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Хр Дс 27926
Пенчева, Даниела Пенчева. Бизнес интелигентност в търговията на дребно с
бързооборотни стоки. Дисертация. Икономически университет - Варна. 2022. Достъпно
на: https://ras.nacid.bg/dissertation-preview/70709


Ск 776623 (в НБКМ)
1. Атанасов, Борислав. Поведение на потребителите при покупка на
бързооборотни стоки: състояние и тенденции. София: УНСС, 2020. 221 с. ISBN

Резюме: Поведението на потребителите е познат и изследван в

икономическата наука проблем, но в съвременните условия на пазара на
потребителски стоки в Р. България той придобива ново измерение.
Увеличаването броя на обектите за търговия и по-специално на тези за
бързоооборотни потребителски стоки, поставя предизвикателства пред
търговските вериги. Навлизането на чуждестранните вериги за
бързооборотни стоки на българския пазар, разнообразието в стоковото и
марковото им предлагане, водят до изостряне на конкуренцията между
тях. Стремежът за увеличаване на пазарния им дял е предпоставка за
предоставяне на по-висока ценност на крайните потребители, чрез
елементите на търговския продукт, осигуряващи конкурентни
предимства. Делът на бързооборотните стоки в структурата на
потреблението, разходите на домакинствата, отделяни за покупката им,
влиянието на различни по сила и степен на въздействие фактори в
процеса на покупка, закономерно водят до изследване отношението на
потребителите към елементите на търговския продукт и извеждане на
ключовите факторите, които предопределят поведението им в процеса на
покупка на бързооборотни стоки.

Ск 738361 (в НБКМ)
2. Григорова, Ваня. Проблеми при измерване на маркетинговите резултати в
сектора за производство на бързооборотни стоки. – В: Кръгла маса "Правни и
икономически проблеми на бизнес средата в Република България", Свищов, 23
октомври 2015 г. Свищов: Акад. изд. "Ценов", 2015. с. 213-218. ISBN 978-954-

Ск 745954 (в НБКМ)
3. Йовчева, Ирина. FMCG маркетингови изследвания. София: [Изд. авт.], 2016.
232 с. ISBN 978-619-90720-0-4.


4. Анастасова, Лина. Състояние на прилагането на маркетинга на взаимовръзките

в търговските вериги в България: сравнителен анализ на две вериги. – В:
Годишник на Бургаски свободен университет. T. 32, 2015, с. 12-43. ISSN 1311-
221-X. Достъпно на: https://www.bfu.bg/uploads/pages/godihnik-final-2015.pdf

Abstract: The study discusses the implementation of relationship marketing in

the retail chains in Bulgaria. At the beginning of the study the transition from
transactional marketing to relationship marketing is represented as well as the
indicators for analysis of the retailers’ marketing activities on the Bulgarian
market: use of customer retention strategies and which types of strategies are
implemented, use of CRM system and customer database, participation in
partners network and establishment of long term relationships with suppliers.
The main part of the study contains a comparative description between the
relationship marketing practices of two chains: Piccadilly and Kaufland and
conclusions about the strong and weak sides of their marketing practices.
Keywords: relationship marketing, customer retention strategies, retail

5. Горанова, Пенка. Анализ на методите за оценяване стойността на марката. //

Бизнес управление, 25, 2015, № 2, с. 5-34. ISSN 0861-6604. Достъпно на:

Резюме: В съвременния свят влиянието на брандовете е по-мощно от

всякога, а бранд мениджърите съзнават, че грижата за израстването и
експанзията на марката са ключови за нарастването на продажбите и за
развитието на фирмата като цяло. Водещи компании като „Xerox”, „Coca-
Cola” отчитат, че брандът е толкова значим за работата им, колкото са и
фабриките, иновациите и капиталът, тъй като силната марка привлича
платежоспособни клиенти и инвеститори. Напоследък широко се прилага
концепцията за стойността на марката (brand equity), която е
имуществото, което остава при ликвидация на фирмата и след
удовлетворяване на кредиторите. Това е финансова стойност, допълваща
физическите качества на материалните активи и по-конкретно –на
продукта. Марковата стойност, по същество, е мярката на тази добавена
стойност. Целта на разработката е да представи съвременните методи за
оценяване стойността на марката и да направи сравнителен анализ за
тяхното използване. За създаването на една успешна и работеща
брандинг стратегия е важно да се познават в дълбочина световните
практики за оценяване стойността на марката.
Ключови думи: марка, реклама, стратегии, финансовиметоди, маркетин-
гови, комбинирани методи.JEL: M31, M3

6. Лозанова, Лилия. Линейно срещу нелинейно разширение на бранда -

възможности и рискове. // Бизнес посоки, 21, 2016, № 1, с. 18-34. ISSN 1312-
6016. Достъпно на:

7. Alamelu, R., S.T. Surulivel, L. Cresenta Shakila Motha et al. Factors influencing
purchase of fake FMCG products among urban and rural consumers - an empirical
analysis. // Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9, 2016, № 27, art.
no. 97605. ISSN 0974-6846. DOI 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i27/97605. Достъпно на:

Abstract: Objectives: Indian economy is agrarian based and the rural

population shared half of the gross domestic product of India. Though, with
changes in economy, advanced technology and innovative marketing, the rural
population is exploited by way of poor quality products and services, common
shortages leads to black marketing, irrational pricing, promotions and others.
To accord with it, this study intends to identify the various factors inducing the
purchase of FMCG products in both rural and urban areas and the level of
impact on these factors towards the purchase of fake FMCG products.
Methods/ Analysis: This study is conducted in rural and urban areas of
Madurai District in Tamil Nadu which is considered primarily as the universe
of the present study. The present study comprising of 20 villages in Madurai
District consisting of 100 rural sample respondents and also covered 100
sample respondents from Madurai city (urban). Thus, the researcher has used
multistage simple random sampling technique within the sampling frame to
collect the urban and rural responses for the study. This study depends mainly
on primary data. A structured interview schedule (in regional language) was
constructed and administered to collect primary data among the rural and urban
groups for a period of one month from November 2015 to December 2015.
Findings: The study findings pointed out that urban consumers were influenced
by ‘conviction’ and ‘appeal’ factors and the rural consumers were influenced
by ‘conviction’ and ‘promotions’ during their purchase behavior towards fake
FMCG products. Thus, an integrated approach including representative from
corporate firms, retailer forum, sales executives is needed to empower the rural
and urban consumers by way of including consumer education, training for
government enforcement officials, research and statistical analysis, public
policy analysis and support for policy development and sharing global best
practices information. Applications/Improvement: This study has given a new
acumen in the field of creating consumer awareness towards purchasing of
fake products among rural population.

8. Galkin, A., I. Yemchenko, S. Lysa et al. Exploring the relationships between demand
attitudes and the supply amount in consumer-driven supply chain for FMCG. // Acta
Logistica, 9, 2022, № 1, p. 1-12. ISSN 1339-5629. DOI 10.22306/al.v9i1.260.
Достъпно на:

Abstract: The development of the retail market in Ukraine and in the world
requires the improvement of methods and models of effective interaction of
supply and demand in the supply chain for the purchase of goods of daily
demand. The article presents an integrated method for demand driven supply
chain management at the distribution stage for FMCG (Fast moving consumer
goods). The influence of end-consumers and demand on the functioning of the
logistics system has been investigated. The approach is based on systems
analysis, which shows the interdependence of the parameters of the logistics
system and the consumption system. The approach takes into account the
parameters of consumers and the logistics system and is an extension of
knowledge on the use of consumer-oriented approach in the logistics system
(demand-driven supply chain). The obtained results can be used in planning
and organizing a modern demand driven supply chain.
Keywords: demand, end-consumers, urban logistics, patterns, FMCG.

9. Griva, Anastasia, Cleopatra Bardaki, Katerina Pramatari et al. Retail business

analytics: Customer visit segmentation using market basket data. // Expert Systems
with Applications, 100, 2018, p. 1-16. ISSN 0957-4174.

Abstract: Basket analytics is a powerful tool in the retail context for acquiring
knowledge about consumer shopping habits and preferences. In this paper, we
propose a business analytics approach that mines customer visit segments from
basket sales data. We characterize a customer visit by the purchased product
categories in the basket and identify the shopping intention or mission behind
the visit e.g. a ‘breakfast’ visit to purchase cereal, milk, bread, cheese etc. We
also suggest a semi-supervised feature selection approach that uses the product
taxonomy as input and suggests customized categories as output. This
approach is utilized to balance the product taxonomy tree that has a significant
effect on the data mining results. We demonstrate the utility of our approach
by applying it to a real case of a major European fast-moving consumer goods
(FMCG) retailer. Apart from its theoretical contribution, the proposed
approach extracts knowledge that may support several decisions ranging from
marketing campaigns per customer segment, redesign of a store's layout to
product recommendations.
Keywords: Customer visit segmentation, retail business analytics, shopper
behavior, clustering, data mining.

10. Jacobs, E., C. Mafini. Transactional leadership, supply chain quality and business
performance in the fast-moving consumer goods industry. // Journal of Transport and
Supply Chain Management, 13, 2019, art. no. a442. ISSN 2310-8789.
DOI 10.4102/jtscm.v13i0.442. Достъпно на:

Abstract: Background: Literature provides evidence of how the fast-moving

consumer goods (FMCG) industry has become a strategically important
contributor to economic growth and competitiveness globally. However, this
industry in South Africa faces consistent challenges that demand immediate
attention and solutions. A potential area of intervention relates to how
leadership practices can be applied to improve the quality and performance of
FMCG supply chains in South Africa. Objectives: This study examined the
link between transactional leadership, supply chain quality (SCQ) and business
performance in the FMCG industry within Gauteng province, South Africa.
Method: The research followed a quantitative approach in which data were
collected through a survey targeting managers and professional employees of
the FMCG industry in the Gauteng province. The collected data were analysed
through descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, Pearson correlations
and regression analysis. Results: Two transactional leadership styles, namely
contingent reward and management by expectation (active), were statistically
significant in influencing SCQ. Passive-avoidant leadership did not predict
SCQ. Supply chain quality was statistically significant in influencing both
financial and non-financial business performance. Conclusion: The
transactional leadership style is an important driver of SCQ within the FMCG
industry. Supply chain quality is essential in stimulating optimum business
performance within the FMCG industry. © 2019. The Authors.
Keywords: Contingent reward; Financial business performance; FMCG;
Management by expectation; Passive-avoidant; Quantitative research; Supply
chain quality; Transactional leadership

11. Lahrache, Anass, Taoufik Benkaraache, Mohamed Belafhaili. Essay in business

performance modeling offast-moving consumer goods in a retail chain. – In:
ICCMIT'19: The 5th International Conference on Communication, Management and
Information Technology. Vienna, Austria, March 26-28, 2019. Vienna, 2019, p. 1-11.
Достъпно на:

Abstract: In response to market changes, companies have to develop new

managing models of their business, in order to optimize customer value for
each interaction, as well as the customer relationship. A better customer-
understanding enables more relevant marketing operations, better targeted and
personalized offers and/or products for optimal or even maximum profitability.
In this context, we will study, in a retail chain, for an FMCG category, how
business is performing, as well as define the development levers of the studied
business performance via an intelligence marketing approach, by studying and
analyzing the factors that directly influence the business performance.
Keywords: Business Performance, Retail chain modeling.

12. Loury-Okoumba, W.V., C. Mafini. Buyer-supplier relationships and firm

performance in the fast moving consumer goods retail industry. // Journal of
Contemporary Management, 15, 2018, № 1, p. 1-29. ISSN 1815-7440. Достъпно на:

Abstract: The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) retail industry in South

Africa faces unique performance-related challenges that impede its abilities to
sustain growth in a competitive and volatile sector. One of the strategic routes
identified to improve the overall performance of FMCG retail firms is to
develop sound relations with supply chain partners based on engagement,
commitment, trust, communication and cooperation. Thus, the present study
aimed at investigating the perceived influence of buyer-supplier relationships
on firm performance in the FMCG retail industry. For this quantitative study,
six hypotheses were formulated to determine the proposed relationships. A
structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 244 supply chain
managers and professional employees of 37 FMCG retail firms located in
Gauteng province. The analysis of data was conducted through confirmatory
factor analysis (CFA) to determine the psychometric properties of
measurement scales and structural equation modelling (SEM) to test the six
hypotheses stated. The results revealed that all five predicting constructs
(buyer-supplier engagement, commitment, trust, communication and
cooperation) exert a significant positive influence on supplier performance,
with trust exerting the strongest. Furthermore, supplier performance was found
to be a significant mediating construct to the relationship between buyer-
supplier relationships and firm performance. The study further concludes that
supplier performance is an essential driver of firm performance due to the
strong relationship it shares with firm performance. The results of the study are
a useful diagnostic tool when examining firm performance related challenges
within the FMCG retail industry.
Keywords: Buyer-supplier relationships; buyer-supplier engagement; buyer-
supplier commitment; buyer-supplier trust; buyer-supplier communication;
buyer-supplier cooperation; supplier performance and firm performance.

13. Mwanza, Pius, Boaz Ingari. Strategic role of distribution as a source of competitive
advantage in fast-moving consumer goods in Kenya. // International Journal of
Scientific and Research Publications, 5, 2015, № 10, p. 590-603. ISSN 2250-3153.
Достъпно на: https://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-1015.php?rp=P464700

Abstract: Developing successful strategy in distribution in today's fierce

competitive environment is a complex undertaking. The general objective of
the study is to establish the strategic role of distribution as a source of
competitive advantage by fastmoving consumer goods firm in Kenya.
Specifically, the study addressed the following objectives: To establish the
extent to which indirect distribution adopted by Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
in Kenya can be source of competitive advantage. To establish the extent to
which direct distribution adopted by Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Kenya
can be source of competitive advantage and. To establish the extent to which
Intense distribution adopted by Fast-Moving Consumer Goods in Kenya can be
source of competitive advantage. This research adopted a descriptive research
design. The researcher used a questionnaire as the primary data collection
instrument. A pilot test was conducted to detect weakness in design and
instrumentation and to provide proxy data for selection of a probability sample.
The findings indicate that 85.7% of the responses were of the opinion that the
strategies used ensured availability of the products to the intended customers
while 14.3% were of the opinion that the strategies used did not ensure
availability of the products to the intended customers. The study findings
revealed that most of the respondents were of the opinion that Intensive
distribution ensures customer convenience products as a source of competitive
advantage. As regards the extent to which intensive distribution affected
competitive advantage; majority were of the opinion of moderate. The findings
revealed that most of the respondents were of the opinion that the organization
moderately learned rapidly and adjust their distribution strategy in order to
achieve competitive advantage. The study concluded that the company used
most direct distribution strategy than indirect and intensive distribution
strategies. This could be because of its advantages such as customers
appreciate the opportunity to give profits directly to producers and artists. The
usage of direct distribution strategy by the organization has resulted in gaining
competitive by the company. The study recommended that the company should
ensure direct distribution as a source of competitive advantage in that direct
distribution channel cannot compete with the geographical reach and business
volume of the distribution channel that includes major wholesalers and
Keywords: Competitive Advantage, Distribution Strategy, Distribution

14. Nozari, H., M. Fallah, A. Szmelter-Jarosz et al. Analysis of security criteria for iot-
based supply chain: a case study of FMCG industries. // Central European
Management Journal, 29, 2021, № 4, p. 149-171. ISSN 2658-2430.
DOI 10.7206/cemj.2658-0845.63. Достъпно на:

Abstract: Purpose: In supply chains, creating a secure space for data

production, sending, storing, and analysis
has always been a critical issue. The main goal of this research was to evaluate
the importance of
various security criteria in an intelligent supply chain system.
Methodology: The main data collection method was the expert survey. Experts
validated the security
criteria and sub-criteria. Then, the importance of these criteria was evaluated
using the fuzzy
analytic hierarchy process method.
Findings: The results revealed that reliability and privacy with their sub-
criteria were the most important ones among the obtained security criteria for
IoT-based supply chain management.
Practical implications: The research results can provide valuable insight for
supply chains’ decision-
-makers. The findings can also be a good reference point for researchers who
work on the IoT-based
supply chain concept in other countries and sectors.
Research limitations: Limitations of this study are the purposive sampling
method and the limited
scope of studied companies and sectors. Therefore, the article provides initial
insight on the matter.
Originality: The study presents the research problem from a new perspective
and gives possible
solutions for IoT-based supply chain management.
Keywords: Internet of Things, Fuzzy AHP, MCDM, supply chain
management, FMCG.

15. Nozari, H., M. Fallah, H. Kazemipoor et al. Big data analysis of IoT-based supply
chain management considering FMCG industries. // Business Informatics, 15, 2021, №
1, p. 78-96. ISSN 2587-814X. DOI 10.17323/2587-814X.2021.1.78.96. Достъпно на:

Abstract: Supply chain is one of the main pillars of manufacturing and

industrial companies whose smartness can help business to be intelligent. To
this end, the use of innovative technologies to make it smart is always a
concern. The smart supply chain utilizes innovative tools to enhance quality,
improve performance and facilitate the decision-making process. Internet of
things (IoT) is one of the key components of the IT infrastructure for the
development of smart supply chains that have high potential for creating
sustainability in systems. Furthermore, IoT is one of the most important
sources of big data generation. Big data and strategies for data analysis as a
deep and powerful solution for optimizing decisions and increasing
productivity are growing rapidly. For this reason, this paper attempts to
examine informative supply chain development strategies by investigating the
supply chain in FMCG industries as a special case and to provide a complete
analytical framework for building a sustainable smart supply chain using IoT-
based big data analytics. The proposed framework is based on the IoT
implementation methodology, with emphasis on the use of input big data and
expert reviews. Given the nature of the FMCG industry, this can lead to better
production decisions.
Keywords: big data; internet of things (IoT); IoT-based supply chain
management; FMCG supply chain.

16. Pencheva, Daniela. Use of factors related to the consumption of fast moving
consumer goods in business intelligence system for managing orders to suppliers in
retail chain. // Известия на Съюза на учените - Варна. Серия Икономически
науки, 9, 2020, № 2, с. 124-135. ISSN 1314-7390. Достъпно на:

Abstract: The study examines some aspects related to current trends in the
modeling of business intelligent systems (BIS) specializing in retail chains for
Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). Current concepts related to factors
that influence business processes and their application in business intelligent
order management systems in retail chains for FMCG are presented. The aim
of the present study is to investigate the factors that have the strongest
influence on the consumption of FMCG in retail chains and to derive the
values that support business-intelligent processes for automated order
management to suppliers. The studied factors presented in the presentation also
include consideration of the structure of the incoming data streams, their
extraction and their application in practice.
Keywords: Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), business intelligent system,
retail chain, consumer behavior factors.

17. Perdikakis, A., A. Shukla, D. Kiritsis. Optimize energy efficiency in the supply
chain of FMCGs with the use of semantic web technologies. // Procedia
Engineering, 132, 2015, p. 1112-1119. ISSN 1877-7058.
DOI 10.1016/j.proeng.2015.12.603. Достъпно на:

Abstract: Supply Chain Management is a critical domain for Fast Moving

Consumer Goods (FMCGs). This domain is known for its complexity. New
standards and regulations regarding Energy Efficiency and Environmental
Aspects in general, as well as customer demand, make the analysis, modeling
and design of the Supply Chain more and more complicated. Partners involved
in these processes are numerous and of diverse background. To help solving
this problem, common understanding of the domain and exchange of
information among partners involved in the Supply Chain is of high
importance. An ontology capturing the knowledge of the domain was created.
To achieve maximum efficiency of the domain operations in terms of cost,
quality of service and environmental impact, concept definitions from multiple
sources were gathered. An advanced software solution that leverages semantic
web technologies, enables users to link data from multiple Excel spreadsheets
and relational databases together in real-time for data collection, collaboration,
and reporting. In this framework, a new way for collaboration throughout the
supply chain with the use of an underlying ontology, semantic technologies
and visualization technics is introduced. The proposed approach is applied in
the context of the FP7 European project e-SAVE. Keywords: Energy
efficiency, Supply chain FMCGs, Ontology, Semantic Web Technologies,
Domain definition.

18. Rakićeví, Z., M. Vujoševí. Focus forecasting in supply chain: The case study of fast
moving consumer goods company in Serbia. // Serbian Journal of Management, 10,
2015, № 1, p. 3-17. ISSN 1452-4864. DOI 10.5937/sjm10-7075. Достъпно на:

Abstract: This paper presents an application of focus forecasting in a fast

moving consumer goods (FMCG) supply chain. Focus forecasting is tested in a
real business case in a Serbian enterprise. The data used in the simulation
refers to the historical sales of two types of FMCG with several different
products. The data were collected and summarized across the whole
distribution channel in the Serbian market from January 2012 to December
2013. We applied several well-known time series forecasting models using the
focus forecasting approach, where for the future time period we used the
method which had the best performances in the past. The focus forecasting
approach mixes different standard forecasting methods on the data sets in order
to find the one that was the most accurate during the past period. The accuracy
of forecasting methods is defined through different measures of errors. In this
paper we implemented the following forecasting models in Microsoft Excel:
last period, all average, moving average, exponential smoothing with constant
and variable parameter a, exponential smoothing with trend, exponential
smoothing with trend and seasonality. The main purpose was not to evaluate
different forecasting methods but to show a practical application of the focus
forecasting approach in a real business case.
Keywords: Exponential smoothing; Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG);
Focus forecasting; Holt's model; Moving average; Winter's model.

19. Shantha Gowri, B., V.S. Ram. Does availability bias have influence on FMCG
investors? An empirical study on cognitive dissonance, rational behaviour and mental
accounting bias. // International Journal of Financial Research, 10, 2019, № 4, p. 68-
83. ISSN 1923-4023. DOI 10.5430/ijfr.v10n4p68. Достъпно на:

Abstract: Investors usually rely on the first-hand information to take their

investment decisions. Investors are prone to many types of heuristics and bias
which can lead to indecisive situations or irrational behavior and affect their
performance. Indecisive state of mind of investors is attributed due to cognitive
dissonance as it differs from their belief and the facts they come in reality.
Mental accounting has its own advantages of meeting the investor's goal on
time and allocating resources effectively to achieve each of their investment
objectives, on the contrary it can also lead to poor portfolio management and
performance. The current study is conducted in order to understand the
influence of availability heuristic influence on cognitive dissonance and
rational behavior through mental accounting bias as a mediating factor
exclusively on Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) investor's decision
making in stock market. Data was collected by purposive sampling method
using self-administered questionnaire from 614 FMCG investors through 15
stock broking firms registered in Hyderabad city, tools like correlation,
analysis of variance, Cronbach Alpha test, linear regression and mediation are
used for data analysis. The results reveal that availability bias, cognitive
dissonance and rational behavior are highly correlated to one another.
Availability bias influence on cognitive dissonance and rational behavior of
FMCG investors through mental accounting bias is negligible. Though many
studies have accepted the major role played by mental accounting bias and few
against it in our study it is proved to be negligible in case of defensive sectors
of FMCG investors. © 2019 Sciedu Press.
Keywords: Availability bias; Cognitive dissonance; Confirmation bias; FMCG
investors; Mediation; Mental accounting bias; Rational behavior

20. Singh, R., P. Singh. Rural customers’ perception towards the fast moving consumer
goods: A hypothesis test. // International Journal of Innovative Technology and
Exploring Engineering, 8, 2019, № 9S3, p. 210-221. ISSN 2278-3075. DOI
10.35940/ijitee.I3039.0789S319. Достъпно на:

Abstract: The Indian FMCG sector is the fourth largest in the Indian economy
and has a market size of $13.1 billion. It includes the production, distribution
and marketing of consumer packaged goods, that is those categories of
products which are consumed at regular intervals. It has a strong and
competitive MNC presence across the entire value chain. The FMCG
companies are expected to have a huge growth potential since the percapita
consumption of almost all the products in the country is amongst the lowest in
the world. Rural market is one of the best opportunities for the FMCG sector.
Advertising in rural markets is an upcoming and growing field of marketing.
The consumer forms an attitude, which is made by combining choice criteria
and brand comprehension. When he becomes certain about his understanding
of different brands, he decides whether to purchase or not. If he purchases and
the alternative meets his expectation, he may remember it for the next buying
decision. It has been found that relatively more continuous or sustained
advertising campaign is more suitable for consumer non durables. The buying
frequency is high and little decision making is involved and consumers do not
actively seek product information. Instead they tend to use whatever
information is handy to them.
Keywords: FMCG, Advertisement, Rural Market, Consumers, Value chain.

21. Trihatmoko, R. A. Intensity of sales turnover and promotional expenditure and the
likelihood of new product success: configurational matrix of fast moving consumer
goods (FMCG). // Research in World Economy, 10, 2019, № 3, p. 320-328. ISSN
1923-3981. https://doi.org/10.5430/rwe.v10n3p320. Достъпно на:

Abstract: The FMCG marketing phenomenon plays all elements of the

marketing mix (4P's), so that each element is thought to have a high degree of
complexity. The first objective of this research was to uncover the responses of
buyers in the business market to the offering of a new product related to the
marketing environment situation - P: promotion and other environments; and
next, detecting product performance and its parameters as an evaluation tool
for the success of new products. Qualitative research methodology was
applied, and was designed using a grounded theory strategy and an
interpretative approach, constructivism and pragmatism. Data was collected
from the phenomenon of FMCG competition in traditional markets in
Indonesia. The results of the research identified buyers' responses reveal that
the marketing - promotion environment was directly taken into consideration
by purchasing decisions; marketing environment - promotion is valued by the
buyer in relation to the marketing environment - price, and the expected impact
on the competitive environment - activity and results of promotion. The
concepts from the results of this study have implications for the practice of
corporate strategies regarding new product launches, marketing and financial
budgeting, brand strategy, and marketing market performance. All these
matters show that the depth of the purchasing behavior perspective, as well as
the performance and success of a product based on promotional strategies is
the originality of this paper. Keywords: business buyer behavior, corporate
strategy, fast moving consumer goods (fmcg), marketing mix, new products
and competition, promotion strategy

22. Trihatmoko, R. A. Performance and success of new product strategies in market

competition: business buyer behavior and marketing mix series of fast moving
consumer goods (FMCG). // Quality - Access to Success, 21, 2020, № 176, p. 51-55.
ISSN 1582-2559. Достъпно на:

Abstract: This paper aims to explore the strategy of the product mix to
perceive and describe theoretically through understanding of the analysis of
new products in market competition. Deepening efforts through identifying
product strategies is to target the chances of success of new product strategies
from the FMCG industry. This study applies a methodological combination of
qualitative research by using a grounded theory approach and interpreted
constructivism and conditional matrices, as well as starting with the results of
previous studies that have used the phenomenology-constructivism approach.
The study results revealed with a construction that the success of the
performance of new products through a product strategy (marketing mix)
entering the market will be depend on customer and market competition. The
results highlight several factors that support the success and failure of a new
product entering the market, namely the accuracy of the quality, features and
design of the product, product and brand performance, market demand and
selling turnover of products. The results of this study can be as
recommendations to marketers, practitioners and consumers, especially in
FMCG marketing. Keywords: performance and success; new product strategy;
business buyer behavior; marketing mix; fast moving consumer goods

23. Trihatmoko, R. A., D. I. Purnamasari. New product pricing strategy and product
performanceassessment in fast moving consumer goods. // International Journal of
Economics and Business Administration, 7, 2019, № 4, p. 417-423. ISSN 2241-4754.
Abstract: Purpose: This article combines the two perspectives of management
interests, namely marketing and finance regarding Fast Moving Consumer
Goods (FMCG). The aim is to uncover the marketing environment on pricing
strategies in a competitive market environment, product and financial
performance as well as assessing product success based on price strategies.
Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative research methods are used by the
design of a combination of grounded theory and phenomenology, as well as
constructive approaches.
Findings: The results identify that the marketing environment in terms of price
is a consideration of buyer’ decisions and is related to the product marketing
environment, and the environment of market competition, namely price
activities, antecedents and price outcomes. The marketing environment of price
is created based on the marketing environment of product and consumer
market competition, while the product performance is determined by the
environment of business and consumer market competition. These findings
contribute to the conception of business buyer behavior and the marketing mix.
Practical implications: The results implications refer to the practice of
management on financial management of working capital, and marketing
management in
Originality/value: The originality of this paper comes from the exploration of
pricing strategies in an effort to determine the relevance between product
performance and finance, and the success of new "FMCG" products.
Keywords: Pricing strategy, new product, marketing mix, business buyer
behavior, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), financial performance.

24. Trihatmoko, R. A., M. Harsono, S. Wahyuni et al. Structure of channel

management and agency theory: Relationship marketing approach for fast moving
consumer goods (FMCG) business. // Research in Business and Management, 5, 2018,
№ 2, p. 25-37. ISSN 2330-8362. https://doi.org/10.5296/rbm.v5i2.13413 Достъпно
на: https://www.macrothink.org/journal/index.php/rbm/article/view/13413/10648

Abstract: This article aimed at identifying, describing, and obtaining deep

understanding about channel management to reveal the characteristics of
relationship-marketing theory. As such, it utilizes the agency theoretical
perspective which is occasionally used in prior relationship-marketing
research. The research uses qualitative method based on phenomenology
theoretical-design and constructivism philosophy to observed fast-moving
consumer goods business phenomenon within transactional buying-selling
process in the channel management structure. Such design will be applied
through the mechanism of distribution channels in traditional trade. The result
identifies three positions of distribution channels within the agency theory
perspective: (1) relationship between principal, distributor and promotional
agencies in an efficient contract position, (2) relationship between distributor,
wholesaler and retailer in the position of the realized outcomes, and (3)
relationship between wholesaler, retailer and the end-users in a pay-offs
position. The findings viewed as a constructive way in describing the re-design
model structure of channel management from the agency theoretical
perspective. As such, the research revealed three characteristics of relationship
marketing; exclusive contract, direct competitive, and temporary contract
approach. This research implies that the agency theoretical perspective will
emerge as a new and prosperous theoretical perspective in the field of
relationship marketing research in the future. It might be argued that managers
in applying any relationship marketing approach are advised to stay focused on
improving the quality of relationships among the partners covered by each
channel-group. Further, it is expected that future research in the field of
marketing management, particularly on relationship-marketing research, to
utilize the agency theory as their theoretical strands.
Keywords: Channel Management, Agency Theory, Relationship Marketing
Theory, Behavioral of Buying-selling, Theoretical Basis, Fast Moving
Consumer Goods (FMCG)

25. Trihatmoko, R. A., M. Harsono, S. Wahyuni et al. The confine of efficient contract
betweenprincipals and distributors perfectly control of marketing mix strategies:
Channel management perspective offast moving consumer goods (FMCG) industries
in Indonesian. // International Journal of Research in Commerce,Economics &
Management, 6, 2016, № 9, p. 31-36. ISSN 2231-4245. Достъпно на:

Abstract: The interest of marketing research to obtain a deep understanding of

relationship marketing since 45 years ago, relatively less of the research put
role strategies of marketing mix. This research reveals perspective of
relationship marketing within agency theory and channel management
structure of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry. The purposes of
this research are to identify, describe, and obtain a deep understanding of the
confine of efficient contract between principals and distributors towards
marketing mix strategies. The research design of this research is qualitative
method by phenomenology and constructionism approach. Data collected from
two distributors companies which partnering with national and multinational
company. Result concludes that environment factors, commercial term, aspects
of marketing mix strategies and organizational function directly and indirectly
determines relationship development. Essential content about environment,
commercial term, marketing mix and organizational function are the
prospectus on the policy making in the company, specifically determined legal
contract agreement between principal and agent. The contract agreement
essentially moves toward to strategies of marketing mix. These findings
constructively have essential implication as the proposition in relationship
marketing and agency theory in marketing area. Practitioner may take the
advantages. This research’s advantage for practitioner is to enrich knowledge
to improve their channel performance and relationship development with their
Keywords: relationship marketing, marketing mix, efficient contract, agency
theory, marketing strategies, channel management, principal and distributor,
fast moving consumer goods (FMCG).

26. Trihatmoko, R. A., R. Mulyani, N. Lukviarman. Product placement strategy in the

business market competition: Studies of fast moving consumer goods. // Business and
Management Horizon, 6, 2018, № 1, p. 150-161. ISSN 2326-0297.
https://doi.org/10.5296/bmh.v6i1.13239 Достъпно на:

Abstract: The phenomenon of distribution intensity has received little

attention in academic research, particularly in its relation to the distribution of
Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). This paper aimed at exploring
distribution management practices that is appropriate for describing concept
and theory related to product placement in the market. The paper uses either
qualitative research method as phenomenology by using the philosophy of
constructivism interpretation or grounded theory by philosophy of pragmatism
interpretation. The data obtained to study the development in FMCG
distribution management in term of channel group of traditional markets in
Indonesia. The result identifies and describes that product placement concept
pervades relations among: (1) the firm’s strategic policy; (2) numbers, types,
and roles of salesperson; (3) the distribution level of product; and (4) the
customers’ coverage expansion. Theoretically this paper proposes four typical
of product placement strategies namely; trial, introduction, attacker, and leader.
It might be argued that the findings of this study have constructively arranged
the concept and theory of product placement as a form of its novelty. The
result of the study contributes into the concept of “place” in marketing mix,
along with the use of agency theory as an alternative perspective in marketing
management research.
Keywords: Product Placement, Marketing Mix, Company Strategies, Channel
Management, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Agency Theory
27. Trihatmoko, R. A., Roch Mulyani. Distribution strategy for new product marketing
success: Fast movingconsumer goods (FMCG) business. // Management and Human
Resource Research Journal, 7, 2018, № 12, p. 19-32. ISSN 3363-7036. Достъпно на:

Abstract: The purpose of this study, were: (1) to uncover again the evaluations
of buyers to suppliers of new products on the aspects of supplier strategic
policies of 4P's: place, and (2) to reveal performance, and the success of new
products in market competition. The study design combined qualitative
research methodology with a grouded theory strategy and it was interpreted
using constructivism and pragmatism approaches; and started with the results
of previous studies that have used the phenomenology-constructivism
approach. The results of the study identify and describe; First: (1) the
competitive environment of the existence of product distribution considered by
the buyer; (2) the existence of product distribution has an impact on market
competition in general, namely: sales turn over of product, market share, brand
image, product demand; (3) the distribution or sale of a product extends the
customer's coverage of the product itself. Second: (1) the performance of a
product can be assessed using the parameters of distribution level performance
and product sales rounds for a certain period of time; (2) the level of
distribution and sales cycle as an indicator to evaluate products, which will
tend to succeed or fail, and the possibility of success or failure in competing in
the market. These theoretical findings were constructed as an expansion of the
concept of business buyer behavior and marketing mix - 4P's: place. The
results of this study have implications for the determination and preparation of
distribution strategy plans, measurement tools for channel management
organizational performance, and decision analysis of brand strategies.
Therefore, the deepening of the performance and success of new products -
FMCG based on distribution strategies is the uniqueness and originality of this
Keywords: Distribution Strategy, New Product, Business Buyer Behavior,
Marketing Mix, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (Fmcg), Corporate Strategy

28. Trihatmoko, R. A., S. Napitupulu, D. I. Purnamasari et al. An assessment of the

demandfor new products of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). // Business
Management and Strategy, 9, 2018, № 2, p. 18-39. ISSN 2157-6068.

Abstract: Assessing the approximation of demand for a new product is a

complex work, while current research on demand assessment is limited. The
purpose of this paper is to identify, describe, and obtain deep understanding
comprehensively about: (1) the assessment of demand by principal companies
in order to create or innovate new products; and (2) buyer responses regarding
the assessment on demand aspect concerning on new product buying decision.
This research uses qualitative method by phenomenology theoretical design
that is: Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) principal within new product
innovation, and FMCG wholesaler phenomenon within transactional buying-
selling process between wholesalers and distributors. Data interpretation for
this research is constructivism philosophy that is based on the location where
buyer and seller, and companies do exist at traditional trade. The result
identifies demand aspects those are demand of competitor product and
categorical product, product segmentation, and demand of the product itself is:
(1) several aspects that are valued by marketers in new product innovations.
Aspects of demand are assessed by marketers for marketing mix strategy
planning; and (2) the essences and buyer responses. Demand aspects are
assessed by the buyer to estimate level of demand of new product within
competition at internal or external condition. Keywords: Demand, New
products, Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), Marketing mix, Business
buyer behavior, Marketing strategies

29. Veselova, Andzela. The fast moving consumer goods in the context of the Covid 19
pandemic. – In: Proceedings of international scientific conference “New Challenges in
Economic and Business Development – 2022: Responsible Growth” May 13, 2022
Riga, University of Latvia. Riga, 2022, p. 255-261. ISBN 978-9934-23-660-0.
Достъпно на:

Abstract: 2020 and 2021 were some of the most turbulent and unpredictable
years in modern history. Focus undoubtedly was on the impact that COVID-19
has had on consumer attitudes and behaviors. The Fast moving consumer
goods (FMCG) industry is undergoing a significant transformation in response
to the demand for more convenience, the COVID-19 pandemic, and changes in
customer behavior. The major FMCG industry trends that address these
changes involve sustainable solutions for product development and packaging,
improving customer experience, and implementing digitalization. Fast-moving
consumer goods refer to products that are sold at a low cost and relatively fast.
These are products regularly purchased in large retail stores, showing relatively
short expiry dates. Examples of FMCG include non-durable products, such as
toiletries, over the counter medications, and packaged foods. The aim of
research to study basic principles and tendencies of fast-moving consumer
goods in the context of covid 19 pandemic based on theoretical aspects, draw
conclusions and elaborate proposals. The tasks of the research are the
following: 1) provide the explanation of fastmoving consumer goods; 2) to
describe secondary data from a conducted survey by Nielsen; 3) come to
conclusions and offer recommendations for the improvement of the fast-
moving consumer goods perspective. Methodologically, the research is based
on analysis of the relevant literature and the secondary data. Can conclude that
to offer better experiences to their customers and gain a competitive edge,
FMCG companies seek omnichannel sales and e-commerce in addition to
deploying big data analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions, among
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, customers, fast-moving consumer goods.

30. Keizer, Jimme A., Johannes I.M. Halman. Risks in major innovation projects, a
multiple case study within a world’s leading company in the fast moving consumer
goods. // International Journal of Technology Management, 48, 2019, № 4. p. 499-
517. ISSN 1741-5276. DOI 10.1504/IJTM.2009.026691. Достъпно на:

Abstract: This paper investigates which risks characterize radical innovation

projects. In-dept case studies were carried out via interviews and a
questionnaire. The risk concept applied in this study includes three dimensions:
certainty, controllability and impact. Three structural or unambiguous risks
were found: New product performance according to specification, reliability of
suppliers and new product adoption by consumers. The incidental or
ambiguous risks that were found relate to: internal organization and project
management. These results can provide guidance for project teams and
innovation managers regarding issues they must seek to tick off early and
issues that continuously require team and management attention.
Keywords: new product development; radical innovation; risk; case-studies;
project management

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