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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего образования
«Алтайский государственный педагогический университет»

Н.А. Жукова


УДК 811.111›36(075)
ББК 81.432.1-2я73

Жукова, Н.А.
Изучаем систему английских времен и модальные глаголы :
практикум / Н.А. Жукова. – Барнаул : АлтГПУ, 2018. – 132 с.

Кочкинекова А.В., кандидат филологических наук, доцент (Ал-
тайский государственный педагогический университет)

Цель практикума – способствовать формированию грамматиче-

ской компетенции студентов, которая включает в себя автоматизи-
рованное употребление грамматических структур в устной и пись-
менной речи. Практикум содержит упражнения, направленные на
формирование навыков употребления видо-временных форм и мо-
дальных глаголов английского языка.
Практикум предназначен для студентов неязыковых факультетов
и институтов педагогических вузов. Он может быть рекомендован
широкому кругу лиц, желающих изучать английский язык.
Рекомендовано к изданию редакционно-издательским советом АлтГПУ 31.05.2018 г.

© Алтайский государственный
педагогический университет, 2018
Практикум предназначен для студентов неязыковых факультетов и
институтов педагогических вузов. Он составлен в соответствии с тре-
бованиями учебной рабочей программы по английскому языку для не-
языковых специальностей высших учебных заведений и может быть
использован как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы.
Преимуществом данного практикума является то, что он может соче-
таться с любым базовым курсом английского языка.
Основная цель практикума – способствовать формированию
грамматической компетенции студентов, которая включает в себя
автоматизированное употребление грамматических структур в уст-
ной и письменной речи. Он посвящен одной из самых сложных про-
блем английской грамматики, проблеме правильного употребления
в речи видо-временных форм глагола. Для того чтобы заговорить на
иностранном языке, необходимо, прежде всего, научиться грамотно
употреблять в речи личные формы глагола, так как глагол является
основой любого предложения. В практикуме также рассматривают-
ся наиболее употребительные в речи модальные глаголы.
Теоретический материал в данном издании представлен в табли-
цах, в которых кратко сформулированы основные случаи употребле-
ния времен, приводятся примеры. Акцент делается на возможных
показателях времени, которые помогут студентам дифференциро-
вать грамматические явления.
Практические задания предлагаются в порядке возрастания язы-
ковых трудностей и постепенного перехода от заданий репродуктив-
ного характера к заданиям продуктивного типа. Упражнения следует
выполнять в различных режимах работы (индивидуально, в парах
и т. д.), устные упражнения чередовать с письменными. В конце
многих разделов есть задания на перевод с русского языка на ан-
глийский. Они способствуют активизации изучаемого лексико-грам-
матического материала. В практикум также включены тесты для са-
Автор выражает искреннюю благодарность рецензенту – канди-
дату филологических наук, доценту А.В. Кочкинековой, чьи полез-
ные замечания способствовали улучшению качества этого практи-
Надеемся, что работа по предложенному практикуму будет не
только полезной, но и доставит читателям удовольствие.

Часть I
Времена английского глагола
Глагол to be (Present Simple)

Основным значением глагола to be является «быть, находиться,

есть, существовать». Чтобы использовать его правильно, необходимо
помнить основные случаи его употребления. Глагол to be может вы-
ступать глаголом-связкой. В русских предложениях в настоящем вре-
мени глагол-связка «быть, находиться» часто опускается.
John is a businessman. – Джон (есть) бизнесмен.
Max is Canadian. – Макс (есть) канадец.
I am thirty (years old). – Мне − тридцать лет.

Формы глагола to be в простом настоящем времени

Verb (V) – глагол. Subject (S) – подлежащее

Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная

форма форма форма
am am not Am
S+ is … S+ is not … Is +S …?
are are not Are
I am a student. (I’m …) I am not a student. Am I a student?
(I’m not …)
You You you
They are students. They are not students. Are they students?
We We we
(They’re …) (We aren’t … )
He He he
She is a student. She is not a student. Is she a student?
(She’s … ) (He isn’t ...) it a cat?
It is a cat. It is not a cat

Типы вопросов (глагол to be в простом настоящем времени)

Тип вопроса Случаи употребления Примеры

1. Общий вопрос Этот вопрос требует – Is he a student?
ответа «да» или «нет» – Yes, he is.
− No, he isn’t.
2. Специальный Это вопрос, целью кото- – Where is he from?
вопрос рого является получение – He is from Russia.
какой-то специальной – What is he?
информации. Такие − He is a student.
вопросы начинаются с
вопросительных слов:
Who? (кто?)
What? (что? какой?)
Why? (почему?)
How? (как?)
How old? (сколько лет?)
Which? (который?)
Whose? (чей?)
How many? (сколько?) –
с исчисляемыми суще-
How much? (сколько?) −
с неисчисляемыми суще-
3. Альтернатив- Этот вопрос − Is he a student or a
ный вопрос предполагает выбор, pupil?
альтернативу − He is a student.
4. Разделитель- Это вид вопроса, выража- − He is a student, isn’t
ный вопрос ющий сомнение, удивле- he?
ние или подтверждение – Yes, he is.
сказанного. Русский − No, he isn’t.
эквивалент – «не так ли?»

1. Fill in the blanks with am, is, are.
1. This famous professor … from Italy.
2. It … very hot today.
3. We … hard-working students.

4. They … busy now.
5. His office … not far from here.
6. I … hungry.
7. Chinese … a difficult language.
8. I … glad to see you.
9. It … winter.
10. My brother … out at the moment.
11. Her friends … positive.
12. The lesson … over.
13. You … very brave.
14. Ben … about 45.

2. Answer the questions about the names and occupations of people

according to the patterns. Work in pairs.

e.g.: − Who is she? – She is Kate.

−What is she? − She is a pupil.

1. − Who is this boy? (Nick Brown)

− What is he? (a manager)
2. − Who are you? (Helen)
− What are you? (an actress)
3. − Who is that man? (Mr. Black)
− What is he? (an architect)
4. − Who are those women? (Nina and Jane)
− What are they? (cooks)
5. − Who is she? (my cousin)
− What is she? (a nurse)
6. − Who is that beautiful girl? (Emily Smith)
− What is she? (a singer)
7. − Who are they? (our grandparents)
− What are they? (pensioners) [5].

3. Disagree with the following statements. Use the words suggested.

e.g.: −Is your father a bus driver?(a mechanic)

−No, he isn’t. He is a mechanic.

1. Are you a singer? (a dancer)
2. Is your aunt a housewife? (an actress)
3. Is she a secretary? (a manager)
4. Are they students? (pupils)
5. Is your uncle an architect? (an artist)
6. Is your husband a pilot? (a doctor)
7. Are you a teacher? (a dentist)
8. Are they students? (workers)
9. Is your father a builder? (an engineer)
10. Are they politicians? (scientists)

4. Put to be in Present Simple.

1. – What … your name? – My name … Bob.

2. – How old … you? – I … 20.
3. – What … your address? – My address … Lenin Street 49.
4. – Where … he from? – He … from Italy.
5. – … your aunt a teacher? – No, she … not.
6. – What … your parents? – They … doctors.
7. – Where … John and Ted? – They … in the gym.
8. It … time to have tea. The pie … ready.
9. – … you busy? – No, I … not.
10. We are happy.
11. – What time … it? – It … 10 o’clock. It … time to go to bed.
12. My brother … busy. He … in the office.
13. – How … you? – I … fine, thanks.
14. – Where … the papers? – They … on the desk [1].

5. Fill in the gaps. Ask special questions.

e.g.: My name … Janet. What …?

My name … Janet. What is your name?

1. – I … 36. – How old …?

2. – I … from Russia. – Where …?
3. – My favourite season … summer. – What …?
4. – Her birthday … in August. – When …?
5. – I … well. – How …?

6. – My cousin’s surname … Smirnov. – What …?
7. – I … a teacher. – What …?
8. – I … keen on sport. – What …?
9. – My favourite dish … pizza. – What …?
10. – My friend … interested in music. – What …?

6. Make up true sentences.

1. It … winter.
2. I … hot.
3. My father … a teacher.
4. We … at home.
5. My parents … from Barnaul.
6. I … happy.
7. My friend … 50.
8. My grandmother … a pensioner.
9. Russia … a very big country.
10. I … interested in music.
11. I … single.
12. It … cold in the classroom.

7. Make up sentences.

1) are, you, where, from?

2) your, old, mother, how, is?
3) picture, is, beautiful, it, a.
4) bright, are, the rooms, and, big.
5) not, French, bad, is, your.
6) out, the, is, TV set, order, of.
7) all, everything, is, right?
8) in, the, is, city, the center, of, theatre, the.
9) is, telephone, it, whose?
10) interested, fashion, in, Sofia, is?

8. Translate the proverbs, learn them by heart.

1. Two heads are better than one.

2. My home is my castle.

3. Time is money.
4. There is no place like home.
5. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
6. A happy life is better than a full purse.

9. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Он счастливый.
2. Моя бабушка очень добрая.
3. Они дома?
4. Этот фильм неинтересный.
5. – Ее компьютер новый? – Нет.
6. Елена – моя лучшая подруга.
7. Какой он человек?
8. Рита не актриса, она художница.
9. – Где твои дети? – Они в школе.
10. – Сколько лет твоему дяде? – Ему 76 лет.
11. – Сколько сейчас времени? – Половина пятого.
12. – Кто твои родители? – Мой папа – экономист, а мама – повар.
13. – Твоя семья большая? – Да.
14. – Вы сейчас заняты? – Нет.
15. – Откуда они родом? – Из Испании.
16. Давид сейчас не в офисе. Он в отпуске.
17. Я интересуюсь искусством.
18. Его любимый предмет – математика.
19. Роджер серьезный и очень трудолюбивый. Ему хорошо
дается математика.
20. Вы из Японии, не так ли?

Present Simple (Indefinite)
Простое настоящее время
Возможные указатели времени Примеры
1. Регулярно / Эти наречия ставятся перед Nick goes to
периодически смысловым глаголом: the gym at the
повторяющи- 100 % – always – всегда; weekend.
еся действия в 90 % – usually – обычно; She knows
настоящем вре- 70 % – often – часто; English well.
мени, факты 50 % – sometimes – иногда;
10 % – seldom – редко;
0 % – never – никогда.
Эти выражения обычно ставят в
конце предложения:
every day (week, month) – каждый
день (неделю, месяц);
twice a week – два раза в неделю;
five times a month – пять раз в месяц;
from time to time – время от времени;
in the morning (evening) – утром
2. Расписания по- The train
ездов, самолетов, leaves at
программы теле- 7 p.m.
передач и т. п.
3. Пословицы, The early bird
общеизвестные catches the
истины worm.

Формы простого настоящего времени

Verb (V) – глагол. Subject (S) – подлежащее

Утвердительная Вопросительная
Отрицательная форма
форма форма
S+V (Vs) S+do not+V (don’t V) Do
does not+V (doesn’t V) Does+S+V?

You You Do you run well?
run well. don’t run well.
They They they
We We we

He He he
She runs well. She doesn’t run well. Does she run well?
It It it

Типы вопросов в простом настоящем времени

Тип вопроса Примеры

1. Общий вопрос – Do you speak English? – Yes, I do. / – No, I
– Does he speak English? – Yes, he does. / – No,
he doesn’t.
2. Специальный – What language do you speak? − I speak
вопрос English.
– Who speaks English? – He does.
3. Альтернативный – Do you speak English or German? − I speak
вопрос English.
– Does he speak English or German? − He
speaks English.
4. Разделительный – Nick speaks English, doesn’t he? – Yes, he
вопрос does. – No, he doesn’t.


1. Give the 3rd person singular of the verbs.

e.g.: visit – visits

Swim, study, play, collect, teach, brush, go, write, fly, invite, do, drive,
try, miss, repeat, help, clean, eat, press, catch.

2. Put time expressions in the correct position.

e.g.: He drinks coffee in the morning. (never)

He never drinks coffee in the morning.

1. My sister goes shopping on Sundays. (often)

2. He listens to the radio. (sometimes)
3. His brother drives to work. (always)
4. They visit their cousin. (seldom)
5. We wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning. (usually)
6. He makes his bed. (never)
7. My father does the vacuuming. (often)
8. Ted finishes his work at 5 p.m. (usually)
9. James travels abroad. (sometimes)
10. They go to night-clubs. (never)

3. Read and translate the poem.

My week
Every week has seven days
Which I spend in different ways:
On Monday I ride a bike,
On Tuesday I take a hike,
On Wednesday I draw or write,
On Thursday I fly a kite,
On Friday I cook,
On Saturday I read a book,
On Sunday I go away or swim or play.
Every week has seven days
Which I spend in different ways [7].
Say what Clementine does on her weekdays. What do you usually do
on your weekdays?

4. Make the following affirmative sentences negative and interrogative.

e.g.: They like classical music. − They don’t like classical music.
– Do they like classical music?

1. She speaks Italian fluently.
2. The students work hard.
3. I often go to the cinema.
4. The shop closes at 8 p.m.
5. My sister sometimes cooks dinner.
6. His wife has a car.
7. Peter usually leaves home at 7.30 a.m.
8. I sometimes go out with my friends.
9. He plays the violin.
10. Paula often does overtime.

5. Disagree with the following statements.

e.g.: Tim usually goes to school by taxi.

− No, he doesn’t. Tim usually goes to school on foot.

1. Barnaul stands on the river Thames.

2. Dogs like cats.
3. They go to the seaside every summer.
4. It often rains in winter.
5. You play the guitar very well.
6. The sun rises in the west.
7. She hates chocolate.
8. Tigers eat grass.
9. Your friend makes a lot of mistakes.
10. Elephants live in Siberia.
6. Make up questions of all types.

e.g.: David usually gets up early.

Does David usually get up early?
Does David usually get up early or late in the morning?
When does David usually get up?
Who usually gets up early?
David usually gets up early, doesn’t he?

1. His brother likes historical novels.

2. They know French well.

3. He takes his dog for a walk in the evening.
4. The Earth goes around the Sun.
5. The bus leaves at 5.30 p.m.

7. Ask and answer questions using the prompts below, as in the

example. Work in pairs.

e.g.: go to the theater

− How often do you go to the theater?
− I seldom go to the theater.

•• phone your friends;

•• read books;
•• play computer games;
•• meet your friends;
•• eat chocolate;
•• drink milk;
•• clean your room/flat;
•• dance and sing;
•• wash dishes.

8. Make up sentences.

1. grandmother, knitting, my, in the garden, likes.

2. your, does, what, sister, on, do, Sunday?
3. after, TV, watch, they, dinner.
4. married, he, is?
5. about, things, the students, different, often, in English, talk.
6. doesn’t, to go, like, Wendy, shopping.
7. from time, we, to time, make, dialogues, up.
8. goes, four, a week, Sandra, dancing, times.
9. this, begin, time, film, what, evening, does, in the?
10. my, other, are, pencil, the, case, in, pencils.

9. Ask questions for additional information. Work in pairs.

e.g.: I go swimming. (How often?)

− How often do you go swimming?
− I go swimming three times a month.

1. My mother works. (Where?)

2. I watch TV. (When?)
3. I enjoy reading. (What?)
4. My friend learns Spanish. (Why?)
5. I prefer fish. (How often?)
6. I like vegetables. (What vegetables?)
7. I like going to the cinema. (What films?)
8. I do overtime. (How often?)
9. They seldom cook. (Why?)
10. Sam goes abroad. (How often?)

10. Read and translate the proverbs. Learn them by heart.

•• When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

•• Time works wonders.
•• When three know it, all know it.
•• Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.
•• The apple never falls far from the tree.
•• He laughs best who laughs last.
•• Time heals all wounds.
•• Tastes differ.
•• Take things as they come.
•• Everything comes to him (her) who waits.

11. Answer the questions.

1. Do you work or study?

2. Where do you study?
3. What subjects do you like?
4. Where do your parents work?
5. Who knows English in your family?

6. Do you like music? What kind of music do you like?
7. Do you play any musical instrument?
8. Do you go in for sports?
9. When do you usually get up?
10. Do you do your morning exercises regularly?
11. Do you walk to the University?
12. How long does it take you to get there?
13. How many classes a day do you usually have?
14. What do you usually do in the evening?
15. Do you help your mother with her housework?
16. When do you usually go to bed?

12. Translate from Russian into English.

1. – К тебе часто приходят друзья? – Нет, только в воскресенье.

2. – Где работает твой племянник? – В офисе. Он программист.
3. Как часто вы пишете письма?
4. Обычно я просыпаюсь в 7 часов, принимаю ванну, чищу
зубы, одеваюсь и иду завтракать.
5. Осенью часто идут дожди.
6. Как долго вы добираетесь до работы?
7. Мы не смотрим телевизор по утрам. Иногда мы слушаем радио.
8. Его маленький брат любит кататься на велосипеде.
9. Моя тетя живет в Норильске. Это очень далеко отсюда.
10. – Кто по профессии твой отец? – Он пожарный.
11. Джон добирается до школы на автобусе, а я хожу пешком.
Мне требуется 10 минут.
12. – Ваши дети ложатся спать рано? – Нет, около 10 часов.
13. Солнце садится на западе.
14. Он не делает утреннюю гимнастику по утрам, но ходит в
спортзал по вечерам.
15. – У вас есть домашние любимцы? – Да, это кот Барсик.

Present Continuous
Настоящее продолженное время

Случаи Возможные
употребления указатели времени
1. Действие происхо- now – сейчас; My friends are playing
дит сейчас, в момент at the moment − в football now.
речи данный момент;
Look! – Посмотри!
Listen! – Послушай!
2. Действие проис- I am writing my
ходит в настоящий diploma project.
период времени
3. Заранее заплани- We’re flying to Paris
рованное действие, next week.
которое произойдет в
ближайшем будущем
(с глаголами движе-
4. Действие, которое The weather is
постепенно меняется improving.
5. Эмоционально always – всегда; Andrew is always
окрашенные дей- constantly – coming late!
ствия, выражающие постоянно
раздражение, неудо-

Формы настоящего длительного времени

Verb (V) – глагол. Subject (S) – подлежащее

Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная

форма форма форма
am am Am
S+ is +V-ing S + is not+V-ing Is +S+V-ing?
are are Are

I am running. (I’m …) I am not running. Am I running?
(I’m not …)
You You you
They are running. They are not running. Are they running?
We We we
(They’re …) (We aren’t …)
He He he
She is running. She is not running. Is she running?
It It it
(He’s …) (He isn’t …)

Обратите внимание!
• Если глагол заканчивается на -е, то она перед окончанием
-ing выпадает. К примеру: write – writing.
• Последняя согласная удваивается, если она следует за
гласной под ударением. Например: sit – sitting.
• В британском варианте английского языка -l на конце глагола
всегда удваивается перед окончанием -ing. Например:
travel – travelling.
• Гласная -y всегда сохраняется: stay – staying,
• -ie в конце глагола меняется на -y: lie – lying.


1. Add -ing to the following verbs and write them down in the right

+ -ing e + -ing double consonant + -ing

doing giving putting

Add, translate, play, eat, live, sit, buy, smile, rain, sing, dance, stay, listen,
teach, speak, sleep, have.

2. State the meaning of Present Continuous in each sentence.

1. Jane is in the kitchen. She is making coffee.

2. He is always forgetting to close the door.

3. They are writing a new article.
4. She is constantly talking on her mobile.
5. – Is it still raining? – No, the sun is shining brightly.
6. They are moving to their new flat next week.
7. Look! He is skating very well.
8. I am learning to drive a car.
9. Are the girls playing in the garden now?
10. They are meeting their grandparents at the airport on Saturday.

3. Use am, is, are.

1. She … washing up now.

2. I … drinking tea.
3. Look! The children … playing snowballs in the yard.
4. What … you looking for?
5. We … listening to the radio at the moment.
6. … it snowing?
7. What language … he speaking now?
8. My niece … feeding the cat.
9. The cat … drinking milk now.
10. … you watching TV?

4. It is 11 o’clock now. What are people of these professions doing? It

is a usual working day. Choose a profession and make up sentences
using the verbs in the correct form.

teacher, postman, baker, hairdresser, doctor, policeman, cook, artist,

coach, builder

e.g.: A _______ (translate) an article. – A translator is translating

an article.

1. A _______ (examine) patients.

2. A _______ (cook) food for us.
3. A _______ (control) the traffic.
4. A _______ (build) new houses.
5. A _______ (explain) rules to pupils.

6. A _______ (bake) bread for us.
7. A _______ (deliver) letters.
8. A _______ (cut) people’s hair.
9. A _______ (paint) a picture.
10. A _______ (train) sports players.

5. Put the verbs into the correct form. Read and translate the poem.

Busy friends

I … (to call) my friends

At half past three.
They … (to be) very busy,
They can’t come to me:

Peter … (to read),

Kate … (to learn) to cook,
Pat … (to feed) her cat,
Jack … (to tidy) his flat [7].

Say what your friends are doing now.

6. Disagree with the following statements.

e.g.: Jack is having lunch now. – No, he isn’t. Jack isn’t having lunch
now. He is cooking.

1. They are playing tennis.

2. Sarah is doing her homework now.
3. The father is reading a newspaper.
4. You are having a bath now.
5. Look! Ed is drawing a picture.
6. They are writing a test now.
7. He is eating an apple now.
8. It is raining cats and dogs.
9. Her sister is coming back on Tuesday.
10. He is playing chess with his grandfather.

7. Make up questions of all types.

e.g.: They are walking in the park now.

Are they walking in the park now?
Are they walking in the park or in the yard?
Where are they walking now?
Who are walking in the park now?
They are walking in the park now, aren’t they?

1. The students are discussing a new film.

2. His brother is reading a poem now.
3. My grandmother is working in the garden.
4. We are reading up for our English exam.
5. Her little brother is drinking milk.

8. Ask special questions.

1. They are playing something. – What …?
2. I am having a session. – Where …?
3. Lena is speaking to somebody. – Who …?
4. She is eating something. – What …?
5. Mona is watering the flowers. − Where …?
6. I am looking for something. – What …?
7. He is waiting for somebody. – Who …?
8. The children are swimming. − Where …?
9. They are returning from Turkey soon. – When?
10. He is having dinner. − Where …?
9. Open the brackets using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. She (to read) a magazine now. / She usually (to read) books in
the evening.
2. They (to play) basketball now. / They often (to play) basketball
on the weekend.
3. He (to jog) now. / He (to jog) every morning.
4. My husband (not to cook) now. / My husband (not to cook) every day.
5. The children (not to do) their morning exercises at the moment. /
The children usually (not to do) their morning exercises.
6. What you (to eat) now? / What you usually (to eat) for breakfast?

7. You (to drink) tea or coffee now? / You usually (to drink) tea or
8. Where you (to go) now? / How often you (to go) there?
9. We (not to speak) French now. / We (not to speak) French.
10. They (to help) their mother now. / They always (to help) their
10. Read about the people working in the office and do the exercise
given after the text.
Richard is looking through the documents at the moment. Mary is talking
on the phone. Amy is reading a report. Simon and Nick are working on
their computers. Den is doing some photocopying. Susan and Paul are
discussing their plans for tomorrow.

What are they doing in the office? Ask and answer.

e.g.: Simon and Nick / work / on their computers?

− Are Simon and Nick working on their computers?
– Yes, they are.

•• What / Mary / do?

•• What / Richard / look through?
•• Who / do / some photocopying?
•• Amy / read / a magazine?
•• What / Susan and Paul / do?

11. Role-play the dialogues. Make up your own dialogues using the
words in brackets.
– Hello, Kate! What are you doing here?
− I am waiting for Alice.
(walk; play with my sister)
– What are you looking for?
− My keys.
(my textbook; my glasses)

It is 2 p.m. The mother is speaking on the phone with her daughter.
− What are you doing, Sally?
− I’m watching TV. Harry is having dinner.
(wash dishes / play football; knit / surf the Internet)

12. Where are you now? What is happening? Work in pairs, give true
e.g.: – Are you studying now? – Yes, I am. / – No, I’m not.

•• You / study / at home / now?

•• Where / you / sit?
•• What / you / wear?
•• The sun / shine brightly?
•• It / rain?
•• What / you / do?

What are your relatives and friends doing now? Write some sentences.

e.g.: My friend Ann is playing tennis.

13. Imagine that you are:

•• at the seaside;
•• at the party;
•• in the street (in summer, in winter);
•• in the gym.

Say what you see there. What are people doing there?

14. Choose a well-known picture by a Russian or foreign artist and

describe it using as many Present Continuous forms as possible.

15. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Сейчас я пишу письмо подруге из Америки.

2. Он идет в школу сейчас.

3. Сейчас они играют в хоккей.
4. Я сейчас рисую горы.
5. Мы сейчас не работаем.
6. – Что ты смотришь по телевизору сейчас? – Я смотрю инте-
ресный детектив.
7. Не мешай мне. Я перевожу статью.
8. Сейчас 11 часов вечера, а ребенок не спит.
9. Мы встречаемся в аэропорту в субботу.
10. О чем они говорят? Я их не слышу.
11. В настоящее время я пишу дипломную работу.
12. Она постоянно говорит о своих проблемах.
13. Он сейчас не убирает в своей комнате. Обычно он делает
уборку на выходных.
14. Мой друг старается улучшить свой английский.
15. Почему ты опаздываешь? Я тебя жду.
16. Извините, но я вас не понимаю.
17. Посмотри! Мой маленький племянник играет с котенком.
Это очень забавно!
18. Мама обычно поливает цветы два раза в неделю.
19. – Какой грамматический материал вы сейчас изучаете?
– Мы изучаем настоящее длительное время.
20. Виктор сейчас на спортивной площадке. Он с друзьями
играет в волейбол.

Past Simple (Indefinite)
Простое прошедшее время

Случаи употребления Возможные указатели

1. Единичные действия yesterday – вчера; We wrote a test
в прошлом, факты, the day before yesterday.
события, непосред- yesterday – позавчера; She visited her
ственно не связанные с last week (month, friend 5 days ago.
настоящим year) – на прошлой
2 days ago – два дня
the other day – на днях
2. Последовательность He came home,
действий при описании had dinner and
событий в прошлом began to make a

3. Действие, которое for 2 hours yesterday – в The children

длилось некоторое вре- течение двух часов вчера walked in the
мя и было закончено park for 2 hours
в прошлом. Важен не yesterday.
процесс, а факт
4. Регулярные действия used to + V, would +V – He used to go to
и состояния в про- бывало, имел work by bus last
шлом, которые больше обыкновение summer.
не существуют

Формы простого прошедшего времени

Verb (V) – глагол. Subject (S) – подлежащее

Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная

форма форма форма
S+V-ed (V2) S+did not+V Did+S+V?
(didn’t V)
They translated the text They didn’t translate Did they translate the
last Monday. the text last Monday. text last Monday?


1. Give the second form of the following verbs.

Visit, copy, swim, dance, write, read, watch, play, stop, begin, come,
clean, get, listen, hear, take, work, pass, think.

2. Use the verb in Past Simple.

1. The weather is fine today, but it … (to rain) all day yesterday.
2. I … (to have) a nice holiday last year.
3. The movie … (to begin) at 7.30 and … (to finish) at 10 p.m.
4. It … (to happen) a long time ago.
5. My brother … (to enter) the Law faculty last year.
6. He … (to go) to school on foot yesterday.
7. My wife … (to buy) a pair of shoes the day before yesterday.
8. Ted … (to pass) his exams a week ago.
9. The weather … (to be) cold yesterday. We … (to stay) at home.
10. In the morning I … (to do) a lot of paper work.

3. Put the verb in Past Simple using necessary time expressions.

e.g.: They often make mistakes. − They made many mistakes in the
dictation yesterday.

1. I usually help my mother in the evening.

2. Sarah gets excellent marks in Maths.
3. The classes begin at 8 a.m.
4. She sometimes goes shopping at the weekend.
5. He plays the guitar very well.
6. Ann has training sessions 3 times a week.
7. I go to bed at about 11 p.m.
8. They don’t usually make breakfast at home, they drink coffee in
the office.
9. We pick berries and mushrooms in the wood in autumn.
10. She often checks e-mail after breakfast.

4. Complete the sentences according to the example.

e.g.: My friends went to Africa last year but they … to England.

My friends went to Africa last year but they didn’t go to England.

1. We learnt French but we … English last term.

2. They met Dorothy yesterday but they … Olga two days ago.
3. She practised skating last winter but she … skiing.
4. The grandmother bought some bread yesterday but she … milk.
5. Boris ate a water-melon in the morning but he … a melon.
6. They trained at home a year ago but they … in the sports center.
7. I went to the theatre last month but I … to the cinema.
8. Mrs. Smith spent her last weekend gardening but she … it reading
a book.
9. Betty worked hard at her pronunciation but she … at her grammar.
10. Robert missed many lectures last month but he … classes in Oc-

5. Say what the students did yesterday. What did you do yesterday?
Clean the room
Play computer

Do homework
Write a letter

Read a book
Watch TV
Wash up




Dorothy − − − −
Laura − − − −
Michael − − − − −
Lola − − − −

e.g.: Dorothy washed up, played computer games, wrote a letter, did
her homework and read a book yesterday. She didn’t watch TV, clean her
room or draw yesterday.

6. Put the verbs into the correct form. Read and translate the poem.

I had fun yesterday

I (get) up early, I (go) to my room,

(jump) out of bed, (open) the door,
I (wash) my hands I (see) my books
And (stand) on my head. On the floor.

I (jump) for joy, I (pick) them up,

(put) on my clothes, Three or four,
I (clean) my teeth (say) “Goodbye”
And (rub) my nose. (run) to the door [7].

I (have) my breakfast,
(brush) my hair,
I (pack) my things
And (sit) on the chair.

7. Ask questions according to the model.

e.g.: − I got up at 6 a.m. yesterday. And you? – Did you get up at

6 a.m. yesterday? − Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

1. My brother went on a business trip last month. And your husband?

2. I took an exam last Friday. And your friend?
3. We went out at the weekend. And your family?
4. They were at home the day before yesterday. And Jack?
5. I read an interesting magazine two days ago. And you?
6. I graduated from the University in 2005. And you?
7. My sister woke up late on Sunday. And your brother?
8. My relatives drove to the Crimea last summer. And you?
9. The Millers flew to Greece last week. And your cousin?
10. Max finished school seven years ago.

8. Read the dialogues. Make up your own dialogues using the prompts

– What did you do on the weekend?
− We went shopping.
a) Saturday − to the stadium.
b) last Sunday − to the river.

– Why didn’t you call me yesterday?
− Because I went out.
a) 3 days ago − visited my parents.
b) last Monday − forgot to.

9. Granny asks her grandson what he did yesterday. Read the poem.

Hi, sonny, how are you?

Yesterday, what did you do?
Did you play? Did you walk?
Did you do your homework?
Did you help about the house?
Did you feed your little mouse?
Did you watch TV all day?
Did you find a chance to play?
Did you visit any friend?
Did you have a good weekend? [3]

10. Use the verbs in Past Simple. Say what the grandson did yesterday.

Hi, sonny, how are you?

Yesterday, what you (do)?
You (play)? You (walk)?
You (do) your homework?
You (help) about the house?
You (feed) your little mouse?
You (watch) TV all day?
You (find) a chance to play?
You (visit) any friend?
You (have) a good weekend?
Well, you know, in fact I (do)!
I (watch) a movie and I (love) it.
I (go) out to see a friend, and then we (listen) to a band.
I (eat) two hamburgers for lunch and (drink) a Coke, it (be) too much.
Then we (go) out for a walk and I (drink) another Coke.
We (meet) our classmate and then (go) home. It (be) getting late.
In the evening I (play) games then (watch) a football match with James,
Then we (discuss) the game with dad, then I (take) a shower and (go) to bed [3].

11. Read the poem and learn it by heart.

What did you do when you were three?

− What did you do when you were three?

− When I was three I watched TV.
− What did you do when you were four?
− When I was four I drew on the door.

−What did you do when you were five?

− When I was five I learnt to dive.
− What did you do when you were six?
− When I was six I counted sticks [7].

12. Answer the questions and speak about your childhood.

1. Were you tall or short?

2. Was your hair long or short?
3. Was your hair straight or curly?
4. Were you tidy or untidy?
5. Were you afraid of monsters?
6. Did you believe in Santa?
7. Did you like to dance?
8. Did you like to draw?
9. What was your favourite fairy-tale?
10. Did you have a happy childhood?

13. Ask questions in Past Simple.

A journey
You (stay) at home?
You (fly) to Rome?
Your plane (arrive) on time?
You (have) a good time?

You (swim) in the sea?

You (watch) TV?
You (spend) a lot of time?
Your journey (be) very funny?

You (be) happy?

You (be) sad?
You (be) angry?
You (be) glad? [7]

Tell about your last journey.

14. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Мой друг поступил в университет три года назад.
2. Его брат окончил школу в 2012 году.
3. Ее сестра ходила за покупками на выходных.
4. Вчера я не делала утреннюю гимнастику.
5. Вера вчера легла спать в 11 часов вечера.
6. Он окончил университет в 1996 году.

1. Он любит играть в футбол. Он играл в футбол на прошлой неделе.
Ты играл в футбол на выходных?
2. Ты готовился к тесту вчера вечером?
3. Я не видел Олега в парке вчера.
4. Где ты вчера была? – Я целый день была дома.
5. Моя сестра кормит кота четыре раза в день. Она покормила кота и
пошла гулять.

6. На прошлой неделе я получила от него пять писем.
7. Лиза часто катается на лыжах зимой. Мы с Лизой катались на
лыжах в прошлую субботу.
8. Моя племянница провела неделю в Италии прошлым летом.
Она очень скучала по родителям.
9. У тебя в понедельник было две или три лекции?
10. Когда ты купила эти красивые джинсы? – В прошлом году,
когда была в Москве.

Future Simple
Простое будущее время

Случаи Возможные указатели

употребления времени
1. Единичные и tomorrow − завтра; They will go to the
повторяющиеся дей- next week (month, year) theatre next Satur-
ствия в будущем – на следующей неделе day.
(в следующем месяце, в
следующем году;
in 2 days – через два дня
2. Действия, реше- Do you like this
ние о совершении toy? I will buy it.
которых принима-
ется в момент речи
(спонтанные дей-
3. Действия-пред- in ten years – через 10 You’ll live in Paris
сказания будущих лет in 5 years.
4. Действия в отда- some day; Paul will be a great
ленном будущем one day – когда-нибудь artist one day.
5. Действия в буду- I don’t think … – Я не I hope you will
щем при выражении: думаю … enjoy the party.
а) сомнения; Perhaps … –
б) предположения; Возможно …
в) уверенности; I am sure … – Я
г) надежды уверен …
I hope … – Я надеюсь …
6. Предложение Shall I help you?
помощи (в вопроси-
тельных предложе-
ниях, начинающихся
с Shall I…)

Формы простого будущего времени
Verb (V) – глагол. Subject (S) – подлежащее

Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная

форма форма форма
S+will+V S+will not+V (won’t) Will+S+V?

I will call you Sam won’t call you Will you call me
tomorrow. tomorrow. tomorrow?
(I’ll call ….)


1. It will be Sunday tomorrow. Say what you and your family will do
making use of the following table.

My mother make a nice pie.

My father play computer games.
My grandmother go to the park.
My grandfather will read a book.
My friend listen to music.
I cook dinner.
go to the cinema.

2. Make up sentences in Future Simple using different time


Утверди- Отрица- Вопроси-

тельная тельная тельная
форма форма форма
e.g.: She (to bake) a cake She will She won’t Will she
tomorrow. bake a cake bake a cake bake a cake
tomorrow. tomorrow. tomorrow?
1. We (to go) to the
country next week.
2. It (to be) sunny

3. They (to take) an
English exam in a week.
4. My friend (to have) a
great time in Paris next
5. You (to play) chess

3. Put in will or won’t.

e.g.: Carol was born in 1995. In 2020 he … be 25. − Carol was born
in 1995. In 2020 he’ll be 25.

1. Hurry up or we … miss the train.

2. She is lazy. She … go to the gym.
3. Dasha seldom leaves the city. She … feel homesick.
4. I am very tired after classes. I … go to the supermarket.
5. David and Helen are always late. They … arrive until 9 a.m.
6. You are clever. You … pass all your exams.
7. Ask the teacher for advice. She … tell you what to do.
8. The weather is very fine. I think they … go to the river tomorrow.
9. Can you wait for me? I … be very long.

4. Ask questions to the following answers. Use Future Simple.

1. − When ____________________________________?
− He will buy new shoes tomorrow.
2. − How much_________________________________?
− The ticket will cost 120 pounds.
3. − Who______________________________________?
− I think my friend will win the game next week.
4. − Whom ____________________________________?
− They will write a letter to John.
5. − Where ____________________________________?
− The Browns will live in St. Petersburg next year.
6. − What ______________________________________?
− She will bake a delicious apple pie tomorrow.

5. Make up sentences in Future Simple. Use I think / I don’t think …

e.g.: he /come / in time. − I think he will come in time.

1) it / be / a nice party.
2) I / phone you / next week.
3) you / pass / the exam.
4) I / take part in / the competition.
5) Diane / be a champion.
6) I / be at home / tonight.
7) I / have / three children.
8) it / rain / tonight.
9) it / happen / again.
10) your mother / like it.

6. Read the sentences in A and decide what to do. Use I think I will …
and the words in B.

A. B.
1. I’m cold. a) clean them
2. I have a birthday today. b) make a sandwich
3. I’m hungry. c) sweep the floor
4. My flat is in a mess. d) drink a glass of water
5. The vase is broken. e) turn on the heating
6. The windows are dirty. f) tidy it
7. I’m thirsty. g) invite my friends to the party

7. Answer the questions.

Do you think that in the future you...

•• will learn a new language?

•• will move to a different country?
•• will play a musical instrument?
•• will practise sport?
•• will buy a country house?

Write sentences I think I’ll … / I don’t think I’ll …

8. Write questions as in the example.
e.g.: It is very hot in the room. (open the window) – Shall I open the

1. I’m bored. (tell you a funny story)

2. The plates are dirty. (wash up)
3. It is dark in the classroom. (turn the light on)
4. I’m late. (give you a lift)
5. The bags are heavy. (help you)
6. I’m tired. (make coffee for you)
7. We have no milk. (go to the supermarket)
8. We are very hungry. (buy pizza)
9. It is very hot in the living room. (open the window)

9. Open the brackets using the correct form of Future Simple. Role-
play the dialogue.

A: – What … you … (to buy) Sandra for her birthday?

B:. – I think I … (to buy) her a bottle of perfume. What about you?
A: – Perhaps I … (to buy) her a beautiful vase. … you … (to help) me
choose it?
B: – Sure. No problem.
A: – I’m sure we … (to have) a great time at John’s party tomorrow
B: – Yes, I agree. All our friends … (to be) there.
A: – … your father … (to let) you take the car?
B: – I don’t think so.

10. What will life be like in 100 years from now? Complete the
questions with will / won’t and give answers.

e.g.: children / go / to school in 100 years?

Will children go to school in 100 years?
Children will go to school in 100 years. / Children won’t go to
school in 100 years.

•• people / watch / more TV than they do now?
•• people / read / fewer books?
•• people / live / longer?
•• everyone / speak / the same language?
•• the world’s climate / be / different?
•• life / be / better?

11. Ask your partner if she (he) will do the following things after the
classes. Give answers.

e.g.: – Will you stay at the University after the classes?

– Yes, I think I will. I’ll go to the library.

•• sleep in the afternoon

•• have lunch at home
•• listen to music
•• invite somebody home
•• do his (her) homework
•• play computer games
•• help his (her) parents
•• go shopping
•• do nothing
•• watch TV

12. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Они будут играть в волейбол на следующей неделе.

2. Дима не пойдет в кино завтра.
3. Когда ваш сын начнет изучать иностранный язык?
4. Завтра не будет дождя.
5. Студенты будут сдавать экзамены в декабре.
6. В следующем году мне будет 25 лет.
7. Вы закончите эту работу завтра?
8. Не звони мне вечером. Я буду занята.
9. Он надеется, что она согласится стать его женой.
10. Я не думаю, что экзамен будет слишком сложный.

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное время

Возможные указатели
Случаи употребления Примеры

1. Действие произошло already – уже (+); I have

в прошлом, но результат just – только что; already
важен в настоящем. Нас not …yet – еще не (–) translated
интересует само действие, the text.
а не время его совершения

2. Действие, выражающее ever – когда-нибудь (?); Have you

предшествующий опыт never – никогда ever been to
I have never
driven a car.

3. Если период еще не today – сегодня; I haven’t

закончился this week (month, seen him
year) – на этой неделе (в today.
этом месяце, в этом году);
lately / recently – в
последнее время

4. Действие, которое нача- for − в течение (для We have

лось в прошлом, длилось в обозначения периода known each
течение какого-то времени времени); other for 6
и все еще продолжается. С since – с (для обозначе- years.
глаголами, не имеющими ния момента, с которо-
формы Continuous (be, го началось действие)
see, know, like и др.)

Формы настоящего совершенного времени

Verb (V) – глагол. Subject (S) – подлежащее

Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная

форма форма форма
S+have+V-ed(V3) S+have not+V-ed (V3) Have+S+V-ed(V3)?
has has Has

You You Have you written
They have written They haven’t written they
We We we
He He he
She has written She hasn’t written Has she written
It It it


1. State the meaning of Present Perfect in each sentence.

1. Our visitors have come. They are sitting in the garden.

2. Look! The plane has just landed.
3. His wife has been to Madrid 3 times.
4. Mrs. Parker has been a writer for 10 years.
5. I haven’t seen her today.
6. I have made a cake. Would you like a piece?
7. My friend has never ridden a camel.
8. We have already called our parents.
9. Have you ever been to the zoo?
10. They have known each other since 1996.

2. Make up sentences in Present Perfect using different time


Утвердительная Отрицатель- Вопросительная

форма (+) ная форма (−) форма (?)
e.g. Nick Nick has just Nick hasn’t Has Nick written a
(to write) a written a written a composition?
composition. composition composition yet.
They (to
pass) the
She (to draw)
a picture.

Mum (to
make) a pie.
I (to see) the
We (to buy) a
new flat.

3. Change Present Continuous into Present Perfect.

e.g.: We are learning the rule now. − We have already learnt the rule.

1. I am taking a shower.
2. He’s eating breakfast.
3. Bob’s repairing his car.
4. The pupils are doing their homework.
5. She is speaking to the manager.
6. Granny is knitting a sweater.
7. You are watering the flowers.
8. They are listening to the text.
9. My younger sister is washing up.
10. He is tidying up the bedroom.

4. You are preparing for your birthday party. Write what you have
done and what you haven’t done yet.

1. Book the restaurant. (+)

2. Send invitations. (+)
3. Discuss the menu. (+)
4. Choose the music. (−)
5. Find the photographer. (+)
6. Buy a new dress. (−)
7. Decorate the room. (−)

5. Put in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. Mary … (to see) already this film. She … (to see) it last week.
2. I’m afraid the manager … (to come) yet.
3. I … (to read) already the newspaper. You can take it.
4. I … (to read) the newspaper yesterday.
5. He can’t find his key. He … (to lose) it.
6. Victor is late. His train … (to leave) already.
7. When you … (to invite) Helen to the party?
8. They … (to meet) in the park last Sunday.
9. The lesson is over. How many tasks you … (to do)?
10. Peter and his grandfather … (to play) chess 2 days ago.

6. Read and translate the poem. Act out the dialogue.

− Have you ever met a bear?

Have you ever fed a hare?
Have you ever seen a snake?
Have you ever baked a cake?

− I have never met a bear.

I have never fed a hare.
I have never seen a snake.
I have baked a tasty cake! [7]

7. Let’s speak about your experience. Make up questions with ever

and answer them.

e.g.: you / ever / lose / your keys? – Have you ever lost your keys?
– Yes, I have.
− No, I haven’t.

1) you / ever / write / poems ?

2) you / ever / win / money / in a lottery?
3) you / ever / meet / a famous person?
4) you / ever / save / money?

5) you / ever / drive a car?
6) you / ever / be late for / the train or plane?
7) you / ever / see / a giraffe ?
8) you / ever / be / to Moscow?
9) you / ever / speak / to a foreigner?
10) you / ever / lose / your passport?
11) you / ever / tried / Chinese food?
8. Use for or since.
1. Mr. Smith has been a doctor … 5 years.
2. I haven’t had news from home … June.
3. She has known him … her childhood.
4. Julia has wanted to be a teacher … a long time.
5. They are interested in computer technology … last year.
6. My parents have been married … 35 years.
7. Tom has been a reporter … he graduated from the University.
8. I haven’t seen you … ages.
9. He has lived here … he left school.
10. We haven’t had any free time … this morning.

9. Make up a short story about Silvia.

Silvia is 75...

e.g.: She has been a teacher for 45 years.

be a teacher for 45 years

be married since 1975
raise 2 children
write 7 textbooks
build a nice house
plant a beautiful garden
travel to 10 countries

Make up a story about your relative.

10. Put the verbs into the correct form. Read and translate the dialogue.
I’m bored!
Daughter: − I’m bored!
Father: − Do something useful! Do your homework!
Daughter: − I already (do) it.
Father: − Do the dishes.
Daughter: − I already (wash) them.
Father: − Wash the floor.
Daughter: − I already (wash) it!
Father: − Call your friend, Mary.
Daughter: − I already (call) her.
Father: − Read your book.
Daughter: − I already (read) it.
Father: − Watch TV.
Daughter: − I already (try). There’s nothing on.
Father: − Take a shower!
Daughter: − I already (take) one!
Father: − You (check) your mail?
Daughter: − Yes, I (check) it. Nobody (write) a letter to me! Nobody
loves me! Nobody needs me!
Father: − Oh, how about a nice cup of tea with a piece of chocolate?
Daughter: − There’s no chocolate left. I already (eat) it all!
Father: − Oh dear!
Act out the dialogue.

11. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Мой брат уже нашел хорошую работу.

2. Катя еще не прочитала этот роман.
3. Уже поздно, а он еще не закончил работу.
4. Я только что поужинал.
5. Ты уже купила новые туфли?
6. Дождь уже перестал, ярко светит солнце. Пойдем погуляем.
7. Он рисует картины время от времени. Сейчас он рисует кар-
тину. Он уже нарисовал картину.
8. Вы когда-нибудь были в Англии?

9. − Мама дома? – Нет, она ушла в магазин.
10. – Не забудь позвонить Джону. – Я ему только что позвонил.
11. − Почему ты не пришел вчера? – У меня было много работы.
12. − Ты полила цветы? – Еще нет.
13. Мой дядя недавно купил новую машину.
14. Когда ты ходила в театр последний раз.
15. Сколько раз ты ходил в тренажерный зал на этой неделе?
16. Сегодня мы выучили 10 немецких слов.
17. Он никогда не читал книги этого автора.
18. Подожди меня! Я не взяла зонт.
19. Моя подруга была в Корее в прошлом месяце.
20. Я никогда не была в Египте.
12. Choose the right variant.

1. Lena has known him ________.

a) long ago
b) for a long time
c) 2 years
2. I was _________ London in 2008.
a) to
b) into
c) in

3. This is the best conference I ________.

a) am
b) have ever been to
c) ever have been to it

4. When __________ Moscow?

a) did he left
b) has he left
c) did he leave

5. They_________ the walls and they ________nice.

a) have painting, are looking
b) have painted, look
c) painted, look

6. The economic situation in the world is already bad and it __________
a) is getting
b) gets
c) have gotten

7. Drink your milk. Nick _________ his.

a) already has drunk
b) already drank
c) has already drunk

8. The postman usually ________ at 9 in the morning. It is half past 9 now

but he _________.
a) comes, has not come yet
b) comes, did’t come yet
c) is coming, has not come yet

9. I _________ at the theatre yesterday. – What play __________?

a) was, did you see
b) have been, saw you
c) was, have you seen

10. The boy ___________his homework and now he _________TV.

a) already has done, watches
b) already does, has watched
c) has already done, is watching

11. Я никогда не ездила на лошади.

a) I have never rode a horse.
b) I haven’t never ridden a horse.
c) I have never ridden a horse.

12. Вы когда-нибудь были в Италии?

a) Were you ever in Italy?
b) Have you ever been to Italy?
c) Have you ever been in Italy?

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное продолженное время

Случаи употребления указатели Примеры
1. Действие, которое нача- for – в течение; I have been writing
лось в прошлом, продол- since – с; a test for half an
жалось в течение какого-то How long? – Как hour.
времени и все еще продол- долго? I have been
жается (на русский язык, как writing a test
правило, переводится глаго- since 2 o’clock.
лами несовершенного вида в
настоящем времени)
2. Действие, которое началось She looks tired, she
в прошлом, продолжалось has been running.
в течение какого-то време-
ни, только что закончилось
и результат этого действия
очевиден (на русский язык,
как правило, переводится гла-
голами несовершенного вида
в прошедшем времени)

Формы настоящего совершенного продолженного времени

Verb (V) – глагол. Subject (S) – подлежащее

Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная

форма форма форма
S+have been+V-ing S+have not been+V-ing Have+S been+V-ing?
has has Has
You You you
They have been running They haven’t been running Have they been running?
We We we

He He he
She has been running She hasn’t been running Has she been running?
It It it


1. Translate from English into Russian.

1. The students have been learning English for 7 months.

2. Mr. Forster has been working for this company since 2015.
3. How long has she been preparing for the test?
4. Her clothes are dirty. She has been working in the garden.
5. My friend has been dancing since she was seven.
6. I am tired. I have been cleaning the flat for two hours.
7. He has been playing basketball since September.
8. She has been reading up for her exam all day.
9. We have been practising track-and-field since 2007.

2. Use for or since.

1. Their mother has been cooking an apple pie … 10 o’clock.

2. Clara has been painting … three hours.
3. We have been learning French … last September.
4. Have you been waiting … a long time?
5. I have been looking for Jane … 11 a.m.
6. Maria has been practising figure-skating … the beginning of the
7. He has been playing hockey … he was ten.
8. They have been living in New York … 2000.
9. We have been planning our vacation … last month.
10. It has been snowing … 5 hours.

3. Complete the situations. Use Present Perfect Continuous.

e.g.: − You look tired. – No wonder. (to prepare for the test)
− No wonder. I have been preparing for the test.

1. – You look so fresh. – No wonder. (to ski in the wood)
2. – Your hands are dirty. − No wonder. (to plant the tree)
3. – You look so happy. – No wonder. (to swim in the sea)
4. – He is out of breath. − No wonder. (to run)
5. – You look so tired. – No wonder. (to tidy up the room)
6. – You are anxious. – Yes, I am. (to take my history exam) [5]

4. Match the parts of the sentences.

A. 1. She plays Она играет a) now

2. She is playing b) every day
3. She has been c) since 2 o’clock
B. 1. They cook Они готовят a) usually
2. They are cooking b) for half an hour
3. They have been c) at the moment
C. 1. He sings Он поет a) since early morning
2. He is singing b) now
3. He has been c) seldom
D. 1. We learn Spanish Мы учим испанский a) for 2 hours
2. We are learning язык b) 3 times a week
Spanish c) now
3. We have been
learning Spanish

5. Put in Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I … (to write) a letter for half an hour.

2. My granny … (to knit) a sweater for me since last Sunday.
3. My granny … (to knit) a sweater for me. It is very nice.
4. She … (to teach) at this school since 1995.
5. I … (not to hear) about him for a long time.
6. He … (to talk) on the phone since 8 a.m.
7. We … (to know) each other for ages.
8. The sun … (not to rise) yet but the sky is getting lighter.

9. I’m sorry, I’m late. How long you … (to wait)?
10. I’m out of breath. I … (to run) a marathon.

6. Answer the questions according to the pattern.

e.g.: − What is Ted doing now? (to play the piano)

− He is playing the piano.
− How long has he been playing the piano? (for 15 minutes)
− He has been playing the piano for 15 minutes.

1. What’s your sister doing now? (to draw a picture)

How long has she been drawing a picture? (since 5 p.m.)
2. What’s David doing now? (to repair his car)
How long has he been repairing his car? (since morning)
3. What’s your mother doing at the moment? (to bake a cake)
How long has she been baking a cake? (for half an hour)
4. What’s John doing now? (to wait for Nina)
How long has he been waiting for Nina? (since 9 o’clock)
5. What are they doing at the moment? (to do homework)
How long have they been doing homework? (for 3 hours) [5]
7. Paraphrase the sentences using Present Perfect or Present Perfect
Continuous with for or since.

e.g.: Mark began to collect coins when he was 20. He still collects
them. – Mark has been collecting coins since he was 20.

1. Nick became a doctor in 1985. He works as a doctor now.

2. Peter moved to Madrid in 2007. He still lives there.
3. The grandfather is fishing. He began fishing at 5 a.m. It is 11
a.m. now.
4. Kathy had her first guitar lessons when she was 11 years old.
She still plays the guitar.
5. Mr. Horn began to write his books 20 years ago. He still writes
6. Jessica started to wash the windows at 10 o’clock. It is 2 p.m.
now. She is still washing them.

7. My parents bought the house in 1965. They still live there.
8. We are friends. We met in 1993.
8. Ask questions and answer them according to the model.

e.g.: Susan lives in How long has Susan Susan has been living
France (for 5 years) been living in France? in France for 5 years.
1. Susan drives a car.
(since 2012)
2. She plays the violin.
(for several months)
3. She practises
(since school)
4. She studies art.
(for a year)
5. She learns French.
(since last October)

9. Ask questions to each other and answer them.

How long have you been …?

e.g.: live in Barnaul

– How long have you been living in Barnaul? – I have you been
living in Barnaul for 15 years.

a) study at this University;

b) use your computer;
c) learn English;
d) drive;
e) use your cell phone;
f) wait for your groupmate.

Past Continuous
Прошедшее длительное время

Случаи Возможные указатели

употребления времени

1. Действие, at 6 o’clock I was drawing at 7

происходившее yesterday – в 6 часов o’clock yesterday.
в определенный вечера вчера; She said she was
момент в from 6 till 7 writing a new novel.
прошлом o’clock yesterday –
с 6 до 7 часов вечера;
the whole evening
yesterday – весь вечер
when he came – когда
он пришел

2. Два while – пока While I was

одновременных drawing, she was
действия в swimming.

Формы прошедшего длительного времени

Verb (V) – глагол. Subject (S) – подлежащее

Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная

форма форма форма
S+ was +V-ing S+ was not +V-ing Was +S +V-ing?
were were Were
You You you
They were running They were not running Were they running?
We We we

I I he
He He Was she running?
She was running She was not running it
It It


1. Open the brackets using Past Continuous.

e.g.: Tom … (to take) a shower at 7 a.m. – Tom was taking a shower
at 7 a.m.

1. Alice … (to have) lunch at 2 p.m. yesterday.

2. When it began to rain, they … (to sit) on the grass.
3. We … (to sleep) when the phone rang.
4. My granny … (to knit) the whole evening yesterday.
5. The students … (to write) the test at this time last week.
6. I … (to speak) to the manager from 3 to 4 p.m. last Monday.
7. The cat … (to play) with my little brother when I came yesterday.
8. While Bob … (to wash) up, his sister … (to clean) the room.
9. The girls … (to prepare) for the concert the whole morning

2. Use the verbs in Past Simple or Past Continuous.


As I … (to cross) the street,

I … (to see) a cat.
As I … (to tidy) the room,
I … (to find) a hat.

As I … (to leave) the shop,

I … (to drop) a box.
As I … (to walk) in the forest,
I … (to see) a fox. [7]

3. Disagree with the statements.

e.g.: He was playing football at 4 o’clock yesterday. – No, he wasn’t.

He wasn’t playing football at 4 o’clock yesterday. He was doing his

1. The children were playing in the yard from 5 till 7 p.m. yesterday.
2. They were discussing something when he entered the room.
3. His daughter was playing the guitar at 10 o’clock in the morning.
4. Sam was making a report the whole evening yesterday.
5. Your sister was reading a novel when you called her.
6. You were typing a letter at 7 p.m. yesterday.
7. Jane was on the train on her way to Minsk at 5 p.m. last Monday.
8. You were shopping when you saw Michael.

4. Ask questions to the sentences using the words in brackets. Answer

the questions.

e.g.: I was waiting for her at 12 o’clock yesterday. (Where?)

− Where were you waiting for her at 12 o’clock yesterday?
− I was waiting for her in the park.

1. He was looking for something when I came in. (What?)

2. The children were laughing when I entered the room. (Why?)
3. My sister was translating something the whole evening yester-
day. (What?)
4. When I came to the stadium the boys were playing. (What?)
5. My aunt was cooking dinner when I came home. (With whom?)

5. Put in the verbs in Past Continuous.

play, swim, feed, sleep, laugh

The weather was fine yesterday. We went to the zoo and saw a lot of
animals there. First we went to see the white bears. They __________.
Then we went to the cage with the monkeys. There were a lot of chil-
dren in front of the cage. They _________ because the monkey in the

cage _________. After that we went to see the elephant. There was a man
there. He _________ the elephant. But we didn’t see much of the lions.
They ____________.

Make up questions to the following answers.

1. − ___________________________?
− In the swimming pool.
2. − ___________________________?
− Oh, no. It wasn’t. The sun was shining brightly.
3. − ___________________________?
− Some grass and fruit.
4. − ___________________________?
− With a small ball.
5. − ___________________________?
− They were sleeping.

6. Write what Mrs. Backer was doing at definite time last Monday.

e.g.: 7 a.m. have breakfast

Mrs. Backer was having breakfast at 7 a.m. last Monday.

8 a.m. drive to the railway station

9 a.m. go to New York
12 a.m. check in at a hotel
1 p.m. have lunch
3 p.m. have a business meeting
4 p.m. talk to her boss on the phone
5−7 p.m. work in the Internet

7. Read and translate the poem. Act out the dialogue.

I was calling you all day

− I was calling you all day yesterday.

But you never answered your phone.

Were you listening to music?
Were you watching TV?
Were you sleeping in your bed?
Were you drinking your tea?
− I wasn’t listening to music.
I wasn’t watching TV.
I wasn’t sleeping in my bed.
I wasn’t drinking my tea.
I was learning English in my ear-phones! [7]

8. Give full answers to the following questions.

1. Where were you hurrying when I met you last Sunday?

2. Who was Ann talking to on the phone at 6 p.m. yesterday?
3. What are you looking for?
4. What were they laughing at when Brenda came in?
5. Why are you making so much noise?
6. Why are they quarrelling all the time?
7. What were you writing when I entered the classroom?
8. What was Mary doing when Bill rang her up?
9. What were you reading while I was writing a letter?
10. What was father doing while mother was washing up?
11. What are you doing now?
12. What was your mother doing from 5 to 6 p.m. yesterday?

9. Use Present Continuous or Past Continuous.

1. My mother … (to speak) on the phone now.

2. She … (to speak) to her friend at this time yesterday.
3. She … (not to dance) at the moment.
4. Mary … (to dance) the whole evening yesterday.
5. They … (to skate) from 3 to 4 p.m. last Sunday.
6. Look! The children … (to skate) very well.
7. Take your umbrella. It … (to rain).
8. It … (to rain) the whole morning yesterday.

9. What Lucy … (to read) now?
10. He was not at home at 7 o’clock yesterday. He … (to work) in
the garden.

10. Use Past Continuous or Past Simple.

1. Emily ... (to talk) on the phone when he … (to come) in.
2. My father … (to listen) to the news at this time yesterday.
3. Julia … (to iron) clothes from 5 to 6 p.m. last Sunday.
4. They … (to go) to the country last Friday.
5. He … (to choose) the books in the library when I … (to see) him.
6. … it … (to rain) the whole day yesterday?
7. His friends … (to play) volleyball 4 days ago.
8. While her husband … (to repair) the car, Mary … (to cook)
9. … you … (to cook) lunch yesterday?
10. When … you … (to visit) your granny last time?

11. What were you doing at the following times?

A. 1. (at 11 a.m. yesterday) _______________________________

2. (at this time 2 days ago) ______________________________
3. (at 8 o’clock in the evening the day before yesterday)_______
4. (from 3 to 4 p.m. last Sunday) ___________________________
B. 1. When the teacher came into the classroom _______________
2. When my mother opened the door ______________________
3. When my friend called me ____________________________

12. Yesterday Alice called all her friends to invite them to her party.
Say what each of them was doing when Alice called. Begin your
sentences with “When Alice called …”

1. Jim / work in the garden.

2. Paul / have supper.
3. Bill / take a bath.

4. Her sister / cook meat.
5. Sally / play computer games.
6. Tom / do his homework.
7. I…

12. Translate the predicate.

1. Nick (спал) at 11 p.m. yesterday.

2. When the car (приехала), I still (упаковывала) my things.
3. When the phone (зазвонил), I (пекла) a cake.
4. I (мыла) the windows at this time yesterday.
5. He (ехал на) his car, when we (увидели) him.
6. While we (составляли) a dialogue, Kate (переводила) the text.
7. Where you (спешила), when I (встретил) you?
8. The morning (было) really beautiful. The sun (светило) brightly,
the birds (пели) and everyone in the street (улыбался).
9. When we (приехали), she (готовила) some coffee.
10. While they (гуляли) in the park, it (начался) to rain.

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное время

Случаи Возможные
употребления указатели времени
1. Действие, которое by 7 p.m. – к 7 He had written the
произошло раньше часам; test by 4 o’clock
другого действия when he came – yesterday.
или момента в про- когда он пришёл
2. Действие, которое for – в течение; Victor said that they
началось до како- since – с тех пор как had known each other
го-либо момента в for many years.
прошлом и все еще
продолжалось в тот
момент (с глаголами,
не имеющими фор-
мы Сontinuous)
3. Действие уже The rain had stopped
завершилось в and the sun was
прошлом, а второе shining brightly.
действие находится
в процессе

Формы прошедшего совершенного времени

Verb (V) – глагол. Subject (S) – подлежащее

Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная

форма форма форма
S+had+V-ed (V3) S+had not+V-ed (V3) Had+S+V-ed (V3)?
They had written They hadn’t written Had you written?


1. Translate from Russian into English.

1. His daughter had returned from the cinema by 7 p.m.

2. When I woke up yesterday, my mother had gone to work.
3. When we came to the station, the train had already left.
4. Yesterday Nick found his notebook, which he had lost in summer.
5. I was very nervous because I hadn’t flown before.
6. Ted was late for the lesson as he had overslept.
7. The mother had cleaned the flat by 8 p.m.
8. It had stopped raining and the sun was shining brightly.
9. The clerk worked hard after the director had criticized him.
10. When she looked around she understood that she had got off at
the wrong station.

2. Put the following verbs in Past Perfect.

1. He said that he … (not to be) in London before.

2. Martin was tired because he … (to make) a report.
3. My aunt … (to buy) tickets before we came.
4. They … (to translate) 3 texts by 5 p.m. yesterday.
5. The travelers … (not to reach) the camp before the sunset.
6. Brad … (to have) dinner by 2 p.m.
7. Clara … (to do) the shopping before the New Year Eve.
8. He went to meet his friends after he … (to do) his homework.
9. Nick never … (to ride) a horse before.
10. When we got to the theatre, the play … (to begin).

3. Match the beginning of the sentence with its ending.

1. By the time the shopping center a) she hadn’t made an important

closed phone call
2. Mary had passed all her exams b) by the time he reached the

3. The plane had already landed c) Sarah had spent all her money
4. Suddenly she remembered that d) the mechanic hadn’t repaired my
car yet
5. When I got to the garage e) by Christmas holidays

4. Answer the questions using the verb suggested in Past Perfect.

Begin your answers with because or that.

e.g.: −Why didn’t you go to the cinema last Sunday?

−Because I had seen the film before.

1. Why didn’t Helen ask him about the book? (read the book)
2. What did you learn about Michael? (buy a new car)
3. Why were you late for the lecture yesterday? (miss the bus)
4. Why couldn’t she lock the door? (lose her key)
5. Why didn’t you visit Bob in Madrid? (forget his address) [5]

5. Join the following pairs of sentences with the conjunctions before,

after, when.

e.g.: He had breakfast. Then he went to the University.(after) − After

he had had breakfast, he went to the University.

1. I saw the film. Then I read the book. (before)

2. They packed their things. Then they started. (after)
3. I finished reading the book. Then I went to bed. (after)
4. The student learnt the rule. Then she wrote the test. (before)
5. My cousin called me. After that she went to meet me. (after)
6. The film began. We came to the cinema. (when)
7. They got married. Then they bought a new house. (after)
8. He reserved a room at the hotel. He went to the bank. (after)
9. The secretary typed the documents. The boss returned. (when)
10. Silvia got off the train. I reached the platform. (before)

6. Complete the sentences using Past Perfect.

1. When the parents came back home, …

2. I helped my mother about the house after …
3. By the time we got to the park, …
4. I fell asleep after …
5. By the end of the working day …
6. They were grateful because …
7. I understood that …
8. We went out after …
9. Jack bought a car as soon as …
10. By the end of the lesson …

7. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Когда вы пришли, я уже написал доклад.

2. Сколько страниц этой книги они перевели к концу прошлой
3. Студенты уже сдали экзамены к январю в прошлом году.
4. Когда он приехал, матч уже начался.
5. До захода солнца дети уже вернулись домой.
6. Сын сказал, что потерял деньги.
7. Она сейчас завтракает. / Она только что позавтракала. / Она
была голодна, потому что не позавтракала.
8. Когда я ей позвонила, мама готовила обед. Когда я пришла
домой, мама уже приготовила обед.
9. Мой кузен купил билеты до того, как мы пришли.
10. Электричество было отключено, так как мы не оплатили
11. Мне пришлось остаться в офисе после работы, так как я не
перевел этот текст.
12. К концу недели мы уже все приготовили.
13. Он очень сожалел, что обидел своего друга.
14. Вчера мы пошли прогуляться в лес и внезапно поняли, что
15. К полудню доктор уже осмотрел десять пациентов.

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное
продолженное время

Случаи Возможные
употребления указатели времени
1. Действие, которое for – в течение; The boys had been
началось до опреде- since – с; playing in the yard
ленного момента в How long? – Как for 3 hours when their
прошлом, продолжа- долго? mother came.
лось какой-то период
времени и все еще
2. Действие, которое The boys’ clothes
началось до опре- were dirty, because
деленного момента they had been playing
в прошлом, только football.
что закончилось и
результат этого дей-
ствия очевиден

Формы прошедшего совершенного продолженного времени

Verb (V) – глагол. Subject (S) – подлежащее

Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная

форма форма форма

S+had been+V-ing S+had not been+V-ing Had+S+been+V-ing?

They had been They hadn’t been Had they been

running. running. running?


1. Put the following verbs in Past Perfect Continuous. Translate into


1. Olaf … (to type) the text for 3 hours before Mark came.
2. Steven felt tired as he … (to sail) for several hours.
3. Helen and his mother … (to talk) on the phone for half an hour
when the line broke.
4. The children … (to do) their homework for 45 minutes when the
father came.
5. Liza became very fit because she … (to train) for a year.
6. Andrew … (to wait) for his airplane for 2 hours when its delay
was announced.
7. Her eyes were red. I saw she … (to cry).
8. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We … (to
travel) for more than 24 hours.
9. Jack … (to fish) for three hours before he caught his first fish.
10. I felt very cold because I … (to stand) outside for about two

2. Answer the questions using Past Perfect Continuous.

e.g.: How long had

it been raining when you left the house? (for an hour)?
It had been raining for an hour when I left the house.

How long had

1. … Mark been working before he retired? (for 45 years)
2. … the children been playing outside before the granny called.
(for 2 hours)
3. … the writer been working on the novel before he sent it to the
publisher. (for a year)
4. … Alice been living in Mexico when her husband arrived. (for
7 months)

5. … they been studying French before they finally went to France?
(for 5 years)
6. … Tom been working before he retired? (for 30 years)
7. … the friends been walking before they came to the river? (for
an hour)
8. … they been watching the film when Sam came? (for 20 minutes)

3. Use the verbs in Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect or Past
Perfect Continuous.

1. I was glad to meet Ted again. I … (to see) him for ages.
2. When I arrived, Lucy … (to lie) in bed with temperature since
3. I … (to wait) for the bus when you … (to call).
4. I … (to wait) for the bus for an hour when it finally … (to arrive).
5. We … (to eat) for half an hour when Sam finally … (to join) us.
6. They … (to have) much fun at the Christmas party.
7. My friend … (to live) in Japan for 2 years and then he … (to
move) to Italy.
8. The father … (to repair) the car, when our granny … (to come)
to visit us.
9. Liz said that her parents … (to sell) the cottage in the country.
10. There were puddles in the streets as it … (to rain) all night.
11. When we … (to come) to their place last night, they … (to play)
12. She … (to feel) chilly after she … (to swim) for an hour.
13. How often you … (to visit) your cousins when you … (to be) in
Spain last year?
14. After we … (to see) this new film, we … (to have) an interesting
discussion about it.
15. It … (not to rain) when we went out. But it … (to rain), so the
ground was wet.

Future Continuous
Будущее длительное время

Случаи Возможные
употребления указатели времени
Действие, которое at 10 o’clock We will be having
будет в процессе tomorrow – в 10 a party at 7 p.m.
в определенный часов завтра; tomorrow.
момент в будущем from 6 till 7 o’clock The students will be
tomorrow – с 6 до 7 writing a test from
часов завтра; 9 till 10 o’clock
the whole evening tomorrow.
tomorrow – весь They’ll be playing
вечер завтра; chess the whole
when he comes – evening tomorrow.
когда он придет I’ll be sleeping when
you return.

Формы будущего длительного времени

Verb (V) – глагол. Subject (S) – подлежащее

Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная

форма форма форма
S+will be+V-ing S+will not be V-ing Will+S+be+V-ing?

He will be running They won’t be running Will she be running?


1. Put the following verbs in Future Continuous. Translate the

sentences into Russian.

1. This time tomorrow we … (to move) to a new flat.

2. At six o’clock in the evening on Saturday I … (to meet) my
mother at the station.
3. Ellen ... (not to sunbathe) on the beach tomorrow at noon.
4. Diana … (to have) a conference from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow.
5. Don’t come to me. I … (to pack) my things the whole evening
6. Alice … (to take) the exam from 9 till 12 in the morning
7. This time tomorrow evening my father … (to watch) an
interesting football match on TV.
8. My cousin … (to practise) in the gym at 7 o’clock tomorrow
9. I’m sure when you come home your mother ... (not to sleep).
10. Mike … (to interview) a famous showman at 6 o’clock next

2. Read and translate the poem. Act out the dialogue.

− What will you be doing at one?

− I’ll be lying in the sun.
− What will you be doing at three?
− I’ll be watching TV.
− What will you be doing at four?
− I’ll be sweeping the floor.
− What will you be doing at eight?
− I’ll be learning to roller-skate [7].

3. Put the verbs in Present Continuous, Past Continuous or Future


to shine
1. The sun … brightly the whole morning yesterday.
2. The sun … brightly now.
3. The sun … tomorrow all day long.

to write
1. I … a postcard at the moment.
2. I … a postcard when you phoned.
3. I … Christmas cards from 5 till 6 tomorrow evening.

to sit
1. We … in the garden at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
2. This time tomorrow we … in the garden.
3. We … in the garden now.

4. Open the brackets using Present Continuous, Past Continuous or

Future Continuous.

1. I … (to study) Chinese online from 5 till 6 tomorrow evening.

2. Listen! Why the dogs … (to bark)?
3. The kids … (to watch) cartoons in their room now.
4. She … (to wear) a yellow coat when I saw her.
5. They … (to take) their driving test next Monday at 9 a.m.
6. What you … (to do) in my office from 4 to 5 p.m. yesterday?
7. I’m afraid my little niece … (to sleep) when we come.
8. We … (to have) tea now.
9. The environmental situation is already terrible and it … (to get)
10. Next Monday at this time I … (to swim) in the Indian Ocean.

5. Translate from Russian into English.

1. – Что ты будешь делать завтра в восемь часов вечера? – Я

буду встречать родителей в аэропорту.
2. В это время завтра мы будем лететь в Бразилию.
3. Завтра с шести до восьми часов вечера я буду смотреть свой
любимый сериал по телевизору.
4. – Доктор принимает пациентов с 9 до 12 часов завтра? – Да.
5. Давай встретимся завтра в парке. Я буду тебя ждать там ве-
чером в 7 часов.
6. Не звоните мне с 3-х до 5-ти: я буду работать в лаборатории.
7. – Ты пообедаешь со мной завтра в 2 часа? – В это время я
сдаю экзамен.
8. Анна будет собирать вещи, когда приедут ее родители.
9. Завтра в это время мы будем обсуждать результаты кон-
трольной работы.
10. Вы все еще будете работать, если я приду завтра в девять?

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное время

Случаи Возможные
употребления указатели времени
Действие, которое by 6 p.m. tomorrow – Margaret will have
завершится к какому- к 6 часам вечера rented a flat by the end
либо моменту в завтра of the week.

Формы будущего совершенного времени

Verb (V) – глагол. Subject (S) – подлежащее

Утвердительная Отрицательная Вопросительная

форма форма форма
S+will have+V-ed (V3) S+will not have+V-ed Will+S+have+V-ed
(V3) (V3)?
They will have They won’t have Will they have
finished finished finished?


1. Put the verbs in Future Perfect. Translate the sentences into


1. By Tuesday Jane … (to write) her novel.

2. Mary thinks the film … (to start) by the time she gets to Fred’s.
3. Before his holiday Sarah … (to spend) all his money.
4. The train … (to leave) by the time they get to the station.
5. She … (to cook) dinner by then.
6. I … (to finish) my homework before my sister comes home.
7. Before Lisa arrives I … (to clean) the flat.
8. John … (to translate) this document by 7 o’clock this afternoon.
9. Steven … (not to learn) this poem by tomorrow.
10. By the evening my granny … (to plant) the flowers.
2. Answer the questions using Future Perfect and the words in

1. Will the couple be at their hotel on Friday? (to move to Spain)

2. Will the students be writing their tests at ten? (to finish)
3. Will Mike still be a pupil next autumn? (to finish school)
4. Will Greg still remember Molly in ten years? (to forget)
5. Will Steve be at home on Tuesday? (to leave for Novgorod)
6. Will the committee be discussing the project at 12 o’clock? (to
make a decision)
7. Will she still be in the shop by 7 p.m. tomorrow? (to return home)
8. Will your daughter be revising for her exam at 2 p.m. on
Wednesday? (to pass her exam)

3. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Приходи ко мне в 5. Я уже уберу свою комнату.

2. Директор подпишет все документы к 10 утра?
3. Он уже придет домой к тому времени.
4. Наш самолет не приземлится к 9 часам.
5. Том уже позавтракает, когда придет его бабушка.
6. Елена будет на работе в 4 вечера? Нет, она уже уедет из
офиса к тому времени.
7. Смирновы переедут в новую квартиру к концу лета.
8. Твоя любимая программа уже начнется к тому времени,
когда мы придем домой.
9. Думаю, она не закончит свое эссе к среде.
10. Построят ли рабочие бассейн к августу?

4. Choose the correct answer.

1. By the time Ted comes home his brother … (will eat / will have
eaten / will be eating) the apple jam.
2. − The guests will come at 7.30. − Don’t worry. I … (will clean / will
have cleaned / will be cleaning) the house before you come back.
3. I … (will go / will be going / will have gone) to the meeting
tomorrow, so we cannot go to the restaurant.

4. By 7 o’clock tomorrow evening she … (will be leaving / will
leave / will have left) the office.
5. We … (will be travelling / will have travelled / will travel) to lake
Baikal in 2 months.
6. My dear granny … (will become / will be becoming / will have
become) a pensioner by 2020.
7. When you come to the station I … (will wait / will be waiting /
will have waited) for you by the central entrance.
8. − What are you planning to do tomorrow at 6 p.m. − I … (will
have watched / will watch / will be watching) a football game.
9. Don’t make so much noise. You … (will have woken up / will
wake up / will be waking up) everybody.
10. − We need to cancel our plans. The whole evening tomorrow I …
(will cook / will have cooked / will be cooking) with my mother
as a lot of guests will arrive.

Обзорные упражнения по теме
«Времена английского глагола»

1. Use the verbs in the correct form: Present Simple, Present Perfect,
Present Continuous, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. Our classes usually … (to begin) at 8.30 in the morning.
2. The first lesson … (not to begin) yet.
3. I … (to spend) my last weekend well.
4. I think we … (to travel) to the seaside next summer.
5. The pupils … (to have) a break now.

1. My mother … (to buy) a lot of bananas yesterday.
2. We just … (to eat) all the bananas.
3. I think she … (to buy) some more bananas tomorrow.
4. Usually my dog … (not to eat) fruit.
5. My dog … (to eat) meat now.

1. We never … (to swim) in the ocean.
2. We … (to swim) in the lake very often last summer.
3. My friend certainly… (to swim) in the Black Sea next month.
4. We usually … (to go) swimming to the swimming pool.
5. Look at the boys! They … (to swim) on such a cold day.

1. I already … (to be) to many countries.
2. I … (to be) in London last year.
3. I (to be) Canada now.
4. We hope we … (to visit) our American friends next summer.
5. We … (to visit) them every year.

2. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Present Simple,
Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I … (not to drink) coffee in the evening.

2. You … (to book) your hotel room yet?
3. He … (to talk) on the phone right now.
4. His wife … (to talk) on the phone for two hours already.
5. Kim … (to be) abroad 3 times.
6. What you … (to see) in the picture?
7. They … (to move) to a new house next Saturday.
8. She constantly … (to argue) with her parents.
9. Look! He … (to draw) a very good portrait.
10. Where the children … (to be)? – They … (to watch) TV in the
living room now.

3. Put the verbs into the correct tense: Past Simple, Past Continuous,
Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.

to take
1. Sue didn’t answer the phone because he … a shower.
2. I couldn’t find my umbrella, but then I remembered that my sister
… it to school.
3. Frank … the bag and walked downstairs.
4. We … the exam for 2 hours when the dean entered the room.

to wash
1. I saw Sam in the kitchen. He … his hands.
2. They … their windows last spring.
3. By the time I came home Jane … already the dishes.
4. His wife … the mushrooms since the early morning, so he decid-
ed to help her.
to do
1. By midnight he … all the work.
2. I … already my homework when you phoned.
3. Dad … that crossword the whole evening yesterday.
4. She … her hair and left for work.
4. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Present Simple,
Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect.

Dear Mr. Harrison,

James ______ (to come) back to school on Monday and my husband
______ (to ask) me to explain the situation to you. James ______ (to re-
cover) just from his grippe, but the doctor _______ (to tell) me yesterday
to keep him home for a few more days to be on the safe side. We hope
he _______ (not to miss) anything important since the term _______(to
We would like to ask you to watch over him for a while and not to let
him take part in games or gymnastics for a week until he _______ (to be)
well again. James _______ (to be) so keen on games that he _______ (to
try) to play before he ______ (to be) fit enough unless someone _______
(to keep) an eye on him.
We _______ (to provide) him with all the clothes on the list except the
red athletics vests and the blue shorts. He already _______ (to grow) out
of last year’s pair, but we only _______ (to discover) this yesterday and
the local shop _______ (not to have) any in stock. I _______ (to send)
them by post as soon as I _______ (to buy) some.
We _______ (to be) very happy that James _______ (to take) to board-
ing-school life so well last year and we trust he _______ (to continue) to be
happy this year. We both _______ (to be) very grateful to you for being so
helpful last year and look forward to having another talk with you when we
_____ (to come) to the parent-teacher meeting next month.
Yours sincerely,
K. Williams [4].

What is this letter about? Retell it.

5. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Present Simple,
Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect.

Dear Ashton,
I’m sorry I _______ (not to write) to you for so long, but I _______
(to be) very busy lately. All last month I _______ (to have) exams and
_______ (to have) to study very hard.

Anyway I _______ (to stop) studying now, and I _______ (to wait)
for my exam results. As you see from my letter, my address _______ (to
change) and I _______ (to live) in Leeds now.
My family _______ (to move) here three months ago. I hope when
you _______ (to come) to Britain in summer, you _______ (to visit) me.
I _______ (to be) at home till the middle of August. Then I _______ (to
go) on holiday to Scotland.
Hope to hear from you shortly.
Sarah [4].

What is this letter about? Retell it.

6. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Present Simple,
Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect,
Present Perfect Continuous.

Dear Ann,
I _______ (to receive) your letter about two weeks ago and _______
(to try) to find time to write you back ever since. I _______ (to be) very
busy lately. For the past two weeks I _______ (to have) four tests, and I
_______ (to have) another test next week. In addition, a friend _______
(to stay) with me since last Thursday. She _______ (to be) fond of sight-
seeing, so we _______ (to spend) a lot of time visiting some of the in-
teresting places here. Between showing her the city and studying for my
exams, I barely _______ (to have) enough time to breathe.
Right now it _______ (to be) 3 a.m. and I _______ (to sit) here for five
hours doing my studying. My friend’s plane _______ (to leave) at 6.05, so
I _______ (to decide) not to go to bed. That’s why I _______ (to write) to
you at such an early hour in the day. I _______ (to get) a little sleepy, but
I would rather stay up. I _______ (to take) a nap after I _______ (to get)
back from taking her to the airport.
How you _______ (to get) along?
Please, write soon.
Mary [4].
What is this letter about? Retell it.

7. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Present Simple,
Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Present Perfect,
Present Perfect Continuous.

Yes, I’m at Georgina’s house this evening. What I _______ (to do)
here? I _______ (to baby-sit). She and her husband _______ (to go) to a
party. Four children. They _______ (to be) usually rather wild. I _______
(to baby-sit) here once when they all _______ (to start) screaming. But
they _______ (to be) very good at the moment. I can see the youngest
now in the room next door. She _______ (to eat) a huge box of chocolates
that Georgina _______ (to give) me before she _______ (to leave). The
others _______ (to find) a tin of paint and happily _______ (to paint)
the walls of the kitchen. They _______ (to assure) me that they _______
(to do) this before and that their mother and father _______ (to have)
no objection then. I only _______ (to hope) that they _______ (to tell)
me the truth. One of them _______ (to get) himself in a bit of a mess. I
_______ (to try) to clean him up with paint remover, but so far without
much success [4].

8. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Past Simple, Past
Continuous, Past Perfect.

Last week I _______ (to have) a funny experience. I _______ (to be)
on my own in the house because my husband _______ (to go away) on a
business trip.
The first evening I _______ (to feel) rather tired as I _______ (to
spend) the day shopping and cleaning. After supper I _______ (to watch)
television for a while and then _______ (to decide) to go to bed early. I
just _______ (to go) to lie down when I _______ (to hear) the sounds of
men’s voices, talking quietly. I _______ (to be) terrified. I _______ (to
get) out of bed, and _______ (to creep) downstairs. The voices _______
(to come) from the sitting-room. I _______ (to tremble) all over. I slightly
_______ (to open) the door and then _______ (to laugh) with relief. In my
tiredness I _______ (to forget) to turn off the television... [4].

What is this story about? Retell it.

9. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Past Simple, Past
Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous.

I _______ (to go) to London for the first time in 1990 when I _______
(to be) just a child. My parents _______ (to be) already there many times so
they _______ (to know) the city well. But they never _______ (to be) there
with a child, so they saw a different side of London with me. We _______
(to go) out every day and _______ (to have) a fantastic time. My parents
_______ (to study) English for many years so they _______ (to have) no
difficulty with the language. It _______ (to rain) while we _______ (to be)
there but we _______ (to pack) all our waterproof clothes so it _______
(to be) no problem. When the time _______ (to come) to leave, I (to feel)
quite sad because I _______ (to have) such a good time [4].

What is this text about? Retell it.

10. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Я прочитала его письмо на прошлой неделе. / Я только что

прочитала его письмо. / – Ты прочитала его письмо? – Еще
нет. / Юля читала письмо от родителей, когда в комнату
вошел ее муж. / У меня сейчас нет времени. Я прочитаю
это письмо завтра. / Она читает книгу два часа. / Она
читала книгу два часа, когда мама вернулась с работы. / Она
прочитает эту книгу к следующему понедельнику.
2. – Что вы ищете? – Свой паспорт. – Как долго вы его ищете?
– Уже полчаса.
3. Моя сестра с удовольствием учит хорошие стихи. Когда
я вошла в ее комнату вчера, она учила стихотворение на
4. Вы пели в детстве? / Вы часто поете? / Хватит петь! / Спойте
нам хорошую песню! / Только представьте себе, она поет с
самого утра! / Она пела вчера весь вечер. / Я сейчас не пою,
а слушаю музыку.
5. – Вы когда-нибудь были в Германии? – Да. Я была там в про-
шлом году и видела много интересных достопримечатель-

6. Я не видела Петра целую вечность! Где он сейчас? Чем
7. – Когда твой сын окончил школу? – Он окончил школу в
2015 году и поступил в университет.
8. – Ты был вчера в театре? – Да. – Тебе понравилась новая
9. Мы ходили в этот ресторан много раз. Еда там –

Sequence of Tenses / Reported Speech
Согласование времен / Косвенная речь
В русском языке сложные по структуре предложения, в которых в
одной части употребляется прошедшее время, а в другой будущее, не
противоречат грамматическим нормам. Для английского языка такое
совмещение невозможно.
В английском языке время глагола в придаточном предложении
зависит от времени глагола в главном предложении. Употребление
времен в придаточных предложениях подчиняется следующим
правилам согласования времен:
1. Если сказуемое главного предложения стоит в настоящем или
будущем времени, то сказуемое придаточного предложения может
быть употреблено в любом времени, которое требуется по смыслу
(как и в русском языке).
She says: “I like chocolate”. − She says that she likes chocolate.
2. Если же сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем вре-
мени, то и сказуемое придаточного предложения будет стоять в од-
ном из прошедших времен, а именно:

Косвенная речь
Прямая речь (передача высказывания
другого лица)
Present Simple Past Simple
She said: “I like chocolate”. She said that she liked chocolate.
Present Continuous Past Continuous
He said: “It is snowing”. He said that it was snowing.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
He said: “I have done my He said that he had done his
homework”. homework.
Past Simple Past Perfect
He said: “I did my homework He said that he had done his
yesterday”. homework the day before.

Past Continuous Past Continuous or Past Perfect
She said: “I was planning to call Continuous
you later”. She said that she was planning
(had been planning) to call me
Past Perfect Past Perfect
He said: “The film had finished by He said that the film had finished
the time I got home”. by the time he got home”.
Future Simple Future-in-the-Past
He said: “I will speak to you He said that he would speak to me
tomorrow”. the next day.

При переводе прямой речи в косвенную необходимо произвести

следующие изменения:
a) в соответствии с существующими правилами изменить личные и
притяжательные местоимения, а также форму глагола-сказуемого в
придаточном предложении;
b ) если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошедшем
времени, следует соблюдать правило и соответственно заменять ука-
зательные местоимения и наречия:

Прямая речь Косвенная речь

now then
today that day
tomorrow the next day
yesterday the day before, the previous day
two days ago two days before
the next year,
next week/year
the following week/year
last week/year the previous week/year
here there
this that
these those
come go

Вопросительные предложения в косвенной речи

При обращении прямого вопроса в косвенный он становится

дополнительным придаточным предложением. Порядок слов в
косвенном вопросе будет прямой, то есть глагол-сказуемое стоит
после подлежащего. Общие вопросы вводятся союзами if или
whether. Например:

She asked me: “Do you know the rule?” – Она спросила меня: “Ты
знаешь это правило?”
She asked me if I knew the rule. – Она спросила меня, знаю ли я это

Специальные вопросы вводятся в косвенной речи

вопросительными словами who, which, whose, when, why, how
many и т. д.

He asked her: “When did you see Fred?”− Он спросил ее: “Когда ты
видела Фреда?”
He asked her when she had seen Fred. − Он спросил ее, когда она ви-
дела Фреда.

Повелительные предложения в косвенной речи

Повелительное наклонение в косвенной речи заменяется

инфинитивом в утвердительной или отрицательной форме. Глагол
say, вводящий прямую речь, заменяется глаголом tell (велеть, сказать)
или order (приказывать). Если прямая речь выражает просьбу, то
глагол say заменяется глаголом ask (просить).

The teacher said: “Learn the rule”. − The teacher told me to learn the
The teacher said: “Don’t be late for classes”. − The teacher told the stu-
dents not to be late for classes.


1. Say it in Russian.

1. She said that she had breakfast at 8 o’clock.

2. She said that she was having breakfast then.
3. She said that she had already had breakfast.
4. We found out that he practised bodybuilding.
5. We found out that he had practised bodybuilding the year
6. My cousin said that he would come to the station to meet me.
7. We didn’t know where our friends had gone.
8. He told her that the students would go to the football ground
the next day.
9. I was sure that he always kept his promise.
10. I was not sure that he would keep his promise.

2. Choose the proper adverb or the adverbial phrase.

1. Mr. Brown said that the manager would be back in London …

(tomorrow, the following day).
2. He said he had enjoyed the film … (yesterday, the day before).
3. The secretary told the director that the doctor had called him
up … (two hours ago, two hours before).
4. “My friend won’t be able to come … (the next day, tomor-
row),” Nick said.
5. He said that he had given him (this, that) book … (the previ-
ous week, last week).
6. She said that Mr. Black was having an appointment … (now,
7. “I have seen Betty … (today, that day),” Doris said.
8. Mary says she will book tickets for the cinema … (tomorrow,
the next day).
9. She said: “Peter participated in the competitions … (the previ-
ous month, last month)”.
10. He said he would finish his new collection of poems … (next
May, the following May).

3. Complete the sentences with say or tell in the correct form.

1. He … that he liked that song.

2. The teacher … me to go to the blackboard.
3. Mr. Mason … goodbye and left the room.
4. Jack … to him that he would return in two days.
5. My mother … me to follow her advice.
6. “… me the truth,” she insisted.
7. She … Jane played the piano very well.
8. What did you … to the doctor?
9. Monica … her groupmate that she had a cold.
10. He asked his sister to … the time.

4. Choose the correct variant. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Andrew wondered if Jane (will be, would be) busy the next day.
2. I think the weather (will be, would be) fine next week. I hope it
(will not change, would not change) for the worse.
3. He asked his father if he (is, was) in a hurry.
4. My aunt asked me if I often (met, meet) my cousin in the
5. She wondered who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the
sitting room.
6. Bet wanted to know if I (had ever been, has ever been) to America.
7. The coach asked him if he (had played, played) hockey the day
8. She asked the monitor if they (would take, will take) the exam
in June.
9. The boss asked me where I (spent, had spent) my holiday.
10. Mike asked the mechanic if he (could, can) repair the car.
11. She said she (feels, felt) much better then.

5. Turn the following sentences into reported speech.

e.g.: Keith said: “I’ll go to the gym tomorrow.” − Keith said that she
would go to the gym the next day.

1. He said: “There is a letter for you on the table.”
2. The girl told me: “I take my little sister to school every day.”
3. Sam said: “I have already learnt the poem.”
4. He said: “My brother got up early this morning.”
5. The daughter told her mother: “Vlad is playing in the park.”
6. She said: “The parents will come at 7 p.m.”
7. My friend said to me: “I saw Mary in the street last week.”
8. The granny said: “It’ll rain tomorrow.”
9. Sally said: “I’m planning to go to Oxford in summer.”
10. She told me: “They’ll build a new hotel here.”

6. Turn the following sentences into direct speech.

e.g.: The boys said that they would go to football match the following
Sunday. − The boys said: “We will go to football match next Sunday.”

1. Eric said that he had bought a new car for his mother.
2. The mother said that dinner was ready.
3. She said that she hadn’t seen Mary since the previous week.
4. Marion said that he lived in Boston.
5. Sam said that he could speak three foreign languages.
6. They told me that they had been to Brazil twice.
7. He said that the train hadn’t come in time the day before.
8. Fiona said that she had been painting the picture for several

7. Translate from Russian into English.

Прямая речь Косвенная речь

1. Она сказала: «Мой брат сво- 1. Она сказала, что ее брат сво-
бодно говорит на китайском». бодно говорит на китайском.
2. Моя мама сказала: «На улице 2. Моя мама сказала, что на ули-
идет дождь». це идет дождь.
3. Дети сказали: «Мы пойдем в 3. Дети сказали, что они пойдут
зоопарк на следующей неделе». в зоопарк на следующей неделе.

4. Она сказала: «Он показал 4. Она сказала, что он показал
мне его старые фотографии на ей его старые фотографии на
прошлой неделе». прошлой неделе.
5. Джейн сказала: «Эта ваза – 5. Джейн сказала, что эта ваза
очень красивая». очень красивая.
6. Моника сказала: «Мой сын 6. Моника сказала, что ее сын
окончил университет два года окончил университет два года
назад». назад.
7. Они сказали: «Мы катались на 7. Они сказали, что катались на
коньках весь вечер вчера». коньках весь вечер вчера.

8. Imagine that you saw your doctor yesterday because you had a bad
headache. Tell your partner what questions the doctor asked.

e.g.: Do you sleep well? − The doctor asked me if I slept well.

•• Is anything wrong with you?

•• Do you sometimes have headaches?
•• Are you taking any medicine now?
•• Do you spend much time out-of-doors?
•• Do you do sports?
•• Do you have a good appetite?
•• Do you usually go to bed late?
•• Will you follow my advice?

9. Imagine that a reporter from the local newspaper came to your

University yesterday. Report his questions.

e.g.: How long have you been studying at this University?

He asked me how long I had been studying at that University.

•• What do you like about your University?

•• What good habits have you formed at the University?
•• What is your favourite subject?
•• When was your University founded?
•• Do you have any societies or clubs?
•• Is there a swimming pool in your University?

10. Imagine that your mother gave you some instructions. Report
them to your partner. Use the sentences below.

e.g.: Feed the cat.

She told me to feed the cat.

•• Come home straight after classes.

•• Warm up your dinner.
•• Wash up the dishes after dinner.
•• Buy bread, milk and sugar.
•• Start doing your homework before I come.
•• Take the dog for a walk.
•• Clean your room.
•• Wait for me at home.

11. Tell your partner what instructions you have got from different
teachers today. Use the sentences below.

e.g.: Don’t be late for the lesson.

She told us not to be late for the lesson.

•• Don’t stay outside after the bell rings.

•• Don’t run along the corridor.
•• Don’t make noise.
•• Don’t look into your neighbour’s exercise-book.
•• Don’t lie on your desk.
•• Don’t waste time at the lesson.
•• Listen to me attentively.
•• Open your books at page 24.
•• Write down the rule into your exercise-books.
•• Get down to work.

12. Report the dialogue.

A.: – Have you heard that Jane cancelled her party next Friday?
B.: – Yes, but I didn’t hear why. What happened?

A.: – She’s going to New York. She has to see her boss.
B.: – Why did Jane plan the party? She knew all along about New York,
didn’t she?
A.: – Yes, but she really isn’t to blame. She thought the trip would be next
week. Yesterday she was told to go this week.
B.: – Too bad about the party, to say the least. The trip will do Jane good,
A.: – And she can have the party when she returns.
B.: – Frankly, I’m glad about the party. I’m lip to my ears in work right

A.: – Let’s go to the movies. There’s a good picture at the Roxy.
B.: – I’d like to, but I can’t. I have to study. I wasted the whole afternoon.
I forgot I had to brush up my French. Then, all of a sudden, I remembered.
A.: – Oh, come on! We’ll be home early.
B.: – No, I’d better not. I have a test tomorrow. I was about to study when
you came in. You know how it is. If you don’t study, you don’t pass. That
goes without saying.
A.: – A test? Tomorrow? Oh-oh!
B.: – What’s the matter?
A.: – I just remembered. I have a test, too!
B.: – We can go to the movies on Saturday.

13. Put the following into direct speech, using a dialogue form.

e.g.: Tom: – Would you like to come for a drive tomorrow, Ann?
Ann: – I’d love to…


1. Tom invited Ann to come for a drive the following day.

2. Ann accepted with pleasure and asked where he was thinking of going.
3. He said he’d leave it to her.
4. She suggested Stratford adding that she hadn’t been there for ages.
5. Tom agreed and said that they might go on the river if it was a fine day.
6. Ann wondered what was on at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.

7. Tom said they’d find out when they got there adding that it was usually
possible to get seats on the day of the play.
8. He asked Ann if she could be ready by ten.
9. Ann said with regret that she couldn’t as she had to type a report first.
10. Tom expressed horror at the idea of working on Saturday and advised
her to change her job.
11. She told him not to be ridiculous and explained that she had volunteered
to type the report in return for a free afternoon the following week.
12. She pointed out that she hadn’t known that he was going to ask
her out.
13. Tom said he supposed it was all right but warned her not to make a
habit of volunteering for weekend work.
14. Ann promised not to.
15. Tom said gloomily that he supposed she’d be busy all morning.
16. Ann assured him that she would finish her work by 11.00 and offered
to meet him at the bus stop at Hyde Park Corner.
17. Tom agreed.

The Passive Voice
Страдательный залог
В английском языке глаголы имеют два залога: действительный
(the Active Voice) и страдательный (the Passive Voice). Глагол-сказу-
емое в действительном залоге показывает, что действие совершает
лицо или предмет, выраженный подлежащим.
Paul is a builder. He builds new houses. – Павел – строитель. Он
строит новые дома.
Глагол в страдательном залоге показывает, что лицо или предмет,
обозначенный подлежащим, испытывает воздействие со стороны
другого лица или предмета.
A lot of new houses are built in our city every year.
Употребление страдательного залога в английском языке гораздо
шире, чем в русском. Кроме того, в письменной речи его можно
встретить чаще, чем в устной.
Страдательный залог образуется с помощью вспомогательного
глагола to be (в нужном времени и в форме, соответствующей лицу и
числу подлежащего) и причастия II смыслового глагола:

Таблица времен английского глагола в страдательном залоге

Verb (V) – глагол

Simple Continuous Perfect

Pres- I am I am I have
ent He is +V-ed He is being +V-ed He has been +V-ed
(V3) (V3) (V3)
We are We are We have

Past I was I was I

He was +V-ed He was being +V-ed He had been +V-ed
(V3) (V3) (V3)
We were We were We

Fu- I I
ture He will be+V-ed He will have been+V-ed
(V3) (V3)
We We


1. Use the verbs in brackets in the Passive Voice.

e.g.: songs (to sing) – songs are sung

•• cats (to feed);

•• windows (to clean);
•• an apple pie (to bake);
•• dinner (to cook);
•• tests (to read, to translate);
•• flowers (to plant, to water);
•• clothes (to buy, to iron);
•• beds (to make);
•• houses (to build);
•• cars (to repair);
•• hair (cut);
•• visitors (to meet);
•• secrets (to keep, to tell);
•• letters (to write; to receive);
•• keys (to find, to lose);
•• languages (to speak, to learn, to teach).
2. Make the following passive.

e.g.: People speak English in many countries. − English is spoken in

many countries.

A. 1. Many people buy clothes on the Internet.

2. They close shops in Russia at 8 p.m.
3. They cook meals in the kitchen.
4. People often keep money in the bank.
5. Students write examination-papers at the end of each term.
B. 1. Our grandparents planted some trees in the garden last spring.
2. Sam found the answers to all questions at the lesson.
3. The teacher told me to come in time.
4. Someone left the gloves in the hall yesterday.
5. They showed us the easiest way to do it.
C. 1. They will discuss this problem at the meeting on Monday.
2. I will not invite Jack to my birthday party.
3. The students will take English exam in June.
4. Mr. Pass will teach us Spanish next term.
5. My uncle will build his cottage next month.

3. Choose the correct form (active or passive).

1. The letter … (was received / received) last week.

2. I … (am received / receive) postcards from my relatives very
3. Patrick … (will meet / will be met) his cousin in the park
4. The tourists (will meet / will be met) by their guide at the airport
next Sunday.
5. The mother … (was allowed / allowed) her son to play in the
6. He … (was allowed / allowed) to go to the concert.
7. Our friend (is given / gives) parties every month.
8. Such concerts (are given / give) in our University at the end of
the year.
9. They … (built / was built) a new garage last autumn.
10. Many new houses … (build / are built) in Moscow every year.

4. Make up sentences from these word combinations. Follow the


e.g.: the lost key – The key was lost.

•• the eaten pie;

•• the sent telegram;
•• the caught mouse;

•• the broken vase;
•• the found way;
•• the forgotten story;
•• the painted door;
•• the lost documents;
•• the paid bill;
•• the said words;
•• his repaired house.

5. Put in with or by.

1. His shoes were covered … mud.

2. Soup is eaten … a spoon.
3. The novel was written … Mark Twain.
4. The living room was decorated … red and blue balloons.
5. Trained dogs are used … the police.
6. Bread is cut … a knife.
7. The house is surrounded … flowerbeds.
8. Moscow University was founded … Lomonosov.
9. The sky was covered … dark clouds.
10. We were told the stories … our teacher.

6. Say where and when these people were born.

e.g.: Andrew / in Barnaul / in 1975. − Andrew was born in Barnaul

in 1975.

1. Mr. Oliver / in Brighton / in 1956.

2. Rita / in Barnaul / in 2005.
3. The twins / in Australia / in 1996.
4. Jack / in New York / in 1948.
5. I/…/…
6. My friend / … / …
7. My mother / … / …
8. My father / … / …
9. My sister / brother / … / …
10. My cousin /… / …

7. Answer the following questions in the Passive Voice. Use the
prompts below.

e.g.: Who wrote the novel “War and Peace” and when? − The novel
“War and Peace” was written by Leo Tolstoy in 1863.

1. Who invented the radio and when?

2. Who founded Moscow University and when?
3. Who discovered penicillin and when?
4. Who wrote “Robinson Crusoe” and when?
5. Who performed the first space flight and when?
6. Who invented the telephone and when?
7. Who produced the first petroldriven car and when?
8. Who invented a plane and when?
9. Which company produced the first mobile telephone and when?

Alexander Bell (1876), Alexander Fleming (1928), Daniel Defoe (1719),

Wright brothers (1903), Alexander Popov (1895), Karl Benz (1885),
Motorola (1973), Yuri Gagarin (1961), M. Lomonosov (1755).

8. Join the sentences making all the necessary changes. Use the
Passive Voice wherever possible.

e.g.: You will return from London. They will ask you a lot of
questions. – When you return from London, you will be asked a lot of

1. My sister will pass the exam. She will go to the country.

2. The teacher will explain the rule to you. You will translate the
3. They will discuss the problem. They will take the final decision.
4. Mr. Neal will finish his speech. They will begin the concert.
5. My friend will ask me for help. I won’t refuse to come.
6. They will send you to Rome. You’ll have to prepare all the doc-
uments beforehand.
7. The boss will sign the papers. You’ll take them.
8. You will exceed the speed limit. They will fine you.

9. You’ll buy some apples. The grandmother will bake a tasty apple
10. The Smiths will move to a new flat next week. They will invite

9. Make all the sentences in the Passive Voice.

Let’s have a look at what is going on in your school at this very moment.

1. In the biology classroom the students are carrying out an im-

portant scientific experiment. They are documenting the results
2. In the maths classroom the teacher is explaining some new rules
to the students.
3. In the next room the teacher is reading a fairy-tale to the children.
4. In the English classroom the students are writing a test.
5. In the small studio on the second floor the students are painting
some very nice pictures in water-colours.
6. In the music classroom the children are learning the words of a
new song.
7. In the school swimming pool the coach is teaching some small
girls to swim.
8. In the gym the teachers are holding a competition for the first-
9. The children are preparing the Assembly Hall for the New Year
Party. They are decorating the New Year Tree.
10. In the Staff room the teachers are checking test papers [6].

10. Make the following sentences passive.

e.g.: My uncle looks after his dogs. – The dogs are looked after by
my uncle.

1. Students seldom refer to his articles.

2. The mother sent for the doctor in the evening.
3. Liza saw her father off last week.
4. We listened to the professor with great attention.

5. The doctor will operate on this patient on Wednesday.
6. She looked for her glasses everywhere.
7. The children laughed at the clown at the party yesterday.
8. We waited for them for a long time last Saturday.
9. The teacher checked up my homework at the previous lesson.
10. Sam asked for the book yesterday.

11. Use the verb to write in the necessary form.

1. The letter ___________________ at the moment.

2. The letter ___________________ yesterday.
3. The letter ___________________ at 5 p.m. yesterday.
4. The letter ___________________ by the time you came home.
5. The letter ___________________ tomorrow.
6. The letter ___________________ by the time you come home.
7. The letter ______ just _____________.
8. The letter ___________________ by Ted every day.

12. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive form.

1. The house is very old. It ______________ (to build) in 1750.

2. The photo ______________ (to take) by my father when we
were in Thailand.
3. The match ______________ (to cancel) yesterday.
4. The detective _____________ (to collect) the information before
he handed in his report.
5. He ________________ (to be) a very talented musician.
6. A new supermarket ________________ (to build) in the city
center lately.
7. The exhibition ________________ (to open) next month.
8. The thieves ________________ (to steal) the money from the
safe last Sunday.
9. A new carpet _________________ (to choose) by Kate at the
10. ____ you _______________ the task by next Monday?

13. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

e.g.: Fred must do this work very carefully. − This work must be
done by Fred very carefully.

1. The father has to take his son to the swimming pool by car, as it
is quite a long way.
2. We can solve this problem.
3. You may not change the whole text as the beginning is all right.
4. You must return the book to the library not later than Wednesday.
5. You should invite them to the concert.
6. The students must follow these rules.
7. We have to buy a new cooker.
8. You should tell her the truth.
9. I can forget her address.
10. People must obey all the traffic rules.
11. The examiner may ask them a lot of questions at the exam.
12. The manager can make up a new plan.

14. You are a headmaster of a language school. Work out an

advertisement for it. The questions below will help you.

1. Where is your school situated?

2. What subjects are taught there?
3. What foreign languages are taught there?
4. What methods are used in your school?
5. What is usually done at the lessons?
6. What equipment is used at the lessons?
7. How often are examinations taken?
8. What are the students allowed to do? [6]

15. Match the proverbs with their definitions.

Proverbs Definitions
1. Life is made of little things. A. Don’t panic till you are in real
2. Marriages are made in heaven. danger.
3. Don’t cry before you are hurt. B. It’s impossible to become a poet
4. Money spent on brain is never if you have no talent.
spent in vain. C. It’s very important to get good
5. A bird is known by its note, a education.
man by its talk. D. Tell me who your friend is, and I
6. Poets are born, not made. will tell you what kind of man you
7. A name is sooner lost than won. are.
8. A man is known by the company E. It’s very difficult to get good rep-
he keeps. utation, but it’s very easy to lose it.
F. When people marry, the God
looks at them.
G. A person is judged by his deeds.
H. The longest road consists of
little steps.

16. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Профессора встретят в аэропорту завтра.

2. Молоко используют для приготовления сыра и масла.
3. Бернсы не были приглашены на вечеринку в прошлую
4. Ее тепло приняли в их доме.
5. Их наградили за лучшие роли года.
6. Тебя же попросили уйти, не так ли?
7. Эта одежда сделана в Турции.
8. Когда письмо будет отправлено?
9. Наш университет был основан в 1955 году.
10. Она всегда будет любима им.


1 – Does your dog eat a lot?

– No, it ….. twice a day.
a) feeds
b) are fed
c) is fed

2 – Have you got Jane’s address?

– Yes. It … on this sheet of paper.
a) is written
b) write
c) be written

3 The child hopes he … a computer by Santa Clause.

a) will be given
b) will be giving
c) was given

4 Breakfast … every day from 7 to 10 p.m.

a) was being served
b) is served
c) were served

5 Was Mickey Mouse created … Warners?

a) by
b) with
c) at

6 The cat was looked … by my sister, when we went to the sea

last year.
a) at
b) for
c) after

7 Designer clothes … in this shop.
a) sell
b) are sold
c) is sold

8 Mr. Kelly … the contract yet.

a) wasn’t signed
b) hasn’t signed
c) will sign

9 The instructions must … very carefully.

a) follow
b) are followed
c) be followed

10 He will be operated … in a month.

a) –
b) by
c) on

11 I have beautiful socks which … by my grandmother.

a) were knitted
b) be knitted
c) knitted

12 Kate showed them the photographs yesterday.

a) The photographs are shown to them by Kate yesterday.
b) The photographs were shown to them by Kate yesterday.
c) The photographs were being shown to them by Kate yesterday.

13 It is said that Nick trains for 7 hours a day.

a) He said to train for 7 hours a day.
b) He is said train for 7 hours a day.
c) He is said to train for 7 hours a day.

14 Oleg will take me to the ball at the weekend.
a) I will be taken to the ball at the weekend.
b) I will have been taken to the ball at the weekend.
c) I am taken to the ball at the weekend.

15 Выпускные экзамены будут сдавать летом или зимой?

a) Will be the final exams taken in summer or in winter?
b) Will the final exams be taken in summer or in winter?
c) The final exams will be taken in summer or in winter?

16 She … music in her childhood.

a) taught
b) is taught
c) was taught

17 Много городов в Италии было разрушено землетрясени-

ем два года назад.
a) Many towns destroyed by the earthquake in Italy two years ago.
b) Many towns were destroyed by the earthquake in Italy two
years ago.
c) Many towns were destroyed with the earthquake in Italy two
years ago.

18 Don’t stay up late tonight otherwise you … tired tomorrow.

a) are
b) will be
c) will been

19 На каком языке говорят во всем мире?

a) What language is spoken all over the world?
b) What is language spoken all over the world?
c) What language does spoken all over the world?

20 Выставка будет открыта мэром завтра.

a) The exhibition will be opened with the mayor tomorrow.
b) The exhibition is be opened by the mayor tomorrow.
c) The exhibition will be opened by the mayor tomorrow.

Часть 2
Модальные глаголы
Значения Примеры
1) физическая He can swim well.
способность совершать
2) умственная способ- I can solve such problems.
ность совершать действие
3) просьба Can I go out, please?
4) разрешение совершить You can go for a walk.
5) предположение She can’t be at home now. (Не может
(сомнение, неуверен- быть, что она дома сейчас.)
ность) Can she be at home now?(Неужели она
дома сейчас?)

1. Define the meaning of the verb can and translate the sentences.
1. Sam can run very fast.
2. Can I borrow your pen, please?
3. She could swim when she was three.
4. Can you bring me a cup of tea?
5. It can’t be true.
6. Can you drive a car?
7. Could you tell me the way to the railway station?
8. My aunt can speak two foreign languages.
9. You can take photos in this art gallery.
10. His granny can knit socks well.
2. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
1. Robert can paint.
2. Dan could read when he was five.
3. Jane can sing and dance professionally.
4. They will be able to visit us next weekend.
5. My sister could roller-skate in her childhood.

3. Put in can, could, couldn’t, be able to, can’t.

1. Don’t speak so loudly. I … hear you perfectly.
2. … you help me?
3. Mary will … speak Spanish in half a year.
4. Mark … walk because of sharp pain in his leg.
5. Close the door, please. I … hear anything.
6. His brother eats in cafes, because he … cook.
7. The information … be true. I don’t believe you.
8. … you play football at the age of 10?
9. Will you … explain everything to the tourists?
10. He … get a good mark in Maths because he didn’t know the rule.

4. Read and translate the proverbs. Learn them by heart. Think of

the situations to illustrate them.

1. You cannot make an omlet without breaking eggs.

2. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
3. You can’t eat your cake and have it.
4. What is done cannot be undone.

5. Ask your partner what she / he can do and what she / he can’t do.
Use the following word combinations.

•• play the guitar;

•• drive a car;
•• play hockey;
•• speak German;
•• swim;
•• climb the mountains;
•• ride a horse;
•• dive;
•• skate;
•• sing.
6. Make the requests more polite.

e.g.: Can you tell me Victor’s address? – Could you tell me Victor’s

1. Can I have a look at this picture?

2. Can you tell me the way to the nearest supermarket, please?
3. Can you show me your family album?
4. Can you take a picture of this lovely dog?
5. Repeat your question, please.
6. Tell me the truth.
7. Speak louder, please.
8. Wait a minute.
9. Turn on the light, please.
10. Air the room.

7. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Елена умеет хорошо танцевать, а петь не умеет.

2. Можно мне поиграть с собакой во дворе?
3. Он умел кататься на коньках в пять лет.
4. Ты умеешь говорить на французском языке?
5. Не могли бы вы повторить правило, пожалуйста?
6. В прошлом году я не умела хорошо плавать, а сейчас умею.
7. Можно выйти? / Можно войти?
8. Мы сможем пойти завтра в театр, если мой муж купит билеты.
9. Неужели это правда?
10. Что можно увидеть на стене в твоей комнате?
11. Можно мне чашечку кофе, пожалуйста?
12. К сожалению, они не смогут участвовать в этом спортивном

Значения Примеры
1) вежливая просьба May I come in?
2) разрешение (официальное) You may take this book.

3) предположение I don’t know where my sister is.
(уверенность менее 50 %) She may be at home.


1. Translate the sentences.

1. May I come and see you on Friday?

2. Don’t give this glass to the child. He may break it.
3. Let’s hurry. It may rain.
4. She said that he might take her book.
5. They were allowed to play in the yard.
6. You may go for a walk. The weather is fine.
7. Rita may call or she may not.
8. We thought we might meet you in the park.
9. May I take your pen for a moment?
10. Chris will be allowed to visit her classmate next Sunday.
11. He who falls today may rise tomorrow.

2. Ask for a permission.

e.g.: Open the window – May I open the window?

•• leave the lesson a bit earlier;

•• miss the lecture;
•• go out;
•• take these magazines;
•• keep the book till Monday;
•• ask a question;
•• invite Mary to the party.

3. Give answers expressing uncertainty.

e.g.: I can’t find the key. Where ever can it be?(in your pocket) − It
may be in your pocket.

1. I can’t find Mr. Smith. Where ever can he be? (in his office)
2. I can’t find our granny. Where ever can she be? (in the garden)

3. I can’t find the cat. Where ever can it be? (under the sofa)
4. I can’t find my passport. Where ever can it be? (in the bookcase)
5. She can’t find her son. Where ever can he be? (in the gym)
6. Jack can’t find his teacher. Where ever can she be? (in the
7. I can’t find my glasses. Where ever can they be? (in the bedroom)

4. Use may, might, to be allowed to.

1. Don’t speak so loudly. You … wake the baby.

2. You … do this exercise orally.
3. The mother told Nick that he … have dinner in the canteen.
4. After they had done their homework, they … watch animated
5. … I come in?
6. You … join us in the park if you like.
7. He … not go out tonight.
8. Clare … take an English exam earlier last year.
9. … I see what you have written?
10. He … be in the office.

5. Make up short dialogues according to the example, using the

following expressions.

e.g.: Tom: – Mother, may I go for a walk?(1)

– Mother: No, you can’t.
– Tom: Why?
– Mother: Because it is very late.(2)

1 2
watch a detective your father is sleeping
switch off the light it is dark in the room
take the dog for a walk it is raining
invite Fred to our house we are going to the country
read a book you haven’t cleaned your room
buy ice-cream you have a sore throat

6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Возможно, он придет к нам сегодня вечером.

2. Можно мне начать эту работу?
3. – Куда ты собираешься на каникулах? – Еще не решил. Мо-
жет быть в Италию.
4. Студентам не разрешают разговаривать на лекциях.
5. – Где Олег? – Я не знаю. Возможно, он опоздает.
6. Его бабушке долго не разрешали вставать после операции.
7. Можно мне позвонить вам сегодня вечером?
8. Она сказала, что Юлия может подойти позже.
9. Когда я была младше, родители редко разрешали мне гулять
10. Ты можешь включить свет. Становится темно.


Значения Примеры
В утвердительных предложениях
1) обязанность, приказание, приказ You must come in time to the
(переводится, как должен, обязан) University.
2) внутренне осознанная необходи- I must tell him the truth.
мость (переводится, как надо, нужно,
необходимо, должен)
3) настоятельный совет или пригла- You must listen to this song.
шение (переводится, как обязательно It’s very romantic.
должен, обязательно нужно)
4) предположение (относительно высо- She must be at work now.
кая степень уверенности), переводится,
как должно быть
В вопросительных предложениях
5) нежелание выполнять действие (пе- Must I attend these courses?
реводится, как обязательно ли)
В отрицательных предложениях
6) категорический запрет совершить You mustn’t argue with your
действие (переводится, как нельзя, little sister.

Have to
Эквивалентом модального глагола must является оборот have to,
выражающий значение необходимости, вызванной обстоятельствами.
Модальный глагол must не имеет форм прошедшего и будущего
времени, вместо него употребляется had to (Past Simple) и will have
to (Future Simple).

Значения Примеры
Вынужденная необходимость, I have to wear a uniform.
обязанность в силу определенных
Различие в употреблении: I must get up early tomorrow. −
Must обычно выражает Я должен встать рано завтра.
долженствование с точки (Хочу многое успеть сделать.)
зрения говорящего (внутренне I have to get up early tomorrow. −
осознанную необходимость), Я должен встать рано завтра.
в то время как оборот have to (Мой самолет отправляется в 5
выражает необходимость часов.)
выполнить действие в силу
Отрицательная форма оборота We have got much time. We
have to употребляется для don’t have to hurry. / We needn’t
выражения отсутствия hurry. – Нет необходимости
необходимости выполнять торопиться.
какое-либо действие. Вместо
don’t / doesn’t have to может
употребляться модальный глагол

Формы глагола have to

Past Simple Present Simple Future Simple

had to have (has) to will have to
didn’t have to don’t (doesn’t) have to won’t have to
He had to go to the He has to go to the He will have to go to
University yesterday. University every day. the University tomor-

He didn’t have to go to He doesn’t have to go He won’t have to go to
the University yester- to the University every the University tomor-
day. day. row.
Did he have to go to Does he have to go to Will he have to go to
the University yester- the University every the University tomor-
day? day? row?


1. State the meaning of the verb must in each sentence. Translate

them into Russian.

1. Everybody must come to work on time.

2. Don’t call him. He must be very tired.
3. Must we learn new words by heart?
4. You mustn’t tell Daniel about her visit.
5. You must go to the theatre and see this play.
6. Must I stay at work late today?
7. You mustn’t go home alone.
8. It must be very difficult to learn Chinese.
9. She must stop eating much and she must lose weight.
10. You must come and see our new flat.
11. You must learn to walk before you can run.

2. Fill in the gaps with must or mustn’t.

1. You … learn to forgive people.

2. We have little time. We … hurry.
3. This vase is very valuable. You … damage it in any way.
4. It is very frosty. You … put on your fur coat.
5. You are late again. You … get to work on time.
6. You … play football in the house, Robert.
7. Nick is very tired. He … work so hard.
8. Don’t tell anybody. We … keep it secret.
9. Why is your room in a mess? You … clean it immediately.
10. You … speak so loudly in the library.

3. Read the rules how to behave in the zoo. Say what you must /
mustn’t do in the zoo.
1. You … keep the zoo tidy. You … drop any litter there.
2. You … bring your pets to the zoo.
3. You … use flashlights when taking photos.
4. You … feed or touch and pet animals. This is very dangerous!
5. You … switch on music, make noise or shout in the zoo.
6. You … leave children unattended.
7. You … go over the barriers and fencing.
8. You … break branches of trees.
9. You … pick up flowers and walk on the grass.

4. Say what you mustn’t do as a student.

e.g.: Miss classes – I mustn’t miss classes.

1. Be late for classes.

2. Talk at the lessons.
3. Prompt each other.
4. Change places at the lessons.
5. Eat at the lessons.
6. Interrupt the teacher.
7. Sleep at the lessons.
8. Leave the classroom during the lessons.

5. Write down the sentences in Past Simple and Future Simple using
necessary time expressions.

1. He must speak at the meeting.

2. I must call him and thank for the present.
3. We must take the taxi to arrive in time.
4. Our father must cook dinner today, because our mother is on a
business trip.
5. We must discuss the problem with the manager.

7. Make up dialogues according to the example.

Chris: Let’s go for a walk (A).

Richard: I can’t.
Chris: Why can’t you?
Richard: Because I must help my mother (B).

A. B.
1. to the disco 1. do homework
2. to the library 2. visit my granny
3. to the shop 3. learn the poem by heart
4. to the cinema 4. translate the article
5. to the country 5. do the flat
6. to the party 6. look after my sister
7. to the conference 7. prepare for the exam

8. Complete the following sentences using must / mustn’t.

1. If you don’t want to be late, you _________________________.

2. If you want to go abroad, ______________________________.
3. If she is unwell, ______________________________________.
4. If the brothers want to win the game, _____________________.
5. If you want to speak English fluently, _____________________.
6. If you have a headache, ________________________________.
7. If the students want to know grammar, ____________________.
8. If you are tired, ______________________________________.

9. Write what you must / mustn’t do when you travel. Complete the
list with your own ideas.

1. You ____________ forget your passport.

2. You ____________ eat dirty vegetables and fruit.
3. You ____________ be careful on the road.
4. You ____________ listen to the guide.
5. You ____________ book a room in a hotel in advance.
6. You ____________ take much luggage.
7. You ____________ get a visa.
8. You ____________ stay in the sun for a long time.

10. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Дети не должны долго смотреть телевизор.
2. Мы должны поторопиться, иначе мы опоздаем на поезд.
3. Ты должен приходить в университет вовремя.
4. Должно быть, она еще здесь.
5. Должны ли мы идти туда прямо сейчас?

1. В прошлом году я должна была упорно работать над своим ан-
глийским, чтобы сдать экзамен хорошо.
2. Здесь нельзя курить.
3. Они должны были заказать номер в гостинице на прошлой неделе.
4. Генри должен будет лететь в Мадрид в следующий вторник.
5. Они должны встретиться как можно быстрее.
6. Ты обязательно должна прийти и посмотреть нашу новую кухню.
7. Почему мы должны держать это в секрете?

11. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

1. Lena has to do her homework today.

2. Peter’s parents had to pay for his studies last year.
3. I will have to take my car to the mechanic tomorrow.
4. They had to accept our invitation.
5. You have to get visa to go to America.
6. Ann will have to practise much to get a driving license.

12. Rearrange the sentences as in the example. Use have to in Future


e.g.: Albert wants to lose weight, but he doesn’t like to exercise. – If

Albert wants to lose weight, he will have to exercise.

1. My brother wants to join the army, but he doesn’t like to obey orders.
2. Linda wants to be a good tennis player, but she doesn’t like to

3. Ann wants to learn Spanish, but she doesn’t like to do grammar
4. Peter wants to go fishing, but he doesn’t like to get up early.
5. Sue wants to get good grades, but she doesn’t like to do her
6. Jack wants to go to college, but he doesn’t like to study.
7. Barney wants to look good, but he doesn’t like to shave every
8. I want to learn to play the guitar, but I don’t like to practise.

13. Use have to in Future Simple.

e.g.: The dishes are clean. (wash) – I won’t have to wash them.

1. The dog has already eaten. (feed)

2. She knows how to use the camera. (show)
3. My old car runs pretty well after the repair. (buy a new car)
4. I have got a grant to study. (pay for my studies)
5. Scott can paint the house himself. (help)
6. My friend already knows about the party. (tell)
7. I have bought everything we need for dinner. (go shopping)
8. I have passed my English test. (take it again)
9. I have already had dinner. (cook tonight)

14. Complete the sentences with have to in the correct tense form.

1. My grandfather is very forgetful, my granny … write a list for

him what to buy.
2. They couldn’t understand at first, I … repeat the sentences sev-
eral times.
3. I didn’t go to school yesterday, because I … consult the doctor.
4. … you … get up early tomorrow?
5. We are preparing for our exam. We … read a lot of books.
6. My mother sometimes ... work at the weekend.
7. She … stay at home because she didn’t feel well.
8. Sam’s eyes are not good, he … wear glasses for reading.

9. Will you go to the gym tomorrow? – I’m afraid not. I … look
after my little sister.
10. Jimmy hasn’t written his test yet, so he … write it next week.

15. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Я должен вставать рано каждое утро, и мне часто приходит-

ся оставаться в университете допоздна.
2. Когда я учился в школе, мне приходилось носить школьную форму.
3. Детям придется остаться дома завтра, потому что будет
сильный мороз.
4. У нее много времени, ей не нужно торопиться.
5. Мне придется учиться много лет, чтобы стать хорошим
6. Тебе не нужно покупать хлеб сегодня, мама уже купила.
7. В прошлом году Анне пришлось уехать в Москву на курсы.
8. Магазин уже закрыт. Придется прийти сюда завтра снова.
9. Родителям Павла приходится платить за его обучение в колледже.
10. Мне пришлось выпить таблетку вчера, так как у меня силь-
но болела голова.


Значения Примеры
В утвердительных и отрицательных
1) желательность / нежелательность действия You shouldn’t watch
(совет) television all day long.
Must выражает настоятельный совет, в то
время как использование модального глагола
Should означает: «было бы хорошо»
2) предположение, основанное на фактах She’s brainy, so she
should pass her exam.
В вопросительных предложениях
3) в риторических вопросах Why should I do it?
4) в ситуациях, когда просят совета What do you think I
should do?


1. Translate the sentences.

1. You should follow his advice.

2. You shouldn’t spend so much money on your clothes.
3. You look tired. You should have a bath and go to bed.
4. You should speak to him when he isn’t so busy.
5. You shouldn’t believe everything you watch on TV.
6. You should help your relatives.
7. I don’t think you should work so hard.
8. Parents should know how to encourage their child.
9. You should stop smoking.
10. What should I tell her?

2. Give advice to these people. Use I think you should … or I don’t

think you should…

1. My tooth hurts.
2. It is raining heavily.
3. I’m very tired.
4. We often argue with my sister.
5. My pronunciation is not very good.
6. The boy looks pale.
7. My brother doesn’t tidy up his room.
8. My uncle doesn’t like his job.
9. I want to have a pet at home.
10. She is overweight.
11. I want to live life fully every day.
12. I want to improve my English.

3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Дети должны быть более внимательными к своим

2. Тебе не следует ходить туда.

3. Куда нам идти дальше?
4. С какой стати я буду звонить им?
5. Вам следует извиниться.
6. Это очень далеко. Тебе следует взять такси.
7. Вам не следует упускать такую возможность.
8. Нам следует сесть здесь?
9. Тебе не следует есть так много сладкого.
10. Тебе следует много работать, чтобы добиться успехов в
английском языке. Хорошее знание английского поможет
тебе получить хорошую работу.

Обзорные упражнения по теме
«Модальные глаголы»

1. Read and translate the dialogues. Role-play them.

– Excuse me, can you tell me the time? There’s something wrong with
my watch.
– Certainly. It’s ten to nine by my watch.
– Your watch is right, isn’t it?
– I’m not quite sure. It may be two minutes fast.
– I see. Thank you.

– Come and see me tonight.
– I’m afraid I can’t. I have a lot of things to do. But if it is very urgent,
I’ll come.
– Oh, no. You may come any time you like.

– Excuse me, can I see Mr. Brown?
− Sorry, you can’t. He is out for lunch. But he’ll be back very soon.
– May I wait for him here?
– Certainly. Will you take a seat, please?

– Hеllo, Bob! How are you?
– Not so well, I’m afraid. I have a bad cold. It’s a pity I won’t be able to
attend the lecture tomorrow. I have to stay at home.
– You needn’t worry. You may have my notes.
– Oh, thank you very much [2].

2. Make up dialogues on the following situations.

I’ve got an article to translate, and I do not understand many things in it.
Can you translate from English into Russian? Can you help me? Where
can we meet? Can you come to my place right after classes? Why can’t
you come? At what time can you come? You could do translations before
entering this faculty, couldn’t you? Could you only read and write or
could you also speak English when at school?

What do you think I must do to improve my English? Do you think I must
read out loud every day? What exercises do you think I must regularly
do? Must I pay more attention to the sounds or intonation? Where do you
think I must work with a tape-recorder? How often do you think I must
work in the laboratory?

May I ask you a few questions about the new course of History we are
going to take next term? Do you think it may appear interesting? When do
you think the course may begin? How long do you think it may last? What
additional measures might be taken to perfect the student’s knowledge of

Do you think both young and old play sports? What kind of sport
should one go in for in summer? What games do you think one should
play in winter? Very soon there will be a contest in shooting here. Who
do you think should take part in it? How many participants should be
recommended? [2]

Choose the correct answer.

1 … you tell me the time, please?

a) could
b) may
c) should

2 You … be late for classes.

a) may
b) must
c) mustn’t

3 He … swim until he was 10.

a) could
b) can’t
c) couldn’t

4 – Where is your brother?

– I don’t know. He … be in the yard.
a) must
b) may
c) can’t

5 I … get up early tomorrow. My train leaves at 6 a.m.

a) must
b) may
c) have to

6 Linda … go to the bank today. She has enough money.

a) have to
b) needn’t
c) mustn’t

7 … I go out?
a) may
b) should
c) can’t

8 … you play the guitar?

a) may
b) can’t
c) can

9 Kate … be out. There are no lights on.

a) can
b) must
c) should

10 My husband … wear a uniform at work.

a) should
b) can
c) has to

11 – What are you doing this weekend?

– I hope I will … to go to the country.
a) be able
b) can
c) could

12 You … smoke in the plane.

a) needn’t
b) don’t have to
c) mustn’t

13 – The test was too difficult for me.

– As for me, I … do it quite easily.
a) can
b) can’t
c) was able to

14 Bob is not at home. You … leave a message for him.
a) must
b) may
c) can’t

15 Do you think I … apply for this job.

a) can
b) might
c) should

16 Jack gave me a letter to post. I … forget to post it.

a) needn’t
b) mustn’t
c) must

17 The mother said that the children … go to the zoo.

a) may
b) might
c) are allowed

18 His grandfather wears a beard, so he … shave.

a) doesn’t have to
b) can’t
c) haven’t to

19 To work in our bookstore you … know a lot about modern

a) may
b) can
c) must

20 In modern cities you … hardly find a parking place.

a) can
b) have to
c) should

В нашей жизни иностранный язык выступает важным инструмен-
том, с помощью которого становится реальностью взаимопонимание
и взаимодействие между представителями различных сообществ. Це-
лью обучения иностранному языку является формирование коммуни-
кативной компетенции. Это явление сложное, многокомпонентное.
Грамматическая компетенция выступает в качестве важной со-
ставляющей коммуникативной компетенции, так как если человек не
владеет грамматическими навыками, он не сможет грамотно выразить
свои мысли в устной и письменной речи, а будет воспроизводить толь-
ко набор слов. Грамматика – это важнейший компонент речевой дея-
тельности, это стройная и логичная система.
Данный практикум направлен на формирование грамматической
компетенции студентов неязыковых вузов. В первой части практику-
ма было рассмотрено употребление видовременных форм глагола в
действительном и страдательном залогах. Как правило, эта тема вы-
зывает много затруднений в процессе обучения, поскольку система
времен глаголов в английском языке обладает смысловой и формаль-
ной спецификой, которая довольно сильно отличается от специфики
временных форм в русском языке. Во второй части были представ-
лены наиболее употребительные модальные глаголы. Сложность их
употребления состоит в том, что одно и то же значение может быть пе-
редано разными глаголами. Именно многофункциональность модаль-
ных глаголов вызывает у обучаемых значительные затруднения в при-
обретении практических навыков использования модальных глаголов.
В начале изучения каждой темы предлагаются таблицы, в кото-
рых раскрываются основные функции грамматического явления и
его формы. Упражнения располагаются по мере изучения грамма-
тического материала и представляют собой языковые, условно-рече-
вые и речевые упражнения, целью которых является многократная
тренировка изучаемого грамматического явления. Видовременные
формы глагола эффективно отрабатываются и закрепляются через
изучение пословиц, поговорок и стихотворений, составление диало-
гов. Эти приемы значительно облегчают учебную задачу, повышают
мотивацию к изучению языка, придают естественность высказыва-
ниям студентов в учебных условиях.
В конце издания даются обзорные упражнения, которые могут
использоваться в качестве тестовых заданий для проверки сформиро-
ванности навыков владения данным грамматическим явлением.

1. Английская грамматика XXI века: Универсальный
эффективный курс / А. А. Ионина, А. С. Саакян. – Москва :
Эксмо, 2012. – 416 с.
2. Жарникова, И. П. Модальные глаголы : учебно-методическое
пособие / И. П. Жарникова, О. П. Кириченко, И. А. Ткаченко. –
Братск : БрГУ, 2006. – 105 с.
3. Карлова, Е. Easy English for beginners + Аудиокурс.
Английский для начинающих − за месяц! / Е. Карлова. –
Санкт-Петербург : Питер, 2017. – 176 с.
4. Карневская, Е. Б. English. On the Way to Success = Английский
язык. На пути к успеху / Е. Б. Карневская, З. Д. Курочкина,
Е. А. Мисуно. − Минск : Аверсэв, 2005. – 288 с.
5. Лабораторные работы по английскому языку для
1 курса институтов и факультетов иностранных языков /
Т. И. Матюшкина-Герке, Т. Н. Кузьмичева, Л. Л. Иванова. −
Москва : Высшая школа, 1974. − 189 с.
6. Нагорная, А. В. Английские времена в текстах и
упражнениях / А. В. Нагорная. – Москва : Айрис-пресс,
2007. – 192 с.
7. Фурсенко, С. В. Грамматика в стихах: Веселые граммати-
ческие рифмовки английского языка / С. В. Фурсенко. –
Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2016. – 160 с.

Приложение 1
Распространенные выражения с глаголом to be

№ Английский вариант Перевод

1. to be absent from отсутствовать
2. to be acquainted with быть знакомым с… (кем-то)
3. to be afraid of бояться (кого/чего)
4. to be busy with быть занятым
5. to be different from отличаться от…
6. to be faithful to быть верным, преданным
7. to be familiar with быть знакомым с… (чем-то)
8. to be famous for быть известным (чем)
9. to be frightened быть испуганным
10. to be full of быть полным (чего)
11. to be fond of нравится, увлекаться
12. to be good at удаваться, быть способным к…
13. to be glad быть довольным
14. to be grateful to/for быть благодарным (кому/за что)
15. to be happy быть счастливым
16. to be hungry хотеть есть
17. to be interested in интересоваться (чем-то)
18. to be ill/to be well быть больным/здоровым
19. to be in a hurry спешить
20. to be kind to хорошо относится к…
21. to be late for опаздывать куда-то
22. to be married to быть женатым на…
23. to be on time приходить вовремя
24. to be over быть завершенным
25. to be pleased with быть довольным
26. to be proud of smb./smth. гордиться (кем/чем)
27. to be ready for быть готовым к…

28. to be responsible for быть ответственным за (что-то)
29. to be satisfied with быть довольным (кем/чем)
30. to be situated быть расположенным
31. to be sure of/about быть уверенным в чем-то
32. to be surprised at быть удивленным
33. to be tired of/after устать (от/после)
34. to be upset about быть расстроенным (чем)
35. to be useful for быть полезным для…
36. to be wrong быть не правым

Приложение 2
Времена английского глагола (действительный залог)

Приложение 3
Таблица неправильных глаголов

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle Russian equivalents

Неопреде- Причастие
ленная прошедшего Основные значения
форма времени
be was been быть
bear bore born(e) нести, родить
beat beat beaten бить
become became become стать, сделаться
begin began begun начать
bend bent bent, bended согнуть (-ся)
beseech besought besought умолять
bite bit bit(ten) кусать
blow blew blown дуть
break broke broken (с-) ломать
breed bred bred выращивать
bring brought brought принести
build built built строить
burn burnt burnt жечь, гореть
burst burst burst разразиться
buy bought bought купить
cast cast cast бросать
catch caught caught ловить, поймать
choose chose chosen выбрать
come came come прийти
cost cost cost стоить
creep crept crept ползти
cut cut cut резать
dare dared dared сметь
deal dealt dealt иметь дело
do did done делать
draw drew drawn тащить, рисовать
dream dreamt dreamt грезить

dreamed dreamed мечтать, видеть сны
drink drank drunk пить, выпить
drive drove driven гнать, ехать
eat ate eaten кушать, есть
fall fell fallen падать
feed fed fed кормить
feel felt felt чувствовать
fight fought fought сражаться
find found found находить
fly flew flown летать
forbid forbade forbidden запретить
forget forgot forgotten забыть
forgive forgave forgiven простить
freeze froze frozen замерзнуть
get got got получить
give gave given давать
go went gone идти, уходить, уезжать
grow grew grown расти
have had had иметь
hear heard heard слышать
hide hid hidden прятать (-ся)
hit hit hit ударить, попасть
hold held held держать
hurt hurt hurt причинить боль
keep kept kept хранить
know knew known знать
lay laid laid класть, положить
lead led led вести
lean leant, leaned leant, leaned прислониться
learn learnt, learned learnt, learned учить, выучивать
leave left left оставить
lend lent lent одолжить
let let let позволять
lie lay lain лежать
light lit lit зажигать
lose lost lost терять
make made made делать
mean meant meant подразумевать
meet met met встретить

mishear misheard misheard ослышаться
pay paid paid платить
put put put класть
read read read читать
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt перестроить
ride rode ridden ездить верхом
ring rang rung звонить
rise rose risen подняться
run ran run бежать, течь
say said said говорить, сказать
see saw seen видеть
seek sought sought искать
sell sold sold продавать
send sent sent послать
set set set устанавливать
sew sewed sewed, sewn шить
shake shook shaken трясти
shave shaved shaved, shaven брить (-ся)
shine shone shone светить, сиять
shoot shot shot стрелять
show showed shown показывать
shut shut shut закрывать
sing sang sung петь
sit sat sat сидеть
sleep slept slept спать
slide slid slid скользить
smell smelt smelt пахнуть, нюхать
speak spoke spoken говорить
speed sped sped ускорять, спешить
spell spelt, spelled spelt, spelled писать или
читать по буквам
spend spent spent тратить
spill spilt, spilled spilt, spilled пролить
stand stood stood стоять
steal stole stolen украсть
stick stuck stuck приклеить
strike struck struck ударить, бить
sweep swept swept мести
swim swam swum плыть

swing swung swung качаться
take took taken взять, брать
teach taught taught учить
tear tore torn рвать
tell told told рассказать, сказать
think thought thought думать
throw threw thrown бросить
thrust thrust thrust толкнуть, сунуть
understand understood understood понимать
undertake undertook undertaken предпринять
upset upset upset опрокинуться
wake woke, waked woken, waked просыпаться, будить
wear wore worn носить (одежду)
weep wept wept плакать
win won won выиграть
wind wound wound заводить (механизм)
write wrote written писать

Введение............................................................................................... 3

Часть 1
Времена английского глагола.............................................................. 4
Глагол to be........................................................................................... 4
Простое настоящее время
(Present Simple)................................................................................... 10
Настоящее продолженное время
(Present Continuous)............................................................................ 17
Простое прошедшее время
(Past Simple)........................................................................................ 25
Простое будущее время
(Future Simple).................................................................................... 33
Настоящее совершенное время
(Present Perfect)................................................................................... 39
Настоящее совершенное продолженное время
(Present Perfect Continuous)............................................................... 47
Прошедшее длительное время
(Past Continuous)................................................................................. 52
Прошедшее совершенное время
(Past Perfect)........................................................................................ 59
Прошедшее совершенное продолженное время
(Past Perfect Continuous).................................................................... 63
Будущее длительное время
(Future Continuous)............................................................................. 66
Будущее совершенное время
(Future Perfect).................................................................................... 69
Обзорные упражнения по теме
«Времена английского глагола»........................................................ 72

Согласование времен / Косвенная речь
(Sequence of Tenses / Reported Speech)............................................. 79
Страдательный залог
(The Passive Voice) . ........................................................................... 89
Test....................................................................................................... 98

Часть 2
Модальные глаголы.......................................................................... 101
Модальный глагол СAN ................................................................. 101
Модальный глагол MAY ................................................................. 103
Модальные глаголы MUST, HAVE TO .......................................... 106
Модальный глагол SHOULD ......................................................... 113
Обзорные упражнения по теме «Модальные глаголы»................ 116
Test..................................................................................................... 118

Заключение ...................................................................................... 121

References.......................................................................................... 122
Приложение 1 .................................................................................. 123
Приложение 2 .................................................................................. 125
Приложение 3 .................................................................................. 126

Учебное издание

Жукова Наталья Александровна


Подписано в печать 27.08.2018 г.

Объем 8,25 уч.-изд. л. Формат 60x84/16. Бумага офсетная.
Гарнитура Таймс. Тираж 100 экз. Заказ № 37.
Отпечатано в ООО «Папирус».
656049, г. Барнаул, ул. Папанинцев, 111, офис 4.

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