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Преподаватели дисциплины:
Коптлеуова К.Б., koptleuovak@mail.ru, ID 5191298623
Мейрбеков А.К., phd.doctor7@gmail.сом , ID8816936428


Процессы интеграции, профессиональных и академических обменов, дальнейшего
развития международного сотрудничества, набравшие обороты за последнее десятилетие,
способствовавшие ускоренному развитию иноязычного образования, будут иметь статус
эффективного инструмента в наращивании интеллектуального потенциала общества.
Данный курс направлен на лингвистические, лингвокультурологические
исследования и развитие профессиональных навыков на основе изучения
функционирования современной системы иностранного языка.
Содержание курса предусматривает систематическое введение фонетических,
грамматических и лексических систем иностранного языка в соответствии с современным
уровнем языковых знаний; комплексное представление лингвистических и
концептуальных универсалий через систему лингвокультурологических исследований
иностранного языка, что признается как сложный эволюционный когнитивный процесс.
Данная дисциплина нацелена на дальнейшее совершенствование у магистрантов
методов научного исследования и развитие умений демонстрировать методы
исследования на конкретном материале; полное формирование межкультурных
коммуникативных, профессионально ориентированных и карьерных компетенций на
основе обобщения данных теоретических знаний.


Теория речевой деятельности на иностранном языке
Иностранный язык (Профессиональный)
Методология научных исследований


Прикладная лингвистика иностранного языка
Социальная лингвистика иностранного языка


Курс Семестр Лекция Практические/ Лабораторные СРМП СРМ Форма


1 2 15 часов 30 часов - 25 80 тест

часов часов

№ Название тем исполнения по
во часов
I 1-модуль. Phonetics

1. Лекции 5
1.1 Phonetics as a branch of linguistics Phoneme as a unit of 1 1 неделя
language. Word stress in English.
1.2 Classification of English speech sounds. The system of vowel 2 1-2 неделя
phonemes in English. Problem of diphthongs. The system of
consonant phonemes in English. Problem of affricates.
1.3 Regional and stylistic varieties of English pronunciation. 2 3-5 неделя
Intonation in English. Modifications of English consonants and
vowels in speech.
Практические (семинарские) занятия 10
1.1. Phonetics as a branch of linguistics. Phoneme as a unit of 2 1 неделя
1.2 Word stress in English. Intonation in English 2 2 неделя
1.3 Classification of English speech sounds 2 2-3 неделя
1.4 The system of vowel phonemes in English. Problem of 1 3 неделя
1.5 The system of consonant phonemes in English. Problem of 1 4 неделя
1.6 Regional and stylistic varieties of English pronunciation 1 5 неделя
1.7 Modifications of English consonants and vowels in speech. 1 5 неделя
Итого за 1 модуль 15
Виды контроля по 1-му модулю Тест
Модуль 2. Theoretical grammar
1. Лекции 5
2.1 Parts of speech. The subject of theoretical course of English 1 6 неделя
2.2 The Verb. The categories of the verb. The Noun. The 2 7 неделя
Pronoun. The Adjective. The stative.
2.3 Phrases 1 8 неделя
2.4 Syntax. The sentence. Classification of sentences. Text. 1 9-10 неделя
Практические (семинарские) занятия 10
2 2.1 The subject of theoretical course of English Grammar. Parts of 2 6 неделя
2.2 The Verb. The categories of the verb. 2 7 неделя
2.3 The Noun. The Pronoun. 2 8 неделя
2.4 The Adjective. The stative. The Adverb. 1 9 неделя
2.5 Syntax. Phrases 1
2.6 The Sentence. Classification of sentences. 1 10 неделя
2.7 Text 1
Итого за 2 модуль 15
Виды контроля по 2-му модулю Тест
3 Модуль 3. Lexicology
1. Лекции 5
3.1 Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. Lexical Units. Basic 1 11 неделя
notions of lexicology: categorization, lexicalization, naming,
3.2 Word building. Major and minor ways of word formation. 1 12 неделя
3.3 Etymology of English Words. Semasiology as a branch of 1 13 неделя
3.4 English vocabulary as a system. Homonyms. Synonyms. 1 14 неделя
3.5 Linguistic problems of Phraseology. Different Variants of the 1 15 неделя
English language
Практические (семинарские) занятия 10
3.1 Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. Lexical Units. 1 11 неделя
3.2 Basic notions of lexicology: categorization, lexicalization, 1 11 неделя
naming, motivation
3.3 Word building. Productive and Non-productive ways of word- 1 12 неделя
3.4 Etymological survey of English Words. 2 12 неделя
3.5 Semasiological analysis of English words. 2 13 неделя
3.6 English vocabulary as a system. 1 14 неделя
3.7 Phraseological units and their structure 1 15 неделя
3.8 Linguistic differences between the Variants of English 1 15 неделя
Итого за 3 модуль 15
Виды контроля по 3-му модулю Тест
Итого 45
4. ЦЕЛЬ ОБУЧЕНИЯ ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ: развитие лингвокультурологических и
профессиональных навыков на основе изучения функционирования современной системы
теории языка (теоретической фонетики, теоретической грамматики, лексикологии).

После успешного прохождения этого курса магистрант приобретает следующие знания,
умения, навыки:
А) магистрант должен знать:
- предмет, форму теории языкознания;
- понятийно-категориальный аппарат теории языкознания;
- место данной дисциплины в лингвистических науках;
- принципы, методы и приемы лингвистических исследований;
- функциональные свойства изучаемого языка и особенности языковой системы;
В) должен уметь использовать:
- различные виды словарей (фонетические, фразеологические, толковые и т.д.);
- различные виды интонации и ударение в слове, которое имеет главное значение;
- различные научные методы для анализа конкретного лингвистического материала;
С) должен развивать следующие умения:
- уметь самостоятельно интерпретировать языковые явления;
- сравнивать факты изучаемого языка с родным языком и другими иностранными
- различать идеографические и семантические синонимы, антонимы и омонимы, выделять
гиперонимы и гипонимы; выявлять принадлежность слова к определенному классу
лексики по линии ее социальной дифференциации;
- объяснять языковые явления, важные с точки зрения профессиональной ориентации;
- применять методы познания и анализа в исследовательской и практической работе;
D) совершенствовать навыки:
- объяснять использование разговорного и литературного языка для обеспечения
полноценной реализации коммуникативно-познавательной и личностно-ориентированной
функции иностранного языка.
- составлять доклады, сообщения по вопросам, связанным с теорией языка и будущей
профессиональной деятельностью;
- способен дать подробные аргументы по актуальным вопросам в избранной области
(по уровню магистратуры)
Уровни Знание и Применение Анализ Синтез Оценивание
таксономии понимание
Результаты Четко и ясно Применение Анализ, Индивидуальные Навыки
обучения сообщает теоретических и оценка, синтез технологии самооценки и
(РО) информацию, эксперименталь и применение генерации идей, оценивания
Быстро идеи, выводы, ных методов информации навыки составления теоретического
находит, проблемы, научного ; умения текста на основе анализа языковых
анализирует решения и их исследования, составления модели; явлений,
обоснование, Интегрирует собственной сравнивать факты оценивания
и грамотно
как знания, схемы изучаемого языка с значения материала
контекстно специалистам, справляется со доказательств родным языком и по курсу, делать
обрабатывает так и сложностями, на основе другими выводы; дать
научно- неспециалистам возникающими логики и иностранными подробные
техническую . в процессе фактов, языками аргументы по
и научно- умение актуальным
общенаучну исследовательск сопоставления вопросам
ой ,классификаци
деятельности, и и,
информацию высказывает группировки,
, приводя ее суждения на анализа
к проблемно- основе языковой
задачной неполной или информации;с
форме, ограниченной амостоятельно
выделяет информации с е
учетом исследование
этической и лингвистическ
ные задачи. социальной их явлений
ответственности (фонетических
за применение , лексических,
этих суждений грамматическ
и знаний. их);


Лекция-презентация в формате Power point, видеолекция, лекция-беседа, лекция-
Семинар-интерактивная дискуссия, работа в малых группах, выполнение практических
заданий, интерпретация художественного текста.
Выполненные задания должны быть загружены в систему Универ в конце кждой недели.
Занятия будут проводить в офлайн и онлайн форматах.
№ Задание СРМП/СРМ Вид задания Сроки выполнения (день
недели и время в
соответствии с

Дата Срок сдачи

задания задания

Задания СРМП
1 The system of vowel phonemes in Защита проекта Понедельник Пятница
English. Problem of diphthongs. 12:30 17:00
2 The system of consonant phonemes in Защита проекта Понедельник Пятница
English. Problem of affricates. 12:30 17:00
3 Regional and stylistic varieties of EnglishЗащита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
pronunciation реферат 12:30 17:00
4 Modifications of English consonants and Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
vowels in speech. реферат 12:30 17:00
5 Adverb Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
реферат 12:30 17:00
6 Numeral Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
реферат 12:30 17:00
7 Functional parts of speech Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
реферат 12:30 17:00
8 The Composite Sentences. Incomplete Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
two-member sentences. реферат 12:30 17:00
9 Semasiology as a branch of lexicology. Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
The problem of meaning реферат 12:30 17:00
10 Semantic change. Polysemy Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
реферат 12:30 17:00
11 English Vocabulary as a system. Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
Lexicography реферат 12:30 17:00
Задания СРМ
1 Accentual structure of English Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
реферат 12:30 17:00
2 The English Intonation. Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
Its functions, types of nuclear tones реферат 12:30 17:00
3 English phonemes. Vowel and consonant Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
systems, their modifications in connected реферат 12:30 17:00
4 The Syllabic Structure of English. The Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
Syllable as a Phonetic and Phonological реферат 12:30 17:00
Unit. Types of Syllables
5 The domain of theoretical grammar. The Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
subject- matter of morphology and syntax реферат 12:30 17:00
The subject of theoretical course of
grammar. Theoretical and practical
6 The verb. Its characteristics as a part of Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
speech. The semantic morphological and реферат 12:30 17:00
functional classifications of words.
7 The noun, the category of number in Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
nouns, its peculiarities in the English, реферат 12:30 17:00
language. The notion of countable and
uncountable nouns. Singularia and
8 Parts of speech. The main criteria applied Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
in discriminating parts of speech. реферат 12:30 17:00
Difficulties of the problem of classifying
Morphology and Syntax.
9 The word and its properties. The main Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
approaches connected with the problem реферат 12:30 17:00
of the word as the main language unit.
10 Formal style. Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница
реферат 12:30 17:00

11 English vocabulary as a system. Informal Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница

style.Colloquial words. Slang реферат 12:30 17:00

12 Standard English. Variants and dialects Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница

реферат 12:30 17:00

13 English phraseology. How distinguish Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница

phrase o logical units. реферат 12:30 17:00

14 Polysemy Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница

реферат 12:30 17:00

15 Lexicography Защита проекта, Понедельник Пятница

реферат 12:30 17:00
9.1 Лекции
Модуль 1 Theoreical Phonetics
Лекция №1
Theme: Phonetics as a branch of linguistics. Phoneme as a unit of language. Word stress in
Academic hours:1
The main questions of the topic
1.Phonetics as a branch of linguistics
2.Aspects and units of phonetics
3.Branches of phonetics
4. Various theories of phoneme
5.Nature of word stress
6.Place of word stress in English. Degrees of stress
7.Functions and tendencies of the English stress
8.Typology of accentual structures
Lecture thesis: Phonetics is quite independent and develops according to its own laws. As an
independent branch of linguistics, it has developed branches of its own. Today the sphere of
phonetics is wide and deep. It deals with phonemes and their distribution in words, their mutual
adaptation, syllable formation, stress, intonation, the relation between oral and written speech
and a number of other problems. The sound phenomena have different aspects:
(a) the articulatory aspect;
(b) the acoustic aspect;
(c) the auditory (perceptive) aspect;
(d) the functional (linguistic) aspect.
1) If special prominence in a stressed syllable or syllables is achieved mainly through the
intensity of articulation, such type of stress is called dynamic, or force stress.
2) If special prominence in a stressed syllable is achieved mainly through the change of pitch, or
musical tone, such accent is called musical, or tonic 3) If special prominence in a stressed
syllable is achieved through the changes in the quantity of the vowels, 4) Qualitative type of
stress is achieved through the changes in the quality of the vowel under stress.
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2. Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
3. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
4. Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
5. Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник для студ.
лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
6. Кодзасов С.В. Общая фонетика. – М., 2015.
7. Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford
Format of conducting: discussion

Лекция №2-3
Theme Classification of English speech sounds. The system of vowel phonemes in English.
Problem of diphthongs. The system of consonant phonemes in English. Problem of affricates.
Academic hours:2
The main questions of the topic
1.Definition of the phoneme and its functions
2.Types of allophones and main features of the phoneme
3.Methods of the phonemic analysis
4.Main phonological schools
5.Articulatory classification of English consonants
6.Articulatory classification of English vowels
7.Modifications of consonants
8.Modification of vowels
Lecture thesis In any language we can identify a small number of regularl used sounds (vowels
and consonants) that we call phonemes; for example, the vowels in the words 'pin' and 'pen' are
different phonemes, and so are the consonants at the beginning of the words 'pet' and 'bet'.
Because of the notoriously confusing nature of English spelling, it is particularly important to
learn to think of English pronunciation in terms of phonemes rather than letters of the alphabet.
If we say that the difference between vowels and consonants is a difference in the way that they
are produced, there will inevitably be some cases of uncertainty or disagreement; this is a
problem that cannot be avoided. It is possible to establish two distinct groups of sounds (vowels
and consonants) in another way The system of consonant phonemes in English includes:
l lingual vs. glottal, Manner of articulation 3.1 occlusive vs. constrictive constrictive vs.
affricates constrictive unicentral vs. constrictive bicentral 4. Work of the vocal cords and the
force of articulation 4.1 voiceless fortis vs. voiced leni 5. Position of the soft palate 5.1 oral vs.
Modifications of consonants
1. Assimilation 1.1. Place of articulation• 1.2. Manner of articulation• 1.3. Work of the
vocal cords• voiced 1.4. Degree of noise 2. Accommodation 2.1. Lip position3. Elision 3.1.
Loss of in personal and possessive pronouns and the forms of the auxiliary verb 3.2. 4. Inserting
of sounds4.1. Linking 4.2. Intrusive Modification of vowels1. Reduction
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2. Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
3.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
4.Кодзасов С.В. Общая фонетика. – М., 2015.
5.Конурбаев М.Э. Стиль и тембр текста. – М., 2014.
6.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford
Format of conducting: discussion

Лекция №4-5
Theme Regional and stylistic varieties of English pronunciation. Intonation in English.
Modifications of English consonants and vowels in speech.
Academic hours:2
The main questions of the topic
1. Varieties of English pronunciation.
2.Classification of pronunciation variants in English. British and American pronunciation.
3.Types and styles of pronunciation.
4.Intonation: definition, approaches, functions.
5.Components of intonation and the structure of English tone-group.
6.The phonological aspect of intonation.
Lecture thesis
Differences between accents are of two main sorts: phonetic and phonological. When two
accents differ from each other only phonetically, we find the same set of phonemes in both
accents, but some or all of the phonemes are realised differently. There may also be differences
in stress or intonation, but not such as would cause a change in meaning. As an example of
phonetic differences at the segmental level, it is said that Australian English has the same set of
phonemes and phonemic contrasts as BBC pronunciation, yet Australian pronunciation is so
different from that accent that it is easily recognised. Many accents of English also differ
noticeably in intonation without the difference being such as would cause a difference in
meaning; some Welsh accents, for example, have a tendency for unstressed syllables to be higher
in pitch than stressed syllables. Such a difference is, again, a phonetic one. An example of a
phonetic (non-phonological) difference in stress would be the stressing of the final syllable of
verbs ending in '-ise' in some Scottish and Northern Irish accents
Functions of intonation.
• Emotional function's most obvious role is to express attitudinal meaning -sarcasm, surprise,
reserve, impatience, delight, shock, anger, interest, and thousands of other semantic
• Grammatical function helps to identify grammatical structure in speech, performing a role
similar topunctuation.
• Informational function helps draw attention to what meaning is given and what is new in an
• Textual function helps larger units of meaning than the sentence to contrast and cohere. In radio
news-reading, paragraphs of information can be shaped through the use of pitch.
• Psychological function helps us to organize speech into units that are easier to perceive and
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2.Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
3. Антипова A.M. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 2014.
4. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
5.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
6.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
7. Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford
Format of conducting: discussion
Лекция №6
Theme Parts of Speech. The subject of theoretical course of English Grammar
Academic hours:1
The main questions of the topic
1. The subject of theoretical and practical Grammar.
2. Fundamentals of morphology.
3. Parts of speech. Criteria applied in discriminating the parts of speech.
4. The classification of parts of speech suggested by different grammarians.
Lecture thesis
The course of theoretical grammar serves to describe the grammatical structure of the English
language as a system where all parts are interconnected. The difference between theoretical and
practical grammar lies in the fact that practical grammar prescribes certain rules of usage and
teaches to speak (or write) correctly whereas theoretical grammar presents facts of language,
while analyzing them, and gives no prescriptions.
The term morphology is generally attributed to the German poet, novelist, playwright, and
philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832), who coined it early in the nineteenth
century in a biological context. Its etymology is Greek: morph- means ‘shape, form’, and
morphology is the study of form or forms. In linguistics morphology refers to the mental system
involved in word formation or to the branch of linguistics that deals with words, their internal
structure, and how they are formed.
Classification of the parts of speech is still a matter of dispute; linguists’ opinions differ
concerning the number and the names of the parts of speech. Notional and functional parts of
speech. Conversion of the parts of speech.
1. Blokh M.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. What is Morphology? 2nd edition, by Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman © 2011 Mark
Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
Format of conducting: discussion

Лекция № 7-8
Theme: The Verb. The categories of the verb. The Noun. The Pronoun. The Adjective. The
Academic hours:2
The main questions of the topic
1. The grammatical meaning of the verb.
2. The morphological category of the tense.
a) Its definition. The traditional System of tenses of English verbs.
b) The problem of Future in- the- past.
c) The problem of the Future tense in English.
3. The category of aspect.
4. The problem of perfect forms of the English verbs. The category of time correlation.
5. The notion of the noun (grammatical meaning, morphological peculiarities,
Syntactic functions). Grammatical categories of the noun..
6. The problem of Singularia and pluralia tantum. The problem of the category of gender.
7. Pronouns Classification of the pronouns. Semantic, morphological and syntactical peculiarities
of pronouns.
8 Morphological - syntactical characteristics of the adjective. Different approaches to the
classification of the adjective.
9. The stative - as a special part of speech.
Lecture thesis
Grammatically the verb is the most complex part of speech. First of all it performs the central
role in realizing predication - connection between situation in the utterance and reality. That is
why the verb is of primary informative significance in an utterance. Besides, the verb possesses
quite a lot of grammatical categories. Furthermore, within the class of verb various subclass
divisions based on different principles of classification can be found. According to different
principles of classification, classifications can be morphological, lexical-morphological,
syntactical and functional.
The noun is a notional part of speech possessing the meaning of substantivity. Noun has
Meaning: thingness. Form. Nouns have the category of number (singular and plural), though
some individual nouns may lack either a singular or a plural form. They also, in the accepted
view, have the category of case (common and genitive).
Function. (a) Combining with words to form phrases. A noun combines with a preceding
adjective (big house), or occasionally with a following adjective (secrets unrevealed), with a
preceding noun in either the common case (chocolate bar) or the genitive case (mother’s face),
with a verb following it (children play) or preceding it (play games). Occasionally a noun may
combine with a following or a preceding adverb (the guy outside; the then president). It also
combines with prepositions (in a house; house of rest). It is typical of a noun to be preceded by
the definite or indefinite article (the room, a room). (b) Function in the sentence. A noun may be
the subject or the predicative of a sentence, or an object, an attribute, and an adverbial modifier.
It can also make part of each of these when preceded by a preposition.
1. BlokhM.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. Khaimovich B.B. Rogovskaya B.I. ”A course in English grammar.” Moscow. 2014.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
Format of conducting: discussion

Лекция № 9
Theme: Phrases.
Academic hours:1
The main questions of the topic
1. Phrases.
2. Classification according to the head component.
3. Classification according to the structure.
Lecture thesis
The word-combination is defined in different ways. Some scholars assume that it is a group of
words which does not possess any communicative purpose. This definition is, no doubt, correct,
but it is not complete. Most linguists are of the opinion that the word-combination is any
syntactically organized group of words irrespective of the type of relations on which it is based.
But in any case it is a grammatical structure.The issue of the word-combination was first
mentioned by Russian linguists in their early studies of grammar in the 18th century.
1. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
2. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
3. Slusareva N.A.” Problems of the functional syntax.” Moscow. 2014.
4. Collins C. “English Grammar.” Harper Collins Publisher. 2015
5.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка.учебное пособие под ред.
Format of conducting: discussion

Лекция №10
Theme: Syntax. The Sentences. Classification of Sentences. Text.
Academic hours:
The main questions of the topic
1. The problems of syntax.
2. The main features of the sentence.
3. Types of sentences according to structure.
a) Simple.
b) Composite.
4. Classification of the sentences according to the purpose of communication.
5. The problem of the exclamatory sentences.
1. The notion of text and its characteristics.
2. Correlation of notions of a sentence and an utterance.
3. Other phrasal units. The problem of text categories.
4. Monologue, dialogue.
5. The problem of text connectedness.
Lecture thesis
Syntax, the arrangement of words in sentences, clauses, and phrases, and the study of the
formation of sentences and the relationship of their component parts. In a language such as
English, the main device for showing the relationship among words is word order; e.g., in “The
girl loves the boy,” the subject is in initial position, and the object follows the verb. Transposing
them changes the meaning. In many other languages, case markers indicate the grammatical
relationships. In Latin, for example, “The girl loves the boy” may be puella puerum amat with
“the girl” in initial position, or puerum puella amat with “the boy” in initial position, or amat
puella puerum, amat puerum puella, or puella amat puerum. The meaning remains constant
because the -um ending on the form for “boy” indicates the object of the verb, regardless of its
position in the sentence.
The sentence as a unit of information in the speech succession sets off its own generalized
model, a typical construction which stands behind the concrete lexico-semantic composition of
the utterance bound to its context. The theme and the rheme of the actual division of the sentence
may or may not coincide with the subject and the predicate, respectively.
The notion of the text
The general idea of a sequence of sentences forming a text includes two different notions. On the
one hand, it presupposes a succession of spoken or written utterances irrespective of their
forming or not forming a coherent semantic complex.
1. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
2. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
3. Khaimovich B.B. Rogovskaya B.I. ”A course in English grammar.” Moscow. 2014.
4. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
5. Slusareva N.A.” Problems of the functional syntax.” Moscow. 2014.
6. Collins C. “English Grammar.” Harper Collins Publisher. 2015
7. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка.учебное пособие под ред.
Format of conducting: discussion

Лекция №11
Theme: Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. Lexical Units. Basic notions of lexicology:
categorization, lexicalization, naming, motivation
Academic hours:1
The main questions of the topic
1.Lexicology as a science
2.Problems of lexicology. Types of lexicology
3.Links of lexicology with other branches
4. Lexical Units
5. Basic notions of lexicology: Categorization
Lecture thesis
Lexicology as a branch of linguistics has its own aims and methods of scientific research, its
basic task being a study and systematic description of vocabulary in respect to it’s origin,
development and current use. Lexicology is concerned with words, variable word-groups,
phraseological units and with morphemes which morphemes which make up words.
2.Distinction is naturally made between General Lexicology and Special Lexicology. G.L is a
part of general linguistics; it is concerned with general study of vocabulary irrespective of the
specific features of any particular language.
Naming — is the process of giving names to ideas or concepts.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
8.Арнольд И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка: учебник для институтов
и факультетов иностранных языков – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Высшая школа, 2016
Format of conducting: discussion

Лекции № 12
Theme: Word building in English. Major and minor ways of word formation
Academic hours:1
The main questions of the topic
1,Definition and notion of word-formation
8.Sound interchange
9.Sound imitation
Lecture thesis
Word formation is the system of the derivative types of words & the process of creating new
words according to certain structural & semantic formulas & patterns. For ex. the noun ‘driver’
is formed after the pattern v+-er verbal stem + noun forming suffix ‘er’. The meaning of the
‘driver’ includes the meaning of the v drive -to direct the course of a vehicle, & the meaning of
the suffix ‘er’ - an active agent, the doer of the action. There are different ways of forming words
in present-day English: Affixation, conversion, composition, sound interchange. Some of them
can be referred to as productive & others as non-productive.
Word-formation is a branch of Lexicology which studies the process of building new words,
derivative structures and patterns of existing words. All ways of forming new words can be
classified into two big groups: major and minor types of creating new words. Word-derivation
and word-composition are considered to be two major types of word-formation. The minor types
of word-formation comprise shortening, blending, acronymy, sound imitation, sound
interchange, back-formation, distinctive stress.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
Format of conducting: discussion
Лекция № 13
Theme: Etymology of English words. Semasiology as a branch of linguistics.
Academic hours:1
The main questions of the topic
1. Native words vs. borrowings.
2. Different classifications of borrowings: according to the borrowed aspects, according to the
degree of assimilation, according to the language from which they were borrowed.
3. Etymological doublets. International words.
4. Semasiology as a branch of linguistics.
Тезисы лекции
English words according to their origin are divided into two sets. The first set comprises native
words, the second embraces borrowed words. Borrowed words are also called loan words or
A native word is a word which belongs to the original English vocabulary as known from the
earliest manuscripts of the Old English period. Native words are subdivided into three groups:
words of Indo-European origin, words of Common Germanic origin and English proper words.
Indo-European and Common Germanic words are so old that they cannot be dated. English
proper words appeared in the English vocabulary in the 5th century or later.
A borrowed word is a word taken over from another language and modified according to the
standards of the English language.
The branch of the study of language concerned with the meaning of words and word equivalents
is called semasiology. The name comes from the Greek word semasia meaning signification. As
semasiology deals not with every kind of meaning but with the lexical meaning only, it may be
regarded as a branch of Lexicology.
This does not mean that a semasiologist need not pay attention to the grammatical meaning. On
the contrary, the grammatical meaning must be taken into consideration in so far as it bears a
specific influence upon the lexical meaning.
If treated diachronically, semasiology studies the change in meaning which words undergo.
Descriptive synchronic approach demands a study not of individual words but of semantic
structures typical of the language studied and of its general semantic system.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
Format of conducting: discussion

Лекция № 14
Theme: English vocabulary as a system. Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms.
Academic hours:1
The main questions of the topic
1. Ways of enriching vocabulary
2. The classification of the English vocabulary
3. Morphological grouping
4. Thematic and ideographic groups
5. Terminological systems
6. Different types of non-semantic groupingsConceptions in the theory of phraseology.
Lecture thesis
Ways of enriching vocabulary. Semantic extension (Ex. The new slangish word “heel” that
means a traitor or a double-crosser (хитрец, двурушник) has lost all connections with “heel” –
the back part of human feet.) Borrowing (blitzkrieg, protein). Obsolete words (Cyninge n “king”)
Archaisms (Ex. Betwixt is replaced by between.). Historism (Ex. Phaeton)
Thematic and ideographic groups:
The basis of thematic grouping: linguistic (that is words belong to the same part of speech) and
extra linguistic. Ex colour terms, military and medical terms.
Thematic groups are multistage systems – words belonging to the basic system differ from words
belonging to subsystems in frequency of use, motivation, simple or compound character, stylistic
colouring and combining power.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
Format of conducting: discussion
Лекция № 15
Theme: Linguistic problems of phraseology. Different variants of the English language
Academic hours:1
The main questions of the topic
1. Linguistic problems of phraseology
2.The phraseological units
3. Different variants of the English language
Lecture thesis
It is universally recognized that phraseology is the most pictorial, expressive and emotional
component of any language vocabulary and phraseological units, called also idioms, vividly
reflects the nation’s vision of the world, its historical peculiarities, social norms, customs,
spiritual values and cultural traditions. It means that phraseology has deep national roots. Being
«the mirror in which the linguo-cultural entity identifies its national awareness», they are
culturally determined and vary from culture to culture. G.V.Yelizarova quotes a well-known
B.L.Whorf’s statement from his book Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of
Benjamin Lee Whorf, underlying and supporting the existing correlation between language and
culture: every language represents a vast pattern-system different from others, in which are
culturally ordained the forms and categories by which the personality not only communicates
but also analyzes nature, notices or neglects types of relationship and phenomena, channels his
reasoning and builds the house of his consciousness
Regional dialects
Variants and Dialects of the English Language. Regional Variants of the English National
Language. There are two types of language territorial varieties: variants and dialects. Regional
variants of standard language are used in large areas as means of oral and written
communication: British, American, Australian and Canadian English. Dialects are varieties of
non-standard language used in small localities for oral communication. The main variants of the
English language are British and American. British, American, Australian and Canadian English
cannot be regarded as different languages as they have essentially the same vocabulary, phonetic
and grammar systems.

1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
8.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. учебное пособие под ред. Кунина.
Format of conducting: discussion

Практическое занятие № 1-2

Theme:Phonetics as a branch of linguistics. Phoneme as a unit of language
Academic hours: 2
The main questions of the topic:
1.Phonetics as a branch of linguistics
2.Aspects and units of phonetics
3.Branches of phonetics
4. Phoneme as a unit of language
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2.Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
3. Антипова A.M. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 2014.
4. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
5.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
6.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford
Format of conducting: small groups, discussion, presentations, reports
Практическое занятие № 3-4
Theme:Word stress in English. Intonation in English
Academic hours: 2
The main questions of the topic:
1. Nature of word stress
2. Place of word stress in English. Degrees of stress
3. Functions and tendencies of the English stress
4.Typology of accentual structures
5. Intonation in English
1.Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
2. Антипова A.M. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 2014.
4. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
5.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
6.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
7.Кодзасов С.В. Общая фонетика. – М., 2015.
8.Конурбаев М.Э. Стиль и тембр текста. – М., 2014.
Format of conducting: small groups, discussion, presentations, reports

Практическое занятие № 5-6

Theme: Classification of English speech sounds
Academic hours: 2
The main questions of the topic:
1.Definition of the phoneme and its functions
2.Types of allophones and main features of the phoneme
3.Main phonological schools
4.Articulatory classification of English consonants
5.Articulatory classification of English vowels
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2.Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
3. Антипова A.M. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 2014.
4. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
5.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
6.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
7.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford
Format of conducting: small groups, discussion, presentations, reports

Практическое занятие № 7
Theme:The system of vowel phonemes in English. Problem of diphthongs.
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1.Classification of vowels according to the principles:
1) stability of articulation;
2) tongue position;
3) lip position;
4) character of the vowel end;
5) length;
6) tenseness.
2. Classification of vowels according to Russian scholars
a) monophthongs;
b) diphthongs;
c) diphthongoids
3.A.C. Gimson’s classification of vowels
4. D. Jones’s classification of vowels
a) unisyllabic gliding sounds
b) The position of the tongue
1) front;
2) front-retracted;
4) back;
5) back-advanced
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
3.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
4.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
5.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford
Format of conducting: small groups, discussion, presentations, reports

Практическое занятие № 8
Theme:The system of consonant phonemes in English. Problem of affricates.
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1.The articulatory classification of English consonants.
2.The system of consonant phonemes in English.
3.Problem of affricates.
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика 1.
Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
3.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
4.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
5.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford
Format of conducting: small groups, discussion, presentations, reports

Практическое занятие № 9
Theme: Regional and stylistic varieties of English pronunciation
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1. Spoken and written language
2. Classification of pronunciation variants in English. British and American pronunciation
3. Types and styles of pronunciation
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
3.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
4.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
5.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford
Format of conducting: small groups, discussion, presentations, reports

Практическое занятие № 10
Theme:Modifications of English consonants and vowels in speech.
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1. Modifications of vowels
2. Modifications of consonants
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
3.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
4.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник для студ.
лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
5.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford
Format of conducting: small groups, discussion, presentations, reports

Практическое занятие № 11-12

Theme: The subject of theoretical course of English Grammar. Parts of Speech
Academic hours: 2
The main questions of the topic:
1. Essentials of Morphology.
2.The subject of theoretical and practical Grammar.
3. Parts of speech. Criteria applied in discriminating the parts of speech.
4. The classification of parts of speech suggested by different grammarians.
1. Blokh M.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. What is Morphology? 2nd edition, by Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman © 2011 Mark
Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
Format of conducting: discussion

Практическое занятие № 13-14

Theme: The Verb. The categories of the verb
Academic hours: 2
The main questions of the topic:
1. The grammatical meaning of the verb.
2. The morphological category of the tense.
a) Its definition. The traditional System of tenses of English verbs.
b) The problem of Future in- the- past.
c) The problem of the Future tense in English.
3. The category of aspect.
4. The problem of perfect forms of the English verbs. The category of time
1. Blokh M.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. What is Morphology? 2nd edition, by Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman © 2011 Mark
Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
Format of conducting: presentations, discussion

Практическое занятие № 15-16

Theme:The Noun. The Pronoun
Academic hours: 2
The main questions of the topic:
1. The notion of the noun (grammatical meaning, morphological peculiarities,
Syntactic functions).
2. Grammatical categories of the noun..
3. Singularia and pluralia tantum.
4.The problem of the category of gender.
5. Pronouns Classification of the pronouns.
6. Semantic, morphological and syntactical peculiarities of pronouns.
1. Blokh M.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. What is Morphology? 2nd edition, by Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman © 2011 Mark
Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
Format of conducting: presentations, discussion

Практическое занятие № 17
Theme: The Adjective. The Stative. The adverb.
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1 Morphological- syntactical characteristics of the adjective.
2. Categories of the adjective. Different approaches to the classification of the adjective.
3. The stative- as a special part of speech.
4. Problems connected with the adverb
1. Blokh M.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. What is Morphology? 2nd edition, by Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman © 2011 Mark
Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
Format of conducting: discussion, small groups

Практическое занятие № 18
Theme: Syntax. Phrases.
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1. Definition of syntax
2. Phrases.
3. Classification according to the head component.
4. Classification according to the structure.
1. Blokh M.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. What is Morphology? 2nd edition, by Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman © 2011 Mark
Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
Format of conducting: discussion, small groups

Практическое занятие № 19
Theme: The Sentences. Classification of Sentences
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1. The problem of its definition.
2. The main features of the sentence.
3. Types of sentences according to structure.
a) Simple.
b) Composite.
4. Classification of the sentences according to the purpose of communication.
5. The problem of the exclamatory sentences.
6. The problem of negative sentences.
1. Blokh M.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. What is Morphology? 2nd edition, by Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman © 2011 Mark
Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
Format of conducting: discussion

Практическое занятие № 20
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1. The notion of text and its characteristics.
2. Correlation of notions of a sentence and an utterance.
3.Other phrasal units. The problem of text categories.
4.Monologue, dialogue.
5.The problem of text connectedness.
1. Blokh M.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. What is Morphology? 2nd edition, by Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman © 2011 Mark
Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
Format of conducting: discussion

Практическое занятие № 21
Theme:Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. Lexical units.
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1.Lexicology as a science
2.Problems of lexicology. Types of lexicology
3.Links of lexicology with other branches
4. Lexical Units
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
Format of conducting: discussion
Практическое занятие № 22
Theme: Basic notions of lexicology: categorization, lexicalization, naming, motivation
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1. Basic notions of lexicology
2. Problem of categorization.
3. lexicalization.
4. naming.
5. motivation.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
Format of conducting: discussion
Практическое занятие № 23
Theme: Word building. Productive and Non-productive ways of word-formation
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1. The notion of Word building and its characteristics.
2. Productive ways of word-formation
3. Non-productive ways of word-formation
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
Format of conducting: discussion
Практическое занятие № 24-25
Theme: Etymological survey of English Words.
Academic hours: 2
The main questions of the topic:
1. Native words vs. borrowings.
2. Different classifications of borrowings: according to the borrowed aspects, according to the
degree of assimilation, according to the language from which they were borrowed.
3. Etymological doublets. International words.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
Format of conducting: discussion, small groups
Практическое занятие № 26-27
Theme: Semasiological analysis of English words.
Academic hours: 2
The main questions of the topic:
1. The notion of semasiology.
2. Semasiological analysis of English words..
3.linguistic problems connected with semasiology.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
Format of conducting: presentations, discussion

Практическое занятие № 28
Theme: English vocabulary as a system.
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1. Ways of enriching vocabulary
2. The classification of the English vocabulary
3. Morphological grouping
4. Thematic and ideographic groups
5. Terminological systems
6. Different types of non-semantic groupings. References
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
Format of conducting: presentations, discussion

Практическое занятие № 29
Theme: Phraseological units and their structure
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1. Conceptions in the theory of phraseology.
2. Phraseological units and their structure
3. Classification of Phraseological units
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
Format of conducting: presentations, discussion
Практическое занятие № 30
Theme: Linguistic differences between the Variants of English
Academic hours: 1
The main questions of the topic:
1. Linguistic differences between the variants of English.
2. American Variant of English
3. British Variant of English.
4. Other VariantS of English
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
Format of conducting: presentations, discussion
9.4 Самостоятельная работа магистранта с преподавателем (СРМП)
Theme: The system of vowel phonemes in English. Problem of diphthongs.
1.Speaking as a productive skill.
2.Psychological and Linguistic characteristics of speech.
3.Monologue and dialogue.
4.Prepared and unprepared speech.
5.Problems with speaking activities.
6.Interactive Techniques for fluency practice.
7. Fluency and accuracy.
8.Role plays, simulations and discussions.
9.Cohesion and coherence in the discourse produced.
10.Testing the spoken language.
Методические указания.
Classification of vowels according to the following principles: 1) stability of articulation; 2)
tongue position; 3) lip position; 4) character of the vowel end; 5) length; 6) tenseness.
1 Stability of articulation. This principle is not singled out by British and
American phoneticians. Thus, P. Roach writes: "British English (BBC accent) is
generally described as having short vowels, long vowels and diphthongs". According to
Russian scholars vowels are subdivided into: a) monophthongs (the tongue position is stable); b)
diphthongs (it changes, that is the tongue moves from one position to another); c) diphthongoids
(an intermediate case, when the change in the position is fairly weak).
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2.Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
3. Антипова A.M. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 2014.
4. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
5.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
6.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
7.Кодзасов С.В. Общая фонетика. – М., 2015.
8.Конурбаев М.Э. Стиль и тембр текста. – М., 2014.
9.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford

СРМП № 2
Theme: The system of consonant phonemes in English. Problem of affricates.
1. Spoken and written language
2. Classification of pronunciation variants in English. British and American pronunciation
3. Types and styles of pronunciation
Методические указания.
The articulatory classification of English consonants.Phoneme as many-sided dialectic unity of
language.Types of allophones.Distinctive and irrelevant features of the phoneme.Main
phonological schools.The system of vowel phonemes in English.Problem of diphthongs.The
system of consonant phonemes in English.Problem of affricates.
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2.Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
3. Антипова A.M. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 2014.
4. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
5.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
6.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
7.Кодзасов С.В. Общая фонетика. – М., 2015.
8.Конурбаев М.Э. Стиль и тембр текста. – М., 2014.
9.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford
СРМП № 3
Theme: Regional and stylistic varieties of English pronunciation
1. Articulatory classification of English consonants
2.Articulatory classification of English vowels
Методические указания.
Every national variety of language falls into territorial or regional dialects. Dialects are
distinguished from each other by differences in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.
When we refer to varieties in pronunciation only, we usethe term accent. So local accents may
have many features of pronunciation in common and are grouped into territorial or area accents.
For certain reasons one of the dialects becomes the standard language of the nation and its
pronunciation or accent - the standard pronunciation.
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2.Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
3. Антипова A.M. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 2014.
4. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
5.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
6.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
7.Кодзасов С.В. Общая фонетика. – М., 2015.
8.Конурбаев М.Э. Стиль и тембр текста. – М., 2014.
9.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford

Theme: Modifications of English consonants and vowels in speech
1.Modifications of consonants
2.Modification of vowels
Методические указания.
Мodifications of consonants
1. Assimilation
1.1. Place of articulation
• t, d > dental before [ð, θ]: eighth, at the, said that
• t, d > post-alveolar before [r]: tree, true, dream, the third room
• s, z > post-alveolar before [∫]: this shop, does she
• t, d > affricates before [j]: graduate, could you
• m > labio-dental before [f]: symphony
• n > dental before [θ]: seventh
• n > velar before [k]: thank
1.2. Manner of articulation
• loss of plosion: glad to see you, great trouble
• nasal plosion: sudden, at night, let me see
• lateral plosion: settle, at last
1.3. Work of the vocal cords
• voiced > voiceless: newspaper, gooseberry (and in grammatical …)
has, is, does > [s]; of, have >[f]
Notice: In English typical assimilation is voiced > voiceless; voiceless > voiced is not typical.
1.4. Degree of noise
• sonorants> are partially devoiced after [p, t, k, s]
2. Accommodation
2.1. Lip position
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2.Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
3. Антипова A.M. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 2014.
4. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
5.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
6.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
7.Кодзасов С.В. Общая фонетика. – М., 2015.
8.Конурбаев М.Э. Стиль и тембр текста. – М., 2014.
9.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford

СРМП № 5
1. Morphological- syntactical characteristics of the adverb.
2.Degrees of comparison.
3.Different approaches to the classification of the adverb
Методические указания.
-lexico-semantic classification of the adverbs and their difference;
-classification of the adverbs;
-the coherence of the adverbs and other parts of speech.
-the problem of distinguishing numerals as a part of speech;
-the coherence of numerals and other parts of speech.
Semantic properties Morphological properties Syntactical properties Denotes some
circum Stances of characteristic-Form Grammatical Combinability
Simple category Function Features of an event, its Derived Degrees of comparison
Composite 1. positive2.comparative 3.superlative Time, place, manner Compound
9. Interrogative Frequency 10. cause and consequence manner 11.measure Duration
12.formulaic viewpoint adverb 13degree or intensifiers place (location, direction)attitudinal
1. BlokhM.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. Khaimovich B.B. Rogovskaya B.I. ”A course in English grammar.” Moscow. 2014.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
7. Slusareva N.A.” Problems of the functional syntax.” Moscow. 2014.
8. Collins C. “English Grammar.” Harper Collins Publisher. 2015
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка.учебное пособие под ред.
СРМП № 6
Theme: Numeral
1. The definition of the Numeral, its grammatical meaning.
2.Morphological and syntactic functions of the Numeral.
3.The difference between adverbs and particles
Методические указания.
The numeral is a part of speech which indicates number or the order of persons and things in a series.
(b) Numerals are united by their semantics only. They have neither morphologic nor syntactic features.
All numerals are subdivided into cardinal and ordinal. Both subclasses can perform equally well the
functions peculiar of nouns and adjectives. Numerals possess a specific word-building system: suffixes –
teen, -ty, -th. Some of them are easily substantivized and treated as nouns.
Semantic properties- the categorical meaning of number.
Morphological properties-no grammatical categories, form-simple, derived, compound
Syntactic properties-Combinability, function in a sentence.
Subclasses: cardinal, ordinal, fractional
1. BlokhM.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. Khaimovich B.B. Rogovskaya B.I. ”A course in English grammar.” Moscow. 2014.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
7. Slusareva N.A.” Problems of the functional syntax.” Moscow. 2014.
8. Collins C. “English Grammar.” Harper Collins Publisher. 2015
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка.учебное пособие под ред.
СРМП № 7
Theme: Functional parts of speech
5.Modal words.
7. Auxiliary verb.
Методические указания.
The conjunction.(a) denotes connections between objects and phenomena. It connects parts of
the sentence, clauses, and sentences.(b) functions: coordinating conjunctions and subordinating
conjunctions.1. Copulative conjunctions: and, nor, as well as, both…and, not only…but (also),
neither…nor. 2. Disjunctive conjunctions: or, either…or, or else, else. 3. Adversative
conjunctions: but, while, whereas.
4. Causative-consecutive conjunctions: so, for. Synonymy: in order – so as (that), as if – as
though, etc.
The preposition.relations between objects and phenomena. a noun or a pronoun and other words.
(b) The lexical meaning of some prepositions is quite concrete (e.g. in, below, between, before,
after, till, etc.), while that of some other prepositions may be weakened to a great extent (e.g. to,
by, of).
(c) According to their meanings prepositions may be divided into:
- prepositions of place and direction (in, on, below, under, between, etc.);
- time (after, before, at, etc.);
- prepositions expressing abstract relations (by, with, because of, etc.).
(d) A preposition does not perform any independent function in the sentence; it either reflects a
relation between sentence-members, or is included in a word-combination.
(e) Prepositions may function as other parts of speech (e.g. ups and downs), while other parts of
speech may serve as prepositions (e.g. owing to, in spite of).
Particles.(a) The particle is a part of speech giving modal or emotional emphasis to other words
or groups of words or clauses.
(b) Almost all the particles are homonymous with other parts of speech, chiefly with adverbs
(simply), but also with conjunctions (but), pronouns (all), and adjectives (only). The particles
‘else, solely, merely’ have no homonyms. (c) Particles have no independent function in the
sentence. Thus they may be treated dubiously: either as independent sentence units, or as parts of
the sentence-members they refer to. The article.(a) The article is a structural part of speech used
with nouns.
(b) The categorial status -reflects the category of definiteness or indefiniteness.
(c) ‘zero’ article. (d) The morphological function of the article is that of indicating the noun.
1. BlokhM.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. Khaimovich B.B. Rogovskaya B.I. ”A course in English grammar.” Moscow. 2014.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
7. Slusareva N.A.” Problems of the functional syntax.” Moscow. 2014.
8. Collins C. “English Grammar.” Harper Collins Publisher. 2015
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка.учебное пособие под ред. Кунина

СРМП № 8
Theme: The Composite Sentences. Incomplete two-member sentences.
1.Grammatical classification of sentences.
2. The Composite Sentences.
3. Incomplete two-member sentences.
Методические указания.
Particles.(a) The particle is a part of speech giving modal or emotional emphasis to other words
or groups of words or clauses.
(b) Almost all the particles are homonymous with other parts of speech, chiefly with adverbs
(simply), but also with conjunctions (but), pronouns (all), and adjectives (only). The particles
‘else, solely, merely’ have no homonyms. (c) Particles have no independent function in the
sentence. Thus they may be treated dubiously: either as independent sentence units, or as parts of
the sentence-members they refer to. The article.(a) The article is a structural part of speech used
with nouns.
(b) The categorial status -reflects the category of definiteness or indefiniteness.
(c) ‘zero’ article. (d) The morphological function of the article is that of indicating the noun.
1. BlokhM.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. Khaimovich B.B. Rogovskaya B.I. ”A course in English grammar.” Moscow. 2014.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
7. Slusareva N.A.” Problems of the functional syntax.” Moscow. 2014.
8. Collins C. “English Grammar.” Harper Collins Publisher. 2015

СРМП № 9
Theme: Semasiology as a branch of lexicology.The problem of meaning
5.Modal words.
7. Auxiliary verb.
Методические указания.
The branch of the study of language concerned with the meaning of words and word equivalents
is called semasiology. The name comes from the Greek word semasia meaning signification. As
semasiology deals not with every kind of meaning but with the lexical meaning only, it may be
regarded as a branch of Lexicology.
This does not mean that a semasiologist need not pay attention to the grammatical meaning. On
the contrary, the grammatical meaning must be taken into consideration in so far as it bears a
specific influence upon the lexical meaning.
If treated diachronically, semasiology studies the change in meaning which words undergo.
Descriptive synchronic approach demands a study not of individual words but of semantic
structures typical of the language studied and of its general semantic system.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015

СРМП № 10
Theme: Semantic change. Polysemy
1. Semantic change..
2. Polysemy.
3. Polysementic words.
Методические указания.
The conjunction.(a) denotes connections between objects and phenomena. It connects parts of
the sentence, clauses, and sentences.(b) functions: coordinating conjunctions and subordinating
conjunctions.1. Copulative conjunctions: and, nor, as well as, both…and, not only…but (also),
neither…nor. 2. Disjunctive conjunctions: or, either…or, or else, else. 3. Adversative
conjunctions: but, while, whereas.
4. Causative-consecutive conjunctions: so, for. Synonymy: in order – so as (that), as if – as
though, etc.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка.учебное пособие под ред. Кунина

СРМП № 11
Theme: English Vocabulary as a system. Lexicography
1. English Vocabulary as a system.
2. Lexicography.
3. Types of dictionaries.
Методические указания.
The conjunction.(a) denotes connections between objects and phenomena. It connects parts of
the sentence, clauses, and sentences.(b) functions: coordinating conjunctions and subordinating
conjunctions.1. Copulative conjunctions: and, nor, as well as, both…and, not only…but (also),
neither…nor. 2. Disjunctive conjunctions: or, either…or, or else, else. 3. Adversative
conjunctions: but, while, whereas.
4. Causative-consecutive conjunctions: so, for. Synonymy: in order – so as (that), as if – as
though, etc.
The preposition.relations between objects and phenomena. a noun or a pronoun and other words.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
9.5 Самостоятельная работа магистранта (СРМ)
СРМ № 1
Accentual structure of English.
Методические указания.
If we compare stressed and unstressed syllables in the words contract ['kσntrækt], to contract
[kən'trækt], we may note that in the stressed syllable:
(a) the force is greater, which is connected with more energetic articulation;
(b) the pitch of voice is higher, which is connected with stronger tenseness of the vocal cords
and the walls of the resonance chamber;
(c) the quantity of the vowel [æ] in [kən'trækt] is greater, the vowel becomes longer;
(d) the quality of the vowel [æ] in the stressed syllable is different from the quality of this vowel
in the unstressed position, in which it is more narrow than ['æ].
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2.Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
3. Антипова A.M. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 2014.
4. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
5.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
6.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
7.Кодзасов С.В. Общая фонетика. – М., 2015.
8.Конурбаев М.Э. Стиль и тембр текста. – М., 2014.
9.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford

СРМ № 2
The English Intonation. Its functions, types of nuclear tones.
Методические указания.
Many foreign scholars (A. Gimson, R. Kingdon) restrict the formal definition of intonation to
pitch movement alone, though occasionally allowing in variations of loudness as well.
According to D. Crystal, the most important prosodic effects are those conveyed by the
linguistic use of pitch movement, or melody. It is clearly not possible to restrict the term
intonation by the pitch parameters only because generally all the three prosodic parameters
function as a whole though in many cases the priority of the pitch parameter is quite evident.
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2.Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
3. Антипова A.M. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 2014.
4. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
5.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
6.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
7.Кодзасов С.В. Общая фонетика. – М., 2015.
8.Конурбаев М.Э. Стиль и тембр текста. – М., 2014.
9.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford

СРМ № 3
English phonemes. Vowel and consonant systems, their modifications in connected speech
Методические указания.
Мind the following principles: i) degree of noise; ii) place of articulation; iii) manner of
articulation; iv) position of the soft palate; v) force of articulation.
(I) There are few ways of seeing situation concerning the classification of English consonants.
According to V.A. Vassilyev primary importance should be given to the type of obstruction
and the manner of production noise. On this ground he distinguishes two large classes:
a) occlusive, in the production of which a complete obstruction is formed; constrictive, in the
production of which an incomplete obstruction is formed. Each of two classless is
subdivided into noise consonants and sonorants. The English diphthongs are, like the
affricates, the object of a sharp phonological controversy, whose essence is the same as in the
case of affricates are the English diphthongs biphonemic sound complexes or composite
monophonemic entities. Problem of length. There are long vowel phonemes in English and short.
However, the length of the vowels is not the only distinctive feature of minimal pairs like Pete
-pit, beet - bit, etc. In other words the difference between i: i. u: - υ is not only quantitative but
also qualitative, which is conditioned by different positions of the bulk of the tongue.
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2.Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
3. Антипова A.M. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 2014.
4. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
5.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
6.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
7.Кодзасов С.В. Общая фонетика. – М., 2015.
8.Конурбаев М.Э. Стиль и тембр текста. – М., 2014.
9.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford

СРМ № 4
The Syllabic Structure of English. The Syllable as a Phonetic and Phonological Unit. Types of
Методические указания.
Phonemes usually occur in sequences. Sound sequences are pronounced in such a way, that not
all the sounds are uttered with the same degree of force, the energy with which we articulate
alternately increases and diminishes. Certain sounds are pronounced louder than the other ones.
When we listen to the word even we’ll hear a distinct rise of prominence and loudness in
pronouncing the [i:] sound. Several theories have been created to explain the mechanism of
syllabic formation. Some explained the phenomenon of syllable formation by muscular tension
impulses (L.V. Shcherba), some proclaimed a “loudness theory” (N.I. Zhinkin), others describe
it as “sonority theory” (O.Jesperson). This phenomenon can be analyzed on phonetic (the way
we produce them) and phonological (the way phonemes are combined) levels. Phonetically a
syllable is a sound sequence, consisting of a centre which has little or no obstruction to airflow
and which sounds comparatively loud; before and after this centre there will be greater
obstruction to airflow and less loud sound. In pronouncing a syllable the energy of articulation
increases until it reaches its climax - the most energetically articulated sound - the syllabic
phoneme (or the nucleus), one or more phonemes that follow it (the coda) are pronounced with
less energy, the weakest articulation marks the boundary between two syllables. Some syllables
have an onset – sounds that precede the nucleus, as in bar, key, law. There is no syllable without
the nucleus, the presence of the onset and coda is optional. Usually the nucleus is a vowel,
though in some languages this function can be performed by a consonant. In English, for
example, the sonorants [l-m-n] can become syllabic if they occur in an unstressed final position
preceded by a noise consonant, as in ˈgarden, ˈsettle, ˈtable.
1. Соколова М.А., Гинтовт К.П., Тихонова И.С., Тихонова P.M. Теоретическая фонетика
английского языка. М.,” 2011
2.Антипова A.M. Система английской речевой интонации. – М., Высшая школа, 2016
3. Антипова A.M. Ритмическая система английской речи. – М., 2014.
4. ‘Теоретическая фонетика” Амандыкова Г.Астана издательство Фолиант 2010
5.Бондаренко Л.В. Основы общей фонетики. – М., 2014.
6.Бурая Е.А. Фонетика современного английского языка. Теоретический курс: учебник
для студ. лингв. вузов и фак. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2016.
7.Кодзасов С.В. Общая фонетика. – М., 2015.
8.Конурбаев М.Э. Стиль и тембр текста. – М., 2014.
9.Carr Ph. English Phonetics and Phonology. An Introduction. – Oxford

СРМ № 5
The domain of theoretical grammar. The subject- matter of morphology and syntax The subject
of theoretical course of grammar. Theoretical and practical grammar.
Методические указания.
The Oxford Concise Dictionary of Linguistics defines morphology as 'The study of the
grammatical structures of words and the categories realised by them', and syntax as 'The study of
grammatical relations between words and other units within the sentence'.
As you point out in your question these (pretty standard) definitions depend on the notion 'word'
to delimit the domains of each subject. The notion of 'word' is problematic as there's no good
definition that applies across all languages. It seems that it's best (or easiest) to define 'word' on a
language by language basis, although even then there are problems as different kinds of 'word'
can often be distinguished depending on the sets of criteria used: often there is a 'prosodic word'
(defined on phonological bases) which differs from the 'grammatical word' (defined in terms of
1. BlokhM.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. Khaimovich B.B. Rogovskaya B.I. ”A course in English grammar.” Moscow. 2014.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
7. Slusareva N.A.” Problems of the functional syntax.” Moscow. 2014.
8. Collins C. “English Grammar.” Harper Collins Publisher. 2015
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка.учебное пособие под ред.

СРМ № 6
The verb. Its characteristics as a part of speech. The semantic morphological and functional
classifications of words.
Методические указания.
Verbs are subdivided into the sets of verbs of full nominative value (notional) and sets of verbs
of partial nominative value semi-notional and functional verbs). Notional verbs are classified on
the basis of three main principles: the relation of the subject of the verb to the process denoted by
the verb, the aspective verbal semantics, the verbal combinability with other language units.
According to the first criterion all notional verbs are devided into two sets: actiomal and
functional.The category of voice,reflects the direction of the processas regards the participants in
the situation denoted by a syntactic construction. Like the finite forms of the verb, the verbals
have a distinction between active and passive, as will readily be seen from the following
(to) read— (to) be read
(to) have read — (to) have been read
reading— being read
having read — having been read
As to other possible voices (reflexive, reciprocal, and middle) there is no reason whatever to treat
the verbals in a different way from the finite forms. Thus, if we deny the existence of these
voices in the finite forms, we must also deny it in the verbals.
To sum up, then, what wo have found out concerning the categories in the verbals, we can say
that all of them have the categories of correlation and voice; the infinitive, in addition, has the
category of aspect. None of the verbals has the categories of tense, mood, person, or number.
1. BlokhM.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. Khaimovich B.B. Rogovskaya B.I. ”A course in English grammar.” Moscow. 2014.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
7. Slusareva N.A.” Problems of the functional syntax.” Moscow. 2014.
8. Collins C. “English Grammar.” Harper Collins Publisher. 2015
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка.учебное пособие под ред.

СРМ № 7
The noun, the category of number in nouns, its peculiarities in the English language. The notion
of countable and uncountable nouns. Singularia and pluralia tantum.
Методические указания.
The noun in Modern English has only two grammatical categories, number and case. The
existence of case appears to be doubtful and has to be carefully analysed.
The Modern English noun certainly has not got the category of grammatical gender, which is
to be found, for example, in Russian, French, German and Latin. Not a single noun in Modern
English shows any peculiarities in its morphology due to its denoting a male or a female being.
Thus, the words husband and wife do not show any difference in their forms due to the
peculiarities of their lexical meanings.
Do the practical tasks.Analyze the following groups of words, Supply their derivation formulas
and state differences in the meanings of affixes attended to different stems use transformation if
helpful -British, Spanish, bookish, sheepish, childish, thinnest, starfish, flourish, goodish,
Cassification of pronouns into personal, possessive, interrogative, indefinite, relative, etc. It is
clear, however, that some points in that classification are not grammatical at all. Thus, if we say,
for example, that a pronoun is indefinite we do not characterize it from a grammatical but from a
semantic point of view. There is no doubt that the pronoun something is indefinite in its
meaning, but that indefiniteness of meaning is in no way reflected either in its morphological
properties or in its syntactical functions.
1. BlokhM.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. Khaimovich B.B. Rogovskaya B.I. ”A course in English grammar.” Moscow. 2014.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
7. Slusareva N.A.” Problems of the functional syntax.” Moscow. 2014.
8. Collins C. “English Grammar.” Harper Collins Publisher. 2015
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка.учебное пособие под ред.

СРМ № 8
Parts of speech. The main criteria applied in discriminating parts of speech. Difficulties of the
problem of classifying. Morphology and Syntax.
Методические указания.
Decide to what parts of speech the words italicized may be assigned
After the conversation he went back to the memory of the previous afternoon, just recalling
fragments of friendliness and exactly revealed solicitude (Cronin)
Ten years after his famous experiment was performed
His work began at eight and he when on working till midnight. He went to bed only when he
finished it up. Too tired to work, too dulled to talk and simply vaguely satisfied that he had just
managed to complete the minimum (Wilson)
One of the things that surely served to darken Clyde’s mood just about the time when he was
seeking some practical Solution for himself… was the fact that his sister ran away with an actor.
write all types of pronouns and supply each of them with 5 examples.
Think of the meaning the “S”-morpheme signifies in a particular case. Tell of each “S”-form
whether it is an instance of plural number form the “S” morpheme is a word – building suffix.
Set up arguments.
Air- airs ice-ices spade-spades
Ash-ashes art-arts score-scores
Custom-customs slip-slips work-works
Spectacle-spectacles part-parts sand-sands
Appointment-appointments wage-wages respect-respects
1. BlokhM.Y. SemyonovaT.N. Timopheyeva S.B.” Practical work on theoretical grammar of the
English language.” Moscow. 2014.
2. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.
3. Ilyish B. “The Structure of modern English. Leningrad. 2014.
4. Ioffic L.L. Chakhoyan I.P. Pospelova A.G. ”Readings in the theory of English 2015
Grammar.Leningrad. 2014.
5. Khaimovich B.B. Rogovskaya B.I. ”A course in English grammar.” Moscow. 2014.
6. Weighman G.A. “New in modern English Grammar.” 2016
7. Slusareva N.A.” Problems of the functional syntax.” Moscow. 2014.
8. Collins C. “English Grammar.” Harper Collins Publisher. 2015
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка.учебное пособие под ред.
СРМ № 9
The word and its properties. The main approaches connected with the problem of the word as the
main language unit.
Методические указания.
If 'word' can be precisely defined in a given language then the domains of morphology and
syntax can be fairly clearly distinguished, but if not then there is not a clear boundary.
So cross-linguistically the notion of 'word' is fuzzy, as are the terms 'morphology' and 'syntax'.
But for most languages, and in most cases, it's still pretty clear what's meant by these terms; and
of course there's the term 'morphosyntax' for boundary cases. So while these two terms are not
precise they are still useful as a general way of referring to certain domains within a language.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
8.Арнольд И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка: учебник для институтов
и факультетов иностранных языков – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Высшая школа, 2016
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. учебное пособие под ред. Кунина.
СРМ № 10
Formal style.
Методические указания.
Formal words fall into two main groups: words associated with professional communication and
learned words.
Learned words are mainly associated with the printed page, they include numerous words of
scientific prose with their dry, matter-of-fact flavour as well as officialese, i.e. words of the
official, bureaucratic language.
Words of poetic fiction also belong to learned words. Archaic and obsolete words are out of oral
circulation. They are used in historical novels, in poetry.
The borderline between obsolete and archaic words is vague and uncertain.
There is a further term for words which are no longer in use: historicism, which denote objects
and phenomena of the past and no longer exist.
Thousands of words belong to special scientific, professional or trade terminological systems
and are not used or understood by people outside the particular specialty. Term is a word which
is specifically employed by a particular branch of science, technology or the arts to convey a
concept peculiar to this particular activity.
Words of basic vocabulary are stylistically neutral, the latter makes it possible to use them in all
kinds of situations, both formal and informal.
In teaching a foreign language, the basic vocabulary words comprise the essential part of the
students’ functional vocabulary.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
8.Арнольд И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка: учебник для институтов
и факультетов иностранных языков – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Высшая школа, 2016
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. учебное пособие под ред. Кунина.
СРМ № 11
English vocabulary as a system. Informal style. Colloquial words. Slang
Методические указания.
On the morphological level words are divided into four groups according to their morphological
1) root or morpheme words (dog, hand);
2) derivatives, which contain no less than two morphemes (dogged (ynpямый), doggedly; handy,
3) compound words consisting of not less than two free morphemes (dog-cheap-"very cheap",
dog-days - "hottest part of the year"; handbook, handball)
4) compound derivatives (dog-legged - "crooked or bent like a dog's hind leg", left-handed).
This grouping is considered to be the basis for lexicology.
Another type of traditional lexicological grouping as known as word-families such as: hand,
handy, handicraft, handbag, handball, handful, hand-made,handsome, etc.
A very important type of non-semantic grouping for isolated lexical units is based on a statistical
analysis of their frequency. Frequency counts carried out for practical purposes of lexicology,
language teaching and shorthand show important correlations between quantative and qualitative
characteristics of lexical units, the most frequent words being polysemantic and stylistically
neutral. The frequency analysis singles out two classes:
1) notional words;
2) form (or functional) words.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
8.Арнольд И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка: учебник для институтов
и факультетов иностранных языков – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Высшая школа, 2016
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. учебное пособие под ред. Кунина.
СРМ № 12
Standard English. Variants and dialects
Методические указания.
Although a standard English is generally used in public and official settings, a range
of registers (stylistic levels) exists within any standardized English, as is often seen when
comparing a newspaper article with an academic paper, for example. A distinction also may be
drawn between spoken and written forms of standard English, which tend to follow different
norms of formality. Furthermore, vernacular dialects are looser than codified standards, and
quicker to accept new grammatical forms and vocabulary. The various local standard varieties
are characterized by a generally accepted set of rules, often those established by prescriptive
grammarians of the 18th century.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
8.Арнольд И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка: учебник для институтов
и факультетов иностранных языков – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Высшая школа, 2016
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. учебное пособие под ред. Кунина.
СРМ № 13
English phraseology. How distinguish phrase and logical units.
Методические указания.
Phraseology is the study of set or fixed expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and other
types of multi-word lexical units (often collectively referred to as phrasemes), in which the
component parts of the expression take on a meaning more specific than or otherwise not
predictable from the sum of their meanings when used independently. For example, ‘Dutch
auction’ is composed of the words Dutch ‘of or pertaining to the Netherlands’ and auction ‘a
public sale in which goods are sold to the highest bidder’, but its meaning is not ‘a sale in the
Netherlands where goods are sold to the highest bidder’. Instead, the phrase has a
conventionalized meaning referring to any auction where, instead of rising, the prices fall.
1) phraseological fusions- non-motivated word groups , the meaning of components is
completely absorbed
2) phraseological unities motivated word groups, the emotional qualitiy is based upon the
metaphorical image
3) phraseological. Combinations motivated word groups, one component is used in its direct
meaning, the second- metaphorically.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
8.Арнольд И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка: учебник для институтов
и факультетов иностранных языков – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Высшая школа, 2016
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. учебное пособие под ред. Кунина.
СРМ № 14
Задание. Polysemy
Методические указания.
Polysemy (/pəˈlɪsɪmi/ or /ˈpɒlɪsiːmi/;[1][2] from Greek: πολύ-, polý-, "many" and σῆμα, sêma,
"sign") is the capacity for a sign (such as a word, phrase, or symbol) to have multiple meanings
(that is, multiple semes or sememes and thus multiple senses), usually related by contiguity
of meaning within a semantic field. Polysemy is thus distinct from homonymy—or homophony
—which is an accidental similarity between two words (such as bear the animal, and the verb to
bear); while homonymy is often a mere linguistic coincidence, polysemy is not.
Charles Fillmore and Beryl Atkins' definition stipulates three elements: (i) the various senses of a
polysemous word have a central origin, (ii) the links between these senses form a network, and
(iii) understanding the 'inner' one contributes to understanding of the 'outer' one.[3]
Polysemy is a pivotal concept within disciplines such as media studies and linguistics. The
analysis of polysemy, synonymy, and hyponymy and hypernymy is vital
to taxonomy and ontology in the information-science senses of those terms. It has applications
in pedagogy and machine learning, because they rely on word-sense
disambiguation and schemas.
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6.Arnold J.V. The English word – M., 2015
7.Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
8.Арнольд И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка: учебник для институтов
и факультетов иностранных языков – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Высшая школа, 2016
9.Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. учебное пособие под ред. Кунина.
СРМ № 15
Theme: Lexicography
Методические указания.
Lexicography is the process of writing, editing, and/or compiling a dictionary. An author or
editor of a dictionary is called a lexicographer. The processes involved in the compilation and
implementation of digital dictionaries (such as Merriam-Webster Online) is known as e-
"The fundamental difference between lexicography and linguistics," says Sven Tarp, "is that they
have two completely different subject fields: The subject field of linguistics is language, whereas
the subject field of lexicography is dictionaries and lexicographic works in general" References
1. Arnold I.V. “The English word”. Москва 2014
2. Antrushina G.B. and others.” English lexicology” 2015
3. Ginsburg R.S.and others “A course in & Modern English lexicology” 2014
4.Лексикология современного английского языкаАмандыкова Г.Астана издательство
Фолиант 2016
5.Ginsburg P.S., Khidekel S.S., Knyazeva G.Y., Sankin A.A. A course in modern English
lexicology – M., 2014
6. Antrushina G.B., Apfanasieva O.V. Lexicology of the English language – 2014
7. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. учебное пособие под ред. Кунина.
Mid term test I Theoretical Grammar 1variant
Choose one right answer out of four given bellow:
1. The form advantageously can be divided into – morphemes:
а) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
2. The basic notions of theoretic grammatical is.
а) meaning form, syntax b) form, morpheme, category
c) meaning, form, category d) morphology, syntax
3. Inflection morphemes have no _____________
a) lexical meaning b) grammatical meanings
d) grammatical significance c) structural meaning
4. By _______ we mean a way of expressing grammatical categories which consists in
changing a sound inside the root.
a) synthetic types b) sound alternations
c)analytical types d) sound formations
5. The principles on which the classification is based are:
a) meaning, from, function b) form and function
c) lexical meaning and syntactical function
d) function, the category or number and lexical meaning
6. The categorical meaning of substance is the feature of-
a) the numeral b) the pronoun
c) the verb d) the noun
7. In the classification proposed by Ch. Fries there are no less than ___classes or words.
a) 19 b) 20 c) 8 d) 5
8. By meaning we mean-
a) the individual meaning of each separate word b) its lexical meaning c) the
meaning common to all the words of the given class d) the morphological characteristics
9. We distinguish between ____________parts of speech.
a) notional and structural b)structural and the modal
c)notional and words of the category d)notional and the adverb
10. There are – tense forms in Modern. English.
a) 16 b) 14 c) 10 d) 12
11. Mood expresses the relation of the action to reality. It is _point of view.
a) H.Sweet b) Ch.Fries c) O.Jespersen d) V.Vinogadov
12. There are – voices in Modern English, besides active and passive.
a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 d) 5
13. “He dressed himself. It is the ___voice.
a) middle b) active c) passive d) reflexive
14.There are the following types of phrases in Modern English.
a) coordinative, subordinative b) predicative and modal
c) structural and subordinative d)syndetic and assyndetic
15. By ___________we understand the use of a certain form of the subordinate word required by
its head word
a)government b) agreement c) pattern d) coordinative
16. Syntactical relations between the components of a phrase fall under ----- main heads
a) 4 b) 2 c) 3 d) 5
17. A phrase has no _______.
a) position b) article c) stress d) intonation
18. There are _____ types of sentences according to the types of communication.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
19. The______ sentences are characterized by a special word – order.
a) imperative b) affirmative c) interrogative d) imperative
20. Composite sentences display two principle types of construction:
a) modality and predication b)coordination and subordination
c) special and principle d) agreement and government
21. The ___sentence consists of a principal clause and one or more subordinate clauses
a) composite b) compound c) simple d) complex
Theoretical Grammar 2 variant
1. The morphology deals with:
A) words and parts of speech B) phrases and phrasal words
C) morphemes and words D) syntactic bond
E) morphemes and multi-word verbs
2. Derivational morphemes are subdivided to:
A) allomorphs and morphs
B) inner inflexion and outer inflexion C) root morphemes and outer inflexions
D) prefixes, infixes and suffixes E) Continuous and discontinuous
3.Which category of the verb serves to show if the time of the action is viewed as prior to, or
irrespective of the actions or situations?
A) tense B) number C) aspect D) time-correlation E) mood
3. Choose the correct definition of the morpheme. The morpheme is
A) the smallest meaningful unit of the word B) the smallest part of the sentence
C) a secondary member of the grammatical opposition D) a nominative unit
E) syntactic bond
4. The grammatical category is:
A) a generalized correlation of lingual forms by means of which a certain function is expressed
B) a significance of a certain relation expressed by a dependent part of a word
C) a system of expressing a generalized grammatical meaning by means of paradigmatic
correlation of grammatical forms
D) a system of an oppositional reduction
E) the most general notion reflecting the most general properties of the phenomena
5. Classes of words, which have some common lexical-grammatical features are called
A) grammatical notions B) parts of speech C) phrase D) interjections
E) grammatical categories
6. Noun is a part of speech which expresses/ denotes
A) some circumstances that attend an action or a state
B) a categorical meaning of property of substance
C) substances, qualities, quantities, circumstances by indicating them
D) substances, qualities, quantities, circumstances by naming them
E) the relations between words in a sentence
7. The category of case of noun expresses the relation between:
A) the thing denoted by the noun and other things
B) the direction of the process as regards the participants of the situation reflected in the
syntactic construction
C) it reflects the inherent mode of the realization of the process irrespective of its timing
D) the mood of the person
E) the relation of the utterance (sentence) to reality
8. Ch. Fries divided all parts of speech into
A) 4 classes and 15 groups
B) 2 classes and 3 groups
C) declinable and indeclinable
D) 3 classes
E) 6 notional and 6 functional
9. Which of the following is not a critical point of existence of the future tense
A) the combination “shall/will + Inf” as a whole has a modal meaning- that of certainty
B) the future tense can be expressed by means of the Present simple, the present continuous
and other forms, not only by the form “shall/will + Inf”
C) there is Future-in the Past
D) it does not mean that the future action cannot be expressed in English
E) if tense is a system of oppositions, one of the opposition (Future) cannot be included into
both of others (Past and Present)
10. Finite forms of verbs express:
A) voice, gender, mood, aspect
B) aspect, gender, voice
C) time-correlation, mood, voice
D) number, gender, person
E) person, number, tense, mood, aspect, voice
11. Which of the following parts of speech is a functional one?
A) a noun B) a verb C) an adverb D) an adjective E) a preposition
12. Which of the following parts of speech is a notional one?
A) a noun B) a preposition C) a conjunction D) a particle E) a link verb
13. What is the categorical meaning of a verb?
A) process B) substantive C) property D) quality E) quantity
14.Point an example of concrete noun?
A) refusal B) physician, republican C) darkness, weakness D) cruelty, sanity
E) agreement
15. The following grammarians support the assumption that there is no the Future Tense in
A) M.Y. Blokh B) V.L. Kaushanskaya C) L.S. Barkhudarov D) B.A. Ilysh
E) R.A. Close
16 The morphological characteristics of the noun are:
A) number, case B) number C) gender D) case, genderE) number, case, tense
17. Posessive case is used with nouns
A) denoting living beings B) abstract nouns C) denoting concrete things
D) collective nouns E) phenomena
18. Nouns are subdivided into
A) common and concrete B) common and abstract C) common and proper
D) proper and abstract E) proper and abstract
19. Case is built by means of:
A) derivation B) inflection C) prefixation D) suffixation E) suppletivity
20. Singularia tantum are nouns which:
A) form the plural with the ending ‘s’ B) form the plural with sound interchange
C) form the plural with zero-morpheme D) do not have the plural form
22. Number is formed
A) with a zero- morpheme, inflection, sound interchange
B) zero-morpheme, inflection, sound interchange, adding the inflection
C) inflection, sound interchange, adding the inflection
D) inflection, adding the inflection, zero-morpheme
E) zero-morpheme
23. In English there are:
A) 2 genders B) 3 genders C) no gender D) 1 gender E) 4 genders
24. According to their meaning and syntactical functions verbs may be divided into:
A) notional and auxiliary B) notional, semi-auxiliary, auxiliary
C) notional, semi auxiliary, link D) notional, link, auxiliary E) notional, link
25.The English verb has primary
A) 2 tenses B) 16 tenses C) 8 tenses D) 4 tenses E) 3 tenses
Test on theoretical phonetics
1. What does phonetics deal with? b) Nucleus,tail
a) Sounds c) Head,tail
b) Letters d) All mentioned above
c) Morphemes 11. Tail is…
d) Languages a) All stressed syllables
2. How many vowels are there in english? b) The unstressed syllables
a) 23 following the last stressed
b) 26 syllable
c) 21 c) The unstressed syllables
d) 15 preceding the first stressed
3. Linking “r” is given in … syllable
a) Teacher of maths d) The first stressed syllable of
b) Ma and pa intonation pattern
c) Lake and pond 12. What basic nuclear tones of english do
d) Me and you you know?
4. Syllable is….. a) Low rise,low fall
a) Phonetic phenomenon b) Mid-level,high-rise
b) Sound system c) Fall-risr,risr-fall,rise-fall-rise
c) A unit which may cluster d) All mentioned
d) Double sounds 13. What types of srtess do you know?
5. What is known as intonation? a) Logical,word-stress,sentence
a) Emotions,feeling of speaker stress
b) Speaker’s attitude to the b) word-stress,sentence stress
reality c) phrase stress,word-stress
c) Pauses, speed d) musical,dynamic
d) Voice riing and falling tones 14. Double assimilation is…(suggest your
6. Accidental rise is in the sentence…. own idea of given term and give
a) I am here. example)
b) You are lier. 15. Intrusive “r” is…. suggest your own idea
c) Helen is the best student in of given term and give example)
the class.
d) I go there.
7. What sonorants of english do you know?
a) A,d,c,
b) R,l,w,n,ng,m,j
c) R,l,w,j,l,ng
d) K,g,m,n.
8. What are the main organs of speech?
a) Heart,head,arm
b) Tongue,lips
c) Tongue,lips, lungs, pharyngal
d) Legs,arms
9. What words have double stresses?
a) Organization,population
b) Well – dressed,give up
c) Solution,decision
d) Mother-in-law,sister-in-law
10. Point out the main parts of
a) Low pre-head,head
Mid term test I on theory of English phonetics.
1. Give the definitions on the following words “Sound alternation”, “allophone”, “syllable”,
“word accent”, “grapheme”.(10)
2. List the groups of English double- stressed words. Give examples.(10)
3. Classify English vowels. (10)
4. Describe types of word accent. Give examples. (10)
5. The word “pin” [pin] is spelt according to … principle:
1. monographic; 3. differentiating;
2. phonetic; 4. conservative. (2)
6. Which system of transcription is used to write personal name of phonetics “Щерьба” ?
1. sch 3.skh
2. csh 4. shch. (2)
7. British phoneticians distinguish the following degrees of word – stress:
1. loud, reduced loud, medial, weak 4. primary, secondary, tertiary, weak (2)
2. stressed, unstressed
3. primary, secondary, weak
8. The typical syllabic structure is of:
1. CV type;
2. VC type;
3. CV (C) type;
4. V type;
5. VVC (2).
9. From the view point of syllable division syllables are classified as…
1. open, closed;
2. covered, uncovered;
3. none;
4. allmentioned;
5. open.(2)
10. According to their length syllables may be:
1. syllabic, non-syllabic
2. short, long
3. fixed, free
4. all mentioned
5. strong\weak. (2)
11. According to their accentual weight syllables may be:
1. closed, covered
2. stressed, unstressed
3. strong, weak
4. tense, lax;
5. voiced\voiceless.(2)
12. The main criteria in classifying vowels in English are:
1. stability of articulation;
2. tongue and lip position;
3. length;
4. tenseness;
5. all mentioned. (2)
13. According to the stability of articulation vowels are classified into:
1. front, central, back;
2. close, mid, open;
3. rounded, unrounded;
4. long, short;
5. monophthongs, diphthongs.(2)
14. Vowels in English are classified into rounded, unrounded according to:
1. length;
2. the tongue position;
3. the lip position;
4. tenseness;
5. checkness.(2)
15. The fundamental frequency or pitch can be investigated by a number of instrumental
techniques, the best of which is:
1. palatograph; 3.X – ray photograph;
2. sound spectrograph;4. intonograph.
5. direct observation (2).
16. We have intrusive “r” in:
1. there are; 3. clearer;
2. the idea of it ; 4. a teacher of math; 5. drinking tea.(2).
17. What word combination is the example of vowel alternation?
 Blackboard
 Sit sat sat
 Send sent sent
 Might – light
 Big – pig(2)
18. In the word “needle” the peculiarity of CC transition is called…
1. Loss of plosion;
2. Nasal plosion;
3. Lateral plosion;
4. Labialization;
5. Aspiration.(2)
19. Lingual consonants are subdivided into:
1. Mediolingual, nasal; 2. Forelingual; 3. Bilabial, labio-dental;
4. Backlingual, oral; 5. Forelingual, mediolingual, backlingual.(2)
20. Assimilation is…:
1. The result of obstruction;
2. The result of adaptation of one vowel to another;
3. The result of length;
4. The influence of neighboring consonants to each other;
5. The result of softness of consonants.(2)
21.Compound adjectives, both elements of which are equally important( good-looking, wll-
known) have…
1. Two strong stresses; 2. One strong stress;
3. One strong stress and one secondary stress;
4. One strong stress and one tertiary stress;
5. One strong stress and one weak stress.(2)
22. The type of word accent French and Kazakh belong to is…
1. Shifting; 2. Free; 3.Temporary; 4.Fixed; 5. Constant.(2)
23.Chinese, Korean, Japanese belong to the … type of accent:
1. Force; 2. Musical; 3.Qualitative; 4.Quantitative; 5. Power.(2)
24.Verbs with postpositions of adverbial character “go on, pick up, sot down” have…
1. Two strong stresses;
2. One strong stress;
3. One strong stress and one secondary stress;
4. One strong stress and one tertiary stress;
5. One strong stress and one weak stress.(2)
25.Complete the following sentences:
Phonetics is concerned with the …..
Phonetics is closely connected with ________________________sciences like______________
as well as with non -_________________ sciences likeе_______________________
Phonetics has the following divisions:___________________________
Phonology is the branch of phonetics which deals
Phoneme is_________________________________________________(10)
26. Answer the given questions
How many sound are their in Russian? What are they?
Try to formulate the notion of the term “Intonation”.
What organ of speech produces the voice?
What principles are the English consonants classified to?
Choose one right answer out of four given bellow:
1.What does the lexicology study in your opinion?
Sentence Words Origin and development of the language Sounds
2.What are antonyms?
Words with opposite meaning Words with the same meaning
Words with identical meaning Words with the same pronunciation
3.Which words are synonyms?
Long-short Table-chair Large-big To live-to leave
4.What is the American variant of the following words:
Theatre Music hall Circus Movies
5.What does the following idiom mean: Watch your mouth
He must insist and say no Be careful what you say
Iwill not do more
Don’t talk
6.What is the British variants of the American words: subway,fall
Underground, autumn Metro, to fall down Tube, to break Sidewalk ,road
7.Nouns can be formed with the help of the following suffixes:
Ful, y Ly En,ize Ment,ness
8.What part of speech can be formed with the help of suffix-less
Adverb Adjective Verb Noun
9.What word has verb-forming suffix?
Leader Friendship Tactful Widen
10.Find colloquial and bookish words for the following neutral word “begin”
Start, commence End ,terminate Go on, proceed Start, terminate
11.What does the abbreviation ”UNO” mean?
United National Organization United Nation Organization
United Nations Office Universal Nations Organization
12.Find medical terms
Army, soldier Dean, headmaster Lawyer, jury Pneumonia, pill
13.What does phraseology study?
Sentences Words Idioms, set expressions Proverbs
14.Complete the proverb:” Haste makes….
Waist Waste Taste Cakes
15.What is the morpheme?
A set of words expressing one idea An independent unit of a language
A group of words The smallest meaningful unit

Mid term test on Lexicology 1variant

1.Lexicology is a part of linguistics which studies:
A)The vocabulary of a language.
B)The grammatical system of a language.
C)The phonemic shape of words.
D)The history of a language.
E)The relations between the language and social life.
2.Semasiology is the branch of Lexicology that deals with:
A)The study of word meaning. B)The phonemic shape of words.
C)The grammatical function of words. D)A positional mobility of words within a sentence.
E)Differentiation of vocabulary according to the sphere of communication.
3.A morpheme is:
A)The smallest indivisible two- facet language unit. B)The basic unit of a language.
C)A cliché. D)A collocation. E)An abbreviation.
4.Structurally morphemes fall into:
A)Root morphemes. B)Stem morphemes. C)Prefixational morphemes.
D)Suffixational morphemes. E)Free, semi-free, bound, semi-bound morphemes.
5.A stem is :
A)A functional affix. B)A derivational affix. C)A prefix. D)A suffix. E)An unchanged part.
6.A suffix is:
A)A derivational morpheme preceding the root. B)A derivational morpheme following the stem.
C)A common element of words within a word- family. D)An affix placed within the word.
E)A combining form.
7.Functional affixes:
A)Convey grammatical meaning. B)Form different words.
C)Provide the structural completeness of a word-group. D)Convey emotional component of
meaning. E)Form blendings.
8.A paradigm is:
A)The system of the grammatical forms of a word.
B)The system of the lexical meanings of a word.
C)The system of the morphological changes of a word.
D)The system of the semantic changes of a word.
E)The system of the lexico-grammatical changes of a word.
9.Affixation is the formation of words:
A)By adding derivational affixes to stems.
B)By joining two or more stems. C)By combining parts of two words.
D)By reducing a word to one of its parts. E)By shortening a written word or phrase.
10.Word composition is a word-building process in which words are built:
A)By joining two or more stems. B)By adding derivational affixes to stems.
C)By means of changing the paradigm. D)By combining parts of two words.
E)By clipping the beginning or the end of the word.
11.Which word-building ways are similar to compounding?
A)Affixation. B)Sound imitation. C)Conversion. D)Back formation.
E)Blending and reduplication.
12.Which word-building type is similar to conversion?
A)Adjectivization, adverbialization, substantivization. B)Blending,telescoping, reduplication.
C)Sound and stress imitation. D)Initial and final clipping.
E)Lexical and graphical abbreviations.
13.Affixation, word-composition and conversion are:
A)Principal and productive ways of forming new words.
B)Non-productive ways of word-formation.
C)Minor types of word-building.
D)Morphosyntactically conditioned combinability of words.
E)Word-building patterns .
14.shortening is:
A)A common element of words. B)A derived word. C)The smallest meaningful unit.
D)A significant subtraction of a word. E)Blending.
15.Hybrids are:
A)Idiomatic compounds.
B)Removal of all functional and derivational elements.
C)Words which are made after existing patterns.
D)Words made up affixes from two or more different languages.
E)The smallest meaningful units.
16.Derivational compounds are:
A)Words which provide the structural completeness of a word-group.
B)Derivational morphemes standing before the root.
C)Elements of set expressions which are structurally necessary.
D)Compound words that have affixes.
E)Words made up of elements derived from two or more different languages.
17.According to the structure the words: fridge,pud,tech,USA,exam are:
A)Simple. B)Shortened. C)Compound. D)Derived. E)Blendings.
18.Which of the following pairs of words has the verb derived from the noun?
A)A monkey-to monkey. B)A peel- to peel. C)A help- to help.
D)A tramp- to tramp. E)A jump- to jump.
19.Check for the type of word-formation in the following words:UNO,NATO,laser,radar
A)Lexicalization. B)Blending. C)Back formation.
D)Shortening. E)Sound imitation.
20.Which of these nouns are derived form the verbs?
A)A pain,a tramp, a button. B)A pen, a weekend, a drink.
C)A break, a catch, a jump. D)A cook, a button, a monkey. E)A fall, a windlass, an act.
Mid term test on Lexicology 2 variant
1.Lexicology is closely connected with:
A)phonetics. B)Grammar. C)Stylistics. D)The history of the language
E)All the above mentioned branches of linguistics.
2.Etymology investigates:
A)Peculiarities of the English vocabulary. B)Different types of compounds.
C)General problems of the theory of the word. D)Different kinds of dictionaries.
E)The origin and history of a word and its true meaning.
3.Semantically morphemes are classified as:
A)Root and affixational morphemes. B)Free morphemes.
C)Semi-free morphemes. D)Bound morphemes. E)Semi-bound morphemes.
4.The root of the word is: C)By adding word-building affixes to stems.
A)The basic part of a word to which affixes D)By combining parts of two words.
are added. B)The basic unit of a language. E)By shortening a written word or phrase.
C)A derivational affix. D)A grammatical 10.What is clipping?
paradigm. A)The result of reduction of a word to one
E)A derived stem. of its parts.
5.A prefix is : B)The result of adding affixes to free stems.
A)A derivational morpheme preceding the C)The result of merging parts of words into
root. one new word.
B)A derivational morpheme following the D)The result of subtracting a real or
stem. supposed suffix from existing words.
C)A common element of words within a E)The result of shortening and
word-family. compounding.
D)An affix placed within the word. 11.What is blending?
E)A combining form. A)Telescoping, reduplication.
6.An infix is: B)Sound and stress interchange.
A)A derivational morpheme preceding the C)Back-formation.
root. D)Sound imitation.
B)A derivational morpheme following the E)Affixation.
stem. 12.The basic aim of the derivational analysis
C)A common element of words within a of the word structure is:
word- family. A)To point out the number of morphemes.
D)An affix placed within the word. B)To state the derivational pattern of the
E)A combining form. given word.
7.Derivational affixes serve: C)To define the degree of derivation of the
A)To form different words. primary stem.
B)To convey grammatical meaning. D)To state the meaning of the word.
C)To build different forms of one and the E)To find out the connection between the
same word. structural patternof the word and its
D)To form only neologisms. meaning.
E)To connect parts of blendings. 13.Sound imitation, reduplication, clipping,
8.Word-formation is the process of creating: abbreviation are:
A)Root morphemes. A)Productive ways of word-building.
B)Affixational morphemes. B)Minor types of word making.
C)Grammatical forms of a word. C)Principal ways of word-building.
D)New words. D)Ways of making up phraseological units.
E)Bound stem. E)Ways of changing syntactic pattern and
9.Conversion is a word- building process in paradigm of words.
which words are built: 14.An allomorph is:
A)By means of changing the paradigm. A)An affix placed within a word.
B)By joining two or more stems together. B)A positional variant of a morpheme.
C)An ultimate constituent of a word.
D)An association of a given meaning with a
given sound.
E)A common element of words.
15.Compound words are:
A)Words consisting of at least two stems
which occur in the language as free forms.
B)Class of lexical element possessing the
same lexico-grammatical meaning
C)Nouns denoting some feelings and state.
D)Derivational morphemes standing before
the root.
E)The smallest meaningful unit.
16.Which of the following words are
derived compounds?
A)Boyfriend, back-formation, wallflower.
B)Well-formed, dishwasher, three-cornered.
C)Overestimate, subdivided, pseudo-
D)Refrigerators, appendicitis, violation.
E)Forget-me- not, information,
17.Which of these prefixes have the
opposite meaning?
18.What is the meaning of the underlined
parts of words: monolingual,
19.which of the following words are
A)Beggar, to burgle, to edit.
B)Hanky, nighty, radar.
D)Ping-pong, topsy-turvy,walkie-talkie.
20.Which of the following words contain
diminutive suffixes?
A)Heroine, actress.
B)Booklet, hanky.
C)Poetic, picturesque.
D)Cloudy, girlish.
E)Funny, sunny.
11. Список источников и электронных ресурсов
Основная литература/ материалы
1. Фромкин В., Родман Р.Тіл біліміне кіріспе,10 басылым,Халықаралық басылым,2018.-
2. Пинкер, С. Тіл -инстинкт. Тіл мен сана туралы жаңа ғылым. [Текст]: оқулық / С.
Пинкер. - Алматы : Ұлттық аударма бюросы, 2019. - 386 бет.
3. Янсон, Т. Тіл тарихы: Кіріспе [Текст]: оқулық / Т. Янсон. - Алматы : Ұлттық аударма
бюросы, 2019. - 244 бет.
4. Блох М.Я.Теоретические основы грамматики: Учебник/ М.Я. Блох. - 4-е изд., испр. - М.:
Высшая школа, 2005. - 239 с

Дополнительная литература/ материалы

1. Расторгуева, Т. А. История английского языка [Текст] : учебник / Т. А. Расторгуева. - 2-
е изд., стер. - М. : Изд-во "Астрель",2003, 2006. - 348 с.
2. Ильиш Б.А. История английского языка: Учебник/ Б.А. Ильиш; на англ.языке. - Л.:
Просвещение, 1972,2007. - 351 с
3. Аханов, К. Тіл білімінің негіздері [Текст] : оқу құралы / К. Аханов. - қайта басылым. -
Алматы : Өлке, 2010. - 560 бет.
4. Буранкулова Э.Т.Краткий конспект лекций: По дисц. Теоретическая грамматика для
студ. 3 курса спец. 050205-Иностранная филология (английский язык) дневной формы
обучения/ Э.Т. Буранкулова. - Актобе: РИО АГУ им. К. Жубанова, 2008. - 37 с
5. "Баданбекқызы, З. Ағылшын және қазақ тілдерінің салыстырмалы грамматикасы
[Текст] : оқу құралы / З. Баданбекқызы. - Алматы : Бастау, 2010. - 420 бет"
6. Blokh M.Y. “A course in theoretical English Grammar.” Moscow. 2015.

Интернет ресурсы:
Учебные достижения магистрантов оцениваются по 100 бальной (%) шкале.
№ Количество баллов Примечание
Виды текущего контроля І рубежный контроль-80 баллов,
ІІ рубежный контроль -70 баллов
в режиме online
в режиме оffline 2 балла- за 1 неделю

По лекционным занятиям 8 7
8 недель 7 недель
недель - недель -
- max.16 - max.14
max.16 max.14
баллов баллов
баллов баллов online -лекции проводятся в
1.1 Посещение видеолекции 0-4 0-7 соответствии с расписанием
баллов баллов и Syllabus дисциплины,
1.2 Активность в видеолекциях оцениваются соответственно;
1 0-12 0-7
(вопросы, блиц-вопросы, - в оffline режиме успеваемость
баллов баллов
обсуждение) студентов оценивается по
1.1 Создание конспекта лекций выполненным заданиям на
на основе видеолекций на 0-4 0-7 лекциях, отправленных на
YouTube канале и загрузка их на баллов баллов портал «Univer» (электронная
платформу «Univer» почта используется, если
1.2 Выполнение письменной доступ ограничен)
работы по вопросам лекции 0-12 0-7
(тесты, эссе, словари, глоссарии, баллов баллов
таблицы и т. д.)
По практическим
2 и/или лабораторным занятиям 8 недель - max.24 баллов
3 балла – за 1 неделю
7 недель - max.21 баллов

2.1 Посещение видеоуроков 8 недель - 0-8 баллов

согласно расписанию 7 недель 0-7 баллов Задания включают темы в
2.2 Активное участие в Syllabus и занятия проходят
практических / семинарских / 8 недель - 0-16 баллов
онлайн по расписанию
лабораторных занятиях
7 недель 0-14 баллов
3 Самостоятельная работа 8 недель - max.20 балл
магистрантов под (2,5 балла – за 1 неделю) Выполняется при обратной
руководством преподавателя связи с преподавателем по
7 недель - max.21 балл
(СРМП) расписанию, обратная связь
(3 балла – за 1 неделю)
3.1 Выполнение задании СРМП 8 недель - 0-8 баллов осуществляется через
по расписанию и загрузка их на платформу «Univer»
платформу «Univer» 7 недель – 0-7 баллов (электронная почта
3.2 Защита и презентация задания 8 недель - 0-12 баллов используется, если доступ
СРМП, загрузить презентации на ограничен)
платформу «Univer» 7 недель – 0-14 баллов
4 Самостоятельная работа 8 недель - max.20 баллов
магистрантов (СРМ) (2,5 балла – за 1 неделю)
7 недель - max.14 баллов
(2 балла – за 1 неделю)
4.1 Выполнение задании СРМ по 8 недель - 0-8 баллов
графику и загрузка их на
платформу «Univer». 7 недель- 0-7 баллов Проверка заданий и обратная
4.2 Умение работать 8 недель - 0-12 баллов связь осуществляется через
самостоятельно и творчески платформу «Univer»
(написание конспектов, (электронная почта
рефератов, составление используется, если доступ
библиографий, планов, 7 недель - 0-7 баллов ограничен)
логических идей, аргументов,
выводов и т. д.)
5 Рубежный контроль 20 / 30 8-я и 15-ая неделя
6 Промежуточный 100 Согласно расписанию
контроль(экзамен) экзаменов
Примечание! Текущий контроль успеваемости магистрантов проводится регулярно
на платформе университета «Univer» в соответствии с расписанием.


Политика курса состоит из административных требований и принципов академической
 административные требования:
- полное освоение знаний по предмету;
- освоение компетенций по ОП;
- уважительное и вежливое отношение к преподавателям, сотрудникам и обучающимся;
- не менять задания самостоятельно (произвольно) и соблюдать требования, указанные в
- посещение занятии в онлайн и офлайн-режимах в соответствии с расписанием;
- эффективное использование контента по теме, например, регулярное прослушивание
видеолекций по темам на канале YouTube, задания, блиц-вопросы и т. д.;
- овладение навыками работы с информационными (техническими) средствами,
необходимыми для дисциплины и соблюдения технических требований;
- выполнение заданий СРС в срок, указанный в личном расписании преподавателя и
обратной связи с преподавателем-предметником;
- выполнение контрольных заданий (рубежный, промежуточный контроль) в
установленные сроки (кроме уважительных причин);
- ответственное отношение к имуществу вуза, кафедры;
- соблюдение внутренних правил университета;
- активное участие в работе кафедры, факультета, университета.

из «Академического кодекса честности»
Актюбинского регионального университета имени К.Жубанова
 получение качественных знаний;
 регулярное участие в онлайн-занятиях и использование электронных платформ
(«ZOOM», «MOODLE» и др.) в соответствии с утвержденным графиком.
 выполнять требования преподавателя, прописанные в силлабусе;
 самостоятельно выполнять все виды работ (задания СРСП, курсовые, выпускные
работы и др.) и вовремя предоставлять их преподавателю;
 не использовать сотовые телефоны, шпаргалки во время выполнений текущего,
рубежного, итогового видов контроля;
 при выполнении учебной, научно-исследовательской работы использовать
различные данные с указанием авторов, в конце привести список использованных
 использовать достоверные и надежные источники информации;
 не предоставлять свою работу для списывания другим обучающимся;
 не использовать личные, родственные или служебные связи для передачи взятки
преподавателям и администрации.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ! Политика курса является общей для университета
Приложение 1

Традиционная шкала оценок оценивания учебных достижений обучающихся

и бально-рейтинговая буквенная система, переведенная на ECTS (иситиэс)

Оценки по Числовой Баллы (%- Оценки по

буквенной эквивалент баллов ое традиционной
системе содержание) системе
А 4,0 95-100 Очень хорошо
А- 3,67 90-94
В+ 3,33 85-89 Хорошо
В 3,0 80-84
В- 2,67 75-79
С+ 2,33 70-74
С 2,0 65-69 Удовлетворительно
С- 1,67 60-64
D+ 1,33 55-59
D- 1,0 50-54
FX 0,5 25-49
F 0 0-24

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