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ББК 81.


Павликова С.К.
П12 Учебн. пособие по политпереводу для студентов 2 курса фа-
культета политологии / С.К. Павликова. Моск. гос. ин-т междунар.
отношений (ун-т) МИД России ; каф. англ. языка № 7. – 3-е изд.,
испр. и доп. — М. : МГИМО-Университет, 2015. — 115 с.
ISBN 978-5-9228-1198-9
Настоящее учебное пособие нацелено на формирование коммуникативной
компетенции студентов 2 курса посредством переводческой деятельности в
области письменного перевода новостных сообщений с английского языка на
русский и с русого на английский, а также устного перевода новостных сооб-
щений с листа с английского на русский язык.

ББК 81.2Анг

ISBN 978-5-9228-1198-9 © Московский государственный институт

международных отношений (университет)
МИД России, 2015
© Павликова С.К., 2015
© Павликова С.К., 2004
© Павликова С.К., 2006

Предисловие.………………………………………………… 4
Пользователю пособия……………………………………… 7

Unit 1…………………………………………………………. 9
Reading and translating press releases……………………….. 9
Тема-рематическая организация высказывания.....……….. 19
The language of official titles and government jobs ………… 26
The language of diplomatic ranks.……...……………………. 28
The language of visits.………………..………………………. 31
Translation from Russian into English.………………………. 36

Unit 2.………………………………………………………... 39
Reading and translating news reports.………………………... 39
Обстоятельство в роли субъекта действия………………… 50
The language of news: Tension, Violence.…………..………. 51
Translation from Russian into English……………………….. 58

Unit 3.………………………………………………………... 60
Перевод атрибутивных сочетаний…………………………. 60
Dealing with longer texts. Reading and translating an
explanatory text………………………………………………. 64
Israeli-Palestinian conflict……………………………………. 68
The language of news: Talks/negotiations…...………………. 78
The language of news: Truce/ceasefire………………………. 82
Translation from Russian into English……………………….. 87

Приложение 1. Руководство по редактированию

переводного текста………………………………………….. 88
Приложение 2. Формат экзамена.…...……………………... 89
Ключи к заданиям для самопроверки…………………….... 101

Настоящее пособие адресовано студентам, обучающимся

по специальности 0202 00 «Политология» в МГИМО(У) МИД
России и отвечает требованиям Государственного образова-
тельного стандарта для данного направления подготовки. Посо-
бие используется на первом этапе обучения переводческой
деятельности (в 1 семестре 2 курса) и рассчитано на 36 акаде-
мических часов.
Целью данного пособия является формирование комму-
никативной компетенции посредством (средствами) перевод-
ческой деятельности в области письменного перевода новост-
ных сообщений с английского языка на русский и с русского на
английский, а также устного перевода новостных сообщений с
листа с английского на русский язык.

Задачи пособия:
Формирование умений текстовой деятельности
Формирование умений и навыков осуществлять техни-
ческие операции перевода
Формирование языковой (лексической) компетентности в
области общественно-политической тематики

Формирование умений текстовой деятельности

Пособие основывается на понимании перевода как сложного

(вторичного) вида речевой деятельности, где основной (доми-
нирующей) единицей перевода является текст. Поэтому посо-
бие уделяет особое внимание формированию умений текстовой
деятельности как основы переводческой деятельности. Данный
этап обучения включает формирование следующих умений:
Умение определять тему текста, цель текста (коммуни-
кативную установку текста), тип текста, логико-смысло-
вую (фреймовую) структуру текста.

Умение различать основную, важную и поддерживающую
информацию и называть основные мысли и детали.
Умение определять главную мысль текста.
Умение создавать письменные (переводные) тексты (на
русском и английском языках), отвечающие структурным
характеристикам определенного типа текста, а также жан-
ровым и стилистическим характеристикам исходного
текста (новостного сообщения).

Данная задача реализуется путем обучения стратегиям работы

с текстом: предикативная граф-схема, пирамида фактов, Wh (H)
questions, информационная карточка.

Пособие также формирует умение работать с объемными

текстами информационно-объяснительного характера, содер-
жащими большое количество новой информации, путем обу-
чения стратегиям предварительного просмотра текста, актуали-
зации предшествующих знаний и опыта, прогнозирования со-
держания текста и проверки выдвинутых гипотез.

Порядок подачи текстового материала предусматривает посте-

пенное усложнение текстов по линии объема, структуры и
языкового оформления: от информационных текстов в виде
пресс-релизов и новостных сообщений к объяснительному
тексту в виде тематической статьи.

Формирование умений и навыков осуществлять техничес-

кие операции перевода

В области технических операций перевода пособие наце-

лено на формирование умений осуществлять такие операции
как изменение порядка слов при переводе на русский язык,
обусловленное тема-рематической организацией предложения-
высказывания, трансформация предложений, где субъект
действия выступает в роли обстоятельства. Пособие также
включает обучение способам перевода англоязычного атрибу-
тивного сочетания на русский язык.

Формирование языковой (лексической) компетенции в
области общественно-политической тематики

Пособие также направлено на формирование тезауруса обще-

ственно-политической лексики студентов и формирование
связей между данными лексическими единицами и их русско-
язычными соответствиями. В пособие включены задания на
формирование умений и навыков использования общественно-
политической англоязычной лексики в рамках тем «Визиты,
встречи», «Боевые действия», «Переговоры и урегулирование
конфликта», а также на подбор и запоминание их русскоязыч-
ных эквивалентов.

Источником текстового материала послужили информации-

онные сообщения англоязычных источников: информационные
ресурсы ООН, VOA News, газет The Guardian, The Observer и
прочих свободных электронных ресурсов1.

В соответствии со статьей 1274 ГК РФ, в данном пособии использованы с обязательным указанием
имен авторов, произведения которых используются, и источников заимствования правомерно
обнародованные произведения и отрывки из них в качестве иллюстраций (в широком смысле) в
объеме, оправданном поставленной целью и методикой.
Пользователю пособия

Пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся

основам перевода. Целью пособия является обучение страте-
гиям работы с текстом и формирование умений осуществлять
письменный перевод, а затем и устный перевод текста (перевод
с листа).
Умение осуществлять письменный перевод рассмат-
ривается как первичное по отношению к умению осуществлять
перевод с листа, поэтому пособие включает большое коли-
чество заданий на развитие данного первичного умения. Необ-
ходимым условием для начала обучения переводу с листа
является сформированность умений осуществлять письменный
перевод простого информационного сообщения с английского
языка на русский.
Пособие не содержит текстов, специально предназначен-
ных для развития умений перевода с листа, поскольку любой из
текстов пособия (или его часть) может быть использован для
практики в этом виде перевода при условии, что текст доступен
для студентов по уровню сложности.
Пособие состоит из 3 уроков и приложения.
В первом уроке студенты знакомятся с жанром пресс-
релиза и обучаются работе с данным текстом с помощью таких
стратегий как W/H-questions и пирамида фактов, а также
презентации содержания текста в графическом виде (состав-
ление предикативной граф-схемы). Студенты учатся осущест-
влять письменный перевод пресс-релиза и редактировать его.
Параллельно студенты знакомятся с лексическими единицами в
рамках темы "Визиты, встречи" и обучаются переводу краткого
информационного текста с русского на английский язык с
использованием лексического материала урока.
Во втором уроке студенты знакомятся с жанром ин-
формационного сообщения. Студенты самостоятельно выбира-
ют стратегию (W/H-questions, предикативная граф-схема, пира-
мида фактов) как наиболее подходящую для конкретного
текста или как наиболее соответствующую их индивиду-
альному стилю обучения. Студенты переводят письменно и

устно (с листа) информационные сообщения с английского на
русский язык. Перевод с русского на английский язык
осуществляется после изучения лексических единиц в рамках
темы "Боевые действия".
В третьем уроке формируется система знаний о
палестино-израильском конфликте (фоновые знания) с тем,
чтобы студенты лучше понимали содержание текстов (напри-
мер, информационных сообщений) по данной теме. Студенты
обучаются стратегиям работы с текстом: предварительный
просмотр текста, актуализация предшествующих знаний и
опыта, прогнозирование содержания текста и проверка выдви-
нутых гипотез, а также формулируют вопросы для дальней-
шего самостоятельного чтения по данной теме. Студенты
переводят с русского на английский язык сообщение по данной
теме. Изучается лексика в рамках темы "Переговоры,
урегулирование конфликта".
Приложение включает:
Руководство по редактированию переводного текста.
Формат экзамена, образцы текстовых заданий и вариант
их перевода, критерии оценивания устного перевода (с листа).
Ключи к заданиям, направленным на развитие умения
работать с текстом, а также к лексическим упражнениям на
заполнение пропусков.

Reading and translating press releases

A press release is a written statement to the media. It can announce

a range of news items, including scheduled events, personnel
promotions, awards, new products and services, sales
accomplishments, etc. It can also be used to generate a feature
story. Reporters are more likely to consider a story idea if they first
receive a press release. It is a fundamental tool of PR work, one that
anyone who’s willing to use the proper format can use.

A press release is not an article, however, just like a newspaper

article a press release provides the answers to the questions Who,
What, Where, When, Why, and How:

- Who is the main person the story is about?

- What has happened?
- Where did the event take place?
- When did it happen?
- Why did it happen?
- How did it take place?

And like a newspaper article it follows the structure of the inverted


Lead: who, what,

where, when, (why)

info: why,

The structure of the press release

Structural elements Function

Headline Identifies the topic
Grabs the reader’s attention
Subhead (optional) Provides the summary of the
The lead (the first sentence or the Answers most of the 5 wh-
first paragraph) questions: who, what, where,
when, (why?)
Supporting details Provides additional essential
information (why, how)

A press release can be organized in one or several paragraphs.

A press release is an information type of text. Its purpose is to

inform a reader about an event that has taken place or is to take
place in the near future.

You are going to read and translate some press releases that were
issued by the Foreign Office and the US State Department in the
period between 2011 and 2014.

Reading a press release

1. Read the headline and the subhead and the first paragraph of
a press release and identify the Who, What, Where, When in this
statement report.

2. Read the press release to the end and identify the Why, and
How in it.

1. Senior UK diplomat visits Iran

Political Director’s visit is next stage in gradual improvement of

relations between UK and Iran.

The Foreign Office’s Political Director, Sir Simon Gass, is today
visiting Iran for meetings with senior Iranian officials. Following a
series of successful visits to Iran by the UK Charge d’Affaires, Sir
Simon’s visit is the next stage in the step-by-step approach to
improving relations between our two countries. During his visit, Sir
Simon is holding discussions with his Iranian counterparts on a
range of bilateral and international issues.
The Foreign Office

The Foreign Office’s Political Director - политдиректор МИД


3. Use Wh (H) questions specified for “visits” to fill in the

information card and then present the news orally to the press.

Who is visiting?
Where and when is this happening?
Why is this happening / What is the purpose?
Why – additional essential into
How is this happening?

Questions Main facts

Who is visiting? The Foreign Office’s Political
Director, Sir Simon Gass
When and where is this Iran, today
Why? (purpose)

Why? (additional info)

How is this happening?

2. Special Representative Holbrooke to Visit Pakistan

Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard C.

Holbrooke will visit Pakistan June 3-5, and will be leading the
delegation of U.S. officials from the U.S. Department of State and
Department of Defense. He is traveling at the request of the
President and the Secretary of State to assess the welfare of the
people displaced by the security operations being carried out by
Pakistani authorities against insurgent extremists. While in Pakistan,
Ambassador Holbrooke will meet with internally displaced people
and relief organizations, as well as with local and national Pakistani
The US State Department

Questions Main facts

Who is visiting?

When and where will this


Why? - purpose

How will this happen?

3. Foreign Office Minister visits Morocco

Foreign Office Minister visits Morocco and signals strong support

for Morocco’s reform process.

Foreign Office Minister for the Middle East and North Africa, Hugh
Robertson, will pay his first official visit to Morocco on 10th and
11th March. The Minister will hold official meetings, and meet a
group of young Moroccan leaders.
Speaking ahead of the visit, Mr Robertson said:

I am greatly looking forward to my first official visit to Morocco in
my role as Minister for the Middle East and North Africa.
Morocco is a valued partner for the UK on international issues and
the UK is a strong supporter of Morocco’s reform process. During
my visit I will be reaffirming the UK’s commitment to our political
and economic relationship with Morocco and discussing our
practical support for Morocco.
The Foreign Office
Foreign Office Minister - министр британского МИДа

Questions Main facts

Who will visit?

Where and when will this


Why? – purpose

How will this happen?

Why? (additional essential info)

Why? - purpose

4. Minister for Africa visits Sudan

Foreign Office Minister for Africa, Mark Simmonds arrives in

Khartoum later today for his first visit to Sudan. Mr Simmonds will
meet Sudanese officials to discuss how the UK and Sudan can work
together in three priority areas; ending conflict, promoting
prosperity and building democracy.
Speaking ahead of the visit, Mr Simmonds said:
I am looking forward to making my first visit to Sudan at such an
important moment in the country’s history. The UK and Sudan have
a strong relationship. We have long historical ties and the UK

played a prominent role in supporting the Comprehensive Peace
My visit provides an opportunity to emphasize the UK’s continued
support for Sudan and its people and to discuss how we can work
together to help end conflict, promote prosperity and build
I welcome the constructive role that Sudan has played with its
neighbour South Sudan. We are both in agreement that there must
be a political resolution to this crisis. I will look to discuss what
more can be done to stop the ongoing violence and the humanitarian
crisis in South Sudan.
The Foreign Office

Questions Main facts

Who will make a visit?

Where and when will this

How will this happen?

Why? – purpose

Why? – additional essential info

Why? – purpose (elaborated)

5. Foreign Secretary William Hague will meet with leaders in

the government and discuss issues in the region and the
bilateral relationship.

Foreign Secretary William Hague has arrived in Bahrain at the end

of a three day visit to North Africa and the Middle East. Bahrain is

the final stage of his visit which has included stops in Tunisia,
Jordan, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates.
Whilst in Bahrain the Foreign Secretary will meet with His Majesty
the King and other senior members of the Bahraini Government.
Discussions will focus on the opportunities for greater political
openness and economic development in the Middle East. He will
also discuss opportunities for both countries in trade and
investment, and regional security issues.
The British government has stressed the importance of the UK’s
historic partnerships in the Middle East and Gulf as part of a
distinctive and long term British foreign policy and sought to
enhance them further. This visit will further strengthen these ties.
The Foreign Office

Questions Main facts

Who has arrived for a visit?

Where and when has this


What? (additional information

about the visit)

Why? – purpose
Why? – additional essential info

6. Assistant Secretary of State Biswal Travel to Sri Lanka, United

Kingdom, Switzerland

Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs

Nisha Biswal will travel to Sri Lanka January 31-February 2.
Assistant Secretary Biswal will meet with Sri Lankan officials to
discuss a range of bilateral issues, including post-conflict
reconciliation, justice and accountability issues. During her visit
Assistant Secretary Biswal will also travel to Jaffna, where she will

meet with Northern Provincial Council officials and civil society

Assistant Secretary Biswal will then travel to London for meetings

with officials from Her Majesty’s Government on February 3. She
will also travel to Geneva, for meetings regarding our intention to
sponsor a resolution on Sri Lanka in the March session of the UN
Human Rights Council. This resolution will build upon previous
resolutions in 2012 and 2013, and will urge Sri Lanka to do more to
promote reconciliation, justice and accountability in the wake of the
civil conflict.

The State Department

Questions Main facts

Who will make a visit?

Where and when?

How will this happen?

Why? – purpose



Why? - purpose


Why? - purpose

4. Write a press release about a visit of the leader of your
country or the foreign minister of your country to a foreign
country that has actually taken place recently, is taking place,
or is to take place in the near future.

Include the following details:

- Who is making a visiting (has made / will make a visit)?

- When and where is the visit taking place?
- Why? (What is the purpose of the visit)
- Why? (Additional essential info)
- How is the visit happening (will happen)? (optional)

5. Find the English equivalents of the following expressions in

the press releases above.

1. высокопоставленные представители Ирана (1)

2. поверенный в делах (1)
3. коллега (должностное лицо, занимающее
аналогичный пост) (1)
4. ряд вопросов двусторонних и международных
отношений (1)
5. пошаговый подход (1)
6. возглавлять делегацию (2)
7. государственный департамент США (2)
8. министерство обороны США (2)
9. по просьбе к-л. (2)
10. операция службы безопасности (2)
11. проводить операцию (2)
12. экстремистски настроенные повстанцы (2)
13. организация (агентство) по оказанию помощи
пострадавшим (2)
14. решительная поддержка (3)
15. нанести официальный визит (3)
16. провести официальную встречу (3)
17. подтвердить приверженность к ч-л. (3)
18. содействовать росту благосостояния (4)

19. прочные отношения (4)
20. долгосрочные исторические связи (4)
21. всеобъемлющее мирное соглашение (4)
22. политическое средство урегулирования кризиса
23. трёхдневный визит (5)
24. обсуждения (дискуссии) будут сосредоточены
на ч-л. (5)
25. проблемы региональной безопасности (5)
26. подчеркнуть важность (5)
27. стремиться к укреплению партнерства (5)
28. укреплять связи (5)
29. ряд вопросов двусторонних отношений (6)
30. примирение после конфликта (6)
31. подотчетность (6)
32. способствовать принятию резолюции (6)
Тема-рематическая организация высказывания

Предложение-высказывание (суждение)

Предложение-высказывание (суждение) состоит из субъекта

(о ком или о чем говорится в сообщении) и предиката (что
именно сообщается о субъекте). Часто используются
термины тема для обозначения субъекта и рема для
обозначения предиката.

Тема (субъект) о ком или о чем говорится в сообщении

Рема (предикат) что именно говорится о теме/субъекте

Предикат (рема) не является грамматической категорией и

может не совпадать со сказуемым предложения. В
предложении предикат выделен логическим ударением и может
быть расположен в любой части предложения.

Однако в русском неэмфатическом предложении предикат

(рема) обычно находится в конце предложения.

Сегодня в Москву по приглашению своего российского коллеги

прибывает глава МИД Великобритании. (именно он)

В английском предложении, как и в русском, степень новизны

информации часто возрастает по мере приближения к концу
предложения (sentence), а также предложения, являющегося
частью сложного предложения (clause).

Despite the appeals for united action, the Security Council today
failed to adopt a resolution. – Несмотря на призывы к
объединенным действиям Совет Безопасности сегодня не
принял проект резолюции.

Однако это не всегда так. Рема часто встречается и в начале


A draft resolution was approved today by the members of the
Security Council. – Сегодня членами Совета Безопасности был
одобрен проект резолюции. (Сегодня члены Совета
Безопасности одобрили проект резолюции.)

В английском языке неопределенный артикль указывает на

новую информацию в предложении и помогает определить

При этом важно помнить, что только в контексте связного

текста можно понять, что именно является известной, а что
новой информацией в том или ином предложении.

Тема-рематическую организацию предложения-высказывания

(суждения) важно учитывать при переводе с английского на
русский язык, поскольку если рема английского предложения–
высказывания находится в начале предложения, может
понадобиться изменение порядка слов при переводе таким
образом, чтобы рема попала в конец предложения.

Уровень текста

В связном тексте тема текста (о чем) раскрывается через

иерархию предикатов (что именно сообщается): предикаты
первого, второго, третьего порядков (см.схему ниже), где
главный предикат (предикат первого порядка) – это главная
мысль текста, а предикаты второго, третьего и так далее
порядков – детали, уточняющие главную мысль.

Главная мысль может быть прямо выражена в тексте, а может

только подразумеваться. Если главная мысль прямо выражена в
тексте, то она обычно находится в начале или в конце текста
(это может быть общее положение, вывод, резюме). В
информационных текстах главная мысль всегда прямо
выражена в первом предложении или подзаголовке.

Рассмотрим следующий пример.

Senior UK diplomat visits Iran

Political Director’s visit is next stage in gradual improvement of

relations between UK and Iran.

The Foreign Office’s Political Director, Sir Simon Gass, is today

visiting Iran for meetings with senior Iranian officials. Following a
series of successful visits to Iran by the UK Charge d’Affaires, Sir
Simon’s visit is the next stage in the step-by-step approach to
improving relations between our two countries. During his visit, Sir
Simon is holding discussions with his Iranian counterparts on a
range of bilateral and international issues.

Main idea

The Foreign Office’s Political Director, Sir

Simon Gass, is today visiting Iran for meetings
with senior Iranian officials.

Details Details
about the visit about the meetings
next stage to improve discussions bilateral
the relationships and international

Темой данного сообщения является визит

высокопоставленного дипломата Великобритании в Иран.
Читателю не известно о визите, и он узнает о нем, прочитав
сообщение (тема – новое). Главная мысль представлена в
верхней части схемы (предикат 1 порядка). Главная мысль

сообщения уточняется с помощью деталей (предикаты 2

1. Проанализируйте тема-рематическую организацию

отдельных предложений-высказываний и переведите их на
русский язык.

1. The head of the Canadian Foreign Ministry arrived in Moscow

yesterday for official talks.
2. Japan’s Prime Minister was on an official two-day visit to
Beijing December 20-21 at the invitation of the Chinese
government, Reuters reports.
3. The Georgian president is to pay an official visit to Brussels to
meet NATO officials later this month, the Russian news agency
ITAR-TASS reports.
4. Russia has told NATO it is halting all military co-operation, the
bloc says, as the crisis in the region deepens.
5. The Prime Minister will return to London late tonight if the
summit finishes on time.
6. Fourteen people - including four Americans, a Japanese and
British national - were killed when their small plane crashed in
bad weather in Nepal on Tuesday, an airport official said.
7. Israeli and Palestinian negotiators are to start a new round of
negotiations on Monday, hosted by the United States.
8. Pope Benedict XVI made a speech to the diplomatic corps at the
Vatican on Monday.
9. The president of Iran was given a warm welcome
in Lebanon today.
10. India's prime minister received a red-carpet welcome at the
India-Africa summit in Addis Ababa.

2. Переведите следующие предложения на английский

1. С 20 по 30 июня проходил рабочий визит в Германию

группы международных экспертов.
2. По заявлению официального представителя Генерального
Секретаря ООН, в среду глава ООН выразил надежду, что
новый раунд торговых переговоров может начаться к концу
3. Восемь лет назад по причине выхода Ливана из переговоров
с Израилем заключение мирного соглашения не состоялось.
4. 6 сентября в МГИМО состоялась встреча студентов с главой
Дипломатической службы Великобритании г-ном М. Джеем.
Высокого гостя сопровождал посол Великобритании в
России г-н Р. Лайн. (Дипломатическая служба – the
Diplomatic Service)
5. В аэропорту президента и сопровождавших его лиц
провожали Посол по особым поручениям России в
Финляндии, дипломатические сотрудники посольства и
члены дипломатического корпуса.
6. 26 сентября в Кремле Президент Российской Федерации
принял верительные грамоты новых глав дипломатических
миссий. Их вручили Чрезвычайные и Полномочные Послы
Албании, Египта и ряда других стран (to accept / present
7. Во второй половине дня в посольстве прошла пресс-
конференция посла Шри-Ланки в России, во время которой
он ответил на вопросы представителей прессы.
8. Во Франции президенту Сирии был оказан торжественный
9. 22 июля в Ханое министр иностранных дел Российской
Федерации принял участие в ежегодном министерском
совещании Россия-АСЕАН.
10. 24 августа заместитель министра иностранных дел
Российской Федерации принял посла Японии в России по
его просьбе.

3. Прочитайте еще раз сообщение Assistant Secretary of State
Biswal Travel to Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, Switzerland и с
помощью ключевых слов заполните схему, изображающую
смысловую (предикативную) организацию данного
сообщения (граф-схему).

Main idea

Trip to Sri Lanka Trip to London

Trip to Geneva
When Why

How What (purpose)
Why Why When

Details about
the resolution

4. Переведите пресс-релизы на русский язык (стр. 11-17).

Проверка правописания

Прописные и строчные буквы в английском и русском


В английском языке с прописной (заглавной) буквы, кроме

имен собственных, пишутся:
названия месяцев, дней недели (January, Sunday)
национальности, религии, прилагательные, образованные
от географических называний (Russian, Christianity, Islam,
European, Atlantic)

аббревиатуры организаций, договоров и т.д. и все
существительные, из которых состоит полное название
организации или договора:
the WTO – the World Trade Organization
the OSCE – the Organization for Security and Co-operation in
the NPT – the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
все слова в заголовке сообщения, статьи, книги и т.д.
British and Italian Leaders Hold Talks in Rome

В русском языке прилагательные, образованных от

географических названий, названия месяцев, дней недели,
национальности, религии пишутся со строчной буквы
(воскресение, январь, российский, русский, христианство,
ислам, британский, европейский).

С прописной буквы пишутся все слова в названиях важнейших

международных организаций:
Организация Объединенных Наций
Совет Безопасности ООН
Генеральная Ассамблея ООН
Международный Суд

В названиях большинства организаций и договоров в русском

языке с прописной буквы пишется только первое из входящих в
его состав слов:
МВФ – Международный валютный фонд
ВТО – Всемирная торговая организация
НАТО – Организация Североатлантического договора
ОБСЕ – Организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в
ДНЯО – Договор о нераспространении ядерного оружия.

В заголовках с прописной буквы пишется только первое слово:

Дипломатический прорыв в отношениях Японии и КНДР

The language of official titles and government jobs

1. Read the passages below noting the titles of government

officials in the US and Britain.

1. The US

The President is both the head of state and head of government of

the United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of the
armed forces. The primary responsibility of the Vice President of
the United States is to be ready at a moment's notice to assume the
Presidency if the President is unable to perform his duties.

The Cabinet is an advisory body made up of the heads of the 15

executive departments. All the members of the Cabinet take the title
Secretary, excepting the head of the Justice Department, who is
styled Attorney General.

The most important Cabinet officers are:

- Secretary of State (State Secretary)

- Secretary of the Treasury (Treasury Secretary)
- Secretary of Defense (Defense Secretary)
- Secretary of the Interior (Interior Secretary)
- Attorney General

2. Britain

In the UK, the Prime Minister leads the government with the
support of the Cabinet and ministers. He is based at Number 10
Downing Street in London. The Deputy Prime Minister, is the
deputy head of government. His office is part of the Cabinet Office
at 70 Whitehall.
The Cabinet is made up of the senior members of government.
Every Tuesday during Parliament, members of the Cabinet

(Secretaries of State from all departments and some other ministers)
meet to discuss what are the most important issues for the
government. The key cabinet members are:

- (First) Secretary of State / Secretary of State for Foreign and

Commonwealth Affairs
- Chancellor of the Exchequer
- Secretary of State for Defense (Defense Secretary)
- Secretary of State for the Home Department (Home Secretary)
- Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor

2. Give the English equivalents of the following titles.


государственный секретарь;
министр финансов;
министр обороны;
министр внутренних дел; генеральный прокурор.


заместитель премьер-министра;
министр иностранных дел / государственный секретарь
(министр иностранных дел и по делам содружества);
министр финансов / канцлер казначейства;
министр обороны;
министр внутренних дел;
лорд канцлер и министр юстиции.

3. Translate the following into Russian.

Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa; Egyptian Foreign

Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit; Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Ehud

Barak; Jorge Sampaio, the former Portuguese president; Defense
Secretary Robert Gates; Gates, a former CIA director; Saudi King
Abdullah; Hezbollah's deputy chief Naim Kassem; U.S. Assistant
Secretary of State Arturo Valenzuela

Использование артикля в сочетании названия должности и


Обратите внимание, что в английском языке в тех случаях,

когда имя собственное стоит перед должностью, определенный
артикль может использоваться факультативно: Jorge Sampaio,
(the) former Portuguese president. В тех случаях, когда имя
собственное следует за названием должности, перед
должностью артикль обычно не ставится, что обусловлено
наличием особой грамматической конструкции, приложения.
Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa.

The language of diplomatic ranks

1. Read the text and answer the questions below.

Venezuela dispute: US expels three diplomats in retaliation

Three Venezuelan diplomats were ordered out of the United

States on Tuesday in response to their government's decision to
expel three US officials from Venezuela, including the highest-
ranking US envoy in the country.
The Venezuelan President announced the expulsion of US
chargé d'affaires Kelly Keiderling and two other diplomats on
Monday, accusing them of conspiring with "the extreme right". US
officials denied the allegation and had hinted on Tuesday afternoon
there might be a retaliatory expulsion of Venezuelan envoys.
Late on Tuesday, the State Department said it was expelling
Venezuelan chargé d'affaires Rios and second secretary Morales at
the Washington embassy, and consul Gutierrez de Almeida at the

Houston consulate. It gave them 48 hours to leave the US, the same
time frame set by Venezuela for the US envoys.
The United States and Venezuela have been without
ambassadors in each other's capitals since 2010. The late President
Hugo Chavez accused the US of "imperialism" in Latin America. In
December 2010, he denied a visa to the man appointed to be US
ambassador to Caracas, Larry Palmer, over remarks he had made
about involvement between the Venezuelan government and
Colombian Farc rebels.

1. Why were three Venezuelan diplomats expelled from the US?

2. What is the name of the highest-ranking US envoy to
3. What were the ranks of the three Venezuelan diplomats that
were ordered out Washington? Which of these three was the
highest ranked official? Which of these three persons is the
chief of mission?
4. Why didn’t Venezuela and the US expel each other’s
ambassadors from the respective capitals, Caracas and

2. Match the words and word combinations on the left with

their definitions on the right. Translate the word and word
combinations into Russian.

1. Ambassador a) any senior diplomat;

Extraordinary and b) the senior counselor under the
Plenipotentiary ambassador;
c) the chief of a diplomatic mission;
2. Excellency the ranking official diplomatic
representative of his country to the
3. Minister, Minister- country to which he is accredited;
Counselor d) senior diplomatic title ranking just
behind an ambassador and a
4. Chargé d’Affaires minister;
e) the senior officer taking charge for

5. Counselor of the interval when a chief of mission
3. Embassy is absent from his post;
Tra f) the body of foreign diplomats
nsl 6. Envoy assembled at a nation’s capital;
ate g) an official appointed by a sovereign
the 7. Consul state to protect its commercial
foll interests and aid its citizens in a
owi 8. Diplomatic Corps foreign country;
ng h) an archaic but still much-used title
sen for addressing an ambassador.
ces into Russian.

1. The move to restore relations came after the British foreign

secretary met with Iran’s new foreign minister at the United
2. For the Falklands war, Thatcher set up a small cabinet
consisting of Willie Whitelaw, the home secretary; John
Nott, the defence secretary; Francis Pym, the foreign
secretary; and some others. Howe, the chancellor, was not a
member. (the Falklands war - Фолклендская война)
3. On the second day of a tour through the United States, China’s
vice president and presumed next leader said Wednesday that
the two nations must respect each other’s “core interests”.
4. When the deputy prime minister toured Europe this week he
surprised his hosts by understanding them without an
5. Egypt announced on Saturday that it was downgrading its
diplomatic relations with Turkey and expelled the Turkish
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.
6. While in Hong Kong, Assistant Secretary Russel will meet
with senior officials, representatives of U.S. businesses, and
members of civil society.
7. The high-ranking diplomat arrived in Berlin by plane early
this afternoon to take up his new duties as Charge d'Affaires
of the United States Embassy.

8. The US Ambassador to Russia has announced he is stepping
down after two turbulent years in Moscow.
9. Russia’s ambassador the United Nations has told an
emergency meeting of the Security Council that Moscow
“does not want war” with Ukraine.
10. When Ban Ki-moon visited Washington for the first time
as United Nations secretary general, hundreds turned up to
see the man heading the world body.
11. North Korea's leader has sent a special envoy to China,
its state media announced on Wednesday, as Pyongyang seeks
to improve its relations with its main ally.

The language of visits

1. Read the following passage about the different types of visits

and fill the diagram.


types ceremonies who makes who issues

a visit an

Visits can be state, official, working and private. State visits

are official visits by a foreign head of state to another country, at the
invitation of that country’s head of state. They are intended to
cement relations between the relevant states at the highest level.
They include a welcoming ceremony, consisting of a review of
military honour guards, parades, salutes, an exchange of gifts, state

dinners, a visit to a national legislature, cultural events and so on,
and a farewell ceremony.
It is quite difficult to draw a difference between a state and
official visit, but the technical difference is a higher ceremonial
content of a state visit. Official visits generally entail an official
welcome ceremony, a meeting with the head of state, a formal
dinner hosted by the president or prime minister.
Working visits are visits by foreign high dignitaries. They
always take place on the initiative of a foreign body or the
Private visits are either private stays in a foreign country or
visits made only to the international organizations based in that
country. Private visits can also involve participation in international
meetings not organized by the government of the host country.

2. Read the information in the table below and note collocations

for visit, and translate them into Russian.

to be on a visit The Foreign Secretary is on a visit to

to make / to pay a visit Japan to hold consultations on bilateral,
to arrive for / on a regional and international issues.
to come on a visit Mr. Higgins, who is making an historic
visit, said the two countries were friends
to end / to conclude a as well as partners.
visit The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
to wrap up a visit have arrived in Singapore for a nine day
visit to south-east Asia and the South
to call off a visit The new president of Taiwan concluded
[cancel] a visit to Nicaragua, one of the Latin
to put off a visit American nations that has diplomatic
[postpone] relations with Taiwan.
A spokesman for the prime minister said
the visit was called off due to a specific
security threat.

The US Secretary of State has reportedly
put off a visit to Israel scheduled for this
a brief / short visit The US president is flying to Jordan on
Friday for a brief visit – a reward for the
a return visit [if you most loyal of US Arab allies.
make a return visit, you
visit someone who has On a state visit there is a return
already visited you, or visit hosted by the visiting head of state,
go to a place where you there is an arrival ceremony on the south
have already been] lawn of the White House.
Spain’s Queen Sofia has abandoned a
a forthcoming / planned trip to London in protest at an
upcoming visit [about upcoming visit to Gibraltar by Prince
to take place] Edward.
It is the first time a US secretary of state
an unannounced has traveled to Egypt on a visit that is
(unexpected) visit unannounced for security reasons.
[without previous
notice], ant. planned The Korean president is on an official
goodwill visit at the invitation of the
a goodwill visit Iranian president, a Korean news agency
[resulting from, reports.
showing or designed to German Chancellor Angela Merkel has
show good will] been on a one-day visit to the UK during
which she had tea with the Queen at
a one-day (two-day Buckingham Palace.
etc.) visit

3. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. Translate the
passage into Russian.

Advice, arrival, during, host, senior, to attend (2), to inspect, to

to stay, overseas, incoming

State visits are formal visits to the UK by Heads of State from
………… , with the aim of strengthening Britain's relationships
with other countries. There are usually two ………… State visits
each year. Invitations are sent on the ………… of the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office.
The Queen acts as ………… to the visiting Head of State, who
stays either at Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle or, occasionally,
The Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh.
Visits normally begin with a ceremonial welcome …………
by The Queen and other ………… members of the Royal Family. If
the guest is ………… at Buckingham Palace, the welcome takes
place on Horse Guards Parade.
After ………… a guard of honour, the visiting President or
Monarch then travels with The Queen in a Carriage Procession back
to Buckingham Palace. On the evening of the ………… day, the
Head of State will ………… a State Banquet in his or her honour.
………… the visit, the Head of State will meet the British
Prime Minister, Government ministers and leaders of the main
political parties. The visiting Head of State will also attend a
Banquet hosted by the Lord Mayor and City of London
Corporation, when he or she will meet leaders of commerce and
industry. When Heads of State visit Britain less formally, they are
nearly always ………… in audience by The Queen.

4. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Earlier this month the US and French ambassadors paid a

visit to Syria to show solidarity with the protesters.
2. The Irish President has described his planned state visit to the
UK as "significant". The Irish President is to become the first
Irish head of state to make a state visit to the UK.
3. The Chinese president has arrived in the United States for a
four-day state visit.
4. The presidents have agreed to put off the Brazilian president’s
state visit scheduled for October 23.

5. On a brief visit to Riyadh, the secretary of state said the US
would ensure that its lasting relationship with Saudi Arabia
was moving forward.
6. The purpose of the US President’s forthcoming visit to India
and Pakistan was clearly set out [explained] by his secretary of
7. Seven members of Congress led by Mr. Weldon arrived in
Libya for a goodwill visit.
8. The IMF recently wrapped up a visit to Iran and commended
[praised] the government for the advances [progress] in the
financial sector.
9. Turkey called off a visit by a group of MEPs [members of the
European Parliament] yesterday after they refused to its
demand to exclude a Cypriot delegate.
10. The Republican Senator made an unannounced visit to
Iraq yesterday, at the start of a week-long visit to the Middle
East and Europe.

5. Translate the following into English.

1. Специальный посланник ООН продолжает пятидневный

визит в Судан.
2. Генеральный Секретарь ООН нанес краткий визит в
3. Совет Безопасности приветствует предстоящий визит в
Индию делегации, возглавляемой президентом Пакистана.
4. Госсекретарь США завершил свой двухдневный визит в
Республику Корею.
5. Президент США отменил запланированный на
следующую неделю официальный визит на Филиппины.
6. В регион с рабочим визитом прибыла делегация
Чешской Республики. Основная цель визита –
поддержание долгосрочных, в том числе и экономических
7. Делегация британских предпринимателей во главе с
принцем Майклом Кентским прибыла в Москву с
двухдневным визитом.

8. Президент Белоруссии в конце недели перенес свой
краткий визит в Москву на более поздний срок.
9. В конце марта с двухдневным визитом доброй воли
Варшаву посетил премьер-министр Италии. Высокому
гостю был оказан теплый прием.
10. Сегодня Генеральный секретарь ООН Пан Ги Мун
находится с официальным визитом на Кубу, где провел
ряд встреч с официальными лицами страны.

Translation from Russian into English

1. Переведите следующее сообщение на английский язык:


(ИТАР-ТАСС) - Сегодня во второй половине дня президент

США прибыл в Брюссель, где состоится встреча с главами
государств и правительств стран ЕС (1). Бельгия - первая
страна, которую американский президент посещает во время
своего европейского турне.
Главной целью визита американского президента в
Европу является восстановление отношений с европейскими
союзниками после продолжительной размолвки в сфере
международной политики.
Во вторник в Брюсселе пройдет саммит НАТО, после
которого в Совете ЕС состоится встреча американского
президента с лидерами Евросоюза. Во время этих встреч
предполагается обсудить процесс ближневосточного
урегулирования, обстановку в Ираке и на Балканах, отношения
с Ираном, развитие сотрудничества с Россией и Украиной,
экономические отношения США и ЕС.
На время пребывания высокого гостя в Брюсселе
перекрыт (closed off) ряд улиц и площадей. Порядок в городе
обеспечивают 2,5 тысячи полицейских (to maintain order) и
более 250 агентов секретной службы США.

(1) главы государств и правительств – heads of state and
government. Первое существительное (главы) переводится
существительным во множественном числе

2. Переведите следующее сообщение на английский язык:



Сегодня в Москву по приглашению своего российского

коллеги прибывает глава МИД Великобритании. Нынешний
визит станет первой поездкой в Россию министра нового
коалиционного британского правительства, сформированного
после выборов, прошедших в мае этого года, сообщает ИТАР-
Его визит следует за первой встречей президента РФ и
премьер-министра Великобритании в июне в рамках саммитов
«восьмерки» и «двадцатки» в Торонто. Обе стороны тогда
выразили стремление к построению длительных и позитивных
отношений между Россией и Великобританией. В Москве
британский министр иностранных дел пробудет менее суток.
Он прибудет в столицу сегодня вечером и покинет страну в
Во время визита пройдут официальные переговоры, пресс-
конференция и завтрак с министром иностранных дел России.
Накануне поездки в Москву министр иностранных дел
Великобритании выразил готовность работать над улучшением
двусторонних отношений. «Надеюсь, что с течением времени
мы сможем достичь некоторого улучшения британо-
российских отношений, которые в последние годы были
напряженными», - отметил глава МИД Великобритании.

коалиционное правительство – a coalition government

сформировать правительство - to form a government
встреча в рамках саммитов – a meeting during the summits
выразили стремление – to show willingness/desire/commitment

построение отношений – building relations
работать над улучшением отношений – to make efforts to
improve relations
напряженные отношения – strained relations

Reading and translating news reports

Reports usually appear in newspapers. They tell readers about

events that have been happening in their local area, or national or
international news. Newspaper reports usually provide the answers
to the questions Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How?

The inverted pyramid

Most Newsworthy Info

Who? What? Where? When? Why?

Important Details

General Info

The inverted pyramid is a metaphor used by journalists to illustrate

how information should be prioritized and structured in a news
report. It is a common method for writing news reports.

A news report is an information text. Its purpose is to inform a

reader about an event that has taken place or is to take place in the
near future.

The structure of the news report

Structural elements Function

Headline Identifies the topic
Grabs the reader’s attention
Subhead Provides the summary of the
Lead Most critical info, usually the 5
Ws and H
Important details Helpful, but not critical info
(additional facts and details that
are revealed in order of
Other general info, background Nice, but unnecessary info,
info details only for those most

1. Read the headline and the beginning of the news report

below. Can you identify the Who, Where, When and What in this
news report?

2. Read the report to the end. What else do you know now?

Fresh Fighting Hits South Sudan

VOA News
February 18, 2014

Witnesses and officials in South Sudan said rebels have attacked the
capital of oil-rich Upper Nile state.

Toby Lanzer, the top U.N. humanitarian official in South Sudan,

said the fighting broke out Tuesday morning in Malakal, and urged
all those involved to respect people's rights and protect civilians.

Rebels once controlled Malakal, but South Sudan's military, which
is being helped by forces from neighboring Uganda, retook the city.

South Sudan's government signed a peace agreement with rebels

last month, but both sides have accused the other of breaking the

The fighting began in mid-December, and has left thousands dead

and forced more than 800,000 people from their homes.

3. Use Wh (H) questions to fill in the information card and

present the news report orally using your notes.

Questions Main facts

What was said?
Who said it?

What has happened?

When did this happen?

Where did this happen?
Who are the sides in the conflict?

What happened earlier?

(additional information/
important details)

When did the conflict start?

What has it led to? (background

Reading news reports

You are going to read news reports published by the UN News

Centre in the period 2010-2014.

1. Read the headline and the first paragraph of the news report
and identify the 5Ws and H.

2. Read the news report to the end and identify the important
details in it.

1. Deploring continued use of heavy weapons, Ban urges Syrian

parties to end violence

19 June 2014 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today strongly

condemned the continued heavy shelling, aerial attacks and use of
barrel bombs by the Syrian Government, and renewed his appeal to
all parties to the conflict to end violence and seek a political
“The Secretary-General reiterates his condemnation of the
indiscriminate use of any weapon against civilians, which
contravenes international humanitarian and human rights law,” said
a statement issued by his spokesperson. “All civilians must be
protected in any situation.”
A recent attack, on an improvised camp for internally displaced
people in southern Syria on 18 June, reportedly killed over 50
people, including a number of women and children.
“The Secretary-General again appeals to all Syrian sides to end the
violence and focus on a peaceful, political solution to the conflict,”
said the statement.
The conflict in Syria, which began in March 2011, has killed more
than 150,000 civilians, displaced millions and led to widespread
violations of human rights.

3. Use Wh (H) questions to fill in the information card and
present the news report orally using your notes.

Questions Main facts

Who said it?
What was said?

When did this happen? –

How did this happen? –
What has happened?

Who are the sides in the conflict?

When did the conflict begin?

What has it led to?

2. UN calls for restraint following violent clashes

in Afghan capital

The United Nations mission in Afghanistan today expressed

concern about violent clashes that erupted in the capital on Friday
and called on all parties to cease hostilities and exercise restraint.
According to media reports, at least two people were killed in the
ethnic clashes that broke out in Kabul when Hazara villagers
allegedly burnt down the hilltop homes of Pashtun nomads.
The UN mission, known as UNAMA, issued a statement voicing
concern about ongoing tensions in parts of Kabul, and the reports of
loss of life, injuries and damage to property.
“The United Nations calls on all parties to cease violence, to
exercise restraint and to maintain law and order,” the mission stated.

UNAMA, a political mission set up by the Security Council to assist
the Government and the people of Afghanistan in laying the
foundations for sustainable peace and development, also offered its
good offices to all parties to assist them in resolving disputes.
4. Complete the following graph and present the news report
orally using your notes.

Main idea

Details about the Details about

statement Details about the mission
the clashes

Who What
What Why
What When
Where Why

3. Secretary-General urges more serious efforts by parties to

end conflict in Darfur

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has again urged all parties to the

conflict in Darfur to seriously pursue peace, citing ongoing
violence, displacement and human rights violations in the region
despite several years of United Nations-backed attempts to end the
In his latest report to the Security Council on the joint African
Union-UN mission in Darfur (UNAMID), Mr. Ban notes that 2010
has seen some indications of progress – including a protocol on
border security signed by Sudan and Chad, and the holding of
largely peaceful elections in Darfur.

However, efforts toward peace have remained “frustrated” by the
fragmentation of Darfur’s armed groups and by ongoing military
operations, which have uprooted more civilians and caused further
suffering to the people of the region.
Violence flared between Sudanese Government forces and those of
the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) in May, in breach
of a cessation of hostilities agreement signed earlier this year,
making May the deadliest month since the establishment of
UNAMID in 2007.
In addition, tribal conflict, displacements, criminality and violations
of human rights continued throughout the first half of this year in
Darfur, where an estimated 300,000 people have been killed and 2.7
million others have been displaced in the past seven years as a result
of fighting between rebels and Government forces backed by allied
Janjaweed militiamen.
5. Choose a strategy - the Information Card or the Fact
Pyramid (the Inverted Pyramid) - to organize the information
of the news report above. Use your notes to present the news
report orally.

4. UN envoy strongly condemns attacks against Foreign


The United Nations envoy to Iraq, Nickolay Mladenov, strongly

condemned the attack on the country’s foreign ministry today which
killed and injured a number of people.
“Baghdad today regretfully suffered a series of terrorist attacks.
Those who orchestrate such attacks should be condemned by all
political, religious and civic leaders in this country,” Mr. Mladenov,
the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of the UN
Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), said in a news report.
Mr. Mladenov extended his deepest condolences to the families of
those killed, to the Government of Iraq, to Foreign Affairs Minister
Hoshyar Zebari, and to the Iraqi people.

Iraq’s political leaders should show national unity in dealing with
such threats and unite against terrorism, he stated.
The two car bombs that exploded outside the Foreign Ministry were
reportedly among several attacks today in the capital which left at
least 33 people dead. Bombings were also reported at a nearby
restaurant, as well as in the city’s commercial heart and in south-
eastern Baghdad.
During his visit to Baghdad last month, Secretary-General Ban Ki-
moon voiced concern about the deteriorating security in parts of
Iraq, and urged all political leaders to unite against terrorism and
work together to stabilize the country and stop the “senseless deaths
of Iraqi women, children and men.”
6. Choose a strategy - the Information Card or the Fact
Pyramid (the Inverted Pyramid) - to organize the information
of the news report above. Use your notes to present the news
report orally.

7. Write a news report about an outbreak of violence that has

happened recently. You are writing to inform other students
about an event they may know about but may want to know

Include the following information:

Who made a statement? When? What was there in the statement?

What has happened?
Where did this happen?
When did this happen?
Why did this happen?
Who are the sides?
When did the conflict begin? What has it led to?

8. Find the words which match the following definitions in the
news reports above.

to express sympathy, esp. on the occasion of the

death of a person’s relative or close friend (text 1);
to criticize something or someone strongly, usually
for moral reasons (1);
to say something again so that people take notice of
it (1);
done without considering who or what you harm or
damage (1);
someone who does not belong to the armed forces or
the police (1);
to do something that is not allowed by a rule, law, or
agreement (1);
to break out suddenly and dramatically (2);
to bring sth. to an end (2);
to mention something as an example, especially one
that supports, proves, or explains an idea or situation
to begin (about violence) (3);

9. What is the meaning of the underlined words? Choose

between or among the options given below each sentence.

1. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today strongly condemned the

continued heavy shelling, aerial attacks and use of barrel bombs by
the Syrian Government. (text 1)

a) to say very strongly that you do not approve of something or

someone, especially because you think it is morally wrong;
b) to give punishment to someone who has committed a crime;

2. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon renewed his appeal to all parties

to the conflict to end violence and seek a political solution. (text 1)

a) an urgent request for people to give you something you
b) a quality that something has that make people like it or
want it;
c) a formal request for a court of law or similar authority to
change its decision.
3. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon renewed his appeal to all parties
to the conflict to end violence and seek a political solution. (text 1)

a) a social event at which people meet to celebrate something;

b) an organized group of people who have similar ideas about the
way in which a country should be governed;
c) a person or group involved in an agreement or disagreement
with another person or group (formal).

4. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon renewed his appeal to all parties

to the conflict to end violence and seek a political solution. (text 1)
a) to try to find or get something
b) to try to do something

5. The United Nations mission today expressed concern about

violent clashes. (text 2)

a) something that interests you because it is important;

b) feeling of worry usually shared by many people;
c) a feeling that you care about someone and want them to be hap
py and well;

6. …a statement that voiced concern about ongoing tensions in parts

of Kabul… (text 2)

a) a feeling of fear or anger between two groups of people who

do not trust each other;
b) the feeling of being so nervous or worried that you cannot rela

7. …to assist the Government and the people of Afghanistan in
laying the foundations for sustainable peace and development…
(text 2)

a) able to continue without causing damage to the environment;

b) able to exist for a long period of time;

8. The UN Secretary-General has again urged all parties to the

conflict in Darfur to seriously pursue peace. (text 3)

a) to try to achieve something;

b) to follow a course of activity;
c) to chase someone or something in order to catch them;

9. …violence, displacement and human rights violations in the

region despite several years of United Nations attempts to end the
hostilities (text 3).
d) opposition to sth.;
e) unfriendly or threatening behaviour;
f) fighting between enemies in a war;

10. Translate the following expressions from the news reports

above into English.
1. вспыхнули ожесточенные столкновения (2);
2. прекратить боевые действия и проявлять
сдержанность (2);
3. столкновения на этнической почве (2);
4. устойчивый мир (2);
5. прекратить военные действия (3);
6. вспыхнули вооруженные столкновения (3);
7. соглашения о прекращении военных действий (3);
8. межплеменные конфликты (3);
9. решительно осудить (4);
10. выражать глубочайшие соболезнования (4);

Обстоятельство в роли субъекта действия

Английские предложения, где подлежащее не является

субъектом действия, а выражает отрезок времени, место
совершения действия или причину, при переводе на русский
язык трансформируются таким образом, чтобы эти значения
выражались обстоятельством времени, места и причины.

A series of high-level meetings discussed climate change. – В ходе

серии встреч на высшем уровне обсуждалась проблема
изменения климата.

The violence has killed more than 500 people in Iraq in the last 11
days. – В течение последних 11 дней в Ираке в результате
вспышки насилия были убиты 500 человек.

1. Найдите предложения, в которых обстоятельство

выступает в роли субъекта действия в информационном

Deploring continued use of heavy weapons, Ban urges Syrian

parties to end violence

19 June 2014 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today strongly

condemned the continued heavy shelling, aerial attacks and use of
barrel bombs by the Syrian Government, and renewed his appeal to
all parties to the conflict to end violence and seek a political
“The Secretary-General reiterates his condemnation of the
indiscriminate use of any weapon against civilians, which
contravenes international humanitarian and human rights law,” said
a statement issued by his spokesperson. “All civilians must be
protected in any situation.”

A recent attack, on an improvised camp for internally displaced
people in southern Syria on 18 June, reportedly killed over 50
people, including a number of women and children.
“The Secretary-General again appeals to all Syrian sides to end the
violence and focus on a peaceful, political solution to the conflict,”
said the statement.
The conflict in Syria, which began in March 2011, has killed more
than 150,000 civilians, displaced millions and led to widespread
violations of human rights.

2. Переведите сообщение на русский язык.

3. Переведите информационные сообщения (стр. 43-47) на

русский язык письменно.

The language of news: Tension, Violence

1. Read the text and find the words which mean the following:

to become much worse or more serious (x2);

a feeling of fear or anger between two groups of people who
do not trust each other;
to force someone to leave their own country and live
somewhere else;
to leave somewhere very quickly, in order to escape from
a group of persons who support one side of a dispute, question,
etc. (x3);
to bring to an end.

Escalating violence threatens the safety of Sri Lanka’s

Sri Lankan children in areas most affected by recent clashes

are paying a high price for the escalating tension in the island.
Thousands of children are still displaced from their homes
following the recent violence, in which six children were killed and
others injured or severely traumatized.
Schools in many areas remain suspended because of insecurity
or occupation by families who have fled their homes. Violence and
insecurity have also forced hundreds of families to abandon their
livelihoods increasing their vulnerability and dependence on
humanitarian assistance.
The ongoing violence underlines the urgency for the parties to
the conflict to take immediate action to avoid slipping back into a
state of war. UNICEF calls on the parties to the conflict to cease the
violence and to return to the Geneva talks. Negotiations offer the
best hope of peace. Furthermore, UNICEF calls on the parties to
respect their obligation under international humanitarian law to
ensure the protection of civilians, particularly children, in times of

2. Read the information in the table below and note the different
collocations for violence.

Violence - violent behavior (someone who is violent is likely to

attack, hurt, or kill other people)

violence (насилие) Violence broke out/erupted in central Rio

de Janeiro following a march by trade
~ breaks out unionists estimated at up to 20,000 people.
~ erupts Overnight violence flared again when
~ flares [begin or Israeli troops moved into Gaza City for the
become worse] first time in 17 months of fighting.
~ escalates
~spreads There was a sudden increase in violence in
Sudan in September and October, and this

escalated in November.
Police arrested more than 90 people
after violence spread to the further districts
on Sunday night.

Afghan private security contractors have

to escalate violence been bribing Taliban militants with US
to escalate into funds to escalate violence and thus boost
violence the need for their services.
to resort to violence When there is political instability in the
[to do something republic, ethnic tensions escalate into
bad, extreme, or violence against the minority Uzbeks.
difficult because you
cannot think of any Diplomatic recognition at the United
other way to deal Nations of “irregular” groups which
with a problem] resorted to violence and terrorism to
achieve political aims was an undesirable
to refrain from precedent.
violence [to stop The Security Council has urged all sides in
oneself from doing Yemen to refrain from violence, including
sth.] attacks against unarmed and peaceful
to cease violence [to civilian demonstrators.
put an end to] The resolution also called on the
Government to cease violence against
to avert violence [to civilians, withdraw its armed forces from
prevent something cities and guarantee the freedom of
bad or harmful from peaceful demonstrations.
The Spokesperson for the Secretary
General is calling on both the Government
and the rebels to focus on dialogue that can
avert violence and lead to a peaceful
an outbreak of At least 14 journalists have been injured,
violence [an some seriously, since the outbreak
occasion when of violent protests in Turkey.

people behave Ten years ago a UN peacekeeping mission
violently] was sent to East Timor, bringing an end to
a wave of violence / a wave of violence by Indonesian-
a surge in violence sponsored militia gangs and paving the way
[a sudden increase in for the country's transition to independence.
violence] The British commander of 30,000 foreign
troops in Kandahar has today warned that
he expects a surge in violence by Taliban-
led insurgents.

3. Read the information in the table below and note the different
collocations for tension(s). Translate them into Russian.

Tension(s) - a feeling of fear or anger between two groups of

people who do not trust each other

Rising / escalating The gathering of the Quartet, comprising

tensions the United Nations, Russia, the United
heightened tensions States and the European Union, comes
amid rising tensions between Israel and the
The border region remained an area
of heightened tensions, owing to the
military build-ups by both countries.
Tensions Tensions have risen further over China's
~rise declaration of an air defence zone in
~build up [increase disputed regions of the East China Sea
over a period of time] Tensions simmer where people are
~mount [increase excluded, marginalized and denied
gradually] meaningful participation in the political and
~simmer [grow social life of their countries.
slowly stronger over
a period of time and Thirty years on, tensions between Britain
could become more and Argentina over the islands have been
serious at any building up.

moment] Since late last year, tension had been
mounting on the Korean Peninsula,
following North Korea’s long-range rocket
launch and the third round of nuclear
to raise / escalate Two rockets fired from Lebanon have
tensions landed in northern Israel in a rare attack
to exacerbate / that immediately raised tensions along the
worsen tensions volatile [where violence is likely to develop
to defuse / ease suddenly] front.
tensions [to make a Breakneck development exacerbates
situation more ethnic tensions in China.
to de-escalate The Japanese premier called today for
tensions "frank talks" with neighbouring powers
to reduce tensions China and South Korea to defuse
regional tensions.
The US has attempted to ease
rising tensions with North Korea by
postponing a missile test scheduled to take
place in California next week.
The Secretary-General stressed the need to
urgently de-escalate the current tension
and facilitate dialogue for a peaceful
resolution, and he pledged the United
Nations' support in this regard.

4. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. Translate the
passage into Russian.

Deterioration, fighting (2), parties, to cease, to clash, to erupt, to

refrain, to return, violations

Darfur violence kills 300 thousand
The UN Secretary-General today renewed his call for all …………
to the conflict in Darfur to ………… hostilities and participate in
the ongoing efforts to bring about a peaceful, negotiated settlement
to the ………… that has wracked the Sudanese region for over
seven years.
Government forces have ………… with members of a rebel
movement in recent months, contributing to a ………… in the
security situation in Darfur. The rebel group has withdrawn from
peace talks held in the Qatari capital as the ………… resumed.
Some 300,000 people are estimated to have been killed and another
2.7 million others displaced from their homes since fighting
………… in Darfur in 2003. Government forces and rebel groups
have all been accused of grave human rights ………… .
“We have consistently urged the Government and the rebels to
………… from violence and ………… to the negotiating table, and
we will continue to do so,” the Secretary General of the UN stated
at a news conference at United Nations Headquarters in New York.

5. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Two weeks ago violence broke out in the capital and spread
through the nation, killing at least 1,000.
2. The failure of diplomacy seems likely to mean further escalation
of violence on the ground.
3. That violence yesterday spilled over [spread to other areas] into
Lebanon, and might do so into Turkey.
4. Every time Palestinian leaders were offered peace based on
partition, they rejected it and resorted to violence. (partition -
разделение Иерусалима)
5. The heightened tensions on the Korean peninsula, sparked by
weeks of threats from North Korea's regime dominated the talks.

6. The US Secretary of State has sought to ease recent tensions
between the US and Saudi Arabia, a key strategic ally in the Arab
7. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are carrying out military exercises
amid rising tensions over the country's nuclear programme and
rumours of a possible strike by Israel or the US. (Iran’s
Revolutionary Guards - Корпус Стражей Исламской
8. As tensions flared, the UN interfered to work out a compromise
among key parties in order to avert violence.
9. Conflict prevention involves diplomatic measures to keep intra-
state or inter-state tensions and disputes from escalating into
violent conflict.
10. Prince William has arrived in the Falkland Islands amid
simmering tensions between Britain and Argentina over the
disputed territory.

6. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Действия повстанцев затрудняют доставку гуманитарной

помощи в те районы страны, где вспыхнуло насилие.
2. Благодаря усилиям ООН, ДРК постепенно превращается в
стабильную страну, но любая вспышка насилия может
подорвать этот процесс.
3. Между арабской и еврейской общинами начались
ожесточенные столкновения.
4. В 2003 году в Дарфуре начались вооруженные
столкновения между правительственными силами
Судана и вооруженных повстанческих групп, в результате
чего погибло примерно 200 000 человек из числа
гражданского населения и по крайней мере 2 миллиона
стали беженцами.
5. В первой половине 1970-х годов напряженность в районе
вдоль израильско-ливанской границы возросла.
6. Между Израилем и Сирией сохранялась высокая
напряженность, а с марта 1974 года ситуация там
становилась все более нестабильной.

7. В том случае, если Япония будет проводить политику
милитаризации, очевидно, что у нее
возникнет напряженность в отношениях с другими
азиатскими странами.
8. Глава ООН призвал все стороны соблюдать свои
обязательства и не прибегать к насилию.
9. Министр иностранных дел Ирана прибыл в Японию с
трехдневным рабочим визитом. Аналитики считают, что
иранский дипломат попытается разрядить
напряженность вокруг (over) ядерной программы
Исламской республики.
10. Члены Совбеза потребовали «немедленно
прекратить насилие» и призвали ливийское
правительство «пойти навстречу законным требованиям

Translation from Russian into English

1. Translate the following news report into English.

Москва обеспокоена очередной эскалацией

напряженности в Сирии

МОСКВА — РИА Новости. Москва обеспокоена эскалацией

напряженности в Сирии и призывает все силы занять четкую
позицию в интересах прекращения кровопролитного
вооруженного конфликта, заявили в среду в МИД России.
Во вторник в результате обстрела школы в Дамаске
погибли 17 человек и 86 получили ранения. В Хомсе в тот же
день произошел крупнейший за последние три года теракт:
число жертв взрыва достигло по меньшей мере 100 человек.
"В Москве выражают глубокую обеспокоенность
эскалацией напряженности в Сирии. Преступная деятельность

незаконных вооруженных формирований против мирного
населения в ходе внутреннего вооруженного конфликта в этой
стране в последние дни достигла беспрецедентного уровня
насилия", — отмечается в сообщении департамента
информации и печати российского министерства.
Жертвами террористических атак боевиков радикальных
группировок, связанных с "Аль-Каидой", стали десятки мирных
жителей, включая женщин и детей, говорится в комментарии.
Дипломаты призывают "все силы, имеющие влияние
на ход событий в Сирии, занять четкую позицию в интересах
скорейшего прекращения кровопролитного вооруженного
конфликта в этой стране и достижения урегулирования через
национальный диалог без вмешательства извне".
В Сирии с марта 2011 года продолжается вооруженный
конфликт, унесший, по данным ООН, жизни свыше 130 тысяч
человек. Правительственным войскам противостоят отряды
боевиков, принадлежащих к разным вооруженным
формированиям, в которых в том числе действуют
иностранные наемники.
РИА Новости

занять четкую позицию – to take a clear stance/make it clear

незаконных вооруженных формирований – illegal armed groups
департамент информации и печати – the Information and Press
без вмешательства извне – without interference by/from other
иностранные наемники – foreign mercenaries

Перевод атрибутивных сочетаний

1. Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания так, чтобы

они образовывали атрибутивные сочетания (a noun phrase)

Пример: the Secretary General of the UN – the UN Secretary


An attack by terrorists; a treaty of peace; a programme for peace;

resolution of a conflict; talks on disarmament; the current
administration of the U.S.; the rule of the majority; a dispute over
the border;

2. Переведите следующие атрибутивные сочетания на

русский язык и выделите способы перевода этих сочетаний:

a) a three-day state visit; a trade embargo; a one-day strike; a

trade union; peace talks; a tax policy; an opposition party; a
top-level official; a coalition government; a trade bloc;
emergency powers
способ 1: __________________________________________

b) budget deficit; opinion polls; a guerrilla attack; a UN

resolution; security forces; security assurances; a long-range
missile; a Home Office Spokesman; the committee chairman
способ 2: _______________________________________

c) a ceasefire agreement; a non-proliferation treaty; a peace

fighter; a peace movement; a disarmament conference
способ 3: _______________________________________

d) a mass-circulation newspaper; a breakthrough decision; a pro-

independence party; an eight-member cabinet
способ 4: _______________________________________

3. Переведите двух- и более компонентные атрибутивные
сочетания на русский язык:

А. Population figures; opposition benches; an election campaign; a

Whitehall job; an opposition bill; the Palestine Liberation
Organization; a framework agreement; civilian casualties; to secure
a Middle East ceasefire; a Downing street press conference; security
officials; a suicide attack; shuttle diplomacy; a transition
government; an 8-member emergency cabinet; mid-term election;
an 11th-hour compromise.

В. A White House-backed peace plan; a US-brokered peace accord;

a 10-day stalemate; a decades long war; British-led international
security force; a new economic stimulus plan approved earlier this
month; a $1 million budget deficit; an all-night cabinet session; the
US-reengagement in the conflict; the 11-week parliamentary recess;
an Egyptian-brokered truce ended cross-border fighting between
Israel and Palestinian militants; on a visit to US ally Georgia on

4. Переведите следующие выражения на английский язык с

помощью атрибутивных сочетаний:

Воздушные удары; увеличение бюджета; чрезвычайная сессия;

число безработных; мирная инициатива; правительственные
(государственные) расходы; переговоры о разоружении;
резолюция конференции; антивоенное движение; план мирного
урегулирования, предложенный Саудовской Аравией;
гражданское население; международная организация;
компромисс, достигнутый в последнюю минуту.

5. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. The Prime Minister won cabinet approval for the White House-
backed peace plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
2. A cabinet minister called the unemployment figures inaccurate.

3. The bomb is a serious blow to US-led attempts to establish a
4. Leaders of divided Cyprus agreed in a breakthrough decision to
hold face-to-face negotiations.
5. Thanks to the Hamas-Fatah schism, there is nobody with full
authority for Israel to negotiate with.
6. Since peace talks were launched at a U.S.-hosted conference last
November, the sides have reported no breakthroughs.
7. Most of the economic projects promoted by the special envoy
have been earmarked for the occupied West Bank, where Abbas
and his Western-backed government hold sway.
8. Britain wants to help the leaders of the island's rival Greek and
Turkish Cypriot communities move the United Nations-mediated
peace process forward.
9. Cyprus was split in 1974 when Turkey invaded after an Athens-
backed coup aimed at union with Greece.
10. Before Hamas was elected, parliament passed a law stipulating
that future presidential and parliamentary elections be held
simultaneously. However, the subsequent Hamas-controlled
parliament never amended the Basic Law to include this new

6. Переведите следующие предложения на английский


1. Палестинский лидер создал чрезвычайный кабинет из

восьми министров.
2. Промежуточным выборам предшествовала самая дорогая
в истории страны предвыборная кампания.
3. Правительство Индонезии и повстанцы подписали
соглашение, которое может закончить конфликт,
продолжающийся 29 лет.
4. Руководство НАТО обсуждает угрозу Вашингтона выйти
из состава миротворческих миссий, действующих по
мандату ООН и размещаемых в "горячих точках" мира.

5. Претендент на пост президента США от демократов
обещает за четыре года вдвое сократить бюджетный
дефицит Америки.
6. Официальный представитель МИД России заявил, что
планы НАТО патрулировать воздушное пространство
стран Балтии представляют угрозу для безопасности
7. Пока французские депутаты обсуждали законопроект
оппозиции, в Турции проходила масштабная кампания
против его принятия.
8. Лидер Кот Д'Ивуара согласился с условиями мирного
урегулирования. В стране будет создано переходное
правительство и будут объявлены всеобщие выборы.
9. Властям Израиля и Палестины передан план мирного
урегулирования ближневосточного конфликта,
разработанный с участием США.
10. Члены Совета Безопасности ООН единогласно
поддержали предложенный США проект новой
резолюции по Ирану.
Dealing with longer texts

Reading an explanation text

An explanation is organized around a series of events tracing the

links between the events in terms of a time sequence or/and in
terms of a cause-and-effect sequence.

The purpose of this type of text is to explain how something works

and why something occurs.

Explanation texts are based on facts and have a clear title.

Types of explanation

“How” explanations deal with generalized events which could

happen anytime and anywhere.

For example: How does a computer work? How are mountains

formed? How does a spider spin a web?

“Why” explanations deal with specific events which are ordered in

terms of a cause-effect sequence.

For example: Why did the accident occur? (cause)

Why is global warming destructive? (effect)
Why is the ozone layer getting thinner? (cause/effect)

Note that cause-and-effect relationships are implied in this type of

text rather than overtly presented in the language of the text.

The structure of an explanation text

Phenomenon to be explained
Explanation sequence

- temporal
- and/or cause-and-effect

Overall organization of the explanation text

Structural elements Function

general statement to identify the phenomenon that is to be

explanation (how and to explain how or why something occurs

why) sequence
closing (conclusion) to sum up the explanation

Like all text types, variants of explanatory texts can occur and they
can be combined with other text types.

You are going to read an explanation text. Before reading do the

task below.

Before reading

1. Previewing the text:

Read the title and the first sentence of the text. What is the topic of
the text? Does the text focus on a “how” or “why” explanation?

Look through the whole text quickly. Read the subtitles and the first
two sentences of each part. What do you think is the first, the
second and the third part about? Write down your predictions.

2. Activating prior knowledge:

What do you know about these countries? Use the map to

answer some of the questions.

Fill in the information card.

Israel The Palestinian

territories (occupied
Geographic location

Shared borders

Sovereignty 14 May 1948 - a

sovereign state Sovereignty disputed
established by a UN 1988 – declaration of
resolution independence
2012 – UNGA
observer state


Where the
government sits


Ethnic groups


Compare the answers in pairs then check the answers as a

What do you know about the conflict? Think about these

questions: How long has it lasted? What is the initial cause of the
conflict? What solution(s) is (are) suggested?

Read the first part of the text and answer the questions.

1. Where is the conflict developing from?

2. What are the expected outcomes of the 2003 roadmap, a plan
for conflict resolution?
3. What are the Palestinian Territories and who controls them?
Why so?
4. Why did Israel reject the idea of creating a Palestinian unity
5. What is the humanitarian situation like on the Palestinian
6. Which of the territories is the target of Israeli military
operations? Why?

Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Updated: Wed, 12 Dec 2012

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is rooted in a seemingly intractable
dispute over land claimed by Jews as their biblical birthright and by
the Palestinians, who seek self-determination.
Despite repeated attempts to end the conflict between the Israelis
and the Palestinians, there is no peace settlement in sight.
Neither side has fulfilled the commitments it made under the 2003
roadmap - a phased timetable designed to lead to a viable

Palestinian state alongside Israel put together by the United States,
European Union, Russia and the United Nations.
Under that peace blueprint, the Palestinian Authority was to rein in
militants, and it embarked on a U.S.-backed law-and-order
campaign in the occupied West Bank. But Hamas, a militant group
whose stated aim is the destruction of Israel, is in control of the
Gaza Strip. Hamas has rejected Western calls to recognise Israel and
renounce violence. Despite the roadmap's call for a halt to Israeli
settlement activity, Israel continues to build within settlements in
the West Bank and in Arab East Jerusalem.
Within the Palestinian Territories, a power struggle between rival
Palestinian factions has led to the establishment of two
administrations. Hamas controls Gaza, while the Fatah party
controls the West Bank.
Fatah and Hamas signed a reconciliation agreement in May 2011,
but it has not yet been implemented. The deal included an
agreement to form a unity government, and to hold elections within
a year. Israel said it would reject any government that included
Nearly 50 percent of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza – 2.1
million people – are refugees, many of whom live in crowded
Life in the Palestinian territories has got worse in recent years and
economic hardship has deepened.
Socio-economic conditions in Gaza, which is subject to the most
severe Israeli restrictions, have deteriorated particularly sharply and
the population is increasingly reliant on food aid.
At the end of 2008, Israel launched a major operation in Gaza with
the declared aim of stopping Hamas militants from firing rockets
into the Jewish state. The offensive, the biggest in four decades,
killed hundreds including many civilians.

In November 2012, Israel launched an operation that began with the
killing of Hamas's military chief Ahmed Al-Jaabari in a precision
air strike on Nov. 14. It said the attack was in response to escalating
missile strikes from Gaza. The following day two rockets from
Gaza targeted Tel Aviv in the first attack on Israel's commercial
capital in 20 years.
Israel followed up its attack by shelling Gaza from land, air and sea,
and mobilised tens of thousands of military reservists along the
border with Gaza.
The conflict lasted eight days, killing some 170 Palestinians and six
Israelis, mostly civilians.

Read part 2 of the text and answer the questions.

1. What were the causes of the Jewish migration to Palestine?
2. How was the state of Israel created? What were the
consequences of the creation of the state of Israel?
3. How did the UN envisage the future of Palestine?
4. What conflicts apart from the Israeli-Palestinian one were
created in the area as a result of establishing the state of Israel?
5. What were the results and the consequences of the 1967 war?
6. What is the situation with Palestinian refugees like? Why does
Israel deny them the rights of return?

Today's tensions between the Israelis and the Palestinians and their
Arab neighbours date back to the early 20th century when Jews
began migrating in significant numbers to Palestine, then under
Ottoman Turkish rule.
The ensuing struggle for land and self-determination by both
peoples led to the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, a series of

Israeli-Arab wars, two lengthy Palestinian uprisings and waves of
Palestinian refugees.
Although modern Zionism - the idea of a Jewish national homeland
in Palestine - began in the late 19th century, the land of Israel has
been central to Jewish consciousness since Jewish exile in biblical
times. Small Jewish communities lived peacefully in Palestine side
by side with both Muslim and Christian Arabs for centuries.
But centuries of anti-Semitism in Europe, culminating in the Nazi
Holocaust that killed 6 million Jews during World War Two, led to
growing pressure for a Jewish homeland. In November 1947, the
United Nations General Assembly adopted a plan to partition
Palestine, then under British mandate, into Arab and Jewish states.
In May 1948, Jews living in Palestine declared the establishment of
the state of Israel.
Five Arab countries invaded immediately, and in the ensuing
conflict some 750,000 Palestinians fled the fighting or were forced
to leave their homes. A similar number of Jews migrated to Israel
from their homes in Arab states amid fears of a backlash against
Many Jews saw the creation of Israel as the embodiment of their
long-held aspiration for a land of their own, but for Palestinians the
loss of their homes and land in 1948 became known as "Al Nakbar"
- the catastrophe.
A second wave of Palestinians was displaced during the 1967 war
that pitted Israel against Jordan, Egypt and Syria. In the six days of
fighting, Israel captured the West Bank, including East Jerusalem,
the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights. An
estimated 500,000 Palestinians fled, according to the United Nations
- mostly to Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.
The U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the
Near East (UNRWA) began operations in 1950, initially as a
temporary response to the humanitarian crisis created by the new
refugees. Today, the agency is the main body meeting the needs of

Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan
and Syria with basic services such as education, healthcare and
social services.
The tents that made up the first refugee camps gradually gave way
to the concrete buildings that make up today's camps as it became
clear that no solution to their plight was in sight.
Since then, Palestinian refugee camps have grown upwards rather
than out, with residents building new storeys to accommodate the
new generations being born. Conditions are often overcrowded,
with poor sanitation. There are high levels of unemployment, and
increasing levels of diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease
and cancer.
The status of the refugees is a key issue in peace talks, with many
Palestinians claiming the "right of return" - the right to go back to
their homes in what is now Israel. Some still hold keys to the family
homes they lost in 1948.
Israel fears that agreeing to this concession would spell disaster for
the future Jewish state, largely because the higher Palestinian birth
rate means the number of Palestinians would soon outstrip the
Jewish population. Israel's own "law of return" allows anyone with
at least one Jewish grandparent to settle in Israel and take up
citizenship. Under the citizenship rules, many Palestinians who
marry Israelis are denied Israeli residency.
The two parts of the Palestinian territories are, in fact, two areas
about 45 km (30 miles) apart. The West Bank is between Jerusalem
- long claimed as a capital by both Palestinians and Israelis - and
Jordan to the east, while Gaza is a tiny strip along Israel's western
Mediterranean coast.

Complete the following graphs with the information from the 2
part of the text.
What were the causes and consequences of the foundation of Israel?

creation of

Read part 3 and answer the questions.

1. What was the cause of the tension on the territories occupied
by Israel? How legal was Israeli settlement building on these
2. What security measures were taken by Israel after the first
3. What were the results of the implementation of the Oslo Peace
Accords? What areas fell under the Palestinian Authority’s
4. What security measures followed the second intifada?
5. How did the situation with the Jewish settlements change in
2003? What did this change lead to?
6. What did the Hamas-Fatah conflict result in? How did it affect
the situation in Gaza?
7. What role did Egypt play in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
What effect did the political changes in Egypt have on the
interests of the two Palestinian factions?

After the 1967 war, successive Israeli governments began building
Jewish settlements on the newly occupied land. Generally built on
high ground, many settlements overlook Palestinian towns and
villages, and there are tensions between the two communities. U.N.
Security Council resolutions and the International Court of Justice
have both declared the settlements illegal under international law,
but Israel has rejected the rulings and continues to expand its
In 1987 a Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, broke out in protest
against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Palestinians vented their anger by throwing rocks at soldiers and
tanks near their camps and homes; there were also roadside
shootings at Israeli vehicles and assaults on settlers.
The Israeli military retaliated harshly with measures against the
Palestinian population as a whole. They used a system of
checkpoints to control the movement of people and goods around
the West Bank, imposed curfews at times of high security and
detained many Palestinians, often without charge or trial.
Although groups of prisoners are periodically released, large
numbers remain in custody.
In 1993, following the Oslo Peace Accords, Israel agreed to
establish limited Palestinian self-rule in parts of the West Bank and
Gaza Strip.
The Palestinian territories were divided into three zones: Area A
under full Palestinian control; Area B under Palestinian civil
authority and Israeli security control; and Area C under full Israeli
control. Approximately 60 percent of the West Bank is in Area C.
The Palestinian Authority, headed by Yasser Arafat, was set up to
run the new autonomous areas.

Little progress was made in the following years towards a final
peace settlement and disillusionment set in among Palestinians.
A second Intifada broke out in 2000, sparked by a controversial visit
by Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon to the Al Aqsa compound
in Jerusalem, a site sacred to both Jews and Muslims.
Amid growing concerns about the number of suicide bombings
against Israelis by Palestinian militant groups such as Hamas, the
Israeli army re-occupied cities in the West Bank. It tightened up
security measures around the Palestinian Territories, preventing
thousands of Palestinians from going to work and trade in Israel.
In 2003, Israel made a unilateral decision to dismantle all Jewish
settlements in Gaza and some settlements in the West Bank. In
2005, around 8,000 settlers were forcibly evicted from Gaza by the
Israeli army, along with 500 from the West Bank, and moved into
alternative accommodation provided by the Israeli government.
Many of the settlers, some of whom believe Israel has a biblical
claim to Gaza and the West Bank, felt betrayed.
The Gaza Strip came under Palestinian control. The area, 40 km
long and 10 km wide, is home to around 1.7 million Palestinians
and is one of the most densely populated places on earth.
In June 2007, a power struggle between Fatah and the more militant
Hamas spilled over into fighting between armed factions on the
streets of Gaza in which around 100 people died. Hamas declared
control over Gaza, leading President Mahmoud Abbas to dissolve
the Hamas-led unity government and set up an emergency, Fatah-
based government in the West Bank.
Israel tightened border restrictions at its Gaza borders after the
Hamas takeover.
Economic life has suffered and relief organisations have found it
difficult to get aid to the Palestinian population.

The border crossing into Egypt at Rafah is theoretically run by the
Palestinians under EU monitoring.
Egypt closed the border after Hamas' takeover, except to allow food
and medicine into Gaza, and to allow a few Gazans - including
those seeking medical treatment or to study - into Egypt. That
changed in May 2011, when a new Egyptian government re-opened
the border for people and eased visa restrictions on Palestinians.
Fatah and Hamas signed a reconciliation agreement in May 2011,
mediated by Egypt, but it has not yet been implemented. The deal
includes an agreement to form a unity government, and to hold
presidential and legislative elections within a year. Israel said it
would reject any government that included Hamas and would refuse
to hold peace talks with it.
Palestinian public opinion favours unity, but the main impetus for
the two sides agreeing to a unity government was changes in
neighbouring countries - particularly Egypt - caused by the Arab
uprisings of 2010 and 2011, International Crisis Group (ICG) said.
Fatah lost a reliable ally when Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak
was ousted. Hamas became more willing to work with Cairo after
its parent organisation – Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood – began to
play a growing role in Egyptian politics.
Despite the May 2011 agreement, years of bitter feuding have
intensified the rivalry between Fatah and Hamas, ICG said.

Complete the following graphs with the information from part 3
of the text.

1. What measures were taken by Israel in order to end the escalating

violence in the wake of the 2 Palestinian uprisings?

Escalation of violence
in the wake of the 1
and 2 Palestinian

Security measures Political measures

2. What were the consequences of the conflict between Fatah and


A power

After reading reflection

1. Look at your predictions. Were your predictions correct?

2. What strategies did we use to deal with the text in order to
understand it?
3. What do you know now that you didn’t know before? What
was important for you personally?
4. What else would you like to know? (write 2-3 questions for
your further reading)
5. Do you think the text will help you to better understand
international events and events in the region? If yes, how?

The language of news: Talks/Negotiations

1. Read the news report and note the collocations and set
expressions with talks/negotiations.

Time now for real, genuine Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, says

UN chief

Lamenting the lack of progress in the Middle East peace

process, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today stressed that it is
important now for Israelis and Palestinians to engage in real,
genuine and meaningful negotiations.
During a meeting in Rome with the Palestinian Authority
President, Mr. Ban added that achieving the goal of an independent,
viable Palestinian state was long overdue, according to information
provided by a United Nations spokesperson.
The Secretary-General thanked the Palestinian leader for
outlining Palestinian thoughts and plans on working toward
statehood and on what was required for a return to negotiations.
Talks between the two sides have been stalled since late
September following Israel’s refusal to extend a 10-month freeze on
settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territory. That
decision prompted the Palestinian Authority to withdraw from direct

talks with Israel, which had only resumed a few weeks earlier after a
two-year hiatus.
Mr. Ban said during today’s meeting that he knew it was the
Palestinian Authority’s priority to return to the negotiating table.

2. Find the words which mean the following:

to show publicly that you feel sad or disappointed about sth.;

real rather than pretended or false;
serious or important;
to stop making progress or developing;
to no longer take part in sth.;
a period of time when sth. does not happen.

3. Note some more collocations with talks (negotiations) and

translate them into Russian.

formal talks, The PM will spend the day in informal talks

ant. informal with other EU leaders before a special
meeting tonight aimed to discuss security
direct talks issues.
[without anyone Currently, the parties are holding discussions
being involved] at home on whether to enter direct talks.
ant. indirect
The US says it is optimistic that Friday’s one-
[involving a third
day talks will produce an immediate result.
The meeting marked the conclusion of the
one-day (two-day first phase of the peace process, which calls
etc.) talks on all parties to cease hostilities and prepare
forthcoming talks for forthcoming negotiations.
The leaders of Japan and South Korea have
met for trilateral negotiations with the U.S.
bilateral (three- President on the sidelines of the international
way (trilateral), nuclear conference in The Hague.
four-way etc.) North Korea’s official news agency said on
talks Saturday that North Korea would return to

six-party / six- six-party talks at the end of the month.
nation talks Preliminary peace talks between the
Pakistani government and the Pakistani
preliminary talks Taliban have been delayed.
[coming before a
Marathon talks on a new global trade pact
more important
collapsed on Tuesday.
event, esp.
introducing or
preparing for it]

marathon talks
[long-lasting or
to hold (a round Since May, seven rounds of indirect talks
of) talks have been held between the two sides to
to enter / to join identify areas of mutual interest.
talks (rejoin The US secretary of state and other foreign
[return to]) ministers have flown to Geneva to rejoin
to attend talks talks over Iran's nuclear weapons programme.
Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tiger rebels have informed
Norwegian peace brokers they will not attend
to restart /
scheduled peace talks with the Sri Lankan
resume talks
government in Switzerland.
The U.N. Secretary-General said on
to revitalize / Wednesday he hoped the Doha round of
revive talks global trade negotiations can be restarted by
the end of the year.
to withdraw from The parties concerned hoped that the
/ pull out of talks negotiations could be revitalized before the
to conclude talks end of the year.
The so-called diplomatic Quartet of Middle-
East peace brokers seeks to revive talks
between Israel and the Palestinians.
Iran withdrew from talks on Friday after the
US began targeting companies it says were

evading current sanctions.
The U.N. nuclear agency and Iranian officials
have concluded two days of talks in Tehran
about allegations that Iran has studied the
design of nuclear weapons.

4. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. The defence secretary of the US embarked on a five-day trip

to the Middle East on Sunday during which he is expected to
meet the new leaders of Tunisia and Egypt and hold bilateral
talks with long-standing US allies Israel and Jordan.
2. Following a three-year hiatus, Israelis and Palestinians
resumed direct negotiations this past August, thanks to the
efforts of United States Secretary of State John Kerry.
3. The Council underscored its calls upon both parties to cease
hostilities, engage in direct and constructive talks without
conditions, and make the necessary concessions to reach
agreement on ending the conflict.
4. Efforts to promote direct negotiations between Israelis and
Palestinians are nearing a turning point, a senior United
Nations official said today.
5. Since May, seven rounds of indirect talks have been held
between the two sides to identify areas of mutual interest, the
Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs told the
Security Council.
6. After more than a year of refusals, North Korea has agreed to
rejoin six-nation talks aimed at ending its nuclear weapons
7. China organized the three-way talks in the hope of getting
North Korea and the United States back to the negotiation
8. The two sides held preliminary talks last month in
Washington, and have committed to spending nine months
discussing the fate of Palestinian refugees, Israeli settlements
and the borders of a future Palestinian state.

9. In India, Kashmiri separatists are threatening to pull out of
peace talks with the federal government, which began last
10. The top diplomats of the United States and Britain have
made a joint attempt to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks
by shuttling between Jerusalem Ramallah to meet the leaders
of both sides.
11. Japan and the United States on Thursday continued
marathon talks aimed at resolving their differences assn as
crucial to concluding a broad Pacific free trade agreement.
12. The EU has concluded talks exploring the possibility of
a bilateral free trade agreement with Japan.

5. Translate the following into English.

неофициальные переговоры;
предстоящие переговоры;
провести раунд предварительных переговоров;
длительные переговоры между 5 странами
провести второй раунд прямых переговоров;
вступить в официальные переговоры;
вернуться к шестисторонним переговорам;
возобновить переговоры между 4 сторонами;
оживить переговоры / вдохнуть новую жизнь в
выйти из косвенных переговоров;
завершить неофициальные переговоры.

The language of news: Ceasefire /Truce

Ceasefire is an agreement, usually between two armies, to stop

fighting in order to allow discussions about peace.

Truce is a short interruption in a war, or an agreement to stop

fighting for a period of time.

1. Read the following text and note the collocations and set
expressions with the nouns ceasefire, truce.

Can a ceasefire hold?

It is uncertain how long a recently agreed truce may last—or

whether it may pave the way towards a wider settlement

1. AFTER three months of indirect negotiations via Egyptian

mediators, a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the Islamist
movement that controls the Gaza Strip, went into force early on
June 19th. If that holds, Israel will begin slightly to ease the
economic blockade it imposed when Hamas wrested control of the
strip from its secular political rival, Fatah.
2. Both sides could benefit from a break. Gazan militants have
killed a dozen Israelis in eight years, but keep tens of thousands
terrified. Israel's attacks on Gaza have been more targeted but far
3. Israel has built up economic pressure, too. The 15 months of
sanctions it imposed on the Palestinian Authority following Hamas's
victory in a general election had already weakened the economy.
But the combined military and economic pressure no doubt played a
part in Hamas's decision to call a truce. In any event, the ceasefire is
fragile, not least because both Hamas and the Israelis have doubts
about its benefits. The big push came from Egypt, which took on the
mediator's role after particularly fierce fighting earlier this year.
4. Various things could end the ceasefire. Though other
militant groups in Gaza hint that they would respect it, some may
try to spoil it. Among them are members of Fatah, Hamas's secular
rival, which still feels bitter because of Hamas's takeover. Since
Israel and Hamas refuse direct contact, Egypt will provide the
channel for resolving disagreements or dampening sudden flare-ups.
5. Moreover, maintaining the ceasefire will require progress
that both sides are uneasy about. Hamas wants Israel to lift its
economic siege and ultimately extend the ceasefire to the West
Bank. But Israel's ultimate goal is still to weaken Hamas in favour

of Fatah. It is holding talks with Fatah's leader, Mahmoud Abbas,
the Palestinian president, who runs the West Bank. Fatah itself has
been making noises about reconciliation with Hamas in the past few
days, but for that very reason would rather see the Islamists
weakened, so that it gets the best terms for a rapprochement.
6. In short, the ceasefire is likely to last only as long as neither
side feels it is helping the other side too much. And if it breaks
down? Israeli leaders were sounding ever-more belligerent before
the ceasefire; a massive incursion to strike a mortal blow at Hamas
was a matter of time. A security official says that the differences of
opinion in the defence establishment on such an operation are now
merely “tactical”.

2. Complete the following graphs by supplying the verbs that

collocate with the nouns ceasefire truce.

1. holds /…………
(a) ceasefire/ truce 2. …………………
3. …………………

1. to agree
2. ......................
3. ……………. (a) ceasefire / truce
4. …………….
5. …………….

3. Note some more collocations with ceasefire/truce

The Taliban officially observed a ceasefire from March 1 to

April 10, but the insurgency is split over whether to renew it.
The agreement, which called on both sides to stop fighting
immediately, has been violated repeatedly since it was signed,

with both sides blaming the other for not respecting the
Pakistan's Prime Minister says he is still hopeful
that talks with the Taliban can succeed, despite the militants
ending a ceasefire.
Talks had been going on since February but recently stalled
again when Taliban called off a ceasefire [to cancel or
A ceasefire was signed in January, but the violence continues.
In the midst of this second round of talks, the United Nations
succeeded in persuading the Syrian regime and rebels to abide
by a ceasefire (to implement, follow).
The opposition called Wednesday for creation of a transitional
governing body that would oversee a ceasefire [to watch
something in order to check that it works or happens in the
way it should ] under U.N. monitoring.
The Cabinet also called on the Taliban to announce an
unconditional and unilateral ceasefire [involving or
performed by only one party of several], before any kind of
peace talks can take place.
The fighting in the town was the latest breach of a ceasefire
[violation] agreed to at the end of last month.

4. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Saudi Arabia's military intervened in 2009 before a ceasefire

took hold the year after.
2. Another six-month extension of the United Nations force
observing the ceasefire between Israel and Syria on the
Golan Heights is essential given continuing tension in the
region. (the Golan Heights - Голанские высоты)
3. Syrian authorities and rebels agreed a ceasefire on Friday to
allow besieged insurgents to pull out of their last stronghold in
the central city.

4. The attack comes just weeks after the al-Qaida-linked militant
group formally ended a ceasefire with the Pakistani
5. The Pakistani Taliban has extended its month-long ceasefire.
6. A unilateral ceasefire declared by Colombia's Marxist
FARC rebels over the holidays ended on Wednesday, the
organization said at peace talks in Havana.
7. Mediators have urged South Sudan warring factions to respect
the ceasefire agreement following accusations that both sides
are violating the contract they signed last week at the peace
8. The accusation marks the second time this week that the
opposition has accused the government of violating the
ceasefire agreement.
9. UN monitors were deployed to oversee a ceasefire but the
truce never took hold and the monitors have suspended
10. The resolution will end the observer mission in 30 days.
The mandate could then be renewed, but only if the Secretary
General and the Security Council are able to confirm that both
sides are abiding by the terms of the UN-backed ceasefire

5. Translate the following into English.

соглашение о прекращении огня вступило в силу;

объявить перемирие . прекращение огня;
перемирие / прекращение огня сохраняется (продолжает
прийти к соглашению о прекращении огня;
сохранять / поддерживать перемирие;
продлить одностороннее перемирие;
нарушать перемирие;
нарушение соглашения о прекращении огня;
соблюдать прекращение огня;
следить за соблюдением прекращения огня.


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