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по английскому языку

для студентов неспециальных факультетов

(в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин)

2017 г.
УДК 811.111
ББК 81.2Англ

П 65
Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов (в
цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин)/ под общ.ред. Нягу С.В. Актобе:
Редакционно-издательский отдел Актюбинского регионального
государственного университета им.К.Жубанова, 2017 г.- 60 стр.

1. Кандидат филологических наук, декан факультета иностранных языков
Актюбинского регионального государственного университета им. К.Жубанова
Искиндирова С.К.
2. Кандидат педагогических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры
дошкольного воспитания и начального образования Актюбинского
им. А.С. Баишева Майдангалиева Ж.С.
3.Магистр гуманитарных наук, старший преподаватель кафедры казахского
языка и литературы Актюбинского университета им. А.С. Баишева
Туржанова Г.Н.

«Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных

факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин)» представляет собой
комплекс заданий, направленных на активизацию учебно-познавательной
деятельности студентов. Структурно практикум представляет собой рабочую
тетрадь, упражнения и задания которой ориентированы на подготовку к
компьютерному тестированию как промежуточной форме контроля (рейтинг и
экзамен). Работа предназначена студентам, изучающим иностранный язык в
цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин. Она может быть рекомендована для
самостоятельной работы широкому кругу лиц, желающих совершенствовать
навыки и развить умения по английскому языку.

Рекомендовано к печати решением учебно-методическим советом

Актюбинского регионального государственного университета им. К.Жубанова
в качестве практикума по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных
факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин).
(протокол № ______ от _________ 2017 г.)


«Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных

факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин)» представляет собой
комплекс заданий, направленных на активизацию учебно-познавательной
деятельности студентов. Структурно практикум представляет собой рабочую
тетрадь, упражнения и задания которой ориентированы на подготовку к
компьютерному тестированию как промежуточной форме контроля (рейтинг и
экзамен). Разработанные задания способствуют созданию прочной лексико-
грамматической базы английского языка и условий для формирования
коммуникативной компетенции для студентов, которым необходимо научиться
общаться в различных сферах общечеловеческой деятельности.
Целью практикума является обучение студентов самостоятельной работе над
текстами следующих направлений: социально-бытовая сфера общения, социо-
культурная сфера общения, учебно-профессиональная сфера общения.
Содержание обучения английскому языку студентов естественно-
гуманитарных и технических факультетов на первом курсе включает развитие
умения самостоятельной работы с текстами вышеназванных сфер общения и
использования их содержания в типичных ситуациях общения (описание,
повествование, рассуждение, сообщение с элементами рассуждения,
объяснение, определение, оценка).
Эффективность обучения английскому языку зависит от репрезентативности
языкового и речевого, его разнообразия и доступности для обучающихся. При
выполнении этих условий студент по окончании курса английского языка в
цикле общеобразовательных предметов должен читать и понимать тексты
различного характера с эпизодическим использованием словаря, а в области
устной речи выражать свои мысли по-английски в наиболее типичных
ситуациях общения при некоторой дополнительной подготовке.
В связи с тем, что рейтинг и экзамен традиционно проводится
компьютерным тестированием, возникает вопрос о поиске новых, более
эффективных методов и приемов обучения студентов. И, прежде всего, это
вопрос о решении о соотношении обучения устной речи и подготовки к
компьютерному тестированию по английскому языку на неспециальных
Необходимо признать, что, в целом, студенты первого курса имеют
достаточно высокую мотивацию изучения английского языка. Но уровень
подготовки студентов неоднороден. В одной учебной группе могут находиться
студенты с владением иностранным языком уровня А1 и В1. Методики
подготовки к экзамену в устной форме и методом компьютерного тестирования

В связи с вышеизложенным возникла необходимость в разработке
«Практикума по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов
(в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин)»

При обучении иностранному языку в цикле общеобразовательных

дисциплин языковая подготовка в вузе должна осуществляться в комплексе,
что относится ко всем умениям и навыкам. Как известно, согласно учебному
плану студенты изучают в вузе иностранный язык на первом курсе в цикле
общеобразовательных дисциплин.
Процесс обучения английскому языку определяется целью приобретения
учащимися определенного объема знаний в области грамматики, говорения,
чтения и аудирования.
В «Практикуме по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных
факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин)» предпринята попытка
дать в руки студентов такой инструментарий для постоянной работы с
иностранным языком, который бы постоянно поддерживал интерес и развивал
мотивацию в данном направлении.
Целью данной работы является оказание студентам помощи в овладении
системой языка и способами ее использования в межкультурно-
коммуникативной деятельности, а также в подготовке к экзамену в форме
компьютерного тестирования.
В «Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных
факультетов»» включены следующие темы:
1. Actions speak louder than words (составитель Кульниязова Ж.Б.).
2. My home is my castle (составитель Сагиева Г.Б.).
3. Home is where the heart is (составитель Сагиева А.Т.).
4. Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simple (составитель
Абнасирова А.).
5. My home –Kazakhstan (составитель Турмагамбетова Г.Н.).
6.Astana – the new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan (составитель
Турмагамбетова Г.Н.).
7. My Discovery of Great Britain (составитель Умирзакова С.Е.).
8. If you are tired of London you are tired of life (составитель Сагиева А.Т.).
9.A day of travelling will bring a basket of learning (составитель Масалимова
10. Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere». (составитель
Масалимова А.С.).
Все блоки ««Практикума по английскому языку для студентов
неспециальных факультетов» выстроены по одной схеме:
1.Чтение: предтекстовые задания (1,2,3), текст и вопросы к тексту (4,5),
лексические задания к тексту (5,7).

2.Грамматика: грамматические задания коммуникативного характера
3. Говорение: описание ситуации согласно теме (15).
4.Тест: тестовые задания закрытого типа (30) с полным охватом содержания

Необходимым элементом учебного процесса наряду с получаемой

информацией, ее отработкой является контроль знаний учащихся. Конечной
целью «Практикума по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных
факультетов» является подготовка к компьютерному тестированию.
Компьютерное тестирование отвечает концепции модернизации и
компьютеризации системы образования и имеет ряд положительных качеств, к
которым можно отнести быстрое получение результатов и достаточно
высокий уровень объективности в оценке знаний.
В ходе проведения компьютерного тестирования можно получить
достоверную информацию о владении студентами определенными умениями и
навыками. Преподаватель имеет возможность соотнести данные тестирования
с поставленными на данном этапе задачами обучения и провести
своевременную коррекцию процесса усвоения новых знаний.
«Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных
факультетов» предлагается использовать в учебном процессе в качестве
рабочей тетради студента для подготовки к компьютерному тестированию.
Кроме того, предусматривается развитие умения извлечения информации из
учебных текстов, описание ситуации или события в форме ряда
последовательных утверждений в рамках базовых тем социально-бытовой,
социально-культурной и учебно-профессиональной сфер общения с
преломлением через собственный опыт восприятия, подготовка доклада по
заданной тематике.


Focus on Reading

1.Write your associations to the picture.


2.Give the equivalents to the following words.

English Russian Kazakh

a stuff
an advice
A forehead
a laugh

3. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.


1. He likes wearing jeans and a. he never says sorry.

2. He’s always late for everything and b. but my favourite is jazz.
3. I’m from Scotland, c. Brian is the first person I ask for advice
4. I’m very happy to meet new people, d. everything will be fine.
5. If I have a problem, e. so I only see him at weekends and during the holidays.
6. He’s important to me because f. and we enjoy the same things – football
7. He thinks g. but now I live in London
8. We have a really good laugh together h. he knows me so well.
9. He studies in a different city now, i. sport shoes too.
10. I listen to all kinds of music, j. I’m sociable.

4. Read the text “Actions speak louder than words”. 

My name’s Mark Clifford. I’m from Scotland, but now I live in London. I am a
student. I study medicine. I’m 17, I’m Scorpio and I’m single. I am of average
height. I have got dark hair, green eyes. Let’s say athletic built. I speak English,
French. I’m very happy to meet new people, I’m sociable. I like eating out, reading
and travelling. I listen to all kinds of music, but my favourite is jazz. I love football -
it’s my favourite sport.
My oldest friend is Brian. He is well- built and has broad shoulders. His hair is
black. His forehead is quite low, he has got thick eyebrows. Brian usually wears
sport clothes. He likes wearing jeans and sport shoes too. He studies in a different
city now, so I only see him at weekends and during the holidays. He’s important to
me because he knows me so well.
We have a really good laugh together and we enjoy the same things – football,
clubbing, the usual stuff. If I have a problem, Brian is the first person I ask for advice
– and he always gives me good advice. He always has good hopes for the future. He
thinks everything will be fine. He’s very optimistic. But he isn’t perfect. He’s always
late for everything and he never says sorry. Never! Oh, well, nobody’s perfect, are
they? He’s still a really good mate.

5. Answer the questions to the text.

1.What is the name of the author?

2.Where is he from?
3.What is he?
4.How old is he?
5.What is his sign of the zodiac?
6.What is his hobby?
7.What kind of music does he listen to?
8. Who is his closest friend?
9. What do you tell about Brian?
10. Is his friend perfect?

6. Complete the questions with the words in the box.

Actor drink film food singer hobby sport writer season subject

1. Who’s your favourite actor? ’Tom Cruise.’

2. What’s your favourite __________? ’ The Matrix.’
3. What’s your favourite _________? ’ Milk.’
4. Who’s your favourite __________? ’Madonna. ’
5. What’s your favourite _________? ’Chips. ’
6. Who’s your favourite __________? ’DanBrown.’
7. What’s your favourite __________? ’Swimming. ’
8. What’s your favourite___________? ’English. ’
9. What’s your favourite __________? ’Tennis. ’
10.What’s your favourite __________? ’Winter. ’

7. Complete the sentences with words in the box.

sister her my jazz she old shopping a student have single

This is Rona. (1)She is (2)______ best friend, and she’s also my (3)_______! She’s
fantastic, and she’s (4) _______. Ok, what can I tell about Rona? Well, she’s eighteen
years (5)________ and she lives in Glasgow, in Scotland. She’s (6) ________ , so
she doesn’t (7)________ a lot of time to meet new people. She likes eating out.
(8)__________ favourite food is Chinese. She likes cooking, reading, listening to
(9)____________ and travelling. She speaks French and English. She loves football -
it’s her favourite sport. She doesn’t like (10)_________ and loud music. She doesn’t

Focus on Grammar

8. Complete the singular or plural forms .

Singular Plural

1. a mate mates
2. a hobby
3. children
4. a man
5. people
6. women
7. a family
8. apples
9. a friend
10. parents

9. Make true sentences with the correct affirmative or negative forms of be.

1. George Bush is from Texas. He isn’t from California.

2. Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana ______ Spanish. They _____Italian.
3. Isabel Allende ______ an artist. She ______ a writer.
4. The White House _____ in New York. It _____ in Washington.
5. The Petronas Towers ______ in Kuala Lumpur. They _____ in Hong Kong.
6. LOT ___ a Polish airline. It _____ a German airline.
7. Monument Baiterek ______ in Almaty. It ______ in Astana.
8.They ______ Spanish. Their surname ______ Iglesias.
9. Jude Law ______ an English actor. He ______ a football player.
10. I ______ a student. My favourite drink ________ Coke.

10. Make true sentences with the correct affirmative or negative forms of be or

1. I had no time to help you yesterday. I am very sorry about it.

2. It ______ difficult to find a job now, ______ it?
3. I want ______ a doctor, that is why I __________ a student of the Medical
4. _______ you English lessons twice a week? -Yes, we _______.
5. We _______ a conference tomorrow. So I _______ busy with my report today.
6. My sister ________ a second-year student of the Law Faculty. She _____ a lawyer.
7. I _____ dinner at the restaurant yesterday. I usually _______ dinner at home.
8. How old ______ you? - I _______ 17.
9. What _______ you fond of? My hobby ________ drawing.
10. He ________ black hair, _________ he?

11. Complete the instructions with the verbs in the box.

not to play to write to speak not to touch to open to drive to water to be to

call not to order

1. Open the window, please.

2. _______________ football on the road.
3. _______________ carefully! It is slippery today.
4. _______________ a taxi for me, please.
5. _______________ coffee! I don’t like it.
6. _______________ careful not to fall down.
7. ________________ slowly, please.
8. _______________ my mobile phone.
9. ________________ the flowers, please.
10. _______________ your address.

12. Write questions in the correct order.

1. you / a student / are Are you a student?

2. he / asister / has
3. married / she / single / is / or
4. what / mobile number / is / your

5.is / he/ British / isn’t / James

6. email addres / is/ what / their


7. are / you / where / from


8. what / surname / your / is


9. hobbies/you / some / have / got

10. bag /what / in / is/ your

13. Complete the text with a possessive determiner.

(1 )My name is Tom. (2) _____ brother’s name is Richard. We are English, but (3)
_______ family is from France and (4) _______ surname is Durand. Richard is
married and he has two children. (5)_______ names are Harry and Jemma.
(6)_______ wife is an technician. (7) _________ job isn’t very interesting, and she
doesn’t like (8) __________ boss. (9) _________ favourite music is jazz. She plays
the saxophone. What about you? What’s (10) __________ name?

14. Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in the box.

go live get up play drink like speak wear go out hate smoke

1. I live near the station.

2. My sister ___________ early in the morning.
3. Mark (not) __________.
4. She ____________ dancing and __________ sport.
5. My friend (not) ____________ to rock concerts.
6. We usually ____________ for a Chinese meal or sushi.
7. Jack _____________ football every day.
8. I _____________ Armani or Dolce & Gabbana.
9. Her friends ______________ cocktails.
10. Albert _______________ Spanish, English and Portuguese.

15. Tell about yourself your and friend.


1. ___ by train. 4. You ___ a Japanese d)am

a) Let her go car. e)like
b) Let her goes a) are 7. What is he?
c) Let go her b) have a)He is very well.
d) Let goes her c) am b)He is my brother
e) Go let her d) is c) He is an actor
2. Please, ___ the door. e) has d). He is seventeen.
a) close to 5. My brother ___ e)This is Frank.
b) to close single. 8. My mother ______
c) not close a) be fair hair.
d) close b) to be a) is
e) close let c)am b) has
3. Her hair is ________. d)is c) have
a) tall e)are d) was
b) young 6. I ___ sixteen years e)are
c) long old. 9. My friend always
d) big a) have ______ a lot of water.
e) handsome b) get a) drink
c) be b) drinks
c) not drinks d) this c) dance
d) does not drinks e) is d) the guitar
e) do drink 16. I play the e) have
10. Celine Dion _____ saxophone, but I don’t 22. She only thinks
born in Canada. play ___ very well. about herself. She
a) to be a) me doesn’t care about other
b) is b) him people. She’s _______ .
c) has c) her a) sensible
d) were d) them b) selfish
e) was e) it c) optimistic
11. My eyes ____ 17. I don’t like Mariah d) unselfish
green. Carey. Do you like___? e) careful
a) is a) he 23. She loves meeting
b) am b) him people and going to
c) are c) her parties. She’s very
d) have d) it _________ person.
e) had e) she a) impatient
12. What’s his name? 18. He’s the Prince of b) tidy
a) Michael Wales. ___ wife is c) sociable
b) my father called Camilla. d) adventurous
c) Laura a) her e) sad
d) his son b) his 24. Greta Garbo
e) my mother c) my ______ born in
13. You are fond of d) our Sweden.
sports, ________ ? e) its a) was
a) aren’t you? 19. Jack has many b) has
b) haven’t you friends, ________ ? c) is
c) have you? a) hasn’t Jack? d) are
d) aren’t he? b) has he? e) have
e) are you? c) hasn’t he? 25. I _____ many
14. We’re married. ___ d) has Jack? hobbies: cooking,
names are Bill and e) is he? reading, drawing
Hillary. 20. My parents ____ on a) was
a) we holiday. b) look
b) my a) is c) am
c) their b) has d) has
d) our c) am e) have
e) your d) are 26. My sister is _____ .
15. Brad Pitt’s favourite e) have a) hobby
food ____ pizza. 21. Nick ____ loud b) listen to music
a) has misic. c) plays the piano
b) his a) likes d) married
c) her b) cooks e) songs
27. I don’t like pop a) like c) have
music. Do you like b) look d) has
_____? c) hobby e) am
a) he d) am 30. Frank is ______ .
b) it e) sport a) the actor
c) his 29. My brother _____ b) a actor
d) her lots of good friends. c) an actor
e) them a) is d) actor
28. I _____ football. b) are e) he an actor


Focus on Reading

1.Write your associations to the picture.


2.Give the equivalents to the following words.

English Russian Kazakh


2. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.


1. Do you have any brothers? a) My family is large

2. Is your sister older or young than you? b) No, I don’t have any sisters
3. Is your family large or small? c) She is older than me for two years
4. Are you an only child in the family? d) She is an accountant
5. What is your sister’s occupation? e) Yes, I am
6. We have got a lot of relatives f) I try to help my mother at home
7. My grandfather is on the retire g) They are: my aunts, uncles, cousins
8. My mother is 49, but… h) she looks much younger
9. When I have a spare time.. i) He is a pensioner
10. Do you have any sisters? j) Yes, I have two brothers

4. Read the text “My home is my castle”.

Queen Elizabeth II was born April 21, 1926 in London, England. Her father was
King George VI and her mother was Queen Elizabeth (the late Queen Mother.)
Elizabeth and her sister Princess Margaret were taught at home by tutors. Her father
became king in 1936. Elizabeth studied history and law. She also studied art, music,
learned to horseback ride. She even became a Girl Guide when she was eleven.
(That's like Girl Scouts in the United States.)
Queen Elizabeth II has got a large family. Their surname is Windsor.Elizabeth
married Lieutenant Mountbatten in Westminster Abbey on November 20, 1947.
Lieutenant Mountbatten was the son of Prince Andrew of Greece and a great-great-
grandson of Queen Victoria. Today he is called HRH (His Royal Highness) Prince
Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Philip supports the Queen in her Royal Duties:
gives interviews, works with lots of charity organizations, travels around the UK and
abroad with the Queen and alone. The Duke of Edinburgh is interested in
environment, wildlife, science, technology, sports. He also likes sports.
Elizabeth and Prince Philip have four children, Prince Charles, The Prince of
Wales born on November 14, 1948, Princess Anne, now The Princess Royal born on
August 15, 1950, Prince Andrew, the Duke of York was born on February 19, 1960,
and Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex born on March 10, 1964. They all support the
Queen in her Royal Duties: work with charity organizations, travel around the UK
and abroad with official visits. They also have seven grandchildren: three grandsons
and four granddaughters. Their names are Prince William Prince Henry (or Harry) ,
the sons of the Prince of Wales, Prince Peter Philips, Princess Zara Philips the
children of The Royal Princess, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, the daughters of the
Duke of York, and Lady Louse, who is only four, the only child of the Earl of

Elizabeth's father, King George VI died on February 6, 1952. And she became
queen that very day. Her coronation was heard on radio and broadcast on television
around the world on June 2, 1953.

5. Answer the questions to the text.

1.When and where was Elizabeth II born?

2.Who was her mother and father?
3.What education did Elizabeth get?
4. When did Elizabeth II become Queen?
5. Who is her husband?
6. What can you say about his official life?
7. How many children and grandchildren are there in Royal family?
8. What’s like being Queen? (Daily Routine)
9. Where does the Royal Family live?
10. Who will be the next king?

6.Finish the sentences using the vocabulary.

1.My father’s mother is my grandmother.

2. My father’s brother is my ____________________ and his sister is my

____________________________________ .

3.My sister’s husband is my ____________________ and my brother’s wife is my

___________________________________ .

4.My sister’s daughter is my ________________ and my brother’s son is my

__________________________________ .

5. My mother and my father are my ______________________________ .

6.My aunt and my uncle are my _________________________________ .

7. My grandmother and grandfather are my ________________________ .

8. My uncle’s daughter is my _____________________ and my aunt’s son is my

_____________________ too .
9.My mother’s son is my ____________________ and her daughter is my

10. My father’s wife is my _____________________ and my mother’s husband is

my ___________________________.

7.Complete the sentences using the vocabulary.

1.John and Mary have two sons and two daughters .

2. Helen’s husband Dan is my b___________________________.

3.Have you got any c________________________________ ___________?

4.Are you m__________________________________________ or single ?
5.I love my sister’s c__________________________________________.
6. My parents are h_________________________________________ people.
7. My father is h_______________________________________ many things.
8.A Cinderella has a father, a stepmother and two s_______________________ .
9. My parents have the same opinion about children’s education and
u________________________________________ .
10. Jim is my n____________________ and Jane is my n __________________ .

Focus on Grammar

8. Order the words to make questions.

1.With/do/live/your/you/mother - Do you live with your mother?

2.where/have/does/lunch/ kate - ________________________________________

9.Write the comparative.

1.old - older 6.good - _______________

2.strong - _____________ 7.large - _______________
3.happy - _____________ 8.serious - ______________
4.modern - _____________ 9.pretty - _______________
5.important - _____________ 10.crowded - _____________

10.Write the opposite.

1.younger- older 6.easier - _____________

2.colder - ___________ 7.larger - _____________
3.cheaper - _____________ 8.bigger - _____________
4.better - _____________ 9.taller - ______________
5.nearer - _____________ 10.longer - ____________

11.Complete the sentences use a superlative.

1.This building is very old. It is the oldest building in the town.

2.It was a very happy day. It was____________________________ of my life
3.Its a very good film. Its________________________________ I have ever seen
4.She is a very popular singer. She is_________________________ in the country.
5.It was a very bad mistake. It was_______________________ I have ever made.
6.It is a very pretty village. It is___________________________ I have ever seen.
7.It was a very cold day. It was______________________________ of the year.
8.He is a very boring person. He is________________________ I have ever met.
9.Manchester is a large city. London is_____________________ of Great Britain.
10.Silver is an expensive metall. Gold is_______________________of all metalls

12.Put “some”, “any”, “no”.

1. There is __no___ butter in the fridge, but there isn't __any_____ milk..
2. I need ___ sugar, ____ flour, ____ eggs, _____ butter and _____ milk to make a
3. Are there ______ eggs? — There aren't ______ eggs left.
4. We haven't got ______ flour.
5. To make cabbage soup I need _____ cabbage, ______ onions, ______ carrots, and
______ salt. I don't need ______ plums or _______ pineapples.
6. I don t need___ Plumps or ___ Pineapples.
7.I need to buy a lot of things. There isn't _____ time to waste.
8. Oh, dear! There is ______ money in my purse. 
9.Are there, ___ new students in your group?
10. I haven t got ___ exercise books. Give me some please.
13. Insert the missing word.

1.She has a lot of work to do about the__house___.

2.By____________________ my father is a modest, a cheerful and well-bred man.

3.I play the guitar and we sing______________________________________.

4.My parents have mush in _______________________, but they have different

_______________________ on music, books, films, and sports.

5.My parents are _________________________________________________.

6.They’ve got _____________________________________: a son and a daughter.

7.He does well at school and gets only ____________________ and

____________________ marks.
8.In the evenings we watch TV, read books and newspapers or just
_______________________ everyday problems.

9.They are on ___________________ now and they prefer to live in the

10.We are ___________________________ to each other and we got on very well.

14. Use as ________ as, so ________. as or than.

1.His story isn’t _so___ long ____as___ yours.
2.Our mother is ________ young _______ her.
3.This writer isn’t______ famous ______ Jack London.
4.My wife is more beautiful ______ his.
5.Second class isn’t_________ expensive __________ first.
6.My friend’s dog is ______ clever ______ my.
7.This story isn’t ____ interesting ; ________ I thought.
8.That furniture is a little bit cheaper _________ this.
9.Their flat is nearly ______ comfortable _______ our.
10.Her room is much more cleaner ________ his.

15.Tell about your family.

1. ___________brothers b) a, the 12. Choose wrong
have you got? c) a, the variant of noun’s plural
а)How many d) the, the form.
b)How e) -, - a) geese
c)Who 7.My son is fond of-to b) woman-doctors
d)Whose music. c) shelves
e)How mush a) Making d) plays
2. Did you ____ much b) Listening e) oxen
work the day before c) Working 13. Choose wrong
yesterday? d) Painting variant of noun’s plural
a) have e) Going form.
b) had 8. Their favorite singer a) chairs
c) has is Sting, ____ he? b) armies
d) make a) wasn’t c) foots
e) done. b) doesn’t d) months
3. Unfortunately, I c) isn’t e) girls
________ time to d) is 14. Choose wrong
discuss this question e) aren’t variant of noun’s plural
with you. 9. She is fond __ form.
a) have classical music. a) tomatoes
b) doesn’t have a) in b) men
c) have no b) of c) toothes
d) hasn’t c) in d) lives
e) haven’t no d) by e) forget-me-nots
4. _____________ is e) at 15. Choose wrong
your father?-He s an 10. __ always speaks in variant of noun’s plural
engineer a loud voice. form.
a) Where a) he a) horses
b) Which b) we b) keys
c) Who c) you c) women
d) What d) they d) childrens
e) Why e) I e) women-doctors
5. Please, give me ____ 11. There were many __ 16. Choose wrong
pen and __ pencil. of the World War at the variant of noun’s plural
a) the, a meeting. form.
b) a, a a) man a) potatoes
c) a, the b) mans b) mouses
d) the, the c) men c) wives
e) -, - d) mannes d) forget-me-nots
6. What __ article e) woman e) oxen
should we use __ there? 17. __ character my
a) the, a father is a quiet man.
a) On 22. My mother’s d) sister
b) By brother is my ____ . e)sister’s
c) For a) niece 27. Tom has a sister.
d) The b) uncle ____ sister is a student.
e) At c) sister a)her
18. I’ve got good d) brother-in-law b)its
relations __ my mum. e) nephew c)his
a) to 23. Son of my father is d)him
b) by my ____ . e)your
c) with a) brother 28. I have a grandfather.
d) at b) relative ____ grandfather is old.
e) from c) distant relative a) your
19. She is always d) brother-in-law b) his
interested __ what I do. e) stepbrother c) my
a) at 24. My brother’s wife is d) mine
b) in my ____ . e) her
c) by a) son-in-law 29. Ann has a brother.
d) on b) sister-in-law ____ brother is a
e) of c) relative worker.
20. Mary is very d) father-in-law a) his
popular __ her e) stepsister b) her
classmates at school. 25. Daughter of my c) their
a) at sister is my ____ . d)my
b) by a) cousin e)our
c) with b) brother-in-law 30. ____ is that man in
d) from c) niece the car?- My uncle.
e) of d) nephew a) what
21. I am keen __ math. e) brother b) who
a) in 26. These are my ____ c) when
b) on newspapers. d) how
c) at a) sister e) why
d) with b) sister
e) by c) sisters


Focus on Reading

1. Write your Associations to the picture.


2. Give the equivalents to the following words.

English Russian Kazakh

satellite receiver

3. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.


1. A dream helps us a. people, on their education, nationality,

character and other things.
2. Near the front side it has a facade b. a big garage for our cars.
3. The windows are c. beautiful place at any time of the year.
4. One of the doors d. to be a 2 storeyed building
5. A dream depends on e. different electrical appliances in our
6. Next door to the study f. in the shape of arches.
7. I imagine my house. g. leads to the living room.
8. In the basement there is h. with columns and steps up to the front
9. We have many i. to overcome the difficulties of our daily
10. Our house is a j. there is our library

4. Read the text “Home is where the heart is”.

Everyone likes dreaming. Dream is a hope for better things. It helps us to

overcome the difficulties of our daily routine. A dream depends on people, on their
education, nationality, character and other things. People imagine they have a lot of
money, own family, an expensive car. Other people imagine themselves to be
presidents of different countries or whole planets, etc.
I'd like to tell you about the house of my dream. I'd like to have my own house on the
bank of a beautiful river with crystal water, surrounded by high mountains, covered
with green forest of evergreen trees.
I would live there with my wife and two children. I imagine my house to be a 2
storeyed building. Near the front side it has a facade with columns and steps up to the
front door. There are also two balconies and a terrace in my house. The windows are
in the shape of arches. Through them you can see a wonderful landscape. There are
lots of fir trees and flowers around the house. And you can walk in the shade of these
trees listening to the birds singing.
As you come through the front door, you find yourself in a large hall with an
open fireplace. One of the doors leads to the living room. This room faces the south,
so it's very sunny and has a lovely view of the whole valley. In the middle of this
room there's a thick Persian carpet.
There are few units of furniture in this room. On the left there's a leather sofa
and small table nearby, on the right you can see home cinema and satellite receiver.
There are two armchairs and a wardrobe in the corner of this room. In the living room
we spend our evenings chatting with each other, children play with a kitten.
Then a wide staircase takes you to the first floor where there are four bedrooms.
My children's rooms are really vast. The wallpapers are very colourful in bright
shapes. Also there are lots of toys to play with.
In the basement there is a big garage for our cars. We have got two cars: one for
me and one for my wife.
Behind the house there is a swimming bath, covered with glass. There are some
plastic armchairs around the swimming bath. Our house looks peaceful and calm and
the calmest room is my study. Next door to the study there is our library. It is a huge
room with two bookcases. Someone might think that it is an antagonism, because

everything we want to read we can receive via Internet, but I like real books, to
handle them in my hands, to read them page by page. As for my children, they prefer
associating with their friends.
We have many different electrical appliances in our house. They make our life
more comfortable. Also we have some robots to help us. They look after the house,
grow vegetables in our garden and involved in cooking. So, we enjoy having greens
and fresh vegetables on our dinner table during long winters. Our house is a beautiful
place at any time of the year. In winter it's warm and cosy, in summer there is so
much to do outside.

5. Answer the questions to the text.

1. Why do people like dreaming?

2. Where would I like to have my own house?
3. How many rooms and floors are there in my house?
4. What can you see in my living room?
5. What do we do in the living room?
6. What can you see in the children's rooms?
7. What is there in the basement?
8. What is there behind the house?
9. How many bookcases are there in our library?
10. What makes our life more comfortable?

6. Complete the sentences.

1. A dream helps ____________________________________________________.

2. People imagine ___________________________________________________.
3. I'd like to have my own house ________________________________________.
4. Near the front side _________________________________________________.
5. This room faces the south ___________________________________________.
6. The wallpapers are _________________________________________________.
7. In the basement __________________________________________________.
8. Our house looks ___________________________________________________.
9. Robots look after the house __________________________________________.
10. Our house is ____________________________________________________.

7. Complete the sentences.

Appliances, living room, a 2 storeyed- building, a swimming bath, a terrace,

people, furniture, beautiful, dreaming, colourful

1. Everyone likes dreaming.

2. A dream depends on_______________, on their education, nationality, character
and other things.
3. I imagine my house to be _____________________________________.
4. There are also two balconies and _____________________ in my house.
5. One of the doors leads to the __________________________________.
6. There are few units of _______________________________in this room.
7. The wallpapers are very __________________________ in bright shapes.
8. Behind the house there is ______________________, covered with glass.
9. We have many different electrical ____________________ in our house.
10. Our house is a ________________________ place at any time of the year.

Focus on Grammar
8. Fill in the verb is or are.

1. There is a table in the room.

2. ________ there a dog in the garden?
3. There __________ many books here.
4. __________ there two chairs in the room?
5. There ________ no fireplace in the house, it is cold in winter.
6. In front of the house there ___________ a beautiful garden.
7. There _________ modern conveniences in my flat.
8. There _________ a suite of modern furniture with a wardrobe and a bookcase.
9. There _________ a thick carpet in the middle of the room.
10. ___________ there any sweets in your bag?

9. Make up sentences.

1. the bathroom, a mirror, in, is, there.

2. 3 chairs, are, there, the table, near.
3. behind, a lake, is, the house, there?
4. are, a terrace, also, two, in my, balconies, and, there, house.
5. isn't, in, a cat, there, the bedroom
6. few, units, this, in, there, furniture, are, of, room.
7. door, our ,study, is, the, next, there, to, library.
8. the, this, armchairs, in, two, corner, there, and, of, room, a wardrobe, are.
9. table, left, and, sofa, small, nearby, the, on, a leather, there's.
10. a swimming, behind, is, bath, there, the, house.

10. Put indefinite pronounces something, anything, nothing or everything.

1. I have to tell you something interesting.

2. Mike didn’t tell _______________ where he was going.
3. Your mum is right. _________________ she says is true.
4. We know _____________ about the accident. Please, give us some information
about it.
5. Bob said ________________ in Japanese but I didn’t understand
6. It’s so dark in the room. I can see _____________________ here.
7. Can I try one of your skirts on? – Sure. You can try on ________________
you like.
8. My grandfather taught me _______________________ he knew.
9. I am afraid that _____________________ is wrong with my car.
10. You should go to the supermarket. We have ____________ to eat.

11. Choose much, many, a lot of, little, a little, few, a few.

1. I don’t have many friends.

2. Please be quick. I have little / a lot of / few time.
3. There were much / many / a lot of sunny days but we did not spend much time on
the beach.
4. I will come soon. There is a little / a few / few work to do.
5. There are a few / a little / much roses in the garden and the rest is tress.
6. There are a lot of / little / much windows in my room.
7. Mary has little / a few / much dolls because she likes toy cars.
8. He doesn’t read many / much / a lot of books.
9. You took much / a little / few photos on holiday.
10. There was too little / few light in the room, and I could not read.
12. Choose the suitable preposition.

1. The clock hangs on the wall, _________ the table. (above/under/on)

2. He has played Hamlet _______ the stage many times. (on/in/next to)
3. The bank is _____ the post-office and the beauty salon. (behind/at/between)
4. The ball has rolled ______ the bed. (on/under/above)
5. Bob and Jane were sitting in the café ___________ each other.
(between/behind/in front of)
6. The gym is ____________ my college. (next to/on/between)
7. The monument is ________ the right. (in/at/on)
8. The office address is ________the top of the page. (in/at/above)
9. He spends all his life _________ work. (in/at/on)
10. The kettle is boiling ________the kitchen. (in/at/on)

13. Open brackets, using verbs in the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1. My wife normally __________ (to work) at home, but she __________ (to spend)
this month in Italy.
2. Most days, Tom usually___________________________ (to cycle) to work.
3. When _______________the lesson ____________________(to start) today?
4. What’s your brother doing? He _______________(to do) the crossword in the
newspaper. He ______________________ (to do) it every day.
5. I’m afraid I’ll lose this game of chess. I______________ (to play) very badly.
I usually ___________________much better (to play).
6. What’s she doing?  She _______________ (to mend) her husband’s socks. She
always___________________ them. (to mend)
7. Yes, you can borrow my dictionary. I _________________ (to use) it a lot, but I
_________________ (not /to use) it now.
8. We _______________________(not to travel) by train very often.
9. She ______________ (to be) particularly generous this week.
10. It ______________________(to snow) right now. It’s beautiful!
I _________________(to like) this weather.

14. Open brackets, using verbs in the Past Continuous or Past Simple.

1. He was getting up at seven o'clock yesterday.

2. He (to come) back to St. Petersburg on the 15th of January. 
3. At this time yesterday I (to sit) at the theatre.
4. Yesterday she (to write) a letter to his friend. 
5. He (not to go) to the shop yesterday.
6. They (to drink) tea when I (to come) home.
7. What you (to do) when I rang you up? 
8.  Last year I (to go) to the United States. 
9. When Kate (to open) the door, the children (to dance) round the fir-tree. 
10. He (to begin) to do his homework at four o'clock yesterday. 

15. Tell about your flat.


1. We must be quick. c) are repairing c) no

There is __time. d) is repairing d) none
a) few e) repaired e) much
b) a few 5. There______a lot of 8. My parents’ _____ is
c) little furniture in their house cosy.
d) a little last year. a) bedroom
e) many a) is b) carpet
2. Are there ____new b) are c) writing-desk
students in your group? c) was d) sofa
a) some d) were e) newspaper
b) any e) shall be 9. Carl lives ___ a
c) no 6. At seven o’clock last wonderful house ____
d) much Monday we ____ at the the centre of the city.
e) little party of the Smiths. a) in,in
3. His office is ___ the a) were dancing b) in,on
top of the stairs. b) danced c) at,on
a) on c) dance d) on,in
b) in d) is dancing e) to, at
c) at e) are dancing 10. There ____ much
d) above 7.  I don't want to snow last winter.
4. He ______ the car at read ... book. I hate a) are
the moment, don’t reading. b) is
disturb him, please! a) some c) was
a) repairs b) any d) were
b) does repairing e) be
11. It’s a secret. 17. There___a new e) is buying
____knows about it. sport complex in a year. 23.  I am hungry. Let's
a) Everybody a) is eat _____.
b) Nothing b) are a) some
c) Anybody c) shall be b) any
d) Nobody d) will be c) anything
e) Nothing e) was d) something
12. They didn’t 18. There is a ___in my e) nothing
write____ at the lesson. study room. 24. There ___ many
a) something a) kitchen birds on the roof.
b) anybody b) desk a) are
c) anything c) garden b) is
d) nothing d) lift c) was
e) everything e) cupboards d) be
13. It ______heavily 19. There ____no place e) being
while I ran for the bus. like home. 25. There is some tea
a) rained a) is ____the shelf in the
b) was raining b) are cupboard.
c) raining c) be a) in
d) was rained d) were b) on
e)rains e) will be c) at
14. There ___ some 20. Julia is very good at d) -
lessons in English next languages. She ___four e) to
week. languages very well. 26. Rachel is in London
a) is a) spoke at the moment.
b) are b) speak ____ at the Park Hotel?
c) were c) speaks a) Is she staying
d) will be d) spoken b) Does she stay
e) was e) to speak c) Are she stays
15. Helen is studying 21. There was a big d) Is she stay
English ___university. table ___ the middle of e) Do she stay
a) on the room. 27. At three o’clock
b) at a) at yesterday afternoon
c) for b) on Mike and his son
d) into c) in ___the dog.
e) in d) onto a) was washing
16.We cook in the __. e) to b) washed
a) bathroom 22. He _____ some new c) were washing
b) sitting room shoes last month. d) were washed
c) kitchen a) bought e) is washing
d) garden b) buying 28. Can I have ___
e) study c) buy potatoes, please?
d) buys a) anything
b) some b) cook b) is
c) much c) are cooking c) was
d) nothing d) is cooking d) were
e) anybody e) cooked e) will be
29. My granny is in the 30. There ___much
kitchen. She ___ cakes. snow last winter.
a) cooks a) are



Focus on Reading

1.Write your associations to the picture.


2.Give the equivalents to the following words.

English Russian Kazakh

To get up
to have to
to make bed
to have breakfast
to have opportunity
to put smth on
to have a lot of work to
to prefer
to go shopping
family affairs

3. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.

1. Last Tuesday Lisa flew a) from London to Madrid
2. She got up at six o’clock in the morning and b) waited for her flight
3. At 6.30 she left home and … c) arrived in Madrid two
4.When she arrived she parked the car and d) to her hotel in the center of M.
5. Then she went through passport control and e) had a cup of coffee.
6. The plane waited on time and f) drove to the airport
7. Finally she took a taxi from the airport g) she had breakfast
8. The film was not very good h) I drank the water very quickly.
9. I was very thirsty. k) they were late
10. I was very angry because l) I did not enjoy it.

4. Read the text «Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not
On weekdays the alarm-clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins.
I'm not an early riser, that's why it's very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially
in winter. I switch on my tape-recorder and do my morning exercises. Then I go to
the bathroom, take a warm shower, clean my teeth and shave. After that I go to my
bedroom to get dressed.
Usually my mother makes breakfast for me. But when she is away on business or
just doesn't have to get up early, I make breakfast myself. While having breakfast, I
listen to the latest news on the radio.
I leave the house at 7.30 and go to the nearest underground station. Last year I
tried to enter Moscow University, but unfortunately I failed my entrance
examinations. So I thought I should work somewhere. It wasn't easy to find a job, but
I managed to get a position of a secretary in a small business company.
They agreed to take me because I had studied typewriting, computing and business
organization at school. And besides, I passed my English school leaving exam with
an excellent mark.
It takes me an hour and a half to get to work. But I don't want to waste my time
on the train. I've got a small cassette-player and I listen to different texts and
dialogues. Sometimes I read a book and retell it silently. If I come across an
interesting expression I try to memories it. I also write some English words on
flashcards and learn them.
I usually arrive at work at ten minutes to nine though my working day begins at 9
sharp. There are always some fax messages to translate from English into Russian.
Sometimes my boss wants me to write a letter to our business partners abroad. There
are also a lot of phone calls which I have to answer.
At 1 o'clock in the afternoon we have lunch. We usually have lunch in a small cafe
just round the corner. At 2 o'clock we come back to work. And we work hard till 5
o'clock. During the working day we also have several short coffee breaks. But
sometimes we have no time for them.
I come home at about 7 o'clock in the evening. My parents are usually at home,
waiting for me. We have dinner together. Then we sit in the living room, drink tea,
watch TV or just talk. Occasionally I have to stay at work till 6 or even 7 o'clock in
the evening. When we have a lot of things to do we go to work on Saturdays. So by
the end of the week I get very tired. All I can do on Sundays is to sleep till eleven
o'clock, watch television, listen to music and read something in English.
And still I always look forward to my next working day because I like my job. I
think I get a lot of useful experience.

5. Answer the questions to the text.

1.When do I usually get up on week days?

2. What do I do when I have got up?
3. Do I like big breakfasts?
4. What do I do when I have some spare time?
5.When do I usually go to bed?
6. Does he like his job?_
7. When does he usually arrive at work?
8. When does he usually have lunch?_
9. When does he come home after work?
10. What does he do in the evening?

6. Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple.

clean die enjoy finish happen open rain start stay want lose go
1. I ___________________ my teeth three times yesterday.
2. It was hot in the room, so I________________ the window.
3. The concert___________ at 7.30 and _________at 10 o’clock.
4. When I was a child, I ____________________ to be a doctor.
5. The accident _________________ last Sunday afternoon.
6. It’s nice day today but yesterday it ________________ all day.
7. We __________ our holiday last year. We ____________ at a very nice place.
8. Ann’s grandfather ____________ when he was 90 years old.
9. Rachel ______________________________ his key last month.
10. Yesterday I _____________________ two newspapers.

7. Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple.

Boil close cost cost like like meet open speak teach wash

1 .Margaret ___________________________ four languages.

2.In Britain the banks usually ______________at 9.30 in the morning.
3.The city museum ________ at 5 o clock in the evening.
4. Tina is a teacher. She ____________ mathematics to young children.
5. My job is very interesting. I ______________a lot of people.
6. Peter ____________his hair twice a week.
7. Food is expensive. It __________ a lot of money.
8. Shoes are expensive. They ___________a lot of money.
9. Water _____________ at 100 degrees Celsius.
10. Julia and I are good friends. I ________ her and she ________ me.

Focus on Grammar

8. Complete the sentences.

1. (always/early/Sue/arrive) ____________________________________________
2. (basketball/I/play/often) _________________________________________
3. (work/Margaret/hard/usually) _____________________________________
4. (Jenny/always/nice clothes/wear ______________________________________
5. (dinner/we/have/always/at 7.30) ___________________________________
6.(television/Tim/watch/never) ______________________________________
7. (like/chocolate/children/usually ____________________________________
8. (Julia/parties/enjoy/always) _______________________________________
9. (boils /water/ 100/at/degrees/ celsius)__________________________________
10. (always/go/bed/before/midnight)_____________________________________

9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. Margaret _____________Four languages –English, French, German and Spanish

2. I _____________________my job .It`s very boring. (like)
3. Where`s Martin? I`m sorry. I _____________________(know)
4. Sue is very quiet person. She ___________________very much. (talk)
5. Jim ____________________a lot of tea. It`s his favourite drink. (drink)
6. It`s not true! I _________________________________ it! (belive)
7. That`s a very beautiful picture. I __________________it very much. (like)
8. Mark is a vegetarian. He ________________________meat. (eat)
9.We usually __________________________________(grow)
10. Normally I ______________________(finish) work at 5 o clock.

10 . Write questions with Do…? and Does…?

1. I like chocolate. And you? _______________________________
2. I play tennis. And you? ________________________________
3. Tom play tennis. And Ann? ________________________________
4. You like near here. And you r frends ? ________________________________
5. You speak English. And your brother? ________________________________
6. I do exercises every morning. And you?________________________________
7. Sue often goes away. And Paul? ________________________________
8. I want to be famous. And you? ________________________________
9. You work hard. And Linda? ________________________________
10. Normally I finish work at 5 o clock. And you? __________________________

11. Write questions. Use the words in breackets (…) + do/does . Put the words in
the right order.

1.(where / like / you parents?) ________________________________

2.(you / early / always / get up?) _________________________________
3.(how often / TV / you / watch?) ________________________________
4.( you / want / what / for dinner?) _________________________________
5.(like / you / football?) _________________________________
6.(your brother / like / football?) _________________________________
7.(what / you / do / in the evenings?) _________________________________
8.(your sister / work / where?) _________________________________
9.(to the cinema / often / you / go?) __________________________________
10.(what / mean / this word?) __________________________________

12. Write about yourself. Use: I never … or I often … or I don`t … very often

1.(watch TV ) _______________________________________________
2.(go to the theatre) _______________________________________________
3.(ride a bicycle) _______________________________________________
4.(eat in restaurants) _______________________________________________
5.(travel by train) ________________________________________________
6. (enjoy parties) ________________________________________________
7. (go to work by car) ________________________________________________
8. (work hard) ________________________________________________
9. (travel by air) ________________________________________________
10. (play piano) ________________________________________________

13. White the nеgative form.

1. I play the piano very well ______________________________________

2. Jane plays the piano very well. _______________________________
3. They know my phone number. ________________________________
4. We work very hard. ________________________________
5.He has a bath every day. ________________________________
6. You do the same thing every day. _________________________________
7. Water boils at 100 degrees celsius.__________________________________
8. I finish my work at 5 o clock. _____________________________________
9. She speaks four languages very well. _______________________________
10. He works very hard most of the time. _____________________________

14. Correct the verb that are wrong.

1. Water boils at 100 degrees celcius. ____________________________________

2.The water boils. Can you turn it off? ___________________________________
3. Look! The man tries to open the door of your car. ________________________
4.Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? _____________________
5.The moon goes round the earth. _______________________________________
6.I must go now. It gets late. ___________________________________________
7.I usually go to work by car. ______________________________________
8.Hurry up! It is must to leave. _____________________________________
9.I hear you have got a new job. How do you get on? ____________________
10. How is your English? Not bad. It improves slowly. __________________

15. Tell about your working day.


1. ... always go abroad 2. Give ... the book, of ... .

during their summer please. a)my
holidays. a)I b)your
a)they b)she c)ours
b)he c)we d)her
c)she d)me e)their
d)us e)their 4. He washed and
e)her 3. He is an old friend dressed ... .
a)he b) many a) mine / your
b)herself c) little b) your / your
c)himself d) few c) my / yours
d)ourself e) a lot of d) her / your
e)his 11. If you ever have ... e) yours / my
5. ... is that man?- Tony problems, let me know. 17. ... often meet here.
Evans. a) any a) We
a)What b) some b) He
b)Who c) no c) She
c)Where d) every d) Our
d)How e) something e) Them
e)When 12. Did ... see this film 18. She’ll go there
6. ... ... pupils are there yesterday? with ... husband and ...
in your class? a) somebody daughter.
a)How many b) anybody a) her / her
b)How much c) nobody b) hers / her
c)How old d) everybody c) her / hers
d) What e) anything. d) my / mine
e) Which. 13. How ... English e) mine / my
7 ... is that man?- He is words do you know? 19. My elder brother
a doctor. a) many looks like ... mother .
a) Who b) much a) hers
b) What c) little b) my
c) Which d) few c) yours
d) How e) more d) this
e) When 14. Don’t worry. We e) her
8 ... friend made some have ... time before the 20. ... of you knows his
mistakes in his train comes in. address?
dictation. a) little a) Who
a) My b) few b) Which
b) He c) much c) What
c) Mine d) many d) How
d) Them e) more e) How many
e) Yours. 15. These pencils 21. We have very many
9. Is ... absent today? are ... , take ... if you relatives in ... native
a) somebody want. town.
b) anybody a) my / it a) my
c) nobody b) our / them b) our
d) anywhere c) mine / it c) ours
e) some d) her / them d) theirs
10. I can’t do it today. I e) mine / them e) them
have ... free time. 16. I have lost ... pen, 22. They can do it ... .
a) much may I take ... ? a) ourself
b) myself of October.
c) themselves a) the four
d) theirself b) four
e) theirs c) the fourth
23. She took off ... coat d) fourth
and began to work. e) the fours
a) she 29. He moved there
b) her some years ago, in
c) hers 1950.
d) herself a) ninety fifty
e) mine b) nineteen fifty
24. I’ve got no pen to c) ninety fifteen
write with. I’ll ask d) nineteen fifteen
Mary to give me ... . e) ninty fifty
a) her 30.This famous poet
b) hers was born on ... of
c) herself October.
d) mine a) the twenty three
e) my b) twenty threeth
25. First of all we shall c) the twenty third
listen to ... suggestions, d) twentieth third
then we shall put e) twenty third
forward ...
a) their / our
b) theirs / our
c) their / ours
d) theirs / ours
e) they / our
26. There are more than
... books in the library.
a) 2 million
b) 2 millions
c) 2nd million
d) the 2 million
e) 2th millions
27.The first of June
nineteen hundred
a) 01.06. 1900
b) 01.07. 1900
c) 01.06. 9010
d) 01.06. 19100
e) 01.06. 1990
28. His birthday on ...

Focus on Reading

1. Write your Associations to the picture.


2. Give the equivalents to the following words.

English Russian Kazakh

crude oil

3. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.


1. According to active administrative a. but Russian is officially used on an equal

and territorial division basis with Kazakh
2. Kazakhstan has huge reserves of b. the Country in April 1990
mineral recourse
3. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a c. in the history and development of the
unitary country Central Asia.
4. Kazakh is the state language d. of the Euro-Asian continent
5. In December 1991, a new
independent country e. N. A. Nazarbayev.
6. He became the first president f. with a presidential form of the
7. The border length of Kazakhstan is g. such as crude oil, natural gas, copper,
zinc, gold and silver.
8. It is situated in the central part h. the Republic of Kazakhstan –joined
the World community.
9. The first president of Kazakhstan is i. is more than 15,000 km.
10. The Republic of Kazakhstan has j. Kazakhstan consists of 14 regions and
played a major role 223districts

4. Read the text “My home –Kazakhstan”.

Kazakhstan is one of the independent states of the Commonwealth Independent

States (the CIS). It is situated in the central part of the Euro-Asian continent. Its
territory stretched from West and East for 3,000 kilometres and from North to South
for 1,600 kilometres covering an area 2,717,000 sq. kms. In the West, Northwest and
North Kazakhstan borders on the Russian Federation. In the South and Southwest are
the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. In the Southeast and East,
there is China. The border length of Kazakhstan is more than 15,000 km.
According to active administrative and territorial division, Kazakhstan consists of
14 regions, and 223 districts. There are 83 cities and 204 townships. The regions are
Astana, Almaty, Atyrau, Aktobe, Eastern Kazakhstan, Taraz, Mangystay, Pavlodar,
Kzyl-orda, Karaganda and Kostanai.
The population of Kazakhstan now numbers 17 million people. People of 120
nationalities live in the country. Kazakh is the state language, but Russian is officially
used on an equal basis with Kazakh. The languages of the minority groups living in
our Republic our freely spoken.
In December 1991, a new independent country-the Republic of Kazakhstan –
joined the World community. The 16th of December was celebrated as an
Independence Day of Kazakhstan. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary country
with a presidential form of the government. The first president of Kazakhstan is N. A.
Nazarbayev. He became the first president of the Country in April 1990.
Kazakhstan has huge reserves of mineral recourse, such as crude oil, natural gas,
copper, zinc, gold and silver. Mining, machinery manufacture, the production of
petro-chemicals and agriculture are important sectors of the economy. Agriculture
provides grain, fruit, cotton, tobacco and meat.
The Republic of Kazakhstan has played a major role in the history and
development of the Central Asia. Kazakhstan has a special status within the
Commonwealth, as it is the only non-Slavic member to own automatic weapons. In
1957, the first satellite was short into space from the Baikonur space Centre, which
lies in the vast step land of Kazakhstan. Nowadays the Cosmodrome has close ties
with the country’s leading research institutions, industrial enterprises and designers.
The Republic of Kazakhstan is a member of eleven international organizations
including the United Nation, UNESCO, JAEA, UNISEF, IMF and others.

5. Answer the questions to the text.

1.Where is Kazakhstan situated?

2.What is the population of Kazakhstan?
3.How many towns and township do you have?
4.What is the state language of Kazakhstan?
5.How many regions and districts consist of?
6.Who is the first president of Kazakhstan?
7.When did he become the president?
8.Has the Republic of Kazakhstan played a major role in the history and development
of the Central Asia?
9.What kind of mineral recourse is Kazakhstan rich in?
10.Is the Republic of Kazakhstan a member of eleven international organizations?

6. Read the text and underline the correct word in italics.

1.Kazakhstan is one of the independent/ monarchy/ dependent states of the

Commonwealth Independent States (the CIS).
2.According to active administrative and territorial division, Kazakhstan consists of
14/18/16 regions, and 112/223/110 districts.
3.The population of Kazakhstan now numbers 17/10/12 million people.
4.Kazakh/Russian/English is the state language.
5.In December 1992/1991/2003, a new independent country-the Republic of
Kazakhstan –joined the World community.
6.He became the first /the second/the third president of the Country in April 1990.
7.In 1957, the first satellite was short into space from the Semei/ Aktobe/ Baikonur
space Centre, which lies in the vast step land of Kazakhstan.
8.The 16th of December was celebrated as an Independence Day of Uzbekistan/

9.The Republic of Kazakhstan is a member of twenty/ nine/ eleven international
10.The first president of Kazakhstan is N. A. Nazarbayev/ Abraham Lincoln/ B. M.

7.Match the definition with the words.

1.An independent-_________________________________________
4.region _________________________________________________
5.president ________________________________________________
6.development _____________________________________________
7.mineral __________________________________________________
8.weapon _________________________________________________
9.satellite ________________________________________________
10.International _____________________________________________

a. a system of communication consisting of sounds, words and grammar.

b. a natural object moving around a larger object in space.
c. involving more than one country
d. the person who has the highest political position in a country.
e. the process in which something grows or changes and becomes more
f. an area of land or sometimes sea that is considered as belonging to.
g. any object used in fighting or war such as gun, bomb.
h. an independent country is not governed or ruled by another country.
i. useful chemical substance that is formed naturally in the ground.
j. the large official areas into which a country is divided.

Focus on Grammar

8. Make up the interrogative and negative questions using the model.

1.We have sat here long- Have we sat here long? We have not sat here long.
2.The first time I have met her.-____________________________________
3.They have taken a long trip.-_____________________________________
4.You have written a long letter._____________________________________
5.I have never had a surprise party.___________________________________
6.We have lost a lot of money. ______________________________________
7.They have taken many books to read._______________________________
8.Mary has won many prizes._______________________________________
9.My father has designed many famous buildings._______________________
10.Mr Thomson has made many good films.____________________________

9. Put the verbs into the correct tense, Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1.They have rented a house.

2.When I was a child I _____________________ (travel) a lot.
3.He is a man who ______________________ (live) a great life.
4.I never _________________ (travel) by plane.
5.When___________ they___________(get married)?
6.________You _________ (see) the film about animals last night?
7.Bekzat lives in Astana. He ___________(live) there all his life.
8._______You _____________(have) dinner today?
9.I _______________ (lose) my glasses. I cannot find them anywhere.
10.Bob _______________ (not play) much football since he __________ (leave)

10.Put in for or since.

1. I have not spoken English for ages.

2. She has been here _________________________________early morning.
3. I have known him ______________________________he was eight years old.
4. Sam has had this pen ____________________________two year.
5. We have not seen them ______________________ many years.
6. The students have not had party ______________________three months.
7. Mary has not had anything to eat ________________________ morning.
8. She has been very happy _________________________ yesterday.
9. Pete has been ill __________________________ Friday.
10. They have not called us ________________________last autumn.

11.Read the situation and write the sentences. Use the following verbs.

Arrive, break, fall, go up, tell, grow, visit, read, improve, and lose.

1.Nom is looking for his key. He cannot find it. – He has lost his key.
2.Margaret cannot walk and her leg is in plaster.
3.Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it is 90.
The bus fare___________________________________________.
4.Mary’s English was not very good. Now it is better.
Her English __________________________________________.
5.Dan did not have beard before. Now he has a beard.
He ___________________________________________________.
6.This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it.
The letter ______________________________________________.
7.The temperature was 20 degrees. Now it is only 12.
8.I think about your plan.
We ___________________________________________________.
9.I got a letter yesterday. I must go to the gallery.
10.What is the newspapers today? I do not know.
I _____________________________________________________.

12. Put the verbs into the correct tense, Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1.I was in a bad mood already that evening, because nobody had remembered my
2.Then, as I walked up to the door of my house, I______________________ (have) a
strange feeling that something was wrong.
3.I___________________________ (can) see a light under the door.
4.However, I was sure I __________________ (not leave) the lights on that morning.
5.I _____________ (put) the key into the lock, and ______________ (open) the door.
6.Then I _________ (hear) music playing. ________I___________ (forget) to turn
off the radio?
7.Suddenly someone_______________ (shout) “Surprise”. It was my brother and
8.They _____________ (arrive) earlier and let themselves in.
9.On the table, there were some presents for me and a cake. They __________ (not
forget) my birthday all!
10.When I ___________ (get) home, burglars____________ (steal) my bike.

13. Read the situation and write the sentences with just, already, or yet.

1.After lunch, you go to see a friend at her house. She says, “Would you like
something to eat?” You say: No thanks. I have just had lunch. (have lunch).
2.Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says, “Can I speak to
Joe?” You say: I am afraid _________________________ (go out).
3.You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take
your plate away. You say: ________________________(not/finish).
4.You are going to a restaurant tonight. You phone to reserve a table. Later your
friend says, “Shall I phone to reserve a table”. You say: No,
______________________________________ _________________(do it).
5.You know that a friend of yours is looking for a place to live. Perhaps she has been
successful. Ask her. You say: _________________________? (find).
6.You are still thinking about where to go for your holiday. A friend asks, “Where are
you going for your holiday?” You say: _________________ (not/decide).
7.Linda went to the bank, but a few minutes ago, she returned. Somebody asks, “Is
Linda still at the bank?” You say: No, _____________________ (come back).
8.Phil left to St. Petersburg. Dan asks to his mother, “When did Phil come back to
Moscow?” Mother says: ______________________ (not arrive).
9.I go to the post- office, will get my registered letter. I ask, the postman: “Where is
the cash desk?” he says: ______________________ (receive).
10.Mary wants to go to the film, but her sister will not want to go with her. She asks
“Why did not you go with me to watch this film?” She says,
She____________________________(lose her money).

14. Write your own composition about one of the following topics. Write 80-100
words. Use the organization of the text to help you.

1.What do you think about your motherland in the future?

2.Will it be possible to live forever in your motherland?
3.What do you change in your motherland?
4.What do you think about nature of Kazakhstan?
5.What do you think about mineral resources?
6.What do you think about education in Kazakhstan?
7.Do you want to move another country?
8.Do you want to develop our agriculture?
9.What do you think about ecology?
10.What do you think about our independent?

15. Tell about your motherland.


1.I called Jim too late, c) is leaving 2.We ____________ in

he___________. d) left Paris for 12 years
a) had already left e) do leave before we moved to
b) leave America
a) lived 8.I _______ the Louvre 13. She _____ only for
b) had lived three times. half a year for an
c) is leaving a) was visit employer before she
d) lives b) visit was fired.
e) were lived c) visiting a) has worked
3.We have no classes d) have visited b) had worked
today our teacher e) visited c) worked
is___________ ill. 9.Why ______ you d) was working
a) falls ______ my breakfast e) works
b) was fall before I came back? 14. When I went to
c) has fallen Were you so hungry? school I was very
d) were fall a) have eaten scared because I _____
e) was falling b) has eaten not _____ my previous
4.And I _______ at c) had eaten homework.
least six weeks there in d) did ate a) had done
the last year. e) do eat b) have done
a) spented 10.When John made his c) do did
b) were spend mind to sign up for d) was doing
c) have spent English course, Tom e) have do
d) spent ______ already ____it. 15. He is the 10th person
e) spend a) had done who _____ me what is
5._____ you_______ to b) have done the weather today this
the top of the Empire c) did do morning!
State building? d) has done a) has ask
a) gone up e) do done b) has asked
b) go up 11.She __________ a c) had asked
c) were gone up member of our d) was asked
d) have gone up organization for more e) were ask
e) is go up than 10 years. 16. I’m looking for
6.I _________ the ferry a) has be Kate. Can you tell me
to Elis Island either. b) have been where she is at the
a) driven c) was moment? I don’t she
b) drive d) has been ____just_______.
c) is drive e) were a) have leaved
d) haven’t driven 12.You are the most b) have left
e) wasn’t drive beautiful woman. I c) has leave
7.______ you ______ _____ even____ Why d) has left
the film? are you single then? e) was left
a) h seen a) have see 17.____ your
b) did see b) had seen mother_____ the table
c) was saw c) has seen by the time you were
d) were saw d) was seen back from Canada?
e) do seen e) were see a) has laid
b) had lad e) did see b) did done
c) had laid 22.When I saw her last c) did do
d) had lying time, she _____ already d) was do
e) was lying ____ her hairstyle. e) have do
18.I ________ a) has change 27. I _______ already
already_______ doing b) had changed hometask.
housework. c) is changing a) do
a) do finish d) was change b) had did
b) had finished e) have change c) have done
c) is finishing 23. Since he ______ d) was doing
d) was finish with Natalie, he looks e) did
e) did finished happy. 28.When _____ you
19.By the time she got a) marry _____ the job?
home her b) has marry a) do start
children______ c) is married b) did started
already____ their d) was marry c) has starting
homework. e) has married d) have started
а)had done 24. She ______ e) had starts
b)do does not_____ yet. 29.______ you ______
c)is doing a) have go in London for a long
d)was doing b) had gone time?
e)did done c) is gone a) has live
20.We _________ d) was go b) had live
working yet. e) were gone c) have lived
a) do start 25.The taxi d) do live
b) did started _____________. e) did lived
c) is started a) arrived 30.The audience left
d) was started b) had arrived after the film_______.
e) has started c) is arrived a) did finish
21. ______ you ______ d) arrive b) do finish
this film? e) has arrives c) has finish
a) do see 26. _____ your brother d) had
b) had seen _______ his finished
c) is saw homework? e) finish
d) was seen a) do did


Focus on Reading

1.Write your associations to the picture.


2.Give the equivalents to the following words.

English Russian Kazakh

trading way
stock exchange
wheat due
cattle breading

3. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.


1. On the 10th of December 1997 a. the administrative center to Tselinnyi

2. For a long time Akmolinsk was b. also well developed.
3. The famous Kazakh writer and poet c. railroad and air transport
4. From 1962 to 1965 Tselinograd was d. removing to the new capital in 1997.
5. Wheat and cattle breading are e. as Astana in May 1988
6. Astana is a big center of automobile f. Akmolinsk became to know all over the

7. The Government of Kazakhstan started g. about 500 thousand people.
8. Akmola was formally renamed h. Saken Seifullin lived and worked
9.Only in the period of virgin lands i. a small provintional town.
10.Astana is on the banks of the Ishim River j. the city of Akmola has declared
the capital of sovereign the Republic of Kazakhstan

4. Read the text “Astana – the new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan».

On the 10th of December 1997, the city of Akmola has declared the capital of the
sovereign Republic of Kazakhstan.
Akmolinsk was founded in 1830 as a military fortress. In 1862, it became the city
of Akmolinsk because of its ever-growing importance as it was on the trading way
from Tashkent to the Urals. During the October Socialist Revolution in 1917,
Akmolinsk was a revolutionary center.
The famous Kazakh writer and poet Saken Seifullin lived and worked here. For a
long time Akmolinsk was a small provintional town. Only in the period of virgin
lands development Akmolinsk became to know all over the world. The whole Soviet
Union helped our republic to build Akmolinsk became was renamed into
Tselinograd. From 1962 to 1965 Tselinograd was the administrative center to
Tselinnyi Region, which consisted of five Northern provinces of Kazakhstan. The
wheat grown in the fields of these provinces was highly valued on the London stock
exchange. In the Soviet time Kazakhstan produced I milliard pood of high quality
wheat due to the virgin lands development.
At present many different branches of industry such as machine – buildings, food,
consumer goods production and building materials industries are well developed and
are further developing here. Wheat and cattle breading are also well developed. There
are five universities in the city, among them the State Euro-Asian University named
after N. Gumilev. There are two theatres – the Russian Drama Theatre named after
Stanislavsky and the Kazakh Music Theatre.
Astana is a big center of automobile, railroad and air transport communication. It
connects the Central Kazakhstan with its southern and western regions, with Siberia,
Urals and Volga and other regions, Astana is on the banks of the Ishim River and its
population is about 500 thousand people.
In 1997-1998 the Government House, the Parliament House, the Palace of
Congress was reconstructed in Astana. The new President`s Residence and may new
social buildings and dwellings were and are built here too. The Government of
Kazakhstan started removing to the new capital in 1997. Astana is 1200 km away
from Almaty. Akmola was formally renamed as Astana in May 1988. On the 10th of
June 1998 the international presentation of the new capital – Astana took place.
Astana will become the center, of business contacts, as it is situated in the center of
the Asian Continent.
Nowadays Astana – is a big construction site and soon it will become one of the
biggest and beautiful cities of the XXI century.

4. Answer the questions to the text.

1.In what year has Akmola sovereign Republic of Kazakhstan?

2.I n what year Akmola was founded?
3.Who did the famous writer and poet live here?
4.Was Akmolinsk a small provintional town for a long time?
5.How many universities are there? What are they?
6.What is the population of Astana?
7.Is Astana a big center of automobile, railroad and air transport communication?
8.What was reconstructed in Astana?
9. Did the Government of Kazakhstan start removing to the new capital in 1997?
10.What will become one of the biggest and beautiful cities of the XXI century?

5.Read the text and underline the correct word in italics.

1.On the 10th of December 1997, the city of Akmola/Aktobe /Astana has declared the
capital of the sovereign Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.Akmolinsk was founded in 1930/1803/1830 as a military fortress.
3.During the October Socialist Revolution in 1817/1917 1997/, Akmolinsk was a
revolutionary center.
4.The famous Kazakh writer and poet Magzhan Zhumabaev/Abai Kunanbaev/ Saken
Seifullin lived and worked here.
5.For a long time Akmolinsk was a small provintional town/city/ region.
6.There are seven/ ten/five universities in the city.
7. Astana is on the banks of the Ishim/ Thames/Volga River and its population is about
400/499/500 thousand people.
8.The Government /President`s Residence/ the Palace of Congress of Kazakhstan started
removing to the new capital in 1997.
9.Astana is 1200 km away from Atyray/Almaty /Aktobe.
10. It will become one of the biggest and beautiful cities of the XX/XIX/ XXI century.

7. Match the definition with the words.
1.сapital ______________________________________________
2.sovereign ____________________________________________
3.famous ______________________________________________
4.writer _________________________________________________
5.poet __________________________________________________
6.wheat _________________________________________________
7.reconstruct _____________________________________________
8.government _____________________________________________
9.centre ___________________________________________________
10.population ________________________________________________

a) the middle point or part:
b) a plant whose yellowish-brown grain is used for making flour, or
the grain itself:
c)  the group of people who officially control a country:
d)  a person who writes poems
e) to build or create again something that has been damaged or destroyed:
f) fall the people living in a particular country, area, or place:
g) a person who writes books or articles to be published:
h) having the highest power or being completely independent:
i) known and recognized by many people:
j) a city that is the centre of government of a country or smaller political area:

Focus on Grammar

8.  Put the verbs into the correct tense Present Perfect Continuous

1. All these days he has been talking about his new plan.
2. Here is Mrs. Brown who we ____________________ (speak) about for a long
3. You _________________________________ (watch) TV too long.
4. He ______________________________ (sit) here all the time.
5. Rose! What are you doing here? I ________________(wait) for you for hours!
6. I’m sorry, Olga. I ____________________ (try on) these clothes for two hours.
And I have not decided yet.
7. Molly!  We_________________ (sit) here for twenty-five minutes, and I’m not
going to wait any more!
8. Yes, he ______________________ (talk) to her since we came in.
9. We ______________________________(learn) how to play chess
10. What ___________ you _________________ (do) to the pet?

9. Circle the correct verb to complete each sentences.

1.I am writing in connection with the advertisement which appeared / has appeared
on 12 April.
2.I originally studied/ have studied chemistry at university. I graduated / have been
graduating with a first-class degree.
3.I now completed / have now completed a postgraduate degree in administration.
4.I’ve been trying / I’ve tried to find a permanent job for a considerable time.
5.Indeed, I have already worked /I have already been working for several companies
on a temporary basis.
6.In my first job, I was / have been responsible for marketing,
7.I’ve been applying / have applied for several posts this year but I did not manage /
have not managed to find what I’m looking for.
8.The last job I applied / have applied for required applicants to speak some
9.I started learning / have been learning Spanish a few months ago I did not obtain /
have not obtained a qualification in it yet.
10. I did not apply / have not applied for a job with your company before.

10.Use Present Perfect orb Present Perfect Continuous in the in interrogative


1.Your shirt smells terrible! Have you smoked?

2.How long_____________________________ (you/wait) for them?
3.How many glasses of beer_____________________ (he/drink) today?
4.___________________________ (you/ever/live) in a tent?
5.Where ___________________________(you/be)?
6.How much money_____________________ (Kevin/spend) in the casino?
7.________________________ (those vegetables/boil) since 2 o’clock?
8.______________________________ (you/defrost) the fridge yet?
9.How many messages ________________________ (she/send) today?
10.How long ________________________________ (your sister/travel)?

11.Read the dialogue and find the mistakes in verb tense.

- Hello, Charles. I didn’t see you since yesterday morning. Where have you been?
- Actually I work on my first novel.
- I see. How long have you written it?
- For three weeks already. I have made a lot of interesting characters. I’ve been so
busy today.
- You know I didn’t have a single cup of coffee since morning.
- And how many chapters have you been writing so far?
- 3chapters are ready!
- And I have thought already of a nice title.
- But I didn’t decide yet what happens next.
- Well. Good luck to you!

12.Open the brackets and putting the verb in Past Perfect or

Past Perfect Continuous.

1.My child had eaten too much chocolate that is why he was so ill.
2.The car worked, but the mechanic________________________ (repair) it for a few
3.When I arrived at the cinema, the film_________________________ (start).
4.The door was still wet. My father___________________ (paint) it.
5.We were late for the plane because we___________________ (forget) our
6.They _____________________ (build) the house for many years already before
they finished.
7.They said they _______________ (to translate) the text for three hours yesterday.
8.It was raining in the morning and it_________________ (to rain) for the whole
9.Yesterday he found the book which he _______________ (to look for) for several
10.She said that she _______________ (to travel) for two months last year.

13.Put the verbs into the correct tense Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous

1.Julia wanted to sit down as she had been standing at work all day long.
2.She ___________________________ (learn) “Eugene Onegin” by the autumn.
3.The rain stopped but there were a lot of puddles because it
___________________________(rain) cats and dogs.
4.Olivia and Victor __________________________ (chat) via Skype for an hour
when the connection broke.
5.They _____________________________ (decorate) the New Year tree before the
children arrived
6.Bob __________________________ (eat up) all the muffins by lunchtime.
7.My sister ______________________ (do) the laundry since early morning.
8.I knew that our parents ______________________ (grow) melons in their
greenhouse since they bought the house.
9.He _______________________ (loose) much weight by the end of the year.
10.Brown understood the problems of his agency because he __________________
(work) for it since 2005. 
14. Write your own composition about one of the following topics. Write 80-100
words. Use the organization of the text to help you.

1.Do you want that your town will be a capital of Kazakhstan?

2.Will it be possible to live forever in your town?
3.What do you think about your town in the future?
4.Do you want to move Astana?
5.Do you want to live and work in Astana?

6.What do you think about government?

7.What do you think about Astana?
8.What do you know about Saken Seifullin?
9.What do you say about the weather in Astana?
10.Is it easy to find job in Astana? What do you think about it?

15. Tell about your town.


 1. He ___some new c) Who / get 4. A: ____ you ____ Jane

shoes last month. d) Where / get last month?
а)bought e) When/gotten B: No, I _____ .
b) buying 3. Max didn’t ___ a)* / saw / didn’t
c) buy yesterday afternoon; he b) Did / see / didn’t
d) buys ___ at home. c) Did / saw / didn’t
e) buyed a) go out / stayed d) Did / see / did
2. A: ___ did she ____ b) go out / stay e) do /saw/ did
a job? c) went out / stayed 5. Geoffrey ___French
B: In the car factory. d) went out / staye)gone before, but he ____ at
a)When / get out/stays university now.
b) Where / got a)study didn’t / studies
b) didn’t study / study
c) did not study / c) shopped / was losing 16.Look what Pat __me
studies d) shop / lose for my birthday! A
d) didn’t studied / e) shops/loses bike!
studies 1. Look at her hands! a)gave
e) did studies/studied They are dirty! b) has been giving
6. I __a friend while I She ____ fruits for 2 c) have been giving
__the shopping hours. d) has given
a)was meeting / did a)has been picking e) given
b) met / was doing b) have been picking 17. She’s tired because
c) meet / do c) was picking she______all day.
d) met / did d) picked a)have been shopping
e) is meeting/does e) pickes b) has been shopping
7. I ___for my things 12. Is it true that c) had been shopping
when I ____ someone you___ to find me all d) did been shopping
call my name. day long?  e) do been shop
a)paid / was hearing a)has been tried 18. Nobody wants to
b) pay / heard b) have been hire me. I__ for a job
c) was paying / hear c) have called since 2011.
d) was paying / heard d) have been trying a)had been looked
e) pays/hears e) has tries b) had been looking
8. While we __a drink, 13. Sorry. I ___ one of c) was looking
a waiter __ a pile of your glasses. d) have been looking
plates. a)have broken e) is looking
a)had / was dropping b) have been breaking 19. How long_
b) have / dropped c) have been broken she__my cell phone?
c) have / drop d) have breaking My account is
d) were having / e) has break blocked!
dropped 14. My daughter ____ a)has / been using
e) has/drops since early morning.  b) have / been using
9. While the waiter a)have been studies c) did / use
__up the broken plates, b) has studied d) was / using
he __his finger. c) have studied e) is/uses
a)picked / was cutting d) has been studying 20. Anna __a good job.
b) was picking / cut e) had been study a)finds
c) pick / cut 15. I____for you since b) has found
d) picks / cut seven o’clock. c) founded
e) is picked/cuts Why are you so d) has been finding
10. While I _this late? e)found
morning, I ___my a)have been waiting 21. I _ a friend while I
money. I don’t know b) has been wait _the shopping.
how. c) have been waited a)was meeting / did 
a)shopped / lose d) waited b) met / was doing
b) was shopping / lost e) waits
c) meet / do  money. I don’t know d) were having /
d) met / did how. dropped
e) meets /is a)shopped / lose  e) has /is dropping
22. I _ for my things b) was shopping / lost 29. I __ to get up this
when I ____someone c) shopped / was losing  morning.
call my name. d) shop / lose It __and it was cold,
a)paid / was hearing  e) is shopping /loses and my bed was so
b) pay / heard 26. When we came in warm.
c) was paying / hear  he _ something on the a)don’t want / is
d) was paying / heard paper. raining 
e) pays/hears a)was writing b) am not wanting /
23. I __and I __ the b) were writing rains
knife. c) is writing c) wasn’t wanting /
a)cooked / was d) wrote rained 
dropping  e) write d) didn’t want / was
b) cook / drop 27. I _round and raining
c) was cooking / ___Paula. e) is not wants /rain
dropped  a) turns /see 30. I __to the news on
d) cooked / dropped b) was turning/ was the radio when the
e) cooks/drops seeing phone __.
24. What ___ at 8.00 c) turn / was seeing  a)listened / was ringing 
last night? d) was turning / saw b) am listening / was
a)did you do  e) turned / saw  ringing
b) you did 28. While we __ a c) was listening / rang 
c) do you did drink, a waiter __a pile d) listen / is ringing
d) are you doing of plates. e) is listening / ring
e) were you doing  a)had / was dropping 
25. While I ___this b) have / dropped
morning, I __ my c) have / drop 


Focus on Reading

1.Write your associations to the picture.


2. Give the equivalents to the following words.

English Russian Kazakh

to be divided into
the elected government
the head of the state
the education
steel production

3. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.


1. The most famous educational centers are a. the largest and most densely
populated part of the UK.
2. The Queen is b. the British Isles.
3. But in practice The Great Britain is ruled by c. shipbuilding.
4. The capital of Scotland is Edinburg, but d. of two chambers.
5. One of the chief industries of the country is e. the capital of Northern Ireland.
6.The United Kingdom of Great Britain f. the head of the state.
and Northern Ireland is situated on
7. Belfast is g. the biggest city is Glasgow.
8. The British Parliament consists h. the elected government with
the Prime Minister at the head.
9.England is i. of old, hard rocks.
10.Wales is a highland country j. Oxford and Cambridge

4. Read the text «My Discovery of Great Britain».

The island of Great Britain contains three “nations” which were separated at
earlier stages of their history: England, Scotland and Wales. Wales had become part
of the English administrative system by the 16 th century. Scotland was not completely
united with England until 1707. The United Kingdom is a name which was
introduced in 1801 when Great Britain became united with Ireland.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the
British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain. Northern Ireland
is situated in the northern part of Ireland.
England is the largest and most densely populated part of the UK. The capital of
England is London, which is the largest city in Britain. It is situated on the River
Thames (the most important one).
The main industries in England are the wool industry, heavy industry,
shipbuilding, cotton industry.
Scotland is the most northern part of the island of GB. Scotland is divided into
three parts: the Highlands, the Lowlands, and the Southern Uplands. There are a lot
of valleys and lakes in this region; the best known lake is Loch Ness.
The capital of Scotland is Edinburg, but the biggest city is Glasgow. Shipbuilding is
the leading industry here. But other industries such as steel engineering and coal
mining are highly developed too.
Wales is a highland country of old, hard rocks. North Wales is a country of
mountains and deep valleys. South Wales is a land of high hills. The capital of Wales
is Cardiff. Such industries as coal-mining, steel production, electronics, and electrical
engineering are developed in this part of the country.
The Welsh are fond of folk music, singing and poetry. Welsh literature is one of
the oldest in Europe.
Northern Ireland occupies one-sixth of the territory of the United Kingdom. The
main industrial center and a port is Belfast. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.
The largest industry is agriculture.
Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous
educational centers are Oxford and Cambridge Universities. They are considered to
be the intellectual centers of Europe. The education is not free, it is very expensive.
The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But in
practice it is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head.
The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House
of Commons.
There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labor, the Conservative
and the Liberal parties. The Labor party is the ruling party nowadays.
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and commercial
center. It is one of the largest cities in the world. London is situated on the river
Thames. The city is very old. It has more than 20 centuries old history. Traditionally
it is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.

5.Answer the questions to the text.

1.What is the official name of Great Britain?

2. What parts does GB include?_
3.What is the largest part of the GB?
4.London is situated on the river Thames, isn`t it?
5.What are the main industries in England?
6.What lake is the most famous in Scotland?
7.What regions is Scotland divided into?
8.Do you know the biggest city of Scotland?
______________________________ __________________________________
9. What are the Welsh fond of?
10.What is the largest industry in Northern Ireland?

5.Match the beginning and the end of the sentences.

1.Great Britain is____________________________________________________

2. Great Britain includes_______________________________________________
3. A long title of GB is________________________________________________
4. The United Kingdom is the name which________________________________
5. The capital of England is____________________________________________
6. Scotland is_______________________________________________________
7. Shipbuilding, steel engineering and coal mining_________________________
8. The Welsh are fond of______________________________________________
9. The capital of Wales is_____________________________________________
10. The United Kingdom is___________________________________________

a. _____England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

b. _____the result of complicated history.
c. ______ was introduced in 1801.
d. ______London.
e. ______ the most northern part of the island.
f. ______ are highly developed in Scotland.
g. ______ folk music, singing and poetry.
h. ______ Cardiff.
i. ______ The United Kingdom is

7. Fill in the gaps with the words given below.

a country with old cultural traditions and customs, Atlantic Ocean, the most famous
educational centers, 1801, administrative, Belfast, North Sea, on the river Thames,
Loch Ness
1.“Great Britain” is a geographic expression.
2. Great Britain is a group of islands which lies between_____________________
and ___________________________.
3.The capital of Northern Ireland is ______________________________.
4.Wales had become part of the English ________________________ system by the
16th century.
5.The UK is the name which was introduced in _____________________.
6.London is situated _________________________.
7.The best known lake in Scotland is _________________________.
8.The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House
of Commons
9.Great Britain is________________________________________________.
10.Oxford and Cambridge Universities are_____________________________.

Focus on Grammar

8. Fill in the verb is or are.

1. Grammar rules are always learnt by heart.
2. Rare animals________ protected in many countries.
3. This scarf _______ made by my granny.
4. Animals in the reserve ________fed two times a day.
5. The same shirts ________ worn by all the members of our team.
6. New English books _________ shown in our library.
7. Many English towns _________ described in this book.
8. Dinner _______ always cooked by my mother.
9. This place ________crowded on Sunday.
10.Our village ________ surrounded with a forest.

9.Open brackets, using verbs in the Present, Past or Future Simple Passive.
1. Bread is eaten every day.
2. The letter (to receive) ______________________ yesterday.
3. Nick (to send) _________________________ to Moscow next week.
4. I (to ask) _______________________ at the lesson yesterday.
5. I (to give) _____________________a very interesting book at the library last
6. Many houses (to build) ________________________ in our town every year.
7. This work (to do) ___________________________ tomorrow.
8. This text (to translate) _____________________________ at the last lesson.
9. These trees (to plant) ___________________________ last autumn.
10. Many interesting games always (to play) ___________________ at our PT

10.Open brackets, using verbs in Active or Passive Voice.

1. Nobody saw him yesterday.

2. The telegram (to receive) ____________________________ tomorrow.
3. He (to give) _________________________________ me this book next week.
4. The answer to this question can (to find)___________________ in the
5. We (to show) __________________________ the historical monuments of the
capital to the delegation.
6. You can (to find)_________________________ interesting information about the
life in the USA in this book.
7. Budapest (to divide) _____________________________ into two parts: Buda and
8.Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) __________________________________ Moscow in
9. Moscow University (to found) _______________________________ by
10. We (to call) ________________________________ Zhukovski the father of
Russian aviation.

11.Open bracket, using verbs in the Passive Voice.

1.I am sure I will be asked at the lesson tomorrow.

2.They told me that the new student (to speak).
___________________________ ___________________much about.
3.The hostess said that one more guest (to expect)
4.The newspaper said that an interesting exhibition (to open)
____________________________________ in the Hermitage the next week.
5. This new dictionary (to sell)
__________________________________ everywhere now.
6. All the texts (to look) ________________________________________ through
yesterday and not a single mistake (to find)_____________________________.
7. Two reports on Hemingway's stories (to make) _________________________ in
our group last month. Both of them were very interesting.
8. He said that Grandmother's letter (to receive) __________________________ the
day before.
9. Two new engineers just (to introduce) ________________________________ to
the head of the department.
10. Don't worry, everything will be all right: the children
(to take)_____________________________________ to the theatre by the
teacher and they (to bring) back to school in the evening.

11.Fill the preposition with or by.

1.In his childhood Tom used to be beaten with a stick.

2.My parents were married by a priest.
3.Molly’s bedroom wall was covered _____________posters.
4.The house was surrounded ______________flowerbeds.
5.His shorts were covered _____________ mud.
6.Tom had been stabbed ___________a penknife.
7.Soup is eaten __________a spoon.
8.The new swimming pool has been just opened ___________the mayor.
9.During the robbery, the manager was hit ___________a baseball bat.
10. Extra training was provided ____________ the company.

12.Put the following sentences in the Passive Voice, paying attention to the place
of the preposition.

1.We often speak about her. She is often spoken about.

2.We thought about our friend all the time.____________________________
3.The doctor will operate on him in a week.____________________________
4.The teacher sent for the pupil's parents. ______________________________
5.They looked for the newspaper everywhere. __________________________
6.Nobody slept in the bed.___________________________________________
7.The neighbor asked for the telegram. ________________________________
8.Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention. __________________
9.The senior students laughed at the freshman. __________________________
10.The group spoke to the headmistress yesterday. ________________________

12.Put the fowling sentences in the Passive Voice.

1. I bought potatoes yesterday.

Potatoes were bought yesterday.
2. We shall bring the books tomorrow. _____________________________________
3. They are repairing the clock now. _______________________________________
4. They sell milk in this shop. ____________________________________________
5. I have translated the whole text. ________________________________________
6. They broke the window last week.______________________________________
7. When I came home, they had eaten the sweets. ____________________________
8. We shall do the work in the evening._____________________________________
9. He wrote this book in the 19th century.___________________________________
10. They were playing tennis from four till five.______________________________

15. Tell about the Great Britain.


1. I hope that the truth taken c) has been built

___ very soon. d) answered / took d) had been built
a) will find out e) were answered / were e) has built
b) will be finding out taken 9. This school ___ next
c) is found out 5. I ___ that I ___ at the year.
d) will be found out station at 5. a) will close
e) shall find out a) was told / should be b) is closed
2. The sports met c) will be closed
competitions which ___ b) told / is being met d) was closed
on Sunday ___ by a lot c) tells / am met e) would be closed
of people. d) am told / was met 10. It is winter.
f) are held / will be e) will be told / would Everything ___ with
visited be met snow.
b) was held / will visit 6. By the time we came a) is covered
c) will held / will visit to the bookshop all b) covered
d) have been held / have books ___ c) were covered
visited a) are sold d) will cover
e) will be held / will be b) were sold e) are covered
visited c) had been sold 11. This theatre …
3. The business letter d) are being sold (build) over 100 years
___ just ___ . e) is being sold ago.
a) is / written 7. New schools ___ in a) had been built
b) has / been written our city every year. b) has been built
c) was / written a) is built c) was built
d) were / written b) are to be built d) built
e) is / going to write c) will build e) did build
4. All the business d) are built 12. Is your car still for
letters ___ yesterday. e) have built sale? — No. It …
They ___ to the 8. This year a very already (sell).
post office immediately. beautiful theatre ___ in a) has been sold
a) answered / take our city. b) had been sold
b) were answered / took a) built c) was sold
c) are answered / were b) was built d) sold
e) will be sold a) reports/ will be made 21. The southern &
13. Sometimes mistakes b) will report/ will make central part of Great
… (make). c) is reported/ will be Britain is
a) are made made  a) Wales       
b) are being made. d) reported/ made b) England  
c) have been made e) reports/ make c) Scotland
d) are making 18. Professor … (give) d) West End
e) will made another lecture next e) Westminster
14. For the past few week. 22. The capital of
days I (work) in Jack’s a) will have been given Wales is
office, as my own … b) will be given   a) Cardiff  
(decorate). c) will give b) Swansea  
a) have been working/ d) will be giving c) Port Talbot
is being decorated e) will have been giving d) Glasgow
b) worked/ decorated 19. Look at the dust in 23. The biggest city of
c) am worked/ is being here! It … (look) as if Scotland is
decorated this room (not/clean) … a) Glasgow  
d) am working/ for a month. b) Edinburgh  
decorates a) is looked/ hasn’t c) Newcastle
c) work/ is decorating cleaned d) Cardiff
15. While my friend … b) looks/ hasn’t been e) London
(talk) to me, his cleaned 24. The head of the
wallet ... (steal). c) has looked/ isn’t state is
a) was being talked/ cleaned a) the King  
was being stolen d) looked/ hasn’t been b) the Queen  
b) was talking/ was cleaning c) the Prime Minister
stolen e) will look/ doesn’t d) the elected
c) talked/stole clean government
d) talks/ stoles 20. The door … (open) e) two chambers
e) has talked/ stole and a young lady … 25. The highest
16. Where is your (come in). It should be mountain Ben Nevis is
friend Bob? — I don’t admitted that the door in
know. He … (not/ seen) … (open) by herself.  a) Scotland  
recently. a) opened/ came in/ was b) England  
a) hasn’t seen opened c) Wales
b) didn’t see b) was opened/  came d) Northern Ireland
c) hasn’t been seen in/ was opened e) Ireland
d) saw not c) opened/ came in/ 26. The longest river in
e) doesn’t see opened  Great Britain is
17. If someone … d) opens/ came in/ a) the Clyde  
(report) you to the opened b) the Severn  
police, you … (make) c) the Trent
to pay a big fine. d) the Lyne
e) the Esk 28. They say the Loch b) Rose    
27. Stratford-upon- Ness Monster lives in a c) Thistle    
Avon is the birthplace lake in d) Leek
of the great English a) Scotland   e) Tulip
poet & playwright…  b) Wales     30. What is favorite
 a) Ch. Dickens   c) Ireland sport in the UK?
b) B. Show   d) Northern Ireland a) football    
c) H. Wells   e) England b) baseball    
d) W. Shakespeare 29. Which of the c) golf
e) Agatha Christie following is an emblem d) tennis
of England? e) volleyball
a) Shamrock    


Focus on Reading

1. Write your Associations to the picture.


3.Give the equivalents to the following words.

English Russian Kazakh

a capital
a bridge
a pavement
a church
a century
a castle
to be situated
to destroy

3. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.


1. London a. to live in is the West End.

2. The central part of London is b. are the heart of London.
3. The oldest part of London c. was destroyed during the war.
4. One of the oldest and the most d. of the so-called Little Britain.
famous places of London
5. The City and the West End e. full of historical remains.
6. The most fashionable and the most f. is an old castle.
expensive part
7. It stands in the centre g. is called the City.
8. The Tower of London h. has many bridges over the Thames.
9. London i. is St. Paul’s Cathedral.
10. A large part of Little Britain j. the capital of the United Kingdom.

4. Read the text “If you are tired of London you are tired of life”.

London is the capital of England, the capital of Great Britain, and the capital of
the United Kingdom. It is the largest town in Europe and one of the oldest towns in
the world. The old Celts gave it its name, the Romans made it the centre of their new
colony, the Germanic invaders tried to burn and to destroy it, the victorious Normans
made it the capital of the country.
The central part of London is full of historical remains. Nearly every building,
every bridge, every street, palace, house, and stone — each of them has its own story,
its own past. In London past and present are so mixed together that they cannot easily
be separated and when you are in London you see the past in the present and the
present in the past. The oldest part of London is called the City. In the City the streets
and pavements are very narrow and the traffic is very heavy on weekdays. That is
because the most important London firms and banks have offices there. But at
weekends the City is almost dead.
The most fashionable and the most expensive part to live in is the West End. It is
situated between the City and Hyde Park. The City and the West End are the heart of
London; they are the parts which everybody who comes to London must see and
wants to see, because they are more interesting than any other part of London. All the
most interesting buildings, shops and offices are situated here.
The Tower of London, the Bank of England, the Mansion House where the Lord
Mayor lives, the Law Courts, and many interesting old churches are situated in the
City. The Houses of Parliament with Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the National
Gallery and many theatres and good shops are in the West End.
London has many bridges over the Thames, more than twenty but the most
interesting of them all is the Tower Bridge situated near the Tower of London. The
Tower of London is an old castle, with high walls, high towers, small windows and
large gardens. Once it was a royal residence, a strong fortress and a state prison. Here
many important people, among them two wives of Henry VIII, were imprisoned and
One of the oldest and the most famous places of London is St. Paul’s Cathedral.
It has been destroyed and rebuilt several times since the original construction in the
7th century. It stands in the centre of the so-called Little Britain. A large part of Little
Britain was destroyed during the war: the houses that were close to the Cathedral’s
walls disappeared and for the first time in centuries St. Paul’s Cathedral’s beauty can
be seen.

4. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What is the capital of England?

2. Who tried to burn and to destroy England?
3. How is called the oldest part of London?
4. Why are the streets and pavements very narrow in the City?
5. What is the most fashionable and the most expensive part of London?
6. Where is it situated?
7. What is the most interesting of bridges of London?
8. What is one of the oldest and the most famous places of London?
9. Where does it stand?
10. How many times has it been destroyed and rebuilt?

5.Complete the sentences.

1. London is the capital of England, _____________________________________.

2. The central part of London __________________________________________.
3. The oldest part of London __________________________________________.
4. But at weekends the City is _________________________________________.
5. It is situated between______________________________________________.
6. The Tower of London is____________________________________________.
7. Once it was a royal residence, _______________________________________.
8. Here many important people, ________________________________________.
9. It stands _________________________________________________________.
10. A large part of Little Britain _______________________________________.

7. Insert the word.

1. It is the largest town in _______________________ and one of the oldest towns

in the world.
2. The old _____________________gave it its name.
3. In the City the streets and pavements are very _______________________.
4. The City and the West End are __________________________ of London.
5. The Houses of Parliament with Big Ben, _______________________the
National Gallery and many theatres and good shops are in the West End.
6. London has many_____________________________ over the Thames.
7. The Tower of London is an old castle, with ______________________, high
towers, small windows and large gardens.
8. Here many important people, among them two wives of __________________,
were imprisoned and beheaded.
9. It has been destroyed and rebuilt several times since the original construction in
10. For the first time in centuries _________________________ beauty can be

Focus on Grammar

8. Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple passive.

1. Traditionally London is divided (to divide) into several parts: the city,
Westminster, the West End and East End.
2. Numerous banks, offices and firms_____________________ (to concentrate) in
the City.
3. The Tower of London _______________________ (to build) in the 11th century.
4. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses _______________
(to visit) the whole year.
5. The Tower of London ___________________________ (to use) as a fortress, a
place and a prison.
6. Trafalgar Square _____________________________ (to name) in the memory
of Admiral Nelson’s victory.
7. London ____________________ (to found) more than two thousand years ago.
8. The oldest part of London ____________________________ (to call) the City.
9. Many houses _______ (to burn) during the Great Fire of London.
10. Many of famous people _________________ (to bury) in Westminster Abbey.

9. Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple passive.

1. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December in Europe (to celebrate).

2. In London past and present ______________so ______________together that
they cannot easily be separated (to mix).
3. A large part of Little Britain________________________ during the war
(to destroy).
4. The new building for the Houses of Parliament __________________in 1840
(to build).
5. The western part of London ___________________ under the Hanoverian
Kings (to develop).
6. Some skyscrapers in London _______________________of glass (to make).
7. William the Conqueror ________________________ in the Abbey (to crown).
8. The Tower of London ________________________ with many important
events in English history (to connect).
9. Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and quite a
number of world-famous museums _______________ all _____________ in
this area (to locate).
10. The name "West End" _______________________ with wealth and goods of
high quality (to associate).

11.Rewrite these sentences in the passive.

1. Someone broke this mirror last night.

This mirror was broken last night.
2. People celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December in Great Britain.
3. Tourists from many countries visit the big shops, hotels, museums, art galleries,
theatres and concert halls in the West End.

4. People of different races and nationalities, cultures and religions live in London
and speak over 300 different languages. 

5. Londoners consider Oxford Street to be the busiest street in London.


6. Every year London attracts crowds of visitors from home and abroad. 

7. Rich and successful people traditionally inhabit the West End.


8. Today hundreds of workers look after the Parks of London. 


9. London draws people from all over the world. 


10. London offers a lot of sights to see.


11.Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I) by putting the verbs into the
correct form.

1. If you are tired of walking about London, you can get on a bus.
2. If you __________________ (to be) lucky enough to find yourself in London some
day you ____________________ (to have) a lot to see and enjoy there.
3. If you _____________________ (to plan) to travel extensively by bus and
underground in London, ____________________ (to ask) at your nearest British
Rail International Travel Office.
4. If there _________________ (to be) a place I want to visit, it ______________
(to be) definitely London. 
5. If you _________________ (to be) tired of London you _____________ (to be)
tired of life.
6. She ____________________ (to call) you if she_________________ (to have)
7. If it __________________ (to cost) too much, I __________________ (to buy)
a smaller one.
8. I ____________________ (to go) next week, if I ___________________ (can)
get a train ticket.
9. If it ____________________ (to snow) this winter, we __________________
(to go) skiing.
10. If you ____________________ (to visit) Oxford, you __________________
(to see) some interesting old buildings.

12.Write these sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If I had a chance to go to London I’d like to see not only the places of interest but
many other interesting things there.
2. If she _________________________ (to study) harder,
she_______________ (to get) better marks.
3. It ____________________ (to surprise) me if she ______________________
(to help / not) you.
4. If you _______________ (to sell) more products, you ___________________
(to earn) more money.
5. If I _______________________ (to come) later I _______________________
(to be) late for the lesson.
6. If he _______________________ (to work) hard, he _____________________
(to pass) the exam.
7. If I ___________________ (to know) his number, I _____________________
(to phone) him.
8. We ____________________ (to need) a car if we _______________________
(to live) in the country.
9. If he _________________ (to speak) more clearly, people ________________
(to understand) him.
10. If Susan ____________________ (move) to Tokyo, she _________________
(to live) near her sister. 

13.Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.


1. We would have made a cake           a) if he hadn’t shouted at them.

2. If it rains much                                  b) if she loses weight.
3. If I knew English well                     c) if we had bought some eggs yesterday.
4. My kids wouldn’t have cried             d) if I were you.
5. I would call him                                 e) I would be an interpreter.
6. She will put this dress on                   f) she’ll have to take a taxi.
7. If it’s sunny tomorrow g) I’ll buy you some sweets.
8. If John doesn’t hurry h) we’ll go for a picnic.
9. If I go on a diet i) he’ll be late.
10. If there are no buses j) the flowers will grow very fast.

14. Underline the correct form to make conditional sentences.

1. If Rita opens /will open a boutique in the High Street, she’ll make lots of money.
2. If the economy doesn’t improve, lots of businesses will close / would close
3. This burglar alarm is so sensitive: it goes off if a mouse runs / will run across the
4. George may go to prison unless he won’t pay / pays his taxes.
5. The company was / would be more successful if it spent more money on
6. If the employees of a company are/were happy, they work harder.
7. We might sell our business if it makes / would make another loss this year.
8. It looks like Molly’ll be okay, unless something new will happen / happens.
9. Unless Shelly had read him wrong, Jack would find /would have found her
unorthodox approach irresistible.
10. Mat would not trust/ didn’t trust that unless he had to.

15. Tell about London.


1. You can see the 5. Big Ben is c) the center of the

column with a statue of _____________. commercial life
Nelson in_________. a) palace d) the industrial district
a) Piccadilly Circus b) a bell (clock) e) the shopping centre
b) Hyde Park c) a square 10. The name “West
c) Trafalgar Square d) a street End” is associated with
d) City e) a church a) banking
e) East End 6. Which river runs b) industry
2. The London home of through London? c) luxury
the Queen is a) the Thames d) politics
_____________. b) the Severn e) medicine
a) Buckingham Palace c) the Tweed 11. Where are the
b) Westminster Abbey d) The Volga British monarchs
c) Covent Garden e) The Nile crowned?
d) The Houses of 7. Which is the oldest а)Westminster Abbey
Parliament part of London? b) St. Paul’s Cathedral
e) Tower a) Westminster c) the House of Lords
3. There are many b) the City d) Buckingham Palace
banks and offices there. c) the West End e) Houses of Parliament
a) Hyde Park d) the East End 12. What is the official
b) the Tower e) Soho royal residence?
c) the City 8.  What’s the name of a) Albert Hall
d) East End English Queen? b) Windsor Castle
E) West End a) Elizabeth II c) Buckingham Palace
4. It was built by b) Maria III d) St. Paul’s Cathedral
architect Christopher c) Anna IV e) Westminster Abbey
Wren. d) Victoria I 13. It is one of the most
a) Whitehall e) Ekaterina I famous bridges.
b) The Tower 9. What did the City a) Millennium
c) St. Paul’s Cathedral become? b) Tower
d) Buckingham Palace a) the seat of the c) Buckingham
e) Downing Street government d) London
b) the cultural center e) Stone
14. Nowadays the 19. London 24. If you _____fond of
Tower of London is _________upon both painting you ______ to
_________. banks of the River the Tate Gallery. 
a) fortress Thames. a) is, go
b) a prison a) was situated b) are, will go
c) a royal palace b) situated c) were, go
d) a museum c) is situating d) are, went
e) a library d) situates e) to be, to go
15. The royal church is e) is situated 25. You would not feel
____________. 20. St. Paul's Cathedral so tired if you
a) St. Paul’s Cathedral _________ in 1710.  ________ more.
b) Henry VII Chapel a) is completed a) sleep
c) Westminster Abbey b) was completed b) sleeps
d) Tower c) completed c) slept
e) Big Ben d) complete d) has slept
16. Traditionally e) completes e) have slept
London 21. The West End is 26. If the City _____the
__________into several traditionally business part of
parts. ________by rich and London, Westminster
a) is divided successful people. ____ the centre of
b) are divided a) is inhabited administration. 
c) divide b) inhabited a) are, are
d) has divided c) inhabites b) is, are
e) divides d) inhabite c) was, are
17. Trafalgar Square e) had inhabited d) is, is
_________ in the 22. London e) are, is
memory of Admiral ________in the first 27.  If I _______ in
Nelson’s victory. century AD by the London I
a) are named Romans.  ____________ an
b) to name a) founded excursion. 
c) was named b) is founded a) is, organize
d) names c) was founded b) am, organized
e) name d) has founded c) been, organize
18. Many great e) had founded d) am, to organize
Englishmen 23. The Houses of e) were, would organize
___________ in Parliament _____often 28. If you ____a
Westminster Abbey.  _____ to as the Palace possibility to visit this
a) buried of Westminster. exciting city but I insist
b) bury a) has referred that you ____ it.
c) had buried b) were referred a) have had, should do
d) to bury c) referred b) had, do
e) were buried d) referres c) has, does
e) are referred d) have, does
e) have, did d) had, buy b) live, would go
29. If he _______ the e) have, buys c) lives, go
money, he ______a fast 30. If _______ nearer to d) had live, go
car. London, we e) to live, to go.
a) had ,would buy _______there more
b) have, will buy often. 
c) has, buy a) lived, would go


Focus on Reading

1.Write your associations to the picture.


2.Give the equivalents to the following words.

English Russian Kazakh

put on backpack
go abroad
to book
travel insurance
pack suitcase
Travel is usually a verb. When we want to use a noun, we usually use journey or
trip. (How was your journey/trip)? not How was your travel?).

3.Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.


1. Millions of people pack their a. go for a drink in one of four treetop

suitcases or put on backpacks bars.
2. The great outback of Australia is b. that most of the hotel is up in the
trees- 30 meters above the ground!

3. I wanted to go abroad last year c. a wonderland for those who go there.

perhaps to the South America
4. I needed an accommodation too d. so I looked on the Internet for hotels
in Manaus.
5. I packed my suitcase , took my e. and left home.
passport , hired a taxi to airport
6. Ariau Amazon Towers is one of f. I`ve ever stayed in.
the most incredible hotels
7. What makes it so special is g. and I finally decided to go to Brazil
8. There are two excellent restaurants h. and go fishing for piranhas.
and after dinner you can
9. You can also go on a boat trip along i. and visit the seven continents of the
the river Amazon world.
10. It rains a lot from December to June j. so the best time to visit it is from July
to November.

4.Read the text “ A day of travelling will bring a basket of learning”.

Every year millions of people pack their suitcases or put on backpacks and visit
the seven continents of the world. They wander through the castles and museums of
Europe, and the cities and natural wonders of North and South America. Some visit
the vast exotic cultures of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The great outback of
Australia is a wonderland for those who go there. And a few lucky people even go to
the most mysterious continent on the earth- Antarctica.
Why do people want to explore the world? It gives them a better perspective about
the earth and the people living on it. It opens their minds, it gives them a feeling of
accomplishment, and it makes them feel alive.
I wanted to go abroad last year, perhaps to the South America, and I finally decided
to go to Brazil. If you book ahead, you can get incredibly good deals with the
budget airlines. For example, flights from as low as € 1! But you must reserve
your seats early. I booked the flight with Air Astana. I needed an accommodation
too, so I looked on the Internet for hotels in Manaus. I found a nice one and decided
to stay there for the first week. I also had to get a visa, and I got some foreign
currency. I paid €200 for travel insurance; you never know, I might be ill or lose my
things . I packed my suitcase, took my passport , hired a taxi to airport and left
In the search for the world`s most amazing hotels, I visited the hotel in the
rainforest. Ariau Amazon Towers is one of the most incredible hotels I`ve ever
stayed in. It`s in the middle of the Amazon rainforests in Brazil, about 60 kilometers
from Manaus, the nearest city. What makes it so special is that most of the hotel is
up in the trees- 30 meters above the ground! There are two excellent restaurants and
after dinner you can go for a drink in one of four treetop bars. Or you can go
swimming in one of the hotel`s beautiful pools and watch the monkeys and birds in
the trees above you.
There are a lot of things to do nearby. I went for a long walk in the rainforest with
an excellent local guide and saw plants, trees, birds and animals of every description.
You can also go on a boat trip along the river Amazon and go fishing for piranhas.
Every day is an adventure- I was never bored in the three days I was there. It rains a
lot from December to June, so the best time to visit it is from July to November. So
save some money, get your passport ready, and see the world. It will change your life

5.Answer the questions to the text.

1. What places do people choose for journey ?

2. Why do people travel?
3. Where did the author decide to go?
4. What did he have to do before going abroad?
5. How much did he pay for travel insurance?
6. What hotel did he stay at?
7. Where is Ariau Amazon Towers located ?
8. What is unusual about the hotel ?
9. What can you do near the hotel ?
10. When is a good time to go there?

6.Look at these words. What is the difference in meaning? Choose the correct
trip a tour travel a journey

1. How long is your travel /journey ?

2. Have you ever been on a business trip/ journey abroad?
3. Did you trip/ travel a lot last year?
4. Have you ever been on a bus trip/ tour of a famous city?
5. What`s the longest journey/travel you`ve ever been to?
6. Have you ever been on a package travel/tour?
7. How was your journey/ trip?
8. Do you need a parent permission if you want to go on a school trip/ travel?.
9. Can you afford an expensive journey/travel?
10. Was your camping trip/ travel cancelled by heavy rain?

7. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of go and prepositions with, on, to or for
if necessary.

1. When was the last time you went camping?

2. Have you ever ________ an art gallery?
3. How often do you ________ a drink after work/class?
4. When was the last time you ________ the beach?
5. Do you sometimes _________long walks at the weekends?
6. What was the last long journey you ____ ?
7. Have you ever _____ sailing?
8. Did you _____ holiday last year? If yes, who did you ____?
9. Could you _________ a boat trip along the river ?
10. Do you often _________out _______friends?

8. Present Perfect or Simple?

Mary Kelly is on her yacht, Blue Wave. She is sailing round the world.
Use the cues to complete her conversation with the interviewer (I)

I: (1) Have you ever sailed (you/ever/sail) round the world before now?
MK: Well, (2) _________________( I /be) on boats all my life but (3)
____________________________(I/never/sail) round the world before now, no.
I: What`s life like on Blue Wave?
MK: (laughing) Terrible! Everything is difficult. For example (4)
________________(I/not/wash) in the drinking water, so (5)________________
(I/wash) in sea water every day. That`s OK when (6) ________________ (the
/weather/be) warm but now when (7) _____________ (it/be) freezing cold.
I: (8) _______________ (the /weather/be) bad?
MK: Oh yes! (9) ______________ (We/ have) rain and big waves most of the time.
(10) ____________(We/not/have) much calm water so far.
9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: Present Perfect, Past Simple
or Present Simple.

Karen Cookson (1) _____________(always be) interested in the sea. When she was
ten her mother ( 2)______________ (buy) her an aquarium and she (3)
______________ (have) collections of tropical fish ever since then. For the last
twenty years, she (4) ____________(live) in a big house in Auckland where she has
an aquarium. Last year she (5 ) ____________ (open) the aquarium to the public.
Thousands of people (6) _ ___________ (already visit) her collection. Her collections
includes several sharks which (7) _______________ (swim) around looking
dangerous.. ‘ I (8)_____________ (never have) any problems with my sharks
because I (9) ______________(know) how to behave. Sharks only (10) ________
(attack) humans in certain situations.

10 . Read the reported speech. Then write the dialogue.

Juliet said that she didn`t like Manchester. She said that she was lonely . Mark said
that he knew a good café in Manchester. He said that it had great food and fantastic
music. Juliet said that she couldn`t go to the café because she didn`t have any
friends. She said that she hated going to the cafes alone . Mark said that he had a
friend in Manchester He said that she was really nice. Julia said that she wanted to
meet her. Mark said that he was trying to find her phone number.
Juliet I don`t like Manchester .
Mark I know a ___________________. It has __________________________.
Juliet I can`t ________________ because _________________________ . Mark
I`ve got __________________ . She _______________________.
Juliet I ________________ her.
Mark I _________________number.

11. Use the correct form of say or tell in these sentences.

1 She told me she didn't agree.

2 '1 think I've met you before,' he said.
3. I _________ them I wasn't happy with their work.
4. She_______ me a story about her parents.
5 He _________ , 'Are you feeling OK?'
6 She smiled, and_________ to me, 'I'm very pleased to meet you.'
7. I didn't hear: what did she ________ ?
8 Could you_______ me the time, please?
9. They_______ me they were going to a meeting.
10. T____ the policeman my address.
12. Write these sentences in indirect speech, using the words given. Note that
some words may have to be changed.

1`Sit down, Mary (he told).

He told Mary to sit down.
2. `Don`t go near the sea, children.` (the children`s mother warned)
3.`Don`t be late, Tim. (Tim`s father told)
4. `Be quiet , children.` (the librarian told)
5. `Don`t shoot, men! (the officer order)
6.`Don`t spend too much money on your holiday. (my father told me)
7.`Don`t use the telephone after eleven o`clock .( the landlady told us)
8. `Finish the job tonight, please. ( my boss told me)

9.`Have your passports ready , please.` (the customs officer told us)
10.`Leave the keys on the desk, please. ( the receptionist told us)

12.Write these sentences as reported questions .Change you to I, etc. where


1.`Do you like Marlon Brando?` she asked

She asked if I liked Marlon Brando.
2. Are you enjoying yourself?` he asked.
He asked whether I was enjoying myself.
3.Does your father work here?` she asked.
4. `Do you live near your family?` he asked
5.` Are you a foreigner? She asked.
6.` Have you met Dany before? he asked.
7. `Are you hungry? she asked.
8.` Have you finished your exams? she asked.
9.` Did they tell you when they were leaving? he asked
10. `Did you lend them your camera? she asked.

14. Write these sentences as reported questions, using the words given.
Change you to I etc. where necessary .

1.`What`s your name` he asked (wanted to know).

He wanted to know what my name was.
2.`How old are you? ` she said (asked)
3. ` When does the train leave?` I asked, (asked)
4.` How are you?` he said (asked).
5. `Who did you see at the meeting? my mother said (wanted to know).
6. `Why did you take my wallet?` he asked (wanted to know).
7. How did you get to school? `she said (asked).
8.` Where do you live?, the boy asked. (wanted to know).
9.` Why are you so late?, the teacher asked. (demanded to know).
10.` Why wasn`t Judy at the party? she asked. (asked)

15. Tell about your last journey.


1. I needed … too, so 2. We.... to Costa Rica 3. I went … a long walk

I looked on the Internet for our holidays next in the rainforest with an
for hotels June. I’ve already excellent local guide.
a) visa booked a hotel in San a) to
b ) a ticket Jose. b) on
c) a suitcase a) `ll go b ) ’re going c) with
d) a passport c) go d) for
e) an accommodation d) went e) –
e) gone
4. You can also go … a c) on e) didn`t
boat trip along the river d) - 15. Someone .. . me
Amazon. e) for there's been an accident
a) to 10. .... a lot of rain in on the motorway.
b) on Colombia. a) asked
c) - a) it`s b) said
d) for b) there are c) spoke
e) from c) is d) told
5. We could go… d ) there is e ) ordered
fishing for piranhas. e) there be 16. When I rang Tessa
a) for 11. The hotel .... by a last week, she said she
b) - large fire. was busy … day.
c) on a) is destroyed a) that
d) for b ) destroy b) the
e) from c) was destroyed c) then
6. Have you ever been d) destroys d) this
on a business… e) has destroyed e) those
abroad? 12. I rang my friend in 17.When he was at
a) journey Australia yesterday, and Oliver's flat yesterday,
b) trip she said it … raining Martin asked if he …
c) walk there. use the phone.
d) excursion a) is a) can
e) party b) should be b) could
7. So you can go … in c) to be c) may
one of the hotel`s d) was d) must
beautiful pool. e ) be e) had to
a) dancing 13. The last time I saw 18 Judy ... going for
b) walking Jonathan, he looked a walk, but no one else
c) swimming very relaxed. He wanted to.
d) playing explained that he'd been a) admitted
e) smoking on holiday the … week. b) offered
8. How often do you go a) earlier c) promised
… a drink after b) following d) suggested
work/class? c) next e) ordered
a) to d) previous 19. Polly: I'm really
b) with e) last tired. When I saw Polly
c) on 14. I told you …. yesterday, she said she
d) - switch off the computer, … really tired.
e) for didn't I? a)was
9. Who did you go on a) don't b)is
holiday … ? b) not c)had
a) to c) not to d)will be
b) with d) to not e)should be
20. She can’t swim in 23. Don't forget to … d) eats
the race because she .... a taxi to take you to the e)is eating
her arm. airport. 27. How long does it
a) has broken a) book … to fly from
b) broke b) buy Singapore to Bangkok?
c) breaks c) rent a) duration
d) is breaking d) change b) last
e) was breaking e) travel c) take
21. Jane : 'I am busy 24. Before you leave d) go
now.' home make sure you e) travel
a)Jane said that she is have all your travel … 28. They told me .... .
busy now a) paper a) to relax b) relaxing
b)Jane said that she b) permissions c) relax
was busy then c) passports d) relaxed
c) Jane said that she d) documents e) to relaxing
has been busy then e) currency 29. She told me that she
d)Jane said that she 25. At the job interview, .... her car when she
will be busy they asked me where I was driving to the
e)Jane said that she … for the last two shops.
would be busy years. a) had been crashed
22. 'Call back later!' a) had been working b) was crashing
(He /me) b) work c) had to crash
a) He told me to call c) `ll work d) had crashed
him back later d) had worked e) is crashing
b) He told me not to e) `m working 30. I couldn’t take any
call him back later 26. When I got back, I pictures because I.... my
c) He told me call him saw that my sister .... all camera in my car.
back later the chocolates! The box a) ’d left
d ) He told he would was empty! b) ‘m leaving
call back later a) had eaten c) to leave
e) He told me I call b) has eaten d)`ve left
back later c) ate e) left



Focus on Reading

1.Write your associations to the picture.


2.Give the equivalents to the following words.

English Russian Kazakh


read widely
GPA-Grade Point


on time - If you are on time for something, you arrive before or at the correct time.
in time - He arrived in time for the lesson.(= before the lesson started.)

3. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.


1. You have to study very hard at school a. to help pay their fees and living
2.In Kazakhstan was adopted a western b. where they are less likely to be
model of higher education system-- a 4 homesick or lonely.
years course of studies with getting the c. and there are two fifteen-week terms
Bachelor degree after graduation in every year.
3. The course lasts four years,
4. Most people who receive a university d. and a 2 years course of study with
place are given a grant by the getting the Master's degree after
government graduation
5. If you are an undergraduate at e. you can ask your tutor for advice on
university in Kazakhstan, you spend a your work.
lot of time studying alone, but you also
6. In order to become a prosperous f. and you have to know a lot about
student, you science.
7. At English lessons we discuss a lot of g. must have the ability to manage your
topics time

8. If you need a help, h. I can do research to get Master`s

9. Most students choose to live in a hall i. have to attend a lot of seminars and
of residence in their first year, lectures and take notes.
10. If I do well, j. and develop our thinking skills.

4. Read the text «Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere».

Hello, my name is Alan and I’m a student at Aktobe State University.

I passed my school exams with good marks and left school at 18. Now I am at
university. To get into university is quite hard. You have to study very hard at school
and you have to know a lot about science. You have to work hard for quite a few
years. In Kazakhstan was adopted a western model of higher education system- a 4
years course of studies with getting the Bachelor degree after graduation and a 2
years course of study with getting the Master's degree after graduation.
I`m doing a degree in computer sciences. The course lasts four years, and there are
two fifteen-week terms in every year. Terminal examinations are held in December
and in May. Most people who receive a university place are given a grant by the
government to help pay their fees and living expenses.
Learning, like many other activities, involves a complex set of skills that require
practice. If you are an undergraduate at university in Kazakhstan, you spend a lot of
time studying alone, but you also have to attend a lot of seminars and lectures and
take notes. You have to read widely and you have to express your opinions on a range
of academic topics. In order to become a prosperous student, you must have the
ability to manage your time. At university you can be flexible with your schedule,
you have to get out of bed in time for lectures, do your work on time, and plan your
revision period before exams. It’s important to come to your lessons on time so that
you don’t miss anything.
I enjoy academic subjects like history and English. At English lessons we discuss a
lot of topics and develop our thinking skills. Also we have to write essays and pass

exams. If you need a help, you can ask your tutor for advice on your work. The marks
you get for your home assignment go towards your final results.
I like my subject, informatics, and it will be useful to me in the future. Learning
mathematics and science often presents unique study skills. I work hard and enjoy
my study. I think my GPA will be great this semester.
In Kazakhstan many university students live away from home. This means they get
the freedom and opportunity to meet new people. Most students live in a hall of
residence in their first year, where they are less likely to be homesick or lonely. Many
students find part-time jobs to help pay the bills.
I’m quite busy so I`m always short on time. However I can still go to the gym, I
can still play football with my friends and still play other sports and music as my
spare time. Overall, I’m having a good time. If I pass my final exams, I'll get my
degree. If I do well, I can do research to get Master`s degree. A good degree will get
me a good job.

5. Answer the questions to the text.

1. Is it easy to get into university?

2. What system of higher education was adopted in Kazakhstan ?
3. What degrees do the undergraduates get?
4. What degree is the author doing?
5. How many years does the course of study last?
6. How many terms are there in a year?
7. What do students have to do to become prosperous students ?
8. What academic studies does the author like?
9. Does he like his subject?
10. What does he do in his spare time?

6.Complete the sentences with words from the box.

revision on time in time manage flexible stipend residence

mark freedom homesick

1. I can see you any day this week. - I can be flexible.
2. The train was ____________ fortunately.
3. I think children have too much ___________.
4. Do lots of _____________ before the exam.
5. I don’t know how to ____________ my money.
6. I got there ____________ to see Joel before he left.
7. I lived abroad for a year but I was ________ and missed my family
8. Six out of ten isn`t a very good _________ .
9. Can they get a _________ to help pay for their studies?
10. Do most students live in halls of _______?

7. Complete the dialogues.

1. How long does the term last ? - About twelve weeks.

2. Did she have to _______________ an essay? -Yes, three, in fact.
3. Can you ______________ research next year? - Yes, I want to do a__ to
4. How long do you need to study for a _________ degree in Informatics? -Four
5. Have you been invited to apply ____a PhD. Yes, but the ____ are too high.
6. How long does the course ____________? - It`s only one term.
7. What is your overall ________________ ? - My GPA would have been awesome
this semester.
8. Did you pass your ______________ ? – I passed all of them.
9. Have you got a _________________?- Yes, a BSc.
10. When are ________________ held? - In December and in May.

Focus on Grammar

8. Write these sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the present simple or
the future simple.

1. If the train's late, we (walk).

If the train's late, we`ll walk.
2. She (call) you if she (have) time.
She'll call you If she has time.
3. If it costs too much, I (buy) a smaller one.
4. If the doctor can't see me, I (go) somewhere else.
5. If you (visit) Oxford, you (see) some interesting old buildings.
6. What will we do if the taxi (not come)?
7. Will you phone me if there (be) any problems.
8. I (ask) Peter if I (see) him tomorrow.
9. I (go) next week, if I (can) get a train ticket.
10. I (lend) them some money if they (ask) me.

9. Write these sentences, putting the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. If you drove more carefully, you (not have) so many accidents.

If you drove more carefully, you wouldn't have so many accidents.
2. If he (get up) earlier, he'd get to work on time.
If he got up earlier, he'd get to work on time.
3. If we (have) more time, I could tell you more about it.
4.If you (sell) more products, you'd earn more money.
5. I could help you if you (trust) me more.
6. His car would be a lot safer if he (buy some new tires.
7. The children would be better swimmers if they (go) swimming more frequently.
8. I wouldn't mind having children if we (live) in the country.
9. If I (be) you, I wouldn't worry about going to university.
10. If I (have) any money, I'd give you some.

10. Rewrite these sentences as questions or negatives, according to the

instruction given.

1. I must go to the hospital tonight, (negative)

I mustn't go to the hospital tonight.
2. James can play the piano, (question)

Can James play the piano?
3. Peter can pay for us. (question)

4. We must go to the passport office today. (negative)


5. We can go to the bank tomorrow. (negative question)


6. You should phone the school today. (negative)


7. You can answer all the questions. (question)


8. She can pay for the lessons. (negative)


9. They can stay here for a week, (negative)


10. Peter can check the times of the trains for us. (question)

11. Write the sentences, choosing one of the modals.

1. We are leaving tonight, so you {should/must) buy a ticket for the flight.
We are leaving tonight, so you must buy a ticket for the flight.

2. (May/Might) I come in?


3. David (can/could) cook well when he wants to.

4. 'Do you think it (can/might) rain?' 'Yes, possibly. We don't want to get wet so I
think we (should/must) take our raincoats.'

5. Jenny tried to carry him but she (can't/couldn't)


6. We (can/might) visit my cousin in Australia next year but we don't know yet.

7. In many countries, you (should/must) wear a seat belt in the car - it's the

8. (Can/May) you hold this for me, please?


9 I know they enjoy their work but they (shouldn't/'mustn't) work at the weekends. It's
not good for them. I think they (should/must) spend time at home with their families.

10. The letter (can/may) arrive tomorrow.


12. Complete the sentences with can, could, may, might, should or must in the
positive or negative.

1. Richard's only three but he can, swim very well.

2. You've had that headache for two days. I think you _________ go to the doctor.
3. I was listening very carefully but I_____ hear what she said.
4. I lived in Germany as a child so I _______ speak German then but I _______
speak it now.
5. I know you like sugar but you _________ eat quite so much - it's bad for you.
6. _________ you close the door, please?
7. We ________ move house next year but we're not sure yet.
8. Passengers ________ smoke when the plane is taking off.
9. I think you ________ play tennis with Sally - she ______ play really well.
10. 'll be at work on Saturday so I'm afraid ________ come to the football match with

13. Complete the sentences with have + to infinitive in the correct form and one
of the verbs below. Use have in the present simple.

read explain shout get up open answer decide be stop turn

1. I have to be at work at 9 o'clock in the morning, (positive)

2. We don't have to get up early at weekends, (negative)
3. She ________all the phone calls at work, (positive)
4._________ you_____ all these books for the exam? (question).
5. I_______ which job I want before the end of the week.(positive)
6. You ___________ I can hear you. (negative)
7. You_______ it to me. I understand the problem, (negative)
8. We ______ _talking when the lesson starts, (positive)
9. She _______ the shop at 9 o'clock every morning, (positive).
2. 10.___ I_____ right at the traffic lights to get to the hospital? (question)

14. Complete the sentences with mustn't or the correct form of not have to.

1. You mustn`t smoke at petrol stations.

2. She ________ come if she doesn't want to.
3. We_______ miss the train. It's the last one tonight.
4. I ______ do this work tonight. I can do it tomorrow.
5. I________ clean the floor today. I cleaned it yesterday.
6. We________ forget to lock all the doors before we go away.
7. They_______ sit in the sun for too long. They might get burnt.
8. We________ stay in a hotel in London. We can stay with my cousin.
9. He________ come home too late. He's got an important day tomorrow.
10.We_______ spend too much money tonight. We've only got a little left.

15. Tell about your study.


1. Choose the correct b) bad e) mark

word. Six out of ten c) good 6. Choose the correct
isn`t a very good … d) hard word .They are given a
a) homework e) modern lot of … to do.
b) mark 4. Choose the correct a) grant
c) subject word. I have to … an b) term
d) exam English exam c) lecture
e) school tomorrow. d) tutor
2. Choose the correct a) get e) homework
word. Did you ……our b) make 7. Choose the correct
homework last night? c) attend word. He is very … on
a) get d) take his subject,
b) end e) pass mathematics.
c) have 5 Choose the correct a) interested
d) make word. He receives a … b) good
e) do from the state to help c) keen
3. Choose the correct him pay the university. d) bad
word. Linda did very a) courses e) pleased
…. in her German b) grant 8. Choose the correct
exam. She got A. c) exam word .Teachers’ salaries
a) well d) lecture are very low, so I’m
giving private … at … a lot of seminars and b) would do
weekends. lectures. c) do
a) homework a) pass d) did
b) terms b) do e) have done
c) science c) attend 19. If you don`t have a
d) lessons d) write lot of money, you … a
e) grant e) miss job.
9. Choose the correct 14. Choose the correct a) get
word. I was off school word. He is keen … b) would get
for 5 weeks, so I have sports. c) will get
quite a few lessons to a) on d) have got
… up with b) in e) got
a) catch c) by 20. If I … a car, I
b) get d) for wouldn`t walk to work.
c) give e) to a) did own
d) stand 15. Choose the correct b) owned
e) do word. There are two c) own
10. If I pass my final fifteen-week … in d) would own
exams, I'll get my … . every year. e) had own
a) homework a) classes 21. If you put your
b) terms b) exams money in a savings
c) science c) lectures account, you … ten per
d) degree d) courses cent interest.
e) lecture e) terms a) did get
11. Choose the correct 16. Choose the correct b) got
word. A … lasts about word .I want to … a c) get
fifteen weeks. degree in Maths. d) would get
a) term a) do e) had get
b) degree b) make 22.You … eat lunch in
c) exam c) pass the college canteen.
d) lesson d) attend There are good cafes
e)summer e) take nearby.
12. Choose the correct 17. Choose the correct a) can
word. Most students are word. She did an b) must
given a grant by the … . English … . c) mustn`t
a) tutors a) term d) have to
b) group mates b) lesson e) don`t have to
c) dean c) course 23. If I … a pop star, I
d) university d) exam would buy an enormous
e) government e) text house.
13. Choose the correct 18. If I were you, I … a a) be
word. You also have to degree in Economics. b) were
a) will do c) will be
d) had been a) must silent before your
e) have been b) can lesson.
24. If we … by plane, c) have to a) don`t have
we`d get there much d) don`t have to b) can`t
quicker. e) mustn`t c) must
a) had gone d) may
b) go 27. … to wear an ID e) needn`t
c) will go badge at university? 30. You … to be on
d) went a) can you time for your lessons. If
e) would go b) do you have you are late for class,
c) may you you need to explain to
25. You …. eat in the d) must you your teacher why you
classrooms but you … e) need you are late.
drink water 28. At university you a) have
a) can /can`t … still play football. b) don’t have
b) can`t / can a) have to c) can
c) have to /must b) need d) need
d) don`t have to/ have c) must e) should
to d) ought to
e) should/ mustn`t e) can
26. You …. only miss 29. You …use your
lessons if you have an mobile phone in class.
important appointment. Turn it off or put it on

Ключи к тестам.

1.Тема « Actions speak louder than words ».

1a, 2d, 3c, 4b, 5d, 6d, 7c, 8b, 9b, 10e, 11c, 12a, 13a, 14d, 15e, 16e, 17c, 18b, 19c,
20d, 21a, 22b, 23c, 24a, 25e, 26d, 27b, 28a,29d,30c

2. Тема “My home is my castle”.

1b, 2a, 3c, 4d, 5b, 6e, 7b, 8c, 9b, 10a ,11c, 12b, 13c, 14c, 15d, 16b, 17b, 18c, 19b,
20c, 21b, 22b, 23a, 24b, 25c ,26e, 27c, 28c, 29b, 30b.

3. Тема “Home is where the heart is”:

1d, 2 b, 3 a,4 d, 5 d, 6 a,7 b, 8 a, 9 a, 10 c, 11 d, 12 c, 13 b, 14 d, 15 b, 16 c, 17 d,
18 b, 19 a, 20 c,21 c, 22 a, 23 d, 24 a, 25 b, 26 a, 27 c, 28 b, 29.d, 30.c.

4. Тема «Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simple».

1 a, 2 d, 3 c, 4 c, 5 b, 6 a, 7 a, 8 a, 9 b, 10 e, 11 b, 12 b, 13 a, 14 e, 15 e, 16 c, 17 a, 18
a, 19 b, 20 b, 21 b, 22 c, 23 b, 24 c, 25 c, 26 b, 27 a, 28 c, 29 b, 30c.
5. Тема “My home –Kazakhstan”.
1а, 2b, 3c, 4c, 5 d, 6d, 7 b, 8d, 9c, 10a, 11d, 12 a, 13a, 14b, 15 b, 16d, 17 c, 18 b, 19
a, 20 e, 21 e, 22 b, 23 e, 24 b, 25b, 26c, 27c, 28d, 29c, 30d.

6. Тема “Astana – the new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan».

1а, 2d, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6b, 7d, 8d, 9b, 10b, 11a, 12d, 13a,14d, 15a, 16d, 17b,18d, 19a,
20b, 21b, 22d, 23c, 24e, 25b, 26a, 27e, 28d, 29d, 30c.

7.Тема «My Discovery of Great Britain».


8. Тема “If you are tired of London you are tired of life”.
1.c, 2. a, 3. c, 4.c, 5. b, 6. a, 7. b, 8. a, 9. c, 10. c, 11.a, 12. c, 13. a, 14. d, 15. c, 16. a,
17.c, 18. e, 19. e, 20. b, 21. a, 22. c, 23. e, 24. b, 25. c, 26. d, 27.e, 28.a, 29.a, 30. a.

9.Тема “ A day of travelling will bring a basket of learning”.

1e, 2b,3d, 4b,5b,6b,7c,8e,9, 10d,11c 12d, 13d, 14c, 15d ,16a ,17b ,18, b, 19a, 20a,
21b ,22a ,23a ,24d ,25a, 26a, 27c ,28c, 29d, 30c.

10. Тема «Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere».

1b, 2e, 3a, 4 e, 5b, 6e, 7c, 8d, 9a, 10d, 11a, 12e, 13c, 14a, 15e, 16a, 17 c, 18b,19 c,
20 b, 21c, 22a, 23b, 24 d, 25b, 26b , 27 b,28 e,29b, 30 a.

Библиографический список литературы

1.Методика обучения иностранным языкам в начальной и основной

общеобразовательной школе: Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических
колледжей / Под ред. В.М. Филатова. Ростов н/Д: АНИОН, 2003. - 416с.
2.Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования:
Учебное пособие для студентов педагогических вузов и системы повышения
квалификации педагогических кадров / Полат Е.С., Бухаркина М.Ю., Моисеева
М.В. и др.; Под редакцией Е.С. Полат. - М.: Издательский центр "Академия",
2003. - 272 с.
3.Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones. New Inside Out, Elementary Student’s Book.
Macmillan, 2011.-144 р.
4. Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones. New Inside Out, Pre-intermediate Student’s Book.
Macmillan,2010.- 144 р.
5. Adrian Doff & Christopher. Language in use. Cambridge university press, 2000,
96 р.

6. Lindsay Clandfield. Straightforward, Elementary Student’s Book. Macmillan,
2013. -160 р.
7. Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikozynska. Opportunities Elementary
Students` Book. Pearson Education Limited, 2000.-129 р .
8.Clive Oxenden. Christina Latham-Koenig. Paul Seligson. New English File.
Elementary Students Book. Oxford University Press,1997.- 155 p.
9. B. J. Thomas. Elementary Vocabulary. Pearson Education Limited Fourth
Impression Limited, 2005.-130 р.
10.Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikozynska Opportunities Elementary
Students` Book. Pearson Education Limitedю 2000.- 129 р .


Введение …………………………………………………………………………….4
1. Actions speak louder than words.………………………………………………….6
2. My home is my castle..……………………………………………………………13
3. Home is where the heart is ………………………………………………………..21
4. Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simple
5 .My home –Kazakhstan ……………………………………………………………
6. Astana – the new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan …………………………
7. My Discovery of Great
8.If you are tired of London you are tired of life ……………………………………63
9. A day of travelling will bring a basket of learning.………………………………
10.Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere ……………………80
Ключи к
Библиографический список литературы………………………………………….91


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