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Part I


ГОУ ВПО «Донецкий национальный университет»
Факультет иностранных языков
Кафедра теории и практики перевода

Д. Л. Ковалёва, П. К. Липанова

Reach for the Earth

Part 1

Учебное пособие

для студентов специальности 45.05.01 Перевод и переводоведение,

специализаций «Специальный перевод (английский и немецкий языки)»,
«Специальный перевод (немецкий и английский языки)»;
направления подготовки 45.03.02 Лингвистика, профилей «Перевод и
переводоведение (английский язык)», «Перевод и переводоведение
(немецкий язык)»

Донецк 2020
УДК 81’253:811.111(075.8)
ББК Ш12=432.1*9*3я73

Рекомендовано к изданию Ученым советом

ГОУ ВПО «Донецкий национальный университет»
(протокол № 2 от 06.03.2020)

Reach for the Earth: Part I : учебное пособие / Авт.-сост.

К56 Д. Л. Ковалева, П. К. Липанова. – Донецк : ДонНУ, 2019. –
181 с.

Реммер С. А., кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры языковой
подготовки ГОУ ВПО «Донбасская юридическая академия»
Тымчук Е. С., доктор филологических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры
иностранных языков №1 ГОУ ВО «Кубанский государственный
технологический университет»

Учебное пособие рекомендуется для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы

студентов высших учебных заведений, которые специализируются в области
английской филологии, лингвистики и перевода. В пособии используются
аутентичные тексты британских изданий, что способствует
совершенствованию навыков чтения и перевода. Современная система
упражнений предусматривает параллельное изучение всех видов разговорной

УДК 81’253:811.111(075.8)
ББК Ш12=432.1*9*3я73

© Ковалёва Д.Л., Липанова П.К. 2019

© ГОУ ВПО «Донецкий национальный
университет», 2019
Unit 1 The Travel Bug ……………………………………………………. 5
Lesson 1 Let’s Travel ………………………………………………… 5
Lesson 2 Moving Around …………………………………………….. 19
Lesson 3 Airports & Hotels …………………………………………... 40
Lesson 4 City by City ………………………………………………… 70
Visual section 1 ………………………………………………………. 100
Unit 2 Fashion & Style ……………………………………………………. 103
Lesson 1 All About Fashion ………………………………………….. 103
Lesson 2 He & She …………………………………………………… 126
Visual section 2 ………………………………………………………. 160
How to comment on ……………………………………………………….. 166
How to compare and contrast ……………………………………………. 177

Lesson 1 Let’s Travel

Part 1
1. Look at the photos and comment on the statement:

“The world is a great book, of which they who never stir from home
read only a page”
© St. Augustine
2. Use the adjectives below to describe each photo

Positive adjectives: self-appointed, pleasant, expeditious,

rewarding, adventurous, memorable, romantic, eye opening,
one day's journey, eventful

Negative adjectives: uneventful, costly, arduous, tedious,

measureless, fruitless, dull, perilous, plodding

Watch the video item Why travelling is important twice and do the task below.

Before you watch discuss the questions in your class

o How do you think why people travel?
o What can be the purpose of travelling?
3. Fill the first column of the table with statements made in the video and the
second column with the explanation of the statements.
Statement Why

4. Read the text and check your ideas. Do you agree with the author of the text?
Why\why not? Pay attention to the words in bold.

Have you ever had the desire to wander the world

and see what was out there? While some people prefer to
stay in the comfort of their own home, others have been
bitten by the travel bug and can't wait to explore the
world. Exotic places call to them. "Come visit me and I
will show you my mysteries," they say.
Every year millions of people pack their suitcases or
put on backpacks and flock to visit the seven continents of the world. They wander
through the castles and museums of Europe, and the cities and natural wonders of
North and South America. Some visit the vast exotic cultures of Asia, Africa and
the Middle East. The great outback of Australia is a wonderland for those who go
there. And a few lucky people even make to the most mysterious continent on the
earth- Antarctica.

Why do people want to explore the world? It gives them a better perspective
about the earth and the people living on it. It opens their minds, it gives them a
feeling of accomplishment, and it makes them feel alive. So save some money, get
your passport ready, and see the world. It will change your life forever.

5. Match the words from the text in column A with their definitions in column B
travel bug feeling like you have done something
important and good
accomplishment kind of a cute way to say when
someone begins to want to travel. After
the "bug" bites you, you will really
want to travel.
to wander strange, mysterious, exciting, unknown
to be bitten by the travel bug large amounts of people go to the same
place at the same time
to explore very large
mystery view, way of seeing things
to be in the comfort of (one's) own something unknown, something that
home needs to be found out
perspective strong desire to travel
vast (adjective) to look around and find out new things
to flock to go from one place to another without
any definite plans
exotic to be at home, in a familiar or
comfortable place

6. Use the words from the text above to complete the line of synonyms

plain, remote, rural, woodland

rucksack, knapsack, pack, haversack
brood, multitude, throng, army, crowd
unprocessed, unrefined, untreated, earthborn, wild
lifestyle, society, civilization, couth, customs
fairyland, dreamland, promised land, pearly gates
dash off (to a place), get ready

7. Translate the given text into English

У меня есть лучшая подруга Елена. Мы – хорошие друзья с детства.
Однако мы очень разные. Мне уютно дома и мне нравится отдыхать дома или

на море. Моя подруга, напротив, не может усидеть дома. Она обожает

путешествия, загадки, новые экзотические страны и места.
Однажды она уговорила меня поехать с ней в Европу. Я даже не
представляла, как это прекрасно – путешествовать! Мы бродили вдоль узких
итальянских улиц, где невероятное количество туристов с фотоаппаратами
столпились в очереди в Ватикан. Мы посетили загадочные и древние музеи
Парижа, попробовали знаменитые венские пирожные и кофе, посетили
древние винные погреба Венгрии, познакомились со многими интересными
людьми из разных культур.
Это была незабываемая поездка, которая изменила мое отношение к
путешествиям. Ведь путешествие помогает лучше понять различные
культуры, увидеть воочию выдающиеся архитектурные памятники, это дает
ощущение совершенства и радости.

Part 2

You are going to watch a video item Your Dream Holiday

Before you watch discuss the questions in your class

o What is the best way for you to travel - alone or with a company?
o Do you agree with the statement: “He travels faster who travels alone”?

1. Watch the video twice and choose the correct answer from the statements

1. Friendship is
a) a noun which describes the relationships between main characters in the video
b) a company which helps to find your match
c) a travel company

2. Managing director and his team are available

a) twenty hours a day, 6 days a week
b) twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
c) all week

3. The company organizes tours for

a) single people in particular
b) for families only
c) for all kinds of customers

4. In your tour with the company you

a) can plan your day as you want
b) you have a definite program for each day
c) you don’t have a program

5. The company team can

a) give you qualified and honest information on the holiday
b) inform you reading from the script
c) they don’t have their own experience and cannot tell you what they think

6. The staff of the company has

a) a good reputation
b) not really good reputation as they are not reliable
c) they are friendly but badly organized

7. The customers of the travel tour

a) come back over and over again
b) they don’t enjoy the holiday but they like the staff and the prices
c) are friends of the staff. That’s why they come back again

8. Friendship travel
a) is the best single holiday company
b) is one of many single holiday companies in the country
c) is not the company to recommend to your friends

2. Study the table below

Words used to Words used to describe Words used to describe

describe travelers journeys travel holidays
and their travels
accompanied, travelling, Bumpy, circuitous, door-to-door, Camp, go camping, charеer
globetrotting, non-stop, outward, overland, flight, cruise, excursion,
cosmopolitan, overseas, return, round-the-world, luggage, package holiday,
well-travelled, transatlantic, transcontinental, self-catering holiday,
out of season, via, bumpily, circuitously, by way sightseeing, go sightseeing,
light-traveling of something suitcase
Travel verbs Words used to describe people who travel

board (boat / plane), go Backpacker, bird of passage, business traveler, camp follower,
by, go on board, get on caravan, coach party, commuter, companion, explorer, fellow
board, hitch-hike, set off, traveler, flyer, frequent flyer, globetrotter, holidaymaker, itinerant,
be listed in a passenger leisure traveler, pathfinder, pilgrim, roadie, rover, salesperson,
manifest sales representative, sightseer, snowbird, travelling companion,
vacationer, vagabond, voyager, wayfarer, weekender, day tripper,
independent traveler

3. Answer the questions using the words from the table above

How do we call a person who…

 …travels without much money around an area on foot or public transport,
…often carrying a backpack?
 …keeps moving from one place to another?
 …travels regularly to and from work?
 …travels a lot and visits a lot of different countries?
 …travels around frequently, especially in order to get work?
 …whose job is to travel with musicians and move their equipment?
 …travels around without a definite direction or purpose?
 …moves to a warmer area every winter?
How do we call a journey which is…
 …uncomfortable because of bad weather or a bad road?
 …taking someone or something directly from one place to the place they need
to go to?
 …going round the world, and returning to the place that you started from?
 …going through one place on the way to another place?
 …going through some place on your journey?
 …to or in a country across the sea?
 …on land rather than by boat or plane?

4. Study the table of frequently mixed words


A journey is the distance covered The word 'trip' is used to talk about
in travelling from one place to another. a short journey somewhere
'Journey' can refer to a long distance or for a purpose, business or pleasure.
a short regular one.
 For our wedding anniversary, we
 The journey was long and tiring; it went on a trip to Venice.
took us 5 hours to get there.  My boss is often away on business
 Did you have a good journey? Yes, trips.
it was quite pleasant.  During our holiday, we took a boat
trip to the islands.


A voyage is a long journey by sea The word 'travel' is used to talk

or in space. about going from one place to another.
It can be a verb, a noun or an adjective.
 Before the 20th century, long sea
voyages were common.  verb: Tom travels a lot in his job.
 A spacecraft will take you on  noun: Travel nowadays is faster
a voyage through space. and less expensive than before.
 adjective: There is a travel agency
beside the bank.

A tour is a journey during which several places are visited, especially on a

holiday. The word 'tour' can be a noun or a verb.

 noun: We went on a tour of Italy.

 verb: We toured the north of India.

5. Fill in the gaps with the suitable word from the boxes above

 News ________________ fast round here, Tom already knows about

 We went to cruise two years ago, the __________________ took 4 weeks to
South Africa.
 How will you ___________ to Paris? By train, I think is cheaper.
 Sorry, I won’t be here next week: I’ll be off on another business
 London is only a very short ______________ from Wimbledon.
 My ___________________ to John’s school takes about 30 minutes by car.
 He's a great sailor: we followed his _________________ alone in a boat
across the Pacific on the Internet.
 This year, Kate will go to the British Museum for her
 It won't be very long: the _________________ only takes two hours and we'll
be back before dark.
 It was quite a long ________________ to the Shetlands Islands: It took us two
days to go there!

6. Writing.
You are working in a well-known travel agency and you are one of the creative
directors of the company. Lately your customers started to complain about your tours
calling them “old and typical”. You (as well as the other creative director) are to
present a new tour to the board of directors. If you win the contest, you’ll get a
promotion and the chance to be in the first group on that tour free of charge. Write
the tour layout, speak about the target audience, place, weather, activities and
underline why your tour is special. Use at least twenty words from the lesson’s active
vocabulary. Present your ideas in the class.
Here is an example of tour description. Read it for better understanding of the

River Cruise
A river cruise offers the convenience and luxury of an ocean cruise
combined with the in-depth experience of a land tour, plus the personal
freedom of a river cruise. Step aboard. Unpack once. Explore, and enjoy.
For many travelers, a journey along the river is just the right pace for
getting the lay of the land. Sitting on the top deck of a ship under brilliant
blue skies, you gaze on fabled landscapes dotted with castles, villages,
vineyards, lush forests and historic sites. A flight of stairs down, and you have
all the amenities of a modern hotel — restaurants, bars, lounges, fitness
facilities, spas, internet access and comfortable staterooms.
Itineraries range from three to thirty days in length. Book one year in
advance, if possible, and consider cruising March through May or September
through December, when the crowds are thinner and airfares may be more
reasonably priced than during peak periods.
Some river cruises overnight in ports and cruise during the day; others
cruise during the night and tie up in port during the day. Both approaches
allow for dinners ashore and late-evening strolls into town.
Prepare to step ashore in fairy tale towns and fabled cities, immerse
yourself in contemporary culture, and learn something about the history of the
towns along the world's greatest rivers.

Part 3
1. Working in small groups of 3-4 match the words you will be given to with
their definitions. After the exercise is checked fill all the information to the

2. Learn more adjectives and verbs to describe a journey. Read and translate
the words and word combinations below. Use a dictionary to help you.

Positive adjectives for Negative adjectives for

journey journey

frightful; dreaded; fatiguing;

exhilarating, joyful, awesome, educational,
fatal; weary; innumerable, dismal; unsteady;
inspiring, refreshing, invigorating, mind
long; harrowing; troubled; wearisome;
boggling, overwhelming, challenging,
extended; unexpected; rumored; aimless;
revelation, empowering, proposed,
toilsome; infinite; accursed
interesting; unspeakable; stately; subsequent;
daily; leisurely; evangelizing; sentimental;
celebrated; mysterious; homeward, triumphal,
Verbs for journey

accompany on journey; break journey; contemplate journey; embark on journey; enjoy

journey; plan journey; proceed on journey; quicken journey; set out on journey; shape
journey; undertake journey; journey benefits; journey fatigues; journey interests; journey
pleases; journey tires; journey wearies

3. Read the text and think about possible answer of the guide. Share your ideas
with the class.
Tourist in danger
The Florida beach and the sky looking inviting to the tourist from the North.
He was going to swim, so he asked his guide: “You’re sure there are no alligators
here, aren’t you?’’
“No, no”, replied the guide smiling, “there are no alligators here.”
The tourist was no longer afraid. He stepped into the water and was about to
swim. Then he shouted to the guide again: “What makes you sure there aren’t any
alligators?” …
4. Divide into pairs. Together with your partner, discuss the statements and
questions below. Use the useful language box.
A: My conviction is that a tourist must prepare well for the journey. This might safe
him time and nerves.
B: Oh, you are so demanding! My impression is that you’ve never had any
problems while travelling. Are you always so well organized?
A: No, sometimes accidents happen. But I dare to say that half of them could have
been avoided if …

5. Discuss these questions in a group

1) What dangerous things can a tourist face while travelling?
2) What is the biggest problem for you as a tourist\traveler?
3) Do you prefer holidays which include a lot of activities or more relaxing ones?
4) Who would be your ideal holiday companion? What would you do?
5) Do you eat more when you're on holiday? Do you put on weight or do you work
it all off?
6) Have you ever experienced a situation where your belongings were stolen?

Useful expressions to express your opinion

In my opinion, ... It is my impression that ...
In my eyes, ... I have the feeling that ...
To my mind, ... My own feeling on the subject is that ...
As far as I am concerned, … I have no doubt that ...
Speaking personally, ... I am sure / I am certain that …
From my point of view, ... I think / consider / find / feel / believe
As for me / As to me, ... I hold the opinion that …
My view / opinion / conviction is that… (I form / adopt an opinion.)
I hold the view that ... I dare say that ...
I would say that ... I guess that ...
It seems to me that ... I bet that ...
I am of the opinion that ... I gather that ...
My impression is that ...I am under the It goes without saying that ...
impression that ...

6. Work in small groups of 2 people. Choose a box with a situation from a

tourist’s experience. Make a dialogue and find the best possible way out from
the given situation. Use the useful language box above to express your opinion.

1. You are in Turkey. You 3. You are in a small city in 5. You went to Italy and
live in a very expansive Turkey. The food in this hotel took an excursion. But in
hotel and you have the is terrible. It is impossible to the city you were taking
photos and got lost. You
best room in it. But your eat. What would you do?
don’t know Italian. Solve
neighbors are terrible. Solve the problem the problem
They smoke a lot and
shout. Solve the problem
4. You are in Scotland. Your 6. You are in India and
host suggest you to drink your credit card is not
2. You are at the Museum their traditional alcohol accepted. You have only
in Rome. You were beverage. You don’t drink 30 dollars and 3 days in
taking photo with a alcohol but if you refuse you front (hotel and returned
ancient jar and broke it. will offend your hosts. Solve ticket are paid). Solve
Solve the problem the problem the problem

Part 4
1. Translate the given text into Russian/Ukrainian

10 Most Dangerous Places You Should Definitely Visit

by Charles W. Bryant

Traveling is supposed to be about leaving the frustrations of job and home life
behind for a week of relaxation and invigoration. Sure, there are inherent risks
whenever you travel to different parts of the world, but some countries can be
downright dangerous for the unaware
traveler. Travel dangers come in all shapes
and sizes. One country may be war-torn and
full of desperate marauders. Another may be
known for petty theft and street violence.
Some dangers are inherent in the land itself,
with wildlife, terrain and weather conditions that could prove perilous. The problem
is that some places are still worth visiting despite these dangers. Not every traveler
wants an umbrella drink in their hand and their toes in the sand. Some people crave
danger up close and personal. Others find the reward outweighs the risk. We'll look
some dangerous places that are still on the list of must-sees for the adventurous
traveler. One of them is Kenya.
Kenya is a natural wonder. Nairobi National
Park in this East African country offers some of the
best big game viewing in the world. If safaris are
your thing, you can't do much better than the
Republic of Kenya. Unfortunately, it's also one of
the most crime ridden countries in Africa. Major
tourist destinations in Kenya are home to all manner of armed assailants, pickpockets
and scam artists.
2. You are going to watch a video item Be a traveller. Before you watch it think
over the questions What does it mean – to be a traveller? and What does it take –
to be a traveller? After watching share your feelings with the group.

3. Take 3 minutes to revise all the vocabulary to get prepared to the test.

Word list

Accompanied Door-to-door Interesting

Accompany on journey Dreaded Invigorating
Accomplishment Dreamland Itinerant
Accursed Earthborn Journey
Adventurous Educational Journey benefits
Aimless Embark on journey Journey fatigues
Arduous Empowering Journey interests
Army Enjoy journey Journey pleases
Awesome Evangelizing Journey tires
Backpacker Excursion Journey wearies
Bird of passage Exhilarating Joyful
Board (boat / plane) Exotic Knapsack
Break journey Expeditious Leisure traveler
Brood Explore Leisurely
Bumpily Explorer Lifestyle
Bumpy Extended Luggage
Business traveler Eye opening Measureless
By way of Fairyland Memorable
something,(from) Fatal Mind boggling
Camp Fatiguing Multitude
Camp follower Fellow traveler Mysterious
Caravan Flyer Mystery
Celebrated Frequent flyer Non-stop
Challenging Frightful Out of season,
Chartger flight Fruitless Outward
Circuitous Get on board Overland
Circuitously Get ready Overseas
Civilization Globetrotter Overwhelming
Coach party Globetrotting Pack
Commuter Go by Package holiday
Companion Go camping Passenger manifest
Contemplate journey Go on board Pathfinder
Cosmopolitan, Go sightseeing Pearly gates
Costly Harrowing Perilous
Couth Haversack Perspective
Crowd Hitch-hike Pilgrim
Cruise Holidaymaker Plan journey
Customs Homeward Pleasant
Daily Independent traveler Pleasant
Dash off (to a place) Infinite Plodding
Day tripper Innumerable Proceed on journey
Dismal Inspiring Promised land
Proposed Sightseer Undertake journey
Quicken journey Snowbird Uneventful
Refreshing Society Unexpected
Remote Stately Unprocessed
Return Subsequent Unrefined
Revelation Suitcase Unspeakable
Rewarding Tedious Unsteady
Roadie Throng Untreated
Romantic To be bitten by the travel Vacationer
Round-the-world bug Vagabond
Rover To be in the comfort of Vast (adjective)
Rucksack (one's) own home Via
Rumored To flock Voyage
Rural Toilsome Voyager
Sales representative Transatlantic Wander
Salesperson Transcontinental Wayfarer
Self-appointed Travel Wearisome
Self-catering holiday Travel bug Weary
Sentimental Travel light Weekender
Set off Travelling Well-travelled,
Set out on journey Travelling companion Wild
Shape journey Trip Woodland
Shorter Triumphal
Sightseeing Troubled

Lesson 2 Moving Around

Part 1
1. Look at the photos. What means of transport can you see? Speak about
advantages and disadvantages of each. Comment on the proverbs below.

If you love your son, let him travel.

Tell me with whom you travel, and I'll tell you who you are.
2. Find a match.
a) Think of the negative forms for these positive adjectives describing means of
transport. Use a dictionary if you need help.
Example: comfortable – uncomfortable
comfortable punctual
good for getting common
about town
safe reliable
healthy convenient
ecologically sound luxurious
fast expensive

b) Think of three adjectives to describe the means of transport shown in the

pictures above.

3. Read a newspaper article about cycling safety. Do you agree with the author
of the article? Do you know any other rules for the situation described in the
text? Explain the meaning of the words in bold.

Cycling safety: How to stay safe on two wheels,

and what to do if you have an accident
By Daily Mirror
Following in the pedal path of Wiggo and Froome,
more and more Brits are taking up cycling - here's our
guide to staying safe on the road.
Inspired by Team GB's cycling dominance in last
summer's Olympic Games and back-to-back British
wins for Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome in the Tour
de France, more and more of us are taking to two-wheeled transport.
With the rising running costs of owning a car and hikes in prices for public
transport, riding a bike can be an economical and healthy alternative to more
sedentary ways of getting around.
Many employers now offer a cycle to work scheme for people to buy bikes and
safety equipment, making it even more affordable.
While cycling is a fantastic way to burn a few calories and save some money,
it is not without its risks. After all, even Bradley Wiggins has been knocked off his
The latest RoSPA stats (released in 2012) reveal that 107 cyclists were killed
on Britain's roads in 2011, with another 3,085 seriously injured and 16,023 slightly
Staying alert, obeying traffic laws and riding carefully are all very important
when trying to stay safe on the road, but here are some additional things to consider:
Before you ride
 keep your bike, tyres, brakes, gears and chain in good working order - just
like you would a car. Your local bike shop should be able to offer you a service
 always use lights and hi-viz clothing if cycling at night - you may be fined
£30 if you don't have lights after dark, and;
 make sure you invest in a decent helmet - your brain is important to you, and
it could save your life.
On the road
 ride defensively and expect the unexpected from motorists, motorcyclists
and pedestrians;
 use hand signals when turning left or right;

 give HGVs, buses and large vehicles plenty of room - AVOID passing them
on the left;
 make eye contact with motorists before making manoeuvres to make sure
they have seen you, and;
 don't use a mobile phone or earphones while riding.
What to do if you are in an accident?
If you are unlucky enough to be involved in an accident while riding your
bike, these are the steps you should take in order to ensure your safety:
1. Get off the road and away from danger as soon as you can.
2. If injured, seek medical attention or ask for someone to call an
3. Ask for pedestrians or motorists who can act as witnesses to what
happened. Ideally you will need two. Get business cards or contact details.
4. Exchange details with anyone else involved (get number plate, name
address and insurance details if possible).
5. Look for CCTV cameras and use your camera phone to take pictures
at the scene (include bike damage and car damage if possible)
6. Keep copies of police and ambulance reports and get detailed notes
from your doctor.
If the accident was not your fault, you may qualify to receive compensation for
your bike or any medical attention you have received as a result.

4. Sign up parts of the bike and body protectors using the words from the box.

Hand signals, helmet, hi-viz clothing, lights, chain, tyres, brakes,

gears, pedal, safety equipment

5. Using the text above fill in the box…

…with the words …with the words and …with the words and
describing participants word-combinations word-combinations
of the road traffic describing road which can be applied to
accident a bike
Vehicles, Exchange details with, make manoeuvres,
p__________________, g________ o_____ t___ r________ a b_______,
m_________________, r__________, t___________ u______
m_________________, b__ i___________ i___ c__________________
p________ t_________, a___ a______________,
t____-w____________ C________ c________,
t__________________ f__________________,
s_______ a__________,

6. Continue the sentences using the active vocabulary and the information from
the text above.
 Bike is a …
 Bike’s safety equipment includes …
 There are many different means of transport on the road. There are…
 Running a bike isn’t cheap. You must keep … in order.
 There are many road accidents because …
 As a witness of a road accident you must …
 As a participant of a road accident you must …
 If you get injured on the road you must …
 Before you ride a bike you must …
 In some way a bike is much better than a car because …
7. Translate the sentences into English using the word from the text above
Многие работодатели поощряют своих работников ездить на работу
именно на велосипеде. Компании даже выплачивают часть суммы на
содержание велосипеда и приобретение защитного оборудования.
Если вы путешествуете в темное время суток, всегда используйте
световые приборы и специальную одежду, чтобы избежать аварий. Вас даже

могут оштрафовать за отсутствие соответствующего оборудования на вашем

Если вы стали участником дорожной аварии, как можно скорее
спуститесь с проезжей части. В случае получения травмы, вызовите скорую
Несчастные случаи на дорогах случаются достаточно часто. Нужно
хорошо знать, как действовать в таких ситуациях, внимательно записывать все
детали, а иногда даже фотографировать место ДТП.

8. Discuss the given topics playing speaking game Change place – Change face.
Use the useful language box to express your agreement or disagreement.
 Do you often use public transportation? Do you like it?
 Are you happy with the public transport system in your country?
 Public transport is romantic, one can fall in love just travelling in public
 Women drivers are as good as men.
 Public transport is useful, you can meet a lot of interesting people in public



I really think so. He may be right I don't agree You are / he is wrong
I share your view I have no objection I disagree. I take a different view
Fair enough I hold the same opinion I don't think so
I approve of it I agree with you / him I think otherwise

The author / the narrator / the protagonist / I don't think that's quite right
etc. is right I don't agree with you/him
He is quite right / absolutely right I don't agree with what you say
I have come to the same conclusion I am afraid that is not quite true
We are of one mind / of the same mind on I don't share his/her/your view
that question This argument does not hold water
I am at one with him on that point

Part 2
1. Watch the teacher’s presentation about other different means of transport,
write down definitions to the vehicle you’ll see.

2. In some countries there are school buses that take pupils to school in the
morning and home after school. It’s not really unusual anymore but it’s special
because it takes a lot of drivers’ attention and a lot of special rules. Read and
translate the text to learn more about it.
Learn to drive safely school zones
School is in session nine months out of the year, and this means there will be
plenty of children hustling to make it to school on time during your morning
commute. School zones put added stress on your morning but safety should always
come first. Remembering your safe driving tips is crucial when traveling through a
school area because children are not always the most alert and attentive. Our team
has put together a guide for school safety.
Be safe when driving in school zones!
It's important to be aware of laws of school zones and school buses. It can be
easy to fall in to a routine and zone out while driving into work on Monday mornings,

but you can't forget that you are still passing little pedestrians making their way to
School zone safety
If you live near a school zone you will
most likely be passing those flashing school
zone signs every morning and afternoon, so
make sure that you know exactly what to do
when you are traveling through one. Take a
look at some of the laws and safe driving tips
for school safety zone while driving:
Check the signs. Most schools have a set
speed limit of 20 mph; however, always look at the sign because this is not always
the case.
Follow the speed limit. Usually tickets for speeding are at their highest, $300.
However, if you are caught going over the speed limit in a school zone your fine will
Keep safety first while driving near pedestrians.
Watch for pedestrians walking, biking or loading in or out of cars. Be extra
attentive when passing a school; there will be extra traffic and kids on foot and
bicycles trying to cross the street.
Keep an eye on crossing guards. Although you may have the green light to
turn, they may have a pack of children crossing the street and they will not let your
car pass until everyone has safely crossed the road.
Turn down the music and put away the phone. It's important to be able to hear
and see what is happening without any distractions while driving your car.
Yield for pedestrians. If you notice a kid trying to cross at a pedestrian
crosswalk, the law states that you need to slow down, stop, and wait for them to
completely cross the street.
Prepare for frequent stops. Many people are turning in and out of the kid drop
off zone, causing traffic to stop more often than usual. Anticipate others' moves and
you'll have no problem making it through your morning commute.
Leave for work early. Driving becomes less stressful when you aren't pressed
for time. If you leave about five to ten minutes earlier than usual, you'll be able to
focus more on driving than on your clock.
Driving your car through school zones can become extremely stressful;
however, if you apply these safe driving tips and follow the road laws, you'll be able
to keep calm and be ready to make it to work on time and in a good mood!

School bus safety

School bus safety can see like a gray area. The most commonly asked question
is when is it ok to pass and when do you need to stop?
According to a survey conducted by the
Florida Department of Education, more than
21,000 drivers illegally passed school buses
on a one day survey. With 180 days in the
school year, this statistic is far too high.
Unfortunately, failure to properly stop when
a school bus is loading or unloading could
result in the loss of a child's life.
Do you know if you need to stop your car?
The department of highway safety and motor vehicles wants to make it as clear
as possible for drivers to know when to stop when a school bus has their signs out.
Check out the laws and safety tips below so you know what to do when you're in
this situation:
Stop if you are approaching a school bus when it has its stop signs out and
lights flashing. Regardless of which lane you are in, you need to bring your car to a
complete stop when you see a school bus loading or unloading children. If you are
driving in the same direction you MUST stop.
Two-lane roads must stop. Regardless of which direction you are traveling in
your car, if the road has only two lanes, stop your car and wait for the bus to pull
back its signs and accelerate before you move.
Multi-lane and paved across roads must stop. No matter how wide the road or
if there is a turning lane separating the road, all vehicles in all lanes need to stop and
On a divided highway you don't need to stop. If you are traveling in the
opposite direction on a highway that is divided by a barrier or unpaved area with a
minimum of five-feet, you don't have to stop. This is the only time that it's not illegal
for you to continue driving past a loading or unloading school bus.
Try to give ample space between your car and a school bus. You want to give
enough room so you don't tailgate a school bus full of children. These children rarely
have seatbelts on and an unexpected stop could turn into a disaster if you are too
close to the bus.

Do you have a driving license? Have you ever driven a car? Do you agree with
statement that safety always goes first? Discuss these questions with a group.

3. Study the table below. Read and translate the words from the table. Use a
dictionary to help you. Watch the teacher’s presentation to learn more about
types of roads.

Travel by air Travel by land Travel by water

Airport, check-in, fly, Bicycle, bike, bus, coach, Canoe, catamaran,

land, landing, plane, take lane, traffic, tube, dinghy, ferry, ferryboat,
off, destination, route, underground, subway, kayak, motorboat,
airplane, passenger, sledge, ambulance, baby passenger ship, raft,
hovercraft, aircraft, carriage, barrow, boxcar, rowboat, sailboat,
carrier, balloon buggy, cab, cart chariot, seaplane, battleship
convertible, dogsled, cruiser, fireboat, fishing
donkey cart, bus station boat

Parts of roads and road Types of road or path Phrasal Verbs

scenic route, school zone, A-road, B-road, To get on a bus /bicycle/
s-curve, sidewalk, approach, avenue, motorbike/ train
sign, speed bump, stop beltway, dead end, main To get off a bus/ bicycle/
sign, pedestrian crossing, road, minor road, one- motorbike/train
parking spot, overpass, way road, closed, To wait for the bus/ train/
zebra crossing, traffic carriageway, expressway, taxi
jam, traffic light, fast freeway, stuck in traffic To get in the car/taxi
lane, bend, black spot, To get out of the car/taxi
crash barrier, express lane

4. Fill in the gaps with the phrasal verbs from the table above.
1. “Are you going to ____________ ______this bus or the next one?”
2. “We will be ____________ ____________ the train at the next stop”
3. “I have been _________ _________the bus for 40 minutes, I hope it comes
4. “Watch you don’t bump your head as you _________ ______ the taxi”
5. “You will need to _____ _____ _____the car, there are too many people in it”.

5. Match the definitions and the words from the table above.

express lane a curve in a road, river etc

crash barrier a wide fast road in a US city that you do not pay to use

a low metal fence at the side of a road or along the

middle of a motorway
one side of a major road, used by vehicles travelling in
the same direction
the part of a motorway for cars that are travelling a long

black spot a place on a road where a lot of car accidents happen

carriageway a path or road that leads to a place

6. What means of transport is the most popular in your country? What about
other countries and nations? Is it the same there?
Discuss these questions in pairs, try to recollect as much unusual means of
transport as you can.
Watch the video item World's Most Unusual Mode of Transportation and
teacher’s presentation and to check your ideas.

7. The world is changing very fast, sciences and mechanics develop swiftly and
in contrast to old traditional means of transportation like elephants or camels
we now have underground, jets and even spaceships. Unfortunately, we still
can’t use space shuttles as transport for ordinary people but there are some
curious vehicles that are already available to everyday use.
Watch the video item 10 Most Amazing Vehicles to learn about them and do the
task below.
Vehicle Short description
At the heart of the skateboard are ______________ with
Double round skate the diameter of ___ centimeters and a comfortable platform
__________________ an inch above the ground the Hendo
borders 4 _________________________ that create a
magnetic field _________________ the board from the
The one-wheel skate is a _____________________
______________ unicycle electromechanical skateboard. It reaches speeds of
about ____ km/h.
Aeyo is a cross between a ___________, ________, and a
Aeyo pair of _________________ which falls in the middle of
the scale.
Riding a _______________ is a combination of running
and cycling because you are in a _____________________
and so the bike responds better to your body's movements
in turns.
The bike Aero-x is cooler than an _____, _____, and a
scooter. With it, it doesn't matter what is under your feet –
the road beneath you or an
Air bike Aero-x __________________________. This bike has a rotary
engine with two screws and it responds to the movements
of the body as an ordinary motorcycle and flies at a speed
of ___ kilometers an hour.
The _____________________ can carry up to two people.
It _________________ up to ___ km/h and it travels over
___ kilometers with a ___________ __________. This
scooter weighs only 7 kilograms.

The scooter doesn't take up more space than a

___________________ suitcase and it can reach speeds up
to ___ km/h and _____________ in ___ minutes.
A ___________________ electric scooter with two wheels
located on each side of the driver. The _________ has a top
speed of about ___ km/h and the battery provides a
___________ of up to ___ kilometers.
__________________ that the world has already created
quite a lot of working and ______________ copies
Jetpack available, jetpacks aren't available for consumers yet. The
__________________ of jetpacks will be delivered to their
owners in 2017.

8. Translate the given article into English.

Экзотические виды транспорта для туристов

Очень часто туристы, которые приезжают в другую страну, стоят перед
выбором, каким же транспортом путешествовать. И если в Европе и США
путешественники традиционно берут автомобили напрокат, то в экзотических
странах очень часто такая услуга просто-напросто недоступна, и, наконец, до
многих достопримечательностей на автомобиле просто не подъедешь.
Поэтому туристы вынуждены ездить или на общественном транспорте, или же
воспользоваться услугами экзотических средств передвижения.
Вот, например, в Гватемале местной достопримечательностью считаются
так называемые «куриные автобусы». Откуда такое название? - В этих
автобусах перевозят не только людей, но и домашних животных.
Гватемальские «куриные автобусы» - это обычные школьные автобусы,
привезенные из США. Правда, местные умельцы постарались, раскрасив
автобус яркими красками так, что оригинал невозможно узнать.
В Португалии можно покататься на ивовых санях. Филиппинские же
умельцы увлекаются мотоциклами. Однако ездить на мотоцикле по двое -
слишком большая потеря бензина. По этой причине местные мастера
усовершенствовали обычный мотоцикл, удлинив сиденья, и теперь на одном
таком транспортном средстве может поместиться от 5 до 13 человек.
Мотоциклы, названные «хаба хаба», используются для пассажирских
перевозок, и, что интересно, дополнительная нагрузка в виде нескольких
людей с тяжелыми сумками на скорость транспортного средства никак не
влияет: филиппинские «пассажирские байкеры» разгоняются до
умопомрачительных скоростей.

Part 3
1. Are you good at giving directions\reading maps? Do you always help when
you are asked for directions? Is it ok for you to ask for directions if get lost in a
new place? Do you often get lost in a new city\town\place? Tell your story.

2. Watch the video item Test your spatial memory to check how good your spatial
memory is. Answer the questions below using the information from the video.
 How many rooms were there on the map?
 What was stolen from the house?
 What is spatial memory?
 How do you use this ability it in everyday life?
 Is it possible to improve spatial memory?
 What can you do if you have poor spatial memory?

3. Read the text below. Explain the meaning of the words in bold.
Who's Better at Giving Directions, Men or Women?
He says go straight for three miles and turn east.
She says drive past the school and turn right at the
green house. Both sets of directions will get you to
the same grocery store just as easily, but they embody
the language barrier between the sexes that lurks
behind many a front-seat argument.

Deborah Saucier, a professor of neuroscience at the University of Lethbridge

in Canada, examined the differences in phrasing in her 2003 study. She observed
that, after studying a map and being asked how to get to various locations, women
typically give directions that feature landmarks and left and right turns. Men, on
the other hand, employ compass directions and distances measured in minutes or
Some animals, such as homing pigeons, have extra iron in their nose that helps
them turn toward the magnetic north pole. But men’s internal maps, Saucier
theorizes, most likely date back to our hunting ancestors. During a hunt, men would
stray far from home and into unfamiliar territory to bring down wild animals. They
may have relied on tracking the position of the sun and their innate orientation
skills to find the most direct route home.
Meanwhile, prehistoric women, who gathered more-sedentary food, probably
found their way to and from the most bountiful and nutritious plants with the help
of landmarks. In a study last year at the University of California at Santa Barbara,
evolutionary psychologist Joshua New tested this theory in a farmers’ market. After
a single tasting tour of the market, women could more accurately point to food stalls
they had visited, noting, in particular, the locations of foods with high energy
content. With the benefit of food stalls as landmarks, women knew their way around
better than men.
4. Paraphrase the sentences and retell the text using the following words and
word combinations.

go straight, mile, turn, drive past, turn right at, sets of directions, map,
landmark, compass directions, innate orientation skills, route

Example: During a hunt, men would stray far from home and into unfamiliar
territory to bring down wild animals. While tracking down animals, males
went long distances away from their household to new regions to overthrow
undomesticated creatures.
5. Answer the questions using the text above.
1) Who gives directions better men or women? Why?
2) Are scientists interested in differences in phrasing between men and women?
What are the differences?
3) What is “internal map”?
4) Who is Joshua New? Why is the person mentioned in the text?
5) What our prehistoric ancestors have to do with the way men and women give
directions nowadays?

6. Find the words in the text above which are antonyms for the word-blocks
materialize, show up, appear, come out, turn up
descendant, inheritor, scion, successor, lineage
loss, obstacle, scourge, minus, waste, misery
force out, dismiss, send away, can, retirement, firing
resemblance, identicalness, harmony, analogy, similarity
resist, discourage, frustration, encumbrance, deterrence

7. Study the table below.

Asking for directions Giving directions Directions
How do I get to …? Go straight on (until you come Straight on, opposite, near,
What's the best way to …? to …). next to, between, at the end
Where is …? Turn back/ Go back. (of), on/at the corner, behind,
Turn left/right (into …-street). in front of, (just) around the
Can you tell me the way to
corner, traffic lights,
Do you know how to get to Go along …
crossroads, junction ,
Cross … signpost, it’s not far, it’s a bit
Take the first/second road on of a way (it takes a while), it’s
the left/right about a five minute walk, it’s
It's on the left/right. about a twenty minute bus
8. Fill in the gaps with the words from the table above.
 “Excuse me, where is the post office, please?”
 “_____________________ at the next corner. Then
_______________________ until you come to the traffic lights.
________________________ there. The post office
is ____________________the cinema”.

Fill in the dialogue below with the words in the box.

continue, end, excuse, get, left (2x), next, opposite, right,

second, straight on, thank, turn

 “_______________me, how do I _________________to the picture gallery?”

 “Go _______________________. Turn __________________ at the corner.
Then take the __________________________ road on your
____________________. ______________________ to the
____________________ of the road. _____________________ there. The
picture gallery is on your _____________________,
________________________the castle.”
 “_____________________ you very much.”

9. Translate the dialogue in to English using the active vocabulary above.

А: Не могли бы вы указать мне дорогу?

В: Конечно. А что вы ищете?
А: Центральную выставку. Вы знаете, где она находится?
В Центральная выставка? Ну, это довольно далеко отсюда. Лучше вам ехать
А: А сколько времени займет эта поездка? На каком автобусе можно
добраться туда?
В: На автобусе где-то примерно 10 минут. Дайте подумать. Пожалуй, лучше
всего сесть на 5 автобус на "Второй улице".
А: Извините, а где находится "Вторая улица"?
В: Идите вдоль этой улицы к следующему перекрестку и поверните направо.
Вы будете на "Второй улице". Автобусная остановка будет у маленького
парка справа от вас.
А: Спасибо.
В: Пожалуйста.

Part 4
1. Work in small groups of 2-3 people. Using the map below find the places
listed in the table below.

1. Draw "X" at:

a) the intersection of C Street and 6th Avenue
b) where River Street meets State Bridge
c) at the address 650 A St.
2. Draw a short street route from the library to city hall.
3. Which bridge is closest to the Art
4. Which is farther north, River Park or
City Park?
5. How far (in miles) is it from the bus
station to the hospital?
6. If you cross Denny Bridge going north,
turn right at River St., turn left at Grove
Ave., turn right at Oak St. and walk half a
block, what building do you see on your
7. What park is located in A2?
8. When you look north, you see the river.
When you look east, you see the High
School. Where are you?

2. Use the map below to give directions to the people below. Use the Useful
Language box below to help you.

You are at the airport just returning from your business trip. The following
people ask you to help them getting around the city. Act out the dialogues. Work
in small groups of 2-3 people.
Group 1
An aristocratically-looking old lady would like to go to a new ballet
performance. She has 30 min before the play. Give her directions
and suggest the best mean of transport to get to the ballet and opera
Group 2
A group of students has just arrived to Utah and would like to get
to Utah University. They’d like to have something to eat, preferable
at low cost as they are short of money. They have plenty of time.
Give them directions and advise the most suitable mean of
Group 3
Two young ladies looking rather fashionable would like to go
shopping. They plan to devote the whole day to this activity. Help
them with the directions; offer some alternatives and the most
convenient means of transport.
Group 4
A young lady with a baby on her hands would like to buy some
dippers for the child and to find some middle-prized hotel for one
night as their flight has been delayed. Help her with the directions,
offer the most suitable way out.

3. Read and translate the text.

Cities face collapse without radical changes to public transport
Transport operators and authorities have been warned by their own
international association that they must place city development and urban design at
the top of their agenda when planning their bus, rail and tram services. James Dark
reports on why UITP is challenging its members to adopt a radical new outlook
Imagine waking up in a city where a high quality train or bus is waiting virtually
on your doorstep to take you to work, to a leisure complex or a park. If you need to
go into the heart of the city, changing to the tram network is simple because the
trams share the same track as the trains, and bus stops are just a few yards from the
Train/interchange in Duren Timetables have been co-ordinated to minimise
waiting times, and you don't even have to buy a ticket because you have paid in
advance through credits stored on a plastic smartcard.
On the way home, you could use the smartcard to buy your shopping from a
mall above the station rather than make a special trip. Or perhaps you would decide
on impulse to take a later train because the station has become a venue for
performing arts festivals. Public transport is the natural choice, not just because new
housing has been planned around fast, frequent train, tram and bus services, but

because well designed stations with new facilities and public art have become the
hubs of communities.
Furthermore, workplace parking has been restricted or congestion charging
implemented, giving public transport advantages over the car. Demand for new
roads has fallen, freeing up space for public parks and squares. The city feels cleaner
and more peaceful, and the ease of movement has increased its economic efficiency.
Best of all, the demand to live close to public transport links has massively increased
the value of nearby property, and a tax on this increase in value has been used to pay
for improvements to the bus, train and tram networks.

4. Take 3 minutes to revise all the vocabulary to get prepared to the test.

Word list

Ambulance Deterrence Make maneuvers

Appear Dinghy Materialize
Approach, Direct route home Minor road
A-road Discourage Misery
At the end (of) Dismiss Next to
Avenue Dogsled Obstacle
Baby carriage Donkey cart on/at the corner
Balloon Ecologically sound One-way
Barrow Embody Opposite
Battleship cruiser Exchange details with Overpass
Be involved in an accident Expensive Parking spot
Beltway Express lane Pedal
Bend Expressway Pedestrian crossing
Between Fast lane Punctual
Bicycle Ferry Raft
Black spot Fire engine Reliable
Boxcar Fireboat Relied on
Brakes Fishing boat Resemblance
B-road Force out Resist
Buggy Freeway Road closed
Cab Front-seat argument Route
Can Gears Rowboat
Canoe Get off the road Running costs
Carriageway Good for getting about Safety equipment
Carrier town Scenic route
Cart chariot Hand signals School zone
Catamaran Helmet Scion
Catamaran Hi-viz clothing Scourge
Chain Hovercraft S-curve
Check-in Identicalness Sedentary
Coach Inheritor Sets of directions
Come out Innate orientation skills Show up
Comfortable Junction Sidewalk
Common Just around the corner\ Sign
Compass directions traffic lights\ crossroads Signpost
Convenient Kayak Similarity
Convertible Landmarks Sledge
Crash barrier Lane Speed bump
Cycle Lineage Stay safe on the road
Dead end Loss Staying alert
Descendant Luxurious Straight on
Destination Main road Stuck in traffic
Successor To get out of the car/taxi Two-wheeled transport
Take off To wait for the bus/ train/ Tyres
Take up cycling taxi Underground
To get in the car/taxi Traffic Vehicles
To get off a bus/ bicycle/ Traffic jam Witnesses
motorbike/train Traffic light Zebra crossing
To get on a bus /bicycle/ Tube
motorbike/ train Turn up

Lesson 3 Airports & Hotels

Part 1
1. Look at the pictures and comment on the statements below.

“There is truly no other place bearing so much love as airports.”

“You know… the airport is the only place you can walk around with
no shoes, a glazed look on your face, and sleep on the benches and no
one judges you.”
“Maybe I live in the gates that lead to outbound international
flights. Maybe that is home. And do I feel more comfortable at the
departures or at the arrivals?”
o Do you consider an airport as a romantic place? Why/ why not?
o Aren’t you afraid of airports as huge hubs where it’s easy to get lost, to
get confused and miss the flight? Do you feel confident enough not to
panic in the airport?

2. Read the text providing Russian equivalents to the items in bold.

Nowadays people mostly travel by air. With the development of the
supersonic passenger planes flying at a speed of over 800 km per hour people
have got the fastest way of getting to places. Modern equipment enables safe all-
weather flying and even blind flying. Distances under 2000 km can now be covered
by modern passenger aircraft non-stop without landing to refuel. Air travel does
save time!
Here are a few hints on air travel that may be helpful:
Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport one hour before departure
time on international flights and half an hour earlier to catch planes on domestic
Passengers must register their tickets, weigh in and register the luggage. At the
check-in counter a ticket agent will look at your ticket and your passport, your
luggage will be weighed on scales, checked-in, labelled and sent off to be loaded
into the hold of the airplane. In case your suitcases are too heavy you`ll have to
pay an excess baggage charge. The economy class limitation is 20 kg. First class
passengers are allowed 30 kg.
Passengers are permitted to take only some personal belongings with them into
the cabin. These items include handbags, briefcases, umbrellas, coats and souvenirs
bought at the duty-free shops at the airport.
Each passenger is given a boarding pass to be shown at the departure gate and
again to the stewardess when boarding the plane. The boarding pass has a seat
number written on it, number of your flight, information about your luggage. You
can have a window seat or an aisle seat, the seat in the smoking section or the seat
in the non-smoking section.
You go through the security check where your carry-on luggage is searched.
At the passport control they will check your visa in case of international flying.
In the departure lounge you join the other passengers who are sitting and
waiting until it is time for their flight to depart. Listen carefully to the
announcements specifying the gate your flight is boarding at. While waiting for your
flight to be called you can visit a duty-free shop where you have a chance to buy
some things cheaply. The goods you buy here are cheaper because they are not taxed.
On board the plane watch the electric sign flashes and listen to the
announcements on the public address system. The captain will welcome you on
board, tell you about the flight and the interesting places you are flying over. When
the “Fasten Seat Belts” sign goes on, do it promptly, and also obey the “No smoking”

If you are arriving at London Heathrow Airport and are not transferring to
another flight outside Britain or Northern Ireland, you must pass through passport
control and customs immediately after leaving your plane. If you are not British or
a citizen of the European Community, you must fill in a special form before your
passport is examined. This form is called a landing card and should be given to you
during your flight to London.
After landing, follow the “Arrival” signs. Make sure you are in the right
channel when you reach passport control. There is one channel for holders of
European Community passports, and a second channel marked “Other Passports”.
After passing through passport control, follow the signs to the baggage reclaim
area. If you have luggage, which was carried in the aircraft hold, it will be
delivered to you in the baggage reclaim area. Look for the sign with your flight
number. If you have only hand luggage, go directly through the baggage reclaim
area to customs.
All passengers must pass through customs after passport control. Every country
has its own customs regulations, which define what articles are liable to duty and
what are duty free. Sometimes an article, which falls under customs restriction
and is liable to duty is allowed in duty-free if the traveller doesn`t exceed a certain
fixed quota. Customs restrictions also include a prohibited articles list. This is the
list of items, which may not be brought into the country or taken out of it. If the
traveller has any item, which comes under customs restrictions he is asked to declare
it. That is, he is asked to name the items, stating their value and other particulars.
The declaration is made either orally or in writing on a special form. The passenger’s
luggage is carefully gone through in order to prevent smuggling.
Going through customs in Britain you have a choice of two channels, Green
and Red. If you have nothing to declare go through the Green channel. If you are
not sure about your duty free allowances, or if you have something to declare, go
through the Red channel. Information about duty free allowances can be found on
special notice-boards in the baggage reclaim area. You should study this information
carefully whether you are going through the Red channel or not. Please note that if
you are going through the Red channel, you may be stopped and asked to open your
luggage for inspection.
Passengers transferring to flights outside Britain and Northern Ireland
immediately after arriving at Heathrow do not go through the procedures described
above. After leaving their plane at Heathrow, they should follow the yellow and
black “Transfers” signs to the transfer desk, where the airport staff will direct
them to their departure gates. However, if you are transferring to a flight inside
Britain or Northern Ireland, you must pass through customs and passport control at
Heathrow and not at your final destination.

3. Find the odd word in a line, say why this word doesn`t belong.
A boarding pass arrival card customs declaration
B plane jet bus
C boarding ramp safety belt escape slide
D navigator air-controller pilot
E baggage-reclaim area check-in counter departure gate
F life-jacket oxygen mask luggage locker
G to fly the plane to check-in to rock
H blind landing in-flight meal poor visibility
I briefcase suitcase handbag
J turbulence air-pocket runway

4. Match the word in column A to the word in column B.

to cover the timetable
to fill in the luggage
to hit speed
to drive up the arrival card
to weigh the flight
to fasten the plane
to pick up the air-pocket
to overbook the ramp
to board the distance
to consult the safety belt

5. Give the opposite to the following words and phrases.

 to fasten the seat belts
 to take off
 liable to duty
 rough landing
 to board the plane
 departure zone
 a window seat
 to take a through flight
 to be delayed
 smoking section

6. Study the table below. Use a dictionary to translate the words.

Planes, their parts and characteristics
airplane, aircraft, jet, supersonic/ subsonic (speed/ aircraft/ flight), cockpit/ flight deck, cabin,
fuselage, smoking/ non-smoking section, to be equipped (with/ for), (carrying) capacity,
maintenance, (boarding) ramp/ jetway (AE), air bridge (BE), hold, to load sth into the hold of
the plane, emergency exit, oxygen mask, escape slide, escape route, (overhead) locker, safety
card, safety belt, to fasten/ unfasten/adjust safety belts, to inflate the life-jacket, aisle/ middle/
window seat, reclining seat, seat back, arm rests, head-rest, head-rest cover, seat pocket, front/
back row, folding table, window blinds, air supply
At the airport At the check-in
airfield, runway, terminal (building), hangar, to check-in (for some flight), (at the) check-in
control tower, (on the) public-address system, counter/ desk, to weigh smb`s luggage, to label
airline, timetable, to consult the timetable, the luggage, economy class/ business class,
departures/ arrivals board, gate, flight … is excess luggage charge, carry-on/ hand
boarding now at gate…, final call for flight…, luggage, unattended luggage, luggage
to be delayed (by 15 minutes), arrivals (hall), limitation, boarding pass/ card, to allot seats,
departures, departure lounge, duty-free zone, seat allocation, unreserved seating
to follow signs, luggage-reclaim area, transfer
desk, to change planes/ to transfer to another
flight, to fill in the arrival card
At the security check At the customs People working on and
with airplanes
to go through the security to cross the border, to go pilot, co-pilot, (air) crew,
check, to hijack the plane, to through the customs, customs ground crew/ staff, airport
scan a bag/ a suitcase, to regulations, customs staff, navigator, captain,
screen a passenger, to search restrictions/ duties, to fall air(traffic)-controller,
smb’s luggage (for smth.), to under customs restrictions, to weather-man, flight attendant/
detect hidden weapons and be liable to duty, duty-free, air hostess/ stewardess,
explosives on passengers, duty free quota, prohibited announcer, ticket agent,
explosive/ drug detection articles, to declare smth., to security officer, customs
machines, X-ray machines, fill in the customs form, to officer, baggage handler
metal detectors smuggle smth., to take the
Green/ Red Channel
Flights and flying
a flight from Philadelphia to Frankfurt, to take a flight, through/ direct flight, chartered flight
scheduled flight, non-stop flight, to fly non-stop, bumpy, rough /smooth flight, domestic flight,
international flight, on a flight to some place, to overbook a flight, to drive out to the runway, to
taxi along the runway, take off, to become / be airborne, to board the airplane, to deplane/ to
disembark, on board the plane, to fly the airplane, to gain/ lose altitude, to reach an altitude of…,
to level off, to pick up speed, to fly at a height/ an altitude of …, to refuel, to land, to crash-land,
landing, to make a smooth/ safe /crash/ emergency/ forced/ blind landing, to get into an air crash,
casualties, heavy-casualty accident, to crash, good/ poor/ nil visibility, cross wind, to hit an air
pocket, turbulence, to cover a distance, to rock, to give smb a safety briefing, in-flight movie/
meal, jet-lag, to be jet-lagged, to be/ get airsick, turnaround time

7. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Тебе нравится путешествовать самолетом? – Да, это очень быстро.
Тратишь всего несколько часов, чтобы добраться из одной страны в другую. –

Один мой друг боится путешествовать самолетом. Он боится, что может

случиться авиакатастрофа. – Не стоит бояться. Статистика показывает, что
путешествия самолетом такие же безопасные, как путешествия другими
видами транспорта. Самолеты тщательно проверяют перед каждым рейсом
2.Современные реактивные самолеты летают со скоростью 800 км / ч.
Они приспособлены к полетам на разной высоте и при различных погодных
условиях. Интересно, что чем меньше скорость самолета, тем сильнее его
3. Если ты не знаешь, что разрешается провозить беспошлинно, прочитай
внимательно все списки до того, как зарегистрируешь багаж – Оказывается,
мне нечего декларировать. Среди моих вещей нет запрещенных предметов и
нет ничего, что облагается пошлиной.
4. Какой самый короткий путь в Санкт-Петербург? Есть прямой рейс
туда? – Нет, вы должны добраться в Днепропетровск, а там пересесть на рейс
в Санкт-Петербург.
5. Мне нужно в Париж 20 мая. Какой рейс вы можете порекомендовать?
– Я советую вам лететь французскими авиалиниями. Рейсы этой компании
редко задерживаются. Есть утренний рейс в 8 утра. Вы будете в Париже в 12
дня. Есть также рейс в 2:00 дня. Какой вы выбираете? – Эти рейсы
ежедневные? – Да. – А есть ли какой-нибудь рейс вечером? – К сожалению,
нет. У нас только 2 рейса. – Тогда мне один билет на рейс в 12:00. – В один
конец или туда и обратно? – Туда и обратно.
6. Я вас прошу как можно быстрее зарегистрировать и осмотреть мой
багаж. Мой самолет вылетает через 20 минут. – Боюсь, вы должны заплатить
за перевес багажа. Вы можете взять только 20 кг, у вас 5 кг сверх нормы.
7. Приборы, которыми оборудованы современные самолеты, а также
работа диспетчеров наземной службы, позволяют делать полет вслепую и
даже приземляться по приборам.
8. Мы видели, как самолет выехал на взлетную полосу, набрал скорость и
взлетел. Он задержался, потому что взлетная полоса была занята некоторое
9. Таможенные ограничения распространяются на все эти вещи. Вам
придется предоставить нам подробную информацию об их количестве, весе и
стоимости, заполняя бланк.
10. Внимание, говорит капитан самолета. Мы приземляемся через 10
минут. Из-за плохой видимости есть вероятность посадки по приборам.
Просьба всем пассажирам оставаться на местах и пристегнуть ремни

11. Какой рейс они сейчас сообщают? – Похоже, это рейс на Амстердам.
Пойдем к выходу 10.
12. Во время переезда через границу вы обязаны сообщить об имеющейся
у вас иностранной валюте. Ее можно обменять на местную валюту в обменном
пункте на территории аэропорта.
13. Дают ли пассажирам тележки в аэропорту? – Да, если их чемоданы
очень тяжелые. – Эти тележки бесплатные? – В некоторых странах нет.
14. Пассажиры рейса 476 на Прагу, посадка на ваш самолет
осуществляется на выходе 5. Не забывайте свои вещи и не оставляйте багаж
без присмотра.
15. Когда стюардесса объявила взлет, мы пристегнули ремни
безопасности и выключили свои мобильные телефоны.
16. Если бы не сильный боковой ветер, мы бы пролетели это расстояние
без остановок.
17. Ошибка диспетчера привела к несчастному случаю со множеством
18.Скажите, где расписание рейсов? - Оно далеко отсюда, но все рейсы
объявляются по системе селекторной связи. Слушайте внимательно
19. Я приехал в аэропорт раньше, потому что я хотел сделать некоторые
покупки в беспошлинной зоне. Здесь товары дешевле, чем в стране. Чтобы
купить что-то в беспошлинном магазине, ты должен предъявить билет.
20. Это было ужасное путешествие. У меня ушло 3 часа на регистрацию.
Затем я потерял посадочный талон. Самолет задержали, потому что погода
была плохая. Затем мы взлетели, но самолет так качало, что мне было плохо.
Нам не дали обед. Мой багаж потерялся. – Когда ты летишь в следующий раз?
21. Как мне пройти к стойке регистрации на рейс 256 в Стокгольм? –
Идите по указателям в регистрационную зону, а там найдите табличку с вашим
22. Я прошла таможню и паспортный контроль. У меня два чемодана, а
эта сумка – ручной багаж. – Вам разрешили взять чемоданы в салон? Их
23. На контроле службы безопасности охранники ищут оружие и другие
металлические приборы. Багаж пассажиров сканируется специальными
просвечивающими машинами. Сами пассажиры проходят через рамку
24. Посадочный талон, который вы получаете при регистрации, должен
быть предъявлен на выходе к самолету и при посадке в самолет.

25. Чтобы избежать недомогания при пересечении нескольких часовых

зон, постарайтесь привыкнуть к расписанию на месте прибытия заранее.

Part 2

1. Watch the teacher’s presentation to fill in the gaps of the scheme.



2. Watch the video item How to read the boarding pass and do the tasks below.
a) fill in the gaps
1. Here is our boarding pass. We’re flying on ____________________ and
we’re flying from Rapid City, South Dakota to Denver, Colorado.
2. Every airport in the world has a code. RAP means __________________ and
DEN means ______________, Colorado.
3. We need to go to our _____________________, our ____________________
is A22 and our ____________________ is 3:15 pm. The word “board” means
“to get on”, so we get on the plane at 3:15 pm and our departure time is 3:40
4. We’re sitting in seat #23A and that’s in zone 2. Most airlines have
___________________________, so the _____________ will say “We’re
now boarding Zone 2.” So we’re to find seat #23A when we get on the plane
and that’s in __________. ___________ means “economy class”.
b) answer the questions
1. What classes airplane is divided to? ______________________________
2. What kinds of seats can you find in the plane? ______________________
3. How the inside of the plane is called? How do we call people who work
there? _____________________________________________________

4. How is the plane’s WC called? __________________________________

5. How is the plane’s kitchen called? _______________________________
6. How is the place for pilots called? ________________________________
7. What does “LEG” mean? ______________________________________
3. Watch the video item Security at the airport and discuss in a group: what is
the proper way to pass security check at the airport?
4. Read the text below and answer the questions.
Every year a magazine called Executive Travel organizes a competition to find
the Airline of the Year. Travellers from all over the world are invited to vote for the
most efficient, the most punctual, the safest and the friendliest airline. The winner in
1985 was British airways. The competition asked travellers what for them was most
important from an airline, and the results were as follows:
Punctual departures and arrivals – 35%
Attentive cabin staff - 35%
Comfort - 18%
Safety - 9%
Good food and wine - 3%
The competition also invited travellers to tell their most horrific stories of the
nightmare side of the international travel. Replies included three hijacks, fifty-three
cases of engine failure or trouble with the landing gear, eleven lightning strikes,
twenty-three bomb scares, thirteen cases of food poisoning, eleven near misses and
two collisions with airport trucks.
Bad flying experiences begin on the ground, naturally. One American airline
managed to double-book an entire 747, but this is nothing compared to what
happened on an internal flight on a certain African airline. The flight had been
overbooked three times. The local military sorted the problem out by insisting that
all passengers with boarding cards should run round the plane twice, the fastest
getting the seats.
An overbooked flight that was going from Heathrow to America gave one
traveller a bit of a shock. Dressed only in trousers, shirt and socks, he had been
allowed by the stewardess to leave the aircraft to see if he could get a colleague
aboard. He returned a few minutes later to find the 747 closed up and about to start
moving – with his shoes, wallet, passport and luggage inside.
A similar event was seen by a businessman on a flight from Bangladesh.
Passengers were waiting for take-off when there was sudden hysterical hammering

on the door. At first the cabin crew paid no attention. The hammering continued.
When the door was finally opened the pilot got in.
One frequent flier lost a certain amount of confidence when the cabin staff
asked him to sit in the lavatory during take-off, so that they could occupy the seats
nearest the emergency exit. Another lost faith in the pilot`s navigation skills when
passengers were given lifeboat drill on a flight between London and Manchester.
For nervous fliers, a journey to be avoided was one between Gatwick and
Montpellier, where the in-flight entertainment consisted of watching pieces of the
engine falling off. Another passenger was asked to hold the aircraft door closed at
take-off and landing.
Baggage is a rich source of horror stories. There was the unlucky traveller who
left Chicago in minus-23 weather. He was going to an important meeting in Dallas,
where the temperature was 80-plus. Unfortunately, his suitcase had gone to LA,
where it spent the next two days. The customers he was trying to impress were more
than a little surprised to see him going round in a thick suit, heavy overcoat and a
fur hat.
(Headway Upper-Intermediate, 1998)
1. What was the aim of the competition organized by the Executive Travel
2. What criteria were taken into consideration in order to define the best airline?
3. How did the passengers rank different aspects of air service?
4. What accidents were mentioned to represent the nightmare side of air travel?
5. Reproduce the “horror stories” about air travel. Which of them seem to be
least possible? Which of them could happen in real life?

Part 3

1. Read and translate the text about accommodation in Canada. Pay attention
to the words in bold.
Rebecca Wilson-Mah
In essence, hospitality is made up of two services: the provision of overnight
accommodation for people travelling away from home, and options for people
dining outside their home. We refer to the accommodation and food and beverage
services sectors together as the hospitality industry. In Canada, approximately
25% to 35% of visitor spending is attributed to accommodation, making it a
substantial portion of travel expenditures.

The History of Hotels in Canada

Travel in Europe, North America, and Australia developed with the
establishment of railway networks and train travel in the mid-1800s. The history of
Canada’s grand hotels is also the story of Canada’s ocean liners and railways. Until
the use of personal cars became widespread in the 1920s and 1930s, and taxpayer-
funded all-weather highways were created, railways were the only long-distance
land transportation available in Canada.
Both of Canada’s railway companies established hotel divisions: Canadian
Pacific Hotels and Canadian National Hotels. The first hotels were small and
included Glacier House in Glacier National Park, BC, and Mount Stephen House in
Field, BC. The hotel business was firmly established when both companies
recognized the business opportunity in the growth of tourism, and they soon became
rivals, building grand hotels in select locations close to railway stops.
Banff Springs Hotel opened in 1888, and other hotels soon followed, including
the Château Frontenac in Quebec City (1893), the Royal York in Toronto (1929),
and the Hotel Vancouver (1939). These hotels remain in operation today and are
landmarks in their destinations, functioning as accommodations and as local
attractions due to their historic significance and outstanding architecture.
Through the 1950s and 1960s, an increase in motor traffic saw the rise of
the motel. The word motel, used less commonly today, comes from the term
“motorist’s hotel,” used to denote a hotel that provides ample parking and rooms
that are easily accessible from the parking lot. Traditionally, these structures were
designed with all the rooms facing the parking lot, and relied heavily on motor traffic
from nearby highways.
Today, there are a number of hotel types, which can be classified in multiple
ways. Let’s explore these classifications in more detail.

Hotel Types
Hotels are typically referred to by hotel type or category. The type of hotel is
determined primarily by the size and location of the building structure, and then
by the function, target market, service level, other amenities, and industry

Type of Classification Examples of Classifications

Under 50 rooms, 50 to 150 rooms, 150 to 299 rooms, 300 to

Size (number of rooms)
600 rooms, More than 600 rooms

Location Airport hotel, Casino hotel, City centre hotel, Resort hotel

Level of service Economy/limited service, Luxury service, Mid-level service

Airport hotel, All-inclusive resort, Bed and breakfast,

Business hotel, Boutique hotel, Casino, Conference centre,
Market and function
Convention centre, Extended-stay hotel, Resort hotel, Suite
hotel, Timeshare and condominium hotel

Ownership and affiliation Chain with a brand affiliation, Independent

Accessibility, Airport, Beach, Casino, City centre, Childcare,

Fitness club, Golf, Pool, Ski, Spa, Tennis, Weddings

 AAA Diamond Rating, CAA Diamond Rating, Canada

Industry standards Select, Star Rating, Canadian Star Quality Accommodation,
Green Key Eco Rating, Trip Advisor Traveller’s Choice

Brand standards (e.g.,

Starwood Hotels and Resorts  Aloft, Element, Four Points by Sheraton, Le Méridien,
has nine different brands, each Sheraton, St Regis
with its own set of standards)
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit_rating
 https://www.hospitalitynet.org/opinion/4080969.html

Competitive set is a marketing term used to identify a group of hotels that

include the competitors that a hotel guest is likely to consider as an alternative. These
can be grouped by any of the classifications listed in Table 1, such as size, location,
or amenities offered. There must be a minimum of three hotels to qualify as
a competitive set.
Table 2 outlines the characteristics of specific hotel types that have evolved to
match the needs of a particular traveller segment. As you can see, hotels adapt and
diversify depending on the markets they want and need to attract to stay in business.

Market Traveller
Segment Type

 High-volume corporate accounts in city properties

 Stronger demand Monday through Thursday
Commercial Business
 Most recession-proof of the market segments
 Lower average daily rate (ADR) than other segments

 Purpose for travel includes sightseeing, recreation, or

visiting friends and relatives
 Stronger demand Friday and Saturday nights and all
Leisure Leisure
week during holidays and the summer
 Includes tour groups in major cities and tourist

 Includes meetings, seminars, trade shows, conventions,

and gatherings of over 10 people
Meetings groups,
 Peak convention demand is spring or fall
and groups associations,
 Proximity to a conference centre and meeting and
banquet space increase this market

 Often offers kitchen facilities and living room spaces

 Bookings are more than five nights
 Often business related (e.g., natural resource extraction,
Extended Business and
construction projects, corporate projects)
stay leisure
 Leisure demand driven by a variety of circumstances
including family visiting relatives or completing home
renovations, snowbirds escaping the winter

 https://www.socialtables.com/blog/hotel-sales/smerf-sales/

Let’s now take a closer look at different types of hotels that have emerged to
meet specific market needs.
Budget Hotels
The term budget hotel is challenging to
define, however most budget properties typically
have a standardized appearance and offer basic
services with limited food and beverage facilities.
In Europe, Accor operates the predominant
European-branded budget rooms. Accor has four
hotel brands that were recently redesigned: hotel,
ibis budget, ibis Styles, and ibis. These budget
brands offer comfort, modern design, and breakfast on site; ibis Styles is all
inclusive, with one price for room night, breakfast, and internet access.
Boutique Hotels
Canada currently has no industry standards to
define boutique hotels, but these hotels generally
share some common features. These include having
less than 100 rooms and featuring a distinctive
design style and on-site food and beverage options.
As a reflection of the size of the hotel, a boutique
hotel is typically intimate and has an easily
identifiable atmosphere, such as classic, luxurious,
quirky, or funky.
According to Bill Lewis, general manager for the Magnolia Hotel and Spa in
Victoria, “guests seek out boutique hotels for their small size, individual design
style, … and personalized service.” He feels that “maintaining this service level in
a small hotel allows for a very personalized and intimate experience that cannot be
matched in large branded hotels”.
A resort is a full-service hotel that
provides access to or offers a range of
recreation facilities and amenities. A resort is
typically the primary provider of the guest
experience and will generally have one
signature amenity or attraction.
Examples of signature amenities include skiing and mountains, golf, beach
and ocean, lakeside, casino and gaming, all-inclusiveness, spa and wellness,
marina, tennis, and waterpark.

Camping and RV Accommodation

A significant portion of travel
accommodation is also provided in
campgrounds and recreational vehicles
(RVs). As the Canadian and BC tourism brands
are closely tied to the outdoors, and these are
two options that immerse travellers in the
outdoor experience, it is no surprise that these
two types of accommodation are popular
According to the Camping and RVing
British Columbia Coalition, BC is home to 340
vehicle accessible campgrounds managed by
the BC Society of Park Facility Operators, and
Destination British Columbia inspects and
approves over 500 campgrounds across the
province. Seven national parks within the
province contain an additional 14
campgrounds, and the BC Recreation Sites and Trails Branch manages more than
1,200 backcountry sites including campgrounds and other facilities. Another 300
private RV parks and campgrounds play host to a mixture of longer-stay residents
and overnight guests.
Chapter 5 provides more in-depth information about the importance of the
recreation sector to BC. For now, let’s move our discussion forward by taking a
closer look at the common organizational structure of many accommodation
At Airbnb, the host who rents out the
space controls the price, the description of the
space, and the guest experience. The host also
makes the house rules and has full control over
who books the space. As well, both hosts
and guests can rate each other and write
reviews on the website.
Airbnb began in 2008 when the founders
rented their air mattresses to three visitors in
San Francisco. In fact, the name Airbnb is derived from “air mattress bed and
breakfast.” However, Airbnb is not only for couch surfers or budget-conscious
travellers; it includes a wide range of spaces in locations all over the world. When
users create an account, they set the price and write the descriptions to advertise the

space to guests. Since 2008, the Airbnb online marketplace has grown rapidly, with
more than 1 million properties worldwide and 30 million guests who used the service
by the end of 2014.
This and other innovations have changed the accommodation landscape as
never before. Ten to 15 years ago online travel agents were a major innovation that
changed the distribution and sale of rooms. But they still had to work with existing
hotels, whereas Airbnb has enabled new entrants into the industry and thus increased
The accommodation sector, and the hotel sector in particular, encompasses
multiple business models and employs hundreds of thousands of Canadians. A
smaller, but important segment in BC is that of camping and RV accommodators.
As broader societal trends continue and morph, they will continue to impact
the accommodations marketplace and consumer. Owners and operators must stay
abreast of these trends, continually altering their business models and services to
remain relevant and competitive.
2. Do the tasks using information from the text above.
a) Answer the questions.
1) What is hospitality industry?
2) Is there any difference between motorist’s hotel and motel?
3) By what qualities and issues can we define the type of hotel?
4) What are main or typical features of budget hotel/ boutique hotel/ resort?
5) What amenities and conditions can we meet in camping and RV?
6) What is Airbnb?
b) Watch teacher’s presentation and define the type of hotel room/ suit shown
in the pictures.
3. Translate the sentences using active vocabulary from the text above.
1. Если летать первым классом и заказывать шикарные номера в
пятизвездочных бутик-отелях, в которых «все включено», то затраты на
путешествие значительно возрастают.
2. На Airbnb можно найти жилье на ночь на любой вкус и кошелек, сейчас
даже бюджетные гостиницы идут в ногу со временем и предоставляют
широкий спектр услуг.
3. Гранд-отель «Виктория», представляющий историческую важность для
города, преобразился и был удостоен пяти бриллиантов мировой
рейтинговой компанией.
4. У каждого курорта есть свои фирменные условия отдыха: море, озеро,
горы, лес, спа.

5. Мотель отличается от других гостиниц тем, что находится недалеко от

дороги и предоставляет место на стоянке, но там не найти уникальной
атмосферы номеров с необычным дизайном и персонализированного
сервиса как в бутик-отелях.
4. Study the word box below.
Types of hotels Types of rooms Types of rooms for social
airport hotel, bed & breakfast accommodation, double events
(B & B hotel), commercial room, duplex, family room, ballroom, banquet room,
hotel, congress hotel, junior suit, penthouse, room, conference room, exhibition
farmhouse, guesthouse, room with en-suit bath and (display) room, reception
hostel, inn, motor hotel WC, single room, studio, suit, (hospitality/ function) room
(motel), resort hotel, spa hotel twin room
Other Hotel services and facilities Staff
board, convertible, building of historical interest, (assistant) manager,
entertainment, facilities, coffee & tea making facilities, concierge, (night/ lift/ head)
lodging, occupy, recreational, conference facilities, currency porter, receptionist,
rate, treatment, “do not exchange, doctor, dry cleaner, housekeeper, switchboard
disturb” tag establishment may be suitable operator, chambermaid,
for disabled people, gardens, maintenance engineer, floor
indoor/ outdoor swimming maid, laundry maid, valet,
Reception hall
pool, laundry service, lift, bellboy/ bellhop, cloak room
hotel bill, key rack, letter rack,
night porter, non-smoking attendant, doorman, lift
number tag, register,
establishment, sporting attendant, accountant, cashier
registration form, (front/
facilities, parking, residents’
reception/ check-in/ check-
lounge, restaurant, room
out) desk, cloak room
service, shoe cleaning service,
special diet catered, weekend
breaks, telephone, television,
traveller’s cheques, 24 hour
access, valet service,
valuables deposit

Put the staff of the hotel in order you meet them from the moment you call to
hotel to book the room to the moment you leave.

5. Work in pairs. Match the types of rooms with their descriptions.

1. single room a) sitting room where guests may read, watch TV, relax, etc
2. double room b) sitting room plus one or more bedrooms
3. twin room c) room occupied by one person
4. 4. studio (room) d) room with two single beds for two people
5. suite e) room with one large bed for two people
6. junior suite f) two or more rooms with doors between them
7. lounge g) two storied suite connected by stairs
8. bedroom with en- h) large room with a partition which separates the sitting
suite W.C. area from the bedroom area

9. connecting i) room with one single bed and a convertible sofa. It can
(adjoining) rooms be used as a single or a twin room
10. duplex j) luxurious suite at the top of the hotel
11. penthouse k) room with four or more beds
12. family room l) bedroom plus W.C. (bath, shower)

6. Work in pairs. Match the types of hotels with their descriptions.

1. hotel a) hotel with banquet rooms, conference rooms, exhibition

rooms, reception rooms. This hotel has all facilities and
services for large and small groups' meetings
2. airport hotel b) small hotel, where you pay for lodging and breakfast
3. commercial hotel c) hotel where you can get medical treatment, and other
recreational facilities (physical exercise, etc.)
4. congress hotel d) house where the farmer lives
5. B&B hotel e) cheap hotel usually with sleeping (and sometimes
breakfast) facilities only
6. inn f) hotel near an airport. This hotel is mostly for airline
people (pilots, air-hostesses, etc.) and the airline
passengers who usually stay for one night
7. farmhouse g) building where you can get lodging and usually meals,
some entertainment (TV, radio, etc.) and personal
services (room service)
8. guesthouse h) very expensive hotel with all facilities and services that
rich people may need
9. spa hotel i) a hotel by the sea, in the mountains, etc. for tourists on
holiday, who usually stay for longer periods of time
10. hostel j) a small hotel
11. motel k) small old hotel in the country (out of town), usually with
a pub
12. luxury hotel l) hotel for people who are travelling by car. This hotel
usually has parking and other facilities for motorists. It
also may have a restaurant (or a self-service restaurant)
or cooking facilities. This hotel is usually on a highway.
13. resort hotel m) hotel in the downtown area. This hotel is mostly for
travelling business people who usually stay for one or
two nights

7. Translate the text.

Если вы всегда мечтали провести незабываемый отдых на берегу моря, но
просто пляжа и воды вам недостаточно, гранд отель «Ривьера» к вашим

«Ривьера» располагает более чем 300 номерами на любой вкус и

кошелек. Если вы путешествуете в одиночку, вам подойдет простой
одноместный номер или номер с гостиной и спальней, в любом случае во всех
номерах есть уборная. Если вы путешествуете вдвоем, мы можем предложить
вам номер на двоих с одной двуспальной кроватью или с двумя отдельными
кроватями, также можно заказать номер с гостиной и двумя спальнями. Если
вы не уверены, будете ли вы одни или с другом, закажите номер с кроватью и
раскладным диваном.
Для семей и больших компаний у нас есть двухэтажные номера с
внутренней лестницей и семейные номера с множеством спальных мест. Ну а
если вам хочется романтики, закажите роскошный номер с выходом на крышу!
В нашем отеле вам никогда не будет скучно! Кроме собственного пляжа
в отеле есть два бассейна, внутренний бассейн с подогревом и открытый
бассейн, рядом с которым можно позагорать на шезлонгах и насладиться
коктейлем. Расслабьтесь в нашем спа-центре, позвольте позаботиться о вашей
красоте и здоровье и получите удовольствие! А вечером вы можете посетить
наш ресторан, в котором готовят лучшие местные и экзотические блюда, а шоу
и живая музыка не дадут скучать. Также гранд-отель «Ривьера» предоставляет
услуги по проведению свадеб, банкетов и приемов.
Отель располагает двумя лифтами, для всех посетителей работает
прачечная и химчистка, персонал отеля доступен 24/7, специальные условия
для людей с ограниченными возможностями. Бронируйте онлайн на нашем
сайте или по указанным телефонам. Ждем вас у моря!

8. Watch the video item Types of Accommodation in London twice and do the
a) fill in the gaps
There are literally thousands of options _____________________________
accommodation in London and it can be so difficult to even know where to begin.
I'm going to tell you about the different types of accommodation that we have here
in London __________________________________ which is best for you.
We have some really great hostels here in London and they're great for
_____________________ because you can _________________________ which
can start around 15 pounds a night. It's also great for groups because you can
___________________________ or even if you want a private room but
____________________________ a hotel, a lot of hostels have private rooms that
____________________________ so they're pretty cost-effective.
b) finish the sentences
 Bed and breakfast and guest houses: These are essentially homes that have
been converted into very small little hotels, ___________________
 I've never stayed in one of these personally but they can be a really good
budget option ___________________________________________.
 Make sure you double check before you book to see if your bathroom will be
in your room or if ________________________________________.
c) connect numbers with sentences so that to put them in the right order
So here's the obvious one there of course hundreds and hundreds of
choices for hotels in London.
You can either rent the entire apartment for yourself, you can run just
a room in someone's place, or you can share a room with someone else.
To start your hotel search figure out how much you want to spend
per night and go from there.
There are some nice ones around London like the Cheval Residences
4 but just doing a quick search on Booking.com will show you lots of
I love Airbnb which is a website where you can book accommodation
5 at local places all over the world and in London we have some really great
places to choose from.
If you want to have an entire apartment to yourself like an airBnb but
6 also still want to get those hotel amenities like daily cleaning, a concierge,
then you can look into service departments.

I love renting apartments in cities because I'll have a kitchen where I

7 can make some meals myself and usually there will be a living area where
you can like hang out and have a drink.
I think they're really great for families that want to be staying in the
same place and not in two separate hotel rooms.
There are budget hotel chains like the Premier Inn and Travel Lodge,
but also tons of mid-range and of course very luxurious places to stay.
There are budget hotel chains like the Premier Inn and Travel Lodge, but
also tons of mid-range and of course very luxurious places to stay.
Many of the properties are rented out by London locals, so you might
10 actually get to know your host really well and they'll tell you about the
best places and things to do in the area that you're staying in.

d) What type of accommodation would you choose? Why? Discuss pros & cons
of each of the type in a group.

9. Watch the film “The Grand Budapest Hotel” and write an essay “If I own
such hotel I would …”. Write what you would change, add or remove, what life
you would live.

Part 4

1. Watch an episode from F.R.I.E.N.D.S series, fill in the gaps and discuss the
questions below.

Chandler: Hi, Chandler Bing, I have a _________________.

Receptionist: Welcome to the Chestnut Inn Mr. Bing, so __________________?
Chandler: New York.
Ross: The big apple!
Chandler: I'm sorry, he's a little bit ______________, we had to stop at every maple
candy stand on the way here.
Ross: Yeah, I ate all my gifts for everybody.
Receptionist: I am sorry Mr. Bing, __________________________ in the
Chandler: Well, that's impossible, can you ______________, please?
Ross: Check again please!
Receptionist: I'm sorry, it's not here.
Ross: Not there.
Chandler: _______________________. I called yesterday trying to cancel my
reservation and I was told it was not refundable, then we drove six hours 7.
___________________ and now you tell me that we don't have a reservation?
Receptionist: I don't know what to say.
Ross: She doesn't know what to say!
Chandler: Just give us the _________________ room you have.
Receptionist: Unfortunately, the only thing we have available is our
__________________, _______________ six hundred dollars.

Chandler: That's insane!

Ross: Totally insane. Dude, let's drive home, we'll _____________ all the maple
candy stores on the way back and if... if they're closed maybe we'll tap a tree and
make some ourselves.
Chandler: Does that room have a closet I can ________________? We'll take it.
Receptionist: Great.
Chandler: What!? _________________________________!
Ross: Dude, don't worry about it! I know how we can make your money back! This
is a nice hotel, you know, plenty of amenities, we just ______________ those! Like
those apples. Instead of taking one, I'm... I take six!
Chandler: Great, at a hundred dollars an apple, we're there!
Ross: C'mon, you get the idea, ow-ow-ow we'll make our money back in no time!
Chandler: Dude, you're shaking!
Ross: I think it's the sugar, could you hold the apple?
 What’s your opinion on the situation? Is it ok?
 Have you ever stolen anything from the hotel you stayed at?
 If you owned the hotel how would you prevent such situations?
2. You are going to watch the video item 10 Most Expensive Hotel Rooms in the
Before you watch try to guess how much they cost and what facilities and
services can be there for that price?

a) Watch the video part by part and fill in the table.


Rate City, name of Square and Facilities Price per

the hotel structure of the suite night


b) Translate the following words and word combinations from the video item.
major global city, upscale shopping, driving nightlife, overlooking smth.,
accessible by smth., impressive features, staggering size, marble and gold fixtures,
incredibly extravagant suite, unique blend of the traditional and the ultra-modern,
Japan's capital is absolutely second to none on the international dining scene, five-
modern luxury written all over, the east-meets-west aesthetic, stunning bathrooms
with marble surfaces, location atop smth., to offer easy access to, some of the most
acclaimed dining, pinnacle of ultra-modern luxury, to undergo renovations,
updated interior design, to feature a blending of classical and modern style,
decadent bathrooms, distinctly classical vibe, the city's history spends well over
2,000 years, to come within shouting distance of affordability, to come with a
head-spinning price tag, marble Italian walnut, hand-painted frescoes, elaborate
and expensive décor, over-the-top luxury, American capitalist decadence, a leader
in luxury hospitality industry, jaw-dropping in extravagance, 30 stories above the
strip, to attend to the needs of smb., spectacular 360-degree panoramic view, the
ultimate showstopper, to be complete with, it may come as no surprise that, ultra-
upscale aesthetic, a playground for the rich and famous, astonishing view of the
Bay, believe it or not, to be at a mind-blowing square/ size, incredibly spacious
bathrooms are outfitted in marble, to cater to smb’s every need, priceless antique
furniture, to be the crown jewel, walls intricately decorated with golden leaf,
lavish dining area adorned with priceless decorations, private rooftop with
amazing city views, solid gold and silver fixtures, antique furniture is crafted from
silver, gold and ivory, every detail of this opulent suite screams luxury, requiring
no introduction, world renowned luxury hotel, sterling reputation for service and
luxury, adorned in 22 karat gold and featuring sweeping 25-foot cathedral ceilings
the suite’s amenities are positively insane, private chauffeur, walls inlaid with
mother-of-pearl, gilded bronze chandeliers, the most perfect view of smth., to
overwhelm visitors with the connection to history, beachfront five-star hotel, an
international reputation for pampering guests, the level of comfort ranges from
luxurious to mind-boggling, as if that weren't enough, the insanely wealthy, suite
is rumored to have hosted such international celebrities as, the suite takes up an
entire floor and features an incredible view of Lake Geneva, the most upscale
furnishings and décor

c) Make up at least 10 sentences using vocabulary above.

3. What is your bitterest experience of staying in a hotel? Tell your story.
Now watch the video item Hans Brinker Budget Hotel. Read and translate the
text below.

Proud to be the world's worst hotel: £18-a-night hostel which boasts about
filthy rooms and tells guests to use the curtains instead of towels
 Hans Brinker Budget Hostel warns clients in advance of filthy conditions
 Guests are encouraged to dry off with shower curtain to save on washing
 Advertising slogans include 'It can't get any worse. But we'll do our best'
 But 127-room hotel's honest approach is hit with travellers and students
The rooms are filthy, there's no hot water and the guests are encouraged to dry
themselves off with the curtains to save on washing.
But customers of the Hans Brinker Budget Hostel in Amsterdam can never
say they weren't warned.
To prevent complaints, the owners of the $22.50 (£18)-a-night hotel feel it is
best to tell people in advance about what to expect, even if that means a potentially
fatal disease or mental illness.
A lengthy disclaimer on their website reads: 'Those wishing to stay at the Hans
Brinker Budget Hotel, Amsterdam, do so at their own risk and will not hold the hotel
liable for food poisoning, mental breakdowns, terminal illness, lost limbs, radiation
poisoning, certain diseases associated with the 18th century, plague, etc.'
From grotty rooms without a view to dirty bathrooms with no hot water, the
owners are happy to admit it is probably the worst hotel around.

The lift is broken so signs point guests towards the 'eco-friendly elevator' - or
stairs - and by not providing hot water they claim 'it keeps water consumption
They even encourage those who want to shower to dry off using the curtains
to save on washing and in turn 'save the planet'.
Advertising slogans include 'It can't get any worse. But we'll do our best' as
well as 'Improve your immune system - stay at Hans Brinker!' or the modest claim
'Now with beds in every room.'
But this hilariously honest approach seems to be a hit with travellers from all
over the world - who are scrambling to book one of the 127 rooms at the hotel.
Hotel comparison websites are packed with mixed reviews.
One traveller from Australia wrote: 'For the reputation of the world's worst
hotel, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Pretty scabby still, very basic. The bathroom was
Another added: 'I'd read other reviews of the hostel before we got there, so
was a bit nervous. Unfortunately most of the reviews I'd read were completely true.
The rooms were like prison cells, with rickety old beds and metal lockers that didn't
close properly.'
A more promising review reads: 'Hans Brinker is a fun-filled hostel with great
facilities, friendly staff and great location. You will not be disappointed.'
Fortunately most of the target clientele, made up of students and backpackers,
seem to appreciate the honest charm the Hans Brinker offers.
The owners, who have penned a book available on Amazon about the hotel
entitled 'The Worst Hotel in the World', insist most guests are pleasantly surprised
when they arrive.
Manager Tijmen Receveur said: 'They love our humour and sarcasm – and
they have diminished their expectations to less than nothing.'

4. Take 3 minutes to revise all the vocabulary to get prepared to the test.

Word list

(air) crew cashier explosive/ drug detection

(assistant) manager casualties facilities
(at the) check-in counter/ desk chambermaid family room
(at the) customs house chartered flight farmhouse
(boarding) ramp/ jetway (AE) cloak room final call for flight…
(carrying) capacity cloak room attendant flight
(front/ reception/ check-in/cockpit/ flight deck flight attendant/ air hostess/
check-out) desk coffee & tea making facilities stewardess
(in the) departure lounge commercial hotel floor maid
(night/ lift/ head) porter Concierge folding table
(on the) public-address system conference facilities front/ back row
(overhead) locker conference room fuselage
“do not disturb” tag congress hotel gardens
24 hour access control tower gate
a flight from Philadelphia toconvertible good/ poor/ nil visibility
Frankfurt co-pilot ground crew/ staff
accommodation currency exchange guesthouse
accountant customs officer hangar
air bridge (BE) customs regulations head-rest
air supply customs restrictions/ duties head-rest cover
air(traffic)-controller departures heavy-casualty accident
Aircraft departures/ arrivals board hold
airfield doctor hotel bill
Airline domestic flight Housekeeper
Airplane doorman indoor/ outdoor swimming pool
airport hotel double room in-flight movie/ meal
airport staff dry cleaner inn
aisle/ middle/ window seat duplex international flight
announcer duty-free zone Jet
arm rests duty-free, duty free quota,jet-lag
arrivals (hall) prohibited articles junior suit
baggage handler economy class/ business class key rack
ballroom emergency exit landing
banquet room entertainment laundry maid
bed & breakfast (B & B hotel) escape route laundry service
bellboy/ bellhop escape slide letter rack
boarding pass/ card establishment may be suitablelife-jacket to inflate the life-
building of historical interest for disabled people jacket
bumpy excess luggage lift
cabin excess luggage charge lift attendant
captain exhibition (display) room lodging
carry-on/ hand luggage explosive detection machines luggage limitation
luggage-reclaim area special diet catered to get into an air crash
Maintenance sporting facilities to give smb a safety briefing
maintenance engineer studio to go through the customs
metal detectors subsonic (speed/ aircraft/ flight) to go through the security check
motor hotel (motel) supersonic (speed/ aircraft/to hijack the plane
navigator flight) to hit an air pocket
night porter switchboard operator to label the luggage
non-smoking establishment take off to land
non-stop flight telephone to level off, to pick up speed
number tag television to load sth into the hold of the
occupy terminal (building) to make a smooth/ safe /crash/
on a flight to some place through/ direct flight emergency/ forced/ blind
on board the plane ticket agent landing
oxygen mask to allot seats to overbook a flight
penthouse to be delayed (by 15 minutes) to reach an altitude of…
pilot to be equipped (with/ for) to refuel
rate to be jet-lagged to rock
reception (hospitality/ function)to be/ get airsick to scan a bag/ a suitcase
room to become / be airborne to screen a passenger
Receptionist to board the airplane to search smb’s luggage (for
reclining seat to change planes/ to transfer tosmth.)
recreational another flight to smuggle smth.
register to check-in (for some flight) to take a flight
registration form to consult the timetable to take off
residents’ lounge to cover a distance to take the Green/ Red Channel
resort hotel to crash to taxi along the runway
restaurant to crash-land to travel economy class
room to cross the border to weigh smb`s luggage
room service to declare smth. transfer desk
room with en-suit bath and WC to deplane/ to disembark traveller’s cheques
rough /smooth flight to detect hidden weapons andtreatment
runway explosives on passengers turbulence
safety belt to drive out to the runway turnaround time
safety briefing to fall under customs restrictionstwin room
safety card to be liable to duty unattended luggage
scheduled flight to fasten/ unfasten/adjust safetyunreserved seating
seat allocation belts valet
seat back to fill in the arrival card valet service
seat pocket to fill in the customs form valuables deposit
security check to fly at a height/ an altitude of visibility
security officer to fly non-stop weather-man
shoe cleaning service to fly the airplane weekend breaks
single room to follow the signs (to somewindow blinds
smoking/ non-smoking section place) X-ray machines
spa hotel to gain/ lose altitude

Lesson 4 City by City

Part 1

Read and translate these small texts. Use definitions to the words and word
combinations in bold if you need.

From my room I look out over the surrounding countryside. It's very
different from the familiar landscape I see from the windows at home. At home
it's a gentle landscape1 with open fields2. Here it's a bleak landscape with rocky
mountains in the distance.

1 a landscape with nothing extreme or threatening about it; 2 fields

uninterrupted by woods or houses;

Yesterday we followed a path down to the lake. As we turned a corner,

we caught a glimpse of3 a kingfisher standing in the water. John tried to take
a picture4 of it but it caught sight of us and flew off. A little further on we
rounded a bend5 and St John's Abbey came into view. The Abbey fell into
ruin6 about three hundred years ago. Although it lies in ruins, it is well worth
seeing as it stands in a dramatic setting on a steep slope beside a fast-flowing
river with mountains towering7 above it.

3 saw for a moment; 4 take a photo; 5 turned a corner; 6 became a ruin; 7 mountains
rising dramatically;

The cottage is in some wonderful unspoilt countryside8 on the edge of a

dense forest9. Unfortunately, the trees block the view of the snow-covered
mountains. It has a little garden with a stream at the end of it. The stream
winds10 through the forest. They wanted to build a timber factory here but the
local people said that it would destroy the countryside and, fortunately, their
campaign to protect the environment succeeded.

8 countryside that has not been changed by industry or modern buildings;

9 thick forest; 10 makes lots of bends, doesn't flow in a straight line
a) Study the table below.
Collocation Example
uninterrupted view From most rooms there are uninterrupted views of the castle.
(nothing blocks the views of the castle)
panoramic view From the top floor restaurant diners have a panoramic view of
the countryside. (view over a very wide area)
spectacular view From the balcony there is a spectacular view of the mountains.
(very dramatic view)
enjoy/admire a view We stopped for a few minutes to admire the view.
breathtaking scenery The area has some breathtaking scenery - mountains, cliffs,
lakes. (extremely striking and beautiful views)
dominate the The castle dominates the landscape for miles around. (can be
landscape seen from a long way away)
beach stretches A beautiful beach stretches for miles along the coast.
sandy beach The hotel has its own sandy beach.
secluded beach You'll love the secluded beaches. (without many people)
golden sands You can wander for miles along the golden sands.
peaceful/tranquil You can quickly go from the hustle and bustle of the town to the
countryside tranquil countryside. (formal)

b) Complete the collocations filling in the gaps.

1. Near the lake there is an old house that _____________ ________________ ruin
about a hundred years ago. It stands in a lovely landscape, surrounded by
_________________ fields.
2. We _________________ a footpath along the river for about three kilometres.
In the distance there were snow-___________________mountains.
3. We walked through a ______________ forest; it was very dark among the trees.

c) Correct the underlined collocation errors in this paragraph.

A chain of snowy mountains runs down the east of the country. The Wassa
River, the country's biggest, dances slowly from the northern mountains to the sea.
Even in summer it is a sour landscape, with its dark, stony mountains and its cold
streams. But for me it is the family landscape of my childhood and I am happy that
the government has decided to guard this environment. It is a dramatic set which is
a lot worth visiting for anyone who likes spectacle views.

d) Choose the correct collocation.

1. We made / took / put a lot of photographs because it was such a beautiful day.
2. As I returned / turned the corner I made / caught / took a glimpse of the house
through the trees.
3. A long sanded / sandy beach reached / ran / stretched for miles in front of us.
4. Unfortunately, the new hotel blocks / jams / stops the view of the castle.

e) Replace the words in brackets in each sentence with one word which
collocates with the underlined word.

1. It's a beautiful town and the countryside (which is all around it) is even more
2. The tower (is the most important and visible thing on) the landscape. From the
top of the tower, you get a view (which allows you to see a very wide stretch) of
the surrounding area.
3. There are lovely beaches (with very few people on them).
4. We travelled through some scenery (which was extremely exciting and
5. From the windows of our villa we had views (which were continuous, without
any obstacles) of the lakes and mountains.


Read and translate these small texts. Use definitions to the words and word
combinations in bold if you need.
The city skyline is a wonderful mix of old and new, and the city itself has
a lot of busy, narrow cobbled1 streets. The old town is a conservation area and
it has a lot of quaint2 old buildings dating back to the city's foundation in the

1 made of a regular pattern of stones; 2 attractive because of being unusual

and especially old-fashioned;
Doradella Street has a lot of upmarket3 shops and rather pricey4,
sometimes overpriced, restaurants, but not far away is the Genasia district,
where you'll find restaurants which offer good value and a more relaxed

3 for people with expensive tastes; 4 expensive, in a negative sense;

Royal Avenue runs from north to south, and is lined with shops. Behind
it, the streets are full of lively bars and fashionable clubs. The pavement cafes
and shops of Luna Square are pleasant but very expensive.
As you drive into the city, the tree-lined avenues of the residential areas
are soon replaced by the high-rise flats of the inner city5. Then come the
imposing buildings of the Parliament and government departments.

5 central part of a city where poorer people live and where there are often
social problems

Here are some descriptions of the more negative aspects of towns and cities.

Some of the inner-city areas are an urban wasteland1 and are somewhat
dangerous for visitors. In fact, some streets have become no-go2 areas, with
high crime. Many streets are strewn with litter and there are numerous run-
down3 buildings. There are some deprived4 areas round the city centre with
huge social problems. The industrial zones which lie on the edge of the city are
grey and polluted.

1 a city area which is empty and in a bad condition; 2 where the police and
other authorities are afraid to enter; 3 in very bad condition; 4 not having the things
that are necessary for a pleasant life, e.g. enough money, good living conditions;

Triope is a sprawling5 city with bumper-to-bumper6 traffic all day long.

The exhaust fumes can be a nightmare. The volume of traffic has increased in
recent years and the incessant7 roar of trucks and buses makes the city centre
an extremely noisy place. The comfortable suburbs8 away from the city centre
contrast sharply with the poor shanty towns9 one sees on the way to the airport.

5 spread over a large area (slightly negative); 6 so many cars and so close that
they are almost touching each other; 7 very loud noise which never stops; 8 a place
from which many people travel in order to work in a bigger town or city; 9 very poor
houses made of discarded materials (e.g. tin, cardboard, plastic, etc.)

a) Which of the collocations in the box have a positive meaning (+) and which
have a negative meaning (-)?

relaxed atmosphere; lively bar; over-priced restaurants; urban wasteland; no-go

area; imposing building; shanty town; fashionable club; run-down buildings

b) Answer these questions using collocations from the texts above.

 What might prevent you from sleeping in a house near a busy motorway?
 Exhaust fumes will get worse if what increases?
 What is the opposite of a restaurant which is good value?
 What kind of area with poor, home-made houses could certainly be called a
deprived area?
 If an area is very interesting historically, what may it officially be called?
 What is another way of saying an expensive restaurant?
 What do we call blocks of flats which have many storeys, perhaps 20 or more?

 What adjective could be used about an attractive and perhaps slightly unusual
old building?

c) Match the beginnings of each sentence on the left with its ending on the right.

1. It is a sprawling a) traffic all the way to the airport.

2. It is full of upmarket b) runs from the castle to the river.
3. There was bumper-to-bumper c) zones and some large supermarkets.
4. I get asthma from the terrible exhaust d) with shops and cafes.
5. I live in a residential e) city covering an enormous area.
6. Some of the more deprived f) with litter.
7. The main street in town g) area but work in the city centre.
8. The main street is lined h) areas are not far from the city centre.
9. On the outskirts are some industrial i) fumes in the city centre.
10. The streets were strewn j) shops, which are too expensive for me.

d) Find a description in an encyclopedia, tourist brochure or guide book of a

city that you know well or are interested in. Make a note of any interesting
collocations that you find there.

3. Try your best to describe sights and views you will see in pictures suggested
by your teacher.

Part 2

1. Read and translate the text. Write out all the words and word combinations
in bold with translation.
It's pretty unbelievable that so many of the world's most beautiful destinations
are in Europe, especially when it comes to cities. As someone who has only ever
lived in a city – I was born and raised in San Francisco and then hopped from Los
Angeles to London to New York – I know firsthand just how cramped, chaotic,
and, well, unattractive, they can be. That's not to say that I don't love them, but,
centuries-old charm and picture-perfect aesthetics aren't always the name of
the game. Yet, in Europe, many of the largest metropolises look and feel like real-
life fairytales.
And that's definitely worth experiencing.
We rounded up some of the most beautiful cities in Europe for anyone who
wants to take a mental vacation or plans on getting to know these cities in person
someday. Read on to see these breathtaking cityscapes, architectural beauties, and
buzzing energy.
Riga, Latvia
Latvia's capital city sits on the Baltic Sea and the mouth
of the Daugava river, making its skyline of hand-painted
wooden Art Nouveau buildings punctuated by tall gothic
spires all the more alluring. The old town is pedestrian-only,
which is a rarity in cities these days, and makes the thriving
nightlife even more accessible and exciting. It's picturesque
all year long, but if you go during Christmas, you'll feel like
you've been dropped inside a picture-perfect miniature winter wonderland.
Barcelona, Spain
This Catalan city is like a playground for grown-
ups, especially those of us who love architecture, nightlife,
and bumming on the beach. Barcelona attracts people from
all over the world with its breathtaking Gothic structures
and iconic Gaudí landmarks all set against the backdrop of
the ocean. And aside from being a fun locale with endless
activities and shopping destinations, it's also incredibly livable, with plenty of
diverse neighborhoods, schools, and delicious food.

Copenhagen, Denmark
Book your stay at Nobis Hotel if you want to be a short
walk away from the picturesque canal. It's the perfect place to
unwind and get your décor inspiration fix after a day of
museum tours. Ride a bike or stroll along the canals. If you
want to get a taste of life as a local, take a short river cruise,
rent a bike, or get around on foot.
Florence, Italy
Florence, Italy, is the ideal destination on all fronts –
think spectacular art, architecture, food, shopping,
and sightseeing. It's the birthplace of the Renaissance
movement, which means it dabbles in a bit of everything.
Expect to get your fill of Tuscan cuisine (hi, gelato, pizza, and
pasta!), art museum hopping, and designer digs (definitely
make enough time to check out Luisa Via Roma's flagship store).
Porto, Portugal
The northern region of Portugal is stuffed with lush
greenery and seaside fishing towns painted in bright, beautiful
colors. The largest city up north is Porto, which is known for
its charming, bustling roads lined with quirky shops and
cafés and a peaceful river flowing through town. Come here
to sip on port wine, and feast on custard tarts, the unofficial
national dessert of Portugal.

Dubrovnik, Croatia
If you love the land and the sea and the city and the
beach with equal enthusiasm, a vacation in Dubrovnik,
Croatia, will be your paradise. Get a taste of the history of
Dubrovnik by exploring the ruins and then sip on a cocktail
in one of the cliffside bars.

Nuremberg, Germany
Slightly smaller than Munich but with all that charming
Bavarian character, Nuremberg is like walking through a
fairytale storybook. Every street is dotted with architectural
wonders, but it's also full of history, dating back to the Roman
Empire and stretching into devastating and darker periods,
like the Nuremberg trials.

Helsinki, Finland
This Finnish seaside city is equal parts traditional and
groundbreaking. It's also an up-and-coming foodie
destination and design hub. If you love architecture, check
out the train station, concert hall, and Temppeliaukio, a rock-
carved church. Set against the Baltic bays, it's a truly
breathtaking city.
Český Krumlov, Czech Republic
Perhaps one of the most iconic and oldest cities in
Europe, Prague is a destination any traveler would love to
explore, The scenic views are endless and a little bit like
Disneyland (just look at the Charles River), only much more
authentic and beautiful. Keep your camera on hand as you
explore the enchanting neighborhoods. Then take a day trip
or spend a weekend in the smaller nearby city of Český Krumlov.
Santorini, Greece
The soft blue skies over Santorini are enough to lure us
over to the Greek islands right this second. The city of Oia
feels much more like a quaint, walkable beach town since it
sits atop the quintessential Greek island awash in blue and
white. The views are truly magnificent.

Tallinn, Estonia
Here's another charming-beyond-belief city on the
Baltic Sea. There are still medieval walls surrounding the
town, making it feel like it's still the Middle Ages. The gothic
architecture is truly breathtaking, and though it's quite cold,
it's a very magical place to visit during the winter holidays.

Venice, Italy
Venice will always have our hearts as one of the
prettiest places on earth, no matter how empty or cramped
with tourists it is when we visit. It's truly one of the
most romantic places imaginable – you'll get lulled to
sleep by the water lapping against the buildings. Wander
around the canals, go to Piazza San Marco (St. Mark's
Square), ride a water taxi or bus, visit the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, and cross
the Ponte dell’Accademia.

Edinburgh, Scotland
Get lost wandering through the windy roads in Scotland
for a nostalgic adventure. The foggy cobblestone streets and
intimate, traditional pubs will make you feel like you've
traveled through time.

Lisbon, Portugal
Innovation and creativity meet tradition and age-old
design in this pastel-colored city on the Iberian sea. Set
against the backdrop of hills and ocean views with colorful
tiles everywhere you look, Lisbon is one of a kind. Get to
know the various neighborhoods by taking a walk and riding
a street car.
Bruges, Belgium
Thanks to the surplus of canals, weepy trees, cobbled
streets, and fairy-tale architecture, Bruges has been
nicknamed "The Venice of the North." As you can probably
sense from the image, it's perfect for anyone seeking
tranquility, unique backdrops, architecture, and incredible
culinary experiences without all the chaos of a major urban
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
The Snow-White-esque charm of this tiny city is in one
of the smallest countries in Europe. Surrounded by France,
Germany, and Belgium, Luxembourg is mostly rural, so you'll
want to come here for the outdoor activities, beautiful
landscapes, and unique sites. Just beyond the
bustling city, you'll find complete vast forests with such
haunting beauty, you'll feel like you've been transported to another dimension. Be
sure to explore the Casemates du Bock, a series of underground tunnels, galleries,
and dungeons in the capital city.
Budapest, Hungary
This Eastern European gem is full of romantic cafés, scenic views,
and endless cultural opportunities. Take a stroll along the Danube
(which splits the two cities, Buda and Pest), soak in geothermal baths,
and visit Fisherman's Bastion, a beautiful neo-Gothic building and
lookout point. Prepare to be dazzled everywhere you look in Budapest.
Since it's hard to narrow down, start by exploring the major landmarks.
Take a boat tour along the Danube, see the whimsical Kelly green
Liberty Bridge, head to Fisherman's Bastion to see the city from greater heights, go hiking at
Gellért Hill, which also happens to be a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Salzburg, Austria
You'll want to yodel-ay-ee-hoo through the charming
streets of this mountainside Austrian city. A bit more
manageable in size than Vienna, yet just as rich in culture and
beauty, Salzburg is a serious winner. Check out the
Hohensalzburg Fortress, walk along the Salzach River, and
listen to some Mozart (this is where he's from). Stay right
outside the city in Schloss Fuschl, a castle overlooking the lake, or opt for a more
central location at Hotel Sacher.
 https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Yodelayheehoo
2. Match words and word combinations with their definitions.
1. to know firsthand a) to experience smth personally
2. cramped b) characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits
3. the name of the game c) to gather together
4. to round up d) with a particular interest in food; a gourmet
5. to get to know smth/ e) to do something or to go somewhere, esp. by offering some form
smb in person of reward
6. to be all the more f) relax after a period of work or tension
7. backdrop, n g) to enjoy eating smth
8. locale, n h) walk in a leisurely way
9. to unwind i) representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality
10. to stroll j) to know for sure because of having experienced
11. to dabble in k) a swash or plash
12. (designer) digs l) making good progress and likely to become successful
13. quirky m) a place where something happens or is set, or that has particular
events associated with it
14. to feast on n) to be even more/ at maximum attractive
15. groundbreaking o) covered or flooded with water, esp. seawater or rain
16. up-and-coming p) make a choice from a range of possibilities
17. foodie q) take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way
18. to lure r) restricting or inhibiting the development of someone or
19. quintessential s) living quarters (furnished or decorated by designers)
20. awash, adj t) playfully quaint or fanciful, esp. in an appealing and amusing
21. lapping u) to look at smth considering pros and cons
22. intimate v) the main purpose or most important aspect of a situation
23. whimsical w) (of a place or setting) having or creating an informal friendly
24. to check out x) breaking new ground; innovative; pioneering
25. to opt y) the setting or background for a scene, event, or situation

4. Translate the sentences.

1. Мы решили прогуляться по городской набережной, утопающей в
успокаивающем плеске волн, чтобы развеяться.
2. Новаторский дизайн зданий на заднем плане делает парк чрезвычайно
привлекательным для фотографирующихся туристов.
3. Будучи гурманами, мы выбрали ресторан, который завлек нас тем, что
находился в очень известном оживленном месте. Пока музыканты
исполняли джаз, мы наслаждались фирменным блюдом от шеф-
4. Этим летом я попала в самую типичную ситуацию для путешествий
самолетом – мой багаж отправили в другую страну в то время как мне
доставили вещи какого-то горнолыжника. Самое главное было в том,
что я летела на Гавайи.
5. Недостаточно просто поинтересоваться столицей, этот
фантастический город нужно видеть своими глазами!

3. Write a short essay (100-150 words) describing the city you live in using
active vocabulary from the exercises above.

Part 3
1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions below.

 What three things do you associate with London?

 What is the most surprising thing about London you know?
 What are the Londoners like?
 What place you would definitely visit in London?
 What place you wouldn’t like to see? Why?

2. Read short introduction to the topic. Watch the video item Visit Britain and
answer the questions.

London is one of the culture capitals of the world and is brimming with exciting
things to see and do. We invite you on a virtual trip on London. During our tour
you’ll see the most iconic London places, have a chance to experience British
culture, immerse yourself in the history of the amazing city of London.
 What places or tourist attractions did you recognize?
 What do you know about them?
 Which activity shown in the video you’d like to experience. Why?

3. Read and translate the texts below to learn more about London.
London now has seven major stations providing long
distance and local services. Eurostar trains run from St
Pancras Station to the Chunnel Tunnel and onto mainland
Europe. The railways came to London in Victorian times.
The first important station was Euston, which opened in
1837. London has a railway that goes under London. It is
known as the Tube or the London Underground.

London's distinctive taxis, black cabs, are as
much a feature of city life as its red double-decker
buses. Like the buses, black cabs are also being
modernized and many are now painted other colors
with advertising.
All black cab drivers must pass a stringent test known as 'The Knowledge'
before they are licensed to operate a taxi. This tests their knowledge of London's
streets and the quickest traffic routes.
You can phone for a black cab, hail one in the street or find one in a rank,
especially near large railway stations or some major hotels. They carry a yellow 'For
Hire' sign above the windscreen which is lit up when they are free. To stop one
hold out your arm in a purposeful, and determined way. When the taxi stops tell the
driver your destination.

Study the tables with prices below

Table 1
Food Museums and attractions

Food and drinks Price Place Price

A standard piece of 3.95 GBP London Eye 19.20 GBP
Authentic cuisine from 4.50 GBP Madam Tussaud's Museum 30 GBP
Fish and chips 12 GBP Victoria and Albert Museum 20 GBP
Salads 2.65 GBP *You can also visit some museums for free.
Soups 3.60 GBP There are British Museum, National Gallery,
Science Museum

Table 2
Transportation Accommodation

Mean of transport Price Place Price

Double-decker bus (one trip) 1.5 GBP Hostel (room for 6 people) 20 GBP
Underground (one trip) 4.30 GBP B&B hotel (room for 2 people) 60 GBP
Taxi (one km) 1.5 GBP Hotel (room for 2 people) 120 GBP

* You can also buy a travel card *You can also use the “couchsurfing”
option and have an accommodation for a
night for free!
Couchsurfing International Inc. is
1 day travel card – 7.50 GBP a hospitality exchange and social
3 days travel card – 22.50 GBP networking website. The website provides a
platform for members to "surf" on couches by
staying as a guest at a host's home, host
travelers, or join an event.

4. We start our London city tour. Enjoy your trip!

a) Now we are going to visit the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster –
officially named Saint Stephen's Tower – is commonly known as the Big Ben.
The tower is one of London's most famous landmarks. Read the fact file below
and explain the meaning of the words in bold.
The tower was constructed between 1843 and 1858 as the
clock tower of the Palace of Westminster. The palace is now
better known as the Houses of Parliament.
The clock tower rises 316ft high (96m) and consists of a
200ft (61m) high brick shaft topped by a cast iron framed spire.
The clock faces are 180ft / 55m above ground level.
The clock was the largest in the world and is still the
largest in Great-Britain. The clock faces have a diameter of
almost 25ft (7.5m). The hour hand is 9ft or 2.7m long and the minute hand
measures 14ft (4.25m) long.
The clock is known for its reliability; it has rarely failed during its long life
span. Even after the nearby House of Commons was destroyed by bombing during
World War II, the clock kept on chiming. The clock's mechanism, designed by
Edmund Beckett Denison, has a remarkable accuracy. The clock's rate is adjusted
by simply adding small pennies on the shoulder of the pendulum.
Watch the 5.50 minutes of the video The Clock Tower and answer the questions.
 How many feet you have to climb up?

 Why the Clock Tower is nicknamed Big Ben?

 When was the Clock Tower built?
 Who was kept in the prison room of the Clock Tower and why?
 There were two attempts to make the Great Bell. Why?
 What can you see in the Clock Room?
 How can you speed the clock up in the Clock Room?

b) We’ll pay our next visit to the Houses of Parliament, also known as the Palace
of Westminster, which is the seat of Britain's two parliamentary houses, the
House of Lords and the House of Commons. Read the fact-file below and
explain the meaning of the words in bold.
In the middle of the 11th century, King Edward
the Confessor had moved his court to the Palace of
Westminster, situated on a central site near the river
In 1265 a parliament was created with two
houses: the Lords and the Commons. The House of
Lords met at the Palace of Westminster while the House of Commons did not have
a permanent location.
After King Henry VIII moved his court to Whitehall Palace in 1530, the House
of Lords continued to meet in Westminster. In 1547 the House of Commons also
moved here, confirming Westminster as the central seat of government, a position it
still holds today.
Watch the video item Palace of Westminster and answer the questions.
 Who and when built that palace?
 What rooms did you see? Describe them.
 What problems does the palace encounter nowadays? What remedies are
c) Within the walking distance from the Houses of Parliament located
Westminster Abby. We cannot but pay a visit there. Read the fact-file below
and explain the meaning of the words in bold.
The history of the abbey starts in 1050, when King Edward
the Confessor decided to build a monastery. Only a small part of
this Norman monastery, consecrated in 1065, survived. The only
representation of this original building is shown on the Bayeux
Tapestry. Most of the present building dates from 1245 to 1272
when Henry III decided to rebuild the abbey in the Gothic style.

The abbey also serves as the burial ground for numerous politicians, sovereigns
and artists. The abbey is stuffed with tombs, statues and monuments. Many coffins
even stand upright due to the lack of space. In total approximately 3300 people are
buried in the church and cloisters. Some of the most famous are Charles Darwin, Sir
Isaac Newton and David Livingstone.
Watch the video item Westminster Abbey and choose the correct answer.
1. Westminster Abby has been in the heart of British history and monarchy
a) a thousand year
b) more than a thousand years
c) two thousand years
2. The queen worships in this church…
a) always
b) this week only for her birthday
c) occasionally
3. Coronation chair is made famous because…
a) all monarchs were coroneted there
b) of the movie the King’s speech
c) king George VI was coroneted there

4.The setting for princes Diana was held in the Abby in…
a) 1927
b) 1997
c) 1999

d) Our next stop is breathtaking Buckingham Palace. Read the fact file below
and explain the meaning of the words in bold.
Buckingham Palace - Popularly known
as "Buck House", has served as the
Monarch`s permanent London residence
since the accession of Queen Victoria. It
began its days in 1702 as the Duke of
Buckingham`s city residence, built on the site
of a notorious brothel, and was sold by the Duke`s son to George III in 1762. The
building was refurbished by Nash in the late 1820s for the Prince Regent, and again
by Aston Webb in time for George V`s coronation in 1913. It is the largest private
house in London - it has more than 660 rooms.

Watch the first 3 minutes of video item Buckingham Palace Tour and continue
the sentences below. Translate the words in the table below. They’ll help you to
have a better understanding of the video.

gilded, a slide, pull out, a lock, drawer, roll top desk, chandelier, presiding,
marble, conceive, Yeomen

1. The White Drawing Room formally called the North Drawing Room is

2. At either end there is a slide for

3. However if the opening of the roll top desk would be pushed back to its full
extend these

4. This staircase known as Minister’s stair was the route the government
ministers used to take to the Audience Room locked at the

5. At a hundred and thirty seven feet long clad in Italian marble the Marble Hall
was conceived by Nass as a

6. And it is in this room where the arrival lunch for the

e) And now we’ll go to the Tower Bridge. Read the fact file below and explain
the meaning of the words in bold.
Tower Bridge - One of the most famous London
attractions and just over a hundred years old, the Tower
Bridge with its twin drawbridges, or bascules, each
weighing about 1,000 tons have been raised more than half
a million times since it was built. It takes only 90 seconds
for the bascules to be raised with electric motors which
replaced the old steam engines. From Tower Bridge you
can view HMS Belfast, an 11,500-ton cruiser that opened the bombardment of the
Normandy coast on D-Day. The closest tube stations are, Tower Hill and London
Bridge. Open : daily 10am-6:30pm; Nov-March 10am-5:15pm.
Watch the video Tower Bridge and enjoy the sights!

f) We’ll continue out tour with our visit to The Tower of London. Read the fact
file below and explain the meaning of the words in bold.

The Tower of London - Overlooks the river at the eastern

boundary of the old city walls. Chiefly famous as a place of
imprisonment and execution, it has variously been used as a
royal residence, an armory, a mint, a menagerie, an
observatory and - a function it still serves - a safe-deposit
box for the Crown Jewels. The Crown Jewels are perhaps the
major reason so many visitors flock to the Tower. At least
some of the Crown Jewels have been kept in the Tower since 1327, on display since
Charles II let the public have a look at them.

Watch the first 3 minutes of the video item The Tower of London and state if
the sentences are true (T) or false (F)
1) The prison The Tower of London was for every criminal.

2) Thomas More was also imprisoned The Tower of London.

3) Many walls of the tower are covered with graffiti.

4) All prisoners of the tower died as they could not survive there.

5) Three queens of England died there.

6) Beefeaters are a symbol of London not Britain.

g) And our final stop for today is the Millennium Dome. Read the fact-file below
and explain the meaning of the words in bold.
The Millennium Dome was the centerpiece of
British celebrations for the dawning of the year 2000.
Built on the site of the Meridian Line in north
Greenwich - symbolizing time - the Dome was, at the
time of construction, the biggest dome in the world,
occupying 300 acres of a formerly contaminated
derelict gasworks. The former gasworks had been
derelict for more than two decades and was the largest undeveloped site on the River
The Dome originally contained a theme park-cum-scientific exhibition entitled
the 'Millennium Experience'. This was a series of themed 'zones' representing
concepts such as 'money' or 'the body', supported by live theatrical events throughout
the day. The Millennium Experience closed on December 31 2000, and the Dome

has since been sold to be converted into a 26,000 capacity entertainment and sports

Watch the first 3 minutes of the video item The Millennium Dome. Fill in the
gaps in sentences below with the information from the video.
1) The exhibition was ___________________ in Hyde Park.
2) Now for the year 2000 its time for the biggest __________________of the
more. It is 21st century. The ________________ is now.
3) The Dome is one kilometer _____________ and as high as Nelson’s column.
4) As you go in on the left Work and Learning the only two zones __________
5) Or maybe you want to understand ________________ work by playing with
the largest table football game in the world.

5. The Great Britain is rich in fantastic places to learn about! Make a short
movie presenting one of them.

6. British cinematography is considered to be one of a kind, it always was

particular and it is definitely feature nowadays. Watching the most iconic
British films and TV series you will not only immerse yourself in the culture
but see a lot of famous places. Let yourself enjoy an excellent performance and
language and watch some British film! Discuss in class what places you saw,
what locales are the most popular within film directors and why.

Part 4
1. Read and translate the given text paying attention to words in bald. What
place would you like to visit this autumn?
When November rolls around, it’s easy to check out. Thanksgiving is coming
up. Christmas is around the corner, and the shorter days make it a little more difficult
to check the boxes on the to-do lists. While you might feel a little less productive in
the fall, there’s no reason to arrive in January and realize you have nothing to show
for the last season. While we tend to turn our eyes to pumpkin spice, blanket scarves,
and booties, November is the perfect time to travel—and not just to your in-laws’
house for Thanksgiving dinner.
Even though you might be experiencing cooler temps in your neck of the
woods, the rest of the world isn’t necessarily that cold. If you’re in a warm place,
November can be a perfect time to experience a traditional fall. Another perk?
Booking outside of holidays in November means cheaper fares. Combine that with
time off for the holidays, and you can easily stretch out your trip beyond a weekend
if you’d like.
For a time, that’s usually overlooked for leisurely travel, November has a lot to
offer. We’ve done some searching, and we’ve found the 10 best places to travel in
November. Whether you like the mountains, the beach or something in between, one
thing’s for sure: This November won’t be wasted.
Havana, Cuba
November in Cuba is warm and sunny, perfect for a
little fall reset before the holidays. Take a step back in
time in Havana, whose colorful past is still preserved in
old architecture and vehicles. Enjoy some black beans
and rice, espresso and maybe a cigar or two. For a beach
trip, head to Holguín to find beach resorts that aren’t
smacking of an all-inclusive deal.
Bagan, Myanmar
Myanmar might not be on your radar, but it should
be. Considered to be the final frontier in southeast Asia,
Myanmar is less touristy than Thailand, boasting bumpy
roads and stretches of red brick temples in the plains of
Bagan. November marks the end of monsoon season, so
it’s a less humid time to take in the sights.

Seoul, South Korea

If you’re looking for an urban adventure, consider a
trip to Seoul. November marks a break in the hot, wet
weather of the summer before the frigid winter sets in.
There really is no better time to soak in the city’s art
scene, sample a bunch of street fare specialties like
pajeon (pancakes) or kimchi, and shop the city’s eccentric flea markets.
Memphis, Tennessee
While temperatures cool off in Memphis in
November, the city’s famous blues and barbecue are sure
to warm the soul. Stay in Elvis’s home city, and check
out Graceland. Visit the National Civil Rights Museum
in the Lorraine Motel, where Martin Luther King Jr. was
assassinated, and learn about the city’s complex history.
Verbier, Switzerland
If you’d like to upgrade your ski game this
November, check out Verbier in the Swiss Alps. A
backcountry skier’s paradise, Verbier has several lifts
that open in early November. If you’re no good on skis,
try out a no-skill toboggan on the slopes. While you’re
there, stay in one of the destination’s boutique luxury
hotels and thank yourself for taking the time to explore.
Phoenix, Arizona
When November comes to Phoenix, the locals say
goodbye to heatwaves and hello to cooler temps. Visit the
high desert and enjoy the natural scenery mixed with a
little of old and new architecture as well as a thriving art
scene, too. Phoenix is one of the few areas where the
iconic saguaro cacti grow naturally, so you can see—but
don’t touch—them for yourself.
Ambergris Caye, Belize
This Central American paradise will be just out of
hurricane season if you visit in November. Stay in a cushy
villa on the white sand beaches, and enjoy the beauty the
natural environment has to offer. English speakers will
find this destination especially convenient since it is the
official language of Belize.

Aspen, Colorado
If you’d like to avoid the summer and winter crowds
flocking to the Rockies, visit Colorado in November.
You’ll still get a little coolness as far as temperature goes,
and if you go up to higher altitudes, it’s already ski
season. If you’re not into skiing, there are plenty of other
activities to enjoy, like hiking, sampling brews from a number of local places, or
strolling through cute mountain towns.
Sicily, Italy
What could be more relaxing than a vacation
centered around wine? Sicily is becoming known as
Italy’s newest wine destination. Since November is out
of the popular tourist season, you’ll have a little more
room to breathe, sip and relax.
Negril, Jamaica
Slow down your fall with a visit to Jamaica. Enjoy
some time on the beach, drinking Red Stripe and eating a
conch fritter or two. If you plan your trip before the
holidays, you’ll have your pick of popular hotels, and
your visit will feel a little less touristy.
2. Provide Russian equivalents to the given expressions.
fall slump
to roll around
to check out
to be around the corner
to check the boxes on the to-do lists
to have nothing to show for the last
to turn smb’s eyes to
in-laws’ house
experience cool temps
neck of the woods
outside of holidays
stretch out your trip
not to be wasted
to smack of
not to be in someone’s radar

final frontier
flea market

3. Paraphrase the sentences.

1. While you might feel a little less productive in the fall, there’s no reason to arrive
in January and realize you have nothing to show for the last season.
2. Even though you might be experiencing cooler temps in your neck of the woods,
the rest of the world isn’t necessarily that cold.
3. For a beach trip, head to Holguín to find beach resorts that aren’t smacking of an
all-inclusive deal.
4. Myanmar is less touristy than Thailand, boasting bumpy roads and stretches of
red brick temples in the plains of Bagan.
5. There really is no better time to soak in the city’s art scene, sample a bunch of
street fare specialties, and shop the city’s eccentric flea markets.
4. Fill in the gaps using provided word-combinations. Change grammar form
if necessary.
experience cooler temps; smack of; outside of holidays; check out; not in our
radar; turn eyes to; in-law’s house; around the corner; toboggan; not to be wasted

1. The decision of his parents to divorce made him to __________ for a month.
2. Your exams are ____________ and you know nothing!
3. Instead of paying attention at her tutor she __________ cute delivery boy.
4. Here in Russia we ___________ since beginning of the fall.
5. They visited Crimea _____________ and that helped them to experience a
traditional fall and save some money.
6. Your holidays __________ if you spend them outdoors walking in parks,
breathing fresh air, and visiting cultural landmarks.
7. This agency’s offer ___________ some fraud. Let’s try another one.
8. Small towns are usually ____________ but I must admit this one is just
perfect for quite romantic holidays.
9. I’m not very good on skis so let’s find something less traumatic. _________
for example.
10.I would like to visit my ___________ more often aside from it’s in Alaska!

5. Match descriptions with places mentioned in the text above.


1 A place with a rich history that will not leave indifferent music lovers
2 An ideal place for lovers of large and noisy megacities and urban landscapes
3 A place that combines the unique nature and architecture of new and old generations
4 This place is popular among native speakers of English, because this language is
official there. And also because in November you cannot be afraid of unexpected
5 This place is fascinated by ancient architecture and exotic means of transport.
6 In November, it is a place that combines winter sports with the usual autumn walks
and visits to local attractions.
7 Mountain resort for winter sports enthusiasts
8 An ideal place for connoisseurs of a traditional alcoholic beverage
9 The ubiquitous tourists will not bother you in this place. But try to visit it before the
rainy season
10 The traditional resort, which in November loses most of the tourists, but does not
lose its charm

5. Translate the text from Russian into English.

Проснувшись холодным хелоуинским утром, я поняла, что ноябрь уже на
носу и осенняя депрессия все-таки добралась и до меня. Пока мои коллеги
продолжали сидеть в офисе и заниматься рабочими делами я взяла неделю
отпуска, чтобы успеть насладиться пейзажами и немного отдохнуть перед еще
более холодным временем года.
За прошедший период на работе я не достигла никаких успехов, это
печалило меня, и я не хотела ехать в шумные столицы и наблюдать радостные
толпы людей. Я решила отправиться в отдаленную от города местность,
которая обычно не попадает в зону внимания туристов. Там находился дом
моих родственников, куда я любила ездить в детстве. Осень там пахнет
костром из прелых листьев, а на вкус как тыква с яблоком, апельсином и
корицей. Неподалеку расположен небольшой блошиный рынок, где всегда
можно найти всякий хлам, который оказывается нужен, это своего рода
расслабляющий шопинг.
Как по мне, лучший способ побороть осеннее уныние – это поддаться ему,
уйти в уединение с головой и хоть недельку побыть в тишине и гармонии. Ведь

эта неделя – последний рубеж перед шумным, суетливым и блестящим

декабрем с его праздниками и отчетными периодами конца года.
6. Take 3 minutes to revise all the vocabulary to get prepared to the test.

Word list

(designer) digs hour hand sovereigns

accession imposing buildings spectacular view
accuracy Imprisonment sprawling city
adjusted incessant roar steam engines
Armory in-laws’ house stretch out your trip
awash, adj inner city the name of the game
backcountry intimate to be all the more alluring
backdrop, n lapping to be around the corner
beach stretches life span to be lined with shops
boundary lively bars to be stuffed with tombs
breathtaking scenery locale, n to catch a glimpse of
bumper-to-bumper traffic Menagerie to check out
burial ground Mint to check out
centerpiece minute hand to check the boxes on the to-
Chiefly monastery do lists
city skyline mountains towering to dabble in
clock faces neck of the woods to fall into ruin
cloisters no-go areas to feast on
cobbled streets not to be in someone’s radar to get to know smth/ smb in
coffins not to be wasted person
comfortable suburbs Observatory to have nothing to show for
conservation area open fields the last season
contaminated derelict outside of holidays to know firsthand
cramped overpriced to lure
dense forest panoramic view to opt
deprived areas pavement cafes to roll around
dominate the landscape peaceful/tranquil countryside to round up
drawbridges perk to smack of
enjoy/admire a view pricey to stroll
Execution quaint to take a picture
exhaust fumes quintessential to turn smb’s eyes to
experience cool temps quirky to unwind
fall slum refurbished to wind (stream)
fashionable clubs relaxed atmosphere toboggan
final frontier reliability tree-lined avenues
flea market residential areas uninterrupted view
foodie rounded a bend unspoilt countryside
gentle landscape run-down buildings up-and-coming
golden sands safe-deposit box upmarket shops
good value sandy beach urban wasteland
groundbreaking secluded beach whimsical
high-rise flats shanty towns

Visual Section 1

Lesson 1 All About Fashion

Part 1
1. Look at the photos below. Comment on them. Are you fashion addict? Use
the useful language box below to help you.

Kinds of pictures Introduction

picture, image, painting, photograph / photo, The photo/picture shows ...
portrait, landscape painting, poster, cartoon, It was taken by/in ...
drawing, cover / front page, comic strip It's a black-and-white/ coloured photo
What is where? What I think about the picture
In the foreground/background you can see…  It seems as if ...  The lady seems to ...  It
In the middle/centre there are ...  At the top/At might be a symbol of ...  The atmosphere is
the bottom there is ...  On the left/right there peaceful/depressing ...  I (don't) like the
are ...  Behind/In front of ... you can see...  picture because ...  It makes me think of ... 
Between ... there is ...  In the lower part / at The viewer has the impression that ...  The
the bottom…  On the left hand side / on the picture makes the viewer feel … (sad/happy) 
left…  In the central part / in the middle… The picture inspires the viewer to think about
 The photo reminds me of …

2. Discuss this questions in the class.

 Is fashion important to you? How much attention do you pay to fashion

in the way you dress?
 About how much money do you spend on clothes a year? What do you
think of designer fashion?
 Could you date someone if they had a terrible sense of fashion?
 Do you agree with the statement that the clothes we wear reflect what is
inside us?
 What do you think of people who always and only wear black? What
would you think if the mother of the groom wore black at a wedding?
 Is it possible to be beautiful without wearing any make-up, earrings or
other accessories?
 What items of clothing do you consider provocative in this country?
 What would you do or feel if you were refused entry to somewhere

3. Study the table below.

Clothes Outer garments Parts of clothes and

their types
clothes, garments, wear, dress, winter coat, warm coat, collar, turtleneck collar,
outfit, ladies' wear, men's wear, fur coat, sheepskin coat, shawl collar, stand-up
children's wear, baby clothes, storm coat, parka, collar, V-neck, crew
footwear, headgear, underwear, snowsuit, coat, topcoat, neck, collarless, sleeve,
beachwear, sportswear, sleepwear, overcoat, trench coat, long sleeve, short
winter clothes, summer clothes; raincoat, waterproof sleeve, sleeveless;
casual clothes, formal clothes, (coat), slicker, leather padded shoulders,
expensive clothes, cheap clothes; jacket, bomber jacket, cuffs, pocket, front
nice clothes, shabby clothes, car coat, windbreaker, pocket, back pocket,
designer clothes, hand-made windcheater, sports side pocket, patch
clothes, ready-made clothes, jacket pocket; slash pocket,
fashion, vogue, haute couture inside pocket

Underwear, hosiery, sleepwear, robes

panties, bikini, bra, slip, half-slip, briefs, underpants, undershirt, pantyhose, tights,
leggings, stockings, socks, slouch socks, knee-high socks, pajamas, sleep shirt,
nightgown, housecoat, robe, bathrobe, terry-cloth robe

4. Cross out the odd word in each block of words.

a) car coat, windbreaker, patch pocket, windcheater, sports jacket, slicker

b) house dress, maternity wear, blouse, tunic, halter top, headgear
c) miniskirt, panties, bikini, bra, slip, briefs, underpants
d) stand-up collar, sleeve, cuffs, pocket, windbreaker
e) V-neck, T-shirt, low-cut dress, crew neck, collarless
f) shorts, bathing suit, parka, halter top, beachwear

5. Look at the pictures. Sign each circle with numbers using the words from the
box below. There are some words which were not listed in your vocabulary.
What are the words? Explain their meaning in English.

ear muffs, coat, rain boots, ski hat, raincoat, ski jacket, overcoat, hat, gloves,
ski mask, down jacket, jacket, scarf/ muffler, sweater jacket, tights, leather
jacket, baseball cap, windbreaker, rain hat, trench coat, poncho, rain jacket,
mittens, parka, sunglasses, down vest, cap, umbrella

6. Continue the sentences with the words from the vocabulary table
1. There are different types of winter wear. There are …
2. To underwear belong…
3. In summer I like to wear…
4. I hate when people wear…

5. There are different types of clothes which suite different occasions…

6. I would never wear…
7. Clothes that protect us against rain are …

7. Did you watch “Confessions of a Shopaholic”?

This romantic comedy tells a story of a shopping
addict girl, the problems she faced and the
Prince Charming who rescued her.
Discuss in class: Is it alright to be a shopping
addict nowadays? Are you shopping addict? Do
you know such people? Are the financial
problems the main character faced that real?
What if there were not the Prince Charming?
Would there be a happy end?
If you haven’t watched this film yet, watch it and
wright down and learn all the clothing items
you’ll encounter.

Part 2
1. Read the article below. Explain the meaning of the words in bold.
How to Avoid Becoming a Fashion Victim
A fashion victim is an individual who obeys fads
and trends without any consideration for how they look
in the trendy pieces. Not every trend looks good on
every person, and no one can successfully pull off
every trend. In order to avoid becoming a fashion
victim, you must learn to develop your own sense of
style, and you must also accept that some clothes look
good on you while others do not.
Dress for Yourself. Find clothing that works
with your figure and your personal tastes.
Shop for styles you like. Everyone has different
tastes. If the latest trend does not suit yours, do not feel
obligated to obey it.
Accept your body. Everyone has imperfections. Learn to accept yours so you
know how to work around them. Know your problem areas and look for ways to
mask them. As a general rule, balance out thicker parts of your body by looking for

clothing that draws the eye to thinner parts of your body. Avoid clothing that
highlights your problem areas. A frilly-tiered skirt may look nice on a thin woman
with a rectangular body type, but it will only draw unwanted attention to the legs
of a pear shaped woman with larger thighs. Additionally, a skin-tight dress on the
thin woman might look awkward as opposed to the same dress on the pear shaped
woman. There are clothes that work for everybody, but not everybody can "pull off"
certain clothes.
Know your sizes. Take your precise measurements and compare them against
a brand or store’s sizing chart. Measure your bust by wrapping a taut tape measure
around the widest part of your bust. Measure your waist by wrapping a taut tape
measure around the narrowest part of your waist. This area, called your “natural
waist,” is usually right below your bust. Measure your hips by wrapping a taut tape
measure around the thickest part of your hips.
Set a budget. Look over your monthly finances to determine how much money
you can afford to spend when you go out shopping. Stick to your budget. Doing
so will help you avoid impulse buys and focus on buying only the clothes that look
best. Leave your credit card and ATM card at home if you lack the self-discipline to
limit yourself.
Keep your style balanced. Avoid wearing too many trends at once. Mix one
trendy piece into an outfit composed of basics. Avoid mixing bold patterns. For
instance, do not wear a large polka dot print blouse with a plaid skirt. Bold
patterns clash when paired together. If you must mix patterns, mix a subtle, muted
pattern with a bolder one. For example, you could wear a floral print blouse with
light pinstripe pants.
2. Using the text above match the beginning of the word combinations with their
floral print skirt
bold blouse
impulse patterns
stick to your areas
polka blouse
print budget
plaid budget
set a measure
natural victim
tape dot
a pear shaped pieces
problem waist
fashion woman
trendy buys

3. Using the text above find English equivalents for the words in the box.

легкие брюки; выполнять прихоти; не раздумывая, не подумав; хорошо

выглядеть/смотреться на человеке; развивать чувство стиля; разные
вкусы; подчеркивать недостатки (фигуры); не иметь самодисциплины

4. Make up 2 English and 2 Russian sentences using the word combinations

from exercises 1-2. One by one read out your sentences for the group to
translate them.

5. In the first task you’ve got good advice on how not to become a fashion victim
and one was “to set a budget and stick to it”. But how to look fashionable if
your budget is not very big? Here are some tips.
a) Take 4 basic advice from famous Los-Angeles fashion journalist Christina
Binkley. Fill in the table and translate the vocabulary.

Advice Vocabulary
1 key-items, recycled, bargain-
finding “sweet spot”, to
2 market down, cheaper
3 garment, to take good care,
turn inside out, a nervous
4 shopper, to try on

b) Let’s proceed with 7 more particular advice from Valeria Lipovetsky, top
model and YouTube blogger.

Advice Vocabulary
1 elevated, downgraded, neutral
palette, pairing neutral
2 colours, textures and fabrics,
3 fluffy, to elevate a look, little
dainty accessories, evil eye,
structured and minimalistic,
5 understated, a quality check,
lint roller, to tailor clothes,
seamstress, to deter from
7 buying, thrift store, steamer

c) Will there be any advice for men? Yes! 9 tips from Nigerian actor and model
Francis Polo.
Advice Vocabulary
1 look tacky, to be too matchy,
2 monochromatic look, all-
3 black/ all-white outfit, earth
tones, longevity, stitching, to
groom/ grooming, overall
hygiene, layers, to heighten
the fashion sense, classic
7 pieces, well-tailored

d) Sum up all the tips you’ve got and write down 5 of them that seem most
important for you personally. Use active vocabulary.
6. Round table: share your ideas
Take your chairs and form a circle
in the middle of the class. The teacher
would voice an idea and fix the time.
Discuss the idea for 3 minutes. Speak
when you feel like to speak and share
ideas, taking turns to speak. You can
share your point of view on the given
problem, agree or disagree with the
previous speaker or start on a new point
on the problem. The main requirement
is that you should not have a pause longer than 10 seconds. After 3 minutes you will
get another topic for discussion.
Ideas to be discussed
 fashionable clothes really change the way a person looks
 secondhand clothes may also look great
 wearing uniforms is a good idea

To what conclusion have you come? Sum up the ideas.


Part 3
1. Look at the pictures and think what is common between them.

It’s impossible to imagine our life without products of textile industry. Just look
around: clothing, bags and shoes, upholstery, bed clothes, rugs, curtains, towels –
everything is made of fabric. But what is fabric made of? If you didn’t guess yet, the
pictures you see above show major material for almost all fabric you use.
Watch the teacher’s presentation to learn more and digest the information.
2. Now, when you know the basics, let’s discover what exactly should happen to
a plant for it to become a dress. Watch the video item How linen is made and do
the tasks.
Before you watch study the table below. Use the dictionary if you need.

flax plant, flax fibers, growing cycle, sowing, harvesting, maturity,

to preserve, to uproot, mechanical grubbers, retting process, to expose,
pectins, a bale, scutching and hackling, flax yarns, spinning process, to be wet/
dry spun, bobbins, weaving process, linen weavers, weaving mill, warp beam,
weft yarns, warp yarns, the loomstate fabric, dyeing, bleaching, washing, easy
care, fire retardant, water repellent, craftsmanship, irrigation, recyclable,
biodegradable, lasting durability, high absorbency, thermal insulation,
hypoallergenic, lint-free

a) Fill in the gaps.

1. The growing cycle of the flax plant is short with only _____________
between sowing in ___________ and harvesting in __________.
2. To preserve the full potential of each plant flax is never cut
_______________________ as the flax fibers are not only in the stem of the
plant but also in the roots.
3. The flax is spread out on the fields exposed to ___________
___________________ for several weeks. At this stage the fiber is getting its
unique natural color __________________ of the flax with the soil, the rain,
and the sun.
4. During the spinning process the flax fibers ______________________ of
various weights and thicknesses.
5. Bobbins with warp yarns are placed on a rack and are wound onto a ________
________________________ walking machine.
6. In the weaving mill the warp beams are set up on the weaving looms bobbins
with weft yarns are placed next to the looms. The ____________________
are crossed with the ________________at very high speed.
7. Linen fabrics can be used in so many ways: interior decoration, ___________
and drapery household, linen and apparel artists, canvas, and

b) Put T if the statement is true and F if it’s false.

1. Flax is the only natural fibers still being cultivated on a large scale in Eastern
2. Each flax flower blooms only one day.
3. The flax plant is harvested in May.
4. Europe produces close to 120 tons of flax grown on 75 thousand feet of land.
5. Flax is the most natural fiber in the world.
6. Growing flax requires no irrigation and very little use of chemicals.
7. Since every part of the plant is used there's plenty of waste.
3. Read and translate the text.
What is silk?
Silk is a natural protein fiber, some forms of
which can be woven into textiles. The protein fiber of
silk is composed mainly of fibroin and is produced by
certain insect larvae to form cocoons. The best-
known silk is obtained from the cocoons of the larvae

of the mulberry silkworm reared in captivity. The shimmering appearance of silk

is due to the triangular prism-like structure of the silk fiber, which allows silk cloth
to refract incoming light at different angles, thus producing different colors. Silk is
produced by several insects but, generally, only the silk of moth caterpillars has been
used for textile manufacturing.
Silk production
The process of silk production is known as
sericulture. The entire production process of silk can
be divided into several steps. Extracting raw silk
starts by cultivating the silkworms on mulberry
leaves. Once the worms start pupating in their
cocoons, these are dissolved in boiling water in order
for individual long fibres to be extracted and fed into the spinning reel. To produce
1 kg of silk, 104 kg of mulberry leaves must be eaten by 3000 silkworms. It takes
about 5000 silkworms to make a pure silk kimono. The major silk producers are
China (54%) and India (14%).
Use and properties
Silk's absorbency makes it comfortable to wear
in warm weather and while active. Its low
conductivity keeps warm air close to the skin during
cold weather. It is often used for clothing such as
shirts, ties, blouses, formal dresses, high fashion
clothes, lining, lingerie, pajamas, robes, dress suits,
sun dresses and Eastern folk costumes. For practical
use, silk is excellent as clothing that protects from many biting insects that would
ordinarily pierce clothing, such as mosquitoes and horseflies.
Fabrics that are often made from silk include charmeuse, habutai, tussah,
chiffon, taffeta, crepe de chine, dupioni and other.
Silk's attractive luster and drape makes it suitable for many furnishing
applications. It is used for upholstery, wall coverings, window treatments (if blended
with another fiber), rugs, bedding and wall hangings.
Watch the video item Lifecycle of the silkworm for visual support of the
information learned.
4. Translate the sentences into English using vocabulary from the text above.
1. Шелкопрядами называют бабочек, гусеницы которых перед
превращением в куколки вьют коконы из шелковых нитей.

2. Шелководство – отрасль сельского хозяйства, которая занимается

разведением шелкопрядов для получения шелковичных коконов.
Разматывая коконы, получают натуральный шелк.
3. Шелк используется не только для пошива одежды, из него
изготавливают прекрасные сувениры, он используется в вышивке,
вязании и валянии, а крепдешин, фуляр или туаль – прекрасная основа
для картин и платков.
4. Из шелковых тканей изготавливают как зимнюю, так и летнюю одежду,
поскольку этот материал при любой погоде сохраняет комфортную для
тела температуру.
5. Этот гипоаллергенный материал, в котором не размножаются клопы и
пылевые клещи, прекрасно подходит для изготовления домашнего
текстиля. Из плотного шелка шьют портьеры, рулонные шторы,
постельное белье, чехлы для мебели, покрывала.
6. Шелку свойственны гладкость, мягкий блеск и яркие переливы. Он
приятно прилегает к коже, нежно струится вдоль тела и мягко сияет,
благодаря чему изделия из него выглядят по-королевски роскошно.
7. Шелк эксельсиор до сих пор изготавливается вручную. Это невесомый,
тончайший материал, способный пройти буквально сквозь игольное
ушко. При всей своей нежности и невесомости он обладает достаточной
прочностью, однако требует бережного отношения.

5. Did you know that every natural fabric has its story? Read the text
representing the history of silk. In pairs make presentations of other fabrics’
origin and history.
History of Silk
The production of silk originates in China in the Neolithic, 4th millennium BC.
Silk remained confined to China until the Silk Road opened at some point during
the later half of the 1st millennium BC. China maintained its virtual monopoly over
silk production for another thousand years. Not confined to clothing, silk was also
used for a number of other applications, including writing, and the color of silk worn
was an important guide of social class.
Silk cultivation spread to Japan around 300 AD, and, by 552 AD, the
Byzantines managed to obtain silkworm eggs and were able to begin silkworm,
cultivation. The Arabs also began to manufacture silk at the same time. As a result
of the spread of sericulture, Chinese silk exports became less important, although
they still maintained dominance over the luxury silk market. The Crusades brought
silk production to Western Europe, in particular to many Italian states, which saw
an economic boom exporting silk to the rest of Europe. Changes in manufacturing

techniques also began to take place during the Middle Ages, with devices such as
the spinning wheel first appearing. During the 16th century, France joined Italy in
developing a successful silk trade, though the efforts of most other nations to develop
a silk industry of their own were unsuccessful.
The Industrial Revolution changed much of Europe's silk industry. Due to
innovations on spinning cotton, cotton became much cheaper to manufacture and
therefore caused more expensive silk production to become less mainstream. New
weaving technologies, however, increased the efficiency of production. Among
these was the Jacquard loom, developed for silk embroidery. An epidemic of several
silkworm diseases caused production to fall, especially in France, where the industry
never recovered. In the 20th century Japan and China regained their earlier role in
silk production. The rise of new fabrics such as nylon reduced the prevalence of silk
throughout the world, and silk is now once again a rare luxury good, much less
important than in its heyday.

Part 4
1. Learning “fashion” we can’t avoid “sewing” because these topics are bound
to each other. Let’s start with sewing language. Comment on the proverbs
below and find Russian equivalents.

 A stitch in time saves nine

 You can't make a silk purse out of
a sow's ear
 Find a needle in a haystack

2. Match the idioms with their Russian equivalents and explain them.
разорвать на мелкие кусочки,
to hang on by a thread
разнести в пух и прах
to be on pins and needles предвзятое мнение
подрезать крылья, не дать
stomach in knots
to rip to shreds как на иголках
задерживать (для долгого, нудного
a biased opinion
to clip one’s wings отругать, задать трепку
(to fly) by the seat of one’s pants желудок сводит от волнения
to buttonhold someone висеть на волоске
to dress somebody down быть одетым с иголочки
без определенности, без
to be dressed to the nines
подготовки, наугад, наобум

3. Paraphrase the italicized word-combinations using the idioms from the box.

to pin the crime on, to clip wings, needle in a haystack, biased opinion,
to buttonhold, to rip to shreds, you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear

It was a difficult investigation. To find the killer was more difficult than to find
something small in a big heap of the similar objects. The guy under suspicion tried
to restrict our freedom and put the blame on the innocent guy. Several times his
sidekicks tried to hold us for a long and boring conversation but we managed to
predict it. Even the judge convicted us in foregone conclusion, and the lawyer almost
teared us apart during the court. But you can’t make something good out of
something that is naturally bad. The guilty got a deserved punishment.
4. Read the text below. Write out and translate words and word combinations
in bold. Divide them into categories making a word-box and learn.
Hi! My name is Kate, I’m 20 and I’m a student. The story I want to share is the
story of my acquaintance with fashion 
One December I was thinking about how I would spend Christmas. My friend
suggested me to go to the party which was supposed to be fantastic and I was all
about to prepare. The first thing to plan was presents, of course, and it was not that
difficult like many people consider. But the second thought made my head spin…
What to wear to the party?

Like every girl of my age I want to be in the loop with fashion trends to cut a
fine figure. I knew there would be other girls wearing top trendy pieces and I didn’t
want to appear in the same garment with somebody. So that I decided to make my
own look!
Okay, Google, HOW TO SEW A DRESS…
Ever dreamed of making your own
clothes? It’s a fantastic way of creating your
own style, and with lots of independent sewing
patterns on the market as well as gorgeous
fabrics – there really hasn’t been a better time to
have a go.
Julie Bonnar from “The Pattern
Pages” shares some tips for absolute beginners.
She says “practice really does make perfect, and
to start with it’s all about making the most of
your new and growing skills and gaining confidence as you sew. If you’re
completely new to dressmaking, it’s better to make a really good job of a simple
garment than a dog’s dinner of something that’s far too complicated! My advice
would be to start a printed pattern that’s been created for beginners.”
A sewing pattern gives you all the tools you need to make a garment. It’s made
up of an envelope with lots of handy information about sizing, what skills you need,
garment descriptions, photos and illustrations, body measurements, as well as fabric
suggestions and requirements. Inside you’ll also find a set of instructions – this is
your guide to making up the garment, along with the pattern tissue (the pattern
template), which you’ll use with your fabric to cut out your garment – you’re ready
to begin to sew!
What Comes First - Pattern or Fabric?
Reading a sewing pattern carefully will help you choose which pattern is best
for you, as well as helpful advice on what fabric to buy. There’s lot of new terms
to get to grips with and starting to read the pattern will help you to make choices
Look for sewing patterns that suggest they’re for those just starting to sew.
These patterns will use easy techniques and avoid any complex tailoring and
fitting. Selecting the right fabric can make or break a finished garment. To begin
with, the best advice is to use one of fabric type that’s recommended on the sewing
pattern envelope.
Easy-to-sew patterns will recommend easy-to-work with fabrics such as
cotton, plain and knit fabrics that don’t fray, aren’t too slippery and where no pattern

matching is required like prints, checks and stripes. Avoid sewing patterns where
you need to cut the fabric on the bias as this adds an element of stretch to the
Tools of the Trade
To start to make your own clothes you’ll need an assortment of tools:
For measuring:
 Retractable tape measure
 Yardstick
 Seam gauge
For cutting:
 Dressmaking shears
 Small pair of scissors for cutting
thread etc.
 Quality threads
 Paper scissors (for cutting
 Pressing aids such as a sleeve roll
and tailor’s ham
 Seam ripper
For pressing:
For marking:
 Iron
 Dressmaker’s chalk pencil
 Ironing board
 Tracing pattern
 Pressing cloth
 Pins and magnet pincushion
You may also want to consider buying
For sewing:
the following once you’ve caught the
 Sewing machine
dressmaking bug:
 Sewing needles (hand and
 A dress form to help with fitting
 Extra feet for sewing machine
 Extra bobbins for your machine
once you get started

Pointers for Successful Sewing

1. Read the sewing pattern several times before doing anything. I try to imagine
making it step-by-step and thinking ahead to next stage. This can help to avoid
sewing things wrongly together and having to unpick.
2. Always pin perpendicularly in the seam allowance as you go. Pins are really
easy to remove as you sew and pinning fabric pieces together before you sew
can also help you see how things fit together.
3. Watch technique tutorials online.

4. Join a “Sew-Along”. Many sewing pattern companies have started doing Sew-
Alongs when they launch new sewing patterns. These guide you through each
step/process over a period of time so you get the best results from your pattern.
5. Invest in some good books to explain techniques and garment construction.

“Hm, that seems to be quit real” – thought I. I

had a sewing machine of my granny and
bought all the necessary tools. The pattern I
chose was Moneta dress from Colette
patterns: “Moneta is your new go-to dress
pattern, built for both elegance and comfort.
Learn to sew with knits and make this dress
in a matter of hours! The dress has a gently
curved, wide neckline, a fitted bodice, and a shirred skirt with in-seam pockets.”
Before starting I decided to follow the Pointers for Successful Sewing and google
for some more particular information…

Techniques for Sewing Clothing

Learn the Details for Great Results
Clothing is not just a piece of fabric wrapped around a body. Clothing has
details that make the fabric fit and compliment your body. Learn to perfect the
details and the garment will come together.
If you are intimidated, start with a simple garment such as pajama pants and
work your way to more elaborate garments. Take the time to practice the parts of
a garment and make a notebook of your practice sample to refer back to when you
feel stumped.
Transfer Pattern Markings
Patterns make sewing clothes much easier. However, when using that pattern,
certain markings need to be transferred to the fabric to get accurate results.
 Dots: these are dots that mark
locations for matching parts of the
garment or item to each other,
such as seam intersections,
pockets, darts, collars and more.
 Darts: markings for darts are
straight lines and dots.
 Buttonholes & Button Placement: transferring the pattern markings
for buttonholes and buttons ensures that they will be evenly placed on the

It is impossible to list all of the markings that you may want to transfer. The
things to keep in mind are the markings that will line up other pieces of the fabric,
things that create folds, tucks or pleats and things that will show you the placement
for add-ons such as buttons.
Sew a Perfect Seam
Seams are a mainstay to most sewing
projects. Seams that have straight sewing and even
seam allowances are a must for a professional-
looking project.
Your very first seam should probably be
practiced on scraps of fabric. Don't be afraid to
master using a seam ripper to remove stitches if
you are not satisfied with your results. Sewing a perfect seam takes time and practice
but once it's learned, you'll be sewing like a pro from then on!
Pressing a Seam. Pressing a seam is not ironing. There is a bit of patience
required but is well worth every second you spend pressing any sewn seam. Taking
your time making the pressing part of the seam adds to the quality of your finished
Specialty Seams. French seams and flat-felled seams are sewn a bit
differently than a regular seam. These special seams enclose the raw edge of the
fabric as part of the seaming process. A flat felled seam is commonly seen on jeans
with two rows of visible stitching and is known of its strength and durability. A
French seam is found most commonly on sheer or lace fabric.
Sew Darts for Shaping Fabric
A dart that is sewn properly will blend into the fabric and add fitting details to
a garment. Darts typically are sewn in at the bust line, on the back of a garment, and
the waistband on pants.
Darts can have one or two pointed ends. Some darts have curves. The center
marking may not be included in the pattern marking. If not, it is simply the fold line.
Choose a Sewing Seam Finish
Sewing seam finishes not only keep the inside neat, they add durability and
stability when the garment is laundered by preventing fraying. Choose the type of
seam finish that you want for the garment before you start sewing, as you need to
plan for the appropriate seam allowance. The type of seam finish you choose will
depend on the fabric, the strength and type of seam, and the visual effect desired.
A fabric prone to fraying, such as a loosely woven fabric, will require more
sewing in the seam finish than a tightly woven fabric that does not fray. Conversely,

some fabrics, such as polar fleece, do not require a seam finish at all. However, in
a garment, you may want to add a seam finish to “tame” the bulk of the seam.
Although seam finishes are inside the garment, there are situations where the
seam finish will be seen. One example is an unlined jacket that is worn open in the
front so that the inside of the jacket may be visible.
What Is Stay Stitching?
An essential step that makes sewing easier and
better. Stay stitching is a single line of stitching
through one layer of fabric. It is sewn to stabilize the
fabric and prevent it from becoming stretched or
This type of stitch is usually called for on the
edge of a piece of fabric that has a bias cut, which can become distorted more easily
than other fabric grain cuts. It's also commonly used on curved cuts, such as
necklines, to ensure pieces fit together properly in the most crucial places.
Bias-Cut Fabric
There are three types of fabric grain: lengthwise grain, crosswise grain, and
bias grain.
Bias grain refers to the thread line that is at a 45-degree angle to the lengthwise
and crosswise grain of fabric as it is on the bolt. The bias has stretch in woven fabric
and will hang differently than a garment that has been cut on the lengthwise or
crosswise grain. This naturally occurring difference is why stay stitching is
particularly important on the bias.
Fusible Web
Fusible web is a humanmade fiber that will
melt when heated. When placed between two
pieces of fabric, the melting action of the fusible
web causes it to fuse the two fabrics together. It
is not woven or knitted. It's used to make fabrics
stiffer, and it's especially effective for mending
hems and small holes.
Fusible web is available in various weights. Use the weight that is closest to the
fabric you will be fusing. If you're fusing a lightweight fabric such as a blouse weight
cotton, choose lightweight fusible web. If you're fusing a heavy fabric such as denim
or canvas, you'll want a heavyweight fusible web. Many types of fusible web come

with special paper backing. Patterns can be traced directly to the backside of the
paper for applique work.
Never iron directly on the fusible web – it will melt all over your iron! If you
do not have the backing paper, parchment paper or freezer paper can be used as a
buffer to prevent the fusible web from melting.
Fabric Nap
If you are reading a pattern envelope or you're
looking to buy some soft, cozy fabric for making an epic
winter blanket, you'll probably encounter the term "fabric
nap." No, it's not a snooze you take at the sewing machine;
it's the raised, fuzzy surface on certain types of fabric.
Since the 15th century, the term "nap" in sewing has
referred to a special pile given to cloth. Pile refers to raised fibers that are there on
purpose, rather than as a by-product of producing the cloth. In this case, the nap is
woven into the cloth, often by weaving loops into the fabric, which can then be cut
or left intact. Carpets, rugs, velvet, velour, and velveteen are made by interlacing a
secondary yarn through woven cloth, creating a nap or pile.
A nap appears to be lighter or darker shades of color from different angles. In
addition to the velvet and velour mentioned above, terry cloth, corduroy, and
suede fabric are examples of fabric with nap.
If your fabric has nap, all of the pattern pieces must be laid in the same
direction. Fabric with a one-way design will also use the "with nap" cutting layout
so that the design on the fabric all runs in the same direction on the finished item.

… I know what you think – that’s too much! Ha-ha 

I’m sure it made your head spin also! But if the job is
worth doing it worth doing well. And so I did.
That Christmas I was in elegant fern-green dress
and nobody noticed it was hand-made. All these, and much
more, advice I found and followed let me manage the task.
What’s more – sewing became my hobby and now I can
make almost any piece of clothes, even like those fashion
designers make!
Whether you want to be in a mainstream or stand
out from the crowd – ability to sew will always serve you
a good turn!

5. Find English equivalents to these expressions in the text above.

в считанные часы
что-то несуразное, «черти что и сбоку
бантик»; неразбериха, бардак
если уж делать, так делать хорошо
заставить попотеть, задать задачку;
сбивать с толку, дезориентировать;
насущная потребность, необходимость,
обязательное условие
разобраться с ч.л., освоить ч.л.
быть в струе, придерживаться общих
сослужить добрую службу, пригодиться
основа, фундамент, базис, главная цель
произвести хорошее впечатление
(внешним видом)
выделяться из толпы
быть в курсе, быть вовлеченным
возвеличить или погубить, решить
судьбу, пан или пропал
попытаться, предпринять попытку,
попробовать себя в чем-то
подчеркивать фигуру

6. Correct the mistakes.

1. Hurry up! We have a lot to get to greets with today!
2. She always wanted to stand up from the crowd and dressed like a cat’s dinner.
3. I don’t like when people slack their work, if something is was doing it woth
doing well.
4. Profit is the mainstay of any business.
5. This week accountant department worked at maximum, financial inspection
made their heads sleep.
6. Stay with us if you want to be in the stitch with modern music world.
7. They fulfilled my order in a mate of hours.
8. I’d like to have ago at sketching, they say this is to must for a designer.
9. To choose a right profession is very important, sometimes it can make and
break a life.

10.Be polite and kind, onсe it will serve you a good queue.
7. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Чтобы пошить наряд нужна выкройка. В швейных наборах для
начинающих есть шаблон для выкройки и все необходимые указания по
выбору ткани и шитью.
2. Каждый портной должен уметь кроить. Для этого нужно снять мерки
выдвижной рулеткой, вырезать шаблон для выкройки и приколоть его
булавками на ткань, обвести меловым карандашом и вырезать
специальными портновскими ножницами.
3. Хлопок и трикотаж – ткани, с которыми легко работать, они не
осыпаются и не скользят. Также лучше использовать однотонную ткань
без принтов, полосок и клетки, чтобы не нужно было стыковать узор.
4. Выточки обычно шьют по линии бюста, на спинке изделия и на талии.
Правильно пошитые выточки сливаются с тканью, делают наряд более
изящным, и он лучше сидит по фигуре.
5. Чтобы края одежды не растягивались и не деформировались швеи
используют усилительную строчку. Усилительная строчка – это
одинарный шов, который соединяет один слой ткани, и используется в
местах криволинейных срезов, таких как горловина, и для тканей с
диагональным плетением.
5. Take 3 minutes to revise all the vocabulary to get prepared to the test.

Word list

a mainstay expensive clothes loomstate fabric

a must fabric low conductivity
a nervous shopper fashion men's wear
a quality check fire retardant fabric minimalistic
absorbency flat-felled seam mittens
add-ons flax fibers monochromatic look
all-black outfit flax plant muffler
all-white outfit fluffy neutral palette
baby clothes folds nice clothes
back pocket footwear nightgown
bargain-finding “sweet spot” formal clothes outfit
baseball cap fray overall hygiene
bathrobe front pocket overcoat
beachwear fur coat overcoat
bikini garments padded shoulders
biodegradable gloves pairing neutral colours
bobbins grooming pajamas
bomber jacket half-slip panties
bra hand-made clothes pantyhose
briefs hat parka
buttonholes haute couture patch pocket
cap headgear pattern template
car coat high absorbency pattern tissue
casual clothes hosiery pleats
cheap clothes housecoat pocket
children's wear hypoallergenic poncho
classic pieces inside pocket prints, checks and stripes
clothes jacket rain boots
coat key-items rain hat
collar knee-high socks rain jacket
collarless ladies' wear raincoat
crew neck lasting durability ready-made clothes
cuffs layers recyclable
darts leather jacket robe
designer clothes leather jacket scarf
downgraded look leggings seam allowance
dress linen weavers seamstress
dressmaking lint roller shabby clothes
ear muffs lint-free shawl collar
earth tones little dainty accessories sheepskin coat
easy care fabric longevity side pocket
elevated look look tacky ski hat
ski jacket summer clothes tucks
ski mask sunglasses turn inside out
slash pocket sweater jacket turtleneck collar
sleep shirt tailoring and fitting umbrella
sleepwear terry-cloth robe underpants
sleeve texture undershirt
sleeveless thermal insulation understated
slicker thrift store underwear
slip tights v-neck
slouch socks to be too matchy vogue
snowsuit to deter from buying warm coat
socks to elevate a look water repellent
spinning process to groom waterproof (coat)
spinning reel to heighten the fashion sense wear
sports jacket to market down weaving mill
sportswear to tailor clothes weaving process
stand-up collar to take good care well-tailored
steamer to try on windbreaker
stitching to unpick windcheater
stockings topcoat winter clothes
storm coat trench coat winter coat

Lesson 2 He & She

Part 1
1. Discuss in class questions below.

o Can you name all the items in the picture?

o Is underwear important? Is it worth spending a lot of money on it or it could
be the cheapest you can find?
o Does it matter what kind of underwear you wear? Can you recognize a case
when somebody got in funny or awkward situation wearing inappropriate

2. Study the table below. Use a dictionary if you need.

Underwear, swimwear
panties, girdle, garter; bra; slip, half-slip, underpants, boxers, briefs, trunks,
pantyhose, tights, leggings, stockings, undershirt, vest, union suit, drawers, socks,
socks, slouch socks, knee-high socks, knee-high socks, swim briefs, bermudas,
(two-piece) swimsuit/ bathing suit/ bathing square-cut shorts, jammers, wetsuit, swim
costume shirt
Homewear, sleepwear Sportwear
pajamas, sleep shirt, nightgown, tracksuit/ jogging suit/ sweatsuit/ warm-
housecoat, robe, bathrobe, terry-cloth robe, ups, shell suit, singlet, jersey, shin guard/
slippers shin pad, shoulder pad, silks, tights/
unitard/ tricot, leotard

3. Cross out the odd word.

1. Panties, half-slip, jammers
2. Boxers, nightgown, drawers
3. Tricot, union suit, shin guard
4. Bathing suit, housecoat, swim briefs
5. Tracksuit, terry-cloth robe, warm-ups
6. Bra, tights, stockings
7. Shell suit, pajamas, jersey
4. Finish the sentences with appropriate words from the word box.
1. Women's thin nylon tights are called …
2. The clothes we wear after having a shower is …
3. A sleeveless garment worn under or instead of a shirt – …
4. Men’s close-fitting legless underpants, in contrast to a bikini, are …
5. Close-fitting leggings or tights, esp. those worn by dancers – …
6. A suit we wear when sleeping is called …
7. The brightly colored identifying garments of a jockey is called …

5. Read and translate the text. Explain the idiom under the heading.
10 Better Ways to Say Underwear
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist!”
 Merry Widow
Hollywood routinely influences fashion, of course, but rarely names it directly.
One exception involves the strapless corset that actress and pin-up girl Lana Turner
wore in a 1952 musical that won an Academy Award for Costume Design. The film
was The Merry Widow, and the garment has been called that ever since.
 Pretties
Using the plural noun pretties to refer to dainty things goes back at least to the
1700s. Some early uses refer to toys and jewelry, but the word was also applied to
women's lingerie. By all rights it should be a lovely word, but because of its
association with the Wicked Witch of the West ("I'll get you, my pretty!"), using it
at a lingerie store today might sound a bit creepy.
 Tap Pants
The name of this lingerie suggests its history. This style of underwear resembles
the loose shorts that women used to wear while tap dancing.

 Cutty Sark
“Cutty Sark” sounds kind of manly. Currently it's a brand of whisky, and before
that it was the name of a legendary sailing ship. And yet, originally, it referred to
ladies' underwear. Here's the story: "Cutty sark" comes from the now outdated
words cutty ("short") and sark ("shirt"). The term first appeared in an 18th century
Scottish poem where it described a skimpy nightgown worn by a seductive but
dangerous witch. The erotic power of that image somehow inspired the ship's name,
which in turn inspired the whisky ... and an almost-forgotten piece of lingerie
remains hidden beneath both.
 Knickers
Knickers is actually a standard word for underwear, mainly in Britain, but we
include it here because of its surprising connection to professional basketball.
"Knickers" derives from "knickerbockers," or "loose-fitting short pants gathered at
the knee." Because the city's early Dutch settlers wore those pants, "New Yorkers"
became known as "Knickerbockers."
 Corselet
In the 1500s, a corselet was not exactly lingerie. At that point it was something
a soldier might wear - a piece of armor for the torso. The word comes from the
French word for body. Several centuries later, the same word emerged to describe a
combination of girdle and brassiere. (This garment is similar to the merry widow.)
 Underdrawers
The "under" part is clear enough, but what about "drawers"? That word refers
not to where you store them (i.e., in a chest of drawers), but how you put them on.
The word drawers has been used since the 16th century to refer to garments such as
stockings, underpants, and pants. It comes from the verb draw used in the sense
of pull, probably because you pull them up your legs.
 Union Suit
This word has nothing to do with labor unions. Instead, the union suit earns its
name by uniting the upper and lower pieces of underwear in one garment. Two-piece
long johns are more common these days, and don't require a seat flap.
 Singlet
Singlet usually refers to the one-piece suit a wrestler wears, but the other British
meaning describes a sleeveless undershirt. Why the word singlet? Because it has
only one thickness of cloth. Does that mean there's a doublet? In fact, yes: It was a
lined jacket worn by men during the Renaissance.

 Unmentionables
An old-fashioned euphemism for underwear, this word evokes tender Victorian
sensibilities – and a time when public discussion of the topic was considered
inappropriate (and no one asked the President, "boxers or briefs?").
Name illustrations to the text above.

6. Translate the text into English. Answer the questions below the text.
Как подобрать одежду для бега

Одна из самых полезных привычек – регулярные утренние или вечерние

пробежки. Бег повышает тонус организма, улучшает настроение и физическую
форму. Для того, чтобы пробежки приносили максимум пользы и
удовольствия, нужно не только грамотно рассчитать нагрузки, но и правильно
подобрать экипировку.

Принципы выбора
Для пробежек всегда используйте одежду по сезону. В теплое время года
стоит выбирать модели, которые хорошо отводят влагу и охлаждают. В
холодную погоду нужно подбирать экипировку так, чтобы она обеспечивала
не только влагоотвод, но и терморегуляцию.
Беговая экипировка должна быть легкой, эластичной, не ограничивать в
движениях и подходить по размеру. Также для нее характерно наличие
плоских швов, которые меньше натирают и не вызывают раздражения на коже.
Модели для тренировок на улице рекомендуется выбирать со
светоотражающими вставками. Этот элемент обезопасит вас во время
пробежек в плохую погоду с низкой видимостью или при недостаточном
Материалы и ткани
Одежда из натуральных
материалов не подходит для
спорта. Натуральные ткани
хорошо впитывают влагу. При
интенсивном потоотделении
материал становится мокрым, что
причиняет дискомфорт, а в
холодную погоду может привести
к переохлаждению. Спортивная
одежда изготавливается из особых синтетических тканей, которые хорошо
отводят влагу летом и сохраняют тепло в холодное время года.
Синтетические ткани, а именно высокотехнологичные «дышащие»
материалы, используемые в одежде для бега, разработаны специально для
интенсивных нагрузок. Одежда из таких тканей создает микроклимат:
способствует испарению пота и в то же время сохраняет тепло в холодное
время, а в жаркое – не дает перегреваться. Эти ткани эластичные, впитывают
и отводят влагу, обеспечивают комфорт; не нарушают естественный
теплообмен; сохраняют форму; устойчивы к световому и тепловому
Компрессионная одежда
Во время пробежки большая нагрузка приходится на мышцы и суставы.
Для того, чтобы снизить риск развития отеков и заболеваний сосудов,
рекомендуется использовать компрессионную одежду. Принцип работы такой
одежды основан на том, что она сжимает конечности в разной степени
давления в зависимости от группы мышц. Компрессионная одежда снижает

боль в конечностях, способствует быстрому восстановлению, обеспечивает

профилактику заболеваний сосудов, отводит влагу, способствует нормальной
Летняя одежда для бега
Летом одежда для пробежки должна быть легкой, дышащей и хорошо
отводить влагу. Лучше выбирать комплекты из тканей с технологиями
влагоотвода и сетчатыми вставками. Такая одежда хорошо пропускает воздух,
способствует лучшей вентиляции. Для защиты от ультрафиолета спортивная
одежда обработана особой пропиткой от УФ излучения.
Оптимальный летний комплект:
1. Майка/футболка
2. Шорты/лосины
3. Носки/гольфы
4. Бейсболка (в солнечную погоду)

Бегаем весной и осенью

Весной и осенью погода очень
быстро меняется. В это время часто
трудно понять: на пробежке будет
жарко или холодно, что надеть, чтобы
было комфортно и не простудиться. В
это время года нужно использовать
принцип многослойности. От
холодного ветра вас не защитит один
джемпер или куртка, но это могут
сделать несколько слоев одежды из высокотехнологичного материала. При
этом одежда должна отводить влагу и не сковывать движений.
Поздней осенью и зимой быстро темнеет, поэтому на одежде желательно
наличие светоотражающих элементов.
Обязательно надевайте перчатки, шапку и теплые носки в холодную
погоду. Сохраняя руки и ноги в тепле, вы будете чувствовать себя комфортнее.
При первых заморозках используйте перчатки для бега из легкого
синтетического материала и гетры, которые закрывают щиколотку и голень.
Оптимальный комплект для весны и осени:
1. Термобелье (для холодной погоды)
2. Футболка (с длинными или короткими рукавами)
3. Джемпер/толстовка (для холодной погоды)

4. Шорты/лосины
5. Ветровка (для дождливой и ветреной погоды)
6. Носки/гольфы

Зимняя беговая экипировка

В зимнее время года комплект для бега должен состоять из трех слоев и
термобелья. Одежда должна согревать в мороз и быть удобной для бега.
Оптимальный зимний сет:
1. Осенний комплект
2. Шапка, шарф\бафф\ балаклава
3. Перчатки
4. Джемпер под куртку (при температуре -5С)

Особености мужской и женской беговой экипировки

Мужское тело отличается большей интенсивностью потоотделения,
поэтому мужские спортивные комплекты оснащаются большим количеством
специальных вентиляционных вставок в зависимости от сезона.
Основным элементом беговой экипировки для женщин и девочек
является спортивный бра. Он должен быть эластичным, при этом фиксировать
грудь и не сковывать движений, не пережимать сосуды.
Спортивные бра бывают трех степеней поддержки:
легкой, средней и высокой. Для бега стоит выбирать бра со
средней и высокой степенью поддержки. Обычно такие
модели оснащаются широкими бретельками. Белье для бега
изготавливается без швов или с плоскими швами, поэтому
оно не натирает и не давит при движении.
1. Why is it important to choose proper clothing for physical exercising? Is there
special clothing and/or equipment for every sport?
2. What fabrics and materials should be used? Why?
3. What should people wear when jogging in summer? What clothing properties
are required?
4. What are specifics of demi-season jogging gear?
5. What should we wear jogging in winter? How do you think, should we go
jogging in frosty weather?
6. Is there any difference in men’s and women’s sportwear?

7. Explain idioms below, provide Russian equivalents.

All fur coat and
no knickers.

Beat the pants off!


Keep your pants on!


Winter drawers on!


Make at least one sentence combining two idioms. Try to translate each
other’s sentences.
 The trees on Hope Street are always full of witches'
 Tesco is taking a stand against witches' knickers.

Witches’ knickers – windblown plastic shopping bags that

have been caught in trees, first used in Ireland.

Part 2
1. Describe the pictures and comment on the citation below.

"I like being a woman, even in a man’s world. After all, men can’t
wear dresses, but we can wear the pants." © Whitney Houston
2. Discuss the questions in a group using phrases from the boxes.

Useful phrases to express Useful phrases to express

your approval your disapproval

 That’s a very important point  I don't think much of that.

 You’re quite right  How apalling / dreadful!

 I really agree that…  I'm utterly apalled / disgusted.

 I’m of your opinion  I'm dead against people doing…

 That sounds logical to me  It shouldn't be allowed!

 I’m telling you all this because  What a rotten / mean thing to do

 I’m of the opinion that  I take a very dim view of …


1. Do you think men are as interested in fashion as women? Do you believe

that men and women can afford the same in terms of fashion?
2. What would you think of a woman who cut off all her hair and went around
bald as a fashion statement? What do you think of a man who is bald for
fashion's sake?
3. What do you think of women wearing high heels? What do you think of men
wearing high heels? What do you think of men who wear make-up?
4. Why is it acceptable for women to wear men's clothing, but not for men to
dress in women's clothing?

3. Read the text below. Try to give English definitions for the words in bold.
Use English-English dictionary to help you.

The word “Fashion” isn’t just limited to be used for

women any more. Latest trends in fashion for men might
not be as frequently evolving as women’s, but they do
evolve new men trends and men are adopting them more
boldly today than they did before.
This year brought a lot of unusual latest trends in
fashion for men, and we saw men happily following the
them without feeling conscious about themselves. Five
of the latest trends in fashion for men which have really
gone out of the way are highlighted below.
Crop Tops are the first amongst the most unusual new men trends. While many
men found it extremely weird, others found this new trend extremely unique and
tried to adapt to it. Crop tops were highly popular among guys who gym regularly
and have developed sexy abs. This men trend is a good way to show them off.
Meggings is a men trend which was never heard of before. Everyone has heard
of Leggings but Meggings is something completely new introduced for men. This is
a hybrid of Jeans and leggings to bring something new to men’s wardrobe.
Lace shirts have come into the men’s market with a bang! You think it’s a
fashion trend for women? Men have brought this men trend with a manly touch.
Nearly transparent shirts, with springy colors give men an absolutely amazing look.
Floral prints have also entered into latest trend in fashion for men this year
and this is by far the most easily adopted and popular fashion of the year. These
shirts are a special hot favorite for summers. With floral prints in unique colors on
light summer fabrics, this fashion trend for men has really made a mark.

Men’s jewelry has entered the men’s market and

made its mark long ago, but this year has brought
uniqueness into it by introducing big chunky pendants,
in unique colors and shapes which are unusual and funky
Latest trends in fashion for men this year has made
a breakthrough which is quite unique and bold. The
challenge now lies upon men to carry these trends in a
way which would make them stand out in a crowd.
Girls will either love it or hate it. You have to convince
them with your bold personal style. Go ahead and dazzle
the world with latest fashion trends for men.
4. Match the words from the text above with their synonyms.

show off, make a breakthrough, fabric, limited, adopt, jewelry

cloth, material, textile, stuff

incomplete, imperfect, partial, restricted, some degree of
trinkets, charms, gemstones, pendants, chokers
make headway, make progress, achieve something
boast, display, parade, sing your own praises, flaunt
embrace, take on board, take on, accept, assume, take up

5. Translate the sentences into English using the words and word combinations
from the text above.

1. Мода развивается довольно динамично. За последние несколько лет на

рынке был представлен целый ряд аксессуаров для женщин и мужчин.
2. Дизайнеры коллекций этого сезона не ограничились только новыми
цветами и материалами для своей коллекции, они также удивили своих
поклонников невероятно неожиданными формами, оформлением и
размерами аксессуаров.
3. Можно сказать, что сегодня мужчины следят за модой так же
внимательно, как и женщины.
4. Модные тенденции для мужчин стали невероятно популярны среди
мужчин всех возрастов. Мужчины более смело перенимают мужские
тенденции моды.

5. Довольно скоро мужской гардероб пополнится новыми деталями и

аксессуарами, предложенными итальянскими и французскими
6. Авторы коллекции считают, что эти незначительные детали помогут
мужчинам чувствовать себя более уверенно и выделяться из толпы.

6. Watch teacher’s presentations for men’s clothes and make a word-boxes

containing topic’s active vocabulary yourself. Watching illustrations to clothing
items make sketches of your own for you to learn the material easier.

7. Listen to the first 6 min 30 sec of the audio item A Sharp Dressed Man and do
the tasks below.

a) fill in the gaps

 “Hey, everyone in my college class, none of them dressed sharp. I am an older
student though so __________________________ is should I be dressing a
bit nicer or should I dress down to the way everyone else is dressed?”
 Dressing sharp… It doesn’t matter how old you are. It doesn’t really matter
what situation you’re in. I think _________________ in your appearance is
important, whether you are a blue-collar worker, you’re a white-collar worker,
you’re a student, you’re a ___________________.
 Most of the time we look at somebody we make snap decisions. We have ideas
in our mind of what a __________________________ looks like or
__________________________ or what a professional athlete looks like.
And if we ever meet somebody and they kind of ____________________, it’s
a bit surprising.

b) continue the sentences

 So the FBI did a study and they took two different groups of agents. They put
them in two separate rooms. They gave them the same problem. And both
groups came up with entirely different scenarios of how they would rescue
the hostage, that was the actual problem. And the only thing that changed, and
this was done doing number of random samples, _____________________
 There is a transformation effect. So if you’re not feeling good, – the women
know this, they actually don’t dress sharp whenever they’re not feeling great,
because they know that dressing better, dressing to a higher degree
 Usually the difference is, the guy that look sharp, he’s wearing very similar
clothing but he’s making sure that it fits him, that it’s clean, that it’s free from
stains. Little things like that make a huge difference. _______________
 Because if you look at, you know, some of the top militaries in the world, look
the British Special Forces, United States Special Forces, you meet with the
professional soldier, what does he pay attention to? His uniform, his gear
because he realizes _______________________. And it’s a simple reflection
of who he is _________________________________________.

c) put T if the statement is true and F if it’s false

 If you are old, you shouldn’t dress sharp.
 We don’t talk to most people we see every day and but make split-second
decisions about them based on how they dressed.
 We have this no idea of what someone in a certain type of area of society
looks like.
 What you wear can’t determine how you’re going to behave.
 If you’re going to dress sharp, you need to have the discipline to make sure
that your wardrobe is going to work.

d) listen to the rest of the audio item and answer the questions
1. How dressing sharp affects a person? What is transformation effect?
2. How is dressing sharp connected to self-discipline?
3. Why does one gain appreciation and respect by dressing sharp?
4. How dressing sharp affects others? What is the power of visuals?
5. Do you agree that first impressions are formed before you open your mouth?
6. Can you control people’s stereotypes, backgrounds and what they’re going to
think? Can you affect how people judge you by the way you dress?

8. Translate the text into English.

Говорят, мужской гардероб порой представляет собой собрание вещей,
объединенных общей тенденцией аскетичности и сдержанности, но это не
совсем так. Сегодня мужская мода - полноправный участник фэшн-процессов,
а шкафы сильной половины человечества заполнены интересными вещами.
Мужчинам не чуждо
стремление к элегантности и
четко выверенному стилю, вот
почему мировые модные дома
предлагают все более
раскрепощенные и креативные
коллекции для мужчин. Не
потеряться среди разнообразия
новинок помогают хороший вкус
и следование незыблемым правилам подбора гардероба мужчины, уверенного
в себе.
Если женщинам свойственно постоянно менять образы, то для мужчины
важно оставаться самим собой. Поэтому и его одежда должна отражать
внутренний настрой. Не стоит слишком усердствовать над образом. Легкая
небрежность и спонтанность аксессуаров только придадут привлекательности.
Каждый человек знает, что база его гардероба - это пиджак и обувь. Имея
идеально подобранный пиджак и изысканные ботинки, можно быть
уверенным в корректности имиджа. Этот тандем собирает воедино весь образ,
скрывая недостатки.
Мужские костюмы –
незаменимая часть гардероба
любого мужчины. Хорошо
скроенный, идеально
подогнанный по фигуре костюм,
качественные ткани и фурнитура,
универсальные цвета - черный и
темно-синий – помогут изменить
самого невзрачного, а вернее,
неуверенного в собственной
привлекательности мужчину. Мужской костюм можно подобрать на все
случаи жизни. Стильный, неформально скроенный - для повседневной носки,
подчеркнуто элегантный - для покорения карьерных высот, классический - для
парадного выхода, выполненный на пике модных тенденций - для

Для того, чтобы понять, что

такое мода и для чего она нужна,
необходимо провести экскурс в
прошлое и оглянуться на историю
мира моды. Мода - это искусство,
религия и труд, заключающиеся в
выражении таланта и внутреннего
мира человека. Это словно
заглянуть в личность человека, увидев в нем частички моды. Это игривость и
для многих - праздник для глаз. Но в конечном счете, мода является
индивидуальным средством выражения, различным для каждого из нас. Ее
можно определить, не только судя по одежде, но и по поведению. Но если
отстраниться на секунду от творческого подхода и посмотреть на вещи со
стороны, то будет ясно, для чего нужна мода. В итоге, мода - это большой
бизнес. Очень много людей участвуют в покупках, продажах и производстве
одежды, чем в любой другой сфере деятельности. Ежедневно миллионы
рабочих шьют, клеят, красят одежду и транспортируют в торговые центры,
рынки, бутики и другие торговые точки. Реклама на транспортах, рекламных
щитах и в журналах дают нам представление о том, что носить и как носить,
что модно в этом сезоне.

Part 3
1. Study the word-box below. Use dictionary if you need.
coats jackets
cape coat, capelet coat, car coat, duffle blouson jacket, band jacket, denim
coat, frock coat, pea coat, princess coat, jacket, zip up hoodie, puffer, american
quilted parka, reefer coat, swing coat, college jacket, anorak jacket, jogging
double breasted trench, single breasted jacket, aviator jacket, pilot jacket, ski
trench, wrap coat, chesterfield coat, jacket, perfecto jacket, jean jacket,
redingote coat, topcoat, raglan coat, bolero jacket, spencer jacket, vest,
oilskins, fur coat, inverness coat, bolero vest, tuxedo jacket, suit jacket,
mantle, poncho, peacoat, biker, working jacket, tailored jacket, dinner
babydoll coat, military coat jacket, white/black tie jacket,
double/single breasted jacket, smoking
jacket, mess jacket, blazer jacket,
chanel suit jacket

trousers skirts
straight trousers, skinny trousers, boot-
straight skirt, pencil skirt, A-line skirt,
cut trousers, flare trousers, wide legbox pleated skirt, fly skirt, sheath skirt,
trousers, pegged trousers, stirrup fix box pleat skirt, 8/6/4 panel skirt, fall
trousers, 5-pocket jeans, bush pants, skirt, dirndl skirt, waist pleat skirt, hip
cargo pants, sailor pants, jodhpurs, hot
pleat skirt, bias cut skirt, godet skirt,
pants, short trousers, sweat pants, harem
tulip skirt, trumpet skirt, sarong skirt,
trousers, palazzo trousers,
gypsy skirt, tiered skirt, gore skirt,
carpenter/overall, jumpsuit trousers, handkerchief skirt, asymmetrical skirt,
knickerbockers (semi) circle skirt, peplum skirt, skirt
with yoke, puckered skirt, wrap around
skirt, sunray pleat skirt, accordion pleat
skirt, suit skirt, flounced skirt, draped
skirt, pant skirt, knife pleat skirt
shorts dresses
hot pants, daisy dukes, short shorts, shirt waist dress, jumper dress, draped
regular, Bermuda, culottes, gauchos, dress, wrap-over dress, shirt dress,
pedal-pushers, capris tunic, sheath dress, coat dress, empire
waist dress, strapless dress, trapeze
dress, polo dress, princess dress, drop
waist dress, sundress

Watch teacher’s presentations and make sketches of clothing items.

2. Watch the video item Ladies’ Day at Royal Ascot. Underline the words which
were mentioned in the video:

High fashion, Ladies Day, stylish, glamorous, Giorgio Armani, colorful, to be

determined to, lipstick, to dress in one’s best, hats, handbag, frock, bright, models,
extravagant, high heels, style, biscuit, stiletto shoes, dress, miniskirts, fashion, shoes,
sleeveless dress, royal blue, skirts, girls, event, creative outfit, make up, to be talked
about, celebrity

3. Translate the given text into English

Модный гардероб: выбираем платье

Ни для кого не секрет, что у каждой женщины
должно быть платье классического покроя.
Независимо от тенденций и направлений в моде –
это бесспорный "must-have" в гардеробе модной
женщины. Такое платье подходит на все случаи
жизни: при дополнении нарядной обувью и
аксессуарами получается вечерний наряд, в
сочетании с леггинсами и обувью с плоской
подошвой - наряд для отдыха с друзьями, в
сочетании со строгой обувью и дополненное
пиджаком - получаем офисный вариант одежды. Это
платье не просто универсально, оно подходит на все
случаи жизни. И много платьев в гардеробе не бывает, ведь разные силуэты,
крой и материалы делают каждое платье уникальным и изменяют образ
женщины до неузнаваемости.
Что надо учитывать при выборе платья, чтобы на каждой женщине оно
выглядело шикарно, независимо от телосложения и особенностей фигуры?
Независимо от того, классический это вариант или экстравагантный,
главное – правильно подобрать фасон и силуэт. Женщинам с удлиненной
талией и средним или небольшим бюстом прекрасно подойдет платье-чехол
на бретелях длиной выше колена. Женщинам с широкими плечами стоит
присмотреть платье с воротником-стойкой или американским вырезом.
Девушки, которых природа наделила длинными и стройными ногами, могут
подбирать короткие фасоны платьев и комбинировать их с сапожками или
балетками на плоской подошве. Для создания романтического образа
подойдут платья с рукавами-фонариками или подплечниками, которое к тому
же скорректирует узкие плечи и визуально сделает талию уже. Женщинам,
которые не могут похвастаться идеальной талией, подойдут платья длины
миди из струящихся тканей без строгих линий в силуэте. Предпочтение
следует отдать полуприлегающим моделям или платьям с расклешенным
низом. Для акцентирования талии можно воспользоваться широким поясом,
особенно актуально смотрится пояс с большой декорированной пряжкой, а для
нарядного варианта подойдут лаковые пояса или расшитые пайетками,
бисером и так далее. В сочетании с туфлями на шпильках и подобранным
клатчем вы будете неотразимы на любой вечеринке. Для худощавых девушек
подойдут объемные платья с воланами или платья в стиле ампир.

4. Put the types of shorts due to their length.

short shorts, culottes, hot pants, gauchos, pedal-pushers, capris,

daisy dukes, Bermuda, regular

5. Name the dresses in the pictures due to their types.


6. Read the text below. Translate underlined words.

The Busy Girl’s Guide to every style of pants
and how to wear them correctly
Tapered pants
Definition: Somewhere in between skinny pants and
straight cut pants, tapered pants feature a normal fit from the
waist to the thighs, and only get narrower past the knee to the
ankle. They are sometimes called peg legged pants.
Pair with: We love these style of pants as they are equal
parts comfortable and stylish! Opt for a pair in a luxe material
like satin to make your look day-to-night, and pair with
strappy sandals and close-fitting top that does not go past the
waist line. For formal work settings, look for a pair that has pleated detailing down the
front and made of a stiffer material. As these pants cut around the ankle, make sure your
footwear is on point!

Sailor pants
Definition: Originally part of the uniform of navy men
(hence its name), these pants are now super trendy and
usually feature a high waist with a series of buttons in the
front, and can have wide or narrow legs.
Pair with: Embrace the whole nautical vibe and pair
white sailor pants with a boat-neck striped top for that
summer-on-the-Rivera look, complete with the trending
straw bags and oversized sunnies. Otherwise, a darker pair
looks super sharp with tailored shirts, or a t-shirt and blazer combo.

Dungarees (overalls)
Definition: Sometimes also called carpenter pants or
overalls, this style of pants are trousers that have a bib
attached to the front, and attaches at the back with 2
adjustable straps. They were traditionally made from thicker
materials as they were worn by manual labourers, but can be
found in everything from cotton to chambray today.
Pair with: For our warmer climate, we recommend
wearing these with a sleeveless top under, or a cropped t-shirt
with a neckline that rises above the top of the bib. For colder
temperatures, we love pairing our dungarees with cable knit
sweaters and turtlenecks. This style of pants can be quite boy-ish, so balance it with a pair
of feminine footwear like heeled pumps or sandals.

Flare pants
Definition: Sometimes called bell bottoms, this style of
pants was super-hot in the 70’s, and are actually making a
major comeback these days! This style of pants is fitted at the
waist and hips and flare very dramatically from the knee.
Pair with: There are 2 ways you can go about this. You
can either balance your overall silhouette with a sleeveless,
ruffled top or opt for a simple, fitted t-shirt or blouse. Flare
pants are available in many materials, but the most common is denim, which tends to lend
a more casual vibe to your look, so you might want to leave this for casual Fridays or the

Palazzo pants
Definition: A style of totally-loose pants that flares from
the waist itself – the complete opposite of leggings or skinny
jeans. They come in many fabrics and prints and have
wonderful movement, lending your entire look a natural touch
of drama.
Pair with: Not all tops go with these pants as they are so
voluminous. You’ll want to keep your tops close fitted, and if
the occasion allows, showing some skin with drop-sleeved
camisoles or cropped tops helps to balance out all that material. These pants tend to reach
all the way down to the floor, so most styles of shoes will work as they can’t really be seen

Culottes pants
Definition: A style of pants that give the illusion of
being a skirt, thanks to its voluminous legs. The hemline can
end anywhere from just below the knee to above the ankle.
Some styles feature pleating on the legs.
Pair with: Nothing looks better than a pair of culottes
styled with strappy, barely-there heeled sandals, or for an
edgier look, a pair of flat gladiator sandals. Suitable for both
work and play, you can easily transform your look simply by swapping out your top – a
cropped, off-shoulder top for Sunday brunch and a sleeveless, button-down for the

Cigarette pants
Definition: A style of pants with very straight and
narrow legs that typically graze the ankle. Sometimes called
skinny, drainpipe or stovepipe pants, this style was made
popular by Audrey Hepburn and has seen a revival in the
recent years.

Pair with: This super chic pair of pants are almost designed to show off your fabulous
footwear, be it edgy Oxfords in metallics or a pair of heeled pumps in a contrasting colour
from your pants. If the Audrey Hepburn look is what you’re after, pair with ballet flats, a
crisp white shirt, a strand of pearls and a chic updo. For a night out, pair with a cropped
top, a sleek clutch and don’t forget to accessorise.

Straight cut pants

Definition: These pants have straight legs that fall in a
straight line from the waist to the ankles. They aren’t as tight
as cigarette pants and are flattering for almost all body types.
Pair with: Elongate your legs by pairing your flattering
straight cut pants with any shoes that have some height to
them, from ankle boots to sky-high stilettos. If you are
already blessed with longer gams, this style of pants also
works beautifully with ballet flats and sandals. They have a very versatile silhouette, so
you can pair them with almost any style of top (just remember to tuck it in if you are more

Low rise pants

Definition: Starting from anywhere just below the
below button to below your hip bones, low rise pants were
super big in the 90’s, especially paired with cropped tops.
You can find them in straight cut, boyfriend, wide legged and
skinny variations.
Pair with: Petite women, low rise pants are your best
friends as they help give the illusion of a longer torso. Pair
them with a top that just grazes the top of your waistline, and if you want to show off yoga-
toned abs, pair with a cropped top and a jacket or shirt over to balance the amount of skin
you are showing.

Cargo pants
Definition: Loose-fitting, casual pants that have large
pockets on both sides of the thighs. These pants are usually
made from khaki or a similarly rugged material as they were
originally designed for military purposes. Sometimes also
called combat pants.
Wear with: Definitely channel Angelina Jolie in Tomb
Raider with these pants! Opt for a pair with a slightly slimmer
leg and offset the naturally masculine nature of this style with
a pair of strappy stilettos. Finish your look with a well-tailored shirt for more formal
settings, or a plain white t-shirt for some serious model off-duty vibes. Don’t forget the
oversized sunnies.

Boot cut pants

Definition: These pants taper to the knee and flare out
gently toward the ankle in order to. It is named as such as the
design of these style of pants is meant to accommodate
Wear with: This flattering style of pants go with
basically any kind of footwear, but we recommend pairing
them with something with height so as to elongate your legs
– think anything from pointed pumps, boots or strappy heels.
Bomber and cropped jackets are particularly good with this style of pants as they tend to
fall just at the top of the waistline, which makes your torso look longer.

Jogger pants
Definition: Originally a variation of sweatpants, joggers
are a casual style of pants that were made for athletic
purposes. However, with the rise of athleisure, designers have
reintroduced the pants in all sorts of materials, from satin to
canvas to denim. The typically have a tapered cut and
elasticated cuffs at the ankles.
Pair with: Make like all the “it girls” are and juxtapose
your joggers with a pair of barely-there strappy stiletto
sandals. To make them office-appropriate, pair with a smart shirt or throw on a blazer.
Casual weekends call for you to pair them with the latest kicks, and a well-made but simple
t-shirt for an off-duty look.

Jodphur pants
Definition: Full-length pants traditionally worn for
horse riding. They are close-fitting below the knee and
usually have reinforced patches on the inside of the leg. Many
designers have offered their modern interpretation of these
pants, making them suitable for everyday wear as well.
Pair with: High street versions of these pants don’t look
out of place at all, and sort of resemble a skinny-meets-harem
pants hybrid that gives off an effortlessly cool, slouchy vibe.
Pair with a tailored shirt and heels for more formal occasions, and a simple t-shirt or tank
top for casual settings. Tip: we love these pants for traveling as they are comfortable and
have pockets.

High waisted pants

Definition: Pants with a waistline that start from several inches above your navel.
High waist pants were super popular several years ago, and we don’t see this trend dying
down anytime soon! The legs can be anything from flared to super skinny.

Pair with: We love this style of pants as they accentuate

your waist and helps you effortlessly achieve an hourglass
shape. For a night out, go for something cropped and allow a
sliver of skin to peek through, or pair with a sheer, lacy
camisole. For the office, we love high waist paper bag pants
with a turtleneck or a smart blouse with pleated or ruffle

Harem pants
Definition: These pants gather at the ankles with either
an elasticated or tailored band, with the rest of the pants being
typically voluminous and with a drop crotch. Think Princess
Jasmine in Aladdin, or at the last yoga retreat you were at.
Pair with: With some exceptions, harem pants are
usually casual, and tend to have a sort of bohemian, hippie
vibe about them. We love these for casual weekends with
friends, on beach vacations or festivals. With all that volume,
you should ensure that your tops don’t fall below the waist of
the pants, and should be more fitted so as to balance out your silhouette.

Frilly hemmed pants

Definition: One of the latest styles to emerge in the last
few years, frilly hemmed pants are exactly as their name
suggests: a pair of pants that have ruffles at the hemline
instead of the traditional straight, clean cut.
Pair with: Fun and fresh, treat frilly hemmed pants like
you would for normal pants; just bear in mind the frills will
add a feminine touch to your overall look. We like them with
a plain, soft t-shirt and mules for that off-duty look for
weekends, and a smart blouse and heels for the office.

7. Answer the questions to the text above.

o Retell in a short what is the best to wear with each style of pants.
o What style is your favorite? Why?
o What pants you would never wear and why?
o What pants do you wear today/ yesterday?
o What do you think about bright colours and bold patterns in trousers?

Part 4
1. Look at the pictures and say for what occasions these looks are appropriate
for, what they consist of. Answer the questions.

o What would you wear to job interview?

o Would you wear a wedding dress to the white tie event or any other party
except wedding?
o What do you think of sport style as everyday clothing? Would you wear sport
clothing to university/ office/ cocktail party/ night club?
o What is better to wear at the date? What would be the worst choice?
o Pants or skirt? What are pros and cons of each?
o What do you think of mixing styles like dress and snickers etc.?

2. Watch the video item Brits vs Americans – Clothing Words and do the tasks.

a) Fill the table in.

fanny pack
costume party
swimming costume

b) Mark the sentences below as true (T) or false (F).

1. Pants is also a soft swear word in the USA.
2. Sneakers got their name from their rubber sole.
3. Sneakers are also referred to as tennis shoes in America because they were
used by wealthy people to play tennis.
4. If you are British and someone invites you to a fancy dress party, you’ll
normally wear a tuxedo or a gown.
5. Sweater was given that name because it was believed that intense sweating
would lead to weight loss.
6. If you shop for suspenders in the USA, you’ll probably get what you’re
looking for.
7. A waistcoat is a belt in America.
3. Read the text paying attention to the words in bold.


If you’ve looked at your closet and felt like you are ready for a shopping
spree, it’s time to get inspired by the best street style from the fashion
capitals. From classic pieces with an updated twist to fresh tailoring, there’s
a myriad of looks for everyone’s personal style. Get ready to update your
wardrobe with these coolest fashion trends spotted at Spring/Summer 2020
fashion weeks.

1. Shoes Worn Over Pants

Whether you’re walking to the office or
having brunch with friends, you can wrap a
pair of strappy heels around the ankle of your
cigarette pants, jeans, or slacks. Complete the
look with a matching jacket, coat, or an off-
the-shoulder blouse. This is a refreshing take
on a classic style that is sure to turn heads!

2. Oversized Victorian Sleeves

Take it back to the 19th century with the
Victorian-inspired sleeves. Its oversized
shape creates the illusion of a slimmer waist
and adds an instant feminine touch to your
ensemble. Opt for soft colors during spring, or
unleash your inner gothic princess in black or
grey. It is also a great time to pull out your
vintage ‘80s puff sleeve looks – it’s a style that keeps coming back!

3. Chunky Boots with Feminine Dresses

Grunge is back in a big way with these
feminine dresses and chunky boots. Whether
you’re a fan of bold patterns or you prefer
block colors, a maxi with a cinched waist is
an easy way to show off your girly side. Pair
it with combat boots, and you’ll be ready for
anything! This is a ’90s authentic, so don’t be
afraid to mix things up and have some fun!

4. Maxi Faux Leather Coats

When the temperature drops, keep
yourself warm and toasty in a faux leather
coat. If you prefer to look sleek and high
fashion or funky with a grunge twist, these
long-line pieces are perfect for you. Switch
things up by rocking a bold color like red or
emerald, or knock everyone out of the park in
an all-black ensemble. This is another ’90s staple that just got a fresh upgrade, so
why not give it a try this winter?

5. Pastel Bucket Hats

Block out the sun and do it in style with
a pastel bucket hat. This cute and trendy
accessory looks impressive during any season
of the year and is so versatile that you can
wear it with almost anything. From a zesty
lemon to a light beige, these soft shades are
the most timeless options for a fantastic outfit!

6. Faux Leather Jumpsuits and Boilersuits

Elevate your entire wardrobe by rocking
a pleather jumpsuit. These versatile and
edgy one-pieces act as a whole outfit from one
garment, and are so cute that you can wear
them to any event! Unleash your inner Barbie
with an all-pink getup, or channel a biker-
chic aesthetic by keeping it cool in black.
Complete the look with a belt bag and stunning boots or sandals, and you’ll rule the

7. Matching Printed Tops and Stockings

Keep it consistent with a pair of
matching tops and stockings. No matter what
your style is – from girly to punk – you can
rock a cool pattern with confidence. Stand out
from the crowd in varying shades of print, or
streamline your entire ensemble with the one
tone. It’s an easy way to create a memorable
and sleek outfit.
8. Square-Toed Heels
Put a twist on the traditional heel with a
square-toe style. While it still lengthens your
legs, it adds a special touch to your ensemble
in a unique way. Keep your feet free with
sandals or transition into the colder months
with a pair of ankle booties. It is a funky and
fresh way to complete an outfit, any time of
the year.

9. Bucket-Style Bags
Secure your products in style in a
bucket bag. Originated by Louis Vuitton in
1932 to keep champagne fresh, now they’re
the hottest accessory trend. With a long
body and round shape, these handbags offer a
lot of room, and they’re incredibly cute.
Match the shade to the rest of your outfit, or
make a statement by wearing a completely different color. It’s easy to complete an
ensemble with this style, and its practical too.

10. Oversized Gold Chain Necklaces

This is a trend that never goes out of
fashion – the gold chain necklace. This
season, opt for an oversized style to your
ensemble. These accessories compliment any
outfit, no matter where you’re headed. Wear it
alone or with a collection of other jewels, and
you won’t need anything else. You could even
rock it with two or more chains for a dramatic twist.
4. Study the word box below. Use a dictionary if you need.
ladies’ shoes men’s shoes
pump, cone, peep toe, open toe, stiletto, oxford, derby, monk strap, loafer, dress boots,
slingback, kitten, chunky, spool, platform, chukka, Chelsea, opera pump, desert,
mary jane, T-strap, d’orsay, wedge, scarpin, dockside, moccasin, bicolor, winkle picker
ankle strap, ruby slipper, lobster claw,
ballerina, slip-on, clog, espadrilla, mule, flip-
flop, wellingtone, country, frye
bags hats
backpack, baguette, hobo, messenger, barrel, baseball, fedora, bawler, newsboy, cocktail,
minaudiere, bucket, quilted, clutch, saddle, trapper, fascinator, beret, homburg, cloche,
doctor, satchel, duffle/sea, shopper, flap, tote, pillbox, deerstalker, beanie, boater, bucket,
frame, wristlet panama, cowboy, visor
wallets watches
check wallet, front pocket, travel wallet, quartz, mechanical, automatic; dress watch,
money bag, bi-fold wallet, zip around chronograph, digital, bracelet, casual, dive
watch, smart watch, pocket watch
bracelets rings earings necklace
bangle, wristwatch, band, tension, pierced, drop, lobe, (locket) pendant,
beaded, tennis, cuff eternity, triple, hoop, dangle, chain graduated necklace,
gemstone, multiple solitaire, charm, ear cuff; collar, choker,
strands, charm college, spoon solitaire necklace, Y-
necklace, esclavage

Watch teacher’s presentations and make sketches of accessories with notes.

5. Learn the lengths of the necklaces, find the translation or Russian equivalent
to each.

6. Watch the video item Women's Handbags as Status Symbols and do the tasks.
a) Fill in the gaps
1. _________ and _________ are
favourite of fashionistas.
2. One of the most popular department
is called a ________.
3. Treasure trove of _______________,
_____________ and
_______________ that opened last
year to cater to the growing demand.
4. So what is about _____________
that makes ______________ heart
5. Among the first it-bags id Effendi’s
______________ and the Luis
Vuitton _____________.
6. Equally iconic is the
launched by French luxury brand MS.
7. The more exclusive and exotic the __________________ the less of it is

b) Mark the sentences below as true (T) or false (F)

1. We have only celebrities customers, some of them even stick to just one label.
2. Every day 180 000 people visit the luxury Costas festoons department store
in Berlin.
3. One factor is that purses like shoes have nothing to do with your figure.
4. Every month fashion Bibles like Vogue promote it-bags.
5. The Bavarian National Museum in Munich is currently hosting an exhibition
about the history of the handbags.
6. Documenting over 5000 years of handbags the show is packing in the crowds
and has already been extended.
7. But in the course of the 18th century bags became very much a women’s

c) Answer the questions

o Do you agree with the statement that bag is a woman’s status symbol? Are
bags that important?
o What types of bags did you see in the video item? What famous bags styles
were mentioned?
o What bags do you prefer? What’s more important for you – outer look of the
bag or it’s functionality?

7. Describe the outfits in the pictures teacher will show you. Name clothing
items and accessories, their style, colour, type of print, material they are made
8. Tell to the group what you are wearing right now, what you wore yesterday
and what you plan to wear tomorrow.

9. Look at the pictures and study the parts of the boots.

Watch different types of shoes and try to find all the parts shown in the pictures.
10. Take 3 minutes to revise all the vocabulary to get prepared to the test.

Word list
5-pocket jeans chain duffle coat
accordion pleat skirt chanel suit jacket duffle/sea bag
A-line skirt charm ear cuff
american college jacket charm band earings
ankle strap check wallet empire waist dress
anorak jacket Chelsea esclavage
asymmetrical skirt chesterfield coat espadrille
automatic choker eternity
aviator jacket chronograph extravagant
babydoll coat chukka fall skirt
backpack chunky fascinator
baguette circle skirt fashion
ballerina cloche fedora hat
band jacket clog fix box pleat skirt
bangle clutch flare trousers
barrel coat dress flip-flop
baseball cocktail flounced skirt
bathing costume collar fly skirt
bathing suit college frame bag
bathrobe cone frock
bawler corselet frock coat
beaded country front pocket
beanie cowboy frye
beret creative outfit fur coat
Bermuda cuff gemstone garter
bias cut skirt culottes gauchos
bicolor Cutty Sark girdle
bi-fold wallet d’orsay godet skirt
biker daisy dukes gore skirt
blazer jacket dangle graduated necklace
blouson jacket deerstalker gypsy skirt
boater denim jacket half-slip
bolero jacket derby shoes handbag
bolero vest desert shoes handkerchief skirt
boot-cut trousers digital watch harem trousers
box pleated skirt dinner jacket high heels
boxers dirndl skirt hip pleat skirt
bra dive watch hobo bag
bracelet dockside homburg hat
briefs doctor bag homewear
bucket double breasted jacket hoop
bush pants double breasted trench hot pants
cape coat draped dress housecoat
capelet coat draped skirt inverness coat
capris drawers jammers
car coat dress boots jean jacket
cargo pants dress watch jersey
carpenter drop earings jodhpurs
casual drop waist dress jogging jacket
jogging suit pillbox solitaire
jumper dress pilot jacket solitaire necklace
jumpsuit trousers platform spencer jacket
kitten pocket watches spool
knickerbockers polo dress spoon
knickers poncho sportwear
knife pleat skirt Pretties square-cut shorts
ladies’ shoes princess coat stiletto shoes
leggings princess dress stirrup trousers
leotard puckered skirt stockings
loafer puffer straight skirt
lobe earrings pump straight trousers
lobster claw quartz watches strapless dress
mantle quilted parka suit jacket
mary-jane shoes raglan coat suit skirt
mechanical watch redingote coat sundress
men’s shoes reefer coat sunray pleat skirt
Merry Widow rings sweat pants
mess jacket robe sweatsuit
messenger royal blue swim briefs
military coat ruby slipper swim shirt
minaudiere sailor pants swimsuit
miniskirts sarong skirt swimwear
moccasin satchel swing coat
money bag scarpin tailored jacket
monk strap sheath dress tap pants
mule sheath skirt tennis
multiple strands shell suit tension
necklace shin guard terry-cloth robe
newsboy hat shin pad tiered skirt
nightgown shirt dress tights
oilskins shirt waist dress to dress in one’s best
open toe shopper topcoat
opera pump short shorts tote
overall short trousers tracksuit
oxford shoulder pad trapeze dress
Pajamas silks trapper
palazzo trousers single breasted trench travel wallet
panama singlet tricot
panel skirt ski jacket triple
pant skirt skinny trousers trumpet skirt
panties sleep shirt trunks
pantyhose sleepwear T-strap
pea coat sleeveless dress tulip skirt
pedal-pushers slingback tunic
peep toe slip tuxedo jacket
pegged trousers slip-on underdrawers
pencil skirt slippers underpants
pendant slouch socks undershirt
peplum skirt smart watch underwear
perfecto jacket smoking jacket union suit
pierced earrings socks unitard
unmentionables wellingtone wrap-over dress
vest wetsuit wristlet
visor white tie jacket wristwatch
waist pleat skirt wide leg trousers Y-necklace
wallets winkle picker yoke
warm-ups working jacket zip around
watches wrap around skirt zip up hoodie
wedge wrap coat

Visual Section 2

Proverb. Saying. Quotation. Statement.

1) What is what?
Proverb – is a firm logical judgment that is instructive in nature.
ex. A bad workman always blames his tools.
Good things come to those who wait.
The show must go on.
You can’t always get what you want.
You can’t unscramble a scrambled egg.
Saying – a stable expression that has a direct meaning and applies only to a specific
ex. Flog a dead horse.
Straddle the fence.
All of a sudden.
When shrimps learn to whistle.
As drunk as a fish.
Quotation – is words or phrases that are taken from someone else or from literary
work or the asking price of something. In a direct quotation, the words are reprinted
exactly and placed in quotation marks. In an indirect quotation, the words
are paraphrased and not put in quotation marks.

ex. "Use quotes when a writer says something so well that you could not
possibly capture the idea as well by paraphrasing or summarizing. Quote
when your paraphrase would end up being longer or more confusing than the
original. Quote when the original words carry with them some importance that
helps make a point, such as when the writer is an absolute authority on the
subject . . ..

"Do not, however, fill your research paper with quote after quote. If you do,
your reader is likely to conclude that you really have few or no ideas of your

own on the subject or that you have not studied and understood the subject
well enough to begin to form your own opinions." (Dawn Rodrigues and
Raymond J. Rodrigues, The Research Paper: A Guide to Internet and Library
Research, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 2003)

"Poor writers are apt to overuse block quotations . . .. Those who do this
abrogate their duty, namely, to write. Readers tend to skip over single-spaced
mountains of prose . . .. "Especially to be avoided is quoting another writer at
the end of a paragraph or section, a habit infused with laziness. Skillful quoters
subordinate the quoted material to their own prose and use only the most
clearly applicable parts of the previous writing. And even then, they weave it
into their own narrative or analysis, not allowing the quoted to overpower the
quoter." (Bryan Garner, Garner's Modern American Usage. Oxford
University Press, 2003)

"[G]iven that it is only a little more difficult to use the Internet to check fake
quotes than to reproduce them, one wonders: Why don’t the guardians of
Founder purity take that step? Why do fakes proliferate instead of disappear?
"I think the answer is that the myths are so much more satisfying than reality.
In a 1989 study of spurious quotes, They Never Said It, historians Paul F.
Boiler Jr. and John George write that quote fakers 'dream up things that never
happened but which they think should have and then insert them into
history.'" (Thomas Frank, "Check It Yourself." Harper's Magazine, April

Statement – a definite or clear expression of something in speech or writing.

ex. Advances in technology in our life.
The migration of people: is it a problem?
Paper book VS E-Book: what would you choose?
The Internet for studying.
Self-education is not a solution.
2) How to explain?

First, you have to know what topic you’re going to write about. In most situations
you will already know this when you sit down to write. And then, you must start
making an outline:


1- opening sentence = topic + approach

2- ideas connected to the opening sentence
3- details about those ideas
4- closing sentence

When you are happy with the outline, it comes the time to do the writing, and here
you should follow these other 4 steps:

5- write a title
6- organize ideas into paragraphs
7- write the composition
8- correct your composition

ex. 1- topic + approach = opening sentence (O.S.)

The opening sentence will be the first sentence in your composition. It’s very
important because everything you will say in your composition must be connected
with the idea expressed in this sentence and nothing can modify it, contradict it or
say something which is not contained in this opening sentence.

Think of the opening sentence as a little perfume bottle: the topic is the material (the
glass), the approach is the shape of the glass, and all the composition will be the
perfume inside the bottle. If some perfume falls outside the bottle, it will evaporate
(and spoil your composition).

Think of a word or several words that will identify the topic. Think of a word or
several words that will identify the approach. The topic is what your composition is
about. Your approach is usually what your opinion about the topic is, or just the way
you see it, or what you want to say about that topic. When you have the topic and
the approach, write the opening sentence with both ideas.

Topic- Life in a village

Approach- better than cities
Opening sentence- Nowadays, most people prefer living in cities, but I
prefer to live in a village because life there is much better and healthy.

Another example of O.S.- Life in a village is very different from life in the
city. (topic: life in a village / approach: different from city)

2- ideas (points) connected to the opening sentence


Think of several ideas deriving or connecting

to the opening sentence (both the topic and the approach). Remember that these ideas
must explain, expand, support or prove the opening sentence, and none of these ideas
may modify or contradict it. All these ideas must express what you said in the
opening sentence, so don’t talk about things which are not directly connected with
it. For example, don’t talk about a point (an idea) which is connected to another point
in the composition, but not directly connected to the opening sentence (disgression).

Example of good points:

 no pollution
 people know each other
 friendly people
 contact with nature
 life is cheaper

Example of bad points:

 I live in Rome (not relevant to the O.S.)

 Villages in the south of Spain are bigger than in the north (wrong, we must
compare life in the village with life in the city, not comparing different
 Last year I visited a very beautiful village (not relevant to the O.S.)
 Night life is boring (it contradicts the O.S. unless you compensate this with a
 People gossip and are nosy and messes with your life (modifies or
contradicts the idea in the O.S.)
 In the 14th century many villages were created (who cares? We’re not talking
about history)
 My friend Tom lives in a village (not relevant, unless you use Tom’s opinion
to support yours)
 My friend Tom, from a village, is very friendly (digression: this idea is not
directly connected with the O.S.. It is directly connected to the point
“friendly people” and only indirectly connected to the O.S., so it’s no good)

3- details about the points

Each point is the seed of a future paragraph (or section or chapter, if it is a long
writing). For every point, think of a few details to explain that idea.

Example: - friendly people

 people help you

 people talk to you in the streets
 people invite you to a drink in the bars

4- closing sentence

The closing sentence is also very important

because it must leave your composition closed, finished, so that you can’t say
anything else after it. If the opening sentence is the bottle of perfume and the ideas
(and details) are the perfume, then the closing sentence is the cap: If there is no cap,
the perfume will evaporate and be wasted. An open composition is a piece of
unfinished work, and not complete. There are many ways of closing a composition,
but the most usual ones are:

1- a restatement of the opening sentence (you say the same idea but using different
words) Example: There’s no doubt about it: life in a village is much better than life
in a city.

2- a summary of the points (ideas). Example: With a cheaper life, a close contact
with nature, a healthy environment and surrounded by nice people, villages are the
ideal place to live.

3- a look to the future. Example: I really think I should leave the city and look for
a nice house in a village as soon as possible.

4- a related thought that grows out of the body (usually a conclusion from the
points). Example: That’s why our urban societies are more efficient, but its people
are less human.

5- mixed type (a combination of several types of conclusions) Example: That’s why

I’m planning to move to a village, because life there is much better than in the
cities (type 3 + type 1, even the whole sentence can be an example of type 4)

So if you follow this advice, you will find that writing turns easier and the results
are much better than when you simply sit and write. Just remember the bottle of

 The glass: The opening sentence. Your first sentence, which will contain all the
ideas of your piece of writing inside.
 The perfume: All the things you have to say. Don’t let even a drop fall outside the
 The cap: The last sentence in your composition. The one that will close it and
make it a finished piece of work.

List of Commonly Used Linking Words

Function Coordinators Subordinators Transitions

Link independent Link an independent clause with a Link independent clauses within a
clauses within a dependent clause or phrase within a sentence.
sentence. sentence.
Link sentences within a paragraph.
Punctuation Use a comma When the dependent clause is at When the transition begins the
before a the beginning of the sentence, it sentence, it should be followed by
coordinator: should be followed by a comma: a comma:
I researched the After I researched the topic, I First, I researched the topic.
topic, and I created the presentation. Then, I created the presentation.
created the
presentation. Do not use a comma when the When the transition connects two
dependent clause is at the end of independent clauses, a semi-colon
the sentence: comes before it and a comma
I created the presentation after I follows it:
researched the topic. I researched the topic; afterwards,
I created the presentation.
Showing  And  Before  Afterward(s)
time,  As  At first
 As long as  Initially
ending  At the same time (as)  Meanwhile
 Every time  Meantime
 Since  Simultaneously
 So long as  Eventually
 The first/second/next/last  Finally
 When
 Whenever
 While

 By the time
 Till
 Until

Showing a  And  After  Next

sequence  As soon as  Subsequently
 Ever since  Then
 Following  Thereafter
 Later  First
 Once  Firstly
 Initially
 To begin
 Next
 Second
 Secondly
 Then
 Third
 Thirdly
 Finally
 Last
 Lastly

Showing  So  In all
conclusion  In summation
 In conclusion
 To conclude

Showing  But  Although  By comparison

contrast  Either …  Despite  By contrast
or  Even though  Conversely
 Yet  In spite of  However
 Instead of  In contrast
 Though  Instead
 Whereas  Nevertheless
 While  Nonetheless
 On the contrary
 On the other hand
 Otherwise

Showing  Neither  In other words

similarity … nor  Likewise
 Either …  Similarly

Adding  And  Additionally

information  Also
 Besides
 Further
 Furthermore
 In addition

 Moreover

Adding  For example

example  For instance
 In particular

Showing  For  As a result of …

cause  Because …
 Due to (the fact that)
 In order to …
 Resulting from …
 Since …

Showing  So  (If) … then  Accordingly,

effect  … resulting in  As a result,
 So …that  Consequently,
 … then  Hence,
 Therefore,
 Thus,

Showing  Even if
condition  If … then
 In case
 Provided that
 Providing
 Unless
 Whether or not

1) Give the explanation of the following proverbs. Open up the main idea of them
and your own.
1. A cat has nine lives.
2. Adversity and loss make a man wise.
3. Better to wear out than to rust out.
4. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
5. Cross the stream where it is shallowest.
6. Discretion is the better part of valor.
7. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
8. Easy come, easy go.

9. Half a loaf is better than none.

10.If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the
2) Translate the following sayings into English and explain their meanings.
1. Сам заварил кашу
2. Копейка рубль бережет
3. Хвост вытащишь – голова увязнет
4. Первый блин — комом
5. Цыплят по осени считают
6. Не обманешь — не продашь
7. С глаз долой — из сердца вон
8. Нет худа без добра
9. Из грязи да в князи
10.Девичье «нет» — не отказ
3) Comment the following quotations.
1. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time
we fall." -Nelson Mandela
2. "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney
3. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be
trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's
thinking." -Steve Jobs
4. "If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor." -
Eleanor Roosevelt
5. "If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at
what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough." -Oprah Winfrey
6. "If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above
everyone else's success." -James Cameron
7. "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." -John Lennon
8. "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without
leaving happier." -Mother Teresa
9. "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." -
Benjamin Franklin
10."It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." –

4) What do you think about these statements?

1. Primary education.
2. Rap: is it a music?
3. Money: a way to live or a goal in life?
4. Radio today.
5. Career or family – one of the most difficult choice.
6. In the future, written exams will no longer exist.
7. Do we need to share our personal experience?
8. A car is a mirror of a driver.
9. Advertising is made more and more appealing to the general public today.
10.Children should not be encouraged to learn about arts.
5) Read the sample below and find the words which are used to introduce a-f below.
a examples
b reasons
c results
d additional information
e purpose
f contrast
We are living in an age of fast-paced development. Thanks to technological
advancements, new inventions are constantly being produced that are supposed to
help us. However, machines are now often chosen over humans as they are more
cost-effective. In spite of this, I completely agree that there are more advantages than
The main argument against using machines is that they take away jobs from
humans. Examples include more cash machines and less staff in banks. In factories,
fewer people are required as the production line becomes more mechanised.
Businesses take these measures because ultimately machines save companies
money. In addition, not only do increased technology and mechanization replace
jobs in the workplace but also in our daily lives. For instance, in the past we would
visit our neighbours and friends, whereas nowadays people either jump in their car
or simply pick up the phone. As a result, we have become less active and problems
linked to this, such as obesity, are on the increase.
However, it has not all been negative. First of all, we have more free time
available from household chores thanks to inventions like washing machines,
vacuum cleaners and dishwashers. This means we should have more time available
for leisure activities and seeing friends and family. Moreover, technology does not

only take obs away from ped actually creates jobs. In order to do these jobs, people
need training which leads to more jobs in education and people having more highly
specialized careers, but the whole process from design to production and sales.
To conclude, although we may do less than in the past, technology has given
us the potential to reach new heights that would not have previously been possible.
We cannot turn back time so we should concentrate our efforts on ensuring that we
all receive a higher level of specialization in the workplace whilst not letting
ourselves become less healthy and active. Are the examples used different or the
same as yours? Remember, there is never just one right way to answer an essay

English picture comparison practice

If you’re taking an exam soon then you probably know that one of the parts to
the oral exam is comparing and contrasting two or three pictures and answering
questions about them.
The best way to practice this skill is to get some photos and start comparing
them. We know it can be difficult to find resources online so we’ve found some for
you and created some practice exercises. We hope these help you with your oral
Before we get started on the practice exercises let’s have a look at some useful
tips about the oral part of the exam first.
You don’t have a lot of time to answer the question and if you take too long,
the examiner will stop you. So the important thing is to remember to start answering
the questions as soon as possible. You can’t spend the first 30 seconds describing
each picture individually because at this level the examiner knows you can describe
things and they want to see your other skills.
Instead of describing the pictures separately, your description should be
comparing them immediately.
For example:

There is a couple in both pictures, in the first one the couple seem happy
together, whereas in the second picture it looks like they might be arguing.
By using both and whereas, I have managed to describe the two pictures and
compare them at the same time.

Remember that you’ll also have to answer some questions about the pictures.
Potential questions for these pictures could be:
 What do you think is happening in these photos?
 How do you think the people might be feeling?
It’s important that you answer these questions and don’t spend too much time
simply describing the pictures. And remember, you’re trying to guess what is
happening in the photos, you don’t know. So remember to use speculative
 It’s possible
 Maybe
 Perhaps
 It looks like
 It seems like
 There could be
 They might have
Let’s practice!
Here are some examples of photos that you might get and questions that you
might be asked.
What have these people been doing?
How do you think they are feeling?

How do you think the people are feeling?

Why do you think they’re feeling that way?

How are these people relaxing?

Why do you think relaxing is important in modern life?

Talk about the different tools being used.

How might this influence farming techniques?

How are the people studying in each photos?

What benefits do you think each type of studying may have?

How are these different people performing?

What do you think they get from performing?

How are these people exercising differently?

What are some of the advantages of exercising with different amounts of

How are these people using different studying techniques?

What benefits do you think each technique would have?

How to practice on your own

The best thing to do would be to find a native speaker who you could practice
with or do mock exams with your teacher. That way the native speaker can give you
feedback that can help you.
Unfortunately that isn’t always the case, and even though they are many
platforms for finding language partners now, it can still be difficult to find them.
So if you have the exam coming up and you need to practice on your own, I
would do the following:
1. Find practice papers, or if you can’t find anymore, then just look for images
around a simple theme and practice comparing them and noting the
2. Time yourself! It’s very important to make sure you’re not spending too much
time describing the photos as you won’t have that much time to speak in the
actual exam
3. Make sure to add in words of comparison and words to show that you’re
talking about possible situations and not concrete facts

4. Think! Have I answered the question? If you haven’t answered both questions
in the given time then you need to try again.
But of course, if possible, try and find a language partner you can practice with.

Useful language:
1. In the first picture I can see... In contrast, people in the second picture...
2. People in the first picture are… , and so do the people in the second picture.
3. One similarity which stands out is that people in both pictures seem to…
4. One thing that picture A and picture B have in common is that...
5. One of the similarities between two pictures is that...
6. The most obvious/important/apparent [ə'pær(ə)nt] similarity/difference (for
me) between … and … is …
7. A striking similarity/ difference is…
8. Picture A and picture B (quite/ very/ really/ really quite) similar/ different,
for example…
9. Picture A and picture B are (quite/ very/ really/ really quite) similar/
different in terms of (на основе; исходя из) …
10. People in both pictures have a lot in common, for example…
11. … and… don’t have much in common, but…
12. There are more similarities than differences between… and… For
13. The main similarity/ difference between… and… is…
14. The only difference/ similarity between… that I can see is…
15. In comparison to…,…
16. Compared to…,…
17. The most apparent difference/ similarity between… and… is…
18. … differs from… in that…
19. Neither… nor…

Учебное пособие

Ковалёва Дарья Леонидовна

Липанова Полина Константиновна

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