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Бузук Л.Г., Лимарова Е.В., Тарарина Л.И.



Бузук Л.Г., Лимарова Е.В., Тарарина Л.И.

Бузук Л.Г., Лимарова Е.В., Тарарина Л.И.



Москва – 2016

Данное учебное пособие предназначено для подготовки обучающихся по

специальностям «Перевод и переводоведение» и «Лингвистика». Целью
пособия является формирование у обучающихся умений и навыков
зрительно-письменного перевода, зрительно-устного перевода, а также
абзацно-фразового перевода. Учебное пособие может также использоваться
как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы.

Учебное пособие «Практический курс перевода» предназначено для
обучающихся языковым специальностям, изучающим английский язык в
качестве основного, для слушателей переводческих курсов, программ
переподготовки специалистов, а также для самостоятельного овладения
переводческим мастерством.
Целью пособия является формирование у обучающихся умений и
навыков зрительно-письменного перевода, зрительно-устного перевода, а
также абзацно-фразового перевода.
Пособие построено по тематическому принципу и содержит 12 глав.
Отбор текстового материала производился с учетом необходимости
формирования общекультурных, общепрофессиональных и
профессиональных компетенций. Также учитывалась актуальность
лексических тем, их познавательная и воспитательная ценность:
«Образование в Великобритании и США», «Олимпийские игры»,
В основе используемой методики лежит интегральный подход к
обучению переводу, суть которого заключается в одновременном изучении
лексико-семантических, синтаксических и прагматических особенностей
перевода и применениии полученных знаний в процессе перевода
лингвострановедческих и специальных текстов.
Предлагаемое пособие отличается многофункциональностью и
социальной направленностью. Кроме главного назначения текстов и
интервью – способствовать развитию навыков перевода, они также могут
служить основой для активной дискуссии по проблеме, затрагиваемой в
конкретном материале. Для закрепления лексического материала
используется игровая методика и кейс-метод.
Каждая лексическая тема пособия состоит из 4 глав. В каждой главе,
рассчитанной на 4-6 аудиторных занятий (8-12 часов), содержится:
 словарь активной лексики с переводческим и страноведческим
комментарием, а также упражнения для ее усвоения и активизации;
 теоретические заметки, помогающие обучающимся овладеть
приемами решения различных переводческих задач;

 вводные и тренировочные упражнения, направленные на
отработку лексико-грамматического материала и овладение
переводческими навыками;
 упражнения, направленные на выработку у обучающихся
навыков восприятия, фиксации и воспроизведения различных разрядов
прецизионной лексики: числительных, дат, месяцев, географических
названий, имен собственных;
 игровые упражнения для закрепления лексико-тематической
словарной группы, а также выработки навыков ее воспроизведения и
перевода в процессе речи.
Методологической основой учебного пособия послужили научные
труды российских ученых по переводоведению.

primary education начальное образование

secondary education среднее образование

further education дополнительное профессиональное

образование, дальнейшее образование

higher education высшее образование

infant school школа для малышей, младшая школа

junior school начальная школа (для детей от 7 до 11


state free school государственная бесплатная школа

independent school (syn. private or public school) частная школа

boarding school школа-пансион

to charge fees for boarding брать плату за проживание

to split into (syn. to divide into) разделять на

charity благотворительность

tutor преподаватель, куратор, наставник

tuition fee плата за обучение

GCSE экзамен на сертификат об окончании

(General Certificate of Secondary Education) среднего образования

“A” Level Exam (Advanced Level Exam) экзамен по программе средней школы на
повышенном уровне

to assess оценивать, аттестовать

assessment аттестация, тестирование

local authority местные органы власти

scholarship стипендия (за достижения или успехи ученика

в различных областях (учеба, художественное
творчество, музыка, спорт и т.д.))

bursary стипендия (предоставляемая ученику в

зависимости от финансового состояния

major ['meɪdʒə] основной, главный, важный

goal цель, задача

aim задача, цель

core subjects (syn. compulsory subjects) обязательные предметы, основные

учебные предметы

to take an exam сдавать экзамен

to pass an exam (ant. to fail an exam) сдать экзамен (ант. не сдать экзамен)

the sixth form college «подготовительный» колледж

(двухгодичная программа предуниверситетской

in particular (syn. especially) в частности, особенно, в том числе

catering общественное питание, кейтеринг,

выездное ресторанное обслуживание

employer работодатель

employee сотрудник, рабочий

undergraduate programme программа бакалавриата, программа

высшего образования первой ступени

postgraduate programme программа магистратуры,

постдипломная программа

bachelor’s degree ученая степень бакалавра, основная

программа высшего образования

master’s degree ученая степень магистра,
последипломная программа

foundation degree базовый диплом (эквивалент первых двух

лет обучения на программе бакалавриата.
Данная программа состоит из академического
курса, интегрированного с учебной практикой у
работодателя. Базовый диплом может быть и
самостоятельной квалификацией, и первой
ступенью к получению диплома бакалавра.)

higher national diploma (HND) национальный диплом (примерно

соответствует 2-м годам обучения в
университете на трёхлетней программе)

MBA (Master of Business Administration) степень магистра бизнес


PhD (Ph. D. in Philology) степень кандидата наук (выпускник

аспирантуры), кандидат филологических

doctorate (doctor’s degree) докторантура (ученая степень доктора


Doctor of Philology доктор филологических наук

to take correspondence courses/on-line courses обучаться на заочном отделении

to take evening courses обучаться на вечернем отделении

disability инвалидность, ограниченные физические

или умственные возможности

to be expelled from college быть отчисленным из колледжа

to suspend временно отчислять

exclusion исключение (из учебного заведения)

local council муниципальный совет, местный орган


to be entitled to smth. иметь право на что-либо, быть


to maintain содержать, поддерживать в
работоспособном остоянии

to break down подразделять, классифицировать

academic course академический курс

vocational and professional courses прикладные, профессионально-

ориентированные курсы

according to по мнению, согласно

in accordance with в соответствии с

Выделение темы и ремы. Приемы их передачи при переводе
Высказывание – это предложение, включенное в конкретную коммуникативную
ситуацию. Как единица коммуникации высказывание состоит из двух частей – старой
информации (темы) и новой информации (ремы).

Например, в предложении "Мальчик вошел в комнату" старой информацией (темой)

является слово мальчик, а новая информация (рема) представлена сочетанием в
комнату, но в высказывании "В комнату вошел мальчик" нечто новое говорится уже о
комнате, и теперь слово мальчик – рема, а сочетание в комнату – тема.

В русском языке рема тяготеет к концу предложения, в то время как в английском

языке соблюдается прямой порядок слов, поэтому средства выражения ремы в нем

1. Способы выделения подлежащего как ремы сообщения:

В русском языке путем постановки его в конец предложения.

В английском языке с помощью артикля:
 неопределенного артикля, если подлежащее выражено исчисляемым
 нулевого артикля, если подлежащее выражено неисчисляемым
существительным или стоит во множественном числе.

В комнату вошел мальчик. Further protests are thought possible.

A boy came into the room. Говорят, что возможны новые акции протеста.

2. Способы выделения подлежащего как темы сообщения:

В русском языке оно, как правило, предшествует сказуемому.

В английском языке с помощью определенного артикля и прямого порядка слов, т.е.,
так же как и в русском языке, предшествует сказуемому.

The protest rally against the bill will be held in Paris on July 9.
Демонстрация протеста против этого законопроекта состоится 9 июля в Париже.

Однако если подлежащее выражено именем собственным, то оно может быть и ремой
и темой, что определяется контекстом предложения.
British Prime Minister was in Paris from July 15 to 17.
В Париже с 15 по 17 июля находился премьер-министр Великобритании (рема).
On arriving in Paris British Prime Minister said that…
Прибыв в Париж, премьер-министр Великобритании заявил, что… (тема).
3. Способы выделения обстоятельства:
В русском языке обстоятельство как рема сообщения выделяется путем постановки
его в конец предложения. Я приду домой завтра (рема).
Если обстоятельство не является ремой сообщения, то в русском языке оно выносится
на первое место, затем следует сказуемое, за ним подлежащее и дополнение
(подобный порядок слов в английском языке абсолютно невозможен).
Сегодня в Москве в Кремле состоится незапланированная встреча президентов
России Владимира Путина и президента Франции Франсуа Олланда.
В русском языке допускается скопление в начале предложения нескольких
разнородных обстоятельств, что недопустимо в английском языке. Для перевода
подобных предложений на английский язык существуют следующие приемы:
 Перенос разнородных обстоятельств в конец предложения.
Вчера в Москву из поездки по трем городам России вернулась английская
студенческая делегация.
A British students’ delegation returned to Moscow yesterday from a tour of three Russian
 Сохранение одного обстоятельства, обычно обстоятельства времени, в начале
предложения с переносом остальных обстоятельств в конец предложения.
Yesterday a British students’ delegation returned to Moscow from a tour of three Russian
 Постановка одного обстоятельства в середину предложения, а остальных – в
конец предложения.
A British students’ delegation yesterday returned to Moscow from a tour of three Russian
1. Переведите устно со зрительной опорой нижеуказанные предложения,
обращая внимание на порядок слов при переводе.

1. A press-conference of the Russian President V. Putin was held recently in Paris.

2. В понедельник, 28 сентября, Президент России Владимир Путин прибывает в
Нью-Йорк для встречи с президентом США Бараком Обамой.
3. A new minister of sport had to be chosen in 2010.
4. The company had sixty eight thousand employees in Geneva.
5. Closer examination tells a rather different story.
6. At the other end of the table stood two white-gloved waiters.
7. По сообщению британской газеты «Таймс», 20 декабря премьер-министр
Великобритании встретился с президентом США.
8. Some 40 more people were killed and 200 people were injured in five other attacks in
the Paris region, TheGuardian reported on November 14, 2015.
9. A Department for Education spokesman said: "These partnerships can include a huge
range of activities, from curriculum and teaching support through to the sharing of
facilities and joint events, for example in sports, music and drama."

2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Затем переведите на

слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

further education, primary education, secondary education, "core" subjects, higher education,
master’s degree, to expel, to be entitled to smth., employee, scholarship, bursary, to suspend,
local authority, infant school, employer, bachelor’s degree, disability, independent school,
boarding school, state free school, GCSE, local authority, to charge fees for boarding,
charity, tuition fee, to assess, in particular, in accordance with, assessment, according to,
catering, to fail an exam, to take exam.

3. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Затем переведите

на слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

в соответствии с, муниципальный совет, основная цель, оценивать, плата за обучение,

инвалидность, временно отчислять, ученая степень магистра, школа-пансион,
разделять на, благотворительность, в соответствии с, инвалидность, обязательные
предметы, брать плату за проживание, сдать экзамен, иметь право на что-либо, сдавать
экзамен, по мнению.

4. Переведите тексты с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.

The education system in the UK is divided into four main parts: primary education,
secondary education, further education and higher education. Children in the UK have to
attend primary and secondary education which runs from about 5 years old until the student
is 16 years old; after age 16, education is optional.

All UK children between the ages of 5 and 16 are entitled to a free place at a state school.
State schools are maintained and funded either by the government or by a local education
authority. Most families take up this place.

However, there are 2,600 independent schools in the UK (also known as private or public
schools), educating around 6.5% of the total number of school pupils in the UK. Most
independent schools are funded privately from fees charged to pupils’ parents. Many offer
scholarships and bursaries. Many independent schools are charities – any profits from fees
are invested in improving the school.

A small number of UK children are schooled at home (home schooling), taught by their
parents or tutors.

Many international pupils who study in the UK live and study at a boarding school.
State boarding schools provide free education to the UK children but charge fees for
boarding. There are around 465 independent and 38 state boarding schools in the UK.

The education system in the UK is also split into “key stages”, which break down as follows:

Students are assessed at the Key Stage 1: 5 to 7 years old

end of each stage. The most Primary education
important assessment occurs at Key Stage 2: 7 to 11 years old
the age of 16 when students
pursue their GCSE’s (General Key Stage 3: 11 to 14 years old
Certificate of Secondary Secondary education
Education). Key Stage 4: 14 to 16 years old

Primary education lasts for 6 years. It is divided into two periods: infant schools (pupils
from 5 to 7 years old) and junior schools (pupils from 7 to 11 years old). In infant schools
children mostly play and learn through playing. But when pupils are 7, real studying begins.
They don't already play so much as they did it in infant school, they have real classes.

The major goals of primary education are achieving basic literacy and numeracy among all
pupils, as well as establishing foundations in science, mathematics and other subjects.

Secondary education lasts for 5 years. Children study English, Mathematics, Science,
History, Art, Geography, Music, a Foreign language and have lessons of Physical training.
Religious education is also provided. English, Mathematics and Science (either combined or
separate Biology, Chemistry and Physics) are called core subjects.

After 5 years of secondary education, at the age of 16, pupils take the GCSE examination.
Pupils taking their GCSE’s might study between 7 and 10 subjects including Math, English
literature, English language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Information Technology,
Geography and History.

GCSE’s marks the end of compulsory education for pupils in the UK. Once pupils have
completed their GCSE’s they have the choice to either leave school and look for work or to
move into further education (with a view to higher education) or continue their education in
the sixth form. Those who stay at school after GCSE’s study for two more years for “A”
(Advanced) Level Exams in two or three subjects, which are necessary to get a place at one
of British universities.

The aim of secondary education is to give pupils a good grounding in variety of subjects, to
help to prepare them for further education or for a career.

There are two main types of further education for students aged 16-18 years old: academic
courses (aim to develop analytical skills, critical thinking, knowledge and help to prepare for
higher education at a university or college) and vocational and professional courses (offer
technical training and skills for the workplace, giving the needed skills and qualifications to
enter and succeed in a student’s chosen career).

Further education courses may be offered in the school sector, in the sixth form colleges
(specialise in academic courses to prepare students for higher education), in further and
higher education colleges (offer courses and qualifications in a wide range of vocational and
academic subjects at many levels; some specialise in particular industry sectors such as art
and design, catering, engineering or finance and they often have links with companies, so
that students can combine classroom learning with valuable work experience; many colleges
design courses especially for students from other countries), at private training providers
(private training companies work with colleges and employers to provide practical training
and internationally-respected qualifications in subjects such as engineering, construction,
etc.) and at universities (many of them also offer a range of further education courses).

UK further education qualifications are respected by employers and academics worldwide.

UK higher education students are generally aged 18 or over, and have already achieved
further education qualification such as A-levels. Universities usually select students basing
on their A-level results and an interview.

UK higher education is split into two levels: undergraduate programmes (include bachelors’
degrees, foundation degrees, higher national diplomas (HNDs)) and postgraduate
programmes (include masters’ degrees, MBAs, PhDs, doctorates). Students usually need an
undergraduate qualification to enter a postgraduate programme.

According to “The Times” and “The Guardian” the best UK universities are The University
of Oxford, The University of Cambridge, London School of Economics.


Each school decides its uniform and must not discriminate based on gender, race, disability
or belief. The head teacher can discipline a child for not wearing the school uniform. The
child can be suspended or expelled if he/she repeatedly ignores the uniform rules. Head
teachers can exclude a child (also called being ‘expelled’ or ‘suspended’) if he/she
misbehaves. There are two kinds of exclusion – fixed period (suspended) and permanent

A fixed period exclusion is where a child is temporarily removed from school. He/she can
only be removed for up to 45 school days in one school year.

If a child has been excluded for a fixed period, schools should set and mark work for the first
5 school days. If the exclusion is longer than 5 school days, the school must arrange full-time
education from the 6th school day.

A permanent exclusion means a child is expelled. The local council must arrange full-time
education from the 6th school day.

The school must tell parents about any alternative education they or the local council
arrange. Parents need to contact the school (for fixed period exclusions) or the local council
(for permanent exclusions) if they haven’t arranged anything after 5 days, or if parents have
a complaint about the education.

5. Переведите письменно высказывания знаменитых людей.

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. ~ Chinese Proverb
What we learn to do, we learn by doing. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~ Albert Einstein
The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. ~ Aristotle
A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university
education, he may steal the whole railroad. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. ~ Chinese Proverb
All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop
our talent. ~ John F. Kennedy
Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.
~ G.K. Chesterton

6. Переведите статью письменно.

Is speed reading a waste of time?

We are constantly surrounded by information, whether it’s emails, Facebook posts, or

revision notes. Fluent readers can average a rate of 200-400 words per minute, so there is

only so much content that one person can get through in a day. But what if we were able to
double, or even triple, that rate? Would a faster reading speed mean that we could learn

Some people claim that it’s possible. In July last year, six-time speed reading champion
Anne Jones sat down to read Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman. Just 25 minutes and 31
seconds later, she was finished – which equates to a reading rate of around 3,700 words per
minute. Jones runs training courses teaching speed reading, recall and concentration
techniques and there are numerous speed reading apps that have appeared on the market over
the past few years. But do they actually work? First, we need to understand how we read.

The human eye movement system is central to our reading ability. It was a French
ophthalmologist, Louis Emile Javal, who first described the patterns of movement during
reading in 1878.

Read over that sentence again, and think about how your eyes scan across the words. They
don’t move smoothly over them. Instead, they make a series of short, sharp jumps, skipping
over a few characters before briefly landing on a word. The movements are known as
saccades and the pauses are called fixations.

For a typical, fluent reader, the average size of a saccade is about eight letters. Each
movement takes about 30 milliseconds and each fixation lasts around 250 milliseconds.

You may think reading is a serial process – we move our eyes from one word to the next,
from left to right (in English). However, we also sometimes make reverse saccades, jumping
back to previous words in the sentence. These refixations tend to happen more frequently
when a text is difficult to read or if the reader isn’t fluent. For the most part, we tend not to
take any information in when a saccade is actually being performed, although we’re still
processing information about the words we’ve just seen.

Reading isn’t just about seeing the words – you need to comprehend them to build up a
picture about what the text means. So the problem with techniques like rapid serial visual
presentation (RSVP) is that people are able to get through a block of text faster, but at the
cost of accuracy and understanding.

In a study directly comparing traditional reading with RSVP reading, it was found that literal
comprehension of the text was impaired – although if participants could make inferences
about the content of the text, they fared better. In other words, if you use a speed reading
app, then you’ll probably get the gist of a piece of text, but you’ll struggle to recall detail
about what you’ve just read. So, does speed reading work?

Well, yes and no. It really depends on what you’re reading and why you need to read it. As
yet, there isn’t a trick that enables you to read a piece of text both quickly and accurately –
there’s always going to be a trade-off.

That means that in some situations, like scanning a news article or skimming over revision
notes before an exam, speed reading is fine. But if you need to really get to grips with the
content of a piece of writing, slow and steady wins the race. And if you just want to sit down
and enjoy a good book, why bother rushing?

TheGuardian July 20, 2016.

7. Переведите тексты письменно.


England has the highest average undergraduate tuition fees in the industrialised world,
although this investment tends to be repaid many times in higher graduate wages, according
to an annual survey of education across more than 30 countries.

On average, English undergraduates paid just under £6,000 in annual tuition fees in the
2013-14 year, after the government’s decision to triple maximum fees, according to the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)*.

The next highest was the US, with fees of about £5,300, followed by Japan on about £3,300,
said the Paris-based organisation, which comprises 34 mainly prosperous countries.

The comparison applies for public universities only, which skews the figures for the US,
where many leading universities are private.


The report found the UK schools had among of the largest primary school classes, with an
average of 27, against the OECD average of 21. Only China, Chile and Israel had bigger
average primary classes. In contrast, UK secondary schools had an average of 20 pupils per
teacher, below the OECD average of 24.

Schleicher said one “unusual” finding about UK primary schools was that teachers were
given very little time for things beyond teaching, such as lesson preparation or professional
development. “In most countries it goes the other way round,” he said. “Japan, Korea, China,
have large classes but they use that resource to give teachers more time for other things than

TheGuardian November 24, 2015

*OECD – ОЭСР (Организация экономического сотрудничества и развития)

8. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие числительные.

8, 9, 3, 4, 12, 23, 30, 13, 42, 16, 60, 99, 28, 85, 89, 90, 14, 8, 67, 12, 20, 46, 78, 34, 98, 25,
83, 64, 43, 19, 59, 10, 93, 39, 18, 80.
9. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие

November, July, May, March, April, January, October, August, June, February, December,
September, May, June, March, August, July, April, November, September.

10. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие даты.

February 10, 2014 June 14, 1998 July 13, 2003
April 24, 1996 May 9, 1945 December 31, 1924
September 1, 2000 January 26, 1939 March 8, 1664

11. Прочтите вслух следующие географические названия и переведите их на

русский язык.

Great Britain, Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Spain, France, Latvia, Switzerland, Beijing, Sweden,
Japan, Turkey, Denmark, England, Brazil, Cyprus, Georgia, Norway, Romania, Thailand,
Ukraine, Vienna, Athens, Dublin, Rome, Warsaw, Berne, European Union, United States of
America, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Tunis, Geneva,
Germany, The Netherlands, China, Israel.

12. Прослушайте текст полностью, обращая внимание на прецизионную

лексику, делая записи, после чего переведите текст на английский язык.

По данным статистического агентства Евростат, в британских начальных школах на

одного учителя в среднем приходится 20 учеников, при этом среднеевропейский
уровень составляет 14,5. В Литве и Дании показатели ниже – менее 10 учеников на
одного учителя, в Польше и Италии – 10,2 и 10,7 соответственно. Только во Франции
уровень был близок к показателям Великобритании – 19,7 учеников на одного
преподавателя. В качестве сравнения, в докладе приводятся данные из некоторых
других странах, включая Америку, в которой на одного учителя приходится 14,9
учеников, а в Японии – 19,4. Лишь в Турции более высокий коэффициент, чем в
Англии, – 25,8 учеников на одного учителя.

13. Переведите письменно нижеуказанные предложения.

1. Британские школы-пансионы – это школы, где живут и учатся дети и подростки в

возрасте до 18 лет.
2. Академические программы помогут подготовиться к поступлению в высшее
учебное заведение, развить аналитические способности, критическое мышление и
расширить знания студентов.
3. Большинство детей с ограниченными возможностями ходят в обычные школы,
колледжи и университеты.

4. Базовый диплом – это программа, которая состоит из академического курса,
интегрированного с учебной практикой у работодателя.
5. «Подготовительный» колледж в основном обучает студентов в возрасте от 16 до 18
лет и специализируется на академических программах для подготовки студентов к
поступлению в вузы.
6. Дальнейшее образование, которое может быть академическим или прикладным,
предлагается студентам старше 16 лет.

14. Игра «Conversation» на тему система образования в Великобритании

Участники: один студент выступает в качестве русского студента, другой – в роли

англичанина, а третий осуществляет двусторонний последовательный перевод.

Инсценируется ситуация: русский студент встречается с англичанином и выясняет у

него информацию о системе образования в Великобритании для своего доклада. В
связи с тем, что русский студент плохо знает английский язык, он вынужден общаться
с англичанином через переводчика.

UK Education System

Primary School

Age: 5-11 years old

Secondary School

Age: 11-16 years old (16-18 if has 6th Form)

6th Form College Further Education College

Age: 14-18 years old Age: 14-18 years old Work

Higher Education

Age: over 18 years old

application form заявление, регистрационная форма
applicant абитуриент, кандидат
staff сотрудники
to rent a property снимать недвижимость
rivalry соперничество, конкуренция
tutorial (syn. supervision) практическое занятие, консультация
term BE семестр
significant (ant. insignificant) значительный, существенный, важный
part-time job неполная занятость, работа по
temporary work временная работа
to catch up with smth. догонять что-либо, приближаться к
какому-либо уровню
gown [gaʊn] мантия
bowtie [ˌbəʊ ˈtaɪ] галстук-бабочка
ribbon [ˈrɪbən] лента
carnation гвоздика
scholar ученый, научный сотрудник
to flee (fled-fled) покидать, спасаться бегством
to be bound to быть обязанным, быть вынужденным
chancellor канцлер (номинальный глава университета;
назначается пожизненно; бывает в университете
лишь на торжественных церемониях 1-2 раза в
Vice-Chancellor вице-канцлер, ректор
Pro-Vice-Chancellor проректор
Congregation собрание профессоров
Proctor проктор, надзиратель, инспектор
Assessor помощник
principal n.; adj. ректор университета, директор школы;
основной, ведущий
dean декан
deputy dean for students заместитель декана по работе со
deputy dean for academic matters заместитель декана по учебной работе
dean’s office деканат
department кафедра
thesis adviser научный руководитель
associate/assistant professor доцент
don, fellow преподаватель (разг.)
research work научно-исследовательская работа
thesis дипломная работа, диссертация
degree диплом, ученая степень
term paper семестровая или курсовая работа
grant грант, стипендия (обычно выплачивается
студентам из средств государственного бюджета)
to defend the thesis/dissertation защищать дипломную работу/диссертацию
gap year академический отпуск, академ
honour student медалист
good student хорошист
average student троечник
degree with honours диплом с отличием («красный диплом»)
Prime Minister or Premier, P.M. премьер-министр
to manifest проявляться, обнаруживаться
to pursue обучаться
varsity match [ˈvɑː(r)səti ˌmætʃ] университетское соревнование
annual event ежегодное событие
loan заём, ссуда
low-interest loans заём по низким процентам
campus кампус, территория университета,
колледжа (включает здание университета,
церковь-капеллу, парк, спортивные сооружения и
chapel часовня (обычно при учебном заведении)
to fine оштрафовать
reminiscent вспоминающий, напоминающий
implication вовлечение, скрытый смысл
welfare благосостояние, социальное обеспечение
to determine определять, устанавливать
eminent выдающийся, знаменитый
on behalf of smb. от имени, по поручению, в интересах кого-
to devolve to smb. передавать, переходить кому-либо
to undertake брать обязательства
prey добыча, жертва
predator [ˈpredətə(r)] хищник
pattern узор, образец
assumption предположение, догадка
matter вопрос, ситуация, положение
to put one’s nose to the grindstone грызть гранит науки

«Перевод – это автопортрет переводчика»
Корней Чуковский
По мнению российского лингвиста, переводчика и лексикографа, классика науки о
переводе, автора ряда учебников и учебных пособий по переводу, составителя
фразеологических словарей Якова Иосифовича Рецкера, задача переводчика
заключается в том, чтобы передать средствами другого языка целостно и точно
содержание подлинника, сохранив его стилистические и экспрессивные особенности.
Под «целостностью» перевода надо понимать единство формы и содержания на новой
языковой основе. Если критерием точности перевода является тождество информации,
сообщаемой на разных языках, то целостным (полноценным или адекватным) можно
признать лишь такой перевод, который передает эту информацию равноценными
средствами. Иначе говоря, в отличие от пересказа, перевод должен передавать не
только то, что выражено подлинником, но и то, как это выражено в нем. Это
требование относится как ко всему переводу данного текста в целом, так и к
отдельным его частям.
Андрей Венедиктович Федоров, русский советский филолог, переводчик, теоретик
художественного перевода, один из основоположников советской теории перевода,
профессор, говорил о том, что всякий переводчик, над каким бы текстом он ни
работал, всегда имеет дело с языком, и естественное требование, которое
предъявляется к результату его работы, есть требование полноценного языка в
переводе. Такое требование относится к любому перевода, а не только к переводу
художественной литературы или к переводу, выполняемому профессиональным
переводчиком. Оно распространяется и на переводчика делового документа,
технической инструкции, специального научного труда и т.п.
Часто неполноценное качество языка в переводе оказывается прямым следствием
неудовлетворительного, неясного понимания подлинника, результатом незнания
иностранного языка или незнания тех вещей, о которых идет речь в подлиннике.
Проблемы перевода, по мнению Вилена Наумовича Комиссарова, ведущего
представителя школы лингвистической теории перевода, заключаются, в основном, в
проблемах анализа, понимания и построения текста. Не случайно многие
переводоведы рассматривают текст в качестве основной единицы перевода. Во-
первых, поскольку текст представляет собой единое смысловое целое, значения всех
его элементов взаимосвязаны и подчинены этому целому. Поэтому понимание
отдельных высказываний в большей или меньшей степени зависит от содержания
всего текста или от того места, которое они занимают в тексте. Таким образом, текст –
это единица, в рамках которой решается вопрос о контекстуальном значении всех
языковых единиц. Во-вторых, при оценке значимости неизбежных потерь при
переводе действует принцип преобладания целого над частью, т.е. допустимость
пожертвования менее существенными деталями ради успешной передачи глобального
содержания текста. В-третьих, конечной целью переводчика является создание текста,
который отвечал бы требованиям когезии (формальной связности) и когерентности
(смысловой связности), и все решения переводчика принимаются с учетом этих

1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Затем переведите на

слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

on behalf of smb., staff, to fine, to undertake, assumption, prey, annual event, to be bound to,
prey, predator, welfare, gap year, dean, gown, implication, low-interest loans, to manifest,
ribbon, term, thesis, pattern, eminent, to put one’s nose to the grindstone, carnation, to rent a
property, applicant, rivalry, dean’s office, deputy dean for students, insignificant, thesis,
research work, tuition fee, scholarship, "core" subjects, to defend the thesis, employee, to be
entitled to smth., to assess, honour student, assumption, matter, major goal, to expel,

2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Затем переведите

на слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

вопрос, хищник, мантия, штрафовать, временная работа, галстук-бабочка, гвоздика,

узор, грызть гранит науки, благотворительность, местные органы власти, ректор,
плата за обучение, школа-пансион, отличник, напоминающий, добыча,
предположение, заём по низким процентам, от имени кого-либо, выдающийся,
определять, быть обязанным, предположение, образец, вопрос, научный руководитель,
предположение, деканат, часовня, лента, покидать, замдекана по учебной работе,
хорошист, заём по низким процентам, работодатель, заявление, «красный диплом»,
абитуриент, часовня, дипломная работа, значительный.

3. Переведите тексты с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.


Oxford and Cambridge universities share many common features and are often jointly
referred to as Oxbridge. Although both universities were founded more than eight centuries
ago, the term Oxbridge is relatively recent. In William Thackeray’s novel “Pendennis”,
published in 1849, the main character attends the fictional Boniface College, Oxbridge.
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, this is the first recorded instance of the word.
The term is used to refer to Oxford and Cambridge universities collectively in contrast to
other British universities and more broadly to describe characteristics reminiscent of them,
often with implications of superior social or intellectual status.

Oxford and Cambridge were founded more than 800 years ago and continued as England’s
only universities until the 19th century. Oxbridge has educated a large number of Britain’s
most prominent scientists, writers and politicians, as well as noted figures in many other
fields. Oxbridge has established similar institutions and facilities such as printing houses
(Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press), botanical gardens, museums,
libraries, debating societies (the Oxford Union and the Cambridge Union) and notable
comedy groups (The Oxford Revue and Footlights).
Oxford and Cambridge are each made up of colleges – more than 40 at Oxford, more than 30
at Cambridge – and prospective students usually choose a particular college to apply to.
Oxbridge college is basically a collection of independently founded colleges, often historic
and attractive buildings, each with its own history and its own administration. Within each
college complex there are cafes and bars, library and computer facilities, student
accommodation, common rooms and offices for staff members.
Students usually live in college in their first year, and may have the option to do so in later
years as well. However, it’s also common to spend at least one year “living out” – renting a
property privately with friends.
Lots of social events are based in and around college communities – and intercollegiate
rivalry plays a big role in Oxbridge sports, especially rowing!
Oxbridge focuses on teaching in very small groups and even one-on-one. Lasting usually an
hour at a time these small-group teaching sessions are known as tutorials in Oxford and
supervisions in Cambridge. Depending on the subject, students can expect to have one or
two tutorials a week – each requiring a significant amount of preparation. For this reason, it’s
relatively uncommon to find Oxbridge students with part-time jobs during term-time – there
simply isn’t enough time. However, terms are also shorter compared to other UK
universities. Each academic year is split into three terms, known as Michaelmas, Hilary and
Trinity*, of about eight or nine weeks each. This means nine long holidays in between,
which many students use to find temporary work, as well as catching up with studies.
All Oxbridge students wear gowns (‘sub fusc’ from Latin means dark color). This refers to a
formal dress code used in Oxford, requiring students to wear black trousers or skirt, white
shirt, and a white bowtie or black ribbon. Oxford students dress in sub fusc for exams, and
you’ll also see them with flower pinned to their gowns – a white carnation for the first exam,
red for the last, and pink for those in between.
* Michaelmas (autumn term), Hilary (winter term) и Trinity (spring term)

It appears to be the oldest university rivalry in the world. How did it arise, and what
characterizes it?
Karl Hudspith, PhD student, St Peter's College, Oxford

Oxford's date of founding is unknown but there is evidence of teaching in the town going
back nearly a thousand years. Cambridge was founded by Oxford scholars who fled the town
during a dispute between scholars and the townspeople in 1209. For at least a couple of
hundred years they were then the only universities in existence in England. As such a natural
rivalry was always bound to arise. Over the centuries this has manifested in many academic,
sporting and other forms. The general consensus is that Oxford has been more successful in
the humanities, having educated twenty six British prime ministers and thirty other national
leaders. Cambridge is generally considered to have performed better in science having
educated more Nobel prize winners than any other university (65), along with historic figures
such as Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Sir Francis Bacon, James Clerk Maxwell just to
name a few. These are of course sweeping historical generalizations, and today both
universities are very strong in every subject they offer degrees in. The academic rivalry these
days tends to consist of who comes out top on the national university league tables, and who
comes second, although I wouldn't say this is something that either side actively spends a lot
of time pursuing – the focus is always on producing the best teaching and research.
More recently there has been a sporting rivalry, which started with the first varsity match
between the two sides in cricket in 1827. Two years later the first boat race was held in 1829.
The boat race has since come to symbolize the rivalry between the two universities,
becoming one of the most watched annual sports events in Britain. It is also where the
tradition of awarding “Blues” first began, to sportsmen and women who have competed in a
varsity match against the other university.

4. Переведите статью письменно.

Oxford is an independent and self-governing institution, consisting of the University and the
colleges. The 38 colleges, though independent and self-governing, are a core element of the
University, to which they are related in a federal system.

The Chancellor, who is usually an eminent public figure elected for life, serves as the titular
head of the University, presiding over all major ceremonies.

The Vice-Chancellor, who holds office for seven years, is the senior officer of the
University. There are six Pro-Vice-Chancellors who have specific, functional responsibility,
and there are up to ten Pro-Vice-Chancellors without portfolio who undertake a range of
duties on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor.

The principal policy-making body is the Council of the University. Council is responsible for
the academic policy and strategic direction of the University, and operates through

Final responsibility for legislative matters rests with Congregation, which consists of some
5,000 members of the academic, senior research, library, museum and administrative staff.
Day-to-day decision-making in matters such as academic policy, finance and planning is
devolved to the University’s four Academic Divisions.

The Proctors and the Assessor are senior officers of the University whose roles encompass
advocacy and scrutiny. The office of Proctor dates from medieval times. The office of
Assessor was created in 1960, with a special concern for policies on student health, welfare
and financial issues. When on duty, the Proctors and Assessor wear sub-fusc clothes with
white tie and bands. On formal occasions they are recognisable from their distinctive
academic dress: gowns with dark blue sleeves and facings for the Proctors, purple for the
Assessor, and white hoods. The Proctors and Assessor are available to consult in confidence
for help, information or advice about University matters or any other matters outside the
sphere of a college adviser. Such consultations may be on individual matters or on behalf of
a club, society or any other group of members of the University.

5. Переведите статью письменно.


The University of Cambridge has been announced as one of 10 British universities to receive
funding to develop driverless cars. The £11 million deal is being bankrolled by Jaguar Land
Rover and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. The research project
was unveiled by Business Secretary Sajid Javid at a visit to a Jaguar Land Rover facility in
Warwickshire. The aim is to produce driverless cars which can integrate seamlessly, safely
and quickly into mass market public consumption.

There are five separate research groups in the project. The Cambridge team will be working
with researchers from the University of Southampton on how human drivers behave and
react to driverless cars. The goal of the research is to develop automated driving software
and interfaces that suit the driver, rather than the driver having to adapt to a new technology.

Sajid Javid commented: “the UK government has no intention of being a passenger in

innovation so is pioneering autonomous car technology in partnership with industry”. Javid
also expressed his desire to keep Britain at the “forefront of the robots revolution”. While
such a revolution may not resemble Skynet in the Terminator franchise, there are concerns
that industries which rely on drivers, such as haulage and taxis, could be obliterated if
autonomous transport becomes the norm.

Despite being a hub of the car industry, Cambridge is not one of the research teams involved.
Other areas in the project include introducing personalised features using cloud computing
and sensory technology so that the car can see its surroundings.

The Cambridge Student October 15, 2015

6. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие числительные.

28, 12, 34, 33, 48, 76, 45, 94, 28, 87, 89, 90, 900, 104, 39, 67, 12, 222, 486, 748, 354, 958,
245, 873, 642, 423, 190, 589, 130, 943, 349, 128, 800, 435.

7. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие


May, November, August, July, May, March, April, August, June, February, December,
September, January, July, June, October, May, March, April, November, September.

8. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие даты.

February 29, 2014 June 14, 1798 July 7, 2007
January 23, 1678 May 9, 1945 December 31, 1564
September 13, 2013 November 28, 1999 March 18, 1894
9. Переведите прилагательные на английский язык. Затем переведите их на
слух в обратном порядке.

китайский, французский, польский, немецкий, русский, голландский, датский,

швейцарский, израильский, испанский, японский, португальский, греческий,
итальянский, арабский, бразильский, чешский, мальтийский, венецианский,
женевский, мексиканский, уругвайский, балийский, шведский, мексиканский,
британский, корейский, тайский, шотландский, украинский, турецкий, африканский.

10. Прослушайте текст полностью, обращая внимание на прецизионную

лексику, делая записи, после чего переведите текст на английский язык.

Команда Оксфордского университета одержала победу над гребцами Кембриджа в

традиционной ежегодной гонке на Темзе, которая состоялась в 161-й раз. Победа
позволила Оксфорду сократить перевес Кембриджа за всю историю проведения
соревнований. Оксфорд выиграл 79 гонок, Кембридж – 81. Лишь однажды – в 1877
году – была зафиксирована ничья. Кембридж лидирует по общему количеству побед
непрерывно с 1930 года. В 2013 и 2014 году также победили спортсмены из Оксфорда.
В субботу, 11 апреля, состоялась и женская гонка, сильнее в которой оказались
представители Оксфорда. Регата на Темзе входит в число 5 самых популярных
спортивных соревнований Великобритании. Впервые университетские соревнования
были проведены в 1829 году в местечке Хенли.

Газета «Лента» 11 апреля 2015

11. Выполните последовательный двусторонний перевод примерных вопросов

экзаменаторов и ожидаемых ответов от абитуриентов на вступительном
собеседовании в Оксфордском университете.

Q: Почему у многих животных полоски?

A: So I might expect students to start by thinking about categories of striped animals –

for example those that are dangerous (such as wasps, tigers, and snakes), those that have
stripes for camouflage (such as zebras but also tigers). They might think of specific examples
for detailed comparison: tigers and zebras for example both have stripes for camouflage and
blending in with background, one to hide from prey and the other to hide from predators.

Other things that would be worth considering include whether the colour of the stripes
matters rather than just the contrasting stripe pattern, and why do stripe size, shape, width
and pattern vary in different species. There are no right or wrong specific answers to the
questions – I'm just interested in candidates’ speculations about the advantages of having

Q: Божьи коровки – красные. Клубника тоже. Почему?

A: Many Biological Sciences tutors use plant or animal specimens – often alive – as a
starting point for questions and discussion, so applicants shouldn't be surprised if they are
asked to inspect and discuss an insect or a fruit. Red can signal either “don't eat me” or “eat
me” to consumers. I’m interested in seeing how applicants attempt to resolve this apparent

Q: Почему у нас «красные кровяные тельца» (red blood cells)?

A: Initial answers to this question are likely to centre on why the cells are red (the presence
of pigmented haemoglobin) and what red cells do (the transport of oxygen, bound to
haemoglobin, from the lungs to cells throughout the body). The real point of this question,
however, is to see whether students can offer suggestions as to why haemoglobin is required
and why the haemoglobin needs to be contained within red cells and is not free in the

Q: Зачем изучать французский в мире, где английский является глобальным языком?

A: I might use this question in an interview in order to set the candidate thinking, and to
elicit some idea of their motivation before moving on to more specific questions. Given the
nature of the Modern Languages course, I would be interested in responses about the French
language as a 'window' into French culture/literature/history, knowledge of which is valuable
in itself/essential to understanding today's world, etc.; but would also be happy to see
candidates investigate some of the assumptions underlying the question: Is English a global
language? What about Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, etc.? Can we not in fact still consider
French a global language? And so on.

Q: Если бы Вы могли изобрести новый музыкальный инструмент, какой звук бы он


A: I'm interested in answers which demonstrate a critical imagination at work - what kinds of
sounds do instruments/voices make now, and how might these be imaginatively
extended/developed? Are there new ways of producing sound (digital media) which have
transformed the way we listen or understand sound? Is the idea of an 'instrument' somehow
outdated these days, and can we imagine more symbiotic/hybrid ways of
generating/experiencing musical sound? It's by no means limited to classical music – I'd
welcome answers which deal with musical styles and tastes of all kinds (and which are
produced/consumed in all places).

12. Игра «Conversation» на тему собеседование при поступлении в


Участники: один студент выступает в качестве абитуриента, другой – в роли

экзаменатора, третий участник – независимый эксперт, не знающий английский язык,
но участвующий в собеседовании и четвертый участник – переводчик.

Инсценируется ситуация: на примере упражнения № 11 экзаменатор университета

вместе с независимым экспертом, не знающим английский язык, проводит
вступительное собеседование с абитуриентом. Переводчик осуществляет
двусторонний последовательный перевод для всех участников инсценируемой

state public school государственная школа

public school частная школа

grade оценка, класс в школе

semester AE семестр

curriculum расписание

guidance counselor школьный психолог, методист

freshmen ученик 9-го класса, первокурсник

sophomore ['sɔfəmɔ:] ученик 10-го класса, второкурсник

junior ученик 3-го класса средней школы,


senior ученик 4-го класса средней школы,


graduate выпускник

to be engaged in smth. заниматься чем-либо, участвовать в чем-


swift быстрый

community община

community work общественная работа

holder of a degree обладатель ученой степени

to pursue a degree быть соискателем ученой степени

to further a career способствовать карьерному росту

to cover for smb (syn. to fill in for smb.) заменять кого-либо

elective subjects(syn. not obligatory subjects) факультативные предметы

financial hardship тяжелое финансовое положение

ignorance невежество, безграмотность

full-fledged life полноценная жизнь

by the means of при помощи, посредством

feasible возможный, вероятный, исполнимый

former teacher бывший преподаватель

majority большинство

challenging трудный, сложный

peer сверстник, ровесник

non-profit organisation некоммерческая организация


Перевод заголовков и названий органов печати

Основной ролью заголовка является привлечь внимание читателя и одной фразой

выразить содержание. В связи с этим они строятся при помощи употребительной
лексики и простых грамматических средств:

 В заголовках опускаются артикли и личные формы to be. Действие обычно

выражается формами Simple и Continuous:

(The) EU Leaders (are) Not Happy with (the) UK Deal.

(The) UK Government (is) Not Spending Enough on Flood Defences, Poll Finds.

 Сообщения о недавних событиях передаются с помощью Present Simple:

Sir Elton John Performs for commuters at London’s St. Pancras Station.

Donald Trump's Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Nashville.

 Будущее действие часто передается с помощью инфинитива:

New York City to Receive $176m in Federal Funding for Storm Protection.

 Сказуемое часто опускается, т.к. оно играет второстепенную роль:

No Timber for Sale. Power Struggle.

 Для выражения актуальности момента и акцентирования происходящего процесса,

заголовок начинается с причастия настоящего времени:

Leaving EU Wouldn’t Work for the UK.

Making International Business Payments.
 Широко употребляются сокращения:
WTO to Consider New EU Proposal.
 Отмечается присутствие элементов образности, фразеологизмов. Такие заголовки
необходимо переводить после прочтения содержания текста:
Putin Raises His Eyebrows. («Путин делает удивленное лицо» / «Путин удивленно
пожимает плечами»).
Названия органов печати, как правило, не переводятся, а передаются в транскрипции.
При этом артикли отбрасываются: «Таймс» (The Times), «Гардиан» (The Guardian).
Транскрипцию названий научных журналов принято сопровождать пояснительным
переводом: Iron Age – «Айрон эйдж», журнад черной металлургии; Chemical Abstracts
– «Кемикл Эбстрактс», химический реферативный журнал.

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. Free Trade Plan Opposed.

2. Unions and Court on Prices.
3. Electricity Rates up in Scotland.
4. Attempting to Form Cabinet.
5. Price of Coal Going up.
6. Four Explosions Boy Injured.
7. President Obama to propose a new levy on oil firms.

Russia would favour a summit conference on ceasing fire in Syria, a Russian Deputy
Foreign Minister told a questioner at a New York Press Conference yesterday.


For the first time a comprehensive manual on the protection of staff engaged in radiological
work is now available to all hospitals in this country.

2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Затем переведите на

слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

curriculum, on behalf of smb., state public school, to fine, graduate, assumption, holder of a
degree, ignorance, to be bound to, guidance counselor, predator, welfare, gap year, dean,
gown, implication, low-interest loans, elective subjects, peer, term, eminent, financial
hardship, public school, semester, applicant, rivalry, dean’s office, deputy dean for students,
insignificant, former teacher, community work, by the means of, challenging, full-fledged
life, to defend the thesis, non-profit organization, employee, to be entitled to smth., to assess,
honour student, major goal, swift, disability.

3. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Затем переведите

на слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

факультативные предметы, бывший премьер-министр, быстрый, штрафовать,

временная работа, полноценная жизнь, трудный, сверстник, оценка,
благотворительность, заниматься чем-либо, ректор, плата за обучение, выпускник,
отличник, заменять кого-либо, первокурсник, предположение, заём по низким
процентам, от имени кого-либо, второкурсник, определять, быть обязанным, научный
руководитель, предположение, деканат, некоммерческая организация, часовня,
расписание, покидать, замдекана по учебной работе, хорошист, четверокурсник,
тяжелое финансовое положение, заявление, «красный диплом», абитуриент,
посредством, дипломная работа, третьекурсник, школьный психолог.

4. Переведите тексты с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.

The American education system consists of three basic components: elementary, secondary
and higher education.

The American system of school education differs from the systems in other countries. There
are state public schools, private elementary schools and private secondary schools. Public
schools are free and private schools are fee-paying. Each state has its own system of public
Education in the USA is compulsory for children from the age of 6 till 16 (or 18). It involves
12 years of schooling. A school year starts at the end of August or at the beginning of
September and ends in late June or early July. The whole school year is divided into three
semesters/trimesters or four quarters. American students have winter, spring and summer
holidays which last 2 or 3 weeks and 6 or 8 weeks, respectively. The length of the school
year varies among the states as well as the day length. Students go to school 5 days a week.

Elementary education starts when pupils are 6 years old. The programme of studies in the
elementary school includes the following subjects: English, Arithmetic, Geography, History
of the USA, Natural sciences, Physical Training, Singing, Drawing, wood or metal work.
The education is mostly concentrated on the basic skills (speaking, reading, writing and
arithmetic). Sometimes children also learn some foreign languages and general history. The
main goal of elementary education is the general intellectual, social and physical
development of a pupil from 5 to 12 or 15 years old.
Secondary education begins when children move on to high or secondary school in the 9th
grade, where they continue their studies until the 12th grade. The secondary school
curriculum is built around specific subjects rather than general skills. Although there is
always a number of core subjects in the curriculum: English, Mathematics, Science, Social
Studies and Physical Education, the students have an opportunity to learn some elective
subjects, which are not necessary for everybody. After the first two years of education they
can select subjects according to their professional interests. The electives are to be connected
with the students' future work or further education at university or college. Every high school
has a special teacher – a guidance counselor who helps the students to choose these elective
subjects. Moreover, he/she helps them with some social problems, too. The elective courses
are different in various schools.

Members of each grade in high school have special names: students in the 9th grade are
called freshmen, 10th graders are called sophomores, 11th graders are juniors and as for 12th
graders, they are seniors.

After graduating from high schools the majority of the Americans go on studying at higher
education establishments. In universities they have to study for four years to get a bachelor’s
degree. In order to get a master’s degree they must study two years more and, besides, be
engaged in a research work.

The National Government gives no direct financial aid to the institutions of higher education.
Students must pay a tuition fee. This creates a financial hardship for some people. Many
students have to work to pay their expenses.
The Americans place a high value on education. That’s why Kennedy said, “Our progress as
a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education”.

5. Переведите текст с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.

“Education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance…” Will Duran

Education is one of the things that make the human the dominant form of life on the Earth.
Education was created by human, but after many years it turned into “an independent form of
life”. This “independent form of life” is the main guiding light for the human race in the
today’s world of darkness. Education gives the human race the chance to overcome the
obstacles that appear on its way in today’s world. If the education did not exist there would
be no humans living in the 21st century, everything that we possess would not even exist if
there was no education. At the same time, education is often misused as a simple tool which
serves humans and makes their lives a little bit easier. In fact, education should be
approached as a reservoir or a generator of the spiritual values that are necessary for the
human to live a full-fledged life. According to the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs the two high-
est steps of the human development – are esteem’s needs and self-actualization. These two
steps are leaving behind the other three steps – biological and physical, safety, belongingness
and love needs. These first three steps can be achieved even without spending any time on
the education. But it is clear that the highest steps in the hierarchy – esteem’s needs and self-
actualization can only be achieved by the means of education. A person who desires to reach
self – actualization should approach education as the source of the wisdom. For many people
who lived on the earth and who reached the step of the self-actualization, education was the
main aspect of their life; they were not able to imagine a single day of their lives without
learning something new. The desire to know everything was the stimulus of their lives. From
a simple exchange of the information that was needed for the human survival, education
turned into a stimulus for life, into a spiritual exchange process between different people liv-
ing on the Earth.

“I have a dream…”
Martin Luther King

These are the words that Martin Luther King used in his famous speech against discrimina-
tion of African Americans. He gave his life for his dream, but in the end the dream came
true. Being a human I have dozens, hundreds, thousands of various dreams, some of them are
quite possible, the others are not so feasible…

6. Переведите статью письменно.


JOSH AND SUSAN FRIED attend classes three days a week but they never receive any
grades or cram for midterms or finals. They are not trying to earn an additional degree or
retrain for a new career. Both are 68; they just want to learn with other like-minded adults.

Dr. Fried retired from his dental practice eight years ago and moved with his wife, Susan, a
former English teacher, to Rockville from New York, to be closer to their son, daughter-in-
law and grandchild. At the same time, they wanted to expand their life in retirement beyond

The Frieds are among the 150,000 men and women nationally who participate each year at
more than 119 OsherLifelong Learning Institutes. The institutes, affiliated mostly with
colleges and universities, are among the best-known advanced adult educational programs in
the country. Along with an array of other such programs fitting under the “lifelong learning”
umbrella, they tend to attract educated, passionate people who are seeking intellectual and
social stimulation among peers who often become new friends.

They began their journey by going to a one-session class through the Smithsonian Associates
Program in Washington, where another student told Mrs. Fried about Osher. “Now, we have
something to do with our time”, Dr. Fried said.

Adult education programs have been a mainstay through local school districts, libraries,
recreation departments and senior centers, but lifelong learning programs position

themselves as communities where the participants not only take on challenging subjects but
also seek to engage more deeply with their fellow students.

In 2012 Scientists from the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center found that frequent
participation in “cognitively stimulating activities” – everything from reading to working on
crossword puzzles and playing cards to going to museums and attending classes – is
associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

The New York Times January 01, 2016

7. Переведите статью письменно.


A minister’s record is often judged by the achievements their government shouts loudest
about, while quiet but brilliant ideas go unnoticed. So it has been with the creation of
university technical colleges – schools which offer vocational training in a range of
professions such as engineering, healthcare, construction and business, alongside traditional
GCSEs, and link their pupils to both apprenticeships and employment opportunities.

The colleges, which take pupils from the age of 14 to 19, were the idea of the former
Education Secretary Lord Baker. We report on 5 February on the latest success: a college in
West Bromwich where young students will – alongside their core subjects of English, Maths
and Science – be trained in the particular skills that are in demand in the health service,
including radiography and dental nursing. It’s a savvy move, considering that the NHS* is
now the fifth-largest employer globally. Figures show that employers are happy with former
pupils’ work: 99 per cent of those who left at the age of 16 last summer were in education,
training or employment, along with 97 per cent of those who left at the age of 18 – far higher
than the state sector average.

Critics warn that asking a child to specialise at the age of 14 is far too early in their
development, and there may be some reasons for caution given that other Western nations
such as the US do not allow specialization in higher education, and employment is becoming
more interdisciplinary. Nevertheless, a growing gap between the roles that exist in our
economy and the skills that young people leave education with does exist; any attempt to
reduce that must be welcomed.

Without the Baker Dearing Trust, the idea could have hit the buffers. As it is, these colleges
are changing young people’s lives. And Lord Baker should be celebrated for that.

Independent February 04, 2016

*NHS – National Health System

8. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие числительные.

56, 30, 28, 90, 39, 67, 16, 121, 313, 482, 330, 456, 446, 857, 889, 909, 104, 743, 496, 7118,
8540, 9780, 2405, 8020, 6042, 4823, 1390, 5789, 8700, 9430, 3290, 7208, 8080, 4405.

9. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие


October, May, November, April, August, July, May, November, March, April, August, June,
February, September, January, December, July, June, May, March, September.

10. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие даты.

February 26, 2016 June 14, 1798 July 7, 2017
January 12, 1778 May 28, 1985 December 24, 1564
September 14, 2001 November 28, 1978 March 19, 1894

11. Переведите следующие географические названия и прилагательные,

образованные от них.

Lithuania, датский, британский, Poland, шведский, Italy, Spain, греческий, France,

Latvia, Switzerland, шотландский, Beijing, Sweden, португальский, польский, немецкий,
Japan, Hong Kong, французский, Turkey, корейский, Denmark, Singapore, русский,
Brazil, Cyprus, испанский, Georgia, китайский, Norway, Romania, голландский,
Thailand, швейцарский, Vienna, Taiwan, венский, United Arab Emirates, арабский,
Dublin, Rome, Warsaw, мексиканский, Berne, European Union, португальский,
бразильский, Tunis, Geneva, японский, Germany, The Netherlands, China, тайский, Israel,
израильский, ирландский, белорусский, ОАЭ, африканский.

12. Прослушайте текст полностью, обращая внимание на прецизионную

лексику, делая записи, после чего переведите текст на английский язык.

Самой существенной расходной статьей студенческого бюджета является оплата

жилья. В университетском кампусе комната в общежитии вместе с питанием
потребует от 6000$ до 12000$ в год (в зависимости от того, где расположен
университет). Аренда квартиры в провинциальном городе обойдется в 300–400$, в
столице штата – от 800$. А вот в Нью-Йорке или Сан-Франциско проблематично
найти жилье даже за 1000 $ в месяц. Если питаться вне кампуса, в городских кафе и
ресторанах, то необходимо около 2 000$ в месяц. Однако, если есть возможность
готовить еду самостоятельно, эту сумму можно уменьшить больше чем вдвое.
Примерно 850–1500$ уйдет на оплату медицинской страховки; 700–1200$ – на
покупку учебников, 400–600$ на транспортные расходы. В целом на проживание
необходимо иметь от 10 000$ до 20 000$ в год.

13. Выполните последовательный двусторонний перевод интервью с
министром образования США Арне Дункан.

Q: В последнее время концепции игры в образовании и тому как она сочетается с

общим основным учебным процессом и стандартизированным тестированием
уделялось большое внимание в прессе. Могут ли эти вещи сосуществовать в
современных школах?

A.D.: Absolutely. I’m a huge proponent of play – I was one of those boys for whom it was
difficult to sit still for 6 hours a day. When I had the chance to have PE, I was a better
student. My wife is a former PE teacher who works for a non-profit called Kaboom, which
builds playgrounds in disadvantaged communities, so we’re both personally and
professionally committed to the idea of active minds and active bodies, and that these things
can not only coexist, they’re mutually beneficial. When children are physically engaged they
do better academically. Some people think of play and working hard in the classroom as
either/or, and I fundamentally reject that. It has to be both/and. They reinforce each other.
Q: В США дети получают намного больше домашнего задания, чем их сверстники в
некоторых европейских странах. По Вашему мнению, какой объем домашнего задания
должен быть у ученика?

A.D.: As a parent, I’m less concerned with the quantity than I am with the quality. Our
children could have a 2 or 3 hour assignment that’s captivating and makes them think, and
time flies by. They could have a 10-minute worksheet that’s boring and it’s much more
painful. So, I’m less interested in the amount of time it takes and more interested in it not
just being a regurgitation of stuff they did before. It needs to be challenging them to think
critically and draw conclusions and do research. When assignments push our kids, they
thrive on that and it goes by quickly, whereas if the assignment is redundant it’s much less
beneficial and they don’t get much out of it. The actual minutes, that’s the wrong way to
view it.

Q: Как в Вашем доме выполняется домашнее задание – Вы и Ваша супруга следуете

схеме «разделяй и властвуй» или же один из вас берет на себя большую часть?

A.D.: With my wife and daughter trying to learn Spanish together, that’s not one of my
strengths, so I’m no help there. But we do try to divide and conquer. I generally work later
than my wife, so she ends up doing most of it during the week. But we eat dinner together
and then read together as a family after dinner. We try to be disciplined in that routine; both
my parents and my wife’s parents read to us as kids, and we try to build that pattern with our
kids. Then, on weekends, I help more with the homework.

Q: Какой совет Вы могли бы дать отцу, чей ребенок только собирается пойти в

A.D.: Relax and enjoy it. We used to have little kids; when we moved to D.C., they were 6
and 4. Now we wonder where the time went. It’s hard and challenging and the most
important thing you’ll ever do, but it’s also the most fun thing. Nothing is more fun than
having little kids, seeing them learn and grow. I’d like to find a way to stop time or at least
slow it down, but we haven’t figured that one out yet. Our days of having little kids are gone
and we miss them – it’s an amazing time.

By Fatherly April 06, 2015

14. Игра «Conversation» на тему система образования в США

Участники: один студент выступает в качестве русского абитуриента, другой – в роли

американского специалиста в сфере образования, а третий осуществляет двусторонний
последовательный перевод.

Инсценируется ситуация: русский абитуриент хочет учиться в США и встречается с

американским специалистом в сфере образования, чтобы выяснить у него всю
интересующую его информацию о системе образования в США. В связи с тем, что
русский абитуриент плохо знает английский язык, он вынужден общаться со
специалистом через переводчика.

UK Education System



enrollment зачисление, прием

to enroll принимать, вносить в список, зачислять

interaction взаимодействие

close interaction тесное взаимодействие

cooperation сотрудничество

benefactor благотворитель, меценат

to oversee (oversaw, overseen) надзирать, курировать, следить

alumnus [əˈlʌmnəs] (pl. alumni) выпускник, бывший студент

undergraduate student студент программы бакалавриата

graduate student студент магистратуры

to pursue a degree [pə(r)ˈsjuː] учиться на…

to pursue a career делать карьеру

term срок, условие

term of office срок полномочий

for a term of two years сроком на два года

terms of agreement условия договора

glee club клуб для хорового пения

assassination убийство политического или общественного


invasion вторжение, нападение

promoting способствующий, стимулирующий

tax cut снижение налога, сокращение налога

graduated cum laude [ˌkʌm ˈlaʊdeɪ] окончить с отличием

to hold the office занимать должность

commitment обязательство

chartered имеющий лицензию, лицензированный,


coeducational с совместным обучением

donation благотворительный взнос, пожертвование

donated переданный в дар; донорский

distinction отличие, знак отличия

distinctive отличительный, особенный

vibrant community [ˈvaɪbrənt] яркое сообщество

host community принимающее сообщество

Перевод имен собственных и географических названий
Перевод имен собственных на русский язык может осуществляться двумя
способами: транскрипцией (фонетический способ, т.е. передача звуков буквами) или
транслитерацией (графический способ, т.е. передача букв).
Фонетический способ используется, когда имеется возможность передать
звучание иностранного имени русскими буквами: Molly – Молли.
Графический способ используется тогда, когда невозможно передать некоторые
английские звуки, т.к. они отсутствуют в русском языке. В этом случае переводчик
должен уметь пользоваться специальной таблицей передачи английских фонем на
русский язык, а также усвоить несколько правил:
1. Редуцированные гласные передаются орфографически: Wilson – Вильсон;
2. Буквы удваиваются, если они стоят между гласными или в конце слова:
Molly – Молли, Churchill – Черчилль, но Seattle – Сиэтл;
3. Непроизносимые в английском языке согласные передаются в русском
языке: Wistle –Уистл, Plumb – Пламб;
4. Звонкая согласная s в конце имени при переводе на русский язык
оглушается: Jones – Джонс, Times – Таймс, но Charles – Чарльз (исключение).

5. Перевод собственных имен известных политических деятелей, писателей,
художников необходимо записывать в специальный словарь для справок и при
необходимости заучивать, так как в написании таких имен, особенно великих людей и
деятелей прошлого большое значение имеет традиция. Сохраняется даже ошибочная
передача имени: Walter Scott - Вальтер Скотт вместо Уолтер Скотт, Isadora Duncan
– Айседора Дункан вместо правильной формы Изадора;
6. В английской и американской прессе можно часто встретить даже в
информационных текстах прозвища и сокращения имен и фамилий государственных
деятелей: Teddy (Теодор Рузвельт), FDR (Фрэнклин Рузвельт), JFK or Jack (Джон
Фицджеральд Кеннеди). За рубежом читатель привык к таким вольностям репортеров,
но если же при переводе сохранить эту особенность, то сила воздействия на читателя
переведенного текста по сравнению с оригиналом будет иной, что несовместимо с
понятием адекватности перевода. Поэтому сокращенные имена следует переводить
полностью, а прозвища переводить с комментарием или не переводить вообще.


Английская фонема Передача Позиция

[ɪ], [iː] и

э в начале слова и после гласных, кроме i

е после согласных и i

[æ], [a:], [ʌ] а

[ɔ], [ɔː], [əʊ] о

[u], [u:] у

ер после согласных
эр в остальных положениях

[aɪ], [aɪə] ай

[au] ау

[auə] аур

эй в начале слова и после гласных

ей после согласных

[dʒ], [ʒ] дж, ж

[t], [θ], [ð] т

[ŋ] нг

[j] й Йотация следующей гласной

[ʃ] ш

[tʃ] ч

[ts] тс

[w] у

[z] з

При переводе географических названий необходимо пользоваться словарем не

только для того, чтобы знать их произношение, но и для того, чтобы дать их
адекватный перевод: Cape Verde Islands – Острова Зеленого Мыса (в английском языке
используется португальское слово), Bay of Pigs – бухта Кочинос (в русском языке
используется испанское слово), Beijing – г. Пекин; Kara Strait – пролив Карские
Ворота, Cape May – мыс Кейп-Мей, Cape Fear – мыс Кейп-Фир, Montenegro –
Черногория. Из примеров видно, насколько необходимо переводчику
консультироваться со словарем при переводе географических названий.
Важно: Если перед названием островов стоит предлог, то необходимо
употреблять определенный артикль: to the Philippines, from the Falklands.

1. Переведите высказывания знаменитых выпускников университетов

Гарварда и Принстона.

F. Scott Fitzgerald:

“In a real dark night of the soul, it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day.”

“Having once found the intensity of art, nothing else that can happen in life can ever again
seem as important as the creative process.”

“I didn't know till 15 that there was anyone in the world except me, and it cost me plenty.”

“Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy.”

Steve Forbes:

“When things go your way, it's easy to think you're a genius.”

Mark Zuckerberg:
“Understanding people is not a waste of time.”

“Our mission is to make the world more open and connected. We do this by giving people
the power to share whatever they want and be connected to whoever they want, no matter
where they are”.

“What Facebook is today isn't a set of information, it's a community of people who are using
Facebook to stay connected and share information. They are only going to do that as long as
they trust u”.

“Everything I do breaks, but I fix it quickly”.

“I would personally rather be underestimated. It gives us latitude to go out and make some
big bets.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt:
“Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the
thrill of creative effort.”

“We know now that government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by
organized mob.”

“Freedom to learn is the first necessity of guaranteeing that man himself shall be self-reliant
enough to be free.”

Michelle Obama:
“Every day, the people I meet inspire me, every day they make me proud, every day they
remind me how blessed we are to live in the greatest nation on Earth. Serving as your first
lady is an honor and a privilege.”
“When I hear about negative and false attacks, I really don't invest any energy in them,
because I know who I am.”

“One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let
what somebody else says distract you from your goals.”

“The only difference between me and every other woman that I know is that my challenges
are publicized, and I'm doing this juggling in front of cameras.”

“We should always have three friends in our lives – one who walks ahead who we look up to
and we follow; one who walks beside us, who is with us every step of our journeys; and then,
one who we reach back for and we bring along after we've cleared the way.”

2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Затем переведите на

слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

benefactor, to take exam, scholarship, to pursue a degree, to hold the office, graduated cum
laude, enrollment, terms of agreement, invasion, assumption, implication, low-interest loans,
to pass exam, matter, terms of agreement, promoting, to hold the office, assassination, gee
club, insignificant, staff, application form, employee, employer, disability, to maintain,
according to, in accordance with, aim, tax cut, commitment, donation, to pursue a career,
cooperation, interaction, distinctive, term of office, host community, vibrant, goal,
chartered, coeducational, promoting, alumnus, significant, rivalry, to oversee, for a term of
two years, assassination, glee club, alumni, undergraduate student, graduate student, pattern.

3. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Затем переведите

на слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

срок полномочий, сотрудничество, взаимодействие, вторжение, снижение налога,

условия договора, сроком на два года, лицензированный, отличительный, яркое
сообщество, курировать, выпускник, зачисление, окончить с отличием, занимать
должность, студент магистратуры, клуб для хорового пения, вторжение, убийство
политического или общественного деятеля, курировать, соперничество, персонал,
образец, сотрудник, в соответствии с, работодатель, обязательные предметы,
благотворительность, плата за обучение, основная задача, основная цель, местный
орган самоуправления, быть уполномоченным, существенный вопрос, вовлечение, от
имени кого-либо, ежегодное событие, предположение, способствующий,

4. Переведите тексты с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.

Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, established in 1636.
It was named after the College’s first benefactor, the young minister John Harvard of
Charlestown, who upon his death in 1638 left his library and half his estate to the institution.
A statue of John Harvard stands today in front of University Hall in Harvard Yard, and is
perhaps the University’s best known landmark.
Harvard University has 12 degree-granting Schools in addition to the Radcliffe Institute for
Advanced Study. The University has grown from nine students with a single master to an
enrollment of more than 20,000 degree candidates including undergraduate, graduate, and
professional students. There are more than 360,000 living alumni in the U.S. and over 190
other countries.
The Harvard University Archives are maintained by the Harvard University Library system
and are a great resource to access Harvard’s historical records. The Harvard Library – the
largest academic library in the world – includes 20.4 million volumes, 180,000 serial titles,
an estimated 400 million manuscript items, 10 million photographs, 124 million archived
web pages, and 5.4 terabytes of born-digital archives and manuscripts. Access to this rich
collection is provided by nearly 800 library staff members who operate more than 70
separate library units.
Harvard University is made up of 11 principal academic units – ten faculties and the
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. The ten faculties oversee schools and divisions that
offer courses and award academic degrees.


Harvard's reputation as one of the best universities in the world comes in part from the many
famous and successful people who have attended it. Here is a list of some undergraduate and
graduate students who are most famous:

Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858-January 6, 1919)

Former U.S. President Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United
States (1901-1909) He attended Harvard in 1876 and originally chose to study natural
history. However, after his father died of stomach cancer in 1878, Roosevelt decided to
pursue a degree in history and government to honor his memory. Theodore Roosevelt was a
distant fifth cousin to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, America’s 32nd President. Franklin’s wife,
Eleanor was also his niece.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (January 30, 1882-April 12, 1945)

The 32nd U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, often referred to as FDR, was the only
American president elected to more than two terms, serving in office from 1933-1945,
entered Harvard in 1900, and he was heavily involved in extracurriculars. Roosevelt was
president of the Harvard Crimson newspaper, secretary of the glee club, and one of the
founders of the political society. Leading the country during worldwide economic crisis,
FDR was involved with the creation of new jobs for the unemployed and direct assistance to
individuals. During World War II, he provided assistance to countries fighting against Nazi
Germany, mostly Great Britain.

John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917-November 22, 1963)

John Fitzgerald “Jack” Kennedy, often referred to as JFK, served as the 35th President of the
United States until his assassination. The Kennedy family, having produced a president,
three senators, and multiple other representatives on the federal and state level, is one of the
most established political families in America.

George W. Bush (born July 6, 1946)

George Walker Bush was the 43rd President of the United States (2001-2009) graduated from
Harvard Business School in 1975. He is the only U.S. president to graduate with an M.B.A.
from the school. This president was responsible for announcing a global war on terrorism,
ordering an invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, and promoting policies on the economy, health
care, education, and social security reform. In addition, he signed into law broad tax cuts.
Bush is the eldest son of the 41st U.S. President, George H.W. Bush.

Tommy Lee Jones (born September 15, 1946)

Thomas ‘Tommy’ Lee Jones, American actor and film director known for his roles in Men in
Black, The Fugitive, No Country for Old Men and Lincoln (2012), graduated cum laude
from Harvard in 1969 with a degree in English literature. He was roommates with future
U.S. Vice President Al Gore.

Bill Gates (born October 28, 1955)

William Henry “Bill” Gates III, an American business magnate and philanthropist, began
studying at Harvard in 1973 and decided to major in applied math. He dropped out two years
later to found Microsoft with his friend Paul Allen. One of Gates' former roommates told
Harvard Magazine that Gates would study for 36 hours at a time, with 10-hour breaks in
between. Bill Gates was the Co-founder (1975), Chairman (1975-2000), President (1977-
1982), and CEO (1992-1998) of Microsoft Corporation, one of the most recognized brands
in the computer industry. Gates is the author of two books: The Road Ahead (1995), and
Business@the Speed of Thought (1999). He is consistently ranked among the world’s
wealthiest people.

Barack Obama (born August 4, 1961)

Barack Hussein Obama II, the 44th and current President of the United States (assumed
January 20, 2009), is the first African American to ever hold the office. He entered Harvard
Law School in 1988 and eventually became the first black president of the Harvard Law
Review. During his time at the school, he also played basketball on the black law students'
association team. On October 8, 2009 he was awarded the year’s Nobel Peace Prize, “for his
extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between

Natalie Portman (born June 9, 1981)

Natalie Portman an Israeli American actress, graduated in 2002 with a degree in psychology.
She was considered exceptionally bright by her professors; in her “neuropsychology and the
law” seminar, she received an A+ for her paper on lie detection, and that professor later hired
her as a research assistant. Natalie Portman achieved wide fame for her role as Padme
Amidala in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. She has won awards for her work in Star Wars
Episode II: Attack of the Clones, V for Vendetta. Portman made a directorial debut in Eve,
which opened at the 65th Venice International Film Festival’s shorts competition, held in
2008. She won the 2010 Academy Award for her role as a dancer in Black Swan.

Mark Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984)

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, co-founder and CEO of the social-networking website Facebook, as
well as one of the world's youngest billionaires, enrolled at Harvard in 2002 and created
Facebook before dropping out to pursue the website full time. While at Harvard, he also
created a program called Course Match, which allowed students to choose classes based on
what other people were taking.

5. Переведите тексты с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.

Chartered in 1746 as the College of New Jersey – the name by which it was known for 150
years – Princeton University was British North America's fourth college. Located in
Elizabeth for one year and then in Newark for nine, the College of New Jersey moved to
Princeton in 1756. It was housed in Nassau Hall, which was newly built on land donated by
Nathaniel FitzRandolph. Nassau Hall contained the entire College for nearly half a century.

In 1896, when expanded program offerings brought the College university status, the
College of New Jersey was officially renamed Princeton University in honor of its host
community of Princeton. Four years later, in 1900, the Graduate School was established.

Princeton University is a vibrant community of scholarship and learning that stands in the
nation's service and in the service of all nations. Chartered in 1746, Princeton is the fourth-
oldest college in the United States. Princeton is an independent, coeducational,
nondenominational institution that provides undergraduate and graduate instruction in the
humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering.

Princeton is one of the smallest of the nation's leading research universities. Its size permits
close interaction among students and faculty members in settings ranging from introductory
courses to senior theses. An interdisciplinary approach is key to the curriculum at Princeton.

As a world-renowned research university, Princeton seeks to achieve the highest levels of

distinction in the discovery and transmission of knowledge and understanding. At the same
time, Princeton is distinctive among research universities in its commitment to
undergraduate teaching.

Originally an institution devoted to the education of young men, Princeton became

coeducational in 1969. Today, more than 1100 faculty members instruct approximately 5200
undergraduate students and 2600 graduate students. Virtually all undergraduates and about
two-thirds of graduate students live on campus. The University's generous financial aid
program ensures that talented students from all economic backgrounds can afford a Princeton

Here is a list of some famous Princeton alumni of all time:

F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896–1940), American short-story writer and novelist known for his
turbulent personal life and his famous novel “The Great Gatsby”, attended Princeton in 1913
despite being relatively poor on both sides of his family, but dropped out to join Army
officer training school for WWI. His first novel, “This Side of Paradise” was about Princeton
itself; it was a best-seller and sold out at Princeton bookstores on its day of publication in
1920. However his first novel’s success made him famous and let him marry the woman he
loved, but he later descended into drinking and his wife had a mental breakdown. Following
the unsuccessful Tender is the Night, Fitzgerald moved to Hollywood and became a
scriptwriter. He died of a heart attack in 1940, at age 44, his final novel only half completed.

Malcolm Forbes (1919–1990), publisher and business leader, the son of B.C. Forbes, who
founded Forbes magazine. After graduation, Malcolm Forbes’s father hired him at the
Fairfield Times. In 1942, he launched the Lancaster Tribune. After WWII, he became a staff
member at Forbes, eventually working his way up to president. In 1957, he ran for New
Jersey governor, but lost. He continued to amass wealth until he died February 24, 1990, in
New Jersey.

Steve Forbes (born in 1947), the chairman and editor-in-chief of Forbes Media, the son of
Malcolm Forbes, received his B.A. in American history in 1970. In 1973, he began writing
his own column for his father’s magazine, Forbes. When his father died in 1990, Steve
Forbes took over the magazine. In 1993, he founded Empower America. Forbes sought the
Republican presidential nomination in 1996 and 2000, but dropped out both times. Steve
Forbes was also a Republican candidate for the nomination of U.S. president in 1996 and

David Duchovny (born August 7, 1960), one of the famous television and film actor, best
known for his Golden-Globe-winning role as FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder on the network
series The X-Files, received his Bachelor of Arts in English Literature in 1982 at Princeton
University. He earned an M.A. from Yale University in 1987 before moving to Hollywood to
purse his acting career. The Ivy-league educated actor appeared in such early films as
Working Girl (1998), New Year's Day (1989), and Kalifornia (1993). In 2007, Duchovney
won his second Golden Globe for his portrayal of Hank Moody in Showtime’s hit series,
Californication. In 2015, he added author and musician to his resume with the release of a
book and an album.

Michelle Obama (born August 7, 1964), the 44th first lady of the United States and wife of
U.S. President Barack Obama, was actually discouraged from applying to Princeton by her
high school advisors. In 1985, she graduated with a B.A. in sociology and minor in African
American studies. She went on to Harvard Law School and met a summer intern name
Barack Obama during her first job as an associate at the law firm Sidley Austin. Prior to her
role as first lady, she was a lawyer, Chicago city administrator and community-outreach

6. Переведите статью письменно.


Stanford University got $1.63 billion in donations in 2015, more than any other U.S. college,
according to a report from the Council for Aid to Education.

The stunning number includes $622 million worth of art given to the university in the last
fiscal year, $801.6 million in cash donations, and $201.1 million for the support of the
university's two hospitals.

Harvard University, which raised $1.05 billion in gifts, ranked second, and was the only
other university to raise more than a billion in a single year.

The report showed that U.S. universities raised $40.30 billion in 2015, up 7.6% from the
year before and the largest amount on record.

But the report also revealed great differences between donations to individual universities.
More than a quarter of the total – $11.6 billion – went to a small group of 20 mostly private

Financial gifts from alumni made up a quarter of the overall amount. Roughly 15% came
from corporations, the report showed.

Eight gifts to four of the universities exceeded $100 million in 2015 – more than all of the
money raised by the 490 institutions with the smallest donations, combined.

CNN January 27, 2016

7. Переведите статью письменно.


From pre-kindergarten through graduate school, the education system in the United States
faces tough competition from the rest of the world, a new study found.
The study made public Tuesday by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD) shows other nations are catching up and in many cases have
surpassed the United States at many levels, from pre-kindergarten enrollment to the
percentage of adults with advanced degrees.
OECD’s annual “Education at a Glance” report finds, for instance, that 41% of 3-year-olds in
the U.S. are enrolled in pre-kindergarten. Among all OECD countries, the average is 72%.
For 4-year-olds in the United States, the number rises to 66% but still falls below the OECD
average of 88%.

Andreas Schleicher, the OECD’s deputy director for education and skills, said the gap in
preschool enrollment – as well as other factors – isn’t necessarily because things have gotten
worse in the U.S.“There has just been enormous progress” elsewhere in the world, he said.
The report analyzes the education systems of the 34 OECD member countries, which include
most industrialized nations, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Chile
Israel, Japan, and most European nations, as well as non-member countries: Argentina,
Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Saudi
Arabia and South Africa.
On average, OECD nations invest about 0.6% of GDP in pre-primary education. Countries
such as Norway, Iceland and Finland invest about 1% of GDP in pre-K, while in the USA,
it’s closer to 0.4%, “at the lower end of the spectrum,” Schleicher said.
When it comes to class sizes in K-12 education, the Unites States has larger than average
classes in primary grades, but below average in middle school and high school classes. But
even that upper-grade advantage, long touted by education advocates, doesn’t necessarily
give U.S. schools an edge, Schleicher said.
USA TODAY November 25, 2015

8. Переведите статью письменно.


An Adventure in the Russian education system can prove rewarding for expats, but can also
be daunting.
“Some of the boys called my son “Obama’s little spy,” says Jynks Burton. “But they’re at
that age I suppose, always looking for something to tease other boys about …”
Burton’s eight-year-old son, Alex, makes a scowling face. He says he doesn’t want to talk
about the incident. The boys were “just stupid,” he says. So far it’s the only incident
stemming from their son’s nationality. But Burton admits she is worried poor relations
between her native and adopted countries might eventually spill over onto the playground.
Jynks and her husband Steven Brown are longtime residents of Russia, having first arrived in
the country as U.S. Peace Corps volunteers 16 years ago. Today, they have two children in
the Russian school system and are, they say, happy with the experience. “The education is
rigorous, focused on knowledge and discipline,” they say. What the Russian system might
lack – “independent thinking and creativity” – the Burton-Browns are happy to fill in
themselves at home.
Sitting at the kitchen table in their apartment, Alex is working on constructing a World War
II tank. They build many military models together now, his father says. He asks his son if he
would like to go to an American school. “No!” replies Alex. “Isn’t it obvious? If I do, I
won’t be able to see all my friends any more.”

Families like the Burton-Browns are an increasingly rare sight in Moscow, as economic and
political headwinds continue to push foreign nationals out of Russia. According to official
migration statistics, an astonishing 74% of British and 67% of U.S. expats left Russia in
2015 alone. This follows significant reductions in 2014, too. Of those who have stayed
behind, a majority chose to send their children to one of several well-respected, but
expensive international schools.
But some decide to follow the Burton-Brown’s example and try the Russian state system.
Overall, the experience is positive. It is free, the education is usually excellent and, this way,
children are able to experience full Russian linguistic and cultural immersion.
“We knew that we were going to be here for longer than two or three years. So it seemed like
a good idea to go the Russian route, and we really liked the kindergarten here,” says Davina
Garrido De Miguel.
De Miguel and her partner arrived in Moscow in 2006, attracted by what she describes as the
city’s “artsy” vibe. “I was incredibly bored in London, it was way too artificial,” she says.
She now runs an art studio and classes for expats and Russians, rents a 19th century
apartment in central Moscow, and sends her kids to a school less than 100 meters away.
The Moscow Times January 25, 2016

9. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие


569, 304, 248, 980, 4567, 6897, 1634, 1243, 3913, 4862, 3330, 4586, 4946, 8357, 8899,
9009, 1004, 7243, 4986, 7218, 8534, 9578, 2945, 8802, 6442, 4523, 1839, 5179, 8087, 9403,
3290, 7218, 8880, 4045.

10. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие


March, January, October, May, July, November, August, April, August, July, September,
May, November, March, April, June, February, December, June, May, September.

11. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие

January 30, 1882 June 1, 1949 July 17, 1438
May 15, 1891 February 16, 1906 December 26, 1563
September 8, 1967 November 28, 1881 March 13, 1994

12. Прослушайте текст полностью, обращая внимание на прецизионную

лексику, делая записи, после чего переведите текст на английский язык.

Некоторые европейские страны готовы обучать иностранцев и своих граждан если не
бесплатно, то за цену чисто символическую. Например, обучение в Германии
обойдётся среднестатистическому студенту примерно в €500 в год. Однако если
студент-иностранец, дополнительно на проживание в стране обучения ему придётся
потратить более внушительную сумму. Но даже при таком раскладе немецкое
образование обещает студентам расходы в 10 раз меньше, чем в Австралии, где
стоимость обучения составит $25 500 в год. Второе место после Австралии занимает
США, где стоимость обучения составит $25 300 в год, на третьем месте ОАЭ ($21 500
в год), на четвертом месте Великобритания ($19 300 в год) и на пятом месте Канада
($18 500 в год). В десятку стран также вошли Сингапур, Гонконг, Япония, Китай,
Тайвань. Россия занимает одиннадцатое место, где стоимость обучения составит $3
150 в год.

13. Переведите статью письменно.


Natalie Portman, the Academy Award-winning actress, returned to Harvard Wednesday

afternoon to address graduating seniors during the annual Class Day celebration.

When Natalie Portman entered Harvard, just after the release of Star Wars: Episode I – The
Phantom Menace in 1999, she said she knew she would be starting over in terms of how
people viewed her, and assumed that most of her classmates would think her admission was
based on fame, not intellect. Having never written a 10-page paper before, Portman said she
was “alarmed and intimidated” by the “calm eyes” of her fellow classmates, but was
determined to be taken seriously and enrolled in difficult neurobiology and advanced
literature courses.

On her first day of Freshman Orientation, Portman recalled five separate students who
introduced themselves by saying, “Hi, I’m going to be president. Remember I told you that.”
“In all seriousness, I believed every one of them,” she said. “Their self-confidence seemed
proof of their prophecy, whereas I couldn’t shake my self-doubt.”

“I was completely overwhelmed and thought that reading a 1,000 pages a week was
unimaginable and writing a 50-page thesis was something I could never do,” she said. “I had
been acting [for seven years,] since I was 11, but I thought acting was too frivolous and not
meaningful.” She said she thought that she would find a more serious and profound path in
college. Yet as she struggled through classes, she began to notice friends around her writing
essays on lighter topics like sailing, fairy tales, and pop culture, and soon realized that being
what she considered “serious” might not be the right path.

“There was a reason I was an actress – I love what I do”, Portman said. “I saw from my peers
and my mentors that not only was that an acceptable reason, it was the best reason. When I

got to my graduation, after four years of trying to be something else, I admitted to myself
that I couldn’t wait to go back and make more films – I had reclaimed my reason.”

Her Harvard degree and other awards, she said, are emblems of the experiences that led her
to them. Although she cherished her time at the College, she also admitted to struggling with
depression during her sophomore year and “spending too much time missing sunlight.”

Portman said she learned that sometimes your insecurities and inexperience will lead to
carving out your own path, “one that is free of the burden of how things are supposed to be,”
and is “defined by its own particular set of reasons.”

Turning to her film Black Swan, Portman said that had she known her limitations as a
dancer, she never would have taken the risk of starring in what turned out to be an Oscar-
winning role that she deemed “the artistic highlight of my career.” She urged seniors to take
chances, even when they are not entirely sure of themselves, because that breeds a kind of
confidence that cannot be taught in a classroom.

“Your inexperience is an asset, and will allow you to think in unconventional ways,” she
said. “Each time you set out to do something new, your inexperience can either lead you
down a path where you will conform to someone else’s values, or you can forge your own
path, even if you don’t realize that’s what you’re doing. You will control the rewards of what
you do by making your internal life fulfilling.”

Harvard Magazine May 27, 2015

14. Игра «Conversation» на тему университеты Гарварда и Принстона

Участники: один студента выступает в качестве студента Гарварда, второй – в роли

студента Принстона, третий и четвертый – русскоговорящие сверстники, пятый –
осуществляет двусторонний последовательный перевод.

Инсценируется ситуация: студенты Гарварда и Принстона встречаются со своими

русскоговорящими сверстниками на конференции, посвященной системе образования
за рубежом, чтобы представить свой университет и поделиться опытом студенческой
жизни. Все участники конференции общаются друг с другом через переводчика.

century век, столетие

in the 10th century B.C. (before Christ) в 10 веке до нашей эры (до Рождества

in 405 A.D. (Anno Domini, Lat.) в 405 году нашей эры (после Рождества

in honour of smb. в честь кого-либо

valley долина

temple храм

“sacred truce” [ˈseɪkrɪd truːs] «священное перемирие»

ivory слоновая кость

to announce объявлять

gradually постепенно

wrestling спортивная борьба,

рукопашный/кулачный бой

long jump прыжок в длину

throwing the javelin and discus метание копья и диска

chariot racing гонка на колесницах

pentathlon [penˈtæθlən] пятиборье

race for hoplite бег тяжеловооруженных воинов


wreath [riːθ] венок

to pitch a tent разбить палатку

to sleep rough спать под открытым небом

overcrowded переполненный

feast пир, празднество

to sneak in прокрасться, пройти тайком

stirrup стремя

torch relay эстафета олимпийского огня

to pay a fine платить штраф

whip плеть, кнут

to erect a monument установить памятник

to inscribe написать, начертать

offence нарушение, обида, оскорбление

cheat жульничество, мошенничество, жулик

decree указ, приказ

to ban запрещать

to decline ухудшаться, снижаться, идти на спад

to be abandoned осиротеть, быть заброшенным

slope склон, уклон

rectangular [rekˈtæŋɡjʊlə(r)] прямоугольный

triangular [traɪˈæŋɡjʊlə(r)] треугольный

boundary [ˈbaʊnd(ə)ri] граница, рубеж

pagan [ˈpeɪɡən] языческий

ancestor [ˈænsestə(r)] (syn. predecessor) предшественник, предок

descendant [dɪˈsendənt] потомок, отпрыск

to maintain сохранять, содержать, поддерживать


historic – исторический: имеющий важное значение для развития истории

(a historic battle, a historic discovery, a historic event, a historic speech, a historic building);

historical – 1) исторический, не вымышленный, действительно имевший место в

истории The Battle at Kulikovo in 1380 was historical event (it really happened) and also a
historical event (it had an important influence on Russian history); 2) исторический: на
историческую тему (о книге, фильме, пьесе и т.д.) (a historical novel, historical records –
архивные записи, a historical linguistics – сравнительно-историческое языкознание,
историческая лингвистика);

economic – 1) экономический, относящийся к экономике (economic development –

экономическое развитие, economic area – экономическая зона, economic aid –
экономическая помощь); 2) рентабельный, выгодный (economic price – экономически
выгодная цена); 3) хозяйственный (economic accounting – хозяйственный расчет); 4)
прикладной, практический (economic botany – прикладная ботаника);
economical – бережливый, экономный, расчетливый (to be economical – экономить,
economical use – экономное использование, economical speed – экономная скорость);
economy – хозяйство, экономика (market economy – рыночная экономика);
economics – экономика как наука, которая изучает economy;
classic – классический в значении типичный, характерный, относящийся к
традиционному, узнаваемому стилю (classic example – классический пример, classic
pattern – классический образец, classic remark – типичная реплика, classic lines –
правильные черты, classic English gentleman – образцовый английский джентельмен);
classical – 1) классический (особенно про искусство, науки) (classical art, classical film,
classical music, classical geometry, classical literature, classical language, classical English);
policy – 1) политика, 2) стратегия, 3) курс (company policy – политика компании,
economic policy – экономический курс/политика);
politics – политика;
politic – дипломатичный, обходительный, проницательный, благоразумный, мудрый
(to be politic);
political – политический, относящийся к сфере политики (political machine –
политическая машина/аппарат, political prisoner – политический заключенный, political
freedom – политическая свобода.

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. Today's hard economic situation makes people be more economical.

2. A classic modern teenager knows nothing about classical music.
3. It was very politic of you to make this decision.
4. There are two major political parties in Great Britain.
5. It would not be politic to ignore the reporters.
6. The economic policy of the government is in ruins because of the global credit crisis.
7. My wife is so economical, she never wastes money.
8. The excursion included visiting historic castles and palaces.
9. I prefer classical musiс.
10. I don't believe that Robin Hood was the historical personality.
11. There are two major political parties in Great Britain.
12. Politics is power in action.
13. It’s not company policy to sell goods to persons under the age of 18.
14. He learns economics at the university.
15. A lot of young people just don’t seem interested in politics these days.

2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Затем переведите на

слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

temple, in the 10th century B.C., gradually, in 405 A.D., long jump, wreath, feast, offence, to
ban, slope, boundary, to pitch a tent, torch relay, to pay a fine, ivory, pagan, pentathlon,
descendant, ancestor, to be abandoned, whip, overcrowded, rectangular, predecessor, chariot
racing, sacred truce, in honour of smb., to erect, to inscribe, to maintain, cheat, to decline,
triangular, throwing the javelin and discus, to sneak in, stirrup.

3. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Затем переведите

на слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

венок, эстафета олимпийского огня, склон, предок, потомок, написать на памятнике,

указ, запрещать, в 10 веке до н.э., храм, долина, спортивная борьба, в честь кого-либо,
пятиборье, стремя, жулик, гонка на колесницах, в 405 году н.э., постепенно,
ухудшаться, граница, поддерживать, треугольный, прыжок в длину, платить штраф,
«священное перемирие», объявлять, разбить палатку, переполненный, кнут,
установить памятник, жульничество, быть заброшенным, прямоугольный.

4. Переведите тексты с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.

The Olympic Games began over 2,700 years ago in Olympia, in southwest Greece. The
Games were part of a religious festival. The Greek Olympics, thought to have begun in 776
B.C., inspired the modern Olympic Games (begun in 1896) The Games were held in honour
of Zeus, king of the gods, and were staged every four years at Olympia, a valley near a city
called Elis. People from all over the Greek world came to watch and take part.

Visitors to Olympia stared in wonder as they entered the great Temple of Zeus. Inside was a
huge statue of the king of the gods, sitting on a throne. People called it one of the Seven
Wonders of the World. The statue was covered in gold and ivory, and was six times bigger
than a man. It was built about 435 B.C., and no one who made the trip to Olympia missed
seeing it.

The city-states of Greece were often at war. This made travel between them dangerous. So
messengers sent out from Elis announced a “sacred truce” (peace) lasting one month before
the Games began. This meant people could travel to Olympia in safety. The Olympic Games
were more important than wars because they were a religious festival. The messengers went
all over the Greek world.

At the first one-day Olympic Games, the only event was a short sprint from one end of the
stadium to the other. Gradually more events were added to make four days of competitions.
They included wrestling, boxing, long jump, throwing the javelin and discus, and chariot
racing. In the pentathlon, there were five events: running, wrestling, javelin, discus and long
jump. One of the toughest events was the race for hoplites, men wearing armour and carrying

Winners were given a wreath of leaves, and a hero's welcome back home. Winners might
marry rich women, enjoy free meals, invitations to parties, and the best seats in the theatre.
The running track was much wider than a modern one. Twenty people could run at once.
About 50,000 people could sit in the stadium. Away from the arena, most spectators had to
find somewhere to pitch their tents or sleep rough, but important visitors and athletes had
hotel rooms. It was hot and overcrowded, and the water supply was poor, at first not even a
proper drinking fountain. This didn't stop people coming though!

The Games ended with a feast. Lots of oxen were roasted in a giant barbecue. Traders came
to do business, entertainers such as jugglers and acrobats performed, and politicians made
speeches to the crowds.

Only men, boys and unmarried girls were allowed to attend the Olympic Games. Married
women were not allowed into the Olympic Games. Any women caught sneaking in were
punished! Women could own horses in the chariot race though.

Unmarried women had their own festival at Olympia every four years. This was the Heraia,
held in honour of Hera, wife of Zeus. Women could compete in running races, though only
unmarried girls took part. Winners were awarded crowns of sacred olive branches, the same
as men. As a rule Greek women did not go in for sport, unless they were Spartans.

When the athletes did not respect the rules, the judge punished them during the race, with a
whip. For more serious offences, the athletes had to pay a fine. With this money, statues of
Zeus and Elis were erected, and at Olympia, the names of the cheats were inscribed on their
base. At Olympia, these statutes (the Zanes) were placed along the passageway that led to the
stadium; at Elis, they were placed in the gymnasium. This reminded the athletes of the
example not to follow!

5. Переведите письменно следующие предложения.

1. Horse races involved lots of falling-off, because Greek riders had no stirrups. It was
easier to drive a chariot.
2. Big sunhats were banned, because they blocked other spectators' view.
3. One mother was so keen to see her son compete that she broke the no-women rule, and
got in disguised as a man!
4. The running track was 183 m long. The Greeks called this measurement a stade - from
which we get the word "stadium".
5. The stadium was not oval as we know it today, but rectangular. It had a packed earth
floor and its boundaries were marked by grassy slopes, on which the spectators sat. The
officials (organisers and judges) sat in a stand.
6. The Games were known to have existed, but the knowledge of their exact location had
been lost.
7. In 1776, the English traveller Richard Chandler discovered the site of ancient Olympia.
8. The principal research digs were carried out a hundred years later by German
9. Thanks to the writings of ancient historians, the memory of the Games and their place in
the Greek world was not totally forgotten.
10. Following Theodosius’ decree, pagan cults began to disappear gradually and the site of
Olympia was abandoned.

6. Переведите статью письменно.

The first written records of the ancient Olympic Games date to 776 B.C., when a cook
named Coroebus won the only event–a 192-meter footrace called the stade (the origin of the
modern “stadium”)–to become the first Olympic champion. However, it is generally believed
that the Games had been going on for many years by that time. Legend has it that Heracles
(the Roman Hercules), son of Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene, founded the Games,
which by the end of the 6th century B.C. had become the most famous of all Greek sporting
festivals. The ancient Olympics were held every four years between August 6 and September
19 during a religious festival honoring Zeus. The Games were named for their location at
Olympia, a sacred site located near the western coast of the Peloponnese peninsula in
southern Greece. Their influence was so great that ancient historians began to measure time
by the four-year increments in between Olympic Games, which were known as Olympiads.
After 13 Olympiads, two more races joined the stade as Olympic events: the diaulos (roughly
equal to today’s 400-meter race), and the dolichos (a longer-distance race, possibly
comparable to the 1,500-meter or 5,000-meter event). The pentathlon (consisting of five
events: a foot race, a long jump, discus and javelin throws and a wrestling match) was
introduced in 708 B.C., boxing in 688 B.C. and chariot racing in 680 B.C. In 648 B.C.,
pankration, a combination of boxing and wrestling with virtually no rules, debuted as an
Olympic event. Participation in the ancient Olympic Games was initially limited to freeborn
male citizens of Greece and married women were prohibited from attending the competition.
After the Roman Empire conquered Greece in the mid-2nd century B.C., the Games
continued, but their standards and quality declined. In one notorious example from A.D. 67,
the decadent Emperor Nero entered an Olympic chariot race, only to disgrace himself by
declaring himself the winner even after he fell off his chariot during the event. In A.D. 393,
Emperor Theodosius I, a Christian, called for a ban on all “pagan” festivals, ending the
ancient Olympic tradition after nearly 12 centuries.

It would be another 1,500 years before the Games would rise again, largely thanks to the
efforts of Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) of France. Dedicated to the promotion of
physical education, the young baron became inspired by the idea of creating a modern
Olympic Games after visiting the ancient Olympic site. In November 1892 Coubertin
proposed the idea of reviving the Olympics as an international athletic competition held
every four years. Two years later, he got the approval he needed to found the International
Olympic Committee (IOC), which would become the governing body of the modern
Olympic Games.


The first modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece, in 1896. In the opening ceremony,
King Georgios I and a crowd of 60,000 spectators welcomed 280 participants from 13
nations (all male), who would compete in 43 events, including track and field, gymnastics,
swimming, wrestling, cycling, tennis, weightlifting, shooting and fencing. All subsequent
Olympiads have been numbered even when no Games take place (as in 1916, during World
War I, and in 1940 and 1944, during World War II).

The Olympics truly took off as an international sporting event after 1924, when the VIII
Games were held in Paris. Some 3,000 athletes (with more than 100 women among them)
from 44 nations competed that year, and for the first time the Games featured a closing
ceremony. The Winter Olympics debuted that year, including such events as figure skating,
ice hockey, bobsledding and the biathlon. Eighty years later, when the 2004 Summer
Olympics returned to Athens for the first time in more than a century, nearly 11,000 athletes
from a record 201 countries competed. In a gesture that joined both ancient and modern
Olympic traditions, the shotput competition that year was held at the site of the classical
Games in Olympia.

7. Переведите тексты письменно.

The official symbol of the modern Games is five interlocking colored rings, representing the
continents of North and South America, Asia, Africa, Europe and Australia. The rings are
interlaced to show the universality of Olympism and the meeting of the athletes of the world
during the Olympic Games. On the Olympic flag, the rings appear on a white background.
Combined in this way, the six colours of the flag (blue, yellow, black, green, red and white)
represent all nations. It is a misconception to believe that each of the colours corresponds to
a certain continent.
Even though Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympic Games, intended the
Olympic Games to be an international event from the time of their reestablishment in 1896 in
Athens (Greece), it was only at the 1912 Games in Stockholm (Sweden) that, for the first
time, the participants came from all five continents. One year later, in 1913, the five rings
appeared at the top of a letter written by Pierre de Coubertin. He drew the rings and coloured
them in by hand.
It was also Pierre de Coubertin who had the idea for the Olympic flag. He presented the rings
and flag in June 1914 in Paris at the Olympic Congress.
The First World War prevented the Games from being celebrated in 1916 in Berlin as
planned. It was not until 1920 in Antwerp (Belgium) that the flag and its five rings could be
seen flying in an Olympic stadium. The universality conveyed by the symbol and the flag
was a new idea at the beginning of the 20th century. Nationalism was very strong and
tension between certain countries was high. It was in this climate, however, that Coubertin
proposed the symbol of the rings which aimed to encourage world unity.

Nowadays, the Olympic symbol is subject to very strict rules. Graphic standards have been
set down, which determine, for example, the exact position and colour tone of each ring.
The use of the Olympic symbol in the creation of an emblem is also strictly regulated and the
emblem design must be approved by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

The Olympic symbol, flag and emblems are the exclusive property of IOC and cannot be
used without the IOC’s authorisation. This symbol is among the most widely recognised
symbols in the world!

A motto is a phrase which sums up a life philosophy or a code of conduct to follow.
The Olympic motto is made up of three Latin words:


These three words encourage the athlete to give his or her best during competition. To better
understand the motto, we can compare it with the Olympic creed:

The most important thing in life is not the triumph, but the fight; the essential thing is not to
have won, but to have fought well.

Together, the Olympic motto and the creed represent an ideal that Coubertin believed in and
promoted as an important life lesson that could be gained from participation in sport and the
Olympic Games: that giving one’s best and striving for personal excellence was a

worthwhile goal. It is a lesson that can still be applied equally today, not just to athletes but
to each one of us.

The three Latin words became the Olympic motto in 1894, the date of the IOC’s creation.
Pierre de Coubertin proposed the motto, having borrowed it from his friend Henri Didon, a
Dominican priest who taught sport close to Paris. The inspiration for the creed would come
later, following a sermon given by the Bishop of Pennsylvania, Ethelbert Talbot, during the
Games of London in 1908.

The Olympic flame is one of the best-known features of the Games.

The Ancient Greeks considered fire to be a divine element, and they maintained perpetual
fires in front of their principal temples. This was the case in the sanctuary of Olympia, where
the Ancient Olympic Games took place. The flame was lit using the rays of the sun, to
ensure its purity, and a skaphia, the ancestor of the parabolic mirror used today for lighting
the Olympic flame. A flame burned permanently on the altar of the goddess Hestia, and such
fires were also lit on the altars of Zeus and Hera, in front of whose temple the Olympic flame
is lit today.

In the context of the modern Games, the Olympic flame represents the positive values that
Man has always associated with fire. The purity of the flame is guaranteed by the way it is lit
using the sun’s rays. The choice of Olympia as a departure point emphasises the link
between the Ancient and Modern Games and underlines the profound connection between
these two events.

From the moment the flame is lit, a very precise ritual is laid down:
 In memory of the modern Olympic Games’ ancient origins, the flame is lit in
Olympia (Greece) some months before the opening of the Games. The Olympic flame can
only be lit by the sun’s rays.
 A new torch is created for each edition of the Games. Each relay runner carries
his or her own torch: it is the flame which is passed from runner to runner and which cannot
be extinguished.
 Carried by relay from Olympia to the host city of the Games, the flame crosses
different regions, countries and continents. The passage of the flame announces the
upcoming Olympic Games to the inhabitants along the route and allows those following its
journey to discover new cultures and customs.

The initial lighting of the flame in Olympia and the first torch relay took place in the lead-up
to the 1936 Games in Berlin (Germany).

8. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие числительные.

5069, 3004, 2418, 9809, 4867, 4897, 4634, 1343, 3919, 4752, 3030, 4186, 4345, 7857, 8099,
1009, 5040, 7289, 4386, 8218, 8534, 9578, 2945, 8407, 4342, 4923, 7839, 5279, 7087.
9. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие

May, April, November, February, August, January, October, May, July, April, August,
November, July, March, April, May, September, July, June, May, December, June,

10. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие даты.

November 13, 2015 July 16, 1908 August 3, 1589
June 23, 1909 May 9, 1645 December 12, 1934
October 17, 1786 January 20, 1939 March 2, 1664

11. Прочтите вслух следующие географические названия и переведите их на

русский язык.

Portugal, Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Spain, France, Latvia, Switzerland, Beijing, Sweden,
Japan, Turkey, Denmark, England, Brazil, Cyprus, Georgia, Norway, Romania, Thailand,
Vienna, Dublin, Rome, Warsaw, Berne, European Union, Tunis, Geneva, Germany, The
Netherlands, China, Israel, Hungary, Taiwan, Oman, Tunisia, Venezuela, Morocco.

12. Прослушайте текст полностью, обращая внимание на прецизионную

лексику, делая записи, после чего переведите текст на английский язык.

23 июня 1894 года в Сорбонне в Париже состоялся первый международный конгресс

МОК. Среди вопросов, обсуждаемых на конгрессе, был выбор места проведения I
Олимпийских игр современности. Пьер де Кубертен предложил провести Игры в 1900
году в Париже, и приурочить их к запланированной на то же время Всемирной
Выставке. Однако делегаты решили, что шестилетнее ожидание Игр может уменьшить
интерес к ним, поэтому было принято решение провести I Игры в 1896 году на родине
Олимпиад в Афинах, а Парижу доверить право проведения в 1900 году II
Олимпийских Игр.

После проведения I Игр греки как родоначальники предложили проводить у себя и все
последующие Олимпийские Игры. Инициатором идеи стал король Греции Георг I, в
поддержку этого предложения выступили и многие его соотечественники. На втором
конгрессе в 1897 году в Гавре МОК поблагодарил греков за проведение и организацию
I Игр и подтвердил право Парижа на проведение II Олимпийских Игр в 1900 году,
отказав тем самым греческой стороне в повторном проведении Игр. Вместо этого
члены МОК предложили организовывать раз в четыре года Греческие игры, в которых
могли бы участвовать только греческие спортсмены.

13. Переведите письменно:

В 1894 году по инициативе барона Пьера де Кубертена был основан Международный

олимпийский комитет. «Спорт – вне политики», – заявил барон, наивно полагая, что
никакие международные конфликты не помешают состязаниям. Однако уже в начале
XX века из-за Первой мировой войны отменили Олимпийские игры, которые должны
были проводиться в Берлине. Строительство спортивного комплекса в столице
Германии приостановили, а немецкие спортсмены облачились в военную форму.

После окончания войны немцы оказались в изоляции – в частности, атлетам

проигравшей страны запрещалось участвовать в международных соревнованиях.
Впрочем, эта участь постигла не только Германию, но и ее союзников – Австрию,
Венгрию, Турцию, Болгарию.

Больше всего сложившаяся ситуация не нравилась немецкому политику Карлу Диму.

«Спорт ведет к проявлению национального характера, когда он проявляется на уровне
международных соревнований», – говорил Дим. Сокрушаясь, что из-за невозможности
участия в Олимпиаде молодежь не интересуется физкультурой, он организовал
«Немецкие игры» – национальные соревнования, проводимые по олимпийскому
образцу. «Немцам отказали в праве принимать участие в международных
соревнованиях, и я не удивлюсь, если у них в будущем не будет желания
воспользоваться таким правом, – писал Карл Дим. – Для нас достаточным
возмещением должны стать «Немецкие игры».

В 1928 году олимпийский комитет постановил, что необходимо «вернуть» немецких

атлетов на международную спортивную арену. В ближайших Играх в Амстердаме
Германия заняла второе место, а вскоре подала заявление на право стать хозяйкой Игр
1936 года. На это звание еще претендовали Барселона, Рим и Будапешт, однако спустя
некоторое время последние две столицы выпали из «соревнования». Международному
олимпийскому комитету пришлось выбирать между Германией и Испанией: 43 голоса
были отданы в пользу Берлина, 16 – в пользу Барселоны. Одновременно с этим
олимпийский комитет Германии выразил желание провести и зимнюю Олимпиаду
1936 года. Гармиш и Партенкирхен, два баварских города, стали олимпийской

В 1933 году к власти пришел Адольф Гитлер, а национал-социализм стал

официальной идеологией. Известно, что фюрер не горел желанием проводить
Олимпиаду, однако Йозеф Геббельс сумел переубедить Гитлера, объяснив ему, что
Игры поднимут статус Третьего рейха на международной арене. Адольф Гитлер
принял решение провести самую дорогую и запоминающуюся Олимпиаду за все
время существования Игр.

Первое место в зимних Играх заняла команда Норвегии, второе – Германии, третье –

Интересно, что именно на Играх в Третьем рейхе впервые была проведена эстафета
олимпийского огня, автором идеи которой являлся Карл Дим.

Olympteka.ru февраль’2016

14. Игра «Conversation» на тему история Олимпийских игр и их символов.

Участники: один студент выступает в качестве англоговорящего гида, другой – в роли

русскоговорящего туриста, а третий – переводчик.

Инсценируется ситуация: англоговорящий гид рассказывает русскоговорящему

туристу историю Олимпийских игр и их символов. Переводчик осуществляет
последовательный двусторонний перевод.



International Olympic Committee (IOC) Международный Олимпийский комитет

Charter (the Olympic Charter) Устав (Олимпийская Хартия)

National Olympic Committee (NOC) Национальный Олимпийский Комитет


International Sports Federation Международная спортивная федерация


Organising Committees for the Olympic Оргкомитет Олимпийских игр (ОКОИ)

Games (OCOG)

Executive Board (EB) Исполнительный комитет, Исполком (ИК)

the IOC Session сессия МОК, общее собрание членов


The IOC Evaluation Commission Оценочная комиссия МОК

collaboration сотрудничество, взаимодействие

catalyst [ˈkætəlɪst] катализатор, ускоритель процесса

to shepherd [ˈʃepə(r)d] следить, пасти

on the basis при условии, из расчета

to ensure обеспечивать, гарантировать, ручаться

affiliated присоединенный, связанный

to promote продвигать, способствовать

promotion повышение, продвижение, поощрение

revenue доход, выручка

implementation осуществление, выполнение

liaison [liˈeɪz(ə)n] координировать, поддерживать контакт

to deal with smth заниматься, иметь дело с чем-либо

ad hoc на данный случай

latter [ˈlætə(r)] последний, недавний

to encompass [ɪnˈkʌmpəs] содержать, сосредоточить в себе

to comprise [kəmˈpraɪz] включать, охватывать, состоять из

constituent [kənˈstɪtjʊənt] элемент, компонент

supreme authority верховная власть

supreme body высший орган

to designate назначать, определять, устанавливать

to submit представлять на рассмотрение, предлагать

election выборы

to elect выбирать, избирать

secret ballot тайное голосование

the term of office срок полномочий

withdrawal отстранение от участия

withdrawal of recognition отказ от признания

recognition признание, одобрение,

with regard to касательно, в части

host city город-организатор

bidding process [ˈbɪdɪŋ] тендер, торги

agenda повестка дня, план мероприятий

on the agenda на повестке дня

to adopt принимать, утверждать (устав)

to modify модифицировать, преобразовать,


to interpret толковать, объяснять; переводить устно

to supervise осуществлять надзор, контролировать

suspension временное отстранение от должности,


reprimand [ˈreprɪˌmɑːnd] выговор, замечание; делать выговор

to forfeit [ˈfɔː(r)fɪt] лишаться, терять право

Сокращения. Аббревиатуры.
Сокращения (аббревиатуры) широко распространены в английском языке, поэтому их
используют во всех стилях языка.
Например, в разговорно-обиходном стиле (phone – telephone , bike – bicycle, fridge –
refrigerator , ad – advertisement) или в официально-деловом (BBC – British Broadcasting
Corporation, IMF – International Monetary Fund, UNESCO – United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization).
Использование аббревиатур максимально сокращает длину предложений:
The IMF was one of the key organisations of the international economic system.
UNESCO encourages international peace and universal respect for human rights by
promoting collaboration among nations.
Развернутая форма IMF (International Monetary Fund) и UNESCO (United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) очень удлинили бы атрибутивную
группу предложений, что противоречит тенденциям английского языка, связанного с
экономией средств выражения.
Список сокращений непрерывно пополняется, но не все из них попадают в словари.
Чаще всего сокращения расшифровываются в тексте, но, если расшифровка не дается,
то переводчику приходится выяснять значения сокращения по контексту.
Сокращения, с точки зрения семантики, относятся к безэквивалентной лексике,
например, X-card – Рождественская открытка (Christmas card). Это приводит к
необходимости заучивать не только их значение, но и произношение определенного
количества сокращений: ОБСЕ [О-БЭ-ЭС-Е], BBC [bi:bi:’si:].

Работу переводчика значительно облегчит знание четырех моделей, по которым
образуются сокращения в английском языке.
1-я модель – инициальные сокращения, которые произносятся как сочетание
алфавитных названий входящих в него букв: МВФ [ЭМ-ВЭ-ЭФ], IMF [ai’em’ef].
2-я модель – инициальные сокращения, так называемые акронимы, которые
произносятся так, как если бы это были обычные слова: UNESCO (ЮНЕСКО), NATO
(НАТО). В отичие от инициальных сокращений первой модели акронимы обычно
употребляются без артикля: the USA, но NATO.
3-я модель не встречается в русском языке, но получила широкое распространение в
английских сложносокращенных словах, когда первый элемент слова сокращается до
одной буквы, сохраняющей свое алфавитное название: H-bomb – водородная бомба
(hydrogen bomb), V-day – день победы (victory day), U-turn – разворот на 180 градусов.
4-я модель необычна, т.к. это сокращенное написание латинских слов, которые
читаются и произносятся сразу в переводе на английский язык: e.g. (exempli gratia) –
for example, i.e. (id est) – that is.

1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Затем переведите на

слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

supreme body , to ensure, to elect, temple, host city, IOC, in the 10th century B.C.,
gradually, in 405 A.D., long jump, the IOC Session, collaboration, wreath, feast, offence,
Charter, the Olympic Charter, to ban, OCOG, slope, boundary, to pitch a tent, torch relay,
to pay a fine, ivory, pagan, pentathlon, descendant, International Sports Federation, ancestor,
to be abandoned, whip, overcrowded, to promote, rectangular, predecessor, NOC, revenue,
chariot racing, sacred truce, in honour of smb., implementation, to erect, latter, liaison,
catalyst, to inscribe, reprimand, to maintain, on the agenda, ad hoc, cheat, to decline, to
comprise, affiliated, to interpret, triangular, to designate, to adopt, on the basis, throwing
the javelin and discus, to sneak in, the IOC Evaluation Commission, secret ballot, to submit,
stirrup, the term of office, bidding process, to encompass, with regard to, withdrawal, to
shepherd, suspension.

2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Затем переведите

на слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

МОК, компонент, город-организатор, венок, сессия МОК, срок полномочий, эстафета

олимпийского огня, Международная спортивная федерация, следить, склон, предок,
продвигать, потомок, на данный случай, написать на памятнике, указ, при условии,
обеспечивать, запрещать, в 10 веке до н.э., храм, сотрудничество, Оценочная комиссия
МОК, выборы, Устав, долина, спортивная борьба, Исполнительный комитет, высший
орган, представлять на рассмотрение, тайное голосование, в честь кого-либо,
пятиборье, стремя, касательно, жулик, отстранение от участия, Национальный
Олимпийский Комитет, принимать (устав), координировать, делать выговор, гонка на
колесницах, Олимпийская Хартия, в 405 году н.э., постепенно, содержать в себе,
ухудшаться, граница, поддерживать, тендер, доход, треугольный, прыжок в длину,
платить штраф, «священное перемирие», Оргкомитет Олимпийских игр, иметь дело с
чем-либо, объявлять, разбить палатку, переполненный, назначать, повестка дня, кнут,
связанный, выручка, установить памятник, жульничество, быть заброшенным,
верховная власть, прямоугольный, отказ от признания, временное отстранение от

3. Переведите тексты с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.

The IOC was created on 23 June 1894; the 1st Olympic Games of the modern era opened in
Athens on 6 April 1896; and the Olympic Movement has not stopped growing ever since.

Acting as a catalyst for collaboration between all members of the Olympic Family, from the
National Olympic Committees (NOCs), the International Sports Federations (IFs), the
athletes, the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs), to the TOP partners,
broadcast partners and agencies from the United Nations, the International Olympic
Committee (IOC) shepherds success through a wide range of programmes and projects. On
this basis, it ensures the regular celebration of the Olympic Games, supports all affiliated
member organisations of the Olympic Movement and strongly encourages, by appropriate
means, the promotion of the Olympic values. It is governed according to high standard
ethical rules.

The mission of the IOC is to promote Olympism and to lead the Olympic Movement.
According to the Olympic Charter, the role of the administration is the:

 preparation, implementation and follow-up of decisions taken by the Session,

Executive Board and President;
 preparation and follow-up of the work of all commissions; permanent liaison with the
IFs, NOCs and OCOGs;
 coordination of preparation for all Olympic Games;
 organisation and preparation of other Olympic events;
 circulation of information within the Olympic Movement;
 advice to candidate cities;
 relations with many international governmental and non-governmental organisations
dealing with, in particular, sport, education and culture;
 liaison with Olympic Solidarity and implementation of many other tasks of an ongoing
or ad hoc nature assigned to it by the President and the Executive Board.

The administration of the IOC is placed under the responsibility of the Director General who,
under the authority of the President, runs it with the assistance of the directors; the latter are
at the head of small units responsible for dealing with business in their respective sectors of
competence (Olympic Games, International Cooperation and Development, Finance and
Administration, Sports, Relations with the National Olympic Committees, Technology and

Information, Communications, Television and Marketing Services, Legal Affairs, Medical
and Scientific, Olympic Museum and Olympic Solidarity).

4. Переведите письменно высказывания знаменитых людей.

“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up.
Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” ~ Michael Jordan, basketball
icon (1984-2003)

"In baseball and in business, there are three types of people. Those who make it happen,
those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happened." ~ Tommy Lasorda, Hall
of Fame baseball player and manager (1954-1956, player; 1976-1996, manager)

“There may be people that have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to
work harder than you do.” ~ Derek Jeter, longtime Yankees shortstop (1995-2014)

"If you have everything under control, you're not moving fast enough." ~ Mario Andretti,
world champion racing driver (1968-1982)

"Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there." ~ Bo Jackson, baseball and football
player (1987-1994)

"Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you." ~ Arnold Palmer, golfing
great (1954-2006)

"Age is no barrier. It's a limitation you put on your mind." ~ Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Olympic
heptathlon and long jump champion (1984-2000)

"The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning." ~ Pele, Brazilian
soccer legend (1956-1977)

“You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” ~ Michael
Phelps, Olympic-medal winning swimmer (present)

5. Переведите письменно.

The Olympic Movement encompasses organisations, athletes and other persons who agree to
be guided by the principles of the Olympic Charter. Its composition and general organisation
are governed by Chapter 1 of the Charter. The Movement comprises three main constituents:

 The IOC: the supreme authority of the Movement;

 The International Federations (IFs): these are international non-governmental
organisations administering one or several sports at world
level and encompassing organisations administering such sports at national level.
 The National Olympic Committees: their mission is to develop, promote and protect
the Olympic Movement in their respective countries. The NOCs are the only organisations
that can select and designate the city which may apply to organise Olympic Games in their
respective countries. In addition, they alone can send athletes to the Games.

The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world
by educating youth through sport practised without discrimination or any kind, in a spirit of
friendship, solidarity and fair play.

The Olympic Movement is defined also by the numerous activities in which it engages, such

Promoting sport and competitions through the intermediary of national and

international sports institutions worldwide.
 Cooperation with public and private organisations to place sport at the service of
 Assistance to develop “Sport for All”.
 Advancement of women in sport at all levels and in all structures, with a view to
achieving equality between men and women. Help in the development of sport for all.
 Opposition to all forms of commercial exploitation of sport and athletes.
 The fight against doping.
 Promoting sports ethics and fair play.
 Raising awareness of environmental problems.
 Financial and educational support for developing countries through the IOC institution
Olympic Solidarity.


The Olympic Charter is the codification of the Fundamental Principles, Rules and Bye-laws
adopted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It governs the organisation and
running of the Olympic Movement and sets the conditions for the celebration of the Olympic


The members are volunteers who represent the IOC and Olympic Movement in their country
(they are not delegates of their country within the IOC).

New members are elected by the IOC Session. Each candidature file is analysed by the IOC
Nominations Commission, then forwarded to theExecutive Board. The latter submits its
proposals to the Session, which elects new members by secret ballot.

Since 12 December 1999, the number of members has been limited to 115, which includes a
maximum of 70 individual members, 15 active athletes, 15 representatives of the IFs, and 15
representatives of the NOCs.

The term of office of members is unlimited for members elected before 1966. An age limit
has been set at 80 for the members elected between 1967 and 1999, and at 70 for those
whose election took place after 1999.

The IOC members, natural persons, are representatives of the IOC in their respective
countries, and not their country's delegate within the IOC. As stated in the Olympic Charter:
“Members of the IOC represent and promote the interests of the IOC and of the Olympic
Movement in their countries and in the organisations of the Olympic Movement in which
they serve”. There are currently 92 members, 36 honorary members and 1 honour member.
Jacques Rogge is the Honorary President of the IOC.

The President represents the IOC and presides over all its activities. He is elected by the
Session. The members vote in a secret ballot. In the past unlimited, the length of the
President’s term of office is now fixed at eight years (entered into force 12 December 1999),
renewable once for four years. Rule 20 of the Olympic Charter defines the role of the
President, particularly his or her representation function.

Created in 1921, the Executive Board (EB) is the executive organ of the IOC. The Executive
Board sees to the management of IOC issues and ensures respect for the Olympic Charter. It
is the only body competent to propose Charter modifications to the Session, submit names of
persons it recommends for election and appoint the IOC Director General.

Originally composed of five members, the EB of today has 15: the IOC President, four Vice-
Presidents and 10 members. The Vice-Presidents and members are elected by the Session in
a secret ballot for a term of office of four years.

6. Переведите по абзацам с листа с предварительным чтением абзаца вслух.

Затем переведите эти абзацы под диктовку.

The “Session” of IOC governance is the supreme body of the IOC that held at least once per
year. The main function is to adopt, modify, and interpret the Olympic Charter and its
decisions are final however it may delegate powers to the Executive Board that consists of
IOC president, four Vice-presidents, and ten additional members. All the members are
elected by the Session.

The Executive Board is responsible for managing IOC finances, preparing the annual report,
submitting names recommended for IOC membership, establishing agenda for IOC Sessions.
The President heads the International Olympic Committee (IOC), supervises all activities of
the IOC and nominates special commissions.

Possible Measures and Sanctions:

With regard to IOC members, the honorary President, honorary members and honour
members the following measures and sanctions can be applied: a reprimand, pronounced by

the IOC Executive Board; suspension, for a specific period, pronounced by the IOC
Executive Board.

With regard to IFs can be also applied withdrawal from the programme of the Olympic
Games of: a sport (Session), a discipline (IOC Executive Board), an event (IOC Executive
Board); withdrawal of provisional recognition (IOC Executive Board); withdrawal of full
recognition (Session).

With regard to associations of IFs: withdrawal of provisional recognition (IOC Executive

Board); withdrawal of full recognition (Session).

With regard to NOCs: suspension (IOC Executive Board); in such event, the IOC Executive
Board determines in each case the consequences for the NOC concerned and its athletes;
withdrawal of provisional recognition (IOC Executive Board); withdrawal of full recognition
(Session); in such a case, the NOC forfeits all rights conferred upon it in accordance with the
Olympic Charter; withdrawal of the right to organise a Session or an Olympic Congress

With regard to associations of NOCs: withdrawal of provisional recognition (IOC Executive

Board); withdrawal of full recognition (Session).

With regard to a host city, an OCOG and an NOC: withdrawal of the right to organise the
Olympic Games.

With regard to applicant or candidate cities and an NOC: withdrawal of the right to be an
applicant or a candidate city to host the Olympic Games.
With regard to other recognised associations and organisations: withdrawal of provisional
recognition; withdrawal of full recognition.

IOC responsible for overall direction and management of the Olympic marketing program,
television broadcast partnerships, corporate sponsorships, ticketing, licensing and also for
revenues to organizing committees for the Olympic Games, to the National Olympic
Committees, to Olympic Solidarity, IFS, IOC.

The IOC Finance sources of revenue come from broadcasting (50%), sponsorship (40%),
ticketing (8%), licensing (2%).

Relationship between the Olympic movement and corporations intended to generate support
for the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games. Corporations pay millions of dollars for
status as an official Olympic sponsor for a minimum of 4 years.
International Federations Bidding process consists of the following stages:

The cities communicate to the IOC their interest in hosting the Olympic Games. Then the
Executive Board approves them and the cities officially become Candidate Cities and
proceed with a full bid. The IOC chooses five Candidate Cities and designates an Evaluation
Commission. Candidate Cities have to present a Candidature File to the IOC and then the
site is visited by the IOC Evaluation Commission. After that the Evaluation Commission will
submit a report on all candidates to the IOC two months before the Session at which a host
city will be chosen. When a host city is selected, an organizing committee of the Olympic
Games (OCOG) has to be formed. Organization of the Olympic Games is entrusted to the
National Olympic Committee of the country of the host city.

Organizing Committees of the Olympic Games (OCOG) is responsible for all operations,
accommodations, accreditation, logistics, host broadcasting, television rights, medical need,
the Olympic Village, security, technology, tickets, transportation and sport competitions.
IOC will provide the majority of the budget up front due to the long-term broadcast and
sponsorship revenue.

7. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие числительные.

8099, 4504, 2418, 8908, 4867, 4897, 4644, 1343, 1919, 4752, 3330, 4186, 4345, 7857, 8079,
4009, 5060, 7289, 4386, 8215, 8534, 9578, 2945, 8407, 4342, 4923, 7839, 5279, 7037, 9803,
3490, 7918, 9080, 6045.

8. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие


July, March, May, April, November, February, August, January, October, May, July, April,
August, November, September, July, April, May, June, May, December, June, September.

9. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие даты.

November 10, 1456 June 19, 1998 July 13, 1486
April 13, 1896 March 3, 1946 February 13, 1924
September 14, 1589 January 26, 1939 May 8, 1664
10. Прочтите вслух следующие географические названия и переведите их на
английский язык.

Румыния, Дания, Швеция, Швейцария, Германия, Монако, Ницца, Польша, Мексика,

Португалия, Ирландия, Вена, Исландия, Норвегия, Пекин, Китай, Аргентина, Чехия,
Болгария, Андорра, Австрия, Бахрейн, Бельгия, Брюссель, Оттава, Хорватия, Кипр.

11. Прослушайте текст полностью, обращая внимание на прецизионную

лексику, делая записи, после чего переведите текст на английский язык.

В настоящий момент в данную базу внесены результаты соревнований по итогам 27
летних (1896–2012) и 22 зимних (1924–2014) Олимпийских Игр. За этот период было
проведено 5740 соревнований по более 800 дисциплинам в 60 видах спорта.
Данная база не включает результаты Олимпийских Игр 1906 года в Афинах. В связи с
тем, что игры внеочередной Олимпиады в Афинах были проведены в честь 10-летия I
Олимпийских Игр современности, Международный Олимпийский Комитет отказался
признать официальный статус этих Игр, и не включил результаты соревнований в
официальную статистику МОК.

12. Переведите письменно.


1. Олимпизм представляет собой философию жизни, возвышающую и объединяющую

в сбалансированное целое достоинство тела, воли и разума. Олимпизм, соединяющий
спорт с культурой и образованием, стремится к созданию образа жизни,
основывающегося на радости от усилия, на воспитательной ценности хорошего
примера и на уважении к всеобщим основным этическим принципам.

2. Целью Олимпизма является повсеместное становление спорта на службу

гармоничного развития человека с тем, чтобы способствовать созданию мирного
общества, заботящегося о сохранении человеческого достоинства.

3. Олимпийское движение представляет собой концентрированную, организованную,

универсальную и постоянную деятельность всех лиц и организаций, вдохновляемых
ценностями Олимпизма, осуществляемую под руководством МОК. Эта деятельность
охватывает пять континентов. Вершиной ее является объединение спортсменов всего
мира на великом спортивном празднике – Олимпийских играх. Ее символом являются
пять переплетенных колец.

4. Заниматься спортом – одно из прав человека. Каждый должен иметь возможность

заниматься спортом, не подвергаясь дискриминации, в духе Олимпизма,
взаимопонимания, дружбы, солидарности и честной игры. Организация, руководство и
управление спортом должны контролироваться независимыми спортивными

5. Любая форма дискриминации в отношении страны или лица расового,

религиозного, политического характера, или по признаку пола – несовместимы с
принадлежностью к Олимпийскому движению.

6. Принадлежность к Олимпийскому движению требует обязательного соблюдения

положений Олимпийской Хартии и признания МОК.

13. Игра «Conversation» на тему МОК.

Участники: один студент выступает в качестве члена МОК, другой – в роли
русскоговорящего представителя СМИ, а третий – переводчик.

Инсценируется ситуация: русскоговорящий представитель СМИ берет интервью у

члена МОК, связанное с историей и структурой МОК. Переводчик осуществляет
последовательный двусторонний перевод.



to host выступать в роли хозяина, проводить

due to в связи с, из-за

equestrian [ɪˈkwestriən] конный спорт

archery стрельба из лука

fencing фехтование

kayak [ˈkaɪæk] гребля на байдарках

artistic gymnastics спортивная гимнастика

rhythmic gymnastics художественная гимнастика

trampolining прыжки на батуте

modern pentathlon современное пятиборье

rugby 7s (rugby sevens) [ˈrʌɡbi] регби -7

track&field лёгкая атлетика

triathlon [traɪˈæθlən] триатлон, троеборье

weightlifting тяжелая атлетика

Greco-Roman wrestling греко-римская борьба

freestyle wrestling вольная борьба

wushu ушу

Olympic cauldron [ˈkɔːldrən] чаша Олимпийского огня

framework рамки, структура

within the framework of smth в рамках чего-либо

solid gold чистое золото

golden (syn. gold) золотой

gilt позолота

to coat smth with gilt покрывать позолотой

gilded позолоченный

per capita [pə(r) ˈkæpɪtə] на человека; на душу населения

amateur [ˈæmətə(r)], [ˈæmətʃʊə(r)] любитель, непрофессионал

despite несмотря на

obstacle преграда, препятствие, помеха

setback задержка (развития), помеха

to cancel отменять, аннулировать

altitude [ˈæltɪˌtjuːd] высота (над уровнем моря)

consequence [ˈkɒnsɪkwəns] следствие, результат, исход


Виды перевода

Существуют разные виды перевода, каждый из которых имеет свои особенности и

требования к точности и полноте перевода.

Формирование умения по каждому виду перевода происходит в процессе интенсивной

тренировки, в ходе многократного самостоятельного выполнения различных

В современной теории перевода выделяется две основные классификации видов

переводческой деятельности: жанрово-стилистическая классификация (по характеру
переводимых текстов) и психолингвистическая классификация (по характеру действий
переводчика в процессе перевода).

Жанрово-стилистическая классификация подразделяется на художественный перевод

и информативный (специальный).

Художественный перевод – перевод произведений художественной литературы.

Главная цель такого вида перевода заключена в создании на переводящем языке
произведения, способного оказывать художественное и эстетическое воздействие на
читателя перевода.

Информативный (специальный) перевод – перевод текстов специализированной
тематики, главной функцией которых является сообщение какой-либо информации,
сведений. В зависимости от того, к какому именно функциональному стилю
принадлежит текст, предназначенный для перевода, выделяются отдельные подвиды
информативного перевода: общественно-политический перевод, научно-технический
перевод, юридический перевод и т.д.

Психолингвистическая классификация, учитывающая способ восприятия текста

оригинала и способ создания текста перевода, делится на устный перевод и

Устный перевод – это вид перевода, при котором оригинал и его перевод выступают в
нефиксированной форме, т.е. переводчик имеет возможность лишь однократно
воспринять исходную речевую информацию или её отрезок и выполнить перевод без
возможности её последующего анализа, переосмысления и исправления. Следует
также отметить, что устный переводчик, кроме хороших знаний, навыков и умений,
должен уметь управлять своей дикцией, интонацией, нужной степенью громкости
речи в зависимости от условий работы, а также темпом речи. Переводчик должен
добиваться непрерывного, но несколько замедленного потока речи при
воспроизведении перевода, что позволит ему выиграть какое-то время для построения
стилистически правильного предложения или разобраться в возникающих трудностях
понимания текста и его воспроизведении.

Письменный перевод – это вид перевода, при котором и текст оригинала, и текст
перевода выступают в виде фиксированных текстов. Переводчик в процессе
осуществления своей деятельности имеет неограниченную возможность обращаться
как к тексту оригинала, так и к тексту перевода, работать в наиболее благоприятных
условиях без перегрузки своей памяти, пользоваться словарями и справочными
материалами, редактировать свой перевод, поэтому к письменному переводу
предъявляются самые высокие требования. Кроме того, письменный перевод наглядно
фиксирует все смысловые, лексические, грамматические и стилистические ошибки.

Рассматривая дробное деление видов перевода, согласно многим ученым лингвистам,

можно различать следующие виды:

1. устно-устный перевод (перевод устного текста-оригинала, выполняемый устно:

последовательный перевод, синхронный перевод);
2. письменно-письменный перевод (перевод письменного текста-оригинала,
выполняемый в письменной форме: перевод газетно-информационных,
документальных, научных текстов, перевод общественно-политической
литературы, перевод художественной литературы);
3. устно-письменный перевод (перевод устной речевой информации, выполняемой
в письменной форме: диктант-перевод);
4. письменно-устный перевод (перевод письменного текста-оригинала,
выполняемый устно: перевод с листа, перевод с подготовкой).
Последовательный перевод выполняется переводчиком после произнесения всей
речевой информации докладчиком или в паузах его речи, а синхронный перевод
выполняется переводчиком одновременно с восприятием информации докладчика и
порождением ее в переводе. Синхронный перевод может либо немного отставать от
речи докладчика, т.е. синфазности перевода (или фазового сдвига), либо немного
опережать ее, благодаря специальной технике вероятностного прогнозирования.

По критерию направленности перевод может быть односторонним (перевод с одного

языка на какой-либо другой язык) и двусторонним (перевод с одного языка на другой
и обратно).

Также принято выделять машинный перевод, традиционный перевод (перевод

выполняемый человеком), полный перевод и неполный перевод (допускаются пропуски
и сокращения информации).

Неполный перевод делится на сокращенный перевод (передача смыслового содержания

оригинала в свернутом виде), фрагментарный перевод (перевод отрывка или
отрывков текста-оригинала), аспектный перевод (перевод части текста в соответствие
с каким-либо заданным признаком отбора), аннотационный перевод (главная тема,
предмет и назначение переводимого текста) и реферативный перевод (перевод, в
котором содержатся относительно подробные сведения о реферируемом документе –
его назначении, тематике, методах исследования, полученных результатах).

1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Затем переведите на

слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

amateur, supreme body, to ensure, equestrian, to elect, temple, to host, IOC, in the 10th
century B.C., due to, in 405 A.D., archery, Olympic cauldron, collaboration, wreath, feast,
offence, Charter, the Olympic Charter, to ban, OCOG, freestyle wrestling, boundary, to
pitch a tent, torch relay, to pay a fine, ivory, pagan, pentathlon, descendant, International
Sports Federation, ancestor, rhythmic gymnastics, to be abandoned, gilded, whip,
overcrowded, to promote, trampolining, rectangular, predecessor, NOC, revenue, chariot
racing, sacred truce, in honour of smb., implementation, to erect, to cancel, liaison, wushu, to
inscribe, reprimand, to maintain, on the agenda, ad hoc, cheat, to decline, to comprise,
affiliated, to interpret, within the framework of smth, triangular, triathlon, artistic
gymnastics, to designate, to adopt, setback, solid gold, on the basis, fencing, despite, the IOC
Evaluation Commission, secret ballot, to submit, stirrup, the term of office, bidding process,
to encompass, with regard to, withdrawal, altitude, suspension, to coat smth with gilt,
archery, track&field, weightlifting, per capita.

2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Затем переведите

на слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

чистое золото, ушу, МОК, компонент, город-организатор, в связи с, сессия МОК, срок
полномочий, в рамках чего-либо, эстафета олимпийского огня, на человека,
Международная спортивная федерация, следить, склон, предок, продвигать, потомок,
на данный случай, чаша Олимпийского огня, написать на памятнике, указ, при
условии, обеспечивать, запрещать, исход, в 10 веке до н.э., храм, сотрудничество,
Оценочная комиссия МОК, выборы, Устав, долина, спортивная борьба,
Исполнительный комитет, регби, высший орган, представлять на рассмотрение,
фехтование, тайное голосование, препятствие, несмотря на, пятиборье, гребля на
байдарках, стремя, касательно, жулик, греко-римская борьба, отстранение от участия,
Национальный Олимпийский Комитет, принимать (устав), координировать, делать
выговор, гонка на колесницах, Олимпийская Хартия, художественная гимнастика,
постепенно, содержать в себе, ухудшаться, аннулировать, граница, поддерживать,
тендер, доход, треугольный, прыжок в длину, платить штраф, «священное перемирие»,
Оргкомитет Олимпийских игр, иметь дело с чем-либо, объявлять, разбить палатку,
переполненный, назначать, повестка дня, кнут, связанный, выручка, установить
памятник, жульничество, быть заброшенным, верховная власть, прямоугольный, отказ
от признания, временное отстранение от должности, спортивная гимнастика, вольная
борьба, любитель, лёгкая атлетика.

3. Переведите текст с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.

The history Summer Olympics can be rooted back to the ancient Greece. The first Summer
Olympics which was also known as the Games of the I Olympiad was held in Athens,
Greece from April 6 to April 15. However, it was the first Olympic Games hosted in the
modern era. Despite many obstacles and setbacks, the 1896 Olympics were regarded as a
great success. Four years later, Summer Olympics was held in Paris. This event attracted
more than four times as many athletes, including 11 women, who were allowed to officially
compete for the first time, in croquet, golf, sailing and tennis. The Games were integrated
with the Paris World’s Fair* and lasted over 5 months.

There were fewer participants in the 1904 Summer Olympics which was held in St. Louis,
Missouri, United States because of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition World’s Fair. But the
number increases in the 1908 London games. In the origin of Summer Olympics, the Games
continued to grow, attracting 2,504 competitors, when held in Stockholm in 1912. However,
the Games at Stockholm were the first to fulfill Pierre de Coubertin's original idea. For the
first time since the Games started in 1896 were all continents represented with athletes
competing in the same stadium. However, the scheduled Berlin Games of 1916 were
canceled following the onset of World War I. The first post-war Summer Olympics Games
were held in 1948 in London, excluding Germany and Japan excluded. At the 1952 Summer
Olympics Games Helsinki and the USSR team competed for the first time and consequently
became one of the dominant teams. The Games which was held in Melbourne in 1956 was
greatly successful, barring a water polo match between Hungary and USSR. Rome hosted
the games in the year 1960. In the Summer Olympics history, the Games which were held in
1964, Tokyo was a turning point in the global visibility and popularity of the Olympics.
However, the performances at the 1968 Mexico City games were affected by the altitude of
the host city. Moreover, politics again intervened at Munich in 1972, with lethal
In the history of Summer Olympics, the games which were held in Montreal in 1976 were
regarded as the most expensive, until the 2008 Summer Olympics. Due to the Afghan Civil
War the 1980 Summer Olympics held in Moscow was boycotted and it continues till 1984
Olympics held in Los Angles. Again, without the participation of the Eastern European
countries, the 1984 Games were dominated by their host country. The game was also the first
time Mainland China (People's Republic) participated. Later, Seoul hosted the Summer
Olympics Games in 1988. The 1992 Summer Olympics was held in Barcelona. The next
Games were held in Atlanta in 1996 and 2000 Games were in Sydney, Australia. In the
Summer Olympics history, the games came back to its birthplace Athens in 2004. The 2008
Summer Olympics Games were held in Beijing. 2012 Summer Olympics were held in
London, United Kingdom and 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from
August 5 to 21, 2016.

* Paris World’s Fair – Всемирная выставка в Париже

4. Переведите с листа следующие предложения.

1. The Summer Olympic Games or the 'Games of the Olympiad' were first held in the
modern era in 1896 in Athens, Greece.
2. The Modern Olympic Games are based on the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece.
3. Held every four years, in honor of the Greek God Zeus, records show the Ancient
Olympic Games began in 776 BC in Olympia and weren't halted until 394 AD.
4. The prize for event winners in the Ancient Olympics was an olive branch wreath.
5. Since the 1904 Olympics, medals are awarded in each event, with gold medals for first
place, silver for second and bronze for third.
6. Competitors qualify for individual sports in the Olympics by placing in a major
international event or by achieving a sufficient qualifying time in sanctioned meets.
There are a limited number of positions for each nation in each Olympic event.
Nations qualify for team sports via continental qualifying tournaments.
7. Greece, Australia, France, Great Britain and Switzerland are the only countries to have
had representatives at every Summer Olympic Games.
8. As of 2012, the USA has won more Gold (976), more Silver (758), more Bronze (666)
and more total medals (2400) than any other nation at the Summer games.
9. Great Britain is the only country to have one at least 1 gold medal at every Summer
10. The United States has hosted the Summer Olympics more times than any other nation,
four in total, St. Louis 1904, Los Angeles 1932 & 1984, and Atlanta 1996.
11. London, United Kingdom, hosted the Summer Olympics in 1908, 1948, and 2012,
making London the only city to host the event on three occasions.
12. Due to the two World Wars there were no Olympic Games in 1916, 1940 or 1944.
13. The 1956 Olympics were held in Melbourne, Australia, the first time the games had
been held in the Southern Hemisphere. Apart from the equestrian events that is, which
had to be held 5 months earlier in Stockholm, Sweden, as Australian quarantine had
restricted entry due to foot-and-mouth disease* in the UK at the time.
14. After the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the 1980 Olympics held in
Moscow were boycotted by 66 nations, including the United States and Canada.
15. The last few Olympics have seen a record number of nearly 11,000 people, from a
record number of 204 countries, competing in a record number of 28 sports and 41
disciplines over a record 302 events.
16. The 5 rings of the Olympic flag represent Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the
Americas, they are linked together in friendship. Every national flag of the world has
at least one of the rings colors, blue, black, green, yellow, and red.
17. The Olympic flame is lit at Olympia in Greece every two years (Summer and Winter
Olympics) before it journeys to the next host nation where it is paraded around until
the lighting of the Olympic Cauldron at the opening ceremony.

* foot-and-mouth disease – ящур (вирус)

5. Переведите по абзацам с листа с предварительным чтением абзаца вслух.

Затем переведите эти абзацы под диктовку.


At the first Olympic Games in 1896, there were nine sports contested. Since that time many
sports have been added (and removed too) from the program. Only five sports have been
contested at every summer Olympic Games since 1896: athletics, cycling, fencing,
Gymnastics and Swimming. In 2012 there was 26 sports contested, and for the 2016 Rio
Olympic Games 28 sports were included on the program: aquatics (including swimming,
diving and synchronized swimming, water polo); archery; badminton; basketball; boxing;
canoe/kayak; cycling (including track, road, mountain bike and BMX); equestrian; fencing;
football (soccer); golf; gymnastics (artistic, rhythmic and trampolining); handball; hockey;
judo; modern pentathlon; rowing; rugby 7s; sailing; shooting; table tennis; taekwondo;
tennis; track&field; triathlon; volleyball (indoor and beach); weightlifting; wrestling (Greco-
Roman and Freestyle).

After the 2008 Olympics the sports of baseball and softball were dropped from the program.
In August 2009 the IOC voted on which two sports will be added to the program for Rio
2016. There was a list of seven sports that they chose from: golf, rugby union, roller sports,
karate, softball, baseball and squash. They selected golf and rugby union.

There are many other possible new sports for future Games. In February 2013, wrestling was
dropped from the core sports list, and joined with baseball and softball (joint bid), climbing,
karate, roller sport, squash, wakeboard and wushu to attempt to gain a place on the program
for 2020. In May 2013 the IOC cut karate, roller sports, sport climbing, wakeboarding and
wushu from this list, leaving baseball-softball, squash and wrestling to be shortlisted. Then
in September 2013, they voted to return wrestling to the list of sports for the 2020 Olympic
program. In 2015, further voting was held for the inclusion of more sports.

6. Переведите тексты письменно.


Archery, one of the oldest sports still practiced, is closely linked to the development of
civilisation. As a cultural advance, it was comparable to the discovery of fire and the
invention of the wheel.
In 1200 B.C. the Hittites and Assyrians shot their bows from chariots, becoming fearsome
opponents in battle. They made their bows with tendon, horn and wood and also developed a
new re-curved shape. This made their bows shorter and more powerful, making them easier
to handle for an archer on horseback.

Archery was the favourite sport of the Egyptian pharaohs during the 18 th dynasty (1567-1320
B.C.). Many centuries later, some of the earliest recorded archery tournaments took place
during the Zhou (Chou) dynasty (1027-256 B.C.) in China. Such events were attended by
Chinese nobility. Much later, English writers honoured the longbow for famous
contributions to their country’s victories in the battles of Crécy, Agincourt and Poitiers.

Archery first appeared in the Olympic Games in 1900, was contested again in 1904, 1908
and 1920, then again, after an absence of 52 years, from 1972 to the present. The most
decorated archer in Olympic history is Hubert Van Innis of Belgium who competed in 1900
and 1920, winning six gold and three silver medals.


Diving became popular in Sweden and Germany in the 18th and 19th centuries. The sport was
primarily practised by gymnasts who started performing tumbling routines into the water. In
the late 19th century a group of Swedish divers visited Great Britain. They put on diving
displays that proved hugely popular and led to the formation of the first diving organisation,
the Amateur Diving Association, in 1901.

Diving was included in the Olympic Games for the first time at the 1904 Games in St Louis.
The springboard and platform events have been included since the 1908 Olympic Games in
London. Since the Stockholm Games in 1912, women have taken part in the diving events.

The first Olympic competitions differed from those which exist nowadays, notably with
respect to the height of the platforms and springboards. The diving programme has been
relatively stable since the 1928 Games in Amsterdam: men and women take part in 10-metre
high-dive and 3-metre springboard events. In 2000, the Sydney Games witnessed the
entrance of synchronised diving on both the springboard and the platform.

This discipline was firstly dominated by the USA. This domination started to waiver with the
participation of China at the end of the 1980s. When the American Greg Louganis, who is
considered as the greatest diver ever, was still in competition, the Chinese managed to

achieve some victories. Since Louganis retired, China has dominated the men’s events.
Lately, China’s women divers have proved themselves unbeatable.

Diving, along with swimming, synchronised swimming and water polo, is one of the four
disciplines governed by the Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA).


Rhythmic gymnastics is a women-only event in which gymnasts perform on a floor with a

rope, hoop, ball, clubs or ribbon accompanied by music, in individual or group events.

In the 1800s rhythmic gymnastics operated under the guise of group gymnastics, and
included a trace of elementary choreography. It grew slowly until the first experimental
competitions appeared in Eastern Europe in the 1930s, when its newfound complexity began
to draw a wider audience.

Rhythmic gymnastics evolved from a host of related disciplines. It incorporates elements

from classical ballet, such as pliés and arabesques, as well as the German system of
emphasising apparatus work for muscle development and the Swedish method of using free
exercise to develop rhythm.

The Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG), founded in 1881 making it the world’s
oldest international sport organization, recognised rhythmic gymnastics as an official
discipline in 1963, and a year later organised an international tournament in Budapest. In
1964 the tournament was officially declared the first Rhythmic Gymnastics World
Championships, and Ludmila Savinkova of the Soviet Union became the first world

The number of athletes grew as interest spread to other parts of the world. Gymnasts from
the United States first appeared at the championships in 1973, and rhythmic gymnastics
slowly emerged from the shadow of the long-established artistic discipline to enter the
Olympic programme in 1984. Since its integration into the Games in 1984 in Los Angeles,
rhythmic gymnastics has always been a part of the Olympic programme. In its inaugural
year, it was Canada’s Lori Fung who won the gold medal.

Until 1992 in Barcelona, only one individual event was on the programme. A second, team
event was added to the programme in 1996 in Atlanta. At the 2000 Games in Sydney, the
Russian Federation won two gold medals: the group and individual multiple competitions.

Tennis has a long history, but the birth of the game played today is thought to have taken
place in England.

The earliest recognisable relative to tennis, as we know it, was “jeu de paume”*, played in
11th century France. Played in a monastery courtyard, the game used the walls and sloping
roofs as part of the court and the palm of the hand to hit the ball. By the late 19 th century, the
popularity of lawn tennis had overtaken croquet in England. For this reason, the All England
Croquet Club embraced the sport and designated certain croquet lawns to be used for tennis.
It was this natural supply of venues combined with the already existing framework for a
racquet game that resulted in the birth of the modern game in England.

In 1913, lawn tennis was becoming increasingly popular worldwide. Therefore it seemed
natural that the existing National Tennis Associations should join forces to ensure the game
was uniformly structured. The International Tennis Federation (ITF) was founded in 1924 as
the International Lawn Tennis Federation (ILTF), changing its name in 1977. Tennis made
its debut at the inaugural modern Olympic Games in 1896.

Tennis has a long Olympic history but withdrew from the programme after 1924. It did not
return as a medal sport until 1988. Professionals are now welcome to compete, and the
Olympic competition includes men's and women's singles and men's and women's doubles.

* жё-де-пом (старинная игра с мячом, предшествовавшая теннису).


Volleyball was conceived as a less strenuous alternative to basketball. The sport became
popular very quickly and made its Olympic debut in 1964.

Basketball and volleyball were both invented at Springfield College in Massachusetts within
a few years of one another. In 1895, William G. Morgan, after watching basketball develop,
decided to invent a less strenuous sport for older people. He called this game “Mintonette”.
However, a local professor noted the ball being volleyed over the net, and the sport was
almost immediately renamed.

The sport quickly became popular across the world. Japan was playing the game by 1896,
followed closely by other Asian countries and the sport developed rapidly over the next 20
years. A specially designed ball came into play; six-a-side play became standard and the
rules mandating three hits were instituted.

No country has been truly dominant in volleyball, although the Soviet Union has won the
most medals. The Japanese and the Soviet Union women’s teams dominated from 1964-1984
but since then the balance of power has shifted to Cuba, then to China and now to Brazil.
The United States men’s teams were prominent in the 1980s, Italy in the 1990s and Brazil in
the 2000s.

7. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие числительные.

23 495, 43 504, 32 418, 89 008, 45 867, 43 867, 40 644, 13 043, 10 919, 40 752, 38 330,
44 186, 48 345, 78 057, 81 709, 40 109, 50 160, 72 809, 43 886, 82 105, 85 834, 93 578,
27 935, 78 407, 42 332, 89 023, 71 839, 52 679, 71 057, 95 803, 84 090, 79 218, 96 080.

8. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие даты.

October 2, 2015 June 24, 1898 July 18, 2010

April 23, 1696 July 9, 1928 February 17, 1624
May 13, 1780 January 19, 1999 March 18, 1464
9. Прослушайте и воспроизведите на русском языке следующие
прецизионные слова.

May; 85 765; Tuesday; Allen; Olympus; Elizabeth; June 6; Turkish; Turkey; Denmark;
September; 43 875; Thursday; Ann; January 21, 1924; Duncan; Polish; (495) 216-75-13;
July; 3; Friday; Peter; April 13, 1819; Michael; Romania; Monday; October 7, 1586; Dutch;
Norway; (919) 63-87-65; Sunday; Switzerland; Saturday.

10. Прослушайте тексты полностью, обращая внимание на прецизионную

лексику, делая записи, после чего переведите текст на английский/русский


Во время XVII летних Олимпийских игр в Риме в 1960 году наши советские
спортсмены завоевали 103 медали: 43 золотых, 29 серебряных и 31 бронзовую, и 682,5
очка в неофициальном командном зачете. Сборная США, единственный на тот момент
наш достойный соперник, оказалась тогда на твердом втором месте с 71 медалью, из
которых 34 золотых, 21 серебряная, 16 бронзовых. И, соответственно, 463 очка. Из
этого следует, что ставки при подготовке спортсменов американцы делали на
фаворитов, одиночек, а общекомандный уровень был не столь высок, как у советской
сборной. Третье место заняли итальянцы, и это был огромный успех, потому что
конкуренция нарастала. Хотя в пересчете на очки на третьем месте все-таки была
Объединенная германская команда. Просто по числу золотых наград – 12 – немцы
уступили хозяевам, причем всего одну медаль.


Five countries have been represented at all Summer Olympic Games – Greece, Great Britain,
France, Switzerland, and Australia, though not always as part of official teams. Switzerland
is on this list even though they boycotted the 1956 Olympics – they had competed in the
equestrian events several months earlier in Stockholm. France did not send a team to the
1904 Games but a lone Frenchman did compete for the USA and a mixed team. Also in 1896
Great Britain competed as part of the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland', while Australia participated in 1908 and 1912 as part of a combined Australasia
team with New Zealand. Therefore, out of these five nations only Greece has participated
under its own flag in all modern summer Olympic Games.

11. Переведите письменно нижеуказанные предложения.

1. London is the only city to host the summer Games three times: 1908, 1948 and 2012.
The Games have been held in the USA four times (1904, 1932, 1984, 1996) but in three
different cities.
2. In the ancient Olympics, the philosopher Plato (427-347 B.C.) was a double winner of
the Pankration.
3. The only Olympic event in which mother and daughter competed together was the golf
tournament of 1900. The event was won by US golfer Margaret Abbott. Her mother
Mary, a novelist, also competed in the event, finishing joint seventh.
4. The only Olympian ever to be awarded the Nobel Prize was Philip Noel-Baker of Great
Britain. He won the silver in the 1500-meter run in 1920, and was awarded the Nobel
prize for Peace in 1959 for his support of multilateral nuclear disarmament.
5. The 1900 Olympic Games included many now discontinued events, including the
equestrian long jump. The horse long jump was won by a Belgian rider named Constant
van Langhendonck with a leap of approximately 6.10 metres – 1.08m shorter than
America's Alvin Kraenzlein managed to win the human version at the same Games.
6. The first black athlete to compete at the Olympics was Constantin Henriquez de Zubiera,
competing for France in 1900.
7. At the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896, silver medals were awarded to
the winners and bronze to the second place getters.
8. No women competed in 1896, as de Coubertin felt that their inclusion would be
“impractical, uninteresting, unaesthetic, and incorrect”.
9. More athletes than spectators attended the 1900 Paris Olympic Games.
10. The 1904 St. Louis Olympics were the only Olympics in which distances were measured
in yards.
11. The oldest man to compete in the Summer Olympic Games was Oscar Swahn of Sweden
in shooting (1908, 1912, and 1920). Oscar Swahn became the oldest gold medalist when
he won gold at 64 years and 280 days old in 1912, and the oldest medalist when he won
silver in 1920 aged 72 years, 281 days old. The oldest woman to compete in the
Olympics was British rider Lorna Johnstone, who participated in Equestrian at the 1972
Olympic Games at 70 years old and 5 days.
12. The last series of Olympic medals to be made of solid gold were awarded at the 1912
Olympic Games in Stockholm, Sweden.
13. Hitler banned alcohol from the Olympic Village in 1936 but permission was given for
the French and Italian athletes to be served wine with their meals, and after protests the
Dutch and Belgian squads were allowed to have beer.
14. The country of India has the lowest number of total Olympic medals per capita.
15. 12-year-old Inge Sorensen from Denmark won a bronze medal in the 200-meter
breaststroke in 1936, making her the youngest medalist ever in an individual event.
16. American Eddie Eagan is the only person to have won gold medals in both the Summer
and Winter Games. He was a boxing champion in the 1920 Antwerp Games, and also
won gold at the 1932 Lake Placid Games in the team bobsled event.
17. At Moscow 1980 both the gold and silver medal-winning rowing teams in the coxless
pairs event were identical twins – Gold went to Bernd and Jorg Landvoigt (East
Germany), silver to Nikolai and Yuri Pimenov (Soviet Union).
18. Great Britain is the only nation to have won at least one gold medal at every Summer
19. Shooter Jasna Šekarić is the only athlete to compete under four different flags at the
Olympics. First she competed for Yugoslavia at Seoul in 1988 (gold medal in the 10
meter air rifle). She competed under the Olympic flag at Barcelona 1992, winning silver.
At Atlanta 1996, Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004 she represented Serbia and Montenegro,
then in 2008 and 2012 she competed for Serbia following Montenegro's independence.
20. The only female competitor not to have to submit to a sex test at the 1976 Summer
Olympics was Princess Anne of the UK, who was competing as a member of the UK
equestrian team. As the daughter Queen Elizabeth II, such a test was seen as
21. US athlete Sheila Taormina competed in the Modern Pentathlon in 2008, making her the
first woman to qualify for the Olympics in three different sports (swimming, triathlon
and modern pentathlon).
22. The record for the longest name for an Olympic champion is by female Thai weightlifter
Prapawadee Jaroenrattanatarakoon, with a name comprising 31 letters. She won the gold
medal in the 53 kilograms category at Beijing 2008. Her name was so long that it did not
fit onto the scoreboard, which listed her as “J”.
23. The Beijing Olympics, 2008, began at exactly 8:08:08 PM on 8/8/08 because the number
8 is considered lucky in China.
24. The sport of wrestling is the only remaining sport that still requires participants to have
amateur status to participate in the Olympic Games.
25. The record for the most appearances at the Olympic Games is held by Canadian show
jumper Ian Millar. He made his 10th Olympic appearance in London 2012. He competed
in the equestrian competition at every Olympics from 1972 to 2012 except for the 1980
Moscow Games that Canada boycotted. His only medal was a silver in 2008 in the Team
jumping event. He was still competing in 2016 and was ready to compete in Rio however
his horse fell ill in the lead up to the Games.

12. Переведите письменно.


1956 год. 16-е летние Олимпийские игры, Мельбурн, Австралия. Это были первые
игры, которые состоялись в южном полушарии. С одной стороны, расширить
географию спорта всегда было целью Международного олимпийского комитета. С
другой - в южном полушарии, как известно, лето - это когда в Европе и Северной
Америке наоборот зима. А представители этих континентов законодатели
спортивной моды. Поэтому к удовольствию всех решить дилемму было невозможно.

Однако в конкурсе на выбор столицы игр 1956 года Мельбурн опередил другого
претендента из южного полушария Земли - аргентинский Буэнос-Айрес.

Получив право на проведение игр, австралийцы быстро поссорились между собой.
Правительство штата Виктория отказалось финансировать строительство
олимпийской деревни, а федеральное выделять для этого средства из своего бюджета.
Президент МОК Эвери Брендедж уже готовился объявить о переносе игр из
Австралии, но в последний момент хозяева одумались и успели в срок возвести все
необходимые объекты.

Советская делегация добиралась до зеленого континента морем. Из Владивостока на

теплоходе под названием «Бирма». Путь занял несколько недель и был, конечно,
утомительным, но зато к дальневосточному часовому поясу наши атлеты получили
достаточно времени, чтобы привыкнуть.

Кроме этих понятных, в общем-то, проблем, игры в Мельбурне вошли в историю как
первые послевоенные, в которых дала знать о себе политика. Речь о бойкоте по
политическим мотивам. Их, кстати, было несколько. Египет, Ирак и Ливан отказались
от участия из-за Суэцкого кризиса, так называемой англо-франко-израильской
агрессии, предпринятой после национализации Каиром Суэцкого канала.
Вооруженное подавление венгерского восстания в октябре 1956 года привело к отказу
от участия в играх в знак протеста таких стран, от которых, на первый взгляд, этого не
приходилось ожидать. Нидерланды, Испания и Швейцария бойкотировали свое
участие из-за агрессивной политики СССР. И, наконец, Китайская народная
республика отложила, получилось, что на долгие годы, свой дебют на международной
спортивной арене из-за того, что МОК предоставил право участия в Олимпиадах
Тайваню или Формозе.

Вообще, в играх приняло участие всего 67 команд, число участников было на полторы
тысячи меньше, чем на играх в Хельсинки. Да и соревнования по конному спорту
прошли в Стокгольме, просто из-за карантина на завоз животных с других
континентов, который существует в Австралии как закон.

Что касается результатов, то советская команда заняла первое место. С большим

отрывом. 98 наград, из них 37 золотых. У занявших второе место американцев было
всего 74 медали и 32 золота. На третьем месте оказались хозяева игр - австралийцы -
огромный успех. Для сравнения Объединенная германская команда сумела занять
седьмое место, завоевав всего лишь шесть золотых медалей. Спортсмены Венгрии, из-
за которой возник, как мы уже сказали, крупный конфликт, тоже не подкачали,
оказались на небывало высоком четвертом общекомандном месте.

Зрителям запомнился бескомпромиссный, фактически за гранью спортивной борьбы,

матч ватерпольных команд Венгрии и СССР, он вошел в историю как «Кровавая
битва». Венгры победили 4:0. С другой стороны, игры в Мельбурне памятны
триумфом советского бегуна, стайера Владимира Куца, победившего на самых
престижных дистанциях – 5 и 10 километров. А также абсолютным первенством
наших гимнастов, завоевавших 11 золотых, 6 серебряных и 5 бронзовых медалей. Ну,
и разумеется, победа советской футбольной сборной, успех которой породил иллюзии
и надежды скорых побед на чемпионатах мира, которые, к сожалению, так и не

ВестиФМ октябрь’2015

13. Игра «Conversation» на тему летние Олимпийские игры.

Участники: один студент выступает в роли специалиста по определенному виду

спорта, другой – в роли переводчика, аудитория – задает вопросы.

Инсценируется ситуация: специалист рассказывает на английском языке об

определенном виде спорта летних Олимпийских игр. Аудитория задает вопросы
специалисту на русском языке. Переводчик переводит выступление специалиста на
русский язык и вопросы аудитории на английский язык.

Summer Olympic Games Host Cities

outbreak начало, вспышка, восстание

to lift an objection снимать возражение, замечание

to delay задерживать; отсрочить; опаздывать;


feat подвиг; успех; достижение

featuring с участием; содержащий

effort усилие; попытка

to make an effort прилагать усилие

sibling родной брат или сестра

leg этап эстафеты, отрезок (маршрута)

relay эстафета; реле; переключатель

lucrative прибыльный, доходный

cross-country skiing лыжная гонка

alpine skiing горный лыжи

to accomplish выполнять, совершать

luge санный спорт

pursuit гонка преследования

Ложные друзья переводчика
Ложные друзья переводчика или межъязыковые омонимы представляю собой пару
слов в двух языках, которые похожи по написанию или произношению, имеющих
зачастую общее происхождение, но разное значение: magazine – журнал, а не магазин.

Мнимая легкость подобных слов приводит начинающего переводчика к ошибкам,
недоразумениям и конфузам.
Слово Правильный перевод Ошибочный перевод
academic академический, научный, относящийся академик
больше к теории, чем к практике
accord согласие, соглашение; аккорд
of one’s own accord по собственному желанию, без
внешнего воздействия
accurate точный, верный, безошибочный аккуратный
advocate сторонник какой-либо идеи, адвокат
политической партии
to be the devil’s быть на службе у дъявола
affair дело, событие; любовная связь афера
application письменная просьба/заявление; аппликация
практическое применение; часть
программного обеспечения компьютера
argument спор, дискуссия, ссора, аргумент
attraction притяжение, приманка, аттракцион
audience публика, зрители аудиенция
barracks солдатская казарма (ед. и мн. ч. имеют бараки
одинаковую форму)
to barrack прерывать говорящего криками
biscuit сухое печенье типа галет бисквит
brilliant блестящий, сверкающий; умный,
одаренный, талантливый; бриллиант
(технический термин)
Caucasian представитель человеческой расы со
светлым (белым) цветом кожи, европеец;
chef шеф-повар шеф
circulation тираж газеты; циркуляция
comic смешной, комичный комик
command команда (приказ, распоряжение) команда
data данные, факты, информация дата
deputy заместитель (руководителя); депутат;
помощник шерифа (америк. англ. яз.)
diversion Отвлечение, развлечение, разнообразие; диверсия
военная операция с целью отвлечения
противника от главной операции
docent музейный экскурсовод доцент
Dutch голландский датский
eleventh hour одиннадцатый час; последний момент
end конец; цель

1. Переведите устно нижеуказанные предложения

1. These figures are accurate. He may use them in his report.
2. These soldiers should be moved into a new barracks.
3. He remembered his parents’ arguments but never mentioned them in his diary.
4. He relied on the theory and became its ardent advocate.
5. The circulation of our newspaper has reached 200 000 copies.
6. This is a brilliant man, the father of a brilliant child.
7. He was so hungry that he was quite ready to eat even dog’s biscuits.
8. He had his father’s comic appearance.
9. The team wanted to win and it did everything possible to achieve that end.
10. When I give the command, fire!
11. Twenty of the therapists were Caucasian, two were African American and two were
12. He possessed a strong personal attraction that helped him on his way up.
13. The audience went wild when he appeared on the stage.
14. The boy did it of his own accord.
15. He changed his plan at the eleventh hour.
16. He spoke to her Dutch but she didn’t understand him.
17. The data are not reliable.
18. There was no docent at the gallery.
19. Aside from the slight diversion into the life story of his brother’s weird friend, it had
been a relatively normal session.
20. Your application didn’t come.
21. She had affair with a stranger.
22. He was arrested by the deputy within ten hours after the crime.
23. It’s an academic course. You don’t need it for your work.

2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Затем переведите на

слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

to lift an objection, amateur, supreme body, to ensure, equestrian, to elect, temple, to host,
feat, in the 10th century B.C., due to, in 405 A.D., sibling, Olympic cauldron, leg,
collaboration, wreath, luge, feast, offence, Charter, the Olympic Charter, to ban, OCOG,
freestyle wrestling, boundary, to delay, torch relay, to pay a fine, outbreak, ivory, pagan,
pentathlon, descendant, International Sports Federation, ancestor, rhythmic gymnastics, to be
abandoned, gilded, whip, overcrowded, to promote, effort, rectangular, predecessor, NOC,
revenue, chariot racing, sacred truce, lucrative, in honour of smb., implementation, to erect,
to cancel, liaison, wushu, to inscribe, reprimand, to maintain, on the agenda, ad hoc, cheat, to
decline, to comprise, affiliated, to interpret, within the framework of smth, triangular,
triathlon, artistic gymnastics, to designate, to accomplish, to make an effort, to adopt,
setback, solid gold, on the basis, fencing, despite, the IOC Evaluation Commission, secret
ballot, to submit, stirrup, the term of office, bidding process, to encompass, with regard to,
withdrawal, altitude, suspension, pursuit, to coat smth with gilt, archery, track&field,
weightlifting, featuring, per capita.

3. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Затем переведите

на слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

санный спорт, чистое золото, прибыльный, этап эстафеты, МОК, компонент, город-
организатор, в связи с, сессия МОК, срок полномочий, родной брат или сестра, в
рамках чего-либо, эстафета олимпийского огня, на человека, Международная
спортивная федерация, следить, склон, предок, продвигать, потомок, на данный
случай, чаша Олимпийского огня, написать на памятнике, указ, при условии,
обеспечивать, запрещать, исход, в 10 веке до н.э., храм, сотрудничество, Оценочная
комиссия МОК, задерживать, выборы, Устав, долина, спортивная борьба,
Исполнительный комитет, регби, высший орган, представлять на рассмотрение,
фехтование, тайное голосование, препятствие, несмотря на, пятиборье, гребля на
байдарках, стремя, касательно, жулик, греко-римская борьба, гонка преследования,
отстранение от участия, выполнять, принимать (устав), координировать, делать
выговор, гонка на колесницах, Олимпийская Хартия, художественная гимнастика,
постепенно, содержать в себе, ухудшаться, аннулировать, граница, поддерживать,
тендер, доход, треугольный, прыжок в длину, платить штраф, «священное перемирие»,
Оргкомитет Олимпийских игр, иметь дело с чем-либо, объявлять, содержащий,
переполненный, назначать, повестка дня, кнут, связанный, выручка, установить
памятник, жульничество, быть заброшенным, верховная власть, прямоугольный,
подвиг, отказ от признания, временное отстранение от должности, спортивная
гимнастика, вольная борьба, любитель, лёгкая атлетика.

4. Переведите текст с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.

Although the Summer Olympics had cemented itself as a major world sporting event, the
introduction of the Winter version was delayed for some time by Sweden, which staged its
own very successful Nordic Games, held every four or five years from 1901-1926.

Also the Summer Games had hosted some winter sports prior to their being a separate
Winter Olympic Games. At the 1908 and 1920 summer Olympic Games, the program
included what are now winter Olympic sports of Figure Skating and Ice Hockey. Organizers
of the 1916 Summer Games in Berlin planned to introduce a “Skiing Olympia,” featuring
nordic events in the Black Forest, but the Games were canceled after the outbreak of World
War I in 1914. Despite the objections of International Olympic Committee president Pierre
de Coubertin, an “International Winter Sports Week” (originally called Semaine des Sports
d'Hiver) was held at Chamonix in 1924. Two years later, this event was retroactively given
the status of the first Olympic Winter Games. After the success of this event, even the
Scandinavians, who won 28 of the 43 medals at Chamonix, lifted their objections to future
Winter Games.

Originally, the tradition was to hold the Winter Games a few months earlier and in a
different city than the summer Olympic Games. Beginning in 1994, the Winter Olympic
Games were held in completely different years (two years apart) than the summer Games.

5. Переведите с листа следующие предложения.

1. The first Winter Olympic Games were held in Chamonix, France in 1924.
2. Unlike the Summer Olympics, the canceled 1940 and 1944 Winter Olympics are not
included in the official Roman numeral counts for the Winter Games.
3. No country in the Southern Hemisphere has ever hosted a Winter Games.
4. Gillis Grafström became the first person to win a medal in the same event in Summer
and Winter Olympics, winning figure skating golds at the 1920 Olympics and in the
same event at the first Winter Olympics in 1924.
5. Only four athletes have ever won medals at both the Winter and Summer Olympic
Games (excluding Gillis Grafström): Eddie Eagan (United States), Jacob Tullin Thams
(Norway), Christa Luding-Rothenburger (East Germany), and Clara Hughes (Canada).
Eddie Eagan is the only athlete to have won gold medals at both Winter and Summer
Olympics - he won gold at the 1920 Games in boxing, and also won gold at the 1932
Lake Placid Games in the team bobsled event. Clara Hughes is the only person ever to
have won multiple medals in both. Christa Luding is the only person to win medals at the
Winter and Summer Games in the same year. (This feat is no longer possible as the
Winter and Summer games are now 2 years apart).
6. At the 1960 games at Squaw Valley, California USA, in an effort to impress spectators,
Walt Disney was head of the committee that organized the opening day ceremonies. The
Opening Ceremony was filled with high school choirs and bands, releasing of thousands
of balloons, fireworks, ice statues, releasing of 2,000 white doves, and national flags
dropped by parachute.
7. At the 1988 Winter Olympics, four brothers made up both of Mexico’s teams in the 2-
man bobsled event – Eduardo, Jorge, Adrian and Roberto Tames – the most siblings to
compete in a single Winter Olympic Games event.
8. At the 2010 Winter Olympics, Latvian athlete Haralds Silovs became the first athlete in
Olympic history to participate in both short track (1500m) and long track (5000m) speed
skating, and also became the first to compete in two different disciplines on the same
9. In 2014, a team event was added to the figure skating program, requiring the competition
to start a day before the Opening ceremony. This will be the first time in the history of
the Winter Olympics that competitions will be held before the Opening ceremony.
10. The Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch was the first to travel in space – one leg of the relay
involved a spacewalk by Russian cosmonauts.
11. In 2014, two gold medals, to Dominique Gisin of Switzerland and Tina Maze of
Slovenia, were awarded for a first-place tie in the Women's downhill event in alpine
skiing, the first gold medal tie ever for an Olympic alpine skiing event. No silver medal
was awarded.
12. Winning gold can be lucrative: in 2014, any Kazakhstani athlete who claims gold will
earn a cool US$250,000 for their efforts. Latvia is offering its athletes US$192,000 for a
gold medal, with Ukranian gold medalists up for US$150,000.

6. Переведите статью письменно.

There are always a number of sports or events that are lobbying to be included on the Winter
Olympic Games program. Such sports include: team alpine skiing, ski mountaineering, ski-
orienteering, winter triathlon (involving running, mountain biking and cross-country skiing
all on snow), and bandy.

Here are just some of the sports or events that were once part of the Winter Olympics:

Military patrol (a precursor to the biathlon) was a medal sport in 1924. It was also a
demonstration sport in 1928, 1936 and 1948.

In figure skating, an event called Men’s special figures was on the program only once in

Alpinism - an Olympic Prize for Alpinism was awarded in 1924, 1932 and 1936 for the most
notable alpinism (mountaineering) feat accomplished during the previous four years.

Nowadays the 15 sports of the Winter Olympics are categorized into three main categories:
(1) ice sports, (2) alpine, skiing and snowboarding events, and (3) Nordic events. In each of
these sports categories there are more specific events as listed.
Ice Sports: bobsled (two-man, two woman and four-man); luge; skeleton; ice hockey; figure
skating (men’s singles, ladies’ singles, pairs, team and ice dancing); speed skating; short
track speed skating (500m, 1,000m, 1,500 m and Relays); curling.
Alpine, Skiing and Snowboarding Events: Alpine skiing (Downhill, Super G, Giant slalom,
Slalom, Super Combined); freestyle skiing (Aerials, Moguls, Ski Cross, Ski halfpipe and Ski
slopestyle); snowboarding (Parallel Giant Slalom, Halfpipe and Snowboard Cross and
Nordic Events: biathlon (combining cross-country skiing and target shooting: individual,
sprint, pursuit, mass start & relay events); cross-country skiing (individual and team sprint,
freestyle, pursuit, classical and relays); ski jumping; Nordic combined (ski jumping and
cross country skiing).

7. Переведите тексты письменно.


Bobsleigh is a winter sport invented by the Swiss in the late 1860s in which teams make
timed runs down narrow, twisting, banked, iced tracks in a gravity-powered sled.

The sport of bobsleigh didn’t begin until the late 19th century when the Swiss attached two
skeleton sleds together and added a steering mechanism to make a toboggan. A chassis was
added to give protection to wealthy tourists and the world's first bobsleigh club was founded
in St. Moritz, Switzerland in 1897.

By the 1950s, the critical importance of the start had been recognized and athletes with
explosive strength from other sports were drawn to bobsledding. In 1952, a critical rule
change limiting the total weight of crew and sled ended the era of the super heavyweight
bobsledder and rebalanced the sport as an athletic contest.

In its original form, the first races used skeleton sleds made of wood. However, they were
soon replaced by steel sleds that came to be known as bobsleighs because of the way crews
bobbed back and forth to increase their speed at the start. Today, the world’s top teams train
year-round and compete mostly on artificial ice tracks in sleek high-tech sleds made of
fibreglass and steel.

In 1924, a four-man race took place at the first ever Olympic Winter Games in Chamonix. A
two-man event was added at the 1932 Lake Placid Games in a format that has remained to
the present. The first women's bobsleigh event - the two-woman bobsled - was held in 2002.


Curling is a team sport played by two teams of four players on a rectangular sheet of ice. Its
nickname, “The Roaring Game”, originates from the rumbling sound the 44-pound (19.96kg)
granite stones make when they travel across the ice.

There are two types of broom. The most common is a brush or “push broom”. The other is a
corn/straw/Canadian broom, which, with long bristles, looks much like a normal broom.

For indoor tournaments the artificially created ice has its surface sprinkled with water
droplets which freeze into tiny bumps on the surface. Called “pebbled ice”, this surface helps
the stone’s grip and leads to more consistent curling.

The rink is 42.07m long and 4.28m wide with a target – or house – at either end.

Special curling shoes are common; shoes should grip the ice well. While shooting, extremely
slippery surfaces such as Teflon are used on the sliding foot. Some are built into the shoes
and others are strapped on over the shoes.

Also known as a stone, a curling rock is made of rare, dense granite that is quarried on
Scotland's Ailsa Craig. Each rock weighs 19.1kg and is polished.

The World Curling Federation (WCF) was founded in 1966 as the International Curling
Federation, changing its name in 1991. Curling made its Olympic debut at the 1924
Chamonix Winter Games.


Figure skating has developed from a practical way to get around on ice into the elegant mix
of art and sport it is today.

The Dutch were arguably the earliest pioneers of skating. They began using canals to
maintain communication by skating from village to village as far back as the 13 th century.
Skating eventually spread across the channel to England, and soon the first clubs and
artificial rinks began to form. Passionate skaters included several kings of England, Marie
Antoinette, Napoleon III and German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Two Americans are responsible for the major developments in the history of the sport. In
1850, Edward Bushnell of Philadelphia revolutionised skating when he introduced steel-
bladed skates allowing complex manoeuvres and turns. Jackson Haines, a ballet master
living in Vienna in the 1860s, added elements of ballet and dance to give the sport its grace.

Figure skating is the oldest sport on the Olympic Winter Games programme. It was contested
at the 1908 London Games and again in 1920 in Antwerp. Men’s, women’s, and pairs were
the three events contested until 1972. Since 1976, ice dancing has been the fourth event in
the programme, proving a great success.

Sonja Henie made her Olympic debut in Chamonix in 1924, aged just 11, and was so
nervous she had to ask her coach what to do midway through her routines. However, she
won gold in the next three Olympic Games and developed a huge legion of fans. She later
moved into films, where she greatly increased the popularity of her sport.

The International Skating Union (ISU) was founded in 1892. Skating made its Olympic
debut at the 1924 Chamonix Winter Games.


Biathlon combines the power and aggression of cross-country skiing with the precision and
calm of marksmanship. The word biathlon stems from the Greek word for two contests, and
is today seen as the joining of two sports; skiing and shooting. Biathlon has its roots in
survival skills practised in the snow-covered forests of Scandinavia, where people hunted on
skis with rifles slung over their shoulders.

In 1948, the Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne et Biathlon (UIPMB) was founded,
to standardise the rules for biathlon and pentathlon. In 1993, the biathlon branch of the
UIPMB created the International Biathlon Union (IBU), which officially separated from the
UIPMB in 1998. Biathlon made its Olympic debut at the 1960 Squaw Valley Winter Games.

Biathlon-type events in Scandinavia are known to have been held as early as the 18th century.
The first modern biathlon probably occurred in 1912 when the Norwegian military organised
the Forvarsrennet in Oslo. An annual event, it consisted initially of a 17km cross-country ski
race with two-minute penalties incurred by misses in the shooting part of the competition.

In 1924 in Chamonix, an ancient form of biathlon made its Olympic debut: the military
patrol, this event was then in demonstration in 1928, 1936 and 1948. After some attempts to
incorporate it into a winter pentathlon, biathlon appeared at the Games in its current form in
1960 in Squaw Valley. Women’s biathlon made its first appearance on the Olympic
programme in Albertville in 1992.

Until the 1976 Games in Innsbruck, the events comprised an individual race and a relay. In
Lake Placid in 1980, a second individual event was introduced.

In Salt Lake City in 2002, a 12.5km pursuit event was added for men and 10km for women.
From Turin in 2006, a new mass-start event was introduced for both men and women. This
brings together the 30 best athletes from the World Cup.


Snowboarding combines elements of surfing, skateboarding, and skiing. It made its Olympic
debut at the 1998 Nagano Games. It was developed in the United States in the 1960s as
people across the country began to seek out new winter activities. Over the next decade,
various pioneers boosted the production of boards and the sport began to gain crossover
appeal. Surfers and skateboarders became involved, and by 1980, snowboarding was a
nationwide activity.

In the late 1970s snowboarders started to “invade” traditional ski resorts, but faced
opposition from skiers who tried to exclude the snowboarders from “their” mountains. By
the 1990s, however, almost all ski resorts had accepted snowboarding, and the resorts have
found the snowboarders to be an excellent source of new revenue.

Competition was the next logical step. The United States held its first national
championships in 1982 and hosted the first World Championships in 1983. The International
Snowboarding Federation (ISF) formed seven years later and the International Ski
Federation (FIS) introduced snowboarding as a FIS discipline in 1994. This helped pave the
way for snowboarding’s inclusion in the Olympic Winter Games.

Men’s and women’s snowboarding made their Olympic debuts at the Nagano Games in 1998
with giant slalom and halfpipe competitions. The discipline proved an instant success and
returned to Salt Lake City four years later with parallel giant slalom and halfpipe
competitions. In Turin, snowboard cross also made its debut. In this event four riders race
across a course studded with jumps, bumps and huge turns.

8. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие числительные.

33 495, 40 504, 302 418, 889 008, 415 867, 423 867, 40 644, 143 043, 101 919, 40 752,
398 330, 44 186, 48 345, 798 057, 801 709, 40 109, 500 160, 742 809, 493 886, 820 105,
885 834, 973 578, 227 935, 798 407, 442 332, 899 023, 731 839, 529 679, 701 057, 995 803,
864 099, 799 218, 996 080.

9. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие


May, October, April, June, December, February, July, September, January, November,
March, August, May, March, April, August, October, July, June, September.

10. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие даты.

July 23, 1514 June 30, 1898 November 3, 2003
April 24, 1796 February 18, 1995 December 13, 1942
June 1, 1234 January 16, 1739 March 2, 1764

11. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите на русском языке следующие

прецизионные слова.

July; 885 735; Tuesday; Jenette; Taylor; 1.89; Monday; Jens; July 16, 1543; Norway;
Lauren; Switzerland; Denmark; 890; Brown; September; 403 875; Thursday; Olga; 9.13;
January 22, 1924; Spanish; (495) 396-78-14; July; Walkman; 13; Friday; Peter; 13; Italy;
Wednesday; Clapton; Joseph; October 27, 1536; Dutch; Japan; (919) 67-89-65; Sunday;
Peterson; 3.0; Saturday; 765 890; Austin; Ian; Claire; Moscow; 456 298; April 2013; Sofia;
(903) 453-71-45; Beijin; 3.678; Nice; Olivia; Isabella; November 4th; Elizabeth II; 0.894;
Japanese; Matthew; Ryan.

12. Прослушайте тексты полностью, обращая внимание на прецизионную

лексику, делая записи, после чего переведите тексты на
английский/русский язык.


Программа VII зимних Олимпийских игр в Кортина-д’Ампеццо в Италии в 1956 году,

особенно по сравнению с грядущими, была очень и очень компактной - всего 24 вида
программы. Не было еще ни биатлона, ни спуска на санях, ни, разумеется, сноуборда и
фристайла. Удивительно, что вне программы игр был даже скоростной бег на коньках
среди женщин. Поразительное неравноправие. Кстати, позиции советских
конькобежек были тогда неоспоримы, и если бы они могли выступить в Кортина-
д'Ампеццо, то победа СССР была бы еще более впечатляющей. Но и без того наша
команда заняла первое место по всем показателям – 103 очка в неофициальном
командном зачете, 7 золотых, 3 серебряных и 6 бронзовых медалей. Оставшиеся

вторыми австрийцы имели 66 очков, и соответственно 4-3-4 медальных пьедестала, то
есть 11 наград.


Currently, the oldest ever male gold medalist at the Winter Olympics is Norwegian Ole Einar
Bjørndalen won gold at the 10 km biathlon sprint aged 40 at the 2014 Sochi Olympics. Prior
to that, in 2006 at the age of 39, Canadian skeleton competitor Duff Gibson (born August 11,
1966) was the oldest athlete in the history of the Olympic Winter Games to win a gold
medal. The previous record holder was Norway’s Magnar Solberg who was 35 when he won
the gold medal in the 20 km individual biathlon event at the 1972 Winter Olympics in

In a team event, Robin Welsh Senior from Great Britain won gold in curling at the 1924
Games, aged 54 years and 101 days.

13. Переведите письменно нижеуказанные предложения.

О первых зимних Олимпийских играх 1924 года историки спорят до сих пор. События
конца января 90-летней давности официально назывались иначе: «Неделей зимнего
спорта». Есть редкие кадры черно-белой кинохроники. В тот год Париж готовился к
летней Олимпиаде, из зимних видов в официальную программу входили только
хоккей и фигурное катание. Основатель Олимпийского движения барон Пьер де
Кубертен решил исправить несправедливость. На соревнования во французские
Альпы приехали 258 спортсменов-любителей из 16 стран.

Родом из Шамони, историк Клод Маран хорошо знает, как непросто готовилась первая
зимняя Олимпиада. «Против идеи активно выступали все Скандинавские государства.
У них были свои популярные «Северные игры», так что делиться славой и успехом
проекта они не спешили. Добавьте сюда и Швейцарию с лучшими по тем временам
зимними курортами в мире и это всего в нескольких километрах отсюда. Им также не
нужны были конкуренты», - рассказывает историк Клод Маран.

В Шамони практически не было Олимпийской символики, не было Олимпийского

огня, эта традиция появится позже, в середине 30-х. Олимпийский флаг официально
не поднимали, правда, принесли его на некоторые соревнования. Этот факт помог
позже убедить мир признать игры в Шамони Олимпийским событием.

Историю тех игр по крупицам собирают и хранят в Олимпийском музее в Лозанне.

Открывшийся только что после капитального ремонта, комплекс поражает своей
интерактивной экспозицией. Три этажа обо всем, что связано с Олимпийским
движением. Смотришь на инвентарь почти вековой давности и удивляешься, как на
таком можно было побеждать? «Эти вещи из дерева были сделаны на века. Конечно,
сейчас их непросто найти, но хранятся они лучше, чем суперпластик или сверхлегкие

сплавы, которые сегодня используют в спортивном оборудовании», - отмечает куратор
музея Фредерика Жамоли.

Игры в Шамони – это всего 9 дисциплин. Среди них хоккей, с баскетбольным счетом.
Канадцы обыграли шведов 22:0, чехов 30:0 и швейцарцев 33:0. Фигурное катание –
единственный вид спорта, куда допускали женщин. Среди них 12-летняя звезда,
норвежка Соня Хени. Своими актерским данными, она сделала этот вид спорта
настоящим танцем на льду. Кстати, мода на короткие юбки фигуристки пошла от нее.
Бобслей, конькобежный спорт, лыжные гонки, соревнования военных патрулей, так
тогда называли биатлон, и прыжки с трамплина.

Провести Олимпийские игры в Шамони было настоящей проблемой. Местные власти

ничего не хотели делать, их буквально пришлось уговаривать. Игры 1924 года стали
настоящей финансовой катастрофой. Билетов продали в три раза меньше
запланированного, все затраты не окупились. Но удалось добиться главного - о
Шамони узнал весь мир, и это маленькая альпийская деревушка стала излюбленным
местом для многих, кто обожает зимние виды спорта.

Сегодня Шамони – один их мировых горнолыжных курортов. Каждый год зимой

сюда приезжает более 50 тысяч туристов, в пять раз больше местного населения
самого городка. Первая зимняя Олимпиада навсегда изменила жизнь этого региона.
«Снег бывает не только в Скандинавии»,- сказал противникам тех игр барон де
Кубертен и оказался прав.

Olympteka.ru январь’2014

14. Игра «Conversation» на тему зимние Олимпийские игры.

Участники: один студент выступает в роли специалиста по определенному виду

спорта, другой – в роли переводчика, аудитория – задает вопросы.

Инсценируется ситуация: специалист рассказывает на английском языке об

определенном виде спорта зимних Олимпийских игр. Аудитория задает вопросы
специалисту на русском языке. Переводчик переводит выступление специалиста на
русский язык и вопросы аудитории на английский язык.

Winter Olympic Games Host Cities



to seek (sought, sought) medical advice обращаться за медицинской помощью
(syn. to seek treatment)

to postpone откладывать, отсрочить, отдалять

to relieve pain облегчить боль

wound [wuːnd] рана

physician врач, доктор, терапевт

surgery хирургия, операционная, хирургический


dentistry стоматология

smallpox [ˈsmɔːlˌpɒks] оспа

pleurisy [ˈplɜːrɪsi] плеврит

extensive set широкий выбор

liver печень

lungs легкие

set fracture [ˈfræktʃə(r)] вправлять перелом

Hippocrates Oath [ hɪˈpɒkrɪtɪz ] клятва Гиппократа

patient [ˈpeɪʃ(ə)nt] пациент

dissection [dɪˈsekʃ(ə)n] рассечение, разрез, вскрытие

arthritis [ɑː(r)ˈθraɪtɪs] артрит, воспаление суставов

immortal бессмертный, вечный

anamnesis [ˌænəmˈniːsɪs] анамнез, история развития болезни

prognosis [prɒɡˈnəʊsɪs] прогноз, предсказание дальнейшего

течения болезни

entitled под названием

misconception неправильное представление,


to propel [prəˈpel] продвигать, способствовать развитию

to draw smth. from выведать у кого-либо что-либо; добиться

у кого-либо чего-либо

to suffer страдать, болеть, испытывать боль

to contract заразиться, подцепить

subsequently впоследствии, затем, в результате,

undaunted [ʌnˈdɔːntɪd] неустрашимый, бесстрашный

to coin smth. чеканить (монеты); вводить в

употребление (слова)

vaccine [ˈvæksiːn] вакцина

vaccination [ˌvæksɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n] вакцинация, прививка

to vaccinate [ˈvæksɪneɪt] вакцинировать, делать прививку

transfusion переливание крови

to transfuse переливать кровь, делать внутривенное


obstetrician акушер

haemorrhage [ˈhem(ə)rɪdʒ] кровотечение, кровопотеря

syringe [sɪˈrɪndʒ] шприц

germ [dʒɜː(r)m] микроб, бактерия, возбудитель инфекции

souring окисление, сквашивание

anthrax [ˈænθræks] сибирская язва, антракс

rabies [ˈreɪbiːz] бешенство

X-rays рентгеновские лучи, рентген

influenza [ˌɪnfluˈenzə]/flu грипп

mould [məʊld] плесневый грибок; форма, шаблон

penicillin [ˌpenəˈsɪlɪn] пенициллин

sepsis сепсис, заражение крови, общая гнойная


tremor [ˈtremə(r)] дрожание (рук), сотрясение

paralysis [pəˈræləsɪs] паралич

essential важный, ценный, самый главный

apprentice ученик, подмастерье

Ложные друзья переводчика
Слово Правильный перевод Ошибочный перевод
fabric ткань, материя фабрика
gem драгоценный камень, самоцвет джем
intelligence интеллект, ум интеллигенция
liver печень ливер
angina стенокардия ангина
appendix приложение, аппендикс аппендицит (операция
(червеобразный отросток) удаления)
appendicitis воспаление аппендикса аппендицит (операция
condition условие, состояние, проблема со кондиция (норма, стандарт,
здоровьем, болезнь, синдром качество)
corpse труп (человека) корпус
обида, оскорбление; обижать, инсульт
marsh болото, топь марш
mayor мэр (глава города) майор
national национальный, государственный
objective цель, задача; объективный объектив
patent leather лакированная кожа патентованная кожа
(преимущественно черного цвета)
pathetic жалкий, ничтожный, бесполезный патетический
plaster пластырь; штукатурка
practical joke грубая, нехорошая шутка практическая шутка
pretend притворяться, делать вид;
воображаемый; претендовать
(употребляется очень редко)
probe зонд, щуп проба (проверка, испытание)
proclamation провозглашение, объявление прокламация (листовка)
(официальное и публичное)
receipt расписка, квитанция рецепт (кулинарный или
recipe рецепт (кулинарный) рецепт (медицинский)
replica точная копия чего-либо (особенно реплика
произведения искусства)
bandage перевязка, бинт, перевязочный бандаж
материал; привязывать, делать

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. The table cloth was made of very soft fabric.
2. He looked so pathetic.
3. They used a probe to see the insides of the animal.
4. Please, don’t pretend any more it’s important.
5. The objective can’t be reached without mutual efforts.
6. He made a perfect replica of the Moscow Kremlin.
7. What a cruel practical joke old Nature played when she flung so many contradictory
elements together, and left the man face to face with the universe.
8. He had a serious heart condition.
9. The Romans became practiced at draining marshes to rid areas of malaria – carrying
10. Even her appearance was an insult to him.
11. My wife asked for the recipe of that pie.
12. He had high blood pressure and he suffered from angina.
13. He always wore patent leather shoes.
14. The corpse of a man lay there.
15. Even the national anthem didn’t inspire her patriotic feelings.
16. After retirement she was town councilor and deputy mayor and was a member of
many local societies.
17. A list of such activities was published as an appendix to the report.
18. By that time his condition was diagnosed as pleurisy.
19. The walls were plaster, painted decades ago.
20. The authors will all be invited to write for the series because they don’t underestimate
readers’ intelligence nor overestimate their knowledge.
21. He gave her a ring with a huge gem.
22. Pei said that qualified doctors would have protected the wound with a bandage rather
than cotton material.
23. Sometimes these symptoms are mistaken for the flu or appendicitis.
24. He felt there was something wrong with his liver.

2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Затем переведите на

слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

to relieve pain, to contract, Hippocrates Oath, penicillin,wound, immortal, smallpox, tremor,

dentistry, apprentice, to transfuse, anamnesis, to seek medical advice, dissection, physician,
to postpone, entitled, to vaccinate, surgery,extensive set, set fracture, patient, prognosis,
arthritis, germ, misconception, pleurisy, to propel, vaccine, to suffer, to draw smth. from,
mould, subsequently, undaunted, to coin smth., vaccination, transfusion, haemorrhage,
obstetrician, anthrax, souring, X-rays, influenza, essential, apprentice, syringe, liver, sepsis,

3. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Затем переведите

на слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

обращаться за медицинской помощью, облегчить боль, оспа, хирургия, бессмертный,

история развития болезни, пациент, вправлять перелом, впоследствии, прививка,
переливание крови, терапевт, стоматология, вскрытие, клятва Гиппократа, рана,
предсказание дальнейшего течения болезни, артрит, широкий выбор, откладывать,
заразиться, бесстрашный, печень, вводить в употребление (слова), вакцина, под
названием, сибирская язва, шприц, переливать кровь, грипп, рентгеновские лучи,
бешенство, плесневый грибок, заражение крови, паралич, дрожание (рук), важный,
ученик, окисление, акушер, продвигать, заблуждение, болеть, делать прививку,
кровотечение, бактерия, добиться у кого-либо чего-либо.

4. Переведите текст с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.

Medicine has two basic meanings, it refers to the Science of Healing (the practice of the
diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease, and the promotion of health) and to
medications, drugs, substances used to treat and cure diseases, to promote health.
Whichever way medicine is described, the thrust of the meaning is the same – diagnosis,
treatment and prevention of disease, caring for patients and a dedication to their health and

Throughout history our ancestors have sought to combat disease, relieve pain and postpone
death. Maintaining a comfortable state of health is a goal shared by much of the world's
population past and present, thus the history of health and medicine weaves a thread
connecting us with our ancestors’ human experiences. The history of medicine consists of
three main stages: Medicine of Ancient Civilizations, Medicine of Middle Ages and Modern

Early man, like the animals, was subject to illness and death. At that time medical actions
were mostly a part of ceremonial rituals. The medicine-man practiced magic to help people
who were ill or had a wound. New civilizations, which developed from early tribes, began to
study the human body, its anatomic composition. Magic still played an important part in
treating but new practical methods were also developing. The ancient Egyptians practiced
simple non-invasive surgery, setting of bones, dentistry and an extensive set of
pharmacopoeia. The early Indians, e. g., set fractures and practiced aromatherapy. The
Chinese were pioneers of immunization and acupuncture. The contribution of the Greeks in
medicine was also enormous. An early leader in Greek medicine was Aesculapius. His
daughters, Hygeia and Panacea gave rise to dynasties of healers (curative medicine) and
hygienists (preventive medicine). The division in curative and preventive medicine is true
today. The ethic principles of a physician were summarized by another Greek, Hippocrates
who practiced and taught medicine in about 400 B.C. on the Greek island of Kos and was
later regarded as the father of modern medicine - partly because he was unlike his more
theoretical contemporaries in paying close attention to the symptoms of disease, but also
because a century or more after his death a group of medical works is gathered together
under his name. His ethic rules known as Hippocrates Oath have remained the broad basis of
medical principles up to our own day. Hippocrates and other Greek doctors believed that
observation of a patient was a vital aspect of medical care. Ancient Greek doctors did
examine their patients but Hippocrates wanted a more systematic period of observation and
the recording of what was observed. Today, we would call this ‘clinical observation’.
“First of all the doctor should look at the patient’s face. If he looks his usual self this is a
good sign. If not, however, the following are bad signs – sharp nose, hollow eyes, cold ears,
dry skin on the forehead, strange face colour such as green, black, red or lead coloured. If
the face is like this at the beginning of the illness, the doctor must ask the patient if he has
lost sleep, or had diarrhoea, or not eaten.”
From “On forecasting diseases”, the Hippocratic Collection.
The next stage of medicine’s development was the Middle Ages. A very important
achievement of that time was the hospital. The first ones appeared in the 15th century in
Oriental countries and later in Europe. Another advance of the Middle Ages was the
foundation of universities during 13-14th centuries. Among other disciplines students could
study medicine. During 18th century new discoveries were made in chemistry, anatomy,
biology, others sciences. The advances of that time were invention of the stethoscope (by
Rene Laennec), vaccination for smallpox, discovery of anesthetics and development of
immunology and scientific surgery.
The next century is rise of bacteriology. Important discoveries were made by Louis Pasteur
and Robert Koch. The development of scientific bacteriology made possible advances in
surgery: using antiseptics and control of wound infection.
Medicine in the 20th century made enormous contribution in the basic medical sciences.
These are discovery of blood groups and vitamins, invention of insulin and penicillin,
practice of plastic surgery and transplantation.

5. Переведите с листа с предварительным чтением абзаца вслух. Затем

переведите эти абзацы под диктовку.

1. In 2600 B.C. the Egyptian Imhotep described the diagnosis and treatment of 200
diseases. Imhotep was chief architect to the Egyptian pharaoh Djoser and became a local god
at Memphis where he was glorified for his skills as a physician and a healer. He is said to
have extracted medicine from plants and treated diseases such as appendicitis and arthritis. It
was believed that he could help people solve difficulties in their daily lives and cure medical
2. In 500 B.C. Alcamaeon of Croton said that a body was healthy as long as it had the
right balance of hot and cold, wet and dry however if the balance was upset the body fell ill.
He pioneered the concept of the relationship between the brain and the mind and was the first
to identify the brain as the center of understanding and the essential organ for perceptions,
sensations, and thoughts. Through systematic observations, Alcmaeon brought many things
to light about the characteristics of the eye and the presence of channels connecting head
sensory organs to the brain. He stated that the soul was immortal and introduced the
tekmairesthai doctrine, through which the ideas of anamnesis and prognosis gave birth. It’s
necessary to highlight his contributions to medical thought, and especially to neuroscience,
which reveal Alcmaeon to be a thinker of considerable originality and one of the greatest
philosophers, naturalists, and neuroscientists of all time.
3. In 1543 a Flemish-born anatomist Andreas Vesalius published findings on human
anatomy in “De Fabrica Corporis Humani” and helped to correct misconceptions dating from
ancient times. The book was based largely on human dissection, and transformed anatomy
into a subject that relied on observations taken directly from human dissections. Surgery and
anatomy were then considered of little importance in comparison to the other branches of
medicine. However, Vesalius believed that surgery had to be grounded in anatomy. So
Andreas Vesalius left anatomical research to take up medical practice.
4. In 1628 an English physician William Harvey published a book entitled “An
Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals”, where he
explained how the heart propelled the blood in a circular course through the body. His
discovery was received with great interest in England, although it was greeted with some
scepticism on the Continent. Harvey's research was furthered through the dissection of
5. In 1796 an English doctor Edward Jenner developed the process of vaccination for
smallpox, the first vaccine for any disease. Jenner carried out his now famous experiment on
eight-year-old James Phipps. He was testing his theory, drawn from the folklore of the
countryside, that milkmaids who suffered the mild disease of cowpox never contracted
smallpox, one of the greatest killers of the period, particularly among children. Jenner
subsequently proved that having been inoculated with cowpox Phipps was immune to
smallpox. He submitted a paper to the Royal Society in 1797 describing his experiment, but
was told that his ideas were too revolutionary and that he needed more proof. Undaunted,
Jenner experimented on several other children, including his own 11-month-old son. In 1798,
the results were finally published and Jenner coined the word vaccine from the Latin 'vacca'
for cow. So Jenner became the pioneer of smallpox vaccination and the father of
6. In 1818 an outstanding English obstetrician James Blundell performed the first
successful transfusion of human blood to a patient for treatment of a haemorrhage. Blundell
conducted a series of experiments using animals, and observed that as long as the blood was
transfused quickly, a transfusion would be successful with a syringe even after it had been
collected in a container. He also discovered the importance of letting all the air out of a
syringe prior to the transfusion. So he extracted four ounces of blood from the arm of the
patient's husband using a syringe, and successfully transfused it into the patient.
7. In 1862 French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur identified germs as cause of
disease. Working with the germ theory, which he did not invent but further developed
through experiments, to find solutions to the problems with the manufacture of alcoholic
drinks he demonstrated that organisms such as bacteria were responsible for souring alcohol
and milk. Then he invented a process where bacteria could be removed by boiling and then
cooling liquid. Today the process is known as pasteurization. His work in germ theory also
led him and his team to create vaccinations for anthrax and rabies. In 1885 Pasteur
vaccinated Joseph Meister, a 9-year-old boy who had been bitten by a rabid dog. The success
of Pasteur's vaccine brought him immediate fame.
8. Joseph Lister was a British surgeon who was the founder of antiseptic medicine. In
1861 he observed that 45% to 50% of amputation patients died from sepsis. In 1865, he
learned of Louis Pasteur's theory that microorganisms cause infection. Using phenol as an
antiseptic, treating the surgical instruments and wounds of patients, he reduced the incidence
of gangrene and mortality rate in his ward to 15% within four years.
9. In 1895 while experimenting with electric current flow in a cathode-ray tube, German
scientist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen observed that a nearby piece of barium platinocyanide
gave off light when the tube was in operation. In view of its uncertain nature, he called the
phenomenon X-radiation (also Röntgen radiation). He took the first X-ray photographs:
interiors of metal objects and of the bones in his wife’s hand. In 1901 he became a Nobel
Prize winner in Physics.
10. In 1928 a Scottish bacteriologist and Nobel Prize winner Sir Alexander Fleming
discovers penicillin. While studying influenza, Fleming noticed that mould had developed
accidentally on a set of culture dishes being used to grow the staphylococci germ. The mould
had created a bacteria-free circle around itself. Fleming experimented further and named the
active substance penicillin. It was two other scientists however, Australian Howard Florey
and Ernst Chain, a refugee from Nazi Germany, who developed penicillin further so that it
could be produced as a drug. At first supplies of penicillin were very limited, but by the
1940s it was being mass-produced by the American drugs industry.
6. Переведите текст письменно.

Introduced in 1948 the National Health Service (NHS) was one of the major achievements of
Atlee’s Labour government. This service provided free medical treatment for everyone. The
driving force behind the NHS was Aneurin Bevan, Minister of Health.

According to Bevan in 1911 the National Health Insurance system provided medical care for
21 million people, but left the rest of the population having to pay for medical treatment. It
became clear to both Beveridge and the Labour Party that people were being denied medical
help simply because they could not afford to pay.

The majority of doctors were opposed to the introduction of the NHS as they believed that
they would lose money as a result of it. Their main opposition to the NHS was their belief
that their professional freedom would be jeopardised i.e. that they would treat fewer private
patients and, as a result, lose out financially. They also believed that the NHS would not
allow patients to pick their doctor – though this proved to be an unfounded worry.

Once the NHS was introduced, it did prove to be popular with most people. 95% of all of the
medical profession joined the NHS. In fact, the NHS proved to be too popular as it quickly
found that its resources were being used up. From its earliest days, the NHS seemed to be
short of money. Annual sums put aside for treatment such as dental surgery and glasses were
quickly used up. The £2 million put aside to pay for free spectacles over the first nine
months of the NHS went in six weeks. The government had estimated that the NHS would
cost £140 million a year by 1950. In fact, by 1950 the NHS was costing £358 million.

However, the popularity of the NHS meant that in the 1950 election, the Conservatives
promised to keep it – though this was of little importance as Labour won that election.

In 1951, the Labour government introduced a charge for some dental treatment (free false
teeth) and for prescriptions for medicine. Aneurin Bevan resigned from the government in
protest at this. Bevan wanted a free health service and nothing else.

The History Learning Site July, 2016

7. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие числительные.

53 669, 39 804, 624 018, 938 709, 14 867, 49 837, 406 034, 1 343, 390 019, 48 752, 333
330, 450 186, 413 045, 7 857, 80 919, 103 009, 50 040, 72 689, 43 826, 80 218, 85 334, 89
578, 29 945, 84 070, 43 842, 4 923, 7 8369, 5 279, 709 807, 98 038, 34 780, 72 180, 90 080.

8. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие


July, May, November, February, April, August, January, October, May, July, April, August,
May, March, June, April, September, July, November, May, December, June, September.

9. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие даты.
September 23, 1856 June 26, 1908 August 2, 1389
July 12, 1689 May 13, 1985 February 24, 1894
October 17, 1386 April 20, 1998 March 3, 1994
10. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите на русском языке следующие
прецизионные слова.

July; 885 735; Tuesday; Jenette; Taylor; 1.89; Monday; Jens; July 16, 1543; Norway;
Lauren; Tuesday; 8.90; Dutch; Smith; September; 903 885; Thursday; Peter; 9.13; October
21, 1824; Spanish; (495) 898-98-89; July; Walkman; 13; Friday; 1.983; Norway;
Wednesday; Clapton; Joseph; February 23, 1896; Denmark; Warsaw; (903) 698-89-65;
Sunday; Peterson; 3.0; Saturday; 765 890; Austin; Henry VII; Switzerland; Claire; Moscow;
456 298; April 1813; Ryan; (903) 453-71-45; Sweden; 5.876; Hunrary; Olivia; Isabella;
April 4th; Elizabeth I; 19.894; Matthew; Dublin.

11. Прослушайте тексты полностью, обращая внимание на прецизионную

лексику, делая записи, после чего переведите тексты на
английский/русский язык.


Первое великое открытие в истории западной медицины принадлежит Андреасу

Везалию. Основные научные работы Везалия посвящены анатомии человека. Изучая
труды Галена, известного римского врача (ок. 130–200 н.э.), и его взгляды на строение
человеческого тела, Везалий исправил свыше 200 ошибок канонизированного
античного автора. Итогом стал его трактат «О строении человеческого тела»,
созданный в 1543 году. В этом же году Везалий стал придворным врачом императора
Священной Римской империи Карла V, приобрел обширную частную практику и
высокую репутацию. После отречения Карла V в 1556 году он поступил на службу к
его сыну Филиппу II, королю Испании. После смерти в 1562 году Габриеле Фаллопио,
занимавшего кафедру анатомии в Падуе, Везалий решил вернуться к
исследовательской работе. За вскрытие трупов он был приговорён к смерти испанской
инквизицией, но, благодаря заступничеству испанского короля Филиппа II, смертную
казнь заменили паломничеством в Иерусалим. Андреас Везалий умер на обратном
пути из Иерусалима, будучи выброшен кораблекрушением на остров Занте.


James Parkinson, best known for the nervous disorder that bears his name, was a man of
many interests. He was born in London on April 11, 1755 to John and Mary Parkinson. One
of three children, James was influenced early on to pursue a career in medicine. His father
was the local surgeon and apothecary, and James' early education included Latin, Greek,
natural philosophy and all subjects considered essential to a doctor's basic training. He
studied at the London Hospital Medical College in 1776 and received his diploma from the
Royal College of Surgeons. It is believed Parkinson was also influenced by John Hunter, a
researcher with interests in biology, pathology and medical science. Parkinson makes
mention in his notes of Hunter's descriptions of tremor and paralysis. In 1781 Parkinson
married Mary Dale. The couple would eventually have six children. After serving as an
apprentice in his father's practice, Parkinson took over after his father died in 1794.

12. Переведите статью письменно:



Twenty-five years ago academic Alec Jeffreys stumbled on a remarkable discovery. The
scientific breakthrough led to DNA fingerprinting – which has since trapped hundreds of
killers, freed the innocent and revolutionised science and criminal justice.

Twenty-five years ago the idea that scientists would one day be able to pinpoint an
individual from the tiniest trace of their sweat or blood would have seemed laughable. Today
we take it for granted. Along with the CCTV camera and the tapping of emails and phone
calls, the DNA fingerprint has become part of a civic apparatus that can follow the
movements of individuals with unprecedented accuracy.

Thanks to the research by Jeffreys, thousands of dangerous criminals have been caught and
imprisoned and thousands of individuals unfairly denied UK citizenship have been allowed
to settle in this country. At the same time, millions of individuals have had their profiles
stored in databases in Britain, a serious threat to civil liberties according to some
organisations and individuals, a point that is – partially – accepted by Jeffreys himself. More
than any other modern scientific discovery, DNA fingerprinting raises crucial issues about
balancing the use of technology to help society against an individual's right to privacy.

Such concerns were far from the mind of Alec Jeffreys, then a 34-year-old Leicester
University genetics researcher, in the summer of 1984. At the time he was seeking ways to
trace genes through family lineages and had hit on a fragment of DNA that was repeated on
different chromosomes in the cells of men and women.

This genetic stutter could be unique to an individual, Jeffreys realised, and so he devised an
experiment to see if he could count those repeats in different individuals and their relatives,
as well as in animals such as seals, mice and monkeys.

First, cells were broken open and their DNA extracted. Then this DNA was attached to
photographic films. Radioactive probes – which could identify the repeated sections of DNA
- were added. Everything was then placed in a photographic developing tank and left over
the weekend of 8-9 September. The results, Jeffreys hoped, would reveal ways that might
help him study inherited diseases such as cystic fibrosis.

But when he entered his laboratory that Monday morning and removed the film from its
tank, he found an odd array of blobs and lines. “My first reaction was “God, what a mess”,
then I stared a bit longer – and the penny dropped”. That piece of film showed a sequence of
bars, each representing different numbers of DNA repeats in the various individuals and
animals in the experiment.

Crucially, every individual in the sample had a different bar code and could be identified
with precision. Jeffreys could even establish kinships: the bands of the DNA supplied by one
of his technicians were a composite of her mother’s and father’s, for example. Even the
animal samples showed that individuals could be identified this way. As Jeffreys put it: “It
was an absolute Eureka moment. It was a blinding flash. In five golden minutes, my research
career went whizzing off in a completely new direction. The last thing that had been on my
mind was anything to do with identification or paternity suits. However, I would have been a
complete idiot not to spot the applications”.

He called his staff together and they began a brain-storming session to find uses for the
technology they had stumbled on. Paternity cases were an obvious example, as was the
identification of criminals. “But then we thought, how about crime scene samples. Could we
get DNA from blood left behind after murders or robberies?”

Today this seems a silly question, attuned as we are to the marvels displayed in CSI Miami
and the rest. But in 1984 no one knew how stable DNA was. For all Jeffreys knew, it could
break apart rapidly after a cell had died, making crime scene sampling impossible.

“So I spent the next two days cutting myself and leaving blood marks round the laboratory.
Then we tested those bloodstains and found that their DNA was intact”. Thus the genetics
laboratory of Jeffreys was not only the birthplace of DNA fingerprinting; it became the first
setting for a DNA crime scene analysis.

Yet the criminal case uses of DNA fingerprinting were not the first to occupy Jeffreys and
his team. Its usefulness in immigration cases grabbed immediate attention. “In fact, I had
never seen the implications for immigration cases”, admits Jeffreys. “It was my wife, Sue,
who said DNA fingerprinting would make an incredible difference in disputes over
nationality. And she was absolutely right."

Over the next decade, DNA fingerprinting was used to test more than 18,000 immigrants
who had been refused entry into the UK. Of these, more than 95% produced results that
showed they were blood relatives of UK citizens and were therefore entitled to British
citizenship – thanks to DNA fingerprinting.

It is a striking body of work, which earned Jeffreys a knighthood in 1994 and which has
taken him far from his academic roots and involved him in a startling range of work. He has
no regrets, however: “I love it. DNA fingerprinting came out of the blue and turned me
round in five minutes flat. There are certain things in science that are historically inevitable,

however. I was just lucky that I got to discover DNA fingerprinting. If I hadn't, someone else
would have done it by now. I have no illusions about that”.

TheGuardian May, 2009

13. Игра «Conversation» на тему открытий в истории медицины.

Участники: один студент выступает в качестве англоговорящего лектора, другой – в

роли русскоговорящего студента, а третий – переводчик.

Инсценируется ситуация: англоговорящий лектор рассказывает русскоговорящему

студенту об открытиях в истории медицины. Студент задает вопросы и уточняет
интересующую его информацию у лектора. Переводчик осуществляет
последовательный двусторонний перевод.

general internal medicine, therapeutics, терапия (наука)
internal medicine (AE)

therapy терапия (лечение)

manual therapy мануальная терапия

preventive care профилактика

medical disorder заболевание

health promotion пропаганда здорового образа жизни;

укрепление здоровья населения

hospital emergency department приемное отделение больницы

acute medical unit отделение неотложной терапии

outpatient амбулаторный больной

inpatient стационарный/госпитализированный

doctor (BE), physician (AE) врач, медик

general practitioner (GP) (BE)/ family врач широкого профиля

practitioner (AE)

physician (BE)/ internist (AE) врач-терапевт

[ˈɪntɜː(r)nɪst], [ɪnˈtɜː(r)nɪst]

acutely [əˈkjuːtli] остро, резко, сильно

slight fever небольшая температура/жар

stealthy тайный, скрытый, незаметный

to assess [əˈses] определять, оценивать

ultimate objective [ˈʌltɪmət əbˈdʒektɪv] конечная цель

clinical judgment клиническая оценка

medical certificate больничный лист, медицинское


degenerative disease [dɪˈdʒen(ə)rətɪv] дегенеративное/прогрессирующее


cardiovascular disease (CVD) сердечно-сосудистое заболевание

hypertension гипертензия, повышенное кровяное


diabetes [ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiːz] сахарный диабет

asthma [ˈæsmə] бронхиальная астма

arthritis [ɑː(r)ˈθraɪtɪs] артрит, воспаление сустава

kidney disease [ˈkɪdni] заболевание почек

geriatrics [ˌdʒeriˈætrɪks] гериатрия (область медицины,

посвященная лечению людей пожилого и
старческого возраста)

renal medicine [ˈriːn(ə)l] нефрология (область медицины,

изучающая функции и болезни почек.)

co-morbidity сопутствующая патология/заболевание

challenging представляющий сложность, трудный,


provision обеспечение, оказание

near-patient testing экспресс-диагностика

biomedical research медико-биологическое исследование

implement preventive initiative проводить профилактическое


run clinic врачебная практика

vulnerable социально уязвимый, беззащитный,


to sign repeat prescription выписывать повторный рецепт

statement of fitness for work лист нетрудоспособности

medical insurance медицинская страховка

ischemic heart disease ишемическая болезнь сердца

low-income country страна с низким уровнем доходов

middle-income country страна со средним уровнем доходов

Health and Social Development Minister Министр здравоохранения и

социального развития

Health minister министр здравоохранения

anaesthetic [ˌænəsˈθetɪk] болеутоляющее/обезболивающее


consciousness сознание

antiseptic антисептик, обеззараживающее средство

injection инъекционный раствор; инъекция

inflammation раздражение, воспалительный процесс

swelling отёк, припухлость, опухание

stroke инсульт; приступ

chills озноб

nausea [ˈnɔːziə] тошнота

vomiting рвота

vertigo [ˈvɜː(r)tɪɡəʊ] головокружение

cold простуда

chickenpox ветряная оспа, ветрянка

measles [ˈmiːz(ə)lz] корь

rubella [ruːˈbelə] краснуха

divination предсказание будущего

augment [ɔːɡˈment] увеличивать

self-perception самовосприятие

herbal remedy лекарственное средство из растений

radiotherapy лучевая терапия

Ложные друзья переводчика
Слово Правильный перевод Ошибочный перевод
satin [ˈsætɪn] атлас (сорт ткани) сатин
seasoning приправа (соль, перец, специи) сезон, сезонность
sinus [ˈsaɪnəs] носовая пазуха синус (математический
solid крепкий, сплошной, массивный;
солидный (очень редко)
stress давление, напряжение; стресс;
ударение, акцент
sweet water пресная вода сладкая вода
sympathy жалость, сочувствие симпатия
terminal терминал; конечный,
окончательный, неизлечимый (о
terminus конечная станция/остановка термин
thesis курсовая, дипломная или иная тезис
письменная работа для получения
ученого звания или степени
trampoline батут трамплин
transparent прозрачный, ясный, очевидный, транспарант
trivial [ˈtrɪviəl] незначительный, неважный, тривиальный (банальный)
troop группа людей/животных (часто труп
перемещающаяся); войска (в форме
мн.ч. troops)
troupe [truːp] труппа (театральная) труп
velvet бархат вельвет
vine виноградная лоза, вьющееся вино
will воля, завещание
адвокат lawyer, attorney (американский advocate
вариант), barrister (выступающий в
суде), solicitor (поверенный)
актуальный important (важный), relevant actual
(относящийся к делу), topical
(злободневный, о котором говорят),
sharp (острый, злободневный), acute
(острый), urgent (срочный,
аналитик analyst analytic
ангина tonsillitis, sore throat angina
анекдот joke, funny story anecdote
аппендицит appendectomy appendix, appendicitis
аргумент reason/reasoning (причина), argument
conviction (убеждение), point (точка
зрения), grounds (основания)
бандаж athletic support (спортивный), bandage
surgical corset, (abdominal) support
батон (long) loaf of bread baton
бульон broth, clear soup bullion

датский Danish Dutch
инвалид (калека) cripple invalid
инструкция manual (руководство по instruction
эксплуатации), directions
(указания), job description
инсульт cerebral thrombosis, stroke insult
кабина cockpit cabin

1. Переведите нижеуказанные предложения на русский язык.

1. She wore her green satin.
2. I had sinus trouble and couldn’t breathe freely.
3. He couldn’t afford a big troupe.
4. Nathan neither liked nor understood jokes.
5. His wife spoke Swedish and Danish.
6. After her death they couldn’t find any will.
7. Vine is any of various plants, esptcially the grapevine, having long flexible stems that
creep along the ground or climb by clinging to a support by means of tendrils,
leafstalks, etc.
8. The benches were solid enough to withstand years of seafront weather.
9. Add Parmesan, lemon juice and check the seasoning.
10. He had trivial problems but they made him uneasy.
11. Sometimes it was a string of topical jokes.
12. I try to tell parents that their children are not born with a manual on how they need to
be raised.
13. After a few hours they found at last the spring of sweet water.
14. We were like trams running on their lines from terminus to terminus.
15. Polio is a stealthy infection, often producing no symptoms or perhaps a slight fever
and a sore throat.
16. The importance of the negotiations was also stressed by the foreign press.
17. He didn’t feel any sympathy towards that woman.
18. He saw two beggars. One was a cripple.
19. The cockpit window was broken and the pilot was gone.
20. He lived through the Academy Awards and died about 18 months later of a stroke.
21. The reasons for this are quite transparent.
22. The appendectomy didn’t interfere with her playing as Shakespeare.
23.And I did this film with Neil LaBute and Stanley Tucci called ‘Some velvet Morning’.
24. I’m working on a thesis, I mean my master’s thesis.
25. She wanted to see the best analyst in our company.
26. Her reasoning wasn’t accepted by the authorities.
27. Pour the egg little by little directly into the broth at the end.
28. She was a good jumper but was afraid of the trampoline.
29. The troops were sent by sea.
30. Castro did not have cancer, he said, but his condition was nonetheless ‘terminal’.

2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Затем переведите на

слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

general internal medicine, to relieve pain, degenerative disease, to contract, Hippocrates

Oath, cardiovascular disease,wound, kidney disease, immortal, smallpox, tremor, dentistry,
to assess, medical disorder, apprentice, to transfuse, anamnesis, medical certificate, to seek
medical advice, challenging, dissection, inpatient, physician, cold, to postpone, entitled, acute
medical unit, nausea, chickenpox, augment, to vaccinate, consciousness, near-patient testing,
surgery,extensive set, inflammation, co-morbidity, vulnerable, set fracture, hypertension,
patient, preventive care, stroke, arthritis, swelling, germ, misconception, internist, pleurisy,
to propel, vaccine, to suffer, outpatient, to draw smth. from, mould, subsequently, chills,
undaunted, to coin smth., vaccination, transfusion, haemorrhage, obstetrician, anthrax,
souring, X-rays, influenza, rubella, essential, measles, health promotion, provision,
apprentice, syringe, liver, radiotherapy, ultimate objective, sepsis, biomedical research,
vomiting, vertigo, medical insurance, herbal remedy, self-perception, divination, general
practitioner, low-income country, ischemic heart disease, rabies.

3. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Затем переведите

на слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

обращаться за медицинской помощью, приемное отделение больницы, бронхиальная

астма, терапия (наука), облегчить боль, оспа, хирургия, обезболивающее средство,
бессмертный, история развития болезни, пациент, вправлять перелом, конечная цель,
впоследствии, прививка, переливание крови, терапевт, стоматология, клиническая
оценка, вскрытие, клятва Гиппократа, рана, нефрология, предсказание дальнейшего
течения болезни, озноб, артрит, широкий выбор, тошнота, откладывать, заразиться,
социально уязвимый, бесстрашный, сознание, печень, рвота, определять, вводить в
употребление (слова), вакцина, терапия (лечение), инъекция, простуда, под названием,
сибирская язва, шприц, артрит, экспресс-диагностика, сопутствующая патология,
переливать кровь, сахарный диабет, грипп, прогрессирующее заболевание, гериатрия,
рентгеновские лучи, бешенство, заражение крови, корь, паралич, раздражение,
дрожание (рук), врач широкого профиля, важный, окисление, акушер, инсульт,
больничный лист, продвигать, заболевание почек, припухлость, заблуждение, болеть,
делать прививку, кровотечение, бактерия, добиться у кого-либо чего-либо,

амбулаторный больной, самовосприятие, сердечно-сосудистое заболевание, лучевая
терапия, увеличивать, представляющий сложность, лекарственное средство из
растений, стационарный больной, профилактика, ветряная оспа, краснуха, медико-
биологическое исследование, медицинская страховка, повышенное кровяное давление,
лист нетрудоспособности, страна со средним уровнем доходов, ишемическая болезнь
сердца, головокружение, обеззараживающее средство, предсказание будущего.

4. Переведите тексты с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.


Throughout history, the most important has been the division into surgical and internal
medicine specialties. The surgical specialties are the specialties in which an important part of
diagnosis and treatment is achieved through major surgical techniques unlike the internal
medicine specialties in which the main diagnosis and treatment is never major surgery. So
internal medicine or general internal medicine (GIM) (in Commonwealth nations) is the
medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adult diseases.

Doctors in GIM diagnose and treat the wide spectrum of medical disorders that present
acutely to hospital emergency departments and acute medical units, referring for specialist
opinion and care as appropriate. They provide advice and care for patients admitted to
hospital under other specialties (e.g. surgery) that have or develop medical problems.

Doctors working in GIM also diagnose and treat the wide spectrum of medical conditions
that are referred to medical outpatient clinics. They also manage patients with co-morbidities
(i.e. complex medical problems involving multiple symptoms and conditions).

Doctors specialising in GIM are part of the acute medical care workforce, which includes
those who practise acute medicine, geriatrics and other ‘physicianly specialties’ such as
gastroenterology, diabetes and endocrinology, respiratory medicine, cardiology, renal
medicine and rheumatology. GIM may be practised on its own, but it is more usual to
combine GIM with one of these specialties.

Besides the more general English term ‘doctor’ whom an American would likely call a
physician, in the broad sense, such specialists are also called physicians or internists without
a modifier in Commonwealth nations.

One of the attractions of GIM is that specialists see a wide spectrum of clinical problems but
this also means keeping their knowledge and skills required for the role up to date. Treating
acutely ill people and sometimes saving lives can be rewarding but it can also be challenging
to manage acutely ill people under pressure. Working with a multidisciplinary team
consisting of trainee medical staff, nursing staff, physiotherapists, social service staff,
occupational therapists and other allied medical professionals can be an enjoyable aspect of
this speciality.

Physicians may also assume responsibility for the provision of continuing and
comprehensive medical care to individuals, families and communities — known as general
practitioners (GPs) in UK or family physician/family doctor in the USA.

GPs treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical
services for urgent and specialist treatment. They focus on the health of the whole person
combining physical, psychological and social aspects of care.

GPs are primary care doctors providing the first point of contact with the NHS for most
people in their communities. GPs help patients by trying to identify problems they may have
at an early stage which could be as varied as an infectious disease, cancer or a safeguarding
issue. They are the trusted adults to whom patients first turn for advice and support. GPs also
try wherever possible to maintain the health of patients through preventive care and health

GPs treat conditions such as hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, asthma,

arthritis, kidney disease and other chronic and long-term conditions; emotional, stress-related
and other mild to moderate psychiatric illnesses.

Common procedures usually include: one-to-one consultations; drug prescribing; diagnostics

(near-patient testing); checking patients’ test results and advocating the right course of action
to take; running clinics, for example, for chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes;
implementing preventive initiatives; safeguarding vulnerable children and adults by prompt
action; improving patients’ experience of the GP practice by asking them for feedback; doing
official tasks such as signing repeat prescriptions and death certificates, filling out statements
of fitness for work and preparing letters and reports; being involved in decisions about
upgrading equipment.

General Practise is the largest medical specialty group representing 41% of the entire
medical workforce. The UK has over 40,000 doctors working as GPs. This presents just over
36,000 full-time equivalent GPs. Just over half of all GPs are women. Department of Health
data shows that doctors entering General Practice training are typically older than other
specialities. This is an indication that trainees tend to choose a GP specialization later in their

5. Переведите с листа следующие предложения.

1. Clinical practice is when the physician assesses the patient personally; the aim being
to diagnose, treat, and prevent disease using his/her training and clinical judgment.
2. Healthcare science is a multidisciplinary field which deals with the application of
science, technology, engineering (mathematics) for the delivery of care. A healthcare
scientist is involved with the delivery of diagnosis, treatment, care and support of patients in
systems of healthcare, as opposed to people in academic research. A healthcare scientist
actively combines the organizational, psychosocial, biomedical, and societal aspects of
health, disease and healthcare.
3. Biomedical research is a broad area of science that seeks ways to prevent and treat
diseases that make people or animals ill or causes death. It includes several areas of both
physical and life sciences. Biomedical scientists use biotechnology techniques to study
biological processes and diseases; their ultimate objective is to develop successful treatments
and cures. Biomedical research requires careful experimentation, development and
evaluations involving many scientists, including biologists, chemists, doctors,
pharmacologist, and others. It is an evolutionary process.
4. Surgery is a branch of medicine that focuses on diagnosing and treating disease,
deformity and injury by instrumental and manual means. This may involve a surgical
procedure, such as one that involves removing or replacing diseased tissue or organs.
Surgery usually takes place in a laboratory, operating room (theater), a dental clinic, or a
veterinary clinic/practice.
5. Alternative medicine includes any practice which claims to heal but does not fall
within the realm of traditional medicine. In most cases, because it is based on cultural or
historical traditions, instead of scientific evidence. Examples of alternative medicine include
homeopathy, acupuncture, ayurveda, naturopathic medicine, and traditional Chinese
6. General Practitioner (GP) is a doctor who deals with general medical probems and
treats the families in a particular area.
7. Medicine can be countable and uncountable if it defines a substance that you take to
treat an illness, especially a liquid that you drink. However it’s uncountable if it defines the
study and practice of treating or preventing illnesses and injuries.
8. Anaesthetic is a drug that causes loss of feeling or consciousness.
9. Antiseptic is a substance that kills or stops the growth of germs which cause disease.
10. Epidemic is a major outbreak of a disease that spreads rapidly to a lot of people.
11. Immunization is an injection of harmless bacteria or viruses to spur the body to
produce antibodies so it can resist a particular disease.
12. Inflammation is the body's reaction to injury or infection. It is characterized by
swelling, heat, redness, and pain.
13. A stroke is when an artery in the brain is blocked or leaks. Oxygen-deprived brain
cells begin to die within minutes.
14. Influenza – or the flu – is a virus that spreads quickly from person to person.
Symptoms include fever, chills, aches, runny nose, a cough and stomach upset.
Immunisation is your best defence against the flu.
15. AIDS is the abbreviation for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, the most
advanced stage of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
16. Chickenpox is a very contagious (catching) disease. It causes small itchy blisters on
your skin. Very occasionally chickenpox can lead to serious complications, such as
pneumonia, problems with the kidneys, heart, joints or nervous system. Chickenpox is also
serious for pregnant women.
17. There are over 200 different viruses that can cause colds. These viruses spread
through the air when someone with a cold sneezes or coughs. If you have a cold, it means
you have a virus that is affecting your head and chest, including your nose, throat, sinuses
and ears.
18. A fever is usually a normal response of your immune system to a virus or bacterial
infection. Find out when a fever is something you can take care of at home and when you
should see your doctor.
19. Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of an underlying illness and not a specific
disease. Nausea is the sensation that the stomach wants to empty itself, while vomiting or
throwing up, is the act of forcible emptying of the stomach.
20. Measles is a highly contagious disease that can be life threatening.
21. Rubella is usually a mild viral illness – but if serious if a pregnant woman catches the
disease, especially during the first 3 months of her pregnancy she can pass rubella on to her
unborn baby. Rubella is spread through the air by breathing, coughing and sneezing.
22. Sore throats are usually caused by virus infections like colds or the flu.
23. Disorders of your balance system can cause giddiness called vertigo.

6. Переведите статью письменно.


The stethoscope is having a crossroads moment. Perhaps more than at any time in its two-
century history, this ubiquitous tool of the medical profession is at the centre of debate over
how medicine should be practised.

In recent years, the sounds it transmits from the heart, lungs, blood vessels and bowels have
been digitised, amplified, filtered and recorded. Last year, the US Food and Drug
Administration approved a stethoscope that can faithfully reproduce those sounds on a
mobile phone app or send them directly to an electronic medical record. Algorithms already
exist that can analyse the clues picked up by a stethoscope and offer a possible diagnosis.
But whether all this represents the rebirth of diagnostic possibility or the death rattle of an
obsolete device is a subject of spirited discussion in cardiology. The widespread use of
echocardiograms and the development of pocket-sized ultrasound devices are raising
questions about why doctors and others continue to sling earphones and rubber tubing
around their necks.

In 1997, researchers examined how well 453 physicians in training and 88 medical students
interpreted the information obtained via stethoscope. According to their study “both internal
medicine and family practice trainees had a disturbingly low identification rate for 12
important and commonly encountered cardiac events”. Nineteen years later, another team
tried to determine when doctors stopped improving at “auscultation” – listening to the body
to detect disease. The answer: after the third year of medical school. Worse, the researchers
wrote in the Archives of Internal Medicine, that skill “may decline after years in practice,
which has important implications for medical decision-making, patient safety, cost-effective
care and continuing medical education”.

That can’t be what French physician René Laennec envisioned in 1816 when, reluctant to
place his ear against a woman’s chest to listen to her heart, he rolled sheets of paper into a
tube that amplified the sounds. He went on to invent the stethoscope and is considered the
father of auscultation.

In 2016, the device remains one of the last instruments that healthcare providers use to infer
the nature of a problem, rather than viewing it directly.The stethoscope is an icon, of course.
Yet it carries more than symbolic value. It narrows the physical distance between doctor and
patient. It compels human touch.

Medicine’s familiar list of woes is at least partly to blame for auscultation’s decline. Doctors,
especially the overworked medical residents who staff hospitals, have much less time to
spend with patients. That means less time for physical examinations, including listening with
stethoscopes. The demands of electronic medical records have further eaten into time with
patients, many doctors complain.

Stethoscopes retain their value for listening to lungs and bowels for clues of disease, experts
agree. But for the cardiovascular system, “auscultation is superfluous. We are wasting
[students’] time,” associate dean for global health at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Sinai Hospital in New York Jagad Narula said. “Why should I not have an echocardiogram
in my hand if it’s as small as the stethoscope?”

For now, that device is utilised most commonly in emergency rooms, where speed is critical.
Its quality, said an associate professor of paediatrics at Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine in Baltimore Reid Thompson, is not yet good enough for routine use in other
clinical settings.

But a 2014 study in JACC Cardiovascular Imaging suggests the handheld instruments are at
least superior to physical examination. Cardiologists using them accurately identified 82% of
patients with heart abnormalities, while cardiologists using physical examination caught just

“It is time to discard the inaccurate, albeit iconic, stethoscope and join the rest of mankind in
the technology revolution,” said Kaul, one of the researchers.

Others wonder what might be lost when doctors stop placing that round, often cold disc
against a patient’s skin. In an essay last month in the New England Journal of Medicine,
Elazer Edelman pointed out that a stethoscope exam is an opportunity to create a bond
between doctor and patient.

“The link between patient and physician ... is unlike any other relationship between two non-
related people,” Edelman, a doctor who teaches at both Harvard Medical School and the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stressed in an interview. “When one physically
moves oneself farther and farther away, that link is either frayed or is torn.

“You can’t trust someone who won’t touch you.”

TheGuardian January, 2016

7. Переведите по абзацам с листа с предварительным чтением абзаца вслух.

Затем переведите эти абзацы под диктовку.


“Doctor, what’s wrong with me?” The first step towards successfully treating a complaint is
finding out what you are suffering from. Greek doctors coined the expression ‘diagnosis’ for
this process: ‘the means of distinguishing or recognising’.

Medical practitioners use various methods and tools to diagnose. These include their senses,
the patient’s descriptions of his or her symptoms, and medical instruments or test to
investigate causes for the complaint. Arriving at a diagnosis is like being a detective.
Medical practitioners detect clues and interpret them correctly. It is not surprising that a
medical man, physician Joseph Bell, was the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes, the world’s
most famous literary detective.

Healers throughout history and across cultures used different diagnostic methods. Early
civilisations used magical practices such as divination, whereas medieval Europeans used
astrology. Medical traditions worldwide including Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese
Medicine interpret features of the patient’s body such as the pulse. Doctors now use lots of
diagnostic tools and techniques in their ’detective work‘. These include instruments such as
microscopes and stethoscopes which augment the senses; technologies such as X-ray or
ultrasound machines which make the inside of the body visible; or tests to reveal germs or
genetic defects.

Despite the availability of these and other techniques the process of diagnosis still causes
problems. Doctors must firstly agree on the definition of a disease. What are the symptoms
of a disease?

Different interpretations of symptoms result in conflicting diagnoses. This causes problems

of authority. Many people can access medical information on the internet and diagnose
themselves. Alternatively, two medical practitioners may interpret your symptoms
differently. Whose diagnosis do you trust? Technology cannot always provide a solution,
especially if different tests or examinations produce contradictory results.

Being diagnosed with a disease can have social, financial and legal consequences. In some
health-care systems your diagnosis determines how much compensation you get from
medical insurance. Being labelled with a disease can shape a person’s self-perception.
Diagnosis can also affect your position in society and personal rights.

How do you cure a disease? Through the ages, practitioners and lay people have developed
new treatments and drugs, or imported them from other cultures. Thus, today the medical
marketplace offers a variety of choices to a patient, from pharmaceuticals to acupuncture.
People wishing to treat their depression, for instance, can choose between traditional herbal
remedies, non-physical treatments such as psychotherapy, or a combination of these. For
severe diseases, patients usually receive a combination of treatments. After the Second
World War (1939-45), cancer treatment came to include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and
surgery. Modern biomedical research investigates the possibilities of gene therapies, for
instance for the treatment of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

However, rather than treat an illness, patients and practitioners may aim to prevent disease.
Depending on one's beliefs about the body and the causes of disease, such prevention (or
“prophylaxis”) may take many forms. It may include diets and exercise, vaccination and

8. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие числительные.

453 095, 413 584, 302 618, 8 967 808, 4 935 867, 56 430 867, 4 000 644, 1 300 043, 10 919,
402 782, 83 830 330, 42 456 186, 93 418 345, 715 850 057, 81 725 719, 40 000 109, 5 900
160, 270 720 809, 413 587 896, 82 432 105, 77 085 834, 917 003 578, 2 700 935, 789 407,
412 514 332, 67 819 023, 719 000 839, 522 073 679, 721 057, 915 830, 84 569 090, 739
540 218, 96 620 800.

9. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие дни

недели и месяцы.

May, July, October, April, February, August, November, January, March, June, September,
December, June, September, May, March, April, July, October, August, February.

Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday,

Thursday, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, Tuesday, Thurday.

10. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие даты.

Saturday, February 13, 1926 Saturday, June 20, 1998 Wednesday, July 18, 2013
Monday, April 24, 1911 Friday, May 9, 1845 Sunday, December 6, 1942
Thursday, September 28, 1989 Tuesday, January 19, 1993 Thursday, March 26, 1598
11. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите на русском языке следующие
прецизионные слова.

765 890; Warsaw; July; 885 735; Tuesday; Jenette; Taylor; 1.89; Monday; Jens; July 16,
1543; Norway; Lauren; Thursday; 8.90; Dutch; Simpson; September; 903 885; Monday;
Dutch; 3.13; October 21, 1824; October 1st; Spanish; (495) 244-35-14; June; Birdman; 13;
Friday; 1.983; Norway; Wednesday; Swedish; Joseph; February 23, 1896; Denmark; (903)
698-89-65; Sunday; Steven; 2.15; 3.50; Saturday; Austin; Henry IV; Switzerland; Claire;
Moscow; 456 298; April 1813; Dave; (903) 903-30-90; Sweden; 5.796; Hunrary; Dublin;
Isabella; April 3rd; Elizabeth II; 19.894; Matthew; Ivan III; Olivia.

11. Прослушайте тексты полностью, обращая внимание на прецизионную

лексику, делая записи, после чего переведите тексты на
английский/русский язык.


Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания (ССЗ) являются основной причиной смерти во всем

мире: ни по какой другой причине ежегодно не умирает столько людей, сколько от
ССЗ. Согласно статистике в 2012 году от ССЗ умерло 17,5 миллиона человек, что
составило 31% всех случаев смерти в мире. Из этого числа 7,4 миллиона человек
умерли от ишемической болезни сердца и 6,7 миллиона человек в результате инсульта.
Более 75% случаев смерти от ССЗ происходят в странах с низким и средним уровнем
дохода. Из 16 миллионов случаев смерти от неинфекционных заболеваний в возрасте
до 70 лет 82% случаев приходятся на страны с низким и средним уровнем дохода, а
причиной 37% являются ССЗ. Большинство сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний можно
предотвратить путем принятия мер в отношении таких факторов риска как
употребление табака, нездоровое питание и ожирение, отсутствие физической
активности и злоупотребления алкоголя. Люди, страдающие ССЗ или подвергающиеся
высокому риску таких заболеваний, нуждаются в раннем выявлении и оказании
помощи путем консультирования и, при необходимости, приема лекарственных


Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people

through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes*. In 2015, 95 countries and
territories had ongoing malaria transmission. About 3.2 billion people – almost half of the
world’s population – are at risk of malaria. Malaria is preventable and curable, and increased
efforts are dramatically reducing the malaria burden in many places. Between the years of
2000 and 2015 malaria incidence among populations at risk (the rate of new cases) fell by
37% globally. In that same period, malaria death rates among populations at risk fell by 60%
globally among all age groups, and by 65% among children under 5. Sub-Saharan Africa**
carries a disproportionately high share of the global malaria burden. In 2015, the region was
home to 88% of malaria cases and 90% of malaria deaths.

* Anopheles mosquitoes – малярийные комары

** Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) – Чёрная Африка (название части африканского

континента, находящейся к югу от пустыни Сахара).

12. Переведите письменно отрывок из статьи.


Сегодня в России отмечается День медицинского работника – это праздник врачей,

фельдшеров, медсестер и младшего медицинского персонала. В этот день мы решили
вспомнить выдающихся отечественных врачей.


Николай Иванович Пирогов (1810-1881): Хирург и анатом, естествоиспытатель и

педагог, создатель первого атласа топографической анатомии, основоположник
военно-полевой хирургии, основатель анестезии. Один из основоположников
хирургии как научной медицинской дисциплины. Разработал ряд важных операций и
хирургических приемов, первым предложил ректальный наркоз и начал использовать
эфирный наркоз. Впервые в мире применил наркоз в военно-полевой хирургии.

Пирогов впервые широко применил гипсовую повязку. До этого гипс в медицине

почти не использовался. Ограниченное применение имела крахмальная повязка,
медленно высыхающая, размокающая от гноя и крови и неудобная в полевых

Во время обороны Севастополя привлек женщин к уходу за ранеными на фронте.

Также именно он впервые ввёл обязательную первичную сортировку раненых на
четыре группы. Смертельно раненным помощь оказывали священники и медсёстры,
тяжелоранеными, требующими немедленной помощи, врач занимался в первую
очередь. Тех, кому не требовалась срочная операция, отправляли в тыл.
Легкоранеными, которых можно было быстро вернуть в строй, занимались

Ещё до появления антисептиков Пирогов отделил раненых с гнойными и

гангренозными осложнениями от тех, у кого раны были чистыми, что помогало
избежать распространения инфекции.

Как педагог Пирогов стремился к осуществлению всеобщего начального обучения,

был организатором воскресных народных школ. Также он боролся за отмену телесных
наказаний в гимназии.

Николай Васильевич Склифосовский (1836 — 1904): Заслуженный русский профессор,

хирург, один из родоначальников полостной хирургии (оперативного лечения женских
болезней, заболеваний желудка, печени и жёлчных путей, мочевого пузыря),
способствовал внедрению принципов антисептики и асептики, разработал
оригинальную операцию соединения костей при ложных суставах («русский замок»).
Внес значительный вклад в развитие военно-полевой хирургии, отстаивал
приближение медицинской помощи к месту боя, принцип «сберегательного лечения»
огнестрельных ранений, применение гипсовых повязок как средства иммобилизации
при ранениях конечностей.
Склифосовскому принадлежат более чем семидесят научных работ по хирургии,
развитию асептики и хирургии в целом.

Имя Склифосовского присвоено Московскому научно-исследовательскому институту

скорой помощи.

Черным пятном в биографии Склифосовского стала судьба его семьи. Единственный

сын легендарного врача покончил жизнь самоубийством. Владимир застрелился
незадолго до Октябрьской революции. Он состоял в террористической организации и
должен был убить полтавского губернатора, однако, не смог застрелить человека, с
которым дружила его семья.

В 1919 году казаки пробольшевистского отряда зверски убили жену Николая

Васильевича и его старшую дочь. Причем от расправы их не смог спасти документ,
подписанный Лениным, в котором говорилось, что на семью известного хирурга
репрессии не распространяются.

Сергей Петрович Боткин (1832-1889): Русский врач-терапевт, основатель учения о

целостности организма человека, общественный деятель. Закончил медицинский
факультет Московского университета, был участником Крымской войны, работал в
Симферопольском госпитале. Также работал в клиниках Кенигсберга, Берлина, Вены,
Англии, Парижа.

В 1860 году Сергей Боткин переехал в Санкт-Петербург, где защитил докторскую

диссертацию и получил звание профессора медицины.

Боткин стал одним из основателей женского медицинского образования, организовал

школу для женщин-фельшеров, а также женские врачебные курсы. Впервые в России
создал экспериментальную лабораторию, где исследовал физиологическое и
фармакологическое действие лекарственных веществ. Создал новое направление в
медицине, названное нервизмом. Именно он установил инфекционный характер
такого заболевания, как вирусный гепатит, разработал диагностику и клинику
блуждающей почки.

В 1861 открыл первую в истории клинического лечения больных бесплатную

амбулаторию, добился постройки бесплатной больницы, открытой в 1880 году
(Александровская барачная больница, ныне больница им. С. П. Боткина). Среди
учеников Боткина 85 докторов наук, в том числе А. А. Нечаев, М. В. Яновский, Н. Я.
Чистович, И. П. Павлов, А. Г. Полотебнов, Т. П. Павлов, Н. П. Симановский.

Аргументы и Факты июнь’2013

13. Игра «Conversation» на тему терапия.

Участники: один студент выступает в качестве англоговорящего врача, другой – в
роли русскоговорящего пациента, а третий – переводчик.

Инсценируется ситуация: русскоговорящий пациент, отдыхющий заграницей,

заболевает и приходит на прием к англоговорящему врачу. Переводчик осуществляет
последовательный двусторонний перевод.



public health service государственная система
здравоохранения, медицинское
обслуживание населения

medical condition заболевание

surgical condition хирургическое заболевание

acute [əˈkjuːt] неотложный, экстренный, срочный (о

медицинской помощи)

elective surgery плановая операция

A&E department (Accident and Emergency отделение экстренной медицинской

department) помощи

anesthesia [ˌænəsˈθiːziə] анастезия, наркоз

anesthesiologist врач-анестезиолог

anesthetized под анастезией/наркозом

unconsciousness бессознательное состояние

spine позвоночник

spinal cord спинной мозг

abdomen [ˈæbdəmən] брюшная полость

gastrointestinal tract [ˌɡæstrəʊɪnˈtestɪn(ə)l trækt] желудочно-кишечный тракт

breast [brest] грудь, молочная железа

kidney [ˈkɪdni] почка

bowel [ˈbaʊəl] кишечник

pancreas [ˈpæŋkriəs] поджелудочная железа

thorax [ˈθɔːræks] грудная клетка

appendicitis [əˌpendɪˈsaɪtɪs] аппендицит

peripheral vascular disease заболевание периферических

кровеносных сосудов

peripheral nervous system периферическая нервная система

hernia [ˈhɜː(r)niə] грыжа

gallstone [ˈɡɔːlˌstəʊn] камень в желчном пузыре

plague [pleɪɡ] чума

to plague преследовать, приносить беды

to handle tools обращаться с инструментами

sophisticated утонченный, сложный, искусный

an emphasis on smth. упор или акцент на что-либо

tumour [ˈtjuːmə(r)] опухоль, новообразование

benign tumour [bəˈnaɪn] доброкачественная опухоль

malignant tumour [məˈlɪɡnənt] злокачественная опухоль

adhesion [ədˈhiːʒ(ə)n] рубцовое сращение, рубец

trauma [ˈtrɔːmə] травма, повреждение

orthopaedics [ˌɔː(r)θəˈpiːdɪks] ортопедия

orthopedic surgeon хирург-ортопед

holistic approach комплексный подход

congenital disorder [kənˈdʒenɪt(ə)l] врождённое заболевание

common notion общая точка зрения/ взгляд

to be implemented реализуется

emergency obstetric care скорая акушерская помощь

measles immunization противокоревая прививка

rural hospital сельская больница

Ложные друзья переводчика
Слово Правильный перевод Ошибочный перевод
винегрет Russian salad* vinaigrette
квас kvass*
кисель kissel*
команда team (спортивная), crew (экипаж) command
комплекция build, physique (реже) complexion
кухня kitchen (помещение), cuisine
(традиционные блюда страны)
марка make (марка автомобиля), mark
stamp/postage stamp (почтовая
марка), kind/sort/brand (марка
табака, конфет и т.д.)
мармелад fruit jelly (конфеты) marmalade
мастер (умелец) craftsman master
материал (ткань) fabric, cloth, material (очень редко) material
машина car (легковой), lorry (грузовой), machine
(транспортное truck (американский вариант)
метрополитен underground (railway), the Tube, metropolitan
Metro, subway (американский
мультипликация cartoons multiplication
на днях the other day (если речь идет о
прошлом), one of these days (если
речь идет о будущем)
обед lunch, tea-break/coffee-break dinner
(короткий перерыв на чай или
кофе), break (просто о перерыве)
парикмахерская barber’s (для мужчин),
hairdresser’s(для женщин)
параграф (часть section, part paragraph
текста, раздел)
под under anesthetic under anaesthesia
пост (религиозный) fast post
предприниматель entrepreneur [ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː(r)] undertaker
премия bonus, prize premium
претензия pretension, complaint, claim pretence, pretense
проба (проверка, trial, test, probation probe
протокол (о report, statement protocol
происшествии и
пюре mashed potatoes (картофельное) puree
ремарка note, stage direction(театральная) remark
репетитор tutor, coach
репетиция rehearsal repetition
рецензия review recension
рубрика column, heading (заголовок), rubric
санитар hospital attendant sanitary, sanitarian
сатин (сорт ткани) sateen satin
сеанс (кино) performance, show seance
секция (спортивная) sport club, sport class, sport group section
сервировать to lay the table serve
симпатичный nice, pleasant, sweet sympathetic
скотч (клейкая adhesive tape scotch
сценарий (фильма) film script, script scenario
талисман mascot talisman
талон coupon talon
техника (машины) (technical) equipment, machinery technique
травма injury trauma
трамплин spring-board (доска), ski jump trampoline
труп corpse, dead body, body, stiff (в troupe
разговорной речи)
универсал (мастер) all-round craftsman universal
характеристика description, a reference, a (letter of) characteristic
шашлык kebab shashlyk*
шведский стол smorgasbord [ˈsmɔː(r)ɡəsˌbɔː(r)d] Swedish table
шеф boss, head, chief, leader chef
экземпляр copy exemplar
экспертиза (expert)examination, commission of expertise
экстра (высшего premium quality, high quality extra
яичница scrambled eggs (обычная), fried
eggs (глазунья), omelette
* слово следует переводить с обязательным пояснением, т.к. оно неизвестно в
англоязычных странах.

1. Переведите устно со зрительной опорой нижеуказанные предложения,

обращая внимание на порядок слов при переводе.
1. Его сестра коллекционировала марки африканских стран.
2. There was a good ski jump nearby.
3. Её муж – настоящий универсал. Делает абсолютно всё.
4. We have seen your complaints and considered them right.
5. В возрасте 40 лет он увлекся мультиплиацией.
6. She fainted and they had to call for hospital attendants to take her to her room.
7. One of these days I will be able to beat old man Shakespeare.
8. Сейчас шашлыком называют практически любое мясо, приготовленное на углях.
9. Smorgasbord is a variety of cold or hot savoury dishes served in Scandinavia as a
buffet meal.
10. Полицейский протокол о происшествии исчез вчера вечером.
11.You have to be very secure in your abilities to have Mickey Mouse as your mascot.
12. He opened the kit, hoping that it contained something equivalent to adhesive tape.
13. Твой шеф просто сумасшедший старик.
14. Anna chose to attend ping-pong sport group.
15. Hopes of an increase in demand for high quality wheat are supporting the price of the
16. У них было всего 10 минут и два человека из прислуги, чтобы сервировать стол.
17. Why is it shocking that the corpse of a very old and very ill man looks very old and
very ill?
18. Under general anesthesia, you are completely unconscious and unable to feel pain
during medical procedures.
19. Наши соседи – симпатичные молодые люди.
20. ‘It's a great American play’, Stiller says, eating scrambled eggs during a rehearsal
break on a recent morning.

2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Затем переведите на

слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

general internal medicine, surgical condition, to relieve acute pain, degenerative disease, to
contract, Hippocrates Oath, A&E department, cardiovascular disease,wound, kidney disease,
immortal, thorax, smallpox, tremor, benign tumour, malignant tumour, dentistry, to assess,
hernia , medical disorder, apprentice, to transfuse, anamnesis, medical certificate, pancreas, to
seek medical advice, challenging, dissection, inpatient, physician, cold, to postpone, entitled,
acute medical unit, nausea, chickenpox, augment, appendicitis, to vaccinate, consciousness,
near-patient testing, sophisticated,extensive set, inflammation, co-morbidity, vulnerable,
trauma, set fracture, hypertension, patient, preventive care, stroke, arthritis, adhesion, to be
implemented, swelling, germ, misconception, internist, pleurisy, to propel, vaccine, to
suffer, gallstone, outpatient, to draw smth. from, mould, elective surgery, abdomen, breast,
subsequently, spinal cord, chills, undaunted, an emphasis on smth, vaccination, bowel,
transfusion, plague, haemorrhage, obstetrician, anthrax, souring, X-rays, influenza, rubella,
essential, measles, anesthetized, common notion, holistic approach, health promotion,
provision, apprentice, syringe, liver, radiotherapy, ultimate objective, unconsciousness,
sepsis, spine, biomedical research, vomiting, vertigo, to plague, medical insurance, herbal
remedy, self-perception, divination, general practitioner, peripheral nervous system, rural
hospital, congenital disorder, measles immunization, gastrointestinal tract, rabies, emergency
obstetric care, malignant tumour, to handle tools.

3. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Затем переведите

на слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

экстренный, обращаться за медицинской помощью, приемное отделение больницы,

бронхиальная астма, терапия (наука), хирургическое заболевание, облегчить боль,
оспа, обезболивающее средство, бессмертный, история развития болезни, пациент,
вправлять перелом, конечная цель, впоследствии, прививка, переливание крови,
терапевт, клиническая оценка, вскрытие, рана, нефрология, предсказание дальнейшего
течения болезни, озноб, артрит, широкий выбор, тошнота, заразиться, сельская
больница, злокачественная опухоль, врождённое заболевание, социально уязвимый,
бесстрашный, сознание, печень, рвота, определять, вакцина, под анастезией,
инъекция, простуда, под названием, сибирская язва, артрит, экспресс-диагностика,
сопутствующая патология, переливать кровь, сахарный диабет, грипп,
прогрессирующее заболевание, почка, гериатрия, рентгеновские лучи, бешенство,
поджелудочная железа, плесневый грибок, заражение крови, грудная клетка, корь,
паралич, кишечник, раздражение, дрожание (рук), травма, врач широкого профиля,
важный, окисление, акушер, инсульт, продвигать, бессознательное состояние, скорая
акушерская помощь, заболевание почек, позвоночник, грыжа, припухлость,
заблуждение, брюшная полость, делать прививку, кровотечение, бактерия,
амбулаторный больной, утонченный, комплексный подход, плановая операция,
реализуется, доброкачественная опухоль, сердечно-сосудистое заболевание, лучевая
терапия, новообразование, увеличивать, представляющий сложность, лекарственное
средство из растений, стационарный больной, рубец, общая точка зрения, камень в
желчном пузыре, профилактика, ветряная оспа, краснуха, медико-биологическое
исследование, ортопедия, спинной мозг, медицинская страховка, повышенное
кровяное давление, молочная железа, головокружение, обеззараживающее средство,
упор или акцент на что-либо, желудочно-кишечный тракт.

4. Переведите текст с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.

Surgery is the branch of medicine that deals with the physical manipulation of a bodily
structure to diagnose, prevent, or cure a medical condition. Since humans first learned to
make and handle tools, they have employed their talents to develop surgical techniques, each
time more sophisticated than the last; however, until the industrial revolution, surgeons were
incapable of overcoming the three principal obstacles which had plagued the medical
profession from its infancy — bleeding, pain and infection. Advances in these fields have
transformed surgery from a risky "art" into a scientific discipline capable of treating many
diseases and conditions.

General surgery is a discipline that requires knowledge of and familiarity with a broad
spectrum of diseases that may require surgical treatment. Therefore general surgeons employ
a wide range of knowledge and skills to perform surgery, often in emergency situations.
There is frequently an emphasis on acute abdominal problems.

General surgery encompasses a broad range of surgery which includes: surgical conditions of
the gastrointestinal tract; breast conditions; kidney, pancreas and liver transplantation;
trauma to the abdomen and thorax; certain skin conditions; initial assessment of patients with
peripheral vascular disease; general surgery of childhood; elective surgery.

General surgery is one of the two largest surgical specialties in the UK (the other being
trauma and orthopaedics) employing 31% of the country’s consultant surgeons. This is a
wide ranging surgical specialty with many sub-specialties such as breast surgery, lower and
upper gastrointestinal surgeries; endocrine surgery; transplant surgery.

Acute abdominal pain is the most common emergency presentation requiring surgery, since
the abdomen has various organs which may be causing the pain. Common conditions
requiring surgery include appendicitis, hernias and gallstones.

Laparoscopic or minimally invasive surgery is now widely used within general surgery.
These techniques are also popular with patients as there is less scarring, a shorter recovery
time and improved outcomes. Most abdominal operations including bowel tumour removal
and hernia repair can now be carried out laparoscopically. Some general surgeons choose to
specialise in laparoscopic surgery.

General surgeons have an important role to play in A&E departments where emergency
surgery is needed. In rural and remote areas general surgeons are in demand for their wide
range of skills.

General surgeons also perform trauma surgery following accidents, although this has
decreased because of improved car safety. This work requires close collaboration with other
specialist colleagues and a holistic approach to treatment. A small number of general
surgeons are highly specialised and they only perform complex surgery within their own
subspecialty, such as organ transplant surgery.

Within the Armed Forces military surgeons are general surgeons, where their work has an
emphasis on trauma and emergency surgery. General surgeons also carry out many simple
childhood operations.

5. Переведите с листа следующие предложения.

1. General anesthesia is more than just being asleep; the anesthetized brain doesn’t
respond to pain signals or reflexes.
2. An anesthesiologist is a specially trained doctor who specializes in anesthesia. While
you’re unconscious, the anesthesiologist monitors your body’s vital functions and manages
your breathing.
3. In 1890s a pioneering New Zealand plastic surgeon Archibald McIndoe who worked
for the Royal Air Force during the Second World War achieved international fame for his
work with plastic surgery on the faces of fighter pilots burned in the war - this was very early
plastic surgery. In 2002 nearly 7 million cosmetic surgical procedures were performed in the
US alone.
4. In 1954 the kidney was the first human organ to be transplanted successfully. Liver,
heart and pancreas transplants were successfully performed by the late 1960s, while lung and
intestinal organ transplant procedures were begun in the 1980s.
5. In 1990s increasing use of keyhole surgery, using endoscopes and ultrasound
scanning, allowed minimally invasive surgery.
6. Adhesion is a scar tissue that forms between loops of bowel after surgery performed in
the abdominal cavity.
7. Pediatric surgery arose in the middle of the 20th century as the surgical care of birth
defects required novel techniques and methods and became more commonly based at
children’s hospitals.
8. Orthopedic surgeons use both surgical and nonsurgical means to treat musculoskeletal
trauma, spine diseases, sports injuries, degenerative diseases, infections, tumors and
congenital disorders.
9. Neurosurgeons diagnose, assess and perform surgery to treat disorders of the nervous
system. They operate on the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the
peripheral nervous system which can involve any area of the body.
10. Acute pain is a type of pain that is directly related to soft tissue damage such as
a sprained ankle or a paper cut. It is of short duration but it gradually resolves as the injured
tissues heal. Acute pain is distinct from chronic pain and is relatively more sharp and severe.

6. Переведите статью письменно.


One of the oldest known medical textbooks is the Sushruta Samhita, written in Sanskrit in
India. Its exact date is tentative, as no original version survives and it is only known from
later copies, but the current consensus is that it was written in around 600 B.C. Sushruta is
thought to have been a physician and teacher working in the North Indian city of Benares
(now Varanasi in the state of Uttar Pradesh). His Samhita – a compilation of knowledge –
provides detailed information on medicine, surgery, pharmacology and patient management.

Sushruta advises his students that however well read they are, they are not competent to treat
disease until they have practical experience. Surgical incisions were to be tried out on the
skin of fruits, while carefully extracting fruit seeds enabled the student to develop the skill of
removing foreign bodies from flesh. They also practised on dead animals and on leather bags
filled with water, before being let loose on real patients.

Among its many surgical descriptions, the Sushruta Samhita documents cataract surgery.
The patient had to look at the tip of his or her nose while the surgeon, holding the eyelids
apart with thumb and index finger, used a needle-like instrument to pierce the eyeball from
the side. It was then sprinkled with breast milk and the outside of the eye bathed with a
herbal medication. The surgeon used the instrument to scrape out the clouded lens until the
eye “assumed the glossiness of a resplendent cloudless sun”. During recovery it was
important for the patient to avoiding coughing, sneezing, burping or anything else that might
cause pressure in the eye. If the operation were a success, the patient would regain some
useful vision, albeit unfocused.

BBC History Magazine February, 2016

7. Переведите статью письменно.


The medicinal leech has been in use for thousands of years, and is even today considered to
be a way of restoring venous circulation after reconstructive surgery. But it was in the early
19th century that the leech really soared in popularity. Led by French physician François-
Joseph-Victor Broussais (1772–1838), who postulated that all disease stemmed from local
inflammation treatable by bloodletting, the “leech craze” saw barrels of the creatures shipped
across the globe, wild leech populations decimated almost to extinction, and the
establishment of prosperous leech farms.

Leeches had advantages over the common practice of bloodletting using a lancet – the loss of
blood was more gradual and less of a shock for those of delicate constitution. And because
Broussais’s followers used leeches in place of all the other medicines at the 19 th-century
physician’s disposal, patients were spared some harsh remedies that might otherwise have
made them feel worse. In 1822, a British surgeon called Rees Price coined the term sangui-
suction for leech therapy.

BBC History Magazine February, 2016

8. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие числительные.

2 413 435, 4 000 405, 31 200 918, 890 753 908, 45 867, 4 367 867, 40 988 644, 13 043 999,
1 267 920, 49 086 752, 38 330, 44 267 186, 428 345, 78 538 507, 81 709, 40 689 109, 50
378 160, 72 809, 413 886, 82 678 105, 85 782 834, 93 911 578, 237 000 935, 7 800 407,
42 456 332, 819 023 043, 71 000 839, 5 289 679, 71 507 123, 95 000 803, 84 090 087, 7 943
219, 96 304 850.

9. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие

месяцы и дни недели.

May, April, February, July, December, October, April, August, November, January, March,
June, September, June, September, May, August, March, July, October, February.

Thursday, Wednesday, Monday, Friday, Tuesday, Saturday, Friday, Sunday, Thursday,

Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday, Monday, Saturday, Thurday.

10. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие даты.

Monday, January 12, 1925 Thursday, March 18, 1948 Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Friday, April 27, 1973 Tuesday, July 11, 1989 Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, August 31, 1924 Sunday, February 2, 2014 Saturday, June 17, 1995

11. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите на русском языке следующие

прецизионные слова.

Wednesday; Switzerland; 9.894; Friday; 665 898; Swedish; Warsaw; October; 8 815 735;
Tuesday; Columbia; Taylor; 4.89; Monday; Jens; February 16, 1453; Norway; Lauren;
Thursday; 8.90; Dutch; Simpson; September; 9 303 885; Dutch; 3.13; October 21, 1824;
June 2nd; Spanish; (495) 244-35-14; June; Germany; Swiss; 1.983; Norway; Joseph; August
23, 1986; Denmark; (916) 898-89-98; Sunday; Steven; 1.45; Austin; 3.60; Saturday; Claire;
Henry VIII; Brazil; 456 298; April 1813; Dave; (903) 903-30-90; Sweden; 5.796; Hunrary;
Dublin; Isabella; April 3rd; Elizabeth II; Matthew; Ivan IV; Olivia.

12. Прослушайте тексты полностью, обращая внимание на прецизионную

лексику, делая записи, после чего переведите тексты на
английский/русский язык.


There is a common notion that surgical care is too expensive to be implemented as part of
public health interventions. However, surgery can be remarkably cost-effective, even in
comparison to non-surgical interventions that are commonly implemented as public health
measures. The cost per DALY (disability-adjusted life year)* of emergency obstetric care at
a rural hospital in Bangladesh was $ 10.93 per DALY averted. The same measurement for all
surgical care services provided by a hospital in Sierra Leone was US$ 32.78/DALY averted.
This compares favourably to many other primary interventions such as vitamin A
distribution (US$ 9/DALY averted), acute lower respiratory infection detection and home
treatment (US$ 20/DALY averted) or measles immunization (US$ 30/DALY averted).

* DALY – ДАЛИ (годы жизни, утраченные в результате инвалидности)


По подсчетам Международного общества эстетической пластической хирургии*, в

2015 году мире было выполнено 9,6 млн. пластических операций, на 100 тысяч
меньше, чем в 2014 году. В ежегодный рейтинг Международного общества
эстетической пластической хирургии включаются лишь те государства, из которых
было получено достаточное количество заполненных анкет, так в 2013 году
разбиралась статистика 10 стран, в 2014-м – только восьми, в 2015 году – девяти:
США, Бразилии, Южной Кореи, Индии, Мексики, Германии, Колумбии, Франции и

Лидерами по количеству хирургических эстетических вмешательств стали, как и

прежде, США и Бразилия – 1,4 млн. и 1,2 млн. соответственно. В 2014 году показатели
обеих стран были выше. Тем не менее, остальные государства по-прежнему
значительно отстают. В Мексике, занявшей третье место, было сделано 461,5 тысячи
операций, а в Южной Корее, оказавшейся на четвертой строчке, – 445 тысяч.

* Международное общество эстетической пластической хирургии - International Society

of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)

13. Переведите письменно продолжение отрывка из статьи «10 врачей,

прославивших российскую медицину».

Иван Петрович Павлов (1849-1936): один из авторитетнейших учёных России,

физиолог, создатель науки о высшей нервной деятельности и представлений о
процессах регуляции пищеварения. Является основателем крупнейшей российской
физиологической школы и лауреатом Нобелевской премии в области медицины и
физиологии 1904 года «за работу по физиологии пищеварения».

Основные направления научной деятельности Павлова – исследование физиологии

кровообращения, пищеварения и высшей нервной деятельности. Ученый разработал
методы хирургических операций по созданию «изолированного желудочка»,
применил новый для своего времени «хронический эксперимент», позволяющий
проводить наблюдения на здоровых животных в условиях, максимально
приближенных к естественным. В результате его работы формировалась новая
научная дисциплина — наука о высшей нервной деятельности, в основе которой
лежало представление о разделении рефлексов на условные и безусловные. Павлов и
его сотрудники открыли законы образования и угасания условных рефлексов, были
исследованы разные типы и виды торможения, открыты законы основных нервных
процессов, изучены проблемы сна и установлены его фазы, и многое другое.

Широкую известность Павлову принесли его учение о типах нервной системы,

которое основывается на представлениях о соотношении между процессами
возбуждения и торможения, и учение о сигнальных системах.

Научная работа Павлова оказала влияние на развитие смежных областей медицины и

биологии, в том числе в психиатрии. Под влиянием его идей сформировались крупные
научные школы в терапии, хирургии, психиатрии, невропатологии.

Владимир Петрович Филатов (1875-1956): советский офтальмолог, разработавший

метод пересадки роговицы, при котором пересадочным материалом является
донорская роговица. В области восстановительной хирургии предложил метод
пересадки кожи при помощи так называемого мигрирующего круглого кожного
стебля. Также Филатов разработал и ввел в практику хирургической офтальмологии
методы пересаживания роговицы глаз трупов, предложил новые методы лечения
глаукомы, трахомы, травматизма в офтальмологии.

В ходе практики изобрел много оригинальных офтальмологических инструментов,

создал учение о биогенных стимуляторах и разработал методы тканевой терапии,
которая широко применяется в медицине и ветеринарии.

За свою жизнь Филатов опубликовал более 430 работ, основал большую

офтальмологическую школу, среди его учеников: Н. А. Пучковская, Т. И. Ерошевский.

Валентин Феликсович Войно-Ясенецкий (Архиепископ Лука) (1877-1961): хирург,

профессор медицины и духовный писатель, епископ Русской православной церкви. С
1946 года – архиепископ Симферопольский и Крымский. Лауреат Сталинской премии
первой степени.

В 1898 году стал студентом медицинского факультета Киевского университета, позже

работал в Киевском медицинском госпитале Красного Креста. В 1904 году во время
войны с Японией был направлен с госпиталем Красного Креста на Дальний Восток и
работал в Чите, где заведовал хирургическим отделением госпиталя. Там же
познакомился с сестрой милосердия Анной Ланской, которую раненые называли
«святой сестрой», и женился на ней.

Позже работал земским врачом в больницах Симбирской, Курской, Саратовской и

Владимирской губернии, проходил практику в Московских клиниках. Сделал
множество операций на мозге, органах зрения, сердце, желудке, кишечнике, желчных
путях, почках, позвоночнике, суставах. Своей работой внес много нового в технику
операций. В 1908 году Валентин Феликсович приезжает в Москву и становится
экстерном хирургической клиники профессора П. И. Дьяконова.
Войно-Ясенецкий был одним из инициаторов организации Ташкентского
университета, был избран профессором топографической анатомии и оперативной
хирургии этого университета. В разного рода сложных операциях он находил и
первым применял методы, получившие затем повсеместное признание.

В 1921 году Войно-Ясенецкий был рукоположен во диакона, потом во иерея и

назначен младшим священником Ташкентского кафедрального собора, при этом
оставаясь профессором университета, продолжая оперировать и читать лекции. В 1923
году принял монашество с именем в честь святого апостола и евангелиста Луки. В
этом же году началась череда арестов и репрессий. В общей сложности архиепископ
Лука́ провёл в ссылке 11 лет.

Был реабилитирован в апреле 2000 года. Украинская православная церковь

причислила Архиепископа Луку к лику святых 1995 году, а в 2000 году канонизирован
Русской православной церковью в сонме новомучеников и исповедников Российских
для общецерковного почитания.

Кроме значимых трудов на медицинские темы, архиепископ Лука составил много

проповедей и статей духовно-нравственного и патриотического содержания.

Гавриил Абрамович Илизаров (1921-1992): хирург-ортопед, одним из основных

достижений которого является изобретение в 1951 году универсального аппарата
внешней фиксации для лечения переломов и деформаций костей, которым и сегодня
широко пользуются во всем мире.

Также Илизаров является основателем Центра восстановительной травматологии и

ортопедии, который носит его имя. Илизаров является автором более чем 600 научных
медицинских работ, автором 194 изобретений.

Аргументы и Факты июнь’2013

14. Игра «Conversation» на тему хирургия.

Участники: один студент выступает в качестве англоговорящего врача, другой – в

роли русскоговорящего пациента, а третий – переводчик.

Инсценируется ситуация: русскоговорящий пациент, отдыхющий заграницей,

заболевает и приходит на прием к англоговорящему врачу. Переводчик осуществляет
последовательный двусторонний перевод.

World Health Organisation (WHO) Всемирная организация здравоохранения

World Health Assembly Всемирная ассамблея здравоохранения

United Nations (UN) Организация Объединенных Наций


UN member-states государства-члены ООН

governing bodies органы управления

insufficient недостаточный, неудовлетворительный

to draft [drɑːft] формулировать, разрабатывать проект

to come into force вступить в силу (договор, соглашение,


to strive (strove, striven) стараться, пытаться

to combat бороться

noncommunicable disease неинфекционное заболевание

to thrive (throve, thriven) процветать, хорошо развиваться

to keep a close eye on внимательно следить за

health coverage медицинское обеспечение, медицинское


the highest attainable level высший уровень здоровья

commitment обязательство

to make a commitment взять на себя обязательство

to respect (honour) a commitment выполнять (соблюдать) обязательство

regional distribution распределение по странам/районам

dues пошлины, членские взносы

in-kind donation неденежное пожертвование

fixed-term appointment срочный договор/контракт

elimination исключение, устранение, уничтожение

Похожие слова
Слова разных частей речи со сходным звучанием или написанием могут вызывать
затруднения и приводить к ошибкам в процессе общения и перевода.
adapt [əˈdæpt] приспосабливать, adept [əˈdept] эксперт, знаток;
адаптировать знающий,
опытный, сведущий
alive [əˈlaɪv] живой, энергичный, live [laɪv] живой
бодрый (употребляется после
сущ. или в качестве именной
части сказуемого)
angle [ˈæŋɡ(ə)l] угол angler[ˈæŋɡlə(r)] рыбак (спортивная
artist [ˈɑː(r)tɪst] художник; мастер совего artiste [ɑː(r)ˈtiːst] артист, артистка;
дела; артист эстрадный артист
ascribe приписывать(to)кому-то describe описывать
assume принимать, брать на себя presume предполагать,
assurance гарантия, убежденность insurance страхование
assure [əˈʃɔː(r)] убеждать, уверять ensure [ɪnˈʃɔː(r)] гарантировать,
beneficial благотворный, целебный, beneficiary бенефицарий; лицо,
[benɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l] выгодный [benɪˈfɪʃəri] пользующееся
или благодеяниями
career [kəˈrɪə(r)] карьера carrier[ˈkæriə(r)] перевозчик,
носильщик; курьер;
переносчик (болезни)
change перемена; изменение; exchange обмен; бартер (о
менять, изменять, товарах), замена;
заменять обменивать,
complementary добавочный, complimentary поздравительный,

дополнительный приветственный
concept понятие, идея; общее conception осмысление,
представление; концепция понимание,
понятие, концепция
conscience совесть consciousness сознание,
desert пустыня; заброшенный; dessert [dɪˈzɜː(r)t] десерт
n [ˈdezə(r)t]; оставлять,дезертировать
v [dɪˈzɜː(r)t]
dose [dəʊs] доза, доля, порция doze [dəʊz] дремота,
дремать, клевать
expand [ɪkˈspænd] растягивать, расширять expend [ɪkˈspend] тратить,
expanse[ɪkˈspæns] простор expense[ɪkˈspens] затрата, расход
fair рынок; ярмарка, fare стоимость
[feə(r)] выставка; светлый, [feə(r)] проезда, тариф,
белокурый плата за проезд
good хороший goods товары
(употребляется во
holey [ˈhəʊli] дырявый holy [ˈhəʊli] святой, священный
horse[hɔː(r)s] лошадь, конь hoarse [hɔː(r)s] хриплый, сиплый
inscribe надписывать, вписывать subscribe подписывать,
подписываться (на
in time вовремя (как раз к какому-то on time вовремя (без
событию) опозданий)
licence[ˈlaɪs(ə)ns] разрешение; лицензия; license[ˈlaɪs(ə)ns] разрешать, давать
патент; удостоверение разрешение
mass [mæs] литургия, месса; масса mess [mes] беспорядок;
naval [ˈneɪv(ə)l] (военно) морской, navel[ˈneɪv(ə)l] пупок, пуп
personal личный, персональный personnel персонал,
сотрудники, штат
precede [prɪˈsiːd] предшествовать; proceed [prəˈsiːd] продолжать
двигаться впереди кого- (двигаться или
либо/чего-либо говорить)
prescribe предписывать; proscribe объявлять вне
[prɪˈskraɪb] приказывать; поручать [prəʊˈskraɪb] закона; высылать
prey [preɪ] добыча pray[preɪ] молиться
principal начальник, глава; главный, principle принцип
[ˈprɪnsəp(ə)l] основной [ˈprɪnsəp(ə)l]
suit [suːt] костюм suite [swiːt] комплект (мебели,
программ); номер
wear[weə(r)] одежда; носить ware [weə(r)] изделия, товары

1. Переведите устно со зрительной опорой нижеуказанные предложения,

обращая внимание на порядок слов при переводе.
1. Мужчина был еще жив, когда мы нашли его.
2. Девочка принесла в офис живых мышей.
3. We need to turn this mass of evidence into a coherent argument.
4. The company was in a complete mess when she took over.
5. Большинство студентов не испытывают особых трудностей с адаптацией к
жизни колледжа.
6. Он был опытным музыкантом.
7. He was prescribed a course of antibiotica.
8. The organization has been proscribed by law.
9. Only 20% of the students intend to pursue careers as engineers in industry.
10. However, it just as easily could have happened on United, US Airways, or any other
11. He had his portrait painted by the Spanish artist Daniel Quintero.
12. She was the best artiste I’ve ever known.
13. Это прямой угол.
14. You can claim part of your telephone bill as a business expense.
15. Kim Novak runs away from James Stewart, across an expanse of field.
16. Он пришел как раз к ужину.
17. Он никогда не приходит вовремя.
18. The president assured me that he would sign the bill as amended.
19. The lifejacket had almost certainly ensured her survival.
20. Том был главным инвестором.
21. They went to the children’s wear department.
22. They went to the china ware department.
23. This is a story in which a woman deserts her husband.
24. Then he turned to me and said “Mel, did I have dessert?”

2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Затем переведите на

слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

governing bodies, WHO, insufficient, World Health Assembly, commitment, UN, to strive,
to draft , to combat, UN member-states, noncommunicable disease, to keep a close eye on, to
come into force, to thrive, to make a commitment, to respect a commitment, health

coverage, to honour a commitment, dues, the highest attainable level, regional distribution,
elimination, in-kind donation, fixed-term appointment.

3. Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Затем переведите

на слух нижеуказанные слова и словосочетания в обратном порядке.

Всемирная ассамблея здравоохранения, пытаться, государства-члены ООН, бороться,

неинфекционное заболевание, внимательно следить за, процветать, ВОЗ, вступить в
силу, недостаточный, органы управления, обязательство, членские взносы,
разрабатывать проект, медицинское обеспечение, ООН, взять на себя обязательство,
выполнять обязательство, соблюдать обязательство, распределение по странам,
неденежное пожертвование, высший уровень здоровья, срочный договор,

4. Переведите текст с листа с предварительным чтением вслух.

In 1945 Diplomats meeting in San Francisco, California to form the United Nations agree
that throughout modern history, there has been insufficient collaboration between countries
to control the spread of dangerous diseases across the world. Together they decide on the
need for a global organization overseeing global health and plan for the creation of WHO. In
1946 WHO’s constitution is drafted and then approved at the International Health
Conference in New York City. Next year WHO establishes the first ever global disease-
tracking service, with information transmitted via telex. WHO’s Constitution came into force
on 7 April 1948 – a date that is celebrated every year as World Health Day.
The WHO’s goal is to build a better, healthier future for people all over the world. Today
more than 7000 people working through offices in more than 150 countries, 6 regional
offices and headquarters in Geneva cooperate side by side with governments and other
partners to ensure the highest attainable level of health for all people, to strive to combat
diseases – infectious diseases like influenza, HIV and noncommunicable diseases like cancer
and heart disease. WHO helps mothers and children survive and thrive so they can look
forward to a healthy old age. WHO ensures the safety of the air people breathe, the food they
eat, the water they drink – and the medicines and vaccines they need. WHO keeps a close
eye on health trends, looking out for new threats and for new opportunities to improve public
health. It gathers the world’s top experts to examine critical health issues, define the best
solutions, deliver and implement the strongest recommendations. It helps countries prepare
for emergencies and act when they strike. Underpinning all they do, is a shared effort to
build strong health systems and achieve universal health coverage no one should miss out on
the opportunity to live a healthy life. WHO works with all Member States to support their
national health development process, whether or not WHO has a physical presence. In
countries, WHO promotes the achievement of the highest sustainable level of health of all
people. WHO cooperates with governments and other partners in pursuing countries’
national health strategies and plans as well as collective commitments by the WHO
Governing Bodies.
All countries which are Members of the United Nations may become members of WHO by
accepting its Constitution. Other countries may be admitted as members when their
application has been approved by a simple majority vote of the World Health Assembly.
Territories which are not responsible for the conduct of their international relations may be
admitted as Associate Members upon application made on their behalf by the Member or
other authority responsible for their international relations. Members of WHO are grouped
according to regional distribution (194 Member States).
WHO is financed in part by dues paid by Member States. The amount each Member State
must pay is calculated relative to the country’s wealth and population. Additional financing
comes from voluntary contributions which, in recent years, have accounted for more than
three-quarters of the Organization’s financing. Voluntary contributions come from Member
States and partner organizations such as foundations and civil society. Contributions from
the private sector, usually in the form of in-kind donations, provide less than 1% of WHO’s

The Executive Board is composed of 34 individuals technically qualified in the field of

health, each one designated by a Member State elected to do so by the World Health
Assembly. Member States are elected for three-year terms. The Board meets at least twice a
year; the main meeting is normally in January, with a second shorter meeting in May,
immediately after the Health Assembly. The main functions of the Executive Board are to
give effect to the decisions and policies of the Health Assembly, to advise it and generally to
facilitate its work.

The World Health Assembly is the supreme decision-making body for WHO. It generally
meets in Geneva in May each year, and is attended by delegations from all 194 Member
States. Its main function is to determine the policies of the Organization.

The Health Assembly appoints the Director-General, supervises the financial policies of the
Organization, and reviews and approves the Proposed programme budget. It similarly
considers reports of the Executive Board, which it instructs in regard to matters upon which
further action, study, investigation or report may be required.

The Secretariat of WHO is staffed by some 7000 health and other experts and support staff
on fixed-term appointments, working at headquarters, in the six regional offices, and in
countries. The Organization is headed by the Director-General, who is appointed by the
Health Assembly on the nomination of the Executive Board.

5. Переведите по абзацам с листа с предварительным чтением абзаца вслух.

Затем переведите эти абзацы под диктовку.


The WHO’s history started after the WHO’s Constitution came into force on 7 April 1948.
Following the mandate established for it by Member States, WHO began its first two
decades with a strong focus on mass campaigns against tuberculosis, malaria, yaws,
smallpox and leprosy, among other communicable diseases transmitted from person to
person or animals to people.
In 1950 began the great era of discovery of present-day antibiotics and WHO began advising
countries on their responsible use. In 1952-1957 Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin discovered,
respectively, the inactivated wild poliovirus vaccine (given by injection) and the attenuated
live-virus vaccine (given orally), paving the way for mass global campaigns facilitated by
WHO that led to the near-eradication of polio. In 1963 the vaccine against measles became
available, and the licensing of vaccines against mumps and rubella occured during the six
years that follow.
In 1969 the World Health Assembly established the first International Health Regulations,
which represent an agreement between WHO Member States to work together to prevent and
respond to acute public health risks that have the potential to cross borders and threaten
people. And already in 1972 the Special Programme of Research, Development and
Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP) was created at WHO. It was the sole body
within the UN system with a global mandate to carry out research into reproductive health.
In 1974 WHO founded the Expanded Programme on Immunization to bring life-saving
vaccines to all the world’s children. In 1975 WHO founded and began hosting the Special
Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), a global programme of
scientific collaboration that helped facilitate, support and influence efforts to combat diseases
of poverty. By 2016 five of the eight diseases the programme was created to tackle were
close to elimination.
In 1977 the first Essential Medicines List was published. This core list outlined the
medicines that a basic health system needed. Each medicine was selected based on evidence
or its safety, effectiveness and value for money. In 1979 following an ambitious 12-year
global vaccination campaign led by WHO, smallpox was eradicated.
In 1983 human immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS, was discovered and already in
1987 the first antiretroviral medication to control HIV infection and prevent it from
progressing to AIDS was licensed, prompting a shift in WHO’s priorities.
In 1988 the Global Polio Eradication Initiative was established at a time when polio
paralyzed more than 350 000 people a year. Since then, polio cases have decreased by more
than 99% because of immunization against the disease worldwide.
In 1995 the DOTS strategy for reducing the toll of tuberculosis (TB) was launched. At the
end of 2013, more than 37 million lives were saved through TB diagnosis and treatment
under this strategy.
In 1999 the major players in global immunization, including WHO and other key UN
agencies, leaders of the vaccine industry, government representatives and major foundations
agreed to work together through a new partnership: the Global Alliance for Vaccines and

Immunization (GAVI). Its role was to overcome barriers preventing millions of children
from receiving vaccines.
At the Millennium Summit in September 2000, the largest gathering of world leaders in
history adopted the UN Millennium Declaration, committing nations to a new global
partnership to reduce extreme poverty and setting out a series of time-bound targets, with a
deadline of 2015. They became known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and
included specific goals for health. The WHO Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network
was established to detect and combat the international spread of outbreaks.

In 2003 the World Health Assembly unanimously adopted WHO’s first global public health
treaty, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which aimed to reduce
tobacco-related deaths and disease worldwide.
In 2004 the Strategic Health Operations Centre was built to serve as the nerve centre of the
networks of emergency operations centres and of WHO’s global alert and response. It was
used for the first time to assist with emergency coordination following the Indian Ocean
tsunami disaster.
In 2005 the International Health Regulations were revised, giving countries clear and tested
guidelines for reporting disease outbreaks and other public health emergencies to WHO and
triggering response systems to isolate and contain threats. In 2006 the number of children
who died before their fifth birthday declined below 10 million for the first time in history.
In 2008 the World Health Statistics report noted a global shift from infectious diseases to
noncommunicable ones, with heart disease and stroke emerging as the world’s number one
killers. This new evidence prompted WHO to strengthen its focus on noncommunicable
In 2010 WHO issued a menu of options for raising sufficient resources and removing
financial barriers so that all people, especially those who had limited funds to spend on
health care, had access to essential health services. The objective was a move towards
Universal Health Coverage. For the first time in 2012 WHO Member States set global targets
to prevent and control heart disease, diabetes, cancer, chronic lung disease and other
noncommunicable diseases.
In 2014 the biggest outbreak of Ebola virus disease ever experienced in the world struck
West Africa. The WHO Secretariat activated an unprecedented response to the outbreak,
deploying thousands of technical experts and support staff and medical equipment;
mobilizing foreign medical teams and coordinating creation of mobile laboratories and
treatment centres.

Delegates from around the world met at the UN Summit in 2015 to sign off on 2030
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which apply to all countries worldwide and moved
beyond the MDGs. The SDGs maintained poverty eradication, health, education, food

security and nutrition as priorities but additionally covered a broad range of economic, social
and environmental objectives and the promise of more peaceful and inclusive societies.
In 2016 WHO announced zero cases of Ebola in West Africa, but warned that flare-ups of
the disease were likely to continue and that countries in the region needed to remain vigilant
and prepared. Under the International Health Regulations, WHO convened the Emergency
Committee, which concluded that a cluster of neurological birth defects (underdeveloped
brains), that appeared to be related to infection with Zika virus among pregnant women,
represented a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

6. Переведите статью письменно.

Всемирная ассамблея здравоохранения является высшим органом ВОЗ, принимающим

решения. Ее ежегодные сессии, в работе которых принимают участие делегации из
всех 194 государств-членов ВОЗ, проводятся обычно в мае в Женеве. Главной
функцией Ассамблеи здравоохранения является определение общих политических
направлений деятельности Организации. Ассамблея здравоохранения назначает
Генерального директора, контролирует финансовую политику Организации, а также
рассматривает и утверждает проект программного бюджета. Она также рассматривает
доклады Исполнительного комитета и дает ему указания по тем вопросам, по которым
могут требоваться дальнейшие действия, изучение, исследование или представление

Исполнительный комитет состоит из 34 членов, технически квалифицированных в

области здравоохранения. Члены Комитета избираются сроком на три года. Основная
сессия Комитета, на котором согласовывается повестка дня предстоящей сессии
Ассамблеи здравоохранения и принимаются резолюции для представления Ассамблее
здравоохранения, проводится в январе, а другая, менее продолжительная сессия,
проводится в мае, сразу же после Ассамблеи здравоохранения, для рассмотрения
административных вопросов. Основными функциями Комитета является проведение в
жизнь решений и политики Ассамблеи здравоохранения, оказание ей консультативной
помощи и общее содействие ее работе.

В состав Секретариата ВОЗ входит около 7000 специалистов в области

здравоохранения и других областях, а также других сотрудников, работающих по
срочным контрактам в штаб-квартире, шести региональных бюро и в странах.
Организацию возглавляет Генеральный директор, назначаемый Ассамблеей
здравоохранения по представлению Исполнительного комитета.

7. Переведите тексты письменно.


Yaws is a contagious infection transmitted by skin contact that leads to disfigurement and
disability, especially in children. The disease was once widespread in tropical countries.

Campaigns in the 1950s and 1960s, in which yaws was treated with one shot of penicillin,
led to a 95% decline worldwide. Half a century later yaws made a comeback, including in
Vanuatu. A 2011 WHO-supported survey revealed an urgent need for renewed action and
that the Tafea province was especially hard hit. In 2013 Vanuatu’s Ministry of Health,
assisted by WHO, reached 96% of Tafea’s population with needed treatment.

From the time the first vaccine against polio was introduced in the 1950s, elimination of this
crippling disease has been one of WHO’s greatest aspirations. India brought this goal closer
to realization when the country was certified as being no longer endemic for polio (meaning
the country had no transmission of wild poliovirus within its borders) in 2012. India was
once recognized as the world’s epicentre of polio. Today only a few countries remain polio-
endemic – a historical low.



Overweight children are likely to remain overweight in adulthood, putting them at risk of
heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other illnesses. In Finland, with one in five children
overweight or obese, the government is working, with advice from WHO, to foster fitness
and better diets through such actions as improving school playgrounds, providing advice on
exercise at annual school physical exams and working with schools and day care centres to
making lunches and snacks healthier.



Liberia, one of the countries hardest hit by the Ebola outbreak that began in 2014, already
faced challenges in managing its health system because of prior civil strife. Ebola left it in a
critically weakened state. WHO staff are working with national authorities and their partners
to develop integrated approaches to reactivating health services with a specific focus on
immunization, malaria, infant and child health and maternal and reproductive health.
Improving surveillance so that an effective response can be activated earlier in any future
outbreaks is another key element.



In conflict-torn Syria, as in all countries affected by humanitarian crises, the toll of mental
illness has risen steadily. Since 2013 WHO has worked closely with Syrian health authorities
to train health workers to diagnose and treat mental and substance abuse disorders in non-

specialized settings. In 2015 WHO, together with the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR,
launched a humanitarian intervention guide specifically targeted at generalist health
professionals working in humanitarian emergencies.

8. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите устно следующие числительные.

72 613 435, 4 050 405, 381 200 918, 8 753 769 908, 45 345 867, 4 367 867, 46 938 644,
13 456 043 919, 1 267 920, 49 086 752, 38 330, 44 267 186, 428 345, 78 538 507, 81 709,
40 689 109, 50 378 160, 72 832 909, 413 045 886, 82 789 678 105, 85 782 834, 93 911
578, 23 007 010 935, 7 800 407, 42 456 332, 819 023 043, 71 560 200 839, 5 289 679,
71 507 123, 95 000 803, 84 090 087, 7 943 000 219, 96 000 304 850.

9. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие

месяцы и дни недели.

September, May, August, October, April, February, May, July, December, October, April,
August, November, January, March, June, September, June, March, July, February.

Monday, Saturday, Thurday, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, Friday, Sunday,

Thursday, Friday, Tuesday, Monday, Wednesday, Sunday, Thursday.

10. Прослушайте, запишите цифрами и воспроизведите устно следующие даты.

Tuesday, October 10, 1995 Wednesday, June 14, 1989 Saturday, July 9, 1983
Friday, April 23, 1965 Thursday, May 2, 1991 Monday, August 29, 1921
Sunday, September 7, 1913 Tuesday, January 11, 1938 Wednesday, March 6, 1918
11. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите на русском языке следующие
прецизионные слова.

May; 78%; Polish; Wednesday; Switzerland; 1.896; 73% Friday; 6 765 891; Denmark;
Hungary; April; 5 515 005; Tuesday; Romania; Thomas; 7.80%; Monday; Jennete; 4 780;
February 10, 1453; Norway; Ann; Thursday; 89%; Dutch; Simon; September; 3 309 895;
Dutch; 1.13%; October 21, 1889; December 2nd; Poland; (495) 434-35-43; Peter; Spanish;
Swiss; 1.983; Elizabeth I; Joseph; August 13, 1986; Turkey; (919) 998-90-18; Sunday;
Steve; 14.45%; Austin; 3.60; Saturday; Mary; Ivan IV; Brazil; 456 298; April 1813; Dave;
(903) 903-30-90; Sweden; 5.796; Dublin; Isabella; April 3rd; Elizabeth II; Matthew; Henry
VIII; Olivia.

12. Прослушайте тексты полностью, обращая внимание на прецизионную

лексику, делая записи, после чего переведите тексты на
английский/русский язык.


Рак является одной из основных причин смерти в мире, так в 2012 году произошло 8,2
миллиона случаев смерти от рака. Около 30% случаев смерти от рака вызваны пятью
основными факторами риска, связанными с поведением и питанием, такими как
высокий индекс массы тела, недостаточное употребление в пищу фруктов и овощей,
отсутствие физической активности, употребление табака и употребление алкоголя.
Инфекции, вызывающие рак приводят к 20% случаев смерти от рака в странах с
низким и средним уровнем дохода. Употребление табака является отдельным самым
значительным фактором риска развития рака, который приводит к более чем 20%
глобальных случаев смерти от рака и примерно 70% глобальных случаев смерти от
рака легких. Рак развивается в результате изменения в одной единственной клетке.
Такое изменение может быть вызвано как внешними, так и наследственными
генетическими факторами. Более 60% новых случаев заболевания раком
зарегистрированы в странах Африки, Азии и Центральной и Южной Америки. По
прогнозам, число случаев заболевания от рака будет продолжать расти от 14
миллионов в 2012 году до 22 миллионов в следующие десятилетия.


WHO is committed to assisting countries in the development, organization, monitoring and

evaluation of treatment and other services. The harmful use of alcohol results in 3.3 million
deaths each year. On average every person in the world aged 15 years or older drinks 6.2
litres of pure alcohol per year. Less than half the population (38.3%) actually drinks alcohol,
this means that those who do drink consume on average 17 litres of pure alcohol annually. At
least 15.3 million persons have drug use disorders. Injecting drug use reported in 148
countries, of which 120 report HIV infection among this population.

13. Переведите статью письменно.


Life expectancy across the globe has increased by five years since 2000, the fastest rise in
lifespans since the 1960s, according to the WHO. Babies born in 2015 can expect to live to
71.4 years (73.8 years for females; 69.1 years for males). The longest lifespans are in Japan,
where last year’s newborns are expected to live to almost 84, followed by Switzerland,
Singapore, Australia and Spain.

The shortest life expectancies are still in Africa. Babies born last year in Sierra Leone have a
life expectancy of just over 50 years. Those in Angola, Central African Republic, Chad and
Ivory Coast are expected to do only slightly better.

The overall increase in life expectancy followed a drop in the 1990s, caused by Aids in parts
of Africa and health issues such as alcoholism in Eastern Europe related to the collapse of
the Soviet Union. Better child survival, malaria control and the availability of drugs to keep
HIV at bay have contributed to a significant rise in life expectancy in the African region of
the WHO, up by 9.4 years to an average age of 60.
Margaret Chan, director general of the WHO, said access to basic healthcare for all who
need it was the prerequisite for further improvements. “The world has made great strides in
reducing the needless suffering and premature deaths that arise from preventable and
treatable diseases,” said Chan. “But the gains have been uneven. Supporting countries to
move towards universal health coverage based on strong primary care is the best thing we
can do to make sure no one is left behind.”

Some families have to pay healthcare costs that amount to more than 25% of their household
income, which can be catastrophic or just impossible, says the report. The figures come from
the latest edition of the WHO’s World Health Statistics, which highlights the gaps that will
need to be bridged if the new UN sustainable development targets are to be reached.

Healthy life expectancy falls a good deal short of life expectancy. Newborns globally can
expect to stay healthy for just over 63 years of their lives, nearly eight years before the
average age of death. That also is highly variable between the more and less affluent

The report puts figures on some of the leading causes of death and ill-health that will affect
the likelihood of meeting the sustainable development goals. Each year:

 303,000 women die due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

 5.9 million children die before their fifth birthday.
 2 million people are newly infected with HIV, and there are 9.6 million new TB cases
and 214 million malaria cases.
 1.7 billion people need treatment for neglected tropical diseases.
 More than 10 million people die before the age of 70 due to cardiovascular diseases
and cancer.
 800, 000 people commit suicide.
 1.25 million people die from road traffic injuries.
 4.3 million people die due to air pollution caused by cooking fuels.
 3 million people die due to outdoor pollution.
 475,000 people are murdered, 80% of them men.

TheGuardian May, 2016

14. Игра «Conversation» на тему Всемирная организация здравоохранения.

Участники: один студент выступает в роли сотрудника ВОЗ, другой – в роли

переводчика, аудитория – задает вопросы.

Инсценируется ситуация: сотрудник ВОЗ рассказывает на английском языке о

структуре, миссии и достижениях ВОЗ. Аудитория задает вопросы специалисту ВОЗ
на русском языке. Переводчик осуществляет двусторонний последовательный

Библиографический список

1. Бархударов Л. С. Язык и перевод (Вопросы общей и частной теории перевода). -

М.: «Междунар. отношения», 1975. – 240 с.
2. Мухортов Д.С. Практика перевода: английский – русский. Учебное пособие по
теории и практике перевода. – М.: Книжный дом «ЛИБРОКОМ», 2012. – 256 с.
3. Пахотин А. Большой англо-русский, русско-английский словарь мнимых друзей
переводчика. Справочное пособие. М.: Издатель Карева, 2006. – 304с.
4. Пушкарева Л.П. Практический курс перевода. Английский язык. Первый уровень:
Учеб. Пособие/Под ред. С.В. Лысенко. – М.: Изд-во МАИ, 2005. – 144с.
5. Рецкер Я.И. Теория перевода и переводческая практика. Очерки лингвистической
теории перевода. – М.: «Р.Валент», 2007. – 244 с.

Интернет ресурсы:




















Словари, энциклопедии, справочная литература:






Введение .................................................................................................................................. 4
Лексическая тема I: Обучение в Великобритании и США ......................................... 5
Глава I: Система образования в Великобритании ............................................................... 5
Глава II: Оксбридж ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Глава III: Система образования в США .................................................................................................. 28
Глава IV: Гарвардский и Принстонский университеты ................................................................. 38
Лексическая тема II: Олимпийские игры ...................................................................... 53
Глава V: История олимпийских игр .................................................................................... 53
Глава VI: Международный олимпийский комитет............................................................ 65
Глава VII: Летние Олимпийские игры ............................................................................... 76
Глава VIII: Зимние Олимпийские игры ............................................................................. 91
Лексическая тема III: Медицина ................................................................................... 103
Глава IX: История ............................................................................................................... 103
Глава X: Терапия ................................................................................................................. 116
Глава XI: Хирургия ............................................................................................................. 133
Глава XII: Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) .......................................... 146

Библиографический список ........................................................................................................... 159

Содержание............................................................................................................................................. 161


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