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Областной учебно- методический кабинет организаций

дошкольного, общеобразовательного, технического и

профессионального образования управления образования
Западно- Казахстанской области

«Specification of Final Attestation

on the subject
«The English language»
Grade 9th

Уральск, 2020 год

Рекомендовано к публикации решением Экспертного совета
ОУМКОДОТ и ПОУОЗКО г.Уральск протокол № от

Шайхиева Л.Б. - учитель английского языка
КГУ «Средняя общеобразовательная комплекс» школа-детсад Егіндібұлақ,
район Бәйтерек, ЗКО.
Рахметова В.В. – учитель английского языка СОШ №6 города Уральска.
Абузярова Г.А.- учитель английского языка СОШ №24 города Уральска.

Утемисова Э.К.- магистр педагогических наук, старший преподаватель
кафедры иностранных языков ЗКГУ им. М.Утемисова
Сапарова Р.У. - учитель английского языка высшей категории СОШ №39

Материалы содержат все необходимое для проведения эффективного

оценивания при подготовке к итоговой аттестации, а именно цели проведения,
уровень мыслительных навыков, время проведения оценивания, а также схемы,
содержащие конкретные баллы. Задания подобраны в соответствии со
стандартами по обучению английскому языку учащихся.
Сборник предназначен для учителей английского языка средней школы,
работающих по стандартам обновленной системы образования Республики

Содержание: Стр

1. Пояснительная записка. 4-5

2. Актуальность программы 6-7
3. Содержание программы. 7
4. Практическая часть. 8-72

1). Text
2). Task A
3). Task B
4). Task C
5). Mark scheme

5. Заключение 73
6. Список используемой литературы. 74

Пояснительная записка

Повседневная реальность последних лет свидетельствует о возросшем

статусе изучения английского языка в Республике Казахстан. Динамика
общественной жизни страны и связанные с ней преобразования,
межгосударственная интеграция в сфере образования вызывают настоятельную
потребность в специалистах, практически владеющих английским языком.
Языковое образование выступает в качестве важного инструмента успешной
жизнедеятельности выпускника школы в поликультурном обществе и его
профессионального становления.
В настоящее время формы преподавания иностранных языков, а также
формы контроля уровня знаний учащихся значительно видоизменяются.
Актуальность изучения английского языка продиктована потребностями
современного мира. На английском языке строится вся коммуникация между
людьми. Английский язык сегодня становится в большей мере средством
жизнеобеспечения общества. Роль английского языка возрастает в связи с
развитием экономических связей. Поэтому английского язык стал
обязательным компонентом обучения не только в вузах, средней старшей
школы, но и в начальной школе. На сегодняшний день наше государство
становится наиболее открытым для международного партнерства. Если мы
стремимся к тому, чтобы  использовать всемирный опыт, разговаривать и
договариваться с людьми разных культур, без английского нам никак не
обойтись. И чем лучше мы будем его знать и понимать, тем больше сможем
получить знаний о других и заявить о себе. 
Помимо обычной промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку, в 9
классе можно сдавать и итоговую. 
Государственная итоговая аттестация — это обязательная аттестация при
любых формах получения образования и любых формах обучения. По
окончании 9 класса проводится в форме общего государственного экзамена.
Английский пока что не входит в число предметов, обязательных для сдачи, и
может быть выбран в качестве дополнительного. 
Новизна данного пособия представляет собой сборник теоретического и
практического материала по английскому языку. Сколько бы ни развивалась
методика преподавания английского языка, учитель постоянно испытывает
недостаток в качественных и рациональных заданиях для проверки.
Весь материал дается в строгом соответствии с требованиями школьной
программы. Пособие предусматривает повторение и закрепление основных тем.
Задача: проверить усвоение целей обучения учебной программы.
Цель: выявление уровня знаний и умений учащихся 9-х классов,
приобретенных в течение всего курса основной школы в рамках обновленного
содержания образования учащимися.
Ожидаемые предметные результаты:
В чтении:

 читать аутентичные тексты разных жанров и стилей преимущественно с
пониманием основного содержания;
 читать несложные аутентичные тексты разных жанров и стилей с полным и
точным пониманием и с использованием различных приёмов смысловой
переработки текста (языковой догадки, выборочного перевода), а также
справочных материалов; уметь оценивать полученную информацию,
выражать своё мнение; читать аутентичные тексты с выборочным
пониманием значимой/нужной/интересующей информации.
Языковая компетенция:
 применение правил написания слов, изученных в основной школе;
 адекватное произношение и различение на слух всех звуков иностранного
языка; соблюдение правильного ударения в словах и фразах;
 соблюдение ритмико-интонационных особенностей предложений различных
коммуникативных типов (утвердительное, вопросительное, отрицательное,
повелительное); правильное членение предложений на смысловые группы;
 распознавание и употребление в речи основных значений изученных
лексических единиц (слов, словосочетаний, реплик-клише речевого этикета);
 знание основных способов словообразования (аффиксации, словосложения,
 понимание и использование явлений многозначности слов иностранного
языка: синонимии, антонимии и лексической сочетаемости;
 распознавание и употребление в речи основных морфологических форм и
синтаксических конструкций изучаемого языка;
 знание признаков изученных грамматических явлений (видо-временных
форм глаголов, модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов, артиклей,
существительных, степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий,
местоимений, числительных, предлогов).
Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для учителей английского
языка общеобразовательных школ и является хорошим помощником при
организации проведения подготовки к итоговой аттестации учащихся 9-х

Актуальность программы

Актуальность программы состоит в формировании коммуникативной

компетенции, т.е. способности и готовности осуществлять иноязычное
межличностное и межкультурное общение с носителями языка.
Программа способствует развитию коммуникативных способностей
школьников, что положительно сказывается на развитии речи учащихся на
родном языке; развитию их познавательных способностей.
В связи с интеграцией Казахстана в единое европейское образовательное
пространство усиливается процесс модернизации казахстанской школьной
системы образования. В результате этого процесса обновляются цели, задачи и
содержание обучения иностранным языкам в школе. Особенно важным
представляется изучение английского языка в свете формирования и развития
всех видов речевой деятельности, что предполагает развитие совокупности
анализаторов: слухового, зрительного, двигательного в их сложном
взаимодействии. Следует подчеркнуть, что владение основами речи должно
быть достаточно прочным и стабильным на долгое время. Оно должно служить
неким фундаментом для последующего языкового образования,
совершенствования с целью использования иностранного языка в будущей
профессиональной сфере деятельности после окончания данного этапа
обучения. В свете происходящих изменениях в коммуникации (все более
актуальными становятся такие виды речевой деятельности, как письмо, чтение)
следует отметить, что большую актуальность приобретает обучение именно
этим видам речевой деятельности. В процессе обучения иностранным языкам
решаются не только задачи практического владения языком, но и
воспитательные и общеобразовательные, поскольку они самым тесным образом
связаны с практическим владением языком. Владение иностранным языком
обеспечивает возможность выражать одну и ту же мысль, посредством разных
лексических и грамматических единиц, не только на иностранном, но и на
родном языке, делает мыслительные процессы более гибкими, развивает
речевые способности учащихся, привлекает внимание учащихся к различным
языковым формам выражения мысли в родном и иностранном языках. Не
секрет, что овладевая иностранным, ученики лучше понимают родной язык.
Изучая иностранный язык, учащиеся развивают и тренируют память, волю,
внимание, трудолюбие; расширяется кругозор, развиваются познавательные
интересы, формируются навыки работы с текстами любого типа. В свете
современных тенденций обучение иностранным языкам предполагает
интегративный подход в обучении, соответственно в образовательном процессе
необходимо не только развивать умения иноязычного речевого общения, но и
решать задачи воспитательного, культурного, межкультурного и
прагматического характера. Предлагаемый сборник заданий это, своего рода ,
методическая помощь учителю при проведении подготовительной работы по
подготовке учащихся к итоговой аттестации по английскому языку.
Предназначен для 8-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений и составлен в
соответствии с требованиями с Типовой учебной программой по учебному
предмету «Английский язык» для 5-9 классов уровня основного среднего
образования по обновленному содержанию.

Содержание сборника.

1. J.K. Rowling announces Harry Potter site

2. Indian leader calls for global yoga day
3. The climbing of Australia's Uluru now banned
4. Satellites may obscure our views of the stars
5. Charity warns against uploading photos of children
6. 'World of War craft' loses 2 million players
7. Language barriers holding back global science
8. Dutch towns tell tourists how to behave
9. Hip-hop is the best music to mature cheese

Практическая часть

№1 Read the text.

J.K. Rowling announces Harry Potter site.

Harry Potter (0) author J.K. Rowling has (1) unveiled the latest addition to her
hugely successful fictional phenomenon - a website called Pottermore.com. The new
site will be officially online from October 2011. People who sign up for it now have
the chance of a sneak preview before then. The official online announcement reads:
“Pottermore is a free website that builds an exciting online experience around the
reading of the Harry Potter books.” The site will include a considerable amount of
unpublished material about Harry Potter that Ms Rowling had to leave out of her
books to keep the word count down. The author says there will be a lot of new info
on the characters’ backgrounds and on wizardly (2) locations.
J.K. Rowling says she is starting Pottermore to thank her fans. "I wanted to
give something back to the fans that have followed Harry so devotedly over the years,
and to bring the stories to a new digital generation,” she said. There is (3) currently
no official Harry Potter website, although there are (4) hugely popular sites run by
fans, such as mugglenet.com and the-leaky-cauldron.org, as well as the Warner
Brothers movie site. Pottermore will allow fans to (5) interact with Rowling and
create new content together. She said: "I hope fans and those new to Harry will have
as much fun helping to shape Pottermore as I have." She added that fans “will be able
to enjoy a safe, unique online reading experience built around the books”.
In 2018, Rowling and Pottermore released Harry Potter – A Journey Through
A History of Magic. These books included an audiobook narrated by Game of
Thrones actor Natalie Dormer. The four new eBooks are adaptations from this
audiobook. The audio book will expand on the topics, while also featuring
manuscript pages and notes that will continue the ongoing education of muggles in
everything magic.

Task A Circle the word that can replace the underlined word without changing the

Example: (0) novelist biographer composer poet [1]

1. revealed disclose open display [1]

2. area district neighborhood places [1]

3. directly presently forthwith pronto [1]

4. greatly intensely notably surpassingly [1]

5. collaborate communicate combine connect [1]

Task B Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
Do not change the word given.

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has unveiled the latest addition to her hugely
successful fictional phenomenon - a website called Pottermore.com.
A website called Pottermore.com. ………………………………………..……….[1]
A website called Pottermore.com has been unveiled by the latest addition of
the author.

6. The author says there will be a lot of new info on the characters’ backgrounds
and on wizardly locations.
The author says that a lot of new information ……………….………….…….……[1]

7. J.K. Rowling says she is starting Pottermore to thank her fans.

Pottermore was started…………….……………………………………….….....….[1]

8. Pottermore will allow fans to interact with Rowling and create new content
The fans ………………………..………………………………………………..….[1]

9. The new site will be officially online from October 2011.

From October 2011……………………………..…..………………..……….....….[1]

10. People who sign up for it now have the chance of a sneak preview before then.
The chance………………….…………..………………………………..…........….[1]

11. In 2018, Rowling and Pottermore released Harry Potter – A Journey Through

A History of Magic.
Harry Potter – A Journey Through A History of Magic..………………….…...…...[1]

12. These books included an audiobook narrated by Game of Thrones actor Natalie

There was ………………….…………..……………………………..….............….[1]

13. The site will include a considerable amount of unpublished material about
Harry Potter that Ms Rowling had to leave out of her books to keep the word count
Unpublished material about Harry Potter………………….……….…...….…...…..[1]

14. The four new eBooks are adaptations from this audiobook.
The adaptations ………………….…………………………………..…...……...….[1]

15. The audiobook will expand on the topics, while also featuring manuscript
pages and notes that will continue the ongoing education of muggles in everything
Featuring manuscript pages and notes…………………...……..………....…….….[1]

Task C Answer the questions

16. Why was J.K. Rowling starting Pottermore?

17. What are two reasons for the popularity of the book Harry Potter?

18. Who is your favourite Harry Potter character and why?


Mark scheme

Task Question Additional

Answer Mark
## ## information
1. revealed 1
Task 2. places 1
A 3. presently 1
4. greatly 1
5. communicate 1
The author says that a lot of new 1
information will be expected
Pottermore is being started to thank the 1
The fans will be allowed to interact with 1
From October 2011 the new site will be 1
officially opened.
The chance to watch preview is given to 1
people who sign up for it.
Harry Potter – A Journey Through A 1
11. History of Magic was released by Rowling
Task Accept any
and Pottermore in 2018.
B appropriate
There was an audiobook which actor 1
12. Natalie Dormer narrated in Game of
Unpublished material about Harry Potter 1
will be included in the site that Ms Rowling
had to leave out of her books to keep the
word count down.
The adaptations from audiobook are four 1
new eBooks.
Featuring manuscript pages and notes will 1
be continued the ongoing education of
muggles in everything magic as well as
J.K. Rowling was starting Pottermore to 1
thank her fans.
Task 1) The exciting adventure of wizards 1
C 2) The unusual plot 1
1) Ron 1 Accept any
18. 2) He is smart and talented wizard who will 1 appropriate
never betray a friend. answer.
Total 20


Unit Strand Learning Level of Assess Type of task Questi Mark

objectives thinking skills ment on

Reading Readin Knowledge and AO1 Multiple 1-5 5

for g meaning from comprehension choice
Pleasure context in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
Use of use Application AO2 Paraphrasing 6 1
English an increased
variety of re-
ported speech
forms for
questions and
including in-
direct and
with know,
wonder on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics use a 14 1
growing vari-
ety of ab-
stract com-
pound nouns
and complex
noun phrases
on a range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics
12 use a 6 4
variety of
simple perfect 7
forms includ-
ing some
passive 10
forms, includ-
ing time ad-
verbials on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics 16 1
use present
forms and
past continu-
ous, including
a growing
variety of
forms, on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics 7 4
a variety of
active and 11
present and
past forms
and past
perfect simple
forms in
narrative and
speech on a
range of

general and
topics 8 4
use a variety
of future 9
forms, includ- 13
ing some
passives, on a 15
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular

Readin Higher order АО1 Open-ended 16 1

g stand the thinking skills questions
main points in
extended Knowledge and
texts on a comprehension
range of unfa-
miliar general Application
and curricular
topics 17 4
stand specific
information 18
and detail in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics, includ-
ing some ex-
tended texts
Total 20

№2 Read the text.
Indian leader calls for global yoga day.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has (0) asked world leaders to start a
U.N. International Yoga Day. He was speaking at the U.N. General Assembly in New
York. It was his very first speech at the 193-member General Assembly. He assured
the General Assembly that the First International Day of Yoga would be a grand
success next year.
He spoke about the (1) benefits of yoga, saying it was good for the mind and
body, and could also help climate change. He said yoga provides harmony between
humans and nature, and is "an invaluable gift" from India's 5,000-year-old culture.
Modi said: "It is not about exercise, but to discover the sense of oneness with
yourself, the world and the nature." He added: "By changing our lifestyle and
creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change."
Many doctors and people in the medical community say yoga is a good way to
stay physically and mentally healthy. Yoga makes you (2) focus on exercise,
breathing and meditation. Yoga is the 5,000-year-old Indian physical, mental and
spiritual practice. Aim of the yoga is to transform body and mind. A lot of research
says it can help people with heart disease, high blood pressure and lower back pain.
Studies also say yoga can (3) improve our mood, (4) reduce stress and make us sleep
better. However, there is also research that says people need to be careful when doing
yoga. Wikipedia says: "An extensive survey of yoga practitioners in Australia
showed that about 20 per cent had (5) suffered some physical injury while practicing

yoga." A World Yoga Day already exists. It was started by the world-yoga-day in

Task A Circle the word that can replace the underlined word without changing the

Example: (0) demand inquire quiz request [1]

1. ameliorate avail better advantage [1]

2. attract concentrate direct fixate [1]

3. advance better boost correct [1]

4. dwindle pare lower scale down [1]

5. (be) troubled with endure hurt go through [1]

Task B Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
Do not change the word given.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked to start a U.N. International Yoga
World leaders ……………………………………………………………........….…[1]
World leaders have been asked to start a U.N. International Yoga Day.

6. He was speaking at the U.N. General Assembly in New York.

In New York. ………..………..….…..…………………………..……………...….[1]

7. It was his very first speech at the 193-member General Assembly.

The first speech………………….…………..….……………………..................….[1]

8. He assured the General Assembly that the First International Day of Yoga
would be a grand success next year.
The First International Day ………………….……….….……………..…...…...….[1]

9. Many doctors and people in the medical community say yoga is a good way to
stay physically and mentally healthy.
It is known ……………….…….……………………..…..…...............................….[1]

10. Yoga makes you focus on exercise, breathing and meditation.
Exercise, breathing and meditation………............................................................….[1]

11. The aim of the yoga is to transform body and mind.

To transform body and mind……………………………..…….……..….….…...….[1]

12. A lot of research says it can help people with heart disease, high blood pressure
and lower back pain.
The best help…………………..……………………..……….…………..….…..….[1]

13. Studies also say yoga can improve our mood, reduce stress and make us sleep
Our mood, reducing stress and making us sleep better…………….……….…...….[1]

14. However, there is also research that says people need to be careful when doing
Be careful…………………………….……………………..….………....……...….[1]

15. It was started by the world-yoga-day in 2007.

The world-yoga-day……………………………………………..….…….….…..….[1]
Task C Answer the questions
16. How do you feel harmony with nature?

17. What are two benefits of doing yoga?

1) ……………………………………………….………………………….……[1]
2) ……………………………………………………………………….…….…[1]

18. What two changes will occur in society if yoga was a school subject?
1) …………….………………………………………………………….………[1]
2) ………………………………………………………….……….……………[1]

Mark scheme

Task Question Additional

Answer Mark
## ## information
1. advantage 1
Task 2. concentrate 1
A 3. better 1
4. lower 1
5. (be) troubled with 1
Task In New York he was having a speech at the 1 Accept any
B U.N. General Assembly appropriate
The first speech was presented at the 193- 1 answer.
member General Assembly.
The First International Day of Yoga will be 1
a grand success next year.
It is known people should do yoga to stay 1
physically and mentally healthy.
Exercise, breathing and meditation are 1
focused by yoga.
To transform body and mind is the aim of 1
the yoga.
12. The best help for people with heart disease, 1
high blood pressure and lower back pain is

Our mood, reducing stress and making us 1
sleep better can be improved by yoga.
14. Be careful when you do yoga. 1
15. The world-yoga-day started in 2007. 1
Harmony with nature can be felt walking in 1
the forest.
Task 1) Improving health 1
C 2) Meditation 1
1) Children will be calm and strong 1 Accept any
18. 2) Everybody will know how to reduce 1 appropriate
stress answer.
Total 20


Unit Strand Learning Level of Assess Type of task Questi Mark

objectives thinking skills ment on

Exercise Readin Knowledge and AO1 Multiple - 1-5 5

and g meaning from comprehension choice
sport context in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
Use of use a Application AO2 Paraphrasing
English growing vari-
ety of ab- 9 3
stract com-
pound nouns
and complex 14
noun phrases

on a range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics use a 12 2
variety of
compound 13
adjectives and
adjectives as
and a variety
of comparat-
ive structures
to indicate de-
gree on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics 6 4
a variety of
active and 10
present and
past forms
and past
perfect simple
forms in
narrative and
speech on a
range of
general and
use a variety
of future 8

forms, includ- 1
ing some
passives, on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular

Readin Higher order АО1 Open-ended 16 1

g stand the thinking skills questions
main points in
extended Knowledge and
texts on a comprehension
range of unfa-
miliar general Application
and curricular
topics 17 4
stand specific
information 18
and detail in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics, includ-
ing some ex-
tended texts
Total 20

№ 3 Read the text.

The climbing of Australia's Uluru now banned.

People are now (0) banned from climbing one of the most (1) sacred sites in
indigenous Australian culture. The world’s largest monolith, the giant Uluru in the
desert of Australia's Northern Territory, is now officially off-limits to tourists and
climbers. It will be closed from October 25 in recognition of the site's cultural
significance to the local Anangu traditional owners. The giant site was once known as
Ayers Rock, before it reverted to its historic name of Uluru. It has been a major
attraction for decades. Tourists from around the world have flocked there in droves to
climb the rock. However, it is a sacred site in Anangu culture. The Anangu
custodians of the rock have long campaigned for the ban.
The ban was (2) initially announced in 2017. The most visitors complied with
it. Australia's tourist association said that only 16 per cent of visitors have actually (3)
climbed the rock since 2017. Local Anangu man Rameth Thomas, who grew up in a
tiny (4) community near Uluru, explained to the BBC how important the rock is to
his people. He said: "That place is a very sacred place. That's like our church. I've
been telling them since I was a little boy: 'We don't want you to climb the rock.'" He
added: "All of our stories are on the rock. People right around the world come just to
climb it. They've got no respect." Another (5) resident said: "If I tried to climb on top
of that parliament house at Canberra, they wouldn't let me in."

Task A Circle the word that can replace the underlined word without changing the

Example: (0) prohibited illegal taboo tabu [1]

1. cherished divine hallowed religious [1]

2. first originally at the beginning top [1]

3. district association neighbourhood nation [1]

4. ascend clamber scale mount [1]

5. citizen dweller inhabitant inmate [1]

Task B Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
Do not change the word given.

People are now banned from climbing one of the most sacred sites in indigenous
Australian culture.
The most sacred sites …………………………………………………...……….…[1]
The most sacred sites in indigenous Australian culture are banned from climbing.
6. The world’s largest monolith, the giant Uluru in the desert of Australia's
Northern Territory, is now officially off-limits to tourists and climbers.
The giant Uluru……………………………………………….…..……….… .……[1]

7. The giant site was once known as Ayers Rock, before it reverted to its historic
name of Uluru.
Ayers Rock ……………………………………..…………….…………...... .....….[1]

8. It has been a major attraction for decades.

There …………………………………………………………….….……. .......…..[1]
9. Tourists from around the world have flocked there in droves to climb the rock.
Tourists from all over the world..………..………………………..…..……….........[1]

10. The Anangu custodians of the rock have long campaigned for the ban.
For a long time…………………………..…………………..…….....…………. .....[1]

11. The ban was initially announced in 2017.

In 2017……….……………………………..…….………………...…..………. .....[1]

12. Australia's tourist association said that only 16 per cent of visitors have
actually climbed the rock since 2017.
According to the Australia's tourist association ……..…….……………..….. ….....[1]

13. Local Anangu man Rameth Thomas, who grew up in a tiny community near
Uluru, explained to the BBC how important the rock is to his people.
Rameth Tomas………..……..……………………………………...……… ....…....[1]

14. He said: "That place is a very sacred place. That's like our church. I've been
telling them since I was a little boy: 'We don't want you to climb the rock.'"
He said that............. ………..……………………..………….……............…. …....[1]

15. If I tried to climb on top of that parliament house at Canberra, they wouldn't
let me in.
You ………..……..………………………………………..………...………..…....[1]

Task C Answer the questions

16.Why was banned to climb Australia's Uluru?
17.What are two the most important site in your country?
2) ………………………...……………………….………………….….….....….…[1]

18.What two things are sacred in your culture?

2) ………………………..……………………………………………….………….[1]

Mark scheme

Task Question Additional

Answer Mark
## ## information
1. hallowed 1
Task 2. first 1
A 3. neighbourhood 1
4. scale 1
5. citizen 1
6. The giant Uluru is closed for visiting. 1
Ayers Rock was reverted to its historic 1
name of Uluru.
There has been a major attraction for 1
Tourists from all over the world have come 1
For a long time the Anangu custodians of 1
Task the rock have fought for the ban. Accept any
B 11. In 2017 the ban was first announced. 1 appropriate
According to the Australia's tourist 1 answer.
12. association only 16 per cent of visitors
have actually climbed the rock since 2017.
Rameth Tomas explained to the BBC how 1
important the rock was to his people.
He said that they didn’t want us to climb 1
the rock because it was a sacred place.
You wouldn't allow me to climb on top of 1
15. the parliament house at Canberra, if I
Task It was banned from climbing because it’s 1
C 16. one of the most sacred sites in indigenous
Australian culture
17. 1) Medeo 1
2) Ok zhetpes 1
1) Movzole of Khoja Ahmed 1 Accept any
18. 2)Yassai Underground Mosque in 1 appropriate
Mangyshlak answer.
Total 20


Unit Strand Learning Level of Assess Type of task Questi Mark

objectives thinking skills ment on

Earth Readin Knowledge and AO1 Multiple - 1-5 5

and our g meaning from comprehension choice
place on context in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
Use of use a Application AO2 Paraphrasing 8 2
English growing vari-
ety of ab- 10
stract com-
pound nouns
and complex
noun phrases
on a range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics use a 9 2
variety of
simple perfect 12
forms includ-
ing some
forms, includ-
ing time ad-
verbials on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics use 14 1
an increased
variety of re-
ported speech
forms for
questions and
including in-
direct and
with know,
wonder on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics 6 4
a variety of
active and 11
present and
past forms
and past
perfect simple
forms in
narrative and
speech on a
range of
general and

topics 1 if 15
only /wish
[that] clauses
[past refer-
ence], use a
variety of rel-
ative clauses
including pre-
from where,
to whom on
a range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular

Readin Higher order АО1 Open-ended 16 1

g stand the thinking skills questions
main points in
extended Knowledge and
texts on a comprehension
range of unfa-
miliar general Application
and curricular
topics 17 4
stand specific
information 18
and detail in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics, includ-
ing some ex-
tended texts
Total 20

№ 4 Read the text.

Satellites may obscure our views of the stars.

Astronomers are (0) concerned that our views of the heavens are becoming
more and more obscured. Their warning comes ahead of a (1) whole series of satellite
launches by a variety of companies. Thousands of satellites are being (2) launched
into orbit throughout 2020 to make high-speed Internet more readily available across
the world from space. The scientists say the skies will be so littered with arrays of
satellites they will compete for our attention with the stars. They say the satellites will
link up to form "mega-constellations" that could interfere with radio astronomy and
the quality of images from optical telescopes. The astronomers said the satellites will
appear as dazzling white streaks of light that could be mistaken for stars.
Dhara Patel, an astronomer at the Royal Observatory Greenwich said: "These
satellites are about the size of a table, but they're very reflective, and their panels
reflect lots of the Sun's light, which means that we can see them in images that we
take with telescopes. "These satellites are also big radiowave users… and that means
they can interfere with the signals that astronomers using. So it also affects radio
astronomy as well." She warns that problem will grow as the numbers of satellites in
orbit increase.
Technology analysts say there are plans to launch as many as 46,000 satellites
into space over the next few years. This is five times more than the number of (3)
objects sent into space since the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, over six decades ago.
Satellites from companies like SpaceX and Amazon will provide much faster Internet
speeds to even the (4) remotest areas of the world. They will provide global
connectivity across the globe. Even today, about 14 million people in the USA live in
(5) rural areas with zero Internet coverage. SpaceX will launch 120 satellites in
January and has plans to send a further 12,000 into orbit in the next decade.
Astrophysicist Dr Dave Clements called the initiative a "tragedy".

Task A Circle the word that can replace the underlined word without changing the

Example: (0) worried anxious distressed troubled [1]

1. entire full total all [1]

2. begun blasted off lofted sent [1]

3. body gadget thing item [1]

4. most isolated distant faraway lonesome [1]

5. countryside provincial backwoods pastoral [1]

Task B Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
Do not change the word given.
Their warning comes ahead of a whole series of satellite launches by a variety of
A whole series of satellite launches ………………………………………….…….[1].
A whole series of satellite launches is made by a variety of companies.

6. Thousands of satellites are being launched into orbit throughout 2020 to make
high-speed Internet more readily available across the world from space.
Internet access ………………………………..…………….…….…………......….[1]

7. The astronomers said the satellites will appear as dazzling white streaks of light
that could be mistaken for stars.
Dazzling white streaks …………………….…..……………………………....…...[1]

8. "Mega-constellations" could interfere with radio astronomy and the quality of

images from optical telescopes.
"Mega-constellations"…………………..……..………………………………..…. [1]

9. Their panels reflect lots of the Sun's light, which means that we can see them in
images that we take with telescopes.
The Sun’s light…………………..……..…………..……….…………………...…. [1]

10. She warns that problem will grow as the numbers of satellites in orbit increase.
The numbers of satellites………………..…..……..……………………….........….[1]

11. Technology analysts say there are plans to launch as many as 46,000 satellites
into space over the next few years.
46,000 satellites……………………………....…..………………………….......….[1]

12. This is five times more than the number of objects sent into space since the
launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, over six decades ago.
The number of objects……………………………....……..……..….…….….....….[1]

13. Satellites from companies like SpaceX and Amazon will provide much faster
Internet speeds to even the remotest areas of the world.
Faster Internet speed……………………....……..………………..……….…...…...[1]

14. Even today, about 14 million people in the USA live in rural areas with zero
Internet coverage.
There is zero Internet coverage…………………………...……....……….…....…...[1]

15. SpaceX will launch 120 satellites in January and has plans to send a further
12,000 into orbit in the next decade.
120 satellites……………………....……..…………………………..…..……...…...[1]

Task C Answer the questions

16.What kind of problem creates satellites in space?

17.What two images are in your mind when you hear the word 'space'?
1) …………………………………………..……………………………...….…[1]
2) ……………………………………………………..…………………...….…[1]

18.What two questions would you like to ask the astronomers?

1) ……………………………………………………………………….....….…[1]
2) …………………………………………………………………….…….……[1]

Mark scheme

Ques Additional
Task Mar
tion Answer informatio
## k
## n
1. entire 1
Task 2. blasted off 1
A 3. thing 1
4. most isolated 1
5. countryside 1
Internet access is being available due to satellites’ 1
launching into orbit.
Dazzling white streaks of light could be 1
mistaken for stars according to astronomers.
"Mega-constellations" could be interfered with 1
8. radio astronomy and the quality of images from
optical telescopes.
The Sun light is reflected from the satellites’ panels 1
9. that can be seen in images that we take with
Task telescopes. Accept any
B 10. The numbers of satellites will increase. 1 appropriate
46,000 satellites are planned to launch into the 1 answer.
space over the next few years.
The number of objects increased in five times since 1
12. 1957.
Faster Internet speed will be provided to even the 1
13. remotest areas of the world by satellites from companies
like SpaceX and Amazon.
There is zero Internet coverage in rural places 1
where about 14 million people live even today.
120 satellites are going to be launched in January by 1
The satellites are very reflective, and their panels 1
reflect lots of the Sun's light, which means that we
can see them in images that we take with
Task telescopes.
C 1) Alien 1
17. 2) Vacuum 1
1) How do you wash your hair in the spaceship? 1 Accept any
18. 2) How to become an astronaut? 1 appropriate
Total 20


Unit Strand Learning Level of Assess Type of task Questi Mark
objectives thinking skills ment on

Science Readin Knowledge and AO1 Multiple - 1-5 5

and g meaning from comprehension choice
technolo context in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
Use of use a Application AO2 Paraphrasing 8 1
English variety of
modal forms
for different
functions and
a limited
number of
past modal
forms includ-
ing should/
have to ex-
press regret
and criticism
on range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics use a
growing vari- 14 1
ety of ab-
stract com-
pound nouns
and complex
noun phrases
on a range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics 6 4

appropriately 9
a variety of 11
active and 12
present and
past forms
and past
perfect simple
forms in
narrative and
speech on a
range of
general and
use a variety
of future
forms, includ-
ing some 3
passives, on a 13
range of fa- 15
miliar general
and curricular
topics 7 1
use present
forms and
past continu-
ous, including
a growing
variety of
forms, on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
Readin Higher order АО1 Open-ended 16 1
g stand the thinking skills questions
main points in
extended Knowledge and
texts on a comprehension
range of unfa-
miliar general Application
and curricular
topics 17 4
stand specific
information 18
and detail in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics, includ-
ing some ex-
tended texts
Total 20

№ 5 Read the text.

Charity warns against uploading photos of children.

A child protection charity in the UK is urging parents to ask their children for
permission before uploading photos and videos of them on social media. This follows
a study by Ofcom, a communications watchdog, revealing that parents are divided on
whether it is right to post photos of their children online. The practice of parents
uploading photos and videos of their kids is (0) termed "sharenting". This is a (1)
combination of the words "share" and "parenting". Ofcom said the biggest reason for
parents not sharing photos of their kids is to protect the privacy of under-18s. The
NSPCC said: "Each time a photo or video is uploaded, it creates a digital footprint of
a child which can follow them into adult life."

The website theatlantic.com highlighted how prevalent “sharenting” is in the
USA. It said: "In the United States, the (2) vast majority of 2-year-olds…already
have an online presence. More than 80 per cent of babies younger than that are
already on social media." The website said there is a (3) conflict between a parent's
pride in their children and his or her desire to share photos of them, and the (4)
potential dangers of sharing photos of their kids. Parents often include personal
information about their children along with the photos they upload. This could put
kids at risk of identity theft and digital kidnapping. There is also the danger of parents
publishing real-time information about their children's (5) whereabouts.
Children’s advocates argue that kids have a moral right to control their own
digital footprint, and perhaps even a legal right.

Task A Circle the word that can replace the underlined word without changing the

Example: (0). called describe label title [1]

1. combo consolidation merger mix [1]

2. big colossal gigantic huge [1]

3. battle clash struggle war [1]

4. possible ability power aptitude [1]

5. location place site spot [1]

Task B Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
Do not change the word given.

A child protection charity in the UK is urging parents to ask their children for
permission before uploading photos and videos of them on social media.
Parents should………………………………………………………………………[1]

Parents should ask their children for permission before uploading photos and videos
of them on social media to encourage a child protection charity in the UK

6. The practice of parents uploading photos and videos of their kids is termed
"Sharenting" is………………………………..….……………..……………...…...[1]

7. This is a combination of the words "share" and "parenting".

The words "share" and "parenting"….…………………………….……….……….[1]

8. Ofcom said the biggest reason for parents not sharing photos of their kids is to
protect the privacy of under-18s.
To protect children ….…………………………………….…………….……....….[1]

9. Each time a photo or video is uploaded, it creates a digital footprint of a child

which can follow them into adult life.
The digital footprint….………….…………....…….……………………….…...….[1]

10. More than 80 per cent of babies younger than that are already on social media.
There are….……………………………………...…….………………………...….[1]

11. The website said there is a conflict between a parent's pride in their children
and the potential dangers of sharing photos of their kids.
The conflict….….……………………………………..….……………………...….[1]

12. Parents often include personal information about their children along with the
photos they upload.
Personal information….……………………………………...…….…………...…...[1]

13. This could put kids at risk of identity theft and digital kidnapping.

14. There is also the danger of parents publishing real-time information about their
children's whereabouts.
Real-time information….…………………………………...…….……………...….[1]

15. Children’s advocates argue that kids have a moral right to control their own
digital footprint, and perhaps even a legal right.
The moral right….…………………………………………...…………………..….[1]

Task C Answer the questions

16. What does the term "sharenting" mean?


17. For what two reasons do you not want parents to post your photos?
1) ……………………………………..…………………………………...….…[1]
2) ……………………………………………………..…………………...…….[1]

18. What two major security rules do you use on social network?
1) …………………………………………..…………….………………...……[1]
2) ……………………………………………………..…………………...…….[1]

Mark scheme

Task Question Additional

Answer Mark
## ## information
1. mix 1
Task 2. huge 1
A 3. clash 1
4. possible 1
5. location 1
Task "Sharenting" is the practice of parents 1 Accept any
B uploading photos and videos of their kids appropriate
7. The words "share" and "parenting" are a 1 answer.
combination of "Sharenting".
To protect children parents should not 1
share photos of their kids.
The digital footprint of a child consists of 1
9. photos and video which can follow them
into adult life.
There are more than 80 per cent of babies 1
on social media.
The conflict is between a parent's pride in 1
11. their children and the potential dangers of
sharing photos of their kids.
Personal information about their children is 1
12. included along with the photos that
parents upload.
Kids could be put at risk of identity the 1
theft and digital kidnapping.
Real-time information about their children 1
14. where abouts is dangerous for parents to
The moral right and perhaps even a legal 1
15. right of kids are to control their own
digital footprint.
This is a combination of the words "share" 1
and "parenting".
Task 1) It’s my private life 1
C 2) I want to decide what to post myself 1
1) Use privacy settings 1 Accept any
18. 2) Not to post on social networks 1 appropriate
Total 20


Unit Stran Learning Level of Assess Type of task Questi Mark

d objectives thinking skills ment on

Charities Readin Knowledge and AO1 Multiple - 1-5 5

and g meaning from comprehension choice
conflict context in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
Use of use a Application AO2 Paraphrasing 6 2
Englis variety of 14
h compound
adjectives and
adjectives as
and a variety
of comparat-
ive structures
to indicate de-
gree on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics use a 8 1
variety of
modal forms
for different
functions and
a limited
number of
past modal
forms includ-
ing should/
have to ex-
press regret
and criticism
on range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics use a 7 5
growing vari-
ety of ab- 9
stract com-
pound nouns
and complex 13
noun phrases
on a range of
familiar gen- 15
eral and cur-
ricular topics use a 10 1
variety of
adjectives and
adjectives as
and a variety
of comparat-
ive structures
to indicate de-
gree on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular

41 12 1
a variety of
active and
present and
past forms
and past
perfect simple
forms in
narrative and
speech on a
range of
general and

Readin Higher order АО1 Open-ended 16 1

g stand the thinking skills questions
main points in
extended Knowledge and
texts on a comprehension
range of unfa-
miliar general Application
and curricular
topics 17 4
stand specific
information 18
and detail in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics, includ-
ing some ex-
tended texts
Total 20

№ 6 Read the text.

'World of Warcraft' loses 2 million players

"World of Warcraft" (WoW), one of the world's favourite (0) online games,
has reported big losses in its subscriber (1) base. Technical problems began from the
very first day of operation: frequent disconnects rampant lag, and crashing realms.
After a crash, when the realm came back online, everyone tried to log in at once.
Overloaded log-in servers couldn't handle the sudden flood. Thousands of angry new
subscribers could only stare at their screens, unable to play
Over 600,000 players have left the game in the past three months. The (2)
exodus has seen almost two million subscriptions ended in 2013. At the start of the
year, Activision Blizzard, owners of the game, boasted healthy 9.6 million
subscribers. That figure is now 7.7 million. Despite the (3) huge decline, it is still
easily the world's most popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game
(MMORPG). Analysts are saying the drop is due to (4) fierce competition from
hugely popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games like "League of
Legends," which has 12 million active daily players.
Despite the downturn in the fortunes of WoW, Activision is pushing ahead to
provide the company with greater independence. Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision
Blizzard, is spearheading an $8.2billion buyout to be the majority shareholder once
again. He wants to buy 429 million of the company's shares back from French
telecoms and entertainment giant Vivendi. The French company currently holds a 61
per cent controlling stake in Activision, which would fall to just 12 per cent if the (5)
acquisition is successful. Mr Kotick, who has been Activision CEO since 1991, is a
strong believer in the future of online subscriptions. He oversaw the success of WoW
and another Activision smash hit, "Call Of Duty".

Task A Circle the word that can replace the underlined word without changing the

Example: (0) Internet networked wired connected [1]

1. warp framework backbone foundation [1]

2. mass departure evacuation migration exit [1]

3. enormous colossal enormous giant [1]

4. cutthroat angry dangerous terrible [1]

5. attainment procurement possession purchase [1]

Task B Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
Do not change the word given.


"World of Warcraft" (WoW), one of the world's favourite online games, has reported
big losses in its subscriber base.
The world's favourite online game ………………………………..…..…….………[1]

The world's favourite online game "World of Warcraft" (WoW) has reported to have
big losses.

6. Technical problems began from the very first day of operation: frequent
disconnects rampant lag, and crashing realms.
From the first day….……………………………….…………………..….....…..….[1]

7. After a crash, when the realm came back online, everyone tried to log in at
Everyone tried….………………….………...…….………………………....…..….[1]

8. Overloaded log-in servers couldn't handle the sudden flood.

The sudden flood ………………………………………….………….…….……….[1]

9. Over 600,000 players have left the game in the past three months.
The game ………………………………….....….….……………….……….…..….[1]

10. The exodus has seen almost two million subscriptions ended in 2013.
Almost two million players ….……………………………...…….……………..….[1]

11. At the start of the year, Activision Blizzard, owners of the game, boasted
healthy 9.6 million subscribers.
Activision Blizzard….…………………...…………….………………………..…..[1]

12. Despite the huge decline, it is still easily the world's most popular massively
multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG).
Massively multiplayer online role-playing game ….………………………..…..….[1]

13. The drop is due to fierce competition from hugely popular multiplayer online
battle arena (MOBA) games like "League of Legends," which has 12 million active
daily players.
"League of Legends" ..…………………………………………………………..….[1]

14. Despite the downturn in the fortunes of WoW, Activision is pushing ahead to
provide the company with greater independence.
The company ….…………………………………………......…………………..….[1]

15. He oversaw the success of WoW and another Activision smash hit "Call Of
The success of WoW ….………………………………………………………..…..[1]
Task C Answer the questions
16. Why did World of Warcraft lose players?

17. What two popular online games do you know?

1) ………………………………………………………………….……....….…[1]
2) ………………………………………………………………………....….…[1]

18. What two signs should have online game to become popular?
1) ……………………………….………………………………………....….…[1]
2) ………………………………….……………………………………....….…[1]

Mark scheme

Task Question Additional

Answer Mark
## ## information
Task 1. foundation 1
2. mass departure 1
A 3. enormous 1
4. angry 1
5. purchase 1
From the first day technical problems such 1
as frequent disconnects rampant lag, and
crashing realms began.

Everyone tried to log in at once after a 1

The sudden flood couldn't be handled by 1
overloaded log-in servers.
The game has been left by 600, 000 1
players in the past three months.
Almost two million players cancelled their 1
Task 10. Accept any
subscriptions in 2013.
B appropriate
Activision Blizzard bragged about healthy 1
11. answer.
9.6 million subscribers.
Massively multiplayer online role-playing 1
12. game is still easily the world's most popular
one despite the huge decline.
"League of Legends" is the most popular 1
13. multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA)
games with 12 million active daily players.
The company is provided with greater 1
independence by Activision.
The success of WoW and another 1
activision smash were overseen by him.
WoW lost players because there were 1
16. technical problems and another online
game appeared.
1) Clash of Clan 1
C 17.
2) Free Fire 1
1) Interesting tasks and plot 1 Accept any
18. 2) Animation 1 appropriate
Total 20


Unit Strand Learning Level of Assess Type Questi Mark

objectives thinking skills ment on

object of #

Hobbies Readin Knowledge and AO1 Multiple - 1-5 5

and g meaning from comprehension choice
qualities context in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
Use of a Application AO2 Paraphrasing 6 1
English variety of
including so
that, (in order
to) to indicate
purpose al-
whereas to
contrast on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics ap- 7 4
propriately a
variety of ac- 10
tive and pas-
sive simple
present and 13
past forms
and past per-
fect simple
forms in nar-
rative and re-
ported speech
on a range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics

48 use a 8 1
variety of
modal forms
for different
functions and
a limited
number of
past modal
forms includ-
ing should/
have to ex-
press regret
and criticism
on range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics use a 12 1
variety of
adjectives and
adjectives as
and a variety
of comparat-
ive structures
to indicate de-
gree on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics 9 3
a variety of
active and 15
present and
past forms
and past
perfect simple

forms in
narrative and
speech on a
range of
general and

Readin Higher order АО1 Open-ended 16 1

g stand the thinking skills questions
main points in
extended Knowledge and
texts on a comprehension
range of unfa-
miliar general Application
and curricular
topics 17 4
stand specific
information 18
and detail in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics, includ-
ing some ex-
tended texts
Total 20

№ 7 Read the text.

Language barriers holding back global science.

New research says that language barriers are holding back science around the
world. English is widely accepted to be the language of science, but one-third of
research is not published in English. This means a lot of (0) significant research is
not seen or read by scientists and researchers. The research is from the University of
Cambridge. Researchers said important science is being missed at the international
level. They said science journals should publish basic summaries of a study's key
findings in multiple languages. They also said universities around the world should
translate their research into different languages, especially Chinese, French,
Portuguese and Spanish.

The language barrier means that practitioners and researchers struggle to access
and use new knowledge, while a focus of research only on English may lead to biases
in the understanding of key issues, the study says.
"The real problem of language barriers in science is that few people have tried
to solve it. Native English speakers tend to assume that all the important information
is available in English. But this is not true, as we show in our study,” says Tatsuya
Amano from the Department of Zoology and lead author of the study.
Many international companies are now asking all their (1) staff to
communicate only in English. They hope this will (2) reduce language barriers. The
German carmaker Volkswagen has just announced that English and not German is its
official language. VW executives said the (3) switch to English was to attract
employees. The Japanese carmaker Honda has also announced that all its staff must
use English by 2020. Researcher Tatsuya Amano said: "I believe the scientific
community needs to start seriously (4) tackling this issue." He used the example that
important research about avian flu in China (5) initially went unnoticed by the World
Health Organization because it was published in journals in Chinese.

Task A Circle the word that can replace the underlined word without changing the

Example: (0) important basic fundamental main [1]

1. cadre team employees work force [1]

2. lessen scale down shorten cut down [1]

3. turn change replace convert [1]

4. addressing begin work on launch [1]

5. at the beginning top prime at first [1]

Task B Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
Do not change the word given.

English is widely accepted to be the language of science, but one-third of
research is not published in English.
The language of science………………..………………………………………….[1].
The language of science can be English because it is widely accepted but one-third
of research is not published in English.

6. This means a lot of important research is not seen or read by scientists and
Scientists and researchers ……………………...………………....…………....….[1]

7. Researchers said important science is being missed at the international level.

Important science ……………………...………….…………............………....….[1]

8. They said science journals should publish basic summaries of a study's key
findings in multiple languages.
Basic summaries of a study's key findings ……………………...……...……...….[1]

9. They also said universities around the world should translate their research into
different languages, especially Chinese, French, Portuguese and Spanish.

10. "The real problem of language barriers in science is that few people have tried
to solve it.
Some people …………………………………….……………………………...….[1]

11. Many international companies are now asking all their (1) staff to
communicate only in English.
All staff ……………………...……………………..…………………………...….[1]

12. They hope this will reduce language barriers.

Language barriers ……………………...………………………..……………...….[1]

13. VW executives said the switch to English was to attract employees.

According to the executives…………………………………...………………...….[1]

14. The Japanese carmaker Honda has also announced that all its staff must use
English by 2020.
In Japan ………………………….……...……………………………………....….[1]

15. He used the example that important research about avian flu in China (5)
initially went unnoticed by the World Health Organization because it was published
in journals in Chinese
Important research about Avian flu ……………………...……….……..……....….[1]

Task C Answer the questions

16. What springs to mind when you hear the phrase 'language barrier'?
17. What two languages would be best for a global language?
1) ………………………………………………………………………...…..…[1]
2) ………………………………………………………………………...…..…[1]
18. What two advantages does English give you in life?
1) ………………………………………………………………………....….…[1]
2) ………………………………………………………………………....….…[1]

Mark scheme

Task Question Additional

Answer Mark
## ## information
1. employee 1
Task 2. lessen 1
A 3. change 1
4. addressing 1
5. at first 1
Task Scientists and researchers don’t see or read 1 Accept any
B a lot of important research. appropriate
Important science is missed at the 1 answer.
international level.
8. Basic summaries of a study's key findings 1
should be published multiple language.
Research should be translated into different 1
9. languages, especially Chinese, French,
Portuguese and Spanish by universities.
Some people tried to solve the real problem 1
of language barriers in science.
All staff of the many international 1
11. companies should communicate only in
Language barriers will be reduced in 1
According to the executives, the 1
13. involvement of employees should occur
through the translation to English.
In Japan all the staff of Honda must use 1
English by 2020.
Important research about Avian flu in 1
15. China was unmarked by the World Health
The language barrier means struggle to 1
access and use new knowledge.
Task 1) English 1
C 2) Spain 1
1) Access to the major libraries in the 1 Accept any
18. world 1 appropriate
2) opportunity to make new acquaintances answer.
Total 20


Unit Strand Learning Level of Assess Type of task Questi Mark

objectives thinking skills ment on

Traditio Readin Knowledge and AO1 Multiple - 1-5 5

ns and g meaning from comprehension choice
Languag context in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
Use of ap- Application AO2 Paraphrasing 6 4
English propriately a
variety of ac- 7
tive and pas-
sive simple
present and 15
past forms
and past per-
fect simple
forms in nar-
rative and re-
ported speech
on a range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics use a 8 5
variety of
modal forms 9
for different
functions and a 11
limited number
of past modal 13
forms includ-
ing should/ 14
shouldn’t have
to express re-
gret and criti-
cism on range
of familiar
general and
curricular top-
ics 12 1
use a variety of
future forms,
including some
passives, on a
range of famil-
iar general and
curricular top-
Readin Higher order АО1 Open-ended 16 1
g stand the thinking skills questions
main points in
extended Knowledge and
texts on a comprehension
range of unfa-
miliar general Application
and curricular
topics 17 4
stand specific
information 18
and detail in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics, includ-
ing some ex-
tended texts
Total 20

№ 8 Read the text.

Dutch towns tell tourists how to behave.

It's great being a tourist and (0) leisurely wandering around old towns and
villages seeing the sites, but is it such a thrill for the local residents? Old Holland  are
popular attractions for day trips, but the visitors don't always behave themselves.
Villagers living in the area known as 'Old Holland' outside of Amsterdam have had
enough of visitors traipsing around and of tour guides with megaphones (1)
disturbing their peace. They have got together with local tour companies to create
rules of conduct for tourists. The rules include not photographing residents without
permission, not strolling into their gardens and not dropping litter. The new code of
conduct is an attempt to deal with the growing popularity of the region. Tourism is
booming and the number of tourists is expected to rise by 50 percent in the next
Old Holland is an (2) idyllic area that matches people's image of Dutch life
from a slower, bygone age. There are windmills everywhere and locals live in
beautifully (3) preserved, traditional wooden houses. Local resident Peter-Jan van
Steenbergen told Holland's Het Parool newspaper that the village of Zaanse Schans is
like an open-air museum. He said: "I talked to one (4) resident who opened his
curtains in the morning and looked into the camera lenses of nine amateur
photographers." He added: "The visitors seem to be happy knocking on the wooden
houses to see if it is (5) real wood. If you are the resident of that house that is not
pleasant, of course." He said the busloads of tourists were the biggest nuisance. The
Zaanse Schans itself welcomes up to two million visitors each year.
Task A Circle the word that can replace the underlined word without changing the

Example: (0) languidly lazily relaxed sluggishly [1]

1. interrupting annoying bothersome threatening [1]

2. peaceful idealized picturesque pastoral [1]

3. conserve freeze maintained save [1]

4. local citizen native inhabitant [1]

5. absolute authentic evident true [1]

Task B Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
Do not change the word given.

It's great to be a tourist and leisurely to wander around old towns and villages seeing
the sights.
To be a tourist ………………………...……….………………………………….. [1]
To be a tourist and leisurely wander around old towns and villages seeing the sights
are great.

6. Old Holland is popular attractions for day trips, but the visitors don't always
Popular attractions ……….....…………….…………..…………..……..….…...….[1]

7. Villagers living in the area known as 'Old Holland' outside of Amsterdam have
had enough visitors traipsing around and tour guides with megaphones disturbing
their peace.
‘Old Holland’……………...………...............…………………………..……....….[1]

8. They have got together with local four companies to create rules of conduct for
The rules of conduct ……………………...……………..……………..…….......….[1]

9. The rules include not photographing residents without permission, not strolling
into their gardens and not dropping litter.
The rules ……………………................................……………………..……......….[1]

10. The new code of conduct is an attempt to deal with the growing popularity of
the region.
An attempt …………… ……………………...…………………….…..…….....….[1]

11. Tourism is booming and the number of tourists is expected to rise by 50

percent in the next decade.
It is expected …………………...…………..………….…………………….......….[1]

12. Local resident Peter-Jan van Steenbergen told Holland's Het Parool newspaper
that the village of Zaanse Schans is like an open-air museum.
The village of Zaanse Schans ……………………..............…………..…….......….[1]

13. "I talked to one resident who opened his curtains in the morning and looked
into the camera lenses of nine amateur photographers."
One resident …………………………………………….....…………...….….....….[1]

14. The visitors seem to be happy knocking on the wooden houses to see if it is
real wood.
Knocking on the wooden ……………………......……………………..……......….[1]

15. The Zaanse Schans itself welcomes up to two million visitors each year.
Two million ………...……………………………..…….……………..…….......….[1]

Task C Answer the questions

16. What kind of bad behavior can tourists have?

17. What two rules for tourists would you add?

1) …………………………………………………………………….......…...…[1]
2) ………………………………………………..…………………….....…...…[1]

18. What two attractions would you show first in your town?
1) ………………………………………………………………………...…..….[1]
2) ………………………………………………………………………....…..…[1]

Mark scheme

Task Question Additional

Answer Mark
## ## information
1. interrupting 1
Task 2. picturesque 1
A 3. maintained 1
4. local 1
5. authentic 1
Popular attractions for day trip are in Old 1
Holland but the visitors don't always behave.
“Old Holland’ is the area where you can see 1
7. many visitors traipsing around and tour guides
with megaphones.
The rules of conduct are created for tourist 1
by the local four companies
Task The rules are prohibited photographing 1 Accept any
B 9. residents, strolling into their gardens and appropriate
dropping litter. answer.
An attempt to deal with the growing 1
10. popularity of the region is the new code of
It is expected to rise the number of tourists 1
by 50 percent.
The village of Zaanse Schans was told to 1
12. be like an open-air museum.

One resident who opened his curtains in the 1
morning was looking into the camera
lenses of nine amateur photographers as the
same time.
Knocking on the wooden houses makes 1
visitors seem to be happy.
Two million people visit the Zaanse Schans 1
each year.
16. Don’t respect the personal life of residents 1
Task 1) Don’t break local laws 1
2) Don’t smoke in 1
1) Old Church 1 Accept any
18. 2) Ural river 1 appropriate
Total 20


Unit Strand Learning Level of Assess Type of task Questi Mark

objectives thinking skills ment on

Travel Readin Knowledge and AO1 Multiple - 1-5 5

and g meaning from comprehension choice
tourism context in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
Use of use Application AO2 Paraphrasing 6 6
English appropriately
an increased 8
variety of act-
ive and pass-
ive simple 11
present and
past forms 13
and past per-
fect simple 15

forms in nar-
rative and re-
ported speech
on a range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics use a 7 1
variety of
simple perfect
forms includ-
ing some
forms, includ-
ing time ad-
verbials on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics 10 1
use a variety
of quantifiers
for countable
and uncount-
able nouns
and some
noun phrases
on a range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics
including ma-
jority of,
minority of, a
great deal of,
a great num-
ber of use a 12 2
growing vari-
ety of ab-
stract com-
pound nouns
and complex
noun phrases
on a range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics

Readin Higher order АО1 Open-ended 16 1

g stand the thinking skills questions
main points in
extended Knowledge and
texts on a comprehension
range of unfa-
miliar general Application
and curricular
topics 17 4
stand specific
information 18
and detail in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics, includ-
ing some ex-
tended texts
Total 20

№ 9 Read the text.

Hip-hop is the best music to mature cheese.

Scientists have (0) discovered a bizarre link between music and cheese. Different
(1) genres of music affect the way cheese matures. A top Swiss cheese-maker and a
team of researchers from Switzerland's Bern University conducted a six-month test to
look into the effect music had on the maturation process of Emmental cheese. After
the cheese had matured, it was sampled and assessed by the researchers and a jury of
culinary cheese experts. The researchers found that cheese that had been played hip-
hop had a stronger aroma and flavour than the other samples. The cheese aficionados
reached the same conclusion as the researchers - the hip-hop cheese was the tastiest.
The experiment involved exposing different cheeses to a 24-hour, (2) non-stop
musical loop. A music player directed sound waves at the cheese for six months. The
experiment was (3) titled "Cheese in Surround Sound". The music included Mozart's
"The Magic Flute," Led Zeppelins rock classic "Stairway to Heaven," and A Tribe
Called Quest's hip-hop tune "Jazz (We’ve Got)". A control cheese aged in silence,
while three other wheels were exposed to simple high, medium and low frequency
A researcher explained the differences in (4) taste. He said: "Bacteria are
responsible for the formation of the taste of cheese, with the enzymes that (5)
influence its maturity. I am convinced that humidity, temperature or nutrients are not
the only things that influence taste. Sounds, ultrasounds or music can also have
physical effects."
If you want healthy plants, some people say you should talk to them. If you
want to make delicious cheese, try to play hip-hop music.

Task A Circle the word that can replace the underlined word without changing the

Example: (0) found exposed identified invented [1]

1. category brand classification style [1]

2. continual endless round-the-clock continuous [1]

3. call label term designate [1]

4. bite savor flavor discern [1]

5. affect impact pressure domination [1]

Task B Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one.
Do not change the word given.

Scientists have discovered a bizarre link between music and cheese.
The bizarre link ………………………………………………………….……...…..[1]

The bizarre link between music and cheese has been discovered by scientists.

6. After the cheese had matured, it was sampled and assessed by the researchers
and a jury of culinary cheese experts.
The researchers …………………………………………………………….…....….[1]

7. The cheese aficionados reached the same conclusion as the researchers.

The same conclusion ……………………………………………………….…....….[1]

8. The experiment involved exposing different cheeses to a 24-hour, non-stop

musical loop.
Non-stop musical loop …………………………………….……………….…....….[1]

9. A music player directed sound waves at the cheese for six months.
Sound waves ……………………………………………………………….…....….[1]

10. The experiment was titled "Cheese in Surround Sound".

"Cheese in Surround Sound" …………………………………………….……...….[1]

11. A control cheese aged in silence, while three other wheels were exposed to
simple high, medium and low frequency tones.
Simple high, medium and low frequency ……………………………….……....….[1]

12. A researcher explained the differences in taste.

The differences …………………………………….……………………….…...….[1]

13. Sounds, ultrasounds or music can also have physical effects.

Physical effects ……………………….…………….…………..…….………....….[1]

14. If you want healthy plants, some people say you should talk to them.
In order to have ……………………………..………………………..……….....….[1]
15. If you want to make delicious cheese, try to play hip-hop music.
Try to play …………………………………….………………………………...….[1]

Task C Answer the questions

16. What do you think hip-hop-matured cheese tastes like?

17. What two kind of music would you like to play to maturing kymyz?
1) …….………………………………………………………………...…..……[1]
2) …………………….………………………………………………...……..…[1]

18. What two kuis do you play for the foreign guest?
1) ……………………………………….……………………………......…...…[1]
2) ………………………………………………….………………….........……[1]

Mark scheme

Task Question Additional

Answer Mark
## ## information
1. category 1
Task 2. continuous 1
A 3. call 1
4. flavor 1
5. affect 1
The researchers and a jury of culinary 1
6. cheese experts sampled and assessed the
cheese after its having matured.
The same conclusion was made by the 1
cheese aficionados and the researchers.
Non-stop musical loop was exposed to 1
8. different cheeses to a 24-hour during the
Sound waves were directed at the cheese 1
for six months.
Task Accept any
"Cheese in Surround Sound" was the title 1
B 10. appropriate
of the experiment.
Simple high, medium and low frequency 1
tones were exposed.
The differences in taste were explained by 1
Physical effects can also relate to sounds, 1
ultrasounds or music.
In order to have healthy plants people 1
should talk to them.
Try to play hip hop music while making 1
delicious cheese.
Cheese taste very delicious and has a 1
stronger aroma and flavour
Task 1) Rock 1
C 2) Classical music 1
1) Adai 1 Accept any
18. 2) Ksen ashkan 1 appropriate
Total 20


Unit Strand Learning Level of Assess Type of task Questi Mark

objectives thinking skills ment on

Music Readin Knowledge and AO1 Multiple - 1-5 5

and g meaning from comprehension choice
films context in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
Use of use a Application AO2 Paraphrasing 10 2
English growing vari-
ety of ab- 15
stract com-
pound nouns
and complex
noun phrases
on a range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics use 6 6
an increased 7
variety of act-
ive and pass-
ive simple 9
present and
past forms 11
and past per-
fect simple 12
forms in nar-
rative and re-
ported speech
on a range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics use a 13 1
variety of
modal forms
for different
functions and
a limited
number of
past modal
forms includ-
ing should/
have to ex-
press regret
and criticism
on range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics 14 1
forms after a
growing num-
ber of adject-
ives and
verbs, use
gerund forms
after a grow-
ing variety of
verbs and pre-
positions, use
an increased
variety of
verbs and
phrasal verbs
on a range of
familiar gen-
eral and cur-
ricular topics
Readin Higher order АО1 Open-ended 16 1
stand the
g main points in thinking skills questions
texts on a Knowledge and
range of unfa- comprehension
miliar general
and curricular Application
topics 17 4
stand specific
information 18
and detail in
texts on a
range of fa-
miliar general
and curricular
topics, includ-
ing some ex-
tended texts
Total 20


Изучение английского языка в средней школе продолжает ориентацию на

развитие коммуникативных навыков ребенка – дети учатся общаться на
английском языке. Кроме того, начиная с 5 класса школьники начинают
углубленно проходить грамматику, постигая все тонкости этого нелегкого в
изучении, но такого необходимого для современного человека языка!
По заданиям из этого сборника можно организовать на уроках самые
разные виды работы: в парах, тематические упражнения и задания для
проверки в виде билетов и карточек. Используя материалы сборника, учитель
сможет расширить рамки урока, предложить ученикам нестандартные формы
работы, определить и подобрать для занятий наиболее эффективные учебные
задачи и вопросы.
Использование метода «перефразирование» в своих заданиях при
составлении СОР и СОЧ поможет учителю подготовить учащихся к итоговой
аттестации учащихся. СОР и СОЧ основываются на критериальном оценивании
знаний, умений и навыков, что исключает субъективный подход со стороны
оценивающего. "Критерий – это составляющая стандарта. Если ученик знает
критерий, он знает, как достичь стандарта темы, раздела. Критерии, в свою
очередь, расшифровываются дескрипторами, прописанными в каждой
суммативной работе. При грамотно составленной СОЧ и СОР ребёнок может
самостоятельно оценить качество своей работы, что является одной из целей
современного подхода к обучению. Любой результат промежуточного
оценивания – это рекомендация, какой критерий нужно подтянуть: своего рода
обратная связь. Чем конкретнее представлены критерии оценивания, тем лучше
учащийся будет понимать, что ему нужно сделать для успешного выполнения
задания". Обновлённое содержание образования нужно для развития
функциональной грамотности, чтобы ребёнок мог применить полученные
знания, в том числе и во время этих контрольных работ.
Учителю рекомендуется проводить анализ результатов суммативного
оценивания за раздел/сквозную тему. Такой анализ позволит определить
уровни учебных достижений класса и предоставить обучающимся обратную
связь. Для удобства ведения мониторинга после каждого СОР и СОЧ даны не
только ответы, но и соотношения отметки, количества заданий и процента
выполненных заданий. Каждая суммативная работа по английскому языку с
использованием метода «перефразирование» покажет педагогу актуальные
знания школьников. Педагог сможет наблюдать, усваивают ли дети материал в
полной мере или нет.
Кроме того, учитель может при необходимости пересмотреть планы
уроков, задания и методы дальнейших процедур формативного и суммативного
Все учителя используют одинаковую схему выставления баллов. В
процессе модерации необходимо проверять образцы работ с выставленными
баллами для того, чтобы не допускать отклонения от единой схемы
выставления баллов.
Используемая литература

3. http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1704/170414-tourism.html
4. http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1701/170104-language-barriers.html
5. https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1910/191026-uluru.htm
6. http://www.BreakingNewsEnglish.com/1708/170806-sharenting.html
7. https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1912/191229-satellites.html


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