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day 1

Don’t dream your life, live your dream.

Не мечтай о своей жизни, живи своей мечтой.
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day 2

Grow through what you go through.

Учись на своем опыте.
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day 3

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

У тебя есть только одна жизнь, но этого достаточно, если ты проживешь ее правильно.
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day 4

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

Нелегко терпеть неудачи, но намного хуже не попробовать добиться успеха.
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day 5

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
Многие из неудач в жизни происходили с людьми, которые не осознавали, насколько близки они
были к успеху, когда сдались.
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day 6

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Успех — не окончателен, неудачи — не фатальны, значение имеет лишь мужество продолжать.
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day 7

Believe you can and you're halfway there.

Верь в свои силы, и ты уже на полпути к успеху.
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day 8

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
Никогда не поздно ставить новые цели или начинать мечтать о чем-то новом.
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day 9

You do not find the happy life. You make it.

Не ищи счастливой жизни. Создавай ее.
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day 10

Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive.

When you're positive, good things happen.
Вдохновение исходит изнутри. Нужно быть позитивным. Когда ты позитивно настроен, вокруг происходят хорошие вещи.
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day 11

It isn't where you came from. It's where you're going that counts.
Главное не то, откуда ты, а куда идешь.
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day 12

It is never too late to be what you might have been.

Никогда не поздно стать тем, кем ты мог быть.
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day 13

Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.

Счастье — не случайность, а выбор.
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day 14

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Начни с себя и будь тем, что ты хочешь видеть в мире.
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day 15

If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.

Если я не могу делать великие дела, я могу отлично делать маленькие.
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day 16

Don't wait. The time will never be just right.

Не жди. Время никогда не будет подходящим.
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day 17

A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.
Чемпионы определяются не победами, а тем, как они переживают поражения.
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day 18

Motivation comes from working on things we care about.

Мотивация приходит, когда мы работаем над тем, что нам не безразлично.
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day 19

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.
Успеха обычно добиваются те, кто слишком занят, чтобы его искать.
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day 20

Opportunities don't happen. You create them.

Возможности не случаются сами по себе. Ты создаешь их.
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day 21

Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.

Не гонись за деньгами и следуй за страстью.
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day 22

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.

Успех — это путь от неудачи к неудаче без потери энтузиазма.
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day 23

If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.
Если ты не готов рисковать, то придется согласиться на обыденное.
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day 24

All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.

Весь прогресс происходит вне зоны комфорта.
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day 25

Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.
Не позволяйте страху проигрыша быть сильнее радости победы.
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day 26

Fall seven times and stand up eight.

Упади семь раз, поднимись — восемь.
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day 27

Some people dream of success while others wake up and work.

Одни мечтают об успехе, в то время как другие просыпаются и работают.
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day 28

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.
Единственное место, где успех приходит перед работой — это словарь.
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day 29

IT does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
Скорость не имеет значения до тех пор, пока ты не останавливаешься.
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day 30

You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.

Из тех бросков, что ты не сделаешь, все 100% будут мимо.
От чего в наибольшей степени зависит успех в изучении английского? Безусловно, как в любом другом занятии, от

Но для многих – может быть и для тебя тоже – довольно сложно найти в себе силы, чтобы уделить английскому хотя бы
несколько минут в день. Очень важно сделать этот процесс увлекательным!

Именно поэтому мы предлагаем тебе небольшую игру! Ничего сложного: нужно просто прочитать по страничке из
тридцати книг, которые мы для тебя подобрали, попробовать перевести и понять смысл, а потом найти их в нашем
списке! В процессе не забывай обращать внимание на выделенные слова, которые стоит запомнить!
Harry woke early the next morning. Although he could tell it was daylight, he kept his eyes shut tight.
‘It was a dream,’ he told himself firmly. ‘I dreamed a giant called Hagrid came to tell me I was going to a school for
wizards. When I open my eyes I’ll be at home in my cupboard.’
There was suddenly a loud tapping noise.
‘And there’s Aunt Petunia knocking on the door,’ Harry thought, his heart sinking. But he still didn’t open his eyes. It
had been such a good dream.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
‘All right,’ Harry mumbled, ‘I’m getting up.’
He sat up and Hagrid’s heavy coat fell off him. The hut was full of sunlight, the storm was over, Hagrid himself was
asleep on the collapsed sofa and there was an owl rapping its claw on the window, a newspaper held in its beak.
Harry scrambled to his feet, so happy he felt as though a large balloon was swelling inside him. He went straight to
the window and jerked it open. The owl swooped in and dropped the newspaper on top of Hagrid, who didn’t
wake up. The owl then fluttered on to the floor and began to attack Hagrid’s coat.
‘Don’t do that.’
Harry tried to wave the owl out of the way, but it snapped its beak fiercely at him and carried on savaging the coat.
‘Hagrid!’ said Harry loudly. ‘There’s an owl –’
‘Pay him,’ Hagrid grunted into the sofa.
‘He wants payin’ fer deliverin’ the paper. Look in the pockets.’
Hagrid’s coat seemed to be made of nothing but pockets – bunches of keys, slug pellets, balls of string, mint
humbugs, teabags ... finally, Harry pulled out a handful of strange-looking coins.

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone The Brothers Grimm

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Dr. Greene is tall, blond, and immaculate, dressed in a royal blue suit. I’m reminded of the women who work in
Christian’s office. She’s like an identikit model – another Stepford blonde. Her long hair is swept up in an elegant
chignon. She must be in her early forties.
“Mr. Grey.” She shakes Christian’s outstretched hand. “Thank you for coming at such short notice,” Christian says.
“Thank you for making it worth my while, Mr. Grey. Miss Steele.” She smiles, her eyes cool and assessing.
We shake hands, and I know she’s one of those women who doesn’t tolerate fools gladly. Like Kate. I like her
immediately. She gives Christian a pointed stare, and after an awkward beat, he takes his cue.
“I’ll be downstairs,” he mutters, and he leaves what will be my bedroom.
“Well Miss Steele. Mr. Grey is paying me a small fortune to attend to you. What can I do for you?”
After a thorough examination and lengthy discussion, Dr. Greene and I decide on the mini pill. She writes me a
pre-paid prescription and instructs me to pick them up tomorrow. I love her no-nonsense attitude – she has lectured
me until she’s as blue as her dress about taking it at the same time every day. And I can tell she’s burning with
curiosity about my so-called relationship with Mr. Grey. I don’t give her any details. Somehow I don’t think she’d
look so calm and collected if she’d seen his Red Room of Pain. I flush as we pass its closed door and head back
downstairs to the art gallery that is Christian’s living room.

50 Shades of Grey A Million Dirty Secrets Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

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It was the White Rabbit, trotting slowly back again, and looking anxiously about as it went, as if it had lost
something; and she heard it muttering to itself, “The Duchess ! The Duchess! Oh my dear paws! Oh my fur and
whiskers ! She ’ll get me executed, as sure as ferrets are ferrets! Where can I have dropped them, I wonder!” Alice
guessed in a moment that it was looking for the fan and the pair of white kid gloves, and she very goodnaturedly
began hunting about for them, but they were nowhere to be seen—everything seemed to have changed since her
swim in the pool, and the great hall, with the glass table and the little door, had vanished completely.
Very soon the Rabbit noticed Alice, as she went hunting about, and called out to her in an angry tone, “Why, Mary
Ann, what are you doing out here? Run home this moment, and fetch me a pair of gloves and a fan! Quick, now!”
And Alice was so much frightened that she ran off at once in the direction it pointed to, without trying to explain the
mistake that it had made.
“He took me for his housemaid,” she said to herself as she ran. “ How surprised he ’ll be when he finds out who I
am! But I’d better take him his fan and gloves—that is, if I can find them.” As she said this, she came upon a neat
little house, on the door of which was a bright brass plate with the name “W. RABBIT,” engraved upon it. She went
in without knocking, and hurried upstairs, in great fear lest she should meet the real Mary Ann, and be turned out of
the house before she had found the fan and gloves.

Beauty and the Beast Sleeping Beauty Alice in Wonderland

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As soon as the door shut behind me, I was running. I remembered the time I had gotten lost from this bathroom,
because it had two exits.
Outside the far door it was only a short sprint to the elevators, and if Jasper stayed where he said he would, I'd
never be in his line of sight. I didn't look behind me as I ran. This was my only chance, and even if he saw me, I had
to keep going. People stared, but I ignored them. Around the corner the elevators were waiting, and I dashed
forward, throwing my hand between the closing doors of a full elevator headed down. I squeezed in beside the
irritated passengers, and checked to make sure that the button for level one had been pushed. It was already lit,
and the doors closed.
As soon as the door opened I was off again, to the sound of annoyed murmurs behind me. I slowed myself as I
passed the security guards by the luggage carousels, only to break into a run again as the exit doors came into
view. I had no way of knowing if Jasper was looking for me yet.
I would have only seconds if he was following my scent. I jumped out the automatic doors, nearly smacking into the
glass when they opened too slowly.
Along the crowded curb there wasn't a cab in sight.
I had no time. Alice and Jasper were either about to realize I was gone, or they already had. They would find me in
a heartbeat.
A shuttle to the Hyatt was just closing its doors a few feet behind me.
"Wait!" I called, running, waving at the driver.
"This is the shuttle to the Hyatt," the driver said in confusion as he opened the doors.
"Yes," I huffed, "that's where I'm going." I hurried up the steps.
He looked askance at my luggage-less state, but then shrugged, not caring enough to ask.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Twilight The Deer Hunter

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The reason I was standing way up on Thomsen Hill, instead of down at the game, was because I'd just got back
from New York with the fencing team. I was the goddam manager of the fencing team. Very big deal. We'd gone in
to New York that morning for this fencing meet with McBurney School. Only, we didn't have the meet. I left all the
foils and equipment and stuff on the goddam subway. It wasn't all my fault. I had to keep getting up to look at this
map, so we'd know where to get off. So we got back to Pencey around two-thirty instead of around dinnertime. The
whole team ostracized me the whole way back on the train. It was pretty funny, in a way.
The other reason I wasn't down at the game was because I was on my way to say good-by to old Spencer, my
history teacher. He had the grippe, and I figured I probably wouldn't see him again till Christmas vacation started.
He wrote me this note saying he wanted to see me before I went home. He knew I wasn't coming back to Pencey.
I forgot to tell you about that. They kicked me out. I wasn't supposed to come back after Christmas vacation on
account of I was flunking four subjects and not applying myself and all. They gave me frequent warning to start
applying myself – especially around midterms, when my parents came up for a conference with old Thurmer – but I
didn't do it. So I got the ax. They give guys the ax quite frequently at Pencey. It has a very good academic rating,
Pencey. It really does.

Fahrenheit 451 Catch-22 The Catcher in the Rye

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The first meal I ate in Rome was nothing much. Just some homemade pasta (spaghetti carbonara) with a side order
of sauteed spinach and garlic. (The great romantic poet Shelley once wrote a horrified letter to a friend in England
about cuisine in Italy: “Young women of rank actually eat—you will never guess what—GARLIC!”) Also, I had one
artichoke, just to try it; the Romans are awfully proud of their artichokes. Then there was a pop-surprise bonus side
order brought over by the waitress for free—a serving of fried zucchini blossoms with a soft dab of cheese in the
middle (prepared so delicately that the blossoms probably didn’t even notice they weren’t on the vine anymore).
After the spaghetti, I tried the veal. Oh, and also I drank a bottle of house red, just for me. And ate some warm
bread, with olive oil and salt. Tiramisu for dessert.
Walking home after that meal, around 11:00 PM, I could hear noise coming from one of the buildings on my street,
something that sounded like a convention of seven-year-olds—a birthday party, maybe? Laughter and screaming
and running around. I climbed the stairs to my apartment, lay down in my new bed and turned off the light. I waited
to start crying or worrying, since that’s what usually happened to me with the lights off, but I actually felt OK. I felt
fine. I felt the early symptoms of contentment.
My weary body asked my weary mind: “Was this all you needed, then?”
There was no response. I was already fast asleep.

A Stopover in Venice Inferno Eat, Pray, Love

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Midnight was approaching, time to hurry. Peering into the dim surroundings, Margarita discerned some candles
and an empty pool carved out of onyx. As Margarita stood in the pool Hella, assisted by Natasha, poured a thick,
hot red liquid all over her. Margarita tasted salt on her lips and realised that she was being washed in blood. The
bath of blood was followed by another liquid--dense, translucent and pink, and Margarita's head swam with attar
of roses. Next she was laid on a crystal couch and rubbed with large green leaves until she glowed.
The cat came in and began to help. It squatted on its haunches at Margarita's feet and began polishing her instep
like a shoeblack.
Margarita never remembered who it was who stitched her shoes out of pale rose petals or how those shoes
fastened themselves of their own accord. A force lifted her up and placed her in front of a mirror: in her hair
glittered a diamond crown. Koroviev appeared and hung on Margarita's breast a picture of a black poodle in a
heavy oval frame with a massive chain. Queen Margarita found this ornament extremely burdensome, as the chain
hurt her neck and the picture pulled her over forwards. However, the respect with which Koroviev and Behemoth
now treated her was some recompense for the discomfort.
'There's nothing for it,' murmured Koroviev at the door of the room with the pool. ' You must wear it round your
neck-- you must... Let me give you a last word of advice, your majesty. The guests at the ball will be mixed- -oh, very
mixed--but you must show no favouritism, queen Margot! If you don't like anybody ... I realise that you won't show it
in your face, of course not--but you must not even let it cross your mind! If you do, the guest is bound to notice it
instantly. You must be sweet and kind to them all, your majesty. For that, the of the ball will be rewarded a
hundredfold. And another thing-- don't neglect anybody or fail to notice them. Just a smile if you haven't time to toss
them a word, even just a little turn of your head! Anything you like except inattention--they can't
bear that. . . .'

The Master and Margarita One Hundred Years of Solitude Lord of the Flies

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Ippolit Matveyevich woke up as usual at half past seven, mumbled "Guten Morgen", and went over to the
wash-basin. He washed himself with enthusiasm, cleared his throat, noisily rinsed his face, and shook his head to
get rid of the water which had run into his ears. He dried himself with satisfaction, but on taking the towel
away from his face, Ippolit Matveyevich noticed that it was stained with the same black colour that he had used
to dye his horizontal moustache two days before. Ippolit Matveyevich's heart sank. He rushed to get his
pocket mirror. The mirror reflected a large nose and the left-hand side of a moustache as green as the grass in
spring. He hurriedly shifted the mirror to the right. The right-hand mustachio was the same revolting colour.
Bending his head slightly, as though trying to butt the mirror, the unhappy man perceived that the jet black still
reigned supreme in the centre of his square of hair, but that the edges were bordered with the same green colour.
Ippolit Matveyevich's whole being emitted a groan so loud that Ostap Bender opened his eyes.
"You're out of your mind!" exclaimed Bender, and immediately closed his sleepy lids.
"Comrade Bender," whispered the victim of the Titanic imploringly.
Ostap woke up after a great deal of shaking and persuasion. He looked closely at Ippolit Matveyevich and
burst into a howl of laughter. Turning away from the founder of the concession, the chief director of operations and
technical adviser rocked with laughter, seized hold of the top of the bed, cried "Stop, you're killing me!" and again
was convulsed with mirth.
"That's not nice of you, Comrade Bender," said Ippolit Matveyevich and twitched his green moustache.
This gave new strength to the almost exhausted Ostap, and his hearty laughter continued for ten minutes.
Regaining his breath, he suddenly became very serious.
"Why are you glaring at me like a soldier at a louse? Take a look at yourself."
"But the chemist told me it would be jet black and wouldn't wash off, with either hot water or cold water, soap or
paraffin. It was contraband."

The Twelve Chairs Doctor Zhivago Heart of a Dog

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The wind has many names. In that part of the world, it was called the sirocco, because it brought moisture from the
oceans to the east. In the distant land the boy came from, they called it the levanter, because they believed that it
brought with it the sands of the desert, and the screams of the Moorish wars. Perhaps, in the places beyond the
pastures where his sheep lived, men thought that the wind came from Andalusia. But, actually, the wind came from
no place at all, nor did it go to any place; that's why it was stronger than the desert. Someone might one day plant
trees in the desert, and even raise sheep there, but never would they harness the wind.
"You can't be the wind," the wind said. "We're two very different things."
"That's not true," the boy said. "I learned the alchemist's secrets in my travels. I have inside me the winds, the
deserts, the oceans, the stars, and everything created in the universe. We were all made by the same hand, and we
have the same soul. I want to be like you, able to reach every corner of the world, cross the seas, blow away the
sands that cover my treasure, and carry the voice of the woman I love."
"I heard what you were talking about the other day with the alchemist," the wind said. "He said that everything has
its own destiny. But people can't turn themselves into the wind."
"Just teach me to be the wind for a few moments," the boy said. "So you and I can talk about the limitless
possibilities of people and the winds."

The Kite Runner To Kill a Mockingbird The Alchemist


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About half way between West Egg and New York the motor-road hastily joins the railroad and runs beside it for a
quarter of a mile, so as to shrink away from a certain desolate area of land. This is a valley of ashes—a fantastic
farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens where ashes take the forms of
houses and chimneys and rising smoke and finally, with a transcendent effort, of men who move dimly and already
crumbling through the powdery air. Occasionally a line of grey cars crawls along an invisible track, gives out a
ghastly creak and comes to rest, and immediately the ash-grey men swarm up with leaden spades and stir up an
impenetrable cloud which screens their obscure operations from your sight.
But above the grey land and the spasms of bleak dust which drift endlessly over it, you perceive, after a moment,
the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg. The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic — their retinas are one
yard high. They look out of no face but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a
nonexistent nose. Evidently some wild wag of an oculist set them there to fatten his practice in the borough of
Queens, and then sank down himself into eternal blindness or forgot them and moved away. But his eyes, dimmed
a little by many paintless days under sun and rain, brood on over the solemn dumping ground.
The valley of ashes is bounded on one side by a small foul river, and when the drawbridge is up to let barges
through, the passengers on waiting trains can stare at the dismal scene for as long as half an hour. There is always
a halt there of at least a minute and it was because of this that I first met Tom Buchanan’s mistress.
The fact that he had one was insisted upon wherever he was known. His acquaintances resented the fact that he
turned up in popular restaurants with her and, leaving her at a table, sauntered about, chatting with whomsoever
he knew. Though I was curious to see her I had no desire to meet her — but I did. I went up to New York with Tom
on the train one afternoon and when we stopped by the ashheaps he jumped to his feet and taking hold of my
elbow literally forced me from the car.

The Great Gatsby American Psycho Bright Lights, Big City


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When the twins left Scarlett standing on the porch of Tara and the last sound of flying hooves had died away, she
went back to her chair like a sleepwalker. Her face felt stiff as from pain and her mouth actually hurt from having
stretched it, unwillingly, in smiles to prevent the twins from learning her secret. She sat down wearily, tucking one
foot under her, and her heart swelled up with misery, until it felt too large for her bosom. It beat with odd little jerks;
her hands were cold, and a feeling of disaster oppressed her. There were pain and bewilderment in her face, the
bewilderment of a pampered child who has always had her own way for the asking and who now, for the first time,
was in contact with the unpleasantness of life.
Ashley to marry Melanie Hamilton!
Oh, it couldn’t be true! The twins were mistaken. They were playing one of their jokes on her. Ashley couldn’t,
couldn’t be in love with her. Nobody could, not with a mousy little person like Melanie. Scarlett recalled with
contempt Melanie’s thin childish figure, her serious heart-shaped face that was plain almost to homeliness. And
Ashley couldn’t have seen her in months. He hadn’t been in Atlanta more than twice since the house party he gave
last year at Twelve Oaks. No, Ashley couldn’t be in love with Melanie, because–oh, she couldn’t be
mistaken!–because he was in love with her! She, Scarlett, was the one he loved–she knew it!
Scarlett heard Mammy’s lumbering tread shaking the floor of the hall and she hastily untucked her foot and tried to
rearrange her face in more placid lines. It would never do for Mammy to suspect that anything was wrong. Mammy
felt that she owned the O’Haras, body and soul, that their secrets were her secrets; and even a hint of a mystery
was enough to set her upon the trail as relentlessly as a bloodhound. Scarlett knew from experience that, if
Mammy’s curiosity were not immediately satisfied, she would take up the matter with Ellen, and then Scarlett would
be forced to reveal everything to her mother, or think up some plausible lie.

Jane Eyre Pride and Prejudice Gone with the Wind


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There were no heralds, no banners, no horns nor drums, only the twang of bowstrings as Morrec and Lharys let fly,
and suddenly the clansmen came thundering out of the dawn, lean dark men in boiled leather and mismatched
armor, faces hidden behind barred halfhelms. In gloved hands were clutched all manner of weapons: longswords
and lances and sharpened scythes, spiked clubs and daggers and heavy iron mauls. At their head rode a big man
in a striped shadowskin cloak, armed with a two-handed greatsword.
Ser Rodrik shouted “Winterfell!” and rode to meet him, with Bronn and Chiggen beside him, screaming some
wordless battle cry. Ser Willis Wode followed, swinging a spiked morningstar around his head. “Harrenhal!
Harrenhal!” he sang. Tyrion felt a sudden urge to leap up, brandish his axe, and boom out, “Casterly Rock!” but the
insanity passed quickly and he crouched down lower.
He heard the screams of frightened horses and the crash of metal on metal. Chiggen’s sword raked across the
naked face of a mailed rider, and Bronn plunged through the clansmen like a whirlwind, cutting down foes right
and left. Ser Rodrik hammered at the big man in the shadowskin cloak, their horses dancing round each other as
they traded blow for blow. Jyck vaulted onto a horse and galloped bareback into the fray. Tyrion saw an arrow
sprout from the throat of the man in the shadowskin cloak. When he opened his mouth to scream, only blood came
out. By the time he fell, Ser Rodrik was fighting someone else.

The Lord of the Rings A Song of Ice and Fire Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart


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Although I told myself I was looking merely for a soothing presence, a glorified pot-au-feu, an animated merkin,
what really attracted me to Valeria was the imitation she gave of a little girl. She gave it not because she had
divined something about me; it was just her style — and I fell for it. Actually, she was at least in her late twenties (I
never established her exact age for even her passport lied) and bad mislaid her virginity under circumstances that
changed with her reminiscent moods. I, on my part, was as naive as only a pervert can be. She looked fluffy and
frolicsome, dressed A h gamine, showed a generous amount of smooth leg, knew how to stress the white of a bare
instep by the black of a velvet slipper, and pouted, and dimpled, and romped, and dirndled, and shook her short
curly blond hair in the cutest and tritest fashion imaginable.

After a brief ceremony at the mairie, I took her to the new apartment I had rented and, somewhat to her surprise,
bad her wear, before I touched her, a girl’s plain nightshirt that I had managed to filch from the linen closet of an
orphanage. I derived some fun from that nuptial night and had the idiot in hysterics by sunrise. But reality soon
asserted itself. The bleached curl revealed its melanic root; the down turned to prickles on a shaved shin; the mobile
moist mouth, no matter how I stuffed it with love, disclosed ignomimously its resemblance to the corresponding part
in a treasured portrait of her toadlike dead mama; and presently, instead of a pale little gutter girl, Humbert
Humbert had on his hands a large, puffy, short-legged, big-breasted and practically brainless baba.

Lolita The Picture of Dorian Gray For Whom the Bell Tolls


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Akela lifted his head again and said, ‘He has eaten our food. He has slept with us. He has driven game for us. He
has broken no word of the Law of the Jungle.’
‘Also, I paid for him with a bull when he was accepted. The worth of a bull is little, but Bagheera’s honor is
something that he will perhaps fight for,’ said Bagheera in his gentlest voice.
‘A bull paid ten years ago!’ the Pack snarled. ‘What do we care for bones ten years old?’
‘Or for a pledge?’ said Bagheera, his white teeth bared under his lip. ‘Well are ye called the Free People!’
‘No man’s cub can run with the people of the jungle,’ howled Shere Khan. ‘Give him to me!’
‘He is our brother in all but blood,’ Akela went on, ‘and ye would kill him here! In truth, I have lived too long. Some
of ye are eaters of cattle, and of others I have heard that, under Shere Khan’s teaching, ye go by dark night and
snatch children from the villager’s doorstep. Therefore I know ye to be cowards, and it is to cowards I speak. It is
certain that I must die, and my life is of no worth, or I would offer that in the man-cub’s place. But for the sake of the
Honor of the Pack, — a little matter that by being without a leader ye have forgotten, — I promise that if ye let the
man-cub go to his own place, I will not, when my time comes to die, bare one tooth against ye. I will die without
fighting. That will at least save the Pack three lives. More I cannot do; but if ye will, I can save ye the shame that
comes of killing a brother against whom there is no fault — a brother spoken for and bought into the Pack
according to the Law of the Jungle.’

The Ugly Duckling The Jungle Book Rikki-Tikki-Tavi


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“I told you his name’s Karlsson and that he lives on the roof,” said Eric. “What’s so strange about that? People can
live where they like, can’t they?”
“Now then, Eric, don’t be silly,” said Mommy. “You nearly frightened the life out of us. You might have got killed
when the steam engine exploded. Don’t you realize that?”
“Yes, but all the same, Karlsson is the World’s Best Steam Engineer,” said Eric, looking solemnly at his mother. He
had to make her understand that you could not say no when the World’s Best Steam Engineer offered to start your
steam engine.
“You must take responsibility for your actions, Eric,” said Daddy, “and not blame someone called
Karlsson-on-the-Roof, who does not exist.”
“He does exist,” said Eric.
“And he can fly, too, I suppose,” said Bobby sarcastically.
“What if he can!” said Eric. “I hope he’ll come back. Then you’ll see for yourself.”
“I sure hope he comes tomorrow,” said Betty. “I’ll give you a dime, Eric, if you let me see Karlsson-on-the-Roof.”
“I don’t think he’ll come tomorrow,” said Eric, “because he’s due to go into a garage for servicing.”
“It seems to me you need a good servicing, too,” said Mommy. “Just look at that bookshelf!”
“‘It’s a small matter,’ says Karlsson.”
Eric spread his hand in a superior manner, exactly as Karlsson had done, as though to say to his mother that talking
about the bookshelf was a lot of fuss over nothing. But she was not impressed.
“So that’s what Karlsson says, is it? Well, you may tell Karlsson for me that if he puts his nose in here again I shall
give him such a servicing that he won’t forget it in a hurry,” she said.

Karlsson-on-the-Roof Alice in Wonderland Pippi Longstocking


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The second planet was inhabited by a conceited man.
"Ah! Ah! I am about to receive a visit from an admirer!" he exclaimed from afar, when he first saw the little prince coming.
For, to conceited men, all other men are admirers.
"Good morning," said the little prince. "That is a queer hat you are wearing."
"It is a hat for salutes," the conceited man replied. "It is to raise in salute when people acclaim me. Unfortunately, nobody at
all ever passes this way."
"Yes?" said the little prince, who did not understand what the conceited man was talking about.
"Clap your hands, one against the other," the conceited man now directed him.
The little prince clapped his hands. The conceited man raised his hat in a modest
"This is more entertaining than the visit to the king," the little prince said to himself. And he began again to clap his hands,
one against the other. The conceited man against raised his hat in salute.
After five minutes of this exercise the little prince grew tired of the game's monotony.
"And what should one do to make the hat come down?" he asked.
But the conceited man did not hear him. Conceited people never hear anything but praise.
"Do you really admire me very much?" he demanded of the little prince.
"What does that mean−− 'admire'?"
"To admire mean that you regard me as the handsomest, the best−dressed, the richest, and the most intelligent man on this
"But you are the only man on your planet!"
"Do me this kindness. Admire me just the same."
"I admire you," said the little prince, shrugging his shoulders slightly, "but what is there in that to interest you so much?"
And the little prince went away.
"The grown−ups are certainly very odd," he said to himself, as he continued on his journey.

The Little Prince Animal Farm: A Fairy Story Alice in Wonderland


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Looking into the inside, she saw several coats hanging up — mostly long fur coats. There was nothing Lucy liked so much as
the smell and feel of fur. She immediately stepped into the wardrobe and got in among the coats and rubbed her face
against them, leaving the door open, of course, because she knew that it is very foolish to shut oneself into any wardrobe.
Soon she went further in and found that there was a second row of coats hanging up behind the first one. It was almost
quite dark in there and she kept her arms stretched out in front of her so as not to bump her face into the back of the
wardrobe. She took a step further in — then two or three steps always expecting to feel woodwork against the tips of her
fingers. But she could not feel it.
“This must be a simply enormous wardrobe!” thought Lucy, going still further in and pushing the soft folds of the coats aside
to make room for her. Then she noticed that there was something crunching under her feet. “I wonder is that more
mothballs?” she thought, stooping down to feel it with her hand. But instead of feeling the hard, smooth wood of the floor
of the wardrobe, she felt something soft and powdery and extremely cold. “This is very queer,” she said, and went on a
step or two further.
Next moment she found that what was rubbing against her face and hands was no longer soft fur but something hard and
rough and even prickly. “Why, it is just like branches of trees!” exclaimed Lucy. And then she saw that there was a light
ahead of her; not a few inches away where the back of the wardrobe ought to have been, but a long way off. Something
cold and soft was falling on her. A moment later she found that she was standing in the middle of a wood at night-tim.

The Lord of the Rings Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe


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Brutal checked the strap, then stood back. I waited for him to speak, but he didn't. As he crossed his hands behind his back
and stood at parade rest, I knew that he wouldn't. Perhaps couldn't. I didn't think I could, either, but then I looked at John 's
terrified, weeping eyes and knew I had to. Even if it damned me forever, I had to.
'Roll on two,' I said in a dusty, cracking voice I hardly recognized as my own.
The cap hummed. Eight large fingers and two large thumbs rose from the ends of the chair's broad oak arms and splayed
tensely in ten different directions, their tips jittering. His big knees made caged pistoning motions, but the clamps on his
ankles held. Overhead, three of the hanging lights blew out - Pow! Pow! Pow! Marjorie Detterick screamed at the sound
and fainted in her husband's arms. She died in Memphis, eighteen years later. Harry sent me the obit. It was a trolley-car
John surged forward against the chest-strap. For a moment his eyes met mine. They were aware; I was the last thing he
saw as we tilted him off the edge of the world. Then he fell against the seatback, the cap coming askew on his head a little,
smoke - a sort of charry mist - drifting out from beneath it. But on the whole, you know, it was quick. I doubt if it was
painless, the way the chair's supporters always claim (it's not an idea even the most rabid of them ever seems to want to
investigate personally), but it was quick. The hands were limp again, the formerly bluish-white moons at the base of the
fingernails now a deep eggplant hue, a tendril of smoke rising off cheeks still wet with salt water from the sponge and his
John Coffey's last tears.

The Shawshank Redemption Forrest Gump The Green Mile


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At three o’clock precisely I was at Baker Street, but Holmes had not yet returned. The landlady informed me that he had
left the house shortly after eight o’clock in the morning. I sat down beside the fire, however, with the intention of awaiting
him, however long he might be. I was already deeply interested in his inquiry, for, though it was surrounded by none of the
grim and strange features which were associated with the two crimes which I have already recorded, still, the nature of the
case and the exalted station of his client gave it a character of its own. Indeed, apart from the nature of the investigation
which my friend had on hand, there was something in his masterly grasp of a situation, and his keen, incisive reasoning,
which made it a pleasure to me to study his system of work, and to follow the quick, subtle methods by which he
disentangled the most inextricable mysteries. So accustomed was I to his invariable success that the very possibility of his
failing had ceased to enter into my head.
It was close upon four before the door opened, and a drunken-looking groom, ill-kempt and sidewhiskered, with an
inflamed face and disreputable clothes, walked into the room. Accustomed as I was to my friend’s amazing powers in the
use of disguises, I had to look three times before I was certain that it was indeed he. With a nod he vanished into the
bedroom, whence he emerged in five minutes tweed-suited and respectable, as of old. Putting his hands into his pockets,
he stretched out his legs in front of the fire and laughed heartily for some minutes.

Murder in Mesopotamia The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Miss Marple


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The friends got up early the next morning and had a good breakfast. The green girl filled Dorothy's basket with food. Then
the green soldier took them back to the gate.
"Which road will take us to the Wicked Witch of the West?" Dorothy asked the Guardian of the Gate.
"There isn't a road," he replied. "No one goes that way."
"How can we find her then?" Dorothy asked. The Guardian of the Gate laughed.
"Don't worry. The Wicked Witch will find you!" he told her. "And when she finds you, she will make you her slaves."
"But we are going to kill her," said the Scarecrow.
"The Witch may not let you kill her," the Guardian of the Gate explained. "She is very wicked and she may kill you. But if
you want to find her, follow the sun and walk towards the West."
So the friends began to walk towards the West and away from the Emerald City. Soon, Dorothy's green dress turned white
and Toto's green ribbon went white too.
As they went on, walking became difficult. The ground was hard and there were no farms or houses. The sun was hot and
there were no trees. Dorothy, Toto and the Lion soon became very tired. They fell asleep before it was dark and the
Scarecrow and the Tin Man stood near them. The Wicked Witch of the West had only one eye, but she could see
everything. She saw Dorothy first. The girl was fast asleep, with her friends all around her.
The Wicked Witch was very angry and she blew on her silver whistle. Almost at once, a pack of wolves ran towards her.
The animals had long legs, red eyes and sharp teeth.
"Go and tear those strangers into pieces!" the Wicked Witch told the Leader of the wolves.
"Don't you want to use them for slaves?" the Leader of the wolves asked.
"No, they are no use to me," the Wicked Witch replied. "One is made of tin and one of straw. The girl and the lion won't be
able to work for me. Tear them into pieces."

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe The Wizard of Oz


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The All State Football Banquet was to be helt in a little town called Flomaton, what Coach Fellers described as a "switch up the
railroad tracks." We was put on a bus — they was five or six of us from this area who won the prize — an we was trucked up
there. It was a hour or two before we arrived, an the bus didn't have no toilet, an I had drank two Slurpees fore we lef, so when
we get to Flomaton, I really got to go bad.
The thing was helt at the Flomaton Highschool auditorium, an when we git inside, me and some of the others find the toilet.
Somehow, tho, when I go to unzip my pants, the zipper is stuck in my shirttail an won't come down. After a bit of this, a nice little
guy from a rival school goes out and finds Coach Fellers an he come in with the two goons an they be tryin to get my pants open.
One of the goons say the only way to git it down is jus rip it apart. At this, Coach Fellers put his hans on his hips an say, "I spose
you expect me to send this boy out there with his fly unzipped an his thing hangin out — now what kind of a impression do you
think that would make?" Then he turn to me an say, "Forrest, you jus got to keep a lid on it till this thing's over, an then we get it
open for you — okay?" An I nod, cause I don't know what else to do, but I figgerin I be in for a long evenin.
When we get out to the auditorium there's a million people all settin there at tables, smilin an clappin as we come out. We is put
up at a big long table on the stage in front of everbody an my worst fears was realized about the long evenin. Seem like ever soul
in the room got up to make a speech — even the waiters an janitor. I wished my mama coulda been there, cause she'd of
hepped me, but she back at home in bed with the grippe. Finally it come time to get handed our prizes, which was little
gold-colored footballs, an when our names was called we was sposed to go up to the microphone an take the prize an say
"thank you," an they also tole us if anybody has anythin else he wants to say, to keep it short on account of we want to be gettin
out of there before the turn of the century.
Most everbody had got they prize an said "thank you," an then it come my turn. Somebody on the microphone call out "Forrest
Gump," which, if I hadn't tole you before, is my last name, an I stand up an go over an they han me the prize. I lean over to the
mike an say, "Thank you," an everbody starts to cheer an clap an stand up in they seats. I spose somebody tole them aforehan
I'm some kind of idiot, an they makin a special effort to be nice. But I'm so surprised by all this, I don't know what to do, so I jus
kep standin there. Then everbody hush up, an the man at the mike he lean over and axe me if I got anythin else I want to say. So I
says, "I got to pee."

Forrest Gump What's Eating Gilbert Grape Braveheart


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Этот отрывок посложнее! Слова написаны так, как их произносит главный герой - с ярко выраженным акцентом выходца из штата
Миссисипи! Посмотри на YouTube пару отрывков из фильма и попробуй читать этот отрывок вслух, копируя акцент героя — это
21. твой серьезный шаг к пониманию сотен акцентов, которые существуют в английском!
There are 158 footsteps between the bus stop and home, but it can stretch to 180 if you aren’t in a hurry, like
maybe if you’re wearing platform shoes. I turned the corner onto our street (68 steps), and could just see the house
— a four-bedroom semi in a row of other three- and four-bedroom semis. Dad’s car was outside, which meant he
had not yet left for work.
Behind me, the sun was setting behind Stortfold Castle, its dark shadow sliding down the hill like melting wax to
overtake me. On a different sort of day, I could have told you all the things that had happened to me on this route:
where Dad taught me to ride a bike without stabilizers; where Mrs. Doherty with the lopsided wig used to make us
Welsh cakes; the hedge where Treena knocked a wasp’s nest and we ran screaming all the way back to the castle.
Thomas’s tricycle was upturned on the path and, closing the gate behind me, I dragged it under the porch and
opened the door. The warmth hit me with the force of an air bag; Mum is a martyr to the cold and keeps the
heating on all year round. Dad is always opening windows, complaining that she’d bankrupt the lot of us. He says
our heating bills are larger than the GDP of a small African country.
“That you, love?”
“Yup.” I hung my jacket on the peg, where it fought for space among the others.
“Which you? Lou? Treena?”
I peered around the living-room door. Dad was facedown on the sofa, his arm thrust deep between the cushions,
as if they had swallowed his limb whole. Thomas, my five-year-old nephew, was on his haunches, watching him

Me before you The Catcher in the Rye A Clockwork Orange


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At the beginning of November we sold the Citroën. The money sufficed to carry on the workshop for a while, but week by
week our position went from bad to worse. People put up their cars for the winter to save petrol and tax, and repairs
became ever less frequent. We helped ourselves out with the taxi but the takings were too slender for three, so that I was
quite glad when the proprietor of the International offered to take me on again as pianist every night from December on.
He had done pretty well lately; a cattlemen's club had taken one of the back rooms at the International for their weekly
meeting, then the horsedealers' club followed suit, and finally the Mutual Benefit Cremation Society. In this way I was able
to leave the taxi to Lenz and Köster, and it suited me quite well anyway, for without it I should often have been at a loss to
get through the evenings.
Pat wrote to me regularly. I waited eagerly for her letters, but I could not picture to myself how she lived; and sometimes, in
the dark, dirty December weeks when it did not get really light even at midday, I could fancy that she had long ago
slipped from me and all was over. It seemed to me an endless time since she had gone away, and I could not think that
she would ever come back. Then came nights filled with desperate, wild longing, when there was no help but to go and sit
with the pros'titutes and cattlemen and drink till morning.
The proprietor had obtained permission to keep the International open on Christmas Eve. There was to be a grand
carnival for the bachelors of the various clubs. The president of the cattlemen's club, Stefan Grigoleit, presented two
suckling-pigs and a number of trotters. He had been two years a widower and had a soft heart, so he wanted to spend
Christmas in company.
The proprietor erected a twelve-foot silver fir tree beside the bar; Rosa, who was an authority in all homely matters,
undertook the decoration of the tree. Marian and Kiki, the pansy, who as a result of his defect had considerable feeling for
the beautiful, helped her. The three started their work at noon. They used up a vast quantity of coloured balls, candles and
tinsel, but there was no denying at the finish that the tree did look magnificent. As a special compliment to Grigoleit, a
number of pink little marzipan pigs were hung on it.

Three Comrades A Farewell to Arms The Great Gatsby


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‘YOU are dancing with the only handsome girl in the room,’ said Mr. Darcy, looking at the eldest Miss Bennet. ‘Oh! She is
the most beautiful creature I ever beheld! But there is one of her sisters sitting down just behind you, who is very pretty, and
I dare say very agreeable. Do let me ask my partner to introduce you.’
‘Which do you mean?’ and turning round he looked for a moment at Elizabeth, till catching her eye, he withdrew his own
and coldly said: ‘She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt ME; I am in no humour at present to give
consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men. You had better return to your partner and enjoy her smiles,
for you are wasting your time with me.’
Mr. Bingley followed his advice. Mr. Darcy walked off; and Elizabeth remained with no very cordial feelings toward him.
She told the story, however, with great spirit among her friends; for she had a lively, playful disposition, which delighted in
anything ridiculous.
The evening altogether passed off pleasantly to the whole family. Mrs. Bennet had seen her eldest daughter much
admired by the Netherfield party. Mr. Bingley had danced with her twice, and she had been distinguished by his sisters.
Jane was as much gratified by this as her mother could be, though in a quieter way. Elizabeth felt Jane’s pleasure. Mary
had heard herself mentioned to Miss Bingley as the most accomplished girl in the neighbourhood; and Catherine and
Lydia had been fortunate enough never to be without partners, which was all that they had yet learnt to care for at a ball.
They returned, therefore, in good spirits to Longbourn, the village where they lived, and of which they were the principal
inhabitants. They found Mr. Bennet still up. With a book he was regardless of time; and on the present occasion he had a
good deal of curiosity as to the events of an evening which had raised such splendid expectations. He had rather hoped
that his wife’s views on the stranger would be disappointed; but he soon found out that he had a different story to hear.

The Scarlet Letter Pride and Prejudice Little Women


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Grenouille travelled by night. As he had done at the beginning of his journeys, he steered clear of cities, avoided highways, lay
down to sleep at daybreak, arose in the evening, and walked on. He fed on whatever he found on the way: grasses,
mushrooms, flowers, dead birds, worms. He marched through the Provence; south of Orange he crossed the Rhone in a stolen
boat, followed the Ardeche deep into the Cevennes and then the Allier northwards.
In the Auvergne he drew close to the Plomb du Cantal. He saw it lying to the west, huge and silver gray in the moonlight, and
he smelled the cool wind that came from it. But he felt no urge to visit it. He no longer yearned for his life in the cave. He had
experienced that life once and it had proved unlivable. Just as had his other experience-life among human beings. He was
suffocated by both worlds. He no longer wanted to live at all. He wanted to go to Paris and die. That was what he wanted.
From time to time he reached in his pocket and closed his hand around the little glass flacon of his perfume. The bottle was still
almost full. He had used only a drop of it for his performance in Grasse. There was enough left to enslave the whole world. If
he wanted, he could be feted in Paris, not by tens of thousands, but by hundreds of thousands of people; or could walk out to
Versailles and have the king kiss his feet; write the pope a perfumed letter and reveal himself as the new Messiah; be anointed
in Notre-Dame as Supreme Emperor before kings and emperors, or even as God come to earth-if there was such a thing as
God having Himself anointed…
He could do all that, if only he wanted to. He possessed the power. He held it in his hand. A power stronger than the power of
money or the power of terror or the power of death: the invincible power to command the love of mankind. There was only
one thing that power could not do: it could not make him able to smell himself. And though his perfume might allow him to
appear before the world as a god-if he could not smell himself and thus never know who he was, to hell with it, with the world,
with himself, with his perfume.
The hand that had grasped the flacon was fragrant with a faint scent, and when he put it to his nose and sniffed, he grew
wistful and forgot to walk on and stood there smelling. No one knows how good this perfume really is, he thought. No one
knows how well made it is. Other people are merely conquered by its effect, don’t even know that it’s a perfume that’s working
on them, enslaving them. The only one who has ever recognized it for its true beauty is me, because I created it myself. And at
the same time, I’m the only one that it cannot enslave. I am the only person for whom it is meaningless.

Lord of the Flies The Man Who Laughs Perfume. The story of a murderer

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Thus d’Artagnan entered Paris on foot, carrying his little packet under his arm, and walked about till he
found an apartment to be let on terms suited to the scantiness of his means. This chamber was a sort of
garret, situated in the Rue des Fossoyeurs, near the Luxembourg.
As soon as the earnest money was paid, d’Artagnan took possession of his lodging, and passed the
remainder of the day in sewing onto his doublet and hose some ornamental braiding which his mother had
taken off an almost-new doublet of the elder M. d’Artagnan, and which she had given her son secretly. Next
he went to the Quai de Feraille to have a new blade put to his sword, and then returned toward the Louvre,
inquiring of the first Musketeer he met for the situation of the hotel of M. de Treville, which proved to be in
the Rue du Vieux-Colombier; that is to say, in the immediate vicinity of the chamber hired by d’Artagnan — a
circumstance which appeared to furnish a happy augury for the success of his journey.
After this, satisfied with the way in which he had conducted himself at Meung, without remorse for the past,
confident in the present, and full of hope for the future, he retired to bed and slept the sleep of the brave.
This sleep, provincial as it was, brought him to nine o’clock in the morning; at which hour he rose, in order to
repair to the residence of M. de Treville, the third personage in the kingdom, in the paternal estimation.

The Three Musketeers The Song of Roland Lancelot-Graal


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Tom resumed his whitewashing, and answered carelessly:
“Well, maybe it is, and maybe it ain’t. All I know, is, it suits me.”
“Oh come, now, you don’t mean to let on that you like it?”
The brush continued to move.
“Like it? Well, I don’t see why I oughtn’t to like it. Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day?”
That put the thing in a new light. Ben stopped nibbling his apple. Tom swept his brush daintily back and forth —
stepped back to note the effect — added a touch here and there — criticised the effect again — Ben watching
every move and getting more and more interested, more and more absorbed. Presently he said:
“Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little.”
Tom considered, was about to consent; but he altered his mind:
“No — no — I reckon it wouldn’t hardly do, Ben. You see, Aunt Polly’s awful particular about this fence — right
here on the street, you know — but if it was the back fence I wouldn’t mind and she wouldn’t. Yes, she’s awful
particular about this fence; it’s got to be done very careful; I reckon there ain’t one boy in a thousand, maybe
two thousand, that can do it the way it’s got to be done.”
“No — is that so? Oh come, now — lemme just try. Only just a little — I’d let you, if you was me, Tom.”
“Ben, I’d like to, honest injun; but Aunt Polly — well, Jim wanted to do it, but she wouldn’t let him; Sid wanted to
do it, and she wouldn’t let Sid. Now don’t you see how I’m fixed? If you was to tackle this fence and anything
was to happen to it — ”
“Oh, shucks, I’ll be just as careful. Now lemme try. Say — I’ll give you the core of my apple.”
“Well, here — No, Ben, now don’t. I’m afeard — ”
“I’ll give you all of it!”

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Robinson Crusoe The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


слово перевод слово перевод

The Don held up his hand. “No. Don’t speak. You found America a paradise. You had a good trade, you
made a good living, you thought the world a harmless place where you could take your pleasure as you
willed. You never armed yourself with true friends. After all, the police guarded you, there were courts of law,
you and yours could come to no harm. You did not need Don Corleone. Very well. My feelings were wounded
but I am not that sort of person why thrusts his friendship on those who do not value it– on those who think me
of little account.” The Don paused and gave the undertaker a polite, ironic smile. “Now you come to me and
say, ‘Don Corleone give me justice.’ And you do not ask with respect. You do not offer me your friendship. You
come into my home on the bridal day of my daughter and you ask me to do murder and you say”–here the
Don’s voice became a scornful mimicry–” ‘I will pay you anything.’ No, no, I am not offended, but what have I
ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully?”
Bonasera cried out in his anguish and his fear, “America has been good to me. I wanted to be a good citizen. I
wanted my child to be American.”
The Don clapped his hands together with decisive approval. “Well spoken. Very fine. Then you have nothing to
complain about. The judge has ruled. America has ruled. Bring your daughter flowers and a box of candy
when you go visit her in the hospital. That will comfort her. Be content. After all, this is not a serious affair, the
boys were young, high-spirited, and one of them is the son of a powerful politician. No, my dear Amerigo, you
have always been honest. I must admit, though you spurned my friendship, that I would trust the given word of
Amerigo Bonasera more than I would any other man’s. So give me your word that you will put aside this
madness. It is not American. Forgive. Forget. Life is full of misfortunes.”

Scarface The Godfather Wiseguy: Life in a Mafia Family


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Tyler and Marla are never in the same room. I never see them together. Still, you never see me and Zsa Zsa
Gabor together, and this doesn't mean we're the same person. Tyler just doesn't come out when Marla's
around. So I can wash the pants, Tyler has to show me how to make soap. Tyler's upstairs, and the kitchen is
filled with the smell of cloves and burnt hair. Marla's at the kitchen table, burning the inside of her arm with a
clove cigarette and calling herself human butt wipe.
"I embrace my own festering diseased corruption," Marla tells the cherry on the end of her cigarette. Marla
twists the cigarette into the soft white belly of her arm. "Burn, witch, burn."
Tyler's upstairs in my bedroom, looking at his teeth in my mirror, and says he got me a job as a banquet
waiter, part time.
"At the Pressman Hotel, if you can work in the evening," Tyler says. "The job will stoke your class hatred."
Yeah, I say, whatever.
"They make you wear a black bow tie," Tyler says. "All you need to work there is a white shirt and black
Soap, Tyler. I say, we need soap. We need to make some soap. I need to wash my pants.
I hold Tyler's feet while he does two hundred sit-ups.
"To make soap, first we have to render fat." Tyler is full of useful information.
Except for their humping, Marla and Tyler are never in the same room. If Tyler's around, Marla ignores him.
This is familiar ground.

Fight Club Requiem for a Dream Trainspotting


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In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an
oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and
that means comfort.

It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle.
The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled
walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats —
the hobbit was fond of visitors. The tunnel wound on and on, going fairly but not quite straight into the side of the
hill — The Hill, as all the people for many miles round called it — and many little round doors opened out of it,
first on one side and then on another. No going upstairs for the hobbit: bedrooms, bathrooms, cellars, pantries
(lots of these), wardrobes (he had whole rooms devoted to clothes), kitchens, dining-rooms, all were on the same
floor, and indeed on the same passage. The best rooms were all on the left-hand side (going in), for these were
the only ones to have windows, deep-set round windows looking over his garden, and meadows beyond,
sloping down to the river.

This hobbit was a very well-to-do hobbit, and his name was Baggins. The Bagginses had lived in the
neighbourhood of The Hill for time out of mind, and people considered them very respectable, not only because
most of them were rich, but also because they never had any adventures or did anything unexpected: you could
tell what a Baggins would say on any question without the bother of asking him. This is a story of how a Baggins
had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things altogether unexpected. He may have lost the
neighbours’ respect, but he gained — well, you will see whether he gained anything in the end.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

The Golden Compass The Hobbit


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Помнишь, в одной из предыдущих памяток мы советовали не просто слушать музыку на английском, а еще и обращать
внимание на то, о чем в этих песнях поется? Надо всего лишь вслушаться в слова, попробовать угадать их и не забыть
проверить себя по тексту. Это просто и почти совсем не требует лишних усилий и времени!

Так вот, мы хотим дать тебе небольшой толчок и поэтому сделали интересное упражнение! Задача заключается
в том, чтобы внимательно прослушать песни из списка, который мы для тебя подготовили, и попробовать вписать
пропущенные слова.

С одними композициями будет просто, с другими – не очень. Но не спеши заглядывать в ответы в конце памятки: лучше
несколько раз прослушать запись и попробовать все-таки угадать слово самостоятельно. Удачи!
day 1

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something

Hold your head up, movin' on

Keep your head up, movin' on
Hold your head up, movin' on
Keep your head up, movin' on
Hold your head up, movin' on
Keep your head up, movin' on
Hold your head up, movin' on
Keep your head up!

Some of them want to use you

Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something

Sweet dreams are made of this

Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something...
day 2

You’re as cold as ice

You’re willing to sacrifice our love
You never take advice
Someday you’ll pay the price
I know

I’ve seen it before

It happens all the time
Closing the door
You leave the world behind

You’re digging for gold

Yet throwing away
A fortune in feelings
But someday you’ll pay

You’re as cold as ice

You’re willing to sacrifice our love
You want Paradise
Someday you’ll pay the price
I know

I’ve seen it before

It happens all the time
You’re closing the door
You leave the world behind

You’re digging for gold

Yet throwing away
A fortune in feelings
But someday you’ll pay

You know that you are

Cold, (cold) as, (as) ice,
As cold as ice to me
(Cold, cold cold) (as, as, as) (ice)
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, cold as, cold as ice)

You're as cold as ice

(Cold as ice),
Cold as ice I know
(You're as cold as ice)

You're as cold as ice

(Cold as ice)
Cold as ice I know
(You're as cold as ice)

Oh yes I know
(Cold as ice)
(You're as cold as ice)
You're as cold as ice

(Cold as ice)
Cold as ice I know
(You're as cold as ice)
Oh, yes I know
(Cold as ice)
day 3

Sunny, yesterday my heart was filled with rain

Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain
The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here,
My Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny one so true, I love you.

Sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet

Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way
You gave to me your all and all
Now I feel ten feet tall
Sunny one so true, I love you.
Sunny, thank you for the truth you let me see
Sunny, thank you for the facts from A to Z
My life was torn like a windblown sand
And the rock was formed when you held my hand
Sunny one so true, I love you.

Sunny, thank you for the smile upon your face

Sunny, thank you for the gleam that shows its grace
You’re my spark of nature’s fire
You’re my sweet complete desire
Sunny one so true, I love you.

Sunny, thank you for the smile upon your face

Sunny, thank you for the gleam that goes with grace
You’re my spark of nature’s fire
You’re my sweet complete desire
Sunny one so true, i love you.

I love you, sunny

Sunny, I love you.
You're my complete desire.
I love you.
day 4

Nobody knows how to say goodbye

It seems so easy 'til you try
Then the moments passed you by
Nobody knows how to say goodbye

Nobody knows how to get back home

And we set out so long ago
Searched the heavens and the Earth below
Nobody knows how to get back home
Through the darkness to the dawn

And when I looked back you were gone

Heard your voice leading me on
Through the darkness to the dawn
Love is deep as the road is long

It moves my feet to carry on

Beats my heart when you are gone
Love is deep as the road is long
Nobody knows how the story ends

Live the day, do what you can

This is only where it begins
Nobody knows how the story ends
Nobody knows how the story ends
day 5

[Sebastian:] [Sebastian:]
The sun is nearly gone It's wool
The lights are turning on
A silver shine that stretches to the sea [Mia:]
You're right, I'd never fall for you at all
We've stumbled on a view
That's tailor-made for two [Sebastian:]
What a shame those two are you and me [Whistling]

Some other girl and guy [Mia:]

Would love this swirling sky And maybe this appeals
But there's only you and I To someone not in heels
And we've got no shot Or to any girl who feels
There's some chance for romance
This could never be
You're not the type for me [Mia:]
But, I'm frankly feeling nothing
Really? [Sebastian:]
Is that so?
And there's not a spark in sight [Mia:]
What a waste of a lovely night Or it could be less than nothing

[Mia:] [Sebastian:]
You say there's nothing here? Good to know
Well, let's make something clear So you agree?
I think I'll be the one to make that call
[Sebastian:] That's right
But you'll call?
[Sebastian and Mia:]
[Mia:] What a waste of a lovely night
And though you looked so cute
In your polyester suit
day 6

It’s hard to remember how it felt before

Now I found the love of my life…
Passes things get more comfortable
Everything is going right
And after all the obstacles
It’s good to see you now with someone else
And it’s such a miracle
That you and me are still good friends
After all that we’ve been through
I know we’re cool
I know we’re cool
We used to think it was impossible
Now you call me by my new last name
Memories seem like so long ago
Time always kills the pain
Remember Harbor Boulevard
The dreaming days where the mess was made
Look how all the kids have grown
We have changed but we’re still the same
After all that we’ve been through
I know we’re cool
I know we’re cool
I know we’re cool
And I’ll be happy for you
If you can be happy for me
Circles and triangles,
And now we’re hangin' out with your new girlfriend
So far from where we’ve been
I know we’re cool
I know we’re cool
I know we’re cool
I know we’re cool
I know we’re cool
day 7

I was scared of dentists and the dark

I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations
Oh, all my friends are turning green
You're the magician's assistant in their dreams

Oh, and they come unstuck

Lady, running down to the riptide

Taken away to the dark side
I wanna be your left hand man
I love you when you're singing that song and
I got a lump in my throat cause
You're gonna sing the words wrong

There's this movie that I think you'll like

This guy decides to quit his job and heads to New York City
This cowboy's running from himself
She's been living on the highest shelf

Oh, and they come unstuck

Lady, running down to the riptide

Taken away to the dark side
I wanna be your left hand man
I love you when you're singing that song and
I got a lump in my throat cause
You're gonna sing the words wrong

I just wanna, I just wanna know

If you're gonna, if you're gonna stay
I just gotta, I just gotta know
I can't have it, I can't have it any other way
I swear she's destined for the screen
Closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that you've ever seen, oh

Lady, running down to the riptide

Taken away to the dark side
I wanna be your left hand man
I love you when you're singing that song and
I got a lump in my throat cause
You're gonna sing the words wrong

Oh lady, running down to the riptide

Taken away to the dark side
I wanna be your left hand man
I love you when you're singing that song and
I got a lump in my throat cause
You're gonna sing the words wrong

Oh lady, running down to the riptide

Taken away to the dark side
I wanna be your left hand man
I love you when you're singing that song and
I got a lump in my throat cause
You're gonna sing the words wrong

And I got a lump in my throat cause

You're gonna sing the words wrong
day 8
Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life
Try to make ends meet
You're a slave to money then you die
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
You know the one that takes you to the places
Where all the veins meet yeah.

No change, I can't change

I can't change, I can't change
But I'm here in my mold
I am here in my mold
And I'm a million different people
From one day to the next
I can't change my mold
No, no, no, no, no!

Well I never pray

But tonight I'm on my knees yeah
I need to hear some sounds
That recognize the pain in me, yeah
I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind,
I feel free now
But the airways are clean
And there's nobody singing to me now.

No change, I can't change

I can't change, I can't change
But I'm here in my mold
I am here in my mold
And I'm a million different people
From one day to the next
I can't change my mold
No, no, no, no, no.

'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life

Try to make ends meet
Try to find some money then you die
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
You know the one that takes you to the places
Where all the things meet yeah.

No change, I can't change

I can't change, I can't change
But I'm here in my mold
I am here in my mold
And I'm a million different people
From one day to the next
I can't change my mold
No, no, no, no, no.

I can't change my mold

No, no, no, no, no,
I can't change
Can't change my body,
No, no, no.
Have you ever been down?
Have you've ever been down?
(I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down)
(I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down)
(It just sex and violence melody and silence)
(Been down)
(Ever been down) (Ever been down)
day 9

Tell me somethin' girl :

Are you happy in this modern world?
Or do you need more ?
Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?

I'm falling
In all the good times I find myself longin' for change
And in the bad times I fear myself

Tell me something, b oy:

Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?
Or do you need more?
Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore?

I'm falling
In all the good times I find myself longing for change
And in the bad times I fear myself

I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us
We're far from the shallow now

In the shallow, shallow

In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
We're far from the shallow now


I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground
Сrash through the surface, where they can't hurt us
We're far from the shallow now

In the shallow, shallow

In the shallow, shallow
In the shallow, shallow
We're far from the shallow now
day 10
I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes, but it's home to me and I walk alone
I walk these empty streets on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone
I walk alone, I walk alone
I walk alone, I walk a-

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Til then I walk alone

I'm walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind

On the border line of the edge and where I walk alone
Read between the lines, what's fucked up when everything's alright
Check my vital signs, to know I'm still alive and I walk alone
I walk alone, I walk alone
I walk alone, I walk a-

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Til then I walk alone

I walk alone, I walk a-

I walk this empty street on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk a-

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Til then I walk alone
day 11

I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need What in the world am I gonna to do tomorrow
Hey hey Is there someone whose dollar that i can borrow
Well I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need Who can help me take away my sorrow
Hey hey Maybe its inside the bottle
And I said I need dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need Maybe its inside the bottle
And if I share with you my story would you share your dollar with me
I had some good old buddy his names is whiskey and wine
Bad times are comin andrtersp what I dont show Hey hey
Hey hey And for my good old buddy i spent my last dime
Well let me tell you somthin all that glitters ain't gold Hey hey
Hey hey My wine is good to me it helps me pass the time
Its been a long old trouble long old troublesome road And my good old buddy whiskey keeps me warmer than the sunshine
And im looking for somebody come and help me carry this load Hey Hey

I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need Your mom of mayhem just a child has got his own
Hey hey Hey Hey
Well I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need If god has plans for me i hope it ain't - written in stone
Well i dont know if Im walking on solid ground Hey Hey
Cause everything around me is falling down Because ive been working working myself down to the bone
And all I want - is for someone - to help meee And i swear on grandpas grave ill be paid when i come home
Hey Hey
I had a job but the boss man let me go
He said Well I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need
Im sorry but I won't be needing your help no more Hey hey
I said I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need
Please mister boss man I need this job more than you know Hey hey
But he gave me my last paycheck and he sent me on out the door Well I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need hey hey
And if I share with you my story will you share your dollar with me
I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need
Hey hey Come on share your dollar with me
I said I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need Go ahead share your dollar with me
Hey hey Come on share your dollar give me your dollar
And I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need Share your dollar with me
And if I share with you my story would you share your dollar with me Come on share your dollar with me

Well I dont know if I’m walking on solid ground

Cause everything around me is crumbling down
And all I want is for someone to help meee
day 12

Your sweet, sweet loving, won’t you put it on me? Your sweet, sweet loving, loving, loving me
Keep me coming 'cause you’re all that I need Keep me coming, coming, me
You give me love, I’ll give you everything that you want Your sweet, sweet loving, loving, loving me
As long as you love me As long as you love me

Your sweet, sweet loving, loving, loving me Your sweet, sweet loving, loving, loving me
Keep me coming, coming, me Keep me coming, coming, me
Your sweet, sweet loving, loving, loving me Your sweet, sweet loving, loving, loving me
As long as you love me As long as you love me

Your sweet, sweet loving, loving, loving me Anticipating what you’re gonna do with my love
Keep me coming, coming, me In your arms , you will hold me
Your sweet, sweet loving, loving, loving me Hold me down with your love
As long as you love me
Your sweet, sweet loving, won’t you put it on me?
Your sweet Keep me coming 'cause you’re all that I need
Yeah You give me love, I’ll give you everything that you want
Your sweet As long as you love me
Your sweet, sweet loving, loving, loving me
Never felt like this Keep me coming, coming, me
Prayers have been answered Your sweet, sweet loving, loving, loving me
Memories I won’t forget As long as you love me
Always blind to see
Your sweet, sweet loving, loving, loving me
Your sweet, sweet loving, won’t you put it on me? Keep me coming, coming, me
Keep me coming 'cause you’re all that I need Your sweet, sweet loving, loving, loving me
You give me love, I’ll give you everything that you want As long as you love me
As long as you love me
Your sweet
Your sweet
day 13

One day when the glory comes Now the war is not over, victory isn't won
It will be ours, it will be ours And we'll fight on to the finish , then when it's all done
Oh one day when the war is won We'll cry glory, oh glory (Glory, glory)
We will be sure, we will be sure Oh (Glory, glory)
Oh glory (Glory, glory) We'll cry glory, oh glory (Glory, glory)
Oh (Glory, glory) Oh (Glory, glory)

Hands to the Heavens, no man, no weapon Selma's now for every man, woman and child
Formed against, yes glory is destined Even Jesus got his crown in front of a crowd
Every day women and men become legends They marched with the torch, we gon' run with it now
Sins that go against our skin become blessings Never look back, we done gone hundreds of miles
The movement is a rhythm to us From dark roads he rose, to become a hero
Freedom is like religion to us Facin' the league of justice, his power was the people
Justice is juxtapositionin' us Enemy is lethal, a king became regal
Justice for all just ain't specific enough Saw the face of Jim Crow under a bald eagle
One son died , his spirit is revisitin' us The biggest weapon is to stay peaceful
Truant livin' livin' in us, resistance is us We sing, our music is the cuts that we bleed through
That's why Rosa sat on the bus Somewhere in the dream we had an epiphany
That's why we walk through Ferguson with our hands up Now we right the wrongs in history
When it go down we woman and man up No one can win the war individually
They say, "Stay down", and we stand up It takes the wisdom of the elders and young people's energy
Shots, we on the ground, the camera panned up Welcome to the story we call victory
King pointed to the mountain top and we ran up The comin' of the Lord, my eyes have seen the glory

One day when the glory comes One day when the glory comes
It will be ours, it will be ours It will be ours, it will be ours
Oh when the war is won Oh glory (Glory, glory)
We will be sure, we will be sure Oh (Glory, glory)
Oh glory (Glory, glory) Oh glory (Glory, glory)
Oh (Glory, glory) Hey (Glory, glory)
When the war is won, when it's all said and done
We'll cry glory (Glory, glory)
Oh (Glory, glory)
day 14

It’s been a long day without you, my friend And what’s small turned to a friendship, a friendship turned to a bond
And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again And that bond will never be broken, the love will never get lost
We’ve come a long way from where we began And when brotherhood come first, then the line will never be crossed
Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again Established it on our own when that line had to be drawn
When I see you again And that line is what we reached, so remember me when I’m gone
Man, who knew? How can we not talk about family
All the planes we flew, good things we been through When family’s all that we got?
That I’d be standing right here talking to you Everything I went through
'Bout another path, I know we loved to hit the road and You were standing there by my side
laugh And now you gon' be with me for the last ride
But something told me that it wouldn’t last So let the light guide your way, yeah
Had to switch up, look at things different, see the bigger Hold every memory as you go
picture And every road you take
Those were the days, hard work forever pays Will always lead you home, home
Now I see you in a better place It’s been a long day without you, my friend
How can we not talk about family And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again
When family’s all that we got? We’ve come a long way from where we began
Everything I went through Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again
You were standing there by my side When I see you again
And now you gon' be with me for the last ride Aah oh, aah oh
It’s been a long day without you, my friend Wooooh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh
And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again When I see you again
We’ve come a long way from where we began
Oh, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again
Aah oh, aah oh
First, you both go out your way and the vibe is feeling
day 15

And here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson

Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please , Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey… hey, hey, hey)

We’d like to know a little bit about you for our files
We’d like to help you learn to help yourself
Look around you, all you see are sympathetic eyes
Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home

And here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson

Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey… hey, hey, hey)

Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes

Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes
It’s a little secret, just the Robinsons' affair
Most of all, you’ve got to hide it from the kids

Coo, coo, ca-choo, Mrs Robinson

Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)
God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
(Hey, hey, hey… hey, hey, hey)

Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon

Going to the candidates debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you’ve got to choose
Ev’ry way you look at it, you lose

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio

A nation turns its lonely eyes to you (Woo, woo, woo)
What’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson
Joltin' Joe has left and gone away
(Hey, hey, hey… hey, hey, hey)
day 16

I used to think that I could not go on Hey, cause I believe in me, oh

And life was nothing but an awful song
But now I know the meaning of true love If I can see it, then I can do it
I'm leaning on the everlasting arms If I just believe it, there's nothing to it

If I can see it, then I can do it I believe I can fly

If I just believe it, there's nothing to it I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
I believe I can fly Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can touch the sky I believe I can soar
I think about it every night and day I see me running through that open door
Spread my wings and fly away I believe I can fly
I believe I can soar I believe I can fly
I see me running through that open door I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly Hey, if I just spread my wings
I believe I can fly I can fly
I can fly
See I was on the verge of breaking down I can fly, hey
Sometimes silence can seem so loud If I just spread my wings
There are miracles in life I must achieve I can fly
But first I know it starts inside of me, oh Fly-eye-eye

If I can see it, then I can be it

If I just believe it, there's nothing to it

I believe I can fly

I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
day 17

You got me looking so crazy, my baby,

I'm not myself lately, I'm foolish, I don't do this
I've been playing myself, baby, I don't care,
Baby, your love's got the best of me,
Your love's got the best of me,
Baby, your love's got the best of me,
Baby, you're making a fool of me,
You got me sprung and I don't care who sees,
'Cuz, baby, you got me, you got me,
Oh, you got me, you got me.

I look and stare so deep in your eyes,

I touch on you more and more every eyes,
When you leave I'm begging you not to go,
Call your nam e two, three times in a row.
Such a funny thing for me to try to explain
How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame, yeah,
I still don't understand,
Just how your love can do what no one else can.

Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's

Got me looking so crazy right now
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch
Got me looking so crazy right now
Hoping you'll save me right now, your kiss
Got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy in love,
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.

Got me looking so crazy right now, your love's

Got me looking so crazy right now
Got me looking so crazy right now, your touch
Got me looking so crazy right now.
Got me hoping you'll save me right now, your kiss
Got me hoping you'll save me right now
Looking so crazy in love,
Got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love.

Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, oh no no

day 18

If there’s something strange I ain’t afraid of no ghost

In your neighborhood I hear it likes the girls
Who you gonna call I ain’t afraid of no ghost
(Ghostbusters) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Who you gonna call
If there’s something weird (Ghostbusters)
And it don’t look good
Who you gonna call If you’ve had a dose
(Ghostbusters) Of a freaky ghost
Maybe you’d better call
I ain’t afraid of no ghost (Ghostbusters)
I ain’t afraid of no ghost
Let me tell you something
If you’re seeing things Bustin' makes me feel good
Running through your head I ain’t afraid of no ghost
Who can you call I ain’t afraid of no ghost
(Ghostbusters) Don’t get caught alone, oh no
An invisible man
Sleeping in your bed When it comes through your door
Oh, who you gonna call Unless you just want some more
(Ghostbusters) I think you better call
I ain’t afraid of no ghost
I ain’t afraid of no ghost Ow Who you gonna call
Who you gonna call Who you gonna call
(Ghostbusters) (Ghostbusters)
If you’re all alone Ah, I think you better call
Pick up the phone (Ghostbusters)…
And call
day 19

I wanna be loved by you, just you

And nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you alone

I wanna be kissed by you, just you

Nobody else but you
I wanna be kissed by you alone

I couldn't aspire
To anything higher
Than to feel the desire
To make you my own

I wanna be loved by you, just you

And kissed else but you
I wanna be loved by you alone

If I couldn't aspire
To anything higher
Than to feel the desire
To make you my own

I wanna be loved by you, just you

Nobody else but you
I wanna be loved by you
day 20

I could stay awa ke just to hear you breathing I don't wanna miss one smile
Watch you smile while you are sleeping I don't wanna miss one kiss
While you're far away and dreaming Well, I just wanna be with you
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender Right here with you, just like this
I could stay lost in this m oment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure I just wanna hold you close
I feel your heart so close to mine
Don't wanna close my eyes And just stay here in this moment
I don't wanna fall asleep For all the rest of time, yeah, yeah, yeah
'Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause even when I dream of you 'Cause I'd miss you, baby
The sweetest dream would never do And I don't wanna miss a thing
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing 'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
Lying close to you feeling your heart beating I'd still miss you, baby
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming And I don't wanna miss a thing
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together I don't wanna close my eyes
And I just wanna stay with you I don't wanna fall asleep
In this moment forever, forever and ever 'Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep 'Cause even when I dream of you
'Cause I'd miss you, baby The sweetest dream would never do
And I don't wanna miss a thing And I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do Don't wanna close my eyes
I'd still miss you, baby I don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
And I don't wanna miss a thing I don't wanna miss a thing
day 21

What I want, you’ve got

And it might be hard to handle
Like a flame that burns the candle
The candle feeds the flame, ooh, yeah, yeah
What I got, full stock of thoughts and dreams that scatter
You can pull them all together
And how? I can’t explain, oh, yeah
Oh, well, you (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
You make my dreams come true (You, you), yeah
Well, well, well, you (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
You make my dreams come true
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh), oh yeah
On a night when bad dreams become a screamer
When they’re messin' with the dreamer
I can laugh it in the face (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
Twist and shout my way out
And wrap yourself around me
'Cause I ain’t the way you found me
And I’ll never be the same, oh, yeah
Well, well, you (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
You make my dreams come true (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh), yeah
Well, well, well, you (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh), aw yeah, hey
You make my dreams come true, yeah (Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
Oh yeah
Well listen to this
Wah, wah (Oh)
Wah, wah (Yeah, baby)
I’m down on my daydream
All that sleepwalk should be over by now
I know
Well you, yeah, you make my dreams come true
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
I’ve been waiting for, waiting for you, girl
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
Oh yeah, you make my dreams come true, oh
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
day 22
Dear, I fear were facing a problem
You love me no longer, I know
And maybe there is nothing that I can do
To make you do
Mama tells me I shouldn’t bother
That I ought to stick to another man
A man that surely deserves me
But I think you do!
So I cry, I pray and I beg
Love me love me
Say that you love me
Fool me fool me
Go on and fool me
Love me love me
Pretend that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me
So I cry, and I beg for you to
Love me love me
Say that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me
I can't care 'bout anything but you
Lately I have desperately pondered,
Spent my nights awake and I wonder
What I could have done in another way
To make you stay
Reason will not lead to solution
I will end up lost in confusion
I don't care if you really care
As long as you don't go
So I cry, I pray and I beg
Love me love me
Say that you love me
Fool me fool me
Go on and fool me
Love me love me
Pretend that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me
So I say , and I beg for you to
Love me love me
say that you love me
Leave me leave me
Just say that you need me
I can't care 'bout anything but you
Love me love me
Fool me fool me
Go on and fool me
Love me love me
I can't care 'bout anything but you
day 23

Sam: Now I’ve had the time of my life Both: This could be love because
No I never felt like this before Because I had the time of my life
Yes I swear it’s the truth No I’ve never felt this way before
and I owe it all to you Yes I swear it’s the truth
Quinn: 'Cause I’ve had the time of my life And I owe it all to you
and I owe it all to you 'Cause I’ve had the time of my life
Sam: I’ve been waiting for so long And I’ve searched through every open door
Now I’ve finally found someone Till I found the truth and I owe it all to you
To stand by me Quinn: We saw the writing on the wall Sam: Now I’ve had the time of my life
As we felt this magical fantasy No I never felt this way before
Both: Now with passion in our eyes (Quinn: Never Felt this way)
There’s no way we could disguise it secretly Sam: Yes I swear it’s the truth
So we take each other’s hand and I owe it all to you
'Cause we seem to understand the urgency 'Cause I had the time of my life
Sam: Just remember No I’ve never felt this way before
Quinn: You’re the one thing Yes I swear it’s the truth
Sam: I can’t get enough of Quinn: So I’ll tell you And I owe it all to you
something 'Cause I’ve had the time of my life
Both: This could be love because And I’ve searched through every open door
I’ve had the time of my life Till I’ve found the truth
No I never felt this way before and I owe it all to you
Yes I swear it’s the truth Both: Now I’ve had the time of my life
And I owe it all to you
Quinn: With my body and soul
I want you more than you’ll ever know
Sam: So we’ll just let it go Don’t be afraid to lose control
Quinn: Yes I know whats on your mind
When you say:
«Stay with me tonigh t.»
Sam: Just remember
You’re the one thing
Quinn: I can’t get enough of Sam: So I’ll tell you
day 24
Don´t be afraid, I'm not lonely,
I'm closer closer to my life.
Don't wait, I won't be lonely,
Closer closer to my life.
I've set it free, I feel the rain
Opens up my heart and washes away
Every single limit - time -
I start to breathe.
I'll leave it all behind, I'm on the way.
Don't be afraid, I'm not lonely,
I'm closer closer to my life.
Don't wait, I won't be lonely,
I'm closer closer to my life.
My mind's rolling like thunder,
I'm closer closer to my life.
I don't fear I'll go under,
I'm closer to my life, to my life.
I've set up sails I feel the wind
Opens up my mind and blows away
Every single reason to stay,
It's time to fly.
Don't you call my name. I'm on the way.
Don't be afraid, I'm not lonely,
I'm closer closer to my life.
Don't wait, I won't be lonely,
I'm closer closer to my life.
My mind's rolling like thunder,
I'm closer closer to my life.
I don´t fear to go under,
I'm closer closer to my life.
Can you feel, can you feel it.
I can feel the silen ce.
I can feel the silence.
Don't be afraid, I'm not lonely,
I'm closer closer to my life.
Don't wait, I won't be lonely,
I'm closer closer to my life.
My mind's rolling like thunder,
I'm closer closer to my life.
I don't fear I'll go under,
Every single reason to stay closer,
It's time to fly. Closer.
I said I've set it tonight.
It's time to fly.
Closer closer to my life.
Closer closer to my life.
I said I've set it tonight
(closer closer to my life).
To my life
(closer closer to my life).
To my life.
day 25

Every breath you take

And every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take
I'll be watching you

Every single day

And every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay
I'll be watching you

Oh, can't you see

You belong to me?
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take

Every move you make

Every vow you break
Every smile you fake, every claim you stake
I'll be watching you

Since you've gone I've been lost without a trace

I dream at night, I can only see your face
I look around, but it's you I can't replace
I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby please ,

Oh, can't you see

You belong to me?
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take

Every move you make

Every vow you break
Every smile you fake, every claim you stake
I'll be watching you

Every move you ma ke,

Every step you take
I'll be watching you
I'll be watching you
day 26

Mama, take this badge off of me

I can’t use it anymore
It’s getting dark , too dark to see
I dark I’m knocking on heaven’s door

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Mama, put my guns in the ground

I can't shoot them anymore
That long black cloud is comin' down
I dark I'm knockin' on heaven's door

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door

Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
day 27

Heart over mind , yes I'm Heart over mind , yes I'm
My father's son My father's son
I live my life , just like I live my mind , just like
My father's done My father's done

If he'd told me, one day But tell me why

That somebody'd have my heart in chains Every time I try to tell you it's goodbye
Would I believe it, no way I can't seem to let go
Made up my mind I'd never fall that way In my heart I know I want to stay ,
What I'm trying to say...
But tell me why
Every time I try to tell you it's goodbye Heart over try , yes I'm
I can't seem to let go My father's son
In my heart I know I want to stay I live my try , just like
What I'm trying to say My father's done

Heart over try , yes I'm If he'd told me, one day
My father's son That somebody would have my heart in chains
Yes I'm inclined to do Would I believe it, no way,
As my father's done Made up my mind, I'd never fall that way
But it's heart over mind ,
Here I am try you Yes I'm my father's son
And I know that it's true And I will try to do
Despite all the feelings As my father's done
You're putting vvvme through
I try to walk away, Heart over elieve , yes I'm
something makes me stay My father's son
day 28

Like the legend of the Phoenix (We're up all night to get

All ends with beginnings We're up all night to get
What keeps the planets spinning (uh) We're up all night to get
The force from the beginning We're up all night to get)

(Look) (We're up all night to get (together)

We're up all night to get (let's get funked again)
We've come too far to give up who we are We're up all night to get lucky
So let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars We're up all night to get lucky)

She's up all night to the sun (We're up all night to get lucky
I'm up all night to get some We're up all night to get lucky
She's up all night for good fun We're up all night to get lucky
I'm up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky)

We're up all night to the sun (We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get some We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night for good fun We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky)

We're up all night to get lucky We've (we're up all night to get lucky)
We're up all night to get lucky Come too far (we're up all night to get lucky)
We're up all night to get lucky To give up (we're up all night to get lucky)
We're up all night to get lucky Who we are (we're up all night to get lucky)
So let's (we're up all night to get lucky)
The present has no ribbon Raise the bar (we're up all night to get lucky)
Your gift keeps on giving, And our cups (we're up all night to get lucky)
What is this I'm f eeling? To the stars (we're up all night to get lucky)
If you wanna leave I'm with it (ah)
She's up all night to the sun
We've come too far to give up who we are I'm up all night to get some
So let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars She's up all night for good fun
I'm up all night to get lucky
She's up all night to the sun
I'm up all night to get some We're up all night to the sun
She's up all night for good fun We're up all night to get some
I'm up all night to get lucky We're up all night for good fun
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to the sun
We're up all night to get some We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night for good fun We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky
We're up all night to get lucky
day 29

Living easy, living free

Season ticket on a one way ride
Asking nothing, leave me be
Taking everythin' in my stride
Don't need reason
Don't need rhyme
Ain't nothing I’d rather do
Goin' down
Party time
My friends are gonna be there too, yeah

I’m on the highway to hell

On the highway to hell
Highway to hell
I’m on the highway to hell

No stop signs
Speed limit
Nobody's gonna slow me down
Like a wheel
Gonna spin it
Nobody's gonna mess me around
Hey Satan
Payin' my dues
Playing in a rocking band
Hey mama
Look at me
I’m on the way to the promised land

I’m on the highway to hell

Highway to hell
I’m on the highway to hell
Highway to hell

Don't stop me
Heh, heh!

I’m on the highway to hell

On the highway to hell
Highway to hell
I’m on the highway to hell
(Highway to hell) I’m on the highway to hell
(Highway to hell) highway to hell
(Highway to hell) highway to hell
(Highway to hell)

And I’m going down

All the way
I’m on the highway to hell
day 30

Feeling my way through the darkness

Guided by a beating heart
I can't tell where the journey will end
But I know where to start

They tell me I'm too young to understand

They say I'm caught up in a dream
Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes
Well that's fine by me

So wake me up when it's all over

When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost

So wake me up when it's all over

When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost

I tried carrying the weight of the world

But I only have two hands
Hope I get the chance to travel the world
But I don't have any plans

Wish that I could stay forever this young

Not afraid to close my eyes
Life's a game made for everyone
And love is a price

So wake me up when it's all over

When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost

So wake me up when it's all over

When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
На каждый из 30 дней нашей программы мы подготовили для тебя по два блока упражнений по временам.
В первом тебе нужно будет перевести предложение с русского на английский, используя правильное время, а во
втором — просто поставить глагол в нужное время. Используй только Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple,
Present Continuous or Present Perfect. А чтобы ты мог проверить себя, в конце мы добавили «ключи».


1. Его папа ходит в спортивный зал каждый день.

2. Они купят ей собаку в следующем году.

3. В данный момент она находится на работе.

1. I (visit) my grandmother every day.

2. Pam and John (watch) TV at the moment.

3. She (like) playing computer games.


4. Моя бабушка приходила к нам в гости в прошлый четверг.

5. Ему не нравится его работа.

6. Завтра будет дождь, и мы останемся дома.

4. Mark (have) five classes yesterday at the university.

5. They (go) to the cinema next Saturday.

6. It probably (snow) tomorrow so be careful.


7. Мои друзья ездили на школьную экскурсию месяц назад.

8. Его родственники прибывают на вокзал завтра в 11 утра.

9. Я только что закончил уборку в комнате.

7. Dorothy (do) her homework two days ago.

8. I think I (catch) the 4:30 train tomorrow.

9. We just (come) back from the grocery store.


10. Пробовала ли ты когда-нибудь устрицы?

11. Каждый понедельник мы обычно идем в кино.

12. Он учил японский в школе.

10. My friend never (be) to the ocean.

11. Yesterday I (go) for the groceries at 6 o’clock in the evening.

12. I always (drive) my car to work.


13. Люди не верят ему, потому что он часто врет.

14. Я ищу менеджера. Я нигде не могу его найти.

15. Она всегда помнит о моем Дне Рождения.

13. When exactly (be) his flight tomorrow?

14. I never (be) to France.

15. This restaurant (be) very popular 3 years ago.


16. Смотри! На улицe идет снег.

17. Мои родители живут в маленьком городе.

18. Вчера в торговом центре я купил себе немного одежды.

16. (do) you have breakfast today?

17. He (be) British.

18. When I opened my eyes, I (see) a strange sight.


19. Наша учительница болеет.

20. Поторопись! Поезд уже на подходе!

21. Его мама работает в школе.

19. The students (rehearse) the play at the moment.

20. I (learn) English for six years.

21. All students (do) already their work.


22. Тебе слышно преподавателя? О чем он говорит?

23. Ты знаком с Эриком?

24. Он не пришел в офис вчера, потому что был болен.

22. She (write) a letter to her friend a month ago.

23. The moon (revolve) around the earth.

24. We (visit) the Netherlands next week.


25. Мы совсем ничего не ели на завтрак.

26. Сколько она учит немецкий?

27. Когда он начал работать в Google?

25. Peter (live) with his parents.

26. The boss (want) to talk to you.

27. I (not hear) anything from him in a long time.

DAY 10

28. Кто написал эту книгу?

29. Цены выросли. Вещи намного дороже на этой неделе.

30. Что с тобой случилось? Я прождал тебя весь вечер.

28. They (watch) TV when it started to rain.

29. We (want) to visit you yesterday.

30. It (rain), so we can't go to the beach.

DAY 11

31. Я встречаюсь с его сестрой в городе сегодня вечером.

32. Кажется, ты хочешь пить. Я принесу тебе что-нибудь выпить. Кофе или чай?

33. Автобус останавливается в каждой деревне, поэтому он очень медленный!

31. I (help) you with your homework this evening.

32. It (be) very cloudy today.

33. The sun always (rise) in the east.

DAY 12

34. Я думаю, что сегодня позже будет дождь.

35. Ты уже выбрал новую машину?

36. Я учу английский на протяжении 7 лет.

34. Mary (see) this movie on TV last week.

35. Since 2011 they (visit) their parents every year.

36. If she (find) a good job, her parents will be very happy.

DAY 13

37. Прошлым летом мои родители отправили меня на языковые курсы в Лондон.

38. Обычно я не занимаюсь делами по дому по воскресеньям.

39. Каждый понедельник она отвозит своих детей на тренировку по футболу.

37. He met his wife when he (work) in Brussels.

38. I (not see) my grandparents since last summer.

39. I (have) some wine.

DAY 14

40. Вчера пожарные спасли пожилую женщину, которая оказалась в ловушке на третьем этаже горящего здания.

41. В настоящий момент компания строит новую электростанцию.

42. Когда я покупал книги, кто-то позвал меня по имени.

40. Elena (make) delicious cakes.

41. John (work) at a supermarket.

42. Usually my sister (feed) our dog.

DAY 15

43. Во сколько ты пришел домой вчера?

44. Она знает английский, но не говорит по французски.

45. Я ни разу в жизни не ел киви.

43. The police (catch) the thief sooner or later.

44. Our teacher (give) homework every day.

45. We (read) a novel in class this week.

DAY 16

46. Кто-то украл мои очки в раздевалке на прошлой неделе.

47. Твоя собака когда-нибудь кусала кого-то?

48. Мне кажется, что мой племянник подрос на 6 сантиметров с прошлого лета.

46. I (not have) breakfast today.

47. She (book) a flight yesterday.

48. They (not be) to Chicago for 20 years.

DAY 17

49. Титаник затонул меньше, чем за шесть часов.

50. Этим утром я отвез свою сестру в аэропорт.

51. Поторопись! Спектакль уже начался.

49. She (see) a wonderful film at the cinema last night.

50. The sun (rise) at 5:00 AM this morning.

51. They (go) to the movies once in a while.

DAY 18

52. Вчера его друг упал с лестницы.

53. Мой брат часто встречает меня после школы.

54. В этом доме живет моя бабушка. Я часто её навещаю.

52. I (not wear) my watch now because I lost it.

53. I (make) several mistakes in the last quiz.

54. My parents (be) in San Francisco two weeks from today.

DAY 19

55. Я не помню его адреса и не знаю его номер телефона.

56. Он получает много писем и всегда на них отвечает.

57. Иногда они играют в шахматы по вечерам.

55. She (go) to a doctor once a year for an examination.

56. Our son (not graduate) from the university yet.

57. He (quit) his job yesterday.

DAY 20

58. По вечерам я обычно иду гулять со своей собакой.

59. Мой отец читает газеты каждое утро.

60. Его сестра иногда говорит по-английски со своими детьми.

58. She (live) by herself since the divorce.

59. I (get) up at 7 every morning.

60. Peter and Helen (go) to a concert tomorrow night.

DAY 21

61. Вы читаете английские книги и журналы?

62. Какой путь короче?

63. Мы еще не решили, куда поедем на праздники.

61. Gregory is a vegetarian. He (not eat) meat.

62. An accident (happen) near my house last night.

63. I (use) to ski when I was at the university.

DAY 22

64. В данный момент я повторяю английскую грамматику

65. Я отправил тебе письмо почти месяц назад, но так и не получил ответа!

66. Расскажи мне в точности, что случилась прошлой ночью!

64. Unless he (work) more he won’t get much money.

65. There (be) a robbery at the bank.

66. I (not sleep) at all last night.

DAY 23

67. О, нет! Я забыл принести мое домашнее задание!

68. Мои двоюродные братья приедут в гости на этих выходных.

69. Прогноз погоды показывает, что завтра будет снег.

67. Many people (see) the accident.

68. His sister (help) him with his English.

69. Someone (listen) to music all night.

DAY 24

70. Я посмотрел на книжный шкаф и увидел интересный роман на верхней полке.

71. Он познакомился с женщиной, которая может говорить на шести языках!

72. Девушка, которая пострадала в несчастном случае, сейчас находится в больнице.

70. I (not enjoy) the book very much.

71. you ever (buy) a new car?

72. Peter (love) playing football.

DAY 25

73. Обычно она едет на работу на поезде, но сегодня она едет на работу на машине.

74. Обычно он смотрит телевизор в половину восьмого, потому что его любимая передача начинается примерно в это время.

75. В прошлом году наш начальник улетел на Бали.

73. I (not be) hungry right now.

74. Yesterday we (walk) more than 10 km.

75. He just (finish) writing his book.

DAY 26

76. Когда ты научился водить?

77. Я написал им уже три раза.

78. Ты уже закончил читать эту книгу?

76. He (not forget) to come yesterday.

77. Her car (not start).

78. My father (love) to go fishing.

DAY 27

79. Он собирается купить себе новый компьютер в следующем году.

80. Его мама уже решила поменять мебель в нашем доме.

81. Где вы останавливались во время вашего путешествия в Калифорнию?

79. you (want) to start your business?

80. We (walk) in the park and (get) lost.

81. she (know) how to ride a bike?

DAY 28

82. Говорят, что книги все еще популярны среди молодежи.

83. Кто-то уже заплатил электрику за его работу.

84. Молодая девушка попросила нас быть там в 8 часов.

82. What (be) you favorite book?

83. Her boyfriend (cook) dinner yesterday.

84. This shop (close) for good next Monday.

DAY 29

85. Автор выпустил специальное издание для детей.

86. Люди полагают, что забастовка скоро закончится.

87. Кто-то вызвал скорую после того происшествия?

85. Where you (go) tonight?

86. What you (think) of your new boyfriend?

87. They (meet) us at a restaurant last week.

DAY 30

88. В прошлый понедельник она получила письмо от полиции.

89. Что у нас будет на десерт?

90. У тебя есть знакомые в Лондоне?

88. George (fall) off the ladder yesterday.

89. After Jonathan (finish) his degree, she intends to work in an office.

90. Mark Twain (grow) up in a small town.

С первой буквы
А теперь мы предлагаем тебе поиграть. Для этого тебе понадобится хотя бы один друг или единомышленник,
который, как и ты, любит учить английский или готов помочь тебе в его изучении. Но поверь, чем больше людей ты
соберешь для игры — тем интереснее она станет.


1. Распечатай пустые листы на себя и остальных участников по 5-10 на человека.

2. Заполни верхние строчки по темам (города, страны, дом, предметы интерьера, спорт, шоппинг, гардероб,
косметичка и т.д). Ради примера мы сделали для тебя один лист, но, чтобы играть было веселее и полезнее,
обязательно меняй темы.

3. Выберите с друзьями любую букву алфавита, и пусть каждый из вас впишет ее в пустой квадрат.

4. Поставьте таймер на 3 минуты.

5. Начинайте вспоминать слова, которые начинаются с выбранной вами буквы и соответствуют каждой из

6. Сначала постарайтесь найти по одному слову для каждой из семи тем. Если после этого у вас останется
время, можете добавить новые слова ниже.

7. Когда время выйдет — отложите ручки.

8. По очереди говорите слова, начиная с первой темы. За каждое подходящее слово добавляйте себе 4 балла.

9. Если у вас и у соперника оказалось одно и то же слово, а второго варианта в списке ниже нет — тот, кто
первым его озвучил, получает баллы, а тот, кто был вторым — нет.

10. В конце игры подсчитайте баллы и определите победителя.

В эту игру можно играть неограниченное число раундов.

Если вы играете онлайн: когда прозвенит таймер, высылайте фотографии ваших листов друг другу и проверяйте.

ВАЖНО: пожалуйста, не пользуйтесь во время игры словарем. Вам могут помочь только ваши знания и смекалка.
После того как раунд завершен, вы можете проверить правильность написания каждого слова в словаре, но,
пожалуйста, не делайте этого раньше.

Ну что, сыграем?!

С П Е Ð ВО Й Б У к В Ы

С П Е Ð ВО Й Б У к В Ы
Weekly planner

1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5. 5. 5.

6. 6. 6. 6. 6.

7. 7. 7. 7. 7.

8. 8. 8. 8. 8.

9. 9. 9. 9. 9.

10. 10. 10. 10. 10.


1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.

6. 6. 6.

7. 7. 7.

8. 8. 8.

9. 9. 9.

10. 10. 10.

Don't tell people your plans, show them your results

d a te
today IS YOUR

best day
sc h e du le p ri o ri t i e s

p ro d u c t i v i t y c h a rt

08:00-12:00 12:00-15:00 15:00-19:00 19:00-00:00 00:00-02:00


c it at io n


B - books S - songs E - exercises

B Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

S made / world / something / use / abuse / made / world / something / head / head / head / head / head / head /
head / head / use / abuse / made / world / something / made / world / something / made / world / something /
made / world / something

E 1. His father goes to the gym every day.

2. They will buy her a dog next year.
3. She is working at the moment.

1. visit
2. are watching

B 50 Shades of Grey

S love / never / price / know / before / door / gold / fortune / love / Paradise / price / know / before / door / gold /
fortune / know / know / know / know / know / know

E 4. My grandmother came over to us last Thursday.

5. He does not like his job.
6. It will rain tomorrow and we will stay at home.

4. had
5. are going
6. will snow

B Alice in Wonderland

S rain / smiled / dark / bright / true / bouquet / feel / true / truth / facts / hand / true / face / complete / true / face /
complete / true / complete

E 7. My friends went on a school trip a month ago.

8. His relatives are arriving at the railway station at 11 am.
9. I have just finished cleaning the room.

7. did
8. will catch
9. have just come back
B Twilight

S goodbye / easy / moments / goodbye / home / Earth / home / darkness / gone / darkness / deep / feet / heart /
deep / story / day / story / story

E 10. Have your ever tried oysters?

11. We usually go to the cinema every Monday.
12. He learned Japanese at school.

10. has never been

11. went
12. drive

B The Catcher in the Rye

S sun / turning / sea / two / two / Some / sky / only / shot / type / spark / waste / nothing / make / suit / wool /
maybe / feels / romance / feeling / Good / waste

E 13. People don’t believe him because he often lies.

14. I am looking for the manager. I can't find him anywhere.
15. She always remembers my birthday.

13. is
14. have never been
15. was

B Eat, Pray, Love

S hard / love / comfortable / right / someone / miracle / through / used / new / Memories / kills / dreaming / kids /
through / happy / happy / girlfriend /

E 16. Look! It is snowing outside.

17. My parents live in a small town.
18. I bought some clothes yesterday at the mall.

16. Did
17. is
18. saw

B The Master and Margarita

S scared / scared / green / dreams / Lady / side / left / song / cause / wrong / movie / New York City / himself /
living / Lady / side / left / song / cause / wrong / know / gonna / gonna / know / have/ have / screen / Closest /
Lady / side / left / song / cause / wrong / Lady / side / left / song / cause / wrong / Lady / side / left / song / cause
/ wrong / cause / wrong /

E 19. Our teacher is ill.

20. Hurry! The train is coming!
21. His mother works at school.

19. are rehearsing

20. have been learning
21. have done
B The Twelve Chairs

S symphony / Try / money / take / places / Where / change / change / change / change / here / here / million / day
/ change / never / tonight / sounds / free / clean / nobody / change / change / change / change / here / here /
million / day / change / symphony / Try / Try / money / take / places / Where / change / change / change /
change / here / here / million / day / change / change / change / change /
E 22. Can you hear the professor? What is he talking about?
23. Do you know Eric?
24. He did not come to the office yesterday because he was ill.

22. wrote
23. revolves
24. are visiting

B The Alchemist

S girl / modern / more / falling / myself / bad / boy / tired / more / falling / myself / bad / watch / ground / Crash /
far / now / far / now / watch / ground / Сrash / far / now / far / now /

E 25. We did not eat anything for breakfast.

26. How long has she studied German?
27. When did he begin to work at Google?

25. lives
26. wants
27. haven’t heard

DAY 10
B The Great Gatsby

S road / goes / alone / streets / sleeps / alone / alone / alone / alone / shadow's / beating / someone / alone /
mind / border / line / alone / Read / signs / alone / alone / alone / alone / shadow's / beating / someone / alone
/ alone / street / shadow's / beating / someone / alone / alone

E 28. Who wrote this book?

29. Prices have gone up. Things are much more expensive this week.
30. What happened to you. I waited all evening for you.

28. were watching

29. wanted
30. is raining

DAY 11
B Gone with the Wind

S need / need / need / need / need / need / share / share / somthing / road / somebody / need / need / need /
need / ground / Cause / boss / man / needing / boss / man / paycheck / need / need / need / need / need / need
/ share / share / ground / down / someone / world / borrow / help / bottle / bottle / buddy / buddy / wine /
buddy / child / working / working / need / need / need / need / need / need / share / share / share / share /
share / share / share

E 31. I am meeting his sister in town tonight.

32. You seem thirsty. I'll get you something to drink. Coffee or tea?
33. The bus stops at every village, so it’s very slow!

31. will help

32. is
33. rises
DAY 12
B A Song of Ice and Fire

S put / Keep / everything / love / Keep / love / Keep / love / felt / answered / Memories / Keep / everything / love /
Keep / love / Keep / love / arms / down / Keep / everything / love / Keep / love / Keep / love

E 34. I think it will rain later today.

35. Have you chosen a new car yet?
36. I have been learning English for seven years now.

34. saw
35. have visited
36. finds

DAY 13
B Lolita

S One day / One day / sure / sure / no weapon / women / become / rhythm / Freedom / Justice / Justice/ died / bus
/ woman / ground / camera / mountain / One day / One day / sure / sure / victory / finish / man / crowd / look /
back / justice / king / weapon / dream / history / young / victory / One day / war

E 37. Last summer my parents sent me on a language course to London.

38. I don’t do housework on Sundays normally.
39. Every Monday, she drives her kids to football practice.

37. was working

38. haven’t seen
39. will have

DAY 14
B The Jungle Book

S day / friend / again / way / again / again / planes / talking / laugh / different / forever / family / family’s / standing
/ ride / day / again / way / again / again / strong / friendship / friendship / love / remember / family / family’s /
standing / ride / memory / always / day / again / way / again / again

E 40. Yesterday the firemen rescued the old woman who was trapped on the third floor of the burning building.
41. The company is building a new power station at the moment.
42. When I was buying the books somebody called my name.

40. makes
41. works
42. feeds

DAY 15
B Karlsson-on-the-Roof

S Jesus / please / holds / about / yourself / eyes / more / please / holds / goes / cupcakes / more / please / holds /
sofa / Laugh / lose / nation / away

E 43. What time did you come home yesterday?

44. She speaks English but she does not speak French.
45. I have never eaten kiwi.

43. will catch

44. gives
45. are reading
DAY 16
B The Little Prince

S think / song / meaning / nothing / touch / wings / door / loud / miracles / nothing / touch / wings / door / nothing
/ touch / wings / door / spread / wings

E 46. Somebody stole my sunglasses at the dressing room last week.

47. Has your dog ever bitten anyone?
48. I think my nephew has grown six centimeters since last summer.

46. did not

47. booked
48. haven’t been

DAY 17
B The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

S crazy / lately / care / best / best / best / making / care / eyes / time / name / pride / can / touch / save / save /
touch / save / save /

E 49. The Titanic sank in less than six hours.

50. I drove my sister to the airport this morning.
51. Hurry up! The play has already begun.

49. saw
50. rose
51. go

DAY 18
B The Green Mile

S strange / call / weird / call / ghost / ghost / head / call / Sleeping / call / ghost / ghost / call / call / ghost / ghost
/ call / dose / call / something / ghost / ghost / comes / call / call / call / call /

E 52. His friend fell off the ladder yesterday.

53. My brother often meets me after school.
54. My grandmother lives in this house. I often go to see her.

52. am not wearing

53. made
54. will be

DAY 19
B The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

S nobody / alone / kissed / Nobody / kissed / alone / feel / nobody / alone / feel / Nobody

E 55. I don’t remember his address and don’t know his telephone number.
56. He gets a lot of letters and always answers them.
57. Sometimes they play chess in the evening.

55. goes
56. has not graduated
57. quit
DAY 20
B The Wizard of Oz

S awake / dreaming / moment / close / baby / even / baby / heart / seeing / moment / close / baby / even / baby /
smile / kiss / just / close / moment / close / baby / even / baby / close / baby / even / baby / close / fall

E 58. I usually go for a walk with my dog in the evening.

59. My father reads newspapers every morning.
60. Sometimes his sister speaks English to her children.

58. has been living

59. get
60. are going

DAY 21
B Forrest Gump

S want / burns / thoughts / together / make / make / night / laugh / around / never / make / make / listen / should /
make / waiting / waiting / make

E 61. Do you read English books and magazines?

62. Which way is shorter?
63. We have not decided yet where we are going on holiday.

61. doesn’t eat

62. happened
63. used

DAY 22
B Me before you

S Dear / nothing / Mama / man / man / Love / Love / Love / Go on / Pretend / say / cry / Say / Say / anything /
nights / stay / Reason / really / Love / Love / Love / Go on / Pretend / say / cry / Say / Say / anything / Go on /

E 64. At the moment I am revising English grammar.

65. I sent you the letter almost a month ago but you still haven’t replied.
66. Tell me exactly what happened last night!

64. works
65. was
66. did not sleep

DAY 23
B Three Comrades

S before / owe / owe / waiting / writing / eyes / hand / remember / something / love / before / owe / soul / control /
tonight / remember / something / love / before / owe / door / owe / before / owe / before / owe / door / owe

E 67. Oh no! I forgot to bring my assignment!

68. My cousins are coming to stay this weekend.
69. The weather report says there will be snow tomorrow.

67. saw
68. helps
69. was listening
DAY 24
B Pride and Prejudice

S afraid / wait / free / limit / way / afraid / wait / like / under / wind / reason / name / afraid / wait / like / under /
silence / silence / afraid / wait / thunder / under / tonight / tonight

E 70. I looked at the bookcase and saw an interesting novel on the top shelf.
71. He met a woman who can speak six languages.
72. A girl who was injured in the accident is now in hospital.

70. didn’t enjoy

71. Have you ever bought
72. loves

DAY 25
B Perfume. The story of a murderer

S move / watching / single / word / watching / see / heart / make / break / watching /Since / face / cold / please /
see / heart / make / break / watching / make / take / watching / watching

E 73. She usually goes to work by train but today she is driving to work.
74. He usually watches TV at half past seven because his favorite programme starts at around this time.
75. Last year our boss went to Bali by plane.

73. am not
74. walked
75. He has just finished

DAY 26
B The Three Musketeers

S Mama / me / dark / dark / feel / Mama / guns / anymore / down / feel /

E 76. When did you learn to drive a car?

77. I’ve written to them three times already.
78. Have you finished reading that book yet?

76. did not forget

77. doesn’t start
78. loves

DAY 27
B The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

S mind / life / day / believe / why / try / stay / say / mind / do / with / true / putting / stay / mind / life / why / try /
stay / say / mind / life / day / believe / mind / do / mind

E 79. He is going to buy a new computer next year.

80. His mother has already decided to change the furniture at our house.
81. Where did you stay during your trip to California?

79. Do you want

80. walked, got
81. Does she know
DAY 28
B The Godfather

S legend / keeps / come / stars / sun / some / fun / sun / some / fun / present / feeling / come / stars / sun / some /
fun / sun / some / fun / Come / stars / sun / some / fun / sun / some / fun

E 82. They say that his books are still popular among young people.
83. Someone has already paid the electrician for his work.
84. A young woman asked us to be there at eight o’clock.

82. is
83. cooked
84. is closing

DAY 29
B Fight Club

S free / nothing / reason / nothing / Party / Speed / Like / around / band / Look / stop / way

E 85. The author has written a special edition for children.

86. People believe that the strike will end soon.
87. Did anyone call an ambulance after that accident?

85. are you going

86. do you think
87. met

DAY 30
B The Hobbit

S darkness / journey / start / dream / eyes / over / older / lost / over / older / lost / world / world / plans / young /
everyone / love / over / older / lost / over / older / lost / lost / lost / lost /

E 88. Last Monday, she received a letter from the police.

89. What are we having for dessert?
90. Do you know anyone in London?

88. fell
89. finishes
90. grew


1. Does she go to school every day? / She doesn’t go to school every day.
2. Is your grandfather a good cook? / Your grandfather is not a good cook.
3.Do you like to walk around the city? / You don’t like to walk around the city.
4. Is her smile lovely? / Her smile isn’t lovely.
5. Does he feel good? / He doesn’t feel good.
6. Does your friend send you (any) letters? / Your friend doesn’t send you (any) letters.
7. Can your brother help you with your homework? / Your brother can’t help you with your homework.
8. His friends are good football players.
9. Her dog loves to walk.
10. His sister loves shopping.
11. This book is rather boring.
12. The cinema is always crowded.
13. You can send me an email.
14. You can tell me a little about yourself.
15. He washes the dishes.

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