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Н артоящ ий «Самоучитель» предназначен для изучения англий­

ского языка без помощи преподавателя. Он рассчитан на учащихся,
ранее занимавшихся английским языком и имевших перерыв в
«Самоучитель» построен в соответствии с требованиями про­
граммы по иностранным языкам для неязыковых высших учебных
заведений и может быть использован на заочных отделениях не­
языкового профиля с гуманитарным направлением.
«Самоучитель» ставит своей задачей научить учащихся читать и
переводить английскую художественную литературу средней труд­
ности, а также развить некоторые навыки разговорной речи.
«Самоучитель» состоит из двух разделов. Каждый раздел вклю­
чает 5 уроков. Каждый урок состоит из грамматического коммен­
тария с упражнениями, литературного текста с примечаниями
списком слов и словосочетаний, рекомендуемых для запоминания
упражнений к тексту, диалога и упражнений для развития навыков
устной речи, текста для перевода со словами и упражнениями для
развития навыков перевода, рассказов для пересказа.
К учебнику приложены: таблицы основных правил чтения,
важнейших суффиксов и префиксов, нестандартных глаголов, воп­
росительных слов и порядка слов в вопросительном предложении,
предлогов места и времени, употребления артиклей, союзов; анг­
ло-русский алфавитный словарь, включающий все слова, которые
встречаются в текстах учебника; ключи к упражнениям.
«Самоучитель» не предусматривает обучения фонетике и пра­
вилам чтения для этих целей рекомендуется пользоваться посо­
бием Е. А Бонди и А. Ф Матвеева «Так начинают изучать анг­
При отборе слов и словосочетаний рекомендуемых для запо­
минания авторы руководствовались словарем «Наиболее употре­
бительных слов» под редакцией проф. И. В. Рахманова.

A u n v u m in u u u m u u m m v

M t^ H u ttu w iw u ttw u w w u v w tH iu w w u x n tu tM ttu u m u u m iw tiix ttiiH tm u u tn u u ttu titw u u tu u w M m n iin u u u u u m w w w m w w u w w w w w u w v u u u v n w u v u v m u m m m u H w v im w


I. Порядок работы над материалом урока

1. Прочитать и усвоить грамматические пояснения к уроку и

выполнить грамматические упражнения в том порядке, в котором
они даются в уроке. Сверить упражнения с ключами.
2. Прочитать текст и перевести его, обращаясь к словарю и
примечаниям; проверить усвоение слов и словосочетаний, реко­
мендуемых для запоминания.
3. Выполнить упражнения к тексту и проверить их по ключам.
4. Если при проверке упражнений в них окажутся ошибки,
вернуться к соответствующему разделу учебника.
5. В целях развития навыков устной речи:
а) прочитать и перевести диалог;
б) выполнить упражнения к нему;
в) выучить диалог наизусть;
г) выучить разговорные формулы;
д) прочитать и пересказать тексты для чтения и пересказа,
отвечая на предлагаемые к ним вопросы.
6 . В целях развития навыка чтения и перевода:
а) прочитать и перевести дополнительный текст;
б) выучить рекомендуемые слова и словосочетания;
в) выполнить письменно упражнения к тексту.

II. Работа с англо-русским словарем

Чтобы научиться быстро пользоваться словарем, необходимо:
а) выучить английский алфавит;
б) твердо знать порядок слов в английском предложении,
в) помнить, что слова в словаре даются в их основной (словар­
ной) форме.
Определение словарной формы слова

Найти основную (словарную) форму можно, отбросив суффик­

сы и префиксы, если они имеются. Например, словарная форма от
rewrite—write, от successfully—success, quickest—quick и т .д .
После того, как найдено значение основной формы по словарю,
можно сделать вывод о значении каждого данного производного
слова, если знать значения суффиксов и префиксов (см. таблицу
в конце учебника).
При определении основной формы необходимо помнить также
1 . Если слово оканчивается па одну согласную, перед которой
стоит краткая гласная, то при прибавлении некоторых суффиксов
конечная согласная удваивается. Следовательно, при отыскива­
нии основной формы слова эту вторую конечную согласную нужно

big — big|ger; get — get|ting

2. Гласная у в конечном слоге после согласной переходит в ie;

от слова cities основная форма — city, от слова studies — study.
3. В глаголах to lie — лежать, to die — умирать, to tie — за­
вязывать при прибавлении суффикса -ing буквосочетание ie пе­
реходит в у (lying, dying, tying), следовательно, основная форма
от lying — I ie.
4 В прилагательных, оканчивающихся на у, при прибавлении
суффиксов -ly, -ег, -est буква у меняется на i: happily, happier,
happiest — основная форма happy.
5. При прибавлении суффикса -ing конечное -е от основы от­
брасывается: to live (основная форма) — living.
Следует также хорошо знать формы неправильных глаголов,
так как иногда в словаре дается только значение инфинитива.
В случае сомнений пользуйтесь таблицей в конце учебника.

Выбор значения слова

В английском языке слова с одинаковым написанием могут вы­

ступать в качестве различных частей речи. Это отражено в словаре,
где каждое слово имеет гнездо значений.
Чтобы сделать правильный выбор, следует прежде всего опре­
делить (по форме и месту в предложении), какой частью речи яв­
ляется нужное вам слово, а затем начинать искать его значение
в гнезде после букв, сокращенно указывающих часть речи: п
(noun — существительное), v (verb — глагол) и т. д.
В разделе каждой части речи слово тоже может иметь различ­
ные значения. Необходимо прочесть их все и выбрать то, которое
подходит по контексту.
1 ) help
His help was important. (n )
Его помощь была важна.
He will help us. (u)
Он поможет нам.
2) house
There are many houses in our street, (n)
На нашей улице много домов.
This building houses a hospital. (t>)
В этом здании размещена больница.

III. Работа над переводом текста

1) А нализ текста
Приступая к переводу текста, следует внимательно прочитать
его до конца, чтобы познакомиться с его содержанием. Читая текст,
нужно отметить все трудные места, затем разбить текст на абзацы
и внимательно по предложениям начать переводить его. Если в аб­
заце имеются сложные предложения, следует разобраться в каж­
дом отдельно, связывая его затем с последующим.
2) А нализ предложения
Предложения анализировать так:
а) найти подлежащее и сказуемое; б) разбить все предложение
на смысловые элементы; в) перевести дословно; г) не глядя на пред­
ложение, рассказать себе простыми словами основной смысл его;
д) сделать окончательный перевод, строя русское предложение
согласно правилам русского языка.
Переведя предложение, следует выписывать незнакомые слова
и одновременно отыскивать в словаре значение, соответствующее
данному контексту.
Часто при переводе можно встретить идиомы, которые на рус­
ский язык дословно не переводятся, поэтому перевод их надо де­
лать, либо исходя из общего смысла данного предложения, либо
прибегать к помощи специального словаря («Англо-русский фразе­
ологический словарь», сост. А. В. Кунин, Госиздат иностр. и нац.
словарей, Москва, 1955).
Переведя все абзацы текста, следует его еще раз прочитать,
чтобы установить, хорошо ли читается перевод, понятен ли его
смысл, а также обработать встречающиеся шероховатости стиля.
Что касается работы с русско-английским словарем, например,
«Русско-английским словарем» под общей редакцией А. И. Смир-
ницкого, то, прежде чем начинать работать с ним, рекомендуется
ознакомиться с его структурой, прочитав предисловие к словарю.
Это поможет быстро и правильно находить нужное слово и его зна­
1№ м 1|м т м \ № 1ххшхх\ххххххххх\х\хххх\хх1х\\ххх\х\хх\ххххх\хих\ххххххх\ххххххх\хххххххххххххххх\ххххххх1хх\ххх\хх«»чх\хххххххххххххххххх\х\хххх\\хх\хххххххххх\х\хх\хххххххх\«\\ш\ххххххх\ххх\\х\мхх\ххххх\ххх\


Часть I

Урон 1. Множественное число имен существительных (стр. 9). П р и т я ж а ­

тельный падеж имен существительных (Possessive Case) (стр. 12).
Местоимения (Pronouns) (стр. 13). Н ар ечи я (Adverbs) (стр. 21).
Н еопределенная форма глагола (In finitive) (стр. 23). Повелитель­
ное наклонение (Im p e ra tiv e Mood) (стр. 23). Времена группы
Indefinite (стр. 24). Замена будущего времени настоящим в при­
даточных предложениях условия и времени (стр. 29). С п р я ж е ­
ние глаголов to be б ы т ь и to h a \ е иметь в Present, Past и F u tu re
In definite Tenses (стр. 30). К онструкция с вводящим there (is, are)
(стр. 32). Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях
(стр. 34). Бессоюзная св язь в английских сложноподчинен­
ных предложениях (стр. 35). А льтернативные и разделитель­
ные вопросы (стр. 35). . . . . 9
Текст-. Old Country Advice to the A merican T raveller (after

Урок 2. О тглагольное существительное (Verbal Noun) (стр. 49). Степени

сравнения прилагательных и наречий (стр. 50). Субстантивиро­
ванные прилагательные (стр. 52). Модальные глаголы can (could),
may (m igh t), must, need, ou ght (to), s h a ll (should) и их э к в и ­
валенты to be able (to), to have to, to be to. to be allow ed (to),
will (would) (стр. 52) Безличные предложения (стр. 61). 49
Текст ■ A Visit to the Big House (after P. ABRAHAMS) 62

Урок 3. Причастие настоящего времени (P articip le I) (стр. 75). Времена

группы C ontinuous (Present, P ast, F uture) (стр. 77). Герундий
(простая форма) (Gerund) (стр. 84). Инфинитив (Infinitive)
(стр. 89). Конструкция со служебным глаголом let (стр. 92).
Неопределенные местоимения: many, much, (a) few, (a) l i tt le
(стр. 93).Числительные (N umerals) (стр. 94). . . . . 75
Текст: Boy's T heatre at Rivermouth (after Th. B. ALDRICH) .. 97

Урок 4. Причастие II (P a rtic ip le 11) (стр. 119).Времена группы Per­

fect (стр. 121). Времена группы Perfect C o ntinuous (Present,
Past) (стр. 129). Относительные местоимения who. w hich, th at
(стр. 132). Местоимения a ll . both (стр. 133). И нверсия (стр. 134). 119
Текст: Japanese Legend 135

Урок 5. Страдательный залог (Passive Voice) (стр. 150). Глаголы-связки

(L ink verbs) to be, to become, to get, to grow, to turn (стр. 157).
Порядок слов в восклицательном предложении (Word Order
in Exclam atory Sentence) (стр. 158) ...........................................150
Текст: Androcles and th e L ion .........................................................158

Ч а с т ь II

Lesson Six. Sequence of Tenses (Согласование времен) (стр. 173). Direct

and in d irec t Speech. (П рям ая и косвенная речь) (стр. 176) 173
Text: How George Once upon a Time Got Up Early in the
Morning, (after J. K. JEROME) . .................................... 181

Lesson Seven. Revision G ram m ar Exercises (стр. 197) . . . . 197

Text'. The incident of th e S u bscription (from “ T im e of H o p e " by
Ch P. SNOW) 202'

Lesson Eig ht. Perfect P a rtic ip le (Перфектное причастие) (стр. 217). Abso­
lute P a rtic ip le C onstruction (Самостоятельный причастный обо­
рот) (стр 218). Perfect Gerund (Перфектный герундий) (стр. 221) 217
Text: The Way to Space (by H. TITOV) 223

Lesson Nine. Perfect Infinitive (Active and Passive) and Continuous

Infinitive (стр. 240). Complex Object (Сложное дополнение)
(стр. 242). Complex Subject (Сложное подлежащее) (стр. 248).
Modal Verbs w ith Perfect Infinitive (стр. 252) . . . 240
Text: E arning a Living (from “ The Roaring N in e tie s’ ’ by K. S.
P R IC H A R D ) . . . . 254

Lesson Ten. S u b ju n ctiv e Mood (Сослагательное наклонение) (стр. 271).

C onditional Sentences (Условные предложения) (стр. 276). 271
T e x t: A n th o n y 's Secret (from “ Let (he Day P e r i s h ” by
G. G O R D O N ) .......................................................................................... 284

Ключи к у п р а ж н е н и я м .................................................................................... 301

Таблицы ........................................................................................... 332

Англо-русский словарь ................................................ ...... 364

Часть I


(The First L esson)

1. Множественное число имен существительных
2. Притяжательный падеж имен существительных. (Possessive
3. Местоимения. (Pronouns)
4. Наречия. (Adverbs)
5. Неопределенная форма глагола (Infinitive)
6. Повелительное наклонение. (Imperative Mood)
7. Времена группы Indefinite.
8. Замена будущего времени настоящим в придаточных предло­
жениях условия и времени
9. Спряжение глаголов to be и to h ave в Present, Past и Future
Indefinite Tenses.
10 Конструкция с вводящим there (is, are).
11. Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях.
12. Бессоюзная связь в английских сложноподчиненных предло­
13. Альтернативные и разделительные вопросы.
Т е к с т : Old Country Advice to the American Traveller after W Saro­


Как правило, множественное число имен существительных об­

разуется прибавлением к форме единственного числа суффикса
-s или -es.
Имена существительные, оканчивающиеся на букву у с пред­
шествующей согласной, образуют множественное число путем при­
бавления суффикса -es, причем буква у переходит в i:
city — cities
duty — duties
Если же в существительном букве у предшествует гласная,
то при образовании множественного числа буква у остается:
day — days
При помощи суффикса -es образуется множественное число
существительных, оканчивающихся на буквы s. ss, ch, х, ch, о:
circus — circuses
boss — bosses
match — matches
fox — foxes
Некоторые имена существительные, оканчивающиеся в един­
ственном числе на f, образуют множественное число путем измене­
ния f на v и прибавлением окончания -es.
a shelf — shelves
a knife — knives
a w ife— wives
a life— lives
a leaf — leaves
a chief — chiefs
a roof — roofs
Суффикс множественного числа произносится:
а) после звонких согласных и гласных — [zl: dogs IcbgzJ, days
Ideiz J;
б) после глухих согласных — IsJ: hats [haetsj, roots tru:fsJ;
в) после шипящих и свистящих звуков Is], [zj, U 1 , [5 ],
lt«f], ld5]— lizl: classes I'kla:siz), roses I'rouziz], dishes f'dufizj.
benches ['bentjizj. pages l'peid 3 iz].
Ряд существительных имеет особую форму множественного
a m a n — men человек, мужчина — люди,
a woman — women женщина — женщины
I'wuman] fw im in]
a c h ild — children ребенок— дети
a tooth — teeth зуб — зубы
a goose — geese гусь — гуси
a mouse — mice мышь — мыши
a sheep — sheep овца — овцы
a deer — deer олень — олени
an ox — oxen бык — быки

Слова латинского и греческого происхождения образуют мно­

жественное число по правилам того языка, из которого они за ­
имствованы, например:

datum ['deitam j — data ('deita| данная величина — данные ве­

formula ['fD:mjul3 ] — formulae формула — формулы
nucleus ['nju:klias| — nuclei ядро — ядра
basis ['beisis] — bases ['beisi:z] базис — базисы
crisis ['kraisis] — crises ['kraisi:z] кризис — кризисы

Не имеют формы множественного числа существительные,

обозначающие неисчисляемые предметы — названия веществ
(silver серебро, air воздух, ice лед) и абстрактные понятия (love
любовь, hatred ненависть, strength сила).
Только в единственном числе употребляются такие существи­
тельные, как money деньги, hair волосы.
Только во множественном числе употребляются названия мно­
гих парных предметов (trousers брюки, spectacles очки, scissors
ножницы), а также существительные собирательного значения
(clothes одежда, contents содержание, savings сбереж ения).

Упражнение 1. Поставьте выделенные существительные во множествен­

ном числе, сделав соответствующие изменения в предложении.

1. His ch ild studies very well. 2. This man works at our office.
3. There is a new house in our street. 4. This story is very interesting.
5. The roof of the house is covered with snow. 6.1 have hurt my foot.
7 The w olf has been shot. 8 . He keeps his toys in the box. 9. In our
country a 'iw m ati is equal to a man. 10. Put this kn ife on the table.

Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский язык

1. Летом мы едим много фруктов. 2. Принеси мне ножннцы.

пожалуйста. 3. Я знаю содержание этой книги. 4. У нее очень
красивые волосы. 5. Положи свою одежду на стул. 6 . Он купил
новые брюки. 7. Сколько у тебя денег? 8 . Мы получили новые дан­
ные по этому вопросу.


Притяжательный падеж существительных в единственном числе

образуется путем прибавления к существительному окончания ’s
(т. е. знака апострофа и буквы s), которое произносится [z], Isl
или liz I согласно тем же правилам, которым подчиняется произ­
ношение суффикса -s множественного числа имен существитель­
the girl’s hat [бэ'дэ : lz'haet] шляпа девочки
Jack’s friend ['dsaeks 'frendj друг Дж ека
the horse’s leg [da'ho: siz'leg] нога лошади
Притяжательный падеж существительных во множественном
числе образуется прибавлением только одного апострофа:
the boys’ book книга мальчиков
the girls’ bags портфели девочек
Притяжательные конструкции в английском языке употреб­
ляются. как правило, в двух основных случаях:
1) для выражения принадлежности. В роли первого компонента
конструкции в этом случае обычно употребляются слова, обозна­
чающие одушевленные предметы:
the student’s note-book тетрадь студента
the children’s mother мать детей
Kate’s dog Катина собака

2 ) для выражения качественной характеристики предмета.

В этом случае первый компонент конструкции, употребляясь в
обобщенном значении, приближается по функции к прилагатель­
a children’s room детская комната
men’s clothes мужская одежда

Притяжательные конструкции такого типа очень часто упот­

ребляются для выражения временных и пространственных отно­
a month’s leave месячный отпуск
today’s newspaper сегодняшняя газета
a m ile’s distance расстояние в одну милю

Притяжательная конструкция может быть заменена конструк­

цией с предлогом of:
the g irl’s room = the room of the girl
П редлог of

Предлог of, соответствующий русскому родительному падежу,

1 ) для выражения принадлежности или части целого:
the master of the house хозяин дома
the son of my friend сын моего друга
the wall of the garden стена дома
2) при указании а) материала, из которого сделан предмет:
a house of stone каменный дом (дом из камня)
б) меры:
two pieces of chalk 2 куска мела
в) расстояния, направления:
to the south of Italy к югу от Италии
3) при обозначении причины:
to be glad of smth. радоваться чему-л. (no какой-то причине)
to die of smth. умереть от чего-л. (по какой-то причине)

Упражнение 3. Замените, где возможно, существительные с предлогом

of притяжательной конструкцией.

1. The room of my friend. 2. The questions of my son. 3. The

walls of this room. 4. The wife of my brother. 5. The table of our
teacher. 6 . The poems of Pushkin. 7. The engineers of our factory.
8 . The voice of this girl. 9. The words of the first lesson. 10. The new
club of the workers. 11. The letter of Pete. 12. The pages of this book.

Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Он показал мне письмо своей сестры. 2. Где план этого зда­

ния? 3. Она взяла коньки своего брата. 4. Стены комнаты белые.
5. Дайте мне тетради ваших учеников. 6 . Принесите вещи детей.
7. После десятиминутного перерыва они снова начали работать.
8 . Вчера дети нашли птичье гнездо. 9. Где вчерашняя газета?
10. В библиотеке института много интересных книг и журналов.



Каждому личному местоимению соответствует притяжательное

местоимение; I — my, he — his, she — her, it — its, we — our, you —
your, they— their.
Притяжательное местоимение its (3-е лицо ед. числа) соответ­
ствует русским е го , ее, употребляемым вместо имен существитель­
ных, обозначающих неодушевленные предметы, а также животных,
птиц и т. д., например’

1. Комната светлая.
The room is light.
Ее (комнаты) окно большое.
Its window is large.
2. Наш город большой
Our city is big.
Его (города) улицы длинные.
Its streets are long.
1 . ее (комнаты) окно
its window
ее (девочки) книга
her book
2 . его (города) улицы
its streets
его (мальчика) мяч
his ball

Во множественном числе для всех существительных употреб­

ляется притяжательное местоимение their — их.
В английском языке нет местоимений, соответствующих рус­
ским возвратно-притяжательным местоимениям свой , своя, свое,
свои. Они переводятся притяжательными местоимениями his,
her. its. their в соответствии с лицом, с которым они соотносятся.

Он рассказал об этом своему сыну.

Не told his son about it.
Он рассказал об этом своей дочери.
Не told his daughter about it.
Он рассказал об этом своим детям
Не told his children about it.
Они рассказали об этом своим детям.
They told their children about it.
Она рассказала об этом своей дочери.
She told her daughter about it.
Когда притяжательные местоимения в английском языке упот­
реблены перед названием частей тела, предметов одежды, то они
на русский язык обычно не переводятся.
Не closed his eyes.
Он закрыл глаза.
Не took his hat.
Он взял шляпу.

Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски, выбрав нужную форму притяжатель­

ного местоимения, и переведите предложения.

1. The bookcase is in the room; ... (its, his) shelves are wide.
2. They will build a new road; ... (her, its) length (длина) will be
about fifty kilometres. 3. My sister has a new dress. ... (its, her)
dress is brown. 4. The story of ... (its, her) life (the woman’s life', was
very interesting. 5. Look at this machine. The story of ... (her. its)
invention (изобретение) is very interesting.

Помимо простой формы, притяжательные местоимения имеют

абсолютную форму, которая употребляется без последующего
существительного. Притяжательные местоимения в абсолютной
форме могут выполнять в предложении роль подлежащего, именной
части сказуемого и дополнения.
Простая форма Абсолютная форма
ту mine
his his
her hers
its its
our ours
your yours
their theirs
His name is Nick. Hers is Kate. She has no pen. Give her yours.
This room is mine. He is a friend of mine.
Упражнение 6. Переведите, выбрав нужную форму:

1. Эта ручка ее. hers, her

2. Этот журнал мой? Нет. mine, my
3. Дайте мне их тетради, а не ваши. their, theirs; yours, your
4. Вы взяли не свои вещи, а наши. yours, your; our, ours
5. Это была их последняя работа. their, theirs

Упражнение 7. Переведите на английский язык, пользуясь русско-

английским словарем, обратите особое внимание на перевод местоимения

1. Он часто пишет письма своим друзьям. 2. Когда вы возьме­
те свои вещи? 3. Она дала мне свою книгу. 4. Завтра она увидит
своих детей. 5. Вчера они закончили свою работу. 6 . Мы расска­
зали ей о своей поездке в Ленинград. 7. Я прочту вам свое сочи­
нение. 8 . Он принесет мне свой словарь. 9. Мы приготовили (свои)
уроки дома. 1 0 . Они пригласили своих друзей. 1 1 . Я спрошу об
этом у своего преподавателя. 12. Она придет ко мне со своей сес­

Неопределенные местоимения s o m e , a n y . п о , e v e r y
и их производные
Неопределенные местоимения some и any выражают значение
неопределенности. Они обычно являются определениями к сущест­
вительным и стоят вместо артикля.
Some употребляется как правило, в утвердительных пред­
ложениях. Выполняя функцию определения к исчисляемому су­
ществительному во множественном числе, some имеет значение
несколько, некоторые.
Не asked me some questions.
Он задал мне несколько вопросов.
Some people get up very early.
Некоторые люди встают очень рано.
Выполняя функцию определения к исчисляемому существитель­
ному в единственном числе, some имеет значение какой-нибудь.
Give me some interesting book.
Дай мне какую-нибудь интересную книгу.
Выполняя функцию определения к неисчисляемому существи­
тельному. some имеет значение немного, некоторое количество
и обычно на русский язык не переводится.
Give me some water, please.
Дай мне воды, пожалуйста
Местоимение some может также заменять существительное:
1 need paper. Give me some.
Мне нужна бумага. Дайте мне бумаги.
Местоимение some может употребляться также и в вопроситель­
ных предложениях:
а) если говорящий исходит из наличия чего-либо:
Do you want some coffee?
Вы хотите кофе?
б) а также, если вопрос относится к подлежащему или его
Who wants some milk?
Кто хочет молокa ?
Whose child took some ol these toys?
Чей ребенок взял некоторые из этих игрушек?
Some of переводится на русский язык как некоторые из:
Some ot the boys came early.
Некоторые из мальчиков пришли рано.
Any употребляется, как правило, в вопросительных и отрица­
тельных предложениях.
Выполняя функцию определения к исчисляемому существитель­
ному. any имеет значение какой-либо (-нибудь), (какая-либо, ка­
кое-либо, какие-либо).
Have you any new book to read?
Есть у вас какая-либо новая книга (почитать)?
Are there any new magazines in the library?
Есть какие-нибудь новые журналы в библиотеке?
В сочетании с отрицательной частицей not местоимение any
означает никакой (никакого , никаких):
Не did not make any mistakes in his dictation.
Он не сделал (никаких) ошибок в диктанте.
I don’t see any new student in your group.
Я не вижу (никакого) нового студента в вашей группе.
Выполняя функцию определения к неисчисляемому существи­
тельному. any имеет значение сколько-нибудь•
Is there any ink m the ink-pot?
В чернильнице есть чернила (сколько-нибудь чернил)?
Any ot кт о-нибудь и з употребляется в вопросительном пред­
Will any of them come tomorrow?
Кто-нибудь из них придет завтра?
Any может заменять существительное:
I need a match. Have you got any?
Мне нужна спичка. У вас есть спички?
No выражает отсутствие чего-либо и может быть только опре­
делением к существительному как в единственном, так и во мно­
жественном числе:
I have no English books at home.
У меня дома нет английских книг.
There is no reason to worry.
Нет причины для волнений.
No эквивалентно сочетанию any с отрицательной частицей not:
not an y= no:
There are no books on the she!f.=There are not any books on the
На полке Hei книг.
Если noстоитперед существительным в роли подлежащего,
то оно переводится на русский язык ни один, никакой;
No student used the text-book during the test.
Ни один студент не пользовался учебником во время контроль­
ной работы.
Заметьте, что в английском предложении может быть только
одно отрицание. Сравните: “ No student used...” с «Ни один сту­
дент не пользовался...»
None употребляется вместо уже упоминавшегося существитель­
ного для выражения полного отрицания:
Have you got any cigarette?
У вас есть сигареты?
No, I have none.
Нет, у меня совсем нет.
None of никт о и з употребляется в отрицательном предложении:
1 saw none of his students.
Я не видел никого из его студентов.
Заметьте, что после попе глагол-сказуемое может употребляться
как в единственном, так и во множественном числе:
1. None of them is the person we want.
Никто из них не является нужным для нас лицом.
2. None of them are at the lecture.
Никого из них нет на лекции.
Неопределенное местоимение every имеет значение каж дый ,
Every citizen in the USSR has the right to vote.
Каждый гражданин СССР имеет право голоса.
Местоимения, производные от some, any, по и every. Неоду­
шевленность выражается местоимениями, оканчивающимися на
-thing: something, anything, nothing и everything:
Give me something to read.
Дайте мне что-нибудь почитать.
Is there anything new?
Есть что-нибудь новое?
There is nothing in this box.
В этой коробке ничего нет.
Everything is clear.
Все ясно.
Одушевленность выражается местоимениями, оканчивающимися
на -body и -one: somebody (someone), anybody (anyone), nobody
(no one), everybody (everyone):

Somebody is knocking at the door.

Кто-то стучит в дверь.
Is anybody in the garden?
В саду есть кто-нибудь?
Nobody knows it.
Никто не знает этого.
Everybody is present at the lesson.
Все присутствуют на уроке.
Заметьте, что русское местоимение все большей частью пере­
водится на английский язык местоимением everybody. Со словом
everybody глагол-сказуемое согласуется в 3-ем лице ед. числа.
К производным от some. any. по и every относятся также наре­
som ew here (anywhere в вопросительных и от рицательных пред­
лож ениях) где-нибудь, куда-нибудь, где-то
anyw here (в ут вердит ельны х предлож ениях) где угодно, куда
угодно, везде
ev ery w h ere везде
now here нигде
I saw him somewhere.
Я его где-то видел.
You can go anywhere to-day.
Сегодня вы можете идти куда угодно.

Неопределенное местоимение o n e ( o n e s . ) Неопределенное ме­

стоимение one (ones) употребляется:
1) для выражения подлежащего в предложениях, соответству­
ющих русским неопределенно-личным предложениям:
One must study regularly to know English well.
Нужно регулярно заниматься, чтобы знать английский язык
2 ) во избежание повторения ранее упоминавшегося существи­
I haven’t got a pen. I must buy one (a pen).
У меня нет ручки. Я должен купить ручку.
This film is more interesting than the one we saw last week.
Этот фильм интересней, чем тот, который мы видели на прош­
лой неделе.
This box is heavy and that one is light.
Этот ящик тяжелый, а тот легкий.
This is a good pen, and that is a bad one.
Это хорошая ручка, а та — плохая
I have got a black pencil. Give me two red ones.
У меня есть черный карандаш. Дай мне два красных.
Упражнение 8. Заполните пропуски местоимениями s o m e , a n y , e v e r y ,
п о и их производными и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Can I have ... milk? Yes, you can have ... . 2. Will you have ...
tea? 3. Give me ... book to read. 4. P ut ... sugar in her tea. 5. Is ...
the m atter with you? 6 . We did not see ... in the hall. 7. ... was pres­
ent at the lesson. 8 . He is busy. He has ... time to go to the cinema
with us. 9. What book do you need? .. that you will find. 10. Have
you ... questions? 11. ... liked that play. 12. You will buy these
poem s... . 13. Is ... ready? We shall begin our experiment. 14. ...
went out of the diner. 15. ... of us wanted to stay at home. 16. Did
... of you see the film yesterday? 17. ... of the students work in the
reading-room in the morning.
Упражнение 9. Переведите следующие предложения.
1. Мой дядя хочет что-то мне сказать. 2. «У вас есть папиросы?»—
спросил он. «Да, есть (несколько)». 3. На другой день мой дядя
знал всех. 4. Если вы захотите что-нибудь поесть, идите в вагон-
ресторан. 5. Некоторые из игроков устали (got tired) и сели отдох­
нуть. 6 . Он может прийти в любую минуту. Будьте готовы. 7. Мы
слышали эту песню повсюду. 8 . Она дала мне чашку молока, но я
попросил у нее (ask for) воды. 9. Они знают, что никакое лекарство
(medicine) не поможет ему. 10. Кто-нибудь из вас знает его адрес?
11. Никто из них не поймет меня.
Возвратные местоимения

Лицо Ед. число Мн. число

1-е m y sell o u rselv es

2-е yoursell yo u rse lv es
h im self
3-е herself th em se lv es
its e lf

Неопреде­ onesel f
ная форма

Возвратные местоимения соответствуют в русском языке:
1 ) суффиксу -ся, придающему глаголу возвратное значение-
She hurt herself.
Она ушиблась.
Go and wash yourself, Mary.
Иди умойся, Мария.
2 ) возвратному местоимению себя, себе, собой:
Не bought himself a new coat.
Он купил себе новое пальто.
She spoke very little of herself.
Она очень мало говорила о себе.
3) местоимению сам., употребляющемуся для усиления суще­
ствительного или местоимения:
I saw it myself.
Я сам это видел.
You said it yourself.
Вы сами это сказали.
Словосочетание by oneself переводится на русский язык как
Не did it by himself.
Он сделал это самостоятельно.

Упражнение 10. Заполните пропуски соответствующими возвратными'

местоимениями и пере вели те предложения.

I. Не bought a ticket to the theatre ... . 2. She will do the work

... .3 . They built a new house ... . 4. Will you bring the th in g s... ?
f>. And then they left me to ... . 6 . She thinks too much of ... . 7. He
is kindness (доброта) ... . 8 . Did you study the English language ...?
9. She wrote that composition ... .


В английском языке есть наречия простые (well, already, often

и т. д.) и производные.
Производные наречия обычно образуются от прилагательных,
и некоторых существительных прибавлением к основе слова суф­
фикса - 1у:
day —daily
В большинстве случаев о значении наречия, образованного с
помощью суффикса - 1у, можно догадаться, зная значение суще­
ствительного, от которого это наречие образовано:
part часть — partly частично
warm теплый — warmly тепло
Но иногда догадаться о значении наречия невозможно:
near близкий —nearly почти
hard трудный, жесткий —hardly едва
shorl короткий —shortly недавно
scarce скудный —scarcely еле-еле, едва
Некоторые наречия совпадают с прилагательными по форме:
hard а тяжелый, усердный —a d v тяжело, усердно
high а высокий — adv высоко
low а низкий —a d v низко

Место наречий времени в предложении

1. Наречия определенного времени today сегодня, tonight
сегодня вечером, yesterday вчера и др., обычно ставятся в конце
или начале предложения:
Today I have much work to do.
I have much work to do today.

2. Наречия неопределенного времени already уж е, usually

обычно, ever когда-нибудь , never никогда, often часто, seldom
редко, always всегда обычно ставятся в предложении перед гла­
гольным сказуемым, но после вспомогательных, модальных гла­
голов и глагола to be в личной форме.
Не often goes to the cinema.
He could never do it.
He is always busy.

Упражнение И . Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных

и переведите их:

beautiful, bright, great, new. loud, quiet, ready, quick

Упражнение 12. Поставьте наречия в соответствующем месте.
1. My uncle gets up early (always). 2. He comes to visit me (of­
ten). 3. 1 am ill (seldom). 4. They have six lessons a day (usually).
5. She is al home (already). 6 . He is late (never). 7. You know your
lesson (today). 8 . We shall leave for Minsk (tonight).

li английском языке инфинитив имеет формы времени и залога.

Одна из них — Indefinite Infinitive Active соответствует неопре­
деленной форме глагола в русском языке. Например: ходить to go
('истица to — признак инфинитива). От этого инфинитива обра-
муются все времена группы Indefinite.

Упражнение 13. Переведите следующие глаголы:

читать, писать, говорить, ходить, знать, играть, смотреть, ви­

деть, давать, думать, слышать, приходить, брать, делать, бегать,



Форма повелительного наклонения, как и инфинитив (без ча­

стицы to), совпадает с основой глагола. Глагол в повелительном
наклонении стоит в начале предложения, например:

Read this text.

Прочтите этот текст.

Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения образуется

при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do и отрицания not перед
смысловым глаголом, например:

Do not (don’t) read this text.

He читай(те) этот текст.

Упражнение 14. Образуйте повелительное наклонение в утвердительной

и отрицательной форме от глаголов, данных в скобках, и переведите

I. ... him about the dangers ot travel (to tell). 2 . ... and put your
bag on the desk (to sit down). 3. ... him for his ticket (to ask). 4. ...
him a cigarette (to offer). 5. ... here (to smoke). 6 . ... this work
(to do). 7 ... them (to join). 8 . ... her lor help (to ask). 9. ... to bed
early (to go). 1 0 . ... the money into your pocket (to put). 1 1 . ... this
song (to sing). 1 2 . ... him again (to visit).

The Present Indefinite Tense

Спряжение глаголов в Present Indefinite

Утвердительная Вопросительная Отрицательная

форма форма** форма**

1 work (go) there. Do I work (go; there.J 1 do not work (go)

You work (go) there Do you work (go) there? there.
You do not work (go)
He 1 works* (goesi he 1 He i
She ) there. 1 does not work
D“ * , J » go’ She I {Z °r ,here'
It works (goes) well Does it work (go) well? Г does not work (got
We ) we ] We )
You [ work (go) there Do you I work (go)there? You do not work (go)
They ) th ey 1 They) ,here

Present Indefinite имеет наиболее широкое значение и упот­

ребляется: I) для констатации факта; 2 ) для выражения обычного,
повторяющегося действия; 3) для выражения действия, свойствен­
ного лицу или предмету, выраженному подлежащим.
С формой Present Indefinite часто употребляются наречия не­
определенного времени often, seldom, always, usually идр., а также
словосочетания: every day. morning, evening, week идр.
1. He lives in Moscow.
Он живет в Москве, (констатация факта)
2. 1 go to the University every day.
Я хожу в университет каждый день, (повторяющееся дей­
3. Do you read English books?
Вы читаете английские книги? (действие, свойственное лицу,
выраженному подлежащим)

The Past Indefinite Tense

Английские глаголы делятся на два типа: правильные и непра­
вильные (или стандартные и нестандартные). Правильные глаголы |

* Глагол в 3-ем лице ед числа всегда имеет окончание (e)s.

** Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются при помощи вспо­
могательного глагола do в настоящем времени и смыслового глагола в форме
инфинитива без частицы to.

образуют форму Past Indefinite при помощи суффикса -ed, непра­
вильные — в основном посредством чередования звуков в корне..
live—lived (правильный глагол)
SCC — S3W |
go —went) (неправильные глаголы)

Суффикс -ed произносится по-разному в зависимости от фоне­

тических условий:
Id] после звонкого согласного (кроме d) и гласной: played»
IpleidJ, sobbed Isobd]
[t] после глухого согласного, asked |a:skt J
[id] после t и d: wanted I'w antid]
В глаголах, оканчивающихся на у с предшествующей согласной,,
при образовании формы Past Indefinite у переходит в i:
Если букве у предшествует гласная, то она сохраняется:


Спряжение глаголов в Pasl InclMinite

Утвердительная Вопросительная Отрицательная

форма форма форма

1 worked (w ent) there. 1 | 1

you I work (go) You did no! work (go)
X °u ) worked (went) He there
Did he I there?
She) she J She
It worked (went) well. Did it work (go) well? II did nol work (go)
wel 1.

v,?„ 1 worked (went) vv!,к I no1 work

They) "*»■ They) < g°> there

Past Indefinite выражает факт прошлого. В основном оно упот­

ребляется в двух случаях:
1) в повествовании, в рассказе о том, что было, для сообщения
отдельных фактов или при перечислении ряда последовательно-
совершавшихся действий:
It happened five years ago.
Это случилось пять лет тому назад.
Не entered the room and switched on the light.
Он вошел в комнату и зажег свет.
2) в устной речи для выражения действия, имевшего место до
момента речи (если только не требуется выразить связь этого дей­
ствия с моментом речи):
Не was there when I left.
Он был там, когда я ушел.
С формой Past Indefinite часто употребляются следующие слова
и словосочетания: yesterday вчера, the day before yesterday поза­
вчера, last week на прошлой неделе, last month в прошлом месяце,
last year в прошлом году , last night вчера вечером, two days
(months, years) ago два дня (месяца, года) тому назад, in 1930
в 1930 году и т. д.
I met him last year.
Я встретился с ним в прошлом году.
Last night he wasn’t (was not) in.
Его не было дома вчера вечером.

The Future Indefinite Tense

Future Indefinite образуется при помощи вспомогательных
глаголов shall для 1 -го лица ед. и мн. числа и w ill для 2 -го и 3-го
лиц и инфинитива основного глагола без частицы to.
Спряжение глаголов в F uture Indefinite

Утвердительная Вопросительная Отрицательная

форма форма форма

I shall work (go) there. Shal 1 I work (go) there? I shall not work (go)
h “UI
work (go)
" “ElTtjr He
w ill not work
(go) there.

It will work (go) w ell. Will it work (go) well? It w ill not work (go)
We shall work (go) Shall we work (go) We shall not work (go)
there. there? there.
You \ will work (go) Will Уои f work
They j there. W l" th ey j there? They / (go) there.

Future Indefinite употребляется для выражения действия,

которое совершится или будет совершаться в будущем.
Future Indefinite переводится на русский язык будущим вре­
менем глагола как совершенного, так и несовершенного вида.
1 shall go to the cinema.
Я пойду в кино (или Я буду ходить в кино).
She will study English.
Она будет изучать английский язык.
С будущим временем часто употребляются следующие обстоя­
тельства времени: tomorrow завт ра, the day after tomorrow после­
за вт р а , in two days через два дня, in a week (month, year) через
неделю (месяц, год), next week (month, year) на следующей неделе
(в следующем месяце, году), soon скоро.
Не will come to Leningrad next week.
На будущей неделе он приедет в Ленинград.
Next year we shall study French.
В будущем году мы будем изучать французский язык.
Сокращенные формы, употребляемые в разговорной речи.
do not—don’t Idount]
does not—doesn’t I'dAzntJ
did not — didn’t ['d id n tl
shall not — shan’t [Ja :n t]
will not — won’t Iwount I
is not — isn’t [izntj
are not — aren’t |a :n t I
was not — w asn’t Iwoznt 1
were n o t — w eren’t [wa:nt I
has not — hasn’t 1'hacznt I
have not — haven’* I'haevnt]

Упражнение 15. Образуйте инфинитив от следующих глаголов и пере­

ведите их (где необходимо, смотри нестандартные глаголы, стр. 360).

travelled, got, paid, tells, chose, sat. will look, began, shall
move, came, asks, offered, will smoke, ran, became, did, ate, does,
spoke, will pretend, continued, passes, found, puts, kept, invited,
slept, shall go, abandoned, knew, sang, visits, followed, saw. said,
answers, pleased

Упражнение 16. Зап олни те пропуски соответствующей формой глагола

и переведите предложения.

1. Не .. fnuch (to read). 2. She ... to Moscow last year (to come).
3. I ... to him tomorrow (to speak). 4. They ... English well (to know).
5. Yesterday he ... much (to work). 6 . Next year we ... to the Crimea
(to go). 7. 1 ... to go the cinema (not to want). 8 . He ... me many
questions at the lesson yesterday (to ask). 9. He ... this book horn
the library tomorrow (to take) 10. The train ... in time (not to come).
11. The lesson ... in 10 minutes (to begin). 12. We ...basket-ball in
■summer (to play). 13. I ... this place many years ago (to visit). 14. She
... her music lessons next week (to begin).

Упражнение 17. Откройте скобки, поставьте глагол в отрицательную

форму и переведите предложения.

1. Не (to show) us his report yesterday. 2. They (to go) to the

country tomorrow. 3. She usually (to live) in Kiev. 4. We (to see) the
film last week. 5. 1 often (to visit) my friends. 6 . The boy (to like)
to drink hot tea. 7. These girls (to play) tennis well. 8 . Her brother
(to play) the piano. 9. Next month we (to finish) our work. 10. She
(to travel) much two years ago.
Упражнение 18. Заполните пропуски одним из сокращений ( w o n 't,
• d id n 't, d o n 't , d o e s n 't s h a n 't ) и переведите предложения.

1. They ... go to visit her tonight. 2. They ...take a bus when

they go to the University. 3. We ... stay here any longer. 4. She ...
drink milk. 5. I ... skate last year. 6 . You ... play chess two years
ago. but now you play chess quite well. 7. She ... speak French, she
speaks English. 8 . He ... see me next week.

У праж нение 19. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную форму,

выбрав в скобках подходящий вспомогательный глагол, н переведите их.

1. She likes to walk in the park in the evening (does, will, did).
2. He made many mistakes in his homework (does, did, will). 3. I
came home late (shall, do, did). 4. You will offer him a cigarette
(do, will, did). 5. They know many Russian songs (does, do, did).
>6 . He spoke to her yesterday (do. did, does). 7. She plays tennis well
(do, does. did). 8 We shall prepare breakfast in ten minutes (will,
Упражнение 20. Образуйте Past In defin ite от следующих глаголов,
проверьте себя по таблице в конце учебника и выучите обе формы

to get, to pay, to tell, to choose, to sit, to begin, to come, to do,

to run, to become, to go, to eat, to speak, to find, to take, to put,
to keep, to sleep, to know, to sing
Упражнение 21. Дайте краткие и полные ответы на вопросы по образцу.

" D id he buy books in th a t shop?"

“ Yes he d id . He bought books in th a t shop."
1. Does she smoke? 2. Will your sister pay him a visit? 3. Do
you know my sister? 4. Does he like to travel? 5. Will they join
our game? 6 . Did her mother work at this factory? 7. Will he go to
the club with us?
2 8
Упражнение 22. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу наре­
чиями и обстоятельственными словосочетаниями, данными в скобках, и •
переведите предложения.
1. ... uncle Garro paid him a visit (tomorrow, yesterday). 2. They
will have a pleasant journey ... (last summer, next summer). 3. He
visited this place ... (a year ago, in a year). 4. The train will start
... (in a minute, two minutes ago). 5. ... he went to bed very late
(last night, tomorrow night). 6 . I began to smoke ... (the day before
yesterday, last year, tomorrow). 7. I heard this song ... (now, the
other day). 8 . He went to the dining-room to have a cup of tea ...
<a minute ago, in a minute).



В придаточных предложениях условия и времени с союзами

if если\ unless если не\ when когда ; before до того как\ after после
т ого как ; as soon as как только ; till пока; u ntil до тех пор пока
не будущее время заменяется формой настоящего времени, но на
русский переводится будущим, например:
Когда он придет сюда, мы расскажем ему об этом.
When he comes here, we shall tell him about it.
Если он поможет мне, я сделаю работу вовремя.
If he helps me I shall do the work in time.

Упражнение 23. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в Present или

F u tu r e In d e fin ite Tense.

1. Не (to answer) you if he (to get) your letter. 2. They (not ю

come) to the lecture unless you (to tell) them about it. 3. She (to
come) to see us as soon as she (to finish) her work. 4. I (to go) to the
theatre when I (to buy) a ticket. 5. You (to take) the book when we
(to read) it. 6 . I (to speak) to him when I (to see) him. 7. The children
(to tall asleep) when we (to return) home. 8 . If I (to see) her I (to tell)
her about it. 9. When you (to read) the text (to write down) all the
new words. 10. If I (to have) time I (to go) to the theatre.

Упражнение 24. Заполните пропуски союзами i f , u n le s s , a s soon as,

w h e n , a f t e r , b e f o r e , t i l l , u n t i l и переведите пренложения.

1. ... you come to AAoscow, ring me up. 2. He will join the game ...
he finishes his work. 3. ... you take a taxi, you will be late for
the train. 4. ... you go to Leningrad please, visit us again. 5. ... he
goes to bed at night give him a cup of hot milk. 6 . We shall not
speak to you ... you apologize. 7. They will run ... you stop them.
Упражнение 25. Закончите предложения, пользуясь следующим об-

/ shall go tor a w alk if (when) you in v ite me.

если вы поможете нам.
до того как он придет,
We shall finish когда у нас будет весь материал
our work (material).
после того как поговорим с учителем.

если он не придет на урок,

как только приеду в город,
I shall ring him up когда получу письмо,
после того как напишу доклад
(my report).

когда получат ваше приглашение

They will pay you если у них будет свободное время
a visit (spare time),
как только сдадут все экзамены
(to pass examination),
до того как отправятся путешествовать.



Present Indefinite Past Indefinite F utu re Indefinite

1 am , have 1 was, had 1 shall be, have

You are, have You were, had
He I He | You |
She > is, has She ) was, had He 1
It 1 It J She f wi 11 be, have
» 1
We | We | We shall be, have
You V are, have You I were, had
They J They) They } wil1 be' have

При образовании вопросительных и отрицательных предло­

жений с глаголами to be и to have вспомогательный глагол to do
не употребляется. Вопросительные предложения с глаголами to be
и to have образуются путем инверсии: сказуемое или часть его
ставится перед подлежащим:
Is he at home? Was he at home yesterday?
Is he a doctor? Was he a doctor?
Have you an English book? Had you an English book?
Отрицательные предложения с глаголом to be образуются при
помощи отрицательной частицы not которая ставится после гла­
Не will not (won’t) be at home tomorrow.
He is not (isn’t) at home now.
He was not (wasn’t) at home yesterday.
Отрицательные предложения с глаголом to have образуются
двумя способами:
1 ) с помощью отрицательного местоимения по, являющегося
определением существительного, причем артикль перед существи­
тельным опускается:
Не has no book (books).
2) с помощью отрицания not, относящегося к сказуемому. Та­
кая отрицательная форма глагола to have чаще всего употребляется:
а) в кратких ответах на общие вопросы:
Have you a sister?
У вас есть сестра?
No. I have not (haven't).
б) когда существительное имеет при себе определение, выра­
женное неопределенным местоимением any, many, much, enough
или числительным:
I have not many (any, two) English books.
Предложение с глаголом to have в значении иметь может быть
переведено иа русский язык двумя способами:
1Т , , , I У него много книг.
Не has many books. { q h имеет много книг.

В разговорной речи в настоящем времени в значении имет ь

часто употребляете* словосочетание have got:
I have got a fountain pen.
У меня есть авторучка.

Упражнение 26. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Он в Комнате. 2. У нее хорошая комната? 3. Есть у него брат?

4. Она доктор. 5. У меня есть интересная книга, б. У них много
времени для этого. 7. Кто здесь?—Мы здесь. 8 . У нас мало времени.
9. Мы были на уроке 10. У нас было шесть уроков. 11. Сал находит­
ся перед домом. 12. У них есть сад перед домом. 13. У нас будет
завтра собрание? 14. Вы будете завтра на собрании?

Упражнение 27. Дайте краткие ответы на следующие вопросы.

1. Have you an uncle?

2. Are you well?
3. Is this a village?
4. Had he many Russian newspapers?
5. Are these pencils red?
6. Were you present at the meeting?
7. Was she tired yesterday?
8. Has she children?

Упражнение 28. Заполните пропуски отрицаниями n o t или п о и пере­

ведите предложения.

1. I have ... time. 2. They had ... any plan. 3. He had ... French
books. 4. We had ... ink. 5. She h a s ... English text. 6 . He had ... many
interesting magazines (журнал). 7. I have ... two red pencils, I have
a green one. 8 . She has ... lessons today. 9. They have ... tea in their
cups. 10. He has ... any chalk.


Конструкция с вводящим there утверждает наличие (или от­

сутствие) какого-либо предмета (или предметов) в определенных '
условиях (в данном месте, в данное время, в определенных обстоя­
There is a book on the table.
На столе лежит (есть, находится) книга.
Как видно из примеров, подлежащее всегда следует за глаголом-
сказуемым. В большинстве случаев существительное в конструк­
ции с вводящим there употребляется с неопределенным артиклем
или без артикля.
Русские предложения, соответствующие английской конструк­
ции с вводящим there, обычно начинаются с обстоятельства места.
Обстоятельство места, выраженное существительным с предлогом,
обычно употребляется с определенным артиклем.
There is a picture on the w a ll.
Н а стене висит (есть, находится) картина.
There is some ink in the in k-pot.
В чернильнице есть чернила.

There are students in the room .

В комнате студенты.
Отрицательные предложения образуются при помощи отрица­
тельного местоимения по, которое ставится перед подлежащим,
или отрицательной частицы not, которая употребляется в том слу­
чае, когда перед подлежащим стоит числительное или слова, обо­
значающие количество: many, much, enough и др.
There is no picture on the wall.
There are not many (two, enough) books on the table.
" Is there a picture on the wall?” “ No, there is n o t.”

Настоящее время Прошедшее время Будущее время

T h ere is a book on the T h ere was a book on T here will be a book on

(able the table the table.
T h ere a r e books on the T here were books on There will be books on j
table. the table. the table.
There is some milk in T here was some milk There will be some
the cup. in the cup. milk in the cup.
Is there a book on the Was there a book on Will th e r e be a book 1
table? th e table? on the table?
Are th e r e books on the W ere there books on Will th ere be books on
table? the table? the table?
Is th e r e any milk in Was there any milk in Will th e r e be any milk
the cup? the cup? in the cup?
There is (not a) no There was no book on There will be no book
book on the table. th e table. on the table.
There a r e no books on There were no books T here will be no books
the table. on the table. on the table.
There is no milk in T h e re was no milk in T here will be no milk
the cup. the cup. in the cup.

Упражнение 29. Переведите следующие предложения по данным об­

разцам, п ользуясь англо-русским и русско-английским словарями.

1. There is a picture on the wall.

На стене (висит, есть) картина.
1. There were many people in the dining-room. 2. There will
be a skating-rink in our town. 3. There were m any villages near our
city. 4. Is there any library in your village? 5. There was a garden
in front of her house. 6 . There* are some books on the bookshelf.
7. There are no chairs in the hall. 8 . There is nobody in the room.
2. There are m any new houses in the street.
На улице много новых домов.
1 . У нее в кармане нет денег. 2. На кровати было две подушки.
3. В этой книге много красивых картинок. 4. В трамвае нет мест.
5. Когда вы откроете окно, в комнате будет много свежего воздуха.
6 . В парке будет много цветов. 7. На столе стояли чашки с моло­
ком. 8 . В этой комнате кто-нибудь есть? — Нет, там никого нет.
2 — 1312 33
Упражнение 30. Переведите предложения с вводящим th e r e is (a re )
там, где это необходимо.

1. В комнате есть дети. Дети в комнате."2. На митинге будут

рабочие. Рабочие будут на митинге. 3. В городе было много турис­
тов. Туристы были в городе. 4. В этой коробке папиросы. Папиросы
лежат в этой коробке. 5. В классе много студентов. Студенты на­
ходятся в классе. 6 . В комнате (стоит) письменный стол. Письмен­
ный стол в комнате. 7. В поезде есть свободные места. Свободные
места здесь.


1. Если вопрос ставится к группе подлежащего (подлежащему

и определяющим его словам), то порядок слов остается такой же.
как и в утвердительном предложении, например:

Her son goes to school every day. (Her son — группа подлежа-
. щего)
1. Who goes to school every day?
2. Whose son goes to school every day?

2. Если вопрос ставится к группе сказуемого (сказуемое, допол­

нение и определяющие его слова, обстоятельство), то порядок слов
будет следующий: вопросительное слово, вспомогательный гла­
гол, подлежащее, смысловой глагол в неопределенной форме,
дополнение и т. д., например:
Не goes to school every day. (goes to school every day — группа
1. Where does he go every day?
2. When does he go to school?

Упражнение 31. Постаяьте вопросы к выделенным членам предложения.

1 . T h is stu den t translates well, (who? how?)

2. M y mother works a t a factory, (whose? where?)
3. He went to K ie v yesterday, (where? when?)
4. She is the best student of our group because she works hard.
5. They will buy th ese books tom orrow , (what? when?)
6. 1 like to read newspapers, (what?)
7. We saw th is film a month ago. (what? when?)
8. He gave me tw o interesting books, (whom? howmany? what?)

В сложноподчиненных предложениях с придаточными допол­

нительными и определительными очень часто имеется бессоюзное
подчинение, например:
1. “ I see (that) you a re all rig h t,” he said.
2. Where are the books (that, which) you bought lor my brother?
3. The man (that, whom) you saw in front of the school building is
one of our teachers.
В тех случаях, когда союз (или союзное слово) не просто сое­
диняет два предложения, а является членом придаточного предло­
жения, он не опускается:
I spoke to a man, who is going to help us. (who — подлежащее
придаточного предложения)
She gave me a book in which there was some interesting mate­
rial. (in which — обстоятельство места придаточного предложения)
Упражнение 32. Перепишите предложения, опустив союзы, и переве­
дите их.

1 . Не will tell us about the journey which he made a month ago.

2. 1 see that you know everybody here. 3. Where are the young men
whom I saw in the diner? 4. The man that you see there is my uncle.
5. The cigarettes which he bought yesterday are on the table.


1. Альтернативный вопрос (Alternative Question) представляет

собой два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом ог:
“ Is he a student or a worker?” “ Не is a worker.”
Он студент или рабочий? — Он рабочий.
Следует запомнить, что вторая часть альтернативного вопроса
— вопрос общего типа, требующий употребления вспомогатель­
ного глагола.
“ Will you have a cup of tea or do you prefer coffee?” “ I ’ll
have a cup of te a .”
Вы хотите чашку чая или вы предпочитаете кофе? — Я хочу
чашку чая.
2. Разделительный вопрос (Disjunctive Question) состоит из
двух частей: повествовательного предложения и краткого общего
вопроса. Разделительный вопрос требует краткого ответа.
Если повествовательное предложение является утвердительным,
то вопрос обычно представляет собой отрицательно-вопроситель­
ный оборот, например:
You are a student, aren’t you?
Вы студент, не так ли?
Если повествовательное предложение является отрицательным,
то вопрос обычно представляет собой утвердительно-вопроситель­
ный оборот, например:
You are not a student, are you?
Вы не студент, не правда ли?
Вторая часть разделительного вопроса соответствует русскому
вопросительному обороту «не правда ли, не так ли», подтверждаю­
щему мысль основного предложения или подвергающему ее сом­
Обратите внимание на употребление английских yes и по и
сравните с русским утверждением или отрицанием:
You are a student, Yes, I ain. No, I’m not.
aren.t you?
Вы студент, не так —Да. (Да, я студент.) Нет. (Нет, я не сту-
ли? деит.)
You are not a stu- No, I am not. Yes, I am.
dent, are you?
Вы не студент, не — Да. (Не студент.) Нет, я студент,
так ли?
\ Ч ч \ J J \
Упражнение 33. Ответьте на вопросы,, пользуясь данными образцами;

1. “Do you lik e lea or coffee?” “ / lik e coffee."

1. Do you want to travel by bus or by train?
2. Do wTe take breakfast at home or in the dining-room?
3. Do you know English or German?
4. Is it possible or impossible to bathe in winter?
5. Do they work already'or do they still go to school?
2 . " Does he read qu ickly or slow ly ?” “ He reads slowly."
1. Does she play tennis or volley-ball?
2. Does he get up early or late in the morning?
3. Does it (машина) work well or badly?
4. Does he like to go to the cinema or to the theatre?
5. Does she sing or does she play the piano?
3. “ W ill you go home by bus or by tram?" “ / shall go home by tram."
1. Will lie go to see his friend or ring him up?
2. Shall we dai\ce or sing songs?
3. Will you travel in the Crimea or in the Caucasus?
4. Will she study English or French?
5. Will she go to the club together with us or will she stay here?
4. " D id you m eet him in the park or a t the sta d iu m ?” “ / m et
him at the sta d iu m ."
1. Did he translate this or that article?
2. Did they work at home or in the library?
3. Did she go to the river or to the forest?
4. Did you speak to her mother or father?
5. Did you take your things or did you leave them at home?
Упражнение 34. Поставьте вопросы по данным образцам и ответ ь т е
на них.
1. "Не had an uncle, h a d n 't he?" "Yes, he h ad.”
1. They met in the train. 2. She knows many songs. 3. They will
travel in summer. 4. They have many friends here. 5. You are glad
to see us. 6 . He visited them yesterday.
2. “ They do not J ik e fo o tb a ll, do they?" "No, they don't." “ Y es,
they do." ■ м. ' - '■ v I4 | Л 1 ,A
1. She does not speak English well. 2. He}- brother was not ill.
3. His friends did not meet him. 4. They will not read her letters.
5. Your work is not ready. 6 . Their journey was not dangerous.

Текст \ x j \ •.


after W. Saroyan

One day my uncle Melik travelled from Fresno to New York. Be­
fore, he got aboard the train his uncle Garro paid him a visit and
told him about the dangers of travel.
"W hen you get on the tra in ,” the old man said, "choose your
seat carefully, sit down and do not look about. Several moments
after the train begins to move two men in uniforms will come down
the aisle and ask you for your ticket. Ignore them. They will be im­
postors. Then a young man will come to you and offer you a cigarette.
Tell him you don’t smoke. The cigarette will be doped1” .
"O n your way to the diner a very beautiful young woman will
run into you on purpose and almost embrace you. She will be extreme­
ly apologetic and attractive, and your natural wish will be to become
friends with her. D on’t do this, go into the diner and eat. If she
speaks, pretend to be deaf. That* is the only way out- of the whole
“ On your way back to your s e a t,” the old man continued, "you
will pass through the smoker. There you will find a game of cards
in progress. One of the players will invite you to join the game. Tell
them, " I don’t speak English.”
"T hank you very m uch,” my uncle said.
“ One thing m ore,” the old man went on, “ when you go to bed
at night, take your money out of your pocket and put it in your shoe.
Put your shoe under the pillow, keep your head on the pillow all
night and don't sleep. That is a ll.”
The old man went away and on the next day my uncle Л\е 1iк got
aboard the train and went to New York. The two young men were not
impostors, the young man with the doped cigarette did not appear,
the beautiful young woman did not sit at his table in the diner and
there was no card game in progress in the smoker. My uncle put his
money in the shoe and put his shoe under the pillow and put his head
on the pillow and did not sleep all night, but the second night he de­
cided not to follow his uncle’s advice.
On the second day he himself offered another young man a ciga­
rette. In the diner my uncle went to sit at a table with a young lady
and long before the train got to New York my uncle knew everybody
and everybody knew him. When the train was near Ohio, my uncle,
the young man and two young ladies sang American songs together.
The journey was a very pleasant one. When my uncle Melik came back
from New York, his uncle Garro visited him again.
“ I see you are all rig h t.” he said. “ Did you follow my instruc­
tions?” “ Yes, s ir,” my uncle answered. “ I am pleased.” the old
man said, “ that someone has profited by my experience3” .


1 . will be doped — будет отравлена

2 . the only way out — единственный выход (из положения)
3. someone has profited by my experience — кому-то пригодился
мой опыт
Слова и словосочетания, рекомендуемые
для запоминания
on p urpo se умышленно, нарочно ru n into случайно встретить, наско­
em b ra ce v обнимать, охватывать чить
one d a y однажды e x tr e m e l y adv очень; чрезвычайно
get v доставать, получать; добраться a p o lo g etic а извиняющийся
g e t aboard (the tr a i n , ship) сесть на a t t r a c t i v e а привлекательный
(поезд, корабль) n a tu r a l а естественный
g et on the tr a in сесть на поезд w ish я желание
visit v посещать become frien ds with smb. подружиться
pay smb. a visit нанести визит с кем-л.
d a n g e r n опасность deaf а глухой
look about оглядываться по сторонам th e only единственный
several pron несколько
• be in p r o g r e s s происходить, идти
move v двигаться
полным ходом
come (go) down идти вдоль, по
to ask smb. for sm th. попросить in v ite v приглашать
кого-л. о чем-л. go on продолжать
ignore v игнорировать, не обращать ■go to bed ложиться спать
внимания a t night ночью

ap p e a r v появляться n s t r u c t i o n n (обычно pi) указания,
long before задолго до наставления
j o u r n e y n путешествие please v делать приятное; lo be
to be all right Сыть в порядке pleased быть довольным
som eone ргоп кто-то
profit v получать выгоду, извлекать
e x p e rie n c e я опыт

И мена собственные
и географ и ческие названия
Melik f'melik] Мелик
Garro ['qaerou] Гэроу
New York f ' n j u : ' j o : k ] Нью-Йорк
F resno f'fresnou] Фресно
Ohio fou'haiou] Огайо

Упражнение 35. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов,

п ользуясь таблицей важнейших суффиксов в конце учебника, и перевепите
teach, think, read, write, instruct, move, construct, build, con­
tain. skate, swim. joke, paint

Упражнение 36. Определите значение слов с суффиксом -io n по корне­

вому слову. Переведите предложения на русский язык
1 . Не read about exploitation in capitalist countries. 2. Show
me your translation. 3. We have a rare (редкую) collection ot stamps.
4. They will follow my instructions. 5. They spoke about education
in the country.

Упражнение 37. Переведите со словарем следующие словосочетания:

beautiful picture, careful old man, fruitful work, restless day.

careless person, truthful child, faithful friend, fruitless efforts

Упражнение 38. Переведите следующие слова:

Mexican, librarian Russian, Indian. Mongolian, republican.

German. Asian

Упражнение 39. Переведите следующие гнезда слов. Обратите внимание

на словообразующие суффиксы и префиксы. Заполните пропуски одним из
данных слов

I. care п —caretul а — carefully a d v — careless а — carelessly adv

1. Do your work with more ... . 2. Be more ... . 3. If he is ... he

will make many mistakes. 4. Carry the glasses ... . 5. Don’t do
your work ... .
2 . danger n — dangerous a — dangerously a dv
I. It was a ... journey. 2. His life is in ... . 3. He is ... ill.
3. experience n — experienced a
1 . He is an ... teacher. 3. Only people with ... understand how
difficult it is to be a good doctor.
4. ignore v — ignorance n — ignorant a
1 . She ... his remarks. 2. He was quite ... ; he did not like to
read books. 3. If he made so many mistakes it was through his ... .
5. nature n — natural a — naturally a dv
1 . They studied ... history. 2. She liked ... and often spent her
vacation in the country. 3. The actors played quite ... .
6 . continue v — continuation n — continuous a
1. He intends ... his studies at school for two more years. 2. ...
rain troubled me. 3. Turn to page 27 for the ... of this text.
7. invite v — invitation n
1 . ... her to go to the theatre with us. 2. He will send us his ...
to his birthday party.
8 . please v — pleasure n — pleasant a
1 . His singing gave us much ... . 2. It isdifficult ... everybody.
3. We like to listen to his ... voice.

Упражнение 40. Найдите в правой колонке русский эквивалент, соот­

ветствующий английским словосочетаниям левой колонки.

1 . attractive face глухой мальчик

2 . natural voice следующий год
3. beautiful flowers приятный день
4. pleasant afternoon естественный голос
5. deaf boy привлекательное лицо
6. young woman красивые цветы
7. next year молодая женщина

Упражнение 41. Переведите данные словосочетания:

1. Я навещу его; 2 . садиться в поезд; 3. выбери место; 4 . он

(поезд) начинает двигаться; 5. мой дядя путешествовал; 6 . не
обращай на них внимания; 7. предложить папиросу; 8 . я подружил­
ся с ним; 9. они притворились; 10. она проходила через; 11. я
приглашу вас; 12. он присоединился к ним; 13. она ложится спать;
14. они следовали указаниям.
Упражнение 42. Заполните пропуски одним из слов, данных в скобках,
и переведите предложения.

1. When my uncle was young he liked ... (travel, to travel).

2. ... was slow and dangerous in old days (travel, to travel). 3. He had
no ... to go to the country with us (wish, to wish). 4. Do you ... to
go by train? (wish, to wish). 5. We decided ... our old uncle on Sun­
day (a visit, to visit). 6 . Will it be much ... to do this? (trouble,
to trouble). 7. Don’t ... to meet me at the station (trouble, to trou­
ble). 8 . We saw a cloud of ... in the distance (smoke, to smoke). 9. Aft­
er dinner the old man usually ... one cigarette (smoke, to smoke).
10. Children always ... in the afternoon (sleep, to sleep). II. The child
talks in his ... (sleep, to sleep). 12. His experience will bring ... to
us (profit, to profit). 13. They will ... by his experience (profit, to
profit). 14. He usually ... me his help (offer, to offer). 15. I don’t
want to accept his ... (offer, to offer).

Упражнение 43. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая

внимание на выделенные слова.
1 . She hasn’t enough experience to look after little children. 2. Was
it natural for him to say he skated when he didn’t? 3. The conductor
asked the passengers to g e t aboard. 4. How long did your journey
last? 5. I ran into an old friend of mine at the theatre. 6 . She is not
beautiful, but she is very a ttra c tiv e . 7. He is an extremely strange
person, I should say (я бы сказал). 8 . I wonder if he did it on pur­
pose.- 9. He offered me a lot of books and said I could choose any of
Упражнение 44. Переведите слова и словосочетания, стоящие в скобках,
пользуясь словами к тексту на стр. 38.
1. When we got on the train a man in a blue uniform (попросил)
us for the tickets. 2. “ Everything (в порядке),” he said. 3. (Задолго
до того как) the train came to town we (стали друзьями) with him.
4. His sister often (ложится спать) very late because she likes to
work in quiet (в тишине). 5. My brother often works (ночью). 6 . She
is (единственная) daughter in the family. 7. The work isstill (продол­
жается) but we shall soon finish it. 8 . They did it (нарочно). 9. I
(случайно встретил) him in the street. 10. The students (прошли no)
the corridor to the lecture hall. 11. The young woman sat down and
(посмотрела вокруг). 12. They wanted (сесть на поезд) to go to Mos­
cow. 13. (Однажды) my uncle decided to travel.

Упражнение 45. Вставьте слова и словосочетания из текста вместо слов

и словосочетаний, выделенных курсивом.

1. I told her how to do it but she p a id no a tten tion to my instruc­

tions. 2. When I arrive in Kiev. I shall g o to see my old friend. 3. I
am sure that your desire is to m ake friends with hei. 4 . Last Sunday
m y jrie n d s asked m e to com e to dinner. 5. “ It’s v e ry important for
me," he continued. 6 . A few moments after the train sta rts two men
in uniforms will come and ask you for your ticket. 7. At the station
I a ccid en ta lly (случайно) m et my fellow-worker. 8 . “ It was a very
pleasant trip," he said.

Упражнение 46. Раскройте скобки, переведите заключенные в них гла­


1. His uncle (любил) to travel. 2. Не (не знал) anything about

the dangers of travel. 3. You (навестили) your uncle yesterday?
4. His natural wish is (подружиться) with her. 5. If you (курите)
your seat (будет) in the smoker. 6 . If you (притворитесь) to be deaf
she (не будет разговаривать) with you. 7. When she (приедет) to
that town she (найдет) many travellers there. 8 . He always (пригла­
шает) us to join the game. 9. When he (ложится спать) he (кладет)
his watch under the pillow. 10. She (не знает) anybody in this city.
11. He often (ездит) to visit his parents. 12. She (не будет петь),
with us. 13. He (не последовал) our instructions. 14. The train (на­
чал) to move. 15. You (пригласили) her yesterday? 16. It is natural
that they (хотят) to become friends with you. 17. You (ответите)
my questions?

Упражнение 47. Поставьте к тексту вопросы

1) с вопросительным словом w h o ? (кто)?, например:

Who travelled from Fresno to New York?

2) с вопросительным словом w h e r e ? (где?, куда?), например:
Where did he go one day?
3) с вопросительным словом w h a t? (что?), например:
What did he tell him?
4) с вопросительным словом w h o m ? (ко го?, кому?), например:
Whom will you see in the smoker?
5) с вопросительным словом w h e n ? (когда?), например:
When did he sing American songs?
6) с вопросительным словом w h a t? (какой?), например:
What woman did he meet?
7) с вопросительным словом w h y ? (почему?), например:
Why did the uncle visit him?
Упражнение 48. Н апишите краткие и полные ответы на следующие во­

1. Did uncle Garro pay him a visit one day? 2. Did he tell him
about the dangers of travel? 3. Will two men in uniforms ask him
lor his ticket? 4. Will a young man offer him a cigarette? 5. Does
uncle Melik smoke? 6 . Will a young attractive woman speak to him
in the train? 7. Is uncle Melik deaf? 8 . Will he pretend to be deaf?
9. Did uncle Melik go to New York? 10. Did a young woman sit at
his table? 11. Did he put his money in the shoe? 12. Did he sleep
at night? 13. Was the train near New York when uncle Melik began
to sing? 14. Was the journey a pleasant one? 15. Was uncle Garro
pleased? 16. Did uncle Melik follow his instructions?

Упражнение 49. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями в тех

случаях, когда это необходимо.

1 . Why didn’t you tell us ... the dangers ... this travel? 2. Ask
him ... a sheet of paper. 3. When 1 was going along the street I ran
my brother. 4. You must do it, because i t ’s the only way ... .
5. One ... my friends invited me to join ... them. 6 . Take your book
your bag and put it ... the table. 7. I know that you are doing
it ...purpose. 8 . Last year we tra v e lle d ... Moscow... Odessa. 9. The
train came and we got ... . 10. ... my way ... the University I called
at the bookstore, if . “ When you come there,” my mother went ... ,
“ don’t look ... . go straight ... your s e a t.” 12. ... the next day I
went ... the diner and sat ......... the table. 13. Did you become
friends ... this family? 14. The building ... a new theatre is ...
progress ... our town.

Упражнение 50. Составьте вопросы, используя следующие словосо-


1 . to pay somebody a visit; 2. on purpose; 3. to go to bed;

4. the only; 5. to become friends; 6 . to be pleased; 7. to get on the
train; 8 . at night

Упражнение 51. Переведите следующие предложения:

1 . Я умышленно рассказал тебе об опасностях этого путеше­

ствия. Я надеюсь, что тебе пригодится мой опыт, и ты избежишь
(to avoid) их. 2. В прошлом году я подружилась с чрезвычайно
привлекательной девушкой, единственной дочерью хозяйки (the
owner) моей квартиры. Вчера я получила от нее письмо, в котором
она просила меня приехать к ней (навестить ее). Я купила билет,
села в поезд и ночью приехала в город N.^3. Когда я добрался до
стадиона, футбольный матч был в полном разгаре. Я огляделся по
сторонам и нашел одно свободное место. 4. У меня нет никакого
желания приглашать товарища Петрова. Он очень неприятный
человек. 5. Послушайся моего совета и ложись спать. Завтра все
будет в порядке. 6 . Я случайно встретил своего школьного това­
рища на улице, но он притворился, что не видит меня, и не обра­
тил на меня никакого внимания.


A .: W hat time do you get up as a rule?

B.: I get up generally at about half past seven.
A .: Wny so early?
B.: Because I usually catch an early train up to town.
A .\ Do you always go up by train ?
B.: No, not always.
A '•: jHow do you go if you don’t go by train?
В .: By bus or tram.
A .: When do you get to the office?
B .\ As a rule, I get there about nineo ’clock.
A ,: Do you stay in town all day?
B.: Sometimes I do, and sometimes 1 don’t.
A .: You are not in town all day and every day?
B.: No, sometimes I get back after lunch.
A .: Will you go by train this morning?
B .: I think so: if I wait for a bus. I shall be late. Good-bye.
A .: Good-bye.

Слова и словосочетания, рекомендуемые

для запоминания
» to get up вставать a lter breakfast (lunch, d inner,
a s a ru le как правило s u p p e r ) после завтрака (после вто-
about около рого завтрака, обеда, ужина)
, to catch a tr a in сесть на поезд lo w ait for ожидать, ждать
to to w n , in town в город, в городе to be late (for) опаздывать
, to go by tr a in , by bus. by tram ,
by m e t ro (by the underground)
ехать на поезде, в автобусе, трам­
вае, метро

Упражнение 52. Закончите предложения, пользуясь следующими об­


1. W h a t tim e do you g e t up?

он идет на станцию >
она приезжает в учреждение?
В котором часу они начинают урок?
вы заканчиваете работу?
2. a rule I g e t up a t 7 o'clock
он занимается вечером,
они приходят домой рано,
Как правило, она помогает брату готовиться
к урокам,
я езжу на метро
3. A f t e r lu n c h / sometimes g e t back.
он любит читать газету,
он уходит из дома,
После второго завтрака они идут в школу,
она отдыхает.
4. A b o u t 9 o ' c l o c k / g e t to the office.
он был на станции.
она села на поезд,
Около 9 часов я пришел в библиотеку,
мы пошли на каток.
5. Н е w a s l a t e f o r the conference.
| лекцию.
Он опоздал на j урок.
I концерт.
6 . 1 s h a l l w a i t f o r him a t the station .
< ее в библиотеке в 7 часов.
I вас здесь
Я подожду I автобус.
I его друзей на автобусной остановке.


1 . What is your (his, her) name? Как вас зовут?

My name i s ... Меня зо в у т...
2. How old are you? Сколько вам лет?
I am twenty. |
Мне двадцать (лет).
1 am twenty years old. |
3. Are you married? Вы женаты (замужем)?
Yes, 1 am. Да.
No, I am not. Нет.
4. What are you? Кто b u j
1 am a student. Я студент.
Who is he (she)? Кто он (она)?
He is Ivanov. Это Иванов
Б. Have you parents? У вас есть родители?
Yes, I have. Да.
No, I haven’t. Нет.
I have a father and a m oth­ У меня есть отец и мать.
6 . What Institute do you study В каком институте вы учитесь?
I study at the University. Я учусь в университете.
I am a first-year student Я на I курсе исторического фа­
of the H istory Faculty. культета.
7. In what year did you lin- В каком году вы окончили
ish school? школу?
I finished school in 1958. Я окончил школу в 1958 году.
8 . What is your occupation? Чем вы занимаетесь?
I work at a factory (an of­ Я работаю на фабрике (в уч­
fice). реждении).
9. I am on leave now Я сейчас в отпуске.
1 am on business here. Я здесь в командировке.
10. Where do you live? Где вы живете?
I live in Kiev. Я живу в Киеве.
1 live in N. street. Я живу на улице Н.
I live in a two-room flat. Я живу в двухкомнатной квар­

Текст для перевода

Under 1 Tsarism, the peoples of Central Asian republics experi­
enced a double exploitation : colonial, by Tsarist Russia, and feudal,
by the local national feudal lords. This is why, prior to the October
Socialist revolution, these nations were backward both economically
and 2 culturally. Before the October revolution only from a half to
two per cent 3 of the population of Central Asia was literate. The pub­
lic health service was at anextrem ely low level. The position of wom­
en was a difficult one. They had no rights.
After the October revolution, socialist reforms changed radical­
ly the lives of the people of the five Asian republics. Industry appear­
ed, cities grew, agriculture flourished, and with these came univer­
sities, national academies of sciences, and scientists, engineers,
teachers and physicians from among the nationals.


1 . under — при (under capitalism , under socialism)

2 . both ... and — (сочинительный парный союз) н...и, как... так и
3. per cent — процент
Слова и словосочетания, реком ендуем ые
для запоминания
e x p e rie n c e v испытать backward а отсталый
double а двойной population п население
local а местный public а общественный
this is why вот почему level п уровень

Упражнение 53. Переведитг предложения, обращая внимание на вы­

деленные слова.

I. This actress came to Moscow irom one of the small towns of

our country where she worked at the local theatre. 2. London is one
of the largest cities in the world. Its popu lation is over 8 million
people. 3. When it is raining for a long time, the level in this river
is very high. 4. 1 was not well yesterday. T h at u a s w h y I could not
come. 5. P u b lic organizations play a very important part in our
country 6 . U nder socialism all power belongs to working people.

Упражнение 54. Употребите в следующих предложениях парный союз

b o th ... a n d и переведите предложения на русский язык.

M y friend an d / w ent to the theatre yesterday.

B o th m y frien d a n d / w ent to the theatre yesterday.
1 . I shall bring you books and magazines. 2. He liked this
film and the other one. 3. Uncle Sam and Mary enjoyed the play ..
4. The work was difficult and unpleasant. 5. We can speak and
w rite English. 6 . My brother and the two girls sang old English
songs together. 7. They played football and tennis yesterday.
8 . This woman was young and pretty.

Упражнение 55. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращ ая

внимание на неопределенно-личное местоимение one.

1. This pencil is longer than that one. 2. I don’t like this book.
Give me another one. 3. One must know everything about this w rit­
er. 4. I lost rny pen and had to buy a new one. 5. One must know the
history of one’s own country. 6 . I have no English textbook. I must
get one. 7. When one doesn’t know grammar one often makes mis­
takes. 8 . I liked this story much better than the one you told us yester­

Упражнение 56. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

I. При царизме трудящиеся не имели никаких прав. 2. Царская

Россия была отсталой страной. 3. После Октябрьской революции
в республиках Средней Азии развилась промышленность и сель­
ское хозяйство. 4. Теперь население этих республик грамотное.
5. В нашей стране нет эксплуатации. 6 . В Советском Союзе женщины
имеют равные права с мужчинами. 7. Жизнь трудящихся измени­
лась после Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции.


I. The P ainter and the Banker

A rich London banker asked a well-known painter to do a little
thing for his album. The painter did it and asked one hundred pounds.
“ W hy,” cried the banker, ' ‘it took you only five m inutes to
do i t . ”
" Y e s ,” answered the painter, “ but it took me twenty years to
learn how to do it in five m inutes.”
II. He Shot them A ll
There was a traveller who liked to boast (хвастаться) very much.
One day he said to his friend: shot tigers in A frica.”
“ I t ’s a lie ,” answered his friend. “ There are no tigers in A frica.”
“ Right you are. I shot them a ll.”
III. She was a Star Pupil
Once a school-girl was at a dinner party. At table she was next
to a famous astronomer and decided to talk to him.
“ W hat do you do in life?” she asked.
“ 1 study astronom y,” he answered.
“ Dear me (неужели)!” cried the young girl. “ I finished astron­
omy last y ear.”

Упражнение 57. Перескажите каждый из рассказов, давая полные от­

веты на следующие вопросы:

I. 1. What did a rich London banker ask a well-known painter

to do? 2. How much money did the painter ask for his little picture?
3. Why was the banker surprised? 4. What was the p ain ter’s answer?
II. 1. Who liked to boast very much? 2. What did he say to his
friend one day? 3. Did the friend believe him? 4. What did the trav ­
eller answer his friend?
III. 1. Where was a school-girl once? 2. Who was next to her at
table? 3. What did she decide to do? 4. W hat did she ask the astron­
omer? 5. W hat was his answer? (5. Was the girl clever? 7. What
did she cry?

(The S econ d L esson)

1. Отглагольное существительное. (Verbal Noun).
2. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.
3 Субстантивированные прилагательные.
4. Модальные глаголы can (could), may (m ig h t), m u st, n eed,
ought (to ), shall (should) и их эквиваленты to be able (to),
to h av e (to), to be. to be allow ed (to), will (would).
о. Безличные предложения.

Т екст: A Visit to the Big House after P . Abrahams.


Отглагольное существительное в английском языке образует­

ся, как правило, прибавлением суффикса -in^ к основе глагола,
read-Ь ing ^ r e a d in g чтение
В предложении оно употребляется как обычное существитель­
ное и имеет те же характерные признаки (окончание -s во множе­
ственном числе, артикли и т. д.).
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие отглагольные существительные:
waiting, reading, beating, retelling, burning, building, skating,
swimming, shining
Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски, используя отглагольные суще­
ствительные, данные курсивом. Переведите предложения.
beatin g, sin gin g, beginning, reading, rising, crying
1. At the ... of the journey he was very careful.
2. He could hear the loud ... of his heart.
3. We liked her ... .
4. We could see the ... of the sun.
5. Her good ... pleased everybody.
6. I tried to stop the ... of the child.


а) Односложных

Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная

short sh o rt-ег (th e ) shortest

brightly b r i g h t-e r brightest

б) Двусложных, многосложных

Сравнительная Превосходная

difficult more difficult (the) most difficult

seldom more seldom most seldom

Запомните следующие прилагательные и наречия которые

образуют степени сравнения от других корней.

Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная

Прилагательные Наречия

good well better (the) best

bad badly worse (the) worst
much much more (the) most

little little less (the) least


* Со следующими наречиями в превосходной степени ар ти кл ь не упот­


Прилагательное o ld имеет два ряда степеней сравнения:
. ( older — (the) oldest
( elder — (the) eldest
Формы elder — eldest употребляются, когда речь идет о чле­
нах одной семьи, например:

My elder sister
Моя старшая сестра
My eldest son
Мой старший сын

Наречие и прилагательное far также имеет два ряда степеней

I farther — (the) farthest более (самый) отдаленный
,ar I further — furthest более (самый) отдаленный, даль­
нейший, добавочный; далее

При сравнении степени качества одного предмета со степенью

качества другого употребляется союз than чем , например:
This room is larger than that.
Эта комната больше, чем та (больше той).

При сравнении двух предметов одинакового качества употреб­

ляется союз as ... as т ак же ... как, такой же ... как.
Прилагательное в положительной степени ставится между
This book is as interesting as that.
Эта книга такая же интересная, как и та.

В отрицательных предложениях употребляется союз not so...as

не т ак ... как, не такой ... как, например

This room is not so light as that.

Эта комната не такая светлая, как та.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в колонке справа английское предложение,

соотпегствующее каждому русскому предложению левой колонки.

1 . Мой брат моложе меня. They are not so busy as we are.

2. Это самая маленькая ком- My brother is younger than I.
ната в нашей квартире.

3. Крым — одно из лучших She has not so many mistakes
мест для отдыха. as you have.
4. Он плавает так же хорошо, This is the smallest room in
как и я. our flat.
5. У него было больше сво­ He feels much worse today.
бодного времени, чем у нее.
6 . Какая из этих книг самая He had more spare time than
интересная? she had.
7. Его работа не такая труд­ Which of these books is the
ная, как моя. most interesting?
8 . Сегодня он чувствует себя He swims as well as I do.
гораздо хуже.
9. В море плавать легче, чем Peter is the eldest in his fam­
в реке. ily.
10. Петр — самый старший в It is easier to swim in the sea
семье. than in the river.
11. У нее не так много оши­ The Crimea is one of the best
бок, как у вас. places to rest.
12. Они не так заняты, как мы. His work is not so difficult as
Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. What is your height (рост)? You are taller than me. 2. She felt
as strong as her brother. 3. We started earlier than you. 4. He was
more careful than I. 5. This student is the most attentive in our
group. 6 . I need more money. 7. He is less tired. 8 . He was one of
the most experienced workers at the factory. 9. Better late than never.
10. She was not so attractive as her mother. 11. Do it quicker! 12. Read
further! 13. Don’t go farther! 14. He was the eldest in the family.


Прилагательные, употребляемые в значении существительных,

называются субстантивированными прилагательными. Они обо­
значают категории лиц, обладающих одним и тем же признаком,
имеют значенне только множественного числа (не принимая окон­
чания -s) и употребляются только с определенным артиклем, напри­
мер, the rich, the poor, the coloured, the unemployed (богатые, бед­
ные, цветные, безработные). Богатый человек (богатые люди)
переводится на английский язык как a rich man (rich people).


Модальные глаголы отличаются от других глаголов следующим:

1) Не имеют формы инфинитива.
2) Не могут самостоятельно употребляться в предложении.
3) Инфинитив, следующий за модальным глаголом, употреб­
ляется без частицы to*.
Не must go there.
4) Не имеют окончания -s в 3-ем лице ед. числа настоящего-
Не must w rite a letter.
5) Образуют вопросительную и отрицательную формы без
вспомогательного глагола.
Must she go there?
She can ’t stay there.

Глаголы, выражающие долженствование,

и их эквиваленты
1. Must должен, нужно означает долженствование или необ­
ходимость (обычно внутренне сознаваемую) произвести действие,
выраженное инфинитивом последующего глагола без частицы to,
Не must do it (today).
Он должен это сделать (сегодня).
Глагол must может иметь значение вероятности, возможности
действия и переводиться на русский язык должно быть, вероятно.
She must be at home now.
Она сейчас, должно быть, дома.
Употребленный с отрицанием, глагол must выражает запре­
щение. Для выражения отсутствия необходимости употребляется!
needn't не нужно , не надо:
Must we read the text?
Должны мы читать текст?
Yes, you must.
Да, вы должны.
No, you needn’t.
Нет, не нужно (в этом нет необходимости).
May I read the text?
Я могу прочесть текст?
No, you must not (m ustn’t).
Нет, нельзя (запрещается).
Т о ,h a v e .(to ) — эквивалент глагола must. Модальное значение-
глагола to have (to) — необходимость, вынужденность выполне­
ния действия (должен, вынужден, приходит ся), например:
*Кроме глагола ought.

He has to go there.
Он вынужден (ему приходится) идти туда
Глагол to have (to) в отличие от неизменяемого глагола must
употребляется и в Past и Future Indefinite.
Не had to go there.
Он должен был пойти туда.
Не w ill have to go there.
Он должен будет пойти туда.
Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения с модальным
глаголом to have (to) обычно образуются с помощью вспомога­
тельного глагола to do.
You don’t have to wait for him.
Вам нет необходимости ждать его.
То be (to) — эквивалент модального глагола must. В отличие
от m ust и to have (to) выражает необходимость совершения дей­
ствия в связи с договоренностью, планом, программой. На русский
язык этот глагол переводится не только словом должен, но
такж е и словом предстоит, например:
Не is to make a report tomorrow.
Завтра ему предстоит делать доклад.
Форма настоящего, времени модального глагола to be (to) от­
носит действие к будущему.
Shall со 2-ым и 3-им лицом ед. и мн. числа выражает убежден­
ность в необходимости совершения действия. В русском языке зна­
чение глагола shall передается словами: должен, обязат ельно,
Не shall go with из.
Он должен поехать с нами.
Глагол shall употребляется в вопросительной форме с 1-ым и
3-им лицом ед. и мн. числа. В этом случае говорящего интересует
мнение собеседника относительно необходимости совершения дей­
Shall I read turther?
Читать дальше?
Should подобно must в сочетании с lndetinite Infinitive выра­
жает необходимость, моральный долг, но в менее категорической
форме и с оттенком совета. В этих значениях should употребляет­
ся во всех лицах ед. и ми. числа.
You should work more at your sounds.
Вам следует больше работать над звуками.
Ought(to) в сочетании с Indefinite Infinitive выражает необ­
ходимость совершенна действия в настоящем или будущем и имеет
следующие оттенки этого значения:
1 ) целесообразность действия, например:
Perhaps she oughtn’t to work in the kindergarten, she is too
Возможно, ей не стоит (не следует) работать в детском саду,
она слишком нервная.
2 ) необходимость совершения действия, которое нужно совер­
шить в силу морального долга или обязательства:
You ought to visit your sick friend.
Вы обязаны (ваш долг) навестить больного друга.
3 ) в сочетании с местоимениями 2 -го и 3-го лица глагол ought
используется для выражения совета или вежливого приказа со­
вершить действие:
You ought to consult a doctor.
Вам следует посоветоваться с врачом.
Need как модальный глагол в сочетании с Indefinite Infinitive
выражает наличие или отсутствие необходимости совершения дей­
ствия в настоящем или будущем времени. Обычно употребляется
в вопросительной и отрицательной форме, например:
Need he go there immediately?
Нужно ли ему идти туда немедленно?
Не needn’t go there immediately.
Ему не нужно (нет необходимости) идти туда немедленно.
Упражнение 5. Найдите в колонке справа соответствующее русское
1. She must be at home now. Вам не нужно ждать его.
2. His English is very poor, Нам нужно сделать эту работу
he should study better. сегодня, так как завтра мы
будем заняты.
3. I had to cook dinner after Сейчас она должна быть дома.
4. Will you have to get up ear­ Он очень слабо знает англий­
ly tomorrow? ский, ему следует лучше ра­
5. He was to make a report at Мне пришлось готовить обед
the conference yesterday. после работы.
6 . There was to b e a n interest­ Вам придется завтра рано вста­
ingconcert at our club last вать?
5 5
7. He is to come here at 5 Вчера на конференции он дол­
o’clock. жен был сделать доклад.
8 . You needn’t get up early Вчера вечером в нашем клубе
tomorrow. должен был состояться ин­
тересный концерт.
9. They must work better to Он должен придти сюда в 5
pass their examinations. часов.
10. You must not run so fast. Они должны работать лучше,
чтобы сдать экзамены.
11. We have to do this work Вам нет необходимости вста­
today, because we shall be вать завтра рано.
busy tomorrow.
12. You needn’t wait for him. Вам нельзя бегать так быстро.
13. He ought to help you. Он должен помочь вам.
14. May be he ought to show О ни непременно придут сюда в
his article to you first. 11 часов
15. Shall 1 send for the doctor? Может быть, ему следует сна­
чала вам показать статью.
16. You oughtn’t to speak to Послать за врачом?
your neighbours in the din­
•17. They shall come here at II Вам не следует разговаривать с
o’clock. соседями в вагоне-ресто­

Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения на английский язык, пользуясь

дан н ы м образцом:
I. Не m u s t go there.
M u s t he g o there ?
He n e e d n o t go there.
знать о ее приезде,
Он должен сам купить билет,
Должен ли он...? ходить пешком (to walk) каждое
Он не должен (ему не нужно) утро.
играть с ними в теннис.
2 . Не h a d t o open the w indow .
D i d he h a v e t o open the w in dow ?
He d i d n o t h a v e t o open the window .

встретить нас на станции

Он вынужден был пойти в библиотеку,
Должен ли он был ...? следовать его указаниям,
Он не должен был прийти рано,
поговорить с ним вчера.

3. He s h o u l d try to do i t again.
S h o u l d he try to do i t again ?
He s h o u l d not try to do i t again.
говорить громко.
Ему следует путешествовать,
Следует ли ему ...? остаться в городе,
Ему не следует помнить об этой поездке,
вставать в 7 часов.
4. Не o u g h t to spend the evening w ith you.
знать об этом больше, чем он
Он обязан заботиться о детях,
слушать внимательно.
5. Не i s ( w a s ) t o read h is new novel on Sunday.
поехать в Ленинград по делам,
позвонить мне в 5 часов,
Он должен присоединиться к ним на станции,
Он должен посоветоваться с доктором,
был заботиться о детях,
гулять каждый день.
6 . Не s h a l l m ake the report.
представить ее своим друзьям,
Он (обязательно, поговорить с директором
непременно) должен сделать этот перевод,
написать им о своей болезни.
7. S h a ll I (we) buy the tick ets ?
Сказать вам, куда он поехал?
Послать за такси?
Купить хлеба?
Огкрыть окно?
Глаголы, выражающие физическую возможность
или умение произвести действие
Сап (могу, умею) означает физическую возможность или уме­
ние произвести действие в настоящем или будущем времени, вы­
раженное инфинитивом последующего глагола сез частицы to,
The child can alieady walk.
Ребенок у я е может ходить.
I can do that for you.
Я могу сделать это для вас.
I can speak English.
Я умею говорить по-английски.
В отрицательной форме отрицание not сливается с глаголом сап
образуя cannot (сокращенная форма can’t), наприкер:
Не cannot read German.
Он не умеет читать по-немецки.
Глагол сап имеет форму прошедшего времени — could. Эк­
вивалентом глагола сап в значении физической возможности яв­
ляется to be able to... быть в состоянии, который употребляется
в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени.
Are you able to walk fast?
Ты можешь идти быстро?
Were you able to walk fast?
Ты мог идти быстро?
W ill you be able to walk last?
Ты сможешь идти быстро?
Упражнение 7. Закончите предложения, пользуясь данными образцами:
1 . Не ca rt work.
C a n he work ?
Не c a n n o t work.
двигаться. &
находиться в вагоне для курящих,
Он может предложить им папиросы,
Может ли о н ...? сесть на десятичасовой поезд,
Он не может предупредить их об опасности,
поехать с ними в город.
2 . Не c o u ld , go to bed earlier.
C o u l d he g o to bed e a rlie r ?
He c o u l d n o t go to bad earlier.
случайно встретить ее на улице,
подружиться с ним в Крыму,
Он мог последовать за ними,
Мог ли он ...? притвориться глухим,
Он не мог положить ручку в карман,
положить туда свои вещи.
3. Не w i l l b e a b l e to read E nglish books.
W il l he b e a b l e to read E n glish books ?
He w i l l n o t b e a b l e to read E nglish books.
кататься на коньках через ме­
сяц. ,
Он сможет ? пообедать с нами.
Сможет ли он 1 добраться до города до утра.
Он не сможет найти дорогу домой.
| услышать нас.
May выражает разрешение выполнить дей ст в и е.
May I come in?
Могу я (Можно мне) войти?
З а п о м н и т е , что в английском языке на вопрос такого
типа обычно отвечают: Yes, do please.
Помимо этого значения глагол may выражает также предполо­
жение, вероятность совершения действия.
They may come tomorrow.
Они, возможно, приедут завтра.
Они могут приехать завтра. (Но могут и не приехать.)
Глагол may имеет форму прошедшего времени — m ight. Эк­
вивалентом глагола may в значении разрешения является модальный
оборот to be allowed (to) иметь разреш ение. Обычно он употреб­
ляется для выражения разрешения в прошедшем и будущем вре­
Не was allowed to come here.
Ему разрешили (он смог) прийти сюда.
Не w ill be allowed to come here.
Ему разрешат (он сможет) прийти сюда.

Упражнение 8. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. You may take any book tor your report. 2. He may come here
for consultation at any time in the evening. 3. “ May I ask you?”
“ Yes. do please.” 4. The train may arrive in a minute. 5. He may
be here at any moment. 6 . May I ask you to explain this rule once
more? 7. He may not get the telegram in time.
Упражнение 9. Переведите на английский язык предложения, поль­
зуясь данными образцами:
1. Не m a y take т у book.
пойти домой раньше,

Iвыпить эту воду,

уже ходить в институт,
спросить ее об этом.
2 . Не m a y come tomorrow
написать (напишет) нам.
тоже купить (купит) эту книгу,
Он может пригласить (пригласит) нас
(возможно, он) в театр,
приехать (приедет) через не­
сколько дней,
сделать (сделает) это сам.
W ill (прошедшее время would) употребляется в качестве мо­
дального глагола и выражает желание, согласие, готовность, ре­
шимость совершить действие. У
I w ill do it straight away.
Я хочу сделать это немедленно.
If you w ill take my advice I shall be very glad.
Я буду рад, если вы согласны (готовы) последовать моему
совету. (В данном предложении глагол w ill — модальный гла­
гол, а не форма будущего времени.)
В отрицательном предложении глагол w ill (would) означает
упорное нежелание, отказ выполнить какое-либо действие.
I w ill do nothing more.
Я больше ничего не буду делать.
1 asked him to go home, but he w ouldn’t obey.
Я просила его идти домой, но он не хотел слушаться.
В вопросительном или вопросительно-отрицательном предло­
жении глагол w ill (would) выражает просьбу или вежливое пред­
ложение что-то сделать.
W ill you sit down? (W on’t you sit down?)
Садитесь, пожалуйста.
Would you kindly tell me ...
He могли бы вы сказать мне...
Форма would передает меньшую уверенность говорящего в
том, что его просьба будет выполнена или предложение будет при­

Упражнение 10. Найдите в колонке справа соответствующее русское


1 . You needn’t hurry so much. Он должен был навестить вас

2. He had to visit you yester­ Я не умею играть в шахматы.
3. She may go to bed late. Можно мне взять вашу ручку?
— Нет, нельзя
4. They are to come tomorrow. Он не мог двигаться.
5. I cannot play chess. Сможете ли вы окончить игру \
через час?
6 “ May 1 take your pen?” Ей не следует бежать так
“ No, you m ustn’t . ” быстро.
7. He could not move. Они должны помочь ей понять '
новый материал.
6 0
8 . Will you be able to finish Вам нет необходимости так спе­
the game in an hour? шить.
9. She should not run so Они должны приехать завтра.
10. They ought to help her un­ Возможно, она ляжет спать
derstand the new material. поздно.
11. She wanted to talk to me, Я ничего не желаю больше пи­
but I w ouldn’t listen to. сать.
12. 1 will not w rite another Вашему сыну следует быть сре­
word. ди других детей.
13. He always wore his uniform Я хочу ему помочь и помогу.
but he might put on his
ordinary clothes too.
14. Your son ought to be among Вы не должны работать так
other children. поздно.
15. Won’t you have a smoke? Он должен сам заняться доку­
16. 1 want to help him and 1 Она хотела поговорить со мной,
will. но я не хотел и слушать.
17. Shall I wait for you here? На нем всегда был его формен­
ный костюм, но он также мог
носить и свою обычную одеж-
18. You oughtn’t to work so late. Не хотите ли покурить?
19. They shall j'oin us on the Подождать вас здесь?
way there.
20. He ought to attend (занять­ Они непременно присоединятся
ся) to the documents him­ к нам по дороге туда.


Русским безличным предложениям типа: Холодно. Темно, со­

ответствуют в английском языке безличные предложения типа:
И is cold. It is dark, ( i t — безличное местоимение, являющееся
подлежащим, is c o ld — составное сказуемое).
Так же строятся предложения, начинающиеся со слов Т р уд н о ...,
Невозмож но..., Важ но... и т. д.
It is difficult to decide what to do.
Трудно решить, что делать.
It is impossible to help him.
Невозможно помочь ему.
It is important to be present at every lesson.
Важно присутствовать на каждом уроке.
Русским предложениям: Идет дождь, Идет снег соответствуют
в английском языке безличные предложения, где подлежащим
является безличное местоимение it, а сказуемым — безличный гла­
гол tp rain, to snow в соответствующем времени.
It rains in autumn.
Осенью идет дождь. ^
Does it rain in autumn?
Идет ли осенью дождь?
It does not rain in w inter.
Зимой не идет дождь.

Упражнение 11. Переведите слова, данные в скобках.

I. (Тепло) in the room. 2. (Было темно) in the street. 3. (Невоз­

можно) to forget it. 4. (Было трудно) for him to skate. 5. (Шел снег)
yesterday. 6. (Пойдет дождь) in a minute. 7. (Интересно) to listen
to him. 8. (Было уже темно) and he turned on the light. 9. (Будет
ли легко) for him to work in the morning ? 10. (Было жарко) in the
sun and they sat down under a tree. 11. (Так холодно) outside that
I think that (будет идти снег) tomorrow. 12. (Будет интересно) to
see this film.

Т ек ст


after P . Abraham s
Lanny stepped past Sam. A big man sat at a table at the far side
of the room. His beard was as red as the hair on his head. He said
“ You can go now, S am .” The big man at the table did not move
or look up what seemed ages to Lanny1. Lanny could hear the beating
of.his heart.
Gert Villier raised his eyes and looked at him. “ So you are Lanny
S w artz,” Gert Villier said finally. Lanny remained silent.
“ C an’t you speak, m an?” Villier roared suddenly.
“ W hat am I to say?” Lanny asked softly.
“ You are going to start a school2 here, 1 understand.”
“ At Stilleveld ... Yes.” ,
“ On whose property will the school be?”
“ Stilleveld is government property3. ” '
V illier got up and walked towards Lanny.
“ And who do you think you are to make plans and not to
consult me or other Europeans around here?”
“ We яге not slaves.” '
••Oh,” Villier exclaimed. “ An independent man, 1 see. You are
proud. You feel as good as any man ... We don’t like that sort of
spirit here, Mister Swartz. 1 want to warn you now and I never warn
more than once. 1 don’t care if you have allthe educaion authorities
in the world behind you.4 If you make one wrong step you will get
more trouble than is good for any man5 ”
Villier went back to his chair and took up his original position.
“ You may g o ,” he said.
Lanny went out. He passed the outhouses. He could see the out­
lines of Stilleveld to his right.
Then quite suddenly two dark figures rose in front of him. Some­
thing hard sank into the pit of his stom ach...8
The dog found.the still figure of Lanny and stood over him till
Sarie Villier came up. The young woman bent down and raised his
head. Lanny opened his eyes. Painfully he got up.
“ What happened?”
“ I don’t know. They suddenly jumped on m e.”
“ Did you quarrel with uncle G ert?”
“ No. He quarreled with m e.”
She was silent for a while, then she asked:
“ Does it hurt much?”
“ No, i t ’s all right now. I t ’s lucky you came along. I ’ll go along
now. Thank you very m uch.”
“ You can wash your face in out kitchen ” Sane suggested. “ Gert
never comes into the kitchen. It will be quite all right and then your
mother needn’t know.”
They walked back to the big house. Sarie gave Lanny a bowl ol
water. She wanted to help him dust the back of the jacket. But
something held her back. She was white and he was coloured. It was
hard, though, to remember it all the time. He didn’t behave as
though he were coloured'.*She had to force it into her mind" in order
to remember it all the time.
And now. should she give him a towel to wipe his lace? She gave
him her own hand towel.
“ Is it education that makes you behave as you do?” she asked.
Lanny understood her. He smiled.
“ Yes, it is partly education.”
“ Are there many others like you?” 9
“ Yes. You see the colour bar10 is not so strong in the Cape.11
“ Do they treat the coloured people like white people there?”
“ Some of them — yes.”


1. what seemed ages to Lanny — и это показалось Лэнн-и вечно­

2. to start a school — открыть школу
3. government property — собственность правительства, государ­
ственная собственность
В английском языке существительное, стоящее перед другим
существительным, выполняет функцию определения, например:
hand to w e l— полотенце-для рук
pen knife — перочинный нож
silk dress — шелковое платье
4. 1 don’t care if you have all the education authorities in the world
behind you. Мне наплевать, что тебя поддерживают все отделы
народного образования.
5. than is good for any man — что хватит для любого человека
6. Something hard sank into the pit of his stomach ...\— Что-то
твердое ударило его в низ живота...
7. Не d idn’t behave as though he were coloured — Он вел себя так,
как будто он не был цветным
8. She had to force it into her mind ... — Ей приходилось застав­
лять себя думать так (внушать себе)...
9. Are there many others like you? —А таких, как ты, много? (букв.
А много других, подобных тебе?)
Здесь others — мн. число от other. Помимо категории числа
слово other имеет два падежа: общий и притяжательный: the
others’ things — вещи других.
Местоимение another имеет два значения: 1) другой и 2) еще
1) Не went to another place.
Он поехал в другое место.
2) She did not want to stay another week in the country.
Она не хотела остаться в деревне еще на одну неделю.
10. colour bar — цветной барьер, т. е. ограничение прав цветного
11. the Cape (Cape Town) — Кейптаун

Слова и словосочетания, реком ендуем ые

для запоминания
s t e p v шагать, идти; п шаг roar v реветь рычать, орать; п рев
past a d v мимо softly adv тихо, мягко
look up v смотреть вверх, поднимать be going to d o s m th . собираться.
глаза намереваться что-либо сделать
age п век p r o p e r ty п собственность
ag e s pi долгий век, вечность consult и советоваться с
b e a tin g п биение, стук European п европеец
finally adv наконец, в конце концов slav e п раб
ra i s e v поднимать exclaim v восклицать
look (at) v смотреть (на) in d e p e n d e n t а самостоятельный; не­
r e m a in и оставаться; re m a in зависимый
(be) s i l e n t сохранять молчание proud а гордый

w arn о предупреждать su g g est v предлагать
behind adv сзади, позади d u st v отряхнуть, стряхнуть
o rig in al а первоначальный hold (held, held) v держать;1ю№
right а правый back v сдерживать(ся), удержи­
to the righ t направо, Справа вать
to the left налево, слёва coloured n цветной
sink (sank , sunk) v погружаться force v заставлять, принуждать
come up о подходить b ehav e v вести себя, поступать
bend (b en t, b e n t) v сгибать(ся); in o r d e r to для того чтобы
наклонять(ся) to make smb. do sm th. заставить
p ain fu lly adv мучительно, болезненно кого-либо сделать что-либо
q u a rr e l v ссориться p a r t ly a d v частично
come along v идти some of некоторые из
go a lo n g v идти, торопиться

Имена собственные и географические названия

L ann y S w a r ts f'laoni'sw oits) Лэнни S arie (sasri) Сари
Сварц Cape (Cape Town) [ 'k e i p 't a u n ) Кейп
Sam [saem| Сэм таун
Gert V illier [ ' d j a . ’ t ' v i l j a l Герт St i 11с veld ['stilv eld ] Стиллекельд

Упражнение 12. Образуйте существительные от • данных глаголов,

пользуясь таблицей важнейших суффиксов в конце учебника, стр. 335 и пе­
реведите их.
improve (улучшать), move (двигать), treat (обращаться),
agree (соглашаться), develop (развивать), employ (нанимать),
achieve (достигать), accomplish (завершать)
Упражнение 13. Определите, от каких существительных образованы
следующие прилагательные и переведите их:

original, formal, natural, cultural, personal

Упражнение 14. Переведите следующие гнезда слов. Обратите внима­

ние на словообразующие суффиксы и префиксы. Заполните пропуски одним
из данных слов.

1 behave v — behaviour п
1. The child ... badly and nobody liked him. 2. He got a bad mark
for his ... at school.
2. colour v — colour n — colourless a
1. There isn ’t enough ... in the picture. 2. What a ... story he
told me yesterdayl 3. The workers began ... the walls.

3. dust v — dust n — dusty a

1. When it rains there will be no ... in the street. 2. The grass
and the road were ... .3 . She began ... the table, chairs and other
things. 4. 1 want ... this cake with sugar.
3— 1312 65

4. exclaim v — exclam ation n — exclamatory a

1. “ What a nice picture!” he ... . 2. Nobody heard her ... . 3.
There are five sentences on the blackboard. Show me an ... one
5. final n — final a — finally a d v
1. Everybody heard his ... decision. 2. We did not like the ... of
the play. 3. .. he understood me.
6. origin n — original n — original a
1. He read about the ... of the life on the earth. 2. This is not
the ... ; i t ’s only a copy. 3. He could read “ H am let” in the ... .
4. They changed the ... plan of the journey.
7. own v — owner n — own a
1. I saw it with my ... eyes.2. This house is his; he ... it. 3. I am
the ... of this car.
8. pain n — painful a — painless a
1. I felt some ... in my left hand. 2. He raised that .. question
again and we decided to discuss it. 3. She thinks that the opera­
tion will be quite ... .
Pa '$t W- ) /1. 1 I
9. part v — part n — partial a — partly adv Pal’,t'W Y ' •-1
•pfc j • &£ I Э-* i v
1. The friends ... in anger. 2. Only a ... of his story is true. 3. The
player is not happy as he thinks that it was only ... success. 4. He
is ... right.

10. pride n — proud a — proudly a d v

1. The boy was ... of his parents. 2. She was too ... to complain.
3. He smiled ... and remained silent. 4. He takes ... in his

11. roar v — roar n — roaring a

1. They could hear the ... of a tiger. 2. When he heard the news
he ... with anger. 3. We did not want to listen to those ... sounds.

12. slave n — slavery n

1. Before the Civil War ol 1861 there were many ... in the USA
2. He read about ... in his textbook of history.

13. warn v — warning n

1. We ... them not to go to skate on such thin ice. 2. He paid
no attention to my ... .
Упражнение 15. Замените выделенные слова и словосочетания их си­
нонимами, данными в колонке справа, и переведите предложения.

1. He w alked past Sam. stepped

2. A t la st he raised his eyes. go
3. You can leave now, Sam. walked back
4. He k ep t silence. softly
5. He shouted suddenly. finally
6. Lanny spoke in a low voice. roared
7. Do you in ten d to start a school? remained silent
8. He took up his earliest position. are you going
9. The dog found the quiet figure of Lanny. still
10. They returned to the big house. hard
11. It was d if f ic u lt to remember it all the original

Упражнение 16. Найдите русские эквиваленты, соответствующие ан­

глийским словосочетаниям левой колонки.

1. huge body сильным человек

2. independent people громадное тело
3. dependent people независимые люди
4. wrong decision зависимые люди
5. wrong way неправильное решение
6. original view первоначальная точка зрения
7. dark face не та дорога (неправильный путь)
8. still weather .темное лицо
9. silent person тихая погода
10. strong man молчаливый человек.

Упражнение 17. Переведите следующие словосочетания, найдя анг-

лийский эквивалент в тексте урока.

в дальнем конце комнаты; биение сердца; он поднял глаза; соб

ственность правительства; один неправильный шаг; первоначаль
ное положение; независимый человек; более одного раза; справа
что случилось; помочь ему отряхнуть; было трудно; вытереть лицо
все время; что-то удерживало ее; они прыгнули на меня; тысоби
раеш ься.

Упражнение 18. Заполните пропуски одним из слов, данных в скобках,

и переведите предложения.

1. Не nevei ... with his friends (to quarrel, a quarrel). 2. Two

days ago they had ... (to quarrel, a quarrel). 3. His ... were very soft
(to step, a step). 4 He ... on the platform (to step, a step). 5. She is
... ill (still a, still adv). 6. "Stand she said to him (still a, still
adv) 7. “ I am all he said to her (right he right). 8. He turned
3* . 67
to ... (right, the right). 9. She reads English books in ... (theoriginal,
original^ 10. They told us about the ... plans (original, an original).
II. He worked ... at his English (hard a , hard adv). 12. It was ...to
think about it all the time (hard a. hard adv). 13. Please ... me wash
the cups fto help, help). 14. We thanked him for his ... (to help, help).
15. He behaves ... white people do (to like, like). 16. Everybody
... his music (to like, like). 17. They went ... to their house (back,
a back). 18. The doctor says that he must lie on his ... for one month
(back, a back). 19. He put his big ... on the table (to hand, a hand).
20. Let us ... her our copybooks (to hand, a hand).
Упражнение 19. Переведите слова, данные в скобках, найдя их в тексте

1. Lanny (собирался) to start a school at Stilleveld. 2. (Некото­

рые) his friends came on a visit. 3. Lanny did not want (посовето­
ваться) those Europeans. 3. She (помогла) him (вытереть) his lace.
5. He returned to his native country (для того, чтобы) work for his
people. 6. She (подошла) and saw the still figure of Lanny on the
ground. 7. («Пойдем») she said to Lanny. 8. (Справа) he saw the o ut­
lines of his village. 9. The big man (поднял) his head and (посмотрел
на) Lanny. 10. Lanny always spoke (тихо). 11. When Gert roared
with anger Lanny (молчал). 12. She (заставила его) get up and walk
to the house. 13. He tried to speak to her but something (удержи­
вало) him. 14. Villier went back to his chair and (занял) his
original position.
Упражнение 20. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:

1. Where did the big man sit?

2. What could Lanny hear?
3. W hat was Lanny going to do in Stilleveld?
4. Whose property was Stilleveld?
5. What did Villier want to tell Lanny?
6. Who jumped on Lanny?
7. Who found Lanny?
8. Where could Lanny wash his face?
9. What did Sarie give Lanny?
Упражнение 21. Переведите предложения на английский язык по
панным образцам:

1. Не is g oin g to work in th is office.

посоветоваться с врачом,
уехать из этого села,
Он собирается воспользоваться моим опытом,
рассказать нам о своей поездке,
остаться летом в городе.
2. H e made her tell him everything.
ее улыбнуться.
нас пообедать в вагоне-ресторане.
п их самих купить билеты
заставил своего товарища помочь нам.
нас взять теплые вещи,
меня выучить все новые слова.

Упражнение 22. Поставьте вопросы к предложениям по данным об­


1. A big man sa t a t the table. Who sa t a t the table ?

His beard was red. What was red?
1. I am going to start a school. 2. Lanny remained silent. 3. His
big hands were on the table. 4. Education makes him behave so.
2. A b ig man sat at the table. Where d id a big man s i t ?
Lanny w ent to the big house Where d id Lanny go?
1. Lanny was going to start a school in Stilleveld. 2. Villier
went back to his chair. 3. He could see the outlines of Stilleveld to
his right. 4. They walked back to the big house. 5. He washed his
face in the kitchen.
3. She w an ted to help him. What d id she w a n t to do?
1. lie was going to work as a teacher. 2. They decided to consult
him. 3. He can work at home. 4. He will wash his face and hands
4. He saw a beautiful picture. What kind o f picture d id he see?
1. She found some beautiful flowers. 2. We heard her soft voice.
3. He will give me an interesting book to read.
Упражнение 23. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Он услышал рев на расстоянии. 2. Она села за стол и начала

писать. 3. Он не мог объяснить ей новое правило (explain to).
4. Все хорошо меня поняли. 5. Он поднялся и пошел домой. 6. Собака
нашла его на дороге. 7. Когда она наклонилась над ним, он открыл
глаза. 8. Она дала ему чистое полотенце. 9. Он много думал о своей
жизни в городе. 10. Он увидел крупного мужчину за столом. 11. Она
должна была помочь ему. 12. Он купил билеты и подошел к ним
<come up to).
Упражнение 24. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в соответствую­
щем времени и переведите предложения.

1. Tell her that my uncle (to come) to Moscow yesterday. 2. He

<must) speak to Gert because he wanted to start a school there.
3. If you (to find) the way, we (to take) the evening train. 4. It
(to be) always hard for her to remain silent. 5. When he was a
child he (not to like) to wash. 6. If you (to come) to the station
earlier you (can) choose any seat near the window. 7. He (to know)
anything about our plans? 8. He (to be) to make a report at our
club tomorrow. 9. She (to be going) to dine in the diner. 10. We
(cannot) come to visit you last week.
Упражнение 25. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где
это необходимо.
I. My uncle sat ... the table. 2. “ Look ... this p ictu re,” she said.
3. I think that you must consult ... me. 4. He went ... to his place.
5. ... the right ... the sofa there is a table. 6. P ut this book ... front
... you. 7. A young woman came ... and bent ... ... the still figure
... Lanny. 8. Two dark figures jumped ... Lanny. 9. “ I d id n 't quarrel
... h im ,” he said. 10. There was a deep silence ... a while. 11. Go ...
the kitchen and wash your face. 12. Some ... coloured people went ...
Cape Town to get education there.
A .\ May 1 come in?
S.: Is that you Ann? Come in! It is very good ot you to come and
see me;
A .: What is the mattei with you? Are you ill?
B .: I feel bacf. I have a headache. Besides, I have a cold in the head.
A .: What is your temperature?
В : Thirty-seven and five. I have a bad cold. My doctor says that I
must stay in bed for two days until my temperature is normal.
A .: Do you miss your friends?
B.: Very much. Then 1 am afraid I ’ll lag behind in my lessons now.
A.: Don’t think about it. I shall help you gladly. I hope you will
soon be all right.
B.: Oh I shall be glad when i t ’s all over. Thank you very much for
A .: Good-bye and come again.
Слова и словосочетания, реком ендуем ые
для запоминания
to come in входить to have a cold (in the head) иметь
it is very good of you это мило с насморк
твоей стороны ^ stay in bed лежать в постели
„ л see навещать
to come and to , miss '(smb.)' скучать
J по кому-ли-
W hat is the matter? Что с тобой?
» с , . , , to be afraid бояться
to feel bad чувствовать себя плохо, , Q |ag behind
- to be glad радоваться
to feel well чувствовать себя здоро- t0 |je over быть оконченным, закон-
вым читься
I have a headache у меня болит г о thank you very much lor coming спа-
лова сибо за то, что ты пришла

Упражнение 26. Закончите предложения
вы навестили ее вчера,
1 It is very good вы собираетесь их встретить.
of you that вы помните об этом,
вы купили билеты вчера
он будет скучать по дому,
она не сможет путешествовать с нами,
2. I am afraid that они поссорятся,
мы не станем друзьями,
вы не сможете подняться,
он будет играть с нами,
вы поможете ей сделать уроки,
она навестит меня,
3. 1 am glad that
я смог вспомнить его имя.
мы вымыли детей вчера, когда было
что предупредили об опасности,
что показали нам ваши картины,
4. Thank you for что помогли мне подняться,
что проинструктировали меня,
что обсудили его поведение.
Упражнение 27. Переведите предложения:
1. Вчера у меня была сильная головная боль (a bad headache)
и я не мог заниматься. 2. Откройте окно, пожалуйста. У него очень
болит голова. 3. Так как я не очень болен, я не хочу лежать в по­
стели. 4. Он был болен и лежал в постели в течение (for) месяца.
5. Когда кончатся лекции, мы пойдем в кино (to the cinema). 6. Ми­
тинг окончился, и мы пошли домой. 7. Мы будем очень скучать по
нашему старому учителю. 8. Когда мать уходила из дома, дети
очень по ней скучали. 9. Она простудилась (to catch cold) и долж­
на была остаться дома. 10. Вы простудитесь, если не наденете (to
put on) пальто. 11. Что с тобой? Ты чувствуешь себя плохо? 12. Я
чувствовал себя вполне здоровым.


1. “ How are you feeling?” Как вы себя чувствуете?

“ I am well, thank you — Спасибо, хорошо (я здоров).
2. I am ill. Я болен.
3. She is in bed. Она в постели.
4. 1 h^ive caught a cold. Я простудился.
5. I am geing to see a doctor. Я собираюсь к врачу.
6. 1 have a headache. У меня болит голова.
7. There is something wrong У меня что-то неладно с серд­
w ith my heart. цем.
8. 1 have a temperature. У меня температура.
9. Let me take your tem pera­ Дайте я измерю вам темпера­
ture. туру.
10. I have to stay in bed. Я должен лежать в постели
11. 1 feel better. Я чувствую себя лучше.
12. This medicine does me good Это лекарство хорошо мне по­

Текст для перевода

Hounded by the Tsarist police, Lenin had to spend many years
in exile abroad. But he never gave up his struggle to organize that
strong Party which led the workers and peasants of Russia to victory,
the overthrow of Tsarism and the establishment of the first Socialist
State. In many countries Lenin and his wife Krupskaya found
refuge. And London too gave hospitality to Lenin on five separate
occasions during his wanderings abroad. He first came in April 1902
to continue the illegal publication of “ Iskra” . Then he attended the
Second, the Third and the Fifth Party Congresses which took place
in London. His last visit was in April — May 1908 to work at the
British Museum gathering material for his work on “ Materialism and
E m piriocriticism ” .
So London played an important part in those early days of that
small group of men and women led by Lenin which was later to be­
come the Soviet Communist Party.
And B ritain ’s capital can claim with pride that British working
class helped Lenin to publish “ Iskra” . Harry Quelch, editor of the
journal of the Social Democratic Federation “ Ju stic e ” made arrange­
ments for the publication of “ Iskra” in the editorial offices of “ Ju s­
tice” . He placed his printing press at the disposal of Lenin.
The tiny room where Harry Quelch and Vladim ir Lenin worked
together is a memorial to the cooperation between the Socialist
movements of B ritain and Russia.

С лова , реком ендуем ые для запоминания

give up v отказываться от, бросать c la im v утверждать; заявлять
(какое-либо дело) pride п гордость
overthrow v свергать; п свержение arrangements п pi приготовления
establishment п установление place v помещать
separate а отдельный disposal п распоряжение
occasion п случай m em orial п памятник
publish v издавать cooperation п сотрудничество
publication п издание, выпуск movement п движение
attend v посещать

Упражнение 28. О тветьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Why did Lenin have to spend many years abroad?

2. Who led the workers and peasants of Russia to victory?
3. How many times was Lenin in London?
4. W hat for did Lenin come to London in April 1902?
5. What did Lenin do in London during his last visit?
6. Who helped Lenin to publish “ Iskra” ?
7. Who was H arry Quelch?
Упражнение 29. Заполните пропуски словами из текста.

1. 1 shall be at your ... in the evening. 2. She always speaks about

her son with ... 3. Do you ... all the English lessons? 4. Russian work­
ers and peasants ... tzarism in 1917. 5. You must make ... for to­
morrow’s evening party. 6. The Soviet press ... a message from the
Central Committee of the CPSU on the ... of International Women’s
Day. 7. ... is one of the principles of peaceful co-existence. 8. He took
part in the ... for peace.
Упражнение 30. Переведите на английский язык:
1. В Лондоне Ленин собирал материал для своих работ. 2. Л е­
нин должен был провести много лет за границей. 3. Английские
рабочие помогали Ленину выпускать газету «Искра». 4. Ленин
присутствовал (посетил) на партийных съездах, которые происхо­
дили в Лондоне. 5. Ленин очень много работал в Британском музее.
6. Ленин не отказался от борьбы даже в изгнании.


I. The Spoon
One day a young gay Irishman came to a little restaurant in Lon­
don, sat down at a table and ordered dinner. Soon the waiter brought
him a plate of soup and put it on the table in front of him. The Irishman
looked at the soup and said: “ I can ’t eat the soup.’'
The waiter did not say a word; he took the plate and went out.
Some minutes passed and he came in with another plate of soup and
put it on the table before the Irishman. The Irishman looked at the
soup and said again: “ I c a n ’t eat the soup.”
T«e waiter did not know what to do and called the manager oi
the restaurant. The manager came up to the Irishman and asked him:
•‘W hat’s the m atter, sir? Why c a n ’t you eat the soup?”
“ O h ,” said the Irishman. “ I c a n ’t eat it because I have nospoon.”

II. A Historical Anecdote

George W ashington, the first President ot the United States, had
a secretary, a young man. One morning the secretary came late. He
tried to excuse himself. “ My watch is wrong, ” he said to Washington.
W ashington replied quietly: “ 1 am afraid you will have to get an­
other watch, or I another secretary.”
III. A Story
A tram p asked a farmer for work.
“ You can gather eggs for m e.” said the farmer, “ if you don’t
steal a n y .”
“ S ir,” answered the tramp with tears in his eyes, “ you can trust
me. For twenty years I was manager of a bath-house and I never took
a b a th .”

Упражнение 31. Перескажите каждый из рассказов, давая полные от­

веты на следующие вопросы:

I. I. Where did a gay Irishman come? 2. What did he order?

3. What did the waiter bring him? 4. Where did he put the plate?
5. Could the Irishman eat the soup? 6. What did the waiter do then?
7. What happened after that? 8. Did the waiter know what to do?
9. Whom did he call? 10. W hat did the manager ask? 11. What
did the Irishman reply?
II. 1. Who had a secretary? 2. When did the secretary come one
morning? 3. What did he try to do? 4. What did he say? 5. What
did Washington reply quietly?
III. 1. What did the tramp ask the farmer for? 2. Could the faimer
trust the tramp ? 3. Why could he trust him? 4. What did the tramp


(The Third L esson)

1. Причастие настоящего времени. (P a rtic ip le 1)
2. Времена группы Continuous (P r e se n t, P a s t , Future)
3. Герундий (простая форма). (Gerund)
4. Инфинитив. (Infinitive)
5. Конструкция со служебным глаголом let.
6. Неопределенные местоимения: many, much, (a) tew. (а)
7. Числительные. (Numerals)

Т е к с т : Boy’s Theatre at Riverm outh after Th. B. Aldrich.


Причастие I (Participle I) может быть образовано от любого

глагола прибавлением к его основе суффикса - ing, например:
to read — reading
to play — playing
Причастие I как член предложения может употребляться в
1) определения:
В функции определения причастие 1 обладает свойствами при­
лагательного и соответствует русским причастиям, оканчиваю­
щимся на -щий или -вший. и деепричастиям, оканчивающимся на
-я или -а. Оно всегда выражает одновременность действия (как в
настоящем, так и в прошлом) с глаголом-сказуемым.
The man reading the book is my uncle.
Человек, читающий книгу, — мой дядя.
They could see the children playing in the garden.
Они могли видеть детей, играющих в саду.
2) обстоятельства:
Если причастие I в функции обстоятельства выражает дей­
ствие, одновременное действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым,
то оно соответствует в русском языке деепричастию несовершен­
ного вида на -а, -я: крича, играя или деепричастию совершенного
Playing chess, I noticed...
Играя в шахматы, я заметил...
Hearing his voice she said ...
Услышав его голос, она сказала ...

Упражнение /. Определите функцию Participle I и переведите предло

жения на русский язык, пользуясь англо-русским словарем.

1. A group of laughing people саше up to us. 2. He stood ta lk ­

ing 1o her in a soft voice. 3. Not u n derstandin g what they wanted
he repeated his question. 4. T ravelling all over the world the scien­
tist saw many interesting things and collected important material.
5. She stopped to look at the birds sin g in g in the tree. 6 The old man
showing them those photoes lived in our house many years ago.
7 Being tired they decided to lie down and rest a little.
П р и м е ч а н и е 1: Причастия действительного залога прошед­
шего времени не имеют соответствующей формы в английском языке, поэто­
му обороты с подобными причастиями следует переводить на английский язык
определительными придаточными предложениями с глаголом в личной
Мальчик, приехавший вчера а Москву, — мой брат.
The boy, who саше to Moscow y esterd ay , is my brother
П р и м е ч а н и е 2: Причастие i от глагола to be—being не упот­
ребляется в оборотах, выраж ающих обстоятельство времени. Поэтому
русское предложение «Будучи студентом, он любил ходить в театр» следует
перевести “ W hen he was a s tu d e n t (when a stu d e n t) he liked to go to a t h e a t r e . ”
Однако причастие I от глагола to be — being употребляется в оборотах,
выражающих обстоятельство причины.
Being absent-m inded he often left the keys to his room.
Будучи рассеянным, он часто забывал ключи от комнаты. (Так как он
был рассеянным ..)

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык

по образцам.

1. Не looked a t the p l a y i n g ch ild

танцующих девушек (to dance),
смеющихся студентов (to laugh),
Он посмотрел на падающие звезды (to fall),
плачущего мальчика (to cry),
спящую собаку (to sleep).
2. The man sitting a t the table is m y brother
стоящий у доски, — наш учитель,
поющий песню, — один из наших студентов.
Мужчина, идущий по дороге, — его друг.
моющий руки, — ее отец,
работающий в саду, — мой дядя.
3. Не stood looking а/, те.
весело улыбаясь (gaily),

думая о чем-то.
читая газету,
куря папиросу.
4. She left looking a t me.
оставив чембдан (the case) в комнате,
поставив тарелки на полку.
Она вышла, сказав что-то сестре.
положив книгу на письменный стол,
оставив ему полотенце и мыло.
Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения.

1. Человек, написавший эту статью, хорошо знает жизнь со­

ветских космонавтов. 2. Студенты, принимавшие участие в этой
работе, поедут в Ленинград. 3. Вопросы, обсуждавшиеся на этом
собрании, очень интересны. 4. Я знаю человека, читавшего эту
лекцию (to give a lecture). 5. Кто эта девушка, приходившая к
вам вчера вечером?



Времена группы Continuous образуются при помощи вспомо­

гательного глагола to be и причастия I смыслового глагола и выра­
жают действие в его течении, в его конкретном совершении, пред­
ставляя действие как процесс, одновременный с каким-либо мо­
ментом или отрезком времени*.
Следует помнить, что в отличие от времен группы Indefinite,
времена группы Continuous не могут 1) выражать действия, со­
вершающегося постоянно, при любых условиях или бесконечно,
2) употребляться для выражения ряда последовательных действий.
Время, к которому относится действие, выясняется из контек­
I am reading.
Я читаю (сейчас).
* С некоторыми глаголами (to be, to exist, to w an t, to see и др.) вре­
мена.группы Continuous не употребляются.
When I was working she came to see me.
Когда я работал, она пришла навестить меня.
I was working all night long.
Я работал всю ночь.
1 shall be working the whole day tomorrow.
Завтра весь день я буду работать.
Во всех этих примерах действие, выраженное одним из времен
Continuous, приурочено к определенному моменту, отрезку време­
ни: сейчас-, в тот момент, когда она приш ла навестить-, всю ночь ;
весь день.
Глагол в форме Continuous может сочетаться со следующими
обстоятельствами: now, s till, a ll day long, the whole day, a ll night
long, through this period, throughout the year (throughout 1957).

The Present Continuous Tense

1 am working now.
Я работаю (сейчас).

Утвердительная Вопросительная Отрицательная

форма форма форма

1 am working. Am 1 working? 1 am nol working.

You are working. Ате you working’ You are not working.
> is working
f he )
Is { she > working?
He |
She i is not working.
It I 1 it I It J
We | f we ] We |
You } are working Are < you } working? You ^ are not working.
They J 1 they) They 1

Present Continuous выражает длительное действие, совершаю­

а) в момент речи:
1 am w riting now.
Я пишу (сейчас, в данный момент).
б) в настоящий период времени (не обязательно в момент речи):
It is raining all day long.
Весь день идет дождь.

Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский я зы к:

1. “ Where is Peter now?” 'H e is speaking to his teacher.”

2. “ What are you doing?” “ I am writing a le tte r.” 3. “ Is she
sleeping?” “ No, she is n o t.” “ She is reading a book.” 4. ‘ What is
he reading?” “ He is reading a newspaper.” 5. “ We are having dinner
now. ’ ’

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в Present Continuous.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. It is 9 o ’clock now. They (to listen) to the latest news. 2. Look

at him. He (to hurry) somewhere. 3. Come to see me. 1 (to have a rest)
now. 4. “ Where are the students?” “ They (to have) their English
lesson.” 5. Don’t touch (трогай) the cat. He (to eat)., and he will
be angry if you touch him. 6. Why you (to smoke) here? It is not al­
lowed to smoke in the lecture hall. 7. “ Ivanov (to write) in his note­
book now?” “ No, he (to w rite)on the blackboard.” 8. The schoolchil­
dren (not to skate) at the skating-rink now. 9. She (not to read) a news­
paper now. she (to read) a magazine.

Различие между Present Continuous

и Present Indefinite

Present Continuous выражает длительное действие, происхо­

дящее в момент речи или в период, к которому этот момент отно­
сится, тогда как Present Indefinite обычно выражает действие, со­
вершающееся постоянно, без ограничения во времени, например:
Не is going to the factory. (Present Continuous)
Он (сейчас) идет на фабрику.
Не goes to the factory every day. (Present Indefinite)
Он ходит на фабрику каждый день.

Упражнение б. Переведите предложения и определите время глагола-


I. She is swimming. She often swims very far. 2. He is still trans­

lating the text. He usually translates very slowly. 3. What are they
doing? They are playing tennis. They play tennis well.

The Past Continuous Tense

I was working when he came in.

Я работал, когда он вошел (какой-то отрезок времени в прош­
Утвердительная Вопроснтельная Отрицательная
форма форма форма

1 was working Was 1 working? 1 was not w o r k i n g

You were working. Were you working? You were not working.
He 1 (he ) He ]
She > was working Was i she } working? She 1 was not working.
К 1 1 it ) It J
} were working.
( we 1
Were { you } working?
We |
You I were not working.
They ) 1 they J They 1

Past Continuous употребляется для выражения:

1) конкретного процесса, протекающего в определенный момент
(или отрезок времени) в прошлом. Момент совершения действия
может быть указан (at this time, at that moment).
At this time yesterday I was taking my exam in literature.
Вчера в это время я сдавал экзамен по литературе.
2) процесса, протекавшего в момент, когда произошло какое-
либо другое действие (это действие выражается глаголом в Past
She was playing the piano when I ca lled on her.
Она играла на рояле, когда я заш ел к ней.

Различие между Past Continuous

и Past Indefinite
Past Continuous употребляется для выражения длительного
действия, происходившего в определенный момент в прошлом.
Past Indefinite употребляется для выражения обычного повторяю­
щегося действия или ряда последовательных действий в прошлом.
Past Continuous в этих случаях не употребляется, даже если дейст­
вие выражено как процесс.
1) Не was preparing his report yesterday from ten to twelve.
2) He prepared his report for two hours, then he went for a walk
and came home only in the evening.

Упражнение 7. П оставьте глаголы, стоящ ие в скобках, в Pasl In­

definite или в Past Continuous.

1. Yesterday at this time I (to finish) my report at the meeting.

2. At 5 o ’clock yesterday we (to listen to) the concert over the radio.
3. At 7 o ’clock I (to get up, to wash and to go out) of the house. 4. In
the morning I (to read) newspapers, (to translate) articles, (to help)
my friend with English.

The Future Continuous Tense

I shall be working from 3 till 5.
Я буду работать с 3 до 5 (в определенный отрезок или момент
времени в будущем).

Утвердительная Вопросительная Отрицательная

форма форма форма

1 shall be working Shall 1 be working? 1 shall not be working.

You will be working. W ill you be working? You will not be working.
) ]
{( she)
he ) be
He He
She >will be working. W ill working? She [w ill not be working.
И 1 1 >»J It J
We shall be working. Shall we be working? We sh all not be working.
You 1 will not be w ork -
Thev } W’" ke working' Will | j ^ y j be working? They j ing.

Future Continuous выражает действие, которое совершается в

определенный отрезок времени в будущем:
You must hurry. Не w ill be w aiting for you at 6 o ’clock.
Вы должны торопиться. Он будет ждать вас в 6 часов.

Различие между Future Continuous

и Future Indefinite
Future Indefinite употребляется для выражения однократного
или повторяющегося действия, которое будет иметь место в буду­
Не w ill graduate from the Institute next year.
В будущем году он окончит институт.
Future Continuous употребляется для выражения действия,
которое происходит в определенный момент или отрезок времени
в будущем.
Не w ill be working the whole day tomorrow.
Завтра весь день он будет работать.
В этом предложении действие глагола-сказуемого ограничено
обстоятельством весь день.
Упражнение 8. Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы, смотря по смыс­
лу, в F u tu re C ontinuous или Future Indefinite.

1. The teacher (to ask) us at the lesson. He (to ask) us the whole
lesson. 2. He (to return) home on Sunday. Please come and see us.
3. I (to work) in the library from six to nine o ’clock. 4. They (to go)
to the South at this time tomorrow. 5. She (to become) a doctor in
two years. 6. At the beginning of the lesson one of our students (to
show) us his pictures. 7. His daughter (to take) music lessons.

Особые случаи употребления формы Continuous

1. С глаголами to come, to leave, to start, to go и т. д. Present
Continuous часто употребляется для выражения действия, отно­
сящегося к ближайшему будущему:
I am coming in a minute.
Через минуту я приду.
2. Глаголы выражающие восприятие и умственную деятель­
ность, иногда употребляются во временах группы Continuous.
Употребление их в формах продолженного вида придает этим
глаголам оттенок особой значительности процесса и его интенсив­
Не was thinking much about that problem.
Он много думал (в какой-то определенный отрезок времени)
об этой проблеме.

Примечание: Часто для выраж ения действия, соверш аю щ е­

гося в определенный момент, глаголы данного типа уп отребляю тся с мо
дальним глаголом сап.
I c a n see (hear).
Я вижу (слышу) (в данный момент)

3. Глаголы-связки, как например, to be во временах группы

Continuous не употребляются.
Упражнение 9. Поставьте следующие предложения 8 вопросительную
и отрицательную форму по образцам:
I / am reading a book.
Am I reading a book ?
/ am not reading a book.
1. 1 am w riting a letter to my father now. 2. Comrade N. is read­
ing something in the hall. 3. They are speaking to their friend.
4. You are trying to open the window.
2. У was reading when she entered the room.
Was I reading when she entered the room ?
I was not reading when she entered the room.
1. The girl was walking near the house when she found a little
cat. 2. She was returning home yesterday when she ran into her friend.
3. They were playing chess all the evening. 4. 1 was swimming when
I saw a boat.
3. He w ill be ta k in g his exam, a t 12 o'clock tomorrow.
W ill he be ta k in g his exam a t 12 o'clock tomorrow ?
He w ill not be ta k in g h is exam a t 12 o'clock tomorrow.
1. They will be working in the kitchen garden (огороде) the whole
week. 2. At this time the day after tomorrow they will be approaching
the village of N. 3. He will be having his breakfast from 9 to 10 o ’clock

Упражнение 10. Данге краткие ответы по образцам:

“ Are you reading?" “ Yes, I am. No, I am not."

"Is she working?" “ Yes, she is. N o she is not (isn't)."

1. Are they having a rest? 2. Is he dressing? 3. Are you buying

a book? 4. Is she trying to fall asleep? 5. Are you having breakfast?
6. Is it (машина) working?
“ Was he h avin g a rest when / came to see him?" “ Yes. he was."
“No, he was not (wasn't)."
“ Were th ey w r itin g when you rang them up?" “ Yes they were"
“No, they were not (weren't)."
1. Was she cooking dinner when you came in? 2. Were you sing­
ing when he came home? 3. Were they having their French lesson
when he came? 4. Was he doing his homework when his mother
asked him to help her?

Упражнение 11. Поставьте вопросы к предложениям но образцам:

They were p la yin g tennis.

1) Общий вопрос (General Question)
Were they pla yin g tennis?
2) Общий вопрос с отрицанием (Разве не...?)
W eren't they (were they not) p la yin g tennis?
3) Альтернативный (Alternative Question)
Were they p la y in g tennis or volley-ball?
4) Разделительный (Disjunctive Question)
They were p la y in g tennis, weren’t they?
5) Специальные вопросы
а) к подлежащему:
Who was p la yin g tennis?
6) к дополнению:
W hat were they playin g?
1. The children were listening to the interesting story. 2. He is
walking home with his sister. 3. The boy was standing still at that
moment. 4. She will be playing the piano from eleven to twelve
o ’clock.

Упражнение 12. Заполните пропуски глаголами, данными в скобках

в соответствующем времени.

1. Не (is having, has) an exam ination in English now. 2. H

(is having, has) an exam ination twice a year. 3. They (are discussing,
discuss) the new film now. 4. They (are discussing, discuss) every new
film. 5. When 1 came to see him he (was sleeping, slept). 6. She went
straight (прямо) to bed and (was sleeping, slept) till 8 o ’clock. 7. She
sat down and (was looking, looked) at him. 8. Don’t speak so loudlyl
He (is making, makes) a report in the next room. 9. He usually
(is making, makes) very interesting reports.

Упражнение 13. Раскройте скобки и переведите текст на русский язык.

A .: Good afternoon, Mary! What! Again you (to read)! When­

ever (когда бы) 1 (to come) I always (to see) that you (to read).
Yesterday when I (to call) on you, you (to read) too.
М .: Well, I (to be) very fond ofbooks, you know.
A .: What you (to read)?
М .: 1 (to read) a new novel byPaustovsky.
A .: It (to be) a good book?
М .: Very. You (to want) to read it?
A .: I should like to (Мне хотелось бы). When you (to finish) to
read it?
М .: I hope that I (to finish) to read it today. 1 (to read) the whole
evening. Tomorrow you (can) take it.



Герундий (Gerund) является неличной формой глагола, соеди­

няющей в себе свойства существительного и глагола. Gerund об­
разуется путем прибавления суффикса -ing к основе глагола.
В русском языке соответствующей формы глагола нет. На русский
язык герундий может переводиться как существительное (отгла­
гольное), деепричастие, глагол, целое придаточное предложение.
1. Существительное
Reading is useful.
Чтение полезно.
2. Деепричастие
On arriv in g in Moscov...
Приехав в Москву...
3. Глагол
Stop talking.
Перестань болтать.
4. Целое придаточное предложение
She knows of his being here.
Она знает о том, что он (находится) здесь.
Если перед герундием стоит притяжательное местоимение или
существительное в притяжательном падеже, то при переводе на
русский язык они превращаются в подлежащее придаточного пред­
1 heard of Comrade Petrov’s living in Moscow.
Я слышал, что товарищ Петров живет в Москве.
1 know of her being free today.
Я знаю, что она сегодня свободна.
Еели подлежащее выражено герундием с относящимися к нему
словами, то обычно такие герундиальные обороты переводятся на
русский язык придаточным предложением.
His being appointed to the post of director was quite unexpected.
To, что его назначили на пост директора, «было совершенно
Your taking part in this work is desirable.
Желательно, чтобы вы участвовали в этой работе.
(Ваше участие в этой работе желательно.)

Различие между герундием и отглагольным

Герундий отличается от отглагольного существительного сле­
1) не употребляется с артиклем и не имеет множественного
Eating much fruit is useful.
2) как любая глагольная форма определяется (а) наречием (eat­
ing slowly), тогда как существительное определяется прилагатель­
ным (slow reading); (б) существительным или предложным оборо­
том, являющимся дополнением или обстоятельством.
Stop reading this book.
On arriv in g in Moscow.
Однако герундий сохраняет некоторые черты существитель­
1) Он может вводиться предлогом:
Tell him of taking his book.
2) Ему может предшествовать:
а) существительное в притяжательном падеже
M ary’s reading
б) притяжательное местоимение
I don’t know of his speaking English.
в) отрицательное местоимение
No smoking here!
Обладая свойствами существительного, герундий выполняет в
предложении те же функции, что и существительное. Он может
1) подлежащим:
Swimming is pleasant.
Плавать приятно.
2) частью составного сказуемого:
Her greatest pleasure is reading.
Для нее величайшим удовольствием является чтение.
Не began reading the book yesterday.
Он начал читать книгу вчера.
3) прямым и предложным дополнением:
1 remember reading this article.
Я помню, что читал эту статью.
1 am fond of singing.
Я люблю петь.
В функции предложного дополнения герундий употребляется
после следующих глаголов и словосочетаний:
to depend (on) — зависеть (от)
to rely (on) — полагаться (на)
to insist (on) — настаивать (на)
to object (to) — возражать (против)
to agree (to) — соглашаться (на)
to hear (of) — слышать (о)
to think (o f)— думать (о)
to thank (for) — благодарить (за)
to prevent (from) — помешать, препятствовать
to be fond (of) — любить (кого-либо или что-либо)
to be sure (of) — быть уверенным (в чем-либо)
to be pleased (at или with) — быть довольным (чем-либо или
to be surprised (at) — удивляться (чему-либо)
to be interested (in) — интересоваться (чем-либо)
to be afraid (of)— бояться (чего-либо)
4) определением:
I had the pleasure of seeing her yesterday.
Я имел удовольствие видеть ее вчера.
5) обстоятельством:

After receiving the letter 1 rang him up.

Получив письмо, я позвонил ему.
Герундий с предлогами on (upon), after и before можно переводить
на русский язык деепричастием совершенного вида (п р и е х а в ,
написав) или личной формой глагола в придаточном обстоятель­
ственном предложении.
On coming home he went to bed at once.
Придя домой, он сразу лег спать.
After sleeping for an hour he woke up.
Проспав час, он проснулся.
Before doing this he decided to consult his teacher.
Прежде чем сделать эго (или прежде чем он сделал это) он
решил посоветоваться со своим преподавателем.
Герундий с предлогом without следует переводить деепричас­
тием совершенного вида с отрицанием:
Не went out w ithout saying a word.
Он вышел, не сказав ни слова
8 7
Упражнение 14. Замените придаточные предложения герундиальной
■конструкцией в соответствии с образцом.

When / returned home / found th a t the m a il had not been

On (after) returning home / found th at the m ail h ad not
been delivered.
1. After I had read the book I went to bed. 2. When I saw his
:pale disturbed face I realized th at something had gone wrong. 3. When
he arrived in the town he sent a telegram to his relatives. 4. After he
had looked through the article he found many typing mistakes. 5. When
•she had checked the students’ papers she singled out some typical
mistakes. 6. After she had copied the telephone number she tried to
memorize it. 7. When they received that letter they realized that it
was necessary to take urgent steps.

Упражнение 15. Обратите внимание на перевод герундия с предлогом

w ithout.

1. W ithout thinking long, he agreed to our offer. 2. “ You can ’t

.go home w ithout finishing your ta s k ,” said the teacher. 3. I can’t
tell you the whole story w ithout reading it to the end. 4. This
-article is difficult. You c a n ’t translate it w ithout us ing the dictionary.
5. He went there w ithout telling his friends about it. 6. She could
not speak with him w ithout quarrelling. 7. It was nearly eleven that
night when Ashurst put down the pocket “ Odyssey” which for half
an hour he had held in his hands w ithout reading, and slipped through
the yard down to the orchard. 8. He walked a long way, w ithout
looking either to the right or left. 9. He had saved a small sum of
money, but it was not enough to live on w ithout doing something.

Различие между герундием и причастием I

Герундий и причастие I имеют две общие функции — опреде­

ления и обстоятельства. Однако их легко отличить друг от друга,
так как причастие I в функциях определения и обстоятельства
употребляется без предлога, а герундий — всегда с предлогом.
1. Не sat on the sofa reading a letter (reading читая — прича­
стие I).
2. On reading the letter he put it into the pocket (on reading
прочитав — герундий).

Упражнение 16. Переведите предложения, заменив выделенное слово

■герундием в функции:

I) подлежащего

I. Беседа с ним занимает обычно около часа. 2. Так много к у ­
рит ь вредно. 3. Плыть далеко опасно. 4. Рисование — полезное
развлечение для детей. 5. Писать ему об этом бесполезно.
2) части составного сказуемого
1. Величайшим удовольствием для нас будет прочитать его
новый роман. 2. Они начали громко разговаривать. 3. Студенты
кончили обсуждать доклад и поблагодарили докладчика.
3) прямого и предложного дополнения

1. Он любил гулят ь по лесу. 2. Она боится заболеть. 3. Я уве­

рен в том, что он напишет статью. 4. Он настаивал (insisted оп>
на том, чтобы навестить ее. 5. Мы знали, что он в больнице.
4) определения

1. Он имел удовольствие услышать эту замечательную певицу.

2. У нас было мало надежды (little hope) найти эту книгу.
3. Мы будем иметь удовольствие посетить картинную галерею.
4. Не было никакой возможности (no chance) предупредит ь его.
5) обстоятельства

1. П ридя домой, мы начали готовить ужин. 2. Написав доклад,

он прочел его еще раз. 3. Он подумал, прежде чем ответить нам.


Инфинитив — это неличная форма глагола, которая, называя

действие, не указывает ни лицо, ни число, ни наклонение. Инфи­
нитив в английском языке употребляется с частицей to и отвечает
на вопросы что делать?, что сделать?
to read читать
to play играть
В предложении инфинитив употребляется в функции:
1. подлежащего
То read that book was a real pleasure.
Читать эту книгу было настоящим удовольствием.
2. части сказуемого
His aim was to master English.
Его целью было овладеть английским.
позвонить вам завтра. 5. Она решила пойти в столовую пообедать.
6. Герт позвал Лэнни, чтобы предупредить его. 7. Они пошли в
дом, чтобы вымыть лицо и руки.

Упражнение 19. Переведите на английский язык слова, данныр в скоб­

ках, пользуясь конструкциями u s e d to + и н ф и н и т и в , w o u l d + и н ф и -
нит ив.

I. Не (бывало приходил) to our place to play chess. 2. We (часто

ходили) to the cinema together when we were students. 3. She (обычно
предупреждала) me of any danger. 4. They (часто помогали) us in
our work. 5. She (часто навещала) her grandfather when he was ill.
6. The teacher (обычно брал) our copy-books home. 7. He (обычно
курил) only these cigarettes.
Упражнение 20. Переведите предложения.
1. Мы знаем, что она пришла первой. 2. Следующим, кто при­
слал поздравление, был его учитель. 3. Они последними присоеди­
нились к нашей экскурсии. 4. Он будет последним, кто узнает
об этом страшном событии. 5. Я третьим отвечал на экзамене. 6. Кто
первый заметил эти следы (traces)?


С помощью конструкции со служебным глаголом let -f- субъект

действия -|- инфинитив (без t o ) выражается побуждение к дейст­
вию, обращенное к 3-му или 1-му лицу.
Субъект действия выражается местоимением в объектном паде­
же или существительным.
Let him do it.
Пусть он сделает это.
Let the boy do it.
Пусть мальчик сделает это.
Побуждение, обращенное к 1-му лицу множественного числа,
является приглашением к совместному действию.
Let us do itt
Давайте сделаем это!
L et’s (let us) not do it. (Don’t let us do it.)
Давайте не делать этого.

Когда субъектом действия является 1-е лицо единственного

числа, то выражается желание говорящего сделать что-то.
Let me do it.
Дайте я сделаю это.
Упражнение 21. Переведите предложения на английский язык по

1. Let us have b rea k fa st.

вымоем руки и будем обедать,
переведем этот текст.
Давайте спросим его об этом.
сядем и отдохнем,
подождем вашу сестру.
2. Let him do it.
играет эту роль,
узнает все об этом,
Пусть он войдет в комнату,
работает в саду,
позвонит ей.
3 . Let A n ti play in the garden.
выберет место. '
покажет билеты,
Пусть Анна пойдет с вами в театр,
сыграет главную роль в этой пьесе.

Упражнение 22. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. Let us go to visit our sick (больного) teacher. 2. Let the girl

sing this song. 3. Let the woman wash the child’s hands. 4. Let her
dance a little. 5. Let them discuss the plan of our journey. 6. Let us
find some indoor amusement. 7. Let him act that character himself.



Местоимения many и few употребляются с исчисляемыми, a

much и little — с неисчисляемыми существительными.
I have many (few) books.
У меня много (мало) книг.
I have much (little) time.
У менд много (мало) времени.
Местоимения few и little имеют отрицательноезначение мало,
a a few и a little имеют положительное значение несколько, немного,
1 have little tim e, so I can ’t help you.
У меня мало времени, поэтому я не могу помочь тебе.
1 have a little time, so I can help you.
У меня есть немного времени, поэтому я могу помочь тебе.
Вместо much можно употреблять следующие словосочетания:
a lot (of), a good (great) deal (of), а вместо m any —a number
of, a great many, a good many, lots of.

Упражнение 23. Переведите следующие пары слов:

1. много тетрадей, много молока, много воды, много дней, мно­

го газет, много мела, много снега, много лет, много картин, мно­
го музыки;
2. мало домов, мало чернил, мало чая, мало чашек, мало яб­
лок, мало окон, мало бумаги, мало кофе, мало статей, мало радости;
3. немного денег, несколько стульев, несколько песен, не­
много времени, немного веселья, несколько человек, несколько

Упражнение 24. Заполните пропуски местоимениями m any, much,

fe w , little , a f e w , a little и переведите предложения.

1. He had ... English books at home. He had to take them from

the library. 2. She gave him ... water to wash his hands and face.
3. There were ... vacant (свободных) seats in the train. 4. Here are
... words about my journey. 5. After the playeverybody felt ...tire d .
6. Let us stay here ... longer. 7. Peter spent ... time learning these
words. 8. There was ... hay in the barn and they could not play there.
9. There was ... water in the river and they decided to cross it (пе­


Числительные делятся на три группы:'

1) количественные числительные (Cardinal Numerals)
2) порядковые числительные (Ordinal Numerals)
3) дробные числительные (Fractional Numerals)
К ол и ч еств ен н ы е ч и сли тел ьн ы е
( C a r d in a l N u m e r a ls )

13— 19
0— 12 десятков,
суффикс суффикс
100 1,000 1,000,000 1,000,000,000
- teen -ty

0—nought 13—thirteen a h u n ­ a th o u­ a million a milliard 20— twenty

zero 14— fourteen
dred sand a billion 30— thirty
1—one 15— fifteen 40— forty
2 —two 16—sixteen 5 0 -fifty
3— three 17—seven­ 60—six ty
4— four teen 70— seventy
5— five 18— eighteen 80—eighty
6—six 19— nin eteen 90— ninety
9 —nine
12— tw elve

Остальные числа образуются путем сочетания вышеприведен­

ных числительных:
21 — twenty-one
115 — one hundred and fifteen
3,506 — three thousand, five hundred and six
Числительные hundred и thousand, перешедшие в разряд су­
ществительных: a hundred, a thousand во множественном числе при­
нимают окончание -s, а следующие за ними существительные упо­
требляются с предлогом of:
a hundred ot books (сотня)
hundreds of books (сотни)
Количественные числительные употребляются вместо порядко­
вых при нумерации глав, страниц книги, актов пьесы, домов, ком­
нат, трамваев и т. д., например: page two вторая ст раница, act
three т рет ий а к т , house (number) twelve дом 12, room seven
седьм ая ко м н а т а и т. д.

Упражнение 25. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

автобус № 43, восьмая комната, второй акт, двадцатая стра­

ница, дом № 18, пятая глава (chapter), вторая статья, трамвай
№ 26, триста шестьдесят восьмая страница, двадцать девятый урок,
шестой ряд (row), третий том (volume)
П орядк овы е ч и сли тел ьн ы е
( O r d in a l N u m e r a ls )

Все порядковые числительные, за исключением first, second

и third, образуются от соответствующих количественных числитель­
ных путем прибавления суффикса -th: Fourth, eleventh, twentieth,
hundredth и т. п. Порядковые числительные обычно употребляются
с определенным артиклем: the first первый, the tenth десят ый .

Упражнение 26. Переведите на английский язык:

двенадцатый день, второй раз, третий час (hour), четвертый

месяц, первый раз (time), восьмая минута, третья чашка чая, пя­
тая капля (drop), десятая секунда

Хронологические даты
При чтении четырехзначных цифр, обозначающих годы, сна­
чала читаются две первые цифры, а затем две последние':
1955 — nineteen fifty-five
1900 — nineteen hundred
1905 — nineteen five (nineteen and five)
Даты пишутся так: October 12, 1962 или 12 October, 1962 или
12th October, 1962 и читаются: October the twelfth nineteen sixty-
two или the twelfth of October nineteen sixty two.

Упражнение 27. Напишите словами следующие цифры:

1793, 1882, 1917, 1945, 1861, 1357, 1949, 1909

Упражнение 28. Н апишите словами следующие даты :

May 22, 1961; January 1, 1938; 10 April 1945; 7 November 1917;

October 27, 1941; September 30, 1900; 8 March 1924

Дробные числительные
(Fractional Numerals)
а ) П рост ы е дроби (Common Fractions)
В названиях простых дробей числитель обозначается количе­
ственным числительным, а знаменатель — порядковым (если числи­
тель больше единицы, то знаменатель оканчивается на -s):
'/ з — one third
2/з — two thirds
Особо образуются следующие дробные числительные:
1/г — one (a) half (половина)
'/ 4 — one (a) quarter (one fourth) (четверть)
8/4 — three quarters (three fourths) (три четверти)
В названиях смешанных чисел между названием целого числа и
дроби стоит союз and:
2‘/ 3 — two and a third (one third)
Сочетания дробных числительных с существительными читают­
ся следующим образом:
l/2 mile — half a mile (a half mile); 3/ 4hour — three quarters ot
an hour; 11/ 2 tons — one and a half tons
б) Десят ичные дроби. (Decimal Fractions)

В названии десятичных дробей каждая цифра обычно обозна­

чается отдельным количественным числительным. Целое число от­
деляется от десятичной дроби точкой, которая читается point.
0.5 — nought point five (или point five)
1.15 — one point one five (или one and fifteen)
12.305 — one two (twelve) point three nought five
Упражнение 29. а) Н апишите словами следующие простые и десятичные
Чъ 35/„; 4/„; 21/,; 4.8; 1.05; 52.718; 0.05; 62/ 3
б) Переведите следующие словосочетания:
а/4 секунды; 22/ 3 тонны; 1*/„ килограмма; 1/ 2 фунта (pound);
97з мили (mile); 3*/2 метра
Проценты обозначаются: 2% или 2 per cent.
Упражнение 30. Н апишите словами:
100%; 13/б%; 0.5% ; 3.05% , 1/5%; 123%; 11%; 1.6%; 82/ 3%;
23.4% ; 25%

after Thomas B a ily A ldrich
It was raining hard during all those six weeks at Rivermouth and
we set ourselves at work to find some indoor amusement for our
4— 1312 97
‘Now boys, what shall we do?” 1 asked addressing my friends
who were sitting thoughtfully in our barn one rainy afternoon.
“ L et’s have a th ea tre ,” said Binny Wallace.
The very thing1! But where? The loft of the stable was ready to
burst with hay2, but the long room over the carriage house was empty.
The place of all places3! 1 used to go to the theatre in New Orleans
and therefore knew something about it. So in a few moments we were
setting up some extraordinary scenery of my own painting.
The theatre was a success so far as it went. 1 played all the prin­
cipal parts myself — not that 1 was the finer actor than the other boys4,
but because I owned the establishm ent.
At the tenth performance my dram atic career ended because of
an unfortunate circumstance. We were playing the drama of W illiam
Tell, the Hero of Switzerland. Of course,I was W illiam Tell, in spite
of Fred Laugdon who wanted to act that character himself. I would
not let him 9, so he left the company, taking the only bow and arrow
we had. I made a cross-bow and did very well without him. We reached
that exciting scene where Gessler, the Austrian Tyrant, commands
Tell to shoot the apple from his son’s head. Pepper Whitcomb played
the part of T e ll’s son. To guard against mischance6. a piece of paste­
board was over the upper portion of W hitcom b’s face, while the ar­
row was in a strip of flannel.
1 can see poor little Pepper now, as he stood still, waiting for me
to perform my great feat7. I raised the cross-bow amid the breathless
silence of the audience, consisting of seven boys and three girls. I
raised the cross-bow. I repeat. Twang8! wenl the whipcord, but in­
stead of hitting9 the apple the arrow flew right into Pepper’s mouth
which was open at the time I destroyed my aim. 1 shall never be able
to forget that moment. P epper’s roar is still ringing in my ears10.
Luckily the arrow did not hurt Pepper seriously; but Grandfa{her who
appeared while young Tell was howling, ordered to close the theatre.
This was my last appearance on any stage.


1. The very th in g !— Самое подходящее!

2. ... was ready to burst with hay ... —...так был набит сеном, что
готов был вот-вот развалиться...
3. The place of all places! — Самое замечательное место!
4. ...not that I was the finer actor than the other boys...— не то.
чтобы я играл лучше других мальчиков
5. 1 would not let him ... — Я не хотел позволить ему...
6. ...to guard against mischance — ...во избежание несчастного
7. ...w aiting for me to perform my great feat.— ...ожидая, когда я
совершу свой великий подвиг.
9 8
8. Twang!— Дзинь!
9. ...but instead of h ittin g ...— ...но вместо того, чтобы попасть...
10. Pepper’s roar is still ringing in my ears.— Рев Пеппера все еще
звучит в моих ушах.
1) still — еще употребляется в утвердительных, вопросительных
и отрицательных предложениях в значении все еще.

Is he still here? He is still here.

Он все еще здесь? Да, он все еще здесь.
Не still doesn’t want to write to me.
Он все еще не хочет писать мне

2) else — еще означает дополнительно к, кроме, помимо.

Обычно употребляется после вопросительных слов и неопреде­
ленных местоимений.
Where else did he go? — Куда еще он пошел?
Не took somebody else’s h at.— Он взял чью-то шляпу.
3) Yet в значении пока еще, до сих пор употребляется в от­
рицательных предложениях.
Your breakfast is not ready yet.— Ваш завтрак пока еще не

Слова и словосочетания, рекомендуемые

для запоминания

to se t oneself at s o m e th i n g заняться c o m p a n y n труппа

чем-либо to do w i t h o u t обходиться без
indoor а комнатный, внутренний: r e a c h v достигать
indoors adv внутри дома; в помеще­ e x c i t e v волновать, возбуждать
нии c o m m a n d v командовать, приказы­
a m u s e m e n t п развлечение, увеселе­ вать
ние, забава, веселье p a r t n роль
t h o u g h tf u l l y adv задумчиво guard v охранять, караулить, сторо­
r a i n y а дождливый жить, стоять на страже
therefore a d v поэтому m is c h a n c e п неудача, несчастный
to set up устанавливать случай
e x t r a o r d i n a r y а чрезвычайный, не­ p e rform о исполнять, играть; выпол­
обычный нять
scenery n декорации p e r fo r m a n c e п представление, спек­
success n успех; to be a success такль
иметь успех bre ath le ss а затаивший дыхание, без­
so far prep пока дыханный
p r i n c i p a l а главный h i t v ударять, попадать (в цель)
a c t o r n артист; to a c t у играть (роль) d e stro y v разрушать, уничтожать;
b ecau se of prep из-за to d e str o y th e a i m попадать в цель
c ir c u m s t a n c e n обстоятельство a p p e a r a n c e п появление; выступле­
in s p i t e of несмотря на ние (ни сцене)
c h ara cte r, n герой sta g e п сцена

4* 99
Имена собственные и географические названия
Thomas Beily Aldrich f'tom as 'belli Switzerland ['sw itsaland] Швейцария
'DildritJJ Томас Бейли Олдрич Fred Laugdon | 'l r e d 'b : g d a n ] Фред
Riverm outh [,riv3'm au0] Рипермаут Логдон
New Orleans [ ' n j u ' o : l i a n z J Новый Gessler [ 'd i e s i s ] Гесслер
Орлеан Pepper W hitcomb I'pepa'w itkoum J
W illiam Tell f 'w il ja m ' tel] Вильгельм Пеппер Витком
Телль Binny W allace f'bini'wDlis) Бинни

Упражнение 31. Определите, от каких корней образованы данные слова,

дайте перевод как исходных, так и производных слов:

1. indoor, misadvice, mischance, inclose, income, misdoing, mis­

lead, ingrow, inlet
2. lucky, funny, roomy, snowy, sunny, windy, noisy, foggy, leafy

Упражнение 32. а) Образуйте прилагательные от данных существитель­

ных с помощью суффикса - o u s и переведите их.

danger опасность
volume объем
courage смелость
humour юмор
glory слава
fame слава, известность

б) Переведите следующие словосочетания:

dangerous travel, courageous people, glorious life, humourous

stories, voluminous correspondence, famous writer

Упражнение 33. Переведите следующие гнезда слов. Обратите внима­

ние на словообразующие суффиксы и префиксы. Заполните пропуски одним
из данных слов.

1. amuse v — amusing а — amusement п

1. We could not find any ... for ourselves. 2. His manner of talk­
ing... me. 3. That was an ... scene!

2. appear v — appearance n — disappear о

1. His strange ... impressed me greatly. 2. Suddenly a strange

figure ... before my eyes. 3. The car turned round the corner and


3. perform v — performance n
1. 1 did not like yesterday’s ... . 2. Who ... the part of Onegin?
4. act v — actress n — actor n
1. A friend of mine ... in this play. 2. She is alam ous ... . 3. Who
is your favourite ...?
5. paint & — painter n — painting n
1. I saw the pictures of this ... at the exhibition (выставка). 2. Do
you like his ...? 3. He likes to ... in water-colours (акварельными

6. excite v — exciting a — excitement n

1. Yesterday she told me a very ... story. 2.Wedon’t know any­
thing about the cause (причине) of her ... .3. The child will go to
bed. Don’t ... him.

7. succeed v — to succeed in-bgerund — success n — successful a

1. His wife ... as a doctor. 2. Everybody wished me great ... in
my future work. 3. I can ’t say that her work is ... , but 1 hope that
everything will be all right. 4. He ... in painting some extraordi­
nary scenery.

8. luck n — lucky a
1. I wish you good ... . 2. We think that he is very ... . as he may
be present at the performance.

Упражнение 34. Замените выделенные курсивом слова и словосочета­

ния синонимами, выбрав их в правой колонке. Переведите предложения.

1. The children could not think ot any g a m e in was a success

the house therefore they decided to go for a
2. He is a fine player and l think that our per­ indoor amuse­
formance will be a success. ment
3. He took the rifle, fir e d and hit the aim. raised
4. When I lifte d my bow I saw that the au­ actor
dience was sitting breathless watching my
o. The perloimance was successful and the lit­ shot
tle actors and actresses were extremely
Упражнение 35. Составьте предложения, пользуясь данными в скоб­
ках союзами, замените выделенные курсивом слова антонимам», выбрав их
в правой колонке. Переведите предложения.

1. The day was sunny, (and) They decided to indoors

stay at home.
2. The box is fu ll, (and) You may put all your upper
things there.
3 I could hit his forehead (лоб), (therefore) empty
He put a piece of pasteboard over the lower
part of his face.
4. Suddenly several men jumped on Lanny. Lan­ disappeared
ny fell down, (and) The men appeared in
the darkness.
5. Gert stood up and walked to the window. rainy
He closed it. (and) Then he returned to his
place again.
6. It was raining hard, (so) The children were opened
speaking about some amusement in <he open

Упражнение 36. Переведите следующие словосочетания и найдите в

тексте предложения, где они употреблены

идти сильно (о дожде); заняться делом; сидеть задумчиво; уста­

навливать декорации; пользоваться успехом; главная роль; пе­
чальное обстоятельство; несмотря на; обойтись без чего-либо;
волнующая сцена; герой (в книге, пьесе); на всякий случай; сто­
ять не шелохнувшись; стрела влетела прямо в...

Упражнение 37. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая вни­

мание на слова, выделенные курсивом.

1. Не stood s till staring at me. He could not recognize me

2. N ot th at I had something against him, but I remembered my un­
cle’s instructions and felt out of place in his presence. 3. Soviet bal­
let was a g rea t success all over the world. 4. I could not get all the
necessary material in the library, but after all / d id very w ell w ith ­
ou t it. 5. They set themselves a t work to prepare a new program for
their theatre. 6. As i t was rain in g hard we decided to put off on-
excursion. 7. This actor will play the p rin cip a l p a rt in the plav.
8 Let us go to our club tonight and listen to the music. 9. My
glance fell rig h t on his face and he looked up. 10. In sp ite of bad
weather they decided to continue their trip.

Упражнение 38. Переведите предложения на английский язык по дан­
ным образцам:

I. In s p i t e o f the r a in y d a y we w ent for a w alk

темноту, они продолжали свой путь
его предупреждение, он решил остаться и ждать,
ее приглашение, он боялся войти в зал.
совет моего дяди, я познакомился в поезде с не­
Несмотря на сколькими молодыми людьми,
трудную работу, она смогла навестить нас.
болезнь, он очень много работал и написал статью
в срок

2. У (he) w o u l d g o to a theatre w ith m y friend

' ездил в город во время каникул,
рисовал декорации для нашего школь-
Я (Он) бывало (часто) играл во всех пьесах,
мылся холодной водой,
навещал старого дядю.

3. S h e u s e d to до to the forest when she was a ch ild

обедала в столовой завода, а теперь
обедает дома,
Она обычно (бы­ много путешествовала в молодости
вало) играла главные роли,
брала детей с собой на прогулку.

Упражнение 39. Заполните пропуски словами и словосочетаниями,

данными к уроку на стр. 99. и переведите предложения.

1. There are plenty of ... in a big city. 2. The ... was a success
and we congratulated the actors. 3. We think that she will play the
... part in the play. 4. If the day is ... tomorrow again the children
will not be able to play in the garden 5. The friends were sitting ...
round the table trying to find some explanation to his absence (от­
сутствие). 6. I hope that we shall hear his ... fine voice at this concert.
7. It will take us half an hour to ... the station. 8. Tell me all the ...
of the case (дела) and we shall decide what to do. 9. The officer ...
his men to fire at the enemy. 10. The boy likes to shoot but he can ’t
... his aim yet. 11. To ... his task he had to look for (искать) some new
m aterial. 12. The collective farmers will ... this old barn and will
build a new bigger one. 13. We asked him to ... our camp that night
to protect (чтобы защитить) us from wild animals. 14. The partisans
were waiting for the ... of the plane (самолет) when they saw a group
of enemy soldiers coming out of the forest and opened fire. 15. While
travelling in America we could not ... comrade N. because he knows
foreign languages. 16. They were almost ... when they stopped run­
Упражнение 40. Переведите предложения согласно данному образцу:
а) as — т ак ка к, п от ом у что
A s he is a t home now we can g o to see him.
Так как он уже дома, мы можем навестить его.
1. As it is rainy today you must not go out. 2. As he came home
late I could not speak to him. 3. As the day was hot they decided lo
go to the river. 4. As the performance was a success we asked the ac­
tors to repeat it.
б) as — к о гд а , в т о врем я как
A s he was g o in g home he noticed som ething in the grass.
В то время как он шел домой, он заметил что-то на траве.
1. As she was translating the text she found it easier and easier.
2. As I raised the bow 1 saw my friend standing in front of me. 3. As
Lanny was washing his hands and face the girl was holding the towel.
в) as — ка/с. в качестве
He works as a teacher.
Он работает учителем.
1. After he graduates from the Institute he will go to the country
to work as a doctor. 2. He served (служил) in the army as a soldier.
3. As a friend I want to tell you that you were not right.
r) as ... as — т ак же ... к а к , т акой же ... как
Не speaks E nglish as w ell as he speaks French.
Он говорит по-английски т ак же хорошо, как и по-французски.
1. Не was as tired as all other comrades. 2. 1am sure liewill
study as well as his brother. 3. The second story is as interesting as
the first one. 4. My uncle knows as many stories as your grandfather.
д) as soon as — ка к т олько
/Is soon as / come home, / shall rin g you up.
Как только я п риду домой, я позвоню вам.
1. We shall go for a trip as soon as we finish our homework. 2. As
soon as you come to town come to see us. 3. The child will be able
to go out as soon as he is well again. 4. As soon as they reached the
town they went right to his flat.
е) as well a s — т а к же, ка к и , а такж е
There is a radio-set as well as а Т. V. set in the room.
В комнате есть телевизор, а также и радио.
1. They will read as well as write English at the lesson. 2. She
bought all the necessary books as well as copybooks for you. 3. I am
ready to drink tea as well as coffee.
ж) as well — т акж е , тоже
He w ill bring h is book as well.
Он принесет также и свою книгу.

1. She translated this article as well. 2. I shall show you my paint­

ing as well. 3. He will drink this milk as well. 4 We want to study
French as well.
з) so far (as) — пока
I t is a ll rig h t so far.
Пока все в порядке.

1. The theatre was a success so far as it went. 2. He studied we!!

so far as he lived with us. 3. They spoke English every day so far as
they studied in the same group.
и) as far as — насколько
A s far as / know he is fond of music.
Насколько я знаю, он любит музыку.

1. As far as we know, she is a good actress. 2. As far as I under­

stand, they will not be able to work at this problem. 3. As far as I
know, he will not follow my advice.
к) as far as — do
/ shall g o as far a s the forest.
Я пойду до леса.

1. Не will swim as far as the bridge (моста). 2. They ran as far

as the station. 3. The children are walking as far as the camp (лагерь).

Упражнение 41. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Я буду бежать до берега реки (bank) и затем поверну обрат­

но. 2. Так как моя сестра прекрасная актриса, она сможет помочь
нам с нашей пьесой. 3 Насколько мне известно, он любил путеше­
ствовать. 4. Я также хочу его видеть. 5. Его жена работает на фаб­
рике директором. 6. Когда он поднял голову и посмотрел на нее,
она поняла, что что-то случилось (that something had happened).
7. Этот мальчик такой же смелый, как и ваш брат. 8. В библиотеке
есть газеты, а также и журналы
Упражнение 42. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

улыбающаяся девочка; спящий ребенок; играющие дети; чи­

тающий мужчина; танцующая молодежь (youth); ожидающий сту­
дент; лежащие вещи; бегущая собака

Упражнение 43. Переведите предложения, пользуясь данными об­


I. Сейчас он читает.
Не is reading now.
Он много читает.
Не reads much.

1. Посмотри, идет дождь. Летом здесь редко идет дождь.2.Он

сидит задумчиво в кресле. Он часто сидит так. 3. Они теперьпуте­
шествуют по Советскому Союзу. Они обычно путешествуют летом.
4. Что они делают? Они играют в волейбол в саду. После работы
они играют в волейбол. 5. Где сейчас доктор? Он делаетоперацию
(to perform ап operation). Этот доктор делает операции почтиежед­
невно. 6. Она сейчас едет на работу. Она ездит на работу в 8 часов.
2. Когда мы чошли, он о чем-то думал.
When we came in, he was th in k in g about something.
Он много думал об этой пьесе.
Не thought much abou t th is play.

I. Лэнни лежал на дороге без движения, когда его нашла соба­

ка. Он часто лежал на траве, читая книгу. 2. Он шел в театр, когда
купил этот журнал. Он ходил в театр очень редко, так как был за­
нят по вечерам. 3. Когда она отдыхала, зазвонил телефон. Она
редко отдыхала днем, нужно было присматривать за детьми (look
after). 4. Когда они шли на станцию, они потеряли билет. Они хо­
дили на станцию встречать вечерние поезда. 5. Когда она мыла
посуду, она уронила стакан. Она всегда мыла посуду после еды.
3. Завт ра * это время он будет идти в школу.
Не w ill be goin g to school a t th is tim e tomorrow.
Завт ра он пойдет в школу. Он уже здоров.
Не w ill go to school tomorrow. He is already well.

1. С 1-го июня по l-e августа они будут жить в деревне и ра­

ботать там в больнице. После окончания института они будут жить
в деревне и работать там в больнице. 2. Весь день он будет работать
в библиотеке. После уроков он будет работать в библиотеке. 3. Зав­
тра в это время я с товарищами буду играть в футбол. В воскресенье
я с товарищами поеду за город и буду стрелять в цель.
Упражнение 44. Замените причастные обороты придаточными пред­
ложениями и переведите на русский язык.

The boy p layin g in the garden is m y brother.

The boy who is pla yin g in the garden is m y brother.
1. The man reading a newspaper in the reading-room is our teacher.
2. There are many people resting in Sochi now. 3. He knows the
actor playing the principal part in this play. 4. The woman painting
the scenery is his wife. 5. The student speaking now is our monitor.

Упражнение 45. Переведите следующие предложения, определите,

является ли выделенное слово Participle I или Gerund, и установите его функ­
цию в предложении.

1. Не stopped w ritin g and sat th in k in g tor a while. 2. 1 can see

that ex citin g scene now. 3. “ Where are you hurrying to?” he asked
his sister who was w a lk in g quickly along the s tr e e t.“ I am g o in g
to the club,” she answered. “There is a new film on there and I am a-
fraid of being late." 4 Our company consisting of two boys and five
girls decided to perform a play. 5. After preparing dinner she began
to lay the table. 6. P la y in g volley-ball is a good amusement for young
people. 7. She left the room without sayin g good-bye. 8. T rying
to calm the crying girl he told her his life story. 9. The girl found Lanny
lyin g on the ground. 10 We had the pleasure of seeing the perform­

Упражнение 46. Переведите предложения, заполнив пропуски ге-

рунд нем.

1. Не started ... (стрелять). 2. She began ... (рассказывать) us

an interesting story. 3. Stop ... (болтать) and listen to me. 4. Go
on ... (рисовать). 5. He finished ... (разучивать) the principal part
of the play. 6. They succeeded in ... (найти) the book they were
looking for. 7. She enjoys ... (гулять) in the field in spring.

Упражнение 47. Переведите предложения на английским язык, поль­

зуясь данными образцами:

1. Instead o f h ittin g the apple he h it another aim.

пойти со мной в библиотеку, он пошел в клуб,
поехать автобусом, они пошли туда пешком.
Вместо того пообедать в столовой, он решил выпить чашку
чтобы кофе.
оставить ребенка дома, она взяла его с собой,
купить эту книгу, она взяла ее в библиотеке.
2. H e s u c c e e d e d in w ritin g the article.
купить билет на стадион,

( сыграть главную роль,

поговорить с товарищем П.
3 . Не d i d n o t k n o w o f our being in the hall.
она играет в театре.
Он не знал , они хорошо стреляют,
о том, что мы его ожидаем здесь.
его дядя путешествует.

Упражнение 48. Переведите предложения, используя герундий.

I. Установив декорацию, ребята начали готовиться к представ­

лению. 2. Вместо того, чтобы попросить его остаться, я приказал
ему выйти из комнаты. 3. Быт ь актерами (играть) было очень
интересно. 4. Мальчик боялся попасть в голову своего друга.
5. Маленьким детям нравилось (enjoy) сидеть в зале и смотреть
представление. 6. Я не знал, что он сам играет главную роль.

Упражнение 49. Прочтите и переведите предложения.

1. One rainy afternoon we children set ourselves at work (чтобы

найти) some amusement for our holidays. 2. It was not easy (испол­
нять) the principal part in that play. 3. We hope (сыграть) the play
as soon as possible. 4. The task was (найти) an actor. 5. I had
to (стрелять) at the apple on his head. 6. (Играть) in that play
was a real pleasure and therefore all of us wanted (принять участие)
in the performance. 7. Our uncle ordered (закрыть) the theatre because
of an unfortunate circumstance. 8. The boy used (ходить) to the
theatre therefore he thinks that he knows something about acting.
9. I had no desire (разрешить) him to be W illiam Tell and he decided
(уйти) the company. 10. I took the pencils (чтобы нарисовать) some
new scenery.

Упражнение 50. Переведите предложения на английский язык

1. Давайте не пойдем гулять. Идет дождь. 2. «Пусть Петр на­

рисует декорацию»,— сказал я своим друзьям. 3. «Дайте я буду
играть главную роль!» — воскликнул один из детей. 4. «Давайте
сыграем эту драму во время каникул»,— сказал он. 5. «Пусть он
попадет в это яблоко!» — закричали дети. 6. Пусть она подождет
нас около театра. Мы ей тоже привезем билет. 7. Пусть он пригла­
сит своих друзей смотреть нашу постановку. Мы уверены, что она
им понравится. 8. Давайте споем эту песню еще раз. Пусть она на­
Упражнение 51. Заполните пропуски местоимениями m any, m uch,
f e w , l i t t l e , a f e w , a l i t t l e и переведите предложения.

1. There was ... hay in the barn and we could not use the barn for
our theatre. 2. In ... minutes they will be ready to begin the play.
3. They played the drama ... times. It was a success. 4. He played the
role of W illiam Tell and the other principal parts himself because
they had ... actors. 5. We h a d ... time before the beginningof the per­
formance therefore'we had to hurry.

Упражнение 52. Переведите словосочетания на английский язык по

один из друзей (двое из, некоторые из, и т . д.)
one of the friends ( tw o of, some of, etc.)
двое из мальчиков; некоторые из актеров; десять из пятидесяти
рабочих; четверо из студентов; один из них; трое из публики; чет­
веро из семьи; одна из девочек

Упражнение 53. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предло­


1. One ra in y afternoon they were sitting thoughtfully in the barn.

2. M y dram atic career ended because of an unfortunate circumstance.
3. I can see poor little Pepper now.

Упражнение 54. Поставьте глаголы-сказуемые в соответствующее

время. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. One afternoon my friend and 1 (to decide) to go for a walk.

We (to be) ready to leave when the door (to open) and my sister (to
come in). “ It (to rain) h a rd ,” she (to say). “ It (to be) better if you
(to stay) at home. I (to hope) we (to find) some indoor am usem ent.”
And we (to stay) at home.
2. Once when my uncle and his son (to travel) in the Ukraine
they (to come) to Odessa. As you (to know) Odessa (to be) one of the
most beautiful cities on the Black Sea shore. There (to be) one of the
largest and finest opera-houses there. My uncle (to succeed) in buying
the tickets and on the following evening they (to sit) in the theatre
and (to look) at the stage. They (to like) the singers who (to sing)
the principal parts. The performance (to be) a success.
3. On Saturday evening Ann (to call on) her friend Helen and
(to ask) her: “ W hat you (to do) at 10 o ’clock on Sunday?”
“ 1 think that I (to read) the drama of W illiam Tell as I (to make)
a report on German literature on Monday. I guess th at you (to intend)
to invite me to go to the theatre with you in the afternoon but I (to
be) sorry to say that I cannot accept your inv itatio n .”
Упражнение 55. О тветьте на следующие вопросы к тексту урока:

1. Was it raining hard during all those six weeks at Rivermouth?

2. What did Binny Wallace suggest?
3. Why couldn’t they have a theatre in the loft of the stable?
4. Where did they decide to have a theatre0
5. Why did the author of the story know something about’ the
6. The theatre was a success, w asn’t it?
7. Who played the part of W illiam Tell?
8. Why did Fred Laugdon have to leave?
(). What did he take with him?
10. What was over W hitcom b’s face?
51. Did the arrow hit the apple or did it flow into Pepper’s mouth?
12. Did the arrow hurt him seriously?
13. What did the grandfather order?
Упражнение 56. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где
это необходимо.
1. The boy was w aiting ... me to go ... the theatre. 2. The audi­
ence consisted ... several boys and girls. 3. Instead ... hitting the apple
the arrow flew right ... his mouth. 4. There w'ere very many people
... the performance. 5. W illiam Tell had to shoot the apple ... his
son’s head. 6. They wanted to find some indoor amusement ... their
holidays. 7. “ W hat shall we do?” 1 asked addressing ... my friends.
8. In spite ... his refusal (отказ) to help us we did very well ... him
and succeeded ... preparing everything ... the performance.
Упражнение 57. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Когда они вышли из дома, шел сильный дождь. 2. Я любил
театр, поэтому я решил принять участие в представлении. 3. Пье­
са имела успех. 4. Он ушел из нашей труппы, забрав все свои ве­
щи. 5. Вы знаете, что Вильгельм Телль стрелял в яблоко? 6. Не
рассказывайте ему об этом несчастном случае. 7. «Подними ружье и
стреляй!» — приказал он мне. 8. Вместо того, чтобы попасть в цель,
он попал в дерево. 9. «Ты должен нарисовать какую-нибудь не­
обычную декорацию для нашей пьесы»,— сказал он мне. 10. «Кто
сможет сыграть главную роль?» — спросил он.


A .: What a wonderful theatre this is! How large it is!
В The house is full1 today. Did you have any trouble in getting2
the tickets?
<4.: 1 booked seats in advance.
B.: Where are our seats?
A .: The attendant (usher) will show us our seats. They are in the
stalls, in the middle of row 11.
B .: I am eager for the performance to begin8, you know. I am very
fond of drama.
A .: Oh, let’s hurry. There goes the second bell
S.: How long will the play last?
A .: I t ’s a play m foui acts. The performance will be over by 10
o ’clock, I suppose. I am sure you will enjoy the playdepicting
the life of ordinary people.
B .\ I am glad of the chance4 to see this play.

A .: Well5, what do you think of the play ?
B.: I enjoyed every minute of it." We had a very good time this
A .: I think the acting was excellent.
В So do К7 The main characters were superb.


1. The house is full ... — Театр заполнен...

2. Did you have any trouble in getting the tickets? — Было труд­
но достать билеты?
3. I am eager for the performance to begin. — Я с нетерпением жду
начала спектакля.
4. I am glad of the chance... — Я рад случаю...
5. Well — Hyl Итак
6: 1 enjoyed every minute of it.— Мне все в ней понравилось (до­
ставляло удовольствие).
7. So do I.— И я гакже.

Слова и словосочетания, реком ендуем ые

для запоминания
wondertul а чудесный, изумитель­ be eager сильно д ел ат ь , очень хо­
ный, замечательный теть
lull (of) а полный, наполненный be fond (of) любить, нравиться; I am
have trouble иметь затруднения fond of swim ming Я люблю пла­
book v заказывать вать
in advance заранее last v дли ться, продолжаться
seat л место, сидение be over оканчиваться
atten d an t п зд. билетер by prep к (какому времени)
stalls ft партер suppose v предполагать, полагать
middle п середина take place происходить, иметь место
row п ряд

enjoy v наслаждаться, получать удо- have a good tim e хорошо проводить
вольствне время
depict v описывать, изображать ____,,_* л _
ordinary О простой, обычный, обык- « се1|е" ‘ а отличны», превосходный
новенный superb а великолепный, превосход*
be glad быть довольным, радоваться ный

Упражнение 58. Переведите следующие пары слов, употребляя с

существительным указанные прилагательные:

а) wonderful
чудесная погода, чудесный вечер, изумительное здание, изу­
мительная картина, чудесная декорация, чудесный голос

б) full
полный воздуха, полный воды, полный новостей, полный при­
меров, полный книг, полный радости

в) ordinary
обыкновенный человек, обыкновенный цветок, простой матрос,
простые люди, обычная работа, простое платье, обычный разговор

г) main
главная улица, основная идея, главная роль, главное здание,
основная мысль, основная часть

д) excellent
отличная отметка, отличная работа, отличный ответ, отличная
игра, отличная мысль

Упражнение 59. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

двенадцатый ряд, пятый ряд, первый ряд, двадцатый ряд.

седьмой ряд, двадцать шестой ряд

Упражнение 60. Переведите предложения на английский язык, поль­

зуясь данными образцами:

1. Не w a s g la d o f the chance to see th is play.

прочитать этот новый роман,
поговорить с нею.
Он был рад случаю показать всем свои картины,
(возможности) еще раз посмотреть эту пьесу,
сыграть роль Гамлета,
поехать за город.
2. He w a s f o n d o f reading (books).
кататься на коньках,
играть в шахматы,
слушать музыку,
Он любил путешествовать,
веселые игры,
его песни,
3. Н е i s e a g e r tо m aster h is English.
посмотреть эту драму,
заниматься в вашей группе,
увидеть Черное море,
Он очень хочет возвратиться домой,
иметь этот красивый цветок,
достать билеты на (for) этот спек­
4. Н е h a d ( s o m e ) t r o u b l e in g e ttin g the tickets.
сделать это.
приготовить обед,
Ему было трудно (ему присмотреть за детьми,
стоило много хлопот) найти хорошего доктора. •
нарисовать декорацию к пьесе,
достать красивые цветы зимой.
5. Н е e n j o y e d seeing th is picture.
читая эту книгу.
играя с ним в теннис,
Он наслаждал­ купаясь в море.
ся. разговаривая с ней о литературе,
играя эту роль,
гуляя в саду.
6. I a m s u r e you w ill like the play.
что вы последуете моему совету,
что они возьмут меня с собой.
Я уверен, что я запомню все слова.
что я смогу найти эту книгу,
что он сыграет эту роль хорошо.

Упражнение 61. Переведите слова, данные в скобках, а затем пере­

ведите предложения на русский язык.

1. If you want to see this play you should (заказать) the tickets
(заранее). 2. Bad rainy weather (продолжалась) for three days and
we could not play tennis. 3. Let him move the table to (середину)
of the room. I think he will be able to do it. 4. 11 you go to the club
with us you (хорошо проведете время) there. 5. “ How long will
this play (продолжаться)? “ I (полагаю) for about three hours.”
6. Our seats were in (ряду) 3 and we could see everything perfectly
well. 7. The meeting (будет иметь место) in the hall. It will begin at
12 o ’clock. 8. As you know the play (изображает) the life of schoolchil­
dren of our days. I hope you will (получите удовольствие от нее).
9. D on't put the books into this bookcase, it is already (полон книг).
10. They were ready with their work (к) the end of the working day.
11. What а (чудесный) dayl L et’s go to the river. 12. His sister
(сильно желает) to become an actress. 13. Her uncle (был рад) to see
the performance. He enjoyed it very much. 14. We know that he (лю­
бит) classical music and often goes to the concerts. 15. The lesson
(окончится) in 15 minutes. 16. I (уверен) that he will be glad to see

Упражнение 62. Перепедите предложения.

I. Кто покажет нам наши места? — Билетер. 2. Где наши места?—

Они в 5-ом ряду партера. 3. Когда вы достали билеты? — Вче­
ра. 4. Вам нравится драма? — Нет. мне нравится комедия. 5. Когда
окончится представление? — Оно окончится к И часам. 6. Вы
уверены, что ему понравится пьеса?— Да. 7. Вы хорошо провели
врем я?— Да. 8. Что изображает эта картина? 9. Почему вас не
было вчера в театре? — Я был болен. 10. Что вы думаете об этой
пьесе? 11. Как вам понравилась игра актеров?

Упражнение 63. Выучите диалог “ At the th e atre” наизусть.


1. “ Where would you like to Куда вы хотели бы пойти?

“ I should like to go to the — Мне хотелось бы пойти в те­
theatre (cinema).” атр (кино).
2. W hat’s on at the theatre to­ Что сегодня идет в театре?
3. “ Who is this play by?” Чья эта пьеса?
“ It is by N., the famous — Она написана Н., известным
English playwright.” английским драматургом.
4. It is worth seeing. Ее стоит посмотреть
5. He can arrange to get tickets Он сможет достать для меня
for me. билеты.
6. Thanks for the tickets. Спасибо за билеты.
7 The performance will begin Спектакль начнется в 7.30.
at 7 30
8. He played the part (the Он играл роль ... в ... .
role) of ... in ... .
9- W ho’s playing the leading Кто играет ведущую роль?
Who’s performing the part Кто исполняет роль...?
of ...?
10. “ How did you enjoy the Как вам понравилась пьеса?
“ I enjoyed the play very — Я получил большое удоволь­
m uch.” ствие от этой пьесы.
11. Where is the film on? Где идет этот фильм?
He is a movie-goer (film- Он — любитель кино.
The script of the film is in­ Сценарий этого фильма инте­
teresting. ресный.

Текст для перевода


Peace and how to get it is one ot the themes on which the Morning
Star concentrates its attention.
From its very first issue it set out to expose the war-mongers,
the merchants of death who made millions out of war and threats
of war, and their men in the imperialist Governments who carried
out policies which result in war.
It set itself the task, too. of showing how the ordinary people,
those who suffered from war, could prevent it. provided they united
their forces in a fight for peace.*
From its birth it backed up every struggle by colonial people to
free themselves from the grip of the imperialists, because the British
and the colonial peoples are fighting the same enemy.

Слова и словосочетания, рекомендуемые

для запоминания
cen tral а центральный merchant п торговец, продавец, ку­
issue п зд. номер (газеты)-, выпуск, пец
издание death п смерть
atte n tio n п внимание threat п угроза
expose v разоблачать war п война
war-monger п поджигатель войны government п правительство

* could prevent it provided they united their forces — могут предотвра­

тить ее при условии, если они объединят свои силы

carry out о проводить (п о ли т и ку) providcd с/ при условии
policy а политика un ite v объединять
result (in) v кончаться, иметь pe- force n сила
зультатом fight n борьба
set v ставить (устанавливать)
birth n рождение
task n задача
ordinary а простой, обыкновенный struggle n борьба
ordinary people простые люди people, peoples n народ, народы
suffer v страдать, пострадать fight v бороться
prevent v предотвращать войну enemy n враг

Упражнение 64. Ответьте письменно на вопросы:

1. What is the Morning Star?

2. On which theme did the newspaper concentrate its attention?
3. Whom did the newspaper expose in its issues?
4. Why did it expose those people?
5. What can ordinary people prevent, if they unite their forces?
6. What did the “ Morning S ta r” back up from its very birth?

Упражнение 65. Переведите предложения, пользуясь английским сло­


1. Борьба за мир во всем мире — одна из тем газеты «Утрен­

няя звезда». 2. Газета разоблачает поджигателей войны. 3. Эти
торговцы смертью наживают миллионы на войне. 4. «Утренняя
звезда» старается показать простым людям, как они могут предот­
вратить войну. 5. Газета рассказывает своим читателям о борьбе
колониальных народов за свое освобождение от власти (grip) им­


I. Не Understood!

Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they en­

tered a little restaurant for lunch. They wanted some milk and sand­
wiches. They did not know Spanish, and the waiter d id n ’t know
English. So one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a
The waiter looked at it and then ran out of the restaurant. “ You
see,” said the traveller to his friend, “ what a pencil can do for a
man, who has difficulties in a foreign country.”
The waiter was back some time later, but he brought no milk.
He put down in front of the men two tickets for a bull-fight.
II. A Busy Mother
One day a young lady was travelling by train together with her
two sons. One of the boys was very quiet. He sat in the corner of the
compartment looking through the window. His little brother was quite
a different boy. He was playing noisily with other children in the
corridor. The boys’ mother was reading a very interesting book. She
paid no attention to her children.
Suddenly her eider son said:
“ Mother, do you know the name of the station we passed a few
minutes ago?”
‘ No, I don’t , ” said the mother. “ And, please, stop asking me
questions. Don’t you see that 1 am reading?”
“ I shan’t ask you any more questions. But i t ’s a great pity that
you don’t know the name of that station, because my little brother
got off there.”

III. Not a Robber

One dark night a young man was going home from the railway sta­
tion. The road was very lonely, for it was very late. He was walking
as fast as he could. Then very suddenly he saw somebody following
him. The faster he went the faster the man behind followed him.
At last he decided to turn into a side-street. So he turned into the
first side-street and walked as fast as he could. After som etim e the
young man turned his head, looked back and saw the man walking
behind him. “ It is c lear,” he thought, “ the man is a robber.” He
took another turn and so did the robber. At last the young man turn­
ed to him and said “ W hat do you want? Why are you following
m e?”
“ I ’m going to Mr Brown’s ,” said the man, “ and the porter at
the station told me to follow you as Mr Brown lives next door to you.
I don’t know his address.”

Упражнение 66. Перескажите каждый из рассказов, лавая полные

ответы на следующие вопросы:

I. 1. Where were two Americans travelling? 2. What restaurant

did they enter one morning? 3. What did they want to eat? 4. Did
they know Spanish? 5. W hat did one of them draw? 6. What did the
waiter do? 7. What did the traveller say to his friend ? 8. Did the
waiter bring any milk? 9. What did he put down in front of the
II. 1. W ith whom was a young lady travelling by train? 2. What
kind of boy was her elder son? 3. What was he doing? 4. What kind
of boy was his brother? 5. What was he doing? 6. How was he play­
ing? 7. Did the mother pay attention to her children? 8. Why
d id n 't she pay attention to them? 9. What did her elder son say sud­
denly? 10. Was the mother angry with him? 11. Did she tell him to
stop asking her questions? 12. What did the boy tell her?
III. 1. Who was going home from the station one dark night? 2. Why
was the road lonely? 3. How was he walking? 4. What did he see
suddenly? 5. What did he decide to do at last? 6. Did he walk as
fast as he could? 7. Whom did he see behind him again? 8. What
did the young man think? 9. What did he do at last? 10. What did
he ask the robber? 11 Was the man really a robber? 12. What did
he tell the young man?

(The Fourth L esson)

Г рамматика:
1. Причастие 11. (P a rticiple 11)
2. Времена группы Perfect.
3. Времена группы Perfect Continuous (Present. Past).
4 Относительные местоимения who, w hich, th a t.
5. Местоимения all, both
6. Инверсия
Текст: Japanese Legend

i. п р и ч а с т и е II

Participle II правильных глаголов образуется при помощи при­

бавления суффикса -ed к неопределенной форме глагола:
to ask — asked
to work — worked

Participle 11 неправильных глаголов образуется чередованием

звуков в корне (см. таблицу на стр. 360, II! форма глагола).
to sit — sat
to write — w ritten
to make — made
Participle II соответствует русским страдательным причастиям
настоящего и прошедшего времени.
finished — заканчиваемый, законченный
w ritten — написанный
asked — спрашиваемый, спрошенный
Ф у н к ц и и P a r t i c i p le N в п р е д л о ж е н и и

1) Participle II входит в состав сказуемого

а) всех времен группы Perfect:
1 have done my homework.
Я сделал свою домашнюю работу.
б) всех времен страдательного залога (Passive Voice, см.
стр. 150):
This book was read by many students.
Эта книга была прочитана многими студентами.
2) Participle II употребляется в качестве определения к суще­
Do this exercise in w ritten form.
Сделайте это упражнение в письменной форме.
Причастие II, как и причастие I в функции определения, в ан­
глийском предложении употребляется как перед определяемым
словом, так и непосредственно после него.
The w ritten composition...
Написанное сочинение...
The composition w ritten by the student...
Сочинение, написанное студентом...

Упражнение I. Образуйте Participles II от следующих глаголов

и переведите их:

to smoke, to cut, to write, to prepare, to love, to arrive, to trans­

late, to watch, to kill, to paint, to wash, to begin, to buy, to find,
to know .

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

fallen tree; excited student; sent letter; frightened look; turned

face; translated article; bread cut; story begun; things hidden,
pencil offered; closed theatre; film shown; question asked; song

Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие слова

и словосочетания:

1) сделанный, умытый, застреленный, сыгранный, оставлен­

ный, наполняемый, положенный, рассказанный, успокоенный,
известный, пропетый, организованный
2) театр, закрытый его дядей; школа, открытая в этой дерев­
не; декорация, нарисованная моим братом; вещи, положенные на
кровать; удивленный мальчик; книга, забытая в поезде; папироса,
предложенная им; история, рассказанная вчера

Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык.

купил, покупая, купленный; спросил, спрашивая, спрошенный;

играл, играя, сыгранный; заказал, заказывая, заказанный; разру­
шил, разрушая, разрушенный; разоблачил, разоблачая, разобла­
ченный; достиг, достигая, достигнутый; поднял, поднимая, подня­
тый; повторил, повторяя, повторенный

Упражнение 5. Заполните пропуски, выбрав нужную форму причастия

и переведите предложения.

1. The girl ... on the blackboard is our monitor. Everything ... here
is quite right, (writing, written)
2. The house ... by tall trees is very beautiful. The wall ... the house
was very high, (surrounding, surrounded)
3. Who is that boy ... his homework at the window? The exer­
cises ... by the pupils are easy, (doing, done)
4. The girl ... the floor is my sister. The ... floor looked very clean,
(washing, washed)



Времена группы Perfect образуются при помощи вспомогатель­

ного глагола to have в соответствующем времени и Participle II
смыслового глагола.
I have w ritten a letter.
Я написал письмо.
Не had finished his work by 6 o ’clock.
Он закончил свою работу к 6 часам.
She w ill have finished reading this book by Monday.
Она прочитает эту книгу к понедельнику.

В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол to have

ставится перед подлежащим.

Have you w ritten a letter?

Had he finished his wotk by six o ’clock?
В отрицательной форме частица not ставится после вспомога­
тельного глагола to have.
I have not w ritten a letter.
He had not finished his work by 6 o ’clock.
В разговорной речи вспомогательный глагол to have употреб­
ляется в сокращенной форме, если подлежащее выражено место­
I ’ve [aivj done
he’s [hi:z ] done
w e’ve [w i:v| done
В отрицательной форме возможны два варианта сокращений:
I ’ve not done,
f haven’t done

Participle II является неизменяемой частью этой формы. Из­

меняемой частью является вспомогательный глагол to have

Present Perfect Past Per feci F uture Perfect

1 have just come home. 1 had come home by 3 1 shall have come
o'clock. home by 3 o'clock to ­
He will have come
home by 3 o ’clock to ­

Перфектные формы выражают действие, предшествующее тому

или иному моменту настоящего, прошедшего или будущего. Эта
связь с последующим моментом в перфектных формах часто приоб­
ретает характер результативности и завершенности.
Не has just come home.
Он только что пришел домой. (Он уже дома.)
After he had got their telegram he went to meet them.
Он пошел встретить их, после того как получил их телеграмму.
I shall have finished my work by the time you come
Я уже закончу работу к моменту вашего прихода.
Перфектные формы не употребляются в повествовании для вы­
ражения ряда последовательно совершающихся действий. В та­
ких случаях употребляются формы Indefinite.
Не went to the table, sat down and began writing.
Он пошел к столу, сел и начал писать.
The Present Perfect Tense
(Настоящее время группы Perfect)

Present Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, закон­

ченного к настоящему моменту и связанного с этим моментом.
Pr.esent Perfect употребляется:
1) когда говорящий лишь констатирует факт совершения дейст­
вия, не указывая время его совершения:
(a) I have w ritten my report.
Я уже написал доклад. (Вот он, вы можете его взять.)
В этом предложении говорящий сообщает, что было совершено
определенное действие и результат его налицо.
(b) I have been to the Tretyakov Gallery*
Я был в Третьяковской галерее.
В этом предложении говорящий сообщает, что было совершено
определенное действие, он констатирует факт его совершения, не
указывая, когда оно совершилось.
2) когда указан период времени, который еще не закончился,
например: today this week, this month, this year.
1 haven't seen him th is week.
Я не видел его на этой неделе.
3) с наречиями неопределенного времени never, ever, just,
yet, already и т. д.
Не has just returned.
Он только что возвратился.
4) с предлогом since с.
I haven’t seen him since then (1945).
С тех пор (с 1945 г.) я его не видел.
5) в сложноподчиненном предложении с союзом since Present
Perfect употребляется в главном предложении, а в придаточном
Past Indefinite.
I haven’t heard of him since he left Moscow.
Я не слышал о нем, с тех пор как он уехал из Москвы.
6) вместо Future Perfect в придаточных предложениях времени
и условия.
И I have read this article by the end of the week, 1 shall give you
the magazine.
* После глагола to be в значений посетить во временах Perfect обычно
употребляется предлог to.

Если я прочту эту статью к концу месяца, я дам тебе этот журнал.
Present Perfect никогда не употребляется, если есть точное ука­
зание времени в прошлом. В таких случаях употребляется Past
I was in Leningrad last month.
В прошлом месяце я был в Ленинграде.

Present Perfect обычно переводится на русский язык прошед­

шим временем.
В тех случаях, когда Present Perfect обозначает действие, еще
не закончившееся, глагол в этой форме переводится на русский
язык, как правило, глаголом в настоящем времени.
Не has been ill for two weeks.
Он болен две недели (в течение двух недель).
1 have known hei since 1950
Я знаю ее с 1950 года.
Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие предложения на русский

1. Have you evei been to Kiev? 2. She has already done her work.
3. He has not come yet. 4. She has lost her copy-book. 5. He has
not written her since their last meeting. 6. I have lived in this house
all my life 7. She has not visited us since she graduated from the
University and went to the Far East to work. 8. We have bought
all the necessary things. 9. Have you seen her today? 10. We have
already heard this song.

Упражнение 7. Перевел и те следующие предложения на английский


1. Я никогда не был в Англии. 2. Мой друг только что кончил

читать вашу статью. 3. Эта студентка перевела несколько англий­
ских стихов на русский язык 4. Вы обедали? 5. Какие новые
фильмы вы видели на этой неделе? 6. Вы уже окончили универси­
тет? 7. Я не разговариваю с ним с тех пор, как мы поссорились.
8. Он еще не ответил на ваш вопрос.

Различие между Present Perfect

и Past Indefinite

Present Perfect обозначает действие, совершившееся в прошлом,

но соотнесенное с настоящим временем, имеющее какой-то резуль­
тат в настоящем времени, тогда как Past Indefinite обозначает дей­
ствие, совершившееся в прошлом и никаким образом не связанное
с настоящим.
Present P erfect Past In defin ite
1. 1 have got a letter. 1. I got a letter yesterday.
Я получил письмо. (Вот оно.) Я вчера получил письмо.
2. Have you been to the Cri- 2. When were you in the Cri­
mea? mea?
Вы были в Крыму? (Говоря- Когда вы были в Крыму? (Го-
щего интересует сам факт, а ворящего ннтересует время
не время.) действия.)

Упражнение 8. Переведите следующие предложения, употребляя Prcs-

enl P e r f e c t или P a s t I n d e f i n i t e :

1. Кто сказал вам о этом? 2. Я очень сожалею, но его нет дома.

Он только что ушел. 3. Он окончил институт два года тому назад.
4. Они уже сдали два экзамена. 5. Вчера она была в театре. 6. Мы
ничего не слышали об этой пьесе. 7. Читали ли вы рассказ о Виль­
гельме Телле? 8. Он поехал туда в воскресенье. 9. На этой неделе
они были в музее Ленина. 10. Когда он обедал? 11. Мы с ним не ви­
делись с 1945 года. 12. Она болела несколько дней. Сейчас она очень
Упражнение 9. Ответьте на сл едующие вопросы по данному образцу:

"Have you ju s t come here?" “ Yes, / have."

“ When d id you come here?" “ / came here fiv e m inutes ago."
1. Have youever been to London?
When were you in London?
2. Have you had your breakfast?
When did you have your brea'dast?
3. Have you read the newspaper today?
When did you read the newspaper?
4. Have you learned new words from the text?
When did you learn new words from the text?
5. Have you fulfilled the plan of your work?
When did you fulfil the plan of your work?
Упражнение 10. Заполните пропуски соответствующими наречиями
и наречными словосочетаниями: e v e r , a l r e a d y , s e v e r a l y e a r s a g o , y e t,
n e v e r , n o w , la s t y e a r , ju s t.

1. Hurry up. The train has ... arrived. You may be late. 2. ...
the child could not walk, but ... nobody can even catch him. 3 She
has ... been to England but she knows English quite well. 4. He
hasn’t finished reading the m agazine... . As soon as he finishes read­
ing it he will give it to you. 5. It happened to me ... . 6. They have
... met him. I think they are on their way home now. 7. Have you ...
heard this American song?
Упражнение 11. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по данному об­

Are you s till reading this book ? No, / am not. / have read i t al­

1. Are you still speaking about it? 2. Is he still preparing his

home work? 3. Are you still having a rest? 4. Is she still smoking?
5 Are they still doing their work? 6. Are you still washing your hands?

Упражнение 12, Ответьте на следующие вопросы, обращая внима­

ние на время глагола.

1. Have you been to Leningrad? 2. When did you finish school?

3. What new plays have you seen this month? 4. What kind of plays
do you like best of all? 5. How many English stories have you read
this week? 6. When did you come home yesterday? 7. Where is your
copy-book? Have you done your homework?

Упражнение 13. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном вре­

мени. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. If everybody (to read) this new novel, let us discuss it. 2. The
girl (to find) Lanny lying on the road motionless. 3. She (to be ill)
the whole week. You ought to go and help her in her studies. 4. “ You
(to book) the tickets?” “ Yes. I have. I (to book) them several days
ago.” 5. “ I (to warn) yo u ,” said Gert to Lanny. "A nd I never (to
warn) tw ice.” 6. “ I am glad that you (to follow) my instructions,”
my uncle (to say). 7. When they (to enter) the kitchen she (to give)
him a bowl full of water to wash his face and hands. 8. I can hardly
recognize you. I (not to see) you since you (to leave) for Odessa. And
you (to change) so much. 9. The children (to decide) to play in the
garden because the day was warm and the sun (to shine) brightly.
10. “ You (to travel) never, therefore you (not to know) anything about
the dangers of trav el.” my uncle said to me.

Упражнение 14. Поставьте следующие предложения в Present

Perfect, сделайте другие необходимые изменения. Переведите предложения
на русский язык.

1. 1 shall have breakfast in 10 minutes. 2. She is washing the child.

3. They often quarrel. 4. He will join us. 5. She was here a minu­
te ago. 6. What happened to him yesterday? 7. 1 understand every­
thing. 8. He tells me the news. 9. The students are already dining.
10. “ What will you do tomorrow?” he asked me.
Упражнение 15. Переведите предложения по следующим образцам :

1.Я не видел моего учителя, с тех пор как закончил ш колу.

/ have not seen т у teacher iince I fin ish e d school.
мы отдыхали с ним на юге.
я уехал из города,
Я не видел моего дру­ уехал путешествовать,
га, с тех пор как начал учиться по вечерам,
он стал актером
окончилась война.
2. Сколько прошло недель с тех пор, как он написал вам ?
How m any weeks have passed since he wrote to you ?
она приехала домой?
Сколько прошло дней. вы начали свое путешествие?
с тех пор как ваш сын пошел в школу?
его навестил дядя?
он заболел? (to fall ill)

The Past Perfect Tense

(Прошедшее время группы Perfect)

Past Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, закончив­

шегося к определенному моменту в прошлом. Этот момент может
быть определен как обстоятельством времени, например, by five
o ’clock, by Saturday, так и другим действием, выраженным глаголом
в Past Indefinite.
1 had written a composition by 6 o ’clock yesterday.
Я написал сочинение вчера к 6 часам.
1 had w ritten a composition when you came.
Я написал сочинение к тому времени когда вы пришли.
After he had passed his examinations he went to see his parents.
После того как он сдал экзамены, он поехал навестить роди­
Before she entered the University she had worked at our factory.
До того как поступить в университет, она работала на нашей
Упражнение 16. Переведите следующие предложения на русский
я зы к : •

1. She thought that Gert and Lanny had had a quarrel. 2. By the
tim e we came lo see him, he had returned home. 3. During the holi­
days my friend decided to visit the village where he had lived be­
fore the war. 4. When they entered the hall the performance had al­
ready begun. 5. When I came home my wife told me that she had re­
ceived a letter from her parents. 6. Where had you worked before you
entered the Institute? 7. When we reached the station our train had
already gone. 8. By 2 o ’clock the teacher had examined all the stu­
dents. 9. On my way to the office I remembered that I had left the
report at home. 10. All of my friends were glad to hear that I had pass­
ed all the exam inations successfully.

Упражнение 17. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past

Perfect или Past Indefinite.

1. Не (to study) French before he (to enter) the University. 2. Lan­

ny (to say) to G e rt th at he (to get) his education in Cape Town. 3. The
boy (to want) to play the principal part in the play because he (to
organize) their theatre. 4. Lanny (not to know) who (to attack) him
in the darkness. 5. The girl was glad that she (to find) a seat near the
window. 6. Suddenly he (to remember) that he (not to ring) her up
in the morning. 7. By the time the train (to reach) the city he (to
make) friends with many passengers. 8. After his uncle (to leave) he
(to rush) to the station to book a ticket.

Упражнение 18. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Я сказал, что уже предупредил его. 2. К концу июня они

уже сдали все экзамены. 3. До того как она приехала в деревню
работать учительницей, он уехал в Киев. 4. Когда она возвратилась
домой, дети уже ушли в школу. 5. Вчера я встретил моего друга,
которого не видел с 1940 года. 6. После того как мой брат начал
работать в этом институте, он написал очень интересную статью.

The Future Perfect Tense

(Будущее время группы Perfect)

Future Perfect употребляется:

1) для выражения действия, которое будет закончено к опре­
деленному моменту в будущем.
I shall have w ritten a composition by 6 o ’clock tomorrow.
Я напишу сочинение завтра к 6 часам.
2) для выражения будущего действия, которое совершится
ранее другого будущего времени.
[ shall have w ritten a composition when you come.
Я напишу сочинение к тому времени, когда вы придете.

Упражнение 19. Переведите следующие предложения и определите

время сказуемого:

1. I hope that you will not have forgotten me by the end of the
week. 2. I hope that you will not forget my address. 3. We shall be
painting the scenery the whole morning tomorrow. 4. We shall have
painted Ihe scenery by the time the pertormance begins. 5. You will
learn this poem by heart. 6. You will have learned this poem by heart
by the end of the lesson. 7. 1 shall have bought that magazine before
you come. 8. He will examine his students tomorrow. 9. He will be
examining his students the whole day tomorrow. 10. By the end of
the week I shall have spent the money. 11. I think he will spend the
money on books.

Упражнение 20. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. К тому времени как они придут, я уже вернусь домой. 2. К

тому времени как поезд подойдет, мы уже приедем на станцию-
3. К трем часам мы уже пообедаем. 4. К какому времени вы закон­
чите обсуждение этой статьи? 5. Я приготовлю обед к тому време­
ни, когда дети придут домой из школы. 6. К тому времени, когда
пойдет дождь, они уже добегут до леса. 7. К тому времени, когда
он встанет, почтальон (postman) уже принесет газеты.

Упражнение 21. Поставьте глаголы, стоящ ие в скобках, в Past In­

definite, Present, Past или F uture Perfect.

1. “ You (to see) this play?” “ Yes, 1 (to see)it last w eek.”
2. When he (to perform) this role? 3. 1 (not to know) that she (to grad­
uate from) the University. 4. He (to go) to the theatre last night.
5. By the end of next week he (to write) his report. 6. 1 (to speak)
already to our teacher about it. 7. He (to think) that they (to return)
home the day before. 8. You (to be) ever to Leningrad? 9. I (to buy)
a new text-book because 1 (to lose) my old one. 10. I (not to visit)
my native town since I (to leave) it.



Времена группы Perfect Continuous образуются при помощи

вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени Per­
fect и причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола.
She has been working here since 1960.
Она работает здесь с I960 года.
She had been working for two hours before her friend came.
Она работала в течение двух часов до того, как пришел ее друг.
При образовании вопросительной формы первый вспомога­
тельный глагол ставится перед подлежащим:
Has she been working here since 1960?
Had she been working for two hours before her friend came?
5 -1 3 1 2 129
При образовании отрицательной формы частица not ставится
после первого вспомогательного глагола.
She has not been working here since 1960.
She had not been working for two hours before her friend came.
Как формы продолженного вида (Continuous) они выражают
действие в процессе его совершения и исключают его законченность.
Как формы перфектные (Perfect) они выражают действие, на­
чатое до момента высказывания.
She has been waiting for me tor two hours.
Она ждет меня в течение двух часов.
В этом предложении говорящий сообщает о том, что его не толь­
ко ждут сейчас, в данный момент, но что начали ждать за 2 часа до
этого момента, что состояние «ожидания» началось в прошлом и
продолжается и сейчас.
Present Continuous Present P erfect Continuous
She is waiting for me there. She has been waiting for me
there for 2 hours.
Она ждет меня там. (Сейчас, Она (уже) ждет меня там в те-
в данный момент). ченне 2 часов.
Во временах Perfect Continuous не могут употребляться те же
глаголы, которые не употребляются и в формах Continuous (to
love, to be, to see, to possess, to seem, to like и т.п .). Чтобы передать
значение Perfect Continuous, эти глаголы употребляются в форме
1 have known him for several years.
Я знаю его несколько лет.

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous употребляется для .выражения дли­
тельного действия, начавшегося в определенный момент в прошлом
и продолжающегося в настоящее время.
Present Perfect Continuous переводится на русский язык глаго­
лом в настоящем времени.
I have been working at this factory for five years.
Я работаю на этой фабрике пять лет.

The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Continuous употребляется для выражения действия,

которое началось в определенный момент в прошлом, продолжалось
в течение определенного периода до начала другого действия, вы­
раженного глаголом в Past Indefinite.
I had been working for two hours when you came.
Я работал уже два часа, когда вы пришли.
• Past Perfect Continuous обычно переводится на русский язык
глаголом несовершенного вида в прошедшем времени.

Упражнение 22. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в нужном

а) в Present Continuous или Present Perfect Continuous
1. He (to run) now. He (to run) for ten minutes w ithout any rest.
2. What they (to do) now? They (to work) in the reading-room. They
(to work) for some tim e. 3. She (to wash) in the bathroom (now).
She (to wash) for half an hour. 4. Where is he now? He is in the gar­
den. He (to play) volley-ball with his friends. He (to play) the whole
б) в Past Continuous или Past Perfect Continuous
1. When I came home he (to sleep). He (to sleep) for some time.
2. It (to rain) when they left the house. It (to rain) hard during the
whole morning. 3. She (to go) to this school for several years when the
war broke out. 4. They (to sit) on the platform for 15 minutes before
the train arrived.
Упражнение 23. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Они давно переписываются друг с другом. 2. Он говорил
уже целый час, когда мы решили прервать его. 3. Он работает в
этой больнице с 1950 года. 4. Они живут на этой улице многие годы.
5. Я шел около двух часов, пока наконец не пришел к лесу. 6. Он
долго смотрел на него, пока наконец не начал говорить. 7. Ребенок
спит уже больше часа.
Упражнение 24. Поставьте г л аю л ы , данные в скобках, в нужном
времени. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. “ What you (to do) here?” “ I (to prepare) for my rep o rt.” “ How
long you (to prepare) for it?” “ I (to prepare) for it since last Sunday.”
2. He (to teach) at school five years when the war (to break out). 3. She
(to study) English since 1962. 4. “ What you (to read)?” “ I (to read)
a m agazine.” “ How long you (to read) it?” “ 1 (to read) it for half
an hour.” 5. She (to live) in Moscow for two years when her sister (to
come) to live with her. 6. Our teacher (to come). Now he (to speak)
with our m onitor. 7. They (to speak) when I (to look) at them. 8. I
(to walk) about an hour when I (to see) a little house not far from the
river. 9. After he (to read) the newspaper he (to give) it to his brolh-
er. 10. He (to leave) for Leningrad in 1950 and since then he <to-
5* 131
live) there. 11. He (to tell) me about a new film. 12. Tomorrow at
this time we (to discuss) your report. 13. She (to read) a book which
I (to give) her the day before. 14. “ You ever (to be) to Leningrad?”
“ Yes, I (to be) there last sum m er.” 15. “ W hat your friend (to do)
now?” “ She (to have dinner). She usually (to have dinner) at 3
o ’clock.” 16. 1 (to buy) a new dress. I (to show) it to you tomorrow.
17. Who (to take care) of your children when you (to go) to Leningrad?
18. When our train (to arrive) in Kiev? 19. “ Hallo, Peter! Where
you (to go)?” “ 1 (to go) to the lib rary .” 20. What you (to do) when
I (to ring) you up?



Относительные местоимения who, which, that вводят опреде­

лительные придаточные предложения, т. е. употребляются для
связи придаточного определительного предложения с главным.
Относительное местоимение who, whom употребляется по от­
ношению к лицам.
The man who came here is my sister’s Iriend-
Человек, который пришел сюда, — друг моей сестры.
Относительное местоимение which употребляется по отношению
к неодушевленным предметам и к животным
Не showed me the letter which he had received the day before.
Он показал мне письмо которое получил накануне.
At last 1 saw the dog which my brother had promised to show me.
Наконец я увидел собаку которую мой брат обещал пока­
зать мне.
Относительное местоимение that может употребляться как по
отношению к лицам, так и по отношению к неодушевленным пред­
метам и животным.
The text that 1 translated yesterday was not difficult.
Текст, который я перевел вчера, не был труден.
The girl th at we were talking about will come in the evening.
Девушка, о которой мы говорили придет вечером

Упражнение 25. Переведите следующие сочетания, употребляя мес­

тоимения w h o , w h i c h , t h a t :

1. мальчик, который спит; мой друг, который прислал письмо,

девушка, которая нашла деньги; студенты, которые пойдут в те­
атр; учитель, который показывал эти книги; доктор, который придет
2. комната, которая полна народу; место, которое было у окна;
декорация, которую ом нарисует; театр, который мой дедушка
закрыл; дверь, которую он открыл; книга, которую он берет
3. собака, которая нашла его; полотенце, которое я дам ему;
молодая женщина, которая сидит за столом; молодые люди, кото­
рые поют песню; песня, которую я вспомнил; правило которое
она объяснила

Упражнение 26. Заполните пропуски относительными местоимениями

who (whom), which,
1. The people ... are sitting near the window are his neighbours.
2. It was the only play ... they had seen in that theatre. 3. The wo­
man ... came to my sister was a well-known actress. 4. The house ...
you saw yesterday belongs to her old uncle. 5. The man ... came to
help her often comes into our park to listen to music. 6. The neigh­
bour ... had brought her brother’s letter was a very kind man. 7. The
text ... they had copied is from my text-book. 8, The girl brought
home the cat ... she had found in the street. 9. This is the man about
... I was speaking. 10. The young men ... we saw in the park are my


1) All весь, вся, всё, все может быть в предложении подлежащим,

частью составного сказуемого, дополнением и определением:
All is said.
Все сказано.
That is a ll that l know.
Это все, что я знаю.
Не forgot a ll about it.
Он все забыл.
All the students have passed their exams.
Все студенты сдали экзамены.
(Заметьте, что с местоимением all слово mankind человечество
употребляется без артикля - all mankind.)
Местоимение all не употребляется с исчисляемыми существи­
тельными в единственном числе. В этих случаях употребляется
словосочетание the whole, а с именами собственными the whole
of ...
the whole country
вся страна
the whole ot France
вся Франция
Часто вместо артикля употребляются притяжательные место­
имения his, her.
her whole family
вся ее семья
All of означает все и з, все: All of them все они.

Упражнение 27. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Я хочу осмотреть всю Москву. 2. Он прочитал всю газету. 3. О

съела все яблоки. 4. Учитель просмотрел все контрольные работы.
5. Вся его семья встречала нас. 6. Прочтите всю статью. 7. Все мы
видели этот фильм. 8. Мы хотим прослушать всю пластинку (record).
9. Все дети выбежали из класса.
2) Местоимение both оба, обе употребляется как подлежащее
определение и дополнение.
Both seemed tired.
Оба казались усталыми.
Both (the) articles are interesting.
Обе статьи интересные.
Не pointed to both.
Он указал на обоих.


Помимо общих случаев (обратный порядок слов в вопроситель­

ном предложении) инверсия имеет место в предложениях, начинаю­
щихся со следующих наречии или союзов: never никогда, hardly,
scarcely едва, seldom редко, in vain напрасно, little мало, nei­
ther..., nor также не, (not) only (не) только, no sooner ... than как
только, не успел ... как , и др.
Only as he left the room did he remember his promise.
Только когда он вышел из комнаты, он вспомнил свое обещание.
В этих случаях перед подлежащим стоит только вспомогатель­
ный или модальный глагол, вход.ший в состав сказуемого (как и
в вопросительных предложениях).
Never in my life have 1 seen such a thing.
Никогда в жизни я не видел такого.
Scarcely had he entered the house when it began to rain.
Едва он вошел в дом, как начался дождь.
H ardly had he locked the door when the bell rang again.
Едва он запер дверь, когда снова зазвонил звонок.
Упражнение 28. Переведите на русский язы к, пользуясь словарем.

1. Only when we reached the house did she turn to me. 2. Never
have 1 read such an interesting article. 3. Only then did he under­
stand his mistake. 4. In vain did we try to make him do it. 5. No
sooner had he arrived than he fell ill. 6. Never, indeed, did he for­
give1her that episode. 7. No sooner had they disappeared than Nicho­
las heard the sound of clattering footsteps. 8. Hardly had our party
reached the station when it began to rain. 9. In vain did he try to
explain what had happened.

Упражнение 29. Составьте предложения из следующих слов, применяя


1. They, to shoot, had, warned, him, scarcely, I, began, when.

2. Never, lie, visit, us, will. 3. We, in vain, him, ask, not to leave
us, did. 4. She, only, the train, as, started, did, find out (узнала),
that, had left, at home, she, her ticket. 5. Than, no sooner, I, return­
ed, home, had, came, my friends, to see me. 6. He, little, know, did,
her life, about. 7. Hardly, got, our company, had, on, board the train,
it. when, to move, began.

Текс m


There is a strange belief among the Japanese people that mirrors
have souls. Therefore mirrors have an honourable place in a Japanese
Here is' a short story which illustrates the high esteem in which
some Japanese families held these fashionable articles of toilet2.
There was a certain house in the town of Kyoto, which people,,
avoided. The reason for their fear w'as that two of the former owners
of the house had drowned themselves in the well that stood in the yard.
Both of these tenants had been very happy and there seemed no cause3
for them to commit suicide1, yet both had become victims of some
wicked spell.
The house had been lying em pty for some time, as no one was w ill­
ing to occupy a place w ith such a bad reputation, and so it was let5
very cheaply to M atsumura, a poor man.
Shortly after Matsumura became the owner of the house8, a gr^at
drought occured in lhat area. M atsum ura’s well was one of the
few that did not go dry7 and he allowed people to come and draw' wa­
ter from it.
One day there was an outcry in the yard. A young man had drown­
ed in the well! Only then did Matsumura recall all the queer sto-
ries about the strange house. Once more the people of the neighbour­
hood shunned the house and went to draw their water elsewhere,
leaving Matsumura alone.
As he sat on the brink of the well something white appeared in
the dark water below. It was a face of a very beautiful woman.
She smiled wistfully up at the man. Matsumura had hardly strength
to run from the well. Then he called some men to help him to cover
the well with great stones and logs.
That night there came a knock at his door8. He opened it and saw
the maiden of the well standing in the moonlight. In spite of his
terror Matsumura cried, ‘‘Witch, what do you want? Why have you
drawn people to the death?”
The girl said, “ I am not a witch. I did not desire the death of
those good men. I only wanted their help. Search for my body in the
well and then I shall be at rest".”
So saying she melted like a wisp ol smoke.
Matsumura spent a troubled night. Early next morning he told
his story to the neighbours. When they had searched the well thor­
oughly, all that they found was a mirror covered with mud.
Matsumura carefully cleaned it and found it was a silver mirror.
On the back there were inscriptions which he could not read save
for"1 a few scattered dates and names.
One evening the maiden was in his room again. “ Kind m an,”
she said, “ I thank you for your care of me. I am the soul of the mir­
ror. I belonged in ancient times to Lady Kamo and had been an heir­
loom in her family for many years. One day however a jealous lady
in a fit of rage threw me into the well. I longed to escape. Oh man,
give me to Lord Yoshimasa, the descendant of my first mistress and
I shall be happy, again.” W ith these words she vanished.
Matsumura brought the mirror to Lord Yoshimasa and it spent
the rest of its days in Lord Yoshimasa’s house.


1. Here is ... — Вот...

2. ...the high esteem in which some Japanese families heldthese
fashionable articles of toilet.—... большое уважение, которым
пользовались в некоторых японских семьях эти модные пред­
меты туалета.
3. ... there seemed no cause...—... казалось, не было причины...
There в оборотах типа there is, кроме глагола to be, употреб­
ляется с рядом других глаголов, близких по значению к гла­
голу to be, например, to live, to exist, to seem и др.
Once upon a time there lived a man.
Много лет тому назад жил (=бы л) человек.
There comes a tim e...
Наступит время...
4. to commit suicide — покончить жизнь самоубийством
5. it was let — он был сдан внаем
6. Shortly after Matsumura became the owner ol the house ...—
Вскоре после того, как Мацумура стал владельцем дома...
7. did not go dry — не высох; глагол to go в сочетании с прила­
гательными употребляется в значении делаться, становиться,
например, to go mad сойти с ум а (букв, сделаться су­
масшедшим), to go bad испортиться (буки. сделаться пло­
хим) и т. д.
8. there came a knock at his door. — раздался стук в дверь.
9. I shall be at rest.— я успокоюсь.
10. save for — за исключением, кроме
Слова и словосочетания, рекомендуемые
для запоминания
belief п вера, убеждение, поверис area п район
Japanese а японский recall v вспоминать
mirror п зеркало queer а странный
honourable а почетный once more еще раз
fashionable а модный neighbourhood п соседство, по со­
article п предмет седству
avoid v избегать hardly adv едва
the reason for smth. причина чего-то, knock (at) v стучать f
основание для чего-тс. knock n стук
lear п страх terror n ужас
two of (both of, one ol) двое из (оба, draw v тянуть, тащить
один из) desire v ж елать, хотеть
former а бывший search v искать, обыскивать:
drown t' тонуть search foi smth. искать что-либо
yard п двор melt v таять
tenant л арендатор, съемщик thoroughly a d v тщательно
yet adv тем не менее cover v покры вать, накрывать
v ictim п жертва mud n грязь
wicked а злой care n забота
to be willing (о do something хотеть belong (to) v принадлежать
сделать что-либо ancient а древний
occupy v занимать take care of заботиться о
such a bad такой плохой rage n гнев
cheap а дешевый long v стремиться к чему-либо
occur о случаться escape и спастись

Имена собственные и географические названия

Matsumura | m a t ' s u : i m r a | Мацумура
Yoshimasa | /joJ’i'meizaJ Йошимаса
Kyoto (ki'otou) Киото
Упражнение 30. Образуйте от данных слов новые слояа, исполь­
зуя указанные суффиксы и префиксы (значение основных суффиксов и пре­
фиксов см. в таблице на стр. 335). Переведите производные, пользуясь сло­
а) out-
shout, line, number, house, let

б) -able
honour, respect, remark, change, comfort

в) -ese
China, Portugal, Viet-Nam

r) -hood
child, man, brother, mother

Упражнение 31. Переведите следующие гнезда слов. Обратите вни­

мание на словообразующие суффиксы и префиксы. Заполните пропуски
одним из данных слов.

1. honour п — honourable а
1. It is a great ... for me to take part inthis work.
2. You will be an ... guest in our house.
2. believe v — belief n
I. He has a strong ... in this man. 2. I have no doubts. I ... you.
3. fashion n — fashionable a
1. ... has changed very much for these last years. 2. You have
bought a ... dress.

4. reason n — reasonable a
1. He is a ... man. 2. Do you have a good... for doing so?

5. neighbour n — neighbourhood n
1. There are many fields in our . . . . 2. My ... told me that the film
was very interesting.

6. cover v — discover a — discovery n

1. She began to cry and ... her face with her hands. 2. Soviet
scientists are making wonderful ... . 3. Lomonosov ... some new
laws of nature.

7. happy a — happiness n — unhappy a

1. A little boy looked very ... . 2. He was so ... that he could
not live in this town any more. 3. Shelley tells the people of Eng­
land that the storm of revolution will bring them ... and freedom.
8. fear n — fearless a — fearful a
1. There are hundreds of stories about ... men fighting against
the fascists during the Great Patriotic War. 2. Yesterday there
occured a ... railway accident. 3. She trembled with ... .

9. mud n — muddy a
1. Rain turns dust into ... 2. We could hardly cross that ... road
and reach a dry place.

Упражнение 32. Замените выделенные слова синонимами и переве­

дите предложения на русский язык.

to hold, to occur m irror, hardly, thorough, terror, to allow, cause ,

desire, save (for)
1. There were scarcely a hundred people present. 2. Yesterday a
fire took place in the theatre that is near my house. 3. Keep yourself
upright when you walk. 4. Nobody helped me except my best friend.
5. Your hair is in disorder. Can’t you see it in the looking-glass ?
6. The scheme was improved by careful examination. 7. What was
the reason for the tree’s falling down? 8. My sister had a strong w ish
to enter the University. 9. His hands were raised in horror, he could
not move. 10. My mother let me go to the cinema and take my brother
with me.

Упражнение 33. Найдите в колонке справа антонимы к следующим


to vanish, to allow, poor, life, to forbid, death, ugly, to

beautiful, weakness, former, appear, expensive, rich,
cheap, to recall strength, to forget, present

Упражнение 34. Переведите предложения и определите, какой час­

тью речи являются выделенные слова.

1. a) The children stood in the darkness in fear and trembling,

b) He did not fear to die for his fatherland.
2. a) There is no cause for fear, b) What caused his illness?
3. a) It is impossible to satisfy (удовлетворить) all their desires.
b) Lanny desired to organize a school in the village.
4. a) I can’t lift this box alone; please, help me. b) Thank you for
your kind help.
5. a) R est is necessary after hard work, b) He rested for an hour
before going on with his work.
6. a) She came here in search of work, b) The police searched the
room, but found nothing.
7. a) What is making you sm ile ? b) There was a pleasant sm ile
on her face.
8. a) Take the cover from the dish, please, b) You must cover the young
plants to protect them against frost.
9. a) Escape from this prison is dangerous, b) Where can we go to
escape the crowds?
10. a) She heard a knock at the door and said: “Come in.” b) “ Don’t
knock at the door. The children may be sleeping," she asked me.
11. a) It was not pleasant to swim in the cold w ater but he tried not
to show that he was trembling, b) I asked her to w ater the
flowers every morning.

Упражнение 35. Переведите следующие сочетания, пользуясь сло­

вами из текста:

1. а) древние времена, древняя надпись, древняя история;

б) японский язык, японские цветы, японская легенда;
в) модное платье, модный отель, модные вещи;
г) ужасный рассказ, ужасная картина, ужасный гнев;
д) бывший друг, бывший учитель, бывший владелец;
е) почетное место почетное звание. почетная работа:
2. а) владелец собаки, владелец сада, владелец театра;
б) народ Японии, народ этой страны, народы всего мира;
в) арендатор дома, арендатор земли, арендатор сада;
г) сосед моего брата, соседи этого человека, сосед его учитель­
д) зеркало его жены, зеркало этого актера, зеркало девушки.
3. а) еще раз спрошенный, еще раз написанный, еще раз сыгранный;
б) несмотря на погоду, несмотря на дождь, несмотря на страх;
,в) вскоре после его смерти, вскоре после его прихода, вскоре
после моего письма.

Упражнение 36. Переведите слова, данные в скобках, пользуясь сло­

вами и выражениями из текста.

1. (Причиной) for my departure was the illness of my mother.

2. She is a very boring (скучный) person, and I always try (избегать)
meeting her. 3. It was so dark that I could (едва) see anything. 4. She
couldn’t find the way out and (покончила жизнь самоубийством).
5. It was not raining in summer and our crops (высох). 6. (Дым) of
the chimneys showed us that we came to an industrial centre. 7. He
is always at work, I have never seen him (в покое, без дела). 8. Не
(хотел) to ask me help him as he is unable to do it himself. 9. They
saw that the beast had sprung at its (жертву). 10. 1 cannot describe
(ужасов) of the night which followed. 11. I walked about on the shore
thinking of my comrades who (утонули!. 12. 1 found many things
(принадлежащих) to my brother. 13. She trembled with (гнева)
and terror. 14. It (случилось) that one evening little Hans was sit­
ting by his fireside when a loud knock came at the door. 15. Father
drew his chair back to its (бывшее место). 16. King Lear believed
his (злым) daughters and gave them his kingdom (королевство).
17. Sitting on the bench under the tree I (вспомнил) my happy child­
hood, my school and friends. 18. She spent much time on studying
(древнюю) history. 19. Nobody likes his (странную) way of talking.
20. (Двое из) their friends could not go travelling with them. 21. When
she looked out of the window she saw many children playing in the

Упражнение 37. Переведите предложения на английский язык, поль­

зуясь образцами.

1. T h e r e s e e m e d п о c a u s e f o r y o u to worry.

ссориться с ней.
избегать этого человека,
У вас не было оснований предупреждать ее об опасности,
оставаться здесь так долго,
вспоминать этот случай.

2. N o o n e w a s w i l l i n g to come here.
занимать этот дом.
говорить об этом,
Никто не хотел покидать родной город,
приглашать его сюда,
искать пропавшие вещи.

3. Н е h a d h a r d l y s t r e n g t h to u tter a word.
двигаться дальше.
У него едва хватило сил j продолжать эту работу.
подняться со своего места.
Упражнение 38. Выберите в колонке справа правильный ответ на

1. Why did the people avoid 1. Because they did not like its
the house in Kyoto? owner. Because the former
owners of the house had
drowned them selves in the
2. Why was no one willing to 2. Because the house was very
occupy the place? expensive. Because the peo­
ple were afraid of this house.
Because it had such a bad
3. Why did the people come to 3. Because they liked to come
draw w ater from M atsum u­ to see him. Because the wa­
ra ’s well? ter in his well was better.
Because all the wells went
4. What did M atsumura see in 4. He saw the face of a very
the water? beautiful woman. He saw
something black there.
5. When did he hear a knock 5. He heard a knock at his door
at his door? in the morning. He heard a
knock at his door in the a ft­
ernoon. He heard a knock
at his door at night.
6. Whom did he see when he 6. He saw his friend. H e saw
opened the door? the maiden of the well. He
saw his neighbours.
7. What did the girl ask him 7. She asked him to save her.
about? She asked him to find her
8. What did he find in the 8. He found a m irror covered
well? with mud. He found the body
of the girl. He found no­
thing in the well.
9. Why did the maiden find her­ 9. Because she drowned there.
self in the well? Because she was dropped
there by some careless woman.
Because she was thrown there
in a fit of rage.
10. Whom did M atsumura bring 10. He brought it to his friend.
the m irror? He brought it to the des­
cendant of its first mis­

Упражнение 39. П оставьте вопросы к выделенным членам предло­


1. The house had been lying empty for some time. 2. The poor
man spent a troubled night. 3. There were in scriptions on the back
of the mirror.
Упражнение 40. Переведите следующие вопросы на английский язы к;

A. 1. Кто владелец этого дома?

2. Кто сидит у колодца?
3. Кто поможет ему найти эту женщину?
4. Кто слышал вчера этот странный крик?
5. Кто брал воду из вашего колодца, когда я вчера заиел во
Б. 1. Что он увидел, когда подошел к колодцу?
2. Что вы сделали, после того как она показала вам эти надшей?
3. Что лежало на дне колодца?
4. Что он делал, когда она внезапно появилась?
5. Что случилось с арендаторами до того, как он занял тог дом?
B. 1. Какой рассказ он прочитал им?
2. Какой дом он купил очень дешево?
3. Какая женщина появилась перед ним?
4. Какую ночь он провел?
5. К каким временам относилась эта вещь?

Упражнение 41. Определите функции глагола to h a v e и переведите

предложения на русский язык.

I. I have to go there once more. 2. Did you have your dinner in

the dining-room yesterday? 3. We did not know that he had been ill.
4. He has no friends in Moscow. 5.Have you invited a lot of people
to the party? 6. 1 shall have to do it while my friendis away. Will
you have a cup of tea or a cup of coffee? 8. She had a good rest last
summer. 9. I had to do it because there was no other w>y out.
10. She had a great desire to help her husband.

Упражнение 42. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужное

время и переведите рассказ на русский язык, пользуясь англо-русским сло­

Once a famous actor (to be) ill. He (to have to take) medicine of
a very dark colour. One day his servant (to give) him some ink by
mistake. When he (to find out) what he (to do), he (to cry out) in
horror: “ I (to beg) your pardon, sir, but I (to give) you ink instead
of your medicine!” “ Never m in d ,” (to say) the actor, “ I (toswallow)
a piece of blotting-paper (промокательной бумаги).”

Упражнение 43. Переведите следующие предложения на английский


1. После того как он вытащил воду из колодца, он сел немного

отдохнуть. 2. Он сказал нам, что купил этот дом в молодости.
3. Сумочка и зеркало, найденные вами, принадлежат этой девушке.
4. Она стучала очень долго, но никто не открыл дверь. 5. История,
которую он рассказал соседям, удивила их. 6. Не успели они вые­
хать из дома (to leave the house), как новый владелец занял его.
7. Она уже 30 минут носила воду из колодца, когда они увидели это
и помогли ей. 8. Ботинки, очищенные от грязи, снова будут новы­
ми и красивыми. 9. С тех пор как они услышали эту историю, они не
берут воду в колодце

Упражнение 44. Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где это


1. The travellers decided to rest ... the village ... Nikitino. 2. The
reason ... their fear was that one ... their pupils had gone... the for­
est alone and had not returned yet. 3. The house had been lying empty
... some time because his owner had gone ... town. 4. She liked to
draw water ... that well because the water was always very clean
there. 5. He recalled all the queer sto ries... that house. 6. She covered
the sleeping child ... a blanket (одеялом) and le f t... the room. 7. They
spent a troubled night searching ... the lost document. 8. Before you
enter ... the room, knock ... the door. 9. She thanked him ... his care
... her. 10. All these things belong ... my uncle. He will take them ...
a few days.



I t ’s 5 p. m .1 a t the la n es' fla t. The guests begin to come in.
M ike: Hello, Sam, nice of you2 to come. Take off3 your coat, will
you, an j let’s go in4. You haven’t met my mother yet,have you?
Sam: No, I haven’t had the pleasure8 but I ’ve met your father
at Wimbledon, don’t you remember?
M ike: Oh yes, of course. Ah, there’s Mother, come on6, old boy7.
Mum. this is Sam Williams, a friend from the College.
Sam: How do you do8,Mrs Innes.
M rs Innes: How do you do, I ’m glad to meet9 you. Will you excuse
me, please, everybody seems to come at once.10
Sam: Certainly, Mrs Innes.
M r Innes: Good evening, Sam. This is Sam, isn’t it?
M ike: Yes, Dad, you gave us tea at Wimbeldon last summer
M r Innes: Oh yes, of course, how are y o u '1?
Sam: Good evening. Mr Innes, I ’m fine12, thank you And how
are you?
M r Innes: Not too bad, my boy, not too bad. Let me introduce you
to13 my wife. Oh. where’s she gone? She was here a moment ago.
Sam: I ’ve already metMrs Innes, Mike has introduced me to her.
M r Innes: Oh, he has, has he? T hat’s good.
Sam: But J’d like14 to meet Ellen. I’ve heard such a lot about her
from Mike.
M r Innes: Yes, of course. Ellen, come over here16. This is Sam Wil­
liams, Mike’s friend, take care of1" him, will you. I’ve to look
after” the Brands, they’ve just come in... Good evening, Mrs
Brand, how are you? Good evening, John. Won’t you sit down?
Make yourself comfortable. You’ve met Mr Brand. Margaret,
haven’t you?
M iss C ollins: I’m afraid '”, 1 haven’t.
M iss Innes: Oh, I ’m sorry I thought you had. Mrs Brand this is
Miss Collins, my wife’s cousin.
M iss Collins: How do you do, A'liss Brand.
Airs Brand: How do you do, Miss Collins.
M rs Innes: Oh. Margaret, how are you, my dear? I ’m delighted
you’ve managed to come; 1 haven’t seen you for ages19.


1. p. m. = post meridiem — лат . пополудни; a. m. = ante meri­

d ie m — л а т . до полудня
2. nice of you — мило с вашей стороны
3. to take off — снимать
4. to go in — зайти
5. to have the pleasure — иметь удовольствие
6. come on — идем, пошли
7. old boy — старина
8. How do you do.— Здравствуйте.
9. I ’m glad to meet you.— Рада познакомиться с вами.
10. ... everybody seems to come at once.— ... кажется, все приходят
в одно время.
11. How are you? — Как поживаете?
12. I ’m fine... — Я чувствую себя прекрасно...
13. Let me introduce you (to)... — Разрешите представить вас...
14. I ’d 1ike= I should like — мне хотелось бы
15. come over here — подойти сюда
16. to take care of smb. 1 ,
17. to look after I ~ з д ' Уделить внимание
18. I ’m afraid ... — Боюсь...
19. I haven’t seen you for ages.— Я не видел вас целую вечность.
Упражнение 45. Переведите предложения на английский язык, ноль,
зуясь образцами.
1. N ic e o f y o u to rem em ber about it.
помочь моей сестре,

I принести мне сигарет,

успокоить мою мать,
рассказать мне об этом.
2. I had the pleasu re to be there yesterday
прочитать вашу статью,
встретить его на конференции,
Мне было очень при­ присутствовать на этой лекции,
ятно слышать о вашем успехе.
3. I s h o u l d l i k e to go to Leningrad.
узнать об этом,
пойти туда.
Мне бы хотелось увидеть его до отъезда,
поговорить об этом сегодня.

4. I ’m a f r a i d th a t she w ill not be able to do it.

что она не обратит на это внимания.

„ , что он не приедет.
Я боюсь, чт0 все сбудут пригласить его.
что он не встанет вовремя.

Упражнение 46. Выучите наизусть диалог ‘The Guests A rrive” .


1. I am glad to meet you. Рад вас видеть.

How are you getting on? Как вы поживаете?
2. Won’t you take off your Раздевайтесь пожалуйста.
coat and hat?
3. Make yourself at home. Будьте как дома.
4. “ Won’t you sit down?” Садитесь, пожалуйста.
“ Thank you.” Спасибо.
5. Let me introduce myself. Позвольте представиться.
6. Call on me, please. Зайдите ко мне, пожалуйста.
7. He is out. Его нет дома.
He is out of town. Он уехал из города.
8. I expect them any minute Я ожидаю их с минуты на ми­
now. нуту
9. It must be late. 1 have to Должно быть, поздно Я дол­
go. жен идти
10. I wish you good night. Спокойной ночи
11. Good luckl Всего хорошего.
12. I shall not be long. Я скоро вернусь.
13. I am not saying good-bye Я еще не прощаюсь.
14. See you soon (again). До скорой встречи.
15. Well, so long. Ну, пока.
Текст для перевода
The first trade unions were associations of wage-earners for the
purpose of improving the conditions of their working lives.
In order to ’ provide a home, food and clothing for himself and his
family, every worker needs a job at a reasonable wage. He joins a
trade union because the trade union helps him. An im portant duty
of the trade unions is to help their members when they are unable
to work because of illness, or accident at work, and when they become
too old to continue working. In the-early days of the trade union
movement, before the State provided health and unemployment insur­
ance2 and old age pension3, this kind of help was much more impor­
tant than it is today.
Every member of a trade union pays a small sum of money each
week, called his subscription. This covers the cost of organizing4 the
union, and provides the fund to help' the members. From this fund
members also receive help if they go on strike5 against their employ­
ers, or are locked out6 by them.


1. In order to... — Для того, чтобы...

2. unemployment insurance — пособие по безработице
3. old age pension — пенсия по старости
4. the cost of organizing — расходы на организацию
5. they go on strike — они бастуют
6. or are locked out — или когда их хозяева не разрешают им
возвратиться на работу, если они (рабочие) не примут опреде­
ленных условий
Слова и словосочетания, рекомендуемые
д ля запоминания
trade union п профсоюз duty п долг, обязанность
wage-earner п наемный работник, pa- be unable быть не в состоянии
бочин accident п несчастный случай
condition п условие movem ent п движение
provide с обеспечивать health п здоровье
food п пища unemployment п безработица
clothing п одежда strike п забастовка
job п работа employer п наниматель
wage п заработная плата

Упражнение 4Т. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. W hat were the first trade unions?

2. What does every worker need in order to provide a home, food an
clothing for his family?
3. Why does a worker join the trade union?
4. W hat is an im portant duty of the trade unions?
5. Why was this kind of help much more im portant in the early days
of the trade union movement than it is today?
6. W hat does every member of a trade union pay each week?
7. W hat does this fund provide?
Упражнение 48. Переведите на английский язык с помощью словаря:

1. Первыми британскими профсоюзами были такие организа­

ции, обязанностью которых было улучшать условия жизни и тру­
да рабочих. 2. Несмотря на плохое здоровье, он продолжал ходить
на фабрику, так как боялся потерять работу. Многие рабочие в
Америке боятся потерять работу, так как там очень легко стать
безработным, а найти новую работу трудно. 3. Советские профсо­
ю зы — массовые непартийные организации (non-party). 4. Проф­
союзы работают под руководством (under the leadership) Комму­
нистической партии Советского Союза. 5. Одна из важных обязан­
ностей профсоюза — помогать членам профсоюза, когда они не могут
работать по болезни, из-за несчастного случая на работе или когда
они становятся старыми и не в состоянии работать. 6. Каждый член
профсоюза в Советском Союзе платит членские взносы ежемесячно.
7. Я уже уплатил свои членские взносы. 8. Она уже несколько лет
получает пенсию по старости.


I. Humourous Story of Rachmaninoff

Everyone has heard ol Rachmaninofl. He was a famous pianist.
He was also a famous composer. Rachmaninoff liked to tell this story
about himself.
“ When 1 was a very small boy 1 once played at a party at the
home of a Russian nobleman. I was only eight years old. But I had
been playing the piano for several years. I played well. I played the
“ Kreutzer Sonata” by Beethoven.
But the “ Kreutzer Sonata” has in it several very long rests. In
each of these rests I took my hands from the piano and waited. To
me this was very dram atic. During one of these rests the old mother
of the nobleman came up to me. She said: “ My boy, why don’t you
play us something that you know?”

II. Story about Mark Twain

One of Mark T w ain’s friends invited him to go to the opera. D ur­
ing the opera the friend’s wife talked all the time. She talked so
much and so loudly th at it wras difficult for Mark Twain to listen to
the opera.
Towards the end of the opera she said to Mark Twain: ‘Oh, my
dear Mark Twain, I invite you to the opera next Friday night again.
I ’m sure you will like it — the opera will be “ Carm en.”
“ Thank you very m uch,” said Mark Twain. “ That will be fine.
I have never heard you in “ Carm en.”

III. The Sound Barrier in Danger

A loud explosion rocked this part ot our town, and an indignant
woman telephoned a newspaper to find out what had happened.
A reporter said that perhaps a jet plane had broken the sound barrier.
“ If that barrier keeps getting in everybody’s way, “ she said an­
grily, “ why don’t they lake the damn thing down?”

Упражнение 49. Перескажите каждый из рассказов, давая полные

ответы на следующие вопросы:

I. 1. Have many people heard of Rachmaninoff? 2. What was he?

3. Did he like to tell the story about himself? 4. Where did he play
the piano? 5. How did he play the piano? 6. How old was he then?
7. W hat piece of music did he play? 8. What did he do in each of
the rests? 9. W hat did the mother of the nobleman ask him to do?
II. 1. Who invited Mark Twain to the opera? 2. What did the
friend’s wife do during the opera? 3. How did she talk? 4. Was it
easy for Mark Twain to listen to the opera? 5. W hat did the friend’s
wife say to Mark Twain towards the end of the opera? 6. Where did
she invite him? 7. What did Mark Twain answer her?
III. I. Why did an indignant woman telephone a newspaper?
2. What did she want to find out? 3. What did the reporter answer?
4. What did the woman say angrily?
(The Fifth L esson)

Г рамматика:
1. Страдательный залог. (Passive Voice)
2. Глаголы-связки (Link-verbs) to be, to become, to g et, to
g ro w , to tu rn .
3 Порядок слов в восклицательном предложении, (Word Order
in E xclam atory Sentence)
Текст- Androcles and the Lion

Залог выражает отношение между подлежащим и сказуемым
в предложении.
В английском языке, как и в русском, существует два залога:
действительный (Active Voice) и страдательный (Passive Voice).
Глагол-сказуемое в Active Voice показывает, что подлежащее
предложения само совершает действие, выраженное глаголом.
I ask.
Я спрашиваю.
Глагол-сказуемое в Passive Voice показывает, что подлежащее
предложения является объектом действия, выраженного глаголом.
I am asked.
Меня спрашивают.
Формы глагола в страдательном залоге образуются с помощью
вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и P ar­
ticiple II смыслового глагола.
to be asked быть спрошенным
to be w ritten быть написанным
Показателем лица, числа и времени в Passive Voice является
глагол to be, а форма причастия II остается неизменной (см. таб­
Г resen I Past F u tu re

a> Мне, ему и т. д. по­Мне, ему и т. д. по­ Мне, ему и т. д.

казывают казали покажут
I was I shall be
DC I ага
с *=:
IS Н е, she. it Н е, she, it
OJ Не, she, it will be
C l was
<v <v
■ a С и CD is } shown We, you, shown shown
We shall be
с с We, you,
о they You, they
0 they are were
1 will be

Мне, ему и т. д. Мне. ему и т. д

показывают (сей­ показывали (в оп­
час) ределенный мо­
мент в прошлом)
I am being I, he, she
Н е , she, it was
it is being being
shown s h o w n
We, you, We, you,
they are they were
being being

Мне, ему и т . д . по­ Мне, ему и т. д. Мне, ему и т. д.

казали (только что) показали (до дру ­ покажут (к опре­
гого момента в деленному момен­
C l прошлом) ту в будущем)
I have been 1, he, she, 1 shall have
Не, she. it it had been
has been been Не, she, it
QJ О shown shown
a 3 We, you We, you, will have
Q. they have they had been
been been We shall shown
U have been
You, they
will have

V) К

з ф a
X <L> CQ

cXa> О
о а х
и o-S
о о *
и- в IИ
v о
а о .

Как видно из приведенной таблицы, в английском языке форм
страдательного залога меньше, чем форм действительного залога
так как нет времен Future Continuous и Perfect Continuous.
Форму страдательного залога имеют только переходные гла­
голы, т. е. глаголы, которые требуют прямого дополнения (например,
to see, to buy, to write и т. д.), причем форма страдательного залога
может быть образована от переходных глаголов, принимающих в
действительном залоге как беспредложное так и предложное до­
I bought this picture. This picture will be bought.
(прямое дополнение) Эту картину купят.
Я купил эту картину.
She looks after the child. The children are looked after
(предложное дополнение) За детьми присматривают.
Она присматривает за детьми.
They were laughing at him. He was being laughed at.
(предложное дополнение) Над ним смеялись.
Они смеялись над ним.

В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол ставится перед

Is this work finished?

В отрицательной форме частица not ставится после вспомога­

тельного глагола.
The letter has not been written.

В английском языке страдательный залог употребляется чаще,

чем в русском. Это объясняется тем, что в английском языке почти
полностью отсутствуют падежи, а поэтому невозможно выразить
объект действия падежной формой существительного.
Если по-русски можно сказать: «Его спросили» и «Он был спро­
шен», то в английском возможна только одна конструкция: Не was
Английскую пассивную конструкцию на русский язык можно
переводить неопределенно-личными предложениями, активными и
пассивными конструкциями:

His report will be discussed at the University.

Его доклад будут обсуждать в университете
Many guests were invited to my birthday party.
На вечер в честь моего дня рождения было приглашено много
Our conversation was interrupted by a telephone call.
Телефонный звонок прервал наш разговор.
В русской пассивной конструкции дополнение, обозначающее
действующее лицо или предмет, стоит в творительном падеже.
В английском языке перед таким дополнением стоят предлоги
by или w ith. Дополнение с предлогом by выражает действующее
лицо или предмет, а дополнение с предлогом w ith — орудие дейст­
The letter was w ritten by my uncle.
Письмо было написано моим дядей.
The bread was cut with a knife.
Хлеб был нарезан ножом.

Упражнение 1. Определите, в каком залоге и времени стоят

следующие предложения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. A new school will be soon opened in our street. 2. Tolstoy’s

works were translated into many languages. 3. Our lesson began at
ten o ’clock. 4. This film is much spoken about. 5. The students are
in the hall. A new book is being discussed there. 6. Where have you
been all this time? 7. I went to see him yesterday. 8. They were asked
to come into the room. 9. His report was listened to with great atten­
tion. 10. His name has not been mentioned since that time. 11. Lanny
was helped to his feet by Sarie. 12. Where are you going? — I am
going to the cinema.

Упражнение 2. Поставьте следующие предложения в Passive Voice

по образцам.

1. She w a s h e s the child.

The ch ild i s w a s h e d by her.
1. I prepare dinner. 2. They buy newspapers. 3. He gives Eng­
lish lessons.

2. 1 g a v ehim a book.
A book w a s g i v e n to him b y me.
1. We understood her. 2. She brought me a clean towel. 3. He
organised a school. 4. They visited us. 5. She told us an interesting
3. T h ey w i l l t a k e the copy-books.
The copy-books w i l l b e t a k e n by them.
1. She will invite us. 2. He will read the article. 3. 1 shall trans­
late the text. 4. We shall discuss this film.
4. They a r e r e a d i n g th is book.
T h is book is b e i n g r e a d by them.
1. The teacher is exam ining them. 2. His uncle is instructing him
now. 3. They are looking through my note-book.

Упражнение 3. Поставьте следующие предложения в прошедшее

и будущее время, изменив, где требуется, обстоятельство времени.

1. Books in foreign languages are sold in this shop. 2. His

report is being discussed now. 3. This play has been translated
into Russian.

Упражнение 4. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопроситель­

ную и отрицательную форму, пользуясь данными образцами:

The radio-set is b e in g repaired now. Is the radio-set being repaired

now? The radio-set is not being repaired now.
He has been accom panied by h is friend. Has he been accompanied
by his frien d ? He has not been accom panied by h is friend.
The book w ill be brought to n ig h t. W ill the book be brought to­
n ig h t ? The book w o n 't be brought tonight.

1. The delegation will be met tomorrow. 2. This text has been

copied. 3. My favourite song is being sung now. 4. He was tre a t­
ed well.
Упражнение 5. Поставьте все возможные вопросы к следующим
предложениям, пользуясь данными образцами:

The letter w ill be sent tomorrow. W ill the letter be sent tomorrow?
W hat w ill be sent tomorrow? When w ill the letter be sent?
He was shown the w ay to the sta tio n . W as he shown the way to
the station ? Who was shown the w ay to the station ? W hat was he
shown? W hat w ay was he shown?
I.This picture will be shown to us on Monday. 2. He was asked
last time. 3. The film is shown in our club. 4. The doctor has
examined him.
Упражнение 6. В следующих предложениях активную конструкцию
замените пассивном, пользуясь данными образцами.

G linka c o m p o s e d the opera “ / van S u san in " .— The opera" Ivan

Susanin" w a s c o m p o s e d by G linka.
They a r e w a t e r i n g the flowers now.— The flowers a r e b e i n g w a ­
t e r e d now.
He h a s n o t m a d e the report properly.— The report h a s n o t b e e n
m a d e properly.
1. A large group of young people joined us on our way to the
station. 2. A young teacher started a school in this village. 3. They
are translating this article now. 4. They lent me some money. 5. Gals­
worthy wrote the novel “ In Chancery” . 6. Thousands of people
attended this meeting. 7. He has just interrupted me. 8. The teacher
has explained it to us. 9. The old woman looked after the children.

Упражнение 7. Переведи re глаголы, данные в скобках, и прочтите пред­


1. A new hotel (строится) now in our street. 2. Charles Dickens

(родился) on the 9th of January, 1812. 3. Many interesting articles
(публикуются) always in this magazine. 4. Tickets for this film (про­
давались) here from 12 to 14. 5. Lanny (был найден) by the dog.
6. The address (был повторен) to him several times. 7. This question
(обсуждался) two days before the meeting. 8. This book (будет про­
читана) by every student of our group. 9. This letter (будет отправ­
лено) two days before your arrival. 10. Nothing (было слышно) of
him since that time.

Упражнение 8. Переведите следующие предложения на англий­

ский язык, употребляя пассивный залог

1. Дом будет построен в будущем году. 2. Ему только что дали

чистое полотенце. 3. Они сейчас готовят декорации. 4. Ему пред­
ложили чашку горячего чая. 5. Место у окна было занято. 6. Вче­
ра к 10 часам все книги были уже проданы. 7. О ком они сейчас
говорят? 8. Ему разрешили курить. 9. Эти упражнения будут ис­
правлены нашим преподавателем. 10. Эта книга будет опублико­
вана в будущем году. 11. Его доклад обсуждался, когда я пришла
на собрание. 12. Эта статья уже переведена.

Инфинитив страдательного залога

(Passive Infinitive)

Инфинитив страдательного залога образуется с помощью ин­

финитива глагола to be и причастия II смыслового глагола. Напри­
мер: to be given, to be announced, to be reported.
В предложении инфинитив страдательного залога выполняет
те же функции, что и инфинитив действительного залога.

То be laughed a t is not pleasant, (подлежащее)

I have come here to be examined, (обстоятельство цели)
This book must be read by tomorrow, (часть сказуемого).
I looked at the letters to be answered tomorrow, (определения).
Упражнение У. Определите функции инфинитива в следующих
■предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. They must be reminded ol the meeting. 2. My brother wants

to be invited there. 3. He was to be met at the station. 4. He likes
to be listened to attentively. 5. This sentence can be changed. 6. This
problem must be discussed as soon as possible. 7. The door may be
opened. 8. Thisexercise must be done by every student 9. You should
not be surprised at it. 10. Your watch cannot be repaired quickly.
11. There was nothing to be spoken about. 12. She hopes to be sent
to her native village to work. 13. 1 want to be left alone.

Упражнение 10. Замените придаточные предложения инфинитивом,

следуя образцам.

The stu den t w h o w i l l b e a s k e d tomorrow knows the subject

The stu den t to b e a s k e d tomorrow knows the subject well.
The lecture w h ic h i s t o b e d e l i v e r e d a t the club tomorrow
w ill be postponed.
The lecture t o b e d e l i v e r e d a t the club tomorrow w ill be post­
I. The meeting which will be held at the Institute will be de­
voted to the peace struggle. 2. The problem which is to be raised at
the conference is very im portant for the development of industry.
3. The man who is to show us those pictures is an expert in the field
of art. 4. There are some instructions that are to be read at the begin­
ning of the play. 5. There was nothing they could laugh at

Упражнение 11. Переведите предложения на английский язык, упот­

ребляя инфинитив страдательного залога.

1. Это должно быть переведено

2. Это может быть изменено.

ему показали дорогу,

его спросили об этом,
3. Он хотел, чтобы ему дали стакан воды
ему помогли

Глаголы to be, to become, to grow, to get, to turn, to rem ain и

некоторые другие могут быть в предложении смысловыми или свя­
зочными глаголами.
Связочный г л а го л — это служебный глагол, являющийся ча­
стью именного составного сказуемого, связкой между именем су­
ществительным, местоимением и т. д. в функции подлежащего
предложения и именной частью составного сказуемого.

Смысловой глагол С вязка

Не turned to the left. He turned pale.
He was here last year. He was a student then.
We got to the village only at They got tired very quickly.
A large tree grew in the yard. 1 noticed that she grew more

Упражнение 12. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая вни­

мание на перевод глаголов-связок.

1. She turned her face away when she greeted us. 2. When she
heard the news, her face turned red. 3. After graduating from the
institute he became a writer. 4. The noise became so great that we
could not stand (выносить) it any longer. 5. He will get this letter
tomorrow. 6. By the evening they got very tired. 7. It was growing
dark when he left his house. 8. Michurin grew many kinds of apple
trees. 9. They remained silent for some time and then began to speak.
10. We had to stay at home as it was raining hard. II. He grew in­
terested in the problem. 12. Everybody kept laughing for a longtim e
after his remark. 13. The leaves grow yellow in autumn. 14. Her
cheeks turned rosy. 15. They became very intim ate friends. 16. It
grows dark early in winter.

Упражнение 13. Переведите предложения на английский язык, упот­

ребляя глаголы-связки

1. Включите свет, пожалуйста. Становится темно. 2. Все за­

метили, что после болезни она побледнела. 3. Она очень часто кра­
снеет. 4. Книга становится все более и более интересной. 5. Он ока­
зался плохим человеком. 6. Она рассердилась на меня. 7. Его меч­
та — стать поэтом. 8. Моя мать была хорошей художницей. 9. Он
оставался моим лучшим другом до конца жизни. 10. Я очень уди­
вился. когда узнал эту новость.

Восклицательные предложения в английском языке могут

иметь различную форму. Они могут начинаться с местоимения
what какой , что за , за которым всегда следует имя существительное
с относящимся к нему прилагательным.
W hat a nice dress 1 have bought!
К акое красивое платье я купила!
Порядок слов в таком предложении всегда прямой, т. е. под­
лежащее предшествует сказуемому.
Восклицательные предложения могут также начинаться с на­
речия how к а к . За how обычно следует прилагательное или наречие,
затем подлежащее и сказуемое.
How well he recites poems!
К ак хорошо он декламирует стихи!
How beautiful this picture is!
К ак красива эта картина!

Упражнение 14. Переведите следующие предложения на англий­

ский язык.

1. Какой чудесный сегодня день! 2. Какая интересная книга!

3. Какое опасное путешествие! 4. Как приятно гулять в саду!
5. Как хорошо он работает!



There was a certain slave named Androcles who w’asso ill-treated1

by his master that his life became unbearable. At last he said to him­
self: “ It is better to die, than to live in such hardships and misery
as I am obliged to suffer. 1 am determined therefore to run away from
my master. If I am taken again, I know th a t 1 shall be punished with
a cruel death. But it is better to die at once than to live in misery. If
I escape, I must go to the woods, inhabited only by beasts. But they
cannot treat me more cruelly than I have been treated by my m aster.”
He took an opportunity of leaving his m aster’s house and hid himself
in a thick forest some miles distant- from the city. He wandered about3
all day through a thick wood and grew hungry. But he could find no
food. At length4 he was ready to die with hunger and lay down in
despair in a large cave which he found by accident.
Suddenly he heard a dreadful noise which terrified him. He start*
ed up and wanted to escape and had already reached the mouth of
the cave, when he saw a lion, coming towards him. To his great as­
tonishment the beast came up to him without any mark of rage roar­
ing with pain as if he begged5 the assistance of the man. The lion was
lim ping on one of his legs and his foot was extremely swelled, as if
it had been wounded1*. Androcles came up to him, examined his paw
and found a big thorn in it. He extracted- the thorn which had been
the cause of so much pain to the poor lion.
As soon as the beast felt himself thus relieved he began to show
his joy and gratitude by every expression in his power7. From that
moment Androcles became his guest. The man continued to live with
the lion during several months.
Once when Androcles was wandering through the woods, he met
with a group of soldiers sent out to arrest him and was taken prison­
er and carried back to his master. The laws of the country were very
severe. He was tried and found guilty. As a punishment he was sen­
tenced to be torn in pieces by a lion8, kept many days without food.
When the appointed day came, the unhappy man was pushed un­
armed into the middle of an arena, round which many thousands of
people were assembled to watch the terrible scene.
Suddenly a dreadful roar was heard and a monstrous lion rushed
out of a cage. All eyes were turned upon the victim .11 But soon the
people were astonished when they saw that the lion lay down at the
slave’s foot. The governor of the town who was present ordered Andro­
cles to explain to the people this mystery.
Androcles then related to the people every circumstance of his
adventures10 in the woods and concluded by saying: “ This very lion
has been my friend.” All the people unanimously joined to beg the
governor of the place for the pardon of the unhappy man. This wras
immediately granted to him. and he was also presented with the lion,
who had in this manner11 twice saved the life of Androcles.


1. who was so ill-tre a te d — с которым так плохо обращались

2. some miles distant from... — в нескольких милях от...
3. he wandered about — он бродил повсюду
4. at length — наконец
5. as if he begged — как будто бы он просил
6. ...as if it had been wounded.— ... как будто она была повреждена.
7. ...by every expression in his power.— ...как только мог.
8. He was sentenced to be torn in pieces by a lion — приговорили
бросить его льву на растерзание
9. ...all eyes were turned upon the victim .— ...взоры всех были
обращены на жертву.
10. every circumstance ol his adventures — все о своих приключе­
11. in this manner — таким образом

С лова и словосочет ания, реком ен дуем ы е

д л я за п о м и н а н и я

certain а некий wound и ранить; п рана

slave п раб exam ine v осматривать
at last наконец p ain п боль
hardships п pi лишения relieve v облегчать
misery n несчастье, нищета joy п радость
be obliged (о быть обязанным expression п выражение (лица)
suffer v страдать, терпеть power п власть
to be d eterm in e d v решать(ся) take prisoner брать н плен
run aw ay убегать law п закон
punish (with) v наказывать try v судить
cruel а жестокий guilty а виновный
at once сразу punishment п наказание
in h a b it v жить, обитать, населять sentence о приговорить
treat v обращаться с. . ., обходиться keep v держать, хранить
с. . . appoint v назначать
take an opportunity (of) doing smth. armed а вооруженный
воспользоваться случаем сделать assemble v собираться
, что-либо rush и бросаться
j o o d п пища governor п губернатор
be ready (to) быть готовым к чему- be present присутствовать
либо adventure п приключение
in d espair в отчаянии conclude v заключать
by accid ent случайно unanim ously adv единодушно
dreadful а ужасный, страшный to grant v дарить
terrify v пугать present smb. with smth. подарить ко­
lion п лев му-либо что-либо
astonishment п удивление twice adv дважды
assistance п помощь save v спасать
extrem ely adv крайне, чрезвычайно,

Упражнение 15. Определите корневые слова, от которых образова­

ны следующие производные и дайте их перевод.

cruelly, astonishment, prisoner dreadful, assistance, limping

expression, guilty unhappy, governor, unarmed

Упражнение 16. Переведите следующие гнезда слов. Обратите вни­

мание на словообразующие суффиксы и префиксы. Заполните пропуски
одним из данных слов.

1. treat а — treaty п — treatm ent п

l...w a s signed (подписан) in 1948. 2. ... is very good in this hos­
pital. 3. ... the animals so cruelly.
2 . d e te r m in e v — d e te r m in a tio n n — d e te r m in e d a

1. He was a man ot a ... character. 2. His ... to organize a school

was firm. 3. He ... where they would go in summer.

3. conclude v — conclusion n — conclusive a

1. ... of her spfeech was quite unexpected. 2. The singer will give
his ... concert tomorrow. 3. After the professor ... his lecture, he
allowed to ask him questions.

4. slave n — slavery n — enslave v — enslaving a

1. ... is described in “ Uncle Tom ’s C abin” by G. B. Stowe. 2. Im­
perialists try to force upon colonial countries ... agreements.
3. Uncle Tom was ... therefore he could be sold by his master at
any time. 4. In the epoch (эпоха) of ... almost all the prisoners
of war ... by the conquerors.

5. appoint v — appointm ent n — appointed a

1. My uncle ... director of th at plant last year. 2. 1 must hurry
because F have ... . 3. Each of the members of our circle had his
... task.
6. punish v — punishm ent n — punishable a
1. I asked my sister not ... her little son for his being late. 2. ...
was too severe for him. 3. All such crimes (преступление) are ...
by law
7. inhabit a — inhabitant n
1. Nobody knew ... of this house. 2. T hat tribe (племя) ... this re­
gion many centuries ago.
8. joy n — joyful a
1. We heard with ... that he had returned home. 2. ... day came.
We all went to the theatre to see a new play.
9. law n — lawful a — lawless a
1. ... tell people what they must do and what they must not do.
2. He was a ... owner of the house. 3. He knows th at it was a ...
10. power n — powerful a
I. To do it was not in my ... . 2. It was a ... blow and he won.
6— 1312 16 !
11. relieve v — relief n
1. After the pain ... the wounded man fell asleep. 2. The doctor’s
treatm ent gave me some ... .
12. try v — trial n
1. The criminal (преступник) ... in the presence of the popula­
tion of the village. 2. Many peoplewill be present at the ... .
13. g u ilt n — guilty a
1. His ... was clear to all the people, assembled in the hall. 2. She
was not found ... a t the trial.
14. adventure n — adventurous a
1. The teacher of biology told his pupils about his ... in Siberia.
2. She says that her brother is an ... man, he never thinks of any
15. arm v — arms n (pD — armed a — unarmed a
1. He ... his soldiers with guns. 2. The soldiers had plenty of ...
and food. 3. ... with a bow and arrows the boy looked very proud.
4. Being ... he was a good target for his enemies.

Упражнение 17. Замените слова и выраж ения, выделенные курсивом,

синонимами из текста.

1 How long will he go on reading? 2. Come here im m ediately,

as it is getting dark. 3. The cottage was situated (быть расположен­
ным) in the middle of a thick forest. 4. There are a lot of w ild a n i­
m als in the jungle (джунгли) 5. A t la st he found a cave where he
could have a rest. 6. To m y surprise his plan succeeded. 7 As we ap­
proached the man, we saw that he was blind (слепой). 8. Some chil­
dren took part in the perlormance. 9. The people gath ered on the square.
10. What horrible weather we are having today!

Упражнение 18. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов

и переведите их, пользуясь англо-русским словарем.

to treat, to oblige, to determine, to punish, to live, to inhabit,

to wander, to wound, to relieve, to meet, to try. to appoint

Упражнение 19. Найдите в тексте предложения со следующими ело-

вами и переведите их:

named, misery, inhabited, despair, pain, prisoner

Упражнение 20. Выпиш ите из текста эквиваленты следующих рус­
ских предложений:

1. Но они не могут обращаться со мной более жестоко, чем мой

хозяин. 2. Весь день он бродил по густому лесу и проголодался.
3. К его удивлению, зверь подошел к нему без всякой ярости, рыча
от боли и как бы умоляя человека помочь ему. 4. Он вытащил шип.
который причинял такую сильную боль бедному льву. 5. Законы
ьтой страны были очень жестокие. 6. Когда наступил назначенный
день, несчастного безоружного человека вытолкнули на середину
арены, вокруг которой собрались тысячи людей, чтобы увидеть
ужасную сцену.

Упражнение 21. Переведите следующие сочетания слов, используя

лексику урока:

некий студент, некое лицо, некая причина;

невыносимая боль невыносимые условия, невыносимая жара,
невыносимый человек;
густой лес, густой суп, густой туман, густые волосы;
суровые законы суровая погода, суровый мороз, жестокий
(суровый) человек.

Упражнение 22. Переведите предложения. При переводе слов, сто­

ящих в скобках, используйте слова и выражения из текста.

1. You (обязаны) to be here tomorrow at nine o ’clock sharp.

2. Many slaves (убегали) from their masters, as they treated them cru­
elly. 3. I recognized him (сразу) though I had not seen him about 2
years. 4. He is a very kind man. He is always (готов) to help everybo­
dy. 5. The Soviet Union renders economic (помощь) to many coun­
tries. 6. The animal was badly (ранен) in its paw. 7. He (страдал)
because of great (боль) in his wounded leg. 8. The (выражение) of
his face seemed calm when he heard the sentence. 9. At the end of
the war he (был взят в плен). 10. Не was tried and (признан винов­
ным) for trying to escape from his master. 11. He was (приговорен) to
ten years of imprisonment. 12. Everybody (собрались) in the hall to
congratulate him upon this important event of his life. 13. Have you
got “ The (приключения) of Tom Sawyer” ? 14. This resolution was
adopted (единогласно). 15. I see him here (дважды) a week when he
comes to deliver his lecture.

Упражнение 23. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

все пришли вовремя.

доклад был интересный.
1. К его удивлению, пьеса пользовалась успехом.
все считали его хорошим студентом.
6* т
на собрании,

I на

все начали относиться к нему хорошо,

{ боль утихла.
его приключения окончатся

читать (deliver) лекции каждый

I день.

возвращать книги вовремя,

помогать им во всем.
5. Он понял меня
Ему стало легче ? сразу.
Его проэкзаменуют )

6. Она пользуется слу- I изучить язык этой страны

чаем, чтобы ( подарить ему интересную книгу.
помочь ему.

8. Я встретил его
Iработать день и ночь,
слушать музыку все время,
рисовать целый день.

Я узнал о его отъезде .

(departure) [ случайна
Я увидел ключ от комнаты
| книгу.
9. Ему подарят | авторучку.
I велосипед.
Упражнение 24. Переведите предложения на английский язык,
употребляя Passive Voice

1. Его спрашивают каждый день.

Не is asked every day.
1. Войска (troops) хорошо вооружены. 2. Старые документы
хранятся в этом ящике (drawer). 3. С ним хорошо обращаются.
2. Рабы строят хижину.
The h u t is being b u ilt by the staves
1. Студентов экзаменуют сейчас в комнате 2. 2. Эту роль игра­
ет мой друг.
3. Работа уже сделана.
The work has already been done.
1. Ой был ранен дважды. 2. Его попросили помочь им пе­
ревести эту статью. 3. Его судили за кражу (robbery).
4. Он сказал нам, что роман был шздан пять лет назад.
Не to ld us th a t the novel had been p u b lish ed fiv e years ago.
1. Он сказал нам, что работа уже закончена. 2. Андрокл знал,
что всех рабов наказали за попытку к бегству.
5. Его проинформируют вовремя.
Не w ill be informed in time.
1. Доктор осмотрит его рану через 5 минут. 2. Дядя даст
ему много полезных советов.
6. Вчера все билеты были проданы.
A ll the tick ets were sold yesterday.
1. В субботу ему подарили очень хороший альбом. 2. Это
лекарство (medicine) успокоило боль. 3. Андрокл был удивлен
тем, что лев его не трогал.

Упражнение 25. Переведите следующие предложения:

а) из актива в пассив

1. Androcles’ master treats him very cruelly. 2. When soldiers

found Androcles they arrested him. 3. Wild beasts inhabit this thick
■wood. 4. The governor will grant him freedom.

б) из пассива в актив

1. Не was being looked for during three days. 2. Androcles related

to the people how he had been terrified by the lion. 3. It is easy for
me to do this exercise as the rule has been very well explained by the
teacher. 4. The governor will be greatly astonished by Androcles’

Упражнение 26. Откройте скобки, поставив сказуемые в нужное

время и залог. Слова, дапные в скобках, поставьте в соответствующем вре­
мени, употребив правильный залог.

1. A new trade (торговое) agreement with Great B ritain (tocon­

clude) in 1964. 2. Oliver Twist (to be ill-treated) at home therefore
he (to be glad) when he (to send) to school. 3. Lanny (to be determined)
to open a school in his native village. 4. 1 am sure he (to take an op­
portunity) to speak to you as soon as he can. 5. Your finger (to be
swollen), you must go to the doctor. 6. Androcles (to beg) the sol-
diers to let him go but they refused to do it. 7. I (to wander) about the
town one evening when I (to meet) an old friend of mine. 8. He (to
be found guilty) and (to be sentenced) to several years of imprison­
ment. 9. Some colonial countries (to be granted) independence. 10. I
hope he (to be treated) well and won’t ask me to take him home.
11. I (to be examined) just in English and got an excellent mark.
12. Why (to rush) he out of the room so suddenly?

Упражнение 27. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Все просили его рассказать нам о его путешествии. 2. В

1825 году несколько русских революционеров были приговорены
к смерти царским (tzarist) правительством. 3. Все хотели присут­
ствовать на нашем спектакле. 4. Его родители не позволят ему
играть с нами. 5. После случая со львом Андрокл стал известен
по всей стране. 6. Он все время разговаривает. Попросите его,
пожалуйста, помолчать. 7. «Я возьму тебя в театр»,— сказала
ему мать. 8. Он рассердился на меня, так как я опоздал на 5 минут.
9. Неожиданно послышался рев голодного льва, и все вздрогнули
(to shudder).

Упражнение 28. Выпишите из текста все предложения с глаголами-

связками и переведите их на русский язык.

Упражнение 29. Переведите на английский язык, используя гла-


побледнел, когда услышал эту новость,

стал жестоким человеком,
был готов к 5 часам вечера,
Он удивится, когда услышит эти стихи,
может быть ранен, так как он очень неосторожен
пошел домой, когда стемнело.

удивляются, когда узнают, что он был
Все дважды ранен,
испугаются, когда услышат этот страшный

Упражнение 30. Перескажите текст урока, отвечая на следующие


1. What was Androcles?

2. Why did he decide to run away from his master?
3. Where did he run?
4. Why was he in despair?
5. What did he hear?
6. Why was the lion roaring?
7. How did Androcles help him?
8. How did the lion treat Androcles after that?
9. Who caught Androcles in the forest?
10. Why was he sentenced to be torn inpieces by a wild animal?
11. What did Androcles see on the arena when the appointed day
12. Why was everybody astonished?
13. What did the governor order Androcles?
14. How does the story end?
Упражнение 31. Откройте скобки и поставьте сказуемые в нужном
времени Active или Passive. Переведите текст.

Many people think that they (can) write stories. They (to write)
stories and (to send) them to magazines.
A lady once wrote a long story. She (to send) it to a famous edi­
tor. After a few weeks the story (to return) to her. The lady (to get
angry). She (to write) to the editor: “ Dear Sir. Yesterday you (to
send) back a story ol mine. How you (to know) that the story (to be)
not good? You (not to read) it. Before 1 (to send) you the story, I
(to paste) together pages 18, 19 and 20. When the story (to come)
back yesterday, the pages (to paste) still together. Is this the way in
which you (to read) all the stories that (to send) to you?” The edi­
tor (to write) back: "D ear Madam. At breakfast when I open an
egg I (not to have) to eat all the egg in order to discover that it (to
be) b ad.”
Упражнение 32. Вставьте предлоги или наречия.

1. This article was translated ... my brother. 2. ... last we reached

the village. 3. Androcles could no longer live ... such hardships and
misery. 4. Once Tom Sawygr and his friends ran ... trom their parents.
5. For a long time he wandered ... the forest but could not find a
path. 6. I found this book ... accident. 7. ... our astonishment he has
done the work to the end. 8. When he heard her steps, he started ... .
9. He took the first opportunity ... telling him about it. 10. AM the
people present ... the meeting welcomed (приветствовали) the guest.



A n n : Good morning, John. Come in. please.

John Is Fred at home?
Ann: Yes he is So nice of you to have come. We are about to have
dinner1. Will you dine with us?
John: With great pleasure. I am so hungry2.
Ann: T hat’s fine. I am off to lay the table3.Excuse me, please.
John: By all means4.


John: I t’s good to be in a company like this.

Ann: Let me help you to some salad5, John.
John: Please, do. T h at’s quite enough, thank you.
Ann: Some soup, John?
John: Why, yes, I think, 1 could manage a plateful**.
Ann: How do you find it?
Jchn: Awfully nice. Don’t you think so, Fred?
Fred: Yes, it is, indeed. Pass me the salt, Ann, will you?
Ann: Here you are7. Some more bread, Fred?
Fred: Yes, please. What comes next, Annie?
Ann: Chops with roast potatoes, fish...
Fred: And what follows that?
Ann: W ouldn’t you like to make a guess'?
Fred: Ice-cream, I suppose.
Ann: There you are wrong11, Fred, it’s coffee.
John: Coffee? I t’s just to my taste10.
Ann: I am happy that I’ve suited your taste. John. Do you take
milk in your coffee11?
John: Yes, I do.
Fred: Well, John, what about a cigar12?
John: With great pleasure.


1. We are about to have dinner.— Мы как раз собираемся обедать.

2. I am so hungry.— Я так голоден, я так хочу есть. Русскому
предложению «Я хочу пить (есть)» в английском языке соот­
ветствует I am thirsty (hungry).
3. I am off to lay the table.— Я иду накрывать на стол.
4. by all means — ад. ну. конечно
5. Let me help you to some salad. John.— Разреши положить
тебе салата, Джон.
6. I could manage a plateful.— Я съел бы тарелку.
7. Here you are.— Вот (соль).
8. W ouldn’t you like to make a guess? — А ну-ка догадайся.
9. There you are wrong.— Вот ты и ошибся.
10. I t ’s just to my taste.— Это как раз мне по вкусу.
11. Do you take milk in your coffee? — Ты пьешь кофе с молоком?
12. What about a cigar? — Как насчет сигары?
Упражнение 33. О тветьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Who came to see Fred?

2. Was Ann glad to see John?
3. Did she ask John to have dinner with them?
4. Where did she go?
5. Did John like the soup?
6. What came next?
7. What did they have lor a desert?
8. What did the men do when dinner was over?

Упражнение 34. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следую­

щих слов и словосочетаний. Употребите их в своих предложениях.

собираться обедать; с огромным удовольствием, я так голоден;

накрывать на стол; угощать кого-либо чем-либо; достаточно; пе­
редавать что-либо; отбивные котлеты; жареный картофель; моро­
женое; по вкусу

Упражнение 35. Переведите на английский язык

1. Где Петр? — Он обедает в столовой. 2. Принесите мне, по­

жалуйста, рыбу на второе (for the second course). 3. Попробуйте
печенье, пожалуйста! 4. Моя младшая сестра всегда накрывает
на стол. 5. Я предпочитаю (prefer) кофе с мороженым, й. У нас
сегодня только салат из помидоров (tomato salad). — Хорошо.
Это как раз мне по вкусу. 7. Вы любите горячий чай? — Д а. 8. Где
вы завтракали? 9. Что вы сегодня ели на обед (for dinner)?

Упражнение 36. Составьте диалог, употребляя слова и выражении

«з текста.


1. Are there any vacant seats Нет ли там свободных мест?

2. Please, pass m e ... Передайте, пожалуйста ...
3. Can 1 h a v e ...? Могу ли я заказать...?
4. Will you call for the wait­ Не позовете ли вы официанта
er (the waitress)? (официантку)?
5. Bring me the menu-card Подайте меню (счет).
(the bill).
6. H ave a sandwich. Nick. Возьми бутерброд. Ник.
7. ‘Was the dinner fine Хороший ли был обед?
“ I had a jolly m eal.” — Я хорошо пообедал.
8. How do you like (find) the...? Как вам нравится...?
It tastes all right. На вкус ничего (вкусно).
i t ’s just lo my taste. Как раз мне по вкусу.
9. I am thirsty. Я хочу пить.
10. Come over to tea. Приходите выпить чаю.
11. 1 have three meals a day. Я ем три раза в день.

Текст для перевода


The Soviet Union stands for peaceful coexistence of all nations
with different social systems.
The people of the U.S.S.R. know too well what war and its de­
struction mean. The wars that have been foisted upon the Soviet
people have caused great damage.
During the Second World War the Soviet Union lost many mil­
lions of its people while the material damage is estim ated to 500 thou­
sand million dollars.
The Soviet people do not want to experience the horror of war
again. They are fighting for peace, for a permanent, lasting, eternal
In 1951 the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. unanimously adopted
a law on the protection of peace, prohibiting war propaganda within
the territory1 of the Soviet Union.
The Soviet Government strives persistently for a speedy solution
of the major international problem facing the world today — that
of disarmament'2.


1. w ithin the territory — на территории

2. ... the major international problem facing the world today — that
of disarmament — ... основная международная проблема, кото­
рая стоит перед миром сегодня — проблема разоружения

Слова а словосочетания, рекомендуемые

для запоминания
lo stand lor выступать, стоять за p e rm a n e n t, lasting, eternal peace
different social systems различные постоянный, прочный (длительный),
социальные системы вечный мир
deslruction п разрушение Supreme Soviet Верховный Совет
to foist upon навязывать; syn . to lorce prohibit и запрещать
upon to strive for стремиться
dam age it ущерб speedy solution быстрое решение
to be estim ated оцениваться disa rm am ent п разоружение
experience v испытывать


I. A Sad Story
A poor man once came to a millionaire and started telling him his
troubles. He described his poverty in most vivid colours. Indeed, so
vivid was the m an’s sad story that the millionaire felt affected as
he had never been before. W ith tears in his eyes he called his servant
and said to him: “ John, put this poor fellow out. He is breaking my
heart. ”

II. An Automobile Story

An automobilist who was going by car through the country saw,
walking in front of him, a man followed by a dog. As the car drew
near them the dog suddenly started to cross the road. The poor ani­
mal was hit by the car and killed.
The automobilist stopped his car and approached the man. “ I
am very sorry that this has happened,” he said. “ Will ten dollars
be enough?”
“ Oh, yes,” said the man. “ ten dollars will be quite enough!”
The man put the money in his pocket and as the car disappeared in
the distance, looked down at the animal and thought: “ 1 wonder
whose dog it w as.”

III. A Laconic Answer

The Lacons lived in a part of Southern Greece called Laconia, and
were known for their bravery and the sim plicity of their life. One of
their rules was always to speak briefly, using no more words than
were needed. This was carried so far that to this day a very short
answer is often called laconic.
There was in Northern Greece a land called Macedonia, which was
once ruled by a king named Philip.
Philip wanted to become master of all Greece. He therefore col­
lected a great army and conquered all Greece, until only Laconia re­
mained unconquered. Then he sent a letter to the brave Lacons say­
ing: “ If 1 invade your country, I will destroy your great c ity .”
In a few days an answer was brought back to him. He found only
•one word written in it — that w'ord was “ If” .

Упражнение 37. Перескажите каждый из рассказов, давая полные

ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. 1 Who came once to a millionaire? 2. What did he start telling

him? 3. How did he describe his poverty? 4. What did the million­
aire feel? 5. Whom did he call? 6. What did he say to John? 7. Why
did he ask John to put that poor fellow out?
II. 1. Where was an automobilist going by car one day? 2. What
did he see in front ot him? 3. What happened suddenly? 4. Was the
poor animal killed? 5. Did the automobilist stop the cai? 6. Whom
did he approach? 7. What did he say? 8. What was the m an1' an-
swei? 9. Where did the man put the money? 10. What did he say
after the car had disappeared in the distance?
III. 1. Where did the Lacons live? 2. What were they known for?
3. What was one of their rules? 4. What is a very short answer called?
5. What was the name of the land, which was ruled by a king named-
Philip? 6. Did Philip want to become master of all Greece? 7. What
army did he collect for this purpose? 8. What country remained un­
conquered? 9. Who did Philip send a letter to? 10. What did he
write in the letter? 11. What kind of answer was brought to him?'
Ч а с т ь II
Ш № \и и ш т \1 т т т т № т т т ш и 1 1 п \ш ц « и ш ш и и ш )т т т ш т т ш ш и ш » № т и и \ш ш п и ш п п ш и ш ш п т ш ш ш ш т ш ш ш 1 м 1


(The Sixth L esson)

1. Sequence ot Tenses. (Согласование времен)
2. Direct and Indirect Speech (Прямая и косвенная речь)
T e x t : How George Once upon a Time Got Up Early in the Morning
after J К Jerome


В английском языке время глагола в придаточном дополнитель­

ном предложении зависит от времени глагола главного предло­
Употребление времени в придаточном предложении подчиняется
следующим правилам согласования времен:
1. Если сказуемое главного предложения стоит в настоящ
или будущем времени, то сказуемое придаточного предложения
может быть употреблено в любом времени, которое требуется по
1 think Я думаю
(that) (что).

where Boris is где Борис сей­

now. час.
1 shall where he was Я спрошу где он был
ask him yesterday. его. вчера.
where he will be где он будет в
at 5 o ’clock. 5 часов.
2. Если же сказуемое главного предложения стоит в прошед­
шем времени, то и сказуемое придаточного будет стоять в одном
из прошедших времен, а именно:
а) если действие придаточного предложения происходит одно­
временно с действием главного предложения, то сказуемое прида­
точного предложения стоит в Past Indefinite или в Past Continuous
и переводится на русский язык глаголом в настоящем времени.
Сравните о русским:
Не thought that his watch showed the right time.
Он думал, что его часы показывают правильное время.
I was sure that he was shaving in the bathroom.
Я был уверен, что он бреется в ванной комнате.
б) если действие придаточного предложения предшествует дей­
ствию главного предложения, то сказуемое придаточного предло­
жения стоит в Past Perfect и переводится на русский язык глаголом
в прошедшем времени.
Сравните с русским:
1 didn’t know what had happened to him.
Я не знал, что случилось с ним.
Не said that he had forgotten to wind his watch.
Он сказал, что забыл завести часы.
в) если в придаточном предложении нужно передать действие,
которое совершится в будущем, то сказуемое этого предложения
будет выражено Future in the Past. Future in the Past образуется
при помощи вспомогательных глаголов should (1-е лицо ед. и мн.
числа) и would (2-е и 3-е лицоед. и мн.числа), за которыми следует ,
смысловой глагол в инфинитиве без частицы to.
Сравните с русским:
I was afraid I should wake my little sister.
Я боялся, что разбужу свою маленькую сестру.
He said he would be back in ten minutes.
Он сказал, что вернется через 10 минут.
г) если к дополнительному придаточному предложению отно­
сится придаточное предложение времени или условия, то глагол
в этих предложениях также подчиняется правилу согласования
Не said he would come on Sunday if he had time
Он сказал, что придет в воскресенье, если у него будет время.
I thought 1 should do it when 1 came home.
Я думал, что сделаю это. когда приду домой.
д) есть ряд случаев отклонения от правила согласования
1) В придаточных дополнительных предложениях, выражающих
общеизвестный факт.
The teacher told his pupils that water freezes at О degrees centi­
Учитель сказал ученикам, что вода замерзает при 0° С.
2) В придаточных дополнительных предложениях, если ска­
зуемое выражено глаголом в сослагательном наклонении.
If he had time, he would help me.
Если бы у него было время, он бы помог мне.
I knew that if he had time, he would help me.
Я знал, что если бы у него было времяон бы помог мне.
3. В придаточных дополнительных предложениях, если в
состав сказуемого входят модальные глаголы must, should, ought.
You must come here in time.
Вы должны придти сюда вовремя.
Не said you must come here in time.
Он сказал, что вы должны придти сюда вовремя.

E x e r c is e 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian and

explain the usage of the tenses in the sub ordinate clauses.

1. He couldn’t understand what time it was. 2. He was in mor­

tal fear that he would wake Mrs Gippings. 3. George said that the
same kind of thing had happened to him eighteen months ago. 4. He
realized that he was trying to unlock the wrong door. 5 He made up
his mind to tell her what he thought of her when he came home this

E x e r c i s e 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Be careful

when tran slatin g the verbs in the su bordinate clauses.

I. George said thah he was lodging in the house of Mrs Gippings.

George said that he had lodged in the house of Mrs Gippings.
2. She said he drank cold water. She said he had drunk some cold
water. 3. He said that he had breakfast at 8 o ’clock. He said that he
had had breakfast at 8 o ’clock. 4. They said that they posted all
letters by air mail. They said that they had posted all the letters by
air mail.
E x e r c is e 3. Choose the proper form of the verbs given in brackets.
T ran slate the sentences in to Russian.

1. He said he (is staying, was staying) at the hotel “ Leningrad” .

2. They realized that they (lost, had lost) their way in the dark. 3. He
asked me where I (study, studied). 4. I thought that I (shall finish,
should finish) my work at th at time. 5. He said he (works, worked)
at the collective farm. 6. He says he (worked, had worked) at the col­
lective farm two years ago. 7. Victor said he (is, was) very busy. 8. My
friend asked me who (is playing, was playing) the piano in the sit­
ting-room. 9. He said he (will come, would come) to the station to
see me off. 10. I was sure he (posted, had posted) the letter.

E xercise Change the tenses of the verbs in the subordinate clauses.

Mind the rules of the sequence of tenses.

I. He said that the children got up very early. 2. The boy said
he would shake the apples from the tree. 3. The head of the delega­
tion said that he would speak to the guide on the telephone.

E xercise 5. Put the verbs in the principal clauses in the Past Indef­
inite Tense, make the necessary changes in the subordinate clauses and
translate the sentences into Russian.

1. He says it is three o ’clock by his watch. 2. She says she is going

to the theatre with her mother. 3. He says we shall start at six o ’clock.
4. He says he never felt more happy in his life. 5. They say they will
be ready in a few minutes. 6. I am sure he is never late for his lessons.
7. My sister tells me she has not finished her homework yet. 8. The
newspaper says the delegation will arrive tomorrow. 9. She says his
name is Brown. 1.0. The paper reports that over a million Italian
workers have been ready to go on strike. 11. Ann says that her little
brother is washing his hands in the bathroom. 12. My sister says that
she will go straight home after the lessons are over. 13. He says he must
translate this article. 14. She says she came to Moscow in 1960.



Declarative Sentence
(Повествовательное предложение)
П рям ая речь К освенная речь
1. The girl said: “ 1 go to bed 1. The girl said (that) she wen'.
at 10 o’clock.” to bed at 10 o’clock
Девочка сказала: «Я ложусь Девочка сказала, что она ложит-
спать в 10 часов». ся спать в 10 часов
2. Ann said “ 1 have read this 2. Ann said (that) she had read
book.” that book.
Аня сказала: «Я читала эту Аня сказала, что она читала эту
книгу». книгу.

При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную необходимо произ­

вести следующие изменения:
а) соответственно изменить личные и притяжательные место­
имения, а также форму глагола-сказуемого в придаточном пред­
ложении (если это необходимо).
В словах автора глагол to say меняется на глагол to tell. Об­
ратите внимание на то, что глагол to tell употребляется без

П рям ая речь Косвенная речь

Ann says: “ 1 shall give you my Ann says that she will give
book.” me her book.
Анна говорит: «Я дам вам мою Анна говорит, что она даст мне
книгу». свою книгу.
П р и м е ч а н и е : При обращении прямой речи в косвенную глагол не
изменяется в следующих случаях:
1. Если глагол в прямой речи стоит в Past Perfect, Continuous или F u ­
ture in th e Pasf.
She said: “ We had discussed his report b y 3 o 'c lo c k " .
She said t h a t they had discussed his report by 3 o ’clock.
2. Если указывается точное время совершения действия
Не said: “ 1 was in Leningrad in 1967".
He said th a t he was in Leningrad in 1967.

б) если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения стоит в про­

шедшем времени, следует соблюдать правило согласования времен
и соответственно заменить указательные местоимения и наречия.
this этот — that тот, этот
these эти — those те, эти
now теперь — then тогда
to-day сегодня — that day в тот день
to-morrow завтра— the next day на следующий день
yesterday вчера — the day before накануне
ago тому назад — before раньше
here здесь — there там
Не said: “ 1 shall meet her at the Не said that he would meet her
station to-morrow ” at the station the next day.
Он сказал: «Я встречу ее на Он сказал, что встретит ее на
вокзале завтра». вокзале на следующий день.
She said: “ I saw him here yes- She said she had seen him there
terday.” the day before.
Она сказала: «Я видела его здесь Она сказала, что видела его там
вчера». накануне.

Interrogative Sentence
(Вопросительное предложение)
При обращении прямого вопроса в косвенный он становится
дополнительным придаточным предложением, которое вводится
союзами if или whether, если это был общий вопрос, или вопроси­
тельными словами who, which, whose, when, why, how, many и т. д.,
если это был специальный вопрос.

П рямая речь К освенная речь

She asked me: “Do you know She asked me if (whether) I
the way to the stadium?’ knew the way to the stadium.
Она спросила меня: «Ты знаешь Она спросила меня, знаю ли я
дорогу на стадион?» дорогу на стадион.
Не asked us: “ Where shall we Не asked us where we should go
go tonight?” that night.
Он спросил нас: «Куда мы пой­ Он спросил нас, куда мы пой­
дем сегодня вечером?» дем сегодня вечером.

Порядок слов в косвенном вопросе будет гакой же, как в по­

вествовательном предложении, т. е. глагол-сказуемое ставится
после подлежащего.
My mother asked me: “ Will you My mother asked me whether I
have dinner at home?” should have dinner at home.
Мама спросила меня: «Ты бу­ Мама спросила меня, буду ли я
дешь обедать дома?» обедать дома.
Не asked them: “ Where did you Не asked them where they had
come from?” come from.
Он спросил их: «Откуда вы при­ Он спросил их, откуда они при­
ехали?» ехали.

Imperative Sentence
(Повели Iельное предложение)
Повелительное наклонение заменяется в косвенной речи инфи­
Если прямая речь представляла собой приказание, то глагол
to say, вводивший прямую речь, заменяется глаголом to tell ве­
леть, сказат ь или to order приказывать.
Если в словах, вводящих прямую речь, глагол to say употреб­
ляется с дополнением, то его следует заменить глаголом to tell.
Обратите внимание на то, что дополнение после глагола to say
употребляется с предлогом to, а после глагола to tell — без
Не said to me: “ I am busy now .”
He told me that he was busy then.
Если прямая речь выражала просьбу, то глагол to say заменяет­
ся глаголом to ask просить.
Не said: “ Tell me please, what He asked me to tell him what
time it is now.” tim e it was then.
Он сказал: «Скажите, пожалуй- Он попросил меня сказать ему,
ста, который сейчас час?»который час.
“ Don’t be late for the lecture,” She told us not to be late for
she said. the lecture.
«Не опаздывайте на лекцию»,— Она сказала, чтобы мы не опаз-
сказала она дывали на лекцию.
В косвенной речи после глаголов to ask просить, to tell сказать,
велеть, to order приказывать в английском языке всегда следует
косвенное дополнение, указывающее, к кому обращена просьба
или приказание.
My friend said: “ Help me with My friend asked me to help him
English grammar, please.” w ith English grammar.
Мой друг сказал: «Пожалуйста, Мой друг попросил меня помочь
помоги мне по английской ему по английской граммати-
грамматике». ке.
“Follow me.” said the officer. The officer ordered his soldiers
to follow him.
«Следуйте за мной», — сказал Офицер приказал солдатам сле-
офицер. довать за ним.
E x e r c is e 6 . T ranslate the sentences in to Russian in w ritten form
paying a tte n tio n to the Sequence of Tenses.
1. The teacher asked George where he lived. 2. She told me that
a new town had sprung up not far from my native place. 3. He asked
me whether the front door would be unlocked at six in the morning.
4. The mother told her daughter to buy some bread on the way home.
5. She asked me whether I was going to rest in'Sochi. 6. She asked
me to wait for her in the hall. 7. He said he had some mistakes in
his • work.
E x e r c is e 7. Open the brackets, choose the proper verb given in b rack­
ets Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. He said she (is, was) a quiet person by nature. 2. He asked me
il a neighbouring clock (has struck, had struck) three. 3. My mother

asked me (send, to send) her a telegram when I arrived in Sochi.

4. I was asked whether I (shall go, should go) to the theatre with them.
5. He asked me whether I (am looking, was looking) for my guide-book.
6. The m ilitiam an told the boy (don’t cross, not to cross) the street
under the red light.

E x e r c is e 8. Choose the proper word given in brackets an d tra nslate the

sentences into Russian.

1. He thought his child was asleep (now, then). 2. George says

he was to be in the office by nine (to-day, that day). 3. He told me
he had bought a ticket (yesterday, the day before). 4. Last week my
watch went wrong. I asked my father to repair it. and he promised
to do it (to-morrow, the next day). 5. “ L et’s meet at ten (to-morrow,
the next day),” said the guide. 6. When I came home my mother told
me that a friend of mine had called on me half an hour (ago, before).

E x e r c is e 9 . a) Change direct speech into indirect.

1. The secretary said to me: “ The delegation arrived in Moscow

yesterday.” 2. “ Will you open the window, please?” she said.
3. 1 said: “ I shall light a fire and make breakfast for myself.”
4. “ Don’t rush to the door when you hear the bell,” said my mother.
5. She asked me: “ How long are you going to stay here?” 6. “ Lock
the door when you leave the house, ’’said my elder sister. 7. “ Have you
received a telegram from your wife?” he asked me. 8. Mabel said:
“ Nothing will change my decision and I shall leave for Cape Town
to n ig h t.” 9. “ Please don’t smoke in the room ,” said the old woman.
10. “ I am shivering with cold,” said the girl.

b) Change indirect speech into direct.

1. George said it was very difficult to play that role. 2. He asked

why there were so few people in the street. 3. The man asked the boy
if he knew where he lived. 4. The woman told him not to worry and
go home quietly. 5. She said that she would sleep in the open air.
6. She asked if I was going to leave Moscow the next day. 7. He told
me that he had bought the watch the day before. 8. Ann says she has
just had a telephone call from home. 9. My neighbour asked me to
leave the key at my sister’s. 10. He said he could not get to sleep then.
E x e r c is e 10. T ranslate the sentences according to the models.

1. He sa id he stu d ie d a t the Moscow U n iversity.

She sa id her brother was p la y in g chess w ith the grandfather.

что ее родители живут в Киеве.

что они учатся в институте.
что он пишет письмо.
Она сказала. что отец разговаривает по телефону.
что еще темно.
что она встает в 7 часов утра,
что идет дождь.

2. Не sa id he had passed his exam ination in literature.

что их приговорили к смерти.
что он не нашел зверя.
что они потеряли дорогу к пещере.
Он сказал. что он уже спрятался.
что она объяснила им его отсутствие.
что он никогда не вставал рано с тех пор.

3. Sh e asked те whether (if) / should jo in their excursion.

He asked when the conference w ould open.
пойду ли я на концерт.
когда мы закончим занятия.
Она куда они поедут в воскресенье.
спросила, будет ли он участвовать в представлении
почему вы не поедете с ними на выставку.
будем ли мы изучать французский язык.


after Jerom t K . Jerome

George said that the same kind of thing, only worse,2 had happen­
ed to him some eighteen months ago, when he was lodging by him­
self3 in the house of a certain Mrs Gippings. He said his watch went
wrong4 one evening and stopped at a quarter past eight. He did not
know this at the time5 because, for some reason or other®, he forgot
to wind it up when he went to bed.
It was in the winter when this happened, very near the shortest
day, so the fact that it was still very dark when Gecrge woke in the-
morning was no guide to him as to the time7. He reached up, and haul­
ed down the watch. It was a quarter-past eight.
“ Angels and m inisters of grace defend us8!” exclaimed George;
“ and here have 1 got to be9 in the City by nine. Why d idn’t some­
body call me? Oh, this is a shame!” And he sprang out of bed, and
had a cold bath, and washed himself and dressed himself, and shaved
himself in cold water because there was no time to wait for the hot,
and then rushed and had another look at the watch.
W hether the shaking it had received had started it, or how it was,
George could not say, but certain it w as'0 that from a quarter-past
eight it had begun to go, and now pointed to twenty m inutes to
George snatched it up; and rushed downstairs. In the sitting room
all was dark and silent: there was no fire, no breakfast. George said
it was a wicked shame of Mrs Gippings11 and he made up his
mind to tell her what he thought of her when he came home in the
evening. Then he made for12 the front door. The door was not even
unbolted. George thought it was very strange that people could not
get up at a decent, respectable time, unlocked and unbolted the door,
and ran out.
He ran hard for a quarter of a mile, and at the end of that distance
it began to be borne in upon him13 as a strange and curious thing
that there were so few people about, and that there were no shops
At length he reached Holborn. There were three men in sig h t14,
one of whom was a policeman. George pulled out his watch and
looked at it: it was five minutes to nine! He stood still and counted
his pulse. He stooped down and felt his legs. Then, with his watch
still in his hand, he went up to the policeman, and asked him if he
knew what time it was.
“ W hat’s the tim e?” said the man; “ why, if you listen you will
hear it s trik e '5. ”
George listened, and a neighbouring clock immediately obliged18.
“ But i t ’s only gone three!” 17 said George. “ Well, and how many
did you want it to go?” replied the constable.
“ Why, nin e,” said George, showing his watch.
The policeman asked George if he knew where he lived.
George thought, and gave the address.
“ Oh, th a t’s where it is, is it?” replied the man. Then he told
George to take his advice and go home quietly. “ And take that watch
of yours with you.” he added, “ and don’t have any more of it18. ”
And George went home and let himself in18.
At first, when he got in, he determined to undress and go to bed
again; but when he thought of the re-dressing and re-washing, he
determined he would not. but would sit up and go to sleep in the easy-
chair. But he could not get to sleep; he never felt more wakeful in
his life. He thought he would light a fire and make himself some
breaktast, but he was in mortal tear that it would wake Mrs Gippings.
and that she would think it was burglars and call “ Police” .
So he sat in the easy-chair till Mrs Gippings came down at hall-
past seven.
He said he had never got up too early since that morning.


1. once upon a time — однажды

2. the same kind of th in g only worse — нечто подобное, но толь­
ко хуже
3. by himself — один
4. his watch went wrong — его часы испортились
5. at the time — в то время
6. for some reason or other — почему-то
7. ...was no guide to him as to the time — ... не мог послужить ему
указанием относительно времени
8. Angels and m inisters of grace defend usl — Святители небес­
ные, спасите! (восклицание, выражающее удивление, досаду
и т. п.)
9. and here have I got to be — а мне ведь нужно быть
10. Whether the shaking it had received had started it, or how it
was, George could not say, but certain it was... — To ли от по­
лученного ими сотрясения они пошли, то ли по другой причи­
не, этого Джордж сказать не мог, но так или иначе...
11. it was a wicked shame of Mrs G ippings... — (что) это стыд и
позор для миссис Джиппингс...
12. he made for — он бросился к
13. it began to be borne in upon him — ему стало казаться
14. in sight — в поле зрения
15. you will hear it strike — вы услышите, как они пробьют
16. immediately o b lig e d — зд . немедленно удовлетворили его лю­
17. But it's only gone three! — Но они пробили только 3!
18. ...and don't have any more of it.— ...и больше ими не поль­
19. and let himself in. — зд . и вошел в дом.

Words and Word Combinations

lodge v квартировать, снимать ком­ spring о прыгать
нату (временно), проживать have a bath принять ванну
go wrong неправильно идти (о часах) rush v мчаться, броситься
wind up v заводить (часы) Факе v трясти(сь), встряхивать;
go to bed ложиться спать дрожать
guide п руководство; путеводитель snatch о хватать, срывать, вырывать
гид w icked а злой
defend v защищать sham e п стыд, позор

•make up one's m ind решить curious а любопытный; любознатель­
downstairs adv вниз, внизу, в ниж- ный; странный, возбуждающий
нем этаже любопытство
front п передняя часть, фасад stoop v наклоняться, сгибаться
front а передний strike о бить, звонить, ударять
strange а странный
neighbouring а соседний
decent а приличный, порядочный
respectable а почтенный, порядочный take sm b.’s advice последовать чье-
unlock v отпирать му-либо совету
lock о запирать (на замок) quietly adv спокойно
-distance п расстояние have a look взглянуть

Proper names
George f'djD d ^ l Джордж Mrs Gippings ( ' d j i p i g z l миссис Джип-

E x e r c is e I I . Add the prefix u n - to the given verbs and tr anslate the

-new verbs into Russian

to fold (складывать, сгибать), to bolt (запирать), to pack (упа­

ковывать), to load (грузить), to tie (связывать) to harness (запря­
гать), to fasten (прикреплять, привязывать)

E x e r c is e 12. Add the prefix u n - to the words given beiow an d trans-

•late the new adjectives into Russian.

equal, educated, published, important, official, known, explo­

red, lim ited expected

E x e r c i s e ' 13. Add the prefix re- to the verbs an d translate the new
-verbs into Russian

to construct, to elect, to read, to tell, to make, to name, to place

E x e r c is e 14. Translate the compound nou.-is in to Russian.

reading-room, dining-room, bedroom, bathroom, writing-table,

table-tennis. railwayman, office-worker, guide-book, guide-mark,
guide-post, spring-water, strike-committee, strike-breaker

E x e r c is e 15. Give the antonym s tor:

upstairs, short, worse, near, dark, here, cold, wicked, tront. hard,
tew, before, to lock, to bolt, to dress

E x e r c is e 16. Drill <ome v ocabulary u n its from the text.

1. guide v — guidance n
1. The old man ... us through the torest. 2. The student carried
out the operation under the ... of the professor
2. shake v — shaky a
I. ... the table. I can’t write. 2. I can’t sit on such a ... chair
3. decent a — decently adti
I. The mother told her son to behave ... at school. 2. I was told
that he was a ... man.
4. respect v — respectable a — respectful a — respectfuIly adv
1. He is quite a ... man. 2. We must ... old people. 3.They treat­
ed her ... . 4. He spoke to her in a ... tone.
5. strike v — strike n — striker ti — striking a
1. The news w as... . 2. Don’t you hear the clock ... three? 3. Work­
ers of many factories in Paris organized demonstrations in sup­
port of th e .... 4. The miners announced their determ ination to
continue the ... .
6. neighbour n — neighbourhood « — neighbouring a
1. His father lives in the ... village. 2. They were ... at dinner
3. The pioneer camp was in the ... of Kiev.
7. certain a — uncertain a — certainly adb
1. Are you ... that your answer is right? 2. He will ... come if
you invite him. 3. She had a dress of ... colour on.
8. shame n — shameful a — shameless a
1. W hat a ... to deceive her in that way! 2. We tried to explain
his ... behaviour. 3. “ You are a ... person.” she said to him. “ 1
don’t want to know you any m ore.”
9. distance n — distant a — in the distance
1. In England ... is measured in miles, in France in kilometres.
2. A ship could be seen ... . 3. We could hear sounds of ... music.
10. curiosity n — curious a
1. Everybody knew his ... about unknown lands and people.
2. She could not hide her ... and asked him what had happened.
3. The boy is very ..., he is always asking questions. 4. Nobody
likes ... neighbours.

Exercise 17. Translate the following word combinations into Rus­

1. a certain Mrs Gippings; for some reason or other; to have
another look at; but certain it was that; to make up one’s mind;
the door was not even unbolted; in sight, to take advice; but he
could not get to sleep; he was in mortal fear

E x e r c is e 18. Translate the following word c o m bination s into English.

некий господин; он лег спать в 10 часов; О, как не стыдно!;

и еще раз взглянул на часы; он решил пригласить; но было несом­
ненно, что; магазины были закрыты, он стоял неподвижно; но он
не мог уснуть; он смертельно боялся

E x e r c is e 19. Translate the words given in brackets in to English and

then tran slate the sentences into Russian.

1. Where is your friend (проживает) now? He (снимает комнату)

not far from the city. 2. Her watch (идут неправильно). She forgot to
wind it up. 3. He did not tell us (причину) of his absence. 4. You should
(заводить) your watch every morning and it will never go wrong.
5. If you(не ляжете спать) now you will not be able to get up so
early. 6. During the Great P atriotic War we (защищали) our city
from the enemy. 7 After the football match they (приняли холодную
ванну) and lay down to rest. 8. The soldiers (бросились) to the poor
slave, and as he could not defend himself they arrested him and took
him to his master. 9. (He трясите) the table. 1 am writing. 10. The
slave had a very (злого) master therefore he ran away. 11. The pic­
ture is very (странная). We cannot understand what it means. 12. The
clock (пробили) 6 and we (решили) not to wait for them any longer.
13. As there was nobody in the house he himself went (вниз) and (от­
пер) the door. 14. The soldier hid in the (соседнем) wood, but the
enemy could not find him. 15. Who (запер) the box? 1 cannot open
it. 16. I am sure he (последует) my advice and will stay at home for
a few days. 17. She felt (стыд) when she failed in the exam ination.
She did not understand how it had happened. 18. (Взгляните) at
his funny picture and try to describe it in English.

E x e r c is e 2 0 . Find in the text English e q u iv a le n ts for:

1. Когда он сам снимал комнату. 2. Он схватил часы и бросил­

ся вниз по лестнице. 3. Он решил ей сказать, что он думает о ней.
4. ...но когда он подумал, что надо будет вновь одеваться и умы­
ваться... 5. Как никогда в жизни, ему не хотелось спать.

E x e r c is e 21. Answer the following questions according to the text.

1. Where was George lodging once?

2. Why did his watch stop one evening?
3. It was very dark in the room when George woke in the morning,
w asn’t it? Why?
4. W hat time was it then by George’s watch?
5. By what time did he have to be in the city?
6. W hat did he do after he sprang out of bed?
7. Why had his watch begun to go?
8. Could he have his breakfast when he came to the sitting-room?
9. W hat did he decide to tell Mrs Gippings in the evening?
10. W hat did the policeman answer George when heasked him what
time it was?
11. W hat time was it by the neighbouring clock?
12. W hat did the policeman advise George to do?

E x e r c i s e 2 2 . P u t questions to the words In italics.

1. The same k in d of th in g happened to George eighteen m onths

ago. (3) 2. He had reached H olborn by that time. (2)3. He was running
hard for a qu arter of a m ile. (2) 4. She will make breakfast in the
kitchen. (2) 5. He couldn’t unlock the door because i t was very dark. (2)

E x e r c is e 2 3 . T ranslate the verbs given in brackets paying a tte n tio n to

the Sequence of Tenses.

1. He says that he (знает) the laws of the country. 2. They said

that her master (может) kill his slave. 3. She asked me whether I
(помню) the legend about a faithful lion. 4. Tell me who (завел) the
watch? 5. Ask him (не быть) so wicked. 6. He understood that the
soldiers (арестуют) him. 7. I did not know th at the scenery (была
уже нарисована). 8. Ask her (показать) us a fresh number of the
newspaper. 9. They d id n 't understand why the people (не хотят)
to take water from that well. 10. I supposed that they (пошлют)
a dog after the burglar.

E x e r c i s e 21. Open the brackets, giving the proper form of the verb.

1. He said he (to leave) tomorrow morning. 2. She says she al­

ready (to find) the book. 3. He stopped and listened: the clock (to
strike) five. 4. She said she (can) not tell me the right time, her watch
(to be) wrong. 5. I asked my neighbour if he ever (to travel) by air
before. 6. The policeman asked George where he (to run) so early.
7. The delegates were told that the guide just (to go out) and (to be)
back in ten minutes. 8. 1 was afraid that the little girl (not to be
able) to unlock the front door and (to go) downstairs to help her. 9. The
attendant said that we (may) take a Guide to the Tretjakov Gallery
and keep it as long as we (to need). 10. Sarie understood why Lanny
(not to come) the previous evening.
E x e r c is e 2 5 . R etell the text In in d irect speech.

Aesop and the Traveller

Aesop was a very clever man who lived many hundreds of years
ago in Greece. He wrote many fine stories and was known as a man
who was fond of jokes.
One day, as he was walking along a country road, he met a trav­
eller. The traveller greeted him and asked:
“ Kind man, can you tell me how soon I shall get to town?”
“ G o” , Aesop answered.
“ I know I must go,” protested the traveller, " b u t I want to know
how soon I shall get to town?”
“ G o” , Aesop said again angrily.
“ This man is m ad,” the traveller thought and went on. After
he had gone some distance, Aesop shouted after him: “ You will get
to town in two hours.”
The traveller turned round in astonishment. “ Why didn’t you
tell me that before?” he asked.
“ I didn’t know how fast you could w alk,” answered Aesop.
E x e r c is e 2 6 . Translate in writing paying attention to the Sequence ol

1. Он вспомнил, что не завел часы накануне. 2. Она попросила

соседку разбудить ее в 6 часов утра. 3. Он сказал, что побреется
с холодной водой, так как у него нет времени ждать горячую воду.
3. Полицейский сказал, чтобы Джордж спокойно шел домой.
5. Когда я вошел в комнату, я увидел что мой друг сидит в кресле
и читает какое-то письмо. 6. Он спросил меня, не знаю ли я, который
час. 7. Он понял, что в темноте схватил слозарь вместо путеводи­
теля. 8. Она спросила, когда он вернется домой. 9. Он увидел, что
лев хромает на одну ногу. 10. Губернатор приказал не убивать его
и отпустить домой. II. Им сказали, что его приговорили к смерти.
12. Они попросили его нарисовать декорации к пьесе. 13. Мы ска­
зали ей, что не хотим есть. 14. Он вспомнил, где он может спря­
таться. 15. Мы поняли, что не сможем успокоить ее.

E x e r c is e 2 7 , Fill in the blanks w ith prepositions and adverbs where­

ver necessary.

1. The same kind ... thing happened ... my friend when he was
a student ... the University. 2. He forgot to wind ... his watch and it
stopped ... half past nine. 3. When he went ... bed he did not look ...
his watch. 4. When he woke ... the morning he reached ... , hauled
... the watch and showed it ... me. 5. He had no time to wait ... the
hot water, so he shaved himself ... the cold. 6. The watch pointed
... twenty minutes ... nine. 7. He made ... his mind to tell her every-
thing ... i t ... Ure evening. 8. They g o t 6 o ’clock every day. 9. He
ran hard ... a quarter ... a mile and did not see anybody ... the street.
10. Soon he reached ... the place. There were three men ... sight.
One ... them was a policeman. 11. ... the watch ... his hand he came
the policeman. 12. He sat... the easy-chair till his sister came
half-past seven.


A.: Excuse me, can you tell me the right time l?

B.: Yes, I think it is 25 minutes past ten, but my watch may be
a minute or two f a s t 2.
A.: Thank you very much; it’s only a quarter past ten by my
w a tc h 3, so it must be slow. By the w ay 4, do you know, how
far it is from here to the station?
B.: Yes, i t ’s a little more than three miles. I t ’ll take you nearly
an hour5 if you intend to walk. Are you in a hurry e?
A.: Yes, rather. 1 have to catch a train at eleven th irty (11.30).
1 shall have to hurry to get there in time \ Is there a bus
along this road?
B.: I don’t think there is. May 1 give you a lift 8 in my car?
I shall go past the station and we shall be there in plenty of •
time for you to catch your train.
A.: T hat’s very kind of you10. Are you sure11 it isn’t any trouble?
B.: No trouble at all l2.
A.: Thank you. I ’m really very grateful to you.


1. the right tim e — верное время

2. my watch may be a minute or two fast (slow) — вероятно, мои
часы спешат на одну или две минуты.
3. by my watch — по моим часам
4. by the way — между прочим
5. I t ’ll take you nearly an hour ... — Вам потребуется примерно
час ... It takes me one hour to get to the station.— Мне нужен
один час, чтобы добраться до станции. How long does it take you
to get there? — Сколько времени вам нужно, чтобы добраться
6. to be in a hurry — спешить, торопиться
7. in time — вовремя
8. to give a lift — подвезти кого-либо
9. plenty of — много, множество
10. T h a t’s very kind of you.— Вы очень добры.
11. to be sure — быть уверенным
12. at all — совсем
E x e r c is e 2 8 . Complete the sentences according to the ‘.models:

1. I a m s u r e th a t there is a bus along th is road.

что он опоздает.
что уже 2 часа.
Я уверен, что они не приедут.
что вам понравится этот рассказ.
что он объяснит мне все.

2. I t is 5 m in u tes to 10 b y m y w a tc h .

уже 2 часа. Пойдемте обедать,

половина третьего. Вы опоздаете на
По моим часам поезд.
уже 7 часов. Он не придет.

3. B y th e w a y , can you tell me the rig h t tim e ?

когда он вернется домой?

что вы можете сказать нам о нем?
Между прочим, где он купил эти билеты?
она не знает имени этого мужчины.

4. I t t o o k т е 10 m in u tes to g e t home.
15 минут, чтобы позавтракать,
полчаса, чтобы приготовить обед,
Мне нужно было весь день, чтобы написать сочинение.
(потребовалось) 20 минут, чтобы повторить весь материал к

5. H o w l o n g d o e s i t t a k e h im to g e t to the sta tio n ?

чтобы прочитать газету?

Сколько времени ему чтобы приехать туда вовремя?
нужно (требуется), чтобы добраться до дома?
чтобы умыться?

E x e r c i s e 2 9 . Fill in the blanks w ith the word com binatio ns from the

1. ... can you tell me the way to the centre of the town? 2. 1
can’t tell you ..., my watch is two minutes .. . . 3. It is half past seven
... . 4. ... 10 minutes to speak to her teacher. 5. Don’t stop him, he
is .... 6. I shall do my w o r k .... 7. I am very grateful to you. It was
very ... to think about all these things.
E x e r c is e 3 0 . T ranslate according to the model.

Сейчас 10 ч. 30 м. - It is h a lf p a st ten.
1. И ч. 30 м.; 2 ч. 30 м.; 4 ч. 30 м.; 12 ч. 30 м.; 5 ч. 30 м.: 7 ч. 30 м.
Сейчас 10 ч. 45 м .— I t is a quarter to eleven.
2. 7 ч. 45 м.; 8ч. 45м.; 3 ч. 45 м.; 9 ч. 45 м.; 4 ч. 45 м.; 12 ч. 45м.
Сейчас 10 ч. 15 м .— И is a quarter past ten.
3. 9 ч. 15 м.; 12 ч. 15 м.; 2 ч. 15 м.; 6 ч. 15м.; 8 ч.15 м.; 3 ч. 15 м.
Сейчас 10 ч. 5 м .— It is 5 m inutes p a st ten.
4. 8 ч. 5 м.; 4 ч. 5 м.; 12 ч. 5 м.; 1 ч 5 м.; 11ч. 5 м
Сейчас 10 ч. 55 м .— I t is fiv e m inutes to eleven.
5. 2 4. 55 м.; 3 ч. 55 м.; 11 ч. 55 м.; 6 ч. 55 м.; 8 ч. 55 м.; 9 ч. 55 м.

E x e r c is e 31. Answer the following questions.

1. How many m inutes are there in an hour?

2. How many hours are there in a day?
3. At what time do you get up every morning?
4. At what time do you have breakfast, dinner?
5. At what time do you start working?
6. Do you always come to your office in time for work?
7. How long does it take you to get to your office?
8. How many hours do you work every day?
9. At what time do you come home from work?
10. At what time do you go to bed?


A. 1. How’s the weather today? Какая сегодня погода?

W hat is the weather like
today? It is fine (bad). Хорошая (плохая).
2. It is going to snow (to Пойдет снег (дождь).
3. The weather is improving. Погода разгуливается.
4. Is it cold (warm) today? Сегодня холодно (тепло)?
It is cold (hot) Холодно (жарко).
5. Is it raining? Идет дождь?
It is wet. Сыро.
6. W hat is the date today? Какое сегодня число?
It is the 1st of January. Сегодня первое января.
7. What is the time by your Который час по вашим часам?
8. What day is today? Какой сегодня день?
Today is Monday. Сегодня понедельник.
В. 1. W hat time is it, please/
W hat’s the time? Который час?
2. My watch keeps good time. Мои часы идут верно.
3. My watch doesn’t keep Мои часы совсем испортились.
tim e at all.
4. My w atch is right (wrong). Мои часы идут правильно (не­
5. a. m. до полудня
p. m. после полудня

Text fo r translation

In Great Britain about 200 years ago great changes began to take
place in the making of goods1, and far more 2 goods were made than
ever before. Taken together, these changes are often described as
an “ industrial revolution” .
In the days when people made goods by han d 3 they worked mostly
In their own homes or in workshops attached to their homes and the
whole family joined in the work. (This is sometimes known as the
“ domestic system ” 4). However, the domestic system was soon to die
out, for the more complicated machines which were invented in the
18th century and which were eventually driven by steam power6 were
gathered together in factories. This in itself was a great change, for
besides enabling more goods to be produced11 it altered the whole
way in which people lived and worked. They had to work regular hours7
in the new factories and could no longer please themselves about how
they did their work.
The increased manufacture of machines and the greater use of
steam power led to big changes in the coal and icon industries. The
industrial revolution made these two industries the most important
in the country, and the mining a re a s 8 became the source of the na­
tio n ’s riches, although the beauty of the country was often spoilt.
One of the results of these changes was the growth of big industri­
al towns, places like Manchester, the “ capital” of the cotton district.
Another result of the big changes in the ways of making things
was an improvement in transport. Goods had to be carried from place
to place more efficiently than even before. In the early 18th cen­
tury, roads were bad, river traffic9 was possible only in certain areas
and at certain times of the year, and the pack horses 10 which car­
ried goods by road were slow and expensive.
The first big improvement in transport was the building of bet­
ter roads and bridges. Railways were made possible when George
Stephenson 11 built a type of steam engine 13 that could move on
rails and could be used to pull trucks.
As the new machines were driven by horses, water power or
steam engines, and did not require human strength to work them
many people thought a t first that women and children could look after
them. People also argued that as the machines did the spinning, weav­
ing and other tasks, skilled workers were unnecessary. Children
worked for 14 hours a day or more, until acts of Parliam ent were pas­
sed to control their hours of employment.
When machines began to be made by machines a great number of
mechanics and other skilled workers were needed. Workers began to
take pride in their skill with machines, and started to band together
to improve their conditions of work. These were the founders of the
Trade Unions which, until 1871. had to work under great difficulties.


1. in the making of goods — в способе производства товаров

2. and far more — и гораздо больше
3. by hand — вручную, ручным способом
4. domestic system — система кустарного производства
5. steam power — энергия пара
6. for besides enabling more goods to be produced — так как по­
мимо того, что оно (изменение) дало возможность производить
больше товаров...
7. regular hours — нормированный рабочий день
8. mining areas — рудники
9. river traffic — речной транспорт
10. pack horses — гужевой транспорт (грузовые лошади)
11. George Stephenson — Джордж Стивенсон — изобретатель па­
рового двигателя
12. steam engine — паровая машина

W ords and W ord Combinations

Great B rita in Великобритания source п и с т о ч н и к
goods n товар(ы) spoil о портить
industrial а индустриальный, про­ Manchester f'm aentfistsl Манчестер
мышленный cotton п хлопок
workshop n мастерская по longer больше не
domestic а домашний; кустарный im provement п улучшение, усовер­
die out v вымирать, отмирать шенствование, развитие
power n энергия ч expensive а дорогой (дорогостоящий)
enable v давать возможность argue v спорить, приводить доводы
produce v производить skilled а квалифицированный
alter v изменять p arliam en t п парламент
increase v увеличиваться, возрастать pass an act принять закон
manufacture n производство employment п работа
industry n промышленность, индуст­ take pride in гордиться
рия, отрасль промышленности

7 - 1312 193
E x e r c is e 3 2 . A nswer the follow ing q u estio n s in w ritin g .

1. When did great changes take place in England?

2. What kind of changes took place in Great B ritain 200 years ago?
3. How are these changes often described?
4. Where did people work when they made goods by hand?
5. What system of work is called the “ domestic system” ?
6. Why was the domestic system to die out?
7. The invention of more complicated machines altered the whole
way in which people lived and worked, didn’t it?
8. How did people have to work after the invention of more com­
plicated machines?
9. What led to big changes in the coal and iron industries?
10. What became the source of the nation's riches?
11. W hat were the results of these changes?
12. What changes did an improvement in transport bring?
13. By whom was a type of steam engine built?
14. What could the machines do?
15. Why were skilled workers unnecessary?
1G. How many hours a day did children work?
17. W hat were acts of Parliam ent passed for?
18. When were a great number of skilled workers and mechanics
19. Who were the founders of the Trade Unions?

E x e r c is e 3 3 . Translate the following sentences into English.

1. On спросил, какие изменения произошли в Великобритании

200 лет тому назад. 2. Скажите мне, как называются изменения,
которые произошли в Великобритании 200 лет тому назад. 3. Пре­
подаватель сказал, что раньше люди делали товары вручную. 4. Мы
прочитали в этой статье, что в XVIИ столетии на фабриках Англии
появились более сложные машины. 5. Изобретение таких машин
должно было изменить весь образ жизни людей. 6. Рабочим уста­
новили нормированный рабочий день. 7. Промышленная револю­
ция сделала угольную промышленность одной из самых важных
отраслей (a branch) промышленности. 8. Расскажите нам, пожалуй­
ста, что привело к росту больших городов, подобных Манчестеру.
9. Так как товары приходилось перевозить с одного места на дру­
гое. стало необходимым совершенствование транспорта. 10. Когда
Стивенсон создал паровой двигатель, началось строительство же­
лезных дорог. 11. Попросите его рассказать нам, при каких усло­
виях (under what conditions) работали на фабриках дети в то время.
12. Квалифицированные рабочие начали бороться за улучшение
условий труда.

I. Nothing Special
Once when a young M. P. (Member of Parliament) was visiting
some prisoners, he asked one of them how much longer he had to
“remain in prison” . The man answered: “ Almost a year” . Then the
AV P. asked what he had done to get into prison
“ I stole a rope,” was the answer “ But that seems a very long sen
tence for such a little thing,” said the М. P “ Had the rope anything
special about it?” “ It had a cow at one e n d ," answered the man.
II. King and Critic
A king was in the habit (имел обыкновение) ot writing verses,
which he thought were very good. Since he was a king, the people
to w'hom he showed them did not want to criticize him, but praised
them to the skies. One day. however, he showed some of them to a
philosophei who found many faults with them. This made the king
so angry that he sent the philosopher to prison. After some time,
however, the king pardoned him. and when he returned invited him
to dinner. Again he showed some of his verses to the philosopher, and
again asked what he thought of them.
The philosopher turned to the guards who were standing near him
and said “ Take me back to prison.”
III. Two Champions
Once a famous boxer went to a restaurant to have dinner. He took
off his coat at the door, but he was afraid th at somebody would take
it. So he took a piece of paper and wrote on it “ This coat belongs
to Tom Brown, the famous boxer; he will come back in a few m inutes.”
He fastened the paper to his coat and went to have his dinner. When
he returned, however, his coat was not there, but he found a piece of
paper in its place which said. Your coat has been taken by a famous
runner, who will not come back at all.”
E x e r c is e • 3 4 . Give the lull answ er to the following questions
I. I. What did the young M. P. ask one of the prisoners?
2. When did he ask that question?
3. What did the man answer?
4. How long did the prisoner nave to remain in prison?
5. Did the prisoner say that he had only stolen a rope?
6. Was the М. P surprised?
7. What did he say?
8. Had the rope anything special about it?

II. I. Was a king in the habit of writing verses?

2. What did the king think about them?
v 19c,
3. Whom did he show his verses?
4. Why did the people not want to criticize him?
5. What did they say to the king?
6. Who found many faults with the verses?
7. W hat did the king do to the philosopher?
8. Where did he send him?
9. When did the king invite the philosopher to dinner?
10. W hat happened again?
11. What did the philosopher say?
III. 1. Where did a famous boxer go one day?
2. Did he take off his coat at the door?
3. Why did he decide to write a note?
4. What did lie write in it?
5. Where did he fasten the paper?
6. What did he find when he returned?
7. What did the papei say?

(The Seventh Lesson)

G r a m m a r : Revision Grammar Pxerci-

T e x t : The Incident ol the Subscription
a fte r C h P Snow


The Verb to b e
We shall be here in time. Мы будем здесь вовремя.
(to be — смысловой глагол в значе­
нии быть)
Не was ап undergraduate when Он был студентом, когда
they came to Moscow. они приехали в Москву.
(to be — часть именного составного
A house was seen in the distance. Вдали был виден дом.
(to be — вспомогательный глагол для
образования Passive Voice)
He was reading a magazine, when Он читал журнал, когда я
I came. пришел.
(to be — вспомогательный глагол для
образования времени Past Contin­
I was to come there al 10 o’clock. Мне нужно было прийти
(to be — модальный глагол) туда в 10 часов.
The performance was a success. Представление прошло с
(to be — часть фразеологического со­ успехом.

E x e r c is e / . Translate the senten ces into Russian paying a t t e n ti o n to
various functions of the verb to be. See the examples given below

I. Well, the result was that all of a sudden I felt temperamental

and I ran upstairs and I flung myself on my bed and cried. 2. I don’t
say she tripped me although it’s hard to find a kinder word. 3. “ What
in the world am I going to do?” Ma said still walking up and down.
4. “ I swear, I never saw such a slippery place before. But I am doing
the best I can. Every time I move I ’m scared, I ’m about to fall off
on that hard ground...” 5. “ What did Tom say about those cheeses?” I
replied that he had directed they were to be kept in a moist place,
and lhat nobody was to touch them.

The Verb to h a v e
King Lear had- three daughters У короля Лира было три
(to have — смысловой глагол) дочери.
He has jusl gone out. Он только что вышел
(to have — вспомогательный глагол
времени Present Perfect)
1 have to go there at once. Мне нужно идти туда сей­
(to have—модальный глагол в на­ час же
стоящем времени)
I had to copy it twice. Мне приш лось переписы-
(to have — модальный глагол в про­ вать это два раза
шедшем времени)
Let’s have a walk Давай погуляем
(to have a walk — словосочетание
cp to have a talk — поговорить
to have a smoke — покурить)

E x e r c i s e 2. Translate the sentences into Russian paying atte n tio n to

various functions of (he verb to h a v e

1. i paused toi a little while to consider what I had bettei say

next. 2. Mrs. Barlow had splendid dark eyes and they were the most
moving I ever saw, they seemed to be ever on the point of filling with
tears. 3. But they both said that Mother h ad only to say the word
and they would gladly stay at home and work. 4. “ I hope to find what
progress they have made.” 5. It seemed a longer job than I had thought
it was going to be. 6. Henson stopped and had another look at the War
* В современном английском языке часто в значения иметь употреб­
ляется сочетание have got:
1 have got this book at home
Это же словосочетание часто употребляется в значении долж ен:
1 have got to go there
Я должен идти туда

Memorial. 7. "Even you, Jim m ie — even you had to be kept in the
dark.” 8. But the lady h ad fainted! I think that Mr Kent had better
be with her until she recovers from this joyous shock. 9. " H a v e you
g o t people depending on you?” That was all he asked. 10. “ You don’t
have to go on lying now.” 11. “ If you don’t find a house soon,” she
said, ‘‘I shall have to reconsider my position.” 12. “Oh, God, have
I g o t to go on eating roast chicken every night till the end of August?”
cried Sandy.

Modal Verbs

(See Lesson 2, page 52)

E x e r c is e 3 . Translate the following sentences into Russian paying

a tte n tio n to the modal verbs.

1. The day before he was to go back to France he was out all morn­
ing. 2. Of course a miracle m ay happen and you m ay be a great paint­
er but you m u st confess the chances are a million to one against it.
3. “Oh, please,” Rosemary ran forward, “ you m u s tn 't be frightened, you
m u stn ’t really.” 4. “ Well, well, look at Betsy,” Sladen started, “ but
I remember her when...” “ I remember, too,” 1 said, “so you needn't
waste your time going over (вспоминать) the incident.” 5. “ How
about a game now?” Sladen asked. “ I ’d love it — I ’m practically
dying of boredom, but I ’ll have to go home and change first.” 6. Hand-
son was clearing up in the kitchen, and what I had to do was to go
to the edge of the porch and call him. 7. So we decided that we’d
make it a great day, a holiday for all the family, and do everything
we could to make Mother happy. 8 .“ Now, I ’ve been thinking,” Moth­
er began. "Perhaps you ou gh t to give a party.” 9. The matter should
certainly be inquired into. 10. I can learn (painting) quicker than I
could when I was eighteen. II. ‘‘Can you paint?” “ Not yet ”

E x e r c is e 4. franslnte (lie sentences into English paying a tte n tio n ю

(he modal verbs

I. Вы можете перевести этот доклад без словаря? 2. Скажите

ему, что он должен быть более предупредительным (considerate).
3. Вам не следует так расстраиваться. 4. В то время q h был беден
и не мог позволить себе покупку пишущей машинки (a typew riter).
5. Вам придется опять придти сюда через два дня. 6. Вам не нужно
выло приходить сюда так рано. Директор будет здесь только в 10
часов. 7 Вы можете отдать ему тетрадь во время перерыва. 8. Его
I>>>.щ HMIII не могли выплатить долг. 9. Ему следует обратить серьез­
н о е ннимаиие на свое произношение. 10. Конференция должна
была начаться в 9 часов, а началась только в половине десятого.
II Я догжен был вручить письмо лично ему.
R e v i s i o n o t th e T e n s e s

(See Lessons 1. 3, 4. page 24. 77, 121)

E x e r c i s e 5. Open the brackets a n d put the verb into the proper tense-

1. We reported to our chief that there (to be) no events during his
absence. 2. The conference (to take place) a t the beginning of the next
week. 3. Our teacher (to speak) with the director now. 4. 1 (to explain)
to him the rule twice but still he makes mistakes. 5. When he (to
read) the letter he (to be) so angry that he (to tear) it into pieces.
6. 1 (to wait) for you here since ten o ’clock. Why are you so late?
7. I hope that everybody (to be content) tomorrow when you (to make)
your report. 8. I see him every day here. He (to attend) all the lectures.
9. “ Where is he?” “ He (to deliver) a lecture in room 100.” 10. The
boy was glad that he (to solve) the problem by himself.

E x e r c i s e 6. Answer the following questions as In the model. Pay a t t e n ­

tion to the tense-forms.

W hatare you doing now ? I'm looking th rou gh m y report.

When did you begin d o in g iO I began d o in g it tw o hours ago.
Will you have fin ish ed doing Y es, I shall.
it b y 9 o'clock ?
Will you do it tom orrow ? Yes, I shall.
W hat w ill you be doing tom or­ I shall be m aking m y report.
row a t th is tim e ?

A. 1) What areyou reading now?

2) When did you begin reading it?
3) Will you have finished reading it by Tuesday?
4) What book will you take next time you go to the library?

B. 1) What are you listening to now?

2) When did this program begin?
3) Will you have finished listening to it by 10 o ’clock?
4) What will you be listening to tomorrow at this time?

C. 1) What are you translating now?

2) When did you start doing it?
3) Will you have translated it by next week?
4) What will you translate next?
S e q u en ce ot T en ses

(See Lesson 6, page 173)

E x e r c is e 7. Translate the following sentences Into Russian, paying
atfen fion to the sequence of tenses:

1. A great sense ol responsibility took hold of Lanny. These peo­

ple thought that by teaching them to read and to write he could
change their lot. 2. Both the girls said it (the hat) was awfully becom­
ing to her. 3. I knew she was stupid and I thought she was scheming.
4. “ We met your niece on the ro ad ,” said Ashurst, “ she thought you
might perhaps put us up for the n ig h t.” 5. He said 1 was the daugh­
ter of the bards. What are they? 6. 1 looked at him for quite a long
time. 1 did not understand. 1 thought he was mad. 7. He said he would
be back in hall an hour. 8.When we all kissed Mother before going to
bed, she said it had been the most wonderful day in her life, and I
think there were tears in her eyes. 9. When Roger told me that he
had persuaded her to marry him, I wished him joy. 10. I asked him
(Napoleon) if he had been lonely at St. Helena and he said “ Yes” .
And I asked him whether it was the battle of Trafalgar that did most
to defeat him and he said “ Yes” , he hadn’t enough cavalry.

Passive Voice

(See Lesson 5, p age 150)

E x e r c is e 8 . Copy out of the text all the sentences w ith Passive Voice and
tran slate them into Russian.
E x e r c i s e 9. Change the Active construction into the Passive.

I They must collect the documents immediately. 2. Every pupil

ol the form can translate this text. 3. They inquired him whether he
could add anything else. 4. He will call my name first. 5. We have
just handed the material. 6. They will show you straight to his flat.
7. They have added some new names to the list. 8. Where is that let­
ter? — They tore it into pieces and threw it away. 9. You should
cross item 5 out of your article.

E x e r c is e 10. Translate the following sentences into Russian, paying

atten tio n (o the Passive Voice.

I. It must be remembered that I was very young, and I looked

upon him as a middle-aged man. 2. The packing was done at 12.50;
and Harris sat on the big bumper and said he hoped nothing would
hr found broken. 3. The Stricklands seemed to be devoted to one an­
other... 4. There are your children to think of. If you chuck everything
like this they’// be thrown on the streets. 5. It should be explained
to those who are unacquainted with small country pubs that a land­
lord is required by law to furnish food with his drinks. 6. When he
followed Halliday into the sitting-room for lunch three faces, very
fair and blue-eyed, were turned suddenly at the words: “This is Frank
Ashurs-t — my young sisters.” 7. Instructions had been sent to say
that the schooner would not be allowed to enter the harbour. 8. On
their marriage they had been a p p o in ted to the islands in which they
had laboured ever since.

C o n s tr u c tio n There is (are)

(See Lesson 1, page 32)

E x e r c is e 11. Translate the following sentences.

I. “Things are quiet here, eh?” he asked. “ Yes, there doesn't

seem to be life in this place; it seems dead.” 2. He claimed yesterday
that there had recen tly been a big alteration in the situation. 3. Since
then there have been world-wide investigations at ports. In fact he
said he’d been a fool to think there'd be any holiday for him. 4. And
there were some young men friends of theirs that they met along the
stream and talked to, and so we all had a splendid time. 5. There
are limits to human endurance. Mrs Barlow had the patience of an
angel, but at last she revolted. 6. There was an unaccustomed hard­
ness in her voice. 7. And suddenly he sat up. Surely there was some­
thing familiar about this view... 8. Can you tell us if there's a farm
near here where we could stay the night? 9. There is the stream at
the bottom of the orchard, but sitting down you won’t be covered.

T e x t


(from “ T im e of Hope" by Ch. P. Snow)

The incident of the subscription list took place in November,a
couple of months after I first attended the school. Each boy in each
form had been asked to make a donation to the school munitions
fu n d 1. The headmaster had explained to us that all the money would
go straight to buy shells.
I reported it all to my mother. I asked her what we could afford
to give
“ We can ’t aftord much really, d ear.” said my mother looking
upset. “ I know that you’ve got to give something ”
“ How much do you think they'll give.Lewis?” she inquired.
“ I mean, the boys from nice hom es3.”
1 made some discreet investigations, and told her that most ol
my form would be giving half a crown or five shillings.
“ You needn’t bother yourself, dear” , she said. “ I ’m not going
to have you feel out of it 3. We can do as well as other people4”
She was not content with doing ‘as well as other people’. She
liked to feel that we could ‘still show we were som eone5'. And she
was patriotic, and had a strong sense of wartime duty.
She skimped my father’s food and her own, particularly hers,
toi several weeks. On the morning when we had to deliver our sub­
scriptions, my mother handed me a new ten-shilling note.
“ I shall want to hear everything they say,” said my mother.
“ They’ll be a bit flabbergasted, won’t they?”
I was very excited as the tramcar clanged and swayed into the
In the playground, when we went out for the eleven-o’clock break,
the sun was shining. Our subscriptions were to be collected immedi­
ately afterwards: as the bell jangled, my companions and I made our
way to the room where we had most of our lessons.
Mr. Peck came in. He taught us algebra and geometry.
“ W ell,” he said, “ the first item on the programme is to see how
much the form is going to contribute to the fund. If any lad gives
enough. 1 dare say we shall be prepared to let him off all penalties
for the rest of the term ft.
The boys were divided into forms by alphabetical order.
‘A dnitt.” “ Two shillings sir!” As soon as my name was called
out, I was on my feet.
“ Ten shillings, sir!” The class stamped their feet, as I went be­
tween the desks and laid the note among the coins in front of Peck.
“ T h a t’s quite a lot of money, friend Eliot. 1 wonder you can af­
ford it,” said Peck.
It was cruel and motiveless. I was shaken with anger, so that
I was on the point of seizing the note and tearing it in pieces before
his eyes.
When I arrived home, rny mother was w aiting for me with an ea­
ger question.
"D id anyone give more than ten shillings?"
“ No. Not in our form."
“ Was ours the highest?”
“ Oh. yes!”
“ What was the next highest?”
“ Five shillings," I said.
"W hat did they say, dear?”
“ They thanked me, of course.”
•I want to hear everything Mr Peck said,” said my mother trying
to reach my trouble7.
“ I can 't now. Mother. I’ll tell you everything tonight.”
“ I don’t think th a t’s very grateful of you,” said my mother.
“Considering what ] did to find you all that money. D on't you think
I deserve to be told all about it now!”
I did not go straight home from school that evening. Instead,
1 walked by myself a long way round the canal. I was inventing a story
which would content my mother. Of how Mr Peck had said my con­
tribution was an example to the form, of how he had told other masters
about it.
I duly repeated that story to my mother. Nothing could remove
her disappointment. She had thought that I was heartless, and now,
if she believed at all, she felt puzzled and only a little flattered.


1. the school m unitions fund — школьный военный фонд (см

Lesson 2, стр. 64)
2. nice hom es— зд . приличные семьи
3. I ’m not going to have you feel out of it.— Я не хочу, чтобы ты
чувствовал себя в стороне от этого.
4. We can do as well as other people.— Мы ничуть не хуже других.
5. ...we could 'still show we were someone’ — ...мы все еще можем
показать, что мы что-то из себя представляем.
6. If any lad gives enough, I dare say we shall be prepared to let him
off all penalties lor the rest of the term .— Если какой-либо мальчик
даст достаточно денег, я полагаю, что мы охотно освободим его
от наказаний до конца семестра. При переводе с английского
языка на русский (и обратно) необходимо помнить что в ан­
глийских придаточных предложениях времени и условия буду­
щее время не употребляется, а на русский язык они переводятся
в будущем времени (Lesson I, стр 29).
7 to reach my trouble — понять мое горе

W ords and W ord Combinations

incident n случай, происшествие; ac­ sense п чувство
cident несчастный случай particular adj особенный; particularly
a couple of months (days) два месяца a d v , in particular в особенности
(дня) deliver v вручать
to attend school (lectures) посещать hand v вручать, давать в руки, пе­
ш колу, присутствовать на лекциях редавать
report v сообщать, рассказывать break п перерыв
afford v позволить себе collect v собирать
upset I. adj расстроенный, огорчен­ afterwards a d v позже, потом
ный; 2. v расстраивать to make one’s way to продвигаться,
inquire v спрашивать пробираться
make investigations проводить рас­ item n номер (программы)
следование; зд. разузнавать contribute v жертвовать (деньги)
bother и беспокоить(ся), надоедать contribution п взнос
to be content быть довольным, до­ to call out вызывать
вольствоваться the rest of the term (week, month.

people) оставшаяся часть семестра lear something in pieces разорвать
(недели, месяца, остальные люди) что-либо на кусочки
wonder* v интересоваться, желать consider v считать, полагать; рассмат­
знать; I wonder where he lives ривать
Интересно, где он живет deserve v заслуживать
to be shaken with anger затрястись straigh t a d v прямо
от гнева by oneself один, сам по себе; Не
be on (lie point ot doing something lives all by himself Он живет с о в ­
собираться сделать что-либо сем один
seize v хватать, схватить to feel puzzled быть озадаченным

P roper nam es
Charles Percy Snow f' tfalz 'pa:si Adnitt ('aednitl
's n o u | Eliot ('eljatl
Peck [pel<|

E x e r c is e 12. Drill some vocabulary units from the text.

1.. to afford something — to aftord to do smth.

a) Answer the following questions:

I. Can you afford holidays now? 2. Will he be able to afford

to go away on holiday next year? 3. Could E liot’s family afford
to make a donation to the school munitions fund?
b) Mnkc the following sentences complete:

I. I’m preparing for my examinations now therefore I can’t

afford ... . 2 . They were well-off and could afford ... . 3. Next year
when he earns more money he will be able to afford...
c) Translate the sentences into English:

I. On tie может себе позволить тратить попусту (tow aste) время.

Он должен готоииться к экзаменам. 2. Они не могли позволить себе
истратить такую большую сумму денег. 3. Не проси меня пойти
с тобой н театр, я не могу себе сейчас позволить этого.
2. bother v

я) Answer the following questions

I. Did you bother your parents with questions when you were a
child? 2. Who often bothers you?
b) Translate the sentences into Russian:

I Don’t bother to type it for me. I’ve got a copy. 2. Don’t

bother. I ’ll find the key myself. 3 .“ You needn’t bother yourself,” she
с) T ran slate the sentences into Eng ish

1. He надоедай ему своими глупыми вопросами. 2. Скажи детям,

чтобы они перестали (stop) надоедать отцу. 3. Не беспокойся об
этом. Все будет в порядке.

3. p articular a d j — in particular — particularly adv

a) T ranslate the sentences into Russian:
1. I remember that novel in particular. 2. We found that play
particu la rly interesting. 3.
He took particu lar trouble to find this
material for you.
b) Fill in the blanks w ith one of the derivatives:
I. He found the task ... difficult and asked us for help. 2. I re­
member her face ... because there was some strange expression on
it. 3. They took ... interest in his life.

4. a couple of
a) Answer the following using a c o u p le o f d a y s ( h o u r s , y e a r s ,
m o n t h s , m in u te s ) :
1. When will they help him? 2. When will you collect your doc­
uments? 3. When will you finish translating the article?
b) Translate the sentences into English:
1. Он будет дома через два дня. 2. Позвоните ему через два

5. consider v — considerable a d j — consideration n — considerate


a) Answer the following questions:

1. What is the question under consideration ? 2. Did you consid­
er the m atter at the meeting? 3. Do you think he is a consider­
a te man? 4. Do you consider Eliot a clever boy? 5. Did you cover
a considerable distance yesterday?

b) Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb t o c o n s i d e r :

1. The problem has not yet been discussed. 2. Everybody
th in ks him a good-natured man. 3. I th in k that he is not guilty.
c) T ranslate the sentences into English
1. Мы должны тщательно рассмотреть этот вопрос. 2. Все уди­
вились, когда узнали, что Элиот внес значительную сумму в
школьный фонд. 3. Большое спасибо вам за то, что вы помогли
мне донести чемодан. Вы очень внимательны.
6. sense n — sensible a d j — senseless a d j
a) Answer the following questions:
I. Has your friend a sense of humour? 2. Have you a sense of
duty? 3. What happens with a man in the forest if he has no sense
of locality?
b) Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. You may rely on him. He is a very sensible man. 2. Where
did you get this senseless idea? 3. Lanny Swartz had a strong sense
of d u ty .
c) Translate the following sentences into English:
1. У него совсем нет чувства ответственности, он опять не
пришел вовремя. 2. Какой смысл делать это ? 3. Ваше предложение
кажется бессмысленным. Мы никогда не сможем сделать этого.
7. upset a d j,v
a) Replace the adjectives in italics by th e ir synonyms:
1. Don’t be so distressed. The situation may still improve. 2. When
I entered the room, I noticed at once that he looked disturbed.
b) Answer the following questions:
I. Does the sight of pain upset you? 2. Why did E liot’s mother
look upset when her son broke the news to her? 3. When do people
look upset'l
8. attend v
a) Replace the verbs in italics by th eir synonyms:
I. What school do you g o to? 2. He will s ta rt school next year.
b) Replace the verb in Italics by its antonym :
Yesterday we m issed a very interesting lecture on music.
c) Answer the following questions:
I. Did you a tte n d the last trade-union meeting? 2. When did
you begin to a tte n d school? 3. Does your friend a tte n d lectures on
9. report v. n — reporter*^
a) T ranslate the sentences into Russian:
I. Hr reported what research work he had done in summer. 2. It
i.n reported(hat the expedition is returning to Moscow this week.

* H а н г л и й с к о м я з ы к е с л о в о reportei о з н а ч а е т репортер.
Не смешивайте со словом speaker докладчик.

b) T ranslate the follow ing sen ten ces in to English:

1. Репортер газеты «Правда» написал о новых успехах строи­

телей. 2. Его доклад представляет большой интерес (to be of
interest). 3. Газеты сообщают, что делегация английских студен­
тов прибыла вчера в Москву.

10. break п
a) Answer the following questions:
1. Do you have breaks every forty-five minutes at the Institute?
2. Is it difficult for you to study without breaks ?
b) Replace the noun in italics by its synonym:
1. There are ten minutes left before the interval.
c) Translate the following sentences in to English:
1. Я читаю эту книгу с часа дня без перерыва. 2. Идем в ауди­
торию. Перерыв к о н ч и т с я (to be over) через 2 минуты.

11. point п — point of view — point out — point to — come to the

point — to be on the point of doing smth.
a) T ranslate the sentences into Russian:

1. These are the most important p o in ts in the plan. 2. There is

no p o in t in doing that. 3. He didn’t speak much, and came to the
po in t at once. 4. From my p o in t of view he is a very good engineer.
5. He w as on the p o in t of leaving when somebody knocked at
the door. 6. Your answer is not to the poin t. 7. Whenitcame to
the p o in t she refused his help. 8. P o in t o u t all the words that are
new to you. 9. Here’s a list of books, p o in t o u t those you’d like to
read. 10. When we asked the girl who had torn the book she pointed
to her brother.

b) Translate the sentences in to English:

1. Указат ь на здание, на ошибку, на картину, на книги, на

человека. 2. Говорите по существу. 3. Какова его точка зрения ?
4. Я собирался позвонить своему другу по телефону, когда он во­
шел. 5. Нет смысла обсуждать это предложение сейчас. 6. С моей
пючки зрения, его доклад был очень интересный. 7. В своей речи он
указал на необходимость создания этого комитета.
E x e r c is e 13. Translate the sentences into Russian in w ritte n lorm.

1. “We can’t afford much really, dear,” said my mother look

ing upset. 2. She was not con ten t with doing ‘as well as other people’.
3. And she was patriotic and had a strong sense of war duty. 4. As
the bell jangled my companions and I made our w a y to the room where
we had most of our lessons. 5. Don’t you think I deserve to be told a4l
about it now? 6. I didn’t go stra ig h t home that evening. Instead
I walked by myself a long way round the canal. 7. She fe lt pu zzled
and only a little flattered.
E x e r c is e 14. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay
a ttention to the italicised words and word combinations.

A. 1. Tell me about that incident at the meeting. 2. The next

item on our programme is a folk song. 3. I looked back when somebody
called me out. 4. Don’t bother me with your silly questions. 5. He told
me they would m ake in vestigation s in a couple of days. 6. She can’t
afford to buy a car now. 7. I wonder why he looks so upset. 8. During
the break I saw him at the end of the corridor but could not make
m y w ay to him . 9. The father was shaken w ith anger when he learned
that his son had run into debt. 10. He is going to spend the resto f
his holiday at the seaside. 11. The Moscow Test Ban Treaty is a
great contribu tion to the cause of peace. 12. I was on the p o in t
of handing my exercise-book to the teacher when I noticed a
mistake in it. 13. People always admire his sense of humour. 14. All
American newspapers reported that the Bolshoi Theatre was a great
success in New York. 15. Peoples throughout the world declare that
all war criminals deserve punishment and nothing will help them to
escape it. 16. He studies English a ll by him self. 17. 1 consider that the
best way is to go stra ig h t to my house and find out whether there’s
mail for us there. 18. This morning the postman delivered me two
letters at once. 19. Everybody must help him and you in particular.
20. The sight of the poor village upset Lanny. 21. We have to make
inquiries about the train at the information bureau. 22. The child was
very glad to get a handful of nuts. 23. Many collective farmers partici­
pate in the Exhibition of the Economic Achievements. 24. The den­
tist gave me an injection which reduced the s e n s itiv ity of the nerve.
25. I consider that he put forward a sensible idea. 26. He has a good
collection of stamps. 27. The case was very particu lar and we had to
give it special attention. 28. It was very considerate of you to warn me
about it over the phone. 29. We had already been walking for three
hours and still there was a considerable distance to cover. 30. After
long consideration we reached a decision. 31. He is a very stra ig h t­
forward person.

B. 1. I am In a hurry because my train leaves in a couple

of minutes. 2. The suspicion of the postal authorities had been arous­
ed, and special instructions had been sent that the bags were to be
delivered only to their rightful owners. 3. No unsolved crime had been
reported from that district. 4. He turned hastily and found himself
looking into the eyes of a fair young woman and w as seized with shy­
ness. 5. The pool is by the big apple tree that stands by itself. 6. The
whole inciden t left a most ugly impression upon my mind, and 1 was
not sorry next day to leave... 7. I was laid by the hills (был вынуж­
ден лежать в постели) for ten days and Trevoi used to come to in­
quire after me. 8. She would not see Roger and he had to content
himself with calling at her lodgings to inquire and sending her
flowers. 9. Her friends considered Mr Strickland to be quiet and dull.
10. Judson Webb loved his personal possessions and felt a sense
of deep outrage if they were touched by any hand but his own. 11.Then
the girl seized his hand, put it to her cheek, her heart, her lips, kis­
sed it passionately, and fled away. 12. I took out my note-book and
wrote one word. “That,” said I as I handed it to the Colonei Ems-
worth, “ is what has brought us here.” 13. When all was dark and quiet
1 slipped out of my window and m ade m y w ay as silently as possible
to the mysterious building. 14. It (the bedroom) was a large room on
the ground floor as gloomy as the rest of the house. 15. I was shown
stra ig h t into his study. 16. “ Has she deserved that you should treat
her like this?” 17. I began to be more p u zzled than before. 18. She
hurried out and up along the footpath that led to the store. Neighbours
called out to her. Some asked her how the new arrival was, others
wanted to know what she intended doing. 19. “ I wonder what Celia’s
doing,” he said aloud and looked up at the sky. He missed her. 20.
Three weeks afterw ards I met him in a coffee-room of a Bath Hotel.
21. The incident happened at the block of flats (в доме) where Harris
E x e r c i s e 15. Replace the words and word com b ination s in italics by
their synonyms given below.
break\ to be on the p o in t of (going)-, to seize-, to inquire-, upset-,
all by himself-, to add\ a couple of\ to collect-, to consider
1. She has never looked so sad. What has happened, I wonder.
2. I shall speak to you after the interval. 3. They will arrive therein
two days. 4. Dust soon gathers if we don’t sweep the room every day.
5. We were about to go to the cinema when a friend of ours came to
see us. 6. People asked me about his health but there was nothing
good I could tell them. 7. She p u t some m ore sugar into her cup.
8. The child was sitting in the hall q u ite alone. 9. I th in k that he is
right and we have to help him. 10. He caught me by the hand and we
ran to the place of the accident.
E x e r c i s e 16. Translate the following sentences in to English using
the words from the text.
I его докладом.
1. Они были довольны работой, которую он проделал.
( тем, как (the way) их приняли.
„ ,, , | получили от него телеграмму.
2 I \ы уже собрались уи ги) услышали стук в дверь.
из дома, когда [ зазвонил телефон.
что мы доберемся до дому вовремя,
3. Я считаю, что он прав.
что пора кончать работу.
куда он исчез,
4 Интересно, что с ним случилось,
когда они. наконец, придут.
когда узнают эту новость,
если мы не придем,
5. Они будут озадачены. если результаты их опыта окажутся
другими (to prove different).
E x e r c i s e 17. Retell the text according to the following questions:
1. When did the incident of the subscription take place?
2. Where was the money to go?
3 Why was Eliot puzzled?
4. Why did his mother decide to make a large donation?
5. How did she manage to save ten shillings?
(i. Why was Eliot so impatient to hand his money?
7. Why was he shaken with anger?
8. Why did his mother consider him cruel?
9. Was Eliot really cruel or not? Give your reasons.


Mrs Parker: Yes, ol course, Mrs Howard, I m ustn’t b o ast1. But
it really is л comfort2 to have such a hard working3 boy as
Л1/Ч llmciinl: You needn’t a p o lo g i z e 4, Mrs Parker. I t’s very natu­
ral foi yon to feel proud fl Will he go to the University, do
you think?
M r. I1. Well ", lie may or he may not. You see we can’t really tell
until lie lakes his scholarship exam ination7.
Mr\ //.: Oh, but I am sure he’ll win a scholarship 8.
Mr P.: II he doesn’t win a scholarship, he may go to a technical col­
lege ®.
M rs H r What is he studying now? Is he studying science?
M rs P.: Yes, and I think he is getting on quite well at it l0.
H e ’s certainly working very hard. Why, this very afternoon, al­
though it’s such a fine day, he’s been down at the library work­
ing all the time.
H olhrt Hallo, Mum! Good afternoon, Mrs Howard. It’s a lovely
day, Isn't it? Well, the Rovers 11 won, Muml
M rs P.: The Rovers, Robert? Why. where have you been?
R.: At the football match, of course!
M rs P.: H aven’t you been at the library?
R .:No.
M rs P.: But i thought...
M rs H.\ Don’t worry, Mrs Parker. A library it quite the wrong place
for a boy on such a fine afternoon.

1.I m ustn’t boast — не хочу хвалиться
2. it really is a comfort — зд. как приятно (отрадно) (acomfort —
3. hard working — усердный
4. you needn’t apologize — зачем извиняться
(to apologize to smb. for smth. извиняться перед кем-л. за что-л.)
5. to feel (be) proud (of) — гордиться
6. Well — междометие, соответствующее русскому н у (и т а к ), н о...
7. scholarship examination — вступительные экзамены на полу­
чение стипендии
8. he’ll win a scholarship — зд . он сдаст экзамены
9. technical college— техникум
10. ...he is getting on quite well at it. — ... он хорошо справляется
с этим.
11. the Rovers — футбольная команда
E x e r c i s e 18. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Он, возможно, поступит в университет, но он должен сперва
сдать выпускные экзамены (the finals), 2. Она извинилась перед
нами за опоздание. 3. Не ствит извиняться. Всем ясно, что вы
взволнованы. 4. Он такой усердный ученик. Мы думаем, что он
сможет поступить в университет, 5, Я не могу вам сказать, пойдет
ли он с нами в кино, пока он мне не позвонит. 6. Хорошо ли ваша
сестра справляется с работой? 7. Сегодня такой прекрасный день.
Пойдемте на футбол. 8. Разве гы не был на лекции? Я не мог у
меня болела голова. 9. Они пошли не по той дороге! Не беспокой­
тесь, они не заблудятся (to lose one’s way). II. Ну что вы можете
сказать об этом?
E x e r c is e 19. T ranslate the sentences an d answer the questions:
Он не в библиот еке , не т ак ли?
1) Да.
2 ) Н ет , он в библиот еке.
Не is not in the lib ra ry, is he?
1) No, he isn't.
2) B u t he is.
Она в библиот еке, не т ак ли?
1) Д а.
2) Нет , ее там нет.
She is in the lib ra ry , isn ’t she ? I) Yes. she is.
2 ) No. she isn ’t.
I. On;i не должна хвалиться, не так ли ? — Да.
Он ишннился перед вами, не правда ли? — Да.
I <)п не сможет сдать экзамена, не так ли? — Нет, он сдаст.
I. Они вчера не учились, не гак ли? — Нет, они учились
!>. Команда Н. выиграла, не правда ли? — Нет.
(1. Он работает над английским очень усердно, не так ли? — Да.
7. Они не были на футбольном матче, не правда ли? — Да.


Are you a sportsman? Вы занимаетесь спортом?

I don’t go in for sports. Я не занимаюсь спортом.
Wliat club are you a member В каком (спортивном) обществе
of? вы состоите?
What is the score? Какой счет?
The match ended in a draw Матч закончился вничью (вни­
(in a 2 : 2 draw). чью, 2 : 2).
The score was 2 : 0 (two tonil). Счет был 2 : 0.
I lie N. learn won the ц ате Команда Н. выиграла встречу
3 : I (three to one), со счетом 3 :1 .
to open I lie score открыть счет
lo serve the ball подавать мяч
to receive the ball принимать мяч
lo pass the ball передавать мяч
a stroke across the net удар через сетку
lo shoot the ball at the basket бросать мяч в корзину
Wluil lenm do you root for? За какую команду вы болеете?
lo be ii soccer fan быть болельщиком футбола

Text for translation


I very child in Great Britain between the age of five and fifteen
niiisl attend school.
I hen' .in' three main types of educational institutions: primary
(elriiii'iitiirv) schools, secondary schools1, and universities.
St/itc schools are free, and attendance is compulsory. Morning
m 'I io o I I•< iм11•. .it nine o ’clock and lasts for three hours, until twelve
o'clock ami Ihen lasts for two and a half hours, until half past four
School is open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays there are no
lessons. There are holidays at Christmas, Easter, Whitsun, and in
summer. In London, as in all cities there are two grades of state
schools for those who will go to work at fifteen; primary schools for
boys and girls between the ages of five and eleven, and secondary
schools for children from eleven to fifteen years.
The first lesson of the day is usually Bible study, and the second
lessonis arithm etic. The other lessons are: reading, writing, the English
language, English literature, English history, geography, science2,
Nature study 3, drawing, painting, singing, woodwork and drill (phys­
ical training). Instead of woodwork, the girls’ curriculum includes
needlework and cooking.
Besides the state primary schools, there are many private in str
tutions, kindergartens and preparatory schools. These schools are not
free. The parents pay fees.
From the p u b lic 4 and private primary schools children may go
to the grammar schools, either to the great public schools or to a
county (or municipal) school. Most of public schools have two sides:
a classical side, specializing in ancient languages, history and phi­
losophy, and modern languages, natural science and geography.
The fees at these public schools are high.
The grammar schools are for boys or for girls, or for both. They
are day schools, and the hours of instruction are similar to those
at primary schools, but the subjects are wider and more advanced.
There are also special schools for science technical schools and
for commerce (commercial schools).
When the boys and girls reach the age of sixteen they may sit for
the General Certificate of Education s, which, as its name implies,
shows that the holder has received a general education and has
reached certain standards in the various subjects. There, are, indeed,
three standards or levels: ordinary, advanced and scholarship. In
order to gain an entrance to a University, a boy or a girl must pass
examinations in five subjects. He or she must pass at least two of
these five subjects at the advanced level


!. primary (elementary) school — начальная школа, где обучаются

дети с 5 до II лет; secondary schools — средняя школа, второй
этап школьного образования (до 15— 16 лет); существуют три
основных типа средних школ — «грамматическая», «техничес­
кая» и так называемая «современная». В настоящее время про­
грессивные деятели английского народного образования ведут
борьбу за единый тип школы — «всеобщую школу» (Comprehen­
sive School), объединяющую перечисленные типы школ.
2. science - естественные науки (в средней школе физика и хи­
.1, Nilliiii- study — ботаника и зоология
I public schools — частные, привилегированные средние школы;
иыиуекиики этих школ впоследствии образуют основной кон-
пип п и английских университетов.
V ( и Iif till Certificate of Education — аттестат об окончании сред­
ней школы, который получают после экзаменов по основным
предметам (в 16 лет)

E x e r c is e 20. Speak on edu cation in Great Britain according to the giv-

pii plan:

I, When do children first go to school in Great Britain?

Wlial ;ii4' the three main types of educational institutions?
l, Wli.il arc tin' two grades of state schools for those who will go to
work at fifteen?
■I, WluiI subjects do children study at school?
ft Are nil schools free?
l> W hile may children go after the public and private primary
/ Wli.il niiiHt и hoy or a girl do to gain an entrance to a university?

ЧТО И V t o i l Rl TI LLI NG


i in.v ,i hi inip of tourists who were staying at a hotel in Birmingham

vviic li.ivini! dinner In the restaurant Fish was brought and while
it S' Ilien i told inteiesling stories about
lliiilinr pi'.irU and other valuable things inside fish.
\11 old I'Hiitleiii.in who up to now had listened quietly to their
eotiversiH Ion nt hut naif I;
"I u hr.ml nil your torlr, .ind now I ’ll tell you one. When I
u.i ;i yoiin»! man I wan employed in a large importing house in New
Yoik inid I is usual with young persons, I fell in love with a pretty
young girl Very soon we were engaged. About two months before
him 111111 riar.e was to take place, I was suddenlysent to Birmingham
nil w i\ Inipot l.uit business. I left my sweetheart, promising to write
to her.
"I was obliged to stay in Birmingham longer than 1 had expected.
\i hi i 111v work was done, and I could leave Birmingham. But just
In |,m I lei I ini home. I bought a beautiful and very expensive diamond
mil.! lull Hillin', to give it to my sweetheart.
• in 111\ wn\ In New York, I was looking through the morning news-
papei which had lierii brought on board by the pilot. Suddenly I saw
2 1 5
an announcement of my sw eetheart’s marriage with another. This
made me so angry that I threw the ring overboard. A few days later,
when f was dining at a hotel in New York, fish was brought. While
I was eating it I bit on something hard. W hat do you think it was?” —
“The diamond ring,” cried his companions. “No, “said the old gen­
tleman sadly, “ it was a fish-bone.”

E x e r c is e 21. Retell the story answering the following questions

1. What were the tourists talking about while having dinner in the
2. What did the old gentleman tell them?

E x e r c is e 22. Retell the old m a n ’s story in in direct speech.

E x e r c is e 23. Retell the story in the person ol one oi the companions.


(The Eighth L esson)

G r a m m a r.
1. Perfect P artic ip le (Перфектное причастие)
2. Absolute P a rticip le C o nstruction (Самостоятельный причаст­
ный оборот)
3. Perfect Gerund. (Перфектный герундий)

Text The Way to Space by H . T ito v


Perfect Participle имеет две формы в английском языке: Perfect

Participle Active и Perfect Participle Passive.
Perfect Participle Active образуется при помощи вспомогатель­
ного глагола to have в форме Participle I и Participle П смыслового
having rloue. having asked, having worked
Perfect Participle Passive образуется при помощи вспомога­
тельного глагола to be в форме Perfect Participle и Participle II
смыслового глагола:
having been done, having been asked
Perfect Participle Active всегда является в предложении обстоя­
тельством и переводится на русский язык деепричастием совершен­
ного вида.
Having crossed the bridge, we went in the direction of the town.
Перейдя через мост, мы пошли по направлению к городу.
Having read the book, I returned it to the library.
Прочитав книгу, я вернул ее в библиотеку.
Если два действия следуют непрерывно одно за другим, то
употребляется не Perfect Participle, a Present Participle.
Coming home, 1 immediately went to bed, because I was very tired.
Придя домой, я немедленно лег спать, потому что очень устал
Перфектное причастие, как и все перфектные формы в англий­
ском языке, выражает действие, предшествующее действию, выра­
женному глаголом-сказуемым.
П р и м е ч а н и е : Русские деепричастия сказав, под ум а« переводя­
тся на русский язык причастиями saying, thinking.
S aying this, she left th e room.
С казав это, она вышла из комнаты.
T h in king th a t m y friend is w aitin g for me 1 hurried home
Подумав, что мой друг ждет меня, я поспешил домой.
Perfect Participle Passive не имеет соответствующей формы в
русском языке, поэтому такое причастие с относящимися к нему
словами следует переводить на русский язык придаточным пред­
ложением времени или причины.
Having been offered some interesting work in the Far East he
went there.
Так как ему предложили интересную работу на Дальнем Восто­
ке, он уехал туда.
Having been shown this article 1 decided to translate it into
Когда мне показали эту статью, я решил перевести ее на рус­
ский язык.



В английском языке причастные обороты в функции обстоятель­

ства бывают двух типов:
1) обороты, в которых причастие выражает действие, относя­
щееся к подлежащему предложения. Такие обороты соответствуют
русским деепричастным оборотам:
Having done this work they went home.
Сделав эту работу, они пошли домой.
Skating he fell down.
Катаясь на коньках, он упал.
2) обороты, имеющие свое собственное подлежащее, называют­
ся самостоятельными причастными оборотами. Они не связаны с
подлежащим предложен ия :
The teacher having come, we set to work.
Когда преподаватель пришел, мы принялись за работу.
Причастный оборот имеет свое подлежащее the teacher.
The weather being bad, we stayed at home.
Так как погода была плохая, мы остались дома
Знлчгщн; самостоятельного причастного оборота зависит от кон-
ггм м Чаще всего такой оборот выражает:
и) время и переводится придаточным предложением времени:
ЛИ the questions having been settled, we went home.
(After all the questions had been settled, we went home.)
После того как все вопросы были решены, мы пошли домой.
б) причину и переводится придаточным предложением при­
Nobody being there, I went away.
(As there was nobody there 1 went away.)
Так как гам никого не было я ушел.
к) сопутствующие обстоятельства и переводится отдельным
предложением с союзами а. и. причем. Такие обороты всегда
стоят в конце предложения.
Г1н' girl went into the garden, the dog running after her.
Девушки вышла в сад и собака побежала за ней

I x i r r ls c I. Translate the sentences into Russian paying a tte n tio n to

Ihi' I'artlciplc

I. T ranslating the article he looked up into the dictionary. H av­

ing translated the art.cle he put the dictionary on the shelf. 2. G iv­
ing that explanation the teacher pointed to the diagram. H aving
ly v m that explanation the teacher began to ask his pupils. 3. R eturn­
ing home I called on my old friend H avin g retu rn ed home I saw
my old friend waiting for me. 4. W ritin g the report he looked through
many books H aving w ritten the report he gave it to his teacher.

E x e r c is e 2 . Form sentences according to this model an d tra n sla te them

Into Russian

to come home — to begin to do his lessons

H aving come home, he began to do his lessons.
I to finish work — to go to the cinema. 2. to read a newspaper —
to give it to his brother 3. to arrive in Moscow — to go to see her
friends 1. to lose a fountain-pen — to buy a new one. 5. to receive
a telegram — to start home at once. 6. to enter the room — to greet
E x e r c is e 3. Replacc the subo rd in ate clauses by the Perfect P artic ip le
Constructions Active an d Passive.

A fter he had passed a ll his exam inations he went to see his parents.
H aving passed a ll his exam inations he w ent to see his parents
1. After he had taken off his hat and coat, he went upstairs. 2. As
she had read much on this question she wrote a very interesting ar­
ticle. 3. As he had been wounded he was taken to the hospital. 4. As
they had been warned about the danger, they returned home. 5. Alter
she had arranged everything, she went home. 6. As he had lived in
England for five years, he knew English very well, 7 As I had lost
the key, I could not enter the room. 8. After he had returned from the
expedition he made a very interesting report.
E x e r c is e 4. Translate into English.
I. Перейдя через мост, он увидел маленькую деревню. 2. З а­
кончив работу, они смогли отдохнуть. 3. Получив письмо от своей
сестры, он решил поехать в Ленинград, чтобы повидаться с ней.
4. Повернув налево, мы увидели большую площадь. 5. Обсудив
все детали нашего путешествия мы отправились в путь (to start
off). 6 Когда ей купили новое платье, она пошла показать его своей
подруге 7. Написав статью, я отнес ее в редакцию (editorial of­
fice). 8. Приехав в Москву, он пошел в Большой театр. 9. Когда
он прочитал книгу, он отметил (mark) наиболее интересные места
(passages). 10. Когда он вернулся с работы, он нашел все семейство
у телевизора. 11. После того как ему рассказали все подробности
этого дела, он пришел к выводу, что приговор был справедливым.
E x e r c is e 5. Translate into Russian paying atten tio n to the Absolute
Participle Construction.
1. M y work having been fin ish ed , I left the office.
2. The film being very popu lar , it was difficult to get tickets.
3. The moon being b rig h t , we could see the path.
4. He went to the door and opened it, there being no one in the cor­
5. A ll the preparations havin g been fin ished, the pioneers went on
a hike, (поход)
6. It was very dark, there b ein g no sta rs in the sky.
7. The sun having set , the tourists reachedthe place ©f their desti­
8. The m eeting being over the concert began.
E x e r c is e 6 . Translate the sentences into Russian and slate the forms
and the syntactical functions of the Participles.
1. He began moving away from the drive, keeping his eyes on
Dixon. 2. H urrying through the side streets, deserted at this hour
before works and offices closed, Dixon thought of Welch. 3. I went
with a hundred other students into one ot the three large, square
halls used for the examination. 4. The numbers having been taken , the
Members return to their seats and the Speaker reads out the results
of voting. 5 They stood for some time, talking in quiet tones, com­
paring the Thames with the Seine. 6. H aving begun his work the ca­
shier had winked significantly at the office-boy and nodded his head
slightly toward the front door. 7. He was looking at me with a pa
tient penetrating glance. 8. This duty having been done , we lit our
pipes and began the discussion about our health again. 9. About
twenty yards away the chase ended, and the two stood fronting each
other, not noticing the stranger in the grass.



Формы герундия совпадают с формами причастий, поэтому

Perlect Gerund Activie и Perfect Gerund Passive образуются так
же, как сооветствующие формы причастий.
Perfect Gerund употребляется, когда выраженное им действие
предшествует действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым.
1 remember having shown him this article
Я помню, что показывал ему эту статью
Не mentioned having seen this film before.
Он упомянул о том. что раньше видел этот фильм.
1 remember having been told about it.
Я помню что мне рассказывали об этом.

E x e r c is e 7 . Replace (he subordinate clauses by the Pertect Gerund

Constructions Active and Passive. Put the prepositions given in brackets be­
fore the Gerund. Translate the sentences into Russian

He is sorry that he has done it (for).

He is sorry for having done it
1. He was sure that he had seen him somewhere (of). 2. She is
glad that she has written this letter (of). 3. I remember that 1 have
been asked about it before. 4. I was disappointed because they had
refused to help me (at). 5. Excuse me that I didn’t call you up yes­
terday (for).
E x e r c is e 8 . Replace the Participle Constructions by the Gerund Con­
structions w ith the prepositions o n (u p o n ) and a f t e r , translate the sentences
into Russian. (See Lesson 3)

Having translated the text , the stu den t gave his translation
to the teacher.

A fte r tr a n s la tin g the text , the stu dent gave his translation
to the teacher.
1. Having come home, I set to work at once. 2. Having slept lor
about an hour, she was awakened by a loud voice. 3. Having graduated
from the University, he went to the North. 4. Having played with his
toys, the boy put them into the box. 5. Having lived in this town for
many years, we knew it very well.

E x e r c is e 9. Translate the sentences into Russian paying a tte n tio n to

the Gerund.

1. We knew ol Mark Twain having written many humorous sto­

ries. 2. His leaving Moscow did not mean that he was disappointed
at his work. 3 Her helping us showed that she was a good friend.
4. He forgot about her having studied at the University. 5. You know
of his having lost his job. 6. He remembered having worked on a ship
for some years. 7. The man understood that his getting the job de­
pended on his answer. 8. He thanked the girl for her coming so soon.
9. The teacher insisted on this being done at once. 10. We are proud
of your being decorated with the order.

E x e r c is e 10. Translate the sentences into Russian paying a tten tio n

to the Gerund

After w alking a short distance he came to the centre ot the town’s

business area. 2. His way of counting the cash had been different too.
3. Why, of course, Jesse, you can start working whenever you’re
ready. 4. And, turning the box, opening and shutting it. she couldn’t
help n oticing how charming her hands were against the blue velvet.
5. “ Yes. oddly enough I can remember having said that,” Dixon said.
6. S pea k in g of comic songs and parties reminds me of a rather strange
thing that happened once. 7. He erinned again and without look­
ing back, ran off down the hill towards Carver’s tarm, leaving me
alone once more that night. 8. Everywhere there are teashops, some
modern and many in old buildings, reached by clim bing narrow
stairs. 9. He awoke feeling as if he had eaten heavily overnight in­
stead of h avin g eaten nothing. 10. After g iv in g him the prescribed
capsules at eleven o ’clock I went out fora while. 11. The story of the
University begins, so far as 1 know in 1209 when several hundred
students and scholars arrived in the little town of Cambridge after
having w alked sixty miles from Oxford.
E x e r c is e 11. Translate the sentences into Russian paying a tten tio n
to the - i n g forms.
1. Being to ld that their employer had removed to a fine new house,
the weavers were surprised and angry. 2. I am very pleased to meet
you after hearing so much about you. 3. After being shown in Moscow
these pictures were taken to Leningrad and other cities. 4. ! went to
his home in the hope of fin d in g him there. 5. I was sitting on the
bank of the river listen in g to the wind b lcw in g in the trees. 6. They
were so busy ta lk in g that they reached the town without noticing
it. 7. But there are some men among these people, men who had suf­
fered wrongs without com plaining, but without ever forgettin g or
fo rg iv in g those who (they believed) had caused all this misery. 8 He
had good hopes of being employed, at some other mill, and therefore,
before returning home, he spent some hours in g o in g from factory to
factory, a sk in g for work. 9. We were greatly surprised at his h av­
ing done that. 10. Block after block passed by, and still Carrie went
on, her feet beginning to tire. 11. Little Paul looked around and could
not help w ondering if the world were really as round as his geography-
book said. 12. Never having seen his uncle, he could not know that
this stranger was the man he had heard so much about from his
mother. 13. The foreign policy of the Soviet Government is in complete
harmony with the interests of all the peoples str iv in g for peace. 14. My
friend having left me, 1 went to the other end of the room, observ­
ing all with the greatest interest.



b y Herman T ito v

1 had the good fortune1 to be one ol the two Soviet citizens who
pioneered the way to Space. My friend Yury Gagarin and I were very oft­
en asked how we, the first cosmonauts, had been able to accompl ish this
feat and what had led us to it. In answering these questions I always em ­
phasized one main point that neither the career of Gagarin nor my own
had anything extraordinary about it, and we were two average young
people of our generation. Of course, we were very proud of having been
entrusted with this feat which brought further fame to our country,
and of having been able to live up to* this trust. Y et4 there are thou­
sands of young men in our country who are able to do what we did.
I would not sa y 5 that 1 hankered for the sky or even dreamed of
becoming an airman when I was a boy. 1 did have a bent for technolo­
g y 8 even as a small boy. So having finished school in 1953 I had a
chance of mastering one of the most complex kinds of modern technol­
ogy by joining a flying school.
The beginning of my career in aviation was similar to th a t7 of
hundreds of Soviet fighler-pilots: the m ilitary school, then the reg­
iment. The years after that which I spent w ith one of the celebrated
flying regiments are also very memorable to me. It was here that my
independent life started 8.
As a result these years actually gave me much of the necessary
training. Having confronted later with the tough job of preparing
for space flight, I often expressed my thanks to my former superiors.
Meanwhile, time insistently brought new victories for our country
in the air. One after the other the Soviet artificial earth satellites
were launched into the sky. The problem of the humans who would
soon have to blaze the trail to Space loomed large. We young airmen
had many talks about how this would happen and who would rise
into the blue infinity of the universe. Of course, I wished to be one
of these people. So being asked if I wished to become a cosmonaut 1
agreed without hesitation and finally became one of the group of
future cosmonauts.
The years that followed were crammed with hard work, every­
thing was geared to one end: to give o n e 9 the best preparation for
space flights.
Finally, the time for the first manned space flight had come.
To carry out this mission two people were chosen from our group:
Yury Gagarin and myself. I was Cosmonaut N 2, the substitute for
Yury, having been his companion throughout the training for the
flight on the Vostok, and I stayed at the cosmodrome fully prepared
until the Vostok had gone up. This occured early in the morning of
12 April 1961, a date which may well forever be remembered through­
out the world.
Then came my turn to travel into space. 1 began preparing foi
my flight immediately after that of Yury Gagarin. I also had a sub­
stitu te Cosmonaut N 3 and we went through all the preparations foT
the Vostok-2 flight side by side.
At last the memorable day of 6 August 1961 arrived. When we
reached the cosmodrome early in the morning I had a feeling of ela­
tion. Those present10 were aiso filled with a sense of something
unique and moving.
The rocket came off the launching stand and for an instant ceased
moving, as if building up power against the resisting force. Then
there was a thundering roar of the engines and I felt every inch 11 of my
body pressed down by a huge force.
It was immediately after the rocket got under way l2, that I s ta rt­
ed to carry out my responsibilities under the research programme.
Two-way communication with the command station was m aintain­
ed from the very start of the [light.
Comprehension, vision and hearing were up to 13 normal. All
the time that the ship was entering its space orbit I felt no sickness.
The last stage of the rocket having been separated, the state of
weightlessness came smoothly and autom atically.
The flight proceeded successfully, the scientific programme was
carried out according to the plan and my spirits grew higher with
every hour that was bringing me nearer the journey’s end.
Soon I was back again on dear Earth. The following days were
filled with great events which moved me profoundly. The report
to the government on the carrying out of the flight, a short rest, the
return to Moscow. Then the welcome a t Moscow's Vnukovo airfield,
the meeting on the Red Square and the award to me of the Golden
Star of a Hero of the Soviet Union will stay forever in my memory


1. I had the good fortune ... — Мне посчастливилось...

2. neither the career of Gagarin nor my own... — ни карьера Гага­
рина, ни моя...
Парный союз neither ... nor переводится на русский язык отри­
цанием ни ... ни.
Neither he nor his sister will do it.
Ни он, ни его сестра не будут этого делать.
Если глагол стоит в отрицательной форме, то вместо neither
... nor употребляется парный союз either ... or.
Не doesn't know either English or French.
Он не знает ни английского языка, ни французского.
Обратите внимание на то, что в английском предложении в от­
личие от русского может быть т о л ь к о о д н о отрицание.
3. to live up to — оправдать, быть достойным
4. Если yet стоит в начале предложения, то оно переводится
словами однако тем не менее.
5. I would not say ... — я не сказал бы...
6. I did have a bent for technology ...— у меня действительно
была склонность к технике...
Глагол do в утвердительном предложении подчеркивает зна­
чение глагола-сказуемого.
7. В данном предложении местоимение that является словом-зэ-
менителем, которое употреблено, чтобы избежать повторения
слов the beginning of the career; при переводе на русский язык
эти слова необходимо повторить: «Начало моего пути в авиг-
ции было похоже на начало пути сотен советских летчикон-
Существительные во множественном числе заменяются местои­
мением those.
8. ft was here that my independent life started. Именно здесь
началась моя самостоятельная жизнь. Эмфатическая конструк­
ция it is (was) ... that (who, which и т. д.) переводится на русский
язык различными способами, например: именно, как раз, вот,
только, вовсе не и т. д.
8— 1312 225
It was not she who had taught me English.
Вовсе не она научила меня английскому языку.
9. ...to give one the best preparation for space flights.— ...как
можно лучше подготовиться к космическим полетам, (см. урок 1,
стр. 19)
10. those present — присутствующие
11. in c h — дюйм (равен 25,4 мм)
12. to get under way — зд . взлетать (о ракет е )
13. up to — почти

W ords and W ord Combinations

space n пространство, космос end n цель
c itiz e n n гражданин turn n очередь
accom plish v совершать, выполнять cease v прекращать(ся)
av erag e а средний resist v сопротивляться
g en e ra tio n n поколение thunder n гром
entrust v доверять huge а огромный
trust n доверие responsibility n обязанность
m aster v овладеть research n исследование
complex а сложный m a i n ta i n v поддерживать
sim ilar а подобный weight n вес
start v начинать proceed v продолжать
tr a in in g n тренировка scien tific а научный
flight n полет according to согласно
m e a n w h ile a d v между тем welcome n приветствие; радушный
launch v запускать прием
h e sita tio n п колебание

E x e r c is e 12. Drill some vocabulary units from the text.

1. m aintain v — maintenance n
a) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. The Soviet Union m a in ta in s friendly relations with many coun­

tries. 2. All progressive people seek ways for m a in ta in in g peace
in the whole world. 3. The main aim of Soviet foreign policy is
the m aintenance of world peace. 4. Everybody must m a in tain
public order.
b) Answer the following questions:

1. What countries does the Soviet Union m a in tain trade rela­

tions with?
2. What channels are cultural contacts between the countries
m a in ta in ed through?

c) Translate the follow ing w o rd-co m b in ation s into English:

поддерж ивать дружеские отношения с какой-либо страной,
поддерж иват ь контакты между странами, поддерж ивать мир
2. research n a d j, v
a) Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of work are you carrying on at your research in­

2. Aie your researches successful?
3. Who carries on the research work at your laboratory?
b) Translate the sentences into English:

1. Своей научно-исследовательской работой он внес большой

вклад в физику. 2. В каком научно-исследовательском институте
вы работали? 3. Этот университет ведет большую научно-иссле­
довательскую работу. 4. Его исследования окончились неуда­
чей. (fail)

3. resist v — resistance п
a) Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. Try to resist the disease, then you’ll be soon well again. 2. Our
soldiers broke down the resistance of the enemy. 3. The people
of all the occupied countries resisted the fascists. 4. A United Front
of R esistance is being set up to guide the people’s struggle in sup­
port of the revolutionary movement.
b) Translate Ihe sentences into English:
1. Французский народ оказывал сопротивление немцам во время
фашистской оккупации. 2. Движение Сопротивления было орга­
низовано во многих странах Европы во время второй мировой
войны. 3. После упорных боев сопротивление врага было
4. cease и
a) Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. Both countries observed the Cease-fire Agreement. 2. It began
to rain less and finally ceased altogether. 3. The shelling ceased
only late at night.
b) Translate the sentences into English:
I. Дождь прекратился. 2. П рекрат ит ь огонь! 3. Это перестало
быть секретом.
5. science п — scientist п — scientific adj
a) Answer the following questions:
1. Do you like scien tific fantastic stories?
2. Is physics a natural science?
8* 227
3. Why do you use this method? is it scientific ?
4. I heard that he was a prominent scien tist, wasn’t he?
5. Would you like to attend the students’ scientific society?
b) T ranslate the sentences in to English:

1. Ломоносов — великий русский ученый. 2. Я хотел бы зани­

маться точными науками. 3. В 20 веке наука сделала большие
успехи (to make progress).

6. hesitate v — hesitation n
a) Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. He accepted this offerwithout hesitation. 2. Several times

he was about to speak, and each time he hesitated. 3.1 wonder
why she hesitates to do it.
b) Translate the sentences into English:

1. Почему ты колеблешься ? Ты должен пойти туда. 2. Я сделаю

это без всяких колебаний.

7. turn п, V — turn on — turn oft — turn out

a) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Whose turn is to read the lesson? 2. Now i t ’s your turn to

clean the room. 3. Why do you say i t ’s my turn to do it? 4. As
there was only one book we read it in turn. 5. The earth turns
round the sun. 6. The wheels were turning slowly. 7. She was ex­
cited and turned red. 8. It turned out that he was right.
b) Translate the sentences into English:

1. Он повернулся и посмотрел на меня. 2. Включи свет, пожа­

луйста. 3. Он оказался смелым человеком. 4. Когда уйдешь, не
забудь выключить газ. 5. Она побледнела от (with) ужаса. 6. Се­
годня твоя очередь дежурить.

8. responsible a d j — responsibility п
a) Complete the sentences:

эту работу,
их жизнь,
He is responsible for эти ошибки.
выполнение (fulfilment) плана.
b) T ran slate the sentences in to R ussian:

1. You did it on your own resp o n sib ility. 2. This man will carry
out these respo n sib ilities.
9. space n
и) t r a n s l a t e the sentences into Russian:

1. rhe whole world was waiting for the first manned space flight.
2. The dream of Tsiolkovsky and other pioneers of space flight
has come true. 3. Many people dreamed of conquering space.
b) Answer the following:
1. Who was the first man to be sent into space ?
2. When did he fly into space ?
3. Why was the space flight possible?

10. average a d j — cn the average

a) Answer the following questions:

1. How much money do you get on the average ?

2. What is the average age of the first year students?
3. Is his knowledge of this subject beyond the average?

b) Translate into English:

среднее количество, средняя температура, средние способности

11. citizen п
a) Answer the following questions:

1. What rights do the Soviet c itize n s enjoy?

2. Are you a c itiz e n of the USSR?
3. Do all the c itize n s of the Soviet Union have the right to elect
and be elected?
b) Translate the following sentences in to English:

1. Граж данв СССР имеют право на (the right to) труд и отдых.
2. Я горжусь тем, что я граж данин Советского Союза. 3. Все
граж дане этого города пришли на площадь.

12. according to — in accordance with

a) Translate in to Russian:

according to an agreement, according to the rule, according to

the newspapers; in accordance w ith the customs, in accordance
■ w ith the decision
b) T ran slate the sentences into E nglish:

1. Согласно конституции все граждане нашей страны пользу­

ются (enjoy) равными правами. 2. Согласно плану мы должны
закончить эту научную работу в мае. 3. Вы должны поступить
в соответствии с нашим решением.

13. huge a d j
a) Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. There were huge waves on the sea. 2. He is a man of huge phys­

ical strength.
b) Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Вы видели новое огромное здание в этом районе? 2. Мы по­

дошли к огромной горе. 3. Около дома росло огромное дерево.

14. complex a d j
a) Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. I can’t solve this problem immediately, i t ’s rather a complex

one. 2. This task is very complex.
b) Translate into English:

1. Сложноподчиненное предложение состоит из главного и при­

даточного предложения (clause). 2. У этих часов сложный ме­
ханизм. 3. Я думаю, что он сможет выполнить эту сложную

15. accomplish v — accomplishment п

a) Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Poor health prevented him from accom plishing his task. 2. We

can accom plish half the work in a month.
16. trust u, n
a) Translate the sentences into Russian:
1.I tru st him because he always tells the truth. 2. Can 1 tr u s t
you to do the work well? 3. He says he will come early, but 1
don’t trust him.
b) Answer the following questions:
1. Why can’t you tru st him?
2. Did he deserve your tru st ?
3. Is he a man to be tru sted with such a job?
17. w e l c o m e n, о

■i) Гг.inslate the sentences in to R ussian:

I. Tin' delegation was welcomed by the president of the Academy.

" " i'll пик you very much.” “ You’re w e l c o m e 3. They received
11 wartn welcome.

ti) Translate the following sentences into English:

I. Все приветствовали его предложения. 2. Сопетских актере к

радостно встречают во всех странах. 3. Добро пожаловать!
Они оказали нам теплый прием.
E x e r c is e 13. State what part of speech are the italicized words. Trans
late the sentences into Russian.
I. Tom’s work at school is above the average. The average age
of the boys in this class is fifteen. 2. We must s ta r t to work at once,
lie had a good s ta r t in life. 3. She hasn’t much tru st in his promise.
I tria l my affairs to an experienced lawyer. 4. He decided to m aster
the English language. "I want to be a m aster in my own house,” be
said. 5. I can’t turn the handle of the door. I t ’s your turn to jump
now. 6. He is always a welcome guest in our house. When she came to
our place, she was welcomed by everybody. 7. He \tf>rked without
much resu lt. I hope that the discussion will result in agreement.
8. I Ie p o in te d to the boat far out in the sea. What are the strong p o in tч
and what are the weak p o in ts of his report?

E x e r c is e N . Translate in to Russian paying a tte n tio n to the Italicized


1. The author deals with the problem of science and society, of

the resp o n sib ilitie s of the sc ie n tists, of their duties in an epoch of
atomic warfare. 2. A state of ordinary workers and farmers has suc­
cessfully launched a man into space. 3. The boy’s understanding of
Russian grammar was in no way below the average. 4. The idea of
becoming a writer m astered Martin Eden. As soon as he returned to
Oakland he sta rte d to write and immediately sent his works to news­
papers and magazines. 5. Herbert Wells wrote very many books,
scientific fantasies, novels of every day life, short stories, books on
science and history. 6. She was almost asleep when the sound of the
telephone call awoke her. At the same moment the door bell rang
She h esita te d not knowing which to answer first. 7. After a few years
of intense political activities Jack London began to feel disappoint-
ed in the prospects of the American working class and ceased to take
part in the political struggle. 8. A ccording to their map they had
still some seven miles to go. 9. She had a huge armful of white flowers.
10. The patients were sitting on the chairs waiting for their turn.
b) T ran slate the sentences in to English:

1. Согласно конституции все граждане нашей страны пользу­

ются (enjoy) равными правами. 2. Согласно плану мы должны
закончить эту научную работу в мае. 3. Вы должны поступить
в соответствии с нашим решением.

13. huge adj

a) T ranslate the sentences into Russian:

1. There were huge waves on the sea. 2. He is a man of huge phys­

ical strength.
b) Translate the following sentences into English:
l. Вы видели новое огромное здание в этом районе? 2. Мы по­
дошли к огромной горе. 3. Около дома росло огромное дерево.

14. complex adj

a) Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. I can’t solve this problem immediately, i t ’s rather a complex

one. 2. This task is very complex.
b) Translate Into English:

1. Сложноподчиненное предложение состоит из главного и при­

даточного предложения (clause). 2. У этих часов сложный ме­
ханизм. 3. Я думаю, что он сможет выполнить эту сложную

15. accomplish v — accomplishment п

a) Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Poor health prevented him from accom plishing his task. 2. We

can accom plish half the work in a month.
16. trust v, n
a) Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. 1 tru st him because he always tells the truth. 2. Can 1 tr u s t
you to do the work well? 3. He says he will come early, but I
don’t trust him.
b) Answer the following questions:
1. Why can’t you tru st him?
2. Did he deserve your tru st ?
3. Is he a man to be tru sted with such a job?
17. w e l c o m e n, о
a) Translate the sentences info Russian:

1. The delegation was welcom ed by the president of the Academy.

2. “Thank you very much.” “ You’re welcome." 3. They received
a warm welcome.
b) Translate the following sentences into English:

I. Все приветствовали его предложения. 2. Сопетских актере»

радостно встречают во всех странах. 3. Добро пожаловать)
4. Они оказали нам теплый прием.
E x e r c is e 13. State w ha t p art of speech are the italicized words. Tran*
(ate the sentences into Russian.
1. Tom’s work at school is above the average. The average age
of the boys in this class is fifteen. 2. We must s ta rt to work at once.
He had a good s ta r t in life. 3. She hasn’t much tru st in his promise.
I tru st my affairs to an experienced lawyer. 4. He decided to m aster
the English language. “ I want to be a m aster in my own house," he
said. 5. I can’t turn the handle of the door. I t’s your turn to jurrp
now. 6. He is always a welcome guest in our house. W.?en she came to
our place, she was welcomed by everybody. 7. He worked without
much resu lt. I hope that the discussion will resu lt in agreement.
8. He p o in te d to the boat far out in the sea. What are the strong p o in ts
and what are the weak p o in ts of his report?

E x e r c is e 14. Translate into Russian paying atte n tio n to the Italicized


1. The author deals with the problem of science and society, of

the re sp o n sib ilitie s of the s c ie n tis ts , of their duties in an epoch of
atomic warfare. 2. A state of ordinary workers and farmers has suc­
cessfully launched a man into space. 3. The boy’s understanding of
Russian grammar was in no way below the average. 4. The Idea of
becoming a writer m astered M artin Eden. As soon as he returned to
Oakland he s ta rte d to write and immediately sent his works to news­
papers and magazines. 5. Herbert Wells wrote very many books,
scientific fantasies, novels of every day life, short stories, books on
science and history. 6. She was almost asleep when the sound of the
telephone call awoke her. At the same moment the door bell rang
She h esita te d not knowing which to answer first. 7. After a few years
of intense political activities Jack London began to feel disappoint­
ed in the prospects of the American working class and ceased to take
part in the political struggle. 8. A ccording to their map they had
still some seven miles to go. 9. She had a huge armful of white flowers.
10. The patients were sitting on the chairs waiting for their turn.
11. We can’t trust him any longer, because he has deceived us many
times. 12. These boys got special training in the circus school. 13. Space
travel has become possible as a result of the tremendous progress
made by science and industry. 14. Both Robert Garton and Frank
Ashurst had a literary bent.

Exercise 15. Fill in the blanks with the words given below:
flig h t, meanwhile , training, start, proceed, thunder, sim ilar
1. A new factory has recently been ... in this small town. 2. He
heard a loud crash of .... 3. We live in an epoch of cosmic ... and space
investigations. 4. He ... with his research work after summer holidays.
5. One of these days I was told a ... story by one of my friends. 6. Aft­
er ... for three years he won the contest. 7. Go and buy something for
breakfast. ... I’ll lay the table.

Exercise 16. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs wherever
necessary. Translate the sentences into Russian.
I. I am sure he will carry ... his responsibilities quite well. 2. Dur­
ing the Great Patriotio war they were fighting side ... side. 3. There
is nothing extraordinary ... this book. I don’t understand why it is
so much spoken ... . 4. According ... this plan he was a substitute ...
my friend. 5. All his life he dreamt ... becoming an artist. 6. I have
no time now, because I have to prepare ... my report. 7. You will
never get another chance ... going there. 8. All progressive people
... the world are fighting ... peace. 9. He joined ... the Communist
P arty when he was very young. 10. The room was filled ... smoke and
everybody rushed away. 11. This path will lead you ... the river.
12. There is nothing to be p ro u d You have a very poor knowledge...
English. 13. She has a natural bent ... exact sciences.

Exercise 17. Answer the following questions:

1. Who pioneered the way to Space?
2. Was there anything extraordinary about T ito v ’s career?
3. Did Titov dream of becoming an airman?
4. W hat kind of school did Titov join after finishing secondary
5. Why was Titov able to become a cosmonaut?
6. Who was chosen forthe first manned space flight?
7. When did Titov begin preparing for this flight?
8. Did he have a substitute? Who was he?
9. What did Titov feel on the day of his flight?
10. What did he begin doing after the rocket had got under way?
11. How did he feel inside the rocket?
12. The scientific programme was carried out, wasn’t it?
13. How was Titov greeted after his return to Moscow?
E x e r c is e 18. T ranslate the sentences in to English:

1. У тебя была возможность овладеть английским языком, но

ты ею не воспользовался. 2. Я горжусь тем, что мне доверили та­
кую трудную работу. 3. G детства у него была склонность к лите­
ратуре. 4. Он много т р ен и ровал ся , готовясь к космическому по­
лету. 5. Закончив полет, Титов вернулся в Москву, где его привет­
ствовали граждане столицы. 6. Когда Титову предложили стать
космонавтом, он согласился без колебаний. 7. Как только ракета
взлетела , космонавт начал выполнять свои обязанности. 8. Каков
был вес первого космического корабля? 9. Выйдя из дому, мы услы­
шали первые раскаты (peals, rolls) грома. 10. Говоря и космонав­
тах, я хочу подчеркнуть одно важное обстоятельство: они обыкно­
венные молодые люди своего поколения. 11. Именно в авиаполку
началась самостоятельная жизнь Титова.


A .: Hello, Bob. How are you? I wanted to be the first to welcome

В Thanks, Alec. It’s awfully good of you3, в
A .: I hear that you’re quite a traveller3. Is that a fact?4
B .: Oh, yes. I ’m very fond of travelling, and I spend much of my
time visiting various parts of the world. Sometimes on busi­
ness5, and sometimes for pleasure.
A .: Have you ever travelled by plane?
B.: Yes. In fact, I always go by air on my business journeys, but
when I travel for pleasure, I prefer to go by train and ship. I t ’s
so interesting getting to know8 the other passengers, and of
course, there’s nothing I enjoy more than being on the sea in any
kind of weather. I am never sea-sick7.
A .: Most of my journeys have been made by train8. I find9 it quite
enjoyable except10 in the holiday season when there are such
crowds that you can hardly get a seat. I certainly don’t enjoy
standing for the whole of a journey.
S .: Then, of course, i t ’s better to go by car.


1. 1 wanted to be the first to welcome you. — Я первым хотел

встретить тебя.
to be the first (last) to do sm th.— первым (последним) сделать
2. I t ’s awfully good of you.— Ты очень любезен. (Это очень хо­
рошо с твоей стороны.)
3. I hear that you’re quite a traveller...— Я слышал, что ты лю­
бишь путешествовать... (В разговорной речи в словосочета-
ннях «я слышал, ты слышал..., что...» вместо формы прошед­
шего времени глагола to hear употребляется форма настоящего
4. Is that a fact? — Это действительно так?
5. on business, on a business trip (journey) — по делам, в команди­
6. to get to know — узнавать
7. to be (to get) sea-sick — страдать морской болезнью
8. to make a journey — совершить путешествие
to take a trip — совершить поездку
(journey— длительная поездка к пункту назначения, trip —
кратковременная поездка, voyage — путешествие по воде)
9. I find... — Я считаю (нахожу), что...
Здесь глагол to find имеет значение считать, находить.
10. except — кроме, за исключением
(besides — кроме, помимо)

E x e r c i s e 19. Complete the following sentences using the given models.

1. He w as the f ir s t to come.
Он пришел первым.
послал телеграмму,
переплыл реку,
Он первым написал статью,
позвонил мне.
помог ей.

2. She w a s the la st to come.

Она пришла последней.
купила билет,

{ взяла учебники,
присоединилась к нам

3 . Не spent much o f his time pla yin g chess.

Он проводил больш ую часть своего времени, играя
ь шахматы.

посещая библиотеки и читальни,

Он проводил большую играя с детьми,
часть своего времени, читая книги.
изучая иностранные языки.

4. I t ’s s o i n t e r e s t i n g tra vellin g by sea.
Т а к и н т е р е с н о пут еш ест воват ь морем.

гулять в лесу весной,

Так интересно собирать марки
водить машину.
5. I fin d , i t ( the journey) rather tiresome.
Я счи т аю (н а х о ж у ), что оно ( пут еш ест вие ) довольно
ут омит ельно.
что она (работа) очень трудная,
что оно (путешествие) довольно
Я считаю. опасно.
что он (фильм) очень полезен,
что она (пьеса) совсем скучная.
6. I t's b e t t e r to g o to the cinem a.
Л у ч ш е пойти в кино.
( поехать в дом отдыха.
Лучше | попросить ее присмотреть за детьми.
I посоветоваться с этим врачом

E x e r c i s e 20. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Он не сможет поехать пароходом. Он обычно страдает мор­

ской болезнью. 2. Ваш брат часто ездит в командировки? — Д о­
вольно часто. 3. Ради удовольствия я иногда езжу на поезде. 4. Ес­
ли у вас мало времени, лучше лететь самолетом. 5. Так интересно
путешествовать на машине! 6. Я слышал, что вы очень любите
охотиться. 7. Как ты себя чувствуешь? — Хорошо. 8. Мы первыми
услышали эти новости. 9. Я считаю, что этот рассказ очень смеш­


I’d like to reserve a seat on a Я хотел бы заказать билет на

train (plane, ship ...) to ... поезд (самолет, пароход ...)
I low much is a first class Сколько стоит билет первого
ticket to ... ? класса до ...?
W hat trains (planes...) are there Какие поезда (самолеты ...)
to ...? идут до ...?
When does the train (plane ...) Когда поезд (самолет ...) при­
arrive at ...? бывает в ...?
Where can I register my lug­ Где можно сдать вещи в багаж?
Where is the cloak-room (left- Где камера хранения?
luggage room)?
Is the seat vacant? Здесь не занято?
Where do I get on the plane Где посадка на самолет до ...?
to ...?
The flight hasn’t been announ­ Посадка еще не объявлена.
ced yet.
W hat other boats sail for ...? Какие еще пароходы отходят
в ...?
When will breakfast (dinner ...) Когда будет подан завтрак
be served? (обед ...)?
We are landing. Мы идем на посадку.
Where did you get on? Где вы сели?
Where are you getting off? Где вы выходите?
W h at’s in your suitcase? Что вы везете?
Only personal belongings. Только вещи для личного поль­
H ave you any dutiable articles? У вас есть вещи, облагаемые
to go through the customs проходить таможенный досмотр

Text f o r translation

The technical knowledge of which all Soviet cosmonauts, begin­

ning with Gagarin, have complete command, knowledge of the phys­
ical conditions of the flight and the numerous experiments on ani­
mals — all served as a guarantee of success.
Of course, nobody is 100 per cent certain that no accident will
happen, all the more so since Gagarin was the first man in space.
Yet he firmly believed in success. He had complete faith in the scien­
tists who designed the spaceship and drew up the plan for the first
route. He believed in the engineers and workers who built this wonder­
ful machine. Last but not least, Gagarin had taken part in all stages
of the preparation of the flight and had studied the ship down to
the last detail.
His flight lasted 108 minutes.
Yuri Gagarin made only one revolution around the earth, a feat
that had been surpassed many times by other spacemen, but Gaga­
rin ’s “round-the-world” trip was m an’s first flight in space. Years will
pass, longer space travels will be undertaken, people will reach the
moon and neighbouring and remote planets, but G agarin’s flight will
remain forever the first stage of this arduous endeavour. April 12 has
been made Cosmonaut’s Day in the USSR.
E x e r c is e 21. Speak on space exploration according to the given ques­
1. What served as a guarantee of success during the first space flight?
2. Why did Gagarin firmly believe in success?
3. How long did his flight last?
4. How many revolutions round the earth did Gagarin make?
5. Why is his flight so significant forthe whole mankind?
6. What date has been made Cosmonaut’s Day in the USSR?



a f t e r W. de M i l l e

Judson Webb was an American business man. He had a comfort­

able flat in New York but in summer he used to leave the dusty city
and go to the country. There he had a cottage which consisted of three
rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. In one of the rooms there was a
big closet. He liked hiscottage verymuch, especially his closet
where he kept his guns, fishing-rods, wine and other things. It was his
own closet and even his wife was not allowed to have a key, for J u d ­
son Webb loved his personal possessions and got very angry when any­
body else touched them.
It was autum n now and Judson was packing his things for the
winter. In a few minutes he would be driving back to civilization —
to New York.
As he looked at the shelf on which the whisky stood his face was
serious. All the bottles were unopened except one. It was placed in­
vitingly in front with a whiskey-glass by its side. The bottle was less
than half full. As he took it from the shelf, Helen, his wife, spoke
from the next room:
“ I ’ve packed everything. H asn’t Alec come to run the water off
and get the keys?”
Alee lived near-by and acted as caretaker.
” H e’s at the lake taking the boats out of the water. He said he’d
be back in half an hour!”
Helen came into the room carrying her suit-case. She stopped and
looked in surprise as she saw the bottle in her husband’s hand.
“Judson,” she exclaimed, “you’re not taking a drink at ten in
the morning, are you?”
“No, my dear. I ’m not taking anything out of this bottle. I am
just putting something into it.” He took two small white tablets out
of his pocket and put them on the table. Then he opened the bottle.
“The person who broke into my closet last winter and stole my
whiskey will probably try to do it again while we are away,” he went
on, “only this time he’ll be very sorry if he comes.”
Then one by one he dropped the tablets into the bottle. His wife
looked at him in horror.
“W hat are they?” she asked him at last. “ Will they take the man
“Not only sick. They will kill him ,” he answered with satisfac
He closed the bottle and put it back on the shelf near the little
whiskey-glass. He was pleased. He said:
“Now, Mr. Thief, when you break in, drink as much as you w ish...”
H elen’s face was pale.
“Don’t do it, Judson,” she cried. “ I t ’s horrible, i t ’s murder!”
“The law does not call it murder if I shoot a thief who is entering
my house by force.”
“ Don’t do it,” she begged, “the law does not punish burglary
by death what right have you?”
“When it comes to protecting my property, I make my own laws.”
He was now like a big dog which was afraid that somebody would
take away his bone. "B ut all they did was to steal a little whiskey,”
she said, “probably some boys. They did not do any real damage.”
“ It does not m atter. If a man robs me of five dollars it is the same
as if he took a hundred. A thief’s a thief.” She made one last effort.
“We won’t be here again till next spring. I shall worry all the
time if I know that this bottle full of poison is here. Suppose some­
thing happens to us and nobody knows...”
He laughed at her. “Well risk it,” he said. “I ’ve made my money
by taking risks. If I die, it will all belong lo you. and you can do as
you please.”
She knew it was useless to argue. He had always been ruthless
in business. She went to the door with a sigh of defeat.
“ I ’ll walk down the road and say good-bye at the farm-house,”
she said quietly. She had made up her mind to tell the caretaker’s
wife about it. Someone had to know.
“All right, my dear,” he smiled, “and don’t worry about your
poor little burglar. No one is going to be hurt unless he breaks in.”
Helen went down the road and Judson started to close the closet
door. He suddenly remembered that he had not packed his hunting
boots drying outside on the heavy table in the garden. So, leaving the
door open, he went to fetch them. But when he wanted to reach for
his boots he suddenly slipped on a stone and his head struck the mas­
sive table as he fell.
Several minutes later he felt a strong arm round him and Alec’s
voice was saying: “ I t ’s all right, Mr. Webb, it was not a bad fall.
Take t h i s — i t ’ll make you feel better.”
A small whiskey-glass was pressed to his lips. Half-conscious,
he drank.
E x e r c is e 2 2 . R etell the sto ry answ ering the follow ing q uestions:
1. Who was Judson Webb?
2. Where did he live in summer and in winter?
3. Try to prove that Webb loved his personal possessions.
4. Why was W ebb’s face serious when he looked at the bottles of
5. How did he decide to punish the thief?
6. Was his wife against it?
7. How did she try to persuade him not to do it?
8. Webb obeyed his wife, didn’t he?
9. What did Helen decide to dowhen she found out that it was
useless to argue with him?
10. What happened to Judson some time later?
11. Who found him?
12. Judson deserved his death, didn’t he?

(The Ninth L esson)

1. Perfect Infin itiv e (Active and Passive) and Continuous
2. Complex Object.
3. Complex Subject.
4. Modal Verbs with Perfect Infinitive.
T e x t : E arning a Living a fter K . S . Prichard



Perfect Infinitive Active образуется с помощью вспомогатель­

ного глагола to have и Past Participle смыслового глагола:
to have lived, to have done, to have given

Perfect Infinitive Passive образуется с помощью вспомогатель­

ного глагола to be в форме Perfect Infinitive и Past Participle смыс­
лового глагола.
to have been done; to have been given

Perfect Infinitive Active и Passive обозначают действие, которое

предшествовало действию, выраженному глаголом в личной форме.
In d e fin ite I n fin itiv e P erfect I n fin itiv e
(A ctive) (A ctive )
I am glad to see you. 1 am glad t o h a v e s e e n him.
Я рад вас видеть. Я рад. что в и д е л его.

I n d e fin ite I n fin itiv e P erfect I n fin itiv e
(P a ssiv e ) (P assive)
I am glad t o b e g i v e n a ticket I am glad t o h a v e b e e n g i v e n a
for this concert. ticket for this concert.
Я рад, что мне д а д у т билет на Я рад, ч т о мне д а л и билет на
этот концерт. этот концерт.
E x e r c is e I . Replace Indefinite Infinitive by Perfect Infinitive
(Active, Passive) and translate the sentences in to Russian:
1. 1 am pleased to h e a r this news. 2. H e is glad to b e g i v e n that
information. 3 . We are happy to b e s e n t to work there. 4 . She did not
like to b e a s k e d so many questions. 5. We are sorry n o t to h a v e any
time to come to see you.
Continuous Infinitive употребляется для выражения действия,
одновременного с действием, выраженным глаголом в личной форме.
Такой инфинитив переводится на русский язык глаголом несовер­
шенного вида.
Не is g la d to b e r e a d i n g this n o v e l.
Он рад, что читает этот роман.
Perfect Continuous Infinitive имеет только одну форму дейст­
вительного залога и образуется о помощью вспомогательного гла­
гола to be в форме Perfect Infinitive и Present Participle смысло­
вого глагола.
to have been living, to have been doing
Perfect Continuous Infinitive может выражать:
(а) действие, которое длилось в течение определенного отрезка
времени до настоящего момента, и тогда этот инфинитив переводит­
ся на русский язык глаголом в настоящем времени:
I am happy to h a v e b e e n w o r k in g at the hospital all these years.
Я счастлив что работаю все эти годы в больнице.
(б) действие, которое длилось в прошлом в течение определен­
ного отрезка времени, и тогда инфинитив переводится на русский
язык глаголом прошедшего времени несовершенного вида.
I remember to h a v e b e e n w o r k i n g a t that hospital all those years
before entering the University.
Я помню, что все эти годы до поступления в университет, я
работал в этой больнице
E x e r c is e 2. Open the brackets an d use the correct form of the Infini­
tive in Active or Passive.
1. The boy pretended (to listen) to the radio. 2. She was anxious
(to notice) by all the people sitting in the hall. 3. The rocket is (to
launch) at 8 o ’clock tomorrow. 4. Her son is proud (to take part)
in the last performance. 5. The doctor was glad (to perform) the oper­
ation successfully. 6. He hopes (to give) some assistance. 7. The
dog may (to run away). You must not let the door open. 8. She is
too ill (to work) at such a late hour. 9. The students are told (not
to be late) for the beginning of the contest (состязание). 10. She was
pleased (to train) at that stadium for three years. 11. You should
to insist) upon her attending your lectures.


Complex Object в английском языке представляет собой инфи­

нитивный оборот, состоящий из имени существительного в общем
падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива.
Оборот Complex Object по значению равен дополнительному при­
даточному предложению. На русский язык этот оборот переводит­
ся придаточным дополнительным предложением с союзами что,
чтобы, ка к, например:
I want her (my sister) to see him.
Я хочу, чтобы она (моя сестра) повидала его.
Complex Object употребляется после глаголов, выражающих:
(1) восприятия посредством органов чувств

to feel чувствовать to watch наблюдать

to see видеть to notice замечать
to hear слышать to observe наблюдать
После глаголов этой группы инфинитив употребляется без
частицы to.
We saw him buy newspapers near our house every morning.
Мы видели, как (что) он каждое утро покупает газеты около
нашего дома.
1 heard the director speak about the results of the examination.
Я слышал, как (что) директор говорил о результатах экзаме­
Если глаголы to hear и to see употребляются в переносном зна
чении (to hear в значении узн ават ь, to see в значении понимать,
замечать ). то вместо конструкции Complex Object следует употреб­
лять дополнительное придаточное предложение.
Я слышал (узнал), что он приехал в Москву.
I heard that he had come to Moscow.
Я вижу (замечаю), что вы меня не понимаете.
1 see that you don't understand me.
<2) желание
to want хотеть to like любить,
to wish желать should (would) like хотел бы

He wants them (the students) to go to the exhibition.

Он хочет, чтобы они (студенты) пошли на выставку.
I wish him (this man) to be happy.
Я желаю, чтобы он (этот человек) был счастлив.
1 should like her to make the report.
Я бы хотел, чтобы она сделала этот доклад.
(3) предположение
to expect ожидать to assume 1
to consider считать to hold ? полагать
to suppose предполагать to believe J

They considered the food too heavy for her*.

Они считали, что такая пища слишком тяжела для нее.
We expect them to arrive tomorrow.
Мы ожидаем, что они приедут завтра.
I assume this method to be interesting.
Я считаю, что этот метод интересный.
(4) утверждение, знание, сообщение другим о каком-либо факте

to find обнаруживать, находить,

to declare заявлять
to know знать
to think думать
to report сообщать
to show показывать
to state констатировать. устанавли­
to note отмечать
to claim утверждать

* После глагола to consider инфинитив, выраженный глаголом to be,

иногда опускается.
I know her to have painted a beautiful picture.
Я знаю, что она написала красивую картину.
Не declared the meeting to have been postponed.
Он заявил, что собрание отложили.
(5) принуждение
to make |
to h ave j заставлять J® J вынуждать

После глаголов to have, to make (в значении заст авлят ь), to

cause инфинитив в сложном дополнении употребляется без ча­
стицы to.
1 shall have him do it.
Я заставлю его сделать это.
We made them surrender.
Мы вынудили их сдаться.
(6) разрешение, запрет, просьбу
to allow \
to permit to enable давать возможность
to [et позволять to disallow запрещать
to ask I

He allowed the construction of the machine to be started.

Он разрешил начать конструирование машины.
Let him do it.
Позвольте (дайте) ему сделать это.
(7) после глаголов, требующих дополнения с предлогом:

to rely on полагаться (на), рассчитывать (на)

to wait for ждать (чего-либо)
to count on (upon) рассчитывать (на)
We relied on him to make a good report.
Мы рассчитывали на то, что он сделает хороший доклад.
Не waited for me to introduce him to the mistress.
Он ждал, чтобы я представил его хозяйке.

Complex Object with Participle 1 and II

(С л о ж н о е д о п о л н е н и е с п р и ч а с т и я м и I и II)
1. В тех случаях, когда нужно показать, что действие, выра­
женное неличной формой глагола, происходит или происходило
в момент речи, вместо инфинитива в сложном дополнении употреб­
ляется причастие 1, которое переводится на русский язык глаголом
несовершенного вида. Сложное дополнение с причастием употреб­
ляется после глаголов: to see, to feel, to watch, to find, to like,
to dislike и др.
I hear them speaking.
Я слышу, как они говорят.
Однако, если дается перечисление действий, то употребляется
только инфинитив.
I saw him sit at the table and read something.
Я видел, что он сидит за столом и что-то читает.
2. Для того чтобы показать результат действия, употребляется
причастие II.
Не wants all the documents signed by Friday.
Он хочет, чтобы все документы были подписаны к пятнице.
3. В тех случаях, когда после глагола to have (to get) в кон­
струкции Complex Object вторым членом конструкции является
причастие II, то оно обозначает действие, выполняемое не подле­
жащим, а каким-нибудь другим лицом, причем в разговорной речи
глагол to have часто опускается.
I want to have my photo taken.
I want my photo taken.
Я хочу сфотографироваться.

E x e r c i s e 3 . Translate the following sentences into Russian accord­

in g to the given models:

1. / w an ted him (my friend) to be presen t a t th e m eeting-

Я хотел, чтобы он (мой д р уг) присут ст вовал на со-
1. She wanted the c h ild to wash his hands before dinner. 2. The
teacher wanted the boy to behave better. 3. I wanted m y son to m as­
ter the English language. 4. The governor wanted the man to tell
him everything about himself. 5. Her uncle wanted us to jo in their ex­
cursion. 6. They wanted me to book the tickets in advance.
2. 1 w an ted the w o rk (it) to be done properly.
Я хотел, чтобы работ а (она) бы ла сделана должным
1. She wanted the question to be raised again. 2. They wanted
th e operation to be perform ed as soon as possible. 3. I didn’t want
m y report to be discussed there. 4. The student wanted the diction ary
to be given to him at the examination.
3. / know him (the studen t) to live in N . street.
Я знаю, что он (студент) живет на улице Н.
1. Не knows his neighbour to be a cruel woman. 2. I know the
performance to be a success. 3. We know th a t man to work at our fac­
tory. 4. We know th is professor to travel much. 5. I know th is g ir l
to be fond of music.

4. / know him (th is teacher) to have lived in N . street.

Я знаю, что он (этот учитель) жил на улице Н.
1. Не knows them to have met by accident. 2. 1 know the delegation
to have left for Leningrad. 3. We know th is spaceman to have stu d ie d
at our institute. 4. I know her to have brought that magazine.
5. / m ade her ( the g irl) help m other to cook dinner.
Я заста/шл ее (девочку) помочь матери приготовить обед.
1. Не made trie tell them about my adventures. 2. I could not
make them agree. 3. They made him enter the house. 4. I made m y
brother take the raincoat. 5. She made us sin g the song again.

6. / heard him (m y neighbour) singing

Я слуш ала, как он (сосед) пел.
1. We heard them discussin g the new method of work. 2. He heard
us speaking about the investigation of that matter. 3. She heard
h im w h isperin g something to his friend. 4. I heard the doctor ex p la in ­
ing to his patients how to take that medicine. 5. We heard the stu ­
d en ts reading the newspaper out loud.

E x e r c i s e 4. Translate the following sentences Into English re-

pla cin g the object clauses by Complex Object.
чтобы все члены нашего кружка присут-
ствовали на собрании,
чтобы все хорошо провели время,
1. Я хочу (желаю, чтобы ваша сестра пошла со мной в театр,
хотел бы). чтобы она не опаздывала,
чтобы ее сын посоветовался с доктором,
чтобы они последовали моему совету,
чтобы его спросили об этом.

как он вошел в дом и закрыл дверь,

как девушка играла и пела,
как они разговаривали,
2. Я видел (слышал, как дети бегали и прыгали,
наблюдал, заметил)- как человек наклонился и что-то взял со
как братья ссорились.
что он вполне здоров,
что доклад этого студента очень интерес-
. ный.
3. Я считаю (нахожу), что ваша дочь обязана сделать это.
что эта работа слишком трудна для него,
что товарищ Н. очень способный студент.
им остаться дома и подождать меня,
детей играть в саду,
4. Я попросил (при­ студентов принести словари,
казал, велел, раз­ ее не опаздывать,
решил) всех занять места,
ее открыть все окна,
детям лечь спать вовремя.
ее отпереть дверь,
его помочь девушке нести вещи,
ему взять мой словарь,
5. Я заставил (позво­ их сойти вниз,
лил) их посещать лекции,
мальчика показать нам дорогу.

E x e r c is e 5. Translate the following sentences into Russian Pay-

a tten tio n to Complex Object.

1. 1 must have m y shoes repaired (чинить). 2. We want to have

the floor an d w indow s washed. 3. Where did you have your hair cu t ?
4. She h ad th is dress m ade last month. 5. He wanted to have h is
b ad tooth p u lled out. 6. I want m y TV set repaired. 7. You must have
th is coal cleaned. 8. When do you want to have tea prepared ? 9. He-
would like his things brought upstairs.
E x e r c is e 6. Translate the following sentences Into English

1. Он хотел, чтобы его книгу напечатали. 2. Я бы хотел, чтобы

дерево перед домом срубили. 3. Вы должны почистить ботинки.
4. Я думаю, что смогу подстричь волосы сегодня. 5. Нам нужно
было сменить обои. 6. Когда вы хотите, чтобы вам принесли зав­
трак? 7. Я хочу, чтобы все письма, газеты и журналы приносили

E x e r c is e 7. Translate the following sentences into Russian using-

the English Russian dictionary. Note the Complex Object.

1. Night after night I heard him pacing the room. 2. Her smile
was friendly and she made you feel that she was really pleased to
see you. 3. I want you to try hard to understand. 4. “ What did he say
to make you laugh?" 5. How long he had been sitting in that curi­
ous state he had no notion when he saw Joe stan din g a little behind
Иногда глаголы to appear и to seem при употреблении кон­
струкции Complex Subject переводятся на русский наречием
по-видимому, а глагол to happen — наречием случайно.
Не seems to be very tired.
Кажется (по-видимому), сн очень устал.
(3) со сказуемым, выраженным личной формой глагола-связки
to be и прилагательными likely вероят ный, not likely, unlikely
невероятный, маловероятный (вр я д ли), certain, sure верный,
надеж ный, несомненный. Как правило, эта конструкция перево­
дится будущим временем:
We are certain to get tickets to the theatre.
Мы, несомненно, достанем билеты в театр.
Не is lik ely to come soon.
Он, вероятно, скоро придет.
E x e r c is e 9. Replace the su bo rd inate clauses by the Complex Subject.
T ra n sla te the sentences in to Russian:

I t is reported th a t the expedition w ill reach the river on M onday.

The expedition is reported to reach the river on M onday.
1. It seems that the window is always open. 2, It happened that
they studied at the same institute.3. it was considered that the work
would be extremely difficult. 4. It proved that thegirl lived not far
from our house. 5, It appears they will not invite her to the theatre
with them. 6. It was known that many people attended his lectures.
7. It is unlikely that they will catch the train.
E x e r c is e 10. Replace the Complex Subject by su bordinate clauses
and translate the sentences into Russian:

I. Shevchenko is known to be a great Ukrainian poet. 2. They were

seen to enter the museum. 3. The train appears to s ta rt at 10. 4. You
seem to be tired. Let’s make an interval. 5. The article is likely to
appear in the newspaper tomorrow. 6. The performance is certain to
be a success. 7. He happened to m eet them while working in the Lenin
Library. 8. The translation is supposed to be quite easy.
E x e r c is e 11. Replace the Indefinite Infinitive by Ihe Continuous or
Perfect Infinitive and tr anslate the sentences into Russian:
They seemed to listen to h is lectures w ith interest.
When I entered the room they seemed to be listening to his
lecture w ith interest.
1. The delegation is announced to arrive in Moscow. 2. The book
is said to be pu blish ed. 3. T h a t doctor is reported to perform the oper­
ation. 4. They happened to quarrel with their neighbours. 5. H e w as
■supposed to help them. 6. D inn er seems to be cooked by his mother.

E x e r c is e 12. Translate the sentences in to English using the Com­
plex S u b je c t

1, Говорят, что его сестра очень боится собак. 2. Полагают, что

студенты уже добрались до железной дороги. 3. Он, вероятно,
последует вашему совету. 4. Известно, что он присутствовал на
лекнии. 5. Маловероятно, чтобы он встал так рано. 6. Полагали,
что им понравится спектакль. 7. Говорят, что он принимает эк­
замен у студентов этой группы. 8. По-видимому, она признала себя
виновной (to plead guilty). 9. Кажется, она простудилась. 10. О ка­
залось, что она купила билеты заранее. 11. Слышали, как они
громко о чем-то спорили. 12. Сообщают, что исследование уже за­
кончено. 13. Известно, что один из них скоро полетит в космос.
Exercise 13. Translate the sentences into Russian using the Eng­
lish-Russian dictionary:
1. The whole business seemed to be settled. 2. When we pulled
him aboard the boat he proved to be a young seaman of the name of
Hudson. 3. He seemed to know all about influenza and said there was
nothing to worry about... 4. ... я tradesm an's ca rt happened to be
sta n d in g at the servants’ entrance... 5. The second f ig h t began, as-
usual, round the Mission, but seems to have ended two miles off.
6. “ Will Pyle come?” “ He's as likely to come there as anywhere else."
7. One morning farm labourers on their way to work had come upon
a twisted heap lying in the open, f t had turned out to be Sam.

П р е д л о ж н ы й о б о р о т fo r + существительное
( и л и м е с т о и м е н и е ) + инфинитив
Предложный оборот for -f- существительное (местоимение) -j-
инфинитив с частицей to переводится на русский язык с помощью:
1. Придаточного предложения с союзами чтобы и для т ого ,
чт обы , причем существительное (местоимепие) с предлогом for
переводится существительным или местоимением в функции под­
лежащего придаточного предложения, а инфинитив — глаголом-
сказуемым в личной форме:
They were waiting for (him) the boy to speak.
Они ждали, чтобы (он) мальчик з а г о в о р и л .
2. Существительного или инфинитива:
For him to do this work is difficult.
Ему трудно выполнить эту работу.
В английском предложении этот оборот может быть:
(1) подлежащим
For me to remember all these words is impossible.
Я не могу запомнить все эти слова.
<2) именной частью сказуемого
This is for you to decide who is to make a report.
Это предстоит вам решать (Это вам решать), кто будет делать
(3) определением
This is the book for you to be read.
Вот книга, которую вы должны прочитать.
(4) обстоятельством
The reading-hall was provided with all conveniencies for the
students to work there fruitfully.
Читальный зал был снабжен всеми удобствами для того, чтобы
студенты работали там плодотворно.

E x e r c is e 14. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. It is not for him to perform this part in the play. 2. These are
the newspapers for you to look through. 3. Lanny waited for Gert
to begin to speak. 4. It is advisable for you not to be late for the lec­
ture. 5. His suggestion was for the concert to be postponed. 6. Do you
find it possible for me to g o there by plane? 7. For him to stop work­
ing was extremely difficult. 8. This is the very food for the ch ild
to eat.

E x e r c i s e 15. T ranslate the word co m binations given in brackets

using f o r construction.

1. Pour some water into this basin (для того, чтобы он мог умыть­
ся). 2. It is necessary (чтобы вы последовали его указаниям). 3. Не
opened the door (чтобы мы прошли в комнату). 4. It is high time
(чтобы мы начали представление). 5. We tried to walk slower (что­
бы она могла догнать нас).

E x e r c i s e 16. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Ей было трудно забыть об этом несчастном случае. 2. Нам

было необходимо обсудить все еще раз. 3. Мы ждали, когда погода
изменится. 4. Несмотря на нашу помощь, ему было нелегко начи­
нать все с начала. 5. Вам нет необходимости ждать так долго.


(а) После модальных глаголов must, may Perfect Infinitive

употребляется для выражения возможности или вероятности в
отношении к прошедшему. Так как в русском языке нет соответ­
ствующего грамматического эквивалента, то это сочетание следует
переводить следующими вводными словами: должно бы т ь , вероят но ,
возможно, может быть.
Не must have come home.
Он, вероятно, уже пришел домой.
(Он, должно быть, уже пришел домой.)
She may have forgotten about it.
Она, может быть, забыла об этом.
(Она, возможно, забыла об этом.)
Если модальные глаголы must и may употреблены с инфини­
тивом Perfect Continuous, то это означает, что предположение от­
носится к какому-то промежутку времени в прошедшем.
They may have been looking for him foi two hours.
Они, возможно, ищут его уже два часа.
(б) После модальных глаголов should, could, might, ought,
to be to Perfect Infinitive употребляется для обозначения действия,
которое должно было или могло совершиться, но не соверши­
Не should have done it.
Ему следовало бы это сделать (но он не сделал).
We could have sent her a letter.
Мы могли бы послать ей письмо (но не послали).
You might have told me about it long ago.
Вы могли бы давно мне сказать об этом (но не сказали).
You ought to have told him about it.
Вам следовало бы рассказать ему об этом (но вы не рассказали).

(в) В сочетании с глаголом can (can’t) Perfect Infinitive выра­

жает удивление сомнение и обычно такие предложения переводят­
ся со словом неуж ели :
Не can’t have done it!
He может быть, чтобы он это сделал.

E x e r c i s e 17. Translate the following sentences in to Russian. Pay

a tte n tio n to m odal verbs an d the forms of the Infinitive.

1. He should train much for the coming contest. He should have

train ed much for the contest. 2. He m ust prepare everything for the
flight. He m ust have prepared everything for the flight. He must
have been preparing for the flight for two days already. 3. You ought
not to tell her about his illness. You ought not to have told her about
his illness. 4. He co u ld n ’t perform the main role in the play. He co u ld n ’t
have performed, the main role in the play. 5. His brother m a y arrive
tomorrow. His brother m a y have already arrived. His brother m ight
have arrived in time, but the train is late. 6. She m ay have been pack­
ing for some time. She m a y have p acked her things. 7. He can ’t
translate this article. He c a n 't have tran slated this article.

E x e r c i s e 18. Translate the following sentences Into Russian usin£

an E n glish-R ussian dictionary:

1. He m u st have w ritte n already some fifteen books, which had

earned him the reputation of “ a genius” . 2. George had hoped that
country air, repose, and natural surroundings m ig h t have restored
to the three sisters their appetites... 3. At the station he wrote a sec­
ond telegram to the farm, and then tore it up; he could not have
explain ed why. 4. He m u st have been bew itched by the spring, the
night, the apple blossoml 5. “ You horrify me, Trevorl" 1 cried.
“ W hat then could have been in this letter to cause so dreadful a result?”
6. It m ay have been a trick of the lamplight, but his face looked haggard.
7. “ W hat’s happened to the dog?” I said. " It isn’t here. He m ay
have taken it with him .”

(from “ The R oaring N ineties" by K . S . Prichard)

There was plenty to do during the fresh bright days alter the rains.
Dinny and Morris went on with the house1, fixing the windows and
doors, setting a stove and putting a ready-made chimney of galva­
nized iron over it. Until that was done Sally cooked over a fire in
the yard.
Dinny had bought a big water tank and built a wash-house in
the yard, made cupboards for the kitchen and bedrooms.
" I t ’s a real up-to-date residence, Dinny!” Sally exclaimed de­
lightfully, when the place was finished. Morris brought her a table and
benches and their stretchers from the old camp, and she bought all
the extra things required to make her boarding house look pleasant
and comfortable, keeping a frugal eye on the cost, but determined
to make the most of this opportunity to have a home about her2,
at last.
As soon as her rooms were ready, Sally let three of them to young
miners working on the Midas and Great Boulder3. Decent lads. They
were likely to pay regularly and not to give Mrs Gough too much
Morris was at a loose end.4 He went looking for work in the town
and round the mines again. For young men. labourers, miners and
mechanics, there were plenty of jobs; but for a middle-aged man
with no particular qualifications, it was not so easy to find employ­
Morris seemed to have been pleased with the house, though he
<i.ited the boarders.
“When I get a decent job we’ll have a home of our own,” he said
angrily. “I t ’s more than I can bear to see you fetching and carrying
tor them .”
“But they’re not much bother5,” Sally protested. "And in this
way, we can provide for ourselves and have a house to live in.”
When Morris came in after one ol his tramps looking for work,
and said he had got a job, Sally appeared to be very glad
She thought that regular employment would help him to regain
confidence in himself. But Morris was very mysterious about his
job"; refused to talk about it, and it was not until she saw him going
off, in his working clothes, that she suspected him to be going to work
She was filled with horror when he came home in the evening
scarcely able to move. But he would get used to it, Morris declared.
“Oh Morris, you should not have done it,” Sally cried. “You’re
not strong enough yet. We can manage quite well, now that7 we’ve
got the boarders.”
“ I ’ve let you manage, long enough, S ally,” Morris said. “ If this
is the only way I can do it. well, I ’m a bogger for the rest of my life.”
A bogger was known by the men to be ‘a miner with his brains
bashed o u t’8. Sally knew how difficult it had been for Morris to take
this job. It was evident that he wanted her to understand that he would
do any work rather than® leave all the responsibility of earning a liv­
ing to her.
Day after day he left home joining the stream of men going to
work on the mines. Every time the mine whistles shrilled after an acci­
dent, Sally ran to the gate and watched the road anxiously.
But when Morris was carried home on a stretcher it w asn’t an
accident, the man said. He had collapsed at work. The doctor said it
■was his heart. By rights10 he shouldn’t have been working under­
ground. But he would be all right.
Morris fretted and fumed" at having to lie in bed and do nothing
for several weeks. But gradually he was able to move without the para­
lysing weakness which had overwhelmed him in the mine.
There had been great celebration in Coolgardie for the opening
■ot the railway. The railway was regarded as a guarantee of the fu­
ture prosperity of these goldfields towns. It would ensure supplies
of food and water, transport building material and mining machin­
ery to keep pace'2 with the demands of the mines and a population.
Everybody expected the railway to make the isolation of these m in­
ing settlem ents a thing of the past13.
Sally knew that she was going to have another child. Morris want-
have performed the main role in the play. 5. His brother m a y arrive
tomorrow. His brother m a y have already arrived. His brother m ight
have arrived in time, but the train is late. 6. She m ay have been pack­
ing for some time. She m a y have p acked her things. 7. He can’t
translate this article. He c a n ’t have tran slated this article,

E x e r c i s e 18. Translate the following sentences into Russian using

an Cnglish-R ussian dictionary:

I. He m u st h a w w ritte n already some fifteen books, which had

earned him the reputation of “a genius” . 2. George had hoped that
country air, repose, and natural surroundings m ig h t have restored
to the three sisters their appetites... 3. At the station he wrote a sec­
ond telegram to the farm, and then tore it up; he could not have
explain ed why. 4. He m u st have been bew itched by the spring, the
night, the apple blossom! 5. “ You horrify me, Trevori” I cried.
“ What then could have been in this letter to cause so dreadful a result?”
6. It m ay have been a trick of the lamplight, but his face looked haggard.
7. “ W hat’s happened to the dog?" I said. “ It isn’t here. He m ay
have taken it with him ."

(from “ The R oaring N in e tie s' b y K - S . Prichard)

There was plenty to do during the fresh bright days alter the rains.
Dinny and Morris went on with the house1, fixing the windows and
doors, setting a stove and putting a ready-made chimney of galva­
nized iron over it. Until that was done Sally cooked over a fire in
the yard.
Dinny had bought a big water tank and built a wash-house In
the yard, made cupboards for the kitchen and bedrooms.
" I t ’s a real up-to-date residence, Dinny!” Sally exclaimed de­
lightfully. when the place was finished. Morris brought her a table and
benches and their stretchers from the old camp, and she bought all
the extra things required to make her boarding house look pleasant
and comfortable, keeping a frugal eye on the cost, but determined
to make the most of this opportunity to have a home about her2,
at last.
As soon as her rooms were ready, Sally let three ol them to young
miners working on the Midas and Great Boulder3. Decent lads. They
were likely to pay regularly and not to give Mrs Gough too much
Morris was at a loose end.4 He went looking for work in the town
and round the mines again. For young men, labourers, miners and
mechanics, there were plenty of jobs; but for a middle-aged man
with no particular qualifications, it was not so easy to find employ­
Morris seemed to have been pleased with the house, though he
hated the boarders.
“When I get a decent job w e’ll have a home of our own,” he said
angrily. “ I t ’s more than I can bear to see you fetching and carrying
for them .”
“But they’re not much bother5,” Sally protested. “And in this
way, we can provide for ourselves and have a house to live in.”
When Morris came in after one of his tramps looking for work,
and said he had got a job, Sally appeared to be very glad
She thought that regular employment would help him to regain
confidence in himself. But Morris was very mysterious about his
job"; refused to talk about it, and it was not until she saw him going
off, in his working clothes, that she suspected him to be going to work
She was filled with horror when he came home in the evening
■scarcely able to move. But he would get used to it, Morris declared.
“Oh Morris, you should not have done it,” Sally cried. “ You’re
not strong enough yet. We can manage quite well, now that7 we’ve
got the boarders.”
“ I ’ve let you manage, long enough, S ally,” Morris said. “ If this
is the only way I can do it, well, I ’m a bogger for the rest of my life.”
A bogger was known by the men to be ‘a miner with his brains
bashed o u t’8. Sally knew how difficult it had been for Morris to take
this job. It was evident that he wanted her to understand that he would
do any work rather than9 leave all the responsibility of earning a liv­
ing to her.
Day after day he left home joining the stream of men going to
work on the mines. Every time the mine whistles shrilled after an acci­
dent, Sally ran to the gate and watched the road anxiously.
But when Morris was carried home on a stretcher it w asn’t an
accident, the man said. He had collapsed at work. The doctor said it
was his heart. By rights10 he shouldn’t have been working under­
ground. But he would be all right.
Morris fretted and fumed11 at having to lie in bed and do nothing
for several weeks. But gradually he was able to move without the para­
lysing weakness which had overwhelmed him in the mine.
There had been great celebration in Coolgardie for the opening
ot the railway. The railway was regarded as a guarantee of the fu­
ture prosperity of these goldfields towns. It would ensure supplies
of food and water, transport building material and mining machin­
ery to keep pace12 with the demands of the mines and a population.
Everybody expected the railway to make the isolation of these min­
ing settlem ents a thing of the past13.
Sally knew that she was going to have another child. Morris w ant­
ed her to go to the coast at all costs. Sally realized it would be almost
impossible for them to face such expense. She assured Morris she had
confidence in Mrs Molly. With such a good friend to look after her
there was no reason to go away.
Morris started to look for work again: any work he was physically
fit for, and that would enable him to send Sally away before her sec­
ond baby was born. Soon Noah Coates, the undertaker (he made cof­
fins), gave Morris a job, helping him with his accounts and interview­
ing customers.


1. ...went on with the house — продолжали строить лом

2. ...but determined to make the most of this opportunity to have
a home about her... — но решив извлечь как можно больше из
этой возможности и устроить свой дом...
3. ...the Midas and Great Boulder — Мидас и Большой Боулдер
(название рудников)
4. to be at a loose end — без дела, без определенной работы
5. But they’re not much bother — Но они не доставляют беспокой­
6. But Morris was very mysterious about his job — но Моррис
делал тайну из своей работы
7. now that — теперь, когда
8. with the brains bashed out — не имеющий разума
9. rather than — скорее чем
10. by rights — по справедливости
11. Morn's fretted and fu m ed — Моррис рвал и метал
12. to keep pace with — чтобы не отставать от
13 a thing of the past — делом прошлого. Слово thing заключает
в себе очень широкое понятие, поэтому его следует переводить
в зависимости от его употребления в контексте, например:
a poor thing — бедняжка ; a heavy thing (to carry) тяжелая
вещь ; to have many things to do — иметь много дел.

W ords and W ord Com binations

fix v прикреплять, закреплять; наз- likely a d v вероятно
начать, устанавливать middle-aged а средних лет
set v устанавливать employment n занятие, работа;
ready-m ade а готовый служба
up-to-date а современный h a te v ненавидеть
delightfully a d v восторженно b ear (bore, borne) v терпеть, выно-
ex tra а лишний сить
require v требовать fetch у принести
cost n цена, стоимость provide о обеспечивать (for), снабжать
opportunity n возможность, удобный reg a in v вновь приобрести
случай suspect v подозревать

used (to) привыкать
v заявл ять, объявлять
supply(s) n запас(ы)
demand n требование
manage v суметь, удаваться, спра­ population n население
виться с чем-либо settlem en t n поселение
evident а очевидный coast n побережье
watch v наблюдать expense(s) n расход (расходы)
anxiously adv с тревогой, с волне­ assure v заверить
нием confidence n доверие, уверенность
regard v считать fit v быть годным, подходить
prosperity п процветание en able v давать возможность
ensure v гарантировать, обеспечивать customer n покупатель

Proper names
Dinny |'dini| Динни Mrs Gough I 'm i s i z 'g o fl госпожа Гоф
Morris [ 'm o ris ] Моррис Coolgardie [ ' k u : l g a : d i ] Кулгарди
Sally [saeli] Салли Mrs Molly I'm isiz 'm o l i ) госпожа
Midas ['m a i d a s ] Мидас Молли
Great Boulder [ ' g r e i t 'b o u ld a j Большой Noah C oates I'n o u a 'ko uts] Ной Коутс
E x e r c is e 19. Drill some vocabulary units from the text.

1. anxious a d j — anxiously a d v — anxiety n

a) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. We did not know whether he would live and waited with

a n x iety for the doctor to come. 2. His a n x iety for knowledge is
to be praised. 3. He works hard because he is anxious to succeed.
4. She has always been weak and I am anxious about her health.
5. She was anxiou sly w aiting for his answer.
b) Answer the following questions:

1. Why is his mother so anxious about his studies?

2. Why are you so anxious to see this film?
3. Why was Morris so anxious to take any kind of job?
c) Translate the sentences into English:

1. Морис страстно желал найти какую-нибудь работу, чтобы

дать возможность своей жене поехать на побережье. 2. Салли
с тревогой ожидала, когда доктор закончит осматривать Мо­
риса. 3. Салли понимала, что сильное желание помочь ей заста­
вило Мориса стать шахтером. 4. Морис смеялся над тревогой
Салли о его здоровье.
2. cost о — at a ll costs — at smb. ’s cost
a) Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. He saved his son’s life, but only a t the cost of his own. 2. They
will reach the station before dark a t a ll costs. 3. The boy’s foolish
behaviour cost his mother many sleepless nights. 4. How much
did your car cost ? 5. We don’t know the cost of this suit.
9— 1312 257
b) Complete the sentences:

1. Tell us the cost of... 2. Her desire to see the play a t a ll costs...
3. His rude (грубый) answer will cost him ... 4. I can ’t believe that
the cost of... 5. They decided ... even a t the cost of their spare time.

c) Translate the following sentences Into English:

1. Салли решила во что бы то ни стало открыть пансионат.

2. Новые вещи стоили много денег, поэтому они решили принес­
ти из лагеря несколько старых. 3. Она не хотела, чтобы муж по­
могал ей зарабатывать на жизнь ценой своего здоровья. 4. Како­
ва будет стоимость строительства этого дома?

3. demand v — demand п — to be in demand

a) Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. They dem anded the explanation of their arrest. 2. He dem and­

ed to be told everything. 3. The workers’ dem ands have not been
met by the employers. 4. There is a great dem and for ice-cream in
summer. 5. These things are not in dem and in winter.
b) Answer the following questions:

1. When is there a great dem and for warm things?

2. When workers are on strike, what are their usual dem ands ?
c) T ranslate Ihe following sentences into English:

1. Морис не мог найти работу, так как его профессия не поль­

зовалась спросом. 2. В городке был особый спрос на молодых шах­
теров. 3. Она требовала, чтобы ей сказали правду. 4. Требова­
ние рабочих улучшить условия работы в шахте не были удов­

4. fit a d j, v — unfit a d j
a) Translate the following sentences info Russian:

1. These shoes are quite f i t for wear in winter. 2. His foot still
aches; he is u n fit to skate. 3. Is your brother f i t for this work?
4. This key (ключ) doesn’t f i t the lock.
b) Complete the following sentences:

I. She is u n fit to sing because... 2. This bed does not f i t our

child... 3. Morris was not f i t for the work in the mine...
с) T ranslate (he sentences into Fnglish.

1. Доктор сказал, что Морис не подходит для работы в шахте.

2. Она так выросла, что ни одно из ее старых платьев ей больше
не годится. 3. Пища не годилась-, хлеб высох, а яйца испорти­
лись. 4. Его рабочая одежда была ему впору.

5. fix v
a) Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. I fix e d a new shelf to the wall. 2. We decided to fix the date

for our next meeting. 3. The celebration of the anniversary of
their marriage was fix ed for the 2nd of April.
b) Answer the following questions:

1. Did you fix the date for our party meeting? 2. Is the date
fix ed for the conference convenient for all the members of the scien­
tific society? 3. Have you fix ed the time for the contest? 4. Who
fix ed this shelf here?

c) Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Сначала Динни и Морис прикрепили двери иокна.2. Их

отъезд (departure) был назначен на четверг. 3. Они попросили
врача назначить день операции.

6. gain и — regain v
a) Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. I hope that if I work with Comrade N. I shall soon g a in some

experience. 2. You will g a in a lot if you read this novel. 3. If he
follows the doctor’s advice he will regain strength in a short time.
b) Translate the sentences into English:

I. Салли приобрела много знаний и опыта за время жизни в ла­

гере шахтеров. 2. Этот художник очень скоро приобрел извест­
ность во всем мире. 3. Он восстановит свои силы, если поживет
в деревне.
7. opportunity п — to take the opportunity of doing smth (to do
sm th.)— to miss the opportunity of doing smth. (to do smth.) —
to give the opportunity of doing smth.
a) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. I am glad to have th is o p p o rtu n ity of speaking to him. 2. If

you come to the conference I am sure you will take the opportu-
9* 269
n ity to join the discussion. 3. We want you to be g iven the opportu­
n ity to attend his lectures. 4. When he is in Moscow he never
m isses the o p p o rtu n ity to visit the museums and theatres.

b) Pill in the blanks w ith one of the word combinations.

1. We are sure that he will n o t... to see that wonderful perform­

ance. 2. He ... to takfc the examination for the second time. I
believe he will pass it. 3. When staying in Leningrad we ... to
see all the places of interest. 4. She was upset to have no ... of going
to the art exhibition.
c) Translate the sentences into English:

I. Она решила воспользоваться этой возможностью и купить

все необходимые вещи. 2. Морис не мог упуст ит ь этого удобного
случая и согласился помогать Коутсу в его работе. 3. Они обра­
довались удобному случаю и решили сдать комнаты шахтерам.
4. Ей была предоставлена возможность жить в университетском

8. expense п — expensive a d j — at the expense of

a) Translate the sentences into Russian-

1. Don’t go in for sports a t the expense of your health. 2. She could

not buy the coat because it was too expensive for her. 3. How much
will you need for travelling expenses ? 4. They had a good laugh
at his expense.

b) Complete the following sentences:

1. As his travelling expenses were too high... . 2. ... a t the expense

of his holidays. 3. The suit was good and not expen sive... . 4. She
decided to cut her expenses therefore... .
c) Translate the sentences into English:

i. Салли не хотела, чтобы Морис помогал ей в ущ ерб своему здо­

ровью. 2. Мои дорожные расходы составили (come to) 50 рублей.
3. После того, как Салли сдала комнату шахтерам, у нее стало
больше денег, но ее расходы увеличились. 4. Салли не могла
покупать дорогие вещи, так как Морис все еще был без работы.

9. set п, о — to set free — to set up — to set an example

a) T ranslate the following sentences into Russian:

1. The people asked the governor to set the poor prisoner free.
2. She set the table for five persons. 3. Lanny wanted to set up
a school in his native village. 4. He set the stake (столб) in the
ground. 5. He will study better if you se t him an exam ple.
6. I want to have my radio-set repaired. 7. They bought a new set
of plates.
b) Answer the following questions:

1. Who set the table lor dinner? 2. Where did you buy this set
of tools? 3. Why did the governor set the slave free ? 4. When
was the monument to Pushkin set up?

c) Translate the sentences into English.

1. Она хотела показать ему пример, как нужно работать.

2. Когда его должны освободить из тюрьмы? 3. Около нашего
дома будет установлен памятник Кутузову (monument). 4. В этом
доме, вероятно, будет организована библиотека.

10 confident a d j — self-confident a d j — confidence n — confide v

a) Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. She always enjoys her friends’ confidence. 2. I don’t put much

confidence in what he says. 3. He answered all the judge’s ques­
tions with confidence. 4. He feels confident of passing the exami­
nation. 5. Your brother is too self-confident in his abilities.
b) Fill in the blanks with one of the derivatives:

1. This student is too... and nobody in our group likes him. 2. She
feels ... of winning this contest. 3. He proved the facts w ith... .
c) Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Салли доверяла этой женщине. 2. Этот доктор, должно

быть, пользуется большим доверием у пациентов. 3. Салли счи­
тала мужа уверенным в себе человеком. 4. Председатель проф­
союза пользовался доверием шахтеров. 5. Она не могла доверять
этому человеку.

11. employ » — employer п — employment п — to be out of em­

ployment — employee n

a) T ranslate the sentences into Russian:

1. He is em ployed in a bank. 2. Will he get any em ploym ent at

this plant? 3. He has been o u t of em ploym ent for several months.
4. The firm has 200 employees. 5. The workers sent their demands
to the employer.
b) T ran slate the sentences in to English-

1. Мужу Салли было нелегко найти работ у. 2. Пока Морис

был без работы, он помогал жене по дому. 3. Вскоре его нанял
один из предпринимателей по имени Коутс. 4. Один из парней
служил в конторе. 5. Предприниматели договорились об уволь­
нении (to dismiss) большого числа рабочих. 6. Я прочитал в
газете о забастовке служащих.

12. hate v — hatred п — hateful a d j

a) Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. 1 hate to be troubled. 2. He was filled with hatred (hate) for

his enemy. 3. We did not want to listen to the story of that
hateful crime.

b) Complete the following sentences:

1. I h a te him ... . 2. ... about that hateful act. 3. She felt great
hatred for ... . 4. ... because he h ated his cruel master. 5. ... the
cause of his hatred.
c) Translate the sentences into English:

1. Мне неудобно беспокоить вас. 2. Морис ненавидел своих

жильцов. 3. Она не могла понять причину его ненависти.

E x e r c is e 2 0 . Translate the following word com bin atio ns and give

sentences of your own:

1. plenty to do, plenty to work, plenty to write, plenty to cook,

plenty to buy, plenty of jobs, plenty of seats, plenty of time,
plenty of eggs, plenty of grass
2. decent lad, decent letter, decent job
3. ready-made coat, ready-made suit, ready-made solutions
4. up-to-date buildings, up-to-date conveniences, up-to-date ho­
tel, up-to-date service
5. extra ticket, extra lesson, extra money, extra lecture
6. regular employment, regular studies, regular music lessons,
regular payment, regular washing
7. pleased with the play, pleased with the pupils, pleased with the
song, pleased with the music
8. filled with joy, filled with horror, filled with anxiety, filled
with excitement
9. regain confidence, regain strength, regain health, regain voice
10. great celebration, great friendship, great love, great interest
11. to face expenses, to face danger, to face difficulties, to face pain,
to face problems
E x e r c i s e 21. Replace the italicized words and word co m binations
by those given below.

u p -to -d a te , to require, to cook, p len ty, to s ta r t, to have confidence

in, trouble, fetch, particular, regular, tram ps, g o off, to regain,
scarcely, evident for the rest , to carry, anxiously, to collapse, gradually,
guarantee, to regard, to realize, to ensure

1. Sally understood that it would be impossible for them 1o face

such expenses. 2.‘‘I t ’s a real modern residence," Sally exclaimed. 3. On
coming home after his long w alks Morris said he had got a job.
4. Sally prepared dinner over a fire in the yard. 5. There were many
things to do. 6. The railway was considered a guarantee of the future
prosperity. 7. “ Go an d brin g some water to me," he told his daughter.
8. She saw Morris leaving in his working cloth with one of the
boarders. 9. He had lost h is strength at work. 10. Sally could trustM rs.
Molly. 11. She thought that constan t employment would help him
to g a in confidence in himself ag a in . 12. She bought all the extra
things necessary to make her house look pleasant. 13. Morris began
to look for work again. 14. If this is the only way I can do it, well,
I ’m a bogger to the end of my life. 15. It was clear that he wanted
to do any work he could find. 16. But little by little he was able to
move. 17. The railway would guarantee supplies of food and water.
18. When Sally heard of an accident, she watched the road w ith
a n x iety. 19. The boarders did not give Sally too much worry. 20. He
came home in the evening h a rd ly able to move. 21. But when Morris
w as brought home on a stretcher, it w asn’t an accident. 22. For a
middle-aged man with no special qualification, it was difficult to
find a job.
E x e r c i s e 2 2 . Translate the following sentences. (Pay a tte n tio n to
the fact th a t there can be only one negation in an English sentence).

1. Ни Морис, ни Салли не могли себе позволить покупать

лишние вещи, так как у них почти не оставалось денег. 2. Салли
понимала, что Морис никогда не согласится оставаться дома и
ничего не делать. 3. У них не было никакой возможности открыть
пансион. 4. Она ничего сначала не знала о том, что он нашел работу,
пока он сам не объявил ей об этом. 5. Если она будет не в состоянии
справиться с этим, то я сделаю это сам. 6. Никто не знал, сможет
ли он вынести все беды. 7. Никто из шахтеров не знал, когда прои­
зошел несчастный случай. 8. В городке шахтеров не было ни чи­
тальни, ни библиотеки. 9. У них совсем не было времени ходить
в театр. 10. Она никогда не боялась трудностей.
E x e r c is e 2 3 . Translate the following sentences into English:

I. Морис был рад, что нашел постоянное занятие. 2. Известно,

что он ищет работу в городе. 3. Вероятно, они уже добрались до
железнодорожной станции. 4. Ей не хотелось, чтобы он работал
под землей. 5. Неужели он мог допустить, чтобы она зарабатывала
на жизнь? 6. Салли хотела, чтобы во дворе установили бак для
воды. 7. Ей пришлось готовить во дворе над костром, пока не был а
установлена печка. 8. Доктор заставил Мориса лечь в постель и
не двигаться. 9. По-видимому, железная дорога даст возможность
улучшить снабжение городка. 10. Возможно, он не знает об этом
несчастном случае. 11. Ему не следовало бы протестовать против
этого. 12. Кажется, ее подозревают в краже денег (stealing mo­
ney). 13. Он был рад побеседовать с покупателями. 14. Если он
не 3apa6oiaei достаточно денег, она не сможет поехать на побе­
режье. 15. Она увидела, как вместе с другими шахтерами он шел
по направлению к шахте. 16. Возможно, она сдает комнату кому-
нибудь из шахтеров. 17. Не может быть, чтобы он невоспользо­
вался этим удобным случаем. 18. Она слышала, как доктор запре­
тил ему работать в течение нескольких недель. 19. Вам следовало
бы самому обойти весь прииск, а не ждать здесь, пока он пойдет
вместе с вами. 20. Он давно уже должен был получить эту квали­
фикацию (qualifications).

E x e r c is e 24. Answer the questions in w ritten form:

1. What did Morris do for his new house?

2. What did Sally (Morris) think of their boarders?
3. Why could Morris not find a job?
4. W hat kind of work did Morris find at last?
5. W hat was S ally’s opinion of his work?
6. What has happened to Morris?
7. W hat kind of event was to be celebrated in Coolgardie?
8. Why did Morris agree to work for Noah Coates?


M rs Parker. Harry, look at the way1 those men are carrying that
china cupboard2. You must tell them to be careful. I am sure they
are going to break everything.
M r P arker. Perhaps w e’d better carry the breakable things down
Foreman: You needn’t worry, M’am3. We always have to be careful.
W e’re used to it4. Everywhere we go5 they say8 “you must be
careful” . We have to move things in and out7 of houses every day
of the week. A man has got to8 know his job, hasn’t he? Come on,
Jim , give me a hand9.
M rs Parker: How are they going to get the piano out? They’ll
have to turn it on its side. We had a lot of trouble10 getting it
in, didn’t we? Do you remember?
M r Parker: I do. The men who brought it had to take its legs off.
M rs Parker. They have taken everything downstairs except this
long mirror. L et’s carry it down between us.
M r Parker: Right. I ’ll have to go downstairs backwards11. Oh,
M rs Parker. I t ’s heavy, isn’t it?
M r Parker: Oh, look out!13
M rs Parker. Oh, Harry, my lovely mirror!
Foreman: There now!14 You didn’t have to start moving things
yourselves. You know you have to be experienced to do a job like
M r Parker. What a shame! The whole move done with only one
thing broken and we had to be the ones to break it ,15
Foreman-. Come on, Jim! We shall have to hurry up with the piano.
We’ve got to be away by dinner-time.


1. look at the way... — посмотри на то, как...

2. china cupboard — буфет; china — фарфоровая посуда
3. M’am = madam
4. W e’re used to it.—Мы привыкли к этому. То be used to smth.
(doing smth.) привыкать к чему-л. (иметь привычку делать*
Не is used to getting up early.— Он привык вставать рано.
5. Everywhere we go... — Куда бы мы ни пошли...
6 they say — говорят (нам говорят). Словосочетание типа they say
часто переводят безличными предложениями. They sell news­
papers there.— Там продают газеты.
7. to move things in and out... — вносить и выносить веши...
8. has got (to) в разговорной речи заменяет must
A man has got to know... — Человек должен знать...
9. Come on, Jim , give me a hand.— Живей, Джим, помоги мне;.
10. We had a lot of trouble... — У нас было много хлопот...
11. backwards — зд . спиной
12. Oh, dear! — Ox!
13. Oh, look outl — Осторожно!
14. There now! — Ну вот!
15. The whole move done with only one thing broken, and we hsd
to be the ones to break it. Только одна вещь разбилась во время
переезда, и эту вещь разбили мы
E x e r c is e 25. T ranslate (he following sentences:
1. Show me the way you did it! 2. What a beautiful china cup.
board you have! 3. He was asked to be careful with this china va^e.
4. I don’t think they can break some of the cups. 5. W e’d better carry
everything into the house. It is going to rain. 6. You needn’t do it
yourself. We are used to carrying heavy things. 7. I suppose that
he should know his job, shouldn’t he? 8. Where are they going to
take these things? 9. Don’t turn the piano on its side, you will break
its legs. 10. They had a lot of trouble crossing the river. 11. Will you
take this mirror downstairs? D on't break it. 12. “ If you go down­
stairs backwards, you may fall down,” the mother warned her son.
13. This suitcase was extremely heavy. 1 could not lift it. 14. They
started running towards the forest. 15. He has to be experienced to do
a job like that
E x e r c i s e 26. Complete the following sentences according to the given

a) Look a t the w ay they are dancing.

Посмотрите (на то), как они танцуют.

она катается на коньках,

они накрывают на стол,
Look at the way он водит машину,
он кормит собаку.

б) Не is used to speaking slow ly.

Он привык говорить медленно.

ходить вечером на прогулку,

ложиться спать поздно,
He is used to принимать холодный душ каждое утро,
заниматься гимнастикой утром под музыку.

в) Не has g o t to know m any things.

Он должен многое знат ь.
много заниматься, чтобы стать вра­
He has got to попросить их вынести мебель из
бежать всю дорогу на станцию.


а) 1. Can you manage a house- Вы умеете вести хозяйство?
2. W hat a mess the room is Какой беспорядок в комнате!
3. Set the room in order, Пожалуйста, приведите комнату
please. в порядок.
4. Do your room. Приведите в порядок комнату.
5. Sweep out the room, will Подметите, пожалуйста, комнату.
6 Dust the table with a duster. Сотрите тряпкой пыль со стола.
7. Take the rag and wipe the Возьмите тряпку и вытрите (вы­
floor. мойте) пол.
8. There is some dust on the На мебели пыль,
9. Air the room at once. Сейчас же проветрите комнату.
10. Rub the mirror. Протрите зеркало.
11. Have you finished with the Вы закончили мыть посуду?
wash up?
12. Where is the dish-cloth? Где посудное полотенце?
6) 1. I live in a house w ith the Я живу в доме со всеми удоб­
modern conveniences. ствами.
2. I live in a three-room Я живу в трехкомнатной квар­
flat. тире.
3. We have a flat of three У нас квартира из трех комнат.
4. We live in a ten-storeyed Мы живем в десятиэтажном
house. доме.
5. Our house faces the park. Наш дом выходит окнами в парк.
6. The odd houses (the houses Дома с нечетными (четными)
with even numbers) are номерами находятся на этой
on this side of the street. стороне.
7. We are going to move to Мы собираемся переезжать на
a new flat. новую квартиру.
8. We had a housewarming Вчера мы справляли новоселье.
(party) yesterday.

Text fo r translation
E x e r c i s e 27. a) Read and tra nslate the text.
We have no unemployment. The Soviet Constitution has it down
in black and white that every citizen has the right to work. There
is no basis for unemployment, since the economy progresses rapidly,
according to a state plan, with no crises or depressions. Jobs are ad­
vertised in the papers, over the radio and on special boards. Anyone
seeking work may also turn to the Executive Committee of the local
Soviets which always has precise information as to which enterprises
require hands. Finally, every town and region is a type of Labour
Exchange which can provide jobs in various parts of the country.
Anyone going to work in another area receives, as a rule, an allow­
ance: a grant based on monthly wages, travelling expenses and money
for six days settling in, a daily allowance, free transport plus baggage.
As economic development is planned, it is possible to foresee
manpower needs some time ahead and therefore spread employment
over the country in rational way.
b) Answer the following questions:
1. Is there unemployment in the Soviet Union?
2. W hat right has every Soviet citizen?
3. How does the economy in the USSR progress?
4. Is it difficult to find a job?
5. How can jobs be provided?
6. W hat do people going to work in another area receive?
7. Why is it possible to foresee manpower needs in the Soviet Union?
c) Retell the text.

(by M ik e Quin)
Once there were two philosophers who answered an advertisement
in the newspaper and got themselves jobs as light house tenders on
a lonely island way out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They were
the only human beings on the island and there was only one little
house for them to live in.
After they had been put ashore with all ot their luggage and the
steamer had sailed away, they picked up their suitcases and started
walking toward the house.
Although they were both philosophers, they had entirely different
philosophies. One of them said as they walked along: “This is a
lonely place, but with my philosophy I am sure that I will be able to
fit myself into it. I can accommodate myself to anything in time. It
is merely a m atter of adjusting one’s mind to it.”
“ It is lonely enough,” the other philosopher replied, “but I am
sure that we will be able to fix it up so that it is suitable to our needs.
It is just a matter of a little hard work and perseverance.”
So saying, they entered the house and had a look around. Every­
thing went well until they entered the bedroom.
“Good heavens!” exclaimed one. “The last people who lived here
must have been dwarfs.”
And it was true enough, because the two beds they found were
little tiny things scarcely large enough to hold a child.
“W e’ll certainly have to change this,” continued the philoso­
pher. “ We could never fit ourselves into those.”
The other shook his head. “ I can see you are one ot those radical
complainers,” he remarked. “Why don’t you take things as you find
them? T h a t’s my philosophy. Fit yourself in. Why try to change the
world? Take it as it is and make the best of it. T h a t’s my philoso­
“ B ut,” said the other, “w oulin’t it be wiser to get busy with a
little effort and make the beds la'ger? T h a t’s what I ’m going to do
with m ine.”
“You are an impractical dreimer,” said the other philosopher.
•‘Why! In the first place you would have to chop down a tree and saw
it into boards and hammer nails nto them and heavens knows what
a ll.’’
“T h a t’s true enough,” said the other. "And il I don’t do it. I will
never be able to get a good n ig h t’s rest.”
“ I t ’s all very well for you to go on raving about your Utopian
ideas,” said the conservative philosopher. “But just try to put them
into practice. Suppose the tree (alls on you. Suppose you miss the
nail with the hammer and hit yoJr thumb? You radicals never stop
to consider those things.”
“ Do as you please,” said the other. "But as lor me, I ’m going to
change things to a more comfortable shape.” So saying he got busy
with an axe and started chopping down a tree.
The other man took off his clothes and began soaking himselt
in a tub of cold water. The chatte"ing of his teeth made such a racket
that it attached the industrious philosopher. “ What in the name of
common sense are you doing?” he asked.
“ I am shrinking myself,” said the other. “By mghttall I will be
exactly the right size to fit the bed.”
He caught a very bad cold but failed to shorten his length. About
sundown, he approached his companion who by now was hammering
the last nail into his finished bed- “ I say,” he declared, “ I have been
thinking the m atter over and have decided to chop off my legs. My
feet hurt me anyway and that would make me just the right length ”
“Help yourself to the axe.” said his companion.
He rolled his pants legs up, put one leg on the block hefted the
axe, and then changed his mind. “ If God meant me to suffer,” he said,
“it is better that I suffer and not try to interfere with his w ill.”
Late that night, the industrious philosopher was awakened by
someone shaking his shoulder. “How can you sleep comfortably in
that big bed while I, a fellow human being, am cram ped.”
"Climb in,” said the radical, “and stop blubbering.”
The conservative crawled in, stretched out his legs, and sighed
in relief. Then, before going to sleep, he said: “ I have a mind of my
own and ideas of my own, and I am not going to be dictated to. This
bed will probably collapse before morning anyhow. So don’t say I
don’t warn you.”

E x e r c i s e 28. Answer the fol lowing questions;

1. What kind of job did the two philosophers find (get)?

2. What did one of the philosophers say after their landing the
3. Did the other philosopher agree with his triend’s point ot view?
4. W hat did they see on entering the house?
5. What was the first philosopher’s suggestion?
6. The first philosopher took things as he iound them, didn’t he?
7. Did the first philosopher help his friend with his work? Why?
8. How did the first philosopher try to convince the other not to
9. What did the first philosopher do in order to fit the bed?
10 What was the other philosopher doing at that time?
11. Why did the second philosopher offer the first his axe?
12. What made the first philosopher change his mind?
13. How did the story end?
E x e r c is e 2 9 . Give a short sum m ary ot the story.

(The Tenth L esson)

G r a m m a r ;
1. S ubjunctive Mood. (Сослагательное наклонение)
2. Conditional Sentences. (Условные предложения)
T e x t : A n th o n y ’s Secret by C. Gordon.


Сослагательное наклонение — Subjunctive Mood — указывает

па то, что действие является предполагаемым или желательным,
а также возможным при известных условиях.
Формы Subjunctive переводятся на русский язык формами рус­
ского сослагательного наклонения — сочетанием глагола в форме
прошедшего времени с частицей бы: «Он сказал бы нам» (или без
частицы бы, если она входит в состав союза чтобы , если бы).
В современном английском языке употребляются две формы
сослагательного наклонения: синтетическая (простая) и аналити­
ческая (сложная)
Синтетические формы сослагательного наклонения всех гла­
голов за исключением глагола to be, совпадаю! с формами изъя­
вительного наклонения в настоящем времени (Present Indefinite)
без окончания -s в 3-ем лице единственного числа (he ask). Глагол
to be имеет две формы: be (архаичная форма) и were для всех
лиц единственного и множественного числа (хотя в современном
английском языке есть тенденция употреблять обычные формы
прошедшего времени — was для единственного числа, were для мно­
жественного числа).
Аналитические формы сослагательного наклонения образуются
при помощи 1) глаголов should (для 1-го лица ел. и мн. ч.) и would
(для 2-го и 3-го лица ед. и мн. ч.)-|- инфинитив без частицы to;
2) не изменяющихся по лицам глаголов should, may, might
-4-инфинитив без частицы to
У п отр ебл ен и е ф орм сосл агательн ого нак лонени я

Формы сослагательного наклонения употребляются:

1) в простых предложениях:
I should like to read this book.
Мне хотелось бы прочитать эту книгу.
There would be no joys without children.
Без детей не было бы радостей.
2) в восклицательных предложениях:
So that may be!
Да будет так!
3) в придаточных предложениях после безличных предложе­
ний типа it is necessary:
It is necessary that he be present.
Необходимо, чтобы он присутствовал.
It is im portant that he should know about the date of the confer­
Важно, чтобы он знал о дне конференции.
4) в дополнительных придаточных предложениях, зависящих
от глаголов в главном предложении со значением а) приказания,
предложения и т. д. или б) удивления, сожаления и т. д.
They suggested that the article be printed in their newspaper.
Они предложили, чтобы статья была напечатана в их газете.
I suggest that you should read the article.
Я предлагаю, чтобы вы прочитали эту статью.
5) в придаточных предложениях цели после союзов so that
чтобы, lest чтобы не.
You should revise the material lest you forget it.
Вам следует повторить материал, чтобы не забыть его.
It is raining: Take the things into the house lest they should
be spoiled.
Идет дождь! Отнесите вещи в дом, чтобы они не испортились.
6) в придаточных предложениях сравнения после союзов as if,
as though как будто, как если бы.
It was so dark as if it were night.
Было так темно, как будто была ночь.
7) в уступительных придаточных предложениях. В этих слу­
чаях глаголы may и m ight на русский язык не переводятся.
Whenever they may write to me I shall be very glad.
Когда бы они мне ни написали, я буду очень рад.
8) в придаточных предложениях цели.
She gave me her article so that 1 m ight read it.
Она дала мне свою статью, чтобы я прочитал ее (мог прочитать).
Если глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения обозначает
действие, предшествующее действию глагола-сказуемого главного
предложения, то в придаточном предложении употребляется Past
Perfect в значении сослагательного наклонения.
They spoke as though they had seen it with their own eyes.
Они говорили гак, как будто видели это своими собственными
E x e r c i s e 1. Translate the following sentences and underline the
forms of S ubjunctive:

1. He looks as if he were ill. 2. The workers demanded that their

wages be increased. 3. The pilot N. has recently returned from the
flight. It would be interesting to listen to his story. 4. Why don’t
you want to trust him? I am sure he would never disappoint you.
5. Will you repeat the rule so that I may remember it better. 6. It
is unlikely that they should lose their way. 7. Put down my telephone
number lest you should forget it. 8. I took a taxi so that I should be
there in time. 9. May success attend you! 10. They gave me the
dictionary so that I might use it during the examination

E x e r c is e 2. Translate the following sentences Into Russian

1. The headmaster said to the boys: “ It is necessary that you

should m ake a donation to the school munitions fund.” 2. They sug­
gested that he should be sent to one of the flying regiments. 3. It is
important that she should be exam ined by a doctor before she starts
working underground. 4. I insist that comrade B. should su b stitu te
you if you fall ill. 5. It is desirable that they should sta y at the airport
and w a it for their returning from the flight. 6. She proposed that
they should lend the miner one of the rooms. 7. The workers demanded
that their wages should be increased. 8. It is probable that they should
have taken p a rt in the discussion of the new method of production.
9. It is strange that he should have behaved so. 10. I suggest that
this document be translated now. 11. They demanded the demon­
stration be stopped.
E x e r c i s e 3. Translate the following sentences:
a) lest ( ... чтобы ... не ...)
1. He wants to put on his working dress lest he should spoil his
suit. 2. I shall leave the address to him lest he should lose the way.
3. We shall not let him go out lest he should catch a cold. 4. She in­
tends to ring him up again lest he should forget to bring her the new
b) as if, as though
1. She looked as if she were tired. 2. He speaks as if he were ab­
solutely right. 3. They laughed as though they had understood the
irony. 4. You spoke as if you had been present at the trial.

E x e r c i s e 4. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct lorm
(using s h o u ld ) .

1. We demand that he (to be asked) after all his friends. 2. It is

improbable that she (to be responsible) for the research programme.
3. She suggests that the scientific program (to carry out) according
to the plan. 4. The doctor recommends that they (to change) the cli­
mate. 5. We insist that he (to find) some employment. 6. It is neces­
sary that he (to lie in bed) and (to do) nothing.

E x e r c is e 5. Translate the following sentences according to the model.

1. Необходимо, чтобы вы сделали эт у работ у вовремя.

I t is necessary th a t you s h o u l d d o th is work in time.
1. Необходимо чтобы вы предупредили его о возможной опас­
ности. 2. Необходимо, чтобы они встретились и обсудили план ра­
боты. 3. Необходимо, чтобы они купили еще несколько вешей.
4. Необходимо, чтобы старое оборудование было заменено совре­
менным. 5. Необходимо, чтобы она нашла потерянную книгу.
2. Я предлагаю, чтобы он присутствовал.
I suggest th a t he s h o u l d b e p r e s e n t.
1. Я предлагаю, чтобы он надел свой новый костюм. 2. Я пред­
лагаю, чтобы она извинилась перед ним. 3. Я предлагаю, чтобы
они поехали путешествовать вместе. 4. Я предлагаю, чтобы план
работы был обсужден заранее. 5. Я предлагаю, чтобы ему задали
еще один вопрос.
E x e r c is e 6. Translate the following sentences:
I. Предположим, они собрали очень небольшую сумму денег.
Что бы вы сделали чтобы увеличить ее? 2. На прошлой неделе она
сэкономила бы больше. 3. В то время они подписались бы без коле­
баний. 4. На вашем месте я спросил бы их теперь, кому они вручили
списки. 5. Я с удовольствием носил бы этот готовый костюм на ра­
боту. 6. Она купила бы эти вещи, но сейчас она не может себе этого
позволить. 7. Торопись! Митинг назначен на 12 часов. Было бы
очень неприятно опоздать. 8. Ж аль, что мы не были на спектак­
ле. Мы бы посмеялись вместе с вами.
Subjunctive JVhood after the Verb t o w i s h
(Сослагательное наклонение после глагола to w i s h )

В придаточном предложении после глагола to wish (хот ет ь,

желать) для выражения сожаления, неосуществленного желания
употребляются следующие формы:
1) форма, совпадающая с Past Indefinite, для выражения дей­
ствия, относящегося к настоящему времени:
I wish I were a doctor.
Мне бы хотелось быть Вфачом. (Жаль что я не врач.)
I wish I knew where to> go.
Мне бы хотелось знать, куда идти. (Жаль, что я не знаю, куда
2) форма, совпадающая с Past Perfect для выражения действия,
относящегося к прошлому:
1 wish he had come yesterday.
Мне бы хотелось чтобы он пришел вчера. (Жаль, что он не при­
шел вчера.)
3) для выражения сожаления, относящегося к будущему вре­
мени, после глагола wish употребляются модальные глаголы would
и could {хот ел, мог):
I wish they would see this film tomorrow, (but they won’t)
Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы они посмотрели этот фильм завтра.
(Как жаль, что они не увидят этот фильм завтра.)

E xercise 7. T ranslate fht following sentences paying a tt e n ti o n to the

use of S ub jun ctive after lhe ver b to w ish.

I. I wish I had seen the; launching of the spaceship. 2. I wish I

knew the results of the competition. 3. I wish he had been more a t­
tentive at the lesson. 4. I wish she could be exam ined by the doctor.
5. I wish you w ould carry out this urgent work. 6. I wish this student
were not so excited at the exam.

E x e r c is e 8. Replace (he italicized parts of the sentences by a w is h -

clause, as in the model.

I t is a p i ty he is late\ he w ill not hear Comrade B .’s speech.

/ w ish he were n ot late, he w ill not hear Comrade B .’s speech.
1. I t w ill be good if he subscribes to this scientific journal. 2. I t
is a p ity they are so busy nGwand we cannot invite them to our party.
3. I ’m sorry that I didn’t agree to your proposal then. 4. I t ’s a
p i t y your sister was so upset at hearing this news. 5. I t w ould be very
pleasant if he went on the Excursion with us. 6. I t is a p i t y he was
not present at the concer;.
E x e r c is e 9 . T ran slate the follow ing sentences:

1. Ж аль, что он сейчас болен. Он страстно желал поехать к

морю. 2. Как бы я хотел, чтобы его книга пользовалась спросом.
3. Как жаль, что эти туфли не подходят вам. 4. Ж аль, что вы не
назначили срока выполнения этой работы. Боюсь, что она не будет
готова вовремя. 5. Жаль, что она не последовала моему совету.
6. Как жаль, что он упустил удобный случай и не вручил им
письмо. 7. Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы завтра их освободили.
8. Как бы я хотел, чтобы вы мне всегда доверяли. 9. Ж аль, что
они колебались. 10. Ж аль, что он оказывает такое сильное сопро­
тивление. 11. Ж аль, что вы не увидели это интересное здание.



В английском языке придаточные предложения условия сое­

диняются g главным при помощи следующих союзов:
if — если
If you go to the library now you will find him there.
Если вы сейчас пойдете в библиотеку, вы найдете его там.
u n le ss — если ... не
We shall be late for the lecture unless we hurry.
Мы опоздаем на лекцию, если не поспешим.

supposing (that) — предположим (что), допустим (что)

Supposing it snows, shall we go to the country ?
Предположим, что пойдет снег, мы поедем за город?

on condition (that), provided (that) — при условии если, при

условии что

We were allowed to see the laboratory on condition that we did

not come up close to the apparatus.
Нам разрешили осмотреть лабораторию при условии, что мы
не будем близко подходить к аппаратуре.
(Последние два союза в разговорной речи не употребляются).

Придаточные условные предложения I гипа

Придаточные условные предложения I типа чаще всего выражают
реальные условия выполнения действия в будущем времени. При
атом глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения употребляется
и Present Indefinite, а главного — в Future Indefinite :
If we finish our work in time we shall go to the country.
Если мы кончим работу вовремя, мы поедем за город.
Suppose it rains, then we shall have to stay at home.
Предположим, что пойдет дождь, тогда нам придется остаться
Если действие относится к настоящему или прошедшему вре­
мени, то времена в английском языке совпадают с русскими.
If I have time I go to the country.
Если у меня есть время, то я езжу за город.
If I had time I went to the country.
Если у меня было время я ездил за город.
В придаточном предложении условия наряду с временем Pre­
sent Indefinite для выражения меньшей вероятности совершения
действия употребляется сочетание глагола should с инфинитивом
без частицы to (для всех лиц и чисел).
If he should come we shall tell him about it.
Если он придет, мы расскажем ему об этом.
В главном предложении может употребляться повелительное
If he rings (should ring) you up. ask him about it.
Если он позвонит тебе, спроси его об этом.

Придаточные условные предложения II типа

Предложения этого типа выражают нереальное условие совер­

шения действия в настоящем или будущем времени
В придаточном предложении условия употребляется Past In­
definite, а в главном — сочетание глагола should (1-е лицо ед. и
мн. числа) или would (для остальных лиц и чисел) или could и
m ight с инфинитивом без частицы to.
If I had time 1 should go for a walk (now. tomorrow).
Если бы у меня было время, я бы пошел погулять (сейчас,
Условные предложения II типа переводятся на русский язык
сослагательным наклонением.
Если сказуемое придаточного предложения выражено глаголом
to be, то наряду g его обычными формами прошедшего времени
(was, were) может употребляться форма were для всех лиц и чисел.
If I were you, I should ring him up immediately.
Если бы я был на вашем месте, я позвонил бы ему немедленно.
П ридаточны е условны е п р едл ож ен и я III типа

Придаточные условные предложения III типа выражают нере­

альное условие совершения действия в прошедшем времени.
В придаточном предложении употребляется время Past Perfect, а
в главном — сочетание глаголов should и would или could и m ight
с перфектным инфинитивом.
If the director had been here yesterday, I should have spoken
to him. (I could have spoken).
Если бы директор был здесь вчера, я бы поговорил с ним (я
мог бы поговорить).
Условные предложения 111 типа, так же как и условные пред­
ложения II типа переводятся на русский язык сослагательным на­
клонением. Время придаточного условного предложения опреде­
ляется наличием в нем обстоятельства времени или по контексту.

Придаточные условные предложения смешанного гипа

Придаточные условные смешанного гипа бывают двух видов:
1) условие относится к прошедшему, а следствие — к на­
стоящему или будущему времени:
If you had studied English with us last year you would under­
stand this Englishman now
Если бы вы изучали английский в прошлом году вместе с нами,
вы бы понимали сейчас этого англичанина.
2) условие относится к неопределенному времени, а следствие —
к прошедшему:
Я бы пригласила их, если бы они мне нравились.
I should have invited them if I liked them.

Inversion in conditional sentences

(Инверсия в придаточных условных предложениях)
Во всех трех типах условных предложений союзы if. provided
могут быть опущены; при этом в придаточном предложении усло­
вия вспомогательный или модальный глагол выносится на место
перед подлежащим.

Предложения условия I типа:

If he should ring you up tell him that I shall leave home at
Если он вам позвонит, скажите ему, что я уйду из дома в один­
Should he ring you up tell him that 1 shall leave home at eleven.

Предложения условия II типа:

If he were present now he would tell you what has happened to
Если бы он был здесь сейчас, он рассказал бы вам, что с ним
Were he present now he would tell you what has happened to him.

Предложения условия III типа:

If he had read yesterday’s newspapers he could have told us the
current events.
Если бы он прочитал вчерашние газеты, он рассказал бы нам
о текущих событиях.
Had he read yesterday’s newspapers he could have told us the cur­
rent events.

Таблица условных предложений

условных Придаточное Главное

If he is busy I shall do the work myself,

Если он будет занят. я сделаю работу сам.
I If I am busy he w ill do the work himself,
Если я буду занят. он сделает работу сам.
Unless I am busy I shall help you.
Если я не буду занят. я помогу вам.

If he were busy I should do the work myself,

Если бы он был зан ят , я сделал бы работу сам.
If I were busy he would do the work him self,
II Если бы я был занят. он сделал бы работу сам.
Unless I were busy I should help you.
(now, tomorrow)
Если бы я не был занят. я помог бы вам.

If he had been busy I should have done the work

Если бы он был занят, я сделал бы работу сам.
If 1 had been busy lie would have done the work
Если бы я был занят. он сделал бы работу сам.
Unless I had been busy I should have helped you.
Если бы я не был занят, я помог бы вам

1 If he were fond ofmusic he would have gone to th at
concert yesterday
Если бы он любил музыку он бы пошел на этот кон­
(вообще), церт вчера.
Смешанный 2. If I had had enough sleep 1 should not feel so exhaust­
yesterday ed now.
Если бы я вчера выспался, я бы не чувствовал сейчас

E x e r c is e 10. Define the types ol Conditional Sentences and trans­

late them into Russian:
1. If he had bought an extra ticket to the performance he w ould
offer it to you now. 2. H a d he reported it all to his mother she w ould
have m anaged to help him. 3. If you g o to this shop you w ill be able
to buy a ready-made suit. 4. If she h ad been ex cited she could not
have passed the exam so successfully. 5. S h ou ld your sister go shop­
ping te ll her not to forget to buy a loaf of white bread. 6. Were she
not absent-minded (рассеянна) she w ould have noticed how distressed
you were. 7. If we had expected them to come we should have stayed
at home. 8. If you have a bad memory take your notebook and w rite
down her address. 9. If he were here tomorrow we could show him our
experiment. 10. If she had fe lt well yesterday she w ould have gone
for a long walk.
E x e r c i s e 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-forms.

A 1. If 1 (to know) algebra well, i should help you to solve this

problem. 2. If his uncle (to travel) with us now he would give us much
advice. 3. If I (to run) into him in the street I should not recognize
him, he looks so old. 4. They will not conduct their first experiment
tomorrow unless the apparatus (to be) ready. 5. If he (not to be) so
lazy, he would not have failed in the examination. 6. If he (to be)
'well he could be present at the launching of the rocket.
В 1 If he had had more spare time he (to take part) in the play.
2. Unless you are busy, we (to be able) to go skiing to the country.
3. If she remembers everything they say, she (to write) us about it.
4. If you called for the doctor she (to be) much calmer. 5. If her hus­
band got more money they (to afford) to give more then. 6. If the
stove were in order she (not to cook) over a fire in the yard.
E x e r c is e 12. Complete the following sentences:
вы ему поможете,
он сдаст экзамен,
он поедет в дом отдыха,
He will be glad if он купит новый костюм,
он будет свободен вечером,
вы навестите его.
бы он мог участвовать в состязании,
бы она поехала отдохнуть,
We would be glad if ... бы вы пришли вовремя,
бы они прислали поздравления,
бы мы избежали опасности.
бы ему купили этот костюм.
бы его дядя помог ему советом,
Не would have been бы достал место в этом вагоне,
glad if .... бы пьеса имела успех.
бы она спела для нас эту песню.

E x e r c i s e 13. Complete the following sentences:

1. If he has time tomorrow ... . 2. 1 should explain this rule to

you if ... . 3. They would have shown you the document unless ... .
4. I like this dress very much. If it were in grey... .5. We could ring
him up now if it ... . 6. We should not have learned this news if ... .
7. He would have been in Leningrad already if ... . 8. You won’t
be sorry if... . 9. If there’s a queue at the bus stop I... . 10. She would
be introduced to you if ... . 11. If he liked to paint (вообще) ... .
12. If he had trained better ... .

E x e r c i s e 14. Change the su b o rd in ate clauses om ittin g the con­

jun ction i f .
I. If the weather had been fine the children could have played
outside. 2. The work would have been done long ago if they had been
prepared for it properly. 3. If she had known the English language
well she could have worked with the delegation. 4. If he should send
her the explanation of his absence I think they will forgive him.
5. If she were in Moscow now she would congratulate you on the grad­
uation from the University.
E x e r c is e 15. T ranslate the following sentences into English.

1. Если она придет вас встретить, скажите, чтобы она не бес­

покоилась, если я возвращусь домой поздно. 2. Если бы вы были
на ее месте, вы поступили бы точно так же. 3. Если бы они хотели,
они всегда смогли бы послать сына в пионерский лагерь. 4. Если
бы он решил купить себе костюм, он пошел бы вчера с вами в мага­
зин. 5. Если бы вы вышли из дома на 10 минут позже, вы могли бы
опоздать на поезд. 6. Я думаю, что он сможет заменить вас, если
вы заболеете. 7. Что бы вы сделали, если бы вам предложили рабо­
тать в этом институте? 8. Если бы он укрепил трубу как следует
(properly), она бы не упала. 9. Если бы вы не были таким нервным,
вы бы сдали экзамены намного лучше 10. Если бы он не упал во
время вчерашних лыжных состязаний, он бы получил сегодня золо­
тую медаль.
E x e r c is e 16. T ra n sla te the follow ing sto ry and w rite o u t the Con­
d itio n al Sentences.

A rich farmer in England once had a friend who grew very good
apples. One day this friend gave the farmer a fine apple-tree. The
farmer was pleased with the present but when he came home he did
not know where to plant the tree. He thought: “ If I plant it near the
road, strangers will steal the apples. If I plant it in my field, my
neighbours will come at night and rob me. If I plant it near my
house, my children will take the apples.”
At last he planted the tree deep in the forest where the tree died.
When the farm er’s friend heard of it he got very angry and asked the
farmer why he had planted the tree in such a bad place. “Where could
I plant it?” said the farmer. “ If 1 had planted the tree near the road,
strangers would have stolen the apples. If I had planted it in the field,
my neighbours would have come at night and robbed me. If I had plant­
ed it near my house, my children wouid have taken the apples.”
“But then somebody would have enjoyed the apples.” said his friend.
“ If I had known how greedy you are I would not have given you the

E x e r c is e 17. T ranslate the following sentences paying a tte n tio n to

the translation of if:

1. Tell us if you were at the meeting with our first spaceman.

2. He would be pleased if you stayed a little longer. 3. We should have
enjoyed the performance if the main part had been played by your
friend. 4. Ask liim if he has offered her his assistance. 5. We should
like to know if she wants to be examined by doctor B. 6. He said that
if the weather was fine he would take the children to the forest. 7. If
the weather were fine we should have a very good time in the coun­
try. 8. I want to ask her if there are any foreign books in this library.

E x e r c is e 18. Complete the following sentences according to model:

1. Н а в а ш е м м е с т е я бы п рекрат ил болт ат ь.
In y o u r p l a c e ( I f I w e r e y o u ) 1 should stop talkin g.

я бы сделал этот вклад,

я пошел бы работать в шахту,
я отдал бы ему лишний билет,
На вашем месте я начал бы тренироваться,
я овладел бы несколькими
иностранными языками.
2. Н а в а ш е м м е с т е я давно бы позвонил ему.
In y o u r p l a c e ( I f I w e r e y o u ) / th ou ld have rung him up
long ago.

я оставил бы ему записку. Теперь он, конечно,

не придет.
На вашем месте я купил бы готовое платье, а не эту материю
я не поехал бы в такую жару на Кавказ.

3. В т о в р е м я она ничего не сказала бы об этом.

A t th a t t i m e she w ould n ot have sa id a n y th in g about it.
они не наказали бы его так сильно,
он не взял бы эту работу.
В то время она не согласилась бы сдать комнату.
он не пошел бы работать в шахту,
они поехали бы в лагерь.
E x e r c is e 19. Put the verbs in brackets Into the correct form of the
1. “ Why did you not tell me that your son had a weak heart?”
the doctor said. ‘1 (not to allow) him to take part in that contest."
2. The work of our students’ scientific society ts very fruitful. I think
that in your place I (to join) it without hesitation. 3. Suppose you are
responsible for the training. What you (to do) to accomplish the task
successfully? 4. In his place I (not to cut) this huge tree, it was so
pleasant to rest in its shade (в его тени). 5. In a few days he (to real­
ize) all her worries. 6. I t ’s a pity he is absent. He (to help) us to
fix the shelves.
E x e r c is e 20. Translate the following sentences:
A. 1. “ In my young days,” Lady Lapith went on, “ I should have
been laughed out of countenance* if I ’d sa id a thing like th at.” 2. If
I h adn ’t known him, I should have p u t him down for a person out
of work. 3. The point was this: If I took it (сценарий) to a film com­
pany as an authorless scenario I should only g e t authorless terms;
whereas, if I put his name to it, with a little talking I could double
the terms at least. 4. S h ou ld I send him the money in Bank of England
notes with the words: “From a lifelong admirer of your genius”?
I was afraid he w ould suspect a trick, or stolen notes, and g o to the
police to trace them. 5. Carl and I could g e t m arried right away if
we had the money for a chamber suite. 6. Besides, Carl’s friend can
get the money from his own family if he w a n ts to furnish a house for
you. 7. If a man and a woman w ere in love, they would ultim ately
to laugh out of countenance — поднимать на смех
become m arried. But Ren w ould never m arry him if she knew the truth
about his life. 8. If Mr. Graham h ad treated George like his other sons,
Anthony would have been able to go to England, where he could have
hidden his secret in his wealth. 9. How Chi 11a w ould have crowed
if h e’d known what was going on in his mind.
В. 1. You must be somewhere in the wilds of Abyssinia. I hope
you chaps will give the Italians hell. I only wish I could join
up too, but I ’ll have to wait three or four years before I ’m old enough.
2. “ I wish I was w h ite like you, Anthony.” 3. “ Home?” I said and
laughed, and Pyle looked at me as though I were another Granger.
4. One w o u ld have expected Mr Pham-Van-Ju to write Augustans
(строгие классические стихи) in his spare time, but I happened to
know he was a student of Wordsworth and wrote nature poems.
5. He leaned forward only vaguely hearing the speaker. “ Danger of
war. A second world war w ould be a calam ity.” 6. “Sure i t ’s nothing,
Doctor, "said Leel, anxiously. “ I haven’t time to be staying in bed.
I ’ve never stayed in bed before. What w ould I be doing in bed?”

(from "Let th e D a y Perish" b y 0 . G ordon)

That night Anthony wrestled with the problem before him 1.

If his life had been a normal one, he would have had no difficulty
in placing his witness before his legal advisers and later before the
jury. But with things as they were, the production of Steve was un­
If at the trial it turned out unnecessary to lead any evidence for
the defence, everything would be all right. But only after the judge
had given his ruling on the admissibility of Bosman’s declaration2,
would they know what case there was to meet3. In the meanwhile,
would it not be necessary to prime his counsel with the true facts?
Should Turner not be told that Steve had been there? And also the
reason why this fact had so long been concealed?
For a long time that night he paced up and down.
He wished he could see into the future. He wished he knew now
whether Steve’s evidence would be necessary. To tell Turner was an
irrevocable step. On the other hand not to tell him involved the grav­
est hazard to the trial.
The following afternoon at half-past two he walked into his coun­
sel ’s chambers.
“ I ’ve come,” he said, and his voice was like death, “to tell you
the greatest secret of my life. It may be necessary for you to use it
at the trial. I pray to God that it will not be. But in case it is. I have
decided you must know. Would you mind listening to me? If you
are not forced to reveal it at the trial, will you promise me that you
will never tell it to a living soul, but you will try yourself to forget
Turner raised his head.
“ Listen,” he said. “ 1 don’t want you to disclose anything unless
it will help the case. I hope you understand?”
“Perfectly. But it is necessary th at you should know it. W hat 1
am going to tell you will help the case. I t ’ll almost guarantee an ac­
quittal. But its disclosure will mar my life for ever. And so, before
I speak, I want that promise.”
“You have my word,” said the old man. Anthony gave a little
“That night,” he said.— “when Bosman called, I was not alone.”
Turner drew vigorously on his cigarette.
“Now before I go on, please, let me put a question to you.” He
stared at Turner.
“Yes, do” T urner’s face was expectant, his voice encouraging.
"If you were on the threshold of your career — if you felt you
had a fair chance of success in your profession—if you saw before you
opportunities for social uplift, for the respect of your colleagues, the
respect of your friends — all your life you had worked for this, and
now you saw the door slightly open to you — would you, 1 ask you,
yell out about something that would bang that door shut, and lock,
and bar it against you for ever?” His voice was rising. “ Would you?”
“Why, no," said Turner, puzzled and interested.
“No, of course you wouldn’t. But th a t’s my predicament. It seems
as if I may have to bang the door of my life in my own face." He took
a sip of water.
“ You see. if long ago when I first started in this profession, I had
shouted to the world about my brother, I should never have got where
I am. For one thing I should never have been taken into my pres­
ent firm. Nor would Society have accepted me.4 I don’t say that 1
am anything much today, but what little I have achieved would
never have been achieved had I shouted about it.” — His voice died
Turner looked at the young man before him. The keen blue eyes,
the attractive thick eyebrows, the brown hair, the aristocratic nose.
He wondered what blot there was on this life that now seemed to as­
sume such tragic proportions.
“ There’s a skeleton in every cupboard5,” he said consolingly.
“But this isn’t the ordinary skeleton.8 I t ’s not that my brother’s
a rogue, a thief. My brother is one of the finest characters 1 know.
But both he and I7 committed the same crime. The crime of being
born. You see, my brother is.” his voice dropped again, “coloured.”
Turner leaned forward, and his mouth opened.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“What I say. My brother is coloured. And — I suppose — so
am I. For we both have the same European lather, the same coloured
mother — only my brother is dark and i t ’s obvious.”
Turner’s face had paled.
Anthony looked up at him and shrugged his shoulders. He wonder­
ed whether he had done the right thing. But for better or lor worse**,
the deed was complete.
"Surprised?” he asked quietly.
Turner at once collected himself.
“ You are the only one I have ever told.”
“ It shall remain with me.”
“Unless we have to use it in court,” added Anthony. “ If my broth­
e r’s evidence is necessary for my acquittal that acquittal will mean
my conviction.”
He lit another cigarette, and proceeded to tell Turner shortly
about his life. He did not omit his father’s family. He described the
influence his ambitious mother had had on him. He must have been
talking for over an hour by the time he came to Steve’s visit to the
flat and the tragic end of Bosman.
Turner sat back throughout and listened with the greatest atten ­
“My friend,” he said, “you have my sympathy. You haven’t shirk­
ed your difficulties. Your full disclosure can only help me to fight
your case with more sincerity and greater vigour ”
They discussed the tactics of the case in the light of this dramatic
When Anthony was back in the office he wrote to Steve and asked
him to be in Cape Town at least two days before the trial.


1. ...Anthony wrestled with the problem before him. — ... Энтони

обдумывал создавшееся сложное положение.
2. But only after the judge had given his ruling on the adm issibility
of Bosrnan’s declaration ... — Но только после тою. как судья
постановит принять заявления Босмена...
3. ..what case there was to meet. — ... какое дело им предстоит.
4 Nor would Society have accepted me.— He приняло бы меня и
общество. (Общество также не приняло бы меня.)
5. There’s a skeleton in every cupboard.— В каждой семье (у каж­
дого) есть своя тайна (которую приходится скрывать).
6. But this isn’t the ordinary skeleton.—Но это не обычная тайна.
7. But both he and I... — Как он, так и я... (И он, и я ...)
8. But for better or for worse...— Но что бы ни случилось...
Words and Word Combinations
legal а законный; юридический; vigorously adv энергично, с силой
legal adviser юрисконсульт put a question (to) задавать вопрос
jury n суд присяжных encourage v ободрять, поощрять,
trial n судебное разбирательство, уговаривать
процесс; суд slightly adv слегка
tu r n oul оказаться, превратиться, lock v запирать
окончиться society п общество
evidence п свидетельские показания; achieve v достигать, добиваться
доказательства, улики keen а острый
judge п судья assume v принимать, приобретать
de cla ratio n п заявление thief п вор
in the m eanw hile a d v тем временем crime п преступление (уголовное)
counsel п защитник obvious о очевидный, явный
for a long tim e долго pale v бледнеть
р асе v шагать, ходить; расе up and shrug o n e ’s shoulders пожимать пле­
down шагать из угла в угол чами
involve v вовлекать; вызывать (пов­ deed п дело; подвиг
лечь за собой) complete а завершенный
g ra v e а серьезный; мрачный court п суд (помещение)
case п случай; дело (судебное) in case conviction п осуждение
в случае; на случай, если omit v пропускать
Would you mind doing s m th 5 Будьте describe у описывать
любезны сделать что-л. influence л влияние
force v вынуждать, заставлять ambitious а честолюбивый
r ev eal v открывать, обнаруживать, throu gh ou t prep через, по, в течение
раскрывать sincerity п искренность
disclose о открывать
perfectly adv совершенно P roper names
acq uittal п оправдание
cough v кашлять Anthony ['аепвэш] Энтони
cough п кашель T urner ['ta .'n s] Тэрнер
call v посещать; звать, называть Steve [s ti; v] Стив
draw v тащить, тянуть

E x e r c is e 2 1 . Drill some vocabulary units from the text.

1. courage n — courageous a — encourage v — discourage v. dis­

courage somebody from do ing someth ing — have the courage
to do something

a) Translate the following sentences into Russian;

1. My brother tried to discourage me from taking part in the o i -

cert. 2. Try again, don’t let one failure (неудача) discourage yoa.
3. Success always encourages people. 4. You should have the cour­
age to hear this news. 5. He never had the courage to meet danger
b) Complete the following sentences:

1. During the trial Anthony gathered his courage... . 2. I don’t

think he is a courageous man as... . 3. She wanted to encourage
him ... . 4. The news was so discouraging th at... . 5. It was not
easy to understand how they had the courage... . 6. We didn’t
intend to discourage her from... .

c) Translate the following sentences into English:

1. На вашем месте я бы поощрял его интерес к алгебре. 2. Мне

бы хотелось отговорить ее от покупки этих вещей. 3. Новость
так обескуражила его, что он не мог произнести ни одного слова.
4. Все окончилось хорошо благодаря его мужеству. 5. У них
не хватило смелости (они не осмелились) рассказать правду.
6. Она очень смелая женщина — во время войны она спасла
жизнь многим раненым.

2. achieve v — achievement п

a) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. We have achieved all that we expected. 2. The inventor was

rewarded by the government for his scientific achievem ents.
b) Translate the sentences into English.

1. Я могу сказать^что вы добились наилучших результатов в этом

соревновании. 2. Все газеты писали о замечательном достижении
этого спортсмена.

3. am bition п — am bitious а
a) Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. My friend is an a m b itio u s person, he wants to become as famous

as this scientist. 2. His plans are very a m b itio u s, he wants to mas­
ter many foreign languages. 3. His a m b itio n is to be a great invent­
or. 4. A person who is filled with a m b itio n always works hard.
b) T ranslate the sentences into English.

I. Цель жизни учителя — воспитывать своих учеников честны­

ми и трудолюбивыми. 2. Мы считаем, что он очень честолюбив —
он всегда рад, когда его хвалят. 3. Какая честолюбивая девуш­
ка, она всегда хочет быть во всем первой.

c) Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

a m b itio n , a m b itio u s , achieve, achievem ent

1. A nthony’s ... mother wanted her son to become wealthy and
famous. 2. Her ... is to be one of the best skaters of the country.
3. You will ... your ambition if you work hard. 4. His scientific
... were so significant that he was rewarded by the government.
5. I have ... all that I expected.

4. describe v — description n — descriptive a

a) T ranslate (he following sentences into Russian:

1. To see a place with one’s own eyes is better than any descrip­
tion. 2. He was described as a very handsome and kind man.
3. There is some excellent d escrip tive writing in this novel.
b) Answer the following questions:

1. Can you describe his sister’s appearance to me?

2. Please describe any picture you saw in the arts gallery.
3. Will you give us a d escription of this man?
4. Would you mind giving me a description of your room?
c) Translate the sentences into English.
I. Попытайтесь описать ее внешность. 2. Его сочинение начи­
нается с описания огромного города. 3. Я знаю, что в моем со­
чинении описательная часть занимает немного места.

5. declare v — declaration п
a) Translate (he sentences into Russian.

1. When will the results of the election be declared ? 2. The man

declared that he was innocent. 3. The German fascists attacked
our country without any declaration of war.
b) Fill in the blanks w ith the proper derivatives.
I. Anthony ... that he could prove his innocence. 2. Everybody
was happy when peace was ... . 3. The English government ...
that it would take measures to stop the strike of the miners. 4. Will
you read this ... out loud?
c) Translate the sentences into English.
1. Он сказал, что отметки будут объявлены после экзамена.
2. Делегаты обсудили заявление и решили его опубликовать

6. complete v — complete a — completely a d v

a) Translate the following:
1. Her husband has a com plete edition of Shakespeare’s plays.
2. When will the work be com pleted ? 3. The performance was
com pletely successful.

10— 1312 289

b) Complete the following sentences:

I. T o com plete the road will take ... . 2 . I need only two stamps
to com p lete... . 3. It was a com plete surprise to me when .... 4. We
are c o m p letely ready ... . 5. Try to com plete ... .
c) Translate the sentences into English.

I. Железнодорожная станция еще не закончена. 2. У этого ра­

бочего есть полный набор инструментов. 3. Он полностью готов
выполнить все ваши указания.

7. accept v — receive v — take v

a) Translate the following sentences into Russian.

I. Have you accepted her invitation t® dinner? 2. I am sure you

like to receive guests. 3. He thought we should take his advice.
b) Fill in the blanks with: a c c e p t, t a k e , r e c e iv e w herever neces­

1. Will she ... your invitation to the performance? 2. The new

hotel is already open ... guests. 3. He was told ... command. 4. She
... his misfortune to heart and was so distressed that we could
not calm her. 5. The minister will ... the delegation tomorrow.
6. He asked her to marry him and she ... his proposal.
c) Translate the sentences into English

1. Его картина была принята комиссией. 2. Говорят, что они

уже приняли решение. 3. Она отказалась принять их, так как
была очень занята.

8. crime п — commit a crime — crim inal а — crim inal п

a) Translate the following sentences Into Russian.

1. He was sent to prison for his crimes. 2. He was found guilty

of c o m m ittin g a serious crime. 3. The detectives began to run after
the crim in a l when they heard that shot. 4. Nobody knew who
had comm itted that crim in a l act.

b) Complete the following sentences:

I. The crime he committed ... . 2. The criminal tried to escape

but ... . 3. He had no idea of the criminal world ... . 4. The judge
was not sure that the criminal a c t .. . . 5. The officer led the crim­
inal ... .
2 90
с) T ra n sla te the sentences in to E nglish.
1. Они считали его поступок прест уплением 2. Он никогда не
совершит п рест упление. 3. Сообщили, что из тюрьмы бежал
преступник. 4. Мы изучаем уголовное право.

9. keen a d j — to be keen on smth.

a) Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. Your knife has a very keen edge. 2. Her keen sorrow (печаль)
upset all her friends. 3. We are very keen to see the Black Sea.
b) Translate the sentences in to English.

1. Он не увлекается легкой музыкой. 2. В молодости у меня

было острое зрение. 3. Ему очень хочется увидеть подлинные
картины Гогена.

10. trial п — to bring to trial — to put on trial — to be on trial —

try v (for smth.)
a) Translate the following sentences in to Russian:
1. Which judge will try the case? 2. He will be tried for murder.
3. He w as on tria l for theft. 4. They were brought to tria l for steal­
ing money from the bank.
b) Translate the sentences info English.
1. Суд состоялся в понедельник, причем разбирал дело судья Н.
2. Эту женщину следует привлечь к с у д у . 3. Я никогда не был
под судом. 4. На процессе было много народу.

11. judge п — judge и — judgement п — to pass judgement on a

person — in one’s judgement
a) Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. Don’t you know who will be the ju dge at this trial? 2. I c a n ’t
judge whether he was right or wrong. 3. The judgem ent will be
passed on them in a few days. 4. In m y judgem ent the picture is
b) Fill in the blanks w ith the words j u d g e an d t r y and their d eriva­
1. We doubt (hat she w ill... for that silly act. 2. T his... is respect­
ed by all the population of the district. 3. The criminal was ...
yesterday and everybody knows the ... . 4. The judgement will ...
on him in several days. 5. The ... will take place in the village of
N. on Monday. 6. They were ... for stealing a great sum of money
from the booking-office. D on't ... him so strictly. He is not so
guilty as the others. 7. In their ... he is a wonderful artist.
10* 291
с) T ranslate the sentences in to English.

1. Судья H. живет недалеко от центра города. 2. Известно,

что они не согласны с решением суда. 3. По моему мнению, эта
музыка не заслуживает внимания. 4. Он не может судит ь их
игру, так как он только что пришел и не видел начала (игры).
5. Приговор будет вынесен, вероятно, завтра.

12. om it v — omission п
a) Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. There is only one mistake in her dictation — she has o m itte d

one letter. 2. While checking (up) his work I found the om ission
of one chapter.
b) Translate the following sentences Into English.

I. He пропускай слова, когда списываешь текст с книги. 2. Он

всегда невнимателен, когда пишет на доске; он никогда не смо­
жет получить отличной отметки из-за пропуска букв или за­
пятых (comma).

E x e r c is e 2 2 . Find English e q u iv a le n ts to the following word com­

b inations from the text:

при таком положении вещей, представить доказательства; тем

временем; подлинные факты; с другой стороны; наибольший риск;
быть вынужденным; поднять голову; помочь делу; гарантировать
оправдание; испортить жизнь; навсегда; дать слово; покашливать
(кашлянуть); разрешите задат ь вопрос; благоприятная возможность;
преуспевать; захлопнуть дверь навсегда, в замешательстве; гло­
ток воды; впервые начать работать; крикнуть на весь мир; тем не
менее; быть очевидным; дело было сделано; зажечь папиросу; тра­
гический конец; величайшее внимание; не испугаться трудностей;
обсудить действия

E x e r c is e 2 3 . Translate the following pairs of a n to n y m s and give your

own examples.
legal act — illegal act
necessary deed — unnecessary deed
revocable step — irrevocable step
expected agreement — unexpected agreement
true facts — untrue facts
acceptable evidence— unacceptable evidence
a ttrac tiv e face — unattractiv e face
complete document — incomplete document
atten tiv e student — inattentive student
E x e r c i s e 2 4 . Open the brackets and translate the words and word com­
binations given in them.

I. They had to accept that the act was quite (законный). 2. If

(юрисконсульт) knows all the details of the case it w ill help you dur­
ing the trial. 3. (Суд присяжных) found the prisoner not guilty.
4. In spite of all the difficulties everything (окончилось) perfectly
well. 5. (Суд) lasted three days, the newspapers describing it in.de­
tail. 6. (Судья) conducted four trials in one day. 7. We
saw that he (шагал из угла в угол) thinking about something.
8. The (декларация) of Independence was made by the British colo­
nies in North America on Ju ly 4th 1776. 9. The war (повлекла за
собой) an enormous increase in the hardships for the population.
10. The situation was so critical that everyone looked quiet and
(мрачными). 11. He asked us (не запирать) the door as he had no key
of his own. 12. The peculiar feature of her character is (искренность).
13 Everybody demanded (вор) should be punished. 14. It is quite
(очевидно) that something ha:s happened to the boy. He went to the
forest in the morning and has not returned home yet 15. When she
heard about her friend’s dea'th, her face began (бледнеть) and she
fainted*. 16. I wish another (адвокат) took your case. 17 If she should
ring you up and tell you of her misfortune** I think you should go to
her place (чтобы утешить) her. 18. (В случае) of danger try to warn
us. 19. If he (откроет) our secret everything will be lost. 20. He was
sure that if (общество) had known that he was coloured it would
never have accepted him. 211. The counsel could hardly guarantee
him (оправдание) as the (улики) was against him. 22. She seemed
(слегка) touched when she Hieard his (осуждение) of her conduct.
23. The young man asked his> counsel not (раскрывать) his life secret.
24. Her unusual (энергия) asttonished all her friends. 25. Tell us of the
(достижениях) of your laboratory. 26. There was a great deal of hu­
mour (в течение) the whole play. 27. The woman (наклонилась
вперед) and shook hands wiith him 28. He (пожал плечами) as if
he did not know what to say. 29. In his book he (описывал) many
heroic (поступков) ol the partisans during the Great Patriotic War.

E x e r c i s e 2 5 . Replace worlds an d word c om b inations given in italics

by those given below. Translate: the sentences.

for a long tim e , in the m ea n w h ile, pace up and dow n , in case of,
w ould you m in d ..., liv in g souil, conceal, force , chamber, proceed, have
a fa ir chance . assume
1. Anthony tried to h ide the secret ol his birth as long as pos­
sible. 2. He was m ade to discilose everything at the trial. 3. They had
lo n g been waiting for him arnd decided to leave a note at last. 4. In
* fainted — потеряла созшание
** m isfortune — несчастье

the m eantim e he was looking through all the documents again. 5. For
a long time that night he w alked up a n d down thinking of the case.
6. I f i t happens that it will be necessary to use all the facts, he will
use them. 7. Be so k in d as to listen to his arguments. 8. “ No human
being will be told about the facts of your birth,” said the legal ad­
viser. 9. When he entered his counsel’s room he saw him sitting at
the table, writing something. 10. After a short pause he continued
telling us his story. 11. We know of her h avin g p o s s ib ility to take
this job. 12. Soon the smoke in the distance began to take a very
strange shape. It seemed to be some big animal floating in the sky.

E x e r c i s e 26. Translate the sentences using the following pairs ol

words wherever necessary.
judge n — judge v
cough n — cough v
pace n — pace v
grave n — grave a
pale a — pale &
force n — force ©
influence n — influence v

1. Нельзя судить его так строго. 2. Он справедливый судья.

3. Не кашляй так громко, гы разбудишь его. 4. У ребенка силь­
ный кашель, я хочу оставить его дома. 5. Почему ты такой
бледный ? 6. Она вдруг начала бледнеть. 7. Не принуж дай его из­
виниться. 8. Несколько человек было убито силой взрыва (explo­
sion). 9. Этот ученый изучает влияние луны на землю. 10. Погода
влияет на урожай (crops). II. Они посетили могилу Неизвестного
Солдата. 12. Доктор сказал, что' ее положение очень серьезное.

E x e r c is e 2 7 . Correct the following s ta te m e n ts according to the text.

1. That night Anthony slept quietly in his bed. 2. He had no dif­

ficulty in placing his witness before his legal adviser. 3. But with
things as they were, the production of Steve was desirable. 4. Every­
thing would be all right if at the trial it turned out necessary to lead
any evidence lor the defence. 5. It was unnecessary to prime the
counsel with the true facts. 6. Anthony decided not to go to Turner
and not to tell him his greatest secret. 7. Turner asked Anthony to
disclose everything. 8. Anthony said that the revelation of hissecret
would not guarantee an acquittal. 9. Anthony said that when Bosman
had called he had been quite alone. 10. Anthony was sure that if he
had revealed his secret he would have lived happily and the society
would have accepted him. 11. Turner was not surprised at hearing
that A nthony’s brother was coloured. 12. Anthony said that his
ambitious mother had had no influence upon him. 13. Turner said to
Anthony that he despised (презирать) him, because Anthony had
shirked his difficulties and had not disclosed his secret. 14. Anthony
asked Steve not to come to the trial.

E x e r c is e 28. Answer the following questions:

1. Why couldn’t Anthony rest quietly that night?

2. W hat did he decide to do at last?
3. Was Turner ready to listen to A nthony’s secret?
4. A nthony’s disclosure of his secret could help the case, couldn’t
it? Why?
5. Was Turner surprised at hearing that Anthony had not been alone
at his home?
6. W hat was A nthony’s crime?
7. Who else knew A nthony’s secret?
8. Why did Anthony think that his acquittal would mean his con­
9. How did Turner receive the news and what did he promise to do?
10. Who did Anthony write to on coming home?

E x e r c i s e 29. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Если бы я был на вашем месте, я не сделал бы этого заявле­

ния. 2. Его свидетель только что ушел в зал суда. Было бы инте­
ресно узнать, что он там говорит. 3. В то время он не дал бы этого
показания. 4. Важно, чтобы их поход закончился успешно. 5. Он
требовал, чтобы мы повлияли на нее. 6. Она выглядела так, как
будто она была слегка разочарована. 7. Вы должны скрыть все
факты, чтобы они ничего не узнали. 8. Ж аль, что мы не остались
в комнате и не слышали, как он описывал это событие. 9. Если он
пойдет к своему адвокату, попросите его взять все необходимые до­
кументы. 10. Я просил его быть более внимательным и не пропус­
кать букв в словах, но он не желал делать этого (он не слушался).
11. Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы они добились большого успеха.
12. Не будете ли вы любезны поговорить с вашим юрисконсультом
о моем деле? 13. Я бы хотел, чтобы этот процесс, наконец, окон­
чился. 14. Если бы он совершил это преступление, он не был бы так
спокоен сейчас на суде. 15. Если она будет более искренна, мы смо­
жем помочь ей. 16. Мы думаем, он мог бы уговорить ее не обращать
внимание на это явное недоразумение (misunderstanding).
E x e r c is e 3 0 . Translate the following sentences into Russian paying
a tte n tio n to the italicized words.
1. We were going to get Mother a new hat too, but i t turned o u t
that she seemed to really like her old grey bonnet better than a new
one. 2. “My brother and I were trie d long ago. That tria l took place
before we were born. We were tried for the acts of our ancestors, were
convicted and sentenced to live in a world of prejudice. Even if you
a cq u it me now that sentence still stands." 3. Blair achieved nothing in
his cross-examination. 4. It was obvious then, that those initials had
once been very familiar to you. 5. Such, in a few woids, my
dear boy, is the history of this terrible business in which I was in­
volved. 6. When the ju dge and the ju ry had resumed their places.
Turner rose. 7. They all seemed a little baffled by the facts but nev­
ertheless impressed with J e a n ’s sin cerity. 8. Mr. Marsh frankly
stated that Industrial Training Act does not force any employer to
do anything. 9. He leaned back in his seat and listened to the remain­
der of the cross-examination. 10. Steve started to cough. Anthony
remembered how he had coughed that night in the flat. II. “ Do you
swear that the evidence you are about to give is the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth?” 12. No details were given at first
of the flight’s duration or programme and many were no doubt s lig h t­
ly disappointed there was no woman on board this time. 13. I told
him how his support had stim ulated and encouraged me.


Voice: Mr M iller’s residence.1
Robert: I ’d like to speak with Virginia W hite2 if she is there.
V.: I ’m sorry, but she isn’t here right now. Who is calling, please?
R .: This is Robert Anderson speaking3. WillVirginia beback soon?
V.: Yes, probably about five o ’clock.Do you want to leave her a
message? 1
R .: Well, just5 tell her that I called, please.
V.: W ait a moment. I think she is coming now. Hold the wire. “
R .: All right, I ’ll wait.
V irgin ia: Hello?
R .: Virginia?
V.: Speaking.7
R .: Vir, this is Bob.
V.: Oh, hello, Bob, how are you?
R .: Just fine, thanks. And you?
V.: Very well. I t’s nice to hear your voice.
R .: Virginia, are you going to be busy tomorrow night?8
V.: Well, I planned to study my English.
R .: How about going to the cinema? There is a good picture at the
Colum bia9 this week. W e’ll go early, and then you can study
afterwards. ■
V.: All right, Bob, I ’d like to go. Thanks a lot.
R .: Then I ’ll call for you a little before seven.
V.: О. К .10 I ’ll be ready.
/?.: Good-bye, Virginia.
V.: So long, Bob. and thanks for calling.

1. Mr M iller’s residence.— Квартира м-ра Миллера.

2. Virginia White Iva'dsinja wait J
3. This is Robert Anderson speaking.— Говорит Роберт Андерсен.
4. Do you want to leave her a message? — Вы хотите ей что-либо
5. j u s t — зд . просто
6 Hold the wire.— Не вешайте трубки; Не отходите от телефона.
7. Speaking— Я слушаю (Я у телефона).
8 tomorrow night — завтра вечером (tonight сегодня вечером;
last night вчера вечером)
9. the Columbia |кэ'1лтЫ э ] — название кинотеатра
IU. О. К. (амер.) = Oh Key — all right


1. Where is the nearest call- Где ближайший телефон-авто­

box? мат?
2. 1 want to put a call Мне нужно позвонить в Москву.
through to Moscow.
3. Can you book me a call Примите, пожалуйста, заказ на
through to N.. please? телефонный разговор с горо­
дом Н.
4. 1 want to talk on (over) the Я хочу поговорить по телефону.
5. to ring up (phone up. call звонить кому-л.
up) smb.
6. My telephone number is ... Номер моего телефона...
7. to dial набирать номер
8. Pick up the receiver. Снимите трубку.
9. We are disconnected (cut Нас разъединили.
10. The line is engaged (busy). Линия занята.
11. Do you hear the buzzing Вы слышите гудок?
12. I cannot get him on the Я не могу ему дозвониться.
13. The line is clear (free). Линия свободна.
14. H.irry speaking. Say. ... Говорит Гарри. Слушай ...
15. Don’t hang up. Не вешайте трубку.
16 I can’t make out what you Не могу разобрать, что вы го­
are saying. > и ■ ворите.
E x e r c is e 3 1 . T ran slate the follow ing sentences in to R ussian.

1. Is this Mr S m ith’s residence? I ’d like to speak with Tom. Is

he there? 2. Pick up the receiver and dial the following number.
3. Who is calling, please? Helen speaking. 4. The line is free. Can you
hear the buzzing sound? 5. Don’t hung up. I want to leave a message
to him. 6. Don’t you hear the telephone call? Pick up the receiver.
7. I can’t make out what you are saying. Repeat it, please. 8. He
could not get her on the phone. The line was engaged. 9. Would you
mind telling me where the nearest call-box is? I have no home
telephone. 10. ft is a pity we were disconnected.

E x e r c is e 32. Translate the following dialogues into English:

а) А .: Скажите, какой у вас номер телефона?
В.: 929-31-42.
A .: Можно мне позвонить вам завтра вечером?
B .: Я буду в театре. Не могли бы вы позвонить послезавтра?
A .: Хорошо. В котором часу?
B.: Около 9.
б) Я .: Кто говорит?
А .: Анна. Слушай, это ты, Ник?
Я .: Да. Здравствуй, Анна. Рад тебя слышать.
А .: Я бы хотела поговорить с Кейт, если она дома.
Я.: Ее нет.
А .: Она скоро придет?
Я .: Вероятно, около 7 часов. Ты хочешь ей что-нибудь передать?
А .: Да. Я хочу пригласить ее в кино. Скажи ей об этом, пожа­
луйста. В нашем клубе идет очень хороший фильм.
Я.: Когда ты думаешь пойти?
А .: Завтра в 9 часов вечера. Попроси Кейт позвонить мне, когда
она придет домой.
Я.: С большим удовольствием. (Охотно.)
А .: До свидания, Ник.
Я.: До свидания, Анна.

Text for translation

E x e r c is e 3 3 . a) Read and tra nslate the text.


The Sheriff James G. Clark and his deputies are commiting out­
rage after outrage against the Negro people and their white sup­
Selm a’s Negroes are engaging in a campaign of resolute but
peaceful demonstrations to compel the authorities to follow the law
and register them as citizens with full voting rights.
The campaign in Selma has been on for less than a month yet
one out every three Negroes there, 3,400 at this writing have been
jailed by Sheriff Clark. Hundreds of men, women and youths were
brutally beaten during arrests and in the jails.
Through television and news cameramen the nation and the world
have witnessed the fiendish cruelty of Selma’s racist maniacs; the
three-mile run which the Negro children were forced to make while
being herded like cattle by the sheriff and his deputies, who beat the
little ones with clubs and jabbed them with cattle prods which em it­
ted electric shocks.
In one and the same week, Americans have witnessed other of
their countrymen committing crimes against humanity in two far-
flung places of the earth. The torturers of the Negro children of Selma
are kinsmen of the napalm bombers and burners of the children in the
villages of North Vietnam.
The Americans dare not delay in divorcing themselves from these
equally savage crimes against hum anity For these horrible deeds
are renegade acts which offend everything that Americans stand for.
In truth, they have mocked our nation with infamy and shame.
Sheriff Jam es Clark, his deputies and possemen must not escape
the punishment for their crime
(T h e W orker. February 16, 1965)
b) Answer the following: questions
1 What does the author of the article call the sheriff James G. Clark
and his deputies?
2. What was Martin Luther King and what was he struggling tor'1
3 What has Sheriff Clark been doing since the beginning of the cam­
paign in Selma?
4. What could the people watch through television?
5. Against whom did the sheriff direct his activity?
6. What other crimes are Americans committing?


Tom ’s Uncle Philip was an inventor and was extremely rich He
was a strange old man, he lived alone, had no wife or friends and
spent all his money on buying precious stones.
One day, about a week before Uncle Philip died, he sent for his
nephew. Here it must be explained that this was the first time the
two met. Many years earlier Philip had had a big quarrel with his
sister, who was Tom ’s mother, and since then he had never spoken
to her again, or to Tom. He hated them both very much.
When Tom came to see him, Uncle Philip was lying ill in bed.
"1 am leaving all my precious stones to you. You will find them in an
iron box in the bank. But before you unlock the box, read the letter
which lies on top of it. Also, be careful not to shake the fcox."
Tom thought this was very strange,' but as his uncle was known
to be a strange man, he believed that everything would be all right.
After Uncle P h ilip ’s death Tom went to the bank for the box.
Before he started to open it. he read the letter. Here is what it said:
“Dear Tom,
This box contains a large number of precious stones. 1 am leaving
them to you because I want you always to remember your dear uncle.
The box also contains a powerful charge of dynamite which will ex­
plode as soon as you unlock it. If you do not believe me, open it and
you will be blown into atoms. Do not forget your uncle.”
He thought for a whole week until he got the idea of opening the
box from a distance with the aid of wires. He would not be injured
if the dynamite exploded. But then he realized that if the dynamite
exploded it would blow the stones into bits.
From that time on Tom could think of nothing but the box and
the fortune that awaited him if he could open it safely. He asked
everyone he knew for advice. Some people suggested ways of opening
the box, but they did not believe in their ideas enough to try
them out.
One day a government official came to collect the tax on Tom ’s
inheritance. Tom was delighted. He showed the tax collector Uncle
P h ilip ’s letter and offered him the key to the box. The man said he
would think it over and come back later. Of course, he never came
back. Would you? So there is Tom ’s dilemma. A rich man, he is
at the same time poor. He has an iron box that contains great wealth,
but also contains dynamite that will explode when the key is used
to unlock it.
What would you advise?

I. Retell the story answering the following questions:

1. How did Tom ’s uncle live?
2. Why did Uncle Philip send for his nephew?
3. Did he like Tom? Why?
4. What did Tom ’s uncle leave him?
5. Where did Tom go after his uncle’s death?
6. What did he find in the letter?
7. What did the box contain?
8. Could Tom open the box? Why?
9. How did he try to open it?
10. Who tried to help him? How?
II. What would you advise?

11. Think of the end of the story.



Урок 1
Упражнение 2. 1. In summer we eat much fruit. 2. Bring me the
scissors, please. 3. I know the contents of this book. 4. She has very
beautiful hair. 5. Put your clothes on the chair. 6. He bought new trou­
sers. 7. How much money have you? 8. We got new data on this

Упражнение 4. 1. He showed me his sister’s letter. 2. Where is

the plan of this building? 3. She took her brother’s skates. 4. The
walls of the room are white. 5. Give me your pupils’ copy-books. 6.
Bring the children’s things. 7. After a ten m inute’s interval they be­
gan to work again. 8. Yesterday the children found a bird ’s nest.
9. Where is yesterday's newspaper? 10. There are many interest­
ing books and magazines in the library of the institute.

Упражнение 7. 1. He often writes letters to his friends. 2. When

will you take your things? 3. She gave me her book. 4. Tomorrow
she will see her children. 5. Yesterday they finished their work. 6. We
told her about our trip to Leningrad. 7. I shall read my composition
to you. 8. He will bring me his dictionary. 9. We prepared our lessons
at home. 10. They invited their friends. 11. I shall ask my teacher
about it. 12. She will come to see me with her sister.

Упражнение 8. I . some, some 2. some 3. some (или any в значении

лю бую ) 4. some 5. anything 6. anybody 7. everybody 8. no 9. any
10. any 11. everybody. 12. everywhere 13. everybody или everything
14. somebody 15. some 16. any 17. some.

Упражнение 9. 1. My uncle wants to tell me something. 2. "H ave

you any cigarettes?” he asked. “ Yes, I have some.” 3. On the next
day my uncle knew everybody. 4. If you want something to eat, go to
the diner. 5. Some of the players got tired and sat down to rest. 6. He
may come any minute. Be ready. 7. We heard this song everywhere.
8. She gave me a cup of milk, but I asked her for some water. 9. They
know that no medicine will help you. 10. Does any of you know his
address? 11. None of them will understand me.
4. he was a t the station; she got on the train; I came to the li­
brary; we went to the skating-rink.
5. for the lecture; for the lesson, for the concert.
6. her in the library at 7. o ’clock; you here; a bus; his friend
at the bus stop.

Упражнение 56. 1. Under tzarism the working people had no rights.

2. Tzarist Russia was a backward country. 3. After the October
revolution industry and agriculture developed in the Asian republics.
4. Now the population of these republics is literate. 5. There is no
exploitation in our country. 6. In the Soviet Union women have equal
rights with men. 7. The life of the working people (has) changed after
the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Урок 2

Упражнение 6. 1. know about her arrival; hurry (be in a hurry);

buy a ticket himself; walk every morning; play tennis with them.
2. meet us at the station; go to the library; followhis in­
structions; come early; speak to them yesterday.
3. speak loudly; travel; stay in town; remember about this
journey, get up a t 7 o ’clock.
4. know more about it than he does, be with them now; listen
to her attentively.
5 go to Leningrad on business; ring me up a t 5 o ’clock, join
them at the station; consult a doctor; take care of his children; walk
every day.
6. introduce her to his friends; to speak to the director; to do
this translation; to write them about his illness.
7. tell you where he went (has gone); send for a taxi; buy some
bread; open the window.

Упражнение 7. 1. move; be in a smoker; offer them cigarettes;

catch the 10 o ’clock train; warn them about the danger; be silent;
go to town with them.
2. run into her in the street; become friends with him in the
Crimea; follow them, pretend to be deaf; put a pen into his pocket;
put his things there
3. to skate in a month; to have dinner with us; to get to town
before morning; to find the way home; to hear us

Упражнение 9. 1. come home earlier; drink this water; go to

the Institute already; ask her about it.
2. write to us; also buy this book; invite us to the theatre; come
in a tew days; do it himself.
Упражнение II. 1. It is warm. 2. It was dark. 3. It is impossible.
4. It was difficult. 5. It was snowing (It snowed). 6. It will be raining
(It will rain). 7. It is interesting. 8. It was already dark. 9. Will it be
easy? 10. It was hot. 11. It is so cold. It will snow. 12. It will be in­

Упражнение 19. 1. was going 2. some of 3. to consult 4. helped,

to wipe 5. in order to 6. came up 7. let’s go 8. to the right 9. raised,
looked a t 10. in a low voice 11. was silent 12. forced him 13. held him
back 14. took up.

Упражнение 21 1. to travel; to consult a doctor; to leave this

village; to profit by my experience; to tell us about his journey; to
stay in town in summer.
2. her smile; us have dinner in the diner; them buy tickets
themselves; his friend help us; us take warm clothes; me learn
all the new words.

Упражнение 23. 1. He heard the roar in the distance. 2. She sat

down at the table and began to write. 3. He could not explain to her
a new rule. 4. Everybody understood me well. 5. He got up and went
home. 6. The dog found him on the road. 7. When she bent down over
hi in he opened his eyes. 8. She gave him a clean towel. 9. lie thought
much about his life in the town. 10. He saw a big man at the table.
11. She had to help him. 12. He bought tickets and came up to them.

Упражнение 24. I. came 2. had to 3. find, shall take 4. is 5. did

not like 6. come, will be able to 7. does he know 8. is 9. is going
10. could not.

Упражнение 25. 1. a t 2. a t 3.— 4. back 5. to, of 6. in, of 7. иэ,

down, over, of 8. on 9. with 10. for 11. into 12. of. to.
Упражнение 26. 1. you visited her yesterday; you are going to
meet them, you remember about it; you bought tickets yesterday.
2. he will miss his home; she will not be able to travel with us;
they will quarrel; we shall not become friends; you will not be able
to get up
3 he will play with us; you will help her to do her lessons,
she will visit me; I could remember his name; we washed our chil­
dren yesterday when it was warm
4. warning them about the danger; showing us your pictures;
helping me to get up; instructing me; discussing his behaviour.
Упражнение 27. I. Yesterday I had a bad headache and could
not study 2. Open the window, please. He has a bad headache. 3. As
1 am not very ill I d o n 't want to stay in bed. 4. He was ill and stayed
in bed for a month. 5. When the lectures are over, we shall go to the
cinema. 6. The meeting was over and we went home. 7. We shall miss
our old teacher very much. 8. When the mother left home the chil­
dren missed her very much. 9. She caught cold and had to stay at
home. 10. You will catch cold if you don’t put on your coat. 11. What
is the matter with you? Are you feeling bad? 12. 1 felt quite well.
У п р а ж н е н и е 29. 1. disposal 2. pride 3. attend 4. overthrew 5. ar­
rangements 6. published, occasion 7. cooperation 8. movement.
Упражнение 30. 1. In London Lenin gathered material for his
works. 2. Lenin had to spend many years abroad. 3. The English
workers helped Lenin to publish (the newspaper) “ Iskra” . 4. Lenin
attended the Party Congresses which took place in London. 5. Lenin
worked very much in the British Museum. 6. Lenin did not give u j
the struggle even in exile.

У рок 3
У п р а ж н е н и е I. 1. К нам подошла группа смеющихся людей
(определение). 2. Он стоял, говоря с ней тихим голосом (обстоя­
тельство). 3. Не понимая, чего они хотят, он повторил вопрос (об­
стоятельство). 4. Путешествуя по всему миру, ученый видел много
интересного и собрал важный материал (обстоятельство). 5. Она
остановилась, чтобы посмотреть на птиц, поющих на дереве (оп­
ределение). 6. Старик, показывающий им эти фотографии, жил в
нашем доме много лет тому назад (определение). 7. Будучи уста­
лыми, они решили лечь и немного отдохнуть (обстоятельство).
У п р а ж н е н и е 2. 1. the dancing girls; the laughing students;
the falling stars; the crying boy; the sleeping dog.
2. standing a t the blackboard is our teacher; singing the song is
one of our students; walking along the road is his friend; washing
the hands is her father; working in the garden is my uncle.
3. smiling gaily; thinking about something; reading a newspa­
per; smoking a cigarette.
4. leaving the case in the room; putting the plates on the shelf;
saying something to her sister; putting the book on the desk;
leaving him a towel and a cake of soap
У п р а ж н е н и е 3. 1. The man, who wrote this article, knows the life
of the Soviet cosmonauts very well. 2. The students, who took part
in this work, will go to Leningrad. 3. The questions, which were dis­
cussed a t this meeting, are very interesting. 4. I know the man, who
gave this lecture. 5. Who is the girl, who came to see you last night?
У п р а ж н е н и е 5. I. Сейчас 9 часов Они (are listening) слушают
последние известия. 2. Посмотри на него. Он (is hurrying) спешит
куда-то. 3. Приходи навестить меня. Я сейчас ;am having a rest)
отдыхаю. 4. Где студенты? У них (are having) английский урок.
5. Не трогай кота. Он (is eating) ест и рассердится, если ты тро­
нешь его. 6. Почему вы здесь (are smoking) курите? В аудитории
курить не разрешается. 7. Иванов (is writing) пишет в тетради сей­
час? Нет, он (is writing) пишет на доске. 8. Школьники (are not
skating) не катаются сейчас на катке. 9. Она (is not reading) не чи­
тает газету. Сейчас она (is reading) читает журнал.

У п р а ж н е н и е 6. 1. Present Cont., Present Indef. 2. Present Cont.,

Present Indef. 3. Present Cont., Present Cont. Present Indef.

У п р а ж н е н и е 7. 1. was finishing; 2. were listening; 3. got up,

washed and went out; 4. read, translated, helped.

У п р а ж н е н и е 8. 1. will ask, will be asking 2. will return 3. shall

be working 4. will be going 5. will become 6. will show 7 will take.

У п р а ж н е н и е 12. 1. is having 2. has 3. are discussing 4. discuss

5. was sleeping 6. slept 7. looked 8. is making 9 makes.

У п р а ж н е н и е 13. A. are reading, come, see, are reading, called,

were reading. M. am A. are reading. /VI. am reading A. Is M. Do you
want. A. will finish /VI. shall finish, shall be reading, will be able.
У п р а ж н е н и е 16. I) 1. Talking to him usually takes about an hour.
2. Smoking so much is (harmful) bad. 3. Swimming far is dangerous.
4. Painting is a useful amusement for children 5 Writing to him
about it is useless.
2) 1. The greatest pleasure for us will be reading his new novel.
2. They began talking loudly. 3. The students finished discussing
the report and thanked the speaker.
3) 1. He was fond of walking in the forest. 2. She is afraid of fall
ing ill. 3. 1 am sure of his writing the article. 4 He insisted on visit
ing her. 5. We knew of his being in hospital
4) 1. He had a pleasure of hearing this wonderful singer. 2. We
had little hope of finding this book. 3 We shall have a pleasure of
visiting the picture gallery. 4. There was no chance of warning him.
5) 1. After coming home we began preparing supper 2. After
writing the report he read it once more. 3. He thought before answer­
ing us
У п р а ж н е н и е 17 I Помогите мне сделать эту работу (доп.). 2. Она
попросила меня дать ей папиросу (доп.). 3 Мы остановились, чтобы
отдохнуть (обстоят.). 4. Нет никого, кто бы дал нам воды (опред.).
5 Трудно сделать это за такой короткий срок (доп.). б. Его желанием
было открыть там школу (сказ.). 7. Играть в футбол было большим
желанием мальчика (нодлеж.). 8. Он достаточно умен, чтобы по­
нять, что нам нужно (сказ.). 9. Она первая предложила свою по­
мощь (опред.). 10. Пожалуйста, закройте окно, чтобы не просту­
диться (обстоят.). 11. Вот хороший журнал для чтения в трамвае
(опред.). 12. У меня ничего не было от головной боли, чтобы дать
ему (доп.). 13. Он остановил нас, чтобы показать нам что-то, что
было в его портфеле (обстоят.).
У п р а ж н е н и е 18. I. Не came here to tell her about it. 2. It is too
late to go to the park. 3. He hurried to the station to buy tickets.
4. I shall write down your telephone number to ring you up tomorrow.
5. She decided to go to the dining-room to have dinner. 6. Gert called
Lanny to warn him. 7. They went into the house to wash the face
and hands.
У п р а ж н е н и е 19. 1. used to 2. would 3. used to 4 . would 5. would
6. used to 7. used to.
У п р а ж н е н и е 2 0 . I. We know that she was the first tocome. 2. This
teacher was the next to send congratulations to him. 3. They were the
last to join our excursion. 4. He will be the last to learn about this
terrible event. 5. I was the third to answer at the examination. 6. Who
was the first to notice these traces?
У п р а ж н е н и е 21. 1. wash the hands and have dinner; translate this
text, ask him about it; sit down and rest; wait for your sister.
2. play this role; learn everything about it; enter the room;
work in the garden; ring her up.
3. choose a seat; show the tickets; go tothe theatre with you;
play the principal part in this play.
У п р а ж н е н и е 23. 1) many note-books, much milk, much water,
many days, many newspapers, much chalk, much snow, many years,
many pictures, much music;
2) few houses, little ink, little tea, few cups, few apples, few win­
dows, little paper, little coffee, few articles, little joy;
3) a little money, a few chairs, a few songs, a little time, a little
gaiety, a few people, a few minutes.
У п р а ж н е н и е 24. 1. few; 2. a little; 3. few; 4. a few; 5. a little;
6. a little; 7. much; 8. much; 9. little.
У п р а ж н е н и е 2 9 . a) one half; three and fivesixths; four ninths;
two and one third; four point eight; one point nought five; fifty
two point seven one eight; nought point nought five; six and two
thirds, b) three quarters of a second; two and two thirds tons; one
and a half kilograms; a half pound (half a pound); nine and a third
miles; three and a half metres.
Упражнение 30. one hundred per cent; one and three fifths per cent;
nought point five рёг cent; three point nought five per cent; one
and a half per cent; one hundred and twenty-three per cent; eleven
per cent; one point six per cent; eight and two thirds per cent;
twenty-three point four per cent: twenty five per cent.

Упражнение 38. 1. the darkness they continued their way; his

warning, he decided to stay and wait; her invitation, he was afraid
of entering the hall; my uncle’s advice, I made acquaintance of
some young men in the train; hard work she could visit us. the
illness, he worked hard and wrote the article in (goodl time.
2. to the country during the holidays; paint scenery for our
school theatre; act in all the plays; wash with cold water; visit the
old uncle.
3. to dine in the dining-room, but now he dines a t home; travel
much in his youth; to play principal parts; to take his children
for a walk.
Упражнение 41. 1. I shall run as far as the bank of the river and
then (I shall) turn back. 2. As my sister is a fine actress, she will be
able to help us with our play. 3. As far as I know he liked to travel.
4. I want to see him as well. 5. His wife works at the factory as direc­
tor. 6. As he raised his head and looked at her, she understood that
something had happened. 7. This boy is as brave as your brother.
8. There are newspapers in the library as well as magazines.

Упражнение 43.
(1) 1. Look, it is raining. It seldom rains here in summer. 2. He
is sitting thoughtfully in the armchair. He often sits so. 3. They are
travelling all over the Soviet Union. They usually travel in summer.
4. What are they doing? They are playing volley-ball in the garden.
They play volley-ball after work. 5. Where is the doctor now? He
is performing an operation. This doctor performs operations almost
every day. 6. She is going to work now. She goes to work a t 8 o ’clock
in the morning.
(2) 1. Lanny was lying motionless on the road when the dog found
him. He often lay on the grass reading a book. 2. He was going to
the theatre when he bought this magazine. He seldom went to the
theatre, as he was busy in the evening. 3. When she was resting (hav­
ing a rest) there was a telephone call. She seldom rested in the aft­
ernoon, she had to look after the children. 4. When they were going
to the station, they lost a ticket. They went to the station to meet
evening trains. 5. When she was washing the dishes, she dropped a
glass. She always washed the dishes after meals.
(3) 1. From the 1st of June to (till) the 1st of August they will be
staying in the country and working in the hospital there. Aftergrad-
uating from the Institute they will live in the country and work
in the hospital there. 2. He will be working irt the library all day
long. After the lessons he will work in the library. 3. At this time to­
morrow my friends and I will be playing football. On Sunday my friends
and I will go to the country and shoot a t the aim.
У п р а ж н е н и е 45. 1. Gerund, сказуемое; Participle I, обстоятель­
ство 2. Participle I, определение 3. Participle I, часть глагола-ска­
зуемого в Present Cont.; P astC ont., Participle I в Present Cont.,
Gerund, дополнение 4. Participle I, определение 5. Gerund, обсто­
ятельство 6. Gerund, подлежащее 7. Gerund, обстоятельство 8. Par­
ticiple I, обстоятельство, Participle I, определение 9. Participle I,
определение 10. Gerund, определение.
У п р а ж н е н и е 47 . 1. going to the library with me, he went to the
club; going by bus, they walked there; having dinner in the din-
ing-room, he decided to have a cup of coffee; leaving the child at
home she took him (her) with her; buying this book, she took it in
(from) the library.
2. buying a ticket to the stadium; playing the principal part;
speaking to (with) Comrade P.
3. her acting a t the theatre; their shooting well; our waiting
for him here; his uncle’s travelling.
У п р а ж н е н и е 48. 1. On setting up the scenery the children began
preparing for the performance. 2. Instead of asking him to stay 1
ordered him to leave the room. 3. Acting was very interesting. 4. The
boy was afraid of hitting his friend’s head. 5. Little children enjoyed
sitting in the hall and watching the performance. 6. I didn’t know
of his playing the principal part himself
У п р а ж н е н и е 50. 1. Let us not go for a walk. It is raining. 2. “ Let
Peter paint the scenery” , I told my friends. 3. “ Let me play the prin^
cipal part! " exclaimed one of the children. 4. “ Let us play this drama
during the holidays,” he said 5. “ Let him hit this apple!” cried
(shouted) the children. 6. Let her wait for us at the theatre. We shall
bring her a ticket too. 7. Let him invite his friends to see our perform­
ance. We are sure they will like it. 8. Let us sing this song once
more. Let her begin
У п р а ж н е н и е 51. 1 much 2. a few 3. many 4. few 5. little.
У п р а ж н е н и е 54. 1. decided; were; opened, came in; is raining;
said; will be; stay; hope; shall find; stayed
2. were travelling; came; know; is; is; succeeded; were sitting;
looking; liked; sang; was
3. called on; asked; will be doing; shall be reading; shall
make; intend; am.
Упражнение 56. 1. for, to 2. of 3. of, into 4. a t 5. on 6. for 7. —
8. of, w ith o u t, in, for.
Упражнение 57. 1. When they left the house it was raining hard.
2. I liked the theatre and therefore I decided to take part in the per­
formance. 3. The play was a success. 4. He left our company taking
all his things. 5. Do you know that William Tell shot at the apple?
6. Don’t tell him about this accident. 7. “ Raise the rifle and shoot!”
he ordered me. 8. Instead of hitting the aim, he hit a tree. 9. “ You
must paint some extraordinary scenery for our play,” he told me.
10. “ Who will be able to play the principal p a rt? ” he asked.

Упражнение 60. 1. He was glad of the chance: to read this new

novel; to speak to her; to show everybody his pictures; to see this
play again; to play the role of Harnlet; to go to the country.
2. He was fond of: skating; playing chess; listening to music;
travelling; merry games; his songs; flowers.
3. He is eager: to see this drama; to be a student of your group;
to see the Black sea; to return home; to have this beautiful flower;
to get tickets for this performance.
4. He had (some) trouble in: doing it; cooking dinner; looking
after the children; finding a good doctor; drawing the scenery for
the play; getting beautiful flowers in winter
5. He enjoyed: reading this book; plsying tennis with him;
bathing in the sea; speaking with her about literature; playing this
role; walking in the garden.
6. I am sure: you will follow my advice they will take me with
them; I shall remember all the words; I shall be able to find this
book; he will play this role well.

Упражнение 61. 1. Who will show us our seats? — The attend­

ant will. 2. Where are our seats? — They are in the stalls, in the
fifth row. 3. When did you get the tickets? — Yesterday. 4. Are
you fond of drama? — No, I am fond of comedy. 5. When will the
performance be over? — It will be over by eleven o ’clock. 6. Are
you sure that he will like the play? — Yes, I am. 7. Did you have a
good time? — Yes, 1 did. 8. What does this picture depict? 9. Why
weren’t you at the theatre yesterday? — I vas ill. 10. What do you
think of this play? 11. Did you like the acting?

Упражнение 65. The fight (struggle) forpeace in the whole world is

one of the themes of the (newspaper) “ Morning S ta r” . 2. The newspaper
exposes the war-mongers. 3. These merchants of death make mil­
lions out of war. 4. The “ Morning S ta r” tries to show the ordinary
people how they can prevent war. 5. The newspaper tells its readers
about the fight (struggle) of colonial people to free themselves from
the grip of the imperialists.
У рок 4

У п р а ж н е н и е 5. 1. writing (пишущая), written (написанное)

2. surrounded (окруженный), surrounding (окружающая)
3. doing (делающий), done (сделанные) 4. washing (моющая),
washed (вымытый)

У п р а ж н е н и е 7. 1. I have never been to England. 2. My friend has

just finished reading your article. 3. This student has translated sev­
eral English poems into Russian. 4. Have you had dinner? 5. What
new films have you seen this week? 6. Have you graduated from the
University? 7. I have not spoken to him since we had a quarrel.
8. He has not yet answered your question.

У п р а ж н е н и е 8. 1. Who has told you about it? 2. I am very sorry,

but he is not at home. He has just gone (left). 3. He graduated from
the Institute two years ago. 4. They have already passed two exams.
5. Yesterday she was at the theatre. 6. We have not heard anything
about this play. 7. Have you read a story of William Tell? 8. He went
there on Sunday. 9. They have been to the Lenin Museum this week.
10. When did he dine? (или When did he have dinner?) 11. We hav­
e n ’t met him since 1945. 12. She has been ill for several days. She
is very weak now.

У п р а ж н е н и е 10. 1. just 2. last year, now 3. never 4. yet 5. several

years ago 6. already 7. ever

У п р а ж н е н и е 13. 1. has read 2. found 3. has been ill 4. Have you

booked; booked 5. have warned, warn 6. have followed, said 7. entered,
gave 8. have not seen, left, have changed 9. decided, was shining
10. have never travelled, don’t know.

У п р а ж н е н и е 14. 1. I have just had breakfast. 2. She has washed

the child. 3. They have often quarrelled. 4. He has(already) joined
us. 5. She has just been here. 6. What has happened to him? 7. I
have understood everything. 8. He has told me the news. 9. The stu­
dents have already dined. 10. “ What have you done?” he asked me.

У п р а ж н е н и е 17. 1 had studied, entered 2. said, had got 3. wanted,

had organized 4. did not know, had attacked 5. had found 6. re­
membered, had not rung 7. had reached, made 8. had left, rushed.

У п р а ж н е н и е 18. 1. I said that 1 had already warned him. 2. By

the end of June they had passed all the examinations. 3. Before she
came to the village to work as a teacher he had gone to Kiev. 4. When
she returned home the children had already gone to school. 5. Yes­
terday I met my friend whom I had not seen since 1940 . 6. After my
brother began working at this Institute, he wrote a very interesting
Упражнение 19. 1. Future Perf. 2. Future Ind. 3. Future Cont.
4. Future Perf. 5. Future Ind. 6. Future Perf. 7. Future Perf. 8. Fu­
ture Ind. 9. Future Cont. 10. Future Perf. 11. Future Ind.

Упражнение 20. 1. By the time they come I shall have returned

home. 2. By the time the train arrives, we shall have come to the sta­
tion. 3. By three o ’clock we shall have had dinner. 4. By what time
will you have finished discussing this article? 5. I shall have cooked
dinner by the time the children come home from school. 6. By the
time it starts raining they will have reached the forest. 7. By the
time he gets up the postman will have brought the newspapers.

Упражнение 21. 1. have seen; saw; 2. did he perform; 3. did

not know; had graduated; 4. went; 5. will have written; 6. have
spoken; 7. thought; had returned; 8. have been; 9. bought; had
lost; 10. have not visited; left.

Упражнение 22. a) 1. is running; has been running; 2. are they

doing, are working, have been working; 3. is washing, has been wash­
ing; 4. is playing, has been playing.
b) 1. was sleeping, had been sleeping; 2. was raining, had been
raining; 3. had been going; 4. had been sitting

Упражнение 23. 1. They have been writing to each other for a

long time. 2. He had been speaking for a whole hour when we decided
to interrupt him. 3. He has been working in this hospital since 1950.
4. They have lived in this street for many years. 5. 1 had been walking
for about two hours until at last I came to the forest. 6. He had been
looking at him for a long time, till at last he began to speak. 7. The
child has already been sleeping for more than an hour.

Упражнение 24. 1. are you doing, am preparing, have you been

preparing, have been preparing; 2. had been teaching, broke oul,
3. has been studying; 4. are you reading, am reading, have you been
reading, have been reading; 5. had been living, came; 6. has come,
is speaking; 7. were speaking, looked; 8. had been walking, saw;
9. had read, gave; 10. left, has been living; 11. has told; 12. shall
be discussing; 13. was reading, had given; 14. have you ever been,
was; 15. is your friend doing, is having dinner, has dinner; 16. have
bought, shall show; 17. will take care, go; 18. will our train arrive;
19. are you going, am going; 20. were you doing, rang

Упражнение 26. 1. who 2. which 3. who 4. which 5. who 6. who

7. which 8. which 9. whom 10. whom
Упражнение 27. 1. 1 want to see the whole of Moscow. 2. He has
read the whole newspaper. 3. She has eaten all the apples. 4. The ,
teacher looked through all the test papers. 5. His whole family met us.
6. Read the whole article. 7. All of us have seen this film. 8. We
want to listen to the whole record. 9. All the children ran out of the
classroom. *
Упражнение 29. 1. Scarcely had I warned him when they began
to shoot. 2. Never will he visit us. 3. In vain did we ask him not to
leave us. 4. Only as the train started did she find out that she had
left her ticket at home. 5. No sooner had I returned home than my
friends came to see me. 6. Little did he know about her life. 7. Hardly
had our company got on board the train when it began to move.
Упражнение 37. 1. to quarrel with her; to avoid that man;
to warn her about the danger; to stay here for such a long time; to
recall this incident.
2. to occupy this house; to speak about it, to leave the native
town; to invite him here; tt> look for the lost things.
3. to move farther, to continue this work; to rise from his seat.
Упражнение 42. was, had to, gave, found out, had done, cried
out, beg, have given, said, will swallow.
Упражнение 43. 1. After he had drawn somewater from the well
he sat down to rest a little. 2. He told us that he had bought this
house in his youth. 3. The bag and mirror found by you belong to
this girl. 4. She had been knocking very long but nobody opened the
door. 5. The story which he told the neighbours surprised them.
6. Hardly had they left the house when a new owner occupied it.
7. She had been carrying water from the well for 30 minutes already
when they saw it and helped her. 8. The shoes cleaned of the mud
will become new and beautiful. 9. Since they heard this story they
do not take water from the well.
Упражнение 44. 1. in, of 2. for, of, to 3. for, to 4. from 5.about
6. with,— 7. for 8.—, at 9. for, for 10. to, in
Упражнение 48. 1. The first British trade unions were associa­
tions whose duty was to improve the conditions of life and work of
the workers. 2. In spite of his poor health he continued going to the
factory as he was afraid to lose his job. Many workers in America are
afraid to lose their job as it is very easy to become unemployed there
and very difficult to find a new job. 3. The Soviet trade unions are
mass non-party organizations. 4. The trade unions work under the
leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 5. An im­
portant duty of trade unions is to help its members when they cannot
work because of illness, or accidcnt at work or when they become too
old to continue working. 6. In the Soviet Union every member of a
trade union pays his monthly subscription. 7. I have already paid
my subscription. 8. She has been getting an old age pension for sev­
eral years.
У рок 5

У п р а ж н е н и е 1. 1. Future Indef. (Passive). 2. Past Indef. (Pas­

sive). 3. Past Indef. (Active). 4. Present Indef. (Passive). 5. Present
Indef. (Active), Present Cont. (Passive). 6. Present Perfect (Active).
7. Past Indef. (Active). 8. Past Indef. (Passive). 9. Past Indef.
(Passive). 10. Present Perfect (Passive). 11. Past Indef. (Passive).
12. Present Cont. (Active), Present Cont. (Active).

У п р а ж н е н и е 3. 1. Books in foreign languages were sold in this shop

last year. Books in foreign languages will be sold in this shop next
2. His report was being discussed from 2 to 4. 3.The play had been
translated into Russian two years before it was staged.

У п р а ж н е н и е 7. 1. is being built. 2. was born 3. are always pub­

lished 4. were being sold 5. was found 6. was repeated 7. had been dis­
cussed 8. will be read 9. will have been sent 10. has been heard.

У п р а ж н е н и е 8. 1. The house will be built next year. 2. He has

just been given a clean towel. 3. The scenery is being prepared by
them now. 4. He was offered a cup of hot tea. 5. The seat near the
window was occupied. 6. Yesterday by 10 o ’clock all the books had
already been sold. 7. Who is being spoken about now? 8. He was al­
lowed to smoke. 9. These exercises will be corrected by our teacher.
10. This book will be published next year. 11. His report was being
discussed when I came to the meeting. 12. This article has already
been translated.

У п р а ж н е н и е 9. 1. часть сложного сказуемого 2. дополнение

3. часть сложного сказуемого 4. дополнение 5. часть сложного
сказуемого 6. то же самое 7. то же самое 8. то же самое. 9. то же
самое 10. то же самое 11. дополнение 12. дополнение 13. допол­
У п р а ж н е н и е 11. 1. It must be done; read; translated; pronoun­
ced; repaired
2. It can be appreciated; understood; changed; learned
3. He wanted to be shown the way; to be asked about it; to be
given a glass of water; to be helped.
У п р а ж н е н и е 13. 1. Switch on the light, please. It is getting dark.
2. Everybody noticed that she turned pale after her illness. 3. She
grows red very often. 4. The book is growing more and more interest­
ing. 5. He turned out to be a bad man. 6. She got angry with me.
7. His dream is to become a poet. 8. My mother was a good painter.
9. He remained my best friend till the end of his life. 10. I got
surprised when I learned this news.
Упражнение 14. 1. What a fine day it is today 1 2. What an inter­
esting book! 3. What a dangerous journey! 4. How pleasant it is to
walk in the garden! 5. How well he is working!
Упражнение 22. 1. are obliged 2. escaped 3. immediately 4. is
ready 5. assistance 6. wounded 7. was suffering pain 8. expression
9. was taken prisoner 10. found guilty 11. was sentenced 12. assem­
bled 13. adventures 14. unanimously 15. twice.
Упражнение 23. 1. To his astonishment everybody has come in
time; the report was interesting; the play was a success; every­
body considered him a good student.
2. Everybody was present at the meeting; the lecture; the con­
ference; the lesson.
3. At last everybody began to treat him well; the pain relieved;
his adventures will be over.
4. You will be obliged to deliver lectures every day; to return
books in time; to help them in everything.
5. He understood me at once. He was relieved at once. He will
be examined at once.
6. He takes the opportunity of studying the language of this
country; of presenting him with an interesting book.
7. He was ready to help him; to work day and night; to listen
to music all the time; to draw the whole day.
8. 1 met him by accident. I learned of his departure by accident.
I saw the key to the room by accident.
9. He will be presented with a book; a fountain-pen, a bicycle.

Упражнение 24.
(1) 1. The troops are well armed. 2. Old documents are kept in this
drawer. 3. He is well treated.
(2) 1. The students are being examined now in room two. 2. This
part is being played by my friend.
(3) 1. He has been wounded twice. 2. He was asked to help them to
translate this article. 3. He was tried for robbery.
(4) 1. He told us that the work had already been finished. 2. And-
rocles knew that all the slaves had been punished for trying to
(5) 1. His wound will be examined by the doctor in five minutes.
2. Much useful advice will be given to him by his uncle.
(6) 1. He was presented with a very goodalbumon Saturday. 2. Pain
was relieved by the m edicine. 3. Androcles was surprised that
he was not touched by the lion.
У п р а ж н е н и е 2 6 . 1. was concluded. 2. had been illtreated, was
glad, was sent. 3. was determined 4. will take an opportunity 5. is
swollen 6. was begging 7. was wandering, met 8. was found
guilty, was sentenced 9. have been granted 10. is being treated well
11. have just been examined 12. has he rushed.

У п р а ж н е н и е 27. 1. Everybody asked him to tell us about his

travelling. 2. In 1825 a few Russian revolutionaries were sentenc­
ed to death by the tzarist government. 3. Everybody wanted to be
present at our performance. 4. His parents won’t let him play with
us. 5. After the incident with the lion Androcles became famous all
over the country. 6. He is talking all the time. Ask him to keep si­
lence, please. 7. “ I ’ll take you to the theatre,” his mother said to
him. 8. He got angry with me, as I had been five minutes late. 9. Sud­
denly the roar of a hungry lion was heard and everybody shuddered.

У п р а ж н е н и е 29 . He turned pale when he heard this news; he

became a cruel man; he was ready by five o ’clock yesterday; he will
be surprised when he hears these poems; he may be wounded because
he is very careless; he went home when it grew dark. Everybody was
silent; everybody is surprised when they learn that he was wounded
twice; everybody will get frightened when they hear this terrible

У п р а ж н е н и е 3 1 . can, write, send, sent, was returned, got angry,

wrote, sent, do you know, is not, have not read, sent, had pasted, came,
were pasted, read, are sent, wrote, do not have, is.

У п р а ж н е н и е 32. 1. by 2. at 3. under 4. away 5- about 6. by 7. to

8. up. 9. of 10. at

У п р а ж н е н и е 35 . 1. Where is Peter? He is having dinner in the

dining-room. 2. Bring me fish for the second course, please. 3. Help
yourself to the biscuits, please. 4. My younger sister always lays the
table. 5. 1 prefer coffee with ice-cream. 6. We have only tomato-
salad today.— That is all right. I t ’s just to my taste. 7. Do you like
hot tea? — Yes, I do. 8. Where did you have breakfast? 9. What
have you had for dinner today?

Lesson 6
У п р а ж н е н и е I. Он не мог понять, который час. 2. Он смертель­
но боялся, что разбудит миссис Джипппнгс. 3. Джордж сказал,
что то же самое случилось с ним восемнадцать месяцев тому назад.
grows red very often. 4. The book is growing more and more interest­
ing. 5. He turned out to be a bad man. 6. She got angry with me.
7. His dream is to become a poet. 8. My mother was a good painter.
9. He remained my best friend till the end of his life. 10. I got
surprised when 1 learned this news.
Упражнение 14. 1. What a fine day it is today 1 2. What an inter­
esting book! 3. What a dangerous journey! 4. How pleasant it is to
walk in the garden! 5. How well he is working!
Упражнение 22. 1. are obliged 2. escaped 3. immediately 4. is
ready 5. assistance 6. wounded 7. was suffering pain 8. expression
9. was taken prisoner 10. found guilty 11. was sentenced 12. assem­
bled 13. adventures 14. unanimously 15. twice.
Упражнение 23. 1. To his astonishment everybody has come in
time; the report was interesting; the play was a success; every­
body considered him a good student.
2. Everybody was present at the meeting; the lecture; the con­
ference; the lesson.
3. At last everybody began to treat him well; the pain relieved;
his adventures will be over.
4. You will be obliged to deliver lectures every day; to return
books in time; to help them in everything.
5. He understood me at once. He was relieved at once. He will
be examined at once.
6. He takes the opportunity of studying the language ot this
country; of presenting him with an interesting book.
7. He was ready to help him; to work day and night; to listen
to music all the time; to draw the whole day.
8. 1 met him by accident. 1 learned of his departure by accident.
I saw the key to the room by accident.
9. He will be presented with a book; a fountain-pen, a bicycle.

Упражнение 24.
(1) 1. The troops are well armed. 2. Old documents are kept in this
drawer. 3. He is well treated.
(2) 1. The students are being examined now in room two. 2. This
part is being played by my friend.
(3) 1. He has been wounded twice. 2. He was asked to help them to
translate this article. 3. He was tried for robbery.
(4) 1. He told us that the work had already been finished. 2. And-
rocles knew that all the slaves had been punished for trying to
(5) 1. His wound will be examined by the doctor in five minutes.
2. Much useful advice will be given to him by his uncle.
(6) 1. He was presented with a very goodalbumon Saturday. 2. Pain
was relieved by the m edicine. 3. Androcles was surprised th at
he was not touched by the lion.
Упражнение 26. 1. was concluded. 2. had been illtreated, was
glad, was sent. 3. was determined 4. will take an opportunity 5. is
swollen 6. was begging 7. was wandering, met 8. was found
guilty, was sentenced 9. have been granted 10. is being treated well
11. have just been examined 12. has he rushed.

Упражнение 27. 1. Everybody asked him to tell us about his

travelling. 2. In 1825 a few Russian revolutionaries were sentenc­
ed to death by the tzarist government. 3. Everybody wanted to be
present at our performance. 4. His parents won’t let him play with
us. 5. After the incident with the lion Androcles became famous all
over the country. 6. He is talking all the time. Ask him to keep si­
lence, please. 7. “ I ’ll take you to the theatre," his mother said to
him. 8. He got angry with me, as 1 had been five minutes late. 9. Sud­
denly the roar of a hungry lion was heard and everybody shuddered.

Упражнение 29. He turned pale when he heard this news; he

became a cruel man; he was ready by five o ’clock yesterday; he will
be surprised when he hears these poems; he may be wounded because
he is very careless; he went home when it grew dark. Everybody was
silent; everybody is surprised when they learn that he was wounded
twice; everybody will get frightened when they hear this terrible

Упражнение 31. can, write, send, sent, was returned, got angry,
wrote, sent, do you know, is not, have not read, sent, had pasted, came,
were pasted, read, are sent, wrote, do not have, is.

Упражнение 32. 1. by 2. at 3. under 4. away 5. about 6. by 7. to

8. up. 9. of 10. at

Упражнение 35. 1. Where is Peter? He is having dinner in the

dining-room. 2. Bring me fish for the second course, please. 3. Help
yourself to the biscuits, please. 4. My younger sister always lays the
table. 5. I prefer coffee with ice-cream. 6. We have only tomato-
salad today.— That is all right. I t ’s just to my taste. 7. Do you like
hot tea? — Yes, I do. 8. Where did you have breakfast? 9. What
have you had for dinner today?

Lesson 6

Упражнение I. Он не мог понять, который час. 2. Он смертель­
но боялся, что разбудит миссис Джиппингс. 3. Джордж сказал,
что то же самое случилось с ним восемнадцать месяцев тому назад.
grows red very often. 4. The book is growing more and more interest­
ing. 5. He turned out to be a bad man. 6. She got angry with me.
7. His dream is to become a poet. 8. My mother was a good painter.
9. He remained my best friend till the end of his life. 10. I got
surprised when I learned this news.
Упражнение 14. 1. What a fine day it is today! 2. What an inter­
esting book! 3. What a dangerous journey! 4. How pleasant it is to
walk in the garden! 5. How well he is working!
Упражнение 22. 1. are obliged 2. escaped 3. immediately 4. is
ready 5. assistance 6. wounded 7. was suffering pain 8. expression
9. was taken prisoner 10. found guilty 11. was sentenced 12. assem­
bled 13. adventures 14. unanimously 15. twice.
Упражнение 23. 1. To his astonishment everybody has come in
time; the report was interesting; the play was a success; every­
body considered him a good student.
2. Everybody was present at the meeting; the lecture; the con­
ference; the lesson.
3. At last everybody began to treat him well; the pain relieved;
his adventures will be over.
4. You will be obliged to deliver lectures every day; to return
books in time; to help them in everything.
5. He understood me at once. He was relieved at once. He will
be examined at once.
6. He takes the opportunity of studying the language of this
country; of presenting him with an interesting book.
7. He was ready to help him; to work day and night; to listen
to music all the time; to draw the whole day.
8. 1 met him by accident. I learned of his departure by accident.
1 saw the key to the room by accident.
9. He will be presented with a book; a fountain-pen; a bicycle.

Упражнение 24.
(1) 1. The troops are well armed. 2. Old documents are kept in this
drawer. 3. He is well treated.
(2) 1. The students are being examined now in room two. 2. This
part is being played by my friend.
(3) 1. He has been wounded twice. 2. He was asked to help them to
translate this article. 3. He was tried for robbery.
(4) 1. He told us that the work had already been finished. 2. And-
rocles knew that all the slaves had been punished for trying to
(5) 1. His wound will be examined by the doctor in five minutes.
2. Much useful advice will be given to him by his uncle.
(6) 1. He was presented with a very goodalbumon Saturday. 2. Pain
was relieved by the m edicine. 3. Androcles was surprised th at
he was not touched by the lion.
Упражнение 26. 1. was concluded. 2. had been illtreated, was
glad, was sent. 3. was determined 4. will take an opportunity 5. is
swollen 6. was begging 7. was wandering, met 8. was found
guilty, was sentenced 9. have been granted 10. is being treated well
11. have just been examined 12. has he rushed.

Упражнение 27. 1. Everybody asked him to tell us about his

travelling. 2. In 1825 a few Russian revolutionaries were sentenc­
ed to death by the tzarist government. 3. Everybody wanted to be
present at our performance. 4. His parents won’t let him play with
us. 5. After the incident with the lion Androcles became famous all
over the country. 6. He is talking all the time. Ask him to keep si­
lence, please. 7. “ I ’ll take you to the theatre,” his mother said to
him. 8. He got angry with me, as I had been five minutes late. 9. Sud­
denly the roar of a hungry lion was heard and everybody shuddered.

Упражнение 29. He turned pale when he heard this news; he

became a cruel man; he was ready by five o ’clock yesterday; he will
be surprised when he hears these poems; he may be wounded because
he is very careless; he went home when it grew dark. Everybody was
silent; everybody is surprised when they learn that he was wounded
twice; everybody will get Irightened when they hear this terrible

Упражнение 31. can, write, send, sent, was returned, got angry,
wrote, sent, do you know, is not, have not read, sent, had pasted, came,
were pasted, read, are sent, wrote, do not have, is.

Упражнение 32. 1. by 2. at 3. under 4. away 5. about 6. by 7. to

8. up. 9. of 10. at

Упражнение 35. 1. Where is Peter? He is having dinner in the

dining-room. 2. Bring me fish for the second course, please. 3. Help
yourself to the biscuits, please. 4. My younger sister always lays the
table. 5. I prefer coffee with ice-cream. 6. We have only tomato-
salad today.— That is all right. I t ’s just to my taste. 7. Do you like
hot tea? — Yes, I do. 8. Where did you have breakfast? 9. What
have you had for dinner today?

Lesson 6

Упражнение 1. Он не мог понять, который час. 2. Он смертель­
но боялся, что разбудит миссис Джипппнгс. 3. Джордж сказал,
что то же самое случилось с ним восемнадцать месяцев тому назад.
4. Он понял, что он пытается открыть не ту дверь. 5. Он решил
сказать ей, что он о ней думает, когда придет вечером домой.
Упражнение 2. 1. Джордж сказал, что он снимает комнату в доме
миссис Джнппингс. Джордж сказал, что он снимал комнату в доме
миссис Джиппингс. 2. Она сказала, что пьет холодную воду. Она
сказала, что выпила холодной воды. 3. Он сказал, что завтракает
в 8 часов. Он сказал, что позавтракал в 8 часов. 4. Они сказали,
что посылают все письма авиапочтой. Они сказали, что послали
все письма авиапочтой.

Упражнение 3. 1. was staying — проживает (живет) 2. had

lost — потеряли 3. studied — учусь 4. should finish — закончу
5. worked — работает 6. worked — работал 7. was — (есть) сей­
час 8. was playing — играет 9. would come—приедет 10. had post­
ed — отправил.

Упражнение 4. 1. had got up 2. had shaken 3. had spoken

Упражнение 5. 1. said, was 2. said, was going 3. said, should

start 4. said, had felt 5. said, would be ready 6. was sure, was 7. told,
had not finished 8. said, would arrive 9. said, was 10. reported, had
been ready 11. said, was washing 12. said, would go, were 13. said,
must 14. said, had come.

Упражнение 7. 1. was 2. had struck 3. to send 4. should go 5.

was looking 6. not to cross.

Упражнение 8. 1. then 2. today 3. the day before 4. the next day

5. to-morrow 6. before

Упражнение 9. a) 1. The secretary told me that the delega­

tion had arrived in Moscow the day before. 2. She asked me to open
the window. 3. 1 said that 1 should light a fire and make myself break­
fast. 4. My mother told me not to rush to the door when I hear the
bell. 5. She asked me how long I was going to stay there. 6. My elder
sister told me to lock the door when I left the house. 7. He asked me
if 1 had received a telegram from my wife. 8. Mabel said that nothing
would change her decision and she would leave for Cape Town that
evening. 9. The old woman asked me not to smoke in the room. 10.
The girl said that she was shivering with cold.
6) 1. George said: “ It is very difficult to play this role.” 2. He
asked: “ Why are there so few people in the street?” 3. The man
asked the boy: “ Do you know where you live?” 4. The woman
said to him: “ Do not worry and go home quietly.” 5. She said:
“ I shall sleep in the open a ir .” 6. She asked me: “ Are you going to
leave Moscow to-morrow? ” 7. He said to me: “ 1 bought the watch
3 1 8
yesterday.” 8. Ann says: “ 1 have just had a telephone call from
home.” 9. My neighbour said tome: “ Leave the key at your sister’s .”
10. He said: “ 1 cannot get to sleep now.”
Упражнение 10. 1. She said that her parents lived in Kiev; that
they were studying at the Institute; that he was writing a letter;
that her father was speaking over the telephone, that it was still dark;
that she got up at 7 o ’clock in the morning; that it was raining.
2. He said that they had been sentenced to death; that he had not
found the beast; that they had lost the way to the cave; that he had
already hidden; that she had explained his absence to them; that
he had never got up so early since then.
3. She asked whether 1 should go to the concert; when we should
finish our studies; where they would go on Sunday; if he would
take part in the performance; why you would not go to the exhibi­
tion with us; whether we should study French.
Упражнение 19. 1. lodging, is lodging 2. goes wrong 3. reason
4. wind up 5. do not go to bed 6. defended 7. had a cold bath 8. rush­
ed 9. don’t shake 10. wicked 11. strange 12. struck, made up our
minds 13. downstairs, unlocked 14. neighbouring 15. has locked
16. will follow my advice 17. shame 18. have a look.
Упражнение 23. 1. knows 2. could 3. remembered 4. has wound up
5. not to be 6. would arrest 7. had been painted 8. to show 9. did not
want 10. would send.
Упражнение 24. 1. would leave 2. has found 3. was striking 4.
could, was 5. had travelled 6. was running 7. had gone out, would
be 8. would not be able, went 9. might, needed 10. had not come.
Упражнение 26. 1. He remembered that he had not wound up
the watch the day before. 2. She asked the neighbour to wake her at
6 o ’clock in the morning. 3. He said that he would shave with some
cold water because he had no time to wait for the hot water. 4. The
policeman told George to go home quietly. 5. When 1 entered the
room, I saw that my friend sat in the easy-chair reading a letter.
6. He asked me if I knew what time it was. 7. He understood that he
had snatched a dictionary instead of a guide in the darkness. 8. She
asked him when he would return home. 9. He saw that the lion was
limping on one leg. 10. The governor ordered not to kill him and
let him go home. 11. They were told that he had been sentenced to
death. 12. They asked him to paint the scenery to that play. 13. We
told her that we were not hungry. 14. He remembered where he could
hide. 15. We understood that we would not be able to calm her.
Упражнение 27. 1. of, to, of 2. up, at 3. to, at 4. in, up, down, to
5. for, with 6. to, past 7. up, about, in 8. up, at 9. for, of, in 10.—, in,
of 11. with, in, up, to 12. in, back, at.
Упражнение 28. I. that he will be late; that it is already
2 o ’clock; that they will not come; that you will like this story;
that he will explain to me everything.
2. L et’s go to have dinner. It is 2 o ’clock by my watch. You will
miss the train. It is half past two by my watch. He won’t come. It is
7 o ’clock by my watch.
3. By the way when will he return (come back) home? what can
you tell us about him? where did he buy the tickets? she does not
know the name of this man.
4. It took me 15 minutes to have breakfast; half an hour to cook
dinner; the whole day to write the composition; 20 minutes to re­
view all the material for the lesson.
5. How long does it take him to read a newspaper? to come
there in time? to get home? to wash?

Упражнение 29. 1. Excuse me 2. the right time, slow 3. by my

watch 4. It takes her 5. in a hurry 6. in time 7. kind of you.

Упражнение 33. 1. He asked us what changes had taken place in

Great Britain 200 years ago. 2. Tell me what they call the changes
that took place in Great Britain 200 years ago (how... are described).
3. The teacher said that in the past people made things by hand.
4. We read in this article that in the XVIII century more compli­
cated machines had appeared in the factories of Great Britain. 5. The
invention of such machines was to alter the whole way in which peo­
ple lived and worked. 6. The workers had to work regular hours. 7. The
industrial revolution made the coal industry one of the most impor­
tant branches of industry. 8. Please, tell us (will you tell us) what
led to the growth of big cities like Manchester. 9. As goods had to
be carried from place to place it became necessary to improve transport.
10. When Stevenson invented a steam engine the building (construc­
tion) of railways began. 11. Ask him to tell us under what conditions
children worked at the factories at that time. 12. Skilled workers
began fighting for better conditions of work (to improve their condi­
tions of work).

Lesson 7
Exercise 4. 1. Can you translate this report without a dictionary?
2. Tell him that he should be more considerate. 3. You should not
get so upset. 4. At that time he was poor and could not afford to buy
a typewriter. 5. You’ll have to come here in a couple of days. 6. You
needn’t come here so early. The director will come only at 10 o ’clock.
7. You can give him back his exercise-book during the break. 8. His
parents could not pay their debt. 9. He ought to (should) pay serious
attention to his pronunciation. 10. The conference was to begin at
9, but began only at half past nine. II. I had to hand the letter to
him personally.

Exercise 5. 1. had been; 2. will take place, 3. is speaking; 4. ex­

plained; 5. was reading, was so angry, tore it; 6. have been waiting;
7. will be content, make; 8. attends; 9. is delivering; 10. had solv­
Exercise 12. 1. с) I. He can’t afford to waste time. He must pre­
pare for his examinations. 2. They couldn't afford to spend such a
large sum of money. 3. Don’t ask me to go to the theatre with you,
I can’t afford it now.
2. с) 1. Don’t bother him with your silly questions, i . Tell the
children to stop bothering their father. 3. Don’t bother about it.
Everything will be all right.
4. b) 1. He will be at home in a couple of days. 2. Ring him up
in a couple of hours.
5. с) 1. We must consider this question carefully. 2. Everybody
was surprised when they learned that Eliot had contributed a consid­
erable sum of money to the school fund. 3. Thank you very much for
helping me to carry this suit-case. You are very considerate.
6. с) 1. He has no sense of responsibility at all, again he hasn't
come in time. 2. W hat’s the sense of doing it? 3. Your suggestion
seems senseless. We shall never be able to do it.
9. b) 1. A Pravda correspondent has reported about the new
achievements of builders. 2. His report is of great interest. 3. The
newspapers report that the delegation of English students arrived in
Moscow yesterday.
10. c) 1. I have been reading this book since one о clock without
any break. 2. Let’s go to the classroom. The break will be over in
two minutes.
И. a) 1. Вот самые важные пункты плана. 2. Нет смысла де­
лать это. 3. Он говорил немного и сразу перешел к существу во­
проса. 4. По-моему (с моей точки зрения), он хороший инженер. 5. Он
собирался уходить, когда кто-то постучал в дверь. 6. Вы отвечаете
не по существу. 7. Когда дошло до дела, она отказалась от его по­
мощи. 8. Укажите все слова, которые являются для вас новыми.
9. Вот список книг, укажите, какие вы хотели прочитать. 10. Ког­
да мы спросили девочку, кто разорвал книгу, она указала на свое­
го брата.
11. b) 1. То point to the building, to the mistake, to the picture,
to the books, to the man. 2. Keep to the point. 3. What is his point
of view? 4. I was on the point of ringing up my friend when he
came in. 5. There is no point of discussing this suggestion now.
6. From my point of view his report was very interesting. 7. In his
speech he pointed that it was necessary to set up this committee.
1 1 -1 3 1 2 321
Exercise 16. 1. They were content with his report; the work he
had done; the way they had been received
2. We were on the point of leaving home when we received his
telegram; heard a knock at the door; the telephone rang
3. 1 consider that we shall get home in time; that he is right; it
is time to finish the work
4. 1 wonder where he has disappeared; what has happened to
him; when they will come at last
5. They will be puzzled when they learn this news; if we don’t
come; if the results of their experiment prove different

Exercise 18. 1. He may enter the University, but he must pass

his finals first. 2. She apologized to him for being late. 3. You needn’t
apologize. It is clear to everybody that you are excited. 4. He is
such a hard-working student. We believe, that he will be able to
enter the University. 5. I can’t tell you whether he goes (will go) to
the cinema with us, until he rings me up. 6. Is your sister getting on
well with her work? 7. It is such a fine (lovely) day today! Let’s go
to see the football match. 8. Haven’t you been at the lecture? No,
I haven’t. I could not go, 1 had a headache. 9. They took the wrong
road! Don’t worry they won’t lose the way. 10. Well, what can you
tell us about it?

Exercise 19. 1. She mustn’t boast, must she? No, she mustn't.
2. He apologized to you, didn’t he? Yes, he did. 3. He will not
be able to pass the exam, will he? But he will. 4. They had no clas­
ses yesterday, didn’t they? But they had. 5. The N. team won the
game, didn’t it ? No, it didn’t. 6. He works hard at his English, doesn’t
he? Yes, he does. 7. They were not at the fcotball match, were they?
No, they were not. (weren’t)

Lesson 8
Exercise 4. 1. Having crossed the bridge, he saw a small village.
2. Having finished the work, they were able to have a rest. 3. Having
received a letter from his sister, he decided tp go to Leningrad to see
her. 4. Having turned to the left we saw a large square. 5. Having
discussed all the details of our journey, we started off. 6. Having been
bought a new dress, she went to show it to my friend. 7. Having
written thearticle, I took it to the editorial office. 8. Having come to
Moscow, he went to the Bolshoi Theatre. 9. Having read the book, he
marked the most interesting passages. 10. Having returned from his
office he found all the family by the TV set. 11. Having been told all
the details of this case, he came to the conclusion that the sentence
was just.
Exercise 12. 2. b) 1. He greatly contributed to physics by his
research w ork. 2. In which research in stitu te did you work? 3. This
university carries on great research work. 4. H is researches failed.
3. b) 1. The French people resisted the Germans during the fascist
occupation. 2. The Resistance Movement was organized in many Eu­
ropean countries during World War II. 3. After fierce battles the re­
sistance of enemies was broken.
4. b) 1. The rain ceased. 2. Cease fire! 3. It ceased to be a secret.
5. b) 1. Lomonosov is a great Russian scientist. 2. I should like
to study exact sciences. 3. In the 20th century science made great
6. b) 1. Why do you hesitate? You have to go there. 2. I ’ll do
it without any hesitation.
7. b) 1. He turned round and looked at me. 2. Turn on the light,
please. 3. He turned out (to be) a brave man. 4. When you go away,
don’t forget to turn off the gas. 5. She turned pale with horror.
6. Today it’s your turn to be on duty.
11. b) 1. The USSR citizens have the right to labour and to rest.
2. I am proud of being a citizen of the Soviet Union. 3. All the citi­
zens of this town came to the square.
12. b) 1. According to the Constitution all the citizens of our
country enjoy equal rights. 2. According to the plan we are to com­
plete this research work in May. 3. You must act according to our de­
13. b) 1. Have you seen a new huge building in this district?
2. We came up to a huge mountain. 3. There was a huge tree near the
14. b) 1. A complex sentence consists of principle and subordinate
clauses. 2. This watch has a complex mechanism. 3. I think he will
be able to fulfil this complex task.
17. b) 1. Everybody welcomed his suggestions. 2. The Soviet
actors are welcomed in all countries. 3. You are welcome! 4 . They
gave us a warm welcome.

Exercise 16. 1. out; 2. by; 3. about, of; 4. according to, for;

5. of; 6. for; 7. of; 8. of, for; 9.—; 10. with; 11. to; 12. of, of; 13. for.
Exercise 18. 1. You had a chance of mastering English but you
did not take it. 2. I am proud of being trusted with such difficult work.
3. He has had a literary bent since his childhood. 4. He trained much
preparing for his space flight. 5. Having completed his flight Titov
returned to Moscow where he was welcomed by the citizens of the cap­
ital. 6. When Titov was offered to become a cosmonaut he agreed
without any hesitation. 7. As soon as the rocket got under way the
cosmonaut started to carry out his responsibilities. 8. What was the
U* 323
weight of the first spaceship? 9. Having left the house we heard the
first rolls of thunder. 10. Speaking about the cosmonauts I want to
emphasize one important point: they are the average (ordinary) young
men of their generation. 11. It was in the flying regiment that Ti­
to v ’s independent life started.

Exercise 19. 1. to send a telegram; to cross the river; to write

the article; to ring me up; to help her
2. to buy a ticket; to take the text-books; to join us
3. visiting the libraries and reading-halls; playing with the chil­
dren; reading books; studying foreign languages
4. walking in the forest in spring; collecting stamps; driving
a car
5. it (the work) very difficult; it (the journey) rather dangerous,
it (the film) very useful; it (the play) quite dull
6. to go to a rest-home; to ask her to look after the children;
to consult this doctor

E x e r c i s e 20. 1. He will not be able to go by ship. He usually gets

sea-sick. 2. “ Does your brother often go on business (trips, journeys)?”
“ Rather often.” 3. Sometimes I go by train for pleasure. 4. I t ’s
better to go by plane il you have little time. ,5. It’s so interesting
to travel by car! 6. 1 hear that you are fond of hunting. 7. “ How are
you?” “ Quite well.” 8. We were the first to hear the news. 9. I find
this story very funny.

Lesson 9
E x e r c i s e 2. 1. to be listening 2. to be noticed 3. to be launched
4. to have taken part 5. to have performed 6. to be given 7. run away
8. to work 9. not to be late 10. to have been training 11. insist

E x e r c i s e 4. 1. I want (wish, should like) all the members ol our

society to be present at the meeting; everybody to have a good time;
your sister to go to the theatre with me; her not to be late; her son
to go to the doctor; them to follow njy advice; him to be asked
about it
2. 1 saw (heard, watched, noticed) him enter the house and close
the door; the girl play and sing; them talk(ing); the children
run and jump; the man bend and take something from the chair;
the brothers quarrel
3. I consider (find) him to be quite well, the report of the stu­
dent to be very interesting; your daughter to be obliged to do it.
this work to be too difficult for him; comrade N to be a very capable
4. I asked (ordered, told, allowed) them to stay at home and wait
for me; the children to play in the garden; the students to bring
dictionaries, her not to be late; everybody to take their seats; her
to open all the windows; the children to go to bed in time
5. I made (let) her unlock the door; him help the girl to carry her
things; him take my dictionary; them go downstairs; them attend
lectures; the boy show us the way
Exercise 6. 1. He wanted to have his book published. 2. I should
like to have the tree in front of the window cut down. 3. You must
have your shoes cleaned. 4. I think I can have my hair cut today.
5. We must have our wall paper changed. 6. When do you want your
breakfast to be brought? 7. I want all the letters, newspapers and mag­
azines to be brought in the morning.

Exercise 8. 1. f ’d like you to stay here for two days more. 2. His
sister’s illness made him write you such a letter. 3 You must not al­
low the disagreement between them to last so long. 4. We knew him
to have been a famous singer. 5 They did not expect him to stop and
talk with us. 6. She sat down on a bench and watched the children
play the ball. 7. We asked Mother to allow him to play with us. 8. They
have never heard me speak about this man. 9. I heard the clock strik­
ing midnight. 10. His neighbour heard him come home. 11. The young
man found himself standing in front of some wall and not knowing
where to go. 12. Everybody considered him to be able to fulfil such a
task. 13. We decided to lei her rest a bit.

Exercise 12. 1. His sister is said to be very much afraid of dogs.

2. The students are supposed to have reached the railway already.
3. He is likely to follow your advice. 4. He is known to have attended
the lecture. 5. He is not likely to have got up so early. 6. They were
supposed to like the performance. 7. He is said to be examining
the students of this group. 8. She seems to have pleaded guilty. 9. She
seems to have caught cold. 10. She happened to have bought tickets
in advance. 11. They were heard to quarrel about something. 12. The
investigation is reported to have been completed. 13. One of them is
known to fly into space soon.

Exercise 15. 1. for him to wash. 2. for you to follow his instruc­
tions. 3. for us to enter the room. 4. for us to begin the show. 5. for
her to catch up with us.

Exercise 16. 1. It was difficult for her to forget about this acci­
dent. 2. It was necessary for us to discuss this again. 3. We waited
for the weather to change. 4. It was not easy for him to begin every­
thing anew despite our help. 5. It is not necessary for you to wait so
E x e r c i s e 19. 1, с) 1. Morris was anxious to find any job to give his
wife a chance to go to the seaside. 2. Sally anxiously waited for the
doctor to examine Morris. 3. Sally understood that the great anxiety
to help her made Morris become a miner. 4. Morris laughed at Sally’s
anxiety about his health.
2. с) 1. Sally decided to open a boarding house at all costs. 2. New
things cost much money, th a t’s why they decided to bring some old
ones from the camp. 3. She did not want her husband to help her
earn their living at the cost of his health. 4. What will be the cost
of the construction of this house?
3. с) 1. Morris could not find work because his speciality was
not in demand. 2. Young miners were in great demand in this town.
3. She demanded to be told the truth. 4. The workers’demand to im­
prove the working conditions in the mine were not met.
4. с) 1. The doctor said that Morris was not fit for work in the
mine. 2. She has grown up so much that not a single of her old dresses
fits her. 3. The food did not fit, the bread was dry, the eggs were
spoilt. 4. His working robe fitted him.
5. с) 1. At first Dinny and Morris fixed the doors and windows.
2. Their departure was fixed for Thursday. 3. They asked the doctor
to fix the day for the operation.
6. b) 1. Sally gained much knowledge and experience during her
life in the miners’ camp. 2. This artist soon gained popularity all
over the world. 3. He will gain strength if he lives in the country.
7. с) 1. She decided to take this opportunity and to buy all the
necessary things. 2. Morris could not miss this opportunity and agreed
to help Coates in his work. 3. They were giad of having the
opportunity and decided to let the room to miners. 4. She was given
the opportunity to live in the University hostel.
8. с) 1. Sally did not want Morris to help her at the expense of
his health. 2. My travelling expenses came to fifty roubles. 3. After
Sally let the room to the miners, she had more money but her ex­
penses increased. 4. Sally could not buy expensive things, as Morris
was still out of work.
9. c) 1. She wanted to set him an example how to work. 2, When
is he to be set free from prison? 3. A monument to Kutuzov will be
set up near our house. 4. A library is likely to be set in this house.
10. с) 1. Sally confided in this woman. 2. This doctor must be
enjoying great confidence of his patients. 3. Sally considered her
husband (to be) a self-confident man. 4. The chairman of the trade
union enjoyed confidence of all miners. 5. She could not confide in
that man.
11. b) 1. It was not easy for Sally's husband to find employment.
2. While Morris was out of employment he helped Sally about the
house. 3. Soon he was hired by the employer,Coates by name. 4 . One
of the fellows was employed at an office. 5. The employers agreed to
dismiss a great number of workers. 6. 1 read in a newspaper about
the strike of the employees.
12. c) 1. 1 hate to trouble you. 2. Morris hated his boarders. 3. She
could not understand the reason for his hatred.
Exercise 22. 1. Neither Morris nor Sally could afford to buy extra
things because there was almost no money left. 2. Sally understood
that Morris would never agree to stay at home and do nothing. 3. They
had no opportunity to open a boarding house. 4. At first she didn’t
know anything about his having found a job until he told her about
it himself. 5. Unless she is able to manage it, I ’ll do it myself. 6. No­
body knew if she would be able to bear all the troubles. 7. None of
the miners knew when the accident had occured. 8. There was neither
a reading-room nor a library in the miners’ town. 9. They had no
time at all to go to the theatre. 10. She was never afraid of difficul­
Exercise 23 . 1. Morris was glad to have found a regular employ­
ment. 2. He is known to be looking fora job in the town. 3. They must
have reached the railway station. 4. She didn’t want him to work
underground. 5. Can he let her earn a living? 6. Sally wanted a tank
to be set up in the yard. 7. She had to cook in the yard over the fire
until the stove was set up. 8. The doctor made Morris stay in bed and
not move. 9. The railway is likely to ensure supplies of food for the
town. 10. She may not know about this accident. 11. He should not
have objected to it. 12. She seems to be suspected of stealing money.
13. He was glad to talk to the customers. 14. If he doesn’t earn enough
money, she will not be able to go to the coast. 15. She saw him going
together with other miners towards the mine. 16. She is likely to let
the room to some of the miners. 17. He can’t have taken this oppor­
tunity. 18. She heard the doctor forbid him to work during a few weeks.
19. You should have gone round the mine yourself and not wait until
he goes with you. 20. He must have got the qualifications long ago.

E x e r c i s e 26. 1. she is skating; they are laying the table; he is

driving his car; he is feeding the dog
2. going for a walk in the evening; going to bed late; to taking
a cold shower every morning; doing his morning exercises to music
3. study much to become a doctor; ask them to move the furni­
ture out of the flat; run all the way to the station

Lesson 10
E x e r c i s e 5. 1. It is necessary that you should warn him about a
possible danger; that they should meet and discuss the plan of work;
they should buy some more things; the old equipment should be
replaced by the modern one; she should find the lost book.
2. I suggest that he should put on his new suit; that she should
apologize to him; that they should go travelling together; that the
plans should be discussed beforehand; that he should be asked an­
other question.

Exercise 6. 1. Suppose they have collected a very small sum of

money. What would you do to increase it? 2. Last week she would
have saved more. 3. At that time they would have subscribed without
any hesitation. 4. In your place I should ask them whom they handed
the lists. 5. 1 should gladly wear this ready-made suit to my office.
6. She would buy these things, but she can’t afford it now. 7. Hurry
up! The launching of the rocket is fixed to 12 o ’clock. It would be
unpleasant to be late for it. 8. It is a pity we were not at the perform­
ance. We should have laughed together with you.

Exercise 9. 1. 1 wish he were not ill now. He was eager to go to

the seaside. 2. I wish his book would be in great demand. 3. I wish
the shoes could fit you. 4. I wish you had fixed the date for carrying
out this work. I am afraid that it will not be ready in time.
5. 1 wish she would follow my advice. 6. I wish he had not missed
the opportunity of handing the letter to him. 7. I wish they would
be set free tomorrow. 8. I wish you always trusted me. 9. I wish they
did not hesitate. 10. I wish he would not resist so much. 11. I wish
you would see this interesting building.

Exercise 11. a) 1. knew. 2. travelled. 3. ran. 4. is. 5. were not.

6. were, b) 1. would have taken; 2. shall be able; 3. will write;
4. would be; 5. would have afforded; 6. would not cook

Exercise 12. 1. if you help him; if he passes his exam; if he goes

to the rest-home; if he buys a new suit; if he is free in the evening;
if you visit him
2. if he could take part in the contest; if she would go for a holi­
day; if you came in time; if they sent their congratulation; if we
avoided danger
3. if that suit had been bought for him, if his uncle had given
him advice; if he had got a seat in this carriage; if that play had been
a success; if she had sung this song
Exercise 15. 1. If she comes (should come) to meet you (should
she come to meet you) tell her not to worry, if I return home late.
2. If you had been in her place (had you been in her place), you would
have done just the same. 3. If they wanted they could always send
their son to the pioneer camp. 4. If he had decided (had he decided)
to buy this suit, he would have gone to the shop with you yesterday.
5. If you had left home (had you left home) ten minutes later, you
could have missed the train. 6. I believe, he will be able to substitute
you, if you fall ill. 7. What would you do, if you were offered a job
at this institute? 8. If he had fixed (had he fixed) the chimney proper­
ly, it would not have fallen down. 9. If you were not so nervous (were
you not so nervous) you would have passed the examinations much
better. 10. If he had not fallen during yesterday’s ski-contest, he
would receive the gold medal today.

E x e r c i s e 18. 1. 1 should make this contribution; 1 should go to

work in the mine; I should give him an extra ticket; I should begin
to train; I should master several foreign languages;
2. I should have left him a note. Of course, he will not come now;
I should have bought a ready-made dress, and not this staff; I should
not have gone to the Caucasus when it was so hot.
3. they would not have punished him so severely; he would not
have taken this work; she would not have agreed to let the room;
he would not have gone to work in the mine; they would havegone
to the camp.

E x e r c i s e 19. 1. should not have allowed; 2. should join; 3. would

do; 4. should not have cut; 5. would realize; 6. would have helped

E x e r c i s e 21. 1. с) 1. In your place I should encourage his interest

in algebra. 2. I should like to discourage her from buying these things.
3. The news discouraged him so much that he couldn’t say a word.
4. Everything ended well owing to his courage. 5. They had no cour­
age to tell the truth. 6. She is a very courageous woman, she saved
lives of many wounded people during the war.
2. b) 1. I can say that you achieved the best results in this con­
test. 2. All the newspapers wrote about a remarkable achievement
of this sportsman.
3. b) 1. The ambition of a teacher is to bring up his pupils as
honest and hard work ing people. 2. We think that he is very ambitious.
He is always glad when he is praised. 3. What an ambitious girl, she
always wants to be the first in everything.
4. с) 1. Try to describe her appearance. 2. He beganhis composi­
tion with the description of a very large city. 3. I knowthat the des­
criptive part takes a small place in my composition.
5. с) 1. He said that the marks would be declared after the exam­
ination. 2. The delegates discussed the declaration and decided to
publish it.
6. с) 1. The railway station is not yet completed. 2. This worker
has a complete set of tools. 3. He is completely ready to follow all
your instructions.
7. с) 1. His picture was accepted by the commission. 2. They are
said to have taken the decision. 3. She refused to receive them as she
was very busy.
8. с) 1. They considered his action as a crime. 2. He will never
commit a crime. 3. The criminal was reported to excape from prison.
4. We study criminal law.
9. b) 1. He is not keen on light music. 2. In my youth I had a keen
sight. 3. He is keen on seeing Gaugen’s original pictures.
10. b) 1. The trial was held on Monday. Judge N. was trying this
case. 2. This woman should be brought to trial. 3. I have never been
on trial. 4. There were many people at the trial.
11. с) 1. The judge N. lives not far from the centre of the town.
2. They are known to disagree with the judgement of the court. 3. In
my judgement this music is not worth listening to. 4. He cannot judge
their game as he has just come and has not seen the beginning of it.
5. The judgement is likely to be passed tomorrow.
12. b) 1. Don’t omit the words when you copy the text from the
book. 2. He is always inattentive when he is writing on the blackboard;
he will never get a good mark because he omits letters or commas.

E x e r c i s e 26 . 1. One mustn’t judge him so strictly. 2. He is a just

judge. 3. Try not to cough, otherwise you will feel worse. 4. The child
has a bad cough, I want him to stay at home. 5. Why are you so pale?
6. She started turning pale suddenly. 7. Don’t force him to apologize.
8. Several people were killed by the force of the explosion. 9. This
scientist studies the influence of the moon on the earth. 10. Weather
influences crops. 11. They visited the grave of the Unknown Soldier.
12. The doctor said that the condition of her health was extremely

Exercise 29. 1. If I had been (you) in your place I shouldn’t

(wouldn’t) have made this declaration. 2. His witness has just gone into
the court-room. It would be interesting to know what he is saying there
now. 3. He would not have given that evidence at that time. 4. It
is important that their trip (end) should end successfully. 5. He de­
manded that we should influence her. 6. She looked as if she were
disappointed a little. 7. You must conceal all the facts lest they
should know everything. 8. I wish we had stayed in the room and had
heard him describing the event. 9. If he goes to see his lawyer (If he
should go ...), ask him to take all the necessary documents. 10. I ask­
ed him to be more attentive and not to omit letters in the words,
but he wouldn’t obey. 11. I wish they would achieve (obtain) great
success. 12. Would you mind speaking about my case with your
lawyer? 13. I wish the trial would be over at last. 14. If he had
committed the crime he would not be so calm at the trial now.
15. If she is more sincere, we shall be able to help her. 16. We
think that he could convince her not to pay any attention to this
obvious (evident) misunderstanding.
Exercise 32.

a ) A. : Tell me your telephone number, please.

B.: 929—31—42
A.: May 1 ring you up tomorrow night?
В I shall be at the theatre. Could you phone me the day
after tomorrow?
A.: All right. At what time?
В About nine o ’clock,
b' N.: Who is calling, please?
A . \ Ann speaking. Say, is this you, Nick?
N.: Yes, this is Nick. Hello, Ann. I t ’s nice to hear your voice
(Glad to hear your voice).
A. : I ’d like to speak with Kate if she is at home (if she is there).
iV.: She isn’t.
A. : Will she be back soon?
N.: Probably about 7 o ’clock. Will you leave her a message?
A.: Yes, I want to invite her to the cinema. Tell her about it,
please. There is a very good film on at our club.
N .: When do you intend to go there?
A.: At 9 p . m. tomorrow. Ask Kate to ring me up when she
comes home.
N .: With great pleasure. (Willingly.)
A.: So long, Nick.
N.: So long, Ann.



Табл. I

Буквы Звук Примеры и пояснения

с перед е, i, у: city | ' s i t i | город; перед осталь­

6 ными буквами или на конце слова: cat (kaet)
кошка, physic ['fiz ik j медицина
s в сочетании c i + a l : special f's p e ja l ) специальный

ch V cheese ( t J i : z] сыр
ck k chicken ( 't j i k i n j цыпленок

п е р е д е , i, у: large 11a : d 3 J большой; перед ос­

8 тальными буквами или на конце слова: go
fg o u | ходить; bag Ibaecj] самка

gg в любом положении: baggage f 'b a ’g id ^ l багаж

i d3 Jim (d^im J Джим
"g T) long [lofll длинный

09 в середине слов, не образованных от глагольных

основ: E nglish f 'ig g lij] английский
nk I# think [05gk] думать
ph f philosopher ( f i'b s a f a ) философ
qu kw quick [kwik] быстрый

в начале слова и после глухих согласных:

sand fsaend] песок, cats | kaets] кошки;
e между гласными и после звонких согласных: rise
(ra iz j подниматься
Sh j ship (Jipl корабль

r в сочетании согласная -f-s-f ion:

pension I'p e n fn ) пенсия
5 гласная - f s + i o n или иге: illu sio n [ i 'l u i j n j ил­
люзия, measure I'm e^a] мера
1 t в любом положении: fvvet | мокрый
I в сочетании t-t-ion: d em o n stratio n [ydeman 'stre-
>J'an) демонстрация
tl в сочетании t- fu re : future [ ' f j u : tja J будущий
s+t-f-ion: question f'k w e stjn ] вопрос
X ks fox [ foks] лиса

Габл. II

Буква Не читается Примеры

b в сочетаниях b t, mb debt [d etj долг

dumb [dAm] немой
е в сочетании gh вторая буква bought [bo:t) к уп и л
этого сочетания тоже не
h в сочетании wh перед всеми why |w a i| почему
гласными, кроме о
в положении после х ex h ib itio n f ye k s i ' b i | выставка
к в сочетании kn knife (n a ilj нож
п о сочетании т л на конце autum n I'o.-tsm ) осень
W в сочетании wr w rite |r a i t | писать
и сочетании wli перед бук who [hu:] кто
вой 0


Табл. I I I . Гласные в открытом слоге*

буквы Звуки Примеры

a ei take, m ate , race

e i< P e te , be, he
1.У ai tim e, k ite , p in e , type
0 ou to n e, bone, rope
(ju: tube
|u : rule

Табл. IV. Гласные в закрытом слоге

Буквы Звуки Примеры

a ж bad, had, map

e e pen, send, ten
,y i b it, k id , it, gypsy
0 о h o t, not
u к bus, club

* О ткрытый слог — слог, оканчивающийся на гласную букву (he, m e,

no, so). В открытом слоге, оканчивающемся на согласную +гласн ая е , послед­
няя не произносится, а только является указанием на то , что предыдущий
слог является открытым (lin e , tu n e, hone, late). Гласная буква в ударном
открытом слоге имеет алфавитное чтение.
Табл. V. Гласные в сочетании с буквой ч

Буквы Звук Примеры

ar a: car [k a :] автомобиль
or d: sport [spo: t] спорт
er) her [ha:]ee
a: g irl [g a ; 1) девочка
ur) tu rn [ta :n ] поворачивать (ся)
Табл. VI. Гласные буквосочетания

Буквы Звук Примеры

ее i: tree [ t r i : J дерево
ea, ео, ey. е i: speak [s p i:k ] говорить
people [ p i :p l ] люди
seize [ s i: z] схватить
key [ k i:] ключ
или e перед d dead [ded] мертвый
ea -f г + с о г л . a: learn [1э:п] учиться
оо u: spoon [sp u :ii] ложка
перед k u look [luk] взгляд
ew ju : new [n ju :] новый
ai 1 pain [ pein] боль
ay) ei day [dei] день
е У) * hey fhei] эй!
ei /
ow lou window ['w indou] окно
[au brown [braun] коричневый
ou au co u n t [kaunt] считать
ou+gh э: bought [bo: tJ купил
aw , au э: law [1 э :] закон
A u stria [ 'o : s tr ia ] Австрия
oa ou coat [kout] пальто
o i, oy si toil [to il] работа
boy [boi ] мальчик
u e, ul ju: due [d ju : ] надлежащий
su it [s ju :t] костюм

Т абл. VII

Буквы Звук Примеры

a ir 1 a ir [ea] воздух
a re J care [kea] забота
ear 1 near [nia] около
ere 1 here [hid] здесь
ire. у re ala fire [faia] огонь
ty re [ta ia ] шина
ore a: more [ т э : ] больше
ure jua cu re [kjua] лечить

* Только в ударных слогах, в безударных слогах — (i]: hockey [ 'hokiJ

хоккей, foreign ['fo rm ] иностранный.
Габл. VI I I Гласные в сочетании с другими согласными

Буквы Звук Примеры

а (после w) 3 w ant [w sn tj хотеть

а (перед II или Э! ta ll |t o : l ] высокий
1 + согласная) w alk (w o:k] гулят ь
а (перед ss grass [g ra:s] mpaea
или s + согласная а: vast fv a :st] обширный
а+ п + согласная p lan t ( p la :n tj завод
(но не п)
а-Н -(-согласная a fter f 'a : f ta j после
(в том числе 1)
i (перед Id или nd) ai child [ tja iI d ) ребенок
kind [kaind] добрый
i-fg h al high [hai] высокий
о (перед Id) OU cold (kould) холодный

Табл. IX. Чтение буквы у

Буква Звук Примеры

1) перед гласным J yes [ jes] да
2) на конце односложных а! my [m ai] мой
3) на конце двух- и много­ 1 many |'m e n i] много
сложных слов fam ily ['fa e m ili| семь я


Функции Суффиксы Примеры


указывающие на -or, -ег reader читатель

лицо, совер­ teacher учитель
шающее дей­ in sp ecto r инспектор

для обозначения -1st com m unist коммунист

принадлежнос­ m arx ist марксист
ти к научному ro m a n tic ist романтик

или политичес­
кому направле­

П родолжение

Функции Суффиксы Примеры

для обозначения -ian R ussian русский

национальной B ulgarian болгарин

ism com m unism ком м унизм

«X ro m an ticism ром ант изм
р age m arria g e брак, passage проход
X яо an ce, -ence im p o rtan ce важность
3 с in siste n c e настойчивость
с; X dom freedom свобода
0н» 3 kingdom королевство
X е- hood ch ild h o o d детство
ш к
н со
neighbourhood соседство
о CL
ая» О -ion, -a lio n , d ic ta tio n дикт ант
Я \г> (ion dem o n stratio n демонстрация
о slo n , -ssion 'subm ission подчинение
3 е( -ment developm ent развит ие
S с? governm ent правительство
•е* 3 ness darkness т ем нот а,k in d n ess доброта
■9* X
о. ship frie n d sh ip друж ба
и -ture d ep artu re отъезд
И lite ra tu re лит ерат ура
в -t, q u a lity качество
•y c h em istry хим ия
-Ih stre n g th сила

указывающие на a b le , -ible changeable изменчивый

наличие како c o n v ertib le обратимый
го-лнбо каче -al p ractical практ ический
ства или свой­ chem ical хим ический
X ства -an t, -enl im p o rtan t важный
d ifferen t различны й
ч -ous famous знаменит ый
н dangerous опасный
U •ive ta lk a tiv e разговорчивый
a c tiv e деятельный
Ом •У rain y дождливый
sunny солнечный
3 foggy т уманны й
а: -ful harm ful вредный
# b eau tifu l прекрасный
-в - национальная при­ -ish P o lish польский
и надлежность
слабая степень brow nish коричневатый
национальная -ese Japanese японский

указывающие на -less harm less безвредный

отсутствие ка colourless бесцветный
чества hopeless безнадеж ный
helpless беспомощный

П родол жение

Функции Суффиксы Примеры

ST указывающие на­ •ward(s) forw ard вперед
о. правление hom ew ards домой
3 указывающие на •|у slow ly медленно
* характер дей quickly быстро
•e * ствия n a tu ra lly естественно
•d- daily ежедневно
8 -ize to sy m p ath ize сочувствовать
u to ch aracterize характеризоват ь
■4 -fy to sim p lify упрощ ать
3 to p u rify очищать
t£ •еп to stre n g th e n усиливать
■P- to w iden расш ирят ь
•e- -te to com plete завершать

П рефиксы Примеры

Префиксы с от­ un- unhappy несчастливый, несчастный

рицательным in- in v isib le невидимый
значением dis- disapprove не одобрять
disarm am ent разоруж ение
non- n o n-alignm ent неприсоединение

Префикс Повтор­ re- to re-read перечитывать

ности действия to re -w rite переписывать
to re con stru ct реконструировать

Префиксы с раз mis to m isunderstand неправильно понимать

иыми знамени- to mislead вводить в заблуж дение
ями to mishear неправильно услышать
to m isin te rp re t неправильно истолковать
n- to inclose заключать
to inlay вставлять
incom er входящ ий
indoor(s) внут ри дома
inborn врожденный
o ver- to o v e r-e stim a te переоценивать
under to undervalue недооценивать
underdeveloped слабо(мало) развитый
pre- p re h isto ric доисторический
pre-w ar доеденный
post- post-w ar послевоенный
anti- a n ti-im p e ria list ант иимпериалист ический

П родолжение

Префиксы Примеры

Преф иксы с раз­ counter- cou nter-attack к о н т р а т а к а

ными значени­ со- coexistence сосущ ест вование
ями co-operation сот рудничест во
inter- in te r-a c tio n взаим одейст вие
ех- e x -m in iste r бы вш ий м и н и ст р
ex-cham pion бы вш ий чем пион
sub- su bd ivide под р азделят ь
subcom m ittee по д ко м и сси я
ultra- u ltra -v io le t ул ьт раф иолет овы й
еп- to enlarge увеличиват ь
to enslave п о р аб о щ а т ь



а) Перед нарицательны м и сущ ествител ьны м и

1. Перед сущ ествитель­ T h is is a book. The Э то книга. Книга инте­

ными, обозначающи­ book is in te re stin g. ресная.
ми конкретный пред­
мет, о котором шла
речь раньше

2. Перед сущ ествитель­ In sum m er the sun Л етом солнце светит

ными, являющимися shin es b rig h tly . ярко.
единственными в сво­
ем роде

3. Когда из ситуации Open the w indow , О ткрой окно, пож алуй­

или из контекста яс­ please. ста.
но, какое лицо или
предмет имеется
в виду

4. Перед сущ ествитель­ Pass rr.e I he bread, Передайте мне, пож а­

ными, обозначающи­ please. W here is the л уйста, хлеб. Где
ми вещества в опре­ w ate r? вода?
деленном количестве,
(имеется в виду все

5. После слов one ot, One of the students m is ­ Один из студентов не

some of, m any of, sed the lesson. был на уроке.
each of, most of, M o st of the articles Большинство статей лег­
обычно после слов are easy to translate. ки для перевода.
a ll, both A ll the boys w ill go Все мальчики поедут на
on an excursion. экскурсию.


6. Перед субстантиви­ The rich liv e in the Богатые ж ивут в лон­

рованными прилага­ W est E n d of London донском В ест Э й д е ,
тельными и причас­ and the poor liv e in бедные — в Ист
тиями the East End. Энде.
The wounded were tak­ Раненых отвезли в боль­
en to the hospital. ницу.
7. Перед сущ ествитель­ The c a p ita lists gain Капиталисты получают
ными, обозначаю ­ great p ro fits at the огромные прибыли
щими классы людей expense of the workers. за счет рабочих.

б) Перед именами собственными

1. Перед именем соб­ The P e trov s lik e to go to Петровы лю бят ездить

ственным, обознача­ the cou ntry on S u n ­ за город по воскре­
ющим целиком всю days. сеньям.

2. Перед названиями The S o v ie t U n io n is Советский Сою з — пер­

некоторых стран the first so c ia list вая социалистическая
c ou n try in the w orld. страна в мире.
The c o n stitu tio n of Конституция С Ш А была
the U n ited State s принята в 1789 году.
was adopted in 1789.
3. Перед названиями W e lived at the shore М ы жили на берегу
р е к , морей, океанов и of the B la c k Sea. Черного моря.
горных цепей (наз­ They were s a ilin g Они плыли по Волге.
вания отдельных down the V o lg a .
вершин уп отр е б л я­
ю тся без артикля,
например E lb r u s)
4. Перед названиями W e sh a ll go to the Летом мы поедем на
четырех стран света Sou th in summer. юг.

5. Перед названиями I read the “M o r n in g S t a r " Я ежедневно читаю

судов, гостиниц и every day. «Морнинг Стар».
английских газет H e stayed at the “M o ­ Он остановился в гос­
sk v a ” . тинице «Москва».

11. Н Е О П Р Е Д Е Л Е Н Н Ы Й А Р Т И К Л Ь

1. Д л я обозначения There is a book on the Н а столе лежит книга.

принадлежности table.
предмета к какому- 1 saw a very in tere st­ Я видел очень интерес­
либо классу пред­ in g film . ный фильм.
метов при наличии She is a teacher. Она учительница.
описательного опре­
деления и без него

П родолш нш

2. В восклицательных W h a i a beautiful llower! Какой красивый цве­

предложениях после ток'


1. Перед абстрактными A ir is necessary for lite. Воздух необходим для

именами существи жизни
тельными; перед на­ K n o w le d ge is power. Знание — сила.
званием вещества
(кроме пункта 4 в
таблице 1,а)

2. Перед сущ ествитель­ Last year I was in В прошлом году я был

ным , определяемым Leningrad. в Ленинграде.
словами next (б уд у­ Open your books at О ткройте книги на
щий) и last (прош p age 10 странице 10.
лый) или количест­
венным числитель
ным, следующим
за существительным

3. После глагола lo Be Не is d ire c to of this О н директор этой ш к о ­

перед предикативом, school лы.

4. Перед именами соб­ H er name is Ka>e. Ее зовут Катя

ственными M o sco w is the capital Москва — столица
of the U S S R СССР

5. Перед сущ ествитель­ W here is M other? Где мама?

ными mother, fathe'
и т. д. в речи чле­
нов одной семьи

3 4 0

Член предло­ Сказуемое

жения, Вопрос итель (вспом ога­ Сказуемое Дополнения
к которому ное слово тельный П одлежащ ее (смысл, г л .) и обстоятель
ставится глагол) стви

1 2 3 •» 5 6

подлежа­ W ho _ _ reads newspaper?

щее* in the
m o rn in g?
Кто читает газеты ут
определение W hose — brother reads newspapers
подлежа­ in the
щего* m o rn ing?
Чей брат читает газеты
То же W hich brother reads newspapers
in the
m o rn in g 5
Который брат читает газеты
сказуемое W h ai does her brother do in the mor
n in g?
Ч то ее брат делает утром?
дополнение W h al doe? her brother read in the mor
n in g ?
Ч то ее брат читает утром?
определение W hai does her brother read in the m c r
n in g ?
дополнения newspapers
Какие га­ е е брат читает утром?
How does her brother read in the mor
m any” n in g ’
new spa­
С кол ько ее брат читает утром?
обстоятель­ W here does her brother read newspapers
ство места in the m o r
n in g ?
Где ее брат читает газеты

•Е сл и вопрос относится к подлежащему или к группе подлежащего, то

вспомогательный глагол не употребляется и сохраняется порядок слов пове­
ствовательного предложения. В остальных случаях в вопросе нужен вспомо­
гательный глагол и обратный порядок слов.
* * H ow much сколько употребляется, когда речь идет об абстрактных
или неисчисляемых существительных.


1 2 3 4 5 6

обстоятель­ W hen does her brother read newspapers?

ство вре­ (at what
мени tim e)
• Когда (в к а ­ ее брат читает газеты?
кое время)
обстоятель­ H ow does her brother read newspapers
ство обра­ in the
за дейст­ m o rn in g?
вия К ак ее брат читает газеты
обстоятель­ W hy does her brother read newspapers
ство при­ in the
чины m o rn in g ?
Почему ее брат читает газеты



^ -гР

above над at, by у , около, рядом с

a cross через to к , в, на

below под, ниже into в
under под from от, из, с
in fron t ot, before перед out of из
behind, after сзади, позади through через, сквозь
on на up вверх
In в down вниз

Б. П Р Е Д Л О Г И В Р Е М Е Н И
after — 1) после
after that day — после этого дня
2) через
Н е саше back after a week. О н возвратился через неделю,
before — до
before ten o’clock — до 10 часов
by — к
by two o ’c lo c k — к двум часам
by the end of the m onth — к концу месяца
d u r in g — в течение
d u rin g the su m m e r— в течение лета
(отвечает на вопрос when?)
lor — 1) в течение
for two hours — в течение двух часов
(отвечает на вопрос how long?)

2) на
for the n ig h t — на ночь
for the h olidays — на каникулы

Iro m ... t ill — от ( с ) . . . д о

Н е lived in K ie v from 1935 t ill 1939.
О н жил в Киеве с 1935 до 1939 года.
W e have classes from 9 in the m o rn in g t ill (to) 3 in the afternoon..
У нас уроки с 9 утра до 3 дня.

in — 1) в
in June — в июне
in the m o rn in g — утром (в утреннее время)
in w in te r — зимой (в зимнее время)
2) через
in three d a y s— через три дня
in a m onth — через месяц

on— 1) в (определенный день)

on Sunday — в воскресенье
on the 7th of November — седьмого ноября

2) употребляется вместо in, когда слова day, m o rn in g и т. д. имеют

on a fine m o rn ing — в одно прекрасное утро
on the m o rn in g of the 1st of January — утром l-ro января

past — ( после)
It is already past two. У ж е третий час (после двух;.
It is ten m in utes past two. Д есять минут третьего (после двух.)
sin ce — с
Н е has lived in M oscow since 1946 О н живет в М оскве с 1946 года
(живет и сейчас)


Союзы Перевод Примеры

and и, a The rain stopped and the sun came

Д ож дь прекратился и вышло солнце.

but a, но Не opened the door b u l there was

nobody in the room.
О н открыл дверь, но в комнате ни­
кого не было.

b o th .. and как ... так и; B o th g ii Is and boys were d a n c i n g

и ... и g a ily .
К ак девочки, гак и мальчики весе­
ло танцевали

lor так ка к . ибо You must open the w indow lor it

is hot in the room
Вы должны откры ть окно, та к как
и комнате жарко.

or или Не w ill go to the Crim ea oi to the

О н поедет в Крым или на Кавказ.

a s well as так же, как 1 sent her a letter as w ell as a tele­

(а также) gram.
Я послал ей письмо, а такж е и

either . .o r либо ... либо Either you or your friend m ust come
(или ... или) to the m eeting.
Л ибо вы, либо ваш друг должны
прийти на собрание.

neither . . , nor ии ... ни Neither he nor you could make the

Ни он, ни вы не смогли сделать

П родолжение

Союзы Перевод Примеры

not only, . не т о л ь к о .. . Not only stu d en ts but also teachers

but also но и liked the play.
He только студентам, но (такж е) и
преподавателям понравилась пьеса.

Т нппред
ложен ия

Союз или союзное

слово Примеры П еревод

Союзы that (что; T hat he studies badly To, что он учится

то, что) is stran g e. плохо, довольно
w hether (if) (ли) странно
OJ Союзные слова It is stra n g e lh a t he Странно, что он ск а­
who, whom.
whose, w h a t,
has said it.
W hether (if) he w ill
зал это.
Еще не известно, сде­
X w hich, w hen. m ?ke a rep o rt is not лает ли он доклад.

§ where how. clear yet.
why W hat he says is in te r­ То, что он говорит.
С e stin g . интересно.
Who w ill go th ere has Еще не решено, кто
not yet been decided пойдет туда.
When he w ill do it Н икто не знает, когда
nobody knows. он это сделает.

сЬ Те же союзы и The q u e stio n is if they Вопрос в том, пойдут

г-4 союзные слова can go there. ли они туда.
Я The th in g is th a t he Д ело в том, что он ни­
С н does n o t know a n y ­ чего не знает.
th in g .

Те же союзы и I th o u g h t lh al you Я думал, что вы ус­

о л
союзные слова w ere tired .
I asked him if he w ould
Я спросил его, придет
£С ч
come. ли он.

01 Союзные слова The boy who is reading Мальчик, которы й чи­

X а) относительные is my brother. тает, мой брат.
ч местоимения T his is th e flat in Вот квартира, в ко то ­
ш w ho, whom, w hich they lived.
f- рой они жили.
ч whose, w hich, The book th a t I am Книга, которую я чи­
ч lh a t (который) read in g belongs to m y таю, принадлежит
й» friend.
Q. моему другу.

Тип пред­

Союз или союзное

слово Примеры Перевод

б) относительные The tow n where they Город, где они ж ивут,

наречия when, live is not far from недалеко от Москвы.
оч g2 where, why, Moscow.
о. £^ how I rem em ber the day Я помню день, когда
с а when I entered the поступил в институт.
о н
In s titu te .
<у Союзы when (ког­ When 1 came hom e, Когда я пришел домой,
о> да), w hile. as (в they were h aving они завтракали.
S* то врем я, к ак ), lunch.
till, u n til (по­ I sh all sta y h ere, u n ­ Я буду здесь, пока
а к а , до тех пор til you finish your вы не кончите работу.
X п о к а... не), a f t­ w ork.
ан er (после того I haven’t seen him Я не видел его с тех
а к ак ), sin ce (с sin ce he left Moscow. пор, как он уехал
«0 тех пор к ак),
«=: из Москвы.
а» before (прежде As soon as you finish Как только вы кончи­
«t- чем, перед тем w ritin g , we shall go
о те писать, мы пой­
и как), as soon as for a walk. дем гулять.
о (как только'

£ о where (где, куда) I lik e to spend my

5 2 Я люблю проводить от­
IX =
XГ2. w herever (где бы leave w here it is not пуск там. где не
°« (! ни, куда бы so hot. ж арко.
о*“ £
ь s ни)
X because, as (так He w ill not com e be­
й 3 Он не приедет, потому
к ак , потому cause he is busy. что он занят.
в = что), sin ce (так As it was late every­
л =£ Так как было поздно.
51- со- как, посколь­ body hurried home. все поспешили домой.
к ку) S ince he is ill we Так как он болен, мы
о с«» shall come to see
ОН 3£ навестим его.
о = him .
X (so) th a t (так It was so late th a t Было так поздно, что
к 1 decided to go to
X что, чтобы, я решил ложиться
CQ X для того что­ sleep. спать.
н ч
о а* бы) 1 gave him the book, Я дал ему книгу, для
=t a
*=: so that he m ight того чтобы он мог
о study it at home. изучать ее дома.

** it (если), unless II he is free we shall Если он свободен, мы

к ^ = (если только v is it him. навестим его.
g is не) He w ill not be able to Он не сможет сделать
VO CD make a rep o rt unless доклад, если только
О и you help him . вы ему не поможете.

П родолжение
Тип п р ед ­
лож ения

Союз или
союзное слово Примеры П еревод
О бстоятельственные

though (although) Though he is very Хотя он и очень мо­

(хотя) young he w ill be лод, он сможет сде­

whoever (кто бы able to do th is work. лать эту работу.

ни) W hatever happens, Ч то бы ни случилось,
w hatever (что бы d o n ’t be frigntened. не пугайтесь.
in sp ite of (не­
смотря на)

th an (чем) He is younger than I. Он моложе, чем я.

as . . . as ,так He runs as quick as ! Он бегает так же быст­
ж е. . . как (и), do. ро, как и я.

такой же. . . T his book is not so in ­ Эта книга не так ая

как (и)) te re stin g as you интересная, как
(n o t) so. . . as th in k . вы думаете.
(н е)т ак . . . как,
не такой. . .


Presenl In d e fin ite

Ед. число Мн. число

I ask we ask
you ask you ask
he ]
she} asks they ask
it I
Окончание глагола в 3-ем лице ед. ч. P resent In d e fin ite

принимают в произно­
Глаголы , оканчивающиеся на: Например
окончание шении

глухой согласный |s | he asks

звонкий согласный -S 12] she reads
гласный звук |Z | it p la y s
шипящий или свистящий -es |iz | she passes
звук (на письме -ss, sh, he fishes
-ch, х), а такж е -se, се. it catches
-ze, -ge, -о he boxes
he stages
-S |IZ| she places
-es [г\ it goes


Действительный залог (Active Voice)

Неперфектные формы Перфектные формы

Название Общий вид Продолженный вид Общий вид Продолженный вид
indefinite C ontinuous Perfect Perfect C ontinuous
^ \_ р и с т и к а действие как факт действие как процесс действие, предшеству­ действие, начавшееся в
(обычное, постоянное, (незаконченный, д л я ­ ющее какому-то прошлом и беспрерывно
Время повторяющееся) щийся) моменту, соотнесенное продолжающееся вплоть
с ним до какого-нибудь момента

Preseni ask, asks аш |

(настоящее) are 1 asking hasе 1 asked
(спрашиваю вообще, Й аГ } ***" a sk in §
обычно, всегда) is 1
(уж е спросил) (уж е спрашиваю в
(спрашиваю сейчас) течен и е...)

Past asked was 1 , . had asked had been asking

(прошедшее) were } 3 п6
(спросил, спрашивал (уж е спросил к тому (к тому моменту уже
когда-то) (спрашивал в тот момент) моменту) спрашивал в т е ч е н и е ...i

Future shall I , shall \ . . . shall 1 have shall | have

(будущее) w ill } asl< w ill / be a s km g w ill j asked > been
(спрошу) (буду спрашивать в (уж е спросил к тому) w ill | askina
тот момент) моменту) (к тому моменту уже
буду спрашивать в

Страдательный залог ( P a s s iv e Voice)

Неперфектные формы Перфектные фирмы

Продолженный вид Общий вид Продолженный вид
Название Общий вид
C ontinuous Perfect P erfect C ontinuous
In d efin ite
Характе- действие, предшест действие, начавшееся в
действие как факт действие как процесс прошлом и беспрерывно
ристика (незаконченный, bjющее какому-то мо
(обычное, постоянное менту, соотнесенное продолжающееся вплоть
повторяющееся! длящийся) до какого-нибудь момента
Время с ним

ага | have 1 been

P resen' am 1 being
are \ asked has | asked
(настоящ ее! | asked
is 1 (уж е спросили)
(спрашивают вообще, (спраши вают сейчас)
обычно, всегда)

was 1 being had been asked
Past was \ asked
(прошедшее! w ere f were ) asked (К тому моменту
(спросили вчера) (спрашивали i уже спросили)
тот момент)

Future ^ а '|* J have been asked

(будущ ее) Я ! 1 } be askeo
(спросят) (буду уж е спрошен к
тому времени)

A ctive Passive

N on-C ontinuous to ask to be ask ed

1 w ant to ask him . He may be asked to ­
Я хочу спросить его. morrow.
Его могут спросить
О<L> завтра.
с C ontinuous to be im proving
The w eather seems to
be im proving.
К аж ется, погода улуч­

N on-C ontinuous to have finished to have been

He seems to have fin­ fin ish ed
ished his work. The work seem s to have
К аж ется он закончил been finished.
свою работу. Р абота, к аж е т с я , уже

C ontinuous to h av e been w orking

He is known to have
been working at this
p la n t for m any years.
И звестно, что он рабо­
тает на этом заводе
уж е в течение мно­
гих лет.


A ctive Passive

asking being asked

0) Не likes asking questions. He likes being asked.
»t Он любит задавать вопросы. Он лю бит, когда его спрашивают.


Active Passive

h a v in g asked h av in g been asked

о 1 remembered having asked her I rem em bered having been asked
U. about it. about it.
Q. Я вспомнил, что я уже спра­ Я вспомнил, что меня уже сп ра­
шивал ее об этом шивали об этом.


P a rtic ip le I

Active Passive

readin g being re ad
1 saw a woman reading a book The lecture being read now is
Я увидел ж енщ ину, читавшую very in terestin g .
N on-Perfect

книгу. Л екц и я, которую сейчас чита­

ю т, очень интересная.
Knowing E nglish well he can Being asked if he liked to play
read books in the o riginal. chess he answered in th e a ffir­
Зн ая хорошо английский, он m ative.
может читать книги в ориги­ Когда его спросили, любит ли
нале. он играть в шахматы, он от­
ветил утвердительно.

h aving read h aving been asked

H aving read this book 1 retu rn ed Having been asked if he had ever

it to the library. been to K iev, he said that he

Прочитав эту кни гу, я возвра­ had lived th ere in his ch ild ­
тил ее в библиотеку. hood.
Когда его спросили, был ли он
когда-либо в Киеве, он ска
за л , что жил там в детстве,
P a rtic ip le II
The le tte rs read by the manager
are on your table.
Письма, прочитанные заведую
ющим, находятся на вашем
The broken cup is lying on the
Разбитая чашка леж ит на полу.


Г л а гол P resen t Past Future

сап сап could

to be able (to)
am |
выражает реаль­
is > able (to) le U -b " » °> w iU 1 } Ье a b le <t0 >
ную возмож­
a re J
ность, физичес­ 1 could do it (1 I shall be able to
кую или умст­ I can do it (1 am was able to do do it.
венную способ­ able to do it). it). Я смогу (буду
ность Я могу (в состо­ Я мог (был в со­ в состоянии,
янии, умею) стоянии, умел) сумею) это
сделать это. сделать это. сделать

may may might

(употребляется в
косвенной речи)
am | shall 1 be allowed
to be allow ed (to) is J a llo w e d (to) were } al lowed (to) w ill / (to)
are J
He said 1 m ight You will be allow
выражает допу­ You m ay go home smoke here. ed to swim.
щение возмож now. Он ск азал , что Вы сможете к у ­
ности, разре Вы можете те­ я могу курить паться (вам
шение совер­ перь пойти до­ здесь. разреш ат).
шить действие мой 1 w as allowed to
go home.
Мне разрешили
идти домой.
П р и м е ч а н и е : 1 Модальный глагол could (форма сослагательного
наклонения) выражает:

С неперфектной формой инфинитива С перфектной формой инфинитива

допущение возможности с небольшой допущение возможности, осущ еств­

степенью уверенности ление которой уже нереально
Could you w ait for me? You could have done it long ago.
Сможете ли вы меня подождать? Вы могли бы это сделать давным-
2 Модальный глагол m ight (форма сослагательного наклонения) выражает
С неперфектной формой инфинитина С перфектной формой инфинитива

допущение случайной возможности предположение с большой степенью

Не m ight com e to -n ig h t. неопределенности и сомнения.
О н, мож ет быть, придет сегодня ве­ Не m ight have left his book in the
чером. garden.
О н, может быть, оставил свою кни­
гу в саду.


»s н
£ 45-


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S « со Й 5

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“ ■ ?Й Э
3 Ч-

1 2 -1 3 1 2 353
П родолжение

Г лагол с перфектной формой
P resen t Past F u ture инфинитива

We did not have to go

Нам не пришлось ид­
ти туда.

ought (to) ought (to) обозначает действие,

выражает моральный We ought to help her. которое требовалось
долг, как нечто от­ и, казалось бы , дол­
вечающее общ епри­ Мы должны (нам сле­ жно было состоять­
нятым взглядам дует) ей помочь. с я , но не состоялось
You ought to have done
it y este rd a y .
Вы должны были (вам
следовало, следова­
ло бы) сделать это

should should то оке

выражает необходи­ You should have helped
мость как нечто You should not go there.
Вы не должны (вам him .
требуемое, а такж е
как чье-либо субъ ­ не следует) идти т у ­ Вам следовало бы (вы
ективное мнение или да. должны были бы) по­
совет мочь ему.

П родолжение

с перфектной формой
Г лагол P resent Past F u tu re инфинитива

need обозначает действие, в

совершении которого
обычно употребляется You needn’t h u rry . не было необходи­
с отрицанием и Вам не надо спешить. мости, надобности
выражает отсутствие
You needn'l have
необходимости, не­
целесообразность done it.
Вам не нужно было
(не было необходи­
мости) делать это.

to be (to) ага was

are (to) were
выражает необходи­ is I ,0
мость как нечто ожи­
The tra in :s to The train was to a rriv e обозначает действие,
даемое, предусмот­
a rriv e at 5. at 5. которое должно бы­
ренное планом, рас­
Поезд должен прибыть Поезд должен был при­ ло соверш иться, но
писанием, догово­
в 5 часов. быть в 5 часов. в действительности
] am to go there. не имело места
Мне предстоит поехать
туда. They w ere to have met
Они должны были встре­

С неперфектной формой С перфектной формой

Глагол инфинитива инфинитива

must Не must be w orking Не musi have been

now w orking for several
выражает вероятность,
О н, должно быть (ве­ hours.
т. е. большую сте­
роятно), сейчас ра­ О н, должно быть (ве­
пень уверенности ботает. роятно), работает уже
(в этом значении с You must be tired a f t­ несколько часов.
отрицанием не упо­ er your work.
требляется) Не must have finished
Вы, должно быть (ве­
his work.
роятно), устали пос­
Он, должно быть (ве­
ле работы.
роятно), закончил
свою работу.

should Не should be about 40.

Ему, наверное, око­
ло 40.
выражают вероятность, Не ought to be at home.
предположение О н, должно быть, дома.

сап а) предположение на сомнение (обычно с от­

будущее рицанием)
They can be in L en in ­ Не c a n 't (co u ld n ’t)
grad to-night have said it.
Они, возможно, бу­ He может быть, что­
дут и Ленннграде бы он сказал это.
сегодня вечером.
б) удивление, отказ
Не can 't be so disobe­
d ie n t.
He может быть, что­
бы он был настоль­
ко непослушным

may Не m ay be w orking Не m ay have left his

now. book in the garden
выражает предположе­ Возможно, он сейчас
ние с оттенком не­ О н, возможно, оста­
уверенности вил свою книгу в
Не may be in th at саду.
room. *
О н, возможно, в той


Функции Примеры Перевод

1. Вспомогательный Не thought th a t I Он подумал, что я при­

глагол для образо­ should come a t 5. ду в 5 часов.
вания формы Fu- (should не переводится)
tu re -in -th e Past
(1-е лицо)
для образования фор­ If I had tim e , I should Если бы у меня было
мы сослагательного go there. врем я, я бы пошел
наклонения туда, (should не пере­
2. Модальный глагол You should w ork at Вам следует больше ра­
your E nglish m ore. ботать над английским.
You should have h elp­ Вам следовало бы по­
ed him th a t t i m e . мочь ему в тот раз.


Функции Примеры Перевод

1. Вспомогательный She said she would Она сказал а, что при­

глагол для образо­ com e a t 6. дет в 5 часов.
вания формы F u­ They w ere sure you Они были уверены , что
tu re in the Past would m eet them . вы их встретите,
(со всеми лицами, (w ould не переводится)
кроме 1-го лица
единственного и мно­
жественного числа)
для образования He w ould give you Он дал бы вам эту кни­
формы сослагатель­ th is book if you ask­ гу , если бы вы его
ного наклонения ed him . попросили.
(would не переводится)
2. Глагол, употребляю ­ The boy w ould s it down Мальчик обычно (бы ва­
щийся для выраже­ beside his grandm o­ ло) усаж ивался около
ния повторного дей­ th er and liste n to своей бабушки и сл у ­
ствия в прошлом (со her tales. шал ее сказки.
всеми лицами един­
ственного и множе­
ственного числа)
3. Модальный глагол I asked him n o t to do Я просил его этого не
(обычно в отрица­ it, but he w ouldn’t делать, но он и сл у ­
тельной форме для liste n to me. шать не хотел.
выражения упорно­ 1 tried hard, but the Я старался изо всех
го нежелания совер­ door w ouldn’t open. сил, но дверь не от­
шить действие) крывалась.

Глаголы-сказуемые, пос­
ле которых употребля­ Примеры Перевод
ется сложное дополнение

1 группа

Глаголы, выражающие
желание (нежелание)
to w an t, to w ish, to 1 want you to come to ­ Я хочу, чтобы вы при­
like, should (would) morrow шли завтра.
lik e, to d islik e , to 1 Like people to tel Мне нравится, когда
hate the tru th люди говорят правду.

11 г р у п п а

Глаголы, выражающие
чувственные восприя­
тия и ощущения
to see, to w atch, to Wlesaw him e n te rin g the Мы видели, как он вхо­
n o tice, to h ear, to room дил в комнату.
feel 1 have never heard her Я никогда не слышал
sin g . как она поет.

(инфинитив без частицы


III группа

Глаголы, выражающие
умственную деятель­
to ex p ect, to th in k , Tl ey expect us \ о com e. Они ожидают, что мы
to believe, to su p ­ придем
pose , to consider, to We believe him to be Мы считаем его хоро­
fin d , to know, to s u s a good teacher шим преподавателем.
pect, to u n d ersta n d ,
to mean

IV г р у п п а

Глаголы, выражающие
побуждение, допуще­
to make (заставлять), He made m e do it Он заставил меня сде­
to g et, to order, to ask, again лать это еще раз.
to allo w , to let Let her go home Пусть она идет домой.

(инфинитив без частицы


They ordered us 'о Они приказали нам

come прийти.


Глаголы-сказуемые, с кото­
рыми употребляется сложнее Примеры Перевод конструкции

1. В страдательном залоге
to know The d eleg atio n is known to a rriv e soon. И звестно, что делегация прибудет скоро.
to announce > was announced lo have a r ­ О бъявлено, что делегация прибыла.
to believe » is believed to be a rriv in g Полагают, что делегация прибывает сей­
now. час.
to consider » is considered to be larg e. Считаю т, что делегация многочисленна.
to expect « is expected to be m et at 10 О жидаю т, что делегацию встретят в
10 часов.
to report » was reported to have Ьееч Сообщили, что делегацию встретили.
m e t.
to say He is said to have been w orking here long. Говорят, что он работает здесь давно

to sta te He it stated to be Утверждаю т, что "l

to suppose He is supposed | 0 be ( Предполагают, что 1 он большой
to think He is thought to be sn ecialist Д умаю т, что г специалист.
to understand и др. He is understood to be * П онятно, что

2. В действительном залоге
to seem She seems to w ork much. О на, каж ется, много работает.
te appear She appears to be studying now. О на, оказы вается, сейчас учится.
to happen 1 happened to see such film s. Мне случалось видеть такие фильмы.
to prove и др. He proved to be a good man. Он оказался хорошим человеком.
3. С глаголом to
be -f- прилагательное The w eath er is likely to change. Погода, вероятно, изменится.
lik e ly , u n lik e ly , She is u n likely to a rriv e to-day. М аловероятно, что она приедет сегодня
c e rta in , sure и др. He is sure to come. Он обязательно придет.
* - »
В таблицу включены все наиболее употребительные нестандартные гла­
голы. Н екоторые из них имеют такж е стандартные формы прошедшего време­
ни и причастия прошедшего времени. В список включены обе формы.

In fin itiv e Past In definite Past P articip le

arise подниматься arose arisen

aw ake просыпаться aw oke. aw aked aw oke, aw aked
• be быть .was, w ere been
bear нести; рождать bore born(e)
beat бить beat beaten
• become становиться became become
• begin начинать began begun
bend сгибать bent bent
bind связы вать bound bound
• pile кусать >bit b it, b itten
bleed истекать кровью, кро bled bled
• blow дуть blew blown
* break ломать rbroke broken
breed выращивать bred bred
• bring приносить brought brought
. build строить built built
• burn гореть burned, bu rn t burned, b u rn t
burst лопаться burst burst
• buy покупать bought bought
(I) can (я) могу (I) could —
cast бросать cast cast
. catch ловить «caught cau g h t
. choose выбирать • chose chosen
cling льнуть, прилипать clung clu n g
clothe одевать clothed clothed, clad
• come приходить «came come
cost стоить cost cost
creep ползать crep t c re p t
cut резать «cut cut
deal иметь дело; наносить dealt d e a lt
dig копать dug dug
• do делать •did done
draw тянуть drew draw n
dream мечтать, видеть во сне d ream ed , d ream t d ream ed, d re am t
• drink пить <drank drunk
drive гнать- ехать, везти drove driven
dw ell проживать dw elled, dw elt dw elled, d w elt
• eat есть >ate eate n
• fall падать 'fell fallen
feed кормить fed fed
- feel чувствовать felt felt
• fight сражаться fought fought
• find находить •found found
flee спасаться бегством fled fled
fling швырять flung flung
. fly летать «flew flown


Infinitive Past Indefinite Past P artic ip le

forbid запрещать forbade forbidden

forget забывать forgot fo rg o tten
forgive прощать forgave forgiven
freeze замерзать froze frozen
get получать got got
give давать gave given
go ходить •w ent gone
grow расти .grew grow n
hang висеть »hung hung
have иметь had had
hear слышать ‘heard heard
hide прятаться hid hid, hidden
hit ударять hit hit
hold держ ать held held
h u rt причинять hu rt hurt
keep содержать kept kept
kneel становиться fra колени kneeled, k n elt kneeled, knell
know знать «knew known
lay класть *laid laid
lead вести led led
lean н акл о н ять ся ) leaned, leant leaned, leant
leap прыгать leaped, leapt leaped, leapt
learn учиться learned. learn t lea rn ed , le arn t
leave оставлять left left
lend давать взаймы lent lenl
let позволить let let
lie л еж ать. lay lain
light заж игать lighted, lit lighted, lit
lose терять lost lost
m ake делать m ade made
(I) m ay (я) могу m ight —
mean иметь в виду m eant m eant
m eet встречать -m et met
m islead вводить в заблуждение misled m isled
m istake ошибаться m istook m istaken
( I ) must (я) долж ен — —
overcom e преодолеть overcam e overcom e
pay платить ‘paid paid
put класть ,p u t put
read читать »read read
ride ездить верхом rode ridden
rin g звонить ■rang ru n g
rise вставать rose risen
run бегать .ran run
saw пилить sawed sawed, saw n
say сказать ,said said
see видеть >saw seen
seek искать sought sought
sell продавать sola sold
send посылать •sent sent
set ставить, оседать set set


In fin itiv e P ast In definite P ast P a rtic ip le

sew шить sewed sewed, sewn

shake трясти shook shaken
shine светить, сиять shone shone
shoot стрелять shot shot
show показывать showed show n
shut закрывать shut shut
sing петь sang sung
sink опускаться sank sunk
sit сидеть sat sat
sleep спать slept slept
sm ell пахнуть sm elt sm elt
sow сеять sowed sowed, sown
spell составлять слово из spelt spelt
spend тратить spent spent
spoil портить sp o ilt, spoiled sp o ilt, spoiled
spread распространять(ся) spread spread
spring прыгать, вскакивать, sp ran g sprung
stand стоять stood stood
strik e ударять(ся) struck struck
sw ear клясться swore sw orn
sweep мести sw ept swept
swim плавать swam swum
take брать took taken
teach учить (обучать) taught tau g h t
te a r рвать tore to rn
tell рассказы вать told told
thin k думать thought th o u g h t
throw бросать threw throw n
un derstan d понимать understood understood
w ake просыпаться woke woken
будить waked waked
w ear носить w ore w orn
weep плакать wept wept
win выигрывать, добиваться won won

w rite писать w rote w ritte n


Aa О f e i] Nn ‘Y/ 'го Ten]

Bb /3 4 lbi:) Oo O' cr louj

Cc ( 3 -O' tsl:) Pp Ip'O

Dd J J - d ldi:>
Qq fkju:)
Ее € г, [i:|

Ff Г / M
Rr (fc yu la:]
Ss *Z- les)
Gg ^ Id3i:l
Tt fti: ]
Hh 9 /Л le itjl Uu [ju:]
li J jU [ai] Vv ‘V nr [vi:j

Jj (Js ^ [ d 3 e i] Ww * 1 0 ^- I'cUblju:]

Kk Xx e%> CO [eks]
V (J L [keil

LI Yy [wai]
le,] If T
Mm 77? o t l lemJ Zz [zed]
t-9 -
ш \ш и т ш т т \\ш ш т и т ш т \\ш и и ш \ш 1 т \ш п ш т п т т т ш ш и и ш ш \ш ш ш ш т и и ш и и ш п т \т т т ш ш и п \\\и № ш № ш



a ad jectiv e — прилагательное p a rt p a r t i c l e — частица

a d v a d v e rb — наречие prep p r e p o s i t i o n — предлог
cj c o n ju n c tio n — союз
pron p r o n o u n — местоимение
int in te rje c tio n — междометие
n noun — существительное v ve rb — глагол
пит num eral — числительное pi p l u r a l — множественное
p p a r t ic i p le — причастие число

A a c tu a lly [ 'a e k t j u a l i ) a d v фактически

add [ $ d ] v прибавлять, присоединять;
.ab a n d o n [a'baendan] v покидать, ос­ ~ to добавлять, увеличивать
тавлять a d d re ss [ a 'd re s ] n адрес; обращение;
able [eibl] а способный; умелый, v обращ аться
умеющий; be ~ уметь, быть в со­ a d m issib ility [ a d , m i s a 'b i l i l i ] n допу­
стоянии, мочь стимость, приемлемость
ab o ard | a'bo:d ] prep на (корабль); п adopt [ a 'd o p t ] v усы новлять; прини­
вагон; get ~ (th e tra in ) сесть в мать
вагон a d v a n c e [ a 'd v a m s ) n продвижение;
aboul [a 'b a u t] a d v кругом , вокруг; успех; in ~ вперед, заранее
повсю ду; недалеко; приблизитель­ a d v an ced [ a d ' v a : n s t | а продвинутый,
н о, около; prep (место) по, вок­ повышенного типа
руг, около; (время) около, пример­ a d v e n tu re [ a d 'v e n t j a ] n приключение
но; о, об, насчет
a d v ertise [ 'a ed v a ta izj v помещать
above [э'Ь л у] a d v наверху; prep над;
объявление, объявлять
выше; свыше
ad v ice [ a d 'v a i s ] n совет
a b ro ad [a'bro.-d] a d v за границей, за
границу ad v ise [ a d 'v a i z ] v советовать
academ y [a'kaeriami) п академия a d v ise r |a d ' v a i z a ] n советник; legal ~
accep t [ak 'sep t] v принимать ю рисконсульт
a c c id e n t ['acksidant] n случай; нес­ afford [a 'fo rd j v (быть в состоянии)
частный случай; by ~ случайно позволить себе
acco m p lish [э'кэгпрЩ ] v соверш ать, afra id [ a 'f re i d ] а испуганный; b e ~ o f
выполнять s m t h . бояться чего-л.
acco rd in g to [a'ko:diij] prep согласно, a fte r [ ' a : f t a j prep за , позади, после,
в соответствии с через; cj после того как; a d v по­
account [a 'k a u n t] п счет зади; затем , потом, позднее
a c h ie v e [a 'tji:v ] v достигать, доби­ a fte rn o o n [ ' a i f t a ' n u . n ] п время после
ваться полудня
a c q u itta l [a 'k w itl] п юр. оправдание a fte rw a rd s ['a rftaw ad z] a d v впослед­
a c t [sekt] п дело, поступок, акт; и ствии , потом, позже
дей ствовать, поступать; играть a g a in [ a ' g e i n | a d v снова, опять
(в т еат ре, кино) a g a in s t ( a ' g e n s t ) prep против
a ctio n ['aekj'an] п действие, деятель­ age [eid^J n век; возраст; pi веч­
ность ность, долгий срок
a c to r ['aekta] п актер ago [ a 'g o u ] a d v тому назад

ag re e [ a 'g r i : ] v соглаш аться a rg u e ['a:g ju :J v спорить, приводить
a g ric u ltu re ['a eg rikA ltj'a ] n сельское доводы
хозяйство a r is to c r a tic [^aerista'krsetikJ а арис­
aim | e i m | n цель, намерение тократический
a ir [еэ] n воздух a rith m e tic [o'riO m etik| n арифметика
a irfie ld [r eafi:ld] n аэродром aro u n d fa 'ra u n d ] a d v всюду, кругом;
a irm a n ( e a m a - n ) n летчик prep вокруг; по, за , около
a isle [ a il ] n проход a r r e s t [a 're st] п арест; арестовывать
alg eb ra [ ' s l d j i b r s ) n алгебра a rra n g e m e n t [a 're ln d jm a n tj п уст­
all [o:l] pron весь, вся, всё, все; ройство, мероприятие
at ~ вообще, совсем a rr iv e [a 'ra iv ] v прибывать
alfow [ a 'l a u ] v позволять, разрешать a rro w ['aerou] n стрела
alm ost [ '3 : lm o u s t ] adv почти, едва не a rtic le [ 'a : t i k l | n предмет, статья
alone [ a 'l o u n ) а один a rtific ia l ^ a i ti'f ija l ] а искусственный
along [ a 'l o g j a dv с собой; come ~ a s [ftz) pron какой , который, что;
пойдем вместе; prep вдоль, по a d v как; как например; в качестве
alre a d y [ o r l 'r e d i ] a d v уже a s ... as так ж е, как
also [ ' э -.lsou] a d v такж е a s far пока, еще. до сих пор
a lte r ('э :Н а ) v и зм енять(ся), менять as far as насколько; до, так далеко
(ся) как
alth o u g h [э:1'Йои] с/ хотя, если бы a s foi что касается
даж е; несмотря на то, что as well такж е
alw ay s ['o :lw a z | a d v всегда a s cj когда, в то время как; так как;
a m b itio u s [aem 'bifas] а честолюбивый хотя
A m erican [a 'm e rik a n ]a американский as if как будто
am id [a'm id] prep среди, между a s soon as как только
am ong [ э 'т л д ] prep среди, между as to относительно, что касается
am usem ent [a'm ju :z m an t] развлече­ a sk |a:sk ] v спраш ивать, просить
ние, забава a ssem b le [a'sem b l] v собирать(ся)
ancient |'e in /a n t) а древний, старин­ a ss ista n c e [a 'sista n s] n помощь
ный a sso ciatio n [a ^ o u s i'e ija n | n общ ество,
a n d |send] cj и, a сою з, ассоциация
a n g e r ['serjgal n гнев assu m e [a'sju-.m | v принимать (фор­
a n g rily ['a c t jg r i l i] a d v сердито му)
anim al ( 'a e n i m a l j n животное a s s u re la'Jiia] у у верять, убеж дать,
a n o th e r [э'п л б э] pron еще один, дру­ заверять
гой a sto n ish m e n t [a 'sto n ifm a n tj n удив­
answ er |'a :n s a j v отвечать ление, изумление
a n tic ip a tio n [apn.tisi'peijan ] n ожида­ a t fast) prep в, на, у , при, за
ние, предвкуш ение a tta c h [a 'taetj] v присоединяться;
any ['e n i) pron любой (я ут верди­ назначать, придавать
тельном предложении)', какой-ни­ a tte n d [a 'te n d j v посещ ать, присут­
будь, сколько-нибудь (в вопроси­ ствовать
тельном предложении)', никакой (в a tte n d a n c e [a 'te n d an sj n посещение
от рицат ельном предлож ении) a tte n d a n t [a 'te n d a n t] n обслуживаю ­
a n y th in g ['enittirjl pron что-нибудь щее лицо, служ итель
(в вопросит ельном предлож ении) a tte n tio n |a 'te n y a n ] n внимание, вни­
a n x io u sly [ 'aerjkjasl i ] a da с тревогой, мательность
с волнением a ttra c tiv e [a'traektiv] а привлекатель­
ap o lo g etic [ a ^ o l a 'd j e t i k j а извиня­ ный
ющийся audience f'o :d ja n s| n публика; ауди­
appear [ a 'p ia ] у п оявляться, казаться тори я, слушатели
ap p earan ce [ a 'p ia r a n s ] п появление; A u stria n f'o stria n j а австрийский
выступление; внешний вид a u th o r itie s fэ : 'O oritiz| n власти
apple f'aepl) п яблоко au to m a tic a lly [ ^ ta 'm o e tik a lil adv ав­
appointed (a 'p o ln tid | а назначенный томатически
a re a I'earia) п район, область, про­ a v e ra g e ('a jv arid ^ ] а средний, обыч­
странство ный


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