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Olga A. Berezina, Yelena M.




Допущено учебно-методическим объединением вузов России по

педагогическому образованию Министерства общего и
профессионального образования Российской Федерации в качестве
учебника для студентов факультетов иностранных языков вузов и
учащихся институтов иностранных языков

Издательство “Союз”
ББК 81.2.Англ.

кафедра английского языка Новгородского государственного университета нм.
Ярослава Мудрого (зав. кафедрой, кандидат филологических наук Е. Ф. Жукова)

доцент кафедры английской филологии филологического факультета Санкт-

Петербургского государственного университета, кандидат филологических наук Е.
Г. Хомякова

Березина О. А., Шпилюк Е. М.

Б8 Английский язык для студентов университетов. Упражнения по
грамматике. — СПб.: Издательство «Союз», 2001. — 256
с.— (Изучаем иностранные языки)

ISBN 5-94033-100-9

Настоящая книга является составной частью учебного комплекса

«English For University Students», рассчитанного на студентов первого
курса факультетов иностранных языков и всех, изучающих английский
язык на продвинутом уровне.
Учебный комплекс может быть использован как для работы в
аудитории, так и для самостоятельного изучения языка. Материал
отредактирован пппфессором кафедры современных языков и литер- втур
Оклендского vHHBencHTeTa Н. Ф. Лонганом .

ББК 81.2.АНГЛ.

О. А. Березина,
Е. М. Шпилюк, 2001
ISBN 5-94033-100-9 Издательство «Союз», 2001

Foreword ................................................................................................................6

The Article
Usage of Articles .................................................................................................. 10

The Noun

Plural and Singular Usage of Nouns .................................................................. 14

Countable and Uncountable Nouns .................................................................... 15

The Adjective and the Pronoun

Some, Any, No ...................................................................................................... 18

Not Versus No ...................................................................................................... 18

Much, Many, Few, Little ..................................................................................... 20

Other, the Other, Another .................................................................................. 22

Different Meanings and Usage of: All, Each, Either, Neither, Every,
Both ............................................................................................................. 25

The Adjective and the Adverbs

Degrees of Comparison ....................................................................................... 35

The Verb
The Indicative Mood ...........................................................................................40
The Simple Tenses ...................................................................................... 40
/. The Present Simple Tense ................................................................ 40
//. The Past Simple Tense ........................................................................ 46
III. The Future Simple Tense .............................................................. 53
The Progressive Tenses ............. ............................................................... 58
/. The Present Progressive Tense ......................... ^ ............................. 58
The “Going to” Form...................................................................... 68
//. The Past Progressive Tense ........................................... ................... 71
III. The Future Progressive Tense ........................................................... 83
The Perfect Tenses ...................................................................................... 88
/. The Present Perfect Tense .................................................................. 88
II. The Past Perfect Tense ................................................................... 96
III. The Future Perfect Tense ............................................................ 104
The Perfect Progressive Tenses ................................................................ 110
/. The Present Perfect Progressive Tense ............................................. 110
II. The Past Perfect Progressive Tense ............................................... 118
III. The Future Perfect Progressive Tense ......................................... 125
The Passive Voice ...................................................................................... 126
/. The Past Simple Passive ................................................................. 126
II. The Present Simple Passive ......................................................... 129
III. The Future Simple Passive ........................................................ 130
IV. The Present Progressive Passive ................................................ 132
V. The Past Progressive Passive ...................................................... 133
VI. The Present Perfect Passive ........................................................ 134
VII. The Past Perfect Passive.............................................................. 136
VIII. The Future Perfect Passive ........................................................ 138
The Imperative Mood......................................................................................... 139
Modal Verbs........................................................................................................ 140
Can, Could ................................................................................................. 140
May, Might ................................................................................................ 143
Must, to Be to, to Have to ......................................................................... 149
Should, Ought to ....................................................................................... 159
Recapitulation of Modal Verbs .......................................................... 167

Conditional Sentences ........................................................................................ 170

I Type ...................................................................................................... 170
II Type .................................................................................................... 175
III Type ................................................................................................... 181
If It Were Not For..., If It Hadn’t Been For..., But For .......................... 186
The Modal Verbs “Could” and “Might” in Conditional
Sentences .................................................................................................... 189
Recapitulation of ConditionalSentences .................................................. 191
The Complex Object........................................................................................... 195
Indirect Speech .................................................................................................. 203
Modal Verbs in Indirect Speech ........ ..................................................... 217
The Passive Voice in Indirect Speech ...................................................... 227
Conditional Sentences in Indirect Speech ............................................... 229
Recapitulation of Indirect Speech ............................................................ 231
Troublesome Verbs ........................................................................................... 239

The Participle .................................................................................................... 244

Appendix 1
Tense Forms (The Active Voice) ...................................................................... 247

Appendix 2
Tense Forms (The Passive Voice) ..................................................................... 249

Appendix 3
Conditional Sentences ....................................................................................... 251

Учебный комплекс “English for University Students” рассчитан

на студентов первого курса факультетов иностранных языков и
изучающих английский язык на продвинутом этапе и отвечает
требованиям программы Министерства Высшего Образования
Российской Федерации.
Комплекс включает четыре составных элемента — три
учебника: «Введение в курс фонетики», «Чтение, письменная и
устная практика», «Упражнения по грамматике» и аудиокурс.
Комплекс создан на кафедре фонетики английского языка
факультета иностранных языков РЕПУ им. А. И. Герцена и
апробирован на I курсе английского отделения в 1995—1998 годах.
Учебный комплекс характеризуется достаточно высоким
уровнем сложности, соответствующим требованиям,
предъявляемым к студентам языковых факультетов вузов.
Авторский коллектив попытался оказать максимальную помощь
студенту при работе с пособием, включив в материал учебника
необходимые комментарии.
Учебник “Grammar Exercises” представляет собой сборник
упражнений по темам, изучаемым в курсе грамматики на первом
году обучения. В каждом разделе имеются как традиционные
упражнения, так и коммуникативные, нацеленные на ситуативное
употребление грамматических структур.
Расположение глав учебника не предполагает жесткой
последовательности при применении его на практике, что дает
преподавателю возможность самому определять порядок изучения
материала и время, необходимое для освоения того или иного
раздела. Учебник может быть использован как для работы в
аудитории, так и для самостоятельной работы. Он содержит
упражнения по основным разделам грамматики; артикль, имя
существительное, имя прилагательное, наречие, местоимение,
глагол (видо-временные формы, страдательный залог, косвенная
речь и согласование времен, модальные глаголы, глагол в условных
предложениях) и некоторые другие. В задачу авторов входило
создать учебник, направленный на практическое освоение
английской грамматики, однако, в некоторые разделы вошли и
упражнения аналитического характера, необходимые для лучшего
осмысления студентами грамматических явлений. Во многих
случаях основой для по
добных упражнений служили отрывки из произведений
современной англоязычной литературы.
Работа над пособием распределялась следующим образом:
Березина О. А. — составление упражнений по темам
«Артикль», «Имя существительное», «Модальные глаголы»,
«Косвенная речь», «Повелительное наклонение», «Местоимение,
имя прилагательное и наречие», «Сложные случаи употребления
глагола», «Причастие».
Шпилюк Е. М. — «Времена глагола», «Страдательный залог»,
«Условные предложения», «Сложное дополнение», «Страдательный
залог в косвенной речи», «Условные предложения в косвенной
речи» и подтема «Повторение косвенной речи».
Авторы выражает искреннюю благодарность всем коллегам,
оказавшим неоценимую помощь в процессе работы.

декана факультета иностранных языков РЕПУ им. А. И.
Герцена В. Н. Бычкова за поддержку проекта;
сотрудников кафедры фонетики английского языка,
работавших с пособиями в 1995—1998 годах, за ценные замечания и
профессора Н. Лонгана и М. Коллинз за помощь при подготовке
заведующего лабораторией инженерной лингвистики Ю. В.
Романова и Л. В. Власову за содействие в подготовке материалов
учебника к апробированию;
студентов, обучавшихся на первом курсе в 1995—1998 годах и
участвовавших в апробировании комплекса;
и всех сотрудников факультета, в той или иной мере
способствовавших созданию учебного комплекса.

Usage of Articles

Exercise 1
Insert suitable articles where necessary.
1. 1 know ... place where we can go for lunch.
2. This is ... place which I told you about.
3. ... pet, which can be quite a nuisance at times, can also be a joy
to elderly people.
4. Most people don’t like ... steak which has been overcooked.
5. I gave ... steak which I overcooked to the dog.
6. I know ... bookstore where you can fmd the sequel to Gone with
the Wind.
7. This is ... bookstore 1 highly recommend you.
8. I want to buy ... matryoshka in Russia.
9. Is this ... matryoshka that you bought when you were in Russia?
10. ... flowers you gave me were gorgeous.
11. ... thing which annoys me most about a foreign language is ...
grammar rules.
12. I really need ... bicycle. Do you know where I could find one?
13. 1 have never seen ... place more cosy in my life.

Exercise 2
Insert suitable articles where necessary.

Wliat should you do when you meet... American for ... first
time? Some people suggest that you smile and say “Hi!” in ...
informal situation or “How do you do?” in ... formal situation. ...
others recommend ... firm handshake. Everyone agrees that ... kiss is
not appropriate, even on ... cheek. It is common to make ... small
talk when you first meet ... person. You can talk about ... weather, ...
recent sporting event, or better yet, ask ... other person ... question
about his or her life. In any case, don’t remain silent when you
meet... people for ... first time because if you do, ... American might
think you are ... snob.

If there has ever been ... book written about... small talk, and how
to conduct it, I’ve never seen it. During ... holiday season is when we
need ... book like that most.... cocktail party or... dinner party can be
... bore if people don’t know how to small talk.
“How have you been?” isn’t good enough. It leads inevitably to
“Fine. And yourselD”
... person standing in front of you with ... glass in his hand has hit
... ball back in your court and you are right where you started: in ...
conversational abyss. You have to begin again.
... worst thing that can happen at... stand-up or ... sit-down party
is to get stuck with someone who does not want to talk to you and to
whom you have no interest in talking. Until someone comes and
interrupts your tortured conversation, you have nothing to do but
continue with ... idiotic pleasantries.
One of ... few ways to escape, when you are trapped one- on-one
with someone at... party, is to say either, “Can I get you ... drink?” or
“I think I’ll freshen this ... little.” You then disappear and hope that,
before you return, ... person finds someone else to bore. This works
only from ... man’s point of view. ... woman can hardly break away
by asking ... man, “Can I get you another drink?” It is one of... unfair
things ... women have to bear in ... life.
One of... reasons ... food is important at... party is not for its
nutritional value, but because it’s ... source of... small talk. If... food
is dull, ... talk is often dull too.

Exercise 3
Insert suitable articles where necessary.
1. He studies ... Chinese history at ... college.
2. Before ... people invented ... wheel, they could not transport
heavy loads easily.
3. I won’t let you leave in such ... stormy weather.
4. What ... wonderful journey, I’m happy I’ve joined you.
5. Not... word was said at... dinner about... accident that had
happened in ... morning.
6. Last year when 1 was at... school I never took ... interest in ...
ancient art. Now any kind of... information in this field is very
interesting to me.

7. Yesterday I came from ... work nearly exhausted and went to

... bed immediately.
8 ... nature is usually wrong. {James McNeill Whistler)
. Without ... music, ... life would be ... mistake. {Nietzsche)
9 ... diplomat is ... person who can tell you to go to hell in
. such ... way that you actually look forward to ... trip.
10. {Caskie Stinnett)
11. ... dog is... only thing on ... earth that loves you more than
you love yourself {Josh Billings)
12. ... Americans like ... fat books but ... thin women. {Russel
13. ... optimist is ... person who thinks ... future is uncertain.
14. ... diplomacy is... art of saying “nice doggie!” until you can
find ... stone. {Wynn Catlin)
15. California is ... great place if you happen to be ... orange.
{F. Allen)

Exercise 4
Say what article is used with the following proper names if any.

United States Oxford University

Urals Victoria Lake
Antarctica Netherlands
North Pole Crimea
Hawaiian Islands High Street
Nevsky Prospect Great Lakes
Niagara Falls Erie Canal
Mars University of Texas
Sahara Desert Hague
Strand Everest
Louvre Prado
Rhine river Straits of Gibraltar
Earth Bahamas
Jazz Age Gulf of Mexico
North America Ivory Coast
Thames Madagascar
South of Russia Lake Ladoga
southern Russia Equator
Bay of Bengal North Sea
Harvard law library Mediterranian

Plural and singular Usage

of Nouns

Exercise 1
Give the plural of the following nouns.

leaf mouse country piano

child sheep goose lady
man woman gooseberry crisis
tooth medium deer deary
knowledge fish dish news

Exercise 2
Read the following nouns first in the singular and then in the plural:
1. bag, dog, bird, verb, pan, hen, spoon, noun, room, ring, thing,
evening, song, girl, apple, table, article.
2. tree, pie, cow, fly, lady, baby, teacher, letter, mirror, berry, play,
toy, city.
3. cake, snake, fork, map, lamp, hat, clock, rat, coat, goat, skirt,
shirt, plant, sonant, jacket, object, attribute.
4. shelf, leaf, knife, wife, roof, chief, handkerchief
5. bus, class, glass, dress, piece, slice, horse, house, rose, nose,
blouse, box, fox, match, bench, bridge, cage, cottage, bush,
6. man, woman, child, foot, tooth, goose, mouse, ox, fish, trout,
fruit, swine, mouse, louse, deer, sheep.
7. phenomenon, crisis, stimulus, formula, axis, thesis, criterion.

Exercise 3
Give the plural form of the words underlined.
>- Pattern: I met a man at the meeting last night.
I met some men at the meeting last night.
1. I saw a mouse running across the floor.
2. The baby got a new tooth.

3. 1 need a match.
4. He cooked a potato for dinner.
5. The professor is reading a thesis.
6. I visited a city in the Ukraine.
7. She photographed a leaf.
8. I caught a fish.
9. 1 saw a sheep in the farmyard.
10. She talked to a child.
11. The children hid behind the bush.
12. In science class we studied about a species of fish.
13. When I was in the park yesterday, I saw a goose.
14. When we spoke in the cave, we heard an echo.
15. He packed a box.
16. Every day I read in the newspaper about a new crisis in the
17. The wagon is being pulled by an ox.
18. I told the children a fable about a wolf and a fox.
19. We read a story about an Indian chief
20. At the meeting last night, we were listening to a speech.
21. In science class, we studied a phenomenon of nature.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Exercise 4
A LOT OF is used with both countable and uncountable nouns. Complete the
sentences using A LOT OF with the correct form of the noun in brackets.

1. (money) He has ...

2. (sandwich) They ate ...
^ 3. (good idea) That book has ...
4. (bad weather) We’ve been having ...
5. (homework) We have ... to do tonight.
6. (good advice) She gave me ...

7. (information) An encyclopaedia contains ...

8. (photograph) She took ...
9. (new vocabulary) We have learnt...
10. (luck) A gambler needs...
(traffic) We were late because there (was/were)
12. (courage) She has ...
13. (product) The company makes ...
14. (beautiful scenery) We saw ... on our cross-country trip.

Some, Any, No

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner.
1. You never ask me ... questions. Is everything ciear?
2. Have ... of the cakes.
3. There’s hardly ... bread left. Could you go and buy ... ?
4. If you have ... news, call me back.
5. My mother hoped that perhaps the school had ... funds to give
me a grant.
6. You have ... fine flowers in your garden.
7. Go and ask him for ... more paper.
8. Come ... time you like.
9. We did it without ... difficulty.
10. There are ... matches left. We must buy ....
11. I don’t think there is ... milk left in the jug.
12. ... student can answer the question.
13. Is your arm ... better?
14. If you want... money, feel free to ask.
15. He does not want... more pudding. You can take it away.
16. They have ... time — they must go.
17. There must be ... solution to the problem, isn’t there?
18. She lives in ... little village near London.
19. Take ... doll you like, Sue.
20. Would you have ... cheese with your tea?

Not versus No

Exercise 2
Make the following sentences negative in two ways.
>■ Pattern: I have some problems.
a) I have no problems.
b) I don't have any problems.
1. There, was some food left.
2. t he children made, some .noise.
3. I neea some nelp.
4. We have some time to spare.

5. There is a way to do it.

6. 1 received some letters.
7. 1 trust someone.
8. I saw someone in the hall.
9. She can find somebody who can do it.
10. Someone phoned you in the morning
11. I will give you some money.
12. Some guests have already arrived.

Exercise 3
Correct the following sentences, all of which contain double negation.
1. I don’t need no help.
2. 1 didn’t see nobody.
3. 1 can’t never understand him.
4. 1 didn’t do nothing.
5. I can’t hardly hear the radio. Would you please turn it up?

Exercise 4
Supply one of the compounds of SOME, ANY or NO to complete the
following sentences.
1. At the party you’ll see ... you haven’t met yet.
2. I’m not going to see him because I have ... important to tell him.
3. ... has been here before us.
4. This is my business and ... else’s.
5. ... is better than ... in a situation like this.
6. ... has any right to interfere in this matter.
7. It was clear that ... had happened.
8. It’s a cave. I’d like to find out if there’s ... left inside.
9. But in any case, what can ... do?
10. ... at the airport could tell me about the hotel.
11. Can’t you do ... by yourself, no?
12. Sometimes he would sit silent and abstracted, taking no notice
of... .
13. ... can become a member of the club.
14. There was hardly ... to occupy him.
15. 1 think there’s ... wrong with my watch.
16. lam expecting ... at twelve o’clock.

17. ... can take part in the programme.

18. She had ... to talk to, she was very lonely.
19. If you can find ... to do it, let me know.
20. We need ... like you to do this job. ... very honest.

Much, Many, Few, Little

Exercise 5
Choose between MUCH, MANY, (A) FEW, (A) LITTLE to complete the
following sentences.
1. Nowadays we are very busy and we see ... of our old friends.
2. We are looking forward to our vacation. We are planning to
spend ... days with my folks.
3. Into each life, ... rain must fall, {a saying)
4. 1 drove along the edge of the sea. There were not... people
5. I have so ... things to do that 1 don’t know which to do first.
6. My sister spends so ... money on her clothes that she has none
left for holidays.
7. She was glad to see me because 1 was Russian and she knew ...
Russian people.
8. He was so happily absorbed in the building of his house that
events outside it affected him ... .
9. He knew he was not a good teacher, and he intended to do ... of
10. I didn’t get... to eat when we had dinner with the Greens.
11. Driving to the stadium was easy. We got there quickly because
there was ... traffic.
12. ... days ago I met a very interesting person.
13. Since the family is very poor, the children have ... clothes.

Exercise 6
Make the following sentences affirmative and replace MANY and MUCH by
suitable expressions.
1. Ann did not have many books on economics.
2. He hasn’t much work to do, so he decided to visit his friends

3. On Saturday afternoon there were not many people in the

4. He did not need much time to work out the plan of his future
5. John hadn’t slept much the previous night, because he had a
6. 1 am afraid I have not many new facts about that accident.
7. Not many days passed since he started a new life.
8. Not much was said about it.
9. It was a new part of the city and there were not many green spots
10. She was worrying about the course of events because not many
letters had come from her brother.

Exercise 7
Translate into English.
1. Как можно так много курить! Вы совсем не беспокоитесь о
своём здоровье.
2. Чудесный праздник! Как много гостей! А ведь должно
прийти еще больше к восьми часам!
3. Он больше молчал, не вступал в общий разговор. Но то, что
он говорил, было всеми услыщано, потому что он не
говорил много.
4. Этим летом мало дождливых дней, всё больще солнечных.
5. У меня совсем не было сегодня свободного времени,
поэтому я мало ел. Сейчас я очень голоден.
6. Моросил мелкий дождь, поэтому на улицах было мало
7. Я могу поделиться этим рецептом с Вами. Его секрет в том,
что нужно класть много масла и сахара на дно сковороды.
8. Летом мальчику было очень скучно, потому что очень мало
его друзей осталось в городе.
9. Туристам музей очень понравился, потому что там было
много известных полотен и мало людей.
10. Там были Грины, Смиты, Гордоны и еще много людей,
которых я не знаю.
11. Ты мало читаешь. Это может повредить тебе на
вступительных экзаменах.

12. в библиотеке осталось очень мало книг, которые Алиса не

13. Много уже сказали, но мало сделали.
14. В ноябре в саду было уже мало цветов. Все понимали, что
скоро наступит зима.
15. Через минуту я спущусь вниз к гостям.

Other, The Other, Another

Exercise 1
Supply a form of OTHER to complete the following sentences.

1. Look at your hand. There is a total of five fingers. One is

your thumb, ... is your index finger,... is your middle finger.
One finger is your ring finger. And ... finger is your little fin-
2. Look at your hands. One is your right hand. ... is your left
3. I talked to a lot of people. Some said that in some circum-
stances they would do as they had done before, ... told me
that if they had known what it would come to they wouldn’t
have ever done it.
4. Then I read the novels of George Meredith one after ... .
I made few friends in those days, for I was occupied with ...
5. things.
I got three letters. One was from my father,... one was from
6. my sister. ... letter was from my girlfriend.
1 would like to read more about this subject. Do you have
7. any ... books that you could lend me?
Some people prefer classical music, but... prefer rock mu-
4. sic.
There are many means of transportation. The airplane is
9. one. ... are the horse, the train, the automobile.
10. There are many means of transportation. The airplane is
one. The train is ... .
11. There are two women standing on the corner. One is Helen
Yanse and ... is Pat Hendericks.

12. Thank you for inviting me to the picnic. I’d like to go with
you but I’ve already made ... plans.
13. One of the countries 1 would like to visit is Sweden. ... is
Mexico. Of course, besides these two countries, there are
many ... places I would like to see.
14. They were going to get what they wanted, one way or ... .
15. The bar was kept by two very nice girls, one was American
and ... English.
16. ... people have told me the same things.
17. Most of the guests have already arrived, and I’m sure that
all of... will be here soon.
18. 1 have been in only three cities since I arrived in Britain.
One is London, and ... are Oxford and York.
They have three children. One already has a job,... is at the
University of Ohio.
14. He was always somewhat indifferent to the feelings of... .
21. Why are you alone? Where are ... ?
22. The houses on ... side of the river were built out of gray
The servant opened the door and ushered in ... visitor.
Would you like ... cup of tea?
In just ... three weeks he will be a married man.
When his alarm went off this morning, he shut it off, rolled
27. over, and slept for ... twenty minutes.
28. He will graduate in ... two years.
I am almost finished, I just need ... five minutes.

Exercise 2
Translate into Russian paying special attention to the pronouns.

1. They looked at one another in bewilderment.

2. We couldn’t hear each other’s words for the wind.
3. He smoked one cigarette after another.
4. Although they lived in the same street they rarely saw each
The newcomer shook hands with the host and nodded to
every other person in the room.
6. These books complement one another.
7. Soames and June were seen just touch each other’s left
hands and look each at the other’s left eye only.

Exercise 3
Translate into English.
1. Я бы хотел почитать что-нибудь ещё на эту тему. Есть ли у
вас что-либо ещё, что вы могли бы одолжить мне?
2. Некоторые люди — высокие, другие — маленькие.
Некоторые люди — полные, а некоторые — стройные.
3. Мы с Пегги старые друзья. Мы знаем друг друга с детства.
4. Соединенные Штаты Америки граничат с двумя странами.
Одна из них — Канада, а другая — Мексика.
5. Эта страна имеет две основные проблемы: одна из них —
инфляция, другая — нестабильность правительства.
6. Ещё две недели, и я буду отдыхать на пляже в Италии.
7. Не хотите ли ещё чащечку кофе?
8. Он пробежал газету глазами от одной новости к другой,
пытаясь найти нужные ему сведения.
9. Я приеду на днях и узнаю, как вы устроились в гостинице.
10. Он вощел в комнату. Отец и Майкл сидели там. Он
посмотрел сначала на одного, затем на другого.
11. Джим провел выходные, посещая один театр за другим.
12. Натали вощла, неся в каждой руке по чащке. Одну она дала
Джеку, другую — Николь.
13. Алек щептал что-то с другого конца стола, стараясь, чтобы
его не слыщали на кухне.
14. Оба сына Анны играли в саду. Она переводила взгляд с
одного на другого.
15. Дай мне ещё полчаса, и ты получишь самый вкусный торт
на свете.
16. Студенты группы приехали из разных стран: некоторые —
из Великобритании, некоторые — из Италии, две девочки
— из Швеции, остальные были американцы.
17. Дай мне другую ручку, эта совсем не пишет.
18. Дома на другой стороне улицы были построены в середине
XIX века.
19. Мистер и миссис Хэммер — счастливая пара. Они любят и
поддерживают друг друга.
20. Они не могли слышать слов друг друга, так как ветер был
необычайно сильным.

Different Meanings and Usage of:

All, Each, Either, Neither, Every, Both

Exercise 1
Make up dialogues using the paired conjunctions: BOTH AND, NOT

>■ Use: BOTH ... AND In the response.

>- Pattern: John is going to the cinema.
Is Mary going too ?
— Yes, both John and Mary are going to the cinema.
1. You have met his father. Have you met his mother too?
2. She can sing. Can she dance?
3. He buys antique things. Does he sell antique things?
4. You had lunch with your friends. Did you have dinner with
5. The city suffers from air pollution. Does it suffer from water
6. Your son is in elementary school. Is your daughter in elementary
school too?

> Use: EITHER ... OR in the response.
> Pattern: You will ask John, or you will ask Mary.
— I will ask either John or Mary.

1. Bob has your book, or Jane has it.

2. We shall go to the sea for the vacation, or we shall go to the
3. We can go swimming, or we can play tennis.
4. You will rent an apartment, or you will live in the dorm.
5. According to the weather forecast, it will rain tonight or it will
6. She is going to vote for Mr. Smith, or Mr. Trude.

>■ Use: NEITHER ... NOR in the response.

>■ Pattern: John won’t be here. Will Maty be here?
— No, neither John nor Mary will come here.

1. He doesn’t like coffee. Does he like tea?

2. Chapter one isn’t difficult. Is chapter two difficult?
3. He doesn’t enjoy hunting. Does he enjoy fishing?
4. The result wasn’t good. Was the result bad?
5. Her sister doesn’t know English. Does her brother know

6. I don’t know where Ann is. Does Paul know where Ann is?

Exercise 2
Repeating the same idea. Complete the following using SO/TOO or
NEITHER/EITHER. Give both possible forms.
>• Pattern: a) I know this person well.
So do I.
I know him, too.
b) I haven’t read this book in the original.
Neither have I.
/ haven’t either.
1. Martha isn’t in her room, and {her roommate).
2. Henry didn’t go to class, and (/).
3. I’d like to go to the art museum, and (Sid).
4. I won’t be there, and (my brother).
5. Jackie wants to go to New York, and (Sally).
6. I have a test today, and (Marcia).
1. Ann used to live there, and (Sue).
8. 1 couldn’t understand the lectures and (Judy).
9. I had to study last night, and (Jack).
10. Mary has seen that film, and (/).
11. I didn’t have time to eat breakfast, and (Mum).
12. Fred doesn’t know Pat, and (Rachel).
13. Barb wants to accept your invitation, and (Steve).
14. Nicole can’t pronounce this sound properly, and (Val).
15. Michael has never spoken to me in this tone, and (his sister).

Exercise 3
Insert BOTH and ALL in their proper places.
> Use: BOTH.
1. They want you to come here and stay.
2. We were determined to play tennis.

3. They are old.

4. They are in their last year at Cambridge.
5. We are tired a bit.
6. We can’t stay here together.
7. ‘Will you be silent?’ said mother.
8. They have been waiting for about an hour.
9. Michael and his wife were laughing and exchanging jokes.
10. His mother and his sister had flu.
> Use: ALL.
1. They seemed sad.
2. Do not care what he says, people can’t be bad.
3. They were very happy.
4. It’s very tiresome.
5. ‘He has done that alone,’ said Sid.
6. ‘Were they at home?’ asked Mary.
7. The students seemed busy.
8. We solved the problems which our teacher asked us to solve.

Exercise 4
Complete the following sentences with EACH, EVERY or ALL.
1. He tried to speak three times and ... time he failed.
2. I have ... book he has ever written.
3. ... the people were cheering loudly.
4. He has... chance to win.
5. He looked at ... of us in turn.
6. The two little girls held his hands, one on ... side.
7. During the next week, Tom wrote four drafts of his speech, ... of
which was praised highly.
8. His mother taught him that... pleasure must be paid for.
9. That’s the sort of Job ... boys like doing.
10. ... the money was spent.
11. They broke into little groups; ... had his own wonderful story to
12. She had ... opportunity to continue her scientific research.
13. ... few hours a fishing village came into sight.
14. We meet with our friends ... summer.

15. ... of US had to do his own work for the conference.

16. They did not talk much about what... feared most.
17. ... trunks must be labelled before they are deposited in the
left-luggage room.
18. He had no doubt that she meant ... word she said.
19. She went for a walk several times a day, ... time checking
whether she had switched off the light.
20. ... who visited him that night were friends from the time they
were children.

Exercise 5
Complete the following sentences with BOTH, NEITHER or EITHER.
1. She can play with the tennis racket in ... hand.
2. You can borrow ... of my two bicycles.
3. Nick and Tom are ... my brothers. But ... is in town now, they
are ... in the army.
4. ... the boxes, the red one and the yellow one, are empty. You
can take ... of them.
5. ‘What are you going to have, orange juice or Coke?’
‘... , 1 am not thirsty.’
6. I can hear you ... , but I can see ... of you.
7. There were oaks growing on ... side of the road.
8. ... mother and father were at home, but ... of them heard Jane
come in.
9. They ... laughed and Dan looked down at his hands.
10. He had a lovely vacation, keeping in touch with ... of his
11. She expected them to talk about football and races, but John
knew nothing of... .
12. Mary and 1 were ... very happy relaxing on the beach.
13. ‘Wliat have you written, a short story or an essay?’
‘I am afraid ... . It’s a poem.’
14. He invited us ... , but I knew he did not want... of us at a family
15. These are ... very dirty rooms. I am afraid ... will suit me.
16. ‘Would you like The Times or The Morning Postl'
‘Oh, ... will do.’
17. She had wonderful golden hair which hung down on ... side of
her face.

18. Tell... your mother and father that I shall be happy to have them
stay with my family for a weekend.
19. By that time ... his sisters got married.
20. ‘She is either very stupid or she plans something peculiar.’
‘What can we do about it in ... case?’

Exercise 6
Translate into English paying special attention to the use of the pronouns
1. OH произнёс её имя дважды, каждый раз делая ударение на
первом слоге.
2. Они не говорили о том, что тревожило каждого из них.
3. Она изучила каждую газету за последний год.
4. Я хочу слышать всё, что они говорят по этому поводу.
5. Она думала, что все на неё смотрят.
6. Директор поговорил с каждым из нас по очереди.
7. Прежде чем выйти из аудитории, профессор дал каждому
студенту индивидуальное задание.
8. Попросите их всех заполнить анкеты.
9. Оба ехали молча, или говорили о вещах незначительных.
10. По обеим сторонам дороги выстроились новые
современные районы.
11. — Вы боитесь, что Вас неправильно поймут или что Вам не
дадут высказаться?
— Я не боюсь ни того, ни другого.
12. Вы оба должны приехать к нам и провести у нас вечер.
13. Я видел, как она выходила из дома с сумками в каждой -
14. Он продолжал смотреть на часы каждые пять минут.
15. Каждый студент должен знать свои обязанности.
16. Он поздоровался с каждым гостем по очереди.
17. Хотя в комнате никто не жил, её убирали каждый день.
18. «Вы все одинаковы для меня,» — сказала тетя Фэнни.
19. Мальчики с обеих сторон поддерживали пожилого
человека, когда он переходил улицу.
20. — Вам чаю или кофе?
— Ни того, ни другого. Я предпочитаю минеральную
воду. 1

2 1 . — Обе эти комнаты светлые и просторные. Какая Вам

больше нравится?
— И та и другая. Боюсь, выбрать будет трудно.
22. Все, что Вы говорите, не имеет никакого смысла. Каж-
дое Ваше слово бессмысленно.
23. Я хочу видеть и Вашу маму, и Вашего папу у себя в
гостях. Передайте им это.
24. Вы можете использовать в своей работе цитаты из всех
книг, которые рекомендованы.
25. Никто из вас не умеет так виртуозно вальсировать.
26. Вы должны использовать каждую возможность пого-
ворить с ним об этом.
27. Оба они недоумевали, куда все исчезли.
Преподаватель сказал, что каждый из нас должен вни-
28. мательно прочитать эту статью.
На конференции каждому дали возможность выска-
29. зать свою точку зрения.
Он разглядывал меня, а я разглядывал его, ни один не
30. проронил ни слова.

Exercise 1
Choose between the adverb and the adjective given in brackets to com- piete
the sentences.
1. It is (correct/correctly).
2. Spell the word (correct/correctly).
3. You know it (well/good).
4. Of course it is (well/good).
5. It is (cold/coldly) in the room.
6. Don’t look so (cold/coldly) at me.
7. I can do it (easy/easily).
8. I always worry if you come home (late/lately).
9. You are tired. You mustn’t work so (hard/hardly).
10. She looks just (wonderful/wonderfully) in that new dress.
11. I can’t hear the actors (well/good) from the last row.
12. I think it a (real/really) good play.
13. This soup makes me feel (bad/badly).
14. The actress is speaking (soft/softly), but I can hear her
15. The roses will (sure/surely) smell (sweet/sweetly).
16. The victim of the accident looked (helpless/helplessly) across
the road.

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with one of the expressions translated into Russian as “ещё":
1. It is quite late. And we haven’t finished our work ... .
2. You are too young ... to understand all the sorrow of the human
3. ... a year before the Tchaikovsky contest for pianists in Moscow
in 1957, no one knew the name of Van Cliburn.
4. Mozart began to compose music before he could reach the
keyboard,... at the age of four he composed his first minuet.
5. When we thought that all the guests had arrived ... man came
who was a total stranger to us.
6. Your mother impressed me with her exceptional beauty. She ...
looks very young in spite of her hard life.
7. I know so little about your life. It seems to have been so
eventful! What... can you tell about it?

8. We definitely have to go because we are to meet Mrs. Mun- roe

at five in spite of the rain ... .
9. What... yesterday seemed a dream has become reality today.
10. ... then 1 knew it was going to happen. I was always sure that he
wouldn’t forget his former job.
11. My dear lady, you’ve always been a beauty but today you are ...
more beautiful.
12. 1 was always fond of visiting new scenes and observing strange
characters and ways of life. ... when a mere child 1 began my
travels and made many tours of discovery.
13. 1 cannot do the translation ... , I’ve got something ... to do first.
14. He was always so predictable, 1 felt at ease communicating with
him but I am ... wondering why he behaved as if he were taken
15. The Egyptians knew geometry, astronomy, agriculture ... 3,000
B. C.
16. ... a month ago I couldn’t possibly imagine that all my dreams
would come true one day.
17. ... and ... people crowded into St. Mark’s square, it being an
ordinary day full of tourists and street sellers’ yelling in Venice.
18. You’ve only today arrived in St.-Petersburg and I knew nothing
about your coming. Am I the only person you know here, whom
... do you know in this city?
19. To feel safe and secure we need to do one ... mile towards the
White Hart otherwise we’ll have to struggle our way in darkness
under this rain.
20. Great Britain’s first Parliament was formed ... 1265.

Exercise 3
Translate into English using the expressions which render the Russian “еще”.
1. OH редко смеялся, ещё реже плакал.
2. Ещё несколько десятилетий тому назад трудно было себе
представить, что человек поднимется в космос, а сегодня
это стало реальностью.
3. Не торопитесь, день ещё не закончился. Все может
произойти. .
2 Зак. № 366

4. Ещё в детстве я очень любил рисовать. А теперь это

детское увлечение стало смыслом моей жизни.
5. Ещё в 1445 году Иоганн Гутенберг напечатал первую
6. Она позвонила вчера ещё раз и обещала зайти и рассказать
всё нам лично.
7. Я не могу встретить Ника. Завтра в это время я буду всё
ещё занят.
8. Ты мне ещё не сказал, как твой отец воспринял твоё
желание идти своим путём.
9. Ещё в древности людям были известны удивительные
свойства некоторых драгоценных камней. Это положило
начало магии.
10. Все это вполне поправимо и ещё не так поздно изменить
принципы программы.
11. Робинзон Крузо все ещё надеялся, что какой-нибудь
корабль может спасти его.
12. Вы ещё не знаете, что опыт оказался неудачным, и что
лаборатория в ближайшем будущем будет закрыта?
13. Неужели она все ещё не забыла своей обиды на Вас? Ведь
это было так давно.

Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with one of the synonynns: FAIRLY, QUITE, RATHER,
1. He speaks French ... well, but I don’t think he can handle a
difficult situation.
2. It is not the best film ever made, but it’s ... good. I would like to
see it once more.
3. He is a very good linguist. He speaks three languages and ...
4. He has just written a novel. It is not the best book I have ever
read, but it is ... good.
5. The weather is much better than the forecast predicted. It is ... a
nice day.
6. Sixty five is ... old to start practising a new kind of exercise.
7. It has been getting ... warm lately. Very soon we shall be able to
have picnics outdoors.

8. He annoys me with his absolute confidence in his own

cleverness. He is ... too sure of himself.
9. The cuisine of India is ... too hot for me. I prefer something
milder and more delicate.
10. 1 only recently really noticed that she is ... a beauty. She used to
be ... ordinary when I first met her.
11. There is something ... strange about the way he talks to you. I
don’t feel comfortable with him.
12. The Christmas tree and all the decorations were ... finished by
13. In her sorrow slie was left ... alone. But she succeeded in having
her own way out of it.
14. You see, I couldn’t help buying this car. It was ... cheap and
certainly well worth the price.
15. One can never be ... sure what she is up to. She is so very
unpredictable with her own ways and whims.

Degrees of Comparison

Exercise 1
Give the comparative and the superlative degree of the following adjectives:
thin, joyful, yellow, free, comfortable, polite, shy, dry, just,
recent, free, narrow, deep, wicked, right, real, sweet, grey, complete,
glad, happy, strong-willed, good-natured, wide-spread, far-fetched,
kind-hearted, broad-minded, well-known

Exercise 2
Supply the missing forms of the adjectives and adverbs

positive well
comparative further worse older
superlative eldest best last
positive near little
comparative happier
superlative farthest latest biggest driest

Exercise 3
Use the appropriate form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. He is the (amusing) person you’ve ever met.
2. The (near) house is 15 miles away.
3. She is much (young) than your sister.
4. The (near) item on the programme is a piano concerto.
5. He seemed to be (angry) than I expected.
6. She felt (bad) yesterday than two days before.
7. The first edition of this book was (good), the new one is even
8. The voices of the singers were growing (faint) and (faint) as we
walked away.
9. This problem is as (serious) as the others.
10. Your mother thinks you ought to be (respectful), she doesn’t
approve of your behaviour.
11. Try on both costumes and see which is (becoming).
12. This task is not so (difficult) as the rest.
13. The (dim) light in the room grew (dim).
14. The party was as (interesting) as I had expected.
15. David was the (talented) of the two brothers.
16. Uncle John was the (old) son of the family.
17. Of the two evils let us choose the (little).
18. This "g/ine is (good) I have ever tasted.
19. Wliat do you think of his (late) film if you saw it?
20. She is a (kind) woman, (kind) I have ever seen. And today she
has been (kind) than ever.
21. This bedroom is (sunny) in the house.
22. My brother is much (young) than myself.
23. The opera house is one of the (beautiful) buildings in our city.
24. What is (high) mountain in the world?
25. 1 cannot imagine (awkward) situation.

Exercise 4
Make up situations using the word-combinations listed beiow.
— as successful as I expected;
— more unpleasant than I had expected;
— the most complicated 1 had ever expected;
— not so useful as you imagine;

— worse than one can imagine;

— the worst imaginable;
— easier than before;
— the hardest of all done before;
— the most courageous in the world;
— the most successful man ever born;
— harder than I could bear;
— more amusing than anywhere else;
— as curious as the rest of them.

Exercise 5
Translate into English.
1. Последний поезд прибывает в полночь.
2. Моя старшая сестра на два года старше меня.
3. Наш директор — старейший и наиболее уважаемый
сотрудник этого предприятия.
4. Этот текст гораздо труднее, чем тот, который мы
переводили на днях.
5. Комната хорошая, но всё же не такая хорошая, как мне бы
6. Я не так молод, как Вы.
7. У вина волшебный аромат, а на вкус оно ещё лучше.
8. Этот мальчик — старший сын моего старейшего друга.
9. Скажите, пожалуйста, где ближайшая остановка автобуса.
10. ;;^ите дальнейших распоряжений.
11. Эта проблема не так серьезна, как Вам кажется.
12. Ваша сестра очень талантлива. Пожалуй, самая
талантливая из молодых художников.
13. Сибирь — один из самых богатых полезными ископаемыми
районов нашей страны.
14. Нам нужен стол поменьше, так как комната небольшая.
15. Вам нужны обои посветлее, тогда Ваша комната будет не
такой мрачной.
16. Я читала обе статьи. Первая значительно занимательнее
17. Ей столько же лет, сколько мне, хотя она и выглядит
значительно моложе.

18. OH сидел в самом дальнем углу комнаты, и оттуда

наблюдал за всеми входящими.
19. Я никогда не встречал ребенка более терпеливого, доброго
и душевного.
20. Чем больше Вы будете гулять, тем лучше будет Ваше
здоровье. '
21. Чем внимательнее Вы будете выполнять задания, тем
успешнее будет Ваша учеба.
22. Чем труднее задача, тем больше времени занимает решение
23. Чем выше интеллект человека, тем больше его духовные
24. С каждым днем погода ухудшалась.
25. Музыка звучала всё более отчетливо с каждым нашим
шагом по направлению к ложе.
26. Сегодня вдвое холоднее, чем вчера.
27. Этот ящик втрое тяжелее, чем предыдущий.
28. Эта комната в два раза больше, но, несмотря на это, я
привык к моей старой квартире.
29. Все его приятели в два раза моложе его.
30. Эта машина в три раза дороже того, что я ожидал.

Exercise 6
Work in groups. Student A: Describe one item in a set by making two
comparisons. The others: guess which item student A is describing. The
student who guesses correctiy takes turn next.
1. Hong Kong, Paris, Beirut, Helsinki, Athens
2. Britain, Japan, India, Russia, Sweden
3. iron, wood, plastic, glass
4. car, bus, plane, bicycle, train
5. carrier bag, suitcase, trunk, briefcase, handbag
6. poodle, greyhound, wolf, Alsatian, fox

The indicative Mood


/. The Present Simple Tense

Exercise 1
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Present Simpie Tense.

1. The earth goes round the sun.

2. In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p.m.
3. In summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.
4. In the morning Mr. Smith wakes up, washes, dresses, has
his breakfast, takes his children to school and goes to work.
5. Carpenters make things from wood.
6. Maize doesn’t grow in Britain.
7. Renaissance means “revival”.
3. The train to London leaves at eight, doesn’t it?
9. Good morning. It’s a nice day, isn’t it?
10. ‘What do you usually do in the summer? Do you go any-
‘Oh yes. We don’t go to the same place twice, though. We
like to see different countries.’
11 . Why does Mark never come and see us these days? Is he too

Exercise 2
Make the following sentences: negative;
1. Children usually sleep very soundly.
2. We often drink coffee together.
3. Englishmen seldom speak at breakfast.
4. I read books and listen to music every day.
5. Tony never praises me for anything.
6. He leaves home at 9 a.m. every day.
7. The teacher comes in and shuts the door.
8. He arrives home early.
9. It is rarely cold in Great Britain even in winter.
10. Our secretary types a great number of letters every day.

Exercise 3
Ask Questions to the following sentences beginning with the word(s) in
>■ Pattern: Tom plays tennis. (How often?)
— How often does Tom play tennis?
I have breakfast in the morning. (tVhat time/usually?)
— What time do you usually have breakfast?
1. Ann watches TV. {How often ?)
2. Fred manages to cope with any problem. {How?)
3. It is his problem, not mine, {^lose?)
4. Steve’s friends come to our place regularly. {How often?)
5. I write to my parents. {How often? Whom?)
6. He has dinner in the evening. {What time/usually?)
7. Tom works.
8. We come to the University at the same time. {Why?)
9. People often do stupid things. {Why?)
10. It is often cold in my flat. {Why.^
11. The car breaks down. {How often?)
12. They catch mice. (Who ?)

Exercise 4
Read the following sentences and correct them. Make up two correct
sentences each time.
>■ Pattern: The sun goes round the earth.
a) The sun doesn’t go round the earth.
b) The earth goes round the sun.
1. The sun rises in the west.
2. Carpenters make things from metal.
3. The River Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean.
4. Mice catch cats.
5. Ice melts at 100° C.
6. Water boils at 0° C.
7. Sheep eat meat.
8. Birds fly away to the North in winter.
9. The moon rises in the west.
10. Exercise is bad for your health.
11. Journalists never ask questions.
12. Edinburgh is the capital of the UK.

13. All dogs like cats.

14. Water freezes at 451 ° F.
15. Everyone likes to visit the dentist.

Exercise 5
Work in pairs.
>■ Pattern: Find out if your group-mate likes music.
— Do you like music? (You like music, don’t you?)
— Yes, I do. And what about you ?
— So do I/But I don’t.
Find out if your group-mate:
1. Lives in hostel; lives far from the University; gets to the
University by bus or by underground; returns home late; is
usually tired.
2. Has a large family; lives with his/her family; spends much time
with his/her relatives.
3. Find out the time of his/her getting up; having breakfast;
leaving home; coming to the University; returning home.

Exercise 6
Speak about some modern actor/actress, musician, singer, politician etc.
without mentioning his/her name. Your groupmates are to guess who this
person is. Do not use more than five sentences. If your groupmates fail to
guess correctly, they should ask you questions. Take turns.

Exercise 7
Ask all types of questions to the following sentences.
1. Carol lives in a very nice cottage with her family.
2. 1 usually get up early because I hate being late to my office.
3. No one lives in that house now. They believe it’s haunted.
4. Pete always reads some pages from one book or another before
going to bed.
5. We seldom see each other these days... I don’t know why.
6. Gerry' goes to the video arcade every day.
7. It takes him hours to get here.
8. This newspaper is two days old.
9. Lots of people enter this University every year.

10. I enjoy reading his books. They are so fascinating.

11. The milkman brings us milk very-early.
12. Phil enjoys sports, but he doesn’t enjoy music at all.

Exercise 8
Use the Present Simple Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. The swimming bath (to open) at 9.00 and (to close) at 18.30
2. every day.
3. What time the banks (to close) in Britain?
4. 1 have a car but I (not to use) it very often.
‘Where your father (to come from)?’
5. ‘He (to come from) Ireland.’
I (not to understand) the word “deceive”. What “deceive”
(to mean)?
‘What you (to do)?’
‘I (to be) an electrical engineer.’
7. Faith (not to go) to the library very often. She (to have) a
great number of books at home.
8. ‘They often (to interfere with) your work. Why you (to al-
low) them to make such a noise? Why you (not to tell) them
to be quiet?’
‘Oh, but they can’t. Children always (to be) noisy.’
9. Who (to come) here most often?
10. He (not to approve of) your behaviour.
11. Ted never (to feel) at ease here. He (to be) too shy, he
12 . ‘I never (to complain) of anything. Rita (not to complain)
‘Oh, but she (to do)!’

1. Romance (to live) by repetition. Each time one (to love) is the
only time. Difference of object (not to alter) singleness of
passion. It merely (to intensify) it.
(O. Wilde)
2. All influence (to be) immoral... Because then the person (not to
think) his natural thoughts, and (not to bum) his

own passions. His virtues (not to be) real to him. His sins, if
there (to be) such things as sins, (to be) borrowed. He 0°
become) an echo of someone else’s music... The aim of life (to
be) self-development.
(0. Wilde)

‘But position and wealth (not to be) everything. Mind you, I (not
to believe) these rumours at all... Sin (to be) a thing that (to
write) itself across a man’s face... People (to talk) sometimes of
secret vices. There (to be) no such things. Vice ... (to show)
itself in the lines of the mouth, the droop of the eyelids, the
moulding of the hands even... But you, Dorian, ... — I can’t
believe anything against you. And yet I (to see) you very
seldom... Wliy (to be) it, Dorian, that a man like the Duke of
Berwick (to leave) the room of a club when you to enter it?’
‘...Stop, Basil. ...You (to ask) me why Berwick to leave the
room when I (to enter) it. It (to be) because I (to know)
everything about his life, not because he (to know) anything of
(0. Wilde)

Exercise 9
Translate into English.
1. Его родители живут в Москве, и он навещает их каждый
2. Почему вы не хотите воспользоваться такой прекрасной
3. В это время он всегда занимается, и родственники
стараются не мешать ему.
4. — Вам нравятся книги этого писателя?
— Не очень, а Вам?
— Мне тоже.
5. Я не знаю, почему он всегда опаздывает. Наверное, он
живёт далеко от университета.
6. — Где Вы покупаете такие интересные кассеты?
— В магазине напротив моего дома.

— Почему ты так редко к нам заходишь?

— Я сейчас очень занят. Мы репетируем каждый
8. — Кто помогает тебе готовиться к занятиям?
— Моя сестра. Она помогает мне очень часто.
9. Ларри редко гуляет с собакой (to walk smb’s dog).
У него очень мало свободного времени.
10. — Почему Марджи так редко бывает на занятиях?
— Она часто болеет.
11. Разве вы не хотите пойти с нами на дискотеку?
12. — Где Лесли?
— Не знаю. В это время он обычно сидит дома...
— Его там нет.
13. Мой брат ходит в школу каждый день, а мы учимся
пять дней в неделю.
14. Почему Вы никогда не приходите на занятия вовремя?
15. Тед покупает очень много книг и словарей.
16. Кто знает перевод этого слова?
17. Наш поезд отправляется в 18.00; у нас еще есть время.
13. Что означает это выражение?
19. — Когда вы приходите домой?
— Обычно в семь часов, иногда — позже.
— Вы очень устаете?
— Иногда я чувствую себя очень усталой, но это
быстро проходит.
20. Мне никогда ничего не рассказывают.

— Как Вы обычно добираетесь до университета?
— Я еду на троллейбусе, а затем в метро.
— А Ваша сестра?
— Она не пользуется метро. Она ездит на работу на
2. — Как часто Вы смотрите фильмы на английском
— Примерно два раза в неделю. Мой брат предпочи-
тает смотреть фильмы на русском, он еще не настоль-
ко хорошо знает английский. А я понимаю практиче-
ски все, что говорят в фильмах.
— А в каком классе учится Ваш брат?
— В одиннадцатом.

— OH ХОДИТ В Вашу школу?

— Да.
— А кто преподает английский в его классе?
— К сожалению, наша учительница сейчас на пенсии. Но
я знаю учителя, который учит брата английскому. Это
очень хороший учитель.
— Ваш брат любит английский?
— Да. Иногда я помогаю ему, но обычно он занимается

II. The Past Simple Tense

Exercise 1
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Past Simple Tense.

Yesterday 1 went to London to see a friend of mine.

2. Last winter he often worked in the library.
3. The manager entered the office, sat down at his desk and
began to look through the morning mail.
4. When I arrived at the station, 1 went to the booking-office
and bought a ticket.
He called when 1 was at the University.
7. Yesterday it was very cold, but today it is much warmer.
Wlien did he come here first?
You were surprised, weren’t you? It gave you a start, didn’t
9. Did you go there or not?
10. Brian came home, switched on the lights and sank into an
11. ‘Did you see Betty yesterday?’
‘Oh yes, but she refused to talk.’

Exercise 2
Read the sentences about the present and make up sentences about the past.
> Pattern: Tom usually gets up at 7.30. Yesterday morning he got up at 6.30,
because he wanted to start jogging.

1. Tom usually wakes up early. Yesterday ...

2. Tom usually walks to work. Yesterday ...
3. Tom is usually late for work. Yesterday ...
4. Tom usually has a sandwich and a cup of tea for lunch.
Yesterday ...
5. Tom usually goes out in the evening. Yesterday evening...

1. Larry usually drives to work. Yesterday ...
2. Larry usually works in his office. Yesterday ...
3. Larry usually doesn’t argue with his boss. Yesterday ...
4. Larry usually watches video in the evening. Yesterday even-
ing ...
5. Larry usually goes to bed late. Yesterday ...

1. Freda usually sleeps till 10.00. Yesterday morning ...
2. Freda usually eats nothing for breakfast. Yesterday mor-
ning ...
3. Freda usually runs 10 miles before dinner. Yesterday ...
4. Freda usually walks her dog after dinner. Yesterday ...
5. Freda usually has guests in the evening. Yesterday eve-
ning ...

Exercise 3
Make the following sentences; — negative;
— interrogative.
1. I arrived home late last night.
2. They translated this text at the previous lesson.
3. She enjoyed the party a lot.
4. Yesterday we tried to fix our car.
5. He ate his lunch at one o’clock.
6. I met my former classmate last Friday.
7. She left for London two weeks ago.
8. He got an excellent mark for his last test.
9. They were at the seaside last summer.
10. The breakfast was ready at 8 a. m.

11. She was hungry and tired after that long walk.
12. He was disappointed and wanted to stay alone for some time.
13. No one knew that woman. She was a complete stranger.
14. Christine wrote excellent compositions last year.

Exercise 4
Imagine that your friend has just come back from holiday. Make up questions,
using the words given below.
>- Pattern: Where/go? Where did you go?
1. How long/stay there?
2. How/go there?
3. Stay in a hotel?
4. Hotel/good?
5. The weather/fme?
6. What/do in the evenings? (at daytime? at weekends?)
7. Meet any interesting people? (new friends?)
8. Who/go there with you?
9. What/do in bad weather?
10. Food/good?
11. Excursions/interesting?
12. Be satisfied?

Exercise 5
Ask questions to the underlined parts of the sentences.
1. Last year he didn’t go to the South because of the exams.
2. They came to visit his friend yesterday.
3. He went to the concert two days ago.
4. He had breakfast at 8.30.
5. His mother came to his school and had a long conyersation with
his teacher.
6. These students were usually late for their lectures last year
because they had transport problems.
7. She didn’t tell him the truth.
8. He wanted to learn the whole story.
9. Robert took his driving test last week.
10. No one wanted to learn the truth: everyone was afraid.

11. Jane asked her mother to buy her a pullover.

12. Tom bought a lot of Christmas presents for his friends.
13. Last year Marie worked as an au pair in Newlingham.
14. Yesterday we went to the concert together. It was great!

Exercise 6
Ask all types of questions to the following sentences.
1. She left her book at home because she was in a hurry.
2. He obtained divorce last year.
3. The police asked him a lot of questions and let him go only in
the morning.
4. There was nobody in the house when we came back.
5. Erik came home very early yesterday.
6. She bought a new car two weeks ago, though her husband
7. They booked two seats at the Opera.
8. It was so hot last summer that people who have heart trouble
suffered a lot.

Exercise 7
The Long Sentence Game.
Begin the game by saying “I went to town and saw a film". The next player
is to repeat this sentence and to add something new, e. g. “I went to town, saw
a film and bought a newspaper”, and so on. Players get minus points for: —
memory mistakes;
— grammar mistakes.
When the story becomes too long (e. g., 10 verbs), begin a new round.
The player with the least number of minus points at the end of the game is the

Exercise 8
The Twenty Questions Game.
One player chooses a famous person in history. The others try to guess
who he/she was by asking the first player questions. If they fail to guess
correctly, the first player gives them hints.
Play this game asking: — only general questions;
— all sorts of questions.

Exercise 9
Work in pairs.
>- Pattern: I went to London last year.
And what did you see when you were there ?
I saw the Tower when / was there.
And what did you buy when you were there ?
/ bought. . . .
And whom did you meet when you were there? I
met... .

Exercise 10
The Detective "Alibi” Game.
The police believe that a certain man took part in a robbery in London last
weekend. He tells them that he was not in London at the weekend. His alibi is
that he was in Scotland. Fill in the missing words.
Use the following verbs; travel, see, hire, return, cost, buy, fly, stay, have,
catch, arrive, pay, drive, go.
On Friday I ... by tube to Heathrow Airport. I ... some magazines
at the airport. I then ... to Edinburgh on a British Airways flight. I ...
dinner at the Taj Mahal restaurant in Edinburgh. After dinner 1 ... a
film at the Odeon Cinema. My ticket ... £5.00.
Then I ... at the Cumberland Hotel in Room 546. On Sunday
morning I ... a car and ... to St. Andrews. I ... a deposit of £20.00 . In
the afternoon I ... fishing. In the evening I ... to Edinburgh. On
Sunday morning I ... the 11.40 train to London. I ... back in London at

Exercise 11
Use the Past Simple Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. I (not to go) to work yesterday because I (not to be) very well.

2. Tom (not to shave) this morning because he (not to have) time.
3. We (not to eat) anything because we (not to be) hungry.

4. She (not to be) interested in the book because she (not to

understand) it.
5. Fred (to be) very upset yesterday. His parents (not to allow)
him to go out.
6. ‘I (not to understand) anything.’
7. ‘Why? The lecture (to be) so complicated?’
4. Where you (to go) last Christmas?
9. We (to look) at her for a moment with surprise.
10. Eric (to switch on) the wireless and (to sit down) beside it.
11. She (not to smile) when she (to see) him.
Three o’clock (to strike), and four, and the half-hour (to
12. ring), but Dorian Gray (not to stir).
When Eddy (to leave) in the morning he (to take) her pho-
13. tograph with him.
The stranger (to climb) into his car and (to drive away), and
when he (to notice) later that his speedometer (to indicate)
seventy-five, he (to laugh) at himself but (not to slow
14. Bart’s train (to get) into Central about half past five, and he
(to go) to the servicemen’s hostel and (to have) a bath and
a sleep.
15. ‘Why you (not to take) her with you?’
‘She (to have) a headache.’
16. ‘You (to go) anywhere yesterday?’
‘We (to go) to a party. Sheila (to have) birthday yesterday.
We (to have) a wonderful time.’
‘Really? It (to be) so good? Who (to show up)?’
‘Oh, all sorts of people. It’s a pity you (not to be) there.’

‘Mr. Dorian Gray!’... (to echo) the old gentleman — ‘Of course...
1 (to know) his mother. ... I believe I (to be) at her christening.
She (to be) an extraordinarily beautiful girl, Margaret Devereux,
and (to make) all the men frantic by running away with a
penniless young fellow, a mere nobody. ... I remember the whole
thing as if it (to happen) yesterday. ... He was killed in a duel.
There (to be) an ugly story about it. ... She never (to speak) to her
father again. Oh, yes, it (to be) a bad business. The girl (to die)
too, within a year. So she (to leave) a son?’
(0. mide)

2. ‘She (to be) the loveliest creature 1 ever (to see). What on earth
(to induce) her to behave as she (to do), 1 never could
understand. ... Carlington (to be) mad after her. She (to be)
romantic, though. All the women of that, family (to be). ...
Carlington (to go) on his knees to her. (To tell) me so himself
She (to laugh) at him, and there (not to be) a girl at the time who
(not to be) after him.’
(O. Wilde)
3. Dorian ... (to speak) rapidly, and in authoritative manner.
Campbell (to feel) dominated by him. They (to leave) the room
together. When they (to reach) the top landing, Dorian (to take
out) the key and (to turn) it in the lock. Then he (to stop) and a
troubled look (to come) into his eyes. He (to shudder).
...‘Leave me now,’ (to say) a stern voice behind him. He (to
turn) and (to hurry out).
(0. WHde)

Exercise 12
Translate into English.
Она подняла трубку и набрала номер телефона Алисы.
2. — Когда они уехали?
— Не знаю. Меня не было дома.
3. Он вернулся позавчера, верно?
4. В дверь снова постучали. Они не ответили, и вскоре
стук прекратился.
5. Это был незабываемый вечер.
6. Он положил книги на стол, выключил свет и вышел из
7. Её семья в прошлом году переехала в Лондон.
Он хорошо написал контрольную работу, и учитель
9. похвалил его.
— Почему ты не подходил вчера к телефону, когда я
звонил тебе? Тебя не было дома?
— Я был дома. Видимо, что-то было не в порядке с
— Когда Дэнни уехал в Лондон?

— Позавчера. Я проводил его. Он не хотел уезжать и

выглядел очень расстроенным.
11. Кейт вздохнула с облегчением. Этот ужасный день
наконец-то закончился (to be over)! Она выключила
компьютер, еще раз оглядела комнату, щелкнула
выключателем и заперла дверь.
12. Письмо прищло вчера, верно? Кто принес его? Почему Вы
не отдали мне его сразу?
13. — Как ты провел вчеращний вечер?
— Как обычно.
14. Кто вчера уходил из кабинета последним и не закрыл
15. — Почему Вы вчера так с ним разговаривали?
— Простите, я плохо себя чувствовал. Я не помню, что
16. Вчера я пошел в библиотеку. Я хотел взять словарь, но
библиотека была, к сожалению, закрыта. Я пришел поздно.
И вот мы продали дом и, как стая перелетных ласточек,
унеслись на юг от хмурого английского лета.
Мы путешествовали налегке, взяв с собой только то, что мы
считали жизненно необходимым. Когда на таможне мы открыли
для досмотра свой багаж, содержимое чемоданов ...
продемонстрировало характер и интересы каждого из нас.
Багаж Марго, например, состоял из вороха ... одежды и трех
книг с советами, как сохранить стройную фигуру. ... В чемодане
Лесли оказалось два свитера, ... два револьвера и бутыль
смазочного масла (oil), которая подтекала (to leak)... Ларри вез с
собой два сундука книг и чемоданчик с одеждой. Я взял с собой
в путешествие (to travel with) ... четыре книги по зоологии, сачок
для бабочек и собаку.
Щж. Даррелл)

III. The Future Simple Tense

Exercise 1
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Future Simple Tense.

1.I’ll come tomorrow night.

2. I think he will speak to us about it.
3. I promise Г11 phone you soon.
4. The necessary papers will reach you in due course.
5. He will never forget it.
6. I suppose we’ll never see him again.
7. Will you be back soon?
8. Who’ll win in the today’s match, what d’you think?
9. Ted will never forgive you, I’m sure.
10.Nobody will come to your parties after this incident. You
behaved like a kid, you know.
11. 1 give you my most solemn promise. I’ll pay tomorrow.

Exercise 2
Make the following sentences: — negative;
— interrogative.
1. He will arrive tomorrow morning.
2. He will go to Stockholm next spring.
3. They will return in two hours.
4. It will rain tomorrow.
5. She will be home at eight o’clock.
6. It will be cold this winter.
7. I will take part in that concert.
8. Liz will give you a lift to town.
9. It will be cold in the evening.
10. They will perhaps publish this dictionary in spring.
11. They will issue a low-priced edition of this book next month.
12. He will do anything to get free.
13. Someone will take care of the child.
14. They will return in a month or so.

Exercise 3
Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets.
1. She will go to school next year. {When? Who?)
2. I think they’ll come to see us next week. (Who? WJjen?)

3. She will see her friend at the cinema. {Whom? Where?)

4. Tomorrow she’ll have breakfast earlier than usual. {When?
5. It will snow tonight. {When?)
6. Their group will go to London next month. {Who? When?
7. Ron will help herto pass her exam, I’m sure. {Who? Whom?
8. I’ll never want to see him again. {Whom? Why?)
9. Those happy days will never come back. {Why?)
10. Tina will bring this new record tomorrow: be sure to come.
{Who? What? When?)
11. Leave the newspaper alone: I’ll read it in the evening. {When?
12. Tomorrow our in-laws will visit us. {Who? When?)
13. They will go to the seaside in spring or in summer. {Who?
When? Wtiere?)
14. He’ll never lend you money: he’s too greedy for that. {What?

Exercise 4
Ask questions to the underlined parts of the foilowing sentences.
1. I think I will get up earlier tomorrow morning.
2. We shall meet our friends next week.
3. He will pack his bags tomorrow morning, he is too busy tonight.
4. I shall read ten chapters tomorrow.
5. I am tired. I shall go and have a nap before dinner.
6. There will be a party on Sunday at the Wilsons’.
7. I’ll walk five miles tomorrow.
8. They will write a test tomorrow at their French lesson.
9. A crowd of admirers will come to the airport to see him off
10. I won’t buy this hat. It’s old-fashioned.
11. Nelly will go on a round-the-world trip with her friends.
12. He will return the book tomorrow.
13. I’m so exliausted. I think I’ll go and haye a bath. I’ll try to relax.

Exercise 5
Answer the following questions.
1. Will you be very busy when preparing for your exams?
2. Which of your lecturers do you think will examine you?
3. How long will your exams last?
4. Wlien will you be free?
5. Will you have any holidays after your exams?
Now speak about your summer holidays. What do you think they will be like?

Exercise 6
The Long Sentence Game.
The rules of the game are described in Exercise 7, page 49. The first
player may begin: “Next year I will go to Japan. I will see Tokyo”. The second
player adds: “Next year I will go to Japan. I will see Tokyo. I will buy a car" etc.

Exercise 7
Work in pairs.
>■ Pattern: Next year I will go to Paris.
And what do you think you’ll see there?
I’ll see the Eiffel Tower.
And what will you buy there?
I’ll buy ... etc.

Exercise 8
Use the Future Simple Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.
1. I (to be) very busy at the beginning of June. We (to have) our
2. He (to come) to see me in a year’s time.
3. He (to have) dinner in ten minutes.
4. This day (to come) sooner or later.
5. It (to be) slippery tomorrow, I’m afraid.
6. He (to behave) as usual, I’m afraid. You know how such people
7. You (to go) to the Opera with me tonight? They (to sing) Faust.

8. Who (to join) me? Perhaps I (to drive) to town this week-
9. No one (to believe) you, I hope. And I also hope you (to
stop) imagining things and talking nonsense.
10. I (not to go) to that party, my dear. Your sister’s usual
guests (to bore) me to death again.
11. You (to help) me or not?
12. How long you (to be away)? I (to miss) you.
13. I don’t think he (to make) a really good travel agent.

Exercise 9
Translate into English.

Я думаю, что он придет на этот вечер.

2. Надеюсь, ребенок попадет в хорошие руки.
3. Не приходите завтра в два часа: он будет занят.
4. Эта зима будет очень холодной.
5. Я уверен, что он подпишет все документы.
6. Кто пойдет завтра с нами в театр?
7. Вы напишете мне, не правда ли?
3. Я не уверена в том, что он примет Ваше предложение.
9. Вы отправите это письмо сегодня?
10. — Когда ты начнешь читать эту книгу?
— Сегодня, и я верну её тебе на следующей неделе.
11. Я думаю, мы ещё увидимся до отъезда.
12. — Когда твоя семья переезжает в новую квартиру?
13. — В следующем месяце.
14. Ты думаешь, мы успеем к отходу поезда?
15. Боюсь, он заблудится.
16. Надеюсь, он больше не будет так себя вести.
17. Не торопите меня. Я всё расскажу с самого начала.
13. Ты покажешь мне картину?
19. Мы вымоем посуду позже.
Ты расскажешь мне обо всех своих приключениях?
Я всё равно все узнаю — рано или поздно, так или
20. Вернусь ли я сюда когда-нибудь?
21. А что Вы скажете? Что теперь будет? Я приму любой
Ваш совет.

1. ... Дориан, Вы думаете, что эта девушка когда-нибудь
будет счастлива с человеком её круга? Она выйдет
замуж за какого-нибудь грубияна-возчика или кре-
стьянина. А из-за Вас она будет презирать мужа и
чувствовать себя несчастной.
2. — Как это печально! — пробормотал вдруг Дориан
Грей.— Как печально! Я состарюсь, стану противным
уродом, а мой портрет будет вечно молод. Он никогда
не станет старше, чем в этот июньский день... Ваш
серебряный Фавн (Faun) или Гермес из слоновой
кости (ivory Hermes)... их Вы будете любить всегда.
Как долго Вы будете любить меня?... Я завидую этому
портрету. Почему он сохранит то, что я утрачу? Он
будет насмехаться надо мной!
(О. Уайльд)


I. The Present Progressive Tense

Exercise 1
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Present Progressive
1. He looked at her. ‘You’re shaking. Are you all right?’
2. The rain is just beginning.
3. You can’t talk to him. He is having dinner now.
4. It’s snowing. Don’t go out.
5. He isn't playing football this season.
6. ‘I’m sorry’, I said, ‘I’m being clumsy’.
7. Hello. Are you enjoying the party?
8. His French is getting better.
9. You are forgetting yourself, young man.
10. He isn’t doing very well at school, is he?
11. He frowned at her. ‘Being funny? Or are you trying to pretend
nothing’s going on?’
12. I’m revising for my spring English exam. Please try not to
bother me.

13. My friends are coming next week.

14. The tap is running. Can you fix it?
15. I’m having a clear-out. Throwing some rubbish away.

Exercise 2
Change the following sentences according to the pattern:
> • Pattern: He usually has breakfast at seven, but today he is having breakfast at
1. She usually drinks coffee in the morning, but today she ... tea.
2. They usually play tennis on Sundays, but today they ... football.
3. 1 usually read books in the evening, but today now I ... a
4. ‘Usually you skate alone’.
‘But today I ... with my friends’.
5. She usually washes the dishes at night, but tonight she ... dishes,
she ... a book.
6. Brian usually has breakfast very early, but today he ... breakfast
7. They usually have lunch in the canteen, but today they ... lunch
in the cafe.
8. I usually watch TV after dinner, but today I ... TV, I ... a
9. Faith usually drinks tea with sugar, but today she ... tea without
sugar. She’s on a diet.
10. I usually do my morning exercises every day, but today I... my
morning exercises. I’m not well.
11. ‘Usually you type your essays.’
‘Yes, but today I ... it. Something’s wrong with my computer.’
12. Martin usually drives to college, but today he ... .

Exercise 3
Make the following sentences;

1. The secretary is typing a letter.

2. The sun is shining brightly.

3. The cat is running along the wall.

4. My mother is cooking a meal.
5. My father is reading a book.
6. They are having a German lesson now.
7. She is constantly forgetting phone numbers.
8. The doctor is feeling her pulse.
9. She is running home.
10. You are walking too quickly.
11. Margie is typing very fast.
12. You are making a lot of noise.
13. The lecturer is explaining some new material now.
14. The wind is blowing outside.
15. The children are singing a new song.
16. My brother is listening to some new record.
17. You are driving too slowly.

Exercise 4
The Hidden Picture Game.
One of the players draws a sketch of someone doing something. Do not
let anyone see what you are drawing. The others are to try to guess what the
person you have drawn is doing. Ask general questions. The person who
guesses correctly draws the second picture. (You can also draw pictures
showing two people).
Here are some of the pictures that you can use:

Exercise 5
The Verb Game.
Write down as many sentences as you can in the five minute time limit.
The player with the most correct sentences is the winner.
Use the following verbs;
wash up
watch eat play
make listen to have read
clean write put on
a) Choose a picture
b) Find the room
c) Write a sentence
He is reading a book
> Pattern: in

Exercise 6
Compare the pictures. Use the Present Progressive Tense. A

Exercise 7
Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets.
1. They are writing a composition now. {What? Who?)
2. He is translating an English article. {Wtw? What? What kind
3. The dog is running after a cat. {What? What... after?)
4. He is having dinner in the canteen now. {Wlw? Where?)

5. She is looking for her glasses. {Who? Wltere? What ...for?

6. I’m learning this poem by heart. {W!w? What? How?)
1. They are building a new school in our street. {Wfiat? Where?)
8. She is opening a letter from her mother. {What? What kind of?)
9. She is constantly nagging her husband. {Wiiy? When?)
10. Tony is painting a new picture. {Who? What? What?)
11. You are talking too fast. {How? Why?)
12. My parents are redecorating our dining-room now, because they
never liked its style. {Who? What? What? Why?)

Exercise 8
Ask questions to the underlined parts of the following sentences.
1. It is raining heavily outside.
2. They are trying to translate this exercise.
3. He is drinking tea in the garden.
4. Cinema audiences are declining now.
5. She’s listening to the rock music.
6. You are trying to persuade him, but he won’t listen.
7. They’ve moved to a new house and are buying new furniture.
8. You are constantly mispronouncing this word, because you’re
9. None of them is taking part in the discussion; they are not ready.
10. Ellen is reading a book on the veranda.
11. No one is trying to help him: he doesn’t like it.

Exercise 9
Ask all types of questions to the following sentences.
1. Albert is doing quite nicely in his business.
2. All the town is talking about this story.
3. We are discussing what can be done about this situation.
4. He is working on some kind of invention.
5. You are eating too much.

6. I am having dinner now.

7. Aunt Betty is talking to the butcher in the kitchen.
8. He is being somewhat strange today.
9. Liz is trying to fix her washing machine.
10. My parents are talking about Fred’s new car.
11. lam dreaming about summer.
12. Archie is always talking about his baby son.
13. We are trying to talk Ron out of it.

Exercise 10
Use the Present Progressive Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. Look! It (to rain).

2. Why you (not to wear) your coat today? It’s so cold.
3. Excuse me, I (to look for) the post-office. Is there one near
4. You (to make) a lot of noise.
5. They (to quarrel) again!
6. He is on holiday. He (not to work) today.
7. You (to read) any English books now?
8. They (to have) an English lesson. The teacher (to write) new
words on the blackboard and (to explain) their meanings. The
students (to sit) at the tables and (to make) notes. Through the
window we see the school yard. The school children (to run
about) there. They (to have) an interval between their lessons.
9. Wliat you (to talk) about?
10. Jim (to take) his driving test now.
11. ‘What you (to do) at the moment? Can you help me with my
‘Oh, I’m busy Just now. I (to fix) my mixer. But if you can
’Yes, I can. We (to write) several projects this semester. 1 don’t
know what to do about this one.’
12. ‘What you (to play)? Is it something that 1 know?’
‘It’s mine.’
‘You (to play) wonderfully.’
13. ‘What Tom (to do)? Why he (not to practise)?’
‘He (to have) some rest.’

14. I constantly (to forget) things.

15. What you (to wait for)? Why you (to sit) here?
16. What Barry (to try) to get at?
17. ‘Stop making that noise!’
‘And what you (to do)?’
. ‘I (to try) to get some sleep!’

I. In a bed in the corner of the room her little boy (to lie) ill.
He has a fever, and (to ask for) oranges. His mother has
nothing to give him, so he (to cry). (0. Wilde)
2. We (to be) all truthful now, we (not to be)? (/. B. Priestly)
3. R o b e r t : I (to wait) for your explanation. (У. B. Priestly)
4. R o b e r t ; I (not to say) good-bye to you I don’t know you.
I (to say) good-bye to this [Indicates her face]. (У. B. Pri-
5. 1 (to get) chilled to the bone. {B. Shaw)
6. Whatever you (to do) here? {B. Shaw)
7. They (to use) the telephone. {B. Shaw)
8. 1 (to behave) myself perfectly. {B. Shaw)
9. You (not to listen) to a word I (to say) ... and I (to make)
the most delightful plans for your future. (O. Wilde)
10. О 1 w e n: Let’s leave it alone.
M i s s M o c k r i d g e : ... Oh no, I (to enjoy) it — very
much. (/. B. Priestly)

Exercise 11
Use the Present Simple or the Present Progressive Tense instead of the
infinitives in brackets.
1. I (to think) you (to behave) rather foolishly, honey.
2. I (to think) about your behaviour. Wliat you (to think) you (to
3. Your German (to get) better?
4. I (to see) that you (to have) some problems with this computer.
Can I be of any help?
5. He (to understand) the rule, but he still (to make) mistakes too
3 Зак. № 366

‘You (to believe) his story?’

‘Oh no. I never (to believe) him. He always (to tell) lies.’ How
many parts this text (to consist oO?
‘Listen! You (to hear) that noise?’
‘That’s our neighbours. They (to shout) again. They never (to
tire) of it.’
‘They always (to shout) like that?’
Now I (to see) everything clearly. You (to try) to swindle. That
won’t do!
10. Who this house (to belong) to?
11. ‘Hello there! Wliere you (to think) you (to go)?’
‘I (to want) to go to the disco.’
‘No. You (to do) your lessons now. And 1 (to mean) it.’
12. ‘Where’s Mom?’
‘She’s in the kitchen. She (to cook) dinner.’
‘1 (to think) I’ll go and give her a hand.’
‘Don’t! She (to be) sulky today. She (not to want) to see
‘Why he (to look) so gloomy?’
‘Oh, he (to have) a toothache.’
‘Wliat you (to look) at?’
‘I (to look) at the girl over there. You (not to think) her dress is
‘What you (to think) about?’
‘I (to think) that I won't really enjoy the party tonight.’ ‘You (to
say) that 1 must go alone? You (to go) with me, and that’s that.’
‘Tony (to feel) something’s wrong, but he can’t say what.’
‘Well, I (to believe) we’ll soon learn everything.’
‘What we (to wait for)?’
‘We (to wait for) Mother. She (to choose) presents. She (to
17. think) that one of those dresses will do for Jessie, so now she (to
look over) them and (to feel) the fabric.’
‘What Esther (to think) about it?’
‘She (to find) it all very strange.’
18. You (to believe) in Santa Claus?
19. Gerry always (to find fault with) me.
19. Your letters (to be) very welcome, but he (to want) to know
everything at first hand.

Exercise 11
Translate into English.

1. — Кто сейчас сдает экзамен?
— Моя подруга.
2. — Почему Вы не смотрите телевизор?
— Я готовлюсь к занятиям.
3. У тебя всё еще дрожат руки.
4. Вечно она со всеми ссорится!
5. Он работает теперь в другом месте, и дела у него идут
6. — Что делает твой племянник?
— Он работает в саду.
7. — Почему она плачет?
— Я не знаю. Я стараюсь успокоить её.
8. — Откуда Вы идете?
— Из магазина.
9. У них сейчас урок немецкого языка.
10. Мы сидим у окна, ярко светит солнце, мимо нашего дома
спешат люди...
11. Студенты слушают объяснения преподавателя.
12. Куда Вы спешите?
13. — Что ты ищешь?
— Я ищу свои часы.
14. Почему ты всегда ворчишь?
15. — Что ты о нём думаешь?
— Я думаю, что он хороший собеседник.
16. — О чём ты думаешь?
— Я думаю о каникулах.
17. — Сколько глав в этой книге?
— Десять. Сейчас я читаю седьмую. Вы хотите взять её?
— Да, если можно.
18. Он ведет себя ужасно.
19. Я надеюсь, что он не опоздает.
20. Я знаю, что ты не любишь ходить по магазинам.
21. Сейчас мы подходим к церкви XIV века. Каждый год
тысячи туристов приезжают в наш город, чтобы
полюбоваться ею.

1. Кто пытается Вас обмануть? (Б. Шоу)
2. Э л и 3 а: О чем же тогда речь?
Х и г г и н с : Я пытаюсь выразить, насколько я презираю
коммерческий подход к жизни, (ту contempt for
commercialism)'(j?. Шоу)
3. Х и г г и н с : О чем же мы спорим? {Б. Шоу)
4. М и с с и с Х и г г и н с : Экипаж ждет, Элиза. (Б. Шоу)
5. — Чего же мы ждем?
— Мы ждем маму. {Дж. Даррела)
6. Дорогой мой, я не принижаю твоих достоинств. (Дж.
7. О, я замечательно провожу время! (Дж. Даррелл)
8. — Ты предаёшь своих друзей или ты угрожаешь нам?
Почему ты рассказываешь нам об этом?
— Я просто пытаюсь избежать неприятностей.
Дж. Р. Р. Толкин)

The “Going То” Form

Exercise 1
Translate into Russian.
1. Are you going to watch this film?
2. Fm just going to make tea.
3. She is going to travel round the world.
4. Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain!
5. We are going to have a party tonight.
6. Alan is driving too fast. He is going to have an accident.
7. Don’t think you’ll get away with it. This time it’s not going to
be so easy!
8. Well now, wlto’s going to teU him about it?
9. Pat is going to play JuUet next season.
10. They say this summer is going to be very hot.
11. No one’s going to be the first.
12. Someone’s going to get into trouble.

Exercise 2
Are you going to do these things tomorrow?
>- Pattern: get up at 6.30
— I’m not going to get up at 6.30
— I’m going to get up at 6.30
— buy a new bag;
— watch TV in the evening;
— study French;
— go for a walk in the morning;
— visit your friends;
— walk your dog;
— hoover your carpet;
— go to bed early;
— visit your relatives;
— fix something;
— change your lifestyle.

Exercise 3
Make up questions using the words given below.
>■ Pattern: What time/you/get up/tomorrow?
What time are you going to get up tomorrow?

1. What/you/wear/at your friend’s wedding?

2. What time/he/phone you tonight?
3. Wliere/you/buy a new coat?
4. How long/they stay in Moscow?
5. What time/you/go to bed tomorrow?
6. Why/you/invite him?
7. Wliy/he/divorce his wife?
8. How/you/hush it up?
9. Wlren/he help us?
10. When/you/watch this film?
11. What/she/give him as a present?
12. Why/they/leave?
13. Wlio/come to the party?
14. What kind of party/it/be?
15. What/you/do/to escape punishment?
16. Where/he/hide?

17. When/she/perform?
18. Where/you/spend your summer?
19. Why/you/cut him out of your will?

Exercise 4
Work in pairs. Ask your partner if he/she has done something. Your partner is
to explain that he has not, but he is going to.
>- Pattern: — Have you had breakfast?
— Not yet. I’m going to have it.

Exercise 5
Imagine that you have won a lot of money. Tell your groupmates what you are
going to do with it. Let them ask you additionai questions.

Exercise 6
Imagine that you are going to have a party. Let your groupmates ask you
questions about the number of the guests, their names, the meal etc.
>■ Pattern: Whom are you going to invite?

Exercise 7
Ask all types of questions to the affirmative sentences in Exercise 1.

Exercise 8
Translate into English.
1. В будущем году я собираюсь учить французский язык.
2. Он собирается летом поехать на юг?
3. Боюсь, что она расстроится, (to be upset)
4. Кто собирается принять участие в конкурсе?
5. Что ты собираешься надеть на вечер?
6. Он собирается пригласить в гости своего двоюродного
7. — На ком он собирается жениться?
— Вы не знаете её.

8. — Ha каком семинаре вы собираетесь читать доклад?

— На семинаре по лингвистике.
9. О чем будет Ваш доклад?
Ю. — Что Вы собираетесь делать во время перерыва?
— Я пойду в столовую.
11. У Вас ещё будет лекция?
12. Что Вы собираетесь делать после занятий?
13. Неужели он собирается замять это дело?
14. Но вы ведь собираетесь положить этому конец, верно?
15. Ты расскажешь мне хоть что-нибудь о своих
16. Но ведь мы же не собираемся начинать всё снова... Это
17. Это что, новый допрос (inqnest)?

II. The Past Progressive Tense

Exercise 1
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Past Progressive

1. It was raining at noon.

2. It wasn’t raining when I left the house.
3. What were you doing when I phoned you?
4. The fire was still burning when the fire-brigade arrived.
5. Just as he was getting on the bus a thief stole his purse.
6. Wliile the family was having supper all the lights went out.
7. ‘Was it snowing the whole evening?’
‘Yes, it was.’
3. She was constantly scolding her child.
9. Wliat was Millie doing when the police came?
10. ‘Who were you talking to when I saw you yesterday?’
‘Oh, it was just an old friend of mine.’
11. ‘What was he trying to explain?’
12. ‘1 didn’t understand him either.’
13. I was thinking about him. And wondering a lot, too.
14. Graham was watching the street and thinking of his past.
It was getting chilly, so they left the veranda. In the room
Bert was making himself a drink.

Exercise 2
Make the following sentences; — negative;
— interrogative.

1. It was snowing all day yesterday.

2. We were working at that time.
3. They were doing their homework when 1 came to see them.
4. My father was reading a newspaper while my aunt was cooking
5. She burnt her hand when she was cooking dinner.
6. We were having dinner when our uncle came.
7. They were playing all day.
8. She was working on her report all Sunday.
9. They were cleaning this flat all morning.
10. You were looking through my papers when 1 entered the room.
11. He was making a professional assessment of the situation and
its possibilities.
12. The lecture was getting rather dull.
13. Ted was walking along the lane when he heard a shot
14. You were burning something in the fireplace.

Exercise 3
Look at the list of the things Nick did yesterday.

8.00-8.30 had breakfast

8.30-9.30 watched TV
9.30-10.00 cleaned his flat
12.30-13.00 had lunch
13.00-13.20 talked on the phone
13.20-13.30 finished his lunch
13.30-14.00 watched TV
14.00-15.00 did exercises
15.00-15.15 took a shower
15.15-16.40 slept
16.40-18.00 read books
18.00-19.30 watched video
19.30-20.30 walked his dog

What was Nick doing at these times?

>- Pattern: He was having breakfast at a quarter past eight.

What was he doing when the foiiowing things happened?
>■ Pattern: Yesterday Nick was watching TV when his friends called him up.
1. At 9.00 his friends called him up.
2. At 9.45 his favourite TV programme began.
3. At 12.35 the postman came.
4. At 13.00 his mother phoned him.
5. At 13.25 his sister came home.
6. At 13.45 his sister went to see her friends.
7. At 15.10 someone phoned him.
8. At 16.30 his mother came home from work.
9. At 17.00 their neighbour brought Nick an interesting
10. At 19.25 the lights went out.
11. At 20.00 he met his former classmate.

Exercise 3
Say what you were doing at the following times: — yesterday;
— last Sunday.
>■ Pattern: Yesterday at nine I was having breakfast.
Last Sunday at nine I was sleeping.



Exercise 4
Say what you were doing yesterday when:

— your mother came home;

— your favourite TV programme began;
— it started raining/snowing;
— your friend came to see you;
— the supper was ready;
— the evening newspaper came.

Exercise 5
Compare your activities to those of your relatives or friends last night,
last week-end etc.
>■ Pattern: Yesterday I was doing my homework while my father was watching

Exercise 6
Complete the following sentences.
1. At three o’clock yesterday the students of our group ...
2. When the teacher came in, the students ...
3. When we heard that the phone rang, we ...
4. When the lights went out, we ...
5. Wlien it began to rain, I ...
6. We saw an accident while we ...
7. Someone phoned me when I ...
8. 1 met my friend when I ...
9. She burnt her hand when she ...
10. Yesterday while he was fixing the electricity ...
11. She was reading a book by Stephen King when ...
12. They heard some noise while ...
13. They were rehearsing the play when ...
14. The police inspector was asking his first question when
15. While the idea was sinking in ...

Exercise 7
Work in pairs. Ask your groupmates what they and their family were
doing at these times yesterday.
>■ Pattern: — What were you doing yesterday at eight?
— I was getting ready to go out.
— And what was your mother doing?
— She was going to her office.



Exercise 8
Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in
1. Yesterday at 11.40 she was having breakfast at the canteen.
{What? When? Where?)
2. It was raining heavily yesterday in the morning. (When?) We
3. were revising for our exam when he called us up. {What? What
They were chatting all day long in the garden. {Who? Where?)
The teacher was explaining the new material when one of the
5. pupils interrupted him. {Who? What?)
She was cooking dinner yesterday in the evening while her
6. daughter was ironing her clothes. {Who? What? When?) They
were running quickly because they were afraid to miss their train.
7. {Why? What?)
He was rehearsing his part in this play all week. {What? How
8. long?)
I was trying to understand that new rule when you called me up.
9. {What? When?)
Loraine was still waiting for his answer when he shut the door.
10. {Who? What ...for? Whose ...for?)
You were talking wonderfully at the yesterday’s conference.
11. {Who? When? How?)
You were sleeping so soundly. I didn’t want to bother you.
12. {How? Why?)
John was testing the new car while his wife was cooking supper.
13. {Who? Wfja t? What?)
No one was talking to Jill, but she was the only one who couldn’t
14. understand why. {Who? Why? Who ... to?)
He was too dramatic. I think he was overdoing it. {Who? Why?)

Exercise 9
Ask all types of questions to the following sentences.
1. The wind was blowing all day.
2. She was waiting for a very important phone call yesterday at

3. This time last year we were living in Brazil.

4. You were eavesdropping when I caught you.
5. Wlien the teacher entered the room, the boys were fighting.
6. Dan was having a bath when the fire alarm rang.
7. The students were writing a composition when the Dean came to
make an announcement.
8. Emma was getting tired and decided to go to bed.
9. Tom was trying to achieve promotion for the whole year.
10. This time last year I was flying to Boston.
11. 1 was doing the washing-up yesterday and broke a cup.
12. George and Ann were getting ready to go out when the postman
brought the letter.
13. It was snowing heavily last winter.
14. When 1 saw him last he was staying at the Barnetts’ and boring
them to death with those stories of his youth.
15. She was talking rubbish and I hope you don’t believe her.
16. I’m feeling a little bit better. Oh yes, I’m making a good

Exercise 10
Use the Past Progressive Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. ‘What you (to do) yesterday at 15.00 p.m.?’

T (to play) tennis and my brothers (to listen to) the music.’
2. It (to rain) when we went out.
3. From the noise we heard it was clear that our neighbours’ boy
(to practise) the piano.
4. While he (to learn) to drive he had many accidents.
5. When we first met you (to study) English.
6. ‘Who you (to talk to) as I came in?’
‘1 (to talk) to my new secretary.’
7. My wife and I (to discuss) this problem when you came.
8. ‘Whose book you (to read)?’
‘My sister’s. I just (to begin) when you entered the room.’
9. Wliile we were (to walk) someone came into the house and left
this note.

10. Wliere he (to live) when you saw him last?

11. Why you (to fool around) with the computer?
12. He had a lot of doubts while he (to plan) his crime.
13. While George (to think) of the career that lay before him
Annie also (to plan) some improvements in the house and
(to guess) what else this new change might bring.
14. Tom felt he (to become) too emotional and the inspector
(to get) suspicious about it.
15. ‘Brian (to plan) some tidying, he (not)? So perhaps he (to
look for) something in the loft when you came and fright-
ened him.’
‘And I (to look for) him.’

Tears (to run) down the face of the Happy Prince. ‘Wliy you (to
weep)?’ asked the Swallow. (0. Wilde)
‘Last summer, when 1 (to stay) on the river, there were two rude
boys, who always (to throw) stones at me’. (0. Wilde)
‘Well, they (to tell) lies, they (not)?’ (У. B. Priestly) S t a n t o n :
3. Robert, Gordon and I (to work) well together in the firm. {J. B.
4. Priestly)
G o r d o n : What 01 wen (to do) there? {J. B. Priestly)
5. 01 w e n: You were outside just now, weren’t you.? Outside the
6. window, listening.
B e t t y : No, I (not to listen), 1 (to try) to peep in. (/. B. Priestly)
F r e d d y : Wliere you (to go)? {B. Shaw)
H i g g i n s : 1 (not to try) to look nice, mother. {B. Shaw) The
7. path still (to go down) and (to keep) in the same direction. (У. R.
7. R. Tolkien)
9. They (to pass) bowls from hand to hand, and some (to harp) and
many (to sing). (/. R. R. Tolkien)
10. They (to sit) at the open window of a small room looking out
west onto the garden. {J. R. R. Tolkien)
11. Four unwelcome surprises (to wait for) Graham as he entered the
house. {S. Brett)
12. Also ... Graham found that they [the children] ..; (to get)
expensive, (i’. Brett)

Exercise 11
Use the Past Progressive or the Past Simple Tense instead of the infinitives in

1. He (to write) a composition when I (to see) him.
2. George (to fall off) the ladder while he (to change) the light
He often (to go) to the library when he (to study) at the
4. The sun (to rise) when I (to wake up) that morning.
When I (to go out) that morning, the sun (to shine) brightly
5. and the birds (to sing).
I (not to drive) very quickly when the accident (to hap-
4. pen).
We (to listen to) the radio yesterday when the bell (to ring).
7. Yesterday I (to hear) that the bell (to ring). I (to come up)
to the door and (to open) it. But 1 (to see) nobody. When I
(to look out) of the window I (to see) a boy who (to run
The boys (to play). They (to jump off) the bus while it
(to go).
My hat (to fly off) when 1 (to cross) the bridge.
10. What you (to explain) to him?
11. 1 (not to look) at you at all.
12. There (to be) nobody in the hall. Everyone (to sit) in the
13. parlour and (to listen to) Joan’s story. No one (to seem) to
pay attention to Robert’s arrival.
Alan (to enjoy) himself He (not to be) so often in good
14. mood, but today was something special.
Someone (to sing) next door while I (to try) to get some
15. sleep.
Eveiything (to go) wrong. He (to feel) it, but could do
16. nothing. He just (to watch) and (to wait).
1 just (to phrase) a tactful inquiry when we (to approach)
17. the station and my companion (to take) his bag and (to say)
it (to be) time to go. On the platform my Mom (to stand)
and (to look for) me. That sight (to drive) all other thoughts
from my head.
18. ‘When f (to walk) home I (to think) I (to see) a man who
(to follow) me.’

‘No one (to follow) you. You (to imagine) things, as always.’
19. ‘What you (to use) that paint for?’
‘I (to use) it in the garden.’

1. Just as the swallow (to put) his head under his wing a large
drop of water (to fall) on him.
(0. Wilde)

2. It (to be) before the day fixed for his coronation and the young
King (to sit) alone in his chamber.
(0. Wilde)

3. B e t t y : You (not to know) me. You (to worship) somebody

who (to look) like me.
(У. B. Priestly)

4. О 1 w e n: And he (to have) a revolver in his hand and (to

shout) something about danger and terror and love. He (to
threaten) me with it or himself He just (to wave) it about —
being dramatic. I even (not to believe) it was loaded.
(J. B. Priestly)

5. Leslie (to hang) an enormous red flag up outside whenever he

(to practise).
{G. Diirrell)

6. While we (to cope with) them, another guest (to arrive).

{G. Durrell)

1. Gollum (to live) on an island in the middle of the lake. He (to

watch) Bilbo now and (to wonder) a lot about him. Then he (to
get) into his boat, while Bilbo (to sit) on the brink.
(J. R. R. Tolkien)

8. On the Sunday evening, ... Graham (to watch) something less

than riveting on television, when he (to think oO some new
potential economy and (to go up) to his “study” to work it out
on the calculator.
(Y Brett)

9. Graham ... (to push) into the Head of Department’s outer office.
Stella (to look up) at him over her typewriter. Her expression (to
be) strange. ‘...Graham, I (to be) very sorry to hear about your
wife.’ The response (to become) automatic. He (to nod) grimly.
(S. Brett)

Exercise 12
Translate into English.

1. Вчера в девять часов вечера я смотрел телевизор.
2. Когда мы вышли на улицу, шел снег.
3. Когда я впервые встретил мою невесту, она работала в
4. Она накрывала на стол, когда мы пришли.
5. С кем Вы разговаривали, когда я позвонил Вам?
6. Я часто ходил в эту библиотеку, когда работал в этом
Мы встретились с ним в то время, когда я стояла на ав-
тобусной остановке.
Вчера мы весь день гуляли в парке.
9. Что Вы делали вчера весь вечер?
10. Почему Вы разговаривали с ним так долго? Мы Вас
Где Вы останавливались, когда жили в Лондоне?
12. Я вовсе не пытался обвинять Вас в чём-либо. Я лишь
обрисовал ситуацию, в которой мы находимся.
13. — Что Вы делали 25-го вечером?
— Я смотрел какой-то фильм...
— Что именно Вы смотрели?
— Я не помню.
— А во сколько начался фильм?
— В 22.20, а потом я заснул перед телевизором.
14. Внезапно он понял, что уже подъезжает к нужной
15. Он нашёл этот снимок, когда искал какую-то старую

16. Я как раз открывала Ваше письмо, когда зазвонил телефон.

Я подняла трубку. Это был мой старый приятель.
17. Когда я сошёл с поезда, Маргарет ждала меня на
платформе. На ней было новое пальто и выглядела она
чудесно. Когда она увидела меня, она помахала мне рукой.
Я не слышал, что она кричала — было слишком шумно.
18. Когда Пол открыл дверь, его жена сидела в кресле. У неё на
коленях лежала открытая книга, но она не читала.

1. Рано утром внизу на бульваре гулял мэр города, а с ним
городские советники. Проходя мимо колонны, мэр
взглянул на статую.
(О. Уайльд)

2. Когда я слышал о них последний раз, они всё еще

(О. Уайльд)

3. Дочь профессора сидела у порога. Маленькая собачка

лежала у ее ног.
(О. Уайльд)

4. Я думала об этом весь вечер.

(Дж. Б. Пристли)

5. Р о б е р т : Простите, что опоздал. Это всё твой щенок,

Фреда. Он пытался сожрать рукопись нового романа Сони
{Дж. В. Пристли)

6. Когда ... Бильбо Бэггинс стоял после завтрака в дверях

своего дома и курил ... трубку, мимо проходил Гэндальф.
{Дж. Р. Р. Толкин)

III. The Future Progressive Tense

Exercise 1
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Future Progressive

This time on Friday I will be flying to London.

I will be working at six o’clock tomorrow.
Don’t phone me tomorrow at three. We’ll be having a
I’ll be revising for my exams in May.
When 1 come they will be waiting at the airport.
When will you be having an English class?
What will you be doing at seven tomorrow? May I come to
see you?
I will be reading the whole evening tomorrow,
9 i won’t be having this lecture tomorrow.
. He will be going to the country soon, won’t he?
10. Pete will be fixing his car the whole morning.
11. Bye. I’ll be seeing you next week.
12. When the taxi comes they’ll still be packing, I think.
13. Be careful. They’ll be watching you all the time.

Exercise 2
Make the following sentences; — negative;
— interrogative.
1. The birds will be going South in a couple of days.
2. I’ll be waiting for you. Come back.
3. Now he will be looking for a new job.
4. They will be having dinner tomorrow at six.
5. I’ll be coming to see you. They will be coming, too.
6. It’ll be getting dark in an hour or so.
7. 1 will be going to town soon.
8. This time on Sunday I’ll be waiting for his call.
9. Night after night he’ll be sitting in that empty room all alone.
10. Stella will be watching TV all day long again.
11. No one will be waiting for him.

12. They’ll be having a wonderful time.

13. Tim will be coming back in two days.
14. She’ll be talking to her mother-in-law again.

Exercise 3
Tell your groupmates what you, your friends and your parents will be doing at
these times: — tomorrow;
— next Monday;
— next Sunday.
>■ Pattern: — At 9.00 tomorrow I’ll be having breakfast.
— At 9.00 next Monday I'll be walking to the bus station.
— At 9.00 next Sunday I’ll be sleeping.



Exercise 4
Extend the statements using the Future Progressive Tense of the words in
>■ Pattern: Don’t write to us in July, (to travel)
We’ll be travelling.

1. Don’t come to see her after lunch, (to revise)

2. Don’t expect that he will come next Sunday, (to work)

3. Don’t tell your parents about it. {to grumble)

4. Don’t leave the children alone, {to fight)
5. Don’t expect she will come to the University tomorrow, {to
stay in bed)
Don’t think I will help you with your maths tomorrow.
{to pack things)
7. Don’t read this book, {to have problems with unknown
7. Don’t watch that film, {to have nightmares)
9. Don’t waste your time waiting, {to talk to you later)
1 Don’t come to the session tomorrow {to not miss any-
0. thing)
Don’t worry about his health, {to get better)

Exercise 5
The Long Sentence Game.
>• Pattern: Tomorrow at six Til be watching TV. Tomorrow at six Til be watching
TV and drinking coffee. Tomorrow at sbc I’ll be watching TV,
drinking coffee and eating cookies.

Exercise 6
Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets.
1. They will be having an English lesson at 10.00 a.m. in room 31.
{What? Where? When? Which?)
2. The students will be revising for their exam the whole May.
{Who? What? What ...for?)
3. They will be staying at home all day long tomorrow. {Who?
4. Tomorrow at this time they will be coming to see you. {When?
Who? What?)
5. My sister will be waiting for you at the station. {Who? Where?)
6. They will be listening to my story and wondering. {Wlto?
1. Don’t explain it to me. Tomorrow you will be talking with the
headmaster. {Who? What? Who ... to?)

8. I believe they’ll be arriving in no time. {Who?)

9. Don’t come back. No one will be expecting you. {Why?)
10. I expect Marc will be telling the same story all over again.
{Who? What? What?)

Exercise 7
Ask your groupmates what they will be doing at these times tomorrow. Let
them answer your questions.



Exercise 8
Use the Future Progressive Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. This time next month I (to have rest) in Florida.
2 She (to wait) for you when you come out.
' .
3. I (to stay) outdoors tomorrow because my brother (to prac-
tise) the piano all day.
4. When you (to see) him?
5. ‘Why don’t you ever go out?’
‘If I’m out for long, my child (to cry).’

6. In a hundred years people (to go) to Moon and Venus for their
7. We (to land) in a few minutes.
8. He (to look for) a new secretary now.
9. ‘He will arrive at 10.30.’
‘OK, I (to expect) him.’
10. When you (to wear) your new dress?
11. He doesn’t want to retire. I think he still (to work) when he is
12. Who (to work) here next year?
13. They (to make) an official announcement next week.
14. 1 (to see) you tomorrow?

1. At sunset I (to wait) for thee at the door of the garden. {0. Wilde)
2. I suppose 1 (to go) home soon. (/. R. R. Tolkien)
3. ‘Granny’s better,’ he replied to Emma's enquiry.
‘Can we go and see her?’
... ‘No, darling. She just needs to rest. She (to come) out of
hospital tomorrow’.
‘Back here?’ asked Emma. ‘She (to come) back here, she (not)?’
{S. Brett)

Exercise 9
Translate into English.
1. Завтра OH весь день будет готовиться к экзаменам.
2. Не опаздывайте. Я буду ждать Вас в читальном зале в
3. Не звоните мне завтра. Я весь день буду заниматься.
4. Что Вы будете делать завтра в восемь?
5. Они будут работать весь июнь, а потом будут отдыхать.
6. Через неделю в это время я уже не буду заниматься. Я буду
купаться и лежать на пляже!
7. Ты будешь сегодня вечером смотреть телевизор?
8. Завтра в одиннадцать у нас лекция по истории.
9. Он приедет через три дня примерно в это же время.
10. Послезавтра у моей сестры экзамен в музыкальной
школе. Завтра она весь день будет играть.


I. The Present Perfect Tense Exercise

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Present Perfect Tense.
1. I haven’t seen him for several days.
2. Have you bought anything interesting lately?
3. I’ve never seen her in my life.
4. Who hasn’t eaten his/her breakfast yet?
5. He has come here this morning, 1 think... But he has already
6. I haven’t seen him since the evening at Mr. Brown’s.
7. She hasn’t visited me since she was nine. But she hasn’t
forgotten me, no.
8. I’ve just mentioned it. Please be more attentive.
9. ‘Sorry, I’ve left my book at home.’
‘OK. Who else has left his or her books?’
10. They’ve Just finished whitewashing the attic, haven’t they?
11. She hasn’t written to her mother for two months.
12. She hasn’t been the same since he walked out on her.

Exercise 2
Make the following sentences: — negative;
— interrogative.
1. I’ve already posted the letter.
2. She has already started her new job.
3. He’s gone to America.
4. They have visited India twice.
5. He has smoked five cigarettes today. '
6. My mother has always worked hard.
7. I’ve seen a lot of my former classmates recently.
8. Tom has lost all his money.
9. Oh, I have forgotten about my Dad’s birthday!
10. Mr. Jenkins has just retired from his job.
11. They’ve always been too strict with their children.
12. I have written ten postcards (and he has never answered).

Exercise 3
Imagine you are writing a letter to a friend giving news about people you both
know. Make up sentences using the words given below.
>■ Pattern: Mark/go to Canada
Mark has gone to Canada.
1. Ann/pass her exams
2. Mary/take up jogging
3. Larry and Monica/decide/to get divorced
4. Barry/go to England
5. Dinny/lose her job/find a new one
6. Margie/buy a new car
7. Antony/break his arm
8. Milly/fall in love
9. Tony/give up smoking
10. Lucy and Cavin/decide to get married.

Exercise 4
Imagine that you are writing a letter to a friend. What news would you tell
him/her about?

Exercise 5
Study the lists of things Jack and Jill have(*)/haven’t done. Complete their

Jack Jill
1. repair the TV set
2. wash the car* 1. empty the bin*
2. start reading a new book*
3. watch football on TV 3. wash hair
4. paint the cellar* 4. post the letters*
5. phone the electrician* 5. visit the beauty parlour
6. fix the washing machine 6. watch video*
>■ Pattern: a) — Jack, have you washed the car?
— Yes, I have.
h) — Jill, have you washed your hair?
— No, /haven't.

Exercise 6
Study the table of things Mary and her brother Antony have, or have not done,
then make up questions and answer them according to the pattern.

ride a horse ride a want to live visit Paris like the same
motorbike in England music
Mary once never always twice never
Tony a few times often never once never

forget each fight with

meet celebrities be to England
other’s birthday classmates

Mary never several times once never

Tony once or twice never once many times

Pattern: a) — Mary, have you ever been to Paris?

— Yes, I’ve been there twice.
b) — Tony, have you ever wanted to live in England?
— Oh, never!

Exercise 7
Make up 15 questions from the following table. Then answer them using the
words given in Exercise 6 (always, sometimes, never etc.)

have to London
win a flat
fly a cat
compose a carpet
eat caviar
Has you buy money
your friend ever wash a cake
Have your parents sell a toothache
break a car
see Gone with the Wind
repair a prize
vacuum-clean pictures
lose a TV set
make poetry
write music

Exercise 8
Paraphrase the following sentences using the Present Perfect with FOR or

>• Pattern: a) / Tom last on his wedding day.

/ haven’t seen Tom since his wedding day. b) It's
three years since / wrote her a letter.
I haven't written her a letter for three years.

1. It’s ten years since I last was in Paris.

2. I last smoked three years ago.
3. It’s years since 1 wrote any poetry.
4. He last drank wine at his wife’s birthday.
5. He last ate caviar when he was in Russia.
6. It’s years since Tony last spoke Chinese.
7. It’s ages since 1 last had a good night’s sleep.
8. They last paid me six month ago.
9. I was last abroad in winter 1983.
10. My father last took photographs in summer.
11. It’s a year since I had my last holiday.
12. We had a family reunion five years ago.

Exercise 9
Ask questions to the underlined parts of the following sentences.
1. 1 have read that book twice.
2. 1 have known him for three years.
3. I have only received two letters from him since September.
4. He has finished his breakfast already.
5. She’s typed t^ letters since morning.
6. 1 haven’t heard from him since 1992.
7. He has gone to the USA.
8. He has been in the USA since spring.
9. She hasn’t written to him for years.
10. I’ve been late several times this month, 1 think.

Exercise 10
Use the Present Perfect Simple instead of the infinitives in brackets.
1. ‘Where’s your father?’
‘I don’t know. He just (to go out).’
2. ‘Do you want to watch this film?’
‘Oh, no. I already (to see) it.’
3. ‘What are you looking for? You (to lose) your glasses?
Let me help you.’
‘Oh, thanks. I (to find) them already.’
4. She (to be) here several times, but she never (to buy) anything.
I (to know) you for many years, but I never (to hear) you speak
5. like that before. What (to happen)?
He (to come back)? How long he (to be) away?
6. ‘Do you remember this story well?’
7. ‘Yes, I just (to read) it.’
8. She ever (conceal) anything from you?
9. She never (to lose) her temper.
10. The news (to spread) like fire.
11. ‘Jack (to move) into his new house yet?’
12. ‘I don’t know. 1 (not to see) him lately.’
I (to send) him three letters, but he (to answer) me yet. ‘You (to
13. finish) those letters yet?’
14. ‘I (to do) the first letter already, and now I’m doing the second,
but 1 (not to start) the one to Mr. Brown yet.’ ‘Wliere you (to
15. ‘I (to be) shopping.’

1. Don’t spoil one good thing I (to do) in my life. (0. Wilde) There
2. are lots of people who say I never really (to do) anything wrong
in the whole course of my life. Of course they only say it behind
my back. (O. Wilde)
3. He (to have) a very interesting and brilliant career. And he (to
marry) a most admirable wife. (0. Wilde)
4. 1 (to enjoy) my talk with him immensely. (0. Wilde) J a c k : I
5. (not to hear) anyone call me.
A l g e r n o n : Your duty as a gentleman calls you back.

J a c k : My duty as a gentleman never (to interfere) with my

pleasures in the smallest degree. (0. WHde)

Exercise 11
Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple tense instead of the infinitives in

1. ‘Where you (to be) since you (to come) to Britain?’

‘I (to be) to London, Oxford and Brighton.’
‘Wlien you (to go) to Brighton?’
2. ‘How long you (to know) Jack?’
‘I (to know) him for two years.’
‘Wliere you (to see) him first?’
‘At his sister’s wedding.’
3. ‘1 just (to have) my first French lesson.’
‘How it (to go)? You (to enjoy) it?’
‘Yes, 1...’
4. ‘Father (to come) back yet?’
‘Yes. He (to go) straight to his room.’
‘Oh, I (not to hear) him.’
5. I (to buy) a new car last summer, but I (not to sell) my old car
yet, so now I’ve got two cars.
6. ‘I (not to see) your brother for some time.’
‘He (to be) ill. He (to collapse) a week ago. He (not to come)
back to work yet, but he (to recover) already.’
7. ‘I just (to buy) a copy of The Dangerous Corner. You (to read)
‘Oh no, I even (not to see) the film.’
8. ‘I can’t find my pen. You (to see) it?’
‘Yes, you (to leave) it in the study. 1 (to put) it back on your

1. ‘It’s just a phase... He’ll grow out of it by the time he’s
‘He (to be) in this phase from the age of two.’
{G. Darrell)

2. ‘Culture and corruption’, echoed Dorian.

‘I (to know) something ofboth... I am going to alter. 1 think 1
(to alter).’
‘You (not to tell) me yet what your good action (to be).’
(0. WUde)
3. ‘I (to ask) a few people out for a week or so’, Lany (to say)
casually to Mother one morning...
... ‘Let the Pension Suisse know...’. Mother (to remark). ‘But 1
(to invite) them to stay here’, Larry (to point out). ... ‘Wliy on
earth you (not to tell) me before? ... There’s no room in the
villa... How many you (to invite)?’ (to ask) Mother.
‘Oh, just a few... two or three... Let’s move to a larger villa...’
‘But it’s absurd, Larry...’
‘1 (to offer) you a perfectly sensible solution.’
‘We are not moving to another villa’, (to say) Mother firmly; ‘I
(to make up) my mind about that.’
(G. Diirrell)

Exercise 12
Translate into English using the Present Perfect or the Past Simple Tense. A
1. Мы познакомились месяц назад, но с тех пор я ничего о
нём не слышал.
2. Я не смотрела этот фильм, как окончила школу.
3. Я ещё не говорил с ним об этом. Я не видел его с утра.
4. Мы только что познакомились.
5. — Вы когда-нибудь были в Австралии?
— Нет, но я всегда мечтала там побывать.
6. Вы опаздываете уже третий раз за эту неделю.
7. Том ещё никогда не бывал в Нью-Йорке.
8. — Кто разбил эту чашку?
— Не знаю, я с утра не был на кухне.
9. Вы уже попробовали этот пирог?
10. Она уже сообщила родителям о своем отъезде?
11. — Сколько Ваш племянник пробыл в Англии?
— Он пробыл там два года.

12. — Сколько лет они женаты?

— Десять или одиннадцать, не помню точно.
13. — Концерт уже начался?
— Да, десять минут назад.
14. — Ты уже дал им наш новый номер телефона?
— Да, неделю назад.
— Почему же они нам ещё не позвонили?
15. — Статья уже готова?
— Да. Она была готова ещё вчера, но я забыл отдать её
16. — Ты уже пропылесосил ковер в гостиной?
— Да, почти.
17. — Где твой велосипед?
— Я его продал.
— Кому?
— Фреду. Он купил его ещё в пятницу.
18. — Ты уже купил все новогодние подарки?
— Да, почти все.
— А на Рождество?
— Ещё нет. Я ходил покупать подарки вчера и позавчера.
— А кому ты ещё не купил подарки?
— Родителям и двоюродной сестре.
19. Почему вы все собрались здесь? Что-нибудь случилось?
20. Спасибо Вам за всё, что Вы для меня сделали.
21. — Почему ты ещё не ушел?
— Я ещё не допил чай.

1. Всегда тяжело расставаться с людьми, с которыми
только что познакомился. (О. Уайльд)
2. Алан, наверху, в запертой комнате, куда, кроме меня,
никто не может войти, сидит у стола мертвец. Он
мертв уже десять часов. (О. Уайльд)
3. Правду Вы сказали или нет — мне это безразлично.
{О. Уайльд)
4. Я знаю его почти восемнадцать лет. Он почти не
изменился. А я — изменилась. {О. Уайлд)

II. The Past Perfect Tense

Exercise 1
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Past Perfect Tense.
1. The typist had typed the article by five o’clock.
2. He told me that he had almost finished translating the text.
3. By the end of the year he had learnt to speak French.
4. More than a year had passed since 1 first met him.
5. When he had written and sent the letter he felt better.
6. I was at the party but 1 didn’t talk to Tom. Wlien I came he had
just left.
7. As 1 hadn’t got an answer, I sent him another letter.
8. The whole family had gone to bed when Tony returned.
9. After the guests had gone, Liz sank into an arm-chair and drew
a long breath.
10. They hadn’t completed the test when the teacher came.
11. We reached the village before it had grown dark.
12. They had agreed upon the plan before 1 arrived, so 1 couldn’t
13. It was not until they both had signed the papers that he managed
a smile.
14. This man had been ill for weeks when the doctor came; nothing
could be done for him.
15. We had hardly left home when it began to rain heavily.
16. Hardly had he answered the phone when his brother came.
17. By the end of that year he had almost recovered.
18. The clock had no sooner struck five than the first guests
19. No sooner had I come than the lecture began.
20. He waited until the rider had disappeared and started on his way

Exercise 2
Look at the list of things Jane and Pete had(*)/hadn’t done before they went to
the airport. They phoned their neighbours asking them to help them out. Make
up their requests.

>• Pattern: J a n e : Before / left the house, / hadn’t turned off the cooker, ...
P e t e : Before / went to the airport, I hadn’t cancelled the
newspapers, ...

Jane Pete
1. turn off the cooker 1. take the camera*
2. take the passports* 2. cancel the newspapers
3. close the kitchen window 3. turn off the TV
4. shut the fridge door* 4. pack the umbrella*
5. take the plants to the 5. take the tickets
neighbours 6. take the cat to Nick*
6. turn off the radio* 7. turn on the security system
7. cancel the milk*
8. phone parents

What had they done?

Exercise 3
Read the following letter. The author went back to his home town after many
years and wrote this letter to his friend. Supply the appropriate forms of the
verbs in brackets.
Dear Chris,
Many things had happened since I last was in New Baytown. My
best friend, Tony, was no longer there when I came. He (to go) away.
By the way, the neighbours told me on the first day 1 came here that
Mr. Jackson didn’t live in Oak Street any longer. He (to leave). You
wouldn’t recognize the Grand Street. They (to change) everything
there. But on the whole 1 found the town much as it (to be), green
and quiet. On the second day I went to see our school and it was still
there, but they (to add) a new wing. The bookstore where we used to
buy textbooks and pens was no longer there. It (to close) down. But
they (to build) a new bookstore not far from it and (to open) a very
nice cafe in the old building where the bookstore (to be).
On the whole, I was very pleased to see the place again. I (not to
see) it for ten years, you know.

4 Зак. № 366

Exercise 4
Complete the following sentences using the Past Perfect Tense of the verbs
suggested in brackets.
>■ Pattern: When she left, she remembered that she (not to lock the kitchen
When she left, she remembered that she hadn’t locked the
kitchen window.

1. I was very sorry to hear that he (to leave).

2. When we got to the University, the lecture (to start already).
When he came home after work, the family {to start wat-
3. ching TV).
He didn’t return to his work until he (to spend all his
4. money).
When I met her I understood why David (to refuse to marry
5. her).
I didn’t know what to do when I understood that 1 (to leave
3. my purse at home).
He didn’t start watching TV until he (to walk his dog).
7. She managed to grasp the main idea of the article only after
she (to read it twice).
9. She was tired because she (to walk too much).
10. They never started eating until they (to wash their hands).
11. We didn’t meet Lucy because she (to go away the day before).
12. By the end of that year we (to forget our quarrels).
13. Betty didn’t speak until everyone (to stop chattering).
14. They suddenly remembered that they (not to send the parcel
to its owner).
15. She returned to the hotel after she (to visit her old friend).
16. He didn’t get anything until he (to pay for if).

Exercise 5
Join the following pairs of sentences by making one of them a clause with the
verb in the Past Perfect Tense. Use the conjunctions given in brackets.
>• Pattern: They went for a walk. They did their homework, (after) They went for a
walk after they had done their homework.
1. He left the room. I turned on the TV. (after)
2. She didn’t talk to him. He finished revising for his exams.

3. She worked as a flower-girl. She owned a flower-shop, {before)

4. She looked at the sky. The sun set. (until)
5. She cooked dinner. She called her family to the diningroom.
(after, as soon as)
6. Alan read the article in the newspaper. He went downstairs to
tell the news to his wife, (after)
7. Alice didn’t think about time. She understood she was late.
8. They reached the mountain top. The sun set. (when, as soon as)
9. She tore up the note. He read it carefully, (as soon as)
10. I didn’t understand him. He repeated his words twice. (until)
11. She looked at him. He disappeared in the darkness, (until)
12. The Browns left their house. They sold it (when)
13. John opened the parcel and looked up. The messenger
disappeared. (before)
14. Larry got that job. He managed to buy a new car. (after)
15. Margaret read the contract. She signed it. (after)

Exercise 6
Supply the beginnings for the following sentences. Use the Past Perfect Tense
and the conjunctions HARDLY ... WHEN, SCARCELY ... WHEN and NO
>“ Pattern: ... when the guests came.
a) Hardly had she finished cooking when the guests came.
b) She had hardly finished cooking when the guests came.

. the doorbell rang.

2. ,. the light went off.
3. .. the batteries ran out.
4. .. the washing machine broke down.
5. ,. the pipe started leaking.
6. ,. she spilt some coffee on the carpet.
7. ,. the door-handle came off.
3. .. some strange noise began.
9. .. it started to rain.
10. ,. he felt tired.
11. ,. burglars broke into the house

Exercise 7
Use the Past Simple or the Past Perfect Tense instead of the infinitives in
1. He (to sit) in the park until the light (to fade).
2. He (to remember) so well that house, where he (to spend) his
youth and first (to meet) Mabel!
3. When he (to rush) into the room he (to see) at once that she (to
burn) the letter which he (to hope) so much to read.
4. As soon as he (to understand) it he (to quiet) dqwn.
5. David (to look up) at his friend and (to see) that he just (to get) a
bad news.
6. ‘Wliy you (to go) there before 1 (to come)?’ he asked. ‘You (to
promise) to wait for me.’
7. After the sun (to rise), they (to start) walking slowly towards the
8. ‘What (to happen) here before 1 (to come)?’ she asked. Nick (to
explain) that he (to want) to play with the dog and they (to
break) the vase. After he (to try) to clean the carpet he (to
decide) to tell the truth.
9. She (not to remember) the place. But suddenly it all (to come
back) to her: how they (to be afraid oO their teacher, how they
(to quarrel), how they (to share) their secrets...
10. There (to be) a rule in their house. They never (to start) eating
and even (not to sit down) at the table until everyone who (to be
able) to do so (to gather) in the diningroom.
11. As soon as everyone (to come) and (to sit down) Mr. Hull (to
open) the will. Everyone (to expect) something different from
what he (to read out), so they (to return) home really
12. When the tourists (to come back) to the hotel, they (to discover)
that a new guest (to arrive). Some of them (to know) him before,
and they (not to like) it. But of course they (not to show) their
disappointment, while the newcomer (to prefer) not to notice
those he (to meet) before.
13. He (to be) happy. He (to be over) with the article at last! It (to
be) good. After he (to read) it through again, he (to see) it even
more clearly. The editor, who (not to praise) him for his last
article, was going to be pleased this time. He (to

dial) the number and the secretary (to tell) him that the editor
(to go out).
14. He (to be) so angry that he (not to be able) to speak until he (to
count) to fifteen... Then he (to start) to explain that he even (not
to be present) at the Board meeting and (to have) nothing to do
with that decision.
15. After the plane (to land) and he (to pass) the customs and the
luggage control, Mr. Jenkins (to take) a taxi and (to go) to the
16. When he (to come) he was surprised by the unusual silence in
the typing pool. The one remaining typist (to explain) that
everyone (to go out).
17. Hardly he (to open) the door when he (to notice) some changes
in the house.
18. No sooner Dave (to start) to read than the phone (to ring). He
(to get up) and (to take) the receiver. It (to be) his friend Pete.
He (to tell) Dave that his favourite team (to win). After Dave
(to hear) the news he (to go) to tell it to his father. He (to be
sorry) he (to miss) the match but glad that the Rovers (to lose).
He (not to return) to the book until he (to tell) about it to the

1. Somebody ... (to come) to me last year to have his portrait
done. I never (to see) him before, and never (to hear) any-
thing about him at the time. He (to offer) an extravagant
price. I (refuse) him. There (to be) something in the shape
of his fingers that 1 (to hate).
(O. WUde)

2. It (to be) Spiro who, on discovering that our money yet

(not to arrive) from England, (to subside) us, and (to take)
it upon himself to go and speak ... to the bank manager
about his lack of organisation.
(G. Burrell)
The official (to hand) our passports back to Mother, (to
bow) and (to leave) us to our gloom. Some moments later
Mother (to glance) at the form the official (to fill in) and
(to stiffen).
(G. Burrell)

Exercise 8
Translate into English.
1. После того, как вечер закончился и гости разошлись,
усталые хозяева приступили к уборке.
2. Не успел я начать подготовку к экзамену, как выяснилось,
что формулировки вопросов изменились.
3. Мы не приступали к работе, пока не выяснили все
4. К началу июня всё было готово к переезду. Новый дом был
гораздо просторнее и удобнее того, в котором мы жили
раньше. Мы закончили переезд к десятому июня и позвали
гостей на новоселье.
5. Когда я приехал в город, Дэвид уже уехал в Лондон. Я
столь многого ожидал от разговора с ним!
6. Джейн была не голодна, так как она только что
7. Этот режиссер получил приз после того, как снял свой
лучший фильм.
8. Не успела эта семья снять дом, как начала искать новый
из-за причуд старшего брата.
9. До того как поселиться в нашем городе, он много
путешествовал. Он побывал во многих городах и странах.
10. Наш город был маленьким. После того как к нам приехала
новая семья, все захотели познакомиться с ними.

1. К Рождеству мы устроились на новом месте и позна-
комились почти со всеми соседями. Только моя сестра
еще не приехала, но её комната уже была готова.
2. Она старалась не напоминать ему о том, что он рас-
сказал ей.
3. Когда Энтони и Кейт вошли в зал, там собралось уже
человек двадцать.
4. Он едва успел начать свой рассказ, когда его прервал
телефонный звонок.
5. Они вернулись в родной город, где жили с родителями
в детстве.

6. Прошло только полчаса с тех пор, как ушёл последний

7. Мэри не прошла и двух кварталов, когда он догнал ее.
8. Когда Марджи вошла в комнату, она увидела, что все
веши стояли там, где она их оставила.
9. Я не знала, когда она ушла. Я не знала, почему она ушла.
10. Я не помнил этого человека и не думал, что встречал его
11. Едва передача закончилась, как телевизор вышел из строя.
12. Он думал... нет, он был уверен, что уже бывал здесь
13. Не успел он пройти и десяти шагов, как вернулся, потому
что забыл портфель.
14. Как только мы упаковали все вещи, приехало такси и мы
отправились на вокзал.
15. Он почти не изменился с тех пор, как Джеральд видел его
в последний раз. Но сейчас на его лице было какое-то
новое, жестокое выражение, которого не было раньше.

Крик ужаса вырвался у художника, когда он в полумраке

увидел жуткое лицо, ухмылявшееся ему с полотна... Боже,
да ведь это Дориан. Перемена ... ещё не совсем
уничтожила его дивную красоту... Да, это Дориан. Но кто
же сделал это?... Этот портрет — мерзкая карикатура
(parody)... Никогда он, Холлуорд, .этого не писал. И всё
же, это была его картина... Что же это значит? Почему она
{О. Уайльд)

Больще четырех лет он не заходил сюда — с тех пор, как

он ребенком играл здесь, а затем учился. Эту большую,
хорошо спланированную комнату покойный лорд Келсо
специально пристроил для маленького внука, которого он
... терпеть не мог и хотел держать подальше от себя.
Дориан подумал, что с тех пор в

комнате ничего не переменилось... Он припомнил каждую

минуту своего одинокого детства. В те безвозвратные дни
он не думал о таком будущем!
(О. Уайльд)

III. The Future Perfect Tense Exercise

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Future Perfect
1. By ten they will have gone; come earlier, if you can.
2. The plane will have taken off when we get to the airport.
3. If you come at five I’ll have translated the article.
4. Will you have finished the washing-up by the time the film
5. By that time he will have got your letter, don’t phone him.
6. She’s leaving on Saturday, but I think she will have made all her
purchases by then.
7. He must give the book back next Tuesday, but he will have read
it long before that day.
8. We won’t have written the test by the time the teacher comes.

Exercise 2
Make the following sentences: — negative;
— interrogative.
>- Pattern: He will have forgotten about it by the end of the day.
a) He won’t have forgotten about it by the end of the day.
b) Will he have forgotten about it by the end of the day?
1. By the time he comes we’ll have completed the task ourselves.
2. He’ll have guessed the crossword puzzle by the time the boss
comes back.
3. She’ll have taken up something else by the summer.
4. Somebody will have shown up by six.
5. They will have done everything by Sunday.

6. Ann will have bought the tickets by the time you arrive at the
7. Tom will have ordered everything when we come to the
8. By 2020, people will have learnt to grow food on the seabed.
9. By the end of the autumn, they will have built a new
skating-rink in this district.
10. Antony will have opened a new cafe not far from here by the end
of the year.

Exercise 3
Complete the following sentences using the words given in brackets.
> Pattern: Francis came to the US from Britain almost five years ago.
Next Monday it will be exactly five years since he arrived.
Next Monday (lie/be/here/exactly five years).
Next Monday he will have been here for exactly five years.

1. Pete and Jane are going to the concert. It is 18.30. The concert
starts at 19.00. It will take them 45 minutes to get to the hall. By
the time they get there, (the concert/already/ to start).
2. The population of this town is about 50,000. Every year it
increases; more than 1,000 a year. By the end of the third year
{it/become/more than 53,000).
3. Next year is their 10th wedding anniversary. They {to be
married/10 years).
4. We are late. It’s 11.35 already. The lecture begins at 11.40. By
the time we get to the University {the lecture/to start/ already).
5. I’m almost through with this book. There are only ten pages left.
When you come back, {I/to read/it).
6. He is very good at cooking. It usually takes him half an hour to
make a very good meal for the whole family. It’s 17.30 now.
We’ll come home in twenty minutes. When we come, {he/to
cook/the meal).
7. Jake usually gets up late. His favourite film is on TV today, but
by the time he gets up, {the film/to start already).
8. Ann started working here almost three years ago on Sep

tember 1. This Monday is September 1. So this Monday {she/to

work here/ three years).

Exercise 4
What do you think \will have happened on Earth by 2000? 2010? 2050?
Make up sentences according to the pattern.
)► Pattern: By 2050 people won’t have found cure against AIDS.
Use some of the ideas from the list given below/, but think of your own
ideas, too.
— find a cure against cancer;
— learn to grow food on the sea-bed;
— learn to live on the sea-bed;
— construct colonies on the Moon/Mars/Venus;
— design a common language;
— solve hunger problem;
— improve medical care system;
— improve education system;
— solve the Loch-Ness mystery;
— find extra-terrestrial intelligence;
— stop global heating;
— learn to predict earthquakes;
— invent time-travel.

Exercise 5
Complete the following sentences.
1. By the time he comes, ...
2. "S^en this term is over, ...
3. By the end of the week, ...
4. By the end of the academic year, ...
5. When they are through with this task,
6. Wlren my parents come home, ...
7. By the end of this month, ...
8. Before the end of his/her holiday, ...
9. Before the end of this week, ...
10. Wlien they get to the station, ...
11. When he leaves his house, ...

Exercise 6
Study the following table. Tom, a student at the Linguistics Department, has
made a time-table for the next week.

Su. Md. Tu. We. Tr. Fri. Sa.

8.00- get up, get up, get up, get up, get up,
8.30 shower shower shower shower shower

8.30- jogging jogging jogging jogging get up,

9.00 shower
9.00- break break break break break jogging
9.15 fast fast fast fast fast
10.00- get up, lecture, reading- French lecture, German break
11.00 shower, linguis hall, class lin class fast
jogging tics revise guistics
11.05- French Ame English seminar, read up
12.05 class rican litera ling for exam
litera ture uistics
12.05- football lunch lunch lunch, lunch lunch meet
13.00 on TV meet Jane
13.00- German read up French
14.00 class for litera
exam ture
tennis tennis tennis
14.00- meet read up club
17.00 Jane in for exam meeting
the park
18.00- change, cinema light change,
19.30 dinner with supper, pub with
with friends change friends
20.00 go to bed go to bed go to bed go to bed theatre, film on
call TV
Jane at
Mary 20:00
23.00 goto
go to bed bed go to bed

Complete the sentences according to the pattern (use the Future Perfect or the
Future Progressive Tense).
>■ Pattern: At 12.00 on Sunday Tom will be watching football.
By 13.30 he will have finished watching football.
1. At 9.30 on Monday ...
2. By 13.30 on Monday ...
3. At 8.15 on Friday ...
4. By 18.00 on Thursday ...
5. At 10.30 on Thursday ...
6. At 11.30 on Saturday ...
7. By 18.30 on Tuesday ...
8. By 23.30 on Saturday ...
9. By 8.15 on Friday ...
10. At 14.30 on Thursday ...
11. By 20.30 on Monday ...
12. At 10.30 on Friday...
13. At 11.30 on Monday ...
14. By 18.30 on Wednesday ...
15. By 11.30 on Tuesday ...
16. By 20.30 on Wednesday ...
17. At 20.00 on Sunday ...
18. By 15.00 on Friday ...
19. At 16.00 on Wednesday ...
20. At 18.30 on Wednesday ...
21. By 12.30 on Thursday ...
22. At 18.30 on Saturday ...

Ask one of your groupmates to answer the questions according to the
1. Wliat will Tom have done by 11.30 on Saturday?
2. Will he have read up for his exam by 13.30 on Thursday?
3. What will he be doing at 11.30 on Wednesday?

Think of your own plans for the following week. What will you have
done by the middle of the week? by the end of the week?

Exercise 7
Use the Future Perfect Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.

I hope they (to build) this bridge by the end of the year.
What you (to do) by the time 1 come back?
By the end of this year Mr. Faith (to work) for this com-
pany for fifty years.
They (to pick) all the apples by the end of October.
Your guests (to go) by five?
By the end of the month 2,000 people (to fall ill). Are you
going to send help?
‘Will you take me to see the castle when I come?’
‘Oh, by all means. 1 think I (to pass) my driving test by
then. Then we’ll go by car.’
He used to have black hair, but now... I think he (to go)
completely grey by the time he’s 40.
We’re trying to raise money for our fund. By the end of the
year we (to raise) $2,000.
10. By the end of the week she (to drive) 50 miles.
11. They (to be married) for five years tomorrow.

Exercise 8
Use the Future Perfect, the Future Simple and the Present Simple Tense
instead of the infinitives in brackets.
1. I (to hope) when I (to come) back you (to finish) your
2. You (to be) late. By the time you (to get) there they (to eat)
everything up.
3. Too many people (to fall ill) every day. Tm afraid by the end of
the month epidemic (to spread) here.
4. These batteries (to run out) in two days. Don’t forget to get some
5. Your watch (to be) slow. We (to be) late! The party (to begin) by
the time we (to come)!
6. The house is very old. They (to demolish) it by the time you (to
come) to our city again, 1 think.
7. Tornadoes (to speed) through the island every year. By the end
of the season they (to damage) many buildings and (to injure) or
(to kill) many people.
8. By that time you (to go) crazy or (forget) it all.

Exercise 9
Translate into English.
1. Мы сделаем это упражнение к двум часам, а потом вместе
пойдём в парк.
2. Они построят эту школу к 1 сентября.
3. Завтра исполняется 10 лет с тех пор, как она начала
работать в этой фирме.
4. Надеюсь, к концу недели они починят нашу стиральную
5. Рабочие закончат ремонт дома к началу осени.
6. Что ты успеешь сделать к тому времени, как я приду?
7. Они закончат строительство к зиме, не правда ли?
8. Уверен, что он не прочтёт эту книгу к назначенному сроку.
9. Они не напишут тест к приходу учителя.


I. The Present Perfect Progressive Tense

Exercise 1
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Present Perfect
Progressive Tense.
1. My brother has been staying with us for three weeks.
2. It has been raining since morning.
3. He’s been working here since 1990.
4. She has been telling me how good you are since you left the
5. Since when have you been sitting here? Have you been waiting
here long?
6. ‘How long have you been looking for her?’
‘For three hours.’
7. The sun is shining, but the ground is wet because it has been
8. Who has been playing with the remote control? It doesn’t work!

9. ‘Why are you so tired? What have you been doing?’

‘I’ve been working in the garden since morning.’
10. She has been playing chess since she was nine.
11. He hasn’t been feeling very well recently.
12. She looks fit and tanned. She has been working outdoors a lot

Exercise 2
Make the following sentences: — negative;
— interrogative.
>■ Pattern: The children have been fighting.
a) The children haven’t been fighting.
b) Have the children been fighting?

1 He has been painting this fence for a long time.

. My secretary has been typing the report for five hours.
2. The boys have been trying to fix that bike since morning.
3. The tourists have been waiting for the guide since four
4. o’clock.
You have been talking for almost an hour without stop-
5. ping.
6. It has been snowing heavily during the whole night.
7. We have been looking for that cafe for half an hour.
3. He has been writing this letter since the lecture began.
9. He has been living in this city since 1970.
They have been repairing the road for the last five years.
The students have been translating the text since the lesson
12. 1 have been buying food here since 1 came to this town.

Exercise 3
Complete the following sentences using the Present Perfect Progressive
> Pattern: His clothes are dirty. (He/to work/in the garden)
He has been working in the garden.
1. He is very tired. {He/to play/football)
2. The boy’s eyes are red and watery. {He/to cry)
3. He is looking at his watch. {He/to wait/for a long time)

4. She doesn’t remember the teacher’s words. (She/to daydream)

5. They know this place very well. {They/to travel around/a lot)
6. Their eyes ache. {They/to watch TV/since morning)
1. Ann speaks French very well. {She/to learn French/since she
was six)
8. He’s got a cough. {He/to smoke/since he was a teenager)
9. His fingers are stained with ink. {He/to write/a lot)
10. The boy has to go to the dentist. {He/to eat/too many sweets
11. They look exhausted. {They/to work overtime/lately)

Exercise 4
Paraphrase the following sentences using the words in brackets and
conjunctions FOR and SINCE,
>- Pattern: a) They are working here. (Monday)
They have been working here since Monday, b)
He is waiting for us. (half an hour)
He has been waiting for us for half an hour.
1. She is writing a test, {twelve o’clock)
2. Tom is watching TV. {two hours)
3. They are sitting on the bench and reading, {morning)
4. He is travelling a lot. {winter)
5. He is working hard, {he entered the University)
6. Tony is walking his dog. (fifteen minutes)
7. They are looking for a new house, {the last few months)
8. They are fixing their car. (yesterday)
9. Gerald is checking his notes, (eleven o’clock)
10. The students are writing, (the lecture began)
11. Betty is writing a letter to her friend, (she came home)
12. My friend is learning Spanish, (two years)
13. Linda is travelling around Europe. (May)
14. Bill is making films, (he left college)

Exercise 5
Complete the sentences using the pattern in Exercise 3. Use the Present
Perfect Progressive Tense.

1. He looks really tired.

2. Their hands are stained with oil.
3. The boys are nervous.
4. The child’s eyes are red.
5. She is washing her hands nervously.
6. The tourists are angry.
7. The children are laughing heartily.
8. The audience is excited.
9. He’s got a toothache.
10. The batteries have run out too quickly.

Exercise 6
Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets.
>■ Pattern: He has been smoking a lot recently. (Why?)
Why has he been smoking a lot recently?

1. They’ve been looking for a restaurant since they came to the

town. {Who? Where? What ...for?)
2. She has been packing her suitcase since morning. {What?
3. Arthur has been driving for six hours without any rest. {Wlw?
4. They’ve been answering their child’s questions the whole day.
{Whose? What?)
5. Ed has been playing with his dog in the park since morning.
{Who ... with? Where? Who?)
6. He has been answering the director’s questions since morning.
{Who? Whose? What?)
1. She has been washing up since breakfast. {Who? What?)
8. Her husband has been watching football on TV since breakfast.
{Who? What?)
9. Their son has been fighting with his sister since breakfast.
{Who? What? Who ... with?)
10. Their cat has been trying to catch a mouse since breakfast.
11. Someone has been looking through my things. {Why?)

Exercise 7
Make up dialogues according to the following pattern.
>■ Pattern: a) — It has been raining.
— Since when has it been raining?
— It has been raining since morning, b)
— The baby is dying.
— How long has it been crying?
— It has been crying for half an hour.
1. It is snowing.
2. He is waiting for the train.
3. Her son is watching TV.
4. His daughter is drawing a picture.
5. She is practising the piano.
6. They are discussing the same problem.
7. I’m trying to find that book.
8. He is solving a math problem.
9. Her mother is cooking dinner.
10. The boys are fighting.
11. The girls are playing with their dolls.
12. The painter is drawing a portrait.
13. The journalist is writing an article.
14. He is composing some music.

Exercise 8
Make up sentences from the words given below. Then look at the short an-
swers and write the questions.
>■ Pattern: a) He/to wait/two hours/already.
He has been waiting for two hours already,
b) For two hours.
How long has he been waiting?
I/to ring them up/all morning.
1. a) My parents.
b) He/to smoke/thirty years.
2. a) Thirty years.
b) He/to walk his dog/half an hour/in the park.
3. a) In the park.
b) Her dog/to bark/all day.
4. a) My neighbour’s.

5. a) It/to rain/we arrived.

b) Since we arrived.
6. a) He/to talk on the phone with Chicago/all day.
b) With Chicago.
7. a) They/to try/to fix a car/for days.
b) Their car.
8. a) Tony/to look for his glasses/morning.
b) Tony.
9. a) Brian/to read up for his exam/May.
b) For his exam.
10. a) Carol/to look for a job/she came to this city.
b) Carol.
11. a) They/to repair the road/last Wednesday.
b) The road.

Use the Present Perfect Progressive instead of the infinitives in brackets.
1. I (not to sleep) for twenty three hours.
2. She (to work) in the library for the last five hours.
3. We just (to speak) about you.
4. What you (to do) in my absence?
5. Wlio (to watch) us?
6. He (to stay) here for three months; and 1 think my father (to
entertain) him too long.
7. She (to have) a toothache since morning.
8. They (to play) football for two hours.
9. She (to dance) since yesterday evening.
10. Where you (to sit) all this time?
11. She (to tell) a lot of lies about me, I’m sure.
12. What you (to talk) about since I left?

Exercise 10
Use the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Progressive instead of the
infinitives in brackets.
1. She (to walk) in the park since morning. It’s time to have dinner,
but she (not to come) yet.
2. She (to read) this book for three days and (to read) 300 pages

3. He (to drive) to London for six hours. How many miles he’
(to cover) by now?
4. ‘I am not through with this test yet.’
‘Not through! How long you (to write) it?’
‘For an hour.’
5. They (to pull down) the old houses in this street for the last few
months, but they (not to touch) the one with the coffee-shop yet.
Mike (to collect) stamps since he was nine. He (to collect) so
6. much he doesn’t know what to do.
He (to solve) this puzzle at last! He (to solve) it since breakfast!
‘How long you (to learn) French? 1 (to learn) since 1 was ten,
but can’t avoid mistakes...’
8. ‘My parents knew French. They (to talk) French to me since 1
don’t remember what time.’
‘Don’t tell me any more lies. 1 (to listen to) you too long!’ ‘You
(to listen), but you (to understand)?’
9. 1 hear Gerry’s footsteps. He (to come) back. I’m going away. I
don’t want him to see I (to cry).
10. You (to drink) too much since the party began!
‘Since when you (to sit) here? How long you (to wait)?’
11. ‘1 don’t know how long 1 (to wait). 1 (to sit) and (to look) at the
12. people passing by since 1 came here... or I guess 1 (to dream)...’
‘Jack and Tony (to play) chess since they are here. Tony (to
win) six times already, but Jack (to win) only twice yet.’
‘They (not to quarrel)?’
13. ‘Oh, no. They (not to quarrel).’
‘Barry (to do) this room since morning and he (not to finish)
‘You (to help) him?’
‘No, I (to cook) since he started to do his room. But I (to finish)
14. already.’
‘The customers (to complain) about mixed-up bills all
‘Something is wrong with the computer. We (to have) trouble
with it for some time... I hope Tim (to fix) it already.’

Exercise 11
Translate into English.
1. Она учит японский уже пять лет.
2. Надеюсь, Ваши друзья хорошо за Вами ухаживали.
3. Она сидит здесь уже несколько часов. С самого утра сидит
на скамейке и ждёт кого-то.
4. Они спорят с тех пор, как учитель вышел из класса.
5. Гарри пытается починить изгородь уже несколько часов, но
ешё не смог этого сделать.
6. Он пишет статью уже три часа. Он выпил три чашки кофе.
Он уже давно не работал так усердно.
7. Эта семья живёт здесь с весны. Они уже перессорились со
всеми соседями.
8. — С какого времени ты пытаешься до него дозвониться?
— С десяти часов.
9. Наконец-то Вы пришли! Мы только что говорили о Вас.
Ю. Кто переставлял мои книги?
П. Чем ты занимался, пока меня не было?
12. Я пытаюсь найти тебя целое утро. Где ты был? Чем ты
13. Она ждёт этого письма целый месяц.
14. Джон навещал Вас с тех пор, как Ваша сестра уехала?

«Сколько времени ты уже подслушиваешь? И что ты
успел услышать.''»
{Дж. Р. Р. Толкин)

2. — Чем ты занимался, милый? — спросила мама.

— Занимался? Как ты думаешь, чем я занимался? Я
охотился (to shoot).
(Дж. Даррелл)

3. «Я только что говорила д-ру Хэлидею и его племяннице,

какая ты умница.»
Дж. Б. Пристли)

4. «Я новичок в городе. Живу здесь только около трёх

месяцев... И я не пробыл тут ещё и недели, как обра-

ТИЛ на Вас внимание, мисс Конвей... И с тех пор я

наблюдал за Вами.»
(Дж. Б. Пристли)

5. «По правде сказать, Вы единственный человек, о котором

мы ещё не говорили.»
{Дж. Б. Пристли)

6. — Ты слишком много пил, Роберт?

— Да, я слишком много пил.
(Дж. Б. Пристли)

7. «Дориан! Какая удача! Я ждал тебя в твоей библиотеке с

девяти часов... Сегодня в полночь я уезжаю в Париж.»
(О. Уайльд)

II. The Past Perfect Progressive Tense

Exercise 1
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Past Perfect
Progressive Tense.
1. They had been living in this city for almost three years when
their son came back to the USA.
2. We felt very tired when we came home because we had been
walking in the rain for a long time.
3. It had been raining for two hours already when we left home.
4. Mark tried to stop Dinny, who had been talking for the last ten
5. Angela rose from the arm-chair in which she had been sitting.
6. David saw that Margie had been weeping, but didn’t say
7. I thought that he had come to talk about the problem which we
had been already discussing for hours.
8. She had been learning French for five years before she could
speak fluently.
9. How long had you been waiting before he came?

Exercise 2
Make up sentences from the words given in brackets to extend the situations.
>- Pattern: I looked out of the window. The sun was shining.
But the ground was wet. (It/to rain)
It had been raining.

1. Mary woke up suddenly. She was frightened. {She/to dream)

2. Jim came home. He was tired. His hands were dirty. {He/to
work/in the garden)
3. She was tired and angry when I came home. The first thing she
told me was that she hated music. {Our neighbour/to
practise/the piano)
4. When I entered the room no one was smoking. But there was a
smell of cigarettes. (Someone/to smoke/in the room)
5. Ben felt frustrated. He was staring hopelessly at the lock. {He/to
try/to open his own door/an hour)
6. When Mother came home, Jack and Larry were in different
rooms. They didn’t want to talk and Larry had a black eye.
{They/to ftght)
1. When the test was over, the students looked really tired. (They/to
write/two hours)
8. Betty came from the beach. Her eyes were red. {She/to lie/in the
sun/too much)
9. When the children came home, dinner was ready, but Carol was
tired and couldn’t eat at all. {She/to cook/since morning)
10. When he got up from the table, his eyes hurt and his head was
going to burst. {He/to read up/for the exam)
11. When Jane opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was deep
snow lying everywhere. She ran up to the window. There had
been no snow the day before. {It/to snow/all night)

Exercise 3
Join the following sentences. Use the Past Perfect Progressive Tense in the
main clause.

>• Pattern: They began watching TV. After half an hour their parents came.
They had been watching TV for half an hour when their parents
1. We had arranged to meet in the cafe. 1 came and began waiting.
After fifteen minutes I realised that 1 had come to the wrong
2. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson went to live to Sussex. Six months
later their son joined them.
3. We started to play football at about three. Somewhere about
half past three it began to rain.
4. Bernard couldn’t calm the baby down. It was crying. After
fifteen minutes his wife came.
5. The teacher left the room. The boys began to fight. After ten
minutes the teacher came back and they were still fighting.
6. Jane came home. She realized that she had forgotten her keys.
She tried to find them in her handbag. After ten minutes her
husband came with the keys.
7. Mother started cooking dinner. After ten minutes Hazel came to
help her.
8. Brian was trying to fix his car. After three hours he gave up the
9. Faith sat down and began to write her report. After half an hour
her sister called her.
10. She worked for this company. After 25 years she retired.
11. My sister studied French. Then, after five years, she went to
12. Pete began to play chess when he was six. He took part in his
first tournament when he was ten.
13. The orchestra began playing. After ten minutes a man ran into
the hall.
14. The family began watching an interesting film. After half an
hour the TV broke down.
15. We settled down in London. After a fortnight our two cousins
joined us.
16. We sat down to dinner. After five minutes the door-bell rang.
17. Margaret went to the park. After ten minutes she realised she
had forgotten to close the door.

Exercise 4
Ask questions to the sentences from Exercise 3 beginning with HOW LONG.
>■ Pattern: They had been watching TV for half an hour when their parents came.
How long had they been watching TV when (before) their
parents came?

Exercise 5
Use the Past Simple or the Past Perfect Progressive Tense instead of the
infinitives in brackets.
1. He (to look) at her. He (to know) she (to cry).
2. She (to tell) him about her plan, which she (to think oO all
3. Molly (to close) the book which she (to read) and (to look up) at
her mother.
4. Through the window he (to see) the room where they (to sit) the
previous night.
5. Paul (to think) for some time before he (to dare) to answer.
6. They (to sit down) to dinner which Mother (to cook) all
7. How long Tony (to read) when this terrible accident (to
8. When I (to come) everyone (to stop) talking. They (to talk)
about my birthday and the presents and (not to want) to tell me
anything beforehand.
9. When the lesson (to be) over, the teacher (to ask) the students to
turn in the tests they (to write) since its beginning.
10. How long this man (to stand) there and (to watch) you before
you (to notice) him?
11. How long they (to wait) for a taxi before it (to come)?

Exercise 6
Use the Past Simple, the Past Progressive, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect
Progressive Tense instead of the infinitives in brackets.
1. When he (to come) home, he (to see) that something (to
happen). His wife (to cry). Someone (to smoke) in the room,
though no one (to smoke) in his family.

2. Tony (to return) to the book he (to read) before his mother (to
enter). He (to try) to concentrate, but he couldn’t. Her last words
still (to ring) in his ears.
3. The town (not to be) large, but he (not to be) sorry that he (to
come) there. His parents (to live) in this very street for 30 years
before they all (to leave) for London!
4. Who (to sit) here before 1 (to come)?
5. He (to go) back to the drawing-room. His wife (to stand) near
the window. She still (to look) at the garden. The leaves (to fall)
down all night, and the trees (to stand) bare and (to whisper)
something... Wlien William (to come) back he (to see) that his
wife (to try) to keep back tears...
When he (to dress), he (to go) downstairs and (to write) a long
6. letter to his sister who (to stay) at her friends’.
She (to phone) and (to call) a taxi. She (to sit) and (to wait) only
7. five minutes when a car (to come). She (to rush) to the station
where Mike (to wait) already.
I (not to be) here ten minutes before your brother (to come in).
8. Dave (to enter) the room. Margie (to read). She (to look up) at
him and (to smile). Their two sons (to sit) and (to watch) TV.
9. They (not to talk) to each other. Dave (to see) they (to quarrel).
I (to try) to remember what 1 (to do) yesterday before he (to
call). ‘What you (to do) in the last ten minutes before his call?’
the inspector (to keep) asking. But I (not to remember) anything
at all.
Eighteen years (to go) since he first (to come) into this house.
He still (to remember) every detail of that first day. Wlien he (to
come) and Gerry (to introduce) him and everybody (to sit
down), he (to notice) that one place at the table (to be) free.
They (not to eat) fifteen minutes before Betty (to enter). She (to
murmur) ‘Good day’ and (to go) straight to her room. Her
mother (to apologize), but he (to sit) and (to look) after her and
(not to hear) what Mrs. Gordon (to say).
She (to wait) for half an hour already. Mrs. Lamb was late. She
(to look through) the newspaper she (to buy) and thought she (to
come) in vain or... she (to get) her mes-


sage wrong? But Mrs. Lamb (to write) clearly: “In the park”.
13. ‘What are you thinking of?’ he (to ask) after he (to look at) her a
few seconds. But she (not to answer). She (to try) to gather her
14. Presently he (to turn) to greet his workmate, who (to wait) for
the bus, too. He (to stand) at the bus-stop already when John (to
come) there.

Exercise 7
Translate into English.
1. Кейт села в машину и поехала домой. Всю дорогу она
думала о письме, которое получила накануне.
2. — С кем ты вчера разговаривал, когда я встретил тебя?
— С приятелем. Он два дня назад вернулся из Бостона. Мы
говорили уже минут десять, когда ты нас увидел.
3. — Что ты делал вчера в это время?
— Точно не помню. Я готовился к экзамену. Я занимался
уже часа два, когда мне позвонила Джейн и напомнила о
том, что мы договорились пойти в театр.
4. — Почему ты вчера не ждал меня в кафе, как мы
— Но я пришел туда в пять. Тебя там не было. Я ждал
— Нет, это я прождала полчаса, прежде чем решила уйти.
Мы же договорились встретиться в четыре!
5. Когда она вошла в квартиру, то сразу поняла, что в ней
побывали взломщики, так как дверь была открыта и все
вещи лежали не на своих местах. Кроме того, они сломали
шкаф, в котором она всегда хранила ценности... Точнее,
хранила раньше.
6. Когда Вы вошли, я как раз рассказывала Джулии, что мы
отлично провели отпуск.

7. Они пытались перевести статью уже полчаса, прежде чем

пришла Кэтрин и помогла им. Она когда-то изучала
немецкий и ещё не забыла его.
8. Марджи повесила трубку, вздохнула и приступила к
работе. Она не проработала и пяти минут, как телефон
зазвонил снова.
9. Итен чинил машину уже три часа, когда Мэри позвала его
обедать. Он пошёл в дом, вымыл руки и сел за стол. Мэри
приготовила отличный обед — просто превосходный.
10. Тони сел за стол и начал читать. Он читал целый час, но
прочёл всего двадцать страниц — книга была сложная —
когда пришло время позвонить Майклу.
И. Она думала целый час, но ничего не придумала, и, когда
пришло время отвечать, не знала что сказать.

Дорога была пустой. Ни машин, ни указателей. Он ехал

уже полчаса, но еще не увидел той церкви, о которой ему
говорила Лиз.
2. Брайан читал письмо. Он читал его уже целых 15 минут, но
почерк был такой неразборчивый, что читать было очень
3. Джоан рассматривала альбом со старыми фотографиями
Хилари. Она всегда любила смотреть на старые
фотографии, в них было что-то завораживающее. Но этот
альбом был особенно хорош. Она рассматривала эти лица
уже целый час, когда голос Хилари напомнил ей, что пора
4. Пит был недоволен. Он занимался этим делом с января,
поговорил со множеством людей; но и теперь он знал не
больше, чем тогда, когда взялся за него.
5. Вся семья работала в саду. Только Кэрол осталась дома, и
теперь сидела в гостиной и слушала радио. Потом она
задремала... Она спала уже час или полтора, когда пришел
брат и начал ругать её за то, что она не пошла с ними.

III. The Future Perfect Progressive Tense

Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the Future Perfect
Progressive Tense.
1. They will have been working for five hours already when we
come and join them.
2. By the first of June he’ll have been working here for 14 years.
3. They will have been trying to solve this problem for two years
by 1994.
4. She’ll have been writing an essay since eight o’clock when her
friends come.
5. The students will have been answering for a whole hour already
by twelve o’clock.
6. She’ll have been talking for two hours already by four. 1 want to
use the phone, too.
7. Someone will have been playing the piano for three hours by
twenty-three. They started at eight. When are they going to

Exercise 2
Use the Future Perfect Progressive Tense or the Present Simpie Tense
instead of the infinitives in brackets.
1. He (to write) a letter for three hours when you (to come).
2. He (to learn) French for six years already when he (to enter)
this college.
3. She (to watch) this film for an hour already when you (to ring)
her up.
4. We (to have) dinner for half an hour tomorrow when he (to call)
for us.
5. By July 1 she (to live) here for five years.
6. Vdien you (to enter) the University you (to study) languages for
more than ten years.
7. The painter (to work) on this landscape for almost a year by
8. They (to quarrel) for more than an hour when the police (to
9. The students (to read) up for their exam for more than

three hours already by the time we (to come) to the library

and (to join) them!
10. They (to travel) for almost a year by Christmas, but they
(not to want) to return.
II. They (to ask) me silly questions for two hours by twelve.
Wliy they (not to stop)?


I. The Past Simple Passive

Exercise 1
Match the achievements and the people.
V Pattern: The wireless was invented by Marconi.
>■ Use: the Past Simple Passive of the following verbs: to discover, to invent, to
write, to make, to sing, to compose, to design, to name, to build, to
paint, to shoot.

Mickey Mouse Thomas Edison

Greenland Alfred Hitchcock
penicillin Sir Christopher Wren
A Farewell to Arms George Orwell
St. Paul’s Cathedral Gustav Eiffel
America the Beatles
the light bulb Verdi
Oliver Twist King Camp Gillette
gravity Picasso
the telephone Eric the Red
Aida Alexander Fleming
the Pyramids Ernest Hemingway
Guernica George Gershwin
Psycho Isaak Newton
Lord of the Flies the Ancient Egyptians
Lord of the Rings Dickens
Yesterday Alexander Bell
the safety razor J. R. R. Tolkien
the Statue of Liberty Columbus
1984 William Golding
Porgy and Bess Walt Disney

Exercise 2
Make the follow/ing sentences passive according to the pattern. Give two
variants when possible.
>■ Pattern: They showed me a very interesting book.
a) I was shown a very interesting book.
b) A very interesting book was shown (to) me.
1. My mother told me the news yesterday.
2. Their friends sent them their photographs last week.
3. Did they recommend you any good hotels?
4. The librarian showed the students how to find necessary books.
5. They allowed the children to go to the zoo.
6. They gave us a lot of money.
7. Her parents gave her a computer for her birthday.
8. They lent us some money.
9. My friend offered me a challenging job.
10. They pay him twice a month.
11. My mother teaches them English at school.
12. He promised me this book.
13. Did they show you that new Oxford Dictionary?
14. They sent presents to their relatives and friends.
15. The secretary gave the letter to her boss.

Exercise 3
Answer the questions in the Past Simple Passive according to the pattern.
>- Pattern: Did they take care of him?
— Yes, he was taken care of.
they agree upon the terms?
1. Did the students listen to her with interest?
2. Did you send for the doctor?
3. Did they object to your proposal?
4. Did she rely on his information?
5. Did they wait for him?
6. Did he refer to this book in his report?
7. Did they dispose of the goods in short time?
8. Did the guests really laugh at him?
9. Did everyone find fault with her?
10. Did they put an end to this useless talk?
11. Did

12. Did the public speak of that film a lot?

13. Did they really depend on this man?
14. Did you speak about this plan last night?
15. Did he insist upon this time?
16. Did they look into this matter?
17. Did the children interfere with his studies?
18. Did they make fun of him when he was a schoolboy?
19. Did the press comment upon that event?
Did many people ask for this book?

Exercise 4
Use the Past Simple Active or the Past Simple Passive instead of the infinitives
in brackets.
1. They (to go) into the storeroom where some of the goods (to
2. He (to make fun oQ? But he never (to answer) back.
3. The flowers (to bring in) and (to put) into the blue vase. The
first thing which Dinny (to see) when she (to come in) were
those flowers.
4. The book (to put) on the shelf No one (to take notice oO it.
5. The matter (to forget) by everyone. But Lanny (to remember).
6. Mark (to forget) to close the window. It (not to take notice
7. She (to operate on) by a distinguished surgeon. Soon she (to
8. When the door (to close), he (to put down) his book. His pipe
(to forget). He (to stare) in front of him.
9. He (to know) that the thief (to hide) by the darkness.
10. Tony’s proposal (to turn down), but he (not to ask) why.
11. He (to tap) on the door. ‘Who’s here?’ The questions (to ask) in
a whisper.
12. Finally they (to persuade) him to go away. But he (to take in)?
13. ‘Did they (to ask) you many questions?’
‘No, the inspector only (to ask) me some not very important
questions. The one which could cause us some trouble (not to

14. We (to receive) a lot of letters every day. Once we (to give) a
letter which (to change) everything, though at the moment it
(not to pay attention to).
15. The book much (to speak about). It (to become) a bestseller.
16. The patient (to take care oO well.
17. He (not to ask) her any questions, but her story (to listen to) very

II. The Present Simple Passive

Exercise 1
Match the words in the left and in the right column according to the pattern. >"
Pattern: Gold is mined in Russia.
>• Use: the Present Simple Passive of the following verbs: to mine, to
produce, to grow, to manufacture, to build, to make.

coffee Japan
ships France
wine Russia
cars India
wheat Italy
computers the USA
tea Australia
silk Canada
radios China
cotton the UK
sheep Germany

Exercise 2
Make up questions from the words given below according to the pattern. Then
answer the questions.
>■ Pattern: Where/meals/to cook?
Where are meals cooked?
They are cooked in the kitchen.
1. Where/the patients/to operate on?
2. Wlien/the exams/to take?
5 Зак. №366

3. Where/English/to speak?
4. Where/English/to teach?
5. Where/Oriental languages/to teach?
6. Wliere/bread/to keep?
7. When/dinner/usually/to eat?
8. When/the children/to put to bed?
9. Where/books/to sell?
10. Wliere/newspapers/to print?
11. What/bottles/to make of.^
12. Where/concerts/to hold?
13. What/bags/to make of?
14. When/the tests/to write?
15. What/furniture/to make of?

III. The Future Simple Passive

Exercise 1
Look at the following pictures and say what wiil happen on this island in a year
or two. You may use the Future Simple Passive of the verbs: to build, to
create, to drain (a marsh), to enlarge, to surround, to lay, to wipe out etc.

!T7 /■/// <'/V _______ ________________


Exercise 2
Ask questions to the following sentences according to the pattern.
>■ Pattern: They will send Jane abroad.
When will she be sent abroad?
1. He will read the lecture on Dickens.
2. The milkman will bring milk.
3. His mother will bake the birthday cake.
4. His friends will give him a lot of presents.
5. The students will take their exams in room 305.
6. Someone will give you this book.
7. The painter will finish his picture soon.
8. They will certainly bring us this parcel.
9. They will explain this rule to you again.
10. She will give your money back to you.
11. They will look into your matter more carefully.
12. Sooner or later he will take notice of her.
13. They will put an end to this sort of practice.
14. Sooner or later they will agree upon some plan.

IV. The Present Progressive Passive Exercise 1

Make up sentences describing w/hat is being done now.
>■ Pattern: The hens/to feed/my brother.
The hens are being fed by my brother.

1. The money/to count.

2. The windows/to clean/me.
3. The meal/to cook/in the kitchen.
4. The car/to fix/in the garage.
5. The grass/to cut.
6. The fence/to whitewash.
7. The student/to examine/in this room.
8. The patient/to operate on.
9. The road/to repair/the workmen.
10. The old castle/to reconstruct.
11. The dishes/to wash.
12. The wheat/to harvest.
13. The field/to plough.
14. The dog/to wash/its master.
15. A birthday cake/to make/in the kitchen.
16. The trees/to plant/in the yard.
17. A record/to play.

Exercise 2
Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets.

1. The tape-recorder is being fixed now {What? WJiat?)

2. Some record is being played. {What?)
3. The forms are being filled in by the tourists. (Whom ... by?)
4. The fire is being put out by the firemen. {Whom ... by?)
5. A new medicine is being tried at the hospital. {Where? What?)
6. The tourists are being shown around the city. {Who?)
1. A new road is being built not far from here. {What? Where?)

8. A lot of questions are still being asked about it. {Why? What ...
9. A new film is being shown on TY now. (What?)

Exercise 3
Imagine that you are walking in the street. What do you see? Make up
sentences describing what is going on now.
>■ Use: the Present Progressive Passive.
>■ Pattern: Some car is being washed.

V. The Past Progressive Passive Exercise 1

Make the following sentences passive according to the pattern.
>■ Pattern: When I came, they were still asking questions.
When I came, the questions were still being asked.
1. When she came, her husband was doing the washing.
2. Wlien I came to this town again, they were building a new
school in front of the supermarket.
3. He entered the hall and heard that somebody was calling his
4. As we were passing their garden, he was watering the flowers.
5. When they entered the auction-hall, they were selling those
6. When Father came home, I was cooking dinner.
7. When the guests arrived, they were still making preparations to
meet them.
8. At that moment the specialists were examining a new car.
9. When I came home, they were still putting books on the shelves.
10. When I returned, the workmen were still building a new road not
far from my house.
11. After half an hour I came back. They were still showing her how
to use the remote control.
12. The lesson was almost over, but the teacher was still explaining
the new rule to them.

VI. The Present Perfect Passive

Exercise 1
a) What has been changed in this room?

b) What has been done to the various things on the table?

Exercise 2
Make the sentences passive according to the pattern.
>- Pattern: Nobody has ever spoken to him like that.
He has never been spoken to like that.
1. Someone has taken his bike.
2. No one has ever beaten me at chess.
3. No one has lived in that house for many years.
4. They have already paid him for that work.

5. He has made several mistakes in his work.

6. Somebody has left the door open.
7. Somebody has already boiled water.
8. They have invited us to dinner.
9. Someone has obviously found your purse.
10. Someone has left this house unattended.
11. They have left their money at home.
12. They’ve opened a new bar not far from here.
13. Have you done all the washing?
14. Someone has broken my glasses.
15. No one has ever treated her like that before.

Exercise 3
What has been recently done in your street? in your district? in your city?
>■ Use: the Present Perfect Passive of the following verbs: to build, to open, to
improve, to reconstruct, to issue, to publish, to close, to replace, to
enlarge, to widen etc.

Exercise 4
Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple Tense in the Active or the Passive
Voice instead of the verbs in brackets.
1. The old fireplace (to replace) in this room recently.
2. In 1964 Martin Luther King (to win) the Nobel Peace Prize.
3. The cartoon character Mickey Mouse (to create) by Walt
4. What (to change) in this room? You (to put) a new carpet?
5. Teachers (to give) a new pay rise.
6. Where you (to find) this dog? It’s so dirty.
7. A valuable painting (to steal) from the Central Art Gallery last
8. The thief (to take) only money. The diamonds (not to take).
9. Where you (to be) lately?
10. You (to invite) to the party?
11. John Kennedy (to assassinate) in Dallas in 1963.
12. The thieves (to enter) the house through the kitchen window.

13. Someone (to be) here last night. My bracelet and some
rings (to take)!
14. When the television (to invent)? Who (to invent) it?
15. ‘They (to tell) you the news?’
‘No, I (not to tell) anything.’
The missing boy still (not to find).
17. She (not to ask) any questions last night. The police only
(to interrogate) me.
18. They already (to read) all these books, but the new books
(not to bring) yet.
19. Who (to leave) the door open? Mrs. Jones (to leave) her
door open last week, and her house (to break into).
13. ‘They (to send for) the doctor?’
‘Yes, he (to send for).’
21. The patient (to operate on) last week. He almost (to re-
cover) already.
22. What book they (to ask for)?
No books (to ask for) recently.
No mistakes (to make) in this work.
He (to take care oO well while he (to stay) at the hospital?
‘How he (to account for) his behaviour? He (to explain)
anything while he (to talk) to you?’
‘No, I (to give) a very evasive answer.’
27. Yesterday I (to give) very nice presents.
28. Someone (to spill) some wine on the table-cloth. And you
see that some glasses (to break).

VII. The Past Perfect Passive

Exercise 1
Brian came home last night and found that his flat had been broken into. He
made a list for the police describing all the things that had happened. Make up
sentences using the Past Perfect Passive according to the pattern.
>- Pattern: clothes/throw on the floor
When Brian came home, he found that his clothes had been thrown
on the floor.
1. front door lock/break
2. mirror/smash

3. television/steal
4. money/take
5. furniture/move
6. wine/drink
7. posters/tear down
8. books/remove from the shelves
9. desk drawer/break
10. food from the fridge/eat
11. watch/smash
12. wife’s diamonds/steal
13. milk/spill on the carpet
14. dog/put to sleep

Exercise 2
Use the Past Progressive Passive or the Past Perfect Passive instead of the
infinitives in brackets.
1. 1 couldn’t use my car last Sunday. It (to fix).
2. When I got to the parking lot, I didn’t find my car. It (to steal).
3. We didnt’ go to the party because we (not to invite).
4. When 1 phoned Mark, he told me that my wireless still (to
repair), so I couldn’t come and get it.
5. When the taxi arrived, the things still (to pack).
6. Wlien the taxi arrived, the things (to pack) already.
7. In the dining-room Johnny still (to give) a lecture on table
8. There were no tickets left when we came. They all (to sell out).
9. When Mother came, the room loocked spotless. Everything (to
tidy up).
10. When they arrived home, the preparations still (to make).
11. I (to ask) a lot of questions before they agreed I knew nothing.
12. When 1 came into the room, the students still (to ask) questions.
13. Wlien the guests came, everything (to do) already, and the kettle
(to boil).
14. By the time we got home, everything was quiet. The children (to
put) to bed.

15. I heard some noise upstairs. ‘What’s going on?’ I asked and got
an answer that little Kate (to put) to bed.
16. After he (to promise) the job, he felt quite jubilant.

VIII. The Future Perfect Passive

Exercise 1
Make up sentences using the Future Perfect Passive according to the pattern.
>- Pattern: By the time you get there (everything/to do).
By the time you get there everything will have been done.
1. By next summer {the swimming pool/to build) in this street.
2. By three o’clock {my work/to finish) already.
3. By the time you come back {the fiat/to tidy up).
4. {The supper/to cook) by the time the children come from
5. By next year {this house/to reconstruct).
6. I hope by winter {this road/to repair).
1. 1 think by tomorrow {the question/to settle).
8. By the time he comes {all traces/to hide).
9. You can’t go to the library at eight tomorrow. By that time {it/to
10. They think that by next winter {the reconstruction works/to
finish) and they’ll be able to let the tourists see the gallery.

Exercise 2
a) What do you think wili/won't have been done in your street/district/city by
2000? 2010? 2020?
>■ Use: the Future Perfect Passive of the following verbs: to build, to create, to
repair, to reconstruct, to open, to close, to enlarge etc.

b) What changes will have occurred on Earth by the year 2050?

>■ Use: the Future Perfect Passive of the following verbs: to find, to invent, to
discover, to build, to organize, to achieve etc.

The Imperative Mood

Exercise 1
Supply the appropriate form for the following imperative sentences.
1. ... the salt and pepper, please.
2. ... up! It’s time to get up.
3. ... that pot! It’s hot! You’ll burn yourself.
4. ... pages 35 through 70 for tomorrow’s class.
5. ... it easy! there’s no need to be angry.
6. ... the window.
7. ... ! I can hear you. You don’t have to yell.
8. ... this soup. It’s delicious.
9. ... ! I am drowning!
10. ... the light on. It’s getting dark here.
11. ... a newspaper on the way home.
12. ... anyone my secret. Do you promise?
13. ... for me, please. I’ll be ready in just a few minutes.
14. ... out! A car is coming!
15.... this passage aloud. It’s so funny. I’d like everyone to listen to
16. ... on your raincoat. It might be cool outside.
17. ... your words! Think first, do not be rude.
18. ... the steps. They are very steep.

Exercise 2
Translate into English.
1. He ходите здесь! Это может быть опасно.
2. Давайте сделаем подарок для Мэри — у нее ведь день
3. Подождите минуту, я позову мистера Грина к телефону.
4. Смотри! Кажется, это то, что нам нужно!
5. Передайте, пожалуйста, белый соус.
6. Не читайте лежа, это вредно для глаз.
7. Не будите его. Он не спал уже два дня.
8. Давайте пойдем на каток вместе.
9. Медсестра, сделайте перевязку этому пациенту.

10. Возьмите зонт. Во второй половине дня обещали дождь.

11. Заканчивайте свои дела и поедем домой. Я подвезу Вас.
12. Давайте зайдём в это кафе. Здесь можно неплохо
13. Не говорите никому, что видели меня. Я хочу сделать
сюрприз своим родным.
14. Не делайте ничего, что бы могло помешать ходу дела.
Держите меня в курсе.
15. Мистер Бэн просил Вас зайти к нему в 5 часов.
16. Она попросила меня отправить телеграмму её родителям.
17. Джон сказал, чтобы мы его не ждали.
18. Попросите его быть впредь более осторожным.

Modal Verbs


Exercise 1
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verb CAN.
1. lam sorry you won’t let me look at the picture once again.
But that can’t be helped.
2. These words were unexpected for me, so what could I do or
3. I could not possibly let him tell Mother what he really
thought of her.
4. ‘Well, as soon as you are dry, you shall be varnished and
framed, and sent home. Then you can do what you like
with yourself’ (0. Wilde)
5. My head was still dizzy, my sight was dim, and my limbs
were feeble; I could not soon recover myself
6. You can’t have forgotten that you assured me most solemnly
that nothing in the world would induce you to send it to any

7. I wish I could believe you were lying: I wish it more now than
ever; since even you cannot explain this mystery to me.
8. 1 cannot explain it to you but I have a subtle premonition of
something terrible that is in store for us all.
9. Can it be that Jonathan had betrayed her feelings, her devotions,
her affection towards the best in his nature?
10. There can have taken place a miracle for how, otherwise, they
would be able to get through it all? How can they have forgotten
the hostility separating them for decades?
11. Agnes left a couple of minutes ago and if you had come earlier
you could have caught her.
12. You could have said at least that you did not agree with them.
They don’t know him as intimately as you do: you are his
13. Can she have misplaced the jewels? By all means it is a good
idea to warn the police about their loss.

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with CAN/COULD followed by the appropriate form of the
infinitive in brackets.
1. ... this letter (to write) by Rodger a week ago? When I saw him
last he did not even mention it to me.
2. Going to a picnic was a great pleasure for everybody; for the
ladies ... (to talk) over all their household problems, the
gentlemen ... (to discuss) politics without their family
interfering and the children and dogs ... do whatever they liked.
3. How ... you (to trust) this man who has already caused so much
trouble to your family by just his presence here?
4. Your answering machine has spoilt the last recording.
1 ... (not to recognise) the voice though it seemed fairly familiar.
5. ... she already (to study) at the University? I remember her at the
age of five; she was the most amusing child I have ever seen.
6. I’ve known him for already fifteen years and I am perfectly
certain that he ... (not to mean) that. You ... (to misunderstand)
him or vice versa.

7. Here you are at last! You ... (to come) earlier: you were
informed that I was ill.
8. There is little wonder that he has been imprisoned. 1 have
always suspected that he ... even (to murder) someone, to say
nothing about pilfering.
9. Why did not you ask me to help with your business? 1 ... (to do)
something to save your money.
10. ... it be true that no one knew about the mine there? The whole
board ... (not to miss) the informational note that had come from
our partner there.
11. You ... (not to leave) possibly without seeing your sister in spite
of all misunderstanding reigning between you two.
12. ... you still (to write) that essay on nature? Now 1 understand
why all your written works contain so many facts and details
and why their style is immaculate.
13. Unfortunately I ... (to attend) the conference but 1 hope Magnus
will inform me about it, although he ... (to do) it on his arrival, a
week ago, if he really planned to.

Exercise 3
Translate into English using CAN/COULD to express incredulity, doubt,
astonishment and supposition.
1. He может быть, чтобы они уже знали об этом вчера. Я
только вчера вечером все решил.
2. Неужели Алиса всё-таки решила работать учителем? Она
так нетерпелива и капризна.
3. Не может быть, чтобы вы там были вчера: я там тоже была
и не видела вас там.
4. Неужели газеты ешё не знают о том, что случилось в
Парламенте сегодня утром?
5. Неужели всё это напрасно и я уже никогда не смогу
выступать на соревнованиях и выигрывать?
6. Не может быть, чтобы его уволили, не объяснив, почему
его работой недовольны.
7. Неужели он действительно сделает всё так, как обешал
тебе? Это так на него не похоже.
8. Неужели он не сумеет отстоять своё мнение на заседании
совета директоров?

9. Как они могли оставить её в таком неловком положении?

Неужели никто так и не пришел ей на помощь?
10. Не может быть, чтобы вы были не в состоянии выполнить
волю своего отца в отношении вашего младшего брата.
11. Они вполне могли забыть о том, что им надо быть дома в
девять: дети так увлечены игрой!
12. Ты мог бы и присмотреть за бабушкой в моё отсутствие: ты
же знаешь как она стара и слаба и что она не может
обходиться без помощи.
13. Как же ты могла наговорить столько грубостей! Не может
быть, чтобы ты действительно имела в виду то, что сказала.
14. Не может быть, чтобы это было бриллиантовое кольцо.
Слишком уж низка цена на него.
15. Он вполне мог уйти на рыбалку рано утром и не
предупредить вас. В этом случае он вернется к обеду.


Exercise 4
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verb MAY.
1. ‘Shall I tell you of what it reminded me?’
‘You may’.
‘Of the foul German spectre — the Vampire’.
2. This picture may not be ever shown to the public; you must
remember it very well.
3. I wanted to be weak that I might avoid the awful passage of
further suffering I saw laid out for me.
4. Georgiana said that I might use the guest rooms in her village
cottage as well as her conservatory and gardens.
5. You might have telephoned to the embassy and settled
everything with the visa so that I might leave this country.
6. You mu.st have gone by the side door: your boots are muddy.
7. Jack might often be seen sitting on the porch with a pipe in his
mouth, contemplating.

8. I asked if he might bring his wife down next Saturday.

Aunt Augusta has invited us both for dinner next Sunday
9. but she is afraid you might be bored.
There was so much they had shared together and so much
10. more they might have shared that they had not.
Joney said that 1 might take his car whenever 1 wanted it.
11. ‘Did she say where she was going?’
12. ‘She may have left a message.’
‘Did she say where she was going?’
13. ‘No, but she might have left a message. She knows 1 am
always getting so nervous when she leaves all of a sud-
14. ‘What has happened to the dog? It is not here.’
‘Mom may have taken it round for a walk in the park.’
15. She gave a shrug of impatience. ‘This affair may well fade
into nothing.’

Exercise 5
Fill in the blanks with MAY/MIGHT followed by the appropriate form of the
infinitive in brackets.
1. ‘Who is this elegant woman walking through the garden
together with Annie?’
‘I don’t see from here but it... (to be) her mother. She is always
so exquisitely dressed.’
2. ‘... I (to smoke) here?’
‘Yes, it’s perfectly all right with me — I never mind when
people smoke.’
3. ‘I think we ... (to go) skiing to Austria next February. 1 hope
we’ll do, Jacob is so keen on skiing.’
4. ‘Where is Val?’
‘I am not certain... 1 think he ... (to play) squash. Let’s go and
see if I am right.’
5. ‘Wliere is Val?’
‘I have heard something about his love for plants and flowers.
So he ... (to go) already to the Botanic Gardens without waiting
for us.’
6. Take your camera. There you ... (to come across) something
worth remembering.

7. ‘Why is he so impatient about returning home as soon as

‘He ... (to hear) from his family and (to learn) something that
makes him return in a hurry.’
8. Don’t turn off the light: father... (to come back) after dark.
9. ‘Why are you whispering all this when you can say it all aloud:
we are alone.’
‘One never knows who ... (to listen) too.’
10. ‘... 1 (to look) around? The place is very pretty.’
‘Yes, you ... . But don’t forget that dinner is served here at
11. Joan did not approve of Michael’s behaviour; she thought: ‘He
... (to behave) in a more appropriate way: he knows it is difficult
for me to justify his way of life.’
12. ‘Where do you suppose he is now?’
‘He ... (to be) in New York.’
13. You are welcome to come with me. You ... (to notice) things that
I miss.
14. ‘Molly, do you know where Mum ... (to put) her address book?’
‘No, though I think it ... (to lie) still in the hall.’

Exercise 6
Make up situations to illustrate the use of the modal verbst in the following
>- Pattern: It might have been worse.
— Yesterday Mike invited me to a new programme in the circus
but Michael did not come and I had to see it all alone. It was
— It might have been worse. I know Michael is crazy about two
things: circus and parachute Jumping. Can you imagine yourself
doing the latter?
1. He may telephone yet.
2. He may not have recognized you.
3. You might have fallen.
4. He may be reading in his room.
5. From afar the house might have been taken for a small inn.

Exercise 7
Translate into English using MAY/MIGHT.
1. — Могу ли я позвонить из вашего офиса?
— Да, конечно, можете.
2. На этой выставке можно увидеть полотна выдающихся
художников старой школы.
3. — Могу я поговорить с мистером Венелером?
— К сожалению, он отсутствует. Что я могу ему передать?
4. Может быть, не всё ещё потеряно, и они успеют
предупредить его.
5. Возможно, он будет президентом страны. Мне очень этого
хочется: он заслуживает этой чести.
6. Зачем ты поехал в горы? Ты же не умеешь даже стоять на
лыжах. А если буря? Ты бы мог вообще оттуда не
7. Из окна было видно, как ласточки, свившие гнездо под
крышей сарая, кормят птенцов.
8. В Москве на главных улицах можно увидеть множество
людей со всего света и услышать такие языки, названия
которых вы даже не знаете.
9. Возможно, я простила бы Алису, но она продолжает
испытывать мое терпение и дальше.
10. — А чем занимается этот юный изобретатель, Аллан?
— Возможно, он в эту минуту занят изобретением вечного
двигателя, а, может быть, и ничего не делает.
11. Всё может произойти, но не теряйте присутствия духа и
держитесь все вместе. Тогда вы непобедимы.
12. Возможно, вы и правы. В таком случае, нам есть что
обсудить и о чём поспорить.
13. Вам нельзя входить в операционных блок. Сюда могут
входить только хирурги и медсестры.
14. Можно мне позаниматься в вашей библиотеке? Такого
богатого собрания книг я ещё нигде не видел.
15. Может быть, и его пригласят на ужин; он в последнее
время стал часто захаживать к ним.

Exercise 8
Supply the correct form of the verbs CAN and MAY in the sentences
expressing permission and prohibition.

1. You ... use my car tomorrow since I do not need it: I am

staying at home.
2. ‘I ... come in?’
‘Yes, do, please.’
3. You ... not smoke here. Look, there is a “No smoking” sign
over the door.
4. You ... not do it without your parents’ consent.
5. You ... go now; but remember what I have told you.
6. I ... not tell you about it. I have promised to keep silent
about this.
7. You ... not watch this film until you have completed your
No one ... sit down while the King is speaking.
9. Nigel said that 1 ... stay in his apartment while he was in
New York putting his affairs in order.
10. Colonel said that I... come and see him whenever I thought
I had important information for him.

Exercise 9
Paraphrase the following sentences using the verbs CAN/COULD and
MAY/MIGHT where possible.
1. Perhaps she was busy yesterday and couldn’t finish the task
in time.
2. Is it possible that he is a good tennis player? I have never
known him to be a sportsman.
3. Perhaps you forgot to lock the car door and somebody has
stolen it.
4. It is impossible that he should not know about his sister’s
5. Perhaps he will come in time.
3. Is it possible that she has followed her parents’ advice?
7. Perhaps he is having lunch now.
It is possible that he has already come and you will soon
hear from him.
9. It is impossible, I think, to cross this river: it is too wide and

10. Perhaps he will be invited too as he is a friend of Nick’s.

11. Perhaps he telephoned but I was in my office and the answering
machine, probably, received his message.

Exercise 10
Translate into English rendering correctly the Russian expressions "может
быть” and “не может быть”.
1. а) Может быть, пойдёт снег.
b) Может быть, снега не будет.
c) Не может быть, чтобы пошёл снег.
d) Неужели будет снег?
2. а) Может быть, он знает вас.
b) Может быть, он не знает вас.
c) Не может быть, чтобы он знал вас.
d) Неужели он вас знает?
3. а) Может быть, они ждут нас.
b) Может быть, они не ждут нас.
c) Не может быть, чтобы они ждали нас.
d) Неужели они нас ждут?
4. а) Может быть, он потерял ключи.
b) Может быть, он и не терял ключи.
c) Не может быть, чтобы он потерял ключи.
d) Неужели он потерял ключи?

Exercise 11
Маке up situations of your own using the following sentences in them. Try to
show clearly the difference between the sentences containing the modal verb
CAN and the ones containing the verb MAY. (For pattern see Exersise 6).
1. a) He may not be in now.
b) He may not have been in when you called him up.
2. a) He may not have heard from his family yet. b)
He can’t have heard from his family.
3. a) He may be reading in his room, b)
He can be hiding somewhere.
4. a) He can’t possibly have done it. b)
He may as well give you a lift.


Exercise 12
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the verb MUST.

1. ‘No, Basil, you must tell me,’ insisted Dorian Gray. ‘I have
a right to know’.
2. Dorian shook his head. ‘You must not ask me about that,
3. I must part with you for my whole life and I must begin a
new existence amongst strange faces and strange scenes.
4. Since I haven’t seen anything, the vision you had must have
been unreal.
5. That woman was — must have been Grace Poole.
6. I always have a warm corner for Roberta. I must try and
find her before I go abroad.
7. ‘When does Mr. Johnson come back?’
‘Next month’.
‘You must be missing him terribly then’.
8. Mrs. Cromwell took us around her yacht. There was no
doubt that it must have cost her a fortune.
9. ‘Pull yourself together,’ I said. ‘You must be imagining
all this’.
10. This house must have been pretty a long time ago.
11. Once a professional, one always must be a professional.
12. I haven’t seen her for ages. She must have changed since
then. I am sure I won’t recognize her.
13. It must have been the golden hair that penetrated her with
a sort of glowing and made her look like a fairy.

Exercise 13
Supply the correct form of the infinitive with the modal verb MUST.
1. His mind turned to the accident. It was the kind of thing which
must (not to occur) again.
2. It is lovely to have you home again. We must (to have) a party to
celebrate your arrival.
3. ‘I must (to get) old,’ she said, ‘to be talking like that’.
4. ‘Nowadays big hotels must (to do) tremendous business,’
thought old Jolyon.

5. ‘You must (to be) right. 1 am not going to argue with you since
I share your point of view.’
6. But at last he rose realizing dully that he had work which he
must (to do).
7. 1 must (to sit) there for a quarter of an hour waiting and
thinking about it before I saw the letter.
8. He had said that he himself was an admirer of French
philosophers. This must (to influence) him in making his
9. At half past eight came Lucy, wet to the skin. She must (to wait)
for Sid since the rain had started.
10. Someone of us two must (to go away) to prevent a disaster. We
definitely can’t work together.
11. The old lady must (to be) a beauty once. Susy wished to see
Mrs. Durley’s picture to find out if she was right.
12. Bring me that cigarette-case. It must (to lie) on the salver in the
13. Nick brought the repaired bicycle. He must (to work) since
early morning today to finish in time.

Exercise 14
Make up your own questions and give affirmative and negative answers
according to the pattern.

>■ Pattern: Must I read this article too ?

— Yes, you must.
— No, you needn’t.

Exercise 15
Make up situations to justify the use of the modal verb MUST. For pattern see
Exercise 6.
1. He must be working.
He must have worked.
He must have been working.
2. He must never have been poor.
He must have failed to come in time.
He must have misunderstood you.

Exercise 16 A
Paraphrase the following sentences using MUST to express supposition. Try to
avoid using the negative particle NOT.

1. 1 am perfectly certain that he did not manage to catch the

2. I am .sorry! Now I see that I did not recognize you.
3. I am sure that he was not noticed by anyone of us.
4. She definitely did not understand this rule.
5. He obviously did not know that he was awkward.
6. He evidently did not answer his mother’s message.
7. He evidently wasn’t worrying about anything.
8. He is sure to be not very careful to have broken your fa-
vourite vase.
9. I am sure the information they have given us is not perfectly
10 He was certain he had not a fair chance of winning: he
wasn’t in good form for recently he had gone through a
serious trauma.
1 1 . He did not seem to be conscious of having said the wrong
12. I am sure they did not do anything about their report.
1 don’t see any changes.
13. She did not seem to be experienced in swimming though
she said she was.

Translate into English paying attention to the way you render supposition in the
future and in negative sentences.
1. OH, ДОЛЖНО быть, не осознавал, что вёл себя бестактно.
2. Они, должно быть, ничего не заметили и поэтому не стали
3. Я, должно быть, не так произнесла Вашу фамилию!
4. Вы, должно быть, не осознали важности происходящего.

5. Вас, скорее всего, никто не заметил. Не будьте так

6. Собака залаяла. Должно быть, не признала своего хозяина.
7. Наверняка всё еще уладится в нашу пользу.
8. Скорее всего, он вам напишет уже из Австралии.
9. Должно быть, он позвонит вам вечером. Не отходите от
10. Скорее всего, он ничего так и не узнает.
11. Наверняка они придут всей семьей на юбилей тётушки.
12. Скорее всего, он решит это дело в вашу пользу.
13. Должно быть, она не будет страдать из-за этой встречи. Но
вы всё-таки её навестите.

Exercise 17
Ask tag-questions to the following sentences.
1. He could be right though 1 doubt it.
2. You can have been mistaken. Ask him once again.
3. He must be reading in the library.
4. He must have talked to her already. She knows what has
5. They may be still in the mountains.
6. They may have moved house. They don’t answer my letters.
7. They must have been walking in the rain. They are wet to the
8. They may be still staying at their aunt’s. Otherwise they would
be already here.
9. She cannot have failed to recognize you. She has known you for
15 years!
10. They cannot have forgotten about their mother’s birthday. It’s
not like them.
11. Don’t get upset. You could have misunderstood him.
12. They may have been doing well since they do not ask for help.
13. It must be raining outside, do you hear the noise?

Exercise 18
Paraphrase the following sentences using the modal verbs MUST, CAN,
MAY to express supposition, doubt, astonishment, surprise or
1. I do not believe that he is as stupid as he is said to be.
2. I doubt that they said that. They are too well-bred.
3. I am sure that the person who telephoned me was Allan.
4. Is it true that Michael has divorced Alice?
5. He is probably at the theatre now enjoying Swan Lake.
6. He is sure to have forgotten about his promise to arrive on
7. It is possible that they have already arrived. But why then is
there no message from them?
8. Is it true that he has decided to move house and go to Spain?
9. I am sure he has a university degree; he is a well-educated man.
10. Probably he will enter the University, or, perhaps, the Poly-
technical Institute in Manchester.
11. Is it really true that they built their cottage in a month?
12. I do not believe that he has been invited to the party: last time he
did not behave properly.
13. It is impossible that you saw him on Wednesday evening in the
opera house.
14. You must not get upset: everything will probably turn out all
15. Perhaps, they have telephoned while you were out.
16. I am perfectly certain that he is speaking on the telephone now:
the line is busy.
17. Is it true that they are still translating this article? It is one of the
easiest tasks 1 could think of
18. People were folding wet umbrellas as they were entering the
metro station. And I thought that it was raining outside.
19. It is quite possible that they have already woken up: it is nine
o’clock and you can ring them up.
20. Perhaps he will come next week and bring you a very nice doll
or a box of chocolates.
21. It is impossible that he has failed the exam: he was so well-
prepared and he knows nearly everything.

Exercise 19
Translate into English using the modal verbs MUST, CAN and MAY.
1. OH должен много читать вслух, чтобы улучшить своё
2. Он, должно быть, много читает вслух, у него хорошее
3. Не может быть, чтобы он много читал вслух, он совсем не
улучшил своё произношение.
4. Вероятно, он ещё не закончил читать эту книгу.
5. — Неужели они никогда не видели снега?
— Конечно, нет. Они же из Бразилии.
6. Неужели вашей собаке уже пять лет?
7. Наверное, ваш брат станет знаменитым историком: он так
увлечён наукой.
8. Вы можете и не высказывать своё мнение вслух. Я его
отлично знаю.
9. Наверное, он не пожалеет времени и средств для того,
чтобы иметь информацию обо всём.
Ю. Может быть, вы и не хотите, чтобы ваше имя попало в
газеты, но этого, я думаю, уже не избежать.
И. Вы должны исполнить только то, что в ваших силах. Никто
не требует от вас большего.
12. Нужно проверить его слова: он, возможно, прав, а,
возможно, и нет.
13. Не может быть, чтобы летом шел снег, а зимой — стояла
жара. Так же невероятно и то, что ты мне только что
14. Должно быть, он никогда не испытывал нужду и не знает,
как живут небогатые люди.
15. Он последнее время совсем к нам не ходит: он, вероятно, не
знает, что мы уже приехали.
16. Он поспешил уйти. Скорее всего не захотел, чтобы его
17. Неужели вы ещё не были в Париже? Вам обязятельно
нужно там побывать — это удивительный город.
18. Скорее всего, он уже не появится: слишком поздно и пора
19. Вероятно, я тоже буду в Москве на будущей неделе.
20. Вы можете оказать мне небольшую услугу? Позвоните
моей сестре и помиритесь с ней.

21. Ничего уже не поделать! Вы больше не будете друзьями.

22. Он не мог не рассмеяться, когда увидел уснувшего за
телефонной беседой отца.
23. Очевидно, он, наконец встретился с Сарой, поэтому он и
был вчера таким веселым.

Exrcise 20
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verbs TO BE TO

The picture had to be concealed: there was no help to it.

2. The very first thing we have to do is to reduce the overheads
in this business.
3. I’ve had to give a lot of thought recently to my feelings to-
ward you.
4. Now will you please show me the office where I am to
5. He was to have had a board meeting on Tuesday but was
suddenly summoned to the summit in New York.
6. He looked around for his car but it was nowhere to be
7. You are not to utter a word in the presence of the Royal
Family otherwise you’ll be punished.
8. Now I’ve had to listen to a lot of lying. And 1 never watch
9. I had to feel my way down the stairs as there was no light.
I found myself in an unknown town and had to have some-
10. one show me the way from the station.
If you don’t pay for the parcel you are sending, the recepi-
3. ent will have to pay for it.
‘What are the arrangements for the conference?’
12. ‘We are to be there to be present at the plenary mee-
13. I don’t have to attend all the lectures on history: last year I
took a special course in history under the supervision of the
same professor.
14. You don’t have to be in a hurry: the flight was delayed until
twelve so you will not miss the plane.
15. You did not have to copy this article: I had some spare cop-
ies so I could share them with you.

16. This medicine is to be taken three times a day before meals.

17. They left for France and they were never to come back. But then
they could not predict that.

Exercise 21
Make the following sentences: negative;

1. You have to stay in bed until your cold is over.

2. You have to pass examinations twice a year.
3. You had to read this book by Friday.
4. They had to build the shop by last summer.
5. He will have to telephone his tutor and ask for advice.
6. You will have to join us later.
7. She had to work hard to make both ends meet.

Exercise 22
Define whether the verb TO HAVE is modal, auxiliary or notional.
1. I have been calling her up all day and I haven’t recieved any
answer as yet.
2. Have you any relatives living permanently in Egypt?
3. Wliat are we having for dinner tonight?
4. You don’t have to be there at all: I am going there and will settle
everything for you.
5. It is superb! Have you done it yourself?
6. The weather is awful but I still have to go out. My doctor says I
need exercise.
7. Have a look at these fantastic engravings. Aren’t they
absolutely amazing?
8. Where have you been all this time? 1 have been worrying!
9. I have to telephone my parents and tell them I have already
arrived: they’ll be happy.
10. Have another cup of coffee. Help yourself to it.
11. She never had to work: she was very rich.
12. She had never worked in her life, for she was immensely rich.

13. Do you have any complaints? Is everything all right? If you

need anything just ask your servant.
14. What have I done to make her so unhappy?
15. You don’t have to spend so much time studying chemistry.
Natural science is a wide field and there are so many interesting

Exercise 23
Fill in the blanks using the modal verbs TO BE TO, TO HAVE TO or
1. Uncle Nick’s things ... to be moved out of his room so that
it could be redecorated.
2. For the next few weeks I ... to stay in bed. Everyone came
to visit me and I ... (not) to do the cooking.
The chief engineer who ... to work for General Motors had
not arrived yet.
They went to see Mabel’s new house. Mabel said that only
the last touches ... to be added and she ... to move into it
quite soon.
5. That day 1 had my agent waiting to see me after his business trip
to Italy and 1 ... to cut my visitor short.
6. Both sisters ... have been ashamed of having spoken as they had
in front of a third person.
But at last he rose realiszing dully that there was work which he
... to do.
8. a) He looks very tired. He ... have been working since
b) He ... to work hard to earn at least something to provide for
his family
9. You ... take the dog away. I won’t have it here any longer.
At this boarding school the discipline is rather strict: the
10. children ... to go to bed at 8 o’clock.
My mother says that 1 ... (not) to hurry home because she
11. herself is out playing bridge.
a) My car is being repaired now and I ... to walk here this
12. morning.
b) My car was being repaired and I ... to collect it that
13. a) He ... to stay the night with us because 1 won’t let him go out
in such stormy weather.

b) He ... to stay the night with us, for he has missed the train.
14. ‘1 told my husband that he ... (not) to smoke in the sitting-
‘1 ... (not) to do so: my husband is a born gentleman and he
never does it’.
15. In March 1 ... to be in Manchester: I am invited as the best man
to my best friend’s wedding and according to his plans 1 ...
(not) to come back until early in April.
16. The new Governor ... to arrive in May. By then ever>'thing ... to
be ready to organize a fabulous meeting.

Exercise 24
Translate into English.
1. Эндрю должен был встретиться с Майком за ланчем на
следующий день, но он не видел причины рассказывать об
этом своему адвокату.
2. На следующий день Гринам показали Прадо, а вечером
они должны были ужинать в Савое.
3. В это время Флору уже было обычно не застать в её
4. По радио объявили, что вечером должен выступать
5. Ночью корабль зашел в порт, где они должны были
заправиться топливом и пополнить запасы пресной воды.
6. Он должен был привстать со своего места, чтобы увидеть,
что происходило на трибуне.
7. В этот момент вощел Кларк, которого мне совсем не нужно
было представлять гостям: он был слищком известен.
8. Мне нужно было всё ещё раз хорощенько обдумать, и вот я
здесь и готов нести ответственность за всё.
9. Романа пригласили щафером на свадьбу. После венчания
они должны были поехать в ресторан, и Роман должен был
договориться с менеджером ресторана.
10. Книге, на которую он потратил половину своей жизни, не
суждено было появиться на свет до его смерти.

11. Они жили долго и счастливо, и им суждено было умереть в

один день.
12. — Ты ведь никогда не говорил мне, что встречал Мориса.
— В этом не было необходимости, да и ты не спрашивал.
13. Электричество и газ были отключены из-за
разбушевавшегося шторма, и им пришлось готовить пищу
на огне.
14. Он любил спать на улице, но в ту ночь поднялась буря, и
ему пришлось перебраться в дом.
15. — Ты чем-то расстроен?
— Мы с Фишером договорились встретиться в шесть
часов у входа в Институт, но он так и не пришёл.
16. В это время, как обычно, Монику можно было видеть через
распахнутое окно. Она играла на рояле один из вальсов
Шопена (Chopin).
17. Тебе уже не нужно решать с ним производственные
проблемы. Знаешь, он теперь должен стать главой
департамента занятости (employment department).
18. Мне необходимо было найти кого-либо, кто бы хорошо
говорил по-голландски, чтобы позвонить в Голландию.


Exercise 25
Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the modal verbs SHOULD
1. These words cut me: what could T do or say? I ought to have
done or said nothing.
2. I think you ought to let your parents know that you are here;
otherwise they’ll be angry'.
3. George did not see why he should not discuss the matter with his
4. He remembered that he should not smoke unless invited to do

5. You should have taken part in that amateur perfomance. Why

should you miss a chance to show how artistic you may be?
6. Nancy is so graceful. You should have seen her on horseback:
she looks like a born queen.
7. Your father ought to know about you financial failure: he is
always ready to help you, don’t forget about it.
8. He drove at great speed. He knew that the guests had already all
arrived at his house.
9. Anything we can do to clear up this miserable affair ought to be
10. Tea is between half past five and six and it should be ready now.
11. lam working late today but I ought to be able to do my
shopping: the stores are open until eight.
12. Now I am all right since 1 know that nothing has happened to
you. But you ought to have told me about it earlier.
13. How should I know when he is coming? 1 am not his personal
14. Jack who should have been sweating at the gym was sitting
comfortably in a gardener’s shed reading a book.

Exercise 26
Translate into Russian and compare the use of the modal verbs NEED and
SHOULD in the meaning of necessity/absence of necessity.
1. You should not have done it yourself: all you had to do is ask
2. You need not have paid your debt so soon. 1 do not need this
money so urgently.
3. You should not give the child so much care. It may make him
dependent on your attention. He should be more self- confident.
4. You needn’t have come so early. Now you will have to wait
until four o’clock.
5. I am sorry, 1 should not have told you that: it has upset you so
6. You need not have carried this luggage yourself: there were a
lot of porters around.

Exercise 27
Fill In the blanks with the modal verbs MUST, SHOULD and OUGHT TO
followed by the appropriate form of the infinitives In brackets.
1. You are grown up enough and you ... (to know) that such things
... (not to say) in public.
2. He could not see anything in the cave. He thought he ... (to
bring) a torch.
3. If one is in love it is only natural that he ... (to be) happy and
4. Then, logically, he ... (to laugh) but he heard himself saying:
‘You are absolutely right’, instead.
5. How I ... (to know) where you have left your glasses? They can
be anywhere considering your absent-mindedness.
6. It is too late and you are exhausted after such an eventful day. 1
... (to think) about it and (to let) you have a rest.
7. You ... (to take) a long walk every morning. Exercise will only
do you plenty of good.
8. You ... (to be) there with your friends, fighting. While they are
risking their lives it’s mean of you to stay here.
9. Children, you ... (to say) good-bye to your grannie and then we
... (to go).
10. ‘Who is going to come to young Collins’ wedding?’
‘1 suppose, there ... (to be) Nick and Sarah, since they are
always invited to any of the gatherings organized by the Collins
and the rest will be quite mixed.’
11. Molly telephoned that she was on her way home, so at any
moment she ... (to arrive).
12. How 1 ... (to know) what you have told Michael? 1 did not hear
your talk and I haven’t seen Mike as yet.
13. There ... (to be) many guests yesterday, 1 suppose: the Oxleys
are so hospitable.
14. She ... (to tell) the truth then. Now nothing can be done to
improve the situation.
15. My goodness! You are still reading! This text is as simple as it
can be! You ... (to go) to bed: you are definitely tired. In the
morning you ... (to be) fresh and bright.

6 Зак. № 366

Exercise 28
Translate into English.
1. Я не ожидал, что мои слова так подействуют на Вас. Мне
не следовало этого говорить Вам.
2. Ей совсем не следовало вставать: она ещё не оправилась
после болезни, и эта прогулка может иметь нехорошие
3. Я сожалею, что был с тобой более откровенен, чем
4. Я думаю, тебе уже нужно бы знать, что этого делать не
следует в обществе людей старше тебя.
5. С какой стати я должна звонить ему первая? Он начал это
дело, пусть он теперь и отвечает за всё.
6. Откуда же мне знать, что он устроил скандал в школе? Я
уже вторую неделю сижу дома и не вижу никого.
7. Вам нужно побольше двигаться и бывать на свежем
воздухе. Вашему сердцу это полезно.
8. Должно быть, Алиса уже приехала, и нам следует
поторопиться, чтобы встретить её.
9. Наверное, спектакль начнётся в семь часов вечера. В этом,
театре все вечерние спектакли начинаются в семь.
10. Я сказал что-нибудь такое, чего не нужно было говорить?
Должно быть, её расстроила моя новость. Но откуда мне
было знать это?
11. — Я уже второй день ищу Алекса. Он куда-то исчез!
— Как, ты не знаешь? Он же уехал в Австралию!
— Да! Он же говорил! Мне бы следовало догадаться!
12. Нелли всегда очень пунктуальна. Если она что-нибудь
обещает, то обязательно сделает. Значит, с минуты на
минуту она будет здесь.
13. Ты плохо выглядищь, ты бледен и слаб. Не надо было тебе
приходить на работу. Ничего бы не произошло, если бы ты
не пришёл.
14. Как ты мог поступить так с ней? Стыдись! Тебе надо
попросить у неё прощения.

15. Это же твоя специальность! Ты же профессионал и должен

знать такие вещи.
16. Девочки тайком убежали на танцы, в то время как они
должны были учить уроки.

Exercise 29
Маке up situations to illustrate the use of the modal verbs in the sentences
1. a) He ought to know.
b) You should do it.
c) You should have done it.
2. a) You ought to do something for him.
b) You ought to have done something for him.
3. a) You should not tell anyone about it.
b) You should not have told anyone about it.
4. a) How should I know?
b) Why should I do that?

Exercise 30
Look at these notices. Try to explain what they mean and say where you
might come across them.
1. Final date for application; 1 September.
2. Emergency exit only.
3. Pay cash here.
4. Please enter without knocking.
5. Prepaid envelope. No stamp required.
6. No smoking.
7. Silence.
8. Fasten your seat belts.
9. Admission: Adults: £1, Children 50p.
10. Come in and look around — no obligation to buy.
11. Exact fare only. No change given.
12. No photographs.
13. Private.
14. Not transferable.
15. Evening dress optional.
16. Valid on day of issue only.

Exercise 31
Look at these road signs. Try to explain what they mean. Work in pairs or
>■ Pattern: You should slow down: the gates might be closed In case
there is a train coming.

Д^ ^ Д^

These words might be useful: crossroads, level-crossing, the
turn of the road, slippery, steep, slope, rise drawbridge, delay,
roadworks, precipice, landslip.

Exercise 32
Giving advice. Work in groups. Use the situations below to make up dialogues
of your own.
1. Someone you meet at a party asks you to recommend a good place
to spend an evening in your town.

2. Your friend’s husband took the dog for a walk five hours ago.
The dog has just come back without him.
3. Your friend has been working twelve hours a day for the last
month and he/she is beginning to look ill. This morning for no
reason at all he/she lost his/her temper.
4. Your friend is digging in his/her garden when he/she discovers
an old chest full of gold coins.
5. Your friend got engaged. Her fiancee gave her a very expensive
diamond ring just before she went to France. When she got back
she realized that she had lost the ring. She doesn’t know what to

Exercise 33
Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the modal verb WOULD expressing an
habitual action in the past.
That’s Harris all over — so ready to take the burden of
everything himself, and put it on the backs of other people.
He always reminds me of my poor Uncle Podger. You never saw
such a commotion up and down a house in all your life, as when my
Uncle Podger undertook to a job. A picture would have come home
from the frame-maker’s and be standing in the dining-room, waiting
to be put up; and Aunt Podger would ask what was to be done with it,
and Uncle Podger would say: ‘Oh, you leave that to me. Don’t you,
any of you, worry yourselves about that. I’ll do all that.’
And then he would take off his coat, and begin. He would send
the girl out for sixpenn’orth of nails, ... and from that, he would
gradually work down, and start the whole house.
‘Now you go and get me my hammer. Will,’ he would shout;
‘and bring me the ruler, Tom.’ ...
And then he would lift up the picture, and drop it, and it would
come out of the frame, and he would try to save the glass, and cut
himself; and then he would spring round the room, looking for his
handkerchief He could not find his handkerchief, because it was in
the pocket of the coat he had taken off, and he did not know where he
had put the coat, and all the house had to leave off looking for his
tools, and start looking for his coat; while he would dance round and
hinder them...
{After Jerome K. Jerome)

Exercise 34
Fill in the blanks lAiith the modal verb WOULD where necessary. Think
of other ways of expressing an habitual action in the past.
...That was a Tuestday. He ... (to come) on Wednesday; he ... (to
come) on Thursday; he ... (to come) on Friday; and he ... (to come)
on Saturday. It is true that each visit... (to begin), (to continue) or (to
conclude) with a declaration of love, but in between there was much
room for silence. They ... (to sit) on either side of the fire-place and
sometimes the Archduke ... (to knock) over the fire-irons and
Orlando ... (to pick) them up again. Then the Archduke ... (to
bethink) him how he had shot an elk in Sweden, and Orlando ... (to
ask), was it a very big elk, and the Archduke ... (to say) that it was not
as big as the reindeer which he had shot in Norway; and Orlando ...
(to ask), had he ever shot a tiger, and the Archduke ... (to say) he had
shot an albatross, and Orlando ... (to say) (half hiding her yawn) was
an albatross as big as an elephant, and the Archduke ... (to say) —
something very sensible, no doubt, but Orlando heard it not, for she
... (to look) at her writing-table, out of the window, at the door. Upon
which the Archduke ... (to say), T adore you’, at the very same
moment that Orlando... (to say) ‘Look, it’s beginning to rain,’ at
which they ... (to be) both much embarrassed, and blushed scarlet,
and could neither of them think what to say next...
(After Virginia Woolf)

Exercise 35
Translate Into English paying attention to the way you render an habitual
action taking place in the past.
...Обыкновенно двое должны были придерживать стул, а
третий помогал ему (дядюшке Поджеру) забраться на него
(стул) и поддерживал его на стуле. Четвертый же держал и
подавал ему гвоздь, пятый подавал молоток. И, как обычно,
дядюшка брал гвоздь и ронял его.
«Вот так! — говорил он обиженным голосом,— ну, теперь
гвоздя нет.»
И мы все обыкновенно опускались на четвереньки и ползали таким
образом в поисках гвоздя, в то время как он

(дядюшка), как всегда, стоял на стуле и ворчал, спрашивая:

«Мне что, стоять здесь весь вечер?»
Наконец гвоздь находился, но к этому времени,
обыкновенно, терялся молоток... Мы находили ему молоток, и
затем он терял из виду отметку, которую он сделал на стене, и
куда должен был быть вбит гвоздь. И каждый из нас должен был
забраться на стул рядом с ним и попытаться найти эту отметину.
И каждый из нас находил её в разных местах, и он называл нас
дураками одного за другим, и приказывал спуститься...
{По Джерому К. Джерому)

Exercise 36
Write а composition. Imagine that, fifty years from now, someone in your group
is very famous. Write an account of his/her life. Describe his/her habits and
ways, his/her daily routine etc. Try to use as many modal verbs as you can in
your composition.


Exercise 37
Translate into English using all the modal verbs you know.
1. OH попытался объяснить'всё, но я не стал его слушать.
2. Джон попытался открыть крышку, но она никак не
3. Ты должне был сообщить им об этом, а то теперь они не знают,
что им делать.
4. Я не поеду с вами. Отец слаб, и мне нужно с ним побыть
ещё какое-то время.
5. — Неужели он забыл заказать билеты на самолёт?
— Он, наверное, заказал их на имя Вашей матери!
6. Ты вся промокла. Зря ты не попросила кого-нибудь
подвезти тебя.
7. Вечером она должна была принимать участие в концерте.
Поэтому она берегла свой голос и не пила напитки со
льдом, хотя было очень жарко.
8. Ты бы мог мне сказать, что опоздаешь.

9. C какой стати он должен делать твою работу? Почему ты

уклоняешься от своих обязанностей?
10. Зачем тебе откладывать на завтра то, что ты мог бы сделать
11. Не может быть, чтобы она не заметила знака,
предупреждающего о крутом повороте!
12. Вероятно, он решил идти пешком, а не ехать в
переполненном автобусе. Погода великолепная, и тут
недалеко. Он, должно быть, будет с минуты на минуту.
13. Ему суждено было сделать великое открытие, которое
должно было обессмертить его имя в веках.
14. Мы договорились, что после игры в тенние пойдем в
бассейн, а потом — в кино.
15. Должно быть, солнце высушило траву здесь. Наверное, у
них мало дождей, и урожаи небогатые.
16. Вам долго пришлось ждать меня? Я не мог освободиться
раньше. Был очень занят.
17. Все устроилось. И теперь ему не надо было вмешиваться.
18. Должно быть, он сменил компьютерный код. Я не могу
войти в программу.
19. Он предлагал ей жизнь, полную счастья, богатства и
роскоши, но она и слушать его не хотела.
20. Он вёл скромный образ жизни; обычно просыпался рано
утром, делал зарядку; после этого, как всегда, работал до
21. Неужели он так и не попросил прощения у брата?
22. Не может быть, чтобы он обманул меня, чтобы посмеяться
надо мною. Это так на него не похоже.
23. Самолёт должен был приземлиться в аэропорту Стен- стед
в восемь часов, но из-за нелётной погоды был задержан на
24. Зря вы признались ему. Он человек черствый и рас-
счетливый. Искренность не в его натуре. Он, скорее всего,
и не понял вас.
25. Он не знал, что никогда не суждено будет ему увидеть
вновь это милое и открытое лицо.
26. — Он должен был прибыть одиннадцатичасовым поездом.
Неужели он опоздал?
— Откуда мне знать.
27. Возможно, она не успеда дойти до дома до наступле-

НИЯ темноты, и, скорее всего, заблудилась: она ведь плохо

знает эти места.
28. Тебе следует захватить зонт. Ты отправляешься в
Манчестер, а ведь там часто идут дожди.
29. Я должен подать заявление в Университет не позже 20
30. Зря вы не позвонили студентам и не отменили лекцию,
профессор. Вы ещё очень плохо себя чувствуете.
31. Должно быть, он знал Алекса раньше. Иначе с какой стати
он бы стал разговаривать с Алексом, как со старым
приятелем, улыбаясь.
32. Наверное, он хорошо сдаст экзамен. Он так много
33. Мама обернулась в поисках маленькой Лоры, но её нигде
не было видно. По всей видимости, что-то её увлекло, и она
34. Вам не следовало вмешиваться. Могли бы и промолчать —
свои собаки дерутся, чужая не мешает.
35. «Неужели, в самом деле, все сгорели карусели?»
(С. Я. Маршак)
36. Я должна быть на собеседовании в главном офисе фирмы
во вторник в 10.00.
37. Не может быть, чтобы он смутился. Этого циника ничто не
может смутить.
38. Возможно, ваше фамильное колье ещё отыщется. Нельзя
терять надежду.
39. Я обязательно буду актрисой. У них вся жизнь — праздник.
Им не надо ходить на работу и выполнять скучные
обязанности. Они могут позволить себе все, о чем можно
40. Вчера я видела Макинтоша. Он так поправился, что с его
сигарой его можно было бы быть принять за Черчилля.

Exercise 38
Маке up your own situations to illustrate why a particular modal verb is used in
the sentences below. Show the difference between them.
1. expressing different degrees of certainty.
a) He may be reading.
b) He may have read this book.

c) He can’t be there now.

d) He can’t have been there.
e) He must be ringing up his friend.
f) He must have rung his friend up.
g) He ought to know this.
2. expressing prohibition or absence of necessity.
a) You may not do it.
b) You cannot do it.
c) You should not do it.
d) You are not to do it.
e) You don’t have to do it.
f) You need not do it.
g) You ought not to do it.
h) Don’t do it.
3. expressing request or offer.
a) Can I use it?
b) May I see him?
c) Can I buy you something?
d) Shall I open the window?
e) Will you come and have a cup of tea with me?

Conditional Sentences


Exercise 1
Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.
1. If the weather is fine tomorrow, we’ll go to the country.
2. I’ll give you this video cassette if you return it next week.
3. They won’t return in time unless they hurry.
4. If you interrupt again, you will have to go outside.
5. If 1 promise to give you the letter, will you come back?
6. ‘She won’t get better unless she calls a doctor.’
‘She won’t get better if she calls him. She’ll get worse.’
7. The whole matter will be forgotten if 1 manage to produce the

8. If you see Dave tomorrow, tell him I’d like to have a word with
9. You won’t be forgiven unless you return the money you have
10. What will he do if he doesn’t get their answer?
11. If they don’t come to our party, we’ll be upset.
12. If they want to come, there’s nothing we can do.

Exercise 2
Match these parts to make conditional sentences.

1. They’ll understand it right

a. ... if you don’t have a all
... ticket.
2. Ben will post the letter ... b. ... if I get this job.
3. Maria will get some money c. ... if it is too cold.
4. I’ll buy a new car ... d. ... if you explain it to them.

5. You can’t get in ... e.

... if she goes to the bank.
She’ll lose weight... f ... if you are going to
7. Г11 have a word with Jane g- ... if you press it on him.
8. You’ll need a visa ... h. ... if she is at home.
9. 1 won’t object ... i. ... if you ask him.
They won’t go to school ... j- ... if she goes on with her
Tony will answer the phone k. ... if he is at home.
12. He won’t take the money ... 1. ... if you try and help me.

Exercise 3
Paraphrase the following sentences according to the pattern. A
>- Pattern; Say that again and we’ll quarrel.
If you say that again, we’ll quarrel.

1. Go to the doctor and he will help you.

2. Take a taxi and we’ll be there in time.
3. Switch on the radio and you’ll hear the news.
4. Wait a minute and 1 will explain it to you.
5. Listen to me and you will understand everything.
6. Turn over the page and you’ll see that picture.
7. Come late once more and you’ll be fired.
8. Follow the instructions and you won’t get lost.
9. Buy all those things and you’ll have no money left.
10. Go along this street and you’ll see the bank on your left.
>■ Pattern: Wind up your watch, or else it will stop.
If you don’t wind up your watch, it will stop.
1. Put that book back at once, or I’ll get angry.
2. Put on something warm, or else you’ll catch cold.
3. Tell me the truth, or else I’ll learn everything on my own.
4. Get up at once, or else you’ll be late.
5. Mind your spelling, or else you’ll never get good marks.
6. Say you are sorry, or else your Mother will never forgive you.
7. Answer this letter, or he will take offence.
8. Take this job, or else you will have no more chances.
9. Ring him up, or else you won’t get the instructions.
10. Read the map carefully, or else you’ll get lost.

Exercise 4
Fill in the blanks with IF or UNLESS.

1. You’ll never pass your driving test you don’t work

2. You won’t pass your test ... you drive more carefully.
3. We won’t go to the beach tomorrow ... it is raining.
4. We’ll go to the beach tomorrow ... it is raining.
5. We will go to the beach tomorrow ... it isn’t raining.
6. ... we hurry, we’ll miss the train.
7. ... we don’t hurry, we’ll miss the train.

8. We’ll catch the train ... we hurry.

9. ... this team doesn’t start winning soon, nobody will pay to
watch them.
10. ... they start working harder, they’ll lose again.
11. You can’t see the game ... you’ve got a ticket.
12. You can see the game ... you have a ticket.
13. You can’t borrow this book ... you have returned the one you
took last month.
14. She will come to see us next month ... she has problems with her

Exercise 5
Complete the following sentences.

1. He won’t come in time if...

2. They will pass their tests if...
3. Your eyes will get tired if ...
4. The tourists will lose their way if.
5. You’ll catch cold if...
6. The team will lose the game if...

1. He’ll forget to lock the door unless ...
2. He’ll fail his exam unless ...
3. Ellen will gain weight unless ...
4. We’ll have a party tomorrow unless ...
5. She won’t accept our invitation unless ...
6. Mother won’t notice anything unless ...

1. If you don’t get a job ...
2. If you read too much ...
3. If you aren’t careful in the street ...
4. If he forgets to warn them about the changes ...
5. If I don’t have enough time to pack my things
6. If she phones too late ...

Exercise 6
Supply the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.
1. He (to understand) you if you (to speak) slowly.
2. He (to find) a good job if he (to try) hard enough.
3. You (to be attacked) by the dog if you (to move).
4. I (to go) away unless you (to want) me to stay.
5. If I (to make) coffee, you (to cut) the cake?
6. Please don’t sign any contracts unless they (to be checked) by
7. If he (to hurry), he (to get) a good seat.
8. He (to get) a bad seat unless he (to hurry).
9. Someone may get into the house if he (to forget) to lock the
10. He (to pass) his exam unless he (to read) more English books in
the original.
11. He must be more careful, unless he (to want) trouble!
12. Wliat you (to do) if you (to fail) your test?
13. Where you (to go) if you (to be) free on Sunday?
14. They (to pay) him if he (to finish) his work.
15. They (to pay) him unless he (to finish) his work.
16. If the children (to come) home late, they (to be punished).

Exercise 7
Translate into English.
1. OH не выполнит это задание, если оно будет слишком сложным.
2. Если Вы поможете мне, я переведу этот текст быстрее.
3. Завтра мы поедем за город, если только не будет дождя.
4. Если вы не будете больше заниматься, то вам будет трудно
сдавать экзамены.
5. Что вы сделаете, если выиграете главный приз?
6. — Куда он поедет летом?
— В Италию, если у него будет достаточно денег.
7. Если Вы возьмёте такси, то успеете его встретить.
8. Если нас не будет дома, когда вы позвоните, то перезвоните

9. He помогайте ему, если только он сам вас об этом не

10. Если вам не хватает денег, то придётся подождать с
покупкой телевизора.
11. Если он не сможет ничего объяснить, его ждут большие
12. Брайан купит новую машину, если не потратит деньги на
что-нибудь другое.


Exercise 1
Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.
1. If I knew his address, I’d write him.
2. If he had more spare time, he would help us.
3. If we received that letter tomorrow, we would answer
4. If he were here, he would answer your question.
5. If she was here, they would ask her a few questions.
6. If I were you, I wouldn’t dare to argue.
7. He would certainly agree if he were in your place.
8. Phil would travel if he had more money.
9. If they didn’t want to go, they wouldn’t.
10. I’d go out if it weren’t snowing.
11. If she didn’t come to their party next week, they would be very
12. What would you do if your house were broken into?
13. Ellen wouldn’t give me any money if I asked her.
14. Would you give me money if I asked you?
15. What would you do if you found somebody’s purse?
16. Unless they offered more, I wouldn’t accept the job.

Exercise 2
Match these parts to make conditional sentences.
1. They would be a. ... if I was offered it.
disappointed ...

b. ... if I lost his ring.

2. Many people would be out
of work ...
3. 1 would be surprised ... c. ... if he sold it.
4. What would happen ... d. ... if I took his car
without asking.
... if we didn’t come to
5. e. their party.
1 would be terribly upset ...
She would understand f. ... if this factory closed
6. down.
everything ... ...if you overslept
7. I would take the job ... g-
... if he refused to lend
8. He wouldn’t get much h. you some money.
money for his car... ... if you helped me with
9. What would you buy ... i. this problem.
... if I were you.
10. You’d feel better... j- ... if you explained the
11. 1 wouldn’t argue ... k. situation to her.
... if you won a lot of
12. 1. money?
Would you buy this flat ... ... if I wasn’t absolutely
13. m. sure I was right.
He would be really angry ... ... if you were offered
14. I would be grateful ... n. this job?
... if you stopped
15. I would listen to the elders’ 0. smoking.
advice ... ... if you had enough
16. What would you say ... P- money?

Exercise 3
Paraphrase the following sentences according to the pattern.
>■ Pattern: The weather isn’t warm today. We won’t go hiking.
If the weather were/was warm today, we would go hiking.

1. He doesn’t know us well. He won’t invite us.

2. We don’t like chicken. We won’t buy it.
3. I’m not cold. I won’t put on a sweater.

4. Dave doesn’t smoke. He won’t take cigarettes.

5. She doesn’t like ballet. She won’t go to the ballet house with us.
6. He doesn’t know my cousin. He won’t meet her at the station.
7. She doesn’t like coffee. She never buys it.
8. He doesn’t read English books in the original. He won’t
improve his English.
9. He doesn’t try to save money. He won't travel in summer.
10. 1 have no appetite. I won’t take more meat.
11. They are not here. I won’t talk to them.
12. It isn’t windy today. We won’t fly a kite.
13. Mary doesn’t earn much. She doesn’t buy anything new.
14. Jane hasn’t got a VCR. She doesn’t watch many films.

>■ Pattern: He knows the town very well. He often shows strangers about it.
If he didn’t know the town so well, he wouldn’t show strangers
about it.

1. Betty is fond of reading. She has so many books at home.

2. He lives near the University. It takes him ten minutes to get
3. The weather is nasty. We’ll stay indoors.
4. He earns a lot of money. He travels a lot.
5. Dan has got a dog. He knows much about dogs.
6. Bell has got a lot of free time. She watches TV three hours a
7. Chris lives far from his office. He gets up very early.
8. He is a very interesting person. I always enjoy talking to him.
9. This book is very useful. I want to buy it.
10. I like this film. I’ll buy the cassette.
11. I think the play will be interesting. I’ll go to the theatre.
12. The plant is going to close down. Many people will be out of
13. The road is repaired. It will take us less time to get home.
14. We are moving into a new flat. We won’t have to spend so much
time on going to work.

Exercise 4
Complete the following sentences.
1. If the weather was bad ...
2. If somebody stole my bag/purse ...
3. If I were offered a good job ...
4. If I had a birthday party ...
5. If I were working in London ...
6. If I were a publisher...
7. If I were a film-star ...
8. If 1 had a pet ...
9. If it were summer now ...
10. If 1 had more free time ...
11. If he were younger ...

1. I’d talk more politely to them if...
2. I’d go to the theatre if...
3. They would know English better if...
4. He would travel more if...
5. She would talk on the phone less if ...
6. Chris would write letters to his parents if.
7. Alice would study better if...
8. I’d lend him money if...
9. I’d borrow money from him if...
10. He’d be offered a good job if...

Exercise 5
The Chain Story Game.
Continue the story according to the pattern.
>• Pattern: ]f it were summer now, I’d go to London. If I went to London, I’d
stay in a hotel. If I stayed in a hotel, I’d ... etc.

You may use the following beginnings:

— If 1 had a thousand dollars ...
— If the weather were better...
— If I had a car of my own ...
— If I were married ...

Exercise 6
Supply the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.

1. If I (to have) enough money, I (to buy) this overcoat.
2. Larry (to write) them if he (to have) their address.
3. If you (to travel) first class, it (to cost) over £650.
4. If you (to ask) Esther, she (to help) you.
5. If I (to stop off) in Boston, 1 (to stay) with my friends.
6. If you (to see) her now, you (not to recognise) her.
7. What you (to do) if you (to ask) to help us?
1. If I (to go) to the doctor, he (to give) me a certificate?
9. If I (to be) you, I (to choose) a different topic.
10. What you (to do) if you (to be) in his place?
How long it (to take) you to get to the University if you (to
move) into this flat?
2. They (not to be pleased) if we (came) without asking.
3. I (not to be surprised) if the money (to find) at his place.
4. If he (to ask) about this case, he (not to tell) anything. He is
too frightened.
5. What (to happen) if there (to be) a serious nuclear acci-
6. If there (to be) a flood in this area, you (not to get) a penny
in compensation.
If we (not to waste) so much energy, our resources (to last)
8. 1 (not to be) in this job unless I (to be) a Ph.D.l
9. Unless we (to think) new research was necessary, we (not to
spend) money on it.
10. Just imagine what the world (to be) like if we (not to have)

1. There (not to be) so many articles on astrology unless so
many people (to be) interested in it.
2. If my car (to be stuck) in a traffic jam, I (to be) very angry.
3. 1 never (to hit) anybody unless they (to hit) me.
4. If you (to watch) TV, you (to choose) a western or a co-

5. You (not to get) this job unless you (to have) some
6. I (not to let) you marry my daughter unless you (to start)
earning money.
7. You (to make) a scene if you (to provoke)?
8. I (to refuse) to go unless the company (to pay) my expenses.
9. Who you (to ask) if you (not to know) how to do it?
10. I (to buy) this car if I (to be) richer.
11. I don’t agree with his economic policy. I (not to vote) for him
unless he (to change) it.
12. No one (to buy) it unless it (to have) a guarantee.
13. Iff (to be) you, I (to see) a doctor about those headaches.
14. If Nick (to have) a country house, he (to go) there on Sunday.
15. If you (to have) an argument with your friend, you (to
apologise) first?
16. What you (to do) if one day a millionaire (to ask) you to marry
17. Wliat you (to do) if your car (to steal)?
18. If Leslie (to apply) for the job, he (not to get) it.
19. They (to get) a bank loan if they (to apply) for it.
20. I (to buy) some of their books if they (to send) me their price

Exercise 7
Translate into English.
1. Если бы у меня был хороший словарь, я бы тратил меньше
времени на переводы.
2. Мне нравятся эти часы. Если бы они были дешевле, я бы
купил их.
3. Я уверен, что вы бы делали меньше ошибок, если бы лучше
знали грамматику.
4. Если бы решение этого вопроса зависело от меня, я бы
помог вам.
5. Если бы Дэнни выехал завтра пораньше, то он был бы в
Нью-Йорке уже к вечеру.
6. На вашем месте я бы не спорил.

7. Я бы не согласился на это предложение, если бы я был

на месте Ларри.
Если бы он не тратил так много денег, ему не при-
шлось бы брать в долг.
9. Он не приезжал бы в этот город каждое лето, если бы
ему там не нравилось.
10. Мне больше нравился бы здешний климат, если бы
дождь не шёл так часто.
11. На вашем месте я бы выбрал другую работу.
12. Что бы вы делали, если бы были на моем месте?
13. Если бы вы попросили их помочь, они бы не отказа-
ли вам.


Exercise 1
Translate into Russian.
1. If he had put on a warm coat yesterday, he would not have
caught cold.
2. If I had seen him yesterday. I’d have given him a piece of my
3. If he had realised the danger, he would have run away.
4. Tony wouldn’t have been so depressed if he had known
5. If George had gone to the party last night, he would’ve seen Bell
6. Unless you had studied film history, you’d never have passed
that test!
7. We wouldn’t have chosen this tour unless it had been escorted.
8. Would you have gone to Rio if you had known it was going to be
so hot there?
9. Matthew wouldn’t have left the children alone for too long if it
hadn’t been so necessary to see the doctor.
10. How much would you have spent on your holiday tour if you
had gone first class instead of second?
11. If the mother hadn’t left the scissors on the floor, the kid
wouldn’t have cut his finger.

Exercise 2
Match these parts to make conditional sentences.

I’d have gone to see you ... a. ... if I had known your
2. The accident wouldn’t b. ... if she had had enough
have happened ... money on her.
3. They would have come c. ... if I had known that
to our party ... he was expecting my call.
4. She would have bought d. ... if I had known you
that necklace ... were ill.
5. We wouldn’t have watched e. ... if you had witnessed
that programme ... the crime?
6. Tom would’ve been late f. ... if she hadn’t been
for his interview ... wearing a seat-belt.
7. He wouldn’t have become g. ... if you had checked
a teacher... everything before the
8. No one would’ve bothered h. ... if the driver in front
you ... hadn’t stopped so
9. I’d have sent you a postcard i. ... if he had missed the
while I was on holiday ... train.
10. He would’ve never asked j. ... if he had left some
you to give him a lift ... clues, but he hadn’t!
11. She would’ve been injured k. ... if we had known it
in the crash ... would be so boring!
12. 1 would’ve phoned him 1. ... if he had understood
yesterday ... how hard it was going to
13. I wouldn’t have fallen m. ... if you had told us you
off... wanted to sleep.
14. The man would’ve been n. ... if we hadn’t forgotten
arrested long ago ... to invite them.
15. You wouldn’t have left 0. ... if he hadn’t been in
your tickets ... such a hurry.
16. What would you have p. ... if someone had been
done ... holding that ladder!

Exercise 3
Change the following sentences according to the pattern.
>• Pattern: If it didn’t rain, we’d go for a walk, (yesterday)
If it hadn’t rained yesterday, we’d have gone for a walk.
1. They would come if you invited them, {yesterday night)
2. If you weren’t so careless, you wouldn’t make such a foolish
mistake, {then)
3. If they were present, we would discuss it with them, {last
4. If it were sunny, we’d go to the beach, {the day before)
5. If she were ready, she would take her exam, {last week)
6. If Gerry weren’t so busy, I’d ask him to help me. {in the
1. If you had a spare ticket. I’d see the performance, {yesterday)
8. If I knew English better, I’d work as an interpreter, {then)
9. If Phil practised more, he’d play the guitar better, {at the
10. If I had time. I’d go shopping with you. {yesterday)
11. He would fill in that form if he didn’t forget about it. {at the

Exercise 4
Complete the following sentences.
1. If the students had practised harder ...
2. If the form had been filled in correctly ...
3. If someone had told us about the change earlier
4. If they hadn’t left their money at home ...
5. If he hadn’t lent Jim his money ...
6. If he hadn’t got up so late ...
7. If his wife hadn’t bought a new coat ...
8. If the film hadn’t been so interesting ...
9. If the problem hadn’t been so urgent ...
10. If I hadn’t passed my exam ...
11. If she hadn’t reminded me about his birthdav ...

Exercise 5
The Chain Story Game.
Continue the story according to the pattern.
>- Pattern: [f ! hadn’t gone to a party last night, I wouldn’t have gone to bed late.
If I hadn ’t gone to bed late, / woiildn 7 have forgotten to set the
alarm. If I hadn’t forgotten to set the alarm, I wouldn’t have got up
late... etc.
You may use the following beginnings;
— If I had gone to London last summer ...
— If I had gone to Disneyland last summer ...
— If 1 hadn’t forgotten about the interview ...
— If we hadn’t missed the train ...
— If he had given up smoking last year ...

Exercise 6
Supply the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.

1. If Joan (to see) him waving, she (to wave) him back.
The secretary (to send) the telex if the manager (to ask) her
2. to do it.
1 (not to be) late for work yesterday if I (to have) an early
3. night the day before yesterday.
We (to spend) more time in Edinburgh if we (to know)
4. more about the city when we were booking the tour.
If we (to stay) in Las Vegas longer, we (to lose) all our
5. money.
3. If we (to take) our children with us, they (to love) it!
7. If 1 (to buy) the car earlier, it (to cost) less than now.
I (to spend) less time on this work if I (to have) a better dic-
If I (to know) that it was going to rain, 1 (to take) an um-
10. 1 (not to take) this tour unless they (to provide) a guide.
11. If Jane (not to forget) to wind up her watch, she (not to be
late) for the interview.

12. I (to phone) you yesterday if you (to be) in town.

13. 1 (not to catch) cold if 1 (to have) my coat on.
14. She (not to scold) me if I (to come) in time.
15. If he (to know) the exam would be so difficult, he never (to take)

Exercise 7
Translate into English.
1. Если бы вы взяли такси, вы бы приехали на вокзал вовремя.
2. Если бы ваше предложение было получено на прошлой
неделе, мы бы приняли его.
3. Этого бы не случилось, если бы вы были там.
4. Если бы вы пришли пораньше, вы бы ещё застали моих
5. Если бы они не отказались помочь, мы бы вчера уже
закончили работу.
6. Если бы вы читали книгу, то вы бы лучше поняли фильм.
7. Если бы задание было не таким сложным, студенты
выполнили бы его гораздо быстрее.
8. Если бы я взял с собой видеокамеру, то снял бы хороший
фильм во время путешествия.
9. Если бы я был в городе, когда твой брат приезжал, я бы
повидался с ним.
10. Алан не принял бы это предложение, если бы не нуждался в
деньгах, (to be short of money)
11. Лорейн не вышла бы за него замуж, если бы не была
уверена в том, что это будет хороший брак.
12. Я бы не начала читать эту книгу, если бы мне её не
13. Дэвид никогда бы не поступил в университет, если бы не
занимался историей в школе.
14. Никто бы не заподозрил его в краже, если бы он уничтожил
отпечатки пальцев, (fingerprints)



Exercise 1
Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.
1. If it hadn’t been for his call, I wouldn’t have been late for work.
2. If it hadn’t been for Shirley’s letter, we would never have learnt
the truth.
3. If it were not for my headache, I’d be quite fine.
4. If it were not for your French classes, you wouldn’t speak
French so fluently.
5. But for the fog we would have continued our way.
6. She would be considered beautiful but for her thin lips.
7. If it were not for my heavy bag, I’d prefer to walk.
8. Nobody would say he is an American but for his accent.
9. If it hadn’t been for Teddy’s naughtiness, he would be the best
pupil in my class.
10. If it were not for my imagination, I wouldn’t get into trouble so

Exercise 2
Paraphrase the following sentences according to the pattern.

Pattern: If / didn’t have a sore throat, I would go to school

If it were not for my sore throat, I would go to school.

1. If the print weren’t so small, I would read the book quickly.

2. It would be impossible to do the work in time if he didn’t help
3. No one would believe him if he didn’t have such a charming
4. If the climate were not so hot there, he would go there with us.
5. If he were not so impatient, he would make a good teacher.
6. If she were not so intolerant, she would be a better friend.

7. She wouldn’t be able to keep in touch with her parents if she

didn’t write them regularly.
8. If her health weren’t so poor, she’d go out more often.
9. If the case were not so important, 1 would’ve never asked you to
help me.
10. If it were not raining now, we’d walk our dog.

>■ Pattern: If I hadn’t had a sore throat yesterday, I would have gone to school.
If It hadn’t been for my sore throat yesterday, / would have gone to
1. If he hadn’t come, we wouldn’t have stopped quarrelling so
2. If the print hadn’t been so small, I would have read this book
3. If we hadn’t seen the scar on his chin, nobody would have
recognized him.
4. If it hadn’t been so late, I would have stayed there longer.
5. If it hadn’t been so dark, they would not have lost their way.
6. If he hadn’t had an urgent matter to attend to, he wouldn’t have
left us so soon.
7. If the weather hadn’t been so nasty yesterday, we would have
gone to the country.
8. If our friends hadn’t come, the party wouldn’t have been a
9. If we hadn’t visited that museum, the tour wouldn’t have been
quite so interesting.
10. If the guide hadn’t been so helpful, we would have lost our way.

Exercise 3
Paraphrase the sentences from Exercise 2 according to the pattern.
>- Pattern: a) If it were not for the sore throat, I would go to school. But for the
sore throat, 1 would go to school, b) If it hadn ’t been for the sore throat, I would
have gone to school.
But for the sore throat, I would have gone to school.

Exercise 4
Complete the following sentences.
1. But for the weather ...
2. But for his accent ...
3. If it were not for his politeness ...
4. If it hadn’t been for their bad luck
5. But for his smoking ...
6. If it were not for the noise ...
7. If it hadn’t been for the pain ...
8. But for his bad behaviour ...
9. If it were not for the rain ...
10. If it hadn’t been for his advice ...

Exercise 5
Translate into English.
1. Если бы не важность этого дела, я бы остался дома.
2. Мы бы так и не узнали ничего о нём, если бы не этот
3. Если бы не неожиданный приезд моего брата, я пошёл бы в
кино с вами.
4. Если бы не его упрямство, он уже тогда принял бы вашу
5. Если бы не ваша невнимательность, вы бы написали
контрольную работу гораздо лучше.
6. Если бы она не была такой рассеянной, то не потеряла бы
7. Энтони никогда не стал бы столь известным учёным, если
бы не его талант.
8. Если бы Джейн так не везло, она бы не выигрывала всё
время в карты.
9. Никто ничего бы не узнал, если бы не твоя болтливость.
10. Если бы не шпаргалки (cribs), он никогда не сдал бы
11. Лесли имел бы гораздо больше друзей, если бы не его
отвратительный характер.



Exercise 1
Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.
1. He could play the piano better if he tried.
2. You might find him in the reading-hall if you went there now.
3. Jane could have passed her test better yesterday if she had been
revising all the week.
4. You might have seen him yesterday if you had called at seven.
5. She might phone me in the evening if she has time.
6. You could have come, if you had wanted to.
7. We could have gone home earlier if it hadn’t been for the rain.
8. Lucy could have never translated the telex so well if I hadn’t
helped her out.

Exercise 2
Paraphrase the following sentences according to the pattern.
>■ Pattern: The meat isn’t ready. We can’t eat it now.
If the meat were ready, we could eat it now.
1. Danny doesn’t earn much. He can’t travel a lot.
2. I have no money on me. I can’t lend you any.
3. He hasn’t got any free time tonight. He can’t watch this film.
4. I don’t listen to the news. I can’t tell you anything about that
5. Pete doesn’t know Washington well. He can’t show you about
6. I don’t ever see him in my office. 1 can’t give him your
7. You never pay back the money you’ve taken. You can’t borrow
8. I don’t like her husband. They can’t come to my birthday party.

9. She can’t type. She can’t have this job.

10. She isn’t a student of this University. She can’t borrow books
from the library.

Exercise 3
Make the following sentences conditional.
>■ Pattern: Luckily she didn’t find out or she might have been
furious. If she had found out, she might have been
Unfortunately I didn’t see her, so I couldn’t tell her about
the party.
Fortunately you locked the door properly or someone
might have got in.
He didn’t pass his exams or he might have gone to the Uni-
1 didn’t watch the film yesterday, so I couldn’t answer his
questions about it.
5. Gerry didn’t have much money left, so he couldn’t go any-
where in summer.
6. He was unwell and he couldn’t enjoy the dinner.
7. Ben was sleepy and couldn’t listen to the lecture.
8. Margie didn’t have any free time yesterday. She couldn’t go
and see her friends.
9. The weather was nasty yesterday. We couldn’t go anywhere.
10 I was so busy in the morning, I couldn’t even eat a proper
11. She couldn’t come to your party yesterday because she was
away on holiday.

Exercise 4
Complete the following sentences using COULD or MIGHT,
1. If the weather were better ...
2. But for the late hour ...
3. If it hadn’t been for that noise ...
4. If the hotel had been better ...
5. If the central heating were working ...
6. If the host had been more polite ...
7. But for your behaviour ...
8. If it were summer now ...

9. But for his/her help ...

10. But for his absence ...
11. If it hadn’t been so slippery ...
12. If I had known everything beforehand
13. If it were not for your money ...
14. If they had been more attentive ...
15. But for his lack of ambition ...

Exercise 5
Translate into English.
1. Они могли бы прийти пораньше, если бы их не задержали.
2. Он мог бы отвечать лучше, если бы постарался.
3. Вы могли бы пойти с нами на концерт, если бы захотели.
4. Вы, может быть, прошли бы собеседование гораздо
успешнее, если бы лучше подготовились к нему.
5. Лесли мог бы играть потише, если бы думал о тех, кто
живет рядом.
6. Если бы мы могли оставить с кем-нибудь ребёнка, мы
могли бы пойти в гости.
7. Если бы не ты, я бы мог потратить на это гораздо больше
8. Он мог бы стать знаменитостью, если бы не отсутствие
9. Если бы нам не удалось поймать такси, мы, может быть,
опоздали бы на самолёт.
10. Он мог бы давно согласиться с нашим предложением, если
бы он не был таким упрямым.


Exercise 1
Complete the follo\«ing sentences.
1. They would work harder if ...
2. They will refund your money if...

3. If I were better paid ...

4. He might have failed his test if...
5. If I could afford this tour ...
6. Would you change your job if... ?
7. If you look through the manual ...
. 8. What will he do if... ?
9. I’d be very happy if ...
10. I’d be very miserable if...
11. But for his total lack of courage ...
12. If he decided to apply for this job ...
13. If you leave your books at home ...
14. If he tries to pass off as an American ...
15. They’d never make any money if...
16. He’d be extremely angry if...
17. If he is promoted ...
18. If he loses his job ...
19. If he had lost his job last year ...
20. If you apologise ...
21. If he were fired ...
22. If it hadn’t been for that traffic jam ...
23. You wouldn’t have fallen ill if...
24. She’ll sooner feel better if she ...
25. Will you take great care of this book if ... ?
26. They wouldn’t mind if we ...
27. I wouldn’t have smoked so much if...
28. 1 might give you my car if...
29. If we don’t protect wildlife now ...
30. Don’t give him anything unless he ...
31. Would you have sold your bike if... ?
32. Don’t speak to her unless she ...
33. If my flat were broken into ...
34. But for the price ...
35. She’d have more friends if...

Exercise 2
Supply the correct form of the infinitives in brackets.
1. If you (to be) interested in life it never (to let) you down.
(G. Greene)

2. The slip showed an overdraft of fifty dollars...

‘Oh, the bank’s not worrying, Mr. Wormold.’
Wormold thought. If the overdraft (to be) fifty thousand dollars
he (to call) me Jim.
(G. Greene)

3. If something (to happen) to me I (not to want) you to learn from

these files what a fraud I had been.
(C. Greene)

4. I’m not the crazy type. I (not to be) a seller of vacuum cleaners if
I (to be) the crazy type.
{G. Greene)

5. R o b e r t : Why didn’t you come forward at the inquest?

F r e d a : If it could (to help) Martin, I (to go).
(/. B. Priestly)

6. S t a n t o n : It must have been agony for her to go away and not

hear any more.
G o r d o n : She (not to go) if she (to think) she’d have heard
any more.
(/. B. Priestly)

7. 1 (to be going to) have an awful headache if I (to stay) any

{J. B. Priestly)

8. 1 wasn’t one of his pets like you and Martin. If the old man (to
think) for a minute that I’d done it, there (to be) none of this
hush-hush business, he (to feel) like calling in the police.
{J. B. Priestly)

9. The whole thing was over and done with. Wliat (to happen) if I
(to confess)?
{J. B. Priestly)

10. R o b e rt: Is that true?

S t a n t o n : I (not to say) it if I (not to know) it was true.
(J. B. Priestly)

7 Зак. № 366

11. I’m not in love with him. I (not to marry) him if I (can).
(У. B. Priestly)

12. B e t t y : ... We put up a good show, didn’t we?

G o r d o n : What (to happen) if we (to go on) pretending ... to
be happy together?
B e t t y : Nothing.
G o r d o n : No. I f we (to go on) pretending long enough,... we
might (to be) happy together.
(J. B. Priestly)

13. ... 1 want to finish this picture today. You (to think) it awfully
rude of me if I (to ask) you to go away?
(0. Wlkle)

14. I feel sure that if I (to live) in the country for six months, I (to
become) so unsophisticated that no one (to take) the slightest
notice of me.
(0. Wilde)

15. If we (to be going to) be invaded by relations, there (to be) only
one thing to do.
(G. Duirell)

16. ‘I could teach him to sail.’

‘But, dear, that really (not to be) much use to him later on ...
unless he (to be going) into the Merchant Navy or something.’
(G. Durrell)

17. There’s plenty of room if the place (to be organized) properly.

If Margo and Les (to sleep) out on the veranda, that (to give)
you two rooms; you and Gerry could (to move) into the
drawing-room, and that (to leave) those rooms free.
(G. Durrell)

18. ‘... We can’t keep rushing to and fro about the island ... people
will think we’ve gone mad.’
‘They (to think) we’re even madder if that old harpy (to turn
(G. Durrell)

Exercise 3
Write a short composition on one of the following topics.

1. If
2. If
3. If were the President.
4. If
5. If
6. If found one thousand dollars.
7. If

The Complex Object

Exercise 1
Translate into Russian paying special attention to complex objects.

1. Nobody noticed Michelle leave the house.

2. The police tried to find witnesses but no one saw the crime
3. I didn’t even trj' to make him change his mind.
4. I’ve never known him talk with such authority.
5. These dreams will never let you go. They’ll haunt you forever.
6. He hated people argue like that.
7. 1 felt someone touch my shoulder and a voice behind me said
‘Freeze just there!’

1. I can smell something burning.
2. Last time I saw Terry communicating with some of his

3. computers.
For some time Jane watched him moving, fixing drinks,
telling Jokes, lighting cigarettes, acting as if nothing had
happened. Nothing at all.
4. Be quiet! I can hear someone moving.
5. Last night I heard some noise upstairs. Then they told me I

had actually heard the burglar breaking into my neighbour’s

6. He said ‘No’ and felt himself losing points in some test in which
the rules were a mystery.

1. 1 want you to cut out gambling, do you hear?

2. I’d like us to be friends.
3. We don’t need him to know too much, do we?
4. Do you expect me to believe your endless lies?
5. I want your progress report to be ready by the end of the
6. The chief would like you to come up with the conclusions
he wants, not your own conclusions.
7. ‘More tea?’ He had never known his mother-in-law to re-
I think his age to be a point in his favour.
9. I want the matter to be settled quickly.

1. 1 found the whole situation rather embarrassing.
No one considers it strange, I assure you. Everyone sup-
poses it to be normal, quite normal.
‘Don’t you find this show fascinating?’
‘No, 1 think it rather boring.’
I’ve always thought this housing project too crowded.

1. Who left the door unlocked?

2. William heard his name mentioned, stopped and looked around.
3. 1 want this bill paid at once.
4. They ordered the case settled out of court.
5. I’d like this copy locked in my file as soon as possible.

1. When did Lillian have her car fixed?

2. If this sort of slackness goes on. I’ll just have you fired.
3. Really, you should have a phone installed in your flat.

4. Wliy don’t you get yourself washed and dressed and come
5. You should have those trees trimmed.
6. I’m going to have my daughter taught music.

Exercise 2
Use the elements in brackets to complete the following sentences with complex
object with the infinitive.
1. 1 don’t want (he/to stay). I want (he/to leave) my house and
never (to come back).
2. The answer made (he/to feel) as if he had been slapped in the
3. 1 wonder if anyone saw (you/to come out) of that house. If
anyone saw (you/to leave), you’ll be in trouble.
4. Robert heard (the footsteps/to die away) and (the door/to slam).
5. I’d like (this book/to publish).
6. Simon liked (everything/to keep) in perfect order.
7. His remarks sometimes make (I/to feel) uneasy. Could you be a
dear and make (he/to stop) teasing me.
8. She watched (they/to disappear) and slowly went back into her
9. We told jokes and it made (the time/to pass).
10. For a long time I’ve been watching (he/to take over) all the
important jobs in the company.
11. Julie had never known (he/to break down) so completely.
12. 1 saw (he/to stop) and (to look) at the house closely and (to put
down) something in his notebook.
13. He knew (his son/to keep) an open mind in this matter.
14. Randolph didn’t want (his secretary/to find) those papers. They
might make (she/to doubt) his loyalty to the firm.

Exercise 3
Insert the particle TO where necessary.
1. Oh, you made me ... start.
2. I heard someone ... breathe heavily in the darkness.
3. Here are some dresses I’d like you ... iron.

4. Gerry won’t let you ... have this information. It’s classified, you
5. Mr. Lascar gave him a meaningful look which made him ...
6. I’d like John ... see me again.
7. No one had known her ... feel compassion before.
8. George smiled submissively and saw a happy smile ... cross her
9. Please let me ... take your car for the night.
10. Millie had never heard her husband ... speak about his youth.
She didn’t let it ... bother her, however.
11. I don’t want my aunt ... be left alone.
12. Mom was always trying to make me ... wear warm sweaters and
hats. I hated it.
13. The doctor doesn’t let her ... get up. He says she’s too weak yet.
14. I want you ... tell me about your adventure.
15. She’d like me ... come and see her next weekend.

Exercise 4
Paraphrase the following sentences using complex objects with the infinitive.
>■ Pattern: He went away, (to watch)
She watched him go away.
1. He came back so soon, (not to expect)
2. The woman gave out a little cry. (to hear)
3. My parents quarreled, (to hate)
4. One of the customers addressed the shop-assistant, (to hear)
5. You will be happy, (to want)
6. He said it to her face, (to hear)
7. Kate understood everything at last, (to make)
8. Dave answered the phone, (to hear)
9. Now they know all about it. (to let)
10. The translation will be finished soon, (to expect)
11. He is the best singer we’ve heard yet. (to consider)
12. The doctor agreed with what he said, (to hear)
13. He’ll be imprisoned for life, (to expect)
14. He was always so helpful, (to think)

15. Nick took a deep breath, (to hear)

16. They returned home early that night, {to see)
17. Someone came in. {not to hear)
18. He’ll write more often, 1 promise, {to make)
19. Eric laughed indulgently, {to hear)
20. She’ll be absent for another week, {to expect)

Exercise 5
Paraphrase the following using complex objects with Participle I.
>■ Pattern: Look! There’s Tony. He’s waiting for someone.
We saw Tony waiting for someone.
1. Something’s burning in the kitchen.
2. Look! There’s Ann. She’s waving at us.
3. Look! It’s Bill. Why is he kicking that dog?
4. Listen! That’s Rose. She’s practising. She’s having a contest
5. Look! That’s Ben. He’s jogging.
6. Listen! Our neighbours are shouting at each other again.
7. Look! Someone’s breaking out of the Jail!
8. Listen! Someone’s tramping in the hall.
9. Listen! That’s your sister. She’s asking you to come home.
10. Look! It’s Leslie. He is still revising for his exam. He is always
sitting up late.
11. She is reading a fairy-tale to her children.
12. Look! Those schoolchildren are having a break.
13. Listen! Someone’s knocking at the door.
14. Look! They are trying to catch our neighbour’s cat. It has run
away again.

Exercise 6
Complete the sentences below using Participle II of the following verbs:
To do, to steal, to type, to look through, to redecorate^ to
assemble, to deliver, to move, to fix, to break, to examine, to- add, to
hear, to go, to take (2), to sign, to install, to alter, to kidnap, to fire.
>■ Pattern: Td like all phone calls ... immediately.
I’d like all phone calls answered immediately.

1. They found the door ... and the child ... , at least he was
2. I have my hair ... every week.
3. I’ll get you ... from the company.
4. You won’t have your tap ... by Monday.
5. Where did you have those photos ... ?
6. He had all his documents ... last week. He’ll have to pay a
lot for a new driving license and everything.
7. I can’t make myself... with all that noise going around.
8. Do you want your things ... to another room?
9. I want all the letters ... and ... at once.
10. They didn’t want their letters ... , because they contained
classified information.
11. Tina had this dress ... , because she has put on a lot of
weight recently.
12. Would you like the piano ... upstairs?
13. Everyone who makes such a statement should have his
head ... .
They had had their guest bedroom ... : the wallpaper was
new and so was the white emulsion on the ceiling. Besides,
he noticed that they had had a new washbasin . . . .
15. Ron thought of what he could do if he inherited the money.
Why, he could even have a new wing ... to his house.
15. I’d like all the senior personnel ... in my office.
17. We have our newspapers ..., We don’t go to the newsagent’s
to buy them.

Exercise 7
Complete the following sentences using the complex object.
1. I think he should have his coat ... No
2. one expected him ...
3. For some time we watched them ... I’ll
4. order the report ...
1. I’ve never known my friend ...
2. You can’t make me ...
3. He found himself...
4. We don’t need anyone ...
5. I hope they’ll let us ...
6. Greatly surprised, I watched them

7. Could you hear them ... yesterday?

8. She has had her kitchen ...
9. 1 can’t see them ... . They are too far.
10. No one will do anything unless he orders the case
11. I’ve never thought him ...
12. He had all his papers ...
13. The teachers made the schoolchildren ...
14. When are you going to have the roof... ?
15. I won’t let you ...
16. He won’t let anyone ...
17. All of a sudden 1 noticed my groupmates ...
18. Will you let me ... ?
19. The way he looked at me made me ...

Exercise 8
Translate into English.
He позволяй им так лениться.
Когда вы ожидаете их возвращения?
Минутку, дайте подумать.
Заставь его вызвать врача.
Его жена терпеть не может, когда в доме курят.
Мама очень не любит, когда я поздно прихожу домой.
Миссис Лейн считает, что Кейт — её лучшая ученица. Я
тоже думаю, что она очень талантлива.
Тедди старался не давать сыну есть много сладкого. Пусть
они придут ещё раз.
9 Кто видел, что он взял деньги?
. Кто видел, как он брал деньги?
10. Никто не сказал ни слова. Мы стояли и смотрели, как он
11. открыл портфель, положил туда бумаги, закрыл портфель и
12. вышел.
Я дам тебе знать, как только освобожусь.
13. Майк прекрасно слышал, как в кабинете директора
14. (headmaster’s/ principal’s office) обсуждали его поведение.
Дайте мне поработать спокойно.


16. Носильщик видел, как Вы сходили с поезда на этой

17. Никто не ожидал, что она так рано выйдет замуж.
18. Я приказал, чтобы все окна и двери заперли.
19. Мне надо сфотографироваться.
20. Он не любил, когда при нем критиковали начальство. Он не
знал, как на это реагировать.

1. Ему следует погладить одежду.
2. Мы слышали, как в соседней квартире что-то стеклянное
упало на пол и разбилось.
3. Почему ты вечно заставляешь меня делать то, чего мне не
4. Кто видел, как всё произошло?
5. Мы нашли сейф запертым.
6. Я впервые видел, как работает художник, настоящий
7. Я всегда считал её умным человеком. Но сейчас я понял,
что недооценивал её. Я видел, как она взвешивала все
возможности, искала малейший просчёт в нашем плане.
8. Мы обнаружили Терри в её комнате и увидели, что она
9. Эллен не покончила с собой. Итен видел, как её кто-то
10. Я прикажу, чтобы всех выгнали отсюда. Я хочу, чтобы ты
11. Она настолько ушла с головой в работу, что не заметила,
как вошел Ларри.
12. Я не угрожаю вам. Я просто хочу, чтобы вы запомнили мои
13. Генри не хотел, чтобы его жена вела машину так быстро.
Он заставил её остановиться и сам сел за руль.
14. Терпеть не могу, когда портят хорошие вещи.
15. Когда ты последний раз стригся?
16. Он почувствовал, что кто-то задел его и едва не сбил с ног.
17. Хотите, я сварю кофе?
18. Ненавижу, когда животных держат в клетках.

19. Я уверен в том, что Ваши слова заставили её задуматься.

20. Лайза не ожидала, что вы так быстро придёте ей на помощь.

Indirect Speech
Exercise 1
Convert into indirect speech.

1. ‘I think he is a clever man’, says Elisabeth.

2. ‘Mary never seems angry or irritated’, remarks Alistair.
3. ‘Barny is in the garage’, says Norma.
4. ‘When he came I was on the terrace watering my begonias’,
says George.
5. ‘He was born in Chicago’, he says.
6. ‘What you have just told me is very surprising’, John says to
7. Constance.
‘I can’t understand what the professor is talking about’, says
‘My mother will be glad to have you over for dinner’, says
9. ‘We have lived here long time’, says Monica.
10. ‘She is a good speaker. No one can beat her in a public ar-
gument’, remarks Sheila.
‘You dance so well’, says Nick to Polly.
12. ‘I shall never forget this day’, says Moira.
13. ‘We did not have dinner here’, say the boys.
14. ‘I shall tell you this story when you finish chopping onions’,
says Belle.
15. ‘You won’t believe me if I tell you everything’, answers

Exercise 2
Translate into Russian. Say whether the action of the object clause precedes,
follows or is simultaneous with the action of the principal clause.
1. 1 hope you know what you are doing.
2. It is strange that he did not speak to you.

3. He said that if I followed his advice everything would be all

4. Mary was noj sure whether she had shut all the windows.
5. Nick says that you are a wonderful dancer.
6. Never tell him that you are afraid of arguing with him: he can
take advantage of your fear.
7. 1 told you that John would come back and my words proved
8. Tell me what you have been doing since we saw each other for
the last time.
9. I never realized that my sister was so beautiful.
10. David said that he had asked permission to come and see me.
11. Mary said that she had not seen Miss Oxley for a couple of days.
12. You were warned that the delegation would arrive in May.

Exercise 3
Convert into indirect speech.
1. T am sorry to disturb you,’ said Mike to Elisa.
2. ‘The taxi is waiting,’ said the porter.
3. ‘I am Monica’s teacher of history,’ said Mr. O’Brian.
4. ‘I’ll be all right in a minute,’ said Flora.
5. ‘I am deeply grateful for all Michelle has done for me and my
family,’ said Gloria.
6. ‘You have been generosity itself with your cousins,’ said the
7. ‘Moira always comes home for dinner,’ said Mr. Collins.
8. ‘Everyone took me for my twin brother there and behaved
accordingly,’ said Tom.
9. ‘I asked the professor some questions on grammar,’ said Nelly.
10. ‘My mother wants to know if you are coming to see her
tomorrow,’ she said.

11. The doctor said: ‘You will have to stay in bed for another five
12. The instructor pointed out: ‘Only the best players can participate
in the Olympics.’
13. He said: ‘It was difficult for me to persuade her to come here.’
14. Mabel said: ‘As soon as you come to our town, visit my house
and stay for a couple of days.’
15. ‘You are able to solve this problem alone without any outside
help,’ said Monica to Jess.
16. ‘If I tell you my real name you will laugh,’ she said.
17. ‘You must copy this text and mark all the grammatical mistakes
in it,’ said the teacher.
18. ‘I shall miss you when you leave for Paris,’ said Alice to Meg.
19. ‘I did not mean to hurt you. I only wanted to tell you what he had
always concealed,’ said Marsha.
20. ‘My house is your house whenever you need it,’ said Lizzy.

Convert into indirect speech paying special attention to the adverbial modifiers
of time and place.
1. ‘1 posted your letter yesterday,’ said Pearl to her.
2. ‘I’ll have another talk with him tomorrow,’ said Agnes.
3. ‘You have a beautiful place here,’ said Pete.
4. ‘Jessica arrived last night and she wanted to see you,’ said Arny.
5. ‘You’ll never guess whom I met today. It was Flora!’ said Nick.
6. ‘I have not seen him this morning,’ said Luke.
7. ‘He’ll meet Betsie here today,’ she said.
8. ‘I saw Jack at the University today,’ said Anne.
9. ‘Tonight I shall stay at home and read what the editor has given
to me,’ said Nelly.
10. ‘If you come tonight you will see a cheerful crowd of people,’
said Bass.
11. Stella remarked: ‘A minute ago I wouldn’t have thought I would
do it.’

12. ‘The McMillans moved to Glasgow two months ago and

I have lived in their house since then,’ said Stella Gib-
13. ‘Tomorrow I shall do it myself,’ said mother.
14. ‘Now everything has changed here, you won’t recognize a
thing in this company,’ said the chief executive.
15. ‘I heard Meg say she would come on Thursday next week,’
said Barb.

Exercise 4
Convert the following questions, requests, orders etc. into indirect

1. ‘Is Jack coming tonight for dinner?’ asked Doris.

2. ‘Have you ever heard Jane singing? You ought to: she has a
wonderful voice,’ said colonel Smith.
3. ‘Has Michael arrived yet or shall we start without him?’ asked
4. ‘What’s the time? My watch has stopped,’ said he.
5. ‘Have you anything else to tell me about? If not, 1 wish to leave
this office at once,’ said Nora.
6. ‘Have you seen Arthur this week? His new job altered him
entirely,’ Laura whispered in his ear.
7. ‘Have you anything to declare?’ asked the customs officer.
8. ‘Do you know Miss Fairfax? She has got a fortune due to her
aunt’s will and become very rich,’ said Nicholas.
9. ‘When will you be back? Shall we start dinner without you or do
you want us to wait for you?’ asked Stella.
10. ‘Where have you put my glasses? I can’t find them,’ said nanny.
11. ‘How did you find me? 1 did not leave my address to anyone
when I was leaving,’ said Nelly.
12. ‘What exams have you passed and how many points have you
got for your exams?’ asked the personnel manager.
13. ‘Am I speaking to Doris?’ asked a voice over the telephone.
14. Mrs. Ondy asked: ‘Would you like your coffee white or black?
Do you put sugar in it? Would you like caimpets or hot muffins
with it?’

15. ‘How many times have you seen this film? It seems to be one of
your most favourite films,’ said Jacob.
16. ‘Why are there no people in the streets at this hour?’ asked the

Convert into indirect speech. Give two variants.
>■ Pattern: He said: ‘Come closer!’
a) He asked us to come closer.
b) He said that we should come closer.
1. ‘Step aside, please,’ asked Albert.
2. ‘Behave yourself, you are not a little girl,’ said mother to Jane.
3. ‘Don’t bother, I can find this book myself,’ said Maurice.
4. ‘Take off your coat and have a cup of tea with me,’ said
5. The teacher said: ‘Sit down and open your textbooks. Exercise 5
is on page 38. Find it and do all the tasks for this exercise.’
6. ‘Both of you come with me,’ said the mother to her two sons.
7. ‘Let’s have some coffee, Martha,’ said Fitzroy.
8. ‘Let me do it myself, I must learn to do things,’ asked Moira.
9. ‘Get up! It’s already eight o’clock and you promised to be at the
Smiths’ at half past,’ said Jess to Bob.
10. ‘Try these pancakes. Aren’t they lovely!’ said Pat.
11. ‘Do it yourself, Monica! You are clever and grown up enough to
negotiate your own business,’ said Gloria.
12. ‘Don’t forget to buy some napkins for the barbecue. I can’t do it
myself, I am busy cooking,’ said Louise.
13. ‘Don’t tell anyone what you have just heard from me: it’s a
great secret,’ said little Molly to her friend.
14. ‘Will you tell the students that the lecture won’t take place
today, please,’ asked the professor.
15. ‘Write this letter as soon as possible: she must receive it before
she leaves,’ said Maud to Willy.
16. ‘Don’t touch anything but the lamp!’ said the old man.

Exercise 5
Convert into direct speech.
1. She told him that her parents would come next week together
with their friends.
2. She said that he was ill and tired.
3. Monica said that Maurice was in the garden doing some repairs.
4. Stella warned him that if he did not hurry up he would be too
5. The doctor said that if Nigel did not stay in bed and take the
medicine he would not be able to take part in the competition.
6. She asked him whether he had heard anyone cry in the kitchen
the night before.
7. Becky asked Mike to come and see her next week when she
would not be so busy getting ready for the exams.
8. Mr. Morris was interested to know if Jack had completed his
course work by the time he had to do it.
9. The professor demanded that the students should all come at
eleven next day to ask any questions they had.
10. Tony asked Helen where she had spent the previous week when
he’d tried to find her.
11. She asked him if he would come back that day.
12. They said that they had not expected him that day.
13. She said that she was writing a new novel then.
14. Michelle suggested that they should all come and see their
groupmate in the hospital.
15. He said that they could have coffee and sandwiches there
instead of in the dining room.
16. She said that he would be there presently.
17. He told us about his trip to Africa the previous year when he had
taken part in a tiger hunt.
18. George asked Maud not to interfere with his work because he
was in the middle of the most difficult part of it.
19. Nick realized that it was not his day.
20. Moira suspected that they had not told her the truth.
21. Michael’s opinion was that they should rather go and see the
ancient ruins than spend hours at a concert in a stuffy hall.
22. Allan doubted whether the picture was a real Michelangelo.

Exercise 6
Supply the appropriate form of the infinitives in brackets.
1. I (to think) that the bench (to be) clean enough but Myra (to
think) that it (to be) not.
2. The policeman (to ask) George a couple of questions about the
accident. He (to be) especially interested to know how many
times George (to hear) the shots.
3. Ask Michael if he (to go) with us tomorrow or if he (to want) to
be left alone.
4. I never told Mary that you (to miss) her so much but I (to think)
you (to say) it yourself
5. Dorian Gray (to ask) Basil that he never (to show) the picture or
(to send) it to any exhibition.
6. The teacher (to say) that we (to complete) all the requirements in
7. Monica (to be) excited and (to say) that she (to dream) of this
present since she was a child.
8. Thomas (to want) to know who (to take) his words seriously and
really (to think) that he (to be going) to go to Africa for the rest
of his life.
9. Brian (to be) really shocked when he (to learn) that Shirly (to
say) she never (to get married) to him.
10. 1 (to know) what present Helen (to like) for her birthday. She (to
say) she (to like) a tartan jacket.
11. The professor (to say) that originally the population of Europe
(to be) mainly Celtic.
12. Dorothy (to say) that nowadays you (not to come across) such
13. Having learned the price of a wonderful crimson Jersey she (to
say) it (to be) too expensive and she (to be going) to waste a
fortune on it.
14. They (to say) he (to graduate) just from Cambridge and that he
(to have) a brilliant carrier ahead.
15. On coming back Nick (to say) that he (to have to walk) in the
rain and that (to be) the reason why he (to be) wet to the skin.
16. My mother used to tell me that in a couple of years I (to be) as
famous as Charlie Chaplin.
17. They (to ask) me if I (to like) to see Mabel who (to want) to

come with them to my place. I (to agree) without hesitation.

18. Paul (to say) we (to meet) in Moscow in July but he (to be) not
sure about the exact day as yet.

Exercise 7
Translate into English.
Неужели он действительно сказал, что никогда не за-
хочет видеть её в своем доме?
2. Говорят, что предсказать погоду в Великобритании
практически невозможно.
3. Валентина сказала, что мне очень идет новая при-
4. Он говорит, что никогда не встречал девушки красивее
и обаятельнее.
5. Профессор сказал, что когда он был студентом, он
работал значительно больше, чем мы. Вот поэтому-то
он и профессор!
Полли сказала, что боится летать самолетом и пред-
почитает поезд. Пусть дольше, зато безопаснее.
7. Ник подумал, что никогда не видел цветов пышнее и
роскошнее, чем те, которые выращивались в этом саду.
Староста сказал, что лекция по языкознанию
8. откладывается на завтра из-за того, что профессору
необходимо присутствовать на конференции по
Ты никогда не говорил, что знаешь её, и что вы вместе
9. учились в школе.
Начальник сказал, что будет в пятницу и что к его приезду
все выяснится.

2. Спросите его, что конкретно мы должны делать.
Ему было интересно, знаем ли мы его маленький се-
крет, и Он пытался выяснить это любой ценой.
3. Алиса спросила, не изменились ли наши планы, и хо-
тим ли мы ещё поехать в Италию.

4. Директора не интересовало, почему поручение не

выполнено, его интересовало, что мы сделали, чтобы оно
было выполнено.
5. Я спросила его, сколько дней он уже сидит дома из- за
болезни, и как долго его ещё не будет на работе. Он сказал,
что через пять дней окончательно поправится.
6. Меня спрашивали, где я живу и кем я работаю, откуда я
родом, кто мои родители и каковы мои планы на будущее.
7. Спроси его, откуда у него такая информация и кому ещё он
собирается всё это рассказать.
8. Ты спросишь Джейн, нужно ли надеть вечернее платье или
подойдёт что-нибудь попроще?
9. Начальник поинтересовался, смогу ли я выйти на работу в
воскресенье, но я ответил, что в воскресенье я обещал
отвести детей в театр.
10. Ты никогда не интересовался тем, как твои родители живут, и
что они думают о твоём образе жизни.
11. Ты не забыл спросить, сколько гостей мы можем пригласить
исходя из вместимости банкетного зала?

1. Скажи ему, чтобы он никогда больше не смел и
приближаться к моему дому!
2. Экзаменатор настаивал, чтобы студенты пользовались
проверенной информацией.
3. Алиса сказала, чтобы мы начинали заседание совета
директоров без неё: она попала в дорожную пробку и
4. Нелли просила тебя прийти и помочь ей с испанским
языком. Она говорит, что без твоей помощи она его не
5. Тетя Августа просила тебя сообщить заранее о своём
приезде. Кажется, она готовит тебе пышную встречу.
6. Бабушка всегда просит меня найти её очки, они всегда
оказываются у неё в кармане.
7. Я требую, чтобы вы впредь считались с мнением
окружающих. Вы находитесь здесь только на наших

8. Меня попросили посидеть с ребенком Гринов. Я не могла

им отказать: они так много сделали для меня.
9. Преподаватель сказал, чтобы студенты обязательно
оставляли поля во всех своих письменных работах.
10. Редактор сказал, что я должен закончить перевод статьи
самое позднее через неделю, иначе он меня уволит.

Exercise 8
Read the following letter and retell Its contents using Indirect speech, imagine
you're Margaret. Tell your friend of your parents’ travel.
Dear Margaret,
Quite a lot of news this time. Firstly, thank you for your
photographs. Now to the story of our holiday. We flew to Cairo on
Saturday. We had a marvellous day on Sunday seeing the pyramids,
tlie Sphinx and the Egyptian museum with the mask of
We joined the Black Watch in the evening. We had not been on
this ship before as it was only recently bought by Fred Olsen from a
Greek company. It is a lovely ship — bigger than the Black Prince
and very comfortable. We sailed to Israel and visited Jerusalem and
Bethlehem — both wonderful. Then on to Turkey and Crete. Then
we had problems. Two engines failed. The company announced that
we would spend two days in Malta but we flew home from Malta as
the work of fixing the engines would take more than one week. So
we came home six days earlier.
We have been well compensated though.
Mum sends her love, she is well after her (short) holiday.
Much love.

Exercise 9
Make up a dialogue that might take place between a policeman and a witness
of an accident or a crime. Imagine one of you (the witness) heard something
important for the investigation. The policeman should ask the other one what
he/she had heard, what the suspects were talking about etc.

Exercise 10
Work in groups. Write instructions (not less then 15 rules) about what to do in
case of emergency (for example: a fire, an earthquake, a flood etc.). Then the
groups should exchange their instructions and organize the sentences in the
imperative mood into a sort of story. You can use the following beginnings for
your sentences:
You are asked ...
It tells you ...
It says that you ...
You are advised ...
It’s recommended that...
Organize your instructions in groups of rules. For example: 1. How to prevent a
fire. 2. What to do in case of a small fire. 3. What to do if caught in a fire etc.

Exercise 11
Imagine your mother has to go to a very important conference to another town
for two weeks. She asks you to do all the house chores. Make up a telephone
talk to your friend and complain about your situation.

Exercise 12
Read the following conversations and report them in indirect speech. The
dialogues should be economical and emotional. Try to render the mood,
emotions, and humour of the interlocutors.
A: Something’s burning!
B: Oh, my buns!
A: Hm, I love burnt buns.
B: Curse it! Oven... Curse it!
A: But I prefer burnt buns.
B: It’s the worst oven in the world.
A: Wonderful! A perfect, bun, perfect!
B: Well, there are thirty of them. Have another.
A: Hm... lovely!

A: 1 bought a dog, Polly.
B: What sort of dog, Paul?
A: Oh, just an ordinary dog, Polly.
B: What’s it called?
A: Oh, it’s got just an ordinary name. B:
Is it called Spot?
A; No... it’s called... Polly.

A: I’ve cut my foot.
B: Let me look. Not much of a cut. No blood. Just put a plaster
A: on it. Cover it up.
It’s the other foot, actually.

(talking to a puppy)
A: Ask it to bark, Margaret.
B: I rather think it can’t bark, Arnold.
A: Can’t bark? What do you mean can’t bark? Ask it to bark,
B: Can’t you bark?
A: Bark! Can’t you bark! Bark!
B: Arnold can bark.
A: 1 am a conservative as a matter of fact.
B: As a matter of fact I am a conservative too.
A: There are various varieties of conservatives, mister Taylor. And
Tm afraid that my sort of conservative and your sort are
B: Yes, Mrs. Cruthers, but...
A: Not another word, Mr. Taylor!

A: Do you like my bike?
B: Yes, it’s a fine bicycle.
A: I think it’s very nice.
B: But why did you buy it?
A: I did not buy it. I hired it for a fortnight.

В: But why? You don’t like cycling or any kind of exercise. A: Well,
Myra likes cycling and I like Myra.
B: Does Myra like you?
A: In a fortnight she might if 1 am still alive.

Exercise 13
Render the following exerpts from plays in indirect speech.
M i r a b e 11: What, is the chief of that noble family in town Sir
Wilfull Witwoud?
F a i n a 11; He is expected today. Do you know him?
M i r a b e 11: I have seen him. He promises to be an extraordinary
person; I think you have the honour to be related to
Fainall: Yes...
M i r a b e l l : 1 had rather be his relation than his acquaintance.
Fainall: He comes to town in order to equip himself for
M i r a b e l l : For travel! Why, the man that I mean is above forty.
(After William Congreve)

Mabel Ch liter You are very late!
n: Lord Goring: Have you missed me?
Mabel Chiltern: Awfully.
Lord Goring: Then I am sorry 1 did not stay away
longer. I like being missed.
M a b e l C h i l t e r n : How very selfish of you!
Lord Goring: I am very selfish.
M a b e l C h i l t e r n : You are always telling me of your bad
qualities. Lord Goring.
Lord Goring: I have only told you half of them as yet.
M a b e l C h i l t e r n : Miss Mabel!
Lord Goring: Are the others very bad?
Quite dreadful! When I think of them at
night I go to sleep at once.

M a b e l C h l i t e r n : Well, I delight in your bad qualities. 1

wouldn’t have you part with one of them.
(After Oscar Wilde)

J a c k (irritably): Oh! It always is nearly seven.

Algernon: Well, I’m hungry.
Jack: I never knew you when you weren’t...
Algernon: What shall we do after dinner? Go to a thea
Jack: Oh, no! I loathe listening.
Algernon: Well, let us go to the club?
Jack: Oh, no! 1 hate talking.
Algernon: Well, we might trot round to the Empire at
Jack: Oh, no! 1 can’t bear looking at things. It is so
Algernon: Well, what shall we do?
Jack: Nothing!
Algernon: It is awfully hard work doing nothing. How
ever, 1 don’t mind hard work where there is no
definite object of any kind.
(After Oscar Wilde)

Exercise 14
Sum up different opinions on a problem. Choose the probiem you would iike to
>- For example: Schools should be free from uniform.

Say what different people think/thought about it. Make a presentation.


Exercise 1
Comment on the use of the modal verb MUST and other modal verbs
expressing obligation.

They said they were to have met at five o’clock sharp, but their
partners didn’t show up.
2. He supposed that they must have missed the train.
3. He thought that the accident was the kind of thing which must
never occur again.
4. The old lady said with a sigh that she must be getting old to be
talking like that.
At half past eight came Lucy, wet to the skin. She had had to wait
for Ted since the rain had started.
6. Ned shared my point of view and thought I must be right in that.
Nancy exclaimed that it was wonderful to have Sam home and
7. that they had to organize a party to celebrate his arrival. I was
thinking how greatly Lucy had changed. She must have led a
8. very difficult life to look like that.
She warned me angrily that someone of us two had to go away to
prevent a disaster.
Don’t help Bob. He asked me not to interfere and said that he had
10. to manage it himself
The teacher said we were to finish that exercise at home.
I I .

Exercise 2
Convert into indirect speech paying special attention to the verb MUST.
1. Dorian shook his head, ‘You must not ask me about that, Basil’.
{O. Wilde)
2. ‘Since I haven’t seen anything, the vision you had must have
been unreal.’
3. ‘I must part with you for my whole life and I must begin a new
existence amongst strange faces and strange scenes’.
4. ‘No, Basil, you must tell me’, insisted Dorian Gray, ‘I think I
have a right to know’. {O.Wilde)
5. ‘I haven’t seen her for ages. She must have changed since then.
I am sure I won’t recognize her.’
6. ‘Pull yourself together,’ I said. ‘You must be imagining all
7. ‘When must Mr. Johnson return?’
‘Next month.’
‘You must be missing him terribly then.’

8. ‘I always have a warm corner for Roberta. I must try and

find her before I go abroad.’
9. ‘That man must have been professor Drake.’
‘It must have been the golden hair that penetrated her with
10. a sort of glowing and made her look like a fairy.’
‘Once a professional, one always must be a professio-
1 1 . nal.’
‘This house must have been very pretty once as well as its
12. only inhabitant: an old lady who must have been about
13. ‘You must be in London at nine o’clock and not later
so, that you should take a 10.30 supershuttle to Manches-

Exercise 3
Convert into indirect speech. Try to use phrases like TO BE LIKELY, TO BE
SURE, TO BE CERTAIN, EVIDENTLY, etc. instead of the verb MUST.

1. He said: ‘They must have missed the train’.

2. He said: ‘He must have passed unnoticed’.
3. He said: ‘He must be playing darts right now: it is his usual
time for that’.
4. He said: ‘She must have been unaware of being awkward’.
5. He said: ‘I must have failed to recognize you. 1 am so very
He said: ‘You must not be very upset about it. You’ve al-
ways disliked this vase and now it’s broken so what to worry
7. He said: ‘She must be an inexperienced swimmer though
she said the reverse.’
8. He said: ‘I am sorry. I must have been unconscious of ha-
ving said the wrong thing. I did not mean to hurt you.’
9. He said: ‘She must have every chance to win.’
10. He said: ‘He must be telling the truth. I am absolutely sure
he is.’

Exercise 4
Translate into Russian and comment on different ways of rendering the modal
verb CAN in indirect speech.

1. She was worrying about something terrible that was in store for
her and would say that she had a premonition but could not say
of what kind.
2. She wondered if it was possible that Jonathan had betrayed her
feelings, her devotion, her affection towards the best in his
3. He was sorry he could not let Dorian look at the picture. But it
could not be helped.
4. Living with the grannies was like a fairy tale. I was able to do
many things I was not allowed at home. I even could watch TV
after midnight: such were my thoughts.
5. They most solemnly assured me that nothing of the sort would
ever happen, and they could not have forgotten about it.
6. He said that she was not capable of having done such an
unladylike thing as breaking in without being invited.
7. I thought I could believe he was lying. But I wished with all my
heart it was not true.
8. The duchess said that she could not have misplaced the jewels
and that it was simply impossible.
9. Agnes said that she had left a couple of minutes earlier and if
you had come in time you could have caught her.
10. 1 said that I did not believe all they had said about Moira and
that if we had asked her about it she could have given an
explanation herself.

Exercise 5
Convert into indirect speech.
1. She said: ‘How can you trust this man who has already caused
you so much trouble?’
2. Monica said: ‘Your answering machine has spoilt the last
recording. 1 cannot recognize the voice though it seems fairly
3. Old Mr. Winkle exclaimed: ‘Can she be already studying at the
University? I remember her at the age of five. She was a
marvellous child.’
4. ‘Can it be true that no one knew about the mine there? How can
it be?’ exclaimed the chairman.
5. ‘Why did not you ask me to assist with your business?

I could have done everything possible to save your money,’ said

the father to his young son.
6. ‘You can’t possibly leave without seeing your sister,’ said .
Holly, ‘In spite of all the misunderstanding reigning between you
7. Aunt Maud whispered to Aunt Polly: ‘There is little wonder that
he has been imprisoned. I have always suspected that he could
do anything, even murder someone.’
8. Ted heard the cheerful voice of Margaret: ‘Can I talk to your
sister, Ted? We have a lot of things to discuss. By the way, are
you coming too? You are welcome to come to our party.’
9. Professor Drake wanted me to inform you: he can’t attend the
conference. He hopes Mr. Collins will be able to make a report
10. ‘Can I ask you to do me a favour? If you see Martin tell him I
need to talk to him, please,’ said Dr. Pambrook.

Exercise 6
Comment on different ways of expressing reported permission and prohibition.
Convert into direct speech.

1. Georgiana said that 1 might use the guest rooms in her vil-
lage cottage as well.
2. I asked if I might bring my wife down next Saturday.
3. John said that I might take his car whenever 1 needed it.
4. It was not fair, I thought as a child, that my elder sister
could watch TV till twelve, whereas 1 had to go to bed at
eight o’clock.
The grey-headed gentleman asked if he was allowed to
smoke there, and no one minded.
The guide said that we could take our cameras along as
photography was allowed in the museum.
7. I told Mr. Daring that he might have a look around the
place but at seven he was expected at dinner so he should
not be late.
8. He asked if anyone minded his using the telephone, and af-
ter hearing that he might do as he liked, dialled a number.
1 wondered if I was permitted to use the specific catalogues
of the National Library.

lO. I never knew if I might talk to you like that. It seemed incredible.

Joseph cried angrily at Thomas that he might not do it. 1 have
never heard him yell like that in my life.
2. Monica tried to console Jane saying that she should not have got
offended with Michael’s words. He obviously did not mean to
hurt her.
3. A young and sonorous voice announced that we could not smoke
or use our mobile phones until the plane had landed.
Taking pictures is not allowed here since it is a temporary
4. exhibition, but a large selection of postcards is available in the
museum shop.
Mother would always say that I was not to do this and I was
5. prohibited to do that whereas Jane could do whatever she
Mom, today we had a class on traffic regulations at school. We
were told that we must not cross the street unless the light is
I knew perfectly well that after our quarrel I might not see
Rebecca again but I could not possibly go to Egypt without
seeing her.
I was told that I could not park here. Is it so? There was no sign
8. that it was private.
You know perfectly well what Aunt Augusta said. She let me
9. know that I was not a mongrel and since I had breeding I ought
not to escape my duties as the master of the estate.
Dad said we might not take his car, so I think we must borrow
someone else’s car since we have to impress the girls.

Exercise 7
Translate into English.
1. Алиса была уверена, что он вполне мог уйти на работу рано
утром и не предупредить её. В этом случае он должен был
вернуться к обеду.

2. Она была уверена, что этот камень не мог быть

бриллиантом. Слишком низка была на него цена.
3. Не злитесь на них. Я думаю, они могли и забыть о том, что
им надо быть чистыми и опрятными к вечеру; дети, когда
увлекутся игрой, не думают о таких вещах.
4. Я был уверен, что они не могли бы все его оставить в таком
нелепом положении, но я ошибался.
5. Не верилось мне, что она могла действительно иметь в
виду то, что сказала.
6. Я сомневалась, сумеет ли он отстоять своё мнение на
заседании организационного комитета.
7. Он сказал, что этого не может быть, так как никто не в
состоянии ответить на его вопросы.
8. Мыслители всего мира долго думали, что не может быть,
чтобы Солнце было центром, вокруг которого вращались
Земля и планеты.
9. Я ответил, что мог бы посидеть с ребенком, пока его
родители работают, но только три раза в неделю.
10. Я долго была уверена, что невозможно увидеть НЛО, пока
не поняла, что они действительно могут существовать.

1. Скажите, пожалуйста, могу ли я поговорить с Джеком, а
если нет, то с его сестрой?
2. Папа сказал, что мне ни в коем случае нельзя пойти в ваш
клуб: там собираются противники его политической
3. Один из студентов спросил, можно ли задать вопрос и
открыть дискуссию по этой животрепешушей проблеме.
4. Ко мне подошла маленькая девочка и спросила, можно ли
погладить собаку. Я сказал, что она добрая, не кусается, и
дети могут с нею играть.
5. Он поинтересовался, мог ли он получить право не называть
свое имя и выступить инкогнито.
6. Зашел странного вида долговязый юноша и спросил, может
ли он позвонить из нашего офиса.
7. Над дверью висела надпись, что входить в помещение
нельзя, так как это опасно для жизни.

8. Приходила студентка и спрашивала, можно ли

воспользоваться вашей библиотекой. Я ей разрешила, и
она, должно быть, всё еше там.
9. У нас сегодня был первый урок в школе, и учительница
сказала, что нельзя ходить по классу, разговаривать громко
и играть во время занятий, а на перемене — можно.
10. Звонил Виктор и спрашивал, можно ли поговорить с тобой.
Ты просил тебя не беспокоить, и я ответила, что этого
сделать нельзя, так как тебя нет.

1. Преподаватель сказал Алану, что он должен много читать

вслух, чтобы илучшить свое произношение.
2. Преподаватель сказал Алану, что он, должно быть, много
читает, так как у него хороший запас слов.
3. Валентин говорил, что ты, должно быть, станешь
историком, притом знаменитым. Что ты думаешь по этому
4. Я была уверена, что, должно быть, он не пожалеет сил,
чтобы узнать всё о своем прошлом.
5. Нам сказали, что мы должны исполнить только то, что нам
под силу.
6. Томас был уверен, что нужно проверить его слова. Он,
может быть, прав, а, может, и нет.
7. Алиса сказала не без горечи, что уже поздно и пора
расходиться, что, вероятнее всего, его уже не будет.
8. Я рассказал Тому, что видел его вчера, и что, вероятнее
всего, он встретился с Сарой: таким радостным он был. Том
сказал, что я был прав.
9. Полли пыталась утешить меня, говоря, что, должно быть,
он просто чёрствый человек. Иначе как он мог так меня
10. Я сказал, что мы должны непременно помириться. Иначе
мы никогда уже не будем друзьями.
11. Маргарет сказала, что я должна обязательно навестить её в
Кенте, иначе она обидится. Я приняла её приглашение.
12. Вам говорили, что вы не должны принимать незаверенные
документы? Теперь это уже ваши проблемы.

Exercise 8
Convert into indirect speech supplying reporting verbs.

1. ‘Every educated man must visit Paris at least once in his life.’
2. ‘I’ve had to give a lot of thought recently to my feelings toward
3. ‘I am to have a board meeting on Tuesday but 1 might be
summoned to New York.’
4. ‘I looked around for my car but it was nowhere to be seen.’
5. ‘If you don’t pay for the parcel you are sending the recipient
will have to pay for it.’
6. ‘You are not to utter a word until I allow you to. Make sure you
remember it well.’
7. ‘I found myself in an unknown town and had to have someone
to show me the way from the station.’
8. ‘This medicine is to be taken two times a day between meals.’
9. ‘The conference proceeds like this: in an hour we are to be at the
exhibition, then a private meeting and finally we are to have a
10. ‘You don’t have to copy this article. I have a spare copy; I can
share it with you.’

1. ‘1 think you ought to let your parents know that you are here.’
2. ‘Nancy is so graceful. You should have seen her dance. She
looks like a born queen.’
3. ‘Anything we can do to clear up this miserable affair ought to be
4. ‘Tea is between half past five and six and it should be ready
now, I suppose.’
5. ‘Your parents ought to know about your misfortune. They can
give you enormous support in everything, don’t forget about it.’
6. ‘How should I know when he is coming? I can’t be his personal

7. ‘You should not have done it yourself. All you had to do was to
ask me.’
8. ‘1 am sorry! I should not have said that to you! It has upset you
so much.’
9. ‘If one is in love it is only natural that he should look happy and
10. ‘Children, you ought to say good-bye to your grannie and then
we must go.’

Exercise 9
Translate into English.
1. OH сказал, что должен позвонить своему научному
руководителю и спросить совета.
2. Он сказал, что его матери приходилось работать день и
ночь, чтобы свести концы с концами.
3. Ужасная погода. Но доктор сказал, что мне надо гулять
каждый день, чтобы избежать обострения моей старой
4. Мы осмотрели новый дом Мейбл. Она сказала, что нужно
только добавить последние штрихи, и она переедет в этот
дом очень скоро.
5. Я сказала, что моей сестре должно быть стыдно за то, что
она разговаривала таким тоном со мной в присутствии
постороннего человека.
6. Хозяйка постоянно настаивала на том, чтобы я избавился от
собаки, повторяя, что она её терпеть не может. Мне
пришлось переехать.
7. Он объяснил, что его машина в ремонте, и ему пришлось
добираться пешком. Поэтому он опоздал.
8. По радио объявили, что вечером того же дня должен
выступать президент.
9. Он объяснил свое отсутствие тем, что ему нужно было всё
хорошенько обдумать, и вот он здесь и ждет распоряжений.
10. Он не знал, что труду, на который он потратил всю свою
жизнь, не суждено было быть признанным.
11. Он сказал, что был расстроен, так как должен был
встретиться с Филом в девять, а тот не явился.
8 Зак. № 366

Врач сказал, что ей не следовало вставать: она ещё не
оправилась после болезни и должна оставаться в постели.
Он сожалел, что был со мною более откровенен, чем
2. следовало.
Я подозревал, что сказал что-нибудь, чего не нужно было
3. говорить.
Я резко возразила, что такие вещи ему бы уже пора знать, и
4. не делать того, чего не следует, тем более в обществе людей
старще его по возрасту и положению. Я недоумевал, как он
мог с нею так поступить. Я сказал, что ему следовало бы
попросить у неё прощения.
Руководитель сказал, что я плохо выгляжу и мне не надо
было приходить на работу. Поэтому я сегодня так рано
6. дома.
Маленькая Нелли рассказала родителям, что девочки
тайком убежали на танцы, в то время как они должны были
7. учить уроки.
Я ждал Маргарет. Я знал, что, если она обещала что-
нибудь, то обязательно сделает. Я был уверен, что с минуты
на минуту она должна прийти.
Я возразила, сказав, что с какой это стати мне выполнять его
работу? И ущла с видом триумфатора.
9. Я сказал, что об этом нужно спросить доктора Николса, так
как он специалист и должен знать.

Exercise 10
Маке up dialogues. Work in groups. Imagine you retell someone your talk with
someone else. Use modal verbs and phrases.
1. Imagine: two girls tell each other how they started a dialogue
with their boy-friends.
2. Imagine: not a very good pupil tells his father/mother about
his/her talk with the teacher.
3. Imagine: you tell someone about your quarrel with someone
4. Imagine: you tell someone about your visit to a doctor.


Exercise 1
Use the suitable tense form, active or passive, instead of the infinitives in
Dear Vince,
How are you? We’ve been having a wonderful time. We (to look
after) by our hosts. They (to take) us sightseeing and (to make) us
feel very welcome. Two days ago we (to show) round a castle. The
keeper told us that the castle (to build) in the 12th century and (to
rebuild) in the 17th. We asked him if the castle (to suffer) any
damage during the war. He told us the bombs (to miss) it, but then it
(to catch) fire. When they (to restore) the building, central heating
and things like that (to add). The castle was quite impressive outside,
but the inside was a little disappointing. The keeper explained it (to
redecorated) in the 19th century and not quite successfully. He also
said that there (to be) some plans about future redecorating. We
asked what it (to be) like and he told us how the rooms (to refurnish)
and perhaps (to replan), if the owner (to manage) to collect the
money. Then the keeper told us a lot of funny stories. He said in
some rooms of the castle a ghost (to see) some years ago. A lot of
visitors (to be) frightened.
I’ll tell you more when we get back. Take care.
See you
soon, Olwen.

Exercise 2
Render the following dialogues in indirect speech.

‘Wlien America was discovered,’ said the Radical member, and

he began to give some wearisome facts.
‘... Perhaps, after all, America never has been discovered,’ said
Mr. Erskine; T myself would say that it had merely been detected.’
(0. Wilde)

The Ambassador came in, a tall cold man in a Guards tie.
I don’t know whether you’ve heard — it’s been kept out of
the papers — but an Englishman was shot the night before last.
Captain Segura hinted that he was not unconnected with you.’
T met him once at lunch, sir.’
‘You had better go home, Wormold, on the first plane you can

‘I owe a great deal to Harry, Basil,’ he [Dorian] said, at last —

‘more than I owe to you. You only thought me to be vain.’
‘Well, I am punished for that, Dorian — or shall be some
(0. micle)

Dorian ... asked for the key of the schoolroom.

‘Well, sir, you’ll be covered with cobwebs if you go into it. Why,
it hasn’t been opened for nearly five years,’ ... the old

Dorian ... said ‘Harry, did it ever occur to you that Basil was
murdered? ... Don’t people say he was murdered?’
‘Oh, some of the papers do. It doesn’t seem to me to be at all
probable.- ■


Exercise 1
Convert into indirect speech.
1. The f l o w e r g i r l : I want to be a lady in the flower shop... But
they won’t take me unless I can talk more genteel.

M r s . P e a r c e : . . . Nobody is going to touch your money.

H u g g i n s : Somebody is going to touch you, with a
broomstick, if you don’t stop snivelling... If I decide to
teach you. I’ll be worse than two fathers to you.
3. H i g g i n s : Yes, in six months — in three if she has a good
ear and a quick tongue — I’ll take her anywhere and pass
her off as anything.
4. H i g g i n s : We must help her to prepare and fit herself for
her new station in life. If I did not express myself clearly it
was because I did not want to hurt her delicacy.
5. H i g g i n s : What on earth will she want with money? She’ll
have her food and her clothes. She’ll only drink if you give
her money.
6. H i g g i n s : What’s to become of her if I leave her in the
7. P i c k e r i n g : If this girl is to put herself in your hands for
six months for an experiment in teaching, she must under-
stand thoroughly what she’s doing.
H i g g i n g s: How can she? She’s incapable of understand-
ing anything. Besides, do any of us understand what we are
doing? If we did, would we ever do it?
8. H i g g i n s : Eliza, ... if you’re good and do whatever you’re
told, you shall sleep in a proper bedroom, and have lots to
eat, and money to buy chocolates and have rides in taxis. If
you’re naughty and idle you will sleep in the back kitchen
among the black beetles, and be walloped by Mrs. Pearce
with a broomstick. At the end of six months you shall go to
Buckingham Palace in a carriage, beautifully dressed. If the
King finds out you’re not a lady, you will be taken by the
police to the Tower of London where your head will be cut
off as a warning to other presumptuous flower girls. If you
are not found out you shall have a present of seven-and-
sixpence to start life with as a lady in a shop. If you refuse
this offer you will be a most ungrateful wicked girl; and the
angels will weep for you.
M r s . H i g g i n s : Do you know what you would do if you
9. really loved me, Henry?
H i g g i n s : Oh bother! What? Marry, I suppose.
M r s . H i g g i n s : No. Stop fidgeting and take your hands
out of your pockets.
P i c k e r i n g : Is this fellow really an expert? Can he find

out Eliza and blackmail her?

H i g g i n s ; We shall see. If he finds her out I lose my bet.
11. P i c k e r i n g : Mrs. Pearce will row if we leave these things
lying about in the drawing room.
12. M r s . H i g g i n s : The girl has a perfect right to leave if she
13. M rs. H i g g i n s : If you want to know where Eliza is, she is
upstairs... If you promise to behave yourself, Henry, I’ll ask her
to come down.
14. L i z a; 1 have learnt my lesson. I don’t believe I could utter any
of the old sounds if I tried.
15. H i g g i n s; If you come back I shall treat you just as I have
always treated you.
16. H i g g i n s: If you come back, come back for the sake of
fellowship; for you’ll get nothing else.
17. L i z a : What did you do it for if you didn’t care for me?
18. L i z a: I wouldn’t marry you if you asked me.
{B. Show)

Exercise 2
Render the following quotations in indirect speech.
‘Never speak loudly to one another, unless the house is on fire.’
(Я. W, Thompson)
‘And here is the lesson I learned in the army. If you want to do a
thing badly you have to work at it as though you want to do it well.’
(Peter Ustinov)

‘If you can count your money, then you are not a really rich
(Paul Getty)

‘If you steal from one book, it’s plagiarism. If you steal from
many, it is scientific research.’

‘Nothing is miserable unless you think it so. ... Every lot is

happy if you are content with it.’


Exercise 1
Use the correct verb form instead of the infinitives in brackets.
Wormold believed that in the rich families the custom of keeping
a duenna (to linger) still, and sometimes it seemed to him that Milly
too (to carry) a duenna about her, invisible to all eyes but her own....
It (to be) long before that Wormold realized that the duenna (not to
be) always by her side. Milly (to be) meticulous in her behaviour at
meals and never (to neglect) her night-prayers. ... One day however,
when Milly (to be) thirteen, he (to summon) to the convent school of
the American Sisters of Clare in the white rich suburbs of Vedado.
There he (to learn) for the first time how the duenna (to leave) Milly
... by the grilled gateway of the school. The complaint (to be) of a
serious nature: she (to set) fire to a small boy called Thomas Earl
Park- man, junior. It was true, the Reverend Mother (to admit), that
Earl, as he (to know) in the school, (to pull) her hair first, but this she
(to consider) in no way justified Milly’s action...
(G. Greene)

It was Wormold’s day-dream that he (to wake) some day and find
that he (to have) amassed sowings, bearer-bonds and
share-certificates, that he (to receive) a steady flow of dividends like
the rich inhabitants of the Vedado suburb; then he (to retire) with
Milly to England... But the dream (to fade) whenever he (to enter) the
big American bank... Passing through the great stone portals, which
(to decorate) with four-leafed clover, he (to become) again the small
dealer he really (to be), whose pension never (to be) sufficient to take
Milly to the region of safety.
(G. Green)

‘The story is simply this,’ said the painter after some time. Two
months ago 1 (to go) to a crush at Lady Brandon’s. ...Well, after I (to
be) in the room about ten minutes, ... I suddenly (to

become) conscious that someone (to look) at me. I (to turn) half-way
round, and (to see) Dorian Gray for the first time. When our eyes (to
meet), I (to feel) that 1 (to grow) pale. A curious sensation of terror
(to come) over me. I (to know) that 1 (to come) face to face with
someone whose mere personality (to be) so fascinating that, if I (to
allow) it to do so, it (to absorb) my whole nature, my whole soul, my
very whole art itself.. 1 (to grow) afraid, and (to turn) to quit the
room... There, of course, I (to stumble) against Lady Brandon... I
could not get rid of her... She (to speak) of me as her dearest friend. I
only (to meet) her once before, but she (to take) it into her head to
lionise me. I believe some picture of mine (to make) a great success
at the time, at least (to chatter) about in the penny newspaper, which
(to be) the nineteenth century standard of immortality. Suddenly I (to
find) myself face to face with the young man whose personality so
strangely (to stir) me... It (to be) simply inevitable... Dorian (to tell)
me so afterwards. He too, (to feel) that we (to be) destined to know
each other.’
(O. WUde)

Exercise 2
Render the following dialogues in indirect speech.
Robert: Martin didn’t take that cheque.
G o r d o n : What? Is that true? Are you sure?
Freda: Yes.
G o r d o n : You know, I never could understand that. It wasn’t like
S t a n t o n : Do you really believe that Martin didn’t get that
money? If he didn’t, who did? And if he didn’t, why
did he shoot himself?
Robert: Stanton, we don’t know. But we’re hoping you’ll
tell us.
S t a n t o n : Being funny, Robert?
Robert: Not a bit. I wouldn’t have dragged you back here
to be funny. You told me — didn’t you — that you
were practically certain that Martin took that cheque?

S t a n t o n : Certainly I did. And I told you why I thought so.

All the evidence pointed that way. And what happened
afterwards proved that I was right. R o b e r t : Did it?
S t a n t o n : Well, didn’t it?
Freda: If it did, then why did you tell Martin that you
thought Robert had done it?
S t a n t o n : But of course I didn’t.
01 w e n: Yes, you did.
(/. B. Priestly) В
At last... we hauled him [Larry] up the bank... As he entered the
house, ... Mother uttered a gasp of horror.
‘Wliat have you been doing, dear?’ she asked.
‘Doing? What do you think I’ve been doing? I’ve been
‘But how did you get like that, dear? You’re sopping. Did you
fall in?’
‘... Well, of course I fell in; what did you think I had been
‘You must change, dear, or you’ll catch cold.’
‘I can manage,’ said Larry with dignity; ‘I’ve had quite enough
attempts on my life for one day.’
(G. Durrell)

Margo ... burst into Mother’s room.

‘The house is on fire... Get out... get out...’ she yelled
Mother leapt out of bed with alacrity.
‘Wake Gerry... wake Gerry,’ she shouted...
‘Wake up... wake up. ... Fire... fire!’ screamed Margo at the top
of her voice.
Leslie and I tumbled out on the landing.
‘What’s going on?’ demanded Leslie.
‘Fire!’ screamed Margo in his ear. ‘Larry is on fire!’
Mother appeared.
‘Larry’s on fire? Quick, save him,’ she screamed, and rushed
upstairs to the attic, closely followed by the rest of us. Larry’s room
was full of acrid smoke. ... Larry himself lay sleeping

peacefully. Mother dashed over to the bed and shook him vigorously.
‘Wake up, Larry; for heaven’s sake wake up.’
‘What’s the matter?’ he asked, sitting up sleepily.
‘The room’s on fire.’
‘I’m not surprised,’ he said, lying down again. ‘Ask Les to put it
... Les ... hauled the bedclothes off the recumbent Larry and used
them to smother the flames. Larry sat up indignantly.
‘What the hell’s going on?’ he demanded.
‘The room’s on fire, dear.’
‘Well, I don’t see why I should freeze to death ... why tear all the
bedclothes off? Really, the fuss you all make. It’s quite simple to put
out a fire.’
‘Oh, shut up,’ snapped Leslie, jumping up and down on the
‘I’ve never known people for panicking as you do,’ said Larry,
‘it’s simply a matter of keeping your head. Les has the worst of it
under control; now if Gerry fetches the hatchet, and you. Mother, and
Margo fetch some water, we’ll soon have it out.’
(G. Diirrell)

Considered as a group my family was not a very prepossessing

sight that afternoon, for the weather had brought with it the usual
selection of ills to which we were prone... Only my eldest brother,
Larry, was untouched.
... It was Larry, of course, who started it.
‘Why do we stand the bloody climate?’ he asked suddenly,
making a gesture towards the rain-distorted window. ‘Look at it!...
And look at you; you’re looking more decrepit and hagridden eveiy
Mother peered over the top of a large volume...
‘Indeed I’m not,’ she said indignantly.
‘You are,’ Larry insisted; ‘you’re beginning to look like an Irish
washerwoman ... and your family looks like a series of illustrations
from a medical encyclopaedia.’
‘Yes, dear,’ said Mother vaguely.

‘What we all need,’ said Larry, ‘is sunshine... I had a letter from
George this morning — he says Corfu’s wonderful. Why don’t we
pack up and go to Greece?’
‘Very well, dear, if you like,’ said Mother unguardedly...
‘Wlien?’ asked Larry, rather surprised at this co-operation...
‘Well, I think it would be a sensible idea if you were to go on
ahead, dear, and arrange things. Then you can write and tell me if
it’s nice, and we all can follow,’ she said cleverly.
Larry gave her a withering look.
‘You said that when I suggested going to Spain,’ he reminded
her, ‘and I sat for two interminable months in Seville, waiting for
you to come out... No, if we’re going to Greece, let’s all go
‘...I can’t go just like that. 1 have to arrange something about
this house.’
‘Sell it.’
‘I can’t do that, dear,’ said Mother, shocked. ‘... I’ve only Just
bought it.’
‘Sell it while it’s still untarnished, then.’
‘Don’t be ridiculous, dear,’ said Mother firmly; ‘that’s quite out
of the question...’
So we sold the house and fled from the gloom of the English
summer, like a flock of migrating swallows.
((7. Durrelt)

G o r d o n [beginning to fiddle about with wireless]: What’s

disturbing the ether to-night?..
Freda: Oh, Gordon, don’t start it again. We’ve only just
turned it off.
G o r d o n : Wliat did you hear?
Freda: The last half of a play.
Olwen: It was called The Sleeping Dog.
S t a n t o n : Why?
Olwen: You know, 1 believe 1 understand that play now.
The sleeping dog was the truth, do you see, and
that man — the husband — insisted upon disturb-
ing it.
Robert: He was quite right to disturb it.

S t a n t o n : Was he? I wonder. I think it a very sound idea — the

truth as a sieeping dog... I think teiiing the truth is
about as heaithy as skidding round a corner at sixty.
Freda: And iife’s got a iot of dangerous corner — hasn’t it,
S t a n t o n : It can have — if you don’t choose your route weii.
(J. B. Priestly)

Betty: You’re taiking about me, aii of you. I know you
are. I wanted to go to bed. I started to go. And then
1 couidn’t. I knew you were aii taiking about me. i
couidn’t stand it. 1 had to come back.
Freda: Weii, you were wrong. As a matter of fact, you’re
the oniy person we haven’t been taiking about.
Betty: Is that true?
Robert: Yes, of course... Not a word’s been said about you.
In fact, we aii wanted to keep you out of this.
(J. B. Priestly)

The King and the Queen were talking together in a frightened

The King was saying, T assure you, my dear, I turned coid to
the very end of my whiskers!’
To which the Queen replied, ‘You haven’t got any whiskers.’ ‘The
horror of that moment,’ the King went on, ‘I shaii never forget!’
‘You will, though,’ the Queen said, ‘if you don’t make a
memorandum of it.’
(L. Carroll) H
I suppose the small greenish statue of a man in a wig on a horse
is one of the famous statues of the worid. I said to Cary, ‘Do you
see how shiny the right knee is? It’s been touched so often for luck,
like St. Peter’s foot in Rome.’
She rubbed the knee carefully and tenderly, as though she were
polishing it. ‘Are you superstitious?’ I said.

‘I’m not’
‘I’m so superstitious I never walk under ladders. ... I try not to
tread on cracks in pavements. Darling, you’re marrying the most
superstitious woman in the world. Lots of people aren’t happy. We
are. I’m not going to risk a thing.’
‘You’ve rubbed that knee so much, we ought to have plenty of
luck at the tables.’
‘I wasn’t asking for luck at the tables,’ she said.
(G. Greene) I
‘[I] don’t have a mother,’ he said...
‘Oh, Peter, no wonder you were crying,’ she said, and got out of
bed and ran to him.
‘I wasn’t crying about mothers,’ he said rather indignantly. ‘I
was crying because I can’t get my shadow to stick on. Besides, I
wasn’t crying.’
(У. M. Barrie)

Exercise 3
Translate into English.
Когда OH назвал свое имя, на него посмотрели с
любопытством, а потом посадили в лифт и повезли, к его
удивлению, не вверх, а вниз. Теперь он сидел в длинном подземном
коридоре (basement corridor) и смотрел на красную лампочку,
горевшую над дверью; ему сказали, что он , может войти, когда
загорится зелёный свет, но не раньше. Люди, не обрашавшие
внимание на лампочку, входили и выходили... Никто не смотрел на
него; он чувствовал, что стесняет их. (to embarrass)
...По коридору от лифта прошёл Готорн (Hawthorne)... Он
тоже не взглянул бы на Уормолда (Wormold), если бы тот его не
— Привет, Готорн.
— Ах, это Вы, Уормолд.
— ...Что здесь происходит? Можно подумать, это
военно-полевой суд.

— A ЭТО И В самом деле военно-полевой суд,— сказал

Готорн ледяным тоном (frostily) и прошёл в дверь, над которой
горела лампочка. Часы показывали 11.25. Его вызывали на
одиннадцать. Он раздумывал, могут ли они что- нибудь с ним
сделать, кроме того, что выгонят (to sack smb.), впрочем, они
уже и так его выгнали. Сейчас они, вероятно, решают его

{Г. Грин)

Увидев Милли, он сразу всё понял. За ней шёл молодой
приказчик (shop assistant) и нёс такой огромный пакет, что не
было видно его лица. Уормолд подумал с тоской (sadly): опять
что-то купила. Он поднялся наверх ... и услышал, как в соседней
комнате Милли говорит приказчику, куда положить пакеты.
— Милли, что ты купила?
— Пойдем покажу.
Они пошли в спальню. На кровати лежало седло... Уормолд
спросил упавшим голосом (hopelessly):
— А где лошадь?
Он так и ждал, что лошадь появится из ванной.
{Г. Грин)

Troublesome Verbs

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks using one of the verbs: rise/raise; sit/set/seat; lie/lay/lie;
shine/shine; hang/hang and their respective tense forms.
1. She slowly ... her head as if she wanted to say something.
2. If you want ... in bed until late evening you can do it, but you’d
better get up to be ready to go to school.
3. This button ... on one sole thread. Let me sewit on.
4. The weather outside was dreadful, it was raining cats and dogs
but Ann’s shoes looked as if she had just ... them.
5. The criminal will be ... from the town wall at midday.

6. Alice’s wonderful long blond hair ... round her little face like a
halo as she was laughing.
7. The naughty little girl was finally ... in a massive leather-
upholstered arm-chair.
8. On hearing that accusation he suddenly ... to his feet and
9. The legend says that the famous Italian composer Giacomo
Rossini, being too lazy to get up, used to compose his music ...
in bed.
10. As the dawn came we ... out on our cruise around Europe and on
doing so I began feeling nostalgic.
11. ‘Who usually ... in that box next to ours?’
‘I do not know them but they are never late for the
12. Thomas, you must... this bowl in the middle of the table so that
every guest should be able to reach it.
13. The little boy ... a feather lost by a mocking bird and looked
around as if he were sharing a secret with somebody.
14. It was a wonderful night. A night for poets: the moon ... bright
and round and the stars were scattered all over the sky.
15. Nick tried to ... the map of Australia so that everyone could see
it without any difficulty.
16. You have told me that you were there yesterday but you know
perfectly well that you have ... to me. Besides, I am absolutely
sure that you are always telling lies.

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks using one of the following verbs: a) do/make; b) go/
come/walk; c) say/tell/speak/talk; d) offer/suggest/propose or their derriva-

1. It will ... you no harm to come and see your parents. You might
have done it long ago.
2. You are ... great progress. The number of mistakes you’ve ... in
your last test is surprisingly small.
3. You know how stubborn he is. Nothing in the whole world can
... him change his mind about it.

4. Agricultural machinery is being ... in this factory.

5. Would you please ... the bed while 1 ... the cleaning.
6. You ... everything you can to ... me angry.
7. If you ... all these exercises you will surely ... progress.
8. The remark he ... was so strange that I didn’t know what to say
in reply.
9. The traffic was so heavy that we only... twenty miles an hour.
10. Your new tape-recorder needs some repair, so you will have to
... without it for a couple of days.

1. Please don’t beat about the bush, ... to the point.
2. You are such a rare guest at our house; 1 would like you to
... over more often.
3. How happy Ben was when at last his dream ... true.
4. It will be very convenient if you ... over after six. I am usu-
ally at home at that hour.
5. Dennis is so advanced. He is a very clever little crea-
ture. You know he began to ... before he was one year
6. Jack is so fond of... ; he nearly ... me off my legs.
7. I am a born sailor and very fond of travelling. This year
I may be ... to Australia to see a kangaroo with my own
eyes. ~
8. 1 had such a bad headache I decided to ... it off
9. I wonder where Mike was ... when I met him in the

1. Mary’s behaviour was strange. She left without... even
2. To ... the truth, I didn’t expect you to know this.
3. She ... that he could never ... a lie.
4. Pam, what is happening? You are not listening to a word I ... .
5. ... what you think, don’t be afraid to ... the truth.
6. Go and ... with him. He trusts you and only you can ... him out
of leaving us.
7. Stop ... nonsense immediately. We are not going to do it

8. Frankly ... , this deed of yours hardly needs any praising.

9. I am really interested in your opinion. You can ... your mind.
Don’t be afraid of hurting my feelings.
10. Jack is a good ... . When he ... everyone feels at ease in his
11. Mr. Smith is a wonderful ... . Wlien he ... the audience listens to
him very attentively.
12. ‘1 was ... you’ve cut your hand.’
‘Nothing serious. Nothing to ... of.’

1. He ... our staying for another week or two with the Gordons.
2. I ... making some changes in our plan as we couldn’t go on like
3. Mother ... that I should put on my new black evening dress and a
lace scarf when 1 go to the theatre.
4. The committee... electing the chairman during the next plenary
5. The idea you ... is so extravagant that I dare not carry it out.
6. Wltat you ... is unfair and we cannot accept it.
7. He ... that the question should be discussed at the next meeting.
8. I saw a beautiful girl with eyes full of sorrow; so I ... her my
9. Since the weather is splendid today I ... taking a walk through
the park.
10. When an old lady entered the bus a young man ... her his seat.

Exercise 3
Translate into English.
1. Поднималась заря над лесом, румяная и тихая.
2. Давайте повесим зеркало над камином, так, чтобы в нём
отражалась картина, висящая напротив.
3. Подождите, пока Вас вызовут. А пока посидите здесь и
почитайте инструкции.

4. Поставьте вазу на стол и, вообще, оставьте её в покое, пока

она не разбилась.
5. Как хладнокровно она лжёт! Этого от неё никак нельзя
было ожидать.
6. Поднимите руки те, кому необходима консультация по
этому вопросу.
7. Положи ребенка в кроватку и попробуй убаюкать его, пока
я занята.
8. На стол положите белую скатерть, а не в цветочек. На
белом цветной фарфор смотрится очень эффектно.
9. Можно повесить шубы и пальто в шкаф до будущей зимы,
когда они снопа понадобятся.
10. Усадите бабулю в кресло и укутайте пледом. Ей необходим
11. Услышав свое имя, он поднялся и с надеждой вошёл в зал.
12. Природа располагала к задумчивости: солнце уже зашло, и
сияла полная луна. Был тихий вечер.
13. Собака лежала у двери, ожидая хозяина. Заслышав шаги,
пес каждый раз поднимался, как бы нехотя.
14. Его пуговицы были, по всей видимости, начищены
тщательнейшим образом и сияли так, что больно было

1. Он вынужден был что-то делать, чтобы отвлечься от своих
грустных дум.
2. Эта работа должна быть сделана незамедлительно, во что
бы то ни стало.
3. Чтобы добиться успеха в учёбе, необходимо делать всё, что
задает учитель.
4. Не будет вреда, если мы хотя бы выслушаем его смелое
5. Я не имею ничего общего с этим человеком.
6. Почему ты делаешь всё возможное, чтобы вывести меня из
7. Вы делаете успехи: Ваши ошибки уже не столь
многочисленны, как это было раньше.
8. Иди сюда и покажи мне, что ты там написал.
9. Учитель остановился у моей парты и попросил меня выйти
к доске.

10. Будь что будет, но я всё же поговорю с ней по душам.

11. Я сейчас иду к тебе. Не уходи, пока я не приду.
12. Недалеко от нашего дома был лес, и мы часто ходили туда
за грибами и ягодами.
13. Дождь кончился, идти стало легче: ноги не утопали в
14. Не сказав ни слова, он встал и ушёл, хлопнув дверью.
15. Старый рыбак медленно шёл вдоль берега, пристально
вглядываясь в подплывающую лодку.

1. Сказать по правде, он никогда не вызывал у меня доверия.
2. Мне сказали, что интересовавший меня дом снесли два года
тому назад.
3. Скажите мне правду, это очень опасно для него?
4. Я Вам не верю. Можете не рассказывать мне небылиц.
5. Он очень интересный собеседник, я люблю с ним говорить.
6. Его любимое занятие — рассказывать о своей охоте на тигра
в Африке.
7. Я ничего не соображаю, он меня заговорил до потери
8. На собрании он говорил так убедительно, что ему нельзя
было ничего возразить.
9. Мы обговорили всё это по дороге домой.
10. Я бы хотел предложить свое кандидатуру на эту
должность. Только я имею для этого соответствующую
квалификацию (to be gualified enough).
11. — Ты сделал предложение Нелли?
— Нет ещё. Я не уверен ещё в том, как её родители
отреагируют на это.
12. Он предложил, чтобы мы все наняли лодку и совершили
прогулку вниз по реке.
13. Она предложила помочь разобраться в этом запутанном
14. Я предлагаю тост за успешное окончание Майклом
15. По окончании университета ему предложили работу, о
которой он много лет мечтал.

The Participle

Exercise 1
Fill in the blanks with Participle I or Participle II of the following verbs: to
disappoint, to excite, to bore, to interest, to confuse, to surprise, to tire, to
1. I never found this sort of shows in any way ... , so I won’t join
2. I thought you were not... and for that reason did not offer you a
3. Whenever you feel ... you may leave at once.
4. The tour was rather... — we couldn’t see most of tfre places
since the weather was pretty awful.
5. She is very ... because she is going to New York this afternoon.
6. Are you ... or were you expecting this news?
7. I’ve had a very ... day at work today and I want to go to bed.
8. Most people were ... that he won the championship.
9. I can’t tell you how ... I am. Let’s better go and have a cup of
coffee somewhere.
10. The little girl was the most... child I’ve ever seen: so funny were
her little tricks.
11. Come here, don’t be ... . One must be responsible for what one
12. The situation was very ... . I did not know what to say or what to
13. The instruction was ... and I did something wrong, perhaps 1
simply misunderstood it.

Exercise 6
Translate into English using the participles from the previous exercise. Give
two variants where possible.
1. Ваша идея очень интересная. Расскажите мне побольше о
2. Невероятно, чтобы он провалился на экзамене: он был
очень хорошо подготовлен.

3. He могли бы вы повторить, Я немного не понял, в чем

заключается главная идея вашего плана.
Ей было скучно, так как она не могла найти, чем бы
себя занять весь день.
5. Он интересуется политикой и не пропускает ни одной
программы новостей.
6. Фильм был страшно неинтересным. Я чуть было не
7. Ты разочарована? Ну, конечно, ты не этого ожидала.
8. Ваш приход был неожиданным и застал меня врас-
9. Люди были всё больше незнакомые, и он чувствовал
себя неловко и смущался всякий раз, когда к нему
10. Путеществие меня разочаровало. Я не ожидал, что в
Лондоне мне будет настолько скучно.
Всех взволновал результат финала соревнований. Во
всяком случае, такого никто не ожидал.
12. Не волнуйся, ничто не начнется, пока ты не придёщь
13. То, что вы мне сказали, удивило меня больше, чем я
Appendix 1

Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect


Present I ask I am asking 1 have asked 1 have been asking

you ask you are asking you have asked you have been
he asks he is asking he has asked he has been asking
she asks she is asking she has asked she has been asking
it asks it is asking it has asked it has been asking
we ask we are asking we have asked
we have been asking
they ask they are asking they have asked they have been

Past I asked 1 was asking I had asked 1 had been asking

you asked you were asking you had asked
you had been asking
he asked he was asking he had asked he had been asking
she asked she was asking she had asked she had been asking
it asked it was asking it had asked it had been asking
we asked we were asking we had asked we had been asking
they asked they were asking they had asked they had been

Future 1 will ask 1 will be asking 1 will have 1 will have been
asked asking
you will ask you will be asking you will have you will have been
asked asking
he will ask he will be asking he will have he will have been
asked asking
she will ask she will be asking she will have she will have been
asked asking
it will ask it will be asking it will have it will have been
asked asking
we will ask we will be asking we will have we will have been
asked asking
they will ask they will be they will have they will have been
asking asked asking


Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect


Future 1 would ask 1 would be asking 1 would have 1 would have been
-in -the asked asking
Past you would you would be you would have you would have
ask asking asked been asking
he would he would be he would have he would have been
ask asking asked asking
site would she would be she would have she would have
ask. asking asked been asking
it would ask it would be it would have it would have been
asking asked asking
we would we would be we would have we would have
ask asking asked been asking
they would they would be they would they would have
ask asking have asked been asking

Appendix 2

Simple Perfect
Progressive Perfect Progressive

Present I am asked I am being asked I have been asked

you are asked you are being you have been asked
he is asked she asked
he is being asked he has been asked
is asked it is
she is being asked she has been asked it
it is being asked has been asked we
we are asked we are being have been asked
they are asked they are being they have been

Past 1 was asked I was being asked 1 had been asked

you were asked you were being you had been asked
he was asked he was being he had been asked
she was asked asked she was she had been asked
being asked
it was asked we it had been asked we
it was being asked
were asked we were being Itad been asked

they asked they had been asked

were they were being
asked asked

Future 1 will be asked 1 will have been

you will be asked
asked he will you will have been
be asked she asked
he will have been
will be asked
it will be asked asked
she will have been
we will asked
be asked it will have been
they will be asked
asked we will have been
they will have been


Simple Progressive Perfect Progressive

Future- I would be 1 would have been

in-the- asked asked
Past you would be you would have
asked been asked
he would be he would have been
asked asked
she would be she would have been
asked asked
it would be it would have been
asked asked
we would be we would have been
asked asked
they would be they would have
asked been asked

Appendix 3

Conjunc The
The Main Clause tion Subordinate The Example
will + Simple if The Present I'll be glad if he conies.
Infinitive Simple The
will + Progressive unless in I’ll be seeing you tomorrow
case Present
Progressive unless I’m held up at school.
The Imperative provided Please phone me in case you
Mood that can’t come in time.
We’ll give you a refund
provided that you show our
receipt, in case we don't get it
you’ll get no money.
would +Simple if The Past If they knew about our
Infinitive would + unless Indefinite The problems, they would help us
+ Progressive Past out. If you had a thousand
Infinitive might/could Subjunctive dollars, what would you do?
+ (“were") Ifl were you. 1 wouldn't be so
+ Simple Infinitive optimistic.
If John could be more
might/could + assertive, he would certainly
+ Progressive get thejob.
Infinitive If it were not for his
stupidity, he wouldn’t be in
would +Perfect if The Past If Martha hadn’t left
Infinitive would + unless Perfect herglas- ses at home, she
Perfect Progressive would have seen the notice.
Infinitive might/could If he had been more
+ attentive, he might have
heard the announcement.
+ Perfect Infinitive If it hadn’t been for the
might/could + traffic jam, we might have
+ Perfect Progressive got home in time.

Note: If it were not for his stupidity, he wouldn’t be in trouble. = But for
his stupidity, he wouldn’t be in trouble.
If it hadn’t been for the traffic jam, we might have got home in time. =
But for the traffic jam we might have got home in time.
.in'-'.- ■ •■ : K - .-i Si - .-л :i .t
•>< :• . ’ -.

. V/ Y . "
о. А. Березина, Е. М. Шпилюк

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Первое профессиональное русскоязычное

издание, полностью посвященное всем аспектам
обучения U образования за рубежом.
— как, оставаясь дома, получить международное
— в каких зарубежных университетах и
бизнес-школах стоит учиться и почему
— после какой школы Ваш ребенок легко
поступит в лучшие колледжи мира
— гранты, стипендии и стажировки, которые Вас
— где учат гольфу, дайвингу, горным лыжам...

наш ПОДПИСНОЙ индекс 26254


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E-maii: mnemo@dol.ru

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