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Preface ………………………………………….. 3 Unit OneTreaties и другие международные

договоры 1. Договоры и конвенции …………………………………………………… 8
Assignments …………………………………………………………………… 23 2.
Agreements………………………………………………………………….. 51 Assignments
…………………………………………………………………… 62 3. Декларации
……………………………………………………………….. .. 76 Назначения
………………………………………………………………… .... 80 4. Протоколы
…………………………………………………………………….. 90 Assignments
…………………………………………………………………… 99

1. Устав Организации Объединенных Наций ……………………………………………...

108 заданий ………………………………………………………………….. 113 2. Устав
Международного Суда ……………………………….. 122 Assignments
………………………………………………………………….. 126 3. Конституции
специализированных учреждений Организации Объединенных Наций
……………………. 134 Assignments
…………………………………………………………………... 138

Unit ThreeUnilateral Legal Act 1. Ratification

………………………………………………………………… 146Assignments
………………………………………………………………….. 1542, Присоединение,
Принятие и Утверждение ……………………………………… 158Assignments
………………………………………………………………….. 1603. Оговорки
……………………………………………………………….. 164Assignments
………………………………………………………………….. 1664. Denunciation
………………………………………………………………. 168Assignments
………………………………………………………………….. 170


Группа по решениям и документации Генеральной Ассамблеи Организации

Объединенных Наций и других международных органов 1. Резолюции
………………………………………………………………… 172 2. Правила процедуры
………………………………………………………… 174 3. Summary Records
…………………………………………………………. 174 Assignments
…………………………………………………………………. 187

Блок документов FiveFinal 1. Заключительные документы межправительственных

переговоров и посещений ......... 204 2. Заключительные инструменты
международных конференций …………………………… 207
Assignments…………………………………………………………………. 222

Unit SixDiplomatic Correspondence 1. United Nations Communications

………………………………………….. 242 1.1. Formal
Letters…………………………………………………………… 242 Assignments
………………………………………………………………….. 250 1.2. Informal Letters
………………………………………………………….. 256 Assignments
………………………………………………………………….. 260 1.3. Notes Verbales
…………………………………………………………… 264 Assignments
………………………………………………………………… 271 1.4 Interoffice Memonda
…………………………………………………… 278 Assignments
………………………………………………………………….. 282. Diplomatic
Communications between States ………………………………286 Assignments
………………………………………………………………….. 294 3. Другие
дипломатические акты _______.. 311 3.1. Agrement ____. 311 Assignments ______ 314
3.2. Консульская комиссия и Exequatur …………………………………….. 319
Assignments …………………………………………………………………… 322 3.3. Письма
о доверии и отзыве ………………………………… 328 Assignments
…………………………………………………………………… 3333.4. Full Powers
………………………………………………………………... 340 Assignments
……………………………………………………………………. 345


Unit Seven Мировая Экономика и Торговля 1. Глобальное Экономическое

Сотрудничество ……………………………………………… 350 Задания
…………………………………………………………………… 368 2. Foreign Trade
……………………………………………………………….. 381 Assignments
…………………………………………………………………… 413

Ключи к назначениям 435

Добавления I. Латинские слова и фразы, используемые в международных документах 451


III. В международных документах используются словосочетания и прилагательные 464

IV. Условные обозначения документов ООН 469

Глоссарий дипломатических терминов 471

Перечень экспонатов, подлежащих экспонированию

Перечень справочных материалов 478



1. Договоры и конвенции

2. Соглашений

3. Заявления

4. Протоколы


В международном праве и дипломатической практике термин

"договор" используется в двух смыслах. В общем смысле оно относится ко
всем соглашениям между государствами, имеющим обязательный характер,
и в узком смысле оно относится к названию документов, содержащих такие
международные соглашения. Документы, устанавливающие соглашения
между государствами, имеют различные названия, такие как Договор,
Соглашение, Конвенция, Протокол, Закон, Декларация, Статут, Положения,
Пакт, Пакт, Пакт, Соглашение, Договоренности, Модус Вивенди, Обмен
нотами и Конкордат. Однако предоставление титула на международное
соглашение не является обязательным, поскольку соглашения могут
заключаться даже путем обмена письмами или нотами. Некоторые из
соглашений носят весьма формальный характер, тогда как другие - нет.
Названия международных соглашений не имеют большого юридического
значения, поскольку все международные соглашения, как бы они ни

назывались, имеют одинаковую обязательную силу. в дипломатической
литературе термины "договор", "конвенция" и

"протокол" применяется более или менее неизбирательно к международным

соглашениям. Иногда один и тот же документ обозначается в разных местах
в его тексте разными терминами. Этому разнообразию терминологии нет
очевидного объяснения.
Международное право не предписывает ни форму, ни процедуру
принятия международных обязательств, и поэтому их форма зависит от воли
и удобства сторон. На практике оно также регулируется практикой и
варьируется в зависимости от того, достигается ли соглашение между
государствами, главами государств, правительствами (все чаще
используемыми) или конкретными министрами или департаментами.
Не каждый международный документ, каким бы формальным он ни
был, будет считаться договором. Если документ не создает договорных
обязательств между двумя или более государствами, основные требования
договора не выполняются. Обязательный характер договорных обязательств
является старейшей и, несомненно, самой фундаментальной нормой
международного права.
Из всех международных обязательств, которые должны носить
обязательный характер, наиболее важными являются "договоры", поскольку
этот термин вытекает из французского предателя [. L. tractare], что означает
"вести переговоры".
Следующим наиболее торжественным типом международного
обязательства является "конвенция", выведенная из латинского слова
"соглашение". Этот термин часто, хотя и не обязательно, используется в
связи с соглашениями, участниками которых является большое число стран,
и особенно с соглашениями нормотворческого характера.
Документ охватывает следующие части:
1. преамбула, содержащая:
(а) список глав государств, от имени которых заключен договор;
(Ь) список полномочных представителей;
(с) как правило, изложение целей и задач договора, иногда сопровождаемое
перечислением принципов и обстоятельств;

(d) заявление о том, что полномочные представители обладают

необходимыми полномочиями.
2. Текст, как правило, содержит в форме нумерованных статей
соответствующие соглашения подписавших сторон. В нем также
(а) требования для вступления договора в силу;
(Ь) его продолжительность;
(с) место проведения обмена ратификационными грамотами.
З. заключительные положения, уточняющие, что полномочные
представители подписали договор и поставили на нем свои печати, включая
информацию о:
(а) число подписанных экземпляров;
Ь) если на более чем одном языке используются языки и что каждый из них
является в равной степени аутентичным;
(с) место и дата подписания.
В зависимости от важности договора преамбула может быть более или
менее расширена. Напротив, заявления в заключительных положениях
обычно идентичны.
Положения договора определяют порядок и дату вступления договора в
силу. В тех случаях, когда в договоре не указывается конкретная дата,
существует презумпция, что договор должен вступить в силу, как только все
участвующие в переговорах государства согласятся быть связанными

После заключения договора письменные документы, в которых
содержится официальное подтверждение согласия на обязательность для
себя ратификации, присоединения и т.д., а также оговорки и другие
заявления, передаются на хранение депозитарию, которым может быть одно
или несколько государств, или международной организации. Депозитарий
выполняет весьма важные функции, касающиеся вопросов формы, включая
предоставление информации о моменте вступления договора в силу.
Секретариат Организации Объединенных Наций играет важную роль
депозитария многосторонних договоров.
Что касается договоров, конвенций и т.д., то, когда они заключаются
между двумя странами, в настоящее время они обычно подписываются в
двух текстах, а именно. на соответствующих языках двух стран, хотя и
существуют исключения. В случае договоров общего характера
многосторонние договоры, заключенные между многими государствами, в
соответствии с обычной практикой использовался французский язык, но
теперь он является французским и английским. Тексты договоров,
заключенных под эгидой Организации Объединенных Наций, как правило,
публикуются на официальных языках, причем все они имеют одинаковую
Подлинность текста устанавливается подписями полномочных
представителей. Это будет зависеть от обстоятельств, будет ли достаточно
одного лишь подписания для вступления договора в силу или же потребуется
какой-то дальнейший шаг, например ратификация.
Однако иногда, когда между завершением переговоров и подписанием
договора проходит значительный промежуток времени, полномочные
представители прилагают к нему свои инициалы без вариетура в качестве
гарантии подлинности текста. (Из "Справочника дипломата по
международному праву и практике", подготовленного Б. Сеном)


Договор о дружбе и сотрудничестве между (название страны) и (название страны)

) Республика ... и Республика...
исходя из тесных отношений всестороннего сотрудничества,
существующих между ними;
твердо веря в то, что всемерное укрепление дружественных
отношений между Республикой ... и Республикой ... отвечает
жизненным интересам народов обеих стран и служит делу мира во всем
выражают твердую решимость содействовать развитию добрых
отношений и взаимовыгодных отношений между государствами с
различными социальными системами;

стремление к дальнейшему развитию и совершенствованию

всестороннего сотрудничества между двумя странами;
в соответствии с целями и принципами Устава Организации
Объединенных Наций;
ПРИНЯЛИ РЕШЕНИЕ ЗАКЛЮЧИТЬ этот Договор о дружбе и
сотрудничестве и договорились о следующем:


Article 1

Высокие Договаривающиеся Стороны будут продолжать укреплять

отношения дружбы, солидарности и взаимопомощи. Они должны
неуклонно развивать политические отношения, углублять всестороннее
сотрудничество и оказывать друг другу всестороннюю поддержку на
основе взаимного уважения государственного суверенитета и
(2 независимости, равенства и невмешательства во внутренние дела друг
) друга.

Article 2
Высокие Договаривающиеся Стороны объединят усилия по
укреплению и расширению взаимовыгодного экономического, научного
и технического сотрудничества с целью неуклонного совершенствования
материальных и культурных стандартов народов своих стран [... ]

Article 3
Высокие Договаривающиеся Стороны будут развивать связи в
сферах культуры, образования, литературы и искусства,
здравоохранения, охраны окружающей среды, туризма и в других
областях [...]

Article 4
Высокие Договаривающиеся Стороны всемерно содействуют
защите международного мира и безопасности наций и поддерживают его
справедливую борьбу за искоренение расизма во всех его формах и

Article 5
Высокие Договаривающиеся Стороны консультируются друг с

другом по всем важным международным вопросам, затрагивающим
интересы двух стран. В случае, если одна из Сторон становится объектом
нападения или угрозы нападения, Высокие Договаривающиеся Стороны
немедленно начинают взаимные консультации с целью устранения этой
угрозы и принятия соответствующих мер по обеспечению мира и
безопасности своих стран.

Article 6
Договор не затрагивает прав и обязанностей Сторон по действующим
двусторонним и многосторонним соглашениям, заключенным с их
участием [...]

Article 7
Договор подлежит ратификации и вступает в силу в день обмена
ратификационными грамотами, который должен состояться в городе в
ближайшее время.

Article 8
Договор заключается на 10 лет и автоматически продлевается
каждый раз еще на 5 лет, если только одна из Высоких
Договаривающихся Сторон не уведомит о своем желании прекратить его
за 12 месяцев до истечения соответствующего срока.
В УДОСТОВЕРЕНИЕ ЧЕГО нижеподписавшиеся, должным
образом уполномоченные для этой цели, подписали настоящий Договор.

СДЕЛАНО НА ... этот ... день из ... тысячи девятьсот и , в двух

экземплярах, каждый на английском и испанском языках, оба текста
одинаково аутентичны.

За Республику За Республику
(подпись) (подпись)

Примечание: (1) - преамбула

(2) - Основные статьи
(З) - Заключительные положения




Государства - участники настоящей Конвенции,

руководствуясь интересами укрепления мира и желая содействовать
делу прекращения гонки вооружений и достижения всеобщего и полного
разоружения под строгим и эффективным международным контролем,
преисполнены решимости продолжать переговоры в целях
достижения эффективного прогресса в деле принятия дальнейших мер в
области разоружения [...]
сознавая, что использование методов изменения окружающей среды в
мирных целях могло бы улучшить взаимосвязь человека и природы и
способствовать улучшению состояния окружающей среды в интересах
нынешнего и будущих поколений,

желая эффективно запретить военное или любое другое враждебное

использование методов изменения окружающей среды [...],

Статья 1

Каждое государство - участник настоящей Конвенции обязуется не

прибегать к военному или иному враждебному использованию методов
изменения окружающей среды [...].


Article 2
Термин "методы изменения окружающей среды", используемый в
статье 1, относится к любому методу изменения - посредством
преднамеренного манипулирования природными процессами - динамики,
состава или структуры Земли или космического пространства.

Article 3
Положения настоящей Конвенции не препятствуют использованию
методов изменения окружающей среды в мирных целях и не наносят ущерба
общепризнанным принципам и применимым нормам международного права.

Article 4
Каждое государство - участник настоящей Конвенции обязуется
принимать любые меры, которые оно считает необходимыми, в соответствии
со своими конституционными процедурами для запрещения и
предотвращения любой деятельности, нарушающей положения Конвенции,
где бы она ни находилась под его юрисдикцией или контролем.

Article 5
Государства - участники настоящей Конвенции обязуются
консультироваться друг с другом и сотрудничать в решении любых проблем,
которые могут возникнуть в связи с целями Конвенции. [...]

Article 6
1. Любое государство - участник настоящей Конвенции может
предлагать поправки к Конвенции. Текст любой предлагаемой поправки
представляется Депозитарию, который незамедлительно распространяет его
среди всех государств-участников. [ ...]

Article 7
Срок действия настоящей Конвенции не ограничен.

Article 8
Через пять лет после вступления в силу настоящей Конвенции
депозитарий созывает конференцию государств - участников Конвенции в
Женеве, Швейцария.


Article 9
1.Настоящая Конвенция открыта для подписания всеми государствами.
2.Настоящая Конвенция подлежит ратификации подписавшими ее
государствами. Документы о ратификации или присоединении сдаются на
хранение Генеральному секретарю Организации Объединенных Наций. [...]

Article 10
Настоящая Конвенция, английский, арабский, испанский, китайский,
русский и французский тексты которой имеют одинаковую силу, сдается на
хранение Генеральному секретарю Организации Объединенных Наций,
которые препровождают должным образом заверенные копии
правительствам подписавших и присоединяющихся государств.
В УДОСТОВЕРЕНИЕ ЧЕГО нижеподписавшиеся, должным образом
уполномоченные на то их соответствующими правительствами, подписали
настоящую Конвенцию, открытую для подписания в Женеве 18 мая, тысяча
девятьсот семьдесят семь.

За правительство За правительство
……… ………
(подпись) (подпись)




В целях содействия международному сотрудничеству и достижения
международного мира и безопасности

принятием обязательств не прибегать к войне,

согласно заповедю об открытых справедливых и достойных
отношениях между народами,
твердым установлением понимания международного права в качестве
фактического правила поведения между правительствами; и
посредством поддержания справедливости и неукоснительного
соблюдения всех договорных обязательств в отношениях между
организованными народами,

Соглашайтесь с этим Заветом Лиги Наций.

Article 1
Первоначальными членами Лиги Наций являются те подписавшие Пакт
государства, которые перечислены в приложении к настоящему Пакту, а
также такие другие государства, перечисленные в приложении, которые
безоговорочно присоединяются к настоящему Пакту. Такое присоединение
осуществляется посредством Декларации, сданной на хранение в
Секретариат в течение двух месяцев после вступления Пакта в силу.
Уведомление об этом направляется всем другим членам Лиги. [...]

Article 2
Деятельность Лиги в соответствии с настоящим Пактом
осуществляется через посредство Ассамблеи и Совета с постоянным

Article 3
Ассамблея состоит из представителей членов Лиги.
Ассамблея проводит свои заседания через установленные промежутки
времени и время от времени по мере необходимости в месте нахождения
Лиги или в таком другом месте, которое может быть определено.
На своих заседаниях Ассамблея может рассматривать любые вопросы,
относящиеся к сфере деятельности Лиги или затрагивающие мир во всем
мире. На заседаниях Ассамблеи каждый член Лиги имеет один голос и не
может иметь более трех представителей.

Article 4
Совет состоит из представителей основных союзных и
ассоциированных держав, а также представителей четырех других членов
Лиги. Эти четыре члена Лиги избираются Ассамблеей время от времени по
ее усмотрению.
Совет собирается время от времени, по мере необходимости, и не реже
одного раза в год, в месте нахождения Лиги или в таком другом месте,
которое может быть определено. [...]

Article 5
Если иное прямо не предусмотрено в настоящем Пакте или в условиях
настоящего Договора, решения на любом заседании Ассамблеи или Совета
должны приниматься с согласия всех членов Лиги, представленных на этом
заседании. [...]

Article 6
Постоянный секретариат учреждается в месте нахождения Лиги.
Секретариат состоит из Генерального секретаря и таких секретарей и
сотрудников, которые могут потребоваться.
Первым Генеральным секретарем является лицо, указанное в
приложении; после этого Генеральный секретарь назначается Советом с
одобрения большинства членов Ассамблеи. [ ...]

Article 7
Местопребыванием Лиги является Женева.
Совет может в любое время принять решение о том, что
местопребывание Лиги будет определено в другом месте.
All positions under or in connection with the League, including the
Secretariat, shall be open equally to men and women.[ ... ]

Article 8
The Members of the League recognize that the maintenance of peace
requires the reduction of national armaments to the lowest point consistent with
national safety and the enforcement by common action of international obligations.


Article 9
A permanent Commission shall be constituted to advise the Council on the
execution of the provisions of Articles 1 and 8 and on military, naval and air
questions generally.

Article 10
The Members of the League undertake to respect and preserve as against
external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of
all Members of the League. In case of any such aggression or in case of any threat
or danger of such aggression the Council shall advise upon the means by which
this obligation shall be fulfilled.

Article 11
Any war or threat of war, whether immediately affecting any of the
Members of the League or not, is hereby declared a matter of concern to the whole
League, and the League shall take any action that may be deemed wise and
effectual to safeguard the peace of nations.

Article 12
The Members of the League agree that, if there should arise between them
any dispute likely to lead to a rupture they will submit the matter either to
arbitration or judicial settlement or to enquiry by the Council. [...]

Article 13
The Members of the League agree that whenever any dispute shall arise
between them which they recognize to be suitable for submission to arbitration or
judicial settlement and which cannot be satisfactorily settled by diplomacy, they
will submit the whole subject-matter to arbitration or judicial settlement. [ ... ]

Article 15
If there should arise between Members of the League any dispute likely to
lead to a rupture, which is not submitted to arbitration or judicial settlement in
accordance with Article 13, the Members of the League agree that they will submit

the matter to the Council. Any party to the dispute may effect such submission by
giving notice of the existence of the dispute to the Secretary-General, who will
make all necessary arrangements for a full investigation and consideration thereof.
For this purpose the parties to the dispute will communicate to the Secretary-
General as promptly as possible, statements of their case with all the relevant facts
and papers, and the Council may forthwith direct the publication thereof.[…]

Article 16
Should any Member of the League resort to war in disregard of its covenants
under Articles 12,13 or l5,it shall ipso facto be deemed to have committed an act of
war against all other Members of the League, which hereby undertake immediately
to subject it to the severance of all trade or financial relations, the prohibition of all
intercourse between their nationals and the nationals of the covenant-breaking
State, and the prevention of all financial, commercial or personal intercourse
between the nationals of the Covenant-breaking State and the nationals of any
other State, whether a Member of the League or not. [ ...]

Article 17
In the event of a dispute between a Member of the League and R State which
is not a Member of the League, or between States not Members of the League, the
State or States not Members of the League shall be invited to accept the obligations
of membership in the League for the purposes of such dispute, upon such
conditions as the Council may deem just. If such invitation is accepted, the
provisions of Articles 12 to 16 inclusive shall be applied with such modifications
as may be deemed necessary by the Council. [...]

Article 18
Every treaty or international engagement entered into hereafter by any
Member of the League shall be forthwith registered with the Secretariat and shall
as soon as possible be published by it. No such treaty or international engagement
shall be binding until so registered.


Article 19
The Assembly may from time to time advise the reconsideration by
Members of the League of treaties which have become inapplicable and the
consideration of international conditions whose continuance might endanger the
peace of the world.

Article 20
The Members of the League severally agree that this Covenant is accepted as
abrogating all obligations or understandings inter se which are inconsistent with
the terms thereof, and solemnly undertake that they will not hereafter enter into
any engagements inconsistent with the terms thereof. [ ... ]

Article 21
Nothing in this Covenant shall be deemed to affect the validity of
international engagements, such as treaties of arbitration or regional
understandings like the Monroe doctrine, for securing the maintenance of peace.

Article 22
To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have
ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and
which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the
strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle
that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of
civilization and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied
in this Covenant. [ ... ]

Article 23
Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of international
conventions existing or hereafter to be agreed upon, the Members of the League:
(a) will endeavour to secure and maintain fair and humane conditions of
labour for men, women, and children, both in their own countries and in all

countries to which their commercial and industrial relations extend, and for that
purpose will establish and maintain the necessary international organizations; [ ... ]

Article 25
The Members of the League agree to encourage and promote the
establishment and cooperation of duly authorized voluntary national Red Cross
organizations having as purposes the improvement of health, the prevention of
disease and the mitigation of suffering throughout the world.

Article 26
Amendments to this Covenant will lake effect when ratified by the Members
of the League whose Representatives compose the Council and by a majority of
the Members of the League whose Representatives compose the Assembly.
No such amendments shall bind any Member of the League which signifies
its dissent therefrom, but in that case it shall cease to be a Member of the League.


I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What are the most typical forms of international agreement? 2. What does the
term “treaty” imply in a generic and a restricted sense? 3. What is the
compositional design of treaties and conventions? 4. Which part of a treaty
contains a statement of the purpose? 5. And which part embodies the substantive
commitments undertaken by the contracting parties? 6. How is the authenticity of
the text established? 7. What languages are used in treaties and other international

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the above

1. In international law and diplomatic practice the term ‘treaty” is used in ... . 2.
Instruments setting out agreements between states bear different titles, such as ... .
3. It is not obligatory to give a title to an international agreement, as… 4.
International law prescribes neither ... nor ... . 5. The form of a treaty is governed
by ... and varies depending on … 6. The provisions of a treaty determine … 7. The
authenticity of the text is established by means of....

III. Suggest the Russian for:

1) accession; 2) the authenticity of the text; 3) a binding international agreement;

4) contractual (treaty) obligations; 5) entry into force; 6) the exchange of
ratifications; 7) equally authentic; 8) the final clauses of a treaty; 9) a multilateral
treaty; 10) the negotiating states; 11) a party to a treaty; 12) the plenipotentiaries;
13) the provisions of a treaty; 14) the signatory governments; 15) under the
auspices of the United Nation 16) to affix ones seal; 17) to place (an instrument) in
the custody of a depositary.

IV Find in the text the words and phrases of foreign origin pertaining to diplomatic
intercourse, explain them in English. Consult the Glossary of Diplomatic Terms if

V. Study the texts in exhibits 1-3, point out words and phrases pertaining to the
formal style.

* All assignments marked with asterisks are provided with the keys. See page 435.

VI. Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents. Consult
Appendix III if necessary.
1) determined to continue negotiations; 2) expressing their firm resolve to
contribute to; 3) firmly believing that; 4) guided by the interests of consolidating
peace; 5) proceeding from the close relations of all-round cooperation existing
between them; 6) recalling the Declaration of the UN Conference; 7) striving to
continue the development of; 8) wishing to contribute to the cause of halting the
arms race; 9) have resolved to conclude this Treaty; 10) and have agreed as

VII.* Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their Russian


a basic —; a binding —; a boundary -; a collective —; a commercial —;
a demarcation .-; an (in)equitable -; an international —; a non-aggression
.-; a non-proliferation .-; an open -.; a peace —; a restricted —; Strategic
Offensive Arms Limitation T.; a trade —; a universal .-;

a - of alliance; a of cession; a — of commerce and navigation; a — of friendship,

cooperation, and mutual assistance; a – of guarantee; a — of mutual security; a —
of neutrality; a of unlimited duration; breach of an international .-; the coming of a
— into force; denunciation of a —; prolongation of a —; renunciation of a —; the
substantive articles of a —;
to accede to a —; to adhere to a —; to conclude a —; to denounce a —; to enter
into a —; to extend the validity of a —; to initial a .-; to observe a —; to prolong
the validity of a to ratify a —; to register a —; to render a invalid; to renounce a
—; to sign a —; to violate a —; to withdraw from a -.

arms—control - ; bilateral — ; cease-fire — ; diplomatic ; fruitful

multilateral — ; peace — ; separate — ; stage-by-stage - ; top-level — ; trade .- ;
on medium-range nuclear force; - on a wide range of issues; a new round of — ;
a breakdown in the —; completion of —; an outcome of —; postponement of —;
progress of —; results of —; by means of —; in the course of—; through —;
within the framework of -; to begin -.; to break off—; to carry on .- ; to complete
— ; to conduct —; to continue -.; to delay - ; to discontinue — ; to enter into
— ; to hold - ; to initiate - ; to resume - ; to suspend - ; to torpedo —; to wreck –

to - a loan; to ≈ a sale; to ≈ a treaty; to ≈ terms of peace; to — for a cease-fire; to
— for peace; to - for a truce; to — from a position of strength.

VIII. Suggest the English for:

1) бессрочный договор; 2) договор о взаимной безопасности; 3) договор о
нераспространении ядерного оружия; 4) договор об установлении границ; 5)
вступление договора в силу; 6) неравноправный договор; 7) нарушить
договор; 8) парафировать договор; 9) придерживаться договора; 10) продлить
действие договора.

IX. Find out the meanings of “whilst”, “thereof’ and ‘whereof”, as used in the text
and exhibits.
Consult a dictionary.
1. Some agreements are highly formal in character, whilst others are not.
2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit duly certified
copies thereof to the Governments of the signatory and acceding States.

3. In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized for that purpose,
have signed this Treaty.

X. Memorize the archaic words below pertaining to the formal style. Translate into
Russian using the following definitions.

hereafter: after this; following this; from now on; in the future; hereat:
at this time; as a result of this; hereby: by or through this; by this means; herein:
in or into this place; in this matter, writing; hereinafter: below (in this document,
speech, etc.); hereinbefore: in a preceding part (of this document, speech, etc.);
hereinto: into this place; into this matter, condition; hereof: of this; from this;
concerning this; hereto: to this matter; hereupon: after this; immediately
following this; in consequence of this; herewith: along with this; by this method or

XI.* Translate into Russian paying attention to time words in bold type.

1. Subject to the provisions of the instruments relating to the meetings specified

hereunder the Director-General shall take all necessary steps for the application of
the present Regulations. 2. The States Parties to the present Covenant have
submitted the reports on the progress made in achieving the observance of the
rights recognized herein. 3. There shall be established a Human Rights Committee
(hereafter referred to in the present Covenant as the Committee). 4. It shall consist
of eighteen members and shall carry out the functions hereinafter provided. 5. The
General Conference invites the Director-General to take into account
considerations annexed hereto. 6. For the financial period 1994-1996 the amount
of $625, 374, 000 is hereby appropriated for the purposes indicated in the
appropriation table. 7. The International Maritime Satellite Organization herein
referred to as “the Organization”, is hereby established.

XII. Study the use of “pending’ in different phrases. Mind that, when used as a
preposition, it may correspond to the Russian «до», «в ожидании» «во время»,
«в течение».

the achievement of its objectives
the conclusion of such
PENDING the filling of a vacancy
the final decision
a permanent settlement of the issue
such ratification
these negotiations

XIII. Translate into Russian

1. The Assembly declared, that, pending the establishment of an international

regime, States were bound to refrain from all activities of exploitation of the
resources of the area beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. 2. Pending the final
decision, notice of the measures suggested shall forthwith be given to the parties
and to the Security Council. 3. Separate assemblies and conferences of
representatives of States and organizations continue to be held pending the formal
accession to membership in WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) of
other States. 4. Pending ratification the Government of the Republic of Cyprus
undertakes to give provisional application to the arrangements contained in this
letter. 5. Deficiency in the number of representatives on the Council pending the
filling of a vacancy shall not invalidate the composition of the Council. 6. Pending
the final decision, the tribunal may indicate any
measures which it considers ought to be taken. 7. The Director-General may
assume his functions after appointment and pending confirmation.

XIV. Memorize the following:

having regard for (to) обращая внимание на
having respect for в духе уважения

in this regard / in this в этом плане / в этом контексте /

context в этом отношении / в этой связи
/ in this respect

in regard to / в области /
as regards / regarding/ в отношении /
with regard to (for) с точки зрения /
as to / as for что касается /
in respect of (for)/ with по отношению /
respect to относительно /
concerning / в связи / по поводу
as concerns

with due regard to учитывая должным образом

to regard as рассматривать как

XV. Translate into Russian.

I. National cultural industries should be regarded as one of the most important
factors in endogenous cultural development. 2. The action of Unesco should be
based on the democratization of education with due regard to the extension of
lifelong education. 3. Regarding the forms of the Organization’s action in the field
of education regional cooperation can be seen as being particularly worthy of
consideration as regards regional exchanges of experience. 4. The exceptional
importance of the search for solutions with regard to the rational use of natural
resources will warrant particularly close attention. 5. Any measure in this respect
must be based on the recognition of the inalienable right of all states freely to
dispose of their natural wealth and resources.

XVI. Study the following table. Mind that the English expressions below
correspond to the Russian «в соответствии (с чем-л.)», «во исполнение (чего-
л.)» «согласно (чему-л.)»

accordance with
in keeping

pursuance of

pursuant to


XVII.* Fill in each blank with the required preposition.

I. The States Parties ... the present Covenant shall respect that right pursuance., the
provisions ... the Charter. 2. Reservations ... this Protocol may be made ...
compliance ... international law. 3 …the arbitral decision, the Contracting Party
which has made known its dissatisfaction shall have the right to require the other
Contracting Party to maintain the tariffs previously ... force. 4. The second
paragraph ... article 27, paragraph 1, shall also apply ... any information which, ...
virtue ... this article, is supplied ... the competent authority ... the requested State. 5
… the event denunciation, the Contracting Parties shall take all necessary action to
ensure the continuation and completion ... all contracts signed ... this Protocol. 6.
The Chairman shall exercise the powers ... his office ... accordance customary

XVIII. Translate into English taking note of the words and phrases in bold type.
1. В соответствии с основными обязательствами, изложенными в статье 2
настоящей конвенции, государства-участники обязуются не допускать
расовой дискриминации во всех ее проявлениях. 2. Генеральный секретарь
Организации Объединенных наций согласно статье 48 уведомляет
представителей государств-членов ООН о всех текущих изменениях в работе
Организации. 3. Во исполнение своих обязанностей, вытекающих из Устава
ООН и касающихся прав человека и основных свобод, Экономический и
Социальный Совет может вступать в соглашения со специализированными
учреждениями, деятельность которых направлена на реализацию этих прав и
свобод. 4. В соответствии с рекомендациями совещания экспертов были
значительно усилены программы в области энергетики. 5. Во исполнение
резолюции 9.1 секретариат содействовал подготовке докладов по
обсуждавшемуся вопросу.

XIX.* Account for the use of “shall” in the sentences below, translate Into

The High Contracting Parties shall continue strengthening relations of friendship,

solidarity and mutual aid. 2. They shall contribute in every way possible to the

defence of international peace and security. 3. The present Treaty shall enter into
force on the date of the exchange of instruments of ratification. 4. This Convention
shall be open to all States for signature. 5. It shall be deposited with the Secretary-
General of the United Nations. 6. All reports shall be submitted to the Secretary-
General, who shall transmit copies to the Economic and Social Council for
consideration. 7. The present Covenant shall be open to accession by any State
referred to in paragraph 1 of this article.

XX. Define the term «alternat», as seen from the text below.

International courtesy has established a custom called “rotation in precedence”

(alternat) which confers on each state the right to occupy, in rotation, the place of
honour in signing international acts in which it participates. This means that, when
the final documents are drawn up, the first place in the list of the participating
powers is given successively to each of the signatory states. Its plenipotentiary
moves to the head of the list and signs at the place of honour, that is to say, at the
left if the names of the signatories are placed side by side, or at the top if they are
disposed vertically. Each state receives the signed original of the convention where
its name appears first. This procedure is not normally followed in the signature of
multilateral acts, because it is now customary to sign only one original of such
The other plenipotentiaries then sign in the order previously agreed upon.

This manner of presentation must be exactly respected in the instruments of

ratification, in the official reports of the exchange of instruments of ratification and
at the time of the official publication of the texts. It should be noted that, according
to the language employed for the drafting of a convention, the alphabetic order of
the states can vary appreciably.

XXI. Study the preamble to the Treaty on the European Union. Suggest the Russian for the
italicized words and phrases.

on the European Union



Resolved to mark a new stage in the process of European integration undertaken
with the establishment of the European Communities,

Recalling the historic importance of the ending of the division of the European
continent and the need to create firm bases for the construction of the future

Confirming their attachment to the principles of liberty, democracy and respect for
human rights and fundamental freedoms and of the rule of law,

Desiring to deepen the solidarity between their peoples while respecting their
history, their culture and their traditions,

Desiring to enhance further the democratic and efficient functioning of the

institutions so as to enable them better to carry out, within a single institutional
framework, the tasks entrusted to them,

Resolved to achieve the strengthening and the convergence of their economies and
to establish an economic and monetary union including, in accordance with the
provisions of this Treaty, a single and stable currency,

Determined to promote economic and social progress for their peoples, within the
context of the accomplishment of the internal market and of reinforced cohesion
and environmental protection, and to implement policies ensuring that advances in
economic integration are accompanied by parallel progress in other fields,

Resolved to establish a citizenship common to nationals of their countries,

Resolved to implement a common foreign and security policy including the

eventual framing of a common defence policy, which might in time lead to a
common policy defence, thereby reinforcing the European identity and its
independence in order to promote peace, security and progress in Europe and in the

Reaffirming their objective to facilitate the free movement of persons, while

ensuring the safety and security of their peoples, by including provisions on justice
and home affairs in this Treaty,

Resolved to continue the process of creating an ever closer union among the
peoples of Europe, in which decisions are taken as closely as possible to the
citizens in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity,

In view of further steps to be taken in order to advance European integration,


Have decided to establish a European Union and to this end have designated as
their Plenipotentiaries:

WHO, having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have
agreed as follows.

XXII. Read the preamble to the convention below, compare it with the preambles
in exhibits 1,2 and 3. Comment on their differences and similarities.


WHEREAS Article 105 of the Charter of the United Nations provides that
the Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such legal
capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfillment of
its purposes and

WHEREAS Article 105 of the Charter of the United Nations provides that
the Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such privileges
and immunities as are necessary for the fulfilment of its purposes and that
representatives of the Members of the United Nations and officials of the
Organization shall similarly enjoy such privileges and immunities as are necessary
for the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Organization;
CONSEQUENTLY the General Assembly by a Resolution adopted on 13
February 1946, approved the following Convention and proposed it for accession
by each Member of the United Nations.

XXIII. Translate into Russian taking note of the words and phrases in bold type.

International Convention
on the Protection of the Rights of
Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families


Article 79

Nothing in the present Convention shall affect the right of each State Party
to establish the criteria governing admission of migrant workers and members of
their families. Concerning other matters related to their legal situation and
treatment as migrant workers and members of their families, States Parties shall be

subject to the limitations set forth in the present Convention.

Article 80
Nothing in the present Convention shall be interpreted as impairing the
provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and of the constitutions of the
specialized agencies which define the respective responsibilities of the various
organs of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies in regard to the
matters dealt with in the present Convention.

Article 81
1. Nothing in the present Convention shall affect more favourable rights or
freedoms granted to migrant workers and members of their families by virtue of:

(a) The law or practice of a State Party; or

(b) Any bilateral or multilateral treaty in force for the State Party
2. Nothing in the present Convention may be interpreted as implying for any
State, group or person a right to engage in any activity or perform any act that
would impair any of the rights and freedoms as set forth in the present

Article 82
The rights of migrant workers and members of their families provided for
in the present Convention shall not be renounced. It shall not be permissible to
exert any form of pressure upon migrant workers and members of their families
with a view to their relinquishing or foregoing any of the said rights. It shall not be
possible to derogate by contract from rights recognized in the present Convention.
States Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure that these principles are

XXIV. Identify different parts of the following convention. Comment on tie

phraseology used.


The States Parties to the present Convention,

Taking into account the principles embodied in the basic instruments of the
United Nations concerning human rights, in particular the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural
Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,
and the Convention on the Rights of the Child,
Taking into account also the principles and standards set forth in the relevant
instruments elaborated within the framework of the International Labour
Reaffirming the importance of the principles contained in the Convention
against Discrimination in Education of the United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization,
Recalling the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman
or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Declaration of the Fourth
United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of
Offenders, the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, and the Slavery
Recalling that one of the objectives of the International Labour
Organization, as stated in its Constitution, is the protection of the interests of
workers when employed in countries other than their own, and bearing in mind the
expertise and experience of that organization in matters related to migrant workers
and members of their families,
Convinced that the rights of migrant workers and members of their families have
not been sufficiently recognized everywhere and therefore require appropriate
international protection, …
Have agreed as follows: …

b) Article…

1. Any State Party may denounce the present Convention, not earlier than
five years after the Convention has entered into force for the State concerned, by
means of a notification in writing addressed to the Secretary-General of the United
2. Such denunciation shall become effective on the first day of the month
following the expiration of a period of twelve months after the date of the receipt
of the notification by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. [...]

Article …

1. After five years from the entry into force of the Convention a request for
the revision of the Convention may be made at any time by any State Party by
means of a notification in writing addressed to the Secretary- General of the United
2. Amendments shall come into force when they have been approved by the
General Assembly of the United Nations and accepted by a two- thirds majority of
the States Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes.
3. When amendments come into force, they shall be binding on those States
Parties that have accepted them, other Slates Parties still being bound by the
provisions of the present Convention and any earlier amendments that they have

Article …

1. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall receive and circulate to

all States the text of reservations made by States at the time of signature,
ratification or accession.
2. A reservation incompatible with the object and purpose of the present
Convention shall not be permitted.
3. Reservations may be withdrawn at any time by notification to this effect
addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall then inform all
States thereof. Such notification shall take effect on the date on which it is


1. The present Convention, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French,

Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the
Secretary-General of the United Nations.
2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit certified
copies of the present Convention to all States.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned plenipotentiaries, being duly
authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present

XXV. Translate the extract from the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
into English.

Международный пакт
о гражданских и политических правах

Участвующие в данном пакте государства,

принимая во внимание, что в соответствии с принципами,
провозглашенными Уставом Организации Объединенных Наций, призвание
достоинства, присущего всем членам человеческой семьи, и равных и
неотъемлемых прав их является основой свободы, справедливости и
всеобщего мира,
признавая, что эти права вытекают из присущего человеческой
личности достоинства,
признавая, что, согласно Всеобщей декларации прав человека, идеал
свободной человеческой личности, пользующейся гражданской и
политической свободой от страха и нужды, может быть осуществлен только,
если будут созданы такие условия, при

которых каждый может пользоваться своими экономическими, социальными

и культурными правами, так же как и своими гражданскими и
политическими правами,
принимая во внимание, что по Уставу Организации Объединённых
Наций государства обязаны поощрять всеобщее уважение и соблюдение прав
и свобод человека,
принимая во внимание, что каждый отдельный человек, имея
обязанности в отношении других людей и того коллектива, к которому он
принадлежит, должен добиваться поощрения и соблюдения прав,
признаваемых в настоящем Пакте
соглашаются о нижеследующих статьях

Статья 1
1. Все народы имеют право на самоопределение. В силу этого права
они свободно устанавливают свой политический статус и свободно
обеспечивают своё экономическое, социальное и культурное развитие.
2. Все народы для достижения своих целей могут свободно
распоряжаться своими естественными богатствами и ресурсами без ущерба
для каких-либо обязательств, вытекающих из международного
экономического сотрудничества, основанного на принципе взаимной выгоды,
и из международного права. Ни один народ ни в коем случае не может быть
лишён принадлежащих ему средств существования.
3. Все участвующие в настоящем Пакте государства, в том числе те,
которые несут ответственность за управление несамоуправляющимися и

подопечными территориями, должны, в соответствии с положениями Устава
Организации Объединённых Наций, поощрять осуществление права на
самоопределение и уважать это право.

Статья 2
1. Каждое участвующее в настоящем Пакте государство обязуется
уважать и обеспечивать всем находящимся в пределах его территории и под
его юрисдикцией лицам права, признаваемые в настоящем Пакте, без какого
бы то ни было различия, как-то в отношёнии расы, цвета кожи, пола, языка,
религии, политических или иных

убеждений, национального или социального происхождения,

имущественного положения, рождения или иного обстоятельства.

2. Если это уже не предусмотрено существующими законодательными

или другими мерами, каждое участвующее в настоящем Пакте государство
обязуется принять необходимые меры в соответствии со своими
конституционными процедурами и положениями настоящего Пакта для
принятия таких законодательных или других мер, которые могут оказаться
необходимыми для осуществления прав, признаваемых в настоящем Пакте.
3.Каждое участвующее в настоящем Пакте государство обязуется:
а) обеспечить любому лицу, права и свободы которого, признаваемые в
настоящем Пакте, нарушены, эффективное средство правовой защиты, даже
если это нарушение было совершено лицами, действовавшими в
официальном качестве;
b) обеспечить, чтобы право на правовую защиту для любого лица,
требующего такой защиты, устанавливалось компетентными судебными,
административными или законодательными властями или любым другим
компетентным органом, предусмотренным правовой системой государства, и
развивать возможности судебной защиты;
с) обеспечить применение компетентными властями средств правовой
защиты, когда они предоставляются.

Статья 3
Участвующие в настоящем Пакте государства обязуются обеспечить равное
для мужчин и женщин право пользования всеми гражданскими и
политическими правами, предусмотренными в настоящем Пакте.

[Резолюция Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН 2200 А (ХХ) от 16 декабря 1966 г.]


XXVI Translate into Russian


The States Parties to the present Convention

Recalling that special treatment has always been accorded to special
Having in mind the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United
Nations concerning the sovereign equality of States, the maintenance of
international peace and security and the development of friendly relations and
cooperation among States,

Recalling that the importance of the question of special missions was

recognized during the United Nations Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse and
Immunities and in resolution I adopted by the Conference on 10 April 1961,

Considering that the United Nations Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse

and Immunities adopted the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which
was opened for signature on 18 April 1961,

Considering that the United Nations Conference on Consular Relations

adopted the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, which was opened for
signature on 24 April 1963,

Believing that an international convention on special missions would

complement those two Conventions and would contribute to the development of
friendly relations among nations, whatever their constitutional and social systems,

Realizing that the purpose of privileges and immunities relating to special

missions is not to benefit individuals but to ensure the efficient performance of the
functions of special missions as missions representing the State,

Affirming that the rules of customary international law continue to govern

questions not regulated by the provisions of the present Convention,

HAVEAGREED as follows: [... ]

XXVII*. Do the two-way translation of the texts filling in the blanks with
the underlined expressions from the opposite column.



The States Parties to the present Государства, являющиеся сторонами

Convention настоящей конвенции
Recalling that (1) ... between peoples отмечая, что (1) консульские
since ancient times, отношения устанавливались между
народами с древних времен,
Having in mind (2) the Purposes and принимая во внимание (2) …
Principles of the Charter of the United Объединенных наций в отношении
Nations concerning the sovereign суверенного равенства государств,
equality of States, the maintenance of поддержания международного мира и
international peace, and security, and (3) безопасности и (3) содействия
… развитию дружественных отношений
между государствами
Considering that the United Nations учитывая, что Конференция
Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse Организации Объединенных Наций
and Immunities adopted the Vienna по дипломатическим сношениям и
Convention on Diplomatic Relations (4) иммунитетам приняла Венскую
which was opened for signature on 18 конвенцию о дипломатических
April 1961, сношениях, (4) … 18 апреля 1961
Believing that an international будучи убежденными, что
convention on consular relations, заключение международной
privileges and immunities would also Конвенции о консульских
contribute to the development of сношениях, привилегиях и
friendly relations among nations, (5) …, иммунитетах также будет
способствовать развитию
дружественных отношений между
государствами, (5) независимо от
различий в их государственном и
общественном строе
Realizing that (6) that purpose of such сознавая, что такие (6) …, (7) а для
privileges and immunities is not to обеспечения эффективного
benefit individuals but (7) ... on behalf осуществления консульскими
of their respective States, учреждениями функций от имени
Affirming that the rules of customary подтверждая, что нормы
international law continue to govern международного обычного права
matters (8) not expressly regulated by продолжают регулировать вопросы,
the provisions of the present Convention (8) … настоящей Конвенции,

HAVE AGREED as follows: СОГЛАСИЛИСЬ о нижеследующем

…. ….

XXVIII. Translate the final clauses of the convention into Russian paying attention
to the words and phrases in bold type.


Article 48
The present Convention shall be open for signature by all States Members
of the United Nations or of any of the specialized agencies or Parties to the
Statute of the International Court of Justice, and by any other State invited by the
General Assembly of the United Nations to become a Party to the Convention, as
follows: until 31 October 1961 at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of
Austria and subsequently, until 31 March 1962, at the United Nations
Headquarters in New York.

Article 49

The present Convention is subject to ratification. The instruments of

ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article 50
The present Convention shall remain open for accession by any State
belonging to any of the four categories mentioned in Article 48. The instruments
of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Article 51
1. The present Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth day
following the date of deposit of the twenty-second instrument of ratification or
accession with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
2. For each State ratifying or acceding to the Convention after the deposit
of the twenty-second instrument of ratification or accession, the Convention shall
enter into force on the thirtieth day after deposit by such State of its instrument of
ratification or accession. [...]

Article 53
The original of the present Convention, of which the Chinese, English,
French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be
deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall send
certified copies thereof to all States belonging to any of the four categories
mentioned in Article 48.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, being duly

authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have signed the present
DONE AT Vienna, this eighteenth day of April one thousand nine hundred
and sixty-one.

XXIX. Translate into Russian.

Establishing the European Community

10 EMU third stage


Declare the irreversible character of the Community’s movement to the third

stage of Economic and Monetary Union by signing the new Treaty provisions on
Economic and Monetary Union.
Therefore all Member States shall, whether they fulfil the necessary
conditions for the adoption of a single currency or not, respect the will for the
Community to enter swiftly into the third stage, and therefore no Member State
shall prevent the entering into the third stage.
If by the end of 1997 the date of the beginning of the third stage has not been
set, the Member States concerned, the Community institutions and other bodies
involved shall expedite all preparatory work during 1998, in order to enable the
Community to enter into the third stage irrevocably on 1 January 1999 and to
enable the ECB and ESCB to start their full functioning from this date.
This Protocol shall be annexed to the Treaty establishing the European

11 EMU and UK


RECOGNIZING that the United Kingdom shall not be obliged or committed

to move to the third stage of economic and monetary union without a separate
decision to do so by its government and Parliament,

NOTING the practice of the government of the United Kingdom to fund its
borrowing requirement by the sale of debt to the private sector.
HAVE AGREED on the following provisions, which shall be annexed to the
Treaty establishing the European Community:
1. The United Kingdom shall notify the Council whether it intends to move to
the third stage before the Council makes its assessment under Article
109j(2) of this Treaty;

Unless the United Kingdom notifies the Council that it intends to move to the
third stage, it shall be under no obligation to do so.
If no date is set for the beginning of the third stage under Article l09j(3) of this
Treaty, the United Kingdom may notify its intention to move to the third stage
before 1 January 1998.

2. Paragraphs 3 to 9 shall have effect if the United Kingdom notifies the

Council that it does not intend to move to the third stage.

3. The United Kingdom shall not be included among the majority of Member
States which fulfil the necessary conditions referred to in the second indent of
Article l09j(2) and the first indent of Article 109j(3) of this Treaty.

4. The United Kingdom shall retain its powers in the field of monetary policy
according to national law.
5. Articles 3a (2), l04c(l), (9) and (11), 105(1) to (5), 105a, 107, 108, l08a, 109,
109a(l) and (2)(b) and 1091(4) and (5) of this Treaty shall not apply to the
United Kingdom. In these provisions references to the Community or the
Member States shall not include the United Kingdom and references to national
central banks shall not include the Bank of England.

6. Articles 109e (4) and 109h and i of this Treaty shall continue to apply to the
United Kingdom. Articles l09c(4) and 109m shall apply to the United Kingdom
as if it had a derogation.

7. The voting rights of the United Kingdom shall be suspended in respect of

acts of the Council referred to in Articles listed in paragraph 5. For this purpose
the weighted votes of the United Kingdom shall be excluded from any
calculation of a qualified majority under Article 109k(5) of this Treaty.

The United Kingdom shall also have no right to participate in the appointment
of the President, the Vice-President and the other members of the Executive
Board of the ECB under Articles 109a(2)(b) and 1091(1) of this Treaty.
8. Articles 3, 4, 6, 7, 9.2, 10.1, 10.3, 11.2, 12.1, 14, 16, 18 to 20, 22, 23, 26, 27,
30 to 34, 50 and 52 of the Protocol on the Statute of the European System of
Central Banks and of the European Central Bank (‘the Statute’) shall not apply
to the United Kingdom.

XXX. Translate into English:

Настоящая конвенция подлежит регистрации Генеральным

секретарем Организации Объединенных Наций в день вступления ее в силу
В УДОСТОВЕРЕНИИ ЧЕГО нижеподписавшиеся полномочные
представители подписали настоящую конвенцию
СОВЕРШЕНО в Нью-Йорке августа тридцатого дня тысяча девятьсот
восемьдесят пятого года в одном экземпляре, английский, китайский,
русский, испанский и французские тексты которого являются равно
аутентичными; этот экземпляр депонируется в архиве Организации
Объединенных Наций, и заверенные копии его препровождаются
Генеральным секретарем Организации Объединенных Наций всем членам
Организации Объединенных Наций и государствам, не являющимся ее
членами, упомянутым в статье 16 настоящей конвенции

XXXI. Complete the following final provisions of a convention.

Final Provisions

1. Настоящая Конвенция должна быть _______ и должна __________ on

_________следовать за ________ которая будет происходить в _________ .

2.Конвенция должна _________ до тех пор _________ .

In _________ the Plenipotentiaries of _________ have ________
DONE AT ________ on ________ in _______ каждый в ________ оба текста

XXXII. Write a) the preamble and b) the final provisions of a consular convention
using the in formation below. See tables 1 to 9.

a) The Contracting Parties: the Republic of... and the Republic of...
Subject Matter: Both Sides are desirous of regulating consular relations in the
interests of further developing cooperation and strengthening the existing friendly
relations between the two States. They decide to conclude a consular Convention
which envisages the establishment of consulates, appointment of consular officers
and employees.

b) Ratification: subject to ratification

Entry into Force: on the thirtieth day following the exchange of instruments of
Место ратификации: ___________
Denunciation: by written notification of either Contracting Party
Место подписания: ___________
Date: 19 November 19__
Authentic texts: English and Spanish.

Table 1
The Preamble

The States Parties to this Convention Aware of…, AGREE as follows:

(Treaty, etc.), Considering
The Signatories to this Convention that…, AGREE UPON the
(Treaty, etc.). following articles:
The (High) Contracting Parties, Mindful of…, HEREBY AGREE
Recognizing… , as hereinafter
The Government of ... and the Reaffirming ..., HAVE AGREED as
Government of ... , hereinafter follows
referred to as the Parties, Taking into
account …etz.

Table 2

Undertaking Commitments
contribute to peace and security

The High Contracting encourage cooperation among

Parties nations
undertake to
(+ inf.) maintain and diffuse knowledge

promote the acceptance and

observance of the policy

abide by the provisions of the

present Convention

assume any international

obligations which would conflict
with this Treaty

circumvent the provisions of the

undertake not present Convention
The States Parties to this to (+ inf.)
(the present) Convention use force or threat of force in
(Treaty, international relations

intervene in the internal affairs of

other States

manufacture or stockpile nuclear


Table 3
Final Provisions

any other state until entry into
This (The force
present) shall be (remain) by any of the United
Convention open for (to Nations specialized
signature ) agencies from
(Treaty, 1 December
etc.) 19__ to 31 May
all States Members 19__
of the United

Table 4


This (The shal be subject to by the States in accordance

present) l ratification Signatory (conformity) with their
Convention hereto respective constitutional
(Treaty, etc.) procedures.

The instruments be ratified with the Secretary-General

of ratification be deposited of the United Nations.

The Secretary- shal be designated as the depositary of the

General of the l present Convention
United Nations

Table 5


(a) Signature not subject to

ratification, acceptance or approval, or
All may become Parties to
States the Convention by (b) Signature subject to
ratification, acceptance or approval,
followed by ratification, acceptance or
approval, or

(c) Accession
Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected
by the deposit of the appropriate instrument with the Depositary.

This (The present be (remain) by any state belonging to

Convention open for (to categories A and B mentioned
(Treaty, etc.) accession in Article 34.

the States referred to in

Article VI (1).

shall All States-Members of the

United Nations

The instruments be deposited wit the Secretary-General of the

of accession h United Nations

in the archives of the United


Table 6

Entry into Force

This (The enter on signature
present) into
Convention force on the day (date) of the exchange
of instruments of ratification
etc.) on the day (date) of (the)
shall deposit of each instrument of accession

on the thirtieth day after the date of

signature or of (the) deposit of such
instrument with the Depositary

on the 30th day following the date of (the) deposit

of the twenty-second instrument of ratification or
come accession with the Secretary-General of the United
into Nations.
sixty days after the date on which the States have
become Parties to the Convention

three months after the date of (the) deposit with the

Secretary-General of the United Nations of the
thirty- fifth instrument of ratification or instrument
of accession.

Table 7

Duration and Termination

through December 31, 1995, unless
This (The remain in replaced earlier by another agreement....
- present) shall force for so long as each Party remains a Member
Convention of the United Nations…
be terminated until a revised general convention has been
(Treaty, approved by the General Assembly
etc.) cease to be in as from the date when the denunciation
force becomes effective (takes effect)....
Table 8

Each Party
Each State Party by (written) notification
to denounce at any addressed (communicated)
this (the present) may this time to the Secretary-General of
Convention (the present) the United Nations (to the
(Treaty, etc.) Convention Director-General of the
Any State Party (Treaty, etc.) Organization).
Any Contracting

Such shal take three (six, etc.) months after the date of receipt
denunciation effect of the notification by the Secretary-General
shal until one year after the date on which it is
not registered

Table 9

Final Clauses
to that (by their Have
IN the under- (being) effect respective signed this
WITNESS signed duly Governments (the
(FAITH) Plenipotentiarie authorize thereto ) present)
WHEREO s d Conventio
F thereof n
for that etc.).

DONE at (in) on February 25, 1995 in one (in a single)

London this 25th day of in two copies both texts
February 1995 (in
in the duplicate),each (being)
city this twenty-fifth day in the English and equally
of of February one Spanish languages, authentic
thousand nine
and ninety five

XXXIII. Speak on the style and composition of treaties and other international


The term «agreement», like the term «treaty» itself, is used in a number of
senses. In a generic sense, it covers any meeting of minds — in this case the
minds of two or more international persons. A distinction must always be drawn
between agreements intended to have an obligatory character (i. e. the assumption
of legal rights and duties) and agreements not intended to have such a character. In
a restricted sense, the term «agreement» means an agreement intended to have an
obligatory character but usually of a less formal nature than a treaty. Like treaties,
agreements in this restricted sense may be concluded between Heads of State,
between States or between Governments.
No doubt because of its general and relatively innocuous meaning,
«agreement» is the term invariably used to describe understandings intended to
have an obligatory character concluded a) between the United Nations and the
specialized agencies ( including the «relationship agreements» covered by Articles
57 and 63 of the Charter) and (b) between the specialized agencies themselves
(«inter-agency agreements»).
A term substantially equivalent to «agreement» is «arrangement». The view
that an «agreement» implies an undertaking somewhat more definite than an
«arrangement» is not believed to be correct. Other terms sometimes used instead of
«agreement», though believed to be substantially similar, are:
(a) memorandum of understanding constituting an agreement;

(b) understanding;

(c) agreed joint statement;

(d) memorandum constituting an agreement;

(e) joint declaration constituting an agreement.

Sometimes agreements are concluded between a Government Department in

one country and a Government Department in another. It depends on the
circumstances whether such «interdepartmental agreements» are binding under
international law or whether they are merely private law contracts.
Agreements are frequently concluded by exchange of notes, sometimes
referred to as «letters». In such cases, the representative of one government sends
the representative of another government a note setting forth the arrangements
proposed or to be agreed upon. The reply agrees to and frequently repeats the terms
of the first note.
A temporary or working arrangement made in order to bridge over some
difficulty pending a permanent settlement is usually referred to as modus vivendi.
This type of a temporary arrangement is made in a most informal way and does not
require ratification. Commercial agreements of a temporary nature have often been
entered into in the form of a modus vivendi by the United States as well as Great
Most agreements of a binding nature follow the same compositional design,
with some variation, as treaties and other international compacts. Generally
speaking, diplomats divide international agreements into three parts. First, the
preamble, which states the overall purpose of the act . The second part embodies
the substantive commitments undertaken by the parties and comprises most of the
«text». The third part is the «final forms», more or less stereotyped, equivalent to
the precautions that governments have been traditionally called to take to guarantee
juridical regularity of the negotiation and the qualification of the plenipotentiaries,
and the specifications of how the agreement shall be brought into force, how it
may be terminated and, sometimes, how it may be amended. This is what is called
the «protocolary» or «formal provisions»


The Government of (name of country) and the Government of (name of

country), desiring to promote better understanding between the peoples of both
countries, and to improve the general state of relations between them; both
believing that further expansion of contacts, exchanges, and beneficial fruitful
cooperation between them will facilitate the achievement of these aims; taking into
account the positive experiences achieved through special agreements on
exchanges in the scientific, technical, educational, cultural and other fields,
HAVE AGREED as follows:

Article 1

1. The Parties shall encourage and develop contacts, exchange and

cooperation in the fields of science, education, and culture, and in other fields of
mutual interest.
2. The contacts, exchange and cooperation are subject to laws and
procedures in force in the countries of both Parties. Both Parties shall exert every
possible effort to provide favourable conditions for the achievement of this

Article 2
1. The Parties shall encourage and facilitate the expansion of Contacts,
exchange and cooperation in various fields of education.
To this end, both Parties shall:
A. provide for the exchange of students, researchers, and faculty members for
study and research; professors and teachers to lecture, teach and conduct
B. facilitate the exchange by appropriate organizations, of education and teaching
materials, including textbooks, syllabi and curricula, materials on methodology,
samples of teaching instruments and visual aids.

2. Both Parties shall also encourage the study of each other’s language
through the development of the exchange and cooperation mentioned above and
through other mutually agreed measures.

Article 3
In order to achieve better mutual acquaintance with the cultural achievements of
each country, the Parties shall:
1. encourage the development of exchange in artistic performance such as
theatrical, musical and choreographic ensembles, orchestras and entertainment
groups and exchange of individuals;
2. facilitate the exchange of exhibitions and museum items;
3. promote mutual visits of artists, writers, and specialists in all academic
disciplines, especially when such visits are undertaken for participation in
conferences and symposia;
4. render assistance to officials of national and local governments wishing to
study the various functions of governmental administration in both countries;
5. encourage visits and exchanges of athletes, athletic teams, teachers and
specialists in various sports affairs.

Article 4
In order to implement this Agreement, each of the Contracting Parties shall
assign an accredited representative of the Government to prepare periodic
programmes for cultural cooperation, and to study the financial, technical and
administrative affairs connected with implementation.
Time and place of the working meetings for those representatives will be
scheduled through diplomatic channels.

Article 5
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on signature. Either Party may
terminate the Agreement by a six month’s written notice to the other Party.
The Agreement may be modified by mutual agreement of both Parties.
2. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prejudice Other
agreements concluded between both Parties.
DONE AT ... this ... day of ..., 19__ , in duplicate, in the English arid Arabic
languages, both texts being equally authentic.

For the Government For the Government

из... из....
(signed) (signed)



Between the United States of America, represented by the Federal Aviation

Administration (hereinafter referred to as the FAA), an official Agency of the
Government of the United States of America, located in Washington, D. C, and the
Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) […]
Whereas the FAA is able to furnish directly technical services as specified in
this Agreement, and in Annex A, ... and
Whereas Section 305 of the Federal Aviation Act, as amended,
authorizes and directs the FAA Administrator to foster and encourage the
development of civil aeronautics and air commerce […];
NOW, THEREFORE, the FAA and the Bank mutually agree as follows:

Article 1. Scope of Work

The services to be provided by the FAA are described in detail in Annex A,

which forms a part of this Agreement.
Article 2.Estimated Costs and Method of Payment

The Bank will reimburse the FAA for all costs incurred under this
Agreement and will provide local support to the FAA in accordance with Article 4
of this Agreement.

Article 3. Commencement of the Services

The FAA undertakes to commence the services no later than forty-five (45)
days following the signature of this Agreement by both parties.

Article 4. Liability
The Bank agrees to defend any suit brought against the United States, the
FAA, or any instrumentality or officer of the United States arising out of work
under this Agreement.

Article 5
The Agreement will be signed in the United States and in the Dominican

MADE and SIGNED in four (4) original copies, for all effects the same, in
English and Spanish, three (3) for The Bank and one (1) for the FAA, in Santo
Domingo, Capital of the Dominican Republic, on May____ , 19___.
The Central Bank of The United States of America
the Dominican Republic Department of Transportation

By the Central Bank: The Federal Aviation Administration

………….. …………..
(signed) (signed)




The European Union belongs to its citizens. The Treaties establishing the
Union should address their most direct concerns.
The Maastricht Treaty provided for the convening in 1996 of an
Intergovernmental Conference, which is the formal mechanism for revising the
Treaties on which the Union is based.
The scope of the Conference’s work has been set out by successive
European Councils. The aim is to provide the Union with the means to respond
adequately to the challenges which confront it now and in the years ahead. A
thorough analysis of these challenges was undertaken in preparation for the
Conference by a Reflection Group which submitted a suggested annotated agenda
for the Conference to the European Council in Madrid in 1995.
The Conference formally began its work on the occasion of the European
Council meeting in Turin on 29 March 1996. The Italian Presidency addressed the
task of examining the issues and exploring delegations’ positions and priorities. It
reported on the outcome of its work to the Florence European Council in June.
At Florence, the European Council indicated that it expected at its meeting
in Dublin in December to mark decisive progress towards completing the
Intergovernmental Conference by the middle of 1997. To that end it requested the
Presidency to prepare for that meeting «a general outline for a draft revision of the
The Irish Presidency has organized the work of the Conference
with a view to fulfilling that mandate. The Conference has met at Foreign Minister
level on a monthly basis. The work of the Foreign Ministers has been prepared by
a Group consisting of their Representatives which has met on an almost weekly
The Special Meeting of the European Council in Dublin on 5 October
provided an important impetus for the work of the Conference. The Heads of State
or Government confirmed on that occasion that the Conference should conclude as
agreed in June 1997. They also reaffirmed that the Conference should maintain an
adequate level of ambition to ensure that the Union is equipped to address more
effectively the concerns of its citizens, that it can play a coherent role in
international relations commensurate with its potential and responsibilities and that
it can carry the weight which the restructuring of the wider continent is likely to
place on it in the years ahead. An adaptation of the Union’s institutions and the
way they function must play a central role in that regard. [... ]

in the form of an exchange of notes

EMBASSY OF (name of country)

IN (city)
No.______ (city), (date)

The Embassy of ... presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign

Affairs of ... and has the honour to inform it of the following:
Pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Final Act of the Conference on
Security and Cooperation in Europe, the (British, etc.) authorities are prepared to
grant on a reciprocal basis, as of 17 October 19_, one-year multiple entry and exit
visas to journalists permanently accredited to the Government of ... and members
of their families.
The Embassy would regard a positive response from the Ministry as
constituting an agreement between the two Parties in this matter.
The Embassy of ... takes this oppotunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of ... the assurances of its highest consideration.


OF (name of country)


OF (name of country)
No.___ (city) (date)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ... presents its compliments to the

Embassy of ... in ... and, acknowledging receipt of the Embassy’s note No.___ of
16 October 19___ on the granting on a reciprocal basis of multiple entry and exit
visas to ... journalists, has the honour to inform it of the following:
Taking into account the provisions of the Final Act of the Conference on
Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Government of ... intends as of 17
October 19___ to grant one- year multiple entry and exit visas to the journalists
of ... permanently accredited to the Government of ... and members of their
The Ministry will regard the above-mentioned note from the Embassy and
the present note as constituting an understanding between the two Parties in this
The Ministry takes this oppotunity to renew to the Embassy the assurances
of its highest consideration.


EMBASSY OF (name of country)



for the Development of Economic,
Scientific and Technical Cooperation
The Government of (name of country) and the Government of (name of
Confirming that cooperation between the two countries is based on the
principles of respect for state sovereignty, independence, non-interference in
internal affairs, complete equality and mutual assistance,
Guided by the need to steadily advance the national economies of both
countries and to improve the well-being of their peoples,
Convinced that all-round cooperation between the two countries
twill contribute to the cause of peace and the relaxation of international tension,
HAVE AGREED on the present Long-Term Programme for the
Development of Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation between....

1. Basic Results of Cooperation

The economic, scientific and technical ties between ... are characterized by a
steady growth in scale and the expansion of the range of branches involved.
In 1991-95 the volume of technical assistance to ... is more than double as
compared with the previous five-year period.
Trade between ... is growing at a rapid rate and is to be roughly trebled in the
present five-year period as compared with 1986-90.

2. Main Guidelines for Long-Term Cooperation

The Sides have found it essential to develop and deepen their economic,
scientific and technical cooperation and to this end have agreed:
to work closer together in the leading branches of the economy;
to develop contacts in the training of national personnel in the sphere of
culture, education and public health;
to take the necessary measures to ensure the fuller utilization of the
production potentials of both countries.
3. Priority Areas of Cooperation

The Sides have found it expedient to concentrate on cooperation in the

following priority areas:
in agriculture, engineering, the fuel and energy branches, the sphere of
transport and communications, as well as in the sphere of geological prospecting.
4. Implementation of the Programme

The Sides have agreed to hold consultations on questions relating to the

implementation of the present Long-Term Programme.
Verification of the implementation of the Programme shall be vested in the
Intergovernmental Commission for Economic, Scientific and Technical
The present Long-Term Programme may be amended and supplemented by
the Sides depending on the results achieved and also on the new requirements and
possibilities that might open in the development of cooperation.
DONE AT ... on October 31, 19___ in two copies, each in the English and
Arabic languages, both texts being equally authentic.
For the Government For the Government
из ........... из ...........
(signed) (signed)


I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What does the term «agreement» imply in a generic and a restricted sense? 2.
What is the main distinction between the terms «treaty» and «agreement» used in a
restricted sense? 3. What are «inter-agency agreements»? 4. What terms
substantially similar to «agreement» are employed in diplomatic practice? 5. What
is the general procedure of concluding an agreement by an exchange of notes? 6.
What agreements are not subject to ratification? 7. What is the compositional
design of most agreements of a binding nature?

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. Sometimes agreements are concluded between ... . 2. A temporary or working

arrangement made in order to bridge over some difficulty ... 3. Agreements are
frequently concluded by an exchange of... . 4. Commercial agreements of a
temporary nature ... . 5. Diplomats divide international agreements into .... 6. A
distinction must always be drawn between …. 7. Other terms sometimes used
instead of «agreement» are....
III. Study the texts in exhibits 4 to 8, comment on their differences

IV.* Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

1) being equally authentic; 2) by mutual agreement; 3) on signature;

4) through diplomatic channels; 5) through mutually agreed measures;
6) to exert every effort; 7) to facilitate the expansion of contacts; 8) to
promote better understanding; 9) to provide favourable conditions for; 10) to
render assistance.

V. Define the following terms in English consulting the Glossary of

Diplomatic Terms if necessary.
accession, accord, alternat, compromis d’arbitrage, concordat, consensus,

VI. * Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their
Russian equivalents.

arms-control ≈. ; bilateral ≈. ; cease-fire ≈ ; commercial ≈; cultural exchange ≈. ;

intergovernmental ≈ ; interim ≈ ; interstate ≈; legally binding ≈; long-term ≈ ;
multilateral ≈; multipartite ≈ ; mutual preliminary ≈ ; regional ≈ ; quadripartite ≈ ;
trade ≈ ; trilateral ≈; tripartite ≈;
≈ on the establishment of diplomatic relations; ≈ on limiting nuclear weapons; ≈
on tariffs and trade; ≈ of unlimited duration; ≈ on a wide range of issues; in
accordance with the ≈ achieved;
to abrogate an ≈ ; to annul an ≈ ; to break an ≈ ; to come to an ≈ ; to conclude an ≈;
to denounce an ≈; to enter into an ≈ ; to honour an ≈ ; to observe an ≈; to ratify an
≈; to reach — ; to sign an ≈ ; to violate an ≈;


international ≈ s; interstate ≈ s; treaty ≈ s; ≈ s arising out of (from) the basic

provisions (terms) of a treaty; a ≈ to refrain from the threat or use of force; to
assume a ≈ ;
to make no ≈ s; to meet one’s ≈ ; to shirk one’s ≈ ; to undertake a ≈ ; to violate a

VII. Suggest the English for:

1) бессрочное соглашение; 2) временное соглашение; 3) двустороннее
соглашение; 4) договорные обязательства; 5) долгосрочное соглашение; 6)
международные обязательства; 7) межправительственное соглашение; 8)
обязательства, вытекающие из основных положений договора; 9) соглашение
о культурном обмене; 10) соглашение об установлении дипломатических
отношений; 11) соглашение по широкому кругу вопросов; 12) трехстороннее
соглашение; 13) четырехстороннее соглашение; 14) юридически
обязательное соглашение

VIII. Translate the following Latin expressions into Russian consulting

Appendix I if necessary.

ad hoc: arranged for this purpose; a fortiori: the more so; a priori: prior to;
contra pacem: against peace; ex officio: by virtue of one’s office or position;
gratis dictum: a free will statement; inter se: between or among themselves; inter
alia: among other things; ipso facto: by that very fact or act; thereby; ipso jure: by
that very right; per annum: annually;
per capita: for each individual; per se: by or in itself; intrinsically; prima facie:
(based) on the first impression; [in law adequate to establish a fact or raise a
presumption of fact unless refuted; pro and con: [of arguments or reasons for and
against; pro rata: in proportion to a total sum.

IX. Memorize the archaic words below pertaining to the formal style.
Translate into Russian using the following definitions.

thereafter: after that in time or sequence; subsequently; thereat: at that place; on

that account; after that; thereby: by that means; as a result of that; therefrom:
from this (that); therein: in that place; in that respect; thereinafter: in the
following part (of that document, speech, etc.); thereinto: into that place; into that
matter, condition, etc.: thereof: of that; concerning that; from that as a cause;
thereon: on that; concerning that subject; immediately following that;
thereto: to that place; in addition to that; besides; thereupon: soon or immediately
after that; concerning that subject; therewith: in addition to that; immediately

X * Translate into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type.

1. All documents signed at the same time as an agreement or which are annexed
thereto form a part of the official text. 2. Such declarations shall be deposited with
the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall transmit copies thereof to
the parties to the Statute. 3. Any State Party to the present Covenant may propose
an amendment and file it with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The
Secretary-General shall thereupon communicate any proposed amendments to the
States Parties to the present Covenant. 4. Unesco is a specialized agency
responsible for taking such action as may be appropriate under its basic instrument
for the accomplishment of the purposes set forth therein. 5. In case of doubt as to
the interpretation and application of any of the foregoing Regulations, the Director-
General is authorized to rule thereon. 6. Each State Party may at the time of
signature or ratification of this Convention or accession thereto declare that it does
not consider itself bound by paragraph 1 of this article. 7. The United Nations has
condemned colonialism and all practices of segregation and discrimination
associated therewith.

XI. Find out the meaning of the verb «prejudice» in the sentences below (see
exhibit 4).

1. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prejudice other agreements

concluded between both Parties. 2. It is understood that the content of the Notes
exchanged does not prejudice the respective positions of the two Governments
with respect to article XIX (1) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

XII. * Translate into Russian.

1. Nothing in paragraph 4 below should in any way prejudice the position of any
Member State on this question. 2. The provisions of this article are without
prejudice to the responsibilities of the Committee under article 41. 3. States Parties
undertake to adopt effective measures with a view to combatting prejudices which
lead to racial discrimination. 4. A declaration may be withdrawn at any time by
notification to the Secretary-General. Such a withdrawal shall not prejudice the
consideration of any matter which is the subject of a communication already
transmitted under this article. 5. The provisions for the implementation of the
present Covenant shall apply without prejudice to the procedures prescribed in the
field of human rights by or under the constituent instruments and the conventions
of the United Nations.

6. Nothing in the present Convention shall be deemed to prejudice any legislation

which ensures stricter conditions than those provided by the present Convention. 7.
Denunciation shall be without prejudice to the continued application of the
provisions of the present Protocol to any communication submitted under article 2
before the effective date of denunciation.

XIII. Study the use of «upon» in different phrases. Mind that it may correspond to
the Russian prepositions «на», «по» and «при»

acceptance of this proposal

agreement by the parties concerned
the conclusion of negotiations
UPON entry into force
the exchange of instruments of ratification
the recommendation of the Security Council
a request submitted to the Director-General

XIV. Study the plural forms of nouns borrowed from other languages (mostly
Latin). Mind that some of them have two plurals (English and foreign, e.g. indexes,
indices). The list given below shows the prescribed plurals of some of these nouns
in United Nations usage.

addendum — addenda, appendix — appendices, biennium — bienniums, bureau

— bureaux, criterion — criteria, curriculum — curricula, datum — data, formula
— formulas, forum — forums, genius—geniuses, gymnasium — gymnasiums,
honorarium — honorariums, hypothesis — hypotheses, index — indexes, medium
— mediums (But: media, for channels of information), memorandum —
memoranda, phenomenon — phenomena, referendum — referendums, series —
series, spectrum — spectra, stimulus — stimuli, stratum — strata, syllabus —
syllabuses, symposium — symposia, synopsis — synopses, thesis — theses.

Note: The word “agenda” is now usually treated as a singular noun meaning “a list
of items for consideration”; in this sense “agendas” as a plural form is permissible.

XV.* Translate into English paying attention to the number of nouns.

1) в соответствии с критериями; 2) распространять данные; 3) включать в
учебный план; 4) демографические явления; 5) поощрять использование
средств массовой информации; 6) принять повестку дня с внесенными
поправками; 7) организовать региональные симпозиумы; 8) широкий спектр
сведений; 9) в течение предшествующих двухлетних периодов; 10)
использовать национальные языки как средство обучения.

XVI. Make up a few sentences following the models.

Model 1. The General Assembly recommended that the Security Council (should)
consider the situation as a matter of urgency.
Model 2. I have the honour to propose that the Agreement (should) be amended
as follows.

XVII*. Do the two-way translation of the texts filling in the blanks with the
underlined expressions from the opposite column.

to the Draft Programme к Проекту программы и
and Budget for 1993 — 1994 бюджета на 1993 -1994 гг
Part II — Unesco Programme Часть II – Выполнение
Operations программы ЮНЕСКО
Major Programme V — Education, Крупная программа V – Образование
Training and Society подготовка кадров и общество
The General Conference, Recalling Генеральная конференция, напоминая
the importance of international о важности международного
cooperation (1) ... called for by сотрудничества в (1)
the (2) Revised Recommendation области технического и
concerning Technical and Vocational профессионального образования,
Education it adopted at its eighteenth к которому призывает (2) …,
session; принятая Генеральной конференцией
на ее 18-й сессии
Recognizing that international признавая, что
cooperation in the field of technical международное сотрудничество
and vocational education contributes в области технического и
to friendly understanding and профессионального образования
the maintenance of peace between способствует дружественному
nations; взаимопониманию и поддержанию
мира между народами
Considering that the development считая, что развитие национальных
of national systems of technical систем технического и
and vocational education is (3)… профессионального образования
является (3) непременным условием
установления нового мирового
Considering that (4) in spite считая, что (4) … во всем мире, всюду
of diversity of educational systems возникают аналогичные вопросы и
in the world similar questions and проблемы, касающиеся технического
problems concerning technical and и профессионального образования
vocational education arise in all
Aware that for the solution of понимая, что для решения многих
many problems of technical and проблем профессионального
vocational education a common образования необходима общая
strategy стратегия и серьезные (5)
and serious (5) ... are required, исследования, выходящие за рамки
Authorizes the Director-General, национальных границ, поручает
Генеральному директору
(a) 6... of the Organization in (а) (6) сосредоточить деятельность
the sphere of technical and vocational Организации в области технического
education on the following и профессионального образования
priorities: the development and на разработке следующих
(7) expansion of technological literacy. направлений: развитие и (7) … .

XVIII. Précis the following text in about one-third of its size.


between the Union of Soviet Socialist

Republics and the United States
of America concerning Cooperation
in the Exploration
and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America,

Considering the role which the USSR and the USA play in the exploration
and use of outer space for peaceful purposes;

Striving for a further expansion of cooperation between the USSR and the
USA in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes;

Noting the positive cooperation which the parties have already experienced
in this area;

Desiring to make the results of scientific research gained from the

exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes available for the benefit of
the peoples of the two countries and of all peoples of the world;

Taking into consideration the provisions of the Treaty on Principles

Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space,
Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, as well as the Agreement on the
Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts, and the Return of Objects
Launched into Outer Space;

Encouraged by the progress made in the course of mutually agreed activities

pursued under the Agreement Between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and
the United States of America Concerning Cooperation in the Exploration and Use
of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes […]

HAVE AGREED as follows:

Article 1
The Parties shall continue to develop cooperation in such fields of space
science and applications as space meteorology; study of the natural environment;
exploration of near earth space, the moon and the planets; space biology and
medicine; satellite search and rescue systems. [...]

Article 2

The Parties shall carry out such cooperation through their appropriate
national agencies by means of mutual exchanges of scientific information and
delegations, and meetings of scientists and specialists of both countries, and also in
such other ways as may be mutually agreed.

Article 3

The Parties shall take all necessary measures for the further development of
cooperation in the area of manned space flights for scientific and practical
objectives, including the use in joint flights of compatible docking and rendezvous
systems derived from those developed during the experimental flight of Soyuz and
Apollo spacecraft in July 1975. […]

Article 4

The Parties shall encourage international efforts to resolve problems of

international law in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes
with the aim of strengthening the legal order in space and further developing
international space law, and shall cooperate in this field.
Article 5

The Parties may by mutual agreement determine other areas of cooperation

in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.

Article 6
This agreement shall enter into force May 24, 1977, and shall remain in
force for five years. It may be modified or extended by mutual agreement of the
DONE AT Geneva this 18th day of May 1977 in duplicate, in the Russian
and English languages, both texts equally authentic.

For the Union of Soviet For the United States of

Socialist Republics America
(signed) (signed)

XIX. Complete the following letters constituting an agreement between the

Government of Kenya and the Government of Denmark.

Nairobi, 18 March

Ref. No._____


________________ to article 3 of “Agreement between the Government of Kenya

and the Government of Denmark on the Establishment of an Industrial Training
Centre in Mombasa” _______________ 20 September 19_ , and to the Kenya
Government’s request funds for the purchase of additional equipment, contained in
letter _______________ 24 October 19_, from the Treasury,
I _______________ to inform you that the Government of Denmark is willing to
increase its financial contribution by 1, 100, 000 Danish Kroner.
If the foregoing is acceptable to the Government of Kenya,
I _______________ предлагает, что ______________ в качестве поправки к
указанному Соглашению.
I have the honour to remain, Sir, yours faithfully,

………………………. Посол Дании

The Permanent Secretary

Office of the Vice- President
and Ministry of Finance


23 March 19__

Ref. No.____

Your Excellency,
I ______________ to ______________ your letter No._______ of
18 March 19__, which states the following:

[as in letter I]
I have the pleasure in confirming that the ____________ is _____________ to the
Government of ____________ and that your letter referred to herein and my reply
hereto between our two Governments.
Please accept, Your Excellency, _______________

Permanent Secretary to the

His Excellency Mr ………….

Ambassador of Denmark
Royal Danish Embassy

XX. Write two letters constituting an agreement. Use the information below,
consult table 10 if necessary.

The Contracting Parties: the Government of Spain and the Government of


Subject Matter: the continuation of a transitional period of Spanish fishing within

waters over which Norway exercises sovereign rights.

Reference: to the negotiations which have taken place between the two
Governments in connection with the establishment of a Norwegian economic zone
of 200 nautical miles.

Terms and Conditions of the Agreement: I) the Government of Norway undertakes

to permit Spanish fishing vessels to fish within Norway’s economic zone north of
latitude 62° N beyond a distance of 50 nautical miles from the applicable baselines
for a period up to and including 31 December l9__; 2) Spanish fishing vessels shall
obtain licences from the competent authorities of the Government of Norway; 3)
the Government of Spain shall ensure that vessels flying the Spanish flag observe
the provisions of this Agreement and other Norwegian regulations in force.

Exchange of Letters: between the Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and the

Ambassador of Spain.

XXI. Speak on the variety, style and composition of international

Table 10

Exchange of Letters Constituting an Agreement


(city), 10 October (city),10 October

19__ 19__

No. ___ No. ___

Sir (Your Excellency), Sir (Your Excellency),
I have the honour to inform you that ... and I have the honour to acknowledge
to receipt of your Letter No. …. of 10
propose October 19__, which reads as
которым follows:
………………………………………… [As in I]
… I have the honour to inform you
(Your Excellency) that the
If these proposals are acceptable to the foregoing proposal is acceptable to
Government of …, I have the honour the Government of who therefore
to suggest (to propose) that this (the agree that your Letter and this (the
present) Letter and your reply (Your present) reply shall constitute an
Excellency’s reply) to that effect shall agreement (shall be regarded /
constitute an agreement (shall be regarded / considered as constituting an
considered as constituting an agreement) agreement) between the two
between the two Governments which shall Governments which shall enter into
enter into force on this day’s date (on 10 force on this day’s date (on 10
October 19__). October 19_).

Please accept, Sir (Excellency), the

assurance(s) of my Please accept,
Sir (Excellency) , the assurance (s)
Please accept, Sir (Excellency), the of my highest consideration,
assurance(s) of my Please accept, Sir
(Excellency) , the assurance (s) of my For the Government of
highest consideration, ……………………..
For the Government of
Table 11

Exchange of Notes Constituting an Agreement

(city), 5 December 19_ (city), 5 December 19_
No._ No._

The Embassy of ... presents its The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ...
compliments to the Ministry of Foreign presents its compliments to the Embassy
Affairs of ... and has the honour to of ... in ... and, acknowledging receipt of
inform it of the following: the Embassy’s Note No.___ of 5
…………………………….. December 19___ has the honour to
inform it of the following:

The Embassy would regard (consider) a The Ministry will regard (consider) the
positive response from the Ministry as above-mentioned Note from the
constituting an agreement (an Embassy and the present Note as
understanding) between the two Parties constituting an agreement (an
in this matter. understanding) between the two Parties
in this matter

The Embassy of ... takes (avails itself The Ministry takes (avails itself of) this
of) this opportunity to renew to the opportunity to renew to the Embassy
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ... the of... the assurance (s) of its highest
assurance (s) of its highest consideration.

(signed) (signed)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Embassy of (name of country)
of (name of country) (city)

The term “declaration” usually denotes a treaty that declares existing law
with or without modification, or creates new law. It may, however, be pointed out
that not all declarations are to be regarded as treaties, as they do not create
contractual obligations between two or more states.
Although sometimes declarations (i.e. legally binding agreements) are
important international agreements in themselves, they are more often appended to
a treaty or convention to form a subsidiary compact, or to place on record some
understanding reached or some explanation given. A mere general statement of
policy and principles cannot be regarded as intending to give rise to a contractual
obligation in the strict sense of the word.
Ministers for Foreign Affairs, even heads of government or heads of state,
now frequently meet for a few days, even for a few hours, to discuss policies and
problems of common interest to their countries. These meetings lead to what is
sometimes known under the traditional term of “Declaration” or “Communiqué”.
The results of such conferences are usually, for lack of time, not set out in
formal treaties signed in the traditional manner. Furthermore, the members of the
executive authority do not usually need special power. Very often, the participants
confine themselves to the drawing up of a common statement which is handed out
during a press conference. Such documents, which can have an outstanding
importance and political influence and be binding upon the participating
governments, may have none of the classic character of international agreements.
Legal experts are concerned about the obligatory value of these “declarations
of intention” or “statements of policy and principles”, the juridical character of
which must still be defined. Normally, because of their designation as
“Declaration” or “Communiqué”, they are assumed to constitute statements of
intention or policy rather than to constitute international commitments, such as are
normally embodied in the customary form of an international agreement.
The title “Declaration” is also frequently given to agreements between
governments regarding some minor matter, and has been used in this way for a
considerable number of agreements on such subjects as modification of a former
convention, execution of letters of request, recognition of tonnage certificates,
fishery regulations, etc. These may or may not provide for ratification.


on the Promotion of the Relationship
of Friendship and Cooperation between
(name of country) and (name of country).

The Republic of ... and the Republic of …,

Considering the fruitful experience of mutually beneficial cooperation and

close bonds of friendship between the two countries,

Convinced that the continued development of friendship and cooperation

between them accords with the aspirations of the peoples of both states and serves
the cause of preserving and strengthening peace and security in Africa and the
world over,

Guided by their common desire to make a positive contribution to a peaceful

settlement of controversial issues,
Reaffirming their allegiance to the purposes and principles of the Charter of
the United Nations Organization,

1. Both Sides shall develop and strengthen relations of friendship and
cooperation in the political, economic, scientific, technological, cultural and other
fields on the basis of the principles of full respect for sovereignty, territorial
integrity, non-intervention in internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit.

2. The Republic of ... and the Republic of ... declare their solidarity with the
liberation struggle of the peoples of South Africa and Namibia and shall take all
necessary measures for the complete implementation of the Declaration on the
Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

3. The Sides shall tirelessly strive for checking the arms race and preventing
it from spreading to outer space.

4. The provisions of the present Declaration shall not affect the

commitments earlier assumed by each of the Sides in respect of third countries and
international organizations.

5. The Sides shall exert every effort towards promoting the traditional
relationship of friendship and cooperation in accordance with the purposes defined
in the present Declaration.

DONE AT ... on the ... day of ... , one thousand nine hundred and ... , in
duplicate, in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic.

For the Republic of For the Republic of

(signed) (signed)
annexed to a treaty

On 1 May 19_, the High Contracting Parties to the Treaty on European

Union adopted the following Declaration:



The High Contracting Parties to the Treaty on European Union signed at

Maastricht on the seventh day of February 19_,

Having considered the terms of Protocol No__ to the said Treaty on

European Union which is annexed to that Treaty and to the Treaties establishing
the European Communities,

Hereby give the following legal interpretation:

That it was and is their intention that the Protocol shall not limit freedom to
travel between Member States or, in accordance with conditions which may be laid
down, in conformity with Community law, by Irish legislation, to obtain or make
available in Ireland information relating to services lawfully available in Member

At the same time the High Contracting Parties solemnly declare that, in the
event of a future constitutional amendment in Ireland which concerns the subject
matter of Article 40.3.3 of the Constitution of Ireland and which does not conflict
with the intention of the High Contracting Parties hereinbefore expressed, they
will, following the entry into force of the Treaty on European Union, be favourably
disposed to amending the said Protocol so as to extend its application to such
constitutional amendment if Ireland so requests.

I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What does the term «declaration» denote? 2. Are all declarations to be regarded
as treaties? 3. When can an international instrument be regarded as legally
binding? 4. What is the usual form of a declaration? 5. What is «a declaration of
intention»? Is it assumed to constitute any international commitments? 6. What are
the final documents of summit meetings? 7. What subjects are generally covered in
a declaration?

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. The title «Declaration» is frequently given to ... . 2. Although sometimes

declarations are important international agreements in themselves, …. 3. A mere
general statement of policy and principles cannot be regarded as ... . 4. Summit
meetings lead to what is sometimes known ... . 5. The results of such meetings are
usually, for lack of time, not set out in ... . 6. Very often, the participants in summit
meetings confine themselves to … . 7. Declarations may or may not provide for …

III. Study the texts in exhibits 9 and 10, point out words and phrases
pertaining to the formal style.

IV.* Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

1) the commitments earlier assumed by the Sides; 2) equality and mutual benefit;
3) full respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity; 4) a general statement of
policy; 5) a legally binding agreement; 6) non-interference in internal affairs; 7) to
be appended to a treaty; 8) to be regarded as a treaty; 9) to create contractual
obligations; 10) to place on record some understanding reached.

V. Define the following terms in English consulting the Glossary of

Diplomatic Terms if necessary.

denunciation, force majeure, pourparler, raison d’etre, rapprochement, signatory.

VI.* Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their
Russian equivalents.


an aggressor ≈; the contesting ≈ s; the contracting ≈ s; a dependent ≈; a depositary

a founder (founding) ≈; a friendly ≈ ; a guarantor ≈ ; a host ≈; a hostile ≈; an
independent ≈;
a member ≈; a neighbouring ≈; a neutral ≈; the newly-independent ≈ s; a
(non-)belligerent ≈; a (non-) nuclear ≈; an offending ≈; a participating ≈; a
receiving ≈; a recipient ≈; a sending ≈;
a signatory ≈; a third ≈; a transgressing ≈; a trustee (tutelary) ≈; a ≈ party to the
present convention; the ≈ s concerned; ≈ s with different social systems; head of ≈.


an adverse ≈ ; a belligerent ≈; the (High) Contracting ≈ ies; a hostile ≈; States

Parties to the present Convention; the ≈ ies to the dispute; the ≈ ies concerned
(interested ≈ ies);
to become a ≈ to a treaty.

VII. Suggest the English for:

1) воюющая сторона; 2) заинтересованные государства; 3) молодые
независимые государства; 4) государство-нарушитель; 5) государство
пребывания; 6) государства-участники; 7) государство, подписавшее договор;
8) государство, совершившее противоправное деяние; 9) государства с
различным общественным строем; 10) противная сторона

VIII* Find the root in the word «authentic» and give other derivatives with
the same root. Suggest the English for:
1) аутентичный текст; 2) аутентичная копия; 3) аутентичность текста
договора; 4) подлинная подпись; 5) достоверные сведения; 6) заверять
документ; 7) установить авторство; 8) удостоверить подлинность подписи.

IX. Translate the following Latin expressions into Russian consulting

Appendix I if necessary.
addendum: a supplement to a book; ad interim: for the intervening time,
ad verbum: to a word; consensus: general agreement; in re: in the matter of;
modus operandi: a method of procedure; pro tempore: for the time (being);
temporary; temporarily; quid pro quo: smth given as compensation; one thing in
return for another; sine die: with no appointed day; sine loco: without indication of
place; versus: against; vide infra: see below; vide supra: see above.

X. Memorize the archaic words below pertaining to the formal style.

Translate into Russian using the following definitions.

whereas: in view of the fact that; taking into consideration; in contrast or

comparison with; whereat: at which place; for which reason; whereby: by which
means; in consequence of which; wherefrom: from which; whence; wherein: in
which place or respect; whereof: of what, which, or whom; whereon: on which;
whereto: to which; towards what place, direction, or end; whereupon: in
consequence of which; immediately after which; wherewith: with which.

XI.* Translate into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type.

1. The ideal of free human beings can only be achieved if conditions are created
whereby everyone may enjoy his civic and political rights. 2. Decision 3.3
wherein the Executive Board expressed its opinion concerning the future
presentation of c/5 documents is of particular importance. 3. The procedure by
which the present Convention is to be applied is defined in the Regulations for its
execution, which constitute an integral part thereof. 4. Any High Contracting Party
may, at the time of ratification or accession, or at any time thereafter, declare that
the present Protocol shall extend to all territories for whose international relations
it is responsibility. 5. In faith whereof the undersigned, duly authorized to that
effect, have signed the present Convention. 6. The Director-General shall lay down
and enforce rules and provisions consistent therewith. 7. Unesco’s programmes in
the field of communication are based upon the fundamental principles stated
XII. Memorize the following:

bimonthly происходящий два раза в месяц, раз в два месяца

annum век, столетие ежегодный


biennium двухлетний период


biannual двухлетний, происходящий раз в два года

triennium трехлетний период
triennial трехлетний период
трехлетняя годовщина,
повторяющийся через три года
century век, столетие
centenary век, столетие; столетний
centennial столетие; столетний; происходящий раз в сто лет

bicentenary двухсотлетие, двухсотлетний


tercentenary трехсотлетие, трехсотлетний


quarter- четырехсотлетие
centenary четырехсотлетний
quincentenar пятисотлетие
y пятисотлетний
millennium тысячелетие
millenary тысячелетие; тысячелетний

millenarian тысячелетний
XIII. Study the following tables.

in order so as designed

so that smb/smth could

should + inf
в целях would
с целью
Subj I
for the purpose
with aim/ of
object N/Ving
in view

with a view to

aiming/ aimed at

with aim in mind

for end view
в этих целях to this/ purpose
с этой целью under that end, effect
XIV. Translate into English taking note of the words and phrases in bold type.
1. Всякая попытка, направленная на то, чтобы частично или полностью
нарушить извне территориальную целостность страны, несовместима с
целями и принципами ООН. 2. Необходимо отдавать приоритет программе
социальных наук и их развитию в странах третьего мира с тем, чтобы
позволить им лучше понять свое положение. 3. В рамках этой цели
ЮНЕСКО поручено выполнение в Африке проекта оказания помощи
Секретариату Западно-африканского экономического содружества. 4. В этих
целях необходимо уделять больше внимания гармонизации политики в
области образования и культуры. 5. Этот подход должен иметь целью
развитие способности решать современные проблемы. 6. Особое внимание
следует уделить международному сотрудничеству в целях содействия
проведению в жизнь долгосрочных планов.

XV. Translate into Russian paying attention to the italicized words. See
Appendix III if necessary.
1. ... considering the fruitful experience of mutually beneficial cooperation
and close bonds of friendship between the two countries; 2. ...convinced
that the continued development of friendship and cooperation between
them accords with the aspirations of the peoples of both states; 3. ... guided
by their common desire to make a positive contribution to a peaceful settlement of
controversial issues; 4. ... reaffirming their allegiance to the purposes and
principles of the United Nations Charter; 5. ... striving for the unity of all
progressive forces in the struggle for peace, freedom, independence and social

XVI. Translate the following declarations annexed to a treaty.

on voting in the field of the common foreign and security policy
The Conference agrees that, with regard to Council decisions requiring unanimity,
Member States will, to the extent possible, avoid preventing a unanimous decision
where a qualified majority exists in favour of that decision.

on the use of languages in the field of the common foreign
and security policy

The Conference agrees that the use of languages shall be in accordance with
the rules of the European Communities.
For COREU communications, the current practice of European political
cooperation will serve as a guide for the time being.
All common foreign and security policy texts which are submitted to or
adopted at meetings of the European Council as well as all texts which are to be
published are immediately and simultaneously translated into all the official
Community languages.


on asylum

1. The Conference agrees that, in the context of the proceedings provided for
in Articles K.1 and K.3 of the provisions on cooperation in the fields of justice and
home affairs, the Council will consider as a matter of priority questions concerning
Member States’ asylum policies, with the aim of adopting, by the beginning of
1993, common action to harmonize aspects of them, in the light of the work
programme and timetable contained in the report on asylum drawn up at the
request of the European Council meeting in Luxembourg on 28 and 29 June 1991.
2. In this connection, the Council will also consider, by the end of
1993, on the basis of a report, the possibility of applying Article K.9 to such


on police cooperation

The Conference confirms the agreement of the Member States on the

objectives underlying the German delegation’s proposals at the European Council
meeting in Luxembourg on 28 and 29 June 1991.
For the present, the Member States agree to examine as a matter of priority
the drafts submitted to them, on the basis of the work programme and time table
agreed upon in the report drawn up at the request of the Luxembourg European
Council, and they are willing to envisage the adoption of practical measures in
areas such as those suggested by the German delegation, relating to the following

functions in the exchange of information and experience:

 support for national criminal investigation and security authorities, in

particular in the coordination of investigations and search operations;
 creation of databases;
 central analysis and assessment of information in order to take stock of the
situation and identify investigative approaches;
 collection and analysis of national prevention programmes for forwarding to
Member States and for drawing up Europe-wide prevention strategies;
 measures relating to further training, research, forensic matters and criminal
records departments.

Member States agree to consider on the basis of a report, during 1994 at the
latest, whether the scope of such cooperation should be extended.

XVII. Translate the text, comment on its syntactic and stylistic peculiarities.

European Parliament
Joint Declaration
by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission

The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission

Whereas the Treaties establishing the European Communities are based on the
principle of respect for the law;

Whereas, as the Court of Justice has recognized that law comprises, over and
above the rules embodied in the treaties and secondary Community legislation, the
general principles of law and in particular the fundamental rights, principles and
rights on which the constitutional law of the Member States is based;

Whereas, in particular, all the Member States are Contracting Parties to the
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental
Freedoms signed in Rome on 4 November 1950,

Have Adopted the Following Declaration:

1. The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission stress the prime
importance they attach to the protection of fundamental rights, as

derived in particular from the constitutions of the Member States and the European
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

2. In the exercise of their powers and in pursuance of the aims of the European
Communities they respect and will continue to respect these rights.
Done at Luxembourg on the fifth day of April in the year one thousand nine
hundred and seventy-seven.
For the European Parliament
For the Council
For the Commission

XVIII. Translate into Russian taking note of the words and phrases in bold type.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The Government of the United Kingdom declares under Article 41 of this

Covenant that it recognizes the competence of the Human Rights Committee to
receive and consider communications submitted by another State Party, provided
that such other State Party has, not less than twelve months prior to the
submission by it of a communication relating to the United Kingdom, made a
declaration under article 41 recognizing the competence of the Committee to
receive and consider communications relating to itself.
The Government of Denmark makes a reservation in respect of article 10,
paragraph 3, second sentence. In Danish practice, considerable efforts are made to
ensure appropriate age distribution of convicts serving sentences of imprisonment,
but it is considered valuable to maintain possibilities of flexible arrangements.

XIX. Complete the text of a declaration below.

on the basic principles of friendly relations
and cooperation between the Republic of (name of country)
and the Republic of (name of country)

The Republic of ... and the Republic of ... expressing their determination
на ______________
Руководствуясь принципом единодушия мнений в отношении
_____________ ,
Expressing their concern over ______________,
Coming out for still greater unity and solidarity of _____________ ,
Reaffirming their adherence to the purposes and principles of_______,
Declare that the Republic of ... and the Republic of ... shall guide themselves
in their relations by the following:
1.The Sides shall continue expanding and developing
2. The Sides shall closely cooperate in _______
3. The Sides shall give all possible assistance to _______________
4. The Republic of ... and the Republic of ... shall exert every effort aimed
на ____________
5. The provisions of this Declaration shall not affect the obligations earlier
assumed by either Side in regard to third countries and international organizations.
The Sides shall not enter into any agreements or take any action incompatible with
the aims of this Declaration.
DONE AT (city) this - day of — 19_ in duplicate, in the ... and ... languages,
both texts equally authentic.

For the Republic of For the Republic of

(signed) (signed)

XX. Speak on the style and composition of declarations.


The term «protocol» designates different kinds of official documents

recording, in an authoritative and solemn manner, the results of a negotiation. The
form is very flexible. Derived from the Latin protocollum, Greek Πρωτόχολλου
(the «first glued-in» to the book), the word «protocol» has come to mean the form
used in drawing up public documents, and in diplomacy the register in which the
minutes of a conference are kept. «It is also employed to signify the forms to be
observed in the official correspondence of the minister for foreign affairs, and in
the drafting of diplomatic documents, such as treaties, conventions, declarations,
full powers, ratifications, letters of credence and other letters addressed by one
head of state to another. In France le bureau du protocole is the sub-department
charged with the preparation of such papers and the regulation of ceremonial in all
such matters. In Great Britain this work is shared between the Protocol and the
Treaty and Nationality Departments of the Foreign Office» (E. Satow).
In the field of international agreements, the term «protocol» is most often
used to designate particular agreements, less formal than a treaty or convention,
which supplement a basic agreement. Protocols are also frequently used to amend
multilateral international agreements or to prolong their existence. The Covenant
of the League of Nations, for example, was amended in various articles by a series
of protocols.
If, after the conclusion of the negotiation and before the treaty is signed, the
high contracting parties desire to add new stipulations, the form of an «additional
protocol» may be used. This is then signed on the same day and in the same form
as the principal text. Additional protocols are, however, sometimes signed and
ratified on later dates.
If, in the end, it seems necessary to amend or complete a treaty, this can be
done by an additional article or articles presented

in the same form as the basic text, or in the form of a protocol and, if necessary,
ratified as the said text.
Very often, temporary clauses or reservations are expressed in a separate
document which is signed at the same time as a treaty and expressly refers to it. If
it contains clauses which are additional to the execution of the principal convention
or reservations of fundamental importance which change the nature of the meaning
of a clause, it should be ratified in the same manner as the convention itself and at
the same time. If the document confines itself to the certification of the fact that the
signatures were affixed, or to setting forth unilateral declarations or reservations
not touching the fundamentals of the convention, it may not need to be submitted
to ratification.
The form of this final signature protocol (protocole de signature) is usually the
same as for the additional protocol.


on Scientific and Technological Cooperation

The Government of (name of country) and the Government of (name of

country), hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties,

Desiring to strengthen the ties of friendship and to foster scientific and

technological cooperation between the Contracting Parties,
Having regard to the Agreement on the development of economic,
industrial, scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries
signed on 23 November 19___, and hereinafter referred to as the Basic Agreement,

HAVE AGREED as follows:

Article 1 . The Contracting Parties shall encourage and develop their cooperation
in science and technology on the basis of equality and mutual advantage.

Article 2 . The Contracting Parties recognize that cooperation would be possible in

the following areas: […]
The Contracting Parties may, by mutual agreement, add any other area in which
cooperation may appear useful.

Article 3 . Each country shall defray the travel costs of its university professors,
experts, specialists, trainees, etc.
Subsistence costs shall be defrayed by the host country in the manner to be agreed
upon between the Contracting Parties.

Article 4. The implementation of this Protocol shall be periodically reviewed by

the Joint Commission referred to in article 4 of the Basic Agreement.

Article 5 . This Protocol shall enter into force on the date of its signature.
It shall be valid for a period of five years.
It shall be automatically extended for successive periods of two years, unless
one of the Contracting Parties announces in writing six months before the date of
expiry its intention to denounce the Protocol.
This Protocol may be amended by agreement between the Contracting
In the event of denunciation, the Contracting Parties shall take all necessary
action to ensure the continuation and completion of all projects already undertaken
under this Protocol.
DONE AT ___ on 23 November 19___, in two original copies, each in the
French and Dutch languages, both texts being equally authentic.

For the Government of For the Government of



His Majesty the King of (name of country),

His Excellency the President of (name of country),

Considering that the proportions of capital defined in article 1 of the

Convention between the Government of ... and the Government of ... regulating the
operation of the designated railway network, signed at____ on 17 April l9___ ,
concern the distribution of the initial capital,

HAVE AGREED to conclude an Additional Protocol and to that end have

appointed as their plenipotentiaries: His Majesty the King of ... , Mr. X., Minister
for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of ... , His Excellency the President of ... , Mr.
Y., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of ... ,who, having
communicated their full powers, found in good and due form,
HAVE AGREED on the following provisions:

Article 1. The capital of the railway company established in implementation

of the Convention between ... of 17 April 19_ has been subscribed at the rate of
36.75 per cent by ... and 63.25 per cent by …
Article 2. This Protocol shall be ratified or approved. The instruments of
ratification or approval shall be deposited in the archives of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of ... . This Protocol shall enter into force on the date of the
deposition of the last instrument of ratification or approval.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the duly appointed plenipotentiaries have affixed
their signatures to this Protocol.
DONE AT __ on 21 June 19___, in duplicate, in the French and English

For the Kingdom of For the Republic of

(signed) (signed)



The States Parties to the present Protocol,

Considering that in order further to achieve the purposes of the Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights (hereinafter referred to as the Covenant) and the
implementation of its provisions it would be appropriate to enable the Human
Rights Committee set up in part IV of the Covenant (hereinafter referred to as the
Committee) to receive and consider, as provided in the present Protocol,
communications from individuals claiming to be victims of violations of any of the
rights set forth in the Covenant,
HAVE AGREED as follows:

Article 1
A State Party to the Covenant that becomes a party to the present Protocol
recognizes the competence of the Committee to receive and consider
communications from individuals subject to its jurisdiction who claim to be
victims of a violation by that State

Party of any of the rights set forth in the Covenant. No communication shall be
received by the Committee if it concerns a
State Party to the Covenant which is not a party to the present Protocol.

Article 2
Subject to the provisions of article 1, individuals who claim that any of their
rights enumerated in the Covenant have been violated and who have exhausted all
available domestic remedies may submit a written communication to the
Committee for consideration.

Article 3
The Committee shall consider inadmissible any communication under the
present Protocol which is anonymous, or which it considers to be an abuse of the
right of submission of such communications or to be incompatible with the
provisions of the Covenant.

Article 4
1. Subject to the provisions of article 3, the Committee shall bring any
communications submitted to it under the present Protocol to the attention of the
State Party to the present Protocol alleged to be violating any provision of the
2. Within six months, the receiving State shall submit to the Committee
written explanations or statements clarifying the matter and the remedy, if any, that
may have been taken by that State.

Article 5
1. The Committee shall consider communications received under the present
Protocol in the light of all written information made available to it by the
individual and by the State Party concerned.
Article 6
The Committee shall include in its annual report under article 45 of the
Covenant a summary of its activities under the present Protocol.

Article 7
Pending the achievement of the objectives of resolution 1514(XV) adopted
by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 14 December 1960 concerning
the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and
Peoples, the provisions of the present Protocol shall in no way limit the right of
petition granted to these peoples by the Charter of the United Nations and other
international conventions and instruments under the United Nations and its
specialized agencies.

Article 8
1. The present Protocol is open for signature by any State which has signed
the Covenant.
2. The present Protocol is subject to ratification by any State which has
ratified or acceded to the Covenant. Instruments of ratification shall be deposited
with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. [...]


to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union

At the moment of proceeding to signature of the Constitution of the

Universal Postal Union concluded this day, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have
agreed to the following:

Accession to the Constitution

Member Countries of the Union which have not signed the Constitution may
accede to it at any time. Instruments of accession shall be addressed through
diplomatic channels to the Government of the Country in which the seat of the
Union is situated, and by
that Government to the Governments of the Member Countries of the Union.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undermentioned Plenipotentiaries have drawn
up this Protocol, which shall have the same force and the same validity as if its
provisions were inserted in the text of the Constitution itself, and they have signed
it in a single original which shall be deposited in the Archives of the Government
of the Country in which the seat of the Union is situated. A copy thereof shall be
delivered to each Party by the Government of the Country in which the Congress is
DONEAT _____, this ___ day of ___, 19 ______


In the course of the negotiations that ended with the signature of the Air
Transport Agreement between (name of country) and (name of country) on the
date below, the representatives of the Contracting Parties agreed to the following:

1. With reference to the foreign crew members operating the agreed services,
the designated airlines will submit to the aeronautical authorities of... , as the case
may be, a complete list stating name, nationality, post, type and number of the
licence and the name of the authority who issued the said licence.

2. Initially, the designated airlines of both Contracting Parties shall have the
right to operate, on the specified routes, a maximum of two weekly frequencies, in
each flight direction.

3. Each Contracting Party grants to the designated airline of the other

Contracting Party the right to transfer the excess of the revenues over the
expenditures according to the exchange formalities in force in the territory of each
Contracting Party, which shall grant the necessary means to this purpose.

For the Government of For the Government of

(signed) (signed)

annexed to a Treaty

annexed to the Treaty on European Union
and to the Treaties
establishing the European Communities


HAVE AGREED upon the following provision, which shall be annexed to

the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaties establishing the European
Nothing in the Treaty on European Union, or in the Treaties establishing the
European Communities, or in the Treaties or Acts modifying or supplementing
those Treaties, shall affect the application in Ireland of Article 40.3.3 of the
of Ireland.

I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What does the term “protocol” designate in the sphere of international

agreements? 2. What is the original meaning of this term? 3. What is the main
distinction between protocols, treaties and conventions? 4. When are additional
protocols signed and ratified? 5. Which instrument is generally employed to amend
multilateral international agreements? 6. What is a final signature protocol? 7.
What is the name of the department in the British Foreign Office charged with the
preparation of diplomatic documents?

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the above

1. The word “protocol” is often employed to signify…. 2. In France le bureau do

protocole is ... . 3. In Great Britain this work is shared between …. 4. If, after the
conclusion of the negotiation, the high contracting parties desire to add new
stipulations …. 5. Very often, temporary clauses or reservations are expressed in ...
. 6. If the document confines itself to the certification of the fact that the signatures
were affixed …. 7. The form of the final signature protocol is usually….

III. Study the texts in exhibits 11 to 16, point out words and phrases pertaining to
the formal style.

IV.* Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

1) the duly appointed plenipotentiaries; 2) according to the formalities in force; 3)

except for any notification to the contrary; 4) on the basis of equality and mutual
advantage; 5) before the date of expiry; 6) in the course of the negotiations; 7) on
the date of the deposition of the last instrument of ratification; 8) to affix one’s
signature to the Protocol; 9) to be valid for a period of five years; 10) to denounce
the Protocol.
V. Define the following terms in English consulting the Glossary of
Diplomatic Terms if necessary.

proces-verbal, protocol, reglements internationaux, status quo, traitement,


VI.* Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their
Russian equivalents.

constituent ≈; final ≈ ; hostile ≈ ; internationally injurious ≈ ; legal ≈ legislative ;

legitimate ≈ ; unfriendly ≈ ; unilateral ≈ ; unlawful ≈; ≈ of accession; ≈ of (armed)
aggression; ≈ of capitulation; ≈ of discrimination; ≈ of good will; ≈ of lawlessness
and arbitrary rule; ≈ of terrorism; ≈ of violence; to issue (promulgate) an ≈


draft ≈; drafting ≈ ; to approve an ≈; to consider an ≈; to make an ≈; to move an ≈;

to pass an ≈; to propose an ≈; to ratify an ≈; to reject an ≈; to second an ≈; to vote
down an ≈.


the basic (main) ≈ s of a treaty (convention, etc.); treaty ≈ s; the ≈ s of law; in

accordance with the following ≈ ; under the ≈ s of the article; to agree on the
following ≈ s.

VII. Suggest the English for:

1) акт доброй воли; 2) акт о присоединении; 3) враждебный акт; 4)

международно-неправомерное действие; 5) односторонний акт; 6) основные
положения договора; 7) редакционная поправка ; 8) в соответствии с
нижеследующими положениями; 9) согласно положениям статьи; 10)вносить
поправку; 11) одобрить поправку; 12)отклонить поправку.

VIII. Translate the following Latin expressions into Russian consulting

Appendix I if necessary.

ad infinitum: without end or limit; bona fide: made in good faith, without fraud or
deceit; modus vivendi: an interim agreement in a dispute pending
a final settlement; manner of living; nota bene: mark well; per contra: on the
contrary; per diem: by the day; persona grata: an acceptable person; post
bellum: after the war; sine qua non: an absolutely indispensable or essential thing;
status quo: the existing state of affairs; sub specie: under the aspect of; terra
incognita: unknown territory; verso: the page being turned; vice versa: with the
alternation or order changed; viva voce: expressed or conducted by word of mouth.

IX.* Fill in each blank with the required preposition.

1. This Protocol shall enter ... force ... the thirtieth day ... the date which ten Parties
... the Convention have fulfilled the requirements paragraph (2) ... Article 19.
2. This Protocol shall cease to be ... force if the Covention ceases to be ... force.
3. Any Party ... the Protocol may denounce this Protocol ... giving written
notice ... the Depositary. The denunciation shall become effective twelve months ...
the date ... receipt … the notice ... the Depositary or such longer period as may be
specified the notice. 4. A Party ... the Protocol shall cease to be a Party ... the
Protocol ... the date that it ceases to be a Party ... the Convention. 5. This Protocol
shall be open ... signature ... London ... 1 December 1998 …
31 May 1999. 6. Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected ...
the deposit ... the appropriate instrument ... the Depositary. 7. Reservations ... this
Protocol maybe made ... accordance ... international law.

X. Translate into Russian taking note of the words and phrases in bold type.

1. The General Conference expresses to the Director-General its appreciation of

the approaches which he is continuing to make to Member States with a view to
improving the cash position. 2. The proposed objectives should be radically
reduced in order to bring about a concentration of activities. 3. To this effect he
undertook a number of missions. 4. With this in mind the studies were carried out
concerning these problems. 5. An extraordinary session of the Assembly may be
convened for this purpose. 6. They welcomed Unesco’s past and present activities
aimed at assisting the African peoples. 7. He urged still greater programme
concentration so as to ensure the promotion of operational activities in higher

XI. Study the following tables. Reconstruct the elliptical phrases restoring
the omitted elements, as shown in the models.
Model 1. when necessary
when (Pron + to be) necessary
as appropriate
as if defined
as soon as expected
if necessary
than noted
though possible
unless provided
when speaking
whenever useful

Model 2. seem possible

seem to be possible
prov difficult
e necessary
seem possible

XII. Translate into Russian paying attention to elliptical constructions.

1. If adopted by the Assembly, the amendment shall enter into force. 2. The
speaker cautioned that certain aspects of this programme could prove
problematic. 3. This approach seems inadequate. 4. Each State Party undertakes
to encourage, where appropriate, different means of eliminating barriers between
races. 5. A consultative meeting shall be promptly convened when requested by a
State party. 6. The terms of reference to meetings shall
be defined in the programme and the budget approved by the General Conference
or, if not so defined, fixed by the Director-General. 7. Unless otherwise decided
by the Court, each party shall bear its own costs. 8. Applications for visas, where
required, from officials of Specialized Agencies holding United Nations laisser-
passer, shall be dealt with as speedily as possible. 9. The Specialized Agencies,
their property and assets, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy
immunity from every form of legal process.

XIII. Translate into English taking note of the italicized expressions.

Consult Appendix III if necessary.

Украина и Франция,
вновь подтверждая свою убежденность в том, что …;
принимая во внимание изменение потребностей государств …;
сознавая, что угрожающая человечеству опасность …;
подчеркивая в этой связи, что …;
выражая удовлетворение усилиями государств …;
отмечая, что для претворения в жизнь решений …;
убежденные в том, что справедливый мир наступит, если …;
СОГЛАСИЛИСЬ о нижеследующем:

XIV. Précis the following text in about one-third of its size.


Strasbourg, 28.IV.

The member States of the Council of Europe, signatory to this Protocol to

the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,
signed at Rome on 4 November 1950 (hereinafter referred to as “the Convention”),

Considering that the evolution that has occurred in several member States of
the Council of Europe expresses a general tendency in favour of abolition of the
death penalty,

HAVE AGREED as follows:

Article 1
The death penalty shall be abolished. No one shall be condemned to such
penalty or executed.
Article 2
A State may make provision in its law for the death penalty in respect of acts
committed in time of war or of imminent threat of war; such penalty shall be
applied only in the instances laid down in the law and in accordance with its
provisions. The State shall communicate to the Secretary-.General of the Council
of Europe the relevant provisions of that law.

Article 3
No derogation from the provisions of this Protocol shall be made under
Article 15 of the Convention.

Article 4
No reservation may be made under Article 64 of the Convention in respect
of the provisions of this Protocol.

Article 5
1. Any State may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument
of ratification, acceptance or approval, specify the territory or territories to which
this Protocol shall apply.
2. Any State may at any later date, by a declaration addressed to the
Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, extend the application of this Protocol
to any other territory specified in the declaration. In respect of such territory the
Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the date of
receipt of such declaration by the Secretary- General.
3. Any declaration made under the two preceding paragraphs may, in respect
of any territory specified in such declaration, be withdrawn by a notification
addressed to the Secretary-General. The withdrawal shall become effective on the
first day of the month following the date of receipt of such notification by the

Article 6
As between the States Parties the provisions of Articles 1 to 5 of this
Protocol shall be regarded as additional articles to the Convention and all the
provisions of the Convention shall apply accordingly.

Article 7
This Protocol shall be open for signature by the member States of the
Council of Europe, signatories to the Convention. It shall be subject to ratification,
acceptance or approval. A member State of the Council of Europe may not ratify,
accept or approve this Protocol unless it has, simultaneously or previously, ratified
the Convention. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be
deposited with the Secretary- General of the Council of Europe.

Article 8
1. This Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month following
the date on which five member States of the Council of Europe have expressed
their consent to be bound by the Protocol in accordance with the provisions of
Article 7.
2. In respect of any member State which subsequently expresses its consent
to be bound by it, the Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month
following the date of the deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance or

Article 9
The Secretary-General of the Council of Europe shall notify the member States of
the Council of:
a) any signature;
b) the deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval;
c) any date of entry into force of this Protocol in accordance with Articles 5
and 8;
d) any other act, notification or communication relating to this Protocol.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto,

have signed this Protocol.
DONE AT Strasbourg, this 28th day of April 1983, in English and French,
both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy, which shall be deposited in the
archives of the Council of Europe. The Secretary- General of the Council of
Europe shall transmit certified copies to each member State of the Council of
XV. Translate into English.

к международному пакту о и политических правах

Статья 8
1. Настоящий Протокол открыт для подписания любым государством,
подписавшим Пакт.
2. Настоящий Протокол подлежит ратификации любым государством,
ратифицировавшим Пакт или присоединившимся к нему. Ратификационные
грамоты передаются на хранение Генеральному секретарю Организации
Объединённых Наций.
3. Настоящий Протокол открыт для присоединения любого
государства, ратифицировавшего Пакт или присоединившегося к нему.
4. Присоединение осуществляется депонированием документа о
присоединении у Генерального секретаря Организации Объединённых
5. Генеральный секретарь Организации Объединённых Наций
сообщает всем подписавшим настоящий Протокол или присоединившимся к
нему государствам о депонировании каждой ратификационной грамоты или
документа о присоединении.

Статья 9
1. При условии вступления Пакта в силу настоящий Протокол вступает
в силу через три месяца со дня депонирования у Генерального секретаря
Организации Объединённых Наций десятой ратификационной грамоты или
документа о присоединении.
2. Для каждого государства, которое ратифицирует настоящий
Протокол или присоединится к нему после депонирования десятой
ратификационной грамоты или документа о присоединении, настоящий
Протокол вступает в силу через три месяца со дня депонирования его
собственной ратификационной грамоты или документа о присоединении.

Статья 12
1. Каждое государство-участник может в любое время денонсировать
настоящий Протокол путём письменного уведомления на имя Генерального
секретаря Организации Объединённых Наций. Денонсация вступает в силу
через три месяца со дня получения этого уведомления Генеральным
2. Денонсация не препятствует продолжению применения положений
настоящего Протокола к любому сообщению, представленному в
соответствии со статьёй 2 до даты вступления денонсации в силу.

Статья 14
1. Настоящий Протокол, английский, испанский, китайский, русский и
французский тексты которого равно аутентичны, подлежит сдаче на
хранение в архив Организации Объединённых Наций.
2. Генеральный секретарь Организации Объединённых Наций
препровождает заверенные копии настоящего Протокола всем государствам,
указанным в статье 48 Пакта.

XVI. Write the final provisions of a protocol using the information below.

The Contracting Parties: the Government of the Republic of Finland and the
Government of the Russian Federation.
Subject Matter: Cooperation in the Field of Higher Education during the Period
1998-2000. Entry into Force: on 1 January 19_.
Duration: until 31 December 19__.
Place of Signature: Helsinki.
Languages: Finnish and Russian.

XVII. Speak on the style and composition of protocols.

Unit two



1. Charters
2. Statutes
3. Constitution


It is by means of treaties that international or regional organizations are set
up. For example, the Charter of the United Nations, the Covenant of the League of
Nations and the instruments creating the International Labour Office, the Universal
Postal Union, the Specialized Agencies, etc. can all be regarded as multipartite
agreements between states. The international organizations thus established
themselves become capable of entering into treaties and agreements with states and
other international organizations.
The United Nations Charter was drawn up by the representatives of 50
countries at the United Nations Conference on International Organization, which
met at San Francisco from 25 April to 26 June 1945. They deliberated on the basis
of proposals worked out by the representatives of the USSR, the United Kingdom
and the United States at Dumbarton Oaks (USA) in August - October 1944.
Subsequently, the draft was also approved by China. The Charter was signed on 26
June 1945. Poland, not represented at the Conference, signed it later and became
one of the original 51 Member States.
The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, when
the Charter had been ratified by China, France, the USSR, the United Kingdom
and the United States, and by a majority of other signatories. 24 October has since
been celebrated as United Nations Day.
The Charter specifies the fundamental purposes and principles of the United
Nations and defines the functions and powers of the UN main organs: the General
Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship
Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat.
The UN Charter is a unique document in the history of international
relations. It takes account of the lessons mankind has learnt from the bloodiest war
in its history - a war that consumed millions of human lives. The Charter reflects
the desire of all nations of the world to prevent a new war, their confidence that
war can be prevented and that different countries, irrespective of their social
systems, can unite around a common goal - the establishment of a lasting peace on
Earth. The very fact that such a document has been drawn up goes to show that this
goal is attainable provided all countries and peoples sincerely wish to cooperate.
The UN Charter is the first international document ever to have been
adopted on such a broad and collective basis. It is a concentrated expression of the
basic principles of contemporary
international law which are of a universal character and binding on all members of
the international community. The obligations of states as stipulated in the UN
Charter have priority over all their other commitments.
In the more than five decades of its existence, the United Nations has often
been called upon to prevent a dangerous situation from escalating into war, to
persuade the contending parties to use the conference table rather than resort to
arms, and to help restore peace or at least cease hostilities when conflicts arise.
Despite frustrations and setbacks, the Organization has steadily developed its
capacity as a peace-keeping and peacemaking Organization.




We, the Heads of State or Government of the States participating in the

Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, have assembled in Paris at a
time of profound change and historic expectations. The era of confrontation and
division of Europe has ended. We declare that henceforth our relations will be
founded on respect and cooperation.
Europe is liberating itself from the legacy of the past. The courage of men
and women, the strength of the will of the peoples and the power of the ideas of the
Helsinki Final Act have opened a new era of democracy, peace and unity in
Ours is a time for fulfilling the hopes and expectations our peoples have
cherished for decades: steadfast commitment to democracy based on human rights
and fundamental freedoms; prosperity through economic liberty and social justice;
and equal security for all our countries.
The Ten Principles of the Final Act will guide us towards this ambitious
future, just as they have lighted our way towards better relations for the past fifteen
years. Full implementation of all CSCE commitments must form the basis for the
initiatives we are now taking to enable our nations to live in accordance with their

Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law

We undertake to build, consolidate and strengthen democracy as the only

system of government of our nations. In this endeavour, we will abide by the
Human rights and fundamental freedoms are the birthright of all human
beings, are inalienable and are guaranteed by law. Their protection and promotion
is the first responsibility of government. Respect for them is an essential safeguard
against an over-mighty State. Their observance and full exercise are the foundation
of freedom, justice and peace.
We affirm that, without discrimination, every individual has the right to:
- freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief,
- freedom of expression,
- freedom of association and peaceful assembly,
- freedom of movement;
no one will be:
- subject to arbitrary arrest or detention,

- subject to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or

everyone also has the right:
- to know and act upon his rights,
- to participate in free and fair elections,
- to fair and public trial if charged with an offence,
- to own property alone or in association and to exercise individual
- to enjoy his economic, social and cultural rights.
Full respect for these precepts is the bedrock on which we will seek to
construct the new Europe.
Our States will cooperate and support each other with the aim of making
democratic gains irreversible.

Economic Liberty and Responsibility

Economic liberty, social justice and environmental responsibility are

indispensable for prosperity.
Preservation of the environment is a shared responsibility of all our nations.
While Supporting national and regional efforts in this field, we must also look to
the pressing need for joint action on a wider scale.

Friendly Relations among Participating States

Now that a new era is dawning in Europe, we are determined to expand and
strengthen friendly relations and cooperation among the States of Europe, the
United States of America and Canada, and to promote friendship among our
To uphold and promote democracy, peace and unity in Europe, we solemnly
pledge our full commitment to the Ten Principles of the Helsinki Final Act.

The original of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, drawn up in English,
French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish, will be transmitted to the
Government of the French Republic, which will retain it in its archives. Each of the
participating States will receive from the Government of the French Republic a
true copy of the Charter of Paris.
The text of the Charter of Paris will be published in each participating State,
which will disseminate it and make it known as widely as possible.
The Government of the French Republic is requested to transmit to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations the text of the Charter of Paris for a New
Europe which is not eligible for registration under Article 102 of the Charter of the
United Nations, with a view to its circulation to all the members of the
Organization as an official document of the United Nations.
The Government of the French Republic is also requested to transmit the
text of the Charter of Paris to all the other international organizations mentioned in
the text.
Wherefore, we, the undersigned High Representatives of the participating States,
mindful of the high political significance we attach to the results of the Summit
Meeting, and declaring our determination to act in accordance with the provisions
we have adopted, have subscribed our signatures below:
Done at Paris, on 21 November 1990.


I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What is the way of setting up international and regional organizations?

2. When was the United Nations Charter drawn up? 3. When is the United Nations
Day celebrated? 4. What does the Charter reflect? 5. What is binding on all
members of the international community? 6. What capacity has the UNO steadily
developed? 7. What is the role of the UNO in world affairs today?

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. The international organizations thus established themselves become capable

of ... . 2. They deliberated on the basis of proposals ... . 3. The Charter specifies ... .
4. The Charter defines ... . 5. The obligations of states as stipulated in the UN
Charter have ... . 6. The United Nations has often been called upon … .
III. Suggest the English for:

1) благородные цели и принципы; 2) многосторонние соглашения; 3) общая

цель; 4) основные принципы современного международного права; 5)
учредительные акты; 6) восстановить мир; 7) определять функции и
полномочия; 8) предотвратить войну; 9) прибегнуть к оружию.

IV. * Fill in each blank with the suitable word or phrase from the text.

1. The term “...“ was used first in connection with the basis ... of the
League of Nations. 2. The term “...“ denotes a multilateral treaty establishing
a comprehensive international organization, namely the United Nations.
3. The ... creating the United Nations specialized agencies can all be regarded as
multipartite agreements between states and are known as their … 4. The ... of the
International Court of Justice is an integral part of the United Nations ... . 5. The
intergovernmental agencies are separate, autonomous organizations related to the
United Nations by special ... . 6. In the absence of the ... , GATT stands as the only
international instrument laying down trade rules accepted by nations responsible
for most of the world’s trade.

V. Study the text in exhibit 17, point out words and phrases pertaining to the
formal style.

VI. Memorize the phrases below. Suggest their Russian equivalents.

l) an inalienable right; 2) legitimate aspirations; 3) in pursuit of the purposes; 4)

upon receipt of the instruments of ratification; 5) to accede to the Charter; 6) to be
entitled to become a Member of the Organization; 7) to declare one’s adherence to
the principles; 8) to enjoy equal rights;
9) to have equal duties; 10) to notify smb of one’s intention; 11) to reinforce the
links (between).
VII. * Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their
Russian equivalents.


a document certifying one’s ≈ ; an international ≈ to act; treaty-making ≈ ; in a

consultative ≈ ; in the ≈ of ambassador; in the consular ≈ ; in one’s individual
(personal) ≈; in one’s ≈ as depositary of conventions.


first ≈ ; high ≈ measures; ≈ message; ≈ right; on a ≈ basis; of high ≈; to establish

an order of ≈; to observe the rules of ≈.

VIII. Decipher the following Latin abbreviations consulting Appendix! if


ab init.; а. с.; а. d. ; А. D.; Ad int. (a. i.); а. f. ; а. м; п. м.

IX. Substitute the English equivalents for the Russian expressions in brackets
consulting Appendix III if necessary.

1. (будучи крайне озабочена) that a number of countries are unable to participate

effectively in ... ; 2. (отдавая себе отчет) of the fact that eight more scientific
projects are due to be launched ... ; 3. (будучи убежденным в том, что) the
establishment of a new international order ... ; 4. (сознавая) of the need to
denounce apartheid as a crime against humanity
5. (убежденная в) the need for deliberate efforts by Member States
6. (принимая во внимание, что) the Purpose of Unesco is to contribute to
peace ... ; 7. (будучи глубоко обеспокоена) by the intransigence shown by the
racist regime of South Africa …

X. Translate into Russian taking note of the phrases in bold type.

1. It decided that the Committee shall meet whenever necessary. 2. The next
Medium-Term Plan should be based as far as possible on the previous Plan. 3.
Despite difficulties connected with the intensification of inflation it proved
possible to carry out the programme in full. 4. The draft Plan should, wherever
possible, include a number of options. 5. He noted the need to provide instructions
in the mother tongue, followed if required by the teaching of a second language.
6. In such circumstances the Conference may grant to the former Director-General
such indemnity as it deems proper. 7. The amendments should be made where
XI. Study the following table, mind the use of the Oblique Moods and modal

Model 1. It was decided that any amendment (should) be approved by at least

two-thirds of Member States.
Model 2. They expressed the hope that all Member States (should) ratify the

It advised
is/was agreed
considered that should
decided smb could do
proposed might
recommended smth
Smb considered it desirable (possible, smth should be
necessary, etc.) expressed the hope could done
(desire/wish, etc.) might
made a proposal (recommendation,

XII. Translate into English.

1. Генеральная конференция постановляет, что комитет будут состоять из
пятнадцати членов, назначаемых государствами-членами сроком на два года.
2. Председатель призвал учитывать особые условия, существующие в
обществах, отличающихся многообразием культур. 3. Было предложено
поощрить государства-члены и оказывать им помощь в создании и
расширении существующих институтов. 4. Конференция считает, что
Международная программа развития коммуникации должна
координироваться Межправительственным советом. 5. Он выразил надежду,
что будут проведены исследования, касающиеся физического воспитания и
XIII. * Translate into Russian taking note of the words and phrases in bold
1. Membership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving nations which
accept the obligations of the United Nations Charter and, in the judgement of the
Organization are able app, willing to carry out these obligations. 2. The original
Members of the United Nations are those countries which signed the Declaration
by United Nations of 1 January 1942, or took part in the San Francisco
Conference, and which signed and ratified the Charter. 3. Other countries can be
admitted by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security
Council. 4. Members may be suspended from the exercise of the rights and
privileges of membership or expelled by the General Assembly upon the
recommendation of the Security Council. 5. They maybe suspended if the Security
Council is taking enforcement action against them or expelled if they persistently
violate the principles of the Charter. 6. The Security Council can restore the
rights of a suspended Member-State. 7. Just as the world has greatly changed since
1945, so has the United Nations but the goal of the peaceful world still remains the
paramount aim of the United Nations.

XIV Translate into Russian deciphering the abbreviations. Consult Appendix

II if necessary.

1. A number of documents for presentation to UNCSTD were prepared by

UNESCO. 2. The Office has traditionally been associated with IBRD. 3. It worked
in close cooperation with ESC. 4. He pointed out that the General Information
Programme, which included UNISIST, was the main component of the activities.
5. The Director-General of WIPO had informed the Director-General of UNESCO
that he did not have any comments to make. 6. Close cooperation with other
United Nations programmes such as UNICEF, WFP, UNFPA, UNEP and
UNFDAC continued in 1994-1995. 7. An ad hoc inter-agency meeting was held at
UNESCO Headquarters in April 1997 with the participation of tile following

XV. Translate the following into English making use of the suggested words
and phrases.


Поправки к (amendments to) Уставу вступают в силу (to come into force)
после того, как они приняты (to be adopted) двумя третями голосов членов
Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН и ратифицированы двумя третями членов
Организации, включая всех постоянных (permanent) членов Совета
Принятые до сих пор (so far) поправки к Уставу касались (to relate to)
расширения членского состава (membership) двух главных органов
– Совета Безопасности и Экономического и Социального Совета. Например,
поправки к статьям 23 и 27 были приняты Генеральной Ассамблеей в 1963
году и вступили в 1965 году. Поправка к статье 23 предусматривает (to
provide) увеличение числа членов Совета Безопасности с 11 до 15.
Измененная (amended) статья 27 устанавливает (to set forth), что решения
Совета Безопасности по процедурным вопросам (on procedural matters)
считаются принятыми, если за них было подано девять голосов (раньше
требовалось семь), а по всем остальным вопросам – если за них голосовали
девять членов (прежде - семь), включая совпадающие (concurring) голоса
пяти постоянных членов Совета.

XVI. Study the following text taking note of its syntactic and stylistic
peculiarities. Use it for translation.



to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our
lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the
human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and
small, and
to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising
from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

AND FOR THESE ENDS to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one
another as good neighbours, and
to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that
armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social
advancement of all peoples,



Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives

assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found
to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United
Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the
United Nations.
XVII. Précis the following text in English in about one-third of its size.


Одной из спорных проблем правотворческой деятельности

международных межсистемных организаций является пересмотр их уставов.
Основной вопрос можно сформулировать следующим образом: могут ли
поправки к уставам организаций быть непосредственным правотворческим
В ХХ веке процесс принятия поправок к уставам международных
организаций претерпел значительные изменения. В подавляющем
большинстве организаций начался отход от принципа единогласия членов.
Некоторые авторы отмечают начало этого процесса еще в Парижской
почтовой конвенции 178 г. Особенно активно это стало происходить после
второй мировой войны. В настоящее время практически все межсистемные
организации имеют процедуру пересмотра уставов, состоящую из двух
этапов. Сначала высший орган организации принимает большинством
голосов поправку. На втором этапе она вступает в силу после того, как
набирает необходимое число ратификаций среди государств- членов.
Отказ от принципа единогласия при пересмотре уставов
международных организаций даёт основание некоторым авторам видеть в
этом проявление “законодательной власти” организации. Все
международные организации системы ООН относятся как раз к тем
организациям, в которых может возникнуть эта проблема, так как в них нет
принципа единогласия всех членов.
В данном случае представляется необходимым исходить из общих
принципов соглашения. В основе изменения уставов международных
организаций лежит согласование воль стран-членов. Следовательно, любая
поправка к уставу международной организации не может стать обязательной
для государства-члена организации без его явно выраженного или
молчаливого согласия. Это применимо и к тем случаям, когда, согласно
уставу международной организации, “поправки к уставу, которые приняты
или за которые высказались две трети членов организаций, вступают в силу
для всех членов этой организации”.
При этом в уставах международных организаций подчас специально
оговаривался вопрос о последствиях отказа государства-члена принять
поправку к уставу.
XVIII. Write a draft Charter of an international organization using the
information below. See also exhibit I 7and tables 12 and 13.

Establishment of the Organization:

at the Conference in Rome to be held under the auspices of the UNO
in l9_____.
Objectives. to promote the exchange of information and specialists in the field of
documentary films production.
Main Bodies: the Assembly, the Secretariat, Specialized Commissions.
Membership: 12 states. The area of operation is supposed to be the European
Finance: the contributions by the contracting governments.
The Headquarters: in Rome.

XIX. Speak on the style and composition of the UN charter as a unique

instrument of international relations.

ble 12

Charter (Constitution, etc.)

The Preamble
(The Convinced that …, Accordingly (Therefore), the
Governments of) Conscious that..., Governments mentioned above have
the States Parties Confident that … agreed to the present Charter
to this Determined that (Constitution, etc.) and do hereby create
(the present) …, (establish) an international organization
Charter Mindful of …, etc. to be known as....
etc.), have resolved to
The participating combine their
States, efforts to
accomplish these
The States aims. Accordingly (Therefore), the States
represented at the Members (the Contracting Parties) have
Conference, decided to create (to establish) an
The (High) organization to be known as ... and have
Contracting agreed (up) on the following Charter
Parties, (Constitution, etc.)
Table 13
Final Provisions
Signature Ratification Deposit Entry into Force
This (The present This (The present) The This (The present)
Charter, Charter instruments of Charter
Constitution, etc.) (Constitution, etc.) ratification (Constitution, etc.)
shall be (remain) shall be ratified shall be shall come
open for signature (be subject to deposited with (enter) into force
by any other state in ratification) when two- thirds of
the archives of the by the signatory the the signatory States
Government of… States in Government have deposited their
accordance with of… , which ratifications (upon
their respective shall notify the deposit of
constitutional the signatory ratifications by ...)
procedures.... States
of such deposit

IN FAITHthe undersigned (being) duly to that sign (have signed)

(WITNESS)(Plenipotentiaries), authorized effect this (the present)
the Plenipotentiaries whose full Charter
WHEREOF of the Governments powers (Constitution, etc.)
of the Contracting have been for that in the English and
Parties presented purpose French
(Countries) and found to languages, both
be in texts (being)
good and equally
due form authentic

on July in a single each Party

10,1996 copy
at this 10 th (in two copies) the Governments of all
(in) day of July in the English t
DONE London 1996 and he States Parties to this
French (the present) Charter
the 10 th languages, (Constitution, etc.)
day of July of which
1996 certified
in this tenth day copies will be all Member States of
the of communicated the United Nations
city July one to
of thousand
nine hundred

and ninety-


One of the main purposes of the United Nations is «to bring about by
peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international
law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might
lead to a breach of the peace». It was with this aim in view that the Charter of the
United Nations created the International Court of Justice as one of the main organs
of the United Nations (Articles 1 and 7).
The importance of the place occupied by the Court in the United Nations is
emphasized by other provisions of the Charter: the Court is the principal judicial
organ of the United Nations (Article 92); further, the Security Council, when called
upon to make recommendations in a dispute, the continuance of which is likely to
endanger the maintenance of international peace and security, should take into
consideration that legal disputes should as a general rule be referred by the parties
to the International Court of Justice (Article 36).
The idea of entrusting the settlement of international disputes to an impartial
authority, which would give a decision on the basis of law, is a very old one.
Examples are to be found in ancient Greece, but the modern development of
international arbitration dates from the Jay Treaty of 1794, between Great Britain
and the United States, which provided for the establishment of mixed commissions
for the settlement of a number of disputes existing between the two countries.
A further stage in the development of the judicial settlement of international
disputes was reached with the First Hague Peace Conference of 1899. The Powers
which took part in that Conference signed the Hague Convention for the Pacific
Settlement of International Disputes and set up the permanent Court of Arbitration.
It was maintained by the Second Hague Peace Conference of 1907 and is still in
The creation in 1920 of the Permanent Court of International Justice, for
which provision had been made in the Covenant of the League of Nations, marked
the greatest advance in the field of the judicial settlement of international disputes.
In 1945, a new judicial organ, the International Court of Justice, was brought
into being by the Charter of the United Nations. The Statute of the Court is
annexed to the Charter, of which it forms an integral part. Except for a few
changes, most of which are purely formal, it is similar to the Statute of the
Permanent Court of International Justice. Furthermore, when the new Court met, it
adopted the Rules of Court of its predecessor without any substantial change. On
10 May 1972, however, certain amendments were adopted, to take effect the
following September, and, on 14 April 1978, the Court adopted a completely
revised set of Rules, which came into force on 1 July of that year. The
modifications were aimed in particular at simplifying and accelerating
proceedings, to the extent that this depended on the Court, at introducing greater
flexibility and at helping parties to keep down costs.
In accordance with Article 38 of its Statute, the International Court of Justice
(a) international conventions and treaties, (b) international custom, (c) the general
principles of law recognized by civilized nations, and (d) judicial decisions and the
teachings of the most highly qualified publicists as subsidiary means of the
determination of rules of law. Furthermore, the Court may decide a case exaequo et
bono - that is, according to the principles of equity - if the parties agree thereto.


The undersigned,
Considering that the development of education is an essential factor in the
establishment of peace and in the moral and material progress of humanity,
That the collection of data on research and application in the field of
education and the assurance of extensive interchange of information and data by
which each country may be stimulated to benefit by the experiences of others is of
importance to this development,
That the existing International Bureau of Education in Geneva, which has
already proved its worth, is best suited to carry out this task provided that the
necessary means are forthcoming,
That the organizations represented in the Bureau can effectively contribute
to its development,
Are resolved that its future activity shall be regulated by the present statute.

Article 1
An institution of general and public interest, to be known as the
<<International Bureau of Education>>, is hereby created.

Article 2
The purpose of the International Bureau of Education is to serve as an
information centre for all matters relating to education […]
Article 3
The seat of the International Bureau of Education is to be at Geneva.

Article 5
The rights of membership of the International Bureau of Education shall be
limited to the period for which members have paid their subscriptions.

Article 6
Membership of the International Bureau of Education may be terminated by
submission of a notice of one year dating from the end of the current fiscal year.

Article 7
The organs of the International Bureau of Education are to be: the Council,
the Executive Committee, Commissions, and a Secretariat.

Article 8
The Council shall be the supreme power of the International Bureau of
Education. It shall be composed of three representatives from each of the members
and shall meet once a year [... ]

Article 9
The functions of the Council shall be:
(a) to hear the report of the Executive Committee and the reports of the
Commissions on matters dealt with between Council meetings;
(b) to determine the general policy of the work to be undertaken by the
International Bureau of Education [ ...]

Article 10
The Council shall be duly constituted whatever may be the number of
members present at a meeting.
Article 11
The Council shall delegate its powers to the Executive Committee to act
between the sessions of the Council, whenever the Chairman deems it necessary
The Council shall elect the Executive Committee every two years, its
members being eligible for re-election.

Article 12
The Council shall appoint a Standing Advisory Committee, consisting of
from fifteen to thirty members [...]. It shall also appoint a Financial Committee.

Article 13
The Council may appoint Commissions to deal with any special question
deemed desirable.

Article 14
The Secretariat, headed by a Director, shall be responsible for the technical
and administrative work of the Bureau. The Director and all other members of the
staff shall be appointed by the Executive Committee [ ... ].


I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What was the aim of creating the International Court of Justice?

2. Where should legal disputes be referred to? 3. When does the modern
development of international arbitration date from? 4. What was the role of the
First Hague Peace Conference of 1899? 5. What marked the greatest advance in
the field of the judicial settlement of international disputes? 6. When was a new
judicial organ brought into being? 7. When did the International Court of Justice
adopt a completely revised set of Rules?
II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. The importance of the place occupied by the Court in the United Nations is
emphasized by ... . 2. The idea of entrusting the settlement of international disputes
to an impartial authority is ... . 3. The Permanent Court of Arbitration was
maintained by ... . 4. The Statute of the Court is annexed to ... . 5. On 14 April
1978, the Court adopted a completely revised set of Rules, which ... . 6. The
modifications were aimed in particular at … .7. Furthermore, the Court may decide
a case....

III* Suggest the Russian for:

1) adjustment or settlement of international disputes; 2) annexed to the
Charter; 3) the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations;
4) an impartial authority; 5) a judicial organ; 6) a legal dispute; 7) the
principles of equity; 8) a revised set of Rules; 9) to decide a case; 10) to endanger
the maintenance of international peace; 11) to keep down costs; 12) to simplify
proceedings; 13) to take effect.

IV*. Fill in each blank with the suitable word or phrase from the text.

1. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) came into existence on 29

July 1957.
Its ... had been approved on 26 October 1956, at an international conference held at
United Nations Headquarters, and came into ... when instruments of ratification
had been deposited by at least 18 signatory States. 2. The power of the ... to give an
advisory opinion is derived from Article 65 of the Statute. 3. It is true that most
interpretations of the ... of the United Nations will have political significance, great
or small. 4. It is only the ... which can require enforcement by coercive action
against an aggressor. 5. The Court made it clear that as “the principal ... of the
United Nations” it was entitled to exercise in regard to an article of the Charter, “a
multilateral an interpretative function of which falls within the normal exercise of
its ... powers”. 6 … to the present Statute shall be effected by the same procedure
as is provided by the Charter of the United Nations for amendments to that
V. Study the text in exhibit 18, point out words and phrases pertaining to the
formal style.

VI. * Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

1) the fiscal year; 2) the right of membership; 3) the supreme power; 4) to assure
the extensive interchange of information; 5) to be best suited to; 6) to be eligible
for reelection; 7) to benefit by the experience of others; 8) to be terminated by
submission of a notice; 9) to contribute effectively to; 10) to delegate one’s power
to; 11) to pay one’s subscriptions; 12) to regulate the activity.

VII. Define the following terms in English consulting the Glossary of

Diplomatic Terms if necessary.

delict, good offices, modus vivendi, ne varietur, statute.

VIII.* Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their
Russian equivalents.


≈ effect; ≈ effects; ≈ entity; ≈ implications; ≈ instrument; ≈ force of an agreement;

≈ personality; ≈ protection; ≈ relations; ≈ unit; ≈ validity; ≈ views; international ≈
international ≈ norms.


≈ decision; ≈ organ: ≈ proceeding; to take (bring) ≈ proceedings against smb.

≈ person ; ≈ days
IX. Explain the meaning of «relating to» as used in exhibit 18 (Article 2).
Memorize the following:

relations отношения
in to в отношении
relation в связи, с учетом
по сравнению
относительно к
что касается

to связывать
to relate увязывать
в области
related to для
relating to связанный

relative to в связи
relevance to ориентация
relevant to пригодный
X.* Fill in each blank with the required word or phrase. Consult assignment

1. The situation in this field has not progressed ... to the previous period. (по
сравнению) 2. The international seminars were found ... and timely. (уместные)
3. They spoke of the need to develop activities ... educational applications of
computers. (связанную с) 4. They highlighted the necessity to use the findings of
all scientific research ... to education. (относящихся) 5. He proposed ... the
education of young children to health, nutrition, labour and social assistance
problems. (связать) 6. 45 per cent of the Members still maintain working ... with
Unesco. (отношения)

XI.* Translate into English replacing the words in bold type by their Latin

1. Более гибкие структуры образования позволят перейти от формального к

неформальному образованию и наоборот. 2.Вышеупомянутые мероприятия
также способствовали достижению результатов в рамках цели 6 (см. разд. 6
ниже). 3. Существует огромный разрыв между юридическим равенством и
фактическим положением. 4. В апреле 1990 г. в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО
состоялось специальное межучрежденческое совещание. 5. Было решено, в
частности, обратиться в МОК в целях разработки общего плана. 6. Совет
Безопасности считает, что эти законодательные и административные
действия являются недействительными. 7. Совместная исследовательская
миссия ЮНЕСКО/ФАО/ЮНИДО посетила Индонезию с целью анализа на
месте проблем сельского развития.

XII. Translate into English deciphering the abbreviations. Consult Appendix

II if necessary.

1. Аналогичная с МОТ процедура применяется в ЮНЕСКО и ФАО. 2.

Определенной спецификой процедуры разработки международный
конвенций отличаются в ИКАО и ИМО. 3. С этой целью ИМО активно
участвовала в организации и проведении конференции, закончившейся
принятием в 1976 г. Конвенции о создании Международной организации
морской спутниковой связи (ИНМАРСАТ).4. В отличие от ИКАО в ВОЗ
разработка и принятие решений происходит не в исполнительном, а в
высшем органе – Ассамблее здравоохранения.
5. Проект единых метеорологических стандартов разрабатывается в
подразделениях секретариата ВМО. 6. Генеральная Ассамблея ООН
поручила ЭКОСОС переработать проект с учетом предложенных изменений.
7. Как известно, об организациях, созданных решениями других организаций,
в первую очередь говорят применительно к ЮНКТАД и ЮНИДО. 8. Детский
фонд (ЮНИСЕФ) имеет право устанавливать свои собственные правила

XIII. Read the final provisions from the IAEA Statute below, translate into

Article 21


A. This Statute shall be open for signature on 26 October 1956 by all States
Members of the United Nations or of any of the specialized agencies and shall
remain open for signature by those States for a period of ninety days.
B. The signatory States shall become parties to this Statute by deposit of an
instrument of ratification.
C. Instruments of ratification ... shall be deposited with the Government of
the United States of America, hereby designated as depositary Government.
D. Ratification or acceptance of this Statute shall be effected by States in
accordance with their respective constitutional processes.
E. This Statute, apart from the Annex, shall come into force when eighteen
States have deposited instruments of ratification in accordance with paragraph B of
this article. Instruments of ratification and instruments of acceptance deposited
thereafter shall take effect on the date of their receipt.
F. The depositary Government shall promptly inform all States signatory to
this Statute of the date of each deposit of ratification and the date of entry into
force of the Statute. [...]
G. The Annex to this Statute shall come into force on the first day this
Statute is open for signature.
XIV. Precis the following:


Chapter III


Article 39

1. The official languages of the Court shall be French and English. If the
parties agree that the case shall be conducted in French, the judgement shall be
delivered in French. If the parties agree that the case shall be conducted in English,
the judgement shall be delivered in English.
2. In the absence of an agreement as to which language shall be employed,
each party may, in the pleadings, use the language which it prefers; the decision of
the Court shall be given in French and English. In this case the Court shall at the
same time determine which of the two texts shall be considered as authoritative.
3. The Court shall, at the request of any party, authorize a language other
than French or English to be used by that party.

Article 40
1. Cases are brought before the Court, as the case may be, either by the
notification of the special agreement or by a written application addressed to the
Registrar. In either case the subject of the dispute and the parties shall be indicated.
2. The Registrar shall forthwith communicate the application to all
3. He shall also notify the Members of the United Nations through the
Secretary-General, and also any other states entitled to appear before the Court.

Article 41

1. The Court shall have the power to indicate, if it considers that

circumstances so require, any provisional measures which ought to be taken to
preserve the respective rights of either party.
2. Pending the final decision, notice of the measures suggested shall
forthwith be given to the parties and to the Security Council.

XV Write a few articles of the Statute of the International Atomic Energy

Agency devoted to its establishment, functions, organs and relations with other
international governmental organizations. Use the information below (see also
exhibit 18).

The International Atomic Energy Agency is an autonomous organization

operating under the aegis of the United Nations. Its statute was drawn up at the
conference held at the United Nations headquarters in New York from September
26 to October 26, 1956. It entered into force on July 29, 1956, following
ratification by eighteen states including: Canada, France, the USSR, the United
Kingdom and the United States.
The 1956 Conference established a preparatory committee, pending the
entry into force of the Convention, with the task of arranging the first session of
the General Conference, the first meeting of the Board of Governors and of
preparing a draft agreement with the United Nations.
The Agency seeks to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic
energy to peace, health and prosperity and to ensure that its assistance is not used
in such a way as to further any military purpose. It encourages and assists research,
makes provision for materials, services, equipment and facilities, encourages the
exchange of scientific information and personnel, establishes and administers
safeguards against the use of atomic energy for military purposes and standards of
Its organs are:
(1) The General Conference.
(2) The Board of Governors.
(3) The Staff.
It has an agreement with the United Nations and submits annual reports to
the General Assembly and, where appropriate, to its other organs. It has an
agreement of cooperation with the nuclear energy agency of the OECD.

XVI. Speak on the style and composition of statutes of international

The distinctive character of intergovernmental organizations is found in the
convention which constituted them, which is commonly called the “constitution”
(acte constitutif). This basic document, drawn up in the course of an international
conference by official delegates specially appointed by the founding states, and
signed in accordance with the special rules practised in such matters, is submitted
to the governments which ratify it according to their internal rules. The
constitution contains all fundamental rules for the working of the organization and
of its permanent administration.
When the United Nations was founded, some of the largest international
unions acquired the status of specialized agencies, which operate in that capacity
The concept of a “specialized agency” is most fully defined in Article 57 of
the United Nations Charter, which states:
“1. The various specialized agencies established by intergovernmental
agreement and having wide international responsibilities, as defined in their basic
instruments, in economic, social, cultural, educational, health, and related fields,
shall be brought into relationship with the United Nations in accordance with the
provision of Article 63.
2. Such agencies thus brought into relationship with the United Nations are
hereinafter referred to as “specialized agencies”.
It may thus be seen that specialized agencies possess four basic legal
attributes: 1) the intergovernmental character of their constituent instruments; 2)
wide international responsibilities within their competence; 3) activities in
specialized areas provided for by the Constitution (in economic, social, cultural
and other fields); 4) a relationship with the United Nations.
This last attribute distinguishes these agencies from other international
associations of this type and places them into a separate group of international
At present there are 16 specialized agencies of the United Nations, each with
its own Constitution: 1) the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO); 2) the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); 3) the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO); 4) the International
Development Association (IDA); 5) the International Fund for
Agricultural Development (IFAD); 6) the International Finance Corporation (IFC);
7) the International Labour Organization (ILO); 8) the International Monetary
Fund (IMF); 9) the International Maritime Organization (IMO); 10) the
International Telecommunication Union (ITU); 11) the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO);
12) the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO); 13) the
Universal Postal Union (UPU); 14) the World 4 Health Organization (WHO); 15)
the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO); and 16) the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Reference is often made today to international organizations of the United
Nations system. This includes the United Nations itself, its specialized agencies,
the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA); and subsidiary organs of the
United Nations structured as international organizations, namely, the United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), and the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP).
The organizational structure of specialized agencies is determined by their
constituent instruments. The Constitutions of United Nations specialized agencies
as well as their activities are in strict compliance with the generally recognized
principles and norms of international law, especially those of jus cogens.
The United Nations specialized agencies engage in the following
types of activity: 1) drafting international conventions and regulations on special
issues with a view to establishing uniform norms and rules for regulating relations
among states in such specialized areas as communications, health, culture,
meteorology, etc.;
2) coordinating the activities of individual states in these areas; 3) providing
technical assistance to newly independent developing states; 4) exchange of
information, etc.




The States Parties to this Constitution declare, in conformity with the

Charter of the United Nations, that the following principles are basic to the
happiness, harmonious relations and security of all peoples:
The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the
fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion,
political belief, economic or social condition [...]
The achievement of any State in the promotion and protection of health is of
value to all […]
Accepting these principles, and for the purpose of cooperation among
themselves and with others to promote and protect the health of all peoples, the
Contracting Parties agree to the present Constitution and hereby establish the
World Health Organization as a specialized agency within the terms of Article 57
of the Charter of the United Nations.

Article 1. Objective

The objective of the World Health Organization (hereinafter called the

Organization) shall be the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of
Article 9. Organs

The work of the Organization shall be carried out by:

(a) The World Health Assembly (herein called the Health Assembly);
(b) The Executive Board (hereinafter called the Board);
(c) The Secretariat

Article 10. The World Health Assembly

The Health Assembly shall be composed of delegates representing Members.

Article 24. The Executive Board

The Board shall consist of twenty four persons designated by as many Members.

Article 30. The Secretariat

The Secretariat shall comprise the Director-General and such technical and
administrative staff as the Organization may require

Article 59. Voting

Each Member shall have one vote in the Health Assembly.

Article 78. Entry into Force

Subject to the provisions of Chapter III, this Constitution shall remain open to all
States for signature or acceptance.

Article 79

(a) States may become parties to this Constitution by:

(i) signature without reservation as to approval;
(ii) signature subject to approval followed by acceptance; or
(iii) acceptance.
(b) Acceptance shall be effected by the deposit of a formal instrument with the
Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Article 80

This Constitution shall come into force when twenty-six Members of the
United Nations have become parties to it in accordance with the provisions of
Article 79.
IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned representatives, having been duly
authorized for that purpose, sign this Constitution.
DONE in the City of New York this twenty-second day of July 1946, in a
single copy in the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, each
text being equally authentic. The original texts shall be deposited in the Archives
of the United Nations. The Secretary-General of the United Nations will send
certifled copies to each of the Governments represented at the Conference.


I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What kind of document is a constitution? 2. What rules does a constitution

usually contain?
3. When did the largest international unions acquire the status of UN specialized
4. What is defined in Article 57 of the United Nations Charter? 5. What legal
attributes do the UN specialized agencies possess? 6. How are they distinguished
from other international associations of this type? 7. What types of activity do the
UN specialized agencies engage in?

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. This basic document is submitted to the governments which ratify it … .

2. Such agencies brought into relationship with the United Nations are hereinafter
referred to as ... . 3. At present there are 16 specialized agencies of the United
Nations, each ... . 4. Reference is often made today to ... . 5. The organizational
structure of specialized agencies is determined
by … .
III*. Fill in each blank with the suitable word or phrase from the text.

1. The original ... of the International Labour Organization, which is now a ... of
the United Nations, formed part XIII of the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919
and of the Treaty of St. Germain of September 10, 1919. 2. Conventions ... at that
time were ... by a number of governments. 3. The International Labour Conference
which met in 1945 and 1946 adopted of amendment which severed the connection
with the League and anticipated a new ... with the United Nations. 4. Formal
agreements exist between ILO and some European Organizations, in particular the
Council of Europe and the European Economic Community, and ... have been
prepared under their joint auspices. 5. Member States should collaborate with ...
and nongovernmental organizations. 6. The ... of the World Health Organization
(WHO) was adopted on 22 July 1946 by the International Health Conference,
which was convened by the Economic and Social Council and held in New York.

IV. Study the text in exhibit 19, point out words and phrases pertaining to
the formal style.

V* Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

1) the annual budget estimates; 2) attainment by all people of the highest possible
level of health; 3) equitable distribution; 4) the exercise of one’s functions; 5) the
Members present and voting; 6) within the competence of the organization 7)
within the terms of Article 2; 8) without distinction of race, religion and political
belief; 9) to act as directing or coordinating authority.

VI. Decipher the following Latin abbreviations consulting Appendix I if


Ad. fin; h. l. ; f. v; i. f; i. m; inf.; к. v.; v; против. i; против.

VII. * Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their
Russian equivalents.


author’s ≈; marriage ≈; ≈ of birth; ≈ of character; ≈ of death; ≈ of health; ≈ of

≈ of registry; ≈ of quality; ≈ of weight.

a ≈ ied copy; a document ≈ ing one’s capacity; I ≈ this a true copy; this is to ≈ that
… .

VIII. * Explain the meaning of “jus cogens” as used in the text (p.135).
Translate the following into Russian consulting Appendix I if necessary.

1. An ad hoc monitoring group was set up after the Kuala Lumpur Conference to
assist in following up the recommendations of that conference. 2. Philosophical
research related to the strengthening of the spirit of peace is reported below in this
Chapter 3 (see infra, section 8, Philosophy). 3. He drew attention to women’s low
rate of participation in politics and their
de facto exclusion from public office and positions of responsibility. 4. Activities
related to follow-up and evaluation of fellowships included, inter alia, contacts
with fellowship holders. 5. Their travel expenses and per diem are paid by the
Organization. 6. The severance of diplomatic relations shall not ipso facto involve
the severance of consular relations.

IX. Find out the meanings of “hereby”, “herein”, “hereinafter”, and

“whereof”, as used in the text and exhibit. Consult a dictionary if necessary.

X. Combine the words from groups A and B wherever possible, explain them in English.

forth after, at, by
hence for, forth, from
here in, of, on, to,
hithe under, upon, with

XI. Memorize ihe following:

в целях
WITH A VIEW Н для того, чтобы
TO V ing с тем, чтобы
в плане (чего-л.)
направленный на (что-л.)

XII. Make up a few sentences according to the models.

Model 1. It was done with a view to the adoption of the Regional Convention.
Model 2. This was planned with a view to eliminating racial discrimination and

XIII. Translate into Russian.

l. They discussed the application of social sciences with a view to the solution of
major world problems. 2. Special attention should be given to their prospects for
evolution, with a view to defining the priority areas. 3. It has been done with a
view to obtaining additional funds for achieving this objective. 4. He will give
special attention to the question of programme concentration when preparing
consultations with a view to the second Medium-Term Plan. 5. It was planned with
a view to making optimum use of available resources. 6. They should continue
studies with a view to the formulation of appropriate international standards. 7.
The special committee shall submit a draft with a view to its discussion at the
General Conference.

XIV.* Translate into English paying attention to the words and phrases in
bold type.

1. Делегаты подчеркнули необходимость использования возможностей

смежных дисциплин 2. Необходимо предоставить им средства для
проведения соответствующих научных исследований .3. Ряд ораторов
подчеркнул необходимость увязывания распространения грамотности с
потребностями развития. 4. Он обратил внимание комиссии на основные
программы в области образования. 5. Эта программа посвящена проблемам
подготовки кадров с учетом требований самосовершенствования. 6.
Международные неправительственные организации поддерживают
отношения с ЮНЕСКО. 7. Особое внимание было уделено проблеме
усиления взаимодействия образования и занятости.

XV.* Translate into Russian taking note of the words and phrases in bold
1. The basic instrument of an international organization or institution is
generally known as the “Constitution” or “Statute”. For example, the constituent
instruments of the various specialized agencies of the United Nations that have
been established by intergovernmental agreements are called their Constitutions. 2.
The basic instruments of the International Court of Justice and the Council of
Europe are called Statutes. These documents, whether called Constitutions or
Statutes, are also treaties in the true sense as they denote agreements of a binding
nature between the states concerned. 3. The term “Statute” is also used to denote
an accessory inrtrument to a convention setting out certain regulations to be
applied. 4. Unesco was established on 4 November 1946, when 20 signatories to its
Constitution had deposited their instruments of acceptance with the Government
of the United Kingdom. 5. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) became a
specialized agency in relationship with the United Nations in 1957. While closely
associated with the World Bank, it is a separate legal entity, and its funds are
distinct from those of the Bank. 6. Although a draft Charter was completed in
1948, it was laid aside when it became clear that the necessary ratifications
would not be forthcoming. 7. The goal of equality is proclaimed in the UN
Charter and in a number of legally binding international instruments.

XVI. Translate into English making use of the suggested words and phrases.

Официальная корреспонденция и другие официальные сообщения

(communications) специализированных учреждений не подлежат цензуре
(censorship). Специализированные учреждения имеют право пользоваться
шифром (to use codes) и получать и отправлять (to dispatch) посредством
курьеров (by courier) или вализы (in sealed bags), к которым применяются
(which shall have) те же иммунитеты и привилегии, что и к дипломатическим
курьерам и вализам.
Для своей официальной связи каждое специализированное учреждение
пользуется (to enjoy) на территории каждого присоединившего к Конвенции
государства (party to this Convention) не менее благоприятными условиями,
чем те, которые правительство этого государства предоставляет (treatment not
less favourable than that accorded by ... to) любому другому правительству,
включая дипломатические представительства (diplomatic mission)
XVII. Translate into Russian.


Article 1. Purposes and Functions

1. The purpose of the Organization is to contribute to peace and security by

promoting collaboration among the nations through education, science and culture
in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the
human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the
world, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion, by the Charter of the
United Nations.
2. To realize this purpose the Organization will:
(a) Collaborate in the work of advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding
of peoples, through all means of mass communication and to that end recommend
such international agreements as may be necessary to promote the free flow of
ideas by word and image; (b) Give fresh impulse to popular education and to the
spread of culture; [...] By collaborating with Members, at their request, in the
development of educational activities; [...] By suggesting educational methods best
suited to prepare the children of the world for the responsibilities of freedom; (c)
Maintain, increase and diffuse knowledge; By assuring the conservation and
protection of the world’s inheritance of books, works of art and monuments of
history and science; [...] By encouraging cooperation among the nations in all
branches of intellectual activity, including the international exchange of persons
active in the fields of education, science and culture [ ...].

XVIII. Do the two-way translation of the texts, comment on their syntactic

and stylistic peculiarities.

Article 15 Статья 15
Entry into Force Вступление в силу
1. This Constitution shall be subject 1. Настоящий Устав подлежит
to acceptance. The instruments of принятию государствами-членами.
acceptance shall be deposited with Акты о принятии передаются на
the Government of the United хранение правительству
Kingdom. Соединенного Королевства

2. This Constitution shall remain 2. Настоящий Устав сдается на

open for signature in the Archives хранение в архив правительства
of the Government of the United Соединенного Королевства, где он
Kingdom. Signature may take place остается открытым для подписания.
either before or after the deposit Подписание может иметь место до
of the instruments of acceptance. или после передачи на хранение
No acceptance shall be valid unless актов о принятии.
preceded or followed by signature. Принятие действительно лишь в том
случае, если ему предшествовало
или за ним последовало подписание

3. This Constitution shall come into 3. Настоящий Устав входит в силу

force when it has been accepted by после его принятия двадцатью
twenty of its signatories. Subsequent подписавшими его членами.
acceptances shall take effect Последующие акты о принятии
immediately вступают в силу немедленно.
4. The Government of the United 4. Правительство Соединенного
Kingdom will inform all Members Королевства уведомляет всех
of the United Nations of the receipt членов Организации Объединенных
of all instruments of acceptance Наций о получении всех актов
and of the date on which the о принятии и о дате вступления в
Constitution comes into force силу настоящего Устава согласно
in accordance with the preceding предыдущему пункту.

XIX. * Complete the following final provisions of a constitution.

Final Provisions
This Constitution shall come __________________ on 1 st January, 1984
and shall remain ____________ for an indefinite period.
____________ the Plenipotentiaries of the Contracting Countries have
__________________ this Constitution in a single which shall be
________________ in the Archives of the Government of the Country in which
the seat of the Union is situated. _______________ thereof shall be
_______________ to each Party by the Government of the Country in which the
Congress is held.
___________ Vienna, 10th of October, 19____.
XX. Write a draft constitution of an international organization using the
information below. See also exhibit 19.

Establishment of the Organization:

May 18, 19___ in Paris.
Objectives: To collect, analyse and disseminate information relating
to nutrition and food; to promote national and international action with
respect to scientific, technological, social and economic research relating to
nutrition, food and agriculture.
Main bodies: The Conference, the Council, the Director-General and staff,
Commissions. Membership: 8 members and 7 associate members.
Finances: contributions by member states.
Relations with other international organizations: joint activities with the World
Health Organization and Unesco.
Headquarters: in Paris.

XXI. Speak on the style and composition of constitutions of international

Unit three
1. Ratification
2. Accession, Acceptance, and Approval
3. Reservations
4. Denunciation


The word “ratification” is used in several different senses, of which the

following must be mentioned. It may mean:
1. the act of the appropriate organ of the State, be it the Sovereign or a
President or a Federal Council, which signifies the willingness of a State to be
bound by a treaty; this is sometimes called ratification in the constitutional sense;
2. the international procedure whereby a treaty enters into force, namely the
formal exchange or deposit of the instruments of ratification;
3. the actual document, sealed or otherwise authenticated, whereby a State
expresses its willingness to be bound by the treaty;
4. loosely and popularly, the approval of the legislature or other State organ
whose approval may be necessary; this is an unfortunate use of the word and
should be avoided.
What treaties require ratification? It is not possible to find a decisive test of
the requirement of ratification by having regard to the form of the treaty or the
term that may be employed to describe it, e. g. Treaty, Convention, Declaration,
Agreement, Exchange of Notes, modus vivendi, etc. But it can at least be said that
the more formal the type of an instrument adopted, the more likely is ratification to
be required.
In modern practice, however, it is almost the invariable rule for the treaty
itself to contain either an express stipulation or other indication as to the intention
of the parties on the question whether ratification is required. In the case of a treaty
which the parties consider to require ratification, such clause as follows is usually
“This Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification thereof
shall be exchanged in London. The Convention shall take effect on the thirtieth day
after the date of exchange of the instruments of ratification and shall continue in
force for the term of five years”.
Where the parties do not regard ratification as necessary, the treaty usually
states that it shall come into force on a certain date or upon the happening of a
certain event. The law leaves the parties to decide whether or not ratification is
required, and it is only in rare cases that the parties leave the matter in doubt.
Ratification has a value which should not be minimized. The interval
between the signature and the ratification of a treaty gives the appropriate
departments of the Governments that have negotiated the treaty an opportunity of
studying the advantages and disadvantages involved in the proposed treaty as a
whole, and of doing so in a manner more detached, more leisurely, and more
comprehensive than is usually open to their representatives while negotiating the
It is suggested that the rule should be formulated as follows: Ratification in
the international sense of the term is an essential requirement of a treaty, unless (a)
by its express terms the requirement of ratification is dispensed with or (b) it can
be inferred from the nature or the form of the treaty or the circumstances in which
it was negotiated that the parties intended to dispense with the requirement of
It is not customary to fix a time limit for ratification, and there is no rule of
law as to the date within which, if at all, it must take place. Frequently several
years elapse between signature and ratification.
Ratification involves two steps. The first is the signing and sealing of the
instrument of ratification; the second is, in the case of a bipartite treaty, its
exchange with the corresponding instrument produced by the other party, or, in the
case of a multipartite treaty, its deposit with the headquarters Government (in
return for an acte d’acceptation or proces-verbal of deposit), or with the Secretary-
General of the United Nations as in the case of many treaties concluded under the
auspices of that body. In the United Kingdom the instrument of ratification is, in
the case of a treaty between heads of State, signed by the Queen, and sealed with
the Great Seal. In the case of those intergovernmental agreements which it is
considered necessary or desirable to ratify, the instrument of ratification is usually
signed by a minister or the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and sealed with
his official seal.
In some States ratification requires the consent of other organs of the State.
Thus the President of the United States of America can only validly ratify a treaty
by and with the advice and consent of the Senate provided two-thirds of the
Senators present concur. In the United Kingdom neither Parliament nor either
House of Parliament has any corresponding function. Ratification is the act of the
Crown upon the advice of the appropriate minister.
The notification of ratifications is usually the last act before international
agreements become law. After ratification, they apply under the conditions
stipulated in the text.Very often this is immediately, but frequently the date of
entry into force may be thirty, sixty or ninety days later, and is sometimes a year or
(From “The Law of Treaties” by A.McNair
INSTRUMENT OF RATIFICATION (by Head of State or Government)

WHEREAS the Treaty (Convention, etc.) was concluded (opened for

signature, etc.) at ... on ... 19__,
AND WHEREAS the said Treaty (Convention, etc.) has been signed on
behalf of the Government of ... on ... 19___,
NOW THEREFORE, I [name and title of the Head of State
or Government] do hereby declare that the Government of …, having considered
the above-mentioned Treaty (Convention, etc.), ratifies the same and undertakes
faithfully to perform and carry out all the stipulations therein contained.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have signed this instrument of ratification at ...
on ... 19____.

(by Her Majesty the Queen)


by the Grace of God the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories
Queen, Head of the Commonwealth,
Defender of the Faith,
&c., &c., &c.
To all and singular to whom these Presents shall come,
WHEREAS the Treaty (Convention, etc.) between Us and was concluded and
signed at ... on the ... day of ... in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Nine hundred
and ... by the Plenipotentiaries of Us and of ... duly and respectively authorized for
that purpose, which Treaty (Convention, etc.) is, word for word, as follows:

We, having seen and considered the Treaty (Convention, etc.) aforesaid,
have approved, accepted and confirmed the same in all and every one of its
Articles and Clauses, as We do by these Presents approve, accept, confirm and
ratify it in respect of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
for Ourselves, Our Heirs and Successors;
Engaging and Promising upon Our Royal Word that we will sincerely and
faithfully perform and observe all and singular the things which are contained and
expressed in the Treaty (Convention, etc.) aforesaid, and that We will never suffer
the same to be violated by anyone, or transgressed in any manner, as far as it lies in
Our power;
For the greater testimony and validity of all which, We have caused Our
Great Seal to be affixed to these Presents, which We have signed with Our Royal
GIVEN AT Our Court of Saint James, the ... day of ... in the Year of Our
Lord One thousand Nine hundred and ... and in the Year of Our Reign.

(Her Majesty’s signature)
(Wafer Great Seal)
(by President of the United States of America)

(name in full)
President of the United States of America


KNOW YE That, whereas there was signed at ... on ..., l9____ the Treaty
(Convention, etc.) between the United States of America and …,

AND WHEREAS the original of the said Treaty (Convention, etc.) of ...,
19___ is word for word as follows:

AND WHEREAS the Senate of the United States of America by their

resolution of ..., 19_ , two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein, did
advise and consent to the ratification of the said Treaty (Convention, etc.) of ...,

NOW THEREFORE, be it known that I, (name in full), President of the

United States of America, having seen and considered the said Treaty (Convention,
etc.) of ..., l9_ do hereby, in pursuance of the aforesaid advice and consent of the
Senate of the United States of America, ratify and confirm the said Treaty
(Convention, etc.) of ..., 19_ and every article and clause thereof.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the

Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.
DONE AT the city of ... this ... day of ... in the year of our Lord One
thousand Nine hundred and ... and of the Independence of the United States of
America the Two hundred ... th.

President of the United
States of America
Acting Secretary of State


WHEREAS the Treaty (Convention, etc.) was concluded (opened for

signature, etc.) at ... on the ... day of ..., One thousand Nine hundred and ... by
representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and of the Government of ... which Treaty (Convention, etc.) is,
word for word, as follows:

The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland, having considered the Treaty (Convention, etc.) aforesaid, hereby confirm
and ratify the same and undertake faithfully to perform and carry out all the
stipulations therein contained.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Instrument of Ratification is signed and
sealed by Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
DONE AT ... the ... day of ..., One thousand Nine hundred and … .

(Seal) Secretary of State


The Undersigned, having met together for the purpose of exchanging the
Ratifications of the Treaty (Convention, etc.), which was concluded and signed
at ... on the ... day of ..., 19___ by representatives of the Government of ... and of
the Government of ... ; and the respective Ratifications of the said Treaty
(Convention, etc.) having been found in good and due form, the said exchange
took place on this day.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Undersigned have signed the present
DONE in duplicate at ... on the ... day of ... , l9__.



No. _____ NEW YORK

Excellency, 9 October 19__
Upon instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit
herewith the Instrument of Ratification of the Government of the Republic of ... to
the Treaty (Convention, etc.), done at on...19 ___.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

His Excellency Mr. …

United Nations
New York

I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What does the term “ratification” imply? 2. What treaties require ratification? 3.
Which clause of’ a treaty (convention, etc.) stipulates whether or not ratification is
required? 4. How do you assess the role of ratification? 5. What is the usual
procedure of ratification? 6. In which case is the approval of a state’s legislature
required for ratification? 7. What is the time limit for ratification?

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. The word “ratification” may denote the international procedure whereby … . 2.

In modern practice it is almost the invariable rule for the treaty itself to contain
either ... or ... . 3. Where the parties do not regard ratification as necessary, the
treaty usually states that ... . 4. Ratification involves two steps. The first is ... ; the
second is ... . 5. In some states ratification requires … .
6. In the United Kingdom the instrument of ratification is signed by … . 7. The
President of the United States of America can only … .

III. Study the texts in exhibits 20 to 25, point out words and phrases
pertaining to the formal style.
IV.* Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

1) to all and singular to whom these Presents shall come, greeting; 2) in pursuance
of the aforesaid advice and consent of the Senate; 3) now, therefore, be it known
that; 4) I do hereby declare that; 5) for the greater testimony and validity of all; 6) I
have the honour to transmit herewith the Instrument of Ratification; 7) to perform
and carry out all the stipulations therein contained.

V. Define the following terms in English, consulting the Glossary of

Diplomatic Terms if necessary.

acceptance, demarche, envoy, extradition, plenipotentiary, sanctions.

VI. Study the use of “subject to” in different phrases. Mind that it may correspond
to the Russian “подлежит (чему –л.)”, “при условии”, “ в соответствии (c чем-

the approval of the General Assembly

the conditions of the present Agreement
SUBJECT TO the entry of the Covenant into force
the provisions of Article 3
ratification, acceptance or approval

VII. Translate into Russian.

1. The present Covenant is subject to ratification. Instruments of ratification shall

be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. 2. Each State Party
to the present Covenant undertakes to respect and to ensure to all individuals
within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the present
Covenant. 3. The provision of economic assistance must not be subject to
conditions which conflict with the interests of the recipient State. 4. Subject to the
preceding paragraph, the property and assets of the Organization shall be immune
from requisition, confiscation, expropriation and sequestration.
5. Subject to the provisions of Article 14, the Commission shall make available its
good offices to the interested States. 6. Any such extension of this Agreement shall
take effect subject to such modifications and conditions, as may be specified and
agreed between the Contracting Parties.
7. The Court, subject to and in conformity with its Rules, may request of public
international organizations information relevant to cases before it.
VIII. * Fill in each blank with the required preposition.

1) Signature and Ratification

This Convention shall remain open ... signature ... London ... entry force and
shall thereafter remain open ... accession. All States may become parties ... the
(a) Signature not subject ... ratification, acceptance or approval, or
(b) Signature subject ... ratification, acceptance or approval, followed ratification,
acceptance or approval, or
(c) Accession.
Ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be effected ... the
deposit ... the appropriate instrument ... the Depositary.

2) Entry into Force.

This Convention shall enter ... force sixty days ... the date ... which States
95 per cent ... the initial investment shares have become Parties ... the Convention.
If the Convention has not entered … force ... thirty-six months ... the date it
was opened ... signature, it shall not enter ... force.
… a State which deposits an instrument ... ratification, acceptance, approval
or accession ... the date ... which the Convention has entered force, ratification,
acceptance, approval or accession shall take effect ... the date ... deposit.

IX. Translate into Russian.

Ratification by Finland

The instrument of ratification by Finland of the Universal Copyright

Convention as revised at Paris on 24 July 1971 was deposited with the Director-
General of Unesco on 1 August 1986. This instrument of ratification did not refer
to Protocols 1 and 2 annexed to the revised Convention.
In accordance with the provisions of Article IX (2), the Convention came
into force, in respect of Finland, on 1 November 1986, that is, three months after
the deposit of the instrument of ratification.
Ratification by Finland brings to forty-three the total number of States
that have deposited an instrument of ratification or acceptance of, or accession to,
the above-mentioned Convention.

X. Complete the following instrument of ratification.

WHEREAS the Convention on _______ and the Protocol of the said

Convention were signed at ______ on _______ by ______;
AND WHEREAS Supplementary Protocols No. 2 and No. 3 amending the
said Convention were signed at _________ on _______ and on _______
respectively, by ……… which Convention and Protocols are, word for word, as


The Government of_____, having considered the Convention and

Protocols aforesaid, hereby confirm and ratify the same and undertake ________ .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Instrument of Ratification is signed and

sealed by _____.
DONE AT ________.

XI. Draw up an instrument of ratification on behalf of the Government

of Cameroon using the information below.

Instrument: International Tropical Timber Agreement.

Concluded: at Geneva on 18 November 19___.
Deposited: with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
It is recalled that the Agreement entered into force provisionally for Cameroon,
which by 14 June 19___ had notified its intention to apply it under article 36.

XII. Speak on the style and composition of instruments of ratification.

The multiplicity of methods of expressing consent has unfortunately
introduced a good deal of confusion into the law.
Article 11 of the Vienna Convention provides:
“The consent of a state to be bound by a treaty may be expressed by
signature, exchange of instruments constituting a treaty, ratification, acceptance,
approval or accession, or by any other means if so agreed.”
Traditionally, signature and ratification are the most frequent means of
expressing consent.
In addition to signature and ratification, a state can also become a party to a
treaty by accession (otherwise known as adhesion or adherence). The difference
between accession, on the one hand, and signature or ratification, on the other, is
that the acceding state did not take part in the negotiations which produced the
treaty, but was invited by the negotiating states to accede to the treaty. Accession is
possible only if it is provided for in the treaty, or if all the parties to the treaty agree
that the acceding state should be allowed to accede. Accession has the same effect
as signature and ratification combined.
These, then, were the traditional methods of expressing consent to a treaty:
signature, ratification and accession. However, modern developments have
complicated the situation in several different ways.
In the first place, treaties are nowadays often concluded by an exchange of
correspondence (usually called an exchange of notes) between the two states. Each
note is signed by a representative of the state sending it, and the two signatures are
usually enough to establish the consent of the states to be bound; however,
exchanges of notes require ratification in the few cases where it can be proved that
that was the intention of the states concerned.
Second, the modern practice of leaving certain treaties open for long periods
for signature by states which may or may not have participated in the drafting of

the treaty has blurred the distinction between accession, on the one hand, and
signature and ratification, on the other.
Third, acceptance or approval is sometimes used nowadays in place of
ratification (or, alternatively, in place of accession).
Accession is generally done by depositing a formal instrument, which is also
known as “accession”, with the depositary government, which may be named in
the treaty, or with the international organization in cases where the treaty is drawn
up under the auspices of such organization. There is no precise form for the
instrument of accession; a mere notification to the original contracting parties or
the authority named in the treaty usually suffices. Accession does not require
ratification unless it is made subject to ratification. The reason is that the
governments do have adequate time to consider the matter fully before it may
decide to accede to a treaty.


WHEREAS the Treaty (Convention, etc.) was concluded (opened for

signature, etc.) at ... on ... 19____,
NOW THEREFORE, I [name and title of the Head of State, Head of
Government or Minister for Foreign Affairs] declare that the Government of ...,
having considered the above-mentioned Treaty (Convention, etc.), accedes to the
same and undertakes faithfully to perform and carry out the stipulations therein
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have signed this instrument of accession at ...
on ... 19__.

WHEREAS the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural

and Natural Heritage was adopted on 16 November 19_ by the General Conference
of Unesco at its seventeenth session;
WHEREAS the said Convention is open to acceptance _____________
under the terms of its Article 31,
NOW THEREFORE the Government of __________ having considered the
aforesaid Convention, hereby accept the same and undertake faithfully to carry out
the stipulations therein contained.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed and sealed this instrument.
Сделано на _________ this ________ day of_______ 19 ____.





I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. How can a state become a party to a treaty? 2. What are the traditional means of
expressing the state’s consent to be bound by a treaty? 3. What is the role of
diplomats in negotiating a treaty? 4. What is the difference between accession to a
treaty, on the one hand, and signature or ratification of a treaty, on the other? 5.
What is the modern practice of expressing consent to a treaty? 6. What function is
generally performed by acceptance or approval of a treaty? 7. What is the main
reason for the popularity of such terms?
II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. Accession is possible only if ... . 2. It has the same effect as ... . 3. Treaties are
nowadays often concluded by ... . 4. Acceptance or approval is sometimes used in
place of ... . 5. It may perform the same function on the international plane as … .
6. The main reason for the popularity of the terms “acceptance” and “approval” is
… . 7. Exchanges of notes require ratification … .

III. Study the texts in exhibits 26 and 27, point out words and phrases
pertaining to the formal style.

IV. * Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their
Russian equivalents.


instruments of ≈.; ≈ to a treaty; ≈ to the throne; of new members.


a constituent ≈ ; an international ≈ ; a legal ≈ ; a legally binding ≈ ; an ≈ of

accession; an ≈ of aggression; an ≈ of ratification; an ≈ of surrender; adoption of
new ≈ s; a compilation of international ≈ s of the United day of Nations.

V. Suggest the English for:

1) акт о присоединении; 2) пополнение (организации)новыми членами;

3) ратификационная грамота; 4) учредительный акт ; 5) юридически
обязательный документ.

VI Memorize the following:

- the holding of the В ЦЕЛЯХ проведения двадцать
twenty second session второй сессии

- its wide scope ВВИДУ широкой сферы охвата

OF - its success С УЧЕТОМ успешного выполнения

- the present imbalances В СВЯЗИ с имеющимися


- the important regional УЧИТЫВАЯ существующие

variation региональные различия
VII. Translate into Russian taking note of the words and phrases in bold

1. In view of the fact that the term of office of three members of the Commission
was due to expire on 21 November 1997, the Director- General applied the
procedure provided for in that Protocol for the replacement of the members
concerned. 2. The plan should take account of the relationship between culture
and science. 3. The General Conference, having taken cognizance of the
conclusions of the Executive Board, invites the Director-General to submit
conclusions on this matter to the fourth extraordinary session of the General
Conference. 4. The next Medium- Term Plan should duly take into account the
need for the public at large to understand science. 5. The General Conference,
mindful that the purpose of Unesco is to contribute to peace and security, invites
Member States to take note of the Final Document of the World Congress on
Disarmament Education. 6. They should take into consideration those
recommendations of the Commission that lend themselves to rapid application. 7.
The General Conference, considering that art plays an important part in education
recommends that Member States implement the following provisions.

VIII. Translate into Russian.

Universal Copyright Convention as revised at Paris

on 24 July 1971 and annexed Protocols 1 and 2

Accession by Uruguay

The instrument of accession by Uruguay to the Universal Copyright

Convention as revised at Paris on 24 July 1971 was deposited with the Director-
General of UNESCO on 12 January 1993. The instrument of accession did not
refer to Protocols 1 and 2 annexed to the revised Convention.
In accordance with the provisions of Article IX(2), the Convention came into
force, in respect of Uruguay, on 12 April 1993, that is, three months after the
deposit of the instrument of accession.
Accession by Uruguay brings to fifty-four the total number of States that
have deposited an instrument of ratification or acceptance of, or accession to, the
above-mentioned Convention.
IX. Read the following text, translate into Russian:

The Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the United Nations

presents her compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and has
the honour to transmit New Zealand’s Instrument of Ratification to the United
Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations
on 10 December 1984.
New Zealand’s Instrument of Ratification includes:
(a) a Reservation concerning Article 14 of the Convention which relates to
compensation for victims of torture, and
(b) Declarations dealing with Articles 21 and 22 of the Convention regarding
the competence of the Committee Against Torture.
Attached to the Instrument of Ratification are:
(a) an objection to the Declaration made by the German Democratic
Republic at the time of its ratification of the Convention;
(b) an objection to the Reservation made by Chile at the time of its
ratification of the Convention.

Permanent Mission of New Zealand

to the United Nations
New York
10 December 19 —

X. Complete the following instrument of accession.

WHEREAS the Convention on _____was adopted by the General Assembly of the

United Nations on _________ and is open for accession by _______
AND WHEREAS it is provided in ________ that accession thereto shall be
effected by _______ with _________ ;
NOW THEREFORE the undersigned, _______ , hereby notifies the accession by
the Government of ________ to the said Convention.
GIVEN AT _______ , this _______ day of _______ , One thousand Nine hundred
and ______
Xl. Draw up an instrument of accession on behalf of the Secretary of State
for Foreign Affairs using the information below.

Instrument: The General Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the

United Nations.

Adopted: by the UN General Assembly on 13 February 19_.

It is recalled that the said Convention shall come into force as regards each
Member on the date of deposit of each instrument of accession.

XII. Speak on the style and composition of instruments of accession.


A state may often wish to sign or ratify or otherwise consent to be bound by

a treaty in such manner that certain provisions of the treaty do not bind it, or apply
to it subject to modifications. This can be effected principally:
1. by inducing the other party or parties to insert an express term to this
2. by a reservation attached to the signature of a treaty by its representatives
and duly recorded in a proces-verbal or protocol of signature;
3. by a reservation attached to the ratification and duly recorded;
4. in the case of a treaty left open for accession by other States, by a
reservation attached to its accession and duly recorded.

Where a state wishes to become bound only by a specific part of a treaty, its
consent to be so bound can be effective only if this is permitted by the treaty or is
otherwise agreed to by the contracting states; and where a treaty allows a
contracting state to become partially bound by exercising a choice between
differing provisions, the consent must make clear to which provisions it relates.
A reservation is defined in article 2 of the Vienna Convention as “a
unilateral statement, however phrased or named, made by a State, when signing,
ratifying, accepting, approving, or acceding to a treaty, whereby it purports to
exclude or modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty in their
application to that State.”
The effect of a reservation depends on whether it is accepted or rejected by
the other states concerned. A reservation to a bilateral treaty presents no problems,
because it is, in effect, a new proposal reopening the negotiations between the two
states concerning the terms of the treaty; and, unless agreement can be reached
about the terms of the treaty, no treaty will be concluded. In the case of a
multilateral treaty the problem is more complicated, because the reservation may
be accepted by some states and rejected by others. On this basis a reservation
constitutes a counter-offer which requires a new acceptance, failing which the state
making the counteroffer will not become a party to the treaty.
The framing of reservations is not absolutely free. It is admitted, as a general
rule, that the reservation must be compatible with the purpose of the convention.
The constitution of the organization sometimes indicates the points on which
reservations cannot be made. These generally concern the fundamental condition
which cannot he modified without a risk of destroying the aim of the convention
itself. It is advisable, in addition, to avoid disfiguring a text by an accumulation of
reservations. The time during which reservations can be formulated does not
generally exceed, for each signatory, the date of ratification.
Reservations can be withdrawn at any moment. They can be invoked by the
interested state in opposition to all the parties and, conversely, by all the parties
against it.
The Republic of ... does not consider itself bound by article 15, paragraphs
2 and 3, of the Agreement, concerning recourse to arbitration for the settlement of
disputes between the Contracting Parties.
The Republic of ... declares that article 9, which entitles only States
Members of the Economic Commission for Europe to become Parties to the
Agreement, is discriminatory.


I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. How can a state become a party to a treaty without being bound by some of its
2. What is a reservation? 3. How can a reservation be made? 4. In which case is a
reservation considered to be valid? 5. How is it defined in article 2 of the Vienna
Convention? 6. What does the effect of a reservation depend on? 7. What is the
difference between reservations made to bilateral and multilateral treaties?

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. A state may often wish to sign or ratify or otherwise consent to be bound by a

treaty in such manner that ... . 2. A reservation is defined in article 2 of the Vienna
Convention as ... . 3. The consent of a state to become bound only by a specific
part of a treaty can be effective only if … .
4. A reservation to a bilateral treaty presents no problem, because ... . 5. In the case
of a multilateral treaty the problem is more complicated, because… . 6. The time
during which reservations can be formulated does not generally exceed ... . 7.
Reservations can be invoked by … .
III.* Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

1) the states concerned; 2) a treaty left open for accession; 3) a unilateral

statement; 4) concerning the terms of a treaty; 5) to accept a reservation; 6) to be
bound by a treaty; 7) to make a counter-offer; 8) to modify the legal effect of
certain provisions; 9) to require acceptance; 10) to reopen the negotiations.

IV. Study the use of ”upon” in different phrases.

agreement by the parties concerned
appropriate notification
the conclusion of negotiations
UPON entry into force
the exchange of instruments of ratification
the nomination of the Secretary-General
the recommendation of the Executive Board

V. Suggest the English for:

1) на основании письменной заявки; 2) по предоставлению Генеральным
секретарем соответствующей кандидатуры; 3) по рекомендации
Исполнительного Совете ЮНЕСКО; 4) после соответствующего
уведомления; 5) по соглашению; 6) при вступлении в должность 7) при
вступлении в силу.
VI. Translate into Russian taking note of the words and phrases in bold type.

1. It is essential that all parties to the treaty should assent to the making of a
2. Without the consent of all the parties, a reservation proposed in relation to a
multilateral convention cannot become effective and the reserving state cannot
become a party thereto.
3. In order that any reservation whatever may be validly made in regard to a
clause of the treaty, it is essential that this reservation should be accepted by all
the contracting parties. 4. A state which has made and maintained a
reservation which has been objected to by one or more of the parties to the
convention but not by others, can be regarded as being a party to the convention if
the reservation is compatible with the object and purpose of the convention.
5. If a party to the convention objects to a reservation which it considers to be
incompatible with the object and purpose of the convention, it can in fact
consider that the reserving state is not a party to the convention.

VII. Read the following text, translate into Russian.

Amendments to a Treaty

When a mistake is discovered in a signed treaty awaiting ratification, it may be

corrected by, and the correction may be initialed by the plenipotentiaries who
signed the treaty.
When it is desired to amend a treaty already ratified, or already signed and
not requiring ratification, the amendment should take the form either (a) of a new
treaty embodying the amendment or (b) of an Exchange of Notes or a Protocol
placing it on record that, not with standing the text of the treaty as signed or as
signed and ratified, it was to be regarded as being in force in its amended form as
from the date on which it entered into force or the date of ratification or some other
specified date.

VIII. Speak on the style and composition of reservations.


The causes for termination of treaties are multiple, but they can be said to
fall roughly into two categories: they can result either from the desire of one or
more of the signatories to end up the matter or from unforeseen circumstances.
The first category includes treaties which contain fixed terms or
denunciation clauses according to which the will of one of the signatories is
sufficient to end them. The second includes, among unforeseen circumstances, the
disappearance of the original purpose of a treaty or its obsolescence, whether it be
established by the signatories or as the result of a major political event (war,
disappearance of a state) leading to the cancellation of all the treaties binding the
state in question with the rest of the international community. Moreover, a
revolution affecting the form of a government can lead to the cancellation of
previous treaties.

A treaty may specify the conditions of its termination, and a bilateral treaty
may provide for denunciation by the parties. Where a treaty contains no provisions
regarding its termination the existence of the right to denunciation depends on the
intention of the parties, which can be inferred from the terms of the treaty and its
subject matter, but, according to the Vienna Convention, the presumption is that
the treaty is not subject to denunciation or withdrawal. Some important law-
making treaties, including the Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1958, contain
no denunciation clause. Treaties of peace are presumably not open to unilateral
Termination or withdrawal may take place by consent of all the parties. Such
consent may be implied. In particular, a treaty may be considered as terminated if
all the parties conclude a later treaty which is intended to supplant the earlier treaty
or if the later treaty is incompatible with its provisions.
In the case of a bilateral treaty a notice of denunciation usually takes the
shape of a formal notification addressed to the other government through the
diplomatic agent accredited to the latter. Occasionally, after notice of denunciation
is given, the treaty may be maintained, on the basis of a modus vivendi, by means
of an exchange of notes, pending its replacement by a new treaty.
In the case of a multilateral treaty, it is usually provided that the notice shall
be addressed to the government of the state wherein the treaty was signed, who
shall inform the other contracting governments.
In the case of a convention signed under the auspices of the United Nations,
it is usually provided that the notice shall be addressed to the Secretary-General.
(of a treaty, convention, etc.)

Your Excellency,

I have the honour by the present note to give notice of the denunciation of
the Treaty (Convention, etc.) on ... , to take effect on the expiry of one year from
the present date, as provided for in Article ... of the Treaty (Convention, etc.).
I request Your Excellency to be good enough to communicate a duly
certified copy of this notification to all the other States signatory to the Treaty
(Convention, etc.).
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the
assurances of my highest consideration.


I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What are the causes for termination of treaties? 2. Does every treaty specify the
conditions of its termination? 3. How can a treaty be terminated? 4. What does the
right to denunciation depend on? 5. Which treaties are presumably not open to
unilateral denunciation? 6. When can a treaty be considered as terminated? 7. Who
shall a notice of denunciation be addressed to?

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. Where a treaty contains no provisions regarding its termination the existence of

the right to denunciation depends on ... . 2. According to the Vienna Convention,
the presumption is ... . 3. Some important law-making treaties contain ... . 4.
Termination or withdrawal may take place by … . 5. A treaty may be considered as
terminated if ... . 6. In the case of a bilateral treaty a notice of termination usually
takes the shape of ... . 7. In the case of a multilateral treaty, it is usually provided
that … .

III. Study the text in exhibit 29, comment on its lexical peculiarities.

IV. Memorize the following:

as laid down in Article 17 of this
as prescribed (the present) Treaty
КАК ПРЕДУСМОТРЕНО as provided for (Convention, etc.)
as stipulated

V. Translate into Russian taking note of the words and phrases in bold type.

1. The right to unilateral denunciation may be derived either from an express

term or from an implied term. 2. With regard to express terms, it is often
provided that the treaty shall remain in force for a specified period, and that, when
that period is drawing to an end, notice of termination may be given by one party
to the other; if however, notice of termination is not given, the treaty remains in
force. 3. When notice of termination of a treaty is given, the notice may or may not
be accompanied by a statement of the reasons which render this step desirable or
necessary. 4. It is generally recognized that the right to unilateral denunciation is
more easily implied in the case of commercial treaties than in the case of other
treaties. 5. In case neither of the High Contracting Parties shall have given notice
to the other twelve months before the expiration of the said period of ten years
of’ its intention to terminate the Treaty, it shall remain in force until the
expiration of one year from the date of such notice.

VI. Speak on the style and composition of notices of denunciation.


1. Resolutions 2. Rules of Procedure

Decisions 3. Summary Records
Recommendations Directives


Resolutions of the main bodies of international organizations are usually of

two types, depending on whether they are binding or not, i. e. decisions or
Decisions are taken on issues relating to an organization's internal activities,
such as: 1) adoption of rules of procedure, 2) approval of the budget and
distribution of expenditures among its members, 3) admission to and expulsion
from membership, 4) elections to its bodies, etc. In all international organizations
decisions on procedural matters are binding on all member states.
As for resolutions on substantive questions, they are generally
recommendations. For example, in accordance with Article 10 of the United
Nations Charter, resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly are
recommendations. This does not, however, affect the political and moral force of
General Assembly resolutions.
Many resolutions of the General Assembly, such as those concerned with the
internal working of the United Nations Organization, have a full "legal effect" in
that they are binding upon both I he members and the organs of the Organization.
These resolutions create obligations and legal situations which did not exist before.
"Recommendations" of the General Assembly addressed to members who have
voted against them have, however, a "legal effect" only in the sense that they may
constitute a "subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law" capable of
being used by an international court. They are not in themselves sources of law.
Their value, even as means for the determination of rules of international law,
depends upon the degree of objectivity surrounding the circumstances in which
they were adopted. In particular, it depends upon the extent to which they can be
regarded as expressions of the "juridical conscience" of humanity as a whole.
A significant number of General Assembly resolutions have been framed in
the form of a declaration or a charter (e. g. the Charter of Economic Rights and
Duties of States, 1974), and these have contributed in due course to the adoption of
conventions on the same subject matter. For instance, the Declaration of 1963 on
the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination paved the way for the
Convention of 1965 on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
Resolutions of the UN General Assembly and of the Security Council are
published on a yearly basis. They are set out under general heading indicating the
questions under consideration. The questions are arranged according to the date on
which they were first taken up in the year under review, and under each question
the resolutions appear in chronological order.
Each resolution is followed by the result of the vote. Decisions are usually
taken without a vote, but in cases where a vote has been recorded, it is given
immediately after the decision.
There exists a special system of symbols to identify the United Nations
documents. The Symbols of the UN documents are composed of capital letters
combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates reference to the UN
The Arabic and Roman numerals identifying each resolution indicate,
respectively, the number of the resolution and the number of the session at which it
was adopted. Resolutions of the UN General Assembly as well as of the Security
Council are numbered in the order of their adoption.
The capital letters "S" and "ES" before the number of the resolution refer it
to a special or extraordinary session respectively. Resolutions can easily be
identified by their names, as well.
As to their composition resolutions are generally made up of two parts: the
preamble and the operative part.
The course of procedure at any conference varies with the importance or
degree of complexity of the matters under discussion. Rules of procedure are
framed at the outset for guidance. Where, as often happens, committees are set up
to discuss particular items on the agenda, these in turn appoint a chairman, frame if
necessary rules of procedure, and in addition to a secretary or secretaries, often
appoint a "reporter, to prepare the report to be furnished to the plenary body.
As regards conferences held under the auspices of the United Nations, no
general rules of procedure have been framed applicable to all such conferences.
There does not seem to be any regular practice with respect to the adoption and
publication of rules of procedure at these conferences.
At all important international conferences care should be taken of the preparation
of a record of the proceedings. It used to be the practice for a process-verbal to be
prepared by the secretary or secretaries on the occasion of each sitting setting forth
the date, hour and place of a meeting, the names of the plenipotentiaries and their
staffs, and the states represented. This would be followed

by a statement of the deliberations carried on and the conclusions reached, and the
hour at which the sitting closed. There would also be attached any draft projects
which might have come under consideration, declarations made, etc. The process-
verbal would be signed by all the plenipotentiaries present, and usually by the
president and secretary-general or secretaries. Sometimes it was read at the
following sitting and adopted, but is was more usual first to submit proofs to the
plenipotentiaries for any necessary amendments, in which case, the president
would state the fact of agreement at the next sitting and pronounce its adoption,
whereupon it would be signed. The original would be preserved by the government
of the state in which the conference was held, which would supply copies to the
representatives of the others.
In recent years, practice has become both less regular and less formal.
Adoption of records by the conference and their signature by the president are
unusual, although they are normally submitted to the plenipotentiaries before being
drawn up in final form by the secretary-general or secretaries, whose signatures
may then be added. Drafts, declarations, etc. are often circulated as conference
documents and are not always appended to the daily record of proceedings.
The term "process-verbal", formerly a summary of the proceedings and
conclusion of an international conference, is more often used now to denote the
record of the terms of some agreement reached between the parties, to record an
exchange or deposit of ratifications, or to effect a minor alteration to a convention
or treaty. It is generally not subject to ratification.
Most international organizations provide for the maintenance of either
verbatim or summary records of the deliberations of all formal representative
organs. Verbatim or summary records are always useful for future reference, as
they may be helpful in clarifying the meaning of certain provisions of a treaty.
Whenever possible they should be kept and published. Such records are however
not necessarily maintained for expert groups, nor for closed or informal meetings
of representative organs.

The preparation of the official (summary) records of the conference

constitutes the main duties of the secretariat of the conference. The duties comprise
also the arrangement of all matters of routine, and such other duties as may be
assigned to it. Translations of speeches and documents are often required, and
communications may have to be issued to the press.
The proceedings of the conference, and the results arrived at, are on
important occasions sometimes recorded in a Final Act.


relating to the Application of the Convention
in Future Activities
of International Organizations

The United Nations Conference on the Representation of States in Their Relations

with International Organizations,

Considering that the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in

Their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character will help
improve relations between States within the framework of international
organizations and at conferences convened by, or under the auspices of, such
Bearing in mind that the above-mentioned Convention will help prevent
disputes between sending States and host States,
RECOMMENDS to the General Assembly of the United Nations that a
suitable request should be made to the Secretary-General to inform Member States
whether the States that have asked to be hosts of future international organizations
of a universal character or of conferences convened by, or under the auspices of,
international organizations of a universal character have duly ratified or have
acceded to the Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in Their
Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character.

(of a legal character)

DECISION Adopted by the Universal Postal Congress

The Congress,
In view of
on the one hand, the report of the Executive and Liaison Committee - Doc.
13, and on the other hand, item 31, chapter VI, of the Supplement to the
comprehensive report on the work of the ELC,
that it is in the interests of all the member countries of the Universal Postal
Union to ensure for officials of the International Bureau of the UPU juridical
guarantees similar to those enjoyed by officials of other international
the Executive Council to study the problem in its entirety and to take the
necessary decision so that, in administrative and disciplinary matters, the rights of
officials of the International Bureau may be adapted as soon as possible to those
enjoyed by officials of other international organizations.


on the Need to Establish World-Wide
Technical and Operating Standards to Facilitate
The Conference,
Recognizing that in the preamble to the IN MARSAT Convention attention is
drawn to the principle adopted by the United Nations

that communication by means of satellites should be available to the nations of the

world on a global and non-discriminatory basis,
Recognizing that Article 7 requires that INMARSAT space segment shall be
open for use by ships of all nations on conditions to be determined by the Council,
which shall not discriminate among ships on the basis of nationality,
Further recognizing that the Convention must essentially, and by definition,
relate to the space segment,
RECOMMENDS that all Parties to the Convention should, through
appropriate international forums, including the Organization, take all necessary
steps to establish world-wide technical and operating standards to enable effective,
non-discriminatory communications to be established between ship earth stations,
land earth stations and subscribers on shore.


concerning Unesco's Relations
with International Non-Governmental Organizations

Approved by the General Conference of Unesco


I. In implementation of the provisions of Article XI of the Constitution, the

following Directives set out the principles and procedures under which Unesco
may make arrangements for consultation and cooperation with international non-
governmental organizations conducting activities in fields that are within its
II. Arrangements for consultation and cooperation will be made, on the
one hand, for the purpose of enabling Unesco to secure documentation, advice and
technical cooperation from international non-governmental organizations [... ].
III. Any arrangements made under these Directives shall be
designed to advance the purposes of Unesco [ ... ].
IV. The conditions under which international non-governmental
organizations may take part in the work of Unesco shall be defined
by the following arrangements:
1. Conditions to be fulfilled by international non-governmental
organizations with which Unesco maintains the relations defined by the present
An international organization shall qualify as an international non-
governmental organization with which Unesco may maintain the relations defined
by the present Directives provided it has not been established by intergovernmental
agreement, that its purposes and functions are non-governmental in character. [ ... |
2. Different categories of Unesco relations with international
non-governmental organizations
Relations between Unesco and the international non-governmental
organizations shall be divided into three different categories, according to the
nature of cooperation between these organizations and Unesco.
3. Obligations of international non-governmental organizations
The obligations to be assumed by organizations admitted to the
various categories of relationship p are defined below:

(a) Mutual information relationship (category C) [...],

(b) Information and consultative relations (category B) [ ... ],

(c) Consultative and associate relations (category A) [ ... ].



Article 1

The purpose of the International Commission of Civil Status is to establish and

keep up to date the legislative and juridical documentation relating to citizenship
and to facilitate the exchange thereof among the adhering countries. The
Commission seeks also juridical and technical means whereby the administration
of citizenship and nationality regulations may be ameliorated.

Article 2

The exchange of documentation envisaged in Article 1 shall be affected among the

different national sections by the intermediary of the Secretary-General whose
headquarters shall be fixed by the Bureau.

Article 3

French is the official language of the Commission.

Article 4

The index cards of the documentation are, for purposes of copyright, the exclusive
property of the Commission.
Article 5

The International Commission shall meet each year at the end of September in the
General Assembly.

Article 6

The General Assembly shall be composed of delegates of the adhering States. No

State may have more than eight delegates.

Article 7

The Bureau shall consist of the chairmen of each of the national sections. Any
member of the Bureau unable to attend may appoint a representative. The Bureau
shall take decisions by a majority vote. The Secretary-General shall attend
meetings of the Bureau in a consultative capacity.

Article 8

The Bureau shall appoint from among its members the chairman of the
Commission. The term of Chairman shall be three years and lie shall not
immediately be eligible for re-election.

Article 9

The Bureau shall also appoint from among its members the Vice-Chairman.

Article 10
The Bureau shall appoint for a period of three years the Secretary-General, who
shall be eligible for reappointment immediately upon the expiration of this period.

Article 11

In case of a tied vote on a proposal submitted to the General Assembly, the

proposal shall be regarded as rejected.
Article 12

The Bureau shall take all decisions subject to confirmation by the subsequent
session of the General Assembly.

(for a session)

Economic and Social Council
36th Plenary Meeting 21 July 1997

1997/233. Provisional agenda and documentation for the forty-fir session of

the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

1. Election of officers.
2. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters.
3. Policy issues for action by the United Nations Internationa Drug Control
Report of the Executive Director on the activities of the United Nations
International Drug Control Programme.
4. Implementation of the international drug control treaties:
(a) International Narcotics Control Board.
Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1997.

(c) Other matters arising from the international drug control treaties.


5. Monitoring of the United Nations System-Wide Action Plan on Drug Abuse

Control and other coordination matters.
6. Administrative and budgetary matters.
7. Provisional agenda for the forty-second session of the Commission and
future work.
Note by the Secretariat.

8. Other matters.
9. Adoption of the report of the Commission on its forty-first session.


for the general classification of the various categories of
meetings convened by Unesco

Adopted by the General Conference at its fourteenth session and amended at its
eighteenth session.


Article 1 Character of meetings

Meetings convened by Unesco shall be divided into two groups: meetings of a

representative character and meetings of a non-representative character.

Article 2 Meetings of a representative character

Meetings of a representative character shall be meetings at which cither States or

governments or intergovernmental or international non-governmental
organizations are represented as chief participants.

Article 3 Meetings of a non-representative character

Meetings of a non-representative character shall be meetings at which the chief

participants act in a private capacity.

Article 4 Chief participants

For the purposes of these Regulations, the chief participants shall be those
enjoying the full rights of the meeting in question, including the right to vote
where applicable.

Article 5 Categories of meetings

1. Meetings of a representative character convened by Unesco shall be divided into
three categories:

(a) International conferences of States (category 1);

(b) Intergovernmental meetings other than international conferences of States
(category II);
(c) Non-governmental conferences (category III);

2. Meetings of a non-representative character convened by Unesco shall be divided

into five categories:
(a)International congresses (category IV);
(b)Advisory committees (category V);
(c)Expert committees (category VI);
(d)Seminars, training and refresher courses (category VII);
(e)Symposia (category VIII).

Article 6 Scope

Subject to the provisions contained in the instruments, statutes

or agreements relating to the meetings specified hereunder, and to
the decisions taken by the competent organs of Unesco concerning
such meetings, the Director-General shall take all necessary
preliminary steps for the application to these meetings of the present
(a)Meetings convened under legal instruments of a binding character
applicable to Unesco;
(b)Meetings of bodies established within Unesco and having their own
(c)Meetings convened under a standing agreement concluded by Unesco
with another organization; and
Meetings convened jointly by Unesco and another organization.

Article 7 Official name of meetings

The names of meetings governed by the provisions of these Regulations shall be
determined by the convening body, or failing that, by the Director-General.

Article 7A
Without prejudice to other provisions of these Regulations, the General
Conference, the Executive Board or the Director-General

according to the category of meeting, shall decide upon the African liberation
movements recognized by the OAU which are to be invited to send observers to
the meetings referred to in these Regulations.

Article 7 В

Without prejudice to the other provisions of these Regulations, the General

Conference, or the Executive Board or the Director-General, according to the
category of meeting, shall invite the Palestine Liberation Organization, recognized
by the League of Arab States, to send observers to the meetings referred to in these

(of a meeting)


Summary Records of the Twenty-First Session
990 th MEETING

Monday, 10 June 19___ в 15:20.

Chairman: ……………………
Present: ………………….

Opening of the Session

1. The Chairman, after declaring open the twenty-first session of the
International Law Commission, said that he had submitted the Commission's report
on the work of its twentieth session to the Sixth Committee of the General
Assembly. Subsequently in accordance with the Commission's decision, he gave an
account of the work it had accomplished during the twenty years since it

had been established; that work had been praised by representatives of the various
geographical groups in the General Assembly.
2.Comments had been made in the Sixth Committee on each of the topics on
the Commission's agenda. On the topic "Relations between States and International
Organizations" there had been some general observations. [... ]
3. The Sixth Committee had welcomed the fact that the International Law
Commission had begun consideration of the topic "Suecession of States and
Governments". A number of representatives had approved of the Commission's
decision to divide the topic into three parts.
4. With regard to the "most-favoured-nation clause", general! satisfaction
had been expressed at the Commissions commencement of the study of that
important topic.
5. Delegations had stated that they would welcome a study by the
Commission of the question of treaties concluded between! States and international
organizations. [ ... ]
6. Many delegations had stressed the importance of suggestions concerning
the codification of international law.
7. General approval of the methods of work so far adopted by the
Commission had also been expressed.

Election of Officers

8. The Chairman called for nominations for the office of Chairman.

9. Mr. A. proposed Dr. В., whose outstanding qualities as a writer on
international law and as Director of the International Law Department of the
Institute of Law so well fitted him for the task.
10. Mr. C. warmly supported that nomination.
11. Mr. D. supported the nomination of Dr. B. for the office of Chairman of
the Commission.
12. Mr. E. also supported that nomination.
Dr. B. was unanimously elected Chairman and took the Chair.
13. The Chairman thanked the Commission for his election
and said that he regarded it as a mark of esteem for his country.

14. He called for nominations for the office of Vice-Chairman

and Rapporteur.
Mr. F. was unanimously elected First Vice-Chairman.
Mr. G. was unanimously elected Second Vice-Chairman.
Mr. H. was unanimously elected Rapporteur.

Adoption of the Agenda

15. The Chairman invited the Commission to consider its provisional agenda
(A/CN. 4/211).
16. Mr. J. said he would like the Commission to be in a position to discuss certain
questions connected with its Chairman's report lo the twenty-third session of the
General Assembly, such as the holding of winter sessions.
17. The Chairman suggested that the Commission should adopt the provisional
agenda, on the understanding that the matter (o which Mr. K. had referred could be
taken up under items 6 or 8.

It was so agreed.

The meeting rose at 4.45 p. m.


I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What are the two types of resolutions of the main bodies of international
organizations? 2. What decisions are binding on all member states? 3: What kind
of political and legal effect do resolutions of the UN General Assembly have? 4.
When and how are Rules of procedure framed? 5. What does the term "proces-
verbal" imply?
II. Complete the following sentences with the required information from the above

1. Decisions are taken on issues relating to.... 2. As for resolutions on substantive

questions, they are generally... . 3. In all international organizations decisions on
procedural matters are... . 4. The course of orocedure at any conference varies with
the importance or degree of

complexity... . 5. It used to be the practice for a proces-verbal to be prepared by ... .

///. Study the texts in exhibits 30 to 37, point out words and phrases pertaining to
the formal style.

IV.* Memorize the phrases given below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

1) a comprehensive report on the work of the committee; 2) envisaged in

the article; 3) in case of a tied vote; 4) juridical guarantees; 5) upon the
expiration of the period; 6) to appoint from among its members; 7) to/
assume obligations; 8) to be eligible for reappointment; 9) to be regarded
as rejected; 10) to be subject to confirmation; 11) to discriminate among I
smth; 12) to express general approval of.

V. Define the following terms in English consulting the Glossary of Diplomatic

Terms if necessary.

agenda, pact, rapporteur, ultimatum, vis-a-vis.

V/.* Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their Russian

approved ~; interim ~; provisional ~; an item (point) on the ~; to be on the-; to
adhere to the ~; to adopt the-; to approve the ~; to delete from the ~; to discuss the
items on the ~; to include in the - (to place on the ~); to remove from the ~; to stick
to the ~.
advisory ~; draft ~; joint ~; legally binding ~; normative ~; a ~ in favour of smth;
to adopt a ~; to carry a ~; to draw up a draft ~; to pass a ~; to put forward a draft ~;
to put the draft ~ to the vote; to second (support) a draft ~; to speak in favour of the
~; to submit a draft ~; to table a draft ~; to vote down a ~ .

VII. Suggest the English equivalents of the phrases below consulting Appendix III
if necessary.

Генеральная Ассамблея, рассмотрев доклад Комиссии по праву

международной торговли ... ; напоминая, что цель Комиссии ... ; ссылаясь в
этой связи на свои резолюции ... ; вновь подтверждая свою убеждённость в
том, что унификация права международной

торговли ... ; принимая во внимание необходимость учитывать различные

социальные и правовые системы ...; подчёркивая важность и полезность
проведения симпозиумов ... ; с признательностью принимает к сведению
доклад Комиссии ... ; выражает признательность Комиссии ... ; призывает
Комиссию ... ; с признательностью отмечает начало работы ... ; приветствует
новые инициативы ... ; предлагает правительствам, соответствующим
органам ООН оказать содействие ... ; рекомендует Комиссии продолжать
свою работу ...; просит Генерального секретаря направить Комиссии отчёты
об обсуждении доклада Комиссии.

VIII, * Translate into English replacing the words and phrases in bold type by their
archaic equivalents.

1. Генеральная конференция предлагает Генеральному директору

представить доклад по этому вопросу Исполнительному совету. 2. Были
организованы совещания экспертов с целью ознакомления со стратегией и
методами, применяемыми в этой области. 3. Если масштабы проектов и услуг
по ним окажутся меньше, чем это было предусмотрено, Генеральный
директор уполномочен принимать соответствующие меры. 4. Проблема была
вновь рассмотрена двадцать первой сессией Генеральной конференции,
которая приняла по этому вопросу резолюцию. 5. Следует упомянуть
различные периодические издания, посредством которых ЮНЕСКО
способствовала отражению эволюции фактов и идей. 6. Генеральная
конференция предлагает ЮНЕСКО продолжать, как и в прошлом, оказывать
содействие проектам Африканского общества культуры. 7. Поэтому самым
важным требованием является требование создания новых теорий и
IX* Comment on the meanings of "concerning" and "with regard to" . Translate
the following into English taking note of the phrases in bold type.

1. В этой связи была подчёркнута важность публикаций для передачи

информации конечному потребителю. 2. Что касается этих документов, то
было высказано общее мнение о том, что следует сократить одновременно их
количество и объём. 3. По первому вопросу некоторые делегаты выразили
мнение о том, что внеочередная сессия не является подходящим местом для
обсуждения вопроса о показателях средств. 4. В отношении программы V
семь делегатов заявили, что выделяемые для её осуществления средства
должны быть увеличены.

5. Они выразили своё удовлетворение по поводу содержания других программ, в

частности тех, которые касаются интересов развивающихся стран. 6. Что касается
нововведений в области содержания и методов преподавания, научных и технических
дисциплин, те ЮНЕСКО была дана рекомендация продолжать осуществление
показательных проектов.
X. Memorize the following symbols used to identify the main series i UN documents. Consult
Appendix IV if necessary.

А/ - the General Assembly St/ - the UN Secretariat

A/PV - Verbatim Records DP/ - the United Nations
(Proces verbal) of Meet- Development
ings Programme
A/SR - Summary Records FAO/ - the Food and Agricul-
A/Res - Resolutions ture Organization of the
^ United Nations
А/С - Main Committees
IAEA/ - the International
A/AC - Committees Ad Hoc Atomic Energy Agency
A/SPC/SR - the Ad Hoc Political
/GC - the General Confer-
Committee ence
А/CN4 - the International Law А/ - the Assembly
TD/ - the United Nations
A/CN 10 - the Disarmament Conference on Trade
Commission and Development
A/Conf - International Confer- (UNCTAD)
ences /С - the General Confer-
S/ - the Security Council ence
S/Res - Resolutions IE - the Executive Board
E/ - the Economic and Social /cc - the Culture and
Council Communication Sector
Е/CN4 - the Commission of /Add - Addendum
Human Rights / - Amendment
E/Conf - UN Conferences of
/Rev. - Revision

ICJ - the International Court of /WP - Working paper series


XI.* Fill in each blank with the required preposition.

Adoption of the Agenda

1. The Chairman invited the members ... the Commission to give their
views, first ... the content ... the agenda, and then ... the order ... which the items
should be studied.
2 ... the absence ... any observations ... the content ... the agenda, he
suggested the following order ...discussion ... the various items: Diplomatic
intercourse and immunities, Arbitral procedure, Law ... Treaties, Slate
responsibility, and Consular intercourse and immunities, the remaining business
items to be dealt the most convenient opportunity.
3. Mr. A., Secretary ... the Commission, observed that the discussion ... the
Commission's draft convention ... arbitral procedure ... the tenth session ... the
General Assembly had put the question ... an entirely new light. The Special
Reporter would no doubt wish to make an oral report ... the comments made ... that
session ... addition ... his written report.
4. Mr. B. accepted the Secretary's suggestion.
5. The CHAIRMAN said that, bearing ... mind the suggestion made ... the
Secretary ... the Commission, the Chairman's proposal ... the order ... discussion ...
the agenda items would be considered as adopted, if there was no objection.

It was so decided.
The agenda was adopted.
The meeting rose ... 3.40 p. m.
XII. Fill in each blank with the required form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Another speaker considered that a pluralistic approach ... taking into

consideration the relations between education and the world of work, (to use) 2.
One delegate expressed the wish that attention ... to the innovation, (lo give) 3.
They proposed that due recognition ... to the participation of women in the
development and improvement of higher education, (to give) 4. The Conference
recommended that sufficient resources ... for this purpose, (to provide) 5. It is
suggested that further cooperation ... in the field of research, (to develop) 6. It was
urged that the programme ... priority budgetary appropriations, (to receive)

XIII. Translate into Russian.


Resolution of the General Conference of Unesco

The General Conference,

Convinced that the international commemoration of the anniversaries of great historical
events is a major contribution towards the fulfilment of the constitutional purposes and tasks of
Unesco as regards the expansion ' of mutual understanding and collaboration among peoples,
Recalling the terms of resolution 4,351 adopted at its eighteenth session, concerning the
commemoration of the anniversaries of great personalities and events that have left a deep
imprint on the development of humanity,
Considering that the 1500th anniversary of the foundation of the city of Kyiv - one of the
most ancient of the Slav cities that provided the corner-stone of the civilization and cultural
development of Eastern peoples - falls in 1982,
Recognizing the great contribution made by Slav civilization to the development of world
culture and to mutual cultural enrichment among the various peoples,
1. INVITES the Member States of Unesco and the international organizations to
associate themselves with the commemoration of the 1500th anniversary of the
city of Kyiv by drawing this event to the attention of the public in their
countries and of academic and cultural circles, making use of the mass media to
this end,
2. INSTRUCTS the Director-General to take the necessary action to publicize the
1500th anniversary of the city of Kyiv by using the existing mass media and
other means available to Unesco. дж

XIV.* Do the two-way translation of the texts filling in the blanks with
the underlined expressions from the opposite column.
RESOLUTION adopted by the General РЕЗОЛЮЦИЯ, принятая Генеральной
Conference of Unesco Rights and Obligations конференцией ЮНЕСКО Права и
of Associate Members обязанности членов-сотрудников
The General Conference, Whereas Article II of Генеральная конференция принимая во
the Unesco Constitution has been amended to внимание, что статья II Устава ЮНЕСКО
provide for the admission of territories or (1)... приём в качестве членов-сотрудников
groups of territories which are not responsible Организации территорий или групп
(2) ... as Associate Members of the Organi- территорий, не несущих ответственности
zation, (2) за ведение своих внешних сношений,

(3)... that (4) the nature and extent of the rights (3) принимая во внимание, что та же самая
and obligations of Associate Members shall be поправка указывает, что (4) ... членов-
determined by the General Conference, сотрудников устанавливаются Генеральной

Whereas reference is made in various Articles Принимая во внимание, что в ряде статей
of the Unesco Constitution, other than Article Устава ЮНЕСКО, помимо статьи II,
11, (5) ... , Resolves that the rights and упоминается (5) о правах и обязанностях
obligations of Associate Members of the государств-членов Организации,
Organization shall be as follows: постановляет определить следующие права
и обязанности членов-сотрудников

That Associate Members shall have the right: Члены-сотрудники имеют право:
(i) (6) ... in the deliberations of the General (6) участвовать без права голоса в работе
Conference and of its Commissions and Генеральной конференции, а также её
Committees; комиссий и комитетов:

(iii) (7)... in the provisional agenda of the (iii) (7) предлагать включение любых
Conference; вопросов в предварительную повестку дня;

(iv) To receive (8) equally with Members (9) ... (iv) Получать (8)... все (9) заключения,
; документы, доклады и отчёты;

(10) ... to submit proposals to the Executive (10) Члены-сотрудники имеют право
Board, and to participate, in accordance with наравне с членами Организации вносить
regulations established by the Board, in предложения в Исполнительный совет и
committees established by it, but they (11) принимать участие, согласно установ-
shall not be eligible for membership p of the ленным Советом правилам, в работе его
Board. комитетов, но они (11) ... в Совет.
XV. Study the following text, comment on its syntactic and stylistic peculiarities
and subject matter.


The General Conference resolves that:


A. Appropriation

(a) For the financial period 1994-1995 the amount of $ 374, 410, 000 is hereby
appropriated for the purposes indicated in the appropriation table, as follows:

Appropriation Line Amount


(b) Obligation may be incurred up to the total so appropriated, in accordance with

resolutions of the General Conference and the Regulations of the Organization, it
being understood:

(i) That the appropriation reserve under Part VII of the budget may be used
by the Director-General, with the approval of the Executive Board, for the purpose
of meeting increases arising in the course of the biennium, in accordance with the
decisions of the General Conference. [... ]
(ii) That the provision for covering fluctuation in the value of the; dollar of
the United States of America under Part VII of the" budget which was established
on the basis of the exchange rates • of 7.80 French or 2.11 Swiss francs to one
United States dollar,; may be used by the Director-General if and when the rates
of; exchange between the United States dollar and the French and Swiss franc are
lower than those assumed. [... ]

B. Miscellaneous Income

For purposes of assessing the contributions of Member States, an estimate of $ 29,

710, 000 for Miscellaneous Income is approved for 1994-1995
С. Assessment of Member States

The assessment of the contributions of Member States in accordance with

Financial Regulations 5.1 and 5.2 shall therefore be $ 344, 700, 000.

D. Supplementary Estimates

Unforeseen and unavoidable expenses arising in the course of the financial

period for which no sums have been provided in the budget appropriations and for
which no transfers within the budget are deemed by the Executive Board to be
possible shall be the subject of supplementary estimates in accordance with
Financial Regulations 3.8 and 3.9.


The Director-General is authorized:

(a) to cooperate with the United Nations organizations and programmes in
accordance with the directives of the General Assembly of the United Nations and
the procedures and decisions of the governing organ concerned [...];
(b)to receive money and other resources which may be made available to
Unesco by these organizations and programmes for the purpose of participating,as
an executing agency,in the implementation of their projects;
(c)to incur obligations for such projects, subject to the appropriate financial
and administrative rules and regulations of these organizations and programmes
and of Unesco. [... ]

XVI. Translate into Russian.

Acceptance of Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice,

August 2, 1946
Senate Resolution

RESOLVED (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring therein)

That the Senate advise and consent to the deposit by the President of (the
United States with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, of a declaration
under paragraph 2 of article 36 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice
recognizing as compulsory ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to
any other state accepting the same obligation, the jurisdiction of the International
Court of Justice in all legal disputes hereafter arising concerning
a. the interpretation of a treaty;
b. any question of international law;
с the existence of any fact which, if established, would constitute breach of an
international obligation;
d. the nature or extent of the reparation to be made for the breach of an
international obligation

That such declaration shall not apply to
а. disputes the solution of which the parties shall entrust to other
tribunals by virtue of agreements already in existence or which may be
concluded in the future;
б. disputes with regard to matters which are essentially within the
domestic jurisdiction of the United States as determined by the United
States; or
с. disputes arising under a multilateral treaty, unless (1) all parties to the
treaty affected by the decision are also parties to the case before the Court, or (2)
the United States specially agrees to jurisdiction.

That such a declaration shall remain in force for a period of five years and
thereafter until the expiration of six months after notice may be given to terminate
the declaration.

XVII. Study the text of an amendment below, translate the words and phrases in
bold type.

of United Nations Participation Act, October 10, 19__

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of

America in Congress assembled, that subsections (a), (b), (c) and (d) of section 2
of the United Nations Participation Act of 19 are hereby amended to read as
(a) The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall
appoint a representative and a deputy representative of the United States to the
United Nations, both of whom shall have the rank and status of envoy
extraordinary and ambassador plenipotentiary and shall hold office at the
pleasure of the President. Such representative and deputy representative shall
represent the United States in the Security Council of the United Nations and may
serve ex officio as United States representative on any organ, commission, or other
body of the United Nations
other than specialized agencies of the United Nations, and shall perform such other
functions in connection with the participation of the United States in the United
Nations as the President may from time to time direct.
(b) The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall
appoint an additional deputy representative of the United States to the Security
Council who shall hold office at the pleasure of the President. Such deputy
representative shall represent the United States in the event of the absence or
disability of both the representative and the deputy representative of the United
States to the United Nations. [... ]
(d) The President may also appoint from time to time such other persons as
he may deem necessary to represent the United States in the organs and agencies
of the United Nations, but the representative of the United States in the Economic
and Social Council and in the Trusteeship Council of the United Nations shall be
appointed only by and with (he advice and consent of the Senate, except that the
President may, without the advice and consent of the Senate, designate any
officer of the United States to act, without additional compensation, as the repre-
sentative of the United States in either such Council (A) at any specified session
thereof where the position is vacant or in the absence or disability of the regular
representative, or (B) in connection with a specified subject matter at any
specified session of either such Council in lieu of the regular representative. The
President may designate any officer of the Department of State, whose
appointment is subject to confirmation by the Senate, to act, without additional
compensation, for temporary periods us the representative of the United States in
the Security Council of the United Nations in the absence or disability of the
representative and deputy representatives. [ ... ]

XVIII. Translate into Russian.

EU Council Resolution
of 8 June 1993 on the quality of drafting of
Community legislation


Having regard to the Treaties establishing the European Coal and Steel
Community, the European Economic Community and the European Atomic
Energy Community,
Having regard to the conclusions of the Presidency of the European Council
meeting in Edinburgh on 11 and 12 December 1992 to the effect that practical
steps should be taken to make Community legislation clearer and simpler,
Whereas guidelines should be adopted containing criteria against which the
quality of drafting of Community legislation would have to be checked;
Whereas although such guidelines would be neither binding nor exhausive
they would aim to make Community legislation as clear, simple, concise
and .understandable as possible;
Whereas these guidelines are intended to serve as a reference for all bodies
involved in the process of drawing up acts for the Council, not only in the Council
itself but also in the Permanent Representatives Committee and particularly in the
working parties;
Whereas the Council Legal Service is asked to use these guidelines to:
formulate drafting suggestions for the attention of the Council and its: subsidiary


The general objective of making Community legislation more accessible should be

pursued, not only by making systematic use of consolidation but also by
implementing the following guidelines as criteria against which Council texts
should be checked as they are drafted:

1. the wording of the act should be clear, simple, concise and unambiguous;
unnecessary abbreviations, Community jargon and excessively long sentences
should be avoided;

2. imprecise references to other texts should be avoided as should too

many cross references which make the text difficult to understand; 1

3. the various provisions of the acts should be consistent with each other; ;the same
term should be used throughout to express a given concept;

4. the rights and obligations of those to whom the act is to apply should be '•clearly

5. the act should be laid out according to the standard structure (chapters, ;sections,
articles, paragraphs);

6. the preamble should justify the enacting provisions in simple terms;

7. provisions without legislative character should be avoided (wishes, political
8. inconsistency with existing legislation should be avoided as should pointless
repetition of existing provisions. Any amendment, extension or repeal of an act
should be clearly set out.

XIX. Précis the following:

to the Ministries of Education Concerning the Interaction Between Education and
Productive Work

The International Conference on Education, convened by the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, meeting in Geneva, at its 38 the
session, held from 10 to 19 November 1981,
Noting the importance attached to improving the interaction between
education and productive work by the General Conference of Unesco on several
occasions and, in particular, in its resolutions 100 adopted at the nineteenth session
and 102 adopted at the twentieth session,
Having regard to the conventions, recommendations and declarations
adopted at the international level, which are relevant to the interaction between
education and productive work [...],
Considering that every individual has an inherent right to receive and to
continue education,
ADOPTS on the nineteenth day of November, nineteen hundred and eighty
one, and submits for consideration by ministries of education and other appropriate
authorities and agencies in the various Member States, by other institutions within
the United Nations system having responsibilities in this field, and by the non-
governmental organizations concerned, the following Recommendation:


1. There should be effective and continuing interaction between education and

productive work, in the sense of production of material and intellectual goods and
services that are useful to the individual or to society [...].
2. Efforts to establish such interaction should, as appropriate, relate to all levels
and all forms of education


1. Programmes of interaction between education and productive work should be
developed in the perspective of lifelong education [...].
2. Research and production of textbooks should be promoted to assist in the,
development of links between education and productive work [... ].

XX. Reproduce the following text in English.

Резолюции-рекомендации международных организаций

Многие резолюции международных организаций содержат нормы,;

рассчитанные на длительный период действия. Эти резолюции/ делятся на
две категории. К первой категории относятся резолюции, обязательные для
исполнения государствами-членами, а также5 рабочими органами данной
организации. Это в основном резолюции,; касающиеся вопросов процедуры,
выработки резолюции об утверждении бюджета организации и других
вопросов. Подобные; резолюции создают правовые нормы, являющиеся
частью права данной; международной организации, и в более широком плане
- частью; международного права.
Ко второй категории относятся резолюции-рекомендации, содержащие
нормы, адресованные государствам.
Количество резолюций-рекомендаций международных
организаций в последнее время очень возросло. Это новое явление в
международной жизни. Несомненно, что эти резолюции играют
определённую регулирующую роль в рамках международно-правовой
системы, оказывают воздействие на поведение основных субъектов
международного права - государств. Поэтому интерес, проявляемый ;
в литературе к этому вопросу, весьма велик. По вполне понятным
причинам особое внимание привлекают к себе резолюции Генеральной
Ассамблеи ООН.
Что касается правовой оценки резолюций Генеральной Ассамблеи'
ООН, то в международно-правовой литературе имеются следующие три
основные точки зрения:

а) резолюции-рекомендации международных организаций, или, по

крайней мере, некоторые из них, являются юридически обязательными для

б) эти резолюции имеют только политическое и моральное значение;

в) они содержат некоторый юридический элемент, хотя и не являются юридически

XXI. Compare texts A and В, point out expressions pertaining to resolutions. Memorize them.

A. (168) The Commission examined the draft A (168) Комиссия рассмотрела проекты
resolutions relating to Major Programme II: резолюций, касающихся Крупной
программы II:

(a) proposals withdrawn: draft resolution 2 (а) снятые предложения:

Rev. was withdrawn by its sponsor following проект резолюции 2 Rev. был снят его
the Director-General's explanations; автором после ознакомления с
объяснениями, данными Генеральным

documents DR 48 and 49 were withdrawn by документы DR 48 и 49 были сняты их

their sponsors on the understanding that the авторами ввиду того, что суть их
substance of their proposals would be reflected предложений будет отражена в
in the final text of the C/4 document; окончательном тексте документа С/4;

an oral amendment was withdrawn by its - устная поправка была снята её авторами.

(b) proposals of which the General Conference (б) предложения, которые Генеральная
may take note: конференция может принять к сведению:

proposal 7 contained in document DR 26 was - предложение 7, содержащееся в документе

accepted by the Commission. DR 26, было принято Комиссией.

XXII. Translate the following text into English and write it in the form of a
resolution. Use the suggested words and expressions.

Резолюция Совета Безопасности 598 была принята единогласно

(unanimously) на его заседании 20 июля 1987 года. В ней выражена
обеспокоенность (concern over) продолжением ирано-иракского конфликта,
возможностью его дальнейшей эскалации. В документе отмечена также
необходимость достижения всеобъемлющего (comprehensive), справедливого
и прочного урегулирования (settlement of the dispute) между Ираном и
В принятой резолюции Совет Безопасности, руководствуясь Уставом
ООН, определил (to determine) основные направления урегулирования
конфликта. Он потребовал, чтобы в качестве первого • шага на пути к
урегулированию путём переговоров Иран и Ирак а немедленно прекратили
огонь (to cease fire), остановили все военные действия (hostilities) на суше, на
море и в воздухе и незамедлительно отвели все свои войска к международно
признанным границам (internationally recognized boundaries).
Резолюция 598 содержит призывы к Ирану и Ираку освободить и
репатриировать военнопленных незамедлительно по прекращении
военных действий, сотрудничать с Генеральным секретарём ООН в
осуществлении (implementation) резолюции в соответствии с
принципами Устава ООН, а также обращение к другим государствам
проявлять максимальную сдержанность (to show restraint) и избегать
(to avoid) любого действия, которое может привести к дальнейшей ,
эскалации конфликта. Я

XX///. Write a draft resolution making use of the summary below.

By resolution E/1995/28, the Economic and Social Council considered the
first review and appraisal of the implementation of the International Plan of Action
on Aging.
It recalled that the General Assembly, in resolution 437/51, requested the
Secretary-General to continue to use the Trust Fund for Aging to meet the rapidly
increasing needs of the aging in the developing countries, in particular in the least
developed ones and stressed the need for close and continuous working
relationships between the Trust Fund and

those bodies, organs and organizations of the United Nations system concerned
with the question of aging.
The Council urged governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental
organizations to continue to strengthen their efforts to implement (he principles
and objectives of the International Plan of Action on Aging and requested the
Secretary-General to continue his efforts to ensure a well-coordinated system-wide
response for its implementation.
Finally, the Council requested the Secretary-General to report to the General
Assembly at its forty-first session on the implementation of the present resolution,
in particular on the measures and steps he has taken (o further develop the Trust

XXIV. Speak on the style and composition of resolutions and records of

international bodies and organizations


1. Final Instruments of Intergovernmental

Negotiations and Visits
(Joint) Statements
Memoranda of Understanding
2. Final Instruments of International
.Final Acts


Meetings between heads of government or state, as well as between

ministers for foreign affairs, to discuss policies or problems of mutual interest to
their countries have become common practice in intergovernmental relations. The
results of such meetings are usually, for lack of time, not set out in formal treaties
or agreements signed in the traditional manner. Very often, the participants confine
themselves to the drawing up of a joint statement, declaration or

communiqué, handed out during a press conference and usually published in

newspapers. Such instruments, however important or binding upon the
participating governments, have none of the classic character of international
The final documents of intergovernmental negotiations or visits -joint
statements, communiqués or declarations (whether signed or unsigned) come to
life only if there is prior agreement between the participants on each paragraph,
phrase or word in the text.
A communiqué is an official report on the course of international
negotiations, and on the agreement achieved. It may be brief and contain an
announcement of some fact or facts in general terms. Sometimes, however, it may
be long and elaborate, and then it will include a detailed description of the course
of negotiations, declaration of the decisions adopted by the participants and the
terms of the agreement achieved.
Prior to World War II a shorter variety was predominant.
Today the idea has undergone substantial change. Final documents of
negotiations or visits now embrace a wide range of important international issues
and are becoming more meaningful. Communiqués as well as joint statements and
declarations have become increasingly widespread, playing a far more important
role in international relations than they used to play in the past.
The nature, content and tone of a final document are determined primarily
by the nature of the states adopting the document -states with similar or different
social systems, allied states or states members of the opposing military groupings,
and so forth.
The first task a communiqué (joint statement or declaration) is called upon
to fulfill is faithfully to reflect the outcome of the negotiations or exchange of
views. In most cases the participants are interested in positive results - otherwise
why enter into talks at all?
Although communiqués, joint statements and declarations (either bilateral or
multilateral) are similar in their purpose, there are certain differences between
them. A communiqué is a more general kind of document. Its prime objective is to
inform the

press and the public at large of the results of the talks and of the atmosphere in
which they were held. A joint statement is a document that is more binding on the
sides. It presumes that something substantial has come out of the negotiations -
either in the field of general international problems or in the field of bilateral rela -
tions - and in view of that the participants decided to issue a joint statement.
Finally, a declaration is a still more weighty and binding document. Declarations
proclaim identical views and joint intentions. All three forms of documents -
communiqués, joint statements and declarations - record the decisions which have
been adopted during the talks (for instance, it is announced that a consular
convention has been signed during the talks, or that an-invitation to make an
official visit has been extended or accepted, and so forth). The language of
communiqués is business-like and dryish. Elevation of style is characteristic of
joint statements, and particularly declarations.
In terms of its subject matter, a final document (unless devoted specifically
to one question or event) breaks down into two groups of questions - international
and bilateral relations.
Each side tries to reflect in the communiqué (joint statement or declaration)
its attitude to the burning issues of the day (both global and regional ones). If such
questions or events have been avoided in the final document, the omission invites
the assumption that the sides have no common viewpoint on the topic.
The chief merit of communiqués (joint statements or declarations) lies in a
precise, realistic and faithful reflection of the results achieved and of the positions
of the sides expounded during the talks. The final document does not reflect the
ups and downs of negotiations but their end results, and it is in setting down those
results on paper that each phrase, word or punctuation mark should be thoroughly
In most cases communiqués, joint statements and declarations; have their
own protocol part. When, besides negotiations, there; has been a tour of the
country, mention is usually made of the, cities or important industrial, scientific or
cultural centers

or projects that were visited and of the reception accorded by the population. In
listing the participants in the negotiations, it is important to be very precise in
stating their surnames and initials in conformity with the rules of the language
concerned, and in observing the precedence dictated by the protocol.
The usual pattern of a communiqué ( joint statement, or declaration) is as
follows: mention is first made of the negotiations (or a visit) that have taken place
and their duration; then follows a reference to the meetings that have taken place
and a list of their participants; then comes a general appraisal of the atmosphere of
the talks and a range of issues considered; the part setting forth the results of the
talks on international problems usually precedes the one relating to questions of
bilateral relations. If an invitation to pay a visit has been extended, agreement on
that is generally recorded in the final part of a document. It has been customary to
note, at the very end of a final document, the significance of the negotiations for
the development of relationship p between the two countries, as well as for
international security.
Final instruments of intergovernmental negotiations are sometimes drawn up
in the form of a memorandum of understanding, which has become common
practice of late. (From "Modern Diplomacy" by K.Anatoliev).

Final instruments of international conferences and meetings are usually
drawn up in the form of a final act or a declaration.
The term "Act" is used to describe a multilateral treaty, which seeks to lay
down rules of general international law which may be formulated at international
conferences. Final acts of conferences are, however, not agreements of a binding
character. The final act is usually a formal statement or summary of proceedings of
a congress or conference enumerating the treaties or conventions drawn up as the
result of its deliberations. Signature in the final act does not in itself signify
acceptance of the treaties or conventions so enumerated

which require separate signature. Sometimes, however, de

pending on circumstances the final act may itself become a treaty. The
title "General Act" is given to an instrument promulgated by an international
conference, which lays down rules of general international law which are intended
to be binding upon several states.
At the invitation of President of ... , President of ... paid an
official working visit to (name of country) from April 26 to 28, 19__ .
During the visit, talks were held between President of ... and President of....
The meetings and talks were held in the atmosphere of cordiality and mutual
respect, which is a traditional feature of relations between peoples of our countries.
During the talks, priority was given to examining the most topical problems
of our time from the standpoint of further steps aimed at consolidating the policy
of detente in Europe and all over the world, eliminating the seats of tension,
strengthening international security and confidence between states. Mutual
understanding was reached on the issues discussed.
A detailed exchange of views was also held on the further development of
the basic areas of bilateral cooperation in various fields.
The Sides agreed to continue efforts to deepen economic relations on a
stable and long-term basis. The activity of the permanent commission will be of
major significance in the realization of this aim. [... ]
Determined to contribute to the development of their economic relations, the
Sides agreed to take all necessary measures to ensure a further considerable growth
of trade turnover

The Sides noted with satisfaction the successful development of cultural

exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.
As a result of the talks President of... and President of... signed a Programme
for the Further Development of Cooperation between
(name of country) and (name of country).
President of... and President of... are convinced that this summit has been
useful and will serve the cause of peace and security in Europe and all over the
President... invited President... to pay an official visit to (name of country).
The invitation was accepted with satisfaction.


on the Signing of the ABM Treaty Documents
Released by the Office of the Spokesman, September 26, 1997

U.S. Department of State

The Secretary of State of the United States of America and the Foreign
Ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of
Kazakhstan, and Ukraine have just signed the Memorandum of Understanding on
Succession to the ABM Treaty Between the United States of America and the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. They welcome the signature of three related
documents by Representatives of their respective Governments: First Agreed
Statement Relating to the ABM Treaty; Second Agreed Statement Relating to the
ABM Treaty; a Confidence-Building Measures Agreement; and the Regulations of
the Standing Consultative Commission.



The prime ministers of India and Pakistan held a bilateral meeting

on the sidelines of the UN general assembly in New York on 23
September 19 __.
Their discussions covered the whole range of bilateral relations. The two
prime ministers also carried out a detailed review of new developments in the
region during the past few months.
They reaffirmed their common belief that an environment of durable peace
and security was in the supreme interests of both India and Pakistan, and of the
region as a whole.
They expressed their determination to renew and reinvigorate efforts to
secure such an environment. They agreed that the peaceful settlement of all
outstanding issues was essential for this purpose.
The two leaders reiterated their commitment to create conditions which
would enable both countries to fully devote their resources, both human and
material, to improving the lives of their people, particularly the poorest among
The two prime ministers noted with satisfaction the agreement reached
between the foreign secretaries on operating the mechanism to address all items on
the agreed agenda of 23rd June, 19__ in a purposeful and composite manner. They
directed the foreign secretaries, accordingly, to resume the dialogue on the agreed

New York, N.Y. Prime Minister

23 September 19 of Pakistan
Prime Minister …………….
of India (signed)





The Us Secretary of Commerce, … , and the Minister for Economic Affairs of

the Netherlands, … , met today to exchange views on the state of the development
of the Internet and its applications for electronic commerce. The discussion
highlighted the common vision shared by the US and the Netherlands of the
potential economic, political, and social benefits of the emerging global
information infrastructure for the peoples of both countries, and of the entire
… presented the US policies on electronic commerce. Minister … described
the work being done by the EU on electronic commerce policy.
Specifically, Secretary … and Minister … agreed on the following major

1) The Internet and the potential for global electronic commerce that it creates
will be an important engine of growth for the world economy in the 21 st century.
Electronic commerce can improve productivity across all sectors of the economy,
initiate a booming world trade in services, facilitate global communications, allow
small companies to sell their products to a worldwide market, and create a
revolution in the marketing and selling of all types of goods.

2. To enable the digital economy to flourish, governments should agree to

allow electronic commerce to be a market-driven arena, not a regulated
activity. The private sector should lead its development. Government
legislation, regulation, and taxation should be held to a minimum. The
Internet should grow as a seamless, decentralized, global marketplace
where competition and consumer choice are the main drivers of
economic activity.
3. The Internet was born as a global marketplace. Governments and the
private sectors worldwide should enter into a series of understandings
that will help to ensure a predictable global legal and commercial
environment for the conduct of business on the Internet. Since the
Internet is developing so rapidly, these understandings should be made
Accordingly, taking into full consideration the responsibilities and efforts of
the EU with regard to Internet-related issues in general, and electronic commerce
in particular, the governments of the US and the Netherlands agree to work to
resolve important issues, such as:
- a uniform commercial code for electronic commerce;
- creating a seamless global marketplace for electronic commerce without
access barriers;
- intellectual property protections for copyrights, patents, and
trademarks on the Internet; [ ... ]

The US and Dutch governments will continue regular discussions to identify

mutual priorities regarding the establishment of a digital marketplace. Both
countries will seek to promote through international fora, such as the European
Union (EU), World Trade Organization (WTO), and the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the continued development

of a market-driven, deregulated, private sector led environment for electronic

commerce to flourish.

October 21, 19__
US Secretary of Commerce Minister for Economic Affairs
of the Netherlands (signed)

(an intergovernmental instrument)

DECLARATION on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

The Republic of ... and the Republic of... , conscious of the responsibility
they bear as nuclear powers and guided by the desire to avoid the dangers
stemming from the proliferation of nuclear weapons, reaffirm their joint
determination to exert every effort towards preventing the proliferation of such
With this in view, both Sides deem it necessary to have broad international
cooperation, particularly within the framework of (the International Atomic Energy
Agency, whose system of inspection ensuring control over the effective observance
of the commitments taken in the field of non-proliferation is an important and
effective means of fulfilling that task. [... ]
The Republic of... and the Republic of... recognize that access to the
peaceful uses of nuclear energy represents an important means of economic
development for a growing number of countries. Tor their part, they will see to it
that their cooperation with third countries in the field of nuclear industry shall
provide all necessary guarantees against the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Proceeding from this, they recall that they have declared themselves in favour of
limiting the transfer of nuclear materials suitable for^ the production of nuclear
Both Sides shall pursue a policy of exporting nuclear materials, equipment
and technology in keeping with their international commitments in that field. [ ... ]
They express satisfaction at the cooperation which has been established
between them in the field of nuclear technology.
The Republic of... and the Republic of... attach great importance to the
physical protection of nuclear materials from any unsanctioned use or application.
They support the working out of an international convention on this question.
The Sides shall continue bilateral consultations over the whole range of
these questions.

President of the Republic of... President of the Republic of.

(signed) (signed)

(adopted by the Committee of Ministers)

(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 10 November 19
at its 95th Session)
The Committee of Ministers,
Bearing in mind:
- the vocation of the Council of Europe to promote the ref inforcement of
democratic security in Europe, as stressed by the

Vienna Summit (October 1993), where heads of state and government also
resolved to ensure full compliance with the commitments accepted by all member
states within the Council of Europe;
- the commitments to democracy, human rights and the rule of law accepted
by the member states under the Councills Statute, (he European Convention on
Human Rights and other legal instruments;
- the importance of the strict compliance with these commitments by every
member State;
- the statutory responsibility incumbent upon itself for ensuring full respect
of these commitments in all member states, without prejudice to other existing
procedures, including the activities of I he Parliamentary Assembly and
conventional control bodies;
the need to facilitate the fulfilment of these commitments, through political
follow-up, carried out constructively, on the basis of a dialogue, cooperation and
mutual assistance,

Decides as follows:

1. The Committee of Ministers will consider the questions of

implementation of commitments concerning the situation of
democracy, human rights and the rule of law in any member State
which will be referred to it either:

by member states,
by the Secretary General, or
on the basis of a recommendation from the Parliamentary Assembly.

When considering such issues the Committee of Ministers will take account of all
relevant information available from different sources such as the Parliamentary
Assembly and the CSCE.

2.The Secretary-General will forward to the Committee of Ministers

to this end information deriving from contacts and cooperation
with member states that are liable to call for the attention of the
Committee of Ministers.

3.The Committee of Ministers will consider in a constructive manner matters

brought to its attention, encouraging member states, through a dialogue and
cooperation, to take all appropriate steps to conform with the principles of the
Statute in the cases under discussion. [... ]
4.The Committee of Ministers, in cases requiring specific action, may decide to:

- request the Secretary-General to make contacts, collect information or furnish

- issue an opinion or recommendation to the Parliamentary Assembly;
- forward a communication to the Parliamentary Assembly;
- take any other decision within its statutory powers.

5. The Committee of Ministers will continue to seek greater efficacy

in its procedures with a view to ensuring compliance with commit^
merits, in the framework of a constructive dialogue.
(a final instrument of the conference)



The States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development,

Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons
and on their Destruction, having met in Geneva 8-26 September 1986 in
accordance with a decision by the First Review Conference 1980 and at the request
of a majority of States Parties to the Convention, to review the operation of the

Convention with a view to assuring that the purposes of the Preamble and the
provisions of the Convention are being realized:
Reaffirming their determination to act with a view to achieving effective
progress towards general and complete disarmament, including the prohibition and
elimination of all types of weapons of mass destruction [...],
Recognizing the continuing importance of the Convention and its objectives
and the common interest of mankind in the elimination of bacteriological
(biological) and toxin weapons,
Affirming their belief that universal adherence to the Convention would
enhance international peace and security [ ... ],
Appealing to all States to refrain from any action which might place the
Convention or any of its provisions in jeopardy,

DECLARE their strong determination, for the sake of all mankind, to

exclude completely the possibility of microbial, or other biological agents, or
toxins being used as weapons and reaffirm their strong support for the Convention.

Article 1
The Conference notes the importance of Article 1 as the Article which defines the
scope of the Convention and reaffirms its support for the provisions of this article.
[ ... ]
Article 2
[... ] The Conference stresses that States which become Parties lo the Convention,
in implementing the provisions of this Article, shall observe all necessary safety
precautions to protect populations and the environment.
Article 3
The Conference notes the importance of Article 3 and welcomes the statements
which States that have acceded to the Convention

have made to the effect that they have not transferred agents, toxins, weapons,
equipment or means of delivery, specified in Article 1 of the Convention, to any
recipient whatsoever. [ ... ]
Article 4
The Conference calls upon States which have not yet ratified or acceded to the
Convention to do so without delay and upon those States which have not signed
the Convention to join the States Parties thereto thus contributing to the
achievement of universal adherence to the Convention. [... ]


I. Basic Requirements
(a)The Parties will provide full support and cooperation to the
Representative of the Secretary-General and to all the personnel assigned to assist
(b)The Representative of the Secretary-General and his personnel will be
accorded every facility as well as prompt and effective assistance, including
freedom of movement and communications, accommodation, transportation and
other facilities that may be necessary for the performance of their tasks.
Afghanistan and Pakistan undertake to grant to the Representative and his staff all
the relevant privileges and immunities provided for by the Convention on the
Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations;
(c)Afghanistan and Pakistan will be responsible for the safety of the
Representative of the Secretary-General and his personnel while operating in their
respective countries. [... ]

II. Mandate
The mandate for the implementation of assistance arrangements envisaged in
Paragraph 7 derives from the instruments comprising the settlement. All the staff
assigned to the Representative of the Secretary-General will accordingly be
carefully briefed on the relevant provisions of the instruments and on the
procedures that will be used to ascertain violations thereof.
III. Modus Operandi and Personnel Organization
The Secretary-General will appoint a senior military officer as Deputy to the
Representative, who will be stationed in the area, as head of two small
headquarters units, one in Kabul and the other in Islamabad, each comprising five
military officers, drawn from existing United Nations operations, and a small
civilian auxiliary staff. [... ]
IV. Procedure
A complaint regarding a violation of the instruments of the settlement lodged by
any of the Parties should be submitted in writing, in the English language, to the
respective headquarters units and should indicate all relevant information and
details. [... ]
Ви. Duration
The Deputy Representative of the Secretary-General and the other personnel will
be established in the area not later than twenty days before the entry into force of
the instruments. The arrangements will cease to exist two months after the
completion of all time frames envisaged for the implementation of the instruments.
VI. Financing
The cost of all facilities and services to be provided by the Parties will be borne by
the respective governments. The salaries and travel expenses of the personnel to
and from the area, as well as the costs of the local personnel assigned to the
headquarters units, will be defrayed by the United Nations.

(signed) (signed)


of the Vienna Conference on Diplomatic
Intercourse and Immunities
1.The General Assembly of the United Nations, by resolution 1450 (XIV) of
7 December 1959, decided to convene an international conference of
plenipotentiaries to consider the question of diplomatic intercourse and immunities
and to embody the results of its work in an international convention, together with
such ancillary instruments as might be necessary. [ ... ]
2.The United Nations Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities
met at the Neue Hofburg in Vienna, Austria, from 2 March to 14 April 1961.
3.The Governments of the following eighty-one States were represented at
the Conference:
4.At the invitation of the General Assembly, the following specialized
agencies were represented by observers at the Conference:
International Labour Organization;
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
5. At the invitation of the General Assembly, the International
Atomic Energy Agency and the following intergovernmental organizations were
also represented by observers at the Conference:
League of Arab States;
Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee.
6.The Conference elected Mr. A. (Austria) as President.
7.The Conference elected as Vice-Presidents the representatives of the
following participating States:
8.The following committees were set up by the Conference:. .

9. The Committee of the Whole set up the following sub

10. The Secretary-General of the United Nations was represented by Mr. C,
the Legal Counsel.
11. The General Assembly, by its resolution 1450 (XIV) convening the
Conference, referred to the Report of the International Law Commission covering
the Work of its Tenth Session as the basis for its consideration of the question of
diplomatic intercourse and immunities [...].
12. The Conference also had before it observations submitted by
Governments on the drafts prepared by the International Law Commission during
successive stages of its work, preparatory documentation prepared by the
Secretariat of the United Nations.
13. On the basis of the deliberations, as recorded in the records
and report of the Committee of the Whole and in the records of (lie plenary
meeting, the Conference prepared the following Convention and Protocols:
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations;
Optional Protocol concerning Acquisition of Nationality;
Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes. [... ]

14. In addition the Conference adopted the following resolutions which

are annexed to this Final Act:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the representatives have signed this Final Act.
DONE at Vienna this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred
and sixty-one, in a single copy in the Chinese, English, French, Russian and
Spanish languages, each text being equally authentic. By unanimous decision of
the Conference the original of this Final Act shall be deposited in the archives of
the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria.



I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What are the final instruments of intergovernmental negotiations and visits? 2.

Which final instrument gives a detailed description of the course of negotiations?
3. What is the role of final instruments in contemporary international relations? 4.
What are the main differences between communiqués, statements and
declarations? What is a final act? 5. Which of them is the most binding instrument?
6. What style is characteristic of final instruments? 7. How are they usually

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the above

1. Meetings between heads of government or state to discuss policies or problems

of mutual interest to their countries have become ... . 2. Very often, the participants
confine themselves to .... 3. The final documents of intergovernmental negotiations
or visits come to life only if ... . 4. They now embrace a variety of ... . 5. The
nature, content and tone of a final document are determined primarily by .... 6. The
first task a communiqué ( joint statement or declaration) is called upon to fulfil
is ... . 7. The chief merit of communiqués (joint statements or declarations) lies
in ... .

III.* Suggest the Russian for:

1) the burning issues of the day; 2) the contradictory tendencies in international

development; 3) elevation of style; 4) a general appraisal of the international
situation; 5) international and bilateral relations; 6) the public at large; 7) a weighty
and binding document; 8) in terms of their subject matter; 9) to attract world-wide
attention; 10) to avoid embarrassment or inaccuracy; 11) to issue a joint statement;
12) to reflect the outcome of the negotiations or exchange of views.

IV. Study the texts in exhibits 38 to 46, point out words and phrases
pertaining to the formal style.

Ви. Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

1) to affirm one's intention to cooperate; 2) to agree on the major points; 3) to

continue regular discussions; 4) to ensure control over the effective observance of;
5) to exert every effort towards; 6) to express

satisfaction at; 7) to grant privileges and immunities to; 8) to identify mutual

priorities; 9) to lodge a complaint; 10) to make an urgent appeal to; 11) to provide
all necessary guarantees against; 12) to pursue a policy of; 13) to reaffirm the
importance of adherence to; 14) to reaffirm one's determination to act.

VI. Decipher the following Latin abbreviations consulting Appendix! if

et al.; etc.; ib.; ibid.; id; i. q; р. стр. с; р. с.

VII. * Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their
Russian equivalents.
customs ~; a joint ~; a political -; a solemn ~; a ~ for (against) smth; a ~ of
independence; a~of policy; ~ опрос; a~of rights; война; the D. on the Granting of
Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples; the UN D. on the Elimination of
All Forms of Racial Discrimination; the Universal D. of Human Rights; to make a
~ ; to sign a ~ .
a foreign-policy ~; a formal (official) ~; a joint ~; an unfounded ~; a verbal ~; a
written ~; a ~ of the defense; a ~ of the prosecution; to come out with n public - ; to
issue (publish) a ~ ; to make a ~; to make a ~ for the press.
VIII. Suggest the English for:

1) Всеобщая декларация прав человека; 2) Декларация о предоставлении

независимости колониальным странам и народам; 3) заявление по вопросам
внешней политики; 4) необоснованное заявление; 5) совместное заявление; 6)
торжественная декларация; 7) объявление войны; 8) объявление результатов
голосования; 9) выступить с заявлением для печати; 10) сделать заявление.

IX. Translate into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type.

1.The Council decided that the Commission might make a thorough study of the
situation and report, with recommendations thereon, to the Council.2.In
connection therewith, the advice, participation and cooperation of (he appropriate
aeronautical authorities should be sought. 3. This information

has been incorporated into the notes for the information of participants, copies of
which are enclosed herewith. 4. The Parties to the Declaration on the Provisional
Accession of the Philippines to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(hereinafter referred to as "the Declaration" and "the General Agreement,"
respectively), agree that.... 5. The Sides express their desire that the above
Convention should continue to regulate the matters contained therein between the
two countries. 6. The Agreement, the Protocol and the letters annexed thereto,
shall enter into force on the date of the exchange of diplomatic notes. 7. For the
purpose of the present Convention, the following expressions shall have the
meaning hereunder assigned to them.

X. Fill in each blank with the appropriate word or phrase expressing aim.

1. Mention must be made of a set of studies on social and human problems ... to
contribute to the promotion of human rights, (направленных на то, чтобы) 2....,
two complementary sets of activities have been carried out. (с этой целью) З.Аn
effort has been made to transcend disciplinary barriers ... to establish a constructive
dialogue, (с тем, чтобы) 4. They should take all necessary steps ... making up for
the existing shortfall. (в целях) 5. Five delegates favoured an interdisciplinary
approach ...global or integrated education, (направленный на) 6. They will take
all appropriate measures ... the teaching of human rights should become a
fundamental part of professional training, (с тем, чтобы) 7. They should secure ...
the implementation of the programme, the active assistance of non-governmental
organizations, (в целях

XI Render the following text in English making use of the suggested words and

Политическая значимость совместного (joint) заключительного

документа определяется (to be determined) прежде всего его конкретным
содержанием: достигнутой договорённостью, установлением
взаимопонимания и сближением позиций (rapprochement), намеченными
(outlined) перспективами дальнейшего развития взаимоотношений. Вместе с
тем весьма существенным показателем (а very important indicator) для
характера отношений между странами, для тенденций их развития в будущем
является весь тон (the entire tone) коммюнике (совместного заявления,
декларации), подбор слов (the selection of words), придающий (imparting)

документу определённую эмоциональную и психологическую окраску -

подчёркнуто дружественную, обнадёживающую (hopeful) или, напротив,
сдержанную (restrained). В этом смысле можно сказать, что тональность (the
tone) совместного заключительного документа сама по себе является одним
из основных элементов его политического содержания (content).
Формулирование (drafting) и согласование коммюнике (совместного
заявления, декларации) строго ограничено (to be strictly limited). Совместный
заключительный документ должен быть принят (to be adopted) к моменту (by
the time) завершения переговоров или визита.

XII. Translate into Russian.

JOINT COMMUNIQUE of the Governments of the Arctic Countries on the

Establishment of the Arctic Council
Ministers and Senior Representatives of the Governments of Canada,
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden and the
United States of America met in Ottawa, Canada, on September 19, 1996, and
signed the Declaration on the Establishment of the Arctic Council.
This inaugural meeting was attended by the leaders and senior repre-
sentatives of three international Arctic indigenous organizations - the Inuit
Circumpolar Conference, the Saami Council, and the Association of Indigenous
Minorities of the North, Siberia, and the Far East of the Russian Federations
Permanent Participants in the Council.
Also present at the signing ceremony were the Standing Committee of
Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region; the Nordic Council of Ministers; (he Nordic
Council Finnish Secretariat; the non-Arctic States of Great Britain, Germany,
Japan, Poland and the Netherlands; the International Union for Circumpolar
Health; the International Arctic Science Committee; the United Nations
Environment Programme; the International Union for the Conservation of Nature;
the Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea; and the World Wildlife Fund.
Ministers viewed the establishment of this new intergovernmental forum as
an important milestone in their commitment to enhance co-

operation in the circumpolar North. The Council will provide a mechanism for
addressing the common concerns and challenges faced by their governments and
the people of the Arctic. To this end, Ministers referred particularly to the
protection of the Arctic environment and sustainable development as a means of
improving the economic, social and cultural well-being in the North.
Ministers noted that the indigenous people of the Arctic have played an
important role in the negotiations to create the Arctic Council. The Declaration
provides for their full consultation and involvement in the Arctic Council. To this
end, the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, the Saami Council, and the Association of
the Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia, and the Far East of the Russian
Federation, are named as Permanent Participants in the Arctic Council. Provision
is also made for additional organizations representing Arctic indigenous people to
become Permanent Participants.

The Ministers recognized the contribution of international science to the

knowledge and understanding of the Arctic region and noted the role that
scientific cooperation, through the International Arctic Science Committee and
other organizations, is playing in developing a truly circumpolar cooperation.
Ministers welcomed the attendance of the Standing Committee of the
Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region and looked forward to its future participation
in the meetings of the Council. They also recognized the need for providing the
opportunity to non-Arctic countries, governmental and non-governmental
organizations with Arctic interests to participate actively, as Observers, in the work
of the Council, and to draw on] their experience.
Ministers set the initial priority tasks for the start-up of the Council as

 developing, for adoption by the Council, rules of procedure;

 developing, for adoption by the Council, terms of reference for a sustainable
development program as a basis for collaborative projects;. and

 ensuring an effective transition of the AEPS into the Arctic Council, to be

completed at the time of the 1997 AEPS Ministerial meeting in Norway.

Ministers expressed their appreciation to Canada for hosting the inauguration of

the Arctic Council, and welcomed Canada’s offer to host the first meeting of the
Council in 1998.

XIII. Translate into Russian.


Washington, DC
December 6, 1993

Today, representatives of the United States, Canada, Japan, and certain member
states of the European Space Agency (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy,
the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and the United Kingdom) have taken a historic
step toward advancing the peaceful exploration of space. Meeting in Washington
on December 6, they have decided to extend a formal invitation to the Government
of the Russian federation to join the international Space Station Program.

This decision follows from the agreement of the Space Station Partner
Governments at the Intergovernmental Meeting in Paris on October 16, 1993, to
work together to develop an integrated plan for Russian involvement. It results
from the ensuing intensive consultation among the partners, both at the
governmental and cooperating agency level.

In reaching this decision, the partners recognized that Russia, with its impressive
record of accomplishments in space, including its wealth of experience in human
space flight activities, could make a valuable contribution to this program. The
Partners also recognized that Russian involvement in this program would represent
important progress toward I heir shared objective of building broad cooperative
relationships with Russia.

The Partner Governments agreed that, pursuant to their desire to include Russia as
a partner, the expanded partnership would operate consistent

with the Intergovernmental Agreement of September 29, 1988, on Cooperation in

the Detailed Design, Development, Operation, and Utilization of the Permanently
Manned Civil Space Station. They agreed to work together in the months ahead on
the necessary legal instruments to include Russia in the partnership.

The Joint Invitation is being conveyed to the Government of Russia through

diplomatic channels.

XIV. Translate into English making use of the suggested words and phrases.

об установлении (establishment) дипломатических отношений между
Республикой ...и Республикой ...

Республика ... и Республика..., руководствуясь желанием укреплять узы

дружбы и сотрудничества между обеими странами, решили установить (to
establish) дипломатические отношения, начиная с даты подписания
настоящего совместного коммюнике, и обменяться дипломатическими
представителями на уровне послов (at the ambassadorial level).

Обе стороны выражают уверенность в том, что установление

дипломатических отношений между Республикой ... и Республикой ... и
обмен послами будет содействовать (to promote) развитию международного
сотрудничества и укреплению всеобщего мира.

Республика ... и Республика .., подтверждают свою готовность строить

двусторонние отношения в соответствии с (in compliance with)
Уставом ООН, на основе принципов мирного сосуществования,
равенства, взаимного уважения суверенитета и территориальной
целостности (territorial integrity) и невмешательства во внутренние
дела друг друга. •

Президент Республики ... Президент Республики ...

Париж, 1 августа 19 года

XV Reproduce the following in English taking note of the words and phrases in
о мерах укрепления доверия и безопасности и разоружения в Европе

Государства-участники настоящего Договора считают, что меры

укрепления доверия и безопасности (confidence- and security-building
measures) являются важным средством и стимулирующим фактором в
решении проблем, связанных с уменьшением военной угрозы (decreasing a
military threat) и достижением реального разоружения (the achievement of real
disarmament), укреплением мира и стабильности в отношениях между
Значение этих мер для оздоровления политического климата (the
normalization of the political climate) становится особенно наглядным no мере
реализации договорённостей (the implementation of accords),
зафиксированных в документе Стокгольмской Конференции по мерам
укрепления доверия и безопасности и разоружению в Европе, принятом 11
сентябре 1986 года. Принятие Стокгольмских договорённостей (the
Stockholm accords) явилось примером того, что при наличии политической
воли (political will) и при встречных усилиях (reciprocal efforts) всех
заинтересованных государств в духе нового мышления (in the spirit of a new
thinking) можно решать важные вопросы безопасности. Возобновление
Конференции по мерам укрепления доверия и безопасности и разоружению в
Европе, продолжающееся претворение в жизнь положений Стокгольм[... ]-
ского документа расширяют перспективы переговоров (prospects for
negotiations) о более существенных мерах доверия и безопасности, а также о
сокращении вооружённых сил и обычных вооружений в Европе.

XVI. Translate into Russian.

International Olympic Committee Declaration on Doping in Sport

The following declaration was adopted by the World Conference on
Doping in Sport, organized by the International Olympic Committee on
4 February 19__ , in Lausanne, Switzerland:

Considering that doping practices contravene sport and medical ethics, and
that they constitute violations of the rules established by the Olympic Movement,
Concerned by the threat that doping poses to the health of athletes and youth
in general;
Recognizing that the fight against doping in sport is the concern of all, the
Olympic Movement and other sports organizations, governments, inter-
governmental and non-governmental organizations, sportsmen and sportswomen
throughout the world, and their entourage; The World Conference on Doping in
Sport, with the participation of representatives of governments, of inter-
governmental and non-governmental organizations, of the International Olympic
Committee (IOC), the International Sports Federations (IFs), the National Olympic
Committees (NOCs), and of the athletes, DECLARES: '
1. Education, prevention and athletes' rights
The Olympic oath shall be extended to coaches and other officials, and shall
include the respect of integrity, ethics and fair play in sport. Educational and
preventive campaigns will be intensified, focusing principally on youth, and
athletes and their entourage.
2. Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code
The Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code is accepted as the basis for the
fight against doping, which is defined as the use of an artifice, whether substance
or method, potentially dangerous to athletes' health and/or capable of enhancing
their performances, or the presence in the; athlete's body of a substance, or the
ascertainment of the use of a method on the list annexed to the Olympic Movement
Anti-Doping Code.
The Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code applies to all athletes, coaches,
instructors, officials, and to all medical and paramedical staff working with athletes
or treating athletes participating in or training for sports competitions organized
within the framework of the Olympic Movement.
3. Sanctions
The sanctions which apply to doping violations will be imposed within the
framework of controls both during and out of competition. In accordance with the
wishes of the athletes, the NOCs and a large majority of the IFs, the minimum
required sanction for major doping substances or prohibited methods shall be a
suspension of the athlete from all competitions for a period of two years, for a first
offence. However, based on specific, exceptional circumstances to be evaluated in
the first instance by

the competent IF bodies, there may be a provision for a possible modification of

the two-year sanction. Additional sanctions or measures may be applied. More
severe sanctions shall apply to coaches and officials guilty of violations of the
Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code. [... ]

XVII. Complete the following:

The participants in the express their urgent and deep concern over... ;
International Conference on ... , strongly condemn the further escalation of... ;
note with special anxiety the use of... ;
deplore the position of... ;
express their full support for ... ;
pay special tribute to ... ;
note with satisfaction that ... ;
call upon world public opinion ... ;
appeal to all those concerned ... ;
pledge to spare no effort ... ;

XVIII. Précis the text of a declaration in about one-third of its size.

European Council in Copenhagen Meeting on 7 and 8 April 1978

Declaration on Democracy
The election of the Members of the Assembly by direct universal suffrage is
an event of outstanding importance for the future of the European Communities
and a vivid demonstration of the ideals of democracy shared by the people within
The creation of the Communities, which is the foundation of ever closer
union among the peoples of Europe called for in the Treaty of Rome, marked the
determination of their founders to strengthen the protection of peace and freedom.
The Heads of State and of Government confirm their will, expressed in the
Copenhagen Declaration on the European identity, to ensure that the cherished
values of their legal, political and moral order are respected and to safeguard the
principles of representative democracy, of the rule of law, of social justice and of
respect for human rights.

The application of these principles implies a political system of pluralist

democracy which guarantees both the free expression of opinions within the
constitutional organization of powers and the procedures necessary for the
protection of human rights.
The Heads of State and of Government associate themselves with the Joint
Declaration by the Assembly, the Council and the Commission whereby these
institutions expressed their determination to respect fundamental rights in pursuing
the aims of the Communities.
They solemnly declare that respect for and maintenance of representative
democracy and human rights in each Member State are essential elements of
membership of the European Communities.

XIX. Study the text and comment on its lexical and stylistic peculiarities:'
Take note of the words and phrases in bold type.

on Security Assurances in Connection with Ukraine'sдж
Accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and the United States of America.
Welcoming the accession of Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation
of Nuclear Weapons as a non-nuclear-weapon State,
Taking into account the commitment of Ukraine to eliminate all nuclear
weapons from its territory within a specified period of time,
Noting the changes in the world-wide security situation, including the end
of the cold war, which have brought about conditions for deep reductions in
nuclear forces,
CONF[RM the following:
1.The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to
Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on
Security and Cooperation in Europe, to respect the independence and
sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine;
2.[... ] reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force
against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none
of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defence or
otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations;

3. [... ] reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, [... ] to refrain from

economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by
Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of
any kind;
4. [ ... ] reaffirm their commitment to seek immediate United Nations
Security Council action to provide assistance to Ukraine, as a non-nu
clear-weapon State Party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nu
clear Weapons, if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression
or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used;
6. Ukraine, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland and the United States of America will consult in the event a
situation arises that raises a question concerning these commitments.
This Memorandum will become applicable upon signature.
Signed in four copies having equal validity in the Ukrainian, English and Russian

XX. Translate into English.

взаимопонимания о консультациях по вопросам, представляющим
взаимный интерес
Правительство (название страны) и Правительство (название страны),
сознавая ответственность обоих государств в отношении поддержания мира
и безопасности, справедливого и долгосрочного решения современных
международных проблем в соответствии с принципами и целями Устава
исходя из целесообразности совместного рассмотрения вопросов
развития обстановки в мире и основных международных проблем,
убеждённые в важности создания гибкого и оперативного механизма
консультаций по вопросам, представляющим взаимный интерес,

ДОГОВОРИЛИСЬ о нижеследующем:
1. Наряду с постоянным использованием обычных дипломатических
каналов обе Стороны будут проводить, как правило, ежегодно консультации
с целью рассмотрения вопросов международного положения.

2. Консультации будут осуществляться через Министерство

Иностранных дел (название страны) и Министерство иностранных дел
(название страны).
3. Консультации будут проводиться поочерёдно в (название страны) и в
(название страны). Их уровень, сроки проведения и повестка дня
определяются по взаимному согласию через обычные дипломатические
каналы. Могут осуществляться также консультации по вопросам, стоящим в
повестке дня заседаний международных организаций.
4. По обоюдному решению могут создаваться экспертные или
рабочие группы для рассмотрения специальных вопросов. Каждая делегация
может включать представителей других ведомств, когда это будет
сочтено целесообразным с учётом повестки дня консультаций.
5. Настоящий Меморандум вступает в силу со дня подписания.
(название страны) (название страны)

XXL* Translate into Russian.

1.The Helsinki summit had a mission to perform which was unprecedented

in history: to define a code of conduct governing relations among states with
different social systems in conditions of detente, with the aim of advancing the
process of detente still further. It dealt with standards and principles which were
brought forth by the realities of European life and which were voluntarily accepted
as a basis for building future relations among states. The Final Act affirms the
following ten principles:
1. Sovereign equality, respect for the rights inherent in sovereignty; 2.
Refraining from the threat or use of force against territorial integrity or political
independence of any state; 3. Inviolability of one another's frontiers and the
frontiers of all states in Europe, and refraining at present and in the future from any
encroachment on these frontiers; 4. Territorial integrity of States; 5. Peaceful
settlement of disputes by means of negotiations, mediation and arbitration; 6. Non-
intervention in the internal affairs of other states; 7. Respect for human rights and
fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or
belief; 8. Equal rights and self-determination of peoples; 9. Cooperation among
States on an equal footing promoting mutual understanding and trust, friendly

relations, international peace, security and justice; 10. Fulfilment in good faith of obligations of
States under international law.

XXII. Study the following texts taking note of their syntactic and stylistic peculiarities. Use them
for translation
of the Conference on Security Совещания по безопасности
and Cooperation in и сотрудничеству в
Europe Европе

The participating States, Государства-участники,

Having considered and evaluated the progress рассмотрев и оценив прогресс, достигнутый
made at the Conference on Security and Co- на Совещании по безопасности и
operation in Europe, сотрудничеству в Европе,

Considering further that, within the broader считая далее, что в более широком мировом
context of the world, the Conference is an im- контексте, Совещание является важной
portant part of the process of improving частью процесса упрочения безопасности и
security and developing cooperation in Europe развития сотрудничества в Европе и что его
and that its results will contribute significantly результаты внесут значительный вклад в
to this process, [... ] этот процесс, [... ]

1 .Declare their resolve, in the period following Заявляют о своей решимости, в период
the Conference, to pay due regard to and после Совещания, должным образом
implement the provisions of the Final Act of учитывать и выполнять положения
the Conference. Заключительного акта Совещания.

2. Declare furthermore their resolve to Заявляют далее о своей решимости

continue the multilateral process initiated by продолжать многосторонний процесс,
the Conference. [... j начатый Совещанием.
3. The first of the meetings indicated above 3. Первая из встреч, упомянутых
will be held at Belgrade in 19 . A выше, состоится в Белграде в 19 г.
preparatory meeting to organize this meeting Подготовительная встреча для организации
will be held at Belgrade in June 19 этой встречи состоится в Белграде в июне
The preparatory meeting will decide on the 19 г. Подгото-
date, duration, agenda and other modalities of вительная встреча примет решение о дате,
the meeting of representatives appointed by the продолжительности, повестке дня и других
Ministers for Foreign Affairs. условиях встречи представителей,
назначенных министрами иностранных дел.

4. The rules of procedure, the working methods 4. Правила процедуры, рабочие методы и
and the scale of distribution for the expenses of шкала распределения расходов данного
the Conference will, mutatis mutandis, be Совещания будут применяться к встречам,
applied to the meetings envisaged in предусмотренным выше в параграфах, 1(c),
paragraphs 1(c), 2 and 3 2 и 3.

XXIII. Study the following text, point out words and phrases relating to
maintenance of world peace and security.

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe CHARTER FOR

Istanbul, November 1999

1. At the dawn of the twenty-first century we, the Heads of State or

Government of the OSCE participating States, declare our firm commitment to a
free, democratic and more integrated OSCE area where participating States are at
peace with each other, and individuals and communities live in freedom, prosperity
and security. To implement this commitment, we have decided to take a number of
new steps. We have agreed to:
- Adopt the Platform for Cooperative Security, in order to strengthen
cooperation between the OSCE and other international organizations and
institutions, thereby making better use of the resources of the international
- Develop the OSCE's role in peacekeeping, thereby better reflecting the
Organization's comprehensive approach to security;
- Create Rapid Expert Assistance and Cooperation Teams (REACT), thereby
enabling the OSCE to respond quickly to demands for assistance and for large
civilian field operations;
- Expand our ability to carry out police-related activities in order to assist in
maintaining the primacy of law;

Establishing an Operation Centre, in order to plan and deploy OSCE field

- Strengthen the consultation process within the OSCE by establishing the
Preparatory Committee under the OSCE Permanent Council.
We are committed to preventing the outbreak of violent conflicts wherever
possible. The steps we have agreed to take in this Charter will strengthen the
OSCE's ability in this respect as well as its capacity to settle conflicts and to
rehabilitate societies ravaged by war and destruction. The Charter will contribute
to the formation of a common and indivisible security space. It will advance the
creation of an OSCE area free of dividing lines and zones with different levels of


2.The last decade of the twentieth century has brought great achievements in
the OSCE area, cooperation has replaced previous confrontation, but the danger of
conflicts between States has not been eliminated. We have put Europe's old
divisions behind us, but new risks and challenges have emerged. Since we signed
the Charter of Paris it has become more obvious (hat threats to our security can
stem from conflicts within States as well as from conflicts between States. We
have experienced conflicts which have often resulted from flagrant violations of
OSCE norms and principles. We have witnessed atrocities of a kind we had
thought were relegated to the past. I n this decade it has become clear that all such
conflicts can represent a threat to the security of all OSCE participating States.
3. We are determined to learn from the dangers of confrontation and division
between States as well as from tragedies of the last decade. Security and peace
must be enhanced through an approach which combines two basic elements, we
must build confidence among people within States and strengthen cooperation
between States. Therefore, we will strengthen existing instruments and develop
new ones to provide assistance and advice. We will reinforce our efforts to ensure
full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the rights of
persons belonging to national minorities. In parallel, we will strengthen our
capacity to enhance confidence and security between States. We are determined to
develop the means at our disposal to settle peacefully disputes between them.
4. International terrorism, violent extremism, organized crime and drug
trafficking represent growing challenges to security. Whatever its motives,

terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is unacceptable. We will enhance our
efforts to prevent the preparation and financing of any act of terrorism on our
territories and deny terrorists safe havens. The excessive and destabilizing
accumulation and uncontrolled spread of small arms and light weapons represent a
threat to peace and security. We are committed to strengthening our protection
against these new risks and challenges; strong democratic institutions and the rule
of law are the foundation for this protection. We are also determined to cooperate
more actively and closely with each other to meet these challenges.
5. Acute economic problems and environmental degradation may have
serious implications for our security. Cooperation in the fields of economy,
science and technology and the environment will be of critical importance.
We will strengthen our responses to such threats through continued
economic and environmental reforms, by stable and transparent frameworks
for economic activity and by promoting market economies, while paying
due attention to economic and social rights. We applaud the unprecedented
process of economic transformation taking place in many participating
States. We encourage them to continue this reform process, which will
contribute to security and prosperity in the entire OSCE area. We will
step up our efforts across all dimensions of the OSCE to combat corruption
and to promote the rule of law.
6. We confirm that security in areas nearby, in particular in the
Mediterranean area as well as areas in direct proximity to participating
States, such as those of Central Asia, is of increasing importance to the
OSCE. We recognize that instability in these areas creates challenges that
directly affect the security and prosperity of OSCE States. [... ]

XXIV. Translate into Russian.


51. This Charter will benefit the security of all participating States by enhancing
and strengthening the OSCE as we enter the twenty-first century. Today we have
decided to develop its existing instruments and to create new tools. We will use
them fully to promote a free, democratic and secure OSCE area. The Charter will
thus underpin the OSCE's role as the only

pan-European security organization entrusted with ensuring peace and .stability in

its area. We appreciate the completion of the work of the Security Model
52. The original of the present Charter, drawn up in English, French, < German,
Italian, Russian and Spanish, will be transmitted to the Secretary General of the
Organization, who will transmit a certified true copy of this Charter to each of the
participating States.
We, the undersigned High Representatives of the participating States, mindful of
the high political significance that we attach to the present Charter and declaring
our determination to act in accordance with the provisions contained in the above
text, have subscribed our signatures

XXV. Translate into Russian.

Press Release General Assembly Plenary, 8 September 2000



On strengthening Peace, Development and Human Rights.

«Only through broad and sustained efforts to create a shared future, based
upon our common humanity in all its diversity, can globalization be made fully
inclusive and equitable», world leaders stated this afternoon as they unanimously
adopted a «United Nations Millennium Declaration» tit the conclusion of their
Millennium Summit.
The main document to come out of the largest-ever gathering of world
leaders, which began on 6 September in New York, the Declaration contains a
statement of values, principles and objectives for the international agenda for the
twenty-first century. It also sets deadlines for many collective actions.
In an address delivered at the concluding meeting of the Conference, United
Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan told the Summit that it had sketched out
clear directions for adapting the Organization to its role in the new century. «It lies
in your power, and therefore is your responsibility, to

reach the goals that you have defined», he declared. «Only you can determine
whether the United Nations rises to the challenge. For my part, I hereby re-dedicate
myself, as from today, to carrying out your mandate. » [... ]
Citing freedom, equality of individuals and nations, solidarity, tolerance,
respect for nature and shared responsibility as six values fundamental to
international relations for the twenty-first century, the Summit Declaration also
identifies concrete objectives under broad headings that participants believe would
lead to the desired outcomes.
Among the objectives with the declared aim of promoting, peace, security
and disarmament, world leaders resolve to strengthen the rule of law and ensure
compliance with decisions of the International Court of Justice, to provide the
United Nations with the resources it needs for conflict prevention and peaceful
settlement of disputes, and to take action against the international drug problem
and terrorism [... ]
By the year 2015, world leaders also resolve to halve the proportion of
people with income of less than one dollar a day and of those suffering from
hunger and lack of safe drinking water; to ensure equal access to all levels of
education for girls and boys and primary schooling for all children everywhere; to
reduce maternal mortality by three quarters; and to begin to reverse the spread of
HIV/AIDS, malaria and other major diseases. By the year 2020, they resolve to
have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum
dwellers [... ]
During the six meetings of the three-day Summit, 99 heads of State, three
Crown Princes and 47 heads of government presented their views on the role of the
United Nations in the twenty-first century and the main challenges facing the
peoples of the world. One hundred and eighty-seven Member States were
represented. Four private round-table sessions on the key issues under discussion
were also held in conjunction with the , proceedings.

XXVI. Write the final provisions of a final act of an international conference

See exhibit 46.

XXVII. Write the text of a communiqué using the information below.]

On the occasion of. an official visit of the Russian Minister for Foreign|
Affairs to Japan; at the invitation of the Japanese Government.
Duration: 18 to 21 December 19__. .

Talks Held: 1) between the Prime-Minister of Japan and the Russian

Minister for Foreign Affairs; 2) between the Russian Minister for Foreign
Affairs and the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Issues Considered: 1) Major international problems (the relaxation of
tension, consolidation of world peace and security); 2) regional problems;
3) bilateral relations (expansion of contacts between statesmen and
politicians of both countries, including summit meetings; consultative
meetings between Ministers for Foreign Affairs; scientific and technical
cooperation, including such new areas as environmental protection and
earthquake forecast).
Invitations Extended: to President of the Russian Federation to pay an
official visit to Japan (an invitation reaffirmed); to the Prime-Minister of
Japan to pay an official visit to Russia.
The Atmosphere of Talks: businesslike and constructive.

XXVIII. Speak on the style and composition of final instruments of international

conferences and negotiations.

1. United Nations
1.1. Formal Letters
1.2. Informal Letters
1.3. Notes Verbales
1.4. Interoffice Memoranda
2. Diplomatic Communications between States
3. Other Diplomatic Acts
3.1. Agrement
3.2. Consular Commission and
3.3. Letters of Credence and
Letters of Recall
3.4. Full Powers


In the United Nations official communications may take the form of formal
or informal letters, notes verbales, or memoranda. The following descriptions will
suggest the appropriate form to use in different circumstances.
Formal letters are those employing diplomatic style and phraseology.
Normally such letters are addressed only to heads of State or Government,
ministers for foreign affairs and permanent representatives.

Subjects which require formal letters include, among others, official

statements of policy by the Secretary-General, actions taken or contemplated by
the Secretary-General in connection with decisions or recommendations of organs
of the United Nations, acknowledgements of the credentials or appointments of
permanent representatives, and similar information to Governments and permanent
missions on matters involving the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary-
General under the Charter.
The proper salutation for a formal letter is "Sir" or "Madam" followed by a
comma. In addressing a person with ambassadorial rank, the form "Excellency"
may be used. The salutation should begin with the same margin as the text and
should be typed six or more lines below the reference number, depending on the
length of the letter. The text should begin with the expression "I have the honour to
...", except in the case of formal letters from undersecretaries or officials of
equivalent rank to permanent representatives. These begin with "I am directed by
the Secretary-General lo ..." or "On behalf of the Secretary-General, I have the
honour lo ...". The expression "I have the honour to ..." is usually required only in
the opening sentence. Succeeding paragraphs should normally begin without this
introductory phrase. Where it is necessary to refer to a resolution or act of one of
the organs of the United Nations or to a previous communication from the
Secretary-General, the appropriate form is "I have the honour to refer to ..." or "I
invite your attention to ...". If a request is made of the addressee, the expression "I
should be grateful" is appropriate. The complimentary close for formal letters is
"Accept, Sir (Madam), (the assurance (s) of my highest consideration". It should be
indented as a separate paragraph.
Formal letters to ministers for foreign affairs or permanent representatives
should, as a rule, include the name of the addressee in the address. The address
should also contain personal titles such as "His Excellency", "Her Excellency" and
"Ambassador", written
in full. The full address should be given on the envelope, but details such as street
address and room number may be omitted on the letter itself.
The date should be in the form "2 August 1995". The names of the months
should not be abbreviated, and cardinal numbers should be used. The date should
appear in the upper right-hand part of the page on the same horizontal line as the
reference number, ending at least fifteen spaces from the right-hand edge. The left-
hand margin should be twenty spaces from the edge of the page and the right-hand
margin about fifteen.
To contribute effectively to the conduct of the business of the United
Nations, its official correspondence must be clear and accurate in content, direct
and dignified in style, correct in form and attractive in appearance. (From "United
Nations Correspondence Manual")


Secretary-General to
Minister for Foreign
Affairs (formal)
United Nations New York
Reference: 26 March 19_

I have the honour to refer to General Assembly resolution

38/120 of 16 December 19___ , a copy of which is enclosed for ease of reference,
and, in accordance with paragraph 3 thereof, I wish to extend to Your Government
an invitation to participate, at the ministerial level, in the Second International
Conference on
Assistance to Refugees in Africa, which will be held at the Palais des Nations,
Geneva, from 9 to 11 July 19 under the auspices of the United Nations.
The African refugee situation deserves the full understanding and support of
the international community. I therefore express (he hope that your Government
will participate in the Conference and 1 look forward to receiving your positive
response at an early date.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
His Excellency Secretary-General
Minister for Foreign Affairs

Secretary-General to
Permanent Representative
United Nations New York
Reference: 14 January 19

I have the honour to refer to General Assembly resolution 37/10

of 15 November 19 , by which the Assembly adopted the
Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes. Under
paragraph 3 of that resolution, I am requested to inform States Members of the
United Nations or members of the specialized agencies of the adoption of the
I am pleased to comply hereby with that request and to send you herewith
the text of resolution 37/10 and of the Declaration annexed thereto which is now
available in all the languages of the General Assembly.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Secretary General
His Excellency
Ambassador Extraordinary and
Permanent Representative of ...
to the United Nations
New York, N. Y.

Assistant Director-General
(UNESCO) to Minister for
Foreign Affairs

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

The Assistant Director-General
for External Relations
(No date, stamped once a letter is signed)

On behalf of the Director-General, I have the honour to inform

you that, at the invitation of the Government of the United States
of America, the sixteenth ordinary session of the World Heritage
Committee, set up under the Convention concerning the Protection of the World
Cultural and Natural Heritage, will take place
in Santa Fe, New Mexico, from 7 to 14 December 19__

Rule 8.1 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee provides I hat "States
Parties to the Convention which are not members of l he Committee may attend the
sessions of the Committee as observers". I would therefore be grateful if you
would inform me of I he name and title of the person or persons designated to
represent your Government at the forthcoming session of the Committee.
Please find enclosed the Provisional Agenda for the sixteenth session and a
copy of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee. The working languages of the
Committee are English and French, and simultaneous interpretation will be made
available in due course. As is customary, the travelling and subsistence expenses of
participants in this meeting will be met by the government they represent.
Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.

His Excellency,
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(name of country)

Secretariat official to
Permanent Representative

United Nations New York

Reference: 27 February 19


I have the honour to inform you that the United Nations Industrial
Development Organization and the African Training
and Research Centre in the Administration for Development are
jointly organizing a Seminar on the Organization and Administration of Industrial
Services in Africa, to be held in Tangier,
Morocco, from 14 to 30 August 19__.
The Resident Representative of the United Nations Development
Programme in your country has been requested to inquire if your Government will
be interested in participating in the Seminar and, if so, to request nominations of
possible participants. In this connection, I am pleased to enclose two copies of
each of the following documents:
(a)Letter to the Resident Representative;
(c)Provisional agenda;
(d)Provisional annotated agenda;
(f)Nomination form.

I would appreciate any assistance you can render on this project designed to
facilitate and expedite action on it by your Government.
Accept, Madam, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Technological Division
United Nations Industrial
Development Organization

Her Excellency
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Permanent Representative of...
to the United Nations
New York, N. Y.

Permanent Representative
to Secretary-General
(of the Conference)


Letter dated 28 April 19 from the Permanent Representative of

the Russian Federation and the Acting Head of Delegation of
China to the Conference on Disarmament addressed to the
Secretary-General of the Conference Transmitting a Joint Press
Communiqué on issues related to the ABM Treaty

On 14 April 19 , the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of

I he Russian Federation, (name), and the Assistant Minister for foreign Affairs of
the Peoples Republic of China, (name), held consultations on issues of strategic
stability in Moscow. After the consultations, the two sides issued a joint press
communiqué on issues related to the ABM Treaty.

We would be grateful if you would issue and circulate the joint communiqué as an
official document of the Conference on Disarmament.
………… ……………
(signed) (signed)

Ambassador, Acting Head

Permanent Representative of Delegation of China
Head of Delegation of to the Conference on
the Russian Federation Disarmament
lo the Conference on Disarmament

I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.
1. What are the main types of United Nations official communications?
2. What subjects require formal letters? 3. Who are they usually addressed to? 4.
What is the basic outline of a formal letter? 5. What is the proper salutation
(complimentary close) for a formal letter? 6. Which part of a letter conveys the
message? 7. What is the correct form of the date in UN correspondence?

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. Within the United Nations official communications may take the form of ... . 2.
Formal letters are generally addressed to ... . 3. Subjects which require formal
letters include ... . 4. The proper salutation for a formal letter is .... 5. The text of a
formal letter should begin with .... 6. Where it
is necessary to refer to a resolution, the appropriate form is ... . 7. If a request is
made of the addressee, .... .

III. Define the following terms in English consulting the Glossary

Diplomatic Terms if necessary.

aide-memoire, memorandum, noteverbale, pro-memoria.

IV. Study the texts in exhibits 47 to 51, point out a) words and phrases, pertaining
to the formal style; b) the basic parts of a formal letter.

V. Memorize the phrases below, identify the parts of a formal letter they belong to.

1) on behalf of the Secretary-General, I have the honour to inform you that; 2) I

wish to extend to your Government an invitation to participate in; 3) Accept, Sir,
the assurances of my highest consideration; 4) I therefore express the hope that; 5)
I have the honour to refer to; 6) under paragraph 3 of that resolution, I am
requested to inform States Members of the United Nations of; 7) I look forward to
receiving your positive response at an early date.

VI.* Suggest the English for:

1) главные органы Организации Объединённых Наций: Генеральная

Ассамблея, Совет Безопасности, Экономический и Социальный
Совет, Совет по Опеке, Международный Суд, Секретариат ООН;2)
вспомогательные органы; 3) (не) постоянные члены Совета

безопасности; 4) первоначальные члены ООН; 5) постоянное

представительство при ООН; 6) специализированные учреждения ООН; 7)
цели и принципы ООН; 8) от имени Генерального секретаря; 9) на уровне
министров; 10) на уровне послов.

VII. Find out the meanings of «hereby"', "herewith" and "thereto", as used in the
passage below (see exhibit 48).

I am pleased to comply hereby with that request and to send you herewith the text
of resolution 37/10 and of the Declaration annexed thereto which is now available
in all the languages of the General Assembly.

VIII.* Translate into English replacing the words and phrases in bold type by their
archaic equivalents.

1. В некоторых районах мира программам ЮНЕСКО уделяется слишком

мало внимания и поэтому они не получают необходимой поддержки со
стороны молодёжи. 2. Генеральная конференция утвердила распределение
суммы для финансирования проектов революций и поправок к ним. 3.
Необходимы перечисления между статьями ассигнований, если фактические
потребности по какой-либо статье ассигнований превышают
предусмотренную в ней сумму.4.. Ниже обе категории определяются как
менее широко преподаваемые языки. 5. Этот вопрос до сих пор не включался
в программы организации. 6. Классификацию должностей отныне следует
проводить при разработке проекта программы и бюджета. 7. Совет
Безопасности считает, что эти действия должны быть немедленно отменены.

IX. Study the plural forms of the compound terms below. Mind that it is the
significant word in a compound that should be made plural.
1) the significant word occurs as the first element of a compound, as in:
ambassador-at-large - ambassadors-at-large
commander-in-chief - commanders-in-chief
Secretary-General - (all previous) Secretaries-General

2) the significant word occurs as the second element of a compound, as in:

deputy chief of staff - deputy chiefs of staff
assistant secretary-general - assistant secretaries-general
under-secretary-general - under-secretaries-general

3) the significant word occurs as the last element of a compound, as in:

assistant commissioner - assistant commissioners
lieutenant-colonel - lieutenant-colonels
vice-president - vice-presidents

X. Account for the use of verb-forms in the sentences below.

1. I request that this letter be circulated among Member States as an official
document of the General Assembly, under agenda items 38 and 39 of the
preliminary list and of the Security Council. 2. We consider it indispensable that
Your Excellency should be fully informed of how the negotiations are going. 3.
We would request that the above communication be circulated to the Member
States of the United Nations. 4. I should be grateful if you would arrange for this
letter and its annex to be circulated as a Security Council document.

XI Read and translate the letter below taking note of the words and phrases in bold
type. Comment on its lexical and syntactic peculiarities, j



Reference: New York, 24 February 19_

We have the honour to inform Your Excellency that as from 24 February 19 .
diplomatic relations between the Government of the Republic of ... and the
Government of ... have been established and both Governments agreed to exchange
diplomatic representatives at the ambassadorial level.
We, therefore, kindly request Your Excellency to transmit this communication
for the information of the Member States.
Accept, Your Excellency, the renewed assurances of our highest

Мистер... Мистер...
Charge d'Affaires of the Republic of ... Ambassador Extraordinary
to the United Nations. and Plenipotentiary
Permanent Representative of... to the United Nations

His Excellency
United Nations

XII. Compare the following letter with exhibits 47 to 51, comment on lies style and
Forty-second session Forty-second years

Items 38 and 39 of the preliminary

Letter dated 5 May 19 from the Permanent
Representative of Zimbabwe to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-

I have the honour to enclose herewith a copy of the final document

.adopted at the Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Committee of
Nine Non-Aligned Countries on Palestine held at Harare on 14nd 15 April 19 (see
I request that it be circulated among Member States as an official document
of the General Assembly, under agenda items 38 and 39 of the preliminary list and
of the Security Council.
Permanent Representative

XIII. Complete the letter from the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the
Minister for Foreign Affairs of a UN Member State.

1 have the honour to inform you that pursuant to Security Council
resolution S/5575 of___ , and in agreement with the Governments of
_____ I have appointed___ as Mediator to perform the functions
defined in paragraph 7 of the aforesaid resolution. It is assumed that__
I am confident that, in the exercise of the functions entrusted to him by
virtue of the aforesaid resolution" the Mediator and his staff__ .
It is my considered opinion that, in view of the nature of the position which he
holds on behalf of this Organization and of the delicate and
important functions entrusted to him, it would be necessary___
I have the honour, therefore, to express to Your Excellency the hope
that your Government will be good enough to agree to____ .

XIV. Translate into English paying attention to the words and phrases in
bold type.

При этом имею честь направить Вам текст Заявления правительства

(название страны) от 18 декабря 19__ года.
Прошу Вас распространить текст Заявления в качестве
официального документа Генеральной Ассамблеи по пунктам,
озаглавленным "Прекращение всех испытательных взрывов ядерного
оружия", "Предотвращение гонки вооружений в космическом пространстве",
"Осуществление резолюции 41/54 Генеральной Ассамблеи о
безотлагательном прекращении и запрещении испытаний ядерного оружия",
"Рассмотрение осуществления рекомендаций и решений, принятых
Генеральной Ассамблеей на её десятой специальной сессии" и "О создании
всеобъемлющей системы международного мира и безопасности", а также
Совета Безопасности.

XV. Write a formal letter on behalf of a UN Secretariat official using

the information below. See tables 14 and 15.

Addressee: Her Excellency, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,

Permanent Representative of Liberia to the United Nations.
Sender. Under-Secretary-General for Public Information.
Date: 1 September 19 .
Reference: PU 122 (1) 19 .
Subject Matter. Information of the new edition of "The Yearbook of the United
Nations" compiled by the Department of Public Information.

Description of the volume, which is available now (a comprehensive account

of the activities of the United Nations and related agencies during 19_).
Available at the Documents Distribution Station for delegations room IB-60.

XVI. Write a formal letter on behalf of Permanent Representatives to the / hiked

Nations using the information below.
Addressee: Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Senders: Permanent Representative of... to the United Nations
(Charge d'Affaires ad interim
Permanent Mission of... to the United Nations.
Date: 6 March 19
Referеnсе: NV/87/9.
Subject: Establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, with a
joint communiqué being issued.
Subject: to transmit this communication to States Members of the United Nations.

Tabic 14 Formal Letter

Salutation Opening Lines Complimentary
Sir (Madam), I have the (Please) Accept, Sir
(Your) honour to (Madam, Your
Excellency, (+ inf.) Excellency) the
On behalf of the assurance(s) of my
Secretary- (our) highest
General, I have consideration.
the honour to (+
I (We) take (avail
myself / ourselves
of) this opportunity
to renew to you (to
Your Excellency)
the assurance (s) of
my (our) highest

Reference to Resolutions or Decisions

Referring to your letter No. of 5
With reference to April 19 con
Further to cerning ...
According to
In accordance General Assembly
(compliance) with resolution (decision)
Pursuant to 38 / 455 of 20 December 19
In pursuance of

XVII. Speak on the style and composition of UN formal letters.


Informal letters are used for the day-to-day correspondence of the Secretariat
with persons outside the Secretariat and for communications addressed to other
organizations in the United Nations system. They are also used for letters from the
Secretary-General or from under-secretaries-general or assistant secretaries-general
to permanent representatives or senior members of missions or delegations, except
when the subject makes a formal letter more suitable.
The salutation of an informal letter should begin with the same margin as the
text and be followed by a comma. It should be six or more lines below the
reference number, depending on the length of the letter.
The complimentary closing should be centered above the signature block.
The salutation and corresponding closing may take any of the following
forms, as appropriate:

Salutation Corresponding Closing

Dear Sir (Dear Madam), Dear Sirs (Dear Yours truly,
Mesdames), Dear Mr. ... (Dear Mrs. ..., Yours sincerely
Dear Miss. ..., Dear Ms. ...), Dear Mr. (or Sincerely yours),
(Madam) Ambassador I remain, dear Mr. (Madam)
Yours sincerely,

When the name of the addressee is known, it should be used. The forms
"Dear Sir" and "Dear Madam" are appropriate only in impersonal letters. In
circular letters the form "Dear Sir or Madam" may be used.
On informal letters the date should appear in the upper right-hand part of the
page on the same horizontal line as the reference number, ending at least fifteen
spaces from the right-hand edge.
The left-hand margin should be twenty spaces from the edge of the page and
the right-hand margin about fifteen. {From "United Nations Correspondence

Secretary-General to
Permanent Representative

United Nations New York

21 August 19.

Dear Mr: Ambassador,

I was very sorry to read reports about the extensive damage caused by the
recent floods in your country. I should be grateful if

you would be so kind as to transmit the attached message of sympathy from me to

the President.
I remain, dear Mr. Ambassador,
Yours sincerely,

His Excellency
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Permanent Representative of ...
to the United Nations
New York, N. Y.

Secretariat official to
Permanent Representative

United Nations New York


17 February 19.__
Dear Mr. Ambassador

Thank you for your letter No. A 4/18/1 of 8 February 19.__

indicating that the site of the forthcoming seminar on the effective
realization of civil and political rights at the national level has been
moved from the Assembly Hall of the University of the West
Indies to the Conference Room of the Myrtle Bank Hotel in
downtown Kingston. I am happy to note that the Conference Room
at the Myrtle Bank Hotel has all the necessary facilities for the
This information has been incorporated into the notes for the information of
participants and of observers from non-governmental organizations, copies of
which are enclosed herewith.

I remain, dear Mr. Ambassador, Yours sincerely,

Director Division of Human Rights

His Excellency
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Permanent Representative of ...
to the United Nations
New York, N.Y.

Secretariat official to
head of a specialized

United Nations
New York

5 September 19__


Dear Dr. ...,

On behalf of the Secretary-General, I should like to transmit herewith the

text of a resolution concerning the activities of foreign economic and other
interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the
Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Namibia and in all
other Territories under colonial domination and efforts to eliminate colonialism,
apartheid and racial discrimination in southern Africa (A/AC. 109/755).
In forwarding this resolution, I wish to draw your attention to operative
paragraph 19, which contains a recommendation to the organizations within the
United Nations system. Copies of this resolution have been transmitted to the
organizations concerned as well as to all States.

Yours sincerely,

for Political Affairs,
Trusteeship and Decolonization

World Health Organization


I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What subjects require informal letters? 2. Who are they usually addressed to? 3.
What is the basic outline of an informal letter? 4. What is the proper salutation
(complimentary close) for an informal letter? 5. What style is preferred in drafting
letters from under-secretaries-general or officers of equivalent rank to permanent
representatives? 6. What punctuation mark is used after the salutation? 7. What is
the correct form of the date in informal letters?

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. Informal letters are used for ... . 2. They are also used for ... .
Depending on the length of an informal letter the salutation should ....
The complimentary closing of an informal letter should... . 5. The salutation and
corresponding closing may take the form of .... 6. The date on informal letters
should .... 7. In circular letters ....
III. Study the texts in exhibits 52 to 54, point out words and phrases
pertaining to the informal style.

IV. Memorize the phrases below, identify the parts of an informal letter
they belong to.

1) I was very sorry, to read reports about; 2) I should be grateful if you would be so
kind as to transmit the attached message of sympathy to; 1) I am happy to note
that; 4) I remain, dear Mr. Ambassador, yours .sincerely; 5) in forwarding this
resolution, I wish to draw your attention to; 6) on behalf of the Secretary-General I
should like to transmit herewith the text of a resolution.

Ви. Study the texts below taking note of the words and phrases in bold
type. Identify the type of UN communication they belong to.

Reference: 28 November 19

Dear Sir,

We hear that a fourth plebiscite is going to take place in the Republic of ...
on 2 December. I think that there is not enough reason to call it, as the will of the
people in ... to protect their nuclear-free Constitution has been already confirmed
through a series of plebiscites and the Supreme Court of the Republic.
I therefore request you to send an international observation team to
evaluate the plebiscite procedure, and keep a careful eye on the political education
to determine if it has been carried out justly or not.

Yours truly,
The Secretary
Trusteeship Council
United Nations
New York
* * *
28 ноября 19
Как стало известно, 2 декабря в Республике ... планируется проведение
четвёртого плебисцита. Я считаю, что нет достаточных оснований проводить
его, поскольку желание народа ... защитить
свою безъядерную конституцию уже было подтверждено в ходе нескольких
плебисцитов, а также Верховным судом Республики.
Поэтому прошу Вас направить международную группу наблюдателей,
чтобы оценить процедуру плебисцита и внимательно изучить процесс
политического просвещения с целью определить, правильно ли он

Искренне Ваш
Секретарю Совета по Опеке
Организации Объединённых Наций

VI. Read the following texts. Compare them with exhibits 52 to 54, comment on
their style and composition.

Reference: New York, 14 July 19

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

Please accept my most sincere thanks for the warm congratulations

conveyed to my Ambassador and to all members of my Mission on the occasion of
our holiday -the Day of Independence.
I should like also to thank you personally as well as all personnel of your
Mission for the close fraternal cooperation between our two delegations in the
United Nations which duly reflects the ties of friendship between our two countries
and peoples.
I avail myself of this opportunity to reciprocate your best wishes of success
and personal well-being for you and all members of your Mission and your
Charge d'Affaires a. i.

* * *


We have the honour to inform you that on 6 March 19___ , the Governments
of the People's Republic of Angola and Uruguay have issued simultaneously a
Joint Communiqué concerning the establishment
of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the text of which is as follows:
The Governments of the Peoplels Republic of Angola and Uruguay have
agreed to consolidate bonds of friendship and cooperation on the basis of the
principles of mutual respect for national sovereignty, territorial integrity, non-
interference in the internal affairs of each other, and equal rights.
Desiring to obtain this objective, the two Governments have decided
lо establish formal diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level,
with effect from 6 March 19__ .
The Governments of both countries express the hope that the establishment
of diplomatic relations will lead to the development of mutually beneficial

New York 6 March 19

Excellency, we would like to request you to transmit this communication to States

Members of the United Nations, and we take this opportunity to renew to you the
assurances of our highest consideration.
Charge d' Affaires a. i. Ambassador
Permanent Mission of the Permanent Representative of
People's Republic of Angola Uruguay to the United Nations
to the United Nations

VII. Write an informal letter on behalf of a UN Secretariat official using the

information below. See table 16.
Table 16

Informal Letter

Salutation Corresponding Closing

Dear Sir (Dear Madam), Yours truly,
Dear Sirs (Dear Yours sincerely
Mesdames), (or Sincerely yours),
Dear Mr. ... (Dear Mrs...., I remain, dear Mr.
Dear Miss ..., Dear Ms ...), (Madam)
Dear Mr. (Madam) Ambassador,
Ambassador, Yours sincerely,
Addressee: Director-General of the International Labour Organization:
Geneva, Switzerland.
Sender. Under-Secretary-General for Inter-Agency Affairs.
Date: 17 July 19 .
Ссылка: ТЕ 326/1 (100-15).
Subject An inter-regional seminar on development planning to be convened
в ... с ... по ... 19 декабря . Under the auspices of the United
Nations. Topic for discussion: "Policies, and Procedures for the
Implementation of Development Plans with Special Reference to Latin
America". To be attended by highly qualified experts (consultants and
discussion leaders).The ILO is invited to participate in the seminar.
Deputy Under-Secretary for Economic and Social Affairs is responsible,
for the organization of the seminar.
Enclosed: A note on the organizational procedures of the seminar.

VIII. Speak on the style and composition of UN informal letters.


A note verbale (referred to in the text of a communication simply as a
«note») is a formal note written in the third person. This form is always used in
replying to an incoming note verbale; an incoming letter is answered by a letter.
Notes verbales may be addressed to a permanent representative (or an observer) or
a permanent mission, a minister for foreign affairs or a ministry of foreign affairs.
Where direct correspondence with any other government officer or office
has been authorized, it must be in letter form. The note verbale is
not normally used for communications with other organizations
in the United Nations system, and should never be used for
communications with non-governmental organizations or the
Typical uses of notes verbales include the exchange of information between
the United Nations and Governments or permanent missions, the transmission of
decisions or recommendations of United Nations organs, requests for and
acknowledgements of information and documents, the transmission of information
regarding the time and place of meetings, acknowledgements of changes in the
membership of permanent missions or delegations and other requests or
acknowledgements to Governments relating to the substantive work of the United
A note verbale contains no complimentary closing. Its salutation forms part
of the opening sentence of the text and begins with the regular paragraphing. In
selecting the form of the salutation, it is important to note the following
A note verbale may be written in the name of the Secretary-General or of the
Secretariat, but not in the name of a department or of an official of the Secretariat.
When a note verbale is sent in the name of the Secretary-General, it is addressed to
a person, e.g.:
"The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his compliments to
the Permanent Representative of ... to the United Nations and has the honour
to ...".
When a note verbale is sent in the name of the Secretariat, it is addressed to
an office, not a person, e. g.:
"The Secretariat of the United Nations presents its compliments lo the
Permanent Mission of ... to the United Nations and has the honour to ...".
A note verbale in reply to one addressed to the Secretary-General should
always be sent in the name of the Secretary-General. Thus, if a note verbale from a
permanent mission is addressed to the Secretary-General, the reply will be sent in
the name of the Secretary-General to the Permanent Representative, e. g.:
"The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his compliments to
the Permanent Representative of ... to the United Nations and has the honour to
acknowledge the receipt of the Permanent Missionls note ...".
A note verbale in reply to a note verbale from a minister for foreign affairs
or permanent representative should be sent in the name of the Secretary-General
whether the incoming note is
addressed to the Secretary-General, to a subordinate official, to the Secretariat or to
a department. A note verbale forwarding a communication at the request of a
Member of the United Nations or its permanent mission should be in the following
form only:
"The enclosed communication dated ... is transmitted to the permanent
missions of the States Members of the United Nations at the request of ...".
On notes verbales the date should appear on the right-hand side of the last
page, two to six lines below the last line of the text, depending on the length of the
A note verbale contains no signature; instead it should be initialled under the
date by the officer responsible for its dispatch. The address does not appear on a
note verbale but should be typed on the accompanying envelope. {From " United
Nations Correspondence Manual")


to Permanent Representative

United Nations
New York


The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his compliments to the

Permanent Representative of ... to the United Nations (Vienna) and has the honour
to inform the Government that the eleventh session of the Committee on Crime
Prevention and Control, which is the preparatory body for the Eighth United
Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, will
be held at the Vienna International Centre from 5 to 16 February 19__. This
session is of particular importance as it will, inter alia, finalize substantive
preparations and organizational arrangements for the Eighth Congress, to be held
at Havana, Cuba, from 27 August to 7 September 19__.
The provisional agenda for the meeting is enclosed. Other documents will be
sent to interested Governments in due course.
The Secretary-General would appreciate it if the Governments wishing to
participate in the meetings as observers would communicate the names and titles of
their representatives to the United Nations Office at Vienna, Centre for Social
Development and Humanitarian Affairs, P. O. Box 500, A - 1400 Vienna, Austria.

21 September 19__

Secretary-General to
Minister for Foreign

United Nations
New York


The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his compliments to the

Minister for Foreign Affairs of ... and, in accordance with rule 7 of the Rules of
procedure of the Economic
and Social Council, has the honour to state that the ... session of
the Council will open on Monday, 8 May 19 , at 11 a.m., al
United Nations Headquarters, New York. The provisional agenda has been issued
as document E /4295.
The Secretary-General would appreciate it if, in accordance with rule 19 of
the Council's Rules of procedure, the credentials of representatives and the names
of alternate representatives and advisers could be submitted to him not less than
twenty-four hours before the first meeting which the representatives are to attend.
10 February 19
(initialled) .

Secretariat to Permanent

United Nations
New York

Reference: NGO Cttee (special session)

The Secretariat of the United Nations presents its compliments to the

Permanent Mission of ... to the United Nations and has the honour to refer to its
note dated 13 November 19 regarding the special session of the Committee on
Non-Governmental Organizations.
At the request of the Chairman of the Committee on Non-
Governmental Organizations, after consultation with the members
of the Committee, the special session has been rescheduled and
will now be held from 30 January to 3 February 19__
The Secretary-General would appreciate it if the names of the
representatives who will attend the session could be communicated lo him as soon
as possible.
12 January 19 _

Protocol & Liaison Service
to Permanent Missions

United Nations
New York


Subject: Joint reception given by the President of the General Assembly and
the Secretary-General on Friday, 28 September 19__
The Protocol and Liaison Service has the honour to inform the Permanent
Missions that the reception given by the President of the General Assembly and the
Secretary-General of the United Nations in honour of the Chairmen of Delegations
to the XXXIXth Session of the General Assembly and the Permanent
Representatives to the United Nations and their spouses, will take place on Friday,
'28 September 19__ , from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at the United Nations
The Protocol and Liaison Service kindly requests the Permanent Missions to
keep the date of this occasion open. Invitations will be forwarded at the appropriate
10 August 19___
EXH1B1T 59
Permanent Mission to Secretary-General

General Assembly

Forty-first session
Item 21 of the provisional agenda


Note verbale dated 11 September 19 from the Permanent
Mission of... to the United Nations addressed to
the Secretary-General

The Acting Permanent Representative of the Republic of ... to the United

Nations presents his compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations
and, with reference to the latter’s note, dated 16 May 19 __, concerning the
International Year of Peace, has the honour to transmit herewith the programme of
activities in ... for the International Year of Peace (see annex).
The Acting Permanent Representative would be grateful if the Secretary-General
would have this note and its annex circulated as an official document of the
General Assembly under item 21 of the provisional agenda.

Permanent Mission to
Permanent Mission(s)




The Permanent Mission of ... to the United Nations presents its compliments
to the Permanent Missions and Offices of the
Permanent Observers to the Organization and has the honour to inform them that
His Excellency, President of the Republic of ... ,will address the General Assembly
on Monday, October 15, 19___, as the first speaker of the morning Session.
His Excellency, President of the Republic of ... , shall be honoured and
pleased to greet the Heads of Delegations and Permanent Representatives, and the
Permanent Observers, at the United Nations Delegates Lounge, shortly after his
The Permanent Mission of ... avails itself of this opportunity to n-new to the
Permanent Missions and Offices of the Permanent Observers the assurances of its
highest consideration.

24 October 19
(forwarding a

The enclosed communication dated ... is transmitted to the permanent

missions of the States Members of the United Nations at the request of the
Permanent Representative(s) of ... to the United Nations.
18 February 19


I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1.What is a note verbale? 2. What style is preferred in drafting notes verbales? 3

What subjects require notes verbales? 4. Who are they usually addressed in? 5.
What is the basic outline of a note verbale? 6. What protocol formulas are
acceptable in notes verbales? 7. What instructions should be followed carefully in
drafting a note verbale?
II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. A note verbale is always used for.... 2.It may be addressed to .... 3. A note
verbale is not used for.... 4. Typical uses of notes verbales include.... 5. Л note
verbale may be written in the name of ... . 6. A note verbale forwarding a
communication at the request of a Member of the United Nations should be .... 7.
A note verbale contains no ....

III. Decipher the following Latin abbreviations consulting Appendix if necessary.

а) ч. а.; h. s. ; т.е. scil.; viz.; против. против.; Ь) с. а. е. 1.; с. d. ; с. 1.

IV. Memorize the phrases below, identify the parts of a note verbale they
belong to.

1) the Secretary-General would appreciate it if; 2) the Secretariat will take this
information into account; 3) at the request of the Permanent Representatives of ...
to the United Nations; 4) the Secretary-General has the honour to acknowledge the
receipt of note No.; 5) the enclosed communication is transmitted to the
permanent missions of the States Members of the United Nations; 6) the Secretary-
General of the United Nations presents his compliments to ... and has the honour to
state that; 7) the Permanent Mission of ... avails itself of this opportunity to renew
to the Permanent Mission of ... the assurances of its highest consideration.

Ви. * Suggest the English for:

1) Постоянное Представительство ... при Организации Объединённых Наций

свидетельствует своё уважение Генеральному секретарю Организации
Объединённых Наций и имеет честь подтвердить
получение его ноты за № ... от 10 марта 19 ; 2) Постоянный
Представитель ... при Организации Объединённых Наций будет
признателен Генеральному секретарю за распространение настоящей
ноты в качестве официального документа Генеральной Ассамблеи
по пункту 21 повестки дня; 3) Постоянное Представительство ...
при Организации Объединённых Наций пользуется случаем, чтобы
возобновить Генеральному секретарю уверения в своём высоком!
VI. Translate into Russian.


a) Note verbale dated 30 June 19__ from the Permanent Mission
of the Russian Federation to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-

The Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Na-

lions Office at Vienna presents its compliments to the Secretary-General
and, in conformity with article IV of the Convention on Registration of
Objects Launched into Outer Space, has the honour to transmit information
concerning space objects launched by the Russian Federation
dining the period of March to April 19 and concerning objects previously
launched into Earth orbit which are no longer in orbit.

b) Note verbale dated 18 July 19__ from the Alternate Permanent

Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations (Vienna)
addressed to the Secretary-General

The Alternate Permanent Representative of the United States of America lo

(he United Nations (Vienna) presents her compliments to the Secretary -General of
the United Nations and, in accordance with article IV of (he Convention on
Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space, has (lie honour to transmit the
registration data for the United States space launches for the period October-
December 19__ and January-February 19__ (see annex).

VII. Study the following texts, identifying the types of UN communication they
belong to. Comment on their differences and similarities.


The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his compliments to the

Permanent Representatives of ... to the United Nations and
has the honour to refer to General Assembly resolution 40/159 of 16
December 19__ entitled "Implementation of the Collective Security
Provisions of the Charter of the United Nations for the Maintenance of
International Peace and Security", a copy of which is attached.
By this resolution, the Assembly, inter alia, invited those Member States that
have not yet done so, to communicate no later than 30 April
19__ their views and comments on the matter and requested that such views and
comments be transmitted to the Ad-Hoc Committee.
The Secretary-General would, therefore, appreciate receiving the view* and
comments of His/Her Excellency's Government in accordance with the above-
mentioned provision.

20 January 19. __

Annex enclosed

* * *

Reference: 12 February 19
Your Excellency:

We have the honour to inform Your Excellency that the Government of ...
and the Government of ... have simultaneously issued a Joint Communiqué
concerning the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries,
the text of which is as follows:
"The Government of ... and the Government of ... on the basis o|
the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, in
particular the mutual respect for national sovereignty, territorial integrity,
non-interference in the internal affairs of each other and the peaceful
settlement of disputes between states, have agreed to establish formal
diplomatic relations as of 10 February 19__ ".
Excellency, we would request you to transmit this communication
the Member States of the United Nations. We take this opportunity
renew to you the assurances of our highest consideration.
Permanent Representative of Permanent
Representative of
to the United Nations to the United Nation

VIII. Translate into English:

Постоянное Представительство (название страны) при Организации
Объединённых Наций свидетельствует своё уважение Генеральному;

Секретарю Организации Объединённых Наций и имеет честь настоящим

препроводить грамоту Президиума Верховного Совета (Название страны) о
ратификации (название страны) Международной Конвенции против
апартеида в спорте.
Постоянное Представительство (название страны) при ООН пользуется
случаем, чтобы возобновить Генеральному Секретарю ООН уверения в своём
высоком уважении.

г. Нью-Йорк, 19 июня 19_ года

Его Превосходительству
г – ну…
Генеральному Секретарю
Организация Объединённых Наций
г. Нью-Йорк

IX. Complete the following note verbale supplying the information you may find

Note verbale dated_______ from the Permanent Mission of ________

to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General.
The Acting Permanent Representative of the Republic of _________
to the United Nations presents his compliments to the Secretary-General of the
United Nations and, with reference to_________ , dated _______
относительно . _______ has the honour to transmit herewith _______
(see annex).
The Acting Permanent Representative would be grateful if _________

X. Write a note verbale on behalf of the UN Secretariat using the information

below. See tables 17and 18.

Addressee: Permanent Mission of the Republic of ... to the United Nations.

Date; 24 февраля
Ссылка:AD315 (1) HQ (3).
Subject: Reply to the Permanent Mission's request to place the Economic Research
Institute of ... on the official mailing list for copies of the
Indicated series of publications. A special shipment of back issues is to be
arranged, the details of which will be communicated to the Permanent Mission in
due course.

XI. Speak on the style and composition of notes verbales

Table 17
Note Verbale

the Permanent
Representative of to inform him
(name of that ...
The Secretary- country) to the
General of the United Nations
United Nations
the Minister for to acknowledge
Foreign Affairs (the) receipt of
of (name of his note No. 17
country) of 10 December
the Permanent
The Secretariat Mission of (name
of the United Na- of country) to the to refer to its
tions presents his (its) United Nations and has note dated 14
compliments to the honour November 19
the Secretary-
The Permanent General of the
Representative to United Nations
the United Na-
tions the Permanent to transmit here-
Representatives with the
(and Permanent programme of
Observers) to the activities in ...
United Nations

the Secretary-
General of the
The Permanent United Nations
Mission to the
United Nations the Permanent to inform them
Missions (and that ...
Offices of
Observers) to the
United Nations

The Secretary- the credentials of repre-

(General of the sentatives and the names
United Nations of alternate representatives
and advisers could
be submitted to him not
less than twenty-four hours before
The Secretariat of the the first meeting.
United Nations
be grateful the names of the representatives who
if appreciate it if will attend the session could be
communicated to the
Secretary-General as
soon as possible.

The Permanent
Representative to the the Secretary-General
United Nations would have this note circulated as an
official document of the General
Assembly under item 21 of the

to extend (renew) to the

Permanent Representative to the
avails himself United Nations (to the Ministry of
(itself) of the Foreign Affairs) the assurance(s) of
The Permanent opportunity his (its)
Mission to the highest consideration.
United Nations
Interoffice memoranda are used for correspondence within the Secretariat.
They are appropriate for correspondence both within a given duty station and with
other duty stations. They are used to record facts, decisions or opinions to which
reference may be necessary later, to make or respond to proposals or to convey
information. They are incorporated in the official files kept by individual
departments or offices.
Each memorandum should normally deal with one subject only. Where a
memorandum requires supporting analysis or detailed statistical information, these
should be set out in an annex.
Interoffice memoranda should be prepared on letter-size paper headed
They may be written in English or French.
Opposite the printed word "To", the name of the addressee preceded by
"Mr.", "Mrs.", "Miss" or "Ms" should be typed, followed by his or her official title.
The section, division and department should be typed below the name.
Memoranda addressed to more than one person may be prepared in any of
the following forms, as appropriate:
( a) The names and titles, followed by the names of the division or section
and the department or office, in abbreviated form if necessary, may be typed, one
under the other, in the space opposite the word "To". If the sender and the
addressee(s) are in the same department, the department is mentioned only once.
This applies also to the forms indicated in subparagraphs (b) and (d) below. If the
word "Through" is not applicable, it may be deleted to provide extra space. The
original should be sent to the senior addressee and copies to the other addressees;
(b)The names and titles, followed by the name of the division or section and
of the department or office, in abbreviated form if necessary, may be given on a
separate page, in which case the words "See attached list" should be typed opposite
the word "To";
(c) a memorandum may be addressed to groups of addressees, such as "All
directors and chiefs of section", and reproduced in ditto or in any other appropriate
(d)a memorandum may, if there are many addressees, be typed on ditto, with
the name of the addressees given in a separate list as in subparagraph (b) above;
(e) a memorandum may be typed once, with the name omitted tiller "To". It
may then be photocopied and the names may be inserted on each of the copies.
Where desirable, the list of addressees may be attached.
When a memorandum is sent through an intermediary, the name of I he
intermediary, normally preceded by "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Miss" or "Ms" and followed
by the official title, should be typed after the word "Through". The section,
division and department should appear on the next line, with the department in
abbreviated form if space is not sufficient. If the sender and addressee are in the
same department, the department may be omitted from the address of the sender.
After the printed word "From" the name of the sender (without "Mr.",
"Mrs.", "Miss" or "Ms") should be typed, followed by the senders official title. The
section or division and the department should appear on the next line.
A concise statement of the subject matter should appear opposite the printed
word "Subject". The subject should be typed in lowercase letters with an initial
capital for the first word and in single spacing. It should be underlined completely,
whether on one line or more. If any of the elements mentioned above is too long to
fit on one line, the text may be continued, indented two spaces, on a second line.
The date - given in the form "29 June 19 " - and the reference number
should be entered in the appropriate spaces provided on the right-hand side of the
If a memorandum is confidential and/or personal, the word
AND CONFIDENTIAL" should appear one and one-half spa* below the word
On all carbon copies the initials of the drafting official, upper-case letters
followed by an oblique line and the initial: the typist, also in upper-case letters, e.
g. AB/CD, should be typed ending two spaces from the upper right-hand corner of
the page.
When two or more persons collaborate in the drafting of memorandum, the
initials of all of the persons concerned should be given, those of the person having
primary responsibility being given first, e. g. AB/CD/EF. If a person makes minor
changes on draft prepared by someone else, his or her initials should not appear.
The left-hand margin should normally be aligned with the printed word
"Subject" (see exhibit 62). If the memorandum is short, the margin may, for
aesthetic reasons, be aligned with the first lei It of the typewritten indication of the
subject (see exhibit 63). The right-hand margin is of about 15 spaces when the left-
hand margin is aligned with the first letter of the word "Subject", and of about 20
spaces when the memorandum is short and the left-hand margin is aligned with the
first letter of the typewritten indication of the subject.
The text of a memorandum should begin four or more line below the last
line of the subject, depending on the length of the memorandum. Single spacing is
normally used, although short memoranda (15 lines or less) may be typed in one-
and-one-half spacing.
Interoffice memoranda should be signed or initialled either beside the name
of the sender at the top of the page or at the end of the text. (From "United Nations
Correspondence Manual")



TO: Mr. (name), Chairman DATE: 10 February 19_

A: Working Committee, REFERENCE:
Publications Board

THROUGH: Ms (name), Secretary

S/CDE: Working Committee, Publications Board
FROM: (name), Director
DE Publishing Division Department of Conference
SUBJECT: Transborder Data Flows

1. In reply to your memorandum of 20 January 19___ referring to the financial

implications for external typesetting of the above publication in French and
Spanish for internal reproduction, we have prepared the cost estimate.

2. The volumes are estimated at 220 pages each. The French typesetting estimate is
$ 12,000, which includes the preparation of .art work for figures and maps. The
Spanish estimate is $ 10,500; however, the translations would have to be submitted
simultaneously in order to prepare both French and Spanish artwork together.

Копию к:……………………………..
(multiple addressees,
addressed as groups)



TO: All Directors, Chiefs DATE: 27 April 19__

A: of Service and Chiefs of Section REFERENCE:

FROM: (name), Under-Secretary-General
DE: for Conference Services and Special Assignments
SUBJECT: Statistical Unit

As from 1 May 19___ , the departmental Statistical Unit (heretofore the Central
Programming, Unit of the Executive Office) will report to the Chief, Documents

1. Read the text and answer the checkup questions1. What is the medium for
internal correspondence within the UN Secretariat? 2. What subjects require
interoffice memoranda? 3. When are they generally used? 4. Who are they usually
addressed to? 5. How many subjects are normally dealt with in each
memorandum? 6. What is the basic outline of an interoffice memorandum? 7.
What is the correct form of the date in interoffice memoranda?
II Complete the following sentences using the required information limn the above

1. Interoffice memoranda are used for.... 2. Each memorandum should deal

with ... . 3. It should be prepared on... . 4. The memorandum may be addressed to...
. 5. If the sender and the addressee(s) are in the same department, ... . 6. When a
memorandum is sent through an intermediary ... 7. The text of a memorandum
should begin....

III. Decipher the following Latin abbreviations consulting Appendix l if necessary

i.q e. d.; 1. с; loc. cit; 1. s.; NB; op. c; op. cit; р. а; К. Э. Д.

IV. Study the texts in exhibits 62 and 63, comment on their style and

Ви. Summarize the following in English taking note of the words and
phrases in bold type.
To the Under-Secretary for Conference Services

1. You asked for our comments and advice on the subject of protection of l
United Nations cultural property in the event of an armed conflict, in particular as
it related to the United Nations Office at Geneva.
The question of the applicability to the United Nations of the Convention for
the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of an Armed Conflict appeared,
upon examination, to be one of considerable complexity
In order to clarify the various matters involved, we decided to seek I he
advice of Unesco, under whose auspices the Convention was concluded and which
under the Convention has certain special responsibilities in regard to its

2. Our observations would be as follows:

(i) Because under the Convention "cultural property" covers property

"irrespective of origin or ownership», United Nations cultural property is already
protected, under Chapter I of the Convention, in those Slates which are Parties to
the Convention.

(ii) Article 3 of the Convention states that "The High Contracting Parties
undertake to prepare in time of peace for the safeguarding of cultural property
situated within their own territory against the foreseeable effects of an armed
conflict, by taking such measures as they consider appropriate". There may be
advantage for the United Nations Office at Geneva to retain contacts in this
connection with the Swiss authorities, in order to be informed of the measures of
protection envisaged or adopted by Switzerland.
It would appear however to us that the United Nations itself should take
the precautionary measures which it may deem fit while keeping tin-Swiss
authorities informed in appropriate circumstances.
3. In the light of all relevant factors, our opinion would be that while we
should remain in contact with Switzerland and possibly other host States Parties to
the Convention as to the measures they are taking under the Convention and make
them aware, at appropriate times, of the problem which the utilization for military
purposes of areas surrounding United Nations buildings may present for the
Organization, we should not, in the present circumstances, seek "special
protection" under the Convention.
Our position in this respect is motivated by the general attitude the United
Nations has to preserve as regards the admissibility of armed conflicts, the
responsibilities it has with respect to the maintenance of international peace and
security, and the fact that we may assume that the Organization's buildings and
belongings would presumably be respected to the extent possible in case of an
armed conflict, because of their very nature and purposes.

VI. Write an interoffice memorandum on behalf of the Director of Radio and

Visual Services Division using the information below. See exhibits 58 and 59.

Addressees: ALL Staff RVSD/DPI.

Date: 15 July 19 ...
Reference: DPI 1542 (1-2).
Subject: Reports on conferences, seminars and meetings away from Headquarters.

RVS staff members officially assigned to conferences, seminars and

meetings away from Headquarters are reminded of their responsibility to submit
post-mission reports to the Office of the Director upon their return. The reports are
requested within one week of the end of the conference.
VII. Study the different uses of numbers in UN communications. Some of the
principal rules are given below.

1. In general, numbers under 10 should be expressed in words: numbers from 10

on should be expressed in figures except when they begin a sentence. In statistical
texts, however, numerals should be used exclusively.
2. Numerals rather than words should be used in referring to a chapter or section of
a document (e. g., chapter V, paragraph 4). Care should be taken to distinguish
between the Roman and Arabic numerals appropriate hi such cases.
3. Sums of money and decimals are normally given in Arabic numerals, is in
$ 6.50. The appropriate currency symbol should be given: for example, Jamaican
dollars should be abbreviated $ "J", the symbol preceding the indication of the
4. Main Committees of the General Assembly are numbered by ordinals (e.g., the
First Committee). Arabic numerals are used in the recording of voles, except for
zero (e. g., the draft resolution was adopted by 12 votes to none, with 1 abstention).
5. The numbers of sessions of the General Assembly or of the Councils are spelt
out (e. g., the thirty-eighth session), but the numbers of meetings не given in
figures (e. g., the 9th meeting).
6. Percentages should be expressed in figures, and the words "per cent" should
normally be written out. The sign may be used in tables, but only
7. Dates are given in the form: 4 January 1997, not January 4, 1997. Forms such as
4/1/97 are not used in official correspondence because of differences in usage
regarding the positions of the numerals indicating the day and the month. Time is
indicated as follows: 10.25 a. m., not 10: 25 a. m...

VIII. * Translate into English.

1) взносы членов-сотрудников в размере 60% от минимальной нормы; 2) на

93% больше, чем в 1995-1996 г.г.; 3) нота от 10 декабря 1998 года; 4)
повестка дня тридцать второй сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН; 5)
резолюция 478 Совета Безопасности от 20 августа 1990 года; 6) резолюция
1514 (XV) Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН от 14 декабря 1960 года; 7) сорок
вторая сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН.
IX. Speak on the means of correspondence within the UN Secretariat.


One major and, in fact, increasingly important aspect of diplomatic work is

the drafting of diplomatic documents.
There are many different forms of official diplomatic documents. A
considerable proportion consists of documents that are of a purely
intradepartmental nature. Another category of diplomatic documents are those
through which official international intercourse goes on in written form. Such
documents express the position of n state on a particular question of international
affairs. Some of them are confidential by virtue of specific circumstances (there are
even oral messages or oral statements whose contents are read out but not officially
handed over to the addressees).
A large number of diplomatic documents are never published owing to the
insignificance of their subject matter (for instance, notes requesting visas).But a
fairly large proportion of diplomatic documents, particularly those relating to
important international problems, are made public.
Until recently diplomatic practice distinguished the following five forms of
written official communications:
(1) personal notes, (2) verbal notes (notes verbales), (3) aides-memoire, (4)
memoranda, and (5) semi-official letters.
A personal note takes the form of a letter drawn up in the first person on
behalf of its signatory. It begins with a salutation and ends with a complimentary
phrase, that is, a standard expression of polite respect.

A verbal note is considered to be the most commonly used form of

diplomatic communication. It is drawn up in the third person and is not usually
signed. It begins and ends with standard formulas of courtesy.
Some handbooks on diplomatic practice, notably the fundamental book by
Ernest Satow, do not name personal notes as an
independent form of diplomatic communication, but simply refer in "notes". It is,
however, stipulated that a note may be either in the first or in the third person.[ ... ].
In diplomatic practice it is now common to distinguish between personal
notes and verbal notes, the former being a note drawn up in the first person and
signed, and the latter being drawn up in the third person and either initialled or left
Until fairly recently the choice of the form of a note, signed or unsigned, was
regarded as a definite indication of the state of Millions between the countries
concerned. Nowadays verbal notes have become part and parcel of the
international intercourse, and no one would now regard a verbal note sent to an
embassy as a display of any ill will.
The aide-memoire. Diplomatic practice knows two types of aides-memoire:
(a) handed over personally and (b) delivered by a courier. The purpose of
transmitting an aide-memoire is to facilitate the further progress of a transaction
and to prevent the subject of a personal conversation or an oral statement from
being misinter-preted or misunderstood.
A memorandum may be a separate and independent document or it may be
appended to a personal note or a verbal note. In the
latter case the memorandum elaborates and justifies the subject
matter dealt with in the note. The distinguishing feature of a
memorandum is a detailed exposition of the factual or legal aspects
of a particular question.
In describing the memorandum, Ernest Satow notes that this form of
diplomatic document is often a detailed statement of facts, and of arguments based
thereon, not differing essentially from a note, except that it does not begin or end
with a formula of courtesy, and need not be signed, but it may be convenient to
accompany it with a short covering note. In earlier times these were often termed
deduction or expose de motifs.
Semi-official, or informal, letters are sent to officials, with whom one is
acquainted, in cases involving personal favours (thanks for an invitation, a request
for assistance) or relating to administrative matters.
Most forms of diplomatic documents contain the following components, or
a)protocol formulas;
с) аргументация;
d)exposition of the fact or facts.

Included under the heading of "protocol formulas" are the proper titling of
the person addressed, an expression of respect for the addressee at the beginning
and the complimentary phrase which concludes the document. Protocol formulas
are used in personal messages of heads of government or state, personal notes,
verbal notes, and aides-memoire delivered by a courier (the latter form has almost
completely gone out of use). Other forms of diplomatic documents contain no
protocol formulas.
As the name itself suggests, the purport is the principal part of a diplomatic
document. In extent it may be very short as compared with the other parts. Yet it is
the purport that carries the main idea of the document and is, in fact, a concentrated
expression of a state's position on the main issue under discussion. To point out the
purport correctly means to correctly grasp the meaning of n diplomatic document.
By their content diplomatic documents, whatever their form (notes, declarations,
aides-memoire, etc.), may be classified as follows:
a)documents containing proposals;
b)documents registering a protest;
c)documents warning of possible measures of retaliation;
d)documents establishing a political or international legal position in respect of an
act committed by another state or states or in respect of an international event;
e) documents announcing measures contemplated or implemented, which are of
international significance;
f) documents recording an agreement or a degree of accord reached.

Naturally, this classification is in some respect conditional, since in practice

any diplomatic document may combine several of the above -mentioned
characteristics. Even in that case, however, one of the meanings seems to be
It is customary in diplomatic correspondence to observe the rules of tact and
politeness, to avoid harsh expressions wounding in to the dignity of the country to
which a diplomatic document is addressed. (From "Modern Diplomacy" by

Trade Representative to
Deputy Minister for
Foreign Affairs

Washington, June 1, 19_

Mr. Deputy Minister:

In connection with the Agreement on Trade Relations Between Blame of

country) and (name of country) ("Agreement") to be signed today, I have the honor
to confirm the understanding reached by our Governments as follows:
Upon the extension of most-favored-nation treatment by (name ill country)
to (name of country) in accordance with the terms of said Agreement, and after the
date on which a note from the
Government of (name of country) is delivered to the Government <>l (name of
country) stating that the Government of (name of country) has, accordingly, made
available most-favored-nation treatment for (name of country) no less favorable
than that provided in an Agreement Between the Governments of (name of
country) and (name of country) Regarding Trade signed on October 18, 19__, the
balance of $674,000,000 in payment of lend lease accounts shall become due,
and shall be paid, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement
Between the Government of (name of country) and the Government
of (name of country) Regarding Settlement of Lend Lease, Reciprocal Aid and
Claims, signed October 18, 19_.
The Government of (name of country) undertakes not to deliver the
diplomatic note referred to above until export credits, guarantees and insurance
through the Export-Import Bank and other similar credits for the purchase of
American goods are available to (name of country) on terms appropriate to the
transactions, in accordance with the exchange of letters between Mr. ... and Mr. ...
dated May 15, 19_.
I have the further honor to propose that this letter and your letter of
confirmation in reply shall constitute an agreement between our two Governments.

United States Trade

The Honorable ...

Minister for Foreign Economic
Minister for Foreign Affairs to
Minister for Foreign Affairs

Reference: 25 April 19___

Dear Mr. Minister,

The Government of (name of the State) hereby adopts the Helsinki Final
Act, the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, and all other documents of the
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
The Government of (name of the State) accepts in their entirety nil
commitments and responsibilities contained in those documents, all let declares its
determination to act in accordance with their provisions.
Concerning the Vienna Document on Conference - and Security-Building
Measures, the Government of (name of the State) agrees to apply all the provisions
of the Vienna Document on CSBMs, and to an understanding that geographic
scope of its application should be revised as soon as possible in order to ensure full
effect of the rules of transparency, predictability and conflict prevention on its
territory. Specific provisions on the above will be negotiated in the CSBM
Negotiations and included in the Vienna Document 1992.
The Government of (name of the State) recognizes the requirement for
prompt entry into force of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe. To
that end, the Government of (name of the state) underlines the need for States with
territory in the CFE area of application to undertake to move forward promptly
with the
ratification of the CFE Treaty and to assure, in cooperation with other relevant
newly independent States, all CFE obligations of the former Soviet Union.
The Government of (name of the State) invites and will fully facilitate the
visit of a Rapporteur Mission to be arranged by the Chairman of the Council of
Ministers of the CSCE. This Mission will report to the participating States on
progress in (name of the State) toward full implementation of CSCE commitments
and provide assistance toward that objective.
The Government of (name of the State) will concur in the admission of all
other States established on the territory of the former Soviet Union as full
participating States.
The Government of (name of the State) expresses its readiness for signature
of the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris by the Head of State or
Government of (name of the State) at the earliest convenience.
I kindly ask you, Mr. Minister, to circulate copies of this teller to all
representatives of the participating States of the CSCE Council of Ministers.
Please accept, Mr. Minister, the assurances of my highest consideration.


His Excellency
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(Name of country)
(Note Verbale)
Ambassador to Chiefs
of Mission in the
diplomatic corps
of a host country
(name of country)

The Ambassador of ...presents his compliments to Their Excellencies and

Messieurs the Chiefs of Mission in ...and has the honour to inform them that
Mr. ... has been designated Third Secretary of Embassy and has assumed his
duties. Mr. ... is accompanied by his wife and they will reside at ________.

(city), (date)


(Note Verbale) Embassy to Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
EMBASSY OF (name of country)
IN (city)

The Embassy of... presents its compliments to the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs of... and has the honour to present to the Ministry,
и enclosure, a notification of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of...
regarding the Conventions concluded at the Hague on 18 October
19__ during the Second International Peace Conference.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of ... the assurances of its highest consideration.
(city), (date)


OF (name of country)

(Note Verbale)
Ministry of Foreign
Affairs to Embassy
(a note requesting visas)


OF (name of country)
No. ___

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of (name of country) presents its;

compliments to the Embassy of (name of country) and has the honour to request
the Embassy to issue multiple visas to (names) who need to visit (name of country)
on multiple occasions associated with tin Peace Corps Mission.
The Ministry thanks the Embassy in advance for complying with this
(city), (date)

(Name of country)
I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

l. What is the role of diplomatic correspondence among other forms of the

diplomatic activity of a state? 2. What are the main forms of written

official communications between states? 3. What is the difference between a

personal note and a verbal note? 4. What is an aide-memoire? 5. What is the
difference between "a memorandum" as a form of diplomatic correspondence
between states and "an interoffice memorandum" as a form of UN
communications? 6. What are the main component parts of most forms of
diplomatic communications between states? 7. How are the diplomatic documents
classified with regard to their content?

II* Fill in each blank with the suitable word or expression from the above text.

1. A considerable proportion of diplomatic documents are of purely...

nature. 2. A takes the form of a letter drawn up in the first person on behalf of
its ... . 3. The term ... correspondence covers letters exchanged between specific
persons dealing with administrative matters. 4. A is drawn up in the third person
and is neither addressed nor signed; it should, however, terminate with a formula
of courtesy. 5. The purpose of transmitting an … to prevent the subject of a
personal conversation or an oral statement from being misinterpreted or
misunderstood. 6. The distinguishing feature of a ... is a detailed exposition of the
factual or legal aspects of a particular question. 7. Included under the heading
of, ..." are the proper titling of the person addressed, an expression of for the ... at
the beginning and the ... phrase which concludes the document

III. Define the following terms in English consulting the Glossary of I Diplomatic
Terms if necessary.

attaché, counsellor, diplomatic pouch, dispatch, doyen, espris de corps, mission.

IV. Study the texts in exhibits 64 and 68, point out words and phrases
pertaining to the formal or informal style.

Ви. Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

I) to accept all commitments and responsibilities contained in; 2) to act in
accordance with the provisions of; 3) to confirm the understanding reached; 4) to
deliver the diplomatic note referred to above; 5) to express one’s readiness for
signature of; 6) to issue multiple visas to; 7) to have

the further honour to propose that; 8) to declare one's determination in act; 9) to

recognize the requirement for prompt entry into force of the treaty on; 10) to
undertake to move forward promptly.

VI* Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest then Russian

a circular ~ ; an official ~ ; a personal ~ ; a reply ~ ; a verbal ~ (a ~ verbale); an
exchange of ~ s; the substance of a ~ ; a ~ requesting visas; to present a ~ .

a business ~; a diplomatic ~; an entry ~; an exchange visitor ~; an exit ~; a multiple
~; an official (service) ~; a tourist ~; a transit ~; a valid ~; to apply for a ~; to
cancel a ~; to deny a ~; to extend the validity of a ~; to grant a ~; to issue a ~; to
make an application for a ~; to prolong tin1 validity of a ~; to refuse a ~.

VII. Suggest the English for:

1) въездная виза; 2) выездная виза; 3) действительная виза; 4) многократная

виза; 5) ответная нота; 6) обмен нотами; 7) запросить (запрашивать) визу; 8)
обратиться с нотой; 9) отказать в визе; 10) продлить визу.

VIII. Account for the use of verb-forms in the sentences below.

1. The Republic of... suggests that the item "On Some Urgent Measures to Reduce
the Danger of War" be included in the agenda of the next session of the United
Nations General Assembly. 2. The Republic of... now proposes that the following
urgent measures for the lessening of war danger be taken. 3. The Republic of...
proposes that all states refrain from building up their armed forces and
conventional armaments as a first step towards their subsequent reduction. 4. To
facilitate the attainment of this aim, the Republic of ... proposes that all states in
possession of nuclear weapons refrain for a certain time from nuclear explosions
and make appropriate statements to this effect. 5. I request, Mr. Secretary-General,
that this letter be regarded as a memorandum and be circulated as an official
document of the United Nations General Assembly.

IX. Make up a few sentences following the model.

Model. The Republic of … deems it necessary and possible, given the political will
of the powers concerned, to work out a Treaty on Complete and General
Prohibition of Nuclear Weapon Tests.

X. Translate the following phrases into Russian. Mind that “given (smth)”
corresponds to the Russian “при наличии”, “при условии”, “если имеется” or
“если учесть”.

given a free choice; given the opportunity; given a good will on the part of other
states; given favourable market conditions; given the necessary prerequisites;
given the political will of the powers concerned.

XI. Read and reproduce the following:


The recognized terms given below designate the different parts of

correspondence. E. Satow used French terms without translating them. The current
English term is used below and its French translation has been added in

(i) Salutation (Appel) – the salutation indicates the official title of the
addressee, e.g., Sir, My dear Ambassador, etc.
(ii) Title of address (Traitement) – this is the courtesy title given to the
addressee, e.g., Your Majesty, Excellency, etc.
(iii) Complimentary close (Courtoisie) – this is the term of politeness used in
ending letters. The terms vary according to the nature of the correspondence.
(iv) Signature – authenticates the document. The name of the authorized
signatory is usually typed at the end of the communication.
(v) Date – this should include the place at which the letter is written and the
day of the month and year. These details should never be abbreviated.
(vi) Address (Reclame, Adresse) – the full name, title and address of the
addressee are placed either at the top or bottom of the first page of the
communication depending upon its nature (Reclame), and reproduced on the
envelope (Adresse).

(From “Diplomatic Ceremonial and Protocol” by J. Wood & J. Serres)

XII. Study the traditional protocol formulas of diplomatic correspondence between




The following forms apply:

United States United Kingdom

Salutation: Title and Spoken Excellency Your Excellency

Address: Your Excellency Your Excellency

Complimentary Close: Accept, Excellency, the I have the honour to be, with
assurances of my highest the highest consideration, your
consideration Excellency's obedient Servant



To a Minister for Foreign Affair

Salutation: Title and Spoken Excellency Your Excellency

Address: You or Your Excellency You or Your Excellency

Complimentary Accept, Excellency, the I have the honour to be,
Close: (renewed) assurances of with the highest consi
highest consideration deration, Your Excellency's
obedient Servant

To a Foreign Ambassador, Minister Plenipotentiary, Head of Mission

Salutation: Title and Spoken Sir/Madam Sir/Madam

Address: Excellency Your Excellency

Complimentary Accept, Excellency, the I have the honour to be,

Close: assurances of my highest with high consideration, Your
consideration Excellency's obedient Servant



Correspondence between Ministers for Foreign Affairs and their representatives in

foreign countries vary from nation to nation.
For dispatches, the US Department of State and the British Foreign Office follow,
in general, the same practice.
Correspondence between the British Foreign Office and its posts abroad In carried
on in the form of dispatches and letters.
The traditional forms of dispatch are:

To an Ambassador (man)

United States United Kingdom

Salutation: Sir (formal) My dear Sir (My Lord)

Title of Address: You You or Your Excellency

or,Your Lordship
(the last two when
Complimentary Close: Very truly yours I am, with great truth and
respect, Sir (My Lord),
Your Excellency's obedient

To an Ambassador (woman)
Solution Madam or My dear Your Excellency
Madam Ambassador

Title of Address: You Your Excellency


Complimentary Close: Very truly yours I am, with great truth and
respect, Madam, Your
Excellency's obedient Servant

To a Minister

Salutation: Sir Sir

Complimentary Close: Very truly yours I am, with great truth, Sir (My
Lord), Your obedient Servant

To a Charge d'Affaires

Salutation: Sir Sir

Complimentary Close: Very truly yours I am, with great truth, Sir (My
Lord), Your obedient Servant

To a Consul-General or Consul

Salutation: Sir Sir

Complimentary Close: Very truly yours I am, with great truth Your
obedient Servant



Solution Sir Sir (My Lord), or My Lord

Title and Spoken Address: You You or Your Lordship
Complimentary Close: Very truly yours I have the honour to hr with
the highest respect. Sir (My
Lord), Yom (Lordship's)
obedient Servant

(From "Diplomatic Ceremonial and Protocol" by J.Wood & J.Serres)

XII.* Suggest the Russian for:

1) Your Excellency; 2) My Lord; 3) Excellency; 4) Your Lordship; 5) My

Lord Marquis; 6) My dear Madam Ambassador; 7) Very truly yours; 8)Accept ,
Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration; 9) I have the honour to be
with the highest consideration, your Excellency's obedient Servant; 10) I am, with
great truth and respect, Sir, Your Excellency’s obedient Servant; 11) I have the
honour to be, with the highest respect, My Lord, Your Lordship's obedient Servant;
12) I am, with great truth and respect, Madam, Your Excellency's obedient

XIV. Give the appropriate complimentary close to match each salutation below:

My Lord; Excellency; Your Excellency; My dear Ambassador; My Lord Marquis;

Madam; Your Lordship; My dear Madam Ambassador.

XV. Identify the type of diplomatic communication translates into English.


Российской Федерации

Уважаемый Господин Министр,

Имею честь сообщить Вам, что сегодня я выезжаю на

непродолжительный срок в Москву и что на время моего отсутствия (имя и
фамилия), Советник Посольства, будет возглавлять Посольство в качестве
Временного Поверенного в делах Российской Федерации.
Прошу Вас, Господин Министр, принять заверения в моём высоком
Посол Российской Федерации

'Господину (имя и фамилия)

Министру иностранных дел
(название страны)

XVI. Translate into English using the suggested words and phrases.

Министерство иностранных дел

(название страны)
2 сентября 19__ года.

Уважаемый господин Генеральный секретарь,

Имею честь уведомить Вас о принятии Правительством (названа

страны) Европейского соглашения о международных магистральны
железнодорожных линиях от 31 мая 19 года со следующей оговоркой
(with the following reservation):
"(название страны) не считает себя связанной (bound by) статьёй
Европейского соглашения о международных магистральных
железнодорожных линиях от 31 мая 19 года и заявляет, что для передачи
арбитрам (to submit to arbitration) любого спора межи. договаривающимися
сторонами относительно толкования или применения Европейского
соглашения (interpretation or application of an agreement) необходимо в
каждом отдельном случае согласие всех сторон, участвующих в споре (parties
to the dispute), и что арбитрами могут являться лишь лица, назначенные
участниками спора с их общего согласия (by common consent)."
В соответствии со статьей 13 Европейского соглашения сообщаю, что
предложения о внесении поправок (amendments) в приложении к этому
Соглашению следует направлять по адресу (should be addressed to):....
Прошу Вас (I should like to request You), господин Генеральные
секретарь, рассматривать данное письмо в качестве официально! документа о
принятии (название страны) упомянутого выше Соглашения.

С уважением,
Министр иностранных
дел (название страны)

Его Превосходительству,
Генеральному секретарю
Объединённых Наций
г. Нью-Йорк, США

XVII. Memorize the following French abbreviations used in the visiting

cards of diplomats.

Р.С. pour condoleances выражение соболезнования

ФПП pour fete поздравление по случаю праздника
ПВК pour faire connaissance выражение удовольствия от
P.F.N. a pour feliciter а l'occasion поздравление по случаю Нового года
du Nouvel An
РРР pour presentation представление

P.P.C. pour prendre conge прощание при последнем визите

РR pour remercier выражение благодарности

P.R.V. pour rendre visite о нанесении визита
R.S.V.P repondez s'il vous plait просьба ответить

XVIII. Translate into English:

Уважаемый г-н Министр,

В настоящем письме правительство (название государства) заявляет

О споём принятии хельсинкского Заключительного акта, Парижской
хартии для новой Европы, а также всех остальных документов
Совещания по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе.
Правительство (название государства) берёт на себя в полном объёме
иге обязательства и ответственность, оговоренные в этих документах, и
заявляет о своём намерении действовать в соответствии содержащимися в
них положениями.
В связи с Венским документом по мерам укрепления доверия и
безопасности правительство (название государства) согласно применять все
положения Венского документа по мерам укрепления доверия и

безопасности и разделяет понимание того, что географические рамки

применения Венского документа должны быть, как можно скоро
пересмотрены, с тем, чтобы добиться полной гарантии применении на его
территории правил транспарентности, предсказуемости и предотвращения
конфликтов. Конкретные положения, касающиеся вышеупомянутого
вопроса, будут обсуждены на переговорах по МДЬ и включены в Венский
документ 1992 года.

Правительство (название государства) готово к тому, чтобы глава
государства или правительства (название государства) в ближайшее удобное
время подписал хельсинкский Заключительный акт и Парижскую хартию.
Прошу Вас, г-н Министр, распространить копии этого письма и Совете
министров СБСЕ среди всех представителей государств участников.
Примите, г-н Министр, заверения в моём высоком уважении.

Искренне Ваш,

XIX. Study the texts in exhibits 64 to 68, point out words and phrases
pertaining to the formal or informal style. Compare them with exhibits 52 to 57

XX. Define the term "note", as seen in the text below.


Regulations, which differ from one country to another, prescribe the forms
of official correspondence that may be exchanged between diplomatic missions
and national authorities and of personal correspondence between diplomats and the
same authorities.
It is the responsibility of the head of each mission to decide what
forms of correspondence his mission shall use in dealing with the authorities of the
country where he exercises his functions. He will be guided
by local protocol and custom. In general, correspondence is replied to in
the same form as that used by the correspondent.
The general term "note" covers traditionally all formal correspondence
exchanged between diplomatic missions and the governments of the

countries where they are situated. Notes can be in the first or third person form,
formal or informal.
In the same capital, diplomatic missions often employ different practices.
Some heads of mission sign all formal correspondence (notes, notes verbales,
aides-memoire) and affix the official seal thereto, while others merely initial them.
Affixing the seal of the mission is not generally practiced.
British diplomatic missions use only two kinds of formal notes: "the first
person" note, and the "third person" note, with a preference for the former since the
impersonal note is often considered to be not sufficiently flexible.
The "first person" note begins with: Your Excellency (Sir) and ends with the
usual courtesy ending: / have the honour... etc. and the signature.
The other kind of note uses the following form:
Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (or The British
Ambassador, as the case may be), presents his compliments to... and has the
honour... etc.
There is no courtesy ending.
The only other form of formal communication used is the aide-memoire or
memorandum, which is a written statement handed over in the course of a personal
discussion with the aim of recording, for the convenience of the other party, the
details of a possibly complicated matter.
In the American diplomatic service the custom is to use, under the name of
diplomatic correspondence, first person, third person, formal or informal style
form. The different types of notes are distinguished by the form of salutation and
the complimentary close currently used, and by the style of the signature.
Notes verbales, in the third form, are prepared in the name of the Secretary
of State and initialed. Initialed memoranda are prepared in the mime of the
Department of State. Aides-memoire, as well as pro-memoria, the object of which
is to record a matter discussed, either formal or Informal, are initialed. Third
person notes are dated and initialed and do not give the address of the recipient.
(From "Diplomatic Ceremonial and Protocol" by J. Wood & J. Serres).

XXI Suggest the English for:

Министерство Иностранных дел …свидетельствует своё уважение

Посольству ... и имеет честь заявить следующее; просит выдать въездные-
выездные визы; по поручению . . . правительства заявляет

следующее; в связи с нотой Посольства ... от 15 апреля 19 имеет

честь заявить следующее; Министерство.. . заранее выражает благодарность
Посольству ... за удовлетворение настоящей просьбы; Посольство . . .
пользуется этим случаем, чтобы вновь засвидетельствовать своё уважение
Министерству иностранных дел ....

XXII. Translate the following notes into Russian paying attention to the words and
phrases in bold type. Comment on their differences and similarities.


The Embassy of the Republic of ... presents its compliments to the Protocol
Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of... and has the honour to inform
the latter that His Excellency Mr. X., Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary, returned to Moscow today and resumed charge of the Embassy.
The Embassy of the Republic of... avails itself of the opportunity to renew
to the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of... the assurances
of its highest consideration.

12 August 19___

Protocol Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy present their compliments to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of... and have the honour to inform the Ministry that the Bill
extending the United Kingdom Territorial Sea received the Royal Assent on 15
May 19__ and from that date the United Kingdom Territorial Sea will extend for
twelve miles. The Embassy would be grateful if this notice could be brought to
the attention of the relevant... authorities. The Embassy avail themselves of this
opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the assurance of their
highest consideration.

British Embassy
(city) ,
28 July 19

XXIII. Study the passages below identifying the parts of a note they
belong to.

1. The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments In the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of... and has the honour to inform the latter that
Colonel X. has been appointed as United States Military Attaché, his service
record being attached.
2. Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth
Affairs presents his compliments to Their Excellencies and Messieurs the Heads of
Diplomatic Missions of... and has the honour to bring to their attention the
following matter... .
3. The Embassy would be grateful to the Ministry for any assistance it could render
in promoting such cooperation.
4. The Embassy of... presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of... and has the honour to inform it that His Excellency, Mr. X., Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, has temporarily left the country. During his
absence, Mr. Y. will be in charge of the Embassy in the capacity of Charge
5.Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy has the honour to inform the Ministry that Her
Majesty's Ambassador, Sir ... , has returned to ... and resumed charge of the

XXIV. Translate into English:

(название страны)

Посольство (название страны) свидетельствует своё уважение

Министерству иностранных дел (название страны) и имеет честь
подтвердить получение ноты Министерства за № 5/1 от 20 апреля 19_
и поблагодарить за содержащуюся в ней информацию об изменениях в
Правительстве (название страны).
Посольство пользуется этим случаем, чтобы возобновить Мини-
стерству уверения в своём самом высоком уважении.


21 апреля 19___ года

(печать Посольства)

иностранных дел
(название страны)
XXV. Précis the following text in about one-half of its size.

Communications on foreign policy issues vary widely both in form and

content. They may be oral and written: personal notes, verbal notes, aides-
memoire, and manifestos; inquiries, reservations of rights, pro tests, or ultimatums.
A diplomatic protest is a communication in itself, which is usually directed
by one government to another. Strictly speaking, such international bodies as the
United Nations Organization or the Red Cross, which have a special status in
international public law, are eligible to send and receive protests, while private
organizations or individuals cannot protest in any recognized diplomatic way.
The communication must be transmitted through regular diplomatic
channels. This usually implies a message going directly from one head of state to
another or a message proceeding by way of the respective Foreign Offices.
Therefore, a presidential message to Congress, a Congressional resolution, a
decision of the Supreme Court, or a complaint by the Department of Commerce
cannot be regarded as a diplomatic protest.
At the receiving end, protests addressed to governmental agencies other than
the Foreign Office have no standing until they are referred to that Office. Regular
diplomatic channels include not only the foreign minister but also his agents
abroad: ambassadors, ministers, special emissaries, and in some cases consuls.
Accredited diplomats may accept protests for reference to the home government
and may initiate protests which have full validity unless repudiated by superiors.
Consuls, military commanders in the field, and local political authorities are
sometimes authorized channels.
Diplomatic protests need not be severe in tone. They may be mild and
friendly or sharp and hostile. The word "protest" need not appear in the
communication: the idea may be conveyed through varying phraseology
("demand", "insist", "earnestly insist", etc. all convey the idea of strength), as it is
the substance, not the language that really matters.
As to its substance, diplomatic protest is in the nature of a complaint.
It expresses dissatisfaction with an official action or policy of the government to
which it is addressed. Such policy or action may comprise public programmers or
measures, like legislation or executive decrees concerning tariffs, immigration,
commercial regulations, etc.

Of utmost importance as a distinguishing feature of protest is the basis и which it is

made. It should rest on the grounds that the act or policy in question violates either
positive international law or what is asserted to be universally accepted morality.

XXVI. Study the text below, comment on its style and phraseology. Take note of
the words and phrases in bold type.

Verbal note dated 3 May 19__ from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of (name of country) addressed to the Embassy of (name of country)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of... presents its

compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of... and, in reference to depositary
notification of 22 May 19__, circulated by the United Nations Secretariat,
concerning the ratification by the Government of the Republic of … of the
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, has the honour to
communicate the following:
The Republic of ... considers that paragraphs 6 and 7 of the statement made
by the Republic of ... upon signature, and confirmed upon ratification, of the
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, in essence contain
reservations and exceptions to the Convention, which are inadmissible under
article 309 of the Convention. At the same time, this statement is incompatible
with article 310 of the Convention under which States may make declarations and
statements only "provided that such declarations and statements do not purport to
exclude or to modify the legal effect of the provisions of this Convention in their
application to that State".
Paragraph 6 of the statement of the Republic of ... affirms that "the concept
of archipelagic waters is similar to the concept of internal waters under the
Constitution of the Republic of ... and removes straits connecting these waters with
the economic zone or high sea from the rights of foreign vessels to transit passage
for international navigation". Such a concept of the legal status of archipelagic
waters is in contravention of part IV of the United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea.
Proceeding from the foregoing, the Republic of ... cannot recognize as
lawful the statement of the Republic of ... and considers it to be devoid of legal
effect due to its discrepancy with the provisions of the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of... avails itself of Ни opportunity
to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of... the assurances of its highest

XXVII. Complete the following verbal note supplying the information

you may find appropriate.

Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy present (s) their (its) compliments to ___
and have (has) the honour to refer to __________________
concerning_________ . The Embassy have (has) the honour to
inform____ on instructions from Her Majesty's Principal Secretary for Foreign and
Commonwealth Affairs that_______
Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy avail(s) themselves (itself) of (hi
opportunity to renew to_____ .

Note: In British diplomatic practice the collective nouns "embassy" and "ministry"
may take the predicate-verb either in the singular or in the plural.

XXVIII. Write a verbal note on behalf of the Department of Foreign

Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office, Fiji, using the information below.

Addressee: The Ambassador

Royal Netherlands Embassy
Date: 12 February 19 .

Reference: 1173/15/1.
Subject: Reference to the Embassy's Note of 15 January 19__ concerning
the Convention between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom regarding legal
proceedings in Civil and Commercial matters.

Acceptance by the Government of Fiji of the proposal mentioned in the

Embassy's Note regarding the said Convention.

XXIX. Write a note to the US Embassy in Moscow requesting visas. See

exhibit 64.

XXX. Speak on different types of diplomatic communications between

states, their style and composition.



When one government wishes to accredit an ambassador or a minister to

another government, it is necessary that the appointee should be approved by the
government of the country to which he is being assigned. It is customary, in order
to avoid personal embarrassments, to sound a foreign government privately before
making a formal l application for agrement.
Article 4 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations provides:
"1 The sending State must make certain that the agrement of receiving State
has been given for the person it proposes to accredit as head of the mission to that
2. The receiving State is not obliged to give reasons to the sending State for
a refusal of agrement."
The sending state may, after it has given due notification to the receiving
states concerned, accredit a head of mission or assign then member of the
diplomatic staff, as the case may be, to more than one state, unless there is express
objection by any of the receiving states.
It is only when the agrement is secured that the ambassador-designate should
take steps to proceed to the receiving state. Even then he should move with
leisurely dignity.
If he is a non-career diplomat, he will then discover that ambassadors do not
start their jobs like ordinary mortals in less lofty walks of life. It is not good to
book a seat on the first airplane to the foreign capital. In fact it is particularly
undignified to appear too eager to get down to work. There is a certain stylized,
slow-motion pace that must be observed. Several weeks are usually allowed to
elapse before the announcement of the appointment and the departure.
There have been numerous cases of a refusal of agrement, the grounds
ranging from the fact that the nomination was made suddenly and without previous
notice of the facts that the proposed

envoy had made a speech critical of the receiving state, or the nominee had
accorded ill treatment to the nationals of the receiving state.
It is not proper for one government to intimate in any way и another that the
appointment of a particular person as ambassador would be agreeable to it.
Agreation should be distinguished from agrement in that the former is the
process of determining whether the proposed envois acceptable to the receiving
state, while the latter is the approval of the nomination by the receiving state.



The Embassy of the Republic of Austria presents its compliments to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of Moldova and with reference to the Austrian Embassy's Note
No. . dated August 12, 19__regarding agreement to the appointment of Mr. ... as
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Austria to
Moldova with residence in Moscow, has the honour to inform that the Government
of the Republic of Austria has decided to establish an Embassy in Kishinev in the
near future with a resident Ambassador in the city. This new decision therefore
rescinds the previous arrangement requested for Mr ... .

In this connection, the Austrian Government requests the agrement from Moldova
for Mr. ... as Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Moldova with residence in
Kishinev. The curriculum vitae of Mr.... is enclosed.

The Embassy of the Republic of Austria avails itself of this importunity to renew
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova Hit; assurances of its highest

Moscow, October 19, 19 __

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

of Moldova

Attn.: the State Protocol Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


AFFAIRS OF (name of country)
No. ____
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ... presents its compliments lo the
Embassy of... and has the honour to inform the latter that the Government of ...
approves of His Excellency Mr. X. being appointed as Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary of… to ….

The Ministry avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Embassy the
assurances of its highest consideration.

Embassy of (name of country)



I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What is the usual procedure of appointing an ambassador or a minister to

another government? 2. Why is it necessary to sound a foreign government
privately before making a formal application for agrement? 3. What provisions are
laid down in Article 4 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations? 4.
When is the appointment of an ambassador or a minister usually announced? 5.
When can an ambassador-designate be admitted to the exercise of his functions? 6.
What can be the reason for refusal of agrement? 7. How should agrement be
distinguished from agreation?

II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the
above text.

1. When one government wishes to accredit an ambassador or a minister

to another government, it is necessary... . 2. The sending state may,
after it has given due notification to the receiving states concerned, ...,
3. Ambassadors do not start their jobs like.... 4. Several weeks are usually
allowed to elapse before .... 5. There have been numerous cases of a refusal
of agrement, the grounds ranging from ... to ... . 6. It is not proper
for one government to intimate in any way to another that.... 7.
Agreation is the process of....

III. Define the following terms in English consulting the Glossary of

Diplomatic Terms if necessary. "

accreditation, agreation, agrement, ambassador-at-large, ambassador - designate,

charge d'affaires.diplomatic immunity.

IV. Study the texts in exhibits 69 and 70, point out words and phrase
pertaining to the formal style.

V.* Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

1) a non-career diplomat; 2) the proposed envoy; 3) unless there ii express

objection by any of the receiving states; 4) to accord ill-treatment to smb; 5) to
accredit an ambassador to another government; 6) to announce an appointment; 7)
to approve the appointee; 8) to give reasons

for a refusal of (an) agrement; 9) to give due notification to the receiving state; 10)
to make a formal application for (an) agrement; 11) to make a nomination; 12) to
make a speech critical of the receiving state.

VI. Point out the root in the word "accredit" and give a few derivatives with this

VII.* Suggest the English for:

1)аккредитование при органах международной организации; 2)

аккредитованный при главе государства; 3) посол США, аккредитованный в
Украине; 4) аккредитовать кого-л. в качестве Чрезвычайного и
Полномочного Посла; 5) быть временно (постоянно) аккредитованным в

VIII.* Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their Russian
~ designate; A. Extraordinary; A. Plenipotentiary; A. Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary; resident-; ~ at large; the newly appointed ~ ; in the
capacity of ~ ; to appoint an ~ ; to appoint smb as ~ ; to accredit an ~ to
another government; to confer the rank of ~ ; to exchange - s; to hold
the rank of ~ ; to raise to the rank of ~ ; to recall an ~ .

~ law; ~ rank; ~ talks; at the ~ level.

IX. Suggest the English for:

запрос агремана; запрос агремана не требуется; отказ в агремане; дать

агреман; запрашивать агреман; отказать в агремане; сообщать
аккредитующему государству мотивы отказа в агремане.

Х. Account for the use of the "Nominative Absolute" participial

construction in the following sentence from the text.

There have been numerous cases of a refusal of agrement, the grounds Hinging
from the fact that the nomination was made suddenly and without previous notice
of the facts that the proposed envoy had made a speech critical of the receiving
state, etc.

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