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«Углубленное изучение английского языка»
по направлению подготовки 080507.65 «Менеджмент организации»

1. Цель и задачи дисциплины:

Цель освоения учебной дисциплины 1) Приобретение студентами
коммуникативной компетенции, уровень которой позволяет использовать
иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности. 2) Повышение уровня
культуры образования, а также культуры общения, мышления и речи. 3)
Знакомство с культурой стран изучаемого языка в рамках профессионального
английского языка.
2. Задачи изучения дисциплины:
- дальнейшее развитие речевой, языковой и страноведческой компетенции,
необходимой и достаточной для использования английского языка в
профессиональной и научной деятельности;
- совершенствование умений самостоятельной работы с аутентичными
литературными источниками;
- продолжение изучения терминологии научного, делового и
профессионального английского языка.
3. Место дисциплины в структуре ОП:
Учебная дисциплина «Углубленное изучение аглийского языка» относится
к циклу ФТД.2 Для изучения данной учебной дисциплины необходимы знания,
умения и навыки, формируемые дисциплиной «Иностранный язык» и «Деловой
английский язык».
4. Требования к результатам освоения дисциплины.
В результате освоения дисциплины студент должен иметь:
- способность творчески адаптировать достижения зарубежной науки,
техники и образования к отечественной практике, высокая степень
профессиональной мобильности;

- способность к свободной научной и профессиональной коммуникации в
иноязычной среде;
- способность использования терминологии специальности на
иностранном языке; умение готовить публикации, проводить презентации,
вести дискуссии и защищать представленную работу на иностранном языке.
5. В результате освоения дисциплины студент должен:
- деловую и профессиональную лексику иностранного языка в объеме,
необходимом для общения, чтения и перевода иноязычных текстов научной и
профессиональной направленности;
- основные грамматические структуры литературного и разговорного
иностранного (английского) языка.
В области говорения:
 подготовить презентацию на научную тему;
 принимать активное участие в дискуссии по знакомой проблеме,
обосновывать и отстаивать свою точку зрения;
 аргументировано высказываться по широкому кругу вопросов,
связанных с его научной и профессиональной деятельностью.
В области чтения:
 понимать и критически анализировать статьи и сообщения по научной
и профессиональной проблематике.
В области аудирования:
 понимать развернутые доклады и лекции по научной и
профессиональной тематике.
 языковыми знаниями, необходимыми для осуществления иноязычной
деловой и профессиональной коммуникативной деятельности;

 способами пополнения профессиональных знаний на основе
использования оригинальных источников, в том числе электронных и на
иностранном языке, из разных областей общей и профессиональной культуры;
 навыками и умениями, связанными с рациональными приемами
умственного труда, при осуществлении деловой иноязычной коммуникации в
рамках научной и профессиональной деятельности.
Формы и методы обучения, способствующие формированию и развитию
Преподавание дисциплины предполагает использование преподавателем
всего многообразия форм и методов работы по формированию и развитию
иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов, включающих: в области
развития устной речи и аудирования: составление и воспроизведение
презентаций, развитие научных идей, профессиональных тем на английском
языке, участие в ролевых играх (круглых столах, конференциях), в ходе
которых формируется умение восприятия большого объема иноязычной речи
на слух с первого предъявления в условиях максимально приближенных к
реальным; в области развития навыков чтения: чтение текстов (просмотровое и
поисковое) профессиональной и научной тематики.
6. Трудоемкость дисциплины.
Общая трудоемкость дисциплины составляет 234 часов, из них: 96 часов –
практических занятий, 138 часа – самостоятельная работа. Продолжительность
изучения дисциплины 2 семестра.
7. Контроль успеваемости
Промежуточная аттестация проводится в форме зачета в 7 и 8 семестрах.

2. Структура и содержание теоретической части курса.

Теоретические занятия программой не предусмотрены
3. Содержание практической части курса (96 часов)
Тема 1 Cultural Diversity and Socializing. (30 часов)
Примерные задания.
Think of any professional or business contacts you have with other countries.
Think about any conventions that are different from those in your country and may
affect your dealing with people from these countries. Consider for example:
 Conventions of dress
 Conventions regarding alcohol and food
 Socializing
 Shaking hands
 Physical contact
 Gestures
 Eye contact
 Humor
 The relations between work and pleasure
 The relations between family and work
 Family matters
Тема 2 Using the phone. (14 часов)
Примерные задания.
Lee Santana is a telecommunications equipment retailer from Los Angeles.
Listen to the recording of a conversation he has with a supplier, Yoshinaga Takafumi.
He works for AKA Company, a Japanese telephone systems manufacturer.
a) Identify the problem and the suggested solution.
b) Listen again. Do you think Yoshinaga Takafumi provided good customer
c) Notice how the conversation follows the structure given.

Тема 3 Presentations. (Planning and getting started.

Image, impact and making an impression.) (14 часов)
Примерные задания.
Choose one of the situations below to present a short extract from a presentation.
Use linking expressions to connect different parts of the talk.
Situation 1
You are a Project Manager of Usui, a Japanese electronic components
manufacturer. You have to give a presentation to colleagues explaining the
company’s decision to build a factory in Singapore.
Important factors influencing the decision are:
a) Local employment conditions: well-trained workforce, experienced in
electronics industry
b) Local economic factors and market potential: strong growth in Singapore
economy, good location, access to Southeast Asia market
c) Good economic potential in the region, major shipping center
d) Available subsidies, favorable tax environment; government wants inward

Тема 4 Presentations.
(The middle of the presentation. The end of the presentation.) (12 часов)
Примерные задания.
1) Comment on the different approaches used by the two speakers in the
photos. Can you suggest reasons for the different endings?
2) In which of the following situations do you think a discussion is more
appropriate than questions?

 A sale’s representative’s presentation of a new product

 A CEO’s statement on corporate policy
 A politician’s speech on transportation policy
 A team leader’s talk to colleagues on the next phase of a project
 A manager’s proposal to a group of senior executives on improving

Тема 5 Meetings. (8 часов)

Примерные задания.
What makes a good meeting? Suggest what you think are characteristics of a
successful meeting.
Listen to the recording of Paul Beck, an engineer, talking about the
characteristics of successful business meetings. He makes five of the eight points
below. Identify the correct order of thse points.
 There is a written agenda
 Clear objectives – known to everyone
 Respect of the time available / time planning
 Good chair – effective control
 Emotions are kept under control
 Good preparation
 Everyone gets to say what they need to say
 Reaching objectives

Тема 6 Negotiations. (Know what you want.) (10 часов)

Примерные задания.
What considerations are important in preparing to negotiate? In pairs, suggest as
many as you can.
Listen to the recording in which a Management Communication Consultant,
Diana Ferry, talks about preparing for a negotiation. Mark the seven points below in
the order in which she mentions them.
 Identify your minimum requirements
 Prepare your opening statement
 Decide what concessions you could make
 Know your own strengths and weaknesses
 Know your role as part of team
 Prepare your negotiating position – know your aims and objectives
 Prepare any figures, any calculations and any support materials you may need
Тема 7 Negotiations. (Getting what you want. Not getting what you want.)
Примерные задания. (8 часов)
A year ago an advertising consultancy, SAR Services, agreed to design and run
a twelve-week magazine advertising campaign for KPack Inc., using specialist
KPack is not happy with the campaign. The first advertisements were a month
late, missing two important trade fairs. The advertisements did not appear in two key
industry journals. Now KPack is refusing to pay the whole fee for the campaign.
Construct part of the dialogue.

4. Контроль достижения целей курса

Текущий контроль:
устный опрос;
микроконтрольные работы;
контрольные работы;
письменные домашние задания;
ролевые игры;
устные творческие задания;
подготовка презентаций;
подготовка групповых и индивидуальных проектов.
Промежуточный контроль знаний по дисциплине:
модульный тест,
в комбинированной форме:
в форме собеседования;
в форме тестирования (в том числе компьютерного);
в форме защиты проекта.

5. Тематика и перечень курсовых работ, рефератов

Курсовые работы и рефераты не предусмотрены.

6. Учебно-методическое обеспечение дисциплины

Основная литература:
1) Агабекян И.П. English for managers, М. 2010. - 190 с.
2) Шевелева С.А Английский для гуманитариев. М.: Юнити-Дана. -
2008. - 397 с.
3) Sweeny Simon Communicating in Business. Student’s book / Simon
Sweeny. – Cambridge University Press, 2010. – 174 p.
Дополнительная литература:
1) Becker Ethan F., Wortmann Jon Mastering Communication at Work /
Ethan F. Becker, Jon Wortmann. - New York: Mc Graw Hill, 2009.- 232 p.
2) Gutley Mary Ellen, Loewy Dana Communication. Process and Product /
Mary Ellen Gutley, Dana Loewy. – South-Western Cengage Learning, 2011. - 646 p.

Электронные ресурсы
1) Андрюшкин А.П. Деловой английский язык. Учебное
пособие. 3-е изд., испр. и доп. - М.: Дашков и К, 2008. - 332 с. -  Режим
доступа: http://www.alleng.ru/d/engl/engl199.htm
2) Дюканова М.Н. Английский язык. Учебное пособие. Изд-во
«Инфра-М», М: - 2012. Режим доступа: http://znanium.com/bookread.php?
3) Абрамова, И. Е. Овладение произносительной нормой
иностранного языка вне естественной языковой среды [Электронный
ресурс] : монография / И. Е. Абрамова. . М. : ФЛИНТА, 2012. Режим
доступа: http://znanium.com/bookread.php?book=454781

Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»



по дисциплине
«Углубленное изучение иностранного языка»
Специальность подготовки 080507. 65 «Менеджмент организации»

г. Спасск-Дальний

Задания для самоконтроля. (Темы 3, 4)

Activity: planning your presentation - 15 minutes

1. Use the questions listed in Unit 3 to create a list of all the tasks you will need
to plan, design and create a presentation
2. Keep a copy of this list to use when you begin to think about your first
3. You may wish to add to or modify this list after you have completed your
first presentation
Activity: knowing your audience - 5 minutes
1. Put yourself in your audience's shoes. What kind of presentation would you
like to watch?
2. Make a list of your 'ingredients' for a dream presentation. Try to come up
with at least 5 things that you think would make for a really entertaining and
memorable presentation.
3. It might help to think about a presentation you've enjoyed. What made this
presentation stand out from the crowd?
4. Keep a copy of these notes to use for inspiration when you start to create
your presentation.
Activity: every presentation should tell a story - 10 minutes
1. Take a look at this presentation on 'death by PowerPoint': Death by
2. Think about the story which runs through this presentation?
3. Browse the the Slideshare site: Slideshare.net
4. Take a look at some of the presentations on the site. You can search for a
topic you're interested in, or look at some of the featured presentations. See if you can
find a story running through the presentations you view.

Activity: visual aids - 10 minutes
1. Think about a presentation you have seen where the visual aids enhanced the
presentation. How did the visual aids enhance the presentation? What type of visual
aid was used? Did the visual aids help explain any key points?
2. Think about a presentation where the visual aids did not enhance the
presentation. Why was this? How could the visual aids have been improved in this
3. Make a note of your thoughts in your work book and refer back to these
notes when you start to prepare visual aids for your next presentatio
Activity: extreme communication skills - 10 minutes
1. Watch the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvsboPUjrGc
2. Make notes on the verbal and non-verbal communication in the video.
3. How much do you think the communication affected their performance -
was this in a positive or negative way?
Activity: talking not reading - 10 minutes
1. Choose a passage of text that's roughly 100 words long. (this can be
anything at all)
2. Read this passage aloud and then think about the following:
 Could you have made eye-contact with an audience?
 Do you notice the difference between formal written and more informal spoken
 Is it possible to project your voice well while looking down at a page?
Activity: how can you better your grade? - 10 minutes
1. Read the list of points above that outline what assessors are looking for
during a presentation.
2. Pick out the two or three that you instinctively feel that you will struggle
with; for example if you know you are nervous about public speaking, pick the last

3. Make a note of these points and when you have to give a presentation make
a concerted effort to work on these areas. You may find it useful to look at our other
presentation courses to help you improve in these areas.

Вопросы для самоконтроля (тема 5).

Are the following statements True or False?
1. The person who is in charge of the meeting is the person who takes the


2. The best way to call a meeting is to inform each participant individually by


3. An agenda should outline the order and amount of time to spend on each
item at the meeting.


4. Engaging in small talk throughout the meeting is an effective way to keep
the focus.


5. When someone agrees with a motion it is "seconded".



6. The person who is speaking during a meeting is the person who "has the


7. A polite way to indicate that you want to make a comment during a meeting
is to say: "If I could just come in here..."


8. When there is a tie vote, it is customary for the chairperson to ask one
participant to reconsider his/her decision.


9. During the closing remarks, the person holding the meeting should introduce
new staff members or guest speakers.


10. Reminders are typically announced after all of the items on the agenda have
been covered.



Текущий контроль знаний по дисциплине.

Тест по теме 1
1. Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given in the box
below. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use.
1. Our overseas clients expect ………. when they visit so I take them out every
2. He is very keen on ………., so get there early.
3. I don’t like ……… lunches because they go on for too long.
4. There was a culture of ………... with people at their desks even at the
5. You can learn a lot from watching the ………… that people make when they
are talking.
6. An important business meeting is not the place for ……….. . It can go horribly
presenteeism punctuality humor business absenteeism
gestures entertainment
2. In each line there is one word which is wrong. Circle the mistake and write the
correct word at the end of the line.
1. When you meet someone, it is important to get the greet right.
2. I shake hands with people, but I don’t really like physical contact.
3. In some cultures you should give pressants to everyone you meet.
4. You should also know the rules of conversion when you go to meetings.
5. It may be rude to enterrupt people when they are talking.
6. Also, think about the role of silent. Is it rude to be quiet for long periods?
7. Finally, say “Good buying” to everyone when you leave.
Тест по теме 2
Choose the best answer.
1. Hello. Could you .................. me through to Mr. Herman, please?
a) carry b) take c) bring d) put
2. If Sandy’s not there, can I ............... a message, please?
a) leave b) give c) take d) make
3. I’m sorry. Mr. Herman can’t get to the phone right now. He’s a bit ...........
Can he call you back?
a) help up b) stuck up c) worked up d) tied up
4. I’m afraid I can’t give you an answer today. I’ll give you a ............ first thing
tomorrow with our decision.
a) phone b) call back c) ring d) contact
5. What is the expression used reply as your receptionist for taking a message?
a) Can I take a seat?b) Can I have breakfast? c) Can I take a message? d) Can I
have lunch?
6. What is the useful phrase in telephone messages?
a) OK, I’ll make sure he gets the message. b) OK. I’ m sure.
c) OK, it is all right.d) OK. Good bye.
7. As soon as I realized the caller was a salesman, trying to sell me..................
a) to b) with c) on d) from
8. Yes, Ms Drummond is expecting your call, if you‘ll just ............ a second, I’ll
put you through.
a) take b) wait c) see d) call
9. What should you say to reply the telephone? “He’s not in his office at the
a) Can I use a computer, please? b) Can I take a message, please?
c) Can I swim, please? d) Can I get a taxi, please?

Тест по теме 3
1. Decide which of the alternatives (A-F) each speaker is talking about. Write the
letter of your answer in the box at the end of the sentence. You may have to use an
alternative more than once.
1. “Professor Gillian Beer will give a paper entitled “Business Models for the 21 st
2. “We’ll invite journalists from all the national papers and the top financial
3. “After Terry’s speech, we’ll uncover the new saloon version and the sports
4. “Now, team, this will be a major project so we thought we’d give you the
5. “In the next exercise, you can all practice the presentation skills we’ve talked
6. “This is the new accounting software I’m going to show you. Can you all see the
7. “This is our new range of laptops. They will go on sale throughout Europe from

A press conference B product launch C workshop

D demonstration E briefing F lecture

2. Write one word in the gap to complete each sentence. The first two or three
letters are given.
A I have planned the str………. of my talk.
B First I will in…….. myself.
C Then I will out……… what I’m going to talk about.
D After I’ve given the presentation, I will invite people to ask qu……… .

3. Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given below. Put a
circle around the letter, A, B or C, of the word you choose.
“I am very worried about next week. I am doing a (1)…………presentation
about our new advertising campaign. There will be about 30 people in the (2)
…………. – mainly regional sales managers. The (3)……….. is a big hotel in
London. They have excellent (4)……….. so I don’t have to worry about that. I’ve
prepared the (5)………….. the main parts of my talk but I’m still working on my
visual (6)………. . I’ve tried to (7)……….. the main parts of my talk so I won’t have
to read from my notes. On Friday, I’m going (8)……….. the whole thing in front of a
few friends from the department.”

1. A stand-up B sit-down C stand-up

2. A viewing B crowd C audience
3. A position B venue C placing
4. A facilities B faculties C functions
5. A output B content C object
6. A helps B aids C supports
7. A memories B memory C memorize
8. A rehearse B react C replay

Тест по теме 4
1. In each line there is one word which is wrong. Circle the mistake and write
the correct word at the end of the line.
1. I’d like to open the discuss about the new office design.
2. As you knowing, each department is going to have an open plan office.
3. In my opinions, that’s a big mistake and we should think again.
4. People work better, I belief, when they have their own place. ……………..
5. Of course, some people may like it, but everyone in Finance is against it.
6. What are your reviews on this, Amanda? Do you like the idea?

2. Complete the “Five Rules for Presenters” below. Use the notes to find the
missing words. The first letters have been given.
Five Rules for Presenters. Notes.
1. Start on time. Start on time. Don’t wait for
Don’t wait for l……….. . who get to the presentation after the
2. Keep to the t……….. in your plan. starting point.
3. Don’t l……… a particular point. Keep to the time that you have
4. Don’t d…………. . allocated to each point in your
5. Don’t r……. o…….. time. Don’t go on and on about a particular point for
a long time.
Don’t go off the point and talk about
things that aren’t in your plan.
Don’t go on past the time when the
presentation is supposed to finish.
Тест по теме 5
1. Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given below. Put a
circle around the letter, A, B or C, of the word you choose.
“It’s ten o’clock so let’s make a (1)………, shall we? As you are (2)…….., the
main (3)…….. of this meeting is to discuss the new marketing campaign. As I (4)
……. It, the whole thing is too fancy and too expensive. I want to know what the (5)
……….feeling is on this. What (6)……… you, Sam? Why don’t you start the ball (7)
1 A start B begin C first
2 A seeing B knowing C aware
3 A matter B purpose C action
4 A seeB look C clear
5 A special B general C main
6 A for B of C about
7 A going B rolling C kicking

2. For statements 1-6 below, decide whether the speaker is hedging (H),
interrupting (I) or concluding (C).
1. “Well, I think that’s it. Let’s leave it there.”
2. “Can I come in here, Lauren?”
3. “I understand what you are saying, but I still think it would be difficult.”
4. “OK. Let’s go over what’s been said.”
5. “I see what you mean, but what about the costs?”
6. “If I can just stop you for a moment, Justin.”
Тест по теме 6
1. The statements below are about negotiations. Write one word in the gap to
complete each statement. The first letter is given in each case.
1. “Rafi is a very tough n……….. and always gets the best price.”
2. “These d………. negotiations could easily fail.”
3. “This p……… dispute has been going on for over two months now.”
4. “I’d say that the employers have all the bargaining p………. and will win in
the end.”
5. “Last month negotiations are going on to avoid an all-out strike.”

2. Find the word that completes each tip on negotiation.

1. Work out what you want to achieve: your……….. .
2. Decide on the most important things: your………. .
3. Have a clear timetable for the talks : an………….. .
4. Don’t waste time: get down to…………. .
5. Know the ‘dos and don’ts’ of negotiating: its……. .

Тест по теме 7
1. The statements below are about difficult negotiations. Write one word in the
gap to complete each statement.
1. “Having the public behind us gives us a lot of bargaining p……… .”
2. “The employers are negotiating from a position of s………. because
unemployment is high.”
3. “They are making us negotiate under d………. . They are forcing us to accept
their offer.”
4. “I’m pleased to tell you that the company has c……… down and accepted our
5. “The union has issued an u………..; agree to everything or the workers
6. “We’ve made progress and there are only a few minor s………… points to

2. Choose the best word to fill each gap from the alternatives given below. Put a
circle around the letter, A, B, or C, of the word you choose.
‘In a successful negotiation, no one should feel that they have lost. You should
reach a win – (1) …………. solution. After one side makes a proposal, the other
should make a (2) …………. – offer. If both sides make (3) …………. You can work
towards a compromise. By making a goodwill (4) …………. you may get something
from the other side. It is this (5) ……….. – trading that moves the negotiations along.
If you are not prepared to make a (6) ……….. – off, there is a chance that the talks
will break down.’
1 A lose B draw C win
2 A counter B condition C consensus
3 A priorities B objectives C concessions
4 A gesture B mannerism C etiquette
5 A bull B horse C bear
6 A business B work C trade

Ролевая игра.
Тема 2
Imagine that you are opening your own clothing store or some other business.
What kinds of office equipment and supplies do you think you will need to run your
business? How much will this equipment cost? Will you rent the equipment or buy it?
Do you create a Website for your business? Discuss your ideas.
Тема 5
Choose a role. Choose between: the person chairing the meeting, clients, internal
staff and so on. Role play: opening a meeting. Imagine different scenes:
a meeting at a record company for young pop artists,
a meeting at an academic publishing company,
a meeting of national leaders,
a meeting of high school students, (e.g. a student council)

Промежуточный контроль знаний по дисциплине.

Тест (темы 1, 2, 3, 4)
1. Choose the correct option.
1. You pass a co-worker in the hallway and he asks “How are you?” You
respond by:
a. Telling him that your back has been hurting you and you have a cold
b. Saying “Fine, thanks”
c. Explaining that you are tired and stressed out in your job
2. Canadians value closeness and friendliness. It is appropriate to stand close to
a business contact and frequently touch his/her arm while talking.
a. True b. False
3. A co-worker comes to your office to introduce you to a friend of his. You:
a. Smile and nod
b. You stand up, establish eye contact, smile and shake his hand
c. Wave and tell him how happy you are to meet him
d. Give him a “high five”
4. You have a meeting with a colleague from a different department scheduled
for 10:00am. You’ve spoken to the receptionist and you have been waiting outside
the colleague’s office for a while and it is now 10:05. You want to make sure the
person knows you’re there. You:
a. Peek your head in the doorway and say “Excuse me”
b. Stand near the door where your colleague will see you
c. Continue to sit and wait
d. Enter the office confidently, introduce yourself and remind them you have a
10:00 am meeting.
5. After a meeting with a contact, in order to express your thanks, it is
appropriate to:
a. Send him/her a small box of chocolates with a note
b. Drop by the office and give him/her a hot cup of coffee
c. Send a dozen red roses to his/her home
d. Send a thank you letter
6. When meeting a contact of the opposite sex the man should wait for the
woman to initiate the handshake.
a. True b. False
7. When breaking the ice with a contact at the beginning of a meeting it is
appropriate to discuss such things as the weather, politics and traffic.
a. True b. False
8. When corresponding with a business contact by email you should:
a. Be as formal as if you were writing an actual letter on paper
b. Be a little more informal to appear up-to-date with technology and the trend
towards a relaxed work atmosphere
9. It is acceptable to leave on your personal cellular phone during office hours
and answer it when it rings.
a. True b. False
10. A co-worker shares office gossip/rumors with you. You:
a. Thank him for telling you and pass the stories on
b. Check out the facts with other employees
c. Politely listen and keep the information to yourself

2. Listen to the conversation (http://www.esl-lab.com/tc1/tc1.htm) by pressing

the "Play" button and answer the questions.
1. Why can't Elaine Strong answer the phone?

A. She's in a meeting.

B. She's out of the office.

C. She's talking with another customer.

2. What does caller want the secretary to send?

A. information on after-sales service

B. a picture of the newest computers

C. a list of software products

3. What time should the secretary send the material?
A. 2:30 PM

B. 3:30 PM

C. 5:00 PM
4. What is the caller's name?

A. Cordell

B. Kordel

C. Kordell
5. What is the caller's telephone number?

A. 560-1287.

B. 560-1828

C. 560-2187
3. Listen to the conversation (http://www.esl-lab.com/bs1/bs1.htm) by pressing
the "Play Audio" button and answer the questions.
1. What was the main focus of the survey?

A. leisure sporting activities

B. average age of athletes

C. durability of sporting equipment

2. Which group seems to be most active in sports?

A. 18-26

B. 27-35

C. 36-45
3. Which sport was cited as the third most popular?

A. jogging

B. tennis

C. cycling
4. What is NOT one of Gary's marketing strategies?

A. target the 18 to 26 year-old age

B. sell tennis rackets

C. carry more athletic shoes

5. Why does Sam want to target the 46-55 age group?

A. They have more buying power.

B. They are very health conscious.

C. They tend to enjoy sports more

Тест (темы 5, 6, 7)
1. Choose the correct answer.
1. What is the most important thing to remember when making a presentation?

Match your presentation to the needs of your audience

Make sure to wear your best clothes

Bring detailed handouts

2. What can the audience do if you have created your presentation with them in

Not pay attention because they already know the information

Follow your presentation with ease

Have fun
Who should you rehearse your presentation with?

Your family

Your colleagues

Your friends

All of the above if possible

4. If possible, who should you also practice in front of?

Your boss

A native speaker

Your wife
5. What should you do before your practice your presentation in front of others?

Take photos of yourself presenting

Record yourself presenting

Read through your presentation

6. In which situation would jokes not be appropriate?

A comedy routine

A serious presentation

A mixed audience
7. What is the most important thing about speaking?

Speak with clear pronunciation

Speak quickly

Speak with conviction

8. Why should you know when to stop?

Because presentations are usually limited

Because going on for too long will bore your audience

Because you might have a plane to catch

9. You should:

Never look an audience member in the eye

Try to make eye contact with audience members

Wear sun glasses to make sure no one can look you in the eye
10. Handouts are important because:

They have your contact information written on them

They contain the key take aways of your presentation

They provide pictures that the audience can look at during your presentation
2. Are the following statements True or False?
1. During negotiations, one should treat an opponent with respect and consideration
at all times.


2. In "competitive" negotiations, the two parties try to establish a common goal.


3. Prior to engaging in negotiations it is wise to consider one's own "bottom-line".


4. When in salary negotiations, employees should "low-ball" in their opening


5. Markus had no "bargaining power" compared to his boss, Louis.


6. One key to effective conflict-resolution is to deal with issues rather than


7. It may be possible to detect that a counterpart is lying by observing body language.



8. One should never admit to agreeing with an opponent during the course of


9. Markus intimidated Louis into accepting his terms by threatening to quit.


10. Louis used last-minute tactics such as acting as though he was "Mr. Nice Guy".



Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»



по дисциплине
«Углубленное изучение иностранного языка»
Специальность подготовки 080507. 65 «Менеджмент организации»

г. Спасск-Дальний

Образовательные технологии
При реализации различных видов учебной работы по дисциплине в
учебном процессе в соответствии с требованиями ГОС ВПО с целью
формирования и развития профессиональных навыков обучающихся
используются следующие образовательные технологии:
 активные формы проведения практических занятий (работа в парах,
симуляционные и ролевые игры, разбор конкретных деловых ситуаций,
лексико-грамматические тренинги, тренинги проведения переговоров,
презентаций и др.);
 интерактивные формы проведения занятий (компьютерные симуляции,
работа с мультимедийными программами в компьютерных классах и др.);
 проведение круглых столов, конференций, конкурсов презентаций;
 встречи с представителями российских и зарубежных компаний,
выпускниками факультета, использующими иностранный язык в своей
 интенсивная внеаудиторная работа (домашняя работа с
мультимедийными продуктами; творческое исследование).

Самостоятельная работа, обучающихся по специальности 080507.65

«Менеджмент организации», имеет следующие формы:
2) Обязательная самостоятельная работа студентов под руководством
 выполнение заданий, предусмотренных в учебных пособиях;
 выполнение тестовых заданий, представленных в печатном и
компьютерном видах;
 работа с лингафонными курсами;
 просмотр видеофильмов и материалов «ВВС», «Euronews», и др.
 подготовка к круглым столам и ролевым играм.

3) Индивидуальная самостоятельная работа студентов под
руководством преподавателя:
 работы с использованием оригинальных источников (проектные
 работа с мультимедийными курсами.
4) Внеаудиторная форма самостоятельной работы:
 встречи с зарубежными специалистами;
 проведение круглых столов и конференций.

1. Achievement Test is a test of knowledge or proficiency based on something
learned or taught. The purpose of an achievement test is to determine student's
knowledge in a particular subject area.
2. Self-assessment is the process of critically reviewing the quality of one’s own
performance and provision.
3. Comprehension Questions is an exercise consisting of a previously unseen
passage of text with related questions, designed to test a student's understanding esp.
of a foreign language.
4. Cloze Test is a test of the ability to comprehend text in which the reader has
to supply the missing words that have been removed from the text at regular intervals.
5. Matching Task is a task-type in which learners are asked to pair related
things together, e.g. match two halves of a sentence, or a word with a picture.
6. Multiple-Choice Questions are the questions offering several alternative
answers from which the correct one is to be chosen; or tests consisting of such
7. Progress Test is used during a course in order to assess the learning up to that
8. Sentence Completion is a type of a task in which students are given parts of
a sentence and are asked to complete the sentence, using specific target language.

9. Sentence Transformation is a type of a task in which students are asked to
rewrite sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original. It can help to
improve students’ understanding of similar English expressions and vocabulary.
10. True/False Questions is a type of a task offering a series of questions each
of which is to be judged as true or false.


11. Activity Book is an activity book is a type of book, generally aimed at
students, which contains interactive content such as games, puzzles, quizzes and
other elements which involve writing in the book itself.
12. Audio Script is an audio script is a text version of the audio contained in a
media program.
13. Authentic Materials are resources in the target language which could be
used for language learning and teaching although they were not originally designed
for this purpose, e.g.: newspapers; on-line weather forecasts; timetables; guides to
museums or galleries.
14. Chart is a sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram.
15. Coursebook is a manual of instruction in any branch of study. Textbooks
are produced according to the demands of educational institutions.
16. Coursebook Unit is a set of lessons on a particular subject.
17. Dialogue is the lines or passages in a script that are intended to be spoken.
18. Graph is a pictorial device, such as a pie chart or bar graph, used to
illustrate quantitative relationships.
19. Handout is supporting information to be used by the learner as reference
material in a training program.
20. Overhead Projector is a device that projects an enlarged image of a
transparency placed on it onto a wall or screen by means of an overhead mirror.
21. Resources is anything used by teachers and trainers to develop into their
own materials to use when delivering training, such as books, journals, Websites,
bibliographies, databases, equipment, etc.
22. Supplementary Material is books, magazines, or fugitive materials, aside
from basal coursebooks, used to enrich instructional materials or to furnish additional
practice in reading, listening, speaking or writing.
23. Workbook is a student's book containing instruction and exercises relating
to a particular subject
24. Worksheet is a paper listing questions or tasks for students.


25. Brainstorm is a spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of
solving problems.
26. Categorise is to place into or assign to a category.
27. Chant is a repeated rhythmic phrase, typically one shouted or sung in unison
by a group of students.
28. Drill is intensive instruction or training in something, typically by means of
repeated exercises.
29. Guided Writing is a piece of writing that students produce after a lot of
preparation by the teacher. The teacher may give the students a plan to follow, or
ideas for the language to use.
30. Information-gap Activity is pair and small group practice where the
participants exchange information previously unknown by their partners or fellow
group members. For example, in a paired activity, one student may have the movie
schedules for the evening and the partner may have the bus schedule.
31. Jumbled Paragraphs, Sentences are proper texts divided into paragraphs or
sentences. They are jumbled by a teacher. A student is expected to look at the
jumbled sentences, comprehend the meaning implied, and put the sentences in order.
32. Open-ended Task is a performance task in which students are required to
generate a solution or response to a problem when there is no single correct answer.
33. Practice is a repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as
to acquire or maintain proficiency in it.

34. Problem Solving is a method of learning in which students evaluate their
thinking and progress while solving problems. The process includes strategy
discussion-determining solution strategies to similar problems and pinpointing
additional problems within the context of their investigation.
35. Revision is the process of rereading a subject or notes on it, esp in
preparation for an examination
36. Role-play is the method in which training participants enact a situation in
order to try out new skills or apply what has been learned.
37. Target Language is the language into which a text, document, or speech is
38. Word Map is a way of recording vocabulary on the same topic in a
diagram. This is also known as a mind map.

Дополнительные материалы к теме 1

Meeting people in business: cultural differences and phrases.
Introduce yourself to the other people in the class.
Do the same again, but this time meeting again after some time.
How similar or different were those conversations to how you usually do so in
business in your own language?
Here are some descriptions of introducing yourself and meeting people in
Japan. Which ones are true of your typical business dealings?
 “I’d like to introduce myself” is quite often the very start of the conversation
 New employees often stand up in front of the whole department and give a
“self-introduction” speech
 Japanese people often have a ready prepared introductory speech to use
whenever they meet people
 People often mention their company name before their own name
 It is more common to mention your company than your job title
 “Nice to meet you” often goes before hearing the other person’s name
 Bowing is obligatory
 Eye contact is brief
 The phrases when you meet someone are quite fixed, and the replies are
exactly the same
 If you meet a large group of people you say the same things to each person
 There isn’t much difference between formal and informal introductions
 Exchanging business cards tends to be early on
 Business cards should be handed over with both hands and with the text the
right way up for the other person to read
 Business cards should be examined carefully
 Comments on business cards are often just be confirming their name or
commenting on where their office is
 Business cards should be placed on the table during the meeting and then put
in a dedicated business card holder
 Never write anything on another person’s business card
 It is fairly easy to signal the end of a conversation
 Conversation endings are fairly short
Which nationalities do you do business with? How are those things similar or
different in their countries, do you think?
What phrases are associated with these things from above?
Starting conversations
Introducing new members of staff
Questions about the other person
Talking about your job and company
Phrases after giving your name
Exchanging business cards\
Commenting on business cards
Ending conversations
Check your answers with the next page.
Starting conversations
I don’t think we’ve met./ I don’t think we’ve been introduced.
Sorry to interrupt, but… suggested I should come over and introduce myself.
Are you new?/ Is this your first day?/ Have you just started (here)?
Introducing new members of staff
I’ll take you round and introduce you to a few people I think you need to know.
This is Steve Smith. He starts tomorrow./ He is the replacement for…/ He’ll be
taking…’s position.
You two both…
Now I’ll take you over to meet…
Questions about the other person
How about you?/ What about you?
That’s interesting. So, do you…?
Talking about your job and company
We mainly…
I work for…/ I work in the … branch/ office/ department of…
I’m (presently/ currently) working on…
Phrases after giving your name
Nice/ Good/ Pleased/ Delighted to meet you
Hi/ Hello/ How are you?/ How’s it going?
Exchanging business cards
Here’s my business card.
Perhaps we should exchange business cards./ Do you have a business card (on
It’s (all) written on my business card.
I have a business card with me (somewhere).
Let me just get my business cards./ Just a moment while I find my business
My mobile number is written here.
Commenting on business cards
Ah, so your office is in…
… department? Does that mean you work with…?
Sorry, how do you say your family name/ middle name/ company name/ street
Do you have an extension number?
Ending conversations
(Well, it was really) nice meeting you.
There are one or two other people who I should introduce myself to, so...
I’d better get to the next workshop before it starts.
I’ll contact you next week.
I hope we have the chance to meet again soon/ at the next meeting.
It’s been really interesting talking to you. I’ll contact you for more details
about…/ I’ll definitely follow you suggestion on…/ I’ll look into…

Дополнительные материалы к теме 5

Preparing for a Meeting
Calling a Meeting
There are a number of ways that you may call or be called to a meeting. Some
meetings are announced by e-mail, and others are posted on bulletin boards. If a
meeting is announced at the end of another meeting, it is important to issue a
reminder. A reminder can also come in the form of an e-mail or notice. Verbal
announcements or reminders should always be backed up by documented ones. The
date, location, time, length, and purpose of the meeting should be included. It is also
important to indicate exactly who is expected to attend, and who is not. If you are
planning on allocating someone to take on a certain role, make personal contact with
that person to inform them of his or her duty.
Sample E-mail:
To: jane@paristours.com
cc: kana@paristours.com; thomas@paristours.com; nolan@paristours.com
From: pierre@paristours.com
Subject: Meeting
Hi Everyone,

We will be having a meeting next Friday from 2:00 PM-4:00 PM in Room 3. All
supervisors are expected to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the
upcoming tourist season. As you probably have heard, this could be our busiest
season to date. There are already twenty bus tours booked from Japan, and fifteen
walking tours booked from North America. We are also expecting Korean and
Australian tours in late summer. Please make arrangements to have other staff
members cover your duties during the meeting.

Thank you,
Sample Notice:
LOCATION: Room 3 DATE: Friday, May 5 th TIME: 2:00 PM-4:00 P.M. FOR:
Supervisors only SUBJECT: Tourist Season ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY
Writing an Agenda
In order to keep the meeting on task and within the set amount of time, it is
important to have an agenda. The agenda should indicate the order of items and an
estimated amount of time for each item. If more than one person is going to speak
during the meeting, the agenda should indicate whose turn it is to "have the floor". In
some cases, it may be useful to forward the agenda to attendees before the meeting.
People will be more likely to participate in a meeting, by asking questions or offering
feedback, if they know what is going to be covered.
Sample Agenda:
Welcome, Introduction: Pierre and Stella (5 minutes)
Minutes from previous meeting: Jane (10 minutes)
Japan Tours: Pierre (15 minutes)
N.A. Tours: Pierre (15 minutes)
Korean Tours: Pierre (15 minutes)
Australian Tours: Pierre (if time allows 10 minutes)
Feedback from last year: Everyone (15 minutes)
Vote on staff picnic: Everyone (15 minutes)
Questions/Closing remarks/Reminders: Everyone (5
Allocating roles
The person in charge of calling and holding a meeting may decide to allocate
certain roles to other staff members. Someone may be called upon to take the
minutes, someone may be asked to do roll call, and someone may be asked to speak
on a certain subject. This should be done either in person, or in an e-mail.
Sample Personal Request:
Pierre: Hi Jane, did you get the e-mail about next week's meeting?
Jane: Yes, I'll be there.
Pierre: Great. I'd like to put you in charge of reviewing the minutes from last
meeting for us.
Jane: Sure, I can do that. I think there is a copy of the minutes in my file.
Pierre: Thanks, you'll have ten minutes to remind us of what we discussed last
meeting. This will be good for Stella to hear. Stella will be our new private tours
Sample E-mail:
To: jane@paristours.com
From: pierre@paristours.com
Subject: Minutes

Hi Jane,

I just wanted to make sure that you would be available to review last month's
minutes and present them at Friday's meeting. We have a new staff member joining
us, so I'd like to give her a chance to see where things have been going since the last

If you have any concerns about this, let me know.


Small Talk
Whether you are holding the meeting or attending the meeting it is polite to
make small talk while you wait for the meeting to start. You should discuss things
unrelated to the meeting, such as weather, family, or weekend plans.
Sample Dialogue:
Pierre: Hi Thomas. How are you? Thomas: Great thanks, and you? Pierre:
Well, I'm good now that the warm weather has finally arrived. Thomas: I know what
you mean. I thought winter was never going to end. Pierre: Have you dusted off your
golf clubs yet? Thomas: Funny you should ask. I'm heading out with my brother-in-
law for the first round of the year on Saturday.
Once everyone has arrived, the chairperson, or whoever is in charge of the
meeting should formally welcome everyone to the meeting and thank the attendees
for coming.
 Well, since everyone is here, we should get started.
 Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming today.
I think we'll begin now. First I'd like to welcome you all.
 Thank you all for coming at such short notice.
I really appreciate you all for attending today.
 We have a lot to cover today, so we really should begin.
Sample Welcome:
Pierre: I think we'll begin now. First I'd like to welcome you all and thank
everyone for coming, especially at such short notice. I know you are all very busy
and it's difficult to take time away from your daily tasks for meetings.

If anyone at the meeting is new to the group, or if there is a guest speaker, this is
the time when introductions should be made. The person in charge of the meeting can
introduce the new person, or ask the person to introduce him or herself.
 I'd like to take a moment to introduce our new tour coordinator.
 I know most of you, but there are a few unfamiliar faces.
 Stella, would you like to stand up and introduce yourself?
 Hi everyone. I'm Judy Strauss. I'll be acting as Amanda's assistant while
Nancy is away on maternity leave.
Roll Call/Apologies
If the meeting is a small group, it is probably unecessary to take attendance out
loud. The person who is taking the minutes will know everyone personally and can
indicate who is present and who is absent. In a larger meeting, it may be necessary to
send around an attendance sheet or call out names. If an important figure is absent, it
may be necessary for the chairperson to apologize for his or her absence and offer a
brief explanation for it.
 It looks like everyone is here today.
 If you notice anyone missing, please let Jane know so that she can make a note
of it.
 Unfortunately, Ken cannot join us today. He has been called away on business
 Mike will be standing in to take the minutes today, as Lisa is home with the
Some people who hold meetings prefer to pass around copies of the agenda, and
others will post a large copy on a wall, or use an overhead projector. No matter which
format is used, attendees should be able to follow the agenda as the meeting
progresses. Before beginning the first main item on the agenda, the speaker should
provide a brief verbal outline the objectives.
Sample Introduction to the Agenda:
Pierre: As you can all see here on the agenda we will be mainly talking about
the upcoming tourist season. First we'll discuss the groups that will be coming in
from Japan. After that we'll discuss the North American Tours, followed by the
Korean tours. If time allows we will also discuss the Australian tours which are
booked for early September. Next, I'm going to request some feedback from all of
you concerning last year's tours and where you think we can improve. And finally,
we'll be voting on where and when to have this year's staff picnic.
Following the Agenda
Taking the Minutes
Anyone, including you, may be assigned to take the minutes at a meeting. Often
someone who is not participating in the meeting will be called upon to be the minute-
taker. Before a meeting the minute-taker should review the following:
 The minutes from previous meeting
 All of the names of the attendees (if possible)
 The items on the agenda
It also helps to create an outline before going to the meeting. An outline should
include the following:
A title for the meeting
 The location of the meeting
A blank spot to write the time the meeting started and ended
 The name of the chairperson
A list of attendees that can be checked off(or a blank list for attendees to sign)
A blank spot for any attendees who arrive late or leave early
Sample Minutes Outline:
Supervisor's Meeting
Friday, May 5
Room 3
Start: ________ Finish: ________
Chair: Pierre
Late to arrive:_________
Early to depart:________
The minute-taker can use a pen and paper or a laptop computer and does not
need to include every word that is spoken. It is necessary to include important points
and any votes and results. Indicating who said what is also necessary, which is why
the minute-taker should make sure to know the names of the attendees. If you cannot
remember someone's name, take a brief note of their seating position and find out
their name after the meeting. A minute-taker should type out the minutes immediately
after the meeting so that nothing is forgotten.
Watching the Time
One of the most difficult things about holding an effective meeting is staying
within the time limits. A good agenda will outline how long each item should take. A
good chairperson will do his or her best to stay within the limits. Here are some
expressions that can be used to keep the meeting flowing at the appropriate pace.
I think we've spent enough time on this topic.
 We're running short on time, so let's move on.
 We're running behind schedule, so we'll have to skip the next item.
 We only have fifteen minutes remaining and there's a lot left to cover.
 If we don't move on, we'll run right into lunch.
 We've spent too long on this issue, so we'll leave it for now.
 We'll have to come back to this at a later time.
 We could spend all day discussing this, but we have to get to the next item.
Regaining Focus
It is easy to get off topic when you get a number of people in the same room. It
is the chairperson's responsiblity to keep the discussion focused. Here are some
expressions to keep the meeting centred on the items as they appear on the agenda.
 Let's stick to the task at hand, shall we?
I think we're steering off topic a bit with this.
 I'm afraid we've strayed from the matter at hand.
 You can discuss this among yourselves at another time.
 We've lost sight of the point here.
 This matter is not on today's agenda.
 Let's save this for another meeting.
 Getting back to item number 5...
 Now where were we? Oh yes, let's vote.
When issues cannot be resolved or decisions cannot be easily made, they are
often put to a vote. Most votes occur during meetings. Votes can be open, where
people raise their hands in favour or in opposition of the issue. In an open vote, the
results are evident immediately. Other votes, such as who should be elected to take
on a certain role, are private or closed. During private votes, attendees fill out ballots
and place them in a box to be counted. The results may not be counted until after the
meeting. Here are some specific expressions used during open voting:
 All in favour? (Those who agree raise their hands or say "Aye".)
 All opposed?
 Motion to hire more tour guides, moved by Thomas. (Suggestions or ideas that
are put to a vote are called motions. When a person makes a suggestion, the term to
use both during the meeting and in the minutes is moved.)
 Motion to hire more tour guides seconded by Nolan. (When another person
agrees with the motion, it is seconded.)
When a motion is voted and agreed upon it is carried. When it is voted and
disagreed upon it is failed. Most often votes are put to a majority. If there is a tie vote,
the chairperson will often cast the deciding vote.
Sample Voting Session:
Pierre: Okay, now that we've covered most of the business, it's time to vote on
the staff picnic. Jane and I have come up with two different ideas. I'll give Jane the
floor now, and she'll outline these two options. After that we'll vote. I don't think
there is any reason to have a private vote, so I'll just ask to see a show of hands. Jane,
would you do the honours?
Jane: Thanks Pierre. Okay, so, as you all probably assumed, we are going to
wait until most of the tours have passed through before we have the staff picnic. That
way most of you should be able to attend. So we've chosen the last Sunday of
September. I hope that works out for all of you. Now, the first option is to have a
BBQ at Mariposa Beach. We would do this on the last Sunday of September. The
second option is to have a potluck dinner/pool party in Pierre's backyard. The only
problem with this is if it rains, there isn't much in the way of shelter there. I don't
think Pierre and his wife will want all of us dashing inside in a thunderstorm.
Pierre: Well, if we had to we could probably squeeze everyone in the basement.
Anyhow, those are the options, so let's put it to a vote. All in favour of option number
one? Raise your hands please...okay, one vote. And, all in favour of option number
two? That's four. Okay, so it looks like a pool party at my house.
Jane: Great. I'll put up a sign up sheet and everyone can write down what they
plan to bring.
Comments and Feedback
During the meeting, participants will comment, provide feedback, or ask
questions. Here are some ways to do so politely:
 If I could just come in here...
 I'm afraid I'd have to disagree about that.
 Could I just say one thing?
 I'm really glad you brought that up, Kana.
I couldn't agree with you more. (I agree)
 Jane, could you please speak up. We can't hear you at the back.
 If I could have the floor (chance to speak) for a moment...
 We don't seem to be getting anywhere with this.
 Perhaps we should come back to this at another time?

Closing a Meeting
Wrapping Up
There are different reasons why a meeting comes to an end. Time may run out,
or all of the items in the agenda may be checked off. Some meetings will end earlier
than expected and others will run late. The odd time, a meeting may be cut short due
to an unexpected problem or circumstance. Here are a variety of ways to adjourn a
 It looks like we've run out of time, so I guess we'll finish here.
I think we've covered everything on the list.
I guess that will be all for today.
 Well, look at that...we've finished ahead of schedule for once.
 If no one has anything else to add, then I think we'll wrap this up.
 I'm afraid we're going to have to cut this meeting short. I've just been informed
of a problem that needs my immediate attention.
There is almost always one last thing to say, even after the closing remarks. A
chairperson might close the meeting and then make a last-minute reminder.
Instructions for tidying up the room may also be mentioned.
 Oh, before you leave, please make sure to sign the attendance sheet.
I almost forgot to mention that we're planning a staff banquet next month.
 Don't forget to put your ballot in the box on your way out.
 If I didn't already say this, please remember to introduce yourself to the new
 Could I have your attention again? I neglected to mention that anyone who
wants to take home some of this leftover food is welcome to.
 If you could all return your chair to Room 7 that would be appreciated.
 Please take all of your papers with you and throw out any garbage on your way

Thank You's and Congratulations
The end of the meeting is also the time to thank anyone who has not been
thanked at the beginning of the meeting, or anyone who deserves a second thank you.
Congratulations or Good-luck can also be offered here to someone who has
experienced something new, such as receiving a promotion, getting married, or
having a baby.
 Before I let you go let's all give a big thank you (everyone claps) to Thomas for
baking these delicious cookies.
 Again, I want to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to be
here today.
 Most of you probably already know this, but Nolan's wife just gave birth to a
baby boy.
 As you leave today, don't forget to wish Stella luck on the weekend.The next
time you see her she will be happily married.
Follow Up
In the closing remarks, the chairperson, or participants may want to discuss the
date and time for the next meeting, when the minutes will be available, or when a
decision should be made by. This is also the time to give contact information, such as
how to send a question by e-mail or who to call regarding a certain issue.
 We'll meet again on the first of next month.
 Next time we meet I'll be sure to have those contacts for you.
 If anyone has any questions about anything we discussed today, feel free to
send me an e-mail.
 The minutes from today's meeting will be posted as of tomorrow afternoon.
 I'll send out a group e-mail with the voting results.


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