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Южный Федеральный Университет

Институт филологии, журналистики и межкультурных коммуникаций

Учебно-методическое пособие
«Практический курс перевода английского языка»
( для студентов 3 курса)

Ростов-на-Дону, 2014
УДК 811.111’25(075.8)
ББК 81.2 Англ -7я73
С 17

Печатается по решению кафедры перевода и информационных технологий в

лингвистике института филологии, журналистики и межкультурных
коммуникаций ЮФУ

доктор филологических наук, проф. Ласкова М.В.
кандидат филологических наук, доцент Пишкова Е.Ю.

Самарина И.В.
Учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине «Практический курс перевода
английского языка» (для студентов 3 курса)».- Ростов н/Д: ИПО ЮФУ, 2014.
- 122 с.

Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие составлено на модульной основе в

соответствии с программными требованиями по «Практическому курсу
перевода 1 ИЯ (английский язык)» и предназначено для студентов 3 курса
переводческого отделения.

УДК 811.111’25(075.8)
ББК 81.2 Англ -7я73

Учебно-методическое пособие разработано на модульно-
компетентностной основе, представляет собой практическое обеспечение
дисциплины «Практический курс перевода 1 ИЯ», предназначено для
студентов, обучающихся в институте филологии, журналистики и
межкультурных коммуникаций ЮФУ на кафедре перевода и
информационных технологий в лингвистике по направлению 0357000
При его создании учитывались требования Государственного
образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования и
науки РФ от 25.05.2010 г. Компетентностный подход к определению целей и
результатов лингвистического образования усиливает его практическую,
личностную и коммуникативно-деятельностную ориентированность.
Формирование компетенции выступает как конечный результат
образовательного процесса, модуль - как средство его организации.

Пособие состоит из 6 модулей:

1) Leisure time and Entertainment

2) Festivals and Celebrations
3) Sport and games
4) Crime and punishment
5) Earth: SOS
6) Disasters and Accidents

В каждом модуле представлены:

– список тематических слов и выражений;
– упражнения на развитие навыков устного и письменного перевода с
русского языка на английский и с английского на русский;
– тексты для самостоятельной работы студентов по переводу с русского
языка на английский и с английского на русский.
– аудирование

Данное учебное пособие разработано с целью формирования у студентов

следующих компетенций:
общекультурные компетенции:
1) ориентироваться в системе общечеловеческих ценностей и учитывать
ценностно-смысловые ориентации различных социальных, национальных,
религиозных, профессиональных общностей и групп в российском социуме;
2) обладать навыками социокультурной и межкультурной коммуникации,
обеспечивающими адекватность социальных и профессиональных контактов;

3) владеть культурой мышления, быть способным к анализу, обобщению
информации, постановке целей и выбору путей их достижения, владеть
культурой устной и письменной речи;
профессиональные компетенции:
1) уметь осуществлять письменный перевод с соблюдением норм
лексической эквивалентности, соблюдением грамматических,
синтаксических и стилистических норм;
2) уметь осуществлять устный последовательный перевод и устный
перевод с листа с соблюдением норм лексической эквивалентности,
соблюдением грамматических, синтаксических и стилистических норм
текста перевода и темпоральных характеристик исходного текста;
3) владеть международным этикетом и правилами поведения переводчика
в различных ситуациях устного и письменного перевода (сопровождение
туристической группы, обеспечение деловых переговоров, обеспечение
переговоров официальных делегаций и т.д.)

Module 1. Leisure time and Entertainment

1. Read the text, translate it and retell, using the words in bold.

Why your free time is boring?

How do you spend your off hours? Do you watch television? Do you surf the web?
Read articles here at Lifehack.org? There are many ways you can spend your
leisure time. But is it really possible to get more out of your time off? Not just
making this time more productive, but actually making it more enjoyable.

Breaking the Work/Play Distinction

I believe the answer goes against what many of us have been taught about how to
spend our free time. From early childhood we’ve been taught to divide everything
to do into two groups, work and leisure. Work consists of all the things we need to
do and leisure is everything else. Splitting the world this way isn’t necessarily
wrong. But the subtle message contained in this split is that work and leisure
shouldn’t resemble each other. Your work needs to be productive, efficient and
challenging. Therefore leisure should be relaxing, accomplish nothing and be free
of pressures.

Why This Kills Your Free Time

The problem is this assumption, that work should be the opposite of leisure, ruins
your free time. The belief that the most enjoyable moments of life are spent
relaxing in the fruits of our labor doesn’t match the real world. Research has
shown that the most enjoyable moments of our life are the ones where we are most

Psychology researcher recorded this phenomenon. He did this through a device

that pinged at random points in time. The subject then filled out a form based
on their feelings, thoughts and current activity. What he found was people have
more enjoyable experiences from work than from their time off. He mentions this
paradox in his book «Flow».

“Thus we have the paradoxical situation: On the job people feel skillful and
challenged, and therefore feel more happy, strong, creative and satisfied. In their
free time people feel that there is generally not much to do and their skills are not
being used, and therefore tend to feel more sad, weak dull and dissatisfied. Yet
they would like to work less and spend more time in leisure.”

I believe the dissatisfaction for work stems from the external need to work. Since
we cannot exercise freedom in choosing to show up every morning, it is easy to
begrudge the time there, even if it produces positive experiences in our lives.

The Answer Isn’t Becoming a Workaholic

I don’t believe the resolution of this problem, is to work all the time. I think that
would only exacerbate a situation where people feel trapped by oppressive work
schedules. Even if jobs can produce, challenging flow experiences, putting all
your eggs into one basket can be risky.

Instead, Fill Your Spare Time With Active Leisure

Active leisure is free activities you choose that challenge and fulfill you. But
because you take up these tasks through internal desires, not external
constraints, you won’t feel trapped by them.

Many people have found ways to incorporate active leisure into their lives.
Taking up hobbies, sports and learning new skills even when time is limited. But
as the standard forty hour workweek gets pushed longer and passive entertainment
becomes easier to consume, it is harder to take up active leisure.

Leisure is Hard Work

Upgrading your leisure time to make it more enjoyable isn’t always easy. This
may sound backwards, since many people believe the purpose of leisure is to be
easy. But sometimes the benefits of being active in your time off aren’t
immediately apparent.

Activity requires that you invest your attention. The body was designed to be
efficient, not enjoyable, so it may resist your attempts to invest energy in anything

How to Start the Active Leisure Habit

There are many ways you can upgrade your leisure time, but it requires effort.
Unlike watching television or relaxing, opportunities for flow need to be structured
in advance. It can sometimes require planning and always requires an initial push
of momentum to get started.

I suggest an experiment. Try replacing some low-energy task with a more engaging
one. Continue it for a month. After that month, if you don’t feel the new task is
more satisfying than your old usage of time, quit. This is about enjoyment, not
productivity, so you don’t need to feel guilty if you decide to switch back later.

2. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 5 B.

3. Translate adjectives to describe free time and leisure pursuits

adjective meaning possible examples
rewarding gives you a lot of positive doing voluntary work,
experiences helping charities
fruitful produces good results collaborating/cooperating
with someone in an activity
lucrative makes a lot of money selling your own arts or
crafts, writing computer
therapeutic makes you healthy in body and/or gardening, yoga, meditation
relaxing/calming reduces stress, gives a peaceful reading, listening to music
time-consuming takes a long time to do being president of a club,
being a member of a

Adapted from English vocabulary in Use

4. Translate
1. I enjoyed being secretary of the sports club but it was very time-consuming.
I had to give up two evenings a week to do it.
2. The conservation work I do is very rewarding. I feel I'm doing something
good and useful.
3. Photography has been a lucrative pursuit for her. She often sells her pictures
to magazines.
4. Painting is such a therapeutic activity. It makes me feel good, and teaches
me patience.

5. Fill the gaps with a suitable adjective

1 I find writing poetry very .......................................... It helps me to get a truer
understanding of myself and gives me a good feeling inside.
2 I enjoy selling the pictures I paint, but it's not very..........................................I
only made £300 last year.
3 Gardening is very..........................................It reduces stress levels and calms
you down.
4 I've had a.........................................partnership with Jane for several years: she
plays the piano and I play the violin. It's been very good for both of us.
5 Doing unpaid work at the hospital has been ……………..experience for me.
6 I would like to be on the club committee, but I've heard it's very…………and I
don't have a lot of free time.

6. Translate informal words describing the way people spend their leisure
Bob's a real culture vulture; he goes to every theatre and art gallery he can find.
[ big fan of anything cultural]
I'm a bit of a couch potato: I spend hours every day just watching TV. [physically
very inactive person]
Mary's a bit of a dabbler: she does a pastime for a couple of weeks, then she gets
bored and starts something different, [person who never keeps doing one activity
for long]
Francis is a real doer. He never sits round for long and always has some project or
other, [person who believes in acting and doing things, not just thinking]
Laura's a shopaholic. She buys all sorts of things she doesn't need, [person
addicted to shopping; compare alcoholic: addicted to alcohol]

Solve these riddles

1 I am a vegetable that sits where humans sit. What am I?
2 I seldom sit and talk, I always act. What am I?
3 I am a bird that eats the flesh of art. What am I?
4 I do some of this and some of that, but never all of this or all of that. What am I?

7. Translate from Russian into English

1. Прежде чем выбрать профессию актера задумайтесь, что возможно это

и самая стоящая работа, но далеко не всегда прибыльная.
2. Большинство людей считают, что работа в саду – бесполезный труд, и
только единицы знают что она имеет оздоровительные свойства.

3. Моя сестра все время лежит на диване, иногда мне кажется, что мы из
разных семей, потому что я постоянно чем-то занимаюсь.

4. Их совместная работа оказалась плодотворной, всем понравился их


5. Чтобы снять стресс, почитайте книгу или послушайте музыку, такой

вид деятельности один из самых расслабляющих.

6. У него очень много встреч, он член профсоюза, его работа занимает

очень много времени.

7. Она похожа на шопоголика, каждый день она часами «зависает» перед

компьютером, просматривая сайты с одеждой и покупает все подряд.

8. Его можно действительно назвать человеком, любящим культурный

досуг, так как он часто посещает музеи, театры, разнообразные
выставки и картинные галереи.
8. Learn expressions and collocations connected with involvement in activities
Joe is heavily into downhill skiing these days, [informal: takes a great interest in /
is very involved in]
I went off football and I started playing golf instead, [informal: stopped liking /
lost interest in]
She locks herself away for hours in front of the computer and surfs the Internet
every night, [isolates herself from the world]
He's totally hooked on motor racing these days, [informal: is addicted to]
What do you get up to at weekends, Michael? [informal: do]
Do you have a hectic social life? Yes, I have a pretty full diary, [a lot of
commitments/ activities]
Give more informal alternatives for the underlined words.
1) My daughter's extremely interested in folk music. She buys a lot of folk CDs.
2) He isolates himself in his darkroom and does photography for hours on end.
3) She's totally addicted to ice hockey these days. She watches every competition
on TV.
4) I have a long list of social appointments for the rest of the month.
5) What do you engage in when you aren't working, Nigel.

9. Translate from Russian into English

1. На сегодняшний день рынок развлечений предлагает множество

возможностей проведения досуга.
2. Джон бросает все на половине дела - в прошлом году он бредил
гитарой, а сейчас его гитара покрылась пылью.

3. Этим летом я пристрастилась к культурному досугу, посещаю все

новые выставки и театральные постановки.

4. В прошлом году я с головой ушел в работу и написал

захватывающий роман.

5. Сегодня многие люди помешены на компьютерных играх, и их не

останавливает даже тот факт, что они отнимают очень много времени.

6.Когда спортсмены бросают большой спорт, они зачастую «прилипают» к

дивану, не в силах найти новое плодотворное занятие.

7. Джулия работает журналистом и она всегда чем-то занята. Обычно она

собирает информацию по заданной теме, берет интервью и пишет статьи. У
нее очень насыщенная жизнь.

10.Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 5A.
11. Translate the text from Russian into English

Шопоголизм – болезнь или увлечение?

Прогулка по магазинам после работы или в выходные дни является для

многих женщин лучшим способом расслабиться. Более того, некоторые
представительницы слабого пола даже говорят, что отлично релаксируют
таким образом, а другие находят в шопоголизме единственную возможность
успокоить нервы и порой даже спастись от глубокой депрессии.

Однако зачастую случается, что невинный, на первый взгляд, шопинг в

поисках самых необходимых товаров превращается в самую настоящую
бешеную гонку, когда женщина буквально сметает все с прилавков
магазинов, абсолютно не задумываясь о том, какие финансовые последствия
могут ее ожидать. А придя в себя, она потом недоумевает, зачем же накупила
это множество совершенно ненужных вещей, почему не посчитала сразу,
сколько это все стоит… И приходят к ней муки совести. В такие моменты
многие дамы начинают думать, что шопоголизм – это зависимость, куда
более страшная, чем наркотическая. И, между прочим, не без оснований.

Мнение экспертов

Дело в том, что психологи такое явление как шопоголизм называют самой
настоящей психологической зависимостью. Зависимостью от необдуманных
покупок. Специалисты склонны рассматривать этот вопрос как весьма
болезненную и крайне важную проблему нашего времени. И неспроста,
поскольку число шопоголиков, как показывает статистика, сегодня
стремительно увеличивается, не отставая от развития сферы товаров и услуг.
К примеру, известно, что в Соединенных Штатах от этой зависимости
страдают не менее пятнадцати 15 миллионов граждан, и еще 50 миллионов
человек находятся всего в одном шаге от этого состояния.

У шопоголии женское лицо

Клиническая картина шопоголизма достаточно ясна: женщина просто-

напросто не в состоянии спокойно пройти мимо яркой витрины, она не
может не зайти в каждый магазин, встречающийся на ее пути, и при этом
уговаривает себя, что «только посмотрит». Результат: пустой кошелек, гора
ненужных вещей и семейный скандал. К слову, именно из-за боязни
семейных сцен многим шопоголичкам свойственно старательно скрывать
свои покупки от родных. И это тоже не удивительно, ведь в последнее время
значительно увеличилось количество браков, которые распались из-за
подобного пристрастия.


1. Анна – типичный шопоголик. Для нее это терапевтическое

занятие. Как только у нее возникают проблемы на работе или в
личной жизни, она идет по магазинам.
2. Бекки заканчивает школу и еще не знает, кем хочет стать в
будущем. За что бы она не бралась, она не может сидеть долго за
одним занятием, потому что ей быстро всё надоедает.

3. Волонтерская работа в «Гринпис» отнимает много времени, так

как приходится организовывать различные акции в защиту
животных и окружающей среды и участвовать в митингах, но эта
работа стоящая.

4. Он просто помешен на видеоиграх и иногда бывает так увлечен

ими, что забывает обо всех делах.

5. Чтобы отвлечься от рутинных трудовых будней, многие психологи

рекомендуют посещать занятия йогой, которые помогают

6. Раньше она была помешена на искусстве: постоянно посещала

выставки современного искусства, ходила в театры, интересовалась
живописью, но, после того как вышла замуж, потеряла интерес ко
всему и стала проводить часы перед телевизором.

7. Плодотворный период в карьере этого музыканта был именно в

молодости, тогда он записал четыре альбома и получил много

8. Этот человек настоящий культурный деятель, он увлекается

посещением любого рода выставок, музеев или театров, он считает
это по-настоящему стоящим делом.

9. Ученые доказали, что йога оказывает оздоравливающий эффект не

только на тело, но и на разум, и часто является хорошим
помощником людям с активной деловой жизнью.

10.Аманда никогда не может делать что-то одно долгое время,

поэтому она не может найти удовлетворяющую ее работу.
11.Что ты будешь делать, если придется бросить спорт?

12.Некоторые люди считают, что работа садовником успокаивает, но в

действительности это не так.

13.Мэгги давно увлекается вышивкой и радует творчеством своих

друзей и близких, но сейчас осознает, что это не прибыльное дело и
ей нужно подумать о новом занятии, которое будет приносить

2. Films and performances

1. Read the text, translate the collocations in bold and retell the text
using new expressions.

I've never had any desire to go on the stage myself but I’d love to produce a film.
I think historical dramas work particularly well on the big screen and I’d love to
make a film about Vikings in Britain. There'd be plenty of opportunities to use
special effects during battle scenes. I’d want the male lead to be played by Hugh
Grant, while Nicole Kidman could have the female lead. Sean Penn could play the
role of a Viking warrior and I’d like Judi Dench to take on a cameo role. I’m sure
that, as always, she would give an excellent performance. My dream is to make a
film that would be nominated for an Oscar. Of course, I’d also like it to be an
immediate box-office hit, playing to full houses worldwide.

Other strong collocations are cast a film [select the actors for a film],
star in a film, shoot a film, make a film.
An actor’s career
Portia Cole had always dreamt of having her name in lights1. At school she
was a leading light2 of the drama club, and she spent all her free time
treading the boards3. Portia’s tendency to play to the gallery4 meant she was
quickly noticed when she started acting professionally. When she got the
opportunity to take over the leading role in a popular new crowd-puller5 in a
major London theatre, she was waiting in the wings6, ready and eager to take
centre stage7. She was surprised to feel very nervous before her opening
night. However, all her friends and relatives assured her that it would be all
right on the night8, and it was! The audience and the critics loved her, and
her career was well and truly launched.

1. being famous
2. an important member
3. acting on stage (in the theatre)

4. behave in a way to make people admire or support her
5. smth attracting a lot of attention and interest
6. ready to become important
7. become the most important person in the play
8. without problems on the day of the actual performance

2. Fill in with the words in brackets.

1 A film's …. tells the actors how to play their parts while the ………deals
with the financial side of the film, (producer, director).
2. When a book is made into a film, the original work by the ……is transformed
into a script by the......................................................(author, screenwriter)
3. She was the first person to appear in the opening….. so she felt quite nervous
as she stepped onto the …..................................(scene, stage).
4. In the variety show, a comedian told a few …. followed by a magician who
performed some great magic ….................(tricks, jokes).
5. Hundreds of .......... watched the circus parade through the streets in the
morning, and as a result there was a huge …. at the show in the evening,
(audience, spectators).
6. At the circus we laughed at …. the with their silly clothes and make-up and
gasped in amazement as the……..performed on the flying trapeze, (acrobats,
7. The museum's..........is the person who is in charge of the place whereas the
. .…looks after the building, (curator, caretaker).
8. At the concert the.......led the couple to their seats. Moments later the …
appeared on his podium and the choir began to sing, (usher/conductor)
9 .Yesterday morning we went to the zoo where we saw the animals in
their.............and the fish in the.........(aquarium/cages).
10. The ............ played some soft music while the . . .…were backstage getting
ready for the play, (orchestra, cast).

3. Fill in the correct word from the list.

setting script scene cast plot characters

 The stars in the film's....... ….included Robert De Niro, Brad Pitt and Tom
 Thein the story were all based on real people.
 Copies of the...................were given to all actors so that they could learn their
 Thefor the film was a traditional Italian village.
 The film's...........was so complicated that I was totally confused by the time it
 The final............when the boy released the lion cub into the wild, was really

4. Read and translate useful adjectives for describing works and

adjective meaning example

overrated not as good as people say It's an overrated film/play.
hackneyed done so often it is boring The plot was so hackneyed!
impenetrable complex and impossible to His films are impenetrable.
disjointed unconnected and not in a clear The play was disjointed and difficult
order to follow.
far-fetched impossible to believe The film Green Aliens from Mars
was a bit far-fetched.
risque slightly immoral and likely to The play was a bit risque, and some
/ri'skei/ shock some people religious leaders criticised it.
gripping exciting and keeping your It was a gripping film from start to
attention the whole time finish.
harrowing extremely upsetting It was a harrowing documentary
about war and refugee camps.
moving making you feel strong emotion, It's a moving story about a child
especially pity or sadness whose mother dies.
memorable you remember it long after That was a memorable performance.
understated done or expressed in a simple The whole ballet is really
but attractive style understated.

5. Now use adjectives from the table above instead of the underlined words in
these sentences. Make any other changes that are necessary to produce a
correct sentence.
1 The musical shocked some people because they thought it was immoral and
was attacked by several politicians and religious figures.
1 Her performance was one of those you will never forget, simply marvellous.
2 I can't remember the last time I saw such a film that keeps you in suspense
and totally absorbed all the time.
3 It was a play that aroused very deep emotions in me.
4 It's a film that is difficult to watch without getting very upset.
5 Some of his films are absolutely impossible to understand because they are
so dense and obscure.

6. Read and translate the sentences

1) His latest opera was panned (very negatively criticized) by the critics, which
is strange, since all his previous works have been universally lauded (highly

2) The play bombed in London's West End, but was more successful in New
York, (was a failure).
3) Her latest CD has won three awards. (prizes/honours, e.g. 'Best CD of the
4) Anthony O'Donnell won the award for 'Best up-and-coming actor' of 2001.
(likely to become very famous or successful)
5) The critics generally agree that her new symphony is a masterpiece, (very
great work of art)
6) Novak was definitely miscast as the father in that film, (was the wrong person
for the role)
7) She has become typecast as a middle-aged mother, (always associated with
that type of role)
8) He was given several encores for his performance of the violin concerto.
(calls from the audience to repeat it)
9) She got a standing ovation for her performance of Juliet in Romeo and Juliet.
(the audience stood up and applauded)

7. Answer these questions.

1 Would you like to go to a play that was universally lauded by all the critics?
Why / Why not?
2 Good performers deserve an encore. True? Would you give one?
3 Would you like to see a film that was panned by the cinema critics? Why / Why
4 What are the top Hollywood awards for films normally called? What is their
more correct name?
5 Do most actors like to become typecast? Why / Why not?
6 A standing ovation shows that the audience disliked the performance. True?
Why / Why not?

8. Translate from English into Russian

1.The author managed to make his new book very moving and gripping. This
book was made into a play which was universally lauded.

2.He was never dreamt of being nominated for an Oscar. But his male lead was
so successfully played that nobody doubted he would receive this award.

3.The director took on a cameo role the American basketball star Bob Jackson.
When the film appeared on the big screens, it was a real box-office hit.

4.The programme devoted to the problem of education in our country attracted an

audience of almost ten million.

5.Screenwriters are the writers of the script of a film. They create the dialogues,
the characters and the story line of a movie script.

6.She has a very big and beautiful garden where she keeps her parrots in the
spacious cages.

7.He is very often in a mood to tell jokes and he likes to play inoffensive tricks on
his friends.

8.She feels very nervous before stepping onto the stage. But she always gets a
standing ovation for her giving an excellent performance. In fact she has her
name in lights.

9.It’s far from being easy to shoot a good film. Camera work should be perfect.
The designer should properly think over the setting and the cast should include

10. He has become typecast as a lover because of his handsome appearance and
perfect ability of flattering.

11. The Boat Show is one of the south coast’s major crowd-pullers. Hundreds of
spectators come to watch it.

12.I hoped to see a memorable performance but in fact it was rather hackneyed.

13.The film is overrated. There are too much special effects during battle scenes
that makes it a bit far-fetched.

14.One of the most famous epic masterpieces is Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”.

15.His latest play was panned by the critics because of its very disjointed plot.

9. Translate from Russian into English

1. Если вы хотите снять хороший фильм, то вам необходимо подобрать

неплохой актёрский состав.
2. Джейсон Стэтхем играет по большей части однотипные роли, поэтому
сейчас многие его работы подвергаются резкой критике.

3. Показ фильма «Бруно» стал кассовым мероприятием.

4. Спецэффекты в фильме «Борат» поразили публику своим космическим


5. Главную мужскую роль в фильме « Малиновый шмель» получил
известный сербский актёр Петко Ледко.Он долго ждал своего часа, и вот
он настал.

6. В наше время существует масса занятий: вязание, вышивка, шитьё,

керамика, живопись. Если вы не лежебока, то найдёте что-нибудь по

7. Райан Гослинг сыграл эпизодическую роль в фильме «Место под


8. Действия картины являются несопряжёнными, порой даже


9. Многие мои друзья подсели на компьютерные игры. Они играют

целыми днями.

10.Эта подающая надежды актриса проводить все свободное время,

выступая на сцене

11.Недавно она получила продолжительные овации за роль в новой

душераздирающей пьесе.

12.Эта премьера довольно непостижимого фильма провалилась в Китае, но

увенчалась успехом в ряде других стран.

13.Пьеса была непристойная, и некоторые религиозные люди критиковали

её. Придраться к ней не составило для них труда.

14.Новая постановка «Ромео и Джульетты» выдающегося драматурга

Шекспира подверглась резкой критике и чуть не была разнесена в пух и

15. Сюжет этого фильма не банален, сценарист постарался на славу.

16.Этот фильм был номинирован на Оскар за блистательную игру этой

превосходной актрисы, которая играла главную роль.

17.Джонни Депп теперь стал прототипом пирата.

18.Пенелопа Крус была подвергнута критике так как это была

неподходящая роль для нее.

19.Вчера я ходил на Великого Гэтсби. Фильм очень захватывающий и


20.Критики считают, что фильм переоценен и сюжет весьма банален.

21.Пол Уокер долго ждал своего часа и отрабатывал актерское мастерство.

22. 1 мая в Лос-Анджелесе состоялась премьера фильма «Форсаж 6»,

которая прошла без каких-либо помех

23.Сегодня восходящая звезда Аманда Сейфрид находится в центре

внимания и очень популярна среди зрителей.

24. В российском прокате стартует очередной сегмент одной из самых

любимых публикой франшиз — «Форсаж», который уже хит продаж.

10. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 11A, 6A.

11. Read the texts, translate and retell

Golshifteh Farahani is the biggest female film star to come out of Iran but she
isn’t in any rush to return home.

With the amount of walkie-talkies, clipboards and fierce-looking faces

charging up and down, you’d think red carpet events were micro-managed down
to the last flash of celebrity teeth.
But at Abu Dhabi’s Middle Eastern International Film Festival, it seems,
things were a bit more on the casual side. So casual, that some stars weren’t even
provided with a schedule. “What? Red Carpet? Really?”
Golshifteh Farahani’s latest film, About Elly, is about to be shown at the
Emirates Palace, but I appear to be the first to tell the award-winning Iranian
actress that – according to the timetable – she’s due on the red carpet beforehand.
As the phone goes down, I immediately imagine a wild hands-aloft panic in the
hotel room as suitcases are torn apart trying to find something suitable to wear and
makeup hurriedly applied.
If this were indeed the case, it’s not apparent some 20 minutes later. The tall
26-year-old, accompanied by her impressively beardy director husband Amin,
casually glides past the cameras like a pro. Elegantly dressed in a shimmering silk
suit, offset with a pair of rather colourful heels, Golshifteh appears as if she’s done
this many times before. And of course, she has.
About Elly, which sees Golshifteh play cupid in a tale of relationships and
tragedy in Middle Class Iran, has been doing the festival circuit for several months,
picking up various awards on the way. Most notable were the Silver Bear for Best
Director at 2009’s Berlin Film Festival and Best Picture at New York’s Tribeca
Film Festival. But for Golshifteh, the film has greater poignancy, as it may be her
last acting experience in Iran.
“It’s funny, because inside Iran, as an artist you’re automatically part of the
opposition, and outside of Iran I was the ‘axis of evil’.”
Before her appearance in 2008’s Body of Lies, Golshifteh was already major
name in her homeland, with 18 films under her belt. But it was Ridley’s Scott’s
thriller about Middle Eastern terrorism and espionage – in which she played a
Jordanian nurse to Leonardo DiCaprio’s CIA spy – that threw her onto the
international stage. It also made her the first Iranian to star in a major Hollywood
picture since the 1979 revolution, and as such a rather controversial figure,
especially given the film’s delicate subject matter. And it very nearly didn’t
“They couldn’t actually hire me at the beginning because I was Iranian,
because of the US trade embargo,” she tells me after the screening (which, by the
way, passed without any other organisational blunders). “It’s funny, because inside
Iran, as an artist you’re automatically part of the opposition, and outside of Iran I
was the ‘axis of evil’.” Thankfully, Golshifteh was saved from this seemingly lose-
lose scenario by Ridley Scott, whose lawyers found a loophole by sorting her
contract via London rather than the US. “If it wasn’t for him, it wouldn’t have
But the drama really unfolded once Body of Lies was completed. She was
banned from leaving Iran in February 2008, a move that saw her miss an audition
to play alongside Jake Gyllenhaal in Prince of Persia (a role that eventually went to
the distinctly un-Persian Gemma Arterton). Eventually she managed to sweet talk
the Iranian authorities into letting her attend the October premier of Body of Lies
in New York. “I was allowed to go, but with some chains,” she smiles. She never
returned home.

12. Translate the text from Russian into English

История о Питере Пэне станет следующим фильмом режиссера Гэри


Следующей режиссерской работой Гэри Росса станет лента студии Диснея

"Питер Пэн и Ловцы звезд" ("Peter and the Starcatchers"), сообщается на сайте

Картина является экранизацией одноименной книги, написанной

американскими авторами Дэйвом Барри и Ридли Пирсоном и
опубликованной впервые в 2004 году. Работа Барри и Пирсона, в свою
очередь, являлась приквелом к роману Джеймса Барри "Питер Пэн и Венди".
(Дэйв Барри и Джеймс Барри не связаны родством, на английском их
фамилии пишутся по-разному - Barry и Barrie.)

Предполагается, что работа над сценарием "Питера Пэна и Ловцов звезд"

завершится к октябрю 2012 года. Информации о том, когда именно ленту
планируют выпустить в прокат, в настоящее время нет.

Последней на сегодняшний день режиссерской работой Гэри Росса является

экранизация романа Сьюзен Коллинз "Голодные игры" ("The Hunger
Games"). Фильм вышел на экраны в марте 2012 года и оказался крайне

успешным в прокате. Его кассовые сборы составили более 684 миллионов
долларов США при бюджете в 78 миллионов долларов.

Студия Lionsgate в ближайшее время намеревается приступить к съемкам

продолжения "Голодных игр", однако Росс еще в апреле объявил о том, что
не будет принимать участия в работе над сиквелом.

В Выборге завершился 20-й кинофестиваль “Окно в Европу”

В субботу, 18 августа в Выборге завершил работу юбилейный фестиваль

российского кино “Окно в Европу”. Кинофестиваль проводился уже в 20-й
раз, сообщают РИА Новости.

Лауреаты фестиваля 2012 года были названы на торжественной церемонии

закрытия кинофорума, в рамках которого были представлены три
самостоятельные конкурсные программы — игровое кино, документальное
кино, анимационное кино.

Победителями кинофестиваля в номинации “лучший игровой фильм” в этом

году стали сразу две картины: “Все ушли” Георгия Параджанова и “Шопинг-
тур” Михаила Брашинского. Последний получил также еще и приз гильдии
киноведов и кинокритиков России. Помимо этого в этой конкурсной
программе, жюри которой возглавлял режиссер Роман Балаян, были вручены
два специальных приза. Сыгравшая в “Шопинг-тур” Татьяна Галганова
получила приз за лучшую женскую роль, а Сергей Мачильский был
награжден за лучшую операторскую работу над фильмом “Все ушли”.

В категории неигрового кино — жюри этой конкурсной программы

возглавил писатель Юрий Поляков — лучшей была признана работа "Кино
кончилось" Ирины Васильевой. Специальный приз жюри достался ленте
"Россия.Позитив" Ашота Джазояна и Армана Еритсяна.

Среди анимационных фильмов лучшим был назван "Заснеженный всадник"

режиссера Алексея Туркуса. В жюри этой конкурсной программы
председательствовал режиссер, сценарист и аниматор Олег Ужинов. Особым
призом оно отметило работу Дмитрия Геллера "Я видел, как мыши кота

В конкурсе "Выборгский счет" на первом месте оказался фильм Егора

Баранова "Соловей-разбойник", на втором — "Поклонница" Виталия
Мельникова, а третье место досталось "Я буду рядом" Павла Руминова.
Мельников получил также и приз президента фестиваля.

3. Music

1. Look at these music reviews, translate and note the collocations in
Bloom Music from the Centre of the Earth (Palm records 234655)
New arrivals on the rock music scene, Bloom are already making a big
impact. If you're looking for background music, then this is not for you, but
if you want music to blast out from1 your hi-fi and annoy the neighbours,
then Bloom's debut2 album, with tracks from their live performance at the
Delaya Stadium, may be just what you want.
Johnny MacRoy Songs we loved (Kase Phonograph 488792)
For fans of easy listening3 and catchy4 tunes, this is all you need. In fact it's
so relaxing you might just fall asleep. MacRoy gives a sentimental
performance of these old love songs. At 47, he's not exactly a pop idol but
his adoring fans will love it.
The Divide Amphibian (Fono Corp 3321978)
This is a rock symphony, an extraordinary piece of music. After their massive
hit in 2004 with Megalith, their record company has released this CD hoping
for another big hit. The band themselves wrote the music. They have a huge
following and are due to go on tour later this year.
The Oxbridge Symphonia British classics old and new (Rotor Records
Haunting melodies and the occasional virtuoso performance from its two
soloists mark this collection of popular British classical music, which aims
to capture a wider audience for the classics and to promote Britain's musical
heritage. Roger Crow conducts the orchestra. Crow himself composed two of
the pieces, hence the CD title. Good birthday present for your uncle and
aunt. But if you're a real classical music lover, save your money.
Bust-Out With Jola V Blaze Mama (Presto 58843)
Bust-out's new double CD features6 Jola V, a young rap7artist from Miami.
Jola used to be with Chicago hip-hop band Frenzy, but went solo in 2004.
The band have remixed8 four tracks from earlier albums and Jola's uptempo9
numbers just add to the excitement.

1. sound extremely loud

2. presented to the public for the first time
3. music that is not serious or difficult
4. pleasant and easy to remember
5. extremely skillful
6. includes as an important part
7. rock music in which rhymed lyrics are spoken over rhythm tracks
8. made a new version of a musical track
9. played at a fast beat

2. Change the underlined words using collocations above so that each
sentence has the opposite meaning.
1 The band's last CD was a minor hit. (give two answers)
2 There are some great slow numbers on this new CD.
3 The band has a small following of dedicated fans.
4 Music was playing quietly on a CD player when I entered the house.
5 Maria Plurosa gave a poor performance of Heder's violin concerto last

3. Correct the eight collocation errors in this paragraph. The first one is
done for you.

For all folk music lik ers, Johnny Coppin's new CD, The Long Harvest,
published last week, will be a great addition to their collection. Bob
recently got solo after five years with the folk band Blue Mountain. He
is proud of the musical inheritance of his native Kentucky. Tracks 3 and
7 comprise his old friend Wiz Carter on guitar. With this CD Coppin
says he hopes to control a wider audience for folk music. His excellent
living performance at the recent Lockwood Folk Festival suggests he has
a good chance of succeeding. He makes a tour next month. Don't miss

4. Complete these sentences with suitable collocations

1 Hundreds of.................fans were waiting for Shamira to come out of the

concert hall.
2 The orchestra gave a wonderful ............of some popular classics.
3 It was a very.................tune; you only had to hear it once and you were
singing it.
4 I'd love to………………a musical instrument but I don't have time.
5 It is one of those................melodies which you never forget, so beautiful,
yet so sad.
6 There's a lot of musical in the family; all the children play an

5. Translate from Russian into English

1. Американский реп—исполнитель Tyler The Creator выпустил

свой дебютный альбом в 2007 году.
2. Плодотворное сотрудничество двух музыкантов подарило
миру десятки величайших произведений.

3. Татарский скрипач Мангулу Туголо был номинирован в

категории «Самый многообещающий музыкант Европы».
4. Группа Скорпионс имеет огромное количество фанатов по
всему миру, поэтому они все время гастролируют.

5. У него много фанатов, так как его музыка легкая и легко


6. Большинство современной поп-музыки строиться на

банальной легко запоминающейся мелодии. Терпеть не могу когда музыка
прямо взрывается из машины.

7. Бэтси любит альтернативную рок музыку, но не прочь

послушать поп-музыку фоном, пока едет в машине.

8. Я думаю, что качественную музыку нужно слушать только

через наушники, потому что из вашей стерео системы вырывается дикий

9. Дебютный альбом Бритни Спирс, который называется “Baby

One More Time…” вышел в 1999 и прославил певицу во всем мире.

10. На вручении премии Video Music Awards от MTV, Джастин

Тимберлэйк выступал с новым хитом 2013 года “Suit and Tie”.

11. У этого популярного артиста (поп-идола) целая армия

поклонников. Смерть Майкла Джексона потрясла миллионы фанатов
восхищающихся поп идолом целого поколения.

12. Я думаю, что настоящий исполнитель не тот, кто только поет,

но кто и сочиняет музыку сам.

13. Каждый музыкант мечтает стать популярным, но со временем

бесконечные туры и навязчивые папарацци надоедают и слава не кажется
такой желанной.

14. Потрясающие постановки и восхитительная музыка на

концертах Бон Джови притягивает большую аудиторию любителей рока.

15. Мне нравится, когда мои любимые исполнители записывают

совместные песни.

16. Группа Братья Грим распалась в 2009 году, потому что один
из ее участников, Борис Грим, начал сольную карьеру.

17. Сейчас стало популярным записывать ремиксы песен 30

годов 20-го столетия.

18. Симфония №9 написанная Бетховеном в 1824 году стала
шедевром классической музыки.

19. Некоторые из лирических произведений, позже обработанных

в быстром темпе, кажутся нелепыми.

20. В 2008 году легендарный рэп исполнитель Джей-Зи женился

на королеве поп-музыки Бейонсе.

21. Ученые утверждают, что, занимаясь делами под фоновую

музыку, вы увеличиваете свою продуктивность.

22. Ее дебютный альбом оказался невероятно успешным – было

продано полмиллиона копий по всему миру. Рики Мартин очень популярен
среди девочек-подростков из-за легко запоминающихся мелодий и
слезливых выступлений.

23. Эта никому не известная рок-группа так потрясающе

выступила вживую, что я не пожалел, что купил билет.

24. Этот исполнитель выпустил свой новый альбом с участием

всемирно известной оперной певицы Монсеррат Кабалье.

25. Они развернули крупную рекламную кампанию, чтобы

привлечь широкую аудиторию.

26. Россия имеет огромное музыкальное наследие, поэтому

русская народная музыка так популярна среди иностранцев.

27. Оркестром дирижировал Мстислав Ростропович – публика

аплодировала ему стоя и несколько раз вызывала на бис.

28. Новый гастрольный тур, в который эта группа отправилась

месяц назад, понравится всем любителям рок-музыки. Группа перезаписала
несколько своих песен, за что преданные фанаты были им очень благодарны.

6. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 6B,7A.

7. Read the text, translate and retell

Musician helps Alzheimer's patients

The boom-bip and rat-a-tat-tat of songs like "Ain't She Sweet" and "When the
Saints Come Marching In" ring through the air. Tony Sanso, a leftover of the
ragtime music era, sweat glistening on his brow, is banging on the keys of a piano,
while his audience, captivated, dances in front of him.I t may sound like a party,

but actually it's a Thursday morning therapy session at the Alzheimer's/dementia
ward of the Morse Geriatric Center.

"It's like a senior citizen Woodstock," Sanso said. In some ways, it is. The cool,
white halls of the Morse Center, though a far cry from the smoky lounges and
clubs Sanso used to play, provide a musical focal point for this older generation.
His music may do something for them that nothing else can. The scene at the
Morse Clinic is almost dreamy, quiet. Before Tony enters the room, the residents
mill around, some moaning. Their faces are listless, their eyes glistening under the
haze of Alzheimer's disease. Until Sanso arrives.

"When Tony comes in, the room fills up and they know he's there," says Michelle
Capogrosso, director of therapeutic recreation at Morse. "It's fun, it's light, it's
lively. The music starts, they're singing, there's clapping. Even the staff is
involved. "But this isn't just about fun and games. According to Capogrosso, there
is a therapeutic benefit to this "party."

"The music really enhances their lifestyle, their quality of life," she says.Dr.
Juergen Bludau, the medical director at Morse, has seen immense benefits for
residents there after Tony's routine.

"We've noticed that [the music] helps with hydration, it makes them thirsty, it
makes them willing to drink," says Bludau. "It helps them...get to bed better. We
are able to stimulate an appetite. So, it definitely has a positive impact on these
patients. "Can music spark a dormant interest in life? Perhaps so.

A study on the impact of music therapy on dementia patients, conducted by

Eastern Michigan University, determined that patients consumed 20 percent more
calories when music was played during lunchtime -- food for thought, certainly.
The Alzheimer's Association also lists music therapy as a potentially enriching
activity. Music, it says, can stir memories and encourage group activity through
singing and clapping. The Association and the Michigan study caution, however,
that the tunes must match the musical tastes of the residents -- otherwise it could
be harmful.

8.Translate the text from Russian into English

Queens of the Stone Age приступили к записи нового альбома

Группа Queens of the Stone Age приступила к записи новой студийной

пластинки. О работе в студии музыканты сообщили на своей странице в
Facebook. При этом QOTSA не стали раскрывать подробностей рекорд-
сессий, ограничившись лишь одним словом - "Записываемся".

Пост о старте работы над новым альбомом появился в Facebook коллектива

несколько часов назад. Чуть позже на странице QOTSA появилась

фотография, сделанная в студии. Пока никаких официальных сведений о
названии и сроке релиза новой пластинки QOTSA нет.

Предыдущий альбом QOTSA - "Era Vulgaris" - вышел в 2007 году. Он стал

пятым в студийной дискографии коллектива. С 2007 года группа не
выпускала новых записей, за исключением песни "Outlaw Blues",
включенной в благотворительную пластинку каверов на Боба Дилана
"Chimes of Freedom: Songs of Bob Dylan Honoring 50 Years of Amnesty
International" (2012).

В течение последних нескольких лет музыканты QOTSA занимались

собственным творчеством. Так, например, вокалист группы Джош Омм стал
участником супергруппы Them Crooked Vultures, а гитарист Дин Фертита -
коллектива The Dead Weather.

4. Books

1. Read and translate collocations in bold

When a new book or film comes out, newspapers will review it. The
people who review the book/film are called book reviewers / film critics
and they write book/film reviews. If they don't like a book/film they give
it a bad review. We can say that a novel or film is based on a true story.
We say that a book/film captures an atmosphere or that a book/film
deals with a topic. We talk about the opening/closing scenes of a film
and the opening/closing chapters of a book. We talk about the beginning
and end of a book/film (NOT start and finish ). If everything works out
well for the central characters, we say that the book/film has a happy
ending. You may recommend a book/film that you enjoyed to a friend. If
a lot of people have enjoyed it, it is highly recommended.

2. Use collocations above instead of the underlined words in this

conversation. The conversation has no errors, but the changes will
improve it.
Mattew: Have you read that new book that has just appeared about Ireland?
Lorna: No, I don't go to bookshops and I don't read articles discussing new
books . What's it about?
Mattew: Well, it concerns the Irish War of Independence. It's very authentic
and it manages to give the atmosphere of Ireland at the beginning of the
20th century.
Lorna: Is it just historical facts, then?
Mattew: No, the main people are two brothers who have different opinions
about the war and this divides their family. In the first chapters they're

happy and do everything together, but by the last chapter they have become
Lorna: Mm, it sounds a bit depressing to me.
Mattew: Well, it certainly doesn't finish in a happy way , but I liked it, and
it's recommended very much by all the critics.
Lorna: So, a book with a pleasant start and a sad finish. Not for me, I'm
afraid. I prefer the opposite.

3. Read and translate the dialogue paying attention to the collocations in bold
Ken: I read that novel that Laura recommended. I eventually managed to wade
through1 all 400 pages, but I didn’t like it very much. It was really heavy going2.
It’s not what I would call a page-turner3!
Nina: Yeah. The critics in the Sunday papers certainly did a hatchet job on4 it.
Ken: Well, it’s pretty easy to pick holes in5 the plot. I didn’t think it was at all
Nina: Mind you, I could never write a short story, let alone a novel.
Ken: Yes, it’s much easier to be an armchair critic6, isn’t it?
finish reading something, but with difficulty
difficult to read or understand
a book that is so exciting that you have to read it quickly
criticised strongly and cruelly
find mistakes in; criticize
6 criticize, but without any personal expertise in what is being 27criticized (You
can also say ‘armchair traveller’ and ‘armchair gardener’.)

4. Read and translate types of books

Type of book Function/Purpose

journal written record of what you have done each day,

manual also means an academic publication containing articles
reporting research, new theories, etc., published at
regular intervals (e.g. every three months)

memoirs written record of a person's own life, typically by a

politician or military figure

anthology collection of, for example, poems or short stories by

different authors

compendium collection of detailed, concise information about a

particular subject

manual usually a technical book with instructions, for example,

a computer manual

logbook book that records events and times, etc., for example, all
the journeys made by a lorry or ship

5. Which names for types of books or other reading material would best fit
these statements?

1 It's by General Rogers who led the allied forces during the recent war.
1 It's so badly written I don't know how anyone could learn how to use the
video camera by reading it.
2 I recommend it. If you want to read a typical selection of English poets, it's
3 The latest issue contains a paper by Professor Colin Frith, in which he
presents a new theory of the human mind.
6. Here are some things famous people have said about books. What do you
think they mean?
1 'All books are divisible into two classes, the books of the hour, and the
books of all time.' (John Ruskin: British philosopher)
2 'Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be
chewed and digested.' (Francis Bacon: British philosopher and essayist)

7. Translate from English into Russian

1. This year a new book by Jonathan Coe has come out and it has got lots of
good reviews.
2. Ray Bradbury’s book «Something wicked this way comes» deals with the
adventures of two friends in the centre of frightening and dangerous

3. The most famous dystopias of XX century never worked out well for the
central characters.

4. The opening and closing chapters of the book «Extremely Loud and
Incredibly Close» are both harrowing and sad, however, this work is really
highly recommended.

5. Don’t read this book, it is really heavy going. It’s better to read something
pleasant and easier.

6. My friend managed to wade through 500 pages of the book «Great

Expectations». It was so much for him.

7. This book is a page-turner, I can’t tear myself away of it!

8. I’ve picked some holes in this manual, I don’t recommend it to you.

9. If you like films working out well, don’t watch this one, its closing scene is
really unhappy.

10. I know that you’re fond of many English poets, why won’t you buy an
anthology with them?

11. Now this journal comes out monthly not weekly.

12. I’m eager to buy some memoirs of a popular writer but I don’t know what
to choose. Will you recommend me something?

13. I am an armchair critic but this compendium is so hackneyed and disjointed.

14.There is a recorded test of the ship of 1867 in this logbook.

15.This site has a great amount of reviews written by film critic Tim Brown for
many of the best movies ever made throughout the history of cinema.

16.A new book of the famous English writer, Joanne Rowling, will come out on
this Friday. It is know that the book doesn’t deal with magic, it is based on a
true story.

17.This book captures the atmosphere of adventure, true friendship and love,
and it works out well, so you will definitely enjoy it.

18.The central character in this book is a famous and brilliant actress having
everything in her life- family, beauty, fame and money, but suddenly her life
begin to change.

19.The opening and the closing scenes of this film are quite alike. In the
beginning there is a funeral procession, but at the end we see a pompous
wedding ceremony.

20.I don’t stand physics, but I have to wade through the whole textbook in the
next two days to pass my physics exam.

21.At the weekends I decided to read a novel that my sister loves so much. To
my surprise, it was really heavy going that I didn’t manage to wade it

22.I’ve read this book for 2 days though there are 400 pages in it. The plot is so
gripping and I couldn’t tear myself away from it. It is a real turn-pager.

23.The critics did a hatchet job on his latest opera that is quite strange because
all his previous works have been highly praised.

24.The lawyer picked holes in the witness's story.Stop picking holes in

everything I say!

25.While abroad he had kept a journal in which he recorded his every step..

26.Francie’s poetry is published in many magazines and anthologies, and a first

collection is being prepared.

27.Before using any electronic device it’s better to read attentively a manual
which contains all the necessary instructions.

8. Translate from Russian into English

1. Эта антология считается увлекательным чтивом.

2. Несмотря на то, что это было трудной задачей, я справился с
несколькими томами этого романа.

3. Когда выходит новая книга, газеты и журнала делают обзор на неё.

4. Начальные сцены Анны Карениной описывают переполох, который

случился в доме Облонских.Книга закaнчивается печально, так как
Анна, не выдержав давление высшего общества, бросается под поезд.

5. Сначала я подумал, что книга Л.Н.Толстого тяжелая и мне придется

пробираться через все 500 страниц, но я обнаружил, что это
захватывающая книга. Книга передает атмосферу второй мировой
войны и имеет счастливый конец.

6. Эта книга очень захватывающая, нужно только преодолеть первые 50

страниц описания Парижа. Мне нравится, что в последней главе у
героев все получается и у книги счастливый конец.

7. Недавно вышел новый фильм Федора Бондарчука «Сталинград».
Газеты сделали обзор. Фильм получил много положительных отзывов.
Режиссеру удалось передать атмосферу великого сражения.

8. Начальные сцены Ревизора описывают переполох, вызванный

получением сообщения о приезде чиновника.

9. Я люблю фильмы, в которых для главных героев все складывается

хорошо. Они создают у меня чувство облегчения и счастья.

10. Мемуары Дашковой охватывают время правления Елизаветы

Петровны, Петра III, Екатерины II, Павла I и Александра I.

11. Я думала, что мне придется пробираться через все 800 страниц «Саги о
Форсайтах», но, к счастью, все три тома оказались захватывающими.

12. Среди экранизаций детских сказок критиками несправедливо был

раскритикован фильм Криса Вайца. Легко быть кабинетным критиком.

13. Российские критики придрались к сюжету нового фильма Никиты

Михалкова, но несмотря на это его скоро покажут в Канне.

14.Пока Мери не прочитала всю инструкцию по пользованию мульти

варки, она даже не притронулась к ней.

15. Алекс интересуется новыми исследованиями, достижениями в науке и

технике, поэтому он выписывает журнал «Наука будущего».

16. В детстве на ночь мама мне читала рассказы из хрестоматии. Я их

очень люблю и сейчас.

17. Финальные главы Мартина Идена не оправдали моих надежд, так как я
надеялась на счастливый конец, но главный герой умер.

18. Рецензенты хорошо отозвались о последнем романе Иванова, чему

автор был очень рад.

19. Катя с детства ведет дневник, в котором подробно описывает каждый

прожитый день. Это помогает ей анализировать ошибки и делать
правильные выводы.

20. Бабушка подарила Марку справочник редких растений России, так как
она узнала, что внук хочет стать ботаником.

21.Комиссия расследовала причины крушения корабля, она изучила все

документы, в том числе и журнал регистрации (бортовой журнал).

9. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 11A, 11 B.
10. Read the text, do a sight translation

Some ways to cultivate a lifetime reading habit

“To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost
all the miseries of life.” — W. Somerset Maugham.

Somewhere after “lose weight”, “stop procrastinating”, and “fall in love”, “read
more” is one of the top goals that many people set for themselves. And rightly so:
A good book can be hugely satisfying, can teach you about things beyond your
daily horizons, and can create characters so vivid you feel as if you really know

If reading is a habit you’d like to get into, there are a number of ways to
cultivate it.

First, realize that reading is highly enjoyable, if you have a good book. If you have
a lousy book (or an extremely difficult one) and you are forcing yourself through
it, it will seem like a chore. If this happens for several days in a row, consider
abandoning the book and finding one that you’ll really love.

Other than that, try these tips to cultivate a lifetime reading habit:

 Set times. You should have a few set times during every day when you’ll
read for at least 5-10 minutes. These are times that you will read no matter what
— triggers that happen each day. For example, make it a habit to read during
breakfast and lunch (and even dinner if you eat alone). And if you also read every
time you’re sitting on the can, and when you go to bed, you now have four times
a day when you read for 10 minutes each — or 40 minutes a day. That’s a great
start, and by itself would be an excellent daily reading habit. But there’s more
you can do.
 Always carry a book. Wherever you go, take a book with you. When I
leave the house, I always make sure to have my drivers license, my keys and my
book, at a minimum. The book stays with me in the car, and I take it into the
office and to appointments and pretty much everywhere I go, unless I know I
definitely won’t be reading (like at a movie). If there is a time when you have to
wait (like at a doctor’s office or at the DMV), whip out your book and read. Great
way to pass the time.
 Make a list. Keep a list of all the great books you want to read. You can
keep this in your journal, in a pocket notebook, on your personal home page, on
your personal wiki, wherever. Be sure to add to it whenever you hear about a
good book, online or in person. Keep a running list, and cross out the ones you
read. Tech trick: create a Gmail account for your book list, and email the address
every time you hear about a good book. Now your inbox will be your reading list.

When you’ve read a book, file it under “Done”. If you want, you can even reply
to the message (to the same address) with notes about the book, and those will be
in the same conversation thread, so now your Gmail account is your reading log
 Keep a log. Similar to the reading list, this log should have not only the title
and author of the books you read, but the dates you start and finish them if
possible. Even better, put a note next to each with your thoughts about the book.
It is extremely satisfying to go back over the log after a couple of months to see
all the great books you’ve read.
 Go to used book shops. My favorite place to go is a discount book store
where I drop off all my old books (I usually take a couple of boxes of books) and
get a big discount on used books I find in the store. I typically spend only a
couple of dollars for a dozen or more books, so although I read a lot, books aren’t
a major expense. And it is very fun to browse through the new books people have
donated. Make your trip to a used book store a regular thing.
 Make it pleasurable. Make your reading time your favorite time of day.
Have some good tea or coffee while you read, or another kind of treat. Get into a
comfortable chair with a good blanket. Read during sunrise or sunset, or at the
 Blog it. One of the best ways to form a habit is to put it on your blog. If you
don’t have one, create one. It’s free. Have your family go there and give you
book suggestions and comment on the ones you’re reading. It keeps you
accountable for your goals.
 Set a high goal. Tell yourself that you want to read 50 books this year (or
some other number like that). Then set about trying to accomplish it. Just be sure
you’re still enjoying the reading though — don’t make it a rushed chore.
 Have a reading hour or reading day. If you turn off the TV or Internet in
the evening, you could have a set hour (perhaps just after dinner) when you and
maybe all the members of your family read each night. Or you could do a reading
day, when you (and again, your other family members if you can get them to join
you) read for practically the whole day. It’s super fun.

11.Translate the text from Russian into English

Что может быть лучше книг?

Кто не слышал поговорку «Книги – лучшие друзья!»? Это

действительно так, и это нужно признать! Все меняется со временем, уходит
молодость, седеют волосы, но сила знания остаётся всемогущей, несмотря ни
на что! Именно чтение помогает нашей личности стать немного совершеннее
в этом несовершенном мире, оно добавляет свет в наши темные души, учит
быть терпимее к ближнему. К сожалению, с научно техническим прогрессом
и развитием науки любовь к чтению заметно погасла – все заменил

вездесущий компьютер и ненасытный Интернет. Согласитесь в плотном
графике современного человека довольно трудно найти свободное время для
чтения! Но надо заметить, что и в наше время есть те, кто понимает огромное
значение чтения для развития кругозора, принимает чтение, как «точилку»
для ума, осознаёт социальную направленность чтения!

Не удивляйтесь, но сколько пользы для здоровья приносит погружения в мир

букв и предложений. Этого своего рода пилюля против стресса. Настроение
заметно улучшается, душа отбывает в страну фантазий, где не существует зла
и разочарований. Обязанность каждого родителя – прививать любовь к
чтению своим детям, рассказывать о пользе этого занятия. Ребенок,
«вскормленный» чтением вырастает наиболее чутким к проявлениям
социальной среды. К тому же, человек с раннего детства держащий книгу в
руках, приобретает очень важную полезную привычку – привычку читать! В
подростковом возрасте сложно переоценить значение чтения полезной
литературы – поскольку все основные ценности формируются именно в этом
сложном возрасте. Подростки склонны идеализировать любимых героев,
стремятся подражать им в своих поступках, они начинают мечтать о своём
собственном будущем, тем самым изучая основы планирования жизни.

Известно, что чтение продуцирует умственную деятельность, стимулирует

развитие глазных мышц, что повышает и концентрацию, и способность к
наблюдению. Кроме того, чтение предполагает полную концентрацию
читателя на процессе, улучшает коммуникативные навыки. При чтении мы
находим такие точные и меткие фразы, которые очень уместны в
повседневной жизни – то есть развитие словарного запаса налицо! Только
читая, мы можем, не вставая с удобного дивана, побывать в самых
экзотических странах, понять образ мышления их жителей, а самое главное –
пропустить всю информацию через свою душу.

Читайте – и становитесь более чуткими, отзывчивыми. Может, именно

чтение делает из человека настоящего человека?

Module 2. Festivals and celebrations

1. Translate the text, specify the distinctive features of some notions.

What is a celebration? It is a joyful occasion for special festivities to mark some

happy event. What is the difference between holiday, festival and vacation?

The words holiday or vacation have related meanings in different English-

speaking countries and continents, but will usually refer to one of the following
activities or events:

 A general leave of absence from a regular occupation for rest or recreation

 A specific trip or journey for the purposes of recreation / tourism

 Official or unofficial observances of religious/national/cultural/other
significance, often accompanied by celebrations or festivities (public/religious

So what is the difference between holiday, vacation and festival?


Holiday is a contraction of holy and day, holidays originally represented special

religious days. This word has evolved in general usage to mean any extra special
day of rest (as opposed to regular days of rest such as the weekend).


A festival is an event, usually staged by a local community, which centers on some

unique aspect of that community. There are numerous types of festivals in the
world. Though many have religious origins, others involve seasonal change or
have some cultural significance.


In the United Kingdom the word "vacation" referred specifically to the long
summer break. The French term is similar to the American English: "Les
Vacances." The term derives from the fact that, in the past, upper-class families
would literally move to a summer home for part of the year, leaving their usual
family home vacant for countrywide holidays.

Sabbatical, gap year or career break

Longer breaks from a career or occupation also exist, such as a sabbatical, gap
year or career break.

Types of holidays:

Holidays are either religious or secular:

 Most holidays are linked to faiths and religious. They are religious
 Secular or non religious holidays can be national (Independence Day) or
international (Mother Day)

2. Translate sentences from Russian into English

1. В этом году я взяла отпуск на две недели, чтобы отправиться в

путешествие по Европе.

2. В Европе после окончания школы и перед поступлением в университет
часто практикуется годовой перерыв в учебе, когда молодые люди
путешествуют или работают, накапливают опыт.

3. Работники крупных фирм предпочитают брать отпуск за свой счёт и

затем путешествовать либо отдыхать на престижном курорте.

4. Нецерковные праздники могут быть национальными и


5. Многие праздники берут своё начало от языческих церемоний и


6. Только светских праздников начитывается больше семидесяти, а

если прибавить к этой цифре религиозные праздники? Да, любит русский
народ праздновать!

7. Христианский народный праздник устраивается в память святого

Николая Чудотворца.

8. Пасха-это религиозный праздник, который отмечается каждый год

после Великого Поста.

1. Read, translate and retell any text you like.

Festivals in Europe are great because you can shop, eat local foods, listen to music
and make friends…all in the same place and at the same time. And while you can
do that just about anywhere, Europe’s special events offer their own flair.

Take Carnival: these celebrations take place all over the world, but only Venice’s
Carnival features grand masquerade balls. Christmas Markets are now held in
many places, but they have their origins in Germany, France and Austria. And
while you can attend beer festivals in nearly every country in Europe, nothing is
quite like Oktoberfest.

Pack your bags, put on your partying hat, and check out some of the best festivals
and events Europe has to offer.

1. Christmas Markets – all over Europe

Christmas Markets originated in Germany, Austria, and France, but are now held
all over Europe. Each year during the four weeks of Advent, colorful street markets
associated with Christmas pop up in almost every European city. Some markets
open as early as mid-November, while most open during the first week of
Why do visitors love these markets? The idea of shopping for Christmas presents
in a stress-free environment is a big factor for their popularity. Then there is the
festive atmosphere, with carols being sung each evening, Christmas trees being lit
up, and a variety of treats which attack your senses, such as the roasted chestnuts
and the spicy gingerbread. And let’s not forget the mulled wine, which is by far
the best way to get warm during winter in Europe. Hand made jewels, toys,
beeswax candles, and Christmas ornaments make excellent gifts for the family
back home.

The Dresden Christmas market is one of the oldest in Europe and was first held in
1434. It has over 250 stalls and attracts about 2 million visitors each year.
Nuremberg, Cologne and Munich are also home to incredible Christmas Markets,
complete with traditional foods and music.

Another famous European Christmas Market takes place in Vienna in front of the
Town Hall. It starts early, in mid-November, and comprises about 150 stalls, and if
you plan to avoid the crowds, this is an excellent choice. Also in the area, you can
check out the Christmas Market held in Budapest before heading to Prague to visit
the market in the Old Town Square.

Expect almost high season prices for both transport and accommodation if you
plan to visit any of the popular Christmas markets. Fly into a larger airport (i.e.
Munich or Budapest) and the travel by train or bus to your desired destination.
Book the tickets in advance, and if you plan to visit several countries, consider a
railpass. As for accommodation, a good option is staying in a pension.

2. Floriade World Horticultural Expo, Venlo Region, Holland (April to


Floriade is an international exposition of flowers and gardening which takes place

every 10 years in the Netherlands. In 2012, it’s held in the Venlo Region and
features 100 participants. The festival takes place between April 5 and October 7,
2012 and has Five Theme Worlds displayed in a 66 hectares park. Each day, there
is music, dance, theatre, and graphic art performances. The visitors can sample the
food at the stalls or check out the restaurants. Visitors can also enjoy a light
show and films at an open-air cinema.

A day ticket (including the cable car) is €30 for an adult and €15 for a child, but
you can get a better deal if you purchase a two day ticket (€40, €20, respectively).
If you don’t know which worlds to visit, you can start with the “Green Engine”
with its ultra-sustainable Villa Flora, home to the biggest indoor flower show. Kids
will love the “Education and Innovation” world where they can taste unusual fruit
and vegetable combinations or experience life as a bee.

The festival is very popular since it only takes place every 10 years, so make sure
to book the accommodation ahead of time, too. Expect to pay from €60 per night
in a double room in a pension (with shared bathroom). There aren’t any hostels in
Venlo, though.

3. Running of the Bulls, Pamplona, Spain (July)

Each year, Pamplona is home to the Festival of San Fermin. The festival is most
well known for the Running of the Bulls, a 2600 foot (800 meter) run with dozens
of angry bulls chasing the brave visitors. Injuries and deaths are not uncommon
during the week-long festival. The event is held each year between July 6 and 14.

The origin goes back to the days when bulls had to be transported from the off-site
corrals to the bullring for the evening shows. Youngsters would jump among the
bulls to show their bravery. Others say this festival originated during the
transportation of the bulls to the market. Men would attempt to speed the process
by using various tactics. Over the years, this turned into a competition as
youngsters attempt to race in front of the bulls. If you plan to visit Pamplona for
the festival but have no intention of racing with the angry bulls, then you can see
those brave enough to do it from Plaza Consistorial or Estafeta Street, two of the
best viewing spots.

The cheapest way to get to Pamplona is by bus from either Madrid or Barcelona.
Both Spanish cities are served by plenty of European low-cost carriers, but make
sure to book your ticket in advance as you’ll be traveling during a very busy period
of the year. Accommodation is very expensive. Expect to pay from €90 per night
in a single room. While there are hostel-like accommodations, don’t expect low
prices. A good idea is to pack the camping gear if you want to do it on the cheap.

4. Bastille Day, Paris, France (July 14)

La Fête Nationale is celebrated each year on July 14 and is France’s National Day.
It is held on the first anniversary of the storming of the Bastille. The English-
speaking countries know it as Bastille Day.

The oldest and largest military parade in Europe is held on the morning of July 14
on Champes Elysees avenue in Paris. It passes down from the Arc de Triomphe to
the Place de la Concorde. It has been held each year since 1880. In the evening
don’t miss the fireworks. You’d also want to be in Paris the night before Bastille
Day when public concerts and dances can be attended and watched at the Place de
la Bastille. Since Bastille Day falls during summer, you can plan a picnic for the

Paris is served by a variety of European low-cost carriers but you’ll be traveling

right in the middle of the peak season, so plan and book your flight in advance.

5. Sziget Festival, Budapest, Hungary (August)

Held on Obudai Island in Budapest, Sziget Festival is the largest cultural and
music festival in Central Europe. It won Best European Major Festival at the
European Festival Awards in 2011. It comprises several large stages and plenty of
smaller platforms with as many as 1000 performances each year. In 2012 it is held
between August 6 and 13. The festival offers the best value for your money when
you compare it to the similar rock festivals in Europe.

In 2012, fans can enjoy famous rock bands such as Placebo, Hurts, The Subways,
The Stone Roses, and The Horrors.

With the bankruptcy of Malev, the Hungarian national carrier, the Budapest airport
is now a major hub for low cost carriers such as Wizz Air and Ryanair. The letter
already introduced affordable flights to/from various large European airports, but
make sure to plan and book your flight in advance.

6. Edinburgh’s Hogmanay Festival (December 30-January 1)

Edinburgh’s Hogmanay is a 3-day winter festival which takes place at the end of
each year. It starts early in the evening of December 31. At midnight the bells ring
and people sing the old folk song Auld Lang Syne. The Torchlight Procession,
concerts, movies, and street parties attract about 80,000 visitors each year.

The Torchlight Procession takes place on December 30 and is one of the major
highlights of this festival. You can attend it for free (but you need to purchase the
torch) and take part in the “river of fire” which goes through the city. The busiest
day is obviously December 31, when you can attend a candlelight concert in St.
Giles’ Cathedral, attend a street party or a concert, and watch the fireworks at
midnight. On the first day of the year you can play games in various venues in the
Old Town.

The celebration dates back to the Vikings and has its roots in the pagan practice
of fire and sun worship. Later it became the Roman festival of Saturnalia, while
Viking Yule became the 12 Days of Christmas.It’s not hard to get to Edinburgh but
you’ll be traveling during peak season so plan in advance and avoid flying during
the busiest days of the year.

2. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 2A.

3. Look at these short extracts about Chinese cultural festivals and translate

The Taipei Lantern Festival is held at the time of China's traditional Lantern
Festival, which falls two weeks after the Chinese New Year and features children
parading about the streets at night carrying homemade lanterns. Lanterns remain

the focus of the festival. The most spectacular of all is the theme lantern at the
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.

Chinese New Year's Day will normally fall between January 10 and February 19. It
is the grandest holiday for all Chinese around the world and is celebrated in many
ways during the course of the season, depending on your age, sex, and marital
status. It celebrates the birth of a new year, a time for renewed hope.

4. Fill in the gaps

The Chinese New Year festivities are 1) ….. at the end of January or beginning of
February for a period of one month. During this time, Chinese people 2)……the
end of the winter season. Preparations begin in December when shops are 3)……
with people buying gifts. Buying new shoes is extremely important because it is
believed that if you walk in old shoes on New Year's Day, you'll have bad 4)……
On New Year's Eve families gather at home and cover their doors with 5)………
of red paper. This is meant to 6)…….evil spirits. Gifts are 7)…..at midnight.
Homes are filled with the sounds of happy children, who traditionally receive
coins in red envelopes on New Year's Eve. For the next two weeks, all shops are
closed as people enjoy visiting friends and relatives. The 8)….is friendly as
children sing songs for sweet rice cakes and musicians 9)……in the streets. The
final and most impressive event is the Lantern Festival. Colourful lanterns are
hung outside homes and a dragon parade takes place. The dragon is very long,
made of paper and painted in bright colours. Men stand under the dragon's head
and body. The parade 10)…….the streets as crowds cheer and set off 11)….The
Chinese New Year is an exciting holiday which everyone 12)….. It is a
celebration rich in tradition and full of happiness.

5. Read and translate words and phrases connected with festivals

A lot of people are very superstitious, especially about numbers and colours,
[have illogical beliefs about hidden forces in nature]
The festival celebrated the centenary/bi-centenary of the country's independence.
[100th anniversary / 200th anniversary]
In some cultures, traditional festivals celebrate the end of periods of penance
[actions to show you are sorry for bad deeds] and fasting [not eating for a long
The Rio de Janeiro carnival is always a very flamboyant [extremely colourful and
exaggerated] and raucous [very noisy] event.
The Festival of the Dead was very sombre [serious, heavy and sad] and
atmospheric [had a special feeling or atmosphere].
The annual holiday commemorates all those who died in the country's civil war.
[formal: respects and remembers officially].

6. Here is an extract of someone talking about a festival using rather informal
language. Write it as a more formal description, using words and expressions
from the box instead of the underlined words, and making any other
necessary changes.
parade atmospheric focus be believed to associate pagan
symbolise sombre superstitious flamboyant raucous trace

Well, it's called the Festival of Flowers, and it's all to do with the coming of spring,
after the dark, serious winter months. It all started with a religious tradition of
taking flowers to the church to offer them to God. Spring flowers are the main
thing in the festival, and there's always a big gang of people marching through the
streets dressed in traditional costumes. It's all very lively and extremely colourful
and rather noisy, and it has a great feeling about it. The flowers mean new life, and
people thought they would be guaranteed a good harvest later in the year if they
were offered to God. Nowadays most people don't have such funny beliefs about
nature, but there's still a really old pre-Christian atmosphere about it all .


1. Which of these important days are celebrated in your country? Make sure
you can describe what people do on these days in English. Use a dictionary
or encyclopedia if necessary.

Mother's Day Independence Day May Day Valentine's Day

2. Match the adjectives with the nouns. Some adjectives can be used with
more than one noun. What event can each set of words describe?
Adjectives: mobile, popping, bubbly, scary, sticky, delicious, rich, decorated,
Nouns: champagne, turkey, floats, streamers, tree, masks, corks, candy floss,
wedding cake
e.g. mobile floats (carnival), rich wedding cake (wedding), decorated tree

3. Read about the festivals, note the collocations in bold and translate the

Ballynoe Fiddle Festival (18 July)

This fun festival falls on the third Saturday of July, and the village becomes the
centre of wild music for the whole day. The festival celebrates the birthday of Pat
Davey, a famous local musician. This year's special guests include Anne O'Keeffe
(fiddle) and Ger Downes (guitar), who will uphold the annual tradition of
playing at the house where Darvey was born.

Golden Apple Week (3-9 September)

Every year, the villagers of Hartsby hold an unusual festival - the Week of the
Golden Apple. Hartsby, at the centre of the apple-growing region, celebrates this
tradition, which dates back to the Middle Ages, at the beginning of every
September. The festival is held to celebrate the apple harvest. Come and join in the
festivities and eat as many apples as you want! Tickets £5 (children £2)

Fire and Light Festival (18 Dec)

It may be winter, dark and cold, but the village of Taft will be in festive mood on
December 18th. Wearing traditional dress, the women of the village perform
dances around a huge fire in the main square, while the men keep up the age-old
tradition of wearing large, brightly-coloured hats and carrying lanterns. The event
marks the beginning of the festive season.

4.Translate orally

1. I am extremely superstitious, and I think that a black cat crossing his path,
was an omen of misfortune .
2. The Rio de Janeiro carnival is always a very flamboyant and raucous event.
There was the festive mood on the streets. Squares are filled with magicians,
clowns, acrobats and jugglers.

3. Venetian carnival is held as unusual festival in Venice. The fun festival falls
on 10 days before Shrovetide.

4. New year celebration dates back in 1919. All people in the world keep up
the age-old tradition to decorate the Christmas tree, prepare a festive dinner
and buy gifts for friends and relatives .

5. The 13 of January 1970 Vladimir Vysotsky tied the knot with French
actress Maria Vladi. It was love at first sight.

6. President Comedy club Pavel Volya and Leysan Utyasheva decided to get
hitched in secret. Now Leysan is located on the 7th month of pregnancy, she
went abroad to give a birth to avoid publicity.

7. The family of my girlfriend is very friendly. Although all family members

live in different cities but they uphold an annual tradition and gather together
for the New year.

8. Every year people commemorate the children who had died in Beslan.

9. The sister of my friend didn`t decide to tie the knot with her boyfriend and
they have lived for 3 months in civil marriage.

10.Now it’s becoming more and more popular among newlyweds to go on a

honeymoon in an exotic place

11.Each of the invited guests traditionally proposed a toast and wished

happiness to the newlyweds.

12.Yesterday my girlfriend's parents celebrated the anniversary of the silver


13.Yesterday my cousin was suffering from pre-wedding nerves but today she
looks calm and the happiest in the world.

14.Traditionally bridesmaids help in the organization of wedding reception.

5. Read and translate the text. Look at this speech by the best man (usually the
bridegroom's best or oldest male friend) at a wedding. He mixes informal and
formal collocations, which can have a humorous effect.)

"Ladies and Gentlemen, according to long-standing tradition 1, I now have to

make a speech, but it'll be very short, so here goes. I never thought Jim would ever
get hitched2, but he's finally decided to tie the knot3. Yesterday he was suffering
from рге-wedding nerves, but today he looked calm and happy as he and Sally
were joined in matrimony4. So now, I'd like to propose a toast5 to the bride and
groom. Please raise your glasses. To Sally and Jim! May they have many years of
wedded bliss6!"

which has existed for along time
(informal) get married
(formal: used as part of the marriage ceremony) married
also make a toast
(usually used slightly humorously) happiness through being married

Adapted from English Collocations in Use

6. Translate from Russian into English

1. Поздравления молодоженам в день свадьбы, которые вы

собираетесь преподнести на вечеринке, должны быть не похожими на
все остальные.
2. Пол Маккартни решил вновь связать себя узами брака. Музыкант
женится на своей давней подруге - 51-летней бизнесвумен Нэнси

3. Многие пары не решаются соединиться узами брака. В наше время

очень типично для молодых людей посвящать свою жизнь карьере,
нежели семье.

4. В наше время очень популярны свадьбы в экзотическом месте. Многие

пары стараются избежать традиционной свадебной суеты, поэтому они
отправляются навстречу приключениям и веселью в новые места.

5. Восковые свечи выглядят очень красиво, источают мягкий приятный

свет и отличаются благородным ароматом

6. Джон решил порвать с холостятской жизнью и жениться.

7. Сочетание узами брака - отличный повод для торжества.

8. В России чувствуется острая необходимость возрождения традиций.

9. Между традиционной свадьбой и свадьбой в экзотическом месте

существует огромное различие.

10.На свадьбе произносят тост, в котором желают молодожёнам

супружеского счастья.

11. На свадьбе многие люди очень суеверны, особенно по отношению к

числам и цветам.

7. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 2 B.

8. Read, translate and retell the texts.

1.Destination Weddings - Are They For You?

Would you like to get married on your honeymoon? Destination weddings are
becoming more and more popular with couples who are eager to skip the fuss of a
traditional wedding and jump right into the fun. Around the world, you'll find

hotels and resorts that offer on-site help to plan your wedding, from details like
the wedding license to extras such as music and photos. Whether the special day
involves just the two of you or whether you'll be inviting friends and relatives to
join in the occasion, a destination wedding can be a way to create wonderful

But, first, the down side. Destination weddings aren't for everyone.
If you're in love with the idea of a large wedding with all your
friends and family, skip this idea. Even with a year of planning, it's
just about impossible to get everyone's schedules coordinated for
this kind of event.

But many couples are saying "I do" to the idea of destination
weddings not only as a way to make the occasion more special, but
also as a means of simplifying the whole process. "Just say the
word, and we'll take care of everything," explains Ava Burke-Thompson, Director
of Guest Services at the Sheraton Grand Resort Paradise Island, Bahamas. "We can
arrange for the marriage license; minister, priest or rabbi; the florist and the
photographer; the wedding cake and champagne; and the rehearsal dinner and
wedding reception."


Destination weddings have caught on for several reasons. According to hotels and
resorts around the world, they're especially popular with:

 couples on a budget who don't want the expense of an elaborate wedding.

 couples who don't want the fuss of a wedding and all that goes with it at
 couples on their second marriage looking for something a little different.
 those on their second marriage who'll need to bring along children on the
honeymoon. The children's programs at many resorts offer privacy for the couple
and a chance to enjoy a vacation with their new family.
 couples who are bringing a small wedding party. Sometimes the bride and
groom stay at one resort and the wedding party at a neighboring resort, giving
everyone privacy.
 couples who are bringing a sizable wedding party and would like to take
over a resort.

 Before you say "I do," plan to do a little research into the "do"s --and
"don't"s -- of the local marriage laws. Many countries have loosened their
marriage regulations, making it easier for foreigners to tie the knot. Even so,
you'll need to do some research.The reason some couples have problems with their
overseas wedding is that they are unfamiliar with the marriage laws, rules and

regulations of where they want to be wed. Destination weddings can also lead to
another joyous celebration: destination anniversaries. Couples who wed on their
honeymoon can revisit the very spot where they married and share the memories of
that occasion.

2.Honeymoon Trends

While the traditional vows endure, the ways to celebrate a marriage have changed
right along with the travel industry. Today's honeymooner may be looking for
value, adventure, or variety and searching for a getaway that's as exotic as a stay in
a private European castle or nearby as a local bed-and-breakfast inn.

The trend toward honeymoons follows the rising emphasis on traditional

weddings. And while the move is back toward the traditional wedding and
honeymoon associated with earlier generations, today's newlyweds are a far cry
from the travelers of earlier days. "They're looking more for luxurious and
romantic places, like the little out-of-the-way small hotels and inns and private
castles," points out Sylvie del Giudice, spokeswoman for Les Romantiques Hotels.
"They're ready for a different experience. It's the experience of a lifetime. They are
choosing to go further away on their honeymoon to a different environment and
that includes everything: a different language, culture, and food."

Today's couples are finding new ways to celebrate their union, creating
honeymoon trends that are being felt throughout the industry.


Started in Jamaica but spread throughout the Caribbean and Mexico and into some
other regions as well, the all-inclusive vacation is becoming ever more popular
with honeymooners - and their families. Their "one price pays all" policy makes
the all-inclusive trip more and more convenient for parents purchasing a
honeymoon package as a gift for newlyweds. Air, transfers, meals, drinks,


As work schedules become more and more hectic, many couples are choosing to
honeymoon close to home, enjoying a long weekend at local bed-and-breakfasts
and country inns. Karen Adler, publisher of the Day Trips America guidebook
series, notes that, "Today often both husband and wife are working full time and if
one of them has children then the cost of child care is a factor. To take a day trip
for an overnight or a short weekend honeymoon makes economic sense as well as
time sense."


The current trend toward adventure and eco-tourism vacations hasn't overlooked
the honeymoon industry. "We have seen a number of newlyweds go on dude
ranch vacations as well as our other trips like the cattle drives," says Dave
Wiggins, president of Boulder, Colorado-based American Wilderness Experience.
"It's the kind of thing for couples who are looking for something inspiring,
something they can come back and say 'guess what we did on our honeymoon.'"

Although Wiggins has sold many honeymooners rugged adventure packages,

ranging from a 10-day safari in Alaska to sea kayaking in Baja Mexico to river
rafting along Idaho's Salmon River, many honeymooners favor soft adventure.
"The lodge-based vacations tend to be more popular with honeymooners because
they have a bed and roof over their head and a hot shower," points out Wiggins.

Finding that special quality is up to the individual honeymooners themselves. With

the myriad of choices and a selection of atmosphere that ranges from white-
knuckle adventure to hedonistic laziness, there's something for everybody.

9. Translate texts from Russian into English

1.Самый крупный фестиваль Германии примет участие в Сейшельском


На Сейшельских островах в марте этого года пройдет международный

карнавал "Carnaval International de Victoria", в котором примут участие
многие страны. На этой неделе Совет по туризму Сейшельских островов
подтвердил, что германский фестиваль "Dusseldorf Carnival" впервые
представит свою делегацию на карнавале "де Виктория". "Немецкий
фестиваль "Dusseldorf Carnival" будет представлен большой делегацией из
более 50 участников, для того, чтобы стать частью карнавального шествия и
претендовать на призовое место, в качестве одного из лучших и самых
известных карнавалов мира", - заявил Ален Сент Анже, генеральный
директор Совета по туризму Сейшельских островов. Карнавал в
Дюссельдорфе (Германия) является одним из старейших карнавалов с
успешным послужным списком. Это самый крупный и оживленный карнавал
в Германии. Обычно в Дюссельдорфе карнавал производит грандиозное
впечатление, так как более 6 тысяч участников парада маршируют по городу,
одетые в яркие костюмы, сопровождаемые открытыми грузовиками и
повозками с лошадьми. "В этом году участие делегации Дюссельдорфского
карнавала в событии в Индийском океане, в частности, на Сейшельских
островах, будет первым.

Также, его участие подтвердит звание карнавала "де Виктория" на

Сейшельских островах, а качестве "Карнавала карнавалов", где лучшие и
самых известные карнавалы в мире будут участвовать в главном параде.
Праздничное шествие остается одним из самых интересных событий на
карнавале, в связи с разнообразием аго участников", - добавил Ален Сент
Анже. Аэропорт Дюссельдорфа обеспечит доставку карнавальной делегации
на Сейшельские острова с помощью авиаперевозчика "Etihad Airlines".
Администрация аэропорта уже анонсировала участие делегации в карнавале,
и намерена привлечь еще больше внимания к событию. Немецкая делегация
представит на карнавале "де Виктория" немецкий флаг и будет
демонстрировать немецкую культуру.

2.Десять самых интересных ночных фестивалей

«Белые ночи» Санкт-Петербург, Россия

В дни, когда солнце почти не скрывается за горизонтом, в Петербурге

начинается фестиваль «Белые ночи». Это время, когда сутки напролет на
улицах города на Неве выступают музыканты, танцоры, актеры, к этому
фестивалю галереи и музеи готовят особые выставки. Сейчас подобные
недели стали проводиться и в других странах, несмотря на то, что они
расположены южнее и темнеет там рано. Например, вы можете
поучаствовать в ночных фестивалях в Париже, Нью-Йорке и даже в Торонто.

«Алые паруса» Санкт-Петербург, Россия

Первый раз бал выпускников состоялся в 1969 году и проходил каждый июнь
на протяжении 10 лет. В 2005 году в Питере решили возродить эту традицию,
с тех пор «Алые паруса» опять проходят ежегодно. Праздник начинается
большим концертом на Дворцовой площади и на стрелке Васильевского
острова. После полуночи на Неве разыгрывается колоссальный спектакль: на
воде, освещаемой фейерверками, появляется корабль под алыми парусами,
вокруг на баржах и понтонах выступают циркачи и музыканты. Посмотреть
на один из крупнейших в мире перформансов на открытой воде собирается
несколько миллионов человек.

Chichibu Yomatsuru, Сайтама, Япония

Каждый год в ночь со 2 на 3 декабря в префектуре Сайтама тысячи людей

приходят посмотреть на шествие больших деревянных повозок, украшенных
фонарями и лентами, которые медленно двигаются в гору. Тяжелые 10-
тонные телеги катятся не с помощью лошадей или моторов – мужчины и
женщины толкают их сзади и тянут спереди за веревки. Все происходит под
пение и бой традиционных барабанов. Наконец процессия достигает
вершины холма, и там начинается грандиозный пир и фейерверк-шоу.

Mardi Gras, Франция

Происхождение этого фестиваля остается загадкой. Самая распространенная

версия: некое французское тайное общество решило создать свой аналог

карнавала и начало отмечать день, когда его члены могут выбрать и
короновать своего собственного «альтернативного» короля. На него
надевают яркий шутовской наряд и с почетом проводят по городу.
Процессию сопровождают музыканты и толпы ликующего народа. Анархия
длится до полуночи, лишь с этого времени полиция начинает
восстанавливать на улицах порядок.

Tet, Вьетнам

Вьетнамский Новый год наступает на месяц или два позднее нашего (точный
день его прихода определяют по лунному календарю), поэтому его можно
назвать праздником обновления, возрождения, весны. В этот день вьетнамцы
украшают свои жилища цветами, готовят разные вкусные блюда, но главное
празднование происходит не в домах. Все жители страны выходят на улицы
и стараются издать как можно больше шума, чтобы отогнать злых духов. В
ход идут фейерверки, хлопушки, петарды и всевозможные «шумелки» и
«свистелки». В крупных городах походят красочные парады. Веселье обычно
продолжается до поздней ночи.

Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия

Ни один праздник не достигает такого размаха, как карнавал в Рио. Каждый

февраль в город съезжаются миллионы людей со всей планеты, чтобы
посмотреть на танцевальный марафон, длящийся дни и ночи напролет.
Главное событие – парад школ самбы: на специальных движущихся
платформах выступают лучшие из лучших, а строгое жюри оценивает
ритмичность, красоту, слаженность движений каждой из групп. Удобнее
всего наблюдать за парадом с трибун, но будьте готовы, что место на них
стоит баснословных денег.

Noche de la Primavera, Мексика

Каждый год в ночь весеннего равноденствия в Мексике празднуют приход

весны. С наступлением темноты улицы наполняются ликующими людьми,
повсюду проходят концерты, спектакли, играет музыка, взрываются
фейерверки. Города захлестывает волна веселья, а зажигательные
латиноамериканские ритмы заставляют пуститься в пляс всех от мала до

День и ночь святого Хуана, Испания

Испанцы обожают огнеопасные пиротехнические праздники. Один из самых

ярких и шумных – День святого Хуана. К самому длинному дню и самой
короткой ночи в году начинают готовиться за несколько месяцев. Жители
каждого из районов города создают огромные деревянные куклы – фальяс –

лишь для того, чтобы, пройдя с ними по улицам, потом превратить их в ночь
с 23 на 24 июня в гигантские костры. Если захотите поучаствовать в этом
действе, будьте осторожны: испанцы обожают швырять петарды под ноги
всем подряд.

Кулдига, Латвия

В этот же день летнего солнцестояния, а точнее, в ночь – с 23 на 24 июня в

Латвии чествуют того же святого, что и в Испании, и отмечают Янов день.
Хотя, конечно, христианское обоснование возникло не так давно, а
изначально это был языческий праздник, аналогичный русскому Ивану
Купале. В эту ночь люди по всей Латвии надевают национальные наряды,
женщины украшают головы венками из цветов, мужчины – из дубовых
ветвей и потом садятся вокруг костров, угощаются сыром и вином.
Считается, что если кто-то заснет, то проспит все лето.


1. Неделя экстравагантных парадов, танцев и красок делает Карнавал

Рио-де-Жанейро одним из самых интересных и известных фестивалей в
2. Пасха – главный религиозный христианский праздник, празднующий
воскресение Иисуса Христа.

3. Он является сотрудником факультета одного из самых больших

университетов Америки и сейчас он находится в нашей стране в
творческом отпуске.

4. Суеверные люди верят, что пятница 13 – несчастливый день.

5. В августе 2014 мир будет отмечать столетие начала Первой Мировой


6. Очень шумные, но веселые - вот как обычно описывают ее вечеринки,

посвященные дню рождению.

7. Было странным видеть, как он смеется, хотя мгновение назад он был

серьезен и мрачен.

8. Все они были яркими женщинами, хорошо одетыми и со множеством


9. И жених, и невеста очень нервничают накануне свадьбы.

10.Новобрачные провели две недели медового месяца в роскошном и
одновременно очень романтическом месте.

11.Свадьба вдали от дома может быть как богатой, так и простой – как вы
желаете; есть бессметное количество вариантов с учетом разных
финансовых возможностей, от роскошного приема в бальном зале до
обычной пляжной вечеринки.

12.Ничего не согревает в морозный день так, как бокал глинтвейна и

уютный плед.

13. Если вы хотите попасть на ежегодный карнавал в Ницце, вам следует

забронировать жилье заранее.

14.Популярность транспортных компаний-лоукостеров неуклонно растет.

Они предлагают низкую плату за проезд в обмен на отказ от
большинства традиционных пассажирских услуг.

15. На ярмарке меда можно не только купить продукцию, но и

попробовать предложенные товары прямо с прилавка.

16. В культуре каждой страны существует множество обрядов и

церемоний, связанных с самыми разными сферами жизни общества.

17. Если выпускник не поступил в ВУЗ или просто не определился с

выбором, он может взять годовой перерыв.

18. В этом году Пасха выпадает на 5 мая. Мы поддержим ежегодную

традицию и будем красить яйца и печь куличи.

19. В аэропорту Доминиканы туристов встречают танцовщицы в

национальных (традиционных) костюмах и исполняют приветственный

20. Сидеть на пост нужно разумно. Человек должен подстраивать постное

меню под индивидуальные особенности своего организма и следить за

21. На Гаити мы совершенно случайно попали на яркий и шумный

национальный праздник и получили массу удовольствия.

22. На Масленицу принято сжигать чучело Зимы – это вековая традиция,

которая соблюдается по сей день.

23.Будучи закоренелым холостяком, Майк очень удивил своих друзей

заявление, что он собирается жениться.

24. На ее дне рождения гости все время произносили тосты, и много
хороших слов было сказано в ее адрес.

25.Родители с радостью благословили их и пожелали семейного счастья.

26. Спортсмены - очень суеверные люди. Они придают большое значения

числам, обрядам и талисманам.

27.В России праздники всегда шумные и никогда не бывают мрачными: у

всех праздничное настроение, кругом царит безудержное веселье.

28.Городской парад получился очень эффектным. Вокруг царило

праздничное настроение.

29. 24 июня 1945 года в Москве на Красной площади состоялся

первый парад, посвященный победе над Германией в Великой
Отечественной войне.

30.Многие жалуются на то, что праздничного настроения просто нет, и

тому есть причины. Рутина, быт, финансовые заботы - все эти
проблемы накрывают нас с головой, и мешают получать удовольствие
от жизни.

31.Хорал - церковная мелодия с текстом, которая поется, в медленном

темпе, всеми присутствующими в католической церкви.

32.Kогда лицо обожженно ветром, а по телу растекается сладкая

усталость, уютно устраиваешься в кафе неподалеку от камина и греешь
свою душу глинтвейном.

33.В Соединенном Королевстве сегодня отмечают 60-летие коронации

Елизаветы II. По случаю празднования юбилея этим летом в
Великобритании ожидается ряд торжественных мероприятий.

34.Карнавал в Мадриде обещает стать пышным и шумным событием.

Праздник отмечает начало лета. Традиция берёт начало с времён

35. В этот праздник люди, одетые в праздничные наряды, исполняют

танцы вокруг огромного костра. Фестиваль цветов ассоциируется с
приходом весны, этот праздник очень атмосферный, он связан с массой

36.Карнавалы в Рио-де-Жанейро считаются самыми пышными и яркими

во всём мире. Церемониальная процессия проходит через весь город, в

этот момент чувствуется особая атмосфера, люди становятся одним

37.В Европе на Рождество вас могут угостить глинтвейном, жареными

каштанами и имбирными пряниками.

38.Люди со всего мира хотят попасть на карнавал в Бразилии, поэтому

если вы собираетесь посетить страну во время фестиваля, бронируйте
жилье и перелет заранее.

39.На международном садоводческом празднике в Голландии, вы можете

попробовать необычные овощи и фрукты, или побывать в роли пчелы.

40.Мы любим новый год за украшенные елки, мандарины, оливье и

игристое шампанское.

41.Хэллоуин – ежегодный праздник, который проводится 31 октября,

посвященный всем умершим и нечисти, когда люди одевают страшные
маски и украшают дом тыквами.

42.Некоторые суеверные люди остерегаются числа 666, черного кота и

пятницы 13.

43.В конце 20го века в России, Первомай, день международной

солидарности трудящихся, праздновался с демонстрациями и яркими

44.Фестиваль красок в Индии это самое яркое и шумное событие года.

45.Свадьба – это одно из самых важных событий семьи. Обычно невеста

одета в белое платье, стол украшен большим свадебным тортом, а
гости произносят тосты.

46.После свадьбы молодожены отправляются в свадебное путешествие за


47.Свадьба в экзотическом месте – хорошая идея для тех, кто хочет

избежать суеты и сразу погрузиться в праздник.

48.Многие отели помогают спланировать свадьбу, включая регистрацию,

услуги священника, цветовода и т.д.

49.Система «все включено» позволяет родителям оплатить полный пакет

в подарок новобрачным.

Module 3. Sports and games

1. You are going to read an article about surfing. Choose the most suitable
headings from the list (A-H) for each part. (1-6) of the article. There is one extra
heading which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

a) Finding the waves

b) Surfers love the crowds
c) Surfing - it's addictive
d) Little equipment and a good trainer
e) Never easy - but always enjoyable
f) The international sport
g) Learning from previous generations
h) Two essentials: strength and fearlessness

Surfs up!
Riding the waves can be the thrill of a lifetime. But what does it take to become
a surfer?

0 If you have ever dreamt about incredibly big seas with huge powerful waves
crashing onto sandy beaches, then you should definitely think about learning to
surf. It's the most exciting watersport there is. Serious surfers must be very brave,
love adventure and have lots of energy. Once they've experienced the excitement
of a ride on top of the waves, they never want to stop. (C)

1. Surfers say they feel it's the only place to be. Many travel around the world
searching for the perfect wave, moving from one surf festival to another and
checking weather forecasts to see where the really exciting waves are expected
next. Some even carry pagers which beep when there are weather reports of
perfect conditions. A surfer's greatest disappointment would be missing the
opportunity to surf in the best weather conditions.

2. Hawaii is where the sport began - the place which most surfers see as their
'true home". They love nature and the excitement you get from the deep waters.
Enormous waves crash along mile after mile of beautiful sand, and every surfer
dreams of experiencing surfing in Maui or Oahu. Other great surfing locations
include Australia, the west coast of the U.S., the Caribbean. Brazil, Japan, Hong
Kong, South Africa, the Canary Islands, and Cornwall. Experienced surfers are
always in search of the best waves in some totally unspoilt paradise that hardly
anyone has heard of.

3. It takes time for a beginner to learn the technique, but during a long hot
summer, who minds practising? The professionals, of course, are in the sea every
day. then come back onto the beach to do some exercises with weights. You need
to be a strong swimmer with good balance and plenty of courage to be an expert
4 . You can surf almost anywhere in any weather if you are wearing a wet suit. All
you need to do then is choose a surfboard and you're ready to go - hopefully into
big waves that are warm, with an experienced teacher to lead you. You don't need
to wear a wet suit in summer, but many surfers keep them on all the time since
they can protect you from the hot sun as well as from cold water.

5 . It can take a few weeks or it can take a whole summer for you to learn to catch
a wave at the right moment, stand up on your board and stay there. It's an amazing
feeling when you look down and see your feet on the board and realise you are
finally standing up on the sea, even if you aren't very steady. Professional surfers
look as if they learned to surf as soon as they could walk. For example, Shane
Powell, an Australian professional, watched videos of Australian surfing heroes
like Peter Townsend, Barton Lynch and Tom Carroll as he was growing up. He
says. "As a boy I'd watch those surfers and just imagine myself riding the waves."
Powell seems to move over the sea without any difficulty. He first practised on
small waves, but clearly had talent. By the age of 17 he was touring with the
world's best surfers, and now, at 23 he practises every day and an even younger
generation of surfers study videos of him in action.
6. Simply watching great surfers will make you want to try the sport. If you do try
it, you'll find muscles you never knew you had; you may begin to think you might
never get it right, but you'll have a lot of fun.
2. Read and translate the sports news given bellow. Look through the newspa-
pers, find sporting news to be discussed in class.
New 100 Meters Record. DURBAN, South Africa (Reuters) - South African
swimmer Penny Heyns, 2 1, broke the women's 100 meters breaststroke world
record Monday.
Heyns, swimming at the South African National Championships, clocked 1:07.46,
record of 1:07.69, held by Samantha Riley of Australia since September 1994.
Heyns, who came close to the record last year at the World Student Games in
Japan, had warned she would be trying again at the national championships.

Baumgartner wins Sullivan award. ORLANDO (Reuters) - Bruce

Baumgartner, who has won every major wrestling title in his career, finally won
the Sullivan award as the best amateur athlete in the United States on Monday.
Baumgartner, a finalist for the fifth time, was presented with the 1995 award at
Walt Disney World. He is only the second wrestler in the 66-year history of the
award to win. John Smith won in 1990. Baumgartner, 35, was the 1995 gold

medallist at the World Freestyle Wrestling Championship. He won his. He won his
16th career national freestyle title last year and made the American world level
team for the 14th straight time, both US records

3. Translate collocations
The table below gives examples of common sporting collocations with do, play and
You do gymnastics, judo, weightlifting, aerobics, yoga, wrestling, circuit
training, archery, athletics
You play games, badminton, billiards, hockey, bowls, rugby, golf, (table) tennis,
cricket, baseball, chess, darts, cards, dominoes
You go fishing, skiing, bowling, cycling, skateboarding, surfing,
snowboarding, hang-gliding, climbing, hill walking, sailing, jogging,
You can also say you go to aerobics/judo/yoga/karate - this means that you go to
a class in this sport.

4.Complete the sentences with do, play or go in the correct form.

You can judo!.....................You can………….......................badminton!

You can swimming! You can..........................................weight lifting!
You can circuit training! You can.........................................table tennis!
You can skateboarding! You can even........................................darts!
In fact, you can.............................almost any sport you can think of. So join now!

5. Learners often make mistakes with some common collocations connected

with sport. Make a point of learning these commonly used collocations.

• You do or play sport. (NOT make sport)

• You do exercises. (NOT make exercises)
• You play computer or other games. (NOT game)
• You have/play a game of cards. (NOT make a game)
• You go skiing. (NOT make skiing)
• You do activities. (NOT make or practise activities)

6. Read the texts, translate, note the collocations

Sportsmen and sportswomen want to win matches, not lose matches. But
you can't win all the time! Sometimes a team or player deserves to win, but gets
narrowly defeated/beaten.
Before they go in for / enter a competition, athletes train hard. They probably
attend/do at least five training sessions a week. They are likely to put up a fight
to gain/get a place in the next stage/round of the competition. Of course, a
sportsperson's ultimate aim is to break the world record in their sport. If they

succeed, they set a new world record and become a world record holder. They
are sure to come up against fierce/intense competition as they try to achieve
their ambitions. Sometimes they are satisfied if they just achieve a personal best.
Some sports people so desperately want to win that they take drugs to enhance
their performance. This will be discovered when they fail a drugs test.
You can play or have a (football) match / game (of football). It might be a home or
an away match depending on whether you're playing on your team's home ground
or not.
The aim is to score a goal. Players may tackle an opponent to try to take
possession of the ball1. If you tackle in an illegal way, you foul your opponent.
This will lead to the referee blowing his whistle and an opponent taking a penalty
or taking a free kick. If someone isn't playing very well the manager may decide
to drop the player from the team or bring on a substitute2. Both teams hope that
they will have taken the lead3 by half-time.
get the ball
replace one player with another
be in a winning position

7. Look at the error warning. There are six verb + noun errors in this e-mail.
Find and correct them.

Hi, Jose,
Do you fancy coming on a sporting weekend with me next month? It sounds great
- would make a change from playing computer games. You can make lots of
different activities. You could even do fishing, I think. You can't go skiing at this
time of year but you can make water skiing, if you like. Everyone has to make
general exercises first thing in the morning and then you can make whatever sport
you like, more or less. I've never practised badminton so I think I'm going to do
that. Then in the afternoon I'm looking forward to the chance to practise my tennis
serve with their professional coach. Please try to come! Giorgio.
8. Complete the collocations in this report of a rugby match.
Cambridge were happy to (1) ...........................their last match 6:0. Oxford the
opposing team, put up a good (2) .....................and some people thought they (3)
….. to win. They were fearless in (4) ...............their opponents, but every time
they took (5) ………..of the ball, Cambridge managed to win it back. Cambridge
have now (6)……….a place in the next (7)…………….of the competition.
They will undoubtedly come up against some fierce (8)……. However, they have
already managed to (9) …an interesting world record by having four members of
the same family in their winning team.

9. Fill in the missing words from the list. Use the words only once.

dedication, competitive, determined, violent, careful, accurate, courage,
dangerous , graceful, brave, team spirit, cooperative
1. The main quality a footballer needs to have is….
2. It is also important to be … and willing to do what other members of the
team suggest.
3. Running is my favourite sport. It's… and you have to be…to win.
4. "John, you are so… Ice climbing is an extremely… sport."
5. When parachuting, you need to be very…. especially when landing, or you
might hurt yourself. You need to have…to jump out of a plane in mid-air.
6. People who shoot or do archery must be very…if they are to hit the target.
They also need a lot of……if they want to be the best.
7. Ice hockey can be a………sport as the players often fight, but they can also
look as …as dancers as they skate around the rink.
10.Translate sentences from English into Russian
1. During yesterdays long-distance running two of the finalists were
disqualified for false starts.
2. Track and field is a very special kind of sport that takes a lot of practice and
training, there is a whole set of rules that jumpers have to follow
3. Kimiko Imura was unhappy with her performance in the 2010 Asian Games
women’s long jump competition on Tuesday.
4. German Robert Harting won the discus throw gold in London with a throw
of 68,27 m.
5. Adam Smith the relay-racing runner-up was not satisfied with his result
because he had covered the distance in great style, but at the moment of final
spurt he made a mistake.
6. Ivan Tikhon set a world leading performance of 83, 97 m at the Belarusian
hammer throwing championship.
7. He is really keen on sport. He has been going in for pentathlon from his
childhood, but when he was badly injured he had to give it up. After his
recovering he didn’t give way to despair and started his career in horse
8. We`ve staked on the sportsman number 7 and we weren’t mistaken. The
horse rider made the best time result and cleared all the hurdles in great style
9. Steeple-chase is one of the most difficult disciplines in track and field.
10.Steeple-chase technique is similar to long-distance running in some details,
but they have essential difference.
11.The triple jump sometimes referred to as the hop, step and jump is a track
and field sport similar to the long jump; the competitor runs down the track
and performs a hop, a bound, and then a jump into the sand pit.

12.The shot putting final competition during the 2004 Olympic Games in
Athens was held on the territory of the ancient stadium in Olympia.
13.Russian sportsman won the silver medal in javelin throwing; unfortunately
he couldn’t get over his main rival.
14.She was preparing for the jumping event for half a year but because of an
absurd injury she couldn’t take part in that competition.
15.Motorcycle racing is a technical sport involving racing motorcycle. It can be
divided into two categories road disciplines and off road.
16.He was eager to become a cycle racer but he had not enough money to buy a
bicycle that’s why he began going in for long-distance running.
17.During the Olympic Games in London I was shouting for our sportsmen and
especially for sprinters.
18.A 13-year-old girl from Russia Marianna Naumova lifted the barbell of 90
kilograms at the last power lifting World Cup which took place in the USA.
19.Equestrian sport is very peculiar, because sportsmen have to find a contact
with an animal.

11. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 1A.

12. Translate the texts from Russian into English

1.Вагнер Лав забил победный гол в чемпионате Бразилии

Форвард бразильского футбольного клуба "Фламенго" Вагнер Лав забил

победный гол в матче первенства страны с "Васку да Гама", сообщает
Soccerway. Вагнер отличился на 38-й минуте встречи, а матч законился со
счетом 1:0 в пользу "Фламенго". Этот гол стал для Вагнера уже девятым в
чемпионате Бразилии 2012 года.

Вагнер является лучшим бомбардиром первенства страны наряду с

нападающим "Флуминенсе" Фредом, который также забил девять мячей. При
этом Фред три своих гола забил с пенальти, а Вагнер все мячи забил с игры.

После победы над "Васку да Гама" команда Вагнера поднялась на девятое

место в турнирной таблице. На счету "Фламенго" 25 очков в 17 матчах.
"Васку", набравший 35 очков в 18 встречах, занимает третье место в

Лидером бразильского первенства является клуб "Атлетико Минейро". В 17

матчах футболисты этой команды набрали 42 очка.

2.Капитан "Зенита" объяснил ничью с "Анжи" ошибкой арбитра

Голкипер и капитан питерского футбольного клуба "Зенит" Вячеслав

Малафеев заявил, что гол в его ворота в матче с махачкалинским "Анжи" был
забит после ошибки арбитра. По словам Малафеева, судья ошибочно

назначил угловой, розыгрыш которого привел к ауту, а аут - к голу. Об этом
сообщает официальный сайт футболиста.

Малафеев подчеркнул, что игроки "Зенита" были готовы к тактике "Анжи".

Вратарь отметил, что после ударов питерцев мяч несколько раз попал в
штанги. Гол "Анжи" Малафеев назвал нелогичным. По словам капитана
"Зенита", атаки его команды получались опаснее, чем у махачкалинцев.

Матч "Анжи" - "Зенит" состоялся 19 августа и закончился вничью (1:1). На

20-й минуте гол забил полузащитник "Зенита" Константин Зырянов, а на 66-й
минуте игрок "Анжи" Олег Шатов сравнял счет.

После пяти туров чемпионата России "Зенит", набравший 13 очков, занимает

первое место в турнирной таблице. На счету "Анжи" восемь очков. Этот клуб
расположился на седьмом месте в первенстве страны.

Phrasal verbs and set expressions about sport

1. Translate E-mails about a sports camp
Hi Greg,
How are things with you? I'm having a great time here at this sports camp in New
Zealand. I'm taking the opportunity to do1 several extreme sports like white-water
rafting and rock climbing. At the weekend we went to the mountains and I've
acquired quite a taste for2 snowboarding. I didn't like it much at first - I found it
really hard to keep my balance. But my instructor said she was sure I'd get the
hang of it3 in a couple of hours. I thought there was precious little chance4 of that
happening but I decided to take up the challenge and, sure enough, I mastered it. I
thought I was pretty fit5 but I'm really having to push myself to the limits6 to be
able to cope. I'm so shattered at night that it takes me about two seconds to fall into
a deep sleep. Anyway, despite the tiredness, I'm having a whale of a time7. Hope
you are too.

1 not make
2 begun to enjoy
3 ( informal) become able to do something
(informal) very little chance
(informal) fairly fit
make a considerable effort
(informal) having a fantastic time

It sounds like you are having a fantastic time! I'd jump at the chance8 to try out
some of those sports. The only sport I'm doing at the moment is running for the

bus. But I am sharing your exhaustion. We're so busy at work that I can't summon
up the energy to do anything in the evenings to keep in shape9.
8 (informal) really like to do something
9 stay in good physical condition

2. Choose the correct collocation.

1 I'm finding it hard to summon up / acquire / reach the energy to do anything
much in the evenings these days.
2 Have you ever tried any formidable / fever /extreme sports?
3 I didn't realise how difficult the marathon would be when I originally took /had /
got up the challenge.
4 I don't think I could ever acquire / educate / achieve a taste for bungee jumping.
5 I'd rise / jump / take at the chance of a trip to Venice if I were offered one!
6 It won't take you long to get the balance / taste / hang of cross-country skiing as
you're such an experienced downhill skier.

3. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 9A.

4. Read and translate the texts, note the collocations
Sports news
The mood amongst the crowd reached fever pitch1 at yesterday's match between
India and Pakistan. In the last few minutes of the game Khan played a blinder2
and secured a convincing victory for Pakistan.
In the cricket match between Australia and South Africa the score currently stands
at 65 for 3 wickets. We'll bring you the latest scores on the hour, every hour.
1 became very excited/agitated
2 (informal) performed brilliantly, usually in sport
Match reports
“The teams took the field 1 to the applause of 5,000 spectators. Despite putting
up a determined performance, the England team seemed unable to break through
the formidable Australian defence. After some impressive tackles, Australia was
awarded a penalty just before half time. The penalty was missed, much to the
delight of.”
“Yesterday's match was full of excitement with three players being given yellow
cards and some controversial free kicks. The game was lost when the Blues scored
an own goal2 in the last two minutes. The crowd went wild3.”
went on the pitch
scored a goal in error against their own team
3 become crazy with excitement (can also be used for other emotions, such as

5. Complete each sentence using collocations given above.
1 Don't................................yourself to the limits now. Conserve some strength for
later on.
2 I'm having a..............................of a time learning how to surf, though I find it
almost impossible to...................my balance.
3 There's precious little..........................of your getting her to go for a long walk
4 I've just heard the............................scores. Italy's winning and excitement's
reaching fever.
5 The score in the rugby match currently......................at 27 to 5 and France looks
set to win a convincing..................................................
6 You must try harder to keep in........................over the winter. You could walk to
work instead of going by bus, for example.
7 John Shane was given a yellow......................for performing an illegal tackle on
an opponent.
8 The captain took the free..........................and it reached Jobbs, who instantly
9 Fortunately for Wales, Scotland.......................every penalty that they were
during the match.
10 When the headteacher offered a prize to the pupils who built the best raft over
the holidays, children from every class decided to take up the..............


1. В летней олимпиаде российские спортсменки по синхронному

плаванию заняли 2-е место.
2. Когда боксера отправили в нокдаун, судья на ринге вел счет секунд.

3. В беге с препятствиями обычно преодолевают 35 препятствий, в том

числе яму с водой.

4. Соревнования по баскетболу пройдут в четверг, которые будут

транслироваться по первому каналу.

5. Снаряжение для фехтования и рапиру вы можете купить здесь.

6. Команде, которую принимают хозяева, мяч был не засчитан, так как

нападающий сфолил.

7. Перед встречей между двумя боксерами спортсмены разминались.

8. Пат приносит победу последнему ходившему игроку, но цена этой

победы ниже, чем мата.

9. В современное пятиборье входят: конкур, фехтование, стрельба, бег, и

10.Нокаутированному боксеру помощь на ринге оказывает врач.

Секунданты действуют по его указанию.

11.Брасс- стиль спортивного плавания на груди, при котором руки и ноги

выполняют симметричные движения.

12.Спортивный комментатор-журналист, комментирующий спортивные

события, происходящие в реальном времени.

13.Судья назначил дополнительное время, Валенсия не смогла закрепить


14.Для бадминтона понадобится ракетка и волан.

15.Прыжки с трамплина выполняются с высоты 1 и 3 м, с вышки 5, 7.5, 10


16.Эстафетный бег – единственная группа легкоатлетического бега,

носящий командный характер.

17.Само название тройной прыжок подразумевает три прыжка подряд.

18.В матче полулегкой весовой категории боксеров российский боксер

потерял устойчивость.

19.Барьерный бег-один из сложных технических видов легкой атлетики.

20.Ростовские спортсмены прошли отборочные соревнования по гольфу.

7. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 1B.

8.Idioms.Translate the words describing card games and board games
1. You'd think it was monopoly money, the amount he spent last week,
[money that has no value and is used only in games]
2. I wanted the job in Paris, but I knew the dice were loaded against me
because my French isn't very good. [I would be unlikely to succeed]
3. He drives so fast! You're dicing with death if you let him drive you.
[taking a great risk]
4. The audience sat there poker-faced all through the play, [expressionless;
this comes from the card game poker, where you must not let your face reveal
whether you have good or bad cards]

5. Management found that the union held all the cards in the pay talks, [was in
a strong position]
6. I kept / played my cards close to my chest in the interview, [didn't reveal
my plans]
7. The politician played his ace / trump card by promising lower taxes for all
on the day of the election, [used his advantage, especially one others did not know

9. Translate the texts about ball games and learn collocations

Hi, Daniel
Having a bad day at work. My boss has just increased my sales targets, again! It's
so unfair. He just keeps moving the goalposts (1). On top of that, my colleague
Jen has just announced she's leaving, which has completely knocked me for six(2)
because I really like working with her. Apparently she got the red card(3) from
Jerry because she was late a few times, and she's decided to leave. Anyway, fancy
going to see a film tonight? Craig
Hi Craig
Sorry you're having a hard time. It seems unfair to push Jen out just because of
something so minor – it's just not cricket(4)! My new company is a whole new
ball game(5) from the last one. People here like to play hardball(6). Everybody is
always competing against everyone else. I think I'll have to take a rain check
tonight(7). I promised I'd make the dinner. Daniel

1changing the rules in a situation in a way that is not fair

2 surprised and upset me
3 received official criticism for bad behaviour
4 not right or fair behaviour; usually used humorously
5 a completely different situation
6 be so determined to get what they want that they use unfair methods
7 something you say when you have to refuse someone's invitation to something
that you would like to do at another time.
10. Translate collocations dealing with boxing
idiom example explanation
not pull The coach didn't pull any speak in an honest and direct
any punches way without trying to be
punches when he told the team how tactful
badly they had played.
be / feel The trade fair was so noisy was tired and confused (If a

punch- and busy that 1 felt punch- boxer is punch-drunk, they are
drunk drunk by the end of dazed as a result of being hit
the week. on the head.)
below the It was below the belt to an unfair attack (In boxing,
belt mention his rival's marital hitting someone below the belt
problems to the journalist. is not allowed.)
throw in Kisho will never agree to In the past, throwing the
the throw in the sponge, even if sponge or towel into the ring
sponge / he has lost any chance of meant admitting defeat
towel winning the election.

11. Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence using an idiom above
1 I felt I was taking a huge risk riding at high speed on the back of his motorbike.
2 I didn't tell anyone about my plans and didn't mention that I was going to resign
3 He's so rich. He spends money as if it were toy money.
4 The barrister used an advantage none of us knew about and revealed the final
piece of evidence.
5 I wanted a job in politics, but felt I was unlikely to succeed as I had no personal
contacts in the political world.
6 Masa is so much more qualified and experienced than I am. He has all the
advantages if we both apply for the same job.
12. Complete each idiom.
1 Jin's in a very powerful position; he.........................all the.........................
2 The teacher has...............................the.........................so many times that none of
the students knows what the rules are any more.
3 Simon is very direct with people; he never......................any..........................
4 What? The headteacher changed the holiday from a whole day to a half day!
Poor kids! It's just not ……........., is it?
5 The two presidential candidates have played......................recently and have
made quite personal attacks on each other.
6 Advertising on TV is not the same as it was 20 years ago; it's a
7 Everyone felt...........................................after six hours of political debate.
8 At 10 pm on the night of the election, the president threw................................
and admitted he had lost.


1.Если вы нарушите правила, то получите жёлтую или красную карточку.

Если вы получите красную, то вас дисквалифицируют и вы пропустите матч.

2. Уэйн Руни великолепно сыграл во вчерашнем матче, но Алекс Фергюсон

решил заменить его. Фанаты Манчестера неистовствовали.
3. В 1987 году бразильский кикбоксёр Уго Муноз решил улучшить своё
выступление на ринге, приняв допинг. Но он не прошёл допинг-контроль и
был исключён из соревнований.

4. После серии побед испанский футбольный клуб Барселона проиграл

всухую со счётом 2:0 итальянскому Милану.

5. Наша национальная сборная по баскетболу повела в счёте к концу первого

периода, но во втором тайме австралийская сборная сравняла счёт и к концу
матча оставила российскую сборную позади.

6.Она сделал ход конем, и выиграла фигуру соперника.

7. Боксёр Харрис Гиангос выиграл звание чемпиона в легчайшей весовой


8. Томас потерял устойчивость, так как его противник нанёс ему мощный
удар в челюсть.

9.Так как он всё время нарушал правила, тренер решил посадить его на
скамейку запасных.

10. Голкипер был дисквалифицирован за то, что ударил судью.

11. В прошлом году Серена Уильямс победила в личном первенстве. В

финальной встрече она обыграла соперницу с незначительным отрывом в

12. Если вы хотите сыграть в хоккей, то вам понадобится защитное

снаряжение, клюшка и коньки.

13. На прошлой неделе российский спортсмен Алекс Иваненко принял

участие в чемпионате по барьерному бегу в Болгарии. Ему не было равных.
Он показал как высокую технику бега, так и высокую технику при взятии

14. Ты ничуть не изменился! Говоришь только шутки ради! Жаль, что ты не

можешь быть более серьёзным и ответственным!

15. Ты всегда можешь положиться на него. Он парень что надо

16. Несколько лет назад он увлекался виндсёрфингом ,но теперь он

занимается катанием на скейте . Он всегда увлекается экстремальными
видами спорта, настоящий сорвиголова

17. Спартак завладел мячом и забил 3 гола подряд

18. Он исполнил пенальти, но не забил. Публика неистовствовала.

19. Джек показал отличный дриблинг ,но соперник нарушил на нём правила.
Судья не обратил на это внимания, и Джек потребовал назначения
штрафного удара

20. Наша национальная сборная выиграла чемпионат по синхронному

плаванию два года назад. Команда блестяще исполнила как обязательную
программу, так и произвольную.
Module 4. Crime and punishment

1. Translate the text about capital punishment and retell using the words in

Capital punishment is a legal infliction of the death penalty, in modern law,

corporal punishment in its most severe form. The usual alternative to the death
penalty is long-term or life imprisonment.

The earliest historical records contain evidence of capital punishment. It was

mentioned in the Code of Hammurabi. The Bible prescribed death as the penalty
for more than 30 different crimes, ranging from murder to fornication. The
Draconian Code of ancient Greece imposed capital punishment for every offence.
In England, during the reign of William the Conqueror, the death penalty was not
used, although the results of interrogation and torture were often fatal. In early
American colonies the death penalty was commonly authorized for a wide variety
of crimes. Blacks, whether slave or free, were threatened with death for many
crimes that were punished less severely when committed by whites.

Efforts to abolish the death penalty gathered momentum at the end of the 18 th
century. In Europe, a short treatise, On Crimes and Punishments, by the Italian
jurist Cesare Beccaria, inspired influential thinkers such as the French philosopher
Voltaire to oppose torture, flogging, and the death penalty.

The fundamental questions raised by the death penalty are whether it is an effective
deterrent to violent crime, and whether it is more effective than the alternative of
long-term imprisonment.

DEFENDERS of the death penalty insist that it is a major deterrent. It can make a
violent robber think twice before pulling the trigger. It can give a cold-blooded
poisoner something to ponder about while he is shaking up or serving his arsenic
cocktail. Above all, it can protect the most vulnerable members of society, young
children, from brutal sex-maniacs. It is horrifying to think that the criminal can
literally get away with murder. We all know that “life sentence” does not mean
what it says. After ten years or so of “good conduct”, the most desperate villain is
free to return to society where he will live very comfortably or will go on

committing offences until he is caught again. Moreover, DEFENDERS of capital
punishment also claim that society has the right to kill in defence of its members,
just as the individual may kill in self-defence.

On the other hand, OPPONENTS of the death penalty argue that it may be a
deterrent to a crime. They believe that the Biblical principle “An eye for an eye
and a tooth for a tooth” is a pre-Christian spirit of revenge because we are civilized
now and should give it up and be humane. Besides, they think that punishment
should fit the crime. We cannot accept fixed punishments for crimes,
circumstances should be taken into account.

The chief objection to capital punishment has also been that it is always used
unfairly, in at least three major ways. First, women are rarely sentenced to death
and executed, even though 20 per cent of all homicides in recent years have been
committed by women. Second, a disproportionate number of non-whites are
sentenced to death and executed. Third, poor and friendless defendants, those with
inexperienced or court-appointed attorney, are most likely to be sentenced to death
and executed.
2. Study the vocabulary at the end of the book and underline the correct item.
1. If you don't want someone to burgle/steal your house, you should keep the
doors and windows locked.
2. He keeps his bicycle securely chained so that no one will steal/rob it.
3. Two men attempted to burgle/rob the local bank, but the police arrived before
they got away.
4. Instead of fining the man, the judge sent him to prison because he was a repeat
5. That terrorist is one of the world's most wanted criminals/suspects.
6. The offender/suspect was set free because there was no evidence to prove that
he was guilty,
7. The suspect/convict had been in prison for twenty years when he died.
3. Fill in the missing word(s).
1. The arsonist had set fire to six homes before he was finally caught and s….
to fifteen years in prison.
2. "If you want me to keep my mouth shut, it'll cost you £5,000," he whispered.
"Don't try to b…. me!" she said.
3. Secret service agents quickly disarmed the men who had tried to a….. the
country's leader.
4. With dynamite strapped to his chest, he h…. the plane and ordered that it fly
to his country.
5. The young boy tried to p.....…..the old man's p…. but the security guard
saw what he was doing.
6. The shop detective caught him s… and held him until the police arrived.

7. The museum was v….by a gang of young boys who covered the walls with

4. Match the definitions below:

drug smuggling, hijacking, pickpocketing, shop-lifting,

kidnapping, mugging, fraud, arson, theft.

a) they broke the window of his car and stole the radio;
b) they sold paintings that they knew weren’t genuine masterpieces;
c) they illegally carried drugs into another country;
d) they held a pistol at the pilot’s head and he had to do what they said;
e) they set fire to the hotel;
f) they took some things off the shelves and left the supermarket without
paying for them;
g) they took away the rich man’s son and asked him for a lot of money;
h) they hit the man on the head as he was walking along the street, and stole all
his money and credit cards;
i) they took her purse out of her handbag as she was standing on the crowded
platform waiting for the train.

5. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions from the box. Some of these can be
used more than once.

before in to of with
1. He’s being kept ... custody.
2. He was sentenced ... five years.
3. She got a sentence ... six months.
4. He was accused ... murder.
5. She’s been charged ... theft.
6. He appeared ... court ... handcuffs.
7. They were brought ... the judge.

6. Translate from Russian into English

1. Император Александр пережил несколько попыток убийств по
политическим мотивам, однако 13 марта погиб от взрыва бомбы.
2. В некоторых странах двоежёнство преследуется законом, в то время
как в других — это довольно распространённый обычай.
3. Бандиты совершили вооруженное нападение на один из баров в
Мексике, в результате чего погибли 6 человек.
4. Один из крупнейших колумбийских наркодилеров Пабло Эскобар
занимался контабандой наркотиков в 80-е годы.
5. Московская железная дорога ежедневно теряет из-за безбилетников до
200 тысяч рублей на каждом направлении.

6. Возможной причиной смерти Бориса Березовского могло стать
самоубийство, сообщил адвокат олигарха в одной из социальных сетей.
7. Памятник советским воинам-освободителям, установленный в Чехии
в населенном пункте, осквернен вандалами.
8. Киллер и его сообщники задержаны в подмосковной Балашихе по
подозрению в убийстве предпринимателей.
9. Полицейские разоблачили фальшивомонетчиков, которые собирались
реализовать порядка 50 млн поддельных рублей.
10.Сердюков и его экс-подчиненные занимались мошенничеством, и им
грозит обвинение по делу о продаже побережья в Петербурге.
Преступник был заключен в камеру предварительного заключения по
делу о краже в предприятии, где он работал.
11. По слухам, в Ахтубинске некоторые должностные лица давно знали,
что скандально известный депутат открыл семейный бизнес и
прикарманивает бюджетные деньги.
12.Злоумышленники обманывали пожилых людей, которые пополнили
кошельки преступников на 200 тыс руб.
13.Преступник обвел вокруг пальца пожилую женщину, которая
согласилась отдать ему 50 тыс рублей.
14. Пока он крал, делал всякие сделки и махинации да набивал себе
карман, никто его не трогал, всё ему с рук сходило.
15.Дома в Кировском районе были построены незаконно.
16.Вооруженный преступник ограбил магазин и скрылся с места
17.Преступник отмотал срок за своего двойника-грабителя.
18. Московского прокурора взяли с поличным при получении
многомилионной взятки.
19. Борис Березовский был весь в долгах, продавал картины, что привело
в самоубийству.

7. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 10 A.

8.Translate the text from English into Russian and retell

Woman charged over death of child in nursery playground

Woman charged with gross negligence manslaughter after death of Lydia Bishop
in York in September last year. A woman has been charged with manslaughter
following the death of a three-year-old girl in a nursery playground.Lydia Bishop
died in an incident at York College nursery on 17 September last year.North
Yorkshire police said on Friday they had charged a 24-year-old woman with gross
negligence manslaughter. She will appear in court next week.They said York
College would be summonsed to court for alleged health and safety breaches.

The woman, who has not been named but is understood to have been a member of
staff at the nursery, will appear before York magistrates court on Monday 8 April.
Lydia suffered serious injuries in the outdoor play area on her first day at the
nursery.Emergency services were called and she was taken to York district
hospital, where she was pronounced dead.Her death was described as "absolutely
devastating" by the college at the time and the nursery, which opened in 2007, was
permanently closed.Detective Chief Inspector Nigel Costello, of North Yorkshire
police, said on Friday: "This has been a very distressing case for everyone
involved, not least for Lydia's family who have suffered an extremely tragic
loss."Our thoughts are with them and specially trained officers continue to support
them through this very difficult time."The matter is now in the hands of the
criminal justice system and we await the outcome of any subsequent court


1. Carl and Ayse are talking about a crime at work. Read the conversation
and note the idioms. All the idioms they use are informal.
Carl: I'd never have dreamt Russ was on the fiddle1, would you?
Ayse: Well, no. I knew money was going missing, but I never thought it would be
an inside job2. Russ seemed so honest, yet he had his hand in the till3 all the
Carl: Yeah, he pulled the wool over everyone's eyes4.
Ayse: I can't believe he was taking us all for a ride5. He was so strict with us and
yet he was lining his own pockets6 the whole time!
Carl: He sacked Jay when he was found selling things under the counter7 last
Ayse: I know! And now Russ has done a runner8.
Carl: Well, I hope they catch up with him.

1 5
was getting money in an illegal or tricking us
dishonest way was making money for himself in a
a crime committed by someone from dishonest way
within the organisation affected secretly; illegally
3 8
was stealing the business's money run away to avoid a difficult situation
deceived everyone

2. Read these comments about people's attitudes to banks. Complete each

Interviewer: 'Do you think banks are honest and open?'
1 'No. There's too much secrecy and too many deals done under the................
They should be more open.'
2 'Well, I think there are a minority of bankers who are just.................own ,
which gives the banks a bad name.'

3 'They're OK on the whole. But occasionally you get major financial crime
involving billions of pounds. And often it's an inside …. involving someone
working in the bank. We all suffer then.'
4 'No, banks are on the............................all the time, defrauding us and pulling
the .............................................................over our about what's really going
5 'Well, I think the banks are..........................us all for a........................They
never lose out - it's always the ordinary customers who suffer.'

3. Match each statement (1-9) with a suitable response (a-i).

1 I think teenagers who commit a crime should be sent to prison for a week and
given a really hard time.
2 I see the police have been called in about the missing money at the tennis club.
3 People who throw litter in the street ought to be prosecuted.
4 Wow, the police charged Tony with every possible offence they could think of!
5 It didn't take long for the police to arrive, did it?
6 I heard that Donald was actually in prison years ago.
7 Apparently, Angela Smith was in prison when she was younger.
8 That famous computer hacker, Jin Soon, is apparently a reformed character.
9 It's amazing how that former burglar is helping the police investigate crime in the

a Yes, they say she did time for attacking her husband's lover,
b Yes, it's a real case of poacher turned gamekeeper,
с Yes, I agree. They should be brought to book.
d Yes, someone told me he had done a stretch, but I don't know what for.
e Yes, the thieves won't be able to escape from the long arm of the law.
f Yes, a short sharp shock would do them good!
g No, the boys in blue were soon on the scene!
h Yes, they really threw the book at him, didn't they!
i Yes, he's back on the straight and narrow

4. Colour Idioms. Match the idioms on the left with their definitions on the
a) to catch sb. red-handed 1. broke, having no money
b) to see red 2. from nowhere, unexpectedly
c) to appear out of the blue 3. to catch sb. during his committing a crime
d) in the black and white 4. get terribly angry
e) in the red 5. in a very clear way

5. Translate from Russian into English

1. Его поймали с поличным, но он не признавал себя виновным.

2. Он провел всех и набил себе карманы нашими деньгами.

3. Он провернул несколько нелегальных делишек и скрылся.

4. Он пришел в ярость, когда узнал что стал жертвой мошенников.

5. Вся присяжные отчетливо понимали, что подсудимый виновен.

6. Неопровержимые доказательства появились из ниоткуда.

7. Узнав об измене жены, он пришел в ярость, схватил нож, ударил ее 7 раз и


8. Сара надеялась идти от длинной руки закона, но ее осудили и приговорили

к 3 годам заключения за непреднамеренное убийство.

9. Нападение было заснято на камеру видеонаблюдения. В данный момент

нападающие находятся в розыске.

10. Карманные кражи широко распространены в туристических городах.

11. Лжесвидетельство- серьезное преступление за которое преступник может

получить несколько лет тюремного заключения.

12. Заключение эксперта постановило, что подсудимый невиновен.

13. Адвокату удалось доказать, что улики были сфабрикованы и подсудимый

был освобожден.

14. В порыве ярости Мэри достала из ящика пистолет и застрелила няню

своих детей, которая, по ее словам оставила их без присмотра.

15. Мэри не признала себя виновной. Заключение эксперта постановило, что

она психически больна.

6. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 9 B.

7. Role-play. Let’s Do Justice!

Work in pairs. Each pair should consist of a “criminal” (choose your role from the
list of crimes at the end of the book) and a “defence lawyer”.
Step 1: The lawyer questions his client (the criminal) and finds out all the
circumstances of the crime.

Step 2: The lawyer delivers a speech trying to establish his client’s innocence.
Step 3: The rest of the group – the jurors – deliberate the evidence and bring in a

8. Read the text, translate and retell

Appeal denied for killer who sent taunting letter

The murderer of a 16-year-old girl was denied a hearing before the Supreme Court
on Monday, after a letter bragging about his crimes got him a cell on Virginia's
death row.

Without comment, the justices rejected Paul Warner Powell's appeal. Powell was
convicted of the murder of Stacie Reed and the rape of her 14-year-old sister in
their Manassas, Virginia, home in 1999.

Powell had claimed double jeopardy after state prosecutors put him on trial for a
second time in the killing. The high court delayed Powell's execution in July and
agreed to consider his broader constitutional claims. There was no word on when a
new date for lethal injection would be set.

"I'm hopeful this is the last legal chapter in the long history of this case," said
Prince William County Commonwealth's Attorney Paul Ebert. "The survivors --
Stacie's mother and [her sister] -- have really been traumatized by delay after
delay. Hopefully they're going to get some peace and closure after all these years."

The crime shocked the Washington area. Stacie Reed knew Powell, then 20 and an
admitted racist.

Virginia's highest court threw out the verdict in Powell's first trial, saying
prosecutors had not proved that other necessary death-eligible offenses were
committed against the 16-year-old. Such "aggravating" factors could include rape,
attempted rape or robbery in the commission of murder.The sexual assault and
attempted murder of Stacie Reed's younger sister were upheld, and Powell was
given a long prison sentence.

Powell, believing he was free from execution, wrote a taunting, profanity-filled

letter from behind bars to Ebert, laying out explicit details of the crime unknown to
investigators at the time.

"Since I have already been indicted on first degree murder and the Va. Supreme
Court said that I can't be charged with capital murder again, I figured I would tell
you the rest of what happened on Jan. 29, 1999, to show you how stupid all of y'all
... are," wrote Powell, who is white.

He said he had gone to the Reed house to confront Stacie for dating a black
boyfriend. He admitted pinning the victim, threatening to rape her, then stabbing
her in the heart when the girl resisted. He then stomped on her throat."I guess I
forgot to mention these events when I was being questioned. Ha Ha!" he wrote in
2001. "Do you just hate yourself for being so stupid ... and saving me?"

The killer also said that after that crime, he waited in the house until the younger
girl returned from school, then attacked her, leaving her for dead. In the meantime,
he drank iced tea from the family refrigerator and smoked a cigarette, forensic
evidence that investigators used to place Powell at the scene of the crime.

With the new firsthand account from Powell, he was indicted again and charged
with the murder and attempted rape of Stacie Reed -- making him eligible for
capital punishment if convicted. He was again convicted, and federal and state
courts upheld the conviction on appeal.

9. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 12 B.

10.Speaking. Read and translate the texts, choose any you like and learn the

Marianne Bachmeir, from Lubeck, West Germany, was in court watching the
trial of Klaus Grabowski, who had murdered her 7 year-old daughter. Grabowski
had a history of attacking children. During the trial, Frau Bachmeir pulled a Beretta
22 pistol from her handbag and fired eight bullets, six of which hit Grabowski,
killing him. The defence said she had bought the pistol with the intention of
committing suicide, but when she saw Grabowski in court she drew the pistol and
pulled the trigger. She was found not guilty of murder, but was given six years
imprisonment for manslaughter. West German newspapers reflected the opinion of
millions of Germans that she should have been freed, calling her "the avenging
Bernard Lewis, a thirty-six-old man, while preparing dinner became involved in
an argument with his drunken wife. In a fit of a rage Lewis, using the kitchen knife
with which he had been preparing the meal, stabbed and killed his wife. He
immediately called for assistance, and readily confessed when the first patrolman
appeared on the scene with the ambulance attendant. He pleaded guilty to
manslaughter. The probation department's investigation indicated that Lewis was a
rigid individual who never drank, worked regularly, and had no previous criminal
record. His thirty-year-old deceased wife, and mother of three children, was a "fine
girl" when sober but was frequently drunk and on a number of occasions when
intoxicated had left their small children unattended. After due consideration of the
background of the offence and especially of the plight of the three motherless
youngsters, the judge placed Lewis on probation so that he could work, support,
and take care of the children. On probation Lewis adjusted well, worked regularly,
appeared to be devoted to the children, and a few years later was discharged as
"improved" from probation.
Two youths in Mitcham, London, decided to rob a dairy. They were
Christopher Craig, aged 16, and Derek William Bentley, 19. During the robbery
they were disturbed by Sydney Miles, a policeman. Craig produced a gun and
killed the policeman. At that time Britain still had the death penalty for certain
types of murder, including murder during a robbery. Because Craig was under 18,
he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Bentley who had never touched the gun,
was over 18. He was hanged. The case was quoted by opponents of capital
punishment, which was abolished.
In June Lady Isabel Barnett, a well-known TV personality was convicted of
stealing a tin of tuna fish and a carton of cream, total value 87p, from a small shop.
The case was given enormous publicity. She was fined £75 and had to pay £200
towards the cost of the case. A few days later she killed herself.
This is an example of a civil case rather than a criminal one. A man had taken
out an insurance policy of £100,000 on his life. The policy was due to expire at 3
o’clock on a certain day. The man was in serious financial difficulties, and at 2.30
on the expire day he consulted his solicitor. He then went out and called a taxi. He
asked the driver to make a note of the time, 2.50. He then shot himself. Suicide
used not to cancel an insurance policy automatically. (It does nowadays.) The
company refused to pay the man’s wife, and the courts supported them.

Word Study
account – (зд.) сообщение to sum up - резюмировать
punishment – наказание penalty – наказание
to fit – соответствовать homicide - убийство
to become outraged – возмутиться bullet – пуля
assault - нападение to stab - вонзить
to confess – признаться rigid – стойкий, строгий
sober – трезвый frequently – часто
unattended – без присмотра plight – положение
to take care of – заботиться о diary – молочный магазин
death penalty – смертная казнь to fine - оштрафовать
to be convicted of – обвиняться в fraud - мошенничество
in a fit of rage – в порыве ярости to quote - ссылаться
to be discharged – быть освобожденным to avenge - мстить
to pull the trigger – нажать на курок
ambulance attendant – сотрудник скорой помощи
manslaughter – непреднамеренное убийство
to commit suicide – совершить самоубийство
to pass the sentence – вынести приговор
to plead guilty – признать себя виновным
probation department – отдел условного освобождения
life imprisonment – пожизненное заключение
to be hanged – быть повешенным
to abolish capital punishment – отменить высшую меру наказания
to break sb`s jaw – сломать челюсть
enormous publicity – большая огласка
insurance policy – страховой полис
due to expire – должен истечь (о сроке)
to appear on the scene – прибыть на место преступления

2. Discuss each case applying the questions below:

1. Was justice done?
2. If you had been the judge, would you have given a different sentence?
3. Would you have chosen a lighter sentence, or a more severe one?
4. How would you have felt if you had been the victim of the crime?
5. How would you have felt if you had been the defendant?
6. If you had been the judge, what other facts and circumstances would you
have wanted to know?

3. Translate into English having learnt the vocabulary of the texts:

1. В конце судебного заседания судья вынес приговор. 2. В порыве ярости он
достал пистолет и нажал на курок. 3. Когда полиция прибыла на место
преступления, преступник покончил с собой. 4. Женщину обвинили в
непреднамеренном убийстве и приговорили к трем годам условного
освобождения. 5. Многие люди в нашей стране выступают за (are for) отмену
высшей меры наказания. 6. Убийцу приговорили к пожизненному
заключению. 7. Человек обвинялся в мошенничестве. 8. Водитель запарковал
автомобиль незаконно и был оштрафован полицейским. 9. Мой страховой
полис должен истечь к концу этого года. 10. Подсудимый признал себя
виновным. 11. Наказание должно соответствовать преступлению. 12.
Обвиняемая часто выпивала и оставляла своих маленьких детей без
присмотра. 13. Его выпустили из тюрьмы спустя три года.

4. Additional Vocabulary:
The word EVIDENCE has the following meanings in Russian:
1) доказательство
evidence at law - судебные доказательства
2) показания
evidence for the defence - показания свидетелей защиты
3) улики
evidence of crime - улики
4) свидетельство
written evidence - письменное свидетельство

5. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents:

1) evidence in the case a) вещественные доказательства
2) evidence on oath b) давать показания
3) to give/produce evidence c) доказательство вины; улики
4) to plant evidence d) заключение эксперта
5) to weigh evidence e) доказательства, показания по делу
6) to withhold evidence f) показания, полученные с нарушением закона
7) evidence wrongly obtained g) доказательство из первых рук
8) circumstantial evidence h) лжесвидетельство
9) conclusive/decisive evidence i) косвенные улики
10) expert evidence j) ложное доказательство
11) false evidence k) недостаточное доказательство
12) first hand evidence l) неопровержимое доказательство
13) evidence of guilt m) окончательное , решающее док
14) insufficient evidence n) оценить доказательства
15) irrefutable evidence o) показания под присягой
16) perjured evidence p) скрыть доказательства
17) physical evidence q) сфабриковать доказательства

6. Texts for translation from Russian into English

1.Смертная казнь: за и против?

На протяжении веков смертная казнь назначалась за самые разные виды
преступлений. В средние века человека могли казнить за хищение
имущества, изнасилование и даже поджог. Государственная измена была и
остается во многих странах преступлением, наказуемым смертной казнью.
Существует мнение, что даже долгосрочное или пожизненное тюремное
заключение является бессмысленным наказанием для так называемых
«идеологических» преступников: предателей, шпионов, террористов.
Смертная казнь для такого рода преступников – меньшее из двух зол.
Пришло время отменить смертную казнь. С каждым годом это становится
более очевидным. Опыт всех стран показывает, что смертная казнь приводит
к ожесточению в обществе. В ряде стран смертные приговоры применяются в
основном к представителям неимущих слоев населения либо расовых или
этнических меньшинств.
В некоторых странах смертная казнь считается мерой, без которой
невозможно остановить распространение наркотиков, ликвидировать
политический терроризм, экономическую коррупцию или искоренить
супружескую неверность. Однако нет никаких доказательств, что ее
применение способно снизить уровень преступности или политического
насилия. Смертную казнь часто используют как средство политических
репрессий, а смертные приговоры выносятся и приводятся в исполнение
Оправдывая смертную казнь, чаще всего говорят, что она необходима, по
крайней мере временно, для блага общества. Однако имеет ли государство
право лишать человека жизни? Смертная казнь – это предумышленное и
хладнокровное убийство человека государством. Само существование этой
меры наказания является попранием основных прав человека:
международное право защищает жестокие, негуманные или унижающие
человека наказания.
Многовековой опыт применения высшей меры наказания и научные
исследования о взаимосвязи смертной казни и уровня преступности не дали
убедительных доказательств, что смертная казнь способна эффективно
защитить общество от преступности или способствовать правосудию. Ни
одна система уголовной юстиции не доказала свою способность справедливо
решать, кто должен жить и кто – умереть. Некоторым удается избежать
смертной казни с помощью квалифицированных защитников; другим –
потому что их судят мягкосердечные судьи или присяжные; третьим
помогают их политические связи или положение в обществе.
Существует определенный процент судебных ошибок, последствия
которых особенно трагичны при приведении смертного приговора в

2.На министра спорта Камчатки завели второе дел

Cледственный комитет РФ возбудил второе уголовное дело в отношении

министра спорта и туризма Камчатского края Виктора Кравченко. Об этом 20
августа сообщается на сайте СК. Кравченко подозревают в получении взятки
в размере два миллиона рублей. По версии следствия, в декабре 2011 года
чиновник узнал, что некая фирма нарушила условия госконтракта на
поставку горнолыжного инвентаря. Министр потребовал от руководства
фирмы взятку, в противном случае угрожая штрафами. Бизнесмены
согласились на его условия.

Первое уголовное дело Кравченко было возбуждено в начале августа 2012

года. Министра подозревают в мошенничестве - по версии следствия, в июле-
августе 2011 года он вместе с бизнесменом-подельником сфальсифицировал
итоги аукциона на поставку инвентаря и одежды для юных хоккеистов. В
итоге хоккеисты получили некачественные товары, а бюджету был нанесен
ущерб на сумму 6,9 миллиона рублей. Кравченко задержали 9 августа в
аэропорту Петропавловска-Камчатского, когда он пытался вылететь в
Москву. Министр протестовал против ареста, ссылаясь на плохое
самочувствие. Но суд все же заключил его под стражу, указав в том числе и
на попытку вылета с полуострова.

3.Ставропольский суд выписал штраф в 12 миллионов за неправильную


В Ставропольском крае к уплате штрафа на сумму 12 миллионов рублей

приговорен некий Александр Каспарян. Он пытался дать 200 тысяч рублей

сотруднику угрозыска, ошибочно считая, что тот имеет полномочия
освобождать подозреваемых из-под стражи, сообщает Генпрокуратура РФ. В
мае 2012 года в Кисловодске за торговлю наркотиками были задержаны жена
и сын осужденного. Каспарян попытался подкупить оперуполномоченного,
но ему помешали это сделать сотрудники полиции. Приговором
Ставропольского краевого суда взяткодателю был назначен штраф в 60-
кратном размере взятки. Кроме того, его на три года лишили права занимать
должности на госслужбе и в органах местного самоуправления.

Module 5. Earth: SOS

1. Translate and discuss the main factors which have had a negative
effect on the environment during the last two hundred years.
Environmental Damage through History
The world has reached a crisis point. Our modern lifestyle is destroying the
fragile environment. It's important to be aware of what is happening to the
environment today. One of the major problems nowadays is the destruction of the
rainfоrests. Many communities today burn down trees to clear land for growing
crops. Some of the earliest human communities also burned large areas of
woodland for this purpose. Human societies evolved from small groups of hunter-
gatherers to larger societies based around agriculture and domestic animals.
According to many anthropologists, this was the beginning of "civilization." But it
was also the beginning of mankind's destructive influence on the environment. We
probably discovered how to manipulate fire about a million years ago. Until that
time, most of the earth's land surface was covered in thick forests. Large forest
fires, probably started deliberately by humans, created a new type of landscape in
many parts of the world - the savannah or scrubland. The world's population then
was only five or ten million. But these people literally changed the face of the
earth. Several centuries later, the inhabitants of Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean
cut down all their trees in order to erect huge religious statues. The islanders
apparently forgot that the trees were their major source of food, fuel and shelter.
Within a few years, the rich and sophisticated society on Easter Island was reduced
to destitution and starvation.
The threat of extinction affects many animals and plant species in the world
today, and people become more and more unnecessary cruel to animals. We first
demonstrated our ability to eradicate other species several centuries ago. The dodo
was a large bird, rather like a turkey, that lived on the island of Mauritius in the
Indian Ocean. The bird had no natural predators and never developed the ability to
fly. Despite this, the dodo population thrived on the island for thousands of years.
When the first humans arrived in Mauritius in the early 16th century, they found
that the dodos were very tame. The birds walked right up to the human settlers and
did not try to run away. The settlers killed the dodos, partly for food and partly for
sport. By 1680, less than 200 years after the first human settlement on Mauritius,

the last dodo was dead. Only the expression "as dead as a dodo" lives on in the
English language.
Other animals who suffered at the hands of our ancestors include the elephant
and the buffalo. Thousands of years ago, elephants walked freely over much of the
earth. Elephant hunting by humans, mainly for the ivory trade, eliminated the
elephant population from the Middle East and North Africa several centuries ago.
The great explorer Marco Polo discovered a lucrative market for ivory in China
because the Chinese had already killed all their own elephants. The European
explorers who settled in the Americas spent several centuries trying to eradicate
the native American Indian population. In the 19th century, they deliberately set
out to kill all the buffalo in North America, because the Indians ate buffalo meat
and used the hide of the buffalo for making clothes and shelters. In 1800, there
were more than 60 million buffalo in the United States; by 1890 there were just
1,000 animals left. Today, the buffalo remains an endangered species.
Modern man has done a great damage to the soil by intensive farming methods.
One problem is salinization from excessive irrigation. But salinization is not
entirely a problem of modern, high-technology agriculture. Our ancestors probably
discovered irrigation about 5,500 years ago. The ancient Mesopotamians, who
lived about 4,500 years ago, were enthusiastic farmers. They built extensive
irrigation channels in river valleys to try to increase their crop fields.
Unfortunately, this led to waterlogging and salinization of the soil. The field of the
staple crop, barley, fell dramatically and a prolonged famine occurred. The people
who survived the famine had to change their staple crop from barley to wheat,
which tolerated the salty soil better. The problem of soil erosion has occurred ever
since man began to destroy forests. There is geological evidence that a rapid
increase in the rate of soil erosion occurred about 4,000 years ago in the northern
European countries, particularly Britain, France and Germany. There was also an
increase in silt deposits in rivers.
The time of this change corresponds to the introduction of agriculture to
Europe. The destruction of forests, together with ancient man's agricultural
methods, almost certainly caused this environmental damage.
The problems of urban expansion, industrial pollution and waste disposal
are largely the problems of an overpopulated world in the 21th century. But ever
since humans first tried to live together in towns, there have been problems
providing food, fuel, water and sanitation for urban communities. Until less than a
century ago, disposal of sewage was so inefficient that diseases such as cholera
were endemic in many towns. With very few exceptions, urban communities used
rivers and lakes as lavatories and garbage dumps. The ancient Romans, who
understood the connection between sewage and disease, built their famous
aqueducts to take the waste out of the city center. But the aqueducts simply
transported raw sewage to the countryside and dumped it there! The ancient
Romans were pioneers of public health but they were very short-sighted about the
health of the environment.
Environmentalists often claim that modern people are selfish, but modern
people are probably no more selfish than most of their predecessors.
However, there are two important differences between ancient civilizations and the
world today. First, there are so many more people in the world today. We no
longer live in isolated communities many hundreds of miles from our neighbors.
The world, is now a global village. World population is reaching critical levels.
Second, during the past 200 years, humankind has invented powerful technology
that multiplies each individual's destructive impact on the environment. One man
with an ax can cut down one or two large trees in a day; with modern machinery
the same man can cut down a whole forest. Population growth and modern
technology mean that we cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors. The
environmental crisis we are facing today will not just destroy a tiny corner of the
earth. If we do not take action soon, it may cause irreversible damage to the entire

2.Read through the text carefully. Then complete the following to make
suitable sentences according to the meaning of the text.

1. Man first began to destroy the environment when........

2. A million years ago the size of the world's population was
3. The reason why the inhabitants of Easter Island cut down their trees was
4. The dodo became extinct because settlers on Mauritius
5. Elephants were common in most parts of the world.....
6. In the space of ninety years the number of buffalo in the U.S.A. decreased from
7. Salinization means that the soil.....................................
8. When man started to destroy forests, soil erosion.........
9. Poor sewage disposal has always caused......................
10. The surprising thing about Roman aqueducts was that
11. If nothing is done about the environmental crisis today,
12. During the last two hundred years the two main factors which have
destroyed the environment are..........................................

3. Match the words in the list with the nouns. Use each word only once. Which
of the collocations are used to describe threats to the environment? Which
describe possible ways to solve environmental problems?
acid greenhouse factory nuclear oil breeding conservation environmental
forest endangered national thick
1 .....species 5.....park 9 …. smog
2 ...........rain 6.....waste 10 …. spills
3 ...emissions 7……programmes 11…. fires
4 ... awareness 8.....areas 12 …. gases

4. Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the sentences:

greenhouse effect, endangered species, ozone layer depletion, extinct, global

warming, deforestation, eco-tourism, pollutants, oil spill, car exhausts
1. The emissions from…….. bear responsibility for many more deaths than road
2. The researchers claim that air……. from the use of fossil fuel contribute to sun
rays reflection back into space.
3. The rise of the average temperatures as a result of…… can lead to breakup of
the ice caps.
4. Due to the….. the earth becomes surrounded by a layer of heat trapped and held
in the atmosphere.
5. With…… progressing and the level of radiation growing, our planet would
soon become a barren wasteland where little life could survive.
6. The governmental commission are seeking for ways to prevent …..from tankers
in inland waters of the USA.
7. One cause of ……can be the further use of land for agricultural purposes.
8. Hunt for ……. of animals is strictly forbidden by the law.
9. The list of …….mammals is supplemented by the day and there is a strong
possibility that our children will not see a lot of endangered today animals.
10.Both natural and cultural attractions can become objects of …..

5. Read the table, then in pairs discuss the problems, their effects and their
solutions as in the example:
A:Dropping litter can result in dirty streets.
B: That's true. I think we should use litter bins instead of dropping litter carelessly

litter/rubbish dirty streets, encourage

spread of recycling, use
diseases litter bins
air pollution breathing unleaded
problems, petrol, filters
cancer risk in factories,
ban cars from
city centres
water fish die, limit use of
pollution stomach chemicals in
illnesses industry, fine
which pollute

6.Match the words in Column A to their synonyms in Column B.

1. drought a. lack of food

2. contaminate b. take in
3. famine c. lack of (precipitation) rain
d. pollute
4. absorb e. forecast
5. deficiency f. survive
6. no longer in existence g. extinct
7. make a prediction h. shortage
8. remain alive i. endanger
9. easily broken j. fragile
10.put in danger

7. Translate from Russian into English

1.Сами того не ведая, люди причиняют экологический ущерб окружающей


2. Представители политики в области охраны окружающей среды должны

принимать решительные меры по ее охране и оздоровлении.

3. Меры по охране окружающей среды включают в себя борьбу с

загрязнениями и эффективное использование энергетических ресурсов

4. Человечество должно снизить уровень выбросов, содержащих серу и азот.

5. Канализационные, промышленные, сельскохозяйственные стоки

представляют большую угрозу здоровью.

6. К сожалению, в наше время почти не осталось девственных экосистем.

7. Экологическое разрушение – это проблема ,не знающая границ.

8. Правительство слишком часто взвешивает затраты и прибыль вместо того,

чтобы принимать меры по оздоровлению окружающей среды.

9.Чтобы бороться с загрязнением нужно взвесить затраты и прибыль.

10. Захоронение ядерных отходов – это загрязнения, распространяющееся на

территории ни одного государства.

11. Экологическое благополучие-это то, к чему нужно стремиться.

12. Установление определенного уровня загрязнения окисью азота –

проблема большой важности.

13. Преобладающее развитие тяжелых отраслей промышленности привело к

большому количеству промышленных стоков и отходов, захоронению
ядерных отходов.
14.постепенно человечество переходит к альтернативным экологически
чистым источникам энергии.

15. Использование ископаемых видов топлива вызывает истощение

озонового слоя.
16. Уровень pH очень высок в кислотных дождях.

17. Технологическая очистка -один из способов снижения уровня

поступающих в море загрязняющих веществ.

18. Выбросы углекислого газа стали причиной тепличного эффекта.

19.Управление охраны окружающей среды разрабатывает меры по защите

окружающей среды.

20. Программа мер по защите окружающей среды включает долгосрочные

мероприятия по предотвращению загрязнения.

8. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 3A.


1. Translate into Russian.

1. Corrosion: When engineers plan a structure that will be made of metal and will
stand unprotected out doors, they must take into account the possibility of
corrosion brought about by rain.

2. Ecosystems: An ecosystem is a delicate balance. For example, in a low desert

ecosystem, if there is an extremely cold winter, one species of plant may suffer.
The loss of that one species of plant can cause the loss of food for one small
animal. If this small animal dies in great numbers, this can affect a higher order of
species and so on.

3. Precipitation: Last year was a record year for precipitation in the desert. More
than 2 inches of rain fell, and more than 4 inches of snow fell!

4. Emissions: Some people are urging the government to put more controls on
automobile emissions. They warn that if this is not done, our air pollution will only
get worse.

5. To be devoid of x: Most people think that deserts are devoid of all life. However
if they looked closely, they would find that there are numerous animals and plants
that flourish, that is, do well, in the desert.

6. Vulnerable: Nations are especially vulnerable to attack when they are
unprepared or preoccupied with internal difficulties.

7. Adverse effects: Smoke not only has adverse effects on smokers, but it also
harms people around smokers.

8. To attribute x to x: People attributed his death to the fact that he smoked 4 packs
of cigarettes a day.

9. Toxic: All toxic material should be kept on a high shelf so that small children do
not drink or eat dangerous substances.

2.Translate into English using the active vocabulary:

1. Двуокись серы, окись азота и двуокись углерода – вещества, сильно

загрязняющие окружающую среду.

2. На долю Польши приходится 20% общего количества загрязняющих

Балтийское море веществ, включая канализационные, промышленные и
сельскохозяйственные стоки.

3. Правительство Польши намеревается заняться экологическими


4. Будет разработана долгосрочная программа превентивных мер.

5. Система штрафов за вредные выбросы и нарушение установленных норм

(правил) обеспечит фонды.

6. Успех в борьбе с загрязнением приведет к улучшению условий жизни.

7. Считается, что серьезно пострадали только 11% польской земли, но почти

такое же количество можно отнести к наиболее благополучным экосистемам
в Европе.

3.Choose the contextual synonyms and use them in the sentences instead of
the underlined words.

Industrial facilities; global warming; toxics; conservation measures; chemicals,

horrible gas cocktail; air toxics; perpetrators of ecological degradation;
environmental protection measures; pharmaceutical waste; a pH of I.

1. In big cities air pollution emission results from combustion processes.

2. California’s electricity industry could still reduce its carbon-dioxide emissions

by 20 % by the end of the decade.

3. The state government has compelled the polluters to capture 90 % of the horrible
gas cocktail before it gets into the atmosphere.

4. The spreading ecological disaster may yet force change on the polluters.

5. Polluters are paying record amounts in fines.

6. Russian industry discharges vast amounts of carbon-dioxide into the

atmosphere, aggravating the impact of the greenhouse effect.

7. Natural gas, the cleanest fossil fuel contributes to the greenhouse effect.

8. A recent review of America’s green policies by the Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) reckoned that the cost of complying with them would rise to at least
2.6 % of GNP by the end of the century.

9. Because of nitrogen-oxide and sulfur-dioxide emissions, rain and fog in some

states have the acidity of battery acid.

10. Dangerous medical waste has washed on the shores of 17 states.

4. Two-way translation. Listen and translate.

Talk with an American environmental protection expert.

– На мой взгляд, проблема окружающей среды должна волновать всех. Она

не знает границ. Жизни людей угрожает ухудшающееся с каждым днем
состояние окружающей среды. Вредное влияние уже распространяется и на
будущее поколение. В нашей стране смертность новорожденных гораздо
выше, чем в других высокоразвитых странах. Никакая другая развитая в
промышленном отношении страна так систематически и так долго не
отравляла атмосферу, землю, воду и людей. Что Вы думаете как специалист
по этому поводу?

– I completely agree with you. The problem really has no boundaries. We all live
in a single ecological space. Nearly 150 mln people in the United States currently
live in urban areas where the air fails to meet minimum health standards. The EPA
estimates that airborne toxics cause 3,000 cancer cases every year.

– Сейчас много говорят о кислотном дожде. Что он собой представляет?

Каковы его причины?

– As far I know acid rain is any form of precipitation – rain, snow, sleet, fog – that
contains high level of acid, particularly sulfuric acid and nitric acid. The nitrogen
and sulfur that is needed for acid rain comes from a number of sources primarily
automobile nitrogen emissions and electric utilities sulfur emissions. Because of

nitrogen-oxide and sulfur-dioxide emissions, rain and fog in some States have the
acidity of battery acid.

– Выбросы двуокиси углерода в атмосферу ведут к глобальному потеплению,

так называемому парниковому эффекту, который в свою очередь может
вызвать таяние полярных снегов, последующий подъем уровня моря и
изменение погоды по всему земному шару.

– You are right. The problem is widely discussed. Ozone-depleting chemicals,

carbon-dioxide emissions from vehicles and industry, fossil fuel combustion,
deforestation are producing an estimated increase in global temperature of between
2.7 and 8.1 degrees Fahrenheit over the next 50 to 100 years. Current warming
trends will result in a 2 to 7 foot rise in the sea level by 2100.

– Большую роль в очистке атмосферы играют леса. Ученые считают, что

сибирским лесам, которые поглощают большую часть углекислого газа на
планете, грозит не меньшая опасность, чем бразильской сельве. Наибольший
урон наносится загрязнением и вырубкой, в которых активно участвуют
иностранные компании. У нас на Дальнем Востоке положение не лучше.
Местные власти разрешили иностранным компаниям бесконтрольную
вырубку леса, не поставив условием восстановление лесопосадок.

– We have the same problem. Some 70,000 acres of ancient forests are cut each
year, a rate that will mean the loss of all unprotected stands in 15 years. Our former
president Bush supported increasing expenditures to acquire new parkland, but he
has done nothing to cut back subsidized timbering in national forests, has kept
subsidized grazing on public lands, and has opposed the California desert
Protection Act.

– Да, перечисленные проблемы далеко не все проблемы, связанные с охраной

окружающей среды. Их множество. Это и захоронение ядерных отходов, и
поиски экологически чистых видов топлива, и разливы нефти, и отравление
пестицидами. Люди не должны быть равнодушными, они могут
предотвратить экологическую катастрофу. Многое для спасения живой
природы уже сделано экологической организацией «Гринпис». Многое
может сделать и политика народной дипломатии, когда опытные
специалисты-экологи могут подсказать, как справиться с той или иной

– Well, while governmental bodies are conducting their affairs of state, let citizens
who are experts in environmental protection and remediation step forward to assist,
to save lives and environmental NOW. The group of experts could establish an
international registry of environmental and occupational safety professionals. Such
a registry could identify volunteers willing to work from one to three months in the
Republics of CIS, for example, identifying ecological and occupational safety

problems, performing needs assessment, developing solutions and suggesting
interrepublican standards.

– В июне 1992 года в Рио-де-Жанейро состоялась Всемирная конференция

ООН по охране окружающей среды. Хотя главы государств более чем ста
стран и тысячи активистов экологических организаций не придумали, как
предотвратить глобальное потепление климата, конференция приблизила
человечество к решению многих экологических проблем.

– I attended the United Nations Earth Summit in Rio. Among other issues on the
agenda was the Convention on Biological Diversity. Although present treaties
protect some elements of biodiversity, they fall short of comprehensive
conservation of genetic resources. Global guidelines for protection of the world’s
“library” are solely needed.

– Документы, подписанные в Рио, носят рекомендательный и, по мнению

многих, излишне компромиссный характер, однако они закладывают основу
некоего нового международного «зеленого этикета», содержат свод прав и
обязанностей государств, которые должны подчинять нужды развития
интересам защиты окружающей среды – отныне и в XXI веке.

5. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 3B.

6. Read, translate and retell

1.Antarctica: A Greenhouse Gas Hotspot?

New study suggests that huge amounts of the greenhouse gas methane could be
hiding underneath the ice of Antarctica.

With brutal blizzards, dry air, and some of the coldest temperatures on earth, the
Antarctic is inhospitable to the best of us. But not, apparently, to the 21,000 billion
metric tons of organic carbon that could be producing up to four billion metric tons
of methane – a potent greenhouse gas – beneath the continent.

In a new study, scientists have discovered that sedimentary basins beneath the
Antarctic Ice Sheet contain huge quantities of organic carbon that work in concert
with microbes to produce methane. The microbes metabolize the organic carbon to
carbon dioxide and methane gas. Coupled with the lack of oxygen under ice sheets,
these conditions are “the perfect ingredients for methanogenesis,” University of
Bristol professor of glaciology Jemma Wadham said. Their findings
were published in the August 30 issue of Nature.

“It is easy to forget that before 35 million years ago, when the current period of
Antarctic glaciations started, this continent was teeming with life,” University of
California-Santa Cruz earth and planetary sciences professor Slawek Tulaczyk said

in a statement. Sedimentary basins in the Antarctic may have contained over ten
times more organic carbon than parts of the Arctic, according to the study. “Our
modeling shows that over millions of years, microbes may have turned this old
organic carbon into methane.”

The researchers used an established numerical model to simulate how much

methane might accumulate below the sea floor. The model demonstrated that most
of the organic carbon eventually turns into methane hydrate – an ice-like solid
structure in which water molecules surround methane – because of the Antarctic’s
low temperature, high pressure conditions. The rest becomes free methane gas.
Because the methane hydrate inventories are likely to be located at shallow depths,
ice-sheet melting could cause the gas to come out of hiding and enter the
atmosphere, the scientists said. They noted, however, that this is still speculation –
there’s a lot of uncertainty left about how much methane could be lurking down
there. For the moment, the study simply raises questions about the possibility.

“It’s always difficult to talk about risk, especially risk that has to do with natural
processes,” Tulaczyk said.

Wadham noted that their findings might even have a positive spin to them if the
Antarctic methane hydrate could one day become another energy source. Natural
gas is, after all, mostly made up of methane. But that’s far off until there is an
economically viable way to get that methane out – the lack of an airport or harbor
and any other infrastructure with which to do this undercuts the possibility for
now, not to mention the Antarctic Treaty’s prohibition of mineral mining on the
continent. For now, the spotlight is on how, for all its remoteness, Antarctica may
be a far larger player in the climate game than we’ve appreciated in the past, and
one we’d be smart not to ignore.

2.Global warming will cause more powerful thunderstorms

The future climate change scenarios are predominantly negative and scientists
from all over the world seem to agree that the world is heading towards a major
environmental disaster that will seriously affect our future wellbeing.

The scientists are constructing numerous climate models with the help of
sophisticated computer programs in order to determine changing weather
conditions that should help them predict our future climate. The latest of these
studies comes from Tel Aviv University, Israel, where scientists have used
computer climate models and studied real-life examples of climate change in order
to determine the impact that changing weather will have on storms.

The scientists have concluded that climate change will likely have major impact on
lightning activity, and have predicted that every one degree Celsius of global

temperature increase will cause approximately a 10 percent increase in lightning

The increased lightning will have particularly negative impact in areas that are
increasingly becoming warmer and drier such as the Mediterranean and the
Southern United States that will likely be experiencing very intense thunderstorms.

The researchers also fear that wildfires will become more frequent in these areas
because dry environment could spread fires more widely and quickly, making them
more devastating than ever before.

More wildfires would also contribute to increase in air pollution by releasing far
more smoke into the air than before, adding to a variety of different environmental

More intense rainstorms could also result in flash-flooding, leading to problems

with water supply because of the lack of water being retained in groundwater and

7. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 7 B.

8. Texts for translation from Russian into English

1.Проблемы экологии

На сегодняшний день экология стала очень популярным словом. А что это

слово значит? Экология – это наука, которая изучает отношения между всеми
формами жизни на нашей планете и в окружающей среде.

Экология природы, слово экология произошла от греческого слова " oikos

" (ойкос), что означает слово «дом». Забота о «доме» в данном случае
включает всю нашу планету, всех живущих на планете существ, а, также,
атмосферу нашей планеты. Достаточно часто слово экология используется
для того, чтобы охарактеризовать окружающую среду и людей, которые
живут в данной окружающей среде.

Общяя экология, в последнее время очень много говориться о кислотном

дожде, глобальном потеплении, истончении озонового слоя планеты. Все эти
негативные процессы вызваны тоннами загрязняющих вредных веществ,
которые выбрасываются в атмосферный воздух промышленными

Транспорт – это один из главных загрязнителей окружающей природной

среды. На сегодняшний день автомобили, с их бензиновыми и дизельными
двигателями, стали главными источниками загрязнения атмосферы в
промышленных странах. Защита окружающей среды стала той проблемой,
над решением которой работают ученые всего мира. Должны быть
предприняты самые активные меры для того, чтобы создать международную
систему экологической безопасности. На сегодняшний день уже сделано
достаточно много шагов для обеспечения экологической безопасности всей

2.Килиманджаро осталась без снежной шапки

Из-за глобального потепления ледники и снега, расположенные на горных
вершинах, тают с катастрофической скоростью. Впервые за 11 тыс. лет
Килиманджаро, высочайшая гора Африки, впервые осталась без снежно-
ледяной шапки. Ученые прогнозировали таяние этого ледника, но, по их
прогнозам, оно должно было произойти лишь через 15 лет, передает
британский телеканал Sky News. Гора Килиманджаро, высота которой
немногим меньше 5,9 км, расположена почти на самом экваторе.
Белоснежная шапка всегда считалась неотъемлемой частью ландшафта
Танзании и привлекала туристов. Однако ледник, которого больше нет, был
не только достопримечательностью, но и естественным запасом пресной
воды. Ученые предупреждают о том, что в последние годы резко ускорился
процесс таяния гималайских льдов. Из-за этого без пресной воды могут
остаться те регионы Китая, Индии и Непала, которые традиционно
пользуются ресурсами горных рек. Эксперты признают, что гибель ледников
чревата глобальной гуманитарной катастрофой, первыми жертвами которой
могут стать жители Танзании и других стран Черного континента,
получавших воду с Килиманджаро. Вопросы глобального потепления и
таяния высокогорных льдов будут обсуждаться на проходящих в Британии
заседаниях министров окружающей среды и энергетики "большой
восьмерки". Однако одними обсуждениями ледники не спасти. Не могут
помочь им и отдельные энтузиасты, которые, стоит отдать им должное,
успешно привлекают внимание к животрепещущей проблеме.

Module 6. Disasters and Accidents


1. You are going to read a magazine article about earthquakes. Six paragraphs have
been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A - G the one which
fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.
There is an example at the beginning (0).

Earthquake in LA

At 4.31 in the morning on January 17. 1994, the full impact of a massive
earthquake measuring 6.7 on the Richter scale hit the community of Northridge in
Los Angeles. It was an unwelcome wake-up call for everyone in the city.

One resident, Rosemary Sato, was shaken awake in her bed to the sound of
tremors violently rocking her house. When she got up she found that the quake
had blown open her front door and thrown her furniture around like toys.
0 ………………………….(E)
However, the damage wasn't restricted to Northridge. Across the city the quake
killed sixty people, destroyed or severely damaged more than 3,000 homes, and
brought down ten highway bridges. Many people were trapped under debris. The
cost of the damage was estimated to be 20 billion dollars. The cause of this quake
was movement in the San Andreas fault system. The fault is a crack between two
giant pieces of the Earth's crust. One of these pieces, most of which is situated
under the Pacific Ocean, is moving at an average of about four centimetres every
1…………………………………( )
The good news is that the Californian authorities are taking these predictions
seriously. Engineers are working to strengthen the steel frames of buildings and
other structures such as bridges. Hopefully, this will lead to less structural
damage during the next quake.
2……………………………………..( )
During a quake it is important to stay calm, as panic leads to rash actions which
may result in injury or even death.
3…………………………………….( )
Levon Jemazian, a clinical psychologist, helps people to deal with the effects of
this trauma. For weeks after the Northridge quake, one of his patients, Ani
Shakhverdyan, aged eight, would still cling to her parents, was terrified of the dark
and would not even go to the bathroom alone.
4……………………………………..( )
Other survivors of quakes deal with their fears in a different way. They tell
themselves that it won't happen again.
5………………………………………( )
Little does she realise that in California, with the chances of another severe
quake at 90 per cent in the next thirty years, she is very likely to experience at
least one more.

A In one session, Ani was asked to draw a picture of her fears. She drew a big rat.
Then Levon Jemazian told her to cut the picture of the rat into pieces, burn it,
and then jump on the remains. Ani did what he suggested and her fears became
less intense.

В Unfortunately, this movement isn't slow and continuous, but occurs in bursts,
which result in earthquakes. And to make matters worse, scientists not only
expect more earthquakes in the near future, but also more powerful ones.

С People are advised to stay where they are and, if possible, to take shelter under
a bed or table. However, for many it is difficult to get rid of the terror of
experiencing an earthquake. After the Northridge quake, thousands of
Californians even left the state, and many of those who stayed have experienced
what is now known as "earthquake trauma".

D One woman's reaction was, "I'm not scared anymore. Also, it's similar to being
in a plane crash. What are your chances of being in another?"

E Another resident of the community, who lived in a three-storey apartment

block, recalls the top two floors of the building crashing down onto his first-
floor apartment. "A wall fell on me," he said, "I couldn't move my head. I was
trapped for five hours with injuries to my lungs, ribs and collar-bone."

F Amazingly enough, nobody noticed it apart from scientists who were studying
the seismic activity. However, one man did report that his dog had started to
howl at the time the quake was said to have started.

G The residents of California are also preparing themselves for the next big one.
They are buying emergency supplies, nailing down their belongings and making
plans for what they should do in the event of another quake

2. Learn the words at the end of the book and translate sentences from
Russian into English.

1. Сегодня бытует мнение, что природные катастрофы становятся все более

частыми и разрушительными.

2. Человеку, не привыкшему к суровым погодным условиям севера,

приходиться очень трудно во время метели и бурана.

3. Тайфун обрушился на несколько островов Тихого океана.

4. Громкие звуки могут вызывать лавину только в кино, не было

зафиксировано случаев схода лавины по причине громкого разговора.

5. При первых толчках землетрясения нужно немедленно найти укрытые

6. В последующие дни после урагана мародеры растаскивают уцелевшие

ценные вещи.

7. Прошлогоднее наводнение в Крымске показало безответственность

8. Продолжительная жара при отсутствии ливней приводит к засухе.

9. Наиболее распространенными естественными причинами больших лесных

пожаров на Земле обычно являются молнии.

10. Ученые стремятся сократить количество жертв от природных катастроф,

поэтому ведутся наблюдения с целью выявить признаки приближающегося

11. В том числе ведутся наблюдения и за торнадо, специально обученные

люди отправляются в эпицентр смерча, чтобы сделать необходимые

12. Согласно статистике авиакомпаний почти в 90% авиакатастроф можно


13. Автокатастрофы ежегодно уносят жизни более чем миллиона человек.

14. Если в кабине есть дым, вам следует наклонить голову и прикрывать лицо
салфетками, полотенцами или одеждой чтобы избежать отравления газом.

15. За последнее время к естественному радиационному фону прибавилось

излучение от приборов созданных человеком, поэтому радиационное
отправления стало пугающей реальность.

16. Терроризм по своим масштабам, последствиям, интенсивности,

разрушающей силе, по своей бесчеловечности и жестокости, превратился
ныне в одну из самых страшных проблем всего человечества.

17. Помпеи – мертвый город, похороненный под слоем пепла из-за

извержения Везувия.

18. При вспышке сверхновой звезды выделяется колоссальное количество


19. Войны и общественные беспорядки в некоторых странах вынуждают

людей становиться беженцами.

20. В странах третьего мира люди все еще умирают от голода и эпидемий.

3. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 4A.

4. Choose the correct word from the list below to complete the sentences:
blizzard, drought, hurricanes, tsunami, earthquakes, volcanic eruption, forest
fire,desertification, avalanche, flood
1. During the …………. in Montroc, France, in 1999, twelve people were
buried under 100,000 tons of snow five meters in depth.
2. Last year a severe ………… ruined the crops, the soil was dry as a bone.
3. In 2008 the ………. was the worst natural disaster to ever strike Thailand,
the giant wave caused lots of deaths and major damage to the economy of the
4. The most common type of ………. occurs when magma is released from
beneath the earth, which is usually accompanied by ash and gases.
5. In January ……….. conditions made roads in Germany almost impassible,
the snowstorm had been raging for more than a week.
6. 2011 Irene was by far one of the most destructive and deadly ……….. ever
to hit the USA with windspeed reaching up to 120 miles per hour.
7. The ………. was raging for two weeks in Russia, the large tract of relict
trees was completely burnt away.
8. ………takes place in drylands where the earth is fragile and vulnerable to
erosion and soil degradation.
9. Annual …… damage can be eliminated by moving houses further from the
10. The series of devastating …… with a magnitude of 7.0 or above on the
Richter scale caused significant damage to Japan in 2011.

5. Translate the verbs connected with disasters

1. A volcano has erupted in Indonesia.
2. Hundreds are feared dead.
3. The flu epidemic spread rapidly throughout the country.
4. Millions are starving as a result of the famine.
5. A big earthquake shook the city at noon today.
6. The area is suffering its worst drought for many years.
7. Civil war has broken out in the north of the country.
8. A tornado swept through the islands yesterday.
Remember: injure [people], damage [things]:
200 people were injured and dozens of buildings were damaged in the hurricane.
6. Translate the words for people involved in disasters/tragedies
1. The explosion resulted in 300 casualties, [dead and injured people]
2. The real victims of the civil war are the children left without parents,
[those who suffer the results of the disaster]
3. There were only three survivors. All the other passengers died instantly,
[people who live through a disaster]
4. Thousands of refugees have crossed the border looking for food and shelter.

5. During the battle, the dead and wounded were flown out in helicopters,
[wounded: injured in a battle/by a weapon]

1. Look at the table below, choose any disaster to talk about

Most deadly natural disasters, listed by type

Disaster Location Date Size Casualties Article

Outbreak of
Yersinia pestis
Over 1,500,000
England across the
deaths in
Disease and 1348 world, killed Black Death
England and
Scotland around 30% of
24 Up to 15,000
November deaths, ships lost,
Southern strength storm at Great Storm
Storm to 2 mass damage to
England 120 mph of 1703
December buildings and
(193 km/h)
1703 trees
2,000 deaths,
tsunami of Bristol
Bristol January 30, many settlements
Tsunami unknown size or Channel
Channel 1607 swept away, local
European floods, 1607
economy ruined
Essex, 4.7 not the UK's Thousands of 1884
April 22,
Earthquake South strongest, but homes, around 5 Colchester
East most destructive deaths earthquake
2 deaths, the
early London
London, 17 October Bridge, 600
Tornado F4 Tornado of
England 1091 houses, many
churches (inc. St
Dozens harmed,
8 killed when the
27 UK's worst ever
Lewes, Lewes
Avalanche December avalanche
England avalanche
1836 covered a street
on the town's

2. List of questions for discussion:

What is a disaster?
Have you ever been in a disaster?
Do you know anyone who has been in a natural disaster?
How do you think you would react in a disaster?
What are some different kinds of disasters?
What kind of disasters are common in your country?
Are there ways we can prepare ourselves in advance to cope with disasters?
How are businesses affected by disasters?
How are families affected by disasters?
How are the problems solved after a disaster?
Does government help to cope with disasters?
If you had the power to stop a natural disaster that has happened in the past, which
would you choose? Why?
What is the difference between natural disasters and manmade disasters?
What are examples of manmade disasters?
What would you do if you knew there would soon be a serious natural disaster and
this could be your last day on earth?
3. Read the following news reports (A and B), explain the words in bold and
think of a suitable headline for each. Read them again and answer the
following questions:
a) What happened?,
b) When /Where did it happen?,
c) What was the cause?,
d) How many were injured or died?,
e) What action is being taken as a result?
A. Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, Louisiana on August 29th, 2005. By
August 31st, 80% of New Orleans was flooded, and many sections were under 4.5
meters of water. Luckily, 90% of the residents of Louisiana were evacuated
before the hurricane hit. However, in the end 1,464 people died. As you know,
the most dangerous aspect of a hurricane is not the precipitation that it drops, but
the dangerous winds which accompany it. The reason why Hurricane Katrina
was so devastating for New Orleans is because the strong winds caused the levees
to break, thus flooding the city. In the days following the hurricane, there was
some looting in the city, but the military was called in and they halted illegal
action very quickly. The state government was heavily criticized after the tragedy
for failing to help its citizens. On April 9, 2010, Amnesty International accused
the United States government of violating the human rights of hurricane victims by
treating them improperly and not giving enough assistance to poor minority
communities. What do you think the government is responsible for in such
B. Disaster struck in the town of Redbrooke late last night when the recently
built Palmer Court apartment block caught fire and was completely destroyed.

It was just after 2.00 am when many of the residents in the building were woken
by the smell of smoke. The Fire Brigade was alerted and arrived promptly to
evacuate the building and extinguish the fire.
The fire spread rapidly through the building and the rescue operation had to
be carried out quickly in order to save the forty-three residents inside. Twenty-nine
people were taken to Redbrooke General Hospital, suffering from smoke
inhalation and minor burns, but it is expected that they will be discharged later
today. The remaining fourteen people were evacuated safely with no injuries. The
Fire Brigade battled with the fire until 7 o'clock this morning but were unable to
save the building. The residents will be provided with temporary accommodation.
An investigation is being carried out to determine the cause of the fire. At
present it is suspected that it was caused by a malfunction in the electrical wiring
system, which would explain why so many flats were affected at the same time.

4. Translate from Russian into English

1. По данным местных властей, не менее четырех заминированных

автомобилей взорвались в шиитских районах иракской столицы. Количество
погибших и пострадавших пока не уточняется.
2. После того, как Циклон Бола прошелся по землям Пакистана, более
половины пахотных земель были загрязнены и испорчены, голода было уже
не избежать.

3. Радиоактивное загрязнение окружающей среды при авариях на АЭС -

это основной фактор, оказывающий влияние на состояние здоровья и условия
жизнедеятельности людей

4. Наибольшую угрозу солнечные вспышки представляют в космическом

пространстве. Они опасны для космонавтов, а также способны повреждать
космические аппараты и спутники связи.

5. После долгой засухи в Китай пришло сразу 7 циклонов, которые

принесли с собой сотни литров дождей.

6. Сильная жара, захватившая Европу, уже стала причиной

возникновения большого количества лесных пожаров

7. Град в Краснодаре произошел из-за интенсивного перемешивания

воздуха в атмосфере.

8. В 1931 году Китай настигла полоса неудач. После долгой засухи в

Китай пришло сразу 7 циклонов, которые принесли с собой сотни литров
дождей. В итоге три реки вышли из берегов. Наводнение убило 4 млн

9. В акватории Куршского залива около сотни рыбаков оказались на
отколовшейся льдине. В Калининградской области развернулась
спасательная операция

10. Кроме того около 500 000 человек погибли от обильных дождей и
наводнения, которые повлек за собой ураган

11. Метели на трассах парализовали работу Новосибирского автовокзала

12. Самое разрушительное в истории землетрясение произошло 14 февраля

1556 года в Китае. Всего умерло 830,000 человек. Подземные толчки
продолжались еще полгода.

13. Снежная лавина накрыла 25 школьников в Киргизии

14. Несмотря на малое количество деталей, дошедших до наших

дней, землетрясение в Антиохии стало одним из самых разрушительных и
унесло с собой более 250 000 жизней и принесло огромный урон хозяйству.

15. 30 августа телекомпания CNN сообщила о массовом мародёрстве в

городе. «сотни и сотни людей» в районе улицы Канал-стрит и на границе
«Французского квартала» разбивают стекла в магазинах, вынося из них

16. Ураган «Катрина» (англ. Hurricane Katrina) — самый

разрушительный ураган в истории США[1].

17. 12 человек, которые участвовали в беспорядках на Болотной площади

6 мая 2012 года, были задержаны

18. В ближайшие дни в Украине ожидается теплая погода, а также

осадки. Местами гроза.

19. В воскресенье 28 августа 2005 года мэр Нового Орлеана объявил

обязательную эвакуацию. Легче предупредить ошибку, чем исправлять ее

20. Одной из причин образования оползней является воздействием

сейсмических толчков.

5. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 4 B.

6. Read the text, translate and retell

1.Humans vs. the environment - A thought experiment

Protecting the environment isn't a "liberal" idea; it's everybody's business. Liberal
or conservative, Democrat or Republican, the environment provides life support

for us all, and if we fail to recognize that, we are truly doomed as a civilization. To
help explain this, I've put together a simple thought experiment. It begins with
three undeniable truths about humans and the environment:

Truth #1 - The Earth's resources are limited. This should be self-evidence, but
some people still don't get it. The Earth's resources -- oil, forests, water, energy,
and so on -- are finite. They do not exist in infinite quantities. If they did, they
would obviously be larger than the Earth itself (and would, in fact, fill the
universe). But they don't fill the universe. They are contained within the boundaries
of planet Earth, and therefore they are limited. Of course, many of Earth's
resources can be either regenerated or recycled, but that only happens over time --
usually a long time. In the case of oil, it's hundreds of thousands of years. For
fossil water it's much the same. The rate at which modern human civilization is
using up these resources is orders of magnitude faster than the rate at which they
can be naturally regenerated. This holds true for oil, water, topsoil, forests and

Truth #2 - Each person living in modern civilization consumes some amount

of the Earth's limited resources. This should also be self-evident: People
consume resources. When you drive your car, you're obviously consuming limited
natural resources. When you buy a car, you're consuming many other natural
resources (all the elements that went into making a car), too. This is true even
when you buy a solar panel. Every time you turn on a light switch, or open a
package of food, or swallow a piece of food, you are consuming some amount of
the Earth's limited resources. The sum of your consumption is called your
"ecological footprint," and your ecological footprint is much larger than the
immediate space you might call your home. The things you consume in your home
require the resources of a much larger area far outside your home. A human child
born in America today, for example, will consume 45,000 pounds of metal in their
lifetime (through the products they purchase). That's 45,000 pounds of metal that
must be mined, processed, transported and manufactured into consumable
products, and metal mining is a very dirty business, by the way, even if that metal
goes into making clean energy devices such as wind turbines.

Truth #3 - Humans are altering the environmentYou can't argue with this
(although some people ridiculously try). Human activity is altering our
environment in a huge way, from the massive deforestation of the planet to the
release of gases into the atmosphere. We've poisoned the rivers, destroyed natural
habitat, polluted the oceans (Gulf of Mexico, anyone?) and altered the chemical
composition of the atmosphere. These are undeniable scientific truths. No sane
person can reasonably argue that human beings have not radically altered the
environment of our planet over the last 200 years. If you visited North America
200 years ago, for example, you wouldn't even have recognized it as the same
continent dominated by human beings today. A few hundred years ago, North
America was teeming with life, with huge old-growth forests, pristine rivers and
abundant plains. Today it is relatively dead, having been over-developed, over-
paved and over-population to a point so extreme that our ancestors would largely
consider it "dead".

Truth #4 - Humans really like to have babies. This is also self-evidence: People
like to procreate. Every family, it seems, wants children, and those children want
their own children, too. In general, human beings want to procreate without
limitation. This, of course, leads to an explosion in population growth. We've seen
this explosion over the last two hundred years as the Earth's population has grown
from less than one billion people in 1800 to nearly seven billion today. Human
beings do not consider their impact on the global population when they procreate.
The decision to have children is made privately, selfishly, without regard to the
impact on the planet. One more child seems like no big deal from the point of view
of a couple that wishes for another son or daughter, but multiplied by billions,
these decisions to procreate en masse lead to overpopulation, which leads to over-
consumption of the planet's limited resources.

2.Earthquakes and Tsunamis

It is surprising to learn that, according to reliable estimates, there are more than a
million earthquakes every year! Mercifully, most of them are so small or occur in
such remote corners of the globe that they escape detection. Even so, as many as
20,000 earthquakes are recorded each year – that’s approximately 50 a day!
The earthquake which occurred on 26th December 2004 was the strongest for four
decades (measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale) and one of the strongest since records
began in 1899. Not since 1964 has there been an earthquake registering nine or
more on the Richter scale. The quake in that year, which occurred on 28th March
in Alaska, registered 9.2 and was even larger than another earthquake Alaska had
suffered just a few years previously, in 1957, which had registered 9.1. But neither
of these heads the list of the strongest earthquake ever recorded – that dubious
accolade goes to the quake which occurred in 1960 in Chile and registered 9.5 on
the Richter scale.
All of these earthquakes caused "tsunamis" (sometimes called "tidal waves"
although they have nothing to do with the tides). Tsunamis occur when something
happens to cause a large displacement of water in the sea--a volcano erupting
under the sea, for example, or two of the plates that form the Earth's crust slipping
as they press against each other (as happened in the recent earthquake which had
its epicentre near the Indonesian island of Sumatra).
Tsunamis are capable of travelling at speeds of over 900 kilometres an hour, at
least in deep water. However, they slow down as they near land and shallower
water, becoming higher in the process and creating the "wall of water" effect. Even
so, tsunamis can still be travelling at speeds in excess of 50 kilometres per hour
when they reach the beaches. Perhaps the most famous tsunami up to now is that
which followed the eruption of the volcano Krakatoa on 27th August 1883--an
enormous wave that swept over the ill-fated Indonesian islands of Java and

7. Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 12A.

8. Texts for translation from Russian into English

1.Землятресение в Самоа
Минувшая неделя ознаменовалась серией крупных природных катаклизмов
на планете. Особенно сильно пострадал от капризов природы Азиатский
регион. Сильное землетрясение магнитудой 8,3 балла произошло во вторник
в районе между островами Западного и Восточного (Американского) Самоа.
Подземные толчки привели к возникновению цунами, на побережье островов
обрушились волны высотой до шести метров, вызвавшие значительные
разрушения. Цунами, вызванное мощным землетрясением в районе островов
Самоа в Тихом океане, за считанные часы прокатилось по территории
архипелага, унося с собой жизни людей. Многие из прибрежных самоанских
поселений, а также несколько туристических курортов почти полностью
уничтожены. По последним данным число жертв разбушевавшейся стихии
превысило 100 человек. Разрушительное цунами на Самоа напомнило миру о
стихии, которая почти пять лет назад привела к гибели около 230 тысяч
человек в странах Азии и Африки после индонезийского землетрясения.
По меньшей мере 1100 человек погибли в результате серии мощных
землетрясений на индонезийском острове Суматра. Наибольшее число
погибших - в индонезийском городе Паданг, но данные о жертвах поступают
и из других районов Суматры. В Паданге разрушено более 75% зданий,
повреждены газопровод, водопровод, нарушена связь. Первое землетрясение
вблизи острова Суматра произошло в минувшую среду в 17.16 по местному
времени в 57 километрах от города Париаман (провинция Западная Суматра),
подземные толчки ощущались даже в Малайзии и Сингапуре. Спустя полчаса
после этого на Суматре были зафиксированы новые подземные толчки,
магнитуда которых составила 6,2. На следующий день произошло еще
несколько землетрясений. Евросоюз заявил, что направит гуманитарную
помощь пострадавшим от разрушительного землетрясения в Индонезии на
общую сумму 3 миллиона евро.
2.Наводнение в Индии
Наводнения начала октября текущего года стали сильнейшими в Индии за
последние 100 лет. Жертвами наводнений в индийских штатах Карнатака и
Андхра-Прадеш стали около 200 человек. Непрекращающиеся проливные
дожди привели к переполнению десятков водохранилищ и выходу рек из
берегов. Были повреждены или разрушены 116 тысяч домов в сотнях
деревень, уничтожены десятки тысяч гектаров посевов, погибло около трех
тысяч голов скота.
Тайфун "Кетсана", вызвавший значительные разрушения на Филиппинах и
послуживший причиной смерти почти 300 человек, на минувшей неделе
достиг Вьетнама и Таиланда. "Кетсана" вызвал сильнейшие за последние 42

года наводнения и сходы селевых потоков на Филиппинах. В Маниле и
расположенных рядом провинциях 450 000 семей остались без крова, во
многих районах нет питьевой воды, медикаментов и электричества.
Жертвами тайфуна "Кетсана" во Вьетнаме стали, по последним данным, 162
Кроме Азиатского региона, капризы природы ощущались и во многих других
регионах нашей планеты. Так, например, более 20 человек стали жертвами
наводнений и схода оползней на итальянском острове Сицилия. По меньшей
мере 3 тысячи человек были вынуждены покинуть свои разрушенные дома
из-за ураганного ветра, сопровождавшегося градом в Бразилии. А в Грузии
неожиданно для этого времени года выпал снег. Высота снежного покрова
местами достигала 45 сантиметров.

9.Listening. Reading Explorer 3. Text 12B.


Module 1. Leisure time and Entertainment

 actor / actress – актер, актриса
 artist- художник
 audience (ед.ч) – публика, зрители
 ballerina - балерина
 choreographer- хореограф
 cast – состав исполнителей (в театре, в кино)
 composer - композитор
 conductor – дирижер
 curator – смотритель музея
 dancer – танцор, танцовщица
 director - режиссер
 drummer - барабанщик
 guitarist (lead / bass) - гитарист
 magician – иллюзионист, фокусник
 musician -музыкант
 orchestra - оркестр
 painter - художник
 pianist - пианист
 playwright - драматург
 producer – режиссер-постановщик
 saxophonist - саксофонист
 sculptor - скульптор
 singer – певец
 spectator(s) - зритель
 violinist – скрипач
 usher – консъерж , билитер, швейцар

Arts and Crafts

 carving – резьба (по дереву, по камню)
 drawing – рисование, черчение
 knitting - вязание
 painting - живопись
 pottery - керамика
 sculpture - скульптура
 sewing – шитье
 embroidery - вышивание

Artistic Events
 ballet - баллет
 concert - концерт
 exhibition - выставка
 film -фильм
 play - спектакль
 opera - опера

Inside the Theater

 aisle – проход (между рядами в театре)
 box - ложа
 circle – ярус
 dress circle- бельэтаж
 parquet circle – амфитеатр
 upper circle - балкон
 curtain - занавес
 footlight - рампа
 gallery - галлерея
 lighting - свет
 microphone - микрофон
 orchestra pit – оркестровая яма
 row - ряд
 screen - экран
 scenery - декорации
 set – съемочная площадка
 speaker - говорящий
 stage - сцена
 stalls - партер
 workshop – студия, мастерская

Additional Vocabulary
Setting-место действия
Cast-состав исполнителей
Curator-смотритель музея
Usher-швейцар, консьерж
Conductor-проводник, гид
Culture vulture-культурный (разносторонний) человек
Couch potato-лежебока
Dabbler-дилетант, любитель
Real doer-деятельный человек
Be heavily into smth-быть в чем-то вовлеченным
Go off-потерять интерес в чем-либо
Lock oneself away-изолировать себя
Be hooked on-подсесть
Get up to-делать, творить
The lead-главная роль
To take on a camera role-взять на себя роль оператора
Box-office hit-хит продаж
Give an excellent performance-дать отличное представление
Cast a film-распределять роли в фильме
Have one’s name in lights-быть в центре внимания
A leading light-в центре внимания
Tread the boards-тренировать актерское мастерство
Play to the gallery-работать на публику
Crowd-puller-кассовое мероприятие
Wait in the wings-ждать своего часа
Take centre stage-стать примой, ведущей актрисой
All right on the night-без проблем на премьере
Be panned by the critics-быть подвергнутым критике
Be universally lauded-прославленный
To bomb-провалиться
Best up-and-coming actor-восходящая звезда
Miscast-неподходящая роль
Be given encores-вызывать на бис
A standing ovation-аплодировать стоя
Walkie-talkies-портативная рация
Award-winning-выигравшая приз
Under one’s belt-за спиной
Axis of evil-яблоко раздора
To sweet talk-уговорить
Connoisseur-специалист, ценитель
Crave for-жаждать
Be consoled into-быть сгруппированным для удобства
Background music-музыка, звучащая на заднем плане
Blast out (music)-взрываться
Easy listening-легкая музыка
Catchy tunes-запоминающаяся мелодия
Piece of music-муз произведение
Massive hit-ошеломляющий хит
Have a huge following-огромное количество поклонников
To go on tour-гастролировать
Haunting melodies-навязчивые мелодии
Virtuoso performance-виртуозное исполнение
Capture a wider audience-захватить широкую аудиторию
Musical heritage-муз наследия
Conduct the orchestra-руководить оркестром
Feature- принимать участие (в проекте любого рода)
Remix-сделать новую аранжировку
Uptempo-быстрый темп
Ring through the air-витать в воздухе
Mill around-бродить
Therapeutic benefit-терапевтич польза
Enhance one’s lifestyle-улучшать образ жизни
Spark a dormant interst in life-вызывать дремлющий интерес к жизни
Dementia patients-слабоумные пациенты
Enriching activity-обогощающее занятие
Stir memories-будоражить воспоминания
To match musical tastes of residents-соответствовать музыкальному вкусу
Groove-танцевать в ритме
Intercourse-половой контакт
Have solid response-получить широкий отклик
Well-liked-всеми любимый
Conquer the fictional themes-покорить вымышленный лейтмотив
Come out-выходить в свет
Reviewer/film critic-обозреватель
Capture an atmosphere-
Deal with-касаться
The opening/ closing scenes-начальн
Work out well-счастливый конец
To wade through-одолеть (книгу)
Heavy going-тяжелая
A page-turner-захватывающая книга
A hatchet job on it-раскритиковать с ног до головы
To pick holes-придраться
To be an armchair critic-слепой критик
Anthology-сборник произв-ий
Logbook-вахт. журнал
Teach things beyond your daily horizons- научить вещам, которые выходят за
пределы вашего представления
In a row-подряд
Whip out-вытаскивать
Keep a running list- держать текущий список
Be in the conversation thread-быть в курсе
Spur reading-стимулировать к чтению
Promote reading habits-способствовать развитию привычки читать
Brick-and-mortar bookstore-магазины, заваленные книгами
On the flip side-с другой стороны
Impaired vision- уменьшенный вид
Disrupt- разрывать
Prove to be-оказаться
Module 2. Festivals and celebrations

vacation каникулы, отпуск

observance соблюдение (закона, обычая, религиозного обряда, праздника)
celebration празднование; празднество, торжества
festivities веселье, праздник

sabbatical (творческий) отпуск продолжительностью до года

gap year годовой перерыв в учёбе (обычно после окончания школы и перед
поступлением в высшее учебное заведение)

career break перерыв в карьере [профессиональной деятельности, работе по


Types of holidays:
 religious религиозный
 secular светский
 national национальный (Independence Day День Независимости)
 international международный (Mother Day День Матери)
to pop up неожиданно возникать
a stress-free environment расслабляющая обстановка
carols рождественские песни
roasted chestnuts жареные каштаны
spicy gingerbread имбирный пряник
mulled wine глинтвейн
beeswax candle свеча из пчелиного воска
sample the food at the stalls пообедать в ларьках
to book the accommodation ahead забронировать размещение заранее
the off-cite corrals- загоны

low-cost carriers транспортные средства
to pack the camping gear расположиться в лагере
highlights наиболее яркие моменты
pagan practice of fire языческое поклонение огню
sun worship поклонение солнцу
to be in a festive (celebratory) mood - быть в
праздничном/приподнятом/весёлом настроении
superstitious суеверный

centenary/bi-centenary - [sen'tiːn(ə)rɪ] век, столетие; столетняя годовщина

penance раскаяние

fasting пост

flamboyant яркий; напыщенный; пышно украшенный

raucous ['rɔːkəs] бурный, шумный

somber мрачный, тёмный

atmospheric создающий удивительную, необычную атмосферу

commemorate - почтить чью-л. память (каким-л. образом) ; устраивать,

проводить какие-л. мероприятия в память о ком-л., чём-л.

falls on -выпадает на

uphold the annual tradition -поддерживать ежегодную традицию

hold an unusual festival -проводить необычный фестиваль

date back- уходить корнями

the age-old tradition вековая традиция

event marks событие обозначает

festive season сезон фестиваля

long-standing tradition давняя традиция

get hitched жениться

to tie the knot жениться

рrе-wedding nerves предсвадебное напряжение

were joined in matrimony соединиться в браке

to propose a toast произнести тост

wedded bliss семейное счастье

Destination weddings выездные свадьбы
to skip the fuss избежать суеты
jump right into the fun окунуться в веселье
offer on-site help предлагать помощь на месте
skip this idea бросать идею
marriage license свидетельство о браке
priest священник
rabbi- раввин (в иудаизме - руководитель общины верующих, служитель
florist торговец цветами или декоративными растениями
the rehearsal dinner- обед после репетиции церемонии бракосочетания
(обычно устраивается вечером накануне бракосочетания)
wedding reception- свадебное торжество
anniversary - годовщина; юбилей
endure vow – выдержать клятву
a far cry - большое расстояние
newlyweds – молодожены

dude ranch - ранчо для отдыхающих (главное развлечение на таком ранчо -

верховая езда)

lodge- обеспечивать временным жильём,

white-knuckle -заставляющий нервничать, вселяющий тревогу; напряжённый

myriad ['mɪrɪəd] - несметное число,

hedonistic гедонистический
Module 3. Sports

to do sport(s)
to engage in sports
sportswear - спортивная одежда
a sporting man
sporting news
sports-cast - a program on radio or television in which broadcast, or sports news in
sports-caster - спортивный комментатор
Expressions: a) for sport's sake - для забавы, ради шутки;
b) to say something in sport - сказать что-либо шутки ради:
c) to make sport of smb. - высмеивать кого-либо, подшучивать
над кем-либо;
d) He's a good sport! - он парень что надо.
Track & Field - a category of athletics including running, jumping and throwing
events performed on a circular track and field adjoining it.

event - соревнование
jumping event - соревнование по прыжкам
sprinting - running short distances at speed - бег на короткие дистанции
long-distance running - бег на длинные дистанции long-distance race
runner-up -участник, занявший 2-е место
hurdle-racing - барьерный бег hurdle-race, or hurdles
steeple-chase - бег с препятствиями
relay-racing - бег с эстафетой relay (race) - эстафета
high jump - прыжок в высоту
long jump —прыжок в длину
pole vault - прыжок с шестом
hop. step and jump -тройной прыжок
throwing the discus/hammer/javelin - метание диска/молота/копья
putting the shot - толкание ядра decathlon -
pentathlon - пятиборье
spurt - сделать рывок
final spurt - рывок на финише
baton - эстафетная палочка
to cover the distance in great style - показать высокую технику бега
to clear the hurdle in great style - показать высокую технику при взятии
(horse) riding - верховая езда
(horse) racing - скачки (is important mainly as a spectator because of the betting
which is associated with it)
steeplechasing involves not only riding, but jumping over obstacles such as fences,
hedges, ditches, water-jumps
horsemanship, equestrian sport - конный спорт
cycle racing - велосипедные гонки
motorcycle racing - мотоциклетные гонки


free calisthenics [kaelis'Oeniks] - вольные движения (художественная

side horse - конь

long horse - кобыла
pommel horse - конь с ручками
horizontal bar - перекладина (турник)
parallel bars - (параллельные) брусья
rings- кольца
beam -- бревно (бум)
assymmetric/uneven bars - брусья разной высоты crossbar -

Aquatics - водный спорт

strokes – стили
breast stroke - брасс
back stroke — плавание на спине
crawl stroke – кроль
butterfly stroke - баттерфляй
diving - прыжки в воду
highboard dives - прыжки с вышки
springboard dives - прыжки с трамплина
diving-pool - бассейн для прыжков
sailing, yachting - парусный спорт
windsurfing виндсерфинг
surfing - серфинг
water-skiing – водолыжный спорт
rowing - гребля
synchronized swimming- синхронное плавание
water-polo - водное поло
compulsory exercise - обязательная программа
optional programme - произвольная программа

to be be a match for smb. - быть достойным противником

to qualify for entry - проходить отборочные соревнования
21 seconds flat - ровно 21 секунда
to come in a close second — отстать на доли секунды


bar-bells - штанга
snatch - рывок
jerk - толчок
to warm up - разминаться


boxing match - встреча боксеров
bout - встреча между двумя
boxer - боксер
referee - судья на ринге
second - секундант
ring - ринг
punch - у дар
clinch - захват
boxing weights - весовые категории боксеров
fly weight - наилегчайший
bantam weight - легчайший
feather weight - полулегкий
light weight - легкий
heavy weight - тяжелый
light heavyweight - полутяжелый
to get rubber-legged - потерять устойчивость
to support, to root for - болеть за кого-либо

chess board шахматная доска
chess tournament — шахматный турнир
black and white squares - черно-белое поле (клетки)
to play white (black) - играть белыми (черными)
to resign - сдать партию
stalemate - пат
check - шах
('check)mate - мат
king - король
queen - королева
rook (castle) - ладья (тура)
to castle - рокироваться
bishop - офицер
knight - конь
pawn - пешка
chessman (piece) - фигура
to wan a piece - выиграть фигуру
to sacrifice a piece - пожертвовать фигурой
time-trouble - цейтнот
to get into time-trouble - попасть в цейтнот
to adjourn a game - отложить игру
to resume a game - возобновить игру
to move - сделать ход
to play under time stress - испытывать острый недостаток времени
to be a pawn, etc. down - иметь меньше на пешку и т.д.
material superiority - материальное преимущество
simultaneous exhibition - сеанс одновременной игры в шахматы
draughts – шашки
Additional Vocabulary
athlete спортсмен
winner – победитель
fan – болельщик
referee, umpire - судья
coach - тренер
golfer - игрок в гольф gymnast - гимнаст
weight-lifter - штангист wrestler - борец
fencer - фехтовальщик archer - лучник mountaineer -
альпинист goal-keeper - вратарь
forward - нападающий
full-back - защитик
contending teams - соревнующиеся команды
visiting team - команда, которую принимают хозяева поля
home team - хозяева поля
contestants - участники соревнования
goal area - вратарская площадка
goal - ворота
to keep /to stay in/ the goal - стоять в воротах, быть вратарем
the sides changed goals - команды поменялись воротами
goal - гол
to kick/to make, to score/a goal - забить гол
to win (to lose) by three goals - победить (проиграть) со счетом 3:0
goal counts (does not count) - мяч засчитан (не засчитан)
draw - ничья
to end in a draw- закончить в ничью, с ничейным результатом
to draw the game
to defeat - наносить поражение
be defeated - терпеть поражение
heading игра головой (в футболе)
score – счет
heading- игра головой
to dribble - вести мяч. обводить мячом
throw in - вбрасывание
foul - нарушение правил игры
to break the rules - нарушать правила
to claim a foul - требовать назначения штрафа, штрафного удара
through foul and fair - в беде и в радости
foul play - нечестная, грязная игра

power play силовая игра
sending off- удаление
substitute - замена
to nose out - отставить позади
to keep score - вести счет
to score a point- набрать, заработать очко
to open the score - открыть счет
to even the score - сравнять счет
to bring the score to ... - довести счет до ...
to win on points - выиграть по количеству очков
to win an individual championship - победить в личном первенстве
finals - финал
semi-finals - полуфинал
close score - счет при незначительном преимуществе одной стороны
shut-out - игра с "сухим" счетом
to award additional time - назначить дополнительное время
to increase the lead - закрепить преимущество
cup - кубок
cup game - игра на кубок
challenge cup - переходящий кубок-сир
bat – бита
puck – шайба
club - клюшка
shuttle- волан
racket - акетка
foil - рапира
protective gear - защитное снаряжение

Module 4. Crime


Crime Criminal Criminal Act

1. arson an arsonist to set fire
2. assassination an assassin to assassinate
3. assault an assaulter to assault
4. bigamy a bigamist to marry twice (illegally)
5. burglary a burglar to burglarize
6. desertion a deserter to desert
7. drug smuggling a drug smuggler to smuggle drugs
8. espionage a spy to spy
9. forgery a forger to forge
10. fraud a fraud to swindle
11. hijacking a hijacker to capture
12. homicide a homicide to kill
13. hooliganism a hooligan to disturb, to damage
14. kidnapping a kidnapper to kidnap
15. murder a murderer to murder
16. mugging a mugger to mug
17. offence an offender to offend
18. pickpocketing a pickpocket to steal from people’s
19. rape a violator to rape
20. robbery a robber to rob
21. shop-lifting a shop-lifter to steal from shops
22. stowage a stowaway to stow
23. terrorism a terrorist to terrorize, to murder
24. theft a thief to steal
25. treason a traitor to betray
26. vandalism a vandal to vandalize

Module 5. Earth: SOS


ecological deterioration ухудшение экологии,

экологическое разрушение

to suffer ecological подвергаться

deterioration экологическому

ecological damage экологический ущерб

greening the оздоровление окружающей

environment среды

to cause ecological причинять экологический

damage ущерб

conservation measures меры по охране

окружающей среды

green policy политика в области охраны

окружающей среды

environmental меры по охране
protection окружающей среды

to address ecological заниматься вопросами

issues охраны окружающей

ecological remedial меры по оздоровлению

measures окружающей среды

to sweep away бороться с загрязнением

pollution окружающей среды

ecosystem экосистема

ecological soundness экологическое


pristine ecosystem экосистема,

сохранившаяся в
нетронутом виде,
девственная экосистема

problems of great проблемы большой

magnetude важности

preponderance of heavy преобладающее развитие

industry тяжелых отраслей

pollution загрязнение

polluter виновник загрязнения

pollutants загрязняющие вещества

highliy polluting очень вредное вещество;

substance вещество, сильно
окружающую среду

electric utilities, power электростанции


efficient use of energy эффективное

resources использование
энергетических ресурсов

non-polluting energy экологически чистые

sources источники энергии

alternative energy альтернативные виды


alternative energy источники альтернативных

sources видов энергии

emissions of carbon- выбросы углекислого газа,


sulfur-dioxide двуокиси серы

nitrogen emissions выбросы, содержащие азот

sulfur emissions выбросы, содержащие серу

acid кислота

acid rain кислотный дождь

leach выщелачивать

corrosion коррозия

fossil fuel ископаемые виды топлива

oil spills разливы нефти

pH (measurement of число pH (измерение

relative acidity) относительной

sensitive to the acidity чувствительный к

воздействию кислот

precipitation осадки

architectural damage ущерб, наносимый


toxic ядовитый, токсичный

toxics отравляющие вещества,
ядовитые вещества

glacier ледник

ozone layer depletion истощение озонового слоя

to weigh the costs and взвесить «за» и «против»,

benefits взвесить затраты и

indirect influence косвенное воздействие

a problem that has no проблема, не знающая

boundaries границ

to reduce the release of снизить уровень выбросов,

sulfur and nitrogen содержащих серу и азот

a reduction in pollutants снижение уровня

entering the sea поступающих в море
загрязняющих веществ

purification очистка (технологическая)

domestic sewage канализационные стоки,

бытовые стоки

industrial effluent промышленные стоки


industrial discharge промышленные отходы

nuclear waste dumping захоронение ядерных


agricultural run-off сельскохозяйственные


greenhouse effect тепличный эффект,

парниковый эффект

long-range trans- загрязнение в больших

boundary pollution масштабах,
распространяющееся на
территорию другого


stabilization of Nox установление

emissions определенного уровня
загрязнения окисью азота

to deal with pollution бороться с загрязнением

health risk угроза здоровью

to eliminate extreme устранить крайне опасное

human health hazards воздействие на здоровье

endangered species виды, находящиеся под


tropical rain forest(s) тропические леса, сельва

a long term preventive долгосрочные

approach мероприятия по

emission charges and система штрафов за

non-compliance fees вредные выбросы и за
нарушение установленных

to develop strategies for разработать меры по

water and air protection защите воды и воздуха

occupational safety специалисты по охране

proffessionals (experts) условий труда

program of программа мер по защите

environmental окружающей среды

to enhance the quality повышать качество жизни;

of life улучшать условия жизни

EPA (Environmental управление охраны

Protection Agency) окружающей среды (США)

Module 6. Disasters and Accidents


Natural disasters/calamities

blizzard - метель, снежная буря

typhoon - тайфун
fire - пожар
avalanche - лавина, обвал
landslide - оползень, обвал
disaster – беда, бедствие, несчастье
emergency – критическое положение; авария
significant – значительный, важный, существенный; знаменательный
earthquake – землетрясение
hurricane – ураган
hail - град
heat - жара
flood – наводнение, потоп
drought – засуха
wildfire – пожар
watersprout - смерч
storm surge – штормовая волна
tornado - смерч
tornado sighting – наблюдение за торнадо
tornado warning – оповещение о смерчах
tsunami – цунами
volcanic eruption – извержение вулкана

Human-caused disasters

famine – голод
arson – поджог
death toll – жертвы, потери
airplane crash - авиакатастрофа
train accident – железнодорожная катастрофа
car accident – автокатастрофа
radiation contamination – отравление рациацией
power outages – перебой в электроснабжении
terrorism – терроризм
war - война
sea rescue - спасательная операция на море
drowing rescue – спасение утопающих


To erupt – извергатьс о вулкане

To fall – падать, выпадать
To strike – нападать, бить
To crash – разрушать, разбивать
To bury – хоронить, закапывать
To rescue - спасать
To escape – убегать, спасаться
To search – искать
To subside – опускаться, падать, понижаться, убывать

Idioms and Set expressions

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – Легче предупредить ошибку,
чем исправлять ее последствия
Recipe for disaster – верный путь к беде
Out of the frying pan and into the fire - из огня да в полымя
A rough patch – полоса неудач

Список использованной литературы
1. Enterprise 4 (Upper-Intermediate) by Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley.,
Express Publishing, 2009.
2. English Vocabulary in Use Advanced by Michael McCarthy, Felicity
O’Dell: Cambridge, 2008.
3. English Idioms in Use Advanced by Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell:
Cambridge, 2010.
4. English Collocations in Use Advanced by Michael McCarthy, Felicity
O’Dell: Cambridge, 2010.
5. English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced by Michael McCarthy, Felicity
O’Dell: Cambridge, 2010.
6. Методическая разработка по практике устной и письменной речи по
теме: «Спорт и спортивные игры». Ростов н/Д: ИПО ПИ ЮФУ, 2008. –
7. Учебно-методическое пособие по практике устной и письменной речи
по теме «Экологические проблемы» для студентов 2 курса ФЛиС. –
Ростов н/Д: ИПО ПИ ЮФУ, 2010.- 52с.

Интернет ресурсы
1. www.articleclick.com
2. www.myvocabulary.com
3. www.talkingpix.co.uk
4. www.thefword.org.uk/reviews/
5. www.independent.co.uk/arts...

6. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
7. www.escapefromwithin.com


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