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Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования
«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»



«Иностранный язык»
«Связи с общественностью» – 030602.65
Форма подготовки – очная

Школа гуманитарных наук

Кафедра рекламы и связей с общественностью
курс _1,2_____ семестр __1,2,3,4___
лекции (час.)
практические занятия 170 час.
лабораторные работы_______час.
всего часов аудиторной нагрузки 170 (час.)
самостоятельная работа 170 (час.)
реферативные работы (количество)
контрольные работы (количество)
зачет 2,3 семестр
экзамен 1,4 семестр

Учебно-методический комплекс составлен в соответствии с требованиями государственного

образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования (Пр. министерства образования
РФ № 41мжд/сп от 14.03.2000)Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины обсужден на заседании
кафедры профессионально-ориентированного перевода 01 сентября 2011 г. (протокол № 1)
Заведующая кафедрой: к.ф.н., доцент А.А. Карелина 2011г.
Составители: доцент Карелина А.А., доцент Тимченко В.О., доцент Суворова Е.А., ассистент Гундобина А.В.

1. Рабочая программа учебной дисциплины

2. Материалы практических занятий
3. Материалы для организации самостоятельной работы студентов
4. Контрольно-измерительные материалы
5. Список литературы
6. Глоссарий
7. Дополнительные материалы
Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык»
разработан для студентов 1, 2 курсов по специальности 030602.65 «Связи с
общественностью» в соответствие с требованиями ГОС ВПО по данному
Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» входит в «Гуманитарный, социальный
и экономический цикл. Федеральный компонент».
Общая трудоемкость освоения дисциплины составляет 340 часов.
Учебным планом предусмотрены: 170 часов – практических занятий, 170
часов – самостоятельной работы, включая часы на подготовку к экзамену.
Продолжительность изучения дисциплины – 1, 2, 3, 4 семестры.
Содержание дисциплины охватывает следующий круг тем: различные
способы и стили коммуникации, язык жестов, языки мира,
коммуникационные технологии; образование и развитие личности, школа,
университетская жизнь, обучение на дому, карьера в образовании,
электронные книги; роль СМИ в жизни общества, телевидение и реклама;
виды транспорта, правила поведения на дороге, дорожные знаки,
путешествия в космос.
Учебно-методический комплекс включает в себя:
 рабочую программу дисциплины;
 материалы для лабораторных занятий (примерные задания для
практических занятий).
 материалы для организации самостоятельной работы студентов
(задания для самоконтроля)
 список литературы;
 глоссарий;
 дополнительные материалы: демонстрационный материал, ссылки на
Достоинством данного УМКД является систематизированный
лексический минимум и банк тестовых заданий.
Авторы-составители учебно-методического комплекса:
1. к.фил.н., доцент, зав. Каф. Профессионально-ориентированного
перевода ШРМИ Карелина А.А.;
2. к.фил.н., доцент, ШРМИ Тимченко В.О.;
3. к.фил.н., доцент, ШРМИ Суворова Е.А.;
4. ассистент ШРМИ Гундобина А.В.
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»


«Иностранный язык»
«Связи с общественностью» – 030602.65
Форма подготовки – очная

Школа гуманитарных наук

Кафедра рекламы и связей с общественностью
курс _1,2_____ семестр __1,2,3,4___
лекции (час.)
практические занятия 170 час.
лабораторные работы_______час.
всего часов аудиторной нагрузки 170 (час.)
самостоятельная работа 170 (час.)
реферативные работы (количество)
контрольные работы (количество)
зачет 2,3 семестр
экзамен 1,4 семестр

Учебно-методический комплекс составлен в соответствии с требованиями государственного

образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования (Пр. министерства
образования РФ № 41мжд/сп от 14.03.2000)Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины
обсужден на заседании кафедры профессионально-ориентированного перевода 01 сентября
2011 г. (протокол № 1)

Заведующая кафедрой: к.ф.н., доцент А.А. Карелина 2011г.

Составители: доцент Карелина А.А., доцент Тимченко В.О., доцент Суворова Е.А., ассистент Гундобина
I. Рабочая учебная программа пересмотрена на заседании кафедры:
Протокол от «11» июня 2012 г. № 6
Заведующая кафедрой А.А. Карелина

Изменений нет.

II. Рабочая учебная программа пересмотрена на заседании кафедры:

Протокол от « 13 » июня 2013г. № 6
Заведующая кафедрой А.А. Карелина

Изменений нет.
Цели освоения дисциплины – подготовка в области лингвистических
знаний и получение высшего профессионального профилированного
образования, позволяющего выпускнику успешно работать в избранной
сфере деятельности и обладать универсальными и предметно-
специализированными навыками – овладение английским как средством
межнационального общения; расширение и обогащение знаний, навыков и
умений владения иностранным (английским) языком; развитие и
совершенствование умений устной и письменной речи в сфере делового,
профессионального и повседневного общения; развитие умений
самостоятельной работы с аутентичными текстами у обучающихся по
специальности 030602.65 «Связи с общественностью»
В рамках данного курса реализуются следующие конкретные задачи:
1. Расширить базу потенциального словаря.
2. Усовершенствовать умения говорения - неподготовленной
монологической и диалогической речи:
3. Развить и усовершенствовать взаимосвязанные умения чтения
(восприятия и смысловой переработки информации) и письма.
4. Усовершенствовать умения письма; овладеть письменной речью
как средством коммуникации.
5. Усовершенствовать все виды речевой деятельности: чтения,
говорения, аудирования, письма.
6. Ознакомить студентов-международников с основными документами
на английском языке (договорами, конвенциями, соглашениями, перепиской
и т.д.).
7. Развить навыки двустороннего перевода (с английского на русский и с
русского на английский) текстов, связанных с профилирующей
специальностью студентов: политико-экономической и общественной
Программа дисциплины «Иностранный язык» составлена в соответствии
с требованиями к обязательному минимуму содержания и уровню
подготовки студентов направления международных отношений со знанием
иностранного языка «Гуманитарного, социального и экономического цикла»
и федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего
профессионального образования.
Данный курс иностранного языка является одним из звеньев системы
школа – вуз – послевузовское обучение, и продолжает школьный курс
иностранного языка. Соответственно, стартовый уровень студента должен
быть не ниже В1, при минимальном объеме языкового материала – 2000 -
2500 самых частотных лексических единиц и основных грамматических
явлений в активном владении.
В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен:
 иностранный язык (английский) в объеме, необходимом для получения
профессиональной информации из зарубежных источников и общения на
профессиональном уровне;
 лексику иностранного языка в объеме, необходимом для общения,
чтения и перевода иноязычных текстов общей направленности;
 основные грамматические структуры литературного и разговорного
 использовать иностранный язык в межличностном общении;
 свободно и адекватно выражать свои мысли при беседе и понимать
речь собеседника на иностранном языке;
 вести письменное общение на иностранном языке;
 навыками выражения своих мыслей и мнения в межличностном
общении на иностранном языке;
 различными навыками речевой деятельности (чтение, письмо,
говорение, аудирование) на иностранном языке.



Виды учебной работы, текущего
№ Раздел включая самостоятельную контроля
дисципли работу студентов и успеваемости
Неделя семестра

ны трудоемкость (в часах) (по неделям



ой аттестации
11.Getting the 1 1 Практи 1самосто 34 Текущий
1. Message 1 1-8 ческие 68 ятельная
устный опрос;
Across: занятия работа микроконтрольны
е работы;
способы и работы;
домашние задания;
коммуникац ролевые игры;
устные и
ии, язык
жестов, творческие
языки мира,
коммуникац контроль знаний
по дисциплине:
модульный тест,
временных в
английского в форме
в форме
present, past, тестирования
future forms.
2The Happiest 1 8 Практи 1 сам 34 Текущий
2. Days of Your 1 8- ческие 34 остоятел
устный опрос;
Life?: 17 занятия ьная микроконтрольны
е работы;
образование работа
и развитие работы;
домашние задания;
школа, ролевые игры;
устные и
кая жизнь, творческие
обучение на
дому, контроль знаний по
карьера в
модульный тест,
книги. Экзамен в
сравнения в форме
в форме
ых и тестирования
3Extra! Extra!: 2 1 Практи 1самостоя 34 Текущий
3. роль СМИ в 2 1-8 ческие 34 тельная
устный опрос;
жизни занятия работа микроконтрольны
е работы;
телевидение работы;
и реклама.
домашние задания;
Категория ролевые игры;
устные и
существител творческие
Способы контроль знаний по
модульный тест,
ания. Итоговый:
экзамен в
в форме
в форме
4 Planes, 2 8 Практич 1 сам 34 Текущий
4. Trains and 2 8- еские 34 остоятел
устный опрос;
Automobiles: 17 занятия ьная микроконтрольны
е работы;
виды работа
транспорта, письменные
домашние задания;
ролевые игры;
поведения на устные и
дорожные задания;
контроль знаний по
путешествия дисциплине:
модульный тест,
в космос.
Страдатель Итоговый:
Экзамен в
ный залог.
Конструкция форме:
в форме
something в форме


Самостоятельная работа студентов, обучающихся по специальности

030602.65 «Связи с общественностью», имеет следующие формы:
1) Обязательная самостоятельная работа студентов под
руководством преподавателя:
 выполнение заданий, предусмотренных в учебных пособиях;
 выполнение тестовых заданий, представленных в печатном и
компьютерном видах;
 работа с лингафонными курсами;
 просмотр видеофильмов и материалов «ВВС», «Euronews», и др.
 подготовка к ролевым играм.
2) Индивидуальная самостоятельная работа студентов под
руководством преподавателя:
 работы с использованием оригинальных источников (обзоры статей
по специальности, составление аннотаций и рефератов, проектные задания);
Внеаудиторная форма самостоятельной работы:
 встречи с зарубежными специалистами.
Основной целью обучения иностранному языку у студентов
специальности «Связи с общественностью» является формирование
коммуникативных навыков, поэтому экзаменационные требования должны
иметь в качестве объектов контроля умения говорить на иностранном языке
на общие темы, понимать иностранную речь на слух, излагать свои мысли
письменно и читать и понимать иноязычный текст.
Примерный перечень вопросов для самостоятельной работы по
дисциплине (темы эссе, докладов):
1 семестр
Getting the Message Across.
2 семестр
The Happiest Days of Your Life?
3 семестр
Extra! Extra!
4 семестр
Trains, plains, automobiles.
1 Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.
1 .......................... Sandra's unpleasant ……… suggested that she knew about
Amanda's terrible secret.
A grimace В smirk С wince D snort
2 .. The news that his job was in jeopardy caused James to ………..with

A frown В beam С grimace D howl
3 .......................................................... The student's rude interruption brought a

sharp ……………from his teacher.

A retort В recoup С repeat D report
4 .......................................................... Their discussion quickly developed into a

…….argument over who should receive the money.

A hot В burning С heated D scorching
5 .......... It was …….. of Harry to arrive late and then try to dominate the

A common В usual С ordinary D typical
6 ................................ The salesman demonstrated how a push of the button

would cause the aerial to…….. .

A rebound В retreat С recoil D retract
7 ................................... Students are rarely able to………. all the information

given in one of the professor's lectures.

A capture В absorb С interest D achieve
8 ..................... Tom was able to…………a pretty picture of the situation and

impress his manager.

A paint В draw С present D make
9 ...................... During their first date, Jane had nervously peppered the

conversation with………….talk.
A unimportant В tiny С small D trivial
10 In the director's opinion, it was high time the actress began to………..her
A be В reach С act D perform
11 .................................................... Because of the panic around him, the

radio…….had difficulty transmitting the information.

A conductor В operator С user D director
12 ............... Gossip was…………among the workers, who were ever anxious

to know each other's business.

A commonplace В regular С ordinary D average
13 .................. As a matter of………..Robbie never left home without an

umbrella during the rainy season.

A prudence В protection С prevention D preclusion
14 . The winds changed and it seemed our sailing team might ………… out on

A float В come С reach D get
15 . I knew Sam was looking for the right tool from the ………..of sounds

which came from the shed.

A sputter В clatter С mutter D flutter
16 ...... Always make sure the blender switch is set on 'idle' before you …….. it

into an electricity supply.

A thrust В push С shove D plug
17 ...................................... Furiously, she banged down the ………… and

immediately dialed the complaints department.

A headset В handle С recipient D receiver
18 ............ A pair of …….. trousers, over-used and over-large, did little to

improve the boy's appearance.

A wide В flowing С baggy D windy
19 ....... Pat's……….of dress frequently harks back to the days when Parisian

couture was all the rage.

A tone В method С mode D design
20 . Botanists remain baffled by the plant's extraordinary ………. of growth.

A pace В rhythm Сhaste D step

2 Rewrite the following sentences using the words in bold type. Use
between 3 and 8 words. Do not change the meaning of the original sentence.
1 ......................................................... You can rely on Frances to always say

exactly what she thinks.

count You can …………………………………. her mind.
2 She gets bored quickly at parties because there is so much trivial

small Too much ………………………… she gets bored quickly at
3 We simply must pay them the whole amount before the end of the month.

alternative We ……………….. the whole amount before the end of the

4 I'm sure I know the answer and I'll remember it in just a moment.

tip The answer's …………….. and I'll remember it in just a

5 Carter joined the Conservatives after he left the Liberals in 1998.

broke Carter ……………………… favour of joining the

6 Though he may seem uninterested in the business, I know John will try to

get part of the profit.

act John will try ……………………. his apparent disinterest in the
7 The firm did all they could in order to avoid getting into debt.

break The firm ……………………………………………… way

8 It might be possible to strike a fantastic deal but you must behave like a

tough negotiator.
part If you …………………………………….. strike a fantastic
9 Severe winds could completely destroy the tower.

likely Severe winds ……………………………… to tatters.

10 The giant panda can rarely be seen in farm areas.
few Sightings of the giant panda ……………………. between.
3. Underline the correct word.
1 The age old English tradition of silversmithing is a fading/ waning/dying art.

2 The distress/upset/disturbance call from the French fishing boat was

received at 11.45.
3 The patient's behaviour seemed to follow a distinctive/
distended/distinguished pattern.
4 A(n) alive/vivacious/animated discussion evolved within minutes of them

being introduced.
5 Many found his conversational style unnecessarily verbal/ verbose/vocal.

6 The news of her promotion spread quickly by word of lip/ mouth/speaking.

7 I was told to hold my words/tongue/breath even before I could begin to

8 Before long, his curious activities became the talk of the town/place/city.

9 Look/Notice/Read between the lines, and you'll discover what she really

10His arising/rousing/risen speech at the Forum will never be forgotten.
4 Fill in the gaps with ONE word.
1 .......................................... She was intent………..finishing the report, no

matter how long it took.

2 .................... A good cook will not hesitate to experiment ………different

3 .................... I don't intend to book a holiday anywhere ……….the time

4 .........................Christina left Cambridge many years ago, though I still see

her……….time to time.
5 .................... Visitors are reminded that smoking is not allowed ……….the

6 .................... I'd love to drive over to see you but my car has been acting

7 ........................................................ Until negotiations broke ……….a
ceasefire had seemed likely.
8 ........................................................ The eccentric professor broke ………. in

mid-sentence and started to frantically scratch his head.

9 ........................................ Fortunately, my family were not living in the area

when the epidemic broke………. .

10 ...................................... The signal started to break ………. before the plane

could be guided safely to the landing strip.

2 Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.

1. ......................................... When he saw the damage to his car,
he………….into a rage.
A flew В drove С jumped D rushed
2. ................................... It was some time before she came
to………………with the fact that she had lost.
A catches В holds С grips D grabs
3. .... The……….….told the candidates to turn over the question paper and
A inspector В invigilator С tester D assessor
4. ........... With your application, you should provide the name of an
academic………. .
A evaluator В sponsor С referee D arbitrator
5. ............................. "Great news! I've been made………………..of
A Leader В Chief С Supervisor D Head
6. ................ The successful ………….. will hold a good degree in
Economics and have at least two years' experience.
A applicant В entrant С contestant D contender
7. ........................... Books taken from the short ……………. section are due
to be returned the next day.
A borrowing В credit С loan D return
8. ............................ For books on accounting and…………, go to the third
floor of the library.
A fiscal В finance С monetary D economic
9. Next year our three-year-old will be starting
A nursery В nursing С infancy D toddler
10.In my first year at university I lived in the halls of ………….. .
A residence В abode С dwelling D accommodation
11.Jerry has been burning the midnight ………… over the last few days; his
final exam is soon.
A lamp В light С candle D oil
12.You are bound to find information on the stockmarket crash of 1987 in the
newspaper……... .
A files В archives С records D collections
13.As soon as he read the letter, tears …………… in his eyes.
A filled in В soaked up С welled up D weighed down
14.It is a ………… conclusion that figures are going to be worse than last
A foregone В foretold С prearranged D pre-planned
15.For seven years my father was a(n) …………………. plumber.
A pupil В student С assistant D apprentice
16.I recently started to study History by……………….. course.
A distance В mail С postal D correspondence
17.The accused confidently …………………. that he was innocent.
A preserved В maintained С conserved D defended
18.State pensions are currently at the centre of a(n) ………………. debate.
A scorching В exploded С fiery D flamed
19.At the start of thecourse, everyone is assigned a(n) …………. of studies.
A advisor В consultant С counsellor D guide
20.Fortunately, the number of students ………………… out of school is
A falling В plummeting С dripping D dropping

2 Use the words given in capitals with each sentence to form a word that fits
in the gap.
1. The chocolate and banana cake that Patrick made looked
simply…………… RESIST
2. All this talk of changes in the company is rather………………….. .
3. The professor warned that writing ……………….. could cost marks.
4. ..…….. is still a serious problem in some African and Asian countries.
5. The …………...of the special committee are being published today.
......................... FIND
6. It never ceases to amaze me how ……….. Hilda is sometimes -you'd think
she would have more common sense. LOGIC
7. That make of car is considered to be ………………. by some people, but
I've had mine for years and it's never given me trouble. RELY
8. He treated me rather when I visited him at home, and made me feel that
he wanted me to leave. ..... POLITE
9. After all I did for her, I was rather taken aback by her ………. attitude.
10. Leeds managed a victory at Anfield last night, beating Liverpool 3-0.
.......................................... DECIDE
3 Underline the correct word.
1. Not being allowed to mix with people her own age hindered her
emotional/sentimental/logical development.
2. Being uninitiated/unknowing/unversed in the subtleties of cookery,
she was unsure about the amount of salt required.
3. The local council have made/imposed/located a ban on lawn
4. He cited/referred/declared the example of the situation in Scotland
in his speech.
5. We organised a lottery as part of the endowment/
fundraising/donating campaign.
6. The staff all felt that they were under-salaried/under-
7. I have a test in the morning so it's time to slam/hit/bash the books.
8. The invention of the computer was a signpost/landmark/marker in
the history of technology.
9. The health and safety inspection found the shop
sorely/achingly/stingingly lacking in fire precautions.
10. Steve tried his best, but he was just not in the same
division/category/league as his opponent.
4 Fill in the gaps with ONE word.
1. .....................................I am not accustomed this kind of heat.
2. ................ …………..your request, we can provide further details.
3. ............................................ Many young lambs succumb the cold and
4. His contribution is unequal .. hers.
5. We must maintain our market share all costs.
6. Change came ............. very slowly in women's rights.
7. She came .............. an old vase while looking for something else in the
8. The match was called ......... due to heavy snow.
9. He came ............ a lot of money when his father died.
11. One should never resort ……… violence under any circumstances.

3 Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.

1. ................ The newspaper's ……….. has been falling for a number of
A audience В readership С reputation D status
2. ........ I prefer ………… newspapers to tabloids.
A broadsheet В widespread С expansive D extensive
3. .......................................... He was one of the BBC's best-known war
…………… .
A reporters В journalists С followers D correspondents
4. ....................... The advertising space that is divided into sections is
generally known as the …….. ads.
A small В confidential С classified D small print
5. ........................................... The Prime Minister is considering a cabinet
…………. .
A reorganisation В rearrangement С reshuffle D reconstruction
6. ............... I subscribe to a …………….. literary journal.
A three-monthly В quarterly С quartered D seasonal
7. .................................. They want to erect a huge satellite ………… right
opposite my house.
A plat В record С platter D dish
8. ................ I can't give you that information, you will have to speak with
the press …………… .
A officer В official С executive D administrator
9. .................. We'll take a short ………………… break and we'll be right
A commercial В advertising С promotional D publicity
10. To find out what's on TV, just look in the TV & radio ………….. .
A programmes В schedules С listings D records
11. ............................................... The match will be screened on ITV,
with ……….. commentary by Andy Gray.
A lively В live С alive D living
12. ............. There will be ………. coverage of the games on most channels.
A complete В general С widespread D extensive
13. His supporters did everything they could to…………..him on in the
A pus В spur С drive D prod
14. ............................. One of the guests stood up to ……….. the virtues of
the fine food.
A worship В admire С appreciate D extol
15. ............................................... He didn't mean to be offensive; it was
quite an …………….. remark.
A innocuous В inaugural С integral D insidious
16. ................................... The job creation scheme is still in its …………..
A childhood В babyhood С opening D infancy
17. ............................. The Prime Minister gave an ……….. response to the
A evading В invasive С evasive D invading
18. ............ She had a(n) ………... interest in holding a separate bank
A vested В invested С shadowed D implied
19. ................ I assure you that I ………… no hostile feelings towards you.
A shelter В harbour С embrace D cover
20. ................................I am sick of hearing the same old …………. in
A plenitudes В placidities С pliabilities D platitudes

2 Find ONE word which is suitable for all three gaps in each of the following
sets of sentences.
1 The travel industry must continue to ………. appropriate standards of care
when it comes to airport safety.
A number of our employees are expected to ……….. for the Chicago post.
Health and safety regulations .. to all employees, regardless of status or
2 It was a delicious ………… of fried fish and rice.
The ……… got smashed to pieces when it slipped from her hands.
The larger your satellite …….., the greater its reception bandwidth.
3 The ……… outside was a pleasant spot to sit and take morning tea.
The …………. had been inspected before the match.
Inside the …….., pandemonium broke out when the sentence was announced.
4 Life ………. her with many opportunities, which she let pass her by.
When he retired he was with a charming gold clock.
The evening news is always by the same newscaster.
5 Mark ………. his trousers, folded them and put them in a drawer.
He ………. forward through the crowd, anxious to get back to his seat in time
for the second half.
The staff …………. for better working conditions and higher wages.
6 Whether to join the European Monetary Union or not is very much a(n)
…….. issue in the UK politics scene.
Many ………. regard Queen's 1987 Wembley concert as one of the greatest
rock shows ever.
In a(n) ……… interview, the Prime Minister admitted that he had mishandled
the issue.
7 We will give you a quote of the exact cost in a few hours, but I would say
you're probably looking at a(n) ………. of about £3,500.
Stewart suddenly saw a strange ………. hovering outside his window.
The ………… of the man killing a large animal found on the cave wall dates
back to around 2400 ВС.
8 -He gave up his regular ………… in The Guardian for the sake of becoming
a radio producer.
A tall ………. of smoke rose from the scene of the accident.
The tall marble ………. on that rock is a monument to the soldiers who died
here in 1942.
9 The ………. of blood around the body was discovered by Harvey.
…………. of this document should be limited to as few people as possible.
Rumours and their ………… should be avoided.
10 -Various new safety have been installed, like additional fire
extinguishers and two new emergency exits.
I always thought Jenny's eyes were one of her most attractive ………….. .
This Sunday's educational supplement contains a six-page article on children's
books and many other special ……….. .

3 Underline the correct word.

1 The day after the mayor's death, the newspaper carried a long
2 The organisation's monthly newsletter/brochure/fanzine is sent to registered

members only.
3 His presentation was fine, but it could have done with a little added

4 I thought the acting was rather stiffened/still/stilted towards the end.

5 The film is a gritty/grinding/grating social drama.

6 He has been a weather man/commentator/observer with NTV for 5 years.

7 Advertising on peak/prime/high time television is very expensive.

8 We advertised our old car in the domestic/topical/local press.

9 He would not have got involved in the fight if his friends hadn't

egged/milked/buttered him on.

10 Tonight on The News Today, don't miss Arnold Hall's
interview/debate/analysis with the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

4 Fill in the gaps with ONE word.

1 ........................................................... The government and employers are
……… agreement over the pay issue.
2 ......................... Talks are ……… progress between the two sides.

3 .................................................... The candidate seemed remarkably ………..

4 .............. ………….. some respects, the government is dragging its feet on

the issue.
5 ...................................... I'm telling you all this ……….. strict confidence.

6 She's a good organiser but she doesn't follow things …………………… .

7 ........................................................... I intend to get the house properly fitted

………. for working from home, so a new desk is essential.

8 ...................................................... This television play has dragged …………

for almost three hours.

9 When the chair intervened, the bitter argument died ……………… .

10 Due to the recent equipment failure, we have fallen ………………

with our tasks.

4 Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.

1 ....................................................... The passenger cabins which were on the
upper ……… were renovated last year.
A floor В deck С level D ground
2 . A note in the Captain's log stated that it was the roughest ………. he had
ever experienced.
A passage В crossing С crossroad D passing
3 ................ Enormous swells roused by ferocious winds made it impossible to
……… the ship to safety.
A direct В control С steer D drive
4 .......................... The stricken vessel ran ……….. on a large reef.
A aside В ashore С aground D around
i. ...............Of those on……., few survived to relate the tragedy of the Pacific
A board В side С hand D aboard
ii. ................................. Without delay, she booked a(n) …………. flight to
Manila so as to be in time for the meeting.
A instant В direct С straight D even
iii. ........ Poor ………. led to the pilot's decision to request a landing at an
alternative airport.
A sight В clarity С visibility D vision
iv. ...................................................Julia preferred to sleep rather than
partake of the …………. entertainment.
A flying В flight С in-flight D in-flying
9 She was rudely awakened by a sudden bout of …………. turbulence.
A stern В somber С weighty D heavy
10 Their …….. from the airport to the hotel was speedily arranged.
A transfer В translocation С move D relocation
11 She failed to see how the area had ever become such a popular
holiday………… .
A objective В destination С goal D target
12 While in Jamaica, she was able to ……….. in some of her favourite
A enjoy В rejoice С involve D indulge
13 The cabin ………… were dressed in very bright orange suits.
A workforce В attendants С personnel D crew
14 ......................... When I remembered I had forgotten Julie's present, I was
already in the departure ………… .
A room В salon С lounge D lobby
15 .................................... She was very frustrated by his behaviour, but
didn't say anything because she didn't want to …………….. the boat.
A shake В rattle С rock D roll
16 .......................................... Ben thought it pointless to swim against the
…………… as the vast majority of guests clearly wanted to go to the party.
A tide В flow С wind D drift
17 The engine was making a very strange sound, so it seemed prudent to pull
onto the hard ……. .
A place В line С shoulder D lane
18 Turning on his ……… lights would have alerted other drivers to his
presence at the roadside.
A danger В risk С hazard D peril
19 By ……. speed restrictions on motorways, the government has endangered
every careful driver on the road.
A heightening В lifting С rising D elevating
21 Whenever he watched detective films, his imagination ran ………… .
A raging В riot С unchecked D furious

2 Rewrite the following sentences using the words in bold type. Use between 3
and 8 words. Do not change the meaning of the original sentence.
1 He played so well that he received a standing ovation from the audience.

did So ………………………… gave him a standing ovation.

2 Pat O'Brian rang to say that her son is unwell and won't come to school

fallen Pat O'Brian's she rang to say ……………… he won't come to
school today.
3 Something tells me we should have turned right rather than left.
feeling I ……………… turned left, but right.
4 This property has been totally neglected and is in need of major renovation.
disrepair Having ………………….. is in need of major renovation.
5Isobel's tendency to interrupt every conversation makes me furious!
bend It ………………………… Isobel interrupts every conversation!
6Sam tried extremely hard to convince her.
lengths Sam ………………………….. to convince her.
7Above all, you must remember to hand over the keys to Maria before you
no Under ………………………. first giving the keys to Maria
8 ................................................ We thought that painting the house would
be an easy job.
deceptively It looked ………………………. the house.
9 Only by taking the train will you make it to work on time.
take Unless ………………………….. for work
10 As soon as he opened the door, his wife rushed into his arms.
had No ………………………… his wife rushed into his arms.

3 Underline the correct word

1 Five minutes prior to take off, Sophie was still unable to find her
boarding/embarkation/passenger pass.
2 Freddie was delighted to discover that his ticket had been upgraded to
exclusive/elite/business class.
3 While waiting to unboard/exit/disembark, they stood gazing at the rugged
beauty of the island.
4 Within minutes, an entire group/fleet/company of cruisers appeared on the
horizon and the sea battle began.
5 The pilot had warned the stewards that they should expect a
rutted/bumpy/jerky landing.
6 Colin was irritated to discover that another passenger had taken the
window/side/starboard seat in his absence.
7 The wink/flicker/twinkle in Harry's eye spoke of hidden secrets he longed
to share.
8 Anna decided to stay in the hotel; the thought of yet another
controlled/directed/guided tour sickened her.
9 The elegant lines and sheer size of the ocean cruiser/ boat/liner left one in
10At passport handling/control/office, Amy's recently dyed black hair
caused a moment of confusion.

4 Fill in the gaps with ONE word.

1. ................................. Despite all our efforts, we are sorry to announce
that the agreement has fallen ………… .
2. ........... Living in so isolated a region, one needs a car to get ………….
3. ........... Sudden weariness persuaded Charlie to get …………. the road and
take a short nap.
4. ........... "We keep postponing our world trip; it's high time we got ………..
to doing it."
5. ........... They discussed taking a few weeks off work to get …………..
from it all.
6. ........... He's about to be demoted, but that's strictly ………….. the record.
7. ........... Don't trust her; I think you're being taken ………….. a ride.
8. ........... He seems unapproachable at work, but when he's …… duty he's a
completely different person.
9. .................. Astronomers never rule out the possibility that Earth may
collide ………. a massive asteroid.
10…………………. sheer coincidence, I bought exactly the same tie as
Основная литература
1. Денисенко, А. О. Английский язык : учебник : уровень B2 : в 2 ч. : ч.
1 / А. О. Денисенко ; Московский государственный институт международных
отношений (Университет) МИД России, Кафедра иностранного языка №4. -
М.: МГИМО-Университет , 2011. – 227 с.
2. http://znanium.com/bookread.php?book=406099 Ерофеева, Л. А.
Modern English in Conversation [Электронный ресурс] : Уч. пособ. по
современному разговорному английскому языку / Л. А. Ерофеева. - 2-е изд.,
стереотип. - М. : Флинта, 2011. - 340 с. - ISBN 978-5-9765-1199-6 //
Электронно-библиотечная система (ЭБС) ZNANIUM.COM
3. http://znanium.com/bookread.php?book=406235 Кушникова, Г. К.
Практикум для самостоятельного повторения глагольной системы
английского языка [Электронный ресурс] : учеб. пособие / Г. К. Кушникова. -
2-е изд., стереотип. - М. : ФЛИНТА : Наука, 2011. - 95 с. - ISBN 978-5-9765-
0170-6 (Флинта), ISBN 978-5-02-034793-9 (Наука) // Электронно-
библиотечная система (ЭБС) ZNANIUM.COM
4. http://znanium.com/bookread.php?book=205580 Маньковская, З. В.
Идиомы и фразовые глаголы в деловом общении (английский язык): Учебное
пособие / З.В. Маньковская. - М.: ИНФРА-М, 2011. - 184 с.: 60x90 1/16. -
(Высшее образование). (переплет) ISBN 978-5-16-004460-6 // Электронно-
библиотечная система (ЭБС) ZNANIUM.COM
5. http://znanium.com/bookread.php?book=409896 Сиполс, О. В. Develop
Your Reading Skills: Comprehention and Translation Practice. Обучение чтению
и переводу (английский язык) [Электронный ресурс] : учеб. пособие / О. В.
Сиполс. - 2-е изд., стереотип. - М. : Флинта : Наука, 2011. - 376 с. - ISBN 978-
5-89349-953-7 (Флинта), ISBN 978-5-02-034696-3 (Наука) // Электронно-
библиотечная система (ЭБС) ZNANIUM.COM
6. Craven, Miles Real Listening & Speaking 4 : With answers / Miles
Craven. - Cambridge New York Melbourne : Cambridge University Press , 2011. -
111 p. : il. + 2 CD-ROM
7. Dooley Jenny, Evans Virginia Grammarway (4). – Express Publishing,
2008. – 224 p.
Дополнительная литература
1. Дроздова, Т.Ю. English Grammar: Reference and Practice: учебное
пособие / Т.Ю. Дроздова, А.И. Берестова, В.Г. Маилова. – М.: Химера, 2009.
– 358 с.
2. Мартынова, И.И. Практика ведет к совершенству: учебное пособие /
И.И. Мартынова, А.В. Збань, А.В. Чигаева. – Владивосток: Изд-во
Дальневост. ун-та, 2007. – 228 с.
3. Мыльцева, Н.А. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского
языка. Часть II / Н. А. Мыльцева, И.В. Цветкова, Е.И. Пояганова, Н.Н.
Заварина. – М.: Глосса –Пресс, 2007. – 205 с.
4. Мыльцева, Н.А. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского
языка. Часть I / Н.А. Мыльцева, И.В. Цветкова, Е.И. Пояганова, Н.Н.
Заварина. – М.: Глосса – Пресс, 2010. – 278 с.
5. Redman, Stuart English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate and
intermediate) / Stuart Redman. – Cambridge University Press, 2007. – 270 p.
6. McCartney Michael, O’Dell Felicity Vocabulary in Use (upper-
intermediate and advanced) / Michael McCartney, Felicity O’Dell. – Cambridge
University Press, 2007. – 296 p.
7. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English – 3d edition, Cambridge
University Press, 1995 – 1668 p.
8. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Upstream Proficiency (C2). Student’s
Book. – Express Publishing, 2007. – 276 p.
9. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Upstream Proficiency (C2). Workbook. –
Express Publishing, 2007. – 118 p.
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»


Иностранный язык
030602.65 «Связи с общественностью»

г. Владивосток
Методические указания по курсу дисциплины «Иностранный язык»
(аспект – лексика и устная практика английского языка),

I Содержание практического курса.

(Примерный перечень заданий, предлагаемых к изучению в рамках
каждой темы)

Topic 1: Getting the Message Across: Способы передачи информации.

Изучение новой лексики. Усовершенствование навыков говорения.
 Объяснить значение слов и выражений, используемых в текстах данной
темы. Подобрать соответствующие английские эквиваленты на русском
 Выполнить задания по аудированию по темам «Что мы называем
языком эсперанто?», «Как правильно использовать язык жестов?».
 Составить диалог, используя новые слова.
 Участвовать в дискуссии по проблемам коммуникации.
 Написать эссе, выражающее мнение автора, в рамках предложенной
II Лексический минимум, изучаемый в рамках темы 1.
to get the message to read between the to break down
across lines
to shut down to catch up with to drop smb a line
smb's news
to go off to be on the tip of Bad news travels fast.
one's tongue
to beam to glare to mince one's word
to smirk a man of few words to frown
by word of mouth to wince to speak one's mind
to grimace to let smb in on a to lean forward towards
secret smb
to make small talk to lean away from to hold one's tongue
to stare at the talk of the town to gaze upward
talk is cheap to be wide-eyed to touch chin with hand
to scratch head to act up to comfort
to act out to cheer to break up
efficient gently abruptly
versatile impersonal firmly
artistic diplomatically indifferently
limited (un)acceptable enthusiastically
reticent accusingly (in)appropriately
well-spoken corrosive persistent
firm misdirected body language
flowery open posture silent
tedious closed posture skilled
folded arms basic crossed leggs
reliable power dressing distinctive
scruffy jeans dead lounge suit
colloquial tie-dye T-shirt pin-striped suit
damaging trench coat bomber jacket
informative baggy cords kind
tuxedo jacket rousing matching clothes
confidential well-polished shoes low-cut dress
informal pertinent (non)native speaker
intellectual non-verbal verbal
alert hesitant limp
confident profound intimidated
deceptive multi-lingual casual
Topic 2 The Happiest Days of Your Life?: Школьные годы чудесные…
Развитие навыков говорения, умения дискутировать. Развитие
навыков письменной речи.
 Объяснить значение слов, используемых в рамках данной темы.
 Аудирование по темам «Жизнь в студенческом городке», «Как
реорганизовать работу студенческой библиотеки?», «Экзамен - настоящее
 Обсудить в формате круглого стола дополнительную помощь, которую
может получить каждый учащийся от своей школы.
 Разобрать способы передачи краткого содержания текста.
 Написать письмо-рекомендацию, затрагивающее одну из проблем
современной образовательной системы.
II Лексический минимум, изучаемый в рамках темы 2.
to attend a lesson to convey to be accustomed to
to be acquainted with to coincide with to take a sick day off
to be engaged to to be friendly to to plead with

assessor to call off to call for

to come into to come across to come in for
to come about to come forward to call smb by name
to come into force to come to light to call into question
to come to grips with to flow into rage to drop out of school
to assess students’ to play truant to expel a student
to be amplified by to be (un)versed to differ with
to make fair grades to be unequal to to succumb to
to be patient with to resort to to bear with
instructor trainee houseman
crash course master’s degree boarding school
foregone conclusion steely expression after-school activity
popular clique impersonal skills self-confidence
competitiveness installments tuition fee
minutes adviser homeschooling
lectureship alumni event auditorium
curfew semester applicant
undergraduate apprentice school leaver
visiting professor correspondence beginner’s course
a sorry state marker erroneous supposition
the due date a vested interest to be aware of
by virtue of on the grounds at one’s request
by luck at all costs by means of
head don referee
nursery tutor supervisor
to exaggerate bad apples to have strong reservation
half/one in only a(n) the
(small/significant) four/two out of around/just over/just
majority three under
learning curve research-based hall of residence
academic transcript to pass with to graduate from
flying colors
entry requirements to be a book to be not in the same
warm league

to be down-and-out to live on a to burn the midnight oil

to get by to second
Методические указания по курсу дисциплины «Иностранный язык»
(аспект – лексика и устная практика английского языка),

I Содержание практического курса.

(Примерный перечень заданий, предлагаемых к изучению в рамках
каждой темы)

Topic 3: Extra! Extra!: Современные средства массовой информации.

Изучение новой лексики. Усовершенствование навыков говорения.
 Объяснить значение слов и выражений, используемых в текстах данной
темы. Подобрать соответствующие английские эквиваленты на русском
 Изучить особенности языка заголовков, перефразировать заголовки с
использованием специфической лексики.
 Выполнить задания по аудированию по темам «Современное
понимание слова папарацци», «Как женщины пришли в журналистику»,
«Человек с фотоаппаратом в зоне конфликта».
 Написать сочинение, содержащее аргументы «за» и «против» по теме
«Может ли современное телевидение полностью заменить радио?».

II Лексический минимум, изучаемый в рамках темы 3.

unbiased/biased a weather man commercial break
hard-hitting broadcaster TV listing
incisive a columnist prime time
revealing a newscaster a satellite dish
uncompromising an editor circulation
well-researched coverage coach potato
a traitor entertaining a tabloid
informative a pundit broadsheet
grinding feature editorial
gritty a viewer an analyst
gripping readership column
innocuous a reporter censorship
outlandish a producer supplement
reliable an announcer situations vacant
misleading classified ads newsletter
accurate prejudiced flyer
unscrupulous interference cop-out
surefire mundane breakfast
avid political asylum to do for
award-winning to die down to do without
live running to drag on
popular to egg on to drive away/off
local to fall back on to do out
to do down to fall behind with to give due
regional to fit out to do over
current affairs program to follow through to do away
inaugural to drive at to drive out
documentaries travelogue for one
to redo to air not to mention
to recook to extol to be strapped for
to reuse to spur on at the expense
to overdo to bear out to name a few
in a nutshell to overdress to allude to
to outplay to outdo to dwell on
to outclass to sit on the fence
Методические указания по курсу дисциплины «Иностранный язык»
(аспект – лексика и устная практика английского языка),

Содержание практического курса.

(Примерный перечень заданий, предлагаемых к изучению в рамках
каждой темы)

Topic 4: Planes, Trains and Automobiles: Путешествие и туризм.

Развитие навыков говорения, умения дискутировать. Развитие
навыков письменной речи.
 Объяснить значение слов, используемых в рамках данной темы.
 Выполнить аудиозадания по темам: «Правила поведения водителей и
пешеходов», «Что следует помнить, отправляясь в ту или иную страну».
 Принять участие в групповом обсуждении темы «В гостях хорошо, а
дома лучше».
 Кратко изложить содержание текста в заданном объеме слов.
 Написать письмо повествовательного характера на тему «Мое самое
лучшее путешествие».

II Лексический минимум, изучаемый в рамках темы 4.

affordable to revolutionize the to be riddled with
world travel
tedious to stow in the hold part and parcel
the dead of winter pricey to put in the storage
drenched to bear out versatile
mind the gap to overstate nasty
fasten seatbelt while tiring to contend with
to opt for stressful to disembark
a boarding pass a charter flight mishap
raw deal sleeping rough landing
window seat to indulge in to overlook smth
hotel transfer guided tour out of date
travel insurance out of danger off day
off the road out of reach out of debt
off work/out of work off the record out of the ordinary
off duty to take smb for a ride to walk on air
to go to great lengths to swim against the to be in the same
tide boat
to let things ride wheeling and dealing to drive smb round
the bend
to fly off the handle to fall apart to get for
to rock the boat to get away middle lane
to get along to fall up junction
to fall back on to fall on outside lane
to fall through to fall to
to get around/about to fall into
to fall in with to fall into disrepair slip road
to get round to to fall into category crash barrier
dual carriageway to get the feeling lay-by
to overtake on the to put one’s hazard to reduce speed
right/on the left lights on
to indicate/to speed limit to execute
signal/to flash maneuvers
to drive defensively tighter vehicle to catch smb
regulations speeding
to pay heavy fines to plan ahead the valid passport
rush hours leaving date carpooling
congestion to alleviate a space nausea
commuter incentives to be in operation an unmissable
to delve into the charabanc on the trip/ on the
depths flight
school outing jet lag to move around
overbooked flights to open the door a to be negotiable
to make a crack to have a crack at a fast lane
about smth
fast colors to turn up in force to come into force
to cover a lot of to hit the ground to use force
to provide a valuable to gain ground in a badly neglected
insight state
to wander around
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»



Иностранный язык
030602.65 «Связи с общественностью»

г. Владивосток
Банк тестовых заданий для самотестирования.
Тема 1 (аспект – лексика, устная практика)
I. Choose the most suitable word to complete each sentence.
1. As she told me the story, tears ............... up in her eyes.
A. raised B. mounted C. welled D. filled
2. The news of the attack left us completely ................ .
A. stunned B. stirred C. moved D. upset
3. His mother ………………into a rage when she heard what he'd done.
A. rushed B. soared C. flew D. fell
4. His educational theories are hotly .....................
A. contested B. perceived C. received D. disapproved
5. Social differences tend to be ............ when private and state schools exist
side by side.
A. raised B. augmented C. added D. elevated
6. The new teacher soon .............. to grips with the discipline problem in
A. went B. set C. put D. came
7. Fiona didn't lie, but she did give rather a ................. picture of the situation.
A. defaced B. disfigured C. disguised D. distorted
8. It's a ......... conclusion that Sally will get into university.
A. guaranteed B. foregone C. foolproof D. granted
9. The speech was proving rather.............. , and the audience were yawning.
A. strenuous B. tedious C. loquacious D. arduous
10 Thanks to generous support from parents, the threat of the college being
closed down has now
A. retreated B. revised C. retired D. receded
(10 marks)
II. Complete the sentences by putting one word in each space.
1. Don't take it ……… granted that Peter will help you - he's rather busy at
the moment.
2. I'm afraid Mrs Hobbs is ……… leave at the moment. She'll be back next
3. I'll remember the word in a minute - it’s on the ……… of my tongue.
4. I'll ……… you in on a secret - John isn't ill, he's playing truant!
5. Helen ……… have known better than to rely on Peter! He's most
6. Paul pleaded ……… his father to let him borrow the car.
7. There's no need to be so formal - please call me ……… my first name.
8. My mother says I can't go out ……… I promise to be back by 11 pm.
9. Max intended to succeed at ……… costs.
10 If you ……… across my good luck charm while you're cleaning the house,
please don't throw it away.
(10 .......................... marks)

III. Complete the passage by choosing one suitable word for each gap.
The teachers at the F.E.College had had enough of 1) doing/going/living on a
shoestring, and when it 2) came/made/got to light that the college was not just
breaking 3) out/open/even but actually making a substantial profit, they decided
that the situation called 4) for/to/of urgent action. On Monday the news of a
meeting that was to take place that evening 5) to/on/in the college premises was
passed round the staff by 6) means/way/ word of mouth, and although the meeting
coincided 7) to/in/with a very important football match, it was well attended. After
much heated discussion, it was finally agreed that although they were intent 8)
to/for/on getting a substantial salary increase, the teachers were not willing to
resort 9) to/in/on industrial action, and that for the 10) while/ time/moment being it
was best to attempt to achieve their aims through negotiation.
(10 marks)
IV. Think of one word which can be used appropriately in all three
1. Tina had a sarcastic _______ on her face.
The ________ of negative emotions can help one to come to terms with them.
Jean used an unusual ________ which I hadn’t heard before.
2. There are some _______ examples of inefficiency which cannot be
Tim is a(n) ________ young man and so he's used to being admired.
Families of ________ workers will be paid subsistence by the Union in
recognition of their participation in the struggle.
3. For more information about assessment you should speak to the ________
of department.
At mealtimes, my father usually sits at the ________ of the table.
No. I won't come mountain-climbing : I've no ________ for heights.
4. Our ski ________ was a dynamic young Austrian chap.
We travelled by ________ so we saw some wonderful scenery.
At midnight Cinderella's ________ changed back into a pumpkin.
5. If you want to learn Spanish, ask if there's a beginners' ________ at the
local college.
In the ________ of the conversation I realised I'd forgotten her name.
It was a simple meal: the main ________ was roast chicken.
(5 marks)

Тема 1 (аспект – практическая грамматика)

Повторение видо-временных форм английского глагола: present,
past, future forms. Неличные формы глагола: infinitive, gerund, participle.
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous,
the Past Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous.
1. Where you (go) when I (meet) you in the street yesterday? – I (go) to tell
the watch-maker that he (forget) to send my watch.
2. This, however, (enable) him to add some ideas which he (omit) in the first
3. They (decide) to rebuild the church when they (find) that the cement used
(begin) to crumble.
4. He (be) so ill that he (find) himself unable to complete the work he (begin).
5. She (turn) the light back on, (lie) on the sofa and (take) up the book she
6. His secretary (take) the paper from the table where he (put) it and (go) out.
7. It (be) near midnight when they (come) in from dinner, still laughing at
something he (say) in the dinning–room.
8. It (be) two o’clock. Eliza (be) suddenly thoroughly awake. She (sit) up in
her bed and (circle) her knees with her arms. It (rain), the way it (rain) for days.
9. In his turn Jolyon (look) back at his son. He (want) to talk about many
things that he (be) unable to talk about all these years.
10. She (be) at the station after all, standing just as he (imagine), apart from
the others.

II. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Ты сейчас делаешь эту работу? - Да, но я только что ее начал.
2. В последнее время он не заходил в наш магазин. Я знаю ,что он
покупает продукты в этом магазине.
3. Ты ездил за город в эти выходные? – Нет , мы были очень заняты. Мы
убирали дом.
4. Я еще не приготовила обед. Тебе помочь? Да, спасибо. Гости
приходят в семь.
5. Где ты был вчера? Мы искали тебя весь вечер. – Я сидел дома.
6. Ты позвонишь мне? – Конечно, я ведь всегда звоню тебе по вечерам.
7. Ты знаешь этого человека? – Да, я встречала его до войны, но не
видела его с тех пор.
8. Я думаю, тебе понравится это платье. – О, я мечтала о нем весь год.
9. Я хочу пригласить Джима на обед. – Я уже пригласила его. Ты мне
вчера сказала об этом.
10. Я часто встречаю этого человека. Вот и сейчас он идет по улице.

III. Supply the correct forms (to-infinitive or -ing) of the verbs in brackets.
1a. I remember ………. Paris when I was very young (visit).
1b. Please remember ………. the door on your way out (lock).
1c. Did you remember ……… Jim last night? (phone).
2a. I shall never forget ………. taken to see the Moscow State Circus (be).
2b. Don’t forget ………. how many are coming on Saturday (find out).
2c. I forgot ……….. to the chemist’s on my way home (go).
3a. We all tried ……… him, but he just wouldn’t listen to any of us (stop).
3b. If you want to stop coughing, why don’t you try ………… some water?
4a. She got annoyed because her husband stopped ………. in every shop
window (look).
4b. Just stop ………….. and listen for a moment (talk).
5a. If we hadn’t turned music off they’d have gone on………… till morning
5b. She got a degree in Physics and then went on ……… a course in Applied
Maths (take).
6a. I regret …………. you that there’s been an accident (tell).
6b. He regretted …………. in the same job for so long (stay).

IV. Translate into English.

1. Они прожили вместе много лет вполне счастливо. 2. Говорят, ты
очень хорошо выступил вчера, поздравляю! 3. Инспектор немедленно принял
необходимые меры. 4. Мой учитель бегло говорит на пяти языках. 5.
Посидите здесь тихонечко, дети, пока не придет ваша мама. 6. Моему другу
нравятся только быстрые машины. 7. Люди, которые очень быстро ездят,
рано или поздно попадают в аварии. 8. Она настолько же глупа, сколь и
Тема 2 (аспект – лексика, устная практика)
I. Choose one word from the box to complete each sentence.
complementary, drenched, evasive, innocuous, intriguing, outlandish, solid,
stilted, vested, vulnerable

1. All of us who earn a living working for this magazine naturally have a/an
…………… interest in its success.
2. Barry tends to be rather ………… about his private life, rarely giving a
straight answer to personal questions.
3. The book was well translated, except for the dialogue, which was rather
............ and unnatural.
4. It was a perfectly ………… remark so I don't know why he's taken offence.
5. The fashion pages in this magazine show such …………. clothes that I
can't imagine anyone wanting to wear them.
6. Without a car alarm or special security lock, cars parked in the city centre
are particularly …………. to theft.
7. That's a(n) …………. idea - I'd like to hear more about it.
8. George came home …………. after riding through the storm on his
9. Petrol stations these days don't only sell petrol; they offer a lot of …………
services, such as selling food, drinks and toiletries for your journey.
10. It's an interesting article but there's rather too much speculation and a lack
of ………… facts.
(10 marks)

II. Complete the sentences by putting one word in each space.

1. Very dense fog around the south part of the island caused the ship
to ……………… aground.
2. This meeting is ………….. on; I hope it will end soon.
3. …………to recent snowstorms, lots of villages have been snowed in.
4. He does nothing but watch TV. He's a ………… potato.
5. All passengers are asked to proceed to the upper
6. I would ……….. class whenever I can afford it - it's so much more
7. The steward woke me up and told me to ………… my seatbelt as we were
about to land.
8. She flew off the ………. when they told her hat her luggage had been
9. The guide will meet us at the hotel to give us a ……………. of the city.
10. He lost ……………… of the car and crashed into a tree.
(10 marks)
III. Complete the passage by choosing one suitable word for each gap.
How was my trip to England? Well, fine, actually, though nothing 1)
out/through/except of the ordinary. As you know, the week before I left I still
hadn't 2) got/looked/done round to booking a flight, and quite honestly I didn't
think I'd find one at such 3) short/little/small notice. I wasn't worried though, as I
always have my grandmother's place in the village to fall 4) back/off/behind on for
the holidays if I have nothing else arranged. And 5) on/in/at some respects it's just
as nice there: I remember last Easter when my plans to go to France 6)
drove/fell/did through at the last minute, I went to stay with granny and had a great
time - it's so quiet and peaceful. But anyway this time my travel agent was really
helpful - she went to great 7) extent/lengths/places to find me a flight on the dates I
wanted; she rang round all the airlines and 8) on/in/at the end, apparently 9)
from/by/but sheer coincidence, I ended up travelling on the same flight as Sarah,
which was nice - oh, and Jack - you know that awful boy from school - we could
have done 10) without/up/out him, he's so boring.
(10 marks)
IV. Think of one word which can be used appropriately in all three
1. We are pleased to announce that ____________ to popular demand our
travel pages will be continuing.
The visitors are not ____________to arrive for another two hours yet.
A decision will be made after ____________consideration of the facts.
2. I listened to a(n) ____________ commentary of the match on the radio.
I think I left the tap ____________I'd better go back and check.
The flight to Edinburgh has been cancelled three days ____________ .
3. What I like most about my house in the mountains is the
breathtaking ___________ .
In my ____________ everyone should be encouraged to travel abroad.
As we rounded the bend, the lake came into ____________ .
4. The postcard showed a long ____________ of beach lined with palm trees.
These jeans are comfortable because the fabric has a bit of ____________ in
A lion can stay without moving for hours at a(n) ____________ .
5. Don't miss next week's special ____________ on the history and social role
of coffee.
One interesting ____________ of life in the tropics is that plants grow very
The News will be followed by tonight's ____________ film at 10pm.
(5 marks)
Тема 3 (аспект – практическая грамматика)
Категория имени существительного. Способы словообразования
I. Make up sentences with the following pairs of words to show the
difference between them.
Chicken — a chicken, experience — an experience, grammar — a grammar,
hair — a hair, iron — an iron, lace — a lace, life — a life, room — a room,
sight — a sight, speech — a speech, sport — a sport, success — a success, time - a
time, wood — a wood, work — a work, whisky — a whisky, fish — a fish, fruit - a
Тема 4 (аспект – практическая грамматика)
Страдательный залог. Конструкция have something done.
I. Translate into English using the passive construction with Participle II.
1. Каждая женщина знает, что если у нее плохое настроение, то она
должна купить что-то новое или же сделать прическу. 2. Мне подарили
новые серьги. Нужно проколоть уши. 3. Мне опять разбили окно в машине.
Нужно срочно установить сигнализацию. 4. Три месяца назад мы подали
заявку на установку нового телефона. Мы все еще ждем. 5. Нужно пройти
техосмотр. Но перед этим нужно сменить покрышки, зарядить аккумулятор,
залить бак.
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»


по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

030602.65 «Связи с общественностью»

г. Владивосток
Тема 1
1 Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.
10 ........................ Sandra's unpleasant ……… suggested that she knew about
Amanda's terrible secret.
A grimace В smirk С wince D snort
11 The news that his job was in jeopardy caused James to ………..with

A frown В beam С grimace D howl
12 ........................................................ The student's rude interruption brought a

sharp ……………from his teacher.

A retort В recoup С repeat D report
13 ........................................................ Their discussion quickly developed into a

…….argument over who should receive the money.

A hot В burning С heated D scorching
14 ........ It was …….. of Harry to arrive late and then try to dominate the

A common В usual С ordinary D typical
15 .............................. The salesman demonstrated how a push of the button

would cause the aerial to…….. .

A rebound В retreat С recoil D retract
16 ................................. Students are rarely able to………. all the information

given in one of the professor's lectures.

A capture В absorb С interest D achieve
17 ................... Tom was able to…………a pretty picture of the situation and

impress his manager.

A paint В draw С present D make
18 .................... During their first date, Jane had nervously peppered the

conversation with………….talk.
A unimportant В tiny С small D trivial
10 In the director's opinion, it was high time the actress began to………..her
A be В reach С act D perform
11 .................................................... Because of the panic around him, the

radio…….had difficulty transmitting the information.

A conductor В operator С user D director
12 ............... Gossip was…………among the workers, who were ever anxious

to know each other's business.

A commonplace В regular С ordinary D average
13 .................. As a matter of………..Robbie never left home without an

umbrella during the rainy season.

A prudence В protection С prevention D preclusion
14 . The winds changed and it seemed our sailing team might ………… out on

A float В come С reach D get
15 . I knew Sam was looking for the right tool from the ………..of sounds

which came from the shed.

A sputter В clatter С mutter D flutter
16 ...... Always make sure the blender switch is set on 'idle' before you …….. it

into an electricity supply.

A thrust В push С shove D plug
17 ...................................... Furiously, she banged down the ………… and

immediately dialed the complaints department.

A headset В handle С recipient D receiver
18 ............ A pair of …….. trousers, over-used and over-large, did little to

improve the boy's appearance.

A wide В flowing С baggy D windy
19 ....... Pat's……….of dress frequently harks back to the days when Parisian

couture was all the rage.

A tone В method С mode D design
20 . Botanists remain baffled by the plant's extraordinary ………. of growth.

A pace В rhythm Сhaste D step

2 Rewrite the following sentences using the words in bold type. Use
between 3 and 8 words. Do not change the meaning of the original sentence.
1 ......................................................... You can rely on Frances to always say

exactly what she thinks.

count You can …………………………………. her mind.
2 She gets bored quickly at parties because there is so much trivial

small Too much ………………………… she gets bored quickly at
3 We simply must pay them the whole amount before the end of the month.

alternative We ……………….. the whole amount before the end of the

4 I'm sure I know the answer and I'll remember it in just a moment.

tip The answer's …………….. and I'll remember it in just a

5 Carter joined the Conservatives after he left the Liberals in 1998.

broke Carter ……………………… favour of joining the

6 Though he may seem uninterested in the business, I know John will try to

get part of the profit.

act John will try ……………………. his apparent disinterest in the
7 The firm did all they could in order to avoid getting into debt.

break The firm ……………………………………………… way

8 It might be possible to strike a fantastic deal but you must behave like a

tough negotiator.
part If you …………………………………….. strike a fantastic
9 Severe winds could completely destroy the tower.

likely Severe winds ……………………………… to tatters.

10 The giant panda can rarely be seen in farm areas.
few Sightings of the giant panda ……………………. between.
3. Underline the correct word.
1 The age old English tradition of silversmithing is a fading/ waning/dying art.

2 The distress/upset/disturbance call from the French fishing boat was

received at 11.45.
3 The patient's behaviour seemed to follow a distinctive/
distended/distinguished pattern.
4 A(n) alive/vivacious/animated discussion evolved within minutes of them

being introduced.
5 Many found his conversational style unnecessarily verbal/ verbose/vocal.

6 The news of her promotion spread quickly by word of lip/ mouth/speaking.

7 I was told to hold my words/tongue/breath even before I could begin to

8 Before long, his curious activities became the talk of the town/place/city.

9 Look/Notice/Read between the lines, and you'll discover what she really

10His arising/rousing/risen speech at the Forum will never be forgotten.
4 Fill in the gaps with ONE word.
11 ........................................ She was intent………..finishing the report, no

matter how long it took.

12 .................. A good cook will not hesitate to experiment ………different

13 .................. I don't intend to book a holiday anywhere ……….the time

14 .......................Christina left Cambridge many years ago, though I still see

her……….time to time.
15 .................. Visitors are reminded that smoking is not allowed ……….the

16 .................. I'd love to drive over to see you but my car has been acting

17 ...................................................... Until negotiations broke ……….a
ceasefire had seemed likely.
18 ...................................................... The eccentric professor broke ………. in

mid-sentence and started to frantically scratch his head.

19 ...................................... Fortunately, my family were not living in the area

when the epidemic broke………. .

20 ...................................... The signal started to break ………. before the plane

could be guided safely to the landing strip.

Тема 2
1 Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.
10. ....................................... When he saw the damage to his car,
he………….into a rage.
A flew В drove С jumped D rushed
11. ................................. It was some time before she came
to………………with the fact that she had lost.
A catches В holds С grips D grabs
12. .. The……….….told the candidates to turn over the question paper and
A inspector В invigilator С tester D assessor
13. ......... With your application, you should provide the name of an
academic………. .
A evaluator В sponsor С referee D arbitrator
14. ........................... "Great news! I've been made………………..of
A Leader В Chief С Supervisor D Head
15. .............. The successful ………….. will hold a good degree in
Economics and have at least two years' experience.
A applicant В entrant С contestant D contender
16. ......................... Books taken from the short ……………. section are due
to be returned the next day.
A borrowing В credit С loan D return
17. .......................... For books on accounting and…………, go to the third
floor of the library.
A fiscal В finance С monetary D economic
18. Next year our three-year-old will be starting
A nursery В nursing С infancy D toddler
10.In my first year at university I lived in the halls of ………….. .
A residence В abode С dwelling D accommodation
11.Jerry has been burning the midnight ………… over the last few days; his
final exam is soon.
A lamp В light С candle D oil
12.You are bound to find information on the stockmarket crash of 1987 in the
newspaper……... .
A files В archives С records D collections
13.As soon as he read the letter, tears …………… in his eyes.
A filled in В soaked up С welled up D weighed down
14.It is a ………… conclusion that figures are going to be worse than last
A foregone В foretold С prearranged D pre-planned
15.For seven years my father was a(n) …………………. plumber.
A pupil В student С assistant D apprentice
16.I recently started to study History by……………….. course.
A distance В mail С postal D correspondence
17.The accused confidently …………………. that he was innocent.
A preserved В maintained С conserved D defended
18.State pensions are currently at the centre of a(n) ………………. debate.
A scorching В exploded С fiery D flamed
19.At the start of thecourse, everyone is assigned a(n) …………. of studies.
A advisor В consultant С counsellor D guide
20.Fortunately, the number of students ………………… out of school is
A falling В plummeting С dripping D dropping

2 Use the words given in capitals with each sentence to form a word that
fits in the gap.
1. The chocolate and banana cake that Patrick made looked
simply…………… RESIST
2. All this talk of changes in the company is rather………………….. .
3. The professor warned that writing ……………….. could cost marks.
4. ..…….. is still a serious problem in some African and Asian countries.
5. The …………...of the special committee are being published today.
......................... FIND
6. It never ceases to amaze me how ……….. Hilda is sometimes -you'd think
she would have more common sense. LOGIC
7. That make of car is considered to be ………………. by some people, but
I've had mine for years and it's never given me trouble. RELY
8. He treated me rather when I visited him at home, and made me feel that
he wanted me to leave. ..... POLITE
9. After all I did for her, I was rather taken aback by her ………. attitude.
10. Leeds managed a victory at Anfield last night, beating Liverpool 3-0.
.......................................... DECIDE
3 Underline the correct word.
12. Not being allowed to mix with people her own age hindered her
emotional/sentimental/logical development.
13. Being uninitiated/unknowing/unversed in the subtleties of cookery,
she was unsure about the amount of salt required.
14. The local council have made/imposed/located a ban on lawn
15. He cited/referred/declared the example of the situation in Scotland
in his speech.
16. We organised a lottery as part of the endowment/
fundraising/donating campaign.
17. The staff all felt that they were under-salaried/under-
18. I have a test in the morning so it's time to slam/hit/bash the books.
19. The invention of the computer was a signpost/landmark/marker in
the history of technology.
20. The health and safety inspection found the shop
sorely/achingly/stingingly lacking in fire precautions.
21. Steve tried his best, but he was just not in the same
division/category/league as his opponent.
4 Fill in the gaps with ONE word.
4. .....................................I am not accustomed this kind of heat.
5. ................ …………..your request, we can provide further details.
6. ............................................ Many young lambs succumb the cold and
4. His contribution is unequal .. hers.
5. We must maintain our market share all costs.
6. Change came ............. very slowly in women's rights.
7. She came .............. an old vase while looking for something else in the
8. The match was called ......... due to heavy snow.
9. He came ............ a lot of money when his father died.
22. One should never resort ……… violence under any circumstances.

Тема 3

1 Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.

21. .............. The newspaper's ……….. has been falling for a number of
A audience В readership С reputation D status
22. ...... I prefer ………… newspapers to tabloids.
A broadsheet В widespread С expansive D extensive
23. ........................................ He was one of the BBC's best-known war
…………… .
A reporters В journalists С followers D correspondents
24. ..................... The advertising space that is divided into sections is
generally known as the …….. ads.
A small В confidential С classified D small print
25. ......................................... The Prime Minister is considering a cabinet
…………. .
A reorganisation В rearrangement С reshuffle D reconstruction
26. ............. I subscribe to a …………….. literary journal.
A three-monthly В quarterly С quartered D seasonal
27. ................................ They want to erect a huge satellite ………… right
opposite my house.
A plat В record С platter D dish
28. .............. I can't give you that information, you will have to speak with
the press …………… .
A officer В official С executive D administrator
29. ................ We'll take a short ………………… break and we'll be right
A commercial В advertising С promotional D publicity
30. To find out what's on TV, just look in the TV & radio ………….. .
A programmes В schedules С listings D records
31. ............................................... The match will be screened on ITV,
with ……….. commentary by Andy Gray.
A lively В live С alive D living
32. ............. There will be ………. coverage of the games on most channels.
A complete В general С widespread D extensive
33. His supporters did everything they could to…………..him on in the
A pus В spur С drive D prod
34. ............................. One of the guests stood up to ……….. the virtues of
the fine food.
A worship В admire С appreciate D extol
35. ............................................... He didn't mean to be offensive; it was
quite an …………….. remark.
A innocuous В inaugural С integral D insidious
36. ................................... The job creation scheme is still in its …………..
A childhood В babyhood С opening D infancy
37. ............................. The Prime Minister gave an ……….. response to the
A evading В invasive С evasive D invading
38. ............ She had a(n) ………... interest in holding a separate bank
A vested В invested С shadowed D implied
39. ................ I assure you that I ………… no hostile feelings towards you.
A shelter В harbour С embrace D cover
40. ................................I am sick of hearing the same old …………. in
A plenitudes В placidities С pliabilities D platitudes

2 Find ONE word which is suitable for all three gaps in each of the
following sets of sentences.
1 The travel industry must continue to ………. appropriate standards of care
when it comes to airport safety.
A number of our employees are expected to ……….. for the Chicago post.
Health and safety regulations .. to all employees, regardless of status or
2 It was a delicious ………… of fried fish and rice.
The ……… got smashed to pieces when it slipped from her hands.
The larger your satellite …….., the greater its reception bandwidth.
3 The ……… outside was a pleasant spot to sit and take morning tea.
The …………. had been inspected before the match.
Inside the …….., pandemonium broke out when the sentence was announced.
4 Life ………. her with many opportunities, which she let pass her by.
When he retired he was with a charming gold clock.
The evening news is always by the same newscaster.
5 Mark ………. his trousers, folded them and put them in a drawer.
He ………. forward through the crowd, anxious to get back to his seat in time
for the second half.
The staff …………. for better working conditions and higher wages.
6 Whether to join the European Monetary Union or not is very much a(n)
…….. issue in the UK politics scene.
Many ………. regard Queen's 1987 Wembley concert as one of the greatest
rock shows ever.
In a(n) ……… interview, the Prime Minister admitted that he had mishandled
the issue.
7 We will give you a quote of the exact cost in a few hours, but I would say
you're probably looking at a(n) ………. of about £3,500.
Stewart suddenly saw a strange ………. hovering outside his window.
The ………… of the man killing a large animal found on the cave wall dates
back to around 2400 ВС.
8 -He gave up his regular ………… in The Guardian for the sake of becoming
a radio producer.
A tall ………. of smoke rose from the scene of the accident.
The tall marble ………. on that rock is a monument to the soldiers who died
here in 1942.
9 The ………. of blood around the body was discovered by Harvey.
…………. of this document should be limited to as few people as possible.
Rumours and their ………… should be avoided.
10 -Various new safety have been installed, like additional fire
extinguishers and two new emergency exits.
I always thought Jenny's eyes were one of her most attractive ………….. .
This Sunday's educational supplement contains a six-page article on children's
books and many other special ……….. .

3 Underline the correct word.

11 The day after the mayor's death, the newspaper carried a long
12 The organisation's monthly newsletter/brochure/fanzine is sent to
registered members only.
13 His presentation was fine, but it could have done with a little added
14 I thought the acting was rather stiffened/still/stilted towards the end.
15 The film is a gritty/grinding/grating social drama.
16 He has been a weather man/commentator/observer with NTV for 5
17 Advertising on peak/prime/high time television is very expensive.
18 We advertised our old car in the domestic/topical/local press.
19 He would not have got involved in the fight if his friends hadn't
egged/milked/buttered him on.
20 Tonight on The News Today, don't miss Arnold Hall's
interview/debate/analysis with the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

4 Fill in the gaps with ONE word.

1 ........................................................... The government and employers are
……… agreement over the pay issue.
2 ......................... Talks are ……… progress between the two sides.

3 .................................................... The candidate seemed remarkably ………..

4 .............. ………….. some respects, the government is dragging its feet on

the issue.
5 ...................................... I'm telling you all this ……….. strict confidence.

6 She's a good organiser but she doesn't follow things …………………… .

7 ........................................................... I intend to get the house properly fitted

………. for working from home, so a new desk is essential.

8 ...................................................... This television play has dragged …………

for almost three hours.

9 When the chair intervened, the bitter argument died ……………… .

10 Due to the recent equipment failure, we have fallen ………………

with our tasks.
Тема 4
1 Choose the most suitable word to fill each space.
1 ....................................................... The passenger cabins which were on the
upper ……… were renovated last year.
A floor В deck С level D ground
2 . A note in the Captain's log stated that it was the roughest ………. he had
ever experienced.
A passage В crossing С crossroad D passing
3 ................ Enormous swells roused by ferocious winds made it impossible to
……… the ship to safety.
A direct В control С steer D drive
4 .......................... The stricken vessel ran ……….. on a large reef.
A aside В ashore С aground D around
v. ...............Of those on……., few survived to relate the tragedy of the Pacific
A board В side С hand D aboard
vi. ................................. Without delay, she booked a(n) …………. flight to
Manila so as to be in time for the meeting.
A instant В direct С straight D even
vii. ........ Poor ………. led to the pilot's decision to request a landing at an
alternative airport.
A sight В clarity С visibility D vision
viii. ...................................................Julia preferred to sleep rather than
partake of the …………. entertainment.
A flying В flight С in-flight D in-flying
9 She was rudely awakened by a sudden bout of …………. turbulence.
A stern В somber С weighty D heavy
10 Their …….. from the airport to the hotel was speedily arranged.
A transfer В translocation С move D relocation
11 She failed to see how the area had ever become such a popular
holiday………… .
A objective В destination С goal D target
12 While in Jamaica, she was able to ……….. in some of her favourite
A enjoy В rejoice С involve D indulge
13 The cabin ………… were dressed in very bright orange suits.
A workforce В attendants С personnel D crew
17 ......................... When I remembered I had forgotten Julie's present, I was
already in the departure ………… .
A room В salon С lounge D lobby
18 .................................... She was very frustrated by his behaviour, but
didn't say anything because she didn't want to …………….. the boat.
A shake В rattle С rock D roll
19 .......................................... Ben thought it pointless to swim against the
…………… as the vast majority of guests clearly wanted to go to the party.
A tide В flow С wind D drift
17 The engine was making a very strange sound, so it seemed prudent to pull
onto the hard ……. .
A place В line С shoulder D lane
18 Turning on his ……… lights would have alerted other drivers to his
presence at the roadside.
A danger В risk С hazard D peril
19 By ……. speed restrictions on motorways, the government has endangered
every careful driver on the road.
A heightening В lifting С rising D elevating
21 Whenever he watched detective films, his imagination ran ………… .
A raging В riot С unchecked D furious
2 Rewrite the following sentences using the words in bold type. Use
between 3 and 8 words. Do not change the meaning of the original sentence.
1 He played so well that he received a standing ovation from the audience.

did So ………………………… gave him a standing ovation.

2 Pat O'Brian rang to say that her son is unwell and won't come to school

fallen Pat O'Brian's she rang to say ……………… he won't come to
school today.
3 Something tells me we should have turned right rather than left.
feeling I ……………… turned left, but right.
4 This property has been totally neglected and is in need of major renovation.
disrepair Having ………………….. is in need of major renovation.
10 Isobel's tendency to interrupt every conversation makes me furious!
bend It ………………………… Isobel interrupts every conversation!
11 Sam tried extremely hard to convince her.
lengths Sam ………………………….. to convince her.
12 Above all, you must remember to hand over the keys to Maria before
you leave.
no Under ………………………. first giving the keys to Maria
13 .............................................. We thought that painting the house would
be an easy job.
deceptively It looked ………………………. the house.
14 Only by taking the train will you make it to work on time.
take Unless ………………………….. for work
10 As soon as he opened the door, his wife rushed into his arms.
had No ………………………… his wife rushed into his arms.

3 Underline the correct word

1 Five minutes prior to take off, Sophie was still unable to find her
boarding/embarkation/passenger pass.
2 Freddie was delighted to discover that his ticket had been upgraded to
exclusive/elite/business class.
3 While waiting to unboard/exit/disembark, they stood gazing at the rugged
beauty of the island.
4 Within minutes, an entire group/fleet/company of cruisers appeared on the
horizon and the sea battle began.
5 The pilot had warned the stewards that they should expect a
rutted/bumpy/jerky landing.
6 Colin was irritated to discover that another passenger had taken the
window/side/starboard seat in his absence.
7 The wink/flicker/twinkle in Harry's eye spoke of hidden secrets he longed
to share.
8 Anna decided to stay in the hotel; the thought of yet another
controlled/directed/guided tour sickened her.
9 The elegant lines and sheer size of the ocean cruiser/ boat/liner left one in
10At passport handling/control/office, Amy's recently dyed black hair
caused a moment of confusion.

4 Fill in the gaps with ONE word.

10. ............................... Despite all our efforts, we are sorry to announce
that the agreement has fallen ………… .
11. ......... Living in so isolated a region, one needs a car to get ………….
12. ......... Sudden weariness persuaded Charlie to get …………. the road and
take a short nap.
13. ......... "We keep postponing our world trip; it's high time we got ………..
to doing it."
14. ......... They discussed taking a few weeks off work to get …………..
from it all.
15. ......... He's about to be demoted, but that's strictly ………….. the record.
16. ......... Don't trust her; I think you're being taken ………….. a ride.
17. ......... He seems unapproachable at work, but when he's …… duty he's a
completely different person.
18. ................ Astronomers never rule out the possibility that Earth may
collide ………. a massive asteroid.
10…………………. sheer coincidence, I bought exactly the same tie as
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»



по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

030602.65 «Связи с общественностью»

г. Владивосток
1. Evans, Virginia, Dooley, Jenny Upstream Proficiency (C2) : Student’s
Book / Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. – Third Impression. – EU: Express
Publishing, 2007. – 276 p.
2. Evans, Virginia, Dooley, Jenny Upstream Proficiency (C2) : Workbook /
Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley. – Third Impression. – EU: Express Publishing,
2007. – 118 p.
3. Evans, Virginia, Dooley Jenny Grammarway (4). – Fourth Impression. –
EU: Express Publishing, 2008. – 224 p.

1. Мартынова, И.И. Практика ведет к совершенству: учебное пособие /
И.И. Мартынова, А.В. Збань, А.В. Чигаева. – Владивосток: Изд-во
Дальневост. ун-та, 2007. – 228 с.
2. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English – 3d edition, - Cambridge
University Press, 1995. – 1668 p.
3. McCartney Michael, O’Dell Felicity Vocabulary in Use (upper-
intermediate and advanced) / Michael McCartney, Felicity O’Dell. – Cambridge
University Press, 2007. – 296 p.
4. Redman, Stuart English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate and
intermediate) / Stuart Redman. – Cambridge University Press, 2007. – 270 p.
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»


по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

030602.65 «Связи с общественностью»

г. Владивосток

1. Achievement Test is a test of knowledge or proficiency based on

something learned or taught. The purpose of an achievement test is to determine
student's knowledge in a particular subject area.
2. Self-assessment is the process of critically reviewing the quality of one’s
own performance and provision.
3. Comprehension Questions is an exercise consisting of a previously
unseen passage of text with related questions, designed to test a student's
understanding esp. of a foreign language.
4. Cloze Test is a test of the ability to comprehend text in which the reader
has to supply the missing words that have been removed from the text at regular
5. Matching Task is a task-type in which learners are asked to pair related
things together, e.g. match two halves of a sentence, or a word with a picture.
6. Multiple-Choice Questions are the questions offering several alternative
answers from which the correct one is to be chosen; or tests consisting of such
7. Progress Test is used during a course in order to assess the learning up to
that point.
8. Sentence Completion is a type of a task in which students are given parts
of a sentence and are asked to complete the sentence, using specific target
9. Sentence Transformation is a type of a task in which students are asked to
rewrite sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original. It can help to
improve students’ understanding of similar English expressions and vocabulary.
10. True/False Questions is a type of a task offering a series of questions
each of which is to be judged as true or false.


11. Activity Book is an activity book is a type of book, generally aimed at
students, which contains interactive content such as games, puzzles, quizzes and
other elements which involve writing in the book itself.
12. Audio Script is an audio script is a text version of the audio contained in
a media program.
13. Authentic Materials are resources in the target language which could be
used for language learning and teaching although they were not originally designed
for this purpose, e.g.: newspapers; on-line weather forecasts; timetables; guides to
museums or galleries.
14. Chart is a sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram.
15. Coursebook is a manual of instruction in any branch of study. Textbooks
are produced according to the demands of educational institutions.
16. Coursebook Unit is a set of lessons on a particular subject.
17. Dialogue is the lines or passages in a script that are intended to be spoken.
18. Graph is a pictorial device, such as a pie chart or bar graph, used to
illustrate quantitative relationships.
19. Handout is supporting information to be used by the learner as reference
material in a training program.
20. Overhead Projector is a device that projects an enlarged image of a
transparency placed on it onto a wall or screen by means of an overhead mirror.
21. Resources is anything used by teachers and trainers to develop into their
own materials to use when delivering training, such as books, journals, Websites,
bibliographies, databases, equipment, etc.
22. Supplementary Material is books, magazines, or fugitive materials,
aside from basal coursebooks, used to enrich instructional materials or to furnish
additional practice in reading, listening, speaking or writing.
23. Workbook is a student's book containing instruction and exercises
relating to a particular subject
24. Worksheet is a paper listing questions or tasks for students.

25. Brainstorm is a spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways

of solving problems.
26. Categorise is to place into or assign to a category.
27. Chant is a repeated rhythmic phrase, typically one shouted or sung in
unison by a group of students.
28. Drill is intensive instruction or training in something, typically by means
of repeated exercises.
29. Guided Writing is a piece of writing that students produce after a lot of
preparation by the teacher. The teacher may give the students a plan to follow, or
ideas for the language to use.
30. Information-gap Activity is pair and small group practice where the
participants exchange information previously unknown by their partners or fellow
group members. For example, in a paired activity, one student may have the movie
schedules for the evening and the partner may have the bus schedule.
31. Jumbled Paragraphs, Sentences are proper texts divided into paragraphs
or sentences. They are jumbled by a teacher. A student is expected to look at the
jumbled sentences, comprehend the meaning implied, and put the sentences in
32. Open-ended Task is a performance task in which students are required to
generate a solution or response to a problem when there is no single correct
33. Practice is a repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so
as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it.
34. Problem Solving is a method of learning in which students evaluate their
thinking and progress while solving problems. The process includes strategy
discussion-determining solution strategies to similar problems and pinpointing
additional problems within the context of their investigation.
35. Revision is the process of rereading a subject or notes on it, esp in
preparation for an examination
36. Role-play is the method in which training participants enact a situation in
order to try out new skills or apply what has been learned.
37. Target Language is the language into which a text, document, or speech
is translated.
38. Word Map is a way of recording vocabulary on the same topic in a
diagram. This is also known as a mind map.
Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
высшего профессионального образования
«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»


по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

030602.65 «Связи с общественностью»

I. Translate the sentences from Russian into English, making use of
the words under study.
1. Полет, открывающий воздушное сообщение между двумя
государствами привлек внимание СМИ.
2. Критики писали, что спектакль провалился, т.к. игра актеров
была скучной и неестественной.
3. Подозреваемый в убийстве выглядел невинным. Эффект
усиливался благодаря большим круглым очкам.
4. Нет ничего необычного в том, что львы иногда убивают
5. Сейчас не время расхваливать преимущества капитализма. Как
ни крути – на дворе кризис.
6. Вы можете улучшить вкус многих блюд, используя травы и
7. Тренер воодушевил молодого спортсмена на олимпийские
8. Правительство не поддержало идею создания новой компании.

II. Translate the sentences from English into Russian, making use of the
words under study.
1. Before you start to overtake, make sure the road is clear ahead of you.
2. He put on his hazards lights, pulled over and pushed his way across
the crowded pavement towards the rubbish basket.
3. It deals with the occasional situation when a holiday party arrives on a
charter flight and claims asylum enbloc.
4. A light plane with four people on board crashed last night.
5. He gestured to me to push my way up to the front and then pressed a
precious boarding pass into my hand.
6. Floyd was going to be too drunk to steer the boat.
7. Soon after, lifeguards gave up their search and ordered the crew to
moor their patrol boat.
8. Fog has reduced visibility to under 20 meters.
9. People laughing, people crying, some boarding vessels, others
disembarking, and others waving goodbye to their loved ones.
10. Refreshed, I went up on deck and looked at the waves.

Материально-техническое обеспечение дисциплины.

1. Аудиоаппаратура;
2. Видеомагнитофон;
3. Портативный компьютер с видеопроектором;
4. Мультимедийные средства;
5. Аудио и видеокурсы.

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