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Тема: The Adverb (Наречие)

The Adverb (Наречие) – часть речи, которая определяет характер протекания

действия и отвечает на вопросы: how?, where?, why?, in what manner?, to what
degree?. Все наречия делятся на наречия обозначающие место (here, there, at home,
outside), время (now, then, today, long ago), образ действия (by chance, by mistake,
quickly, suddenly), частотность (sometimes, usually, often, never, once, always),
степень (quite, rather, extremely, fairly, a bit)
В соответствии с выражаемыми значениями наречия могут выполнять в
предложении синтаксическую функцию обстоятельства места, времени, образа
действия, степени.
They met there and then.
It’s windy outside and its warm inside.
Everything started badly but finished well.
I meet him from time to time.
Большинство наречий образуется путем прибавления суффикса –ly к
соответствующему ему прилагательному: quick – quickly, serious –seriously,
intensive –intensively, sudden – suddenly, near – nearly, high – highly.
Некоторые слова, оканчивающиеся на –ly, являются прилагательными: friendly,
lovely, lonely, lively, womanly, manly.
Наречия fast, hard, early, late, long, far, little, much, straight, форме совпадают с
соответствующими прилагательными:
That’s a hard task. – You should work hard.
We took an early train. – We arrived at the station early.
I don’t like fast food. – Cook fast, eat slowly.
Обратите внимание на разницу в значении следующих слов: hard (“много”,
«тяжело», «упорно» - hardly («еле – еле, «едва – едва»)
He works hard. – He can hardly walk. He is too old.
Многие наречия (главным образом образа действия) могут иметь степени
сравнения, которые образуются так же, как и степени сравнения прилагательных.
Late – поздно, later – позднее, latest – позднее всего, attentively - внимательно,
more attentively – более внимательно, most attentively – внимательнее всего.

Exercise 1. Укажите, являются выделенные слова прилагательными или


1. It is early autumn. I usually get up early. 2. We shall take a fast train to Yalta. Don’t
speak so fast, I can’t understand you. 3. I have little time. She has slept little today.
There is very little difference between them. 4. You would have written the grammar
test better if you had learnt the tenses of the English verb. It is the worst result you ever
had. 5. You know this problem better than I. Better to do well than to say well. 6. He
lives in the Far East. He lives far from his school. 7. How long did you travel about
Great Britain? Oh, it was a long and very pleasant journey. 8. Excuse me, how do I get
to the University? - Go straight down the street and then turn to the left. 9. He is very
handsome young man, with straight nose, blue eyes and black hair.

Exercise 2. Выберите нужную форму прилагательного или наречия.

1. I am (happy, happily) to meet you. They have lived all their life (happy, happily). 2.
Don’t speak to me so (cold, coldly). Your hands are (cold, coldly), put on your gloves.
3. The results of our work were (perfect, perfectly). 4. “I am quite (helpless, helplessly)
in solving such problems” - she said. She looked at them (helpless, helplessly) not
knowing what to do. 5. Can you tell me the (exact, exactly) time of his arrival? Sorry,
but I don’t know (exact, exactly) when he comes back. 6. He often comes home (late,
lately). I haven’t seen him (late, lately).

Exercise 3. Поставьте наречия, заключенные в скобках, на соответствующее

место в предложении.

1. I get many letters from my friends (often). 2. We shall go (tomorrow, there). 3. Have
you been to the Crimea (ever)? 4. I have been there (never). 5. They have returned from
the South (just). 6. I have not seen this film (yet). 7. He gets up early (usually). 8. My
mother cooks dinner for our family (always). 9. She is very busy (always) 10. I haven’t
money to buy this TV – set (enough). 11. She knows French well to work as an
interpreter (enough).

Exercise 4. Укажите, является ли выделенное жирным шрифтом слово

прилагательным или наречием.

1. The questions were so easy, that everybody could answer them. 2. He answered all
the questions easily. 3. Please, speak loudly. 4. We heard a loud noise in the street. 5.
We went straight to Leningrad without stopping anywhere. 6. This road is quite
straight. 7. You would write better if you had a better pen. 8. He has very little
knowledge of the subject. 9. When I first came to Moscow, I little thought that I should
stay here so long. 10. We stayed there a long time. 11. He works more and better than
he used to. 12. I have more books than you.

Exercise 5. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Она много читает. 2. Вы ходили куда–нибудь вчера? – Нет, мы не куда не

ходили, мы были дома вчера. 3. Я встречал его где – то, но не помню, где это
было. 4. Мы думаем, что он достаточно умен, чтобы понять вас. 5. Я никогда не
забуду, мои школьные годы. 6. Чем больше вы будете читать, тем скорее
расширите свой словарь. 7. Рано или поздно его мечта осуществиться, но чем
скорее, тем лучше для него. 8. Он упорно изучает все предметы в школе.9.
Самолет летал так высоко, что я с трудом смогла увидеть его. 10. Говорите
громче, я ничего не слышу.
Exercise 6. Укажите, является ли выделенное жирным шрифтом слово
прилагательным или наречием.

1. The questions were so easy that everybody could answer them. 2. He answered all
the questions easily. 3. Please, speak loudly. 4. We heard a loud noise in the street. 5.
We went straight to Leningrad without stopping anywhere. 6. This road is quite
straight. 7. You would write better if you had a better pen. 8. He has very little
knowledge of the subject. 9. When I first came to Moscow, I little thought that I should
stay here so long. 10. We stayed there a long time. 11. He works more and better than
he used to. 12. I have more books than you. 13. I am an early riser; I go to bed early
and get up early. 14. We talked very much that evening. 15. We haven’t had much rain
this month. 16. He is playing worse than usual. 17. The patient is worse this morning.

Exercise 7. Из слов, стоящих в скобках, выберите нужную форму:

1. I did not rest very (good, well) last night. 2. It is not (good, well) for you to smoke. 3.
I was (angry, angrily) at what he said. 4. He spoke (angry, angrily). 5. It isn’t (bad,
badly). 6. He wrote his dictation (bad, badly). 7. He acted very (brave, bravely). 8. He is
a (brave, bravely) man. 9. This is quite (clear, clearly). 10. This (clear, clearly) shows
the difference. 11. She received him (cold, coldly). 12. The weather is (cold, coldly)
today. 13. This is a (comfortable, comfortably) chair. 14. We traveled (comfortable,
comfortably). 15. He is (dangerous, dangerously) ill.

Exercise 8. Образуйте от наречия, помещенного в скобках, сравнительную

или превосходную степень, в зависимости от смысла:

1. I like this book (well) than that. 2. She visits them (frequently) than us. 3. Which of
the students ran (fast) at the contest? 4. Which of all these books did you enjoy (much)?
5. Which of these two books did you enjoy (much)? 6. Now I can see this ship (clearly)
than before. 7. You ought it have told me (early). 8. Whose singing did you like (well),
Mary’s, Nina’s or Helen’s? 9. The fire was put out (quickly) than we expected. 10. He
speaks English (correctly) of all in my class.

Exercise 9. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Он знает английский, французский, и немецкий языки, но он говорит лучше

всего по-немецки. 2. Товарищ А. говорит по–английский лучше всех в нашей
группе. 3. Крестьяне работают больше всего летом и осенью. 4. Он шел быстрее
всех. 5. Он живет дальше меня. 6. Мой приятель говорит по – английский лучше
меня. 7. Я прихожу в институт позже вас. 8. Вы сделали свою работу тщательнее,
чем он. 9. Он навещает нас чаще, чем вы.

Exercise 10. Перепишите следующие предложения, поставив наречия,

заключенные в скобках, на соответствующее место:
1. You are the last to arrive (always). 2. She is late (never). 3. Have you seen him
(ever)? 4. Have you spoken to him (yet)? 5. The teacher has not come (yet). 6. I write to
him (often), but he answers my letters (seldom). 7. The fire was extinguished (quickly).
8. I am indebted to you for your help (deeply). 9. I shall be glad to visit you (always).
10. He answered our questions (impatiently). 11. We try to work well (always). 12. I
have heard of it (often). 13. He gets up before half past 8 (never). 14. It has been said
(before, often). 15. It was late in the day, and the sun had disappeared (almost).

Exercise 11. Дополните следующие предложения подходящие по смыслу


1. It’s snowing … a) well

2. Your mark is bad. You did the test… b) hard
3. He came home …at 1 o’clock in the morning. c) heavily
4. Don’t eat too…. It’s bad for you. d) quickly
5. Sarah studies … to pass her exam. e) late
6. Who gets up …, has a long day. f) high
7. I slept … this night and I feel … this morning g) carefully
8. He raised the flag … on the tower. h) fast
9. Open the window … not to break it. i) slowly
10.Modern trains go … j) quietly
11.Speak … pleas,. They don’t understand you. k) badly
12.She sat … in the corner like a mouse. l) early
13.I can speak German … m) fluently
14.He came closer to hear me. n) clearly.

Exercise 12. Найдите правильную позицию наречий, данных в скобках.

1. The teacher comes to class at 8.30 (always). 2. These children are on time for class
(always). 3. I will remember you (always). 4. She is sleeping (probably). 5. They have
finished their work (finally) 6. Do you eat breakfast (always)? 7. Anastasia knows what
to say (hardly ever). 8. The mail comes at noon (usually). 9. The fax is here by evening
(usually). 10. The post will be here soon (probably). 11. Ann stays home in the evenings
(often). 12. Ann is at home on Saturday evening (often). 13. Ann will stay home tonight
(probably) 14. Steve wrote me a letter (finally). 15. The semester is over (finally). 16. I
have finished my essay (finally) 17. Do you study at the library (usually)? 18. Is the
teacher absent (ever)? 19. What did you say (just)? 20. What time do you eat lunch
(generally)? 21. Do you feel homesick (sometimes)? 22. My daughter stays overnight
with our relatives (occasionally).

Exercise 13. Дайте степени сравнения следующих наречий.

1. fast 2. hard 3. late 4. slowly 5. carefully 6. clearly 7. fluently 8. regularly 9.

intensively 10. well 11. badly 12. far 13. much 14 little
Exercise 14. Переведите.

1. Испанцы говорят очень быстро. 2. Он быстро бегает, ведь он спортсмен. 3. Не

приходи домой поздно. 4. Идет сильный дождь. 5. Внимательно послушай
новости 6. Моя жена плохо готовит, но хорошо поет. 7. Я прекрасно понимаю, что
вы имеете в виду. 8. Осторожно переходи дорогу. 9. Если знаешь алфавит, ты
легко прочитаешь это слово. 10. Он тяжело дышал, он очень быстро бежал. 11.
Ярко светит солнце, по небу медленно плывут облака. 12. Думай быстро, говори
медленно. 13. Туристы приехали на вокзал слишком рано. 14. Иногда женщины
водят машину очень неосторожно. 15. Внезапно инспектор понял, в чем дело. 16.
Она балерина и двигается очень красиво. 17. В феврале идет сильный снег. 18.
Иван Николаевич всегда громко разговаривает. Он директор школы. 19. Томас
много путешествует? - Да он репортер 20. ты хорошо его знаешь? – Нет, я знаю
его плохо.

Exercise 15. Выберите нужное слово.

1. There is a … lake in the forest. We were … touched by their invitation. (deep,

deeply) 2. He managed the task …. Matt did … work. (good, well). 3. The boxer was hit
very … We … know what to do next. (hard, hardly) 4. We are sisters and we are … to
each other. The inspector examined the papers … (close, closely) 5. Such equipment is
… used in all clinics. This shop has a choice of goods. (wide, widely) 6. My mother
lives quite … me. Hurry up, it’s … midnight. (near, nearly). 7. Will you come home …
today? Have you bought anything new … ? (late, lately) 8. The dress is … decorated
with ribbons. Yes, and it’s expensive. (pretty, prettily). 9. The prisoner tried … to
escape but failed. Mel has … recovered from the shock. (hard, hardly). 10. Do you feel
… today? I feel … about my latest progress. (good, well). 11. She was … hurt and was
taken to hospital. It certainly was … news to her family. (bad, badly)

Exercise 16. Переведите.

1. Рано или поздно, но это обязательно случится. 2. Мэри смело направилась к

полицейскому, она была смелая девочка. 3. Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается. 4.
Они выполняют эту работу быстро и хорошо. Они хорошие специалисты.5.
Лучше поздно, чем никогда. 6. Хотя мы и отправились ранним поездом, тем не
менее, мы приехали поздно. 7. Лучше хорошо поступать, чем хорошо говорить. 8.
Плохие новости быстро распространяются. 9. Говори меньше, делай больше. 10.
Он работает упорно, но едва может заработать деньги на жизнь.

Exercise 17. Point out all the adverbs in the following and state their functions:

He broke his bicycle yesterday.

The plane flew high in the sky.
The water rushed forth.
That class was especially interested in history.
An extravagantly high price was paid.
The man slowly, gravely and silently approached.
Nobody ever stopped him in the street to ask, “My dear Scrooge, hoe are you?”
The bell swung so softly at the outset that it scarcely made a sound, but soon it rang out
loudly, and so did every bell in the house.
In came all the people, one after another; some shyly, some boldly, some gracefully,
some awkwardly, some pushing, some pulling, in they all came, anyhow.
It was still very foggy and extremely cold, there was no noise of people running to and
When will they speak better?
We often went there, therefore we knew when he would be at home.

Exercise 18. Put the adverbs in the following sentences in the Comparative or the
Superlative Degree.

The hare ran (fast) than the tortoise but he was (far) from the aim.
I can’t make out what you are saying; speak (slowly) and (distinctly)
Of all the New Year’s Eves this one was celebrated by us (joyfully)
That day Nick came home (late) than usual.
He always stays there (long) of all.
You must work (hard) than you do now.
I like her (well) of all my pupils.
They don’t want to write the dictation (bad) than we did.

Exercise 19. Put the adverbs in their right place in the sentences.

The weather was gloomy on that day (extremely).

I have seen a talking parrot (never).
We shall go to the country (tomorrow).
My aunt Helen lives with her little daughter (here).
The boys opened that magazine (seldom).
I looked at the apple, I did not touch it.
Poor tom has realized how long it is from breakfast to dinner (never, before).
His father has been in the Far East two years (nearly).
I could thank my sister (hardly, enough).
Everything was ready (quite, soon).

Exercise 20. Translate into English.

Мы часто ходили туда в прошлом году.

Раньше я ее никогда не видела.
Он пойдет туда завтра в два часа дня.
Мои братья сами не играют в шахматы, они только следят за шахматным
Только три ученицы в нашем классе научились хорошо играть в шахматы.

Exercise 21. Find the appropriate Russian equivalents for the English adverbs.

shortly a) вероятно
hardly b) внимательно
nearly c) упорно
late d) весьма
hard e) почти
lately f) едва
sharp g) недавно
pretty h) поздно
closely i) ровно
likely j) вскоре

Exercise 22. Choose the appropriate adverb.

1. He leaves quite (nearly/ near). 2. You have come too (lately, late). 3. The mechanic
examined the damaged car (closely, close). 4. It’s (prettily, pretty) difficult to speak to
her. 5. We have seen very little of you (lately, late). 6. She is always (prettily, pretty)
dressed. 7. He (nearly, near) seized the rail. 8. I used to work (hardly, hard) to get
everything I have got now. 9. His suggestion seemed (highly, high) improbable to us.
10. Her house stood (closely, close) to the river. 11. The wind was blowing so (hardly,
hard) that I could (hardly, hard) walk. 12. The actress (justly, just) deserved the prize.
13. The plane flew (highly, high), we could (hardly, hard) see it. 14. (Shortly, short)
after graduating, I moved to the capital. 15. I could see the house door which was
(widely, wide) open.

Exercise 23. Choose the appropriate word.

1. In spite of the coming danger he remained (calm, calmly). 2. Though the dish smelt
(good, well), he refused to eat saying he was not hungry. 3. She looked at me (angry,
angrily) and told me leave the room. 4. She spends a lot of money on her clothes but
they always look (cheap, cheaply). 5. Have you seen him? - Yes, he looks (good, well)
but he says he feels (bad, badly). 6. His cough sounds (terribly, terrible). He should see
a doctor. 7. Be (quite, quietly). Stop talking, behave yourselves. 8. The situation looks
(badly, bad). We must do something 9. He seemed to me a bit (strange, strangely)
today. 10. The fish tastes (awful, awfully). I won’t eat it.

Exercise 24. Translate into English.

1. Он так устал, что, едва добравшись до дома, сразу же лег спать. 2. Едва лишь
мы закончили работу, как зазвонил телефон. 3. Как только она вошла в комнату,
как почувствовала, что в доме кто – то есть. 4. Едва она увидела мышь, как сразу
же закричала. 5. Как только мы вышли из дома, сразу же пошел дождь. 6. Едва мы
поздоровались, как он сразу же подошел к телефону.

Exercise 25. Fill in the blanks with the words: close, pretty, right, straight, hard, fast,
high, ill, deep, easy.

1. They had to dig ___ to get oil. 2. His position was ____ uncertain. 3. This is the ___
way to do it. 4. When I came, he was ____ asleep. 5. Please, keep ____ to the subject. 6.
he was walking ___. 7. His ___ ambitions are well known to everybody. 8. He dived
____ into the water and soon emergeв at the opposite side of the river. 9. The baby is as
____ as a flower. 10. I saw him at a ____ distance. 11. He had to study ___ to be the
first. 12. He is the ____ person to speak to. 13. We can’t expect a ____ answer from
him. 14. Take it ___! 15. They live ___ around the corner. 16. The engine is ___ to
operate. 17. You couldn’t speak ___ about people. 18. This athlete can jump ___. 19.
Tell me ____ what you think. 20. She looks quite ____.

Exercise 26. Put the adverbs in the right place.

Example: These books are old (very). – These books are very old.
1. I hate travelling by air (really). 2. She trusted him (entirely). 3. I understand your
situation (fully). 4. it is not his fault/ He didn’t want it to happen (at all). 5. The rain
spoiled my day (completely). 6. We did the job quickly (fairly). 7. Though he tried to
persuade her, she believed his story (hard, half). 8. He believes that he is right (firmly).
9. The prices are cheap at the hotel (reasonably). 10. I was tired to eat (too, even).

Exercise 27. For each situation put in very, quite or a bit. (Sometimes you may
have two variants).

Example: Buses run every half an hour there. – Buses run ___ frequently. ___ Buses
run quite/very frequently.
1. I couldn’t sleep. There was ___ a lot of noise from the disco. 2. There was heavy
traffic on the road. The road was ___ busy. 3. It was only a minute or two after the
scheduled time when the train came. The train was ___late. 4. Someone paid a great
deal of money for the house. The house was ___ expensive. 5. There were one or two
small traces of mud on the boots. The boots were ___ dirty. 6. We had responsible
weather. It wasn’t ___marvellous, but it didn’t rain. The weather was ___ good. 7. That
music is ___ too loud. 8. I ____ like my new job. It’s very interesting and better paid
than the previous one. 9. They have ___ a lot of business with other company in
Belgium. 10. She was not ____ satisfied with her new life. There was something ___
disappointing but she could not understand what.

Exercise 28. Fill in the blanks with so or such.

1. The weather was ____ nasty that she decided to stay at home. 2. He drove at ___ a
high speed that I got frightened. 3. The show was ____ amusing that we couldn’t help
laughing. 4. He was shocked____ that he couldn’t say a word. 5. There were ____ few
participants that the meeting was cancelled. 6. The girl looked_____ sick that the
mother called the doctor in. 7. The programme was ____ entertaining that nobody
wanted to miss it. 8. They made ___ brilliant reports that the audience burst out
applauding. 9. There were ___ many interesting books that he did not know which to
choose. 10. I have been studying for ___ a long time that I have got a headache now.

Exercise 29. Complete the following sentences with the adverbs comparative and
superlative forms: carefully, easily, frequently, high, late, long, loud, smartly, near,
quickly, fast, well.

Example: I was afraid to go __ than halfway up the tower. – I was afraid to go higher
than halfway up the tower.
1. I could have found the place ___ if I had had a map. 2. We were tired and we all
envied Mary, for she lived ___. 3. I like this picture ___ of all. 4. Why are you wearing
these old jeans? You might have dressed ___. 5. You needn’t go away yet. You can stay
a bit ___. 6. To get to London by nine, we can’t leave ___ than seven. It takes two
hours. 7. There are a lot of robberies in our city. They happen ___ nowadays than
before. 8. Do it again ___ and you won’t make so many mistakes. 9. We can’t hear you
well. Could you speak a bit ___? 10. We all ran pretty fast, but Andrew ran ___ than
me, and Sam ran ___.

Exercise 30. Translate into English.

1.Он часто опаздывает. Она редко опаздывает. 2. Его магазин часто бывает
открыт до девяти. Ее магазин редко бывает открыт по субботам. 3. В Италии
часто бывает жарко в сентябре. В Финляндии редко бывает жарко в мае. 4. Я
редко бываю дома в 5 часов. Пожалуйста, позвоните мне в 7.

Test on Adverbs.

1. Kevin continued to study ____ in a well - organized private school and he

____ found a common language with his new school fellows.
seriously, quickly
serious, quick
seriously, quick
serious, quickly

2. Peter will pass the exam if he works ____ .

in a hard way
3. Will you give me ___ information on delivery arrangements?
more further
much far

4. The benefit was ___ great a success that the promoters decided to repeat it.

5. John is ___ a wonderful person: he is very friendly, gay, he has much talent.

6. Miss Morgan never comes ____ to walk.

of late

7. She smiled at him ____.

as a friend
the friendliest

8. She became ___ as she was growing up.

more and more beautiful
much and much beautifully
more and more beautifullier
most and most beautiful
more and most beautiful

9. You may dive ______ here, the lake is deep enough.

more safe
the safiest

10. Her face had relaxed, the tension had gone. It looked ___ and ____.
younger, beautifully
more younger, more beauty
more young, more beautiful
younger, beautifully
most younger, more beautifully

(The adverb)

Наречие – часть речи, указывающая на признак действия или на обстоятельства, при

которых происходит действие. Наречие относится к глаголу и отвечает на вопросы как? где?
когда? происходит действие.
Наречие может также относиться и к прилагательному и к другому
наречию. He speaks loudly. Он говорит громко. He is never late. Он никогда не
опаздывает. I do not know where you live. Я не знаю, где вы живёте. She is a
very good friend. Она – очень хороший друг.
По значению наречия делятся на следующие группы.
1. Наречия образа действия: well – хорошо, badly – плохо, quickly – быстро
и др.
2. Наречия времени: yesterday – вчера, today – сегодня, tomorrow – завтра,
always – всегда, never – никогда, lately – недавно, then – тогда и др.
3. Наречия места: above – наверху, выше, below – внизу, outside – снаружи,
inside – внутри, here – здесь, there – там и др.
4. Наречия меры и степени: very – очень, much – много, little – мало, too –
слишком, nearly – почти и др.

По форме наречия делятся на простые, производные, сложные и составные.

Простые наречия—это наречия, неразложимые на составные части,
например: soon скоро, fast быстро, here здесь, there там, then тогда, when когда,
why почему и т. д.
Производные наречия—это такие наречия, которые образуются
посредством суффиксов. Основным суффиксом, образующим наречия, является
суффикс -1у. При помощи суффикса -1у наречия образуются, главным образом,
от имен прилагательных и от отдельных существительных:
bad плохой badly плохо
usual обычный usually обычно
quickбыстрый quickly быстро
hour час hourly ежечасно
day день daily ежедневно
week неделя weekly еженедельно
month месяцmonthly ежемесячно
year год yearlyежегодно
name имя namely именно
part часть partly частично
Примечание. Некоторые слова, образуемые от существительных при
помощи суффикса -1у, являются не наречиями, а приллгательными: friendly
дружественный, brotherly братский, manly мужественный и т. д.

При образовании наречий от имен прилагательных путем добавления

суффикса -1у соблюдаются следующие правила правописания:

1. Если прилагательное оканчивается на -у, то у меняется на i:

easy легкий easily легко
noisy шумный noisily шумно
gay веселый gaily весело

2. Если прилагательное оканчивается на -1е, то конечное е выпадает:

simple простой simply просто
single одиночный
единственный singlyотдельно

Сложные наречия—это такие наречия, которые образуются путем

словосложения: sometimes иногда, meantime тем временем, anyway так или иначе,
во всяком случае, midway на полпути, на полдороге, inside внутри, overhead
наверху и т. д.
Составные наречия—это такие наречия, которые представляют собой
сочетание служебного слова со знаменательным словом, объединенное единым
значением: at length подробно, at first сначала, in vain напрасно, at least no крайней
Некоторые наречия совпадают по форме с прилагательными:
Прилагательное Наречие
long длинный, долгий long долго
loud громкий loud грбмко
near близкий near близко
hard твердый, усердный hard твердо, усердно
fast быстрый fast быстро
late поздний late поздно
early ранний early рано
weekly еженедельный weekly еженедельно
far дальний far далеко
Эти наречия отличаются от прилагательных по их синтаксической функции
в предложении и по месту занимаемому ими в отношении слова, к которому они
He stayed a long time with us.
Он долгое время жил с нами.
Не rode at a fast gallop.
Он ехал быстрым галопом.
New Times is a weekly Journal published in several languages in Moscow.
“Новое время”—еженедельный журнал, издаваемый на нескольких языках
в Москве. Не stayed long with us.
Он долго жил у нас.
How fast you walk
Как вы быстро ходите
Our library receives a hundred copies of New Times weekly.
Наша библиотека получает. 100 экземпляров “Нового времени”
Некоторые наречия имеют две формы: одну без суффикса, одинаковую с
прилагательным, другую с суффиксом -1у, при этом значение формы наречия без
суффикса отличается от значения формы наречия с суффиксом:
high высоко highly очень, чрезвычайно
hard настойчиво, упорно hardly едва, едва ли
short резко, внезапно, преждевременно shortly вскоре, незадолго
late поздно lately недавно, за последнее время
near близко nearlyпочти
Не returned late yesterday. -- Он вернулся вчера поздно;
I haven't been there lately. -- Я не был там в последнее время.
He studies hard. -- Он упорно занимается.
It is hardly true. -- Это едва ли верно.
По своему значению наречия делятся на наречия времени, места, образа
действия, меры и степени.
Наречие выступает в предложении в функции обстоятельства.
1) Наречия времеди:
Характеризуя глагол, наречия времени обозначают время совершения
действия. К наречиям времени относятся наречия определенного времени: now
сейчас, теперь; yesterday вчера; today сегодня tomorrow завтра; at night ночью;
then тогда; before раньше, прежде; .since с тех пор и наречия неопределенного
времени: always всегда sometimes иногда; ever когда-либо; never никогда; often
часто; seldom, rarely редко; usually обычно; already уже yet еще, уже; still все еще;
just только что и др.:
Mr Bunting often went there to talk over the war with Ernest. (R. Gr.)
-- Мистер Балтидг часто ходил туда, чтобы поговорить о войне с Эрнестом.

Valves are,usually tested before installation.

-- Клапаны обычно -испытывают перед устаяовкой.
2) Наречия места:
Характеризуя глатол, наречия места обозначают место или направление
действия. К наречиям-места относятся: here здесь, сюда; there там, туда; far
далеко; back назад, обратно; forth вперед; inside внутри, внутрь; within внутри;
outside снаружи, наружу; down внизу, вниз; up наверху, наверх; everywhere везде;
nowhere нигде, никуда; somewhere где-то, где-нибудь, куда-нибудь; anywhere где-
нибудь, кудае-ни.будь; northward(s)- к северу на север; southward(s) к югу, на юг и
т. д.:
Mr Pickwick took the candle and. walked quietly downstairs.(Ch.D.)
-- Мистер Пиквик взял свечу и спокойно спустился вниз.
By motion, is here meant quantity of motion.
-- Под движением здесь имеется в виду количество движения.
Примечание. Наречие somewhere употребляется в утвердительных
предложениях, anywhere—в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях;
I am sure I have met you somewhere, -- Я уверен, что я где-то встречал вас.
Are you going anywhere in summer? --Вы поедете кудачнибудь летом?
No, I am not going anywhere.-- Нет, я никуда-не. поеду.
Not anywhere, иногда, заменяется ндрентем. nowhere:
I am going nowhere this evening -- Я никуда не иду сегодня вечером.
3)Наречия образа действия:
Харакгеризуя глагол, наречия образа дейетвия указывают на способ
совершения действия. К наречиям: образа действия относятся, главным образом,
наречия с суффиксом -ly: quickly быстро; slowly медленно; quietly спокойно;
attentively внимательно; distinctly отчетливо и т. д., а также наречия: fast быстро;
well хорошо; hard упорно, настойчиво и т. д.:
Не moved steadily and slowly over the soft snow. (J: A.)
-- Он ровно и медленно шел по мягкому снегу.
If there were no loss of energy by friction, the motion would continue
-- Если бы не было потери энергии от трения, движение продолжалось бы
4) Наречия меры и степени:
Наречия меры и степени определяют глагол, прилагательное или наречие и
обозначают степень, меру действия или признака. К ним относятся наречия: very
очень nearly, almost почти hardly, scarcely едва; too слишком; much много
значительно; enough довольно; little мало; quite вполне совсем; just точно, как раз
и т. д.:
Almost all metals conduct electricity. -- Почти все металлы являются
проводниками электричества.
The total length of the Kremlin walls is nearly 1.6 miles. (N.) -- Общая длина
кремлевских стен составляет почти 1,6 мили.
Glass conducts so little current that it is hardly measurable. -- Стекло проводит
так мало тока, что его едва можно измерить.

Примечания. 1. Наречие very очень употребляется с прилагательными и

наречиями. С глаголами и причастиями прошедшего времени в значении очень
употребляется much или very much:
Не is very busy. -- Он очень занят.
He comes here very often. -- Он приходит сюда очень часто.
I was much surprised at what he said. -- Я очень удивился тому, что он сказал.
He works very much. -- Он очень много работает.
2. Наречие much много в утвердительных предложениях обычно заменяется
оборотами a good deal (of), a great deal (of), a lot (of) много (см. §98).
Некоторые наречия могут выполнять в предложении функцию
вопросительного слов а. К ним относятся why? почему?; how? как; when? когда?;
where? где?:
Why did you come back? -- Почему вы вернулись?
How do atoms arrange themselves in a solid? -- Как располагаются атомы в
твердом теле?
When does the viscosity of liquids decrease? -- Когда уменьшается вязкость

Наречия в предложении могут выполнять функцию союзных слов,

присоединяя придаточное предложение к главному или соединяя независимые
предложения. В роли подчинительных союзных слов выступают наречия: when
когда; how как; where где; why почему; в роли сочинительных союзных слов
используются наречия: yet все же; therefore поэтому; so поэтому, итак, таким
образом и некоторые другие:
She was a true heroine, yet only one of unnumbered millions. (Е. S. Th.) -- Она
была настоящей героиней, но все же одной из бесчисленных миллионов.
Air is a conductor when it is ionized. -- Воздух является проводни ком, когда
он ионизирован.
Наречия стоят перед прилагательными или наречиями, к которым они
The atoms of matter are extremely small. -- Атомы вещества чрезвычайно
Not all metals conduct electricity equally well.-- Не все металлы проводят
электричество одинаково хорошо.
Примечание. Наречие enough стоит после слова, к которому оно относится.
При употреблении с существительным enough может занимать место также перед
Не speaks English well enough. -- Он достаточно хорошо говорит по-
The night was dark enough. Ночь была довольно темная. We haven't enough
time (time enough) to catch the train now. (A. S. H.)
-- У нас теперь не хватит времени, чтобы успеть на этот поезд.

Наречия неопределенного времени: always, ever, never, usually, often,

seldom, rarely, hardly, nearly, just, already и др. стоят перед глаголом как
переходным, так и непереходным:

I never knew anyboby catch anything up the Thames,except minnows and dead
cats. (J. J.)
-- Я никогда не видел, чтобы кто-нибудь поймал что-нибудь в Темзе, кроме
пескарей и дохлых кошек.
The molecules always collide with one another. -- Молекулы всегда
сталкиваются друг с другом.
При употреблении с глаголом to be наречия неопределенного времени
занимают место после глагола:
The number of positive charges in the nucleus is always the same as the number
of planetary electrons in the atom.
-- Число положительных зарядов в ядре всегда такое же, как и число
орбитальных электронов в атоме.
Примеиание. Наpeчие sometimes имогда может стоять перед глаголом, в
начале или в конце предложения:Не sometimes comes here Он иногда приходит
Sometimes he comes here
Не comes here sometimes
Наречие yet ещё ставится либо между вспомогательным и смысловым
глагалом либо в конце предложения: I have not yet finished my work Я eщe не
закончил свою работу
I have not finished my work yet

Наречия определенного времени today, yesterday, tomorrow и т. д. ставятся в

начале или в конце предложения:Yesterday I was very busy Я был очень занят
I was very busy yesterday
Наречия образа действия ставятся веред переходаым глаголом или после
дополнения к переходному глаголу:The driver quickly stopped the car Водитель
быстро останвил автомобиль
The driver stopped the car quickly
Если глагол непереходный, наречие ставится непосредственно после
The waves broke noisily against the rock -- Волны с шумом разбнва лись о
При сложных формах глагола наречия неопределенного времени, образа
действия, меры и степени ставятся между вспомогательным глаголом и
смысловым глаголом. Если сложная глагольная форма включает два
вспомогательных глагола, то наречие обычно ставится после первого
вспомогательного глагола:
Resonance is often observed in nature, -- Резонанс часто наблюдается в
This formula has already been mentioned above, -- Эта формула уже
упоминалась выше.
Степени сравнения наречий.
Многие наречия (в основном наречия образа действия) имеют степени сравнения:
положительную, сравнительную и превосходную, которые образуются также как и степени
сравнения прилагательных.

Exercise 1. Выберите предложения с наречиями.

1. You must work hard.

2. his life is very hard.
3. They took a fast train to Novosibirsk.
4. You speak English too fast. I can’ understand you.
5. We are having much snow this winter.
6. He reads very much and prefers historical novels.
7. Alec’s answer was the best.
8. I like this film best of all.

Exercise 2. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Lena, it’s late, you must go to bed.
2. The Washington Post is a daily newspaper.
3. He went to the post-office daily.
4. In 1957 he lived in the Far East.
5. We never come late for our classes.
6. How far do you live from your school?

Exercise 3. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов

Много тетрадей, много молока, много воды, много дней, много газет, много мела,
много снега, много лет, много картин, много музыки, много мальчиков, много
девочек, много чая, много лимонов, много мяса, много комнат, много учителей,
много работы, много воздуха, много птиц, много машин.

Exercise 4. Вставьте much или many

1. A don’t eat … mangoes. 2. He eats … fish. 3. She ate so … dessert that she is in bed
today with a stomachache. 4. That man drank so … wine, and he smoked so …
cigarettes that he has a terrible. 5. Mary must not eat too … salt because she has
problems with her blood pressure. 6. My mother says I eat too … French fries and drink
too … beer. She wants me to be healthy. 7. There is not too … space in my flat. 8.
There are … new pictures in this room. 9. There are … teachers at our school, and …
of them are women. 10. … of these plays are quite now. 11. Thanks awfully for the
books you sent me yesterday. – Don’t mention it, it wasn’t … brother.

Exercise 5. Переведите на английский язык следующие пары слов

Мало домов, мало чая, мало чашек, мало яблок, мало окон, мало бумаги, мало
кофе, мало статей, мало радости, мало супу, мало деревьев, мало травы, мало
детей, мало игрушек, мало света, мало парт, мало колбасы, мало сока, мало книг,
мало цветов, мало соли, мало друзей, мало дворцов.

Exercise 6. Вставьте little или few

1. he has got … friends. 2. I drink … coffee. 3. We must hurry. We’ve got very …
time. 4. There are very … scholarships for students in this university. 5. The Smiths
have … money. 6. The theatre was almost empty. There were very … people there. 7.
There was … lemonade in the bottle. 8. I have … time, so I can’t go with you. 9. He
has … English books. 10. There is … juice in my glass. 11. There are … bears n the
zoo. 12. Tom Canty was the son of poor parents and had very … clothes. 13. There is
too … soup in my soup plate. 14. The children returned from the wood very sad
because they had found very … mushrooms. 15. There was too … light in the room,
and I could not read. 16. There are very … people who don’t know that the Earth is

Exercise 7. Вставьте much, many little или few

1. Robert wrote so … letters that he is never going to write a letter again. 2. She ate so
… ice – cream that she is going to have a sore throat. 3. His father earned … money,
but he enjoyed his job. He loved teaching English very … 4. There are … cookies in
the box. I should have bought them last Monday. 5. Does your sister read …? Yes, she
does. And your brother? Oh, he doesn’t. He has so … books, but he reads very … . 6.
Have you … work to do today? - No, not very… . 7. Walk quicker, please. We have
very … time. 8. I am sorry to say, I have read very … books by Walter Scott. 9. My
brother is a young teacher. Every day he spends … time preparing for his lessons. 10. I
know very … about this writer. It is the first book I am rending. 11. The pupils of our
class ask … questions at the lessons. They want to know everything. 12. You do not
make … mistakes in your spelling. Do you work hard at it? – oh, yes, I do, I work very

Exercise 8. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How did you spend last Sunday?

2. Which do you like more, hiking or traveling by bus?
3. Who swims best in your class?
4. Do you get up earlier or later than 7o’clock?
5. do you get to school quicker than your friend?
6. Who speaks English most correctly in your class?
7. How do you usually have your breakfast, quickly or slowly?
8. How did you have your breakfast yesterday, slower than usual or quicker?

Exercise 9. Вставьте вопрос на выделенные слова.

1. The actress wore a long dress and looked tall.

2. The engineer stayed long at his work to finish his task.
3. They were met more warmly than before.
4. The girl works at her Physics hardest of all the subjects.

Exercise 10. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Это работа легче, чем той.

2. Этот роман более увлекательный , чем тот.
3. Эти люди более приятные и более гостепримные, чем те.
4. Наша кошка меньше нашей собаки.
5. Мой брат моложе меня.
6. Днепр короче Волги.
7. Эрмитаж богаче Русского музея.
8. Китай больше Индий.
9. Папа умнее мамы.
10.Сегодня вода в реке холоднее чем вчера.

Exercise 11. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. The new cinema in our district is much bigger than the old one.
2. He is one of the most dangerous criminals in the world.
3. Nevsky Prospect is much more beautiful than our street.
4. Our house isn’t as big as yours.
5. She is getting better.
6. He was more careful than I was.
7. His work is not so difficult as mine.
8. He was the eldest in the in the family.
9. His work is not so interesting as his.
10. I need a warmer coat.

Exercise 12. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму.

1. We should eat (healthy) food.

2. Today the streets aren’t as (clean) as they used to be.
3. It is (bad) mistake he has ever made.
4. This man is (tall ) than that one.
5. Asia is (large) than Australia.
6. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi.
7. Which building is the (high) in Moscow?

Exercise 13. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму.

1. Her eyes are (grey) than mine.

2. He was the (fat) man in the village.
3. My sister is the (tall) girl in her class.
4. Who is the (attentive) student in your group?
5. Your handwriting is now (good) than it was last year; but still it is not so (good0
handwriting of all.
6. Take some of these sweets; they are very (nice).
7. Bobby was a (quiet) child. He was (quiet) than his sister.

Exercise 14. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму.

1. This good looking girl is the (good) student in our group.

2. Which is the (hot) month of the year?
3. My sister speaks English(bad0 than I do.
4. This book is (interesting) of all I have read this year.
5. Today the weather is (cold0 than it was yesterday.
6. She is not so (_fond) of sports as my brother is.
7. She is not so (busy) as I am.

Exercise 15. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму.

Marry is a (good) student than Lucy.
The Alps are (high) than the Urals.
This garden is the (beautiful) in our town.
Spanish is (easy) than German.
It is as (cold0 today as it was yesterday.
Is the world newspaper (long0 than the world book?
My pie is (delicious).
Oil is (light) than water.
We shall wait for a (dry0 day to go the excursion.
1. There are ____ biscuits left in the tin.
a) a few
b) much
c) little
d) a little
e) many
2. ____ students know the answer to this question.
a) few
b) a little
c) much
d) many
e) little
3. My days are so busy that I have ____ time for reading.
a) little
b) many
c) few
d) a few
e) a little
4. He keeps trying although there is ____ chance of success.
a) little
b) much
c) a lot
d) a few
e) few
5. There are many clocks in the office but ____ of them work properly.
a) much
b) little
c) few
d) a little
e) a lot
6. She wasn’t very hungry. She has just had ____ soup.
a) a little
b) few
c) a few
d) little
e) many
7. There aren’t ____ lessons today.
a) many
b) much
c) a lot
d) few
e) a little
8. When my parents moved into a new flat, they had very ___ furniture, just ___ chairs.
a) little, a few
b) a little, a few
c) little, a little
d) little, little
e) few, few
9. I had ___ time left, so I spent ___ minutes in a bookshop.
a) a little, a few
b) little, a few
c) a few, a few
d) many, much
e) a lot, many
10. There aren’t ____ jobs for young people.
a) many
b) much
c) little
d) a few
e) few

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