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Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан

ЧУ «Академия «Bolashaq»

Кафедра иностранных языков и межкультурной коммуникации

Проректор по УМР
_________ У.Т. Киреева
«___» ________ 20___ г.


по дисциплине
«Деловой иностранный язык»
наименование дисциплины

по образовательной программе
6В01702 «Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка»
шифр, образовательная программа

курс: 4 (очная, 4 года)

семестр: 7
количество кредитов: 3

Караганда 2019
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 2 из55

Составители: Гусева Елена Юрьевна, ст. преподаватель

кафедры ИЯ и МК

Беляева Екатерина Николаевна, педагог –

исследователь английского языка высшей категории КГУ
«Гимназия №45»

Syllabus рассмотрен и рекомендован на заседании

кафедры от «27» августа 2019 г. Протокол №1

Зав.кафедрой _______________ Ибраева Б.М.


Syllabus утвержден на заседании учебно-методического

совета от «28» августа 2019г. Протокол №1
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 3 из55

1. Рабочая учебная программа

Выписка из рабочего учебного плана
Срок Семес Количество Лекци Семи
Курс СРСП СРС Всего
обучения г. тр кредитов и нары
4 4 7 3 - 30 20 40 90

Тематический план

No. Название е занятия

World of work. Money and

1 2 1 2

2 Business finance 2 1 2

Management styles 1.
3 2 1 2
Management styles 2.

Employment and employability.

4 2 1 2
Flexibility and inflexibility

Work-life balance. Managing

5 2 1 2

6 Team building. The right skills. 2 1 2

What is quality? Quality

7 1 1 2

8 Striving for perfection 1 1 2

9 Strategic thinking. Competition. 2 1 2

СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 4 из55

10 Companies and their industries 1 1 2

Innovation. Preparing for the

11 2 1 2

12 Customer satisfaction 1 1 2

13 Global brands 1 1 2

The IT revolution. Internet

14 2 1 2

15 Intellectual property 1 1 2

16 Ethics and business 1 1 2

17 Green issues 1 1 2

18 Mergers and takeovers 1 1 2

19 Insurance 1 1 2

20 Taxation. Business plans 2 1 2

90 30 20 40

2. Данные о преподавателях:
Гусева Елена Юрьевна – преподаватель кафедры
иностранных языков и межкультурной коммуникации Академии
«Bolashaq». Контактная информация: Кафедра иностранных
языков и межкультурной коммуникации располагается по
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 5 из55

адресу: ул.Ленина 17, каб.203, тел.: 420-425

3. Пререквизиты: «Основы предпринимательской
деятельности», «Профессионально-ориентированный
иностранный язык», «Язык для специальных целей (уровень
С1)», «Введение в теорию межкультурной коммуникации».
4. Постреквизиты: Рекомендуется продолжить работу
над совершенствованием языковых навыков.
5. Краткое описание дисциплины
Дисциплина призвана служить более глубокому усвоению
изучаемого основного иностранного языка студентами
специальности. Владение экономической, финансовой,
коммерческой лексикой изучаемого основного иностранного
языка позволит существенно улучшить конкурентные позиции
выпускников, откроет новые перспективы. Дисциплина
позволит владеть деловым языком, то есть читать и переводить
экономические статьи, понимать, о чем идет речь на
переговорах, самому говорить на любую современную тему на
изучаемом основном иностранном языке. Данная дисциплина
обеспечит овладение иностранным языком как средством
делового общения в устной и письменной формах. Курс по
деловому иностранному языку для студентов проводится в
форме практических занятий (диспуты, круглые столы,
тренинги и т.д.), а также индивидуальных консультаций по
самостоятельной работе студентов. Самостоятельная работа
включает подготовку письменных и устных рефератов,
докладов, подборку материалов по специальности из
периодической печати, аннотирование и обзор текущей прессы,
работу со специальной литературой и энциклопедическими
словарями и т.д.
Европейские компетенции (CEFR)
Уровень Описание %соотношение %соотношение
словарного запаса к словарного запаса к
вышестоящему уровню С2
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 6 из55

C2 Понимаю практически
любое устное или
письменное сообщение,
могу составить связный
текст, опираясь на несколько
устных и письменных
источников. Говорю
спонтанно с выскоим
темпом и выскокой
степенью точности,
подчеркивая оттенки
значений даже в самых
сложных случаях

6. График выполнения и сдачи заданий по дисциплине

Ссылка контр
Цель и на список оля Форм
Виды содержан рекоменд (согла а Сроки
№ шкала
работ ие ованной сно отчет сдачи
задания литератур шкала ности
ы -
В На
Ответы соответст семинарс
списку Теку
на вии с ком
рекоменд щий 50-
1 семинар планами Устно занятии
уемой контр 100
ских семинарс по
литератур оль
занятиях ких расписан
занятий ию
2 Решение В Рекоменд Теку 50- Пись На
практиче соответст уемая щий 100 менно занятиях
ских вии с литератур контр в рамках
заданий планами а при оль самостоят
на СРСП подготов ельной
занятиях ке к работы.
в рамках СРСП,
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 7 из55

По В
В Пром
списку соответст
соответст ежуто
Устный рекоменд 50- вии с
3 вии с чный Устно
ответ уемой 100 учебным
планом контр
литератур планом
СРС оль
ы 6-неделя
В По В
соответст списку соответст
Письмен ежуто
вии с рекоменд 50- Пись вии с
4 ная чный
планами уемой 100 менно учебным
работа контр
СРСП и литератур планом
СРС ы 12-неделя
Итого Устно
Тест, соответст
вый 50- ,
5 Экзамен устные вии с
контр 100 письм
ответы учебным
оль енно

7. Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности

№ Наименование, учебников, пособий, используемые по Кол-во
курсу учебников,
пособий в
1. Основная литература*
1 Ian Mackenzie. Professional English in use. Finance. 10
Cambridge University, New York, 2007.
2 Bill Mascul. Business Vocabulary in use. Advanced. 10
Cambridge University,New York,2006
2. Дополнительная литература**
3 Gerald Lees and Tony Throne. English on Business. Practical 10
English for International Executives. Chancerel International
Publishers Ltd., Изд-во «Титул»,1997г
4 Сущинский И.И. Деловая корреспонденция на 12
английском языке. М.: Эксмо,2007
2.1 Нормативная правовая база
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 8 из55

5 Государственный общеобязательный стандарт высшего

образования. Утвержден постановлением Правительства
Республики Казахстан от 23 августа 2012 года №1080
6 Закон Республики Казахстан от 11 июля 1997 года №
151- I О языках в Республике Казахстан (с изменениями
и дополнениями по состоянию на 05.05.2017 г.)
2.2 Список периодической литературы
7 Tsel D.S., Tibinko N.D. Usage of English abbreviations in
the Internet language // Актуальные проблемы
современности. Караганды: Болашак-Баспа. – 2015. - № 5
(7). – С.300-303.
8 Дудкина Г.А., Павлова М.В., Рей З.Г., Хвальнова А.
Английский язык для делового общения. Омега-Л, 2017
2.3 Интернет - источники
9 https://www.businessenglishsite.com/
10 https://breakingnewsenglish.com/business_english.html

8. Тезисы лекций (не предусмотрено учебным планом).

9. Планы семинарских занятий

Theme 1: World of work. Money and income.
Credits: 2 hours.
1. My work is so rewarding p.10
2. I like the teamwork p.10
3. Currency. Professional finance p.8
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1, 2
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 2: Business finance.
Credits: 2 hours.
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 9 из55

1. Capital p.10
2. Revenue p.10
3. Financial statements p.10
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1,2
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 3: Management styles 1. Management styles 2.
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Motivation 1,2; Theory X and Theory Y p.12
2. Hygiene, motivator factors. Empowerment p.14
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 4: Employment and employability. Flexibility and
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Outsourcing. Employability. Freelancers and portfolio
workers p. 16
2. Ways of working. Job flexibility. Job protection p.18
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 10 из55

Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into

account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 5: Work-life balance. Managing talent.
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Stress. The causes of stress. Quality of life. p.20
2. Core components. Creatives and suits. p.22
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 6: Team building. The right skills.
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Teams. Team players. Stages of team. p.24
2. Hard and soft skills. Emotional intelligence. p.26.
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 7: What is quality? Quality standards.
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 11 из55

Credits: 1 hours.
1. Defining quality. Quality in manufacturing and service. p.28
2. Standards and certification. p.30
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 8: Striving for perfection..
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Benchmarking and best practice. Six-sigma quality. p.38
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 9: Strategic thinking. Competition.
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Strategy. Companies and markers. p.40
2. Competitors. ‘Competing’ and ‘competitive’. p.42
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 12 из55

Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 10: Companies and their industries.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Competitive forces. p.44
2. SWOT analysis.p.44
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 11: Innovation. Preparing for the future.
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Innovation and development process. Pioneers and
followers. Shakeout and consolidation. p.48
2. Scenario planning. Futurology. Risk management. p. 50
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 12: Customer satisfaction.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. The customer. Customer delight. p.54
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 13 из55

2. Customer dissatisfaction. p.54

Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 13: Global brands.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Steps abroad 1, 2.p.62
2. Think global, act local. p. 62
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 14: The IT revolution. Internet security.
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Broadband Internet. Mobile Internet. Moore’s law. p.64
2. Attack and defence. Cybercrime. Privacy and
confidentiality. p.66
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 14 из55

Supplementary literature: 3,8,9

Theme 15: Intellectual property.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Copyright infringement. p.72
2. Technical, legal protection. p.72
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 16: Ethics and business
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Ethical behavior. p.90
2. Accountability and transparency. Corporate social
responsibility. p.90
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 17: Green issues.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Environmental pollution. Recycling. p.94
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 15 из55

2. Word combinations with “environmental”. Sustainability.

Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 18: Mergers and takeovers.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Mergers, takeovers and joint ventures. p.84
2. Hostile or friendly? Integration. p.84
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 2
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9
Theme 19: Insurance.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Insuring against risks. p.100
2. Life insurance and saving. Insurance companies. p.100
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 2
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 16 из55

Supplementary literature: 3,8,9

Theme 20: Taxation. Business plans
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Direct, indirect taxes. p.104
2. Non-payment of tax. p.104
3. Market opportunities. The financial analysis. p.106
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 2
Supplementary literature: 3,8,9

10. Планы лабораторных занятий (не предусмотрено

учебным планом).
11. Методические рекомендации по изучению
Политика курса
Посещаемость занятий
Студенты очной сокращенной формы обучения должны
посещать все аудиторные занятия и внеаудиторные занятия
СРСП согласно расписанию. Внеаудиторные занятия СРСП
консультационного характера посещаются в случае наличия у
студента вопросов к преподавателю, для сдачи заданий для
самостоятельной работы и материала по пропущенным
занятиям. В отдельных случаях данный вид занятий обязателен
для посещения по требованию преподавателя.
Работа студента в аудитории
Во время аудиторных занятий студент обязан
участвовать во всех формах проводимой на занятии работы
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 17 из55

(устный ответ, письменная работа, обсуждение, дискуссия,

работа в группах, выполнение проекта и т.д.).
Пропуски занятий
Пропуски занятий должны быть только по уважительной
причине. Уважительными причинами пропуска занятий
- болезнь (при наличии медицинской справки);
- участие в спортивных соревнованиях, олимпиадах,
конкурсах, конференциях (при наличии подтверждающего
- семейные и прочие уважительные обстоятельства (при
наличии заявления об освобождении в деканате).
В двух последних случаях освобождение от занятий
оформляется распоряжением по деканату. Студенты,
пропустившие занятия по вышеперечисленным уважительным
причинам, имеют право сдать преподавателю материал по
пропущенной теме, а также соответствующую самостоятельную
работу без снижения оценки. Студенты, пропустившие занятия
без уважительной причины также должны сдать преподавателю
материал по пропущенной теме, а также соответствующую
самостоятельную работу со снижением оценки до 25% на
усмотрение преподавателя. В случае пропуска студентом
занятий по неуважительной причине более 3-х раз
преподаватель пишет докладную записку на имя декана
факультета. В случае непосещения более 50% занятий без
уважительной причины, студент обязан пройти данную
дисциплину повторно.
Опоздания на занятия
Опоздания на занятия категорически запрещены. В
случае опоздания менее, чем на 10 минут студент может быть
допущен к занятию только с разрешения преподавателя. В
случае опоздания более, чем на 10 минут студент не допускается
к занятию и занятие считается пропущенным без уважительной
СМК СО 1.09- 2019
Система менеджмента качества
Силлабус (Рабочая учебная
Академия «Bolashaq» Дата 29.08.19 г.
Стр. 18 из55

Академическая честность
Студенту запрещается во время выполнения аудиторных
и самостоятельных заданий:
- списывание, использование шпаргалок и других
незаконных способов получения информации с целью помощи
себе или кому-либо другому;
- плагиат, т.е. кражу или выдачу за свое чьих-либо идей
или выводов, представление соответствующей работы в
качестве результата собственных мыслей и идей;
- любые другие формы недостойного академического
В случае нарушения вышеперечисленных правил
академической честности преподаватель не принимает задание к
проверке и не выставляет оценку по нему.
Права и обязанности студента
Студент имеет право:
1. Получить силлабус по дисциплине в бумажном или
электронном варианте.
2. Своевременно получать информацию о полученных
3. Получать аргументированное обоснование
выставленной оценки.
4. Сдавать преподавателю материал по пропущенной теме,
а также соответствующую самостоятельную работу.
5. Получать консультацию по содержанию курса и
выполнению самостоятельной работы во время занятий
СРСП консультационного характера согласно
6. Получить дополнительные задания в случае желания
повысить текущую оценку не более одного раза за
рубежный контроль.
Студент обязан:
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1. Иметь силлабус в бумажном или электронном варианте.

2. Посещать все контактные занятия и аудиторные занятия
СРСП согласно расписанию.
3. В случае невозможности посетить занятие по
уважительной причине представить медицинскую
справку или оформить освобождение от занятий в
деканате в установленном порядке.
4. Не опаздывать на занятия.
5. Своевременно выполнять и сдавать на проверку все
виды самостоятельной работы.
6. Систематически готовиться к аудиторной работе.
7. Активно участвовать в аудиторной работе.
8. Соблюдать дисциплину.
9. Соблюдать нормы этики по отношению, как к
преподавателю, так и к однокурсникам.
Права и обязанности преподавателя
Преподаватель имеет право:
1. Вносить изменения и дополнения в силлабус в течение
2. Требовать объяснений по фактам пропуска занятий.
3. Снижать студентам оценки за задания по темам
пропущенных без уважительной причины занятий до
25% по своему усмотрению
4. Снижать оценку за самостоятельные работы, не сданные
своевременно на 25%.
5. Не допускать к занятию студентов, опоздавших более,
чем на 10 минут.
6. Не принимать к проверке работы студентов,
нарушивших правила академической честности.
Преподаватель обязан:
1. Предоставить студентам силлабус в бумажной или
электронной форме в первый день занятий по
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2. Своевременно информировать студентов о внесении

изменений и дополнений в силлабус в течение семестра.
3. Быть в аудитории во время аудиторных и
внеаудиторных занятий СРСП согласно расписанию.
4. Предоставлять студентам информацию об оценках.
5. Аргументированно обосновывать выставленные
студентам оценки.
6. Соблюдать нормы этики по отношению к студентам.
Задания по дисциплине
1. Устные и письменные упражнения. Выполняются во
время занятий и в качестве домашних заданий, основаны
на материалах пособия, и это является обязанностью
студента иметь все упражнения на занятиях.
2. Тесты (рубежные и экзаменационный). Имеют сходный
формат, включают задания на перевод предложений с
русского на английский язык и наоборот, перевод, и
толкование слов и словосочетаний. Не предусматривают
использование словарей.
3. Сочинения. Написание сочинений на английском языке с
целью развития и навыков письменной речи.
Проводится в рамках самостоятельной работы.
4. Чтение и пересказ. Передача основного содержания текста
на иностранном языке. Проводится как на занятиях, так
и в рамках самостоятельной работы.
5. Работа с периодикой. Выполняется в рамках домашних
заданий с последующим обсуждением на занятиях.
6. Составление презентаций. Выполняется в рамках
самостоятельной работы, с целью повышения текущих
7. Работа со словарями и справочниками. Проводится при
выполнении переводов на занятиях.
8. Экзамен может проходить в виде экзаменационного теста
и/или устного экзамена по пройденным за семестр
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12. Методические рекомендации и указания по

выполнению расчетно-графических, лабораторных работ,
курсовых проектов (работ) (не предусмотрено учебным
13. Планы занятий в рамках самостоятельной работы
студентов под руководством преподавателя
Theme 1: World of work. Money and income.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Write a job description of your own job or one you would
like, and say why you feel you are suitable for it.
2. Do you know what the average income in your country and
in your job, or the one you are studying for? How important is salary
of your choice of career?
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1, 2
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 2: Business finance.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Think of the company you are interested in. How was it
financed whet it was set up, and how is it financed now?
2. Presentation on the topic “The role of business finance”
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
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analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology

should be made.
Basic literature: 1,2
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 3: Management styles 1. Management styles 2.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Write a memo to the head of organization you would like to
work for, suggesting ways to encourage initiative among employees.
2. Look at the job advertisement “Duval and Smith”. Match
the circled items 1+6 to the hygiene factors in A opposite (p.15).
3. Talk or write to a new employee about your own
organization in relation to Herzberg’s motivation factors.
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 4: Employment and employability. Flexibility and
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Would it be possible to do your job or one you would like as
a freelancer? Why/Why not? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of being freelancer?
2. Is your country more like Nordland or Sudonia? What are
the advantages and disadvantages of flexible working?
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
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account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative

analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 5: Work-life balance. Managing talent.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. “Payouts predicted for stressed teachers”, p.21. Complete
the article with appropriate forms of “stress” from A opposite.
2. What are the main causes of stress in your job/study? How
do you combat stress?
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 6: Team building. The right skills.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. What teams have you worked in or are you working in? Do
you recognize the types in B opposite in your team? What role do
you usually play?
2. Write a description of the soft skills required for your job or
one you would like.
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
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should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 7: What is quality? Quality standards.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. What are the criteria for quality in your organization or one
you would like to work for?
2. Develop the plan of quality increasing in the company you
would like to work for.
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 8: Striving for perfection..
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Think about the organization you would like to work for.
How much do you know about how its competitors do things? Do
you think it’s useful to know how effective they are in different
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
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Theme 9: Strategic thinking. Competition.

Credits: 1 hours.
1.Think about the organization you would like to work for.
Look at its website and find its mission statement. If it doesn’t have
one, what would you suggest?
2. Who are the fiercest competitors of the organization you
would like to work for? Why are they threat?
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 10: Companies and their industries.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Analyze the organization you would like to work for in
relation to the industry it is in, and to the forces in A opposite (page
44). Present your organization and its industry to the class.
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 11: Innovation. Preparing for the future.
Credits: 1 hours.
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1. Is it always difficult for large organizations to come up with

innovative ideas and products? How does your organization produce
new ideas?
2. What is the biggest risk for your organization? Bow has it
handled risks in the past? What lessons has it learned?
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 12: Customer satisfaction.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Read the article “Dispensing with loyalty”, p.55. Which
view of customer loyalty does your organization, or one you would
like to work for, take?
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 13: Global brands.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Does your organization export? If so, what are the
arrangements for this?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of export? How
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does it influence on the economy of the country?

Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 14: The IT revolution. Internet security.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Do you think mobile devices are suitable for accessing the
Internet? Think of the websites you visit when using a PC: are they
suitable for viewing on a smaller device? What sort of services
would you like to access – replays of football matches, online
shopping, weather forecasts…?
2. Read the article “Snooping system is illegal, say police” and
complete it with expressions from C opposite. Pages 66-67.
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 15: Intellectual property.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Do you think it is acceptable to download music from file-
sharing sites on the Internet? Why/ Why not?
2. Are there any ways to fight with illegal downloads on the
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Internet? Create your own.

Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 16: Ethics and business
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Read the article “How to become good in all areas”. Do the
exercise 1, p.91
2. Think of a particular ethical issue that concerns you. Write a
letter to an organization asking what its policy is on this issue.
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 17: Green issues.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. What does your local government authority do to encourage
recycling? Does it do enough?
2. Suggest your own ways of recycling the rubbish.
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
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should be made.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 18: Mergers and takeovers.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. Look at some financial newspapers or websites. What kind
of takeover bids are taking place in your country? Make a short
review on this topic.
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 2
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 19: Insurance.
Credits: 1 hours.
1. How many different insurance policies do you have? Are
there any risks you cannot insure yourself against? What insurance
does your company have?
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 2
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 20: Taxation. Business plans
Credits: 1 hours.
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1. In your country, what percentage of national income goes to
the government as tax? Do you know how this compares with other
2. If you were starting up a new company, what product or
service would it offer? What would you include in your business
plan to try to convince venture capitalists to invest?
Methodical recommendations: studying the topic, take into
account the grammatical structure of the sentence, a comparative
analysis of the English and Russian equivalence of terminology
should be made.
Basic literature: 2
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10

14. Планы занятий в рамках самостоятельной работы

Theme 1: World of work. Money and income.
Credits: 2 hours.
1.Your portfolio (future plans, personal ambitions and
2. Write CV
Basic literature: 1, 2
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 2: Business finance.
Credits: 2 hours.
Report on the theme “Current economical situation in your
Basic literature: 1,2
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Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 3: Management styles 1. Management styles 2.
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Presentation on the theme “Yourself and your career”.
2. Presentation on the theme “The best management style for
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 4: Employment and employability. Flexibility and
Credits: 2 hours.
Report on the theme “The possible promotion of your career”.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 5: Work-life balance. Managing talent.
Credits: 2 hours.
Presentation on the theme “Life-long learning as the topicality
of the European trend for Kazakhstan”.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 6: Team building. The right skills.
Credits: 2 hours.
1.Write the e-mail about your organization’s tema work to the
foreign collegue.
2. Report on the theme “What does a successful team work
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depend on?”
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 7: What is quality? Quality standards.
Credits: 2 hours.
1. How is the quality of education defined? Is it always
justice? Which new methods of defining education quality would
you suggest?
2. Report on the theme “The assessment of higher education in
Kazakhstan and abroad”.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 8: Striving for perfection..
Credits: 2 hours.
Prepare the report on the theme “Competition or cooperation?”
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 9: Strategic thinking. Competition.
Credits: 2 hours.
Presentation on the theme “The increasing of competitiveness
of educational system”
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 10: Companies and their industries.
Credits: 2 hours.
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Find the information about 8 innovative companies poised to

disrupt their industries and make the report on it.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 11: Innovation. Preparing for the future.
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Presentation on the theme “The future plans on educational
system in Kazakhstan”
2. Presentation on the theme “The international
communication in the sphere of modern internet-technologies”.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 12: Customer satisfaction.
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Develop a questionnaire “Are you satisfied with educational
services suggested in your country?”
2. Create your own strategy of customer satisfaction in an
educational sphere.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 13: Global brands.
Credits: 2 hours.
Presentation on the theme “The role of foreign languages in
the modern world”
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
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Theme 14: The IT revolution. Internet security.

Credits: 2 hours.
1. Presentation on the theme “The traditions and innovations at
the university”
2. Report on the theme “Advantages and disadvantages of
innovation in education in Kazakhstan”.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 15: Intellectual property.
Credits: 2 hours.
Report on the theme “Ways of protection of intellectual
property in GB and Kazakhstan”.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 16: Ethics and business
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Report on the theme “Importance of Business Ethics”
2. Write a business letter where you inform your partners that
your organization is going to terminate the contract with them.
Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 17: Green issues.
Credits: 2 hours.
Presentation on the theme “15 major current environmental
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Basic literature: 1
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 18: Mergers and takeovers.
Credits: 2 hours.
Read the article “What is the difference between a merger and
a takeover?” by Chris Gallant. Make a synopsis and express your
own opinion.
Basic literature: 2
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 19: Insurance.
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Make the observation of the most famous insurance
companies. Analyse their advantages and disadvantages and find out
the best company.
2. Make a list of qualities that a good insurance company
should possess.
Basic literature: 2
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
Theme 20: Taxation. Business plans
Credits: 2 hours.
1. Presentstion on the theme “Is taxation theft?”
2. Analyze the literature, Internet resources and identify the
difference between tax system in Kazakhstan and the USA?
Basic literature: 2
Supplementary literature: 3, 4, 8, 10
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15. Тематика письменных работ по курсу (не

предусмотрено учебным планом).

16. Информация по оценке

Таблица оценки знаний
Учебные достижения обучающихся оцениваются по
стопроцентной, десятибалльной и буквенной системам, согласно
Рекомендациям по организации учебного процесса и оценке
знаний по кредитной системе обучения.
Шкала оценки:

Оценк Цифровой Процентное содержание Оценка по

а эквивалент баллов (рейтинг) традиционной форме
A 4,0 95-100 отлично
A- 3,67 90-94
B+ 3,33 85-89 хорошо
B 3,0 80-84
B- 2,67 75-79
C+ 2,33 70-74
C 2,0 65-69
C- 1,67 60-64 удовлетворительно
D+ 1,33 55-59
D 1,0 50-54
F 0 0-49 Неудовлетворительно

Рейтинговая шкала оценки знаний студентов

Рейтинг Баллы
Текущий 50-100
Рубежный 50-100
Итоговый 50-100
Всего: 50-100

17. Тестовые задания для самоконтроля

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Стр. 37 из55

1. Which of the following is the definition of net profit?

A) income after expenses are paid
В) income after all taxes have been paid
C) gross income after taxes
D) assets minus liabilities
E) none of these statements is true
2. Which of the following is not level of trade proficiency?
A) apprentice.
B) master.
C) foreman.
D) senior.
E) minister
3. It is necessary to keep business records.
A) to determine business size
B) to determine earnings
C) for tax purposes
D)for all of these reasons.
E) for pleasure
4.The entire resources of a person or business, tangible and
intangible, such as accounts and notes receivable, cash, equipment,
real estate, good will, etc.
A) assets
B) loan
C) retailing
D) payroll .
E) net profit
5. The act of operating a retail business.
A) partnership
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Стр. 38 из55

B) profit
C) retailing
D) loan
E) sales
6. A surplus that remains after the cost of goods is subtracted from
the total receipts.
A) retailing
B) wholesaling
C) payroll
D) gross profit.
E) assets
7. A list of employees who are paid periodically by a firm, along
with other information; also includes the money to pay employees.
A) retailing
B) payroll
C) wholesaling
D) gross profit.
E) assets
8. A surplus after all the expenses have been paid, including
operating expenses such as heat, light, rent, and wages, but excluding
B) wholesaling
C) net profit
D) gross profit.
E) assets
9. A business owned by two or more people.
A) partnership
B) retailing
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C) wholesaling
D) gross profit.
E) net profit
10. An amount of money that is borrowed and must be paid back by
a certain date or on demand; usually interest is charged on the money
A) bank loan
B) wholesaling
C) gross profit.
D) payroll
E) assets
11. An advantage of small business over big businesses is that small
A) have fewer problems
B) are more flexible
C) are less regulated
D) are all of the above.
E) have much problems
12.Big business, some people believe,
A) does all of the above.
B) strangles small business.
C) has more political power.
D) is unethical
E) is done
13.It’s hard to gauge success … just 2 months
A) ago
B) in
C) since
D) over
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E) for
14.The business plan is developed by
A) entrepreneur
B) banker
C) lender
D) accountant
E) businessman
15.The business plan does not need to include a
A) description of business
B) photo of owners
C) description of products or services
D) budget for operating the business
E) legal name of the firm
16. When starting a business in a new community, it is very
important to get information about the community from
A) local bank
B) state agencies like the Department of Commerce
C) the chamber of commerce
D) all of those sources
E) no right answer
17.Which one of the following stores would find the self-service
type of layout (выкладывать)most convenient?
A) supermarket
B) jewelry store
C) shoe store
D) fish market
E) no right answer
18.A good store layout will
A) save space
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B) save money
C) do all of these
D) need good aisle displays
E) no right answer
19.Supermarket aisles should be wide enough for
A) three persons abreast
B) two persons and one cart abreast
C) two persons abreast and two carts
D) three carts abreast
E) poly carts
20. Which one of the following should be located in the rear of a
A) prescription department
B) cards and ribbons
C) magazines
D) tobacco
E) candy
Ключи правильных ответов
№ Правильный № Правильный
ответ ответ
1 B 11 B
2 C 12 A
3 D 13 D
4 A 14 A
5 C 15 B
6 D 16 D
7 B 17 A
8 C 18 D
9 A 19 C
10 D 20 A
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Стр. 42 из55

Критерии оценки знаний студентов

Студентом даны правильные ответы на:
- 91-100% заданий - отлично,
- 81-90% заданий - хорошо,
- 71-80% заданий - удовлетворительно,
- 70% заданий и менее – неудовлетворительно.

18. Экзаменационные вопросы по курсу

Variant 1
1. Small business when compared to big businesses
A) employ more workers
B) usually require less capital to start
C) are a greater risk
D) are more likely to succeed
E) has more political power.
2. What is the Russian equivalent of the expression: “suppliers’
A) дебетовая сторона
B) счет поставщика
C) счет покупателя
D) пользующий спросом
E) кредиторская задолженность
3 What is the English equivalent of the expression:
“единовременно выплачиваемая сумма”?
A) lump sum
B) solvency
C) delay
D) claim
E) overdue
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Стр. 43 из55

4. What is the English equivalent of the expression: “ текущие

A) current assets
B) current ratio
C) current liabilities
D) quick ratio
E) net profit
5. What is the English equivalent of the expression: “с убытком”?
A) in the red to be in the red
B) in the black
C) in the blue
D) in the yellow
E) in pink
6. What is the English equivalent of the expression: “потери от
безнадежных долгов”
A) loss on liquidity debts
B) loss on net debts
C) loss on current debts
D) loss on inventory debts
E) loss on bad debts
7. What is the English equivalent of the expression: “списать”?
A) write of
B) write off
C) write on
D) write through
E) write dowz
8. The … of debts must not be delayed
A) payment
B) inventory
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Стр. 44 из55

C) credit
D) loss
E) evaluation
9. You must … giving any unnecessary information evaluation
A) inventory
B) avoid
C) statement
D) accurately
E) credit
10.Businesses which make regular use of … must have good credit
A) statement
B) sound
C) loss
D) credit
E) evaluation
11.He’s been off work … three months
A) ago
B) for
C) in
D) since
E) over
12.He ought to have retired a year …
A) ago
B) over
C) in
D) since
E) for
13.A list of skills in order of difficulty or rank is called.
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A) a guild record
B) a hierarchy
C) a table of skills
D) a rank of list
E) IQ test
14.Which of the following would be classified as working for some
A) dairy farmer
B) physician in private practice
C) attorney.
D) retail sales clerk.
E) officer
15.Which of the following products can be sold in vending
A) stockings
B) insurances policies
C) hot soup and sandwiches
D) all of these.
E) no right answer
16.Which of the following is a performance test?
A) driving(road) test
B) IQ test
C) blood test.
D) written driver’s test.
E) A-level test
17.Which of the following is not a financial business?.
A) insurance company
B) investment banker
C) company that prints paper money
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Стр. 46 из55

D) credit union
E) bank
18.When business owners pay their bills early, they are usually
entitled to a
A) profit
B) trade discount
C) cash discount
D) dividend
E) markdown
19.When business owners purchase large quantities of goods from a
seller, they are usually entitled to a
A) ash discount
B) trade discount
C) markdown
D) dividend
E) cash
20.The difference between the cost of product and its selling price is
A) markup
B) profit
C) expense
D) margin
E) price
21.The form used to record daily transaction is called a
C) statement operations
A) ledger
B) balance sheet
C) statement operations
D) journal
E) note
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Стр. 47 из55

22. Which one of the following terms is used to refer to merchandise

that is kept on hand for sale
A) stock
B) inventory
C) supplies
D) fixed assets
E) profit
23.An employee is normally entitled to overtime pay for work in
excess of
A) 37 ½ hours in one week
B) 40 hours in one week
C) 35 hours in one week
D) 44 hours in one week
E) 50 hours in one week
24.Worker’s compensation is paid for by the
A) employer
B) employee
C) employer and the employee
D) federal government
E) office
25.The total earnings due to an employee who is paid hourly wages
is called
A) net wages
B) gross wages
C) take-home pay
D) overtime pay
E) gross-book

Variant 2
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1. Something or someone you can trust them to work hard or well,

or always to act, behave, or happen in the way that you want them to
A) reliable
B) costs
C) questionnaire
D) market
E) blank
2. What of the most small firms is represented by its inventory and
A) the workforce
B) the capital
C) the property
D) the fund
E) the office
3. blame means
A) to say nice words,
B) to encourage.
C) to refuse
D) to dance
E) to say someone is wrong.
4. destroy means
A) to damage
B) friend.
C) strong
D) to built.
E) see
5. ascend means
A) to go down
B) to see
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C) to watch.
D) to rise.
E) to wash
6. Who gives employers responsibility for the health and safety of
employees when they are performing their duties?
A) the manager
B) the state
C) legislation
D) the firm
E) factory
7. Protection against losses due to inability to collect accounts
receivable can be
A) expensive
B) well-organized
C) cheap
D) well- done
E) be done
8. Losses through dishonest employees can be in the form of
A) merchandise
B) securities
C) cash
D) all of these
E) action
9. When business owners are aware of the existing risks they may
A) appeal to the insurance company
B) pay their attention to the matter of how to handle them
C) run their business successfully
D) all of these
E) finish business
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10. a self-insurance plan is

A) a capital spending plan
B) a plan to cope with losses
C) a specified amount set aside in a reserve fund each year
D) the property
E) the profit
11. Fire insurance is property insurance that covers risks of
A) the damage of smoke
B) fire
C) the damage of water
D) all of these
E) no right answer
12. Hedging is a device to
A) protect profits
B) run a business
C) make profits
D) keep accounting records
E) do sum
13.The total earnings due to an employee who is paid hourly wages
is called
A) net wages
B) gross wages
C) take-home pay
D) overtime pay
E) net profit
14. Small business when compared to big businesses
A) employ more workers
B) usually require less capital to start
C) are a greater risk
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D) are more likely to succeed

E) is a less risk
15.What is the Russian equivalent of the expression: “suppliers’
A) дебетовая сторона
B) счет поставщика
C) счет покупателя
D) пользующий спросом
E) рост цен
16.What is the English equivalent of the expression:
“единовременно выплачиваемая сумма”?
A) lump sum
B) solvency
C) delay
D) claim
E) overdue
17.What is the English equivalent of the expression: “ текущие
A) current assets
B) current ratio
C) current liabilities
D) quick ratio
E) net profit
18.What is the English equivalent of the expression: “с убытком”?
A) in the red
B) to be in the red
C) in the black
D) in the blue
E) in the yellow
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Стр. 52 из55

19.What is the English equivalent of the expression: “потери от

безнадежных долгов
A) loss on liquidity debts
B) loss on net debts
C) loss on current debts
D) loss on inventory debts
E) loss on bad debts
20.What is the English equivalent of the expression: “списать”?
A) write of
B) write off
C) write on
D) write through
E) write down
21.The … of debts must not be delayed
A) payment
B) inventory
C) credit
D) loss
E) evaluation
22. You must … giving any unnecessary information evaluation
A) inventory
B) avoid
C) statement
D) accurately
E) credit
23.Businesses which make regular use of … must have good credit
A) statement
B) sound
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Стр. 53 из55

C) loss
D) credit
E) evaluation
24.He’s been off work … three months
A) ago
B) for
C) in
D) since
E) over
25.He ought to have retired a year …
A) ago
B) over
C) in
D) since
E) for

Ключи правильных ответов

№ 1 2

1 A A

2 B C

3 A E

4 C A

5 A D

6 E C

7 B A

8 A D
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Стр. 54 из55

9 B A

10 D C

11 B D

12 A A

13 C B

14 B A

15 C B

16 A A

17 C C

18 B A

19 B E

20 A B

21 C A

22 B B

23 B D

24 A B

25 B A
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19. Программное и мультимедийное сопровождение

учебных занятий
Тема Вид Вид Место Название
занят программного предоставлени специализи
ия продукта я доступа * рованных
Business СРСП Winamp, Light зал зал
letters alloy. электронных электронны
Демонстрация ресурсов х ресурсов
образцов писем с
Business СРСП Ноутбук зал зал
plan (Windows Media электронных электронны
Light alloy)., ресурсов х ресурсов
DVD – плеер,
Types of СРСП Ноутбук зал зал
business (Windows Media электронных электронны
activities Light alloy)., ресурсов х ресурсов
DVD –,
Advertisem СРСП Ноутбук зал зал
ent (Windows Media электронных электронны
Light alloy)., ресурсов х ресурсов
DVD – плеер,

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