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Пояснительная записка

Адаптированная учебная программа по учебному предмету «Иностранный язык» для обучающихся с ЗПР 7 класса уровня основного
среднего образования по обновленному содержанию для инклюзивного обучения (далее – Программа) разработана в соответствии Приказа
Министра образования и науки Республики Казахстан от 20 сентября 2018 года №469 (приложение 16); Приказ Министра образования и
науки Республики Казахстан от 3 апреля 2013 года №115 и Типовой учебной программы по учебному предмету «Иностранный язык» для 5-9
классов уровня основного образования по обновленному содержанию (с русским языком обучения).
Актуальность адаптированной учебной программы связана с тем, что в условиях обновленного содержания образования вопросом,
требующим особого внимания, стал вопрос методики преподавания, поскольку в современных условиях учителям необходимо
пересмотреть подходы к процессу планирования образовательной деятельности на уроке. Еще более пристального внимания требует
данный вопрос в условиях инклюзивного образования, когда на уроке перед педагогом стоит задача охвата всех учеников класса с учетом их
индивидуальных возможностей и особых образовательных потребностей. В этой связи необходимо отметить благоприятный факт,
поскольку обновленное содержание образования изначально было направлено на поиск приемов и методов обучения, исходя из
образовательных потребностей ученической аудитории. Это означает, что в условиях развития инклюзивного образования учебные
программы обновленного содержания предоставляют широкие возможности для реализации принципов дифференциации и
индивидуализации процесса обучения.
В учебном процессе используются УМК для общеобразовательных школ:
учебник, учебные пособия. А так же разработанные мною дидактические, коррекционно-развивающих материалы с учетом
индивидуальных особенностей обучающихся на основе материалов для школьников с отклонениями в развитии, разработанных и изданных
в РК.
Учебный процесс в 7 классе по английскому языку осуществляется с использованием дифференцированного и индивидуального
подходов, основанных на данных психолого - медико - педагогического заключения городского ПМПК на ученика.
Оценивание учебных достижений обучающихся с задержкой психического развития.
При оценивании результатов обучения школьников в 7 классе по обновленному содержанию образования, использую
критериальную систему оценивания учебных достижений. При оценке результатов обучающихся ориентируюсь на учебные цели,
представленные в учебной программе по английскому языку за 6 класс.
В процессе формативного оценивания выявляю затруднения обучающихся в усвоении учебного материала и намечаю пути их
преодоления. Если обучающимся необходимо больше времени для развития какого-либо навыка, будут внесены коррективы при разработке
критериев оценивания достижений обучающихся.
Педагогические подходы к организации учебного процесса
1.Обучение языку осуществляется на основе принципов коррекционно-развивающей и социально-адаптирующей направленности
обучения; дифференцированного, деятельностного, коммуникативного, ценностно-ориентированного, дифференцированного подходов,
использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий.
2.Коррекционно-развивающая направленность обучения обеспечивается специальными методами и приемами учебной деятельности
с учетом их особых образовательных потребностей и возможностей.
3.Социально-адаптирующая направленность обучения предполагает преодоление или уменьшение социальной дезадаптации
личности. Предусматривается специальная работа по освоению обучающимися необходимых для участия в социальной жизни норм
поведения и жизненных навыков.
4.Принцип деятельностного подхода: в процессе обучения широко используется предметно-практическая, поисковая деятельность
под руководством педагога, которая создает условия для осмысления учебного материала; предметно-практическая деятельность позволяет
развивать сенсомоторную основу высших психических функций (восприятия, речи, мышления), компенсировать недостаточность
жизненного опыта обучающихся, овладевать знаниями, умениями и навыками по общеобразовательным предметам.
5.Коммуникативный подход в обучении - передача и сообщение информации, обмен знаниями, умениями и навыками в процессе
речевого взаимодействия; результатом обучения является способность осуществлять общение посредством языка.
6.Практическая направленность обучения предполагает установление тесных связей между изучаемым материалом и практической
деятельностью обучающихся, формирование знаний и умений, имеющих первостепенное значение для решения практико-ориентированных
7.Дифференцированный и индивидуальный подход к обучающимся предполагает учет их особых образовательных потребностей,
которые проявляются в неоднородности возможностей освоения содержания учебного материала и подбирает соответствующее их
возможностям содержание учебного материала, с учетом доступной сложности и объема; варьируются темп учебной работы, степень
самостоятельности обучающихся, методы и приемы обучения. Дифференцированный подход дополняется индивидуализацией обучения.
8.На уроках с целью формирования информационно-коммуникативных компетенций обучающихся включаются разнообразные виды
работы с информацией из различных источников, в том числе инновационные коммуникационные технологии (читающие машины, словари,
справочники, средства массовой информации, интернет, компьютер).
9.Содержание текстов направлено на формирование духовно-нравственных качеств и патриотических чувств обучающихся, на
формирование казахстанского патриотизма и стремления воплотить в жизнь общенациональную идею «Mәңгілік Ел», на развитие
толерантности и умения общаться в условиях межэтнической и межкультурной коммуникации.
11.При организации и проведении уроков педагог ориентируется на ряд специфических и общих методических требований:
1) постоянная коррекция и развитие дефицитарных функций (сенсорных, моторных, психических);
2) развитие пространственных преставлений, коммуникативной деятельности, осязания и мелкой моторики, слухового, зрительного,
тактильного восприятия;
3) обеспечение возможности активно использовать освоенные компенсаторные способы, умения и навыки, восстановленные и
скорректированные функции в разных видах учебной деятельности, в урочной и внеурочной деятельности, в общении с окружающими;
4) активизацию социальных компетенций и развитие навыков самостоятельной работы, развитие познавательной активности и
познавательных интересов, формирование эмоционально-волевой сферы и положительных качеств личности.
12. Выбор методов и приёмов обучения осуществляется в соответствии с особенностями познавательной деятельности обучающихся
с особыми образовательными потребностями, в связи, с чем важное место занимает метод «маленьких шагов» с большой детализацией,
развернутостью действий в форме алгоритмов и использованием предметно-практической деятельности.
13.С целью преодоления трудностей в обучении используются специальные приёмы (алгоритмизация учебной деятельности с учётом
зрительных нарушений, специфика структурного построения урока, специальная гимнастика на развитие сохранных функций), логические
приёмы переработки учебной информации (конкретизация, установление аналогии по образцам, обобщение).
14. Методы и приёмы, используемые на уроках с целью коррекции психофизических особенностей:
1) метод комментирования;
2) дидактические игры;
4) опорные схемы;
5) редактирование текста;
6) создание и использование тетради для справочных материалов;
7) «немой» вопрос;
8) приём составления тематической сетки готового текста и прием ее вычисления при создании текста;
9) приём составления схемы развертывания микротем будущего текста и - прием ее вычленения из готового текста;
10) Рече творчество с использованием приёмов: «Приём свободных ассоциаций» (по данным картинкам), «Что было бы, если бы…»
(ученик задает себе такой вопрос и пытается на него ответить), «Продолжи рассказ»;
11) метод «смысловых единиц» служит для развития смысловой памяти, логического мышления. Приёмы: анализ текста или его
мини-изложение, при котором ученик последовательно отвечает на два вопроса: «О ком (или о чём) говорится в этом тексте? » и «Что
говорится (сообщается) об этом?». Используемые мини-изложения помогают формироваться эмоционально-волевой сфере, уничтожая страх
перед большим по объёму текстом. Использование личного опыта: установление родственных связей внутри текста или предложения по
аналогии с родственными связями в семье
12. Для обучающихся с особыми образовательными потребностями характерны быстрая истощаемость всех психических процессов,
поэтому имеет большое значение смена действий во время урока; чередование методов и приёмов; дифференцированный подход;
многократность повторения важного для запоминания материала; создание комфортных для зрения внешних условий рассматривания,
наблюдения объектов внешнего мира, чтения; чередование работы их отдыхом.
Объем учебной нагрузки по учебному предмету «Иностранный язык» составляет:
1) в 7 классе – 3 часа в неделю, 108 часа в учебном году.
Содержание учебного предмета организовано по разделам обучения.
Цели обучения, организованные последовательно внутри каждого подраздела, позволяют учителям планировать свою работу и
оценивать достижения учащихся, а также информировать их о следующих этапах обучения.
Содержание учебного предмета включает 9 разделов:
Распределение учебной нагрузки
Всего часов 102 ч., из них:
Unit 1. Hobbies and Leisure 12 часов
Unit 2. Communication and Technology 13 часов
Unit 3. Holidays and Travel 11 часов
Unit 4: Space and Earth 12 часов
Unit 5. Reading for Pleasure 6 часов
Unit 6. Entertainment and Media 12 часов
Unit 7. Natural disasters 12 часов
Unit 8. Healthy habits 12 часов
Unit 9. Clothes and Fashion 12 часов

Нормы суммативного оценивания

Четверть Часы СОР СОЧ
I 25 2 1
II 23 2 1
III 30 2 1
IV 24 2 1
Итого: 102 8 4
Календарно-тематическое планирование по английскому языку 7 класс
Пояснительная записка
Настоящее планирование составлено на основе Государственного стандарта среднего общего образования Республики Казахстан по
предмету «Английский язык» и представляет собой целостный курс, направленный на изучение основ английского языка и построенный на
основе принципов развивающего и воспитывающего обучения, систематичности, преемственности.
Учебной программой предусмотрен тематический контроль. В 7 классе отводится 3 часа в неделю. Программа рассчитана на 102 часа
(34 учебных недели)
№ Units/ Theme Learning objectives Hours Date Achieved Notes
Changing goals, goals
lessons that caused
1st term 25 hours
1 Unit 1: Hobbies and Leisure respect different points of view; 1 + evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students;
Hobbies and develop and reinforce a consistent argument in oral and written speech;
2 Leisure Hobbies and Leisure use imagination to express your thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 1 +
(12 hours) Entering Test understand with a little support the main points in a long conversation on a limited
number of general and educational topics;
3 Discussion about understand with a little support some detailed information in a long conversation a 1 +
hobbies and leisure conversation on a limited range of general and educational topics;
activities understand with a little support some of the implied meanings in a lengthy
conversation on some general and educational topics
4 Discussion about use formal and informal registers in conversation on general and educational topics; 1 +
hobbies and leisure ask difficult questions to get information within the framework of general and
activities educational topics; express an opinion at the level of reasoning within the framework of most general
5 Presenting a table of and educational topics; 1 +
information and comment with some flexibility on what others have said at the level of a sentence or
reasoning during the pair, group and work of the whole class;
statistics about young use specific vocabulary and syntax within various general and some educational
people in Kazakhstan topics
6 Presenting a table of understand the main points in the texts within the framework of some unfamiliar 1 +
general and educational topics;
information and understand specific information and details in texts within the framework of general
statistics about young and educational topics;
people in Kazakhstan understand the details of the argument within the framework of familiar general and
educational topics, including long texts;
7 Getting to know about determine the characteristic properties of a word, sentence and text within the written
1 +
global leisure pursuits genres;
8 Getting to know about use familiar and some unfamiliar paper and digital resources with little support to 1 +
global leisure pursuits verify the meaning and expand understanding plan, write, edit and proofread works at the text level on general and academic topics; write with little support about real, fictional events, actions or experiences from the
9 Creating a survey about 1 +
past on familiar general and educational topics;
the hobbies/leisure write with moderate grammatical literacy on familiar general and educational topics;
10 Creating a survey about combine sentences logically into a paragraph using the basic words of the b bundle 1 +
on general topics;
the hobbies/leisure write correctly frequently used words on various familiar general and educational
11 Creating a survey about topics; 1 +
the hobbies/leisure use punctuation marks in written works with moderate literacy at the text level on
various familiar general and educational topics use some abstract nouns and complex phrases for familiar topics and curriculum
Summative topics;
assessment for the use various quantitative for calculable and uncountable nouns, including the words
too much, too many, none any, enough, on familiar general and educational topics;
unit «Hobbies and use common participles as adjectives and correctly put adjectives before nouns on
Leisure» familiar general and educational topics;
12 Unit Revision use questions that include different time forms on general and educational topics; 1 + use proper and reflexive pronouns including mine, yours, ours, theirs, hers, his,
myself, yourself, themselves for many familiar general and educational topics; use comparative degree adverb structures with correct and incorrect adverbs for a
number of familiar general and educational topics; use infinitive forms after a limited number of verbs and adjectives, use gerund forms
after a limited number of verbs and prepositions, use prepositional verbs and start using
phrasal verbs on familiar general and educational topics; use subordinate clauses with think, know, believe, hope, say, tell, use subordinate
clauses with sure, certain, use determinative relative adjuncts which, who, that, where on
general and educational topics
13 Unit 2: Communication and use speaking and listening skills to provide feedback to classmates; 1 + respect different points of view;
Communicatio Technology evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students;
n and organize and clearly present information in a form understandable to others;
14 Technology Young people and develop and reinforce a consistent argument in oral and written speech; 1 + develop intercultural understanding through reading and discussion;
(13 hours) technology (Social use oral or written speech to analyze and study a wide range of opinions and views
interaction) on the world
15 Young people and understand with a little support the main points in a long conversation on a limited 1 +
number of general and educational topics;
technology (Social understand with some support most of the details of the argument in an extended
interaction) conversation on a limited range of general and educational topics;
16 Social networking determine with support the opinion of the speaker(s) in a long conversation on 1 +
general and educational topics;
websites determine with little support the meaning from the context of a lengthy conversation
17 Social networking on some general and educational topics; 1 + begin to identify characteristic features at the level of words, sentences and text of
websites oral genres;
18 Social Network Profile understand with support stories on general and educational topics 1 + ask difficult questions to get information within some general and educational topics; express an opinion at the level of reasoning within the framework of most general
19 Social Network Profile and educational topics; 1 + try to interact with classmates for cooperation, discussion, coordination, planning,
20 Holding a debate about and prioritization in order to complete educational tasks; 1 + use specific vocabulary and syntax within various general and some educational
technology topics;
21 Holding a debate about retell some longer stories and events on various general and educational topics 1 +
technology understand the main points in the texts within the framework of some unfamiliar
general and educational topics; understand specific information and details in texts within familiar general and
Summative educational topics;
assessment for the understand the details of the argument within the framework of most familiar general
and educational topics, including some long texts
unit «Communication plan, write, edit and proofread works with text-level support on general and academic
and Technology» topics write with little support about real, fictional events, actions or experiences from the +
22 Writing a formal letter past on familiar general and educational topics;
about mobile phones use arguments with some support, supporting with examples and justification on
being dangerous some familiar general and educational topics; combine sentences logically into a paragraph using the basic words of the b bundle
23 Writing a formal letter 1 +
on general topics;
about mobile phones write correctly frequently used words on various familiar general and educational
being dangerous topics use various pointers, including neither, either on familiar general and educational
24 Summative control topics;
1 +
work for the 1st term use proper and reflexive pronouns including mine, yours, ours, theirs, hers, his,
25 Unit revision myself, yourself, themselves for many familiar general and educational topics; 1 + use a variety of simple perfect forms to express the last time, the indefinite and
unfinished past on a number of familiar general and educational topics; use subordinate clauses with think, know, believe, hope, say, tell, use subordinate
clauses with sure, certain, use determinative relative subordinate clauses which, who, that,
where on general and educational topics
2nd term 23 hours
26 Unit 3: Holidays and Travel use speaking and listening skills to provide feedback to classmates; 1 respect different points of view;
Holidays and evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students;
27 Travel Discussing unusual and organize and clearly present information in a form understandable to others; 1
(11 hours) interesting journeys develop intercultural understanding through reading and discussion; use imagination to express your thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings
across Kazakhstan and understand with a little support the main points in a long conversation on a limited
around the world number of general and educational topics;
28 Learning about map understand with some support most of the details of the argument in an extended 1
conversation on a limited range of general and educational topics;
reading understand with a little support some of the implied meanings in a lengthy
29 Gathering information conversation on some general and educational topics; 1
about festivals in determine with support the speaker's(s) opinion in a long conversation on most
general and educational topics
Kazakhstan and around use formal and informal registers in conversation on general and educational topics;
the world ask difficult questions to get information within the framework of general and
30 Gathering information educational topics; 1 express an opinion at the level of reasoning within the framework of most general
about festivals in and educational topics;
Kazakhstan and around respond with some flexibility at the level of a sentence with elements of reasoning to
the world unexpected comments within the framework of most general and educational topics; use specific vocabulary and syntax within various general and some educational
31 The best places to visit topics; 1
in Kazakhstan retell some longer stories and events on various general and educational topics
32 The best places to visit understand the main points in the texts within the framework of some unfamiliar 1
general and educational topics;
in Kazakhstan understand specific information and details in texts within familiar general and
33 Making a educational topics; 1 identify inconsistencies in the arguments given in short, simple texts on some general
brochure/leaflet and educational topics
34 Writing an article for a write with little support about real, fictional events, actions or experiences from the 1
school magazine or past on familiar general and educational topics; write with moderate grammatical literacy on familiar general and educational topics;
school e-zine about use arguments with some support, supporting with examples and justification on
festivals or unusual and some familiar general and educational topics;
interesting journeys use punctuation marks in written works with moderate literacy at the text level on
various familiar general and educational topics;
35 Writing an article for a use with minimal support the appropriate format at the text level for various written
school magazine or genres on familiar general and educational topics
school e-zine about use common participles as adjectives and correctly put adjectives before nouns on
familiar general and educational topics;
festivals or unusual and use appropriately increased diversity of present and past simple forms and recent
interesting journeys perfect simple forms on a range of familiar general and educational topics;
Summative use some forms of indirect speech for statements on a number of familiar general
and educational topics;
assessment for the use comparative degree adverb structures with correct and incorrect adverbs for a
unit «Holidays and number of familiar general and educational topics;
Travel» use prepositions before nouns and adjectives in common prepositional phrases on
various familiar and common educational topics;
36 Unit revision use subordinate clauses with think, know, believe, hope, say, tell, use subordinate 1
clauses with sure, certain, use determinative relative adjuncts which, who, that, where on
general and educational topics
37 Unit 4: Space and Earth use speaking and listening skills to provide feedback to classmates; 1 respect different points of view;
38 Space and Looking at the future evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students;
Earth and the environment use feedback to set personal learning goals;
39 (12 hours) Looking at the future organize and clearly present information in a form understandable to others; 1 use imagination to express your thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings;
and the environment
40 The most use oral or written speech to analyze and study a wide range of opinions and views 1
on the world
environmental issues understand with a little support the main points in a long conversation on a limited
41 The most number of general and educational topics; 1
environmental issues understand with a little support some detailed information in a long conversation a
conversation on a limited range of general and educational topics;
42 Looking at Science determine with support the speaker's(s) opinion in a long conversation on most 1
Fiction (This relates to general and educational topics;
Literature) determine with little support the meaning from the context of a long conversation
general and educational topics;
43 Looking at Science begin to identify characteristic features at the level of words, sentences and texts of
Fiction literary genres; understand with support stories on general and educational topics
44 Writing a short science use formal and informal registers when talking about some general and educational
fiction story and/or a topics;
composition about life ask difficult questions to get information within the framework of general and
educational topics;
in the future express an opinion at the level of reasoning within the framework of most general
Summative and educational topics;
assessment for the try to interact with classmates for cooperation, discussion, coordination, planning,
and prioritization in order to complete educational tasks;
unit «Space and try to comment with some flexibility on what others have said at the level of a
Earth» sentence or reasoning during a pair, group and work with the whole class
45 Writing a short science understand the main points in the texts within the framework of some unfamiliar 1
general and educational topics;
fiction story and/or a read some long texts of fiction and non-fiction literature within the framework of
composition about life familiar and unfamiliar general and educational topics;
in the future determine the meaning from the context in short texts within the framework of most
familiar general and educational topics;
46 Using ‘will’ for determine the author's attitude or opinion on various unfamiliar general and
prediction educational topics;
47 Summative control determine the characteristic properties of a word, sentence and text within the 1
framework of most written genres
work for the 2nd term plan, write, edit and proofread works with text-level support on general and academic
48 Unit revision write with little support about real, fictional events, actions or experiences from the 1
past on familiar general and educational topics; write with moderate grammatical literacy on familiar general and educational topics; use with support the appropriate style and register in written genres on general and
educational topics; use arguments with some support, supporting with examples and justification on
some familiar general and educational topics; combine sentences logically into a paragraph using the basic words of a bunch of
familiar common themes use some abstract nouns and complex phrases for familiar topics and curriculum
topics; use various pointers, including neither, either on familiar general and educational
topics; use proper and reflexive pronouns including mine, yours, ours, theirs, hers, his,
myself, yourself, themselves for many familiar general and educational topics; use a variety of forms of the future tense, including the present continued with a
future meaning for a number of general and educational topics; use the forms of present continuous time and past continuous forms on a range of
familiar general and educational topics; use some forms of indirect speech for statements on a number of familiar general
and educational topics; use comparative degree adverb structures with correct and
incorrect adverbs for a number of familiar general and educational topic
3d term 30 hours
49 Unit 5: Learners read non- use speaking and listening skills to provide feedback to classmates; 1
Reading for fiction books in respect different points of view; evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students;
Pleasure Kazakh, English, organize and clearly present information in a form understandable to others;
(6 hours) Russian languages develop and reinforce a consistent argument in oral and written speech;
50 Learners read non- develop intercultural understanding through reading and discussion 1
fiction books in understand with a little support the main points in a long conversation on a
Kazakh, English, limited number of general and educational topics; determine with support the opinion of the speaker(s) in a long conversation
Russian languages on general and educational topics;
51 Summarizing the begin to identify characteristic features at the level of words, sentences and 1
chosen books text of oral genres;
52 Summarizing the understand with support stories on general and educational topics 1 try to comment with some flexibility on what others have said at the level of
chosen books
a sentence or reasoning during a pair, group and work with the whole class;
53 Different activities, retell some longer stories and events on various general and educational 1
based on the content of topics
the books understand specific information and details in texts within familiar general
54 Different activities, and educational topics; 1 understand the details of the argument within the framework of most
based on the content of familiar general and educational topics, including long texts;
the books read long texts of fiction and non-fiction literature within the framework of
familiar and some unfamiliar general and educational topics; determine the characteristic properties of a word, sentence and text within
the framework of most written genres; identify inconsistencies in the arguments given in short, simple texts on
some general and educational topics write with moderate grammatical literacy on familiar general and
educational topics; use with support the appropriate style and register in some written genres on
general and educational topics use various quantitative for calculable and uncountable nouns, including the
words too much, too many, none any, enough, on familiar general and educational
topics; use common participles as adjectives and correctly put adjectives before
nouns on familiar general and educational topics; use infinitive forms after a limited number of verbs and adjectives, use
gerund forms after a limited number of verbs and prepositions, use prepositional
verbs and start using phrasal verbs on familiar general and educational topics
55 Unit 6: Entertainment and use speaking and listening skills for creative joint problem solving in 1
Entertainment Media groups; use speaking and listening skills to provide feedback to classmates;
56 and Media Focusing on TV respect different points of view;
(12 hours) programmes and films use feedback to set personal learning goals;
57 Focusing on TV organize and clearly present information in a form understandable to others; 1
programmes and films develop and reinforce a consistent argument in oral and written speech understand with a little support some detailed information in a long
58 Film reviews 1
conversation a conversation of general and educational topics;
59 Film reviews understand with some support most of the details of the argument in an 1
extended conversation on a limited range of general and educational topics
60 Reading and talking express an opinion at the level of reasoning within the framework of most 1
about film genres general and educational topics; respond with some flexibility at the level of a sentence with elements of
61 Reading and talking reasoning to unexpected comments in general and educational topics;
about film genres try to interact with classmates for cooperation, discussion, coordination,
62 Structure and criteria planning, and prioritization in order to complete educational tasks; 1
for a good film review try to comment with some flexibility on what others have said at the level of
63 Structure and criteria a sentence or reasoning during a pair, group and work with the whole class; 1 retell some longer stories and events on various general and educational
for a good film review topics
64 Writing a review about understand the details of the argument within the framework of most 1
a film for a school familiar general and educational topics, including some long texts;
magazine or e-zine read some long texts of fiction and non-fiction literature within the
framework of familiar and unfamiliar general and educational topics;
65 Writing a review about determine the meaning from the context in short texts within the framework
a film of most familiar general and educational topics;
Summative determine the author's attitude or opinion on various unfamiliar general and
assessment for the educational topics;
unit «Entertainment identify inconsistencies in the arguments given in short, simple texts on
some general and educational topics
and Media» write with moderate grammatical literacy on familiar general and
66 Unit revision educational topics; 1 use with support the appropriate style and register in some written genres on
general and educational topics; use with minimal support the appropriate format at the text level for various
written genres on familiar general and educational topics use common participles as adjectives and correctly put adjectives before
nouns on familiar general and educational topics; use various pointers, including neither, either on familiar general and
educational topics; use questions that include different time forms on familiar general and
educational topics; use a variety of simple perfect forms to express the last time, the indefinite
and unfinished past on a number of familiar general and educational topics; use different modal forms for different functions on different familiar and
common learning topics
67 Unit 7: Looking at natural use speaking and listening skills to provide feedback to classmates; 1
Natural disasters in Kazakhstan evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students; organize and clearly present information in a form understandable to others;
Disasters and around the world develop intercultural understanding through reading and discussion;
68 (12 hours) Looking at natural use imagination to express your thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 1
disasters in Kazakhstan understand with some support most of the details of the argument in an
and around the world extended conversation on a limited range of general and educational topics;
69 Looking at natural understand with a little support some of the implied meanings in a lengthy 1
conversation on some general and educational topics;
disasters in Kazakhstan determine with support the speaker's(s) opinion in a long conversation on
and around the world most general and educational topics;
70 Discussion about determine with little support the meaning from the context of a lengthy 1
Disaster statistics in conversation on some general and educational topics; understand with support stories on general and educational topics
Kazakhstan respond with some flexibility at the level of a sentence with elements of
reasoning to unexpected comments within the framework of most general and
71 Discussion about educational topics; 1
Disaster statistics in try to interact with classmates for cooperation, discussion, coordination,
Kazakhstan planning, and prioritization in order to complete educational tasks; use specific vocabulary and syntax within various general and some
72 Writing a newspaper educational topics;
article about a disaster retell some longer stories and events on various general and educational
for a school magazine topics
or school e-zine understand specific information and details in texts within familiar general
73 Writing a newspaper and educational topics; 1 understand the details of the argument within the framework of most
article familiar general and educational topics, including some long texts;
74 Refugees and natural determine the meaning from the context in short texts within the framework 1
disasters of most familiar general and educational topics;
Summative determine the author's attitude or opinion on various unfamiliar general and
assessment for the educational topics;
unit «Natural determine the characteristic properties of a word, sentence and text within
the framework of most written genres
Disasters» plan, write, edit and proofread works with text-level support on general and
75 Refugees and natural academic topics; 1
disasters write with moderate grammatical literacy on familiar general and
76 Refugees and natural educational topics; 1
disasters use with support the appropriate style and register in written genres on
general and educational topics;
77 Summative control combine sentences logically into a paragraph using the basic words of a 1
work for the 3d term bunch of familiar common themes
78 Unit revision use proper and reflexive pronouns including mine, yours, ours, theirs, hers, 1
his, myself, yourself, themselves for many familiar general and educational topics; use different modal forms for different functions on different familiar and
common learning topics; use different conjunctions on familiar general and educational topics
4th term 24 hours
79 Unit 8: Discussing healthy use speaking and listening skills for creative joint problem solving in 1
Healthy Habits habits and healthy groups; use feedback to set personal learning goals;
(12 hours) living and learning develop and reinforce a consistent argument in oral and written speech;
about the food pyramid use oral or written speech to analyze and study a wide range of opinions
80 Creating lists of healthy and views on the world 1
habits intelligible meanings in a long conversation on some general and
81 Creating lists of healthy educational topics; 1 determine with support the speaker's(s) opinion in a long conversation on
habits most topics;
82 Health problems determine with little support the meaning from the context of a long 1
conversation on general and educational topics;
83 Health problems understand with support stories on general and educational topics 1 try to comment with some flexibility on what others have said at the level of
84 Reading and discussing a sentence or reasoning during a pair, group and work with the whole class;
the texts. Creating the use specific vocabulary and syntax within various general and some
questions for educational topics;
interviewing the retell some longer stories and events on various general and educational
classmates topics understand the main points in the texts within the framework of some
85 Reading and discussing unfamiliar general and educational topics;
the texts. Creating the understand the details of the argument within the framework of most
questions for familiar general and educational topics, including some long texts;
interviewing the determine the meaning from the context in short texts within the framework
classmates of most familiar general and educational topics;
86 Using the first with little support familiar and some unfamiliar paper and digital resources 1
conditional and to test the meaning and expand understanding; inconsistencies in the arguments given in short, simple texts on some
subordinate clauses to general and educational topics
discuss healthy living use with support the appropriate style and register in some written genres on
87 Using the first general and educational topics; 1
conditional and use arguments with some support, supporting with examples and
subordinate clauses to justification on some familiar general and educational topics; combine sentences logically into a paragraph using the basic words of a
discuss healthy living bunch of familiar common themes;
88 Writing a short use with minimal support the appropriate format at the text level for various 1
paragraph of an essay written genres on familiar general and educational topics;
about their family’ write correctly frequently used words on various familiar general and
eating habits educational topics; use punctuation marks in written works with moderate literacy at the text
89 Writing a short level on various familiar general and educational topics 1
paragraph of an essay use various pointers, including neither, either on familiar general and
about their family’ educational topics;
eating habits use a variety of forms of the future tense, including the present continued
Summative with a future meaning for a number of familiar general and educational topics; use appropriately increased diversity of present and past simple forms and
assessment for the recent perfect simple forms on a range of familiar general and educational topics;
unit «Healthy Habits» use different conjunctions on familiar general and educational topics
90 Unit revision 1

91 Unit 9: Clothes and Fashion use speaking and listening skills for creative joint problem solving in 1
Clothes and groups; evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from other students;
92 Fashion Talking about shopping use feedback to set personal learning goals; 1
(12 hours) and shopping facilities use imagination to express your thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings understand with some support most of the details of the argument in an
93 Talking about shopping extended conversation on a limited range of general and educational topics; 1
and shopping facilities understand with a little support some of the implied meanings in a lengthy
conversation on some general and educational topics; determine with little support the meaning from the context of a lengthy
94 Reviewing and adding conversation on some general and educational topics; 1
to clothes and fashion begin to identify characteristic features at the level of words, sentences and
vocabulary text of some oral genres try to interact with classmates for cooperation, discussion, coordination,
95 Reviewing and adding 1
planning, and prioritization in order to complete educational tasks;
to clothes and fashion try to comment with some flexibility on what others have said at the level of
96 Discussion: Learners a sentence or reasoning during a pair, group and work with the whole class; 1
first take notes on the use specific vocabulary and syntax within various general and some
educational topics
advantages and understand the main points in the texts within the framework of some
disadvantages of unfamiliar general and educational topics;
shopping centers understand specific information and details in texts within the framework of
97 Researching how most familiar general and educational topics; 1
clothes are made and determine the meaning from the context in short texts within the framework
of most familiar general and educational topics;
materials used determine the attitude or opinion of the author on various unfamiliar general
98 Researching how and educational topics; 1
clothes are made and determine the characteristic properties of a word, sentence and text within
materials used the framework of most written genres;
Summative use familiar and some unfamiliar paper and digital resources with little
support to verify the meaning and expand understanding
assessment for the plan, write, edit and proofread works with text-level support on general and
unit «Clothes and academic topics;
Fashion» combine sentences logically into a paragraph using the basic words of a
99 Using the passive voice bunch of familiar common themes; 1
writing a description of write correctly frequently used words on various familiar general and
educational topics;
a person use punctuation marks in written works with moderate literacy at the text
100 Using the passive voice level on various familiar general and educational topics 1
writing a description of use common participles as adjectives and correctly put adjectives before
a person nouns on familiar general and educational topics; use appropriately increased diversity of present and past simple forms and
101 Summative control 1
recent perfect simple forms on a range of familiar general and educational topics;
work for the 4th term use the forms of present continuous time and past continuous forms on a
range of familiar general and educational topics;
102 Unit revision use prepositions before nouns and adjectives in common prepositional 1
phrases on various familiar and common educational topics
Total: 102
Annotation: Summative control work for the Unit -20 minutes
Summative control work for the Term – 45 minutes

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