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О. С. Богомолов, М. Ю.





Одесса 2004


Одесса 2004
УДК 811.111. (075.8):656 61

О. С. Богомолов, М Ю. Кириченко. Вводный курс морского

технического английского языка / Ал Introductory Course of Marine Engi-
neering English. Учебное пособие. - Одесса, 2004 - 142 с.

В данной книге содержатся учебные и оригинальные тексты, ко-

торые в сочетании с лексико-грамматическими упражнениями и слова-
рем научат пользователей извлекать профессионально значимую ин-
формацию из технических и юридических документов. Система комму-
никативных упражнений обеспечит пользователям овладение элемен-
тарными умениями устно общаться на английском языке в ситуациях,
связанных с: трудоустройством и подписанием договора о найме; са-
мостоятельной поездкой моряка за рубеж и его возвращением на ро-
дину; прибытием на иностранное судно; ориентированием на судне;
вступлением в должность; принятием своего заведования и выполне-
нием обязанностей по вахте.
Данная книга предназначена для ее использования в морских
учебных заведениях, на курсах иностранных языков для плавсостава и
на судах с многоязычным экипажем. В течение 5 лет учебное пособие
успешно прошло апробацию в Одесской национальной морской ака-
демии и получило положительные отзывы специалистов и пользовате-
Утверждено Ученым советом Одесской национальной морской
академии в качестве учебного пособия (Протокол № 8 от 23.03.2004).

© Богомолов Олег Семенович, Кириченко Мария Юрьевна

ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ............................................................................. л
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ.......................................................................... 8
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ АЛФАВИТ............................................................... 10
МОРСКОЕ СУДНО........................................................... 14
Учебные тексты............................................................. 14
1.1. А. The Structural Parts of the Hull
Конструктивны» части корпуса судна........................ 14
1.1. В. General Arrangement
Общее устройство........................................................ 17
1.1. С. The Propulsion System
Силовая установка......................................................... 20
1.1. D. Use of Electricity on Shipboard
Использование электроэнергии на судах................ 22
1.1. E. Explanation of Selected Characteristics of a Ship
Толкование отдельных характеристик судна....... 25
Vocabulary and grammar exercises
Лексико-грамматические упражнения...................................... 29
12. Documentation
Оригинальные документы ................................ 35
1.2. A. Principal Characteristics of a Ship
Основные характеристики судна................................. 35
1.2. В. Condition Survey Report
Акт проверки технического состояния (судна).... 36
1.2. C. Condition Survey Report (continued)
(продолжение Акта)........................................................ 39
1.2. D. Condition Survey Report. Main and Auxiliary Machin-
Гпавные и вспомогательные механизмы.................... 44
Vocabulary and grammar exercises (continued)
Лексико-грамматические упражнения (продолжение).......... 48
1.3. Communicative Activities
Устноречевая практика................................................ 51

1.3.1. Встреча незнакомого посетителя на судне:
объяснение цели визита, получение инструкций
от начальника по телефону, сопровождение
гостя по судну................................................................. 52
/.3.2. Прием в своей каюте делового партнера, опо-
здавшего к назначенному времени: извинения,
объяснение причин опоздания, угощение гостя,
просьба воспользоваться телефоном - аргу-
ментированный отказ................................................... 52
1.3.3. Прием делового партнера и застольная беседа
общего характера: угощение гостя, обсуждение
национальных гастрономических обычаев и по-
лученных впечатлений................................................... 53
1.3.4. Дружеский обед: высказывание комплиментов по
поводу вкусного угощения, предложение помощи,
организация “перекура'’, предложение подвезти
собеседника к ближайшему телефону-автомату 54
1.3.5. Разговор по радиотелефону: выражение согла-
сия купить предложенную вещь, просьба обсу-
дить детали, предложение организовать личную
встречу, высказывание альтернативы - приня-
тие альтернативного предложения........................... 55
1.3.6. Разговор о бытовом электроприборе: объясне-
ние его устройства, порядка эксплуатации и
мер предосторожности при его использовании... 56
Situations - Коммуникативные ситуации................................... 57
1.3.7. Неофициальный разговор общего характера о
судне, стоянке в порту и портовом городе............ 57
1.3.8. Официальная беседа судомеханика с сюрвейе-
ром: описание основных технических данных
судна, наличия, количества и расположения ме-
ханизмов в процессе инспекторского обхода суд-
на....................................................................................... 57
1.3.9. Узнавание объектов по детальному описанию их
назначения, внешнего вида и расположения на
судне............................................................... 58
1.3.10. Тренировка в описании предметов судового обо-
рудования, ориентируясь на соответствующие
вопросы........................................................................... 58



ВАХТЫ.............................................................................. 59
II. 1. Texts to be studied
Учебные тексты............................................................. 59
11.1. A. Duties of the Deck Department Personnel
Обязанности личного состава палубной службы. 59
II. 1.В. Duties of the Engine Department Personnel
Обязанности личного состава технической
службы.............................................................................. 65
II. 1.С. Engineer's Duties on Joining a Ship
Обязанности механика по прибытию на судно.... 70
. II.1.D. Engine Room Watchkeeping Procedures
Порядок несения вахты в машинном отделении.. 73
Vocabulary and grammar exercises
Лексико-грамматические упражнения......................................... 77
11.2. Documentation
Оригинальные документы........................................ 86
11.2. A. Duties of the Engineer Officer in Charge of the Watch
Обязанности вахтенного механика............................. 86
II. 2. В. When to Call the Chief Engineer
Когда следует вызывать старшего механика (в
МО).................................................................................... 91
II. 2. С. Transfer of Chief Engineer Responsibilities
Передача заведования старшего механика (Акт) 94
II. 2. D. Contract of Employment
Договор о найме на работу........................................... 97
11.2. E. Contract of Temporary Employment on Sea-Going
Договор о найме на временную работу на судах
дальнего плавания........................................................ Ю7
Vocabulary and grammar exercises (continued)
Лексико-грамматические упражнения (продолжение)......... 111
11.3. Communicative Activities
Практика письменной и устной речи........................ 117

11.3.1. I) Телефонный разговор курсанта с малознако-
мым круинговым агентом о прохождении прак-
тики на иностранном судне. II) Обсуждение ус-
ловий договора о предоставлении практикант-
ского места на иностранном судне, порядка
посадки на судно, приобретения авиабилетов и
подготовки к путешествию. Ill) Уточнение по
телефону результата действий по брониро-
ванию места в самолете, порядка прибытия
в пункт назначения и поселения в гостинице.
IV) Встреча в аэропорту, переезд в гостиницу,
оформление прибытия. V) Эмоциональная оцен-
ка условий проживания, планирование обеда и
международного телефонного разговора..............
11.3.2. Случайная встреча с влиятельным знакомым,
использование подвернувшейся возможности
встретиться с брокером и поговорить об уст-
ройстве на судно........................................................
11.3.3. Прибытие на неофициальную встречу, извине- 121
ния по поводу опоздания, объяснения, застоль-
ный разговор, детальное описание кандидатом
на получение работы своего академического и
профессионального прошлого, бурная реакция в
связи с открывшимися перспективами, выраже-
ние благодарности за оказанную услугу.................
11.3.4. Организованная агентом встреча судомехани- 123
ка, ищущего работу на судах, плавающих под
иностранным флагом, с посредником работо-
дателя: выяснение служебной биографии канди-
дата. обсуждение договора о найме и дальней-
ших действий механика.............................................
11.3.5. I) Действия механика, прибывшего на судно, по 126
ознакомлению с аварийным расписанием. II) Ин-
структаж по технике безопасности и правилам
увольнения на берег. Ill) Разговор о прие-
ме/передаче заведования механика. IV) Разговор
старшего с подчиненным о выполнении распо-
ряжений и работах, выполняемых членами ма-
шинной команды, работающими в дневную сме-
ну. V) Разговор о расположении жилых помеще-
ний на судне. VI) Перенос встречи на болев
позднее время в связи с обстоятельствами. VII)
Беседа начальника с вновь прибывшим подчи-

ненным о расширении круга его компетенции.
VIII) Согласование своих действий с начальни-
ком и отдача распоряжений подчиненно-
му...................................................................................... 129
11.3.6. Телефонный разговор старшего механика с ме-
хаником, сменяющимся с вахты.................................. 132
Situations - Коммуникативные ситуации.................................... 133
11.3.7. Написание письма студентом морского вуза
иностранному брокеру с просьбой устроиться
на судно в качестве стажера-механика или, в
крайнем случае, моториста: описание своей
квалификации, дипломов об образовании и рабо-
чих дипломов, уровня владения английским язы-
ком и т. п......................................................................... 133
11.3.8. Собеседование представителя иностранной
судоходной компании со студентами морского
учебного заведения с целью отбора практикан-
тов, а в потенциале и постоянных работников,
на суда компании............................................................ 134
11.3.9. Действия молодого специалиста с целью до-
биться телефонной связи с круинговым аген-
том за рубежом; после того, как связь состоя-
лась, рассказ о своей профессиональной карье-
ре, и обсуждение предложений агента....................... 134
11.3.10. Речевые действия моряка, возвращающегося
самостоятельно на родину: в бюро путешест-
вий. в аэропорту, на борту самолета, в гости-
нице.................................................................................. 136
11.3.11. Вступление второго механика в должность на
судне, плавающем под иностранным флагом:
общение на всех этапах этой процедуры............... 137
Hand Tools
Краткий русско-английский словарь по теме ‘Ручные ин-
струменты”.................................................................................... 138
СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ.......................... 142


Настоящее учебное пособие является первой половиной ком-

плекса учебных материалов, предназначенных для обучения англий-
скому языку учащихся морских инженерно-технических учебных заве-
дений и личного состава технической службы судов дальнего плава-
ния Многие разделы пособия могут быть использованы также матро-
сами и штурманами, которые изучают английский язык, с преподавате-
лем или самостоятельно, с целью использования его в предстоящей
работе на судах иностранных компаний в составе многонациональных
Пособие рассчитано на лиц, получивших элементарную подго-
товку по английскому языку в объеме программы средней школы. По
замыслу авторов, оно поможет учащимся решить две задачи: 1) нако-
пить запас лексики и приобрести умения, необходимые для чтения
английских текстов, описывающих общее устройство торгового судна и
организацию безопасной и эффективной эксплуатации судовых меха-
низмов и систем, с целью извлечения профессионально значимой ин-
формации и последующего использования ее в практической работе;
2) научиться элементарным умениям устного общения на английском
языке в ситуациях, связанных с: поиском работы и подписанием дого-
вора о найме, самостоятельной поездкой моряка за рубеж и его воз-
вращением на родину, прибытием на иностранное судно, вступлением
в должность и выполнением своих служебных обязанностей.
Структура и состав данного учебного пособия подробно отра-
жены в Оглавлении. Оно состоит из двух тематических циклов: I. Мор-
ское судно. II. Организация службы на судне: Обязанности личного со-
става; Зачисление в экипаж и посадка на судно; Порядок несения вах-
Каждый тематический цикл включает;
а) 4-5 учебных текстов, вводящих тематическую лексику и сопровож-
даемых вопросами для контроля понимания основного содержа-
ния материала, прочитанного со словарем, следующим непосред-
ственно за текстом,
б) 4-5 оригинальных текстов, иллюстрирующих использование тема-
тической лексики в различных документах, понимание которых
также контролируется с помощью вопросов;
в) два лексико-грамматических подраздела, насчитывающих 12-13
устных и письменных упражнений на усвоение и активизацию те-
матической лексики, расширение и систематизацию знаний прак-
тической грамматики;
г) раздел “Устноречевая практика", состоящий из шести разных по
объему диалогов-образцов, материал которых усваивается с по-
мощью предложенной нами методики;

д) 4-5 коммуникативных ситуаций, являющихся синтезирующим эта-
пом обучения.
Англо-русский словарь двух тематических циклов включает
около 1100 лексических единиц и обеспечивает чтение всех учебных и
ори!инальных текстов. К учебному пособию также прилагается краткий
русско-английский словарь по теме “Ручные инструменты”.
Авторы выражают признательность коллегам, преподавателям
кафедры английского языка энергетических факультетов ОНМА, кото-
рые на протяжении четырех лет заинтересованно и творчески участво-
нали в апробировании материалов пособия на практических занятиях с
курсантами факультетов судомеханического, электромеханического и
автоматики. Адресуем также слова благодарности Центру подготовки и
аттестации плавсостава, энергичные усилия которого сделали воз-
можным издание данной работы.


Название букв,
Написание букв выраженное знаками транскрипции
Аа [ei]
ВЬ [bi:]
Сс [si:]
Dd [di:]
Ее [i:l
Ff [ef]
Hh [eitfl
Ii [ai]
Ji [d3ei]
Kk [kei]
LI [el]
Mm [em]
Nn [en]
Oo [ou]
Pp [Pi:]
Qq [kju:]
Rr [a:]
Ss [es]
Tt [ti:]
Uu [ju:]
Vv [vi:]
Ww ['dAbl ju:]
Xx [eks]
Yy [wai]
Zz _________________[zed]_________________

Транскрипци- Сходный звук рус- Примечания к произнесению зву-
онный знак ского языка ков
[Ь] 6 - бокс
[П ф - фрак
Эти английские звуки почти пол-
[к] к - кран
ностью совпадают с соответст-
_[т]_ м - мрак
вующими звуками русского язы-
[Р] п - пар ка.
м в - вал
и з - зал
[б] д-дом При произнесении этих англий-
[I] л - лом ских звуков кончик языка касает-
[П] н - нос ся альвеол (бугорков над верх-
ними зубами).
и т-том
х-хор Произносится на лёгком выдохе
• р - рама Буква Я читается перед гласны-
ми. Кончик языка не вибрирует.
03] дж - джем Похожий русский звук встречает-
ся в заимствованных словах.
н с - сон
[0] г - гром
и з - зона
[дг] гз - зигзаг
[кв] кс - кекс
Положение губ такое, как будто
И вы дуете, а затем, растягивая
уголки губ, произносите звук [в].
ш - шип Похож на русский звук [шь].
ч - чуб Похож на русский звук [ч].

[0] Похож на шепелявый русский
звук [с].
Похож на шепелявый русский
звук [з] Произносится в служеб-
[д] но-грамматических словах и в
положении между гласными.
Ы ж - жар
М Носовой звук.

Транскрипци- Сходный звук рус- Примечания к произнесению зву-
онный знак ского языка ков
[ЄІ] Напоминает дифтонг [ей] в рус-
ском слове “чей”.
[аэ] Похож на ударный звук средний
между русскими звуками [а] и [э].
М Похож на протяжный русский
звук [и] в слове "ива"
ш Напоминает русский звук [и] в
слове "игра".
[е] Напоминает русский звук [е] в
слове “шесть".
lai] Напоминает русский дифтонг [ай]
в слове “чай”.
[OU] Близкий русскому звукосочетанию
(□] Произносится как русский звук [о]
без округления и выпячивания
Du:] Похож на русский звук [ю] в сло-
ве “юла”.
[л] Напоминает русский звук [а] в
слове "базар”.
[а:] Сходных звуков в русском языке
нет. При произнесении звука [а:]
открыт как для русского звука [а],
язык отодвинут дальше назад
[0=] При произнесении звука [э ] по-
ложение языка такое же, как при
звуке [а:], но губы значительно
[е-1 При произнесении звука [а:] тело
языка приподнято, а спинка язы-
ка лежит плоско. Губы напряже-
ны и слегка растянуты, чуть об-
нажая зубы.
И Похож на безударный звук сред-
ний между русскими звуками [а] и

Iранскрипци- СХОДНЫЙ звук рус- Примечания к произнесению зву-
онный знак ского языка ков
[и] Похож на русский звук [у] в слове
[и] Напоминает краткий русский звук
[у] в слове “кулак".
Оие] Первый элемент - сокращённое
алфавитное звучание буквы “и",
второй - безударный гласный [9];
произносятся слитно.
[19] Первый элемент - сокращённое
алфавитное звучание буквы “е”,
второй - безударный гласный [э];
произносятся слитно.
[ЕЭ] Первый элемент похож на рус-
ский звук [э], второй - безудар-
ный звук [э]; произносятся слит-
[Э19] Первый элемент - алфавитное
• звучание буквы Т, второй - без-
ударный звук [а]; произносятся
[аи] Близкий русскому звукосочета-
нию [ау].
[Э!] Близкий русскому звукосочета-
нию [ой] в слове “стой".



The Structural Parts of the Hull

There are two main’ parts2 of a ship: the hull3 and machinery4.
The structural5 parts of the hull of a steel 6 ship include’ frames8.
beams9, keel10, keelson”, stem12, stempost’3, shell plating14, bulkheads’5,
and decks’6
The frames are the transverse ribs 17 that make up13 the skeleton of
ship. They rise at right angle to19 the keel, extend20 and are numbered
from the aft21 to fore22, act as23 stiffeners24, hold25 the outside26 plating and
maintain27 the transverse form of the ship.
The main beams usually run28 athwartship29 from side to side of a
ship and are fastened30 to the frames. They support 31 the plating or plank-
•n9 of a deck.
The bulkheads are the vertical partitions 33 running from the floors of
*he holds34 to the main deck and subdividing35 the interior36 of a ship into
the various37 compartments38. The transverse watertight39 bulkheads run in
an athwartship direction across the whole breadth 40 of a ship. Their principal
function41 is to divide the ship into a series 42 of watertight compartments so
to 3 prevent44 the flow45 of water under pressure 40 from one compart-
ment to another. Some of the bulkheads are provided with 47 a watertight
door. These doors are closed and opened hydraulically 48 and can be con-
trolled remotely49 from the bridge.
A deck in a ship corresponds to a floor in a building It is the plating.
Planking or any other covering 50 of beams forming a floor, either in the hull
superstructure51 of a ship All decks are designated 53 by their location54
>d function. The uppermost55 continuous deck to which rise all the water-
tight bulkheads is called the main deck. The top 56 of the fore raised part of
the main deck is the forecastle 5 deck and the top of the aft raised section is
the poop58 deck. The fore and aft parts of a flush deck are sometimes
called mooring59 decks. The weather deck50 is the uppermost continuous
ck exposed to01 the weather, it may also be called92 upper, awning,
shade or shelter deck. Davits63 and lifeboats64 are installed65 on the boat
deck. The deck below89 the main deck is called tween-deck67. There may
also be68 bridge, superstructure, promenade and other decks.

mam [mem| - основной, главный
pait |pu t| - часть, деталь
hull |||л|| корпус судна

4 machinery [та'/кпап] - механизмы, машинное оборудование
piece of [pi:s av] - - механизм (один)
- component [kam'pounant] - механизм (один)
5. structural [str/\tjaral] - конструктивный; структурный
6 steel - сталь
7 to include [tu in'klu.d] - содержать, включать
8 frame [freim] - шпангоут; рамная конструкция
9 beam [bi:m] - бимс; балка
10. keel [ki:l] - киль
11. keelson ['kelsn] - кильсон
12. stem [stem] - форштевень
13. sternpost ['sta:npoust] - ахтерштевень
14. shell plating [Jel ' pleitirj] - обшивка корпуса; наружная обшивка
15. bulkhead [ bAlkhed] - переборка; перемычка
16. deck[dek] - палуба
17. rib [nb| - ребро
transverse - ['traenzve s] - поперечное ребро
18. to make up [ta meik лр] - составлять
19. to rise at right angle to...
[ta raiz at rait aerjgl ta] - подниматься под прямым углом к...
20 to extend [tu iks’tend) - тянуть(ся); простираться
21. the aft [5i a:ft] - кормовая (задняя) часть; корма
22. the fore [da fo;] - передняя (носовая) часть; нос
23. to act as (smth, smb)
[tu aekt az]- служить в качестве (чего-либо кого-либо); действо-
вать как (что-либо, кто-либо)
24 stiffener ['stifna] - ребро жесткости; стойка
25. to hold [ta hould] - держать; удерживать
26. outside [' aut'said] - наружный; внешний
27. to maintain [mein’tein] - поддерживать; удерживать, содержать в
28 to run [глп] - проходить (о кабеле, трубе и т.п); тянуться; прости-
29. athwartship [a'Owo.tjip] - поперек судна; на траверзе
30. to be fastened to smth
[ta bi: fcrsnd ta] - прикрепляться к чему-либо
31. to support [ta sa'poit] - поддерживать; подпирать
32. planking ['plaeqkirj] - деревянный настил; деревянная обшивка
33. partition [paftijan] - разделительная переборка; выгородка
34. hold [hould] - трюм
35 subdivide ['sAbdi'vaid] - подразделять

36. the interior [di in'tiane] - внутренность; внутренняя часть
37. various ['vearias] - различные; разные; разнообразные
38. compartment [kam'pa:tment] - отсек; отделение
39. watertight [wodatait] - водонепроницаемый, герметичный
40. breadth [bredO] - ширина
41. function ['fAgkJan] - назначение; функция
42. a series of smth
[ e'sierirz av] - ряд чего-либо (каких-либо предметов)
43. so as (to do)
[sou az tu du:] - с тем чтобы (сделать; выполнить)
44. to prevent [ ta pn'vent] - предотвращять; предупреждать
45. flow [flou] - (ис)течение; сток
46. under pressure ['Anda prefa] - под давлением
47. to be provided with smth
[te bi: pra'vaidid wid]- быть снабженным (оборудованным) чем-
48. hydraulically [hai dnrlikah] - гидравлически
49. to be controlled remotely
[te bi: ken'trould n'mouth]- управляться дистанционно
50. covering [kAvenq] - настил; обшивка; облицовка
51. superstructure [ 'sju:pa .strAktJa] - надстройка
52. length [lerjO] - длина
53. to be designated
[ta bi: 'dezigneitid] - обозначаться; называться
54. location [lou'keijen] - расположение; нахождение; размещение
55. (the) uppermost [di 'Apamoust] - самый верхний
56. top [top] - верхняя поверхность
57. forecastle [ fouksl] - баковая надстройка; бак
58. poop [pu:p] - ютовая надстройка; ют
59. mooring ['muanr)] - швартовка; швартовный
60. weather deck [ weda dek] - открытая палуба
61. exposed to smth [iks'pouzd ta] - подверженный воздействию чего-
62. to be called smth [te bi: ko:|d] - называться чем-либо
63. davit ['daevit] - шлюпбалка; кран-балка
64. lifeboat [’laifbout] - спасательная шлюпка
65. to be installed [ta bi: m'stodd] - устанавливаться; размещаться
66. below [bi'lou] - под; внизу; под верхней палубой
67. tween-deck [twi:n' dek] - твиндек; междупалубное пространство;
промежуточная палуба

Did you understand it?

a. What are two main parts of a ship? b. Can you list nine structural parts of
the hull? c. Are the frames numbered from the fore to aft or from the aft to
fore? d. What is the shell plating held by? e. What do we call the structural
parts supporting the plating or planking of a deck? f. What do we call the
spaces formed as a result of subdividing the interior of a ship by the bulk-
heads? g. What is the principal function of the watertight bulkheads? h. Is it
possible to control the watertight doors remotely? i. What can the super-
structure deck covering be made of? j. What principle is used for designat-
ing decks? k. Can you define the “main deck”? I. Why is one of the decks
called “boat deck"? m. What is a tween-deck?

1.1.B. General Arrangement1

The front portion of a ship is called the BOW 2. Large tankers3, bulk
carriers and ships of some other types are provided with a bulbous bow 5

which can reduce6 pitching7 in heavy seas8 and increase9 speed when the
ship is in ballast. The fact that the hull of an individual ship is provided with
a BOW BULB10, unseen in a full-loaded 1' ship, is shown by a special mark
on both sides of the bow above the water-line12. It is a safety precaution'3.
Most modern passenger liners'4, tankers, bulk carriers and con-
tainer ships15 have a thwartship propulsion unit' 6 fitted17 in the fore under-
water portion of the hull and called BOW THRUSTER 18. The purpose19 of
this arrangement20 is to make the manoeuvering2' of the ship in confined
and congested waters22 easier. The availability 23 of a bow thruster in a ship
is marked on a ship's hull.
The rear24 portion of a ship is named THE STERN 25. We say that a
ship is moving ASTERN26 when she is moving stern first 27. When a ship is
moving bow first she is said to be moving AHEAD28 then29.
THE RUDDER30 situated right aft below the water line is a means 32
used for maintaining the ship’s course33.
The area34 between the bow and the stern is called THE
MIDSHIPS35. The maximum breadth of a vessel is found 38 in the midships
body It is known as THE BEAM37.
A HOLD is a below-deck space38 where cargo is stowed39.
The space in the lower part 40 of the ship’s hull comprised 4' between
the outer42 and inner43 bottoms44 is called THE DOUBLE-BOTTOM45. Fuel
oil46 storage tanks47, fresh water48 tanks and ballast49 tanks are located50
there. This space protects the ship in case of damage 51 to the outside plat-
There are aboard52 every ship two CHAIN LOCKERS 53 for the
stowage of ANCHOR CHAINS54. These compartments are situated in the
forward part of the ship, in front of65 the collision bulkhead58. Each of them

is fitted with57 a ring bolt58 to which the end of the chain is secured59.

1. arrangement [a’remd3ment] - размещение; расположение; компо-
2. bow [bau] - нос, носовая часть
3. tanker ftaegke] - наливное судно; танкер
4. bulk carrier [bAlk кавпэ] - судно для перевозки массовых (нава-
лочных) грузов; балкер
5. bulbous bow ['bAlbes bau] - бульбообразный нос
6. to reduce [ta n'djurs] - уменьшать; ослаблять; понижать; сокра-
7. pitching ['pitflг)] - килевая качка
8. heavy seas ['hevi si:z] - сильное волнение; большая волна; бур-
ное море
9. to increase [tu in'krks] - увеличивать; усиливать; повышать
10. bow bulb [bau Ьл1Ь] - носовой бульб; носовая бульбовая наделка
11. full-loaded [' ful . loud id] - в полном грузу
12. water-line ['wo:ta lain] - ватерлиния
13. safety precaution ['setfti рп'ОДэп] - мера безопасности
14. passenger liner [ paesindja 'laina] - пассажирское судно; рейсовый
15. container ship [kan'teina fip] - контейнеровоз
16. thwartship propulsion unit
['Owottjip pra'pAlJan 'ju:nit]- поперечное гребное устройство
17. fitted [’fitid] - установленный
18. bow thruster [bau 'OrAsta] - носовое подруливающее устройство
19. purpose ['pa:pas] - назначение, цель; намерение
20. arrangement [a'reindjment] - устройство; установка; приспособ-
21. manoeuvring [ma' nu: van г)] - маневрирование
22. confined and congested waters
[kan'faind and kan'djestid wo:tez]- фарватер, ограниченный по
ширине и глубине и с оживленным движением
23. availability [a .veilebiliti] - наличие
24. rear [па] - задний
25. stern [sta:n] - корма
26. astern [a' stem] - назад; задним ходом
27. to move stern first [to mu:v sta:n fa:st] - двигаться кормой вперед
28. ahead [a'hed] - вперед

29. then [den] - тогда; в таком случае
30 rudder ['rAda] - руль
31. right aft [rait a:ft] - прямо за кормой
32. a means [э mi:nz] - средство; способ
33. ship’s course [ ftps ko:s] - курс судна
34 area ['ceria] - участок, зона; район
35. the midships [da'midj'ips] - средняя (миделевая) часть судна
36. to be found [ta bi: faund] - находиться
37. beam [bi:m] - ширина судна; траверз
38. below-deck space [bi’lou dek speis] - подпалубное пространство
39. to stow [ta stou] - укладывать; размещать; штивать
40 the lower part [ daloua pa:t] - нижняя часть
41. to be comprised [te bi: kam'praizd] - быть охваченным
(включенным); вмещаться
42. outer [’auta] - наружный; внешний
43. inner fine] - внутренний
44. bottom [’batam] - днище; дно
45. double-bottom ['dAbl 'botam] - двойное дно; междудонное про-
. странство
46. fuel oil ['f]u:al 'oil] - жидкое топливо; горючее
47. storage tank ['stood j tserjka] - цистерна постоянного запаса
48 z fresh water [frej 'wo:te] - пресная вода
49. ballast [ baelast] - балласт
50. to be located [te bi: lou'keitid] - располагаться; находиться; раз-
51. damage ['daemidj] - повреждение; порча; вред; ущерб
52. aboard [a'bo:d] - на судне; на борту
53. chain locker [tjein laka] - цепной ящик
54 anchor chain ['aegke tfein] - якорная цепь; якорный канат
55 in front of smth [in frAnt av] - перед чем-либо: впереди чего-либо
56. collision bulkhead [ka'lijen 'bAlkhed] - таранная переборка
57. to be fitted with smth [ta bi. 'fitid wid] - быть снабженным (оборудо-
ванным) чем-либо
58. ring bolt [nrj boult] - рым-болт
59. to be secured [ta bi: srkjued] - быть закрепленным

Did you understand it?

a. Why is the bow of large ships provided with a bulb 9 b. What safety pre-
caution is taken to show that the ship has a bulbous bow? c. On what types
of ship is a bow thruster usually fitted? d. What is the purpose of this pro-

pulsion unit? e. When do we say that the ship is moving Astern/Ahead?
f. What is the English name for the arrangement used for maintaining the
ship’s course? g. Where is it situated? h. What term designates the widest
part of the hull? i. What is a hold? j. Can you describe the location and
function of the double-bottom? k. In what compartments are the anchor
chains stowed? I. By what means is one end of the anchor chain secured
to the ship’s hull?

1.1 .C. The Propulsion System 1

THE PROPULSION SYSTEM of a diesel-driven ship 2 includes main

engines3 and supporting systems 4, fuel system5, lubricating (oil) system8,
cooling system7, supercharging system®, starting and reversing system 9, as
well as couplings10, reduction gear11, shafting1' and a propeller13 - fixed-
pitch14 or variable-pitch15 propeller (controllable-pitch-propeller - CPP) 18.
THE POWER PLANT17 of a turbine-driven ship 1® usually consists of
steam turbines19 connected through20 flexible21 couplings to a reduction
gear for driving22 the propeller shaft23 and steam generators 24 which may be
forced-draft type boilers25 of the two-drum2®, water-tube27, double-cased28
type fitted with superheaters29, regenerative air heaters30, and water-wall
Some ships have diesel-electric or turbo-electric drive 32. In such
ships the power plant is used not to drive the propeller directly 33 but to gen-
erate electricity for the driving motor34 coupled to35 the propeller shaft.
Today more than 70% of the world fleet are propelled by diesel en-
gines most of which are disigned37 or converted38 for burning heavy fuel oil
which is cheaper39 than diesel oil40.

1. propulsion system [pra'pAlfen 'sistim] - пропульсивный комплекс;
гребная установка
2. diesel-driven ship
['di:zel dnvn Jip] - судно с дизельной гребной установкой; тепло-
3. main engine [mein 'endjin] - главный двигатель
4. supporting systems [se'podiq 'sistimz] - системы обеспечения
5. fuel system [fjual 'sistim] - топливная система
6. lubricating system ['lu:bnkeitirj 'sistim] - система смазки
7. cooling system ['kulirj sistim] - система охлаждения
8 supercharging system [’sjuipatja^jir) 'sistim] - система наддува
9. starting and reversing system
[’ sto.tirj end n'vasirj 'sistim] - пускореверсивная система
10. coupling ['kAphrj] - муфта

11. reduction gear [n'dAkJen go] - редукторная передача; редуктор
12. shafting ['Ja:ftirj] - валопровод
13. propeller [pre'pele] - гребной винт
14. fixed-pitch [fikst pitj] - фиксированного шага
15. variable-pitch ['veeriebl pitj] - переменного шага
16 controllable-pitch propeller - CPP
[ken'troutebl pitf pre'pete si: pi: pi:]- винт регулируемого шага -
17. power plant ['paua plcrnt] - силовая установка
18. turbine-driven ship ['te:bin dnvn Jip] - турбоход
19. steam turbine (sti;m te:bin] - паровая турбина
20. connected through smth [ke'nektid Gru:] - соединенный при помо-
щи чего-либо
21. flexible ['fleksebl] - упругий; гибкий
22. driving ['draivirj] - приводящий в действие (вращающий)
23. propeller shaft [pre'pele Jd:ft] - гребной вал
24. steam generator [sti:m djenereite] - парогенератор
25. forced-draft type boiler
[fast dra ft taip boite] - котел с принудительным дутьем
26. two-drum [tu: drAm] - двухбарабанный
27. water-tube ['wr-te tju:b) - водотрубный
28. double-cased [ dAbl keist] - с двойным кожухом
29. superheater [,sju:pa'hi:ta] - пароперегреватель
30. regenerative air heater
[n'd^enerativ ее 'hi:te] - регенеративный воздухоподогреватель
31. furnace [ fe:nis] - топка
water-wall - ['wo-.te WT-I] - экранированная топка
32. drive [draiv] - гребная установка, привод
33. directly [di'rektli] - прямо; непосредственно
34. driving motor ['draivig 'moute] - приводной электродвигатель
35. coupled to smth ['kApId ta] - соединенный с чем-либо
36. to propel [to pre'pel] - двигать; приводить в движение
37. to design [ta di zain] - проектировать; конструировать: рассчиты-
вать; предназначать
38. to convert [ta kan'va.t] - переоборудовать; превращать
39. cheap [tJ1:p] - дешевый
40. disel oil - DO ['di:zal oil di: ou] - дизельное топливо - ДТ

Did you understand it?

a. When do we say that a vessel is a diesel-driven ship? b. And when is a

vessel said to be a turbine-driven ship? c. What are the supporting systems
of a diesel-driven ship? d. What arrangements are installed between the
main engine and the propeller? e. What two types of propeller are used for
driving the ship through the water? f. What is the reason for calling one of
the shafts “propeller shaft”? g. What type of boiler is described in the text?
h. What are its main parts? i. What unit is the propeller driven by in a ship
with a diesel-electric or turbo-electric propulsion system? j. Why are many
modern diesel engines designed to burn heavy fuel oil?

I.1. D. Use of Electricity on Shipboard

The ever-increasing' use of electricity on shipboard, for propulsion,

auxiliaries2, navigation3, piloting4 and deck machinery5, is a well-known fact.
Today the engine room® auxiliaries - pumps 7, compressors, blow-
ers®, centrifuges9, etc. - are electrically-driven1 .
The steering gear", navigating equipment 12, deck machinery -
windlass13, capstan", winches15, cranes’®, hatch covers 17 - are all electri-
cally or electrohydraulically-driven.
The helmsman’8 steers19 by an electrically-driven gyrocompass 20,
and the course he sets21 is maintained automatically22 by a gyro-pilot23, and
it is done very simply by moving a lever24.
The angle of the ship’s rudder is indicated in the wheelhouse 25 elec-
trically; so also is the engine speed, direction of rotation 26 and number of
revolutions27, r.p.m.
Continuous soundings28 are made by an electric fathometer28. An
alarm sounds in the wheelhouse if one of the ship’s running lights 31 goes

A lot of equipment does its job automatically:
- telephones connect deck and engine room stations-
- radio keeps in touch33 with other ships and shore34, receiving time sig-
nals and weather reports35 as well as bearings36;
- an alarm warns3, the watch engineer38 of a temperature rise39 or a pres-
sure drop40 in the lubricating oil system;
- another alarm warns of a temperature rise in the cooling water system;
- there are special alarms warning the watch engineer of the tanks being
full, when taking bunkers41 and many other signaling devices42.
The source of electric power on merchant ships 44 is usually com-
prised of two or more a.c. generators or alternators 45 arranged for parallel
operation46. They supply electric current47 to the main switchboard48 and
from this point the power is distributed49 to the secondary50 distribution
points - various controls51, panels52, emergency53 switch board and general
1. ever-increasing [eve m'kri:sirj] - все возрастающий

auxiliaries [ng'ziljariz] - вспомогательные механизмы
3 navigation [, naevi'geijan] - судовождение;плавание
4. piloting ['pailatirj] - проводка судна, основанная на определении
его места по береговым предметам
5. deck machinery [dek ma'Jknari] - палубные механизмы
6. engine room ['endjin rum] - машинное отделение
pump [рлтр] - насос
8 blower [bloue] - воздуходувка
9. centrifuge ['sentnfjuidj] - сепаратор; центрифуга
10. electrically-driven [I'lektrikah 'dnvn] - снабженный электроприво-
дом, приводящийся в действие электромотором
11 steering gear ['stianrj gia] - рулевое устройство
12. navigating equipment ['naevigeitiq ikwipmant] - навигационное
13 windlass ['windies] - брашпиль
14 capstan ['kaepstan] - шпиль
15. winch [wmtj] - лебедка
16. crane [krein] - кран (грузоподъемный)
17. hatch cover [haetf 'kAva] - люковое закрытие (трюма)
18. helmsman ['helmzmen] - рулевой
19. to steer [ta stia] - править (рулем); управлять (судном)
20 gyro-compass [djaierakAmpas] - гирокомпас
21. to set the course [ta set 5a ko:s] - задавать курс
22. to maintain automatically [ta mein'tein .rrte'maetikeli]
поддерживать (сохранять) автоматически
23. gyro-pilot [djaiara 'pallet] - авторулевой
24. lever ['li:va] - рукоятка; рычаг
25. wheelhouse ['wrlhaus] - рулевая рубка
26. direction of rotation [di'rekfan av rou'teifan] - направление
27. number of revolutions ['плтЬаг av reva'lujanz] - число оборотов
28. soundings ['saundirjz] - промеры глубины
29 fathometer [fae'damite] - эхолот
30. an alarm [an a' la:m] - сигнальное устройство
31. running lights ['глтг] laits] - ходовые огни
32 to go out [to gou aut] - погаснуть (об огнях)
33. to keep in touch [ta ki:p in tAtJ] - поддерживать связь
34 shore [fo:] - берег
35 weather report ['weSa n'po:t] - сводка погоды
36. bearing ['bsanrj] - пеленг
37. to warn [ta worn] - предупреждать

38. watch engineer [wotj endji'nie] - вахтенный механик
39. temperature rise ['tempritje raiz] - повышение температуры
40. pressure drop ['preja drop] - падение давления
41. when taking bunkers
[wen 'teikig 'bArjkez] - при взятии бункерного топлива
42. signaling device ['signalIQ di'vais] - сигнальное устройство
43. source of electric power [so:s ev riektrik 'paue] - источник
44. merchant ship ['me:tjent fip] - торговое судно
45. a.c.generator [ei si: 'd^enereita] - генератор переменного тока
alternator [.odte'neita] - генератор переменного тока
46. parallel operation ['paeralel opa'reijan] - параллельная работа
47. electric current [i lektrik 'kArent] - электрический ток
48. main switchboard [mem 'switfbordj - главный распределительный
щит (ГРЩ)
49. to be distributed [te bi: dis'tnbjudid] - распределяться
50. secondary ['sekenderi] - вторичный; второстепенный
51. control [ken'troul] - управляющее устройство; орган управления
52. panel ['paenl] - пульт управления; приборная доска
53. emergency [i'ma djensi] - авария; аварийный
54. general lighting [ djenerel 'laitirj] - общее освещение

Did you understand it?

a. What engine room auxiliaries can be electrically driven? b. Can you

guess which of the above-mentioned deck machinery components are elec-
trohydraulically driven? c. What do we call the electrohydraulical arrange-
ment which steers the ship’s course automatically? d. What data and pa-
rameters are indicated electrically on the instruments installed in the wheel-
house? e. What will sound in the wheelhouse if one of the ship's running
lights goes out? f. What is the aim of installing telephones in each ship? g.
What functions does the radio perform on board ship? h. What troubles can
the watch engineer be warned of by automatic signalling devices? I. Can
you define the term “alarm"? j. What components does the shipboard elec-
tric power station consist of? k. Are the term’s “a.c.generator” and “alterna-
tor” synonyms? I. What do they imply? m. What do we call the electric
power distribution arrangements? n. Why is one of the power distribution
points called “emergency switch board”? o. What source is the general
lighting supplied from with electric power?

I.1.E. Explanation of Selected Characteristics of a Ship

THE LENGHT, OVERALL1 is the total length measured2 from the

foremost to the aftermost points of a ship’s hull.
length, is the distance measured from the forward side of the stem to the aft
side of the stern post at the hight3 of the design(ed)4 waterline.
THE BREADTH, MOLDED5 is the distance between the outer
faces of the widest7 frame of a ship.

THE REGISTER(ED) BREADTH (OR BEAM) 8 is the greatest width9

of a ship measured between the outside faces of the shell plating.
THE DRAFT (OR DRAUGHT) 10 is the depth11 of a vessel below the
waterline, measured vertically to the lowest 12 part of the hull, the bottom of
the keel, propellers, or other points of reference 13. The draft increases upon
entering fresh water from salt. THE FORWARD DRAFT is measured at the
bow, and THE DRAFT AFT at the stern. The draft aft increases with speed.
A vessel is said to draw so many feet of water14 according to15 her draft.
THE DRAFT MARKS16 are the numbers (the figures)17 fastened 8
as near to the stem and stern post as possible to indicate how much water
a vessel draws. These numbers are 6 inches 19 high and spaced 12 inches
apart20 vertically; their lower edge21 indicates the draft of the vessel.
THE DISPLACEMENT22 is the weight23 of the water dispalced24 by
a vessel, equal to25 the weight of the vessel. The displacement of a vessel
when floating26 at her designed draft is called DESIGNED
ship excluding29 cargo, passengers, fuel, water and such other items that
are necessary for use on a voyage. THE LOADED DISPLACEMENT 30
brings a vessel down to her maximum draft.
THE DEADWEIGHT TONNAGE31 is the carrying capacity32 of a
ship measured in metric or other weight tons 33. It is the difference 34 be-
tween the displacement, light and the displacement, loaded.
The tonnage given on certificates of registration 35 is generally called
REGISTER(ED) TONNAGE36. It can be expressed37 as GROSS register
tonnage38 or NET register tonnage39. It simply means40 the cubical (or volu-
metric) capacity41 of the vessel devided by 42 100 (since 100 cubic feet are
accepted as the equivalent of 1 ton of general cargo 43. The register(ed)
tonnage is used as a means to obtain estimates 44 for the payment of port
charges45 and other taxes46.
THE DEPTH47. The depth by American Bureau of Shipping 48 rules
is from the top of the keel to either the top of the deck' 18 beams at the side
of the freeboard deck or to the bulkhead deck50.
THE GRAIN (CUBIC) CAPACITY 51.This is the maximum space
available52 for cargo measured in cubic units 53 - feet (ft) or meters (m) - the
measurements54 being taken to the inside of the shall plating of the ship

and to the top of the beams.
THE BALE (CUBIC) CAPACITY 55. This is the space available for
cargo measured in cubic feet or meters to the inside of the cargo battens 56
on the frames, and to the underside57 of the beams.
THE SERVICE SPEED58 of a vessel is given in knots 58. The term
“knots” means velocity60 in nautical miles per hour6’ either of a vessel or a
SHAFT OR BRAKE HORSEPOWER 63 is the means to express the
power of turbines, or diesel engines.
EFFECTIVE HORSEPOWER64 is the actual65 power available for
propulsion which is equivalent to the indicated or shaft horsepower 66 (that is
power actually developed67 in the cylinders of an engine) less all losses 68
due to friction69 of machinery, line shafting, stern bearings, etc.

1. overall ['ouvar.Tl] - полный; общий; предельный; наибольший
2. measured ['mejedJ - измеряемый; измеренный
3. hight [halt] - высота
4. designed [di'zaind] - конструктивный; проектный
5. moulded ['mouldid] - теоретический
6. face [feis] - поверхность
7. (the) widest ['waidist] - самый широкий
8. beam (bi:m] - ширина (судна)
9. width [wid0] - ширина
10. draft (draught) [drcrft] - осадка
11. depth [depO] - глубина
12. (the) lowest ['louist] - самый нижний
13. point of reference [paint av Tefrans] - точка отсчета
14. to draw so many feet of water
[ta dm: sou maem fi:t ev ’wa:ta]- сидеть в воде на столько-то футов
15. according to ... [a'koxhq ta] - согласно, в соответствии с ...
16. draft mark [drarft ma:k] - марка углубления (осадки)
17. number (figure) ['плтЬэ] (['fige]) - цифра:число
18. fastened ['fa:snd] - прикрепленный
19. inch [mtj] - дюйм
20. apart [a'pa:t] - на расстоянии друг от друга
21. edge [ed j] - край; кромка; грань
22. displacement [dis'pleismant] - водоизмещение
23. weight [weit] - вес
24. displaced [dis pleist] - вытесненный
25. equal to smth [r'kwal ta] - равный чему-либо
26. when floating [wen 'floutirj] - будучи на плаву
27. designed displacement

[di'zamd dis'pleismant] - проектное (полное) водоизмещение
28. light displacement [lait dis'pleismentj - водоизмещение порожнем
29. excluding [iks'klu:dirj] - исключая; за исключением
30. loaded displacement
['loudid dis'pleismant] - водоизмещение в (полном) грузу
31. deadweight tonnage ['dedweit 't\nidj] - валовая грузоподъем-
ность; дедвейт
32. carrying capacity ['kaeriirj ka'passiti] - грузоподъемность; грузовме-
33. weight ton [weit t/\n] - весовая тонна (противопоставленная объ-
емной тонне)
34. difference [difrans] - разница; разность
35. certificate of registration
[sa'tifikit av redjis treifan] - регистровое (судовое) свидетельство;
судовой патент
36 register(ed) tonnage
['red3ista(d) 'tAnid3] - регистровая вместимость; регистровый тон-
37. to be expressed [ta bi: iks'prest] - выражаться; быть выраженным
38. gross register tonnage
[grous red3ista 'tAnidj] - брутто регистровый тоннаж
39. net register tonnage
[net 'red3ista ’tAnid3] - нетто регистровый тоннаж
40. it means [it mi:nz] - это означает; это значит
41. cubical (or volumetric) capacity
['kju:bikal o: volju'metnk ka'paesiti] - кубическая (или объемная)
42. divided by 100 [di'vaidid bai wAn 'hAndrad] - разделенный на 100
43. general cargo fdjenerel 'ka:gou] - генеральный (смешанный;
сборный) груз
44. estimate ['estimit] - оценка; приближенный расчет
45. port charges [po:t'tjcudjiz] - портовые сборы
46. tax [taeks] - налог; пошлина; сбор
47. depth [depO] - высота борта
48. American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
[a'merikan bjua'rou av 'Jipirj (ei bi: es)] -
Американское бюро судоходства (классификационное обще-
49. freeboard deck ['fri:bo:d dek] - палуба надводного борта
50. bulkhead deck ['bAlkhed dek] - палуба переборок (непотопляемо-

51. grain (cubic) capacity [grein 'kju:bik ke'paesiti] (объемная) грузо-
вместимость для насыпных (зерновых) грузов
52. available [a'veilabl] - имеющийся в наличии
53. unit ['ju:mt] - единица измерения
54. measurement ['тезэтэп!] - измерения; обмер (судна)
55. bale (cubic) capacity
[beil kju:bik ka'paesiti] - (объемная) вместимость для штуч-
ных (генеральных) грузов; киповая
56. cargo batten [ kcrgou 'baetn] - трюмный рыбине
57. underside ['Andasaid] - нижняя сторона
58. service speed [ sa:vis spi:d] - эксплуатационная скорость
59. knot [not] - узел (единица скорости)
60. velocity [vi bsiti] - скорость
61. miles per hour [mailz par 'aua] - миль в час
62. current ['клгэпЦ - течение
63. shaft or brake horsepower
[fa:ft o: breik 'ho;s ,paua] - мощность на гребном валу; эффектив-
ная (тормозная) мощность
64. effective hersepower
[I'fektiv ho-.s ,paua) - эффективная мощность; буксировочная
65. actual ['aektjual] - фактически существующий
66. indicated horsepower [' indikeitid 'ho:s ,paua] - индикаторная мощ-
67. developed [di'velapt] - развиваемый
68. loss [los] - потеря
69. due to friction [dju: te 'fnkfen] - вызванный трением

Did you understand it?

a. Between what points is the o.a. length measured? b. Between what faces
is the moulded breadth measured? c. Which is greater, moulded or regis-
tered breadth? d. What can the points of reference for measuring the ship’s
draft be? e. When does the aft draft of a ship underway increase? f. Can
you give a description of the draft marks? g. What do they look like? h. Can
you define the ship’s displacement/light displacement? i. What term is used
for designating the carrying capacity of a ship measured in weight/metric
tons? j. What is the register tonnage used for? k. What unit is grain capac-
ity and bale capacity measured in? I. What does the term “knot" mean?
m. What is this unit of measurement used for? n. What units is engine
power output expressed in? o. Can you describe “effective horsepower”?

Vocabulary and grammar exercises

№1 Complete the words and memorize the text

Закончите слова и выучите текст

The structural р... of the ship include fr..., b..., steel plating, k...,
b...heads, d..., and some o... . A h... is a below-deck space wh... cargo is
stowed. The main deck runs continuously from f... to a... of the ship. The
deck where life-saving appliances - l...-b... and I...- r.„- are located is c...
b... deck. The s... in the lower part of the ship's h... comprised between the
outer and inner bottoms is called d... b... .Fuel and w... tanks are I... there.
Ship's machinery include the main and au... engines, e... generators,
steam b..., propeller, p... shaft, steering e.„, d... m,..-capstans, windlass,
winches, cargo booms, and cr...- a number of various pumps and many
other m... c... . Ship's machinery and equipment are in... in different parts of
t... ship and in various c... .The hull of a modern p... or c... ship is m... of
steel and coated with anticorrosive p....

№2 a) Memorize the English equivalents of the following preposi-

tions and prepositional constructions:
Запомните английские эквиваленты следующих предло-
гов и предложных конструкций:

в - in; в задней части - in the aft(er) part; в передней части - in the fore
part; в районе - in the area of; внутри - inside; выше, над - above; между -
between; на - on; ниже - below; около - near; перед - in front of; под - un-
der, рядом c - close to; слева от - on the left of; сзади - at the back of;
позади - behind; снаружи -outside; справа от - on the right of; у - at.

b) Describe the mutual location of the following pairs or

groups of items in a real or imaginary vessel
Опишите взаимное расположение следующих пар или
групп предметов на реальном или воображаемом судне

Model: weather deck # tween-deck # holds;

The weather deck is located above the tween-decks and holds.
The holds are situated below the weather deck and tween-
decks. The tween-decks are located between the weather
deck and holds.

1) windlass # forecastle deck; 2) capstan # superstructure; 3)outer bottom #
double bottom# inner bottom; 4) cargo winch # control panel; 5) main ma-
chinery room # central control room; 6) diesel generators # main engine;

7) some auxiliary machinery# engine room; 8) tween-deck # weather deck
# holds; 9) rudder # ship's hull # waterline; 10) transverse propulsion unit #
bow; 11) chain lockers # collision bulkhead; 12) superstructure # main
deck; 13) wheelhouse # bridge deck; 14) radio room # bridge; 15) steering
engine room # shaft alley; 16) life saving appliances # boat deck # super-
structure; 17) helmsman station # main engine remote control panel; 18)
reduction gear # main engine # coupling; 19) engine room # control room #
main switchboard.

№3 Find out whether the items listed below are available on a training
and commercial vessel or in some of her parts.
Узнайте имеются ли на УПС или в некоторых из его частей пе-
речисленные ниже предметы (или вещества)

Use questions like:"ls there a library on your ship?"; Is there any water in
the swimming pool?"; "Are there cargo booms near hold 3?"
Give answers like: "Yes, there is (some)." ;"No, there are not(any)", etc.

1) a bow thruster; 2) cago cranes; 3) a waste-heat boiler; 4) electrically-
driven hatch covers; 5) a training engine room; a training bridge; 6) a train-
ing radio room; 7) rolling stabilizers; 8) a watertight door # in the collision
bulkhead; 9) a superstructure # in the forward part of the vessel; 10) life
rafts # on the forecastle deck; 11) capstans # on the aft mooring deck; 12)
a bow bulb # on the ship's hull; 13) marks # on the starboard side of the
bow; 14) a hold # right in front of the central superstructure; 15) ring bolts
# in the chain lockers; 16) a reduction gear box # between the main engine
and the coupling; 17) a forced draft blower # on the auxiliary boiler;
18) regenerative air heater # close to the boiler; 19) central control room #
in the machinery tanks. 20) a winch control panel # between holds 1 and 2;
21) sea water # in the port ballast tanks;22) lubeoil # in the tank located in
the engine room; 23) fresh water tanks # in the central part of the double

№4 Find out the quantity of items listed below available on board

a training and commercial vessel.
Узнайте о количестве предметов или веществ, имеющихся в
наличии на УПС.

Ask questions like: "How many messrooms are there on the ship?"; "How
much cargo is there in hold 3?"
Give answers like: "There are two."; "There is little."; "There are a few
tons."; "There is not any, at all", or "I don t know their exact number,
I'm afraid."

1) life boats; life rafts; 2) life buoys; 3) life jackets # in one cadet living qua-
ters; 4) engine rooms; 5) navigating bridges; 6) diesel generators; 7) auxil-
iary boilers; 8) waste heat boilers; 9) propellers; 10) switch boards; 11) con-
trol rooms; 12) decks; 13) watertight bulkheads; 14) anchors;
15) windlasses; 16) cranes; 17) propulsion boilers; 18) frames; 19) holds;
20) refrigeration holds; 21) radar sets(pnc); 22) cadet living quarters;
23) instructor cabins; 24) steering engines; 25) compasses; 26) TV rooms;
27) port holes (иллюминаторов) # in a cadet quarters; 28) watertight doors
It in a watertight bulkhead; 29) fresh water tanks; 30) fuel tanks; 31) ballast
tanks; 32) tons of fresh water # in the starboard tanks; 33) water # in the
portside fresh water tank; 34) sea water # in the full swimming pool;
35) fuel oil # in the service tank; 36) cargo # in the refrigeration hold;
37) tons of cargo # in hold 1; 38) classrooms # in the aft part of the main
deck (in the training machinery spaces); 39) repair shops or machine shops
(ремонтных мастерских, токарных мастерских).

№5 Ask about/describe the location of the below-listed items on board

an individual training and commercial vessel.
Спросите о/опишите расположение нижеперечисленных
предметов на конкретном УПС.

Ask questions like: "Where is A?"; "On which deck is В situated ?"; "In what
part of the ship is D located ?“
Give answers like: "The electrician shop is located below the main deck, on
the portside of the main machinery space, on a platform close to
the central control room."

1) cadet messroom; 2) cadet cinema hall; 3) classroom №2; 4) cadet toi-
lets; 5) cadet quarters 157; 6) academy instructor cabin (or stateroom)
№305; 7) training radio room; 8) cadet washrooms; 9) cadet showers;
10) laundry (прачечная); 11) galley (камбуз); 12) ironing room (комната
для глаженья); 13) swimming pool; 14) training engineer's stateroom
(каюта учебного механика); 15) gyrocompass compartment (помещение,
где размещен гирокомпас); 16) refrigerating plant spaces (помещение
холодильной установки); 17) machine shop (токарно-слесарная
мастерская); 18) auxiliary boiler; 19) waste heat boiler (утилизационный
котел); 20) emergency (аварийный) diesel generator; 21) emergency exit
(выход) from the engine room; 22) spare (запасной) anchor; 23) windlass;
24) davits (шлюпбалки); 25) life boat №3; 26) life raft №6; 27) training ma-
chinery spaces; 28) steering engine room; 29) crane; 30) refrigeration
holds; 31) fuel fill pipes (топливоприемные трубопроводы); 32) distilla-
tion/distilling plant (опреснительная установка); 33) sports facilities.

№6 Find out/say what the listed-below characteristics of the training and
commercial vessel "Professor Anichkov" are.
Узнайте/скажите каковы перечисленные ниже характеристики
УПС "Профессор Аничков".

Ask questions like: "What is this ship's/her length between perpendiculars?"

Give answers like: "Her length b.p. is 130 meters".

длина наибольшая, ширина теоретическая, проектное водоизмещение,
осадка кормой в полном грузу, осадка порожнем, валовая грузоподъ
емность, регистровый тоннаж, эксплуатационная скорость, эффектов
ная и индикаторная мощность его главного двигателя.

№7 Match the corresponding questions and answers

Подберите ответы под пару вопросам

1. What machinery is mostly electri- a) They are refrigerators, electric
cally-driven in modern merchant cookers, meat grinders, potato
ships? peelers, water heaters, dish
2. What energy is used in the drives washers, coffee makers and
of many auxiliary machinery com- toasters.
ponents? b) Practically, all instruments and
3. Can you give the English names machinery controls operate on
of nine pieces of machinery electricity.
whose prime mover is an electric c) In modern merchant ships most
power consumer? auxiliaries are electrically-
4. What galley equipment is electric- driven.
powered? d) Electric power is used in auxil-
5. What central control-room iary machinery drives.
equipment operates on electricity? e) Electric motor is used as prime
mover in pumps, compressors,
blowers, centrifuges, capstans,
windlasses, winches, cranes,
steering engines, and some


1. What very important system is a) In the lighting main, and conse-

one of the electric power con- quently in the plug sockets, the

s timers? voltage was 220 volts. The volt-
2. What do we call the appliances age in the power mains was 380
used for lighting? volts.
3. What voltage was used in your b) The alarm signalling system is one
last ship's electric mains? of the electric power consumers.
4. Can I see the layout diagram of c) Yes, of course. The control panels
the control panels? of the cargo winches, capstans,
5. What is used as the source of and windlasses are located in the
electric power in merchant forecastle. Aft lighting panel is in
ships? room 27. Radio power panel is in
room 21.
d) On board ship, the electric power
station comprises several gen-
sets. The prime engine drives an
a.c. generator or alternator which
generates a.c. or electric power.
e) They are electric bulbs, search-
lights and flash lights.


6. What does the general arrange- a) It converts a.c. into d.c.

ment of electric power distribution b) Voltmeter is.
look like? c) They are all sorts of push buttons -
7. What is the function of a con- start buttons, stop buttons, reset but-
verter? tons, trigger buttons and trip buttons.
8. What function do contactors, cir- d) The generators feed electric power
cuit breakers and switches have in into the main switchboard, from this
common? point the power is distributed to the
9. What controls does an electric secondary distribution points which
panel comprise? are all sorts of panels and boards.
10. What instrument is used for e) They open or close circuits.
measuring voltage?

№8 Look at the answer to each question. Then complete each question

with an appropriate interrogative word or words.
Посмотрите на ответ к каждому вопросу. Затем заполните
каждый вопрос соответствующим вопросительным словом или
a) (How, How much, How many, How old, How tall, How wide. How
far, How long, How often)
1 - is that man? Forty-five.

2 - will you stay here? Three weeks.
3 -- is the weather? Very cold.
4 - does it cost? Twenty dollars.
5 - does he have? About twenty.
6 - are you today? Fine, thanks.
7 - did you get here? By plane.
8 -- pumps are there in that room? There are four.
9 -- is it? Ten dollars.
10 - children does he have? One or two.
11 -- is that pipe? Six meters.
12 - money do you have? Ninety-five cents.
13 — is your wife? Thirty years old.
14 - meat did you buy? One kilogram.
15 -- tons of water did you order? One hundred and fifty tons.
16 -- does he come here? Two times a year.
17 -- do you like this food? Very much.
18 - is Kiev from here? Five hundred kilometers.
19 - people are there here? About thirty.
20 - is it to Nikolaiev? Not far.
21 - will you get to Piraeus? By boat.
22 - will you be in Odessa? Several months.
23 - is your friend? He's six feet.

b) (What, Where, When, Why, Whose, Which, Who, Who(m), What about)

24 -- time is it now? It's ten-fifteen.

25 -- English book is this? It's Peter's.
To the shopping centre.
26 - are you going now?
The left one
27 - one did he turn on? My friend, Bill.
28 - was that short man? My boss.
29 -- did you talk to? I put it there.
30 - was it on the table? The tall one.
31 - man is the chief engineer? Red.
32 - colour is the fire pump? The new motorman.
Probably tonight.
33 - did he assign to this work? Two months ago.
34 - will the ship’s agent get here? It means "transversely".
35 -- did you come here? At the next comer.
36 - does "athwartship" mean? Victor, I think.
37 - is there a bus stop? I think so.
38 - put the spanner there? A new tape recorder.
Chief officer.
39 -- about him? Is he here?

Length, overall 563 ft. 7 3/4 in
l ength, between perpendiculars 528 ft. 0 in.
Beam, moulded 76 ft. Oin.
Depth to main deck, moulded at side 44 ft. 7 in.
Depth to 2nd deck, moulded at side 35ft. 6 in.
Bulkhead deck 2nd deck
Machinery Turbine
Designed sea speed 20 knots
Shaft horsepower, normal 17,500
Shaft horsepower, maximum 19,250
Full load draft, moulded 29 ft. 9 in.
Full load displacement 21,093 tons
Light ship vertical position of centre of gravity1 31.5 ft.
Light ship L.C.G.2 aft F.P 3 276.5 ft.
Passengers 12
Grain cubic 837,305 ft.3
Bail cubic 736,723 ft.3
Reefer cubic 30,254 ft.3
Fuel oil, double bottom + settlers4 2,542 tons
Fuel oil, deep tanks5 1,156 tons
Fuel oil, total 3,698 tons
No of holds 7
Gross tonnage 9,215
Net tonnage 5,367


1 centre of gravity [ senter av graeviti] - центр тяжести

2 L.C.G. [el si: dji:] - продольный центр тяжести
3 F.P.@ [ef pi: ei] - носовой перпендикуляр
4 settler ['setle] - отстойная цистерна
5. deep tank [di p teeqk] - диптанк

Did you understand it?

a. Which deck is higher in relation to the keel - main deck or 2-nd deck?
b. Do the watertight bulkheads in this ship run to the main deck or to an-
other one? c. At what horsepower is the engine of this ship normally oper-
ated? d. Is the vertical position of the centre of gravity above or below the
bulkhead deck? e. How many cubic feet of difference are there between the
grain capacity and bale capacity? f. In what spaces and containers is fuel oil
stored on board ship? g. How many holds are there in this ship? h. What’s
her gross register tonnage? i. How long/wide is she?

1.2. B. Condition Survey Report1 /extracts/

Read the following report of a surveyor2.

Report № 82041
Subject: M/V “CARIBBEAN" Hamburg, Germany
Inspection for Condition April 18,1982

This is to certify3 that the undersigned4 Surveyor did, at the request5

of Continental Marine Underwriters Ltd5, New York, N.Y.7, on April 11,
1982, attend8 the above named vessel while lying on drydock 9 at Blum &
Voss Shipbuilding and Drydock Facility, Hamburg, Germany, for the pur-
pose of ascertaining10 vessel’s general condition, valuation and suitability
for service" for insurance purposes'2.
The M/V “CARIBBEAN” is a tanker of all welded steel constuction
with Modified V-FORM bow, raised forecastle, superstructure aft and an
overhanging14 stern. Nine watertight transverse bulkheads and one longitu-
dinal bulkhead extending from after end of forepeak tank to forward bulk-
head of pump room divide15 the vessel as follows18: Forpeak tank forward,
next port and starboard ballast tanks, next eight port and starboard cargo oil
tanks, next port and starboard fuel oil bunker tanks at sides and pump room
at centre, next machinery space and last at stern the after peak tank. The
pump room is formed17 by partial longitudinal bulkheads 18 eight feet off cen-
terline19 which extend forward from the machinery space bulkhead to the
forward bulkhead of the fuel bunker tanks. Vessel’s solid bronze 20 four-
bladed21 propeller is connected through shafting to an eight-cylinder M.A.N.
diesel propulsion engine22 (direct drive without reduction gears).
Sub-dividing bulkheads23 six feet off centreline port and starboard
sides within24 the forward ballast tank provide 25 spaces for a chain locker
and forward pump room.
The forecastle space above the main deck forward is sub-divided
by non-watertight screen bulkheads 28 to provide rope and gear storage
space27 forward, work shopz8 starboard side, and storage spaces port side.
The after superstructure contains 29 crew berthing facilites 30 for the
sixteen-man crew, including galley31, saloons, wash rooms, staterooms32.

refrigeration spaces, storage spaces and steering machinery room. Atop
of33 the after superstructure is the pilot house34.

Length 253’; Breadth 42’; Depth 18’; Draft 15’10”

Built by Atlas Werke, Bremen, Germany in 19...
Classed by35 Lloyds Register of Shipping /Coastal36 Tanker Service/
SOLAS37 certification by British Ministry of Transport
Owner38, Tankreederei Hanna Grot, Registry, Emden, Germany
Gros Tonnage 1768, Net Tonnage 1040
Fuel oil capacity38 '196 tons
German Flag and Crew are German Nationals

I. condition survey report
[ken'dijen 'sa vei n'po:t] - акт проверки технического состояния
1 surveyor [sa:'veia] - сюрвейер; инспектор классификационного
общества, судовой эксперт
3. to certify [ta 'se tifaij - удостоверять; заверять; подтверждать
this is - - настоящим удостоверяется
4. undersigned [.Anda'saind] - нижеподписавшийся
5. request [n'kwest] - просьба; требование; запрос; заявка
at the - of smb - по чьей-либо просьбе
6. Ltd. (=limited) [el ti: di: ('hmitid)] - (компания) с ограниченной от-
underwriters ~ ['Anda .raitaz] - страховая компания с ограниченной
7. N.Y. (=New York) [' nju: 'jo;k[ - Нью-Йорк (штат США)
8. to attend [tu a'tend] - обслуживать; посещать
9. drydock [ draidok] - сухой док; ставить в сухой док
lying on - ['lanrj эп] - находящийся в сухом доке
10. to ascertain [ta aesa'tein] - устанавливать; удостоверяться; выяс-
нять; убеждаться
with the purpose of -ing [wid de pa:pas ev ,aesa'teinirj] - c
целью установить (выяснить)
II. suitability [.su:te'bileti] - (при)годность
- for service [fa sa:vis] - пригодность к эксплуатации
12. insurance [m'Juarans] - страхование
for ~ purposes [fa in'Juarans'pa pasiz] - для целей страхова-

13. description [dis'kripjan] - описание
14. overhanging [ouvahaegin] - нависающий; свешивающийся
15. to devide [ta di'vaid] - делить, разделять
16. as follows [az 'folouz] - следующим образом
17. to be formed by smth [ta bi: 'fo;md bai 'sAmOig] - образовываться
18. partial longitudinal bulkhead
['pa:jal ,bndji'tju:dinl 'bAlkhed] - продольная полупереборка
19. centreline [senta Jain] - осевая линия; диаметральная линия
eight feet off - [eit fi:t of ’sentalain] смещенный от диамет-
ральной линии на восемь футов
20. solid bronze ['solid bronz] - цельнобронзовый
21. four-bladed [fo/bleidid] - четырехлопастной
22. propulsion engine [pra'pAlfan endrin] - гребной двигатель
23. sub-dividing bulkhead ['sAbdi'vaidig 'bAlkhed] - разделительная
24 within [wi'din] - в в пределах: внутри
25. to provide [ta pre'vaid] - обеспечивать; снабжать
26. screen bulkhead [skriin 'bAlkhed] - разделительная (легкая) пере-
27. storage space ['stoTidj speis] - складское помещение (площадь)
28 work shop [wa:k fop] - (механическая) мастерская
29. to contain [ta kan'tein] - содержать в себе; вмещать
30. facility (facilities) [fa'siliti] - оборудование; приспособления; сред-
ства обслуживания
berthing - ['ba 0iq fe'silitiz] - жилые помещения
31. galley ['gaeli] - камбуз
32. stateroom ['steitrum] - каюта
33. atop of smth [a'top av sAmOirj] - наверху чего-либо
34. pilot house ['pailat haus] - рулевая (ходовая) рубка
35. classed by smb
[kla:st bai'sAmbadi] - классифицированный кем-либо, (ему) при-
своен класс кем-либо
36. coastal ['koustal] - прибрежный
37. SOLAS (=Safety of Life at Sea Convention)
['soules] ['seifti av laif at si:] - Международная конвенция по охране
человеческой жизни на море
38. owner ['ouna] - владелец
39. capacity [ka'paesiti] - вместимость

Did you understand it?
8. What was the purpose of inspecting the general condition of the vessel
by a surveyor? b. What type of ship is the “Caribbean"? c. How many wa-
tertight bulkheads are there in the hull? d. How many cargo oil tanks are
there in the vessel? e. Where is the pump room located? f. What type of
engine is used as the main engine of that ship? g. Are there any reduction
gears between the main engine and the propeller? h. Is there another pump
room located in the fore part of the vessel? i. What is located in the fore-
castle space? j. How large is the crew? k. Where are they berthed?
I What do the crew berthing facilities include? m. Where are the steering
machinery room and pilot house located? n. What are the ship’s dimen-
sions? o. What classification society is the ship classed by? p. Where is
the tanker registered? q. What nationality is the ship’s crew?

I.2. C. Condition Survey Report (continued)

General Condition
Vessel’s stem, keel, stern frame, propeller, rudder, sea strainers’,
sea valves2, anchors, chains and bottom shell plating were examined and
considered3 in satisfactory condition4. During this examination the vessel
was undergoing5 Classification Special Periodical Survey № 3 while on dry-
dock” at which time owners audio-gauged 7 bottom and side shell plating de-
termining® maximum wastage9 not to exceed'0 15% and in scattered loca-
tions only" Bottom and side shell plating were recoated' 2 at this time. Bot-
tom and side shell plating were fair 13 throughout14 without existing unre-
paired damage15.
The propeller shaft was drawn in, examined and found satisfactory
with stem tube lignum vitae17 bushing clearance18 3/16 by wedge19.
All the welded steel weather decks were fair to well 20, coated
throughout, with negligible waste, wear and tear 21.
Vessel’s weather decks are surrounded by three-tier 23 pipe railing,
well coated and in satisfactory condition.
Cargo tanks were thoroughly cleaned24, examined internally25 and
found satisfactory with moderate26 wastage. No heating coils27 are fitted28.
Vessel’s diesel engine-driven30 deep-well type31 cargo pumps to-
gether with cargo oil piping, valves 32 and arrangement33 were examined and
found satisfactory. Cargo pumps were overhauled 34, tested35 and proven in
good order36.

Masts, stays and rigging were examined and found satisfactory.
All hatches including cargo tank expansion trunks 43 were examined
together with coamings, covers and closing arrangements and cosidered
satisfactory. Coaming heights are in accordance with 44 Load-line require-
Bitts47, chocks48, fairleads48, anchor windlass and mooring winch
were examined and considered in satisfactory condition.
The fore and after peak, forward ballast, fuel bunker and fresh wa-
ter tanks were internally examined and considered satisfactory. Peak tanks
and fresh water tanks were cement coated50 at this time.
Interior decks and bulkheads were examined as far as practicable 51
without making removals52 where sheathed53 and all considered satisfac-
tory. Decks and bulkheads throughout forecastle space, after superstruc-
ture, pump rooms and machinery space were well coated throughout.
Tank sounding pipes and vents are in accordance with Load-line
requirements and in satisfactory condition. Cargo tanks are provided 56 with
a pressure vacuum vent system5' suitable for58 grade “B"59 liquid cargo80.
Suitable forced-draft blowers 61 and exhaust fans62 with ducting63
are provided for ventilation of machinery spaces, pump rooms and crew ac-
commodation space64 Forecastle space and steering flat have natural draft
ventilation65 through ducting and cowls66 above main deck.
There are port and starboard motor lifeboats of sixteen men capac-
ity each which are provided with necessary equipment, gravity davits 67 and
handling gear68 all in accordance with SOLAS requirements.
Valid69 SOLAS certificate of British Ministry of Transport with expira-
tion date70 July 22, 19.... verifies7’ vessel to have proper 72 life saving
equipment including life preservers73, life buoys74, portable75 radio and life-
I )0<3t 8
There is a CO2 bank system76 for machinery space and for full
flooding of cargo oil tanks with bottles tagged 6 and weighed7* July 15,

1981. Suitable portable extinguishers80 are located throughout accommoda-

tion spaces including machinery space, steering flat, galley, saloons, and pi-
lot house. A diesel-driven fire pump81 with suction87 independent of83 the

machinery space and located in the steering flat is provided with necessary
fire stations84, hydrants85 and hoses88.
Pilot house is satisfactorily equipped with gyro compass, auto-pilot
steering, rudder indicators, radio direction finder , fathometer 89, wireless,
Decca radar, clocks, general alarm system 90, engine-room annunciator91,
chronometer, lights and signals. The foregoing 92 together with the vessel's
navigation lights were examined and considered satisfactory.
Vessel appears to be generally well coated, clean and well main-

1. (sea) strainer [si: ’streina] - приемная сетка (для очистки заборт-
ной воды)
2. sea valve [si: vaslv] - клапан забортной воды
3. to consider [ta kan'sida] - полагать;считать;рассматривать
4. in satisfactory condition
[in .saetis'faektan kan'dijan] - в удовлетворительном состоянии
.5 to undergo [tu Anda'gou] - подвергаться
6. while on drydock [wail on 'draidok] - находясь в сухом доке
7. to be audio-gauged [ta bi: 'o=diou geidjd] - измеряться звуковым
8. to determine [ta di'te:min] - определять
9. wastage ['weistidj] - убыль; потеря; износ
10. to exceed [ta ik'si:d] - превышать
11. in scattered locations only
[in skaetad lou'keijanz 'ounli] - только в некоторых местах
12. to recoat [ta n'kout] - наносить новое покрытие (новый слой крас-
13. fair [fea] - плавный (обтекаемый); выравненный; выправленный
14. throughout [Oru:'aut] - повсюду; на всем протяжении
15. damage ['daemidj] - повреждение; разрушение
16. propeller shaft [pra'pela Ja:Jft] - дейдвудный вал
17. lignum vitae ['lignam 'vaiti:] - бакаут; железное дерево
18 clearance [kliarens] - зазор
bushing - ['bujiq] - зазор во втулке
19. wedge [wedj] - клин
20 fair to well [fea ta wel] - в довольно хорошем состоянии; между
удовлетворительным и хорошим состоянием
21. wear and tear [wea and fee] - износ и разрывы; амортизация
22. railing ['reiliq] - леерное ограждение

guard ~ [gcr.d] - защитное леерное ограждение
23. tier [tia] - ряд; ярус
three-tier [Ori: tie] - трехрядный, трехъярусный
24. thoroughly cleaned ['(Wall klknd] - тщательно зачищенный
25. internally [in'ta:nali] - изнутри; внутри
26. moderate ['modern] - умеренный
27. coils [koilzj - змеевики; спирали
heating - ['hi:tir)J - система подогрева груза
28. to be fitted [to bi: 'fitid] - быть смонтированным (установленным)
29. piping ['paipii)] - трубопровод; система трубопроводов
30. engine-driven ['endjin 'dnvn] - с механическим приводом
31. deep-well pump [di:p wel рлтр] - погружной насос
32. valve [vaelv] - клапан; вентиль; задвижка
33. arrangement [a'reindjmant] - система; устройство; компоновка
34. to overhaul [tu 'ouve’hodj - ремонтировать; производить ревизию
35. to test [to test] - испытывать
36. were proven in good order
[we 'pru:ven in gud 'o;de] -было доказано, что (они) находяться в
хорошем состоянии
37. mast [ma:st] - мачта
38 stay [stei] - штаг
39. rigging ['rigirj] - такелаж
40. hatch [haetj] - люк; крышка люка
41. coaming [' koumiq] - комингс
42. cover ['kAva] - крышка
43. trunk [trAgk] - шахта; колодец; магистраль
44. in accordance with [in a'kordons wid] - в соответствии с...
45. load-line requirements
[loud lain n'kwaiamants]- требования к линии нагрузки (к грузовой
46. fittings [fitirjz] - фитинговые соединения (трубопроводов)
deck - [dek] - палубные дельные вещи
47. bitt [bit] - битенг; кнехт
48. chock [tfok] - киповая планка
49. fairlead ['feeli:d] - направляющая для проводки снастей (полу-
клюз; роульс; обух)
50. cement coated [si'ment'koutid] - покрытый цементным раствором
51. as far as practicable [az fa: az praektikabl] - насколько это
52. removal [n'mu:val] - снятие (демонтаж)
53. sheathed [[i:6d] - покрытый обшивкой (настилом)

54. sounding pipe ['saundiq paip] - измерительная трубка (в танке)
55. vent [vent] - (вентиляционное) отверстие; газоотводная трубка
56. to be provided with smth
[ta bi: pra'vaidid wi5 'sAmQiq] - быть снабженным чем-либо
57. pressure vacuum vent system
['preja 'vaekjuam vent sistim] - вакуумная система стравли-
вания давления в атмосферу
58 suitable for ['sju:tebl fa] - пригодный для
59. grade "В" [greid bi:] - марка (сорт) "В"
60. liquid cargo ['likwid 'ka:gou] - жидкий груз
61. forced-draft blower [fo:st dra:ft bloua] - котельный вентилятор
62 exhaust fan [ig'z.i:st faen] - вытяжной вентилятор
63. ducting ['dAktirj] - каналы; система труб
64. crew accomodation spaces
[kru: e.kome'deijen speisiz] - жилые помещения экипажа
65. natural draft ventilation
['naetfral dra:ft venti'leijan] - естественная вентиляция
66. cowl [kaul] - раструб; дефлектор (палубного вентилятора)
67 gravity davit ['graeviti 'daevit] - гравитационная шлюпбалка
68. gear [gia] - устройство; оборудование; приспособление; механизм
69. valid ['vaelid] - действенный, с непросроченным сроком действия
70. expiration date [ ekspaia’reijen deit] - срок истечения действия
71 verify ['venfai] - подтверждать; удостоверять
72. proper ['props] - надлежащий; правильный; должный
73. life preserver [laif pn'ze.ve] - спасательный пояс, жилет или на-
74. life buoy [laif boi] - спасательный круг
75. portable [рэЛэЫ] - переносной; портативный
76. СО2 bank system
[si: ou tu: beerjk 'sistim] - группа углекислотных баллонов
системы пожаротушения
77. flooding ['flAdir)] - заполнение; затопление
78. with bottles tagged [wid botlz taegd] - баллоны снабжены бирками
79. weighed [weid] - взвешенный
80. extinguisher [iks'tiqgwije] - огнетушитель
81. fire pump ['faie рлтр] - пожарный насос
82. suction ['sAkJan] - всасывающий трубопровод; приемный патру-
бок; приемник магистрали
83. independent of... [. ind Г pendent] - независимый от ...
84 fire station ['faia steijan] - пожарный пост

85. hydrant [haidrant] - пожарный кран
86. (fire) hose [ fare houz] - пожарный рукав
87. communication equipment [ka.mjuni'keifan I'kwiprrrent] - средства
88. radio direction finder [reidiou di'rekjen 'fainda] - радиопеленгатор
89. fathometer [fae'd^mita] - эхолот
90. general alarm system ['d^enarel a'lccm 'sistim] - авральная
91. engine-room annunciator ['endjin rum a'nAnfieita] - машинный
92. the foregoing [5a fo: 'gouiq] - вышеназванное; вышеуказанное

Did you understand it?

a. In what condition were the ship’s structural parts found by the surveyor?
b. Was any damage found on the bottom and side shell plating? c. What
material are the weather decks made of? d. Was the pipe guard railing
coated? e. Was there any wastage in the cargo tank metal? f. What
pumps are used as the cargo pumps in that tanker? g. Were they found in
good order? h. What deck fittings and machinery were examined by the
surveyor? i. What tanks were examined internally? j. Which tanks were
cement coated? k. Were any removals made for examining the interior
decks and bulkheads? I. In what condition were those parts found?
m. What grade of fuel is the pressure vacuum vent system suitable for?
n. What means are the machinery spaces and crew accommodations ven-
tilated by? o. In what spaces is natural draft ventilation used? p. What
items does the life saving equipment include? q. Can you enumerate the
fire protection arrangements used on that ship? r. What means is the fire
pump located in the steering engine room driven by? s. Can you list the
navigation and communication equipment installed in the pilot house?
t. What did you learn from the report about the general maintenance of the

I.2. D. Condition Survey Report (continued)

Main and Auxiliary Machinery

The 1400 BHP1 M.A.N. 8-cyiinder solid injection 2 direct reversing3
diesel main propulsion engine was opened for examination of all cylinders,
bearings4, journals5, fuel pumps and injection nozzles6 and after minor re-
pairs7 and adjustments8 considered satisfactory except® as follows:

The main engine crankcase10 cover doors are not fitted with explo-
sion covers” and the engine control stand 12 is not provided with a caution
sign13 against opening crankcase cover plates 14 or restarting15 engine im-
mediately after a crankcase explosion.
All auxiliary pumps, generators, and their driving motors and en-
gines were opened out for examination and considered in satisfactory con-
dition after minor repairs and adjustments.
All piping arrangement including bilge piping 17 and suctions18 were
examined, as far as practicable without making removals and found appar-
ently16 in satisfactory condition.
Electric circuits, switchboards and arrangements were examined,
circuits proven free of grounds 21 by megger tests22 and all considered in
satisfactory condition except as follows:
Electric power controllers23 (with circuit breakers24) found located
within pump room and subject to 25 possible sparking26 which could result
in27 explosions.
The hydraulic steering arrangement including rams 28, telemotor29,
motors, pumps and quadrant30 were examined, tested for operation 31 and
proven in good working order32.
Watertight doors to machinery spaces, pump rooms, forecastle
space and after superstructure are of the hinged 33 steel and gasketed
type34 with eight dogs35 each for securing36 closed and all are provided with
coamings of heights in accordance with Load-line requirements. Examina-
tion disclosed37 that all doors were in satisfactory condition.
1. Main propulsion engine crankcase cover doors to be 38 fitted
with suitable explosion plates.
2. Engine control stand to be provided with a warning plate
cautioning39 that engine is not to be restarted nor crankcase doors to be
removed40 until at least41 15 minutes after an explosion.
3. Electric controllers (with circuit breakers) to be removed
from pump rooms and located outside, preferably 42 within machinery cas-
In the opinion44 of the undersigned the present day market value of
the vessel will be approximately45 $ 300,000.00.
In our opinion the present day rebuilding cost 46 of the vessel would
be approximately $ 520,000.00.

It is the opinion of the undersigned as far as 47 ascertained48 from examina-
tion on drydock at this time, without making further removals or witnessing 49
in operation, this vessel will be in satisfactory condition for operation with
reasonable50 risk after compliance with51 the above noted recommenda-
tions subject to limiting voyages for coastwise 52 operation and carriage of
Grade "B” oil cargo. Inspection made without prejudice53.

Richard A. Cady-Surveyor.

1. ВНР (brake horse power)
[bi: eitf pi: (breik 'hois ,paua)] - тормозная (эффективная)
2. injection [in’djekjan] - впрыск
3. direct reversing [di'rekt n'va:sir)] - прямое реверсирование
4. bearing fbeanq] - подшипник
5. journal ['dja:nl] - шейка вала;цапфа
6. injection nozzle [m'djekfan 'nozl] - форсунка
7. minor repair ['mains n’pea] - мелкий ремонт
8. adjustment [a'djAstmant] - регулировка; настройка; наладка; вы-
верка; приведение в соответствие
9. except [ik'sept] - за исключением
10 crankcase ['kraerjk .keis] - картер
11. explosion cover
[iks'ploujan 'kAva] - крышка взрывобезопасного исполнения
12. control stand [kAn'troul staend] - пост управления
13. caution sign ['koijan sain] - предостерегающий знак
14. cover plate ['kAva pleit] - покрывающий (накладной) лист
15. restarting [ri'sta:tir)J - повторный пуск; возобновление эксплуата-
16. piping arrangements ['papiq a’reindjmant] - трубопроводные сис-
17 bilge piping [bildj 'paipiq] - трубопроводы осушительной системы
18. bilge suctions [bildj 'sAkfan] - приемники осушительной системы
19. apparently [a'pesrantli] - явно; очевидно; по-видимому
20. electric power circuit
[Гlektrik 'paua 'sa:kit] - силовая (энергетическая) цепь
21. free of grounds [fri: av 'graundz] - не имеют замыкания на землю
22. megger test ['mega test] - испытание с помощью мегометра
23. power controller [ paua kan'troula] - регулятор мощности

24. circuit breaker ['sa:kit 'breika] - выключатель; прерыватель тока
25. subject to smth ['sAbdsikt ta 'sAmOiq] - подверженный чему-либо
26. sparking ['spa kig] - искрение
27. to result in smth [ta n'zAlt in sAmOirj] - приводить к чему-либо
28. ram [raem] - плунжер, рабочий поршень
29. telemotor [ telimouta] - телемотор; дистанционно управляемый
30. quadrant ['kwodrant] - квадрант; секторный румпель
31. to be tested for operation
[ta bi: testid fa .^pa'reifan] - испытываться в работе
32. to be in good working order
|ta bi: in gud wa:kirj 'o:da]- быть в хорошем рабочем состоянии
33. hinged [hindjd] - навешенный на петли; подвешенный на шарни-
34. gasketed type
[gaeskitid taip] - с прокладкой; с прокладочным уплотнителем
35. dog [dog] - задрайка
36. securing [si'kjuenr]] - задраивание; закрепление
37. to disclose [to dis'klouz] - обнаруживать
38. to be + p.p. [ta bi: plAs pa:st pa:tsipl[- подлежать (какому-либо
39. to caution [te 'koijen] - предостерегать
40. to remove [ta ri'mu:v] - снимать; удалять
41. at least [at li:st] - не менее; по крайней мере
42. preferably ['preferebli] - предпочтительно
43. valuation [ vaelju'eijen] - оценка
44. in the opinion [in di e'pinjen] - по мнению
45. approximately [a'proksimitlij - приблизительно (примерно)
46. rebuilding cost [ri'bifdirj kost] - стоимость перестройки
47. as far as [az fa: az] - настолько, насколько (это ..)
48. ascertained [ aasa'temd] - установленный; выясненный
49. to witness [ta witnis] - свидетельствовать; доказывать
50. reasonable ['rrznabl] - разумный
51. compliance with smth [kem'plaians] - соответствие чему-либо
52. coastwise [ koustwaiz] - прибрежный; каботажный
53. without prejudice [wi'daut 'predjudis] - беспристрастно; без пре-
54. Sgd (signed) [saind] - подпись

Did you understand it?

a. What main engine parts were examined? b. What two shortcomings

(недостатка) did the surveyor note regarding the main engine crankcase?
c. Were auxiliary pump and generator drives opened for examination? d. In
what condition were the piping systems found? e. Were any grounds found
in the electric circuits? f. What tool was used for testing the electrical
equipment? g. Where are some circuit breakers located? h. What could
result in explosions? i. What type of steering arrangement is used in the
ship? j. What was done to prove that the steering arrangement was in good
working order9 k. Can you describe a watertight door? I. What did the sur-
veyor recommend to do in order to eliminate (устранить) the disclosed
shortcomings? m. What service is the surveyed vessel fitted for?

Vocabulary and grammar exercises (continued)

№9 Find out whether the items listed in exercise №3 were available on

the training and commercial vessel on whose board your partner
had seamanship practice.
Узнайте у своего собеседника имелись ли на УПС, на котором
он проходил практику, предметы, перечисленные в упражнении

Ask questions like: "Was there a library on that ship?"; "Was there any wa-
ter in the ship's swimming pool when she was in port?"; "Were there
cargo booms near hold 3?"
Give answers like: "Yes, there was (one)". "No, there wasn't any". "No, there
were not". "Yes, there were (some)’.

№10 Find out from your instructor whether the items listed below
can/must be available in the indicated places.
Узнайте у своего преподавателя могут ли/должны ли нижепе-
речисленные предметы иметься в наличии в указанных местах.

Ask questions like: "Must there be specially designated smoking areas on a

tanker?"; "Can there be a bulbous bow on the hull of a small-size
bulk carrier?".

1) training rooms, spaces or areas#on a training vessel; 2) pump roomstfon
a tanker; 3) propulsion boilertfon a diesel-driven ship; 4) a waste heat
boiler/on any modern cargo ship; 5) an auxiliary boilertfon any merchant
ship; 6) watertight bulkheads/in any vessel; 7) a watertight doortfin each and
every watertight bulkhead; 8) life saving appliancestfin any sea-going ship;
9)a forecastletfon any ship, 10) a thwartship propulsion unittfon small com-
mercial ships; 11) fuel tankstfin the engine room; 12) fresh water tankstfin
machinery spaces; 13) more than one anchortfon a sea-going ship; 14) a

spare anchor#on any ship; 15) tween-decks#on any cargo ship; 16) double-
bottom#in any ship; 17) fuel and lubricating system #on a propulsion turbine;
18) several generating sets#in a ship; 19) gyro-compass#on each and
every sea-going ship; 20) a wheel house or pilot house#on any ship;
21) emergency switchboard and genset#on a ship; 22) draft marks#on the
ship's hull; 23) storage spaces#in the forcastle; 24) guard raling#around
weather decks; 25) heating coils#in a heavy fuel oil tank; 26) a coam-
ing#around each hatch; 27) load-line marks#on the ship's hull; 28)
bitts#on mooring decks; 29) a pressure vacuum vent system#in a tanker;
30) forced-draft blowertfon any boiler; 31) life preservers (спасательные
пояса, нагрудники или жилетьі)#іп any cabin, stateroom or living quarters;
32) smoking areas#in the crew accommodations; 33) natural ventilation#in
any ship's compartment; 34) CO2 fire-fighting system#in the engine room of
every ship; 35) a data tag#on each CO2 bottle; 36) fire stations#in all parts
of a ship. 37) fire extinguishers#in each alleyway (в каждом коридоре) of a
ship; 38) a hydrant and fire hoses (пожарный кран и пожарные
рукава)#оп each fire station; 39) general alarm system#in any ship; 40) en-
gine-room annunciator (engine order telegraph)#on the bridge; 41) a bilge
suction (приемная труба трюмного насоса)#іп any compartment situated
below the water-line within the ship's hull.

№11 Find out/state the likely/possible/standard quantity of items listed in

exercise №10 available in the indicated places.
Узнайте/сообщите вероятное/возможное/штатное количество
предметов, перечисленных в упр.№10, имеющееся в указанных

Ask questions like. "How many pump rooms may there be on a tanker?";
"How many anchors can there be on a ship?"; "How many emer-
gency gensets must there be on a seagoing ship?".
Give appropriate answers like: "There must be one emergency genset on
a seagoing ship"; “There may be one watertight door in a watertight
bulkhead"; "There can be several fire hoses on a fire station".

№12 Make up a text describing a training and commercial vessel /a ship

you know well, write the text down and memorize it. For writing and
further retelling of the text, use the prompts.
Составьте текст с описанием УПС или судна, которое вы хоро-
шо знаете, запишите текст и выучите его. Для написания текста
и его последующего пересказа используйте подсказки.

1) name; 2) flag; 3) type; 4) classification society she is classed and sur-
veyed by; 5) owner; 6) operator; 7) age; 8) port of registry; 9) principal char-

characteristics - length overall, beam moulded, full load draft, light draft, full
load displacement, deadweight, register tonnage, type of propulsion plant,
type of propeller, maximum shaft horsepower, designed sea speed, total
fuel tanks capacity, fresh water tanks capacity, cadet capacity, num-
ber/quantity of holds; 10) hull particulars - building material, decks (open
and interior), location of the superstructure and what it contains, availability
of a forecastle, number/quantity of frames and how they are numbered,
number of watertight bulkheads, location of the tanks in the double-bottom;
11) conveniences (удобства) provided in the cadet accommodation; 12) life
saving equipment: types, quantity, location, capacity of life boats and life
rafts; 13) deck machinery and gear: types, quantity, location; 14) fire fighting
systems: types, equipment, location, electric power station and mains:
equipment, its location, voltage in the circuits, number of gensets and
switchboards; 15) electric power consumers (потребители); 16) fresh wa-
ter consumers; auxiliary steam generators and consumers; 17) main en-
gine: type, ВНР, sea service r.p m., number of cylinders, reversibility, fuel
burnt when starting and under normal operating conditions; 18) steering en-
gine; 19) equipment installed in the training machinery spaces;
20) availability and location of a central control room; 21) ship's piping sys-
tems, auxiliary machinery drives.

№13 Translate the words of each interlocutor into Russian or into Eng-
lish, accordingly.
Переведите реплики каждого собеседника на русский язык или
на английский соответственно.

1. A: What are the structural parts of the ship's hull?

В: Ими являются бимсы, шпангоуты, киль, форштевень, ах-
терштевень, наружная обшивка, переборки и палубы.
2. A: How many liferafts аге there on board?
В. Четыре. Они находятся в кормовой части шлюпочной палу-
бы: два по левому борту и два по правому.
3. А: Имеется ли на этом пульте прибор, показывающий темпера-
туру воды в системе охлаждения главного двигателя?
В: Yes, of course. It is over there, on the left-hand side, the third
one in the upper row of instruments. And this alarm warns of a
temperature rise in the cooling system.
4. A: What does this sound signal mean?
В: Он предупреждает вахтенного механика о том, что мостик
отдал приказ изменить скорость (число оборотов) главного
двигателя. Требуемое число оборотов показано вот этой
стрелкой в секторе телеграфа "Ahead".
5. A: Does this piece of equipment work automatically?
В: Да.

6 A: What do we call in English the piece of machinery which con-
nects those two shafts?
В: Муфта. Это муфта. (По-английски это устройство называет-
ся муфтой)
7. А: Как называется по-английски грузовое пространство, распо-
ложенное под открытой палубой над трюмами?
В: Its English name is “tweendeck”.
8. А: Извините, вы можете сказать мне, где находится помещение
аварийного дизель-генератора?
В: Sure. It’s in the fore deck house, between holds 1 and 2.
A: How can I get there?
В: Поднимайтесь двумя палубами выше по трапу правого бор-
та и идите в носовую часть судна, После первого на вашем
пути трюма есть рубка. You can't miss it. Дизель-генератор
находится в той рубке.
А: Большое спасибо.
В: It's nothing.
9. А: На судне есть утилизационный котел?
В: Yes, of course.
• А: А где он находится?
В: It is over there, in the upper part of the engine room. There's a
special platform around the smoke stack.
A: How can I get there? (Which is the best way there?)
В: В кормовой части машинного отделения, около главного ре-
дуктора есть трап, ведущий вверх. Когда выйдете из ЦПУ,
спуститесь по маленькому трапу на палубу МО и идите
вдоль главной турбины до редуктора. Вы сразу увидите трап
с правой стороны.
A: Thank you very much.
В: You are welcome.
10. А: Сколько цистерн пресной воды находится в двойном дне по
правому борту?
В: There is only one.
А: Сколько воды в ней сейчас?
В: I don't know the exact number of tons it contains now. But I think
there are not many.


Как работать с иллюстративными беседами I.3.1-I.3.6.

а) Индивидуальная работа. Используя словарь и, при не-
обходимости, обращаясь за помощью к преподавателю, изучите каж-
дую беседу с целью ее полного понимания.
б) Групповая и парная работа. С помощью преподавателя
отработайте правильность чтения вслух каждой беседы в естествен-
ном темпе.
в) Индивидуальная работа. Из каждой беседы выпишите
себе в тетрадь и запомните слова, словосочетания или предложения,
выражающие речевые функции, перечисленные на русском языке ни-
же каждой беседы.


A: How do you do, sir? Is there anything I can do for you?

B: Sorry to disturb you, watch officer.
A: Quite all right, Mr...........?
B: Mr. Caroll, shipchandler Your chief engineer and I made an appoint-
ment in my office for today, 3 o'clock. But an unexpected problem
A: Well?
B: Would you be kind enough to call the chief engineer and tell him I’m
here and would like to talk to him.
A: Certainly, sir. Will you please wait a moment?
[the watch officer spoke a few moments into the phone, then put it
A: Well, Mr. Caroll, the chief engineer is waiting for you. This man will
guide you.
B: Thank you very much, indeed.
A: Don't mention it. We are just doing our job.

Речевые функции: а. поприветствовать незнакомого человека;

b. вежливо предложить свои услуги; с вежливо ответить на извине-
ние; d. узнать фамилию с помощью интонации; е сообщить о возник-
новении непредвиденных обстоятельств; f. выразить интонационно
ожидание дальнейшей информации; д. очень вежливо попросить вы-
полнить действие, h. вежливо попросить подождать; i. некатегорично
сообщить о своем желании выполнить действие: j. продолжить пре-
рванную беседу; к. подчеркнуто вежливо поблагодарить; I. ответить на


A: Sorry, to be late, sir.

В: That's all right.
A: The point is that my car broke down on the road and it took several
hours to repair it.
B: It's a pity. But you could have called me.

A: Why didn't I think of that?
B: Anyhow, I've been waiting for a long-distance call from my shipowner.
If you will excuse me for a moment, I'll pass instructions to the radio
A: That's all right.
B: Now, would you like a drink?
A: Yes, please.
B: I see you are tired, my friend. Do you wish something to eat? You
should be in proper physical shape.
A: It can wait. First, let's have a look at the papers I've brought.
B: O.K.
A: Excuse me, could you tell me the time?
B It's a quarter to one.
A: Oh, I am to make a telephone call. Would it be all right if I use your
B: I’m sorry, that's not possible. As I said before, I've been waiting for a
long-distance call and the radio operator may call me any moment.
A: I see. Well then, HI have to get ashore and go to the phone box. It's
two minutes' drive away.
B: I'm really disappointed at that.
A:' Still, it can't be helped.

Речевые функции: а. извиниться за опоздание, Ь. ответить на

извинение; с. начать объяснение обстоятельств, б. выразить сожале-
ние; е. выразить мысль "как бы то ни было"; Г Извиниться за вынуж-
денность прервать разговор; д. предложить выпить что-нибудь креп-
кое (поесть); б принять предложение выпить, I предложить выполнить
совместно действие; |. вежливо спросить "который час"; к. начать от-
вет на предыдущий вопрос; I. вежливо попросить разрешение восполь-
зоваться чем-либо; т. вежливо отказать; п. выразить огорчение;
о. смириться с обстоятельствами.


A: Make yourself at home, sir.

B: Thank you.
A. Are you comfortable there?
B: I'm fine, thanks.
A: We've got time for a quick drink before getting down to business. If you
want a real Russian drink I can give you a vodka.
B: I hear you Russians have such enormous drinks, don't you?
A: Sometimes, yes. Russian seamen are different from their western
counterparts. So, will you have something to drink?
B I'd rather have some strong tea.

A: Okay. Here's your cup. Let me fill it.
B: Sure. Thank you.
A: Sugar?
B: No, thanks .... Haven't we met somewhere before?
A. No, we haven't, I'm afraid I've just started working for this shipowner
on an eight-month contract and I've never been here, you know. But
I've always been so curious about this area.
B: How did you find the place?
A: Wet and cold, I'm afraid. But I was greatly impressed by your histori-
cal museum. I've never seen anything like this in my whole life!
B: So, you enjoyed the museum.
A: It was wonderful! Do you mind if I smoke my pipe?
B: No, go ahead!
A Oh, I've left my lighter in the car. Have you got a light by any chance?
B: I'm sorry. I don't smoke. But I'll get some light for you in no time.
A: Thanks.

Речевые функции: а. узнать удобно ли гостю; b. сказать, что

вам удобно; с. предложить выпить; d. отдать предпочтение другому на-
питку; е. потчевать гостя чаем; f. вежливо отказаться от предлагаемого
продукта питания или блюда; д. узнать, не встречались ли вы с собе-
седником раньше; h. спросить о впечатлениях от посещенного места,
I. сообщить о сильных впечатлениях (о полученном удовольствии),
j. попросить разрешение курить; к. дать такое разрешение; I. попросить


A: Well, that was delicious! Thank you very much, indeed ... I didn’t know,
you're a really good cook, aren’t you?
B: Thank you.
A: If you like, I could do the washing-up.
B: No, don't bother, I can do it myself later
A: All right ... er... do you mind if I smoke?
B: No, go ahead!
A: Oh, I've left my cigarettes in the hall.
B: Shall I get them, for you?
A: No... oh look, it's all right - I’ve got another packet here.
B: Let me get you an ashtray.
A: Thanks.
B: Would you like me to make coffee now?
A: Yes! Thanks! Look, I wonder if I could possibly use your phone?
B: Oh, I'm sorry, that's not possible You see, it's out of order again.

A: Well, it's rather complicated, but you see I promised to phone a col-
league before nine and I see it’s now about five to ... Would you mind
very much if I went down the road to the phone box?
В Oh, it's about ten minutes' walk away. If you like, I could drive you
A: Oh, would you? Thanks!
B: Yes, certainly.
A: Thanks!
B: I'll make coffee later, when we get back.
A: Right!

Речевые функции: а. поблагодарить за вкусное угощение;

b. сказать комплимент по поводу кулинарных способностей; с. предло-
жить: помыть посуду, принести что-либо, приготовить кофе, подвезти
на автомобиле куда-либо; d. попросить разрешение: воспользоваться
телефоном, сходить куда-либо; е. начинать сложные объяснения чего-
либо; f. вежливо принять неожиданное предложение услуги; д. одним
словом подтвердить правильность решения.


A: Second Engineer of the m/v "Savona" to ship's agent Blake, m/v
“Savona" to ship's agent Blake. Over
B: Blake to "Savona" I read you. Over.
A: Well, agent, in answer to your yesterday's proposal I say "Yes". That is
to say I'll buy the car. Over.
B: Right. Over.
A: But there are many things we have to talk about. I want you to tell me
all about the formalities to be carried out, and the like. Over.
B: May I make a suggestion to you, old man? Over.
A: Certainly. Over.
B: Let's drop the shop talk. That can wait. Tomorrow is time enough for
us to talk business. I want you to come over to my house at 10 in the
morning. And please, call me a few minutes before you leave the ship.
A: I'm sorry, you see, although tomorrow is Sunday, I’m not really plan-
ning to go ashore. Over.
B: Oh, all right, I see Then, see you on Monday nine o'clock in my office.
A: Positive. Monday nine o'clock in your office. Nothing more. Out.

Речевые функции: а. по радиотелефону - вызвать станцию,

подтвердить выход на связь, передать слово абоненту (“Прием"), за-
кончить разговор; Ь. высказать предложение; с. предложить не гово-

рить о делах; d. уклониться от предложения; е. согласиться с альтер-
нативным предложением.


A: Hello, Bob!
В: Hello!
A: I've just bought a new cassette recorder.
B. How big is it? What size is it?
A: Oh, quite small. It'll fit into my bag.
B: Ah, yes, and what's it made of?
A: Plastic and some chrome.
B: Yes ... erm ... What does it look like?
A: Well, do you want to see it? I’ve got it with me now.
B. Uh ... have you? Yes, please, yes.
A: Here you are!
B. Thanks. Oh, that's a very smart machine!
A: It's good, isn't it?
B: Yes! And how does it work?
A: Well, the first thing you have to do is to make sure it's plugged in or got
batteries. OK?
В: I see.
A: And then the next thing you do is take your tape, press this button
B: Yes.
A: And slot it in there. OK?
В: I see.
A: Oh, by the way, don't forget to put it in the right way. Just put it in this
B: Oh, I see. So the cassette faces that... Yes, I see.
A: Yes, that’s right. And then close the lid and just press the PLAY button.
Are you with me?
B: Yes. And what do you have to do to record?
A: Er ... well, it’s exactly the same thing, only you press that button there
В: I see.
A: Do you see what I mean?
B: Yes, you don't have to press the record and the play button together to
A: No, no, not on this model.
B: Uhhu ... I'm not quite clear ... urn ... Where's the microphone? If you
just want to record the voice?
A: Oh, that's just down there. There, do you see?
В: I see, yes.

A: And the volume control is here.
B: Yes, yes.
A: OK?
B. And where ... could you tell me where you put the batteries in if you ...
A: Oh, yes ... er... they go in at the back just there.
B: Ah, I see!
A: Oh, and one thing I must ask you, in case you're going to borrow it. Be
careful not to leave it switched on because it can get overheated. OK?
B: Right! Right, thanks.

Речевые функции: а. расспрашивая об аппарате (приборе), уз-

нать: о его величине (размере), как он выглядит, из чего (из какого ма-
териала) он изготовлен, принцип действия (как он работает или как им
пользоваться), что следует сделать, чтобы реализовать какую-нибудь
функцию; Ь. выразить мысль ‘мне не совсем ясно"; с. слушая объяс-
нения, показывать, что вы их понимаете; d. выразить восхищение
внешним видом аппарата; е. описать действия по пользованию при-
бором в порядке их следования; f. контролировать понимание собе-
седником ваших объяснений; д. обратить внимание собеседника на
некоторые особенности эксплуатации и технику безопасности.



You are receiving a visitor on board ship. Treat him to food, drink and other
entertainment available. The guest will try to ask as many short questions
as possible to get as much information as possible from you about your
ship, your impressions of the place, your personal plans for the period of
your ship's stay in that port. Try to use expressions introduced in I.3.1-I.3.3.


Before making an inspection round of a ship a surveyor is talking to a ship’s

engineer officer to find out: a) principal characteristics of the ship and her
propulsion system, b) whether certain things are available on board,
c) quantity of some items of standard equipment available on board,
d) where certain pieces of machinery are located. The surveyor will ask
questions like those in exercises №№ 3, 4, 5, 6. The engineer will give ap-
propriate answers.


With the help of your teacher make up a list of words you will need to de-
scribe some places on board ship. Without telling your listener the name of
the place, describe it giving as many details as possible especially about
getting there from the accommodation ladder. Let the listener recognize the
place. Here are some of the questions you may have to answer when pre-
paring your description:
1. What does it look like?
2. What’s remarkable about it?
3. What other things or spaces are around it?
4. What’s it used for?
5. How do you get there?


Describe to a person who is unfamiliar with ships the following pieces of

equipment: engine telegraph, waste heat boiler, fire pump, life raft, capstan,
portable extinguisher, watertight door, bow thruster, tank.
Here are questions, which can help you to make the description of each ob-
1. What size is it?
2. What shape is it?
3. How big is it?
4. What colour is it?
5. What’s it made of?
6. What does it look like?
7. What’s it used for? or What purpose does it serve?
8. What is it equipped with?
9. How does it work?
10. Where can it be installed on board ship?



11.1.A. Duties of the deck department personnel

THE MASTER1 is responsible for2 seaworthiness3 and economical

operation4 of his vessel, and for the safety5 of all personnel, cargo and
equipment on board. He has full authority over 6 all persons on board his
THE CHIEF OFFICER7 is responsible to the master for the man-
agement8 and supervision9 of the deck department' 0. He is the officer-in-
charge'1 in the absence of the master. On foreign-flag ships 12 the chief offi-
cer is responsible for the loading 13, stowage14 and discharge15 of all cargo
carried by the vessel. The chief officer ensures that 18 the personnel of his
department know and comply with 17 all applicable safety rules 18 and regula-
tions19. All new men must be instructed in safe working practices 20 and pre-
cautions21 to be taken against fire. The chief officer takes care of 22 the
protection and preservation23 of ship’s of shipequipment.
s equipment. It Itis isthe
responsibility of
that his department is adequately4 manned25,
the chief officer to ensure that his department is adequately 24 manned25,
and equipment, and that quantities are in
has adequate stores26 and equipment, and that quantities are in
29 ’
accordance with established standards27. He is responsible for training^the > of
personnel of his department in proper and seamanlike performance 2
and operating
which . areHeassigned
also tois30 the
responsible for maintenance
engine department 3 31
a"'4 w
'. As a department
head38, heof draws
all fire fighting
up all equipment
and life
the requisitions 40 saving appliances
for stores required
by his
head3“, he draws up'
department so that everything needed for the projected voyage 41 will be
taken aboard ship. He dates42 and signs43 such requisitions before
handing44 them to the master for his examination and final approval45.
Unlike46 on foreign company ships, there is no separate 47
STEWARD DEPARTMENT48 on our cargo ships. Of course, there is spe-
cial staff49 that is responsible for preparation and service of meals 50,
cleanliness51 and sanitation52 of accommodations, compartments, spaces
and equipment assigned to them. This staff attends to 53 proper care, control
and economical use of all steward stores and provisions. The chief officer
has all this personnel making part of 54 the deck department under his au-
thority55, if there is a chief steward on the staff 56, like on our training-and-
commercial vessels57, he is responsible for keeping food expenditures 58
within the established limits. He also has custody of all keys 59 to store-
rooms50, lockers61 and compartments for which his personnel is responsi-

DECK OFFICERS02, or navigation officers, are watchkeeping offi-
cers . They must ensure that the latest corrected charts 84 and navigational

publications85 are available on board. They are responsible for care 88 and
maintenance of magnetic and giro compasses, care and winding 87 of the
ship's chronometers and clocks. They may be assigned responsibility 88 for
maintenance and minor repair of the radars 68, barometers, thermometers,
hydrometers70, logs'1, running, or navigation, lights and for preparation of
weather reports. They keep 7' the Deck Officer's Log Book which is a full
and accurate account73, by watches74, of the navigation and activities 75 of
the vessel at sea and in port THE THIRD MATE 78 on our cargo ships is as-
signed responsibility for preparation of payrolls 77 for the ship’s crew78. A
payroll is a financial document including wages 79, overtime remunerations80
and any other remuneration for service, as well as all authorized deduc-
tions81 from earnings82.
THE DECK CREW83 - carpenter84, storekeeper85, helmsmen, A.B.
seamen , ordinary seamen87 - are headed by the boatswain88. Deck

hands89 participate in mooring operations 00, do all maintenance work includ-

ing planned upkeep and repair 9 of all hull equipment, care of paint work 92,
standing and running rigging 93, deck cleaning - sweeping 94, swabbing95 and
IF A DOCTOR is available, he is responsible for administering
prompt medical treatment98 to ill or injured97 crew members. Crewmen are
required98 to report all illness and injuries to the doctor, so that adequate
medical treatment may be given. When the ship is at sea, competent medi-
cal advice99 may be requested by radio or radio-telephone. In port, medical
services can be arranged100 through the ship's agent 01.
The ship's officers are all responsible for maintenance of good or-
der and discipline on board ship. Breaches of discipline 102 are reported to
the department heads. Any neglect 103 or refusal104 to carry out orders 105 re-
sults in appropriate106 disciplinary action107.

1. master ['mccsta] - капитан (судна)
2. to be responsible for smth
[ta bi: ns'ponsabl fa 'sAmOirj] - нести ответственность за что-
3. seaworthiness [si:'wa.3inis] - мореходность; пригодность к плава-
4. economical operation [ike'nomikal opa'reijan] - экономическая
5. safety ['seifti] - безопасность
6. to have full authority over smb

[to haev ful 3:'0onti 'ouva 'sAmbadi] - иметь полную власть
над кем-либо
7. chief officer [tfi:f 'ofisa] - старший помощник капитана
8. management ['maemdjmant] - административное руководство
9. supervision [.sjupa'v^an] - надзор
10. deck department [dek di'pcrtment] - служба эксплуатации (судна)
11. officer-in-charge ('ofisa in tja:dj] - старший начальник
12. foreign-flag ship ['form flaeg fip] - судно, плавающее под иностран-
ным флагом
13. loading ['loudiq] - погрузка
14. stowage ['stouidj] - укладка; размещение
15. discharge [dis'tfccdj] - выгрузка
16. to ensure that [tu in'Jue daet] - обеспечить, чтобы
17. to comply with smth
[te kam'plai wi3] - выполнять что-либо; подчиняться чему-либо
18. rules [ru:lz] - правила
19. regulations [.regju'leijanz] - предписания
20. safe working practices [seif 'we:kiq praektisizj - техника
21. precaution [рп'кэ:/эп] - мера предосторожности
22 to take care of smth [te teik keer av sAmGiqj - заботиться о чем-
23. protection and preservation
[pra'tekjan and preza 'veijan] - защита и сохранность
24. adequatly ['aedikwitli] - соответствуюшим образом; в достаточной
25. to be manned [ta bi: maendj - быть укомплектованным людьми
26. stores [sto;z] - запасы; снабжение
27. established standards [is'taeblijt 'staendedz] - установленные нор-
28. training ['tremirj] - обучение; подготовка; тренировка
29. performance (seamanlike)
[pa'fomans ( si:manlaik)] - исполнение (на уровне хорошей
морской практики)
30. duties ['dju:tizj - служебные обязанности
31. maintenance [' meintinans] - содержание в исправности; техниче-
ское обслуживание; текущий ремонт; эксплуатация
32. operating condition [ opa'reltirj ken'dijan] - рабочее состояние
33. fire fighting equipment
['faia 'faitir) i kwipmant] - противопожарное оборудование

34. life saving appliances [laif 'seivirj a'plaiansiz] - спасательные сред-
35. except those [ik'sept douz] - за исключением (кроме) тех
36. to be assigned to smb
[to bi: a'saind ta SAmbadi] - быть закрепленным за кем-либо
37. engine department
['endjin di'pcctmant] - служба технической эксплуатации (судна)
38. as a department head [az e di'pa:tmant tied] - в качестве начальни-
ка службы
39. to draw up [ta dro: лр] - составлять
40. requisition [, rekwi' zifan] - заявка
41. projected voyage [pra'djektid voidj] - планируемый рейс
42. to date [ta deit] - проставлять дату; датировать
43. to sign [ta sain] - подписывать, ставить подпись
44 to hand smth to smb
[ta haend 'sAmOiq ta ’sAmbadi] - вручать что-либо кому-либо
45. final approval ['fainl a'pru:val] - окончательное утверждение
46. unlike ['An'laik] - в отличие (от)
47. separate ['sepnt] - отдельный
48. steward department [stjuad di'pa:tmant] - служба заведующего хо-
49. staff [sta:f] - штат, персонал (люди)
50. meal [mi:l] - пища, прием пищи
51. cleanliness ['klinhnis] - чистота
52 sanitation [ saem'teijan] - санитарное состояние
53. to attend to smth
[tu a'tend ta 'sAmOiq] - обслуживать что-либо; ухаживать за чем-
либо; заботиться о чем-либо
54. to make part of smth [ta meik pa:t av 'sAmOirj] - входить в состав
55. under his authority
['Anda hiz o:'fbnti] - под его командованием (руководством, вла-
56. to be on the staff [ta bi: эп За sta:f] - быть в штате
57. training-and-commercial vessel (TCV)
['treimrj an ka'majal 'vesl (ti: si: vi:)] - учебно-
производственное судно (УПС)
58 food expenditures [fu:d iks'penditfaz] - расходы на продукты пита-
59. to have custody of the keys
[ta haev 'kAStadi av 5e ki:z] - хранить ключи у себя

60. storeroom ['storum] -кладовая
61. locker ['bka] - кладовка; рундук
62. deck officer [dek 'ofisa] - палубный офицер; вахтенный помощник
капитана; штурман
63. watchkeeping officer ['wotJ.kirpirj 'ofisa] - вахтенный офицер
64. chart [t[d;t] - морская карта
65. navigational publication [ naevi'geijanl .pAbli'keifen] - навигацион-
ное издание
66 . care of smth [kear av 'sAmOig] - уход за чем-либо
67. winding ['wamdirj] - заводка (часов)
68 to be assigned responsibility for smth
[to bi: a'saind ns.ponse'biliti fa 'sAmOirj] -
получить что-либо в качестве обязанности
69. radar ['reida] - радар; РЛС
70. hydrometer [hai'dromita] - ареометр
71. log [bg] - лаг
72. to keep some document [ta ki:p SAm 'dokjument] - вести какой-либо
73. accurate account [ aekjurit a'kaunt] - точный (подробный) отчет
74. by watches [bai 'wot/iz] - повахтенно
75. activities [aek'tivitiz] - деятельность; действия; работа
76. third mate [0a:d meit] - третий помощник капитана
77. payroll [peiroul] -ведомость на выплату денежного содержания;
платежная ведомость
78. ship's crew [ftps kru:] - судовой экипаж
79 wages [ weidjiz] - заработная плата
80. remunaration [п,mju:ne'reijan] - вознаграждение (в виде оплаты)
81. authorized deductions ['o:Garaizd di'dAkjanz] - законные вычеты
82 earnings ['e;mr)z] - заработанные деньги (заработок)
83. deck crew [dek kru:] - палубная (боцманская) команда
84. carpenter ['ka:pmta] - плотник
85. storekeeper ['sta: ,ki:pa] - подшкипер
86. A.В.seaman [ei bi: 'si:man] - матрос 1-го класса
87. ordinary seaman ['o:dnn 'skrnan] - матрос 2-го класса
88. boatswain [ bousn] - боцман
89. deck hands [dek haendz] - палубная команда (матросы)
90. mooring operations ['muarig .opa'reijanz] - швартовные операции
91. repair [ri'pEa] - ремонт
92. paint work [peint wa:k] - окрашенные части; покраска

93. standing and running rigging
['staendiq and 'глпі rj' ngirj] - стоячий и бегучий такелаж
94. sweeping ['swkpirj] - подметание
95. swabbing ['sw9birj] - мытье шваброй; дранка
96. madical treatment ['medikal 'trttmant] - лечение
97. injured ['indjad] - травмированный
98. crewmen are required ['kruimen a: n'kwaiad] - от членов экипажа
99. medical advice [ medikal ad'vais] - медицинская консультация
100. to arrange smth
[tu a'remdj sAmOirj] - устроить, организовать что-либо; догово-
риться о чем-либо
101. ship’s agent [fips eidjant] - судовой агент
102. breach of discipline [bri:tj ev 'disiphn] - нарушение дисциплины
103. neglect [m'glekt] - небрежность; пренебрежение
104. refusal [n'fju:zel] - отказ
105. to carry out an order [ta 'kaen aut an o:da] - выполнить приказ
106. appropriate [a'prouprnt] - соответствующий
107. disciplinary action ['disiplman aekfan] - дисциплинарная мера

Did you understand it?

a. Who ensures adequate manning of the Deck Department? b. What are

the types of cargo handling operations usually performed on board ship?
c. What must Deck Department personnel know and comply with? d. What
ship's officer is in charge of training the ship's personnel in fire-fighting prac-
tices? e. Whom are new crew members instructed by as to safe working
practices? f. Whose responsibility is maintaining of the fire fighting equip-
ment assigned to Deck Department in operating condition? g. What de-
partment is in charge of the life saving appliances? h. What actions must
the chief officer do to ensure that necessary stores are taken aboard before
his ship leaves port for a long voyage? i. Who gives final approval of every
item included in the requisition for stores? j. Which deck officer is respon-
sible for care and maintenance of compasses? k. May there be a separate
engineer included in the Deck Department staff for doing that job? I. Can
minor repair to radars and other navigation equipment be made aboard
ship? m. Who turns on/off the navigation lights? n. Is the Deck Officer’s
Log Book kept by watches? o. When do Officers of the Watch make entries
in the Log Book? p. What is a payroll? q. Who aboard Ukrainian flag ves-
sels prepares payrolls? r. What kinds of work are done by deck hands?
s. Who heads the deck crew? t. What are the professions of the deck
crew? u. What do we call an expert whose profession is to give medical

advice and administer proper treatment to sick people? v. Is there a doctor
on the staff of Ukrainian flag cargo vessels? w. Who can administer treat-
ment to a sick or injured crew member of a foreign flag cargo ship where
there is no doctor on the staff? x. How can competent medical advice be
requested by a ship being at sea and having no doctor aboard? y. Can
medical services be obtained by our seamen in foreign ports? z. Whom are
such matters arranged through? a. Whom are breaches of discipline and
good order reported to first of all? b. What will the result be if a crew
member refuses to carry out an order? c. ’ Is any disciplinary action taken
against a crewman who neglects his duties?

11.1 .B. Duties of the engine department personnel

Depending on1 the principle of a ship's organization 2 and type of

power plant3, the engine department with the chief engineer at the head can
include assistant engineers4, electrical engineers5, refrigeration engineer’,
piping system engineer7, motormen8 - oilers9, wipers’0, firemen” - repair-
man12, turner'3, welder14 and electricians'5. Most of that staff keeps engi-
neering watches16, others work a day shift17.
Engine department personnel operate 18, maintain19 and repair20 in-
ternal combustion engines21, boilers, steam turbines 22 and main propulsion
transmission23. Refrigeration and air conditioning system24, as well as main-
tenance and repair of machine shop equipment also are their responsibili-
ties. Engine department personnel participate 25 in emergency repair par-
ties26 when damage control activities27 are carried out.
THE CHIEF ENGINEER is in command of the engine department
and engineering personnel. He is responsible for all ship's machinery and
control systems28 (excluding29 electronic navigational aids 30 and external
communications equipment31). He must ensure proper operation, mainte-
nance and repair of the machinery, equipment and control systems. He also
is responsible for compliance with maritime laws 32, rules and regulations
pertaning33 to machinery testing34 and inspection35. The chief engineer is
responsible for the administration38, supervision, and economical opera-
tion37 of the engine department. He is responsible for preparation, accu-
racy36 and timely submission39 of engine department correspondence40, re-
cords41 and reports42. He maintains the engine department files 43, which
contain blue-prints44, manufacturer's manuals and instructions 45, and re-
cords pertaining to machinery and equipment. His assistants furnish him 46
with regular reports of established standard. The chief engineer is account-
able47 to the shoreside management48.
OFFICER) is the officer next in rank to the chief engineer. He is responsible
for daily activities of the engine room personnel. He supervises 49 mainte-
nance and repair work, maintains preventive maintenance records 50. He

also may be assigned to the duty of supervising spare part inventory 61. The
second engineer is normally a watchstanding engineer officer and keeps
two 4-hour watches - from midnight to 4 a.m. and from noon to 4 p.m. He
has collateral52 duties that include responsibility for the main engine, fire
main system53, water ballast system54, bilge drainage system53 and refrig-
eration system56.
OFFICER) is a watchstanding officer in an attended engine room 57 or duty
engineer5® in a periodically unattended engine room 59. His additional60 du-
ties include responsibility for the prime engines 61 of the generating sets -
gensets62, fuel fill, storage and transfer system 63, air compressors64, air
conditioner and refrigerating plant. The 3-rd engineer officer is usually as-
signed to the function of the person in charge of bunkering operations 05
ENGINEER OFFICER) is included in the engine department staff of our
merchant ships56 as a watchkeeping engineer. He usually has the auxiliary
boilers67 and waste-heat boilers 68 in his charge69. He is also in charge of'
the sea-water sanitary system71, galley and laundry mechanical equip-
ment72, and of some other items. His watchkeeping hours are 4 to 8 a.m.
and 16 to 20 hours.
THE ELECTRICAL STAFF installs73, maintains and repairs alterna-
tors, electric motors, searchlights 74, general lighting and power distribution 5
system. They trace76 and repair defects in wiring7' using electrician’s hand
tools78 and electrical measuring instruments79. They perform soldering80
and brazing81 operations. When the ship is manoeuvring, the electrical en-
gineer must be present in the engine room, and at such time he is respon-
sible for proper operation of all electrical equipment and control panels.
THE ELECTRONICS ENGINEER is responsible for maintenance,
adjustment, testing, installing and repair of shipboard equipment employ-
ing82 electronic circuits83. He uses precision84 test equipment - cathode ray
oscilloscopes85, frequency meters86 and vacuum-tube testers37.
Men assigned to watches are called WATCHKEEPERS,

1. depending on [di'pendiq on] - в зависимости от
2. ship's organization
[ftps ,3:ganai'zeijen] - распорядок службы и жизни на судне
3. power plant ['paua plcrnt] - силовая (энергетическая) установка
4. assistant engineer
[a'sistant endji'nia] - помощник механика (старшего, главного)
5. electrical engineer [I'lektnkal .endji'nia] - электромеханик
6. refregeration engineer [ri.fridja'reijan .endji'nie] - рефмеханик

7 piping systems engineer [ paipirj 'sistimz .endji'ma] - системный
8. motorman ['moutamen] - моторист
9. oiler ['oila] - смазчик
10. wiper ['waipa] - обтирщик
11. fireman [’faiaman] - кочегар
12. repairman [ri'peaman] - ремонтник
13. turner ['ta:na] - токарь
14. welder [welda] - сварщик
15. electrician [ilek'trijen] - электрик
16. engineering watch [.endji'nianr] wotj] - вахта в машинных
17. to work a day shift [to wa:k e dei fift] - работать в дневную смену
18. to operate [ta'opereit] - управлять (механизмами); эксплуатиро-
вать; обслуживать
19. to maintain [ta mem'tein] - обслуживать; содержать; эксплуатиро-
20. to repair [ta ri'pce] - ремонтировать
21. internal combustion engine
[in'ta:nl kam'bAsJan 'endjin] - двигатель внутреннего сгорания
22. steam turbine [sti:m 'te:bin] - паровая турбина
23. main propulsion transmission
[mein pra'pAifan traenz'mifan] - главная силовая передача на греб-
ной винт
24. air conditioning system
[га ken'dijnirj 'sistim] - система кондиционирования воздуха
25 to participate [ta pa:'tisipeit] - принимать участие; участвовать
26 emergency repair party
[i'ma:djansi n'pra pa:ti] - аварийно-ремонтная партия
27. damage control activities
[dasmidj kan'troul ak'tivitiz] - исправительно-восстановительные
работы; борьба за живучесть
28. control system [kan'troul 'sistim] -система управления
29. excluding [iks'klu:dirj] - за исключением
30. navigational aids [ naevi'geijanl eidz] - навигационные приборы;
навигационное оборудование
31. external communications equipment
[eks'ta:nl ka,mju:m'keijanz I'kwipmant] - средства внешней связи
32. maritime laws ['mseritaim b:z] - морское право
33. pertaning to smth [pa:'teimq ta 'sAmOiq] - имеющий отношение к

34. machinery testing [ma'Jkneri ' testirj] - испытание механизмов
35. inspection [m'spekjan] - осмотр; освидетельствование; контроль;
ревизия; проверка; инспектирование
36. administration [ad .minis'treijan] - управление (делами)
37. economical operation [.kka'nomikal .opa'reijan] - экономическое
38. accuracy [ aekjuresi] - точность; правильность; тщательность
39. timely submission ftaimh sab'mijan] - своевременная подача
40. correspondence [knns'pondans] - переписка; письма
41. record ['reko:d] - отчет
42. report [n'poit] - донесение; отчет; акт
43. files [failz] - дела; бумаги
44. blue-prints [blu: prints] - копии чертежей
45. manufacturer's manuals and instructions
[.maenju'faektjerez 'maenjuelz and m'strAkfenz] - наставления и
инструкции изготовителей
46. to furnish smb with smth
[ta 'fa:nij 'sAmbadi wid 'sAmOir]] - представить что-либо кому-либо
47. to be accountable to smb
[ta bi: a'kauntabl te SAmbedi] - быть подотчетным кому-либо
48. shoreside management ['Jo:said 'maenidjmant] - береговое руко-
водство (администрация)
49. to supervise [te'sju:pavaiz] - наблюдать; осуществлять надзор
50. records [ rekordz] - документы по учету
preventive maintenance - [pn'ventiv 'memtinans] - учет пла-
новопредупредительного ремонта
51. inventory [ mvantn] - переучет товара; инвентаризация
spare part - [spea pa:t] - переучет запасных частей
52. collateral [ko'laetersl] - побочный; второстепенный
53. fire main system ['faia mein 'sistim] - противопожарная (водяная)
54. ballast system ['baelest 'sistim] - балластная система
55. bilge drainage system
[bildj 'dreimdj ’sistim] - осушительная система; трюмная система
56. refrigeration system
[ri.fndja'reifan 'sistim] - рефрижераторная (холодильная) уста-
57. attended engine room
[a'tendid endjin rum] - обслуживаемое машинное отделение
58. duty engineer ['dju:ti endji'nia] - дежурный механик
59. periodically unattended engine room

[.pien'odikah 'Ana'tendid 'endjin rum] - машинное отделение с пе-
риодически безвахтенным обслуживанием
60. additional [a'dijanal] - дополнительный
61. prime engine [praim 'endjin] - первичный двигатель
62 generating set
['djenqreitirj set] - генераторный агрегат генераторная установка
63 fuel fill, storage and transfer system
['fjnr.ai fil 'sto-.ridj end 'traensfe: sistim] - система приема и
перекачки топлива
64 air compressor [се kam'presa] - воздушный компрессор
65 bunkering operations ['bArjkerirj .opa'reijenz] - бункеровочные
66 merchant ship ['ma:tfant Jip] - торговое судно
67. auxiliary boiler [o:g'ziljari 'boila] - вспомогательный котел
68. waste-heat boiler [weist hi:t bcile] - утилизационный котел
69. in his charge [in hiz tjccdj] - в его заведовании
70 to be in charge of smth
[to bi: in tja:d3 ev 'sAmOirj] - заведовать чем-либо, иметь что-либо
на своем попечении
71. sea-water sanitary system
[si: wo:ta saeniten'sistim] - санитарная система, использующая
забортную воду
72. galley and laundry mechanical equipment
['gaeli and 'b:ndn mi'kaanikal I'kwipmant] - механическое
оборудование камбуза и прачечной
73 to install [ta in'sb:l] - устанавливать
74 searchlight ['sa:t|1ait] - прожектор
75. distribution [,distn'bju:jen] - распределение; распространение
76. to trace [ta treis] - отыскивать (повреждения)
77. wiring ['waiariq] - электропроводка; обмотка
78. hand tools [haend tu.lz] - ручные инструменты
79. measuring instruments ['mejanq'instruments] - измерительные
80. soldering ['soldanrj] - пайка мягким припоем
81. brazing [breiziq] - пайка твердым припоем
82. employ [im'pbi] - применять; использовать
83. electronic circuit [ilek'tnmk 'sa:kit] - электронная цепь (схема)
84. precision [pn'sijan] - прецизионный; точный
85 cathode ray oscilloscope ['kaeOoud ret o'silaskoup] - катодный ос-
86. frequency meter ['frhkwensi 'mi:ta] - частотомер

87. vacuum-tube tester ['vaekjuam tju:b 'teste] - электровакуумный кон-
трольно-измерительный прибор

Did you understand it?

a. What engineer officers assist the chief engineer in operating the Engine
DepartmerjP ,-b Can you name by their profession all ratings possibly form-
ing part of£efe engine department staff? c. Which of the ratings work a day
shift? d. Nhme three or four essential types of daily activities performed by
the engine*r|g)attment personnel, e. What may the emergency duties of the
engine depamnent personnel be when damage control activities are carried
out? f. What must the chief engineer ensure first of all? g. What else is he
responsible for? h. What are the chief engineer’s functions as regards en-
gine department documentation? i. Whom is the chief engineer accountable
to aboard and ashore? j. What engineer officer supervises engine depart-
ment repair and maintenance work? k. What machinery, systems and
equipment are normally placed in the second engineer’s charge? I. What
are his watchkeeping hours? m. What are the additional duties of the third
engineer officer besides keeping engineering watches? n. What items is the
fourth engineer officer responsible for? o. For what purpose and in what
equipment is electric power used on board ship? p. What tools does electri-
cal staff use for maintaining and repairing electrical machines and equip-
ment? q. What is the electrical engineer responsible for when the ship is
manoeuvring? r. Whose immediate subordinate is the electrical engineer
and what personnel are subordinate to him? s. Is there an electronics engi-
neer on the staff of each ship? If there is one, what are his duties? t. What
do we call men assigned to watches?

II.1. C. Engineer’s duties on joining a ship

On joining a ship’ the engineer reports to 2 the chief engineer. He

shall consult with4 the engineer he is relieving 5 regarding5 the machinery

and equipment for which he will be responsible. He shall inspect such ma-
chinery and equipment and report any deficiencies found 7 to the chief engi-
neer. During his contract8, the engineer may be assigned to supplementary®
day work at the discretion of’0 the chief engineer. His duties may be to as-
sist with” repair work, upkeep’2 and installation13 of ship's machinery and
equipment as directed14. In his routine work15 he shall require15 that all
safety precautions are observed’7 by the personnel under his supervision.
As the engineer signs aboard’5, he, like’9 any other crewman, is
given a number20. His emergency21 duties and stations22 are indicated on
the Station Bill23 (or Muster List) for this number. The station bill is a list 24 on
which are described the duty station and assignment 25 of each crew mem-
ber during a fire emergency25 or other emergency situations, as well as the

boat station27 and duty assignment of each member of the crew during an
abandon ship procedure28.
The engineer must familiarize himself29 with the location30 and du-
ties of his emergency stations immediately 31 upon reporting on board 32. He
should remember that fire and emergency signals are continuous blast 33 on
ship’s whistle34 for a period of at least 3510 seconds supplemented36 by con-
tinuous ringing37 of general alarm bells for a period of 25-30 seconds. Three
short rings of the general alarm bells mean 38 dismissal from fire stations 39.
Immediately upon hearing40 the Abandon Ship (also called Lifeboat Stations
or Liferaft Stations) signal on the general alarm bells, the engineer must go
promptly41 but without panic to the embarkation station 42 jjpperly dressed43
and wearing44 a life jacket. There, he may have to turn out 45Jhe datvit for
launching46 the lifeboat and attend47 the boat engine.

1. on joining a ship
[on 'djoinirj a fip] - после зачисления в состав экипажа и прибытия
на судно
2. to report to smb [ta n po:t ta 'sAmbadi] - отчитаться перед кем-
Г• либо
3. shall Lfael] - (модальный глагол, выражающий долженствование
или приказание)
he - - он должен; он обязан
4 to consult with smb
[ta kan'sAlt wi5 'sAmbadi] - консультироваться с кем-либо; спра-
виться у кого-либо (о чем-либо)
5. to relieve (ta ri'li:v] - сменять; освобождать (от ответственности)
6. regarding smth
[ri'gccdirj 'sAmOiq] - по поводу чего-либо; в отношении чего-либо
7. deficiency [di'fijansi] - недостаток
~ies found [di'fifansiz faund] - обнаруженные недостатки
8 during his contract
['djuanq hiz 'kontraekt] - во время работы по своему контракту
9. supplementary [.SApli'mentan] -дополнительный
10. at the discretion of smb
[at 5a dis'krefan ev sAmbadi] - no усмотрению кого-либо
11. to assist with smth
[tu a'sist wi5 'sAmOiq] - помогать (содействовать) в чем-либо
12. upkeep ['Apki:p] - содержание (в исправности); ремонт
13. installation [,msta'leijan] - установка (как процесс устройства на
14 as directed [az di' rekt id] - как (будет) приказано

15. routine work [ru:'ti:n wa.k] - обычная (текущая) работа
16. to require [te n'kwaie] - требовать
17. to observe [tu eb'za:v] - соблюдать
18. to sign aboard [to sain e'bo:d] - прибыть на судно; начать работать
на судне
19. like [laik] - подобно
20. number ['плтЬе] - номер
21. emergency
[i'me:d3ansi] - авария; непредвиденный случай; чрезвычайное
22. station ['steijen] - место по расписанию; пост
23. Station В»у steijen bil] - Расписание по постам (на случай пожар-
ной тревоги, шлюпочных учений и т.п.)
24. list [list] - перечень; список; реестр
25. assigpnjpnt [asamment] - задание; поручение
26. fire emergency ['faia i'me:d3ansi] - пожарная тревога
27. boat station
[bout 'steijan] - место по расписанию на случай шлюпочной трево-
28. abandon ship procedure
[e'basndan fip pre'si:d30] - операции по сигналу "покинуть судно”
29. to familiarize oneself with smth
[te fa’miljeraiz wAn'self wid 'sAmOiq] - (подробно) ознакомиться с
30. location [lou'keijen] - расположение; нахождение
31. immediately [Гmi.djetli] - немедленно
32. upon reporting on board [apan ri'po:tiq on bo:dj - по прибытии на
33. blast [blcrst] - звуковой сигнал; гудок
continuous - [kan'tmjues blast] - непрерывный гудок
34. whistle ['wisl] - свисток; сирена; гудок
35. at least [at li:st] - не менее; по крайней мере
36. to supplement [te ’sApliment] - дополнять; добавлять
37. ringing ['rirjirjl - бой (звон) колокола
38. to mean [ta mi:n] - значить, означать
39. dismissal [dis'misel] - увольнение; освобождение
- from fire stations [fram 'faia 'steijanz] - отбой пожарной тревоге
40. upon hearing [epen ’hianq] - услышав
41 promptly ['promptli] - сразу; быстро
42. embarkation station
[ embafkeijen 'steijan] - пост на месте посадки на плавсредства

43 properly dressed ['prapsli drest] - одетый соответствующим обра-
14 wearing ['wesnrj] - имея надетым на себя
- a life jacket [е laif'djeekit] - в спасательном жилете
45 to turn out [te ta:n aut] - вываливать
46. launching [’b:ntfn]J - спуск на воду
47 to attend smth
[tu a'tend sAm0ir]] - обслуживать что-либо; заниматься чем-либо

Did you understand it?

a. Whom shall the engineer joining a vessel report to? b. Whom shall he
consult with regarding machinery and equipment that will be in his charge?
c. What must be reported to the chief engineer after an inspection round of
the machinery spaces has been made? d. At whose discretion may an en-
gineer officer be assigned to supplementary day work? e. What may his
duties be at such time? f. What personnel may be placed under an engi-
neer officer’s supervision? g. What is a Station Bill? h. Why must the engi-
neer officer familiarize himself with the Station Bill immediately upon joining
.i vessel? i. What do we call the electric system used aboard each vessel
for sounding alarm signals in emergency situations and for training pur-
pose? j. What is the fire signal like? k. What shall each crew member do
when he hears the Abandon Ship signal? I. What are the engineer’s Life-
boat Station duties? m. What do the members of the crew do on hearing
three short rings on the general alarm bells?

11.1. D. Engine room watchkeeping procedures

When taking over1 the underway2 watch, the engineer is consid-

ered the oncoming* watchkeeper and at such time he shall obtain 5 all rele-

vant® information from the engineer that he is relieving and that is called the
offgoing7 watchkeeper. That information regards® the designated revolu-
tions®, special orders or instructions’ 0, unusual occurences” and machin-
ery defects Both engineers shall make a joint inspection round 12 of the ma-
chinery spaces, note the condition of machinery, equipment, piping and
bilges’3, take fuel oil meter readings’4, and make standard entries’5 in the
engineer's log’6.
During the watch, the fourth engineer will check 17 a) operating pres-
sures'® and temperatures, b) liquid levels’ 9 and flows20, c) running machin-
ory2' bearings for overheating 22, d) piping for leakage23, e) plant compo-
nents for unusual (excessive) noise 24 or vibration, f) alarms and automatic
control devices25 for proper functioning26, g) availability27 and operable con-
dition28 of fire-fighting and safety equipment. The watchkeepers shall main-

tain cleanliness in machinery spaces, take precautions 29 to avoid30 fire haz-
ards31, clean strainers32 and filters, discharge separators, change-over 33
from running to stand-by 34 machinery components. They shall promptly an-
swer the telegraph and telephone.
At the first indication35 of trouble30, the engineer on watch shall no-
tify the chief engineer and take immediate steps to prevent 38 damage to

machinery. He must report to the chief engineer any change of the main
engine speed or other important 39 orders from the bridge. In case of emer-
gency or malfunction40 he shall speedily do corrective actions 41. Grounds in
electrical circuits, steam, air, oil or water leaks 42 must be repaired43
promptly When any alarm or protective device 44 is found defective45, the
engineer on watch shall call the electrical engineer to repair or renew 40 the
defective item47 immediately.
When the ship is manoeuvring, the engineer on watch devotes 48 his
primary attention48 to complying with the orders50 from the bridge.
Before getting underway51, the engineer on watch jointly with52 the
officer of the watch53 shall test the main engines with the necessary auxilia-
ries, the steering gear, telegraph, telephones, whistle and running lights. An
appropriate entry54 shall be made in the log.
The engineer on watch shall record 55 required data50 in the log book
including any unusual occurrences and he shall sign the log upon the com-
pletion57 of his watch.

1. when taking over [wen 'teikir) 'ouva] - принимая
2. underway ['Andewei] - ходовой
3. to be considered [ta bi: kan'sidad] - считаться, рассматриваться
4. oncoming ['on.kAmirfl - заступающий
5. to obtain [tu ab'tein] - получать; добывать; приобретать
6 relevant ['relivantj - относящийся к делу
7. offgoing ['oT.gouiqj - сменяющийся
8. regards [n'ga:dzj - касается
9. designated revolutions
['dezigneitid reve'lujanz] - установленное (заданное) число обо-
10. orders or instructions
['o:daz □: in'strAkfanz] - приказы или распоряжения (указания)
11. occurence [a' kArans] - случай; происшествие
12. joint inspection round
[djoint m'spekjan raund] - совместный (проверочный) обход
13. bilge [bild jj - льяло

14. oil metre readings [oil mi:ta 'rirdirjz] - показания счетчика (расхода)
15. entry ['entri] - запись
16. engineer's log [ endsi'niaz log] - машинный журнал
17. to check [ta tfek] - проверять
- for smth - проверять на наличие чего-либо
18. operating pressures ['opareitirj 'prefaz] - рабочее давление
19. liquid levels ['likwid 'levlz] - уровни жидкостей
20 flow [flou] - расход, циркуляция; поток
21. running machinery ['глпи] ma'ji:nan] - работающие механизмы
22. overheating ['ouvahiitirj] - перегрев
23. leakage ['lirkidj] - течь; утечка; протекание
24. noise [noiz] - шум
unusual ~[An'ju:juel noiz] - посторонний шум
excessive - [ik'sesiv noiz] - чрезмерный (повышенный) шум
25. device [di'vais] - устройство; приспособление; механизм; прибор
26. proper functioning ['propa 'fArjkJsmrj] - правильная работа
27. availability [a,veila'biliti] - наличие
28. operable condition ('oparabl ken'dijan] - рабочее состояние
29. to take precautions [ta teik pri'kojanz] - принимать меры предос-
30. to avoid [tu a'void] - избегать; уклоняться
31. fire hazard ['faia haezad] - опасность (возникновения) пожара
32. strainer [ streina] - сетка-фильтр; сито
33. to change over
[ta tjemdj 'ouva] - переключать, переводить; переходить (с ... на)
34. stand-by ['staendbaij - резервный; находящийся в состоянии го-
товности (к работе)
35. at the first indication [at da fa:st indi'keijan] - при первых признаках
36 trouble [ trAbl] - неисправность; неполадка
37. to notify [ta 'noutifai] - извещать; уведомлять; поставить в извест-
38 to prevent [ta pn'vent] - предотвращать; предупреждать; не допус-
39. important [im’portant] - важный; значительный
40 malfunction [ mael 'fAgkJan] - неправильная работа; неисправность
41. corrective actions [ka'rektiv 'aekjanz] - корректирующие воздейст-
вия; действия по исправлению
42. leak [li:k] - утечка; течь; просачивание

43. it must be repaired [it mAst bi: n'pced] - это должно быть устранено
(отремонтировано, исправлено)
44. protective device [pre' tektiv d i' vais] - защитное устройство
45. defective [di'fektiv] - неисправный; дефектный
46. to renew [te n'nju:] - заменять; обновлять
47. item faitem] - каждый отдельный предмет
48. to devote [ta di'vout] - посвящать; уделять; предаваться (чему-
49. primary attention ['praimari e'tenjen] - первостепенное внимание
50. to comply with the orders [te kem'plai wid di 'o.dez] - выполнять
51. before getting underway
[bi'fo: 'getirj 'Andewei] - до выхода в море; до отплытия
52. jointly with smb ['djointli wid SAmbadi] - совместно с кем-либо
53. officer of the watch [ ofise ev da wotfl - вахтенный помощник капи-
54. appropriate entry [e'prouprnt 'entri] - соответствующая запись
55. to record [te n'ko.d] - записывать; регистрировать
56. data ['delta] - данные; сведения; факты
57. upon the completion of smth
[epen de kem'plijan ev 'sAmQirj] - по завершению (по окончанию)

Did you understand it?

a. Which engineer is considered the oncoming watchkeeper and which one

is called the offgoing watchkeeper? b. What information shall the oncoming
engineer obtain from the offgoing engineer? c. What is the purpose of
making a joint inspection round of the machinery spaces by both engineers
- the relieving and relieved? d. What do we call the data recorded by the
engineer on watch in the engineer's log? e. Enumerate the essential check
points and parameters inspected and tested during the watch, f. What is
the purpose of periodical checking of the alarms and automatic control de-
vices? g. What is the routine operation and maintenance work performed by
the watchkeepers in the engine room? h. What are the duties of the engine
room watchkeepers in relation to the bridge? i. What actions shall the engi-
neer on watch take when a trouble occurs in the machinery spaces?
j. Shall the engineer on watch notify the chief engineer of any order received
from the bridge9 k. What is the primary duty of the engineer on watch when
the ship is manoeuvring? I. Describe the action taken by the engineer on
watch before getting underway, m. What do we mean by unusual occur-

rences in the engine room? Why must they be recorded in the engineer's

Vocabulary and grammar exercises

№1 Use the superlative form of the adjective given in each sentence

Поставьте прилагательное, данное в скобках, в превосходную

Model: That building is (old) of all. - That building is the oldest of all.
That drill will be (complicated) of all. - That drill will be the most
complicated of all.
That trip was (bad) of all. - That trip was the worst of all.
1. That’s (old) ship of all.
2. This is (comfortable) stateroom in the whole ship.
3. Peter is (friendly) man in this crew.
4. This is (big) hold in the ship.
5. John has (little) experience of anyone in the engine crew.
6. Kiev has (many) tall buildings of any city in Ukraine.
7. Ukraine exports (much) metal of all countries of the former Soviet Un-
8. That red car costs (little) of the three
9. That last drill was (easy) of all so far.
10. That voyage was (good) of all.
11. This pipe is (long) of the four.
12. This town has (narrow) streets of all the Sicily.
13. This region has (bad) weather of all.
14. He has (many) English books of all of us.

№2 Use the adjectives in the sentences correctly

Употребите правильные формы прилагательных, данных в скоб-

1. That’s (easy) of all.

2. It's (big) than Mike's.
3. This book is (exciting) than that one.
4 That car is (same) as mine.
5. Is this port (good) than that one?
6 He's (stupid) man in the crew.
7 Andrew's (polite) than the other fellow.
8 That life boat isn’t (new) as ours.
9 Is the chief engineer (young) than the captain?
10 Our deck machinery is (different) yours.
11 He is (popular) fellow in the crew.

12. Is Helen as (charming) as her sister?
13. Kiev is (far) from here than Nikolaev.
14. That picture is quite (similar) as this one.
15. She has (little) difficulty with this than that.
16. This piece of metal is as (thick) as those two.
17. Are there (many) people there than here?
18. Mary’s (pretty) as the bar tender.
19. Smith has (much) money as Jones.
20. Does your country have (bad) weather than this?
21. He isn’t so (energetic) a person as Brown.
22. This compartment is (wide) the other one.
23. Igor writes in English (good) of all.

№3. Translate into English

Переведите на английский язык

1. Волга - длиннее Днепра.

2. Днепр - самая длинная река в Украине.
3. Дайте ему больший пакет.
4. Для меня, читать по-английски легче, чем говорить на этом языке.
5. Киев больше Одессы.
6. На мой взгляд, Одесса красивее Ростова-на-Дону.
7. Днестр намного длиннее Темзы.
8. Эта книга намного интереснее той, которую я вам дал.
9. У него гораздо больше свободного времени, чем у меня.
10. У меня значительно больше английских книг, чем у Виктора.
11. Есенин - один из самых талантливых русских поэтов.
12. Это весьма интересный фильм.
13. Это крайне трудное задание.
14. Это кратчайший путь на железнодорожный вокзал.
15. Это самый интересный рассказ в этой книге.
16. Поздняя осень - наименее приятное время года.
17. Ранняя весна - менее приятное время года, чем раннее лето, но
этот сезон - не такой неприятный, как поздняя осень.
18. Мой словарь такой же хороший, как и ваш.
19. Моя каюта не такая удобная, как каюта второго механика
20. Эта комната меньше той.
21. В своей речи я делаю сейчас меньше ошибок, чем раньше.
22. Сегодня у нас меньше свободного времени, чем вчера.
23. Мой лучший товарищ живет в Кишиневе.
24 Говорят, что московское метро - самое красивое в мире.
25. Она самая молодая и самая красивая из моих подруг.
26. Это самая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал.
27. Залежи нефти в Украине, к сожалению, намного беднее, чем в Рос-

№4 Look at the answer to each question. Then complete each question
with an appropriate word or words
Посмотрите на ответ к каждому вопросу. Затем заполните
каждый вопрос соответствующим вопросительным словом или

1. _____are you? Very well, thank you.

2. _____are things with you today? Fine, thanks.
3. _____I join you? Please do.
4. _____*s that? It’s me, Igor.
5. _____are you? I’m the new 3rd engineer.
6. _____old are you? Nineteen.
7. _____you sure? Yes, I am.
8. _____you ready? No, not yet.
9. _____have you been? To the chief engineer.
10. _____anything wrong? 1 thought 1 had forgotten my tools.
11. _____‘s the trouble. Mike? Any- No, nothing serious.
thing serious?
12. _____shall we go? Let’s go to a pub.
13. _____you like it? Not particularly. (Yes. very much)
14. _____you on the phone? Yes.
15. _____you give me your phone Certainly.
16. _____you doing here? Waiting for the clerk.
17. _____you do for living? 1 go to sea.
18 _____you been doing all day? Working.
19. _____you going there tomor- 1 don’t think so.
20. _____you tell him? 1 didn’t tell him anything.
21. _____‘s that fellow saying? I’ve no idea.
22. _____we met before? Yes, but 1 can’t remember where.
23. _? 1 don't smoke, thank you.
24. _____you leaving? Tomorrow.
25. _____all this happen? The day before yesterday.
26. _____do you want? To use your telephone.
27. _____one do you want? The green one.
28. _____did you hear it? Over the radio.

№5. Match the corresponding letters and figures.
Подберите буквы под пару цифрам

1. нести вахту в машинном a) to make standard entries in the

отделении; engineer’s log;
2. (быстро) устранять про- b) to answer the telephone and the
течки в трубопроводах; telegraph immediately;
3. (быстро) выполнять дей- c) to keep engineering watches;
ствия по устранению не-
4. (немедленно) устранить d) to take oil metre readings;
5. (немедленно) отвечать на e) to repair leaks in the piping
телефонные и телеграф- promptly;
ные звонки;
6. записывать в машинном f) to record all unusual occurences in
журнале все необычные the engineer’s log;
происшествия (случаи);
7. сделать (соответствую- g) to repair the trouble immediatly;
щие) записи в машинном
8. снимать показания счет- h) to do corrective actions speedily;
чика расхода топлива;


a) to check piping for leakage;

9. проверить работающие
механизмы на правиль-
ность работы;
10. проверить подшипники на b) to check running machinery for ab-
перегрев; normal noise;
11. проверить рабочее дав- c) to check running machinery for
ление; proper operation;
12. проверить рабочую тем- d) to check bearings for overheating,
e) to check operating temperature;
13. проверить трубопроводы
на наличие протечек; f) to check operating pressure;
14. проверить уровни жидко-
стей; g) to check alarms;
15. проверить циркуляцию
жидкостей; h) to check automatic control devices
16. проверить работающие

механизмы на наличие
постороннего шума,
9. проверить средства ава- i) to check bearings for proper lubri-
рийной сигнализации; cation;
10. проверить средства авто- k) to check operable condition of the
матического управления; fire fighting equipment;
11. проверить рабочее со- l) to check liquid flow;
стояние противопожарно-
го оборудования;
12. проверить подшипники на m) to check liquid levels;
правильность смазки,


1. принимать вахту; a) to take immediate steps to prevent

damage to machinery;
2. сдавать вахту; b) to hand over a watch;
3. получить нужную инфор- c) to take over a watch;
мацию от сменяющегося
4. произвести совместный d) to obtain relevant information from
осмотр машинных the off-going engineer;
5. ставить старшего механи- e) to notify the chief engineer of any
ка в известность обо всех troubles in the engine room;
неполадках в машинном
6. предпринимать немед- f) to renew the defective item of
ленные действия по пре- equipment;
дотвращению поврежде-
ния механизмов;
7. переходить (переклю- g) to test the steering gear and other
чаться) на резервный ме- auxiliaries;
8. определить причину по- h) to test the whistle and running
стороннего шума; lights;
9 заменить неисправное i) to determine the cause of the un-
оборудование; usual noise;
10. испытать в работе руле- j) to change-over to a stand-by ma-
вое устройство и другие chinery component;
вспомогательные меха-
низмы и системы;
11. проверить работу свистка k) To make a joint inspection round of
и ходовых огней; the machinery spaces;


1. обращать внимание на 7. to avoid fire hazards;

состояние механизмов и
2. поддерживать чистоту в 8. to sign the log upon the completion
машинных помещениях; of the watch;
3. избегать опасности воз- 9. to note the condition of the ma-
никновения пожара; chinery and equipment;
4. действовать в соответст- 10. to call the electrical engineer;
вии с распоряжениями с
5. вызывать электромехани- 11. to maintain cleanliness in the ma-
ка; chinery spaces;
6. подписывать журнал по- 12. to comply with the orders from the
сле вахты bridge.

13. Что это? 24. What’s your excuse?

14. Что нового? 25. What’s that?
15. Каково ваше оправдание 9 26. Who(m) are you looking for?
16. Что вы ищете? 27. What are you looking for?
17. Кого вы ищете? 28. What's the news?
18. Какая ( в этом ) разница? 29. What happened?
19. Что вы об этом думаете? 30. What do you want?
20. Что вы предлагаете? 31. What did you say?
21. Что вы сказали? 32. What do you suggest?
22. Что вы хотите? 33. What do you think of that?
23. Что случилось? 34. What difference does it make?


1. Кто вам сказал? 9. Where did you find it?

2. Какой (из них) вы хотите? 10. Where did you buy it?
3. Где это (находится)? 11. Where are you going?
4. Куда вы идете? 12. Where is it?
5. Где вы нашли это? 13. Which one do you want?
6 Куда мне положить это? 14. Who told you?
7. Где вы купили ее? 15. Where did you hear that?
8. Где вы слышали это? 16. Where shall I put it?

1. Когда это случилось? а)Why did you do that?
2. Когда вы уезжаете? Ь) When did you send it?
3. Когда вы ожидаете их? с)Why bother?
4 Когда вы отправили ее? d) When do you expect them9
5. Почему вы это сделали? е)When are you leaving?
6. Почему ты (пришел) так f)When did it happen?
7. Зачем беспокоиться"? g) Why are you so late?


1. Вы что-то ищете? а) Do you mind if I use your phone?

2. Вы что-то потеряли? b)Did you get the message?
3. Вы управитесь? С) Have you lost anything?
4. Вы получили послание? d)Can you manage?
5. Вы не будете возражать, е)Shall I turn the light on?
если я воспользуюсь ва-
шим телефоном?
6. Включить свет? п (Are there) Any objections?
7. Возражения есть? д)(Are there) Any suggestions?
8. Есть предложения"? h)Are you looking for something?

№6 Translate into English.

Переведите на английский язык.

1. Вы знаете, как часто у нас будут занятия по английскому языку?

2. Повторите, пожалуйста, какие упражнения мы должны будем сде-
лать завтра.
3. Он не ответил на мое письмо.
4. Он сделал то, что я советовал ему (сделать).
5. Преподаватель спросил нас, сколько новых слов в этом тексте.
6. Он сказал мне, что будет очень занят сегодня.
7. Вы не пропускали занятий на этой неделе, да?
8. Он не знал, сколько времени ему прийдется пробыть в больнице.
9. Когда моя жена вернется, мы поедем на неделю за город.
10 Давайте откроем окно в каюте.
11. Давайте пойдем в столовую без четверти час. В это время там не
бывает много клиентов.
12. Позвольте мне помочь вам с переводом радиограммы
13. Пусть он встретит посетителей. Он хорошо говорит по-английски

14. Если он вернется к 10 часам, попросите его позвонить мне.
15. Вы знаете английский язык достаточно хорошо для того, чтобы
перевести эту инструкцию.
16. Позавчера мне пришлось оставаться в офисе до половины девя-
того вечера
17. Он говорит, что когда закончит работу, то прийдет к нам и все
18. Мы можем использовать это помещение в качестве мастерской.
19. Когда будет отправлена эта телеграмма?
20. Можно мне пользоваться твоими инструментами сегодня?
21. Он спросил нас, хорошо ли мы доехали и сказал, что счастлив
видеть нас снова.


1. Как дорого стоит этот автомобиль?

2. Как холодно на улице сейчас?
3. Как тебе нравиться этот город?
4. Как мы будем ехать в Грецию?
5. Как долго (сколько времени) мы здесь пробудем?
6. Как вы включаете эту машину?
7. а) Сколько банок пива ты заказал?
6) Сколько пива ты заказал?
8. Как велико судно, на котором я буду плавать?
9. Сколько мотористов (имеется) в машинной команде?
10. а) Сколько топлива могут вместить танки постоянного запаса?
б) Сколько тонн топлива вмещает расходная цистерна?
в) А сколько тонн там (есть) сейчас?
широкий - wide; длинный - long; высокий - high; глубокий - deep
11. Какова ширина (как широк) того отсека?
12. Какова высота главного двигателя?
13. Какова глубина танка?
14. Который теперь час (“Сколько времени")?
15. Что тебе сказал старший механик вчера?
16. Какие прокладки (gaskets) он выбрал?
17. Какие из винтов (screws) вы возьмете?
18. О чем капитан собирается говорить?
19. Это не мой ключ (spanner) Чей он?
20. Что случилось (-ed) у тебя на вахте вчера?
21. Какие инструменты (tools) вы ищете (look for)?
22. Чьим инструментом ты пользовался в прошлый раз?
23. а) Откуда вы (приехали)?
б) Из какой страны вы приехали?


1. Под чьим руководством я буду работать?

2. Какой (который) моторист будет работать под моим руково-
3. Кто будет нести вахту со мной?
4 За какие механизмы я буду отвечать (нести ответственность)?
5. В чьем заведовании находится этот механизм?
6. Кому я должен доложить о своем прибытии?
7. Ты уже доложил старшему механику?
8 Я хотел бы (I'd like) осмотреть вместе с вами механизмы, обору-
дование и системы моего заведования.
17. Я новый третий механик и буду сменять вас, не так ли?
18. Каковы основные недостатки (deficiencies) этой установки?
19. Вы обнаружили какие-либо недостатки во время осмотра? Нет.
20. Давайте доложим вместе о результатах осмотра старшему меха-
нику. На какой палубе находится его каюта?
21. Господин Марти, мы произвели осмотр механизмов, оборудова-
ния и систем моего заведования; существенных недостатков не
. обнаружено.
22. На какие дополнительные работы вы будете назначать меня?
23. Я буду участвовать (participate) в каких-либо дополнительных
24. Кто производит развод (assignment) машинной команды на рабо-
ты? А где это происходит и в какое время?
25. С каким мотористом я буду производить обслуживание механиз-
мов моего заведования?
18 Я хотел бы просмотреть инструкции по технике безопасности. На
каком языке они написаны?
19 На каком борту живет машинная команда?
20 Где находятся жилые помещения (living guarters) мотористов?
21 В какой каюте живет моторист, с которым я буду стоять вахту?
Кстати, как его зовут?


1. а) У меня будет (have) личный (personal) номер?

б) Мне будет дан номер?
2. Каков мой личный номер?
3. Для какого номера я должен смотреть свое аварийное расписание
[shedule]? Я имею в виду (I mean) мои обязанности и посты.
4. Каково мое место по пожарной тревоге?
5. Где расположено (is located) мое место по пожарной тревоге?
6. Каковы мои обязанности по пожарной тревоге?

7. Где находится (is) мой пост по шлюпочной тревоге?
8. Здравствуйте (добрый день), я новый четвертый механик. Вчера я
прибыл на судно и устроился (settled down). Сейчас я хотел бы (I'd
like) ознакомиться с расписанием тревог (аварийным расписани-
ем) - Station Bill (Muster List).
9. Чем /с помощью чего/ какими средствами (by wtiat means) пода-
ются сигналы общесудовых тревог?
10. Из скольких звонков (ударов колокола) состоит (is composed) ава-
рийный сигнал “Покинуть судно"?
11. Где я могу узнать (learn) номер своей спасательной шлюпки?
12. На каком борту она находится?
13. А спасательные плоты есть на судне?
14. Я принимаю участие (participate) в спуске шлюпки?
15. В чьем заведовании (in whose charge) находится двигатель шлюп-
16. У меня в каюте нет спасательного жилета. Где я могу (get) взять


II.2. A. Duties of the engineer officer in charge of the watch

Under the direction’ of the chief engineer, the engineer officer in

charge of the watch shall be responsible for the inspection, operation and
testing, as required2, of all machinery and equipment under his responsibil-
ity. The engineer officer in charge of the watch is the chief engineer's repre-
sentative3 and his primary responsibility4, at all times5, shall be the safe and
efficient operation and up-keep of machinery affecting 6 the safety of the
The chief engineer shall, in consultation with 7 the master, deter-
mine in advance9 the needs'0 of the intended” voyage, taking into consid-

eration12 the requirement for fuel, water, lubricants', chemicals, expend-

able14 and other spare parts15, tools16, supplies1' and any requirements.
The engineer officer in charge of the watch shall ensure that the es-
tablished watchkeeping arrangements18 are maintained. Under his general
direction, engine room ratings39, if forming part of the watch20, shall be re-
quired to assist in21 the safe and efficient operation of the propulsion ma-
chinery and the auxiliary equipment.
At the commencement of22 the engineering watch, the current op-
erational parameters23 and condition of the machinery shall be verified 24.
Any machinery not functioning properly25, expected to malfunction28 or re-
quiring special service27, shall be noted28 along with29 any action already
taken30. Plans shall be made for any further31 action if required.

The engineer officer in charge of the watch shall ensure that the
main propulsion plant and auxiliary systems are kept under constant surveil-
lance32, inspections are made of the machinery and steering gear 33 at suit-
able intervals and appropriate action34 is taken to remedy35 any malfunction
When the machinery spaces are in the manned condition 36, the en-
gineer officer in charge of the watch shall at all times be readily capable 37 of
operating the propulsion equipment in response to 36 needs for changes in
direction or speed39. When the machinery spaces are in the periodic un-
manned condition40, the designated41 duty engineer shall be immediately
available42 and on call43 to attend the machinery spaces.
All bridge orders44 shall be promptly executed45. Changes in direc-
tion or speed of the main propulsion unit shall be recorded 46. The engineer
officer in charge of the watch shall ensure that the main propulsion unit's
controls47, when in the manual mode of operation 48, are continuously at-
tended under stand-by or manoeuvring conditions.
The engineer officer in charge of the watch shall not be assigned 48
or undertake50 any duties which would interfere 51 with his supervisory duty 52
in respect of53 the main propulsion system and auxiliary equipment and
shall ensure that the main propulsion system and ancillary 54 equipment are
kept under constant surveillance until he is properly relieved.
Due attention shall be paid 55 to the maintenance and support of all
machinery, including mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic 56 sys-
tems, their control apparatus57 and assosiated58 safety equipment, all ac-
commodation service systems59 equipment and recording of stores 80 and
spare gear usage61.
The chief engineer officer shall ensure that the engineer officer in
charge of the watch is informed of all preventive maintenance 62, damage
control63, or repair operations to be performed during the watch. The engi-
neer officer in charge of the watch shall be responsible for the isolation, by-
passing and adjustment of all machinery under his responsibility that is to
be worked on64, and shall record all work carried out.
Before going off duty85, the engineer officer in charge of the watch
shall ensure that all events 66 related to67 the main and auxiliary machinery
are suitably68 recorded
To avoid any danger to the safety of the ship and its crew, the engi-
neer officer in charge of the watch shall notify the bridge immediately in the
event of fire, impending69 actions in machinery spaces that may cause 70 re-
duction in ship’s speed, imminent 71 steering failure72, stoppage of the ship's
propulsion system or any alteration 73 in the generation of electric power or
similar threat to74 safety.
These notifications75, where possible, shall be accomplished 76 be-
fore changes are made, in order to77 afford78 the bridge the maximum avail-

able time to take whatever actions are possible to avoid a potential marine
When the engine room is put in a stand-by condition, the engineer
officer in charge of the watch shall ensure that all machinery and equipment
which may be used during manoeuvring is in a state of immediate readi-
ness80 and that an adequate reserve of power is available for steering gear
and other requirements.

1. under the direction ('Anda da di'rekjan] - под руководством
2. as required [az nkwaied] - насколько это требуется
3. representative [.repn'zentativ] - представитель
4. primary responsibility
['praimari ns ponse'biliti] - первостепенная обязанность
5. at all times [at o:l taimz] - постоянно
6. to affect [tu a'fekt] - оказывать влияние; влиять
7. in consultation with smb
[in konsal'teijan wid 'sAmbadi] - советуясь с кем-либо
8. to determine [ta di 'ta:mm] - определять
9. in advance [in ad vans] - заранее
10. needs [ni:dz] - потребности
11 intended [m'tend] - намеченный; планируемый
1. to take into consideration
[ta teik 'inta kan.sida'reijan] - принимать во внимание
2. lubricant [ lurbnkant] - смазочный материал (смазка)
3. expendable [iks'pendabl] - (одно)разового применения
4. spare part [spea pa t] - запасная часть
5. tools [tu:lz] - инструменты
6. supplies [sa plaiz] - снабжение
7. established watchkeeping arrangements
[is'taeblijt 'wotjki:pir) a'reindjmants] - установленный порядок
несения вахты
8. ratings [’reitirjz] - рядовой состав
9. to form part of the watch [ta fo:m pa:t av da wotj] - входить в состав
10. to assist in smth [tu a'sist in 'sAmOiq] - оказывать помощь в чем-
11. at the commencement of smth
[at da ka'mensmant av 'sAmOir)] - в начале чего-либо
12. current operational parameters
['kArant .opa'reijanl pa'raemitaz] - текущие рабочие параметры
13. to verify [te 'venfai] - проверять
14. properly ['propali] - правильно; должным образом
15. expected to malfunction
[iks'pektid ta mael'fAnkfan] - который предположительно будет ра-
ботать неправильно
16. service ['sa:vis] - обслуживание
28 to note [te nout] - взять на заметку
29. along with [a'br] wid] - вместе c
30. action already taken
['aekjan o:l'redi 'teikan] - уже предпринятые меры (действия)
31. further [fa:da] - дальнейший
32. under constant surveillance
[ Anda konstant se:'veilans] - под постоянным наблюдением
33. steering gear spaces [stierir] gia 'speisiz]) - помещение рулевой
34. appropriate action [a'prouprut 'aekjan] - соответствующие меры
35. . to remedy [ta remidi] - исправлять; устранять (неисправность)
36. in the manned condition
[in da maend kan'dijan] - с вахтенным обслуживанием
37. to be readily capable
[ta bi: 'redili 'keipabl] - быть способным быстро (что-либо сделать)
38. in response to smth [in ris'pons ta SAmOir)] - в ответ на что-либо
39 changes in direction or speed
[tjeindjiz in di'rekjan э: spi:d] - изменение направления (враще-
ния коленвала) или числа оборотов
40. unmanned condition
[An'maend kan'dijan] - состояние (режим) безвахтенного обслужи-
вания (машинного отделения)
41. designated ['dezigneitid] - назначенный; установленный
42. available [a'veilabl] - доступный; имеющийся в распоряжении; на-
43. to be on call [ta bi: on ko:l] - быть поблизости (и способным быстро
явиться по вызову)
44 bridge orders [bndj 'o:daz] - приказы с мостика
45. to execute [ta eksikju:t] - исполнять; выполнять
46. to be recorded [ta bi: ri'ko:did] - регистрироваться
47. controls [kan'troulz] - органы управления
48. manual mode of operation
['maenjuel moud av npe'reijan] - режим работы при ручном управ-
лении (установкой)
49 to be assigned [ta bi: a'samd] - назначаться
50. to undertake [to .Anda'teik] - предпринимать; брать на себя опре-
деленные обязательства
51. to interfere [ta .inta'fie] - служить препятствием; мешать
52. supervisory duty ['sju:pevaizan 'djuiti] - контролирующая функция
53. in respect of [in ns'pekt] - что касается
54. ancillary [aen'silan] - вспомогательный
55. due attention shall be paid
[ dju: a'tenjan jel bi: peid] - должное внимание должно уделяться
56. pneumatic [nju:'maetik] - пневматический; воздушный
57. control apparatus [kan'troul aepe'reites] - управляющее устройст-
58. associated [a'soufieitid] - связанный; действующий совместно;
59 accommodation service systems
[e.koma'deijan sa vis sistimz] - системы, обслуживающие жилые
60. recording of stores [гГko:dirj av sto:z] - учет запасов
61. spare gear usage [spca gia 'jutzidj] - использование запасных час-
62. preventive maintenance [pn'ventiv 'meintinans] - профилактиче-
ский ремонт
63. damage control [daemidj kan'troul] - ремонтно-
восстановительные работы; исправление
64. machinery that is to be worked on
[ma'Ji:nari dat iz ta bi. wa:kt on] - механизмы, подлежащие
обслуживанию (ремонту)
65. before going off duty [bi'fo: 'gouirj of 'dju:ti] - прежде, чем уйти с
66. event (Г vent] - событие; происшествие
67. related to smth [n'leitid ta 'sAmGig] - связанный с чем-либо
68. suitably ['sjuztabli] - соответствующим образом
69. impending [im'pendir)] - предстоящий: неминуемый
70. to cause [ta ko:z] - вызывать (причинять); приводить к
71. imminent fimment] - надвигающийся; грозящий
72. failure ['feilja] - поломка; выход из строя; отказ в работе; неудача
73. alteration [,o:lta'reijen] - изменение; перемена
74. threat to smth [Oret ta 'sAmGirj] - угроза чему-либо
75. notification [ noutifi'keijan] - оповещение; уведомление
76. to accomplish [tu a'komplij] - выполнять, достигать
77 in order to [in 'o:da tu] - для того, чтобы; с целью

78. to afford [tu e'fo:d] - (быть в состоянии) позволить себе; предос-
79. casualty ['kaejjualti] - происшествие; несчастный случай
80. immediate readiness [i mkdjat 'redims] - немедленная готовность

Did you understand it?

a. What is the primary responsibility of the engineer on watch? b. What

shall the chief engineer take into consideration when determining the ship's
needs for the intended voyage? c. What are work relations between the
engineer on watch and engine room ratings? d What shall the oncoming
engineer verify and what shall he note at the commencement of his watch?
e Does the regulation "The engineer officer in charge of the watch shall en-
sure that the main propulsion plant and auxiliary systems are kept under
constant surveillance" imply that he shall keep the machinery under con-
tinuous surveillance by himself? f. Who shall remedy any malfunction dis-
covered during the watch? g. What do the expressions "in the manned con-
dition" and "in the periodic unmanned condition" mean? h. How must
bridge orders be executed? i. Who attends machinery controls when the
main engine is in the manual mode of operation? j. Can the engineer on
watch be assigned to any duties, which would interfere with his supervisory
duty? k. What data shall be recorded in the engineer's log during the
watch? I. Who informs the engineer on watch of all preventive maintenance,
damage control and repair operations to be performed during the watch?
What is it done for? m. What information shall be recorded in the engineer's
log by the offgoing engineer? n. In what events shall the engineer on watch
notify the bridge immediately? o. What are the watch engineer’s duties in
relation to the engine room put in a stand-by condition?

II.2. B. When to call the chief engineer


1 IF any fire, no matter how small2, is discovered3 *

in any machinery
space or in any other part of the ship

2 IF the generator trips off* the line or any difficulty is experienced 5

in maintaining constant frequency, voltage or load require-

3 IF the temperature of the generator stator6 or rotor7 increases

suddenly8 or exceeds the prescribed9 limits

4 IF any difficulty is experienced in maintaining a steady 10 water
level in boilers or any difficulty in maintaining satisfactory op-
eration of the boiler feed pump11 or water level regulators12

5 IF there is any increase in consumption13 of make-up feedwater14

6 IF there is any saltwater 15 leak in main condenser 16, auxiliary con-

denser, or other system that is contaminating 17 the boiler feed

IF any difficulty is experienced with water in fuel or loss of fires 18

IF pressure drop19 across generator, superheater20 or econo-
8 mizer tube banks21 exceeds limit marked on boiler front22

IF any local23 or general overheating of boiler casing is discov-

9 ered

IF superheat temperature should show abnormal increase 24 that

10 is not correctible25 by adjustment of excess air26

IF any difficulty is experienced in keeping bilges pumped dry

IF any air, oil, fuel, water or steam leaks develop ’7 that are other
12 than minor

IF any difficulty is experienced with plugged 28 or choked29 sea

13 chests30

IF any leak is discovered in any sea connection valve 31 or fitting,

14 especially32 in the body33, bonnet34 or joints35

IF bridge requests speed increase requiring a greater steam flow

15 to H P.36 turbine than the limit set37 by chief engineer's stand-
ing orders

IF any unusual, concentration of dirt 38 or foreign matter39, espe-

16 cially particles40, is discovered in the main lubricating oil strain-

IF any abnormal temperature rise41 is noted in the main turbine,

reduction gear, line shaft or turbo generator bearings

18 IF any unusual vibration42 is noticed, especially in the main pro-
pulsion system or turbo generators

1. standing order ['stasndirj a:da] - постоянно действующая инструк-
ция (предписание)
2. no matter how small [nou 'maeta hau smo:l] - неважно насколько
(он) мал
3 is discovered [iz dis'kAvad] - выявлен; обнаружен
4 to trip off [ta trip a:f] - выключаться; отключаться
5 to experience [tu iks'pianans] - испытывать
6. generator stator [djenareita 'steita] - статор генератора
7. rotor frouta] - ротор
8. suddenly ['sAdnli] - внезапно; вдруг
9. to prescribe [ta pris'kraib] - предписывать
10. steady ['stedi] - установившийся; устойчивый; ровный
11. boiler feed pump ['boila fi;d рлтр] - питательный насос котла
12. water level regulator ['wo:ta 'lev! 'regjuleita] - регулятор уровня во-
13. consumption [kan'sAmpJan] - потребление; расход
14 make-up feed water [meikap fi:d wa:ta] - добавочная (питатель-
ная) вода
15 saltwater ['so:lt'wo:ta] - соленая вода; морская (забортная) вода
16. main condenser [mein kan'densa] - главный конденсатор
17. to contaminate [ta kan'tajmmeit] - загрязнять
18. loss of fires [las av faiaz] - потеря тепла в котле
19. pressure drop ['preja drop] - перепад давления; падение давле-
20. superheater [,sju:pa'hi:ta] - (паро)перегреватель
21. economizer tube bank [i:'kanamaiza tju-b baerjk] - пучок трубок в
экономайзере (котла)
22. boiler front ['baila frAnt] - фронт котла
23. local ['loukal] - местный; локальный
24. abnormal increase [геЬ'пэ:тэ1 'inkrhsj - ненормальное повышение
25. correctible [ka'rekubl] - поддающийся исправлению (регулирова-
26 excess air [ik'ses га] - избыточный воздух
27. to develop [ta di'velap] - развиваться; проявляться
28. plugged [plAgd] - закупоренный
29. choked [tjoukt] - засоренный
30 sea chest [si; tfest] - кингстонная коробка
31 sea connection valve [si: ka'nekjan vaslv] - клапан забортного от-

32. especialy [is'pejali] - особенно
33. body ['badi] - корпус (клапана)
34. bonnet ['bonit] - крышка; колпак
35. joint (фотt] - соединение; стык; разъем
36. Н.Р. (high pressure) [eitf pi: (hai ’preja)] - высокое давление
37. the limit set by smb
[da 'limit set bafsAinbadi] - предел, установленный кем-либо
38. dirt [da:t] - земля; грунт: грязь; cop
39. foreign matter ['form 'maetaj - инородное вещество; посторонние
40. particle ['pcr.tikl] - частица
41. temperature rise [' tempntfa raiz] - повышение температуры
42. unusual vibration [лп'|и:зиэ1 vai'bretfan] - необычная вибрация

Did you understand it?

a When is the temperature of electrical generator a reason for calling the

chief engineer? b. What difficulties may be experienced by the engineering
watch personnel in maintaining proper operation of the boilers? c. On what
part of the boiler are operating pressure limits marked? d. By what means
can abnormal superheat temperature be corrected? e. Is a difficulty in
keeping bilges dry a reason for calling the chief engineer? f. What leaks
may occur in a steam power plant components? g. Is plugging or choking of
sea chests a serious trouble? h. Whom is steam flow to the high pressure
(H.P ) turbine set by? i. What may unusual concentration of dirt or foreign
matter in the main lubricating oil strainer result in? When is such condition
usually discovered? j. In what steam power plant component may abnormal
pressure rise occur? k. Does unusual vibration mean that something is
wrong with the main propulsion system?

II.2. C. Transfer1 of chief engineer responsibilities


On this day ... 14 November 1995 at port of TRINCOMALEE
Chief engineer... CHOBANU VLADIMIR handed over duties 2
to Chief engineer STANKO IVAN whereby 3 the following particulars were

Documents Handed Over Re- Fuel & Lub.Oii Quantities M°
marks4 Tons
Engine Log Book Yes Marine Fuel Oil” 6594
Survey Records6/ Certificates Yes Marine Diesel Fuel15 971
Company Information File Yes MELubricaing/Circulating
Spare parts orders7 Yes Oil (total including sump
Repair orders8 Yes tank18 17640
Log Abstracts9 Yes AE17Lubricaing/Circulating
| ME"’ Indicator diagrams11 Yes Oil (total including sump
Measuring reports12 ME Cylin- tanks) 1860
Iders Yes Cylinder Lubricating Oil 4375
Deflection reports13 Yes Turbo Oil 1800
I Drawing Lists & drawings Yes Hydraulic Oil 400
[Boiler water analysis book

Instruments18 Requirements

Deflection gauge'* ME working Surveys Overdue2': —
iDeflection gauge AE working
jinside micrometers20: Outstanding28 spare part orders:
I For ME Liner21 Calibration working
I For AE Liner Calibration working
Outside micrometer ME Indica- working Important repairs for near fu-
tor ture29:
Diagram Set22 Yes See an extra page
[Hand Tachometer23 working
Megger tester24 working
Electric Welding Set25 working
[Gas Welding Set26 working

ignature Chief Engineer Signature Chief Engineer

anding over Taking over

1. transfer ftraensfa:] - передача
2 to hand over duties
[to haend 'ouva 'dju-tiz] - передавать служебные обязанности (за
3 whereby [wea'bai] - посредством чего
4. remark [ri'ma:k] - замечание; примечание, пометка
5. М (metric) [em ('metrik)] - метрический
6. survey records ['sa:vei 'reko:dzj - документы освидетельствований
7. spare parts order [spco pcuts 'o:da] - заказ запасных частей
8. repair order [п'реэ 'o:do] - требование на ремонт
9. log abstracts [bg 'sebstraekts] - выписки из вахтенного журнала
10. ME (main engine) [em i: (mein 'endtjin)] - главный двигатель
11. indicator diagram ['indikeita 'daiagraem] - индикаторная диаграмма
12. measuring reports ['mejarirj n'ports] - доклады (отчеты) о замерах
13. deflection reports [di'flekfon n'po:ts] - донесения о прогибе (вала)
14. marine fuel oil [ma'ri.n 'fju;al oil] - тяжелое топливо для судовых
15. marine diesel fuel [ma'rim di:zal fju.al] - легкое топливо для
судовых дизелей
16. sump tank [влтр ta»rjk] - сточная цистерна; отстойный бак
17. АЕ (auxiliary engine) [er i: (o:g'ziljan endjin)] - вспомогательный
18. instrument ['instrument] - прибор
19. gauge [geidj] - измерительный прибор; калибр
20. inside micrometer ['m'said mai'kromita] - микрометр для измере-
ния внутренних размеров
21. liner [ lama] - втулка цилиндра
22. set [set] - набор; комплект
23. hand tachometer [hamd tae'komita] - ручной тахометр
24. megger tester ['mega 'testa] - мегометр
25. electric welding set [1'lektrik 'weldiq set] - электросварочный
26. gas welding set [gaes 'weldnj set] - газосварочный агрегат
27. overdue ['ouva'dju:] - просроченный; запоздалый
28. outstanding [aut'stiendir)] - невыполненный
29. for near future [fa nia 'fju:tfa] - на ближайшее будущее

Did you understand it?

a. When did the duty transfer take place? b. Whom did Chobanu Vladimir
hand over his duties? c. What documents did Stanko Ivan take over?
d What purpose are the inside micrometers handed/taken over by both en-
gineers used for? e. What welding equipment was handed/taken over?
f. What oil products were handed/taken over? g. What unit was used for
measuring the quantities of fuel oil, diesel oil, lubricating oil and hydraulic
oil? h. Were there any surveys overdue? i. Where were important repairs
for near future described? j. Whom was the document signed by?

(hereinafter2 called the Company or the Owners)


(hereinafter called the seaman)

Date of Birth: 15.06.1947 Place of Birth: Kharkov Region

Nationality: Ukrainian Passport №: 273614
Basic Wages : USD28 1020
. S.W.A.29 : USD 100
Leave Pay30 : USD 104
Fixed Overtime31 for all in hours : USD 436 and O/T32 rate ...
/hr33 for over ... hrs
Total Monthly Wages : USD 1660

Seaman’s Book3 №
Home address: apt4 75. 29 STUDENCHESKAYA str.5, ODESSA, UKR.
Next of Kin6 (relationship7): WIFE
Name and address: CHORBA LYUDMILA, address - SAME OF THE
• It is agreed that8:

1. The aforementioned9 seaman is engaged10 as11:

Flag: Call Sign’3:
or on any other vessel managed by the above Company.

2. Duration15 of Employment:
7 months, plus/minus 2 months at Owner’s option 18. Contract, however17,
can be extended further18 subject to19 mutual consent20 of the parties to this

3. Wages22:
Payment23 starts upon departure from24 KIEV and ends upon s/off25 - dis-
embarkation26 from the vessel. Breakdown27 of total monthly wages is as

It is furthermore explained that Total Monthly Wages including .... hours
overtime apply34 only to ratings35, Officers’ Wages are inclusive 36 every-
For purposes of calculation a month is considered to have thirty days and
single days are calculated accordingly37.

The normal work week cosists of forty hours as determined and pre-
scribed38 by the Master, always in conformity with 39 international maritime
standards and practices. The seaman, however, will also work during such
hours and at such times as may be ordered by the Master, but always in
accordance with40 the seaman’s duties and position on board41

Holidays are as follows:

January 1st New Year’s Day
Good Friday Easter
Easter Monday Easter
May 1st Labour Day
December 25th Christmas Day
December 26th Second Day of Christmas

There shall be no extra compensation for any hours of duty necessitated 42
by an emergency affecting43 the safety of the vessel, the passengers, the
crew or the cargo and of which the Master shall be the sole judge 44 or in a
fire, boat, or emergency drill45 or work required to give assistance to other
vessels or persons in immediate peril46.

The seaman will be entitled47 to be paid up to48 80% of his total monthly
earnings49 either by way of allotment 50 to his Bank or family or by ship board
advances51 wherever and whenever53 currency controls54 and port regula-
tions55 permit56. The balance57 of 20% will be retained58 by the Mas-
ter/Owners and shall be paid to the seaman upon completion 59 of his con-

(A) There will be a probationary period of two months during which the
Company/Master reserves the right to dismiss 61 the seaman on an eight
days’ notice62, if the Master is not satisfied with the services of the specific
crew member. In such a case the Master shall have the right to recover 63
from the seaman's balance of wages the cost of repatriation 64 and substitu-
tion of the dismissed crew member65.

However, the employment of the seaman may be discontinued 66 at any time
without prior67 notice if he:

1. Commits68 a criminal act which makes his further stay on board 69

dangerous to the safety of the people, the vessel or her cargo.
2. Becomes unfit for70 work through his own criminal or wilful71act.
3. Causes wilful damage to the property of the Company or the vessel's
4. Disobeys72 or breaches73 in whatever manner or form the discipline
on board.
5. Persistently exhibits negligence74 in the performance of his dities.
6. Attempts75 to desert or leave the ship without permission and/or
misses76 the vessel's departure through his own negligence.
7. Takes on board and/or possesses and/or makes use of alcohol,
drugs of whatever nature77, deadly weapons78 and other dangerous
8. Is found drunk'9 during or after service.
9. Is involved in contraband or attempts to smuggle 80 illegal goods of
any nature to and from the vessel or the port.

(B) The Master is obliged to enter the dismissal immediately into the
Log Book and furnish81 the crew member concerned with a copy clearly
stating the reason(s) for his dismissal.

(C) On all the above cases the dismissed crew member will have to pay
for his repatriation expenses82 as well as for the joining expenses 83 of his


If the seaman decides to terminate his engagement 86 before the expira-
tion87 of the contract period, he shall give the Master a thirty day notice in
writing and shall be liable for 88 the cost of his repatriation expenses as well
as for the joining costs of his replacement 89.

In cases, however, of serious family tragedy, e.g. death of a wife, child,

mother, father, the crew member, if he so desires, can travel back home,
but he must do so at his own expense00. The expenses for his substitute,
however, will be borne9’ by the Company.


The seaman agrees to be transferred92 at any port to join any vessel
owned, operated or managed by the same Company, provided 93 always
that his rating94, rate of wages95 and terms96 of service are in no way infe
rior97 to those on board the vessel he is transferred from originally agreed

upon, unless the Master and the seaman mutually agree 98 to an extension99
of the contract period.


Where a ship has been wrecked 101, sold, laid-up102 or abandoned or the
voyage undertaken can not be continued because of war, warlike activities,
embargo or blockade, within the first eight months of the seaman's contract,
the Company has the right to terminate this contract at once - with or with-
out notice - and sign off103 and repatriate the seaman paying him at the
same time a severance pay104 of two weeks' basic wages. However, where
there are arrangements for the seaman to continue his service by immedi-
ate transfer to another vessel of the same Company, no such severance
pay will be due to him105, provided such transfer is effected immediately
from one vessel to another.

The seaman must, within his normal duties, execute 106 at all times any and
all work assigned to him by the Master, his superiors 107 or the representa-
tive106 of the Company, provided such work is within his position duties 109
on board and in accordance with international maritime practices.


(A) The Company undertakes to keep the crew covered 111 at all times
with a reputable P+l Club112.

(B) If. during the contract period, the seaman suffers an accident or be-
comes ill, but not because of his own wilful act, default 113 or misbehav-
iour114, and must be repatriated according to doctor's orders, he is to re-
ceive, for as long as his treatment 115 ashore lasts (but no more than three
months), a payment equal to 100% of his monthly basic wages, effective 116
from the date of his disembarkation.

(C) The medical care provided to the seaman shall be in compliance

with the terms of the vessel's P+l Club insurance.

(D) In case of a seaman's death, the seaman's remains117 and personal

effects118 shall be shipped to...................at the expense of the Company13.

(E) Insurance in case of death during a crew member's service on

board, is to amount to USD 50,000 for officers and for ratings. In addition,
each child of the deceased 120 under 18 years of age, will receive an indem-
nity121 amounting to USD 7,000.

(F) In case of total disability122 the above mentioned indemnities for Of-
ficers and ratings are to be doubled. In case of partial' 23 disability the sea-
man is entitled to a pro rata percentage 124 of the above amounts according
to the degree of his disability as determined by the Insurance Assessors of
the Company.

(G) If the seaman loses his belongings' 25 due to marine casualty during
his service on board, the Company shall pay a compensation of no more
than USD 2,000.

(H) It is clearly understood, of course, that the contract ends after

repatriation and only if all payments for sickness and all other payments due
to the seaman, if any, have been met'28 by the Company.


In the event an area has been declared by Lloyd's of London as war or war-
like operations area and should the vessel be trading 127 in that area at the
relevant time, the seaman will be entitled to a bonus' 28 of 100% of his basic
wages, pro rata for the period during which the vessel is within the so de-
clared war or war-like zone.

In the event of any dispute or disagreement' 26 between the seaman and the
Company regarding the interpretation 130 and/or application131 of the terms of
this agreement, which can not otherwise be amicably settled 132 the case
shall be referred to133 the appropriate Courts134 of_______________________,
the decision of which will apply to the exclusion of all other authorities.


The Seaman hereby136 agrees and accepts USD 15 (for Officers) or USD
10 (for Ratings) to be deducted 137 monthly from his Wages as his contribu-
tion to Seaman’s Union.

Date:, place:

The Seaman The Master/the Company

As witness to138 the contract:

The Manning Agent139

1. contract of employment
{kontraskt av im'ploimant] - договор о найме на работу
2. hereinafter ['hiann'arfta] - в дальнейшем

3. seaman’s book ['si:manz buk] - мореходная книжка
4. apt (apartment) [a'pcutmant] - квартира
5. str. (street) [strut] - улица
6. next of kin [nekst av kin] - ближайший родственник
7. relationship [ri'leijanj’ip] - родство; (взаимо) отношение
8. it is agreed that [it iz a'gri;d dat] - настоящим согласовано,что
9. aforementioned [a'fo:menjand] - вышеупомянутый
10. to be engaged [ta bi: in'geidjd] - быть нанятым (на работу); нани-
11 as [aez] [az] - в качестве
12. DWT (deadweight tons)
[di: 'dAblju: ti; ('dedweit tAn)] - валовая грузоподъемность; дедвейт
13. call sign [ka:l sain] - позывной сигнал
14 (the) above (company) [di Э'ЬЛУ 'клтрэш] - вышеупомянутая
15. duration [djua'reijan] - продолжительность
16. option [’apjan] - выбор; оптация; опцион
17. however [hau'eva] - однако; тем не менее
18 can be extended further
[kan bi: iks'tendid ’fa:da] - может быть продлен далее
19. subject to ['sAbcfcikt ta] - при условии
20. mutual consent ['mjiutjual kan'sent] - взаимное согласие
21. the parties to this agreement
[da 'pa:tiz ta dis a'gri:mant] - договаривающиеся стороны
22. wages [ weidjiz] - заработная плата
23. payment ['peimant] - уплата; оплата; платеж
24. upon departure from [a'pan di'pcutfa fram] - после отбытия
(отъезда) из
25. s/off - списание с судна
26. disembarkation [,disemba;'keifan] - высадка
27 breakdown [ breikdaun] - распределение, "раскладка"
28. USD (US dollars) [ju: es di: (ju: es 'dalaz)] - доллары США
29. S.W.A. - дополнительное вознаграждение
30. leave pay [li:v pei] - выплата на период отпуска
31. fixed overtime [fikst 'ouvataim] - твердые сверхурочные
32. O/T (overtime) [ou ti: (’ouvataim)] - сверхурочная работа
33. hr (hour) ['aua] - час
hrs - часы
34. to apply [tu a'plai] - применять(ся); относиться
35. ratings ['reitigz] - рядовые члены экипажа
36. inclusive [m'klu:siv] - включающий в себя
37. accordingly [a'ka:dir)li] - соответственно
38. as determined and prescribed

(F) In case of total disability122 the above mentioned indemnities for Of-
ficers and ratings are to be doubled. In case of partial 121’ disability the sea-
man is entitled to a pro rata percentage 124 of the above amounts according
to the degree of his disability as determined by the Insurance Assessors of
the Company.

(G) If the seaman loses his belongings125 due to marine casualty during
his service on board, the Company shall pay a compensation of no more
than USD 2,000.

(H) It is clearly understood, of course, that the contract ends after

repatriation and only if all payments for sickness and all other payments due
to the seaman, if any, have been met126 by the Company.


In the event an area has been declared by Lloyd’s of London as war or war-
like operations area and should the vessel be trading 127 in that area at the
relevant time, the seaman will be entitled to a bonus 1" of 100% of his basic
wages, pro rata for the period during which the vessel is within the so de-
clared war or war-like zone.

In the event of any dispute or disagreement 129 between the seaman and the
Company regarding the interpretation 130 and/or application131 of the terms of
this agreement, which can not otherwise be amicably settled 132 the case
shall be referred to133 the appropriate Courts134 of,
the decision of which will apply to the exclusion of all other authorities.


The Seaman hereby131’ agrees and accepts USD 15 (for Officers) or USD
10 (for Ratings) to be deducted 137 monthly from his Wages as his contribu-
tion to Seaman's Union.

Date:, place:

The Seaman The Master/the Company

As witness to138 the contract:

The Manning Agent139

1. contract of employment
[ kontrsekt av im ploimant] - договор о найме на работу
2. hereinafter ['hiarin’mfta] - в дальнейшем

3. seaman's book [si:manz buk] - мореходная книжка
4 apt (apartment) [a'pcutmant] - квартира
5. str. (street) [stri:t] - улица
6. next of kin [nekst ЭУ kin] - ближайший родственник
7. relationship [n'leijanjip] - родство; (взаимо) отношение
8. it is agreed that [it iz a'gri:d dat] - настоящим согласовано,что
9. aforementioned [a'fo:menjand] - вышеупомянутый
10. to be engaged [ta bi: in'geidjd] - быть нанятым (на работу); нани-
11. as [aez] [az] - в качестве
12. DWT (deadweight tons)
[di: dAblju; ti: ('dedweit un)] - валовая грузоподъемность; дедвейт
13. call sign [ka:l sain] - позывной сигнал
14 (the) above (company) [di Э'ЬЛУ 'клтрэпг] - вышеупомянутая
15. duration [djua'reifan] - продолжительность
16. option ['apfan] - выбор; оптация; опцион
17 however [hau'eva] - однако; тем не менее
18 can be extended further
[kan bi: iks'tendid fa:da] - может быть продлен далее
19. subject to ['sAbdjikt ta] - при условии
20. mutual consent ['mjudjual kan'sent] - взаимное согласие
21. the parties to this agreement
[da pa;tiz ta dis a'grnmant] - договаривающиеся стороны
22. wages ['wei<tjiz] - заработная плата
23. payment ['pennant] - уплата; оплата; платеж
24. upon departure from [a'pon di'pa:tfa fram] - после отбытия
(отъезда) из
25. s/off - списание с судна
26. disembarkation [.disembcu'keijan] - высадка
27. breakdown ['breikdaun] - распределение, "раскладка"
28 USD (US dollars) [ju: es di: (ju: es dalaz)] - доллары США
29. S.W.A. - дополнительное вознаграждение
30 leave pay [li:v pei] - выплата на период отпуска
31. fixed overtime [fikst 'ouvataim] - твердые сверхурочные
32. O/T (overtime) [ou ti: ( ouvataim)] - сверхурочная работа
33. hr (hour) [’aua] - час
hrs - часы
34. to apply [tu a'plai] - применять(ся); относиться
35. ratings ['reitirjz] - рядовые члены экипажа
36. inclusive [in'klu:siv] - включающий в себя
37. accordingly [a'ko:dnjli] - соответственно
38. as determined and prescribed
[az di'ta:mmd an pris'kraibd] - как это определено и предписано
39. in conformity with [in kan'fa;miti] - в соответствии с
40. in accordance with smth
[in a'ka:dans wid 'sAmOirj] - в соответствии с чем-либо; согласно
41. position on board [pa'zijan an ba:d] - должность на борту
42. to necessitate [ta nfsesiteit] - делать необходимым
43. to affect smth [tu a'fekt 'sAmOir)] - действовать, влиять на что-
либо; затрагивать что-либо
44. judge [djAdj] - судья; арбитр; знаток
45. drill [dril] - учебная отработка действий; учение
emergency ~ [I'maidjansi] - отработка действий на случай
аварийной ситуации
46. peril ['peril} - опасность; риск
immediate ~ [r'mi:djat] - прямая угроза (жизни)
47. to be entitled to smth [ta bi: intaitld ta 'sAmOir)] - иметь право на
48. up to [лр tu] - указание на количественный предел
up to 80% - до 80 процентов
49. earnings ['amigz] - заработок заработанные деньги; прибыль
50. allotment [a'htmant] - перечисление
51. advance [ad'vams] - аванс
52. wherever [wear'eva] - где бы ни
53. whenever [wen'eva] - всякий раз, когда; когда бы ни
54. currency control ['kAransi kan'troul] - валютный контроль
55. port regulations [po:t ,regju'leijan] - портовые правила
56. to permit [ta pa'mit] - разрешать
57. balance ['baelans] - баланс; сальдо
58. to be retained [ta bi: n'temd] - удерживаться
59. on completion of smth
[an kam'plkjan av 'sAmOiij] - по завершению (окончанию) чего-
60. probationary period [pra'beijnan 'piariad] - испытательный срок
61. to dismiss [ta dis'mis] - увольнять;прогонять
62 on an eight days’ notice
[on an eit deiz 'noutis] - с предварительным уведомлением (о
предстоящем увольнении) за восемь дней (до
его осуществления)
63. to recover [ta n'kAva] - возвратить себе
64. repatriation ['rhpaetri'eijan] - репатриация; возвращение на роди

65. substitution of the dismissed crew member [,SAbsti'tju:Jan av da dis-
mist kru: 'memba] - замена уволенного
члена экипажа
66. to discontinue [ta 'diskan'tinju;] - прекращать (контракт)
67. prior ['praia] - предшествующий
without - notice [wid'aut 'praia 'noutis] - без
предварительного уведомления
68. to commit [ta ka'mit] - совершать
69. his further stay on board
[hiz 'fa:da stei on bo:d] - его дальнейшее пребывание на судне
70. unfit for smth ['лп'йг fa 'sAmGirj] - непригодный для чего-либо
71. wilful ['wilful] - преднамеренный
72. to disobey [ta 'disa'bei] - не повиноваться, ослушаться
73. to breach [ta brirtf] - нарушать правила, дисциплину
74. negligence ['neglufcans] - небрежность
75. to attempt [ta a'tampt] - пытаться
76. to miss [ta mis] - пропустить
77. nature ['neitfa] - характер
78. deadly weapon ['dedli 'wepan] - смертоносное оружие
79. drunk [dr.Aijk] - пьяный
80. to smuggle [ta 'sniAgl] - заниматься контрабандой, тайно прово-
81. to furnish smb with smth
[ta 'fa:nif 'sAmbadi wid 'sAmOirj] - предоставить кому-либо
82. expenses [iks pensiz] - расходы, затраты
83. joining expenses
['djamirj iks’pensiz] - расходы на прибытие (нового члена экипажа)
84. substitute ['sAbstitjud] - заместитель; замена
85. request [rf kwest] - просьба
on his own - [on hiz oun n'kwest] - по его собственной
86. engagement [in'geitfcmanl] - обязательство
to terminate his - s [ta 'ta:mineit hiz m'geidjmants] - положить
конец своим обязательствам
87. expiration [,ekspaia'reijan] - окончание, истечение (срока)
88. to be liable for smth
[ta bi: 'laiabl fa 'sAmOirj] - быть ответственным за что-либо
89. replacement [n'pleisinant] - замена, смена
90. at his own expense [an hiz oun iks'pens] - за свой собственный
91. borne [bom] - (p.p. глагола bear)
the expenses will be borne by the Company
[di iks'pensiz wil bi: bom bai da клтрэш] - расходы будет
нести Компания
92. to be transferred [1э bi: trzens 'fa:d] - быть переведенным
93. provided that [pra'vaidid daet] - при условии что; в том случае если
94. rating ['reitirj] - положение, разряд, класс
95. rate of wages [rert av 'weic^iz] - ставка заработной платы
96. term [tami] - условие; срок
~ s of service [ta:mz av 'sa:vis] - срок работы
97. inferior [m'fiana] - стоящий ниже
98. to mutually agree
(ta 'mjudjuali a'gri:] - прийти к взаимному согласию, взаимно
99. extension [iks'tenjan] - продление
100. premature termination
[,prema'tjua ,ta:mi'neijan] - преждевременное окончание
101. to be wrecked [ta bi: rekt] - потерпеть кораблекрушение (аварию)
102 to lay up [ta lei лр] - ставить судно на прикол
103. to sign off [ta sain o:f] - списывать (с судна)
104 severance pay ['sevarans pei] - выходное пособие
105. due to smb [dju: ta SAmbadi] - причитающийся кому-либо
106. to execute [ta 'eksikju:t]- выполнять; доводит до конца
107. his superiors [htz sju:'pianaz] - его начальники
108. representative [,repn'zentativ] - представитель
109. his position duties [hiz pa'zijan 'dju-.ttz] - его обязанности по долж-
ности (должностные обязанности)
110. insurance [in'Juarans] - страхование; страховая премия
111. to be covered (=to be insured)
[ta bi: 'kAvad (ta bi: in'Juad)] - быть застрахованным; находиться
под защитой
112. P+l Club [pi: and ai к1лЬ] - страховое общество
113. default [di'fodt] - провинность, проступок
114 misbehaviour [ nnsbi'heivja] - недостойное поведение
115. treatment ['tridmantj - лечение
116. effective [ffektiv] - действующий; имеющий силу
117. remains [гГ memz] - останки, прах
118. personal effects ['pa:snl i fekts] - личное имущество, личные вещи
119. at the expense of the Company
[at di iks'pens av da 'клтрэш] - за счет Компании
120. deceased [di'si-.st] - покойный, умерший
121. indemnity [in'demniti] - возмещение, компенсация
122. in case of total disability [tn keis av 'toutl ,disa'biliti] - в случае non
ной нетрудоспособности
123. partial ['pa;jal] - частичный
124. pro rata percentage ['prou 'ra:ta pa'sentidj] - пропорциональное
процентное содержание (количество)
125. belongings [bi'hijirjz] - вещи, пожитки
126. to meet [ta mi:t] - удовлетворять; оплачивать
if all payments have been met by the Company - если все
платежи (вознаграждения) были оплачены Компа-
127. to trade [to treid] - торговать, заниматься торговлей
128. bonus ['bounas] - премия
129. dispute or disagreement [dis'pjirt o: ,disa'gri:mont] - спор или
130. interpretation [in,to:pn'teijon] - толкование, объяснение, интер-
131. application [,ajplf keijon] - применение, применимость
132. to be amicably settled [to bi: 'aemikobh setld] - улаживаться
133. to be referred (to the Court)
[to bi: n'fo:d (to do ko:t)] - быть переданным на рассмотрение
(в суд)
134. the appropriate Courts [St o'prouprnt ko:ts] - соответствующий суд
135. contribution to union [,kontn'bju:Jon to 'jtrnjon] - профсоюзный
136. hereby [ hio'bai] - сим, настоящим
the seaman ~ agrees [do 'si:mon 'hio'bai o'gri:z] - настоящим
(документом) моряк выражает свое согласие
137. to deduct [to di'dAkt] - вычитать, удерживать
138. witness to smth ['witnis to 'sAmOirj] - свидетель чего-либо
139. manning agent ['macnirj 'eicfjont] - агент по укомплектованию (су-
дов) экипажами (людьми)

Did you understand it?

a. Who is the seaman’s next of kin? b. In what capacity is the seaman

engaged? That is to say, what will his position on board be? c. How long
will the seaman’s employment be? d. On what condition can the contract
be extended? e What is the breakdown of the total monthly wages?
f. When does the payment start? g. Do total monthly wages including over-
time hours also apply for officers? h. How many hours does the normal
work week consist of? i. Will the seaman be paid any extra compensation
for work done outside his normal duties during fire, boat or emergency
drills? j. For what other additional work will the seaman be paid no extra
money? k. How many per cent of his total earnings will the seaman be paid
monthly? I. What are three ways by which he will get his pay monthly?

m. When will the 20-per cent balance be paid to him? n. Why will this sum
be retained by the Company till the end of the contract period? o. How
long will the probationary period be? p. Who will pay the cost of the pre-
maturely dismissed seaman's repatriation? q. Will a seaman further stay
on board or will his contract be discontinued without prior notice if he
commits a criminal act? r. What will it result in for the seaman if he dis-
obeys orders of his superiors or breaches discipline? s. Is alcohol permit-
ted on board? What will result from finding a seaman drunk during ser-
vice? t. Will making use of drugs by a seaman be a sufficient reason for
his dismissal? u. What will happen to a seaman if he is involved in contra-
band or attempts to smuggle illegal goods? v. Will the substitute of the
dismissed seaman cover his joining expenses with his own money? What
money will be used for that purpose? w. In what cases will the seaman
travel back home on his own expenses? x. When will the seaman be enti-
tled to refuse (not to accept) transfer to another vessel owned or operated
by the Company? y. Can the contract be extended without the seaman’s
consent? z. When will the seaman be signed off and repatriated with a
severance pay of two week’s basic wages? a. Must the seaman execute
any work assigned to him by his superiors within his normal position du-
ties? b. If a seaman suffers an accident or becomes ill, what will his pay-
ment be during his treatment ashore? c.' What insurance company will the
seaman be covered with? d. * What will the insurance amount be in case
of a seaman’s death during his service on board? e.' Will the dead sea-
man's children receive any indemnity? f. Will the seaman be indemnified
in case of partial disability? g. ’ Will the Company pay any compensation to
the seaman if he loses his belongings during his service on board? h. ’ Will
the contract be considered terminated if any payments due to the seaman
have not been met by the Company? i. ’ Whom will any dispute or dis-
agreement between the seaman and the Company regarding the interpre-
tation or application of the contract terms be settled by? j. Will any money
be deducted monthly from the seaman’s wages?


VESSELS (extracts).

1. The seafarer’ undertakes2 for a period of temporary 3 employment of

nine months to serve in the capacity 4 of OILER on a sea-going® ves-
sel to be indicated by the employer at whose disposal 7 the seafarer
will be placed.
2 The period of temporary employment ends upon discharge 8 or upon
resignation8 or at such a time when a medical doctor establishes' 0
any illness which prevents” the seafarer from performing his duties
satisfactorily as a result of which he should be replaced 12.
3. Either party13 is empowered14 to dissolve1® the contrite l wiili

1-month written notice'6.
4. If the period of temporary employment ends abroad 17, the employer
provides for18 the seafarer’s homeward journey 19 and other repatria-
tion costs. The seafarer may not book 20 travelling arrangements21 for
the homeward journey himself without the express 22 prior permission
of the employer.
5. Monthly wages:
Basic pay shall be at USD 305
Fixed o/time23 allowance24 shall be at USD 114
Leave allowance25 shall be at USD 31
Extra Overtime shall be at USD 01-91
6. Usual working time continues 8 hours a day from Monday to Satur-
day. Every seaman has 90-hour paid overtime included into his
monthly salary26. Fulfilment27 of any other work beside28 agreed 90
hours is to be paid additionally29. Work during national holidays is
considered overtime.
7. No collective labour agreement30 applies to this contract of temporary
8. The seafarer guarantees to be in possession of the required docu-
ments, such as passport, seaman's book, certificates of training 31,
medical certificate for general health, vision 32 and hearing33, certifi-
cates of competency34, inoculation certificate35, if required.
9. The seafarer hereby authorizes36 the employer to make any inquir-
ies37 it deems necessary with previous38 employers concerning cer-
tificates and other documents referred to above.
10. If the seafarer fails39 to perform properly40 the duties he is charged
with, the shipping company or the captain are authorized to dissolve
this contract at any desired time.
11. The employer agrees to provide suitable living accommodation,
including linen41, blankets42, and towels43.
12. The employer shall provide foul weather and protective gear' 4, such
as helmets45, goggles46, working gloves47, boilersuits48, safety belts49,
but which shall be considered ship's property 50 and accounted for by
the seafarer when disembarking51, normal wear and tear excepted52
13. The seafarer shall have the privilege of purchasing 53 any articles54
from the ship's slop chest 55 except alcoholic drinks according to the
prevailing rules56 for such sale as set by the Master.
14. During the contract period the seafarer is insured 57 against the con-
sequences58 of illness and accidents in conformity with Llovd's Acci-
dent and Illness form 5K(A)N Marine Addition appended to 59 the Con-
tinental Scale for Accidents, and in conformity with Lloyd's Medical
15. All disputes arising from this contract to be settled by an arbitrator
Location to be agreed jointly.

1 seafarer ['si:,fears] - моряк; мореплаватель
2. to undertake
[tu .Ando'teik] - брать на себя определенные обязательства
3. temporary [' temparan] - временный
4. in the capacity of [in do ka'paesiti av] - в качестве
~ an oiler [an 'aila] - в качестве смазчика (моториста)
5. sea-going [si; gounj] - морской
- vessel [si: 'gourp 'vesl] - судно морского плавания
6. employer [im'plaia] - наниматель, работодатель
7. disposal [dis'pouzal] - возможность распорядиться
at whose - [ at hu:z ~ ] - в чье распоряжение
8. discharge [dis'tfo:d3] - увольнение (co службы)
9. resignation [.rezigneijan] - отказ от (или уход с) должности
10. to establish [tu is'tasblij] - устанавливать (факт)
11. to prevent smb from smth
[ta pn'vent 'sAmbadi fram 'sAmOir)] - мешать кому-либо делать что-
12. to replace [ta n'pleis] - сменять, заменять
13. either party ['aids ’pa:ti] - обе стороны, любая из сторон
14. to be empowered [ta bi: im'pauad] - быть уполномоченным; иметь
возможность (право)
15. to dissolve [ta di'zolv] - аннулировать, расторгать
16. written notice ['ritn 'noutis] - письменное уведомление
17. abroad [a'bra;d] - за границей; за границу
18. to provide for smth [ta pra'vaid fa 'sAmOir)] - предусматривать что-
либо, принимать меры для осуществления чего-либо
19. homeward journey ['houmwad 'djami] - поездка домой
20. to book [ta buk] - заказывать, брать билет
21. arrangements [a'reincfjniants] - приготовления, мера, план, меро-
22. express [iks'pres] - определенный, точно выраженный; специаль-
23. fixed о/time [fikst ou taim] - фиксированное сверхурочное время
24. allowance [a'lauans] - (месячное) денежное содержание
25. leave allowance [li:v a'lauans] - денежное содержание на период
отпуска, отпускные (деньги)
26. salary ['saelari] - жалование
27. fulfilment [ful'filmant] - выполнение
28. besides [bi'saidz] - кроме, помимо
29 additionally [a'dijanali] - дополнительно

30. collective labour agreement
[ka'lektiv 'leiba a'gri:mant] - коллективное трудовое
соглашение, “коллдоговор”
31. training ['tremirj] - обучение
32 vision (= sight) ['V13911 (salt)] - зрение
33. hearing [' hiariij] - слух
34. certificate of competency
[sa'tifikit av 'kampitans] - письменное удостоверение (сви-
детельство) о рабочей квалификации; рабочий
35. inoculation certificate [i,nakju'leifan sa'tifikit] - справка о прививках
36. to authorize [tu 'a:©araiz] - уполномочивать, поручать
37. inquiry [in'kwaiari] - наведение справок; расследование
38. previous ['pri.vjas] - предыдущий; предшествующий
39. to fail [ta fell] - не исполнить, не сделать, не суметь
40 properly ['propali] - надлежащим образом
41 linen ['limn] - белье (постельное)
42. blanket ['blaerjkit] - шерстяное одеяло
43. towel ['taual] - полотенце
44. protective gear [pra'tektiv gia] - защитные средства
45. helmet fhelmit] - шлем (каска)
46. goggles ['goglz] - защитные очки
47. working gloves [wa:kirj 'glAVz] - рабочие перчатки
48. boiler suit ['baila sju:t] - "котельная роба"
49. safety belt [seifti belt] - спасательный пояс
50. property ['prapati] - имущество; собственность
51. to disembark [ta disim'ba:k] - высаживаться с судна
52. expected [iks'pektid] - предполагаемый; рассчетный
normal wear and tear - [na:mal wea and tea iks'pektid] -
естественный износ (убыль)
53. to purchase [la 'pa:t|as] - покупать
54. article ['adikl] - предмет (торговли), товар; изделие
55. slop chest [sbp tfest] - судовой ларек, “артелка"
56. prevailing rules [pn'veilnj ru;lz] - действующие правила
57. to be insured against smth [ta bi: in'juad a'genst 'sAmOig] - быть за-
страхованным от чего-либо
58. consequence fkansikwans] - (по) следствие
59. to append smth to smth [tu a'pend 'sAmOirj ta 'sAmOirj] - прилагать
что-либо к чему-либо

Did you understand it?

a. What type of employment does the seafarer undertake under this con-

tract? b. In what capacity will he be employed? c. Will the contract be con-
tinued upon the seafarer's premature discharge or resignation? d. Upon
what condition is either party empowered to dissolve the contract? e. At
whose expense will the seafarer be repatriated if the contract ends when
the ship is abroad? f. Is the seafarer allowed to make travelling arrange-
ments for his homeward journey without the employer's prior permission?
g. Are the oiler’s monthly wages high enough? What is their breakdown?
h. Does any collective labour agreement apply to this contract? i. What
documents must the seafarer be in possession of? j. Is any inoculation cer-
tificate required from the seafarer? k. Is the seafarer’s failure to perform
properly his position duties a sufficient reason for the employer to dissolve
the contract? I. What does the employer undertake to provide the seafarer
with, in the living quarters and at the working place? m. What is a slop
chest? n. What will the seafarer be insured against? o. What documents is
this insurance based upon?

Vocabulary and grammar exercises (continued)

№7 Change the following statements to questions.

Преобразуйте нижеследующие утверждения в вопросы.

Model: It is snowing now. - Is it snowing now?

He will go there next month. - When will he go there?
I have never eaten at that restaurant. - Have you ever eaten at
that restaurant?
They postponed it. - Did they postpone it? etc.

1. My overall is tom on the sleeve.

2. There will be some Englishmen at the meeting.
3. It is raining now.
4. I haven’t seen the movie yet.
5. He learned to speak English in one year.
6. They usually work in the evening.
7. I will try to do better next time.
8. She hopes to finish it completely by Saturday.
9. Andrew knows more than three thousand English words.
10. They promised to return it to us by Wednesday.
11. He bought some new shoes yesterday.
12. I have no money right now.
13. Mr. Petrov also enjoys soccer.
14. We planned to leave on Sunday too.
15. He has some money now.
16. The visitors have already left for home.
17. They will have completed the work by the weekend.

18. We enjoy watching certain of your television programs.
19. I felt quite well this morning.
20. The inspector objected to using that method.
21. They presented some important information.
22. By the end of the current year they will have repaired four vessels.
23. I have known this for a long time.
24. I have always enjoyed learning languages.
25. Tom and Tim drove to London together.
26. They advised me to try again later.
27. I think they’ll discharge me at the next port.

№8 Change the statements from № 7 to negatives.

Преобразуйте утверждения из № 7 в отрицательную форму.

Model: It is snowing now. - It is not snowing now.

He will go there next month. - He won't go there.
They postponed it. - They didn't postpone it.
He has some money. - He doesn’t have any money.
I have always enjoyed learning languages. -1 haven’t ever en-
joyed learning languages.

№9 Refer to some good practical grammar manual and revise the verb
tenses. Then analyse and comment on the use of tenses in the
situations given below.
Используя учебник практической грамматики, повторите видо-
временную систему английского глагола. Затем проанализи-
руйте и прокомментируйте употребление глагольных форм в
нижеследующих ситуациях.

1. I have been studying English for a long time.

Я давно изучаю английский язык.
2. Before entering a higher education institution I had learnt English at
high school.
До поступления в вуз я изучал английский язык в средней школе.
3. Then I studied this foreign language at the institute.
Затем я изучал этот иностранный язык в институте.
4. I told my employer I would study English as long as I did my present
Я сказал своему работодателю, что буду изучать английский
язык, пока буду выполнять свою нынешнюю работу.


1. What are you doing?

Что ты делаешь?
2. I am translating a telefax for the boss.
Перевожу телефакс для начальника.
3. How much have you translated already?
Сколько ты перевел уже?
4. I’ve translated about a half.
Я перевел около половины.
5. Have you been translating it long?
Tы давно переводишь его?
6. I’ve been translating this fax for one hour and a half.
Я перевожу этот факс полтора часа.
7. Isn't it too long for such a job?
He слишком ли это долго для такой работы?
8. It is. But I always translate slowly from Russian into English.
Да. Но я всегда перевожу медленно с русского языка на англий-

1. Researchers from that laboratory have been working at this problem

for many years.
Исследователи той лаборатории работают над данной про-
блемой много лет.
2. They have already carried out ten experiments and three tests.
Они уже выполнили десять экспериментов и провели три испы-
3. Some of the researchers had begun working in this field long before
the laboratory was established.
Некоторые сотрудники начали работать в этой области задолго
до того, как была основана лаборатория


1. What are you doing?

Чем ты (сейчас) занимаешься?
2. I’m having dinner. And you?
Обедаю (или ужинаю). А ты?
3 I’ve already had dinner.
Я уже пообедал.
4 I had eaten my dinner by 5 o’clock, though I usually have dinner later
Я съел свой обед к 5 часам, хотя обычно я обедаю позже.

5. You know, when I was having dinner, Simon came up to me. I had
not seen him for 3 weeks and was glad to talk to him.
Ты знаешь, когда я обедал; ко мне подошел Семен Я не видел
его 3 недели и был рад поговорить с ним.

1. Has your repair team finished removing the defective water tubes
yet? - Yes, it has.
Ваша рембригада уже закончила снимать дефектные водогрей-
ные трубки? - Да.
2. When did you finish cleaning off the mud drum?
Когда вы закончили очистку грязевого барабана?
3. We finished it last night.
Мы закончили ее вчера вечером.
4. But the other team has not finished its job yet. They are working on
the outer casing.
Но другая бригада еще не закончила свою работу Они работа-
ют с наружным кожухом.


1. I want you to explain me the principle of including capacitors into the

Я хочу, чтобы вы объяснили мне принцип включения емкостей в
2. I'm busy now Will you come at 7 o’clock? By that time I’ll have fin-
ished all other jobs and will be mounting the circuit.
Сейчас я занят. Приходите в 7 часов. К тому времени я закончу
все другие дела и буду собирать схему.


1. While I was handing over the watch the motorman was repairing the
sea water pump.
Пока я сдавал вахту, моторист ремонтировал насос забортной
2. Не had done almost everything as he had been doing repair work for
over 3 hours.
Он сделал почти все, так как занимался ремонтом больше трех
3. The electrical engineer had already done his work and was making
entries into his record book He always enters the completed work.

Электромеханик уже сделал свою работу и делал записи в своем
журнале. Он всегда заносит в журнал выполненную работу.
4. As to the third engineer, he had got down to the engine room before
I did, and he had already reported to the Bridge that the Engine was
ready for sea.
Что касается третьего механика, то он спустился в машинное
отделение раньше меня и уже доложил на мостик о готовности
машины к выходу судна в море.

№10. You аге applying for an MSc programme at the World Maritime Uni-
versity. Complete each section of the Application Form fully and
clearly, print in ink.
Вы подаете заявление в Международный Морской Университет
о зачислении вас студентом по программе магистра наук. За-
полняйте каждую рубрику бланка заявления полностью и от-
четливо. пишите печатными буквами.


1 Social Security Number (SSN)

2. Full Name (Last--First-Middle)
3. Sex (Male - Female)_____
4. Date of Birth (city or county, state, country)
6. Ethnic Background (white, black, asian)
7. Nationality
8. Mother Tongue
9. Citizenship (of what country are you a citizen?)
Addresses for Correspondence (building, street, city, state, zipcode
or P.O.Box, country)
10. Present Mailing Address)
11. Home Address (or Permanent Address)
12. Telephone (Office - Home)
13. Telex
14. TeleFax
15. What was the last high school you attended (when were you gradu-
ated from it)_____
16. Have you attended a college or university? (date of entering, date of
leaving, degree earned, if any, courses completed, qualification).
Please attach certified copies of certificates.____

Current occupation description

17. Are you currently attending a college or university?

18. Proposed work (or anticipated employment) after graduation
19. Present job functions_____
20. Proposed source of financing for fellowship
Next of Kin:
21. Are your parents living?
22. Father’s (Mother’s) occupation
23. Person to be contacted in case of emergency (Name, Relationship,
Address, Phone №)______
24 Type of visa (give visa number)
25 Educational Objectives at WML):
a) The Master of Science Degree Courses
b) Environment Protection
c) Shipping Management
d) Maritime Education and Training
e) Intensive English Language Programme
f) Marine Affairs (or Maritime Studies)
g) Marine Law
Completed, signed and stamped application form (in duplicate)
should be airmailed direct to ... . Please attach certified copies of all
your qualifications.
Please attach copies of your English Language Test results.

№11. Translate the words of each interlocutor into Russian or into English
Переведите слова собеседников на русский или английский
язык соответсвенно.

A: Did you attend any maritime education institution?

В: Я прошел полный курс обучения в двух морских учебных заведе-
ниях - в среднем мореходном училище на стационаре и в выс-
шем инженерном морском училище заочно.
A: How is the correspondence or part-time education organized in your
В: Студенты-заочники работают и учатся. Я, например, плавал на
судах и одновременно изучал самостоятельно программные
предметы, выполнял письменно контрольные и курсовые работы
и один раз в год приезжал в училище для сдачи зачетов и экза-
менов и защиты курсовых работ и проектов. Я мог выйти на сес-
сию зимой или летом, в зависимости от обстоятельств. В конце
шестого курса я сдал экзамены и защитил дипломный проект.
A: So, you attended the Odessa Higher Engineering Marine School,
didn’t you?
В: Да. Теперь этот вуз называется морской академией.
A: And what about the structural organization of your higher education

institutions? What is it like?
В: Структурно вузы делятся на факультеты Когда я учился в
ОВИМУ их было четыре - судоводительский, самый большой,
электромеханический, автоматики и мой факультет, который го-
товит будущих судомехаников Сейчас, насколько я знаю, в ака-
демии факультетов больше, чем их было раньше.
A: How long is the full course of study?
В: Когда я учился полный курс стационарного обучения длился 5
лет, а курс заочного был шестилетним
A: I didn’t quite catch what courses that institution provides.
В: ОВИМУ, а теперь OHMA, готовит штурманов, то есть палубных
офицеров, судомехаников в обычном смысле этого слова, судо-
механиков, специализирующихся по эксплуатации автоматизи-
рованных силовых установок, судомехаников-холодильщиков, то
есть судовых рефмехаников, электромехаников, а в последнее
время также радиоинженеров, специалистов морского права и
ряд других специальностей.
A: Well, as regards electrical engineers. Do you know that, as a rule,
there's no electrical engineer on the staff of a cargo ship owned or
• operated by a West-European company?
В: Да, я в курсе дела
A: So, you are a holder of a higher education certificate, or a bachelor
degree certificate, aren't you?
В: Да. Мы называем такой документ дипломом о высшем образова-
A. What is the required sea-time for obtaining the original certificate of
В Плавценз? Для получения рабочего диплома судомеханика
третьего разряда, то есть первого рабочего диплома, нужно про-
плавать практикантом не менее восьми месяцев, это определено
международной конвенцией по дипломированию моряков. Хотя
сейчас этот ценз может быть и изменился.
A: As far as I know, sea-time must be verified by a certificate of dis-
charge or letter from the Master of the vessel.
В: Да, справку (evidence) о плавпрактике готовит старший механик,
а подписывает капитан.


Осваивая материал иллюстративных бесед 11.3.1-11.3.6., следуйте инст-

рукциям, данным в начале раздела 1.3 на стр. 51.


A: Phone call for you, Mr. Hekson.

B: Who is it?
A: I didn't ask.
B: Hello, Hekson speaking.
C: Good morning, Mr Hekson, I'm lucky to talk to you. You may not re-
member me. I'm Igor Sedletsky, the cadet you promised to put on the
list of substitutes for apprenticeship (на практику) in Veeships vessels.
B: Cadet Sedletsky? So good to hear from you.
C: During the interview at our Academy you were very nice and I never
forgot it. You kindly gave me your phone number and told me to give
you a call if a difficulty in obtaining a cadet position arises. Mr.Hekson,
are you there (вы меня слышите)?
В: Yes, yes, go ahead.
C: So, when this problem arose I began calling you but could never get
you on the phone until this morning.
B: That’s because I had two weeks off. Well, Igor, I understand your prob-
lem. I'll have to make a couple of calls to Cyprus to see what we can
C: Mr.Hekson, even if you can't place me on a ship as a cadet, I will un-
derstand and still be grateful for your kindness to me the last time we
B: Can you get over to my office?
C: When do you want me to come to your office?
В How about eleven o'clock? Are you free?
С: I can be.
B: Good. My office eleven o'clock.
C: I'll be there.


C: How do you do, gentlemen?

B: Oh, I see a familiar face. You're Igor Sedletsky, aren't you?
C: Yes, it’s me. I hope I'm on time.
B. You are. Do you know what I did first after our telephone conversation?
I checked my list of candidates, and was glad to find your name on it.
Then I called the manning section of the personnel department, and
now I can say you are in luck's way (вам везет).
С: I can’t believe it.
B: Will you take a seat over there and read this contract?

C: Oh, I didn’t expect to come to signing a contract so soon! May I make
some notes while reading the contract?
B: Of course. If you don't understand some of the clauses or abbrevia-
tions, I'll explain them.
C: What about my salary? How much are we talking about (о какой
сумме идет речь)?
В Not much. At present time the owner hasn't got big money. The gross
is five hundred and sixty-five American dollars a month, but with de-
ductions (вычеты), commissions (комиссионные) and expenses
(расходы) it will come down to four hundred and fifty. It’s not much
money. But ifs a beginning.
C: Half a loaf is better than none. And where am I to join the vessel?
B: In France, at the port of Marseilles. There is a flight from Kiev via Zu-
rich. I would like you to be on it the day after tomorrow. I'll try to book
tickets for you and two other men. Call me tomorrow morning. And get
ready for travelling. I mean pack your things.
C: Oh, I’ll do my packing in no time. I shall not carry much luggage.


C: Good morning, Mr. Hekson, it's Igor Sedletsky calling. How's it going
with the booking of the tickets?
B: I've got the tickets.
C: When are we leaving?
В The noon flight on Sunday.
C: Will anybody meet me at the airport of Marseilles?
B: A colleague of mine. His name's Dexton. He will make a reservation
for you at some decent (в приличном) hotel, and take care of you until
you get on board your vessel.
C: Shall I come to your office to take the ticket right away?
B: Yes.


C: Excuse me, sir. Aren't you Mr. Dexton waiting for Igor Sedletsky, by
any chance?
D: Oh, I nearly missed you. How do you do? Welcome to Marseilles. I
hope you enjoyed the voyage.
C: Both flights went off well.
D. Let's get on my car and go to the hotel.
C: Good.
D: "Citadines", this is our hotel. Will you take your bags out of the luggage
compartment, and I'll park my car over there?
C: Shall I wait for you here or in the entrance-hall?

D: There, in the lounge.
C: Good.
D: Now, let's go to the reception desk. Good evening. We would like a
double room.
E: Good evening. Have you made reservations?
D: Yes, I booked a double room with bath.
E: What are your names, please?
D: Dexton and Sedletsky.
E: How many days are you planning to stay with us?
D: Two or three
E: Will you register, please? Here are arrival cards.
C: Oh, the cards are printed in a language I don't know.
D: In French. I'll help you. Put down here your first name, your surname,
your date of birth, place of birth, passport number, your permanent ad-
dress, and here your signature.
C: We have filled in the cards already.
E: May I have your passports, please?
C: Here you are. By the way, what’s the rate?
E: It's 300 francs per night. How would you like to pay?
D: We'll pay when signing out.
C: Can I call Ukraine from our room?
E: Yes, of course. The telephone, radio and remote TV control are on the
side of one bed. You will also find there the instructions how to use the
telephone to make a long distance call.
C: Thanks.
E: Here's your key Room 15, second floor. The lift is over there, to your
C: Thank you very much.

D: Are you all right?

C: I'm okay.
D: Do you like the hotel?
C: I love it It's just beautiful.
D: I suggest you take a nap before dinner. Time change is always tiring.
C: When shall we have dinner?
D: I thought we might have it at eight o’clock if that's okay with you.
C: I don't feel like sleeping. Just give me half an hour to shower and
change my clothes.
D: Good enough.
C: As to making a call to Odessa I’ll do it late tonight. It can save me
some money.
D: By the way, check your watch. I'm sure it is still set on Kiev time.

C: Yes, it is.
D: You'd better reset it to local time. Just move the hands of the watch
one hour backward.
C: Thank you for your advice. You are very helpful.

Речевые функции: I. а) напомнить о себе; b) детально объяс-

нить причину телефонного звонка; с) подчеркнуто вежливо поблагода-
рить за проявленную к вам любезность; d) подчеркнуть свою неназой-
ливость; е) узнать о времени встречи и согласиться на нее; II. а) выра-
зить приятное удивление, Ь) попросить разрешение что-то сделать;
с) узнать о размере своей ставки; d) рассказать о заработке и вычетах
из него; е) выразить мысль эквивалентную выражению "лучше синица
в руках, чем журавль в небе"; f) справиться о месте посадки на судно;
д) узнать и рассказать об авиарейсе и порядке приобретения билетов:
h) рассказать о подготовке к путешествию; III. а) узнать о заказе биле-
тов, времени вылета и о встречающих; Ь) рассказать о бронировании
мест в гостинице; IV. а) обратиться к незнакомому человеку и узнать не
вас ли он встречает; Ь) обменяться стандартными фразами при встре-
че прибывшего; с) спросить у собеседника выполнять ли вам какие-то
действия; d) задать стандартные вопросы администратору при оформ-
лении проживания в гостинице; е) ответить на вопросы администрато-
ра; f) обсудить стоимость номера, порядок оплаты, возможность осу-
ществления международных телефонных переговоров из номера в гос-
тинице; V. а) дать восторженную оценку гостинице; Ь) предложить
вздремнуть после утомительной дороги; с) мягко назначить время обе-
да с учетом пожеланий собеседника: d) вежливо отказаться от выпол-
нения предлагаемого действия; е) обсудить порядок перевода часов на
местное время


A: Hello Andrei, didn't expect to meet you here.

B: Hi, Stas, haven’t seen you for ages.
A: It's a nice surprise to see you again. What do you do?
B: I'm a seaman.
A: A seaman?
B: Anything wrong with it?
A: I figured you for an engineer.
B: I do that too. I have successfully completed the course of study and the
qualifying examinations as a marine engineer and since my graduation
from the Higher Engineering Marine School, present Maritime Acad-
emy, I've been going to sea. Oh, I could have said I went to sea, since
I'm jobless at present time.
A: I'm sorry for you. What do you live on then?

В: I saved some money from my earnings on the last voyage, and I keep
looking for a job.
A: I hear there are dozens of licensed marine engineers with extensive
shipboard experience who are unemployed because there are very few
B: News flies quickly. And that rumour corresponds to the facts. Take, for
instance, BLASCO, all the jobs are filled at that company. The best
thing for me would be to get on a foreign-flag ship but without an agent
I'm not getting anywhere.
A: Is there anything I can do to help?
B: Do you know a chap called Louigi Majore, by any chance?
A: Yes. Not well but I've met him several times.
B: He heads the operations department at a big Italian shipping company,
doesn't he?
A: Not any more. He's been transferred to another department. Why,
what's the matter about him?
B; The point is that in a TV interview he maintained that a foreigner could
easily get a job on an Italian ship.
A: I think the first thing you have to do is to get the right kind of a sponsor
or agent
B. You’re right. I even don't know what I'm worth on the foreign job mar-
A: I've got an idea. Why don’t you come to my house for dinner tomorrow
night? A friend of mine who was a ship manning agent also will come
and you'll be able to talk it out with him.
B. Thus, you've got a friend who was a crewing agent?
A: Yes, but he’s not Italian, he’s Greek.
B: How did you get to him?
A: Through Bodnar. He knows everybody.
B: What does he do?
A. He's a businessman of some kind.
B: You know, Stas, I don't want to be any trouble, but I think your Greek
could be of help to me, and I wouldn't like to miss the opportunity of
meeting him.
A: It's no trouble at all. And I'm sure he will be able to talk some shi-
powner into engaging you. Of course, first he'll have to ask you some
B: Certainly. I think it would be prudent to have all my documents by me.
So, tomorrow at your place?
A: Yes, seven o'clock. You know how to get to my house.
B: Right. I haven’t forgotten the way yet.

Речевые функции: а. удивиться неожиданной встрече; b. уз-

нать, чем собеседник занимается; с. рассказать о своем окончании

морского вуза и о своей специальности; б. сказать, что вы моряк и что
вы плаваете; е. сообщить, что вы безработный и ищете работу;
Г спросить о средствах существования собеседника; д. сообщить о
своих сбережениях; И. посетовать на трудности с трудоустройством
даже для специалистов со стажем; I. навести справки и сообщить све-
дения о каком-либо человеке; ). подчеркнуть бесперспективность найти
работу без помощи агента; к. дать собеседнику совет, что нужно сде-
лать прежде всего; I. неожиданно для себя пригласить собеседника к
себе на обед; т. пообещать свести его с нужным человеком; п. рас-
спросить о том, как собеседник выходит на полезных для него людей;
о сказать, что вы не желаете быть обузой; р. опровергнуть такую
мысль; д. ухватиться за возможность встретиться с человеком, кото-
рый может оказаться полезным для вас; г. подчеркнуть благоразум-
ность какого-либо действия.


A: Ah, here's Andrei! I was beginning to wonder where you were.

B; Oh, Stas, I have to apologize. I'm really sorry about the delay. I had an
unexpected meeting with a friend that lives around here, and then I lost
my way.
A: I tried to reach you in your place several times but nobody answered
the telephone.
B: That's because I was out, and my wife is away on a trip, she’s got a
week off.
A. Now then, Andrei, let me introduce you to Mr. Teodorakis. Andrei Bryl,
Konstantinos Teodorakis.
B: How d'you do, Mr. Teodorakis?
C: Pleased to meet you, Andrei. Call me Konstantinos. Cigarette?
B: No, thanks. I don't smoke.
A: Care for a drink, gentlemen?
B; Orange juice for me, if you have it. I'm thirsty.
C: Stas, there's always a bottle of good whiskey in your freezing com-
partment, isn't there?
A: You're right, Konstantinos.
C: You know, the bar whiskey is usually cut by fifty per cent.
B; They call that international standard service.
A: My friends. I'm not going to ask you what you want to eat because you
haven't much choice.
C: Last time you treated me to a very good steak - thick, tender and rare.
B: I don't know what you've cooked today but it smells of garlic.
A: Gentlemen, dinner is served. Help yourselves to steaks, they have
been marinated in oil, vinegar and garlic. I hope you’ll appreciate the

C: Very much to my taste.
B: It tastes wonderful, like shashlyk.
С: I know what shashlyk is. That's pieces of mutton roasted on a spit. I
ate it once.
A: I regret to say I didn't buy any sweets.
C: Make it coffee for me, as dessert.
A: You, Andrei?
B: Same for me
A: Instant okay?
B,C: That's fine.
A: Now gentlemen, you can get to business.
C: Well, Andrei, you are a seaman, and you want to be employed on a
ship sailing under the Greek flag, am I right?
B: Yes, Konstantinos, I would like to obtain an appointment as engineer.
C: Where were you trained to be a merchant marine officer?
В: I took a complete course of training at a maritime higher education in-
C: Odessa National Maritime Academy?
B: Yes, but when I was a full-time cadet it was called Higher Engineering
Marine School. I was trained as future marine engineer of comprehen-
sive type which provided me with knowledge necessary for an engineer
officer career aboard all types of ocean-going, river and fishing vessels
and for professional growth from a 4th to a chief engineer position. I
majored in "Operation and Maintenance of Marine Power Plants", pre-
pared my graduation project at the department of "Marine Diesel Instal-
lations" and defended it before the State Examining Board. Do you
see, what I mean?
C: Yes, that's clear.
B: Good. Now have a look at my Degree Certificate or diploma, as we call
it. And this is a Transcript (Выписка) from the test and examination re-
cord list including all the courses completed and grades obtained.
C: Did you graduate as a licensed merchant marine officer?
B: Yes. At the Academy I passed my entry-level license examination as a
Third Class Engineer, of course after I had served the required period
at sea as apprentice. I obtained the original Certificate of Competency
from the Merchant Marine Authorities in the Odessa Harbour Master’s
office. The same authority issued the endorsement of the certificate
qualifying me as engineer officer in charge of the watch in ships pow-
ered by internal combustion engines.
C: Is the license exam oral or written?
B: Both. A comprehensive oral examination complemented by written ele-
C: Where did you start your engineer officer career?

В: I obtained an appointment as fourth engineer on board a dry cargo
vessel belonging to the Danube Shipping Company.
C: What type of main engine was installed on that ship?
B: You know, all the vessels I sailed on were driven by a B&W-type en-
C: Oh, you've got an extensive experience in operating this type of pro-
pulsion plant then.
B: That's right.
C: Thus, your first employer was the Danube Shipping Company. What
happened next?
B: When I completed 3 years of service I upgraded (повысил) my qualifi-
cation by attending a simulator (тренажерный) training course in die-
sel propulsion plant operation. The same year I took and successfully
passed the examination for a Class 2 Engineer's Certificate which
qualified me for a post of higher grade than I actually held.
C: When did you take your discharge (списались) from your last ship?
B: About one year ago. It was by reason of illness that prevented me from
performing my duties of engineer properly. To cut a long story short, al-
though now I'm in good health and capable of going to sea, which is
proved by special medical permission, I am still ashore.
C: That’s clear, Andrei. I've got friends in Greek shipping circles, and only
yesterday I got in touch with one of them and learned from him that
there's a 3rd engineer on a bulk carrier driven by a B&W who wants to
be replaced at the first suitable opportunity.
B: Oh! It's wonderful!
A: I'm very happy for you.
В: I can't believe. Nothing would have happened if it weren't for you.
A: It just might have taken a little longer.

Речевые функции: а. извиниться за опоздание и объяснить его

причины; b сказать, что вы звонили несколько раз, но безрезультатно;
с представить двух человек друг другу; d. обменяться стандартными
фразами при знакомстве; е. на предложение выпить, попросить сок и
объяснить свое предпочтение; f. на предложение угоститься сигаретой
ответить отказом и объяснить его причину; д. потчевать гостей едой,
оговорившись при этом об ограниченном выборе блюд; h. высоко от-
зываться о кушанье, i. согласиться выпить предложенный напиток;
j. выразить мысль "перейдем к делу"; к. сказать о том, что вы хотите
получить назначение на судно, плавающее под иностранным флагом;
I. рассказать об учебном заведении, в котором вы прошли подготовку
офицера торгового флота; т. объяснить, что означает понятие "судо-
механик широкого профиля"; п. Рассказать о своей специализации, те-
ме дипломного проекта, его написании и защите; о. показать и проко-
ментировать свои документы об образовании и рабочие дипломы;

р уместно использовать термины: "плавпрактика", "практикант", "плав-
ценз", "первый рабочий диплом", "вкладыш к рабочему диплому",
"классность", "разряд", "повысить квалификацию", "пройти курс обуче-
ния на тренажере", "получить назначение на должность 4-го (3-го, 2-го)
механика", "получить право на занятие более высокой должности",
"получить большую практику", (или "накопить большой опыт"), "работо-
датель", "списаться с судна", "по состоянию здоровья", "по болезни",
"разрешение медкомиссии"; ц. показать, что вы поняли информацию;
г. выразить мысль о том, что вы хотите списаться с судна при первом
удобном случае; в. выразить бурную радость; I. всячески благодарить
человека за то, что без его заинтересованного участия ваша цель не
была бы достигнута.


A: Hello, Sergei?
B: Speaking.
A: Sorry to disturb you on a Saturday evening. It’s Alexander, your crew-
ing agent.
B: What was so important that you had to call me tonight.
A: I’ve got an interesting job for you. Eighteen hundred a month.
B: Oh, really, that’s rather sudden.
A: Yes, but it's a great opportunity not to miss. Look, I’ve got that man I
was talking to you about right here in my office. Got that?
B. Yes?
A: He says he’s heard of you.
B: I wonder if he could set an appointment to see me?
A: Of course. I can arrange a meeting with him. He wants to see you
himself. That’s why I called. Are you with me?
B: What am I supposed to tell him?
A. Just explain to him what job you are looking for, and answer the
questions he'll ask you.
B: Good. The only trouble is my spoken English is far from being per-
A: No problem. It sounds more complicated than it really is. Anyway, I’ll
assist you with translation if there’s need.
B: Well then.
A: Look, Sergei, as the man is leaving Odessa tomorrow morning, he
would like to talk to you tonight. All he wants is a few minutes.
B: You see, my car is out of order, and there is no bus or trolley service
from here to your place. So you can understand it’ll take me some
time to get a taxi and reach your office.
A: Don’t you mind if I come and pick you up at nineteen-thirty?
B: I don't mind if you don't. I’ll be waiting for you downstairs.

A: Good. See you in a little bit.
(half an hour later)
A: Mr. Rodarri, this is Sergei Zadornov.
C: Glad to meet you, Mr. Zadornov.
B: My pleasure.
C: First of all, I’d like to see your identity card.
B: ???
C: The document containing your photograph and particulars.
A: Give Mr. Rodarry your Seaman’s Passport.
B. Ah, here you are.
C: That’s good. Availability of a passport enables to facilitate formalities
involved in the relief of seamen in Italy.
В: I see.
C: Mr. Zadornov, I have to furnish a competent man in a second engi-
neer's place. What grade certificate of competency do you hold?
B: I'm a holder of a Class 1 Engineer Certificate issued one year ago by
Odessa Harbour Master.
C: May I see it?
B: Here you are.
C: Perfect. Now, have you ever thought of working in Italy?
B. Nobody ever asked me.
С: I think you would do very well there. The minute you walked into the
office, I knew you were the man I have been looking for. Besides I
heard you did a first class job for a Greek shipowner.
В: I just did my best to perform my duties competently.
C: What was the name of the ship in which you were last employed?
B: The “Gloria”.
C: In what capacity were you employed on your last ship?
В: I served on her board as 1st assistant engineer which is equivalent to
the post of 2nd engineer officer.
C: What was the ship's power and power plant type?
B: She was propelled by a Sulzer. The engine power output was over
12000 horse power.
C: What was her trading area?
B: ???
A: At what seas did she operate?
B: Oriental ports, South-East Asia, Japan and back to the Mediterra-
nean areas via Singapore and Suez Canal.
C: What was the reason of you discharging (списания)?
В: I just terminated my employment as specified in the Agreement. I've
got by me a sort of discharge book. You can see the dates and
places of my joining and leaving the “Gloria” in those columns.

C: Good, sir. Now I think you are entitled to familiarize yourself with this
contract of employment to see if it is something you can and want to
do before you agree to it.
A: This is the capacity in which the owner will employ you - Second En-
gineer. Here are expressed the rate of wages and the total monthly
earnings - 18,000 US dollars. This is the type of the ship's propulsion
plant - M.A.N.
B: The date of commencement of my employment on board is April the
12th, isn’t?
A: Yes, the contract comes into effect in two weeks.
C: Thus you are ready to work for this shipowner?
B: Well, it isn’t exactly the kind of work I would prefer, I mean the type of
power plant and my position on board, but I don’t have much choice
at the moment, and the contract terms, especially those in the wages
section, sound real good
C: So you agree to it. Good. Will you put down your signature in this part
of the document, please? That's fine. I suppose the agent told you
that I’m leaving for Italy tomorrow.
A: Yes, I did.
C: Mr. Zadornov, you will be in touch with the agent.
B: Yes, I will.
C: I'm glad we were able to have this meeting.
B: So am I.
C: Here’s my visit card. If you have any difficulty as regards your depar-
ture for Genoa, call me at once. I can always be reached through this
B: It's kind of you. Thank you very much, indeed.

Речевые функции: а. извиниться за беспокойство в неурочный

час; Ь. узнать о причине позднего звонка; с. удивиться неожиданности
интересного предложения; d. дать совет не упустить подвернувшуюся
возможность; е. уточнять следит ли собеседник за вашей информаци-
ей; f. вежливо попросить о встрече; д. пообещать устроить встречу;
h. посетовать на недостаточно высокий уровень своего владения уст-
ной речью на английском языке; i пообещать помочь с переводом;
j. описать транспортные трудности с поездкой в определенное ме-
сто; к. вежливо предложить подвезти кого-либо на своем автомобиле;
I. согласиться на такое предложение; т. обменяться стандартными ре-
пликами при знакомстве; п. сопровождать стандартной фразой предъ-
явление требуемых документов; о. ответить на вопрос о своем рабо-
чем разряде; р. скромно ответить на комплимент по поводу отлично
выполненной работы; q ответить на вопросы о названии вашего по-
следнего судна, его типе, тоннаже, флаге, судовладельце, типе и мощ-
ности силовой установки вашей должности, дате, месте и причине

списания; г. понимать основные статьи договора о найме на работу;
s уточнять и комментировать содержание этих статей; t. сказать о том,
что вы искали, и. согласиться подписать контракт, сославшись на от-
сутствие других интересных предложений; v. пообещать держать те-
лефонную связь с круинговым агентом; w. выразить удовлетворение
состоявшейся встречей; х поблагодарить за любезно предоставлен-
ную возможность звонить при возникновении организационных трудно-


A: How do you do, sir? I'm your new 3rd engineer.

В How do you do? Yes, I heard we would carry an additional 3rd engi-
neer. What can I do for you?
A. I’ve just reported on board, and I want to familiarise myself with my
emergency stations and duties
В I see. Will you come this way, please? There's a Station Bill there.
A: Thanks.

A: Now, sir, I think someone should instruct me in safe working prac-

B: Contact the 1st assistant engineer.
C. Please read carefully these instructions which refer to all applicable
safety rules and regulations, and don't fail to comply with any and all
of them in the performance of your duties.
A: Sure.
C. Pay special attention to the precautions to be taken against fire in the
machinery spaces.
A: I will.
C: You certainly know, sir, that it is an established custom that all offi-
cers are responsible to the master.
A: Yes, I do.
С: I am also to notify you that before going ashore you should leave in-
formation regarding the time you expect to return.
A: Yes, of course. And I'll tell the officer of the watch where and how I
can be contacted in the event of an emergency.
C: Right.

A. How do you do. sir. I’m your relief (сменщик), my name’s Valery Pet-

В: How do you do, glad to meet you. I have been looking forward to your
joining the vessel. I'm being detached from this ship, my name’s
A: Okay. Could you pass along (передать) all pertinent information re-
garding the duties and responsibilities of my position?
B: By all means, sir.
A. Now, Stavros, you are also expected to turn over (передать) to me
all ship's property, documents and equipment for which I’ll be re-
B: Of course.

A: I’m the watch engineer, and you are required to carry out all my or-
B: Yes of course. All lawful orders, sir. I always do that promptly and to
the best of my ability.
A: Okay. Keep me informed of the condition of that compressor.
B: Certainly, sir. You know, a month ago I made part of the engine room
staff working the day shift.
A: What jobs were you assigned to?
B: Maintenance of machinery and equipment, small repair to damaged
machinery components, renewal of defective or worn out parts and
assemblies, servicing and reconditioning fire-fighting equipment, lu-
bricating machinery components, keeping machinery spaces clean,
making non-complicated replacement parts using the tools and
equipment available in the machine shop, welding, painting, and so

A: Excuse me, where are the unlicensed crew quarters?

B: They are aft on the opposite side.
A: On this deck?
B. Yes. Do you want to visit somebody on official business?
A: Yes, of course. I’m the new second engineer.
B: What cabin do you occupy?
A: The regular stateroom, number 12.


A: Hello, Captain, it’s the Chief Engineer calling.

B: Speaking?
A: I'm making an inspection round of my personnel living quarters, and I
need half an hour to finish it. Is that okay?

В: Good. See you at half past three in the officer's lounge.
A: I’ll be there at that time.


A: Well, Igor, have you got used (привык) to your new position yet?
В . I think so, sir.
A: Further you should become familiar (войти в курс) with the duties
and responsibilities of the position next ahead. I mean that of the
third engineer.
B: Shall I have to do that to improve my qualifications for promotion
(повышение в должности)?
A: That’s just to get ready to carry on (вести дела) efficiently when an
emergency arises.


A: Excuse me, old man (капитан), I have to go to the engine room to

see what's wrong there.
B: An electrical problem?
A: Something’s wrong with the power supply to deck machinery. I have
to go and check it by myself.
В. I don't object (не возражаю) if you consider it necessary to do.
A: Mike, go to the forecastle deck, find the senior electrician and tell him
to get in touch with me by phone.
C: All right, sir. Will you stay here, sir?
A: No, I'll be in the machinery spaces.
C: Okay.

Речевые функции: 1. а) представиться собеседнику после всту-

пления в новую должность, Ь) сообщить о своем недавнем прибытии
на судно, с) выразить желание ознакомиться с аварийным расписани-
ем, 2. а) выразить желание пройти инструктаж по технике безопасно-
сти, Ь) подтвердить свою готовность непременно выполнять все эти
правила без исключения, в том числе правила пожарной безопасности,
с) рассказать основные требования к командному составу, сходящему
в увольнение на берег; 3. а) представиться сменяемому механику;
Ь) попросить его проинформировать вас о должностных обязанностях,
передать вам имущество, документы и оборудование по заведованию;
4. а) указать подчиненному на необходимость выполнения ваших рас-
поряжений, Ь) приказать держать вас в курсе дела о каком-то механиз-
ме, с) рассказать о работах, выполняемых рядовым составом машин-
ной команды; 5. разузнать о расположении жилых помещений на суд-
не; 6. договориться о переносе встречи на более позднее время,

7 объяснить важность знания обязанностей механика, занимающего
более высокую должность, сообщить о необходимости лично прове-
рить проблемный участок на судне, дать распоряжение найти нужного
члена команды.


A: Hello. Chief engineer calling.

В. Good evening, sir. Engineer officer of the watch speaking.
A: Grechko, you? Why, you should have been relieved, surely?
В: I guess my relief is detained (задерживается) by some unforeseen
circumstance (непредвиденным обстоятельством), sir. But his mo-
torman is here. I put him to his station and assigned him his tasks.
A: As for you, Mr. Grechko, you attend to your duties (выполняете свои
обязанности) perfectly.
В: Thank you, sir.
A: And you surely know that the responsibility of the watch is as much
that (является такой же ответственностью) of the relief as the one
awaiting to be relieved?
B: Sure, sir.
A: O.K. But nevertheless, I have to let you know my disappointment
(разочарование) at your failure to let me know some deficiencies.
В: I don’t quite see what you mean, sir.
A: Why do you conceal from me (скрываете от меня) that Markes, your
relief, is often late to take over his watch, and other duties too?
B: I’m sorry, sir. But you see, he is my immediate superior
(непосредственный начальник), sir. And it would be... . Oh, he is
just coming down.
A: Well then. Turn to change of watches, and when it is all over, tell
Markes to get me on the phone.
B: Certainly, sir.
C: Good evening, everybody. I’m sorry I'm late. It is my own fault (это
моя вина) and I'm to blame (виноват) for it. But I hope that at least
my motorman was on time.
B: He surely was. I properly instructed him and now he is at his station.
C: I’m grateful for what you've done.
B: By the way (кстати), I received a telling-off (выговор) from the chief
engineer for my failure (небрежность) to report to him your being late
for the change of watches.
C: I’m very sorry.
В: I told him you were coming. He wants you to call him.
C: Immediately?
B. No. After you have taken over the watch.
С: O.K., I certainly will. Is there anything unusual to report?

В: As regards my watch, nothing special, thanks God. But during the
day shift, the turner was injured and taken to the sickbay (лазарет).
He fell down from the starboard platform and broke his finger. You
were ashore at that time, I guess.
C: Yes, I was. Poor fellow (бедняга), the turner! I’m sorry for him.
B: So am I. As to the propulsion plant, all systems are nominal
(работают штатно), we are in all respects (во всех отношениях)
ready for sea.
C: What time is getting under way fixed for?
B: 22:00. In two hours we will be leaving port.
C: Well, let me quickly scan through the Engine Log.
B: Right.
C. Now, you are relieved, Valery.
B: Thank you, and good luck. Don't forget to call the chief engineer.
С: I shan’t.

Речевые функции: а. ответить на звонок в МО; Ь. смягчить со-

общение об опоздании сменщика; с. сообщить о назначении моториста
на работу; б. выразить неполное понимание мысли собеседника;
е признать свою вину и извиниться за опоздание на смену вахт;
Г сообщить о порицании, полученном от начальника; д. обменяться
стандартными репликами и информацией в процессе приема/сдачи



Write a letter to a foreign broker requesting him to provide you with oppor-
tunity to get an employment as trainee-engineer on a ship owned by some
West-European shipping company; start the letter by presenting your
apologies about disturbing that person; introduce yourself; write that you are
asking for such a job because you are just completing a 5-year course at a
maritime higher education institution; give the name of that institution and
name the date of your graduation; describe your specialization and ship-
board experience (sea service); write whether you hold the entry-level cer-
tificate of competency, if not, when you will obtain it; point out that in spite of
your being a holder of a certificate of competency, if you really are, you
would agree to a job of motorman which would enable you to get used to
unfamiliar circumstances of working on a ship flying a foreign flag; describe
your personal qualities, write that you believe your knowledge of English
sufficient for carrying out your duties properly when working in an ethnically
mixed engine staff, point out that you keep improving your command of
spoken English; write that if the person you address can’t do anything for

you. you ask him to suggest another agency that could be of help; end the
letter in customary phrases, point out that you are looking forward to a reply;
give your mail address.


You are participating in an interview conducted by a representative

of a foreign shipowner whose part will be acted by your teacher or another
student: answer questions on the particulars of your CV (биографии и
послужного списка); describe in detail your hobby, likes and dislikes, and
your professional ambitions; enumerate the jobs to which unlicensed men
of the engine staff, that is motormen, may be assigned (refer to 11.1 .B. and
II.3.5); prove that you know the consecutive actions to be done by an engi-
neer on joining a vessel and when taking over his new responsibilities from
the man being discharged (refer to II.1.C. and II.3.5), the sound signals
given on the ship’s alarm bells, the rules of safe working practices, the pre-
cautions to be taken against fire and how to fight fire when it occurs in the
machinery spaces, the check points of a running diesel propulsion plant (re-
fer to U.1.D.); point out that your desire to be employed in a foreign-flag
ship, or “to go under a foreign flag" as we say, is not solely caused by the
present situation when our shipowners pay the seamen inadequately as
compared with the amount of time and work they have to spend and do to
perform their duties safely and properly, but also by the expectation to
enlarge your horizon and know other civilizations - dwell at length upon this
topic; say what you know about the present economical and technical situa-
tion existing in the Ukrainian Merchant Marine.


You are a holder of Class 3 Engineer Certificate looking for an employment

on a foreign-flag ship.
Try to get Agent Igropulo on the phone in Piraeus (Greece) - number 24 33
756, extension 32. Due to different causes you will have to make several
long distance calls Here are some sentences which can help you to com-
municate over the telephone:

1. Hello, is this two-four-double three-seven-five-six?

2. This is (your name) calling.
3. I'd like to speak to Mr. Igropulo, extension thirty-two.
4. Is he available?
5.1 can’t get him at number 24-33-749.
6.1 dialled that number twice but there’s no reply.
7. Could you take a message for Mr. Igropulo?

8. Sorry to have troubled you.
9. I’ll call back later.
10. Which time would be the best to reach him in the office?
11. Are you there?
12. Could you speak up, please? Your voice is fading and there’s
some back ground noise interfering.
13. Will you put down the receiver, please? I'll call back.
14. We had a very bad connection, I could scarcely hear you.

Your partner will play a number of roles: different people at the other end of
the line. He is going to use the following:

1. Speaking.
2. Who’s calling, please?
3. I’m sorry. I didn't catch your name. Will you spell it, please?
4. No, you’ve got the wrong number.
5. Sorry to have kept you waiting.
6. His line is engaged
7 Can you hold on?
8. The agent is speaking over another telephone.
9. The agent is out.
10. Is there any message?
11. That's quite all right.
12. We were cut off completely
13. What number are you calling from?
14. Go ahead, please.
Hello, hello... I can’t hear what you are saying.

Ultimately you’ve got the agent on the phone. You introduce yourself, tell
him what you are, why you are calling him and ask him whether he can
spare some time to consider your problem. Say that you live in Odessa
(Ukraine), are a marine engineer by training, hold the original engineer li-
cense, have served at sea as motorman for 3 years including 1 year of ser-
vice in a ship owned by an Irish company and operated by Ukrainian crew,
and have the desire to start the career of engineer officer. The agent,
whose role will be played by your partner, is going to ask you questions
about your last crewing agency, to which you will give the agency’s name
and say that you still maintain contacts with that agency and they can place
you on a ship as motorman but it is not to what you would agree now; the
clerks from the agency keep promising to find for you a post you would pre-
fer but your patience came to an end. The agent you are talking to will offer
an employment as fourth engineer in an old dry cargo vessel. You will ask
for additional and detailed information about the ship’s power plant, compo-

sition of the engine staff, beginning and end of your employment, your
wages, the port of your joining the vessel, where and when you will sign the
Here are some techniques for getting extra information you want:
1. Could you tell me a bit more about...?
2. Sorry, but I’d like to know some more about...?
3. I didn’t quite follow what you said about...
4. Sorry, that’s not quite what I meant, what I really wanted to know was...
5. Sorry to press you, but could you tell me...?
6. Sorry, I don't quite understand why...?


You will be a seaman returning home after being discharged from a ship in
the port of Dakar. The circumstances dictate that you depend upon your-
Call a travel inquiry bureau and find out what flights are available from Da-
kar to Madrid, whether the plane leaves every day, if not, on what days the
plane flies, whether you will have to change, what are the local procedures
of buying a ticket, the location of the booking office, whether there is a bus
service from the centre of the city to the airport, if yes, how often the bus
leaves and what the hours are.
At the airport: make inquiries about the desk where you have to register on
your flight, how many kilograms of luggage you are allowed to carry without
additional pay, what is the rate for extra weight; explain to your companions,
whose English is no good, the meaning of the announcements made by the
public address system like: “Passengers going to Madrid by flight 653 are
requested to walk (to proceed) to the plane right now, Gate (Exit) 3”.
Being on board the plane: help your companions to understand the an-
nouncements like: “Passengers are not allowed to smoke when the plane is
taking off’, “Ladies and gentlemen, as we are about to land, you are re-
quested to fasten your seat belts and kindly refrain from smoking", when
addressing the air hostess (stewardess) use the phrase “Excuse me, miss",
and ask questions about the flying time, whether and when a meal will be
served, if the passengers are already allowed to use the toilet, what the
weather is like in Madrid, which non-expensive but still decent hotel she
would recommend and how to get there from the airport.
At the hotel: ask the reception-clerk as many questions as you can while
doing all the formalities to register at the hotel (about the arrival form, if you
have to fill it up in block letters, and the like); tell the clerk your preferences

as to the type of room and conveniences, how long you are planning to stay
at the hotel and how you want to pay (in advance, per day, or when signing
out); ask about the rate for your room, whether making automatically a long
distance call from your room is possible and how much is one minute rated,
whether the chambermaid does the room every day, and if it is necessary to
leave the key to your room with the desk-clerk when going out.


You will be a marine engineer who has just joined a vessel operated by an
ethnically mixed crew. Your position on board will be that of second engi-
neer. You will take over the responsibilities from the engineer, who has held
that post so far, Indian by nationality, whose role will be played by your part-
ner. You are going to ask your partner a lot of questions, and he will answer
them, about the location and function of various controls and pieces of aux-
iliary machinery, about “week points" of different machinery components,
about the established watch-keeping procedures and order of assigning
unlicensed men to day work, while making a joint inspection round of the
machinery spaces take note of and comment on all dificiences discovered
to report them later to the chief engineer; find out what machinery and
equipment will be in your particular charge; ask the relieved engineer to turn
over to you the tools and technical documents for which you will be respon-
sible; possibly: make the required entries in the Engine Log.


1. бумага наждачная abrazive paper; emery paper

[a'breisiv ’peipa]; ['eman
2. гайковерт power nut-driver ['paua nM
3. гладилка по металлу sleeker; slicker ['sli:ka]; ['slika]
4 домкрат ручной hand-operated jack [haend
,apa'reitid djaek]
5. зенковка для конических отверстий countersink drill ['kaunta,str)k
6. зенковка для цилиндрических
отверстий counter-bore [ kaunta bo:]
7. зубило chisel ['tfizl]
8. камень точильный grindstone [gramdstoun]
9. кирка pick; pickaxe [pik]; [' pikaeks]
10. клещи tongs [tapz]
11 ключ гаечный spanner; wrench ['spaena];
12. ключ двусторонний double-ended spanner (wrench)
['dAb! endid 'spaena (rent/)]
13. ключ для трубных муфт union wrench ['jumjan rentf]
14 ключ накидной ring spanner; box wrench [nrj
'spaena]; [boks rentf]
15. ключ разводной adjustable spanner (wrench)
[a'diAstabl 'spaena (rentf)]
16. ключ с трещеткой retchet wrench ['retfat rentf]
17 ключ торцовый box spanner; socket wrench
[boks 'spaena]; ['sakit rentf]
18. коловорот brace [breis]
19. крейцмесель groove chisel [gru:v 'tfizl]
20. круг шлифовальный grinding wheel ['graindirj wi:l]
21 кувалда sledge-hammer [sleds 'haema]
22. кусачки cutting pliers; nippers; wire cut-
ter ['kAtnj 'plaiaz]; ['ntpaz];
['waia 'kAta]
23. лампа паяльная brazing (soldering) torch
['breizirj ('saidanrj) ta:tf]
24. лампа переносная inspection (portable) lamp
[in'spekjan f'pa:tabl) laemp]
25. лом crow-bar; pinch-bar, breaker
['krou ba:]; J'pintf ba:]; [breika]

26. ломик short crow-bar; jimmy (f.Ti krou
bo:]; [ifjimi]
27. метчик tap fteep]
28. молоток для отбивания накипи scaling hammer ['skeihrj
29. молоток для отбивки ржавчины
с ручкой chipping hammer, with handle
[tfipir) 'haemo, wid haendl]
30. молоток рихтовальный straightening hammer ['streit-
nig 'haemo]
31. молоток с квадратным бойком square set hammer [skwco set
32 молоток с круглым бойком round set hammer [raund set
33. молоток слесарный
bench hammer [bentf 'haemo]
34. напильник
file [fail]
35 напильникдрачевый
36 напильник квадратный bastard file [ baestod fail]
37 напильник круглый square file [skwco fail]
38 напильник личной round file [raund fail]
39 напильник с рашпильной насечкой smooth file [smud fail]
40 напильник трехгранный rasp-cut file ['raesp kAt fail]
three-square file [0ri: 'skwco
41 наждак fail]
42. наждачное полотно emery ['emon]
43. ножницы бытовые emery cloth ['emon kloO]
44. ножницы по металлу scissors ['sizoz]
45 ножницы жестяные shears; cutter [fioz]; ['kAto]
46. ножовка по дереву tin shears [tin fioz]
47 ножовка по металлу hand-saw [ haendso:]
48. отвертка hack-saw [' haekso:]
49 отвертка крестообразная screwdriver ['skru:,draivo]
cross-shaped screwdriver
50. патрон зажимной ['krosjeipt 'skru:,draiva)
51. патрон кулач ков ы й chuck [tfAk]
52. патрон токарный jaw chuck [djo; tfAk]
53. патрон цанговый lathe chuck [leid tfAk]
54. пила дисковая
collet chuck ['kolit tfAk]
55. плита притирочная
circular saw ['soikjulo so;]
56. плоскогубцы
lapping plate [laepirj pleit]
57. полотно ножовочное flat-nosed pliers [' flaet nouzd
saw blade [so: bleid]

58. плашка threading die; thread-cutting die
['Oredir, dai]; ['0red,kAtir) dai]
59. пробойник drift; punch [drift]; [pAntf]
60. развертка reamer [ri:ma]
61. развертка коническая tapered reamer ['teipad 'rizmaj
62. рашпиль rasp [ra:sp]
63. резец cutting tool [' kAtii) tu.l]
64. резец изогнутый gooseneck tool ['gu:snek tud]
65. резец отрезной parting-off tool ['pa;tnj,of tuzl]
66. резец подрезной facing tool ['feisir) tud]
67. резец расточный boring tool {'bo:rir) tud]
68. резцедержатель tool-holder ['tud .houlda]
69. рейсфедер ruling pen ['rudiri pen]
70. ролик накатный
а) для получения резьбы threading tool ['Oredii) tud]
б) для рифления knurling tool [ nadir) tud]
71. сверло drill [dnl]
72. сверло для дрели bit [bit]
73. сверло, оснащенное твердым carbide-tipped
сплавом drill [kazbaidtipt dnl]
74. стамеска wood chisel [wud tfizl]
75. струбцина cramp [kraemp]
76. съемник puller; remover [pula]; [n'mu.va]
77. таль hoist; pulley; tackle [hoist];
[ puli]; ['taekl]
78. тельфер telpher ['telfa]
79. тигель
crucible; melting pot fkru.sibl];
[meltio pot]
80. тиски ручные
hand vice [haend vais]
81. тиски верстачные
82 топор плотничный bench vice [bentf vais]
bench (broad) axe [bentf (bro:d)
83. топор пожарный aeks]
84. топорик fire axe [' faia aeks]
85. фреза hatchet [ haetfit]
milling cutter; mill ['milnj 'kAta];
86. фуганок [mil]
87. хомут jointing plane ['ctjointir) plein]
88. чертилка clamp; clip [klaemp]; [khp]
scriber; marking tool ['skraiba];
89. шабер ['mazkit) tud]
90. шабер плоский scraper fskreipa]
flat scraper [flaet 'skreipa]

91. шабер полукруглый half-round scraper [ ha lf 'riund
92. швабра mop; swab [mop]; [sw.->b]
93 шило awl; pricker [o:|J; ['prika]
94. шприц для густой смазки grease gun; squirt-gun [gri s
gAn]; [skwo:t gAn]


1. Кузнецов Б. В Русско-Английский Политехнический Словарь. - М ,

2. Скалкин В. Л. Английский язык для общения. - М., 1986.
3. Фаворов П. А. Англо-Русский Морской Технический Словарь. - М.,
4. Robert F. Bennett. The Cost Guardsman's Manual. - Annapolis, Md.,
5. Alan E. Branch Elements of Shipping. - London - New York, 1981.
6. Charles H. Brown. Seamanship and Nautical Knowledge. - Glasgow,
7. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Principles of Naval Engineering. - Washing-
ton, D. C., 1987.
8. Richard A. Cady. Marine Survey Practice. - U.S.A., 1968.
9. Felix M. Cornell and Allan C.Hoffman. American Merchant Seaman’s
Manual. - Cambridge, Md., 1964.
10.Walter J. Eddington. Glossary of Shipbuilding and Outfitting Terms. -
New York, 1944.
11. John H La Dage. Modern Ships. - Cornell Maritime Press Inc., 1979.
12. Socony Mobil. Tanker Manual. - New York, 1962.


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