile. Th e Teen age Special class is fo r 1 3 -1 8 yea r olds. T his class is fo r both begin n er;
and those w ho are con tin u in g fro m the Circus S k ills class. Classes are also run during
some o f the school holidays.

10 | The new Circus was started by o rd in a ry circus p erfo rm ers.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т : __________________ .

11 | Circus Oz has becom e v e r y popular in Europe.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т : __________________ .

12 The Circus m oved fro m tow n to tow n e v e ry day.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т : __________________ .

13 | Circus Oz is less com fo rta b le than oth er circuses.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т : __________________ .

14 | Y o u can ’ t see m usicians p la y in g d u rin g the perform an ce.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т : __________________ .

15 | The m ain o ffic e o f C ircus Oz is situated in A u s tra lia .

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т : __________________ .

16 | Circus Oz can o ff e r classes fo r d iffe r e n t groups o f kids and teenagers.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т : __________________ .

17 | Y o u can on ly atten d classes d u rin g the school term .

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
ВАРИАНТ 21 127


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18—26.

W h itn e y H ou ston
The w o rld o f music was stunned by the death o f W h itn e y H ouston,
18 w hen s h e ________ dead in her h otel room on the 11th o f Febru ary, 2012. F IN D
She had been born to sing. H e r m oth er was a soul and gospel sin ger,
19 and at the age o f eleven W h itn e y a lr e a d y _______ in h er local church S IN G
in N ew a rk .
In the e a rly 1980s, W h itn e y H ou ston started w o rk in g as a fash ion
m odel and sang in n igh tclu bs w ith her m oth er. W h e n the produ cer
20 C liv e D avis saw h er he so much th a t he im m ed iately signed a IM P R E S S
contract w ith her.
21 The press called her ‘ one o f t h e ________________ new voices in ye a rs ’ . E X C IT IN G
In 1989, the sin g er set up The W h itn e y H ou ston Foun dation fo r
22 C h ildren , a n o n -p ro fit o rg a n iza tio n th a t s till ______________ m oney fo r R A IS E
the needs o f ch ild ren . I t takes care o f hom eless ch ild ren and ch ild ren
w ith cancer or A ID S .
23 W h itn e y H o u sto n ’ s ___________ film ro le was in The B od y g u ard ONE
w h ich came out in 1992. T h a t y e a r she m a rried Bobby B row n, a soul
24 s in g er w h o ___________________ f o r ta k in g drugs. T h e y w ere m a rried fo r KNOW
14 years, but th e y had a trou bled life . She becam e ill because o f ta k in g
dru gs w ith h er husband and people began to n otice th a t her v o ic e
25 ________________as good as it used to be. N O T BE
W ith her death, the music w orld has lost one o f its most legen dary
26 stars. For m illions o f music fans she f o r e v e r fo r her am azing songs. REM EM BER

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 2 7 -3 2 , так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж ды й пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

In the Old City o f Rochester

R och ester is one o f the oldest and m ost ch arm in g E n glish cities. It
was fou n ded by the R om ans w ho came here in 43 A D and b u ilt a f o r ­
tress and a b rid g e o v e r the R iv e r M edw ay.
R och ester is fam ous f o r its an cien t castle, its m a g n ific e n t cath e­
d ral, and i t s ________________ w ith Charles Dickens. CONNECT

28 Charles D ickens spent f iv e o f h i s ___________ years near Roches- C H IL D

ter. A s a boy, he exp lo red e v e ry corn er o f the c ity . W h en he becam e a
29 __________ , he o fte n used the people and places o f R och ester as charac­ W R IT E
ters and settin gs f o r his novels.
30 M uch la ter, w hen he was w orld -fam ou s, t h e . . retu rn ed NOVEL
to the R och ester area and spent the last 13 years o f his life nearby. The
last w ords D ickens e v e r w ro te w ere about R och ester — the c ity he
lo ved so much and w h ere he w ished to be buried.
31 T o honour the g re a t V ic to ria n au th or R och ester h o ld s ____________ AM AZE
fe s tiv a ls .
A t the b e gin n in g o f D ecem ber R och ester plunges in to the atm o­
sphere o f V ic to ria n Christm as. M an y people dress up in V ic to ria n cos­
tum es and parade the streets and the Castle gardens. T h ere are bell
32 rin gers, carol sin gers, s treet en tertain ers a n d _________________Dicken- COLOUR
sian characters.

По окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

О ТВЕТО В № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. П ри переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии с
приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К ОТВЕТОВ № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u h ave received a le tte r fro m yo u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , M a rtin .
... Last week we went cam ping with my classm ates. It was great! We slept in the tents, made
fire to cook and went fishing. I’ve never thought fish soup could be so tasty! The only bad thing
was that nobody took a can-opener.
Have you ever gone cam ping? What would you cook in while cam ping? What do you think is
necessary to take?
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em ber the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


1 Вы два раза услы ш и те четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
л о г у подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж ­
дое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место дейс­

1. A t a school o f manners.
2. In the th eatre.
3. In the cinem a.
4. A t home.
5. A t the d ietitia n .
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш и те пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker happened to be w o rk in g d u rin g holidays.

2. The speaker was qu ite lu cky to go abroad.
3. The speaker was re c o v e rin g a fte r an accident.
4. The speaker spent sum m er in the p riv a te house.
5. The speaker was not lu ck y w ith the w eath er.
6. The speaker is usually too la z y to m ove.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш и те разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3 —8 в поле ответа запиш ите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш и те запись дважды.

W h e n m ust L iz hand in h er com position?

1) The n ex t w eek.
2) The n ex t day.
3) She was to hand it in the w eek b efo re.
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h a t does Tom suggest?

1) T h a t she take a cruise.
2) T h a t she tr y to g e t o rga n ized .
3) T h at she w r ite about h er trip .

W h ic h o f the fo llo w in g places did L iz not v is it?

1) E gyp t.
2) N o rth A m eric a .
3) The H o ly Land.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h y does T om have to leave?

1) H e has to com plete his w ork.
2) H e has to o rga n ize his trip .
3) H e has to go s k y d iv in g .
О т в е т :______________________ .

Tom is n ’ t too w o rrie d because

1) he has fin is h ed his w ork.
2) he has g o t a lo t o f em otions.
3) he hasn’ t much to do to com plete his w ork.
О т в е т :______________________ .

L iz agrees to
1) h ave a rest.
2) phone Tom a b it later.
3) make some plans fo r the n ex t week.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1 - 8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие м еж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш­
ний заголовок.

1. E n viro n m en tal ad van tages 5. A choice fo r everyon e

2. O nline dan gers 6. N o t fo r e v e ry d evice
3. Bad fo r you r h ealth 7. A lib ra ry in yo u r bag
4. A lim ite d choice 8. In te lle ctu a l stealin g

A . T h ou gh th ey are becom in g m ore and m ore popular, electro n ic books s till present a
v a r ie ty o f tech n o lo gical problem s th at need to be solved. R ea d in g e-books can create eye
strain because it is m ore d iffic u lt to read w ords on a com pu ter screen than on a page.
W h en rea d in g on paper, lig h t re fle c ts o f f the page and in to yo u r eyes n atu rally,
h ow ever, w ith com pu ter screens, the d evice p ro jects lig h t in to yo u r eyes, causing
headaches and possible lo n g term dam age to yo u r eyesigh t.
B. A s it stands, you can read e-books on a com pu ter, an e-reader and even some m obile
phones. H o w e ve r, w ith m ore com panies e n terin g the m arket, it becomes d iffic u lt to keep
track o f w h ich e-books each d evice is capable o f using. Some devices use file s th at are
in com patible w ith oth er devices, re s tric tin g yo u r lib ra ry to o n ly a fe w devices. W ith
ВАРИАНТ 22 131

constant in n ovation s in com pu ter sciences, it can happen th at the file type used by m ost
e-books m ay becom e com p letely outdated in the fu tu re.
C. E-books are ju s t an oth er file on a hard d riv e , and th ey o fte n depend on the In te rn e t
to tra n s fe r fro m one loca tion to another. A v iru s m ay in va d e yo u r com pu ter or you m ig h t
accid en tally dam age yo u r e-reader or hard d riv e . So ju st in a fe w m om ents you can lose
yo u r e n tire book collection . M o reo v er, th ird p arties can m o n ito r or even hack yo u r file s ,
and you can end up w ith a d iffe r e n t file than you expected.
D. A s w ith oth er m edia th at has m oved to d ig ita l d istrib u tio n , e-books are o ften
p irated . W r ite r s w ork hard to create th e ir art, and th e y deserve to be fa ir ly com pensated
fo r th e ir e ffo r t . The g ro w in g am ount o f e-books increases the chance th at th e ir w ork w ill
be stolen on line or th a t th ey w o n ’ t earn w h at th e y deserve.
E. M an y title s th a t are available in tra d itio n a l p rin t books are n ot yet available in an
electro n ic book fo rm a t. M an y m ainstream best sellers are available in electro n ic fo rm a t,
but i f you tend to read even some m ore e x o tic title s o r academ ic lite ra tu re , you w ill not
be able to fin d much suitable m a terial in e-book fo rm a t at present.
F. But o f course, electro n ic books o ff e r a ran ge o f conveniences, w h ich w ill continue
to expand as the tech n o lo gy develops. Y o u can shop fo r e-books and receive them alm ost
im m ed iately, any tim e o f the day or n igh t. In ad d ition , electro n ic books p ro vid e the
con ven ien ce o f h a v in g a lo t o f books availa b le at any g iv e n tim e, w ith ou t the trou ble o f
h a v in g to tran sp ort them . T his is p a rtic u la rly advan tageou s when tra v e lin g : ra th er than
c a rry in g a suitcase fu ll o f books, you can c a rry all the title s on a sin gle d evice.
G. E lectro n ic books save trees. B y d ow n loa d in g an electro n ic book ra th er than b u yin g
a hard copy o f a book, you elim in ate the need to p rin t on paper. E ven recycled paper uses
m ore resources than an electro n ic book. In ad d ition , electro n ic books save the e n e rg y and
resources th at it takes to p rin t paper books, as w e ll as the fu e l th at is requ ired to d e liv e r
them .

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — T ru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

Terrible Twisters

Tornadoes, also know n as tw isters, are the m ost v io le n t storm s on our planet.
Tornadoes fo r m when a w arm w in d m eets a cold one. A s the tw o w in ds m ove around each
o th er, a fu n n el o f spin n in g a ir form s. The fa s te r it spins, the m ore p o w erfu l it becomes.
A t its base, a torn ado can be fro m 100 m etres to o v e r 1 k ilo m etre w ide. The w id e r it
is, the m ore d estru ctive it can be.
Th e m ost v io le n t tornadoes have w in d speeds o f m ore than 400 k ilom etres an hour. A s
you can im a gin e, such a tw is te r can d estro y e v e ry th in g in its path. Tornadoes can pick
up cars, houses and train s and put them dow n in the n ex t street — or even in the n ext
tow n. One torn ado picked up a school house, tu rned it around, and then set it dow n back­
In R ussia, d u rin g one torn ado, people w ere am azed to see m oney fa llin g ou t o f the
sky. A t least a thousand coins dropped fro m the clouds. Th e w inds had rem oved the earth
fro m a b u ried treasu re, then picked up the coins.

Once, a man fro m T exas opened the d oor o f his house, and fe ll 10 m etres to the
grou nd! H is house had alrea d y taken o ff. L u c k ily , the man rem ained a live.
M ost tornadoes last a fe w m inutes, but some can last several hours. Such tornadoes
are esp ecially d estru ctive.
Some people th in k th at you are safe fro m tornadoes i f you are near riv e rs , lakes and
m ountains. H ow w ro n g th ey are! Tornadoes can go up 3 ,000-m etre m ountains, as w e ll as
across riv e r s and lakes.
Tornadoes occur alm ost eve ry w h e re in the w o rld , but the cou n try th at sees the
stro n gest tw isters is the U n ited States o f A m eric a . A b o u t 800 tornadoes h it the cou n try
e v e ry year.
N o tw o tw isters are e x a c tly alike. Each torn ado has its ow n colou r, sound and shape.
Each torn ado is fille d w ith surprises because nobody can e v e r te ll w h ere it m ig h t go or
w hat kinds o f th in gs it m ig h t do. T his is w h y tornadoes are the m ost dangerous storm s.

10 Tornadoes happen due to the w in d s ’ tem p eratu re d ifferen c es .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______ ______________ .

11 Th e least d es tru ctive tornadoes are v e r y w id e at th e ir base.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

12 Tornadoes alw ays put down e v e ry th in g th ey pick up in th e ir m ovem ent.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

13 The m ost un expected th in gs can fa ll on the grou n d d u rin g tornadoes.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

14 N o b od y has s u rv ive d in a tornado.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

15 Tornadoes can happen o n ly on the fla t land.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

16 Tornadoes occur in all the states o f the U S A .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

17 N o b o d y can p red ict the resu lts o f a torn ado.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ:_______________ ______ .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
ВАРИАНТ 22 133


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1 8 -2 6 , так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

A Secret to Eternal Youth

18 P eop le o f s ta y in g you n g and liv in g a lon g, ALW AYS/DREAM
lo n g life . B ut can it become a re a lity ?
E xp erts b elie ve it is possible th at people w ill liv e lon g
19 enough to h ave g re a t-g re a t-g re a t-g re a t-g ra n d ________________ C H IL D
20 T his b e lie f on research and on the fa c t th at BASE
m ore and m ore people are liv in g to be o v e r 100 years old.
21 A B ritis h scien tist A u b r e y de G r e y __________ th a t w e can stop T H IN K
22 people g e tt in g old. I n . opin ion , g e ttin g old is lik e a d is­ HE
ease. I f we can cure this disease, we can stop the a g ein g process.
The scien tist is sure th at w e ___________ all the m ethods need­ HAVE
24 ed to stop a g ein g in than 20 years. M an y scien- L IT T L E

25 tists w ho stu d y a g ein g de G re y ’ s ideas seriou sly. NOT TAK E

26 H o w e ve r, th ey adm it th at th ey ____________ w ro n g yet. W o u ld NOT PROVE

you lik e to liv e fo r 1,000 years? W o n ’ t life g e t b o rin g i f you liv e
such a lo n g life ?

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж ды й пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27—32.

The Sweeps Festival

N e a rly 300 years ago, m any ch ild ren fro m p oor fa m ilie s
(som etim es as you n g as fo u r) w ork ed as chim ney sweeps. It was
27 hard, d ir ty a n d ______________ w ork . The pay, h ow ever, was v e r y DANGER
So on the fir s t o f M ay chim ney sweeps w ere allow ed to have
some fu n and celebrate th e ir ‘ Sweeps h o lid a y ’ . D ickens d e­
scribed th e s e ________________ in his works. CELEBRATE

29 In 1860, P a rlia m en t passed a law th at made i t _______________ LEGAL

to use yo u n g boys to clean in side chim neys, and the tra d itio n a l
celebration died out. B ut in the 1980s, G ordon N e w to n , a R o ­
30 chester ___________ , decided to r e v iv e the sweeps h oliday. H e H IS T O R Y

31 ________________ researched the sw eeps’ tra d itio n and studied CAREFUL

Charles D icken s’ s description s o f the even t. In 1981 N e w to n o r ­
ganised a sm all parade w ith a grou p o f dancers.
The fe s tiv a l has now become v e r y popular and attra cts m any
32 thousands o f ________________ V IS IT

По окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превыш аю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u h ave 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u h ave received a le tte r fro m yo u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , C lyde.
... I’ve just returned from a tour round Spain. Dad wanted to arrange everything himself but
mum insisted on a packed tour. We visited several cities and towns but, to my mind, the visits to
each of them were too short to see everything we wanted.
Have you ever been on a trip abroad? What places would you like to visit in the future? Would
you prefer a packed trip or travelling on your own?
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 1 0 0 -1 2 0 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
л о гу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж ­
дое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место дейс­

1. A t the stadium .
2. In the street.
3. In the garden.
4. A t school.
5. In the fo res t.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker advises to v is it the fam ous hotel.

2. The speaker m entions p a rk in g rules.
3. The speaker talks about newspapers.
4. The speaker talks about s a fe ty rules.
5. The speaker m entions the best parks.
6. The speaker advises the best chances o f sightseeing.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш и те разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в п оле ответа запиш ите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш и те запись дважды.

W h a t kind o f p a rty is K a t e ’ s fa m ily g o in g to have?

1) A w elcom in g p arty.
2) A h ou sew arm in g p arty.
3) A b irth d a y p arty.

W h e re does K a te ’ s fa m ily liv e now?

1) In a block o f fla ts .
2) In a hotel.
3) In a cottage.

H o w does K a te g e t to school?
1) On fo o t and b y bus.
2) On fo o t and b y fa th e r ’ s car.
3) B y bus and b y the underground.
О т в е т :______________________.

K a te m ay change school
1) th is year.
2) a fte r ta k in g exam s.
3) a fte r m o v in g to a new fla t.

7 | W h y w ould K a te lik e to take the exam s at h er school?

1) Because she is used to her school.
2) Because she needs h er classm ates’ help.
3) Because she w ants her teach ers’ support.

8 j W illia m and K a te used to

1) p lay to geth er.
2) listen to CDs.
3) dance to geth er.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


9 Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. N e v e r be in a h u rry 5. T h in k o f w h at you eat

2. D o n ’ t do it alone 6. H e a lth y life s ty le
3. S im ple measures 7. S ta rt m o v in g
4. D on ’ t w o rry , be happy 8. S ta y o fflin e

A . T h ere are so m any w ays th at we can do to make our life h ealthy. Y o u can start w ith
m akin g sure th at you drin k at least 8 glasses o f plain w a ter th rou gh ou t the w hole day.
T h is is v e r y im p o rta n t because w a te r w ill help to boost yo u r e n e rg y and clean the whole
system in our body. Besides, you have to m ake sure th at e v e ry day you have a balanced
m eal w h ich w ill p ro vid e you w ith all the vita m in s and m inerals you must have.
B. Sw eets, ju n k foo d , s o ft d rin ks, s u ga ry ju ices should be taken m in im a lly. It is
advisable to increase w h ite m eat such as fis h , vegeta b les, fres h fr u its and fres h ju ices in
yo u r d iet. Y o u also m ust a v o id ta k in g fo o d th a t contains h igh calories, fa t,
p res e rva tiv es . T h is kind o f fo o d w ill b rin g m any h ealth problem s to ou r body lik e high
blood pressure and also diabetes.
ВАРИАНТ 23 137

C. H e a lth y liv in g w ou ld not be successful w ith ou t any physical a c tiv ity . E ven sm all
a c tiv itie s such as ta k in g a s tro ll or w a lk in g a pet, b ik in g, d oin g d a ily chores such as
clean in g the house can make a d iffe re n c e . H o w e ve r, fo r best resu lts, it is ad visable to go
to the g ym tw o to th ree tim es a w eek o r exercise at least th ir ty m inutes d aily. Y o u should
d iscip lin e y o u rs e lf to fo llo w yo u r exercise schedule.
D. T h ere are thousands o f ways th at you can do to ach ieve a h ea lth y life s ty le and you
should rem em ber th at c rea tin g a h ealth y life s ty le cannot be done by d rastic changes lik e
n ot e a tin g, but you m ust do it in a sim ple step fir s t and tr y to add in the steps one by one.
So you h ave to choose w h ich w a y is m ore suitable fo r you and make sure you bu ild a habit
to have a h ea lth y life s ty le .
E. A t least once o r tw ice a w eek, keep aw ay fro m tech n o lo gy. B ein g on line keeps
people fro m m o v in g and can be v e r y u nhealthy. In stead o f p la y in g v id e o gam es or
c h a ttin g w ith people on Facebook, do som eth in g fu n and a c tiv e w ith yo u r fa m ily or
frien d s. Go ou tdoors, p lay ball gam es, take a sw im , a n yth in g th at w ill be en joyable and
does not in v o lv e the use o f m odern tech n ology.
F. So o fte n i t ’ s stress in our liv e s th at leads us o f f the h ealth y path. W h en we are
stressed, ou r defenses g e t weak. W e seek c o m fo rt, and th a t o fte n means u n h ealth y and
excessive e a tin g, v e g e ta tin g in fr o n t o f the T V , or oth er life s ty le choices th a t do not
support good health. S im p lify yo u r life . T r y s lo w in g down yo u r schedule.
G. J oin forces w ith frien d s and fa m ily m em bers w ho w an t to d evelop a h ealth y
life s ty le . E xercise to g e th e r. Support each oth er by sh arin g h ealth y recipes. E ncourage
one an oth er when y o u ’ re s tru g g lin g . A n d m ost im p orta n t, celebrate yo u r successes
to geth er.

Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — T ru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

T w o G rea t W o m e n In v e n to rs

In the 19th and e a rly 20th centu ries, w om en had lim ite d o p p ortu n ities fo r a techn ical
edu cation and career, and fe w o f them had an independent incom e. H o w e ve r, the h isto ry
o f w om en in ve n to rs in this p eriod is v e r y lon g. These are the personal stories o f tw o o f
them .
Th e n in eteen th -cen tu ry in v e n to r M a rg a re t K n ig h t was born in the U S A in 1838. A s a
yo u n g g ir l, she was made to w o rk in a cotton fa c to r y by her parents. W h ile she was
w o rk in g th ere, th ere was an accident and som ebody was alm ost k illed b y a machine.
M a rg a re t was o n ly 12 at the tim e, but she in ven ted a w a y to f i x the m achine so th at i f
th ere was the same fa u lt again, the m achine w ou ld stop at once.
She had m ore than e ig h ty in ven tion s, and the m ost im p o rta n t one was a m achine
p rodu cin g paper bags w ith fla t bottom s. B ut none o f them b ro u gh t her much m oney. In
those days, wom en w ere not encouraged to be business people any m ore than th e y w ere
encouraged to be in ven to rs. Once M a rg a re t K n ig h t had produced an in ven tio n , she w ould
usually sell it to som ebody fo r n ot much cash, and w hen she died in 1914, all she le ft was
275 dollars.

Beulah H e n ry also began in v e n tin g th in gs when she was a yo u n g g ir l. In 1912, at the

age o f 25, she g o t her fir s t paten t fo r an ice-cream fre e ze r. A yea r later, she patented a
parasol — an um brella fo r the sun — w ith in changeable covers so th at a wom an could
m atch h er parasol w ith her clothes. The in ve n tio n earned her about 50,000 d ollars fro m
the m anu factu rers.
In all, she p aten ted 49 in ven tion s. B ut fo r som eone w ith such a lo n g career,
su rp ris in g ly litt le is know n about Beulah H e n r y ’ s personal life . She was born in the U S A
in 1887 and g re w up in an a rtis tic fa m ily . The o n ly o th er fa c t w h ich is known is th at she
en tered u n iv e rs ity in 1909.
These w om en ’ s liv es and ach ievem en ts w ill alw ays in sp ire fu tu re gen era tion s o f
in ven to rs.

10 | The f ir s t wom en in ven to rs appeared in the 19th cen tu ry.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

11 | M a rg a re t K n ig h t and Beulah H e n ry w ere the m ost w ell-k n ow n wom en in ven tors.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

12 | M a rg a re t K n ig h t ’ s fir s t in ve n tio n could save p eo p le’ s lives.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

13 | M a rg a re t K n ig h t g o t a lo t o f m oney fo r her in ven tion s.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________ .

14|, M a rg a re t K n ig h t put her ideas in to life h erself.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

15 | Beulah H e n ry was m ore successful in s ellin g her ideas.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

16 | M ost o f Beulah H e n r y ’ s in ven tion s are s till used now.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

17 | B oth wom en w ere unhappy in th e ir personal life .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
I - ЭИАНТ 23 139


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1 8 -2 6 , так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18—26.

A T e a P a r ty w ith Sh arks
18 T h e re is n o _____________ p lace in the U K to see sea lif e th a n the Sea GOOD
L if e L o n d o n A q u a r iu m . It w as opened in 1997 an d it has the
19 _______________ c o lle c tio n o f sea a n im a ls in E u ro p e . T h e re are m an y e x o t­ LARGE
ic, b e a u t ifu l and even s tra n g e cre a tu re s, b u t the le a d in g sta rs are sharks.
T o m a rk the o p e n in g o f a new d is p la y the A q u a r iu m d ecid e d to th ro w
a tea p a rty w it h sharks! T h e y w a n te d to p ro ve th a t s h a rk s are a c tu a lly a
20 l o t _____________ th a n th e y look. F R IE N D L Y
21 T h e t e a m __________ v e ry m u ch to th ro w the p a rty . E X C IT E

‘T h e f a c t s h a rk s are f a r m ore at th re a t fro m h um ans BE

th a n h u m an s are fro m s h a r k s ,’ sa id R a c h e l W ic k s , one o f th e p a rtyg o e rs.
T h e a q u a r iu m th a t m o re p eop le d ie fr o m c re a tu re s lik e SAY

_____________ , dogs an d snakes th a n sharks. M O S Q U IT O

A s w e ll as a llo w in g _____________ o f people to d isc o v e r th e w on d ers o f M IL L IO N

26 the m a rin e w o rld , th e Sea L if e L o n d o n A q u a r iu m _____________ an im p o r ­ PLAY

ta n t ro le in h e lp in g save o u r seas f o r th e fu tu re .

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и сл о ­
вами. Каж ды й пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27—32.

Jam es C am eron
M o s t people k n o w Ja m e s C am eron as a fa m o u s f ilm d ire c to r, w h o c re ­
ated The Terminator, T ita nic and Avatar. B u t Ja m e s is also a deep-sea

28 It to o k C am eron and h is team 7 years to p re p a re f o r t h i s _____________ DANGER

t r ip . H e spent 3 h o u rs in th is co ld d e s e rt-lik e place, w it h no s u n lig h t and
29 h eavy w a t e r _____________ PRESS
P e o p le have n o t v is ite d the M a r ia n a T re n c h sin ce 1960, w h en tw o
d iv e rs f ir s t reached th e p la n e t’ s deepest place — n e a rly 11 k ilo m e tre s —
30 in th e P a c if ic Ocean. T h e y c o u l d ______________see a n y th in g and took no HARD
p ic tu re s .
Ja m e s C am eron tr a v e lle d to the M a r ia n a T re n c h in h is w ell-e q u ip p e d
m in i-s u b m a rin e . It has 3 D cam eras and a m e ch a n ic a l arm f o r c o lle c tin g
31 sam ples o f s o il an d d e e p -se a _____________ CREATE
C am eron is g o in g to m ake a 3 D f ilm abou t the M a r ia n a T re n c h . ‘I see
32 th is as t h e ___________ ,’ he said. B E G IN

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, зап яты х и других
д оп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превышаю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m yo u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , Tom .
... It seem s every time I go to visit my Granny in the country it starts raining. Now it has been
raining for three days and it m akes me crazy. You know I’m a sporty type and like to spend time
Do you often go to the country? What do you do there in bad weather? Are there places to
go there when you are bored?
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 cpiestions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em ber the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие между диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
л о г у подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж ­
дое место действия из списка 1 -5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лиш нее место дейс­

1. In the aqua p a rk . 3.In the shop. 5. A t home.

2. In the Zoo. 4.In the street.

З а п и ш и т е в та б л и ц у в ы б р а н н ы е ц и ф р ы под с о о т в е т с т в у ю щ и м и б у к в а м и .

Д и алог А В С D
М есто действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лиш нее утверждение.

1. T h e speaker ta lk s ab ou t w ro n g s ta tis tic s .

2. The speaker advises to t h in k tw ice .
3. The speaker d ecla res it v e ry h a rm fu l.
4. The speaker ta lk s abou t s h o c k in g facts.
5. T h e speaker u n d e rlin e s — m oney f o r them , diseases f o r you.
6. T h e speaker t h in k s t h e ir fu t u r e is in dan ger.

З а п и ш и т е в та б л и ц у вы б р а н н ы е ц и ф р ы под с о о т в е т с т в у ю щ и м и б у к в а м и .

Говорящ ий А В С D Е
Утверж дение

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну циф­
ру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

M a s h a asked M ik e to
1) be h e r g u id e f o r th e day.
2) t e ll h e r w h a t is w o r th seeing.
3) t e ll h e r abou t M o sco w .
О т в е т : __________________ .

W h y d id the fr ie n d s decide to tak e the m e tro?

1) B ecause i t ’ s the q u ic k e s t w ay o f tr a v e llin g .
2) B ecause i t ’ s the m ost c o m fo rta b le w ay o f tra v e lin g .
3) B ecause the m e tro is as b e a u t ifu l as M o s c o w ’ s sig h ts.
О т в е т : __________________ .

W h ic h place are the fr ie n d s g o in g to s ta rt fro m ?

1) F ro m th e L e n in M a u so le u m .
2) F ro m R ed Square.
3) F ro m th e C a th e d ra l o f St. B a s il.

H o w d id th e C a th e d ra l o f St. B a s il becom e u n iq u e ?
1) T h e a rc h ite c ts w ere n o t able to re p ro d u c e it.
2) T h e a rc h ite c ts used d iff e r e n t c o lo u rs o f the domes.
3) T h e a rc h ite c ts re fu s e d to b u ilt o th e r c a th e d ra ls.
О т в е т : __________________ .

W h a t is the m o n u m en t to M in in an d P o z h a rs k y devoted to?

1) T o P o lis h in v a d e rs.
2) T o th e R u s s ia n people.
3) T o th e savers o f the R u s s ia n people.
О т в е т : __________________ .

M a s h a c rie d because
1) people w ere lo o k in g at her.
2) she w as h a p p y to see the s ig h ts on R e d Square.
3) she h ad n eve r gone s ig h ts e e in g b efore.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, зап я­
ты х и других д оп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один ли ш ­
ний заголовок.

1. R o y a l tr a n s p o rt 5. R o y a l s t a ff
2. T h e h is to r y o f m o n arch s 6. A s ig n o f R o y a l presence
3. E v e r y th in g needed 7. E v e ry b o d y can m ake a m ista k e
4. A p ic tu re sq u e cere m on y 8. A h o sp ita b le Q ueen

A . L o n d o n is one o f the fe w places in the w o rld w h ere you can v is it a re a l ro y a l palace

B u c k in g h a m P a la c e is w h ere Q ueen E liz a b e th II liv e s m u ch o f the tim e. A f la g alw ays flie-
above B u c k in g h a m Palace. W h e n the Q ueen is in L o n d o n , y ou can see the R o y a l Standard
above the palace. W h e n she is aw ay, the U n io n F la g flie s instead . O r ig in a lly , the palace
was a to w n house b u ilt fo r th e D u k e o f B u c k in g h a m in 1705. It was g re a tly e n la rg e d in the
19th c e n tu ry and th e f ir s t m o n a rch to liv e in the palace w as Q ueen V ic t o r ia .
B. B u c k in g h a m P a la c e is enorm ou s. T h e re are 600 room s, 78 b a th room s, a cinem a, a
s w im m in g pool and even a p ost o ffic e . Some o f the room s are nam ed and decora ted fo r
s pe cia l v is ito r s , su ch as the 1844 R o o m , w h ic h w as decora ted f o r the state v is it o:
E m p e ro r N ic h o la s I o f R u s s ia . T h e 1855 R o o m w as created in h o n o u r o f th e v is it o:
E m p e ro r N a p o le o n III o f F ra n ce . T h e la r g e s t ro o m in th e p a la ce is th e B a llr o o m w h ic h
is used f o r s ta te b a n q u e ts a n d o th e r im p o r t a n t o c ca s io n s .
C. A b o u t 800 people w o rk at the palace. T h e y are se rv a n ts, cleaners, footm en,
g ard e n e rs, secre ta rie s and s e c u r ity men. T h e re are also tw o c lo c k m a k e rs w h o lo o k a fte r
th e p a la ce ’ s 350 clo c k s (B u c k in g h a m P a la c e has one o f the la rg e s t c o lle c tio n s o f w o rk in g
clo c k s in th e w orld!). O th e r u n u s u a l jobs in c lu d e a fe n d e r s m ith and a fla g m a n .
ВАРИАНТ 24 143

D. B u ckingham Palace secu rity is v e r y h igh but th ere h ave been several secu rity
lapses. In 2004, a new spaper re p o rter m anaged to g e t a job o f a foo tm a n inside
B u ckingham P alace and took lots o f photos o f the R o y a l F a m ily ’ s p riv a te apartm ents.
The same year, a p ro te sto r called Jason H atch clim bed onto a led ge near the cerem on ial
balcon y dressed as Batm an. B ut p robably the m ost in cred ib le lapse was in 1837, when a
12-year-old b oy m anaged to liv e fo r a yea r unnoticed in side the palace.
E. T h ere is a b ea u tifu l p ark -like garden around the palace. It is home to 30 d iffe r e n t
kinds o f birds and m ore than 350 d iffe r e n t w ild flo w ers . The garden has a h elico p ter
lan d in g area, a lake and a tennis cou rt. E v e ry sum m er the Queen holds h er garden
p arties here. The B u ckin gh am P alace kitch en serve a sit-dow n m eal to as m any as 600
people at a tim e.
F. The R o y a l M ew s at Buckingham P alace is the place w h ere the ro ya l coaches,
horses, and cars are kept. The m ost fam ous o f the ro ya l coaches is the G old S tate Coach
w h ich is used o n ly on v e r y special occasions, such as a coron ation . It w eigh s 4 tons and
takes 8 horses to pull. It was b u ilt in l7 6 2 ! I t ’ s u n lik ely y o u ’ ll catch the Queen in the
stables, alth ou gh she does name each horse h erself. H e r M a je sty is v e r y fo n d o f rid in g
and so are oth er m em bers o f the R o y a l F a m ily in clu d in g P rin c e W illia m and P rin ce
H a rry.
G. T h ere are alw ays crowds o f people w a itin g p a tie n tly outside B u ckingham Palace.
T h ey come to see the cerem on y o f C h an gin g the Guard. F irs t the band m arches th rou gh
the gates o f the P alace. The job o f the p olice is to stop the tou rists fro m fo llo w in g the
guards! Then the rest o f the ‘ n ew ’ gu ard m arches th rou gh the gates. The guardsm en
w ear tra d itio n a l u n ifo rm : a red coat and a black bearskin. B e liev e it or not, this
cerem on y hasn’ t changed since 1660!

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — T ru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

R ic h a n d P o o r

A l l o v e r the w o rld , A m erica n s are know n fo r th e ir easy w a y o f spen din g m oney.

W h en th ey are abroad, th ey o fte n stay in the best h otels and go to the m ost exp en sive
stores. A t home, too, th ey are used to the best o f e v e ry th in g . A n o rd in a ry A m eric a n
house has tw o bathroom s, a separate bedroom fo r each child, a ga ra ge, and several T V
sets. M ost fa m ilie s have a car, and m any h ave a m obile home. K itch en s are fu ll o f
exp en sive e le c tric a l appliances.
A m erican s w ork hard fo r th e ir w ealth , and th ey en jo y it. T h ey respect people who
have becom e m illio n a ires. T h e y en jo y w a tch in g T V program s and read in g about the
super-rich, the ‘b ig spenders’ . T h ey adm ire wom en w ho can buy dresses fo r o ve r
$ 20,000, and rich businesspeople w ho can tr a v e l in th e ir own p riv a te airplanes.
P eop le lik e to fe e l th a t th ey, too, could be rich i f th ey w ork ed hard enough. T h ey fe e l
good about the fu tu re . T o be fre e to do w e ll, to be rew arded p ro p e rly fo r honest, hard
w o rk — th is, th ey say, is the real m ean in g o f A m eric a . It was to this cou n try, a fte r all,
th at the p oor o f the w o rld came to fin d a new life and a fa ir chance fo r th e ir ch ild ren , and
m any o f them fou n d it.

But n ot all. In recen t years, m ore and m ore people h ave becom e trapped in an
‘ u n derclass’ . M an y, but not all o f them , are black. M an y, but not all, liv e in the old
‘ in n e r’ cities. These people seem to be unable to escape fro m bad housing,
un em ploym en t, and a life o f crim e and hopelessness. F o r them , dru gs and alcohol are
esp ecially serious problem s.
P o lit ic ia n s can n ot d ecid e on h ow to im p ro v e th e s itu a tio n . Som e ask f o r m ore
p aym en ts f o r th e p oo r, f o r b e tte r h o u sin g , m ore fr e e fo o d , b e tte r m e d ic a l help.
O th ers fe e l th a t th e p o o r w ill o n ly lea rn to h elp th e m s elv es i f th e y r e c e iv e no h elp at
a ll fr o m o th ers.
A m erica n s have alw ays lo ved stories about poor people who w ork ed hard and reached
the top. T h ey fin d it much h ard er to accept the idea o f poor people w ho h ave no hope, no
w ork to do, and w ho have to stay at the b ottom .

10 A m erica n s are used to h igh life standards.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О твет: .

11 Com puters can be fou n d in any A m e ric a n fa m ily .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: 1 _______________ .

12 A m erica n s becom e rich and fam ous b y w a tc h in g T V program s and rea d in g about
m illio n a ries.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

13 Success is one o f the m ost im p o rta n t th in gs fo r the A m erican s.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: ________________ .

14 M ore and m ore people in A m e ric a can ’ t change th e ir life situ a tion fo r the b etter.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

15 M ost Black A m erican s use dru gs and alcohol.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

16 The p oor should be g iv e n m ore f a ir chances to im p ro ve the situ ation .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

A l l p oor A m erica n s sooner or la te r reach the top.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без п робелов, зап я­
ты х и други х доп олн и тельн ы х си м в олов . Каж дую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
ВАРИАНТ 24 145


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

D a v id C o p p erfield : a R e a l- life M a g ic ia n
18 H e is p robably t h e ________
___________ m agician in h istory. SUCCESSFUL
H e started p ra c tis in g m agic w hen he was 10 A t the age o f 12, he
19 the you n gest m em ber o f the S o ciety o f A m eric a n BECOM E
M agician s.
A t the age o f 19 he played the lea d in g role in the m usical The M a g i c
20 M a n . T h a t’ s w hen D a vid K o t k i n his stage name — ‘ D a v ­ CH O O SE
id C o p p e rfie ld ’ — fro m the fam ous n ovel b y Charles Dickens.
D avid has won 11 Guinness W o r ld R ecords and 21 E m m y A w a rd s
21 fo r his T V series. In 2011, h e ‘ K in g o f m a g ic ’ by the S o­ NAM E
c ie ty o f A m eric a n M agician s.
22 C o p p e rfie ld ’ s illu sion s in clu de w a lk in g th rou gh the PO PU LAR
G reat W a ll o f China, le v ita tin g o v e r the G rand
Canyon and m akin g the Statue o f L ib e rty disappear.
23 H e says th at the in sp ira tio n fo r new ____________ com es to IL L U S I O N
~2А _______________ in dream s. ‘ C rea tin g a new illu sio n is lik e w r itin g a HE

2о song, som etim es the ly ric s c o m e ________________ and som etim es i t ’ s the ONE
m u sic’ .
26 H e s t i l l ___________to make the moon disappear and s tra igh ten the HOPE
lean in g to w e r o f Pisa.

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27—32.

C osm etics

E v e ry day, wom en around the w o rld use eyeshadow , mascara, blush

27 and lipstick. Then m aybe some nail polish, a n d ________ a litt le p erfu m e. F IN A L
~28~ __________________ this e v e ry m o rn in g g iv e s m any wom en the DO

~29~ ________________ th ey need to go out and m eet people. C O N F ID E N T

30 W e a r in g cosm etics is the m ost com m on typ e o f b o d y _______________ D ECO RATE

in the w o rld today. W it h the help o f cosm etics, you can hide skin p rob ­
lem s, change the colou r o f yo u r h air, the shape o f yo u r eyebrow s, and
31 t h e _______________o f y o u r eyelashes. LO N G

32 A recent in m odern cosm etics is perm anent make-up D EVELO P

w h ich helps wom en not to put it on e v e ry day.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, зап яты х и других
д оп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.

Разд ел 4. ЗА Д А Н И Е ПО П И СЬМ У

Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превышаю­
щая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m you r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , A n n .
... After two years of arguments with my parents my dream has come true. Last weekend
they bought me a puppy. Mum was against keeping a pet in our flat but I promised to take care
of it.
What are the most popular pets in your country? Why do you think people keep pets even in
big cities? Have you got a pet? If not, would you like to have it and which one?
W r it e her a le tte r and answ er her 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
л о гу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И спользуйте каж ­
дое место действия из списка 1—5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место дейс­

1. In an o ffic e . 4. A t the h otel reception .

2. A t the p olice station . 5. In a hospital.
3. In a bookshop.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В ti С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устано­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker talks about tr a v e llin g .

2. The speaker talks about lan gu age problem s.
3. The speaker talks about a te e n a g e r’ s problem .
4. The speaker reads an extract fro m a musical review .
5. Th e speaker un derlines the connection betw een en viro n m en t and w ild life .
6. Th e speaker talks about the R o y a l fa m ily .
З апиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

H o w does M ark u su ally spend h olidays?

1) H e goes cam pin g w ith a ten t.
2) H e gets a f lig h t to an island.
3) H e tra v els b y van.
О т в е т :______________________.

M ark doesn ’ t m ind tr a v e llin g by car but

1) he doesn ’ t w an t to fly .
2) he doesn ’ t lik e sleepin g in it.
3) he w ou ld p r e fe r sleepin g in a tent.
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h a t does B e tty d islik e about airp orts?

1) E xp en sive shops.
2) W a it in g in the crow ded place w ith n o th in g to do.
3) B u yin g som eth in g she doesn ’ t need.

W h a t is B e tty p lan n in g to do on holidays?

1) S ta y in g in a specialised camp.
2) G o in g som ew here w ith ou t her parents.
3) V is itin g D isneyland.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t does B e tty lik e about the camp?

1) T h a t h er parents w ill stay th ere too.
2) T h a t she w ill tr y w a tersk iin g.
3) T h a t she w o n ’ t h ave to see her fa m ily too o ften .
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t w ill B e tty do m ore o ften ?

1) Go sw im m in g.
2) P la y w a ter polo and go w in d su rfin g .
3) Go w a tersk iin g.

По окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К ОТ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. П ри переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и и х заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А -G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. U n itin g people 5. R ussian tra d itio n

2. Tastes d iff e r 6. Th e m otto is — sun, fu n and s u rf
3. S om eth in g q u ite special 7. R is k y and careless
4. A tou ch in g decision 8. N o t qu ite the same

A . C hristm as in A u s tra lia is not lik e an yw h ere else! E v e ry th in g is top sy tu rv y since

D ecem ber is one o f the h ottest m onths o f the year. B ut the A u stra lia n s have a g re a t tim e
an yw ay. Those w ho liv e near the coast go to the beach on C hristm as day. T h e y have a
sw im , p lay crick et o r v o lle y b a ll, s u rf or ju st s it around w ith fa m ily and frien d s en jo yin g
C hristm as dinn er. Santa Claus a rrive s at A u s tra lia n beaches on a su rfboard — qu ite a
change fro m s lid in g dow n a chim ney! A n d since the w eath er is hot he o fte n w ears a
sw im su it or fu n n y b a g g y shorts. C hristm as is a g re a t tim e fo r kids and students — i t ’ s
the b e gin n in g o f th e ir sum m er holidays.
B. M an y Christm as d ecoration s and sym bols are the same as in G reat B rita in or the
U S A : C hristm as trees (u su a lly p lastic), D ickensian im ages o f tu rk eys and plum
puddings, snow scenes... B ut am ong the decoration s you can also see to y kangaroos and
koala bears in Santa hats o r red scarves! A n d in stead o f h o lly and m istleto e the
A u stra lia n s o fte n use local plants — C hristm as bush and C hristm as bell.
C. A s w ith C hristm as an yw h ere, fa m ilie s have th e ir own tra d itio n s. In spite o f the
heat m any A u stra lia n s s till h ave tra d itio n a l h ot C hristm as m eal. T h is u su ally includes
roast tu rk e y and a fla m in g C hristm as p u d din g w ith a ta sty b ran dy sauce. O thers p re fe r
a m ore sensible m eal o f seafood or cold ham, tu rk ey and salads. F o r tou rists w ith a taste
ВАРИАНТ 25 149

fo r the unusual, roast emu, crocod ile, kan garoo and possum can be fou n d in some
A u stra lia n restaurants.
D. One unique and e xcellen t A u s tra lia n dessert is the P a v lo v a — a lig h t cake made o f
m erin gu e, cream and fr u it . T h is lig h t, fr u it y pie is the n ation al dessert o f both N e w
Zealand and A u s tra lia . (T h e y say it was in ven ted to celebrate A n n a P a v lo v a ’ s v is it to
N e w Zealand in 1926 and A u s tra lia in 1929.)
E. A u s tra lia is also the home o f Carols by C an dleligh t, a tra d itio n started b y N orm an
H anks, a radio announcer, in 1937. One day Banks saw a lo n ely wom an lis te n in g to a
Christm as carol by ca n d leligh t. H e decided to do som eth in g to re lie v e the loneliness some
people f e lt d u rin g the holidays.
F. Tod ay, Carols by C a n d le lig h t is held each Christm as E ve and in v o lv e s tens o f
thousands o f people. T h ey spread blankets on the grou n d , lig h t th e ir candles and sing
Christm as songs to ge th e r. The v ie w is am azin g w ith thousands o f candles w a v in g in the
dark! The sky w ith its Southern Cross stars is lik e a m irro r.
G. T ou rists tend to celebrate C hristm as on the beach and the m ost popular beach is
S y d n e y ’ s B on di Beach A u s tra lia — it gets crow ded w ith backpackers and C hristm as
celebration s w hich last the w h ole day. H o w do we know th a t th ey are tra v elle rs ?
A u stra lia n s d on ’ t bake th em selves in the sun anym ore, since th e y ’ v e becom e m ore aw are
o f the risks o f skin cancer than th ey w ere 20 years ago. Th ere is a la rge hole in the ozone
la y er above A u s tra lia and N e w Zealand, w h ich is w h y the sun here is so dangerous. W h en
you see a beach fu ll o f sunbakers lik e on the photo here, it means the beach is m a in ly fu ll
o f tou rists.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — Tru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

N e w S ecrets o f th e T ita n ic
The T it a n ic set sail fro m Southam pton to N e w Y o r k on the 10th o f A p r il, 1912. It had
2,208 people on board. It was the la rges t ship in the w o rld and everyo n e called it
‘ un sin kable’ . On the 14th o f A p r il, fo u r days in to its fir s t v o y a ge , the T it a n ic h it a huge
iceb erg. Ic y w a te r began f illin g the ship and it sank w ith in 3 hours. O nly 705 people
su rvived .
The T i t a n i c ’s w reck was d iscovered on the ocean flo o r in 1985 and has been studied
closely e v e r since. T o m ark the 100th a n n iversary o f the sin k in g, Jam es Cam eron, the
d ire c to r o f the fam ous film T it a n ic , ga th ered a team o f exp erts to exam in e the shipw reck
again. T h ey used 3D m o d ellin g and state-o f-th e-art tech n o lo gy to fin d out how the
T it a n ic sank.
W h en the T it a n ic h it the iceb erg, th ere was a b ig hole in its hull and w a te r began
f illin g the lo w e r parts o f the ship. B ut Jam es Cam eron says th at the ship could have sunk
m ore slow ly, a llo w in g a g re a te r num ber o f people to s u rvive. M an y o f the sh ip ’ s
p orth oles w ere fou n d open. E xp erts th in k passengers opened these w in dow s to a ir th e ir
room s and then n ever closed them . So the ship took on w a ter fa s te r. The same th in g
happened in one o f the gran d halls, w h ere a la rge door was fou n d open. The sh ip ’ s second
o ffic e r had ord ered to open it d u rin g the evacu ation and it stayed open — le ttin g w a ter
q u ick ly f i l l the sh ip ’ s lo w e r h a lf. ‘ The d oor was tw ice the size o f the hole caused by the
ic e b e r g ,’ Jam es says. ‘ T h a t sped up the sin k in g o f the s h ip .’

A s the T it a n ic took on w a ter, the nose o f the ship sank b elow the su rface. T his caused
the back to l i f t in to the air. Soon the stress was too g re a t and the ship broke in h a lf. ‘ I t ’ s
as i f som eone held the ends o f a banana and broke it in tw o ,’ says Jam es Cam eron.
But the T it a n ic d id n ’ t sink e x a c tly the w a y he described it in the film . ‘ Th ere was
probably a m om ent w h ere it was stan d in g up in the w a ter, but it w asn ’ t as d ram atic and
static as w e showed in the film . It probably w asn ’ t s tra ig h t up, it was p robably at an
a n g le .’
In its fin a l re stin g place 4,6 k ilom etres u n d erw ater, the fr o n t p art looks s u rp ris in g ly
in ta ct. B ut the back looks lik e a bomb d estroyed it. T h a t’ s because the nose was fille d
w ith w a te r w hen it sank, so the pressure was the same on the in side as the outside. The
back p art, h ow ever, sank w ith lots o f a ir inside. It exp loded because o f the p ressu re,’
Jam es says.
‘W e have a v e r y good p ictu re o f w h at happen ed,’ Jam es says. ‘ But th ere w ill alw ays
be m y s te rie s .’

10 | It d id n ’ t take much tim e fo r the T ita n ic to sink.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

11 | N o b od y exp lored the T ita n ic shipw reck fo r a cen tu ry.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

12 | Jam es Cam eron decided to use the m ost advanced tech n o lo gy fo r his exp loration s.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

13 | Passen gers opened the w in dow s because it was v e r y hot.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

14 | P eop le made the T ita n ic sink fa s te r on purpose.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

15 | A lo t o f facts are m isrepresen ted in the film .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

16 | P a rt o f the T ita n ic burst because o f the pressure o f the a ir inside.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

17 | A f t e r C am eron ’ s ex p ed itio n th ere are no secrets le ft.

1) T ru e 2)False 3) N o t stated
О твет:

По окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, зап я­
ты х и других доп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
ВАРИАНТ 25 151


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18—26.

W h y Do They A ppear?
18 Some people b elie ve th at ghosts are people w h o _____ betw een the TRAP

19 liv in g w o rld and the w o rld o f the dead. T his is because t h e y _______________ DO
som eth in g w ro n g w hen th ey w ere a live, or th ey must d e liv e r a message to
som eone liv in g , or som eth in g tra g ic happened to th a t person.
20 W h en the same g h o s t __________ rep ea ted ly in the same house, it is said SEE
th a t the house is haunted. H au n tin gs can continu e fo r years and even
22 T h ere are haunted houses all o v e r the w o rld , but the B ritish say th at
the U K is t h e ________________ cou n try in the w orld . HAUNTED
Some people say th a t th ey anim al gh osts — cats, dogs, SEE
24 anim al ghosts is a black
horses and even birds. One o f t h e ____________ FAM OUS
25 cat th at o fte n _______________ near the R e v o lu tio n M useum in M oscow . APPEAR

26 ________________ a m onth at m id n igh t it w alks alon g T versk a ya S treet. TW O

Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27—32.

London Streets

27 F leet S treet in London used to be the home o f m ost . dai- N A T IO N

ly and Sunday new spapers and th at is w h y people o fte n say ‘ F le et S tre e t’
m ean in g ‘ the press’ even now. In the 1980s m ost o f the newspapers
28 m oved to new _______________ in d iffe r e n t parts o f London to use new B U IL D
p rin tin g tech n ologies. B ritish new spapers can be d ivid ed in to q u a lity and
popular ones. These grou ps are easily d istin gu ish ed because the q u a lity
29 new spapers a r e ____________the size o f the popular newspapers. TWO

B aker Street

One o f the m ost fam ous addresses in London is 221b Baker street, the
30 _______________ home o f the w o r ld ’ s m ost fam ous d ete c tiv e , Sherlock H oi- REAL

31 mes and his D r. W a tso n — accord in g to the stories b y sir A S S IS T

A r th u r Conan D oyle.
The house at 221b B aker s treet was b u ilt in 1815 and was last used as
32 a lo d g in g house in 1936. The ________________ study on the fir s t flo o r is FAM E
kept as it was then. Th e house is now p ro tected as the c it y ’ s cu ltu ral and
arch itectu ral h eritage.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, зап яты х и других
д оп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. П ри выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превышаю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u h ave 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u h ave received a le tte r fro m yo u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , M eg.
... We are doing a project about holidays and traditions of different countries. I decided to
find som e facts about Russia Maybe you can help me.
What are the most important holidays in Russia? Can you tell me about the celebration of
a typically Russian holiday? Have you got any family tradition connected with this holiday?
W r it e h er a le tte r and answ er her 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 words. R em em b er the ru les o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
л о г у подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж ­
дое место действия из списка 1 -5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место дейс­

1. On a bus excursion.
2. At the seaside.
3. At the a irp o rt.
4. On board the ship.
5. In the park.

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker talks about a person w ho was ra re ly beaten.

2. The speaker says th a t it used to be overcrow d ed .
3. The speaker doesn’ t fin d it too silly.
4. The speaker un derlines th a t i t ’ s u sefu l and tra d itio n a l.
5. The speaker talks about a person w ho was ab solu tely exception al.
6. The speaker says th a t i t ’ s s till loved and fa v o u rite .
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш и те разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запиш ите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш и те запись дважды.

Does Jane g e t bored at her course?

1) N o , because she learns a lo t o f new th in gs.
2) N o , because she has it tw ice a week.
3) Y es, because it is too lon g.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h y did T om choose his course?

1) Because he likes cookin g.
2) Because he w an ted to learn how to cook fo r h im self.
3) Because his mum w an ted him to cook.
Ответ: .

W h a t does T om d islik e about his course?

1) T h a t th ey learn how to f r y eggs.
2) T h a t the lessons are too lon g.
3) T h a t th e ir progress is too slow.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t do students do w ith the fo o d th ey cook in class?

1) T h e y have to buy it.
2) T h ey can e ith er eat it or take home.
3) T h ey have to eat it in class.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h y is Tom lo o k in g fo rw a rd to the n ex t lesson?

1) It w ill be his m o th e r’ s b irth d ay.
2) H e likes cakes.
3) H e wants to learn how to make cakes.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t does Tom ask Jane to do?

1) T o help him w ith sending e-m ails.
2) T o send an e-m ail fo r him.
3) T o h ave a look at his com puter.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К ОТ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­

дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. U s e fu l hints 5. W h o can be the v ictim ?

2. T ypes o f b u lly in g 6. W h y are th ey d oin g it?
3. A com m on school problem 7. B u lly in g can be dangerous
4. The oth er side o f the coin 8. I f you are a b u lly

A . E v e ry day thousands o f teens wake up a fra id to go to school. B u lly in g is a problem

th at a ffe c ts m illio n s o f students, and it has everyon e w o rried , not ju st the kids on its
re c e iv in g end. Y e t because parents, teachers, and oth er adults d on ’ t alw ays see it, they
m ay n ot understand how extrem e b u lly in g can get.
B. T w o o f the m ain reasons people are b u llied are because o f appearance and social
status. B u llies pick on the people th ey th in k d on ’ t f i t in, m aybe because o f how th ey look,
how th e y act (f o r exam ple, kids who are shy and w ith d ra w n ), th e ir race or re lig io n , or
because the b ullies th in k th e ir ta rg e t m ay be ga y or lesbian.
ВАРИАНТ 26 155

C. Some b ullies attack th e ir ta rg e ts p h ysically, w h ich can mean a n yth in g up to

punching or h ittin g , or even sexual assault. O thers use p sych ologica l con trol or verb al
in su lts to put th em selves in charge. F o r exam ple, people in popular groups o fte n b u lly
people th ey th in k as d iffe r e n t by ex clu d in g them or go ssip in g about them (p sych ologica l
b u lly in g ). T h ey m ay also tease th e ir ta rge ts (v erb a l b u lly in g ). V erbal b u lly in g can also
in v o lv e sen ding cruel te x ts , messages, or em ails w h ich is know n as cyb erb u llyin g.
D. One o f the m ost p a in fu l aspects o f b u lly in g is th a t it is endless. M ost people can
take one episode o f teasin g or name callin g. H o w e ve r, when it goes on and on, b u lly in g
can put a person in a state o f constant fea r. Studies show th at people w ho are
p erm an en tly abused are at risk fo r m ental h ealth problem s, such as low self-esteem ,
stress, depression, or a n x ie ty. T h e y m ay also th in k about suicide m ore.
E. B u llies are at risk fo r problem s, too. B u lly in g is violen ce, and it o fte n leads to m ore
v io le n t b eh a vio r as the b u lly grow s up. I t ’ s estim ated th at 1 out o f 4 elem en tary-sch ool
bu llies w ill h ave a crim in al record b y the tim e th ey are 30. Some teen bullies end up
lo sin g frien d sh ip s as th ey g ro w older. B u llies m ay also fa il in school and not have the
career success th a t o th er people en joy.
F. Both gu ys and g irls can be b u llies. M an y b ullies share some com mon
ch aracteristics. T h ey lik e to dom inate others and are g e n era lly focused on them selves.
T h ey o fte n have poor social skills and p oor social ju d gm en t. Som etim es th ey have no
fe e lin g s o f sym path y or ca rin g to w ard oth er people. T h ey put oth er people dow n to make
th em selves fe e l m ore in te re s tin g or p o w erfu l. A n d some b ullies act the w a y th ey do
because th e y ’ v e been h u rt b y bu llies in the past.
G. W h a t can you do to com bat b u lly in g ? Ig n o re the b u lly and w alk away. Sooner or
la ter the b u lly w ill probably g e t bored w ith tr y in g to b oth er you. I f y o u ’ re in a situ ation
w h ere you have to deal w ith a b u lly and you can ’ t w alk aw ay, use hum or — it can th ro w
the b u lly o f f gu ard. D on ’ t use physical fo rc e (lik e k ick in g, h ittin g , or pushin g). N o t on ly
are you sh ow in g you r an ger, you can n ever be sure w h at the b u lly w ill do in response.
Y o u are m ore lik e ly to be h u rt and g e t in to trou b le i f you use violen ce again st a bully.

Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — Tru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

The Leanin g Tow er of Pisa

Th e good citizen s o f P isa stau nchly b elie ve th a t the lean in g to w er w ill n ever fa ll.
O rig in a lly b u ilt on poor fou n dation s, the to w er has w ith stoo d several m ild earthquakes
and e x ten sive bom bin g in W o r ld W a r II. The Tuscan sun p ou rin g d a ily onto the P ia z z a
del M ira c o li makes the ston ew ork con tin u a lly expand and con tract, and s till it stands.
In 1174, Bonnano P isan o, an Ita lia n en gin eer, began to w o rk on a bell to w er fo r the
cath edral in P isa , Ita ly . W h en P isan o started, he had no idea the bell to w er w ou ld become
a fam ous to u rist a ttra ctio n and one o f the m ost fam ous stru ctu res in the w orld . N o r did
he guess it w ou ld be fam ous because o f a m istake.
Th e to w er was to be 56 m etres h igh . The con stru ction started and th ree stories w ere
b u ilt. Then the to w er began to lean. The soil beneath the towmr was s o ft and the
fou n d a tio n was not s tro n g enough to support its w e igh t.

Pisa n o trie d to correct th is b y m akin g the new stories a b it ta lle r on the short s
but the e x tra b u ild in g m aterials caused the to w er to lean s till fu rth e r. The constr..
was stopped fo r alm ost one hundred years.
In 1275, the con stru ction began again. T h is tim e tw o stories w ere b u ilt ou t o f the line
w ith the others to a lte r the cen ter o f g r a v ity . The to w er was fin a lly fin ish ed in the 14th
cen tu ry, but each yea r it leans about 2 m illim eters. The bells w ere in stalled in the top in
1350, but th ey are no lo n g er ru ng, fo r fe a r the vib ra tio n s m ig h t ra ttle the tow er.
In W o r ld W a r II, when it was a N a z i observation post, the A llie s considered knocking
it out w ith an a r tille r y strik e. A US A r m y sergean t cancelled the strik e, thus sa vin g the
to w er fo r gen era tion s o f tou rists.
In 1934, the Ita lia n go vern m en t put con crete under the base to t r y to correct the
lean in g, but the lean in g increased. A rc h ite c ts are s till search in g fo r a solu tion. T h ey fea r
th at one day th e ir to w er w ill lean too fa r and fa ll down.

The earthquakes w ere n ot stro n g enough to d estro y the tow er.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

11 P isano knew th at his b ell w ou ld be a success because o f a m istake

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

12 W h en P isan o b u ilt the to w er 56 m etres h igh , it began to lean.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

Th ere w ere tw o reasons fo r the lean in g o f the to w er.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

14 P isano used oth er b u ild in g m aterials to correct the lean in g.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

The con stru ction was h alted because the c ity had no m ore m oney.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

D u rin g the W o r ld W a r I I the to w er could have been d estroyed by the B ritish

o r A m e ric a n forces.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

The to w er m ay fa ll v e r y soon.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

По окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
Е-РИАНТ 26 157


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1 8 -2 6 , так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

G et P h y sic a l!
O ver the past tw e n ty years, g o in g to a g y m ___ an BECOM E
ИГ im p o rta n t p art of m any p eo p le’ s _____________ M an y L IF E
~20" w an t to change the w a y th ey look b y lo sin g PERSON

~21 w e ig h t and m akin g th e ir m u sc les________________ F IR M

T h ere are gym -goers, h ow ever, who ex ercise to im p ro ve
~22 ___________ fitn ess. T h e y h ave m ore en ergy, th e ir h ealth is THEY

~23 im p ro ved and th ey fe e l stressed. L IT T L E

24 Studies _____________
_____________ th at re g u la r exercise also has m any SHOW

2D p sych ological b en efits. It _______________ con fiden ce and s e lf­ IM P R O V E

esteem . P eo p le also re p o rt th at when th ey are fit t e r , th ey can
26 t h in k ___________ W ELL

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 2 7 -3 2 , так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

E n glish H ab its
In a n ation o f m any m illio n s th ere are m any d iffe r e n t kinds
27 o f people: good and bad, honest and ___________ , happy and HONEST
H o w e ve r, w e can ta lk about some gen era l th in gs. The best-
know n q u a lity o f the E n glish is th a t th e y are reserved .
A reserved person is one who does not ta lk v e r y much to
u n fa m ilia r people, n ever te lls you a n yth in g about h im self. I f
E n glish people are m akin g a jo u rn e y by tra in , th ey w ill tr y to
fin d an em p ty com partm ent. I f th ey have to share the
28 com partm en t w ith a ________________ , th ey m ay tra v e l w ith ou t STRANG E

~29 s ta rtin g a ____________________

_______________________ I f th ey s ta rt ta lk in g, CONVERSE

30 ________________ questions lik e ‘ H o w old are y o u ? ’ or even ‘ W h a t ’ s PERSON

y o u r n am e?’ are not ea sily asked. Q uestions lik e ‘ W h e re d id you
31 buy you r w a tc h ? ’ or ‘ W h a t is y o u r s a la ry ? ’ a r e ___________ P O S S IB L E
B ut the people o f the N o rth and W e s t o f B rita in

32 the W els h , are less reserved than those o f the E S P E C IA L

South and East.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, зап яты х и других
д оп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превышай -
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u h ave 30 m inutes to do this task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m y o u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , M ax.
... Congratulate me, I have just won a local running competition! There were students fro~
10 schools. But I cam e the first. No wonder I like PE lessons so much. Next week I’ll pla.
football for my school.
And what about you? Do you ever take part in any sport competitions? Do you like your PE
lessons? What do you do at them?
W r it e him a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em ber the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
л о гу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж ­
дое место действия из списка 1 -5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место дейс­

1. In a gym . 3. A t a bus stop. 5. In a classroom .

2. A t the d o c to r’ s. 4. In a restau ran t.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие м еж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker advises you to chew v e r y q u ick ly at m id n igh t.

2. The speaker says th at here N e w Y e a r is n ever celebrated on the same day.
3. The speaker te lls about special anim al celebration s.
4. The speaker says th a t th ere people m ust be v e r y choosy about th e ir foo d .
5. The speaker says th a t in this cou n try o n ly m e rry people are b elieved to be lucky.
6. The speaker warns th at th ere you w ill g e t w et th rou gh .
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

W h y d id n ’ t Fran k com e up to Dan to say hello?

1) H e d id n ’ t see him .
2) H e lost him in the crow d.
3) H e d id n ’ t exp ect to see him .
О т в е т :_____________________ .

W h a t kind o f a fo o tb a ll m atch was it?

1) It was a gam e w ith an Ita lia n team .
2) It was an in tern a tion a l m atch.
3) It was ju s t a gam e betw een local team s.
О т в е т :_____________________ .

W h y did Fran k com e to the m atch?

1) H e b ro u gh t his frien d s to see the match.
2) H e hadn’ t seen fo o tb a ll fo r a lo n g tim e.
3) H e w an ted to see im p rovem en ts at the stadium .

W h a t does Dan d islik e about the gam e?

1) The stadium hasn’ t changed much.
2) The tick ets are to o exp en sive.
3) The tick ets cost much m ore than those to a concert.
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h ic h o f the frien d s goes to fo o tb a ll matches m ore o ften ?

1) T h e y both go th ere e v e ry week.
2) F ra n k does.
3) Dan does.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h y is Fran k d isappointed by the gam e?

1) N o n e o f the team has won.
2) T h ere h ave been too fe w goals.
3) Th e local team has lost.
Ответ: .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К ОТ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А -G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш ­
ний заголовок.

1. O pposite opin ion s 5. D iffe r e n t places — d iffe r e n t rules

2. Shoppin g restrictio n s 6. Dress-code rules
3. T oo yo u n g to w ork 7. S a fe ty m atters
4. T een s’ rig h ts 8. M a rita l laws
A . Law s a ffe c t our lives e v e ry day, but people h ave v e r y d iffe r e n t opinions about
w h at should be le g a l and w h at should be ille g a l, d epen din g on w h ere th ey liv e . The same
concerns the b eh a vio r o f teenagers in certain situ ation s. In some cou n tries teens are
ab solu tely forb id d en to do th in gs th at are allow ed in oth er cou n tries.
B. Teens around the w o rld hang out at m alls. In some places, h ow ever, you m ight
have to b rin g you r mum alon g to g e t in in the fu tu re . In about ten states o f the U S A , the
law says th a t a fte r a certain hour people under 16 can ’ t go to the m all w ith o u t an adult.
Shopkeepers com plain th at crow ds o f teen agers fr ig h te n aw ay o th er custom ers. Teens
also e n jo y p la y in g v id e o gam es th at fe a tu re a lo t o f fig h t in g and k illin g . Be carefu l! In
Illin o is , U S A , it is forb id d en fo r anyone under 18 to buy gam es fe a tu r in g violen ce.
C. T h e ancient Rom ans allow ed g irls to g e t m a rried at 12 and boys at 14, w ithout
th e ir p a ren ts’ consent. In Scotland th is law was applied u n til 1929, but not m any people
g o t m a rried so you n g. In the M id d le A g e s , h ow ever, m a rriages at 12 or 13 w ere common,
but life was h ard er and sh orter then and people d id n ’ t liv e to be much o ld er than 30.
T od ay, in the U K and in A u s tra lia , you can g e t m a rried at 16 w ith one p a re n t’ s consent.
A t 18, you d on ’ t need yo u r p aren ts’ consent.
D. In the U K , you can g e t a pet at the age o f 12. M an y people, h ow ever, b elie ve that
th is is too yo u n g and a new law should increase the age to 16. T h e y say th a t a 12-year-old
ВАРИАНТ 27 161

m ig h t be e x c it e d a b o u t th e p e t a t f i r s t , b u t m ig h t g e t t ir e d o f t a k in g ca re o f th e a n im a l
and n e g le c t it . On th e o th e r h an d m a n y th in k th a t k id s m a k e re s p o n s ib le p e t o w n ers .
E. L o o k in g f o r y o u r f i r s t jo b ? D o y o u k n o w a t w h a t a g e y o u a re le g a lly a llo w e d to
w o r k ? In th e U S A , i t ’ s 14 and in th e U K , 13. H o w e v e r , i f y o u r p a re n ts ow n th e b u sin ess,
y o u can w o r k e v e n w h e n y o u ’ re y o u n g e r . In In d ia , teen s can w o r k a t 14, w it h no lim it s on
th e n u m b er o f h ou rs, b u t th e y c a n ’ t w o r k in d a n g e ro u s in d u s tr ie s lik e m in es . In th e
U S A , a n y teen u n d e r 16 o p e r a t in g m a c h in e ry is b r e a k in g th e la w . B u t w h a t a b ou t
m a k in g som e e x t r a p o c k e t m o n e y m o w in g th e n e ig h b o u r s ’ la w n s ? W e l l , y o u s h o u ld k n o w
th a t i f y o u ’ re u n d e r 16, i t ’ s ille g a l to o p e r a te a la w n m o w e r.
F. T h e r e a re lo ts o f la w s to p r o te c t p e o p le and k eep th em s a fe , b u t p e o p le d o n ’ t
n e c e s s a r ily a g r e e on w h a t is s a fe and w h a t is n ’ t. In A u s t r a lia , N e w Z ea la n d , C an ada,
F in la n d and in m o st sta te s o f th e U S A i t is c o m p u ls o r y f o r c y c lis ts o f a ll a ges to w e a r a
h e lm e t. In som e sta te s o f th e U S A , o n ly th o se 12 y e a rs and y o u n g e r a re r e q u ir e d to w e a r
on e. H o w e v e r , in th e U K , b ic y c le h e lm e ts a re n o t c o m p u ls o ry . M a n y a rg u e th a t h e lm e ts
m a y n o t p r e v e n t in ju r ie s and th a t som e teen s m a y n o t ta k e up c y c lin g becau se o f th e w a y
t h e y lo o k .
G. T h e r e can also be s t r ic t ru le s c o n c e rn in g w e a r in g a sch ool u n ifo r m . I t m ig h t h a v e
a p a r tic u la r c o lo r o f tro u s e r s o r s k ir t, plu s a m a tc h in g s h ir t and p erh a p s a ja c k e t o r
n e c k tie , w it h m a tc h in g socks and shoes. In som e c o u n tr ie s , lik e G e rm a n y , s tu d e n ts can
w e a r a n y th in g th e y lik e w h en t h e y g o to s c h o o l. In o th e r c o u n trie s , lik e E n g la n d , th e r e is
u s u a lly a s ta n d a rd d re ss co d e in sch ool, u s u a lly a set o f d r e s s in g f o r g ir ls and one f o r
b o ys . In m a n y c o u n tr ie s , such as th e U n ite d S ta te s , som e sch ools r e q u ir e w e a r in g a
u n ifo r m , and som e do n ot.

З а п и ш и т е в т а б л и ц у в ы б р а н н ы е ц и ф р ы п од с о о т в е т с т в у ю щ и м и б у к в а м и .

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — T ru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запиш ите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

T h e B irth o f the S ev en th A r t
C an y o u im a g in e l i f e w ith o u t film s ? T o d a y , w e can g o to th e cin em a , w a tc h film s on
T V o r on o u r c o m p u te rs . W e can e v e n m ak e v id e o film s o u rs e lv e s .
B u t im a g in e th e s u rp ris e and th e sh ock th a t p e o p le f e l t w h en t h e y saw th e f i r s t film s
in 1895. T h e r e w as no sou n d , no c o lo u r and th e film s w e r e v e r y s h o rt: th e y la s te d fr o m
60 to 90 secon ds! B es id es , t h e y d id n ’ t t e ll a s to r y . T h e y w e r e ep iso d es o f r e a l l ife :
a m ilit a r y p a ra d e, a r u n n in g h o rs e, a b o x in g m a tch , th e o c ea n ...
O ne o f th e f i r s t film s sh o w e d a t r a in c o m in g to w a r d s th e ca m era . T h e a u d ien ce
p a n ic k e d and ra n a w a y ! T h e fr ig h t e n e d p e o p le w e r e su re th a t th e t r a in w as c o m in g in to
th e th e a tr e .
T h e e a r ly film s w e r e sh ow n in m u sic h a lls , th e a tr e s , c a fe s and e v e n sh ops. T r a v e llin g
p r o je c t io n is ts b r o u g h t th e film s to s m a lle r c it ie s and c o u n tr y to w n s.
T h e cin em a b eca m e a n ew fo r m o f e n te r ta in m e n t. I t w a s n ’ t e x p e n s iv e an d, a t fi r s t ,
th e a u d ien c e c o n s is te d m a in ly o f w o r k e r s . T h e r ic h and in t e lle c tu a l classes ig n o r e d it.
G r a d u a lly film s b eca m e lo n g e r and s ta r te d to t e ll s to r ie s . A s soon as it h a p p en ed , th e y
b e g a n to f ilm th e cla ssics.
A s th e in d u s tr y d e v e lo p e d , i t c re a te d a n e w p h en om en on : th e in t e r n a tio n a l sta r.
W o r ld t r a v e l w as s t ill s lo w and d i f f i c u l t in th o s e d a y s, b u t m illio n s o f p e o p le in d if fe r e n t
c o u n tr ie s c o u ld see th e sam e a c to rs and a ctre ss es a t th e cin em a . T h e ir fa c e s , and la te r
t h e ir v o ic e s , w e r e fa m ilia r t o p e o p le in th e c o u n tr ie s th e y n e v e r v is it e d . I t w as an
e n t ir e ly n e w e x p e r ie n c e to see a ‘ s t a r ’ , so m eon e to id e n t i f y w it h and lo v e fr o m a d is ta n c e.

The p o p u la rity o f the cinem a led to the fir s t attacks again st it. Church leaders
condem ned the new fo rm . T h ey th ou gh t th at the cinem a w ould steal souls and lead people
aw ay fro m re lig io n . In deed, e a rly cinem as looked lik e tem ples, and people w orshipped
th e ir fa v o u rite film stars.
The era o f the ta lk in g film began in 1927 w ith the enorm ous success o f W a rn e r
B ro th e rs ’ Th e J a z z Singer. The film m o stly told its s to ry w ith title s , but it had three
songs and a short d ialogu e. The silen t film was dead w ith in a year.
The in tro d u c tio n o f colou r was less re v o lu tio n a ry than the in tro d u ctio n o f sound. The
silen t film soon disappeared, but the black-and-w hite film s are made even today.
The m ost im p o rta n t aspect o f the cinem a was th a t, fo r the p rice o f a tic k et, people
could dream fo r a fe w hours. A litt le b oy could im a gin e he was a b rave cow boy. A lon ely
g ir l could im a gin e she was S ca rle tt O ’ H a ra in the arms o f R h e tt B u tler.
T od ay, no one disputes cin em a’ s place as the ‘ seven th a r t’ . Cinem a has produced as
m any g re a t a rtists as lite ra tu re , the th eatre, and any o f the o th er arts.

10 The f ir s t film s w ere m ore d ocu m en tary ones.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :___________________ _ .

11 The f ir s t film s w ere shown in sp ecia lly b u ilt places.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

12 Educated people ign o red the cinem a because it was too exp en sive.
1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: _ _ _ _ ________________.

13 The f ir s t in tern a tio n a l stars appeared in A m eric a .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

14 A lo t o f people stopped g o in g to churches and w en t to the cinem a instead.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

15 The appearance o f sound in film s was as im p o rta n t as the appearance o f colou r.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

16 M ost g irls im a gin e th ey are S ca rle tt O ’ H ara.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

17 C ritics s till doubt th at the cinem a is a fo rm o f art.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

По окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

О ТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
ВАРИАНТ 27 163

Р азд ел 3. ЗА Д А Н И Я ПО ГРА М М А ТИ КЕ И Л Е К С И К Е

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

A L e tte r to a G irlfrie n d

One day a yo u n g man was w r itin g a le tte r to his g ir lfr ie n d

18 w h o ___________ ju st a fe w m iles aw ay. L IV E
19 A m o n g o t h e r _______________ he was te llin g her how much he T H IN G

20 lo ved h er and how w o n d erfu l s h e ________________ F in a lly , he BE

21 w rote th a t in o rd er to be w ith her h e _______________ the greatest FACE

22 dan gers a n y o n e ________________im a gin e. In fa c t, to spend on ly CAN

23 one m in ute w ith he was read y to clim b the SH E

24 m ountain in the w o rld . H IG H

H e fin is h ed the le tte r, sign ed his name and suddenly
25 rem em bered th at h e ___________ to m en tion som eth in g im p orta n t. FORGET
So, he added, ‘ B y the w ay, I ’ ll come to see you on W ed n esd ay —
26 N O T R A IN
i f i t ___________ ’ .

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27—32.

Da V in c i

M ost people know th at Leon ardo da V in c i was a g rea t

p ain ter. H o w e v e r he was also a talen ted scu lptor, m usician,
27 p o e t , ___________ , arch itect and an en gin eer. S C IE N C E

28 Da V in c i was a g re a t _, too. Some o f his projects IN V E N T

29 w ere _. F o r exam ple, he d rew a fly in g m achine 400 SU C C E S S

years b efo re the airplane was in ven ted . H e also design ed an air
30 ___________ , an alarm clock, a rea d in g lam p, a subm arine and C O N D IT IO N
m any o th er th in gs. In all, da V in c i d esign ed m ore than 1,000
in ven tion s!
31 ___________ , he d id n ’ t have tim e to d evelop m any o f his ideas. SAD
H e was alw ays m ore in terested in th in k in g about and p lan n in g
p ro jects than d oin g them .
32 Da V in c i was also a v e r y __________ man. N o b od y knows much M YSTERY
about his p riv a te life . W h a t ’ s m ore, he w ro te backw ards in his
notebooks and it took tim e to read w hat he had w r itte n in them .

По окончании вы полнения заданий 1 8 -3 2 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, зап яты х и других
д оп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пишите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. П ри выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться толькс
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не буду-
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превышаю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u h ave received a le tte r fro m yo u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , Sam.
...Today is Friday. It’s my favourite day when I start looking forward to a free weekend. I car
get up later than usual and do whatever I want. This weekend I’ll go roller-skating with m>
And what is your favourite day of the week? What do you do at weekends? With whom do
you prefer to spend time then?
W r it e h im a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 words. R em em ber the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш и те четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
л о гу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж ­
дое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место дейс­

1. A t the ra ilw a y station 3. In the cinem a. 5. A t a bus stop.

2. In a restau ran t. 4. A t the customs.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1-6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker talks about tw o d iffe r e n t poin ts o f v ie w .

2. The speaker g iv e s his opin ion o f couch-potatoes.
3. The speaker te lls about a u sefu l tra d itio n .
4. The speaker talks about on line frien d sh ip .
5. Th e speaker is sure th at you can do alm ost w ith o u t T V .
6. Th e speaker thinks th at th ey are real frien d s.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

A n n is upset because
1) she has qu arreled w ith her m other.
2) her m oth er annoys her.
3) she fee ls s o rry fo r her m other.
О т в е т :______________________.

A n n doesn’ t w an t her m oth er

1) to tid y up her room .
2) to te ll her w h at to do about her room .
3 ) to en ter her room .
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t does A n n adm it?

1) T h at her room is n ot v e r y tid y .
2) T h a t her m oth er is fu ssy about some th in gs.
3) T h at she expects h er m oth er to clean h er room .

W h a t does A n n lik e to do w ith her clothes?

1) T o put them aw ay im m ed iately.
2) T o leave them as th ey are fo r some tim e.
3) T o put them in to the w ardrobe.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h a t is H e n r y ’ s problem ?
1) H e hasn’ t g o t a bedroom o f his own.
2) H e has to use his b ro th e r’ s w ardrobe.
3) H is b ro th er shares his w ardrobe and some o f his clothes.
О т в е т :______________________.

W h y can ’ t H e n ry change the situ ation ?

1) H is w ardrobe is too large.
2) H is parents can ’ t a ffo r d an oth er w ardrobe.
3) H is b ro th e r’ s room is to o sm all f o r a w ardrobe.
Ответ: .

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А -G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш­
ний заголовок.

1. B u ild in g a home 5. A n im a ls ’ in te llig en c e

2. C ooperation m atters fo r everyb o d y 6. Food signals
3. D an ger alarm 7. Team life is easier
4. F eed in g help 8. Team hunters

A . P eo p le w o rk to g e th e r fo r a sim ple reason — it makes d iffic u lt jobs easier. I f you

had to m ove a h eavy piece o f fu rn itu re fro m one room to another, w ould you do it all by
y o u rs e lf o r fin d som eone to help you? A s you w ou ld p robably agree, w ith a frie n d you car.
g e t the job done m ore q u ick ly, and n eith er o f you w ill be as tire d a fte rw a rd s. F or sim ilar
reasons, anim als also use team w ork . In anim al grou ps, each in d iv id u a l w ork s to help the
grou p as a w hole.
B. Some species have d evelop ed in te llig e n t ways o f g a th e rin g foo d . Coastal bottlenose
dolphins have d evelop ed a unique w ay o f catch in g fish w hich requ ires extrao rd in ary
team w ork . The dolphins fo llo w a school o f fish u n til th ey are near a bank. Then, they
sw im tow ard s the fis h c rea tin g a w a ve w h ich pushes the fis h ou t o f the w a te r and onto
the bank. Th e dolphins end up h a lf out o f the w a te r ly in g on the bank w h ere th e y eat the
helpless fish . In o rd er fo r th is to w ork , each d olph in m ust rush tow ards the bank a*
e x a c tly the same tim e, o th erw ise the w a ve w o n ’ t be stro n g enough. H o w th ey decide
when to go and w ho g iv e s the o rd er is unknown, but a h igh le ve l o f com m unication
d e fin ite ly exists b etw een them .
Е АРИАНТ 28 167

C. A n im a ls can ’ t ta lk but some species h ave d evelop ed w ays o f o f le ttin g others know
w h ere fo o d is. F or exam ple, i f a bee fin d s nectar, it has tw o w ays o f in fo rm in g its h ive.
It m ay create a tr a il w ith the scent o f the nectar. W h en the oth er bees pick up the sm ell,
th ey can fo llo w it to the nectar. O r the bee m ay p e rfo rm the ‘ w a g g le dan ce’ . The oth er
bees understand w h at th is dance means, and then th ey w ork as a team to collect the
D. H u n tin g can be d iff ic u lt and even d an gerou s f o r one an im al. It also takes a lo t
o f e n e rg y to chase and k ill p re y , w h ich is w asted i f th e p re y escapes. H u n tin g in packs
helps m ake p red a to rs m ore e ffic ie n t . A pack o f w o lv e s , f o r exa m p le, can k ill a la r g e
an im al such as a d eer o r m oose, w h ile one w o lf can o n ly k ill a sm all an im al. W o l f
packs, w h ich con sist o f tw o to tw e n ty w o lv e s , m ay su rp rise th e ir p re y o r pursue it fo r
hours b e fo re a tta c k in g . I f th e re are s ev era l an im als, th e pack w ill choose th e w eak est
one because it w ill ta k e less e f f o r t to catch. In th e end, th e w o lv e s share th e m eat w ith
each o th er.
E. A s w e ll as fo o d , anim als need som ew here to liv e . Some anim als sim p ly m ove in to
the best place th ey can fin d , but oth ers b u ild a hom e fo r th em selves. A p a rtic u la rly
in te llig e n t b u ild er is the beaver. B eavers liv e by riv e rs and stream s and b u ild dams to
create pools o f deep w a te r w h ich help keep th e ir homes safe. The w h ole colo n y about f iv e
to six m em bers, co-operates to create the dam w ith trees th e y ’v e cut dow n u sin g th e ir
lon g, sharp fr o n t teeth , then con stru ct th e ir home, w h ich looks lik e a stick ig lo o , in side
o f the bank.
F. A n im a ls also depend on each oth er to keep safe. F o r exam ple, th ey m ig h t h ave a
sign al th a t lets the grou p know when a th rea t is nearby. W h e n an ant is crushed it
releases a scent called ‘ alarm pherom on e’ th a t sign als the oth er ants to com e to the
crushed ant and attack the enem y. L a r g e r anim als m ay ch allen ge an opponent using
sounds and body lan gu age. W o lv e s , fo r exam ple, w ill g ro w l at a n yth in g th at is
th re a ten in g th e ir pack, and g e t read y to attack. T h e y also w arn each o th er o f d an ger by
b ark in g. Because th e ir pack is so im p o rta n t to th e ir s u rv iva l, w o lves w ill even risk th e ir
liv es to d efen d it.
G. B y liv in g and w o rk in g in grou ps, anim als increase th e ir chances o f s u rv iv in g in
the w ild . Each in d iv id u a l in the grou p con tribu tes som eth in g th at helps the others. T his
could be as sim ple as com m u n icatin g w h ere fo o d is. Or it could be as d iffic u lt and
dangerous as ris k in g o n e’ s life to p ro tect an oth er m em ber o f the grou p. B y stu d yin g a
v a r ie ty o f anim al grou p one th in g is fo r sure: team w ork works!

Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — T ru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

T h e H is to ric C ity o f Y o r k

Y o r k is one o f B r ita in ’ s m ost h isto ric cities. Once it was even the cap ital o f a V ik in g
kingdom !
The V ik in g s w ere known as b rave w a rrio rs and e xcellen t sailors. T h e y tra v e lle d in
th e ir lo n g ships to Icelan d, G reenland and even to N o rth A m erica !

In 851, V ik in g in vaders sailed up the Tham es, attacked London and b u rn t it to t:.-
grou nd. In 866, th ey attacked the c ity o f Y o r k but d id n ’ t burn it. T h e y settled in ::
T h e y b u ilt streets and houses and set up th e ir businesses in Y o rk . Soon J o rv ik (as th*
c ity was now ca lled ) becam e a b ig tra d in g area and one o f the m ost im p o rta n t V ik in g
c ities in Europe.
T h e V ik in g s sold goods r ig h t fro m th e ir houses, u sin g the fr o n t o f th e ir b u ild in gs as
shop w in dow s. P eo p le could buy lots o f th in gs in these ‘ shops’ — clothes, spices
p erfu m es and je w e lle ry . A rc h a e o lo g ic a l excavatio n s show th a t in the 10th century
J o rv ik had tra d in g connections w ith m any fa r-a w a y cou n tries, in clu d in g R u ssia and the
B yza n tin e E m pire.
S k ille d c ra ftsm en in J o rv ik m ade th in gs th at the V ik in g s needed — pots, shoes,
plates and cups. V ik in g sm iths made sw ords, arrow s, iro n nails, locks, keys and shoe
buckles. M an y people th o u gh t th a t sm iths w ere w iza rd s who made m agic ou t o f smoke
and flam es.
E xcavation s in the c ity cen tre show th at J o rv ik was a busy c ity . A b o u t 15,000 people
liv e d th ere. It was a d ir ty c ity , too. R ubbish (in clu d in g bad fo o d and human w a ste) was
th row n ou t r ig h t in to the backyards. A s you can im a gin e, the sm ell w asn ’ t v e r y pleasant
L iv in g con d ition s w e re n ’ t h ea lth y eith er. H o w e ve r, thanks to all the rubbish, the ground
le v e l in J o rv ik rose b y around 1 cm a year. A n d th is helped to p reserve V ik in g houses —
fo r the jo y o f h istorian s hundreds o f years later.
Th e face o f Y o r k has c e rta in ly changed o v e r the cen tu ries. T od ay, i t ’ s one o f the most
b ea u tifu l cities in B rita in . The c ity knows w e ll how to show its h isto ry to v is ito rs . One of
the m ost popular places w ith to u rists is the J o rv ik V ik in g C entre w h ere you can see, hear
and even sm ell the V ik in g c ity . E v e ry Febru ary, th e C entre orga n izes a special V ik in g
fe s tiv a l. M an y v is ito r s com e to the c ity fro m all o v e r the V ik in g N o rth o f Europe to take
p art in th is c o lo u rfu l even t.
T h ere are m any oth er in te re s tin g places to v is it in Y o rk . Th e m a g n ific e n t Y o rk
M in ster, fo r exam ple, is the la rg es t g o th ic cath edral in n orth ern Europe. In the Castle
M useum , you can take a w alk dow n V ic to ria n streets. Th e N a tio n a l R a ilw a y M useu m ’ s
c ollectio n is w orld -fa m ou s (V ic to ria n Y o r k was an im p o rta n t ra ilw a y cen tre).
Y o r k is also know n as the m ost haunted c ity in E urope and you can fo llo w m any o f its
scary stories on one o f the popular ‘ G host W a lk s ’ .

10 I The V ik in g s b u rn t a lo t o f B ritish c ities and tow ns.

1) T ru e 2) False 3 ) N o t stated

11 I Y o r k soon becam e an im p o rta n t business V ik in g centre.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

12 j The V ik in g s sold goods fro m all o v e r the w orld .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

13 R u ssia established tra d in g connections w ith V ik in g J o rv ik f iv e hundred years ago.

1) T ru e 2) False 3 ) N o t stated
ВАРИАНТ 28 169

14 V ik in g sm iths w ere v e r y skilled.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

15 Th e V ik in g s started b u ild in g special to ilets.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
Ответ: _ _ _ _________________.

16 P eop le fro m N o rth e rn European cou n tries v is it the V ik in g F e s tiv a l in Y o rk .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :______________________.

17 T o u ris t can v is it o n ly h isto rica l places in Y o rk .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

По окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, зап я­
ты х и други х доп олн и тельн ы х си м волов . Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

I ’m a W r it e r !
18 M an y people th in k th a t th e y can w r i t e ____________ T h e y w ou ld lik e to STO RY

ИГ be w rite rs . Then th ey send ________________ to m agazines. W h en the TH EY

20 m agazines _____ to publish th e ir w ork s, these people becom e NOT W A N T

an gry.
21 A lad y once . a lo n g s to ry. She sent it to a fam ous e d itor. W R IT E

~22 A f t e r a fe w weeks the s to ry to her. The lad y was an gry. RETURN

T h a t was h er le tte r to the e d itor:
‘ D ear S ir: Y e s te rd a y you sent back m y s to ry. H o w do you know th at
23 the s t o r y ___________ good? Y o u d id n ot read it. B e fo re I sent you the s to ry, N O T BE

~2А I to g e th e r pages 18, 19 and 20. T h is was a test to see i f you PASTE

~25~ ________________the s to ry. W h e n the s to ry came back yesterd a y, the pages READ

~26~ w ere s till pasted to ge th e r. Do you read all th e stories t h a t _______________ SEND
to you in such a w a y ? ’
The e d ito r answered: ‘ D ear M adam : A t b rea k fa st when I open an e g g
I d on ’ t have to eat all the e g g to understand th a t it is b a d .’

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавных

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 2 7 -3 2 , так, чтобы они грамматичес:-
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными ел
вами. Каж ды й пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

S lee p y T een s

Sleep studies show th a t m ost teenagers d on ’ t g e t enough sleep and

_________go to school fe e lin g tired . The problem w ith the p oor sleep is USUAL

how you fe e l w hen you are not sleepin g — sleepy, irrita te d o r _____________ M OOD
Sleepiness makes it d iffic u lt to con cen trate and to learn , and sleepy
students o fte n g e t bad m arks. A n d i t ’ s n ot on ly about the process o f
29 g e t t i n g _____________Studies show th at teens w ho d on ’ t g e t enough sleep E D UCATE
h ave problem s g e ttin g alon g w ith m em bers o f the fa m ily at hom e and
th e ir classm ates at school. T h ey are m ore lik e ly to have fa m ily fig h ts and
bad headaches. S leep y teens w h o d riv e cars m ay cause serious, even
accidents. D EAD

S leep say th a t teen s are p ro g ra m m e d to g o to sleep S C IE N C E

la te r and w ake up la te r than o th e r age gro u p s. B u t m an y sch ools s ta rt
classes e a rly . Som e A m e ric a n sch ools, f o r e x a m p le, s ta r t classes at
seven o ’ clock .
E xp erts th in k th at teens need m ore horm ones fo r th e ir norm al
32 ____________and such types o f horm ones are made d u rin g sleep. W h a t can GROW
schools do? M aybe schools should start classes la ter in the m orn in g.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

О ТВЕТО В № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер
вой клеточки . При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запятых и других
дополнительных символов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВЕТО В № 2. П ри вы полнении задания

33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям,
сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут учитываться эк­
спертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма пись­
ма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста письма, превыш ающая требуемый
объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m yo u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , P o lly .
...I’m writing to you after our traditional Sunday dinner, when the whole family gets together,
including my granddad and two grannies. I ca n ’t say that I’m very excited, but mum cooks very
tasty food — chicken or roastbeef with salad, and one of my grannies brings an absolutely
delicious apple pie.
Do you have traditional family Sunday dinners? What do you eat on Sundays? What do you
think of such a tradition?
W r it e her a le tte r and answ er h er 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .

5 Is Jane upset th at h er fa th e r w o n ’ t come to w a tc h h er?

1) N o , because he makes h er fe e l em barrassed.
2) N o , because he doesn’ t show any in terest.
3) Y e s , because she likes him to show his in terest.
О т в е т :_______________________ .

6 W h y w on’ t P a u l’ s m oth er come to w atch the com petition ?

1) Because she is lo o k in g fo r an oth er job.
2) Because she w ork s late in the even in g.
3) Because she is n ’ t in terested in sport.
О т в е т :_______________________ .

7 W h y does P a u l’ s fa th e r usually come to w atch his son?

1) H e is eager to support him .
2) H e used to sw im h im self.
3) H e is in terested in sport in gen eral.
О т в е т :_______________________ .

8 | W h a t does Jane th in k o f p ra c tic in g both sw im m in g and fo o tb a ll.

1) She is ab solu tely again st it.
2) She p refe rs p la y in g fo o tb a ll fo r pleasure.
3) She is v e r y serious about both kinds o f sport.
О твет:

По окончании выполнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каждую цифру пишите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каж­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А -G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш­
ний заголовок.

1. N o w h ere to liv e 5. The m ost fam ous fo r public

2. A special place fo r ch ild ren 6. The end o f p riva te life
3. Th e h is to ry o f C oven t G arden 7. C oven t Garden nowadays
4. The place o f the b u ild in g exp erim en t 8. C oven t Garden as it is
A . C oven t G arden is one o f the m ost popular places in London. A lm o s t one m illion
people v is it it e v e ry w eek, fro m all parts o f the w o rld ! A lth o u g h i t ’ s called Covent
G arden, it is n ’ t a garden at all. I t ’ s a public square w ith rich h isto ry, b ea u tifu l
a rch itectu re and a unique cu ltu ral atm osphere. T h ere are open-air cafes and restaurants,
th eatres and museums, shops and street artists.
B. In the M id d le A g e s , C ovent Garden was a vegeta b le fie ld . It g a ve fo o d to the nuns o f
the nearby convent o f St P eter. In 1540, K in g H e n ry V I I I (th e one who had 6 w iv e s) took
aw ay the lands o f the m onasteries and convents. He used the fie ld to train his falcons. The
K in g soon g o t tired o f this and the land was g iv e n to the fir s t E arl o f B ed ford . In 1632,
the 4th E arl o f B ed fo rd asked In ig o Jones to build a fashionable d is tric t there.
C. In ig o Jones was the m ost im p o rta n t arch itect o f th a t tim e. H e lik ed Ita lia n cities,
was v e r y much in flu en ced b y th e ir beauty and had spent a lo t o f tim e stu d yin g them . So
he created an Ita lia n -s ty le square. The square was surrounded b y arcaded b u ild in gs and
вариант 29 173

dom inated by the Church o f St P au l. It becam e the fir s t public square in the cou n try.
Lon don ers, used to n arrow w in d in g streets w ere shocked.
D. The arch itect w an ted the new square to be a public one — and it becam e such
a place. But th is actu ally led to its fa ll. T h ere w ere a lo t o f rich people w ho liv e d in the
houses around the square. T h ey soon began to g e t tire d o f all sorts o f London crim in al
w o rld under th e ir w in dow s. A ls o , th ey d id n ’ t lik e the fr u it and v eg e ta b le m arket w hich
had ju st appeared in the square. W h e n the p riv a te B loom sbu ry Square and oth ers w ere
b u ilt (w ith special p ro tection fro m ou tsid ers), the rich w en t th ere in stea d .’
E. T od ay C oven t G arden is a popular en tertain m en t and shopping site w h ere th ere is
som eth in g fo r everyon e: h isto ry, arch itectu re, music, shopping, street th ea tre and
c o ffe e . A n d th ere are lots and lots o f street p erfo rm e rs — m usicians, ju g g le rs , m im e
artists, m agician s and fir e eaters. I t ’ s also a nice place to w a lk around because th ere is no
tr a ffic . T h ere is alw ays a chance to see w ell-kn ow n actors and m usicians w a lk in g around.
P o lite B ritish people tr y to g iv e them some space and avo id asking fo r au tographs.
F. C oven t G arden is home to m any th eatres. The R o y a l Opera House, o fte n called
sim p ly ‘ C oven t G arden ’ , shows p erform ances g iv e n by the R o y a l O pera and the R o y a l
B a llet. Operas are p erfo rm e d in th e ir o rig in a l languages! The T h eatre R o y a l, know n as
‘ D ru ry L a n e ’ , is the oldest th eatre in London. I f you buy a tic k et you m ay g e t m ore than
you think! 200 years ago actors fou n d a secret room here. In the room th ere was a
skeleton w ith a k n ife in it. Since then m any people have seen the gh ost. D ru ry Lane has
been called one o f the w o r ld ’ s m ost haunted th eatres. Tod ay, D ru ry Lane belongs to
A n d re w L lo y d W eb b er, the com poser w ho w ro te fam ous m usicals Jesus C hrist Superstar,
Cats, the P h a n to m o f the Opera and m any others.
G. E veryo n e w ill fin d som eth in g to en jo y in C oven t Garden. The London T ran sp ort
M useum is in a splendid V ic to ria n b u ild in g (once the F lo w e r M a rk et at C oven t G arden).
H ere you can learn the s to ry o f L o n d o n ’ s public tran sp ort system , fro m the fir s t horse-
draw n carria ges to the latest un dergroun d train s (w h ich you can d riv e y o u rs e lf).
C h ild ren lo ve this museum.
Запиш ите в та б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — Tru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — F alse) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

A n im a l W o r ld in D a n ger
Some anim als and plants, such as h ou seflies and daisies, are v e r y com m on. T h ey are
in no dan ger o f b ecom in g e x tin c t, or d y in g out. But oth er species, or types, o f anim als
and plants are v e r y rare. T h ere m ay be o n ly a fe w o f them le ft in the w orld . Such species
are said to be en d an gered — in dan ger o f disapp earin g fo r e v e r .
C ertain anim als and plants have died out and new ones have appeared e v e r since life
began on E arth. T his is a n atural p art o f evo lu tio n . S om etim es an endan gered species has
been able to build up its numbers again and becom e com m on. A t oth er tim es the
endangered species has becom e e x tin ct. P ro b a b ly the best-know n anim als to become
e x tin c t by n atural causes are the dinosaurs, w h ich died out about 65 m illio n years ago.
T od a y fa r m ore species are endangered than e v e r b efo re. In the e a rly 21st cen tu ry
m ore than 4,600 species o f anim als and plants w ere listed as endan gered all o v e r the
w orld . M an y m ore are considered vu ln erab le, or lik e ly to become endangered.
A n im a ls and plants re ly on each oth er and th e ir en viro n m en t to s u rv ive . B ut human
a c tiv itie s cause m ost o f the en viron m en tal changes th at a ffe c t plants and anim als today.
A n im a ls and plants need clean air, soil, and w a ter, but people p ollu te the en viron m en t

w ith g a r b a g e , ca r fu m e s , and fa c t o r y w a s te s. A n im a ls and p la n ts also n eed p la ces to liv e ,

b u t th e h u m an p o p u la tio n is in c re a s in g fa s t and t a k in g o v e r n a tu ra l a rea s f o r houses,
roa d s, fa c t o r ie s , and fa r m la n d s . P e o p le c le a r fo r e s t s , sw a m p s, and o th e r w ild p laces,
ca u s in g th e d e a th o f m a n y a n im a ls and p la n ts. S om e a n im a ls and p la n ts a re en d a n g e re d
s im p ly b y h u m an g r e e d . S om e p e o p le s t ill w e a r co a ts m ad e fr o m th e fu r s o f ra re
m a m m a ls; o th e rs c o lle c t r a r e sp ecies o f flo w e r s and b u t t e r flie s .
T h e lis t o f e n d a n g e re d m am m a ls in c lu d e s m a n y la r g e , w e ll-k n o w n a n im a ls . A fr ic a n
and In d ia n ele p h a n ts h a v e b een k ille d f o r t h e ir tu sk s, w h ic h a re u sed to m ak e i v o r y
e a r r in g s and o th e r a r t o b je c ts . W h a le s a re n o lo n g e r h u n ted as w id e ly as t h e y on ce w e re ,
b u t m a n y decades o f s la u g h te r g r e a t ly red u c ed th e n u m b ers o f som e sp ecies. T h e g ia n t
panda s u r v iv e s o n ly in r e m o te p a rts o f C h in a and in zoos. O th e r th r e a te n e d m am m als
in c lu d e th e t ig e r and v a r io u s sp ecies o f d e e r, a n te lo p e s , and p rim a te s .
U n t il f a i r l y r e c e n t tim e s fe w p e o p le w e r e co n ce rn ed a b ou t th e im p a c t o f hum an
a c t iv it ie s on a n im a ls and p la n ts in th e w ild . A s p e o p le b e g a n to w o r r y a b ou t such ch an ges
t h e y t r ie d to co m e up w it h w a y s to c o n s e rv e th e e n v ir o n m e n t. T o d a y s e v e ra l
in te r n a tio n a l and n a tio n a l a g e n c ie s m a in ta in lis ts o f e n d a n g e re d sp ecies. T h e y w o r k to
p r o t e c t and p r e s e r v e n a tu ra l h a b ita ts and to p r o m o te p r o g r a m s f o r th e r e c o v e r y o f
th r e a te n e d sp ecies.

10 In co u rse o f e v o lu tio n n e w sp ecies can a p p ear.

1) T r u e 2 ) F a ls e 3 ) N o t s ta te d
О т в е т :______________________.

1 1 | E n d a n g e re d sp ecies a lw a y s b ecom e e x tin c t.

1) T r u e 2 ) F a ls e 3 ) N o t s ta te d
О т в е т :______________________.

12 | M o s t e n d a n g e re d sp ecies n o w a re lis te d in E u ro p e .
1) T r u e 2) F a ls e 3 ) N o t s ta te d
О т в е т :______________________.

1 3 | A n im a ls and p la n ts d ep en d on e n v ir o n m e n t to s u r v iv e .
1) T r u e 2 ) F a ls e 3 ) N o t s ta te d
О т в е т :______________________.

1 4 | P o llu t io n is th e m a in fa c t o r le a d in g to th e d e a th o f a n im a ls.
1) T r u e 2 ) F a ls e 3 ) N o t s ta te d
О т в е т :______________________.

1 5 | P e o p le ’ s h ob b ies and fa s h io n p r e fe r e n c e s can lea d to th e e x tin c tio n o f som e species.

1) T ru e 2) F a ls e 3 ) N o t s ta te d
О т в е т :______________________.

1 6 | P e o p le s ta rte d t h in k in g ab ou t e n v ir o n m e n t c o n s e rv a tio n lo n g a go.

1) T ru e 2 ) F a ls e 3 ) N o t s ta te d
О т в е т :______________________.

1 7 | E n v ir o n m e n ta l a g e n c ie s w o r k in a ll E u ro p e a n c o u n trie s .
1) T ru e 2 ) F a ls e 3 ) N o t s ta te d

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

О ТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, зап я­
ты х и других доп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
Е - ЭИАНТ 29 175

Раздел 3 . З А Д А Н И Я П О Г Р А М М А Т И К Е И Л Е К С И К Е
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными
буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

W h a t ’s H is Life W orth ?
18 R o b ert Burns lo ved people and w rote a b o u t___________ . THEY
И Г One day w hen he ________________________ near the sea, he suddenly W ALK

~20 ______________a c ry fo r help. H e ran to th at place. A t th at tim e a sailor HEAR

21 jum ped o f f a boat and began to sw im tow ards the man w h o ________________ CALL
fo r help and saved him.
22 The man w ho _____________ was a rich m erchant. W h en he came to SAVE

~23~ __________ he thanked the brave sailor and gave him a sh illin g. B y this tim e a lot HE
o f people w ere standing round them. T h ey called the sailor a hero and
~2Г protested lou dly when the rich man ga ve him on ly a sh illin g. But B u rn s_______ STOP
25 them and said, _! The gen tlem an knows b e tte r o f course w hat NOT CRY
26 his l i f e ________ w o r th .’ BE

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 2 7 -3 2 , так, чтобы они грамматически и
лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и слова­
ми. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 27—32.

The M an in the Iron M ask

27 H e d id n ’ t w ear an iro n mask but he w ore one made o f cloth. USUAL

F o r t h ir t y - fiv e years th is man was kept in prison. T o this day nobody
knows w ho the man was. H e was put in prison by the k in g o f France who
28 refu sed to answ er any questions about w h y t h e ___________ was th ere or P R IS O N
w ho he was.
W h en the fam ous au th or A le x a n d e r Dumas heard about th at
29 ___________person, he used him as the basis o f his popular book ‘ The M an M YSTERY
in the Iron M a sk ’ . T o make the s to ry even m ore tra g ic , Dum a changed the
30 cloth mask w h ich the m a n ___________ w ore in to the iro n one. ACTUAL
The real man was put in prison w hen he was no m ore than tw en ty-tw o .
31 H e was to ld by h i s ___________ gu ards th at i f he said one w ord about w ho he HEART
was, he w ou ld be k illed . So, he was allow ed to speak o n ly about his health
and food.
32 A c c o rd in g to some records, the man was kind, ___________ and n ever P A T IE N C E
com plained. W h e n he died in p rison , he was buried under a fa ls e name.

По окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, зап яты х и других
доп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. При выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учиты ваться экспертом. Обратите внимание такж е на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письм а недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превышаю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do th is task.

Y o u have re ce iv ed a le tte r fro m yo u r E n glish -speak in g pen frie n d , B ill.
... Yesterday I had a great quarrel with my mum, because I returned from my friend's
birthday party about 11 p.m. My parents think that by 10 o ’clock I should be in bed. I’m afraid
they don’t understand that I’m not a child any more.
Do your parents let you go out late in the evening? When do you usually have to go to bed9
Are you allowed to watch TV after ten o ’clock?
W r it e h im a le tte r and answ er his 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 w ords. R em em b er the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
л о гу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж ­
дое место действия из списка 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место дейс­

1. In a museum. 3.A t afe s tiv a l. 5. On board a plane.

2. A t home. 4.In the garden.
З апиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш ите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. У стан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверж дение из списка 1 -6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker talks about the im p ortan ce o f com m u n icatin g.

2. The speaker talks about the solu tion o f a problem .
3. The speaker describes his/her house.
4. The speaker adm its m issin g old connections.
5. The speaker is qu ite pleased w ith the place.
6. The speaker talks about the lack o f u n derstan din g.
Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш ите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в поле ответа запишите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш ите запись дважды.

A n n spends too much tim e on fro n t o f the com pu ter because

1) she looks f o r too much in fo rm a tio n .
2) she is d istra cted b y unnecessary in fo rm a tio n .
3) she fin d s it fascin a tin g.
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h y doesn ’ t A n n go in chat room s?

1) She doesn’ t tru s t them .
2) She doesn’ t know the people there.
3) She is a fra id th ey are to o personal.
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h a t does Dan th in k o f chat room s?

1) T h a t th ey can be tru sted.
2) T h a t i t ’ s necessary n ot to lose on e’ s com m on sense there.
3) T h a t th ey are an ideal fo r m o f com m unication.

W h a t does Dan esp ecially lik e about the In tern et?

1) C h a ttin g w ith frien d s e v e ry day.
2) D o w n lo ad in g music.
3) P la y in g online.
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h a t does A n n th in k o f his hobby?

1) T h a t i t ’ s ra th er risky.
2) T h a t i t ’ s both b o rin g and dangerous fo r health.
3) T h a t it takes too much tim e.
О т в е т :______________________ .

W h a t kind o f a deal do th e y h ave in the end?

1) T o go to the cinem a instead o f spen din g too much tim e in fr o n t o f the screen.
2) T o save m ore tim e fo r th e ir hobbies.
3) T o m eet in the even in g.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К ОТ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя­
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­
дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лиш­
ний заголовок.

1. Th e ways o f tr a v e llin g 5. The h isto ry o f eco tou rism

2. T h in k in g about nature 6. W h a t does it mean?
3. K illin g or w a tch in g? 7. F o rg e t about h ea vy lu g g a g e
4. Th e least exp en sive tou rs 8. A lo t o f suggestion s

A . A s a fa ri is a tr ip on land, usually in ju n g le or savanna en viron m en ts, w hich is

en gaged in fo r the purpose o f v ie w in g o r h u n tin g anim als. M ost o ften , the m odern safari
in v o lv e s v ie w in g , p h o togra p h in g, and e x p e rien c in g anim als in th e ir n atural habitats.
W it h g re a te r laws fo r the p reserva tio n o f m any anim al species, fe w e r people undertake a
s a fa ri to hunt anim als.
B. S a fa ri is a S w a h ili w ord , w h ich o r ig in a lly d erives fro m the A ra b ic w ord fo r travel.
safara. M ost associate the idea o f g o in g on s a fa ri w ith A fr ic a , but actu ally th ere are
m any s a fa ri destin ation s th ro u gh ou t the w o rld . F o r exam ple, one can take s a fa ri trip s in
In d ia, A u s tra lia , A n ta rc tic a , A la sk a , B ra zil o r P eru . E ssen tially an y place w h ere one can
observe anim als in th e ir tru e habitats can be a s a fa ri d estin ation .
C. Som e s a fa ri trip s are done m o stly b y m o to r tran sp ort. I t m ay sim p ly be too
dangerous to be w a lk in g around lions, tig ers , and bears, or oth er p ossibly deadly
anim als. It can also be dangerous to the anim als to closely in te ra c t w ith humans.
W a tc h in g anim als fro m the secu rity o f a v eh ic le allow s one to com e m ore closely to the
anim als w ith less d an ger to both anim als and humans.
D. O th er s a fa ri trip s are w a lk in g trip s, and arm ed gu ides usually lead them . The;
m ay take place on w ild life p reserves. P eo p le m ig h t camp out fo r a n ig h t on the A fric a r
Savannah, fo r exam ple, in ten t cabins or sem i-perm anent camps. These are usually the
ВАРИАНТ 30 179

cheapest w a y to take a s a fa ri, but th ey do have th e ir p riva tio n s. F o r exam ple, access to
to ile ts and a b ility to have a show er m ay be qu ite lim ited .
E. A safari, m eaning the actual tou r to see or hunt anim als, can last anyw here fro m
tw o days to tw o weeks. One m ig h t also spend part o f th is tim e tr a v e lin g b y a ir or bus to
several locations in o rd er to see the best sights. A sin gle s a fa ri could in v o lv e cam ping or
sta y in g in a lo t o f locations, w hich makes packin g lig h t a good idea, p a rticu la rly on the
m ore bu dget orien ted safaris.
F. T h ou gh A f r ic a has the la rges t num ber o f s a fa ri o ffe r in g s , those in A u s tra lia , A s ia
and South A m e ric a o fte n can be equ a lly e x c itin g . M an y are con stru cted on the same
p rin cip als as A fr ic a n sa faris, w ith lodges or sem i-perm anent camps based near w ild life
reservation s. In places lik e A la sk a, one can also take one-day tou rs to v ie w g r iz z ly and
p ola r bears in th e ir n a tive en viron m en t. These tend to be o ffe r e d to g e th e r w ith cruises to
A lask a.
G. A n eco ad ven tu re is a tr ip th a t com bines adventu rous a c tiv itie s and means o f
tra v e l w ith e n v iro n m e n ta lly responsible m ethods. The destin ations and a c tiv itie s v a ry
w id e ly and can include can oein g on the A m a zo n R iv e r , h ik in g in a trop ica l ra in fo re s t or
a s a fa ri in A fr ic a . D estin ation s are ty p ic a lly rem ote and tra v e lle rs need to have a good
gu ide w ith them . Id ea lly , an eco ad ven tu re e ith er leaves no trace o f human a c tiv ity
behind or con tribu tes tow ard s en viro n m en tal con servation .

Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквами.

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни полож ительного, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N ot stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

The A m ish People

Im a gin e the w o rld w ith ou t telephones or te le vis io n , w ith o u t cars or e le c tric ity . Th ere
is no in du stry. E veryo n e w ork s on farm s and tra v els by horse o r on fo o t. W h e re do you
th in k this w o rld is? Europe in the 17th cen tu ry? In fa c t, it is A m e ric a in the b egin n in g
o f the 21st cen tu ry. It is the w o rld o f the A m ish people.
A con s erva tiv e C h ristian grou p, the A m ish liv e a sim ple life s ty le th a t is an
expression o f th e ir re lig io u s b elie fs . A m ish people began m ig r a tin g to N o rth A m e ric a
fro m Europe in the e a rly 1700s. I t was estim ated th at at the b egin n in g o f the 21st
cen tu ry th ere w ere about 100,000 A m ish liv in g in N o rth A m eric a .
A m ish people re jec t m ost aspects o f m odern life . T h e y do not u su ally use telephones,
e le c tric ity , radios, television s, or autom obiles. H orses and b u ggies p ro vid e
tran sp o rta tio n . M an y A m is h are e xcellen t fa rm ers w ho do not use p ow er m ach in ery.
O th er com m on occupations are c a rp en try and b lack sm ith in g. A m ish wom en are known
fo r p rod u cin g b e a u tifu lly h an d crafted qu ilts.
A m ish c lo th in g is sim ple. M en h ave lo n g beards, but no mustaches. T h e y w ear w ide-
b rim m ed black o r stra w hats, dark trou sers, and plain shirts. A m is h wom en w ear th e ir
uncut h air in buns. T h ey also w ear bonnets, an k le-len gth dresses, and capes or shawls.
C h ild ren atten d one-room schools in th e ir com m unities. T h e ir fo rm a l edu cation goes
o n ly th ro u gh the e ig h th grade. In 1972, the US Suprem e C ourt passed a law re c o g n izin g
the r ig h t o f A m is h people to lim it th e ir education to the eigh th grade. A m ish boys and
g irls learn an occupation b y h elp in g th e ir parents in the fie ld , house, or workshop.
T h e A m ish have a p o lic y o f not g e ttin g in v o lv e d in the m ilita ry . H o w e ve r, A m ish
people have served in the m ilita r y d u rin g tim es o f w ar, usually in altern a te duties such
as in hospitals.

Th e A m ish hold w orsh ip services on Sundays, but th ere are no church bu ildings.
Instead, A m ish people m eet in each o th e r’ s homes.
Th e A m ish celebrate the tra d itio n a l C h ristian h o ly days, such as C hristm as and
E aster. O n ly adults are b ap tized . The A m is h fo llo w the O rdnung, w h ich is an u n w ritten
but understood set o f rules th a t regu la tes the A m ish w a y o f life .
Th e f ir s t A m ish w ere fo llo w e rs o f Jacob A m m an , a Swiss lead er in the M ennonite
church d u rin g the late 1600s. A c c o rd in g to A m m an , the B ible calls fo r fo llo w e rs to end
all con tact w ith those w ho are not fa ith fu l, even fa m ily m em bers. Those w h o agreed w ith
his v ie w s fo rm ed A m ish groups in S w itzerla n d , G erm any, R ussia, and H ollan d .
L ik e the M en n onites, the A m ish w ere v ic tim s o f p reju dice in Europe and w ere
som etim es looked on as h eretics, or as u n religiou s. Some w ere put to death fo r th eir
view s.
A f t e r the P en n sy lva n ia colon y was fou n ded as a place w elcom in g people o f d iffe r e n t
re lig io u s view s, the A m ish began m ig r a tin g th ere. The fir s t settlers a rriv e d in eastern
P en n sy lva n ia in th e 1720s. T h e y la te r settled in oth er states, in clu d in g Ohio, Indiana,
Illin o is , Iow a, and Kansas, as w e ll as O n tario, Canada.

10 The A m is h are a n a tive n a tio n a lity o f the N o rth A m eric a .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

11 In some extre m e cases the A m ish have to use telegrap h .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

12 The A m ish p ro vid e th e ir liv in g by fa rm in g .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________.

13 A m is h wom en are h ig h ly sk illed at h an d icra ft.

1) T ru e 2) False 3 ) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

14 A m ish ch ild ren atten d state schools.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________.

15 T h e A m ish can serve in the arm y on special conditions.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________ .

16 C en turies ago it was ra th er dangerous to fo llo w A m ish re lig io u s view s.

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_____________________.

17 N o w th ere are fe w A m ish settlem en ts in N o rth A m eric a .

1) T ru e 2) False 3) N o t stated

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, запя
тых и других дополнительных символов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в с : -
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.
ВАРИАНТ 30 181


Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж ды й про­
пуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 18—26.

A re Y ou a Liar?
A r e you a liar? ‘ N o , ’ you w ill say a n g rily . A n d so w ill m ost people.
18 N o b o d y ____________liars. L IK E

19 B ut i f som ebody you the qu estion, ‘ Do you alw ays te ll ASK

the tr u th ’ , y o u r answer w ill not be so certain .
A su rvey showed th a t on the a vera ge a person tells 200 lies a day!
20 ____________o f these are w h ite lies, o f course. T h e y are fo r g iv a b le because MANY

21 th ey o ften fo r the sake o f fa c t. TELL

T h ere are situ ation s in w h ich i t ’ s necessary to lie to be p olite. I f you
________ to h u rt som eone, you w ill in ve n t a reason fo r not accep tin g an NOT W A N T
in v ita tio n to a p arty. S ayin g goodb ye, you usually add, ‘ H a v e a good
tim e ’ , th ou gh actu ally you seldom w ish it because you n e v e r ___________ L IK E
th a t person.
I f yo u r aunt giv e s you a present, w h eth er you lik e it o r not, you m ust
24 say, ‘ H o w lo v e ly !’ ju st not to h u r t ___________ SH E

25 A n d the lis t o f such can be continued. CASE

26 W h ite lies d on ’ t do any harm and even make relation s EASY

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавны ми

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

Extrem e H airstyles
N o t so lo n g ago, extrem e h airstyles could shock people and even make
them an gry. W h en the B eatles becam e fam ous in the 1960s, o ld e r people
27 fou n d th e ir lon g, ____________ h air v e r y d istu rb in g. L o n g h air on men was T ID Y

~28~ soon seen as a sign o f REBEL

29 Th e h ippies o f the same era expressed th e ir w ith the rules S A T IS F Y

and custom s o f the tim e by g ro w in g th e ir h air even lon ger. Then, ju st when
people w ere g e ttin g used to lo n g h air, the punks came alon g, w ith th e ir
30 sp ik y h air o r ____________heads. SHAVE

~зГ T od ay, people d on ’ t fo llo w fashions as as th ey did in C LO SE

p reviou s tim es. A lm o s t a n yth in g goes! S h ort hair, lo n g h air, even no hair,
32 are a l l ____ ACCEPT

П о окончании выполнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, запяты х и других
доп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Д л я ответа на задание 33 используйте Б Л А Н К О ТВ ЕТО В № 2. П ри выполнении

задания 33 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только
по записям, сделанным на Б Л А Н К Е ОТВЕТОВ № 2. Н икакие записи черновика не будут
учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанно­
го объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объёма, а такж е часть текста письма, превышаю­
щ ая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.

33 Y o u have 30 m inutes to do this task.

Y o u have received a le tte r fro m y o u r E nglish -speak in g pen frie n d , Jane.
... The school year is coming to the end and I think more and more about summer holidays.
This summer my uncle is going to take me to his farm and give me horse-riding lessons if I help
him in the stable. So, I’m looking forward to it.
Where are you going to spend your summer holidays? Do you prefer active or passive
holidays? What are your favourite activities then?
W r it e her a le tte r and answ er her 3 questions.
W r it e 100—120 words. R em em ber the rules o f le tte r w r itin g .


Вы два раза услы ш ите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А , В, С и D.

Установите соответствие меж ду диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каж дому диа­
л о гу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж ­
дое место действия из списка 1—5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место дейс­

1. A t a re p a ir shop.
2. A t a restau ran t.
3. A t a hotel.
4. A t the airp o rt.
5 . In a shop.

Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранны е цифры под соответствую щ им и буквам и.

Диалог А В С D
Место действия

Вы два раза услы ш и те пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А , В, С, D, Е. Устан о­

вите соответствие меж ду высказываниями и утверж дениями из следую щ его списка:
к каж дому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифра­
ми. И сп ользуй те каждое утверждение из списка 1—6 только один раз. В задании есть одно
лишнее утверждение.

1. The speaker wants to be hum anistic.

2. The speaker talks about the m u ltifu n ctio n a l use o f fo o d s tu ffs .
3. The speaker doesn’ t care about fitn ess.
4. The speaker talks about h ea lth y foo d .
5. The speaker talks about tendencies o f n ation al cuisines.
6. Th e speaker warns to be carefu l.

Запиш ите в т а б ли ц у вы бранные цифры под соответствую щ им и буквам и.

Говорящий А В С D Е

Вы услы ш и те разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 3—8 в п оле ответа запиш ите одну
цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услы ш и те запись дважды.

R ick is gla d to have a T V set in his room because

1) his litt le b ro th er w ants to w atch cartoons all the tim e.
2) he doesn’ t lik e w a tch in g T V in the liv in g room .
3) th ere are no m ore argum en ts about w a tch in g T V .
О т в е т :______________________.

Does V ic k y m ind w a tch in g T V in the liv in g room ?

1) Y e s , because e ve ry b o d y is ta lk in g there.
2) N o , because she likes ta lk in g w h ile w a tch in g the program m es.
3) N o , unless she can choose to w atch w h at she wants.

W h y doesn ’ t V ic k y have a T V set o f her own?

1) T h e y can ’ t a ffo r d it.
2) She has g o t a bike instead.
3) H e r m oth er objects to it.
О т в е т :_____________________ .

W h a t did R ic k prom ise his parents?

1) N o t to w atch T V a fte r ten o ’ clock.
2) T o tu rn T V o f f late at n igh t.
3) N o t to be too tire d fo r school.
О т в е т :_____________________ .

W h a t does V ic k y th in k the real reason is fo r her m oth er o b je c tin g again st a T V set?

1) H e r mum w ants to con trol h er a c tiv itie s .
2) H e r mum w ants her to do h er hom ew ork.
3) H e r mum doesn ’ t w an t h er to w atch T V .
О т в е т :_____________________ .

W h y does V ic k y th in k R ic k is lucky?
1) T h e y d on ’ t say he is a child.
2) T h e y b ou gh t a T V set fo r him .
3) T h e y d on ’ t in te rfe re much w ith w h at he is doin g.
Ответ: _____ .

По окончании вы полнения заданий 1—8 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К О Т ­

ВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующ его задания, начиная с первой
клеточки. При переносе ответов в заданиях 1 и 2 цифры записываются без пробелов, зап я­
ты х и других доп олн и тельн ы х си м в олов . Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие меж ду текстами и их заголовками: к каж ­

дому тексту, обозначенному буквами А - G , подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозна­
ченный цифрами. И сп ользуй те каж дую цифру тольк о один раз. В задании есть один л и ш ­
ний заголовок.

1. N o t extrem e any m ore

2. B oth fashion able and p ro te c tiv e
3. The h is to ry o f extrem e fashion
4. T h e w a y to p rotest
5. W e a r them any w a y you lik e
6. The m ost dem ocratic clothes
7. F o r any a c tiv ity
8. L iv in g in the w o rld o f music

A. T h e y hide baldness and bad haircuts. T h e y ’ re ‘ one size fit s a ll’ and th ey look good
on anybody. T h e y are baseball caps. T h ey appeared in the U S A and becam e the fashion
accessory d u rin g the sp orts-crazy 90s. B ut you d o n ’ t have to be a sports fa n to w ear a
baseball cap. A l l kinds o f people w ear them — fro m truck d rive rs to film stars tc

h ousew ives. R a p p e rs w e a r them sid ew ays. S ch o ol boys w ear th em b a ck w a rd s. It d o e sn ’ t

m a tte r w h e th e r y ou w e a r th em fo rw a rd s , b a c k w a rd s o r sidew ays. T h e m ost im p o r ta n t
t h in g is th a t baseb all caps lo o k cool. T h e y are w o rn b y people o f a ll ages an d life s ty le s .
A n d s t ill th e y are as A m e r ic a n as h o t dogs and apple pie!
B. N ik e t r a in e r s f ir s t ap peared at th e 1972 O ly m p ic s an d q u ic k ly becam e № 1
fo o tw e a r a ll o v e r th e w o r ld an d n o t o n ly in th e w o r ld o f s p o rts , th o u g h th e y h ad to
ch a n g e a lo t. D u r in g th e 90s, th e s im p le t r a in e r w as u p d a te d w it h e x t r a - t h ic k soles.
D an ce m u s ic fa n s needed c o m fo rta b le shoes f o r a ll- n ig h t d a n c in g , b u t t r a d it io n a l
t r a in e r s w eren ’t fa s h io n a b le en o u g h . The n ew th ic k - s o le d t r a in e r s w ere b o th
c o m fo r ta b le a n d cool. F o r years w e ’ ve been to ld th a t we can r u n fa s te r, ju m p h ig h e r
a n d p la y b e tte r w it h th e r ig h t tr a in e r s . B u t these d ay s m ost p eop le w h o w e a r t r a in e r s
are m o re in te re s te d in fa s h io n th a n s p o rt. S e rio u s t r a in e r fa n s m ay have tw e n ty o r
t h ir t y p a irs .
C. I t ’ s h a rd to b e lie v e th a t th e T - s h ir t w as once ju s t a p la in w h it e u n d e rg a rm e n t.
In th e e a r ly 1900s, th e y w ere w o r n b y s a ilo r s in th e A m e r ic a n n a v y u n d e r th e
u n ifo r m s . O v e r th e n e x t fe w decades m o re p eop le b eg an to w e a r th e m , b u t i t w as
H o lly w o o d th a t m ade th e T - s h ir t s u c h a p o p u la r t h in g to w ear. I n l9 5 1 , f il m a u d ie n c e s
w e re s h o c k e d an d im p re s s e d b y th e s ig h t o f M a r lo n B r a n d o ’ s m u sc le s u n d e r h is t ig h t
T - s h ir t in A S tre e tca r N a m ed Desire. T h e n , w h e n Ja m e s D ean w o re a T - s h ir t in th e
1955 f il m Rebel W ith o u t a Cause, T - s h ir t s s u d d e n ly becam e v e r y cool. Y o u n g p eop le
a cro ss A m e r ic a s ta rte d w e a r in g T - s h ir t s as a sy m b o l o f t h e ir o w n r e b e llio u s fe e lin g s .
O f c o u rse , th e r e ’ s n o t h in g r e b e llio u s a b o u t w e a r in g a T - s h ir t n ow . P e o p le o f a ll ages
a n d fr o m a ll w a lk s o f l if e w e a r th em . A n d th ese d ay s i t is O K to w e a r a T - s h ir t a lm o s t
a n y w h e re a n d a n y tim e .
D. E a r ly f ilm a c to rs s ta rte d w e a rin g sun g lasses n o t because th e y w ere g la m o ro u s, b u t
because t h e ir eyes h u r t. T h e lig h t s used on f ilm sets w ere e x tre m e ly b r ig h t an d c o u ld be
h a r m fu l f o r t h e ir eyes. B u t w h en f ilm s ta rs began w e a rin g t h e ir su n g lasses in p u b lic ,
th e y q u ic k ly becam e a m u st-have fa s h io n accessory. O f cou rse su n g lasses a re n ’ t ju s t a
fa s h io n statem e nt. T h e m a in reason f o r w e a rin g sun g lasses is s t ill to p ro te c t y o u r eyes
a g a in s t U V r a d ia tio n . B u t y o u d o n ’ t have to s a c r ific e s ty le f o r sa fe ty. T h e ch o ice o f
fra m e s an d lenses a v a ila b le these days is huge. So y o u can p ro te c t y o u r eyes an d s t ill be
the coolest p erson on th e beach.
E. F a s h io n has a lw a y s been a c o n tro v e rs ia l issue. Y o u n g people exp ress th em selves
th ro u g h fa s h io n , and e x tre m e fa s h io n is a w ay to rebel. In th e 1960s y o u n g people
s ta rte d w e a rin g m in is k ir t s , b ell-b o tto m e d p a n ts an d flo w e r p a tte rn s . M a n y y o u n g people
becam e h ip p ie s , an d p a re n ts d e sp a ire d w h en t h e ir teenage sons g re w t h e ir h a ir lon g .
T h e n cam e th e decade o f g la m o ro u s fa s h io n w it h g o ld and s ilv e r p an ts. D isco -g o e rs w ore
h ig h -h e e le d shoes an d boots th a t w ere alm o st im p o s sib le to w a lk in . P u n k ro c k also ra ise d
its u g ly head d u r in g th e 70s. P u n k s had c ra z y M o h a w k h a ir c u ts an d w ore d ir t y clo th e s
w it h holes in them . T h e y a tta ch e d p in s to t h e ir clo th e s and even in s e rte d th em th ro u g h
t h e ir cheeks an d eyebrow s. P u n k s r e a lly k n e w h ow to rebel. N o w th a t w e ’ve e n tered the
21st c e n tu ry , y o u can w e a r w h a te v e r y ou lik e!
F . P e o p le have d iff e r e n t reasons f o r c o v e rin g th em selves w it h tattoos, p ie rc in g s , and
o th e r k in d s o f body a rt. Some do i t because th e y w a n t to be d iffe r e n t . O th e rs w a n t to be
p a rt o f the c u r re n t fa s h io n . T e n years ago, in the W e s t, o n ly m o to rcy cle rid e rs and s a ilo rs
h ad tattoos, and people u s u a lly o n ly p ie rce d t h e ir earlobes. T o d a y ta tto o in g is v e ry p o p u ­
la r, e sp e c ia lly am ongst the y oun g. P e o p le are p ie rc in g ju s t about an y area o f s k in th a t can
have a hole p u t in it. E a rs are p ie rce d fro m top to bottom , an d r in g s an d p in s are in s e rte d
in to lip s , c h in s , noses, eyebrow s, n ave ls and even tongues. S m a ll ta tto o s have becom e a l­
m ost n o rm a l. D u r in g w o r k in g h o u rs th e y sta y h id d e n on sh o u ld e rs, u p p e r arm s, h ip s and
an kles, w a itin g to be show n at a n ig h tc lu b o r a p a rty .

G. S o n y ch a n g e d th e w a y w e lis t e n to m u s ic in 1979 w h e n i t rele ase d th e f ir s t

W a lk m a n . S u d d e n ly we c o u ld lis t e n to o u r fa v o u r it e m u s ic a n y w h e re w e lik e d . O f
c o u rse s m a ll p e rs o n a l ra d io s h ad been a ro u n d f o r a lo n g tim e , b u t th e W a lk m a n was
d iff e r e n t . A s S on y says, ‘ i t p ro v id e d lis te n e r s a p e rs o n a l s o u n d tra c k to t h e ir liv e s ’ .
T e c h n o lo g y has com e a lo n g w a y sin ce th e d ays o f th e o r ig in a l cassette W a lk m a n .
In 1984 th e C D W a lk m a n a r riv e d . T h e M in iD is c W a lk m a n fo llo w e d in 1992. T h e n
cam e th e M P 3 p la y e r, an d n o w we have th e M e m o r y S t ic k W a lk m a n w h ic h w e ig h s an
a m a z in g 67 g ram s.

З а п и ш и т е в та б л и ц у вы б ра н н ы е ц и ф р ы под с о о т в е т с т в у ю щ и м и б у к в а м и .

Текст A В С D E F G

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10—17 соответ­

ствуют содержанию текста (1 — Tru e), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте
не сказано, то есть на основании текста н ельзя дать ни полож ительн ого, ни отрицательного
ответа (3 — N o t stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру
правильного ответа.

Four G reat V oyages

C o lu m b u s liv e d in th e p e rfe c t place at the p e rfe c t tim e f o r th e ro le he w as d e stin e d to

p la y in h is to ry . H e w as b o rn in 1451 in G enoa. A s a boy, C o lu m b u s h elped h is fa t h e r in
h is w o o l-w e a v in g business. H is fa th e r soon p u sh ed h im in t o a b u sin e ss career. A t the age
o f 14, C h r is to p h e r began s a ilin g on tr a d in g sh ip s in th e M e d ite rra n e a n . W h e n he was
25 years old, on h is f ir s t voyage in the A t la n t ic Ocean, o f f the coast o f P o r t u g a l, h is ship
was a tta c k e d by p ira te s . T h e s h ip sank, b u t C o lu m b u s h e ld o n to a f lo a t in g o a r u n t il he
reached the P o rtu g u e s e shore.
F o r h is f ir s t g re a t voyage, C o lu m b u s h ad th re e ships: th e N ina, the Pin ta , an d the
Santa M a ria . T h e e n tire cre w o f a ll th re e s h ip s n u m be re d ab ou t 90. T h e sh ip s sa ile d fro m
th e C a n a ry Isla n d s on Septem ber 6, 1492. W e e k s w e n t by, an d the s a ilo rs became
frig h te n e d . T h e y begged C o lu m b u s to t u r n back; th e re w ere even w h is p e rs o f m u tin y .
C o lu m b u s w ro te in h is jo u r n a l, ‘ I c o m fo rte d th em w it h g re a t p ro m ises o f la n d and riches.
O n O cto b e r 10, C o lu m b u s and h is cre w agreed to s a il on f o r 3 m ore days an d th e n tu rn
a ro u n d i f no la n d w as seen.
T w o days la te r, at n ig h t, th e s a ilo rs saw lig h t in th e d ark n e ss and th e n w h ite sand
s h in in g in the m o o n lig h t. C o lu m b u s ’ s s h ip s w ere a p p ro a c h in g an is la n d in th e Baham as,
an is la n d th a t C o lu m b u s nam ed San S alv ad o r.
W h e n d aw n came, C o lu m b u s and some o f h is m en came ashore in sm a ll boats. They
p lace d a S p a n is h f la g in the g ro u n d and d e cla re d th e is la n d a S p a n is h t e r r it o r y . They
w ere g re eted by t im id b u t f r ie n d ly people w ho w ore no cloth es. B ecause C olum b u s
th o u g h t he had lan d e d on an is la n d in th e In d ie s n ear Ja p a n o r C h in a , he c a lle d these
n a tiv e s Indians.
T h e th re e sh ip s spe n t a fe w days at San S a lv a d o r and th e n s a ile d on to C ub a and
H is p a n io la (w here H a it i and the D o m in ic a n R e p u b lic are now located). T h e re the S a n ta
M a r ia w as w recked . C o lu m b u s b u ilt a f o r t on the is la n d and le f t 39 men th ere , th e n the
N in a and P in ta set s a il f o r S p a in . T h e y to o k w it h th em some o f t h e ir fin d in g s —
tr in k e ts , p la n ts , b ird s ... and seve ral New W o r ld n a tiv e s. The voyage hom e was
e x tre m e ly ro u g h , an d some o f the In d ia n s died. O n M a r c h 15, C o lu m b u s ’ s sh ip s a rriv e d
s a fe ly in S pain.

A f t e r h is f ir s t voyage, C o lu m b u s w as show ered w it h h o n o u rs. H e w as n o w to be t it le d

‘ D o n ’ an d he h ad the r ig h t to s it in the presence o f th e k in g and queen. F o r h is second
e x p e d itio n , he w as g iv e n 17 s h ip s an d ab ou t 1,500 men.
C o lu m b u s m ade one m ore voyag e fro m S p a in to W e s t In d ie s an d th a t tim e he f in a lly
reached th e m a in la n d o f S o u th A m e ric a . B u t h is c o lo n y was in tro u b le . T h e S p a n ish
c o lo n is ts h ad expected to f in d g o ld an d rich e s. Instead , th e y fo u n d h a rd w o rk , u n h e a lth y
c lim a te and c o n s ta n t d an g er.
C o lu m b u s d ie d in 1506 and w as b u rie d in S e v ille . E v e n a fte r h is d eath he c o n tin u e d to
tra v e l. In 1542, h is bones w ere s h ip p e d to S anto D o m in g o to re st w it h h o n o u r in the
c a th e d ra l. T h e n h is re m a in s w ere m oved to H a v a n a and in 1899 a g a in to S e v ille . B u t
w ere th ey? Some say th a t the w ro n g bones w ere m oved fro m S an to D o m in g o an d th a t the
A d m ir a l s t ill rests on h is beloved is la n d o f H is p a n io la .

10 | C o lu m b u s ’s fa th e r w a n te d h is son to fo llo w h is business.

1) T ru e 2)F a ls e 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

11 | H e n e a rly d ie d on h is v e ry f ir s t sea voyage.

1) T r u e 2)F a ls e 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

12 | A l l th e s a ilo rs su p p o rte d C o lu m b u s on h is f ir s t g re a t voyage to u n k n o w n lands.

1) T r u e 2)F a ls e 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

13 | A lo t o f s a ilo rs d ie d on C o lu m b u s ’s r e t u r n voyage.
1) T r u e 2)F a ls e 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

14 | C o lu m b u s took seve ral n a tiv e s to show th em to th e S p a n is h Queen.

1) T r u e 2)F a ls e 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

15 | C o lu m b u s w as g re a tly e n ric h e d a ft e r h is f ir s t g re a t voyage.

1) T r u e 2)F a ls e 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

16 | T h e S p a n is h c o lo n is ts w ere d is a p p o in te d b y t h e ir lif e in th e N e w W o r ld .
1) T r u e 2)F a ls e 3) N o t stated
О т в е т :_______________________ .

17 | T h e re are s t ill d ou b ts abou t th e place o f C o lu m b u s ’ s b u r ia l.

1) T r u e 2)F a ls e 3) N o t stated
О твет:

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 9—17 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов в задании 9 цифры записываются без пробелов, за п я ­
ты х и други х д оп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую цифру пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в со­
ответствии с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 18—26, так, чтобы они грамматически соот­
ветствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и словами. Каж дый про­
пуск соответствует отдельному заданию 18—26.

The Thames Festival

18 The. T ham es F e s tiv a l took p lace in Septem ber, 1997. It ONE
s ta rte d w it h an a m a zin g h ig h w ire w a lk across the T ham es an d w as
19 a g re a t success. T od ay , the T h am es F e s tiv a l _________ L o n d o n ’ s BECOM E

По _____________ fre e o u td o o r a rts fe s tiv a l. B IG

21 The p a rt o f th e fe s t iv a l is the S u n d a y n ig h t SPECTACULAR

c a rn iv a l.
A h ug e 6-m etre t a ll p u p p e t o f L a d y G o d iv a leads the c a rn iv a l.
22 L a d y G o d iv a _________ in the 1 1 th c e n tu ry an d w as th e w ife o f an L IV E
E n g lis h earl. A c c o r d in g to legend, she asked h e r h u sb an d to lo w e r
23 taxes on th e people o f C o v e n try and he sa id h e _________ it i f she DO
rode h e r h orse n aked th ro u g h the tow n. She d id th is , and the taxes

25 T h e c a r n iv a l u s u a lly __________ b y a b e a u t ifu l fir e w o r k s FOLLOW

26 d is p la y , lig h t in g u p th e w h o le sk y w it h the b rig h te s t o f ______________ C O L O U R

Прочитайте приведённый ниж е текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными

буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 27—32, так, чтобы они грамматически
и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученны м и с л о ­
вами. Каж дый пропуск соответствует отдельном у заданию 27—32.

T ak ing up a Team Sport

P e o p le w o rld w id e enjoy s p o rts w h e th e r th ey are p la y in g in a
| 27 | team o r d o in g an in d iv id u a l sp o rt. S o m e ______________team sp o rts CH OICE
because th e y lik e p la y in g in a team , w h ile those w h o take up
| 28 | in d iv id u a l sp o rts c o n s id e r team s p o rts to have m any ________ ADVANTAGE
T o b e g in w ith , one adv an tag e o f ta k in g u p -а team s p o rt is the
sense o f team s p ir it . P la y e rs le a rn to co-operate w h ile w o r k in g
to w a rd s th e same goal. M o re o v e r, p la y in g in a team can also h elp
one m ake new frie n d s . A n o th e r reason f o r t a k in g u p a team s p o rt is
29 th a t w h en y ou w in , y ou share t h e _an d w h en you lose, A C H IE V E

30 y ou have someone to share the w ith . LOSE

O n th e o th e r hand, th ere is alw ay s a chance th a t n o t a ll p la ye rs
| 31 | w i ll get a lo n g w it h each oth er. T h is m ay c a u s e _________ and m ake ARGUE
p la y e rs v e ry co m p e titiv e .
| 32 | I n _________ , w h en y ou are p a rt o f a team , y ou have to depend on ADD
o th e r p laye rs.

П о окончании вы полнения заданий 18—32 не забудьте перенести свои ответы в Б Л А Н К

ОТВЕТОВ № 1! Запишите ответ справа от номера соответствующего задания, начиная с пер­
вой клеточки. При переносе ответов буквы записываются без пробелов, зап яты х и других
д оп олн и тельн ы х си м волов. Каж дую букву пиш ите в отдельной клеточке в соответствии
с приведёнными в бланке образцами.


...I’ve just learnt that our class is going to visit Moscow and St. Petersburg in April, My mum
is in panic, as she thinks that your country is deadly cold all year round. And she is afraid that I’ll
be starving without our McDonald’s on every corner.
What is the weather like in your country in spring? What clothes should I take? Are there fast
food places to have a snack?
W r it e h im a le tte r and an sw er h is 3 q ue stion s.
W r it e 100—120 w o rd s. R em em b e r th e ru le s o f le tte r w r it in g .

В ариант 1

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

The gam e we know as basketball appeared in 1891 in the U S A and now is played all around the
w orld. Its inventor, James N aism ith, taught physical train in g in a college. His students liked to
play ball. N aism ith put tw o baskets at opposite ends o f the court, and the players w ere to throw
the balls into them. A t fir s t a ladder was used to take the ball out o f the basket. L ater baskets
were made bottom less so that the ball would drop rig h t through them. A t fir s t basketball was
only played by A m erican college students. The new game became v e ry popular. First
com petitions were held in 1895 in the U S A . In 1936 basketball was included in the program m e of
the Olym pic Games. In Russia basketball is played everyw here: at schools, universities and
sports clubs. There are many rules that govern the game, and people say that it is easier to learn
to play basketball than to understand it.

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your summer holidays. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
m ; ? « * '

Remember to say:
• where you usually spend you r summer holidays;
• who you spend you r holidays w ith;
• what activities you usually have.
Y ou have to talk continuously.

В ариант 2

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Remember to say:
• what you do in you r fre e tim e;
• w hy you like your hobby;
• what interesting/u sefu l things you can learn from your hobby.
You have to talk continuously.

В ариант 3

Task 1. Y ou are goin g to read the text aloud. Y ou have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Rem em ber that you w ill not have m ore than 2 minutes fo r reading

People have always known that there is a link between pollution and poor health. M any scientists
believe our health is in trouble, because we have had polluted land, air and w ater fo r too long.
But fe w o f us w ill believe that the greatest pollution is not outside but inside our homes, offices
and cars. The main sources o f indoor pollution are rig h t under people’ s noses — dry-cleaned
clothes, dusty carpets, fum es fro m cooking and heating and ciga rette smoke. O f course this list
is incom plete. Indoor air and house dust are fu ll o f poisons that can be carried in on people’ s
shoes. Carpets are most troublesome. They contain dangerous bacteria, even i f people vacuum
them regu larly. W ip in g one’ s fe e t on a door-mat reduces the amount o f pollutants in a carpet by
a fa ctor o f six. But i f you rem ove your shoes before en terin g it is even more e ffe c tiv e . These acts
are v e ry simple, but useful.

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about music in your life. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes
and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• how often you listen to music;
• what kind o f music you prefer;
• how often you go to concerts.
Y ou have to ta lk continuously.

В ариант 4

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Scientists say that in the fu tu re people w ill liv e longer. W ith healthier lifestyles and better
medical care the average person w ill live tolOO. But th a t’ s tom orrow. A n d today, we continue to
s tu ff ourselves w ith fast food. W h a t is tasty is not always healthy. Doctors say that chips and
pizzas are fa tten in g, cola spoils our teeth and co ffe e shortens our lives. I f we eat too much, it w ill
lead to heart disease and other serious illnesses. But the w orld today is g ettin g fa tte r and fa tter.
Lack o f exercise is another serious problem. W e spend hours in fro n t o f our computers and TV-
sets. Few o f us do m orning exercises. W e walk less, because we p refer to use cars or public
transport. I t ’ s common knowledge that sm oking and drinking can shorten our lives
dram atically. Y e t many young people smoke and drink. W e all know that the healthier we are,
the better we feel. The better we feel, the longer we live. So w hy not take care o f ourselves?

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your shopping habits. You will have to start in 1.5
minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• what you r fa vo u rite shopping places are;
• what things you buy most often/like to buy most o f all;
• who you p refer shopping w ith, why.
Y ou have to ta lk continuously.

В ариант 5

Y I Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Did you know that d iffe re n t colours have had im portant meanings since ancient times. F or the
m ysterious M aya civilisa tion every colour had a m eaning, eith er p ositive or n egative. For
exam ple, yellow was the symbol o f the sun, and blue meant the w earer had royal ancestors. Red
stood fo r blood. Black sym bolised w ar and death. In ancient E gypt, fo r exam ple, gold was the
colour o f the Sun god and the symbol o f power. In tradition al A sian cultures, w h ite is still the
colour o f sorrow. Today, fashion dictates not only the clothes we wear, but the colours, too. But
the best th in g is to go fo r the colours that suit you best. A n d remember that colours can influence
the w ay you feel. F or exam ple, w earin g a red sweater or jacket can increase you r en ergy levels.
But i f you wear it too long, you can start to fe e l im patient or aggressive. Green, on the other
hand, is known to calm the nerves and soothe em otions. W e a r colours that make you feel
confident and relaxed.

2 I Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
1 full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

2 I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your relationship with friends. You will have to start in
1 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• how you like to spend tim e together;
• what interests you share;
• what you do to help and support each other.
Y ou have to ta lk continuously.

В ариант 6

^ I Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

50 years ago people did n ’ t even heard o f computers, and today we cannot im agine life w ithout
them. Com puter technology is the fastest-grow in g industry in the w orld. The fir s t computer was
the size o f a minibus and w eighed a ton. Today, its job can be done by a chip the size o f a pin head.
A n d the revolu tion is still goin g on. The next generation o f computers w ill be able to talk and
even think fo r them selves. Such computers w ill help to diagnose illnesses, fin d m inerals, id e n tify
crim inals and control space tra vel. Some people say that computers are dangerous, but I don’ t
agree w ith them. Computers save a lot o f tim e. They seldom make mistakes. I t ’ s much fa ster and
easier to su rf the In tern et than to go to the library. On-line shopping makes it possible to fin d
what you want, saving both tim e and money. E-m ail is a great invention, too. I t ’ s faster than
sending a letter and cheaper than sending a telegram .

2 I Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
1 full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

^ I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about T V in your life. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and
1 speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• what you think o f T V program m es;
• i f T V can be educational or just en tertaining;
• i f you can do w ithout TV .
Y ou have to ta lk continuously.

В ариант 7

^ I Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Throughout centuries man and dog lived side by side. Dogs w ere popular in ancient Greece, Rome
and Egypt. Some scientists say that domestic dogs appeared about 12,000 years ago and that they
were derived d irectly from w olves. A n d all these 12,000 years people have experim ented w ith
dogs, try in g to develop the characteristics they wanted, and that resulted in the huge va riety of
breeds we have today. People quickly understood that dogs could be used to w ork in many fields.
They can guard, herd and hunt, fin d people lost in the mountains under the snow. But probably
the best th in g about them is th eir loyalty. Yes, th a t’ s w hy we love dogs. Sim ply because they live
fo r us and love us. They are fa ith fu l and frie n d ly . They are always happy to see us, they never
criticize us, fo rg iv e our shortcom ings and understand us w ithout words.

2 I Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
1 full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

g I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about travelling. You w ill have to start in 1.5 minutes and
1 speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• how often you and your fa m ily travel;
• what you like/ dislike in tra vellin g;
• what was your most ex citin g trip.
Y o u h a v e to t a lk co n tin u ou sly .

В ариант 8

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

The mass m edia play an im portant part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially T V in form
us o f what is goin g on in this w orld. I t is true that the w orld today is fu ll o f dram atic events and
most news seems to be bad news. But people aren’ t interested just in ordin ary events. That is why
there are so many program m es and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders
and robberies. The main source o f news fo r m illions o f people is television . S till, many people
p refer the radio. I t ’ s good to listen to in the car or when you do som ething about the house.
Newspapers don’ t react to events as quickly as T V , but they usually provide us w ith extra detail.
The Internet has recently become another im portant source o f inform ation. Its main advantage
is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don’ t have to w ait
fo r news tim e on TV.

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your daily life. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and
speak for not more than 2 minutes.

R em em ber to say:
• how busy your school tim etable is;
• what domestic chores you have;
• what interesting/u sefu l things you do in you r free time.
Y ou have to ta lk continuously.

В ариант 9

j Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
—— I then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

The language o f gestures is w idely used in comm unication. Sometimes a gesture can even replace
a word like in sport, aviation, in “ the talk ” o f deaf people etc. A Japanese w ill applaud stretching
his arms w hile in Great B ritain slow and rhythm ical applause at a concert or at a theatre means
great disapproval. T ra ve llin g around the w orld you may come across some v e ry fu nny gestures.
For exam ple, in Tib et a passer-by can show you his tongue to “ say” that he’ s fe elin g fin e and that
he doesn’ t mean anything bad. It is in terestin g that a Finn uses only one gesture per hour, an
Italian — 80 gestures, a Frenchman — 120 gestures. Isn ’ t it w onderfu l how people d iffe r? People
can also “ talk ” w hile dancing. G raceful gestures o f Indian and Japanese dancers are as expressive
as stories. A r e n ’ t they a language? So i t ’ s v e ry im portant fo r a person learning fo re ig n languages
to know the language o f gestures. It helps to understand fo reign ers better.

~2 1 Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
1 full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the problem of keeping a pet. You will have to start in 1.5
1 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Rem em ber to say:

• what are the most popular pets;
• w hy people keep pets;
» i f i t ’ s d iffic u lt to keep a pet and why.
Y o u h a v e to ta lk co n tin u ou sly .

В ариант 10

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

R em em ber to say:
• i f you like reading books;
• i f you read books fo r pleasure or fo r your studies;
• what book has impressed you most o f all.
Y ou have to ta lk continuously.

В ариант 11

7 I Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

W h eth er we realise it or not, T V plays a v e ry im portant part in our lives. I t ’ s the main source o f
in form ation and a cheap fo rm o f entertainm ent fo r m illions o f people. It gives us an opportunity
to “ tra v e l” all over the w orld, to “ m eet” d iffe re n t people and learn about th eir customs and
traditions. It helps us to relax a fte r a hard da y’ s work and escape fro m reality. Some people argue
that television is a terrible waste o f tim e. It makes us lazier. W e stay at home instead o f going
out. W e read less. W e think less. W e even talk less. I t ’ s true that some T V addicts spend hours in
fro n t o f the “ box” w atching w h atever’ s on — from second-rate M exican soap operas to silly
commercials. The trick is to learn to control television and use it in tellig en tly . The ideal is to
turn on the TV-set only when th ere’ s a rea lly in terestin g program m e. Violence on T V is another
problem that w orries people. But the same can be said about com puter games and many film s and
books. A n d i f you don’ t like a certain program m e, w hy watch it?

2 I Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
1 full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

g I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about sports. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak
1 for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• i f you are a sports fan or i f you go in fo r sports;
• i f you lead an a ctive style o f life ;
• in what w ay sport helps you.
Y o u h a v e to t a lk co n tin u ou sly.

В ариант 12

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Film s and science fic tio n books have often played w ith the idea o f reproducing exact copies o f
people. Today, science fic tio n has become science fa ct.T h e revolu tion began in 1997, when
B ritish scientists produced the fir s t cloned sheep, D olly. Since then scientists have cloned mice,
cows, dogs and pigs. C loning animals opens ex citin g m edical possibilities, fo r exam ple, grow in g
organs fo r transplantation. Scientists can create animals which produce more m ilk, meat and
wool, or animals which don’ t catch certain diseases. This can save the lives o f sta rvin g people.
Cloning is a controversial issue. Some people are ready to eat cloned fr u it and vegetables, but
many people are against cloning animals. The question o f human cloning is even more
controversial. Suppose we cloned a man. A r e we rea lly sure he w ill be a man? W h o w ill be
responsible fo r him? W h o w ill brin g him up? W ill he be happy? W ill he have the same righ ts as
we have? N everth eless, the idea o f human cloning seems v e ry excitin g.

2 I Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
1 full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

2 I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your future plans. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes
1 and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• i f you have made your choice to continue you r education;
• which subjects you are goin g to concentrate on;
• i f you are goin g to attend any special courses.
Y o u h a v e to t a lk co n tin u ou sly .

В ариант 13

^ I Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Ph ysical fitn ess is a general state o f good health, usually as a result o f exercise and nutrition.
Ph ysical fitness can also be described as a condition that allows us to look, fe el and do our best.
B eing f i t helps us have more en ergy fo r work or school throughout the day, and enough en ergy to
enjoy our leisure tim e a ctivities. Fitness is an individu al quality. It is influenced by age, sex,
heredity, personal habits, exercise and eating practices. Y ou can’ t do anything about the firs t
three factors. H ow ever, it is w ith in you r power to change and im prove the others where needed.
The level o f physical fitness can be influenced by regular, system atic exercise. H ow often , how
long and how hard you exercise, and what kinds o f exercises you do should be determ ined by what
you are try in g to get. For exam ple, an athlete tra in in g fo r high-level com petition would fo llo w a
d iffe re n t program than a person whose goals are good health and active life .

2 I Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
1 full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

у I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your school life. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and
1 speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Rem em ber to say:

® i f you r school life is interesting/boring;
• what school a ctivities you take part in;
• what school events you remember best o f all and why.
Y o u h a v e to t a lk co n tin u ou sly.

В ариант 14

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

The school system in the U K may seem rather confusing fo r people from other countries. There
are tw o types o f schools in the U K . M ost o f schools are state schools where education is free. But
there are also private schools where you have to pay. Such schools are often v e ry expensive. It
may seem strange, but private schools an B ritain are called public. A long tim e ago when
education was a p riv ileg e o f the rich, the only schools where poor people could go g ot the money
from ch arity organizations. A s it was public money, the schools fo r the poor w ere called public
schools. Some o f these public schools w ere v e ry successful and later they became expensive
p rivate schools fo r rich people. But the conservative B ritish continued to call them public
schools. The fir s t th in g you need to have is money as studying at some public schools costs up to
20 000 pounds a year. There are some grants fo r b rig h t pupils from poor fam ilies but the places
are fe w and the com petition is ve ry strong. I t ’ s not surprising that only six percent o f the people
in the U K can study at public schools.

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your best friend. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes
and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Rem em ber to say:

• what qualities attract you to him/her;
• i f there is anything y o u ’ d like to change in him/her;
• what you do together.
You have to talk continuously.

В ариант 15

^ I Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

M oney has played an im portant role in every civiliza tio n . It has taken various form s and has
changed many tim es over the centuries. The fir s t form o f paym ent was the exchange o f goods.
People usually exchanged animal skins and meat, fr u it and vegetables, clothes and precious
stones. In the 7th century BC the fir s t coins appeared. They w ere usually made o f silv er or gold
and th eir value depended on the amount o f m etal in each coin. W ith tim e, coins became very
popular and many countries produced their own currency. The introduction o f paper money —
banknotes — in the 17th century was the beginning o f banking systems in many European
countries. Since then, banks have o ffere d a w ide range o f services like loans, bank accounts and
many others. Today, people pay fo r things in d iffe re n t ways: they pay in cash, by cheque or by
credit card. The last one, it seems, is the most convenient fo rm o f payment. M any people believe
that one day m oney in the fo rm o f coins, banknotes, cheques and m agnetic cards w ill tota lly
disappear and that all buying and selling w ill be done v ia the Internet.

2 I Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
1 full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

2 I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about relations in your family. You will have to startin 1.5
1 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

R em em ber to say:
• i f you r fa m ily is big or not;
• how you get along w ith your parents, brothers or sisters;
• i f you like to spend fre e tim e w ith you r fa m ily.
Y ou have to ta lk continuously.

В ариант 16

Y | Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
—— I then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Scientists have noticed that the w eather is g ettin g worse and worse and the so-called extrem e
weather events are becom ing more and more frequ ent. The explanation is short: the reason is
global warm ing. W h a t is global warm ing? Greenhouse e ffe c t is a natural featu re o f our
atmosphere w ithout which the life on our planet would be impossible. Certain atm ospheric gases
work as a kind o f blanket, keeping the Earth warm . The amount o f these ‘ greenhouse’ gases used
to be more or less the same fo r centuries. But the industrial revolu tion broke this balance.
Clim ate experts predict that in 30 years the global average tem perature w ill rise by 2 -3 degrees.
N orth ern regions w ill be w etter and w arm er, southern regions w ill be d rier and hotter. Snow w ill
m elt in the A lp s and other mountains and the w ater w ill cause floods. Sea levels w ill rise and lots
o f areas w ill disappear under w ater. So w ill some species o f animals and plants.

2 I Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
1 full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

g I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the main cities of your country. You will have to start in
——J 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• i f you know any historical facts about these cities;
• what famous places o f these cities you know;
• which o f these places you would recommend to v is it, why.
Y o u h a v e to ta lk co n tin u ou sly .

В ариант 17

^ I Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Scientists believe that the horse fir s t appeared in N orth A m erica. But it was not the horse we
know today. I t was a fox-sized anim al only about a fo o t high at the shoulder. Man established a
relationship w ith the horse about 50,000 years ago. A t fir s t people hunted horses, which wasn’ t
v e ry easy, then th ey learned to herd these animals, and kept them m ainly fo r meat, possibly also
fo r m ilk, but it is lik ely that the horses w ere also used to carry things when people had to move
from one place to another. The horse was becom ing a w orker — a source o f help to man — not
just a meal on the hoof. M ost scientists think that the fir s t horses w ere used to pull carts, not fo r
ridin g. But people fin a lly mounted the horse. A n d suddenly they could tra vel long distances and
explore unknown lands. People quickly realized how useful the horse could be.

2 I Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
1 full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

g I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about clothes you prefer to wear on different occasions. You
1 will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• what you usually wear at school;
• who advises you what to wear;
• what styles o f clothes you p re fer fo r everyday life , parties.
You have to talk continuously.

В ариант 18

I ! Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Remember to say:
• i f you fo llo w the rules o f healthy life ;
• what d iet you have;
• what a ctivities you do to keep fit.
Y ou have to ta lk continuously.

В ариант 19

Task 1. Y ou are goin g to read the text aloud. Y ou have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Rem em ber that you w ill not have m ore than 2 minutes fo r reading

Shopping hours in B ritain are changing. A fe w years ago, shops opened at nine o ’ clock in the
m orning and closed at six o ’ clock in the evenin g. On Sundays nothing was open. But now many
shops are open longer hours. Some b ig shops and many supermarkets never close! I f you want
some m ilk or some bread at m idnight, you can easily buy it. I t ’ s v e ry good fo r people who often
w ork late at n ight or early in the m orning. I f someone finishes w ork at fiv e o ’ clock in the
m orning, th ey can go to the superm arket on th eir w ay home and buy some breakfast or a
newspaper or anything else they want. There are people who don’ t think i t ’ s good. Th ey say that
Sunday is a holiday fo r all people — who wants to w ork in a supermarket on a Sunday? But shops
are v e ry busy at the weekend and they w ill w ork to make people’ s life easier.

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about famous people in the history of your country. You will
have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• when they lived;
• w hat they are fam ous fo r;
• what you like or dislike about them.
Y ou have to ta lk continuously.

В ариант 2 0

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Remember to say:
• i f the place you liv e in is ecologically safe;
• what the main reasons o f air and w ater pollution are;
• how ecological situation can be im proved.
Y ou have to ta lk continuously.

В ариант 21

^ I Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Long ago fashion was only fo r the rich. Paris was the centre o f the fashion w orld, and everyone
tried to copy the top French designers. But now fashion is a much more international matter.
London, like other b ig European cities, has a large number o f its own talented designers. Street
styles are not created by the b ig fashion designers. B ritish don’ t think about fashion v e ry much.
M ost people go down to th eir nearest shopping street and buy som ething from a chain store. The
most popular o f these stores is “ Marks & Spencer” . I t has a shop in every town. I t is one of
B rita in ’ s fa vo u rite stores. It started more than a hundred years ago when a young Polish
im m igrant, M ichael Marks, had a stall in Leeds M arket. He didn’ t have many things to sell: some
cotton, lots o f buttons and a fe w shoe-laces. Ten years later he met Tom Spencer and together
they started Penny Stalls in many towns in the north o f England. Today there are more than 500
branches o f “ Marks & Spencer” all over the w orld.

2 I Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
1 full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

g I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the place you live in. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes
1 and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• i f you liv e in a b ig c ity or in the countryside;
• what the advantages o f the place you liv e in are;
• what you don’ t like about the place where you live.
Y o u h a v e to t a lk co n tin u ou sly .

В ариант 22

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Clouds play an im portant part in the ea rth ’ s weather. They brin g the earth w ater in the fo rm o f
rain and snow. The f lu ff y w hite clouds we see across the blue sky and the colorfu l clouds we see
at the sunset are also part o f the beauty o f nature. N o t all clouds, how ever, are beautiful. Some
clouds brin g destruction and even death. There are three groups o f clouds: low, m iddle and high.
The low clouds flo a t less than 1,800 m eters above the sea level. They brin g rain or snow. The
m iddle clouds lie about 1,800 meters to 6 , 1 0 0 m eters above the sea level and fo rm smooth w hite
sheet and g rey layer across the sky. H igh clouds are found 20,000 fe et above the earth or higher.
A ll high clouds are form ed o f ice crystals. N o tw o clouds are exactly the same. Th ey are always
changing th eir shape or form . Clouds are in terestin g to scientists, artists and picnickers.

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your relations with classmates. You will have to start in
1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• i f you get on w ell w ith all you r classmates;
• what common interests you share;
• what problems you can discuss w ith them.
You have to ta lk continuously.

В ариант 2 3

^ I Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

T-shirts started o f f as underwear. D uring the F irst W o rld W a r, European soldiers w ore them
underneath th eir u niform to keep them warm . Am ericans copied the idea and started calling
them “ T-sh irts” because o f th eir T shape. In the mid-1950s actor James Dean and rock star Elvis
P resley shocked the w orld by th eir T-shirts on TV . It was too much fo r young people to ignore.
E veryone wanted to 1 9 0 k like those famous people. Sports teams, clubs and rock bands w ere all
using colors and logos on th eir “ tees” to g et noticed.
Today T-shirts are w orn by babies, kids, teens and adults in every corner o f the w orld. They tell
others what we like, where w e’ve been, the things w e’ ve done, the com petitions w e’ ve won. The
latest craze in T-shirts is decorating them you rself. I t ’ s cheap and you ’ ll never see a person
w alking down the street in the same o u tfit as you.

2 I Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions.Give
I full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each questio

I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your family traditions. You will have to start in 1.5
1 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• i f you have got many relatives;
• w hat kind o f relations you have w ith them;
• how you r fa m ily traditions appeared.
Y o u h a v e to t a lk co n tin u ou sly .

В ариант 2 4

^ I Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Remember to say:
• i f you have enough tim e fo r you r afterschool activities;
• i f they are ex tra studies or entertainm ent;
• what you r school can o ffe r as afterschool a ctivities.
You have to talk continuously.

В ариант 2 5

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

P eter the Great was one o f the most famous tsars in Russian history. A lth ou gh he was often
cruel, no one can deny that he changed his cou n try’ s fu tu re fo re ve r. P e te r was unique in many
ways. H e was six fe e t eigh t inches tall and v e ry handsome. H e had a lot o f en ergy and great
physical strength. H e sometimes had bad manners. But he was v e ry b rig h t and he wanted to learn
about everyth in g. P e te r wanted Russia to be as great as the European countries. H e decided to go
to Europe to learn everyth in g he could. His travels were a great success. P eter wanted everyth in g
to change — the governm ent, the m ilita ry, and religion . He bu ilt canals, factories, schools,
hospitals, and museums. He changed the calendar and the alphabet. H e developed a new system
o f governm ent and started R ussia’ s fir s t newspaper. P eter continued to build and m odernize
Russia rig h t up to his death at the age o f 53. P eter the G rea t’ s fo rce and en ergy made his country
into a modern power and made him into a legend.

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about teens’ fashion. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and
speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• i f you fo llo w the trends o f modern fashion;
• what you and your classmates like w earing;
• where you go shopping fo r clothes.
You have to talk continuously.

В ариант 26

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Shop till you drop, spend t ill the end, buy till you die. W e are all consumers. Im agine a room
fille d w ith people talk in g about you. They are discussing you r likes and dislikes, you r needs, your
habits, you r dreams. These people are m arketing directors. They spend m illions o f dollars and
thousands o f hours doing m arket research to study your spending habits. W h y? The answer is
simple: money. Teenagers are the largest-grow in g m arket in the w orld. So i t ’ s im portant fo r
companies to g et the young consumer. Television is the most pow erful means fo r advertisers. The
N ew Y o rk advertisin g agency BSB W o rld w id e recently videotaped the bedrooms o f teenagers in
25 countries. The videotapes revealed rem arkable sim ilarities: the same jeans, the same trainers,
the same posters o f music and sport stars on the walls. M arketin g directors want to know not
only what you buy, but also what music you listen to, what m ovies you go to, what you do in your
fre e tim e. They know more about you than you think. They know how to appeal to you r emotions.
They are eagerly w atching you, ready to react. A n d preparing to sell you more, more and more.

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about your pocket money. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes
and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Rem em ber to say:

• i f you have got enough pocket money fo r your needs;
• how you g et the money;
• what you spend your pocket money on.
Y ou have to ta lk continuously.

В ариант 2 7

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

A s part o f the ‘ Facebook gen eration ’ , we have grow n up in a w orld where access to the In tern et is
constantly at our fin gertip s. Nowadays, i t ’ s common to o ffe r guests the w ifi password along with
a cup o f tea. W e have become addicted to our smartphones. O f course, smartphones are useful in
so many ways. Thanks to them w e’ re now able to do almost anything when w e’ re out. H ow ever,
these pieces o f technology are slow ly beginning to take over our lives. I t ’ s so easy to become
dependant on our phones, w hether i t ’ s to fin d you r w ay around w ith the map application or even
just check the tim e. A s a result w e’ re becom ing more anti-social, choosing to consult the Internet
rather than talk face-to-face w ith other human beings. People are connecting more and more
across screens rather than in person, even when it comes to relationships — dating apps and
websites are more popular than ever before. N e x t tim e you ’ re out w ith you r friends, put your
phone away and see how long you can last w ithout it.

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the school system of your country. You will have to start
in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -— ..... .

.. I..- . я г ' : . . ; . ■ ; . .. ..... , .

Remember to say:
• when children start goin g to school;
• what levels o f education Russian school has;
• how the results are tested at d iffe re n t stages.
You have to talk continuously.

В ариант 2 8

^ I Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Remember to say:
• where you and your classmates meet new friends;
® how many pen fiends in social nets you have got;
• what is the best w ay o f m aking frien ds fo r you.
You have to talk continuously.

В ариант 29

^ I Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
1 then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

Our life would be hard w ithout rest and recreation. People have quite d iffe re n t ideas o f how to
spend th eir free tim e. For some o f them the only w ay to relax is w atching TV . But other people
use th eir spare tim e g ettin g b en efit from it. I f you enjoy doing some a c tiv ity in you r fre e tim e,
then you have a hobby. A hobby is a kind o f self-expression. A person’ s hobbies depend on his
age, in telligen ce level, character and personal interests. W h a t is in terestin g to one person can be
borin g to another. T h a t’ s why some people p re fer reading, cooking, kn ittin g, collecting, playing
a musical instrum ent, painting, photography, fishkeeping or playing computer games w hile
others p re fer dancing, tra ve llin g , cam ping or sports. A hobby plays a v e ry im portant educational
and psychological role, makes you stronger physically and m entally, helps you escape from
rea lity, im prove your knowledge, broaden your mind, develop you r skills and gain a better
understanding o f how the w orld works.

2 I Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
1 full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

g I Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the ways of spending holidays. You will have to start in
1 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• i f you usually stay at home or go anywhere on your holidays;
• what you r decision depends on;
• i f you r holidays are always in terestin g and why.
You have to talk continuously.

В ариант 3 0

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

W h a t is a dream? People spend one th ird o f their lives asleep but they don’ t fu lly understand the
purpose o f dreams. Some scientists think that dreams allow us to solve problems, to create new
ideas and to fin d answers to the most complicated questions. Some o f our dreams are ve ry
strange and don’ t make sense at all. W h en we sleep, some areas o f our brain are active w hile oth­
ers are not. Our dreams depend on our em otional state as w ell. W hen we fea r som ething, we may
have a nightm are. W e can experience a sense o f jo y and excitem ent or anxiety. The more we
think about a person, the more lik ely we are to dream about him. T h a t’ s w hy the Chinese say,
'W h a t you think during the daytim e you w ill dream at n ig h t’ . There are some common themes.
F or exam ple most people dream about fly in g , being chased, fa llin g or not being able to move.
People have always considered dreams to be predictions o f the fu ture. There are a lot o f books
try in g to in terpret our dreams and to explain what the fu tu re holds.

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the role of a foreign language. You will have to start in
1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• i f it is possible to do w ithout the knowledge o f a fo re ig n language nowadays;
• in what field s people need fo re ig n languages;
• where you hope to use your knowledge o f English.
You have to talk continuously.

В ариант 31

Task 1. You are going to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and
then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading

People all over the w orld are v e ry fond o f sports and games. That is one o f the things in which
people o f ev ery nationality and class are united. The most popular outdoor w in ter sports are
shooting, hunting, hockey and, in the countries where the w eather is fro s ty and there is much
snow — skating and skiing. Summer a ffo rd s excellent opportunities fo r sw im m ing, boating,
cyclin g and many other sports. A m on g outdoor games footb all takes the fir s t place; this game is
played in all the countries o f the w orld. The other games that have fir m ly established themselves
in d iffe re n t countries are cricket, volleyball, basketball, and so on. Badm inton is also ve ry
popular both w ith young and old. A m on g indoor games are billiards, table tennis and chess, o f
course. The results o f chess tournam ents are studied and discussed by enthusiasts in d iffe re n t
countries. So we have all grounds to say that sport is one o f the things that makes people kin.

Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give
full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about modern gadgets people use now. You will have to start in
1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:
• what modern gadgets people use at home and at work;
• how th ey have changed our life ;
• what gadgets you can’ t do w ithout.
Y o u h a v e to t a lk co n tin u ou sly .
П р и л ож ен ие 1



Вариант 1

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : Hello! W h a t bus are you w aiting for?
B: H i! I ’ m w aiting fo r number 10.
A : Y ou usually go to your university by car, don’ t you?
B: Yes, but i t ’ s my fa th er’ s car and he sometimes wants it. Today he is taking my brother to the gym .
A : I see. A n d here is our bus.
Dialogue В
A : H ow can we spend this extra hour before take o ff?
B: W e can go to some duty free shops and then to a restaurant.
A : It sounds great.
B: Sure. The tim e w ill pass quickly before the announcement o f our flig h t.
A : I hope. I ’ m a bit tired o f w aiting.
Dialogue С
A : Has An n come back yet?
B: Yes. She came an hour ago and went straight to bed.
A : Funny. I didn’t hear her.
B: N oth in g strange. You were sleeping in fron t o f a T V set.
A : I ’ m not surprised. Y o u ’ d do the same w atching this soap.
Dialogue D
A : W h a t are you doing, I wonder?
B: I ’ m building a barbecue.
A : W h at for? Y o u ’ve got one under that old apple tree.
B: I ’ d like to get rid o f it, to cut down the apple tree and plant some bushes and flow ers instead.
A : W h at a pity. W e shan’ t have your tasty apples any more.

Задание 2
A . Lee Redmond from the U S A has the longest nails in the world. Th eir length is about 7.5 meters. Lee has
been grow in g her nails since 1979. E very day she treats them w ith warm olive oil and nails hardener and says
she can do almost everyth ing about the house easily.
B. In some ancient cultures people drew a red circle round their mouths to make sure that their souls
couldn’ t fly out. They also believed that the red circle would stop the devil from gettin g in. Eye shadow round
the eyes was ve ry im portant too. People thought it could protect them from the E vil Eye.
C. In M auritania a g irl was considered to be beautiful only i f she w eighed 150 kg and was no taller than
160 cm. To make their daughters more attractive to future husbands the mothers forced them to eat a lot o f
dates and drink about fiv e liters o f m ilk a day.
D. A schoolteacher has shaven her head to warn her pupils about the dangers o f dyeing their hair.
‘I consider m y pupils as m y own children and this is w hy I wanted to show them something they would
remember. A n d I don’ t want them to say they didn’ t know about the risks o f hair d yein g,’ she explains. She
adds that when she entered the classroom and took o f f her hat, the pupils were speechless.
E. The m ajority o f women and teen girls say that hair is im portant to their idea o f beauty. M ore than
seven in 1 0 women agree that it is d iffic u lt fo r a woman to feel beautiful i f she doesn’ t like her hair.
Fortunately, most women (5 8 % ) are happy w ith their hair. 8 6 %. o f women and 85%. o f teen girls agree that
changing o f the length, colour or style o f hair allows women to express d ifferen t parts o f their personality.

Задания 3 -8
Jane: H i, M ary. Do you remember I told you about m y cousinscoming to vis it us?
Mary: H i, Jane. A s fa r as I remember you said they were to come on Monday.
Jane: No, they were planning to arrive on Sunday but in fact they are coming a day earlier.
Mary: So theyll be here fo r an extra day? W ill you arrange anything fo r that day?
Jane: Yes. Lets take them to P izza Hut, the one we visited last week.
Mary: Thats a good idea. Though coffee and ice cream leave much to be desired.
Jane: But I hope theyll love pizza. Its not bad. Besides a fter that we can go to the cinema. I heard that
Friends Abroad is quite good.
Mary: Its not on any more. W h a t about a new th riller D ark R ain, or that new comedy, Catch a T a x i?
Jane: To tell the truth they dont like comedies. The th riller w ill be much better.
Mary: OK. I can get the tickets. I hope theyll enjoy it.
Jane: A nd what about a boat trip on Monday morning? There is an early boat at half past eight, isn’t there?
Mary: Yes, but wont that be too early?
Jane: Maybe. Theres a boat at eleven th irty, which returns at about h alf past one.
Mary: Fine. A nd on Tuesday we can go to the seaside. Shall we go there on our bicycles?
Jane: W e ll. It w ill be much cheaper than going by bus. A n d the train is too slow and crowded.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Club “ H elp me” . W e kin dly ask you to
take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about th eir daily tim etable. Please
answer our six questions. The questionnaire is anonymous; you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s get
Electronic assistant: W h a t subjects do you study at school?
Student:_____________________________________ _
Electronic assistant: W h a t’ s you r fa v o rite subject? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: H ow much tim e do you spend on you r school tasks?
Student:_____________________________________ _________
Electronic assistant: W h a t tasks do you avoid doing?
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you do to relax a fter school?
Student:________________________________________ ____________
Electronic assistant: W ho/w hat usually helps you to overcom e study d ifficu lties?
Student:__________ ________________________________________
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

Вариант 2

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A: Sorry, what can I do fo r you?
В: I should like to take a voyage before I ’ m quite old.
A: W h a t part did you think o f going to fo r your cruise?

В: I haven’ t decided yet. I t ’ s just an idea, th at’ s all.

A : Then, le t’ s start w ith this brochure.
Dialogue В
A : You know, something is w rong w ith it.
B: Sure. I t ’ s thin and dry. Do you mind changing the length o f it?
A : N o, not at all, but I ’d like it to be black.
В: I wouldn’ t recommend dying it. W h a t it needs is special shampoo and balsam.
A : OK.
Dialogue С
A : I feel I ’ m going to have a cold. W h at can you offer?
B: This medicine and some vitam ins w ill help you.
A : A ll righ t. I ’ ll take both. How much are they?
B: Tw enty dollars.
A : A n d a therm om eter, please.
Dialogue D
A : Isn ’ t this hood a bit large?
B: Hoods are large this year, Madame. I should say i t ’ s the latest fashion.
A : T h at’ s settled. N ow show me a matching hat and gloves, please.
B: V ery well. Let me walk you to the hat counter.
A : I think this woolen beret w ill be perfect.

Задание 2
A . I think this is a great w ay o f going to school or to the shops. I use it all the time. This is a cheap w ay o f
tra vellin g as the ticket is not v e ry expensive, and you can use it in cities or fo r longer distances. I ’ve always
travelled to school and as fa r as I know, many o f m y classmates do the same. I t ’ s true that sometimes you have
to w ait a long time, but I don’ t mind that. A n d sometimes there are lots o f people, i t ’ s a bit crowded, but
I don’ t think th at’s a big problem. The most unpleasant thing is to get stuck in a tra ffic jam, because then you
never know when you get to school.
B. I like this method because i t ’ s a good way o f keeping fit , and i t ’ s fast. I ’ve done it fo r about a year now.
I don’ t mean w inter o f course. W hen the weather is bad, I sometimes take the bus, but I try not to. A nd most
im portant — I don’ t care about big tra ffic jams. I can go through the park, and take the shortest way, so i t ’ s
usually quicker. I carry m y books in a basket on the fron t. The main problem is that I have to leave it at
school, and sometimes I w orry that someone is goin g t take it. I t ’ s not ve ry nice when someone steals it, is it?
C. I usually go to school this way, because I live a long w ay from school, and it ’ s a v e ry d iffic u lt journey by
bus. You have to change buses twice and it takes ages. I ’ve tried cycling but I g et v e ry tired when I get to
school. Besides, I can’t do that in winter. So m y dad usually takes me. W e talk on the way, or I check my
homework. Going to school is fin e, but I sometimes have problems coming home. I often have to w ait fo r my
dad, but i t ’ s still quicker than by bus.
D. I think this way o f tra vellin g is fun. I don’ t live v e ry fa r from school, so I can travel this way along the
pavement. I t ’ s true, some people don’ t like this. They think i t ’ s dangerous, and they say that pavements are
fo r walking. Sometimes they shout at me. I don’ t agree w ith them, o f course. I think this is a modern way o f
tra vellin g short distances fo r kids. I t ’ s better tan a bike too. W hen it rains, or you feel tired, you can hang it
over your shoulder and walk.
E. This is the best kind o f transport fo r such a big city. I ’ m lucky to live not fa r from the station, I just
have to walk fiv e minutes. A n d the moment I get in, I care neither about the weather nor about the tra ffic . O f
course, it can be a bit crowded in rush hours, but otherwise i t ’ s ve ry comfortable. I t ’ s cool in hot weather and
warm in cold weather. But most im portant, i t ’ s the quickest way. I just can’ t im agine city life w ithout it.

Задания 3 -8
Ann: H i, Susan. H aven’ t seen you fo r ages. M aking arrangements fo r summer holidays?
Susan: H ello, Ann. I ’ve been really busy w ith some arrangements, but they are not about holidays. I ’ m
looking fo r a summer job fo r July. Later I ’ll be able to have some rest at my aunt’ s place in Greece.
Ann: That would be great. But what about the job? K in d o f secretary or anything else? By the way, my
dad needs another assistant in his shop. Th ere’ s too much work in summer fo r me to manage it.
Susan: Does it mean w orking w ith you? T ell me more about the job.

Ann: W e ll, i t ’ s fu ll time, fiv e days a week.

Susan: W h at tim e do you start w orking in the morning?
Ann: A t eight o ’ clock. I usually get the bus at h alf past seven.
Susan: A nd what about the pay? I ’d like to save some money fo r a DVD player.
Ann: W e ll, I g et fou r pounds f i f t y an hour, but fo r the fir s t week you ’ ll get fou r pounds. More
experienced people get fiv e pounds.
Susan: Is there a place to eat near the shop, or do you take anything from home fo r you lunch?
A n n : M ost days I take sandwiches from home. I t ’ s much cheaper. There’ s a nice park round the corner
and I usually eat them there. But sometimes I can a ffo rd to go to P izza H ut.
Susan: Perhaps I should go to see your dad. I think I w ill feel more com fortable i f I work w ith somebody
I know.
Ann: Oh, that w ill be great. I ’ m sure you w on’ t regret it. I ’ ll tell him and then I ’ ll phone you to say what
tim e you can com e..
Susan: OK, thank you.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Club “ A th le te ” . W e kin dly ask you to
take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about sports. Please answer our six
questions. The su rvey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t ’ s g et started.
Electronic assistant: W h a t sports do you like w atching on TV ?
Electronic assistant: Do you practise any sport? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: W h a t activities do you have at your PE lessons?
Student: ___
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you do to be fit?
Electronic assistant: W h y is it im portant fo r you to keep?
Student: _____________________________________________
Electronic assistant: W h a t would you recommend you r frien d to keep fit?
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

Вариант 3

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : M ay I watch what you are doing?
B: Sure. Y ou d ig a hole, put in the seed, cover it w ith d irt and then water it.
A : A n d when w ill you get the result?
B: N o sooner than in July. Then you’ ll see it blossom. I hope it w ill be beautiful.
Dialogue В
A: A re you going to watch a m ovie tonight?
B: N o, I think I ’ ll watch the soccer game and then the documentary about volcanoes.
A : By the way, Tom called yesterday. H e is arranging a picnic next Sunday.
B: L e t’ s talk it over a bit later. But the idea is good.

Dialogue С
A : Do you sell jo g g in g shoes, madam?
B: Yes, we do. They are special price $19 a pair or two pairs fo r $35.
A : Great! T h at’ s a bargain! M y fa th er and I wear the same size.
B: W e ll, take a seat here, and I ’ ll give you a pair to try on.
Dialogue D
A : W h a t do you think? A m I OK?
B: W e ll, there is a minor stomach problem. I ‘ d like to do some tests.
A : H ow soon w ill I get the results?
B: T h ey’ ll be ready before you leave the o ffice. A n d here is a medicine I believe w ill help you.

Задание 2
A . The B ritish like form in g queues. They queue up when w aiting fo r a bus, theatre tickets, in shops. They
don’ t like it when a person gets on a bus w ithout w aiting his turn. The B ritish may get really annoyed w ith
queue-jumpers — people who don’ t w ait their turn in the queue.
B. The B ritish, especially the English, are more reserved than the people o f many other countries. They
don’ t like to show their emotions. They usually don’ t easily get into conversation w ith strangers. They don’ t
like personal questions (fo r example, how much money they earn or about their fa m ily life ). They take more
tim e to make friends. They would like to know you better before they ask you home. So don’ t be upset i f your
English friends don’ t in vite you home.
C. These days most people in B ritain do not wear ve ry form al clothes. O f course, when they are ‘ on
du ty’ they have to obey certain rules. You cannot im agine a bank employee w ithout a suit or a tie. But when he
is no longer ‘ at w ork’ , he can put on an old sweater and jeans, sometimes w ith holes in them.
D. In recent years smoking has received a lot o f bad publicity, and few er people now smoke. There is no
more smoking on the London Underground, in cinemas and theatres and most buses. Many companies have
banned smoking from their offices and canteens. A n d non-smokers can be rude to smokers who break the rule
and smoke in public places.
E. In some countries it is considered bad manners to eat in the street. In Britain it is quite common to see
people having a snack w hile w alking down the road, especially at lunchtime. Nobody pays attention to it as it
seems quite natural.

Задания 3 -8
Don: A n y plans fo r Saturday, Kate? I ’ m goin g fo r a walk in the hills w ith a few friends. W ou ld you like
to join us?
Kate: W e ll, thank you, but I ’ m going to m y aunt’ s fo r the weekend. She is really nice and I always have
a good tim e w ith my cousins, so I think i t ’ ll be great.
Don: O f course. W e ll, as fo r me, I can’t w ait fo r Saturday! I had to spend last weekend w ritin g a report
fo r m y science lesson. M y teacher wanted to have it ready on Monday. I ’ m glad I don’ t have to do
anything like that this weekend.
Kate: Oh! W ork in g at weekends is no fun, is it? I ’ve got a bit o f work in Literatu re to do, but it should
only take an hour... So what are you doing a fter the walk?
Don: W e ll, the N ew Rock Band are here — did you know? They are playing at the A p ollo Theatre.
Kate: But i t ’ s ve ry d iffic u lt to get the tickets, isn’ t it? H ave you got yours?
Don: N o t yet. N ow I think o f it, it may be too late.
Kate: W h y don’ t you go to the cinema instead? Th ere’ s a great th riller on at the Odeon — M ystery at Sea.
I saw it last week.
Don: Yes, I heard about it. The cinema is not my idea o f fun, really. Sooner or later you can see most good
film s on TV.
Kate: T h at’ s true. So, anything for Sunday?
Don: I think I ’ ll play tennis. W h a t about your next Saturday?
Kate: I ’ d like to go surfing. I usually avoid sport at weekends — I think I ’ m a bit lazy. But I tried su rfing
when I was on holiday last year — and I really enjoyed it...
Don: I f you want, I could come su rfing w ith you.
Kate: Oh, no! I ’m only the beginner. Y o u ’ ll be bored.
Don: I ’ m not that good m yself. I need a lot o f practice.
Kate: Really? OK, then.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the You ng Journalists' Club, W e kindly ask
you to take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about mass media, Please answer
our six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don 't have to g iv e your name. So, let's get started.
Electronic assistant: W h a t kinds o f mass media can you name?
Electronic assistant: W h o usually listens to the radio in your fam ily? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: H ow often do you watch TV ? W h y?
Electronic assistant: W h a t magazines are popular w ith your classmates?
Electronic assistant: W h a t kinds o f mass media can’ t you do w ithout?
Electronic assistant: W h a t in your opinion makes the Internet the most wide-spread kind o f mass media?
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

Вариант 4

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : Miss, what tim e is flig h t 452 fo r Boston to depart?
B: It leaves at 3:50, but you must check in one hour before the departure.
A : H ow much lu ggage can I have w ith me?
B: N o t more than 10 kilogram s are allowed free.
Dialogue В
A : Good afternoon, I ’ m Susan, your flig h t attendant. W elcom e aboard.
B: Hello, I ’ ve got seat A 8.
A : H ere it is, by the window.
B: By the window? Great! I can see the view then.
Dialogue С
A: H ow long have you been out o f the country, madam? W h ere did you go?
В: I spent three weeks in Switzerland, and one week in Greece.
A: H ave you got any plants or alcohol to declare?
В: I have only tw o bottles o f rum.
Dialogue D
A : Tw o round trips to Chicago, please.
B: That w ill be $190 each. $380 in all.
A : Could you tell me what track the three o ’ clock leaves from ?
B: Let me see..., now, that w ill be track fiv e .

Задание 2
A. W hen exam ination tim e comes, I try to stay awake by drinking cups o f coffee w hile I am studying, r
the most im portant thing fo r me is to make sure I sleep w ell the night before the examination. I need at leas

eight hours a night to feel really energetic the next day. It really wouldn’ t help i f I stayed up late studying
because I would be too tired the next day to do m y best.
B. Some people give up everyth ing to spend their tim e studying, but I still meet up w ith my friends. A s
well as that, I do a lot o f exercise and w hat’ s more I have a good long walk or jo g the night before m y exam.
I know that m y brain w ill function better i f I am in a good shape.
C. I know that I can only concentrate fo r a lim ited tim e, so I stop every hour fo r ten minutes when I am
gettin g ready fo r m y exams. I may go fo r a walk to clear m y head, or just sit and think about something. A ft e r
that i t ’ s much easier to go back to m y books.
D. The night before the exams I go out with m y friends. I don’t believe in last minute revision. W e usually
go fo r a walk, or watch a video, preferably a comedy. I t ’s good to laugh a lot and to see the funny side o f things
when there is so much hard work to do the next day.
E. I usually panic at exams, so I plan how much tim e I w ill need fo r each question. I try to ignore all those
people around me, who are w ritin g really fast and never solve a question until I have thought about it and
made some notes.

Задания 3 -8
Helen: Paul, what do you think about this camera? It looks quite up-to-date.
Paul: I like it but I ’ m afraid i t ’ s too expensive fo r me.
Helen: Y ou r parents have promised to pay fo r it, haven’ t they?
Paul: T h ey’ve given me some money, but i t ’ s not enough. Even i f I add the money I earned during
holidays, I w on’ t get the necessary sum.
Helen: Then le t’ s have a look at some others. W h at about this one? I t ’ smuch cheaper. Besides i t ’ s
smaller. It w ill be more convenient to carry it w herever you go.
Paul: I guess you are right. Let me have a closer look... Just w ait, there is a message fo r me on the
mobile. Helen, i t ’ s m y uncle. He says that he has bought a camera fo r me. Just the model I ’ve been
dream ing about. That w ill be his present fo r me.
Helen: W e ll, the question is solved. Then you can buy something else. W h a t about a notebook? Y o u ’ ll be
able to carry it around and you can take it into college w ith you, so it would be really useful.
Paul: I don’ t really think I need a notebook. I work at home most o f the tim e and I don’ t want to take
a notebook to college. W h a t I really need is a new printer.
Helen: H aven ’t you got one?
Paul: I t ’ s ve ry old and yesterday it got out o f order. In fact m y parents insisted on m y buying a printer,
not a camera.
Helen: There are a lot o f printers to choose from . This one here is on sale. It doesn’ t cost much.
Paul: I suppose not. I think I ’ ll even have some money le ft fo r a new walkman.
Helen: I saw a nice walkman in the shop round the corner.
Paul: Then le t’ s fir s t choose a printer and then go to that shop.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Internet Club. W e kindly ask you to
take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about the Internet. Please answer our six
questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t’ s g et started.
Electronic assistant: H ow much tim e do you spend on the In tern et daily?
Electronic assistant: Can you do w ithout the Internet? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: W h a t’ s better fo r you: to make friends v ia the Internet or in real life ? W h y?
Electronic assistant: W h y do many people p re fer In tern et to T V in you r opinion?

Electronic assistant: W h a t aspects o f English can be im proved v ia the Internet?

Electronic assistant: In what w ay would you recommend your frien d to use the Internet?
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

Вариант 5

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : Look at that man at the corner. H e keeps stopping people and asking them questions. Do you think he
is asking fo r directions?
B: N o, I think he is m aking a survey.
A : H ow do you make a survey?
B: Y ou stop people and ask them questions and w rite the answers on a report sheet.
Dialogue В
A : W h a t usually happens in his class? Does he g iv e you lectures every day?
B: W e ll, yes. But we also have seminars, which I like v e ry much.
A : W h a t do you do at your seminars?
B: W e sometimes watch film s and discuss books.
Dialogue С
A : Y ou should know that you r lu ggage w ill be checked.
B: W h a t does it mean?
A : Y o u ’ ll be asked, ‘ H ave you anything to declare? Is there anything liable to d u ty?’ Y ou must answer
that person’ s questions.
B: I ’ ve got 10 boxes o f chocolate. W ill they ask me to open m y suitcase?
A : I don’ t know.
Dialogue D
A : Y o u ’ re lea vin g tom orrow , aren’ t you?
B: Y es, sure.
A : Then you should go to a special desk in the hall and ask them to prepare your bill.
B: W h ere can I pay the bill?
A : Y o u can pay it at the desk w hile you ’ re checking out.

Задание 2
A . Colours have always been im portant fo r humans. In many ancient civilisation s, people painted
coloured circles and lines around th eir eyes and mouths. O rigin ally they did this to please the gods and
scare away e v il spirits. But they soon realised that colour could be used to make their faces and bodies
beau tifu l — and cosmetics w ere born.
B. B ody painting is one o f the most ancient arts o f humankind and today it is com ing back into fashion.
U n til recently, only men used tattoos on th eir bodies. N ow , however, they can be seen on many women and
girls, too. G irls who don’ t want to have tattoos use rem ovable transfers to decorate their arms and legs.
C. The colours o f our clothes are also v e ry im portant. For exam ple, w earin g a red sweater or jacket can
increase you r energy. But i f you w ear it too long, you can start to fe el im patient or aggressive. The colour
green, on the other hand, is known to calm the nerves and soothe emotions. Blue colour is supposed to be
the colour o f balance and harmony.
D. For the m ysterious A zte c and M aya civilisation s every colour had a m eaning, either positive or
n egative. F or exam ple, yellow was the symbol o f the sun, and blue meant the person had royal ancestors.
R ed stood fo r blood. Black sym bolised w ar and death. In ancient Egypt, gold was the sign o f power.
E. In nature v e ry bright colours, such as yellow, red and orange are used both to warn and to attract. Birds
reptiles, fish and insects use brilliant combinations o f colours to attract mates. B utterflies are an exceller.;
example. Some animals also use bright colours to warn their enemies that they are nasty and poisonous.

Задания 3 -8
Jill: I am sorry to have kept you w aitin g, H arry!
Harry: D on’ t m ention it. W h ere shall we go?
Jill: I haven’ t had tim e to think it over. I t ’ s up to you to decide.
Harry: Then I suggest we should go to the tennis court and play a gam e o f tennis.
Jill: I ’ ve never played tennis but I know you are good at it. H ow old w ere you when you began to play
Harry: L et me th in k ... I was about six years old when I started playing tennis. Since that tim e tennis has
been m y hobby.
Jill: I hear tennis is v e ry popular in Great B ritain.
Harry: Oh, yes. Tennis is played all the year round — on hard courts or grass courts in summer, and on
hard or covered courts in w inter.
Jill: W h a t other outdoor games are popular in Great B ritain?
Harry: G olf, footb all and cricket.
Jill: W h a t about horse racing?
Harry: Lots o f people in Great B ritain are fond o f it. Then comes sw im m ing and boxing. Do you like
swim m ing?
Jill: R ather. But when I was a little child I was a fraid o f w ater. Once I fe ll into the sw im m ing pool and
almost drowned. It took m y fa th er a lot o f tim e and patience to teach me to swim. A n d I hate
boxing. I t ’ s such a rude kind o f sport. A n d what do you think o f it?
Harry: I don’ t like it either. By the way, have you got any hobbies?
Jill: Guess. Y ou are allowed three guesses.
Harry: W a te r polo?
Jill: N o.
Harry: Horse racing?
Jill: N o.
Harry: Basketball?
Jill: B y no means. I am fond o f collecting shoes. I have got a v e ry good collection o f shoes fo r
running, jum ping, dancing, w alking. Casual shoes, shoes fo r parties... Care to see it?
Harry: Sorry, and what about tennis?
Jill: I am looking forw a rd to seeing it. But, H arry, I have no tennis shoes in m y collection. Maybe
w e’ ll drop to a sports shop firs t?


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! Th is is the electron ic assistant o f the Club “ IT W o r ld ” . W e k in d ly ask
you to take part in our su rvey. W e need to fin d out w hat teen agers think about the In tern et. Please
answer our six questions. The su rvey is anonym ous — you don ’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t ’ s g et
Electronic assistant: Do you fin d your school In form ation Technology classes interestin g? W h y?
Student:____________ _______________________________________
Electronic assistant: H ow much tim e per day do you spend online?
Electronic assistant: In what w ay can the In tern et be harm ful to you r health? W h a t’ s your opinion?
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you use the In tern et for?
Electronic assistant: W h a t do yo u th in k about d a tin g v ia th e In te rn e t?

S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectronic assistant: W ou ld you recommend your great grandparents learn to use the Internet? Explair.
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

В а р иан т 6

Задание 1
D ialogu e А
A : W h a t is this man doing in the m iddle o f the street? A n d w hy is he w earing such extraordinary
B: They are shooting a film and he has a part in it.
A : W h en they fin ish the scene, I ’ ll ask him fo r the autograph.
B: H ave a try. Everyone would like to have it.
D ialogu e В
A: I hear that you ’ ve bought a new house.
B: But I haven’ t lived in it yet. They are still w orkin g on it.
A: W h a t are th ey doing now?
B: E lectric points. The man who is pu ttin g them is such a slow worker.
A: I see. L ife w ithout lig h t is im possible...
D ialogu e С
A : I smell som ething burning.
B: So do I. It comes rig h t from the kitchen.
A : It sim ply can’ t be so. I t ’ s one o f the best restaurants w ith French chefs.
B: Maybe one o f them is in love like you?
A : Then w e’ ll fin d too much salt in our burnt beefsteaks.
D ialogu e D
A : A frien d o f mine allows me to watch the stars w ith him.
B: Doesn’ t he? Through a telescope?
A : Yes. H e ’ s got a pow erful one. I t ’ s professional.
B: H ow ve ry interestin g!

Задание 2
A . In fa ct the film is based on real events which actually happened to some austronauts during one c:
th eir missions to space... I thought it would be v e ry in terestin g because it shows how many things can g
w rong... But I was v e ry disappointed...
B. Oh, this film is absolutely hilarious!... Y ou can’ t im agine what situations this guy goes through
There are some am azing scenes at airports... But the best part is when he finds out w hat’ s inside the box..
I t ’ s a joke!
C. I t ’ s about a man, M r R a ttle, who uses m agic to turn people into insects and then keeps them in hi-
house... Oh, believe me, there are some rea lly scary scenes, especially when M r R a ttle him self turns int:
m onster... H ow ever, the main event o f the film is when one o f his victim s manages to run away and :s
chased by the m onster...
D. I t ’ s about an eld erly couple who look quite nice and respectable but in fa ct they go around murdering
people... That was rea lly unexpected. There was also a lot o f suspense. A ll in all it was a good film but 1
don’ t think i t ’ s one o f those film s that I ’ d like to see again.
E. This film is rea lly one o f the best I ’ve ever seen. I t ’ s about those u gly creatures who want to take over
our Solar System. I w ouldn’ t m ind w atching it once more as i t ’ s got loads o f action and the special effect:
are rea lly amazing.

Задания 3-8
Sally: W e ll, M artin , we have walked so much this evenin g that I am v e ry tired and hungry. A r e n ’ t
you hungry?
Martin: Y es, indeed I am. Sally, I suggest we go to this restaurant. A frien d o f mine recommended it to
me the other day.
Sally: W h a t did he say about it?
Martin: ‘ S tylish ’ . Th at was his impression.
Sally: W h a t was the food like?
Martin: A cco rd in g to him the ham burgers w ere delicious.
Sally: A n d the music? W as it pleasant?
Martin: H e said, ‘ M odern’ .
Sally: N ow I ’ d like to say som ething. The fu rn itu re is rea lly the latest style there. It looks good but
i t ’ s so u ncom fortable to sit on. The hamburgers aren’ t tasty and the orange juice and co ffe e are
Martin: Sally have you already tried this restaurant?
Sally: Let me continue about music. I t ’ s som ething in between rock and rap. I ’ ve never heard it before
and I don’ t think I want to hear it again.
Martin: N ow I understand whom H a rry was dating yesterday!
Sally: It doesn’ t m atter now. M artin , look! That place is nice and clean. I am sure w e’ ll enjoy our meal
Martin: L e t ’ s have chicken soup w ith rice. Shall we?
Sally: A ll rig h t, a plate o f hot soup w ill do me good. I fe el a little ch illy just now.
Martin: W h a t shall we order next?
Sally: I ’ ll have b eef w ith French frie d potatoes. I haven’ t eaten meat fo r a long time.
Martin: W h a t shall we take fo r dessert?
Sally: I t ’ s up to you.
Martin: I suggest black co ffe e and ice cream.
Sally: I hope we w on ’ t have to w ait v e ry long. A n d it seems to me that I ’ ll like everyth in g about this
Martin: I, too.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the M obile Phone Company. W e kindly
ask you to take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about mobile phones. Please
answer our six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t’ s get
Electronic assistant: W h a t kinds o f the w o rld ’ s most im portant technologies can you name?
Electronic assistant: Do all members o f you r fa m ily have m obile phones?
Electronic assistant: H ow long have you had you r m obile phone?
Electronic assistant: A re you fo r or against using your m obile phone at the lessons? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you use your m obile phone fo r?
Electronic assistant: Is it necessary fo r you to use the latest model o f mobile phones? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: T h is is th e end o f th e su rv ey . Th a n k you v e r y m uch fo r y o u r tim e.

Вариант 7

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : Excuse me, when shall we land? I ’ ve missed the inform ation.
B: A t 10.30.
A : Thank you ever so much. I thought w e’ d reach the place earlier.
B: I t ’ s impossible. A n d by the way, the w eather is terrible. So, fasten your seat belt. W e ’re ii
turbulence once again.
Dialogue В
A : I ’ m sorry but you ’ve taken m y seat.
B: A n d where are you goin g, I wonder?
A : To Liverp ool.
B: But w e’ re leavin g fo r Glasgow in 15 minutes.
A : Oh, i t ’ s m y mistake. I t ’ s the w rong platform . But I still have some tim e ahead o f m e__
Dialogue С
A : The w eather turned out so beau tifu l. W h ere shall we sit?
В: I suggest we go on the upper deck. The breeze is w onderfu l and I ’ d like to feed the seagulls.
A : OK. I f it gets cold, we can go downstairs.
B: N o sooner said than done.
Dialogue D
A : Look! W h a t a w onderfu l place w e’ re passing!
B: T h a t’ s the most picturesque view . Maybe w e’ ll stop and have a picnic here.
A : W h y not. I ’ m a little bit tired and would like to have some rest.
B: T h a t’ s settled.

Задание 2
A . ... It began early last year... I used to wake up still fe e lin g tired ... I fig u red it was due to all those
years o f running around to get the news fo r m y m agazine... but a colleague o f mine pointed out that it coul:
be just a lack o f physical fitness and that I needed to g et some more en ergy back into m y body.
B. ...N ow , aerobics doesn’ t sound v e ry fashionable, does it? But I do like listen ing to music and movins
to the beat — th a t’ s what aerobics is, isn’ t it? I t ’ s almost like dancing... W e ll, I changed a lot since ther..
Even m y friends have noticed it.
C. A n yw a y, I fe lt a bit u n fit, so I ended up join in g them at the gym , too. W h ile they were doing aerobics
to lose w eig h t,... I used the w eights — to fir m up a bit.
D. W e ll, anyway, I decided to g et a ctive as w ell. Since I lead a v e ry busy life , I don’ t have tim e to go t :
the gym or take up som ething like tennis. I had to fin d som ething that could f i t in to m y busy schedule.
Seeing that I don’ t liv e fa r fro m w ork, I bought a bike and I use it to g et there and back.
E. There are thousands o f things to do here but I spend most o f m y fre e tim e try in g to im prove m y goal-
keeping skills on ice. Y ou see, I ’ve joined the school team and I train w ith m y friends every afternoon. Las:
Sunday, we played our fir s t game. W e didn’ t win, but it was great.

Задания 3 -8
M ary: W h a t are you planning to do fo r you r holiday?
A n n : F or the holiday o f m y life tim e I d e fin ite ly want to v is it a country, which has incredible historical
treasures, superb w eather, and an am azing va rie ty o f things to do and to see.
M ary: Then you are talk in g about the Crimea. T h ere’ s no better place fo r holiday m aking than the
Crimea. The clim ate is m ild and the sea is beau tifu l. Y ou can have a lot o f in terestin g excursions
connected w ith its history.
A nn: The only disadvantage is that in summer there are crowds o f people there. I t ’ s expensive to rent
a good room and to have meals at a cafe.
M ary: You see I have no problems w ith all these things. M y uncle has been liv in g in Y a lta fo r m any
years. H e is a dentist. He has a nice cottage not fa r fro m the seaside. W e always stay at their
place when we come to Y alta.

Ann: Y o u are lucky. U n fortu n ately we haven’ t g ot any relatives in Y alta.

Mary: Maybe, I ’ ll be able to help you w ith accommodation. I ’ ll phone m y uncle and ask him to reserve
a room fo r you in advance.
Ann: I t w ill be v e ry kind o f you. But I haven’ t made up m y m ind yet. I ’ m dream ing about the
Pyram ids, about a boat trip down the N ile and about the scuba d iv in g in the Red Sea.
Mary: Y o u ’ ve never told me that you ’ re good at sw im m ing and d ivin g.
Ann: I sim ply haven’ t learnt yet.
Mary: Then I suggest that we go to the Crim ea togeth er fo r tw o weeks and I ’ ll teach you to swim. Then
you ’ ll go to E gypt and enjoy your holidays there.
Ann: Good idea. It w ill be grea t fun.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Club “ T V W o r ld ” . W e kin dly ask you
to take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out w hat teenagers think about about T V . Please answer our six
questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s g et started.
Electronic assistant: H ow often do you watch TV ?
Electronic assistant: H ow can TV be harm ful to your health?
Electronic assistant: W h a t are you r fa vo u rite T V program s?
Electronic assistant: W h y do you think many people p refer w atching T V at home to goin g to the
Electronic assistant: In what w ay can program m es in English im prove students’ knowledge o f English?
Electronic assistant: W h a t program m es would you recommend your frien d watch and why?
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you ve ry much fo r you r tim e.

Вариант 8

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : W e ’ re rid in g so nicely.
В: R ig h t. A n d w e’ re a void in g all the t r a ffic jams.
A : But what w orries me is that it looks like raining.
B: L e t ’ s speed up or w e’ ll g et w et through.
A : H a ven ’ t you taken our raincoats?
B: N o, I fo rg o t.
Dialogue В
A : I can’ t w ait any longer. W h en w ill you f ix everyth in g?
В: I don’ t know yet. I can’ t trace m y fau lt.
A : H ave you checked the level o f patrol?
B: Oh! T h ere’ s no patrol le ft. W e ’ ll have to g et to the nearest petrol station.
A : W h ere is it?
B: I t ’ s in a m ile. Push!

Dialogue С
A : W h a t shall I do w ith m y luggage? I t ’ s so heavy. Oh! H ere is the porter. W ill you see to m y luggage,
B: W h ere fo r, Madame?
A : London. F irst platform . F irst class in a nonsmoker.
B: W e should hu rry up. The departure is in ten minutes.
Dialogue D
A : I was on the Circle Line and we w ere just leavin g the Picca d illy...
B: Then you couldn’ t have been on the Circle Line. It doesn’ t go through Piccadilly.
A : Oh! A ll these Lines. T h ey ’ re so complicated.
B: But you ’ ll soon get used to them.
A : N ever. N e x t tim e I ’ d better take a double-decker.

Задание 2
A. I t ’ s m y younger broth er’ s fir s t year at H igh School, but he doesn’ t seem to like it. He wanted to go to
the same school as his friends, but m y parents insisted that he go to a d iffe re n t one. The tru th is they
w eren’ t happy w ith his choice o f friends.
В w hat I re a lly w ant to poin t out is th at teachers should check us in oth er ways. T h ey could g iv e
us p rojects or oral presen ta tion s... It seems lik e teachers ju st w ant to punish us by g iv in g us tests all
the tim e ... then th ere is a problem o f tim e. Th ere are a lo t o f students who need m ore tim e to com plete
a test.
C. I ’ ve got this frien d at school ... w e ’ve got on w ell so fa r... but lately he started rin g in g me up every
evenin g... he asks me fo r the answers to our homework. I t ’ s not that he’ s weak or anything, otherw ise I ’ d
help him. He just p refers not to do it him self.
D. I revise and study, too, but that doesn’ t help me. Once I ’ m in the exam room, I ’ m so nervous that I
fo rg e t everyth in g... and o f course I fa il. A n d I ’ ve heard about this happening to other students as well. And
i t ’ s not because they are not in tellig en t or haven’ t studied.
E. ... I ’ ve been reading about this.... G irls do really w ell in these schools because they don’ t have boys to
w orry about or boys tell them how stupid they are... In m y opinion co-educational schools are good fo r boys,
but not fo r girls.

Задания 3 -8
N ick : W h a t are you reading, A lex ?
A le x : A s you see, it is a book.
N ick : W h a t’ s the title o f the book, I wonder?
A le x : I t ’ s D avid Copperfield by Charles Dickens.
N ick : W h a t do you think o f it?
A le x : A s a m atter o f fa ct Dickens is one o f m y fa v o rite w riters. I have read fiv e o f his novels in Russian.
N ow I am reading the book in the original.
N ick : H ave you got any language problems?
A le x : To tell you the truth I sometimes have to look up some words in the dictionary.
N ic k :I can’ t say that Dickens is among m y fa v o rite w riters. I p refer detective stories and th rillers.
A le x : Tastes d iffe r. Don’ t you like A ga th a Christie?
N ick : I ’ m fond o f her detective stories. N o t long ago I finished her novel E v i l Und er the Sun.
A le x : W h a t do you think o f it?
N ick : It produced a great im pression on me. A s usual I tried to solve the m urder m ystery m yself but
couldn’ t till the v e ry end, because practically all the main characters had some m otives to commit
A le x : I fu lly agree w ith you. I t ’ s so v e ry in terestin g to fin d out that a m urderer was a person you ’ ll
never suspect. I advise you to read Death on the N ile and The Body in the Library and...
N ick : W a it. W h o has just been talk in g about Dickens, serious reading?
A le x : But A ga th a Christie is one o f the most popular authors o f all tim e. H er novels are classics.
T h ey ’ve been translated into more than f i f t y languages. I know that in 1971 she received
B rita in ’ s highest honor and was named a dame o f the B ritish Em pire. By the way, i f you want to
im prove your English you should read her books in the original.

N ick: I ’ ll fo llo w you r advice. But tell me the truth. H ave you read A ga th a C h ristie’ s books only to
practice you r language?
A le x : O f course not. I sim ply adore her books.
N ick: Oh! I see.


Task 2. Y ou are goin g to take part in a telephone survey. Y ou have to answer six questions. G ive fu ll
answers to the questions. Rem em ber that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript fo r Task 2
E lectron ic assistant: H ello! This is the electron ic assistant o f the Cinem a Club. W e k in d ly ask you to
take part in our su rvey. W e need to fin d out w hat teenagers think about cinem a and film s. Please
answer our six questions. The su rvey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t ’ s get
Electronic assistant: W h a t would you rather do: watch a film or read a book? W h y?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectronic assistant: W h a t film genres do you prefer?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectronic assistant: W h a t’ s you r fa vo u rite film ? W h y do you like it?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectronic assistant: W h a t characteristics should a person have to become an actor or an actress?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectronic assistant: Is it always good to be famous? Explain why.
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectronic assistant: H ow would English help you r frien d in his fu tu re acting career?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your time.

В а р иан т 9

Задание 1
D ialogu e А
A : W h ere have you been, I wonder?
B: W e competed on rough w ater. It was ve ry in terestin g to race on the riv e r w ith small w aterfalls.
A : W as it dangerous?
B: It was. There w ere a lot o f rocks pointin g out o f the w ater and I had to balance m y body w ell all the
tim e.
D ialogue В
A : This game looks like footb all in the w ater. A r e there any special rules?
B: I t ’ s not allowed to hold the ball under the water.
A : Look, one o f the players is sinking another one!
В: Г m sure the referee w ill penalize this trick. H ere is the w histle!
D ialogu e С
A : H ow artistic the perform ance is!
B: W h a t elegant suits they are w earing!
A : A n d the lifts . They are amazing!
B: W h a t a pity. T h ey ’ ve fa llen down. Som ething is w rong w ith the p a rtn er’ s boot laces.

D ialogu e D
A : A clever fe llo w was the in ven tor o f this game on the ice.
B: W h y do you say so?
A : Because a player can use his stick as a weapon in the game and as a crutch a fter the gam e is over.
B: A n d what about the goalkeeper’ s mask? On the one hand, it looks like a g r ill...

Задание 2
A . I went on this am azing h iking tra il called the Four W inds T ra il... It takes you through villa ges and
beau tifu l countryside and cover the countries I ’ve never been to b efore... Finland, Sweden and N orw ay.
B. Oh, th a t’ s great! ... Even though w e’ ve got all the equipm ent fo r cooking outdoors, who can be
bothered cooking every single day? The children do help, but to tell you the tru th, i t ’ s not the same as a
hotel w ith room service, but I doubt I could a ffo rd that fo r a fo rtn ig h t...
C. The reason w hy we chose the Skyview was because we w ere determ ined to have a relaxin g, luxurious
holiday. W e just wanted to have everyth in g done fo r us. A s fo r fa cilities, it had a lot to o ffe r — even a
p rivate beach. A n d all w ith in w alking distance. You did n ’ t have to leave the premises.
D. .. .we a rrived last Tuesday and are goin g to stay fo r another week. The flig h t was super! It was my
fir s t tim e on a plane! A n d when we got there, we hired a car because we wanted to tour the whole island.
E. Our holiday was a memorable one. It was a long voyage but we never got bored. Every m orning w e’ d take
our breakfast on the top deck and enjoy the breeze. W e ’ d spend the rest o f the day sunbathing or at the g y m ...

Задания 3 -8
Mother: H u rry up. Our ship sails in tw en ty minutes.
DaughterrWow! H ow huge the ship is! I can’ t really im agine how many passengers are on board now.
Mother: A bou t 300 passengers w ith us.
Daughter:Do you expect so many people to be on board?
Mother: Sure. These ships are often fille d to capacity in Ju ly when the w eather is hot and the sea is
Daughter:I suggest we go on the upper deck a fter we fin d our cabin. W e w ill have more fun there.
Mother: Y ou are righ t. There is a sw im m ing pool there, deck chairs to sunbathe and a small tennis
court. By the way, the view w ill be fantastic.
D a u g h ter:W ill we see the dolphins? Can I feed the seagulls?
Mother: O f course, when w e’ re in the open sea. The voyage takes all day long. W e a rrive at fiv e th irty
Daughter:That gives us three and a h a lf hours to spend in Cairo.
Mother: But that w ill be enough to see the Pyram ids. They are lighted and look m agnificent. On our way
back in fiv e days w e’ ll be able to vis it Cairo’ s museum o f H istory and its famous markets.
Daughter:W h a t are we goin g to do when w e’ re back on board?
Mother: W e ’ ll enjoy our late dinner. The food served on the ship is tasty and the prices are reasonable.
Daughter:You know that I never go to bed before tw elve o ’ clock so, what shall I do?
Mother: The ship sleeps only fo r a short tim e. I f you are not tired, you ’ ll join the disco.
D aughter:There goes the w histle. W e are o f f on a pleasant voyage.
Mother: The voya ge is sure to be d eligh tfu l. A lot o f surprises are w a itin g fo r you!


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Drama Club. W e kin dly ask you to
take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about music and theatre. Please answer
our six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s get started.
Electronic assistant: W h a t kind o f music do you p refer to listen to?
Student: ____

Electronic assistant: A re music classes necessary at school? W h a t’ s your opinion?

Electronic assistant: H ave you ever taken part in school perform ances? On what occasions?
Electronic assistant: H ow often do you go to the theatre?
Electronic assistant: W h y do teens go to the theatre less than they used to?
Electronic assistant: In what w ay would you recommend your frien d spend his or her fre e time?
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

В а р иан т 10

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : Do you know w hy these tw o events are combined together?
B: W h ich two events?
A : Ski races and shooting exercises.
B: So, w hy are they combined?
A : Because long ago ski races w ere held in places fu ll o f w olves and bears. Skiers usually took guns w ith
them and brought both hunting prizes and prizes fo r sports com petitions.

Dialogue В
A : I always w orry when you ride so fast.
B: You needn’ t w orry. M y machine is made o f special metal and it has breaks.
A : Maybe it has but you haven’ t.
Dialogue С
A : W h a t do you do that you r boys run so fast?
B: N oth in g special.
A : It can’ t be so. There must be a unique tra in in g method.
B: A ll righ t. W hen they train they usually run high up in the mountains.
Dialogue D
A : In m y dreams I usually shoot at a b u ll’ s eye and score ten points.
B: A n d in rea lity, how do you shoot so well?
A : Easily. I shoot fir s t and then draw a b u ll’ s eye.

Задание 2
A . A player from Red Socks kicked me ve ry hard. M y leg hurt so much that I fe ll to the ground. The
referee stopped the game again and the doctor came to see m y leg. Fortunately, I was a lrigh t and we w ere
able to begin the second h alf...
B. Y ou w ouldn’ t believe what just happened to me. A huge vicious dog was just chasing m e... It was a
pit bull, I think... Listen. I was turning le ft into C a rd iff Street when I saw the dog — or I should say it saw
me. Then it ran a fter me...
C. The ground shook once again in the capital this m orning but this tim e it has caused m ajor chaos.
Houses and buildings collapsed, and dangerous cracks appeared in the ground on the main highway. The
fir e brigade and police are doing th eir best to keep the situation under control.
D. G eorge was the fir s t to smell the smoke... Y ou can im agine how they fe lt when they discovered that
one o f the tw o fir e extinguishers w eren ’ t w orkin g... Things started to get out o f control and people were
running all over the place. By the tim e the fir e brigade arrived, it was sheer chaos.

Е. A t 10:45 this m orning, tw o men w earin g masks and holding shortguns held up the N ation al Bank on
Park Road. P eter B radford, aged 32, and C raig Simpson, aged 36, demanded money from the cashier and
threatened to k ill anyone who got in their way.

Задания 3 -8
Masha: I say, M ike, what are your plans fo r today?
Mike: N oth in g special. W h y?
Masha: The w eather is perfect and I want you to show me round. Y ou have been liv in g in Moscow fo r
almost all your life , so you know better what is w orth seeing.
Mike: A ll righ t. I think w e’ d rather take the m etro. Y o u ’ ll be able to see the m etro stations on the way
and then I ’ ll show you some o f the sights.
Masha: It w ill be v e ry kind o f you. But let me guess: ‘ Shall we start from the center?’
M ike: Sure. Red Square w ill be the fir s t place w e’ re goin g to vis it. W e shall stop at the Lenin
Mausoleum to watch the changing o f the guards who stand beside it. Then w e’ ll go as fa r as the
cathedral o f St. Basil.
Masha: The one w ith its seven domes, each o f a d iffe re n t colour and pattern. R igh t?
Mike: A bsolutely. Do you know anything else about it?
Masha: N o idea.
Mike: I t ’ s famous as i t ’ s unique. Tsar Ivan the T errib le ordered to blind the architects so that they
couldn’ t reproduce the cathedral in any other places.
Masha: How cruel it was!
Mike: I ’ m o f the same opinion, though a lot o f people believe that it was only a legend.
Masha: There must be a monument somewhere near the cathedral. A m I right?
Mike: In fro n t o f the cathedral o f St. Basil th ere’ s a monument to M inin and Pozharsky. They did a lot
to save Russian people from the Polish invaders.
Masha: Oh! H ere we are at last. N ow I can see everyth in g w ith m y own eyes. W h at a w ide square! How
unusual the cathedral is!
M ike: Masha, don’ t jump and cry. Behave you rself. People are looking at you.
Masha: Sorry, M ike. I sim ply couldn’ t im agine how m agnificent the sights w ere. Rem em ber, i t ’ s the
fir s t tim e I have been here.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: Hello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Club “ Food fo r L ife ” . W e kindly ask you
to take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about healthy eating habits. Please
answer our six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to give your name. So, le t’ s get started.
Electronic assistant: H ow many meals a day do you usually have?
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you p refer to buy in you r school canteen or b u ffet?
Electronic assistant: W h ere is it better fo r you to have meals: at school or at home? W h y?
Electronic assistant: W h a t’ s your opinion about fa st food?
Student: _____
Electronic assistant: W h a t’ s your fa vo u rite dish? Can you cook it you rself?
Electronic assistant: W h y would you recommend your frien d attend cooking courses?
E le c tr o n ic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

Вариант 11

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : I can’ t understand anything. The case is so complicated.
B: I t ’ s because the crim inals killed the in vestigator when he was almost ready w ith evidence.
A : W h a t w ill the fa m ily do?
В: I think th ey ’ ll hire a p rivate in vestigator w ho’ ll be as smart as Sherlock Holmes.
Dialogue В
A : I think the main character is courageous.
B: A n d in m y opinion he is naughty. He took that boat and went sailing w ithout permission.
A : But he stayed calm in that terrible storm , didn’ t he?
B: Y es, he did. But he did n ’ t think about his m other’ s feelin gs, did he?
Dialogue С
A : W ill you turn the sound down? I can’ t concentrate when som ething is blow in g up and crashing.
B: Just w ait a few m inutes and the gang w ill be caught.
A : H ow can you watch all this when you know the end?
B: Y ou see, special effe cts th rill me.
Dialogue D
A : Sorry, I missed the beginning. W h a t are those u gly green creatures doing?
B: They are try in g to defend them selves and th eir territo ry .
A : W h o ’ s attacking them?
B: V isitors from outer space.

Задание 2
A . I hadn’ t shopped du ring the sales in the past. So last Saturday I thought I ’d try it w ith some
frien ds... W e ll, it was chaos! ... H ow can people shop, being pushed all the tim e? I mean, okay, the prices
are a bit cheaper but I ’ d better stick to m y discount stores, thank you v e ry much...
B. I was just furious! I was expectin g the bill to total around fo r ty dollars, but boy was I surprised when
I saw it was fo r s ix ty -fiv e ! The fir s t th in g I did was to check it, to see i f w e’ d been overcharged... It was
correct, but I didn’ t think the food or the service was rea lly w orth it.
C. I don’ t like goin g to the supermarket all the tim e. I know people who go once or tw ice a week, but I
believe once a fo rtn ig h t is fin e... W e ll, this isn ’ t really the cheapest place to shop,... but I know I can fin d a
wide range o f things there.
D. I knew about the sales, so I g ot to the departm ent store v e ry early... and I knew it w ouldn’ t be too
crowded at that hour... I was lucky to have the store to m yself fo r a w h ile... A n yw ay, everyth in g was
cheap... so I le ft a couple o f hours later w ith three fu ll shopping bags... B elieve me, i t ’ s a good idea to avoid
the crowds.
E. W e ll, I think our everyday life w ill change quite a bit. W e w ill be able to buy everyth in g by computer,
even clothes and shoes. W e w on ’ t even have to tr y anything on, because the com puter w ill show us exactly
what we w ill look like in them.

Задания 3 -8
Julia: Suzy, you know, I ’ ve just returned fro m the new supermarket.
Suzy: The one round the corner? I didn’ t expect it to open till next weekend.
Julia: A nn told me the same but yesterday m orning I found an advertisem ent in m y m ailbox. They
prom ised great discounts on the opening day. So I decided to look fo r m yself.
Suzy: Oh, w hy didn’ t you phone me?
Julia: I did but you r m other said you w ere at the courses.
Suzy: Yes, I ’ve just come back. Did you buy anything?
Julia: In fact I was looking fo r a present fo r m y sister. I wanted a music CD or a video but they didn’ t have
any she likes. Then I saw a nice bag but it was too expensive. A t last I got a really nice make-up set.

Suzy: A n d was it cheap?

Julia: W e ll, in other shops it costs seven pounds. Last week I saw it fo r fiv e pounds and here I ’ ve g ot it
fo r fo u r pounds fif t y .
Suzy: T h a t’ s good. I hope I ’ ll be able to go there on F rid a y or Saturday.
Julia: I think I ’ll join you. But, listen, th ey are g iv in g a pop-show there on Sunday. H ow about goin g
Suzy: It would be great but i t ’ s my m other’ s birthday and I wanted to g et a present fo r her beforehand.
Julia: I t ’ s a p ity I ’ m busy on Friday. I ’ve g ot an arrangem ent w ith m y dentist.
Suzy: T h a t’ s OK, go to the dentist, I ’ ll do some cooking and the next day w e’ ll go together.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Leisure Club. W e kin dly ask you
to take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about spending th eir fre e tim e. Please
answer our six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t ’ s get
Electronic assistant: W h a t are your fa vo u rite weekdays? W h y?
Electronic assistant: Do you plan spending you r fre e tim e or ju st waste it?
Electronic assistant: How does spending you r fre e tim e depend on the weather?
Electronic assistant: H ave you any special hobbies which take you r free tim e? W h a t are th ey i f any?
Electronic assistant: W h y do you think i t ’ s necessary to help you parents about the house?
Electronic assistant: W h a t would you recommend you r friends do to have more productive free time?
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

Вариант 12

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : W h a t am I to do?
В: W a lk along the line o f men. T ry not to be nervous.
A : A n d i f I recognize m y attacker, w h at’ s next?
B: Just nod you r head. D on’ t say anything. Rem em ber that the policem en are w atching you and w ill
come to you r help im m ediately.
Dialogue В
A : I ’ m cold, hungry and tired.
B: W h y not lig h t a fir e on the bank and cook something?
A : Oh, our matches are wet and foxes have stolen all the food!
B: Then I ’ ll try to make a fir e w ithout matches and you ’ ll try to fin d some berries in the forest. But
don’ t g et lost!

Dialogue С
A : I ’ ll never, never fo rg iv e him.
В: D on’ t cry m y dear. Tim e w ill fly and you ’ ll understand that you can’ t liv e w ithout him.
A : But he’ s dating m y best friend!
B: A ll men are the same.
A : Y o u don’ t say so...
Dialogue D
A : The bu ilding w ill be blown up in tw o minutes!
B: But I ’ m goin g to fin d that bomb.
A : D on’ t be a fo ol. Save yourself!
B: A n d how about all those people upstairs?
A : W e aren’ t able to help them ...

Задание 2
A . Chat rooms are great! Y ou can talk to lots o f people at the same tim e. Y ou can exchange view s and
ideas w ithou t any fe a r to seem stupid or som ething like that. A n d you can make up so much about you rself.
To tell the tru th I am a b it shy w ith new people in real life . In a chat room everyth in g is quite d iffe re n t.
I fin d it so cool!
B. I ’ve got a lot o f Internet boyfriends. Th ey sometimes ask me out, but I just say no because I think
they are all fake. O f course, I chat w ith them online and share some news but I always keep in mind that i t ’ s
all just a game. Some o f m y classmates tried In tern et dating and w ere absolutely disappointed.
C. I fin d the In tern et rea lly u seful w ith m y school w ork and catching up w ith m y frie n d s ... plus chat
rooms are a grea t w ay o f m aking frien d s in d iffe r e n t countries. But I don’ t g iv e out w here I liv e , except
maybe the c ity ... O f course I stay frie n d ly , talk about common interests but I never g iv e out m y name, m y
telephone number, m y address, an yth in g personal that w ould le t people contact me anyw here except
D. I think In tern et dating is a load o f rubbish! H ow can you say you love someone when you don’ t even
know them ? I could say that I ’ m 14 when I ’ m rea lly 40 or som ething. People lie all the tim e! I t ’ s so stupid
how some people can be so easily cheated. Face to face and eyes to eyes — th a t’ s quite d iffe re n t.
E. W h a t is w rong about the social nets? I ’ m sure that most people who use social discovery services just
want to m eet new people and have only good intentions. M y parents have found a lot o f friends from their
school and student life . Just don’ t spend all o f your tim e in the net and th a t’ s all. Y ou shouldn’ t be
dependent on anything.

Задания 3 -8
Steve: H i, Lisa, i t ’ s S teve... H ow are you doing?
Lisa: Steve! I ’ m fin e, thanks... W h a t’ s up?
Steve: W e ll, you know, i t ’ s m y birthday on F riday the 12th o f June... I ’ ve decided to have a p a rty... on
the Saturday o f course. W ill you be able to come?
Lisa: So th a t’ s the 13th o f June... yeah, sure, I ’ ll come... Is it goin g to be at your place or are we goin g
Steve: A ctu a lly , m y house is too small, so I ’ m goin g to have the party at m y cousin P a u l’ s house. I t ’ s
just around the corner on Church Street.
Lisa: W e ll, tell me the address then.
Steve: O f course, i t ’ s Church S treet... oh, and another th in g... i t ’ s goin g to be a fancy-dress party.
Lisa: R eally? Y ou mean we have to wear a costume? T h a t’ s great! Is it goin g to have a them e or can we
dress up any w ay we want?
Steve: A ctu a lly , I wanted it to have a them e... It w ould be great i f all o f us w ere dressed up as Indians
or som ething... But then m y cousin said it would be borin g... So, yes, you can dress up any w ay
you want.
Lisa: W o w , w e’ re goin g to have a great time! A nd what about the music? A r e you goin g to have a DJ or
a band — you know, liv e music?
Steve: Do you remember the DJ I had last year? E verybody loved the music she played. So, I ’ ve asked
her to come. She’s goin g to play all the latest hits and some classic Rock songs, too...
Lisa: Great ... A n d what about your birthday cake? I remember last year it was in the shape o f a
gu ita r...

Steve: W e ll, this year I ’ m goin g to have an ice cream cake in the shape o f a m otorcycle... W h a t do you
think about it?
Lisa: Y o u ’ re always fu ll o f surprises... I ’ ve g ot to see it to believe it... H ey! Y ou didn’ t tell me what
tim e the party starts.
Steve: I ’v e arranged it fo r eigh t o ’ clock. H ow does that sound?
Lisa: O K ... I guess... I ’ve g ot volleyb a ll practice u ntil seven th irty , so I ’ ll be there at about h a lf past
eigh t... D on’ t cut the cake u ntil I get there, OK?
Steve: O K, w e’ ll w ait fo r you, don’ t w orry...


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Leisure Club. W e kin dly ask you to
take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about spending th eir fre e tim e. Please
answer our six questions. The su rvey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s get
Electronic assistant: H ow busy is your school tim etable?
Electronic assistant: W h a t a fte r school activities do you take part in?
Electronic assistant: W h a t household chores do you have?
Electronic assistant: H ow do you p re fer to spend you r fre e tim e?
Electronic assistant: Do you think that everyone should fin d tim e fo r m eeting w ith relatives and
friends? W h y?
Electronic assistant: W h a t would you do i f you had more fre e time?
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

Вариант 13

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : H ow lo v ely these fig u res o f dogs are! H ow many o f them have you got?
B: Let me see. A bou t a hundred.
A : H ow have th ey appeared on your shelves?
B: Each one has its own story. But the fir s t dog was m y gran n y’ s g ift.
Dialogue В
A : Y ou are packing you r lu ggage, aren’ t you?
B: Y es, I am. M y flig h t is in fou r hours.
A : W h ere are you goin g this time?
B: A fr ic a . M y dream has come true. I t ’ s the only continent I haven’ t explored yet.
Dialogue С
A : L et me see this album. The photos are w onderful. W h o has taken them?
В: I m yself.

A : A n d who taught you to w ork in the Photoshop?

B: M y elder brother did.
D ialogu e D
A : I wonder i f you ’ re goin g to be a sailor?
B: N o, not at all.
A : W h y do you have all these models o f ships then?
В: I sim ply en joy m aking them.

Задание 2
A . I spend most o f m y tim e doing odd jobs around the house. I rea lly like painting and decorating,
though I can do most things. I f I run out o f things to do at home, I usually o ffe r to help the neighbours.
I hate having nothing to do. It makes me feel ill at ease.
B. M y parents always have people fo r dinner on Saturday nights, or we get in vitation s to have dinner
w ith friends. Sometimes we go out to restaurants. W e like Chinese food and there are also plenty o f good
Indian restaurants. B y the way, I say ‘W e ’ because I rarely go out separately from m y fam ily. W e are great
friends and I fe el equally com fortable in the company o f m y parents’ friends.
C. I go shopping. I adore it and I go shopping fo r clothes at least tw ice a month. M y dad usually gives me
a certain sum, and besides, I have taken a Saturday job. O f course, sometimes I haven’ t got enough money.
Then I go w indow shopping and decide what I ’ m goin g to buy when I ’ m rich.
D. I go round the clubs, m eeting friends, dancing, listen in g to music, that sort o f thing. I try to go out
every Saturday and stay out until about tw o or three. I just can’ t stand staying at home. On weekdays I just
have a short walk w ith m y friends and try to be in bed by m idnight. School success is im portant fo r me.
E. In the evening they watch television m ostly. M y parents have never gone out much. A t fir s t because
I and later m y sister w ere too young. Then they just got used to stayin g at home. W e ’ ve got satellite T V so
there are a lot o f program m es to watch. Mum says it gives her som ething to talk about when she is at work
the next day.

Задания 3 -8
Susan: H ello, Brad.
Brad: H ello, who is it? I can’ t hear you v e ry w ell.
Susan: I t ’ s me, Susan. Guess what! I ’ m ca llin g from Cyprus.
Brad: Cyprus? Y o u ’ re joking. W h a t are you doing there?
Susan: I ’ m here on holiday. M y parents wanted to surprise me. I t ’ s a g ift fo r m y birthday.
Brad: Mm m , you ’ re so lucky! W hen did you get there?
Susan: W e ll, we arrived last Tuesday and we are goin g to stay fo r another week. The flig h t was super!
It was m y fir s t tim e on the plane! A n d when we got here, we hired a car because we wanted to
tour the whole island.
Brad: It sounds great! W h o are you there w ith?
Susan: Just w ith m y parents. M y aunt and uncle wanted to come too, but they couldn’ t leave th eir jobs.
Brad: W e ll, tell me a bit about the island. W h a t’ s the w eather like?
Susan: I t ’ s sunny every day, so i t ’ s quite warm . I like it because I can go sw im m ing and sunbathe all day
long. A ctu a lly , it rarely rains here — nothing like England.
Brad: So, is you r hotel at the seaside resort?
Susan: N o, actually, i t ’s in the capital, Nicosia. I t ’ s a beau tifu l old hotel w ith a nice view o f the city.
Brad: H ow about the people?
Susan: Oh, th ey ’ re quite frie n d ly and hospitable and most o f them speak English. So, I don’ t have any
problems, even i f I go alone. But I ’ ve also made a fe w friends, and we go cycling together.
Brad: W h a t is there to eat on the island?
Susan: Brad! Y ou always think about food! W e ll, we have been to a couple o f traditional restaurants fo r
lunch where we had fish and vegetables. For dessert, we had oranges and fig s w ith honey. It was
v e ry nice.
Brad: That sounds delicious, but you know I p refer steaks.
Susan: I know. Enough about food!
Brad: O K, what are you doing tom orrow?
Susan: Tom orrow , we are goin g on a day cruise to a small island near Cyprus. I t ’ s fu ll o f mountains. I ’ ll
send you a postcard from there.
Brad: OK, have a nice tim e!
Susan: Thanks. See you next week! Bye!


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello ! Th is is the electron ic assistant o f the Club “ Our H obby” . W e k in d ly ask
you to take part in our su rvey. W e need to fin d out w hat teen agers think about h a vin g a hobby. Please
answer our six questions. Th e su rvey is anonym ous — you don ’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t ’ s g et
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you usually do in you r fre e tim e?
Electronic assistant: W h a t hobbies do you r friends and fa m ily members have?
Student: __________________________________________________
Electronic assistant: Do hobbies help or in terfe re w ith studying? W h a t’ s your opinion?
Electronic assistant: H ow much tim e do you spend on you r hobby?
Electronic assistant: Do you think that everyone should fin d tim e fo r a hobby? W h y?
Electronic assistant: W h a t hobby would you start i f you had more fre e tim e? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

Вариант 14
Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : M y dear, you should have breaks or yo u ’ ll spoil you r eyesight.
В: I can’ t stop, mum. The plot is so fascinating!
A : But you should have tim e fo r other things to do. Y ou can’ t always liv e the lives o f the b ook i;:
B: Maybe one day I ’ ll become a w riter. T h a t’ ll be real life fo r me.

Dialogue В
A : Could you help me w ith m y choice? I can’ t decide which instrum ent is better.
B: They are both first-ra te. But the one you are holding now can be used professionally.
A : R eally? I ’ve never thought about music as a profession. F or me i t ’ s a w onderfu l pastime.
B: Then pay attention to the instrum ent opposite you. I t ’ s o f good qu ality but a little b it cheaper...

Dialogue С
A : W h a t a w onderfu l p ortrait! W h o is this woman?
B: She is m y grandm other.
A : I especially like the so ft look o f her eyes. W h a t’ s the name o f the artist who painted you r granny"
В: I did it m yself.

Dialogue D
A : I t ’ s terrib ly hot. L e t ’ s go to the sw im m ing pool.
B: A ll righ t. I know that you are good at sw im m ing. W hen did you begin doing it?
A : I was fiv e or six when m y fa th er started teaching me.
B: W as you r fir s t lesson a success?
A : It was. Father called me a duckling and since that tim e sw im m ing has been m y hobby.

Задание 2
A . То tell the tru th I love shopping and I love clothes. I rarely go shopping w ith a particular thing in
mind. I buy w hatever I like and try to match it w ith som ething I have at home; i f I can’ t fin d anything to
match it w ith , I g et another excuse to go shopping again. I own clothes in various colours, so I almost
always have som ething to match.
B. It depends on m y mood and m y budget. G enerally, I shop when I need to. But I can be somewhat
im pulsive, buying som ething just because I rea lly like it. U sually later I can feel g u ilty fo r having spent the
money. N o, clothes-shopping fo r me is not a great experience... it can be fun, but I always have this sligh t
sense o f w anting to get through it as fast as I can.
C. M y shopping habits usually depend on w hether I go alone or w ith a frien d. I f I go alone then I tend to
look at what I want fo r as long as I want, I try on things, and sometimes I can leave a fortu n e at the shop. I f
I go w ith a frien d I make sure we go into stores that both o f us would en joy — I try not to try on clothes as
I don’ t want to make them w ait fo r me, and I watch out fo r m y spending lim it.
D. I love goin g shopping, but how much I buy and what I buy changes every tim e I go. Sometimes I ’ d buy
a lot o f clothes but other times I ’ d just buy a fe w black things. Somehow la tely m y wardrobe has been
g ettin g less and less colourful. It used to be fu ll o f b rig h t things but slow ly I ’ m buying more and more
black. I guess i t ’ s p a rtly because colou rfu l clothes can be hard to fin d at a low cost.
E. I almost always shop alone. I like to take m y tim e and I also hate when people encourage me to buy
things just because they fit . For me to buy som ething, I have to love the way it looks on me and I have to feel
good and com fortable in it. A lso, I never rea lly have a plan when shopping. I am an im pulsive buyer in the
w orst way, particu larly when it comes to shoes.

Задания 3 -8
Ian: H i, Kate. H ow are you g e ttin g on?
Kate: H ey, what are you doing here? I did n ’ t expect you until later.
Ian: W e ll, I ’ ve already finished everyth in g I had to do fo r school, so I thought I ’ dcome and help you.
I know you ’ve had a busy day w ith your party.
Kate: I ’ ve had an extrem ely busy day, and it hasn’ t finished yet. I ’ ve still got a lot to do before all the
rest come.
Ian: H ave you g ot everyth in g you need?
Kate: W e ll, I did the shopping yesterday evening, but I haven’ t bought juice and ice-cream.
Ian: O K, I ’ ll do that. A n y th in g else to buy?
Kate: L et me think... Oh, I ’ve quite fo rg o tten ... M ary is a llergic to some juices. Could you g et a bottle
o f m ineral w ater fo r her?
Ian: Yes, sure. K ate, w h at’ s the m atter w ith your CD-player?
Kate: Just think, m y little brother dropped it yesterday, so th a t’ s the end o f m y music. Y ou know, he is
sometimes a naughty d evil. A n d now I don’ t know what to do.
Ian: Y es, i t ’ s always the same story w ith little kids. D on’ t w orry, I ’ ll get m y own on the w ay from the
shop. Do w hatever else you have le ft to do.
Kate: So nice o f you. Then I ’ ll go back to cooking. Fortu nately m other has done some o f it. But I still
have two salads to make.
Ian: Maybe I could help you in anything else? The shopping w on’ t take much tim e.
Kate: W h en you ’ ve got back, can you lay the table? H e re ’ s the table cloth and knives and forks.
Ian: O K, I ’ ll be back in less than an hour.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Y ou th Club. W e kin dly ask you to
take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about having a summer job. Please
answer our six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t’ s get

Electronic assistant: W h en is you r birthday?

Student:________________ ___________________________________
Electronic assistant: W h a t’ s your fa v o rite season?
Electronic assistant: H ow do you usually spend you r summer tim e?
Electronic assistant: W h a t’ s your opinion on a cam ping holiday?
Electronic assistant: W h y aren’ t summer jobs v e ry popular among teens in you r country?
Electronic assistant: W h a t would you recommend you r frien ds do to practise th eir English in summer?
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you ve ry much fo r your tim e.

В а р иан т 15

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : Did you buy sausages?
В: N o, I want to buy them but I forgot.
A : So, there w ill be nothing fo r supper, I ’ m afraid.
B: But what about ice-cream, which I bought three days ago?
A : Let me see i f anything is le ft from it.
Dialogue В
A : W h a t strange noise! Is your son playing a new computer game?
B: N o, this tim e he’ s tid yin g his room. H e ’ s the only one who can operate our new appliance.
A : Oh, I see.
Dialogue С
A : The smell is delicious. Is it your famous apple pie?
B: Yes, it is. I t ’ ll be ready in fiv e minutes.
A : H ow long does it usually take you to bake it?
B: Tw enty fiv e minutes.
A : A n d what about the temperature?
B: It should be about 200 degrees.
Dialogue D
A : I ’ m cold. I ’ d like a cup o f hot tea or coffee.
B: I t ’ s a p ity I can’ t boil water. Something is w rong w ith our electric device.
A : Can you repair it?
B: I ’ ll try m y best.

Задание 2
A . I always take an extra key because I ’ m incredibly fo rg e tfu l and I often leave m y keys at home, and pul!
the door closed behind me w ith the keys still on the kitchen table. So, i f I take an extra key, I don’ t have to cal!
m y mum or disturb our neighbor, who also keeps one fo r us.
B. I never go anywhere w ithout a bar o f chocolate. I always have one in m y bag in case I get hungry. The
trouble, o f course, is that the more I think about this chocolate in my bag the more hungry I feel, so then I ea:
it. A n d a moment later I start to panic that I haven’ t got any more and I can hardly w ait fo r the break to rim
to the school canteen to buy another bar. A nd so it goes on.

C. I always take a notebook and a pen o f some kind or just a pencil. M y hobby is drawing and I need to have
something to draw w ith i f I see something interesting. Especially, I like to draw faces o f people I meet and
sometimes they get annoyed i f they see me look at them and then draw something in m y notebook. But I don’ t
care about it. I dream o f becoming an artist, and portraits attract me most o f all.
D. I always have a penkn ife w ith me, it makes me fe e l safe in any situ ation, though I have never used
it in any fig h t. A c tu a lly , i t ’ s a special penkn ife, it was m y fa th e r ’ s and i t ’ s g ot a lo v e ly handle. But i t ’ s
useful i f I need to cut som ething like an apple. A n d once I even used it to fre e a kitten tied to a tree by
E. O f course, teachers say we don’ t need mobile phones at school, and we are not allowed to use them in
class. But it makes me feel much happier to have it w ith me, because mum often calls me, especially a fter
classes, and checks where I am at the moment. A n d on m y w ay back from school I use it as a player. Tw enty
minutes o f music w hile walking home are enough to cheer m yself up a fter a school day.

Задания 3 -8
Max: H i, Susie. I ’ve heard you’ re going to Nepal w ith your parents. Lucky you are. W hen exactly are you
Susie: W e haven’ t decided yet. Mum can’t choose between the weather and low season.
Max: W h a t do you mean?
Susie: You see, i f we go there in A p ril, w e’ ll meet few er tourists because the main tourist season is in
summer. But i f we go in summer, say, in Augu st, w e’ ll have better weather.
Max: W e ll, i f I were you, I would prefer to avoid crowds o f tourists and go there out o f season. A re you
goin g to fly there?
Susie: I think so. I t ’ s really a long way from here. F lyin g w ill be much quicker.
Max: A s fo r m y fam ily, we prefer to d rive overland. Dad is an excellent driver and while tra vellin g by car
we can stop anywhere and see a lot o f interesting places.
Susie: Yes, but i t ’ s going to take weeks to get there by car, and m y parents haven’ t got the time. W e ’ d
rather rent a car when we get to the place.
Max: A re you goin g to stay in a hotel? It would be much cheaper to go camping.
Susie: Oh, I know your idea o f taking a tent everywhere and saving money in such a way.Mum and I are
not camping people, we need at least some com fort. Dad is goin g to book hotels in three places and
as fo r saving money, I hope w e’ ll be able to do it in a d iffe re n t way.
Max: Share your ideas.
Susie: It w ill be cheaper i f we take a guide book. That way w e’ ll avoid hiring a local guide.
Max: W e ll, th at’ s a good idea. By the way, I can help you somehow.
Susie: Really? In what way?
Max: You know that my uncle has travelled all around the world. Just last week I saw an excellent guide
book o f Nepal at his place. I don’ t think he’ ll refuse to lend it to you.
Susie: That would be great. I ’ ll have tim e to read up about the place before wre go there.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

E lectronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the A n im al L o v ers’ Club . W e kindly ask
you to take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about having a pet. Please answer
our six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s g et started.
E lectron ic assistant: W hat pets are popular among you r friends?
Electronic assistant: W h a t pet have you dreamed of?
E lectronic assistant: Has your dream come true?
S t u d e n t : ___________________________________

Electronic assistant: W h y do you think some parents are against any pets?
Electronic assistant: W h y can’ t a lot o f people live w ithou t pets?
Electronic assistant: W ou ld you recommend you r frien d adopt a stray dog or cat? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you ve ry much fo r your tim e.

Вариант 16

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A: W h y are you eating sandwiches all the time?
В: I don’t like to wash up.
A: But w e’ ve bought a special gadget to do it.
B: I ’ m too la zy to put all the plates and knives and fork s in it.
Dialogue В
A: W h a t’ s on I wonder?
В: I rea lly don’ t know. I ’ m not w atching.
A: I f nobody is w atching, w ill you turn it o ff, please?
B: A ll righ t.
Dialogue С
A: L e t ’ s have a w ine and cheese party tom orrow.
B: W h o shall we invite?
A: W h y not in v ite our neighbours? Then the noise w on ’ t m atter.
B: W h a t a clever idea! Shall we start rin g in g them now?
A: I ’ m not sure th ey ’ ll be glad to hear us at 12 p.m.
Dialogue D
A: I f you ’ re hungry, you can have some chicken soup.
В: I don’ t know how to cook it.
A: I t ’ s ready. Y o u ’ ll only have to heat it up.
B: H ow shall I do it.
A: I t ’ s easy. P u t the plate in, choose the tim e and press this button. W h en the bell rings, take the plate
B: OK. But w ill you do it fo r me fo r the fir s t tim e?

Задание 2
A . Reading a book and w atching television are both entertaining. A lth ou gh I prefer w atching televisior.
more than reading, sometimes i t ’ s good to have alternative to make m y life interesting and enjoyable.
Reading gives me a sense o f peace and relaxation, especially when I ’ m tired o f the loud and busy city around
me. W atch in g television wakes up m y emotions in another w ay and I love the acting, music and sceneries.
B. The advantage o f reading a book is that i t ’ s portable and can be enjoyed anywhere. I used to bring along
m y fa vo rite book anywhere I went just so I could read it when I ’ m free. W atch in g television is v e ry time
consuming w hile reading is not. It can take long hours, days or months to fin ish your fa vo rite television
series or you can just pick out the book series and fin ish reading it in just a short moment.
C. Reading books requires certain level o f your language knowledge in order to have fu ll understanding of
an event happening whereas watching television is a d iffe re n t m atter. You can easily interpret the incident
that is showing on the screen w ith the help o f m otion pictures, background music and sceneries. Unlike
reading a book, a person is required much less language knowledge to have a general idea o f the plot.

D. You can im prove and learn new languages through both reading and w atching television. N o m atter
what kind o f books you choose to read, it w ill help you in reducing gram m ar mistakes or enlarging your
vocabulary. On the other hand, watching T V can give you something you can’t get from reading books.
Accents and slangs can be picked up from T V programmes which w ill be useful when socializing w ith people
from d iffe re n t parts o f continents.
E. W henever I ’ m bored, m y in itial thought about what I ’m going to do is either to watch television or to
read a book. Both are enjoyable, but I still p refer w atching television. Reading requires concentration, silence
and a lot o f thinking while th ey’ re not much needed fo r watching movies or series and you can easily talk and
joke around with your friends or fam ilies while you ’ re watching a show, which is absolutely impossible while

Задания 3 -8
Paul: Ann, did you like your trip to the safari park?
Ann: That was lovely. I enjoyed it ve ry much. I t ’ s a p ity you didn’ t join us.
Paul: To tell the truth, I don’ t like places like zoos or safari parks. I think that animals should live in their
natural world: in the jungle, in the forest, in the sea.
Ann: I hate zoos too. Lions and tigers in the cages look so sad. But safari parks are d ifferen t. Anim als are
free to walk and w hat’ s more, they can follow their instincts. Males fig h t each other fo r the
attention o f the fem ale and the strongest win. The result is that cute baby animals are being born
throughout the season. Sometimes visitors are lucky enough to watch a birth in progress, and see as
the baby takes its fir s t steps!
Paul: Maybe you are righ t. But all the zoos must be closed and animals must be sent back to the wild!
Ann: No, you don’ t understand. Anim als that were born in zoos and lived there all their lives can’t live in
the wild. Do you remember the film we watched together? It was about two monkeys that were
returned to the jungle from the zoo. They had no chance and they died.
Paul: OK, you have won. People should build more safari parks. Anim als can run there, they feel free and
they are safe there. A nd the best thing is not to put animals in the zoos. But w ill people stop doing it?
Ann: I t ’ s a d iffic u lt question. S a fa ri parks occupy v e r y la rge te rrito rie s which humans som etim es
need fo r a gricu ltu ra l, in d u strial or p o litical reasons. I t ’ s easier fo r people to put animals into
cages on a sm aller te rrito ry . Then i t ’ s not so problem atic to check the anim als’ food, and make
sure th at th ey are healthy .... Oh! Look at this m agazine. Th ere are nice pictures o f a sa fa ri park
in A fr ic a . A n d there is an in teres tin g story.
Paul: L e t ’ s buy the m agazine. I ’ d like to know m ore about sa fa ri parks.


Task 2. You are goin g to take part in a telephone survey. Y ou have to answer six questions. G ive fu ll
answers to the questions. Rem em ber that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript fo r Task 2
Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the You th Club. W e kindly ask you to take
part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about their school life . Please answer our six
questions. The su rvey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t’ s g et started.
E lectronic assistant: W h a t do you think about your school tim etable?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
Electronic assistant: Do you often borrow books from your school library? Explain why.
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
Electronic assistant: W h a t sports fa cilities are there in your school?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
Electronic assistant: W h ere do you have you r meals?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
Electronic assistant: W h a t school events do you remember best o f all? W h y?

Electronic assistant: W h a t would you like to im prove in your school? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your time.

Вариант 17

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : H ello! Can you help me?
В: I ’ ll do m y best. W h a t’ s the m atter?
A : I ’ve just fin ished m y shopping in that large supermarket round the corner. W hen I was goin g to pay
fo r m y purchase, I found out that m y w allet had disappeared.
B: H ow did they let you come here w ithout paying the money?
A : I was lucky to have some cash in my eyeglasses case.
B: Maybe you ’ ll fin d you r w allet at home?
Dialogue В
A : The w ater today is a bit ch illy, isn ’ t it?
B: R ig h t, but i t ’ ll be warm er by 10 o ’ clock.
A : W h y are you so sure about it?
B: I ’ ve been sw im m ing in this bay fo r ten years since we m oved here. By the way, i t ’ s the most
com fortable place in th irty miles. The w ater isn’ t deep and the bottom is sandy.
A : A n d the rocks cover everyw h ere and everyth in g from the wind.
B: Sure.
Dialogue С
A : Look at the couple in the m iddle o f the hall, our host’ s cousins. They are p erfect dancers.
B: I ’ ve noticed that they are gracious and feel the music v e ry w ell. I ’ ve always wanted to dance like
A : W e can take some dancing lessons fro m them la te r on. B y the w ay, w ould you lik e to have
a drink?
B: I ’ d rather have some fish sandwiches.
A : OK. I ’ ll fetch som ething tasty in a m inute.
Dialogue D
A : I t ’ s hom ely here, isn ’ t it? A n d i t ’ s such a popular place!
B: It is, but I don’ t really like the smell o f our seafood.
A : W e ll, I don’ t really like the taste.
B: Don’ t you? W h y not?
A : I think i t ’ s terrible.
B: It cost a fortu ne. W e ought to eat it.

Задание 2
A . Y ou r school u niform should make you feel good about you rself and should be stylish. You can shorten
the length o f your skirt, keeping it above the knee. This w ill show your legs and nothing looks better than a
short and a w ell-fittin g skirt. Sim ilarly, you can also shorten your sleeves, i f they are too long or just fold
them, it w ill look smart. A nother style you can experim ent w ith is by combining a w ell-fittin g skirt with
a baggy shirt (not ve ry baggy). It looks pretty cool.
B. Accessorize w ith a smart tie or a scarf or a jacket on your uniform . Y ou can wear a scarf in so many
d ifferen t ways; you can tie a scarf around your neck — like a tie, you can also tie it sideways on your neck.
You can wear a tie and experim ent w ith hair bands too.
C. H a vin g a beautiful skin is the most attractive thing on a person. H ealthy and fresh skin w ith some
makeup or even w ithout it w ill make you look pretty. Take care o f your skin and don’t experim ent with
harm ful products to look nice. Keep it simple by drinking lots o f water, eating healthy food and m aintaining
good hygiene.

D. Y ou r hair takes almost 50% o f the credit in contributing to your prettiness. There is so much you can
do w ith your hair, so many school hairstyles you can try. Y ou can tie a high ponytail, a side ponytail or leave
them open w ith a pretty hair-band. Keep your hair in a good condition w ithout using harm ful products on
your hair. Trim them and style them by straightening them or curling them.
E. I f there are no restrictions w ith the kind o f footw ear you should wear, there are so many options fo r you
to experim ent w ith. T ry tennis shoes or ballet flats or some m atching form al trendy shoes that don’ t have
high heels. H igh heels are not recommended as they are unsuitable fo r the activities you do in school. They
can be uncom fortable fo r fast w alking or running.

Задания 3 -8
Tom: Jane, did you make all this food yourself? It looks wonderful! Such a great va riety o f delicious
Jane: N o t at all, Tom . O f course, I ’ m pleased that you think h igh ly o f m y cooking skills but I was
sim ply responsible fo r the music and settin g the table. A n d I also asked everybody to brin g
som ething. K ate brou ght this pizza. She made it herself. B y the way, thank you fo r b rin g in g the
Tom: I t ’ s OK, I was glad to help. A nd who made this chocolate cake, the one behind the sandwiches?
Jane: Julia brought it. She said her m other made it. It looks tasty w ith this icing top, doesn’ t it?
Tom: Oh, yes, I can’t wait to eat a piece o f it. I like sweet things especially when they look so appetizing...
I saw M ark in the sittin g room. Did he bring anything?
Jane: I asked him to bring biscuits or fru its. He brought bananas and oranges.
Tom: I suppose Jack brought that salad, didn’ t he? I f I ’ m not mistaken, he is always experim enting w ith
his fa vo rite ingredients. Y ou know how crazy he is about shrimps and all kinds o f sea delicacies.
Jane: Yes, but A n n w ill bring another salad, meat or chicken, I ’ m not sure.
Tom: A n d what about Sally?
Jane: I asked her to bring anything she wanted, nothing special. So she brought this big box o f chocolates.
Mark helped her to choose it.
Tom: W hen are we going to start? I ’ m so hungry. Can I have a sandwich?


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the School Club. W e kindly ask you to take
part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about you r school studies. Please answer our
six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s get started.
Electronic assistant: H ow long is your school day?
Electronic assistant: Do you sometimes miss any classes? W h y?
Electronic assistant: W h ich school subjects do you fin d the most im portant? W h y?
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you like to do at you r English lessons?
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you do to deepen/develop your knowledge o f English?
Electronic assistant: W ou ld you advise you r frien d to take online English courses or to attend extra
classes? W h y?
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your time.

Вариант 18

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : Get out o f the car. Y ou have just driven through a red tr a ffic ligh t. W h a t reason or excuse can you
B: M y frien d has a terrib le stomachache. I have to take him to hospital as fast as possible.
A : I understand. Show me you r d riv in g license.
В: I was in a hurry. I fo rg o t it at home.
A : Then I ’ ll have to d rive you to the police station.
B: H ow about m y friend? Look! H e ’ s in pain.
A : I ’ ll call an ambulance fo r him.
Dialogue В
A: So, you shouldn’ t drink or eat fo r tw o hours.
B: A ll rig h t, but what should I do i f I feel pain again?
A: H ere is a prescription. Take no more than tw o o f these tablets per day.
B: W h en can I start brushing m y teeth?
A: Tom orrow . A n d, please, change your toothpaste and buy a new soft toothbrush.
B: Oh, yes... I see.
Dialogue С
A: I t ’ s so hot in the street. Lots o f t r a ffic jam s... I ’ m so tired.
B: Sit down in your fa v o rite arm chair. A n d I ’ ll make you some tea.
A: Let it be ice tea w ith lemon.
B: Ok. A n d what would you like fo r supper?
A: N oth in g special. Besides, we have cold meat in the frid ge .
B: Then I ’ ll cut some vegetables fo r salad.
A: That w ill be fin e.
Dialogue D
A: I ’ ve never been here before. W h a t a nice place!
В: I often come here. The kitchen is simple but tasty.
A: I see. W h a t would you recommend then?
B: T r y g rille d fish. I t ’ s v e ry tender.
A: A n d what would you eat?
B: I ’ m not hungry, so I ’ ll take a small shrim p salad.
A: I ’ ll take one, too.

Задание 2
A . I am really not a sporty person. I have never enjoyed playing, watching or even reading about sports.
A t school, physical education is my least favou rite subject and I always try to invent an excuse to avoid it.
Nevertheless, I am aware that exercise is ve ry im portant. I have always liked w alking, fo r example, and I
sometimes go out fo r a bike ride w ith friends. For me, sport is not so im portant — what is im portant is doing
some exercise and keeping fit.
B. Last w in ter I decided to join a gym . One o f my friends also joined up and so we started goin g together
once a week. Then we decided to try a fe w more classes and we now go about fo u r times per week. N o t only
are these classes good fo r m y fitness level, but I have found that often they g iv e me a reason to get outside
o f the house. I always leave the classes fe elin g happy, w orked and m otivated which I think is a great
feelin g. So, i f you ’ re fe elin g a little unhealthy, lazy, bored or a b it sad, I would d e fin itely recommend
try in g a fitness class!
C. E very tim e before the football match I start feelin g extrem ely nervous. So I decided to work out a
strategy to fig h t this. Th at’ s m y advice to everybody having the same problem. H ave a good breakfast, listen
to your favou rite music and focus on things that have gone w ell in training. Be positive. Once you are in the

righ t mood it is im portant to focus on the warm up. I think the warm up is the perfect tim e to concentrate on
the game ahead. N ever panic. W e are all individuals and have d ifferen t ways to combat the nerves. Just work
out which technique helps you the most.
D. I love running because, although it is much slower than cycling, it allows you to really see everyth ing
around you. I ’ m not a ve ry fast runner, but I always make sure I enjoy every run I go on! A nd what is more,
I have made so many friends through running. Sometimes I take part in running races organized fo r charity!
It helps me w ith m y training because it m otivates me — especially in w inter, when it is cold and dark, I don’ t
always want to go out fo r a run, but knowing that I am supporting a good cause always helps me.
E. I ’ ve been running fo r as long as I can remember, as both o f my parents run, and they encouraged me to
join them from an early age. I started by doing short jogs around the area I live in, just a ten minute run or
something like that. Then I became more confident and tried to increase either the distance I was covering or
the speed at which I was doing it. N ow I enjoy running every m orning before my studies, and it gives me the
energy, necessary fo r the day.

Задания 3 -8
Nancy: Hello, Bob. Come in.
Bob: H i, Nancy. You r house looks quite d iffe re n t from what I saw last time.
Nancy: Yes, I ’ ve redecorated practically all the rooms. To tell the truth, I ’ve tried to give them a warm
and cozy feel and used richer and warm er paint colors. Do you like the hall? You know, pink is my
fa vo rite color.
Bob: A s fa r as I remember, last tim e it was orange. This color seemed to be too w ild and energetic fo r
me. Y ou r pink hall looks much better now though I prefer bluish colors. They have a nice airy feel.
Nancy: I decided to use blue fo r m y liv in g room. I t ’ s the southern side and when i t ’ s hot in summer, the
room seems a bit cooler.
Bob: You have prepared fo r designing work, haven’t you? Y ou know exactly what effe ct you ’ d like each
room to have. Did you read magazines? Or maybe you attended designing courses?
Nancy: In fact I didn’ t need to. M y aunt is a designer, so she helped me a lot. I follow ed everyth in g she
told me.
Bob: Have you painted upstairs?
Nancy: Y es, m y bedroom fu rn itu re is pink, so I used purple fo r the walls. I also listened to m y au nt’ s
recom m endation and hung a m irro r on the w all opposite the w indow . N ow it can re fle c t lig h t
into the space. B y the way, the bathroom was the same orange color as the hall. This tim e I
chose w h ite to make it look la rger.
Bob: W e ll, I think you’ve worked really hard. W h a t about the kitchen?
Nancy: I ’ve got a new wooden flo o r there, so I chose a ve ry ligh t brown fo r the walls.
Bob: It really makes it stylish.
Nancy: I ’ m glad you appreciated m y efforts.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: Hello! This is the electronic assistant o f the School Club. W e kindly ask you to take
part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about having exams. Please answer our six
questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t ’ s g et started.
Electronic assistant: How many exams are you goin g to take at the end o f the ninth grade?
Electronic assistant: In what w ay are the chosen exams useful to you?
Electronic assistant: W h a t or who has influenced you r choice?
Student: _____

Electronic assistant: Is it easier fo r you to take oral or w ritten exams? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: W h a t is in your opinion the most d iffic u lt aspect o f the English exam?
Electronic assistant: W h a t would you advise you r classmates to do to pass th eir exams successfully?
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r you r tim e.

Вариант 19

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A: The ta x i has a rrived, but I still can’ t collect m y suitcase fro m the baggage reclaim . Can you help me?
B: O f course. There are lots o f suitcases which look v e r y much alike. Did you mark you r suitcase?
A: Sure. I w rote down m y address and phone number and I tied up a blue ribbon on the handle.
B: W h a t about that b ig brown suitcase behind a huge green one?
A: Let me have a look... Hurrah! I t ’ s mine.
B: L e t ’ s hu rry up then. The ta x i is allowed to w ait outside fo r only tw en ty minutes.
Dialogue В
A: Excuse me, how can I g et to Red Square?
B: I t ’ s fiv e bus stops from here. You can also take an underground.
A: I understand. I ’ d better go there by bus. W h ich bus numbers go there?
B: I f I ’ m not mistaken, numbers 8, 12 and 15.
A: Sorry, and where do they stop?
B: On the opposite side, 150 m eters before the tr a ffic lights.
A: Thanks a lot.
Dialogue С
A: A r e you en joying the view ?
B: Oh, yes. The ocean is m agnificent. I t ’ s the fir s t tim e I ’ve seen it.
A: I understand. W h a t do you feel, I wonder?
B: I ’ d like to fly like a seagull over the water.
A: A n d I ’ m a little bit scared away by the forces o f nature.
B: Y ou should be. R ig h t now the w ind is sweeping you r tow el and hat into the ocean.
A: L e t ’ s tr y to catch them!
Dialogue D
A: H ello! W h a t can I do fo r you?
B: I ’ d like a pair o f sunglasses. I t ’ s too b rig h t outside.
A: I can show you v e ry stylish plastic ones.
В: I p refer a pair made o f glass.
A: T h ey ’ ll be more expensive.
B: I t ’ s OK. For m y eyesight they are better. Can I try them on?
A: O f course. The m irro r is behind you.

Задание 2
A. P la yin g a musical instrument is a great hobby to have. I started playing the piano when I was fiv e years
old and still really enjoy it now: i t ’ s a perfect w ay to relax and cheers me up when I ’ m fe elin g down. W hen
I was younger I had piano lessons every week. H ow ever, now I have too little tim e to practise regu larly and
can just play from tim e to time.
С. I wanted to play the piano so much that I spent all the money I got fo r m y last birthday on a brand new
electric piano. It was quite d iffic u lt gettin g it from the music shop to m y house: I had to take a frien d w ith me
to get it into a ta xi and then carry it to the door. I am ve ry glad I bought it. N ow I can play whenever I want,

using headphones not to disturb my fam ily. W hen I am studying or w ritin g an essay, I usually take a break to
play something energetically. It really helps me!
C. I lo v e listen in g to m usic and tr y to do it as much as I can. W h e th e r I ’ m rid in g m y bike or w a lk in g
som ew here I always have a CD or m y iP o d p la y in g because I fe e l m usic can g r e a tly in flu e n ce m y mood.
I can listen to music to cheer up or rela x or recall a certa in tim e and a certa in place w here I last listen ed
to th at song.
D. Listening to songs in a fo reign language is a great way to learn vocabulary — just fin d the words online
and use a dictionary fo r anything you don’t know. Or just have songs playing w hile you do your homework.
I always try to choose songs which are easy to understand and can be found on Youtube, but which have also
brilliant music!
E. W hen my friend was younger, he was sure that piano lessons were ruining his day. C arrying a flu te
from class to class just fo r a half-hour lesson seemed to me absolutely pointless. But as we came nearer to the
adult world, suddenly we realised that knowing how to play an instrument was pretty cool. Yes, even the
flu te. So, we decided to start a band at our school w ith two more o f our classmates who played the guitar and
the drum. It was a great experience because it taught us to be creative.

Задания 3 -8
Diana: Oh, Dad, today w e’ve had a talk about our fu ture jobs at school. Everybody seems to know what
they are going to be in the future.
Father: Do they really, Diana? I t ’ s still a long way fo r you and everybody can easily change their mind.
W h a t do they say?
Diana: W e ll, John is only interested in sport. He knows that he is going to play football fo r a top team.
Father: I doubt that being fond o f sport is enough fo r that. A nd what about the others?
Diana: M a ry’ s father is a doctor and a year ago she was sure she would follow his steps. N ow she is crazy
o f becoming a film star. O f course, she is pretty but she can’ t act at all.
Father: And Tom — does he want to be a teacher like his elder brother?
Diana: Tom ’ s really good at drawing and painting, but he doesn’ t want to be an art teacher. He wants to
be a real artist.
Father: W h a t about your best frien d Mary?
Diana: She is taking fly in g lessons because she wants to fly planes round the world fo r a big airline.
Father: Th at’ s a surprise! Doesn’ t David want to be a pilot?
Diana: No, he wants to be a psychologist.
Father: Does he really? So does anybody want to be a journalist like me?
Diana: Dad, you fo rg e t about me. Last week I w rote an article fo r the school newspaper. Everybody says
it was a success.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the C ity L ibrary. W e kin dly ask you to
take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about reading books. Please answer our
six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t ’ s g et started.
Electronic assistant: Do you like or dislike reading books?
Electronic assistant: W h o or what helps you choose books fo r reading?
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you read books for?
Student: ___________________________________________________
Electronic assistant: W h a t kind o f books do you p re fer reading?
Student: __________________________

Electronic assistant: W h y do many people p refer e-books to paper books?

Electronic assistant: W h a t do you think w ill happen to printed books in fu ture? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r you r time.

Вариант 20

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A: Excuse me, I ’ d like to have m y room key.
B: W h a t’ s you r room number?
A: I t ’ s 352.
B: L et me have a look... Sorry, but you haven’ t le ft the key.
A: Oh, I fo rg o t... I t ’ s in m y handbag.
B: N e x t tim e I advise you not to take it when you go out. By the way, here is the copy o f you r passport.
Y ou should have it on you.
Dialogue В
A: Excuse me, where is the w ater cooler? M y fitness coach told me to drink before and a fter training.
B: I t ’ s just round the corner. The shower stalls and sauna are also there.
A: I understand. A n d massage? Can I have it?
B: I t ’ s fo r extra money, but the massage therapists are v e ry sk illfu l here.
A: Sorry, and where can I fin d their tim etable?
B: A t the reception desk.
A: Thanks a lot.
Dialogue С
A : Good afternoon. Y ou are M r. Brown, aren’ t? W h a t can I do fo r you?
B: I ’ve slept in the sun and now I ’ve g ot a high tem perature and m y skin is peeling all over m y face and
A : L et me have a lo o k ...Y o u ’ ve got terrib le sunburn.
B: I t ’ s v e ry painful. Can you g iv e me anything to make it go away faster?
A : I ’ m a fraid not, but I can g iv e you a prescription fo r some ointm ent.
B: H ow often should I put it on?
A : Tw ice a day fo r three days. A n d don’ t lie in the sun any more.
Dialogue D
A: H ello! Do you often come here?
B: Yes, p ractically every day. I t ’ s the best beach.
A: W h y do you think so?
В: I p refer sandy beaches to shingle beaches. A n d besides there are lots o f in terestin g things a fter the
storm : corals, seashells....
A : W h a t do you do w ith them?
В: I collect the most beau tifu l ones and decorate fram es w ith them.

Задание 2
A . I grew up a nice Catholic g irl in a small southern town in Georgia. I wanted to be a vet, because we had
lots o f animals at home. I wasn’ t the most popular g irl, though I dated a lot and had many friends. The boys
I liked best were athletes. I wasn’ t a beauty, but I became a fin alist in our school’s beauty contest, which was
a big th rill. I also fe lt restless and three days a fter graduation I m oved to N ew Y o rk to learn how to act and
become an actress.
B. I ’ d never want to go back to high school. N o t in a m illion o f years! W hen I was sixteen m y mother
rem arried and we lived in New Jersey. I worked in an ice-cream store and dated in an old car I bought fo r fif t y
dollars. I never planned to go to college because I never studied well and we didn’ t have a lot o f money.

C. I was a tall, skinny kid who wore thick glasses and had no sense o f m yself as a fem ale. W hen I was
fourteen one boy said that he would teach me to kiss and he did. I was nanve, but I was always a great student.
W hen I was fifte e n and in the eleventh grade, I was goin g to high school half a day and a nearby college the
other half.
D. I wanted to be a biker. I was dream ing about motorcycles, leather jackets, knives, violence. Maybe
because that was so d iffe re n t from m y real life . Ours was a normal, middle-class provincial fa m ily w ith fiv e
kids. A n d we were all musical. I could play the guitar, piano, banjo and drums. To earn some pocket money,
I played the trum pet in a dance band at weddings and bars. A t school I usually perform ed, too, but I didn’ t
like studying, just read a lot.
E. I ’ m quite uncertain about m y school years. W e moved from town to town together w ith m y father.
B efore I was fifte en , I ’ d never attended the same school fo r more than six month. W hen you change schools a
lot you don’ t have a clear idea, who you are or what you like. A t one school I was popular, at another I wasn’ t.
M y last school was in Los Angeles, a fter m y mother divorced m y father.

Задания 3 -8
Dan: H i, John. H ave you got a minute? H ere are the photos o f m y safari trip to A fr ic a last month.
John: Dan, let me have a look. Oh, a fa m ily o f elephants! H ow did you manage to g et so close to them? It
may sim ply be too dangerous to be w alking around elephants, lions, tigers, and bears or other
possibly deadly animals. It can also be dangerous to the animals to interact w ith humans in a close
way. I prefer to keep a safe distance.
Dan: Yes, I see your point. I know that all these animals and especially elephants can be dangerous, fo r
example in case they g et frightened. So, some safari trips are done m ostly by m otor transport.
W atch in g animals from the security o f a car allows people to come more closely to the animals. I t ’ s
less risky to both animals and humans. I didn’ t use any cars but I wasn’ t alone and the guide said it
was OK. In fact I wasn’ t too close. I just have a great camera.
John: Is a good camera really all you need? I have a v e ry expensive camera, but m y photos aren’ t nearly as
good as yours. I think you should consider taking photos professionally.
Dan: I t ’ s really m y dream to make a liv in g taking photos fo r w ild life magazines. Surprisingly my
parents are v e ry encouraging. They want me to do it. Besides, tra vellin g is just fo r me. I want to see
the w orld and get some life experience.
John: A n d what about underwater photos? Last summer I tried to take a few photos o f tropical fish while
scuba diving. But I need to take a course to learn how to do it really well.
Dan: I tried underwater photography once, and the results w ere disappointing. Y ou know what? I ’ ll
check what kind o f photo courses they have at the college. I ’ ll call you i f there is anything on
underwater photography.
John: Thanks a lot. Y o u ’ re ve ry helpful.
Dan: W e ll, such a course could be v e ry useful fo r me as well. Y ou can’ t even im agine how many things in
underwater technique are d iffe re n t from what I ’ve already learnt about photography. So, it would
be great i f we could attend the course together.
John: That would be really fine!


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Fitness Club . W e kin dly ask you to
take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out w hat teenagers think about keeping fit . Please answer our six
questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t ’ s g et started.
Electronic assistant: How much tim e do you spend in the open air?
Electronic assistant: W h a t sports do you do at the weekends?

Electronic assistant: Do you consider you r PE classes useful fo r health? W h y?

Electronic assistant: W h a t do you p re fer to do during you r study breaks?
Electronic assistant: W h a t traditions o f keeping f i t does you r fa m ily support?
Electronic assistant: W h a t would you like to change in you r daily life to keep healthy?
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r you r tim e.

Вариант 21

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A: L e t ’ s have a quiet evenin g together.
В: A r e n ’ t we goin g out?
A: To tell the tru th, I ’ m v e r y tired.
B: O K, we can listen to music then. I ’ ve bought a new CD.
A: Do we have any ice cream left?
B: I ’ ll look fo r it in the frid g e . I t ’ ll be delicious w ith straw berries.
Dialogue В
A: Excuse me, do you fe el com fortable?
B: Rather. But I ’ d p refer to sit at the window. I like to watch the flo a tin g clouds.
A: I understand. A n d I p ity I haven’ t asked fo r an aisle seat. There is no space fo r m y long legs.
B: W e can change our seats i f you want.
A: I t ’ ll be great re lie f fo r me. Thanks.
B: N o t at all.
Dialogue С
A: So, w e’ ve decided on the hotel. A n d what kind o f room would you like to reserve?
B: I ’ d like a single room.
A: W ith a sea vie w or garden view ?
B: I t doesn’ t m atter much fo r me, but it should be quiet.
A: One more question then. Do you want a room w ith a shower or w ith a bath?
B: W ith a bath...
Dialogue D
A: D on’ t be so nervous.
В: I can’ t stay calm. Someone has blocked the exit. I ’ ll be late fo r work.
A: L et me see... D rivers usually leave th eir telephone numbers somewhere.
B: Y ou are righ t. I t ’ s here, on the car window.
A: I ’ ll phone.
B: Do it please. I ’ m so much irrita te d that m y hands are shaking...

Задание 2
A . The N ew Y ea r holiday is ve ry popular, especially w ith children. In every house there is a f i r tree which
is often called Christmas tree. The presents are supposed to be sent by Father Frost (Santa Claus) and his
helper Snow Maiden. A ll relatives usually gather together to see the N ew Y ea r in. S ittin g round a festive
table, they address N ew Y e a r’ s greetings and good wishes to one another and they raise their wine glasses
filled w ith sparkling champagne.
B. The Russian Christmas is celebrated on the seventh o f January. The holiday is connected w ith the
w onderful birth o f Jesus Christ as it is described in the H oly Bible. On that day, about 2,000 years ago, Jesus

Christ was born in Bethlehem. W ise man from the East came to worship him. They gave the Child present —
gold, frankincense and m yrrh. T h at’ s w hy people nowadays try to please their relatives and friends g ivin g
them Christmas presents.
C. This is the day o f paying tribute to women. On the eighth o f March men give women flow ers and
presents. They try as much as they can to do all the domestic work around the house and in the kitchen. In
some countries this day is called M other’ s Day and is celebrated in spring.
D. Easter is held on the fir s t Sunday a fter the date o f the firs t fu ll moon that occurs on or a fter March 21.
The H oly Bible describes Jesus C hrist’s resurrection. It says that there was a great earthciuake. The angel
descended and rolled back the stone from the door o f the tomb and sat on it. A nd he said that Jesus Christ was
not there fo r he had risen. Nowadays people greet each other on the Easter Day by the words ‘ Christ is risen!’
and the answer is ‘ He is risen indeed’ .
E. Yum orina is A p ril Fools’ Day. It takes place on the fir s t o f A p ril. On this day you can meet someone
who w ill try to pull your leg. Even i f he pools you, you aren’t showing signs o f bad temper. Otherwise people
w ill suspect you o f the worst possible sin — a lack o f humour.

Задания 3 -8
Pam: Mum, I ’ m going out tonight. M ay I put on your jacket?
Mother: OK. I t ’ s in the wardrobe.
Pam: Thanks... It looks great w ith this skirt.
Mother: Pam, th at’ s my new jacket! I thought you meant m y black jacket.
Pam: Mum, please, let me take it. Y ou know I like blue color. I promise, I ’ ll be careful.
Mother: N o, Pam, I haven’ t worn it yet. Please, take it o ff. Y ou can borrow it later, a fter I ’ve worn it
a few times. Oh, w ait a minute. W h ere did you take this g rey skirt?
Pam: But I ’ve never seen you wear it, so I thought I could...
Mother: W e ll, i t ’ s my best one, so I put it on only i f I go somewhere on ve ry special occasions.
Pam: Mum, I have such a special date tonight. But I ’ve got practically nothing to wear. I haven’ t
bought any new clothes fo r ages.
Mother: But you were planning to go shopping w ith A nn last weekend. A s fa r as I remember, dad gave you
some money fo r that occasion.
Pam: Yes, indeed... You see, she couldn’ t because both her parents were w orking and she had to look
a fter her sick little brother. A n d you know, I ’ m always at a loss when I go shopping alone.
Mother: W e ll, have you got a couple o f hours le ft before you go out?
Pam: N ot a couple, even three hours.
Mother: Then w ait a minute. I ’ ll send a few e-mails and w e’ ll go together. Y esterday I saw a nice dress on
my way home. I think it w ill fit you perfectly.
Pam: Oh, you ’ re the best mum in the world!


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the International Club. W e kin dly ask you
to take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about holidays. Please answer our six
questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s g et started.
Electronic assistant: W h a t are the most popular public holidays in your country?
Electronic assistant: W h a t is your fa v o rite holiday? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: How do you usually celebrate your fa v o rite holiday?
Electronic assistant: Do you p refer to g iv e or to get presents? W h y?
S tu d e n t:

Electronic assistant: W h a t fa m ily traditions would you like to keep?

Electronic assistant: W h a t would you lik e to change in celebrating you r fa v o rite holiday? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

Вариант 22

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A: So, tell me w hat w orries you?
B: Y ou see, no one seems to enjoy looking at fa t girls.
A: H ave you tried any diets?
B: Sure, but w hy do all these special foods have to taste so aw ful?
A: Because th ey have to include a lot o f vitam ins.
B: Can you recommend anything else?
A: O f course. M y advice is simple: ‘ Eat normal food but eat less’ .
Dialogue В
A: N ow w e’ ll see i f you need this course or not.
B: W h a t are we goin g to do?
A: Y ou should answer some test questions and then w e’ ll analyze you r results... A r e you ready?
B: O K, what are your questions?
A: Do you speak w ith you r mouth fu ll o f food? Do you fo rg e t to cover you r mouth when you sneeze?
B: Ahchoo!
Dialogue С
A: H ello, dear. H ow was you r day at school?
B: It was fin e but it seemed to be ve ry long.
A: H ow many lessons did you have?
B: Six. A nd I had to stay a fter classes to solve some problems with Maths. Besides I had no tim e fo r dinner.
A: Y o u r fa v o rite mushroom soup is ready. W ash you r hands and sit down at the table. I ’ ll roast some
meat fo r you.
B: Thank you, mum...
Dialogue D
A: I t ’ s the last in terva l, isn ’ t it?
B: Y es, and th ey are goin g to change the scenes once again.
A: A ll the decorations are w onderfu l, aren’ t they?
B: A bsolu tely. But I can’ t say the same about the perform ance o f some actors.
A: I agree. Sometimes their acting seems so unnatural.
B: A s w ell as th eir dancing. It lacks em otions...

Задание 2
A . In fact I spend every summer at m y G ranny’ s and I ’ m never bored. You see, I ’ve got so many friend-
there. But this tim e it turned out to be quite d ifferen t. One o f m y friends g ot a new motorbike from his
father. W e were absolutely crazy try in g to impress each other w ith all kinds o f tricks. So... I suppose I was
lucky to get just a broken leg. I hit that tree pretty hard. W e ll, that was the end o f m y summer.
B. W e go there every year. U sually mid — to late July but sometimes earlier i f we can manage it. The
house has been in the fa m ily fo r generations. Dad’s parents actually used to live there all year round. The bes:
th in g is the garden. The trees are old and they look so mysterious when i t ’ s gettin g dark. M y brother and I like
playing there w ith our friends.
C. W e never go away later than June. E veryth ing is so crowded in July and Augu st and i t ’ s too hot. W h :
wants to be on a beach w ith several hundred other people when you can arrange it a b it earlier and have i:

practically to yourself? A n d I don’ t mind staying the rest o f summer in the city. There is a lot to do, besides
this summer I got a part tim e job. I like feelin g a grown-up person.
D. M y elder brother is w orking there actually, so my parents decided to take a chance and send me there fo r
summer. A nd I don’t regret. In fact I enjoyed every minute o f it because it was fantastic. Thailand is one o f the
best places that I have ever seen. Food, people and sights are fantastic. U nfortunately, my brother didn’ t have
much tim e to spend w ith me, but his colleagues’ children helped a lot. So, now I ’ ve got new friends.
E. W h a t’ s my idea o f summer holidays? To tell the truth, I ’ve never thought about it. M y comp is m y best
frien d and I always have it handy. Chatting and playing on-line takes most o f m y tim e. A n d i f i t ’ s ve ry hot,
there is a frid g e nearby with cans o f Cola and Sprite and a box fu ll o f ice-creams. Thanks to Mum...

Задания 3 -8
Tom: L iz, you don’ t look too happy. W h a t’ s the problem?
Liz: I ’ve got to w rite a composition fo r my English class, and I just can’t come up w ith any ideas.
Tom: H ow much tim e have you got left?
Liz: T h at’ s the problem. I t ’ s due tom orrow. In fact we were given tw o weeks fo r this work, but I couldn’ t
make m yself sit down to it.
Tom: That shouldn’ t be too d ifficu lt. Do you remember the pictures you showed me last week? The ones
from your cruise last winter.
Liz: Sure. I ’ve got them here someplace.
Tom: W h y don’t you w rite about your impressions o f the pyramids and the camel ride you took?
L iz: That sounds like a good idea. I can also w rite about our vis it to N orth A fric a , the H oly Land, and all
the historical, biblical places we visited.
Tom: W e ll, now that you’ re feelin g better about this, I think I ’ ll be on m y way. I ’ve got to fin ish my
composition too.
L iz: Thanks fo r your help. Once I get organized, it w on’t be so d ifficu lt. By the way, what are you
w ritin g about?
Tom: I t ’ s about m y firs t experience in skydiving, my emotions and feelings. In fact I ’ve almost finished
it. I need to make a fin al touch.
L iz: Happy you are. I hope I ’ ll do m y work too.
Tom: Remember to call me when you finish. W e can discuss some plans fo r the weekend.
Liz: OK, I think w e’ ll need a good rest a fter a day o f hard work.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: Hello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Fun Club. W e kindly ask you to take part
in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about the ways o f celebrating holidays. Please answer
our six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’t have to give your name. So, le t’ s get started.
Electronic assistant: W h a t’ s you r fa vo u rite season?
Electronic assistant: W h ere do you usually spend your summer holidays? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: How often do you and your fa m ily travel?
Electronic assistant: Do you like or dislike tra vellin g? W h y?
Electronic assistant: How do you think tra ve llin g influences your life and studies?
Electronic assistant: W h a t place in your country would you like to v is it again and again? W h y?
E le c tr o n ic assistant: Th is is the end o f the s u rv ey. T h a n k you v e r y much f o r y o u r tim e.

В а р иан т 23

Задание 1
D ialogue А
A: M ay I go out?
В: Y es, you may but you should leave you r mobile phone.
A: W h y should I? I can’ t liv e w ithout it.
В: I understand, but w ith it you fo rg e t where you are. F ifteen minutes ago we heard you r cries from the
corridor. Som ething about your score in a Star W a r game.
A : I wanted everyone to know about m y records.
B: So, you ’ve achieved your aim. W e all know.
Dialogue В
A: W h a t’ s the score?
B: I t ’ s three to one.
A: W h ich team do you support?
B: O f course our school team. They are in red and w hite uniform .
A: H ow often do they play here?
B: Such im portant com petitions are organized fou r tim es a year. But our team trains almost every day
a fte r school.
D ialogue С
A: I ’ m sure w e’ve got lost.
B: D on’ t w orry. I know that our house is in the north-west.
A: A n d where is the north-west? You fo rg o t to take you r compass.
B: W e ’ ll fin d a b ig tree and see on what side o f it the moss is.
A: A n d I rem em ber som ething about the sun. Should it shine in m y rig h t or le ft eye?
B: It depends... Can you hear the dogs’ barking? Perhaps someone is looking fo r us?
D ialogue D
A: L et me help you.
B: I t ’ ll be fin e. The basket is v e ry heavy.
A: I t ’ s so pleasant to collect apples. They smell delicious.
B: A n d they are tasty. Help you rself.
A: N ice. Y o u r apples are sweet and ju icy. They are the tastiest I ’ ve ever tried.
B: N oth in g can be compared w ith fr u it grow n w ith you r own hands...

Задание 2
A . On most downtown Manhattan streets people are not allowed to leave their cars. M idtown car parks and
garages are about $6.75 an hour. Some restaurants and hotels have free car parks. I f you are staying at a
hotel w ith this service, it is easiest to leave your car in the garage and use public transport or taxis.
B. Start your day w ith a laugh, enjoy the funniest pictures in The New York Daily News. Turn over the
pages o f The N Y Times which has won a total o f 108 P u litzer prizes. Read 11 English and fo reign language
papers which come out every day and you w ill be in touch w ith serious problems in the w orld and in the
C. This is a great way to see N ew Y ork . D rivers are experienced and you w ill feel safe; buses are
com fortable and you w ill feel fin e in any weather. They are all air-conditioned. You are o ffere d d ifferen t
excursions. The all-day excursions vis it the top tourist attractions and other excursions which last from 2 to
4 hours can be interesting fo r people w ith d ifferen t tastes.
D. N o vis it to Long Island is complete w ithout the H arriot. Centrally located near Roosevelt Raceway and
Roosevelt Field Indoor M all, it offers expensive and com fortable rooms, fin e restaurants, a liv e ly nightclub
w ith an indoor pool. You w ill be offered outstanding service and hospitality.
E. D rivers, fron t seat passengers and all back seat passengers younger than 10 must fasten their seat belts
around themselves. The state law takes these precautions to protect people against possible trouble. Drivers
pay i f their passengers are younger than 16 and not wearing seat belts.

Задания 3 -8
W illiam : I hear you have moved to a new apartment, K ate. Is it true?
Kate: Y es, th a t’ s rig h t. One o f these days w e’ ll arrange a h ou sew arm in g p a rty . M y parents are
g o in g to in v ite all ou r r e la tiv e s and I w ant m y fr ie n d s to com e, too. W i l l you jo in us?
W illia m : Sure. Thank you fo r the in v ita tio n . But how w ill it be possible to house so m any people?
K ate: Th e a p a rtm en t is la rg e : th ree bedroom s, tw o h alls, a k itch en w ith m odern conveniences
and a lo t o f b u ilt-in cupboards.
W illiam : W h a t flo o r is it on?
Kate: Our apartm ent is on the eigh th flo o r o f a h igh -rise house. W e ’ ve g o t tw o e le v a to rs w h ich
w ork rou nd o ’clock.
W illia m : Is it fa r fro m school?
K ate: R a th er. It takes me about fo r t y m inutes to g e t to school by bus and by m etro. I f fa th e r
g iv e s me a li f t , it takes me t h ir ty m inutes. B ut you know, all these t r a ff ic jam s make us
both nervous.
W illiam : I see. A re n ’ t you thinking o f changing school?
Kate: N ot this year. I ’ m planning to take the examinations at our school. I feel confident only in
fa m iliar atmosphere. A t a new place I ’ ll w orry about everything: new teachers, new classmates.
W illia m :I am glad th at you a ren ’ t le a v in g t ill the end o f the school year.
Kate: Y ou what?
W illia m : B eliev e me or not but I ’ ll m iss you, K a te i f you leave. B y the w ay I can b rin g some samba
CDs to you r h ou sew arm in g p a rty .
Kate: T h at’ s great! Y o u ’ ll have a chance to remember how we used to dance.
W illiam : I think I ’ ll enjoy it.
Kate: So see you on A p ril 15th at 345 Green Road.
W illiam : Sorry, when w ill the party begin?
Kate: Phone me to fin d out the details.
W illiam : See you soon. Bye!


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Language Club. W e kin dly ask you to
take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about learning fo re ig n languages. Please
answer our six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s get
Electronic assistant: W h y is learning fo re ig n languages im portant nowadays?
Electronic assistant: W h a t fo re ig n languages do you study at school?
Electronic assistant: W h a t a c tiv ity at your English lesson do you fin d the most d iffic u lt? W h y?
E lectron ic assistant: W h a t do you like most o f all about you r English lessons?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectron ic assistant: W h y have you chosen to take the English exam this year?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectron ic assistant: W h a t would you recommend you r friends do to get ready fo r the English exam
w ell?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E le c t r o n ic assistant: Th is is the end o f the su rvey. T h a n k you v e r y much f o r y o u r tim e.

Вариант 24

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : I hope, i t ’ ll be a nice sh ot...The monkeys are so funny!
B: I ’ m not sure about the shot.
A : W h y?
B: Y ou haven’ t taken the cover fro m you r photo camera.
A : Oh, dear... Thanks you ’ve noticed it.
B: Look! N ow you ’ve got a chance to take a photo o f a sw im m ing elephant.
Dialogue В
A : I ’ d like a toy bear, please.
B: H ave a look at this polar bear. I t ’ s hand-made.
A : I like another one behind it.
B: A ve ry good choice. A n d besides i t ’ s on special Christmas o ffe r .
A : H ow much does it cost?
B: F o rty dollars.
A : Can I pay b y credit card?
B: O f course.
Dialogue С
A : S till can’ t rem em ber the address, can you?
B: N o. Please d rive more slowly. Perhaps I ’ ll recognize the house, though I ’ ve been in tw ice and both
tim es in the evening.
A : Is there anything special near it?
B: A supermarket and a small fa m ily cafe.
A : O K, I ’ ll turn le ft and go back route.
B: There is no le ft turn... but here is the house we are looking fo r.
Dialogue D
A : A n d what are you goin g to wear? H ave you bought anything new?
B: N o, I haven’ t. A ft e r all i t ’ s not m y birthday party.
A : L e t ’ s go and look in you r w ardrobe... See what we can find.
B: Maybe this black dress?
A : I t ’ s nice but try on this blue dress.
B: Ok, I think i t ’ ll suit me...

Задание 2
A . Y o u ’d have to be livin g on Mars not to know that smoking is dangerous. Y e t statistics show that young
people today smoke more, not less. W h y? One answer is that many teens think it cool. A n oth er is the great
sums o f money invested in advertising cigarettes. Tobacco companies spend m illions to encourage the young
to start, or to continue, smoking. ‘ The M arlboro M an’ , ‘Joe the Camel’ and others do cool things and act
im portant w hile smoking — just to get you to think that i f you smoke this brand, you can do these things too.
This isn’ t true. These people are not real and the things they do are made-up.
B. The statistics concerning sm oking say that over 90% o f all smokers start before they are 18 and the
average age fo r a new smoker is now less than 13. Just think that sm oking kills about 3 m illion people every
year. Some aren’ t even smokers. They are people who live or work w ith heavy smokers.
C. I f you ’ve decided to start smoking, get ready to come across lots o f unpleasant things, fo r example,
your clothes and hair having a terrible smell, your teeth turning yellow and your breath becoming very
unpleasant. Y ou r hair and skin w ill become dry which w ill lead to premature wrinkles. Smokers have more fat
around the waist. Besides, sm oking causes serious diseases that can lead to early death, fo r example, lung
cancer and heart disease. By the way, heart disease is now the number-one k iller in Russia. Smoking also
causes bronchitis, asthma and other diseases.
D. Don’ t fo rg e t that nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Seven out o f 10 smokers want to quit, but
can’ t. M oreover, nicotine isn’t the only bad thing in cigarettes, there are over 400 chemicals in one cigarette
that are known to be ve ry destructive.
E. Pregnant women (especially teenagers) who smoke w ill face a lot o f pregnancy risks. They even may
g ive birth to stillborn babies. Babies o f women smokers are more lik ely to have mental disorders than babies
o f women non-smokers. Babies w ith mothers who smoke develop more slowly during childhood.

Задания 3 -8
Masha: I say, M ike, what are your plans fo r today?
Mike: N oth in g special. W hy?
Masha: The weather is nice and I want you to show me round. Y ou have been livin g in Moscow fo r almost
all your life , so you know better what is w orth seeing.
Mike: A ll righ t. I think w e’ d rather take the m etro. Y o u ’ ll be able to see the m etro stations on the way
and then I ’ ll show you some o f the sights.
Masha: It w ill be v e ry kind o f you. But let me guess: ‘ Shall we start from the center?’
Mike: Sure. Red Square w ill be the fir s t place w e’ re goin g to vis it. W e shall stop at the Lenin
Mausoleum to watch the changing o f the guards who stand beside it. Then w e’ ll go as fa r as the
cathedral o f St. Basil.
Masha: The one w ith its seven domes, each o f a d iffe re n t color and pattern. R igh t?
Mike: Absolutely. Do you know anything else about it?
Masha: N o idea.
Mike: I t ’ s famous as i t ’ s unique. Tsar Ivan the Terrib le ordered to blind the architects so that they
couldn’ t reproduce the cathedral in any other places.
Masha: How cruel it was!
Mike: I ’ m o f the same opinion, though a lot o f people believe that it was only a legend.
Masha: There must be a monument somewhere near the cathedral. A m I right?
Mike: In fron t o f the cathedral o f St. Basil there’ s a monument to M inin and Pozharsky. They did a lot to
save Russian people from the Polish invaders.
Masha: Oh! I t ’ s great. I ’ m glad I can see everyth ing w ith m y own eyes. W h a t a wide square! H ow unusual
the cathedral is!
Mike: Masha, don’ t jump and cry. Behave yourself. People are looking at you.
Masha: Sorry, M ike. I sim ply couldn’ t im agine how m agnificent everyth ing here was.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! Th is is the electronic assistant o f the Social Club. W e k in d ly ask you to
take part in our su rvey. W e need to fin d out w hat teenagers think about the place where th ey liv e . Please
answer our six questions. The su rvey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t ’ s g et
Electronic assistant: A r e you goin g to stay in the place where you liv e or change it in fu ture?
Electronic assistant: W h a t is the place where you liv e famous for?
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you like or dislike about the ecological situation o f the place where you
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectron ic assistant: H ow often do you take part in “ clean-up” days outside you r school?
S tu d e n t:____________________________________________________
E lectron ic assistant: W h o do you think can join you on such days? Explain why.
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectron ic assistant: W h a t would you recommend people do to im prove the ecological situation in th eir
S tu d e n t:____________________________________________________
E lectron ic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your time.

Вариант 25

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : A n d one more th in g.... W ou ld it be possible to leave m y car w ith you? I ’ m fly in g to London next
B: Y es, certainly. How long for?
A : Th ree days.
B: Ok, I ’ ll reserve you a place fo r fou r days. W ou ld you g iv e me the number and make o f your car,
A : Y es, i t ’ s a G o lf and the registration number is H 5 7 L Y A .
B: Please, show me the documents to con firm it.
Dialogue В
A: I t ’ s h a lf price on all fantasy, including H a rry P o tte r books, isn ’ t it?
B: Y ou are righ t.
A: A n d fo r a seventh H a rry P o tter as w ell?
B: N o, not fo r the latest book.
A: But it came out ages ago!
B: I t ’ s still at fu ll price.
Dialogue С
A: So, I ’ve been ly in g here in a coma fo r seven days?
B: N o, th a t’ s not it. Y ou w ere adm itted fiv e days ago.
A: I don’ t understand. A m I hallucinating?
В: I think you are su fferin g from what we call amnesia.
A: W h a t is it?
B: I t ’ s a condition which sometimes follow s head inju ries...
Dialogue D
A: W e are m eeting in ten minutes.
B: Do you want the fin an cin g documentation ready?
A: A bsolutely.
B: From now on I want you to work on all m y deals.
A: V ery w ell.
B: So, see you at the m eeting.

Задание 2
A . I f you want to im prove your language skills, and can’ t jet o f f to spend your tim e abroad, there are a lot
o f things you can do to better them w ithout leaving home. H ere are some easy steps to help you im prove.
Follow our advice and ve ry soon you ’ ll fin d you rself much more fluent and confident.
B. The band, A th le te , how ever, are a rarity. They make music that I have never heard before and it
sounds fantastic. There is a grea t selection o f electronic trick ery, peculiar noises and crazy beats. Despite
ex p lorin g these electric sounds and styles, each tune is held togeth er and produces the im pression of
absolute unity.
C. M any animals are adapted to the weather, and where they are found is closely tied to the clim ate and its
impact on the chance to fin d suitable food. This is the main reason o f their m igration, though w ith climatic
changes taking place all over the world, mammals and reptiles w ill also adapt to them.
D. A s an o ffic ia l royal residence, Britannia has changed much since the Queen and the Duke o f Edinburgh
personally took part in the design and furnishing o f their new floatin g home. The Royal Yacht Britannia has
helped to make the Queen the most travelin g monarch the world has ever known.
E. The boy is really desperate to change school because he is being bullied. He can’ t break it to his parents
as they don’ t know what is going on at school. W e think he should tell the teacher and then have a meeting
w ith everybody in volved in the conflict.

Задания 3 -8
Betty: H i, Mark. A re you looking forw ard to your holidays?
Mark: Oh B etty, I just can’ t wait! I ’ m so tired a fter a year o f studying.
Betty: W h ere are you going? Is it camping on an island somewhere as usual?
Mark: W e ll, we were going camping, but m y Dad has just bought a van, so w e’ re going in that instead. It
means you can go to other countries all by yourself, w ithout having to get a flig h t. This is ve ry
good in a way, but actually I always used to enjoy sleeping in a tent. Then you start feelin g more
Betty: Yeah, I know what you mean, but it must be nice to see all the scenery along the way. I have to say
the flig h t is m y least fa vou rite part o f going abroad on holiday.
Mark: Oh, I never mind it actually — and, besides, the airport can be quite fun sometimes.
Betty: Y ou must be joking! A ll those crowds o f people and nothing to do except look round expensive
shops. I mean, you always end up buying something you don’ t really want, just because there’ s
nothing else to do.
Mark: T h at’s your problem, I never buy anything there. A n yw ay, what are your plans this year? France
and Disneyland again?
Betty: W e ll, I ’ m gettin g a b it old fo r Disneyland, though m y little brother would still like it. W e ’ re
actually going somewhere new. I t ’ s like a sports camp where you stay w ith lots o f other kids and
learn how to do d iffe re n t activities.
Mark: Do you mean you’ re going without your parents?
Betty: I wish I could. N ot exactly. They w ill also be there doing w hatever they want — g o lf or tennis in my
dad’ s case — but I ’ ll actually see them at mealtimes.
Mark: Sounds cool. But w ill you have to look a fter your little brother?
Betty: N o way, fortunately. They divide kids up according to their age, and each group is goin g to have
their own trainer and their own programme. H e ’ ll be doing football and swim m ing and all that,
whereas I w ill try water skiing.
Mark: W ow ! Doesn’ t that cost a fortune?
Betty: W e ll, quite a bit, so I ’ ll do it once or twice. But there’ s w indsurfin g and w ater polo too. These are
much cheaper.
Mark: I see. Good luck then.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Social Club. W e kindly ask you to take
part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about the place where th ey live. Please answer
our six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s g et started.
Electronic assistant: Do you liv e in a house or in a fla t?
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you do about the house?
Electronic assistant: H ow often do you have fa m ily reunions at you r place?
Electronic assistant: Do you r parents allow you to in v ite friends to your place when they are away?
W h y?
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you dislike about the place where you live?
Electronic assistant: W h ere w ould you like to live: in the city or in the country? Explain why.
E le c t r o n ic assistan t: T h is is the end o f the s u rv ey. T h a n k you v e r y much f o r y o u r tim e.

В ар иан т 26

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A: W e should hu rry up.
В: W h y ? W e ’ve got plenty o f tim e and tiresom e w a itin g ahead o f us.
A: N o. This tim e our flig h t is not delayed.
B: H ow lucky we are. Last tim e we had to w ait fo r tw elve hours.
A: F orget your bad m emories and take out you r passport. W e are goin g through the passport control.
B: Sorry, but I can’ t fin d m y passport. I must have put it in m y lu gg a g e__

Dialogue В
A : Y ou look so fit!
B: I t ’ s because I practice much. I go jo g g in g here fiv e times a week.
A : A r e there any special tracks fo r running?
B: Y es, there are. They are w inding among the trees.
A : I think i t ’ s fin e to train in the open air when everyth in g is green.
В: I come here in any weather in any season.

Dialogue С
A : I ’ ll never be a sailor.
B: But you’ve been dream ing about sea voyages since childhood.
A : I don’ t understand. A m I hallucinating?
B: A nd now I can’ t even get up from m y bed.
A : Do you feel seasick?
B: Yes, I feel dizzy.
A : I ’ m sure that when the sea calms down, you ’ ll feel much better.

Dialogue D
A : A n d now look on your left. W e are passing the k in g ’ s palace.
B: Sorry, when was it built?
A : In the 17th century...On your righ t you can see a tall grey tower...
B: Excuse me. H ow high is it?
A : I t ’ s 27 meters h igh ....In ten minutes we are going to stop and have dinner at a restaurant.
B: H ow long are we going to stay there?
A : Abou t 40 minutes. A nd you ’ ll have 20 minutes to buy some souvenirs.

Задание 2
A . P eter the Great was one o f the most famous tsars in Russian history. A lthou gh he was often cruel, no
one can deny that he changed his country’ s fu ture forever. P eter was unique in many ways. He was v e ry tall
and handsome. He had a lot o f energy and great physical strength. Peter was w ild, and he sometimes had bad
manners. But he was ve ry bright and he wanted to learn about everything. E very day he added to his
knowledge and im proved his skills. He enjoyed hard work and building things w ith his hands.
B. Tigran Vartanovich Petrosyan was chess w orld champion from 1963 to 1969. He dominated the game
during those years and almost never lost. He was known as a player who was strong in defence and ve ry few
players got the better o f him. In fact, his defensive play was so good that he was known as ‘ Iron T ig ra n ’ .
W hen he did lose, it was big news in Moscow chess circles.
C. Perhaps the best known Russian toy, m atryoshka, or wooden nesting dolls, are a rela tive newcomer
to the w orld o f Slavic toys. A lth ou gh nesting toys in the shape o f an egg or ball have been popular in Russia
fo r centuries, nesting dolls fir s t came to the country as a souvenir from Japan in the late nineteenth
century. Since then, m atryoshka have become one o f the most beloved symbols o f tradition al Russian
D. The name Taganka is most often associated w ith the popular theatre founded by director Y u ri
Lyubim ov in 1964, which became one o f the most fascinating Russian theatrical projects o f the late 20th
century. A ll the shows at the Taganka Theatre were smash hits, especially those in which V ladim ir Vysotsky

acted. Audiences fille d the theatre to the fu ll, sat in the aisles and stood in the doorways. In the 1970s the
theatre became a liv in g legend.
E. Russians have many superstitions which are often taken seriously. But they are fun. For example,
m eeting a woman w ith em pty buckets means having bad luck; a feelin g o f your ears or face burning means
that someone is talking about you. B efore leavin g on a journey they sit down qu ietly fo r a fe w moments
together. How ever, this superstition seems to be rather useful. It helps to concentrate all your thoughts and
attention and not to leave anything im portant at home, tickets, fo r example.

Задания 3 -8
Tom: H i, Jane. H ow ’ s your computer course going?
Jane: Oh, I ’ve just had m y class, actually. W e have them twice a week and each one lasts two hours.
Tom: T h at’ s long. Doesn’ t it get boring?
Jane: W e ll, you need that long to do all the tasks. I t ’ s really good because now I can do all sorts o f things
on my computer which I ’ ve never heard about before.
Tom: I can’ t say the same about m y cookery course.
Jane: Oh, Tom, why not? I thought you were enjoying it. That was your idea to feel independent.
Tom: W e ll, sometimes i t ’ s enjoyable enough, but we just don’ t seem to make much progress. W e spent
the whole o f last w eek’ s lesson learning how to fr y an egg.
Jane: But i t ’ s not an easy thing to do properly, you know.
Tom: Oh, I know, but I don’ t even like eggs. I don’ t think I ’ ll ever cook eggs fo r m yself.
Jane: P oor Tim ! So ... how often is it?
Tom: Just once a week, fo r an hour and a half.
Jane: A nd do you eat all the things you make?
Tom: W e ll, you ’ re not meant to eat them there but you can take them home because you have to buy all
the s tu ff in the fir s t place. Y ou can im agine how mum starts criticisin g m y masterpieces. By
the way, it w ill be cakes next week.
Jane: Oh, that sounds fun!
Tom: Yes. I ’ m looking forw a rd to it. I hope to surprise mum w ith a cake on her birthday. But Janet,
I wanted to ask you som ething, actually. H ave you learnt how to send e-mails on you r course yet?
Jane: Oh, yes, we did that in the firs t week. W hy?
Tom: Because I can’ t get m y computer to send them properly, and I was wondering i f you ’ d show me how
i t ’ s done?
Jane: W e ll, i f you bring me one o f your cakes, I suppose I could try.
Tom: Great, well, when I ’ve made them ...


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Social Club. W e k in d ly ask you to
take part in our su rvey. W e need to fin d out w hat teenagers think about the place w here th ey live . Please
answer our six questions. The su rvey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t ’ s g et
Electronic assistant: W h ere w ere you born?
Electronic assistant: H ave you and your fa m ily live d in one place all the tim e?
Student:_____ ______________________________________________
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you like or dislike about the place where you live?
Electronic assistant: H ow often do you and your fa m ily go to the country or v is it nearby cities and
Student: _____

E lectronic assistant: W h a t’ s better: c ity life or country life ? G ive your reasons.
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectronic assistant: W h ere would you p refer to liv e in fu ture? Explain why.
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r you r tim e.

Вариант 27

Задание 1
D ialogue А
A : Let me have a look at your ankle. Does it hurt here?
B: Yes, I twisted it.
A : H ow did it happen?
В: I was doing aerobics and fe ll down.
A : Y ou shouldn’t attend your aerobics classes fo r a fortn igh t. A n d don’t take o f f this bandage fo r fiv e
B: Thank you fo r help....
D ialogue В
A : W a iter, come here, please.
B: W h a t can I do fo r you?
A : I split red wine on my w hite shirt.
B: T h at’ s a pity. I ’ ll bring special napkins.
A : B ring one more glass o f the same red wine, please. I couldn’t enjoy its taste.
B: OK, one glass o f red wine and napkins. I ’ ll come to your table in a minute.
D ialogue С
A: So, you’ ll listen to a tape o f two people speaking together. Then you ’ll answer some questions.
B: H ow many times are we goin g to listen to the tape?
A: Tw ice as usual.
B: It makes me feel depressed.
A: But why?
В: I can’t understand it ve ry well. Maybe, because I can’t see the mouth and lips o f the speakers.
D ialogue D
A: Miserable weather, isn’ t it?
B: Yes, dreadful. N oth in g but rain.
A: A n d I ’ ve missed m y bus. W hen w ill the next come, I wonder?
B: In tw enty minutes.
A: I ’ d better take an underground. W h ere is the nearest station?
B: I t ’ s too fa r from here. Y o u ’ ll get wet through...

Задание 2
A . In Thailand New Y ear celebrations are ve ry funny. People throw w ater at each other, even at strangers!
They walk in the streets w ith buckets o f water, w ater guns or even garden hoses. This custom is believed to
bring good rains all year round. There is also a custom to release birds from the cages or fish from the bowls.
This is believed to brin g good luck fo r the members o f the fam ily.
B. N ew Y ear celebrations in China last 15 days. To prepare fo r the N ew Y ear, Chinese clean their houses,
repay any money they owe, get their hair cut, and buy new clothes. There are dragon parades and lion dances
in the streets. Its the noisiest and most excitin g holiday o f the year. I f the N ew Y ear falls on the year o f any
particular animal the Chinese try not to eat that animals meat.
C. In Japan people eat special noodles on the 31st o f December, and at m idnight they listen to the bells that
ring 108 times! According to the Japanese religion, sound o f the 108 chimes drives away all the sins and gives

birth to new life . W hen the N ew Y ea r begins, the Japanese people begin to laugh. They think it w ill bring
them good luck in the N ew Year.
D. On the last day o f the year, the 31st o f December, people in Spain w ait until tw elve p.m. Everybody has
to have 12 grapes ready to eat when the clock starts to strike. Eating the grapes is ve ry funny because
everybody starts the N ew Y ea r w ith a mouth fu ll o f grapes.
E. The Muslims have their own calendar which is based on the cycles o f the moon. The calendar consists o f
tw elve months but only has 354 days. It is 11 days shorter than the solar calendar, so the N ew Y ear date
changes every year. The Islamic New' Y ear is held quietly, w ithout the festive atmosphere o f other N ew Y ear

Задания 3 -8
Frank: I saw you at the football match, Dan. Did you have a good time?
Dan: Really? I didn’ t know you were there, Frank. W h y didn’ t you come over and say hello?
Frank: W e ll, I saw you in the distance, but then I lost sight o f you in the crowd. There were a lot o f people
there, weren’ t there?
Dan: W e ll, it was a normal sort o f crowd fo r a home game.
Frank: Yes, indeed. I haven’t been to football matches fo r a couple o f years. Some friends o f mine are over
from Ita ly and they wanted to see a match — so I took them.
Dan: A nd what did they think o f the new stadium?
Frank: W e ll I think th ey’ re used to big stadiums like that in Italy, so they w eren’ t that impressed — but
I thought it was a great im provem ent compared w ith the old one.
Dan: Yes, a lot better. Though, I don’ t think i t ’ s w orth the amount they ask fo r a ticket — th at’ s too
Frank: Is it? I thought it wasn’ t much more than the cost o f any other afternoon out — you know, about
the same as a concert or going to the theatre.
Dan: I f you go every week, it makes a lot. A nyw ay, did you enjoy the match?
Frank: It was alright. But m y friends think that fo otb a ll’ s more excitin g in Ita ly and I think they may be
righ t — you know, more stylish.
Dan: W h at do you mean? Our local team ’ s ve ry stylish and w e’ve got two Italian players anyway.
Frank: I ’ d like to have seen a few goals though. I mean a goalless draw is not exactly what you hope to see,
is it?
Dan: I thought the team did really w ell actually — they were just unfortunate.
Frank: OK, i f you insist.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Shopping Center. W e kin dly ask you
to take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about shopping. Please answ'er our six
questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s g et started.
Electronic assistant: H ow often do you go shopping?
Electronic assistant: W h a t are your fa vo u rite places o f shopping?
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you buy most often?
Student: _____________
Electronic assistant: H ow much tim e do you spend on w indow shopping at the weekends?
Electronic assistant: Do you like or hate shopping? Explain why.
S tu d e n t: __________________________________________________

E lectronic assistant: W ou ld you recommend your frien d do the shopping in large shopping centers?
G ive reasons.
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

В а р иан т 28

Задание 1
D ialogue А
A : W ake up.
В: Is it the end o f the film ?
A : N o, not yet. But you were snoring.
B: Y ou know I ’ m bored, besides the main character annoys me.
A : Let me watch everyth in g to the end. I like the plot.
B: OK, but let me sleep....
D ialogue В
A : Is this your luggage, sir?
B: O f course i t ’ s mine.
A : Did you pack everyth ing yourself?
B: Let me remember... Yes, sure.
A : Y ou r suitcase is three kilos heavier than it is perm itted.
В: I see. H ow much do I have to pay fo r the excess weight?
D ialogue С
A : Did you wish to order? I can recommend the risotto..
B: I ’ d like some nice salad and grilled meat.
A : W h a t would you like to drink?
B: Orange juice, please.
A : W h a t do you want fo r a dessert?
B: A piece o f an apple pie.
D ialogue D
A : W h a t’s the number o f your platform ?
B: Let me see the Departures display board.... W e should head toward platform 9.
A : W hen is your train due to come?
B: A t 10:30 a.m.
A : Fine. W e ’ve got 25 minutes left.

Задание 2
A . Each A p ril millions o f Am ericans turn o f f their T V sets and don’ t turn them on fo r a whole week. W hat
do they do during these 7 days? They read books, go outside to ride bikes and play d iffe re n t games. The
organizers o f this event say, ‘Our idea is to help kids and teens join in real life . There are about 8,000
thousand other things that you can do’ .
B. Last week I read an interesting piece o f inform ation. A ccording to a recent study, 75% o f American
students spend tim e on line instead o f watching TV . They started to use the Internet because they needed
inform ation rather than entertainment.
C. M y cousin is 13 years old and she’ s an Internet addict. She spends about 8-10 hours a day chatting. I t ’ s
because people on the N et care about her. They see her as M ary, the ‘beautiful, w itty, poetic g ir l’ , while in
class she’ s ‘ an u gly duck who never knows what to say’ .
D. I am sure that television is a terrible waste o f tim e. But some people don’t understand that. They jus:
sit in fron t o f T V and watch everything: silly Mexican series, bad film s and even commercials. N othing can
stop them from watching TV.

Е. Computers have started playing an im portant part in education. A large number o f teachers and
parents see the advantages o f computers. But a lot o f people are sure that young people use them only fo r
games and don’t really learn anything. They say that soon teenagers w ill prefer them to their real friends.

Задания 3 -8
Ann: Oh, hello H enry, how are you?
Henry: Fine, A nn, thanks. But you look a bit miserable. W h a t’ s the matter?
Ann: I ’ve been arguing w ith m y mum again. I always feel sorry about it later, but she just annoys me so
Henry: Yeah, I know what you mean. But what have you been arguing about?
Ann: The usual thing about m y bedroom.
Henry: Y ou r bedroom?
Ann: Yes. She’ s always tellin g me to tid y it up, but i t ’ s m y room, so I don’ t see why I should have to do
it. I like it the way it is.
Henry: A nd is it really untidy? Or is your mother just fussy about things like that?
Ann: I t ’ s untidy all right. I mean, I take m y clothes o f f at night and just leave them where they fall.
Henry: A nd do you expect your mum to tid y up a fter you?
Ann: N o. I do it sooner or later. But she wants it done im m ediately, and I ’ m happy to leave it fo r a while
and do it later, you know, when I feel like it, or when I ’ve got friends coming round.
Henry: A nd is it the thing you argue about?
Ann: Yes. She wants me to put everyth in g back in the wardrobe, but I ’ ve got so much s tu ff that it w on’ t
all f it anyway.
Henry: Y o u ’ re lucky. I have to share a wardrobe with m y brother. H e ’ s always wearing my things without
asking me.
Ann: But don’ t each o f you have your own bedroom?
Henry: W e do, but his is v e ry small and you can’t get a wardrobe in, so he’ s always coming in and out o f
m y room to get his clothes, and mine, by the way.
Ann: Oh, I wouldn’ t like that.
Henry: N o r do I. It leads to lots o f arguments. But there is nothing we can do.


Task 2. Y ou are goin g to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. G ive fu ll
answers to the questions. Rem em ber that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript fo r Task 2
Electronic assistant: Hello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Youth Club. W e kindly ask you to take
part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about pocket money. Please answer our six
questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s get started.
Electronic assistant: W h o usually gives you pocket money?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
Electronic assistant: Do you do anything about the house to earn pocket money? W h a t is it?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectron ic assistant: H ave you ever tried summer jobs to earn some pocket money?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectron ic assistant: W h a t do you usually spend you r m oney on?
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectron ic assistant: Can you do w ithout pocket money? Explain why.
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectron ic assistant: I f you saved some money, would you spend it on your education or entertainm ent?
G ive reasons.
S tu d e n t:___________________________________________________
E lectronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r your tim e.

Вариант 29

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : I t ’ s great here. I can see a great number o f stars clearly.
B: I t ’ s one o f the advantages o f the a rtific ia l sky. Cloud, rain, lights don’ t hamper star gazin g... A n d I ’ve
noticed one more thing.
A : W h a t is it?
B: Tim e and distance disappear.
A : Y ou are righ t. This star show is a unique way to put our planet into the perspective o f space...
B: H ow small our planet is! ....
Dialogue В
A : N ow , what have we learned?
B: A rabia gave us numerals which are still called Arabic.
A : W h a t else?
B: Let me remember... The signs o f the Zodiac originated w ith the Babylonians.
A : V ery well. Y ou may be seated.
B: Thank you.
Dialogue С
A : H ave you taken your ticket and passport?
B: Sure. Y ou needn’ t w orry about me, Mum.
A : A s soon as you land, give me a ring.
B: I t ’ ll be ve ry late. I ’ ll phone you next m orning.
A : I w on’ t be able to sleep. So, call me up w hatever the time.
B: OK. L e t’ s say good bye, Mum or I ’ ll miss the flig h t.
Dialogue D
A : Y ou r fa vo rite sofa and football a ga in ...I’ d like to change this routine.
B: OK. L e t ’ s take advantage o f the long weekend and go somewhere. I ’ ve always wanted to vis it
N ovgorod .
A : W e could leave Thursday night.
B: I ’ d rather go on Friday.
A : W h y should we lose time?
В: I have to get m y car fix ed and besides I can’ t miss m y football match.

Задание 2
A . M y frien d is fond o f swim m ing, and I p refer running. W e keep arguing which is more exciting. To my
mind, i t ’ s rather boring to swim from one w all to the other. W h ile you are running at the stadium, you feel
the spirit o f competition. It seems to me that the pool doesn’ t have the opportunities that a running track has.
I f the pool was circular, it would be more like a running race. Then everybody could see that swimmers are
competing against each other.
B. Last week our football team lost but I doubt that it was fa ir. O f course, football is a v e ry fast game, even
i f just the local teams are playing. The referee cannot be expected to see what is happening all the tim e, and
sometimes they make mistakes. I suppose he made such a mistake when he sent our forw ard o f f the field. I f
only he could look at a video recording before he decided to do that. I t ’ s ve ry hard to make up your mind i f you
haven’ t seen exactly what happened. But they say that interschool games can’ t be recorded.
C. I play basketball fo r our school team and I am ve ry proud o f scoring pretty often. You could say that
basketball is such a game when someone can score every tw o or three minutes. O f course, I agree w ith that but
don’ t fo rg e t that I ’ m not too tall. I t ’ s easy fo r people under 2 metres to play basketball. A nd I am not even the
tallest in m y class. M y friends say that I am v e ry fast w hile playing and that helps me and as they say makes
the game ve ry excitin g to watch.
D. I go boxing and always have arguments w ith m y mother who thinks that boxing is ve ry dangerous.
Nevertheless, she goes to all m y matches and is nervous every tim e I get trapped in the corner. To say nothing
about the situations when a serious opponent hits too hard, as she thinks. But I can’ t im agine m y life without
boxing. B y the way, boxing skills helped me a couple o f times in everyday life.

Е. I used to love skiing races but once I ’ve tried mountain skiing they seem rather boring to me now. O f
course, I don’t mind skiing fo r pleasure in the forest on a sunny w inter day, especially i f my dog is running at
m y side. But to get some adrenaline I ’d prefer to go down the slope all at a high speed. You could say that fo r this
you needn’ t go to the mountains and you can easily fin d a hill not fa r from your house. That’ s quite different.

Задания 3 -8
Jane: H i, Paul. A re you looking forw ard to the swim m ing com petition tom orrow?
Paul: W e ll, o f course I am, Jane. But, to tell the truth, I ’ m a bit nervous. I haven’ t been in the team fo r
ages because I hurt m y leg playing football.
Jane: Oh, yes. W e ll, you ’ve been practicing a lot recently. I ’m sure you ’re as f i t as you were before.
Paul: I don’ t think so. Everyone seemed to be faster than me at the last training.
Jane: Rubbish. So, what tim e do we have to get there?
Paul: S ix p.m., isn’t it?
Jane: Oh, m y bus doesn’ t arrive till 6.15.
Paul: Don’ t w orry, m y dad could give you a lift.
Jane: Oh, could he?
Paul: O f course. You live in the block o f flats behind the post o ffice, don’ t you?
Jane: Yes, that’ s righ t. But I can walk round to your house. Th at’ ll save your dad having to drive to my
Paul: OK. Then can you be there by 5.30?
Jane: Sure.
Paul: A re n ’ t your parents com ing to watch?
Jane: N o t tom orrow. I ’ m not sorry actually because my dad always shouts and cheers too loudly. H e ’ s
really embarrassing.
Paul: W e ll, at least he’ s showing an interest. M y mum can never come and watch because she works in the
evenings. She’ s try in g to fin d another job now to have evenings free. I hope she finds one. I f she
does, she’ ll be able to come to watch me.
Jane: But your dad usually comes, doesn’ t he?
Paul: Yes, but he’ s neither interested in swim m ing nor in sport in general. M y mum used to swim a lot.
She and I are v e ry sim ilar really w hile m y dad and I are quite differen t.
Jane: I ’ m also like m y mum in most things. But she’ s not interested in sport. W h ile m y dad takes too
much interest. He wants me to play football too.
Paul: Y o u ’ re good at football.
Jane: W e ll, I quite enjoy it and there’ s a good g ir ls ’football team at school but I want to play fo r fun. M y
dad takes it all too seriously. I ’ d rather go to the park w ith m y friends and play there.
Paul: Yes, me too. W e ll, see you tom orrow then.
Jane: OK. Bye.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the Y ou th Cafe. W e kin dly ask you to take
part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about eating habits. Please answer our six
questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e you r name. So, le t’ s get started.
Electronic assistant: W h o usually cooks in you r fam ily?
Electronic assistant: W h a t’ s your fa vo u rite dish?
Electronic assistant: Do you have any tradition al fa m ily recipes?
Electronic assistant: H ow often do you eat out?
S tu d e n t: _________

Electronic assistant: W h y do many people p refer eating out nowadays in you r opinion?
Electronic assistant: W h a t traditional Russian dishes would you recommend fo reig n tourists try? W h y?
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you ve ry much fo r your tim e.

В а р иан т 30

Задание 1
Dialogue А
A : Oh, look! M y vegetables...
В: W h a t’ s the m atter w ith them?
A : They are a mess and there are holes in all the vegetable beds.
В: I think i t ’ s our neighbour’ s dog again.
A : L e t’ s ask him i f his dog has run away again ...
B: A ll r i g h t ....
Dialogue В
A: I ’ m so impressed with this performance.
B: Maybe, i t ’ s because you don’ t remember the fir s t one. It was more colourful.
A: Perhaps, you are right. There are so many various dancing and singing events!
B: Ethnic costumes are always extraordinary. By the way, have you seen such instruments?
A: N ever. I don’ t even know their names.
Dialogue С
A : Our collection contains everyth in g from the water wheel to fib er optics.
B: H ow ve ry interesting!
A : But I ’ d like to tell you that i t ’ s not only a place to look and wonder.
B: W h a t else can we do here?
A : There are over 600 w orking exhibits. Y ou can experience science and technology ‘ hands on’ .
B: For example?
A : Y ou can operate d iffe re n t mechanisms, build a bridge...
B: Oh! I ’ d like to do this.
Dialogue D
A : Excuse me... I misheard the inform ation. W hen are we going to land?
B: They say w e’ ll land in M alaga in fiv e hours.
A : Sorry to ask you again... There was something about lunch, right?
B: Yes, the stewardesses w ill serve it in h a lf an hour.
A : Oh, m y ears. They hurt.
B: I t ’ s not strange. W e ’ re fly in g at the height o f 9,000 meters and now we are in the zone o f turbulence.

Задание 2
A . W e ’ ve recently moved into a new house w ith m y elder sister’ s fa m ily and she seems to be the happiest
about it. The point is she has a little daughter, th at’ s m y niece. Our mum has always looked a fter the baby
while m y sister is at work. But before we settled together she had to get up v e ry early to take m y niece to our
house. N ow we all live together and i t ’ s all much easier.
B. Dad thinks I ’ m still a child. He doesn’ t even let me go out w ith my friends at weekends. Sometimes my
classmates in vite me to d iffe re n t parties. Mum doesn’ t mind my going but dad always says I am too young to
be out in the evening and keeps me in. H e doesn’ t realise that teenagers need more independence when th ey’ re
grow in g up.
C. A ft e r my grandm other died my grandfather moved in w ith us so mother could look a fter him. A t first
grandad and I didn’ t get along. He was always complaining about m y clothes, m y hair, my music, my friends.
So I used to go out as often as I could just not to stay at home. But last w inter I broke my leg and had to spend
two months indoors. W e started talking more, and he told me a lot about past times. So what do you think?
N ow we are the best friends.

D. W hen I was a young child we lived in a fla t near the city centre. It was really convenient and we had
some fantastic neighbours. Then m y dad decided he wanted to m ove out o f the city, so he bought this house.
W e ’ ve been livin g here ever since. M y Dad loves it because i t ’ s so peaceful and beautiful, and he’ s righ t. But
mum and I miss the town. I t ’ s too quiet fo r us here and we miss our old friends.
E. I am sure that the place we live in is perfect. W e have got a small garden and a garage. The house
doesn’t look ve ry big from the outside but it has got lots o f rooms inside, including a basement. The best thing
about it is that i t ’ s just a short walk to the centre o f town. A n d fo r me i t ’ s ve ry im portant.

Задания 3 -8
Ann: Dan, how long do you spend at your computer making a report?
Dan: W e ll, Ann, it usually takes at least two or three hours.
Ann: Is that all? I think maybe I spend too much tim e looking fo r inform ation — I start researching one
topic on a website and then I follow a link to something else. Suddenly I realise how late it is and I ’ m
on a com pletely d iffe re n t subject and I still haven’ t finished the work I was supposed to do.
Dan: Y ou can waste a lot o f tim e su rfin g the internet and fo llow in g links to other websites.
Ann: The trouble is I fin d it so fascinating.
Dan: But you know that you can’ t believe everyth in g you read on the internet, don’ t you, Ann?
Ann: Oh yes, th at’ s w hy I never go in chat rooms — you have no idea who you ’ re talking to and what they
m ight fin d out about you.
Dan: Chat rooms are OK in case you’ re sensible enough and don’t give out any personal inform ation. I go
in some music chat rooms from tim e to tim e, not v e ry often. I talk to friends there. I download quite
a lot o f music from the internet too, usually w hile I ’ m doing m y homework. A nd I ’ve got several
friends in d iffe re n t countries who I keep in touch w ith by email.
Ann: M e too, and that takes up a lot o f m y time.
Dan: W h a t I really like are computer games, especially the ones you can play against other people online.
Sometimes I stay up really late playing.
Ann: I fin d them boring and i t ’s not good fo r you to sit in fron t o f a screen fo r too long. T h at’s what I ’ m
w orried about.
Dan: Y o u ’ re righ t. I tell you what — I ’ ll try to lim it m y tim e playing online games i f you stop su rfing
websites that are not useful fo r your work.
Ann: OK, th at’ s a good idea, and then le t’ s go to the cinema one evening with the tim e that w e’ ve saved.
Dan: Great!


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: Hello! This is the electronic assistant o f the N ew Technology Club. W e kindly ask
you to take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about modern inventions. Please
answer our six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s get started.
Electronic assistant: Do you consider you r school technically modern? W h y?
Electronic assistant: How often do you use sm art boards at you r lessons?
Electronic assistant: W h a t devices do you use at home? W h a t fo r?
Electronic assistant: W h a t invention do you think is the most im portant in people’ s life?
Electronic assistant: W h a t facts about any w orld fam ous in ven tor do you remember? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: W h y is it difficu lt fo r people to do without computers and mobile phones? Give reasons.
E le c t r o n ic assistan t: T h is is th e end o f the s u rv e y . Th a n k yo u v e r y much f o r y o u r tim e.

В а р иан т 31

Задание 1
D ialogue А
A : This isn’ t what we were promised...
B: A bsolutely not. In the brochure it says all rooms overlook the sea. Ours overlook the road and the nigh:
club. So, it w on’ t be quiet, w ill it?
A : I ’ m sure it w ill be noisy. The disco w ill keep us awake at night.
B: L e t’ s ask fo r another room, then.
A : Ok, le t’s try to change it.
B: Come on...
D ialogue В
A : Y ou r passport, please.
B: H ere it is, sir.
A : H ow long are you staying in Paris?
B: 9 days.
A : Y ou r passport and visa are in order. H ave a pleasant flig h t, sir.
B: Thank you.
Dialogue С
A : I ’ d like to have these shoes repaired. The heels are worn down.
В: I see... The new heels are to be put on.
A : Can you repair the shoes righ t now?
B: Sorry, I ’ m ve ry busy now. You can pick up your shoes tom orrow.
A : A t what time?
B: A ft e r dinner. I t ’ ll cost you 7 dollars.
D ialogue D
A : W ou ld you like this table by the window?
B: Yes, thank you.
A : H ere is the menu, Madam.
B: But what would you recommend?
A : W e ll, roast meat is good. I f you p refer fish, th ere’ s nice fresh salmon.
В: I think, I ’ ll take salmon, please.

Задание 2
A . I ’ ve thought much about the ways o f staying fi t and studied a lot o f inform ation. I know that i f you
eat more than you need, the ex tra calories turn into fa t; i f you eat less than you need, the body burns fa t to
get en ergy and you lose w eight. So, one w ay o f losing w eigh t is by d ietin g — eating less. A n oth er w ay is to
go on eating as usual, but then you must take more exercise. In this case you must remember that i t ’ s
im portant to start an exercise program m e gradually. D on’ t try to lose a lot o f w eight fast. It doesn’ t
usually w ork and it can be dangerous.
B. Nowadays people all over the w orld eat and love fast food and hamburgers. But what about national
food? I ’ve travelled a lot w ith m y parents and I ’ve always tried some o f the national dishes in each country.
Though I can’ t say that all o f them are still national. O f course, I think that pancakes w ith sour cream and
caviar are a Russian dish. But think o f pizza — it appeared as an Italian dish fo r poor people and now it is
the most international dish o f all and is eaten all over the world.
C. Last yea r I v is ite d V ien na and listen ed to a h ig h ly special orch estra. Just th in k — all the
instru m ents in it are made o f carrots, cucumbers and pum pkin. The lead m usician plays a horn, which
is made fro m a cucum ber, a green pepper and a ca rrot. The m usicians can play e v e ry th in g — fro m
classical m usic to ja z z . A n d th e ir perform an ce was re a lly fa n ta stic! B y the w ay, n oth in g is w asted a fte r
such concerts: a fte r the perform an ce a cook makes a b ig pot o f soup or stew fo r the m usicians and
audience to eat. In our case it was v e r y ta s ty soup sold in sm all portion s. The m oney paid fo r it was
spent on ch arity.
D. I try to keep a vegetarian diet and I have found a lot o f supporters. M ore and more people nowadays
become vegetarians. A diet fre e from meat has all the vitam ins, minerals and protein you need. A n d a
vegetarian diet is not only healthier but it is also kinder because it doesn’ t mean k illin g more animals.

Besides, animals grow n fo r meat production are kept in special fa cto ry farm s. P ig s and chickens are in
boxes where they cannot even turn around! Isn ’ t it better just to stop eating them?
E. M other says I am overw eigh t and always tries to put me on a diet. A s fo r me I don’ t care about it. I
know that I am a lazy bone and I am not too thin. But there is nothing I can do about it. P la y in g footb all or
basketball?.. T h a t’ s not fo r me. I p refer ly in g on m y sofa and w atching matches on TV . O f course w ith a
couple o f sandwiches and a bag o f pop-corn. I hate salads and what m y m other calls healthy food.

Задания 3 -8
Vicky: Rick, have you got a T V set in your room?
Rick: Yes, I got one fo r my birthday last month; i t ’ s great. W h y are you asking, Vicky?
Vicky: Y o u ’ re lucky. M y Mum w on’ t let me have one.
Rick: W h y not? I t ’ s much better because you avoid all those boring arguments about what to watch.
Vicky: R igh t. M y sister always wants to watch lots o f cartoons and I think I ’ve grown up to see them.
Rick: Exactly, I used to have the same problem w ith m y little brother. A nother thing is that people are
always talking in the livin g room and even i f you can choose the programme, you can’ t hear it
Vicky: A ctu a lly I really like talking about what I ’ m watching, so I don’t mind people being around, as long
as I can choose the programmes.
Rick: But, w hy w on’ t your Mum let you have a T V in your room?
Vicky: She says it would cost too much but I don’t think that’s the real reason, because she said I could have
a bike instead. Besides, m y aunt said we could have her old one fo r nothing and my Mum still said no.
Rick: I see. W hen I got mine m y parents were w orried that I m ight watch it late at night and be too tired
fo r school in the m orning. So, I promised them I ’ d always turn it o f f before ten o’ clock.
Vicky: A n d do you?
Rick: N o t always. It depends on what is on.
Vicky: I think my Mum just wants to control what I do and to be able to say ‘ N o television until you’ve
done your hom ework’ , and things like that.
Rick: Perhaps she thinks you need that.
Vicky: She thinks I ’ m still a child. I ’ d like to decide things like that fo r myself.
Rick: M y parents never ask about m y schoolwork. They say i t ’ s something I have to do by m yself.
Vicky: Y o u ’ re lucky.


Task 2. You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full
answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: H ello! This is the electronic assistant o f the C ity Sport Center. W e kin dly ask you
to take part in our survey. W e need to fin d out what teenagers think about sport. Please answer our six
questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’ t have to g iv e your name. So, le t’ s g et started.
Electronic assistant: W h a t sports are the most popular in your country?
Electronic assistant: W h a t do you like more: w in ter or summer sports?
Electronic assistant: W h a t’ s your fa vo u rite sport? W h y?
Electronic assistant: W h a t new sport would you like to try? Explain why.
Electronic assistant: How can sport influence teens’ life in you r opinion?
Electronic assistant: W h a t sports events in Russia would you recommend a fo re ig n tourist watch or to
take part in? G ive reasons.
Electronic assistant: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you v e ry much fo r you r time.
П ри л ож ен ие 2


Вариант 1
Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания
по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 2453 9 6742315 18 first 27 natural
2 35642 10 2 19 werebuilt 28 impossible
3 3 11 3 20 more 29 industrial
4 1 12 3 21 cities 30 activities
5 3 13 1 22 was 31 global
6 2 14 1 23 their 32 difference
7 3 15 2 24 weremade
8 1 16 3 25 buildings
17 1 26 appeared

Р а зд е л 4. Задание по письму
13 3 1( Возм ож ны й вариант от вет а)
Dear Ben,
Thank you fo r your letter, but some things in it sim ply surprised me.
I can’t really im agine a person, who doesn’ t eat a good piece o f meat daily. H ow is it possible to be strong
and healthy on a green diet is just a m ystery fo r me!
I think m y mum’ s homelike food is the best diet. A n d to keep f i t I jo g at weekends and try not to overeat.
Maybe, you’ re not quite righ t about your diet. I ’ m afraid it can be harm ful w hile you ’ re grow ing. A nd
I doubt that a lot o f your friends share your ideas.
Sorry fo r my short letter, I have to help mother cooking (by the way, try doing it you rself).
W r ite back.
Best wishes,

Вариант 2
Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания
по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике

1 5314 9 3641527 18 is 27 comfortable

2 45263 10 2 19 should 28 easily

3 3 11 3 20 them 29 freedom

4 2 12 1 21 brightest 30 life

5 2 13 2 22 changed 31 direction

6 3 14 3 23 told 32 shopping

7 2 15 3 24 was sitting

8 1 16 2 25 would

17 2 26 best

Р а зд е л 4. Задание по письму
ГЗЗ] (Возм ож ны й вариант ответа)
9th May, 2015
Dear John,
Thank you fo r your letter. I haven’ t w ritten sooner as I was busy at school.
Y ou know that I ’ m a bookworm and so are lots o f Russian teenagers, who are interested in all genres o f
books as tastes d iffe r. Though there are some, who don’ t read at all.
I quite agree w ith you. N ow that electronic books are becoming cheaper, a lot o f m y friends can a ffo rd
them. Though I think i t ’s more pleasant to feel a paper book in your hands. A s fo r magazines, some teens
choose to read everyth in g from fashion to sports.
W e ll, I ’ ve got to get back to m y homework.
W r ite back.
A nn

Вариант 3

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 3425 9 8571624 18 their 27 attractive
2 24136 10 1 19 had 28 interested
3 2 11 3 20 elected 29 fictional
4 1 12 2 21 surnames 30 responsibilities
5 2 13 3 22 richest 31 operations
6 3 14 1 23 mostsuccessful 32 successful
7 2 15 2 24 best
8 1 16 1 25 donotbegin/don’ tbegin
17 2 26 are run

Р а зд е л 4. Задание по письму
133 I (Возможный вариант ответа)
10 A p ril, 2015
Dear Simon,
Thank you fo r your letter. It was great to have such active holidays.
To tell the truth, I ’ m too cowardly and not sporty enough even to think about try in g any extrem e
activities. But George (a close frien d o f m ine) has tried parachute jum ping. (M y heart stopped beating, while
he was describing his experience)!
G eorge’ s fath er supports him, because he’ s a fan o f this sport, but mine is against all extrem ities. He
prefers me to engage in some safer activities.
W e ll, i t ’ s tim e fo r my chess club. This is where I feel m yself really successful.
W r ite back.
Best wishes,
N ick

Вариант 4

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике

1 3541 9 4316857 18 goes 27 unromantic

2 63524 10 3 19 didnotlike/didn’tlike 28 Originally

3 2 11 1 20 washunting 29 existing

4 1 12 1 21 couldnot/couldn’t 30 celebrated

5 1 13 2 22 w erefilled 31 including

6 3 14 2 23 owners 32 atheist

7 2 15 3 24 their

8 3 16 3 25 mostfavourite

17 3 26 children

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
I 33 |( Возм ож ны й вариант от вет а)
Moscow, Russia
Dear K elly,
Thank you fo r your letter. I really sym pathize w ith you and would like to share m y own experience.
First o f all, start doing m orning exercises and attend your P.E. classes, try in g to behave naturally, as i f
you are already quite fit. Secondly, start jo g g in g in the m orning and then it w ill be much easier fo r you to
start really running.
A n d fin ally, mind that i t ’ s impossible to get in shape quickly. I think you shouldn’ t overeat and
(rem em ber!) don’ t even look at cakes.
N e x t tim e I ’ ll send you m y mum ’ s special diet.
Sorry, have to stop.
W r ite back.
Best wishes,

Вариант 5

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 3125 9 6721354 18 didnotlike/didn’ tlike 27 dangerous
2 65413 10 3 19 first 28 powerful
3 1 11 1 20 wouldn’ tunderstand 29 extrem ely
4 2 12 3 21 intended 30 looking
5 3 13 2 22 was 31 live
6 2 14 3 23 longer 32 action
7 1 15 1 24 could
8 2 16 3 25 exams
17 2 26 wasinterested

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
13 3 1(Возм ож ны й вариант ответа)
March 11th, 2015
Dear Rob,
Thanks fo r you r letter. It was an excuse in the middle o f quarrelling w ith mum about my w ay o f using the
Y ou see, m y mum is too old fashioned to understand that now computers are everything: sources o f
inform ation (always use it fo r presentations and reports), self-study and entertainm ent. Though, I admit
I spend hours on Star W ars. (That was the last drop fo r mum)!
W e ’ re in the same situation, aren’ t we? Our parents seldom see the good side o f new technology.
I ’ve to stop w ritin g to have several quiet minutes fo r a new computer game.
W r ite back.
Best wishes,
A le x

Вариант 6

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 2351 9 3846571 18 copies 27 ridiculous
2 34215 10 1 19 hasbecome 28 unsuitable
3 2 11 3 20 first 29 Actually
4 2 12 1 21 mice 30 behaviour
5 1 13 3 22 opens/isopening 31 greedy
6 3 14 2 23 beused 32 friendly
7 1 15 1 24 donotcatch/don’ tcatch
8 2 16 2 25 morecontroversial
17 3 26 rights

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
1331(Возм ож ный вариант ответа)
24th A p ril, 2015
Dear Brian,
Thank you fo r your letter, but I ’ m afraid you’ve complained to a w rong person, as I ’ m a shopaholic.
It doesn’t m atter much who m y shopping company is. I feel like a fish in any kinds o f shops. The thing is
that I relax this w ay and I adore the process o f buying (even window shopping w ill do). I really like buying
clothes and cosmetics. I ’ve nothing against g ifts and goods fo r pets.
So, try to take your shopping duties fo r granted, w ill you? A nd im agine the jo y o f people whom you ’ re
goin g to g iv e presents.
H ave to end to do m y shopping trip.
W r ite back,

Вариант 7

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 3142 9 4618253 18 isgoing 27 activities

2 45361 10 3 19 seems 28 personal

3 1 11 3 20 arenotinterested 29 anything

4 2 12 2 21 robberies 30 systematic

5 3 13 1 22 aregiven 31 training

6 1 14 2 23 their 32 different

7 3 15 2 24 donotreact /don ’ treact

8 2 16 3 25 hasbecome
17 1 26 best

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
13 3 1( Возм ож ны й вариант ответ а)
13th December, 2014
Dear Brenda,
Thank you fo r your letter. It was good to get it and learn about your d rivin g lessons.
W e ’ve got tw o cars in our fa m ily and mum and dad drive them to their offices. They are always
complaining about tra ffic jams on the road and w hat’ s more, have to get up ve ry early to avoid them.
I ’ ve also asked dad to teach me to drive, but he points out to the qualities like attention, quick reaction
and what not, which (shame on me) I don’ t have. Besides, I w on’ t be able to get a d riv in g license until I am
eighteen. But I hope some day I ’ ll get him give me a few lessons.
Sorry, have to stop to help mum.
W r ite soon.

Вариант 8

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 3542 9 4657138 18 didnothear/didn’ thear 27 childhood
2 65123 10 2 19 was 28 absolutely
3 3 11 3 20 bedone 29 happiness
4 2 12 1 21 willbeable 30 understanding
5 2 13 3 22 donotagree/don’ tagree 31 unexpected
6 3 14 1 23 easier 32 difficulties
7 1 15 3 24 makes
8 1 16 2 25 is
17 2 26 havechanged

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
Гзз1 ( Возможный вариант ответа)
N ovgorod
15th October, 2014
Dear Kate,
Thanks fo r the letter, it was nice o f you to share your problems w ith me.
The same things do happen to me in the exam room. I usually shake like a lea f and can’ t say a word.
It seems I haven’ t learnt anything at all.
But I try to remember a picture, a page from the book. By and by I calm down and remember things.
W h a t’ s more, I always w rite prompts to m em orize things. I never use them but I feel confident simply
keeping them in m y pocket.
Quite fo rg o t — have a good sleep before your exam.
Sorry, got to get back to m y prompts.
W r ite back.
M ary

Вариант 9

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 3542 9 4578216 18 safest 27 photographer
2 15253 10 3 19 them 28 heroic
3 1 11 2 20 arestolen 29 strength
4 3 12 1 21 willnotstay/won’ tstay 30 practically
5 2 13 1 22 are 31 criminals
6 1 14 2 23 banks 32 wonderful
7 2 15 1 24 worst
8 3 16 2 25 policies
17 3 26 arecaused

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
|331 (Возм ож ный вариант ответа)
22nd Novem ber, 2014
Dear Fred,
Thank you, I was glad to get your letter and fin d out your way and attitude towards the Internet.
A s fo r me, I don’ t give any personal inform ation about m yself in chat rooms. The exception was ‘ my
photo’ (it was m y classmate’ s one to check i f she was that beautiful)!
I ’ve never even thought about ‘ internet d atin g’ . For me i t ’s really im portant to see people and socialize
w ith them personally. Besides, there are a lot o f stories provin g that such dating can be quite dangerous.
H ave to finish and get this in the post.
W r ite back.

Вариант 10

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 4351 9 8643751 18 were 27 medical
2 61342 10 3 19 seems 28 shortens

3 3 11 1 20 girls 29 illnesses
4 1 12 3 21 companies 30 important

5 2 13 2 22 havedeveloped 31 knowledge

6 3 14 3 23 mine 32 smoking

7 1 15 3 24 donotmind/don ’ tmind

8 2 16 2 25 cleverest

17 3 26 less

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
I 33 |(Возм ож ны й вариант ответа)
15th May, 2015
Dear Alison,
Thank you, I was glad to get your letter and I really feel sorry fo r you, though you ’re not the only person
in the w orld who shares a room w ith a younger sister.
I f I were you, I ’ d calm down and try to be m yself. Perhaps, your sister doesn’ t even notice that her
behavior hurts you.
N e x t tim e she leaves her mess, put the pile o f her things in the middle o f the room to show her that you
dislike her behavior.
A n d i t ’ s up to you to decide whether to tell parents or not. (W h a t can they do: talk to her?)
H ave to stop and help my brother w ith his home task.
W r ite back.

Вариант 11

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 2513 9 8713625 18 him 27 scientific
2 34562 10 2 19 best 28 developments
3 3 11 1 20 weremade 29 healthy
4 2 12 3 21 means 30 acceptable
5 1 13 1 22 wasborn 31 theoretical
6 2 14 2 23 moved 32 suffering
7 1 15 1 24 wrote
8 2 16 3 25 mostpopular
17 3 26 hasbeen

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
1331(Возм ож ны й вариант от вет а)
15th May, 2015
Dear Tim othy,
Thanks a lot, it was great to get your letter! I ’ve learnt a lot about your language practice.
Frankly speaking, I ’ve never had any language practice abroad and I don’t have any possibilities o f such
studies besides school lessons.
I practise English, reading books in the original and I also enjoy listening to some old English groups like
the ‘ Beaties’ . Listening to some other groups is also quite helpful. For example, A B B A songs are easily
I ’ d like to have a chance o f practising English w ith a native speaker, though not necessarily abroad ( i t ’ s
cool but too expensive)!
Sorry, I ’ ve got to feed m y dog.
W r ite soon.
Best wishes,
A n gela

Вариант 12

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 3421 9 4618537 18 best 27 daily
2 26351 10 1 19 aredoing 28 disadvantage
3 2 11 2 20 is/willbe 29 faithful
4 3 12 3 21 likes 30 useful
5 2 13 3 22 iscooked 31 expressive
6 1 14 2 23 is 32 speakers
7 3 15 1 24 children
8 3 16 2 25 issleeping
17 1 26 havedone

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
13 3 1(Возм ож ны й вариант от вет а)
T ver
The 17th o f February, 2015
Dear Susan,
Thank you fo r your letter.
I can’t share your opinion o f DiCaprio. He is really cool and an excellent actor. A s fo r me, I adore actors
and actresses who have ‘ school’ and who can show d iffe re n t features o f their personalities in various genres
o f film s. Sometimes I even choose a film to watch because o f a special actor starring in it.
Some o f m y friends are o f the same opinion as mine, but some have their own likes and dislikes (tastes
d iffe r)! They prefer action to good acting.
Sorry, have to do m y homework.
W r ite soon.

Вариант 13

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике

1 4315 9 5438172 18 tried 27 fashionable

2 45621 10 1 19 themselves 28 various

3 3 11 1 20 waschosen 29 unhealthy

4 2 12 2 21 couldnot/couldn’ t 30 naturally

5 2 13 3 22 isobserved 31 wearing

6 1 14 2 23 was 32 properly

7 3 15 3 24 exchanged

8 2 16 2 25 mostpopular

17 3 26 bunnies

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
I 3 3 1(Возмож ный вариант ответа)
7th January, 2015
Dear Tom,
Thanks fo r your letter. A t last I got it and understood w hy you ’d kept silence fo r so long.
M y fa m ily also had to move to another place, so I went through a rather unpleasant school changing like
you (I hate any changes)!
There were numerous new students together w ith me and we made friends easily. Maybe, that helped us
avoid bullying and teasing.
I have nothing against school uniform , as I sim ply got used to it. Y ou see, we had to wear uniform s in my
previous school. N ow I am gettin g used to new teachers and looking forw ard to join in g a school sports club.
W r ite back.
Best wishes,
K ir ill

Вариант 14

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 3514 9 5361487 18 isremembered 27 simply
2 24631 10 1 19 drove 28 possible
3 3 11 3 20 first 29 impression

4 1 12 1 21 wouldreturn 30 energetic
5 2 13 3 22 wasgrowing 31 activity
6 3 14 1 23 reflected 32 laziness
7 1 15 3 24 were/was
8 3 16 2 25 best
17 1 26 hadconqured

Р а зд е л 4. Задание по письму
133 I ( Возможный вариант ответа)
Dear Michael,
Thank you ve ry much fo r your letter. I guess you ’ve got a fa irly good impression a fter visitin g the British
In our city, there’ re loads o f museums to all tastes. But m y fa vo rite is the Zoology Museum, because I ’ m
interested in exotic fauna and besides, we often have Zoology classes there. I ’ve also enjoyed our class
excursion to the H istory Museum ( I ’ d been in d ifferen t to H istory before) and would like to go there again.
I don’ t mention our famous Moscow art museums, and fir s t o f all the Tretyakov Gallery. There are a lot of
great pictures there.
Sorry, I have to stop w ritin g and help my mum.
W r ite back.
Best wishes,

Вариант 15

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 2453 9 3514672 18 is 27 broaden
2 53614 10 3 19 remains 28 traveller
3 2 11 1 20 wereforced 29 carefully
4 1 12 3 21 dominates 30 different
5 3 13 2 22 these 31 activities
6 3 14 3 23 deeper 32 Cycling
7 3 15 3 24 men
8 1 16 3 25 is
17 1 26 characteristics

Р а зд е л 4. Задание по письму
13 3 1( Возм ож ны й вариант ответа)
24th December, 2014
Dear Pamela,
Thank you fo r your letter, it has come at the tim e o f ‘ h ot’ preparations fo r Christmas and N ew Year.
I think that gettin g ready fo r these holidays as w ell as the feelin g o f expectation are part o f fun. Im agine
crazy shopping, hunting fo r the most unusual holiday recipes, fin d in g the place fo r celebrations etc....
Much snow is sim ply necessary. Then i t ’ s fin e to celebrate outdoors and have w inter entertainments:
playing snowballs, m aking a snowman, sliding, skating and what not. Fortunately, w hite Christmas is
a common thing fo r the place I live in.
Sorry fo r such a short letter. I ’ m goin g — guess, where? O f course, shopping.
W r ite back.
K ristin a

Вариант 16

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике

1 5432 9 3572864 18 reported 27 valuable

2 52463 10 3 19 details 28 Academic

3 3 11 1 20 first 29 British

4 1 12 2 21 better 30 different

5 2 13 3 22 donotunderstand/ 31 priceless
don’ tunderstand

6 3 14 2 23 areembarrassed 32 important

7 2 15 2 24 wouldbecome

8 3 16 1 25 memories

17 3 26 mostimportant

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
Гзз! ( Возможный вариант ответа)
Moscow, Russia
2nd N ovem ber
Dear K ate,
Thank you fo r you r letter. I ’ ve had to think much over you r questions about charity, as in our school
w e’ve g ot only a fe w ch arity activities.
I remember how we collected warm clothes, books and toys fo r fam ilies where there w ere three or more
children. But it happened just once. I ’ m sorry it hasn’ t become a tradition. I t ’ s d iffic u lt to get some
classmates interested in such activities.
W e ll, to organ ize a ch arity concert and to spend the raised money on the needs o f poor fam ilies would be
N ow I have to stop w ritin g , because i t ’ s tim e to walk m y dog.
Hope to hear fro m you soon.
Best wishes,

Вариант 17

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 2413 9 8756213 18 died 27 unemployed
2 45132 10 3 19 hasbecome 28 greatly
3 2 11 2 20 isbooming 29 lucky
4 1 12 1 21 firm er 30 psychological
5 3 13 1 22 makes 31 shyness
6 3 14 2 23 havediscovered 32 friendly
7 2 15 1 24 improves
8 3 16 1 25 has
17 3 26 better

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
I 33 |(Возможный вариант ответа)
3rd March
Dear Jane,
Thanks fo r you r letter. I was glad to learn how you enjoy you rself.
M y b oyfrien d and I often go to the discos and we know v e ry w ell everyth in g about people’ s dress code
and behavior there. The problem is w ith theatre: to wear jeans like most or a beau tifu l dress like a few .
To tell the tru th, I ’ m a b it o f a tom boy and m y b oyfrien d helps me choose what to wear to look sexy. A nd
I do his hair fo r him. B y the way, v e ry often his advice is quite helpful.
Sorry, I must fin ish now. H ave to help m y sister.
W r it e back.
L ily

Вариант 18

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 3514 9 5816324 18 isknown 27 friendly
2 36142 10 3 19 isen joyed 28 American
3 3 11 3 20 mostextreme 29 regularly
4 1 12 1 21 is 30 environmental
5 2 13 2 22 puts/hasput 31 settlers
6 2 14 3 23 willbecome 32 English
7 3 15 2 24 morepopular
8 3 16 3 25 reasons
17 1 26 teenagers

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
Гзз1 {Возможный вариант ответ а)
V ladim ir,
A p r il, 23rd, 2015
Dear Mark,
Thanks fo r you r letter, though I was at a loss, because I ’ m not a superstitious person and I could
rem em ber only a fe w things to be interestin g.
The fir s t one is that number 13 is v e ry unlucky and so is the black cat. I also know that to meet a man
when you go out is good luck.
Once a frien d o f mine put horseshoes over all the doors in his fla t and we laughed a lot when some o f
them fe ll down and hit him.
I t ’ s a p ity, I don’ t know anything about superstitions connected w ith the weather and i f they rea lly help
or not.
Got to stop w ritin g as mum is callin g me.
W r it e back,

Вариант 19

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике

1 4125 9 5316784 18 mostprivate 27 quickly

2 36542 10 2 19 came 28 unnatural

3 2 11 3 20 These 29 different

4 1 12 1 21 has 30 colourful

5 3 13 1 22 arefilled 31 seriously

6 1 14 2 23 are 32 impolite

7 3 15 3 24 runs

8 3 16 1 25 donotknow/don’tknow

17 3 26 dearest

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму

I33 I( Возможный вариант ответ а)

5th February
Dear Ph il,
Thank you fo r you r letter. I laughed a lot reading about the incident at the party. I t ’ s obvious that you
should’ve known beforehand what to put on.
I usually know what a c tiv ity I ’ m goin g to have, so m y clothes f i t the situation. I f i t ’ s som ething I ’ m not
fa m ilia r w ith, I ask those who can g iv e me a good piece o f advice.
M y m other and elder sister have p erfect taste (and piles o f fashion m agazines). T h ey ’ re the ones whom
I can consult and whose choice I trust.
Sorry, can’ t w rite any more: i t ’ s m y turn to clean the room.
W r ite soon.

Вариант 20

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 2431 9 4152673 18 areknown 27 valuable
2 53162 10 1 19 had 28 different
3 3 11 1 20 greater 29 achievements
4 3 12 2 21 havebeen 30 educational
5 3 13 2 22 teamed 31 widely
6 1 14 3 23 men 32 connection
7 1 15 1 24 are
8 2 16 2 25 isstarting
17 3 26 haveheard

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
1331 (Возможный вариант ответа)
T v er, Russia
16th A p ril
Dear L iz,
Thanks fo r your letter. It was great to learn the news.
I must say that in all Russian cities there are museums devoted to the history and culture o f that place.
Our town is not v e ry large, but we have such a museum.
Last summer we had a school trip to Moscow and we visited Kolom enskoye. That was rea lly a liv in g
history museum. W e could see how people lived a couple o f centuries ago. U n fortu n ately, such trips don’ t
happen often. But dad prom ised to take me to K iz h i a fter m y summer exams. This is the most famous open-
air museum in our country. I ’ ll send you photos then.
Sorry, i t ’ s tim e to do some homework.
Best wishes,

Вариант 21

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 2413 9 3718652 18 wasfound 27 connection(s)
2 23456 10 1 19 wassinging/sang 28 childhood
3 2 11 3 20 wasimpressed 29 w riter
4 3 12 3 21 mostexciting 30 novelist
5 3 13 2 22 raises 31 amazing
6 3 14 3 23 first 32 colourful
7 3 15 1 24 wasknown
8 1 16 1 25 wasnot/wasn’ t
17 2 26 willberemembered

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
13 3 1(Возможный вариант ответа)
Dear M artin,
Thanks a lot fo r you r letter. It was great to learn about you r cam ping experience.
U n fortu n ately, I can’ t share m y own experience, because I have never gone cam ping. A n d to tell the
truth, I w ouldn’ t like to try. Y ou know, I like some com fort and m aking fir e to cook is not m y cup o f tea.
Though, I think I could take some cans w ith beans and meat and just warm the food on the fire .
O f course, I ’ d make a list o f things not to fo rg e t a can-opener, tea, some warm clothes and som ething to
protect m yself from mosquitoes.
Sorry, mum is callin g me.
W r ite back soon,
Best wishes,

Вариант 22

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике

1 5142 9 3628471 18 havealwaysdreamed 27 dangerous

2 34126 10 1 19 children 28 celebrations

3 2 11 2 20 isbased 29 illegal

4 3 12 3 21 thinks 30 historian

5 2 13 1 22 his 31 carefully

6 1 14 2 23 shallhave /willhave 32 visitors

7 3 15 2 24 less

8 3 16 3 25 donottake/don’ ttake

17 1 26 haven’tbeenproved

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
133 |(Возможный вариант ответа)
Moscow, Russia
The 12th o f A p r il, 2015
Dear Clyde,
Thank you fo r your letter. I was glad to learn the news.
A s fo r your questions, I ’ ve never been abroad before. Last summer we w ent to St Petersbu rg and we
booked the hotel online. A ft e r m y exams m y parents are planning to take me to Ita ly. But m y dream is to
v is it some Eastern country, fo r exam ple, Thailand or China.
I think that fo r the fir s t tim e w e’ ll go on a packed trip , because it is convenient. But in the fu tu re I ’ d
p refer to arrange everyth in g m yself and tra vel on m y own. In such a w ay you can plan you r trip according
to you r wish.
Sorry, I have to stop w ritin g . M y little brother needs m y help.
W r it e back soon,
M ary

Вариант 23

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 4153 9 3571842 18 better 27 explorer

2 23614 10 3 19 largest 28 dangerous

3 2 11 3 20 friendlier 29 pressure

4 1 12 1 21 wasexcited 30 hardly

5 3 13 2 22 is 31 creatures

6 2 14 2 23 says 32 beginning

7 1 15 1 24 mosquitoes
8 3 16 3 25 millions
17 3 26 plays

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
133 1(Возм ож ный вариант ответа)
Tula, Russia
June 12th
Dear Tom,
Thank you fo r you r letter and fo r sharing you r problem.
I go to our country house every summer. Fortu nately, I have a couple o f friends there and when i t ’ s
rain in g we play board games, fo r exam ple, ‘ M onopoly’ . I think, you can fin d d iffe re n t board games in any
Besides, in bad w eather I read a lot. N ow you can carry a lib ra ry just in one iPad. A lso I search the
In tern et fo r the news and sometimes I watch film s online (I don’ t like T V ).
A s fo r a place to go, there is nothing en tertaining nearby, so i f I am too bored, I just go back to m y town
fo r a couple o f days.
Sorry, have to go shopping.
W r ite back soon.
Best wishes,
A n d rew

Вариант 24

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 2345 9 6357814 18 mostsuccessful 27 fin ally
2 54236 10 1 19 became 28 Doing
3 1 11 3 20 chose 29 confidence
4 3 12 2 21 wasnamed 30 decoration
5 2 13 1 22 mostpopular 31 length
6 1 14 1 23 illusions 32 development
7 3 15 3 24 him
8 2 16 3 25 first
17 2 26 hopes

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
1331( Возможный вариант ответа)
Dear Ann,
Thanks a lot fo r your letter. I ’ m so glad you r dream has come true.
A lot o f people in m y country keep pets, and the most popular are dogs and cats. I think, they do it
because i t ’ s nice to have a liv in g creature who loves you just fo r what you are. T h a t’ s w hy lonely people
often keep pets, though i t ’ s d iffic u lt in big cities. You have to walk a dog somewhere. I t ’ s much easier w ith
cats, but still you can’ t leave you r house fo r a long tim e.
U n fortu n ately, I haven’ t g ot a pet, because m y little sister is a llergic to anim als’ hair. M y dream is to
have a dog in the fu ture.
Sorry, have to go shopping.
W r ite back soon.
Tam ara

Вариант 25

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике

1 4351 9 6823417 18 aretrapped 27 national

2 24563 10 1 19 did 28 buildings

3 1 11 2 20 isseen 29 twice

4 3 12 1 21 centuries 30 unreal

5 2 13 3 22 mosthaunted 31 assistant

6 1 14 2 23 haveseen 32 famous

7 3 15 3 24 mostfamous

8 2 16 1 25 appears

17 2 26 Twice

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
13 3 1( Возможный вариант ответа)
Kursk, Russia
February, 12th
Dear M eg,
Thanks fo r you r letter. I was glad to learn you ’ re interested in m y country.
I think, the most im portant holiday in m y country is V icto ry Day (celebrated on M ay 9th), because
Russia lost too many people in that war.
M y fa vo u rite holiday is so called M aslenitsa, which in Russia marks the end o f the w in ter. F or a whole
week everybody bakes pancakes. Celebrations take place at home and in the parks. People eat pancakes, sing
and then burn a scarecrow as a sign o f com ing spring. In our fa m ily i t ’ s a tradition to meet at m y G ranny’ s
place. H er pancakes are the best!
Sorry, have to walk m y dog.
W r ite back soon.

Вариант 26

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 3541 9 3527461 18 hasbecome 27 dishonest
2 51623 10 1 19 lives 28 stranger
3 1 11 2 20 people 29 conversation
4 2 12 2 21 firm er 30 personal
5 3 13 1 22 their 31 impossible
6 2 14 3 23 less 32 especially
7 3 15 3 24 haveshown/show
8 1 16 1 25 improves
17 3 26 better

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
Гзз| ( Возможный вариант ответа)
Tambov, Russia
Dear Max,
Thank you fo r your letter. I ’ m really happy to learn about your success. Hope, next week you’ ll be as
A s fo r me, I only take part in chess competitions. Y ou know, I ’ m not v e ry sporty. Though I go to m y PE
lessons w ith pleasure. It doesn’ t mean I like them ve ry much. I don’ t like just running and jumping.
Fortunately, our PE teacher pays more attention to games at our lessons. So, fo r me they are an opportunity
to play basketball or volleyball. Besides, sometimes we go to the swim m ing pool nearby. This is what I like
most o f all.
Sorry, I have to go m y chess club.
W r ite me soon.
Best wishes,

Вариант 27

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 2453 9 5281376 18 lived 27 scientist
2 64512 10 1 19 things 28 inventor
3 2 11 2 20 was 29 successful
4 3 12 2 21 wouldface 30 conditioner
5 1 13 3 22 could 31 Sadly
6 2 14 3 23 her 32 mysterious
7 3 15 2 24 highest
8 1 16 3 25 hadforgotten
17 2 26 doesnotrain/doesn ’ train

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
133 |(Возм ож ны й вариант ответа)
The 10th o f M ay
Dear Sam,
Thanks a lot fo r your letter. It was nice to learn that we share the same feelings.
I never liked Friday before, because I had to study on Saturday. But this year we have no Saturday
lessons, so Friday is m y fa vou rite day as w ell. The way I spend m y weekends depends on the weather. I often
go to the park w ith m y friends or w ith m y fam ily. So, you see, I p refer not to stay alone. I f i t ’ s not warm
enough, we can go to the cinema. On rainy days m y friends and I just sit at our homes chatting online.
Sorry, today is not Friday, so I have to do homework.
W r ite back soon.

Вариант 28

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике

1 3421 9 2468137 18 stories 27 usually

2 35421 10 3 19 them 28 moody

3 1 11 1 20 donotwant/don’ twant 29 education

4 2 12 3 21 wrote 30 deadly

5 1 13 2 22 wasreturned 31 scientists

6 2 14 1 23 isnot/isn’ t 32 growth

7 3 15 2 24 hadpasted

8 3 16 1 25 wouldread

17 2 26 aresent

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
1331(В озм ож ны й вариант от вет а)
Rostov, Russia
June 15th 2015

Dear Polly,
Thank you fo r your letter, it was nice to read about your fa m ily traditions.
To tell the truth, we have no tradition o f a big dinner, m ainly because all m y relatives live fa r away. M y
granny comes to v is it us only on Christmas. But the fou r o f us (I mean, m y parents, my brother and I) like our
Sunday dinners, because m y mum is an excellent cook and usually she spends Saturday to cook our favou rite
salads and a chicken stu ffed w ith apples. I think that such traditional dinners are necessary even fo r a small
fa m ily to stay close to each other.
Sorry to finish w ritin g, I have to help mum w ith the shopping.
W r ite back soon.
Lots o f love,
N ina

Вариант 29

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 3124 9 8346752 18 them 27 unusual
2 61435 10 1 19 waswalking 28 prisoner
3 3 11 2 20 heard 29 mysterious
4 2 12 3 21 wascalling 30 actually
5 1 13 1 22 wassaved 31 heartless
6 2 14 3 23 himself 32 patient
7 1 15 1 24 stopped
8 2 16 2 25 Don’ tcry
17 3 26 is

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
1331 (В озм ож ны й вариант от вет а)
Samara, Russia
Dear B ill,
Thanks fo r your letter. I was sorry to learn about your quarrel.
I think, all parents act the same. O f course, they let me go out in the evening, but not later than 10 p.m.
The only exception is visitin g the theatre. A s performances usually end later than that time, I get home about
11 o ’ clock. But dad usually picks me up at the theatre or meets me at the bus stop.
I usually go to bed at 11.30 and i t ’ s not m y mum’ s order. I just need to sleep well. A n d I seldom watch T V
at all, so i f there is something extraordinary on, then all o f us watch it.
Sorry, have to fin ish and do m y cleaning.
W r ite back soon.
Best wishes,

Вариант 30

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике
1 4315 9 3614782 18 likes 27 untidy
2 26145 10 2 19 asks 28 rebellion
3 2 11 3 20 Most 29 dissatisfaction
4 1 12 2 21 are told 30 shaven
5 2 13 1 22 donotwant/don ’ twant 31 closely
6 3 14 2 23 have liked 32 acceptable
7 2 15 1 24 her
8 1 16 1 25 cases
17 3 26 easier

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
13 3 1( Возм ож ны й вариант от вет а)
M ay 25, 2015
Dear Jane,
Thank you fo r your letter. I can’ t help adm iring your enthusiasm about summer holidays.
A s fo r me, I hate doing nothing in summer. But I ’ m afraid your w ay o f spending summer is too active,
especially fo r a girl. Besides, I ’ m a bit afraid o f horses.
I usually spend half o f my holidays in the countryside, where I help m y granny in the garden. M y
fa vou rite task there is to look a fter strawberries. A n d also we spend a month at the seaside, where we rent
a small house fo r the fam ily. There I go d ivin g and w aterskiing and I just adore all kinds o f w ater activities.
Sorry, I have to finish. M y mum needs help about the house.
W r ite back soon.

Вариант 31

Раздел 1. Задания Раздел 2. Задания Раздел 3. Задания

по аудированию по чтению по грамматике и лексике

1 3412 9 5762418 18 first 27 choose

2 65213 10 3 19 hasbecome 28 disadvantages

3 3 11 2 20 biggest 29 achievement

4 3 12 2 21 mostspectacular 30 loss

5 3 13 3 22 lived 31 arguments

6 2 14 3 23 woulddo 32 addition

7 1 15 3 24 werelowered

8 3 16 1 25 isfollowed

17 1 26 colours

Р а з д е л 4. Задание по письму
I 33 |(Возм ож ны й вариант ответа)
Pskov, Russia
Dear Bob,
Thanks a lot fo r your letter. I was glad to learn about your plans.
Y ou r mum shouldn’t w orry about the food. There are a lot o f fast food restaurants o f all kinds even in my
town. A n d in Moscow and St. Petersburg you’ ll never stay hungry.
A s fo r the weather, spring is still rather cold in m y country, so be sure to take a sweater, a warm jacket
and a cap. A nd don’t fo rg e t about an umbrella. It can be rather wet, especially in St. Petersburg. But also be
ready fo r warm days, because spring is v e ry changeable. A nd the most im portant — com fortable footw ear,
you’ ll have to walk ve ry much.
Sorry to finish, have to help dad.
W r ite back soon.
Best wishes,
M ike
П ри л ож ен ие 3


В соответствии с Порядком проведения государственной итоговой аттестации по образовательным

программам основного общего образования (приказ Минобрнауки России от 25.12.2013 № 1394 заре­
гистрирован Минюстом России 03.02.2014 № 31206) «...экзаменационные работы проверяются двумя
экспертами. П о результатам проверки эксперты независимо друг от друга выставляют баллы за каждый
ответ на задания экзаменационной работы... В случае существенного расхождения в баллах, выставлен­
ных двумя экспертами, назначается третья проверка. Существенное расхождение в баллах определено
в критериях оценивания по соответствующему учебному предмету.
Третий эксперт назначается председателем предметной комиссии из числа экспертов, ранее не прове­
рявш их экзаменационную работу.
Третьему эксперту предоставляется информация о баллах, выставленных экспертами, ранее прове­
рявшими экзаменационную работу обучающегося. Б аллы , выставленные третьим экспертом, являю тся
окончательн ы м и».
При оценке выполнения задания 33 письменной части третий эксперт назначается в следую щ их с л у ­
1) Если один из экспертов поставил 0 баллов (и ли выставил « X » ) по критерию К1, а другой эксперт —
ненулевое значение, то третий эксперт должен перепроверить соответствующее задание (3 3 ) по
всем критериям.
2) Третий эксперт назначается в случае расхождения баллов, выставленных первым и вторым экс­
пертом, на 3 и более. Третий эксперт выст авляет баллы по всем четырем позициям оценивания
задания 33.
При оценке выполнения заданий устной части третий эксперт назначается, если расхождение сумм
баллов, выставленных двумя экспертами за выполнение всех заданий раздела по всем позициям оцени­
вания выполнения данных заданий, составляет 5 и более баллов. П р и этом третий эксперт выст авля­
ет баллы по всем заданиям.
П ри л ож ен ие 4


(м а кси м у м 10 баллов)

оценива­ 3 балла 2 балла 1 балл 0 баллов

Решение Задание выполнено Задание выполне­ Задание выполнено Задание не выпол­

коммуни­ полностью: даны но: даны ответы на частично: даны отве­ нено: отсутствуют
кативной полные ответы на три заданных вопро­ ты на заданные воп­ ответы на два вопро­
задачи три заданных вопро­ са, НО на один воп­ росы, НО на два воп­ са, И Л И текст пись­
са. Правильно вы­ рос дан неполный роса даны неполные ма не соответствует
браны обращение, ответ. Есть 1-2 нару­ ответы, И Л И ответ требуемому объёму
К1 завершающая фраза шения в стилевом на один вопрос от­
и подпись. Есть бла­ оформлении пись­ сутствует. Имеется
годарность, упоми­ ма, И /И ЛИ отсутс­ более 2 нарушений
нание о предыдущих твует благодарность, в стилевом оформле­
контактах, выраже­ упоминание о пре­ нии письма и в соб­
на надежда на буду­ дыдущих/будущих людении норм веж­
щие контакты контактах ливости

Организа­ Текст логично вы­ Текст в основном л о ­ Текст выстроен не­

ция текста строен и разделён на гично выстроен, НО логично, допущены
абзацы, правильно имеются недостатки многочисленные
использованы язы­ (1 -2 ) при использо­ ошибки в структур­
ковые средства для вании средств логи ­ ном оформлении
передачи логичес­ ческой связи И/ текста письма, И Л И
кой связи, оформле­ И Л И делении на аб­ оформление текста
ние текста соответс­ зацы. И Л И имеются не соответствует
твует нормам пись­ отдельные наруше­ нормам письменного
менного этикета ния в структурном этикета, принятого
оформлении текста в стране изучаемого
письма языка

Лексико- Использованы раз­ Имеются языковые Имеются языковые Допущены много­

граммати­ нообразная лексика ошибки, не затруд­ ошибки, не затруд­ численные языко­
ческое и грамматические няющие понимания няющие понимания вые ошибки, кото­
оформле­ структуры, соответ­ текста(допускается текста(допускается рые затрудняют
ние текста ствующие постав­ не более 4 негрубых не более 5 негрубых понимание текста
ленной коммуника­ языковых ошибок), языковых ошибок)
тивной задаче (до­ И Л И языковые И /И ЛИ допущены
пускается не более ошибки отсутству­ языковые ошибки,
2 языковых ошибок, ют, но используются которые затрудняют
не затрудняющих лексические едини­ понимание текста
понимания текста) цы и грамматичес­ (не более 1-2 грубых
кие структуры толь­ ошибок)
ко элементарного

Орфогра­ Орфографические и Допущенные орфог­ Допущены много­

фия и пун­ пунктуационные рафические и пунк­ численные орфогра­
ктуация ошибки практичес­ туационные ошибки фические и пунктуа­
ки отсутствуют (до­ не затрудняют пони­ ционные ошибки,
пускается не более мания текста(допус­ И /И ЛИ допущены
2 ошибок, не затруд­ кается не более ошибки, которые
няющих понимания 3-4 ошибок) затрудняют понима­
текста) ние текста

* 1. Задание 33 (ли чн ое письм о) оценивается по критериям К 1 - К 4 (м аксим альн ое количество

баллов — 10).
2. При получении учащ имся 0 баллов по критерию «Содерж ание» задание 33 оценивается в 0 баллов.
3. Если объём письма менее 90 слов, то задание оценивается в 0 баллов. Если объём более 132 слов, то
проверке подлежат только 120 слов, т.е. та часть личного письма, которая соответствует требуемому объ­
4. При определении соответствия объёма представленной работы требованиям считаются все слова,
с первого слова по последнее, вклю чая вспомогательные глаголы , предлоги, артикли, частицы. В л и ч ­
ном письме адрес, дата, подпись также подлежат подсчёту.
При этом:
— стяжённые (краткие) формы (например, I ’ve, i t ’s, doesn’t, wasn’t) считаются как одно слово;
— числительны е, выраженные цифрами (например, 5, 29, 2010,123 204), считаются как одно слово;
— числительны е, выраженные словами (например, twenty one), считаются как одно слово;
— слож ные слова (например, pop-singer, English-speaking, thirty-two) считаются как одно слово;
— сокращения (например, U K , e-mail, T V ) считаются как одно слово.
П ри л ож ен ие 5


(м а к с и м у м 15 б а л л о в з а в е с ь р а з д е л )

Задание 1 (чтение текста в слух) — максимум 2 б а лла

Фонетическая сторона речи

Речь воспринимается легко: необоснованные паузы отсутствуют; фразовое ударение и интонацион­

2 ные контуры, произношение слов практически без нарушений нормы; допускается не более пяти фо­
нетических ошибок, в том числе одна-две ошибки, искажающие смысл

Речь воспринимается достаточно легко, однако присутствуют необоснованные паузы; фразовое уда­
1 рение и интонационные контуры практически без нарушений нормы; допускается не более семи фо­
нетических ошибок, в том числе три ошибки, искажающие смысл

Речь воспринимается с трудом из-за значительного количества неестественных пауз, запинок, невер­
ной расстановки ударений и ошибок в произношении слов,
И Л И допущено более семи фонетических ошибок,
И Л И сделано четыре и более фонетические ошибки, искажающие смысл

Задание 2 (участие в условном диалоге-расспросе) — максимум 6 баллов. Оценивается отдельно

каждый из шести ответов.

Б аллы

1 балл. Дан полный ответ на поставленный 0 баллов. Ответ на вопрос не дан,

вопрос; допущенные отдельные фонетичес­ И Л И ответ не соответствует заданному
кие, лексические и грамматические пог­ вопросу,
решности не затрудняют понимания И Л И ответ дан в виде слова или словосоче­
на вопросы
1 -6
И /И ЛИ допущены фонетические и лекси­
ческие и грамматические ошибки, пре­
пятствующие пониманию ответа

Задание 3 (тематическое монологическое высказывание) — максимум 7 баллов.

Решение коммуникативной за­ Организация Языковое оформление Б ал­

дачи (К 5) высказывания (К б ) высказывания (К7) лы

Задание выполнено полно­ 3

стью: цель общения достигну­
та; тема раскрыта в полном
объёме (полно, точно и развер­
нуто раскрыты все аспекты,
указанные в задании). Объём
высказывания: 10-12 фраз

Задание выполнено: цель об­ Высказывание логично и име­ Использованный словарный 2

щения достигнута; но тема ет завершённый характер; запас, грамматические струк­
раскрыта не в полном объёме имеются вступительная и за­ туры, фонетическое оформ­
(один аспект раскрыт не пол­ ключительная фразы, соответ­ ление высказывания соответс­
ностью). ствующие теме. Средства твуют поставленной задаче (до­
Объём высказывания: логической связи ис­ пускается не более четырёх
8-9 фраз пользуются правильно негрубых лексико­
грамматических ошибок
И/И ЛИ не более трёх негрубых
фонетических ошибок)

Решение коммуникативной за­ Организация Языковое оформление Бал­

дачи (К5) высказывания (Кб) высказывания (К 7) лы

Задание выполнено частично: Высказывание в основном ло ­ Использованный словарный 1

цель общения достигнута час­ гично и имеет достаточно запас, грамматические струк­
тично; тема раскрыта в ограни­ завершённый характер, НО от­ туры, фонетическое оформ­
ченном объёме (один аспект не сутствует вступительная И Л И ление высказывания соответс­
раскрыт, заключительная фраза, имеют­ твуют поставленной задаче
И Л И все аспекты задания рас­ ся одно-два нарушения в (допускается не более пяти не­
крыты неполно, использовании средств логи ­ грубых лексико-грамматичес­
И Л И два аспекта раскрыты не ческой связи ких ошибок И /И ЛИ не более
в полном объёме, третий ас­ четырёх негрубых фонетичес­
пект дан полно и точно). ких ошибок)
Объём высказывания:
6-7 фраз

Задание не выполнено: цель Высказывание нелогично, Понимание высказывания за­ 0

общения не достигнута: два ас­ вступительная и заклю ­ труднено из-за многочислен­
пекта содержания не раскры­ чительная фразы отсутствуют; ных лексико-грамматических
ты*. Объём высказывания: средства логической связи и фонетических ошибок (шесть
5 и менее фраз практически не используются и более лексико-грамматичес­
ких ошибок И /И ЛИ пять и бо­
лее фонетических ошибок)
И Л И более трёх грубых оши­

* Примечание. При получении участником ОГЭ 0 баллов по критерию «Реш ение коммуникативной
задачи» всё задание оценивается в 0 баллов.

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