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Условные предложения в английском языке бывают 5
Нулевой – Zero Conditional.
Первый – First Conditional.
Второй – Second Conditional.
Третий – Third Conditional.
Смешанный – Mixed Conditional.
Любая из частей предложения может стоять в предложении как на первом месте, так и на втором.
If I meet him, I’ll tell him about our meeting.
I’ll tell him about our meeting if I meet him.
1. Zero Conditional
 В этом типе предложений мы чаще всего говорим о чём-то, что происходит
постоянно или всем известно: законах физики, природы, фактах, аксиомах,
а также даём рекомендации или советы. В этом типе нет предположений —
они констатируют факты.
 Структура и примеры
 В обеих частях предложения используется простое настоящее время. В
придаточной части предложения можно использовать как союз if, так
и when (или даже every time), и значение при этом не поменяется:
If (when) + Present Simple + Present Simple
When (if / every time) the sun goes down, it gets dark.
The app is activated if (when / every time) you tap its icon.
If (when / every time) I wake up too early, I feel awful.
Exercises (Type 0)
1. Make sentences with the zero conditional.
2. Translate the following sentences
 If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils.
 If people eat too much, they get fat.
 If you touch a fire, you get burned.
 People die if they don't eat.
 Snakes bite if they are scared.
 If babies are hungry, they cry.
 If you freeze water, it turns into ice.
 If I work too much, I get tired.
 If she doesn't know the answer, she keeps silent.
 If drop the vase, it breaks.
 If he drinks coffee in the evening, he doesn't sleep.
3. Choose the correct sentence for zero conditionals.
2. First Conditional
 Мы говорим в главном предложении о событии, которое произойдёт, если будет
выполнено условие из придаточного предложения. Условные предложения первого типа в
английском относятся к будущему времени. Мы используем первый тип, когда говорим о
будущих ситуациях, которые мы считаем реальными или возможными.
 Структура и примеры
 If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we'll go to the beach.
When I finish work, I'll call you.
 Чаще всего в главной части условного предложения первого типа используется Future
Simple, а в придаточной — Present Simple, несмотря на то, что обе части предложения
говорят о будущем времени.
If + Present Simple + Future Simple
If Tim doesn’t hurry up, he will miss the flight.
Tim will miss the flight if he doesn’t hurry up.
2. First Conditional
 При замене союза if на when в First Conditional смысл предложения поменяется (примерно так же, как
и в русском языке). Предложение с when указывает на большую вероятность наступления события:
When + Present Simple + Future Simple
If I see Ann, I will show her my business plan.
When I see Ann, I will show her my business plan.
 Когда мы говорим о действии в процессе, то здесь, как и в случае с Zero Conditional, может
использоваться Present Continuous в придаточном предложении:

If + Present Continuous + Future Simple

If my father is sleeping, I will not wake him up.
 It is also common to use this structure with unless, as long as, as soon as or in case instead of if.
 I'll leave as soon as the babysitter arrives.
I don't want to stay in London unless I get a well-paid job.
I'll give you a key in case I'm not at home.
You can go to the party, as long as you're back by midnight.
Exercises (Type 1)
1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb given.
1. If we _____________ , we _____________ there in time. (HURRY, GET)
2. I _______________ to the doctor unless the pain _______________. (NOT GO, INCREASE)
3. If you _______________ in public places you _______________ into trouble. (SMOKE, GET)
4. We _______________ for a picnic tomorrow if the weather _______________ nice. (GO, STAY)
5. Everyone _______________ you if you _______________ them the truth. (BELIEVE, TELL)
6. If he __________________ up, he _______________ to work on time. (NOT WAKE, NOT GET)
7. If she _______________ her keys, she _______________ angry. (LOSE, BE)
8. If the baby _______________ a boy, I _______________ him Jonathon. (BE, CALL)
9. You _______________ an accident if you _______________ so carelessly. (CAUSE, DRIVE)
10. She _______________ it if she __________________ me the truth. (REGRET, NOT TELL)
11. If you _______________ the house now, you _______________ late for the meeting. (NOT LEAVE, BE)
12. Margaret _________________ to the party unless you ______________ her. (NOT COME, INVITE)
13. I _______________ you with the dishes if you _______________ tired. (HELP, BE)
14. We _______________ any tickets for the performance unless we _______________ them in advance. (NOT GET, BUY)
15. If you _______________ shouting, I __________________ to you. (NOT STOP, NOT LISTEN)
16. If the dog _______________ again, I __________________ the police. (BARK, NOTIFY)
17. If you _______________ too much, you __________________ weight (EAT, NOT LOSE)
18. If it still _______________ tomorrow, I _______________ to work. (RAIN, NOT GO)
19. Unless she _______________ the ambulance immediately, her father _______________. (CALL, DIE)
20. If you _______________ harder, you _______________ in your exams. (TRY, SUCCEED)
2. Match the beginning of each sentence in A with its end in B.

3. Circle the correct words.

4. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the
First Conditional.

5. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the

First Conditional.
3. Second Conditional
 Второй тип используется для представления настоящих или будущих ситуаций,
которые в действительности невозможны или маловероятны. А также о почти
несбыточных мечтах, желаниях, ожиданиях.
 Структура и примеры
 If we had a garden, we could have a cat.
If I won a lot of money, I would buy a big house in the country.
I wouldn't worry if I were you.
 В придаточной части условного предложения такого типа используется Past Simple, в
главной — сослагательное наклонение.
If + Past Simple + would + infinitive
If I lived in Barcelona, I would have a good tan almost all year long.
If Natalie were more supportive, we would be best friends.
3. Second Conditional
 Кроме этого, Second Conditional используется, чтобы сказать, что бы мы сделали или
как бы вели себя на месте другого человека.
 Это можно перевести на русский, как «Если бы я был тобой, я бы…»или более часто
встречающееся «На твоём месте я бы…»:
If I were you + I would
If I were you, I would travel more.
 Также вместо сослагательного наклонения в главной части условного предложения
можно использовать модальные глаголы could, should, might, must:
If + Past Simple + Modal Verb & Infinitive
If I were more organized, I could earn more money.
If you were adult, you must work every week including Summer.
Exercises (Type 2)
1. Put the verb into the correct tense to make the second conditional.
2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb
1. If I _________________ a car, I ____________________ to school. (HAVE, DRIVE)
2. If she _________________ foreign languages, she _________________ a job more easily. (SPEAK, GET)
3. I _________________ to a lawyer if I _________________ you. (GO, BE)
4. If I _________________ the lottery, I _________________ myself for a new life. (WIN, PREPARE)
5. If I _________________ a purse on the sidewalk, I _________________ it to the lost and found office. (FIND,
6. If I _________________ my own car, I ____________________ to take the bus to work every day. (HAVE,
7. Jane _________________ very happy if someone _________________ her a job. (BE, OFFER)
8. If she _________________ a mouse, she _________________. (SEE, PANIC)
9. If my dad _________________ more, we ______________________ our holidays abroad. (EARN, SPEND)
10. She ______________________ so much if she _________________ smoking. (NOT COUGH, STOP)
11. If I _________________ my son a lot of money, he _________________ all of it. (GIVE, SPEND)
12. I _________________ to get a better job if I _________________ a university degree. (TRY, HAVE)
13. If you _________________ a dangerous animal in the street, what ______________________? (SEE, YOU
14. If dad _________________ harder, he ____________________ to ask his boss for more money. (WORK, NOT
15. I _______________ my friends more often if I _______________ more free time. (SEE, HAVE)
3. Put the verb into the correct tense to make the second
4. Third Conditional
 В условных предложениях третьего типа мы говорим о событии, которое могло бы
произойти, но не произошло в прошлом. Такие предложения передают
воображаемую, невозможную ситуацию в прошлом. Бывает так, что вы хотели бы
что-то изменить в прошлом, поступить иначе, но время уже прошло, и изменения
невозможны. Структура и примеры

If + Past Perfect + would + have + V3

You would have passed the exam if you had studied harder.
 А иногда вместо would в главной части предложения, как и в случае Second
Conditional, используются модальные глаголы could, should, might, must:
If + Past Perfect + Modal Verb + have + V3
If you had wanted to pass the exam, you should have studied harder.
Основные значения Third Conditional
Если вы говорите о прошлом, и хотите показать, что действие относится
не к настоящему, а прошлому, то использовать нужно только Conditional 3.
Exercises (Type 3)
1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb given.
2. Underline the correct answer.
1) If we had booked / would have booked our holiday two months ago, we had saved / would
have saved a lot of money.
2) Would your parents have bought / Had your parents bought you a scooter if you would
have passed / had passed the exam?
3) Jane wouldn’t have met / hadn’t met her husband if she wouldn’t have accepted / hadn’t
accepted that job in Hong Kong.
4) If we had got / would have got up earlier, we had caught / would have caught the 9.15
5) We had gone / would have gone for a walk if the weather would have been / had been
6) If you had been / would have been at home last night, you had got / would have got my
7) Tim would have won / had won the match if he would have played / had played better.
8) If you had been / would have been on time, the teacher hadn’t got / wouldn’t have got
9) Would you have come / Had you come to the concert if I had found / would have found a
ticket for you?
10) If you wouldn’t have opened / hadn’t opened the door, the dog wouldn’t have run / hadn’t
run away.
3. Match the first part of the sentences (1-10) with the
second part (a-j) to form complete sentences.
5. Mixed Conditional
 В последнем типе, Mixed Conditional, используется сочетание частей двух разных типов
условных предложений — второго и третьего. Сочетания бывают двух видов.

 Смысл и структура 1: Second Conditional в главном предложении + Third Conditional в

 Здесь мы говорим о том, что могло бы быть в настоящем или будущем, если бы что-то
произошло в прошлом — то есть о нереальной ситуации:

If + Past Perfect + Subjunctive Mood

If I had studied harder at college, I would earn more money now.
 Смысл и структура 2: Third Conditional в главном предложении + Second Conditional в
 Здесь мы говорим о нереальной ситуации в прошлом, которая могла бы произойти, если бы
соблюдалось условие, относящееся к настоящему (как правило, это условие — это что-то
постоянное, оно было актуально в прошлом и актуально сейчас):

If + Past Simple + would + have + V3

If they were better players, their team would have scored more yesterday.

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