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Западно-Казахстанский университет им. М.



по дисциплине «Английский язык В2.1, В2.2»

для ОП 6В01301 Педагогика и методика начального


Кабасова К.А. преподаватель, магистр
(ФИО, должность, ученая степень)

Уральск, 2023 г.

SYLLABUS разработан на основании ГОСО/типовой

учебной программы/
Образовательной программы/КЭД Типовой учебной
программы утверждённой приказом министра образования
и науки Республики Казахстан от 31 октября 2018 года №
603. (название, год утверждения)

Рецензент: доктор PhD, руководитель отдела

международных связей и полиязичия Зубков В.С.
(ФИО, должность, ученая степень)

Рецензент: учитель английского языка педагог –

исследователь СОШ № 12 Аубакировой А.И.
(ФИО, должность, ученая степень)

Эксперт: директор школа-лицей 27 Сағынғалиева Ш.О.

(ФИО, должность, ученая степень)
1 Данные о дисциплине:

Всего кредитов 3
Курс 2
Семестр 4
Форма итогового контроля Комбинированный экзамен
Лекции (часов) -
Практические (семинарские, лабораторные) 45
занятия (часов)
СРСП (часов) 20
СРС (часов) 85
Итого часов 150
Цель: повышение исходного уровня владения английским языком, достигнутого на
предыдущей ступени образования, и овладение студентами необходимым уровнем
коммуникативной компетенции, достаточным для решения социально-коммуникативных
задач в различных областях бытовой, культурной, профессиональной и научной
деятельности при общении с зарубежными партнерами, а также для дальнейшего
Задачи курса:
Учебными задачами дисциплины являются следующие:
1) усвоение произносительных норм, грамматических явлений, синтаксических структур,
правил словообразования и сочетаемости слов английского языка;
2) усвоение лексико-фразеологического материала в процессе работы над связными,
законченными в смысловом отношении текстами;
3) развитие навыков чтения литературы с целью поиска необходимой информации;
4) развитие навыков устной речи;
5) развитие навыков понимания иноязычной речи на слух;
6) развитие способности самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь,
пополнять словарный запас.
Изучение иностранного языка также призвано обеспечить:
- повышение уровня учебной автономии, способности к самообразованию;
- развитие когнитивных и исследовательских умений;
- развитие информационной культуры;
- расширение кругозора и повышение общей культуры студентов;
- воспитание толерантности и уважения к духовным ценностям разных стран и народов.
Ожидаемые результаты обучения: (прописываются по таксономии Блума)
Определяет, подбирает, обозначает, выбирает (значение термина), называет
(конкретный факт, дату, событие, место); констатирует (факт)
Переструктурирует (в сокращенной форме), переформулирует, пересказывает
(своими словами), приводит примеры, переводит (таблицу в график)
Различает (логические ошибки, позиции, допущения и т. п.); дифференцирует,
выделяет (компоненты модели); распознает (скрытые значения);
идентифицирует (допущения, причины), выделяет (сходства и различия);
распознает (предубеждения, пристрастность), отличает (факты от мнений)
Порождает (уникальное сообщение, оригинальную идею), создает (аппарат, метод,
модель), разрабатывает (схему для классификации информации, модель), сочиняет
(стихотворение, рассказ, эссе), оценивает (логическую последовательность письменного
материала, соответствие выводов данным), сравнивает (идеи), заключает, сопоставляет,
противопоставляет, критикует, описывает, различает, распознает (субъективизм),
объясняет, подтверждает, интерпретирует, соотносит, суммирует, поддерживает,
аргументирует, проверяет (убедительность доказательства)
По завершению курса студенты
- основные фонетические, лексические и грамматические явления английского языка,
позволяющие использовать его как средство коммуникации;
- культуру и традиции стран изучаемого языка в сравнении с культурой и традициями
своего родного края;
- основные правила речевого этикета в бытовой сфере общения.
- распознавать и продуктивно использовать основные лексико-грамматические средства в
коммуникативных ситуациях бытового общения; - понимать содержание различного типа
текстов на иностранном языке;
- самостоятельно находить информацию о странах изучаемого языка из различных
источников (периодические издания, Интернет, справочная, учебная, художественная
- применять языковой материал в устных и письменных видах речевой деятельности на
английском языке.
приобрести навыки:
- английским языком на уровне, позволяющем осуществлять основные виды речевой
- различными способами устной и письменной коммуникации;
- навыками адекватного реагирования в ситуациях бытового, академического и
профессионального общения.

Пререквизиты: Уровень В1

Постреквизиты: Уровень C 1

2 Сведения о преподавателе, контактная информация: ФИО, телефон, электронная

1. Кабасова Канзия Айтпаевна 8-771-133-10-40 kkabasova74@mail.ru
преподаватель, магистр

3 Политика курса:
Освоение дисциплины «Английский язык уровень В2.1 и В2.2» предусматривает
обязательное посещение практических занятий, а также самостоятельную работу
Самостоятельная работа включает в себя Интернет исследования для их
дальнейшей презентации на занятиях, подготовку презентаций по темам, выполнение
письменных заданий по грамматическим и лексическим темам согласно силлабуса,
выполнение письменных переводов с/на китайский язык и т.д. Контроль выполненной
самостоятельно работы проводится на занятиях СРСП.
В случае пропуска занятий по уважительной причине (подтвержденной
соответствующими справками), студент может сдать пропущенный материал.
Первый и второй рубежный контроль проводится в виде письменного теста по
пройденным темам и оценивается по 100 бальной системе.
Экзамен проводится в форме письменного теста.

Условия освоения курса:

- Обязательное посещение занятий;
- Активность во время практических занятий;
- Подготовка к занятиям, к выполнению домашнего задания и СРС и т.д.;
- Сдача заданий в установленные сроки;
- Быть терпимым, открытым и доброжелательным;
- Конструктивно поддерживать обратную связь на всех занятиях;
- Быть пунктуальным и обязательным ;
- Пропуски по неуважительным причинам;
- Опоздание и уход с занятий (за опоздание на занятие студент не допускается на занятие,
т.к. он нарушает ход учебного занятия. Также за нарушение дисциплины студент
удаляется из аудитории и получает 0 баллов);
- Пользование сотовыми телефонами во время занятий;
- Несвоевременная сдача заданий и др.(задания не сданные в указанные сроки не
принимаются и оценки за них не выставляются);
-Списывание при сдаче экзамена. За списывание на контрольном мероприятии студент
удаляется из аудитории и ему выставляется 0 баллов;
Если в силу каких-либо уважительных причин вы отсутствовали во время
проведения контрольного мероприятия, вам предоставляется возможность пройти его в
дополнительно назначенное преподавателем время (РК и ИК сдаются с разрешения
декана), в противном случае вы получаете «0» баллов.
4. Структура и содержание дисциплины
2 семестр
Module 4
Socio-cultural sphere of communication: Cultural and historical background
Неделя Семинар/практическое занятие Часы СРСП СРС
/лабораторное занятие
1 Тема 1 2 Make a report «Тhe Make a
1) Spiritual Revival in Kazakhstan program Ruhani presentation on
2) State system, legal institutions in Zhangyru» the topic:
the Republic of Kazakhstan "Ruhani
Comparatives and superlatives as Zhangyru"
… as;
Методы: ответно-вопросная
Тема 2: If at first you don’t
1 succeed.
Speaking:. Can you…?
Ex.3 p.45
Методы: дискуссия

1 Тема 3: Never give up 1 Make a report

Listening Ex.5 “Legal
Vocabulary -ed/-ing adjectives institutions of
Reading.Ex.6 a,b p.47 the Republic of
Методы: дискуссия Kazakhstan”

2 Тема 4: 1) State system of Great 1 Make a presentation

Britain on the topic: "State
2) Legal institutions in Great Britain system of Republic
Connectors: although, of Kazakhstan "
Методы: ответно-вопросная
2 Тема 5: Renting a flat
Listening How to get there
Social English What’s going on?
Методы: дискуссия
2 Тема 6: An informal letter 1 Make a report
Writing a letter “Legal
What do you remember? institutions of
Grammar | Vocabulary p.50 the Canada
Методы: дискуссия
3 Тема 7: National symbols of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
Conditional sentences 1,2,3 types;
Методы: ответно-вопросная
3 Тема 8: What can you do? 1 Make a presentation
Reading: The best day of my life on the topic: "
Listening: Can you understand National symbols of
these people? the Republic of
Метод: мозговой штурм Kazakhstan”
3 Тема 9: Back to school, aged 35
Vocabulary: Education
Speaking: Your education
Reading: So school these days is
Методы: дискуссия
4 Тема 10 National symbols of Great 1 Make a report
Britain of outstanding
Grammar: First conditionals and figures of
future time clauses Ex. 4, p.54 Great Britain
Listening: Ex.5,p.55
Методы: ответно-вопросная
4 Тема 11 In an ideal world…
Grammar: Second conditional p.56-
Vocabulary: Houses
Listening and Speaking: Ex.4 p.58
Метод: мозговой штурм
4 Тема 12 Houses you’ll never forget 1 Info-poster about
Reading: p.58-59 the most developed
Метод: мозговой штурм sectors of the
economy in the
Republic of
5 Тема 13 1) Sectors of the economy 1 Make a report
in the Republic of Kazakhstan Economy of
2) Sectors of the economy in Great the USA
Методы: ответно-вопросная
5 Тема 14 Still friends?
Vocabulary and speaking friendship
Grammar: usually, used to
Listening p.61
Методы: дискуссия
5 Тема 15 Do you need to ‘edit your 1 Info-poster about
friends’? the most developed
Reading: p.62 sectors of the
Listening and speaking: p.63 economy in Great
Метод: мозговой штурм Britain
6 Тема 16 1) National holidays in the 1 Make a report
Republic of Kazakhstan "National
2) National holidays of the Great holidays of the
Britain Republic of
Методы: ответно-вопросная Kazakhstan"
6 Тема 17 A visit from a pop star
Listening: An unforgettable meal
Writing: Describing a house or flat
Методы: дискуссия
6 Тема 18 What do you remember? 1 Make a presentation
Grammar / Vocabulary: p.66 on the topic: "
Reading: We don’t need no National holidays of
education or do we? the Republic of
Метод: мозговой штурм Kazakhstan”
Module 5
Socio-cultural sphere of communication: Art, music, literature
7 Тема 19 Art in Kazakhstan.
Modals verbs: should/ shouldn’t;
could , might, have to
Методы: ответно-вопросная

7 Тема 20 Slow down, you move too

Vocabulary: noun formation
Grammar: quantifiers p.68-69
Reading: p.70
Методы: дискуссия
7 Тема 21 Would you like to live in a 1 Make a presentation
‘Slow city’? on the topic: "
Reading/Speaking: p.71 National holidays of
Метод: мозговой штурм Great Britain”

8 Тема 22 Art in Great Britain 1 Make a report

Review grammar: Verbs: Simple, on outstanding
Continuous Perfect Tenses active artists of the
Методы: ответно-вопросная Republic of
беседа Kazakhstan
8 Тема 23 Same planet, different
Grammar: Articles
Reading and speaking: A gossip
with the girls?
Метод: мозговой штурм
8 Тема 24 Test 1 Make a presentation
on outstanding
artists of the
Republic of
9 Тема 25 Music in Kazakhstan 2 Make a presentation Essay
Review grammar: Verbs: Simple, on outstanding “Outstanding
Continuous Perfect Tenses active artists of Great artists of Great
Методы: ответно-вопросная Britain Britain”
9 Тема 26 Spas-women love them.
Can men enjoy them too?
Listening: p.74
Speaking: p.75
Reading: From librarian to political
reporter…in a month!
Метод: мозговой штурм
9 Тема 27 Job swap. 1 Make a report of
Vocabulary/speaking: work great musicians of
Grammar: Gerund and Infinitives Kazakhstan
Методы: ответно-вопросная
10 Тема 28 Music in Great Britain 1 Essay “My
Grammar: Gerund and Infinitives favourite
p.77 Kazakh
Методы: ответно-вопросная singer”

10 Тема 29 Meeting
Listening: p.80
Writing: Formal letters and CV p.81
Методы: ответно-вопросная
10 Тема 30 What do you remember? 1 Make a report of
What can you do? Revise and check great musicians of
p.p.82-83 Great Britain
Методы: дискуссия
11 Тема 31 Literature in Kazakhstan 1 Essay “My
Reported speech: statements and favourite
questions; foreign singer”
Методы: ответно-вопросная

11 Тема 32 Love in the supermarket.

Grammar: Reported speech:
statements and questions
Speaking: The shopping
Методы: дискуссия
11 Тема 33 Making a complaint -is it 1 Make a report of
worth it? great writers of
Reading: p.86 Kazakhstan
Grammar: Reported speech:
Метод: мозговой штурм
12 Тема 34 Literature in Great Britain. 1 Essay
Методы: ответно-вопросная “Outstanding
беседа writers of
Great Britain”
12 Тема 35 See the film…get on a
Reading: Famous films that moved
us (literally!) p.88-89
Grammar: passive voice p.89
Методы: дискуссия
12 Тема 36 The cinema questionnaire 1 Make a report of
Speaking/Vocabulary: p.90 great writers of the
Listening: p.91 USA
Методы: ответно-вопросная
13 Тема 37 Outstanding figures of 1 Make a report
Kazakhstan on outstanding
Reported speech: imperative and figures of the
requests. Republic of
Методы: ответно-вопросная Kazakhstan
13 Тема 38 I need a hero.
Grammar; relative clauses
Reading: Heroes and icons of our
time. p.94
Speaking: p.95
Метод: мозговой штурм
13 Тема 39 Breaking news 1 Make a presentation
Listening: p.96 on outstanding
Writing: A film review. p.97 figures of the
Метод: мозговой штурм Republic of
14 Тема 40 Outstanding figures of 1 Make a report
Great Britain on outstanding
Review grammar figures of the
Методы: ответно-вопросная Republic the
беседа USA

14 Тема 41 Can we make our own

Reading and listening: p.100,102-
Grammar: 3-d Conditional
Метод: мозговой штурм
14 Тема 42 Murder mysteries 1 Make a report of
Reading: p.104-105 оoutstanding figures
Grammar: p.105-107 of Great Britain
Методы: ответно-вопросная
15 Тема 43 Switch it off. 1 Make a
Speaking: your TV habits presentation of
Vocabulary: phrasal verbs outstanding
Reading: p.111 figures of
Метод: мозговой штурм Great Britain

15 Тема 44 Everything in the open 1

Writing: An article for a magazine
What do you remember? Review
Методы: ответно-вопросная
15 Тема 45 Test 1

5. Список литературы
Литература (основная, дополнительная):
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3.Clive Oxenden. Christina Latham-Koenig “New English File” Intermediate. Oxford University
Press. Student’s book. -1997
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
5. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
6. Murphy Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. –
Мультимедийные материалы, электронные учебники (указать ссылку)
1. British National Corpus: http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk
2. The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA): http://www.americancorpus.org

6. Комплекс лекций

7.Методические указания для практических (семинарских) занятий/лабораторных


Практическое занятие № 1
Тема Spiritual Revival in Kazakhstan.
State system, legal institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Comparatives and superlatives as … as;

Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use Comparatives and superlatives as …
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: A world of difference
2. Reading: Spiritual Revival in Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
Тhe program "Ruhani Zhangyru"
Тhe program "Ruhani Zhangyru" (spiritual enlightenment) includes 6 special projects:
"Tugan Zher", "Sacred Geography of Kazakhstan", "Kazakhstan Culture in the Modern World",
"100 New Textbooks", "Translation of Kazakh into Latin graphics, "100 new faces", which are
implemented according to four basic sub-programs: "Atameken", "Tarbiye zhane bіlіm",
"Ruhani Kazyna" and "Aқparat tolgyny".
Preserving and enhancing spiritual and cultural values is the main goal of the work on the
president’s article “Rouhani zhangyru” - a look into the future. One of the areas of
modernization of public consciousness is the work on the formation of a sense of patriotism.
Patriotism begins with love for your land, for your aul, city, from a small homeland.
The upbringing of Kazakhstan patriotism has actively entered the life of modern education.
Acquaintance with the life and culture of the region, contributes to the moral and aesthetic
education of the young generation, the formation of their citizenship, the formation of high
patriotic convictions, active life position of pupils, and acquaintance with the heroic affairs of
contemporaries, contributes to the formation of character and education of civilians qualities of
the younger generation.
The health and strength of a nation, as we have witnessed repeatedly across the world,
depends on more than just its economy. In fact, a clear, secure yet forward-looking sense of
national identity and purpose can instead be the difference between those societies which
struggle in testing economic times or fracture when faced with natural or man-made disasters
and those which overcome the challenges they face.
It is a reality that President Nursultan Nazarbayev showed he fully understood when a year ago
he coupled an ambitious programme of economic reform with plans to support and modernize
Kazakhstan’s national identity. The announcement underlined the determination to build on a
national character and cohesiveness, which has proved critical in the country’s remarkable
journey over the last 26 years.
It is a character, for example, which is moderate in attitudes, which helps explain why
extremist views have found little resonance here in Kazakhstan. It is also outward-looking as you
might expect from somewhere, which for centuries has been where cultures and people meet.
This openness to ideas and influences is why the country has been so successful in attracting
outside investment and building economic partnerships to boost growth and living standards.
The Modernization of National Identity program – and the practical measures which
underpinned it – unveiled a year ago were aimed at strengthening these positive national
characteristics and links with Kazakhstan’s history, traditions and values.
Over the last year, we have seen the measures begin to be rolled out, putting a new emphasis on
the rich history, both ancient and modern, of our country and its people. Important
archaeological and sacred sites are being identified and restored across the country and a
renewed effort at local level and national level to explain their importance. The 100 New Faces
of Kazakhstan initiative will see individual stories from every walk of life publicized to reveal
how the country has been transformed in recent decades.
But there is nothing, as we said in these pages a year ago, backward-looking about what
is underway. The intention is not to lock the country in the past or freeze the national identity but
instead adapt and modernize it in order to provide a launch-pad for Kazakhstan’s continued
development. How this is to be achieved has also become clearer over the last 12 months.
The gradual switch to the Latin alphabet, with a target date for the change now set for 2025, is
perhaps the clearest example of this determination. It was never going to be an easy or
straightforward task but it will be worth the effort. The move will bring Kazakhstan into line
with 70 per cent of the world’s countries and will be invaluable in opening up new opportunities
in business, education and science.
It is the same reasoning which lies behind the commitment to ensure the young
generation have the education and skills they need to thrive in the decades ahead. The new
emphasis on IT skills and English, for example, in schools and colleges shows a country with
confidence in the ability of its young people.
We have seen as well over the last year significant progress in the two-way exchange of
ideas and culture. On one side, we are seeing the programme to make the most significant global
text books in the humanities available in the Kazakh language gather pace. Twenty of these
important texts have already been translated and will soon be ready for use by students to
broaden their education. It confirms that Kazakhstan will always be open to fresh, constructive
influences and rejects a one-dimensional way of looking at the world.
At the same time, plans to give exposure around the world to the cultural strength of modern
Kazakhstan are going ahead. They include international tours by the country’s prestigious opera
and ballet companies and the promotion of the work of Kazakh musicians, writers and artists.
The richness of Kazakh culture deserves a wider audience and will help attract more investment,
more visitors and more influence for our country.
In some ways, what is happening in Kazakhstan can seem out of tune with events
elsewhere in the world. We seem to be in a period, across the continents, where countries are
becoming more insular, seemingly trying to turn back the clock or shut the door on the rest of the
world. But as we said last year, modern patriotism is about not just preserving what makes a
country special but also being ready to adapt and engage. That is how Kazakhstan is preparing
for the future.
1. What is the essence of the program «Rouhani Zhangyru»?
2. How many special projects does the « Rouhani Zhangyru» program include?
3. What special projects are included in the «Rouhani Zhangyru» program?
4. What is the main goal of the «Rouhani Zhangyru» program?
5. What gives our country the transition to the Latin alphabet?
6. What is the “National Identity Modernization” program aimed at?
7. What is included in the plan for the disclosure of the cultural power of modern
8. What is "patriotism"?
9. Where does patriotism begin?
10. How to raise a sense of patriotism?
2. Find errors in sentences and correct them:
1. The program “Rouhani Zhangyru” includes 8 special projects.
2. The health and strength of a nation, as we have repeatedly observed throughout the
world, depends only on its economy.
3. The program "Rouhani Zhangyru" was approved by Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev.
4. As part of the “150 New Faces of Kazakhstan” initiative, separate stories from all walks
of life will be published to show how the country has changed in recent decades.
5. A gradual switch to the Latin alphabet with a target change date set for 2035 is perhaps
the most striking example of such a definition.
6. Leaving traditions and customs in the past is the main goal of the work on the president’s
article “Rouhani zhangyru” - a look into the future.
7. Patriotism begins with love for a foreign land, aul, or a city in another country.
“State system, legal institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan”
The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary state with a presidential form of government.
Kazakhstan gained independence on December 16, 1991. The capital is Astana. The head of
state is Nazarbayev Nursultan Abishevich. According to the Constitution, Kazakhstan is a state
that has three independent branches of government: executive, legislative and judicial. The
current Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted at a national referendum on
August 30, 1995.
Kazakhstan as sertsitself as a democratic, secular, legal and social state, the highest
values of which are a person, his life, rights and freedoms.
The only source of state power is the people. Legislative power is exercised by Parliament;
executive power is exercised by the Government, which consists of central bodies (Ministries,
Agencies and Agencies) and local authorities (Akimats); judicial authority is exercised by state
courts (the Supreme Court and local courts).
The fundamental principles of the republic’s activity are public consensus and political
stability, economic development for the benefit of the whole people, patriotism, the solution of
them important issue democratic methods, including voting in a republican referendum or in
1. Questions:
1. What is the state of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
2. When did RK gain independence?
3. How many branches of power does RK have?
4. Who is the source of power?
5. Who is the legislative power?
6. The fundamental principles of the activity of the republic are ..
7. When was the current Constitution of Kazakhstan adopted?
8. Who is the author of the coat of arms of Kazakhstan?
9. Who is the author of anthem the of Kazakhstan?
2. Make a dialogue on the topic: "Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
3. Write an essay on the topic "My Motherland-Kazakhstan".
Do exercises on comparatives and superlatives:
1. You are _____ me. A) older B) oldest C) older than D) older then
2. New York is _____ Paris. A) dirty B) dirtier than C) the dirtiest D) dirtier
3. Prague is one of the _____ cities in Europe, A) most beautiful B) more beautiful C) beautiful
D) the most beautiful
4. How many children _____ they _____? A) have / got B) have / get C) does / got D) has / got
5. A country is quieter _____ a city. A) with B) to C) than D) ago
6. The house is 50 meters _____ the sea. A) to B) by C) for D) from
7. He spends his time _____ the banks of the river. A) in B) to C) about D) on
8. She came _____ the garage. A) out B) of C) out of D) up
9. He jumped _____ the lake. A) into B) to C) in D) at
10. He walked _____ the hill. A) to B) at C) out D) up
11. A country is _____ than a city. A) cheap B) cheaper C) cheapest D) more cheaper
12. A city is _____ than the country. A) the most exciting B) exciting C) more exciting D)
13. Your class is _____ than my class. A) noisy B) noisiest C) noisier D) more noisy
14. Life in a country is _____ in a city. A) slow B) slower than C) slower D) slowly
15. Brain’s car is _____ in our district. A) fast B) faster C) the fastest D) more fast
16. Paris is _____ Madrid. A) big than B) bigger C) bigger than D) biggest
17. Madrid is much _____. A) cheap B) cheaper C) cheapest D) the cheapest
18. Why did you leave London? You had a _____ job. A) better B) best C) gooder D) the best
19. London _____ got a lot of parks. A) has B) have C) does D) do
20. Our school ____ a library, but it doesn’t ____ any computers. A) has / have B) have / has C)
has / has D) have / have
21. My parents _____ a new stereo. A) has B) have C) have get D) have got
22. Does your sister _____ a fiancé? A) has B) has got C) have D) has get

3. Write the missing words in the sentences:

1. __________ begins with love for your land, for your aul, city, from a small homeland.
2. The gradual switch to the Latin alphabet, will bring Kazakhstan into line with _____ per
cent of the world’s countries and will be invaluable in opening up new opportunities in
___________, __________and science.
3. Preserving and ____________ spiritual and cultural values is the main goal of the work
on the president’s article ____________ - a look into the future.
4. In some ways, what is ___________ in Kazakhstan can seem out of tune with events
elsewhere in the ___________.
5. The _________ __ _________ _________ programme – and the practical measures
which underpinned it – unveiled a year ago were aimed at strengthening these positive
national characteristics and links with Kazakhstan’s history, traditions and _________.
6. One of the _________ of modernization of public consciousness is the work on the
formation of a sense of ___________.
7. The _________ and __________ of a nation, as we have witnessed repeatedly across the
world, depends on more than just its economy.
8. Over the last year, we have seen the measures begin to be rolled out, putting a new
emphasis on the _____ ______, both _______ and________, of our country and its
9. We have seen as well over the last year significant progress in the two-way exchange of
_______ and ________.
10. The richness of Kazakh culture deserves a wider audience and will help attract more
__________, more ________ and more _________ for our country.

4. Make sentences with words and phrases: "nation", "Ruhani Zhangyru", "traditions and
customs", "people", "Modernization of national identity", "Kazakh culture", "revival",
5. Write a letter to the President of Kazakhstan, in which you will express an opinion on the
program "Rouhani Zhangyru"
Find the opposite word.
1. lovely - ______ A) old B) expensive C) horrible D) quick
2. fast - ______ A) slow B) small C) quick D) warm
3. expensive - ______ A) big B) cheap C) cold D) hot
4. hot - ______ A) cold B) new C) warm D) small
5. big - ______ A) high B) small C) tall D) slow
6. young - ______ A) old B) big C) small D) quick
7. “Are you married?” “No, _____ .” A) I am not B) I’m not C) I amn’t D) I m not
8. Brazil ____ in Asia. ____ in South America. A) is / It isn’t B) is / It’s C) is / Is D) isn’t / It’s
9. Snow is _____ . A) cold B) hot C) small D) cheap
10. A: _____ Greek? B: Yes, I am. A) You B) Are you C) Am I D) I
11. We _____ in a Russian class. We _____ in an English class. A) are / are B) are / not C) aren’t
/ are D) are / am
12. Rolls-Royce cars are _____ . A) cheap B) blue C) expensive D) tall
13. easy - ______ A) cold B) cheap C) difference D) difficult

1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary.
Практическое занятие №2
Тема: If at first you don’t succeed.
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use new vocabulary to speak about the
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: Can you…?
2. Reading: If at first you don’t succeed.
3.Speaking:. Can you…?

Форма проведения: group discussion

Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
1.gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary.

Практическое занятие №3
Тема: Never give up

Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use new vocabulary to speak about the
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: A world of difference
2. Reading: Never give up
3. Listening Ex.5
4. Vocabulary -ed/-ing adjectives
5. Reading.Ex.6 a,b p.47
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
1.gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary.

Практическое занятие № 4
Тема: State system of Great Britain. Legal institutions in Great Britain
Connectors: although, however/despite;
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use connectors: although,
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: State system of Great Britain. Legal institutions in Great Britain
2. Reading: State system of Great Britain. Legal institutions in Great Britain
3. Everyday situations: I need to make latte, please.
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.

Read the text

“State system of Great Britain”
Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy (1). The power of the Queen is limited by the
Parliament. It means that the sovereign reigns (2) but does not rule. Britain does not have a
written constitution, but a set of laws (3). Parliament is the most important authority in. Britain.
It comprises (4) the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Monarch in her
constitutional role. In reality the House of Commons is the only one of the three, which has true
power. The Monarch serves formally (5) as head of state. But the Monarch is expected to be
politically neutral (6) and should not make political decisions. The present sovereign of Great
Britain is Queen Elizabeth II (the second). She was crowned (7) in Westminster Abbey in 1953.
The House of Commons has 650 elected Members of Parliament (MPs), each representing a
local constituency (8). They are elected by secret ballot. General elections are held every five
years. The country is divided into 650 constituencies. All citizens aged 18 have the right to vote
(9), but voting is not compulsory in Britain. The candidate polling the largest number (10) of
votes in a constituency is elected. The functions of the House of Commons are legislation and
scrutiny (11) of government activities. The House of Commons is presided over by the Speaker.
The Government appoints the Speaker.
The House of Lords comprises about 1,200 peers (12). It is presided over by the Lord
Chancellor. The House of Lords is made up of hereditary (13) and life peers and peeresses and
the two archbishops (14) and 24 most senior bishops of the established Church of England. The
House of Lords has no real power. It acts rather as an advisory council (15).
There are few political parties in Great Britain thanks to the British electoral system. They are
the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and the Liberal Democratic Alliance (16). Each
political party puts up one candidate for each constituency. The one who wins the most votes is
elected MP for that area. The party which wins the most seats in Parliament forms the
Government. Its leader becomes the Prime Minister. As head of the Government the Prime
Minister appoints ministers, of whom about 20 are in the Cabinet — the senior group which
takes major policy decisions (17). Ministers are collectively responsible (18) for government
decisions and individually responsible for their own departments.
The second largest party forms the official Opposition, with its own leader and 'shadow
cabinet' (19). The Opposition has a duty to criticize government policies and to present an
alternative programme (20).
The new bills are introduced and debated in the House of Commons. If the majority of
the members are in favour of a bill it goes to the House of Lords to be debated. The House of
Lords has the right to reject a new bill twice. But after two rejections they are obliged to accept
it. And finally the bill goes to the Monarch to be signed. Only then it becomes a law.
Parliament is responsible for British national policy. Much legislation applies through out
Britain. England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own legal systems with
differences in law and practice.
1. monarchy ['mɔnəkɪ] - монархия
2. sovereign reigns - монарх царит
3. set of laws - свод законов
4. comprise [kəm'praɪz] - содержать в себе
5. serves formally -В формально выступает
6. neutral ['njuːtr(ə)l] - нейтральный
7. to be crowned - быть коронованным
8. a local constituency [kən'stɪtjuən(t)sɪ] - местный избирательный округ
9. vote - голосовать
10. polling the largest number - тот, который получил наибольшее количество голосов
11. scrutiny - внимательное изучение
12. peer - пэр (почетный титул в Великобритании)
13. hereditary - потомственный
14. archbishop - архиепископ
15. it acts rather as an advisory council - действует более как консультативный совет
16. alliance - союз
17. to take decisions - принимать решения
18. to be (responsible for) - быть ответственным (по)
19. shadow cabinet - "теневой кабинет"
20. to present an alternative programme - вносить альтернативную программу
1. What is the most important authority in Great Britain?
2. Is the Monarch expected to be politically active?
3. How are the Members of Parliament elected?
4. What are the main political parties in Great Britain?
5. What are the functions of the House of Commons?

Read the text

“Legal institutions in Great Britain”
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional
monarchy. It means that the monarch reigns but does not rule. Britain does not have a
written constitution, but a set of laws. Parliament is the most important authority in Britain.
Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the House of Lords and the House of
Commons. In reality the House of Commons is the only one of the three which has true
The House of Commons consists of 650 Members of Parliament. They are
elected by secret ballot every five years. The Prime Minister, or the leader of the
Government, is usually the leader of the political party with a majority in the House of
The functions of the House of Commons are legislation and inspection of government
activities. The House of Commons is presided over by the Speaker who is appointed by the
The House of Lords consists of about 1,200 peers. They are Lords Spiritual and Lords
Temporal (hereditary peers, life peers and Law Lords). The House of Lords is presided over
by the Lord Chancellor. The House of Lords has no real power. It acts rather as an advisory
council. Parliament is responsible for British national policy.
The executive power of Great Britain
The executive power of Great Britain can be divided into the three parts.
The Privy Council. Today its main role is to advise the monarch on a range of matters. The
most important task of the Privy Council today is performed by its Judicial Committee. This
serves as the final court of appeal. It may also be used as an arbiter for a wide range of
courts and committees in Britain and overseas.
The Ministry. The Ministry is the government of the moment. The head of the Ministry is
the Prime Minister. The functions of the Prime Minister are: leading the majority party;
running the Government; appointing Cabinet Ministers and other ministers; representing the
nation in political matters. The Cabinet constitutes the centre of the government and is
composed of about 20 of the most important ministers. The Cabinet forms the Government
policy. The Cabinet makes its decisions collectively and is collectively responsible to
Government Departments. Government departments are responsible for implementing
Government policy. Each department is headed by two people: a political head who is
usually the minister, and an administrative head from the Civil Service, called a permanent
There are also government agencies formed to operate public services. Most of the agencies
are subject to the control of one of the government departments.
British legal system
There are three separate systems of law in the United Kingdom: the legal systems and law
courts of 1) England and Wales, 2) Scotland, and 3) Northern Ireland. The most common
type of law court in England and Wales is the magistrates' court. The Magistrates’ Courts
try the majority of all criminal cases and some civil cases. More serious criminal cases then
go to the Crown Court. Civil cases are dealt with in County courts. Appeals are heard by
higher courts. The highest court of appeal in England and Wales is the House of Lords.
(Scotland has its own High Court in Edinburgh which hears all appeals from Scottish
courts). Certain cases may be referred to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.
The legal system also includes juvenile courts (which deal with offenders under 17) and
coroners' courts (which investigate violent, sudden or unnatural deaths). There are
administrative tribunals which deal with professional standards or disputes between
individuals and government departments (for example, over taxation).The system in
Northern Ireland is similar, but the system in Scotland is quite different and separate
What constitutes a legal system UK?
UK legal system : quick facts
England and Wales operate a common law system which
combines the passing of legislation but also the creation of
precedents through case law. The laws are established by the
passing of legislation by Parliament which consists of the
'Monarch', the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
There is a substantial overlap between these three legal
systems, and the three legal jurisdictions of the United
Kingdom, these being England and Wales, Scotland, and
Northern Ireland.
UK courts will no longer refer cases to the CJEU, with our
Supreme Court truly supreme. In order to bring an end to EU
law in a smooth and orderly way, Parliament passed the EU
(Withdrawal) Act in June 2018.
1.What constitutes a legal system UK?
2.How many legal systems are there in the UK?
3.Can the UK make its own laws?
4.What is the oldest law in England?
5.Why do we have laws UK?

1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary.

Практическое занятие № 5
Тема Renting a flat
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use new vocabulary to speak on the topic
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: Social English What’s going on?
2. Reading: Renting a flat
3.Listening: How to get there (dialogue)

Форма проведения: group discussion

Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.

Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.

1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary.

Практическое занятие № 6

Тема An informal letter

Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use new vocabulary to speak on the topic
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: What do you remember?
2. Writing a letter
3.Grammar | Vocabulary p.50
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.

1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary.

Практическое занятие № 7
National symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Conditional sentences 1,2,3 types;
Методы: ответно-вопросная беседа
Тема: National symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use First Conditionals;
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: First Conditionals;
2. Reading: National symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.

Read the text «National symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstanis a rectangular blue cloth with a

sundepictedinthecenter with 32 rays, under which a steppe eagles oars. At the shaft is a vertical
strip with a national ornament. Images of the sun, rays, eagle and ornament – the color of gold.
The flag of Kazakhstan, along with the coat of arms and anthem, is the official state symbol of
the Republic of Kazakhstan. The current flag is adopted in 1992.
The author of the flag is a famous designer and artist, honored art worker of Kazakhstan, Shaken
Niyazbekov. The blue flag with the golden national ornament on the left, the golden sun and the
soaring silhouette of an eagle in the center is a symbol of freedom, independence and
sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The monochromatic back ground is a symbol of the
unity of Kazakhstan.
The state emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan is animage of a shanyrak (upper vaulted
part of the yurt) against a blue background, from which uyks (supports) in the frame of the wings
of mythical horses diverge in the form of sun rays. At the bottom of the emblem – the inscription
.On the coat of arms two colors prevail - gold and blue. June 4, 1992 is the birthday of the State
Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Shanyrak on the emblem of the country is an image of
the common home of all people living in Kazakhstan. Happiness in it depends on the well-being
of everyone, as the strength of shanyrak depends on the reliability of his uyks. Shanyrak not only
resembles the dome of heaven, but is also one of the important elements of the life of the
Kazakhs. Shanyrak - a symbol of paternal, and in a broader understanding of the world and the
universe. The current coat of arms of sovereign Kazakhstan is the result of the creative pursuit of
two famous architects: Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shot-Aman Ualihanov. 245 projects and 67
descriptions of the future emblem participated in the final competition.
Authors of the words: Zhumeken Nazhidedenov, Nursultan Nazarbayev Composer:
Shamshi Kaldayakov
1. What is the state of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
2. When did RK gain independence?
3. How many branches of power does RK have?
4. Who is the source of power?
5. Who is the legislative power?
6. The fundamental principles of the activity of the republic are ..
7. When was the current Constitution of Kazakhstan adopted?
8. Who is the author of the coat of arms of Kazakhstan?
9. Who is the author of the anthem of Kazakhstan?
10. Who is the author of the flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
2.Make a dialogue on the topic: "Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
3.Write an essay on the topic "My Motherland-Kazakhstan".
Раскройте скобки в условных предложениях I типа и поставьте глаголы в
правильную форму.
Н-р: If it … (rain), we … (stay) at home. (Если пойдет дождь, мы останемся дома.) – If
it rains, we shall stay at home.
1. If he … (practice) every day, he … (become) a champion. (Если он будет
тренироваться каждый день, он станет чемпионом.)
2. She … (help) us if we … (ask). (Она поможет нам, если мы попросим.)
3. If they … (have) enough money, they … (open) a restaurant next year. (Если у них
будет достаточно денег, они откроют ресторан в следующем году.)
4. I … (not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me. (Я не буду с тобой больше
разговаривать, если ты обидишь меня.)
5. If Bob … (not keep) his word, Anna … (be angry) with him. (Если Боб не сдержит
слово, Анна разозлится на него.)

Практическое занятие №10

Тема National symbols of Great Britain

Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use First conditionals and
future time clauses
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: First conditionals and future time clauses
2. Reading: National symbols of Great Britain
3.Grammar: First conditionals and future time clauses Ex. 4, p.54
4.Listening: Ex.5,p.55

Форма проведения: group discussion

Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.

Read the text

“National symbols of Great Britain”
It is a well-known fact that British flag is often called the Union Jack. Its name derives
from the use of the Union Flag on the jack-staff of naval vessels. It represents the emblems of
three countries under one Sovereign. There are several emblems that appear on the Union Flag.
They are of three crosses patron saints.
A red cross on a white background is a cross of St George, a patron saint of England. A
white diagonal cross on a blue background is a cross of St Andrew, a patron saint of Scotland. A
red diagonal cross on a white background is a cross of St Patrick, a patron saint of Ireland.
In 1801 appeared the final version of the Union Flag, it followed the Union of Great Britain with
Ireland, and it included the cross of St Patrick. The cross still remains on the flag, though only
Northern Ireland is now a part of the United Kingdom.
You won't find Wales on the Union Flag, because it is not represented there. When the
first version of the flag appeared, Wales was already united with England. The national flag of
Wales is a red dragon on a field of white and green. It dates from the 15th century.
The British National anthem is a patriotic song, which was first performed in 1745. On official
occasions it is usual to sing the first verse only. Here are the words of this verse:
God save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen!
God save the Queen!
Send her победоносный,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us
God save the Queen!
1. What is the name of the British flag?
2. What does it represent?
3. When did the final version of the flag appear?
4. Why is Wales not represented on the Flag?
5. When was first British national anthem performed?
vessels - судна
patron saint - святой покровитель
background - фон
anthem - гимн
gracious - славный
noble - благородный
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate possessive pronouns.
Complete the conditional sentences with the verb in brackets
1. If they __ (not / eat) well, they __ (not / be) healthy.
2. If __ (I / go) on a ferry, I always feel sick.
3. I __ (feel) very good the following day if I __ (have) enough sleep.
4. If __ (I / not / know) a word, I __ (look) it up in my pocket dictionary.
5. They play video-games if __ (they / not / have) any homework.
6. If you bring the temperature down, this water __ (turn) into ice.+
7. She __ (like) to visit the museums if she __ (be) in a new country.
8. Vasya always __ (buy) expensive clothes if he __ (go) shopping.
9. Tamara, our maths teacher, gets angry if __ (we / not / work) hard enough.
10. If you __ (press) this button here, the light __ (go) on.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary.
Практическое занятие № 13
Тема: Sectors of the economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Sectors of the economy in Great
Методы: ответно-вопросная беседа
First Conditionals;
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the First Conditionals;
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: First Conditionals;
2. Reading: Sectors of the economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.

Read the text

“Sectors of the economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Kazakhstan is the largest, richest and most economically advanced country in Central
Asia — which also includes Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan — and
because of its large deposits of oil, seems most likely to succeed at reaching full developed
nation status. In 2006, Kazakhstan had become the dominant nation of Central Asia
economically, generating 60 percent of the region's GDP, primarily through its oil/gas industry.
The country has vast mineral resources.
Kazakhstan, geographically the largest of the former Soviet republics, excluding Russia,
possesses substantial fossil fuel reserves and other minerals and metals, such as uranium, copper,
and zinc. It also has a large agricultural sector featuring livestock and grain. In 2002 Kazakhstan
became the first country in the former Soviet Union to receive an investment-grade credit rating.
Extractive industries have been and will continue to be the engine of Kazakhstan's growth,
although the country is seriously pursuing diversification strategies.
Kazakhstan is landlocked, with restricted access to the high seas. Although its Caspian
Sea ports, pipelines, and rail lines carrying oil have been upgraded, civil aviation and roadways
continue to need attention. Supply and distribution of electricity can be erratic because of
regional dependencies, but the country is moving forward with plans to improve reliability of
electricity and gas supply to its population. The government realizes that its economy suffers
from an overreliance on oil and extractive industries.
Kazakhstan has embarked on an ambitious diversification program, aimed at developing
targeted sectors like transport, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, petrochemicals and food
processing. In 2010 Kazakhstan joined the Belarus-Kazakhstan-Russia Customs Union in an
effort to boost foreign investment and improve trade relationships. The Customs Union evolved
into the Eurasian Economic Union in January 2015. During 2014, Kazakhstan’s economy was
hampered by Russia’s slowing economy, the weakening ruble, falling oil prices, and problems at
its Kashagan oil field. Kazakhstan devalued its currency, the tenge, by 19 percent in February
and in November the government announced a stimulus package to cope with the economic
1. Kazakhstan rich or poor?
2.What are the major imports of Kazakhstan?
3.What is the per capita income of Kazakhstan?
4.Is Kazakhstan an Arab country?
5.Is Kazakhstan a first world country?
First Conditional Exercises.
Упражнение 1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Future
Indefinite Tense.
1.If Peter __________ (come) to my place, we__________ (go) to play in the yard.
2.If Peter__________ (not come) to my place, I __________ (watch) TV.
3.If Frank’s parents__________ (have) their holidays in summer, they __________ (go) to the
4.If they __________ (have) their holidays in winter, they __________ (stay) at home.
5.If the fog _______ (thicken), Harold _______ (put up) the tent for the night.
6.When I _______ (finish) my work, I_______ (go) to the cinema.
7.We_______ (buy) this book as soon as our mother_______ (give) us some money.
8.When we _______ (come) to your place you_______ (show) us your present.
9.I_______ (return) you your ring when you_______ (ask) me.
10.I_______ (wait) for my friend until he_______ (come) from the shop.
11.My father_______ (start) writing before the sun _______ (rise).
12.As soon as you _______ (finish) your study I_______ (present) you with a new flat.

Read the text

“Sectors of the economy in Great Britain”
Little more than a century ago, Britain was 'the workshop of the world'. It had as many
merchant ships as the rest of the world put together and it led the world in most manufacturing
industries. From 1981 to 1989 the British economy experienced eight years of sustained growth
at the annual average rate over 3%. However, subsequently Britain and other major
industrialized nations were severely affected by recession. In Britain growth slowed to 0.6% in
1990, and in 1991 gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 2.3%. GDP fell in 1992 as a whole by
0.4%, but it rose slightly in the second half of the year. The recovery strengthened during the
first part of 1993; with GDP in the second quarter being 2% higher than a year earlier; the
European Commission expected Britain to be the fastest growing of all major European
economies in 1993 and1994. Recent indications that the recovery is under may include: an
increase in manufacturing output; a steady upward trend in retail sales; increases in new car
registrations; record levels of exports; increased business and consumer confidence; signs of
greater activity in the housing market. The Government’s policy is to ensure sustainable
economic growth through low inflation and sound public finances. The Government’s economic
policy is set in the context of a medium-term financial strategy, which is revived each year.
Within this strategy, monetary and fiscal policies are designed to defeat inflation. Short-term
interest rates remain the essential instrument of monetary policy. Macroeconomic policy is
directed towards keeping down the rate of inflation as the basis for sustainable growth, while
micro-economic policies seek to improve the working of markets and encourage enterprise,
efficiency and flexibility through measures such as privatization, deregulation and tax reforms.
1.What are the main sectors of the UK economy?
2.What economic system does Britain have?
3.What is England's main industry?
4.What is the UK biggest industry today?
Замените условные предложения I типа (реальное условие) на условные предложения
II типа (нереальное условие).
Н-р: If we make a fire, we will frighten away the wolves. (Если мы разожжем костер, мы
спугнем волков.) – If we made a fire, we would frighten away the wolves. (Если бы мы
разожгли костер, мы бы спугнули волков.)
1. If you leave the child alone, he will hurt himself.
2. We’ll make nice pictures if Paola brings a camera.
3. If it snows, the kids will make a snowman.
4. I’ll buy this laptop if I have enough money.
5. If our granny puts on her glasses, she will see the flowers.
6. If you are too busy, we’ll leave you alone.
7. I will plant the tomatoes tomorrow if it rains.
8. If Bob finds his relatives, he will live with them.
1. gives full and extended answers;
1. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
2. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
3. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
4. presents topic related vocabulary.

Практическое занятие №9
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be use Second Conditionals;
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: Second Conditionals;
2. Reading: Scientific technical progress.
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.

Read the text

“Sectors of the economy in the USA”
The American economy is a free enterprise system that has emerged from the labors of millions of
American workers; from the wants that tens of millions of consumers have expressed in the marketplace;
from the efforts of thousands of private business people; and from the activities of government officials at
all levels who have undertaken the tasks that individual Americans cannot do.
The nation's income and productivity have risen enormously over the past 70 years. In this period, the
money for personal consumption tripled in real purchasing power. The gross national product per capita
quadrupled, reflecting growth in worker productivity.
Together, all sectors of the American economy produce almost $4,000 million dollars worth of goods
and services annually, and each year they turn out almost $ 190,000 million more. The consumption of
these goods and services is spread widely. Most Americans consider themselves members of the middle
economic class, and relatively few are extremely wealthy or extremely poor. According to U.S. Census
Bureau figures, 9.6 percent of all American families make more than $50,000 a year, and 7.7 percent of
all American families have incomes less than $10,000; the median annual income for all American
families is about $28,906.
Americans live in a variety of housing that includes single detached homes (62 percent) with a median
cost of $112,500. They also live in apartments, town-houses and mobile homes. Three-fourths of all
married couples own their own homes. The size of all dwelling units has increased in living space. The
median number of rooms occupied in each dwelling unit has increased from 4.9 rooms per unit in 1960 to
5.2 rooms today, despite the shrinking family size. About 3.6 percent of all Americans live in public
(government-supplied or subsidized) housing.
The government plays an important role in the economy, as is the case in all countries. From the
founding of the Republic, the U.S. federal government has strongly supported the development of
transportation. It financed the first major canal system and later subsidized the railroads and the airlines.
It has developed river valleys and built dams and power stations. It has extended electricity and scientific
advice to farmers, and assures them a minimum price for their basic crops. It checks the purity of food
and drugs, insures bank deposits and guarantees loans.
America's individual 50 states have been most active in building roads and in the field of education.
Each year the states spend some $33.31 million on schools and provide a free public education for 29.1
million primary-school pupils and 11.4 million youth in secondary schools. (In addition, 8.3 million
youths attend private primary and secondary schools.) Approximately 60 percent of the students who
graduate from secondary schools attend colleges and universities, 77.2 percent of which are supported by
public funds. The U.S. leads the world in the percentage of the population that receives a higher
education. Total enrollment in schools of higher learning is 13.4 million.
Despite the fact that the United States government supports many segments of the nation's economy,
economists estimate that the public sector accounts for only one-fifth of American economic activity,
with the remainder in private hands. In agriculture, for example, farmers benefit from public education,
roads, rural electrification and support prices, but their land is private property to work pretty much as
they desire. More than 86.7 percent of America's 208.8 million farms are owned by the people who
operate them; the rest are owned by business corporations. With increasingly improved farm machinery,
seed and fertilizers, more food is produced each year, although the number of farmers decreases annually.
There were 15,669,000 people living on farms in 1960; by 1989 that total had decreased to 4,801,000.
Farm output has increased dramatically: just 50 years ago a farmer fed 10 persons; today the average
farmer feeds 75. America exports some 440.9 thousand million worth of farm products each year. The
United States produces as much as half the world's soybeans and corn for grain, and from 10 to 25
percent of its cotton wheat, tobacco and vegetable oil.
The bulk of America's wealth is produced by private industries and businesses—ranging from giants
like General Motors, which sells $96,371 million worth of cars and trucks each year—to thousands of
small, independent entrepreneurs. In 1987, nearly 233,710 small businesses were started in the U.S. Yet
by one count, some 75 percent of American products currently face foreign competition within markets in
the United States. America has traditionally supported free trade. In 1989, the U.S. exported $360,465
thousand million in goods and imported $475,329 thousand million.
In 1990, 119.55 million Americans were in the labor force, representing 63.0 percent of the population
over the age of 16. The labor force has grown especially rapidly since 1955 as a result of the increased
number of working women. Women now constitute more than half of America's total work force. The
entry of the "baby boom" generation into the job market has also increased the work force. Part-time
employment has increased as well—only about 55 percent of all workers have full-rime, full-year jobs—
the rest either work part-time, part-year or both. The average American work week was 41 hours in 1989.
American industries have become increasingly more service-oriented. Of 12.6 million new jobs
created since 1982, almost 85 percent have been in service industries. Careers in technical, business and
health-related fields have particularly experienced employee growth in recent years. Approximately 27
million Americans are employed in selling. Another 19.2 million work in manufacturing and 17.5 million
work for federal, state and local governments.
Recently, unemployment in the United States was calculated at about seven percent. The government
provides short-term unemployment compensation (from 20 to 39 weeks depending upon economic
conditions) to replace wages lost between jobs. About 80 per cent of all wage and salary earners are
covered by unemployment insurance. In addition, both the government and private industry provide job
training to help unemployed and disadvantaged Americans.
1.What is the American economy?
2.What influences the US economy?
3.What is America's main source of income?
4.How much does the US economy make a year?
Make the second conditional
1. If I __ (be) you, I __ (get) a new profession.
2. If Katya __ (not / be) always so late, she __ (be) promoted to the senior position.
3. If I __ (speak) perfect English, I __ (have) a better paid job.
4. If Roma __ (pass) the exam, he __ (be) able to enter our college.
5. Sveta __ (be) happier if she __ (have) better friends.
6. We __ (buy) a house if we __ (decide) to live here for good.
7. We __ (come) to the party if we __ (have) time.+
8. Tanya __ (call) him if she __ (have) his mobile phone number.
9. Kirill __ (pass) the exam if he __ (study) harder.
10. We __ never __(be) late again if we __ (buy) this new car. I promise
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 11
Тема: National holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Third Conditionals; Second Conditionals;
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use Third Conditionals
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: Third Conditionals
2. Reading: National holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Pre-Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
«Holidays of Kazakhstan»
In Kazakhstan, like in many other countries of the world, people celebrate such
traditional holidays as, for example, New Year and the 8th of March. However, there are several
special holidays in Kazakhstan related to the history of the country.
National holidays, public holidays, vocationaland other holidays are celebrated in the Republic
of Kazakhstan.
1)National holidays are the holidays established in the Republic of Kazakhstan in honour of the
events, which have special historical significance and which had essential impact on the
development of Kazakh sovereignty. Celebration of national holidays is accompanied by the
official arrangements in the central and local state agencies.
The national holiday in the Republic of Kazakhstan is The Independence Day on 16 December
celebrated on 16-17 December.
2)Public holidays are the holidays devoted to the events, which have public and political
significance, and the holidays traditionally celebrated by the citizens of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. Celebration of the state holidays can be accompanied by official arrangements.
Public holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan are the holidays celebrated on the following days:
• January 1-2 - NewYear
• March 8 - InternationalWomen'sDay
• March 21-23 - Nauryz
• May 1 - Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan
• May 7 - Defender of the Fatherland Day
• May 9 – Victory Day
• July 6 – Capital Day
• August 30 – Constitution Day
• December 1 - Day of the First President
• December 16-17 – Independence Day

Description of some holidays:

• 8 March, InternationalWomen’sDay
Almost a century ago one of the founders of the German Communitst Party, Klara Zetkin
proposed to select the day when women in the whole world could attract the public attention to
their requirements. Since 1914 this day was celebrated spontaneously on the 8th of March. Since
1965 the 8th of March was announce as a day off in the Communistic USSR. In Kazakhstan this
holiday is still a day off, however it lost its former political nature. According to the tradition,
during celebration, men present their women with flowers and gifts.
• 22-23 MarchNauryzHoliday
For its entertaining nature, beauty and richness with traditions and national customs amongst so
called new public holidays in Kazakhstan Nauryz is special. Nauryz Holiday is celebrated on the
day of spring весеннего vernal equinox. That’s why it is considered to be the holiday of spring
and nature revival. Nauryz has ancient roots and is very popular amongst many oriental
nations.Nauryz is an ancient holiday full of symbols!
• 1 May, Unity of the Nations of Kazakhstan
Representatives of the elder generation still remember the holiday of the 1st of May as the
International Solidarity Day of the Workers. This holiday used to have a large number of
ideological slogans. Change of the political regime and gaining independence has changed the
meaning of this holiday in Kazakhstan. In 1996 the President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, with his
Decree declared the 1st of May to be the Holiday of the Unity of the Nations in Kazakhstan. This
holiday in the country where people of different nationalities live in peace and harmony has
become on the most symbolical and favourite holidays in Kazakhstan. One of the attributes of
the holiday is red carnations.
• 9 May, VictoryDay
The public holiday of Kazakhstan celebrated since the Soviet times. It is celebrated in honour
of the Soviet victory over Hitler’s Germany in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). The holiday
is filled in with deep patriotic sense. This day people remember those soldiers and officers who
died; and there were many Kazakhstanians amongst them.
• 30 August, ConstitutionDayofKazakhstan
This day is celebrated in honour of the Basic Law of the country adopted in 1995 at the
national referendum. In accordance with this document, Kazakhstan declares itself a democratic,
temporal, legal and social state.
• 16 December – IndependenceDay
After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the Republic of Kazakhstan declared its sovereignty
and since then the 16th December is celebrated every year as the Independence Day.
1. What national holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan do you know?
2. What public holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan do you know?
3. What professional holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan do you know?
4. When is International Culture Day?
5. What holiday is celebrated on July 13?
2. Identify true / false statements:
Statements t/f
National holidays are holidays devoted to events of public and political importance,
as well as holidays traditionally celebrated by citizens of the Republic of
Professional and other holidays are holidays that do not have the status of national
and state holidays, celebrated by certain categories of citizens.
Remember the May 1 holiday as International Victory Day.
In 1986, President Nursultan Nazarbayev, by his decree, declared May 1 a holiday
of the unity of peoples in Kazakhstan.
Since 1965, March 8 was declared a holiday in the Communist USSR.
Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Political Repression - May 31
National holidays are official events in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which have
special historical significance and have a significant impact on the development of
the sovereignty of Kazakhstan.
The professional holiday in the Republic of Kazakhstan is Independence Day on
December 16, which is celebrated on December 16-17.
Celebration of the state holidays can be accompanied by official arrangements.
For its entertaining nature, beauty and richness with traditions and national customs
amongst so called new public holidays in Kazakhstan Nauryz is special.

3.Make a dialogue on the theme "Holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan".

4. Write a short story about your favorite holiday, tell us how you celebrate it.
5. Write a congratulatory letter to a friend on a particular holiday.
6.Prepare a report on holidays in the country of the language being studied.

Third conditional exercises with answers.
Упражнение 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (Conditional 3).
1. If the government ____________ (give) more money to the factory it _____________
(not close).
2. If the government ___________ (build) flood barriers, we __________ (not have) the
floods last year.
3. If Dan ___________ (know) how to swim, he ____________ (not drown).
4. If Molly __________ (listen) to the weather- forecast, she ______________ (know) it
was going to rain.
5. If Greg _____________ (tell) me he was ill, I ____________ (be) more sympathetic. .
6. If she __________ (prepare) for the exam, she __________ (pass) it.
7. If Bill _________ (see) the house, he ________ ( not buy) it.
8. These words ___________ (roughly express) Bob’s feelings, if he __________ (be)
capable of reasoning.
9. But what ___________ (you do), if you ________ (see) what I saw
10. It ___________ (be) all done though, if Jill __________ (help) at the right time.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 12
Тема: Nauryz meiramy – Great holiday in Kazakhstan; Third Conditionals;
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use Third Conditionals;
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: Third Conditionals;
2. Reading: Nauryz meiramy – Great holiday in Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
For the celebration of the NEW YEAR (NAURYZ) Kazakhs start preparing at least one
week before. They clean streets, aryks, springs and they plant trees. There is a belief amongst the
people that happiness enters only a clean house. By cleaning the area around people clean their
souls. People would start preparations for the celebration beforehand. Already a week before,
women started to tiding up the houses. Men would clean around the house, in the yard. During
the long winter some unnecessary things had accumulated. Housewives would usually leave only
the most necessary things at home and would throw the rest or more often they would give the
rest to those who needed these things. So purification was starting. Those days, people tried to
get rid of everything unnecessary, and this would give hope for better changes, prosperity and
better acquisitions.
This day, on the 22nd of March it is compulsory to feed a hungry person and to give
something to a poor person. In ancient times rich and noble men were competing amongst
themselves who was the most generous one. It was considered to be the noblest thing and this
would count by Allah Almighty.
In the evening of the 21st of March people were gathering somewhere in order to listen to
the songs, to share the news because people had not seen each other for long winter months.
Women were cooking traditional “nauryzkozhe”. Kazakhs love to communicate. They had long
conversations; old people were remembering ancient eposes. Akyns were playing dombra and
singing famous termeh – songs of wisdom. And people were waiting for dawn.
The first rays of the sun on the 22nd of March are holy and that is why families are trying
to be at the highest point of the settlement in order to meet the sun with their pure thoughts and
best wishes. Old and young people stretch their arms towards the sun and then devoutly pass
their hands over their faces. That is why Kazakhs have this gesture when they say “Bismillah!”
Women carry milk in the bowls to sprinkle the first rays of the sun, the earth, the children and
with their open hands to accept batah – the bless from the Universal Sun. With the words
“Kutdarysyn!” women sprinkle the earth with milk, the symbol of prosperity, peace and good.
In this moment, it is important to stretch open hands and to open your heart to the first rays of
the Rising Sun. We are the children of the Sun, Umai Goddess, and of the Sky, Tengri. And we
must remember this!
In the centre of the square there is a luxurious yurta. Seven dressed-up women take the
empty crockery from this yurta and put it around the house. It is better when the crockery is
various and expensive. This ritual symbolizes prosperity, style and efficiency of the owner of this
house because in ancient times Kazakhs paid great attention to the artistic aesthetics in the
everyday life.
Large cakes (“zhetikulesh”) are brought out by women in white “kimeshek” from the
main yurta. At the honourable seat there are respected people, aksakals. Amongst them on the
most honourable seat there is a free place for Kydyr Ata. Kydyr Ata twice a year comes down
from the Heaven to Earth in order to support the people: in December, on the night of autumnal
equinox, and in March, on the day of vernal equinox. He blesses “zhetikulesh” (large cakes) and
nauryz kozhe. After that Nauryz kozhe is given initially to the honourable people and then to
others. Taking some part of “zhetikulesh” everyone pronounces “niyetiniz kabyl bolsyn”. The
singer starts the feast with “Toybastar” song.
Entertainment continues all night long because everyone hopes only for better things,
especially those who have managed to clean at least one spring and to plant a tree. These days
Love lights up new hearts. And of people are older, then other people carefully help them meet
each other because Kazakhs are good family-men. For Kazakhs it is very important to hear
children’s noise and happy eyes of the women.
1. When do people celebrate Nauryz?
2. What day is it?
3. What does Equinox mean?
4. What does this holiday symbolize?
5. What do people usually do on Nauryz?
6. What are the traditional dishes on this holiday?
7. How is this holiday different from others?
8. What type of holiday is Nauryz?
9. Do you celebrate this holiday at home with a whole family? How?
10. Do you like Nauryz holiday? Why?
2. Insert into the words related to the subject "Nauryz", the missing letters, read and
translate them into Russian.
1) b — - - - - ing
2) c — - - - - - te
3) eq — - - - x
4) w — - h
5) c — - - - - - - - - tions
6) sy — - - - - ze
(Key words: beginning/celebrate/equinox/wish/congratulations/symbolize)
3.Read the role dialogue and translate it.
Aigul :- Hello Nuria, I congratulate you on the holiday Nauryz!
Nuria :- Hello, Aigul, and I congratulate you on the holiday!
-What are you going to do today?
- I set the table for my family and prepare gifts, and you?
- I want to go see a concert with friends.
- If you have time, come to us to celebrate the holiday, there will be a lot of games and a lot of
- Well, of course, I will come, because Nauryz is the beginning of a new year, and it needs to be
met with its loved ones.
-I will wait for you, see you!
4.Make up your own wishes and say them to each other.
For example: I wish you success, happiness, prosperity and good health on Nauryz. Or
Let this holiday bring you a lot of pleasure and happiness!
5.On the holiday of Nauryz, people make wishes. What is desirable on this day? Record in
the scheme.

6. There’s an unknown poem about Nauryz. I wish you to listen, read and remember it.
Amazing, funny.
Everybody smiles sunny.
We prepare special food.
Delicious, big.
We enjoy it.
It brings me calories.
Упражнение. Do you ever think about what would or would not have happened if ... Make a
chain story, using the following.
1.If I _____________ (not use) so much gas, I _____________ (not have) such a big gas bill.
2.If I _____________ (must not) pay my gas bill, I _____________ (not go) out in the rain.
3.If I_____________ (not go) out in the rain, I _____________ (not catch) a cold.
4.If I _____________ (not catch) a cold, I _____________ (not carry) a handkerchief.
5.If I_____________ (not carry) a handkerchief, I_____________ (not drop) it.
6.If I _____________ (not drop) my handkerchief, Juan _____________ (not pick) it up.
7.If Juan_____________ (not pick) up my handkerchief, we_____________ (never meet).
1. gives full and extended answers;
1. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
2. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
3. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
4. presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 13
Тема: National holidays of Great Britain
Passive voice;
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the Passive voice;
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: Passive voice;
2. Reading: National holidays of Great Britain
3. Listening: Life-fifty years from now
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
National holidays of Great Britain.
There are many holidays in Great Britain. They are
Christmas day, Boxing Day, New Year's day, Easter, May Day,
Spring bank holiday and Summer bank holiday. Public holidays
in Great Britain are called bank holidays because the banks as
well as most of the offices and shops are closed. The most
popular holiday is Xmas. Every year the people of Norway
make a present to the city of London. It is a big Xmas tree
which is placed on Trufalger square. Central streets are
beautifully decorated. During Xmas groups of singers go from
house to house. They collect money for charity and sing carols,
traditional Christmas songs. Many churches hold carol services
on the Sunday before Xmas. The fun starts the night before, on
the 24 of December. This is the day when people decorate their
trees. Children hang stockings above their beds, hoping that
Santa Claus will come at night and fill them with toys and
sweets. Xmas is a family holiday. Relatives prepare for the big
Xmas dinner of turkey and Xmas pudding and everyone makes
and receives presents. The 26th of December, Boxing Day, is an
extra holiday after Xmas. This is the time to meet friends or sit
at home and watch TV. New Year's day is less popular in Britain
then Xmas. Besides public holidays there are some special
holidays in Britain. One of them takes place on the 5th of
November. On that day in 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up
the House of Parliament and to kill King James I. But he didn't
succeed. The King's men found the bomb and took Guy Fawkes
to the Tower. Since that day the British celebrate the 5th of
There are also some smaller and lesser known holidays in Great
1.What National holidays of Great Britain do you know?
2. Xmas what holiday is it?
3.What do you know about Boxing Day?
4.Who was Guy Fawkes?
Exercise 1. Read the text. Put the verbs in the proper Passive forms. Explain why you have
preferred one form to another.
The Tower of London __________ (to build) by William the Conqueror in 1078 as a castle and
palace. Since that time it __________ (to expand) to its present size, and as an armory, a zoo, a
royal mint, a prison and a museum. At the time when it was a prison a lot of people __________
(to lock) in the Tower. Anne Boleyn, Sir Walter Raleigh and Elizabeth the First __________ (to
shut) there, too. Spies__________ (to imprison) in the Tower during the World Wars. Many
convicted __________ (publicly/to execute) on the Tower Hill. They __________ (to behead)
with the block and axe, which __________ (to keep) and __________ (to show) in the Tower of
Armory now.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 14
Тема: National holidays of the USA;
Passive voice;
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the Passive voice;
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: Passive voice;
2. Reading: National holidays of the USA
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
“National holidays of the USA”
American holidays are strikingly different in origin and show surprising similarities in the
manner of their celebration. No matter what the holiday's origin is, they all seem to be the same
thing. A holiday has simply become, for most Americans, a day off from work, though some (for
example, Thanksgiving and Christmas) retain some individuality.
The major holidays in the USA are:
New Year's Day, January, 1st:
People stay awake until after midnight on December 31st to "watch the Old Year out and
the New Year in." Many parties are given on this night. Theatres, night clubs, restaurants are
crowded. When midnight comes, they greet the New Year: people gather in the streets of big
cities, they ring bells, blow whistles and automobile horns, some shoot off guns and firecrackers.
Valentine's Day, February, 14th:
It is not a national holiday. Banks and offices do not close, but it is a happy little festival
in honour of St Valentine, patron of sweethearts and lovers. It is widely celebrated among people
of all ages by the exchange of "valentines." A "valentine" may mean a special greeting card or a
little present. The greeting cards are often coloured red, have red trimmings and pictures of
Washington's Birthday, February, 22d:
In addition to commemorating the birth of the United States' first President, it's a great
day for shoppers. The department stores of Washington, DC, stated a national tradition of sales
marked by unusual bargains. It is not a national holiday. Many schools, offices and banks close
for this day, some stay open. The US Congress observes the birthday of George Washington with
speeches and readings from his works.
Easter is in memory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It falls on the first Sunday after
the first full moon between March, 22, and April, 25. The 40 days before Easter are called Lent.
Just before Easter, schools and colleges usually close. Students have a week or ten days of spring
vacation. Easter is a church holiday, and many churches have an outdoor sunrise service. People
give each other presents of eggs which are the symbol of new life. There is a popular belief that
wearing three new things on Easter will bring good luck throughout the year.
Memorial Day, May, 30th:
It is a national holiday. Schools, banks and offices close for the day. On that day,
Americans honour the servicemen who gave their lives in past wars. Schools, clubs and churches
decorate the cemeteries. They put up the flags on the graves of the army, navy and airmen. They
hold memorial services in churches, halls, parks and cemeteries. In addition to solemn services
Memorial Day is often marked by other, more joyful ceremonies: colourful parades, sports
Independence Day, July, 4th:
On this day, in 1776, America signed the Declaration of Independence. It is a national
public holiday celebrated with fireworks and speeches praising "Americanism, democracy, free
Labor Day, the first Monday in September:
It is a holiday of recreation. It marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.
Vacation time is over. Resorts, camps and beaches close ... Parents go to summer camps and take
their children back home.
Halloween, October, 31st:
Halloween is the day or evening before All Saints' Day. Halloween customs date back to
a time when people believed in devils, witches and ghosts. They thought that these evil spirits
could do all kinds of damage to property. Some people tried to ward off witches by painting
magic signs on their barns. Others tried to scare them away by nailing a piece of iron, such as a
horseshoe, over the door. Now most people do not believe in evil spirits. On this day they just
have a nice holiday. Children dress up as ghosts and witches and go out into the streets to beg.
They go from house to house and say: "Trick of treat!", meaning "Give me a treat or I'll play a
trick on you". People give them candy, cookies and apples. A favourite custom is to make a jack-
o'-lantem. Children scrape out a pumpkin and cut the outlines of eyes, nose and mouth in its side.
They light a candle inside the pumpkin to scare their friends. This custom refers to a man named
Jack who still wanders around the earth lighting his way with a pumpkin lantern.
Veterans Day:
On this day, the radio and television broadcast services held at the National Cemetery in
Arlington. High officials come from Washington to attend these services. They place a wreath of
flowers at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. All stand in silence for a few minutes at eleven
o'clock to honour the memory of the servicemen killed in the two World Wars.
Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November:
In the USA it is a national holiday. It was first celebrated in 1621 by the Pilgrim Fathers after
their first good harvest. Thanksgiving is a family day, for it is customary for all members of the
family to gather at the home of their parents. The family eats a large traditional dinner, usually
with turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.
Christmas Day, December, 25th:
It is usually a one-day official holiday, but it is preceded and followed by festive parties,
and marked by special church services, gift-giving and feasting. Christmas is a family holiday.
Schools and colleges close between Christmas and New-Year's Day. People stay at home and
spend the time with their families. Everybody tries to come home for Christmas. People send
cards or Christmas greetings to family and friends away from home. Every family tries to have a
Christmas tree, which is beautifully decorated. Santa Claus comes from the North Pole in his
sleigh, dressed in red cap and jacket, entering the house from chimney. He is a merry and fat
individual. He has gifts of whatever kind you may wish for — nothing is too fabulous nor too
trivial for him to provide
1.What are the US national holidays in 2019?
2.How many national holidays are there in America?
3.What are public holidays called in USA?
4.Is Good Friday a holiday in USA?
Exercise. You are a reporter of a magazine. Your editor is worried by a housing problem very
much and he gives you the task to find out if there’s any progress in this sphere. So you think
over the items of your future interview. You think that the questions should be in the Passive
Voice because it attracts to the objects themselves.
1.How are the things going with those buildings of our city which must be repaired? … they
already (to repair) or … it only (to plan) yet?
… the housing problem (to solve) in our city some day?
2.During the last year four new houses (to build), three more (to build) now, and the
constructions of several houses (to finish) lately. — Have the people already moved in them? -
No, the houses (to live in) yet, but they (to move) into very soon.
3.Generally, many houses (to build) in our city every year, but in the last years the number of
new buildings of our region (to reduce) considerably. – What … it (to connect) with? – Mainly it
(to connect) with economic problems.
4.Can the old houses (to reconstruct) or (to reorganize)? — Such way out of the situation (to
think of), but it (to decide) to postpone this decision.
1.gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 15
Тема: Test
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to write the test
Форма проведения: test
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1.I _______ the Star Wars films.
A) have never seen B) have ever seen C) have never saw
2. They_____ for Google_____2004.
A) worked / for B) ’ve worked / since C) ’re working / since
3. ____Neil_____ that he didn’t get the job?
A) Did / tell B) Have / told C) Has / been told
4. If you ______ that expensive car, you ___ enough money to go on holiday.
A) buy / won’t have B) bought / don’t have C) don’t buy / won’t have
5. What ____ if you ____a mobile phone?
A) will you do / haven’t B) would you did / had C) would you do / didn’t have
6. Alison has worked for a month without a day off — she ________be exhausted.
A) might B) must C) can’t
7. I know he speaks French, German and Italian so he ________ be Swiss.
A) can’t B) could C) should
8. Hundreds of trees were blown over in the night so the wind _______have been very strong
A) can’t B) could C) must
9. “I’m not very sociable. ______.”
A) I don’t B) So am I C) Neither am I
10. “Sorry I’m late. _____for a long time?”
A) Have you waited B) Are you waiting C) Have you been waiting
11. Leo’s French isn’t very good. He ____it for very long.
A) has been learning B) hasn’t been learning C) hasn’t learned
12. Ellen ____ that she needs to do more exercise.
A) has been realizing B) is realized C) has realized
13. Henry worked for the bank ____ 2001 and 2006.
A) between B) while C) until
14. Could you tell me where ______ ?
A) the library is B) is the library C) if the library
15. Do you know ______ this train goes to Cardiff?
A) does B) if C) how
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 16
Тема: Art in Kazakhstan
Modals verb: might
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the Modals verb: might
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: Modals verb: might
2. Reading: Art in Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and s
tidy Skils. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Tasks: 1.Vocabulary
architecture – архитектура, зодчество
crafts – ремесла
glassblowing – стеклодувное дело
ceramics – керамика
mosaics – мозаика
stained glass - витраж
painting – живопись
photography – фотография
sculpture – скульптура
icon painting – иконопись
carving – резьба
moulding – лепнина
embroidery - вышивка
tapestry – шпалерное искусство, гобелен
a masterpiece – шедевр
a work of art – произведение искусства
a trend – направление
a genre – жанр
a style – стиль
a drawing – рисунок
a painting – картина
a sculpture – скульптура
a statue – статуя
an engraving – гравюра
a mural (a fresco) – фреска
a sketch – набросок
an exhibit – экспонат
an art exhibition – художественная выставка
a picture gallery – картинная галерея
an exhibition hall – выставочный зал
2.Match the English words and their Russian equivalents.
1. Painter
2. Scientist
3. Writer
4. Architect
5. Teacher
6. Musician
7. Poet
8. politician

· музыкант
· политик
· поэт
· художник
· ученый
· писатель
· учитель
· архитектор
3.Read the words and divide them into several groups
opera-dancer scientist writer musician doctor teacher driver
businessman banker politician architect linguist sportsman
fireman artist seller actor biologist

You know that different famous people were various professions.

Say what they were.
Christopher Columbus -a discoverer of America
Yuri Gagarin -the first human to travel into space.
Peter -the Great tsar of Russia
Princess Diana -Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales
David Beckham- an English football player
Abai- the greatest Kazakh poet
Elizabeth II -the queen of the UK
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky- a famous Russian composer
John Paul II- pope of the Catholic Church
George Washington -the first president of the USA

4. Read and name this person

1. He was born in London in 1889. Later he lived in the USA. He
was a film actor. He had a funny way of waking. (Charlie
2. She was born in 1891. She wrote 75 detective stories. She died in 1976. She was known as the
Queen of Crime. (Agatha Christie)
3. A well known British Politician. She was the first woman Prime Minister of Britain. She was
called “An Iron Lady”. (Margaret Thatcher)
4. A great English scientist. He studied many different kinds of plants and animals. He built up
his own theory of evolution. (Charles Darwin)
5. He was a British flag officer famous for his participation in the Napoleonic Wars, most
notably in the Battle of Trafalgar, during which he lost his life. His monument stands in the
centre of Trafalgar Square. (Horatio Nelson)
6. She is the Queen of sixteen independent countries and their territories. She holds the crown of
each country separately, but she lives in the United Kingdom. She has reigned for 62years (in
2014) . (Queen Elizabeth II)
Practice: Modal verb Might
Q1-You ____ leave if you've finished.
Either could be used here.
Q2 - ____ I come in?
Either could be used here.
Q3 - We ____ not get into the concert without tickets, so we went home.
Either could be used here.
Q4 - ____ I open the window?
Either could be used here.
Q5 - ____ you turn the heating up a bit, please?
Q6 - You ____ take a mobile phone into the exam.
may not
Either could be used here.
Q7 - ___ you help me?
Either could be used here.
Q8 - I'm afraid you ____ not take the exam until you pay for it.
Q9 - You ____ smoke anywhere on the train.
might not
Q10 - You ____ use my dictionary if you want.
Either could be used here.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 17
Тема: Art in Great Britain
Modals verb: could
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will use Modals verb: could
1. Language focus: Modals verb: could
2. Reading: Art in Great Britain
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention with the tenses
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Tasks: Read the text
“Art in Great Britain”
The arts in Britain are flourishing, and present a varied and lively picture. London has
become an international forum of the arts, with major exhibitions of painting and sculpture and
theatre, opera and ballet companies and orchestras drawing large audiences. Throughout Britain
there are festivals and centres of artistic activity – among them the Edinburgh International
Festival, the music festivals at Aldeburgh, Windsor and Cheltenham and opera at Glyndebourne.
The spread of musical interest in Britain owes much to the British Broadcasting Corporation
with its daily music programme and its partial financing of the Promenade Concerts at the Royal
Albert Hall, London.
There are over 900 museums and art galleries in Britain and art exhibitions are shown all over
the country through the Arts Council, which distributes government grants for music, drama,
painting and sculpture. Local authorities play an important part in encouraging the arts,
supporting galleries, orchestras and arts centres – an example is the ambitious Midlands Art
Centre for young people in Birmingham.
British artists, writers, musicians and architects exert a powerful influence abroad. Notable
figures include sculptors Henry Moore and Anthony Caro, painters Francis Bacon and Graham
Sutherland and, among younger artists, Richard Smith, winner of a major international prize in
1967, Richard Hamilton, who painted the first “pop” picture, and Bridget Riley, internationally
known artist whose work has also inspired fashion.
British music owes’much to the composer Benjamin Britten, whose influence has produced a
new school of British opera. In architecture the work of Sir Basil Spence (Coventry Cathedral,
Sussex University) and the collective work of modern British architects in housing and town
planning are outstanding.
Literature presents great diversity . Poetry has received fresh stimulus from regional movements
including the Liverpool poets, who write for public performance. Among novelists of worldwide
reputation are Graham Greene, Angus Wilson, William Golding, Iris Murdoch and Muriel Spark.
1.What collections does the National Gallery house?
2.What is the National Portrait Gallery noted for?
3.What painters are particularly well represented in the Tate Gallery?
4.What kind of museum is Victoria and Albert Museum? Why is it named so?
5.What are the two departments of the British Museum?
6.What museums besides art museums and galleries can you find in London?
Q1 - I was just wondering whether you ____ be able to help me.
Q2 - ____ God have mercy on your soul.
Q3 - You ____ well be right.
Q4 - I told them I ____ go if I felt like it, but wasn't sure.
Q5 - Students ____ only borrow four books at a time.
Q6 - The examiner says we ____ leave when we've finished.
Q7 - It ____ be very expensive, but it's much better than the others.
Q8 - I just ____ accept your offer.
Q9 - You ____ try asking her for help- she knows her stuff.
Q10 - You ____ have told me earlier!
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary
Практическое занятие № 18
Тема: Art in the USA
Modals verb: must
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use Modals verb: must
Основные вопросы:
1. Language Modals verb: must
2. Reading: Art in the USA
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
“Art in the USA”
At the beginning of the twentieth century, when modernism was developing in Europe,
American Art remained provincial. Every trend of European nineteenth-century painting
continued to flow in the United States. The most popular American movement of the early
twentieth century, the "Ash Can", was a group of neorealists indebted largely to Courbet and the
early Manet. But in these same years, several American artists were absorbing European
modernism during trips to France and Germany. They returned to develop their newly acquired
ideas in the United States. In 1908 in New York two photographers began to show at the Gallery
"291" works by Matisse, Picasso, new American paintings and sculptures, including works by
John Marin, Marsden Hartly, and Georgia O'Keeffe.
Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986) was an original American painter, unconnected with any
European movement. Throughout her long creative life, O'Keffe's imagery was derived from a
variety of objects surrounding her, from the magnified forms of flowers to driftwood and
animals' skulls. Her "Blue and Green Music", of 1919, is a complete invention. The free flow of
rhythmic shapes against the massive diagonals moves with the quality of visual music.
A number of gifted American artists turned after World War I to new forms of realism, focusing
on the banality of American urban and rural life. One of the best of the American scene painters
was Edward Hopper (1882-1967). He painted a bleak world made up of dirty streets, gloomy
houses, comfortless rooms such as in the "Automate", of 1927.
A representative of the new American painting which matured in the late 1940s and early
1950s, the commanding figure of the Abstract Expressionist movement was Jackson Pollock
(1912-56). The "Moon-Woman Cuts the Circle" is an early work, but it shows the power with
which Pollock pursued his idea. Pollock's name is also associated with the introduction of the
All-over style of painting which abandons the traditional idea of composition. During the 1950s
Pollock continued to produce figurative or quasi-figurative black and white works. He was
strongly supported by advanced critics. By the 1960s Pollock was generally recognized as the
most important figure in the most significant movement of this century in American painting.
1.What was the main popular art in the nineteenths in the USA?
2. What the most popular American movement of the early twentieth century?
3.Who were new American paintings and sculptures?
4.Who was Jackson Pollock?
5.Who was Georgia O'Keeffe?
Write in must or mustn't
Stop watching TV. You_______ do your homework.
I_______brush my teeth.
Your shoes are dirty. You _______clean them.
You _______drop litter in the streets.
I _______tidy my room.
You _______play on the road.
Упражнение 3. Write what you must or mustn't do when you travel.
You _________ drink dirty water.
You_________ be careful when you travel.
You _________ always wash fruit and vegetables.
You_________ play on the road.
You_________ throw litter.
You_________ listen to your parents.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 19
Тема: Music in Kazakhstan
Modals verb: have to
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use Modals verb: have to
Основные вопросы:
1. Language Music in Kazakhstan
2. Reading: Music in Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
“Kazakh Music”
Kazakh traditional musical instruments and ethnic music
Kazakh traditional music can be divided into two genres: instrumental music and vocal music.
Instrumental music is called Kuy and performed by soloists using Kazakh traditional musical
instruments, e.g. dombra, kobyz, etc. Among the most famous kuy composers there are
Kurmangazy, Dina, Dauletkerey, Tattimbet, etc.
Dombra is probably the most popular Kazakh musical instrument. Its gentle, soft and velvety
melodious sound is produced by only two strings.
Nowadays some dombra kuys are arranged and performed in rock or modern pop style, e.g. by
Ulytau, Asylbek Ensepov, and even classical music is performed by traditional Kazakh
instruments, which give them new sounding.
According to archeologists, along with dombra, a kobyz was also one of the most common
musical instruments of early nomads. Kobyz is a bowed string instrument, mainly used in
religious and magical rituals by baqsi (shamans), as well as folk singers. Kobyz served as a
means of communication with the spirits. Imitation of nature sounds are characteristic to kobyz
kuys, e.g. howling of wolves, cry of swans, running horse, the sound of a released arrow.
Kobyz is believed to be the most ancient of all bowed string instruments in the world.
Sybyzgy is widely used instrument in the past, made from a hollow stem of saltwort. The simple
form and the availability of the material from which it is made, contributed to its popularity
among Kazakh musicians. By its tone quality sybyzgy produces a trembling sound, resembling
tremor and agitation of the sound. Sybyzgy sounds could be heard on summer pastures, at
weddings, birth of a child ceremonies, during arrival of honourable guests.
Asatayak is an ancient Kazakh and Turkic percussion instrument. The shape resembles a stick
with a flat head, decorated with ornaments and hanging metal rings. Asatayak has an open and
sharp sound. To enhance the instrument’s sound, bells attached to the head asatayak could be
used. When shaking the instrument, bells give additional metallic ringing sound.
Sazsyrnay is a wind instrument, made of clay. It has a clear, bright tone colour. In ancient times
sazsyrnay was a popular instrument among children and adolescents.
Zhetygen is an ancient Kazakh and Turkic stringed musical instrument resembling a lying harp.
Classic zhetygen has seven strings, modern renovated ones have 15 strings.
The most ancient type of zhetygen was an oblong box, carved from a piece of wood. On this
zhetygen there were no upper decks or tuners. The strings were stretched by hand from the
outside of the tool. Later zhetygen’s upper part was covered with a wooden deck. Under each
string tripped on both sides asyks (bones) acting as pegs. Moving them one could adjust strings
and their sound.
Currently, folklore ensembles use reconstructed zhetygen in which in order to expand the range
of sounds, the number of strings is increased up to 15. Zhetygen has a mild, melodious sound.
Shankobyz is a tongue folk instrument. It refers to self-sounding reed musical instruments.
To play shankobyz, it should be pressed against one’s teeth or the lips and the oral cavity serves
as a resonator. Changing the articulation of the mouth and breathing makes it possible to change
the tone quality of the instrument. In addition, new tones to the sound are made by changing the
diaphragm position, many pharyngeal, laryngeal, tounge, lip and other methods of sound
production. Shankobyz is usually made from metal or wood.
Daulpaz is a Kazakh national percussion instrument. It is a musical instrument with a very
strong loud sound, it served in the past to give military signals, such as an attack signal. Loud
sounds of percussion instruments were also used to invite people to hunting or to perform
religious rites, announce the upcoming migrations, etc.
Here is an example of a traditional Kazakh song accompanied by Zhetygen, Dombra, Kobyz and
other instruments:
Vocal music
Authors of many Kazakh traditional songs were forgotten long ago, thus these songs are called
folk music. However, authors (composers) of many Kazakh songs are famous and respected.
Jayau Musa Bayzhanuly (1835-1929) is an outstanding Kazakh composer, a singer and a poet.
Jayau means a pedestrian. As a nomad Kazakh could not be imagined without a horse, being a
pedestrian was not usual, it was rather humiliating. There is a story of Musa becoming Jayau,
which is still remembered because of the song “Ak sisa”, in which he describes how rich
Mustafa took his horse, forcing him to became Jayau.
Interesting enough is that his monument in Astana is holding a violin in his hands. That is
because along with performing and composing traditional Kazakh music, he also studied
European music in Omsk, Russia, subsequently introducing a violin to Kazakh steppes
Birzhan-sal Kozhagululy (1834-1897) - an outstanding Kazakh composer, a singer and a poet.
Born into a poor family in a village near Kokshetau. From a young age he was fond of music and
singing and later started to compose his own songs that have received a lot of popularity in the
steppe. Birzhan’s songs touches on the themes as social issues, moral concepts, the fate of
individuals, as well as love lyrics.
Akan-seri Koramsauly (1843-1913) is an outstanding Kazakh composer. He was born on the
shores of Lake Ulken Koskel in Kokshetau region. From his young age he stood out among
peers by his attraction to music and poetry, and his constant participation in festivals and
competitions has given the prefix to his name – seri. Kazakh folk music mainly impacted on the
formation of his compositional talent.
1.What are national Kazakh traditional musical instruments?
2.Which is the most popular musical instruments in Kazakhstan?
3.Who was Birzhan-sal Kozhagululy?
4.Who was Akan-seri Koramsauly?

Упражнение 1. Вставьте have to или don’t have to.
1. Shop assistants ____________know Italian.
2. Doctors ____________ work with people,
3. Architects . ____________ work at night.
4. Businessmen ____________ think much.
5. Pilots ____________wear uniform.
6. Teachers ____________travel.
7 Diplomats ____________know English.
8. Secretaries ____________ get up early.
9. Bus drivers ____________write letters.
10. Bankers ____________ count money
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 20
Тема: Music in Great Britain
Modals verb: Should/ shouldn’t;
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use Modals verb: Should/ shouldn’t;
Основные вопросы:
1. Language Music in Great Britain
2. Reading: Music in Great Britain
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
“Music in Great Britain”
Great Britain is famous for its amazing singers, bands and composers. But it hasn’t always
been this way. From 17th to 20th century the country wasn’t developed at all in terms of music.
The only place where some kind of music could be heard was the Church. British music of that
time was represented by George Handel. He was known for great folk and choral music. His music
still is played in many Opera Houses in Europe. A great composer Henry Purcell was famous in the
17th century and is considered to be the founder of the British Opera which was very popular
among the spectators. But until the 20th century British music industry was almost “dead” in
comparison to the music industry development in other countries. But then the most popular group
of the 20th century (not only in Great Britain but worldwide) appeared — the Beatles. They created
the whole new era of rock music. Even now thousands of people know their songs by heart. The
Rolling Stone and The Queen continued the tendency. “We are the champions” and “Show must go
on” is known to everyone. Sir Elton John, Sting, Amy Winehouse, Robbie Williams — all these
people are famous all around the world for their talent and memorable songs. All of them have their
own place in music history of the country. Nowadays hundreds of new musicians appear every
single day. And Great Britain is considered to be the mother of new talents. There are many popular
shows such as “The Voice” and “X-Factor” that introduced to us such talented singers as Ed
Sheeran and Sam Smith. What is more, there are many music festivals that are held every year for
different types of people and different tastes. Great Britain unites people with various music tastes.
It is surprising how it can unite the ones with their love for folk or Ireland music with popular
nowadays mass music. So whatever your musical taste is — be sure that Great Britain will have
something special for you.
1.Was the Church the place of music?
2. By whom British music of that time was represented?
3. Who was Henry Purcell?
4. Did The Beatles create the whole new era of rock music?
Should shouldn't exercises. Choose the right forms of modal verb should or shouldn't to
complete the following sentences in English.
You smoke in bed.
2.You go to the opera in London. It’s great.
3.You tell her about it. It’s too depressing.
4.You cross the street at red traffic lights.
5.The doctor told him that he eat less. He’s too fat.
6.I think you spend less money on clothes. They’re too expensive.
7.That’s a fantastic book. You read it.
8.He is often late to work. You get up earlier.
9.She tell lies.
10.He’s fifteen. He drive a car

1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 21
Тема: Music in the USA
Reported speech: statements and questions;
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use Reported speech: statements and
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: Music in the USA
2. Reading: Music in the USA Britain
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Pre-Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
“Music in the USA”
Since the United States was settled by Europeans, it is not surprising that classical music
and folk songs were brought over from that continent. Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy,
Tchaikovskyi, Stravinskyi, Bach, Mozart and Verdi are but a few names of European composers
which are often on orchestra or opera programmes.
English, Irish, Scottish folk songs are sung very often and have been sung in America by
so many generations that Americans are not even conscious that these songs are of foreign
But the greatest contribution to American music, however, has been made by the Afro-
americans in the South. Negro songs are now part of the nation’s most precious musical heritage.
Perhaps the Negro’s greatest contribution to American music has been jazz and rhythm-and-
blues. Most contemporary music works root deeply in those styles. After the Civil War some of
the brass instruments of the Confederate military bands fell into the hands of the Negroes, and
the result was all kinds of rhythmical and melodic experiments. Thus jazz, free of conventions
and written arrangements, was born.
Such composers as Aaron Copland and George Gershwin in America and Stravinsky in
Europe have been influenced by American jazz. And one can say that rhythm-and- blues was the
beginning of modern dancing music.
1.What do you American music?
2. By whom has been made the greatest contribution to American music?
3. Aaron Copland and George Gershwin who are they?
4. What was the greatest contribution to American music?
Reported speech - exercise 1
Complete the sentences in the reported speech test.
Example:"I admire you." - She said she admired me.

"It is too late." - I said it too late.

"I have replied." - He claimed that .

"I met you yesterday." - Sam told me he had met me .

"I cannot come." - Mary explained that .

"I could fall down." - He was afraid down.

"I will pay tomorrow." - He said he would pay .

"The Himalayas are the highest." - He knew that the Himalayas the highest.

"I may lend you some money." - Bill promised some money.

"I have been watching a film." - He replied that a film.

"Claire must rest." - The doctor said Claire .

"I have not done it today." - I explained that I had not done it .

"If I was younger, I would accept it." - He thought that if younger, he would
accept it.

"I was with him last week." - Jill admitted that with him the previous week.

"You needn't change your shoes in our house." - She reminded me that I my shoes
their house.

"I am calling my mum." - She said she her mum.

"I will finish this picture tomorrow." - Diana supposed that she would finish
the next day.

"I would buy it." - She said it.

"Greg used to be my friend." - He told us Greg his friend.

1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 22
Тема: Literature in Kazakhstan
Reported speech: statements and questions
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the Reported speech: statements and
Основные вопросы:
1. Language Literature in Kazakhstan
2. Reading: Literature in Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
Abai (Ibrahim) Kunanbaeyev
Abai (Ibrahim) Kunanbaeyev (1845-1904) is the greatest Kazakh poet, thinker,
philosopher, bard, composer, the founder and classic of Kazakh written literature. Abai was son
of sultan of Eastern Kazakhstan (now it is Semipalatinisk district). Abai finished medresse
(muslim religious school). He studied at Russan school. He started writing poetry at school.
From the very childhood Abai got deep education. Being influenced by his mother he was fond
of books and poetry. And his name in literature "Abai" - it was the tender name in given him by
the mother. Abai translated works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gothe, Tolstoi, Saltykov-Schedrin and
other poets and writers into Kazakh. His works motivated people to work and struggle for
reorganization of life. A lot of his poems are dedicated to new attitude to the family, the parents'
duty, education young generation. He described nature, life and traditions of common people
poetically. Abai's poetry has prose and music are full of deep lyricism, soft humour, great love to
his nation. The most famous Abai's work is "Words of Edification". His poems "Masgut",
"Eskendyr" (Alexander the Great), "Black eyes" etc. became the classic not only for Kazakh but
also for the world literature.
1.Who was A.Kunanbayev?
2.What Abai’s poems do you know?
3.What is the most famous Abai's work?
4.When did Abai start writing poetry?
Reported Speech without backshift – Change of Pronouns
Helen is in front of the class holding a presentation on London. As Helen is rather shy, she
speaks with a very low voice. Your classmate Gareth does not understand her, so you have to
repeat every sentence to him.
Complete the sentences in reported speech (no backshift). Note the change of pronouns and
▪ Helen: I want to tell you something about my holiday in London.
▪ Gareth: What does she say?

▪ You: She says that

▪ Helen: I went to London in July.
▪ Gareth: What does she say?

▪ You: She says that

▪ Helen: My parents went with me.
▪ Gareth: What does she say?

▪ You: She says that

▪ Helen: We spent three days in London.
▪ Gareth: What does she say?

▪ You: She says that

▪ Helen: London is a multicultural place.
▪ Gareth: What does she say?

▪ You: She says that

▪ Helen: I saw people of all colours.
▪ Gareth: What does she say?

▪ You: She says that

▪ Helen: Me and my parents visited the Tower.
▪ Gareth: What does she say?

▪ You: She says that

▪ Helen: One evening we went to see a musical.
▪ Gareth: What does she say?

▪ You: She says that

▪ Helen: I love London.
▪ Gareth: What does she say?

▪ You: She says that

▪ Helen: The people are so nice there.
▪ Gareth: What does she say?
▪ You: She says that
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 23-24

Тема: Literature in Great Britain
Reported speech: imperative and requests.
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the Reported speech: imperative and
requests already, just
Основные вопросы:
1. Language focus: Literature in Great Britain
2. Reading: Literature in Great Britain
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
“Literature in Great Britain”
Great Britain gave the world a lot of talented people. Many famous writers and poets were
born and lived in Great Britain.
One of the best known English playwrights was William Shakespeare. He draw ideas for
his tragedies and comedies from the history of England and ancient Rome. Many experts
consider Shakespeare the greatest writer and the greatest playwright in English language.
William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays which may be divided into: comedies (such as "A
Midsummer Night's Dream"), tragedies (such as "Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear",
"Macbeth") and historical plays (such as "Richard II", "Henry V", "Julius Caesar", "Antony
and Cleopatra").
Robert Burns represents the generation of Romantic writers. In his poems he described
with love and understanding the simple life he knew. Among his well-known poems are
"Halloween", "The Jolly Beggars", "To a Mouse".
Lord George Gordon Byron. His free-spirited life style combined with his rare poetic gift
makes him one of the most famous figures of the Romantic Era. His famous works such as
"Stanzas to Augusta", "The Prisoner of Chillon", "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage", "Manfred"
draw readers into the passion, humors and conviction of a poet whose life and work truly
embodied the Romantic spirit.
Sir Walter Scott wrote the first examples of historical novel.
Lewis Carroll became famous when he published "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".
1.What is meant by British literature?
2.Why is British literature important?
3.Is English literature the same as British literature?
4.What is 18th century British literature?
Lisa _____ me a lift because I _____ the bus. A) gave / missed B) have given / have missed C)
gave / had missed D) had gave / missed
2. I _____ her for everything she _____. A) thanking / did B) thanked / had done C) have
thanked / has done D) had thanked / had done
3. When I got to the office, I _____ that I _____ to lock the front door. A) had realized / forget
B) realized / had forgotten C) realized / forget D) had realized / had forgotten
4. After they _____ their work, they ___ home. A) had finished / went B) finished / went C) had
finished / had gone D) finished / had gone
5. I _____ you at 8.00, but you _____ just _____ out. A) call / have / gone B) called / have /
gone C) called / had / gone D) have called / have / gone
6. I took my family to Paris last year. I _____ there as a student, so I _____ my way around. A)
was / know B) were / knew C) had been / have known D) had been / knew
7. After I _____ to the news, I _____ to bed. A) listened / went B) had listened / went C) have
listened / had gone D) listen / go
8. He _____ he was at school the day before. A) says B) told C) said D) is telling
9. Sandra _____ Bob that she didn’t see the Taj Mahal. A) told B) tells C) said D) talked
10. Why did you _____ that? A) talk B) said C) tell D) say
11. Could I ______ your pen? A) give B) lend C) borrow D) make
12. I’m English. I come from Brighton. In Paris I am a _____. A) cooker B) stranger C) travel D)
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие №25

Тема: Literature of the USA
Reported speech: imperative and requests.
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the Present Perfect – yet, already, just
Основные вопросы:
1. Language Literature of the USA
2. Reading: Literature of the USA
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Pre-Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
“Literature of the USA”
Like other national literatures, American literature was shaped by the history of the
country that produced it. For almost a century and a half, America was merely a group of
colonies scattered along the eastern seaboard of the North American continent—colonies from
which a few hardy souls tentatively ventured westward. After a successful rebellion against the
motherland, America became the United States, a nation. By the end of the 19th century this
nation extended southward to the Gulf of Mexico, northward to the 49th parallel, and westward
to the Pacific. By the end of the 19th century, too, it had taken its place among the powers of the
world—its fortunes so interrelated with those of other nations that inevitably it became involved
in two world wars and, following these conflicts, with the problems of Europe and East Asia.
Meanwhile, the rise of science and industry, as well as changes in ways of thinking and feeling,
wrought many modifications in people’s lives. All these factors in the development of the United
States molded the literature of the country.
This article traces the history of American poetry, drama, fiction, and social and literary
criticism from the early 17th century through the turn of the 21st century. For a description of the
oral and written literatures of the indigenous peoples of the Americas, see Native American
literature. Though the contributions of African Americans to American literature are discussed in
this article, see African American literature for in-depth treatment. For information about literary
traditions related to, and at times overlapping with, American literature in English, see English
literature and Canadian literature: Canadian literature in English.
1.What does American literature mean?
2.What are the major themes of American literature?
3.What makes literature American?
4.What is the importance of American literature?
Упражнение 3 .
1.As soon as he _____ his driving test, he _____ a car. A) passed / bought B) had passed /
bought C) passes / had bought D) passed / had bought
2. When I _____ the letter, I _____ it away. A) read / had thrown B) had read / had thrown C)
had read / threw D) read / threw
3. “You can move in immediately.” She told me I _____ immediately. A) will move in B) would
move in C) can move in D) could move in
4. “The people who I looked after are very well.” She said that the people who she _____ after
_____ very well. A) were looking / are B) have looked / are C) would looked / were D) had
looked / were
5. “You’ll have to make up your mind soon.” She told me I _____ make up my mind soon. A)
had to B) will have had to C) would have to D) could have to
6. I didn’t recognize him because he _____ a haircut. A) had had B) has C) had D) have had
7. He always makes me _____. A) to laugh B) laughing C) laugh D) be laughedСriteria:
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 26
Тема: Outstanding figures of Kazakhstan
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use Clauses;
Основные вопросы:
1. Language Outstanding figures of Kazakhstan
2. Reading: Outstanding figures of Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
“Outstanding figures of Kazakhstan”
Top 10 Kazakhstan-born famous people
Internet magazine Vlast made a rating of Top 10 Kazakhstan-born famous people who
achieved success and acknowledgment outside Kazakhstan. "They work in different areas, some
of them no longer hold Kazakhstan citizenship, but they are always closely linked to
Kazakhstan," the magazine writes.
Here are Top 10 Kazakhstan-born famous people:
Marat Bissengaliyev, a famous violin player. He is 50. Born in Almaty, he currently
lives most of the time in Great Britain and India. He is the citizen of Kazakhstan, even though he
has been living in Great Britain for over 20 years. He is an Honored Artist of Kazakhstan, a
professor of Birmingham Conservatory and one of directors of the Alliance of Asia-Pacific
Region Orchestras (AAPRO). Marat Zhylanbayev, a marathon runner from Ekibastuz. He was
the first person to cross Sahara north to south. Zhylanbayev has set seven records of the
Guinness Book. In 150 years of Around the World magazine Marat Zhylanbayev became the
first Kazakhstan citizens mentioned in the magazine. He is 48. Alan Buribayev, 33, a
bandmaster. He is famous around the world. He is also a musical director of Ireland's National
Symphonic Orchestra. Alan Buribayev works with many European orchestras, including the
orchestras of Holland and Germany. 4. Ruslan Aushev, former president of Ingushetia. He is a
famous political and public person. He was born in Volodarskoye village of Kokshetau oblast,
Kazakhstan. He has been chairman of the Peacekeeping Soldiers Commission of the Councils of
the Heads of CIS Governments since 1991. He is 57. 5. Oleg Yankovskiy, a People's Artist of
the USSR. He was born in Zhezkazgan. Later his family moved to Saratov, where the famous
actor started his professional career. He was awarded with two Orders of Merit for the
Motherland of 2nd and 3rd degrees. Oleg Yankovskiy died of a heart disease three years ago. 6.
Dzhamilya Stekhlikova, the first Kazakh minister in Europe and the first non-Czech former
minister of Czech Republic. Dzhamilya Stekhlikova, 50, is a grand-daughter of Education
Minister of Kazakh Republic Abdykhamit Sembayev. Born in Almaty, she lived in Moscow for a
long time and them moved to Czech Republic. She has two children. 7.Raushan Kanapyanova,
a politician. She has been heading the administration of Russia's State Duma Commission on
Ethnic Affairs. She holds a Ph.D in Political Sciences. Raushan was born in Kokshetau oblast of
Kazakhstan in a multi-children family. Her parents were teachers. She moved to Moscow in
1988 to work in the secretariate of the USSR Supreme Council. She works on inter-ethnic and
gender problems. She is 65. 8.Shoukhrat Mitalipov, a scientist. He currently lives and works in
the U.S. He was the first scientist in the world to clone primates. In 2010 the U.S. Clinical Tests
Commission gave a license to professor Mitalipov for experiments with human eggs and
embryos for the first time in the history. He is a co-author of the research where the first mixed-
embryo monkeys were born. Mitalipov is ethnic Uighur. He was born in Almaty oblast.
9.Dmitriy Salamatin, Defence Minister of Ukraine. He lived and worked in Kazakhstan until
1991. He then moved to Moscow, where he made a lot of success in his career. In 1999 he
moved to Ukraine. He was twice elected a people's deputy of Ukraine from the Party of Regions.
He also used to be Director General of Ukroboronprom concern. 10.Yevgeniy Nabokov, a
professional hockey-player. He is 36. He set NHL record with 11 away wins in a row. He is the
first goal-tender in the history of NHL who scored the power play goal. He is the second
goaltender who managed to keep 40 victories 3 seasons in a row. He is the best goaltender of the
World Championship 2008. He was born in Ust-Kamenogorsk and graduated from Ust-
Kamenogorsk hockey-school. In 1997 he moved to North America.
1. Who are the most popular people in Kazakhstan?
2. Who is Marat Bissengaliyev?
3. Who was Oleg Yankovskiy?
4. Who is Yevgeniy Nabokov?
1. If you _____ any problems, let me know and I _____ and help you straight away A) had /
would come B) have / will come C) had had / would come D) have / would go
2. You’re a brilliant cook! If I _____ cook as well as you, I _____ a restaurant. A) could / would
open B) can / will open C) could / will open D) can / would open
3. If there _____ some nice fish in the supermarket, _____ you _____ some for supper tonight?
A) had been / would / buy B) were / would / buy C) is / will / buy D) are /will / buy
4. I’m small. I wish I _____ small. A) am not B) was C) were D) weren’t
5. I’m small. If only I _____ taller. A) were B) wasn’t C) am D) have
6. “We have mice in the kitchen.” “If you _____ a cat, the mice _____ soon _____ .” A) had /
would / disappear B) have / will / disappear C) are / will / disappear D) had / will / disappear
7. We live in the city. We wish we _____ in the country. A) have lived B) living C) lived D) live
8. We live in the city. If only we _____ in the city! A) lived B) didn’t live C) haven’t lived D)
9. I’m not having a holiday this year. I wish I _____ a holiday. A) was having B) is having C)
will have D) have
10. I’m going to the dentist tomorrow. I wish I _____ to the dentist. A) am not going B) will go
C) wasn’t going D) went
11. I can’t ski. I wish I _____ ski. A) can B) could C) will D) couldn’t
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 27
Тема: Outstanding figures of Great Britain
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use Gerund;
Основные вопросы:
1. Language Outstanding figures of Great Britain
2. Reading: Outstanding figures of Great Britain
3. Listening: An interview
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S.Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
“Outstanding figures of Great Britain”
Great Britain made a great contribution to the science, literature, music and arts of the
world. It gave mankind a lot of outstanding scientists, writers and poets, musicians and painters.
Thomas More, who lived in the 15th century was an outstanding humanist, scientist and
statesman. His work “Utopia” brought him worldwide acknowledgement. Many prominent
people were influenced by his ideas of a free democratic state described in “Utopia”.
William Shakespeare is one of the most famous writers in the world. His plays “Romeo and
Juliet”, “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”, “King Lear”, “Macbeth” were translated into almost
every language and staged in every theatre. He described the characters and feelings, which can
be called international and living forever.
Daniel Defoe, Robert Burns, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll are only a few
names well-known all over the world.
William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, John Constable contributed to
the world’s painting treasures.
Great Britain has also given the world many outstanding scientists. Alexander Fleming,
the discoverer of penicillin was born in Scotland. He spent his working hours almost entirely in
hospitals and laboratories. His discovery of penicillin did more to help suffering people than
anything else for centuries. When he died in 1955 his old friend said: “… by his work he
relieved more suffering than any other living man”.
Ernest Rutherford, a famous English physicist worked in the field of radioactivity. His
brilliant researches established the existence and nature of radioactive transformations. He was
one of the founders of the atomic theory of physics and creators of the first atomic model.
M. Faraday made his major discovery in the field of electricity — the electromagnetic induction.
He also made several important observations on the conductivity of different materials. Enjoying
world-wide popularity, Faraday remained a modest man, who rejected high titles.
All of them considered hard labour and love for mankind to be the main reason of their success.
1. Who is Thomas More?
2. What is his famous work?
3. Who is Ernest Rutherford?
4. Who is M. Faraday?
Grammar exercises and activities for teaching the Gerund to English language learners.
Some exercises include answer keys.
I. Define the forms of the gerund .
1.Skiing is my favourite sport.
2.I remember his telling me about his coat.
3.I remember having seen this match.
4.Before taking up swimming she had been very fond of playing basketball.
5.The football player was punished for having pushed the centre forward.
6.The young high jumper was very proud of being praised.
7.I did not know you had stopped rooting for our team.
8.I remember having been told about this match.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие № 28
Тема: Outstanding figures of USA. Gerund;
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use Gerund;
Основные вопросы:
1. Language Outstanding figures of USA. Gerund;
2. Reading: Outstanding figures of USA. Gerund;
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
Read the text
“Outstanding figures of USA”
The United States of America is a relatively young country, but it has got a lot of
outstanding people. Due to the world's biggest cinema-production in Hollywood, there are a lot
of well-known American actors, actresses and film directors. The USA is also famous for its
writers, scientists, sportsmen, pop stars and politicians.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein is one of the most famous American scientists in the world. He was born in a
middle-class family in Germany. At the age of 15, his family moved to Switzerland where
Einstein graduated from the Polytechnic Academy of Zurich. After that he got a job at a patent
agency and spent his free time studying philosophy, mathematics and science. In 1905 he
formulated the Theory of Relativity which was published in 1915. Einstein also proved that
every planet has a gravitational field and this work made him world-famous. Another work was
called Photoelectric Law.
In 1922 Einstein got the Nobel Prize for this discovery. In 1933 he moved to the United States
as the protest against fascism and died there in 1955. Einstein's discoveries were a great
contribution to science.
Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway is considered one of the greatest American writers. Hemingway was born in
Illinois in 1899. He was a great sportsman as he went in for sport in his childhood. He was also
one of the brightest students at school and wrote poetry and prose for a school magazine.
When World War I began in 1917, Hemingway joined the Army and was sent to Italy where he
was badly wounded. After that he was awarded a silver medal by the Italian government. The
war affected his future works greatly.
In 1920 Hemingway returned to the USA and found a job as a foreign journalist in a
newspaper. His dream though was to write novels. He travelled a lot to collect material for his
works. In 1929 A Farewell to Arms, his first novel, was published and it made Hemingway
famous. In this novel he protests against war. In 1936 Hemingway went to Spain and took part
in the Civil War there. After that he wrote another novel called For Whom the Bell Tolls,
devoted to American people who died in the war for Spain.
In 1954 Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature for his last novel The Old Man
and the Sea which was called the best of his works. Ernest Hemingway died in 1961 in Cuba
where he spent his last years.
Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps is an American swimmer who has, overall, won 16 Olympic medals, becoming
the most successful Olympic athlete in history. Phelps holds the record for the most gold
medals won in a single Olympics. Furthermore, he holds the all-time record for most individual
gold Olympic medals, at nine.
Phelps was born on June 30, 1985 in Towson, located just outside of Baltimore, Maryland.
Phelps' father used to be a football player in high school; his mother is a school principal.
Phelps began swimming at the age of seven and by the age of 10, he held a national record for
his age group. At the age of 15 Phelps qualified for the 2000 Summer Olympics and became
the youngest male to make a US Olympic swim team in 68 years.
Phelps's international titles and record breaking performances have earned him the World
Swimmer of the Year award six times and American Swimmer of the Year award eight times.
He has won a total of sixty-six medals in major international competitions. His unprecedented
Olympic success in 2008 earned Phelps Sports Illustrated magazine's "Sportsman of the Year"
After the 2008 Summer Olympics, Phelps started the Michael Phelps Foundation, which
focuses on swimming and promoting healthier lifestyles.
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga (Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta) is an extremely popular pop singer. She was
born in 1986. Gaga could play the piano by ear from the age of four and later said her musical
inspiration was the classical composer Johann Sebastian Bach. Gaga always loved performing
and dreamt of fame from an early age. At the age of 17, she became one of the youngest
students at the Tisch School of Performing Arts in New York. After that, she followed her
dream the hard way, moving out of her parents' home to a cheap flat, while trying to earn a
living as a singer-songwriter. It wasn't easy. Gaga spent a few years performing in clubs
without success. Then, her luck started to change.
She began writing songs for successful artists like Britney Spears and The Pussycat Dolls and
music executives quickly spotted her talent for writing pop hits. Meanwhile, Gaga was
developing her own image and performance style, wearing outrageous costumes, wigs and
Lady Gaga created her own website, as well as My Space, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook
profiles to promote her music. This was the turning point in her career. She grabbed the
attention of the world. She even made her songs available as free downloads. Lady Gaga also
used these social media sites to chat with fans about various things such as her latest fashion
statement or the lyrics of a new song. Lady Gaga shows no sign of slowing down. She writes
songs, she sings and she dances, surprising audiences with her unusual clothes. Her talent and
hard work have made her a reigning icon of today's pop culture.
1. Who is Albert Einstein and what is he famous for?
2. What can you tell about Einstein's life in brief?
3. What can you tell about Ernest Hemingway?
4. Have you ever read Hemingway's novels? What are your impressions?
5. Who is Michael Phelps?
6. Have you ever watched Phelps' performance at the Olympic Games?
7. Who is Lady Gaga?
8. How did Gaga's career start?
9. Do you listen to her songs? If you do, why do you like them?
10. What other famous Americans do you know?
11. What can you tell about them?
12. Who is your favourite American famous person? What is he/she famous for?
13. Do you think that it's much easier to become popular in America than in Russia? Why
II. State the forms and functions of the gerund .
1. Seeing is believing.
2. In copying this text he made a few mistakes.
3. After finishing the experiment the discussed the results.
4. After having read the letter, she put it into her bag.
5. We enrich our knowledge by reading books.
6. Asking him about it was useless.
7. It is good fishing in troubled water.
8. There is nothing doing.
9. Her greatest pleasure is reading such books.
10. He began reading this book yesterday.
11. We insisted on the meeting being put off.
12. I don’t like his manner of reading.
13. I had the pleasure of knowing him personally.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие №29

Тема: Test
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to the test
Основные вопросы: Test
Форма проведения: writing test
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. ______ a fluent speaker of English? A) Is her B) He C) Does she D) Is she
2. This is a desk, and ______ tables? A) those are B) these C) that are D) that is
3. This is ______ boyfriend? A) hers B) of her C) to him D) her
4. There are ______ people in the office. A) the B) little C) some D) any
5. ______ money on Helens table? A) There is some B) There is any C) Is it some D) Is there
6. A: Where’s Helen? B: She ______ in the office A) is sitting B) sit C) sitting D) sits
7. She ______ French and English, so she has got a good job. A) speak B) speaks C) speaking
D) is speaking
8. A: What _____ ? B: She is writing a letter. A) does she do B) does she C) is she doing D) she
is doing
9. She ______ speaks no foreign languages. A) is not B) ___ C) doesn’t D) don’t
10. A: Are Peter and Mary still sitting in the office? B: No, _____ A) they don’t sit B) they
standing C) there aren’t D) they aren’t
11. What language _____? A) do you speak B) you speak C) you are speaking D) speak you
12. A: Are there any people in the bar? B: No, ______ A) any B) there aren’t C) there isn’t D)
are there
13. Helen has got only ______ money. A) any B) a little C) no D) few
14. A: Do you want some tea? B: No, I don’t want _____ thank you. A) nothing B) none C)
anything D) something
15. I’m sorry, but I ______ the test yet. A) don’t finish B) haven’t finished C) didn’t finish D)
aren’t finished
16. ______ English before? A) Have you B) Do you study C) Are you studying D) Have you
17. Marry ______ to the bank on Monday. A) go B) going C) gone D) went
18. Marry ______ hasn’t telephoned Peter. A) yet B) still C) always D) never
19. Peter ______ in the living room when the phone rang. A) was sitting B) has been sitting C) at
D) has she wanted
20. A: What ______? B: She wanted to talk to him. A) wanted she B) did she want C) she
wanted D) has she wanted
21. Peter can’t speak Italian, ______? A) isn’t B) can’t he C) does he D) can he
22. Jack ______ Turkish soon. A) goes to learn B) learns C) is going to learn D) is learning
23. He asked her friend to speak ______ on the telephone. A) clear B) more clearly C) very clear
D) too clearly
24. “What ______ this evening?” Marry asked. A) you will do B) do you C) very clear D) are
you doing
25. She enjoys ______ to parties. A) to go B) that they go C) going D) go
26. His girlfriend _______ while he was still having a bath. A) was arriving B) has arrived C)
arrived D) is arriving
27. “If I _______ quickly, we won’t be late for the party,” said Peter. A) drive B) will drive C)
drove D) would drive
28. She asked him where ______. A) the party is B) the party was C) was the party D) is the
29. “If I _____ the way to the house, we wouldn’t be so late.” He replied A) knew B) know B)
would know D) had know
30. Peter wanted ______ a policeman. A) that Mary would ask B) Mary asking C) Mary should
ask D) Mary to ask
31. Marry said she _____ him driving fast, and asked him to slow down. A) isn’t liking B) hasn’t
liking C) didn’t like D) doesn’t like
32. When they finally arrived, they _____ the car and went in. A) had parked B) were parking C)
parked D) have parked
33. They were _____ that they didn’t get anything to eat. A) such late B) so late C) too late D)
very late
34. Peter made Mary _____ all night. A) to dance B) that she danced C) dance D) dancing
35. When you _____ him tomorrow, you will think he is ten years older. A) see C) will be C)
would see D) are going to see
36. He promised his wife they _____ here earlier next time. A) will get B) get C) shall get D)
would get
37. _____ Peter nor I was able to drive home. A) Either B) Not only C) Nor D) Neither
38. Helen found a good job, and _____ Peter. A) also B) too did C) so did D) so
39. The milk ______ at 8 o’clock the following morning. A) was delivering B) delivered C) was
delivered D) is delivered
40. “If I’d known I’d feel so ill, I _____ to party,” Peter moaned. A) would go B) wouldn’t have
gone C) didn’t go D) would have gone
41. He heard on the morning news that a family of 6 _____ in an explosion. A) were being
injured B) had injured C) have injured D) had been injured
42. The family had just had a new gas cooker _____ in their kitchen. A) fitted B) fitting C) to be
fitted D) for fit
43. The man who fixed it must ______ a mistake with the connections. A) have made B) to have
made C) to made D) made
44. He ______ his job properly because a lot of gas escaped. A) shouldn’t do B) must have done
C) was able to do D) can’t have done
45. After Peter ______ his breakfast, he went to work. A) finishing B) was finishing C) had
finished D) has finished
46. He thought he ______ able to read about the explosion when he got home. A) will be B) is
C) would be D) was
47. “By the time I get home the story _____ in the evening newspaper,” he thought. A) appears
B) would be C) will have appeared D) has appeared
48. Peter ______ spending weekends alone. A) didn’t use to B) wasn’t used to C) hadn’t used to
D) used not to
49. He wished she ______ have to spend so much time away. A) didn’t B) hadn’t C) doesn’t D)
50. He suggested _______ him on Tuesday evening. A) her to meet B) she should meet C) she
meeting D) that her meeting
1. gives full and extended answers;
1. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
2. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
3. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
4. presents topic related vocabulary

Практическое занятие №30

Тема: Control work
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be able to write control work
Основные вопросы: test
1. Language Likes and dislikes
2. Reading: Demand for a chosen profession in the labor market
3. Listening: An interview
Форма проведения: writing test
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to the Social expressions.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Student’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
stidy Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Arline Burgmeier, Lawrence J.Zwier, Bruce Rubin, Kent Richmond. Inside Reading. The
Academic Word List in Context. Intermediate to Advanced. Oxford. – 2009.
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge Universiry Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. You ______ have worried because the test wasn’t difficult, was it? A) could B) needn’t C)
must D) wouldn’t
2. Now it’s time ______ a short composition. A) you write C) you are writing B) for to write D)
you wrote
3. He ______ ill for a long time. A) has had B) has been C) is D) were
4. I had two eggs for breakfast and ______ of them was fresh. A) either B) neither C) no D) none
5. A: Have you passed the test? B: ___________ A) I don’t doubt B) Yes, I doubt it C) I doubt
D) I doubt it
6. I usually watch TV, but at present I ______ to the radio. A) am listening B) listened C) listen
D) will listen
7. He speaks English well ______ he has never been to England. A) however B) even C) so D)
8. How long _______ Mr. Brown? A) do you know B) did you know C) have you known D) will
you known
9. Jane is ______ than Mary. A) very tall B) taller C) the tallest D) tallest
10. While I _______ my car I heard a scream. A) was parking B) will park C) park D) have
11. Turkish is easy, but English ________. A) is B) does not C) is not D) is not, either
12. _____ are broken. A) The legs of the table B) Table’s leg C) One leg of the table D) One of
the legs of the table
13. There is _____ we can do to help you. A) nothing B) anything C) somewhere D) any
14. My brother is very _____ musician A) the most talented B) talented C) more talented D)
15. He wrote a _______ book last year. A) good B) the worst C) worst D) very
16. The detective has not solved the mystery ______. A) still B) yet C) already D) therefore
17. He ______ in Africa this time tomorrow. A) is traveling B) was traveling C) will be traveling
D) has been traveling
18. My brother is _______ young to be a team leader. A) enough B) too C) yet D) much
19. ______ of his books do you like best? A) Which B) What C) Who D) Whom
20. My friend asked me _____ I wanted to drink anything. A) what B) which C) if D) that
21. ______ read any good book recently? A) Have you B) Do you C) Did you D) Are you
22. She doesn’t have _____ money. A) many B) much C) no D) very
23. George enjoys _____ in the sea. A) from swimming B) swim C) to swim D) swimming
24. Can you tell me _____ ? A) where does Jack live B) where Jack lives C) where is Jack living
D) where is Jack
25. Did you see the pencil ______ two days ago? A) I bought it B) which I bought it C) that I
bought it D) which I bought
76. He would buy a new car if he ______ more money. A) had B) would had C) would have D)
have had
77. Alice is the same age _______ David. A) with B) like C) as D) by
78. Who _____ the dinner? A) did cook B) cooked C) was cook D) is cooked
79. How many times a week did you do English at school? A) Four times in a week B) Twice in
a week C) Once in a week D) Twice a week
80. She is staying with her parents _____ the time being because she can’t afford to rent an
apartment. A) during B) for C) since D) in
81. The children want me to ______ them a story now. A) say B) talk C) tell D) speak
82. He _____ hard because he answered all the questions in the exam. A) must have studied B)
should study C) should have studied D) ought to study
83. His aunt died three months ago. Since then he ____ to Ankara twice. A) went B) has gone C)
is going D) was gone
84. She married ______ an Englishman. A) by B) with C) to D) too
85. They met some people _____ sons were all football players. A) who B) who’s C) whom D)
86. They really don’t know ______. A) when does the football game begin B) when the football
game begin C) when begins the football game D) when the football game begins
87. He _____ difficulty on the last test he took. A) had B) has C) is having D) will have
88. After _____ his coffee, he left the restaurant. A) drinking B) drank C) drink D) to drink
89. She only takes ____ sugar in her tea. A) few B) a lot C) a little D) a few
90. The teacher’s book, _____ lives of great men and women, has 500 pages. A) who contains
B) which contains C) which is contain D) whose contains
91. They ______ earlier than the others, but they arrived later. A) are leaving C) had left B) leave
D) left
92. You can travel ______. A) neither by train or by bus B) either by train or by bus C) either by
train nor by bus D) or by train nor by bus
93. They will leave the house as soon as they _____ lunch. A) finish eating B) will finish to eat
C) finish to eat D) will finish eating
94. ____ all her efforts, she could not please her family. A) In spite of B) Nevertheless C)
Although D) However
95. We _____ helped you even if we had wanted to because we did not know how to do it. A)
may not have B) can’t have C) might not have D) couldn’t have
96. I should have called him right away if I _____ his telephone number. A) have know B) will
know C) had known D) would know
97. _____ coffee after dinner. A) I’m used to drinking B) I used to drinking C) I’m used drinking
D) would know
98. They were speaking so loudly that I couldn’t help _____ what they said. A) to overhear B)
overhearing C) overhear D) but to overhear
99. He seems to be director. I remember ______ in school. A) saw him B) seeing him C) him to
see D) to see him
100.To travel in the European Community, Dutch people ______ a passport. A) haven’t got B)
don’t need C) mustn’t get D) shouldn’t get
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 1-2
Тема: Тhe program "Ruhani Zhangyru"
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be used to acquaint students with the program
"Ruhani Zhangyru"
Основные вопросы:
1. Тhe program "Ruhani Zhangyru"
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss difference between articles a, an, the.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. What is the main goal of the «Rouhani Zhangyru» program?
2. What gives our country the transition to the Latin alphabet?
3. What is the “National Identity Modernization” program aimed at?
4. What is included in the plan for the disclosure of the cultural power of modern
5. What is "patriotism"?
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 3
Тема: Make a presentation on the topic: "State system of Republic of Kazakhstan "
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be to write "State system of Republic of
Kazakhstan "
Основные вопросы:
1. Make a presentation on the topic: "State system of Republic of Kazakhstan "
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to write without grammar mistakes
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 4-5
Тема: Make a presentation on the topic: "National symbols of the Republic of
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be used to acquaint students with Make a
presentation on the topic: "National symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Основные вопросы:
1. Make a presentation on the topic: " National symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss difference between articles a, an, the.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. How many branches of power does RK have?
2. Who is the source of power?
3. Who is the legislative power?
4. The fundamental principles of the activity of the republic are ..
5. When was the current Constitution of Kazakhstan adopted?
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 6-7
Тема: Info-poster about the most developed sectors of the economy in the Republic of
Цель: Info-poster about the most developed sectors of the economy in the Republic of
Основные вопросы:
1.Info-poster about the most developed sectors of the economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to write the mean idea and without grammar
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1.What is the economy like in Kazakhstan?
2.Is Kazakhstan rich or poor?
3.What is Kazakhstan’s economy based on?
4.What are the major imports of Kazakhstan?
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 8-9
Тема: Info-poster about the most developed sectors of the economy in Great Britain
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be used to acquaint students with Info-poster about
the most developed sectors of the economy in Great Britain
Основные вопросы:
1. Info-poster about the most developed sectors of the economy in Great Britain
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss difference between articles a, an, the.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1.What type of economy does Britain have?
2.Does the UK have a good economy?
3.Is Britain a rich country?
4.What are the UK's biggest industries?
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 10-11
Тема: Make a presentation on the topic: "National holidays of the Republic of
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be used to acquaint students with "National
holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Основные вопросы:
1. Make a presentation on the topic: "National holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Методические рекомендации: pay attention using difference between shall, will
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. Describe the holiday "Unity of the Nations of Kazakhstan"
2. Tell us about the holiday "Victory Day"
3. Do you celebrate public holidays at home?
4. Is there a holiday that you do not like? Why?
5. What holiday do you like the most? Why?
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 12
Тема: Make a presentation on the topic: "National holidays of Great Britain”
Цель: "National holidays of Great Britain”
Основные вопросы:
1. "National holidays of Great Britain”
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to write the main idea grammar mistakes.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1.What National holidays of Great Britain do you know?
2. Xmas what holiday is it?
3.What do you know about Boxing Day?
4.Who was Guy Fawkes?
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 13
Тема: Make a presentation on outstanding artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be used to acquaint students with a presentation on
outstanding artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Основные вопросы:
1. Make a presentation on outstanding artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss the difference between future forms
will, going to
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1.Who of Kazakhstani artists is the most popular in the world?
2.Who of celebrities are from Uralsk?
3.What is the most popular film of our Kazakhstani film director do you know?
4.Who of Kazakhstan musician is popular in the world?
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
6. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
7. presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 14
Тема: Make a presentation on outstanding artists of Great Britain
Цель: Make a presentation on outstanding artists of Great Britain
Основные вопросы:
1. Make a presentation on outstanding artists of Great Britain
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to write the mean idea and without grammar
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1.What collections does the National Gallery house?
2.What is the National Portrait Gallery noted for?
3.What painters are particularly well represented in the Tate Gallery?
4.What kind of museum is Victoria and Albert Museum? Why is it named so?

1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 15
Тема: Make a report of great musicians of Kazakhstan
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be used Make a report of great musicians of
Основные вопросы:
1. Make a report of great musicians of Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss the difference between yet, already,
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
What can you say about this dates?
1.1980 (Dilnaz Akhmadieva was born)
2. 1987 (Batirkhan became a member of Alma-Ata)
3.1962 (Batyrkhan Shkenov was born )
4.1981 (Batyrkhan returned to Kazakhstan)
5.1990 ( Dilnaz became famous in the 1990)
6. 1989 . ( In 1989, the A-Studio song Julia was a big hit and the band immediately became
popular in Kazakhstan and the USSR.)
7. 5 ( Dilnaz made five albums of songs.)
8.1979 ( Batyrkhan after finishing school in 1979 he went to Leningrad and studied music at
Leningrad State Institute of Culture.)
9.2009 ( In 2009, the United Nations Children’s Fund recognized Batyrkhan’s work for children.
They made him a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for Kazakhstan.)
10.1999 ( Batyrkhan decided to start his own career in 1999. )

1. gives full and extended answers;
1. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
2. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
3. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
4. presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 16
Тема: Make a report of great musicians of Great Britain
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be used to acquaint students with Make a report of
great musicians of Great Britain
Основные вопросы:
1. Make a report of great musicians of Great Britain
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss difference between articles a, an, the.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. Were there many British composers of international renown before the 20th century?
2. What was musical life centred on before the 16th century?
3. What happened with British music in 20th century?
4. What is Britten famous for?
5. What role does the BBC play in the development of music?
6. What famous British orchestras and choirs do you know?
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 17
Тема: Make a report of great writers of Kazakhstan
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be to write Make a report of great writers of
Основные вопросы:
1. Make a report of great writers of Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to write without grammar mistakes
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1.Who was A.Kunanbayev?
2.What Abai’s poems do you know?
3.What is the most famous Abai's work?
4. When did Abai start writing poetry?
1.gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 18
Тема: Make a report of great writers of the USA
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will make a report of great writers of the USA
Основные вопросы:
1. Make a report of great writers of the USA
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss difference between articles a, an, the.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1.Who is considered the greatest American writer?
2.Who is considered the best writer of all time?
3.How many published authors are there in the US?
4.What percentage of people are writers?
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary
СРСП №19
Тема: Make a presentation on outstanding figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be used to acquaint students with Make a
presentation on outstanding figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Основные вопросы:
1. Make a presentation on outstanding figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to write the mean idea and without grammar
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. Who are the most popular people in Kazakhstan?
2. Who is Marat Bissengaliyev?
3. Who was Oleg Yankovskiy?
4. Who is Yevgeniy Nabokov?

1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

СРСП № 20
Тема: Make a report of outstanding figures of Great Britain
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be used to acquaint students with Make a report of
outstanding figures of Great Britain
Основные вопросы:
1. Make a report of outstanding figures of Great Britain
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss difference between articles a, an, the.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. What world-famous writers, inventors and poets did Britain give birth to?
2. Who is Joanne Rowling and what is she famous for?
3. What can you tell about Rowling in brief?
4. Have you read Harry Potter books or watched the films?
5. Which did you like more: books or films? Why (not)?
6. What can you tell about Sir Sean Connery?
7. Do you like this actor? What films have you seen with Sean Connery, if any?
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 1-7
Тема: Make a presentation on the topic: "Ruhani Zhangyru"
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will be to know what problems in Тhe program
"Ruhani Zhangyru"
Основные вопросы: Тhe program "Ruhani Zhangyru"
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to good reading.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 8-13
Тема: Make a report “Legal institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Read the and try to speak it.
Цель: Make a report “Legal institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Основные вопросы:
1 Make a report “Legal institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to good reading.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 14-19
Тема : Make a report «Legal institutions of the Canada»
Цель: Make a report «Legal institutions of the Canada»
Основные вопросы:
Legal institutions of the Canada
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to good reading.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 20-25
Тема: Make a report of outstanding figures of Great Britain
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will tell about outstanding figures of Great Britain
Основные вопросы:
1. What can I do to help?
2. Can we realistically save the world from climate change?
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss fight against climate change.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 26-31
Тема: Make a report Economy of the USA
Цель: By the end of the lesson students must make a report Economy of the USA.
Основные вопросы:
Economy of the USA.
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss about project
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 32-37
Тема: Make a report "National holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
Цель: By the end of the lesson students must make a report «National holidays of the Republic
of Kazakhstan».
Основные вопросы:
"National holidays of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss about National holidays of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 38-43
Тема: Make a report " National holidays of Great Britain "
Цель:By the end of the lesson students must make areport «National holidays of Great Britain ».
Основные вопросы:
«National holidays of Great Britain ».
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss about project
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 44-49
Тема: Make a report on outstanding artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Цель: By the end of the lesson students will tell about outstanding artists of the Republic of
Основные вопросы:
1. Outstanding artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to good retelling .
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
3. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
4. presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 50-55
Тема: Essay “Outstanding artists of Great Britain”
Цель: Students must write the essay “Outstanding artists of Great Britain”
Основные вопросы:
1. Essay “Outstanding artists of Great Britain”
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to know how language is inevitably interwoven
with broader trends and issues.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 56-61
Тема: Essay “My favourite Kazakh singer”
Цель: Students must write the essay “My favourite Kazakh singer”
Основные вопросы:
1. My favourite Kazakh singer”
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to know how language is inevitably interwoven
with broader trends and issues.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 62-67
Тема: Essay “My favourite foreign singer”
Цель: Why it’s important for children to learn that advertisements are trying to make you buy
Основные вопросы:
Essay “My favourite foreign singer”
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention trying to influence the way they think or change
their mind about something
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 68-73
Тема: Essay “Outstanding writers of Great Britain”
Цель: education is one of the marks of a successful country with a thriving economy and the
basis for positive future forecasts
Основные вопросы:
1. Outstanding writers of Great Britain”
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss about Outstanding writers of Great
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.
1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 74-79
Тема: Make a report on outstanding figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Цель: aim is to realize the potential of all for the good of the individual and society as a whole
telling about
Основные вопросы:
Outstanding figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss how our higher education institutions
to transfer to collective management, since due to such management they become more flexible
and adaptable.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.

1. gives full and extended answers;
2.demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3.expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4.presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5.presents topic related vocabulary

СРС № 80-82
Тема: Make a report on outstanding figures of the Republic the USA
Цель: To be good teachers they have to capability to perform the duties of one's profession
generally, or to perform a particular professional task, with skill of an acceptable quality.
Основные вопросы:
Make a report on outstanding figures of the Republic the USA
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention to discuss what skills do you think are required
to be a great teacher
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.

1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary
СРС № 83-85
Тема: Make a presentation of outstanding figures of Great Britain
Цель: how teamwork affects success at work
Основные вопросы:
1. Make a presentation of outstanding figures of Great Britain
Форма проведения: group discussion
Методические рекомендации: pay attention that
a person does not have to solve all tasks independently and is not able to. Then it's time to attract
a few people who will deal with their decision.
Литература (основная)
1. Кунанбаева С.С., Кармысова М.К. и др. Концепция развития иноязычного образования
Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2010.
2. Кунанбаева С.С. Теория и практика современного иноязычного образования. Алматы,
3. John and Liz Soars. New Headway. Intermediate. Workbook’s book. – 2014.
4. R.Harrison., S. Philpot., L.Curnick. New Headway Academic Skills. Reading, Writing, and
study Skills. Oxford University Press. – 2009.
Литература (дополнительная)
1. Macmillan English Grammar In Context Intermediate
2. Murphy Raymond. Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. – 2010.
3. McMillan Dictionary of Contemporary English. – McMillan, 2010.

1. gives full and extended answers;
2. demonstrates grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 1-2 mistakes)
3. expresses opinion using appropriate linking words or phrases;
4. presents accurate pronunciation, rare minor errors occur (no more than 2);
5. presents topic related vocabulary

8. Методические рекомендации и материалы для самостоятельной работы

обучающегося: наборы текстов домашних заданий, материалы для самоконтроля по
каждой теме, задания по выполнению текущих видов работ, рефератов и других домашних
заданий с указанием сроков сдачи, оценки и литературы и др. (указываются для каждой
темы отдельно)

9. Задания для рубежного контроля (1)

I _____ work very hard because I have an exam next week. A) am having B) has to C) had to D)
have to
2. You _____ work hard after your exam. You can have a holiday. A) had to B) won’t have to C)
have too D) won’t have
My father is a customs official so he always __(3)__ wear a uniform at work, but my mother is a
teacher so she __(4)__ wear one.
3. A) doesn’t have to B) have to C) has to D) don’t have to
4. A) doesn’t have to B) have to C) has to D) don’t have to
When we were teenagers, we __(5)__ be home by nine o’clock. But we __(6)__ take as many
exams as teenagers nowadays.
5. A) had to B) won’t have to C) have to D) don’t have to
6. A) had to B) didn’t have to C) have to D) don’t have to
7. I can’t see the small print very well. I think I ____ wear glasses soon. A) will have to B) won’t
have to C) have to D) don’t have to
8. Nobody enjoys _____ get up at five o’clock in the morning. A) have to B) has to C) having to
D) will have to
9. _____ we _____ have any vaccinations before we go to Barbados? A) Will / have to B) Did /
have to C) Won’t / have D) Are / having
10. _____ your grandmother _____ leave school when she was only fourteen? A) Will / have to
B) Did / have to C) Won’t / have D) Are / having to
11. You _____ be a millionaire to shop in Harrods. Everything is expensive there. A) will have to
B) won’t have to C) have to D) don’t have to
12. If I fail my exam, ____ I ___ take it again? A) will / have to B) did / have to C) does / have
to D) do / won’t have
13. I phoned the plumber because I _____ smell gas in the kitchen. A) can B) could C) managed
to D) couldn’t
14. Jane and John saved and saved, and finally they _____ buy the house of their dreams. A) can
B) could C) managed to D) couldn’t
15. I phoned yesterday, but I ____ get an answer. Where were you? A) can B) could C) managed
to D) couldn’t
16. The neighbors were having a row, and I _____ hear every word they said. A) can B) could C)
managed to D) couldn’t
17. ____ you speak French before you moved to Paris? A) Can B) Could C) Managed to D)
18. I went for a ten-mile run last Saturday. It nearly killed me! I _____ move on Sunday. A) can
B) could C) managed to D) couldn’t
-Modal verbs (can, could, have to)
TEST - 4INTERMEDIATE 19. _____ you _____ find all the things you wanted at the shops? A)
Did / have to B) Did / can C) Did / manage to D) Did / could
20. The police _____ find the man who had stolen my car. He was sent to prison. A) can B)
could C) managed to D) couldn’t
21. My grandfather _____ speak four languages when he was alive. A) can B) could C) managed
to D) couldn’t
22. When we got to the top of the mountain we _____ see for miles. A) can B) could C)
managed D) couldn’t
23. In my country you _____ get married when you’re sixteen. A) can B) could C) managed to
D) couldn’t
24. Speak up! I _____ hear you! A) can B) could C) can’t D) couldn’t
25. _____ I borrow your dictionary? A) Can’t B) Could C) Manage to D) Couldn’t
26. I’d love _____ help you, but I can’t. I’m sorry. A) can B) could C) managed to D) to be able
27. I _____ get into my house last night because I’d lost my key. A) can B) could C) managed to
D) couldn’t
28. Women _____ vote in England until 1922. A) can B) are able to C) managed to D) couldn’t
29. I’m learning Spanish because I want _____ speak when I’m in Mexico. A) can B) could C)
will be able to D) to be able to
30. The doctor says I _____ walk again in two weeks’ time. A) can B) could C) will be able to
D) to be able to
I asked the teacher if I __(31)__ open the window, but she said I __(32)__ because it would be
too noisy.
31. A) can B) could C) managed to D) couldn’t
32. A) can B) could C) managed to D) couldn’t
33. I’m sorry, but I _____ come to your party next week. A) can’t B) couldn’t C) can D) ‘ll be
able to
34. I love driving! _____ drive has changed my whole life. A) Can B) Could C) Will be able to
D) Being able to
35. Children in my country _____ go to school when they’re 7. A) doesn’t have to B) has to C)
have to D) don’t have to
36. Adults _____ go to school. A) doesn’t have to B) has to C) have to D) don’t have to
37. Every adult _____ go to work. A) doesn’t have to B) has to C) have to D) don’t have to
38. A retired person_____ go to work. A) doesn’t have to B) has to C) have to D) don’t have
39. Teenagers _____ study for exams. A) doesn’t have to B) has to C) have to D) don’t have to
40. You _____ drive on the right in Britain. A) mustn’t B) has to C) have to D) don’t have to
Задания для рубежного контроля (2)
1. I’m really looking forward to _____ my new course. A) start B) starting C) started D) to start
2. They can’t help us _____ the house. A) move B) moving C) moved D) move to
3. She refused _____ the phone. A) answer B) to answer C) answered D) answering
4. I don’t mind _____ to the restaurant. A) driving B) drive C) drove D) to drive
5. We encouraged them _____ a new business. A) setting up B) to set up C) set up D)’d setup
6. His parents don’t allow him _____ after ten o’clock. A) stay up B) to stay up C) stay up D)
stayed up
7. I’ll be back in touch _____ soon _____ possible. A) as B) like C) like / as D) as / as
8. This wine tastes _____ vinegar! A) likes B) as / as C) like D) as
9. I’ve known Andy for years. He went to the same school _____ I did. A) liked B) similar to C)
like D) as
10. My sister’s a teacher _____ me. A) likes B) similar C) like D) as
11. ‘We had a new teacher today called Mary.’ ‘What was she _____?’ A) liked B) look like C)
like D) as
12. Who do I look _____ , my mother or my father? A) like B) more C) likes D) as
13. She really annoys me. I can’t stand people _____ her. A) likes B) compared to C) like D) as
14. I’ll see you tomorrow at 11.00 _____ usual. A) like B) as - as C) like D) as
15. It’s July and the weather’s awful! It’s _____ in winter! A) likes B) as like C) like D)as
16. I need to buy all sorts of things _____ socks, shirts and knickers. A) likes B) such C) like D)
17. My wife has found a job _____ a personal assistant. A) likes B) as - as C) like D) as
18. Dave drinks _____ a fish! I’ve never seen anyone drink as much. A) likes B) as such C) like
D) as
19. My brother has a car _____ yours. A) likes B) such C) like D) as
20. Don’t touch anything. Leave everything _____ it is. A) likes B) so C) like D) as
21. It’s freezing. My feet are _____ blocks of ice. A) likes B) such C) like D) as
22. I want _____ more careful with your homework in future. A) you be B) you to be C) that you
are D) you being
23. I stopped _____ when I was thirty. A) to smoke B) smoke C) smoking D) too smoke
24. Why did I agree _____ with you? I can’t stand it. A) to work B) work C) working D) to
- As, like - Questions with like - Phrasal verbs - Infinitive, gerund
TEST - 6INTERMEDIATE 25. I tried _____ you that you were making a mistake, but you didn’t
listen. A) tell B) to tell C) telling D) told
26. I’m looking forward _____ you again soon. A) to see B) to seeing C) seeing D) too seeing
27. My parents let me _____ what I wanted when I was young. A) do B) to do C) doing D) does
28. I wasn’t allowed _____ out unless they knew where I was going. A) going B) go C) to go D)
going to
29. I finished _____ the television, and then I went to bed. A) watching B) to watch C) watch D)
watch to
30. I don’t like people _____ arrive late. A) which B) whose C) who D) where
31. The company _____ he works for is based in Germany. A) which B) whose C) who D)
32. Where are the scissors _____ I bought yesterday? A) which B) whose C) who D) where
33. I want you to meet the woman _____ taught me how to drive. A) which B) whose C) who D)
34. The meal _____ you cooked was delicious. A) which B) whose C) who D) where
35. I like animals _____ don’t make a mess. A) which B) whose C) who D) where
36. The film _____ I’ve always wanted to see is on TV tonight. A) whose B) which C) who D)
37. The flat _____ they bought was very expensive. A) which B) whose C) who D) where
38. The room in our house _____ is most used is the kitchen. A) which B) whose C) who D)
39. I didn’t like the meal _____ we had yesterday. A) which B) whose C) who D) where
40. The people _____ work here are very interesting. A) which B) whose C) who D) where
41. The man _____ you were talking about has just come in the room. A) which B) whose C)
who D) where
42. I received a letter this morning _____ really upset me. A) who B) which C) where D) whose
43. Toby, a boy _____ I went to school with, is ill in hospital. A) who B) which C) where D)
44. He’s going to have an operation _____ could save his life. A) who B) which C) where D)
45. Toby, _____ parents both died a few years ago, is the same age as me. A) who B) which C)
where D) whose
46. I recently went back to the town ____ I was born. A) who B) which C) where D) whose
47. The people _____ used to live next door moved a long time ago. A) who B) which C) where
D) whose
48. I met a girl _____ I used to play tennis with. A) who B) which C) where D) whose
49. She told me a story _____ I found hard to believe. A) who B) which C) where D) whose
50. She said she’d married a man _____ had been married ten times before. A) who B) which C)
where D) whose
51. I’ll dry the dishes if you _____ them _____. A) put / away B) find / out C) put / out D) wash
/ up
52. ‘Can you _____ the time of the next train to London?’ ‘O.K. I’ll phone the station.’ A) put
away B) find out C) put out D) clear up

10. Перечень вопросов и заданий для подготовки к экзамену

Variant 2
Complete the sentences using the correct form of have to,
can or should.
e.g. ___Can___________ you speak Russian?
Stanley Gardens
Admission: Adults: £15 Children: £7 Children under 7: free
Credit cards accepted
No dogs
1 Adults ____________________ pay £15.
2 Six-year-old children ____________________ pay anything.
3 You ____________________ pay by credit card.
4 You ____________________ take dogs into the park.
School Report: Steven Moor
Music: He tries very hard but he has problems singing.
French: Very good spoken French.
Reading: I think it would be a good idea for Steven to practise his reading more. He

spends a lot of time playing computer games. This isn't good for his reading.
Sport: Steve is good at tennis but not football or basketball. Next year he can
football if he wants to but he must do either tennis or basketball.

5 Steve ____________________ speak French very well.

6 He ____________________ sing well.
7 He ____________________ practise his reading more.
8 He ____________________ play so many computer games.
9 Next year he ____________________ play football.
10 Next year he ____________________ choose either tennis or

Come and help Olga celebrate her thirtieth birthday
8 till late
Dress: black or white
Music: from the 80's

11 Hello, this is Olga. Hi Tony. The party? No, you

____________________ wear a suit.
12 You can wear jeans if you want to but they
____________________ be black or white.
e.g. __The most expensive______ (expensive) hotel is in Paris.
1 New York is __________________________ (exciting) than
2 A one-star (*) hotel is ___________________________ (bad)
than a three-star hotel (***).
3 Concorde is ___________________________ (fast) passenger
aeroplane in the world.
4 I'm sure you're much ___________________________ (slim)
than you were last year.
5 Kyoto is ___________________________ (peaceful) than
6 Travelling by train is ___________________________
(comfortable) than travelling by car.

7 Spain is much ___________________________ (hot) than

Denmark in the summer.
8 Which takes __________________________ (much) time,
sending an email or sending a fax?
9 This class is ___________________________ (interesting)
than our last one.
10 Sue's ___________________________ (pretty) in the class.
the day before yesterday a day off have a good day every day
go out for the day bad day six days for the day one day
the day after tomorrow all day the other day twice a day

1. I saw Ahmed ___________________________. He seemed

to be happy with his new job.
2. I’m so tired. What I need is ______________________ work.
3. I’m sure they’ll get married ________________________ .
4. It’s so boring. We do the same things
_________________________ . I need a change.
5. It’s my uncle’s birthday ______________________. I must
remember to send him a card.
6. “Right. I’m going. I’ll see you tonight.” “All right then.
___________________________ ! Don’t work too hard!”
7. It’s Thursday today, and we arrived here
___________________________ - on Tuesday.
8. All she wants to do on holiday is sit by the swimming pool
________________ and relax.
9. You need to take this medicine ________________________
- first thing in the morning and before going to bed.
10. The information centre is open
________________________________ - it’s only closed on
11. After so much time at home, we decided to
_______________________, so we went to the beach.
12. It was a _________________________ today – I was late
for work, had an argument with my best friend and lost my
e.g. At school we __a___ wear a uniform.
a) have to b) mustn't
1 People _____ walk on the grass.
a) mustn't b) don't have to
2 You _____ pay to park here between 9 and 6. It's £1 an hour.
a) don't have to b) have to
3 After 6 o'clock you _____ pay to park and it's also free on
a) mustn't b) don't have to
4 People _____ ride motorbikes here.
a) don't have to b) mustn't
5 You _____ take a driving test to ride a scooter.
a) have to b) mustn't
6 You _____ stop when the traffic lights are red.
a) don't have to b) have to
Listen to text about New Zealand and answer the following
1. New Zealand is in the South Pacific Ocean.
a) Pacific Ocean. b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Indian Ocean
2. They have
a) three islands b) two islands
c) four islands
3. New Zealand is …
a) more than 2,000 kilometres from Australia b) near
c) between Australia and Africa
4. The two islands, North Island and South Island are …
a) about 2,000 kilometres apart. b) about the same size
as Great Britain.
c) about three and a half square kilometres.
5. They have official … languages.
a) five b) four c) two
6. English is …
a) one of the two official languages. b) not the
official language.
c) the language of the original people.
7. They filmed … In Zealand
a) The Lord of the Kings b) The Lord of the Rings
c) The Lord of Wars
8. The North Island has got …
a) volcanoes and a small desert. b) fjords and snow-
covered mountains.
c) many important film studios.
9. In summer … in New Zealand
a) twenty-five degrees b) twenty-four degrees
c) thirty degrees
10. In the south it's a bit … in the winter, and the scenery is like
Norway or Canada ..
a) warmer b) hotter c) colder
Read the text and answer the questions. Write short

England at Christmas
Christmas is the biggest festival in the English year. Once
the festival lasted two days, today it seems to last almost two
months. Christmas Day, December 25th, is the day when most
people in Britain sit down to a special meal of roast turkey and
Christmas pudding; but Christmas Day is just the high point of
the "Christmas period". In the weeks before Christmas, life is
very busy. There are parties; there are trips to the cinema or
the pantomime; and of course there's all the shopping.
On Christmas day, Britain closes! For most people,
Christmas is a time to relax at last after many long and busy
weeks. The presents have been bought and sent, dozens of cards
have been sent and received, the food is waiting to be eaten. For
two days at least (if not three or four, depending on the year),
the shops will be shut, and the postman will not deliver any
letters. For a day or two, even the trains stop
running. Nowadays, Britain's Christmas shopping
season lasts almost four months! The first Christmas catalogues
come through letter-boxes at the start of September! Lots
of busy people like shopping online, because it is easy. All they
have to do is choose from the pages of a colourful catalogue, or
use the Internet. A few days later, goods are delivered to the
door..... or at least one hopes they are. Some Internet shops work
24/24 in the weeks before Christmas, to make sure that everyone
gets their presents on time..
Many Christmas catalogues come from charities. Each
charity has its own specialities – nature and animals from WWF,
the RSPCA and others; "green" products from Greenpeace and
Friends of the Earth; and hand-made articles from developing
countries from charities like Oxfam and Save the Children. Big
charities like these earn a lot of money from their Christmas
catalogues. In the streets, Christmas arrives at the start of
November. Santa Claus and Christmas decorations start
appearing in shop windows soon after "Guy Fawkes Night"
(5th November). There are no other festivities between Guy
Fawkes Night and Christmas
In the streets, vendors sell Father Christmas hats,
and reindeer horns! Many shops need extra staff; some
shops sell as much in November and December as they do in the
other 10 months of the year. Shops stay open later in the
evening, and on Sundays too. During December, sometimes
even earlier, the Christmas lights come on in the streets, and the
big shops put on special "Christmas windows", to bring in the
shoppers. As Christmas gets closer, the shops become more and
more crowded. Nowadays, many shops start their "New
Year Sales" before Christmas; some people therefore wait till
the last days, in order to pay less for their presents. When the
shops finally close for the holiday, most people are happy that
the shopping is over. For a day at least, everything is shut...
except pubs and restaurants, which do a lot of business on
Christmas day. On Christmas morning, some people go to
church in the morning, others stay at home to open presents and
prepare the Christmas lunch.
In the afternoon, it's time for more presents, or to watch a
good film, or go out for a walk in the country, or in the park.
Then, after Christmas, the shopping season starts again, as
people spend their Christmas money and look for bargains in
the New Year sales.
Most people have a week's holiday between Christmas
and the New Year. Some, of course, have to keep working; but
for most, the last week of the year is a time to relax, enjoy more
parties, and do a bit more shopping. January sometimes seems
very flat and empty!
Answer the following questions, based on this article:
1. How many days do the people celebrate Christmas Day?
2. What do people eat at Christmas in England ?
3. What do people send to their friends at Christmas?
4. Some people do their shopping at home: how and why do
they do this?
5. Why is Christmas a good time for many big charities?
6. When does the Christmas shopping season really begin?
7. How do shops function during the Christmas shopping
8. When do the "New Year Sales" begin?
9. How long do Christmas holidays last for many people?
10. What do people do during their Christmas holiday

IV. Writing
You’re going to visit your pen friend’s country. Write an e-mail
telling him / her your plans and asking for advice. Include the
following information:
Paragraph one
Explain the reason for your e-mail.
Paragraph two
Ask for advice - best time of year / places to visit / best way to
travel about.
Paragraph three
Explain any plans you already have, e.g. the main place you’ll

V. Speaking.
1. The program « Ruhani Zhangyru» in Kazakhstan.


11. Методические указания для выполнения курсовых работ (при наличии)

12. Критерии оценивания
Итоговая оценка по дисциплине в процентном содержании определяется по следующей
И% = Р1(30%) +Р2(30%) +Э(40%)
Р1 – процентное содержание оценки 1-го рейтинга (ВСК1);
Р2 – процентное содержание оценки 2-го рейтинга (ВСК2);
Э – процентное содержание экзаменационной оценки.


Критерии оценки аудиторной работы
Classroom Assessment Criteria

90-100 1. gives full answer using linking words and basic connectors;
2. writes grammartically correct sentences (allowed to make 2 errors);
3. spells the words accurately (allowed to make 2 errors);
4. writes in a logical way answering all the questions.
Availability of at least 90% of reports on practical work (in written or
electronic form)
Complete and correct answers to the questions of the teacher and other
students, knowledge of special terminology, the student is able to generalize
the material, draw his own conclusions, give examples, express his opinion
70-89 At least 70% of reports on practical work (in written or electronic form)
During the classroom work, the student gives correct but incomplete answers,
has difficulty in selecting examples, the generalizing opinion of the student is
not clearly expressed
50-69 At least 50% of reports on practical work (in written or electronic form)
The student gives partially correct answers, does not give illustrative
examples, is not able to form his own opinion on the issue under study, makes
mistakes in detail or does not give a detailed answer
0-49 Lack of reports on practical work or their poor quality
During classes, the student does not give answers to questions or his answers
contain significant errors in the main aspects of the topic

Критерии оценки самостоятельной работы

Self-assessment criteria

90-100 1. gives full answer using linking words and basic connectors;
2. writes grammartically correct sentences (allowed to make 2 errors);
3. spells the words accurately (allowed to make 2 errors);
4. writes in a logical way answering all the questions.
All tasks in the work are completed and the percentage of correctness is not
less than 90%
Accuracy of breaking according to standards
Justified conclusions, their correct and complete interpretation, the student
reasonably substantiates his point of view, confidently and correctly answers
questions during the defense of the work performed
70-89 At least 70% of the work has been completed and the progress is correct.
Minor errors in the design of the work
Correct but incomplete interpretation of the conclusions. During the defense,
the student gives correct but incomplete answers summarizing the conclusions.
недостаточно четко выражены
50-69 At least 50% of the work has been completed, the approach to the solution is
correct, but there are errors
Significant errors in the design of work
Incomplete interpretation of conclusions, while defending work, the student
does not always give the correct answers
0-49 Less than 50% of all tasks completed, the solution contains gross errors
Inaccurate execution of work, violation of standards for the design of written
Incorrect interpretation of conclusions or their absence, during the defense of
the work, the student is not able to comment on the course of the decision,
gives incorrect answers, is not able to form conclusions on work

Критерии итоговой оценки

Final Assessment Criteria

95-100 1. gives full answer using linking words and basic connectors;
2. writes grammatically correct sentences (allowed to make 2 errors);
3. spells the words accurately (allowed to make 2 errors);
4. writes in a logical way answering all the questions.
A complete, detailed answer is given to the question posed, the student freely
operates with concepts, knows how to distinguish essential and non-essential
features, cause-effect relationships. Knowledge about the object is
demonstrated against the background of understanding it in the system of this
science and interdisciplinary relations. The answer is formulated in terms of
science, stated in the literary language, logical, evidence-based, demonstrates
the student's authorial position.
90-94 A complete, detailed answer is given to the question posed, the main
provisions of the topic are clearly revealed; the answer shows a clear structure,
logical sequence. Knowledge about the object is demonstrated against the
background of understanding it in the system of this science and
interdisciplinary relations. The answer is stated in literary language in terms of
science. Mistakes may be made in the definition of concepts, corrected by the
student independently in the process of answering.
85-89 A complete, detailed answer is given to the question posed, the main
provisions of the topic are clearly revealed; the answer shows a clear structure,
logical sequence. The answer is stated in literary language in terms of science.
In the answer, there were mistakes, corrected by the student with the help of
the teacher.
80-84 A complete, detailed answer is given to the question posed, the ability to
distinguish essential and non-essential features, cause-effect relationships is
shown. The answer is logical, stated in literary language in terms of science.
Mistakes or minor errors may be made, corrected by the student with the help
of a teacher.
75-79 A complete answer is given to the question posed, the ability to identify
essential and non-essential features, cause-effect relationships is shown. The
answer is logical, stated in terms of science. Minor errors or omissions
corrected by the student using "leading questions."
The answer to the question posed is not sufficiently consistent, but the student
is able to identify the main signs and relationships. The answer is logical and
stated in terms. There were 2-3 errors in determining the basic concepts that
the student finds it difficult to fix on his own.
An insufficiently complete and insufficiently detailed answer is given. The
logic and sequence of presentation have violations. Errors were made in the
disclosure of concepts and in the use of terms. The student is not able to
independently identify the main features and relationships. A student can
specify generalized knowledge by proving their basic principles using
examples only with the help of a teacher. Speech design requires amendments,
An incomplete answer is given, representing disparate knowledge on the topic
of the question with significant errors in the definitions. Present inconsistency
of presentation. The student is not aware of the connection of this concept,
theory, phenomenon with other objects of discipline. There are no conclusions
and evidence. Illiterate speech. Additional and clarifying questions of the
teacher do not lead to the correction of the student's answer.
An incomplete answer was given. Present inconsistency of presentation Mass
of significant errors in the definitions of terms, concepts, characteristics of
55-59 facts, phenomena. There are no conclusions in the answer. Speech is illiterate.
When answering additional questions, the student begins to realize the
existence of a relationship between knowledge only after the teacher prompts.
An incomplete answer is given, representing disparate knowledge on the topic
of the question with significant errors in the definitions. The answer is
illogical. The student is not aware of the connection of this concept, theory,
phenomenon with other objects of discipline. There are no conclusions,
concretization and evidence of the presentation. Illiterate speech. Additional
and clarifying questions of the teacher do not lead to the correction of the
student's answer not only to the question posed, but also to other questions of
the discipline.
0-49 No answers were received on the basic questions of discipline.

Цифровой Оценка в
Итоговая оценка Оценка по традиционной системе
эквивалент буквенной
в баллах (И) (Т)
баллов (Ц) системе (Б)
95-100 4,0 А Отлично
90-94 3,67 А-
85-89 3,33 В+ Хорошо
80-84 3,0 В
75-79 2,67 В-
70-74 2,33 С+
65-69 2,0 С Удовлетворительно
60-64 1,67 С-
55-59 1,33 D+
50-54 1,0 D
25-49 0,5 FХ Не удовлетворительно
0-24 0 F

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