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Egamberdieva S.S.1, Egamberdieva L.N.2 (Republic of Uzbekistan)
Email: Egamberdieva558@scientifictext.ru
Egamberdieva S.S., Egamberdieva L.N. (Republic of Uzbekistan) RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE HEAD IN THE MANAGEMENT OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION / Эгамбердиева С.С., Эгамбердиева Л.Н. (Республика Узбекистан) ОБЯЗАННОСТИ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЯ В УПРАВЛЕНИИ
Egamberdiyeva Sitora Sobit kizi – Master,
Egamberdieva Lola Normatovna - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor,

Abstract: the activity of a head is the representation of activity as a set of interrelated processes: a logical,
consistent, interconnected set of measures that consumes resources and replenishes them. The head of the
preschool should have a high level of management skills, good understanding, the ability to conceptualize and
formulate creative solutions for a wide range of educational and educational tasks, he must possess a culture
of communication, a high level of knowledge, goodwill, organizational skills, quick response, responsibility,
desire and ability to work as a collective, a good memory.
Keywords: competency, competence, professional competence, leader, teacher-educator, pre-school
educational institution.


Эгамбердиева С.С.1, Эгамбердиева Л.Н.2 (Республика Узбекистан)
Эгамбердиева Ситора Собит кизи – магистр,
специализация: дошкольное образование, факультет педагогики-психологии;
Эгамбердиева Лола Норматовна - кандидат биологических наук, доцент,
кафедра биологии и методики ее преподавания, факультет естественных наук,
Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет им. Низами,
г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: деятельность заведующего — это представление деятельности в виде совокупности

взаимосвязанных процессов: логичный, последовательный, взаимосвязанный набор мероприятий,
который потребляет ресурсы и их восполняет. Руководитель ДОУ должен обладать высоким
уровнем управленческих навыков, хорошим пониманием, умением осмыслять и формулировать
креативные решения для широкого спектра образовательных и воспитательных задач, ему
необходимо владеть культурой общения, высоким уровнем знаний, доброжелательностью,
организаторскими способностями, быстрой реакцией, ответственностью, желанием и умением
работать в команде, хорошей памятью.
Ключевые слова: компетентность, компетенции, профессиональная компетентность, руководитель,
педагог-воспитатель, дошкольное образовательное учреждение.

In a preschool educational institution (PEI), the director is a key element in its effective functioning and
effectiveness of upbringing-educational works. The level of control over the quality of management of pre-
school educational institutions determines the opportunities for professional growth of a director, improvement
of his knowledge, skills and personal qualities in accordance with government requirements. In modern
conditions, when changes in the life of society and educational institutions occur largely faster, a special role
is given to managerial skills. On professional ability of the director, his ability to make decisions quickly, the
ability that he should attempt to continuous development with the collective, creative growth, and it depends
on the successful development of institution and its social status [4].
The management of an organization is a responsible, highly professional and quite hard work. The role,
assigned to the head of the organization is important for the functioning of the organization, for the quality of
the services provided and the successful professional activity of the collective. Let us reveal some important
aspects of the role of a director in the management of a preschool educational organization. The scientific
leadership of a preschool organization is based on the knowledge and adoption of laws and regularities in the
concept of modern management.
Management - this phenomenon is objectively due to life, called up to life, regularities and
interconnections of the functional system. The goal of managing a pre-school organization is to ensure the best
functioning of all concepts, a significantly effective educational activity with a child under minimal expenses
of time and effort.
This is not an easy procedure, which consists of: correct selection of answers and research questions and
in-depth consideration of the degree of pedagogical activity; concept of rational planning; the disclosure and
dissemination of modern pedagogical skills and using of managerial achievements in preparing teachers for
work with a child; implementation of the basic unity of upbringing and education of the child in the classroom
and in ordinary life; effective monitoring and control of performance.
An important role in the resolution of these issues is “the democratization of the management of pre-
school organization, which implies: pedagogical cooperation at all levels of management in kindergarten;
competence of all participants in management issues; new management thinking (a different look at the
educator and the child, humanization of relationships); pedagogical cooperation with parents and school;
creating a collective of like-minded people (educators, parents, teachers); the interest of parents and the
public in joint activities for the upbringing of children and its results; ensuring a favorable psychological
climate in the collective (humanizing relationships, forming a creative atmosphere)” [3].
Improving the management system contributes to: increasing the productivity of labor; strengthening the
development of the collective; developing effective methods of labor organization; assistance in creating a
base for continuous training and improvement of personals; maintaining loyalty programs in the collective [2].
The head is, in essence, the director, as in any organization that directly develops a strategy and sets
key goals and objectives at a specific point in time, organizes the work as a pedagogical collective, so
and administrative- economic part. The modern head of the preschool educational institution: defines the
goals; forms the organizational structure; performs the distribution function; manages with financial
resources; takes decisions of management; selects cadres; controls the implementation of management
decisions, orders and dictations.
As any activity, the activity of management in a pre-school educational institution has its goal, methods,
means and end result. The activities and organizational work of the head plays a dominant role in this task.
The main mechanism of development of the system of preschool education in the context of the
implementation of the standard is the search and development of effective forms and methods of management
that promotes qualitative changes in the activities of the preschool institution [1].
Modern conditions require the head of the preschool institution to possess such competencies as the ability
to adjust the content and directions of management, to delegate the implementation of implemented
management functions, to simulate and modify the necessary organizational structure of the preschool
educational systems, to master new and, first of all, information and communication management technology.
The task of the head of the PEI is to develop his own system, to find various available and at the same
time effective forms, as well as methods for improving pedagogical skills. Organizational work of the head is
obliged to be focused on ensuring multilateral education and the formation of the personality of each child. It
may include the following elements: reasonable design, communication, direct organizational and diagnostic.

References / Список литературы

1. Babak S.A. Organization of office work in a pre-school educational institution / S.A. Babak, JI.M. Manevtsova.
M.: Asadema, 2002. Р. 40 [in Russian].
2. Vorobyova T.K. Planning of the work of a preschool educational institution [Text] / T.K. Vorobyova //
Education and Science, 2011. № 27. 163 p. [in Russian].
3. Makhaneva M.D. A promising model of the organization of activities of preschool institutions [Text]: studies.
manual for universi.ties / M.D. Makhaneva, O.L. Knyazeva; under the general ed. O.L. Knyazev - Ed. 4th,
pererabot. and add. M.: Lawyer, 2012. 164 p. [in Russian].
4. Falushina L.I. Technology management and marketing in the system of preschool education. M: Academy,
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