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Государственное казенное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования


Кафедра иностранных языков


CUSTOMS TODAY (в двух частях)
часть 1
Учебное пособие по дисциплинам
«Иностранный язык»,
«Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной деятельности»
для студентов 1 курса очного отделения

Допущено учебно-методическим советом Академии
в качестве учебного пособия для студентов,
обучающихся по специальности 03401.65 «Таможенное дело»


Н.И.Рец, заведующий кафедрой совершенствования языковой подготовки

Института дистанционного обучения, переподготовки и повышения
квалификации кандидат технических наук, доцент;

А.З.Измайлов, заведующий кафедрой иностранных языков Московской

государственной академии коммунального хозяйства и строительства,
кандидат филологических наук, доцент.

Давыдова Г.П., Колеганова В.В «Современная таможенная

служба»/”Customs Today” (в двух частях) часть 1 (пособие по дисциплинам
«Иностранный язык (английский)», «Иностранный язык в сфере
профессиональной деятельности (английский)» для студентов 1 курса
очного отделения– М.:Изд-во Российской таможенной академии, 2012.

Учебное пособие включает методические указания по работе над

иностранным языком, профессионально-ориентированные тексты,
лексико-грамматические упражнения, задания для развития
коммуникативных навыков, а также материалы средств массовой
информации для чтения и самостоятельной работы, справочный материал.
Данное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса очной формы
обучения факультета таможенного дела Российской таможенной академии,
обучающихся по специальности 03401.65 - «Таможенное дело»

© Г.П.Давыдова, В.В.Колеганова, 2012.

© Российская таможенная академия, 2012.

Роль иностранного языка как средства общения и взаимопонимания

становится в настоящее время еще более значимой вследствие
определенных факторов, характерных для современного общества:
расширение международных экономических, политических и культурных
связей; развитие международных средств массовой коммуникации;
открытость политики государства мировому сообществу.
Прагматический аспект изучения иностранного языка тесным
образом связан с наличием потребности его применения в повседневной
жизни и в ситуациях профессионального общения. Данное пособие ставит
своей задачей помочь студентам факультета таможенного дела овладеть
навыками языковой компетенции необходимыми для осуществления
профессиональной коммуникации.
Учебное пособие «Современная таможенная служба» / ”Customs
Today” (в двух частях) часть 1 по дисциплинам «Иностранный язык
(английский)», «Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной
деятельности» предназначено для студентов 1 курса очного отделения
факультета таможенного дела является составной частью УМК для
специальности 036401.65 «Таможенное дело».
Задачи и содержание дисциплин, требования текущего,
промежуточного и итогового контроля соответствуют Рабочим
программам учебных дисциплин «Иностранный язык (английский)»,
«Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной деятельности
(английский)», утвержденным учебно-методическим советом факультета
таможенного дела РТА.
В соответствии с ФГОС ВПО процесс изучения дисциплин
«Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной
деятельности» направлен на формирование:
а) общекультурной компетенции, предусматривающей способность
применять иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной деятельности
б) профессиональной компетенции, предусматривающей владение
навыками сотрудничества с таможенными и иными компетентными
органами иностранных государств, Всемирной таможенной организацией
и иными международными организациями, занимающимися таможенным
делом (ПК-22).
В результате изучения дисциплины студент должен:
а) знать базовую общеупотребительную лексику и специальную
терминологию на иностранном языке, базовые грамматические темы
иностранного языка, обеспечивающие коммуникацию по профилю
б) уметь читать, понимать, анализировать как учебные, так и
оригинальные тексты различной сложности, применяя просмотровый,
ознакомительный, изучающий и поисковый виды чтения; понимать при
однократном предъявлении аутентичную монологическую и
диалогическую речь в пределах пройденной тематики в нормальном темпе
в непосредственном контакте с партнером, а также в записи на различных
в) владеть навыками разговорно-бытовой и профессиональной речи
на иностранном языке; основами профессионально-речевой
коммуникации, основными навыками письменного оформления
документов, в том числе такими, как подготовленное и неподготовленное
монологическое высказывание, а также сообщение, объяснение,
развернутая реплика, реферирование профессионально-ориентированного
текста, презентация, доклад по специальности; навыками ведения диалога
с партнером и выражения обширного реестра коммуникативных
намерений (вопрос, информирование, пояснение, уточнение, совет,
иллюстрирование и др.) в процессе иноязычного общения в объеме
пройденной тематики в различных по степени официальности ситуациях;
навыками продуктивной письменной речи нейтрального и официального
характера в следующих формах: деловая переписка, заполнение
таможенных документов, составление отчета, написание тезисов доклада.

Пособие включает:
1. Рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы.
2. Профессионально-ориентированные тексты, лексико-грамматические
задания к ним.
3. Словарь-минимум по каждой теме.
4. Раздел Communication Activities
5. Conversational Formulas
6. Тексты для чтения и анализа / Texts for Reading and Analyses

Изучение иностранного языка – это осознанная целенаправленная

деятельность, ориентированная на усвоение структурных характеристик
иностранного языка, таких как фонетика, лексика, грамматика. Данное
учебное пособие имеет целью помочь вам найти наиболее эффективные
пути формирования языковых умений и навыков, необходимых для
осуществления профессиональной коммуникации.
Немаловажным здесь является «умение учиться», т.к. рассчитывать
на успех при ограниченном количестве часов можно только в том случае,
если обучающийся будет уметь работать самостоятельно.
Для организации эффективной работы над иностранным языком
необходимо научиться следующему:
- планировать собственную учебную деятельность;
- выбирать наиболее оптимальные средства решения поставленных
учебных задач;
- использовать различные виды работ со справочной и учебной
литературой в процессе выполнения учебной задачи;
- осуществлять самоконтроль в процессе учебной деятельности.

Работа над текстом.

Работа над текстом – один из важнейших компонентов

познавательной деятельности, который направлен на извлечение
информации из письменного источника. Для того, чтобы текст стал
реальной и продуктивной основой обучения всем видам речевой
деятельности, необходимо проделать ряд операций с составляющими его
языковыми единицами, научиться трансформировать их и конструировать
свои предложения для решения определенных коммуникативных задач
(пересказа, составления выступления по теме, диалога, письменного
сообщения и т.д.). Рекомендуется следующий порядок действий:

1. Просмотрите текст и постарайтесь понять, о чем идет речь.

2. При повторном чтении разделите сложносочиненные или
сложноподчиненные предложения на самостоятельные и придаточные,
выделите причастные обороты или другие конструкции.

3. Найдите подлежащее и сказуемое, и поняв их значение,

переведите последовательно второстепенные члены предложения.

4. Если предложение длинное, определите слова и группы, которые

можно временно опустить для выяснения основного содержания
предложения. Не ищите в словаре сразу все незнакомые слова, попробуйте
догадаться об их значении по контексту.

5. Внимательно присмотритесь к словам, имеющим знакомые вам

корни, суффиксы, приставки. При этом обратите внимание на то, какой
частью речи являются такие слова.

6. Слова, оставшиеся непонятными, ищите в словаре.

Работа со словарем.

1. Повторите английский алфавит. Это поможет находить слова не

только по первой букве, но и по всем остальным.

2. Запомните обозначения частей речи:

n – noun - имя существительное
v – verb - глагол
adj. – adjective – имя прилагательное
adv. – adverb - наречие
pron. – pronoun – местоимение
prep. – preposition – предлог и т.д.

3. Из нескольких значений слова в словарной статье постарайтесь

подобрать близкое по смыслу, связав с общим смыслом предложения.

4. Помимо словарей общеупотребительной лексики пользуйтесь

терминологическими словарями по своей специальности.
Несмотря на помощь словаря, вам будут встречаться непонятные
слова и выражения. Не теряйте зря времени, если очень долго не можете
разобраться сами. Обратитесь за консультацией к преподавателю.

Работа над лексикой.

Запоминание лексики обычно бывает основной трудностью при

изучении иностранного языка. Без знания слов не может быть знания
языка. Нужно проделать большую и сознательную работу, прежде чем
будет усвоен необходимый словарный минимум профессиональных

Встречая новое слово, всегда анализируйте его, обращая внимание

на написание, произношение и значение. Часто можно найти сходство с
аналогичным или сходным русским словом, например, passenger –
пассажир и др. Важно также научиться подмечать родство новых слов с
уже известными. Однако, есть слова, не поддающиеся никакому
анализу. Их надо постараться запомнить, но механическое повторение
не всегда эффективно. Попробуйте следующий порядок работы:
- произнесите новое слово сначала изолированно;
- произнесите словосочетание из текста с новым словом (уделите
особое внимание предлогам);
- подберите к новому слову синонимы или антонимы (если это
- выполните письменно лексические упражнения после текста.

Работа над грамматикой.

Формирование речевого грамматического навыка предполагает

воспроизведение различных грамматических явлений в ситуациях,
типичных для профессиональной коммуникации и адекватное
грамматическое оформление высказываний. Работая над этим, вам

- прочтите развернутый теоретический материал по изучаемой теме в

учебнике по грамматике английского языка;
- изучите справочную таблицу в приложении к данному пособию;
- найдите в тексте урока изучаемую грамматическую структуру ;
- обозначьте имеющиеся грамматические ориентиры;
- сделайте письменно упражнения;
- варьируйте содержание предложений в имеющихся моделях, заменяя
слова в зависимости от меняющейся ситуации;
- сопоставьте/противопоставьте изучаемую структуру ранее изученным;
Переход от навыков к умениям обеспечивается посредством
активации новых грамматических структур в составе диалогических и
монологических высказываний по определенной теме. Включайте
освоенный материал в беседы и высказывания по пройденным темам.

Предложенные рекомендации могут помочь вам найти наиболее

эффективные пути освоения иностранного языка. Однако надо помнить,
что нет единой инструкции для всех, по которой следует изучать
иностранный язык. Только ваш собственный опыт подскажет, какие из
рекомендаций являются наиболее полезными лично для вас.
Работая творчески, проявляя активность, желание,
самостоятельность вы сможете достичь поставленной цели – овладеть
иностранным языком в объеме необходимом для осуществления
коммуникации в профессиональной сфере.


What is the English for «таможня», «таможенник»?

customs [kΛst∂mz] - import duties;

the Customs - the department of government that collects import duties.

It has other functions too.

Customs Enclosure - office/place where passengers, cargo, transport
Hall complete formalities and wait to be released
Check point from customs control;

a customs officer - a person who works for the Customs;

the Russian Customs Academy - an educational institution where

young people study to qualify for
the job at the Customs

* * *
a custom - a tradition;
a customer - a client;
“A customer is always right.”
Text 1

Task 1. Read and translate the text

Customs officers are multi-skilled and can move through different work
areas. Some work areas involve working in shifts or overtime, indoors or
outdoors. Most officers wear uniform and work closely with public. Customs
officers must be competent and correctly apply customs laws and regulations
when they:
- examine passengers and their baggage at different ports of entry ;
- clear cargo and transport means at check-points and warehouses;
- process documents and collect duties;
- interdict the traffic of smuggling.
Customs officers use a wide range of tools and technology, such as
computers, metal detectors, X-ray machines and scanners. There are also
canine enforcement teams where dogs are trained to detect narcotics,
explosives and currency.
Thousands of passengers pass through international airports every day.
Many of them are questioned, some are searched and some are punished with
penalties if they break laws. This work requires attention, concentration and
sometimes intuition. Travelers are often tired or upset and they can be difficult
to deal with. To act with diplomacy at all times and stay calm however
provoked is an important part of the job.
The Customs Service involves law enforcement, and the staff must
display the highest personal and professional conduct in fulfilling their duties.
Team work is essential to successful operation of all departments of the
Customs. Moreover, Customs officers cooperate with other law enforcement
agencies such as the Police, Border guards, Tax Police, Federal Security
Bureau (FSB), etc.
There are career prospects within the Customs where the staff can work
at different areas to learn more and to move to another level.

Working on the text

Task 2. Put the words into the correct column according to the pronunciation.
search, punish, technology, machine, shifts, check, professional, , charge
technique, merchandise, commercial, chemicals, precious, purchase,
champagne, Asia

[k] [t∫] [∫]

technology search punish

Task 3. a) Mark the stress in the Russian words and compare it with the
English words. Tick the pairs of words with different stressed syllables.
officer офицер
passenger пассажир
academy академия
baggage багаж
metal металл
control контроль
document документ
uniform униформа
contraband контрабанда
competent компетентный
police полиция

b) Read the English words again.

c) Put the English words into alphabetical order.

Task 4. Give the English equivalents of the following:

таможенник; форма; законы и правила; пошлины; контрабанда;
технические средства; валюта; штраф; правоохранительная
деятельность; перспектива; таможенный пост; персонал; взрывчатые
вещества; кинологическое подразделение

Task 5. Find in the text the synonyms to the following words:

- to check - department
- contraband - employees
- goods - passenger
- a fine - inspector

Task 6. Find in the text the words that may follow these verbs:
- to work - to wear
- to deal with - to detect
- to use - to train
- to act - to clear
- to be involved in - to collect
- to apply - to cooperate

Task 7. a) Match left and right to make word combinations and translate them:
metal guard
team areas
law enforcement
border point
work detector
check work

b) Make sentences using these word combinations.

Task 8. Answer the questions:
1. Where do customs officers work?
2. Do customs officers work indoors or outdoors?
3. Do customs officers work in shifts or overtime?
4. Do they wear uniform?
5. What do they deal with?
6. What tools and technologies do they use?
7. What are customs officers’ responsibilities?
8. Do they have to meet a lot of people? What people?
9. Does the job require any special skills or traits of character?
10. Does the Customs cooperate with any other state bodies?

Task 9. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Я работаю на таможенном посту.

2. Обычно мы работаем в дневную смену.
3. Таможенники, как правило, носят форму.
4. Мы проверяем документы, груз и транспортные средства.
5. Мы используем современные технологии, а также бригады кинологов
для эффективного контроля пассажиров.
6. Наша цель – выявлять контрабанду.
7. Таможенники досматривают грузы в таможенной зоне.
8. Когда я провожу досмотр багажа, я стараюсь быть предельно
9. Они защищают экономические интересы страны.
10. Наши клиенты хорошо говорят по-английски.
11. Мы начисляем пошлины на ввозимые товары.
12. Таможенники сотрудничают с Налоговой инспекцией и другими
правоохранительными органами.
13. Таможенники должны знать законы и правила, чтобы грамотно их
14. При прохождении таможенного контроля пассажиры должны
отвечать на вопросы сотрудников таможни о своём багаже и предъявить
его для досмотра.
Text 2

Task 10. a) Read and translate the text:

Danger! Sense of humor failure.

(by Bill Bryson)

Here’s my tip of the week. Don’t make jokes in America. Even in

experienced hands, a joke can be a dangerous thing. I came to this conclusion
recently while passing through Customs and Immigration at Logan airport in
Boston. As I approached the last immigration official, he said to me, ‘Any fruit
or vegetables?’
What does this question mean? Why did the official ask it?
I considered for a moment. ‘Sure, why not?’ I said. ‘I’ll have four pounds
of potatoes and some mangoes, if they are fresh.’
Instantly, I could see that I had misjudged my audience. He looked at me
with one of those slow, dark expressions that you never want to see in a
uniformed official, but especially in a US Customs and Immigration officer.
Why did the customs official begin to get angry?
Luckily he appeared to conclude that I was just incredibly stupid. ‘Sir,’ he
enquired more specifically. ‘Are you carrying any items of fruit or vegetable?’
‘No, sir, I’m not,’ I answered at once, and gave him the most respectable look I
believe I have given anybody in my life. I left him shaking his head. I am sure
that for the rest of his career he will always be telling people about the idiot who
thought he was a greengrocer.
Why do you think the author gave the customs official a very respectful look?
The same thing happened another time when I was talking to my
neighbor about a disastrous airline trip which had left me stranded overnight in
Denver. ‘Who did you fly with?’ he asked.
What does the question really mean?
‘I don’t know,’ I replied. ‘They were all strangers.’ He looked at me with
an expression of panic.
‘No, I meant which airline you had flown with,’ he said. Soon after this
my wife ordered me to stop making jokes with him, as our conversations were
giving him migraine.

Why didn’t his neighbor understand his answers?

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

c) Answer the questions:

1. What do you think these people’s problem was?
2. What should people do to avoid misunderstanding?
3. Can you remember any situations like that which happened to you?

Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 11. Make as many word combinations as you can:


Task 12. Put the following nouns into the correct column:
news, luggage, goods, money, belongings, progress, clothes,
advice, headquarters, resources, cash, valuables, furniture,
equipment, premises, police

nouns used only in the singular nouns used only in the plural
news goods

Task 13. Find the word with the most general meaning in each line:
1) contract, certificate, license, document, declaration
2) computer, telephone, equipment, fax-machine, Xerox
3) control, examine, inspect, check
4) terminal, station, port of entry, airport
5) suitcase, rucksack, handbag, box, baggage
6) camera, X-ray machine, technology, metal detector, fiberscope
7) transport, aircraft, train, truck, ship
8) duty, payment, penalty, fine, tax
9) passenger, customer, broker, trader
10) ask, answer, explain, consult, inform, communicate

Task 14. Put the words in the correct order.

1) they/ uniform/ always/ wear.
2) don’t/ English/ speak/ at work/ I.
3) he/ abroad/ on business trips/ goes/ often.
4) passenger’s baggage/ customs/examine/ officers.
5) contraband/ find/ we/ sometimes.
6) with/am/ polite/ customers/ I/ always.
7) you/ do/ computer/ special/ use/ programs?
8) like/ outdoors/ doesn’t/ to work/ she.
9) on the night shift/ do/ work/ you/ often?
10) work/ machine/ doesn’t/ X-ray/ this.
11) passengers/ customs/ through/ pass/ always/ control.
12) help/ to detect/ drugs/ dogs.
13) check-point/ modern/ our/ got/ computers/ has.
14) department/ that/ duties/ and/ collects.
15) business/ customs officers/ health/ protect/ public/ and.

Task 15. Find as many words from the topic as you can.


Task 16. Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.

“I saw an advertisement for *HM Revenue and Excise and thought that it
sounded really interesting. I joined HM Revenue and Excise as an administrative
assistant doing general support work. I did that job for three years. When I got
my promotion to administrative officer, I worked on the project which involved
the simplification of the paperwork for the import and export of goods. I had to
handle telephone enquiries. It was very challenging work and there was never a
dull moment. After two years I applied for the Investigation division and was
fortunate enough to get the job. It was a good opportunity to broaden my
experience. My current job as a control officer is tough, but very interesting. The
main part of my job is to help traders to understand the regulations and to ensure
if they are following the correct procedures. I feel that I am part of the Team and
that what I am doing is worthwhile.

*Before 2005 the department was called HM Customs and Excise.


Task 17. Think of a profession. Try to guess what professions your partners
have in mind. The following YES/NO questions may help you:

1. Do you work indoors / outdoors?

2. Do you work in shifts?
3. Do you wear uniform?
4. Do you deal with …?
5. Do you use any special tools?
6. Do you meet a lot of people?
7. Do you have to speak foreign languages?
8. Do you have to go on business trips?
9. Do you need any special skills/education?
10. Is your profession prestigious / well-paid?

Task 18. Complete the sentences.

1. The Customs is the state body which …
2. The duties of the customs officer include …
3. If you want to be a customs officer you should …
4. A person can’t be a customs officer if …

Task 19. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being a customs officer.
Make a list:
advantages disadvantages
It is prestigious… Customs officers have to work in
shifts …

Task 20. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

Communication activities.

Task 21. What sort of personality characteristics are most important for:
- a customs officer / - a flight attendant? Mark three of the following:

decisive stable sympathetic

independent brave authoritative
emotional strong friendly
self- disciplined kind fair
supportive firm reliable

Compare your choices with your partner.

Task 22. If you were unemployed would you take a job in:

a factory a hospital a Customs warehouse

a bank a shop a scientific research centre
a bakery a library an Internet café
a restaurant a theatre the Customs Academy
a school an airport a police station

See if your answers are the same with your partner’s and if you answered
«maybe» say what it would depend on. What jobs would you hate to do and
Task 23. What would be your ideal job?
 What are the most important aspects of job satisfaction for you?
 Describe some personal and physical qualities that a person needs for this
 What qualities are essential for this job? Cross out the ones you think you
don’t possess and therefore may have to work on.

Discuss your answers to these questions with your partner and give an
explanation for your choice.

Task 24. Think of any job and imagine it is yours. Imagine 5 things you did
yesterday as part of your job and write them down. Read out your story to your
partner. See if he can guess what your job is.

Task 25. Discuss with your partner the following: what sort of personal
characteristics do you think are the most important for a customs officer? Mark
three of the following (using one for the most important, then two and three).

decisive loyal tall

sympathetic friendly honest
empathetic strong strict
attentive kind serious
emotional generous blue-eyed
authoritative independent self-disciplined
clever stable melancholy
sad brave

Task 26. Role -play.

a) You are a customs officer. Answer these questions for a school leaver
interested in a career in the Customs.

1. What qualities does a Customs officer need?

2. Why do you think it is a difficult science to study?
3. Which subjects should I study if I want to be a Customs officer?
4. What career opportunities are there for someone who has studied Customs
5. Do all Customs officers do the same kind of the work?
6. What type of work is being done in Customs in Russia?
7. Why do some people say career prospects in the Customs Service are very
8. Why do you say a career in the Customs Service could be very exciting in

b) Discuss your answers in class.

Task 27. Group work. In groups decide on a job vacancy, e. g. a customs

officer, a dog handler, a customs broker, etc. Three students then role play the
job interviewers. One is sympathetic, one aggressive and one is neutral. The
other students role -play the applicants. Several people are interviewed for the
same job. The interviewers then discuss them, comparing their abilities. The
group can decide who gets the job.


the Сustoms таможня

the Customs Service таможенная служба
customs warehouse таможенный склад
customs check-point таможенный пост
to work in shifts / overtime посменно / сверхурочно
indoors /outdoors в помещении / на открытом воздухе
to wear uniform носить форму
competent компетентный
law, legal act закон
to apply зд. применять
regulations правила
to clear зд. оформлять
cargo груз
to deal иметь дело с чем/кем-либо
transport means транспортное средство
tools инструменты, приспособления
technology высокотехнологичное оборудование
metal detector металлоискатель
X-ray machine рентген-аппарат
canine enforcement team (К-9) бригада кинологов
drug detector dog собака, обученная находить
explosives взрывчатые вещества
currency валюта
to pass through проходить через
to process documents оформлять документы
to inspect syn. to examine, to search, досматривать
to check, to control, to rummage
to punish наказывать
penalty, fine, штраф
to require требовать
to break law нарушать закон
traveler, passenger пассажир
to detect обнаруживать
to collect взимать
to charge, to impose налагать
duty пошлина
personal and professional conduct личные и профессиональные
to interdict предотвращать, задерживать
smuggling, contraband контрабанда
fair trade честная торговля
traffic of smuggling провоз контрабанды
career prospects перспектива карьерного роста
staff, employees, personnel штат; сотрудники
essential существенный, неотъемлемый
the Russian Customs Academy Российская таможенная академия
Border guards пограничная служба
Tax police налоговая полиция
Federal Security Bureau Федеральная Служба Безопасности
department, section, desk, group oтдел
goods, things товар
luggage (Br E), baggage (Am E) багаж
to suspect подозревать
Investigations department следственное управление
to import / export; import / export ввозить/вывозить; ввоз/вывоз
to fill in (to fill out - Am E) заполнять
to weigh/ weight взвешивать/вес
channel канал

Text 1


Task 1. Read and translate the text.

The current Russian word tamozhnya appeared in the times of Mongol-

Tatar yoke. The word tamga, in Tatar, meant “a customs tax; an official who
collected it; and the stamped seal or a statement showing that it had been
paid”. The Russian Customs Service, however, predates the Mongol-Tatar yoke
(1237-1480). Thus, we can say that Russia has had a Customs Service in some
form during the past 1000 years.
Even in the times of Kievan Rus, taxes were collected for the
transportation of goods through the frontiers of individual princedoms. Each
market had its tamozhnya and the right to collect duties could be purchased
from the State. That right was often given to powerful merchants.
The first Russian Customs Statute was handed down in 1667. It was
strict towards foreigners, who were allowed to trade only in frontier towns on
pain of confiscation. A special tsar’s certificate was required for trading further
inside the country. Such protectionism went on for most of the next 300 years.
Every tsar, from Peter the Great to Nicolas II, approved laws limiting the
import of foreign goods and defending Russian producers.
For almost all of its history the Customs Service has been much more than
a force for keeping out contraband. In fact, it has been a powerful
administrative body, and customs business has always been considered
important and prestigious.

* * *
A number of well-known people both in Russia and abroad worked for the
Customs and contributed to its development.
The Russian tsar Alexei Mikhailovitch was the head of the Russian state
for more than 30 years (1645-1676). It was the time when the main state
institutions were formed. He did a lot to develop customs laws. For example,
he initiated customs reforms by issuing the Decree “On levying customs
duties on goods in Moscow and other cities”. Besides, he signed the New Trade
Statute (1667) which was based on the previous legislation and suggestions,
made by Russian merchants. It was the first attempt to arrange customs
The well-known Russian poet Gavriil R. Derzchavin combined his
literary activities with his work as President of Commerce Board in 1794-1803.
He was engaged in foreign trade and customs business and took part in
working out customs tariffs which came into effect in 1800.
Alexander N. Radishev, the famous Russian writer, also worked for the
Customs and was appointed the head of St.Petersburg Customs House.
Dmitry I. Mendeleev was a great Russian chemist and a public figure. In
1891-1903 he was Head of the Commission in charge of customs tariffs. He
was sure that protectionist tariff would serve the development of the country as
it not only regulated export and import but also stimulated industrial
production. He was one of the first to discover the laws ruling customs
Nowadays Russia has the world’s longest border to police and has a
modern, multi-functioning Customs Service. It carries out the same functions
as the Customs of other countries: fiscal function, regulation of foreign trade,
law enforcement, keeping of customs statistics on foreign trade, etc.
Working on the text

Task 2. Look at these words and answer the question.

Is there anything special about the way we should read and pronounce them?

through foreign write export chemist either

right sign wrong import technology

Task 3. Find in the text the words that follow the verbs below:
a) to initiate e) to discover i) to collect
b) to levy f) to be engaged in j) to approve
c) to regulate g) to work out k) to combine
d) to stimulate h) to issue l) to form

Task 4. Find the words or phrases in the text which mean the following:

a) to be involved in some activity f) the laws

b) to start g) trader
c) to collect by authority h) tax on certain goods
d) to choose for a post i) to come into force
e) to find out

Task 5. a) Give the Russian equivalents of the following:

b) Explain the meaning of the underlined expressions. See Conversational

- the development of customs law;

- to initiate reforms;
- ”On levying customs duties”;
- to be based on previous legislation;
- to arrange customs procedures;
- to come into effect;
- to predate ;
- powerful merchants;
- to hand down;
- to keep out contraband;
- a public figure

Task 6. Complete the sentences.

1. The Russian tsar Alexei Mikhailovitch initiated customs reforms …

2. It was the first attempt …
3. He was sure that protectionist tariff …
4. It was based on previous legislation and …
5. He was one of the first to …

Task 7. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false

1. The word tamga meant a customs tax.

2. The Russian Customs Service appeared in the times of Mongol-Tatar yoke.
3. In Kievan Rus, no taxes were collected at the frontiers of individual
4. Collecting duties was the only function of the Customs.
5. The first Russian Customs Statute was handed down in the XVII century.
6. The customs legislation has always been loyal to foreign traders.
7. The New Trade Statute of 1677 was worked out by D.I.Mendeleev.

Task 8. Answer the questions.

1. When did the word tamozhnya appear?

2. What did the word tamga mean?
3. Who was given the right to collect duties?
4. How long has Russia had the Customs Service?
5. When was the first Russian Customs Statute handed down?
6. Where were foreigners allowed to trade?
7. When were the main Russian state institutions formed?
8. What reform did Alexei Mikhailovitch initiate?
9. What was the New Trade Statute based on?
10. What was Commerce Board engaged in?
11. What did D.I.Mendeleev think about the protectionist tariff?

Task 9. a) Complete the text with suitable prepositions if necessary.

British Customs service can also boast _____ some famous people who
worked for the customs.
The Poet Robert Burns (1759-1796) was an excise officer _____ 1789
_____ 1796. Excise officers visited _____ local traders, calculated the amount
of money due and issued vouchers stating the amount payable. It was hard work
with daily rounds _____ foot or horseback. They worked full day or _____
shifts. Because of the high level of duty _____ spirits, control _____ whisky
and gin production was very important.
The excise collector made his rounds eight times _____ a year collecting
duty ______ a wide area. They usually set up an office _____ an inn where
tradesmen paid the duty. It was a dangerous job: _____ collectors were often
attacked and robbed.

b) Answer the questions:

1. What kind of work did Robert Burns do at the Customs?

2. Why did customs officers visit local traders?
3. Why was the control of whisky and gin production so important?
4. Where did excise collectors set up their offices?
5. Why was excise collectors’ job so dangerous?

Task 10. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Он работает посменно, не так ли?

2. Кто разрабатывал этот таможенный тариф?
3. Эта комиссия занимается вопросами внешней торговли и таможенного
4. Когда он был назначен начальником таможни?
5. Он много сделал для развития таможенного законодательства.
6. Протекционистский тариф стимулирует развитие промышленного
7. Новый торговый устав ввел новые правила провоза товаров через
8. Акцизный чиновник выписал квитанцию с указанием суммы,
подлежащей оплате.
9. Если ты станешь таможенником, то будешь иметь дело с таможенными

Text 2

Task 11. a) Look up the words in a dictionary. Read and translate the text.

reign to wage coffin

headquarters schooner


The history of smuggling dates back to the Middle Ages and reached its
peak in the reign of James I. Smuggling was easy because the customs officers
were unable to cope with it adequately as on land they were far too few, and at
sea, their ships were slow and less easy to handle. In addition, many of
smugglers worked in large armed bands.
With the passing time, methods of smuggling were changing, and the
smugglers no longer relied on large armed ships fighting their way through,
handing over their contraband to armed gangs. Instead they sank their valuable
goods near the shore, when the danger threatened, and picked them up later, or
stored them in caves. When contraband was landed, it had to be hidden until it
could be disposed of. Many of the old inns were very convenient for it.
The White Horse Inn at Gorleston, Norfolk, was the headquarters of a
smuggling gang. Riding officer Hacon was appointed to that area, and he went
straight to the White Horse and announced that he was going to put down
smuggling with a firm hand.
Captain Legatt waged fifty guineas that he would deliver 100kg of
smuggled tobacco at the officer’s house without his knowledge within fourteen
days. Hacon accepted the challenge and put on extra guards. There was much
interest among the town people.
Several days passed and nothing happened. Ships came and went, but
there was no sign of tobacco.
Once a little schooner came in. Three men came ashore in a boat. Only
one of them spoke a little English and it seemed that a man on the ship was very
ill. The next day a message was sent ashore that the man was dead. A funeral
procession was formed because the dead man had wished to be buried there.
Meanwhile the fourteenth day was drawing to a close. People were
beginning to laugh at the smugglers. Then the Captain appeared and shook
hands with Hacon.
“Well,” he said. “You owe me fifty guineas, I think.
“The boot is on the other foot*”, said Hacon with a smile.
“I think you’ll find the tobacco ready for you at home”, said Legatt. “That
poor dead sailor who wished to be buried here – well, you go home and have a
look – and keep the coffin as a small present”, and he roared with laughter.

* как раз наоборот

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

c) Answer the questions:

1. Why was smuggling easy at that time?

2. What difficulties did customs officers have?
3. What methods did smugglers use?
4. What arrangement was made between Officer Hacon and Captain Legatt?
5. How did Captain Legatt win fifty guineas?

* * *
Problem questions:
1. Have the methods of smuggling changed in any way since those times?
2. What modern methods of detecting contraband do you know?

Task 12. a) Complete the sentences with the following phrasal verbs:

to rely on to cope with to hand over to pick up to put down

1. This computer can __________ huge amount of data.

2. The violence was __________ by the police and the army.
3. Many people now __________ the Internet for news.
4. I’ll take my things to the Left Baggage Counter and _____ them _____ later.
5. The police officers were ordered to __________ their guns.

b) Make your own sentences with these phrasal verbs.

Task 13. a) Revise the grammar rules on Comparatives and Superlatives.

b) Copy out the adjectives from Text 2 and complete the table.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

easy easier the easiest
c) Write five sentences to compare the work of customs officers in the past
and nowadays.

Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 14. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. Customs tariff (to work out) in 1795 but it (to come) into effect only in 1800.
2. After the New Trade Statute (to sign), customs procedures (to establish).
3. Before he (to appoint) Head of St.Petersburg Customs House, A.N.Radishev
(to work) for Commerce Board.
4. G.R.Derzhavin (to work) at the Customs tariff for two years when Paul I
(to decide) to abolish it.
5. He (to be sure) that protectionist policy (to stimulate) industrial production.
6. He (to work) for the Customs for 15 years. Then he (to retire).
7. While he (to collect) customs duties for 20 years, he (to attack) several times.
8. When he (to think over) the customs tariffs he (to come) to the conclusion that
it (to serve) the development of the country.
9. It (to be) clear that he (not to be able) to pay the amount of duty, that the
excise officer (to state) in the voucher.

Task 15. a) Revise the grammar and put the words into the proper category:

baggage, declaration form, alcohol, work, cargo, equipment, procedure,

tool, currency, job, car, employee, ship, reform, ruble, attempt,
public, responsibility

MUCH (- / ? ) A LOT OF ( + ) MANY ( + / - / ? )

baggage declaration form

b) Complete the text. Use LITTLE / FEW / A LOT OF. Make necessary
Nutrition information.

For those of you who watch what you eat. It’s a relief to know the truth
after all those conflicting medical studies.
1. The Japanese eat very __________ fat and suffer __________ heart attacks
than the British or Americans.
2. The Mexicans eat __________ fat and suffer __________ heart attacks than
the British or Americans.
3. The Japanese drink very __________ red wine and suffer __________ heart
attacks than the British or Americans.
4. The Italians drink __________ wine and suffer __________ heart attacks than
the British or Americans.
5. The Germans drink __________ beer and eat __________ sausages and fats
and suffer __________ heart attacks than the British or Americans.
CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently
what kills you.

c) Ask questions using MUCH / MANY, FEW / LITTLE and the following

1) tobacco /to carry 7) alcohol / to sell

2) false passport / to confiscate 8) bottles of perfume / to buy
3) wine / to import 9) time / to wait
4) suitcase / to take 10) tax / to collect
5) money / to spend 11) dollars / to find
6) traveler / to check 12) gold item / to conceal

Task 16. a) Read and translate the text.

When a Buick Le Sabre entered the customs control zone, a customs

officer asked the driver routine questions. Since the driver was nervous, the
officer selected him for an intensive inspection. Customs drug detector dog “Bo”
alerted to the presence of narcotics. The officers searched the car and found 14
heroin-filled bundles. Special agents arrested the driver and he was accused of a
failed smuggling attempt.

b) Study the table and ask 10 questions to the text:

Customs officers detained the Customs officers detained a traveler.

Who detained the traveler? Who did customs officers detain?
– Customs officers did. – A traveler.

The X-ray will reveal contraband. The X-ray will reveal contraband.

What will reveal contraband? What will the X-ray reveal?

– The X-ray will. -Contraband.

c) Give the gist of the story.

Task 17. a) Read the introduction to the exercise.

Being a customs officer you will frequently deal with the public.
Generally, the “public” we serve are passengers, traders, ship and aircraft crews,
shipping agents, etc. These people will classify anything that you do or say to
them as typical for the Customs Service. You have, therefore, to meet certain
standards of behavior and appearance.
As far as behavior is concerned, the code known as “Seven C’s”, is worth
bearing in mind.

b) Match left and right.

1. Command attention a) Never be vague. The more clearly you

C formulate your questions, the more precise
information you will get.
2. Courtesy b)Remember that you are the first line of
defense against smugglers and revenue
3. Control the situation c) You should aim to be the person in
charge of any situation.
4. Clear questions d) In difficult situations remain as cool as
possible. This often has positive effect on
irate traders, angry passengers, etc.
5. Careful examination e) Nobody knows it all: however, the
combined knowledge and experience of a
group of officers will usually provide an
answer to most problems.
6. Consult colleagues f) You will frequently be handling other
people’s property. You are expected to act
as efficiently as possible with due tact and
respect for their effects.
7. Clean hands g)The use of such words as “Sir” or
“Madam” can often work wonders.

c) Write five provisions for the code of behavior : - for students;

- for teachers
- for travelers.

Task 18. a) Study the information in the table.

adjective meaning opposite noun

EFFECTIVE successful, working in the way that ineffective effectiveness
was planned
EFFICIENT working well without wasting time, inefficient efficiency
money, or energy

b) Choose the right words from the table or their derivatives to complete the

1. Training is often less __________ than expected.

2. This new device is very __________ for screening
3. You have to find an __________ way to organize your work.
4. They argued about the __________ of a controlled delivery.
5. The government is working out __________ measures to cure unemployment.
6. Much will depend on the __________ of the stuff.
7. Students have to learn to communicate __________.
8. An _________ use of natural resources is the challenge of the XXI century.

Task 19. Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.

The custom of Customs comes from England and dates back to Anglo-
Saxon times. Shortly after the Norman Conquest, when the French began filling
England with their wine, kings decided they were entitled to five percent of
whatever wine came in. King Ethelred set up a collection post for ships sailing
the Thames past King’s castle.
So, a national Customs Service was established in 1203 and a duty of 1/5
was charged on all imports and exports. All the delivered goods had to be landed
at approved ports, inspected and measured, so that the correct amount of duty
could be fixed and collected. Luxuries like silk were taxed, but so were
everyday necessities such as soap and tea. The rates of duty were determined by
the King. Import duties became a fact of life and since more articles had become
liable to duty, the first known Book of Rates was produced in England in


Task 20. Speak about the history of Russian Customs using the information
below and some of the verbs from the box:

to set up to found to adopt to come into force to approve

to form to sign to celebrate to publish to establish to hold
to create to become to appear to exist

1137 - First Customs House in Novgorod

1653 - First Trade Statute
1667 - First Customs Code
1928 - Customs Code of the USSR
1953 - First International Customs Day - January 26
1991 - Decree “On the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation”
1985 - October 25 - Russian Customs Officer’s Day
1993 - Decree of the President setting up the Russian Customs Academy
2010 - The customs union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan

Task 21. Complete the sentences using the Infinitive:

1. To work for the Customs is to . . .
2. When you work for the Customs it is important to . . .
3. Customs officers try to . . .

Task 22. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.
Communication activities.

Task 23. Comment on the following:

“If we open a quarrel between the past and the present we shall find that we
have lost the future.” (W.Churchill)

“History is philosophy learned from examples.”


Task 24. Say why M. Lomonosov, D.Mendeleev, Y.Derzhavin, S.Vitte

deserve to be mentioned in the book about the history of Russian Customs?

Task 25. Write down five words that best describe the history of Russian
Customs. Compare your list with your partner’s words. Participate in the class
discussion of the words.

Task 26. Matching. The teacher will give you articles and headlines from
English language newspapers. Work in groups matching each headline to its

Task 27. Complete the following proverbs and give their Russian equivalents.

1. A friend in need _______________________.

2. Actions ______________________words.
3. _______________________ that ends well.
4. As you make your bed __________________.
5. East or West, __________________.
6. __________________ before you leap.
7. Make _______________ while the sun______.
8. ________________ never come alone.
9. Old _____________ are not be caught_______.
10. Second thoughts are _____________________.
11. Birds of feather ________________.

Use these proverbs in short situations of your own.


customs tax таможенная пошлина

an official официальное лицо
to collect взимать, забирать
stamped seal печать на документе
statement заявление
to predate предшестовать
transportation of goods перевозка грузов
frontier граница
frontier towns приграничные города
to purchase приобретать
state государство
merchant; merchandise купец; товар
the Russian Customs Statute Российский таможенный устав
on pain of confiscation под угрозой конфискации
to limit ограничивать
foreign goods иностранные товары
to defend защищать
powerful administrative body мощный административный орган
to contribute вносить вклад
state institutions государственные учреждения
to develop customs laws разрабатывать таможенное
to initiate начать, инициировать
to issue the Decree издать указ
Trade Statute Торговый Устав
legislation законодательство
Commerce Board торгово-промышленная палата
to work out customs tariffs разрабатывать таможенные тарифы
to come into effect вступить в силу
a public figure общественный деятель
to be in charge of стоять во главе; быть ответственным за
to police охранять, контролировать, патрулировать
modern современный
multi-functioning многофункциональный
functions функции



Text 1

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

The customs areas include the following:

1. Duty collection
The assessment and collection of duties and taxes have always been one of
the main functions of the customs service. In fact, collection of the revenue is
the responsibility with which the customs usually started. Throughout its
history the customs has supplied the federal budget with the revenue
necessary for investment in the economy and in the country’s basic
infrastructure, i.e. new schools, roads, hospitals.
2. Classification
Merchandise classification is the foundation on which duty collection
occurs. All goods entering the country should be classified by use of the
established numerical coding system. Most countries are now adopting the
Harmonized System of Classification which, in case of uniform application,
can help improve the classification of goods and prevent losses of duty
3. Appraisement
Cargo shipments entering the country are to be supplied with the
necessary documents, for example, commercial invoices, certificates of
quality, certificates of origin and others. The cargo declaration is a basis for
goods valuation and assessment of duty. Undervaluation can result in
underpayment of duties.

4. Cargo and Passenger inspection

Effective passenger and baggage control is necessary to collect proper
duty and to prevent smuggling. Baggage is checked for concealment by
X-ray or opening it. Cargo shipments are to be inspected for duty collection
and anti-smuggling purposes. Various inspectional techniques and devices
can help release merchandise quicker, with less damage and also result in
increased seizures of prohibited items.
5. Smuggling information collection and statistics
Collection and analysis of information on smuggling result in better
understanding of smuggling trends and the modus operandi of individuals or
organized crime gangs breaking customs laws.
6. Investigation
Investigation of customs violations is performed to target the more
sophisticated violators of customs laws and regulations. The full range of
customs violations can be investigated: the smuggling of merchandise,
narcotics, arms and ammunition as well as commercial fraud, currency
violations and money laundering, internal corruption, infringement of
trademark and intellectual property rights (IPR) etc.
7. Laboratory procedures
Laboratory tests are performed in order to classify merchandise and
collect the correct amount of duty. The new Harmonized System of
classification is much more dependent on laboratory analyses than most prior
classification systems because of complex chemical composition of most

Working on the text

Task 2. a) Mark the stress in the Russian words and compare it with the
English words. Tick the pairs of words with different stressed syllables.

organization организация
history история
federal федеральный
budget бюджет
economy экономика
system система
effective эффективный
territory территория
importer импортер
laboratory лаборатория

b) Read the English words again.

Task 3. a) Look through the text and find synonyms to the following words:

- goods - usage - confiscation

- infringement - basis - method
- responsibility - to set free

b) Make sentences with these words.

Task 4. a) Complete the table with the words from the text formed from the
following verbs. Make the necessary changes.

assess, collect, organize, ship, invest, pay, apply, classify, enforce,

investigate, develop, inspect, operate, conceal, regulate, violate

-ment -tion
assessment collection

b) Complete the sentences with the words from the table and translate them
into Russian.

1. The goods are ready for __________.

2. A private detective was hired to conduct the __________.
3. __________ can be made by cheque or by credit card.
4. The government is introducing new import __________.
5. Correct __________ of goods is very important for duty __________.
6. Nowadays much attention is paid to the __________ of the Customs Service
7. The __________ of scanners helps to speed up examination of goods.
8. The anti-terrorist __________ was carried out under the code name
9. One of the main functions of the Customs is __________ of duties and taxes.
10. False bottom of a bag is often used as a place of __________.
Task 5. Answer the following questions:
1. Where does the duty collected go?
2. What is the reason for merchandise classification?
3. Do all the countries have their own goods classification systems?
4. What documents must accompany the cargo?
5. Why is it necessary to inspect passengers and cargo?
6. What can help to speed up the search and to make it more efficient?
7. How can the customs statistics help in the fight against smuggling?
8. What customs violations can you name?
9. Why are some goods tested in customs laboratories?

Task 6. Say what you can remember about:

- the main functions of the customs;
- the ways to avoid underpayment of duties;
- laboratory tests;
- methods of detecting contraband;
- customs violations.

Task 7. Translate the questions and answer them.

1. Почему начисление и сбор таможенных пошлин всегда являлись
одной из основных функций таможни?
2. К каким последствиям могут привести ошибки, допущенные при
классификации товара?
3. Какой документ является основным для таможенной оценки?
4. Какие задачи стоят перед таможней при досмотре пассажиров и
5. Что помогает ускорить досмотр?
6. Для чего нужен сбор статистических данных о правонарушениях?
7. Какие правонарушения расследуют таможенники?
8. Почему необходимо проводить лабораторные анализы?
9. В обязанности таможенников входит взимание таможенных пошлин,
таможенный контроль и сбор статистических данных о ввозимых и
вывозимых товарах.

Text 2

Task 8. Read the text and answer the questions.


Customs Services and other Law enforcement agencies around the world
use canine teams (K-9) in everyday activities because dogs can sniff out
narcotics and explosives and currency which machines cannot trace. Teams
consisting of a dog and a handler are used to screen arriving aircraft, vessels,
vehicles, cargo, baggage, mail, premises and people.
The Customs uses a wide variety of dogs. But as drug detector dogs are
often on show in public areas (such as airport terminals) Customs Services
prefer to choose the breeds of which people are not frightened. That is why in
the UK they don’t use Alsatians or Rottweilers as these dogs are considered
aggressive and threatening. Mainly Labrador retrievers, Collies, German
Shepherds, Spaniels, Pointers and mixed breeds are used for drug detection
The basis for the training is the dog’s natural instinct to hunt and retrieve
and its desire to please its handler. Initially the dogs are encouraged to search for
hidden training aids. Concealments are progressively made more difficult and
the full range of drugs is introduced.
The handlers are trained to interpret the dog’s behavior or “indications”
when they are confronted with the presence of drugs. If the handler fails to
interpret these signals or indications there will be little success.
To the dog, finding drugs is fun. This is reflected in the dog’s behavior: it
is highly active at work, and enjoys the reward or praise by its handler when it
makes a find, but the dog is not allowed to feel that it is playing. To make a clear
distinction between work and play, the working dog wears a special harness.
When the handler puts the harness on the dog, the animal knows it is on duty.
* * *
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) K-9 officer working with his
partner Rambo, seized more than 4 kilograms of opium at Chicago Foreign Mail
Facility. While screening arriving international mail Rambo alerted to the
parcel, delivered from Laos, which was manifested with the description
“Traditional Tea”. The CBP officer opened the parcel to find 43 plastic bags
containing the drug packed in dried leaves. The investigation is ongoing.

* * *
U.S. CBP officers seized 66.5 kg of marijuana after a Chevrolet pickup
truck arrived at the port of entry from Mexico. During the search CBP officers
used a fiberscope to peer into fuel tank and noticed anomalies in its appearance.
CBP drug sniffing dog Dollar examined the vehicle and alerted his handler to
the presence of narcotics. CBP officers continued their inspection by removing
fuel tank. They dismantled the tank and discovered 5 sealed metal boxes with
the drug. The driver, a 55-year-old US resident was arrested and now he faces
federal prosecution on drug charges.

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

c) Answer the questions:

1. Why do K-9 teams work for the law enforcement agencies?

2. What concealed items can dogs detect?
3. What breeds are trained for anti-smuggling and anti-terrorist purposes?
4. What natural instinct of dogs is used during training and work?
5. What is essential for the successful work of a canine team?
6. Do dogs understand that they are working?
7. What did CBP dog Rambo help to discover?
8. How was the drug declared?
9. Where did the parcel arrive from?
10. What device did CBP officers use to search the truck from Mexico?
11. What special skills were required to seize the drugs concealed in the fuel

Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 9. Study the models. Translate the word combinations.

Models: a) cane sugar – тростниковый сахар

sugar cane – сахарный тростник
b) steel knife – стальной нож
steel market – рынок стали
steel price – цены на сталь
steel strike – забастовка сталелитейщиков

1. law enforcement agency 7. crime gang

2. drug detector dog 8. customs hall
3. career prospects 9. currency exchange rate
4. merchandise classification system 10. drug charges
5. cargo declaration form 11. world customs organization
6. smuggling information collection 12. oil production

Task 10. Work with the dictionary to find out the meanings of the words and
translate the sentences.

to apply – 1) _______________
2) _______________

They plan to apply to the Consul for visa.

To define the rate of tariff we apply the goods classification system.

to clear - 1) _______________
2) _______________
Within minutes the police had cleared the area.
The cargo was released from the Customs zone as soon as it was cleared.

to process – 1) _______________
2) _______________

Your documents haven’t been processed yet.

About a million workers are employed to process goods for that electronic firm.

to collect – 1) _______________
2) _______________

The company collects information about the new market trends.

Before you begin to make a speech, you should collect your thoughts and ideas.
The Customs collects import duties on certain categories of goods.

to break – 1) _______________
2) _______________

Be careful with the camera. You may break it.

If you break the rules you will be punished.
The cameras catch the drivers who break speed limit.
He never breaks his word (promise).

Task 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. Most officers (to wear) uniform and (to deal) with passengers.
2. Last year he (to work) in shifts and often overtime.
3. As soon as the customs officer (to process) the documents he (to start)
clearing the cargo. (use Present, Past, Future Tenses)
4. Customs officers always (to use) a wide range of tools and technology.
5. We (to have) canine team inspection if we (to suspect) contraband in the
container. (use Present, Future Tenses)
6. This work (to require) attention and concentration. (use Present, Past, Future
7. He (to work) for the Customs for five years.
8. They (to examine) her luggage before you (to come). (use Past, Future
9. By the time the cargo (to cross) the border the customs authorities (to process)
all the documents. (use Present, Past, Future Tenses)

Task 12. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Сотрудники таможни только что досмотрели багаж этого пассажира.

2. Они закончили оформлять документы на груз к 14.00.
3. Если документы будут заполнены правильно, сотрудник таможни
подпишет их и поставит дату.
4. Обычно сотрудники этого таможенного поста работают посменно.
5. Пока кинолог с собакой проверяли автомобиль, таможенник задавал
вопросы водителю.
6. Как долго вы работаете в отделе по расследованию?
7. Завтра в 10 часов утра мы будем обсуждать новый законодательный акт.
8. Таможенники получили информацию о контрабанде до того, как груз
прибыл на границу.

Task 13. a) Match left and right to make sentences.

1. At the Aeroflot breeding a) the world’s greatest sniffer dog.

centre they D
2. Aeroflot claims it’s b) work in temperatures as low
as -70C, and jackals which enjoy the heat
up to +40C.
3. They have spent years c) to detect concealed narcotics, currency
or explosives.
4. The dogs of that breed d) have developed a unique breed - a cross
can between a Siberian husky and a jackal.
5. They are perfect e) customs examination process at the
airports, seaports and other ports of entry.
6. The dogs are taught f) perfecting the breed and now the dogs
combine the qualities of Arctic reindeer
herding dogs.

7. This helps to expedite g) for our country.

b) Say what you have learned about the new breed.

c) Discuss the following:

1. In what countries can these dogs be used for work at the Customs?
2. For what other purposes can these dogs be used?

Task 14. a) Insert articles or possessive pronouns, if necessary.


Once _____ travel plans are confirmed, check _____ expiration date of
_____ passport. It is also _____ good idea to make _____ photocopies of _____
data page. Leave one copy with someone at _____ home and keep another one
with you, separated from _____ passport.
If you lose _____ passport, promptly call _____ nearest embassy or
consulate and _____ local police. Having _____ copy of _____ data page can
speed replacement.
When shopping, keep _____ receipts for all of _____ purchases. Upon
reentering _____ country, be ready to show _____ customs officials what you
have bought. If you object to _____ way your clearance was handled, get _____
inspector’s badge number. If you feel _____ duty is incorrect, appeal _____

b) Name three most important tips for travelers.

Task 15. Read and translate the text.

When it comes to dealing with customs officers, anywhere in the world,

the Golden Rule has got to be: You can’t beat a professional at his own game.
Case in point. Returning to New York from a trip to Europe, a well-
dressed, middle-aged woman on line in front of me put two bags on the counter
and said. “Nothing to declare, officer.”
The inspector checked her passport and asked. “Where are you coming
“Paris,” she told him.
He nodded. “No alcohol? No tobacco? No dairy products or meat? Have
you bought anything for yourself or are you bringing in any gifts?”
“No,” she insisted. “None of those things. Nothing to declare.”
“Okay.” He pointed to her smaller case. “Would you open that one for
me, please.
Now she started ts-tsking. “Officer, I know you are never going to believe
me, but this morning when I was packing to leave the hotel I closed my bags not
realizing that I had locked the keys inside. How silly of me. I’m sure it’s going
to be a big problem when I get home because I’ll have to find a locksmith …”
The customs official wasn’t in the least fazed. “Not to worry.” He reached
into a drawer and pulled out a huge steel ring with no less than six million keys
dangling from it. “I’m sure we can help.”
That’s when the woman remembered the Dior dress and the Armani shoes
and the Gucci purse and the Bruno Magli boots and the Valentino sweater and
the Piaget watch.
No, you can’t beat a professional at his own game.

b) Make up 10 questions of all types to the text;

c) Give the gist of the story.

Task 16. a) Study the information in the table.

verb meaning
KNOW to have the facts or information in your mind
LEARN to discover by hearing, reading
FIND OUT to get information by study, inquiry, calculation
RECOGNIZE to be able to identify sb/sth that one has seen, heard
GET TO KNOW to become familiar with sb/sth

b) Choose the right verb to complete the dialogue.

- Hello, Pete, delighted to see you.
- Hello, Paul. I haven’t seen you for ages. By the way, do you happen to
__________ Victor?
- I do. We studied at the Russian Customs Academy together and I __________
him very well there.
- I’ve just __________ he is back in Moscow again.
- Great! I think we should meet.
- Oh, it’s a good idea. I think it will be difficult _________ each other after
all these years. I’ll phone him and __________ what day would be most
convenient for us all.
- Please, let me __________ after you __________ everything.
- OK. See you later.

c) Use the words from the table to complete the sentences.

1. I just __________ that we are going to get new computers.

2. They (not) __________ me in the uniform.
3. You __________ how to use this tool?
4. Can you _________ why the flight has been cancelled?
5. I (not) __________ what channel I should choose.
6. We __________ about the changes in the timetable yesterday. There was a
notice on the information panel.
7. He __________ a few people in the arrival lounge. They also came to greet
the delegation.
8. The next day she __________ that she had passed the exam.
9. I’d like __________ how much I will have to pay for the excess.

Task 17. Find as many words from the topic as you can.


Task 18. Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.

The best tool for drug law enforcement is a trained, motivated and
supported customs officer. The majority of the drugs seized resulted from the
work of such officers. There are also, however, other tools and techniques
available to supplement the officers’ work and knowledge. Among the most
important of these is the principle of co-operation and exchange of information
between different Customs services. This includes specific information co-
operation on particular drug shipments and/or persons involved in the trade and
more general material on concealments, routings, courier characteristics, etc.
This is where the World Customs Organization has a leading role to play
since it provides a legal framework by which this activity can be carried out.


Task 19. Complete the definitions:

1. An architect designs buildings.

2. A university lecturer ______________________________.
3. A vet ______________________________.
4. A designer ______________________________.
5. A lawyer _____________________________.
6. An engineer ______________________________.
7. A customs officer ______________________________.
8. A dog handler ______________________________.
9. A police officer ______________________________.
10. A border guard ______________________________.
11. A president ______________________________.
12. A smuggler ______________________________.

Task 20. Say if it is true or false.

1. The assessment of import duties and taxes is the least important function in
every customs organization.
2. Cargo shipments entering the country are to be supplied with supporting
documents excluding commercial invoices.
3. Cargo shipments are inspected for duty collection only.
4. Specially trained drug-detector dogs are sometimes more effective than
traditional methods of detecting contraband.
5. The most common customs violations are: duty, tax and penalty.
6. Laboratory analyses are performed in order to prevent currency violation.

Task 21. Get ready to discuss the following questions with your partners.
1. Are all the Customs areas equally important?
2. Which customs area would you like to be involved in? Why?
3. Will the functions of the Customs be the same in 50 years time?

Task 22. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

Communication activities.

Task 23. Complete the dialogue and reproduce it with your partner.

C.O. - Will you show your belongings, please.

P.._ -_____________________________
C.O. - How many pieces do you have?
P.._ -_____________________________
C.O. - Do you have anything to declare?
P.._ -______________________________
C.O. - This quantity is not liable to duty and what do you have in your suitcase?
P.._ -_____________________________
C.O. - Thank you. That’s all .
P.._ -_____________________________

Task 24. Role-play. You are at the conference devoted to Customs areas. One
student is the chairman and he holds the conference. Other students represent
heads of different departments of customs service (according to text I, Unit 3).
They should present the work of their department (2-3 min) and answer the
questions of the chairman and other Customs representatives. (Questions should
be prepared beforehand).

Task 25. Make up situations illustrating the following proverbs and sayings.

1. Actions speak louder than words.

2. One is never too old to learn.
3. East or West home is best.
4. Experience is the mother of wisdom.
5. One man, no man.

to assess; assessment оценивать, начислять; оценка,

responsibility ответственность; обязанность
to invest; investment инвестировать; инвестиция
merchandise classification классификация товаров
foundation основание
Harmonized System of Classification Гармонизированная система
классификации товаров
to prevent losses предотвращать потери
cargo shipment партия товара
commercial invoice коммерческий счет-фактура
Certificate of Quality сертификат качества
Certificates of Origin сертификат происхождения
goods valuation определение стоимости товара
undervaluation занижение стоимости
to conceal; concealment сокрыть; сокрытие
device устройство
to release merchandise выпускать товар после таможенного
контроля и оформления
to damage; damage повреждать, наносить ущерб;
повреждение, ущерб
to prohibit; prohibited запрещать; запрещенный
modus operandi образ действия (лат.)
sophisticated зд. изощрённый
to violate; violator нарушать, нарушитель
commercial fraud мошенничество в торговле
money laundering отмывание денег
internal corruption внутриведомственная коррупция
infringement of trademark нарушение права собственности на
товарный знак
intellectual property rights право на интеллектуальную
complex chemical composition сложный химический состав

Text 1

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

The passenger should arrive at the airport two hours before the take off
time. First, he has to check-in for the flight at the check-in-counter. He shows
his passport and ticket to the airline agent and puts his suitcases on the scales.
If the passenger’s baggage exceeds Free Baggage Allowance, he has to pay for
the excess. The passenger hands over his baggage and gets his baggage claim
receipts and a boarding pass with the seat number written on it. The suitcases
are labeled and sent off to be loaded into the hold of an airplane.
Next, the passenger goes through the security check where his carry-on
luggage is screened.
Passing through the Customs control the passenger can choose between
the Red and Green Channels. The passenger who goes through the Red
Channel fills in the declaration form and states prohibited, restricted and
dutiable articles that he is carrying. He presents his declaration form to the
customs officer. The customs officer looks it through and asks questions about
the contents of the passenger’s baggage. The passenger puts personal
belongings into the X-ray machine and steps through metal-detector. The
passenger must unpack and open his baggage and present any item for
inspection, if necessary. If a person exceeds Duty and Tax Free Allowance
(the fixed quota) he/she will have to pay the duty for the excess. If everything
is alright, the customs officer stamps the declaration form and gives it back to
the passenger.
After that, the passenger must pass through passport control and present
his passport and visa to border guards.
Then he goes to the departure lounge to wait for his flight call. While waiting,
the passenger can visit the Duty-Free Shop which sells spirits, tobacco,
perfume and gifts.
Finally, the passenger goes through the flight gates and boards the plane.

Working on the text

Task 2. How many international words can you find in the text?
a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20 e) 25 f) 30

Task 3. a) Mark the stress in the Russian words and compare it with the English
words. Tick the pairs of words with different stressed syllables.

passport паспорт
agent агент
machine машина
perfume парфюмерия
visit визит
cigarette BrE сигарета
cigarette AmE сигарета
tobacco табак
airport аэропорт

b) Read the English words again.

Task 4. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following;

приехать в аэропорт; зарегистрироваться на рейс; ручная кладь; излишек
багажа; посадочный талон; стойка регистрации; время вылета;
багажные квитанции; объявление о посадке; сдать багаж; магазин
беспошлинной торговли; выход на посадку; содержимое багажа; норма
беспошлинного провоза багажа; поставить штамп; запрещенные,
ограниченные, облагаемые пошлиной товары

Task 5. Complete the table with the words from the text.

people places documents

passenger airport passport

Task 6. Look through the text and find synonyms to the following words:

- to show - to control - to return

- to come - a present - to register
- baggage - to mark - to declare

Task 7. Look through the text and find antonyms to the following words:

- to answer - to pack
- forbidden - to leave
- out of - duty free
- to buy - arrival lounge

Task 8. Make as many word combinations as possible with the following verbs
and translate them:

a) to present ___________ e) to fill in __________

b) to go through __________ f) to state __________
c) to put __________ g) to pay ___________
d) to get __________ h) to check __________
Task 9. a) Insert preposition, if necessary.

b) Explain the meaning of the expressions in italics.

- to arrive _____ the airport

- to check _____ _____ the flight
- to visit _____Duty Free Shop
- to put the baggage _____ the scales
- to put the baggage _____ the X-ray machine
- to pay _____ the excess luggage
- to stamp _____the declaration form
- to pass _____ customs control
- to answer _____ questions
- to choose _____ the Red and Green Channels
- to fill _____ the declaration form
- to present luggage _____ inspection
- to wait _____ the flight call
- to board _____ the plane

Task 10. Find the verbs describing the passenger’s actions and put them in the
chronological order.

The passenger:
- ARRIVES at the airport;
- CHECKS IN for the flight;
- BOARDS the plane.

Task 11. Answer the questions:

1. When should the passengers arrive at the airport?

2. What do the passengers do after they have arrived at the airport?
3. What documents do the passengers get at the check-in counter?
4. What must passengers do if they go through the Red Channel?
5. What do passengers state in the declaration form?
6. How do customs officers control passengers and their baggage?
7. What are the passenger’s responsibilities during customs inspection?
8. In what case do passengers have to pay the duty?
9. Do passengers complete any other formalities after customs control?
10. What do passengers do at the departure lounge?
11. What does the duty Free Shop sell?
12. Where do passengers go when they hear the flight call?

Task 12. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Мы приехали в аэропорт за три часа до вылета, и у нас было

достаточно времени, чтобы выполнить все формальности.
2. Я бы хотел зарегистрироваться на рейс AS 2705 до Лондона.
3. Пассажир был удивлен, когда узнал, что его багаж превысил норму
бесплатного провоза, и ему необходимо заплатить за излишек.
4. Подожди, я не могу найти посадочный талон и багажные квитанции.
Наверное, я забыла их на стойке регистрации.
5. Если вы не везете запрещенные, ограниченные к ввозу/вывозу или
облагаемые пошлиной товары, можете пройти через зеленый канал.
6. Когда пассажир заполнил декларацию и предъявил ее таможеннику,
офицер задал ему несколько вопросов о содержимом багажа.
7. После того, как я поставил свою ручную кладь в рентген-аппарат,
таможенник попросил меня распаковать ее и предъявить для
досмотра мою видеокамеру.
8. Какие документы вы предъявляли, когда проходили через
паспортный контроль?
9. Как долго вы ждали приглашения на посадку?
10.Каждый раз, когда я еду за границу, я посещаю магазин
беспошлинной торговли и покупаю там сувениры для друзей.
11. Пора садиться в самолет. Какой номер нашего выхода на посадку?
Text 2

Task 13. a) Read and translate the text.


A modern airport has three main types of facilities. One is for passengers,
one for airplanes on the ground, and one for planes that are taking off or landing.

The busiest and perhaps the most interesting airport building is the
terminal building. People make flight reservations and buy tickets at ticket
counters. Flight information boards, which can be television screens or
electronic signs, display information about arriving and departing flights.
After the passenger service agents take passenger’s baggage, it moves on
a conveyor belt to the baggage make-up room. There, the luggage for each flight
is sorted and placed in containers or on carts to be loaded on the proper airplane.
Modern airport terminals resemble shopping malls. They have waiting
lounges, restaurants, snack bars, gift shops, newsstands, game rooms,
bookstores, boutiques, banks and even hotels.
Besides, amenities include Left Baggage Counter, Lost and Found, the
Nursery, Public Health and toilet facilities.
Among the facilities for airplanes on the ground are loading bridges
connected to the terminal building, maintenance shops, in-flight food kitchens
and a fueling system. Workers clean the cabin, put food and pump drinking
water aboard. There is a special airline’s operation area in the terminal building
where the crew examines weather reports and determines the fastest and safest
route for each flight.
Facilities that serve airplanes during take off and landing include runways,
taxiways, parking ramps, and air traffic control tower. Traffic controllers in the
tower regulate air traffic at and near the airport. Radar and approach lights assist
planes in taking off and landing.

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

c) Speak about 1) the amenities for passengers;

2) the facilities for planes;
3) the people who work at the airport.

Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 14. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these phrasal verbs.

pass through give back check in for fill in step through

take off move on hand over look through go on

1) They arrived at the airport late and saw their plane ____________.
2) When you ____________ your flight you ____________ your baggage
except carry-on luggage.
3) When I ____________ security check I had to ____________ the metal
4) I ____________ the declaration form and presented it to the customs officer.
5) He ____________ working in shifts at the passenger control until he
____________ to the investigation department.
6) The customs official asked me a few questions about the contents of my
baggage, stamped the declaration form and ______ it ______ to me.

Task 15. Find the word that doesn’t fit the group and explain why. See
Conversational Formulas.

1) arrive – leave – come – reach – approach

2) passport – ticket – receipt – boarding pass – seat number
3) flight attendant – customs officer – policeman – border guard
4) plane – train – bus –bike – taxi
5) gift – souvenir – present – bribe

Task 16. Match left and right and translate the sentences:

1. The assessment and collection a) to classify merchandise and

of duties and taxes have always been E collect the duty.
2. Laboratory analyses are b) to collect proper duty and to
performed in order prevent smuggling.
3. This cargo document is c) to target the more sophisticated
violators of customs laws and
4. Effective passenger and baggage d) improper amounts of duty to
control is necessary be collected.
5. Investigation of customs e) one of the main functions of
violations is performed customs organizations.
6. Errors in merchandise f) basis for goods valuation.
classification often result in

Task 17. a) Study the table.

word meaning example

ONE the number One man, no man.
someone or something of a type that The students who do best in
has already been mentioned exams are not always the ones
with the best brains.
people in general One doesn’t often get the
chance to talk to a President.

b) Translate the text.

The problem of drug abuse is an international one. It destroys individuals

and communities. There are two very important elements in the fight against
drugs. One is the reduction of demand and the other is the reduction of supply. It
is the reduction of supply which is the aim of law enforcement agencies around
the world. One of their principal aims is to encourage international cooperation.

c) What does the word “ONE” refer to in the text?

Task 18. Work with the dictionary to find out the meanings of the words.

duty – 1) _______________
2) _______________

It’s our duty to inform the passengers about the changes in the law.
When you bring alcohol or cigarettes above the fixed quotas into a country, you
have to pay the duty.

free – 1) _______________
2) _______________

He was found not guilty and walked free from the court.
If something is free from tax, you don’t have to pay tax on it.

stamp – 1) _______________
2) _______________

The passenger was taking out a big collection of stamps.

The official put his personal stamp on the documents when he accepted it for

drug – 1) _______________
2) _______________

The big drug companies make huge profits.

Parents should talk openly to their children about the dangers of drug abuse.
The team was banned from the Olympics after failing a drug test.
Task 19. Read and complete the text.


Safety and security are the top priority for all airlines, and flying is the
safest way to travel. Each year the world’s air travelers make 1.5 billion
journeys and on average there are only 50 fatal accidents. But there are lots of
things which you can do (1) _______ your journey safer and more enjoyable.
Pack your suitcase or rucksack yourself and never offer (2) ______ a
packet for someone else.
Make sure you check in early. Most airlines say you (3) ______ to check
in at least one hour before a short flight and two hours before intercontinental
flights. However, security checks and baggage X-ray scans can (4) ______ a
long time and you don’t want (5)______ your flight, so allow an extra half-hour.
Remember that you (6) ______ have sharp things like scissors or knives
in your hand baggage.
On the plane you (7) ______ stay in your seat all the time. It’s good to
walk around and stretch your legs.
You (8) ______ wear a seat belt for take-off and landing, but it’s a good
idea to keep it on all the time you are in your seat.
You (9) ______ listen carefully to the safety instructions so that if there
(10) ______ an accident, you know how to get out of the plane quickly.

1 make making to make
2 take taking to take
3 have must can
4 be take make
5 miss to miss missing
6 don’t have to can’t have to mustn’t
7 have to don’t have to mustn’t
8 must have can
9 don’t have to can must
10 be is was
Task 20. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Active or Passive form.

The daft musician

Have you ever __________ (wake up) by the sound of music? When a
house in Holland __________ (break into) recently, the burglar couldn’t resist
playing the piano! Unfortunately for the thief, the owner of the house
__________ (disturb) by the music and the police __________ (call)

Beware of the parrot!

In a recent theft, a bad-tempered parrot (to leave) English police a vital
clue. The bird, which __________(name) Mickey, (to disappear) from a pet
shop. Later the police (to find) a trail of blood, which (to allow) them to make a
DNA match to the suspect. The thief __________ (to identify) because he
__________ (to bite) by the parrot.

Video evidence
On Sunday, John Smith’s mobile phone, iPod and video camera
__________ (to steal) by thieves who (to drive) away in his car. Mr.Smith
(to chase) the thieves who (to crash) his car and (to escape) on foot. Unluckily
for the thieves, the video camera was on, and they __________ (to film).
They__________ (to identify) easily and by Thursday evening they __________
(to catch).

Cat Dodgers
Three cat burglars __________ (to think) that they __________ (to have)
a good idea – to climb down a chimney to get into a clothing store. The trouble
__________(to be), the fireplace __________(to brick) up. One of them
__________(to get stuck) at the bottom of a 15 feet shaft. The others had to
wave from the rooftop until they _________(to catch) the eye of a passing
policeman. Firemen __________ (to break down) the fireplace at the store to
help the man out.
b) Discuss the following:

1. Which of these criminals do you think was the most stupid?

2. Do you know any other funny stories or jokes about criminals?

Task 21. a) Unscramble these words.

IOSGGBNNLE - _______________
TTEEIRDSCR - _______________
DOIPEHTRBI - _______________

b) Use all three words to make a sentence of your own.

Task 22. Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.

The illicit drug trade is truly international, spanning the globe. Drug
traffickers are not confined by national boundaries; they transport their goods
through many countries and often market their wares in several nations.
To be effective in combating this trade, an individual customs service
cannot stand alone. It must work with other agencies, both nationally and
internationally to share information and intelligence on all aspects of the drug
trade to improve their capability to target suspect passengers or cargo. This
includes general information on such topics as the routings, concealment
methods and modus operandi as well as more precise information on specific
smuggling activities where individuals or organizations are being targeted.

Task 23. Discuss the questions:

1. Why is passengers’ baggage searched?

2. What questions do customs officers ask passengers before inspecting their
baggage and why?
3. What can help customs officers perform their work more efficiently?

Task 24. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

Communication activities.

Task 25. Role-play. The students play the roles of passengers who want to fly
to some of the following destinations. Choose your destination and then ask for
details of your flight: find out when it departs, when you have to check in, when
boarding starts and so on.

Aberdeen Brussels Larnaca

Birmingham Geneva Milan
Dublin Jersey Paphos
Frankfurt Madrid Southampton
Isle of Man Oslo Belfast
London Gatwick Singapore Copenhagen
New York Zurich Edinburgh
Rotterdam Chicago Munich
Toronto Dusseldorf Paris
Amsterdam Glasgow Tenerife

One of the students plays the role of a person on duty at the

Information desk at Manchester Airport one Friday morning in April.
Help the people who enquire about the flights shown on this time-table:
Task 26. Complete the dialogue and reproduce it with your partner.

Agent: - Good morning, sir. Your ticket and your passport, please.
Passenger: -_____________________________
A. - That’s fine. Will you put luggage on the scales, please.
P. -_____________________________________
A. - 20 kilos. It’s OK.
P. -_____________________________________
A. - They are with you ticket, sir. And this is your boarding pass.
P. -_____________________________________
A. - You are welcome and have a good flight.

Task 27. Write down five words that come to your mind when you hear the
words “Passenger control”. Compare your list with your partners. Report to the
class on the five words you picked and give reasons for your choice.

Task 28. Role play. Group work. One student role plays an airline check-in
clerk. The others form a line to check in. The line of people talk among
themselves. One is late, another one has six suitcases, another one asks
someone to carry a package through for him/her. The teacher assigns countries
or cities of destination.

Task 29. Make a list of objects which would not pass a security check. Then
role play a security officer and a group of passengers going through a detector.
The officer asks questions about the objects, e.g.: “May I see the contents of
your pockets?”, “What’s in your bag?” , “ May I see it?”, etc.

to arrive (in the USA/at the airport) приехать, прибыть
to take off взлететь, вылететь
take off time время вылета
flight рейс
to check in зарегистрироваться
check-in counter стойка регистрации
ticket билет
scales (pl) весы
to exceed; excess превышать; излишек
Free Baggage Allowance норма провоза бесплатного багажа
Duty and Tax Free Allowance норма провоза беспошлинного багажа
the fixed quota установленная квота
to hand over сдавать
baggage claim receipts багажные квитанции
boarding pass посадочный талон
to load / unload (по)грузить / разгрузить
the hold of an airplane грузовой отсек самолета
to go/pass through проходить через
security check проверка на безопасность
carry-on/hand luggage ручная кладь
to screen проверять, просвечивать, сканировать
to fill in заполнять
prohibited запрещенный
restricted ограниченный
dutiable / liable to duty облагаемый пошлиной; подлежащий
обложению пошлиной
articles / items предметы / вещи
to present предъявлять
to contain; contents; container содержать; содержимое; контейнер
to inspect досматривать, проверять
to stamp ставить штамп
arrival lounge / departure lounge зал прилета / зал вылета
flight call объявление о посадке
Duty Free Shop магазин беспошлинной торговли
flight gates выход на посадку
to board подняться на борт
belongings вещи


Text 1

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

In accordance with the provisions of the Customs Code of the Customs

Union individuals can carry in accompanied and non-accompanied luggage
goods intended for personal, family, domestic and other needs not connected
with commercial activity.
The intended purpose of the goods is determined by Customs
authorities on the basis of a declaration from an individual, the nature
and quantity of the goods and the frequency with which the goods are
carried across the customs border.
If you travel by air and the value of imported goods doesn’t
exceed €10,000 and/or the total weight doesn’t exceed 50 kg, the goods
are exempt from customs duties. If you cross the border by road, the
allowance is €1,500.
In case the value of the goods exceeds €10,000 and/or the total
weight exceeds 50 kg, a unified rate of customs duty is applied to the
amount of the excess. A unified rate of duty is 30 % (per cent) of the
customs value of the goods but not less than 4 euro per kilogram.
In case the value of the goods exceeds 650 000 rubles and/or the
total weight exceeds 200 kg, an aggregate customs payment is levied
on the amount of the excess.
The rates of customs duties on imported transport means
depend on their value, the date of manufacture and the engine volume.
A full exemption from customs duties and taxes is granted for
cultural valuables on condition that they are declared and have
undergone the special registration envisaged by the legislation.
Customs duties are not paid on international postal items if the
value of such goods sent in the course of one week to one recipient
doesn’t exceed 10,000 rubles.
Government establishes quantitative limits on certain categories
of goods. Individuals over 18 years old can carry across the border free
of duty 3 liters of alcohol, 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 250 g of tobacco, 250
g of caviar. Individuals are allowed to take out from the country the sum
of currency equal to $10,000 per person.
Goods prohibited for bringing into the country are: weapons of
all kinds, ammunition and explosives, drugs and psychotropic
Goods prohibited for taking out of the country are: articles of
artistic, historical and cultural value.

Working on the text

Task 2. a) Mark the stress in the English words and compare it with the Russian
words. Tick the pairs of words with different stressed syllables.

individual индивидуальный
company компания
personal персональный
commercial коммерческий
manufacture мануфактура
registration регистрация
international интернациональный
limit лимит
competent компетентный
details детали

b) Read the English words again.

Task 3. Cross out silent letters in the following words and practice their

foreign, flight, receipt, queue, write, know, weigh / weight, through,

which, when, why, where, what, right, answer, guard, sign,
antique, psychology, prohibition, cheque, walk, talk, technique

Task 4. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

таможенный кодекс; физическое лицо; сопровождаемый багаж;

ввозимые товары; личные нужды; коммерческая деятельность;
предназначение; общий вес; характер и количество; транспортное
средство; дата производства; объем двигателя; культурные ценности;
международные почтовые отправления; количественные ограничения

Task 5. Insert prepositions, if necessary, and translate the following:

1. _____ accordance _____ the Customs Code

2. goods intended _____ personal, family, domestic and other needs
3. the goods are exempt _____ duty
4. the intended purpose is determined _____ Customs authorities
5. to carry goods _____ the customs border
6. the rate of duty depends _____ the value of the goods
7. the date _____ manufacture
8. the goods are free of duty _____ condition that …
9. to pay the duty _____ international postal items
10. _____ the course _____ one week
11. to travel _____ air

Task 6. Find words in the text which define the following nouns:

- luggage - (non)accompanied - needs

- activities - customs payment
- weight - valuables
- rate of duty - limits

Task 7. What do these numbers in the text refer to?

€10,000; 50 kg; 30%; €4 ; 650,000 rubles; 200 kg; 1 recipient

Task 8. Answer the questions:

1. What goods can individuals carry across the customs border of the
Russian Federation?
2. How do Customs authorities determine the purpose of the goods?
3. Can any goods be imported by the individuals exempt from duty?
4. In what case must an individual pay the unified rate of duties?
5. How much is a unified rate of customs duties?
6. In what case is an aggregate customs payment levied?
7. What do customs duties on transport means depend on?
8. Are cultural valuables liable to duty?
9. What are the regulations in respect of international postal items?
10. Are there any restrictions in respect of certain categories of goods?
11. What goods are prohibited entry by law?

Task 9. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Вы можете провезти беспошлинно только товары, предназначенные

для личных, семейных, домашних или иных нужд, не связанных с
предпринимательской деятельностью.
2. Таможенникам важно определить истинное предназначение
ввозимых товаров.
3. Я не платил пошлину, так как общая стоимость моего багажа не
превысила 10 000 евро, а общий вес не превысил 50 кг.
4. Таможенники применяют единую ставку пошлин, если общая
стоимость ввозимых товаров не превышает 650 000 рублей, а общий
вес не превышает 200 кг.
5. Если общая стоимость ввозимых товаров превышает 650 000
рублей, а общий вес превышает 200 кг, товары облагаются
совокупным таможенным платежом в части такого превышения.
6. Ставка пошлины на ввозимые автотранспортные средства зависит от
их стоимости, даты выпуска и объема двигателя.
7. Физические лица могут вывозить культурные ценности, которые
должны быть задекларированы и зарегистрированы в соответствии с
законодательством РФ.
8. Международные почтовые отправления стоимостью менее 10 000
рублей, посланные в течение одной недели в адрес одного
получателя, освобождаются от уплаты таможенных пошлин.
9. Физические лица старше 18 лет могут ввозить алкогольные напитки
– 3 литра, табачные изделия – 200 сигарет, 50 сигар, 250 г табака,
250 г черной икры.

Text 2

Task 10. a) Read and translate the text.

(from “Airport” by A.Hailey)

U.S. Customs inspector Harry Standish was trying to clear up a tiresome

problem. Most of the passengers, who arrived aboard a Scandinavian airline
DC-8 from Copenhagen, had cleared customs and had left. Only this well-
dressed American woman posed a problem insisting that all she had bought in
Europe was some perfume, costume jewelry, and shoes. The total declared value
was ninety dollars – ten dollars less than the free exemption she was allowed.
“Madam”, he said quietly to the woman, whose several suitcases were
spread open on the Customs inspection table between them, “are you quite sure
you don’t wish to change your story?”
She snapped back, “I suppose you’re suggesting I should lie, when I’ve
already told the truth. Really! – you people are so officious, so disbelieving.”
Harry Standish ignored the second remark, as customs officers were
trained to ignore the many insults they received, and answered politely, “I’m not
suggesting anything, madam. I merely asked if you wished to amend your
statement about these items – the dresses, the sweaters, and the fur coat.”
The woman, whose American passport showed that she was Mrs. Harriet
Du Barry Mossman, had just returned from a month in England, France, and
Denmark, replied acidly, “No, I don’t. Furthermore, when my husband’s lawyer
hears of that interrogation …”
“Yes, madam”, Harry Standish said. “In this case, I wonder if you would
mind signing this form. If you like, I’ll explain it to you.”
“Why should I sign anything”, Mrs. Mossman demanded.
“To make things easier for yourself, madam. We’re merely asking you to
confirm in writing what you’ve already told us. You say the dresses were
purchased …”
“How many times must I tell you? They were bought in Chicago and New
York before I left for Europe; so were the sweaters. The coat was a gift –
purchased in the United States. I received it six month ago.”
Why, Harry Standish wondered, did people do it? All the statements just
made, he knew with certainty, were lies.
To begin with, the dresses – six, all of good quality – had had their labels
removed. No one did that innocently, women were usually proud of the labels in
quality clothes. More to the point, the workmanship of the dresses was
unmistakably French; so was the styling of the fur coat – though a Saks Fifth
Avenue label had been sewn unskillfully in the coat lining. What people like
Mrs. Mossman failed to realize was that a trained customs man didn’t need to
see labels to know where garments originated. Cutting, stitching – even the way
a zipper was put in – were like familiar handwriting, and equally distinctive. All
this, and much else, customs officers learned as part of their training.
Mrs. Mossman asked, “What will happen if I sign the form?”
“Then you may go, madam.”
“And take my things with me? All my things?”
“Supposing, I refuse to sign?”
“Then we shall be obliged to detain you here while we continue the
There was the briefest hesitation, then “Very well. You fill out the form,
I’ll sign.”
“No, madam, you fill it out. Now, please describe the items, and alongside
where you say they were obtained. Please give the name of the stores also from
whom you received the fur coat as a gift.”
He waited while Mrs. Mossman completed the form and signed it.
Commencing tomorrow, an investigation officer would begin checking out the
statement Mrs. Mossman had just made. The garments would be requisitioned
and taken to the stores where she claimed they were purchased.
Mrs. Mossman – though she didn’t know it yet – was in for a great deal of
trouble, including some heavy duty to be paid, and also a stiff fine.

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

Task 11. Find the words and phrases in the text that describe Harry Standish
and Mrs. Mossman.

Harry Standish Mrs. Mossman

spoke quietly, well-dressed,

Task 12. Answer the questions:

1. What was Mrs. Mossman carrying?

2. Why did she present a problem to the Customs?
3. Where did she come from?
4. What document was Mrs. Mossman asked to sign?
5. Why did she claim all the things were personal belongings?
6. How much is the duty free allowance in the US?
7. Why did Mrs. Mossman change the labels on the fur coat?
8. What information did she state in the form?
9. What trouble could the statement bring to her?

Task 13. Say what you can remember about:

1. Mrs. Mossman’s story about the things she brought in.

2. The tricks she used not to pay the duty.
3. The way customs officers are trained.
4. The code of behavior of customs officers.

Task 14. Discuss the following questions:

1. Why were Mrs. Mossman’s things detained?

2. Why do customs officers have to be good judges of character?
3. What do you think the rates of duty depend on?
4. Should the authorities introduce restrictions for imported goods? Why?

Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 15. a) Study the patterns and say the following numbers in English:

1/2 - a half 6.02 - six point oh two

13/4 - one and three quarters $1.2M - one point two million
2/5 - two fifth dollars
1.25 - one point two five £200K - two hundred thousand
0.7 - nought point seven pounds

b) Say the numbers in English:

1) 421,389 2) 31/3 3) 7/8

4) 10,037 8) 19.03.2012 11) $20.7M
5) 2,745 9) 1,900 12) £850K
6) 0.53 10) 602 8433 (phone
7) 1732 – 1805 number)

c) Study the following expressions with numbers. Speak about the situations
when people use them?

- It’s all one to me.

- You look like a million dollars.
- I have a thousand and one things to do.
- When three know it, all know it.
- When angry, count a hundred.

Task 16. a) Study the information in the table.

word meaning can be combined with

PRICE the amount of money for which high/low
smth is bought, sold or offered go up/increase/rise
go down/fall/drop
COST the amount of money that you high/low/full/total
have to pay in order to buy, do /extra/additional
or produce smth
VALUE the amount of money that smth high/low
is worth go up/increase/rise
go down/fall/drop
to be to have a value in money

b) Choose the right verb.

1. People are prepared to pay high __________ for designer clothes.
2. Your insurance covers the _________ of repairing the damage.
3. The police seized drugs with a street __________ of $2.5m.
4. They have cut the __________ of their products by 30%.
5. It is a rather old car so I don’t think it is __________ anything.
6. Redecoration doubled the __________ of the house.
7. One of the stolen pictures is __________ £50,000.
8. They are selling two bottles of wine for the __________ of one.
9. We offered to pay the __________ of a taxi.

Task 17. Read and translate the text.

Some time ago a jazz drummer on tour in Japan knew exactly how to get
his new mini television set through the Customs without paying duty. He
wrapped it in his laundry, stuffed it inside a snare drum, and deposited the lot in
the drum case. Arriving in San Francisco the drummer announced that he was
just in from Tokyo but had nothing to declare. The customs agent looked him
straight in the eye and said. “What about the television you’ve hidden in your
drums?” The guy blanched. “How did you know?” The officer shrugged,
“Because every drummer coming back from Japan has a television hidden in his

b) Make up 10 questions of all types to the text;

c) Give the gist of the story.

Task 18. a) Study the table.

verb meaning

SAY to express an idea, feeling, thought, etc. using words

to give someone information by speaking to them


a) to produce words and express ideas, feelings, thoughts,

TALK etc. using words;
b)to say things to someone as part of the conversation
a) to express an idea, feeling, thought, etc. using words;
SPEAK b)to be able to talk in a language;
c)to make a speech

b) Insert the correct form of the right verb.

1. “Good morning,” she __________. “I am going to work here.”

2. He __________ that he had nothing to declare.
3. _________ us the truth.
4. I can __________ Spanish.
5. They __________ he earns $10,000 a month.
6. I was __________to be careful with the boxes.
7. __________ to him.
8. __________ us the latest news.
9. They were __________ in French.
10. Actions __________ louder than words.
11. “Hello, may I _________ to Jim Smith?”
12. English people like to __________ about the weather.
13. She could __________ when she was two.

Task 19. a) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

(from US Customs Hints)
_____ making a written declaration, everything you brought _____ must
be listed _____ its price or value. This includes gifts _____ other persons,
articles carried _____ another person, articles _____ sale and commercial

You do not list articles _____ personal use, toilet articles and similar
personal belongings owned _____ you abroad or intended _____ your own use.
The purchase price _____ articles may be given _____ the currency _____
the country _____ the purchase. If you don’t know the price, say so.
If the article was a gift, state the fair value ___ it _____ the country where
it was bought. The customs inspector may reduce the value of a dutiable article
which has been used or worn.

b) Say what articles are to be listed by a non-resident visitor in the US written


Task 20. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct Active or Passive form.

When a 16-year-old boy (to pass through) the customs control as a

pedestrian at the Ysleta international crossing, a Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) officer at the primary inspection point (to select) him for a secondary
examination. During the secondary inspection several bundles (to detect)
beneath the youth’s pants. Four marijuana bundles (to tape) to the thighs of the
boy. The smuggler (to turn over) to the El Paso Police Sheriff’s Office for
prosecution. “Young teens who (to become) involved in drug smuggling (not to
understand) that the consequence of their actions can have a long lasting
negative impact on their lives,” said CBP El Paso port director.

Task 21. Find 20 words from Units 4 and 5.


Task 22. a) Unscramble these words.

AINIELLOTGS - _______________
OIOIPSRNV - _______________
IREEENTMD- _______________

b) Use all three words to make a sentence of your own.

Task 23. a) Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.
What can you bring back from a trip abroad? Which formalities apply to
cash, animals, and cultural goods? This is the kind of information that the
French and Dutch Customs administrations have decided to make easily and
quickly accessible to travelers so that they pass through Customs untroubled.
To do so both administrations have embraced smart mobile phone
technology. A smart phone is a mobile phone that includes features that you
might find on a computer such as office software applications (emails, contact
database, document editing, etc) and multimedia applications (photos, music,
videos, games, internet navigation).
The Customs released an application that allows them to provide travelers
with information on what goods are forbidden, which are subject to specific
formalities, what limits apply to quantities, and so on. Information on applicable
duty-free allowances is also available.

b) What do you think about the idea? What else can a smart phone be used for?

Task 24. Make a written translation of the text into English.

Дело шопоголиков.

Двое граждан привлекли внимание таможни в тот момент, когда они

бодро следовали через «зелёный коридор» с незадекларированными
товарами. Их остановили для выборочной проверки.
Они заявили, что привезли из Италии предметы женской и детской
одежды, обувь в количестве по одному экземпляру. Указанные вещи
предназначались для личного и семейного пользования, и были куплены со
значительными скидками из прошлогодних коллекций. Но у таможенников
есть свой каталог, который позволяет им оценить ввозимые товары по
рыночным ценам (в крайнем случае, они привлекают экспертов), и личную
собственность оценили в 298 770 рублей и в 435 150 рублей.
Другая заявительница заинтересовала таможню, когда возвращалась
из Китая в Красноярск, не указав в декларации «меховые изделия» на
сумму 292 300 рублей. Житель Москвы был обвинён в перемещении через
границу ювелирных изделий на сумму 364 601 рубль, купленных во
Согласно существующему законодательству, если у пассажира
обнаружены незадекларированные товары на сумму от 65 тысяч до 1,5
миллионов рублей, наступает административная ответственность. Если
свыше 1,5 миллионов – уголовная.


Task 25. Discuss the following:

1. What do customs officers want to know when they ask passengers “Have you
got anything to declare?”
2. What does the phrase “Nothing to declare” mean?
3. Are the customs restrictions the same in different countries and why?

Task 26. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

Communication activities.

Task 27. In pairs decipher the following abbreviations used in business letters,
as in the given model:

1. Model: - What does SOONEST mean?

- I think it means « as soon as possible».


2. Model: - Do you know what these abbreviations stand for?

- I think GB stands for Great Britain.

$ % sq.m UK £ EU UN
Approx. K p.m. m WCO PM km/h

3. Model: - Do you know the abbreviations for these words?

- Yes, I do. For example, «Mr.» is for «Mister».
avenue misses limited television Fahrenheit and
Centigrade pound company world wide web degree

Task 28. Read and act out short dialogues:

1) - Have you got anything to declare?

- I don’t think I have.
- Do you have money with you?
- Only some gold souvenir coins.
- I’m afraid you’ll have to declare them.

2) - Have you got anything liable to duty?

- I’ve got a bottle of whisky, that’s all.
- Any presents?
- Just a few souvenirs: gold chains, bracelets…
- Have you declared everything?

3) - Do you have any gold items, cigarettes, or spirits?

- Yes, I have. This ring and a lighter.
- What is there in this small box?
- There’s some jewelry in it.
- Are you sure, you’ve declared everything?

4) - Do you have anything to declare?

- Uh…, nothing, except some whisky and some cigarettes.
- And what do you have in your suit case?
- A gold tray, a person for a friend of mine.
- You have to put it in the declaration.

Task 29. Make up short dialogues on the topics below and act them out:

1. You have just returned from a business trip to England. Compare the
regulations valid for the English and the Russian Customs concerning luggage
and money.
2. You travelled abroad and you bring in goods exceeding duty and tax free
allowance. You discuss with the customs officer the regulations for individuals
to move goods across the border of the Customs union.


Customs Code Таможенный кодекс

customs authority таможенный орган
provision положение, статья (договора, кодекса)
an individual физическое лицо
accompanied / non-accompanied сопровождаемый/несопровождаемый
personal личный
family семейный
domestic домашний
needs нужды
to intend намереваться, предполагать
purpose цель, назначение
intended purpose предназначение
commercial syn. entrepreneurial коммерческий
to determine определять, устанавливать
nature зд. характер
quantity syn. amount количество
frequency частота
value / customs value стоимость / таможенная стоимость
cultural valuables культурные ценности
total weight общий вес
to be exempt; exemption быть освобожденныь (от налогов,
пошлин); освобождение
rate / a unified rate ставка / единая ставка
to apply зд. применять
an aggregate customs payment совокупный таможенный платеж
to levy взимать
the rate of customs duties ставка таможенной пошлины
transport means транспортное средство
to manufacture / manufacture производить / производство
engine volume объем двигателя
to grant предоставлять
to undergo подвергаться; проходить процедуру
to envisage предусматривать
legislation законодательство
international postal items международные почтовые отправления
recipient opp. sender получатель ант. отправитель
to establish устанавливать, вводить
certain categories of goods отдельные категории товаров
to carry across the border провозить через границу
to limit / limit ограничивать / ограничение, лимит
arms and ammunition оружие и боеприпасы
drugs; narcotics наркотические средства
psychotropic substances психотропные вещества
caviar икра ценных пород рыб (чёрная икра)



Text 1

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

The dual-channel system was introduced at international airports to

deal efficiently with the increasing number of passengers without reducing
the effectiveness of the Customs control.
The system allows the passengers to choose between two types of
- if the passenger is carrying nothing more than the allowances; no
prohibited or restricted goods; no goods for commercial purposes, he may
go through the Green Channel indicated by the words “Nothing to
- if the passenger is carrying more than the allowances; some prohibited or
restricted goods, or some goods for commercial purposes he must go
through the Red Channel indicated by the words “Goods to declare”.
In the European Union (EU) there is also a Blue Channel for travelers
from European Union countries. As the EU is a customs union, travelers
between EU countries don’t have to pay customs duties. The USA and
Canada do not operate the dual-channel system.
Passengers should be well-informed about the functioning of the system
i.e. about the descriptions and quantities of the goods that they may have
with them when using the Green Channel. This can be done by means of
posters and panels at the airport or leaflets, distributed through tourist
agencies or airlines.
Passengers who go through the Red Channel complete customs
formalities: they fill in the customs declaration form, present their
baggage for inspection, pay the duties and taxes chargeable.
In the Green Channel passengers do not complete customs formalities, but
they may be the subject of a spot check that customs officers exercise to
prevent violations.
During practical examination the customs officer should link the
passenger to his baggage and reasons for travel.
To facilitate the search customs officers should use tools and
technologies at their disposal. Checking baggage for concealments
customs officers should be careful to minimize the damage.
At all times customs officers must act with diplomacy, and be
competent, firm and fair.

Working on the text

Task 2. a) Mark the stress in the Russian words and compare it with the
English words. Tick the pairs of words with different stressed syllables.

effectiveness эффективность
indicator индикатор
panel панель
tourist турист
formalities формальности
inspection инспекция
practical практический
technology технология
diplomat дипломат
b) Read the English words again.

Task 3. Fill in one or two letters in each word:

cha___el co___ercial a___ompany
e___ective toba___o smu___ling
pa___enger cu___ency exami___ation
meta___detector trave__ pa___port

Task 4. a) Match left and right to make word combinations:

to introduce the channel
to distribute the system
to choose leaflets
to inform the search
to use formalities
to complete documents
to facilitate passengers
to pay technology
to minimize the duty
to check damage

b) Use the word combinations in the sentences of your own.

Task 5. a) Give the Russian equivalents of the following expressions:

b) Explain the meaning of the underlined expressions.

- the dual-channel system;

- without reducing the effectiveness;
- the system allows the passengers;
- “Nothing to declare”;
- “Goods to declare”;
- the functioning of the system;
- descriptions and quantities of the goods;
- drug production areas;
- to act with diplomacy;
- by means of posters and leaflets;
- tools and technologies at the disposal;
- the subject of a spot check;
- to facilitate the search

Task 6. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

система двойного канала; возрастающее количество пассажиров;

запрещенные и ограниченные товары; товары для коммерческих целей;
обозначить словами; с помощью плакатов и листовок; распространять
через туристические агентства; выполнять формальности; проводить
выборочные проверки; цель поездки; технические средства; ущерб

Task 7. Put P if the action refers to the passenger, put C if the action refers to
the customs officer. Translate the word combinations.

- to work efficiently __C__

- to choose the channel __ P__
- to carry goods across the border _____
- to search for concealments _____
- to complete formalities _____
- to establish the dual-channel system _____
- to facilitate the search _____
- to be the subject of a spot check _____
- to exercise spot checks _____
- to unpack, open and repack personal belongings _____
- to break regulations _____
- to use tools _____
- to pay the duties _____
- to minimize damage _____
Task 8. Answer the questions:

1. Where is the dual-channel system introduced?

2. Why is the dual-channel system used?
3. Who can go through the Green Channel?
4. Who must go through the Red Channel?
5. How are the channels indicated?
6. What should passengers be informed about?
7. What can be done to inform the passengers?
8. What do passengers in the Red Channel do to pass through customs control?
9. Do passengers in the Green Channel complete formalities?
10. Why do customs officers exercise spot checks?
11. What is most important during practical examination?
12. What can facilitate the search?

Task 9. Complete the sentences:

1. The dual channel system was introduced because . . .

2. They will go through the Green Channel because . . .
3. I must go through the Red Channel because . . .
4. This is the leaflet which will inform you about . . .
5. To inform the passengers about the functioning of the system we should . . .
6. In the Red Channel passengers have to . . .
7. In the Green Channel customs officers can . . .
8. Customs officers exercise spot checks to …
9. Checking passengers and their luggage customs officers should . . .
10. Customs officers use tools and technologies to . . .
11. He is a good customs officer because . . .

Task 10. Put the actions in the correct order for the arriving passengers.

1. In the baggage hall there are several carousels and monitors above them
showing your flight number.
2. After you have passed through passport control, follow the signs to the
baggage hall.
3. At passport control there are two counters: one for citizens of the country, the
other for non-citizens. The immigration officer will check your visa and passport
and put a stamp in it.
4. After customs control look for the exit. If someone is meeting you they will
be waiting in the arrival lounge.
5. Collect your luggage and look for the sign “customs”. In most countries the
signs are red for “Goods to declare” and green for “Nothing to declare”.
6. As soon as you leave the plane, follow the signs to passport control.
7. At international airports these signs are usually in English as well as the local

Task 11. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Вы уже внедрили систему двойных каналов в вашем аэропорту?

2. Количество пассажиров, путешествующих за границу, постоянно
3. Новые технологии помогают повысить эффективность таможенного
4. Если вы не везете товары сверх установленных норм, вам не придется
выполнять таможенные формальности.
5. Когда пассажиры везут товары для коммерческих целей, они
декларируют их и платят пошлину.
6. Наше туристическое агентство всегда информирует туристов о
наименованиях и количестве товаров, которые можно провозить
7. Во время проведения выборочной проверки таможенники
останавливают пассажиров в зеленом канале и просят предъявить багаж
для досмотра.
8. Инспектор проверил паспорт и билет пассажира и спросил о цели его
9. Чтобы облегчить процедуру досмотра и обнаружения сокрытых
товаров, таможенники применяют различные приспособления и
технические средства, имеющиеся в их распоряжении.
10. При выезде за границу вы обязаны сообщить об имеющейся у вас при
себе валюте и предъявить её для досмотра.
11. Пассажир не знал, что в его багаже имеются предметы, подлежащие
обложению пошлиной.
12. Меня проинформировали о том, сколько багажа можно бесплатно
провозить через границу, когда я покупал билет на самолёт.

Text 2

Task 12. a) Read and translate the text.


In dealing with any passenger, customs officers-in-charge should:

Examine passport to ascertain previous and current journeys to drug
production and suspect areas. If the passenger is a frequent traveler establish
reasons for frequency of travel. Examine ticket to ascertain method of payment.
Remember: late booked or cash tickets are often used by smugglers.
- Is this all your baggage? Did you pack it yourself?
- Do you know what the baggage contains?
- Are you carrying any items for anyone else? Are you travelling alone?
- Do you know what the Customs allowances are?
For passengers travelling on business: examine any documents in order to
verify whether the passenger is engaged in legitimate business. Make sure that
documents relate to up-to-date transactions.
For visitors or residents returning from holiday: look for gifts, clothing,
souvenirs and the usual items you would normally expect to find with this type
of passengers. These will link passengers to the baggage and reasons for travel.
(Be suspicious of passengers arriving with only light baggage containing few, if
any, articles of personal nature.)
For all passengers: always check baggage for concealments. Don’t
overlook the commonplace. Carry out a Personal Search in case suspicion
still exists.
The examination of baggage can be separated into two clearly defined
areas: the contents and the container.
Remove the contents carefully and systematically. Examine individual
items as necessary during the process. Separate any items worthy of closer
attention and place them out of the passenger’s reach. To facilitate the
examination you should make full use of the equipment at your disposal. When
using tools to examine the contents, exercise care to minimize damage.
- Adopt a positive approach. You must believe that if there are goods
concealed, you will find them.
- You are a representative of this department in the public eye. At all
times act with courtesy and diplomacy.
- Do not be drawn into arguments. Stay calm however provoked.
- Do not hesitate to seek assistance or advice from colleagues.

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

Task 13. Look through the texts of the unit and write down what a customs
- examine passport and ticket - overlook the commonplace

Task 14. Answer the questions:

1. What is the most important thing in dealing with a passenger?
2. Why do customs officers examine a passenger’s passport and ticket?
3. What questions are supposed to be asked by the customs officer and why?
4. How can a passenger prove that he is engaged in legitimate business?
5. Why do passengers with light baggage make customs officers suspect them?
6. What should customs officers remember while searching the contents of a
passenger’s baggage?

Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 15. a) Find words in the text formed from the following verbs and
translate them into Russian:

verb Participle II
to restrict restricted / ограниченный
to prohibit
to indicate
to inform
to distribute
to present
to smuggle
to state
to conceal
to detain
to relate

b) Complete the sentences with the words from the box. You may have to use
some words more than once:

1. The sale of alcohol is __________ to people over the age of 18.

2. The report is devoted to the problem of drug abuse and other _________
3. Please, keep me fully __________ of the details of the investigation.
4. Smoking is strictly __________ on board the plane.
5. The Lists of __________ and __________ articles are __________ at the
6. The hallmark of the gold ring wasn’t __________ in the declaration form.
7. The amount of __________ narcotics is constantly growing.
8. You should go through the channel __________ by the words “Goods to
9. The passport __________ by the traveler proved to be false.
10. Specially trained dogs were first used by the Customs to detect __________
11. Border patrol searched the truck and discovered a gun __________ under
the driver’s seat.

Task 16. Read and translate the text.

Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones was returning to London from a trip to
the States. Just before he left, a friend in another band asked him to deliver a
package to his wife. Naively, Wyman tossed it into his suitcase. At Heathrow,
specially trained dogs surveyed the incoming luggage, got to Wyman’s bag and
went absolutely wild. The Customs pounced. Realizing that he had been set up,
Wyman tried to explain that a friend had given him a package and that he
honestly didn’t have any idea what was in it. “Sure,” the officer said.”We’ve
heard that one before.” They gleefully seized the offending contraband, ripped it
open, and discovered six bags of epicurean dog food.

b) Make up 10 questions of all types to the text;

c) Give the gist of the story.

Task 17. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct Active or Passive form.
1. The first Russian Customs Statute (to hand) down in 1667.
2. A distinction (to make) between commercial and industrial free zones.
3. The passenger’s luggage (to check) by the customs officer now.
4. Quantitative restrictions or other forms of import control (to adopt) in many
5. More detector dogs (to train) at the canine enforcement centers by the next
6. After unloading the cargo (to store) at the bonded warehouse awaiting release
from customs control.
7. The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (to sign) in Geneva in 1947.
8. Brokers (to require) to maintain strict confidence about business and
9. An interesting case (to investigate) by the customs investigation union now.

Task 18. a) Read and translate the story.

Sam Lewis was a customs officer. He used to work in a small border

town. The road was usually very quiet and there were not many travelers. It was
not a very interesting job, but Sam liked an easy life.
About once a week he used to meet an old man. His name was Draper.
He always used to arrive at the border early in the morning in a big truck. The
truck was always empty. After a while Sam became suspicious. He often used to
search the truck, but never found anything. One day he asked Draper about his
job. Draper laughed and said: ”I am a smuggler”.
Last year Sam retired. He spent his savings on an expensive holiday. He
flew to Bermuda, and stayed in a luxury hotel. One day he was sitting by the
pool and saw Draper drinking champagne. Sam walked over to him.
Sam: Hello, there!
Draper: Hi!
Sam: Remember me?
Draper: Yes … Of course, I do. You are a customs officer.
Sam: I used to be, but I’m not anymore. I retired last month. I often
used to search your truck…
Draper: …but you never found anything!
Sam: No, I didn’t. Can I ask you something?
Draper: Of course you can.
Sam: Were you a smuggler?
Draper: Sure I was.
Sam: But … the truck was always empty. What were you smuggling?
Draper: Trucks.

b) Put the dialogue into Reported speech.

c) Study the model. Find examples in the text above. Make five sentences
speaking about the past and the present.
Model: Customs officers used to wear blue uniform, but now it is green.
In the past customs officers didn’t use to screen the baggage.

Task 19. a) Unscramble these words.

SERIEECDN - _______________
ZIIIHCEPTSN - _______________
MNGCINOI- _______________

b) Use all three words to make a sentence of your own.

Task 20. a) Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.

Belgian Customs anti-drugs team based at Brussels Airport seized 180

ivory statues in the luggage carried by a male passenger arriving from Kinshasa
(Democratic Republic of Congo).
Alerted by the weight of the luggage that was declared as containing
wooden craft, the team stopped the passenger and started checking his luggage.
The wooden statue appeared to be of very crude craftsmanship and it was
decided to X-ray it. The X-ray revealed that the statue contained hundreds of
small ivory statues.
The passenger declared that he was not aware of deception and that he
was transporting the wooden statue for a friend who lived in Belgium. While
checking the name of the alleged recipient, the team discovered that this person
used the same method to smuggle ivory products in the past and was currently
being prosecuted for smuggling ivory products.

Task 21. Make a written translation of the text into English.

Наркотики в желудке и носках

В аэропорту Шереметьево задержан «глотатель» из Узбекистана.
48-летний гражданин Республики Узбекистан прибыл из Ташкента в
столицу с 59 контейнерами наркотиков общей массой 622 грамма,
преимущественно героина. Наркокурьер вёз контрабанду в брюшной
полости и носках. Узбек вину признал, сейчас он находится под стражей.
Возбуждено уголовное дело.


Task 22. Make as many sentences as possible.

Passing through the Customs passengers MUST…

Task 23. Discuss the following:
What would happen : 1) if there were no Red and Green Channel system?
2) if countries opened their borders to everyone?

Task 24. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

Communication activities.

Task 25. Read and role play short dialogues:

1) - Where is your customs declaration? Show it, please.

- Here it is.
- Crosses and dashes are not allowed in the declaration.
- Will you take a new form? Fill it once again, please.
- All right.

2) - Have you filled in your declaration?

- Of course.
- You failed to write the data and sign it.

3) - Will you show me your declaration?

- With pleasure.
- Be careful when filling in the form. Will you read all the points
carefully and write down all your answers in words?

Task 26. Match right and left.

1. Go to the red channel… a) on the table in the middle of the hall.

2. Go to the green channel… b) and then go through the Customs.
3. You should fill in your declaration c) if you have something to declare.
4. Let me see… d) if you have nothing to declare.
5. You can find forms… e) what you have.

Task 27. Make up dialogues on the topics below and act them out:

1) Explain to your friend who is going abroad, how it is necessary to fill in

the customs declaration.

2) Your friend is going abroad by air for the first time. Explain to him the
system of going through the customs.


the dual-channel system система двойного канала

to introduce зд. вводить в действие
to deal иметь дело, справляться
efficient / efficiently эффективный / эффективно
to increase / increasing расти, возрастать / возрастающий
to reduce сокращать, снижать
effectiveness эффективность
for commercial purposes для коммерческих целей
to indicate обозначать, указывать
«Nothing to declare» «Нет товаров, подлежащих
to operate зд. применять, использовать
to function функционировать, действовать
description наименование, описание
means средство, способ
panel стенд, табло
leaflet информационный листок / листовка
to distribute распространять, раздавать
tourist agencies туристические агентства
subject зд. объект, предмет
spot check syn. random check выборочная проверка
to exercise осуществлять, проводить
reason причина, основание
to ascertain устанавливать, выяснять
journey syn. trip поездка, путешествие
drug production area регион, где производятся наркотики
to link сопоставлять, связывать
up-to-date современный, текущий
transaction / transactions сделка / протоколы
to facilitate облегчать, способствовать
disposal распоряжение
damage ущерб, повреждение, вред
firm (adj.) твердый, непоколебимый,
fair справедливый, честный,
i.e. = id est (лат.) то есть = т.е.


Text 1

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

Russia like almost all countries has certain formalities through which
passengers must pass. They include passport and visa control and customs
inspection of passengers’ baggage.
Almost all countries have forms that the passenger must fill in. Incoming
passengers fill in an entry declaration form, outgoing passengers fill in an
exit declaration form which is to be presented to the customs officer. The
points of the declaration must be answered in full words in block letters. The
passenger is to fill in his full name, citizenship, country of residence, country
of destination, etc. The passenger must also declare prohibited, restricted and
dutiable articles that he is carrying across the border. Information must be
presented both in figures and in words. Personal belongings are brought in
and taken out duty free and need not be declared.
If the passenger understates the value of an article or misrepresents the
article in his declaration form, he may have to pay a penalty in addition to
payment of duty. The article can be detained and confiscated if the penalty is
not paid. If in doubt about the value of an article, the passenger should declare
it and then ask the customs officer for assistance in valuing it.
Undeclared foreign currency in cash found during the search is liable to
confiscation as smuggling.
The customs officer may ask the passenger to open his baggage for
inspection, because the customs officer always has the right to check if the
passenger is complying with the regulations and that he is not transporting

goods exceeding the quantities for which no formalities are required. The
owner of the baggage must answer all the questions of the officer-in-charge
on the contents of his baggage and must present any article for examination.
It is the passenger’s responsibility to unpack, open and repack his belongings.
The entry declaration must be kept by the passenger for the duration
of the stay in the country or abroad and must be presented together with the
exit declaration on the way back. It can’t be renewed in case of loss.

Working on the text

Task 2. Put the words into the correct column according to the pronunciation:

channel, transaction, issue, cultural, mission, violation, valuation,

manufacture, efficient, commission, essential, prosecution

[ t∫ ] [∫]
channel transaction

Task 3. a) Translate the following words and phrases and learn their
b) Explain the meaning of the underlined expressions.

- incoming/outgoing - in figures and in words

- entry/exit declaration - personal belongings
- points - to understate
- in full words - to misrepresent
- in block letters - to pay a penalty
- citizenship - to detain
- country of residence - foreign currency
- country of destination - (in) cash
Task 4. Find in the text English equivalents of the following:
паспортнo-визовый контроль; таможенный досмотр багажа; заполнить
въездную/выездную декларацию; задекларировать облагаемые пошлиной
предметы; ввозить и вывозить беспошлинно; помимо уплаты пошлины;
помощь в оценке товара; незадекларированная иностранная валюта; во
время досмотра; соблюдать правила; на протяжении пребывания в
стране; на обратном пути; в случае утери не возобновляется

Task 5. Look through the text and find antonyms to the following words:
- incoming passenger - to exclude
- entry declaration - to leave
- dutiable articles - to overstate
- to bring in - to unpack
- to break laws - to arrive

Task 6. Look through the text and complete the table:

Formalities Points of the Passengers’ Customs

declaration responsibilities violations
passport control full name to fill in the declaration smuggling

Task 7. Find the words in the text that follow the words below:
a) to include __________
b) to fill in __________
c) to declare __________
d) to understate __________
e) to misrepresent ___________
f) to pay __________
g) to exceed __________
h) to present __________

Task 8. Answer the questions:

1. What are certain formalities through which passengers must pass?
2. What do incoming/outgoing passengers fill in?
3. How must the points of the declaration be answered?
4. What document is the passenger to fill in?
5. What must the passenger declare?
6. What happens if the passenger understates the value of the article or
misrepresents it in his declaration?
7. In what case can the article be detained and confiscated?
8. What is liable to confiscation as smuggling?
9. How does a customs officer check if the passenger is complying with
the regulations?
10. How long must the entry declaration be kept?

Task 9. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Пассажиры, прибывающие в страну, обычно заполняют въездную

2. Пассажиры, выезжающие из страны, заполняют выездную декларацию,
которая должна предъявляться таможенному инспектору.
3. Все пункты декларации должны заполняться полными словами
печатными буквами.
4. В декларации пассажир должен указать свое полное имя, гражданство,
страну проживания, страну назначения и другие сведения.
5. Пассажир должен также задекларировать запрещенные, ограниченные к
ввозу/вывозу и облагаемые пошлиной предметы, которые он провозит
через границу.
6. Личные вещи ввозятся и вывозятся беспошлинно и не подлежат
7. Предмет может быть изъят или конфискован, если штраф не уплачен.
8. Незадекларированная наличная валюта, найденная при досмотре,
подлежит конфискации как контрабанда.
9. Этого пассажира досматривают уже в течение часа. Полагаю, он имеет в
багаже незадекларированные предметы, которые были обнаружены после
применения технических средств контроля.

Task 10. Complete the sentences in English:

The declaration form 1) заполняется полными словами.

2) подписывается пассажиром.
3) предъявляется таможеннику.
4) просматривается таможенником.
5) возвращается пассажиру.
6) хранится во время пребывания в стране.

Text 2

Task 11. a) Read and translate the text.


Just like Michael Jackson, who once tried to take a Cossak saber out of Russia,
U.S. violinist Ernesto Farago ran up against Russia’s peculiar laws on antiques
when he tried to take his musical instrument out of the country.
Mr. Farago’s 1940 Italian violin was detained by customs officials at
Sheremetyevo airport on the suspicion that he was trying to smuggle it out of
The incident seems to have been the result of misunderstanding.
Mr. Farago, speaking from his home in Springfield, Virginia, said that he
failed to declare his instrument, worth $28,000 because he had been
misinformed by customs officials in the arrival terminal.

“I was told by an officer that if I was bringing in the instrument for
professional purposes, there was no need for me to declare it,” said Mr. Farago,
who had visited Russia to play two concerts in Voronezh.
He has now been separated from his beloved violin for nearly a month,
but the saga should soon end happily.
The Culture Ministry received a document from U.S. confirming that this
instrument belongs to Mr. Farago and is ready to issue permission to take the
instrument out of the country. The Ministry official in charge of the export and
import of items of cultural and historical value said that all problems could have
been avoided if Mr. Farago had declared the instrument upon his arrival.
It says on the customs declaration form that all valuables of a historical
and cultural nature should be declared. This is so they can be taken out of the
country again.
(from “Moscow Times”)

*Red tape – official rules that seem unnecessary and prevent things from being
done quickly and easily (syn. bureaucracy)

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

c) Answer the questions:

1. What happened to Ernesto Farago at Sheremetyevo airport?
2. What was the passenger accused of?
3. Why was the violin detained?
4. Why didn’t Mr. Farago declare his violin?
5. How long did the investigation last?
6. What was Mr. Farago’s mistake?
7. Has the violin been returned to its owner?
8. What can you say about the customs officer who had misinformed
9. What customs regulations can you remember in respect of this incident?
10. Do you think such cases are common?
11. What should be done to avoid such misunderstandings?
Task 12. Sum up the information from the newspaper article:
a) Comment on the situation from the point of view of:

- Mr. Farago;
- a customs officer from Sheremetyevo airport;
- a Federal Customs Service official;
- a Culture Ministry official;
- a U.S. CBP official;
- the violin;

b) write a brief report for TV news program.

Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 13. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions, if necessary. Find false
statements and correct them.

1) Before you illegally enter _______ the country you will have to pass _______
certain formalities _______ Foreign Exchange Office.
2) Don’t fail to fill _______ an exit declaration form ______ full words ______
block letters.
3) Remember that you are to declare _______ duty free articles and personal
belongings when you bring them ______ or take them _______ of the country.
4) To comply _______ the regulations you shouldn’t declare foreign currency.
5) Money presented ______ inspection is liable ______ confiscation.
6) The officer-in-charge must answer ______ all the questions _______ the
owner of the baggage _______ the contents of the X-ray machine.
7) Any document can be renewed ______ case _______ loss.

Task 14. a) Find verbs in the text which correspond to the following definitions:

a) to get free by doing what is necessary (signing papers, paying duties) when
entering/leaving the country _______________
b) to make a statement of dutiable goods brought into the country
c) to write one’s name and other particulars required to make the form
complete _______________
d) to hide, to keep secret _______________
e) to keep back, to prevent from leaving or going forward when suspected of
wrong-doing _______________
f) to take possession of private property without compensation or payment
g) to look at something carefully in order to learn about it_____________
h) to limit something that a person may use for foreign travel _____________
i) to carry more than one has authority to carry ________________
j) to act in accordance with a request or command _______________

b) Use five of these verbs to write sentences of your own.

Task 15. Revise the rule on IF/WHEN-clauses and complete the sentences:

1) It won’t take you long to pass through the Customs IF …..

2) You will be legally free to enter the country WHEN …..

3) The customs officer won’t let you through IF …..


Task 16. Put a question tag at the end of the following sentences:

Model: He works in shifts, doesn’t he?

Study the exceptions: Let’s go, shall we?

Do it yourself, will you?
Don’t be late, will you?
I am expected, aren’t I?

Everybody is present, aren’t they?

1. Don’t drop the package, __________?

2. Customs declaration can’t be renewed, __________?
3. Let’s have a break, __________?
4. Russia has certain customs formalities, __________?
5. There are a lot of people at the airport, __________?
6. Everybody is ready to check in for the flight, __________?
7. It isn’t my responsibility to open suitcases, __________?
8. Let’s check that baggage with the dog, __________?
9. You are on business in Moscow, __________?
10. Formalities include passport control, __________?
11. Show me your cash, __________?
12. You have got a camera, _________?
13. I am through, __________?
14. Undeclared money is liable to confiscation, __________?
15. You filled in the entry declaration upon arrival, _________?

Task 17. a) Unscramble these words.

LMSFAIIOTRE - _______________
HLEOYCGOTN - _______________
AEECCMOLNNT- _______________

b) Use all three words to make a sentence of your own.

Task 18. Find 20 words from Units 6 and 7.


Task 19. a) Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.

The electronic customs declaration of goods, i.e. when goods are declared
at a customs office by submitting a customs declaration in electronic form via
the electronic communications channels, is widely practiced in the world today.
In Russia, the first electronic customs declaration was submitted in 2002.
The advantages of the Internet declaration are that there is usually no need
for the declarant to be personally present at the customs office, and that customs
clearance is performed rather quickly, taking as little as 15 minutes to release the
goods after the e-declaration is sent out. Also, after sending the e-declaration,
the declarant receives electronic notifications concerning all the stages of the
declaration movement: receipt at the customs office, acceptance, release, etc.
However, using the Internet declaration is not as simple as merely
switching on the Internet. The declarant must sign the relevant agreement with
the Federal Customs Service, and his information systems must meet certain
information security requirements and pass a special test.

Task 20. Make a written translation of the text into English.

Студент пытался провезти в желудке кило кокаина

Таможенники в аэропорту Манчестера были поражены, увидев

прилетевшего чернокожего студента. Парень бережно поддерживал
руками свой живот, вздутый, как у женщины на пятом месяце
Подозрительного субъекта задержали и просветили на рентгене.
Оказалось, что в желудке у него запрятано 67 упаковок с кокаином общим
весом 1 килограмм. Содержимое желудка пассажира по стоимости тянуло
на 300 тысяч евро – абсолютный рекорд. Наркокурьеров с такой богатой
«начинкой» британцам ловить ещё не приходилось.

Студент заявил, что понятия не имел, что это наркотики. «Я думал,
глотаю что-то другое и провезу в Британию в виде подарка другу», -
лепетал задержанный. Ответом ему был дружный смех таможенников.


Task 21. Complete the following sentences:

1. The customs formalities include . . .
2. To declare an item is to …
3. The points of the declaration must be answered . . .
4. The passenger is to fill in . . .
5. The passenger must also declare . . .
6. Personal belongings are brought in and . . .
7. If the passenger understates the value of the article . . .
8. Undeclared foreign currency in cash found . . .
9. The customs officer may ask the passenger to open . . .
10. The owner of the baggage must answer . . .
11. The declaration must be kept . . .

Task 22. Make up short dialogues between a customs officer and a passenger
discussing the following points:

1) the formalities through which incoming/outgoing

passengers must pass;
2) the main points of the declaration;
3) the way the declaration should be filled in;
4) prohibited, restricted and dutiable articles.

Task 23. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

Communication activities.

Task 24. What questions would you ask passengers on arrival?

- Where have you arrived from?

- What time is it by your watch?
- What’s the purpose of your visit?
- Are you travelling alone?
- Do you use any drugs?
- Where did you buy your ticket?
- What type of business are you involved in?
- What is your wife’s name?
- Is this all your baggage?
- What is your occupation?
- What is your home address?
- Is it real turquoise in your ring?

Task 25. The class is to be divided into four or five groups. The teacher will
give you an article about the Customs. The article is divided into a similar
number of parts. Each group will receive one part of the article and try to
estimate the position of their part in the article as a whole (whether it is likely to
be from the beginning middle or en). The class negotiates the reassembling of
the article. The group believing themselves to have the first part of the article
retells it for the rest of the class to record the essential points. The group
believing themselves to have the second piece follows and so on. The class then
goes on to discuss whether or not the correct order has been established. When
an agreement is reached, each student should attempt to write the summary of
the article in full and discuss the possible contents of the article.

Task 26. Make up short dialogues discussing the following points:

1) the formalities through which incoming/outgoing passengers must pass;

2) the main points of the declaration;
3) dutiable, prohibited and restricted articles.


form бланк, типовая форма

incoming / outgoing passenger прибывающий / убывающий пассажир
entry / exit declaration form въездная / выездная декларация
point (n) пункт
in full words полными словами
in block letters печатными буквами
full name полное имя
citizenship гражданство
residence / resident проживание / житель
country of destination страна назначения
in figures and in words цифрами и прописью
personal belongings личные вещи
to bring in / bringing in ввозить / ввоз
to take out / taking out вывозить / вывоз
to state/ understate value заявлять, указывать / занижать стоимость
to misrepresent an article недостоверно декларировать вещь
to detain изымать, задерживать
to confiscate конфисковать
to doubt / doubt сомневаться / сомнение
to assist / assistance помогать / помощь
in cash наличными
to comply (with) соблюдать, исполнять, подчиняться
regulations правила, порядок, инструкция
to own / owner владеть / владелец
responsibility ответственность
to pack/unpack/repack упаковать / распаковать / переупаковать
to keep хранить, сохранять
for the duration of the stay во время пребывания
to stay / stay оставаться, пребывать / пребывание
to renew восстанавливать, возобновлять
in case of loss в случае утери


Text 1

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

Under Russian law items older than fifty years are considered part of
Russia’s national and cultural heritage. But an object must be more than just
old to be called an antique. Antiques of all kinds are highly valued for their
beauty, craftsmanship, quality of design and sometimes for their relation to a
historical period or to some well-known person.
Cultural valuables include: original hand-made pictures and
drawings; sculptures, icons, engravings; handicrafts; ancient books and
manuscripts; photo-, audio- and video- archives; unique and rare musical
instruments, furniture, rugs; post stamps; various kinds of metal ware,
orders, medals, coins; etc. Modern items and items of mass production are
not related to cultural valuables.
Export and import of cultural valuables are regulated and controlled
by the state bodies. Exported cultural valuables are subject to special
registration in the order established by the Federal Customs Service and
the Culture Ministry which keep the State Protection Lists and Registers.
There is a standard procedure for individuals who want to take
cultural valuables out of the country. The owner must apply to the Culture
Ministry for permission and present the proof of ownership for the valuable
item. It can be a receipt from the shop or an auction, an old photo, a will or
some other document. When they receive the necessary documents, the Ministry
issues a certificate confirming the right to export cultural valuables. The
certificate allows carrying cultural valuables across the customs and state
border of the country.
When passing through the customs control a person should declare the
valuable item both in his exit and entry declaration forms and it is obligatory
to present it for inspection. Undeclared items found during the search are
detained and the person may be accused of smuggling.
Cultural valuables in search are subject to arrest for their following return
to the legal proprietors.
The author has the right to take out of the Russian Federation any quantity
of cultural valuables created by him, no matter whether he is leaving the country
temporarily or for permanent residence abroad.
Illegal bringing in and taking out of cultural valuables is considered as
smuggling and is to be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code or the
legislation of the RF related to administrative violations.

Working on the text

Task 2. Try to guess the meaning of the words. Check with the dictionary.

bracelet, theatre, frame, medallion, piano, brooch, ornaments, album,

statuette, diamond, portrait, silver, ballet, candelabrum, vase, teapot,
sapphire, cross, gold, earrings, guitar, icon, figurine, tomb, ruby

Task 3. a) Give the Russian equivalents of the following:

b) Explain the meaning of the underlined expressions:

- under Russian law

- national and cultural heritage
- an antique
- original hand-made pictures
- ancient books and manuscripts
- items of mass production
- State Protection Lists
- proof of ownership
- the customs and state border
- cultural valuables in search
- legal proprietor

Task 4. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

считаться частью национального наследия; (не) относиться к

культурным ценностям; подлежать специальной регистрации; вести
реестр; вывозить культурные ценности; обратиться в Министерство
культуры; предъявить доказательство права собственности; выдать
сертификат; изъять незадекларированные ценности; обвинить в
контрабанде; наказать в соответствии с законодательством

Task 5. a) Match the antonyms:

old modern
ancient mass production
unique common
special permanent
original new
rare ordinary
temporary copy
hand-made standard

b) Complete the sentences with the proper words:

1. This chair is a copy of the _______ design.

2. He was wearing a pair of expensive __________ shoes.
3. Computers are an essential part of _______ life.
4. The expert said that the paintings were rather _______, not valuable at all.
5. He was excited to see such a _______ icon.
6. We have a very _______ guest with us at the meeting today.
7. She was employed on a _______ basis.
8. Searching luggage at airports is now a _______ practice.
9. Each person’s fingerprints are _______.

Task 6. Insert prepositions if necessary:

1) to regulate and control _____ import and export

2) subject _____ special registration
3) export is regulated _____ the state bodies
4) to present the proof _____ ownership _____ the valuable item
5) a receipt _____ the shop
6) when crossing _____ the border
7) to declare _____ the valuable item
8) to present _____ inspection
9) found _____ the search
10) accused _____ smuggling
11) to take _____ _____ the country
12) illegal bringing _____ is forbidden _____ law
13) to return _____ the legal proprietor
14) to apply _____ the Culture Ministry

Task 7. Complete the sentences.

1. Cultural valuables include . . .

2. Cultural valuables don’t include . . .
3. To move some cultural valuables across the border the person has to . . .
4. Culture Ministry officials usually . . .
5. When crossing the border it is obligatory to . . .
6. To declare an item means …
7. If customs officers find undeclared items during the search . . .

Task 8. Answer the questions:

1. What can be called an antique?
2. What do cultural valuables include?
3. What items are not related to cultural valuables?

4. How does Culture Ministry control the export of antiques?
5. Is it possible for individuals to take valuables out of the country?
6. How can a person obtain permission for export?
7. What can be accepted as the proof of ownership?
8. What must a person remember when passing through the customs control?
9. What can happen if the person violates the regulations?
10. What else have you learnt about the customs regulations on valuables?

Task 9. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Министерство культуры и таможенная служба контролируют ввоз и

вывоз культурных и исторических ценностей.
2. Какие доказательства права собственности вы можете предъявить?
3. Перед тем, как выдать разрешение на вывоз, сотрудники Министерства
культуры регистрируют ценности в специальном реестре.
4. Во время досмотра багажа таможенники обнаружили несколько
старинных книг и рукописей.
5. Ваша коллекция современных иностранных монет не представляет
ценности. Вам не нужно разрешение на вывоз, но вы должны ее
задекларировать и предъявить для досмотра.
6. Этот художник регулярно вывозит свои картины на международные
7. Ваш музыкальный инструмент находится в розыске. Мы изымаем его, и
после проведения следствия он будет возвращен владельцу.
8.При подаче таможенной декларации пассажир не указал, что в его багаже
имеются иконы.
9. При проведении таможенного досмотра автомобиля в багажнике среди
личных вещей было обнаружено 6 икон.
10. Согласно закону, регулирующему ввоз и вывоз культурных ценностей,
провоз данных предметов может осуществляться на основании разрешения
Министерства культуры.

Text 2

Task 10. a) Read and translate the text.

United States customs law defines an antique as an object that is more

than 100 years old.
Most antiques are things that were originally used as household
furnishings. These include furniture, silver, glass, ceramics, rugs, embroideries,
metal ware, and other objects of decorative art. Such objects are studied,
collected, and bought and sold by cultural and social historians. They are studied
and exhibited in ways that are different from the ways in which the fine arts
(paintings, prints, and sculpture) are studied and presented.
Antiques are usually classified according to their countries of origin and
the dates when they were made. The predominant classifications derive from
styles that originated in London or Paris. The names of various periods into
which antiques are classified may be derived from the reigning monarch of the
time and place where they were made. A piece of art may be termed Georgian,
Regency, or Victorian if it is English or Louis XIV, XV, or XVI, Napoleon, or
Empire if it is French. Unfortunately, it is not always as simple as that. Antiques,
especially pieces of furniture, are sometimes called by the name of the leading
craftsman or designer of their period – Chippendale, Sheraton, Phyfe or Faberge.
Antiques are bought and sold in a variety of ways. Some are sold at
auctions. In the biggest auction houses, similar things are grouped together in
sales for which catalogues are published. These sales receive international
advertising and publicity. Bidding can be done in person, by agent, or by
telephone. Auctioneers cover their expenses and make a profit by charging the
seller a percentage of the sale price. Many antiques are sold by dealers –
merchants who buy objects from private owners, auction houses, and from other
dealers. Most antique dealers display their wares in their own shops. The
antiques show is another popular way to buy and sell such goods. Often a show
is run for the benefit of a charity.

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

c) Speak about 1) the things that are termed antiques;

2) the way antiques are classified;
3) the way objects of art can be sold or bought.

Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 11. Put these adjectives into the correct category.

ancient bright dark disgusting fascinating portable

modern woolen huge round Italian long digital
yellow new brilliant triangular plastic cotton racing
running Spanish square tiny pink wooden

2 – SIZE (and most other qualities)
3 - AGE ancient

Task 12. a) Put the adjectives in the correct order.

1. a / black and white / landscape / photograph

2. a / silk / Japanese / delicate / kimono
3. an / dining / oval / oak / table
4. an / wildlife / African / TV / documentary
5. a / canvas / striped / green and white / umbrella
6. leather / expensive / hand-made / Italian / tennis /shoes
7. a / portable / digital / tiny / camera
8. fair / straight / long / beautiful / hair
9. a / polo-necked / nylon / blue / sweater
10. a / brown / disgusting / huge / coffee / stain
11. a / university / young / good-looking / student

Task 13. Write a sentence describing each of the objects below. Put three
adjectives before the noun.

1) a piece of furniture that you have in your house

2) your favourite piece of clothing
3) something you were given as a present once
4) an electronic device that you use most often
5) a decorative item ( e.g. a vase, a painting)
6) a person that you know very well
7) something that you have bought recently
8) something that you don’t like

Task 14. a) Complete the text with the prepositions, if necessary.

On a plane bound _____ New York the flight attendant approached _____
a blonde sitting _____ the first class section and requested that she should move
_____ the coach since she did not have a first class ticket. The blond replied,
“I’m blonde; I’m beautiful; I’m going to New York; and I’m not moving.” Not
wanting to argue _____ a customer, the flight attendant asked _____ the co-pilot
to speak _____ her. He went to talk _____ the woman, asking her to move
_____ _____ the first class section. Again, the blonde replied, “I’m blonde; I’m
beautiful; I’m going to New York; and I’m not moving.” The co-pilot returned
_____ the cockpit and asked the captain what he should do. The captain said,
“I’m married _____ a blonde, and I know how to handle this.” He went _____
the first class section and whispered _____ the blonde’s ear. She immediately
jumped up and ran _____ the coach section mumbling _____ herself, “Why
didn’t someone just say so?” Surprised, the flight attendant and the co-pilot
asked what he said _____ her that finally convinced her to move _____ her seat.
He said, “I told _____ her that the first class section wasn’t going _____ New

Task 15. a) Study the information in the table:

adjective meaning opposite possible combinations

NATURAL existing in nature, artificial,
not made by man man-made
PURE not mixed with anything impure
GENUINE real; what it seems to be false
REAL not made up or artificial false
ARTIFICIAL not natural or real, made natural
by the art of man

b) Put the words into the categories:

flowers, gas, light, pearl, water, minerals, milk, painting, fertilizer,
wool, cotton, teeth, leather, wood, fur, silk

Task 16. a) Fill in the following dialogue with the right form of the modal verb
from the box:

have to should must

C. o.: Have you got only one suitcase?

P.: Yes, but I have got also hand luggage.
C.o.: Put your baggage on the belt, please. You’ll _____ open your
traveling bag. What’s this?
P.: It’s a picture. I bought it in a shop in the centre of Moscow.
C.o.: Do you know the Customs regulations on valuables?
P.: I’m not quite sure if I do. What _____ I do?
C.o.: First, you _____ have declared this picture in the declaration form.
P.: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t do that.
C.o.: Second, you _____ have the receipt with the statement “Allowed for
taking out of the Russian Federation” or a permission from the
Ministry of Culture. Do you have any?
P.: I’ve got only the receipt from the shop but there is no statement on it.
C.o.: In this case I’ll _____ detain this picture, I’m sorry.

b) Put the dialogue into Reported speech.

Task 17. a) Fill in the “False Friends” table. Use the dictionary, if necessary.

Russian English “False Friend” Russian

консервы tinned food conserve
магазин shop magazine
рецепт prescription receipt
фабрика factory fabric
техника technique
спекулировать gamble speculate

конкурс competition concourse

b) Make five sentences in Russian using the words from the table. Ask your
partners to translate the sentences.

Task 18. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct Active or Passive form.

CBP officers (to screen) travelers when they (to observe) two 15-year-old
boys approaching the vehicle lanes. Each boy (to ride) a bicycle. Both boys (to
identify) as Mexican nationals and residents of Sonora, Mexico. The officers (to
search) the bicycles and (to find) that the tires of both bicycles (to load) with
marijuana. The total weight of marijuana (to be) about 7 pounds with an
estimated street value of more than $11,000. CBP officers (to seize) the
marijuana and bicycles. The boys (to question) by Immigration officials and
then (to release) to the custody of their parents.

Task 19. a) Unscramble these words.

ITREAEGH - _______________
YGOOALTIBR - _______________
IERPRPROOT- _______________

b) Use all three words to make a sentence of your own.

Task 20. a) Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.

Most of the antiques on sale in Britain are either stolen or fakes and
international legislation has so far “proved toothless” at fighting the problem.
Art and auction houses in London have spent several years tightening
security and the Cultural Objects Offences Act made it illegal to trade in goods
thought to be tainted. Auction houses are as liable as banks for making sure that
they are not being used to launder suspect money and the Art Loss Register, the

company with a database of 160,000 stolen items, suggest the number of stolen
works being sold at auction has fallen.
One of the most famous fakes acquired by the British Museum was the
Crystal Skull, supposedly an Aztec symbol of death, bought in 1897. Recent
analysis showed it was cut and polished with a type of rotating wheel used in
19th century Europe.

*“SOTHEBY’S Holding, Inc.” – an art auction firm formed in London in

1744 and America-owned since 1983. Sotheby’s also sponsors art courses and
exhibitions, publishes “Preview”, newsletters and catalogues and has art
reference books published under its insignia.

**“CHRISTIE’S, Manson & Woods Ltd.” – an art auction house founded

in London in 1766 and now represented by offices and sales centers world-wide.

b) Speak about: - the problem the text touches upon;

- the changes in the legislation;
- the measures that should be taken to deal with the problem of
fake antiques.

Task 21. Make a written translation of the text into English.

Картинам Васнецова и Бенуа не дали улететь в Вену

Вчера в аэропорту Домодедово таможенники задержали
контрабандиста. 48-летний мужчина собирался лететь из Москвы в Вену.
Он прошёл в красный коридор, задекларировал 7 тысяч евро и
заявил, что больше никаких ценных вещей в его багаже нет.
Однако таможенников заинтересовал небольшой чемоданчик,
который был у пассажира. И здесь они нашли настоящий клад! Вместе со
старинными столовыми приборами там лежали эскизы картин известных
русских художников конца XIX и середины XX века. Увидев это добро,
таможенники вызвали эксперта. Он подтвердил, что картины имеют
культурную ценность. Пассажира оставили в Москве до выяснения всех
обстоятельств, а эскизы отправили в Министерство культуры для
определения их подлинности и стоимости.


Task 22. Discuss the following:

1) Do you collect anything?

2) Why do you think people collect things?

Task 23. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

Communication activities.

Task 24. Read and act out short dialogues:

1) - We’ll have to seize this antique painting. We’ll give you a receipt.
- But why?
- Come down, please.
- But I have looked through the Prohibited Articles List and the Duty free
Quota list. My thing isn’t on the list.

2) - You can have this thing only after you pay the duty.
- I didn’t know that.
- Don’t be upset. But such are our rules.
- But do you guarantee its safety?

3) - We’ll have to seize this manuscript.

It is forbidden to be taken out of country.
- Now, what am I to do?
- You don’t have to worry. Leave it here.
- But it is for my personal use.

4) - I’m sorry you’ll have to leave this icon with the Customs Office.
- That’s impossible.
- It’s nothing to get upset about. It’ll be safe here.
- When may I take it back?

Task 25. Find your sign of the zodiac below and read the text. Discuss with
your partner your strong and weak points with those given in the text.

Aries (Овен): March 21 – April 20
Sagittarius (Стрелец): November 22 – December 21
Leo (Лев): July 22 – August 22

Fire signs usually make optimistic students. However, you are often
impatient and want to make quick progress. It’s difficult for you to concentrate
on one thing. You have lots of energy but sometimes you have your head in the
clouds and don’t know or carry what is going on around you. To make good
progress you should try to concentrate on what you are doing today and not on
what you want to do tomorrow.

Capricorn (Козерог): December 22 – January 20
Virgo (Дева): August 23 – September 22
Taurus (Телец): April 21 – May 20

Earth signs usually make serious and hard-working students. Exams are
very important to you because you want to have a good job one day. You always
check your homework. You like everything in its place and demand clear
explanations of what is going on. You don’t like change. Other students like you
because you are practical and helpful and see everything so clearly. Try to let
you hair down from time to time.

Cancer (Рак): June 22 – July 21
Pisces (Рыбы): February 19 – March 21
Scorpio (Скорпион): October 22 – November 21

You live in a world of your own and often dream, even in class you often
lose things and forget the time. You seem to learn without effort and usually do
well if your teachers encourage you. You are very resourceful and artistic which
makes you work very interesting though not always very accurate! Try to
combine your imagination with the practical side of studying. And remember to
do your homework.

Gemini (Близнецы): May 21 –June 21
Libra (Весы): September 23 – October 21
Aquarius (Водолей): January 21 – February 18

You are a popular student and a good talker. You easily make friends and
are happy to be part of a team. You are a flatterer which means you are probably
popular with your teacher! But sometimes you are lazy. You have all the
qualities to make a success of your studies, so get on and do it! By the way, air
signs are good at learning foreign languages.


valuable / valuables ценный / ценность

to consider рассматривать, считать
heritage наследие
antique антикварная вещь
craftsmanship мастерство
hand-made ручной работы
drawing чертеж
sculpture скульптура
icon икона
engraving гравюра
handicrafts ремесла
ancient древний
manuscript рукопись
archive архив
unique единственный в своем роде
rare редкий
rug ковёр
post stamp почтовая марка
various kinds of metal ware различные виды изделий из металла
order орден
medal медаль
coin монета
mass production массовое производство
state ( adj.) государственный
body организация, орган
the Federal Customs Service Федеральная таможенная служба
Culture Ministry Министерство культуры
the State Protection List Опись культурных ценностей, охраняемых
register (n) зд. реестр
to apply обращаться
permission разрешение
proof of ownership доказательство права собственности
receipt квитанция, чек
auction аукцион
to issue выдавать
to confirm подтверждать
ground (n) основание, мотив
obligatory обязательный
to accuse обвинять
proprietor владелец, собственник, хозяин
to create создавать
temporary временный
Criminal Code Уголовный кодекс
administrative violation административное правонарушение
etc. и другие = и др.


Text 1

Task 1. Read and translate the text.

All birds and animals must be transported under humane and healthful
conditions. A suitable cage, space, ventilation, protection from the elements as
well as cleaning, feeding and watering must be provided by the owner or the
carrier of the pet.
There are various import and export regulations, restrictions and
formalities that must be complied with. In some countries animals are
prohibited entry by law. Some countries require import permits which must
be obtained well in advance of your pet’s arrival date in that country. In some
countries there are quarantine terms for pets. For example, all pets visiting
Great Britain had to spend six months in quarantine to keep the island free of
rabies. But a few years ago Britain relaxed the requirements for pets from
Europe, Australia, Japan, the USA and Canada. Now the animals can enter the
country upon arrival provided they carry microchips, are vaccinated and
undergo a full veterinary inspection.
As to Russia, there is no quarantine for dogs and cats and there is no
need to apply for an import permit. If a person is planning to take his dog or
cat out of the country, he must have a valid international pet passport and a
veterinary health certificate from a licensed Russian vet., stating that the pet
is healthy and fit to travel. The pet must be vaccinated against rabies and
other infectious diseases at least 1 month prior to leaving Russia, but not more
than 12 months before departure.
Stricter regulations are in effect for birds and exotic animals such
as parrots, turtles, monkeys, snakes, etc. Normally the export of such animals is
prohibited. They can be carried across the border only with the permit of the
State Committee on Environmental Protection. To obtain the permit a person
will have to present the documents confirming that the animal was purchased
The unlawful import and export of animals is forbidden by law. It is
considered as smuggling and is liable to prosecution.

Working on the text

Task 2. Put the animals into the correct category.

wildlife - animals that live in natural conditions

domestic – animals that live on a farm
pet – animal that you keep at home

cheetah, monkey, cow, dog, penguin, pig, horse, giraffe, lion, sheep,
tiger, cat, parrot, rabbit, guinea pig, deer, hippo, elephant, hen,
octopus, emu, rhino

wildlife domestic pet

Task 3. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

гуманные и надлежащие условия; защита от неблагоприятных
воздействий окружающей среды; питание и уход; правила ввоза и вывоза;
действительный международный паспорт животного; ветеринарное
удостоверение; инфекционное заболевание; разрешение на ввоз; порода.

Task 4. a) Give the Russian equivalents of the following:
b) Explain the meaning of the underlined expressions:

- must be provided
- regulations that must be complied with
- are prohibited entry by law
- must be obtained well in advance
- relaxed the requirements
- to apply for an import permit
- the pet is fit to travel
- regulations are in effect

Task 5. Match left and right to make word combinations:

licensed conditions
suitable vet.
valid disease
healthful cage
infectious regulations
strict certificate

Task 6. Answer the questions:

1. What conditions must the owner provide for his pet?

2. Are there any regulations in respect of import and export of pets?
3. Is it necessary to obtain import permit for the pet every time you travel
4. How long does the quarantine usually last?
5. In what case can pets visiting Great Britain enter the country?
6. What documents must a person have to take his dog / cat out of Russia?
7. Must the dog / cat be vaccinated before or after the departure from Russia?
8. What animals are prohibited for import and export?

Task 7. Study an International Pet Passport and complete it for your pet.


CERTIFICATE FOR DOGS Name ______________________________________

Address ____________________________________
Кличка собаки
Name of dog ________________________________
Дата рождения Пол
Date of birth __________________ Sex _________
Порода Окрас шерсти
Breed _________________ Colour _____________
Вид шерсти / Особые отметины
Cout type / Distinguishing marks
________________ ____________________________________________
(photo) Заводчик / Имя, фамилия, адрес
Breeder / Name and address

Вакцинация против Vaccination against

Подписавшийся ветеринарный врач подтверждает, что собака, указанная на стр.2 (на фото) настоящего
паспорта, была им вакцинирована против бешенства и что перед вакцинацией она была подвергнута
клиническому обследованию и признана здоровой.
The undersigned declares herewith that he carried out vaccination against rabies of the Dog described on page 2
and the vaccinated animal was examined clinically prior to inoculation and found to be healthy.

Дата Вид вакцины Подпись ветеринарного врача и печать

Date Vaccine used Signature and stamp of veterinary surgeon

Собака, указанная на стр.2 настоящего паспорта, в день выдачи этого удостоверения была мной
обследована, и у нее не было установлено ни инфекционного заболевания, ни симптомов инфекционного
На протяжении последних ______ месяцев перед выдачей настоящего ветеринарного свидетельства не
было сигнализировано ни одного случая заболевания бешенством ни в месте содержания животного, ни
в его окрестностях в радиусе _____ км.


On the date issue of this certificate of health I examined the Dog described on page 2 and found no signs or
symptoms of contagious disease. There have been no certified cases of rabies in the locality of origin or within a
radius of _____ km.

Официальная печать Дата Подпись государственного ветеринарного

Official stamp Date Signature of State Veterinary Surgeon

Text 2

Task 8. a) Read and translate the text.


Missing marmosets, alligators, penguins: thieves are targeting Europe’s

Zoos and safari parks to supply animal collectors who want to own more exotic
species. Conservationists say the practice is harming animals, threatening vital
breeding programs and adding to an already flourishing illegal trade in exotic
birds and animals.
We live in a designer world and people are not satisfied any more with a
budgie or a canary, they want something rare. The more exotic or endangered
the animal, the higher the price. For example, one rare hyacinth macaw is worth
$45,000. British zoos have suffered a major theft every week for the past few
years involving dozens of animals worth thousands of dollars.
Conservationists say that the demand for exotic animals will put further
pressure on wild populations, which thieves have already targeted for years. At
the meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
(CITES) they discussed how a vast trade in exotic birds – both legal and illegal
– has decimated populations of African gray parrots, prized for their ability to
mimic human speech.
Zoo thefts made headlines last when a 3-month-old penguin Toga was
stolen from Amazon World Zoo Park on the Isle of Wight, off southern Britain.
He was never found. His parents Kyala and Oscar mourned the loss for several
weeks. The manager of the Park thinks that Toga must have been stolen to order
by professionals.
There are casual thefts too. Once, a man abducted an alligator from a zoo
in central England and took him to a party to impress his friends. Then he left
him on the doorstep of a pet shop.
But the problem is that these animals are not tame and you need to know
how to handle and care for them or they may die.
Many zoos are now increasing security and some are tagging and chipping
their animals.

b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

c) Answer the questions:

1. What endangered species are mentioned in the text?

2. What does CITES stand for?
3. How can Customs authorities help to protect wildlife?
4. What do you think about the people who collect exotic animals?

Vocabulary and Grammar

Task 9. Look up the words in a dictionary and use them in the sentences.

healthy _______________
healthful _______________

I feel ______________since I stopped smoking.

He spends much time in the countryside because of _____________air.

human _______________
humane _______________
humanitarian _______________

We support the campaign for the ______________treatment of animals.

The United Nations has sent ______________aid to help the refugees.
The accident was caused by _____________ error.

valid _______________
invalid _______________
Without the stamp on it, the certificate will be _____________.
Your return ticket is _____________ for 3 months.

date _______________
data _______________

It’s possible to store a lot more _____________ on that CD.

You should apply for permission at least 8 weeks before the ____________
of departure.

Task 10. a) Use the adjectives and adverbs from the box to complete the text.

adjectives adverbs
harmful x 2 positively
detailed initially
fast-growing diligently
personal x 2 commonly
unknown subsequently

U.S. CBP agriculture specialists discovered __________ seeds in the

__________ belongings of a Canadian citizen who arrived in the United States
to visit his family in Philadelphia.
The traveler claimed that he was carrying some dried citrus peels for
_________ consumption. During a __________ examination, agriculture
specialists discovered seeds of an __________ species. The seeds were sent to
the Agriculture laboratory for identification. A final report __________
identified the seeds as Imperata cylindrica, __________ known as Cogon
Grass. Cogon Grass is a __________ Asian weed that was __________
introduced to America as a packing material. Cogon Grass has been ranked
among one of the “10 worst weeds of the world”. It has been known to kill pine
seedlings and to replace other vegetation.
The citrus seeds were __________ destroyed by CBP.
CBP officers and agriculture specialists work __________ to safeguard
American agriculture by preventing introduction of __________ plant pests, and
foreign animal diseases from entering the country.
b) Discuss the following:

1. Do you think it is necessary to control the movement of objects of flora and

fauna across the borders? Why?
2. Can you remember any cases when introduction of harmful species affected
the agriculture or the life of people?

Task 11. Put the dialogue into Reported speech.

C. o.: May I have a look at your passport?

P.: Here it is.
C.o.: What a nice dog. Is it going with you?
P.: Yes, he is the best companion in the world. He never
complains, never bothers me, never snores at night.
C.o.: I think it is a sheep-dog and he is about three years old.
P.: Yes, you are right.
C.o.: Do you have a vet. сertificate for your dog?
P.: A veterinary certificate?
C.o.: Yes. According to our rules no dog or cat may be allowed entry
without a vet.certificate.
P.: Well, I have always thought that customs people deal mostly with
smugglers and terrorists, not with dogs. It has never occurred to me
that my dog should need any license.
C.o.: Oh, it is understandable. But such are our rules.
P.: Now, what am I to do?
C.o.: Calm down please, madam. Since you say you don’t have a veterinary
certificate, I’ll have to call a vet. He will examine your dog and
vaccinate it against rabies.

Task 12. Read and translate the text.

Early in the morning CBP agents were patrolling State Highway 86.
Agents observed a vehicle driving at a high rate of speed with its lights out.
They attempted to stop the vehicle and used a Controlled Tire Deflation Device.

Even with flat tires, the vehicle continued to flee. It was found a short time later
abandoned in the desert.
Agents discovered 118 bundles of marijuana inside the vehicle. Experts
estimated the value of the drugs $1,6 million. The vehicle is being processed for
seizure by Border Patrol.

b) Make up 10 questions of all types;

c) Give the gist of the story.

Task 13. a) Change the following verbs to nouns by adding one of the given
suffixes and fill in the table.

to clear to perform to decide

to pay to require to assess
to enforce to connect to restrict
to divide to accept to allow
to prohibit to accomplish to permit

-ment -ance -tion -sion

b) Make five sentences with the formed nouns.

Task 14. Translate the sentences using modal verbs.

1. Товар, должно быть, повредили при разгрузке.

2. Не может быть, чтобы он был контрабандистом.
3. Таможеннику не пришлось вызывать владельца груза: капитан смог
ответить на все вопросы.
4. Боюсь, вы не можете провезти эту сумку как ручную кладь. Вам
придется ее сдать.
5. – Должен ли я декларировать личные вещи?
– Нет, не нужно.
6. Нельзя нарушать таможенные правила. Вы можете быть
оштрафованы или привлечены к уголовной ответственности.

7. Вам не следует спорить с таможенником. Вы обязаны заплатить
8. Ей пришлось изучить много документов, прежде чем она смогла
начать работать декларантом.
9. Я не смогла взять с собой собаку, так как ветеринарный сертификат
был недействителен.

Task 15. Find 20 words from Units 8 and 9.


Task 16. Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.

Customs agents in Russia’s Far East have confiscated wild animal skins
that a businessman was attempting to smuggle into China. A semi-truck crossing
the border from Russia had 6.7 tons of furs hidden inside rolls of paper for
recycling. Among the furs there were more than 4 tons of muskrat, as well as
mink, sable, and Siberian mountain weasel.
An investigation of the smuggled goods is currently under way to
determine their overall number and cost.
The smuggling of animal parts, especially bear paws, from Russia into
China has become a common business. Bear paws are considered an exotic dish
in China and thousands are estimated to be smuggled into the country from
Siberia annually. Frogs, tiger bones, deer musk and genitals from the spotted
deer are also smuggled across the border mostly for Chinese medical purposes.

Task 17. Make a written translation of the text into English.

Пресечена пернатая контрабанда

B аэропорту «Домодедово» задержаны двое сирийцев, которые

перевозили 14 кречетов. Их сняли с рейса на Доху (Катар). По мнению
специалистов, птиц везли с Камчатки, где подобный бизнес переживает
расцвет. Спрос на кречетов велик в арабских странах, где их используют
для соколиной охоты. Стоимость одной птицы может доходить до ста
тысяч долларов.
Возбуждено уголовное дело. Злоумышленникам грозит до 12 лет


Task 18. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

Communication activities.

Task 19. Read and act out the short dialogues:

1) - Show me the vet certificate for your dog.

- O.K.
- Thank you. The examination is over.
- Yes, thank you.
- Have a nice stay in this country.

2) - Wait a minute. I’ll call out vet inspector.

- All right.
- Everything is O.K. You are free now. Sorry for the trouble we’ve
- Thank you very much.
- Welcome.

3) - Show these things to quarantine inspector.

- Well… Here…
- You may go. Everything is all right with you.
- Thanks.
- Next, please.

4) - Read our Regulation on plant quarantine, please.

- Yes, sir.
- Don’t lose your certificate otherwise you may have trouble when you
leave the country.
- Thank you.
- Have a nice journey.

Task 20. Make up short dialogues discussing the following points:

1) Your friend is planning to visit his relatives abroad. He has a pet cat and
he wants to take it with him. Explain to him customs regulations in
respect of pets.

2) Your friend is going to Thailand on vacation. She is willing to bring

orchids from Thailand. Explain to her Customs regulations on plants.


humane гуманный
healthful полезный для здоровья
cage клетка, контейнер
space пространство
elements неблагоприятные воздействия окружающей
среды (дождь, ветер, осадки)
to provide обеспечивать
import permit разрешение на ввоз
to obtain получать
quarantine карантин
rabies бешенство
to require / requirement требовать / требование
microchip микрочип
to vaccinate / vaccination делать прививку / прививка
to undergo подвергаться, переносить
valid / invalid действительный / недействительный
veterinary / veterinarian = vet. ветеринарный / ветеринар
license лицензия
fit здоровый, пригодный, готовый
infectious инфекционный, заразный
disease болезнь, заболевание
to breed / breed выводить, разводить / порода
to delay / delay задерживать / задержка
strict строгий
to confirm подтверждать
to purchase приобретать
unlawful незаконный
prosecution судебное преследование




It’s a person who … It’s a kind of …

It’s a place where … It’s the opposite of …
It’s a thing which you use to … It’s similar to …
It’s a situation when … It’s how you feel when …
It often happens when … You do this when …



To start with … Начать с того / прежде всего …

First of all I’d like to point out … Прежде всего, мне хотелось бы
указать …
The main problem is … Основная проблема заключается в
том, что …
I want to draw attention to … Я хочу обратить ваше внимание

на …
Speaking of … Говоря о …
What we have to discuss is … То что мы хотим обсудить - это …
Let’s get this clear first … Давайте сначала выясним …


In my opinion … По моему мнению …

It seems to me that … Мне кажется, что …
In my view … С моей точки зрения …
I have the feeling that … У меня такое чувство, что …
I feel/believe that … Я считаю, полагаю, что …
I rather think that … Я вообще-то думаю, что …
I’m absolutely convinced that … Я абсолютно убеждён, что …
If you ask me, I think … Если вы спрашиваете меня, то я
думаю …
You can take it from me that … Можешь мне поверить, что …
Let me tell you … Позвольте мне сказать вам, что …
I mean to say … Я имею в виду …
I don’t quite follow you … Я не совсем вас понимаю …
On the surface of it … На первый взгляд …
You have got it all wrong … Вы совершенно неправильно это
Generally speaking … Вообще говоря, …
In fact …/ Actually … Фактически …
The way things are … Судя по тому, как обстоят дела …
Under the circumstances … При данных обстоятельствах …
Apparently / obviously / evidently … Очевидно …


Everyone knows that … Каждый знает, что …

It is a fact that … Это факт, что …
It is accepted that … Принято, что …
Nobody will deny that … Никто не будет отрицать, что …
It is common knowledge that … Общеизвестно, что …
We must face the fact that … Мы должны признать тот факт, что


I’m not sure if … Я не уверен, что …

Do you really believe that … Неужели вы правда полагаете, что
I wouldn’t be sure about that, if I were Я бы не был так уверен на твоём
you. месте.
How are we to know that / if … Откуда нам знать, что …
I wonder if you realize … Интересно, сознаёте ли вы …
I doubt that very much. Я очень сомневаюсь в этом.


I don’t quite agree with you there. Я не совсем согласен с этим.

I can’t accept your view that … Я не могу принять вашу точку
зрения, что …
I don’t see eye to eye with you on that Я не разделяю вашу точку зрения …
point …
You are not serious, are you? Ты ведь это не в серьёз, правда?
May I remind you that …? Позвольте напомнить вам, что …
I don’t want to argue with you, but … Мне не хочется спорить с вами, но

There is a grain of truth in what you В том, что вы говорите, есть доля
say, but … правды, но …


On the one hand …, on the other hand С одной стороны ..., а с другой
… стороны …
An argument for / in favour of _____ Аргументом в пользу _____
is… является …..
An argument against _____ is … Аргументом против _____ является

Some people think that …, while Одни думают, что …, а другие
others say that … говорят, что …


You are quite right. Вы абсолютно правы.

That’s a very important point. Это очень важный момент.

You have got a very important point Вы на правильном пути.
Hear, hear. Да, так.
You took the words right out of my Ты схватываешь всё на лету.
I see eye to eye with you on that point Я разделяю вашу точку зрения.


The reason for this is … Причина этого …

This is due to … Это из-за …
On account of … Вследствие …
Since … Так как …
I base my argument on … Я основываюсь на …
I’m telling you all this because … Я говорю вам всё это потому, что …


It would be more to the point, if … Было бы более убедительно, если …

What we are discussing here is … То, о чём мы говорим здесь, …
… has nothing to do with … … не имеет ничего общего с …
Come to the point. Говорите по существу.
Don’t beat about the bush. Не ходите вокруг да около.
That’s (quite) irrelevant. Это (почти) не относится к делу.


It follows from this that … Отсюда вытекает, что …

The obvious conclusion is that … Очевидный вывод заключается в
том, что …
There is only one conclusion to be Только один вывод можно сделать
drawn from this. из всего этого.
Last but not least … Последний, но не менее важный …
The only alternative left is … Единственный выбор, который
остался, это …
The only possible solution is … Единственно возможное решение,

это …


Finally, I would like to say that … В заключение мне бы хотелось

сказать, что …
Summing up / To sum up … Подводя итог …
In conclusion … В заключение …
To put it in a nutshell … Говоря кратко / в двух словах …
To cut a long story short … Короче говоря …
On the whole … В целом …
All in all … В общем …
After all … В конце концов …
All things considered … В результате рассмотрения вопроса

In the long run … В конечном счёте …
That explains it. Тогда понятно.
That’s about all there is to it. Пожалуй, это всё.


Complete the tasks:

Task 1. Read the text.

Task 2. Look through the text and write out:

a) international words;
b) geographical names;
c) names of mentioned state bodies;
d) words denoting people and their jobs;
e) the verbs that describe the actions of people;
f) economic and legal terms;

Task 3. Find irregular verbs in the text and give the three forms of these verbs.

Task 4. Find the words in the text that can be used as a Verb and a Noun
without the change in the form.

Task 5. Copy out five adjectives and give their synonyms /opposites.

Task 6. Look through the text for figures, which are important for
understanding. Copy them out and note what they refer to.

Task 7. Which word is most often used in the text? Explain the meaning of the
word in English.

Task 8. Write 10 what / when / where - questions.

Task 9. Write 10 why – questions.

Task 10. Note three things in the text that are new to you.

* * *

Task 11. What is the problem presented in the text?

Task 12. Where is it found?
Task 13. When does it occur?
Task 14. Why does it occur?
Task 15. How does it occur?
Task 16. Who is affected by the problem?

Task 17. Who (what) can help to find the solution / improve the situation?
a) technology d) law enforcement actions
b) administrative ways e) legal acts
c) creative ideas f) other ways

Task 18. What factors can help to achieve the desired result?
a) people c) money
b) equipment d) other

Task 19. Summarize the text.

Task 20. Comment on the problem. Give your reasons. Support your arguments
with some facts from the text.



Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences). State the
main problem discussed in the article and mark off the passages of the article
and the sentences that seem important to you. Point out the facts that turned out
to be new for you. State what information in the article contradicts your views.
Speak on the conclusion the author comes to. Express your own point of view
on the problem discussed.
The title of the article The article is headlined …
The headline of the article I have read is …
The author of the article; The author of the article is …
where and when the article The article is written by …
was published It is (was) published in …
The main idea of the article The article is about …
The article is devoted to …
The article deals with …
The article touches upon …
The article focuses on …
The main/central idea of the article is …
The purpose of the article is to give the reader
some information on …
The aim of the article is to provide the reader with
some material (data) on …

The contents of the article The author starts by telling the reader
(facts, names, figures, etc.) (about, that …)
The article describes …
According to the text …
The author writes/ states/stresses/points out
that …
Further the author reports (says) that …
In conclusion …
The author comes to the conclusion that …
Your opinion of the article To my mind …
In my opinion …
If you ask me …
I found the article interesting/ important/
informative/ dull/ of no value/ too hard to

Text 1


(by Carl Schreck)

For years travelers have faced a limit on the amount of foreign currency
they can take out of Russia, but a new law now gives travelers a fresh currency
to reckon with: the ruble.
Under the change, which came into effect already, rubles will now be
counted among the $10,000 that travelers are legally entitled to take out of the
More than $10,000 can be taken out if the traveler presents documentation
from customs officials that he declared the money upon entering the country –
allowing him to leave the country with that sum on top of the $10,000, Federal
Customs Service spokeswoman said.
The new law closes a loophole that allowed travelers to take unlimited
rubles abroad and exchange them there. However, it is difficult to exchange
rubles in many countries.
As before, travelers are allowed to take up to $3,000 out of the country
without declaring it, though under the new law, rubles now count toward that
amount as well. Rubles are calculated using the Central Bank exchange rate on
the day of departure.
Rubles will also now be included in the amount of cash the traveler must
declare when entering the country. A traveler can bring as much money into
Russia as he wishes, but must declare any sum equal to $10,000 or more in any
combination of foreign currencies, rubles, promissory notes and travelers
Incidentally, the Federal Customs Service said travelers could take out as
much money as they wanted out as it was in travelers checks. The law states that
travelers must declare travelers checks only if they total more than $10,000, not
counting the rubles or foreign currencies they are carrying.

Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service’s currency control
department, told reporters that the change was aimed at strengthening the ruble
and its recognition as a convertible currency.
A CIS bank analyst at Standard & Poor’s, said, however, that the new
regulation would have no effect on the rubles convertibility. “Convertibility
depends on macroeconomic stability, foreign trade, political and economic
stability. It requires more than just an administrative measure,” he said.
A traveler who unwittingly showed up at customs with more than $10,000
would be asked to leave the excess amount with customs. He will be issued the
receipt and claim money upon returning to Russia.
If a traveler did not plan to return to Russia, a better option than cash
would be to carry credit or debit cards, which do not fall under the new law.

Text 2
(by Carol Sotilli)
New airport security rules that went into effect around the world as a
result of terrorism threat may be temporary, but flying will clearly be even less
fun than usual in the foreseeable future. Here are some tips for making the
journey as painless as possible.
- Know the rules. The latest rules for international and domestic flights in
the United States and Britain prohibited carry-on beverages and liquids,
including shampoo, creams, toothpaste and hair gel.
Exceptions to the no-beverage rule were being made for baby formula and
prescription drugs and insulin (make sure they’re properly labeled in your

- Pack wisely. The items being banned from carry-ons are generally
allowed in checked luggage. Liquids, however, may leak during changes in air
pressure, so it’s a good idea to place them in sealed plastic bags or specially
made sacks. Leave room at the top of each bottle for expansion.
- Weight rules and fees vary by airline. Check with your carrier before
you fly, and weigh your bags at home to avoid extra fees.
- Give yourself extra time at airports. The U.S. Transportation Security
Administration were recommending that all passengers flying domestically and
internationally get to the airport three hours ahead of flight time.
- Check refund policies with your carrier. If you have paid for air ticket
but would rather stay home, many airlines have eased flight change and refund
Stay current. Get the latest updates about your local airports. For info on
carriers, check the airports’ web sites, which offer links to carriers operating
flights from their area.

Text 3


The Interior Ministry reports that the Police have seized more than 1.2
million bottles of counterfeit perfume and eau de toilette worth $5.7 million that
apparently were imported from Poland.
Last week the police searched the premises of a Russian firm that had
been importing and selling fake perfume, a spokesman for the ministry’s

Economic Security Department said. The ministry didn’t identify the firm,
saying only that it was located on Rostovskaya Naberezhnaya in Moscow.
The toiletries with “obvious signs of counterfeiting” were found in the
firm’s warehouse, the spokesman said. More than 60,000 units of fake perfume
products were also found.
Judging by the fact that it was ready when it was imported, the perfume
was probably made in Poland. The ministry said it had found evidence of sales
of the fake goods bearing trademarks of “famous domestic and foreign
cosmetics companies” in more than 30 of the country’s regions.
The police have also seized 33 fake stamps that counterfeiters attested
came from the Economic Development and Trade Ministry, the Moscow city
government’s education department, a Procter & Gamble representative, and
from Russian, British, French, Belgian, German and Ukrainian transportation
and trading companies, among others.

Text 4

(by Stuart Baird)

A couple who led a champagne lifestyle on the proceeds of cocaine

smuggling were jailed for 15 years at Manchester Crown Court.
Ronald and Sylvia Benn, both aged 40, had been found guilty of
conspiracy to smuggle class “A” drugs following an extensive investigation by
the North West National Investigation Service. Judge Anthony Hammond
ordered Ronald Benn to serve nine years in jail and Sylvia six.

Outbound Customs at Hull prompted the investigation after stopping the
Benns and finding £62,000 in their car, money which the couple could not show
was legally theirs.
NIS investigation, conducted under case officer Ian Gallagher, revealed that
despite the couple being heavily in debt in 1993, they had seen a remarkable
upturn in their fortunes. All their debts were cleared, they bought BMW and
Mercedes cars with cash, hired a butler, enjoyed holidays abroad and turned
their home into a "palace", complete with underground garage.
But forensic evidence showed that cash found in the home and their cars
was heavily impregnated with cocaine, and the dust bag in their vacuum cleaner
contained significant amounts of the drug.
The lawyer, representing Sylvia Benn in court, said the case was a tragedy
for her as she would be separated from her two teenage daughters, one of whom
had a disability. The other had become ill through stress duу to the case.
Judge Hammond told the couple: “Serious offences call for serious
sentences and this is a very serious offence indeed. It involved substantial and
numerous importations of cocaine, although there was no actual drug seizure.
You were involved in a plot to import cocaine. You exported the currency to
purchase drugs in Holland and, I have no doubt, bought drugs there." He added
that they were involved in a "substantial" drugs operation which could have net-
ted over £500,000 for those involved.
Case officer Ian Gallagher told the reporters: "This was an excellent result
not only for the NIS but also those officers who made the original seizure in
Hull, conducted the search of the house and the Manchester airport team who
conducted the forensic tests."
A confiscation order against the Benns' property and cash is still being
processed and the couple will appear in court again next month.
Text 5


(by Garl Schreck)
Drag police have arrested a Moscow region man on suspicion of growing
copious amounts of cannabis in his apartment and selling it to the teenage
patrons of a dance club that he operates nearby. Officers from the regional
branch of the Federal Drug Control Service arrested the man in his apartment in
the city of Voskresensk after receiving a tip that he was cultivating large
amounts of cannabis, Drug Control spokeswoman said.
Upon searching the apartment, the police discovered indoor growing
equipment — including heat lamps and automatic watering devices — and
learned that the suspect had tapped an outdoor power line in an apparent attempt
to save money on his electricity bill.
Police confiscated 84 cannabis plants along with 190 grams of marijuana
and a stash of hashish. Police also confiscated several packages of different sorts
of hemp seeds — a veritable starter's kit for growing marijuana — that the
suspect had apparently received in the mail from abroad.
The suspect, who is reported to be 35 years old, has been charged with
possession of a large amount of an illegal substance. A conviction carries up to
10 years in prison. Police were preparing to also charge the suspect with selling
the marijuana and hashish to teenagers who frequented a dance club that he ran
in Voskresensk. They declined to identify the club and to comment on the tip
that led the police to the suspect. "We are still trying to establish the entire
network of dealers before we charge him with dealing," the official said. "There
was too much in the apartment for him to sell all by himself."
Cannabis gardeners were rare but not unheard of in the Moscow region.
The police have had about five such cases in the last six months. Separately,
drug police on the same day detained a Moscow region teacher on suspicion of
selling drugs to his students. The 35-year-old man was carrying 1.6 kilograms of
opiates when he was arrested.

Text 6


(by Anna Malpas)
Following a series of drunken brawls and hijack attempts by airline
passengers, a senior Interior Ministry official called for a complete ban of
alcohol on flights.
Head of the ministry's transport security department said the ban would be
consistent with existing laws banning alcohol consumption in public places and
should be implemented on domestic and international flights.
All of the arguments and aggressive behavior of passengers are linked to
the use of alcohol. Drunken passengers are involved in hundreds of onboard
incidents each year on Russian airlines, many of which do not result in police
Transport police registered 50 cases of aggressive behavior by passengers
aboard planes last year. Transport police are already stopping visibly intoxicated
passengers from boarding planes.
In October, a drunken passenger on a Turkish Airlines flight to St. Peters-
burg tried to hijack the plane, claiming he was carrying a bomb. Passengers
overpowered him after he handed over a note with his demands.
Aeroflot does not support an alcohol ban aboard its planes, calling instead
for tougher punishments for inebriated passengers, airline spokeswoman said.
The airline wants to increase fines for onboard drunkenness and hooliganism
and introduce the possibility of jail time for unruly passengers, as in other
countries. Drunken passengers who disobey flight staff now pay a "ridiculous"
fine of 1,000 rubles ($29).
Passengers are not allowed to drink alcohol purchased in duty-free stores
on board, a rule frequently disregarded by travelers on Russian airlines. Flight
staff can only warn them of this rule verbally and hand them over to police at the
end of the flight if they fail to comply.
While most drunken incidents on Russian flights are sparked by passen-
gers, there have been cases of flight attendants overindulging. In one incident in
July 2004, passengers on an Aeroflot flight from Moscow to the west Siberian
town of Nizhnevartovsk said three male flight attendants got drunk and beat up a
passenger who complained about poor service.
Aeroflot passengers on a Moscow-New York flight in late December re-
fused to let the plane leave the airport after becoming concerned that the pilot
was drunk when he had trouble making the welcome-aboard announcement.
Aeroflot, which replaced the pilot after an hour long standoff with the pas-
sengers, says subsequent tests showed that the pilot was not drunk but might
have suffered a stroke shortly before the flight.

Text 7


Investigators have seized 127 rare falcons worth an estimated $5 million
that were being smuggled to Syria from a Russian military air base in
When investigators moved in, the birds hidden in boxes, were being
loaded on to a passenger plane which was about to fly to Syria from the air base
located near the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek.
It is still unclear how the passenger plane had got into the military base.
An Il-18 with a Russian crew, had been chartered by a local firm, Phoenix. A
special investigation will be conducted to clarify this.
The birds had not been fed for two days and one of them had a broken leg.
They are now recovering in a nursery and will be later returned to their natural
The Russian military, which rents the air base from the Kyrgyz
government to help fight international terrorism, said it had nothing to do with
the smuggling.
The ancient art of hunting with birds is still practiced in Arab states and
enthusiasts spend large amounts of money on rare birds of prey, often smuggled
from other countries.
Text 8


(by Kevin O’Flynn)

A U.S. diplomat is being investigated by Domodedovo Airport police on

suspicion of trying to smuggle 75 rare Soviet posters out of the country.
Louis O’Neill, a U.S. citizen and head of the Organization for Security
and Cooperation in Europe mission to Moldova, was stopped at Domodedovo on
March 16 with five tubes stuffed with Soviet propaganda posters from the 1920s
hidden in his suitcase, Foreign Ministry and customs officials said.
The posters were confiscated, and O’Neill, who had diplomatic immunity,
was allowed to fly out of Russia. The case has been classified as a smuggling
attempt and is being investigated by transport police at Domodedovo. The crime
is punishable by up to seven years in prison and 1 million ruble fine (about
The posters O’Neill was trying to take out of the country included ones
“that had museum value and were national treasures”, Foreign Ministry
spokesman said in a statement on the ministry’s web site.
When asked what he had in his suitcase, O’Neill said he only had personal
belongings, a map and work documents.
Anyone traveling with artworks is required to apply for a permit to take it
out the country, said a spokesman for the Federal Service for Media Law
Compliance and Cultural Heritage, the government agency that decides whether
artwork or antiques are allowed out of the country.
Among the posters in O’Neill’s case were works by artists Dmitry Moor
and Viktor Deni, Soviet artists who made some of the most famous propaganda
posters of the 1920s. One of the most famous Moor’s posters is the one that
shows a Red Army soldier pointing out of the poster with the question “Have
You Signed Up as a Volunteer?” underneath.
It is difficult to estimate how much the posters might be worth, said the art
director at Sovkom auction house, which specializes in Soviet art. The value
depends on the poster’s condition and how rare it is. Prices can range from $100
to $1,000, though one poster was sold at Sovkom recently for $5,000. The
investigator said O’Neill had been planning to sell the posters, worth up to
Komsomolskaya Pravda cited an unidentified investigator as saying
O’Neill was under surveillance even before he was stopped at the airport and
that authorities had taped his telephone discussions with dealers in Soviet
“I’m an ambassador with the OCSE, I have a diplomatic passport,
so let’s not search me, O’Neill said when stopped at the airport. “I want to sit on
the plane and finish eating my apple.” O’Neill called the accident a provocation
when he flew back to Chisinau.

Text 9


(by Anatoly Medetsky)
Russia, France, Germany and several other mostly European countries
signed the first-ever international treaty to combat the growing multibillion-
dollar counterfeit drugs industry.
The Council of Europe-sponsored Medicrime Convention, signed in
Moscow, obliges signatory states to criminalize a broad range of activities that
make possible the sale of fake medicines that harm patients and deprive legal
producers of revenues.
Health and Social Development Minister, who signed the treaty on behalf
of Russia, said the government would beef up penalties for the crimes to
comply with the new requirements. The convention introduces minimum
standards for the criminal law of the signatory countries.
«The global trend has been that these crimes were often not considered as
serious enough to merit criminal law measures».
Ambassadors and diplomats of Austria, Finland, Italy, Israel, Iceland, Portugal,
Switzerland and Ukraine have signed the treaty. It establishes as criminal
offenses such activities as the manufacturing of counterfeit medical products
(including equipment), their supply and offers to supply, trafficking and the
falsification of related documents.
In an Interpol operation last month, law enforcement officers seized more
than 2.5 million doses of fake and unlicensed medicines in 79 countries. The
drugs were being sold on pharmacy web sites that were run, hosted or facilitated
by Russians or Chinese, while most of the counterfeit products came from
Chinese suppliers.
According to the World Health Organization, counterfeit medical products
sometimes account for more than 50 percent of market value in developing
countries. In some parts of Europe they represent between 6 percent and 20
percent of the market. That number is less than 1 percent in developed countries
where there is efficient regulatory control.

Text 10


(by Hannah Gardner and Ellen Pinchuk)

The government is fighting to stop the unlicensed manufacture of the

Kalashnikov assault rifle in other countries, 60 years after the weapon went into
Global production of the world’s most abundant firearm “creates the
possibility in a series of countries to avoid responsibility for what is basically
the production of counterfeit goods,” Finance Minister said in an interview. “We
will, of course, fight for our rights.”
The country’s targeting of counterfeit Kalashnikovs underscores the
success of the brand since Mikhail Kalashnikov first began to design a weapon
while lying wounded in a hospital bed during World War II. In 1947, his work
culminated in the AK-47, the most successful assault rifle in history, for which
the Soviet Union granted production licenses to friendly states.
When the permits started expiring in the late 1980s and early 1990s,
production continued unabated as the Soviet Union collapsed. Currently, there
are about 30 factories worldwide, including plants in China, Poland and
Bulgaria. Russia accounted for just 10 percent of global Kalashnikov production
last year, said General Director of Izhevsk-based Izhmash, a factory that makes
Kalashnikovs. “When you see that there’s a huge fight against piracy over CDs
and DVDs, and in such an important area of production our rights are being
violated, of course it’s insulting,” he said in an interview.

Rosoboronexport, the country’s state arms exporter, is working with
governments to resolve the issue.
Russia is the world’s third-largest arms exporter, after the United States
and France, and is the biggest supplier of weapons to developing nations,
according to the U.S. Congressional Research Service. Russia exported $6.5
billion of arms last year.
The government now plans to regain market share by promoting the
homegrown values of Russian Kalashnikovs over foreign-made versions. The
quality of machine guns made in Russia is much better. The Russian-made
original carries a premium overseas, costing as much as five-times more than a
non-Russian gun in Asia, Afghanistan and Latin America. Foreign-made
weapons are “far inferior” to those produced in Russia, said Mikhail
Kalashnikov, now 87. “We’ve tested them dozens of times and we see that it’s
just cheap junk that should be thrown away,” he said.


1. Таможенный кодекс Российской федерации, : текст с изменениями и

дополнениями на 2009г. –М: Эксмо, 2009.
2. Customs Code of the Russian Federation.
3.Таможенный кодекс Таможенного Союза в редакции протокола от
16.04.2010. Приложение к договору о Таможенном кодексе Таможенного
Союза, принятому Решением Межгосударственного Совета Евразийского
экономического сообщества (высшего органа Таможенного союза) на
уровне глав государств от 27.11.2009 №17).
4. Графова Л.Л., Арзуманян С.В., Лазарева Т.П..“Учебник английского
языка для таможенников”. – М.: Высш.шк., 1998.
5. Н.А. Кузнецова Контрабанда наркотиков. - М.: РИО РТА, 2005.
6. Английский язык (для работников таможенных учреждений), ч.III, М.:
Прометей, 1992.
7. И.Е.Ткаченко История таможенной службы Великобритании М:РИО
РТА, 2001.
8. Словарь “Dictionary of Contemporary English”, Longman, 2005.
6. L.G.Alexander “Right Word Wrong Word”, Longman, 1994.
9. Stuart Redman “English Vocabulary in Use”, Cambridge University Press,
10. Журналы: “WCO News”,” The Economist” (на английском языке).
11. Газеты: “The Financial Times”,” The Moscow Times” , “Portcullis”
(на английском языке), “Коммерсант” (на русском языке)
12. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig “English File” Oxford University
Press, 2001.
13. Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in Use”, Cambridge University Press,
14. И.М. Святошенко Кинологическая служба Германии. - М.:РИО РТА,
15. Н.А.Болотова Борьба таможни с контрабандой наркотиков. - РИО ВФ
РТА, 2006.
16. М.А.Конова Английский язык: методические указания по
специальности «Таможенное дело». – Оренбург: ГОУ ОГУ, 2005.

1. Официальный сайт ФТС России: www.customs.ru.
2. Официальный сайт комиссии Таможенного Союза: www.tsouz.ru.
3. Виртуальная таможня: www.vch.ru.
4. Таможня для всех – российский таможенный портал: www.tsk.ru.
5. www.wcoomd.org.
6. Информационный рынок Европы: http://www2.echo.lu/
7.Правительственная информационная служба ССТА:
8. http://www.americasnet.com




РАБОТЫ ………………………………………………………………………..4

Unit 1 THE WORK OF A CUSTOMS OFFICER ……………………..……. 7

Unit 2 THE HISTORY OF CUSTOMS ………………………………..… 21

Unit 3 CUSTOMS AREAS………………………….…………………….….37


THE AIRPORT.………………………………….…….……………………...54







Unit 9 CUSTOMS REGULATIONS ON PETS ………...…………..……...131




Учебное пособие


CUSTOMS TODAY (двух частях)

Часть 1

для студентов 1 курса очного отделения

Дисциплина: «Иностранный язык» (английский),

«Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной
деятельности» (английский)

Галина Петровна Давыдова
Валентина Васильевна Колеганова

Издано в авторской редакции


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