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Т. А.


Экскурсии по Екатеринбургу
на английском языке
Учебно-методическое пособие

Т. А. Пыркова, Е. В. Чусовитина

Учебно-методическое пособие

Рекомендовано методическим советом

Уральского федерального университета
в качестве учебно-методического пособия для студентов вуза,
обучающихся по направлениям подготовки бакалавриата,
специалитета и магистратуры в области гуманитарных наук,
наук об обществе, математических и естественных наук, инженерного дела,
технологии и технических наук

Издательство Уральского университета
УДК 811.111’37
ББК Ш143.21-933.74

Под общей редакцией

А. С. Дедюхиной

Р е ц е н з е н т ы:
научно-образовательный центр английской филологии
ЧОУ ВО «Институт международных отношений»
(директор центра Ю. Ю. Шадрина);
С. М. Тиллоева, доктор филологических наук
(Уральский государственный педагогический университет)

Пыркова, Т. А.
П95 Ekaterinburg in English : экскурсии по Екатеринбургу на анг-
лийском языке : учебно-методическое пособие / Т. А. Пыркова,
Е. В. Чусовитина ; под общ. ред. А. С. Дедюхиной ; Министерст-
во науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, Ураль-
ский федеральный университет. – Екатеринбург : Изд-во Урал.
ун-та, 2021. – 122 с. : ил. – Загл. рус., англ. – Текст рус., англ. –
30 экз. – ISBN 978-5-7996-3238-0. – Текст : непосредственный.
ISBN 978-5-7996-3238-0

В учебно-методическом пособии собран материал об истории Екатерин-

бурга и его основных достопримечательностях, на основе которого предло-
жена система упражнений, позволяющая разработать разные экскурсионные
маршруты по городу и его окрестностям. Пособие рассчитано на овладение
студентами коммуникативными умениями общения на английском языке
и формирование у них языка гида для проведения различных тематических
Предназначено для студентов бакалавриата, специалитета и магистрату-
ры, обучающихся в области гуманитарных наук и наук об обществе, слушате-
лей языковых курсов, а также для всех интересующихся историей и культурой
Урала в целом и Екатеринбурга в частности.
УДК 811.111’37
ББК Ш143.21-933.74

ISBN 978-5-7996-3238-0 © Уральский федеральный университет, 2021


Предисловие ............................................................................................................ 4
Introduction. General information ......................................................................... 5
Unit 1. City symbols ................................................................................................ 11
Unit 2. History of Ekaterinburg: Main events .................................................... 17
Unit 3. Language of the guide ............................................................................. 28
Unit 4. Showing places of interest ....................................................................... 41
Unit 5. The Red Line of Ekaterinburg .................................................................. 50
Unit 6. Different tours around Ekaterinburg ....................................................... 60
Unit 7. Outside Ekaterinburg ................................................................................ 67
Unit 8. Plan your own tour .................................................................................... 71
Appendix A. Texts .................................................................................................. 76
Appendix B. Answer key ..................................................................................... 109

Российские территории становятся все более привлекатель-

ными для иностранных туристов, и крупные города России с бога-
той историей и самобытными культурными традициями являются
очень популярными туристическими направлениями. Среди таких
направлений достойное место занимает Екатеринбург. Интерес
к экскурсиям по столице Среднего Урала довольно устойчив, что
предполагает спрос на услуги гида, владеющего английским язы-
ком, знающего и любящего свой город.
Вместе с тем наблюдается довольно узкий набор ассоциаций
о Екатеринбурге в восприятии иностранного туриста, от чего воз-
никает необходимость в создании качественно организованных
и насыщенных интересными историями экскурсий по городу, что
предполагает умение гида владеть определенной информацией
о городе и его достопримечательностях, способность заинтересо-
вать слушателей, четко организовать информацию – все это на анг-
лийском языке.
Учебно-методическое пособие состоит из введения, восьми
разделов и двух приложений. Разделы пособия включают в себя
разнообразные задания на развитие навыков устной речи, чтения,
аудирования, содержат большой объем необходимой лексики и кли-
ше. Богатый текстовый материал позволяет выстраивать самые
разные маршруты и практиковать проведение экскурсий по ним.
В конце каждого раздела дана активная лексика с переводом на рус-
ский язык. В приложения вынесена часть текстового материала,
а также даны ключи к заданиям для проверки.


How much do you know about Ekaterinburg – its main dates,
its founders, its symbols? Test your knowledge: choose the proper
variants to complete the following sentences.
1. Ekaterinburg was founded in …
a) 1703
b) 1723
c) 1732.
2. Ekaterinburg was founded on …
a) the Ural river
b) the Chusovaya river
c) the Iset river.
3. The birthday of Ekaterinburg is …
a) October, 18
b) November, 18
c) November, 20.
4. The city was founded under the decree of …
a) Catherine the Great
b) Catherine I
c) Peter the Great.
5. The city was named after …
a) Saint Ekaterina
b) Catherine II
c) Ekaterina, wife of Peter I.
6. One of the founders, Vasily Tatishchev, was …
a) a historian, geographer, economist, linguist
b) a teacher of English
c) an engineer.
7. One of the founders, Georg Wilhelm de Hennin, was …
a) a navy officer
b) a military officer and an engineer
c) an ambassador from Holland to Russia.
8. The place for building a plant was chosen by …
a) Peter the Great
b) Georg Wilhelm de Hennin
c) Vasily Tatishchev.
9. The plant was built under the supervision of …
a) Georg Wilhelm de Hennin
b) Peter the Great
c) Vasily Tatishchev.
10. The three basic colors of the flag of Ekaterinburg are …
a) yellow, green, blue
b) yellow, green, red
c) green, white, red.
11. The two animals in the coat of arms of Ekaterinburg are …
a) a bear and a sable
b) a bear and a fox
c) a bear and an ermine.
12. The bear in the coat of arms symbolizes …
a) strength
b) Europe
c) Asia.
13. The historical color of the Urals is …
a) blue
b) golden
c) emerald green.
14. The blue stripe at the bottom of the flag symbolizes …
a) the Ural Mountains connecting Europe and Asia
b) the Iset river connecting Europe and Asia
c) the beauty of the Chusovaya river.
15. The trademark of the Ural metal in the Demidovs’ time was …
a) a sable
b) a bear
c) a lizard.
Now find the information in the Internet to check your answers.
How many of them are correct?
Follow-up: Using this quiz, make a short opening speech for English-
speaking tourists visiting the city for the first time. Think of a way to organize
these facts, use some (not too much) additional information to enrich
your story and some appropriate links to make your speech connected.

A. Amazing facts about Ekaterinburg 1
Did you know that…
The world’s oldest wooden sculpture – Big Shigir idol – is exhibited
in Ekaterinburg. The idol is older than the pyramids of Egypt; its age is
9500 years.
The unique Kasli cast iron pavilion is exhibited in Ekaterinburg.
It was created by Ural craftsmen and won the Grand Prix and Gold
Medal at the World’s Fair in Paris in 1900. In 1978, the pavilion was
registered by UNESCO as the world’s only cast-iron architectural structure
preserved in a museum collection.
Metal produced at Ekaterinburg plants was used in construction
of the most famous architectural structures and buildings around
the world. For example, the very first English industrial machines were
made of iron produced in the Urals. In 1820, roofing iron made in Ekaterinburg
was used to cover the roof of the English Parliament in London. Ural
steel was used in construction of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, and Ural
copper was used in construction of the Statue of Liberty in New York.
Ekaterinburg was the first city in Russia where gold ore was found,
and gold mining began. The significance of Ural gold mines can hardly
be overestimated: it was the first Russian gold.
The first bicycle, a prototype of modern models, was invented
in Ekaterinburg in 1801. A similar two-wheeled «running machine»
with pedals was made in Europe only in 1839.
См.: Ekaterinburg: interesting facts // Информационно-туристическая служ-
ба Екатеринбурга : [сайт]. URL : http://its.ekburg.ru/en/ekaterinburg/facts/ (дата обра-
щения: 21.10.2020).
The world’s first jet engine aircraft BI-2 was tested in Ekaterinburg
in 1942. The flight at the height of 840 meters lasted 3 minutes and
9 seconds.
The first transmitter for receiving satellite signals from space
was invented in Ekaterinburg.
The world’s most famous walking excavator included into
the Guinness Book of Records was produced in Ekaterinburg at Uralmash
plant in 1980.
During the Great Patriotic War collections of the State Hermitage,
as well as Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre and Central Theater of the Red
Army were evacuated to Sverdlovsk.
The tallest building – 198-meter high business center «Vysotsky» –
in the Ural-Siberian and Central Asian regions and the northernmost
skyscraper of the world is located in Ekaterinburg.
Do you know any other amazing facts about the city? Share them
with other students.

B. Read the text below and choose 3 facts about Ekaterinburg

that are worth telling foreigners who plan a visit to the city.

Ekaterinburg, a city in Russia2

Ekaterinburg is located in the heart of the Middle Urals, on the bank
of the Iset river. It’s one of the biggest cities in Russia, the fourth
by population. From 1924 to 1991 the city had another name – Sverdlovsk.
Ekaterinburg is an administrative capital of the Sverdlovsk Region
and the Ural Federal District. Nowadays the city is an important centre
of industry, transport, finance, science, and culture.
General information. The city was founded in 1723 and is situated
in the heart of the Eurasian continent, on the border of Europe and Asia
and in the middle of the Ural Mountain Range. The total area of Ekaterinburg
is 491 square kilometers.
См.: Ekaterinburg on the map of Russia // Информационно-туристическая
служба Екатеринбурга : [сайт]. URL: http://www.ekburg.ru/english_version/ (дата
обращения: 21.10.2020).
Population. For January 1, 2018, the population of the Ural capital
was 1,501,652 people.
Climate. The city features a temperate continental climate with
characteristic weather instability and brightly expressed seasons. Average
temperature in January is –16 °C, in July being +18 °C. The weather
can change from severe frosts to thaws in winter and from extreme
heat to cold periods and rains in summer.

A. What do you think of Ekaterinburg? If it is not your native town,
what was your first impression? Compare it with that of a partner.
B. Think of 3 reasons to visit Ekaterinburg. Share your answer
with the class.

ambassador – посол
average – средний
cast iron – чугун, чугунный
coat of arms – герб
copper – медь
craftsmen – ремесленники
decree – указ
emerald – изумрудный
ermine – горностай
exhibit – выставлять (в качестве экспоната)
fair – ярмарка
feature – характеризоваться чем-то
frosts – морозы
hardly – едва ли, вряд ли
the Hermitage – Эрмитаж
in terms of – с точки зрения
iron – железо
jet engine – реактивный двигатель
lizard – ящерица
military officer – военный офицер
mine – шахта
mining – добыча полезных ископаемых
mountain range – горный хребет
navy officer – морской офицер
northernmost – самый северный
ore – руда
overestimate – переоценить
preserve – сохранять
roofing – кровля, покрытие крыши
sable – соболь
severe – суровый
significance – значимость, важность
steel – сталь
stripe – полоса
temperate – умеренный
thaw – оттепель
wheel – колесо
wooden – деревянный


Do you know any symbols used in a city’s emblem or flag? Discuss
the meaning of each symbol.
Emblems and flags generally depict animals. What animals do you
think are depicted in the modern symbols of Ekaterinburg?
tiger sable fish hare deer bird
wolf lion bear lizard polecat ermine

A. Match the words (1–9) with their definitions (a–i).
1. coat of arms a. a long line which is a different colour
from the areas next to it
2. shield b. the distinctive heraldic bearings on a shield
of a person, a family, a corporation, or a country
3. fortress c. relating to coats of arms and the history
of the families they belong to
4. crown d. a castle or another large strong building, or
a well-protected place, which is intended to be
difficult for enemies to enter
5. stripe e. an animal represented standing on one hind
foot with its forefeet in the air
6. rampant f. a circular ornamental headdress worn
by a monarch as a symbol of authority
7. heraldic g. a decorative adhesive stamp
8. seal h. a broad piece of metal or another suitable material
used as a protection against blows or missiles
9. druse i. an incrustation of small crystals on the surface
of a rock or a mineral
B. Complete the sentences below with the words in the box.
mine furnaces crystal smelter castellation emerald
1. The plant of a prehistoric copper ______ has been found in
Spain, and the material of bronze foundries have been found in various
2. Joseph asked Fred for a marker and cardboard and began making
«No Trespassing» signs, signifying he planned a visit to the _______ later.
3. The people were all dressed in clothing of a lovely _______-
green colour and wore peaked hats like those of Munchkins.
4. There is a considerable export of quartz _______ commercially
known as «Brazilian pebbles» used in optical work.
5. Through the growing gloom there pulsed the red glow of the ____
on the sides of the hill.
6. East Cowes Castle was notable for its Gothic towers and turrets,
and elaborate _______.

Read the description of old and modern symbols of Ekaterinburg.
Decide which picture (Fig. 1, а–d) is described in each text.
Text 1
On the dark-red perimeter of the wall, there is a fortified plant in
the centre of the silver field with a gear on it. A blue ribbon goes upside
down: it symbolizes the river Iset that crosses the fortress perimeter.
At the top of the pillar one can see a stylized atom image. On the left
there is a rampant sable (mark of the Demidovs’ plants) looking to its
right, and on the right, there is a lizard (symbol of Pavel Bazhov’s fairy-
tales) looking to its left.
Text 2
The flag symbols reproduce those of an emblem of the city of
Ekaterinburg. Pictures of the shaft and the smelter symbolize Ekaterinburg,
the industrial city with high scientific and cultural potential. Emerald green
is the historic colour of the Urals. The yellow stripe symbolizes the Ural
Mountains connecting Europe and Asia, their beauty, grandeur, and
mineral wealth. The blue stripe in the flag’s lower part is the Iset river.
The blue and yellow stripes also symbolize Europe and Asia, respectively,
emphasizing the unique location of Ekaterinburg on the junction of 2 parts
of the world.
Text 3
The upper part of the emblem resembles the fortress which Ekaterinburg
used to be in its early days. The wavy sky-blue ribbon in the lower part is
the Iset river connecting the past and the present, Europe and Asia. A bear
symbolizing the European part of Russia and a sable – its Asian
counterpart – hold the shield. Both animals are rampant, with their teeth
bare and tongues stuck out. At the bottom the shield is decorated with
a druse implying the scientific potential of the city, and mineral resources
of the Urals. A crown with 5 castellations resembles a fortress tower.
Text 4
On the upper red field of the shield, there is a silver bear with a book
of the Gospel on its back and a silver cross above it: that’s the emblem
of the city of Perm. On the lower green field, a silver smelter and a shaft
are depicted.
Text 5
Originally, Ekaterinburg was designed and built as the capital of
the mining area. The earliest symbol of the Ural capital is represented
by a wheel which was depicted on the first seal of the Ekaterinburg

A. Test yourself on symbols of Ekaterinburg.
1. The historic colour of the Urals is …
a) olive green
b) dark green
c) emerald green.
а b

c d e
Fig. 1. Symbols of Ekaterinburg

2. The blue stripe symbolizes …

a) faithfulness and honesty
b) watershed connecting the Urals with other regions
c) past of the city.
3. The yellow stripe symbolizes …
a) the mountain range connecting Europe and Asia
b) gold found in the Urals
c) mineral resources of the Urals.
4. The bear symbolizes …
a) the European part of Russia
b) scientific potential of the city
c) the Asian part of Russia.
5. The lizard is …
a) the symbol of regeneration
b) the symbol of the city’s cultural potential
c) one of the main characters of the Ural folklore.
См.: Symbols of Ekaterinburg // Информационно-туристическая служба Ека-
теринбурга : [сайт]. URL: http://its.ekburg.ru/en/symbolism/ (дата обращения:
6. The sable is …
a) the mark of one of the basic natural resources – furs – exported
all over the world from the Urals.
b) the mark of the plants belonging to the most influential merchants
and earliest industrialists in the Russian Empire.
c) the mark of a famous gemstone the properties of which are used
in major industrial applications such as cutting and polishing tools.

B. Work in small groups. Make a short presentation on old and

new symbols of Ekaterinburg. Share the information with the class.
Group 1 Catherine II approved the official emblem of Ekaterinburg
on July 17, 1783. That year Ekaterinburg received the status of the chief
town of an uyezd, a territory division of Perm province.
Group 2 In 1924, Ekaterinburg was renamed Sverdlovsk after one
of the Bolshevik leaders. In 1973, Sverdlovsk received its new emblem.
Group 3 In September, 1991, the city regained its historical name
of Ekaterinburg. In 1995, the present emblem of Ekaterinburg was officially
adopted in the State Herald’s Office under the President of the Russian
Group 4 Since 2008 Ekaterinburg has its own flag. On June 24, 2008,
it was approved and included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian

approve – одобрять
bearings – элементы (контекст. перевод)
belong (to) – принадлежать (к)
bronze foundries – бронзовые заводы
castellation – зубец
castle – зáмок
depict – изображать
distinctive – отличительный
druse – друза
elaborate – сложный, детально разработанный
emphasize – подчеркивать
faithfulness – верность
forefeet – передние лапы
fortress – крепость
furs – меха
furnace – печь (металлургическая)
gear – шестерня
gemstone – драгоценный камень
Gospel – Евангелие
grandeur – величие
hind foot – задняя лапа
imply – подразумевать, означать
junction – место соединения
merchants – торговцы, купцы
missiles – метательные снаряды
own – собственный
pillar – колонна, столб
polecat – хорек
polishing – полировка
properties – свойства
rampant – стоящий на задних лапах; угрожающий
regain – вернуть
relating to – относящийся к
resemble – напоминать
seal – печать
shaft – шахта
shield – щит
signify – означать
smelter – плавильная печь или завод
surface – поверхность
tools – инструменты
turret – орудийная башня
unique – уникальный
uyezd – уезд
watershed – водораздел
wealth – богатство

Look through the following questions. How many of them can you
answer? The texts in the Reading section below will provide you
with the facts under discussion.
1. What was the main production of the iron-making plant built under
the decree of Russian Emperor Peter the Great in 1723?
2. What used to be in the building which nowadays houses the Museum
of Fine Arts?
3. Who discovered gold in the outskirts of Ekaterinburg?
4. Who gave Ekaterinburg the status of the town?
5. Which famous architectural structures and buildings around the world
have Ekaterinburg metal as their structural material?
6. What is the location of the Tsar bridge in Ekaterinburg?
7. Who established a comprehensive school for boys known today
as school № 9?
8. What makes Ekaterinburg geographic location unique?
9. What was the reason for renaming Ekaterinburg into Sverdlovsk?
10. What was Ipatiev House notorious for?
11. What important role did Ekaterinburg play in the time of World
War II?
12. What do you know about public transport of Ekaterinburg?
13. What events of national and international importance were held
in Ekaterinburg?

Given below are several texts describing main periods of Ekaterinburg
history and their central events. Sentences in each text are jumbled,
some word are missing. Look through the sentences in each text
and restore all those stories. Give a title to each story.
Text 1
The Iset …, which was built in 1723, provided energy for the plant.
The plant itself was … on November, 24.
These were surrounded by … walls.
On November 18, 1723 a test run of … hammers was conducted in
the shops of the iron-making plant built under the … of Russian Emperor
Peter the Great.
The main products were iron, … iron, and copper.
The first general plan of Ekaterinburg suggests that the development
of the city on the Iset river was carried out … the best examples of
fortification … of Germany, the Netherlands, and France.
The production … of the plant included 2 blast furnaces, 14 bloomery
hammers, copper smelting plant, steel and anchor factory, … machines
for guns.
In the early years of its existence, Ekaterinburg plant was ahead of
all other metallurgical … not only in the country but also in the world in
the matter of technological … .
The city was built, with … use of iron, to a regular square plan with
iron works and … buildings at the center.
European character of the city was reflected not only in its name
(the German «burg» means – «the City» in the Russian language), but
also in the … .
Dam, commissioned, energy, layout, enterprises, equipment,
cast, fortified, bloomery, decree, according to, craft, capacity,
drilling, extensive, residential.
Text 2
For … 2 centuries the entire population of the … country every day
used coins produced in the Urals.
On June 14, 1725, a Mint was … in Ekaterinburg.
In 1735, copper plates were … by copper coins.
Nowadays the … or Monetary Yard building houses the Museum
of … Arts.
The first items … were not coins though but heavy … plates made
of copper.
Ekaterinburg Mint existed … 1876, and during this period 482 coin
… were minted here.
A … plate of 1 rouble … over 1.5 kilo – to be more exact, 1 kilo and
638 grams.
It was one of the … mints in the country, producing up to 80 % of
all copper coins in the … Empire.
The population of the Russian Empire were not happy about such
heavy money, moreover, … illegally re-minted those plates into … round
The plates had the state … of arms and the value … on them.
The denomination of those was on a … with the price of the metal.
smaller, opened, false-coiners, samples, vast, coat, leading,
nearly, replaced, square, par, Fine, produced, Mint, till, weighed,
copper, minted, Russian.
Text 3
For several decades following the initial gold discovery, additional
deposits were found … the Ural Mountains, first along the eastern …,
and later along the western flanks.
In 1745–1922, local … produced 559 tons of alluvial gold, and 145 tons
of … gold (about a third of the overall amount produced in Russia).
Gold was known to exist in many of the … in the Ural Mountains
but local … had limited knowledge on how to capture and … it.
On May 21, 1745, the gold … was discovered in Berezovsky, which
is the second largest … town of Ekaterinburg.
It was here that the gold veins search … was developed, new methods
of … processing and new machinery were invented.
Visitors can see a rich collection of … and gold ores.
This … discovery was made by Yerofei Markov, a peasant from
the … of Shartash.
The … marked the beginning of a new industry in Russia – gold … .
The historical, …, and technological importance of Ural … mines is
very high.
The Gold Museum in Berezovsky … various tools used by gold-… .
exhibits, throughout, retain, discovery, flanks, rivers, mines,
peasants, solid, deposit, technology, satellite, ore, remarkable,
minerals, village, geological, mining, gold, diggers.
Text 4
Since then Ekaterinburg was in fact … from provincial authorities
in Perm and reported directly to the … Mining Officer, Minister of Finance
and the Emperor.
In 1796, Ekaterinburg became part of Perm … .
In the 18th – first half of the 19th century, the city government was
… made of Old Believer … .
In 1807, Ekaterinburg received its … status of a mining town.
In 1781, Ekaterinburg was given the … of the town by the Empress
Catherine II.
In 1783, it was … the coat of arms; and in 1787, the first … to the city
government took place.
At that time the population was … 8000 people.
merchants, status, over, predominantly, awarded, elections,
province, unique, Head, independent.

Text 5
Ural … was used in construction of the Eiffel … in Paris.
Production of mining and metallurgical … , water turbines, and steam
… was commissioned at state and private mechanical engineering
Metal produced at Ekaterinburg … was used in construction of
the most famous … structures and buildings around the world.
In the 1830s, Ekaterinburg became the center of … engineering.
The pavilion is made of more than 1500 unique … iron elements
and … , and weighs about 20 tons.
In 1820, roofing iron made in Ekaterinburg was used to … the roof
of the English Parliament in … .
Each of the 25 workers, who put the pavilion together at the … in Paris,
received a … watch with an inscription as an award for their talent.
For example, the very first English … machines were made of …
produced in the Urals.
The unique Kasli cast iron pavilion was created by Ural … and
won the Grand Prix and Gold Medal at the World’s … in Paris in 1900.
Ural copper was used in … of the Statue of Liberty in New York.
architectural, cast, craftsmen, exhibition, equipment,
mechanical, steel, cover, industrial, plants, iron, London, Tower,
construction, engines, Fair, silver, sculptures.
Text 6
In 3 days that the Emperor stayed in the Urals he visited the …,
Lapidary Works, Gold-melting laboratory, Verkh-Iset plant, … in Berezovsky
and Pyshma as well as Novo-Tikhvinsky Monastery.
In 1837, Ekaterinburg was visited by the … Prince Alexander, the …
Emperor Alexander II.
In 1889–1890 the bridge was reconstructed into a … one according
to the project of the architect Sergey Kozlov and it … nowadays.
On September 25, 1824, Ekaterinburg was visited by the Russian …
Alexander I.
The bridge became … of Alexandrovsky Avenue, known as Dekabristov
… nowadays.
Later, in 1861, Alexander II gave an order to … a comprehensive
school for boys, known today … school № 9.
The Emperor … in Rastorguyev-Kharitonov House on Voznesensky
After the Emperor rode over the bridge in his …, it came to be known
as the … Bridge.
In 1824, Ekaterinburg government … the Emperor’s visit built
a new … bridge over the Iset River.
After the Emperor rode over the bridge in his …, it came to be known
as the … Bridge.
He met with local … and merchants, and had a look at the … of Ural
Emperor, carriage, stayed, Mint, wooden, plants, expecting,
part, Street, Tsar, future, stone, exists, Crown, nobles, operations,
establish, as.
Text 7
Both railway stations were built in … style and were put into … in
It took 4 years to … the work and in 1898 the railway was commissioned
… Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Taghil, Kamasino (modern Chusovoy), and Perm.
According to …, every hour 78 trains … the border between parts
of the world in Ekaterinburg.
In 1874, Alexander II gave an … to start building the first … in
the Urals.
Moreover, the railway … about the construction of beautiful railway
… in Ekaterinburg and Perm.
The new railway was … for that time both in its length and …
technology used.
In 1896, the line … Ekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk was given … to
the Siberian railway.
In 1909, the new … line connecting Ekaterinburg, Kungur, and Perm
became a … path to St. Petersburg.
In subsequent … Ekaterinburg became a … railway junction.
The … linking Ekaterinburg, Tyumen, and … was opened in 1885.
Designed in the early 20th century, the railroad … Ekaterinburg and
Kazan was … in 1920.
Ekaterinburg has a unique … location on the overland … between
Europe and Asia.
railroad, stations, order, complete, decades, brought, linking,
unique, engineering, modernist, major, operation, way, Omsk,
access, connecting, railway, direct, between, completed, geographic,
border, cross, statistics.
Text 8
Their bodies were then disposed of in an … mine, just on the … of
Some years later, the city of Ekaterinburg was … into Sverdlovsk
after the Bolshevik … .
On May 1, 1905, the central square of Ekaterinburg, … known as
the Trade Square, became the place of the first … demonstration.
A short … out of town, the Ganina Yama Monastery was built next
to the old mine that pays … to Russia’s last royal family.
The Russian … of 1917 brought an ending to … Russia.
At the beginning of the 20th century the city became the center of
the … movement, which was … by Yakov Sverdlov.
On July 16, 1918, the Romanov family (Tsar Nicholas, his wife
Alexandra, their four daughters, and a son) were … by the Bolsheviks
in the … of Ipatiev house in Ekaterinburg.
Cathedral-on-the-Blood was built on … place and was opened on
July 16, 2003, on the 85th … of the tragedy.
Ipatiev house was destroyed … the special order of the Communist
… in 1977.
revolutionary, previously, led, political, Imperial, renamed,
executed, leader, Revolution, basement, unused, under, outskirts,
Party, anniversary, its, trip, homage.
Text 9
In 1991, with the … of the Soviet Union, the city opened up to
international tourism and returned its … name – Ekaterinburg.
Ural … Machine-Building Plant became the main production site
for military machinery: tanks, … artillery, guns, etc.
During World War II, over 50 factories and many state technical
institutions were … to Sverdlovsk from Western parts of the Soviet
Union in efforts to … production.
Just outside Ekaterinburg there is also the Military Technology
Museum, which has one of the biggest military … collections in the world,
and it is … growing.
For decades Ekaterinburg was a closed city … to the military bases
and activities the government set up there, meaning … weren’t allowed
to visit.
During the war the Hermitage Museum … were in part relocated
to the city in 1941 and … there until 1945.
Relics of this time are … throughout the city; missiles and fighter
planes are proudly on … in public places.
Throughout WWII and into the Cold War there were factories in
the area specialising in … guns, artillery units, and anti-aircraft … systems.
Many factories and institutions stayed when WWII ended, …
strengthening the city’s industrial importance and … the way for further
industrial development.
relocated, further, maintain, paving, collections, remained,
Heavy, due, self-propelled, foreigners, collapse, historical, scattered,
display, anti-aircraft, vehicle, rocket, still.
Text 10
The boom of the … model ESH 25.100 produced at Ural Heavy
…-Building Plant in 1958 was 100 meters long.
Koltsovo Airport is one of the largest airports in the country, …
5,404,000 passengers (including 3,485,000 those serviced by airlines, and
1,919,000 on international flights) in 2017, making it the 6th … airport in
Ekaterinburg/Sverdlovsk became the first city in the Soviet Union
outside the two … (Moscow and St. Petersburg) to build a … .
The world’s most famous walking … registered in the Guinness
Book of … was produced in Ekaterinburg.
The first section of Ekaterinburg metro already paid for itself a year
… to its launch with mineral … acquired during its construction.
The load of its … was equal to that of 2 railroad … .
The subway was put into … on April 27, 1991.
The developed area of the city … only 20 km from north to south,
and 15 km from east to west.
The operational length of the underground … is 12.7 kilometers,
a trip from the first to … stop takes only 19 minutes.
Records, giant, excavator, Machine, bucket, subway, cars,
capitals, prior, resources, operation, tunnels, final, stretches, serving,
domestic, busiest.
Text 11
In June, 2009, the city … the BRICS summit, and the SCO summit
… by 13 presidents.
The events … improved the economic, cultural, and … situation in
the city.
4 games were played on the … land of Ekaterinburg: Egypt and
Uruguay, Peru and France, Japan and Senegal, Mexico and Sweden squared
… with each other.
Ekaterinburg becomes a regular … for different level events like
international … and business talks: the city organizes and … the Annual
International Exhibition and Forum of Industry and Technology –
37 heads of states visited Ekaterinburg at … stages of its history –
from the visit of Emperor Alexander I in 1824, to 2010, when a meeting
between Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and German … Angela
Merkel took place in the city.
In 2003, Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor
Gerhard Schroder … in Ekaterinburg.
100,000 … tourists visited the city during this period.
In 2010, Ekaterinburg … the leaders of Russia and Germany –
Dmitry Medvedev and Angela Merkel.
In 2018, Ekaterinburg hosted 4 … of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
hosted, venue, summits, negotiated, holds, attended, welcomed,
greatly, various, tourist, Chancellor, matches, hospitable, foreign, off.

1. Give a 3-sentence summary of each text.
2. Work in groups of 4. Listen to each other’s summaries and
share your additions.
3. Working in groups of 4, make a list of questions (1 question
for each historical period).
4. Take part in a contest between groups to find out who can
give the most answers.

alluvial gold – россыпное золото
attend – посетить
award – наградить
basement – подвал
blast furnaces – доменные печи
bloomery hammers – кричные молоты
boom – стрела (крана)
bucket – ковш (экскаватора)
capacity – мощность
capture – добывать
commission – ввести в эксплуатацию
comprehensive – общеобразовательный
copper coins – медные монеты
copper smelting plant – медеплавильный завод
craft – ремесло, мастерство
deposit – месторождение
dispose (of ) – сбросить
drilling machines – сверлильные станки
execute – казнить
false-coiners – фальшивомонетчики
Fine Arts – изобразительное искусство
flanks – склоны
further – дальнейший; еще более
gold-melting – золотоплавильный
gold vein – золотая жила
homage – дань уважения
hospitable – гостеприимный
host – принимать гостей
inscription – надпись
iron works – металлургический завод
junction – узел, место соединения
lapidary works – гранильный завод
layout – планировка, расположение
maintain – сохранить, поддержать
mechanical engineering – машиностроение
missiles – ракеты
mint – монетный двор; чеканить (монеты)
negotiate – вести переговоры, обсуждать
nobles – знать, дворяне
old Believers – старообрядцы
on a par – быть равным чему-то
outskirts – окраины
peasant – крестьянин
processing – обработка
relics – реликвии
retain – сохранять
run – запуск
scatter – разбрасывать
self-propelled vehicles – самоходные транспортные средства
solid gold – чистое золото
square off – соревноваться
steam engine – паровой двигатель
steel and anchor factory – сталелитейно-анкерный завод
subsequent – последующий
vast – обширный
venue – место проведения


A. Why do you think being a tour guide is a very important job?
B. What is a tour guide responsible for?
C. Share your opinion on the following:
– A tour guide might be a traveller’s first impression of a foreign
– A tour guide may be responsible for teaching tourists about the culture
and sites in a city or town.
– A tour guide may hold the responsibility for teaching tourists
about safety.
– Even if a guide is only responsible for taking a tourist from the airport
to the hotel, it is his/her responsibility to make the short trip interesting,
informative, and safe.

A. Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the verb
from the box.
miss refer arrive raise sit back relax continue on
depart permit speak up enjoy show s.o. around slow down
expect proceed close recommend

1. I am glad to see you all __________ safely.

2. We __________ the tour with a view of the city at sunset.
3. If you’re all finished looking here, we _________ with the tour.
4. The last ferry __________ at 4 p.m., so make sure you (not)
__________ it.
5. I __________ meeting all of you today.
6. You probably __________ to see snow.
7. You __________ to have a beverage on the bus, but please do
not eat any food.
8. Please __________ all the way to the back of the bus.
9. If you have any questions during the tour, please __________
your hand.
10. We __________ that you only keep a small amount of cash in
your wallet.
11. I ____ gladly ____ you to my favourite restaurants, if you are
12. Tomorrow you will have a day to just __________ on the beach.
13. When we get to the museum, someone else __________.
14. Please __________ and enjoy the bus tour.
15. If you need me to ________ or _________, please let me know.

B. Find the words in the sentences that have the following

allow reach a destination
talk louder have a good experience
finish take people to see an area
go forward relax in a seated position
keep going suggest (2 verbs)
lift sit back and enjoy time in peace
leave think that something will be/happen in a certain way

A. Rearrange the shuffle letters in bold creating the words /
word combinations to match their definitions.
1. things to do vsactitiie
2. design of a building arritectchue
3. feeling for understanding one’s brainegs
location/surroundings in an unknown area
4. a place to worship God hurchc
5. things that make life easier nonsveinceci
6. on the way utenuro
7. a place where there are theatres etntdtrciiitarentenms
and concert halls (2 words)
8. people who live in an area lacosl
9. a statue/ structure that honours otnumemn
an event or person
10. things that people need ieteencssis
for everyday living
11. the way something appeared algiernttiaso
from the beginning (2 words)
12. things that tourists may want otueinssq or crenoscn
to say or ask
13. part of a town/ city with many places ieteencssis
to eat (2 words)
14. natural beauty to look at seyncer
15. area of town where there are sptportisingchid
many stores (2 words)
16. people who live on the street, eltptpoeeser
often begging for money (2 words)
17. places for tourists to see catntrsatio
18. place to look at professional glartyaelr
paintings and drawings
19. area in a city that has many offices susibnes ciristdt
(2 words)
20. a building for royalty tclase
21. something people of a region do often cumsot
22. the best part hlggihtih
23. something/someone that does not expctoein
follow the usual rules or expectations
24. a person or story known nedgel
for a long time
25. place where something can be found cainotlo
26. a place where historical items msumeu
are displayed
27. picture taken with a camera ohhrptgoap
28. something that has been asked for politely esqeurt
29. tradition, custom, action
(religious or cultural) that people do often utrlia
30. place, location esti
31. people who first made a home in an area esettrls
32. things that you see around you nroursignsdu

B. Complete the sentences below with the words from A above.

1. I hope you’ll enjoy the castle and its ______________, including
the secret garden.
2. We recommend that you only carry ______________ in your
purse and leave everything else at the hotel.
3. This ____________ is the best because you don’t need to bother
renting a car.
4. The driver has made a ____________ that you throw all of your
garbage in the bin at the front on your way out.
5. The original _____________ relied on oxen to carry their wares.
6. This is the _____________ of a very famous battle.
7. It is an old native ______________ to dance during the sunrise.
8. The _____________ charges a small fee for adults, but children
are free.
9. You may want to save some spending money because we’ll be
visiting the ______________ this afternoon.
10. It is impossible to capture the beauty of this ______ in pictures.
11. You will see there are many more eateries to choose from when
we head to the ______________.
12. Except for the roof, this home has been left in its _____________.
13. According to an old ______________, a sea monster lives in
this lake.
14. You may not take ______________ here, but you can purchase
a postcard.
15. This ______________ honours the men and women who died
during the war.
16. People often say that the __________ of their trip is the botanical
A. Complete the sentences below with a word made from the word
in brackets.
1. You will find ____________ homemade jewellery in that shop.
2. Under the starlight the waterfall is simply ____________.
3. It is ____________to accept a ride from a local. (DANGER)
4. The tsunami was ____________ for local hotels. (VAST)
5. There is an ____________ dining room for guests to eat in.
6. This ____________sculpture stands one hundred feet high.
7. It’s so ____________ to see new places, isn’t it? (EXCITE)
8. This house has an _________ history, and you can read more in
the brochures. (EXTENSUS)
9. It is ______________ to know how people lived back then.
10. The house is said to be ____________ and no one has lived in
it for 50 years or more. (HAUNT)
11. The government named this school as a ____________site last
year. (HEIR)
12. Every year it is an ___________ celebration, with people coming
from as far away as Africa. (NATION)
13. This is a ____________place to sit and watch the local birds.
14. This part of town is known for its ____________wall murals.
15. June is the most ____________ time for tourists to come here.
16. Crime is ____________ in the old parts of the town. (PREVAIL)
17. The village was ____________ after the major fire in 1910.
18. All of the antique furnitur e has been professionally
____________. (STORE)
19. The water is ____________ to drink here. (SAVE)
20. We will go up to the balcony for a _______ view of the grounds.
21. The children put on a ____________ concert at Christmas time.
22. Cliff jumping is a ____________ experience for those of you
who aren’t afraid of heights. (THRILL)
23. It is ___________ what some of these street entertainers can
24. The top of the tower may not be ____________ because of
the fog. (VISION)

B. Work with a partner. Think of other adjectives to describe

your emotions, experience, or objects.

Tour Guide Vocabulary Quiz

1. There are many _______ for kids including a zoo and a museum.
a) districts
b) attractions
c) conveniences.
2. It is difficult to get your ______ in this city, so please carry a map
at all times.
a) bearings
b) placing
c) scenery.
3. The _______ will try to sell you their homemade jewellery and
a) lobby
b) location
c) locals.
4. You will find a free shuttle _______ with your airline ticket.
a) voucher
b) request
c) highlight.
5. In order to appreciate the ________ of the building, you really
need to get off the bus and get closer to it.
a) bearings
b) architecture
с) exception.
6. We’ll be driving through farmland for a while, so just sit back and
enjoy the _______.
a) en route
b) scenery
c) sites.
7. Please feel free to wander anywhere you like in the castle and its
beautiful _______.
a) surroundings
b) conveniences
c) customs.
8. Smoking is not _______ on the bus at any time.
a) expected
b) proceeded
c) permitted.
9. The _______ north tower is the only part of the castle that has
been changed since the early 1900s.
a) reconstructed
b) international
c) prevalent.
10. We are coming up to the waterfall I mentioned earlier, which in
my opinion is the most _______ part of this tour.
a) customary
b) scenic
с) restored.

A. What are the challenges tour guides face every day? Why is
answering questions considered one of the hardest parts of their job?
B. Try to put the number of each sentence into the table below.
This will help you to think about questions asked by tourists and
responses typical for tour guides.

Tour Guide Tourist

2, 1,

1. What else is there to do here?

2. Do you have a question, Sir?
3. Yes? (if you see a hand raised)
4. Where is the ______ from here?
5. Is there something I can help you with?
6. How long has _______ been here?
7. I’ll try my best to answer your questions.
8. I’m afraid I don’t have the answer to that. (Sorry I don’t know.)
9. That’s an interesting question.
10. I wish I knew the answer. (Sorry, I don’t know.)
11. Are we allowed to take pictures?
12. Hmm. That’s a tough (difficult) question.
13. What’s that over there? (tourist points)
14. I’ll have to look into that further.
15. Could you tell us where the nearest bank is?
16. I’ll have to ask someone about that.
17. Which _________ do you recommend?
18. Hmm. I’ve never been asked that before.
19. Pardon my English; I don’t quite understand your question.
20. Do you know where the nearest washroom is?
21. I’m not sure, but I can find out for you.
22. Where are we headed (going) now?
23. You don’t happen to have a first-aid kit, do you?
24. What time does _______ stay open until?
25. Where’s the best place to buy _______?
26. My son wants to know if _________? (parent asking a question
for a shy child)
C. Read the dialogue below 4. Underline phrases that mean:
Do you have a question?
I am ready to answer your questions.
I will show you.

Guide: If you have any questions while we’re going along, please
don’t hesitate to ask.
Man: I have a question actually.
Guide: Sure, what’s that?
Man: Where’s the best place to have dinner around here?
Guide: Well, that’s a tough question. There are so many good
restaurants. My personal favourite is Spaghetti Alley.
Man: How do we get there?
Guide: I’ll point it out when we pass it. It’s going to come up on
your right in a few minutes.
Woman: My daughter wants to know if we’re going to be passing
any castles today?
Guide: No, I’m afraid all of the castles are further into the city.
We’re going to be staying near the coast today. I can give you a map of
the city, though. It shows where all of the castles are.
Man: Sorry, I have another question.
Guide: No problem. That’s what I’m here for.
Man: Are we allowed to take pictures once we get inside the
Guide: Oh, I’m glad you asked that. I forgot to mention that taking
photographs inside the art gallery and the museum is prohibited.
However, you can take pictures of the grounds and the outside of the
buildings. The architecture is beautiful.
Woman: Oh, and what time will we be stopping for lunch?
Guide: We’ll break around noon and meet back at the bus at 12:45.

См.: Answering Questions – English for Tour Guides // EnglishClub : [site]. URL:
(дата обращения: 21.10.2020).
D. Test your understanding of the conversation above with this
quick quiz.
1. What does the tour guide recommend?
а) his favourite tour
b) his favourite meal
c) his favourite restaurant.
2. The tour will NOT be
a) passing any castles
b) stopping for lunch
c) visiting an art gallery.
3. The tour guide says tourists are prohibited from photographing
a) the museums and gallery
b) the grounds nearby
c) the exhibits and artworks

E. Work in pairs. Practice saying the dialogue, changing the words

in bold. Use phrases from the box and your own ideas.
cinema park shop shopping centre monument disco
skyscraper fortress café bridge go shopping have a rest
get a panoramic view have a cup of coffee speak aloud

A. When giving a tour, there may be rules and safety precautions
that you need to explain. Read the recommendations for a tour guide
and express your opinion about them.
– memorize a speech rather than read from a card;
– make sure that tourists understand you by asking «Are there any
questions about this?» or «Is everyone clear on the rules?»;
– give tourists any helpful advice such as where to exchange their
money, what types of transportation to use, and how to obey the traffic
– let tourists know if there are any customs or matters of etiquette
that you think they should be aware of.
B. Work in small groups. Provide natural contexts for the following
instructions5 .
Explaining rules
 You are strictly forbidden from taking photographs inside the museum.
 Please stay on the marked path.
 I’m sure this goes unsaid, but remember to place all trash in
the garbage bins.
 Please pay attention to the time. We don’t want to keep the driver waiting.
 Classes are in session, so we need to keep our voices down.
 The bus will be leaving at 5:00 p.m.
 You’ll have some free time to look around after lunch.
 Please meet back here in an hour.
Explaining safety
 Please keep your seatbelts fastened at all times.
 I ask that you keep your hands inside the train.
 As a safety precaution, please stand behind the yellow line.
 For your own safety, we ask that you refrain from putting your arms
out of the window.
 Please do not feed the animals.
 Please remain seated until we come to a full stop.
 Please stay with your group at all times.
 Please keep to the sidewalk.
 I do not recommend swimming here. The water is very rough.
 These rules are for your own comfort and safety.
Explaining etiquette and customs
 It is customary in our country to tip a friendly bus driver.
 In this region we bow rather than shake hands during the first meeting.
 Though the all-inclusive includes tips for the servers, it does not
include tips for the bellboy.
 To indicate that you want to get on or off the bus simply wave
your hand at the driver.
См.: Explaining Safety, Rules and Etiquette – English for Tour Guides //
EnglishClub : [site]. URL: https://www.englishclub.com/english-for-work/tour-guide-
safety.htm (дата обращения: 21.10.2020).
C. Choose the word that makes each sentence grammatically
1. The tour will begin at 4p.m. _______, so don’t be late.
a) sharps
b) sharpened
c) sharp.
2. I do not _______ carrying large amounts of cash.
а) recommendation
b) recommend
c) recommended.
3. It is _______ to leave a gift for the hotel staff on your bed.
a) custom
b) costumed
c) customary.

appreciate – оценить
(be) aware of – знать, быть в курсе
beverage – напиток
charge a fee – взимать плату
cliff – утес
devastating – разрушительный
fasten – пристегивать
ferry – паром
first-aid kit – аптечка первой помощи
forbidden – запрещен
hesitate – сомневаться
murals – стенная роспись, фрески
obey – соблюдать
precautions – меры предосторожности
prohibit – запрещать
purse – кошелек, сумочка
refrain from – воздержаться от
rough – бурный
scenery – пейзаж
scenic – живописный
speak up – говорить громко
tough – трудный
wallet – бумажник
wander – гулять, бродить


A. Take a role of a tour guide and practice the phrases below
using them to speak about the places of interest you can see in the photos
(Fig. 2).

а b c

d e f

g h
Fig. 2. Places of interest in Ekaterinburg:
a – Kharitonovsky Park; b – Historical Square; c – Church on the Blood;
d – Historical Square; e – Square of 1905; f – Labour Square;
g – monument to the founders of Ekaterinburg;
h – monument to Sergey Kirov and Ural Federal University main building
Tour Guide
 In front of you is ...
 On your right / left you will see ...
 Up ahead ...
 On your left you will see ...
 As we turn the corner here, you will see ...
 In the distance ...
 If you look up, you will notice ...
 Off to the north ...
 Look to the east ...
 To your west ...
 In a few minutes we’ll be passing ...
 We are now coming up to ...
 As you will see ...
 You may have noticed ...
 Take a good look at ...
 I’d like to point out ...
 Keep your eyes open for ...

B. Now add some tourist questions and make a few short

exchanges with your partner.
Tourist Questions
 Is that the ... you were talking about?
 Are we going to pass the ...?
 Are we going to see any ...?
 Is it on the right or on the left?
 I don’t see it. Can you point it out again?
 Did I miss it?
 Will we see it on the way back?

A. Complete the dialogue6 by putting the lines of a tour guide in
correct places.
Man: This thing is safe, right?
Woman: What’s that mountain to the left called?
Man: Are there any baby birds?
Woman: What’s that lake down there, to the right of the green
Man: Is this the highest mountain in this region?
Woman: Can you ski throughout the year?
Man: Thanks, that should be a great photo. So... what is there to do
besides skiing at the top of the hill at this time of year?
1. That’s a good question. I haven’t seen any yet, but we usually
see them around at this time of year.
См.: Showing Places of Interest – English for Tour Guides // EnglishClub : [site].
URL: https://www.englishclub.com/english-for-work/tour-guide-interest.htm (дата
обращения: 21.10.2020).
2. It’s about a three-minute ride up to the top of the mountain. As we
pass the 2 towers, the gondola may sway a little.
3. Oh, there’s plenty to do. We have horseback riding, snowmobile
tours, and a petting zoo for children. If you look to your left, you’ll see
the snowmobile trail going through the mountain.
4. I’m glad you asked. That’s John Lake. It’s actually a man-made
pond that was built as part of a conservation effort over 20 years ago.
During the 1970s there was a lot of clear-cutting of forests in the area,
and much of the wildlife was lost. Since John Lake was built, ducks,
swans, and geese have returned to the area.
5. Yes, you don’t have anything to worry about. We do about 100 trips
a day up the mountain, and these tours have been going on for over
10 years without any accidents. Keep your eyes open for wildlife as we
ascend. It isn’t uncommon to see deer and even bears.
6. No, it warms up enough to actually suntan up there in the summer.
Oh, look everyone. There are 2 deer feeding in the clearing right below us.
7. That’s Mount Karen. And to the right of that with the 3 small points
is Mount Brown. Now, if you look up straight ahead, you should be able
to see a large eagle’s nest. Does everyone see it there?
8. No, actually, Mount Heather, which you we will be able to see in
just a minute or so, has the highest peak. But this is the highest mountain
for recreational purposes like skiing and guided tours.

B. Test your understanding of the conversation above with this

quick quiz.
1. Where is this tour taking place?
a) on top of a mountain
b) on the way up a mountain
c) at the bottom of a mountain.
2. Which of the following does the tour guide NOT point out during
the tour?
a) scenery
b) wildlife
c) a restaurant.
3. What does the tour guide do after he points out John Lake?
a) quickly takes another question
b) suggests they all go swimming
c) provides a brief history of it.

A. Listen to a tour guide on a shuttle bus from an airport to
a resort7. Look at the structure of the speech and put its elements in
the correct order.
Describing the location
Offering advice
Introducing special events and offers
Welcoming tourists
Closing remarks
Structure Useful phrases

Hello everyone.
My name is …
I’d like to welcome you all to …
The bus ride to your hotel will take about …
Right now, I’d like to take a minute to familiarize you
with …
Enjoy your vacation, but ...

I promise you are going to enjoy your stay here in …

This is a … where you can …
You can walk into town and enjoy …
Please do not …
… is the place to go if you want to …
You can take a short bus ride from ...
There you will also enjoy …

См.: Sample Tour Guide Speech in English // EnglishClub : [site]. URL: https://
www.englishclub.com/english-for-work/tour-guide-sample-speech.htm (дата обра-
щения: 21.10.2020).
О к о н ч а н и е т а б л.

Structure Useful phrases

… offers a variety of special discounts depending on …

There will be a short information session at … where
you can learn all about ...
We recommend that you do not ...

If you need to exchange your … into …, please use

a bank or money exchange.
We don’t recommend exchanging your money at ...
because ...
Some restaurants will accept ...
If you want to get around the city, or travel to … we
recommend that you...

We’re going to be pulling up to the hotel ...

Please sit back and enjoy the view of the …
I ask that you remain in your seats until ...
… will be meeting us at the bus to help you with your bags.
On behalf of …, have a wonderful vacation in …

B. Listen to the first section of the speech and complete the extract.
Hello everyone. My name is Luca. On (1) __________ of Suntan
Tours I’d like to (2) __________ you all to Los Cabos. The bus (3)
__________ to your hotel will take about 15 minutes. Right now I’d
like to take a minute to (4) __________ you with the area and discuss
some brief safety (5) ____________. Firstly, I ask that you remain (6)
__________ until we reach our (7) __________ and that you not eat
or drink while on the bus. Secondly, please (8) __________ that it is
against the law to get drunk in public. Enjoy your vacation, but do drink
(9) __________ and do not drink and drive.

C. Complete the extract with the verbs in the box. Listen to the second
section of the speech and check.

enjoy (x5) take (x2) go relax feel promise

I __________ you are going to __________ your stay here in
San Jose, Los Cabos. This is a beautiful, quiet city where you can
__________, sit by the beach, __________ great meals, and
___________ very safe. You can walk into town and __________
the fountains, or _________ a moonlit walk along the water. Please do
not swim here. This is not a safe place to swim because there is a strong
undertow. Cabos San Lucas is the place to ___________ if you want
to __________ swimming in the ocean. You can __________ a short
bus ride from your hotel. There you will also __________ entertainment
and dancing.
D. Match the beginnings of the sentences (1–6) with the endings
(a–f ). Listen to the third section of the speech and check.
1. Suntan Tours offers a variety of special discounts
2. We have golf packages,
3. There will be a short information session at 1 p.m. in the lobby of
the hotel tomorrow
4. We recommend that you
5. They also may charge you
6. Please, take my advice and allow Suntan Tours to
a. where you can learn all about these offers.
b. more than what they say.
c. as well as guided whale boat tours, and fishing charters.
d. book all of your day trips and activities while you are here.
e. depending on your travel plans.
f. do not purchase packages from street vendors as they are not
always 100 percent reliable.
E. Put the lines of the extract in the correct order. Listen to the forth
section of the speech and check.
____The bus costs about 1 American dollar, and the driver can give
you change if you don’t have the exact amount.
_1___ If you need to exchange your dollars into pesos, please use
a bank or money exchange.
____Or, if you prefer, you can always use your credit cards.
____Also, if you want to get around the city, or travel to Cabos San
Lucas, we recommend that you take the local bus rather than a taxi.
____Some restaurants will accept American or Canadian money,
but you are better off to exchange your money and pay with pesos.
____We don’t recommend exchanging your money at the hotel
because you won’t get a fair rate.
____If you do decide to take a taxi, make sure that you negotiate
a price before you go.
F. Put the words into the correct order. Listen to the fifth section
of the speech and check.
We’re pulling to going be up just few in minutes hotel the to a
Please the side city the we and view the sit of of the left enter enjoy
hand back ocean on as the bus.
remain a until come we seats stop complete I have ask in to that
you your.
bags with the you at meeting Javier to help us will your be bus.
double check to make Please been bag taken sure has bus the your off.
of Suntan you behalf On vacation to San a I have the hope tomorrow
wonderful Tours, and Jose at information in see session

G. Test your understanding of the speech above with this quick quiz.
1. What does the tour guide say is illegal in Los Cabos?
a) drinking alcohol
b) renting cars
c) being drunk in public.
2. What advice does the tour guide give about getting around the city?
a) have the correct change
b) use public transport
с) don’t travel at night.
3. Where are tourists recommended to exchange their money?
a) at a bank
b) at the hotel
c) on the bus.

A. Work in groups of 4. Choose several places of interest in
Ekaterinburg and plan a tour. Then use the tour guide speech as
a model and write a similar text to cover the tour you planned.
B. Role play your tour in class. The rest of the students are tourists
asking questions. Change roles.

ascend – подниматься
meadow – поляна
conservation effort – природоохранные меры
clearing – участок земли, очищенный от деревьев и кустарника
on behalf of – от имени
petting zoo – контактный зоопарк
pull up – остановиться
sway – качаться


A. Have you heard about the Red Line – a tourist route in
B. Look through the text below to find out basic facts of its origin.
The Red Line is a project conceived and implemented by ordinary
people who wanted to show the beauty of Ekaterinburg to their fellow
citizens and the city guests. The project idea was conceived by Dmitry
Kalaev (from the Economy Ministry of Sverdlovsk region) in the autumn
of 2010. He had seen similar lines in Germany. Those lines on the pavement
connect the most important and interesting places in the city. So, he had
been fascinated by this idea, longing to create something like that in
Ekaterinburg and proposed to make it come true in his LiveJournal blog.
The project attracted many volunteers and was supported by some businessmen
as well as the city administration. Everyone wanted to show the best of
their home city and offered their own route. However, it is not easy to
gather all the main sights and beautiful views into one route, that could
be comfortably covered in 2 to 3 hours of walking. 70 sights were
proposed. 35 were selected. More than 11,000 people took part in the voting.
The walking route was formed on June 18, 2011. It was drawn directly
on the asphalt.
The Red Line goes through the heart of the city like a big circle, 6.5 km
long (Fig. 3). You can just follow the red line (Fig. 4), see architectural
sights, historical places, unusual monuments, and never get lost. In the end
you will come to the same point where you started. All the sights are
numbered; you can read the information about each of them on special
tablets with barcodes which you can scan using your mobile phone. So,
you don’t need a map or a guide (travel agency) and you will feel like a real
Fig. 3. Red Line route8 Fig. 4. a Red Line traveller9

C. Working in groups of 3 or 4, make an attractive advertisement

about the Red Line.
D. Take part in an advertisement contest.

A. Work in groups. Imagine there is no Red Line in Ekaterinburg.
Create your own Red Line. Choose the most interesting objects
(streets, monuments, nice places, etc.) you have seen in this city and
make a route.
B. Present your Red Line route to the class.
C. Compare your route with the real Red Line and its sights
(Appendix B). What do you think of the choice of sights?

A. Look at the photos (Fig. 5). Do you recognize any of these
См.: «Красная линия» Екатеринбурга // Клуб путешественников КП 74 : [сайт].
URL: http://kp74.ru/krasnaya-liniya-ekaterinburga.html (дата обращения: 21.10.2020).
См.: Красная линия Екатеринбурга // Экстрагид: [сайт]. URL: https://
extraguide.ru/russia/ekaterinburg/excursion-37520/ (дата обращения: 21.10.2020).
а b

c d
Fig. 5:
a – Square of 1905; b – Labour Square; c – Opera House; d – Art College

B. Read the texts quickly. Which of the places of interest:

– was one of the most prestigious buildings in pre-revolutionary
– was named after the celestial Patroness of Ekaterinburg?
– was one of the most prominent buildings in revolutionary
– has the name that comes from the First Russian Revolution?

Square of 1905
The Red Line route starts at the 1905 Square, the main and oldest
square in the city. Judging by the number of names it has had in the past –
Church Square, Main Square, Market Square, and Cathedral Square –
it is clear that the square has a long history.
The square was built in the so-called market side of the city, in the west
of Ekaterinburg. Looking east, you see the stone-built Mining Chancellery
which is now the Administration building. Across from the Administration
building is the oldest of the restored structures which is today the Ural State
Conservatoire named after Modest Musorgski. Gradually the main shopping
area Gostiny Dvor with a number of shops and stores became popular.
The current name of the square comes from the First Russian Revolution.
On October 18th–19th, 1905, a meeting in favour of a manifest limiting
the power of Emperor Nicholas II took place. Local radical monarchists
from Chernosotensky movement organized an onslaught in which 2 people
were killed. In 1918, to memorialize the tragedy the Bolshevik Party
proposed to rename the square. Now the square design has a lot to do
with the Soviet period.
A massive and marvelous building of the City Hall has become the dominant
landmark with its 5 stories and many Soviet symbols on the façade.
It was constructed in 1954 by Georgy Golubev representing the stunning
Empire style and Neo-Classical style of architecture. The building now hosts
the Administration of Ekaterinburg and municipal Duma meetings.
The last reminder of the Soviet past is the 6-meter sculpture of Vladimir
Lenin in the western part of the square which was erected in 1957 and
designed by sculptor Vladimir Ingal. From the immense tribune at the feet
of the monument authorities of the city and heads of the leading party
used to greet the participants of military ceremonies and demonstrations.
Today the main square of the city is also a venue for significant
events, meetings, concerts, and festivals. On the New Year’s Eve the square
is transformed into an Ice Village with a huge Christmas Tree and
exhibition of ice sculptures and merry-go-rounds.
Labour Square and the Chapel in the name
of Saint Ekaterina
The square is one of the main historically and culturally meaningful
squares of Ekaterinburg. In the early years after its foundation, the square
was named Ekaterinenskaya square – after St. Ekaterina – celestial
Patroness [ˌpeɪtrə'nes] of Ekaterinburg. The first and the most honored
temple of the city – the Ekaterinenskiy Cathedral – was located there.
The cathedral was founded along with the iron-producing plant.
In 1930, during the Soviet era, the Cathedral was closed and then
demolished, and its cast-iron slabs were laid on the floor of the cast-iron
workshop of the Uralmash factory that was being constructed at the time.
In 1991, the first cross was set up in the square in order to identify
the place of the former Ekaterinenskiy Cathedral. A few years later
the cross was moved next to the place where the demolished cathedral
had been located. In 1998, the Chapel of Saint Ekaterina was constructed
in the square.
Nowadays one can glance admiringly at the elegant chapel of
St. Ekaterina that was built in 1998 for the 275th anniversary according
to the project by Alexander Dolgov. It meant to commemorate the altar
place of St. Ekaterina’s Cathedral that was about 5 times larger and was
blown up in 1930 by the Bolsheviks.
In 2003, a capsule containing soil from the burial site of Ekaterinburg’s
founder Vasily Tatishchev was placed inside the chapel.
Opera and Ballet Theater
(Opera House)
The building of the modern Opera House was erected in 1912 on
the site where a wooden building of a circus used to be. The place used
to be named Drovyanaya Square, and was renamed later into the Square
of the Paris Commune. The auditorium of the Theatre is horseshoe-
shaped and seats 1,200 people.
The Theatre was built according to the project of Pyatigorsk civil
engineer Vladimir Semyonov who had designed it similarly to the well-
known Opera Houses in Vienna and Odessa. Semyonov won the competition
for the design of the city theatre in 1904, at the age of 30. Working on
the project, the young engineer was assisted by the architect Konstantin
The facade of the theatre faces the modern Lenin Avenue and is
decorated with ornate balconies with balustrades, numerous stucco
details, rosettes, floral ornaments, and sculptural bas-reliefs among them,
with a sculptural group of 3 muses in the center. The crown of the building
has balustrades with graceful turrets.
The theatre opened in September, 1912, with Mikhail Glinka’s opera
«Life for the Tsar». The first chief conductor of the theatre was Silvio
Barbini. The first ballet performance of the theatre was Ricardo Drigo’s
«Magic Flute» staged in 1914.
After the October Revolution of 1917, the theatre was closed and
reopened in 1919. In 1924, the theatre was named after Anatoly Lunacharsky.

American Hotel
The building of the «American Hotel» or «American Rooms» is
located in the central part of the city, at the intersection of Malysheva
Street (former Pokrovsky Avenue) and Rosa Luxemburg Street (former
Zlatoustovskaya). It was constructed in the second half of the 19th century,
at the request of Pavel Kholkin, a merchant. The complex included
6 brick buildings: a hotel, a restaurant with a shop, a residential building,
a billiard room, an outhouse, and a stable.
It was an expensive hotel, equipped with baths, which were rare in
those days. The guests were attracted by the kitchen run by a cook invited
from Moscow, billiards, a coffee shop, and a candy store.
Among the guests of the hotel there were many famous people. Anton
Chekhov stayed here in the spring of 1890, passing through Ekaterinburg
on his way to Sakhalin. In 1899, Dmitry Mendeleev chose the hotel for
his stay in Ekaterinburg, being attracted by its convenient location and
phone availability.
After Pavel Kholkin’s death in 1909, the «American Hotel» was
renamed, and Konstantin Balmont, who arrived in Ekaterinburg in 1915,
stayed in the «American Rooms».
In 1918, the building housed the Extraordinary Commission for Combating
Counter-Revolution, Sabotage, and Profiteering. Later, the building was
used by different organizations, i.e. the Council of National Economy,
the Court and Prosecutor’s Office of Sverdlovsk region, a pedagogical
school. Nowadays, the Art School named after Ivan Shadr is located in
the building.

C. Choose a text for reading (Appendix A) and prepare a talk

about the place chosen using Language of the Guide. Role-play
the tour along the Red Line changing roles.
D. Check yourself on the Red Line. True or false?
1. The current name of the Square of 1905 comes from the First
Russian Revolution.
2. Actor’s House is former Nikolay Sevastyanov’ mansion.
3. The promenade along the Young Workers Quay (The Embankment
of Rabochaya Molodyozh) is popular among citizens. The quay has
recently been renovated with new but old-style lanterns on iron-cast columns,
benches, and watching points to take in the panoramic view.
4. A lot of celebrations, concerts and festivals take place in the Historical
Square. It is always full of people who can relax on the benches on both
sides of the river and in numerous cafes and restaurants nearby.
5. The Water Tower nowadays is a museum devoted to the development
of Russian railways.
6. The monument to the founders of Ekaterinburg, Vasily Tatishchev
and George Wilhelm de Hennin symbolize their mutual efforts and hard
work to build the city.
7. The Chapel in the Labour Square is named after Ekaterina, the wife
of Peter the Great.
8. The zero kilometer is a memorable sign at the Lenin monument
(the Square of 1905).
9. «Gold Storeroom» and «Bazhov Room» are the highlights of
the Museum of Stone-Cutting and Jewelry Art History.
10. Tupikov’s House became the Residence of the President of the Russian
11. Walking along the Literary Quarter, one can see the museum
«Literary Life of the Urals of the 20th Century», the museum of dolls and
children’s books «Wonderland», the museum «Literary Life of the Urals
of the 19th Century», the house-museum of Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak and
12. The Church-on-the-Blood was built at the place where the last
Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family were shot.
13. Rastorguyev-Kharitonov House with its circular pavilion and hanging
bridge is in the «must see» lists of artists, wedding photographers, and
14. The monument to Vladimir Vysotsky, a famous Soviet singer, was
built because Vysotsky spent his childhood in Sverdlovsk (Ekaterinburg).
15. «American hotel» was one of the first buildings in the city equipped
with elevators.
16. The House of Ekaterina Scriabina depicts the distinctive forms
of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
17. «Luch» is one of the first power stations built in Ekaterinburg in
the beginning of the 20th century.
18. Keyboard monument symbolizes the integration of communication
between Europe and Asia.
19. John Lennon’s band Quarrymen came to the opening ceremony
of the monument to «The Beatles» band.
20. The House of Defence has a small red ship on the roof.
21. The Bolshoi Zlatoust Church was the tallest building in the Ural
22. The House of Offices in Malyshev Street resembles the House
of Defence.
23. Gorky Street decorated with funny small street sculptures is pedestrian
and very popular as a great place for small walks and leisure time.

A. Take turns to tell the class about the sight you’ve been
working with.
B. Think of some interesting places in Ekaterinburg which have
not been included into the Red Line route. Find some information
about one of such places and tell the class about it.
C. Find out about the Blue Line of Ekaterinburg. Discuss its
similarities and differences with the Red Line.

absolute twin – абсолютный двойник
acquire a new life – получить новую жизнь
appear in the place of – появляться на месте
art object – предмет искусства, арт-объект
be a favourite place among – являться любимым местом среди
be acknowledged by local authorities – получить признание у мест-
ных властей
be considered – считаться
be dedicated to – быть посвященным
be destroyed – быть разрушенным
be maintained – быть сохраненным
be named after – быть названным в честь
be erected – возводиться
be open for a public – быть открытым для общественности
be preserved in its original form – сохраниться в своем первона-
чальном виде
burial site – место захоронения/погребения
Byzantine architectural style – византийский архитектурный стиль
closed loop – замкнутый круг
cover tremendous distance – преодолевать огромные расстояния
date back to – датироваться, относиться к
depict the history through – представлять/отображать историю
distinguish from – отличать от
eminent – выдающийся, видный
enjoy the international reputation – пользоваться международной
face (v) – стоять лицом к, находиться напротив
highlight (n) – важный аспект, изюминка
host (v) – размещать, принимать, устраивать
immortalize in literary works – увековечить в литературных про-
in terms of – с точки зрения
It’s not surprising that – не удивительно, что
jewelry art – ювелирное искусство
landmark – ориентир, достопримечательность
look out upon – выходить (об окнах)
luxurious – роскошный, фешенебельный
luxury – роскошь
mansion – особняк
memorable sign – памятный знак
merchant estate – купеческая усадьба
Mosque style – стиль мечетей
“must see” – обязательный для просмотра
One cannot but mention – нельзя не упомянуть
outhouse – пристройка, надворная постройка
pedestrian street – пешеходная улица
rank in the top 5 – входить в первую пятерку
(a) real heritage of the city – настоящее наследие города
refer to – относиться к, обращаться к
refer to as – называться
remain unknown – оставаться неизвестным
represent a typical example of – служить типичным примером
serve as – выполнять роль, использоваться в качестве
significant object – значимый/крупный объект
starting point – исходный пункт, отправная точка
stone-cutting – камнерезный
surviving building – сохранившееся строение
tablet with a barcode – табличка с штрих кодом
take the name of – носить имя/фамилию
tavern/inn/traktir – трактир
under the project of – по проекту
unique mix of – уникальное сочетание
unique tourist walking route – уникальный туристический пеший
venue – место проведения, мероприятие


A. What are thematic (theme) tours?
B. Tell about your experience of a thematic tour. Did you enjoy it?
What made it enjoyable for you?

A. Study the text below. What thematic (theme) tour is it? Prove
your ideas by words and word combinations from the text.
 Musical tours  Russian Cuisine tours
 Winter tours  Entertaining tours
 Rafting tours  Religious tours
 Husky tours  Cultural tours
 Ski tours  Industrial tours
 Ethnic tours  Military tours

Orthodox churches have been built in Ekaterinburg ever since its

foundation. Traditionally they were architectural dominants of the city,
its most important cultural and spiritual centers until the beginning of
the 20th century.
The biggest churches of the city in the 18th century were Ekaterininsky
and Bogoyavlensky Cathedrals situated on the main city squares. Today
these churches have been lost, and contemporary development of the city
center does not allow to recreate them in their original forms. In 1998,
in commemoration of the city’s 275th anniversary, a Chapel in the name
of Great Martyr Saint Catherine, Saint Patroness of the mining industry,
was built on the site where Ekaterininsky Cathedral used to stand before
it was demolished during the Soviet era.
The only 18th century church surviving in the city to this day is
Voznesenskaya (Ascension) Church. It is currently the oldest church
in Ekaterinburg, and the only one built in Baroque style. The main bell of
Voznesenskaya Church was moved to Opera and Ballet Theatre of
Ekaterinburg where it was used as stage props in historical productions
such as «Boris Godunov» and «Prince Igor» for a long time. During
Perestroika the church recovered its status, and the bell was returned
to the Eparchy.
Right across from Voznesenskaya Church there is the five-domed
Church-on-the-Blood. This church is one of the biggest not only in
Ekaterinburg, but in the entire country. The construction began in 2000
and was progressing fast, because the work was planned to be finished
by July 16, 2003 – the 85th anniversary of the Romanovs’ execution.
The very appearance of the church is symbolic. Russian-Byzantine
architectural style symbolizes the connection of times: most churches
built in the times of Nicholas II were built exactly in this style. The red
and bordeaux granite used in the walls reminds of the spilt blood.
Moreover, the whole church complex is divided into 2 parts. The upper
temple in the name of All Saints symbolizes an ever-burning altar lamp,
burning in memory of tragic events that took place here. The lower
temple recreates the «execution room» and presents museum exposition
telling about the last days of the royal family. A monument to the royal
family meets the visitors near the church entrance: it is a composition of
7 figures, also aimed to remind of the events that happened here.
Another vivid example of Ekaterinburg church architecture in
Russian-Byzantine style is the belfry church Bolshoy Zlatoust (Big
Zlatoust). The church is a recently restored copy of the cathedral that
used to stand near the current place and was exploded in the 1930s.
It was reconstructed according to the preserved plans and photos, and
it was consecrated in 2013.
Another restored church of Ekaterinburg is Svyato-Troitsky (Holy
Trinity) Cathedral. Its main part was built around 1818 and was sponsored
by the local Old Believers community headed by Yakim Ryazanov, who
was a merchant, gold mine owner and the city mayor. Because of his
contribution, the church was popularly called Ryazanovskaya for a long
time. Nowadays, Svyato-Troitsky Cathedral is the main church of the city.
Sacred relics brought to Ekaterinburg are often exhibited here. Traditional
religious processions during celebrations of Easter, Great Martyr Saint
Catherine’s Memorial Day, and National Unity Day start here.
The chapel in the name of Saint Alexander Nevsky was founded in
1881, after the murder of Emperor Alexander II, in the name of his
celestial protector. For his peasant reform and abolition of serfdom
Alexander II was popularly called the Emancipator. The chapel was
built in Neo-Russian style. It is the only surviving religious building of
this type in Ekaterinburg.
The decree that founded Ekaterinburg Novo-Tikhvinsky Convent
was issued in 1809. In just a few decades it became one of the most
prosperous in the Urals. The convent construction continued throughout
the entire 19th century: 6 churches, cells, a hospital, and a hospice were
built. The monastery park was vast and well-groomed, with several ponds
and the Monastyrka River running across the territory. The ensemble of
Novo-Tikhvinsky Convent was surrounded with a high stone wall. Today
the citizens and tourists can enter the territory of Novo-Tikhvinsky
Convent freely: they can visit one of churches, including Alexander Nevsky
Cathedral, try pastry from a local bakery, and buy a cross or a souvenir
in a monastery shop. At the moment, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is
the only working church in the convent.
Another monastery in Ekaterinburg is Krestovozdvizhensky Male
Monastery, founded in 1995. Although, the church that is the base of
the monastery was built in the end of the 19th century. Krestovozdvizhenskaya
Church was originally built as a house church of Ekaterinburg Charity
Community Orphanage. In addition, at the beginning of the 20th century
it was often attended by the soldiers of nearby barracks. In 1927–1930,
the church served as the Cathedral of Ekaterinburg. 12 priests were
conducting services here, therefore the church was popularly called the
Cathedral of 12 Apostles. In 1995, a monastery was founded on the basis
of Krestovozdvizhenskaya Church. There are only about 10 monks; their
work is mainly missionary, including work with the youth. The students
of the Theological Seminary also live in the monastery.
B. Study the list of thematic tours in Task 1. Which tours around
Ekaterinburg can be organized based on tourist attractions and other
city objects?
C. Read the brief descriptions to the tours and suggest the theme
to each.
Tour 1. _________________
Parks and public gardens are traditionally called the «lungs of
the city». A green belt of 13 forest parks encircling Ekaterinburg creates
a necessary biological filter that allows citizens to feel comfortable
living in the «industrial heart» of the country.
Tour 2. _________________
Ekaterinburg is the city for children as there are plenty of places to
have fun and to see different shows of various genres.
Tour 3. _________________
One cannot but mention the vibrant cultural life offered to residents
and visitors of Ekaterinburg. The city is proud of its cultural establishments
satisfying diverse interests.

A. Working in groups of 3–4, choose 5 different places given
in Appendix A and use them for creating your unique thematic tour
commercial (see the sample below) in order to take part in a contest
of commercials.
3-hour Tour:
Main highlights of Ekaterinburg (Sample)
3 hours: (Approx.)
Hotel pickup: offered
3 hours to see all the major sights of interest in Ekaterinburg. To get
acquainted with the historical places and learn their history there.
– See main historical place – Plotinka where the construction of
the city began.
– Walk along the river and visit Yeltsin Center museum.
– Visit the main square of the city and the Passage Shopping Center.
– Walk along the Historical Square and the main avenue of the city.
– Acquaintance with Belinsky and Gorky streets, and a walk through
the Arboretum Park.
What’s Included:
 flexible starting time and pick-up locations;
 informative and exciting tour, a separate tour of the Arboretum
 bottled water / juice;
 sandwich.
Departure & Return
Departure Point: Yeltsin center, Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovskaya region, Russia
Traveller pickup is offered
Return: tourist hotels
What to Expect
– Yeltsin Center, Park at the Drama Theatre. Duration: 30 minutes.
Admission ticket free.
– 1905 Square, Passage (Central Shopping Center), along Lenin Street
to the Embankment, go to the Historical Square, go along it.
– The Historical Square and Malyshev Street.
– The observation deck of the Vysotsky Center, walk along Gorky
Street and Belinsky Street.
– Business district on Gorky Street and Dendrological Park, which
is famous for its thoughtful landscape design, a large number of varieties
and types of flowers, shrubs and trees, a collection rose garden, as well as
the presence of ponds with ducks that visitors to the park love to feed.
Duration: 30 minutes, admission ticket fee.
B. Study the commercials presented and give peer-review. Use
the dimensions given for the thematic tours and circle the number
on the scale that fits your opinion the best. Give at least 2 arguments
explaining your thoughts about each dimension.
1 2 3 4 5
very bad bad satisfactory good very good
Tour arrangement 1 2 3 4 5
Service quality 1 2 3 4 5
Attractions 1 2 3 4 5
Routing 1 2 3 4 5
Personal interests 1 2 3 4 5
C. Give recommendations to enhance the attractiveness of thematic
tours and their competitiveness.

an absolute favorite among the locals – самое любимое место
среди местных жителей
arboretum – дендрарий, питомник
artificial mounds – искусственные холмы/курганы
be discouraged by crowds of people – расстраиваться из-за толп
be especially proud of – особенно гордиться
be laid out – быть проложенным
be open for visitors all year round – быть открытым для посети-
телей круглый год
be open on a daily basis – быть открытым ежедневно
be well visible from different parts of the city – быть хорошо вид-
ным с различных частей города
be worth visiting – стоить посетить
carousel/merry-go-around – карусель
celestial protector – небесный/духовный покровитель
chamber theater – камерный театр
convent – обитель, женский монастырь
delight spectators – приводить в восторг/восхищать зрителей
dive into the atmosphere of – погрузиться в атмосферу
entertainment complex – развлекательный комплекс
facilitate quality recreation to residents and visitors – давать жите-
лям и гостям возможность качественно отдохнуть
family-friendly place – место для семейного отдыха
feature (v) – иметь характерную черту
find entertainment for all tastes and for all ages at any time of
the year – найти развлечения на все вкусы и для всех возрастов
в любое время года
give a charge of positive emotions – давать заряд позитивных
guided tour – организованная (сопровождаемая) экскурсия
hold city’s official award ceremonies – проводить официальные
городские церемонии награждения
in accord with – согласно, в соответствии с
«must-see» point of interest – достопримечательность, обязатель-
ная для просмотра
offer a fascinating view of – предлагать великолепный вид на
open air museum/theatre – музей, театр под открытым небом
owe its name to – получить свое название
particularity – особенность, характерная черта
picturesque tortuous paths – живописные извилистые пути
popular recreational place among – популярное место отдыха для
regular layout – стандартная планировка/расположение
rotunda – ротонда, круглый зал с куполообразной крышей
stroll through – прогуляться по
thanks to – благодаря
theme park – парк аттракционов
(a) true treasure of – настоящее сокровище
unique structure – уникальная постройка
value the best traditions – ценить лучшие традиции
vibrant cultural life – богатая культурная жизнь
vivid example – яркий пример
wander aimlessly – бродить бесцельно
welcome visitors of all ages – приветствовать посетителей всех
(a) welcoming city for guests of all ages – гостеприимный город
для гостей всех возрастов

A. What interesting places outside Ekaterinburg do you know?
B. Tell about your visit to a sight outside Ekaterinburg.

Read the text below to find out the following:
– the number of churches in the monastery and the reason for
this number;
– the atmosphere of the place;
– what a foreign tourist should do before visiting the place;
– what a tourist can do there.

Ganina Yama Monastery

During the tour you will hear about the last days of the Tsar family.
The Romanovs spent their last 78 days in Ekaterinburg. Nicolas II, his
wife, four daughters – Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia,
and young tsarevitch Aleksey were assassinated in the basement of Ipatiev
House in the summer of 1918. In 2003, on the place of the former Ipatiev
House, the Church-on-the-Blood was built. From the church you can
track down the Bolsheviks’ route to the hidden mine called Ganina Yama
(Ganina pit) 17 km north from Ekaterinburg. A picturesque monastery in
Ganina Yama was built in 2000. It has 7 wooden churches (as the number
of the family members). Every one of them has special features but they
constitute a unite architectural ensemble. Poklonniy Krest (Cross of Bows)
is placed in the center of the monastery. There is also a cross which
belonged to the Romanovs dynasty and a miraculous icon in the Saint
Tsar Martyrs’ Temple.
You can learn the story of the Romanovs and buy hand-made icons
embroidered by the nuns.
The place is worth visiting to see examples of wooden architecture
and also to get away from the busy city. The atmosphere there is very
quiet and serene, yet a little sad. The best thing in Ganina Yama is an
open-air display of the enlarged photographs taken by the Grand Duchesses.
The girls liked photography and took many pictures of their everyday
life. This silent exhibition speaks more than any words. So, don’t forget
to take a look at it and there is also a smaller one in front of the Church-
It takes around 2 hours or so to go into the different churches and
cathedrals. There are few signs and none in English, so you should have
a good sense of the history of the site before going. Overall, a very peaceful
place in the middle of the woods, which contrasts with its gruesome
history. There is a cafe and a small store that sells food (soups, pies,
salads) and souvenirs.
You can explore the monastery and enjoy all the history unfolding
before you. The wooden buildings are great for photography. Walk amid
the little wooden churches, breath some fresh air, learn about the Tzar
and his family with some guide.

A. Prepare a guide’s speech to be used in a bus on the way to
the place above. Use the text above and the template below.
Good morning, everyone! I am …, your tour guide for this tour.
Today we are visiting … which is … . The bus ride to … will take about
… minutes. I’ll tell you everything about the things you will see. It is
definitely worth visiting …, because it is a … place. There you can …
You will also enjoy … You should keep in mind that … Thank you
for your attention everyone, and on behalf of … Tours I wish you
a pleasant and memorable visit to … . If you have any questions, feel
free to ask me.
B. You will find more texts about interesting places outside
Ekaterinburg in Appendix A. Choose a text and, using a template
from B above, prepare a guide’s speech. Don’t forget to include
some historical facts, descriptions of the place, things that tourists
can see and do there.
C. Role-play your speech in class answering tourists’ questions
as they arise.

a constantly replenished collection of – постоянно пополняющая-
ся коллекция
a must-see for anyone with even a passing interest in – обязательно
к посещению каждому, у кого есть малейший интерес к
an exhibition center – выставочный центр
an outdoor area – территория под открытым небом
an open-air display of – выставка под открытым небом
a vivid example of – яркий пример
be dedicated to – посвящен
don’t forget to take a look at – не забудьте посмотреть
during a tour of …, tourists can see – во время экскурсии турис-
ты могут увидеть
during the tour you will hear about – во время экскурсии вы услы-
шите о
it is interesting for its – интересен своим
it takes around … hours or so to – требуется примерно … часов,
picturesque – живописный
the atmosphere there is – атмосфера там …
the best thing in … is – лучшее в … это …
the center houses – центр размещает …
the collection of … has – в коллекции есть
the main attraction of … is – основная достопримечательность
the museum complex includes – музейный комплекс включает
в себя
the open area exhibits – под открытым небом выставлены
the place is worth visiting to see – это место стоит посетить,
чтобы увидеть …
there are legends about – существуют легенды о
this is a perfect place to go – это отличное место, которое стоит
offers guests to – предлагает посетителям
to get away from the busy city – отдохнуть от шумного города
visitors are attracted by its – посетителей привлекает
you can explore – вы можете изучить
you can learn the story of – вы можете узнать историю
you can take a walk around … and see all the main attractions of –
вы можете погулять по … и увидеть все основные достопримеча-
тельности …
walk amid – погулять среди …


A. Summarise your experiences of the course. Share with the class.
B. Listen to each other’s experiences of the course. Would you
like to take anything from your peers and add to your summary?

A. Study the presentation structure below. You will need it for
the final task of the course.

Introducing yourself
Good morning, I am … / My name is … I work for …
Introducing the topic
This morning I am going to (talk about/describe/explain) …
Today I would like to (talk about/describe/explain) …
The aim of my presentation this morning is to (describe/explain) …
My talk is called …
Describing the structure
I’ve divided my presentation into 3 parts. / My talk will be in 4 parts.
First, I’ll give you an overview of …
Second, I’d like to focus on …
Then, I’ll deal with …
After that, we’ll move on to …
Finally, we’ll consider …
My talk will take 10 minutes. / I’ll take about 15 minutes of your
Referring to questions
Feel free to interrupt me if there is anything you don’t understand.
If you don’t mind, we’ll leave questions till the end.
Main part
Marking the main points
So, let’s start with …
Now let’s move on to …
Let’s turn our attention to (the question of) …
This leads me to (my third point which is) …
Finally, let’s consider …
Summarizing each section
That’s all I have time for on …
I think that covers everything on …
That completes my description of …
So, to summarize … (there are 5 key points …)
Referring backwards and forwards
I mentioned earlier …
I’ll say more about this later. / We’ll come back to this point later.
Checking understanding
Is that clear? / Are there any questions?
Referring to visual information
This screen shows …
If you look at this graph you can see …
What is interesting in this slide is …
I’d like to draw your attention to …
As you can see on this slide …
Referring to common knowledge
As you know … / As I am sure you are aware …
That concludes my talk. / That brings me to the end of my
If you have any questions, I’d be pleased to answer them. / … I’ll
do my best to answer them.
Thank you for your attention. / I think that’s a good place to stop.
Thank you for listening.
Dealing with questions
That’s a good point. / That’s a fair point.
I’m glad you asked that question.
Can I get to you on that later? I’m afraid I don’t have … (the information
at present)
I am afraid I am not the right person to answer that.
You would like to know … Is that right?
I’m afraid we’ve run out of time.

Working in groups of 5, develop your own tour around
Ekaterinburg and its surroundings for the following situation:
You will be guiding a group of English-speaking tourists who will
arrive in the city for the first time. They will stay in the city for 2 days.
You are supposed to meet them at the airport, drive them to a hotel
which you choose for them, show them around Ekaterinburg during their
first day including meals, and on their second day you will take them
somewhere out of the city, including meals.
Make a presentation of the tour. PPP slides are to be used.
Each group will have 30 minutes for the presentation (20 minutes
for the tour and 10 minutes for the questions of the class who will take
roles of the tourists). Every member of each group is expected to take
part in the presentation.

abound in/with – изобиловать
astonishing natural beauty – изумительная естественная красота
attract crowds of people – притягивать толпы людей
awe-inspiring – повергающий в трепет, волнующий
be a “must” – является обязательным
to be fascinated by – быть в восторге от
be pretty tiring – быть довольно утомительным
breathtaking – захватывающий, изумительный
celebrated – знаменитый; выдающийся, прославленный
city sightseeing tour – экскурсионная поездка по городу
choose a number of excursions – выбрать ряд экскурсий
downtown – деловой район, деловая часть города
to escape/get away from it all – убежать от всего
escape the crowd – избегать толпы
exciting tour – захватывающий тур
experience the special atmosphere of – испытать особую атмо-
extraordinarily comprehensive tour – удивительно исчерпываю-
щая экскурсия
get around – путешествовать по разным местам
go as you please – ехать/идти куда угодно
go on excursions – «сделать вылазку», совершить экскурсию
heartland – центральный район
hectic – насыщенный, беспокойный, активный
historic and vibrant city – исторический и живой (энергичный)
hoards of people – толпы людей (негат.)
holiday of a lifetime – отдых, запомнившийся на всю жизнь, уни-
кальный, более неповторимый
hustle and bustle of a big city – шум и суета большого города
incomparable beauty – уникальная красота
… is a fascinating example of … – … является ярким примером …
… is made on an unprecedented scale – … проходит с беспреце-
дентным масштабом
… is more and more frequently being chosen as the place for … –
все чаще выбирают в качестве место проведения …
… is rightly considered as … – по праву считается …
… is said to be one of the most beautiful places in … – ..., как
говорят, является одним из самых красивейших мест в …
… is world-famous for its … – знаменит …
It enjoys truly a great popularity because … – Он пользуется боль-
шой популярностью, так как
It is a sign of world recognition (that) … – Это является призна-
ком мирового признания …
It has always been and remains traditionally … – Он всегда был
и остается традиционно …
map out / plan a route – наметить маршрут
masterpiece – шедевр
No wonder that … – Не удивительно, что …
offer a golden opportunity – предоставить замечательную воз-
One cannot but mention … – Нельзя не упомянуть …
optional excursion – необязательная (на выбор) экскурсия
panoramic view – панорамный вид
places of interest – достопримечательности
promising choice – многообещающий выбор
ramble – прогулка без определенной цели
recharge – зарядиться
savour – вкусить, насладиться
shopping trip – шопинг-тур
spectacle – зрелище, вид
splendid cultural tour – превосходный культурный тур
stunning – сногшибательный, ошеломляющий
take the scenic route – выбрать живописный маршрут
the core of the city – самый центр города
There is the spot … where … – Есть место, где …
tourist attraction – место паломничества туристов
treasured memories – ценные воспоминания
tremendous – огромный
unforgettable spectacle – незабываемое зрелище
unhurried route – неспешный, неторопливый маршрут
unrivalled – непревзойденный
unwind – отдохнуть
wander off the beaten tracks – посещать непопулярные места


Unit 5
Red Line of Ekaterinburg, Reading
1. Square of 1905 (See Unit 5)
2. Actor’s House (former Stepan Tupikov’ mansion)
As we leave the 1905 Square, the Red Line passes by a beautiful
old stone mansion which is today called the Actor’s House because it
hosts the department of the Union of Theatre Workers of the Russian
Federation in Sverdlovsk region. The mansion was constructed in 1819
by the main architect of the city of Ekaterinburg Yuriy Dutel in eclectic
style which was very fashionable back then. In the 1920s, the second
level was added to the building. Ivan Simonov, an entitled merchant, was
its first owner, though it was later sold to a local gold industrialist Stepan
Tupikov. He was a prosperous and respected man, a famous entrepreneur
and above all he was newly married to Evgenia Tupikova. Their mansion
house at the corner of the former Uktusskaya Street (Vos’moye Marta
Street today) and the Main Avenue (today Lenina Avenue) and next
to the Cathedral Square was a perfect place for a family estate. In 1897,
they constructed a massive fence making it a true urban mansion and
a cosy palace. They also added a brass plate in front of the house with
the owner’s initials – S. T. The house had a spacious living room, a fireplace,
several guestrooms, and a garden in the backyard with a separate entrance.
Everything went well until the death of the owner. His wife, Evgenya,
assumed ownership of the whole estate. A pious and generous woman,
Evgenya surrounded herself with children and started to organize annual
balls for children in her house on Christmas Eve. Mrs.Tupikova greeted
her small guests personally. This tradition has been continued by the current
owners of the building. The members of the Union of Theatre Workers
invite children and their parents to the New Year and Christmas celebrations
in Mrs. Tupikova’s House. These retro theatrical performances are
extremely popular. The audience is met by actors playing servants
as well as Mrs. Tupikova herself, all dressed in original clothes of
the 19th century.
3. Gymnasium № 9 (former Ekaterinburg Gymnasium for
The first public school in Ekaterinburg, a gymnasium for males, was
opened on October 22, 1861, and was named after His Imperial Majesty
Alexander II of Russia. The building of the gymnasium, constructed in
1852 by Karl Tursky, was originally meant for the Ural Mining College
and represents classical architecture. From the start the gymnasium was
one of the main Ekaterinburg hubs for Enlightenment, especially in
terms of Natural Sciences. In 1870, the first meeting of the members of
the Society of Devotees of Natural Science, Anthropology, and Ethnography
took place here. This was a significant event, connecting history and
nature activists of the city. One of the first founders of this group was
a famous local scientist and ethnographer Onisim Kler.
Apart from Onisim Kler, a number of other well-known scientists
gave lectures in the gymnasium, including the mineralogist and mining
engineer Georgy Malakhov, the encyclopedist Narkiz Chupin, and many
others. Before the revolution only the children of the nobility, chairmen,
and merchants could attend the school. Students learned Russian, Church
Slavonic, Latin, Greek, German, French, Math, Physics, Cosmography,
Natural History, Geography, History, and Drafting as compulsory subjects.
Gymnastics and music lessons were electives. The cafeteria was on the ground
floor, the first floor had classrooms, a library, and a church; and the second
floor was intended for dormitories. In 1912, the gymnasium acquired
a gym, one of the best and biggest in the whole country at that time. During
the Civil War the building was equipped as a hospital. Later, in 1919,
a Headquarter of the Red Army was placed there. Since 1928, the building
was used to educate Soviet schoolchildren. Thanks to the strong tradition
and highly qualified teaching staff, the current secondary school is one
of the leaders in education in the city. Its students regularly get more
golden medals for excellence and various awards than other schools.
The building history and purpose continue today as Gymnasium № 9.
4. Embankment of Rabochaya Molodyozh / Young Workers’
Right in the centre of Ekaterinburg there is a man-made lake bordered
by 2 spectacular stone river walls decorated with iron cast railings.
The lake was created at the same time as the factory fortress of Ekaterinburg,
in 1723, as a part of the project to construct a dam on the Iset River. Even
today citizens still call it the city pond. The Russian word for factory,
«zavod», takes its origin from the Ural dialect of the Russian language.
In the 18th century factories were powered by waterwheels. Therefore,
the word for «factory» was derived from the Russian word for «water»,
«voda», and the preposition «za», meaning «beside». Together, the factory
was something «beside the water». From Gymnasium № 9 the Red Line
leads us along the most beautiful quay in Ekaterinburg – the Young
Workers Quay. Before the revolution its name was the Gymnasium Quay,
obviously, because of its proximity to His Imperial Majesty Gymnasium.
However, the long area has a long history.
The quay has recently been renovated with new but old-style lanterns
on iron-cast columns, benches, and watching points to take in the panoramic
view. The promenade is as popular among citizens as ever though people
strolling here today are the children and grandchildren of the pre-
revolutionary gymnasium students and the Soviet working youth.
5. Historical Square
The Red Line leads us to the heart of Ekaterinburg, into the place
where the history of our city started. In old towns in the European part
of Russia a church, a kremlin, or a market square always formed its
center. Actually, in the Urals the centre of every town had a factory.
From the very beginning Ekaterinburg was planned as the capital of all
factories in the region and supposedly the main state factory. In January,
1721, an unremarkable place on the bank of the river Iset was proposed
for the construction of a huge factory by Vasily Tatyschev who had been
sent to the Urals by Peter the Great. Shortly after, by November 24,
1723, a dam, a factory, several industrial buildings, and a fortress were
constructed. This part of the city was named Historical Square somewhere
around 1973 to 1975, when the industrial production here had stopped
and the area was restored as a zone for museums and promenades.
The only survivor is the dam, the oldest man-made construction in
Ekaterinburg, which marks the heart of the square and its northern border.
The Historical Square has a unique atmosphere: a lot of celebrations,
concerts, and festivals take place here; it is always full of people who
can relax on the benches on both sides of the river and in numerous
cafes and restaurants nearby.
6. Water Tower
The Water Tower has a rich history. Its construction is closely
connected with the development of Russian railways. The first railway
in Ekaterinburg was built in 1878, and it was also necessary to construct
a number of workshops in order to service and repair steam engines,
locomotives, carriages, etc. The workshops needed water supply, that is
why a tower was built in 1886. Inside the tower there was a huge tank
filled with water.
The tower is hexagonal. It has 2 levels. The lower part of the tower
is made of granite blocks and the upper part is wooden; at the very top
of the tower there used to be a lantern.
To sum up, the original function of the tower was to service railway
workshops. It functioned that way till 1946 when the workshops were
moved to a different place. After that the water tank and the pipes
inside the tower were dismantled (removed). Later, the tower was made
into a flat. There was a family of 3 people living in the upper part of
the tower and a family of 4 people living in its lower part. In 1973,
the tower was renovated, and in 1995, a museum was set up inside it.
The name of the museum was The Metal Shop (метальная лавка), its
exhibition was dedicated to different kinds of iron artifacts found during
the excavations of factories that were located on the dam. In its most
recent history the tower has been renovated again and is now open to
the public.
Nowadays excursions are organized inside the tower (they are devoted
to the history of the tower, the Embankment, and Ekaterinburg in general);
you can go to the top floor of the tower to enjoy a picturesque view of
the Embankment. There is also a cafe and a souvenir shop.
The tower has got its own website where you can look up the opening
hours and get some other relevant information10.

7. Monument to the city founders (Vasily Tatishchev and George

Wilhelm de Hennin)
The monument to the founders of Ekaterinburg, Vasily Tatishchev
and George Wilhelm de Hennin is located on one side of the square at
Plotinka (the Embankment). We can see the majestic tall figures standing
shoulder to shoulder and symbolizing their mutual efforts and hard
work to build the city. In 1998, commemorating the 275th anniversary of
Ekaterinburg, the city government opened the monument to the founders
of the city.
Vasily Tatishchev is a prominent Russian statesman, ethnographer,
geographer, historian and economist; he is the author of the first full-scale
Russian history and founder of 3 Russian cities: Tolyatti, Ekaterinburg,
and Perm. When Vasily Tatishchev came to the Urals in 1720, his intention
was to reform and develop mining factories. Unfortunately, due to
the conflict between Tatishchev and the Demidovs, a powerful local
family, he had to interrupt his work. In 1724, Vasily Tatishchev was sent
to Sweden for diplomatic purposes.
George Wilhelm de Hennin or Vilim Ivanovich de Gennin was
a German-born (or, according to some sources, Dutch-born) Russian
military officer and engineer who specialized in mining and metallurgy.
De Hennin contributed a lot to the development of the mining industry
in Russia. He is also known to be one of the founders of Petrozavodsk.
In 1722, he came to the Urals, where he began building a factory on the
area previously chosen by Tatishchev and successfully completed the project.
In the Urals de Hennin spent 12 years controlling the work of Ural
government factories. Together with Vasily Tatishchev, he played a major
role in the foundation of Ekaterinburg.
The monument to the founders of Ekaterinburg is popular among
the city dwellers; many different events are held in the square around it.
Башня на Плотинке // Музей истории Екатеринбурга : [сайт]. URL: http://
tower-ekb.ru/ (дата обращения: 21.10.2020).
8. Labour Square and the Chapel in the name of Saint Ekaterina
(See Unit 5)
9. Zero Kilometer
Do you know where Ekaterinburg’s zero kilometre is located?
The zero kilometre is a memorable sign at the main post-office building
(Glavpochtamt) located on Lenin Street, 39. The building was constructed
in 1934 and got a name «the House of Communication» (a name typical
for that time: The House of Printing, the House of Justice, the House of
Offices, the House of Defense, and the House of Industry were also
being built in the neighborhood).
By the recommendation of the International Post Association,
the cities’ kilometers were tracked from the main Post Office, being
a starting point. The reference point of the Glavpochtamt building is
marked as a star on the map of Sverdlovsk region.
In different cities the zero kilometre may be marked in different
ways – it can be a monument, a sculpture, a plate, or even a building.
In Ekaterinburg the zero kilometre, as we can see, is a round slab and
here we can also see an outline of Sverdlovsk Region.
The slab appeared in 1986. Before that time, there was no such thing
as the zero kilometre in Ekaterinburg, and distance used to be measured
from the starting point near the bus terminal. But then it was decided
that it would be more natural to start counting the distance from the main
post-office building, the way it is done in many cities and countries all
over the world. And that is how our zero kilometre appeared.
10. Monument to a radio inventor, Alexander Popov
Alexander Popov is a prominent Russian physicist who is known and
honored in his homeland and a number of other countries as the person
who invented the radio.
Alexander Popov was born in the town of Krasnoturinsk, Sverdlovsk
region, in the Urals. His father was a priest. At an early age Alexander
became interested in natural sciences, and he took that interest throughout
his life. His father wanted Alexander to become a priest, too, that is why
he sent him to study at the Seminary School in Ekaterinburg. But at
the Seminary Alexander developed an even deeper interest in physics,
mathematics and other sciences; in 1877, he enrolled at St. Petersburg
University where he continued to study physics.
Alexander was a bright student, and in 1882 he graduated with honors;
after graduation he stayed at the university working as a laboratory
assistant. In 1883, he took a position of a teacher and head of laboratory
at the Russian Navy Torpedo School in Kronshtadt on Kotlin Island.
Together with his teaching career, Alexander Popov conducted active
research in related areas of physics.
Alexander Popov was the first person to demonstrate the practical
application of electromagnetic radio waves. Beginning in the early 1890s,
he continued the experiments of other radio pioneers, e.g. Heinrich Hertz.
In 1894, he built his first radio receiver that was presented to the Russian
Physical and Chemical Society on May 7, 1895. The day is celebrated in
the Russian Federation as Radio Day. The paper on his findings was
published the same year.
On May 7, 1975, in Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk), a monument was
officially raised to the memory of Alexander Popov. It is a cast-iron sculpture
of the scientist sitting on a bench, thinking and listening to a radio receiver.
Every May 7, students and graduates of the Radio Engineering Institute
of Ural Federal University clean the monument and hold a festive
procession starting from UrFU main building through Lenin Street
to the monument.
11. State Stone-Cutting and Jewelry Art History Museum
The Museum of Stone-Cutting and Jewelry Art History exposition is
housed in a building of the 19th century, in the very center of Ekaterinburg.
The museum was opened in 1992 and has collected under its roof
a great number of unique exhibits, including those created by the masters
of Ekaterinburg Imperial Lapidary Factory, a separate room being
dedicated to it. In the Malachite Hall of the museum you can examine
the difference between real Ural malachite, malachite imported from
Africa, and artificial malachite. The highlights of the museum are the «Gold
Storeroom» and «Bazhovskaya Room». The latter is decorated with gorgeous
Palekh panels depicting famous fairy tales.
The art of gems and metal processing which Ural masters possessed
has been known for more than 300 years. Items made by local craftsmen
were delivered to the imperial family palaces, to noble houses, and were
sent abroad as valuable gifts.
The building of the museum used to house a pharmacy of the Mining
Department. It is a monument of federal significance which was
constructed in the 20s of the 19 th century according to the project of
a famous Ekaterinburg architect Mikhail Malakhov, who made a huge
contribution to the development of the city.
12. Sevastyanov’s House
Sevastyanov’s House is one of the most striking and memorable buildings
in Ekaterinburg. The house acquired the main features of its decoration
in the mid-60s of the 19th century, by the order of its new owner Nikolai
Sevastyanov and under the strict guidance of the architect Alexander
Paduchev, a student of Mikhail Malakhov. Apparently, this is why the house
is known to us precisely as Sevastyanovsky, and the names of all
its previous owners (the first mention of the house on this place on
the embankment dates back to 1817, that is, the building was almost half
a century old when Alexander Paduchev began its completion and
reconstruction) remained in the archives ...
Today the house is in the list of cultural heritage sites (historical
monuments) of federal significance. In 2008, it was minted in commemorative
silver coins of the Central Bank, in the series named «Architectural
Monuments of Russia». The denomination of the coin is 3 rubles, but its
value is much higher.
Nikolai Sevastyanov did not own the house long, as he received
a promotion and left for the capital, selling it to the city government.
The building was used by the District Court, but when the government
changed in 1917, it housed the first in the country Ural Labor Exchange.
It was then that Ekaterininskaya Square was renamed into Labor Square.
Later, the Regional Council of Trade Unions was located in the building.
In the post-perestroika period, it was used as an office building, and
in 2008 it was restored both inside and outside for the SCO summit
which was held in Ekaterinburg. During the restoration, the façade of
the building returned to its historically authentic colors – white, green,
and terracotta.
Now it is the residence of the President of the Russian Federation.
13. Merchant Tarasov’s Mansion11
The house of the merchant Pyotr Tarasov is one of the oldest stone
residential buildings in the city. It was constructed by the architect Mikhail
Malakhov. Members of the Tarasovs, family were serious and influential
people: Savva Tarasov, who bought the house in 1837, was a rich local
merchant; the grandfather and father of Savva Tarasov occupied the
position of the city mayor several times. Savva’s grandson – Pyotr – is
the most famous from the younger generation of the Tarasovs family.
His fortune was secured by goldmines in the Southern Urals, but he was
most widely known as a gold coin collector and an active participant of
various cultural and charitable events in Ekaterinburg.
In the Soviet period there was a teacher’s home. In the fall of 1997,
the complex of buildings underwent a large-scale renovation designed
by the architect Arkady Zaslavsky. After that, the house, which is one of
the oldest stone residential buildings in the city, became part of the
architectural ensemble of the Residence of the Governor of Sverdlovsk
14. Literary Quarter
Literary Quarter is one of the largest literary museums in Russia.
It’s the Museum of Ural Writers, created in 1980 on the base of several
literary and memorial museums: the Memorial House of Dmitry Mamin-
Sibiryak, the Memorial House of Fyodor Reshetnikov, the Museum «Literary
Life of the Urals in the 20th century». A recent addition to the Literary
Quarter is the Ural Museum of Science Fiction and the museum of dolls
and children’s books «Wonderland», opened in May, 2000.
The monument to the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin is located
nearby. Pushkin had never been to Ekaterinburg. The bronze monument
to the poet was designed to commemorate his 200th anniversary.
There is a museum dedicated to Pavel Bazhov and a virtual museum
of Arkady Gaidar, who was also a Ural writer.
The Literary Quarter also has a park with a summer stage, made in
the style of the early 20th century, and the Chamber Theater, which is part
См.: Ekaterinburg Red Line Walks // Guide Center : [сайт]. URL: http://
www.ekaterinburgguide.com/eng/393/396/ (дата обращения 21.10.2020).
of the Museum of Ural Writers. The theater was opened in 1998, on
the 275th anniversary of Ekaterinburg, with «Stone Flower», a play for
children based on Pavel Bazhov’s tales.
15. Church-on-the-Blood
The Church-on-the-Blood is a functioning orthodox church in the city
of Ekaterinburg built on the site of the Ipatiev house, notorious as
the place where the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his family, and
4 servants were kept under arrest and were shot in the night of July 17,
1918. Built in 2000–2003 and consecrated on July 16, 2003, it became
one of the main tourist attractions, as well as the main center of the cult
of St. Nicholas II and his family, attracting orthodox pilgrims not only
from Russia, but also from all over the world.
The Church-on-the-Blood was built in the Russian-Byzantine style,
has 5 domes, and is 60 meters high. There are 14 bells on the bell tower
of the temple, the largest of them weighs as much as 5 tons! The temple
consists of upper and lower churches. In the lower church, neхt to the altar,
the «execution room» (the room in which the Romanovs were shot) was
recreated. There is a small museum here that tells about the last days of
the Royal family. The lower part of the temple is low and dark, while
the upper one, being the main one, is full of light. There is a unique
iconostasis made of rare white marble. It is 30 meters long and 13 meters
The external part of the church building is covered with red and
burgundy granite reminiscent of the colour of blood. Along the outer
perimeter of the temple there are 48 bronze icons of the most worshipped
Russian Saints. From the side of Tolmachev Street, near the temple, there
is a monument to the Emperor’s family. As conceived by the authors of
the sculpture, this shows the moment when the family descended into
the basement for execution.
16. Rastorguyev-Kharitonov House
Rastorguyev-Kharitonov House is one of the most valuable architectural
palace-and-park complexes in Ekaterinburg, an architectural monument
of federal significance.
The buildings of the estate, constructed in the style of classicism,
have always been admired by both Ekaterinburg residents and its guests.
In addition to the main building, the palace-and-park complex includes
a stable building, a utility yard, fences, gates, and a park with a lake.
There are lots of dark legends about this place, one of them telling
about an architect deceived by Lev Rastorguyev who is known as the first
owner of the estate. He was one of the richest merchants in the Urals.
After Lev Rastorguev’s death, the estate was inherited by Pavel Kharitonov,
his son-in-law. The new owner regularly invited Ekaterinburg nobility
for dancing and entertainment. The estate was also visited by royal persons:
Emperor Alexander I who stayed in the house in 1824, and the Crown
Prince Alexander (Emperor Alexander II) who stayed here in 1837.
According to the stories of contemporaries, in the basements of the
mansion, the owners tortured and killed rebellious servants and factory
workers; later, for numerous murders and cruelty, they were exiled to Finland
until the end of their days.
In the 1840s, the premises of the mansion were rented out. In 1905,
the estate was bought by the Kyshtym Plants Society. During the revolutionary
years, the building was used as a hospital for the wounded, later it
housed various communist organizations. In the late 1930s, the premises
of the Rastorguev-Kharitonov estate were given to the Palace of Pioneers.
The building currently houses the Children’s Cultural Center.

17. Sverdlovsk State Academic Philharmonic Hall

The building of the modern Philharmonic Hall was originally conceived
in 1913 as a Business Club for industrialists and merchants. It was built
according to the project of the architect Konstantin Babykin and was
completed in 1917. The club was notable for its Art Nouveau facade and
a city concert hall designed inside the club.
In the time of the Revolution, the interior work was suspended, and
was resumed in 1920, and the club was opened for visitors only in October,
1926. In the first years of its operation, such celebrities as Sergey Lemeshev,
Ivan Kozlovsky, and Leonid Utesov performed on its stage, and the Young
Spectators Theatre and Musical Comedy Theatre held their first seasons
here. The Head of Soviet Education Anatoly Lunacharsky made a report
on the stage of this club, and a famous poet Vladimir Mayakovsky read
his poems here.
Sverdlovsk Regional Philharmonic was created on the base of the Radio
Committee Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Mark Powerman
and became the third philharmonic society in the country (earlier similar
societies were organized in Moscow and Leningrad). On September 29,
1936, the first season of the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Hall was opened
with a concert by the symphonic orchestra under the direction of Vladimir
Savvich, a guest artist from the United States.
Nowadays the Sverdlovsk State Academic Philharmonic Hall is
the main concert stage of the world-famous Ural Academic Philharmonic
18. Photography Museum «Metenkov’s House»
The museum is located in the house that belonged to a prominent
Ekaterinburg photographer Veniamin Metenkov. He was a Siberian
photographer who documented life in the Urals and the surrounding
environs during the late 1800s and early 1900s.
The only photography museum in the Urals tells a story of this visual
art in the city during the period of 150 years. Besides the permanent
exposition, each month the museum hosts contemporary photography
shows including the works of professional journalists and photographers,
as well as amateur artists.
The outside has not changed much since Metenkov’s era. As
for the inside, although it was renovated in the 1990s, it preserves
the original atmosphere.
19. Ekaterinburg History Museum (Mansion of Major General
The estate dates back to the early 19th century. It changed its owners
several times, being home for different families. The main building of
the estate was raised in 1820 by Ekaterinburg postmaster Gavrila Laishevsky.
Located on the Siberian highway, the main road from the western border
of the Russian Empire to its eastern part, the house served as a comfortable
hotel for well-off people. That time travelers had to cover very large
distances using postal horses, so they were in need of food and lodging.
In 1830, the estate got new owners – Aleksander Kachka, a prominent
mining specialist of the 18th century, and his family. When the Kachkas
left the house around 1880, it was used as a tavern which belonged
to Vikenty Poklevskiy-Kozell, born in Poland, who ran a retail alcohol
monopoly in the Urals.
After the revolution the house was nationalized and became a block
of communal flats like thousands of buildings all over the country. In
1939, the Memorial museum of a famous local Yakov Sverdlov was
opened in the building. The Museum had to share the building with some
communal flats until 1960 when it occupied the whole territory. In 1992
it was re-organized into Ekaterinburg History Museum.
20. Building of the First City Theater
The first city theater appeared in Ekaterinburg in 1843, when the troupe
of Pyotr Sokolov, a producer from Kazan’, arrived in the city. A stone
building for the first city theater was constructed in 1845 at the initiative
of Vladimir Glinka, the head of the Ural mining plants, supported by
the city administration.
Funds for the construction were provided by Ekaterinburg merchants,
mostly by the Ryazanov’s Trading House, on the condition that the premises,
if necessary, will be transferred to the trading establishment.
The stone building was erected at the crossroads of the Main Avenue
(modern Lenin Avenue) and Voznesenskaya Avenue (modern Karl Libkhnet
Avenue). It had been designed in the style of classicism, with columns
and porticoes. The interior of the building had columns and grand staircases;
its auditorium seated 625 people.
In November 1896, the first film was shown in the building of the City
Theater. The projection equipment was installed on the stage, and the screen
was put up in the place of the theater curtain. However, the audience
weren’t very much impressed with the cinema. A year later, Lumiere
brothers’ cinema agents arrived in the city, showed 9 films, and made
the audience interested.
In 1914, the City Theater was named Coliseum, but at the time of
the revolution of 1917, the cinema was renamed October. It was here
that three-dimensional stereo films were shown for the first time in
Sverdlovsk, which was the name of the city in the Soviet era. In 2002,
the cinema returned its historical name, Coliseum, and was completely
21. «Uralsky Rabochy» Printing House
The first printing house appeared in Ekaterinburg in December, 1803.
By the early 20th century, according to archival data, there were 7 printing
houses in the city. During the Civil War, the best equipment was brought
to Ekaterinburg from Perm, and since then the publishing business was
concentrated in the capital of the Urals as it became a new regional
center. In February, 1907, the first issue of the underground Bolshevik
newspaper «Worker» was published here. After the revolution, the news-
paper was renamed into «The Ural Worker».
Under the project of the architect Georgy Golubev, the building of
the printing house was supposed to resemble the form of a newspaper.
Long rows of narrow windows resemble newspaper strips and the length
of rows along the entire facade of the building symbolizes the continuity
and efficiency of newspaper publishing. Construction of the building
began in 1929 and was completed in 1934.
After the Great Patriotic War, «The Ural Worker» added books to
their product line. The printing house was equipped with state-of-the-
art machinery for the production of books in both hard and soft cover,
which were distributed throughout the country.
At present, the building houses various offices, cafes, and a big book
store. Empty shops are sometimes used for various events, for example,
the 1st Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art was held here in 2010.
22. Ural State University
Ural State University named after Maxim Gorky was founded on
October 19th, 1920. In 2010, Ural State University was reformed into
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia, Boris
Yeltsin who graduated from Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI, a part of
UrFU today) in 1955 and qualified as a construction engineer. The building
of the University located in Lenin Avenue has a long and interesting
In the 1930s the place opposite the modern Opera House was
occupied by wooden houses, which were later demolished, and in 1954,
a luxurious building in the Soviet Neo-Classical style was constructed
to accommodate the offices of the trust «Sverdlovsk Coal». Large
deposits of coal had been found in the Urals, and at that time it was
a very profitable business: coal was needed in large quantities. In 1957
the building was given to the Economic Council which was located here
till 1965. Then the building was empty for almost a year. Many organizations
were willing to use the comfortable and luxurious premises in the very
center of the city. In March, 1966, the city authorities decided to give
the building to the University which had expanded a lot by the time.
23. Opera House (See Unit 5)
24. Monument to Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vlady
The monument to Vladimir Vysotsky, a famous Soviet singer and
actor, was erected in Ekaterinburg in February, 2006, near «Bolshoy
Ural» hotel. In 1962, Vladimir visited the city as part of the theatre troupe
and stayed in the hotel twice.
This monument is special as it portrays Vysotsky just as a happy
person, playing the guitar to his beloved woman. Marina Vlady, a French
actress, was his long-term, long-distance love.
The site where «Bolshoy Ural» hotel used to be is now occupied
by «Vysotsky» sky-scraper, housing a modern business center. The building
is famous for its wonderful viewing platform, located on the 52nd floor,
at the height of 186 meters. The platform provides a fantastic panoramic
view of Ekaterinburg stretching as far as 25 kilometers.
25. Central Hotel
After the revolution of 1917, Ekaterinburg changed its name
to Sverdlovsk and turned into a real industrial center. In the late 1920s,
a construction boom in the Urals attracted a large number of various
specialists to the city: builders, engineers, metallurgists among them.
The developing city needed new hotels. So, in 1928 a new 250-roomed
hotel building was constructed at the intersection of Rosa Luxemburg
Street and Malyshev Street under the project of the architect Vladimir
Dubrovin. The project had an unprecedented scale: concrete columns,
high ceilings decorated with stucco, wide marble stairs with elegant railings
and carpet paths, chandeliers of extraordinary size, huge mirrors, glass
fountains. The hotel was one of the first buildings in the city equipped
with elevators.
During World War II, the hotel welcomed evacuated families, its
rooms having been refurnished into apartments. Each room was shared
by 5–6 people. At that time, the hotel lived as one big happy family,
the dwellers didn’t lock the doors. The hotel sheltered many people during
the war but its interior was sold out. Elegant tables, mirrors, paintings
were sold or changed for bread to survive.
After the war, the building was turned back into a hotel. In 1993,
the hotel was given its modern name, Central Hotel. Though it has been
renovated several times, the building is considered to be a monument of
the 20th century architecture.
26. American Hotel (See Unit 5)
27. House of Ekaterina Scriabina
The one-storey brick house with a small basement was built in 1882
under the project of Ekaterinburg architect Mikhail Reutov, and is
a great example of eclectic style. Its main facade is richly decorated
with brick patterns. The main entrance to the house has a high porch
with a canopy and railings.
The house is a typical building of the 19th century Ekaterinburg,
showing the lifestyle of merchants’ families. It used to belong to the
family of a merchant Gavrila Skryabin. Gavrila was married to Ekaterina,
and presumably earned his living by selling fish. The name of the house
as it is can be found in the local history reference books.
28. «Luch» Power Station
In 1894, a merchant Andrey Yeltyshev and a mechanical engineer
Nikholay Panfilov built the first city power station as part of general
electrification of Ekaterinburg which began in 1885. The main building
of the station was constructed in red brick, popular at that time, under
the project of architect Alexander Chirkovsky. It was a one-storey building
with an octagonal brick chimney on a stone pedestal and a two-storey
The station was wood-fired, equipped with a steam boiler, a 115
horsepower Westinghouse steam engine, and an 80-kilowatt dynamo.
The station produced its first current in the early 1895, and kerosene
lanterns in the city were gradually replaced with electric ones. By the end
of 1895 there were 8 electric lanterns in Ekaterinburg, and in 1896, 34
more lanterns were installed. However, those were more expensive than
kerosine ones, so their number decreased by the end of 1896.
The building is a monument of industrial architecture of the late
19th century. At present, it houses Ekaterinburg Tram and Trolleybus
Administration and repair shops of their energy sector.
29. House of Vasily Chuvil’din
The house was built in 1900 under the project of the architect Alexander
Chirkovsky in «the brick style» popular at that time. Constructed on
several levels of a steep bank of the Iset river, the house is the only one
of its kind in Ekaterinburg and is included in the list of cultural heritage
sites because of its original space-planning solution.
The building was used as an apartment house by Vasily Chuvil’din
who was a merchant and whose main business was trading flour. He was
a successful merchant respected by the citizens and was even elected
a public official.
30. Keyboard Monument
The Keyboard Monument was created in Ekaterinburg in 2005 and
opened to the public on October, 5. It is a reproduction of a computer
keyboard at a scale of 30:1. It has 86 concrete keys dug into the ground.
Each key weighs 80 kilograms, and the heaviest one, weighing half
a ton, is the space bar. The total area of the monument is 64 square
meters. The surface of the keys is flat with letters of the alphabet and
functional symbols located in the same order as on a real keyboard.
The monument is considered a symbol of communication between
European and Asian values, as it combines Western technological culture
and Eastern landscape. There are some modern rituals connected with
this giant keyboard. It is believed that your wish will come true if you
type it jumping from letter to letter, and then pressing the Enter key with
your both feet, which is not as easy as it might seem. And, if you want
to start a new life, you can «reboot» by simultaneously pressing 3 keys:
Cntr, Alt, and Delete.

31. The Beatles Monument

The monument to «The Beatles» band was opened in Ekaterinburg
on May 23, 2009, becoming the first monument dedicated to the famous
Liverpool group in Russia. The money for the monument was collected
by the members of the Ural Beatles Club, which took them 6 years. In their
efforts to raise funds, they even organized music marathons and auctions.
The monument was created according to the project «The Beatles on
the Wall» by Vadim Okladnikov.
In 2007, the silhouettes of the legendary musicians were made from
cast iron at a factory in Mikhailovsk, a small town in the south of Sverdlovsk
region. Specially for the monument, a brick wall was built on the bank of
the Iset river, and the space in front of the monument was covered
with black polished granite. The monument was ceremonially opened
by the members of the famous group «The Quarrymen», which was founded
by John Lennon. The ceremony was a big cultural event in the life of

32. The House of Defense

The House of Defence, a building in constructivism style located at
the crossroads of Malyshev Street and Vos’moye Marta Street, was built
in 1934 under the project of the architect Georgy Valyonkov. There is
a small red plane on the roof of the one-storey building, and the house
resembles a ship if you look at it from Malyshev Street.
The complex was constructed in 2 parts: a club building where
the students of the Society for the Promotion of Defense, Aviation, and
Chemical Engineering were supposed to study; and a residential building
for them to live.
In the early 20th century, there used to be a market around the Maximilian
Church. The church was destroyed in 1930 and the city authorities decided
to build the House of Defense and a square. According to some sources,
the bricks for the construction were taken from the ruined church.
33. Bolshoy Zlatoust Church (Big Zlatoust)
The church in the name of Saint Maximillian, known as Bolshoy
Zlatoust, was founded in 1847 at the crossroads of Pokrovskiy Avenue
(modern Malyshev Street) and Uktusskaya Street (modern Vos’moye Marta
Street). The building was designed in the Russian-Byzantine style and
its 77-metre high bell tower used to dominate the skyline of Ekaterinburg,
being the tallest building in the Ural region before the Russian Revolution.
The iconostasis of the church was four-tiered, with a total of 25 icons.
In 1899, 10 more icons were put up on the walls by the efforts of parishioners
headed by Mikhail Korol’kov. According to contemporaries, the temple
had very good acoustics and an excellent choir.
After the Revolution the Church of Saint Maximillian was closed
and was demolished in 1930 to make way for a statue of Lenin and Stalin.
The modern building of the church was constructed in 2009 based on old
photographs and descriptions.
34. The House of Offices (Dom Kontor)
The building designed in constructivism style was constructed in
1929 under the project of architects Georgy Valyonkov and Vladimir
Smirnov and is a typical example of the architecture of the office buildings
of that period. The corner of the House of Offices is rounded, which is its
architectural highlight. Externally, the building is very simple, without
any decorations.
Dom Kontor was built for various offices, departments, a bank, and
shops of the Agricultural Cooperation Union. On the ground floor, there
were 5 shops with roomy shopping areas. The other floors are of corridor
type with large lobbies.
During the Great Patriotic War, the building housed Hospital 1708.
When the war was over, new shops and offices opened there.
35. Vainer Street
Previously named Uspenskaya Street, Vainer Street is one of the oldest
in the city. It used to be one of the main market streets connecting 2 big
market squares. There were trading houses, shops and bookstores, an
insurance company, a hotel, a private female gymnasium (modern Theatre
The even-numbered side of the street is still full of historic buildings –
rich merchants’ mansions and apartment complexes. Another side has
buildings of the 20th century.
In 2003, the street became exclusively pedestrian, and Ekaterinburg
residents often call it «our Arbat». It’s a great place for small walks and
leisure time, decorated with flowerbeds and small street sculptures, full
of different shops and restaurants.

Unit 6
Different Tours around Ekaterinburg, Speaking
Opera and Ballet Theatre is a true treasure of Ekaterinburg. It
was officially opened on September 12, 1912, with the production of
«A Life for the Tsar», the first Russian opera by Mikhail Glinka. Since
then it has been repeatedly named the best theatre of the Asian part of
Russia. Many outstanding masters performed on its stage, many famous
directors, opera performers, and conductors started their careers here.
Throughout its history the theatre has received 9 Golden Mask Awards.
Sverdlovsk State Philharmonic founded in 1936 was the first in
the country to win the Philharmonic of the Year title. Every season
the theatre runs more than 2,000 concerts. The theatre is especially
proud of its own Ural Philharmonic Orchestra, well known to those fond
of classical music in Russia and abroad, as well as the unique organ of
the German SAUER company, one of the largest in Russia.
Sverdlovsk Drama Theatre was opened in 1930 and from the first
days presented itself as a highly professional creative team, who value
the best traditions of the Russian dramatic art, but are not afraid of
contemporary themes. In 2010, it opened the Young Theatre Studio to
implement the newest ideas on the stage. Since 2011, the troupe also
includes the TantsTheatre Dance Company. All 3 creatively independent
teams delight spectators with independent and joint productions. The
theatre’s stage is often used for guest performances by well-known troupes
from Moscow and Saint Petersburg.
Svedrlovsk State Academic Musical Comedy Theatre was founded
in 1933 to facilitate quality recreation and vibrant cultural life to residents
and visitors to Ekaterinburg. In 2004, it was awarded the Volkov Prize
of the Russian Government for its contribution to the development of
theatrical art in Russia. The theatre has presented more than a dozen
world premieres, and won 17 Golden Masks, the highest national theater
Kolyada Theatre was founded in 2001 by its artistic director, a well-
known playwright and theatre director Nikolai Kolyada, whose works
are always a combination of an interesting form and profound content.
Each performance of this theater is distinguished by innovative methods
of depiction. The productions are full of humor and originality. Kolyada
Theatre attracts viewers with its special atmosphere of hospitality, it
also annually hosts the «Kolyada-Plays» International Theatre Festival
of Contemporary Drama.
Centre for Contemporary Drama is a platform for experiments,
where young directors, playwrights, and actors create a new theatrical
language right in front of their audience. The theatre is under the artistic
direction of Nikolai Kolyada.
Chamber Theatre of the Museum of Ural Writers is the only
theatre in Russia included in a museum complex. It was opened in 1998
to celebrate Ekaterinburg’s 275th anniversary. The non-repertory theatre
with unique acoustics opened its first season with the «Stone Flower»
based on tales by Pavel Bazhov. The theatre’s mission is to promote through
their productions the best examples of Russian and world classical
literature, preserving the national theatre traditions. The city official award
ceremonies are often held here.
Opened in 1996, Ural State Variety Theatre is the only one of this
genre in Russia outside Moscow and Saint Petersburg. The venue regularly
hosts international and Russian forums, including the International Jazz-
Transit Festival and All-Russian Teenager-Jazz Festival.
«The Nutcracker» Municipal Ballet Theatre, founded in 1988, is
the only children’s theatre in Russia staging full-length ballet performances
based on fairy tales in their own choreography. All parts are excellently
performed by about 200 young artists between the ages of 5 and 17.
The theatre has also opened a classic ballet school for children, which
provides the students an opportunity to perform on stage much sooner
than any other school. Second-year students get small roles in the theatre
shows and gain invaluable stage experience.
Volkhonka Drama Theatre was founded in 1986. Its aim is to present
new names and trends of the world theatre, to create a highly artistic
theatre. It’s a chamber theatre where performances are staged
by visiting directors. The troupe consists entirely of the Ural Theatre
School students.
Actor’s House of the Sverdlovsk branch of the Russian Union of
Theatre Workers is one of the cultural centres that gathers within its
walls not only the theatrical community of the city and the entire region,
but also all fans of theatrical art. A number of creative programs function
here on a regular basis, including the Open Stage Project. Actor’s House
occupies a renovated historic mansion that previously belonged to
a gold mine owner Stepan Tupikov. The mansion was built in 1890
by architect Yuliy Dyutel. The estate now consists of 4 surviving buildings:
the main house, an outbuilding, a one-storey shop, and a warehouse, all
surrounded by a fence with a massive brick gate. To remind of the mansion’s
original owners, the cultural centre annually holds a «New Year’s Show
at Tupikova’s» – a 19th-century home-style party for children during
winter holidays.
«The Old House» Student Theatre has been working in Ural State
Technical (Ural Federal University) since 1961. Today, the team temporarily
performs on the stage of «The Nutcracker» Municipal Ballet Theatre.
«Lingva-T» Linguistic Theatre, established in Ural Federal University
in 2001, performs plays by foreign authors in their original languages. All
performances are accompanied by simultaneous translation.
The famous building of Ekaterinburg Circus, one of the best in Europe,
is well visible from different parts of the city. The tracery dome of reinforced
concrete holds the inner operational circus dome with 50-metre long
steel wire ropes. Its unique structure was designed in the early 1960s
by Nikolay Nikitin (the designer of Ostankino Television Tower) and
Yulian Schwarzbreim, architects from the Central Research Institute of
Experimental Design of Entertainment and Sport Facilities. Today,
performances of the local troupe and visiting artists given here, have
children sit open-mouthed in amazement and delight. If you are lucky
enough to attend the shows of the International Clown Festival, organized
every November in Ekaterinburg since 2008, the event is guaranteed
to give you and your children a charge of positive emotions that will last
for a year. In the history of world circus Ekaterinburg is the first and
only organizer of such festivals.
Mayakovsky Central Park is a family-friendly place. Here you can
find entertainment for all tastes and for all ages at any time of the year:
from classic carousels with horses and reindeer for kids to extreme
swings and the free-fall tower for older visitors. And, of course, there’s
a Ferris Wheel. Mayakovsky Central Park is open for visitors all year
round. In winter, slides of varying heights and a skating rink are installed,
ski rental is available. During summer there’s a karting area, amusement
rides, «The Lost World» Dinosaur Theme Park, and «Mowgli» Rope
Park. Here, one can always just walk along the alleys and trails of the park
under pine trees listening to the birds singing.
Ekaterinburg Zoo might not be among the largest: it occupies an area
of just 2 and a half hectares in the center of the city, but it is an absolute
favorite among the locals for family fun with children. About 1,400 animals
of 380 species are currently living at the zoo, including the beloved
by children of all ages Dasha, the elephant. There’re also polar bears,
Amur tigers, kinkajous, binturongs, and many other animals, birds, and
reptiles. Visitors take an active part in the life of the zoo by choosing
names for newborn aardvarks, for example, or by responding to the actions
of Pugovka, the hedgehog, who predicts the type of an upcoming spring
just as professionally as the famous Phil, the groundhog.
Children’s Railway, or Ostrovsky Minor Sverdlovsk Railway, is located
in Mayakovsky Central Park of Entertainment and Culture. All posts
here from train drivers to car attendants, are filled by children and teenagers,
5th–9th grade students, who study the railways theory in the winter and
during summer get to use this knowledge in practice. The road consists
of 4 stations with names remaining from the Soviet times: Tsentralnaya,
Solnechnaya, Pionerskaya, Yubileynaya. There is a terminal building
with a waiting room, a ticket office, an observation deck, a winter
garden, and some office space. However, passenger rides in a railway
car for the whole family are available only from May to October.
Limpopo Aquapark is one of the most popular entertainment
complexes in the capital of the Urals which opened its doors to several
million visitors in 2005. The park is designed as a tropical island
surrounded by water with palm trees, vines, waterfalls, hanging bridges,
aboriginal huts, and a transatlantic liner docked at its shore. Here you can
relax with the whole family, even the youngest children.
«Fantasy Grad» Amusement Park is a children’s theme park located
in the Grinvich Mall, decorated to resemble a medieval settlement, which
has its own king, flag, coat of arms, history, and legend. In fact, this is
a real city of craftsmen, where children from 5 to 14, under the guidance
of experienced animators and teachers, can master the basics of 1 of
30 professions from a dentist to an investigator. There is an observatory
and a ballroom, a magician’s room and a captain’s cabin, and even a craft
shop. Children enjoy making their own pizza, ice cream, and cupcakes,
playing musical instruments and singing in pop groups, drawing, and
hunting treasures.
«Tales Park» Educational and Entertainment Complex. Located
in the vicinity of Ekaterinburg, the first in the Urals theme park is entirely
based on tales of Pavel Bazhov, the author of «The Malachite Box»,
as well as Russian traditional fairy tales and folk culture of the Urals.
Within 1 day you can visit the cabin of Leshy (wood goblin), Baba Yaga’s
hut, the house of a Ural peasant, Danilo the Craftsman’s shop. Make
a lucky charm doll, ride a real sleigh horse, and try traditional Russian
cuisine. In addition, puppet shows are performed, Bazhov’s tales are
told, and old songs are sung. Children won’t want to get off the warm
stove with a red cat, and adults will enjoy remembering their own
childhood over a cup of herbal tea with homemade cakes.
Sverdlovsk Film Studios. Guided tours for children at Sverdlovsk
Film Studio offer educational elements, some magic, and a thoughtful
show. You can visit Special Effects Studio or Sound Studio, learn about
the world of cinema and animation, dive into the atmosphere of film
industry, or learn the secrets of professional make-up.
Galileo Amusement Park. The only Russian «park of wonders» is
located in Sverdlovsk Film Studios building. 2 floors of the huge
experimental pavilion are filled with various amusements and mechanisms
designed to visually and interactively demonstrate physical phenomena
and magic tricks. Numerous halls, rooms, and passages are filled with
wonders that lead visitors to Europe’s largest mirror maze of illusions.
Heroes Park. This amusement park is designed as a meeting place
of superheroes, most popular of whom – Batman, Hulk, Thor, and
Spiderman – greet the visitors in the form of 2-meter tall statues, looking
almost real, though not moving. The visitors are invited to a rope park,
a climbing wall, a laser cube, and a maze. There’re also plenty of game
machines and a special area for the youngest kids. The symbol of the park
is a magic crystal, which gathered all the superheroes and continues to
attract more. 3 facets of the crystal are the 3 main strengths one can
improve here: body, mind, and soul.
Newton Parks. 2 unique interactive science museums welcome
visitors of all ages to demonstrate mysteries of the universe, scientific
laws and principles through game labs and action quests, as well as
interaction with unusual instruments, devices and mechanisms. In addition,
with the help of interactive exhibits, children and adults can learn about
various biological, chemical, and physical characteristics of the human
body, learn a lot of new and interesting facts about other inhabitants of
the Earth and compare themselves to them.
Ekaterinburg Oceanarium. The first underwater museum in the Urals
with marine and freshwater inhabitants. The aquarium has 3 thematic
zones with about 3,000 species from around the world: more than 150 species
of fish, and 120 species of aquatic organisms, as well as amphibians,
reptiles, birds, mammals.
Ekaterinburg Puppet Theatre, founded in 1932, acquired its own
unique creative style by working with prominent innovators in the field
of puppetry art. The repertoire is made up by performances of different
genres for both children and adults. In 2002, the theatre initiated the first
«Petrushka» – the Great International Festival of Puppet Theaters, which
is now held every 2 years. In 2004, the theater opened its own museum
of theatre puppets.
Sverdlovsk State Children’s Philharmonic Hall is the only children’s
philharmonic hall in the country to have its own separate building and its
own concert stages. During the season, young actors give more than
200 concerts.
Ekaterinburg Young Spectators Theatre is one of the oldest and
most famous professional theatres for children and the youth in Russia.
It was founded in the spring of 1930 as a mobile theater with a cast of
24 actors. Currently, the repertoire of the theater includes performances
for all age groups. The pride of the theater is its acting troupe, touring
successfully in many countries around the world.

Unit 7
Outside Ekaterinburg, Speaking
Modern Military Technology Museum in Verkhnyaya Pyshma
The museum complex includes an outdoor area and an exhibition center.
The open area exhibits a huge amount of military equipment of different
years: tanks, guns, self-propelled guns, airplanes, helicopters, submarines.
The collection of the military museum has more than 350 samples of
military equipment. The exhibition center has an interactive platform
(an interactive cinema, an electronic shooting gallery, game simulators).
The exposition of military equipment was opened on May 9, 2005.
The date became the official date of foundation of the Museum of Military
Equipment of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. The Exhibition
Center of the Military Equipment Museum was opened on May 9, 2013.
The centre houses a constantly replenished collection of military equipment
(on the 1st and 2nd floors), as well as an exposition dedicated to the military
history of the Ural region (3rd floor). Initially, a collection of civilian cars
was presented in this building, which laid the foundation for the Museum
of Automotive Technology.
The exposition dedicated to the feat of Soviet railway workers during
the Great Patriotic War was opened on May 9, 2015.
The exposition dedicated to the Soviet Navy was opened on May 9,
2016. Currently, it presents full-scale models of the Malyutka submarine,
boats of Project 161 and Project 194, as well as a recreated river boat of
Project 1125, which was used during the Battle of Stalingrad. The four-
storey building of the Automobile Technology Museum Exhibition Centre
was opened on May 8, 2018.
The museum is a 25-minute drive from the center of Ekaterinburg.
This is a perfect place to go. A must-see for anyone with even a passing
interest in military hardware.
Nevyansk is a town with a rich and interesting history. It was here
that the mining factory empire of the Demidovs began. The plant on
the Neiva River was founded at the beginning of the 18 th century by
a decree of Peter I. The date of birth of Nevyansk is December 15, 1701.
In March, 1702, Nevyansk plant was transferred from the Treasury
to the blacksmith Nikita Antufiev, the founder of the Demidovs dynasty.
In the past, Nevyansk was often called the «Old Factory», and the poet
Vasily Zhukovsky called it «the grandfather of the Ural plants».
For a long time Nevyansk was the largest factory village in the Urals.
Nevyansk iron, being the best in the country, for the first time in the history
of Russia, began to be exported to foreign countries. When Akinfiy Demidov
died in 1745, the Nevyansk plant went to his son Prokopiy.
Gradually all the forests, necessary for the operation of the plant,
were cut down in the entire district. The existence of the Nevyansk plant
was uncertain. And now there are vast treeless spaces at the entrances
to Nevyansk.
The main attraction of the town is Nevyansk Leaning Tower. This
piece of architecture is full of secrets and legends. No one knows who
built the tower and when. There are legends about dungeons in which
silver and gold were secretly melted. The tower is leaning (but not falling)
because of Demidov’s sins, according to the legend. But it’s a legend only.
In fact, the slope appeared during the first stage of the construction due
to soil movement.
The bells that regularly ring in the tower were made in England:
there is an inscription in Latin, meaning: «Richard Phelps, made in
London, 1730». Richard Phelps ran the best foundry in London, and
the bells produced there are used in St. Paul’s Cathedral. No one knows
the circumstances of the bells acquisition by the Demidovs.
During a tour of the tower, tourists can see a theatrical performance:
Akinfiy Demidov offers guests to make a coin by themselves. In addition,
in one of the premises of the tower, a scene of Demidov’s checking his
workers in the basement was reproduced.
Bell Casting Plant in Kamensk-Ural’sky
The first in Russia bell casting plant Pyatkov & K is located in
Kamensk-Uralsky. Over 12 years ago, the foundry worker Nikolai Pyatkov
cast his first bell according to an old recipe. Since then, hundreds of bells
for Russian churches have been made in a tiny section of the workshop.
The bells for the Church-on-the-Blood in Ekaterinburg were cast at
the newly-built factory.
The first high-profile works of Ural casters were bells for St. Basil’s
Cathedral and the Don Monastery in Moscow, city bells of Yaroslavl,
and those of Veliky Novgorod, and the Marble Palace in St. Petersburg.
Today, the total number of churches in Russia, neighboring countries,
as well as the United States, Canada, Greece (Athos), and Eastern
Europe, singing the voices of the Ural bells, has long exceeded 1,000.
Each bell has the trademark of Kamensk-Uralsky masters.
As part of the celebration of the Tsarist days in Kamensk-Uralsky,
a traditional Bell Ringing Festival is held. On this day, bell-ringers from
different cities, one by one, rise to the Bell Tower and perform the church
ringing of their temple on 16 bells. The festival is called «Kamensk-
Uralsky – Bells Capital» and has been held since 2005. Its main event is
a bell concert at the chapel of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky,
which is located on the main square of the city.
As part of the celebration, bell-ringing master classes are usually held
in temples of Kamensk-Uralsky and Kamensky district as well as the Festival
of Brass Bands playing ancient military marches and a live music concert.
Outdoor Museum of Wooden Architecture
in Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha
Visiting Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha, you can find yourself in a village of
the 19th century, see ancient buildings, learn about the life of our ancestors.
This small village dates back to the 1680s. It was built on the road
from Verkhoturye to Irbit. And in 1724–1726, a plant was built here
by the order of the head of the Ural mining plants, Wilhelm de Hennin.
The plant was supposed to help Alapaevsky plant in the production of
iron and cast iron.
The outdoor museum was created by a very enthusiastic person,
Ivan Samoilov, who was fascinated with the folk culture. He collected
folk art objects. When the collection became large, he thought about
creating a museum in the building of the former church in Nizhnyaya
Sinyachikha, which was being destroyed at that time. Ivan Samoilov
started the restoration of the church in 1967, and in 1978, he opened
a museum of the Ural house painting. In the nearby territory he created
an open-air museum – a collection of wooden architecture and folk art.
Old architectural monuments were brought here: a chapel, a watchtower,
a windmill, a firehouse, etc. Ivan Samoilov traveled to the Middle Urals,
looking for valuable wooden buildings. Pearls of architecture found
by him were carefully dismantled, transported, reassembled in Nizhnyaya
Sinyachikha, and restored.
In 1995, the Nizhny Sinyachikhinsky Museum received the status
of an object of historical and cultural heritage of national significance.
The efforts of one person made this small Ural village unique and famous
throughout the Urals.
The territory of the museum is 64 hectares, and it exhibits houses of
peasants of the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries. Visitors can see how the architecture
of houses changed over time. There is a prison tower, a forge, a banya,
a firehouse, a windmill, a watchtower, some chapels, an inn. A collection
of folk paintings on wood from the 19th – early 20th centuries is exhibited
in the building of Spaso-Preobrazhenskaya Church. The exhibited items
were collected by Ivan Samoilov from 130 log houses located in 68 villages
from different parts of Sverdlovsk region.
Blacksmith Kirillov’s House in Kunara Village
The house of the blacksmith Sergei Kirillov is located in a small
village of Kunara, 20 kilometers from Nevyansk. The house is a vivid
example of naive art. It was built between 1954 and 1967 by Sergei
Kirillov for his family to live.
In 1999, this house won the national competition of amateur wooden
architecture. The house is decorated with ornaments of children, horseback
riders, rockets, pigeons, symbols of the USSR, the sun, heroes, various
phrases from Soviet era and its songs. All decorations are made of wood
and metal.
The creator of this real miracle, Sergey Kirillov, was a man of kind
heart. His kindness and sincerity are expressed in the design of his house.
He equipped a forge and studied blacksmith craft himself, being the only
representative of this profession in the village.
Unfortunately, after his death, the house began to decay gradually.
One of the figures on the roof (a pioneer girl) was completely broken
and thrown to the ground by a strong wind. The house was noticed
by some social activists, who repaired and installed the pioneer figure,
and painted the house.
Verkhoturye is the oldest town in Sverdlovsk region. It is interesting
for its numerous architectural monuments (including the smallest Kremlin
in Russia), churches (it is called the spiritual capital of the Urals), and
mysterious underground passages.
In the fall of 1597, a road was led to the Tura River, on the banks of
which a new settlement appeared. The name Verkhoturye was given to
the settlement due to its location in the upper part of the Tura river.
A wooden fortress, which became the gateway to Siberia, was built
here. It was forbidden to go to Siberia and back along other roads,
bypassing Verkhoturye. The new city began to grow and develop.
Many famous people passed along the road through Verkhoturye.
On the way to exile, the city was visited by Protopop Avvakum, associate
of Peter I; Prince Alexander Menshikov, favorite of the Empress Anna
Ioannovna, and others.
From time to time, the town suffered from fires, the strongest of
which occurred in 1674 and in 1738, so they began to introduce stone
In a small town there are 60 monuments of cultural heritage of the
17th –20th centuries. This is a kind of open-air museum. You can take
a walk around the town and see all the main attractions of Verkhoturye
in a few hours (it will take more time to visit museums).
Sysert and Bazhov’s Places
Sysert is the birthplace of the famous Ural writer Pavel Bazhov.
A talented storyteller and handler of Uralian tales, folk legends, and
traditions was born and spent his youth here. Pavel Bazhov was born in
1879 to the family of an ironworks welding shop master.
From an early age Bazhov traveled a lot around the Urals. The images
of mysterious and severe nature of these lands were subsequently
embodied in many of his tales, essays, and novels.
Bazhov’s House-Museum was opened on December 28, 1982. It is
a two-storey building with a living room, a kitchen, a storeroom, a porch,
and some other structures. The museum exhibition reflects the distinctive
features of the Ural workers’ lifestyle.
Tourists can visit Bazhov’s Places Natural Park located in Sysert
district, 60 kilometers south of Ekaterinburg. The park has a total area
of 39,938 hectares. These places are described in Bazhov’s famous «Ural
Tales». Here, the tourist will discover all the splendor of the forest, and
plunge into the world of secrets and silence of the carefully protected
nature. You can go on an exciting journey through the park both
independently and as part of an excursion group.
In the cold season, it is best to take a day horse ride or a sleigh ride
in a snowmobile.
Walking in the park brings Bazhov’s tales to life. Several tourist
routes have been developed: Legends of the Talkovoye Lake with a story
about an abandoned lake, Bazhov’s tales for children, an interactive
route «The Shaman’s Path» with shamanistic rituals being performed,
an ecological path “Animals of the Natural Park”, a route “Survival
Lessons in the Forest”, dog sledding in winter, ski trails. The park regularly
hosts a mass walk «Bazhov’s places».
Sysert is also famous for its beautiful hand-painted porcelain.
«Deer Springs» Nature Park
Deer Springs Nature Park, located in a specially protected area, is
one of the most visited natural sites of the region. Visitors are attracted
by its beautiful forests, clear waters of the Serga river, numerous picturesque
rocks, grottoes, and caves. Many caves here have historical importance.
Prehistoric paintings and settlements of about 15,000 years old were
found here. The central part of the park has several well-developed
routes about 40 km long altogether. One of the few man-made attractions
here is the sculpture of an angel, installed here by the Swedish artist
Lena Edwall. Similar sculptures appeared in different countries around
the world, they are believed to create a circle of hope around the planet
and protect it from fears and catastrophes. There’s a tradition for all
visitors passing by to touch the Angel’s left wing and make a wish.
The beauty of the scenery is simply breathtaking. If you want to get
around all the main routes in a day, you need to arrive very early.
Although this may not be enough. Nature is so picturesque that you
keep stopping to contemplate its beauty. There are 2 types of routes:
a short one, adapted / equipped for an ordinary tourist, and a long one
(about 20 km on rough terrain, sometimes there are no paths – you have
to navigate by GPS). The long route is more demanding on your physical
training and, accordingly, less popular with the mass tourist. The rocky,
high banks of the river are something unbelievable. Unbelievably beautiful
landscapes of the park are breath-taking.
The area of the park is only 127 km. From north to south it can be
walked in 2 days, and from west to east it can be walked in half a day.
«Tales Park» Country Entertainment Centre
Tales Park is a family-run Russian fairy tales theme park located
in the town of Aramil. Tourist programs and objects located in this park
refer to the works of Pavel Bazhov. At the entrance, visitors are met
by animators in costumes of fairy-tale heroes, and on the streets of
the park there are houses of different characters, e. g. Danila Master,
the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, and many others.
Tales Park is the first family theme park in the Urals dedicated to
traditional Ural folk culture, Bazhov’s tales, and Russian fairy tales.
The park is located on the bank of a winding river, next to a rustling
forest, and fits perfectly into Ural nature. On the winding paths of the park,
guests are greeted by fairy-tale heroes who make riddles and tell stories.
Baba Yaga and Leshiy play traditional active games with children
and adults, Danila-Master teaches you how to make souvenirs from
gems and shows a performance based on Pavel Bazhov’s tales. The Mistress
of the Copper Mountain is waiting for guests in a cave and organizes
different challenges for them.
In 2016–2017, Tales Park became the venue for the International
Folklore Festival and Folk Crafts Fair – «Malachite Box». And on June 30 –
July 1, 2018, the 10th Anniversary Festival was held here.
The idea of the park is to preserve the history and culture of the Urals,
revive its traditions, help residents of our region and tourists feel
the unique nature of the Urals. Family values are supported in the park
through over 20 different programs for children and families.
Tales Park is included into the regional program «The Gemstone
Ring of the Urals», and into the Federal Program for the Development
of Domestic Tourism.


Introduction. General Information, Lead-in

1b 2c 3b 4c 5c 6a 7b 8c 9a 10a 11a 12b 13c 14b 15a
Unit 1. City Symbols, Lead-in
a bear and a sable
Unit 1. City Symbols, Vocabulary
A: 1b 2h 3d 4f 5a 6e 7c 8g 9i
B: 1 smelter 2 mine 3 emerald 4 crystal 5 furnaces 6 castellation
Unit 1. City Symbols, Reading
Text 1 – d; Text 2 – b; Text 3 – a; Text 4 – c; Text 5 – e.
Unit 1. City Symbols, Discussion
1c 2b 3a 4a 5c 6b
Unit 2. History of Ekaterinburg: Main Events, Lead-in
1. The main products were iron, cast iron, and copper.
2. The modern building of the Museum of Fine Arts used to house
the Mint or Monetary Yard.
3. This remarkable discovery was made by Yerofei Markov, a peasant
from the village of Shartash.
4. Ekaterinburg was given the status of the town by the Empress
Catherine II.
5. Roofing iron made in Ekaterinburg was used to cover the roof
of the English Parliament in London. Ural steel was used in construction
of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Ural copper was used in construction
of the Statue of Liberty in New York.
6. The bridge became part of Alexandrovsky Avenue, known as
Dekabristov Street nowadays.
7. In 1861, Alexander II gave an order to establish a comprehensive
school for boys, known today as school № 9.
8. Ekaterinburg has a unique geographic location on the overland
border between Europe and Asia. According to statistics, every hour
78 trains cross the border between parts of the world in Ekaterinburg.
9. The city of Ekaterinburg was renamed into Sverdlovsk after
the Bolshevik leader Yakov Sverdlov who led the revolutionary movement
there in the early 20th century.
10. On July 16, 1918, the Romanov family (Tsar Nicholas, his wife
Alexandra, their 4 daughters, and a son) were executed by the Bolsheviks
in the basement of Ipatiev house in Ekaterinburg.
11. During World War II, over 50 factories and many state technical
institutions were relocated to Sverdlovsk from Western parts of the Soviet
Union, as well as some collections of the Hermitage Museum.
12. Subway, buses, trams, and trolley-buses.
13. INNOPROM (Annual International Exhibition and Forum of
Industry and Technology); BRICS summit; the SCO summit; negotiations
of different world leaders; 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Unit 2. History of Ekaterinburg: Main Events, Reading

On November 18, 1723, a test run of bloomery hammers was conducted
in the shops of the iron-making plant built under the decree of Russian
Emperor Peter the Great. The plant itself was commissioned on
November, 24. The production capacity of the plant included 2 blast
furnaces, 14 bloomery hammers, copper smelting plant, steel and anchor
factory, drilling machines for guns. The main products were iron, cast
iron, and copper. The Iset dam, which was built in 1723, provided energy
for the plant. In the early years of its existence, Ekaterinburg plant was
ahead of all other metallurgical enterprises not only in the country but
also in the world in the matter of technological equipment.
The first general plan of Ekaterinburg suggests that the development
of the city on the Iset was carried out according to the best examples of
fortification craft of Germany, the Netherlands, and France. European
character of the city was reflected not only in its name (the German
«burg» means – «city» in the Russian language), but also in the layout.
The city was built, with extensive use of iron, to a regular square plan
with iron works and residential buildings at the center. These were
surrounded by fortified walls.
On June 14, 1725, a Mint was opened in Ekaterinburg. It was one
of the leading mints in the country, producing up to 80 % of all copper
coins in the Russian Empire. The first items produced were not coins
though but heavy square plates made of copper. The denomination of
those was on a par with the price of the metal. The plates had the state
coat of arms and the value minted on them. A copper plate of 1 ruble
weighed over 1,5 kilo – to be more exact, 1 kilo and 638 grams.
The population of the Russian Empire were not happy about such
heavy money; moreover, false-coiners illegally re-minted those plates
into smaller round coins.
In 1735, copper plates were replaced by copper coins. Ekaterinburg
Mint existed till 1876, and during this period 482 coin samples were
minted here. For nearly 2 centuries the entire population of the vast country
every day used coins produced in the Urals. Nowadays the Mint or
Monetary Yard building houses the Museum of Fine Arts.

On May 21, 1745, the gold deposit was discovered in Berezovsky,
which is the second largest satellite town of Ekaterinburg. This remarkable
discovery was made by Yerofei Markov, a peasant from the village
of Shartash. The discovery marked the beginning of a new industry in
Russia – gold mining.
For several decades following the initial gold discovery, additional
deposits were found throughout the Ural Mountains, first along the eastern
flanks, and later along the western flanks. Gold was known to exist in
many of the rivers in the Ural Mountains but local peasants had limited
knowledge on how to capture and retain it.
In 1745–1922, local mines produced 559 tons of alluvial gold, and
145 tons of solid gold (about a third of the overall amount produced in
Russia). It was here that the gold veins search technology was developed,
new methods of ore processing and new machinery were invented.
The historical, geological, and technological importance of Ural gold
mines is very high.
The Gold Museum in Berezovsky exhibits various tools used by gold-
diggers. Visitors can see a rich collection of minerals and gold ores.
In 1781, Ekaterinburg was given the status of the town by the Empress
Catherine II. At that time the population was over 8000 people.
In 1783, it was awarded the coat of arms, and in 1787, the first elections
to the city government took place. In the 18th – first half of the 19th century,
the city government was predominantly made of Old Believer merchants.
In 1796, Ekaterinburg became part of Perm province. In 1807,
Ekaterinburg received its unique status of a mining town. Since then
Ekaterinburg was in fact independent from provincial authorities in
Perm and reported directly to the Head Mining Officer, Minister of Finance,
and the Emperor.
Metal produced at Ekaterinburg plants was used in construction of
the most famous architectural structures and buildings around the world.
For example, the very first English industrial machines were made of
iron produced in the Urals. In 1820, roofing iron made in Ekaterinburg
was used to cover the roof of the English Parliament in London. Ural
steel was used in construction of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Ural copper was
used in construction of the Statue of Liberty in New York.
In the 1830s, Ekaterinburg became the center of mechanical engineering.
Production of mining and metallurgical equipment, water turbines, and
steam engines was commissioned at state and private mechanical engineering
The unique Kasli cast iron pavilion was created by Ural craftsmen
and won the Grand Prix and Gold Medal at the World’s Fair in Paris in
1900. Each of the 25 workers, who put the pavilion together at the exhibition
in Paris, received a silver watch with an inscription as an award for their
talent. The pavilion is made of more than 1500 unique cast iron elements
and sculptures, and weighs about 20 tons.
On September 25, 1824, Ekaterinburg was visited by the Russian
Emperor Alexander I. The Emperor stayed in Rastorguyev-Kharitonov
House on Voznesensky Hill. In 3 days that the Emperor stayed in the Urals
he visited the Mint, Lapidary Works, Gold-melting laboratory, Verkh-Iset
plant, plants in Berezovsky and Pyshma as well as Novo-Tikhvinsky Monastery.
In 1824, Ekaterinburg government expecting the Emperor’s visit
built a new wooden bridge over the Iset River. The bridge became part
of Alexandrovsky Avenue, known as Dekabristov Street nowadays. After
the Emperor rode over the bridge in his carriage, it came to be known
as the Tsar Bridge. In 1889–1890, the bridge was reconstructed into
a stone one according to the project of the architect Sergey Kozlov and
it exists nowadays.
In 1837, Ekaterinburg was visited by the Crown Prince Alexander,
the future Emperor Alexander II. He met with local nobles and merchants,
and had a look at the operations of Ural plants. Later, in 1861, Alexander
II gave an order to establish a comprehensive school for boys, known
today as school № 9.
In 1874, Alexander II gave an order to start building the first railroad
in the Urals. It took 4 years to complete the work and in 1898 the railway
was commissioned linking Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Taghil, Kamasino
(modern Chusovoy), and Perm. The new railway was unique for that time
both in its length and engineering technology used. Moreover, the railway
brought about the construction of beautiful railway stations in
Ekaterinburg and Perm. Both railway stations were built in modernist
style and were put into operation in 1898.
In subsequent decades Ekaterinburg became a major railway junction.
The way linking Ekaterinburg, Tyumen, and Omsk was opened in 1885.
In 1896, the line connecting Ekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk was given
access to the Siberian railway. In 1909, the new railway line connecting
Ekaterinburg, Kungur, and Perm became a direct path to St. Petersburg.
Designed in the early 20th century, the railroad between Ekaterinburg
and Kazan was completed in 1920.
Ekaterinburg has a unique geographic location on the overland border
between Europe and Asia. According to statistics, every hour 78 trains
cross the border between parts of the world in Ekaterinburg.
At the beginning of the 20th century the city became the center of
the revolutionary movement, which was led by Yakov Sverdlov. On May 1,
1905, the central square of Ekaterinburg, previously known as the Trade
Square, became the place of the first political demonstration. Some years
later, the city of Ekaterinburg was renamed into Sverdlovsk after
the Bolshevik leader.
The Russian Revolution of 1917 brought an ending to Imperial Russia.
On July 16, 1918, the Romanov family (Tsar Nicholas, his wife Alexandra,
their 4 daughters, and a son) were executed by the Bolsheviks in the
basement of Ipatiev house in Ekaterinburg. Their bodies were then
disposed of in an unused mine, just on the outskirts of Ekaterinburg.
Ipatiev house was destroyed under the special order of the Communist
Party in 1977. Cathedral-on-the-Blood was built on its place and was
opened on July 16, 2003, on the 85th anniversary of the tragedy. A short
trip out of town, the Ganina Yama Monastery, was built next to the old
mine that pays homage to Russia’s last royal family.
During World War II, over 50 factories and many state technical
institutions were relocated to Sverdlovsk from Western parts of the Soviet
Union in efforts to maintain production. Many factories and institutions
stayed when WWII ended, further strengthening the city’s industrial
importance and paving the way for further industrial development.
During the war the Hermitage Museum collections were in part relocated
to the city in 1941 and remained there until 1945.
Ural Heavy Machine-Building Plant became the main production
site for military machinery: tanks, self-propelled artillery, guns, etc.
For decades Ekaterinburg was a closed city due to the military bases
and activities the government set up there, meaning foreigners weren’t
allowed to visit. In 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the city
opened up to international tourism and returned its historical name,
Throughout WWII and into the Cold War there were factories in
the area specializing in anti-aircraft guns, artillery units, and anti-aircraft
rocket systems. Relics of this time are scattered throughout the city;
missiles and fighter planes are proudly on display in public places. Just
outside Ekaterinburg there is also the Military Technology Museum,
which has one of the biggest military vehicle collections in the world,
and it is still growing.
The world’s most famous walking excavator registered in the Guinness
Book of Records was produced in Ekaterinburg. The boom of the giant
model ESH 25.100 produced at Ural Heavy Machine-Building Plant
in 1958 was 100 meters long. The load of its bucket was equal to that of
2 railroad cars.
Ekaterinburg / Sverdlovsk became the first city in the Soviet Union
outside the two capitals (Moscow and St. Petersburg) to build a subway.
The first section of Ekaterinburg metro already paid for itself a year
prior to its launch with mineral resources acquired during its construction.
The subway was put into operation on April 27, 1991.
The operational length of the underground tunnels is 12.7 kilometers,
a trip from the first to final stop takes only 19 minutes.
The developed area of the city stretches only 20 km from north
to south, and 15 km from east to west.
Koltsovo Airport is one of the largest airports in the country, serving
5,404,000 passengers (including 3,485,000 serviced by domestic airlines,
and 1,919,000 on international flights) in 2017, making it the 6th busiest
airport in Russia.
Ekaterinburg becomes a regular venue for different level events
like international summits and business talks: the city organizes and
holds the Annual International Exhibition and Forum of Industry and
Technology – INNOPROM.
In 2003, Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor
Gerhard Schoder negotiated in Ekaterinburg.
In June, 2009, the city hosted the BRICS summit, and the SCO summit
attended by 13 presidents. The events greatly improved the economic,
cultural, and tourist situation in the city.
In 2010, Ekaterinburg welcomed the leaders of Russia and Germany –
Dmitry Medvedev and Angela Merkel.
37 heads of states visited Ekaterinburg at various stages of its
history – from the visit of Emperor Alexander I in 1824, to 2010, when
a meeting between Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and German
Chancellor Angela Merkel took place in the city.
In 2018, Ekaterinburg hosted 4 matches of the 2018 FIFA World
Cup. 100,000 foreign tourists visited the city during this period. 4 games
were played on the hospitable land of Ekaterinburg: Egypt and Uruguay,
Peru and France, Japan and Senegal, Mexico and Sweden squared off
with each other.
Unit 3. Language of the Guide, Vocabulary, Verbs
A: 1 arrived 2 will close 3 will continue on 4 departs, don’t miss 5
have enjoyed 6 weren’t expecting 7 are permitted 8 proceed 9 raise 10
recommend 11 will refer 12 relax 13 will show us around 14 sit back 15
speak up, slow down
B: allow – permit; reach a destination – arrive; lift – raise; relax in
a seated position – sit back; talk louder – speak up; have a good
experience – enjoy; go forward – proceed; leave – depart; finish – close;
take people to see an area – show people around; suggest – recommend,
refer; think that something will be or happen in a certain way – expect;
sit back and enjoy time in peace – relax; keep going – continue on

Unit 3. Language of the Guide, Vocabulary, Nouns

A: 1 activities 2 architecture 3 bearings 4 church 5 conveniences
6 en route 7 entertainment district 8 locals 9 monument 10 necessities
11 original state 12 questions or concerns 13 restaurant district 14 scenery
15 shopping district 16 street people 17 attractions 18 art gallery 19 business
district 20 castle 21 custom 22 highlight 23 exception 24 legend 25 location
26 museum 27 photograph 28 request 29 ritual 30 site 31 settlers
32 surroundings
B: 1 surroundings 2 necessities 3 location 4 request 5 settlers 6 site
7 ritual 8 museum 9 shopping district 10 scenery 11 restaurant district
12 original state 13 legend 14 photographs 15 monument 16 highlight

Unit 3. Language of the Guide, Vocabulary, Adjectives

A: 1 beautiful 2 breathtaking 3 dangerous 4 devastating 5 elegant
6 enormous 7 exciting 8 extensive 9 fascinating 10 haunted 11 heritage
12 international 13 lovely 14 magnificent 15 popular 16 prevalent
17 reconstructed 18 restored 19 safe 20 scenic 21 superb 22 thrilling
23 unbelievable 24 visible

Unit 3. Language of the Guide, Tour Guide Vocabulary Quiz

1 attractions 2 bearings 3 locals 4 voucher 5 architecture 6 scenery
7 surroundings 8 permitted 9 reconstructed 10 scenic

Unit 3. Language of the Guide, Speaking

A: 1 you won’t always know what questions people will ask;
2 to avoid routine you should learn how to use variety when you answer
questions or respond to comments; 3 it is important to know how to
politely explain that you don’t understand a question; 4 students’ own
B: Tour Guide 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21; Tourist 1, 4,
6, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.
C: Do you have a question? / If you have any questions… /
I am ready to answer your questions. / … please don’t hesitate to
ask. / No problem. That’s what I’m here for. / Oh, I’m glad you asked
that. / Sure, what’s that?
I will show you. / I’ll point it out…
D: 1 his favourite restaurant 2 passing any castles 3 the exhibits
and artworks

Unit 3. Language of the Guide, Discussion

C: 1 sharp 2 recommend 3 customary
Unit 4. Showing Places of Interest, Reading
A: 2, 5, 7, 1, 4, 8, 6, 3
B: 1 b 2 c 3 c
Unit 4. Showing Places of Interest, Listening
A: Welcoming tourists / Describing the location / Introducing special
events and offers / Offering advice / Closing remarks

B–F: Audioscript
[Welcoming tourists]
Hello everyone. My name is Luca. On behalf of Suntan Tours I’d
like to welcome you all to Los Cabos. The bus ride to your hotel will take
about 15 minutes. Right now I’d like to take a minute to familiarize you
with the area and discuss some brief safety precautions. Firstly, I ask
that you remain seated until we reach our destination and that you not
eat or drink while on the bus. Secondly, please realize that it is against
the law to get drunk in public. Enjoy your vacation, but do drink responsibly
and do not drink and drive.
[Describing the location]
I promise you are going to enjoy your stay here in San Jose, Los
Cabos. This is a beautiful, quiet city where you can relax, sit by the beach,
enjoy great meals, and feel very safe. You can walk into town and enjoy
the fountains, or take a moonlit walk along the water. Please do not swim
here. This is not a safe place to swim because there is a strong undertow.
Cabos San Lucas is the place to go if you want to enjoy swimming in
the ocean. You can take a short bus ride from your hotel. There you will
also enjoy entertainment and dancing.
[Introducing special events and offers]
Suntan tours offers a variety of special discounts depending on your
travel plans. We have golf packages, as well as guided whale boat tours,
and fishing charters. There will be a short information session at 1 p.m.
in the lobby of the hotel tomorrow where you can learn all about these
offers. We recommend that you do not purchase packages from street
vendors as they are not always 100 percent reliable. They also may charge
you more than what they say. Please take my advice and allow Suntan
Tours to book all of your day trips and activities while you are here.
[Offering advice]
If you need to exchange your dollars into pesos, please use a bank
or money exchange. We don’t recommend exchanging your money at
the hotel because you won’t get a fair rate. Some restaurants will accept
American or Canadian money, but you are better off to exchange your
money and pay with pesos. Or, if you prefer, you can always use your
credit cards. Also, if you want to get around the city, or travel to Cabos
San Lucas, we recommend that you take the local bus rather than a taxi.
The bus costs about 1 American dollar, and the driver can give you change
if you don’t have the exact amount. If you do decide to take a taxi, make
sure that you negotiate a price before you go.
[Closing remarks]
We’re going to be pulling up to the hotel in just a few minutes.
Please sit back and enjoy the view of the ocean on the left hand side of
the bus as we enter the city. I ask that you remain in your seats until we
have come to a complete stop. Javier will be meeting us at the bus to help
you with your bags. Please double check to make sure your bag has
been taken off the bus. On behalf of Suntan Tours, have a wonderful
vacation in San Jose and I hope to see you tomorrow at the information
G: 1 c 2 b 3 a
Unit 5. Red Line of Ekaterinburg, Discussion
C: 1 Square of 1905 2 Actor’s House (former Stepan Tupikov’
mansion) 3 Gymnasium № 9 (former Ekaterinburg Gymnasium for Males)
4 Embankment of Rabochaya Molodyozh / Young Workers’ Quay
5 Historical Square 6 Water Tower 7 Monument to the city founders
(V. N. Tatishchev and V. I. de Gennin) 8 Labour Square and the Chapel
in the name of Saint Ekaterina 9 Zero Kilometer 10 Monument to
a radio inventor, A. S. Popov 11 State Stone-Cutting and Jewelry Art
History Museum 12 Sevastyanov’s House 13 Merchant Tarasov’s Mansion
14 Literary Quarter 15 Church on the Blood 16 Rastorguyev-Kharitonov
House 17 Sverdlovsk State Academic Philharmonic Hall 18 Photography
Museum «Metenkov’s House» 19 Ekaterinburg History Museum
(Mansion of Major General Kachka) 20 Building of the First City Theatre
21 «Uralsky Rabochy» Printing House 22 Ural State University Building
23 Opera and Ballet Theater 24 Monument to Vladimir Vysotsky and
Marina Vlady 25 «Ekaterinburg-Tsentralnaya» Hotel 26 American Hotel
27 House of Ekaterina Scriabina 28 «Luch» City Power Station 29 House
of Vasily Chuvil’din 30 Keyboard Monument 31 The Beatles Monument
32 The House of Defence 33 Bolshoy Zlatoust Church 34 The House of
Offices 35 Vainer walking street
Unit 5. Red Line of Ekaterinburg, Reading
D: 1 true 2 false 3 true 4 true 5 false 6 true 7 false 8 false 9 true
10 false 11 true 12 true 13 true 14 false 15 false 16 true 17 false 18 true
19 true 20 false 21 true 22 true 23 false
Unit 6. Different Tours around Ekaterinburg, Reading
A: a religious tour
C: 1 – Green Ekaterinburg; 2 – Ekaterinburg for Children; 3 –
Cultural Ekaterinburg
Учебное издание

Пыркова Тамара Александровна

Чусовитина Елена Владимировна


Учебно-методическое пособие

Заведующий редакцией М. А. Овечкина

Редактор Е. Е. Крамаревская
Корректор Е. Е. Крамаревская
Компьютерная верстка Г. Б. Головина
Подписано в печать 06.09.2021. Формат 6084/16.
Бумага офсетная. Цифровая печать.
Уч.-изд. л. 6,0. Усл. печ. л. 7,21. Тираж 30 экз. Заказ 106.
Издательство Уральского университета.
Редакционно-издательский отдел ИПЦ УрФУ
620083, Екатеринбург, ул. Тургенева, 4.
Тел.: +7 (343) 389-94-79, 350-43-28
E-mail: rio.marina.ovechkina@mail.ru
Отпечатано в Издательско-полиграфическом центре УрФУ
620083, Екатеринбург, ул. Тургенева, 4.
Тел.: +7 (343) 358-93-06, 350-58-20, 350-90-13
Факс +7 (343) 358-93-06
9 785799 632380

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