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Е. С.


Начальный уровень

УДК 811.111

Яцкова Е. С.
Я936 Full ahead : английский язык для моряков : начальный уровень :
учебник / Е. С. Яцкова. – Одесса: ОНУ имени И. И. Мечникова,
2018. – 116 с.
ISBN 978-617-689-207-6

Учебник «Английский язык для моряков» содержит базовый курс английского

языка, необходимый для прохождения собеседования и общения в смешанном
экипаже. Основная цель данного учебника – подготовить Вас к собеседованию,
объяснить основы грамматики, научить правильно строить предложения и
использовать в речи основные времена английского языка, расширить ваш
словарный запас как в повседневной речи, так и в морской терминологии.
В пособии рассматриваются такие темы как устройство судна, безопасность,
спасательные и личные защитные средства, аварийные ситуации, обязанности и
инструменты. Бытовые диалоги (в аэропорту, в отеле, в ресторане) помогут Вам
уверенно чувствовать себя в повседневном общении. Особое внимание уделяется
подготовке к собеседованию в крюинговом агентстве. Вы сможете ответить на
основные вопросы, касающиеся Вашего образования, опыта работы и обязанностей.
Грамматический курс поможет Вам при прохождении теста Marlins.

УДК 811.111

ISBN 978-617-689-207-6  Яцкова Е. С., 2018

 ОНУ имени И. И. Мечникова, 2018
Урок 1 – с. 5

Тема: Устройство судна

Грамматика: Предлоги

Разговорная практика: Расположение мест на судне

Урок 2 – с. 9

Тема: Профессии на судне

Грамматика: Глагол to be

Урок 3 – с. 14

Тема: Безопасность. Спасательные средства. Типы огнетушителей

Грамматика: Глагол to be

Разговорная практика: Расположение спасательных средств на судне

Урок 4 – с. 19

Тема: Мой рабочий день. Обязанности

Грамматика: Настоящее время

Разговорная практика: Мой первый день на судне

Урок 5 – с. 28

Тема: Места в городе

Грамматика: Глагол to be в прошедшем времени

Разговорная практика: Направление. (Как спросить дорогу)

Урок 6 – с. 33

Тема: Опыт работы. Мой прошлый рейс.

Грамматика: Прошедшее время.

Разговорная практика: Собеседование в крюинговой компании.

Урок 7 – с. 39

Тема: Свободное время

Грамматика: Прошедшее время. Неправильные глаголы

Разговорная практика: Выходной день

Урок 8 – с. 45

Тема: Еда

Грамматика: Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные

Разговорная практика: Диалог в ресторане

Урок 9 – с. 50

Тема: Характеристика судна

Грамматика: Сравнительная и превосходная степень прилагательных

Разговорная практика: Диалог в магазине одежды

Урок 10 – с. 57

Тема: Инструменты. Обсуждение рабочих ситуаций

Грамматика: Настоящее продолженное

Разговорная практика: Бронирование номера в отеле

Урок 11 – с. 64

Тема: Медицина. Личные защитные средства

Грамматика: Повторение времен

Разговорная практика: Диалог у доктора

Урок 12 – с. 69

Тема: Типы судов

Грамматика: Настоящее совершенное

Разговорная практика: Диалог в банке. Обмен валюты.

Урок 13 – с. 75

Тема: Аварийные ситуации. Тревоги на судне.

Грамматика: Модальные глаголы. (Must/have to/should)

Разговорная практика: Инциденты на судне.

Урок 14 – с. 80

Тема: Мой следующий рейс

Грамматика: Будущее время

Разговорная практика: Аэропорт


Анкета – с. 86

Вопросы к собеседованию – с. 89

Marlins Test

Test 1 – с. 92

Test 1 – с. 98

Test 1 – с. 103

Test 1 – с. 107

Test 1 – с. 111

Lesson 1
1. Давайте обсудим простые вопросы, которые вам могут задать на собеседовании.

1. What’s your name? (Как вас зовут)

What’s your first name?

My name is… (Меня зовут)

2. What’s your surname? (Какая ваша фамилия)

What’s your family name?
What’s your last name?

My surname is … (Моя фамилия)

3. Where are you from? (Откуда вы?)

I am from… (Я из…)

4. How old are you? (Сколько вам лет?)

I am 20 (Мне 20)

5. What’s your job? (Какая ваша профессия?)

I am a seaman. (Я моряк)

6. Are you married? (Вы женаты?)

Yes. I am married. (Да, я женат)
No I am not married. (Нет, я не женат)
I am single. (Я холост)

7. What’s your nationality? (Какая ваша национальность?)

I am Ukrainian. (Я украинец)

8. What’s your vessel’s type? (Какой тип вашего судна?)

My vessel’s type is tanker. (Мой тип судна - танкер)

9. What’s your seaman’s book number? (Какой ваш номер паспорта моряка?)
My seaman’s book number is …… (Мой паспорт моряка…)

Construction of the ship
Устройство суда

1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

Bow - нос Main deck – главная палуба

Stern - корма Cabin - каюта
Starboard side – правый борт Laundry - прачечная
Portside – левый борт Galley - камбуз
Bridge - мостик Store room - кладовая
Bridge superstructure – надстройка Pump room – насосное отделение
мостика Engine room – машинное отделение
Radio room – радио рубка Forecastle - бак
Chart room – штурманская рубка Workshop - мастерская
Deck – палуба

2. Match English words with their translation.

Соедините английские слова с русским переводом.

A. B.

1. Galley a) Нос

2. Laundry b) Кладовая

3. Store room c) Правый борт

4. Engine room d) Бак

5. Bridge e) Штурманская рубка

6. Bow f) Прачечная

7. Starboard g) Настройка мостика

8. Main deck h) Камбуз

9. Chart room i) Мостик

10. Forecastle j) Машинное отделение

11. Bridge superstructure k) Главная палуба

Prepositions of time
Предлоги места

On - на Near - возле
In - в Between - между
Under - под In front of - перед
Below - ниже Behind - позади
Above - над On the starboard side – по правому борту
Next to – рядом On the portside – по левому борту

1. Translate from English into Russian

Переведите с русского на английский.
1) на мостике _____________
2) ниже первой палубой _____________
3) рядом с каютой капитана ____________
4) над прачечной ________________
5) перед кладовой _________________
6) между камбузом и столовой __________________________
7) за мостиком _____________________
8) возле радио рубки _______________________________

2. Схема судна. Подпишите места на судне.

Messroom Store room

1. Bridge is on 4 th deck.
2. Work shop is below first deck between engine room and pump room.
3. Master’s cabin is to the left of radio room.
4. Hospital is below Master’s cabin.
5. Chart room is above TV room.
6. Chief Engineer’s cabin is between hospital and TV room.
7. Office is to the right of chart room.
8. Laundry is under hospital.
9. Galley is between messroom and store room.
10. Gym is above store room.

3. Read and translate text.
Прочитайте и переведите текст

My ship

I work on dry cargo vessel. The length of my ship is 14.5 metres. The width is 6 metres. The
draft of the ship is 15 metres.

My vessel has five decks. Bridge is above fourth deck. Chart room and radio room are behind
bridge. Engine room is below first deck and pump room is below first deck too. Work shop is
between engine room and pump room. Messroom is to the right of galley. Store room is near galley.

4. Answer the questions.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What type of ship is it?

2. What is the draft of the ship?
3. What is vessel’s length?
4. What is vessel’s width?
5. Where is bridge?
6. Where is chart room?
7. Where is work shop?
8. Where is messroom?

5. Describe your ship.

Опишите ваше судно.


Lesson 2.


1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

Master - капитан
Chief Officer – старший помощник
Second Officer – второй помощник
Third Officer – третий помощник
Chief Engineer – старший механик
Second Engineer – второй механик
Third Engineer – третий механик
Fourth Engineer – четвертый механик
Electrical Engineer - электромеханик
Motorman - моторист
Oiler - ойлер
Fitter – слесарь
Bosun - боцман
AB (able bodied seaman) – матрос первого класса
OS (ordinary seaman) – матрос второго класса
Cook – повар

2. Put words in the correct place in the box.

Поставьте слова в правильные колонки.

Master Motorman Mess Boy OS Fourth Engineer

Chief Officer Cook

Electrical Engineer Chief Engineer Bosun Oiler

Fitter Second Officer AB

Bridge Engine Room Deck Galley


Verb to be

Давайте поговорим о том, как строятся предложения в английском языке. Английский

язык очень отличается от русского языка по своему построению. В русском языке свободный
порядок слов. Вы можете переставлять слова в предложении, так как вам хочется и от этого
ничего не изменится. В английском так делать нельзя. Каждое слово, имеет свое место в
предложении и если вы меняете слова местами, меняется смысл предложения.
Итак, каждое слово имеет свое место в предложении.
1. На первое место мы ставим слово, которое отвечает на вопрос кто или что. Это
может быть предмет или человек, о котором мы говорим.
2. На второе место мы ставим слово, которое отвечает на вопрос что делает. Это то
действие, которое совершает человек, о котором мы говорим.
3. На третье место снова ставим слово, которое отвечает на вопрос кто или что, но
это уже предмет с которые мы совершаем действие.
4. И на четвертом месте мы ставим все остальные слова, которые отвечают на
вопрос где? когда? почему? и. т.д.
1 2 3 4
Кто что ------- что делает--------- кто что -------- где когда
I read a book at home

В английском языке любое предложение должно иметь как минимум 2 первых пункта :
слово, которое отвечает на вопрос кто что (существительное) и слово которое отвечает на
вопрос что делает (глагол).
Теперь давайте посмотрим на следующее предложение
Я моряк.
На первом месте мы поставим кто I, а на втором месте sailor. I sailor.
А теперь давайте посмотрим на схему построения предложений. Чего у нас не хватает?
ДЕЙСТВИЯ. В нашем предложении нет слова, которое отвечало бы на вопрос что делать.
Но в русском переводе Я моряк у нас нет действия. На первом месте кто Я и дальше опять
кто МОРЯК. Что делать в таком случае?
Если в предложении у нас нет действия.
Я учитель.
Он студент
Ты из Америки, тогда вместо этого действия мы ставим вспомогательный глагол to be.
На русский язык глагол to be переводится, как быть. Но в предложении мы очень редко
встретим его в таком виде. Обычно он меняется.

Verb to be

Positive (Утверждение) Negative (Отрицание) Question (Вопрос)

I am I am not Am I ?


She is He He

It She is not (isn’t) Is She ?

It It

You You You

We are We are not (aren’t) Are We ?

The They They

Я капитан - I am a Captain
Он повар – He is a cook

1. Put correct form of the verb to be. 6. They are agents.
Поставьте глагол to be в правильной _________________
форме. _________________

He ___is___ a sailor. 7. He is good Captain.

1. I ______ a Captain. _________________
2. He ______ a Bosun.
3. We ______ cadets. 8. You are O.S.
4. She ______ a сook. _________________
5. ______ he motorman? _________________
6. You ______ not Chief Officer.
7. It ______ not AB 3. Make questions and answer the
8. They ______ engineers. questions.
2. Put verb to be in negative and question Is he American?
form. He is American.
(Поставьте глагол to be в отрица-
тельную и вопросительную формы). 1. She/Cook.
It is ship. 2. Captain/Chinese.
It is not ship. 3. You/from Odessa.
Is it ship? 4. A.B./ on deck.
5. Motorman/in messroom
1. I am from England. 6. Bridge/ 5 th deck.
_________________ 7. Ship/in port
_________________ 8. Agents/on board.

2. It is engine room. 4. Translate from Russian into English.

_________________ Переведите с русского на английский.
_________________ 1. Они матросы.
2. Он третий помощник.
3. Chief Officer is on the bridge. 3. Боцман из Америки.
_________________ 4. Четвертый механик из Украины?
_________________ 5. Капитан из России.
6. Сварщик не из Польши.
4. Second engineer is in work shop. 7. Матрос первого класса из
_________________ Америки?
_________________ 8. Старший механик на мостике.
9. Второй помощник в каюте?
5. A. B. is on deck. 10. Повар на палубе?


1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова

Mixed - смешанный
crew members – члены экипажа
different - разный
country - страна
clever – умный
friendly – дружелюбный
noisy - шумный
difficult - сложный
angry - злой
weather - погода
hot - жаркий
funny - смешной
kind - добрый
good – хороший

2. Read and translate text.

Прочитайте и переведите текст.
Mixed crew
I am Second Engineer. I am at sea now. My crew is mixed. It is not very big. All crew
members are from different countries. They are from China, Brazil, Poland and Greece.
Our Captain is Greek. His name is Stelios. He is very good and clever Captain. He is on the
bridge now. Our Chief Engineer’s name is Paolo. He is from Italy. He is very friendly and noisy.
He is in his cabin now. Our Bosun is from China. It is very difficult to understand him because his
English is not very good. He and OS are on the main deck now. They are very angry because
weather is hot today. Our Cook, Tom is in the galley now. He is very funny and kind. He is only
25 but he is very good cook.
We are in the Atlantic now. It is good and easy voyage and very friendly crew.

3. Answer the questions.

Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What is his job?
2. Is his crew mixed?
3. Where are crewmembers from?
4. Is Stelious good Captain?
5. Where is Chief engineer now?
6. Where is Bosun from?
7. Is his English good?
8. Why is he angry?
9. Is weather cold?
10. Is voyage difficult.

Lesson 3
1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

Life jacket - спасательный жилет Fire blanket – пожарное покрывало

Life buoy – спасательный круг Co2 system – противопожарная система

Life boat - спасательная шлюпка
Sprinkler system – Спринклерная система
Free fall life boat - шлюпка свободного
падения Fire nozzles – пожарные насадки

Rescue boat – спасательная шлюпка Fire hydrant - пожарный гидрант

Fire flaps - пожарные заслонки
Life raft - спасательный плот
Emergency fire pump – аварийный
Immersion suit - гидрокостюм пожарный насос

Thermal suit - термокостюм Breathing apparatus – дыхательный

Fire extinguisher - огнетушитель
First Aid Box (Kit) - аптечка
Fire alarm – пожарная сигнализация
Oil Spill equipment - инвентарь для уборки
Fire hose - пожарный рукав
2. Match words with pictures.

Соедините слова с картинками

1._______________ 2._______________ 3._______________ 4 .______________

5._______________ 6._______________ 7._______________

3. Put verb the correct form of verb to be.

Поставьте глагол to be в правильной форме.

1. The fire extinguisher ______ in the engine room.

2. First Aid Box ______ on the table.

3. Fire hoses ______ on bulkhead (переборка).

4. ______ life jacket on the table?

5. Fire extinguishers ______ not in my cabin.

6. ______ life raft on starboard side?

7. Where ______ muster station?

8. Sprinkler system ______ in engine room.

4. Choose correct preposition.

Выберете правильный предлог.

1. Life jacket is on/in the table.

2. Life boat is on/between starboard side.

3. Fire hose is on/under bulkhead.

4. Clean up equipment is in/behind the room.

5. Fire blanket is on/above the chair.

6. First Aid box is in/under the hospital.

7. Immersion suit is in/on the cabin.

8. Fire Alarm is under/on the bulkhead.

5. Match English words with Russian translation.

Соедините английские слова с русским переводом.


1) Free fall lifeboat a) Пожарный рукав

2) Life raft b) Спринклерная система

3) Fire flaps c) Шлюпка свободного падения

4) Sprinkler system d) Пожарное покрывало

5) Fire nozzles e) Гидрокостюм

6) Fire hose f) Дыхательный аппарат

7) Fire blanket g) Спасательный плот

8) Immersion suit h) Пожарная тревога

9) Fire alarm i) Пожарные заслонки

10) Breathing apparatus j) Пожарные насадки

6. Translate from Russian into English.

Переведите с русского на английский.
1. Спасательный жилет в каюте.
2. Спасательный плот на палубе
3. Спасательная шлюпка по правому борту.
4. Огнетушитель на переборке.
5. Пожарный рукав возле двери.
6. Аптечка в медпункте.
7. Где гидрокостюм?
8. Дыхательный аппарат на полке.

1. Read and translate dialogue.

- Hello John. I have some questions for you.

- I am ready to answer your questions.
- How many fire extinguishers are in the engine room?
- There are 6 fire extinguishers in the engine room.
- Where are they?
- They are on each deck on bulkhead. Also fire extinguisher is near purifier room and in
the Central Control Room near the entrance.
- Where is your life jacket?
- My life jacket is in my cabin under the bed.
- How many life boats are there?
- There are two life boats on the starboard side and on the port side.
- Well, Where are life rafts?
- Life rafts are on life boat deck.
- Is there fire blanket in the galley?
- Yes. There is. It is in the corner near the refrigerator.

2. Write True or False.

1. Fire extinguisher is in the Central Control Room near the entrance. T/F
2. Life jacket is on the bulkhead. T/F
3. There are three life boats. T/F
4. Life boats are on the starboard and portside. T/F
5. Life rafts are on main deck. T/F
6. Fire blanket is near the refrigerator. T/F

3. Make your dialogue about location of safety equipment.

Составьте свой диалог по расположению спасательных средств.


1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

foam fire extinguisher – пенный огнетушитель

powder fire extinguisher – порошковый огнетушитель
CO2 (carbon dioxide) fire extinguisher – углекислотный огнетушитель
Type - тип
Is used - используется
Solid - твердый
Wood - дерево
Rubber - резина
Inflammable - воспламеняющийся
Liquid - жидкость
Fuel - топливо
Oil - масло
Electrical equipment – электрооборудование

2. Read and translate text.

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Types of fire extinguishers

There are three main types of fire extinguishers.

- foam fire extinguisher
- powder fire extinguisher
- CO2 (carbon dioxide) fire extinguisher.

Each fire extinguisher is used for different class of fire. There are 3 main classes of fire.

Class A
Solid material such as wood, rubber, plastic are on fire. For Class A fire we use powder fire

Class B
Inflammable liquids such as fuel and oil are on fire. For Class B fire we use foam fire

Class C
Electrical equipment is on fire. For Class C fire we use CO2 fire extinguisher

Lesson 4

My working day

1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

Get up - вставать
Have breakfast - завтракать
Go to work – идти на работу
Start work – начинать работу
Finish work – заканчивать работу
Keep watch – нести вахту
Hand over – сдавать вахту
Take over – принимать вахту
Work overtime – работать сверхурочно
Go ashore – идти на берег
Repair equipment – ремонтировать оборудование
Steer ship – управлять судном
Use tools – использовать инструменты
Sign contract – подписать контракт

2. Match words to the pictures.

Соедините слова с картинками.

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3._______________

4._______________ 5._______________ 6.______________ 7. _______________

Прочитайте и переведите предложения.
I work at sea
I live in Odessa
I study in college.
В каком времени мы сейчас говорим? Когда мы говорим, Я работаю в море, мы
подразумеваем нашу обычную, повседневную жизнь. Мы говорим о том, что происходит в
нашей жизни каждый день, каждую неделю, каждый год.
Итак, сегодня мы поговорим о времени, которое мы используем, когда хотим рассказать о
своей повседневной жизни. Называется это время.

Present Simple
Present Simple (Настоящее простое время) употребляется когда мы говорим о действиях,
которые совершаем постоянно, всегда, каждый день, каждую неделю, каждый год, эти
действия регулярно повторяются в нашей жизни.

Например. Я хожу на работу каждый день. Я учу английский каждую неделю.

Я навещаю родителей каждые выходные.


Для того, чтобы образовать это время на первое место мы ставим слово, которое отвечает
на вопрос кто или что. (I) на второе место ставится слово, которое отвечает на вопрос что
делает, то есть действие. (work).

I work

Для третьего лица единственного числа (He; She; It;) к слову добавляется окончание s

He works

She works

It works

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательных глаголов do does и

частички not

I do not work или сокращенно I don’t work

He does not work или сокращенно He doesn’t work

В вопросах do/does выносятся на первое место.

Do you work?

Does he work?

Positive Negative Questions
(Утверждение) (Отрицание) (Вопрос)

I work I don’t work Do I work?

He He He
She works She doesn’t work Does She work?
It It It
You You You
We work We don’t work Do We work?
They They They

Давайте потренируемся.

Для примера возьмем слово

keep watch

Я несу вахту – I keep watch

Я не несу вахту – I don’t keep watch

Я несу вахту? – Do I keep watch?

Start work

He starts work.

He doesn’t start work.

Does he start work?

1. Make positive, negative and question
1. Put verbs in correct form of Present
form of verbs.
Составьте предложения в утвердительной,
отрицательной и вопросительной форме.

I /hand over. I hand over. Поставьте глаголы в правильной форме

Present Simple.
I don’t hand over. Do I hand over?

1. He/finish work.
He _________ (live) in England.
He lives in England.

2. He/go ashore.
1. He ___________ (hand over) at 4 o’clock.

4. We ___________ (not/go ashore) every
3. She/speak English. day.

_________________________ 5. ______ you __________ (use) tools

every day?
4.You/repair equipment.


4. ______ Captain speak English?
5. We /use tools.

5. Ratings __________ (not/finish work at 3
6. They/sign contract.
6. ______ Second Officer __________ (steer)
_________________________ the vessel.


7. He/ get up. 7. Where ______ John __________ (work)?


_________________________ 8. When ______ you __________ (sign)

8. I/have breakfast

3. Fill the gaps. Заполните пропуски.

hand speak have keep

start repair work signs

1. I __________ watch every day.

2. He doesn’t __________ English.

3. Our crew doesn’t__________ overtime.

4. When does Captain __________ work?

5. Where do ratings __________ breakfast?

6. Does A.B. __________ equipment?

7. Agent __________ contracts every day.

8. When do you __________ over?

4. Answer the questions. 5. Translate from Russian into English.

Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы: Переведите с русского на английский

1. Where do you live? 1. Я работаю в море.

2. Where do you study? 2. Я учусь в колледже.

3. How many children do you have? 3. Я говорю на английском.

4. How many languages do you speak? 4. У меня есть ребенок.

5. Я играю в футбол по выходным.

5. What music do you like?
6. Я иду на палубу.
6. What sport do you do?
7. Я убираю каюту после обеда.
7. Do you keep watch every day?
8. Он говорит на английском и
8. When do you hand over?
9. Do you work overtime? 9. Он пьет кофе каждое утро.
10. What vessel do you work on? 10. Он не читает книгу после вахты, он спит.
11. Do you speak to Captain every day? 11. Он не слушает музыку потому, что его
интернет не работает.
12. When do you have free time?
12. Ты живешь в Одессе?

13. Ты говоришь по-английски?


My day at sea
1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова

position – должность

busy - занятый

navigational watch – навигационная вахта

check - проверять

gym – спортзал

2. Read and translate text.

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

I am Tom Adams. I am 28. I am married and I have one son. I live in England. I am a sailor. My
position is a Third Officer. I work in the BDG company. I usually work on container ships. When I
am at sea my working day is very busy. Every day I keep navigational watch from 8 a.m. to 12
p.m. I hand over at 12.10. Also I check all safety equipment. I check life rafts, life rings and life
boats, fire extinguishers, fire alarms, fire blankets. At 2 o’clock I go to mess room and have lunch.
In the afternoon I usually work with documents. When I have free time I go to the gym or read
books and watch films. I sometimes go ashore when we are in port.

Answer the questions.

1. How old is he?

2. Is Tom married?
3. How many children does Tom have?
4. What is his position?
5. What company does he work for?
6. Does he keep watch?
7. What equipment does he check?
8. What time does he have lunch?
9. When does he work with documents?
10. What does he do in his free time?
11. Does he go ashore?

1. Answer questions about you.

Ответьте на вопросы про себя.

1. Where do you live?

2. Where do you study?

3. Where do you work?

4. How many languages do you speak?

5. What time do you start your work?

6. What do you do in your free time?

7. Do you keep watch every day?

8. What equipment do you repair?

9. Do you work on bridge?

10. When do you go ashore?

1. Learn new words.

Duty – обязанность Clean - убирать

Useful - полезный Сhip rust – отбивать ржавчину
Great - отличный Paint - красить
Break - перерыв Mooring operations – швартовые операции
During – во время, в течении Overall - спецодежда
Assist - ассистировать Size – размер
Sweep – подметать

My first day on the vessel

- Hello! My name is Mark. I am a new deck cadet on your vessel.
- Hello Mark. My name is Steve. I am Second Officer. Where are you from Mark?
- I am from England. Where are you from?
- I am from the USA. Is it your first contract, Mark?
- Yes it is. It’s a big ship and I see a lot of people work here.
- Yes we have mixed crew here. So, Mark let’s talk about your work and duties. Usually you work
on deck with other sailors but in your free time you can come on bridge and watch how Officers
work. I think it is very useful for you.
- Oh, It’s great! What time do I start my work?

- You start your work at 8 in the morning and finish at 6 in the evening.

- Do I have break for lunch?

- Of course. You have lunch at 1 o’clock in the afternoon and you have two coffee breaks during
the day.

- Do I keep watch?

- You don’t keep watch yourself but you can assist A.B. and Third Officer. Also you sweep and
clean deck, chip rust, paint equipment and assist in mooring operations.

- I understand. Where can I get my overall?

- I can give it to you. What is your size?

- Medium. Here you are. You cabin is on 2nd deck.

- Thank you. See you tomorrow.

- See you. Don’t be late.

Каждое время имеет свои слова подсказки.

Для Present Simple это такие слова как:

Always (всегда)

Usually (обычно)

Sometimes (иногда)

Often (часто)

Seldom (редко)

Never (никогда)

!!! Эти слова, всегда ставятся в предложении после существительного (слова, которое
отвечает на вопрос кто или что).


I always play football

I never smoke.

Только sometimes и usually можно поставить на первое место в предложении.

Sometimes I go shopping.

Usually I get up at seven.

1. Make sentences using always, usually,

often, seldom, never, sometimes.

Напишите, как часто вы выполняете

эти действия.

Work at sea /I usually work at sea. 2. Answer questions about you.

1. Speak English; 1. How often do you go shopping?

2. Repair equipment; 2. How often do you speak with Captain?

3. Go ashore; 3. How often do you use a computer?

4. Keep watch; 4. How often do you go to gym?

5. Play cards; 5. How often do you meet your friends?

6. Watch TV; 6. How often do you keep watch.

7. Meet your friends; 7. How often do you work overtime?

8. Steer the vessel. 8. How often do you check equipment?

Lesson 5
In the City
1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

Chemists - аптека Hospital - больница

Market - рынок Bank - банк

Clothes shop – магазин одежды Cash point - банкомат

Railway station – железнодорожная Exchange – обмен валют

Mall/shop - магазин
Bus stop – автобусная остановка
Swimming pool - бассейн
City centre – центр города

2. Match words to the pictures.

Соедините слова с картинками.

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3._______________ 4._______________

3.Fill with correct word\Поставьте правильное слово.

1. I am ill. I need to buy tablets in _______________ .

2. I want to buy a train ticket where is ________________ .

3. I like swimming. Every weekend I go to _______________ .

4. You can buy fresh fruits and vegetables in _______________ .

5. I need to change some money. Where is _______________ .

6. I know very good ____________ . I always buy my jeans there.


Past Tense

Verb to be
Прошедшее время используется, когда мы делали, что-то в прошлом и уточняем, когда
именно это происходило, например, вчера, позавчера, в прошлом году.
Сегодня мы рассмотрим прошедшее время для глагола to be. To be в прошедшем времени
переводится как был. Например: Я был на берегу
Давайте сравним его с настоящим временем.

Утвердительная форма

Present Past
I am I was
He She was
She is It
You You
We are We were
They They
Например: Я был на палубе – I was on deck.

Отрицательная форма

Present Past
I am not I was not
He She was not
She is not It
You You
We are not We were not
They They
Я не был на берегу – I was not ashore

Вопросительная форма

Present Past
Am I? Was I?
He Was She?
Is She? It
You You
Are We ? Were We ?
They They

Был ты в кают-компании? – Were you in the messroom?

1. Fill the gaps in the correct form of was/were/was not/were not

Заполните пропуски в правильной форме was/were/was not/were not

1. Third Officer_______ on deck.
2. Second Engineer_______ in engine room.
3. Ratings _________ not on main deck.
4. ________ ship’s owner in his office?
5. __________Master in the chart room?
6. Helmsman_______ in the laundry.
7. Life jacket _______ on the chair.
8. ________ foam extinguisher on the bulkhead?
9. Life raft ________ on the starboard side.
10. _______ First Aid box in the hospital?
2. Answer the questions.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What day was it yesterday?
2. What month was it last month?
3. Where were you yesterday?
4. Where were you last Sunday?
5. Were you in cabin yesterday?
6. Where was fire extinguisher?
7. Where was A.B. yesterday?
8. Were you ashore on Sunday?

3. Translate from Russian into English. Переведите с русского на английский

1. Я был на мостике
2. Он был на камбузе
3. Мы были в машинном отделении
4. Они были в ЦПУ
5. Капитан был на берегу
6. Матрос первого класса не был в кладовой
7. Судовладельцы были в порту
8. Судно было в Америке
9. Старший механик не был в мастерской
10. Был повар на камбузе?
11. Был электрик в каюте?

4. Fill the gaps in correct form of verb to be. Заполните пропуски в правильной форме
was/were/was not/were not
- ______ you ashore yesterday?
- Yes, I _______ .
- ______ there many people?
- Yes there _______ .
- ________ Chief officer with you?
- No he ________. He was on the bridge.
- Where ______ you?
- I _______ in my cabin.

1. Read and translate text.

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Last voyage
Mark was born in Lisbon. He lives and works in a small port town in France. Mark likes sea
from his early childhood. After his studies in Maritime Academy he was a sailor on different ships.
He was in Africa, China and Japan.

Last month he was a Second Officer on a new ship. It was a passenger ship. This ship was
modern and good. His contract was 6 months and it wasn’t very difficult.

There were many people from different countries. All were friendly and nice.

Answer the questions.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Where was Mark born?

2. Where does he live?

3. Was Mark in Japan?

4. Where was he last month?

5. Was his ship old?

6. Was his contract easy?

7. Were other people friendly?

8. How long was his contract?


Это задание поможет нам узнать дорогу в незнакомом городе.

Для того чтобы спросить дорогу мы используем следующие фразы.

Где? – Where is?

Как мне пройти? – How do I get?

Можете подсказать мне дорогу? – Can you tell me the way?

Объясняем дорогу при помощи этих фраз:

Идите прямо - Go straight

Поверните направо - Turn right

Поверните налево - Turn left

Пройдите два квартала - Go two blocks

Пройдите до перекрестка – Go to the crossroad

Пройдите до светофора - Go to the traffic light

1. Read and translate dialogue.

Прочитайте и переведите диалог.

- Excuse me? Where is port?

- Go straight on Apple Street. Go to crossroad. Turn right and go two blocks. You can see port on
your right.

- Can you tell me where is hotel?

- It is not far from here. Go straight. On the crossroad turn right and you can see hotel in front of

Lesson 6
1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

Arrive – прибывать

Sail – плыть, идти

Load – грузить

Unload – разгружать

Embark – подниматься на борт

Disembark – сходить

Connect - соединять

Adjust - регулировать

Increase – увеличивать

Overhaul - делать капитальный ремонт

Sign off - списаться

2. Put words in correct places.

Заполните пропуски словами из упражнения 1.

1. _______________ cargo.

2. _______________ equipment.

3. _______________ main engine.

4. _______________ pressure (давление)

5. _______________ to port

6. _______________ from Odessa to Beijing.

Past simple
Прошедшее время

Употребляется, когда действие произошло в прошлом.


1. Утвердительная форма образуется при помощи добавления окончания ed к глаголу.

work – worked

2. Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола did и

отрицательной частицы not.
! К слову никаких окончаний не добавляется.

I didn’t work.

3. Для того, чтобы образовать вопросительную форму did выносим на первое место.

Did you work?

Positive Negative Questions

I worked I did not work Did I work?

He He He
She worked She didn’t work Did She work?
It It It
You You You
We worked We didn’t work Did We work?
They They They

Слова подсказки
Last week
Last month
Last year

Work - worked

Live - lived

Hand over – handed over

Arrive - arrived

Sail - sailed

Repair - repaired

Check – checked
1. Put verbs in correct form of Past Simple. 3. Translate from Russian into English.

Поставьте глаголы в правильной форме Переведите с русского на английский.

прошедшего времени.
1. Я жил в Одессе.
1. Ship _________ (arrive) to port at 10
o’clock yesterday. 2. Я работал в море.
2. Chief Engineer __________ 3. Я сдал вахту в 8.
(not/write) report.
3. ________ they (clean) cabin? 4. Судно прибыло в порт.
4. Ship _______ (carry) cotton.
5. Я ремонтировал оборудование.
5. Storm _________(finish) at 9 o’clock.
6. What time ______ you ________ 6. Второй помощник проверял карты.
(finish) your work yesterday?
7. ________ you _________ (work) in 7. Он не смотрел телевизор.
mixed crew?
8. Капитан не писал отчет.
8. They _________ (embark) vessel at 6
o’clock. 9. Механики не играли в карты.

2. Make negatives and questions. 10. Рулевой управлял судном?

Поставьте предложения в отрица- 11. Вы ремонтировали спасательную
тельную и вопросительную формы. шлюпку?

He handed over. 4. Answer questions about yourself.

He didn’t hand over. Ответьте на вопросы про себя.
Did he hand over?
1. Did you live in London?

1. Ship loaded electrical equipment. 2. Did you work at sea?

2. Third officer checked all safety equipment.
3. Where did you study?
3. O.S. paіnted deck.
4. Did your vessel carry bulk cargo?
4. Helmsman steered the vessel.

5. Engineers overhauled main engine. 5. Did you repair equipment yesterday?

6. Two passengers disembarked in previous 6. When did you finish your work
port. yesterday?
7. 4th Engineer increased level of water in
7. Did you watch TV yesterday?

8. Pilot embarked ship 15 minutes ago. 8. Did you test fire alarm on Sunday?

1. Read the text. Complete gaps.
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски.


work receive was

start leak
finish carry arrive damage

Last year I ________ on general cargo ship. My position ______ Second Engineer. Our

vessel _______ cargo from England to Spain. We _________ to port at 5 o’clock and loaded

cargo. When we ___________ cargo operations Port Officer checked our documents. At 8 o

‘clock we ___________ our voyage to Spain. Weather was very good and sunny. I worked in

Engine room when Captain called me. He __________ weather forecast about storm.

Storm started at 12 use a o’clock. It was very heavy storm and it _________ our cargo

because a lot of water _________ into the hold.

2. Complete and answer questions.

Дополните вопросы и ответьте на вопросы.

1. Where __________ you work?

I _________________________.

2. What cargo _____ your vessel carry?

My vessel ______________________.

3. What time _______ you arrive to port?

I _______________________________.

4. When _____ you load cargo?

We _____________________________.

5. What ________ storm damage?

Storm _________ __________________.


In the crewing office

1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

 receive promotion – получить повышение;

 qualification – квалификация;

 experience – опыт;

 assemble – собирать;

 disassemble – разбирать;

 maintain – обслуживать;

 fill – заполнять;

 application form – анкета;

2. Read and translate text.

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

- Hello. My name is Dana Smith. I am manager and I want to ask you a few questions.

- Yes, of course. You are welcome.

- First of all what is your present position?

- My present position is a Third engineer but in my last contract I received promotion to a Second

- Do you want to apply for a position of a Second Engineer?

- Yes. I think I have enough qualification and experience for this position.

- Where did you study?

- I finished Odessa National Maritime Academy.

- Did you work on container ships?

- Yes. I worked on container ship during my last contract.

- How long was your contract?

- It was 7 months.

- Did you work in a mixed crew?

- Yes. I worked with Indian and German people.

- What areas did your vessel operate in?

- My ship operated in Atlantic and Pacific oceans most of the time.

- What cargo did your ship carry?

- It was general cargo.

- What engine did you have on your last vessel?

- It was slow speed, two stroke engine.

- What were you duties?

- I was responsible for auxiliary engine, diesel generators, separators, compressors and pumps. I
repaired, adjusted, assembled, disassembled and maintained all equipment.

- When did you disembark from this ship?

- I finished my contract in September.

- Good. Please fill this application form and we contact with you as soon as we have open

2. Make 8 questions to this dialogue.

Составьте 8 вопросов к диалогу.

1. Where did he study?

2. ________________?

3. ________________?

4. ________________?

5. ________________?

6. ________________?

7. ________________?

8. ________________?

3. Make similar dialogue.

Составьте похожий диалог.

Lesson 7
1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

Leave – покидать;

Put – класть;

Burst – лопнуть, взорваться;

Cut – резать;

Put out – тушить;

Catch – поймать;

Hold – держать;

Bring – приносить;

2. Fill the gaps with a correct word from exercise 1.

Заполните пропуски словами из 1-го упражнения.

1. __________ port.

2. __________ documents on the table.

3. __________ fire.

4. __________ foam fire extinguisher.

5. pump ___________ .

6. __________ pirates.


Past Simple. Irregular verbs

В английском языке прошедшее время образуется при помощи окончания ed.

Например: I worked

Но есть слова исключения, которые изменяются не по правилам. Их просто нужно

запомнить. Такие глаголы называются неправильные.

Для того, чтобы образовать прошедшее время такого глагола мы берем его из второй
колонки таблицы неправильных глаголов.

See – saw

Have – had.


I saw Captain – Я видел капитана.

В отрицательной и вопросительной форме глагол не меняется!

I didn’t see

Did you see?

1. Put verbs in Past Simple.

Поставьте глаголы в прошедшем времени.

1) See – __________

2) Go – __________

3) Drink – __________

4) Eat – __________

5) Hold – __________

6) Have - __________

7) Be – __________

8) Catch – __________

9) Buy – __________

10) Leave – __________

11) Cut - __________

2. Make negatives and questions. 4. Make and answer questions.

Поставьте предложения в Составьте вопросы и ответьте на них.

отрицательную и вопросительную
1. You/see fire in the engine room?

1. I saw Captain on the bridge. 2. Captain/go ashore yesterday?

2. Engineers put out fire yesterday. 3. Hose/burst in engine room?

3. Second Officer wrote the report 1 hour ago. 4. Chief Officer/have a lot of free time in last
4. Motorman brought all tools.
5. Bosun/drink coffee?
5. We drank coffee in the morning.
6. Coastguard/catch pirates?
6. All crew members went ashore.
7. Chief Engineer/write report?
7. Ship left port at 7 o’clock.
8. You/forget repair pump.
8. Hose burst during bunkering operation.
5. Answer the questions about you.
3. Put verbs in correct form of Past Simple. Ответьте на вопросы про себя.

Поставьте глаголы в правильной форме 1. When did you go ashore?

прошедшего времени. 2. When did you see a good film?
1. I _______________ (get up) late. 3. When did you get a present?
4. When did you speak to Captain?
2. He _______________ (have) a lot of fuel. 5. When did vessel leave last port?
6. When did you read manual?
3. We _______________ (get) information 7. That tools did you bring?
about storm. 8. Did you take all documents?

4. Ship_______________ (have) a lot of Translate from Russian into English.

1. Я ходил на берег.
5. When _______ you _______________ 2. Мы купили новое оборудование.
(see) Captain?
3. Судно покинуло порт рано утром.
6. Agent _______________ (drive) when we
4.Мы продали весь товар.
_______________ (go) to airport.
5. У нас было два часа свободного
7.Ship_______________ (not/leave) port on времени.
6. Матросы пришли на борт поздно.
8.We_______________ (buy) food in last 7. Старший помощник написал два отчета.
8. Мы поймали пиратов на борту судна.


1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

Early - рано
Later - позже
Follow - следовать
Become clear – становиться понятным
Plotting – прокладка курса
Measure - измерять
Despite – несмотря на
Movement - движение

2. Read and translate text.

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Ocean going clock

The first expedition sailed around the world in early 16th century. Magellan made this
expedition. Later Sir Francis Drake followed him. It soon became clear that one of the main
problem was plotting their position at sea. And to do this they needed to accurately measure time.
In the 18th century John Harrison invented an ocean going clock that told time accurately despite
the weather and movement of the sea. And Captain Cook was the first person who used this clock
over a long journey.

3. Write True or false.

1. The first expedition sailed around the world in early 16 th century

2. One of the main problem was loading cargo.

3. John Harrison invented an ocean going clock

4. Clock didn’t tell time correctly because of the weather.

5. And Captain Cook was the first person who used this clock over a long journey.


My last weekend
1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

Ill – больной;

stay in bed – оставаться в постели;

get – добираться;

expensive – дорогой;

sweets – сладости;

clothes – одежда;

spend – проводить;

It’s a pity – мне жаль;

2. Read and translate the dialogue.

Прочитайте и переведите диалог.

Mark: - Hi. How was your weekend?

Paul: - Great! What about you?
Mark: - Not very nice. I was ill most part of it and stayed in bed. What did you do?
Paul: - Oh, it’s a pity. And I went ashore with Jim and Steve.
Mark: - How did you get to the city?
Paul: - We went by bus. It’s not very expensive and very fast.
Mark: - I understand. Did you see anything interesting?
Paul: - First of all we went to café and had a good breakfast. After we visited an old part of the
Mark: - Were there many people?
Paul: - Yes. We saw a lot of tourists of different nationalities. We met a guy from France.
Mark: - Did you go shopping?
Paul: - Yes, of course! I bought a lot of sweets and some clothes. And in the evening we went to
the theatre.
Mark: - As I see you spend a great day!
Paul: - Yes. It’s a pity that you were ill.

3. Answer the questions.
Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Did Mark go ashore yesterday?

2. What did Paul do?

3. Who did he go with?

4. How did he get to the city?

5. Where did he have breakfast?

6. Did he go shopping?

7. What did he buy?

8. Where did he go in the evening?

In the city.

4. Read and translate dialogue.

Прочитайте и переведите диалог.

- Excuse me? Can you help me please?

- Yes of course. What can I do for you?

- I need to go to the port. What bus goes there?

- You need bus № 234. The bus stop is round the corner.

- Thanks a lot. How often do buses go?

- Buses go every fifteen minutes.

- How much is the ticket.

- It costs 1.50 but If you buy bus pass for a week it’s 10 dollars.

- You helped me a lot. Thank you.

- You are welcome.

5. Make similar dialogue.

Составьте похожий диалог.

Lesson 8
1. Learn new words.
Выучите новые слова.

Fruits. Vegetables Meat Other Drinks

Apple – яблоко Potato - Chicken - Bread - хлеб Tea - чай

Orange - картофель курица Cheese - сыр Coffee - кофе
апельсин Cabbage - Pork - свинина Butter – масло Juice - сок
Grapes - капуста Veal - телятина (сливочное) Milk - молоко
виноград Tomato - Beef - говядина Oil - масло Beer - пиво
Peach - персик помидор Mutton - (растительное) Wine - вино
Plum - слива Cucumber - баранина Soup - суп mineral water
Apricot - абрикос огурец Lamb - ягнятина Rice - рис –
Water melon - Carrot - морковь Goose - гусь Sausage - минеральная
арбуз Onion -лук Turkey - колбаса вода
Melon - дыня Garlic - чеснок индейка Pie - пирог Sparkling – с
Strawberry - Mushrooms - Rabbit - кролик Cake - торт газами
клубника грибы Sandwich - Still – без
бутерброд газов

Have breakfast - завтракать

Have lunch - обедать
Have dinner - ужинать
Fry - жарить
Boil - варить
Roast – запекать в духовке
Stew - тушить

2. Answer the questions.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is your favourite fruit?

2. What is your favourite vegetable?

3. What is your favourite drink?

4. What time do you have breakfast?

5. What do you eat for lunch?

6. Where do you usually have dinner?


Countable/ Uncountable
Все существительные (слова, которые отвечают на вопрос что, например стол) в
английском языке делятся на две группы: исчисляемые (то, что посчитать можно) и
неисчисляемые (то, что посчитать нельзя).

В английском языке к неисчисляемым существительным относится:

- жидкое (молоко, чай, вода)
- сыпучее (сахар, соль, крупы)
- все что идет большим куском (хлеб, масло, торт)
- деньги и время

Перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе ставится артикль an

(перед гласными) и a (перед согласными).
Например: I have an apple.

Во множественном числе перед существительными ставится some.

I need some apples.

Перед неисчисляемыми существительными ставится some.

I have some tea.

В отрицаниях и вопросах some меняется на any.

I don’t have any tea.

Do you have any tea?

Count Uncount
a/an Some

I have an apple. I have some water

Some Any
I don’t have any water
I have some apples
Do you have any water

1 Put a/an, some.
Заполните пропуски используя a/an, some.

1) _____ potato 2) ____ bread 3 ) _____milk 4) ____juice

5) _____ cheese 6) ___ butter 7) ___ meat 8)____ rice

9) ____ cucumber 10) ______ orange 11) ____ icecream 12) _____ pea

2 Put a/an, some/any

Заполните пропуски используя a/an, some.

1. I need _____ milk.

2. Do you have ______ cheese?
3. I would like _______ apples.
4. I don’t have ______ coffee.
5. I ate _____ soup.
6. I don’t need ______ sugar.
7. Give me ________ salt.
8. She is eating _____ orange.
9. Do you have ______ time?
10. I saw________ bananas.

3. Choose correct variant.

Выберите правильный вариант.

I would like to eat some soup/a soup

1. Give me a juice/ some juice.

2. Do you have any time/some time?
3. Put some sugar/any sugar in my tea.
4. I don’t want any soup/some soup.
5. Give me a meat/some meat.
6. Does Captain drink a coffee/any coffee?
7. Do you need a money/any money.
8. Give me a potato/some potato.


1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.
Noodles - лапша
Seafood - морепродукты
Hot - острый
Spicy – острый (со специями)
Habit - привычка
Knife - нож
Fork - вилка
Busy - занятый
Bake –печь, выпекать
Pineapple - ананас
Light - легкий
Tasty - вкусный

2. Read and translate the text.

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Food for my crew

My name is Jake. I am a cook on this ship. I start my work at 7 a.m. every day.
I work in a mixed crew so I need to prepare food for people of different nationalities. For example
Chinese people like rice and noodles, Spanish prefer seafood, German seamen eat a lot of meat and
sausages and Indians like hot and spicy food.
It’s also interesting to learn about eating habits of different nationalities. Chinese and Japanese
use chopsticks, Arabs eat with their hands and Europeans use knives and forks.
My working day is always very busy. First I prepare breakfast. For breakfast I usually cook
some fried and boiled eggs, an omelet, some sandwiches with sausage and cheese and some
porridge. Sometimes I bake a pie or some rolls.
All crew always have lunch at 1 p.m. so I need to prepare a lot of food by this time.
For lunch I make some soup, fry some meat and roast vegetables. Also I prepare different salads.
Captain and Chief Officer like vegetable salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. Third engineer likes
salad with chicken and pineapple. Ratings always ask to prepare mushrooms.
In the evening I prepare something light for example boiled rice and roasted fish. Most of the
crew prefers salmon but sometimes they ask for trout or perch.
I like my job very much. I fell happy if people think that my food is tasty.
3. Answer the questions.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Does Jake work in a mixed crew?
2. What food do Chinese people eat?
3. What do Spanish sailors prefer?
4. What does Cook prepare for lunch?
5. What salad does Chief Officer prefer?
6. Why does Cook like his job?

1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

Can I help you? – Могу я вам помочь?

Need - нужно
Follow me – следуйте за мной
Order - заказ
Hungry – голодный
I would like – я бы хотел
Can I have the bill? – Можно мне счет?
Keep the change – Сдачу оставьте себе.
How would you like to pay? – Как вы будете расплачиваться?

2. Read and translate dialogue.

Почитайте и переведите диалог.

In the café

Waiter: Hello! Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, please. I need a table for two people.
Waiter: Do you smoke?
Customer: Yes. I smoke.
Waiter: Follow me. Here is your table. Here is your menu and wine list.
Customer: Thanks.
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Customer: Yes. What soup can you recommend me to have?
Waiter: We have fish soup, cream soup of mushrooms, cheese soup and vegetable soup. Fish soup
is very delicious but if you are not very hungry vegetable soup is good too.
Customer: Well, I would like fish soup then. What about meat. How do you prepare pork?
Waiter: We can roast it, fry, grill or boil.
Customer: I would like to have roasted pork with grilled vegetables. How much time do you need
to cook it?
Waiter: 20 minutes for soup and 30 minutes for pork. Anything to drink?
Customer: Just a glass of sparkling mineral water, please. And bring me some bread.
Waiter: Yes, of course. Would you like brown or white.
Customer: Brown, please.

Waiter: Here is your order. Enjoy your meal.

Customer: Thanks. Can I have the bill, please?
Waiter: How would you like to pay? In cash or by credit card?
Customer: In cash. Keep the change

Lesson 9
1. Learn new words.
Выучите новые слова
Big - большой; Slow – медленный;
Small – маленький; Hot – жаркий;
Long - длинный; Cold -холодный;
Short – короткий; Old - старый;
Heavy - тяжелый; Young – молодой;
Light – легкий; Modern – современный;
Easy - легкий (не сложный); Update – современный,
Difficult – трудный; усовершенствованный;
Expensive – дорогой; Fresh – свежий;
Cheap - дешевый; Powerful – мощный;
Fast – быстрый;
2.Match opposites.
Соедините слова с противоположным значением.


1) Small a) Hot
2) Long b) Light
3) Modern c) Cheap
4) Slow d) Big
5) Easy e) Short
6) Heavy f) Fast
7) Expensive g) Difficult
8) Cold h) Old

3. Put words from exercise 1 into the gaps.

Заполните пропуски словами из упражнения 1

1. I drink ______________ juice every day.

2. I work on _______________ vessel. All equipment is new and update.
3. This car is very powerful and ______________ .
4. Africa is very ______________ country.
5. I think English is not difficult. It is ______________ .
6. We use crane to lift ______________ objects.
7. This line is ______________ . Give me long line.
8. Our speed is very ______________.
4. Answer the questions.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Is your ship old?
2. Is your native language difficult?
3. Is this engine powerful?
4. Is your work easy?
5. Is this cargo heavy?
6. Do you like fast food?
7. Do you go to expensive restaurants?
8. Do you live in a hot country?

Comparative and Superlative degree

Сравнительная и превосходная степень прилагательных.

При образовании сравнительной и превосходной степени прилагательных мы

обращаем внимание на количество слогов в слове.
Сравнительная степень:
1. если слово состоит из одного слога, к нему добавляется окончание er (old – older)
2. Если слово заканчивается на букву y, буква у меняется на i и к слову добавляется
окончание er heavy - heavier

3. если слово состоит больше, чем из одного слога (2-3-4), перед ним нужно поставить more
(beautiful - more beautiful)

4. Если слово состоит из 3-х букв и гласная окружена согласными к слову добавляется
окончание er, а последняя согласная удваивается (big - bigger)

Превосходная степень прилагательных:

1. если слово состоит из одного слога, к нему добавляется окончание est (old – the oldest)

2. Если слово заканчивается на букву y, буква у меняется на i и к слову добавляется

окончание est heavy - the heaviest

3. если слово состоит больше, чем из одного слога (2-3-4), перед ним нужно поставить most
(beautiful - the most beautiful)

4. Если слово состоит из 3-х букв и гласная окружена согласными к слову добавляется
окончание est, а последняя согласная удваивается (big – the biggest)
Base form Comparative Superlative

old older the oldest

heavy heavier the heaviest

beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful

big bigger the biggest

good better the best
bad worse the worst
little less the least
much/many more the most
far further the furtherst

Например: This ship is bigger than that ship.

1. Put words in comparative and superlative degree.
Поставте слова в сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных.

Например: clean-cleaner-the cleanest

Base Comparative Superlative

1. old
2. cheap
3. new
4. clean
5. dirty
6. powerful
7. expensive
8. friendly
9. easy
10. dry

2. Put adjectives in comparative degree.

Поставьте прилагательные в сравнителную степень.

Например: My ship is bigger (big) than your ship

1. This route is ______________ (long) than previous.

2. Our navigation system is ______________ (good).

3. These tools are ______________ (cheap).

4. Today my working day is ______________ (difficult).

5. Air is ______________ (fresh) near the sea.

6. This sack is ______________ (heavy).

7. Our machinery is ______________ (new).

8. I have ______________ (little) time then you.

3. Put adjectives in superlative degree

Поставьте прилагательные в превосходную степень.

Например: My ship is the biggest ( big) than your ship

1. This voyage is ____________ (good).

2. This is ____________ (heavy) cargo.
3. I need ____________ (new) equipment.
4. He is _____________ (tall) man on our ship.
5. This day is ___________ (hot) this summer.
6. Our Chief Officer is ____________ (friendly).

4. Translate from Russian into English.
Переведите с русского на английский.

1. Судно «Астория» длиннее, чем судно «Титан».

2. Груз в трюме № 2 тяжелее, чем груз в трюме № 3.

3. Капитан старше, чем старший помощник.

4. Отель «Одесса» ближе к порту, чем отель «Черное море».

5. Эта мачта больше чем та.

6. Сегодня погода холоднее, чем вчера.

7. Этот ресторан хуже.

8. Твоя машина дороже, чем моя.

5. Compare two vessels.

Сравните два судна.

Ship’s characteristics M.V. Challenge MV. Headway

Year of build (old)
Length (long)
Width (wide)
Depth (high)
Horse power (powerful)
Cargo (heavy)
Equipment (modern )

1. MV Headway is older than MV Challenge

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________

4. __________________________________

5. __________________________________

6. __________________________________

7. __________________________________


How was your last voyage?

1. Read and translate the dialogue.

Прочитайте и переведите диалог.

- Hi Tom. When did you come back from the voyage?

- Hi Mark. I came back last week.

- Really? How was your last voyage? Was it better than previous?

- Oh. I can’t say this. My vessel was older than previous. So I had more work to do.

- It’s a pity. What was year of built of your vessel?

- I don’t remember exactly. 1987 I think.

- Well, It’s rather old. What about navigational equipment?

- You know. It was not so bad. I can say It was more modern than on my previous ship.

- I see. What about crew? Did you have friendly people on board?

- Oh, yes. They were the friendliest people I know. I miss them all very much.

- How long was your contract?

- It was shorter than previous one. Only four months.

- Was salary bigger this time?

- A little bit. But not much.

2. Make similar dialogue. Compare your last contracts.

Составьте похожий диалог. Сравните два ваших последних контракта.

Every day English

Shirt – рубашка Trousers брюки Tie – галстук Shoes – туфли

T-shirt - футболка Jeans - джинсы Hat – шапка, шляпа Boots – ботинки, сапоги

Sweater – свитер Gloves – перчатки Trainers - кроссовки

Suit – костюм Scarf - шарф

Coat – пальто Socks – носки

Jacket - куртка Belt – ремень

Underwear – нижнее белье

 Can I help you? – Могу я Вам помочь?

 I need – Мне нужно

 Can I try it on? – Могу я примерить это?

 Where is the changing room? – Где примерочная?

 What size are you? – Какой у вас размер?

 It’s not my size – Это не мой размер.

 I need a bigger size. – Мне нужен больший размер.

 Small – маленький;

 Medium – средний;

 Large – большой;

 Shop assistant – продавец;

 Customer - посетитель;

1. Read and translate dialogue.
Прочитайте и переведите диалог.

In the shop.
Shop assistant: Hello. How can I help you?

Customer: I need a pair of jeans.

Shop assistant: What size are you?

Customer: Medium size.

Shop assistant: What colour do you need?

Customer: I prefer dark blue jeans, please.

Shop assistant: Look at this pair. Do you like it?

Customer: I am not sure. Can I try them on?

Shop assistant: Yes of course.

Customer: Where is the changing room?

Shop assistant: Go straight and turn left. It’s over there.

…. Is it your size?

Customer: I am afraid it is not my size. Do you have a bigger pair?

Shop assistant: Let me see… Here you are!

Customer: Oh, well. This size fits me. How much is it?

Shop assistant: 67 dollars, please.

Customer Can I pay by credit card?

Shop assistant: Credit card is fine.

Customer Thank you

2. Make similar dialogue.

Составьте похожий диалог.


Lesson 10
1. Learn new words.
Выучите новые слова.


Grinder – турбинка;

Hammer – молоток;

Screwdriver – отвертка;

File – напильник;

Pliers – плоскогубцы;

Wrench – гаечный ключ;

Chipping hammer – обрубочный молоток;

Scraper – скребок;

Tongs – клещи;

Turning lathe – токарный станок

Wire brush – проволочная щетка

2. Match words to the pictures.

1._____________ 2.____________ 3._____________ 4.________________

5._____________ 6.________________ 7._________________


Present Continuous
Употребляется если действие происходит в тот момент, когда мы о нем говорим. То есть мы
что-то делаем сейчас и говорим об этом.

Например: Я пишу сейчас. I am writing now.


Positive Negative Questions

I am working I am not working Am I working?

He He is not working He
She is working She Is She working?
It It It
You You You
We are working We are not working Are We working?
They They They

Слова подсказки:
at the moment

1. Put words in Present Continuous.
Поставьте слова в предложении в Present Continuous.

1. Motorman _______________ (repair) grinder now.

2. Rating _______________ (take) scraper now.
3. Bosun _______________ (look for) screwdriver now.
4. He _______________ (give) me file now.
5. I _______________ (adjust) turning lathe now.
6. They _______________ (use) chipping hammer now.
7. He _______________ (change) brush now.
8. He _______________ (clean) tools now.

2. Make and answer questions.

Составьте вопросы и ответьте на них.
1. He/speak?
2. They/check equipment?
3. You/go ashore?
4. He/clean nozzles?
5. You/use fire extinguisher?
6. Ship/leave port?
7. Bosun/load cargo?
8. Master/fill log book?

Translate from Russian into English.

Переведите с русского на английский.

1. Он убирает каюту сейчас.

2. Мы грузим груз сейчас.
3. Капитан разговаривает с таможенными властями.
4. Матрос красит палубу сейчас.
5. Старший помощник корректирует карты.
6. Механик читает инструкцию.
7. Я не управляю судном.
8. Они не идут на берег.
9. Он не спускает шлюпку.
10. Вы не тестируете пожарную тревогу.

3. Answer the questions.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are you doing now?

2. What are you wearing now?
3. Why are you smiling now?
4. Is your friend watching TV now?
5. Are you learning English now?
6. Where is your ship sailing now?
7. Who is sitting next to you now?
8. What cargo is ship unloading now?


1. Fill the gaps.

Заполните пропуски.

letter knocking orders feel

busy are discussing port equipment.

Hi Jane!

How are you?

I am writing you this _______ from Canada. We arrived here two days ago. We are staying in

_______ now. I am sitting in my cabin now. The weather is very nice, warm and sunny. All our

crew is ______ but I don’t work today because I have a day off. Our Master is speaking with

agent now. I think they ____________ some cargo operations. Chief Officer and Second

Officer are giving ________ on deck. All ratings are also there. They are preparing all cargo

_______. Third Engineer is keeping watch in the engine room now. But all other engineers are

going ashore. I think Cook is preparing a dinner because I can _______ a nice smell from the

galley. Oh, Jane I have to go, Somebody is _________ to my door.

Write to you later. Take care!


2. Answer questions.
Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Where is Tom now?___________________________________________________________

2. Is he working in the engine room now? ____________________________________________
3. Why isn’t he working today?____________________________________________________
4. What is muster doing? _________________________________________________________
5. What are ratings preparing? _____________________________________________________
6. Is Cook going ashore now? _____________________________________________________
7. Who is keeping watch in the engine room? _________________________________________

1. Read and translate.
Прочитайте и переведите.

- Hi Tom! Are you busy?

- Yes I am writing a report to the office. Why?

- I am sorry to bother you but I need your help.

- What happened?

- Well. Our engineers are repairing machinery now. Pump sticked and we don’t know what to
do. Can you come and help us?

- Ok. Let’s go. I think I can finish my report later.

2. Complete dialogue with your own ideas.

Дополните диалог.

- Hi Mark! Can I talk to you?

- Sorry but I am busy. I am _______________ Is it urgent?

- We______________________ _________________ And we need your help.

- Well. I am coming.

Every day English

In the hotel
1. Learn new words.
Выучите слова.

Book – бронировать;
Single - одноместный номер;
Double – двухместный;
Triple – трехместный;
Date of arrival – дата прибытия;
Date of departure – дата отъезда;
Continental breakfast - континентальный завтрак;
laundry service – прачечная;

2. Read and translate dialogue.

Прочитайте и переведите диалог.

- Hello. I would like to book a room in your hotel.

- What kind of room do you need?

- Single room, please with a view to sea. Do you have a parking place in your hotel.

- Yes we have a car park on the territory of the hotel.

- Is breakfast included?

- Yes It is. We have continental breakfast from 7 am. to 10 a.m.

- Well, I’d like to stay in your place.

- When are you planning to arrive?

- I am planning to come next Monday.

- How long do you want to stay?

- Three or four days.

- What is your name?

- John Carter.

- Could you spell it please?

- Yes, of course.

London Hotel
Complete this form please.

Name _________________________________________________________________________

E mail _________________________________________________________________________

Tel ___________________________________________________________________________

Adress _________________________________________________________________________

Country _______________________________________________________________________

Number of guests _______________________________________________________________

Number of rooms _____ single: double

Check in

Check out

Dear Sir or Madam.

I would like to book a room in your hotel.

I need a single room for the period from 35 of July to 28 of July. I prefer a room with a view of sea
if it is possible.

Could you tell me if breakfast included in the price of room? Do I need to sent a deposit?

Yours sincerely.

3. Write your letter. Book a room in a hotel.


Lesson 11
Medicine. Personal Protective Eqipment
Медицина. Личные защитные средства

1. Learn new words.

Parts of the body.
Части тела

Head – голова; Hand – кисть;

Eyes – глаза; Leg - нога;
Nose – нос; Knee – колено;
Mouth – рот; Foot – ступня;
Lips – губы; Back - спина;
Cheek – щека; Spine – позвоночник;
Teeth – зубы; Stomach – желудок;
Ears – уши; Heart – сердце;
Neck – шея; Liver –печень;
Shoulder – плечо; Kidneys – почки;
Arm – рука;

Personal protective equipment

 Safety gloves – защитные перчатки;

 Safety goggles – защитные очки;
 Safety boots – защитная обувь;
 Helmet –каска;
 Overalls – роба;
 Ear defenders – наушники от шума;

2. Match safety clothes to correct part of the body.

Соедините названия частей тела с правильным типом защитной одежды.

Eyes safety boots

Head overalls

Body safety goggles

Feet helmet

Ears safety gloves

Hands ear defenders

3. Complete sentences.
Дополните предложения.

1. What protective clothes do you use to protect your eyes?

I use ____________________ to protect my ____________

2. What do you use to protect your feet?

I use ____________________ to protect my ____________

3.What do you use to protect your head?

I use ____________________ to protect my ____________

4.What do you use to protect your hands?

I use ____________________ to protect my ____________

5. What do you use to protect your ears?

I use ____________________ to protect my ____________

Types of injury
Типы травм

Cut – порез, порезаться;

Burn – ожог, обжечься;
Strain - растянуть, растяжение;
Break - перелом, сломать;
Bruise – ушиб, удариться;

1. Translate from Russian into English.

Переведите с русского на английский.

1. Матрос порезал палец, когда работал на палубе.

2. Механик надорвал спину, когда поднимал тяжелое оборудование.

3. Рядовой сломал ногу, потому что не надел защитную обувь.

4. Матрос второго класса обжегся, когда тушил пожар.

5. Я ушиб колено, когда был на вахте.


Давайте вспомним какие времена английского языка мы выучили.

Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple

всегда сейчас вчера
I work I am working I worked

I don’t work I am not working I didn’t work

Do I work? Am I working? Did I work?

1. Put words in correct form of Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple.
1. I ______________ (burn) my arm yesterday.
2. He always ______________ (wear) helmet when he works on deck.
3. Rating ______________ (test equipment) now.
4. ________ you ______________ (read) manual every day?
5. Where _______ you ______________ (put) fire extinguisher?
6. Who _______________________ (keep watch) now?
7. I ______________ (find) these documents five minutes ago.
8. Captain______________ (not want) to sign this document.

2. Answer the questions.

1. What cargo does your ship usually carry?

2. Did you send your application form to this company?

3. What tools do you usually use at your work?

4. Are you checking level of water in the boiler now?

5. Who chipped rust yesterday?

6. Is Chief Engineer starting engine now?

7. Did you check valves last week?

8. Do you usually take part in anchoring operations

1. Read and translate.

Dear Mr _______________

I am writing about personal injuries we had at sea during last year.

On the 2 nd of September AB Collins broke his leg. It happened on deck. Deck was oily he
slipped and fell. Unfortunately he didn’t wear his safety boots. We gave him First Aid and took
him to hospital in the next port. Doctor told that break wasn’t too serious.

We had another injury in December. There was a small fire in the kitchen. Cook forgot to
switch off the stove. He tried to extinguish fire himself and burned his hands.

Fourth Engineer strained his back the same month. He lifted heavy equipment alone because
hoist broke and he didn’t repair it.

Also sailors had a lot of cases of cuts but they were not too serious. Mainly it happened when
ratings worked with sharp machinery.

There were no cases of eyes injury last year.

2. Answer the questions.

1. What injuries were at sea last year?

2. Where did A.B. break his leg?

3. Did he wear safety boots?

4. Why did Cook burn his hands?

5. What did engineer lift?

6. Did anybody help him?

7. How did ratings cut themselves?

8. Were there any cases of eye injuries?

Every day English
Повседневный английский.

In hospital
1. Learn new words.

Hurt - болеть;
Pain - боль;
Head ache - головная боль;
Tooth ache - зубная боль;
Stomach ache – боль в желудке;
Backache – боль в спине;
Sore throat - больное горло;
Cold – простуда;
Get a cold – простудиться;
Sneeze – чихать;
Cough - кашлять;
Flu - грипп;

2. Read and translate.

A.B:. Hello Doc. Can I see you for a moment?
Doctor: Yes, of course. What happened to you?
A.B.:I think I broke my leg.
Doctor: How did it happen? What did you do?
A.B.: I slipped on deck. It was wet and oily.
Doctor: Let me see. Did you wear your safety shoes?
A.B.: No I didn’t.
Doctor: It’s very bad. You must always wear safety shoes when you work on deck.
A.B.: Yes I know. But it was very hot and uncomfortable so I took them off.
Doctor: Well. You don’t have break. It’s just bruise. I will give you cream, use it three times a day.
And take this painkillers.

Seaman: Hello
Doctor: Hello. Come in and sit down. What’s the matter?
Seaman: I feel not very well. I sneeze and cough and I feel very weak.
Doctor: Do you have a temperature?
Seaman: Yes I have. Also I have a terrible headache
Doctor: When did you start getting temperature?
Seaman: I think yesterday evening.
Doctor: Did you eat anything cold?
Seaman: No I didn’t but I took part in mooring operations yesterday. The weather was very cold
and windy. May be I got a cold there.
Doctor: Yes. It could be. You should stay in bed and drink plenty of liquids. Also I will give you
this prescription. Take these tablets three times a day. And come to see me in 3 days.

3. Make your own dialogue.

Lesson 12

Types of ship
1. Learn new words.

Dry cargo ship – сухогруз

General cargo ship – судно по перевозке генеральных грузов
Bulk carrier – балкер
Ro-Ro ship – судно типа ро-ро
Chemical carrier - химовоз
Container carrier - контейнеровоз
Ice breaker - ледоколы
Lighter - лихтер
Oil tanker - танкер
Pilot boat – лоцманский катер
Refrigerator ship – рефрижераторное судно
Tug - буксир

2. Complete the table.

Sugar tea fruits fuel meat cars container

chemicals sand vegetable oil wheat rice

Type of ship Cargo







Present Perfect Tense
На русский язык Present Perfect переводится как настоящее совершенное, на самом же деле
это время прошедшее.
Есть несколько случаев употребления этого времени.
1. Present Perfect мы употребляем если действие произошло в прошлом, но мы не
уточняем, когда именно оно произошло. Например: Я работал в большой
компании (I have worked in a big company). Мы говорим, что работали в большой
компании, но не уточняем когда именно. Для нас важен, сам факт того, что мы
работали, а время не имеет значения.
2. Present Perfect используется когда действие произошло в прошлом, а результат этого
действия мы видим сейчас. Например: Он сломал ногу (He has broken his leg). Ногу
он мог сломать вчера или позавчера, а сейчас мы видим, что он не может ходить.
3. Present Perfect используется если действие началось в прошлом, продолжалось до
настоящего момента и все еще продолжается: Например: Я учу английский с
сентября. (I have studied English since September). Я начал учить английский в
сентябре, все это время его учил и буду продолжат в будущем.

Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола have или has и причастия
прошедшего времени глагола (глагол с окончанием ed или третья колонка для неправильных
Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма

I have worked I have not worked Have I worked?

He He He
She has worked She has not worked Has She worked?
It It It

You You You

We have worked We have not worked Have We worked?
They They They

Cлова подсказки
Just (только что).
Ставится в утвердительных предложениях после have
I have just finished
Already (уже)
Ставится в утвердительных предложениях после have
I have alredy finished
Yet (уже)
Ставится только в вопросительной и отрицательной формах. В вопросах переводится как
уже, в отрицаниях как еще
Have you finished yet?
I haven’t finished, yet

1. Put sentences in Present Perfect Tense.
Поставьте предложения в Present Perfect Tense.

1. I _____________ (finish) my work.

2. We __________________ (repair) all equipment.

3. They ___________ (test) the radar.

4. We ______already __________ (launch) lifeboat.

5. He _______ just _________ (report) to Master.

6. They ________ (not/finished) loading yet.

7. ______ you (see) where I put my toolbox?

8. How long ________ you _________ (wait) me?

2. Choose the correct tense.

Выбрать правильное время.

1. We stowed/ have stowed equipment in the store room during last voyage.

2. He has already assembled/ already assembled equipment.

3. We have just tighten / just tighten this line.

4. Have you plugged/did you plug all scuppers?

5. When did you finish/when have you finished watch yesterday?

7. I increased/have increased pressure 5 minutes ago.

8. Who took/has taken my grinding machine?

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or past simple.
Поставить глаголы в скобках в present perfect или past simple.

1. I __________________ (not/go) to work yesterday because I was ill.

2. Where ________________(you/put/tools) a kite?
3. There is nothing in the box. I _______________ (just/empty) it.
4. Ratings __________________ (sign off) last week.
5. ___________________ (you/eat) all the chocolate cake last night?
6. ___________________ (you/disassemble) this equipment yet?
7. I ___________________ (drink) 5 cups of coffee yesterday
8. David _______________________ (receive promotion).
9. ______________________ (you/come) to work by bus yesterday?
10. _____________________ (you/ correct charts) last Saturday?

4. Answer questions about you.
Ответьте на вопросы. 6. Read the dialogue.
Прочитайте диалог.
1. Have you ever worked at sea?
____________________________ - Where do you work?

2. Have you worked in a mixed - I work in “ABCD” company.

- How long have you worked there?

3. Have you worked in a foreign - I have worked there for 5 years.

- Where did you work before?
- Before I worked in “Ship” company
4. How long have you worked on this

____________________________ 7. Make similar dialogue.

Составьте похожий диалог.
5. What types of ships have you
worked on? a)
- Do you have car?
____________________________ - Yes I ___________________________
- How long ________________________
6. What areas have you worked in? - I _______________________________
- When ___________________________
____________________________ - I _______________________________

5. Ask and answer questions. - Do you know our new Chief Officer?
Задайте вопросы и ответьте на - Yes I _____________________________
вопросы. - How long _________________________
- I _________________________________
For example: Have you cleaned deck? - When ______________________ meet?
I haven’t cleaned deck. - I _________________________________

- clean deck c)
- Do you study?
- paint equipment - Yes I _____________________________
- How long have you __________________
- plug scuppers - I _________________________________
- When did _____________________enter?
- mark safety equipment

- take soundings

- overhaul engine

- fill log book

1. Read and translate.
Ferdinand Magellan
Ferdinand Magellan was born in 1480 in Spain. He organized first expedition from Europe to
Asia and was a man who crossed Pacific Ocean for the first time. He leaded expedition.
King Charles V gave him five ships. His crew consisted of 210 people. They were from
Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Greece. On 10th of August 1519 five ships under Magellan’s
command left Seville. They stopped at Canary Islands and crossed equator on the 27th of
November. Crew took supplies in Rio de Janeiro and continued to sail along South America’s east
coast. Magellan lost two ships and when he reached Philippines only 150 crew left. Only one ship
returned from this voyage and only 18 men were on board.

James Johns
James Johns was born in England in 1979. He finished Royal Navy Academy and became a
sailor at the age of 21. He has already had 8 contracts. He has worked in a mixed crew. He has
worked with Greeks and Ukrainians. On the 10th of April his vessel left Hastings. He had 30 people
on board. Voyage was difficult because of bad and stormy weather. 7 Crewmembers got ill and
they had to stop in the nearest port to take them to hospital. When vessel arrived to the port of
destination it was delayed for about 6 hours.

2. Ask and answer questions.

1. Where/ Ferdinand Magellan/born?


2. What/he/organize?

3. How many ships/he/have?


4. How many people/he/have/crew?


5. When/he/leave/Seville

6. How many contracts/James Jons/have?


7. Jame/work/in mixed crew?

8. Voyage difficult?
Every day English

In the bank

Currency - валюта
Exchange – обмен
Exchange rate – курс обмена
Change – менять
Bills – банкноты

- Can I help you?

- Yes, please. I would like to change these dollars into Euros.

- Yes, of course. How much would you like to change?

- I have 500 dollars. What is exchange rate here?

- 1.15 U.S. dollars to the euro.

- Well. Here is money.

- Very good. May I see your passport?

- Here you are.

- How would you like your bills?

- In twenties please.

Lesson 13

1. Learn new words.

Выучите новые слова.

Emergency – чрезвычайная ситуация

Collide - столкнуться
Collision - столкновение
Run aground – сесть на мель
Grounding – посадка на мель
Capsize - перевернуться
Sink - тонуть
Lose power – потерять мощность
To be in distress – терпеть бедствие
Man overboard – человек за бортом
Fire – пожар
Oil spill – разлив топлива

1. Match commands with correct emergency situation.

emergency man overboard fire in the cargo holds we ran aground

ship is in distress ship is sinking

1. Launch life boats ! – ____________________________________

2. Sound fire alarm ! – ____________________________________
3. Release life ring ! – ____________________________________
4. Contact port station ! – _________________________________
5. Order tug ! – _________________________________________
6. Go to your muster station ! - ____________________________


1._______________ 2. _____________

3. _______________ 4.__________

5. ______________


Must/have to/should
В английском языке существует три слова, которые переводятся как должен.

1. Must
Самая строгая форма из всех должен, обычно употребляется, когда мы даем приказ.
You must go to your muster station.
(Must может использовать капитан, начальник и т.д.)

2. Have to используется, когда мы говорим о правилах. Это может быть правило на работе,
правила принятые в компании, семье, обществе.
You have to show passport in airport.

А также, когда мы говорим о том, что нам приходится делать.

I have to pass my Marlins Test.

3. Should
Самая мягкая форма из всех «должен». Используется, когда мы даем совет или
выражаем свое мнение.
I think you should learn English.

1. What must you do in these situations?

1. You see man overboard. – I must __________________________

2. You see fire in the galley. ________________________________
3. You hear general alarm. _________________________________
4. Oil is leaking. _________________________________________
5. You hear command abandon ship. _________________________

2. Choose correct form of must/have to/should.

1. Fire alarm! You must/should go to muster station.

2. You must not/don’t have to smoke here.
3. You are tired. You must/should have rest.
4. Do you have to/should you get up early?
5. You have to/should show your passport in the airport.
6. Ratings must/have to wear safety boots when they work on deck.
7. You shouldn’t/don’t have to check fire alarm. I have already checked it.
8. Do you have to/Do you must to get up early?


1. Read and translate.

Прочитайте и переведите.

General Alarm
Is denoted by _______________________________.
If you hear General Alarm you must go to muster station with your life jacket and act according to
your muster list.

Fire Alarm
Is denoted by ______________________________.
If you hear fire alarm you must go to muster station with your life jacket and act according to your
muster list.

If you see fire you must.

1. Break glass and push fire alarm.
2. Inform the bridge.
3. Go to muster station and act according to instructions.

Man overboard

Is denoted by _______________________.
If you see man overboard you must.

1. Inform the bridge.

2. Launch life ring.
3. Watch the man.

Abandon ship

You can abandon ship only after Captain’s order.

1. Answer the questions.

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What must you do if you hear general alarm?

2. What are your actions during fire alarm?
3. What must you do if you see fire?
4. When can you abandon ship.
5. What must you do if you see man overboard?

3. Read and translate report.

To: Mr Tomson.

From: Captain Smith.

Date: 2nd of November 2014

Name of incident: Fire

Risk: Minor

Damage: No

On the 2nd of November 2014 there was fire on board of M.V. “Forward”. Fire started in the
mess room at 7 p.m. One of the crewmembers didn’t put out cigarette and threw it into the bin.
When Cook discovered fire he took fire blanket and extinguished fire. Fire was small and nothing
was damaged.

4. Answer questions about incident.

1. What happened on board ship?

2. When did it happen?
3. What was the cause of incident?
4. How serious was it?
5. Who discovered the incident?
6. What did Cook do?

5. Write your report using information in the table.

Name of incident: Man overboard.

Time of incident: 4 p.m.

Place of incident: Main deck.

Cause: Strong wind.

Action: Release life ring.

Safety equipment used: Life ring.




Captain: - Good morning Mr Delvice.

Superintendent: - Good morning Captain. I am here to ask you some questions about yesterday’s
incident. What happened?

C: - There was an oil spill.

S: - Where did it happen?

C: - On the main deck. Oil spilled during bunkering operation.

S: - How did it happen?

C: - One of the hoses broke because of high pressure and oil spilled on deck.

S: - Did it spill overboard?

C: - No. It didn’t. We stopped the pumps and cleaned the spill. All cleaning equipment, rags and
sawdust were on deck, so we did it very quickly.

S: - I see. Did you replace hoses?

C: - Yes we did. And we also checked all old hoses.

S: - We are lucky that oil didn’t spill overboard but we need to be sure that such incident will not
happen in future. Instruct Chief Officer to muster all crewmembers on main deck and have oil spill

Lesson 14

1. Learn new words.
Выучите новые слова.

Arrange – договариваться
Communicate – общаться, связываться
Calculate – высчитывать
Order – заказать
Notify – предупредить
Overtake – обгонять
Permit – разрешать
Take samples – брать образцы
Check clearance – проверять зазоры
Lubricate – смазывать

2. Who does these actions?

Navigator Captain Agent Cook Chief Officer Engineer

a) arrange meeting with surveyor __________

b) take samples of fuel __________
c) order food supplies __________
d) communicate on VHF __________
e) lubricate bearings __________
f) calculate ship’s stability __________
g) notify port authorities about arrival of ship___________
h) overtake another ship__________

2. Complete sentences with words from first exercise.

Дополните предложения словами из первого упражнения.

1. I need to ___________________ with surveyor tomorrow.

2. Take ___________________ of fuel in tank 5.
3. Chief Officer is calculating __________________ of vessel now.
4. Did Cook __________________________ food supplies yesterday?
5. ______________________ with another vessel on VHF channel.
6. Ship behind us wants to _________________ our vessel on the starboard side.



В английском языке есть три формы будущего времени. Сегодня мы рассмотрим 2 формы
1. Will

Will используется когда мы говорим о спонтанных, незапланированных решениях,

которые мы хотим сделать в ближайшем будущем. Например, вы проходили мимо
кинотеатра, увидели афишу с интересным фильмом и решили I will go (Я пойду). Вы не
планировали смотреть этот фильм. Вы только что решили это сделать.

Слова подсказки tomorrow, next week, next year, next month


Positive Negative Questions

I will work I will not work Will I work?

He He He
She will work She will not work Will She work?
It It It
You You You
We will work We will not work Will We work?
They They They

2. To be going to

Вторая форма будущего времени – это конструкция (to be going to). Эта конструкция
употребляется когда мы говорим о своих планах на будущее. Мы хотим что-то сделать в
будущем и мы заранее планируем это действие. Я собираюсь купить машину (I am going
to buy a car)


Positive Negative Questions

I am going to work I am not going to work Am I going to work?

He He He
She is going to She Is She going to
is not going to work
It work It It work?
You You You
We are going to We are not going to work Are We going to
They work They They work?

1. Translate from English into Russian.
Переведите с русского на английский.

1. Мне жарко я открою окно

2. Я голоден я сделаю сэндвич.
3. Я собираюсь встретиться с друзьями на следующей неделе.
4. Я не буду помогать тебе.
5. Они будут красить палубу завтра.
6. Когда вы собираетесь поехать в Италию.
7. Как долго вы собираетесь работать в море?
8. Он не будет ждать вас.
2. Put correct form of to be going to.
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильной форме to be going to.

1. Captain ________ (fill) log book.

2. We ______ (meet) agent in the morning.

3. Chief Engineer _______ (have) meeting in the evening.

4. When __________ (finish ) this work?

5. Bosun ________ (not/start) loading until Surveyor arrives.

6. We ___________(wait) for the tide until sunset.

7. Ratings __________(have) rest tomorrow.

8. Helmsman (steer) the vessel.

3. Underline the correct form of will or to be going to.
Выберете правильный вариант.

1. We will approach/are going to approach port in 1 hour.

2. Passengers will/are going to disembark vessel on Monday?

3. - I need a wrench.
I will/am going to give it to you.

4. - I see man overboard.

I will/am going to report to Master immediately.

5. When will you/are you going to report about the accident.

6. Have you seen that filter is choked?

No, I haven’t. I will/am going to clean it right away.

7. I am going/will go ashore. Do you need anything?

8. We are going to /will order spare parts next week.

4. Ask and answer questions.
Задайте вопрос и ответьте на вопрос.

Speak English
Are you going to speak English?
I am going to speak English.

a. Watch TV

b. Speak English

c. Work in a mixed crew


d. Plot the route


e. Launch life boat


f. Clean holds

g. Repair hatch cover

h. Arrange meeting with agent

5. Answer questions about your next voyage.

Ответьте на вопросы про ваш будущий рейс.

1. When are you going to go to voyage?

2. What company are you going to work for?
3. What ship are you going to work on?
4. How long are you going to work?
5. What areas are you going to work in?
6. What cargo is your ship going to carry?
7. Are you going to work in mixed crew?
8. What position are you going to have?
9. What are you going to do in your free time?
10. What are you going to take with you?

1. Read and translate the letter.
Прочитайте и переведите письмо.

My future plans
Hello everybody. My name is Nick and I am a student of National Maritime Academy.

I am going to finish my Academy this summer. I would like to work at sea all my life. I have
chosen this profession because it is really interesting for me. Also this profession is very prestigious
and well paid now.

After I have my diploma I am going to look for a job. I have already sent my application forms
to several crewing agencies so I am waiting for an answer. I want to work in well-known
international company but for this I need to speak English fluently. So next two months I am going
to attend English courses and study hard.

I am going to start with a position of deck cadet but I hope to get a promotion in a year. During
my first contract I am going to work on deck, do all repair and painting work but also I hope to have
time to work on bridge. I am going to keep watch with Officers and learn everything about steering
the ship and navigational equipment.

In 5 years time I am going to work on a position of Chief Engineer on container ship,

I am going to work in a mixed crew and have a lot of friends from different countries.
I am going to visit America and Europe and may be China. In my free time I am going to travel the
world, do an interesting sport and learn languages.

I am not going to marry until I am 30 but after I marry I am going to buy a big house near the
sea and live there with my family.

2. Answer questions about your future plans.

1. What are you going to do after you finish your studies?

2. When are you going to go to voyage?
3. What ship are you going to work on?
4. What duties are you going to perform?
5. Are you going to learn other foreign language?
6. What countries are you going to visit?
7. When are you going to come back?
8. What are you going to buy after your voyage?

Every day English
In the airport
Boarding pass – посадочный талон Gate - терминал
Departure board – доска отправлений Flight - рейс
Check in - регистрироваться Flight number – номер рейса
Luggage - багаж Aisle seat – место у прохода
Hand luggage - ручная кладь Window seat – место у окна
Baggage claim – место сбора багажа Fasten the seat belts – пристегнуть ремни

Check – in desk.
- Hello. How many bags do you have?
- Two bags.
- Do you have any hand luggage?
- Yes I have. One bag.
- Put your bags on the scales please.
- Here you are.
- Oh, you have two kilos extra. You have to pay for this weight.
- How much is it?
- 100 dollars.
- Where do I have to pay?
- Over there

Passport control.
- Can I see your passport please?
- Yes. Here you are. Can I have window seat please?
- Yes of course. Here is your boarding pass.

Looking for gate?

- Excuse me? Can you help me, please.
- Yes. How can I help you?
- I can’t find my gate.
- Where are you flying to?
- I am flying to London.
- What is your flight number?
- AF 364
- You need gate 17. Go straight to the end of the corridor. Turn right and go straight again.
-There you can see your gate.
- Thanks a lot.

Losing your luggage.

- I couldn’t find my baggage on a baggage claim. Can you help me.
- How many bags did you have?
- Only one
- What colour was your bag?
- It was black
- What was inside your bag?
- My clothes, some books and personal things.
- Well. Fill this form please. Leave your address and telephone number. As soon as we find your
bag we will inform you,

Application form
Пример анкеты для моряков
Application form. (Анкета)

Position applied for (должность)

Family name: (фамилия)

First name: (имя)

Fathers name: (отчество)

Date of birth: (дата рождения)

Place of birth: (место рождения)

Nationality: (национальность)

Marital status: (семейное положение)

Address (адрес)

Telephone (including city code): (телефон с

кодом города)

Mobile: (мобильный)

Next of kin and relationship: (имя

ближайшего родственника)

Next of kin’s address: (адрес)

Next of kin’s telephone: (телефон)

Children: (дети)

International passport (заграничный number (номер )

паспорт) issued (дата выдачи)
valid (действителен до)
place of issue (место выдачи)

Seaman’s book number (номер паспорта number (номер )

моряка) issued (дата выдачи)
valid (действителен до)
place of issue (место выдачи)

Civil passport (украинский паспорт)

USA Visa (Виза США)

Sea going experience (опыт работы в море)

Name of vessel (название судна)

Rank (должность)
Type of vessel (тип судна)
Type of main engine: (тип главного
Tonnage: (тоннаж)
Started (дата начала контракта)
End of contract (дата окончания контракта)
Flag (флаг)
Owner (судовладелец)
Crewing (экипаж )

Level of English: (знание английского)

Certificates and lisences

Application form (Анкета) Attach your photo
here (фотография)

Surname (фамилия) First name (имя) Middle name (отчество)

Permanent address: E-mail:
Date of birth (дата рождения) Place of birth Citizenship Min .salary (мин.з/п)
(место (гражданство)
Phone (home) Phone (mob.) Nearest Airport (ближайший аэропорт)
(№тел.) (№ мобильного)
Marital status (married/Single/Divorced): Number/ age of children:
(семейное положение (женат/холост/разведен) (количество/возраст детей)
Next of kin (name/relation): Next of kin (address):
доверенное лицо (имя/кем приходится) адрес
Colors of eyes: Colors of hair: Special marks:
(цвет глаз) (цвет волос) (особые приметы)
Height (рост): cm Weight (вес): Overall size (размер Shoes size (размер обуви):
kg робы):
Knowledge of English (Fluent/Good/Satisfactory/Poor) (знание Other languages (другие языки):
Licenses & Certificates held (сертификаты) Date of issue Date of expiry Place of issue (место
(дата (дата истечения выдачи):
выдачи): строка):
Certificate off competency (рабочий диплом)
Endorsement of certificate (подтверждение)
Seaman’s passport (паспорт моряка)
Travel passport (загран паспорт)
Basic safety (безопасность)
Proficiency in survival craft & Rescue boats
(шлюпки и плота)
Advanced fire fighting (борьбы с пожаром)
Med first aid / care on board (первая помощь)
Ship security officer (ISPS)
HAZMAT (опасные материалы)
Tanker certificate (Oil/Chemical/Gas)
Foreign flag state licence
Foreign flag state seaman’s book (паспорт моряка)
Graduated from (образование): Date:
Yellow fever (желтая лихорадка)(Date of Last medical examination (Date of Expiry/Med Certificate)
Vaccination) (дата вакцинации): (медицинская справка):
Details of previous sea service
Rank Name of ship Flag Name of Type Type of DWT BHP From To
(дожность) owner (имя (флаг) VSL of VSL engine (лошад. (начало (окон-
судо- (название (тип (тип силы) контракта) чание
владельца) судна) судна) двигателя) кон-

Interview questions
Вопросы к собеседованию для моряков

№ Вопрос Перевод вопроса Ответ

1 What's your name? Как Вас зовут? My name is ... (Меня зовут ...)
2 What's your surname? Какая Ваша фамилия? My surname is ... (Моя фамилия ...)
Where are you from?
3 Откуда вы? I'm from ... (Я из ...)
Where do you come from?
4 Where do you live? Где вы живете? I live in Odessa (Я живу в Одессе)
Какая Ваша
5 What's your nationality? I am Ukrainian (Я украинец)
6 Where were you born? Где вы родились? I was born in ... (Я родился ...)
I was born on the first of May 1992
7 When were you born? Когда вы родились?
(Я родился ...)
Какая ваша дата Mu date of birth is the first of May
8 What's your date of birth?
рождения? 1992 (Моя дата рождения ...)
9 How old are you? Сколько вам лет? I am 30 (Мне 30 лет)
Yes I am married (Да, я женат)
10 Are you married? Вы женаты?
No I am not married. (I am single)
(Нет, я холост)
Yes I have children (Да, у меня есть
11 Do you have any children? У вас есть дети?
No I don't (Нет, у меня нет детей)
How many children do you I have 2 children (У меня есть два
12 Сколько детей у вас есть?
have? ребенка)
13 What's your job? Кем вы работаете? I am a sailor (Я моряк)
14 What's your rank? Какой ваш ранг? I am AB (Я матрос первого класса)
I have secondary/higher education.
What education do you
15 Какое у вас образование? (У меня среднее/высшее
16 Where did you study? Где вы учились? I studied in ... (Я учился ...)
17 How long did you study? Как долго вы вы учились? I studied 3 years (Я учился 3 года)
When did you finish Когда вы закончили I finished Academy in ... (Я
Academy/University? Академию / Университет закончил академию в ...)
Do you speak any foreign Вы говорите на I speak English (Я говорю на
languages? иностранных языках? английском)
What's your work Какой ваш опыт работы в I have been working at sea for 10
experience at sea? море? years (Я работаю в море 10 лет)

Have you worked at Yes I have worked at sea. (Да, я работал)
21 Вы работали в море?
sea? No I haven't worked at sea. (Нет, я не работал)
How long have you Как долго вы работаете I have been working at sea for 10 years (Я
worked at sea? в море? работаю в море 10 лет)
How many
Сколько контрактов у
23 contracts did you I had 4 contracts. (У меня было 4 контракта)
вас было?
What types of I worked on tankers/bulkers/passenger vessels
На каких судах вы
24 vessels did you (Я работал на танкерах/балкерах и
work on? пассажирских судах)
Have you worked Yes I have worked on foreign flag vessels. (Да
Вы работал на
25 on foreign flag работал)
иностранных судах?
vessels? No I haven't (Нет, не работал )
Yes I have worked in a mixed crew. (Да, я
Have you worked in Вы работали в
26 работал в смешанном экипаже)
a mixed crew? смешанном экипаже?
No I haven't (Нет, я не работал)
На каком судне вы
What was your last
27 работали последний I worked on tanker. (Я работал на танкере)
Where did your Где работало Ваше My vessel operated in ... (Мое судно работало
vessel operate? судно? ...)
What cargo did Какой груз Ваше судно My vessel carried ... (Мое судно перевозило
your vessel carry? перевозило? ...)
When did you finish Когда закончился ваш I finished my last contract in ... (Мой
your last contract? последний контакт? последний контракт закончился ...)
How long was your Сколько длился ваш My last contract was ... (Мой контакт длился
last contract? контракт? ...)
What companies В каких компаниях вы
32 I worked for ... (Я работал в ...)
have you work for? работали?
Were you satisfied
Вы были довольны
with working Yes I was. It was a good vessel and crew was
33 условиями работы на
conditions on your excellent (Да, судно было хорошим)
предыдущем судне?
last vessel?
What salary did you Какую зарплату вы
34 I had ... per month. (Я получал ... в месяц)
have? получали?
What salary are you На какую зарплату вы I am expecting to have ... (Я рассчитываю
expecting to have? рассчитываете? получать ...)
What were your
Какие обязанности вы
36 duties during your I had to ...
last contract?
I am familiar with following life saving
What safety С каким спасательным
equipment: lifeboats, liferafts, lifebuoys,
37 equipment are you оборудованием вы
immersion suit, lifejackets, breathing apparatus
familiar with? работали?
and first aid boxes.

On board of the ship is following fire fighting
What fire fighting Какие equipment: ship's fire alarm system, fire
38 equipment do you противопожарные extinguishers, fire hoses, boxes with sand,
know? средства вы знаете? buckets, fire hooks, shovels, axes and
Which types of fire Какие типы
Foam fire extinguishers, dry chemical fire
39 extinguishers were огнетушителей были на
extinguishers, CO2 fire extinguishers.
on your vessel? вашем судне?
When wood, cloth, paper, rubber or plastic is
on fire – it is Type A fire. To extinguish this
type of fire we must use dry chemical fire
Which classes of fire Какие классы пожаров
40 When flammable liquids or gas is on fire – it
do you know? вы знаете?
is type B fire. To extinguish this type of fire
we must use foam fire extinguishers.

When electrical equipment or appliances in on

fire – it is type C fire.
Where was your Где было ваше место
41 My muster station was on the main deck.
muster station? сбора по тревоге?
Do you know how to Вы умеете спускать
42 Yes I know.
launch life boat? спасательную шлюпку?
Do you know Man Вы знаете сигнал
43 Yes I know. It is three long blasts.
Overboard signal? «человек за бортом»?

Test 1



Выберете правильный предлог

В этом задании Вам необходимо выбрать правильный предлог, который подходит по общему
смыслу предложения.

Up - вверх At – в, около
Onto - на On - на
Down - вниз Because – потому что
During – во время Between - между
Of – указывает на принадлежность During – во время/в течении
Off – используется в выражениях switch Out - из
off/turn off/off-shore Since - с
From - из While – в то время как
On -на For – для/на протяжении
Into -в In - в
Between - между
During – во время

1. _______________public holidays the crew often have to work

Up onto down during

2. What was the main cause ______________ the accident last week?
Of off from

3. In hot weather awnings are rigged ______________ the quarterdeck

On into between during

4. All vessels are advised to keep clear ________________ this area

Of at on

5. I’m not impressed with the communication ______________ you all, It’s affecting the safety on this
Because between during

6. Which is the best fire extinguisher to use _______________ an electrical fire?

On out into

7. ‘Be careful you don’t fall _______________ the ladder.’

Of off in

8. The ratings had to work all night and the next day they complained of lack ____________ sleep
For off of

9. These records are maintained on board ____________ at least a 12-month period

Since while for



Выберете правильное слово.

Задание на грамматику. Необходимо выбрать правильное вопросительное слово или глагол

в правильном времени.

1. We’ve ______________ a new ship security officer

Gotten get got been got

2. You can close the holds after the heavy-lifts _________________.

Have been loaded to be loaded are being load loaded

3. This drill was ______________ than the last one

More good better best more better

4. The U.S. Coast Guard ______________ the investigation at the moment.

Had overseen overseeen is overseeing overseeing

Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence.
Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получилось предложение.

1. warning at the received storm

1900hrs was

2. the ? gave who order to

Engines stop the

3. has someone this lock been

By broken

4. kinds of cargo port pass through

? Your what

5. where rig pilot ladder will ?

The they

6. prevent ? on how board do

Coming you unauthorised persons from


Choose the correct word.

Выберете правильное слово.

Задание на грамматику. Необходимо выбрать правильное вопросительное слово или глагол

в правильном времени.

1. _____________ on board?
When did the pilot arrived when will the pilot arrive
When have the pilot arrived when the pilot will arrive

2. _____________ ready to sail?

Was you are you is you has you been

3. What _____________ you thinking of doing?

Are do does is

4. How _______________ different type of ship mines are there?

Much many far often

5. What cargo ________________ your ship carry?

Does does can will can has

6. How long ________________ our Master?

Were you known had you knew have you known you know


Choose the option that does not belong to the group.

Выберете слово, которое не подходит по смыслу.

Список слов:
Commence - начинать lose - терять
Start - начинать hunt -охотится
Stop - прекращать lake - озеро
Begin - начинать pool – бассейн
Twist - скручивать sand - песок
Screw - завинчивать pond - пруд
Throw - бросать knife - нож
Turn - поворачивать visa -виза
search - искать ticket- билет
look for - искать passport - паспорт

1. commence start stop begin

2. twist screw throw turn

3. search look forlose hunt

4. lake pool sand pond

5. knife visa ticket passport


Move each word in the correct category.

Поставьте слова в нужную категорию.
В этом задании необходимо расставить слова в нужную категорию по смыслу.

 Fruit – Фрукты
 Vegetable – Овощи
 Drink – Напитки
 Potato - картофель
 Carrot - морковь
 Pineapple - ананас
 Tea - чай
 Coffee - кофе
 water melon - арбуз

potato carrot pineapple tea coffee water melon

Fruit Vegetable Drink

 Enclosed space entry personnel – персонал
 Enclosed space equipment - оборудование
 Inert gases – инертные газы
 Stretcher – носилки
 Torch - фонарик
 Rescue team – спасательная команда
 Tasteless - безвкусный
 Odorless – без запаха
 Standby attendant - наблюдатель

stretcher torch rescue team tasteless

Odorless standby attendant

Enclosed space entry personnel Enclosed space equipment Inert gases

 Motorbike - мотоцикл
 Train - поезд
 Warehouse - склад
 Fax - факс
 Telephone - телефон
 Factory - фабрика
 Building - здание
 Transport - транспорт
 Communication – связь

motorbike train warehouse fax telephone factory

Building Transport Communication

 Proceed - следовать
 Lead - возглавлять
 Pull back - отступить
 Inert - инертный
 Stationary - неподвижный
 Withdraw – забирать, отводить
 Retreat – давать задний ход
 Advance - вперед
 Remain still – оставаться на месте

proceed lead pull back inert stationary withdraw

Retreat Advance Remain still

 Bridge - мостик
 Galley - камбуз
 Glue - клей
 Drizzle – моросящий дождь
 Sleet - слякоть
 Weld - варить
 Repair - ремонт
 Places on the vessel – места на судне
 Weather conditions – погодные условия

bridge galley glue drizzle sleet weld

Repair Places on the vessel Weather conditions


Выберете правильную цифру.

1. The International Maritime Organisation have been working towards a Ballast Water Convention for more
than a decade.
A year a couple of years ten years

2. It was noticed that package number 167 had been opened.

Sixteen and seven one six seven one and sixty seven
3. You must arrive at the airport at 0010 hrs
just after midday just after midnight just after 1 am
4. You should be using a pen with a 0.25 mm nib for that chartwork
Zero point two five two point five twenty five points
5. Their company has 1,200 employees.
One thousand two hundred twelve and one hundred one thousand point two hundred

Выберете слово, в котором выделенный звук звучит не так как во всех остальных словах.

1. board blue loose prove

2. bathroom health the thruster

3. ring long wing bag

4. navigate sample evacuate calculate

5. regulation segregate guage argument

6. wrench champagne chain change

7. hit hour height hook

8. nameblack man flag

9. piracy trimming wire stabilizer


Прочитайте текст и выберете правильные слова и фразы
Enclosed space entry case study-failure to follow procedure
A third officer onboard a chemical tanker was (discovered/discovering/discovery) unconscious in a
partially inerted cargo tank while the vessel was alongside.
The onboard emergency response team quickly arrived (for/in/on) the scene and carried out a tank rescue.
The third officer was taken (by/in/on) helicopter to a local hospital. He died several days later.
The cause of death was (as a result/because/due) to nitrogen gas exposure. The third officer had been
checking the oxygen level in the tank (at/in/on) preparation for loading a cargo of propyleneoxide.
It is estimated that the atmosphere in the tank contained approximately 10% oxygen (at/in/on) the time of
the accident.

Test 2



Выберете правильный предлог

1. All this equipment should be maintained according ________ the manufacturer`s

With From To

2. You should never enter an enclosed space ________ an Enclosed Space Entry Permit has
Unless Since During

3. We were unable to leave Rotterdam ________ 15th November.

On In At

4. The Chief Officer was annoyed because the decision was made ________ informing him.
Without Until During

5. Drip trays should be placed ________ the hose coupling before bunkering operations.
Out Under From

6. The line throwing device is stored ________ the bridge.

With On From

7. Information about the master station is posted ________the passengers` cabins.

Up On In Out

8. Have you succeeded ________ finding a job with another crewing company yet?
On Of In

9. What was the main cause ________ the accident last week?
Off Of From

10. The pilot boat met the container ship ________ the pilot station.
In To On At



Выберете правильное слово.

1. ________ the alarm system just now?

a. Did they checked
b. Will they checked
c. Are they checking
d. Have they checking

2. The ship ________ to alter course.

a. Was ordered
b. Order
c. Have ordering
d. Did ordered

3. The ship ________ last year.

a. Will be chartered
b. Was chartered
c. Charters
d. Is chartered

4. There are ________ places stowaways can hide onboard.

a. A lot
b. Lot of
c. A lot of
d. Lots

Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence.

Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получилось предложение.

1. Are/these/cargo/holds/correct/designed to/at/the/keep/temperature.
2. Ship/registered/is/where/the/?
3. This/by/been/broken/someone/lock/has.
4. Prohibited/use/of/phones/mobile/the/is.
5. Gets/it/the/dark/lights/when/additional/switch on.
6. How much/to repair/winch/the/time/need/you/do.

Выберете правильное слово

1. What sort of dangers are ________ with mooring operations?

a. Associating
b. Associate
c. Associated
d. Association
2. What cargo ________ your ship carry?
a. Will can
b. Does
c. Does can
d. Has
3. What steps ________ if there is some spillage when loading?
a. Should take
b. Should be taken
c. Should to take
d. Are taking.

4. Do you ________ someone has tried to break into the Bosun`s locker?
a. Thought
b. Think
c. Thinks
d. Thinking

5. ________ you seen the new ship security officer?

a. Are
b. Were
c. Have
d. Did

6. ________ the person had fallen overboard?

a. Who is discovered
b. Who discovered
c. Who to discovered
d. When discovered
Choose the correct word.
Выберете правильное слово.

1. Attach/disconnect/remove/unplug
2. Aid/obstruct/assist/help
3. Loose/fixed/tight/rigid
4. Injection/pills/medicine/tablets
5. Solid/soft/hard/firm

Move each word in the correct category.

1. Chafed frayed coiled shackle figure of eight ink

configuration of ropes methods of connection condition of ropes

Deficiency wounded detain bribery casualties theft

Port State Control Crimes Injuries

Choose how to say this number.

1. Even an electric shock 60v can kill.

Sixteen Sixty nought Sixty

2. The first interview is on 18th December.

Eighth Eighteenth Eighteen

3. I`m off duty at 2030 hrs.

Half past nine Twenty thirty Thirty past twenty

4. The initial estimate of oil spilt is 350,000 gallons

Three hundred and fifty thousand Thirty-five thousand Five hundred and
thirty thousand

5. I think that bulb is only a 40w.

Forty Fourteen Four nought


Выберете слово в котором выделенный звук звучит не так как во всех остальных словах.

1. Change/whale/shape/manual
2. Valve/vanish/flange/display
3. Cell/music/cement/pencil
4. Double/first/funnel/bubble
5. Freight/crate/weight/height
6. Mind/vital/bright/slippery
7. Capacity/place/face/city
8. Calculate/evacuate/navigate/sample
9. Serve/stern/turn/storm

Прочитайте текст и выберете правильные слова и фразы


We need more than just hard work when working (1) ________ sea. It can be difficult to
(2) ________ the necessary and essential procedures and routine checks. This is where
checklists and reports can come (2) ________ handy.

A systematic approach to work can be followed when necessary instructions are presented to the
crew in written form. This is hopefully a fool (4) ________ way to avoid errors.
All companies should make a compilation of important checklists and reports that are
(5) ________ on board the vessels. This should help to make your life easier and a (6)
________ safer.

1. At/In/On
2. Memorise/Memorising/Memory
3. At/In/On
4. Improve/Proof/Prove
5. Used/Used to/Using
6. Lot/Many/Much

Test 3



1. The passengers are due to disembark ________________ three hours.

In at on during

2. Each lifeboat should be launched and maneuvered in the water _______________ least once every three
On at in

3. You are proceeding _____________ a dangerous speed.

On in at

4. The bunkering operation continued _______________ the night.

During at by under

5. Put that cigarette _____________ now.

Out in over on

6. I am maneuvering ____________difficulty. Keep clear of me.

For with of

7. I’m afraid I’ve lost my seaman’s book. Can you help me look _____________ it?
Of for off

8. Have you properly secured the ladder _____________slipping?

Onto into against

9. _________________ the fire was extinguished an investigation was ordered.

During over at after



1. ______________ large is the port?

How much what how how many

2. ________________telephone numbers are listed in that document?

How why whose who

3. ______________ the crew clean and prepare the cargo holds yesterday?
Did have does do

4. A fire ______________ in the engine-room 30 minutes ago.

To break out broken out broke out has broken out


Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence.

1. dark it lights switch on additional the

Gets when

2. far coast ? do the how

Attack from pirates

3. ship the carried yet you

Out ? have assessment

4. out what safety measures are

? on vessels carried

5. speed ahead to need we

Full maintain

6. ? is the where registered ship


Choose the correct word.

1. How many gangs _____________ in this shift?

Will be working did working has been working is working

2. What sort of dangers are _____________ with mooring operations?

Association associated associating associate

3. Who ___________________?
The deck cargo lashed by/ is lashed the desk cargo/ had been lashed the deck cargo/
is lashing the desk cargo

4. When ____________ entering dry dock?

The vessel will be/ will the vessel being/ will the vessel be/ the vessel will been

5. ______________ drums of paint do we need to paint this surface?

How many how long how much

6. How _____________ different type of ship mines are there?

Often much far many

Choose the option that does not belong to the group.
1. hazardous conscientious dangerous reckless

2. blackout illuminate outage power cut

3. muddy filthy dirty clean

4. occupation work job leisure

5. seldom rarely frequently occasionally


Move each word in the correct category.

1. casualties theft detain bribery wounded deficiency

Port State Control Crimes Injuries

2. security guards smugglers Port State Control rockets pirates

semi-automatic rifle

Criminals Law enforcer Weapons

3. tanks filters stagnant chlorine hoses stale

Poor water Purifying water Water systems

4. corrosive flat recharge dead leaking change

Renew batteries Non-working batteries Dangerous battery condition

5. drizzle galley glue Bridge sleet weld

Repair Places on the vessel Weather conditions


1.The fire drill is scheduled for 1330 hrs.

One double three zero hours/ thirty minutes past thirteen hours/ thirteen thirty hours

2. The vessel should have at least three metres under-keep clearance – about 15% of the draught.
One point five fifteen fifty

3. I’d use a 2B pencil for chartwork
Double B second B two B

4. There are 15,000 seafarers employed within the group.

Fifteen hundred thousand/ fifteen thousand/ fifteen hundred

5. I think you’ll need to look at Appendix 11.

Appendix eleven Appendix one and one Appendix two


1. gate gentleman register genuine

2. inch hitch chain mechanical

3. assist advance reduce confined

4. rope glove scupper above

5. regulation guage argument segregate

6. chin echosounder hatch choice

7. choose stretch merchant anchor

8. sound signaling specific enclosed

9. pump sump hull bulwark


1. Nearly all fires which have happened on board ships could have been (avoided/deleted/recorded). Fire-
fighting on board is difficult and dangerous owing to the (blackout/confined areas/fire hoses) in which the
fire may be tacked and restricted means of escape. These difficulties and dangers (can be greatly/cannot be
avoided/must be increased) with regular exercising and training in fire drills.

Good housekeeping in all areas of the ship is essential for fire prevention. Strictly observe
(alcohol/MARPOL/smoking) regulations.

Private electrical equipment is only to be used if the equipment is type (approved/locked/one). When such
equipment is not in use they must be (greased regularly/placed in the cabin/switched off) and
disconnected from the power source.

Test 4


Выберете правильный предлог

1. _______________public holidays the crew often have to work

Up onto down during
2. What was the main cause ______________ the accident last week?
Of off from
3. In hot weather awnings are rigged ______________ the quarterdeck
On into between during
4. All vessels are advised to keep clear ________________ this area
Of at on
5. I’m not impressed with the communication ______________ you all, It’s affecting the safety on this
Because between during
6. Which is the best fire extinguisher to use _______________ an electrical fire?
On out into
7. ‘Be careful you don’t fall _______________ the ladder.’
Of off in
8. The ratings had to work all night and the next day they complained of lack ____________ sleep
For off of
9. These records are maintained on board ____________ at least a 12-month period
Since while for


Choose the correct word.

Выберете правильное слово.

1. We’ve ______________ a new ship security officer

Gotten get got been got

2. You can close the holds after the heavy-lifts _________________.

Have been loaded to be loaded are being load loaded

3. This drill was ______________ than the last one

More good better best more better

4. The U.S. Coast Guard ______________ the investigation at the moment.

Had overseen overseeen is overseeing overseeing

Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence.
Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получилось предложение.

1. warning at the received storm

1900hrs was

2. the ? gave who order to

Engines stop the

3. has someone this lock been

By broken

4. kinds of cargo port pass through

? Your what

5. where rig pilot ladder will ?

The they

6. prevent ? on how board do

Coming you unauthorized persons from

Choose the correct word.

Выберете правильное слово.
1. _____________ on board?
When did the pilot arrived when will the pilot arrive
When have the pilot arrived when the pilot will arrive

2. _____________ ready to sail?

Was you are you is you has you been

3. What _____________ you thinking of doing?

Are do does is

4. How _______________ different type of ship mines are there?

Much many far often

5. What cargo ________________ your ship carry?

Does does can will can has

6. How long ________________ our Master?

Were you known had you knew have you known you know

Choose the option that does not belong to the group.
Выберете слово, которое не подходит по смыслу.
1. commence start stop begin
2. twist screw throw turn
3. search look for lose hunt
4. lake pool sand pond
5. knife visa ticket passport


Выберете правильную цифру.
potato carrot pineapple tea coffee water melon

Fruit Vegetable Drink

2. stretcher torch rescue team tasteless

Odourless standby attendant
Enclosed space entry personnel Enclosed space equipment Inert gases

motorbike train warehouse fax telephone factory
Building Transport Communication

4. proceed lead pull back inert stationary withdraw

Retreat Advance Remain still

5. bridge galley glue drizzle sleet weld

Repair Places on the vessel Weather conditions


Выберете правильную цифру.
1. The International Maritime Organisation have been working towards a Ballast Water Convention for more
than a decade.
A year a couple of years ten years

2. It was noticed that package number 167 had been opened.

Sixteen and seven one six seven one and sixty seven
3. You must arrive at the airport at 0010 hrs
just after midday just after midnight just after 1 am
4. You should be using a pen with a 0.25 mm nib for that chartwork
Zero point two five two point five twenty five points
5. Their company has 1,200 employees.
One thousand two hundred twelve and one hundred one thousand point two hundred

Выберете слово в котором выделенный звук звучит не так как во всех
остальных словах.
1. board blue loose prove
2. bathroom health the thruster
3. ring long wing bag
4. navigate sample evacuate calculate
5. regulation segregate guage argument
6. wrench champagne chain change
7. hit hour height hook
8. name black man flag
9. piracy trimming wire stabilizer

Enclosed space entry case study-failure to follow procedure

A third officer onboard a chemical tanker was (discovered/discovering/discovery) unconscious in a
partially inerted cargo tank while the vessel was alongside.
The onboard emergency response team quickly arrived (for/in/on) the scene and carried out a tank rescue.
The third officer was taken (by/in/on) helicopter to a local hospital. He died several days later.
The cause of death was (as a result/because/due) to nitrogen gas exposure. The third officer had been
checking the oxygen level in the tank (at/in/on) preparation for loading a cargo of propyleneoxide.
It is estimated that the atmosphere in the tank contained approximately 10% oxygen (at/in/on) the time of
the accident.

Test 5

Choose the correct option

1. All crew must be fully aware ________ the different types of lifesaving equipment on board
the ship.
Off Of With

2. In your present position you will be aground ________ low water.

On To At

3. Fire drills are carried ________ at random times.

In To Out On

4. The Bosun fell from the vessel ________ rigging the pilot ladder.
While During Throughout

5. Closing doors will slow ________ the spread of flames.

Through In Down

6. The safety of crew working ________ the deck is essential.

In Into On Onto

7. If it is necessary to abandon ship in cold climates you must put ________ extra clothing.
On Onto Into

8. All Oil Record Book entries must be up-to-date, accurate and in compliance ________
MARPOL requirements.
With To For

9. We waited ________ the agent until 5 o`clock but he didn`t come.

For To About

10. ‘Be careful you don`t fall ________ the ladder.’

Off Of In


Choose the correct word.

Выберете правильное слово.

1. He ________ to make a radio ling call to inform us about this accident.

Did not attempted Do not attempt Is not attempted Did not attempt

2. He ________ overside without using a safety harness.

Has working Is work Working Is working

3. How long ________ containers?

Did you discharged Are you discharge Have you been discharging Do you

4. We ________ the pilot station at 6 pm.

Reached To reach Have not reached Be reached

Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence

1. ?/in/how/stay/Barcelona/the ship/long/will
2. Is/a/lot/by/there/smuggling/of/sea/?
3. The vessel/from/2 hours/ ago/disembarked/the passengers
4. Master/is/for/the/the/responsible/training/emergency/party
5. Is/the/master/to/brief/going/the/crew
6. Bunkering/when/you/are/going/to/?/complete

Choose the correct option

1. ________ on Friday?
a. Are you going to leave the port
b. Do you going to leave the port
c. Will you leaving the port
d. Have you leaving the port
2. ________ will our berth be available?
a. What
b. Who
c. Since when
d. When
3. ________ recognize a bomb?
a. Who can you
b. How can you
c. How you can
d. Who you can
4. What ports ________ during the voyage?
a. Do your ship call at
b. Your ship will call at
c. Did your ship call at
d. Your ship called at

5. Why ________ talk to the Master about the Chief Engineer?
a. Won`t you to
b. Won`t you
c. Will not you to
d. Will not you
6. Why ________ the meeting yesterday?
a. You cancel
b. Cancelled you
c. Did you cancel
d. Had you cancel

Choose the option that doesn`t belong to the group.

1. Turn/stationary/spin/revolve
2. Frequently/often/usually/occasionally
3. Agree/accept/reject/approve
4. Fall/reduce/decrease/rise

Put each word into the correct category

Bill of Mate`s
timber grain wetting crushing
lading receipt


cargo damage to cargo cargo document

blue green square triangle large wide


shape colour size

safety working
isolators electrocution low signification
noticed aloft


description of hazard control measures likelihood of risk

records certificates slippery correctly visitor`s log I.D.


gangway conditions documentation security at gangway

davits winches free-fall enclosed crush capsize


types of lifeboats lifeboat equipment lifeboat accidents

Choose how to say his number

1. The Kyoto Protocol has been ratified by 166 countries.

a. One hundred and sixty-six
b. One hundred six and six
c. One sixty-six

2. We can meet at 10 a.m. tomorrow and discuss this question.

a. Ten in the evening
b. Ten in the morning
c. Zero one hours
3. I`m off duty at 20:30 hrs.
a. Twenty thirty
b. Thirty past twenty
c. Half past nine
4. The helicopter`s flying an altitude of 1000 metres at the moment.
a. A hundred zero zero
b. One hundred
c. One thousand
5. Your bearing is 137 degrees.
a. One seven three
b. One three seven
c. Seven one three

Choose the word with a different sound

1. Wedge/gas-proof/gantry/gear
2. Discharge/warehouse/prepare/flare
3. Inhale/embark/embrace/sail
4. Road/phone/abroad/load
5. Twenty/twice/twist/two
6. Round/would/pound/sound
7. Precious/delicious/precise/commercial
8. Lift/tine/wild/pipe
9. Knock/knob/keep/knife


Security on board

(1) ________ must be taken to reduce security risks. Before entering ports. Masters
must remind their crew about (2) ________ both on board and on ashore. Every
crewman must ensure that his/her cabin (3) ________.When in port, a good gangway
and deck watch must be maintained. Access to the ship (4) ________ one point
whenever possible. Rope ladders, including pilot ladders are (5)________. Regular
checks all round the ship are to be made with attention to the off-shore side as well
as the shore-side. Watchman must carry torches and(6) ________ with the officer-of-

1. A seaman`s book/Breathing apparatus/Practical measures

2. Boat drills/Their own personal security/Weather conditions
3. Is kept locked/Is quiet/Is tidy
4. Must be limited to/Should be open to anyone at/Should not be restricted to
5. Difficult to construct/Good weapons for self-defence/Not to left over-side
6. Fire blankets/Must keep in radio contact/Must watch TV

Навчальне видання

Яцкова Олена Станіславівна

Початковий рівень

(Російською мовою)

Видано в авторській редакції з готового оригінал-макету

Обкладинка К. М. Терзі

Підп. до друку 03.08.2018. Формат 60х84/8.

Ум.-друк. арк. 13,49. Тираж 100. Зам. № 1583.

Видавець і виготовлювач
Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова
Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи ДК № 4215 від 22.11.2011 р.
Україна, 65082, м. Одеса, вул. Єлісаветинська, 12
Тел. (048) 723-28-39. E-mail: druk@onu.edu.ua

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