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Adventure Book Two


BOOK 1. D100 DUNGEON – A Solo Adventure Game - Published 2018, 2021, 2022
BOOK 2. THE ADVENTURER’S COMPANION - Published 2018, 2022
BOOK 3. THE DRAGON ARMOUR – Adventure Book One - Published 2019, 2022
BOOK 5. THE DRAGONS RETURN - Published 2022
BOOK 6. WORLD BUILDER - Published 2021, 2022
BOOK 7. THE RUNE FORGE - Adventure Book Two - Published 2023


PDF 1. THE WORLD OF TERRA - Published 2019, 2021
PDF 2. TABLES AND GAME SHEETS – Published 2020, 2022


ACCESSORY 1. MAPPING GAME (ALSO PNP) Published 2018, 2021
ACCESSORY 2. GAME SHEET PAD PACK - Published 2018, 2021
ACCESSORY 4. SPELL CARDS (ALSO PNP) - Published 2019, 2021


BOOK 1. D100 SPACE - A Solo Adventure Game - Published 2022


ACCESSORY 2. TRACKER (ALSO PNP) - Published 2022

You can find out more about the products listed above by visiting WWW.MK-GAMES.CO.UK
© 2023 Martin Knight. All Rights Reserved.
First published 2023.
This product is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, hired out
or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. No part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (elec-
tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission of its author and
designer Martin Knight.
Useful sites for D100 Dungeon available at time of Publication
MeWe https://mewe.com/join/d100dungeon
Facebook English https://www.facebook.com/groups/672373642932827
Facebook French https://www.facebook.com/groups/242689246478317
Board Game Geek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/237031/d100-dungeon
Useful sites for D100 Space available at time of Publication
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/5210119025745614
Board Game Geek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/367485/d100-space
Special thanks
Wendy Knight, Raymond Knight, Dorian Terry, Steve Weinrich & Aaron Boggs of Dungeon Software US, LLC.,
Jacob Wilding of D5 Questing, Matthew Morris of Adventures in Solitaire (YouTube), Rob Oren of Rob’s Table-
top World, Christopher Belmontes (aka D100 Superfan), Lan Tarryk Kozar, Geek Gamers, Josh McGuire, BGG,
Brice Romiant, Cyrille Guyonvarc’h, Adam Purcell, Kevyn James, Dominic Velasco, Jacob Andersson, Samuel
Sarjant, Mark Adams, Kirk Gardner, Christopher Haywood and Gary Bergeron.
The Dungeon Song
A dungeon we will go
A dungeon we will go
Strap on a sword and don’t get bored
A dungeon we will go
Tips to surviving the dungeons
D100 Dungeon does not suffer fools lightly, and knowing when to quit is an important part of surviving the dun-
geon. Invest your gold, and don’t be too quick to sell your items. If you don’t need the gold to buy supplies for
your next quest then don’t sell them. Gaining experience can be slow, so train regularly, and don’t underestimate
the use of armour, shields and the defence characteristic. Only equip essential items as they may get damaged.
Use fate points to manipulate dice rolls, and use them for greed as well as for getting you out of tricky situations.
Your adventurer will always need a weapon, so carry a spare, or even a couple in case one gets lost or destroyed.
Whilst the adventurer can equip many kinds of weapons, the dice are your weapons; however, not all dice roll
true, so if they are not being kind to you, check their balance. After all, your adventurer would always check their
weapon’s balance before using it.

Good luck, the dungeon awaits!

THE RUNE FORGE���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
USING THE MAPPING GAME��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Setting Up The Mapping Game������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Playing The Adventure�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Area Markers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Recording Information������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Using Monster Cards��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Which Side Of The Card?�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
Card Numbers That Begin E�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
Card Numbers That Begin EA�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
Card Numbers That Begin EB�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
THE ADVENTURE BOOK RULES������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
1. Time Track������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
2. Exits����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
3. Area�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
4. Search��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
Mapping The Dungeon�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
Map Diagram������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11
Diagram Orientation�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11
Using Exits�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11
Secret Passages�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11
Red And Green Map Diagrams���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Remembered Paragraphs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Escaping Monsters�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Failing The Adventure������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
THE RUNE FORGE ADVENTURE�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14
AREA MARKERS FRONT��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65
BLANK AREA MARKERS FRONT�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65
AREA MARKERS BACK����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������66
BLANK AREA MARKERS BACK�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������66
THE RUNE FORGE MAP SHEET�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������67
RUNE FORGE ENCOUNTER TABLE������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������68
RANDOM DUNGEONS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������70
Rules During A Random Dungeon�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������72
Prefix Rewards����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������72
Prerequisite Rewards������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������72
Generated Rewards���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������72
Other Rewards����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������72
THE RUNE FORGE own The Dragons Return Monster Cards you can add
cards numbered 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 20, 23, 29, 31, 37,
The Rune Forge adventure book introduces a different
way of playing D100 Dungeon, and will give you choic- and 38 to their respective positions within the deck.
es much like a choose your own adventure game. It uses These are additional monsters you can choose when
all of the D100 Dungeon rules from the main rulebook you draw the corresponding monster counter.
with a few modifications. Also included are new rules 6. Cut out the area markers found at the end of this book.
called "Random Dungeons", that can be implemented Alternatively you can download them from: www.
into any of your games; whether you're playing a quest, mk-games.co.uk, and print and cut them out.
campaign, or using the World Builder expansion. 7. Place all other components to one side. They may
USING THE MAPPING GAME be required during the course of the adventure.
If you own the D100 Dungeon Mapping Game, you can Playing The Adventure
play along with this adventure using its components. Certain additional rules need to be observed whilst
However, a few changes must be observed, see below. playing the adventure. They are as follows.
Setting Up The Mapping Game Area Markers
Do not set up the Mapping Game as explained in the Whilst playing the adventure game, each time you place
mapping game’s rule book. Instead follow the instruc- a mapping card, you must also place the area marker
tions below: that matches its paragraph number on the card. This is
important so you can track which map card relates to
1. Find the following 20 map cards: 3, 9, 24, 25, 29,
which paragraph number in the book.
39, 46, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 64, 72, 81, 83, 87, 93,
98, and 100. Return the rest to the game box as Recording Information
they are not needed. At times during the adventure you will be asked to mark,
2. Set the door counters to one side, you do not need or make a note in an area on the dungeon sheet. When
to create the door pool for this adventure. You will this occurs use one of the blank area markers and write
be instructed when to place a door counter. They the information on it before adding it to the map card.
are placed face down and mark that a door is open. Using Monster Cards
All door icons on the map cards that are not mark Sometimes you will encounter a monster with character-
in this way are considered closed for the purpose of istics that are identical, or almost identical to a monster
this adventure. card found in the Mapping Game. When this happens the
3. Create the monster pool in the usual way (Enc monster will be shown with a card number, and you may
Mod: -10; counters 1-43). find the monster card to use during the encounter.
4. Find overlay counters G16, G25x2, G41, and G44 Sometimes the monster's characteristics may have been al-
and place them beside the map cards. Return the tered. Anything that is different, or has been added is shown
rest, along with the geographic counters to the game in bold and should be observed (See example below).
box as they are not needed.
Example: In the example below the monster's details have
5. To create the monster deck, take the monster cards
changed from how it appears on its card. Its AV has been
numbered 1-43 and return the rest (numbered 44-53)
increased and it has gained the Large monster ability.
to the game box as they are not needed. We are going
Where it has changed it is shown in bold.
to rearrange the deck and change the way some cards
are facing. First, arrange the cards so monsters from
table E are face up. Now, flip over the following cards: Monster Card AV Def Dmg
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, ZOMBIES C E15 45 0 +0
26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
and 42. Make sure when they are flipped they show HP [K] Abilities
the monsters from table EA and show the icon. The 4/4/4/5 Nothing Disease, Pack, Large
deck is now ready for the adventure. It is important to
keep the deck this way up at all times. If you happen to
Which Side Of The Card? Card Numbers That Begin EA
The monster cards from the Mapping Game are dou- If the letter before the card number is EA,
ble sided. One side shows monsters from table E and the monster is from table EA - Encounter
the other side shows monsters from table EA. The ad- A, which is found in book 2, The Adven-
venture book informs you which card face shows the turer's Companion.
monster you're encountering, by telling you which
Card Numbers That Begin EB
encounter table it is from, as follows.
If the letter before the card number is
Card Numbers That Begin E EB, the monster is from table EB - En-
If the letter before the card number is an E, the monster counter B; which is found in book 5, The
is from table E - Encounter (from the main rulebook). Dragons Return.
You must use the card face that does not show an icon
in the bottom left-hand corner.
You can find out more information about the mapping game at: www.mk-games.co.uk

When you turn to a new paragraph that has a map dia-
gram, you have moved to another area in the dungeon,
To play the adventure in this book it is recommended you and if it hasn’t already been added, you must draw the
use an adventurer that has completed at least ten quests; area to the dungeon sheet (see Mapping the Dungeon).
the first five training missions as detailed in the D100 Dun- Mark the adventurer’s new position on the sheet to show
geon rule book and an additional five. You may of course they are in the new area, and then read the paragraph.
use a more experienced adventurer to make the adventure
easier, or a less experienced one to make it harder. 4. Search
When you have chosen your adventurer you begin the Once you have followed the paragraph’s instructions,
game by reading a short story. This is a background sto- you may search, by first checking the area's map dia-
ry that sets the goal of the adventure. You will then be gram. If the Search information shows "???" you roll
instructed to Turn To 1; meaning to turn to paragraph randomly on a find table (either table F, or table FA
1 and start reading. At paragraph 1 you will find a map from The Lost Tome Of Extraordinary Rules expansion
diagram, which you are required to add to a new type book 4), just as you would in a traditional game of D100
of dungeon sheet. Dungeon. However, if it shows a number, you instead
turn to the paragraph shown and follow its instructions.
The new dungeon sheet is very similar to the traditional
Once an area has been searched, mark it on the dungeon
dungeon sheets found in the main rule book, but there
sheet with an (S) in the bottom left corner as a reminder
is only space for twenty areas. This will provide you
it has been searched, and may not be searched again.
with enough spaces for all twenty of the areas you will
explore during the adventure. The new map sheet can Whether you search the area or not, its time to start a new
be found at the end of this book, and is also available turn and begin looking for the next exit.
for download from: www.mk-games.co.uk.
Mapping The Dungeon
Turns When playing an adventure game, the dungeon map is
Whilst playing the adventure you are required to follow not generated randomly like it is in a typical game of
the normal turn sequence found in the main rulebook, D100 Dungeon, but is instead created by the adventure
but with a few differences (see the turn sequence be- book as you explore and turn to various paragraphs. You
low). The first turn begins immediately after you have will need to use a new type of dungeon sheet, which can
added the first map diagram to the dungeon sheet. be found at the end of this book, or alternatively can be
1. Time Track download from: www.mk-games.co.uk. It's very simi-
At the start of each new turn you will be reading a par- lar to the traditional dungeon sheets found in the main
agraph that shows a map diagram. In this step nothing rule book, but only has space for twenty areas. This will
has changed from the original rules, and you are still provide enough spaces for the dungeon to be mapped
required to shade 1 Â on the time track, and deal with without spilling over onto additional sheets.
any triggered effects before moving onto step 2. There are twenty paragraphs you may explore during
2. Exits the adventure that have a map diagram, and when you
If this is the very first turn of the adventure draw the map come across one you will need to add it to the dun-
diagram shown for paragraph 1 on the dungeon sheet, geon sheet. As well as displaying the area that has been
and then read and follow the paragraph’s instructions. If found, the map diagram also has important information
this is not the very first turn of the adventure, you must that needs to be recorded too; such as exits, doors, and
choose an exit shown on the map diagram and turn to details from the information ellipse. The information
the paragraph number you have chosen (see Using Ex- ellipse contains important details that will be needed
its). If a door blocks the way, it must be dealt with in the during the course of the game.
usual way (i.e. roll on table D) before turning to the exits If you are playing along with the Mapping Game, you
paragraph. However, in some adventure books you may will need another way to record the information to your
come across an exit/door that has some special rules and map cards; therefore, make sure each time you place a
you will need to follow those instructions to use the exit.

map card, you also place the area marker on the card Example: The adventurer is in area 1 and wants to use
with the same number as the paragraph's number you're the exit numbered 14. As the exit shows a door, it must
currently reading. Then, whenever you're required to ref- be opened. The player rolls on table D and scores
erence the information ellipse, you can flip back to the 16; the door is open. The player marks the door, with
paragraph’s number using the area marker's number. code "O" for open, turns to paragraph 14, and adds
Map Diagram the map diagram just as it is displayed, aligning the
Below is a typical map diagram and the different infor- exits so they point to one another.
mation it displays.

Using Exits
When an area has been explored and it's time to move
2 on, simply choose any available exit arrow containing a
paragraph number and turn to that paragraph. However,
if the exit is blocked by a door, you must first open it.
2 Sometimes, instructions are given by the paragraph tell-
ing you how to open the door; otherwise, you must roll
on table D for the door's door code. Once a door code
is marked "O" it has been opened and you are permitted
to move through into the area the door was blocking.

1 Door Symbols: The exit is blocked by a door Sometimes you may have proceeded through an exit, and
and must be opened (i.e. its door code must be the new area shows a door blocking your way. If this is the
changed to “O”) before the exit can be used. case, you must follow the instructions found in the par-
agraph showing the door icon in order to open the door.
Exit Arrows: The number in the arrow tells you
2 which paragraph number to turn to in the adventure
Only read the section "Door:" of that paragraph, and do
not read anything else until you are actually in the area.
book when the adventurer leaves the current area.
Information ellipse: Has important informa- Secret Passages
3 tion such as the areas colour, the paragraph Because the adventure book generates the map as you
number where the area is located, its map card explore the dungeon, it will make sure your adventurer
(only relevant if using the Mapping Game), never needs to create a secret passage when the dun-
and the area's search details. geon has sealed you in; it will simply never happen.
Therefore, the creation of a secret passage is not per-
Diagram Orientation mitted when playing the adventure book. If at anytime
The map diagrams are shown as they will appear on the a secret passage is required, a paragraph will provide its
dungeon sheet. You do not need to rotate your dungeon details. If at anytime you happen to randomly generate
sheet like you would in a traditional game of D100 a secret passage from a table, just ignore the result and
Dungeon. Just align the paragraph's number (in the exit roll again for a new one.
arrow) to the exit you have just passed through.

Paragraphs thing like this “Turn To R55”; in this instance, you're
When you turn to a paragraph that has a map diagram, being asked to turn to paragraph 55, but remember your
read through the "First Time" narrative and follow any current one: The letter R informs you to remember the
instructions given for the area, then proceed with the current paragraph's number. It's very important to keep
turn. If you revisit the area later during your adventure, a note of the most current paragraph the adventure book
you skip the First Time narrative and instructions and has asked you to remember; this is because at some
simply follow on with the turn sequence in the normal time during the game you will be asked to Turn To R,
way, usually by encountering any escaped monsters and and you will be required to return to the last paragraph
performing a search (unless you've done so already). you were asked to remember.
Example: Wendy is currently reading paragraph 34
and has been told to “Turn To R76”. She makes a
Sometimes a paragraph has a section called “Persis-
record of the current paragraph on her adventure
tent”. When this is the case, you must adhere to the
sheet (34) and turns to paragraph 76. Later, she is
persistent instructions whilst the adventurer remains
asked to Turn To R and so Wendy checks her ad-
in the area. It's important to note that sometimes the
venture sheet and sees the last recorded paragraph
player may have been directed away from the area's
number is 34. She turns to paragraph 34 and follows
paragraph, but the adventurer has not moved away
its instructions.
from the area affected by a persistent effect. When this
occurs, remember the persistence effect is still in play
and must be applied. Escaping Monsters
When the adventurer escapes a monster, it is added
Example: William is reading paragraph 9, which has to the dungeon sheet in the usual way, and the next
the persistent effect “Each time you shade a  on the time the adventurer enters the area it must be encoun-
time track, a rock has fallen from the ceiling and is in tered again; just as it would in a traditional game of
danger of hitting you. Roll 1d10 on the table below to D100 Dungeon. However, some of the monsters from
check how large the rock is, then perform the ROCK the adventure book are unique, or have been modified
FALL test to see if it can be avoided.”. William search- slightly from the original rule book. Therefore, when-
es the area and is directed by the paragraph to Turn ever you record a modified monster, you will need to
To 53. The paragraph instructs William to shade 1  record its name and the paragraph number where it
on the time track. Even though William is not read- was first encountered, so you can refer back, if it's en-
ing paragraph 9 any more, his adventurer is still lo- countered again. If you're using the Mapping Game,
cated at area 9 and is still affected by the persistence you can record this information using a blank area
rules. William shades 1  on the time track and must marker and add it to the map card.
now check how large the rock is and then perform the
ROCK FALL test to see if it hits the adventurer. Failing The Adventure
Sometimes you may find it necessary to escape the
Red And Green Map Diagrams dungeon in order for your adventurer to survive. If this
When a red, or green area is discovered, the paragraph is the case, the adventure may be failed at the end of
will instruct you to either roll on the appropriate table any turn in which the adventurer is in the area show-
(Encounter or Geographic), or a result will have been ing the dungeon exit arrow (marked E on the map di-
generated for you. The paragraph will always advise agram). There is no penalty for failing the adventure.
if you need to roll or not; this is displayed below the However, all items and notes that have been added to
paragraph's map diagram in bold. You will only en- the adventure sheet that have numbers in parentheses
counter a monster the first time you discover an area, (usually after their names) must be removed. The next
unless a Persistent effect states otherwise. time the adventure is played, you start the game using
a fresh dungeon sheet and from the very beginning
Remembered Paragraphs
(all encounters and features have been reset).
At times during an adventure, the game will ask you
to read another paragraph, but require you remember
your current one. When this happens it will look some-
THE RUNE FORGE side of the mountain. It was getting dark but I could see
seven runes carved deep in the stone. They matched the
ADVENTURE runes of the seven scriptures. I should know, I studied
Deep in the mountains to the northeast of the Arcane at the Arcane Tower when I was a lad. Anyway, Squark
Tower is the Rune Forge. It was built by the dwarves swooped low and we got a good look. The door was
exactly 100 years after they completed the Arcane closed, and yet the demons walked straight through, as
Tower. Work began in the year -2489 and took just nine if nothing blocked their way. The runes glowed brightly
years to complete. The Council of Seven, who commis- for a second and then another demon strolled out and
sioned its construction, chose its location beneath the moved a heavy boulder to hide the entrance. He was
Irontorn mountains, in an effort to hide it away from an incubus, and by the way he lifted the boulder, he
prying eyes, but alas it fell foul to a powerful demon was very strong indeed. When he spotted Squark I lost
named Vakanar. Vakanar is one of a handful of demon control and the crow vanished just as quickly as I had
lords that first emerged from the Demon Gate after its summoned him. The violet remnants from the banish-
construction in -2790. He craved a huge arcane pow- ment floated close to the demon and it was enticed to
er and set off on a mission to capture the White Tower. investigate. I quickly took my leave, and out the cor-
Along the way he summoned a horde of minions, but ner of my eye, I saw a tall tree with silver bark. It was
when he reached the Arcane Tower he learnt of a more growing oddly close and one of its branches pointed
powerful structure being built, The Rune Forge. He like a gnarled finger towards the door. When I turned to
changed course and waited for its completion. Whilst get a better look, it was gone.
the dwarves dug, he planned the attack and on the day "Years later I came across a scroll in the Library Of
the Rune Forge was finished, Vakanar and his minions Antiquity over at the White Tower that described such
devoured its caverns, spreading torture and fire to its a tree. It was called Medrife, an arcane creation of the
darkest corners. Many dwarves escaped with their seven scriptures that was planted when the first dwar-
lives, but an unlucky few were left behind and were ven pickaxe was swung to tunnel out the depths of the
tortured to death to reveal the secret of the nine rune Rune Forge. The moment the sapling was lowered to
crystals the arcane council placed within its depths. the earth, its roots stretched out, searching for soil,
One crystal for each scripture of magic and two more pining for a place to grow. It marks the location of the
for balancing the arcane power of the forge. Rune Forge for all time and is immortal. Its bark is a
Numerous battles took place to regain its control, but shield to its heartwood and is impenetrable. The arcane
alas the Arcane Council and their battle mages failed power used to created Medrife, was so strong, the fab-
to breach its depths. Then, after the Great Icing of ric of reality would not accept it and hides it from view.
-2300 and The Melting of -1400, the location of the However, if a small amount of vagrant, uncontrolled
Rune Forge became lost. The Lair of Vakanar (anoth- magic passes by, Medrife will push through the barrier
er name for the lost forge) is now where the demon and expunge reality for a moment to feed. The energy
lord and his minions use the power of the nine arcane consumed accentuates its growth, which in turn makes
crystals to sustain and power their existence, prevent- it harder for the tree to breach the barrier the next time.
ing them from diminishing back to the demon realm. "I can only guess when I lost control over Squark the
You have heard this tale a thousand times, as it's told tree seized the opportunity to feed..."
in every tavern across Terra. Warming your back to ...This morning you wondered if you had found the en-
the camp fire, you keep watch and recount the story trance to the Rune Forge. You had taken a rough track
you overheard a few days ago in The Broken Claw, a through the mountains thinking it would lead to the Lost
scruffy little inn at the heart of Blitsworth... Mines, but instead it led to an oddly placed boulder in
..."You see, many years ago, I was in the mountains and front of the mountains. Whilst you contemplated where
spotted a legion of demons. I waited and watched and to head next, you heard footsteps and quickly dived in
one disappeared. It was hard to make out what happened the undergrowth to hide. Watching from the tall grass
and so I summoned Squark and familiarised myself to you saw several demons appear and head towards the
his mind. We flew high to remain unnoticed, and then I boulder. Then one began to speak dark magic and a mo-
saw it. Just over a ridge was a dwarvern door set in the ment later an incubus appeared, summoned from the

demon realm. For an instance you saw a tree appear, an that comes along. You hear a chorus of howls and then
owl was perched in one of its branches, but they were several charge from all directions, scrambling to taste
gone in the blink of an eye. Then the summoner shout- your flesh. You must fight the wolves below.
ed a command and the creature tossed the boulder aside
like it was a stack of hay. Hidden behind was a dwarven Monster Card AV Def Dmg
door carved with seven runes. The demons and the in- DIRE WOLVES EA19 40 2 +1
cubus walked through. The door didn't open, they just HP [K] Abilities
walked through, and as they did the seven runes on the
dwarven door glowed brightly and the tree blinked into 6/5/5/5 Table P3 Pack, Leap*
view again. This time you saw its gnarled branch point-
ing towards the door, and then it vanished. A moment *LEAP: The monster is very agile in combat and
later the incubus reappeared, and for a short while stood will often pounce to attack. When a natural roll of 1
guard. It scanned the area, looking intently across at the has been scored on its damage dice, the monster has
tall grass where you were hiding, before it returned the pounced, causing some extra damage. The player rolls
boulder to cover the door. Then, in a burst of violet light the damage die again for the monster, and adds it to the
it vanished. The silver tree appeared for a split second monsters damage total. Note that if another 1 is rolled,
before it vanished too... the player rolls again for extra damage and so on.

...Yesterday the Rune Forge could not have been further If you or the wolves escape, or the wolves are killed
from your mind. You had left the Broken Claw on an continue reading.
errand to the Lost Mines, but ironically got lost. The After the wolf attack you manage to get a little sleep and
mine should only be a days hike, but it has taken you in the morning you set off for the dwarven door. You ar-
three days and still no sign of its entrance. After this rive just in time to see an incubus emerging from the door.
morning you can think of nothing else, but the Rune Your eyes meet, and at the same moment charge one an-
Forge, and have decided to investigate the door to see if other. You must fight the incubus below. Neither you or
it really is the entrance to the forge. If it is, the wizards the incubus may escape. All escape reaction results the
at the White Tower will pay handsomely for news of incubus makes are ignored and he will attack as normal.
its location. However, getting inside is not going to be
easy. The boulder is heavy, and you're going to need the Monster Card AV Def Dmg
help of the incubus. INCUBUS d EA17 40 1 +1
You formulate a plan, and decide tomorrow morning HP [K] Abilities
you will head back along the track, hide in the grass,
and wait until another party of demons arrive. After 12 P4/I/W Dark Magic, Fly
they have gone through the door and the incubus has
If you survive, you approach the rune door.
come out, you will slay the beast before it gets the
chance to replace the rock. The Encounter Modifier for this adventure is
-10; however, unless otherwise
You settle down closer to the fire,
stated, all encounters you roll are
hopeful to get some rest. However,
made using the RUNE FORGE EN-
since you left Blitsworth you have
COUNTER TABLE found at the end
been under constant attack. Irontorn
of this book. It has been built to rep-
wolves, a much larger breed than
resent an encounter modifier of -10,
those from the east, have been hunt-
and so there is no need to apply
ing you day and night. They
the modifier when you roll on
wait until the green moon Hei-
this table. If you are using the
nous casts his evil green light
Mapping Game, be sure to use the
over your camp before they attack.
special rules for setting up your game,
They are hungry and desperate to feed
see Setting Up The Mapping Game. Now
their young, and with little prey in the moun-
Turn To 1 to begin the adventure.
tains they take their chances with anything

When the door's door code is (O) you may use the exit
-1- leading to area 20 as normal. Until then the following
rules apply:
If you wish to investigate the door, determine which
from the following options apply:
If you have the note "Activating the Runes (23)" written
in the notes section on your adventure sheet Turn To 23.
If you have the note "Rune Door (42)" written in the
notes section on your adventure sheet Turn To 42.
If you have the note "Circle of Magic (54)" written in the
notes section on your adventure sheet Turn To 54.
If you don't have any of the notes written above in the
notes section on your adventure sheet Turn To 64.
Persistent: Whilst you're in the area there is a chance
that a demon may arrive through the entrance. Therefore,
each time you shade a  on the time track, you must roll
1d100 and if you score 35 or less, you have encountered
a demon and must Turn To R83.
Do not roll for an encounter.
First Time: You know what needs to be done, find the
forge within the Rune Forge and use its power to enchant
an item that you can present to the Council of Seven at
the White Tower: This will prove you have found the lo-
cation of the Lost Forge.
Cautiously, but confidently you walk through the rune
door and nothing hinders your way; the door can't have
any substance and must be an illusion.
On the other side, you feel a strange sensation wash over
you. All spells in your Spell Book can be cast, regardless
of your Int value, even if the Spell Caster ability is yet to
be unlocked. There is little time to reflect, as you're con-
fronted by a demon. It's taken by surprise by your pres-
ence, but nonetheless prepares its weapon and attacks.
You must fight the demon Turn To R83.

Door: The door leading north (to

area 20) is special and cannot be
opened by normal means. The ad-
venture will instruct you when to
add a door code. If you are using
the mapping game, do not place a
door token here.
The door is made of solid stone and
carved in its surface is a segmented
star set within a group of circles. In
each segment is a rune symbol.

-2- -3-

First Time: There is a strong pungent, and musky First Time: You pass through the door and immediate-
odour the moment you enter the passage. As you move ly spot a large violet crystal glowing to the southeast
inwards you quickly realise why when you spot several of a huge cavern. The walls are roughly cut and glis-
giant rats joining a larger group near the bend. ten from the crystal's light. The cavern is
Door: The door leading east (to cold and damp.
area 11) has an Alchemy rune The crystal has a large rune
etched on its surface, and until its etched on its surface showing
door code is changed to (O) you it is clearly the Rune Crystal
may not use the exit. If you have of Summoning.
collected a rune key, you may try it
in the lock by turning to the para- Close to the crystal is a wooden
graph matching the key's R number. chest. You wander over and try the
You will be instructed by the key's lid, but it doesn't lift. It has no lock
paragraph if it unlocks the door or and you wonder how to open it.
not. You are free to try as many rune
Draw the rune crystal on the map sheet in area 3. If you
keys as you have collected.
are using the Mapping Game mark the map card with
If you do not have any rune keys, or would rather not a blue crystal to show the position of the rune crystal.
use them, you can always try and force the door, or pick Add "Wooden Chest" and "Rune Crystal" to the area
its lock. If you choose this option Turn To R114. on the map sheet. If you are using the Mapping Game
Persistent: Each time you leave this area you must use a blank area marker to record the wooden chest
fight your way past the large group of giant rats below. and the rune crystal.
The encounter takes place during step 2.Exits.
Persistent: If the chest is not yet marked with a tick
Monster Card AV Def Dmg ü and you would like to try and open it Turn To R104.
Giant Rats E1 25 0 -2 If the rune crystal is not yet marked with a tick ü and
HP [K] Abilities you would like to investigate Turn To 110.
3/2/2/3/2/2 P2 x2 Disease, Pack

Persistent: Whilst in area 4, you must add 1 to the Evil
value on the map sheet each time a  is shaded on the
time track. When the Evil note reaches 2, complete any
triggered events by the time track and then Turn To 141.


First Time: Walking northward you come across a trail

of blood. It appears quite old and when you bend down
to touch it, you feel an overwhelming sense of emotion.
Then an image appears of a female elfling being dragged
down the passageway by two demons. Each has an arm Do not roll for a geographic feature.
and is marching northwards. Behind them is a trail of
blood and another demon taking up the rear. You shake First Time: The heat is unbearable. The demons have
your head and the image vanishes, and so too has the flooded the entire area with hot bubbling lava. A few
blood trail. A feeling of uncertainty, terror, and evil hangs raised platforms poke out of the molten liquid and pro-
in the air, and your senses scream out for you to leave vide the only means to navigate across to the exit on the
this place as quickly as you can. Add "Evil:0" to the area opposite side. Add "Lava" to the area on the map sheet.
on the map sheet. If you are using the mapping game use If you are using the mapping game add one of the G25
a blank area marker. overlay counters to the map card.
Door: The door leading west (to Door: The door leading north (to
area 10) has an Invocation rune area 8) has a Rune of Light etched
etched on its surface, and until its on its surface, and until its door
door code is changed to (O) you code is changed to (O) you may
may not use the exit. If you have not use the exit. If you have col-
collected a rune key, you may try lected a rune key, you may try it in
it in the lock by turning to the par- the lock by turning to the paragraph
agraph matching the key's R num- matching the key's R number. You
ber. You will be instructed by the will be instructed by the key's par-
key's paragraph if it unlocks the agraph if it unlocks the door or not.
door or not. You are free to try as You are free to try as many rune keys
many rune keys as you have collected. as you have collected.
If you do not have any rune keys, or would rather not use
them, you can always try and force the door, or pick its If you do not have any rune keys, or would rather not
lock. If you choose this option Turn To R114. use them, you can always try and force the door, or pick
its lock. If you choose this option Turn To R114.

Persistent: Pools of glowing hot lava gurgle and bub-
ble all around, and every few seconds pieces of rock ex-
plode into fragments sending hot lava in all directions.
Each time you wish to leave the area test LAVA PATH
below in order to find a safe way to the exit.
LAVA PATH – Test: Dex -10 [S:-1HP] [F:-3 HP]
(Agility, Lucky)


Do not roll for an encounter.

First Time: The chamber is filled with a strange mist
and the air feels damp. You peer around and see shadowy
shapes moving in the distance. The fog makes it hard to
see clearly, but you hear the beating of wings. When you
reach the centre, a creature from above lands in front of
you. You step forward and meet it in battle.
Monster Card AV Def Dmg
First Time: The passageway has three exits leading to SUCCUBUS MINION d EB15 35 0 +2
the north, east, and west. They head upwards on a steep
incline from the centre of the chamber. Dirt and debris HP [K] Abilities
has gathered at the bottom of the inclines and has been 16 P4/I/W Dark Magic, Fly
piled up into a large heap.
If you or the succubus minion escapes from combat add
Every so often you spot glowing eyes peering out from it to the area on the map sheet and the next time you
the shadows within the pile. A quick investigation re- enter this area you will encounter it.
veals that the heap is made up of mostly scavenged junk Door: The door leading East (to
and there is nothing worth taking. area 14) has a Illusion rune etched
Persistent: If you are instructed to begin combat whilst on its surface, and until its door
in this area, first Turn To R135 (The remembered para- code is changed to (O) you may not
graph is the paragraph from where combat begins). use the exit. If you have collected a
rune key, you may try it in the lock
by turning to the paragraph match-
ing the key's R number. You will be
instructed by the key's paragraph if
it unlocks the door or not. You are
free to try as many rune keys as you
have collected. Please Turn Over.

If you do not have any rune keys, or would rather not
use them, you can always try and force the door, or pick
its lock. If you choose this option Turn To R114.
Persistence: Due to the arcane mist that has engulfed
the area all tests (including combat attack rolls) are
made with a -5 modifier.


First Time: The passageway is very large and in places

wide open. This has led to parts of the roof caving in, as
it lacks the proper support. The ceiling is made up of var-
ious pieces of rock bound together by clay, and the clay
is drying out. As it crumbles, pieces of rock dislodge and
fall. There are tons of rubble already strewn about the
floor, showing the ceiling has been collapsing for years.
When you first enter, roll for an encounter.
Persistent: Each time you shade a  on the time track, a
First Time: After dealing with the encounter, you be- rock has fallen from the ceiling and is in danger of hitting
gin to explore and find the cavern fairly empty. The roof you. Roll 1d10 on the table below to check how large the
is high up and it's hard to see through the shadows to rock is, then perform the ROCK FALL test below, to see
the top. In the floor near the centre is a hole lined with if it can be avoided. You must apply the rock's test mod-
cobbles. It appears to be a purpose made shaft. ifier, and if the test fails, perform a combat damage roll,
Door: The door leading West (to just as you would during combat, except use the damage
area 16) has a Psyche rune etched die shown for the size of rock that has fallen. As it's a
on its surface, and until its door combat damage roll, don't forget to roll for the location
code is changed to (O) you may the rock hits (1d10), and make any deductions for ar-
not use the exit. If you have col- mour worn there. You may also deflect up to 2 points
lected a rune key, you may try it in of damage to an item at the location and block damage
the lock by turning to the paragraph using a shield, just as you would during combat.
matching the key's R number. You D10 Rock Test Modifier Damage Die
will be instructed by the key's par-
agraph if it unlocks the door or 1-5 Small Rock -5 1d3
not. You are free to try as many rune 6-8 Large Rock -10 1d6
keys as you have collected.
9-10 Boulder -15 1d10
If you do not have any rune keys, or would rather not use
them, you can always try and force the door, or pick its ROCK FALL – Test: Dex -Rock's modifier [S: Rock
lock. If you choose this option Turn To R114. is avoided] [F: Rock hits] (Aware, Dodge)

- 10 - - 11 -

First Time: You pass through the door and immedi- First Time: You pass through the door and immedi-
ately spot a large yellow crystal glowing to the west ately spot a large blue crystal glowing to the north of a
of a huge cavern. The walls are smooth to the touch huge cavern. The walls are covered with a black chalk,
and glow from the light of the crystal. The cavern feels and are glowing from the light of the crystal. The cav-
damp and you begin to feel a chill. ern is warm and musty, and the smell of sulphur hangs
in the air.
The crystal has a large rune
etched on its surface showing The crystal has a large rune
it is clearly the Rune Crystal etched on its surface showing
of Invocation. it is clearly the Rune Crystal
of Alchemy.
Close to the crystal is a wood-
en chest. You wander over and try Close to the crystal is a wooden
the lid, but it doesn't lift. It has no chest. You wander over and try the
lock and you wonder how to open it. lid, but it doesn't lift. It has no lock
and you wonder how to open it.
Draw the rune crystal on the map sheet in area 10.
If you are using the Mapping Game mark the map Draw the rune crystal on the map sheet in area 11.
card with a blue crystal to show the position of the If you are using the Mapping Game mark the map
rune crystal. Add "Wooden Chest" and "Rune Crys- card with a blue crystal to show the position of the
tal" to the area on the map sheet. If you are using the rune crystal. Add "Wooden Chest" and "Rune Crys-
Mapping Game use a blank area marker to record the tal" to the area on the map sheet. If you are using the
wooden chest and rune crystal. Mapping Game use a blank area marker to record the
wooden chest and rune crystal.
Persistent: If the chest is not yet marked with a tick
ü and you would like to try and open it Turn To R108. Persistent: If the chest is not yet marked with a tick
ü and you would like to try and open it Turn To R108.
If the rune crystal is not yet marked with a tick ü and
you would like to investigate Turn To 105. If the rune crystal is not yet marked with a tick ü and
you would like to investigate Turn To 121.

- 12 - - 13 -

Do not roll for a geographic feature. Do not roll for a geographic feature.
First Time: A river flows through the area, draw the First Time: A river flows through the area, draw the
river in the area. If you are using the Mapping Game river in the area. If you are using the Mapping Game
add G41 overlay counter to the map card. add G44 overlay counter to the map card.
Door: The door leading north Door: The door leading north (to
(to area 19) has an Esoteric rune area 3) has a Summoning rune
etched on its surface, and until its etched on its surface, and until its
door code is changed to (O) you door code is changed to (O) you
may not use the exit. If you have may not use the exit. If you have
collected a rune key, you may try it collected a rune key, you may try it
in the lock by turning to the para- in the lock by turning to the para-
graph matching the key's R num- graph matching the key's R num-
ber. You will be instructed by the ber. You will be instructed by the
key's paragraph if it unlocks the key's paragraph if it unlocks the
door or not. You are free to try as door or not. You are free to try as
many rune keys as you have collected. many rune keys as you have collected.
If you do not have any rune keys, or would rather not If you do not have any rune keys, or would rather not
use them, you can always try and force the door, or pick use them, you can always try and force the door, or pick
its lock. If you choose this option Turn To R114. its lock. If you choose this option Turn To R114.
Persistent: A fast flowing river is running through the Persistent: A fast flowing river is running through the
area and must be crossed each time an exit on the op- area and must be crossed each time an exit on the op-
posite side is used. Keep track of which side of the riv- posite side is used. Keep track of which side of the riv-
er the adventurer is on. When the adventurer needs to er the adventurer is on. When the adventurer needs to
cross the river perform the SWIM RIVER test below. cross the river perform the SWIM RIVER test below.
SWIM RIVER – Test: Str -10 [S: Crosses to other side] SWIM RIVER – Test: Str -10 [S: Crosses to other side]
[F: -3 HP, +1] (Strong) [F: -3 HP, +1] (Strong)

- 14 - - 15 -

When you first enter, roll for an encounter. Do not roll for a geographic feature.
First Time: After dealing with the encounter, you take First Time: Demonic "Fire Spiders" have laid a deadly
a look around and immediately spot a large patch of web, which is covering the entire area. The fiery strands are
indigo light glowing on the floor to the northeast. It deadly and can burn through armour. Add "Fire Web" to the
casts eerie shadows on the roughly cut walls. The rest area on the map sheet. If you are using the Mapping Game
of the cavern is bare, with no other features. Close to add the G16 overlay counter to the map card.
the glowing light is a wooden chest. You wander over Door: The door leading north (to
and try the lid, but it doesn't lift. It has no lock and you area 18) has an Elements rune
wonder how to open it. etched on its surface, and until its
Add "Wooden Chest" and "Glowing Patch" to the area door code is changed to (O) you
on the map sheet. If you are using the Mapping Game may not use the exit. If you have
use a blank area marker to record the chest and patch. collected a rune key, you may try
it in the lock by turning to the par-
Persistent: Whilst in this area, if at anytime you agraph matching the key's R num-
have the note "Broken (103)" written in the notes ber. You will be instructed by the
section on the adventure sheet you may investigate key's paragraph if it unlocks the
and Turn To 103. door or not. You are free to try as
many rune keys as you have collected.
If the chest is not yet marked with a tick ü and you
would like to try and open it Turn To R104. If you do not have any rune keys, or would rather not
use them, you can always try and force the door, or pick
If the glowing patch is not yet marked with a tick ü and its lock. If you choose this option Turn To R114.
you would like to investigate Turn To 55.
Persistent: Each time a  is shaded on the time track per-
form the FIRE WEB test below. If the test fails, damage
pips are dealt to an item at a random location. If there is no
armour equipped at the location, or the item is destroyed,
surplus damage is instead dealt to the adventurer.
FIRE WEB – Test: Dex +10 [S: Web avoided] [F: Set on
fire, roll 1d3 damage pips and 1d10 location] (Agility)
- 16 - - 17 -

When you first enter, roll for an encounter. Do not roll for a geographic feature.
First Time: After dealing with the encounter, you take First Time: The heat is unbearable. The demons have
a look around and immediately spot a large orange flooded the entire area with hot bubbling lava. A few raised
crystal glowing to the northwest of a huge cavern. The platforms poke out of the fiery liquid and provide the only
walls glisten from the light of the crystal and the air means to reach the exit on the opposite side. Add "Lava"
tastes dank and musty. to the area on the map sheet. If you are using the Mapping
Game add one of the G25 overlay counters to the map card.
The crystal has a large rune etched
on its surface, showing it is clear- Door: The door leading north (to
ly the Rune Crystal of Psyche. area 7) has a Rune of Darkness
etched on its surface, and until its
Close to the crystal is a wood- door code is changed to (O) you
en chest. You wander over and may not use the exit. If you have
try the lid, but it doesn't lift. It collected a rune key, you may try it
has no lock and you wonder how in the lock by turning to the para-
to open it. graph matching the key's R number.
You will be instructed by the key's
Draw the rune crystal on the map sheet in area 16.
paragraph if it unlocks the door or
If you are using the Mapping Game mark the map
not. You are free to try as many rune
card with a blue crystal to show the position of the
keys as you have collected.
rune crystal. Add "Wooden Chest" and "Rune Crys-
tal" to the area on the map sheet. If you are using the If you do not have any rune keys, or would rather not use
Mapping Game use a blank area marker to record the them, you can always try and force the door, or pick its
wooden chest and rune crystal. lock. If you choose this option Turn To R114.
Persistent: Every few seconds pieces of rock explode
Persistent: If the chest is not yet marked with a tick
into fragments sending hot lava in all directions. Each
ü and you would like to try and open it Turn To R104.
time you wish to leave the area test LAVA PATH below.
If the rune crystal is not yet marked with a tick ü and
LAVA PATH – Test: Dex -10 [S:-1 HP] [F:-3 HP]
you would like to investigate Turn To 33.
(Agility, Lucky)

- 18 - - 19 -

First Time: You pass through the door and immedi- First Time: You pass through the door and immedi-
ately spot a large green crystal glowing to the north- ately spot a large red crystal glowing at the far end
east of a huge cavern. The walls are covered in a black of a huge cavern. The walls glisten from the light of
powder, but glow from the light of the crystal. The the crystal and you can see they are wet from mois-
cavern feels warm and musty and there is a smell of ture. The cavern is warm and humid and you begin
sulphur in the air. to sweat.
The crystal has a large rune etched The crystal has a large rune etched
on its surface, showing it is clear- on its surface, showing it is clear-
ly the Rune Crystal of Elements. ly the Rune Crystal of Esoteric.
Close to the crystal is a wood- Close to the crystal is a wood-
en chest. You wander over and en chest. You wander over and
try the lid, but it doesn't lift. It try the lid, but it doesn't lift. It
has no lock and you wonder how has no lock and you wonder how
to open it. to open it.
Draw the rune crystal on the map sheet in area 18. Draw the rune crystal on the map sheet in area 19.
If you are using the Mapping Game mark the map If you are using the Mapping Game mark the map
card with a blue crystal to show the position of the card with a blue crystal to show the position of the
rune crystal. Add "Wooden Chest" and "Rune Crys- rune crystal. Add "Wooden Chest" and "Rune Crys-
tal" to the area on the map sheet. If you are using the tal" to the area on the map sheet. If you are using the
Mapping Game use a blank area marker to record the Mapping Game use a blank area marker to record the
wooden chest and rune crystal. wooden chest and rune crystal.
Persistent: If the chest is not yet marked with a tick Persistent: Due to the temperature, and a strange feel-
ü and you would like to try and open it Turn To 29. ing since you entered the chamber, everything you do
is more of an effort, add "-4 Str" to the time track. The
If the rune crystal is not yet marked with a tick ü and longer you stay, the worse the feeling gets, and each
you would like to investigate Turn To 89. time a  is shaded on the time track, add another "-4
Str" modifier to the time track. The modifiers are ac-

cumulative (I.e. the first time a  is added to the time
pit and has various metal clasps to secure items whilst
track the modifier will be increased to "-8 Str", the sec-
they are being forged. A large crystal is set in its base
ond time a  is added to the time track, the modifierand carved on its surface are seven runes, one for each
will be increased to "-12 Str" and so on. scripture of magic. On the front wall of the forge is a
row of identical runes, and two more that match the
If the chest is not yet marked with a tick ü and you runes on the crystals each side of the forge.
would like to try and open it Turn To R104.
If the rune crystal is not yet marked with a tick ü and
you would like to investigate Turn To 26.

- 20 -

Persistent: Whilst in this area, if you would like to take

a look at the forge and have the note "Rune Forge (44)"
written in the notes section on your adventure sheet Turn
To 44. Otherwise, if you have the note "Forge Activat-
ed (125)" written in the notes section on your adventure
sheet you have already activated the Rune Forge and
may Turn To 125 to select an item to forge.
First Time: You walk through the rune door and feel a
If you don't have the notes above ("Rune Forge (44)" or
strange sensation wash over you (Add "+5 Int" to the
"Forge Activated (38)") written in the notes section on
time track modifier). You explore and find a raised fire
your adventure sheet, you can try to activate the Rune
pit resting in the northwest corner. The fire pit is filled
Forge and bestow an arcane enchantment to a piece of
with dark sand. On each side stands a nine foot tall
equipment. This enchanted piece of equipment is vital
crystal. One is marked with a s rune and the other a n
to prove to the Council of Seven at the White Tower
rune. Neither are glowing.
that you have found the location of the Rune Forge. If
you wish to try and use the Rune Forge Turn To 100.

The fire pit is around twenty feet long, by ten feet wide
and has a stone hood. At its centre directly below the
hood is a stone tablet. It pokes up above the edges of the

- 21 -
When you stand, something does not feel quite right.
Roll on the table below to see the effects the shadowy
Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady yourself mist has had.
against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch the
Rune of Light s to fire up the forge, but nothing hap- D6 Effect
pens. You peer down and check the Esoteric Rune t 1 MIND SAP: Lose 1d3 Primary INT
is still glowing. Its red glow is still beating and so you 2 WEAKENED: Lose 1d3 Primary STR
wait a moment before trying again. This time the Rune
3 DIMINISH: Lose 1d3 Primary HP
of Light s begins to glow. Over at the stone tablet the
dancing sparks of arcane energy are dying down. Their 4 SLUGGISH: Lose 1d3 Primary DEX
red glow is now turning white. You wait another mo- 5 DARK SPELL: Roll on table C - Curses
ment and as the last spark fizzles out, the wind slowly 6 SUMMONED: A monster is summoned. Turn
dies down too and you are left wondering if the item is To R34.
now enchanted or not?
If you would like to try again and enchant another item
The sudden stillness is unnerving. The air smells of sul- Turn To 44. If you don't have a suitable item, or would
phur and you feel something is not quite right. Wonder- rather leave the Rune Forge for now, add "Rune Forge
ing what to do you are taken by surprise when the pit (44)" to the notes section on the adventure sheet and
erupts with a whoosh of red fire. It burns very hot and Turn To 20 and continue with your turn.
you step back as the heat hits your face.
The item on the tablet is shaking and straining against
- 22 -
You touch the Esoteric Rune t on the control panel and
the straps. It's trying to break free from its restraints it lights up red. You must now activate the second rune
and manages to break one. It lifts from the tablet from the list below. When you have decided Turn To
slightly. You rush over to the Rune of Darkness n the paragraph shown.
and strike it before another strap is broken. The rune
turns black and then a beam of black mist shoots down
from the hood and strikes the item. It explodes send- e Summoning Turn To 46
ing fragments in all directions. The sound of the ex- b Alchemy Turn To 56
plosion roars out and leaves a trail of echoes that fills
you with dread. You feel pain and anguish with each u Invocation Turn To 50
reverberation and you cover your ears to try and block x Illusion Turn To 81
out the noise. Slowly it dissipates, and as it does, it
changes and turns into a tormented voice, moaning in h Elements Turn To 98
pain. From the smoking ruins of the item, a black mist
A Psyche Turn To 66
has formed into a terrifying face. Its mouth is open
wide and is screaming.
You step back, hunched over, desperately trying to block - 23 -
Earlier in the adventure you activated the rune door's
out the noise, but it is too loud. It penetrates your mind
and is taking control. The face moves towards you and locking mechanism and came to the conclusion that the
as much as you try, you cannot move away. Desperately only way to open the door is to try and get all 7 runes
inside the seven pointed star on the door to activate and
you fight, flaying your arms, but it does little good. You
are swallowed whole and then you pass out... light up. Each time one is touched, it lights up, but they
have to be activated in the correct order, something you
...When you wake everything is almost as it was before. have yet to figure out.
However, the fire in the forge is no longer burning and
none of the runes on the control panel are lit. The item Turn To 68 to begin touching the runes on the door;
you strapped to the tablet is gone; you must remove the otherwise, Turn to 1 and continue with your turn.
chosen item from the adventure sheet.

If the test fails, there is a clap of thunder and a bolt of
- 24 - lightning erupts from the rune on the crystal and hits
You grab hold of the pouch just in time and manage to you in the chest. Then something strange happens, roll
rip it from the trickster before it slips into the lava. Like on the Esoteric table below to see what happens.
before, there is a pop on the surface and a puff of pur-
ple smoke; however, the face that appears is not grin- D6 Esoteric table
ning like before, but is instead looking down angry and 1 MIND SAP: Lose 1 Primary INT
annoyed. Inside the pouch you find a small key. Now it 2 WEAKENED: Lose 1 Primary STR
makes sense: When you kicked the first two tricksters 3 DIMINISH: Lose 1 Primary HP
into the lava, their demonic souls passed back into the
4 SLUGGISH: Lose 1 Primary DEX
demon world believing you had failed to recover the
key; knowing you now have it, the last one was angry. 5 DARK SPELL: Roll on table C - Curses
The key must be something important. Turning it over 6 SUMMONED: A monster is summoned, roll
in your hand you can see it has a small rune etched into 1d100-10 on table E - Encounters and fight the
its bow. The rune is unfamiliar to those on the rune door. monster.
Add "Rune Key n (R62) (200gp) to the backpack, if You may perform the test as many times as you like until
you wish to keep it and then Turn to 5 and continue it is passed successfully, or you decide to give up. When
with your turn. you have activated the rune crystal, or if you decide to
give up trying, Turn To 19 and continue with your turn.
- 25 -
If you are directed here and have marked the area as - 27 -
searched Turn To 1 and continue with your turn; other- Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady your-
wise, please keep reading. self against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch
You wander the cavern looking for anything of interest. the Rune of Light s to fire up the forge, and it begins
In the southwest you find a statue of a wizard reading to glow white. You peer down and see the Alchemy
a large tome. On the wizard's shoulder is an owl. The Rune b is still beating and glowing blue. Over at the
figure is life-sized and appears to be made of bronze. If stone tablet the dancing sparks of arcane energy are
you would like to look at the tome the wizard is reading growing. The air smells of sulphur and you are taken
Turn To R131; otherwise Turn To R145. by surprise when the pit erupts with a whoosh of blue
fire. It burns very hot and you step back as the heat
- 26 - hits your face.
The Crystal of Esoteric t looms over 12 feet tall and The item on the tablet is shaking and straining
casts a red light across the cavern in all direction. It is against the straps. It's trying to break free from its
very bright and whilst in the area you can ignore the restraints and manages to break one. It lifts from the
penalty for darkness (i.e. you do not have a -20 penalty tablet slightly. You rush over to the Rune of Dark-
when the sun R is shaded on the adventure sheet). ness n and strike it before another strap is broken.
If you wish to activate the crystal, perform the AC- The rune turns black and then a beam of spectral
TIVATE CRYSTAL test below. If the test is passed light shoots down from the hood and strikes the
successfully, a red light around the size of a fist be- item. The blue sparks fizzle down and spread out
gins to throb below the surface. Add "Runes of Magic: over the item, dancing and crackling over its sur-
Esoteric Crystal t (10)" to the notes section on the face until they vanish. The arcane wind dies down
adventure sheet and mark the rune crystal on the map and the fire goes out and you are left wondering if
sheet with a ü. If you are using the Mapping Game the enchantment worked.
update the blank area marker.
The item lays still and so you move forward to retrieve
ACTIVATE CRYSTAL - Test: Int -10 [S: Crystal pul- it. However, before you can climb into the pit, the straps
sates and is now active] [F: Roll on the Esoteric table] open and it floats towards you. It is glowing blue and
(Magic, Lucky) when you take hold, it is still warm.

The item gains the prefix "Alchemy" and gains the If the test fails the chest reacts and sinks into the ground
following characteristics: +10 Dex and +2 Dmg. Its four inches. Each time it sinks add 4" to the "Wooden
value becomes 2100gp and it has a fix cost of 420gp Chest" note you added to map sheet. If you are using
(if applicable). the Mapping Game you will need to update the blank
area marker each time the chest sinks.
With the enchanted item and the proof you have dis-
covered the location of the Rune Forge, you set off for OPEN CHEST – Test: Int -15 [S: A wondrous treasure
the Arcane Tower to receive your reward, Turn To 60. (Roll on table TC and re-roll any results shown with
an *), 2 Potions of Arcane Healing] [F: Chest sinks
- 28 - 4"] (Magic, Lucky)
The key pulls forward from your hand, launching it-
self at the door. The rune on the door glows brightly If the chest sinks to 12" it has sunk all the way into the
and you shield your eyes from the sudden explosion of ground. The ground begins to seal up over it and then
light. From squinted eyes you watch the key floating there is a loud boom and a crash of lightning shoots
gracefully into the lock. It turns slowly and you hear down from the rune stone and strikes the floor where
the mechanism click open. Add the door code (O) to the chest once stood. The floor begins to crack, and a
the door on the dungeon sheet. If you are using the small fissure opens up. From the hole you watch in hor-
Mapping Game, place a door counter face down on the ror as a stone golem climbs out and attacks. You must
door. The exit is now marked as open and may be used. fight the stone golem below.
Now Turn To R and continue your with your turn.
Monster Card AV Def Dmg

- 29 - STONE GOLEM EA39 60 6 +5

The chest looks plain and uninteresting. It has no visible HP [K] Abilities
lock and you wonder how it can be opened. Searching
35 P2/TB+10 Large, Stun, Reassemble 3*
around the lid you find a small lever at the back. When
you pull it, the chest begins to rattle and sparks crackle
over the lid and down the sides. Then an inscription *Reassemble: When the monster has been killed it will
appears in light reading: "The arcane locking spell must reassemble itself into a number of smaller counterparts,
be shut down." It vanishes after a few seconds. which will attack at the start of the next combat round.
Therefore, when the main monster's HP are reduced to 0
To open the chest you must or less, roll 1d6. This is the number of smaller monsters
shut down the arcane that have reassembled. The smaller monsters do not
lock by performing the have any of the main monster's abilities, but do gain the
OPEN CHEST test Pack ability, and each have a HP value equal to the mon-
below. If you decide ster's Reassemble value (i.e. if you rolled 4 and the Re-
not to open the chest, assemble value is 3, the small monsters will have a HP
Turn To 18 and con- value of 3/3/3/3). The smaller monster's AV, Def, and
tinue with your turn. Dmg values match that of the main monster, and only
when all of the small monsters have been killed will the
If the test is successful adventurer receive the main monster's [K] reward.
you find a wondrous treasure,
and two potions. To find out what If the chest is opened or has sunk into the ground, mark
treasure is found, roll on table TC - Treasure C and re- it on the map sheet with a ü. If you are using the Map-
roll any results shown with an *. ping Game update the blank area marker.
The two potions are "Potion of Arcane Healing: Drink to You may perform the test as many times as you like, until
restore 1d10 HP (100gp)", which you may add to the ad- either you give up trying to get it open, you manage to
venture sheet if you decide to keep them. open the chest, or it has sunk into the ground. If either is
the case, Turn To 18 and continue with your turn.

- 30 -
cover your ears to try and block out the noise. Slowly
it dissipates, and as it does, it changes and turns into a
If the rune on the door you are trying to open has a tormented voice, moaning in pain. From the smoking
Illusion Rune x etched in its surface Turn To 47. Oth- ruins of the item, a black mist has formed into a terrify-
erwise, when you try the key it does not turn and you ing face. Its mouth is open wide and is screaming.
will have to find another way to open the door, Turn To
R and continue your with your turn. You step back, hunched over, desperately trying to block
out the noise, but it is too loud. It penetrates your mind
- 31 - and is taking control. The face moves towards you and
Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady your- as much as you try, you cannot move away. Desperately
self against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch you fight, flaying your arms, but it does little good. You
the Rune of Light s to fire up the forge, but nothing are swallowed whole and then you pass out...
happens. You peer down
and check the Summoning
Rune e is still glowing. Its
violet glow is still beating
and so you wait a moment
before trying again. This
time the Rune of Light s
begins to glow. Over at the
stone tablet the dancing
sparks of arcane energy are
dying down. Their violet
glow is now turning white.
You wait another moment
and as the last spark fizzles
out, the wind slowly dies
down too and you are left
wondering if the item is
now enchanted or not?
The sudden stillness is un-
nerving. The air smells of
sulphur and you feel some-
thing is not quite right.
Wondering what to do you
are taken by surprise when the pit erupts with a whoosh
...When you wake everything is almost as it was before.
of violet fire. It burns very hot and you step back as the
However, the fire in the forge is no longer burning and
heat hits your face.
none of the runes on the control panel are lit. The item
The item on the tablet is shaking and straining against you strapped to the tablet is gone; you must remove the
the straps. It's trying to break free from its restraints and chosen item from the adventure sheet.
manages to break one. It lifts from the tablet slightly. When you stand, something does not feel quite right.
You rush over to the Rune of Darkness n and strike it Turn To R34.
before another strap is broken. The rune turns black and
then a beam of black mist shoots down from the hood If you would like to try again and enchant another item
and strikes the item. It explodes sending fragments in Turn To 44. If you don't have a suitable item, or would
all directions. The sound of the explosion roars out and rather leave the Rune Forge for now, add "Rune Forge
leaves a trail of echoes that fills you with dread. You (44)" to the notes section on the adventure sheet and
feel pain and anguish with each reverberation and you then Turn To 20 and continue with your turn.

- 32 -
You may perform the test as many times as you like until
it is passed successfully, or you decide to give up. When
You stand on the pattern of light and face the rune you have activated the rune crystal, or if you decide to
door. The ground begins to shake and just in front of give up, Turn To 16 and continue with your turn.
you a crack appears in the ground. It quickly spreads
into a fissure heading towards the door. The ground is ACTIVATE CRYSTAL - Test: Int -10 [S: Crystal pulsates
now shaking and you do all you can to stop yourself and is now active] [F: -1 Primary Int] (Magic, Lucky)
falling. The fissure spreads up the door and when it
reaches the Circle of Magic there is a explosion of - 34 -
light. It erupts from the centre and fills the cavern. Standing on the stone tablet is a shadowy figure of a
Severn beams, each the colour of the spectrum are monster. Dark mist floats around it, merging and twist-
now rotating at breathtaking speed. For a moment the ing into its body. It jumps down into the pit and for
ground stops shaking, and you gather your footing, a moment the mist breaks apart. When it reforms it is
but there's a deafening boom, and instinctively you standing at the wall and attacks.
crouch and close your eyes. When you open them, the
pattern of light has vanished and everything inside the Roll 1d100-10 on table E - Encounter and fight the
cavern has returned to normal. You stare at the rune monster generated. It gains the Ethereal monster ability.
door wondering what to do next. Also, during combat, all reaction rolls where it would
If you have the note "Circle of Magic (54)" written in the escape, instead become a frenzied attack, and it gains
notes section on the adventure sheet, please remove it. +10 AV for the combat round. If you survive Turn To
R and continue where you left off.
Unfortunately, all the commotion has alerted a demon,
Turn To R83. When you return back to this paragraph
after the encounter, please continue reading from below:
If you would like to approach the rune door and inves-
tigate, Turn To 42.
If you would rather leave the door for now, add "Rune
Door (42)" to the notes section on the adventure sheet
and then Turn To 1 and continue with your turn.
- 35 -
- 33 - Mark the area as searched. You take a slow walk around
The Crystal of Psyche A looms over 12 feet tall and the cavern and find a small stone door set in the south
casts an orange light across the cavern in all direction. wall. The door has been concealed so it is barely visi-
It is very bright and whilst in the area you can ignore ble, and it was only by chance you found it when you
the penalty for darkness (i.e. you do not have a -20 pen- slumped against the wall for a rest. Add "Stone Door
alty when the sun R is shaded on the adventure sheet). (35)" to the map sheet. If you are using the Mapping
If you wish to activate the crystal, perform the ACTI- Game use a blank area marker to record the door. You
VATE CRYSTAL test below. If the test is passed suc- may return to this paragraph at anytime when you are
cessfully, an orange light around the size of a fist begins in the area until the stone door is marked with a tick ü.
to throb below the surface. Add "Runes of Magic: Psy-
The door has no visible signs of how it can be opened. You
che Crystal A (10)" to the notes section on the adven-
may perform the OPEN test below in order try and find a
ture sheet and mark the rune crystal on the map sheet
way. You may perform the test as many times as you like,
with a ü. If you are using the Mapping Game update
until it is passed successfully, or you decide to give up. If
the blank area marker.
you give up Turn To 16 and continue with your turn.
If the test fails, there is a clap of thunder and a bolt of light-
ning erupts from the rune on the crystal and hits you in the OPEN – Test: Dex -5 [S: The door opens, Turn To
chest. Then something strange happens, lose 1 Primary Int. 151] [F: A bolt of lightning hits you, -2 HP] (Traps)

- 36 - - 38 -
You touch the Elements Rune h on the control panel You touch the Illusion Rune x on the control panel and
and it lights up green. You must now activate the fifth it lights up indigo. All six runes are now lit and you
rune from the list below. When you have decided Turn touch the last, the Summoning Rune e.. Now with all
To the paragraph shown. seven runes lit they pulsate and grow brighter with each
beat. The arcane magic flows forth towards the centre
e Summoning Turn To 46 of the forge. A perfect spectrum converges and strikes
the crystal at the base of the tablet and then from each
b Alchemy Turn To 74 of the carved runes on top, coloured lights spark. They
x Illusion Turn To 81 dance in the colour of their order of magic. Higher and
higher they jump until they reach the hood above and
then the control panel dims and the runes stop glowing.
- 37 - From behind, you feel a gust of air forcing you forward
Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady yourself and you stumble into the control panel. Gripping tight-
against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch the ly, you resist the torrent of air and then a voice carried
Rune of Light s to fire up the forge, and it begins to by the wind whispers out.
glow white. You peer down and see the Esoteric Rune t
"Now Wizard, give the forge the antiquity and choose
is still beating and glowing red. Over at the stone tablet
its power."
the dancing sparks of arcane energy are growing. The air
smells of sulphur and you are taken by surprise when Gathering yourself together, you battle through the wind
the pit erupts with a whoosh of red fire. It burns very searching for an item to place in the forge, Turn To 125.
hot and you step back as the heat hits your face.
- 39 -
The item on the tablet is shaking and straining against You search the entire area and apart from the shaft in
the straps. It's trying to break free from its restraints and the centre of the chamber, you find it featureless and
manages to break one. It lifts from the tablet slightly. completely bare. You stroll over to the shaft and kneel
You rush over to the Rune of Darkness n and strike down to investigate. It is around 3 feet diameter and
it before another strap is broken. The rune turns black appears very deep. Shining a lantern over the edge does
and then a beam of spectral light shoots down from the little good to penetrate the darkness and the sides are
hood and strikes the item. The red sparks fizzle down too smooth to climb down.
and spread out over the item, dancing and crackling If you think you have collected some items whilst on
over its surface until they vanish. The arcane wind dies the adventure that may aid you, add together their gold
down and the fire goes out and you are left wondering piece values and then Turn To the paragraph that match-
if the enchantment worked. es the result (I.e. if you have two items with gold piece
The item lays still and so you move forward to retrieve values of 56gp and 44gp, you would turn to paragraph
it. However, before you can climb into the pit, the straps 100). If when you turn to the paragraph the description
open and it floats towards you. It is glowing red and reads correctly, you may continue the adventure from
when you take hold, it is still warm. there; otherwise, you can either try some other items or
Turn To 8 and continue with your turn.
The item gains the prefix "Esoteric" and gains the
following characteristics: +4 Dmg, +1 Def, and +1 - 40 -
HP. Its value becomes 2100gp and it has a fix cost of Apart from the pile of junk in the middle of the passage-
420gp (if applicable). way the area has little to search, but you delve into the
shadows and find a small pouch laying on the ground.
With the enchanted item and the proof you have dis-
Inside you find some rotting food. You drop it instantly
covered the location of the Rune Forge, you set off for
and when it hits the floor there is a clink of coins. If you
the Arcane Tower to receive your reward, Turn To 60.
would like to search through the mouldy food for the
coins Turn To 149; otherwise, Turn To 128.

- 41 -
ing and none of the runes on the control panel are
lit. The item you strapped to the tablet is gone;
Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady you must remove the chosen item from the
yourself against the fierce wind, you reach adventure sheet.
out and touch the Rune of Light s to
fire up the forge, but nothing hap- When you stand, something does not
pens. You peer down and check the feel quite right. You feel weakened,
Invocation Rune u is still glowing. lose 1d3 Primary Str.
Its yellow glow is still beating and
If you would like to try again and en-
so you wait a moment before trying
chant another item Turn To 44. If you
again. This time the Rune of Light s
don't have a suitable item, or would rath-
begins to glow. Over at the stone tablet
er leave the Rune Forge for now, add
the dancing sparks of arcane energy are
"Rune Forge (44)" to the notes section on
dying down. Their yellow glow is now turn-
the adventure sheet and then Turn To 20 and
ing white. You wait another moment and as
continue with your turn.
the last spark fizzles out, the wind slowly dies
- 42 -
down too and you are left wondering if the item is
now enchanted or not?
The door is made of solid stone and looks identical to
The sudden stillness is unnerving. The air smells of sul- the rune door you walked through at the entrance to
phur and you feel something is not quite right. Wonder- the Rune Forge. Carved in its surface is the Circle of
ing what to do you are taken by surprise when the pit Magic, a segmented star set within a group of circles. In
erupts with a whoosh of yellow fire. It burns very hot each segment is a rune symbol representing one of the
and you step back as the heat hits your face. seven scriptures of magic. As you approach, the seven
runes glow and create a spectrum of light.
The item on the tablet is shaking and straining against
the straps. It's trying to break free from its restraints Perform the OPENING THE RUNE DOOR test be-
and manages to break one. It lifts from the tablet low. You may attempt the test as many times as you
slightly. You rush over to the Rune of Darkness n like until it is passed successfully. Each time you fail
and strike it before another strap is broken. The rune the test the power of the runes has trapped you in time.
turns black and then a beam of black mist shoots down If you are trapped in time, don't forget the Persistent
from the hood and strikes the item. It explodes send- rules for area 1. If you fail to open the rune door or
ing fragments in all directions. The sound of the ex- would rather leave the door for now, Turn To 1 and
plosion roars out and leaves a trail of echoes that fills continue with your turn.
you with dread. You feel pain and anguish with each
reverberation and you cover your ears to try and block OPENING THE RUNE DOOR - Test: Int -10 [S: Turn
out the noise. Slowly it dissipates, and as it does, it to 75] [F: +1Â] (Magic, Lucky)
changes and turns into a tormented voice, moaning in
pain. From the smoking ruins of the item, a black mist
has formed into a terrifying face. Its mouth is open
- 43 -
The key pulls forward from your hand, launching itself
wide and is screaming. at the door. The rune on the door glows bright yellow
You step back, hunched over, desperately trying to block and you shield your eyes from the sudden explosion of
out the noise, but it is too loud. It penetrates your mind light. From squinted eyes you watch the key floating
and is taking control. The face moves towards you and gracefully into the lock. It turns slowly and you hear
as much as you try, you cannot move away. Desperately the mechanism click open. Add the door code (O) to
you fight, flaying your arms, but it does little good. You the door on the dungeon sheet. If you are using the
are swallowed whole and then you pass out... Mapping Game, place a door counter face down on the
door. The exit is now marked as open and may be used.
...When you wake everything is almost as it was be-
Now Turn To 4 and continue your with your turn.
fore. However, the fire in the forge is no longer burn-

- 44 - - 48 -
If you have the note "Rune Forge (44)" written in the Due to the excessive number of giant rats in the pas-
notes section on the adventure sheet, please remove it. sage, searching is very difficult. If you decide to give up
You head over to the forge to begin enchanting an item on the search Turn To 2 and continue with your turn.
again, but notice that the runes on the front wall are no Otherwise, mark the area as searched and then roll on
longer there. You try touching where they had once been, table F - Find, or table FA - Find A in the normal way.
but nothing happens. Perhaps you broke it when you If the result has a time modifier of +1 , or +2  Turn
tried to enchant the item the first time? To 137; otherwise, Turn To 2 and continue with your turn.
You decide to set off for the Arcane Tower, hoping that
even without some kind of proof the Council of Seven - 49 -
will still reward you for giving them the location of the The amount of time spent trying to reveal the correct
Rune Forge. Turn To 80. order of activation has now taken a full hour. Shade a
 on the time track. Don't forget the Persistent rules
- 45 - for area 1. When you have finished with the encounter
You touch the Invocation Rune u on the control panel Turn To 68 and decide if you will continue trying to
and it lights up yellow. You must now activate the forth activate the runes or not.
rune from the list below. When you have decided Turn
To the paragraph shown. - 50 -
You touch the Invocation Rune u and it lights up yellow.
Then the control panel dims and there is a fizz as a spark
e Summoning Turn To 46
shoots out and strikes you. No matter how hard you try
b Alchemy Turn To 56 to dodge the arcane attack, it bends, and twists, and man-
ages to strike you in the chest. Deduct -1 Primary Str and
x Illusion Turn To 81
then Turn To 100 to try again from the start.
h Elements Turn To 36
- 51 -
- 46 - Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady your-
self against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch
You touch the Summoning Rune e and it lights up in-
the Rune of Light s to fire up the forge, but nothing
digo. Then the control panel dims and there is a fizz as
happens. You peer down and check the Psyche Rune A
a spark shoots out and strikes you. No matter how hard
is still glowing. Its orange glow is still beating and so
you try to dodge the arcane attack, it bends, and twists,
you wait a moment before trying again. This time the
and manages to strike you in the chest. Then there is
Rune of Light s begins to glow. Over at the stone tablet
a puff of violet smoke and a monster appears. Roll
the dancing sparks of arcane energy are dying down.
1d100-10 on table E and fight the summoned monster.
Their orange glow is now turning white. You wait an-
If you survive Turn To 100 to try again from the start.
other moment and as the last spark fizzles out, the wind
- 47 -
slowly dies down too and you are left wondering if the
item is now enchanted or not?
The key pulls forward from your hand, launching itself
at the door. The rune on the door glows bright indigo The sudden stillness is unnerving. The air smells of sul-
and you shield your eyes from the sudden explosion of phur and you feel something is not quite right. Wonder-
light. From squinted eyes you watch the key floating ing what to do you are taken by surprise when the pit
gracefully into the lock. It turns slowly and you hear erupts with a whoosh of orange fire. It burns very hot
the mechanism click open. Add the door code (O) to and you step back as the heat hits your face.
the door on the dungeon sheet. If you are using the
Mapping Game, place a door counter face down on the The item on the tablet is shaking and straining against
door. The exit is now marked as open and may be used. the straps. It's trying to break free from its restraints
Now Turn To 7 and continue your with your turn. and manages to break one. It lifts from the tablet
slightly. You rush over to the Rune of Darkness n
- 53 -
and strike it before another strap is broken. The rune
turns black and then a beam of black mist shoots down
from the hood and strikes the item. It explodes send- Do not mark this area as searched until you are in-
ing fragments in all directions. The sound of the ex- structed to do so. With all the rubble in the passageway,
plosion roars out and leaves a trail of echoes that fills searching is very time consuming, shade a  on the
you with dread. You feel pain and anguish with each time track. Over near the south wall you see a large
reverberation and you cover your ears to try and block boulder and trapped beneath is a backpack. Only a few
out the noise. Slowly it dissipates, and as it does, it inches of the pack is visible and you will need to roll
changes and turns into a tormented voice, moaning in the boulder to one side to see what it contains.
pain. From the smoking ruins of the item, a black mist If you would like to move the boulder you must per-
has formed into a terrifying face. Its mouth is open form the BOULDER test below. You may attempt to
wide and is screaming. move the boulder as many times as you like, until it is
You step back, hunched over, desperately trying to block moved, or you decide to give up. If you give up Turn
out the noise, but it is too loud. It penetrates your mind To 9 and continue with your turn.
and is taking control. The face moves towards you and BOULDER – Test: Str -10 [S: Turn To 138] [F: -1
as much as you try, you cannot move away. Desperately HP, +1 Â] (Strong)
you fight, flaying your arms, but it does little good. You
are swallowed whole and then you pass out...
...When you wake everything is almost as it was before.
- 54 -
The door is made of solid stone and looks identical to
However, the fire in the forge is no longer burning and
the rune door you walked through at the entrance to
none of the runes on the control panel are lit. The item
the Rune Forge. Carved in its surface is the Circle of
you strapped to the tablet is gone; you must remove the
Magic: A segmented star set within a group of circles,
chosen item from the adventure sheet.
and in each segment is a rune symbol representing one
When you stand, something does not feel quite right. of the seven scriptures of magic. On the floor a few feet
The rune crystal marked with the n rune begins to away is a pattern of light that matches the same carving
shake and a beam of shadowy mist strikes out hitting on the door. Both the pattern and the runes are glowing
you in the head. Lose 1d3 Primary Int. and throbbing to the same rhythm.
If you wish to stand on the pattern of light Turn To 32.
If you would like to try again and enchant another item
Turn To 44. If you don't have a suitable item, or would If you would rather leave the door for now, Turn To 1
rather leave the Rune Forge for now, add "Rune Forge and continue with your turn.
(44)" to the notes section on the adventure sheet and
then Turn To 20 and continue with your turn.

- 52 -
The key pulls forward from your hand, launching it-
self at the door. The rune on the door glows bright
green and you shield your eyes from the sudden ex-
plosion of light. From squinted eyes you watch the
key floating gracefully into the lock. It turns slowly
and you hear the mechanism click open. Add the door
code (O) to the door on the dungeon sheet. If you are
using the Mapping Game, place a door counter face
down on the door. The exit is now marked as open
and may be used. Now Turn To 15 and continue your
with your turn.

- 55 -
hood and strikes the item. The violet sparks fizzle down
and spread out over the item, dancing and crackling
When you approach the glowing patch you see a large over its surface until they vanish. The arcane wind dies
crystal phase into view. It has a x rune etched on its down and the fire goes out and you are left wondering
surface, and every few seconds it appears and then if the enchantment worked.
disappears. You stand as close as you dare and when
the crystal next appears you reach out and touch it, but The item lays still and so you move forward to retrieve
your hand passes through. It appears to be shrouded it. However, before you can climb into the pit, the straps
by an invisibility spell; however, the spell is clearly open and it floats towards you. It is glowing violet and
malfunctioning. when you take hold, it is still warm.

If you have found something whilst in the Rune Forge The item gains the prefix "Summoning" and is imbued
that could help break the illusion spell, Turn To the with the Summon spell (see table S for the spell details).
paragraph that matches the item's number. If you don't Spells that are imbued to an item can be used once per
have anything that could help break the illusion spell turn/combat. They do not require a cast spell test to use,
you can try a few words of magic to try and cancel the but do cost HP/Str and a combat action to cast when in
spell, by performing the CANCEL ILLUSION test be- combat. The item also gains +3 Dmg and has a value of
low. Alternatively you may Turn To 14 and continue 2100gp and a fix cost of 420gp (if applicable).
with your turn.
With the enchanted item and the proof you have dis-
CANCEL ILLUSION – Test: Int -30 [S: Turn To covered the location of the Rune Forge, you set off for
63] [F: Roll on table C - Curses -10, Turn To 63] the Arcane Tower to receive your reward, Turn To 60.
(Magic, Lucky)
- 58 -
- 56 - You can search both sides of the river. When both sides
have been searched Turn To 155. If you wish to search
You touch the Alchemy Rune b and it lights up blue.
a side that is across the river, you must perform the
Then the control panel dims and there is a fizz as a spark
SWIM RIVER test below.
shoots out and strikes you. No matter how hard you
try to dodge the arcane attack, it bends, and twists, and SWIM RIVER – Test: Str -10 [S: Crosses to other
manages to strike you in the chest. Deduct -1 Primary side] [F: -3 HP, +1] (Strong)
Dex and then Turn To 100 to try again from the start.
When a side has been searched mark the side of the
- 57 - river on the map sheet with an (S); that side of the river
Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady yourself may not be searched again. To search a side of the river
against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch the roll on table F or FA in the usual way. If you wish to
Rune of Light s to fire up the forge, and it begins to continue the adventure without searching both sides of
glow white. You peer down and see the Summoning the river Turn To 13 and continue with your turn.
Rune e is still beating and glowing violet. Over at the
stone tablet the dancing sparks of arcane energy are
growing. The air smells of sulphur and you are taken
- 59 -
The tricksters lay dead at your feet. You kick one into
by surprise when the pit erupts with a whoosh of vio-
the lava, and as it sinks, it fizzles and burns. No longer
let fire. It burns very hot and you step back as the heat
is magic protecting it from the molten lava. A small pop
hits your face.
on the surface sends up a puff of purple smoke and as it
The item on the tablet is shaking and straining against floats upwards, a face appears that grins down at you.
the straps. It's trying to break free from its restraints and You kick another over the edge and the same thing hap-
manages to break one. It lifts from the tablet slightly. pens. You kick the last one and as it slides into the lava
You rush over to the Rune of Darkness n and strike you spot a chain around its neck. You curse for not no-
it before another strap is broken. The rune turns black ticing it before when you searched their bodies.
and then a beam of spectral light shoots down from the

If you wish to wrench the chain from the trickster be- You turn to leave the Rune Forge and are surprised to
fore the lava has swallowed it up, perform the CHAIN see a large demon blocking the way. The creature is
test below. If you fail the test Turn to 17 and continue made entirely of fire and stands around twelve feet tall.
with your turn. It wears a suit of sturdy plate mail with chains riveted
to its surface. On the end of the chains are razor sharp
CHAIN – Test: Dex [S: Turn To 109] [F:-3 HP] (Agility) blades that lash out when the creature moves. In its
right hand is a ball of fire. It raises it, and a fierce heat
- 60 - wafts towards you. Then, its huge wings flap, lifting it
in the air. They are made of fire and when they beat they
leave a trail of sparks. The demon hovers a moment and
swoops menacingly. It speaks in a deep and gritty voice
that fills you with doom.
"So you're the meddlesome creature that has disturbed
my lair. I will enjoy picking your bones CLEAN!"
You have no doubt that this is the Demon Lord Vakanar.
One of the first few demons to emerge from the Demon
Gate in Southreach.
If you have something to use against the demon lord
Turn To the paragraph that matches the item's number
shown in parenthesis, otherwise, read on.
You must fight Vakanar below. Neither you or Vakanar
may escape. All escape reaction results Vakanar makes
are ignored and he will attack as normal.

Monster Card AV Def Dmg

VAKANAR E36 90 4 +2
HP [K] Abilities
Ethereal, Fire, Large,
49 P2/I/W+20/TB
Fear, Fly, Reassemble 6*

*Reassemble: When the monster has been killed it

will reassemble itself into a number of smaller coun-
terparts, which will attack at the start of the next com-
bat round. Therefore, when the main monster's HP are
reduced to 0 or less, roll 1d6. This is the number of
smaller monsters that have reassembled. The small-
er monsters do not have any of the main monster's
abilities, but do gain the Pack ability, and each have
a HP value equal to the monster's Reassemble value
(i.e. if you rolled 4 and the Reassemble value is 3, the
small monsters will have a HP value of 3/3/3/3). The
smaller monster's AV, Def, and Dmg values match
that of the main monster, and only when all of the
small monsters have been killed will the adventurer
receive the main monster's [K] reward.

If you survive Turn To 72.

- 61 - The rune crystal marked with the n rune begins to
Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady yourself shake and a beam of shadowy mist strikes out hitting
against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch the you in the chest. You are launched into the air and land
Rune of Light s to fire up the forge, but nothing hap- in a heap a few yards away. Roll on table C - Curses to
pens. You peer down and check the Illusion Rune x is see what the dark magic spell has done to you.
still glowing. Its indigo glow is still beating and so you If you would like to try again and enchant another item
wait a moment before trying again. This time the Rune Turn To 44. If you don't have a suitable item, or would
of Light s begins to glow. Over at the stone tablet the rather leave the Rune Forge for now, add "Rune Forge
dancing sparks of arcane energy are dying down. Their (44)" to the notes section on the adventure sheet and
indigo glow is now turning white. You wait another mo- then Turn To 20 and continue with your turn.
ment and as the last spark fizzles out, the wind slowly
dies down too and you are left wondering if the item is - 62 -
now enchanted or not? If the rune on the door you are trying to open has a Rune
The sudden stillness is unnerving. The air smells of sul- of Darkness n etched in its surface Turn To 82. Other-
phur and you feel something is not quite right. Wonder- wise, when you try the key it does not turn and you will
ing what to do you are taken by surprise when the pit have to find another way to open the door, Turn To R
erupts with a whoosh of indigo fire. It burns very hot and continue your with your turn.

- 63 -
and you step back as the heat hits your face.
The item on the tablet is shaking and straining against The spell breaks and the crystal phases into view and re-
the straps. It's trying to break free from its restraints and mains static. The crystal has a large rune x etched on its
manages to break one. It lifts from the tablet slightly. surface, showing it is clearly the Rune Crystal of Illusion.
You rush over to the Rune of Darkness n and strike it
before another strap is broken. The rune turns black and Mark the glowing patch on the map sheet
then a beam of black mist shoots down from the hood with a ü. If you are using the Mapping Game
and strikes the item. It explodes sending fragments in update the blank area marker. Next, draw the
all directions. The sound of the explosion roars out and rune crystal on the map sheet in area 14 as
leaves a trail of echoes that fills you with dread. You shown below. If you are using the Mapping
feel pain and anguish with each reverberation and you Game mark the map card with a blue crystal
cover your ears to try and block out the noise. Slowly to show the position of the rune crystal. Last-
it dissipates, and as it does, it changes and turns into a ly, add "Broken (103)" to the notes section on
tormented voice, moaning in pain. From the smoking the adventure sheet and then Turn To 103.
ruins of the item, a black mist has formed into a terrify-
ing face. Its mouth is open wide and is screaming.
You step back, hunched over, desperately trying to block
out the noise, but it is too loud. It penetrates your mind
and is taking control. The face moves towards you and
as much as you try, you cannot move away. Desperately
you fight, flaying your arms, but it does little good. You
are swallowed whole and then you pass out...
...When you wake everything is almost as it was before.
However, the fire in the forge is no longer burning and
none of the runes on the control panel are lit. The item
you strapped to the tablet is gone; you must remove the
chosen item from the adventure sheet.
When you stand, something does not feel quite right.

- 64 - - 66 -
You walk over to the door and pause a moment to loot You touch the Psyche Rune A on the control panel and
at a tattered scroll hanging from a rusty nail on the wall. it lights up orange. You must now activate the third
It shows a map of Terra (see below). rune from the list below. When you have decided Turn
If you wish to take the map, add "Map (R64) (45gp) To the paragraph shown.
to your backpack. Whenever you're not in combat,
you may take out the map and look at it by turning e Summoning Turn To 46
to this paragraph. When you have finished looking at
b Alchemy Turn To 56
the map continue reading.
u Invocation Turn To 45
x Illusion Turn To 81
h Elements Turn To 98

- 67 -
Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady yourself
against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch the Rune
of Light s to fire up the forge, and it begins to glow
white. You peer down and see the Psyche Rune A is still
beating and glowing orange. Over at the stone tablet the
dancing sparks of arcane energy are growing. The air
smells of sulphur and you are taken by surprise when the
The door is made of solid stone pit erupts with a whoosh of orange fire. It burns very hot
and looks identical to the rune door and you step back as the heat hits your face.
you walked through at the entrance The item on the tablet is shaking and straining against
to the Rune Forge. Carved in its the straps. It's trying to break free from its restraints and
surface is the Circle of Magic: A manages to break one. It lifts from the tablet slightly.
segmented star set within a group You rush over to the Rune of Darkness n and strike it
of circles, and in each segment is before another strap is broken. The rune turns black and
a rune symbol representing one then a beam of spectral light shoots down from the hood
of the seven scriptures of magic. and strikes the item. The orange sparks fizzle down and
You try to walk through, but this spread out over the item, dancing and crackling over its
door is definitely not an illusion and surface until they vanish. The arcane wind dies down
blocks your way. If you have collected any and the fire goes out and you are left wondering if the
notes relating to the Runes of Magic, add together enchantment worked.
their numbers and Turn To the paragraph that matches the
result. If the sentence makes sense you will continue the The item lays still and so you move forward to retrieve
adventure from that paragraph. However, if the sentence it. However, before you can climb into the pit, the straps
does not make sense or you haven’t collected any notes open and it floats towards you. It is glowing orange and
relating to the Runes of Magic, the door remains closed when you take hold, it is still warm.
and will not open, Turn To 1 and continue with your turn. The item gains the prefix "Psyche" and gains the following
characteristics: +10 Int and +2 Dmg. Its value becomes
- 65 - 2100gp and it has a fix cost of 420gp (if applicable).
You search around for anything of interest, but nothing
is revealed; shade a  on the time track. If you wish to With the enchanted item and the proof you have dis-
continue searching Turn To 153; otherwise, Turn To covered the location of the Rune Forge, you set off for
14 and continue with your turn. the Arcane Tower to receive your reward, Turn To 60.

- 68 - - 71 -
If you have the note "Rune Door (42)" written in the Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady yourself
notes section on the adventure sheet, please remove it. against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch the
You believe the rune door can be opened by activating Rune of Light s to fire up the forge, but nothing hap-
the runes in the seven pointed star and getting them to pens. You peer down and check the Elements Rune h is
light up. In order to do this you must perform the AC- still glowing. Its green glow is still beating and so you
TIVATING THE RUNES test below. wait a moment before trying again. This time the Rune
of Light s begins to glow. Over at the stone tablet the
ACTIVATING THE RUNES - Test: Int [S: +1 RA, dancing sparks of arcane energy are dying down. Their
+1l Int] [F: -1 RA, -1l Int] (Magic, Lucky) green glow is now turning white. You wait another mo-
ment and as the last spark fizzles out, the wind slowly
You may attempt the test as many times as you like. Dur-
dies down too and you are left wondering if the item is
ing the test you will be creating a Rune Activated (RA)
now enchanted or not?
value. Each time the test is passed the RA value is in-
creased by 1 point and 1 pip is shaded on the adventur- The sudden stillness is unnerving. The air smells of sul-
er's Int experience track. Each time the test fails the RA phur and you feel something is not quite right. Wonder-
value is reduced by 1 point and 1 pip is removed from ing what to do you are taken by surprise when the pit
the adventurer’s Int experience track. If the adventurer erupts with a whoosh of green fire. It burns very hot and
is required to remove a pip from the experience track, you step back as the heat hits your face.
but none are shaded, first remove 5 from the adventurer's
primary Int value, and then shade nine pips on the Int The item on the tablet is shaking and straining
experience track. This has the same effect as removing 1 against the straps. It's trying to break free from its
pip from the adventurer’s Int experience track. restraints and manages to break one. It lifts from the
tablet slightly. You rush over to the Rune of Darkness
If the RA value is ever 7 Turn To 94. n and strike it before another strap is broken. The
If the RA value ever drops below 0 Turn To 49. rune turns black and then a beam of black mist shoots
You do not have to perform the test at all, or you may down from the hood and strikes the item. It explodes
stop testing at any time; if you do, add "Activating the sending fragments in all directions. The sound of the
Runes (23)" to the notes section on the adventure sheet explosion roars out and leaves a trail of echoes that
and then Turn To 1 and continue with your turn. fills you with dread. You feel pain and anguish with
each reverberation and you cover your ears to try and
- 69 - block out the noise. Slowly it dissipates, and as it
If the rune on the door you are trying to open has a does, it changes and turns into a tormented voice,
Psyche Rune A etched in its surface Turn To 96. Oth- moaning in pain. From the smoking ruins of the item,
erwise, when you try the key it does not turn and you a black mist has formed into a terrifying face. Its
will have to find another way to open the door, Turn To mouth is open wide and is screaming.
R and continue your with your turn. You step back, hunched over, desperately trying to block
- 70 - out the noise, but it is too loud. It penetrates your mind
and is taking control. The face moves towards you and
Due to the webs searching is slow and time consuming.
as much as you try, you cannot move away. Desperately
If you wish to spend the time investigating more, you
you fight, flaying your arms, but it does little good. You
must perform the SEARCH test below. You may per-
are swallowed whole and then you pass out...
form the SEARCH test as many times as you like, until
it is passed successfully, or you decide to give up. If you ...When you wake everything is almost as it was before.
give up Turn To 15 and continue with your turn. Don't However, the fire in the forge is no longer burning and
forget to apply the area's persistent effect, whilst testing. none of the runes on the control panel are lit. The item
you strapped to the tablet is gone; you must remove the
SEARCH – Test: Dex -5 [S: +1 , Turn To 154 [F:
chosen item from the adventure sheet.
+1 ] (Agility)

When you stand, something does not feel quite right. levers set in a panel beside the door. He shuffles over to
You feel weakened, lose 1d3 Primary HP. the panel and closes the door.
If you would like to try again and enchant another item “Get ready to steady yourself.” He pulls a lever marked
Turn To 44. If you don't have a suitable item, or would “UP” and the room slowly begins to jostle and move
rather leave the Rune Forge for now, add "Rune Forge upwards. Outside the room you hear groaning and
(44)" to the notes section on the adventure sheet and squeaking of pulleys and cogs as they burst into life.
then Turn To 20 and continue with your turn. You grab the rail just in time as the room is ascended at
alarming speed.
- 72 - When it stops, you feel sick, but the door opens and
You stand over the body of Vakanar. The mighty demon you follow the halfling into a large chamber. At its cen-
lord was centuries old and until now nothing could end tre is a circular stone column that passes up through
his rein. Proudly, you leave the Rune Forge and head the floor and into the ceiling. Around the column is a
into the mountains. stone bench and a line of shuttered windows. The bench
curves with the column and is around 4 feet high; whilst
The trek to the Arcane Tower takes you three days and
the windows are of a flat construction.
when you eventually catch sight of its structure, you're
forced to stop and gaze at its size. You wonder how it Standing beside the bench are three wizards. As you
can hold itself up against the elements, and figure it enter they turn their attention away from an arcane ball
must be magic. Climbing down the mountain to reach they were looking at, and smile at you. One pushes a
its entrance is no easy feat, but you make it to the bot- small golden chest towards the crystal ball.
tom without incident.
"Welcome, it is so good of you to come. We have
You walk towards the tower, and turn to face its en- been expecting you. Let me introduce us all. I am Il-
trance. Behind you the Great Sea is crashing on the lamaine, Great Illusionist of the Magic Order. This
rocky coast, and you slowly look up at the tower is"—He waves a hand to his left—"Arlbarren, Grand
against the mountain and can see why it is also called Alchemist of the Magic Scripture, and this is"—He
the Wizard's Lighthouse. Following a stone path that waves a hand to his right—"Yorbash, Sorcerer to the
disappears in places due to sand washed over at high Scripture of Elements. You have already met"—He
tide, you trace your way towards two towering white motions towards the halfling that brought you—"Dan-
doors. Both are featureless apart from four grey hinges tar, Sorcerer of the Psyche Scripture. We are four of
that creep inwards from both sides, like gnarled fingers. the seven wizards to the Council of Seven and will be
With no handles or a knocker insight, you rap with your dealing with the matter at hand.
knuckles and wince in pain. It is
as cold as ice and burns. A mo-
ment later the door opens and a
halfling dressed in simple robes
greets you. He is much small-
er than is usual for a small folk.
Tucked in his rope belt is a wand
that is glowing orange.
"We have been expecting you.
Please follow me, and do try to
keep up."
He leads you to the back of the
tower and into a small window-
less chamber, barely large enough
to fit five, or six people. When
you step in, you notice three small

"The moment you arrived at the Rune Forge, Medrife, does not move. In his left hand is a sceptre set with a
the tree that guards the entrance to the Rune Forge, green crystal. Every second it glows bright and then
alerted us and we have cast an eye on you ever since. dims, reminding you of a beating heart. Dantar is very
You see, the Orb"—He points to the arcane ball—"this small for a halfling. He fidgets a lot and seems bored
is called Medrife's eye, and is linked to a owl named throughout the whole affair. When Illamaine has fin-
Otto. He is either resting high in the arms of Medrife, ished talking Dantar lets out a sigh and the other three
or hiding in the forge. Everything Otto sees, we see stare at him disappointingly.
here in the orb. We have been tracking your every
move and wondered if you would die in the demon's You step forward and tell them you agree and will hide
lair. Vakanar should have stopped you, but now we their secret. Illamaine looks pleased, he passes you the
must come to another arrangement. chest of gold and Dantar shows you the way out. He
takes you down in the moving room and leads you to
"The location of the Rune Forge must remain a secret. the white doors. Before opening them to let you out, he
You see, the forge being lost is history of our making and takes out his wand and looks up and says.
must remain in place. The whole of Terra must believe "Just to be sure." When he speaks his wand glows
that, or our mages will suffer. The Rune Forge is the bright orange and you feel something strange happen-
most powerful arcane structure of the Seven Wizards. ing. All of a sudden you remember nothing of your
To imbue arcane magic into artefacts is highly sought time in the Rune Forge, of its location, or of
after and if the forge is ever found, our enemy the conversation you overheard at The Bro-
will move to take its control and a new war ken Claw in Blitzworth. You wonder why you
will begin. This will bring thousands are standing in the halls of the Arcane Tow-
to our shores and the scourge of er and why you have a chest filled with gold.
Northpoint will rally them here. A halfling wizard is standing next to you. He
They will tear apart the White opens the door and gives you a shove and
Tower and torture all those you stumble through. You turn and as
that stand in their way, to find the door is shut in your face, you
the location of the Rune Forge. hear him say.
This was foreseen shortly after
The Melting of -1400 in a vision "See you in a years time, for
witnessed by our founder Farquin your next adventure."
The All-Knowing.
You stand for a moment very
"The question we have for you is this, troubled by what has just hap-
will you keep our secret and take it pened, and then kneel down to
to your grave? A chest of gold"—He open the chest. It is filled with gold.
motions to the chest on the stone tab-
Remove all rune keys, and any notes that
let—"will be yours, if you will."
have been added to the adventure sheet during
Whilst Illamaine has been speaking you have been the adventure.
studying the wizards. Illamaine is a wood elf, he is Congratulations you have completed the adventure.
very calm when he speaks, with words that sing in You gain 5000gp, 1 Rep, 1 Fate and 1 Life Point. In
song. They have melody and rhythm and are comfort- addition, if you managed to use the Rune Forge suc-
ing. The other three mages do not speak, but simply cessfully you may keep the enchanted item.
stare, never taking their eyes from you. Arlbarren is

- 73 -
wearing a strong belt laden with potions. She appears
young and is human in origin, but her eyes give way to
elven ancestry and you wonder if she is a half elf. She The passageway is eerily quiet and you sense danger
leans on a bone staff like her life depends on it. Sev- at every turn. If you wish to risk the unforeseen danger
eral blue crystals set in its top glow upwards, like a and continue searching Turn To 129, otherwise Turn
flame. Yorbash is a dwarf. He stands perfectly still and To 4 and continue with your turn.

- 74 -
are growing. The air smells of sulphur and you are
taken by surprise when the pit erupts with a whoosh
You touch the Alchemy Rune b on the control panel of indigo fire. It burns very hot and you step back as
and it lights up blue. You must now activate the sixth the heat hits your face.
rune from the list below. When you have decided Turn
To the paragraph shown. The item on the tablet is shaking and straining against
the straps. It's trying to break free from its restraints and
e Summoning Turn To 46 manages to break one. It lifts from the tablet slightly.
You rush over to the Rune of Darkness n and strike it
x Illusion Turn To 38 before another strap is broken. The rune turns black and
then a beam of spectral light shoots down from the hood
- 75 - and strikes the item. The indigo sparks fizzle down and
The runes on the door have stopped glowing, and noth- spread out over the item, dancing and crackling over its
ing appears to have changed. The door is still blocking surface until they vanish. The arcane wind dies down
the way. You step closer and place a hand on a rune and it and the fire goes out and you are left wondering if the
lights up. You touch another and that lights up too. Excit- enchantment worked.
edly you touch another, but this time the runes go out. You The item lays still and so you move forward to retrieve
decide to try to get all the runes to light up at once, hoping it. However, before you can climb into the pit, the straps
that this will open the rune door, Turn To 68. open and it floats towards you. It is glowing indigo and
when you take hold, it is still warm.
- 76 -
You put the glass vial to your lips and drink. The liq- The item gains the prefix "Illusion" and gains the follow-
uid tastes like a strong liqueur, but is cool and refresh- ing characteristics: +3 Def and +2 Dmg. Its value becomes
ing on the way down. Suddenly you feel a rumble in 2100gp and it has a fix cost of 420gp (if applicable).
your stomach and you let out an almighty belch. Then, With the enchanted item and the proof you have dis-
a bolt of frost erupts from your lips. The force lifts you covered the location of the Rune Forge, you set off for
in the air, sending you sprawling backwards. the Arcane Tower to receive your reward, Turn To 60.
You have just drunk a "Frost Breathing Potion". If you
are currently in combat, you may use your frost breathe - 78 -
to attack the monster (see below); otherwise, after a If you are directed here and have marked the area as
few minutes your stomach settles down and your frost searched Turn To 11 and continue with your turn, oth-
breathe stops (the potion was wasted). Now Turn To R erwise, please keep reading.
and continue with the combat, or your turn.
Behind the crystal you find a skeleton of a human
FROST BREATHING - At the start of each combat male. He is sat with his back against the wall and is
round roll the damage die, then roll the location die wearing a light blue robe, but it has been burnt. The
and apply the modifier to the damage rolled. If the bottom is still intact, but the top is in tatters and is
result is positive the monster loses that many HP. crispy and brown. In his left hand is a tome, which has
After the combat has come to an end, so does the also been burnt. When you touch it, it crumbles slight-
Frost Breathing. ly. It would appear the man suffered from a backfired
spell. The arcane energy erupted into a fiery blast that
burnt his top half to the bone. The impact would have
- 77 - shot him into the wall.
Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady your-
self against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch If you would like to bend down to get a closer look at
the Rune of Light s to fire up the forge, and it begins the tome, Turn To R136.
to glow white. You peer down and see the Illusion Alternatively, if you would rather leave the skeleton
Rune x is still beating and glowing indigo. Over at well alone, Turn To R145 to continue searching.
the stone tablet the dancing sparks of arcane energy

- 79 - You turn to leave the Rune Forge and are surprised to
see a large demon blocking the way. The creature is
The key pulls forward from your hand, launching it-
self at the door. The rune on the door glows bright red made entirely of fire and stands around twelve feet tall.
and you shield your eyes from the sudden explosion of It wears a suit of sturdy plate mail with chains riveted
light. From squinted eyes you watch the key floating to its surface. On the end of the chains are razor sharp
gracefully into the lock. It turns slowly and you hear blades that lash out when the creature moves. In its
the mechanism click open. Add the door code (O) to right hand is a ball of fire. It raises it, and a fierce heat
the door on the dungeon sheet. If you are using the wafts towards you. Then, its huge wings flap, lifting it
Mapping Game, place a door counter face down on the in the air. They are made of fire and when they beat they
door. The exit is now marked as open and may be used. leave a trail of sparks. The demon hovers a moment and
Now Turn To 12 and continue your with your turn. swoops menacingly. It speaks in a deep and gritty voice
that fills you with doom.
- 80 - "So you are the meddlesome creature that has disturbed
my lair. I will enjoy picking your bones CLEAN!"
It roars and fire erupts. You have no doubt that this is
the Demon Lord Vakanar. One of the first few demons
to emerge from the Demon Gate in Southreach.
If you have something to use against the demon lord
Turn To the paragraph that matches the item's number
shown in parenthesis, otherwise, read on.
You must fight Vakanar below. Neither you or Vakanar
may escape. All escape reaction results Vakanar makes
are ignored and he will attack as normal.
Monster Card AV Def Dmg
VAKANAR 36 90 4 +2
HP [K] Abilities
Ethereal, Fire, Large,
49 P2/I/W+20/TB
Fear, Fly, Reassemble 6*

*Reassemble: When the monster has been killed it

will reassemble itself into a number of smaller coun-
terparts, which will attack at the start of the next com-
bat round. Therefore, when the main monster's HP are
reduced to 0 or less, roll 1d6. This is the number of
smaller monsters that have reassembled. The small-
er monsters do not have any of the main monster's
abilities, but do gain the Pack ability, and each have
a HP value equal to the monster's Reassemble value
(i.e. if you rolled 4 and the Reassemble value is 3, the
small monsters will have a HP value of 3/3/3/3). The
smaller monster's AV, Def, and Dmg values match
that of the main monster, and only when all of the
small monsters have been killed will the adventurer
receive the main monster's [K] reward.

If you survive Turn To 72.

- 81 - You have encountered a demon. Roll 1d6 and find the
You touch the Illusion Rune x and it lights up indi- monster below matching the result, and begin combat.
go. Then the control panel dims and there is a fizz as If you survive Turn To R.
a spark shoots out and strikes you. No matter how Monster 1 Card AV Def Dmg
hard you try to dodge the arcane attack, it bends, and
twists, and manages to strike you in the chest. Then DOOMWHISPERS d EB14 45 2 +1
something strange happens as the arcane energy con- HP [K] Abilities
torts into a spell, roll on table C and apply the result to
5/5/6 TA Dark Magic, Pack
the adventurer and then Turn To 100 to try again from
the start from the start.
Monster 2 Card AV Def Dmg
- 82 - SUCCUBUS MINION d EB15 35 0 +2
The key pulls forward from your hand, launching itself HP [K] Abilities
at the door. The rune on the door fills with a dark mist
that spills outwards into the air. It creates a dense fog 16 P4/I/W Dark Magic, Fly
and you step forward to see what has happened to the
key. Peering through the smoky darkness, you barely Monster 3 Card AV Def Dmg
make out the key floating gracefully into the lock. It TRICKSTERS d E16 35 1 +0
turns slowly and you hear the mechanism click open.
HP [K] Abilities
Add the door code (O) to the door on the dungeon
sheet. If you are using the Mapping Game, place a door 3/4/4 I/W+5 Dark Magic, Pack, Surprise
counter face down on the door. The exit is now marked
as open and may be used. Now Turn To 17 and contin- Monster 4 Card AV Def Dmg
ue your with your turn. SUCCUBUS d EA17 40 1 +1

- 83 - HP [K] Abilities
12 P4/I/W Dark Magic, Fly

Monster 5 Card AV Def Dmg

DEMON WITCH d EB23 50 4 +1
HP [K] Abilities
25 P2/I/W+15 Dark Magic, Fire

Monster 6 Card AV Def Dmg

HELL HOUNDS d EA28 55 2 +3
HP [K] Abilities
6/6/5 P3/TA+10 Leap*, Pack

*LEAP: The monster is very agile in combat and

will often pounce to attack. When a natural roll of 1
has been scored on its damage dice, the monster has
pounced, causing some extra damage. The player rolls
the damage die again for the monster, and adds it to the
monsters damage total. Note that if another 1 is rolled,
the player rolls again for extra damage and so on.

- 84 -
The item lays still and so you move forward to retrieve
it. However, before you can climb into the pit, the straps
If the rune on the door you are trying to open has a open and it floats towards you. It is glowing green and
Rune of Light s etched in its surface Turn To 28. Oth- when you take hold, it is still warm.
erwise, when you try the key it does not turn and you
will have to find another way to open the door, Turn To The item gains the prefix "Elements" and gains the follow-
5 and continue your with your turn. ing characteristics: +4 HP and +1 Def. Its value becomes
2100gp and it has a fix cost of 420gp (if applicable).
- 85 -
You touch the Psyche Rune A and it lights up orange. With the enchanted item and the proof you have dis-
Then the control panel dims and there is a fizz as a spark covered the location of the Rune Forge, you set off for
shoots out and strikes you. No matter how hard you the Arcane Tower to receive your reward, Turn To 60.
try to dodge the arcane attack, it bends, and twists, and
manages to strike you in the chest. Deduct -1 Primary - 88 -
Int and then Turn To 100 to try again from the start. You tie the grappling hook to the elven rope and look
for somewhere to secure it, so you can climb down the
- 86 - shaft; however, there is nowhere. You try digging the
The key pulls forward from your hand, launching itself grappling into the cobbles, but after a few test tugs, it
at the door. The rune on the door glows bright violet pulls the cobbles free. With nowhere to secure the rope,
and you shield your eyes from the sudden explosion of you decide to lower it into the shaft and with a few
light. From squinted eyes you watch the key floating inches spare you feel the grappling touch the bottom.
gracefully into the lock. It turns slowly and you hear Next, you try lifting and swinging the rope, and after
the mechanism click open. Add the door code (O) to a few tries you manage to drag it along the bottom and
the door on the dungeon sheet. If you are using the hear a chink when it strikes something metal. However,
Mapping Game, place a door counter face down on the pulling up the rope you find nothing attached to the end.
door. The exit is now marked as open and may be used. If you would like to try again, perform the GRAPPLING
Now Turn To 13 and continue your with your turn. test below. You may perform the test as many times as

- 87 -
you like, until it is passed, or you decide to give up.

Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady yourself If you decide to give up, or prefer not to use the grap-
against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch the pling, Turn To 8 and continue with your turn.
Rune of Light s to fire up the forge, and it begins to
GRAPPLING – Test: Dex -15 [S: Turn To 133] [F:
glow white. You peer down and see the Elements Rune
+1] (Lucky)
h is still beating and glowing green. Over at the stone
tablet the dancing sparks of arcane energy are growing.
The air smells of sulphur and you are taken by surprise - 89 -
when the pit erupts with a whoosh of green fire. It burns The Crystal of Elements h looms over 12 feet tall and
very hot and you step back as the heat hits your face. casts an green light across the cavern in all direction. It
is very bright and whilst in the area you can ignore the
The item on the tablet is shaking and straining against penalty for darkness (i.e. you do not have a -20 penalty
the straps. It's trying to break free from its restraints and when the sun R is shaded on the adventure sheet).
manages to break one. It lifts from the tablet slightly.
You rush over to the Rune of Darkness n and strike If you wish to activate the crystal, perform the ACTI-
it before another strap is broken. The rune turns black VATE CRYSTAL test below. If the test is passed suc-
and then a beam of spectral light shoots down from the cessfully, a green light around the size of a fist begins
hood and strikes the item. The green sparks fizzle down to throb below the surface. Add "Runes of Magic:
and spread out over the item, dancing and crackling Elements Crystal h (20)" to the notes section on the
over its surface until they vanish. The arcane wind dies adventure sheet and mark the rune crystal on the map
down and the fire goes out and you are left wondering sheet with a ü. If you are using the Mapping Game
if the enchantment worked. update the blank area marker.

If the test fails, there is a clap of thunder and a bolt
wait a moment before trying again. This time the Rune
of lightning erupts from the rune on the crystal and of Light s begins to glow. Over at the stone tablet the
hits you in the chest. Then something strange happens, dancing sparks of arcane energy are dying down. Their
lose 1 Primary HP. blue glow is now turning white. You wait another mo-
ment and as the last spark fizzles out, the wind slowly
You may perform the test as many times as you like dies down too and you are left wondering if the item is
until it is passed successfully, or you decide to give now enchanted or not?
up. When you have activated the rune crystal, or if
you decide to give up trying, Turn To 18 and contin- The sudden stillness is unnerving. The air smells of sul-
ue with your turn. phur and you feel something is not quite right. Wonder-
ing what to do you are taken by surprise when the pit
ACTIVATE CRYSTAL - Test Int -10 [S: Crystal pulsates erupts with a whoosh of blue fire. It burns very hot and
and is now active] [F: -1 Primary HP] (Magic, Lucky) you step back as the heat hits your face.

- 90 -
The item on the tablet is shaking and straining against
the straps. It's trying to break free from its restraints and
When you step closer to the rune door something manages to break one. It lifts from the tablet slightly.
wondrous happens. One by one the runes begin to You rush over to the Rune of Darkness n and strike it
glow, then a beam of light shoots out from each and before another strap is broken. The rune turns black and
converges in the air just in front of the door. The red, then a beam of black mist shoots down from the hood
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet beams and strikes the item. It explodes sending fragments in
meld and twist together forming a larger beam that all directions. The sound of the explosion roars out and
strikes the floor. The amalgamation of colour is now leaves a trail of echoes that fills you with dread. You
a spectrum of light. You step aside and watch it trace feel pain and anguish with each reverberation and you
three circles and then a seven pointed star. The star cover your ears to try and block out the noise. Slowly
is segmented just like the star on the rune door. As it dissipates, and as it does, it changes and turns into a
the beam moves, it crackles and throbs with power, tormented voice, moaning in pain. From the smoking
growing and shrinking in a constant rhythm and you ruins of the item, a black mist has formed into a terrify-
sense an aura of power building. The beam moves to ing face. Its mouth is open wide and is screaming.
the centre of the circle and the star begins to glow.
One by one each segment lights up, matching one You step back, hunched over, desperately trying to block
of the seven colours of magic, and inside each is a out the noise, but it is too loud. It penetrates your mind
rune. The pattern of light on the floor now matches and is taking control. The face moves towards you and
the same carving on the door. The beam slowly re- as much as you try, you cannot move away. Desperately
tracts, untwisting itself into seven strands that retract you fight, flaying your arms, but it does little good. You
further towards the runes on the door. Now the runes are swallowed whole and then you pass out...
are glowing and throbbing to the same rhythm as the
...When you wake everything is almost as it was before.
pattern on the floor.
However, the fire in the forge is no longer burning and
If you wish to stand on the pattern of light Turn To 32. none of the runes on the control panel are lit. The item
you strapped to the tablet is gone; you must remove the
If you would rather leave the door for now, add "Circle chosen item from the adventure sheet.
of Magic (54)" to the notes section on the adventure
sheet and then Turn To 1 and continue with your turn. When you stand, something does not feel quite right.
You feel sluggish, lose 1d3 Primary Dex.
- 91 - If you would like to try again and enchant another item
Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady yourself Turn To 44. If you don't have a suitable item, or would
against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch the rather leave the Rune Forge for now, add "Rune Forge
Rune of Light s to fire up the forge, but nothing hap- (44)" to the notes section on the adventure sheet and
pens. You peer down and check the Alchemy Rune b then Turn To 20 and continue with your turn.
is still glowing. Its blue glow is still beating and so you
- 92 - - 94 -
Mark the area as searched. It takes a long while to fully As the last rune is activated you see the rune door flick-
explore the cavern, and the heat is so draining; shade a er. It disappears and then reappears in the blink of an
 on the time track (don't forget the area's persistent eye. The runes have stopped glowing and it just appears
effect). You are about to give up, when you discover a as the same stone door as before. You reach out to touch
small lever set in the dungeon floor. The lever's shaft a rune, but this time your hand passes through. It would
has been broken in two and now only a stump remains. appear the rune door is now open.
You bend down and take hold of what’s left and pull
as hard as you can, but it's stuck. This explains how If you have the note "Activating the Runes (23)" written
the shaft got broken. Switching tactics, you stand and in the notes section on the adventure, please remove it.
begin kicking the stump, and it moves slightly; as it You may now add the door code (O) to the rune door on
moves, a panel in a nearby wall drops a few inches. the dungeon sheet. If you are using the Mapping Game
You head over and peer over the top to see it is cover- place a door counter face down on the door. The exit is
ing a long corridor that leads off in the distance. now marked as open and may be used.
Add "Panel (92)" to the map sheet. If you are using Turn To 1 and continue your with your turn.
the Mapping Game use a blank area marker to re-
cord the panel. You may return to this paragraph at - 95 -
anytime when you are in the area until the panel is You can search both sides of the river. When both sides
marked with a tick ü. have been searched Turn To 140. If you wish to search
If you wish to move the panel, you will need to break a side that is across the river, you must perform the
the lever mechanism by passing the FORCE PANEL SWIM RIVER test below.
test below. You may perform the test as many times as SWIM RIVER – Test: Str -10 [S: Crosses to other
you like, until it is passed successfully, or you decide to side] [F: -3 HP, +1] (Strong)
give up. If you give up Turn To 19 and continue with
your turn. Each time the test is failed don't forget to When a side has been searched mark the side of the
apply the area's persistent effect. river on the map sheet with an (S); that side of the river
FORCE PANEL – Test: Str [S: Turn To 152] [F: +1 may not be searched again. To search a side of the river
] (Strong) roll on table F or FA in the usual way. If you wish to
continue the adventure without searching both sides of

- 93 -
the river Turn To 12 and continue with your turn.

- 96 -
The key pulls forward from your hand, launching it-
self at the door. The rune on the door glows bright blue
and you shield your eyes from the sudden explosion of The key pulls forward from your hand, launching it-
light. From squinted eyes you watch the key floating self at the door. The rune on the door glows bright
gracefully into the lock. It turns slowly and you hear orange and you shield your eyes from the sudden ex-
the mechanism click open. Add the door code (O) to plosion of light. From squinted eyes you watch the
the door on the dungeon sheet. If you are using the key floating gracefully into the lock. It turns slow-
Mapping Game, place a door counter face down on the ly and you hear the mechanism click open. Add the
door. The exit is now marked as open and may be used. door code (O) to the door on the dungeon sheet. If
Now Turn To 2 and continue your with your turn. you are using the Mapping Game, place a door coun-
ter face down on the door. The exit is now marked as
open and may be used. Now Turn To 8 and continue
your with your turn.

- 97 - - 100 -
Gripping tightly to the control panel to steady yourself Studying the Rune Forge you dis-
against the fierce wind, you reach out and touch the Rune cover how it works. A piece of
of Light s to fire up the forge, and it begins to glow equipment must be strapped
white. You peer down and see the Invocation Rune u is down to the stone tablet.
still beating and glowing yellow. Over at the stone tablet You figure the wizards from
the dancing sparks of arcane energy are growing. The air the white tower would have
smells of sulphur and you are taken by surprise when the done this with a telekine-
pit erupts with a whoosh of yellow fire. It burns very hot sis spell, but you will have to
and you step back as the heat hits your face. climb in the pit and secure it
yourself. The front wall acts as a
The item on the tablet is shaking and straining against the control panel, where you must pre-
straps. It's trying to break free from its restraints and man- pare the magic runes by touching them one at a time.
ages to break one. It lifts from the tablet slightly. You rush Once they have been activated, you choose a school of
over to the Rune of Darkness n and strike it before another magic to enchant the item. When everything is ready
strap is broken. The rune turns black and then a beam of you ignite the fire of the forge using the Rune of Light
spectral light shoots down from the hood and strikes the s, and release the arcane power using the Rune of
item. The yellow sparks fizzle down and spread out over Darkness n. This will begin the enchantment process.
the item, dancing and crackling over its surface until they
vanish. The arcane wind dies down and the fire goes out Standing in front of the control panel you must now de-
and you are left wondering if the enchantment worked. cide which rune you will activate first from the list below.
When you have decided Turn To the paragraph shown.
The item lays still and so you move forward to retrieve
it. However, before you can climb into the pit, the straps
open and it floats towards you. It is glowing yellow and e Summoning Turn To 46
when you take hold, it is still warm. b Alchemy Turn To 56
The item gains the prefix "Invocation" and gains the fol- u Invocation Turn To 50
lowing characteristics: +10 Str and +2 Dmg. Its value be-
comes 2100gp and it has a fix cost of 420gp (if applicable). t Esoteric Turn To 22

With the enchanted item and the proof you have dis- x Illusion Turn To 81
covered the location of the Rune Forge, you set off for h Elements Turn To 98
the Arcane Tower to receive your reward, Turn To 60.
A Psyche Turn To 85
- 98 - You may stop trying to activate the Rune Forge at any
You touch the Elements Rune h and it lights up green. time; if you do, Turn To 20 and continue with your turn.
Then the control panel dims and there is a fizz as a spark

- 101 -
shoots out and strikes you. No matter how hard you
try to dodge the arcane attack, it bends, and twists, and
manages to strike you in the chest. Deduct -1 Primary You reach into your pack and pull out the Scroll of
HP and then Turn To 100 to try again from the start. Cancel Illusion. If you choose to read the scroll, re-
move it from the adventure sheet and then perform the
- 99 - SCROLL OF CANCEL ILLUSION test below; other-
If the rune on the door you are trying to open has an In- wise you must Turn To 14 and continue with your turn.
vocation Rune u etched in its surface Turn To 43. Oth-
erwise, when you try the key it does not turn and you SCROLL OF CANCEL ILLUSION – Test: Int [S:
will have to find another way to open the door, Turn To Turn To 63] [F: Roll on table C - Curses, Turn To 63]
R and continue your with your turn. (Magic, Lucky)

- 102 - - 104 -
The tricksters lay dead at your feet. You kick one into The chest looks plain and uninteresting. It has no
the lava, and as it sinks, it fizzles and burns. No longer visible lock and you wonder how it can be opened.
is magic protecting it from the molten lava. A small pop Searching around the lid you find a small lever at the
on the surface sends up a puff of purple smoke and as back. When you pull it, the chest begins to rattle and
it floats upwards a face appears that grins down at you. sparks crackle over the lid and down the sides. Then
You kick another over the edge and the same thing hap- an inscription appears in light reading: "The arcane
pens. As you're about to kick the last one in, you spot locking spell must be shut down." It vanishes after
a small leather pouch hanging from its belt. Then the a few seconds. You strike the lid, hoping to break it
trickster begins to move and crawl to the edge. It's bare- open, and the chest rumbles and sparks again. The in-
ly alive, but is desperately trying to follow its friends scription appears again, but this time reads: "Striking
into the molten fire. me won't help. I am indestructible."
If you wish to leap after the trickster to grab the pouch,
perform the LEAP test below. If you fail the test the
trickster bites your hand and slips into the lava before
you get the a chance to grab the pouch, Turn to 5 and
continue with your turn.
LEAP – Test: Dex [S: Turn To 24] [F:-3 HP] (Agility)

- 103 -
The Crystal of Illusion x looms over 12 feet tall and
casts an indigo light across the cavern in all direction. It
is very bright and whilst in the area you can ignore the
penalty for darkness (i.e. you do not have a -20 penalty To open the chest you must shut down the arcane lock
when the sun R is shaded on the adventure sheet). by performing the OPEN CHEST test below. You may
If you wish to activate the crystal, perform the ACTI- perform the test as many times as you like, until the
VATE CRYSTAL test below. If the test is passed suc- chest is opened. If you decide not to open the chest, or
cessfully, an indigo light around the size of a fist begins give up trying, Turn To R and continue with your turn.
to throb below the surface. Add "Runes of Magic: Illu- If the test fails, the chest reacts by casting a spell on
sion Crystal x (10)" to the notes section on the adven- the adventurer; roll on the table below to see which is
ture sheet; then, remove the note "Broken (103)" from cast and apply the effect. The spell may not be can-
the adventure sheet. celled by any means.
If the test fails, there is a clap of thunder and a bolt of OPEN CHEST – Test: Int -10 [S: Turn To 123] [F:
lightning erupts from the rune on the crystal and hits Spell is cast on adventurer] (Magic, Lucky)
you in the chest. Then something strange happens, roll
on table C - Curses to find out what.
D6 Spell Cast
You may perform the test as many times as you like until 1 VENOM: Shade 1d3 poison pips
it is passed successfully, or you decide to give up. When 2 SICKNESS: Shade 1d3 disease pips
you have activated the rune crystal, or if you decide to 3 LIGHTNING BOLT: -1d3 HP
give up trying, Turn To 14 and continue with your turn.
4 DISINTEGRATE: All items on the adventurer
ACTIVATE CRYSTAL - Test Int -10 [S: Crystal pul- sheet with a damage track suffer 1 pip of damage.
sates and is now active] [F: Roll on table C - Curses] 5 FORGET: Roll for a random skill, it suffers -5.
(Magic, Lucky) 6 TIME FREEZE: Add +1  to the time track.

- 105 - - 108 -
The Crystal of Invocation u looms over 12 feet tall and The chest looks plain and uninteresting. It has no visible
casts an yellow light across the cavern in all direction.lock and you wonder how it can be opened. Searching
It is very bright and whilst in the area you can ignore around the lid you find a small lever at the back. When
the penalty for darkness (i.e. you do not have a -20 pen-you pull it, the chest begins to rattle and sparks crackle
alty when the sun R is shaded on the adventure sheet). over the lid and down the sides. Then an inscription
If you wish to activate the crystal, perform the ACTI- appears in light reading: "The arcane locking spell must
VATE CRYSTAL test below. If the test is passed suc- be shut down." It vanishes after a few seconds.
cessfully, an yellow light around the size of a fist be- To open the chest you must shut down the arcane lock
gins to throb below the surface. Add "Runes of Magic: by performing the OPEN CHEST test below. You may
Invocation Crystal u (20)" to the notes section on the perform the test as many times as you like, until the
adventure sheet and mark the rune crystal on the map chest is opened. If you decide not to open the chest, or
sheet with a ü. If you are using the Mapping Game give up trying, Turn To R and continue with your turn.
update the blank area marker. If the test fails the arcane magic protecting the chest
If the test fails, there is a clap of thunder and a bolt reacts by attacking the adventurer.
of lightning erupts from the rune on the crystal and If the test is passed successfully the chest begins to rat-
hits you in the chest. Then something strange happens, tle and the lid flips open. Inside you find a book con-
lose 1 Primary Str. taining a spell, and two potions. Roll on table S - Spells
You may perform the test as many times as you like until to discover what has been found. The two potions are
it is passed successfully, or you decide to give up. When "Potion of Arcane Healing: Drink to restore 1d10 HP
you have activated the rune crystal, or if you decide to (100gp)", which you may add to the adventure sheet if
give up trying, Turn To 10 and continue with your turn. you decide to keep them.
ACTIVATE CRYSTAL - Test Int -10 [S: Crystal pulsates If the chest is opened mark it on the map sheet with a ü.
and is now active] [F: -1 Primary Str] (Magic, Lucky) If you are using the Mapping Game update the blank area
marker. Now Turn To R and continue with your turn.

- 106 - OPEN CHEST – Test: Int [S: A Spell (Roll on table S), 2
If the rune on the door you are try- Potions of Arcane Healing] [F: -1d3 HP] (Magic, Lucky)
ing to open has a Esoteric Rune
t etched in its surface Turn - 109 -
To 79. Otherwise, when you You grab hold of the chain just in time and manage to rip it
try the key it does not turn from the trickster before it slips into the lava. Like before,
and you will have to find an- there is a pop on the surface and a puff of purple smoke;
other way to open the door, however, the face that appears is not grinning like before,
Turn To R and continue your but is instead looking down angry and annoyed. Dangling
with your turn. from the chain is a key. You fumble forward, and catch it
just in time, before it slides off and into the lava. Now it
- 107 - makes sense; when you kicked the first two tricksters into
If you are directed here and have marked the area as the lava, their demonic souls passed back into the demon
searched Turn To 10 and continue with your turn, oth- world believing you had failed to recover the key; know-
erwise, please keep reading. ing you now have it, the last one was angry. The key must
be something important. Turning it over in your hand you
In the north wall you find a small opening, just large can see it has a small rune etched into its bow. The rune is
enough to crawl through. An icy wind is gently blowing unfamiliar to those on the rune door.
through the hole and explains the cold, and dampness
Add "Rune Key s (R84) (200gp)" and "Broken Sil-
in the air. If you would like to crawl through Turn To
ver Chain (20gp)" to the backpack, if you wish to keep
R150; otherwise, Turn To R145.
them, then Turn to 17 and continue with your turn.
- 110 - - 113 -
The Crystal of Summoning e looms over 12 feet tall If you are directed here and have marked the area as
and casts a violet light across the cavern in all direction. searched Turn To 3 and continue with your turn, other-
It is very bright and whilst in the area you can ignore the wise, please keep reading.
penalty for darkness (i.e. you do not have a -20 penalty You wander the cavern looking for anything of interest.
when the sun R is shaded on the adventure sheet). Towards the north the temperature drops significantly
If you wish to activate the crystal, perform the ACTI- and you soon realise why, when you come across a frost
VATE CRYSTAL test below. If the test is passed suc- giant. He is in a deep sleep, and is snoring loudly.
cessfully, a violet light around the size of a fist begins If you would like to approach the giant to investigate
to throb below the surface. Add "Runes of Magic: further Turn To R132; otherwise Turn To R145.
Summoning Crystal e (10)" to the notes section on the
adventure sheet and mark the rune crystal on the map - 114 -
sheet with a ü. If you are using the Mapping Game If you would like to pick the lock, perform the PICK
update the blank area marker. LOCK test below. If you would like to force the door,
perform the FORCE DOOR test below.
If the test fails, there is a clap of thunder and a bolt of
lightning erupts from the rune on the crystal and hits the PICK LOCK – Test: Dex -30 [S: Open] [F: -1 Pick, -2
ground. Then a monster appears, roll 1d100-10 on table HP, +1 , 35% chance of demon patrol] (Locks, Traps)
E - Encounter and fight the monster.
FORCE DOOR – Test: Str -30 [S: Open] [F: -2 HP,
You may perform the test as many times as you like
+1, 55% chance of demon patrol] (Strong)
until it is passed successfully, or you decide to give
up. When you have activated the rune crystal, or if If you fail a test, roll 1d100 and compare the result to
you decide to give up trying, Turn To 3 and continue the percentage chance of a demon patrol turning up and
with your turn. attacking. If the result is equal to or less than the per-
centage chance shown, then a demon patrol has turned
ACTIVATE CRYSTAL - Test Int -10 [S: Crystal pul-
up and you must, Turn To R83 and fight the patrol.
sates and is now active] [F: roll 1d100-10 on table E
and encounter the monster rolled] (Magic, Lucky) If you manage to open the door, add the door code (O)
to the door on the dungeon sheet. If you are using the
Mapping Game, place a door counter face down on the
- 111 - door. The exit is now marked as open and may be used.
Do not mark this area as searched until you are instruct- You may attempt to open the door as many times as you
ed to do so. When you have marked the area as searched like, until it is opened, or you give up trying. Whatev-
Turn To 59, until then continue reading. er you decide, when you're ready to continue with the
Searching the lava pools is harder than you thought and adventure, Turn To the paragraph number of the area
very time consuming. After an hour you have found where the adventurer is currently in and continue your
nothing of interest, add 1 Â to the time track. with your turn.

If you would like to continue searching Turn To R120, - 115 -

otherwise Turn to 17 and continue with your turn. Do not mark this area as searched until you're instructed
to do so. When you have marked the area as searched
- 112 - Turn To 102, until then please continue reading.
If the rune on the door you are trying to open has a
Searching the lava pools is harder than you thought and
Summoning Rune e etched in its surface Turn To 86.
very time consuming. After an hour you have found
Otherwise, when you try the key it does not turn and
nothing of interest, add 1 Â to the time track.
you will have to find another way to open the door,
Turn To R and continue your with your turn. If you would like to continue searching Turn To R120,
otherwise Turn to 5 and continue with your turn.

- 116 - - 117 -
Mark this area as searched. The chamber is fairly large If the rune on the door you are trying to open has a Al-
and takes a lot of time to search, shade 2  on the time chemy Rune b etched in its surface Turn To 93. Other-
track. Eventually you find something that looks interest- wise, when you try the key it does not turn and you will
ing and head over to investigate. In the northwest cor- have to find another way to open the door, Turn To R
ner is a workbench. It has many tools scattered across and continue your with your turn.
its surface and a handful of unfinished projects. Add
"Workbench (116)" to the map sheet, if you are using - 118 -
the Mapping Game use a blank area marker to record You take out the crystal given to you by the elfling and
the workbench. The workbench has a number of draw- hold it up. Vakanar roars at the sight and backs away.
ers, which when you try to open are stuck. If you would In your hand you feel a magnificent power erupting.
like to try and open the drawers, perform the STUCK The creature screams out in pain and is lifted in the
DRAWERS test below. If you fail the test you have cre- air. It flips on its back and is writhing. A yellow beam
ated some noise that may alert monsters in the vicinity. of light is fixed on the demon and is diminishing its
Keep a record of the Noise Value (NV), and if it ever power. Vakanar flips again and is thrown to the ground.
reaches 3, you hear the sound of flapping wings from It lays a moment whimpering and then rises slowly to
above and a succubus minion will fly down and attack. face you. The crystal has vanished, remove the Vakanar
You will then have to fight the succubus minion below. If Crystal from the adventure sheet.
you decide to abandon trying to open the drawers, Turn
To 7 and continue with your turn. Until the drawers are You must fight the diminished Vakanar creature below.
opened, you may turn to this paragraph and try to open Neither you or Vakanar may escape. All escape reaction
the drawers whenever you are in the area. results he makes are ignored and he will attack as normal.

STUCK DRAWERS – Test: Str -25 [S: Turn To 147] Monster Card AV Def Dmg
[F: +1 NV] (Strong)
VAKANAR E36 55 4 +2

Monster Card AV Def Dmg HP [K] Abilities

Fire, Large, Fear, Fly,
SUCCUBUS MINION d EB15 35 0 +2 29 P2/I/W+20/TB
Reassemble 3*
HP [K] Abilities
*Reassemble: When the monster has been killed it
16 P4/I/W Dark Magic, Fly
will reassemble itself into a number of smaller coun-
terparts, which will attack at the start of the next com-
bat round. Therefore, when the main monster's HP are
reduced to 0 or less, roll 1d6. This is the number of
smaller monsters that have reassembled. The small-
er monsters do not have any of the main monster's
abilities, but do gain the Pack ability, and each have
a HP value equal to the monster's Reassemble value
(i.e. if you rolled 4 and the Reassemble value is 3, the
small monsters will have a HP value of 3/3/3/3). The
smaller monster's AV, Def, and Dmg values match
that of the main monster, and only when all of the
small monsters have been killed will the adventurer
receive the main monster's [K] reward.

If you survive Turn To 72.

- 119 - - 122 -
If the rune on the door you are trying to open has a Ele- Mark the area as searched. Behind the rune crystal you
ments Rune h etched in its surface Turn To 52. Other- find a bag, and inside are 1d6 potions. Roll on table TB
wise, when you try the key it does not turn and you will for each potion until a brew, potion, or elixir is rolled.
have to find another way to open the door, Turn To R You may add any you decide to keep to the adventure
and continue your with your turn. sheet; then Turn to 18 and continue with your turn.

- 120 - - 123 -
Continuing with the search you are startled when a The chest begins to rattle and rumble and you prepare
group of creatures rise up from the hot lava. They ad- for the worst, but suddenly the lid flips open. Inside you
vance, and are chanting words of dark magic. Their find a wondrous treasure, and two potions. To find out
evil tongue fills you with doom and already you know what treasure is found, roll on table TC - Treasure C
you're too late. Neither you or the tricksters may es- and re-roll any results shown with an *. The two po-
cape. All escape reaction results they make are ignored tions are "Potion of Arcane Healing: Drink to restore
and they will attack as normal. 1d10 HP (100gp)", which you may add to the adventure
Monster Card AV Def Dmg sheet if you decide to keep them. Mark the chest on
the map sheet with a ü. If you are using the Mapping
TRICKSTERS d E16 35 1 +0 Game update the blank area marker. Now Turn To R
HP [K] Abilities and continue with your turn.
3/4/4 I/W+5 Dark Magic, Pack, Surprise
- 124 -
If you survive the encounter, mark the area as searched Carefully you take the piece of paper. Add its contents
and then Turn To R. to the notes section on the adventure sheet.

- 121 -
The Crystal of Alchemy b looms over 12 feet tall and
casts a blue light across the cavern in all direction. It
is very bright and whilst in the area you can ignore the
penalty for darkness (i.e. you do not have a -20 penalty
when the sun R is shaded on the adventure sheet).
If you wish to activate the crystal, perform the ACTIVATE You step back and turn away from the statue and hold
CRYSTAL test below. If the test is passed successfully, a the paper towards the light to try and read what it says.
blue light around the size of a fist begins to throb below Then, from behind, you hear a screech and turn back to
the surface. Add "Runes of Magic: Alchemy Crystal b see the wizard and the owl have both come alive. The
(10)" to the notes section on the adventure sheet and mark wizard is stumbling from the awakening and the owl
the rune crystal on the map sheet with a ü. If you are using topples and falls. Quickly it flaps its wings and flies
the Mapping Game update the blank area marker. off eastwards. You catch the wizard before he falls and
If the test fails, there is a clap of thunder and a bolt of light- help him to stand. After a few more wobbles he is stable
ning erupts from the rune on the crystal and hits you in the enough and you let go.
chest. Then something strange happens, lose 1 Primary Dex. "Thank you. It has been a very long time. I used to be
You may perform the test as many times as you like until 170 years old, but now I feel more like 980. The de-
it is passed successfully, or you decide to give up. When mon kin have tortured us ever since we first arrived
you have activated the rune crystal, or if you decide to at the Rune Forge. They turned us into the cruel tro-
give up trying, Turn To 11 and continue with your turn. phy in which you found us; although I suspect Otto
has been able to escape the metamorphosis, periodi-
ACTIVATE CRYSTAL - Test: Int -10 [S: Crystal pulsates cally. For many years I have waited for someone like
and is now active] [F: -1 Primary Dex] (Magic, Lucky) you to come and release us from this trap. At times I

have tried to summon the arcane
power to break the spell, but all I
could manage was to tear a piece
from my journal. When you took it
away, it broke the demon's magic
binding us as a bronze statue. Here
take this as a reward, it has a few
things which may help you."
The wizard closes the tome and
hands it to you.
Add "Wizard's Tome (88) (180gp)"
to the adventure sheet.
"Now I must go and find Otto." He
places a hand on your shoulder and
you feel a rush of energy. For just a
moment there is a glow of orange
light beneath his palm and then it
fades. Then, he runs off shouting
"Otto! Otto! Come back you rascal!"
Shade 1d3 pips to either your Int ex-
perience track, or 1d6 pips to your
Magic Skill experience track. Shad-
ed experience stars  do apply and
will double the reward received.
Looking through the journal you
find three other pages have pieces
torn out. There are also two spells
written with diagrams. Roll twice
on table S - Spells; and if you wish
to learn them, add them to your
spell book. The last 50 pages at
the back of the tome have a hole
cut out to create a place to hide a
small orange crystal. Add "Orange
Crystal (80gp)" to the adventure
sheet. If you are using the Artisan
rules from The Lost Tome Of Ex-
traordinary Rules, you may add
the Orange Crystal to the Artisan
sheet during step 11.Artisan (Op-
tional) of the Before Your Next
Quest phase.
When you have made the adjust-
ments Turn To 145.

- 125 -
3. You touch a rune and the others dim down until they are
no longer glowing. Over at the tablet, your chosen rune
is sparking, but the others have fizzled out. The sparks
are growing in size and the wind is gaining power. The
choice of enchantment has been made.
You must next fire up the forge by performing the
FIRE UP test below. If the test fails, find the Turn
To paragraph number on the Unsuccessfully En-
chanted column from step 2 for your chosen rune
and turn to that paragraph; otherwise, if the test is a
success proceed to step 4.
FIRE UP - Test: Int [S: Move to step 4] [F: Turn
To the "Unsuccessfully Enchanted" paragraph]
(Magic, Lucky)
With the Rune Forge fully activated you are now ready 4. Lastly, you must control the forges power by perform-
to enchant an item. Follow the steps below. ing the POWER CONTROL test below. If the test is
1. Choose an item to enchant. You may choose any item a success, find the Turn To paragraph number on the
that can be equipped to one of the thirteen slots on the Successfully Enchanted column from step 2 for your
front of the adventure sheet. The item can be from the chosen rune and turn to that paragraph; otherwise, if
backpack, or one already equipped in a slot. However, the test has failed, find the Turn To paragraph num-
the item may not be legendary or have the prefix: Fin- ber on the Unsuccessfully Enchanted column for your
er, Greater, Superior, or Exceptional. If you don't have chosen rune and turn to that paragraph.
a suitable item, you must continue exploring the dun- POWER CONTROL - Test Int -10 [S: Turn To
geon in search of one; add "Forge Activated (125)" to the "Successfully Enchanted" paragraph] [F:
the notes section on the adventure sheet and then Turn Turn To the "Unsuccessfully Enchanted" para-
To 20 and continue with your turn. If you do have an graph] (Magic, Lucky)
item to enchant continue to step 2.
2. As you're about to climb into the pit, the item leaps
from your hands and lands on the stone table. The - 126 -
straps close tightly, locking it in position. Then, the The red liquid is a unique arcane elixir, add 1 to your pri-
runes on the control panel begin to glow in the col- mary HP and then restore your current HP to its adjusted
our of their order, and you feel compelled to touch value. Now, Turn To R and continue with your turn.

- 127 -
one. Which enchantment will you choose? Select a
rune from the list below, and continue to step 3.
The frost giant drops lifelessly to the ground. The crash
Chosen Successfully Unsuccessfully echoes around the chamber and you hide a moment
Rune Enchanted Enchanted in the shadows in case the noise has alerted some un-
t Esoteric Turn To 37 Turn To 21 wanted attention. After a few minutes you feel it's safe
to search the body, roll on table TB+15 to see what is
A Psyche Turn To 67 Turn To 51 found. In addition to the treasure, you find a pouch and
inside is a piece of paper torn from a book.
u Invocation Turn To 97 Turn To 41
h Elements Turn To 87 Turn To 71
b Alchemy Turn To 27 Turn To 91
x Illusion Turn To 77 Turn To 61
e Summoning Turn To 57 Turn To 31

You may take the paper and may add its contents to the a hole has been made in the fabric by something sharp.
notes section on the adventure sheet. When you have Looks like the wound would have bled slowly and she
finished Turn To 145. would have died in agony.

- 128 - Suddenly you feel dizzy and your vision blurs. For a
moment you feel a strange sensation wash over you
If you are directed here and have marked the area as
and you feel yourself spinning. Then everything re-
searched Turn To 6 and continue with your turn, other-
turns to normal, except you feel out of place somehow.
wise, please keep reading.
The skeleton has vanished and you hear movement
Turning away from the pouch you stand and are horri- behind. You spin around to see two demons marching
fied to see a large pack of hell hounds have sneaked up towards you. They each have an arm over their shoul-
whilst you have been busy. They have you surrounded der and are dragging a female elfling. She is moaning
and are hungry. Chomping, and salivating to taste your and bleeding from a wound in her chest. Spotting you,
flesh, they move in for the kill. You have no choice but they release her arms and spring forward to attack.
to fight the pack. During combat, neither you or the hell The elfling falls lifelessly to the ground and from the
hounds may escape. All escape reaction results they shadows another demon appears and attacks too. You
make are ignored and they will attack as normal. must fight the Doomwhispers below.

Monster Card AV Def Dmg During the combat, neither you or the Doomwhispers
may escape. All escape reaction results they make are
Pack of Hell Hounds d EA28 55 2 +3 ignored and they will attack as normal.
HP [K] Abilities Monster Card AV Def Dmg
6/6/5/5/5 Turn To R139 Leap*, Pack DOOMWHISPERS d EB14 45 2 +1

*LEAP: The monster is very agile in combat and HP [K] Abilities

will often pounce to attack. When a natural roll of 1 5/5/6 TA Dark Magic, Pack
has been scored on its damage dice, the monster has
pounced, causing some extra damage. The player rolls If you survive, you rush over to the elfling and kneel
the damage die again for the monster, and adds it to the beside her. She is in a great deal of pain, but hands
monsters damage total. Note that if another 1 is rolled, you a crystal.
the player rolls again for extra damage and so on. "Thank you for fighting those demons. My spell of
Time Warp was out of sink, and you came a little late.
- 129 - The torment I have suffered all these years is finally at
an end. This crystal will help you in battle against the
Near the bend you discover a skeleton of an elfling.
demon lord Vakanar, keep it close and you will feel its
Searching the remains you discover in a leather pouch a
power, when needed. My spell will return you back to
piece of paper torn from a book. You may add its contents
your time soon."
to the notes section on the adventure sheet if you like.
You suddenly feel dizzy again and your vision blurs.
For a moment you feel the strange sensation wash over
you, and yourself spinning. Then everything returns
to normal, and you're once again kneeling beside the
elfling's skeleton. In your hand you have the crystal
and in the elfling's skeletal hand is a key marked with a
rune; you may add the following to the adventure sheet.
The elfling appears to have been a mage and wears robes Vakanar Crystal (118) (1500gp)
showing affiliation to the Order of Invocation Magic. Rune Key b (R117) (200gp)
Faded yellow silk, now awash with dried blood reveals Mark the area as searched and then Turn To 4 and con-
how she died: Heavy staining in the chest region where tinue with your turn.

- 130 - - 132 -
You reach down and grab the rope ladder with both hands Quietly you step closer, but immediately pause when
and must now lower yourself over the edge. Perform the the frost giant stirs. His massive head turns to face you.
CLIMBING test below. With an inhale of breath his chests rises and then lowers
when he exhales. A cold gust of damp air blasts you
CLIMBING – Test: Dex -A [S: Turn To 146] [F: full in the face and you smell rotting meat. The force
-1d6+3 HP, Turn To 146] (Agility) threatens your balance and you stoop, half to stop from
The test modifier is based on the amount of armour the falling and half to gag at the stench. The giant inhales
adventurer has equipped. Backpacks, equipped weap- again, but this time you're ready, and you step aside be-
ons, and shields are left behind at the top, and if you fore the exhale hits you. Two incisors the length of your
wish, any armour equipped in the Head and Hands slots arm protrude from behind a beard. One is cracked and
can be left at the top too. Due to the enclosed space filled with black rot, the other is stained yellow. The
of the tunnel, all other equipped armour cannot be re- next inhale is drawn through flared nostrils and his face
moved. When you have decided which will be left at screws up. Then, he raises his head and sniffs at the air,
the top, add up all remaining A values of all equipped and an eye pops open. He peers down and roars. The
items for the following location slots: Head, Back, Tor- sound is deafening, forcing you to cover your ears, but
so, Arms, Hands, Waist, Legs, and Feet. The A value is the roar has a far greater impact as it has compound-
then applied as a modifier to the test. ed with the giants breathe. The merger sends forth a
mighty ice bolt which is heading straight towards you.
Example: Sir James, has the following pieces of ar- You must perform the ICE BOLT test below.
mour equipped:
ICE BOLT – Test: Dex -15 [S: Avoid ice bolt] [F: -3
Head: Mail Coif (A2) HP, Frozen] (Aware, Lucky)
Back: Studded Leather Cape (A1)
Torso: Plate Mail Breastplate (A4)
Arms: Mail Sleeves (A2)
Hands: Scale Mail Gloves (A3)
Waist: Nothing
Legs: Leather Tasset (A0)
Feet: Mail Sabatons (A2)
He leaves his Mail Coif and Scale Mail
Gloves up top, and his Leather Tasset
doesn’t slow him down. His test modifier
is -9, as follows:
Studded Leather Cape (A1), Plate Mail
Breastplate (A4), Mail Sleeves (A2), Mail
Sabatons (A2) = A1+A4+A2+A2 = A9.

- 131 -
You lean over and see a scrap of paper
with some faded writing. It appears to
have been torn from the tome, which is
odd because the book the wizard is hold-
ing is made from bronze. If you would
like to take the piece of paper Turn To
124; otherwise, Turn To 145 to continue
searching the cavern.

- 135 -
After the test the frost giant attacks and you must be-
gin combat. During combat the frost giant will never
escape and all escape reaction results he makes are Suddenly a sleuth of small bears appear from the junk
instead treated as the monster will attack. In addition, pile and begin attacking the monster you have encoun-
the frost giant suffers from the Sleepy (4) condition tered. They are covered in thick brown fur, and are very
below. Also, if the adventurer failed the ICE BOLT stocky. When they emerge, they roar and charge on all
test above, they have been frozen and suffer -10 to fours, and then stand to attack with their claws.
Str, Dex, and Int during the first round of combat. If They are called Cave Cubs and are very rare, with many
you defeat the frost giant Turn To 127. If you escape scholars recording them as extinct. Typically they move
the frost giant, do not add him to the map sheet, you on all fours, but when standing reach three to four feet
will not encounter him again, instead Turn To 145, in height. They appear as smaller versions of the Cave
to continue searching. Bear and are feisty little critters that will stand their
Sleepy: The monster's AV, Def, and Dmg values are ground and often fight to the death.
halved (rounded up) for X combat rounds, with X be- During combat with the monster you have encountered
ing equal to the monster's Sleepy value. the cave bears will aid you. At the start of each combat
Example: If a monster has Sleepy (4), AV 65, Def 5, round roll 1d6 and look up the result below to see how
and Dmg +4. For the first 4 combat rounds its combat they help out.
values would be: AV 33, Def 3, and Dmg +2.
1. CLAWS – At the start of the combat round deal 1d3
HP of damage to the monster.
Monster Card AV Def Dmg
2. AID – The adventurer adds +2 to the hit location
Frost Giant EB38 65 5 +4 die during the forthcoming combat round.
HP [K] Abilities 3. ROAR – The monster's damage modifier is reduced
35 Turn To 127 Fear, Freeze, Large, Stun by -2 Dmg during the forthcoming combat round.
4. TRICK - The adventurer gains +10 to Str, Dex, or Int
- 133 - (your choice) during the forthcoming combat round.
You pull the rope up and this time you can hear the jan- 5. SURROUND - The monster does not get a reaction
gling of metal. At the top you find a hoop with a bunch roll, instead it will attack with -10 to its AV.
of keys. Nearly all have partially rusted away and are
6. FRENZY - Before the monster's reaction roll per-
useless, but one is still intact.
form 1d6 attack rolls with an AV 30. Each attack
If you wish to keep it, add "Rune Key x (R30) (200gp)" that hits deal 1d3 damage to the monster. If the
to the backpack. Then mark the area as searched and monster is defeated combat is over.
Turn to 8 and continue with your turn. After the combat, if you are using the Beast Mastery
rules from The Lost Tome Of Extraordinary Rules,
- 134 - you may try and tame one of the cave cubs as a beast.
You may not try to identify the red liquid whilst in com- If the test fails the cave cub does not attack the ad-
bat. If you are in combat at the moment Turn To R and venturer, but simply runs back to its den under the
continue with your turn. If you are not in combat you pile of junk. A tamed cave cub is a level 1 beast with
may perform the IDENTIFY test below as many times the following characteristics.
as you like until it is passed successfully, or you give up
trying. If you decide to give up trying to identify the red CAVE CUB
liquid, Turn To R and continue with your turn. Abilities HP Beast Bonus GP
Attack, Guard, Guide 8 +5 450
IDENTIFY – Test: Int -20 [S: Turn To 143] [F: -1d3
HP] (Magic) Whether you decide to train a cave cub, or not, they
rush back to the junk pile and hide. Now Turn To R
and continue with your turn.
- 136 - Allies: The monster has lesser monsters that they can
call upon or summon during a fight. At the start of each
You bend down to take a closer look at the tome, but
recoil in horror as a ghostly figure of a man steps out of combat round roll 1d6. If a 1 is rolled, an ally comes
the skeleton's remains. It is dressed in light blue robes to the monster’s aid, and you add /X to the end of its
and holds an open tome in its left hand. Its right hand is current HP value, with X being equal to the number
empty and held aloft. It points directly at you and lets shown after the monster’s Allies ability.
out a shrilling scream. From darkened sockets, piercing Example: During combat with a monster with HP of
red eyes glow menacingly, filling you with dread. You “16/4” and Allies 4, if a 1 was rolled at the start of the
have no choice but to fight the shade below. combat round, you would add /4 at the end of its HP
value, giving it a new HP value of “16/4/4”.
Monster Card AV Def Dmg
If you survive, you search the corpses and find a collar
SHADE C EA27 60 4 +1
attached to the neck of the last giant rat you killed.
HP [K] Abilities Dangling from the collar is a small metal vial filled
15 TA +10 Death Touch, Ethereal, Fear with a red liquid.
You may add the following to your adventure sheet
If you escape from the shade, do not add it to the map "Giant Rat Collar (15gp)", and "Metal Vial Of Red
sheet; it is never seen again. If you survive the encoun- Liquid (25gp) (Identify R134, Drink R126)".
ter, you discover two spells from the tome before it
Whenever you're not in combat, you may try to identify
crumbles to dust. Roll twice on table S and add any to
the red liquid inside the vial. If you do Turn To R134.
your spell book you wish to keep. Then mark the area
as searched and Turn To 11 to continue with your turn. If you decide to drink the red liquid before it is
identified Turn To R126. You may drink the red
- 137 - liquid at anytime during the adventure, even during
First deal with any triggered time track effects caused combat. Now Turn To 2 and continue with your turn.
by the time modifier when you searched (i.e. Oil , Food
, or a Wandering Monster ), then continue reading. - 138 -
Whilst searching the passageway you are attacked by Mark your current area as searched. The boulder moves
the giant rats. If the search result had a +1  time mod- enough to pull the backpack free. The pack is very
ifier, you will encounter Monster 1, below. Otherwise, heavy, and made of leather. It has been dyed blue and
if the search result had a +2  time modifier, you will is very ornate and well made. Something has gnawed at
encounter Monster 2, below. a corner, which has opened up a small hole, but other-
wise it is undamaged. The skeleton of its owner is still
During combat with either group of giant rats, all escape
trapped and crushed below the boulder and could have
reaction results they make are ignored and they will at-
been a wizard. A blue robe matching the colour of the
tack as normal.
backpack is decorated with yellow stars. Opening the
Monster 1 Card AV Def Dmg pack you find a "Grappling Hook (48gp)", x2 "Potion of
Lesser Healing: Drink to restore up to 4 lost HP (80gp)"
Giant Rats E1 25 0 -2
and a "Rune Key A (R69) (200gp)". You may add any
HP [K] Abilities of them to the adventure sheet, along with "Wizard's
3/2/2/3/2/2 P2 x2 Disease, Pack Backpack (88) (80gp)". When you have chosen what
you will keep Turn to 9 and continue with your turn.
Monster 2 Card AV Def Dmg
Giant Rats E1 25 0 -2
HP [K] Abilities
3/2/2/3/2/2 P2 x2 Disease, Pack, Allies 3

the pouch as many times as you like, until you are suc-
- 139 - cessful, or you give up. If you decide to give up you
The last of the hell hounds drops lifelessly to the ground. may return to this paragraph at anytime when you are in
You search the bodies and find a couple have harness- the area, until the pouch is marked with a tick ü. If you
es with leather packs attached. With each hound being do give up, Turn To 12 and continue with your turn.
the size of a small donkey, it would seem likely the de-
mons used them to transport goods. Searching the packs SWIM – Test: Str -5 [S: Turn To 148] [F: -1d3 HP]
you find 180gp, a scroll worth 200gp (roll on table S for (Strong)
which spell it contains), a treasure (roll on table TB+10),
and a metal hoop for rune keys (see below). - 141 -
RUNE KEY HOOP: The metal hoop is hinged and Suddenly you feel dizzy and your vision blurs. For a
allows for rune keys to be threaded on and stored moment you feel a strange sensation wash over you.
securely. If you take the key hoop, add "Rune Key Then everything returns to normal. You hear some
Hoop" to a slot in the backpack. It has a starting quan- movement behind and spin around to see two demons
tity of 0 and a value of 200gp. The hoop itself has no marching towards you. They each have an arm over
value, it's the rune keys you add, that add value; with their shoulder and are dragging a female elfling. She is
each being worth 200gp. moaning and bleeding from a wound in her chest. Spot-
ting you, they release her arms and spring forward to at-
You may add up to a maximum of 10 rune keys to the tack. The elfling falls lifelessly to the ground and from
metal hoop. Each one, adds 1 to the hoops quantity. the shadows another demon appears and attacks too.
You will need to record the rune key's other informa- The demons appear to be flickering in and out of reali-
tion separately in the notes section on the adventure ty. You must fight the Doomwhispers below. During the
sheet (such as its symbol, and it's R number). combat, if you manage to escape the Doomwhispers,
It is important to note, the key hoop allows you to car- do not add them to the map sheet, instead they simply
ry multiple rune keys in just one slot of the backpack. vanish without trace.
However, whilst this may seem advantages, it does
carry the risk of losing all your rune keys in one go, if Monster Card AV Def Dmg
such an effect targets and destroys the Rune Key Hoop. DOOMWHISPERS d EB14 45 2 +1
Lastly, you may also butcher the hell hounds and recov- HP [K] Abilities
er some monster parts (roll on table P3 three times. The 5/5/6 TA Dark Magic, Pack, Phase
parts gain the prefix "Hell Hounds"). You may add any
of the items to the adventurer sheet, then Turn To 145. If you survive, the demon's bodies and the elfling van-
ish without trace. Change the Evil number from 2, back
- 140 - to 0 and then Turn To 4 and continue with your turn.

- 142 -
When you crossed the river, you saw something on the
river bed that caught your eye. It looked like a small
leather pouch. To retrieve the pouch, you will need You must be on the north side of the river, if you cur-
to dive in and swim down to the bottom. However, a rently are not, Turn To 155 and make it so; otherwise,
school of fish are also interested. They are very big and keep reading.
look like "Giant Red-Bellied Piranhas". You stroll over to the animal remains and discover it was
Add "Pouch (P140)" to the map sheet. If you are using once some kind of dragon. Its rib cage stands as tall as
the Mapping Game use a blank area marker to record you. You walk amongst the bones and find little of interest.
the pouch. If you wish to retrieve the pouch you will Then, just when you are about to give up, you find a small
need to perform the SWIM test below. Each time you key laying in the dirt. If you wish to keep it, add "Rune
fail the test, you're attacked and bitten by the piranhas. Key t (R106) (200gp)" to the backpack; then, mark the
If you manage to retrieve the pouch mark it with a tick animal remains with a tick ü to show they have been ful-
ü to show it has now been collected from the river bed ly investigated and there is no need to search them again.
and may not be retrieved again. You may try to retrieve Now Turn to 13 and continue with your turn.

- 143 -
You may perform the ICE DIG test as many time as you
like until the key is retrieved. If it is retrieved, you can
Your head feels warm and your mind fills with knowl- add "Rune Key h (R119) (200gp)" to the backpack.
edge about the contents of the vial of red liquid. Re-
place the "Metal Vial Of Red Liquid (25gp) (Identify Whether you retrieve the key or not, you must climb
R134, Drink R126)" on the adventure sheet to "Elixir back up by performing the CLIMBING test below; ac-
Of Restoring Health: +1 Primary HP, restore all HP counting for equipped armour, just as before.
to Primary HP (1000gp)". Now, Turn To R and con- CLIMBING – Test: Dex -A [S: Top reached] [F: Fall,
tinue with your turn. -1d3 HP] (Agility)

- 144 - If you make it back to the top, you gather up the rest
You manage to clear a small hole in the web and care- of your equipment before heading back through the
fully reach through and retrieve the scroll; add "Scroll hole and into the cavern, Turn To 145 and continue
of Cancel Illusion (101) (200gp)" to the adventure with your turn.
sheet, and mark the crevice with a tick ü to show it
may no longer be searched. Now, Turn To 15 and con-
tinue with your turn.
- 147 -
Mark the workbench with a tick ü on the map sheet.
- 145 -
If you are using the Mapping Game, update the area
marker. The drawers have now been opened and may
You continue searching. Roll on table F - Find or table not be opened again.
FA - Find A and apply the area modifier to the result;
then, mark the area as searched. Don't forget to ap- You search through the drawers and find various sche-
ply any persistent effects that may be affecting your matics and tools, and a key marked with a rune. Add
current area. When you have finished with the search "Rune Key e (R112) (200gp) to the backpack, if you
result Turn To R and continue with your turn. wish to keep it.

- 146 - If you are using the Artisan rules from The Lost Tome Of
Extraordinary Rules, you can generate the schematics us-
At the bottom, you stand on a thick layer of ice. It is
ing table X11. There are 1d3 that are still intact and usable.
extremely cold and you start to shiver. Looking up,
you see the mist of cold air billowing through the If you aren’t using the Artisan rules, you may instead
hole with the grate. It could at one time been a water add 1d3 "Artisan Schematics" to the backpack; deter-
source, but something has caused it to freeze up. The mine each one's value using the table below.
temperate is getting colder and you decide to get on
with searching. Frozen solid at the bottom is a small D10 Value
key. You will need to dig it out if you wish to retrieve 1-4 1000gp
it by performing the ICE DIG test below. If you have
an Ice Pick attached to a belt slot, you can use it to add 5-6 1200gp
a +20 modifier to the test. 7-8 1400gp
ICE DIG – Test: Str -10 [S: Key retrieved] [F: -1 HP, 9 1600gp
HP] (Strong) 10 1800gp

If you are an Artisan, you also find 1d6 scraps and may
shade the number rolled on the artisan sheet; otherwise,
they appear as junk and you leave them behind (only an
artisan can salvage materials from scraps).
Now Turn to 7 and continue with your turn.

- 148 -
on table W), and a talisman on a chain around its neck.
The talisman is a legendary item that can be equipped
Decide which side of the river you return to after re- to the neck slot. Roll on table L-20 to discover the tal-
trieving the pouch and mark the adventurer's position isman's power. Also, on the adventurer's lap you find a
on the map sheet. On the bank, you open the pouch "Potion of Greater Healing: Drink to restore up to 12
and find inside a small key. If you wish to keep it, add lost HP (240gp)". You may take any of the items by
"Rune Key u (R99) (200gp)" to the backpack and then adding them to the adventure sheet.
Turn to 12 and continue with your turn.
Suddenly, whilst looking over your spoils, the door
- 149 - swings shut, trapping you in. You rush over and are
unable to open it. To avoid the same fate of the dead
The pouch and the rotting food smell putrid, and you
adventurer you must perform the test below to es-
are unable to avoid breathing in some of the fungal
cape the room.
spores, shade 1d3 pips on the disease track. You tip out
the contents and find 1d6+4 gold pieces, which after a OPEN – Test: Dex -10 [S: Turn To 16 and continue with
wipe may be added to the adventurer sheet. Also, bur- your turn] [F: A bolt of lightning hits you, -2 HP] (Traps)
ied in the remains of a bread bun is a small glass vial.
The liquid inside is light blue and glows in the dark. - 152 -
It's label is faded, but reads "F s eat ng otion". If Mark the panel with a tick ü to show it is now open and
you wish to take the glass vial add "Glass Vial (Turn may not be opened again.
To R76 when drunk) (50gp)" to the adventure sheet. It
You walk down the corridor and find it leads to a dead
may be carried in the backpack, or a belt slot. You may
end. The floor is rocky and could be a passage that nev-
drink the contents of the glass vial at anytime during the
er got finished by the dwarven builders. Turning to head
adventure. Now Turn To 128.
back, you spot a backpack half buried in the rubble.
- 150 - You pull it free, and open it to find an "Ice Pick: Can be
added to a belt slot (25gp)", a "Potion Of Time Reset:
Climbing through the opening leads you to a circular Drink to remove a time track modifier (800gp)", and a
tunnel. It slopes a few degrees downwards and you coil of "Elven Rope (40gp)". You may take any of the
crawl along for a few metres before it drops directly items by adding them to the adventure sheet.
downwards. Peering over the edge, you can barely see
the bottom. A thick ice has formed and the air is filled Also at the bottom of the bag is a piece of paper torn
with a cold mist. Just below where the tunnel drops from a book. You may add its contents to the notes sec-
there is another hole around four inches in diameter. tion on the adventure sheet if you like.
An iron grill covers the small opening and someone at
sometime has tied a rope ladder that hangs to the bot-
tom. If you wish to climb down the rope ladder Turn
To 130; otherwise, you backtrack through the tunnel
and search the rest of the chamber, Turn To 145.

- 151 - You head back in to the cavern, Turn to 19 and contin-

Mark the door with a tick ü to show it is now open ue with your turn.
and may not be opened again. You peer in to the gloom
and find a small room around six feet square, with no - 153 -
visible exits. You step in and begin searching. The room If you are directed here and have marked the area as
appears to have been a store cupboard and has shelv- searched Turn To 14 and continue with your turn, oth-
ing, barrels, and chests scattered all around. You lift the erwise, please keep reading.
lid of a nearby barrel and search some of the chests, You continue the search and find nothing out of the or-
but they are empty. Next to some shelving you find the dinary, shade a  on the time track. If you wish to con-
skeleton of an adventurer. You kneel down and search tinue searching Turn To R145, otherwise Turn To 14
the remains and discover a weapon in its right hand (roll and continue with your turn.

- 154 - - 155 -
Mark the area as Searched. After considerable time you On the north side of the river by the west wall you can
find a crevice in the dungeon floor, and resting near the see the remains of a large animal. To investigate the
top is a scroll. It is precariously balanced on the sides and animal remains you must be on that side of the river.
is in danger of falling through. The narrow opening is very Add "Animal Remains (P155)" to the map sheet. If you
deep and if the scroll falls through, you doubt you'll be are using the Mapping Game use a blank area marker to
able to retrieve it. To make matters worse, a layer of fire record the animal remains. To cross the river you must
web is suspended a few inches above. Add "Crevice (154) perform the SWIM RIVER test below.
to the map sheet. If you are using the Mapping Game use
a blank area marker to record the crevice. To retrieve the SWIM RIVER – Test: Str -10 [S: Crosses to other side]
scroll you will need to clear the fire web first, and to do [F: -3 HP, +1] (Strong)
this you will need to perform the FIRE WEB test below.
If you are on the correct side of the river and wish to
You may perform the test as many times as you like, until
investigate the animal remains, Turn To 142.
it is passed successfully, or you decide to give up. If you
give up Turn To 15 and continue with your turn. You may
Alternatively, you can leave the animal remains and
return to this paragraph at anytime when you're in the area,
continue with your turn; if you do, you may return to
until the crevice is marked with a tick ü. If you fail the
this paragraph at anytime when you are in the area until
test, don't forget to apply the area's persistent effect.
the animal remains are marked with a tick ü, now Turn
FIRE WEB – Test: Dex [S: Turn To 144] [F: +1 ] (Lucky) To 13 and continue with your turn.



© 2023 Martin Knight. All Rights Reserved.



© 2023 Martin Knight. All Rights Reserved.


© 2023 Martin Knight. All Rights Reserved.

D100 Monster Card AV Def Dmg HP [K] Monster Ability
1-10 Giant Rats TAME* E1 25 0 -2 3/2/2 Table P2 Disease, Pack
11-20 Giant Bats TAME* E2 25 0 -3 2/3/3 Table P4 Fly, Surprise, Pack
21-25 Giant Ants E3 20 2 -2 3/2/3/3 Table P1 Pack
26-30 Giant Spider TAME* E4 30 2 -1 6 Table P1 Web
31-33 Goblinoids E5 25 0 -2 3/3/2 Table I/W Pack
34-37 Goblins E6 25 1 -1 2/3/3 Table A/I/W Pack
38-41 Goblin Archers E7 25 1 -1 2/3/3 Table A/I/W Pack, Surprise
42 Goblin Warlock E8 30 1 -1 7 Table I/TA Dark Magic
43-44 Bear TAME* E9 40 2 +0 10 Table P2
45-46 Beastman EA10 35 1 +1 8 Table A/I/W Frenzy
47 Tainted Giant Rats EB10 35 1 -1 4/3/3 Table P2x3 Bound, Disease, Pack
48 Beastman Archer EA11 35 2 +1 10 Table A/I/W Frenzy
49 Tainted Giant Bats EB11 35 1 -2 3/4/4 Table P4x3 Bound, Fly, Surprise, Pack
50-51 Giant Boar TAME* EA12 40 1 +2 12 Table P3
52 Tainted Giant Spider EB12 40 3 +0 9 Table P1+30 Bound, Web
53-54 Giant Moth TAME* EA13 40 2 +2 8 2d10 GP Fly
55 Centaur EA14 45 2 +1 8 Table A/I/W
56 Doomwhispers d EB14 45 2 +1 5/5/6 Table TA Pack, Dark Magic
57-58 Giant Wasps TAME* EA15 40 1 +0 5/5/3/3 Table P1 Pack, Stun, Fly
59-60 Succubus Minion d EB15 35 0 +2 16 Table P4/I/W Fly, Dark Magic
61-62 Tricksters d E16 35 1 +0 3/4/4 Table I/W+5 Pack, Surprise, Dark Magic
63-64 Succubus d EA17 40 1 +1 12 Table P4/I/W Fly, Dark Magic
65-66 Giant Crab TAME* EA18 45 3 +2 10 Table P1
67-70 Dire Wolves TAME* EA19 40 2 +1 6/5/5/5 Table P3 Pack, Leap
71 Beastman Champion EA20 40 2 +1 16 Table A+10/I/W+10 Frenzy
72 Tainted Giant Moth EB20 50 3 +3 13 Table TA Bound, Fly
73 Centaur Champion EA21 45 3 +2 16 Table A+10/I/W+10
74 Valkyries EA22 50 2 +1 12 Table A+15/I/W+15 Fly
75-76 Giant Apes TAME* E23 40 2 +2 8/8/9 Table P2 Pack
77 Demon Witch d EB23 50 4 +1 25 Table P2/I/W+15 Fire, Dark Magic
78 Werewolves C EA24 45 1 +2 7/7/6 Table P2/TA Pack, Leap, Frenzy
79 Beastman Witch EA25 45 2 +1 16 Table A+15/I/W+15 Frenzy, Dark Magic
80 Giant Scorpion TAME* EA26 55 4 +2 15 Table P1 Poison, Leap, Stun
81 Shade C EA27 60 4 +1 15 Table TA+10 Death Touch, Ethereal, Fear
82 Hell Hounds d TAME* EA28 55 2 +3 6/6/5 Table P3/TA+10 Pack, Leap

D100 Monster Card AV Def Dmg HP [K] Monster Ability
83 Siren d EA29 55 3 +3 18 Table I/W/TA+10 Dark Magic
84 Doomspeakers d EB29 55 2 +2 18 Table TA+5 Dark Magic, Regenerate
85 Banshee C EA30 50 4 +2 24 Table TA+15 Death Touch, Ethereal, Fear
86 Demon d E31 55 4 +2 20 Table P2/I/W+15 Fire
87 Tainted Giant Centipede EB31 55 3 +3 11 Table P1+30 Bound, Poison
88 Basilisk EA32 60 4 +3 24 Table P3/TA+15 Petrify, Poison, Fear
89 Sphinx EA33 65 4 +4 25 Table P3/TA+20 Dark Magic
90 Griffon TAME* EA34 60 3 +3 30 Table P4/TB Fly, Fear
91 Giant Roc EA35 65 3 +4 28 Table P4/TB Fly, Fear
92 Demon Lord d E36 55 4 +2 29 Table P/I/W+20/TB Fire, Large, Fear, Fly
93 Harpy EA37 65 5 +4 28 Table P4/TB+5 Fly, Dark Magic
94 Blood Oozes d EB37 65 4 +3 8/7/6 Blood Ooze Blood (15gp) Bound, Pack, Regenerate, Resurrection
95 Cyclops EA38 65 5 +3 35 Table P2/TB+5 Fear, Large, Stun
96 Stone Golem EA39 60 6 +5 35 Table P2/TB+10 Large, Stun
97 Manticore EA40 65 4 +3 37 Table P4/TB+10 Fear, Large, Poison
98 Cerberus d EA41 60 5 +4 10/10/10 Table P3/TB+15 Pack (Heads), Fear
99 Cockatrice EA42 65 6 +3 40 Table P4/TB+15 Petrify, Fear
100 Gargoyle d E43 65 7 +3 38 Table P2/TB+20 Fear, Stun
* Some monsters can be tamed and help the adventurer during quests, see The Lost Tome Of Extraordinary Rules for more details.

You may wish to play a game of D100 Dungeon, but do
not wish to perform a specific quest. Using this variant, D100 Dungeon Name Enc. Mod
you can roll on the Random Dungeons table, to generate 1-3 Sewer of the Rat King -40
a game of D100 Dungeon, in which you will play until
4-6 Hole of the Spider Prince -40
you have explored a certain number of areas.
7-9 The Warlock's Nest -40
Random dungeons do not have a failure penalty and so
the adventurer can simply quit at the start of any turn. 10-12 Cave of the Giant Ursidae -30
When the adventurer has fully explored the random 13-15 Swarm of the Ratmen -30
dungeon, they collect the reward points it offers.
16-18 Cavern of the Horned Healer -30
Rewards points may then be redeemed at the start of
19-21 The Rotting Crypt -20
the Before Your Next Quest (BYNQ) phase; or when
playing with the World Builder expansion, at the start 22-24 Den of the Devious Demons -20
of a settlement action. See Rewards below. 25-27 The Demonic Hideaway -20
A random dungeon may only be generated and played 28-30 The Web of Death -15
at the end of a BYNQ phase; or when playing with the
31-33 Lair of the Monkey King -15
World Builder expansion, at the end of a settlement ac-
tion. The number of action points it costs to perform the 34-36 The Plague Depths -15
random dungeon follows the same rules for quests and 37-39 The Burrow of Pain -10
side quests (See Quest Or Side Quest Action (Variable
40-42 The Poisoned Hollow -10
AP) in the World Builder expansion book).
43-45 The Orcish Stronghold -10
In addition, only 1 random dungeon may be generated
each BYNQ phase, or Settlement action. If the dungeon 46-48 The Dungeons of Dread -5
isn't completed, another may not be generated until a new 49-51 Lair of the Orc Mage -5
BYNQ phase, or Settlement action is taken. When a ran-
52-54 The Fire Halls of Death -5
dom dungeon has been generated make a note of the dun-
geon's name and number of areas that must be explored 55-57 The Tomb of the Dying +0
on the adventurer sheet (I.e. "The Vault of the Vampire 58-60 The Vault of the Vampire +0
(Areas:13)"); if you're playing with the World Builder
61-63 Lair of the Wraith Queen +0
expansion, add the details to the settlement's hex. When
the dungeon has been completed, it is removed from the 64-66 Crypt of the Necromancer +5
adventure sheet; or when playing with the World Builder 67-69 The Burning Depths +5
expansion, it is ticked ü on the hex sheet. Note: When
70-72 The Frozen Dungeons +5
playing with the World Builder expansion a settlement's
hex may only contain the name of 1 random dungeon. 73-75 The Catacombs of Terror +10
76-78 The Titan's Stronghold +10
79-81 Lair of the Troll King +10
82-84 Crypt of the Lich King +15
85-87 Dungeons of Stone +15
88-90 The Frozen Lair +15
91-93 Stash of the White Dragon +20
94-96 Trove of the Black Dragon +20
97-99 Treasure of the White Dragon +20
100 You may choose any random dungeon

No. Areas Special Monster Special Rules RP
1d3+10 Giant Rat Do not roll for red area encounters, you always encounter Giant Rats. 1
1d6+10 Giant Spider Do not roll for red area encounters, you always encounter Giant Spider. 2
1d10+10 Goblin Warlock In green areas roll 1d6, you encounter: 1-3 Goblins, 4-6 Goblin Archers. 3
1d3+10 Bear When entering yellow areas for the first time you will encounter a Bear. 3
1d6+10 Ratman Champion When entering yellow areas for the first time you will encounter Ratmen. 4
1d10+10 Goatman Priest When you encounter a wandering monster it will be Goatmen. 5
1d3+10 Zombies All monsters are C and have the Disease ability. 5
1d6+10 Tricksters When rolling on table G, roll 1d10 instead of 1d100. 6
1d10+10 Imps All monsters are d and have the Fire ability. 7
1d3+10 Skeleton Spider When you encounter a wandering monster it will be Skeleton Spider. 7
1d6+10 Giant Apes Do not roll for red area encounters, you always encounter Giant Apes. 8
1d10+10 Zombie Master Plague: At the start of each turn roll 1d10, on results of 1 and 10, +1 Disease Pip. 9
1d3+10 Skeleton All monsters gain +1 Dmg. 9
1d6+10 Giant Snake All monsters have the Poison ability. 10
1d10+10 Orc Champion In green areas roll 1d6, you encounter: 1-3 Orc, 4-6 Orc Archer. 11
1d3+10 Wight All monsters gain +5 AV and +1 Def. 11
1d6+10 Orc Warlock In green areas roll 1d6, you encounter: 1-3 Orc Archer, 4-6 Orc Champion. 12
1d10+10 Demon Fire: At the start of each turn roll 1d10, on results of 1 and 10, -1d3 HP. 13
1d3+10 Ghost Fire: At the start of each turn roll 1d6, on results of 1 and 6, -1d3 HP. 13
1d6+10 Vampire When you encounter a wandering monster it will be Giant Vampire Bat. 14
1d10+10 Wraith In green areas roll 1d6, you encounter: 1-3 Ghoul, 4-6 Wight. 15
1d3+10 Necromancer At the start of each turn roll 1d10, on results of 1 and 10, encounter a Skeleton. 15
1d6+10 Demon Lord All monsters are d and have the Fire ability. 16
1d10+10 Ogre All monsters have the Freeze ability. 17
1d3+10 Minotaur All monsters have the Fear ability. All doors are added with the (O) code. 17
1d6+10 Giant All monsters have the Large ability. 18
1d10+10 Troll Do not roll for red area encounters, you always encounter Troll. 19
1d3+10 Lich Lord At the start of each turn roll 1d10, on results of 1 and 10, encounter a Ghoul. 19
1d6+10 Gargoyle Do not roll for red area encounters, you always encounter Gargoyle. 20
1d10+10 Frost Wyrm All monsters have the Freeze ability. 21
1d3+10 White Dragon Dragon Stash: At the start of each turn roll 1d10, on results of 1 and 10, +100 GP. 21
1d6+10 Black Dragon Dragon Trove: At the start of each turn roll 1d6, on results of 1 and 6, +100 GP. 22
1d10+10 Golden Dragon Dragon Treasure: At the start of each turn roll 1d3, on results of 1 and 3, +100 GP. 23

Rules During A Random Dungeon sheet in the notes section. As soon as they have been
Whilst playing a random dungeon a few rules and rule added to the adventure sheet, the random dungeon is
changes need to be observed; they are as follows: over and the adventurer exits the dungeon.
9. The adventurer may fail the Random Dungeon at
1. Each experience pip that is awarded (either from the start of any turn. The game comes to an end and
rolling 10 or less whilst performing a test/combat may be reattempted, starting from scratch (using a
roll, or an award from a table), instead immediately new dungeon sheet) at the end of a BYNQ phase; or
awards 1 reward point. Shaded experience stars µ when playing with the World Builder expansion, at
do not provide any extra rewards. the end of a settlement action. There is no penalty
2. Apply the random dungeon's encounter modifier for failing a Random Dungeon.
(Enc. Mod) when rolling on an encounter table. The
player may use any encounter table when playing Rewards
the random dungeon. Reward points can be spent at the start of any BYNQ phase;
3. The number of areas (No. Areas) must be fully ex- or when playing with the World Builder expansion, at the
plored. This requires the player to have added all re- start of a settlement phase. Only one reward may be select-
quired areas to the map sheet and for the adventurer ed at the start of each BYNQ phase, or settlement action.
to have searched at least half of them (rounding up). The Reward List (below) does not provide specific items
4. The special monster is found on table E-Encounters to choose from, but instead provides a table for the player
from the D100 Dungeon rulebook. It will be encoun- to choose an item from. The tables are listed alphabetically
tered in the last area that completes the random dun- for convenience. Each choice of table further specifies a pa-
geon. If the last area is red, you must deal with the area rameter from which the item may be chosen. This may be
encounter first. If a result on a table makes it physical- a prefix, or a prerequisites that is associated with the item.
ly impossible for the adventurer to enter an area (Such
as, result "32 CAVE IN" from table G) the special Sometimes an item may need to be generated, and the
monster is instead encountered in the adventurer's cur- player makes the necessary rolls before committing to
rent area. Note: "Physically impossible" does not in- buy the item. If the player decides after rolling they do
clude results "49 PORTCULLIS" or "51 BOULDER" not wish to buy the item, they are not permitted to choose
from table G; these type of areas must still be entered. another item to buy. The unwanted item has used up their
5. During combat with the special monster it will never allowance of one reward per BYNQ/Settlement action.
escape combat and will always prevent the adventur- Prefix Rewards
er from escaping. All escape reaction rolls it makes Items that are chosen by prefix are shown on the list
are instead treated as it will attack, and the Escape as "Any". Such as: "Any Elixir of Greater", or "Any
Combat test is not permitted by the adventurer. Brew of Finer". When choosing these kind of rewards,
6. The special monster's characteristics are modified as long as their name begins with the specified prefix,
as follows: +10 AV, +1 Def, +1Dmg, and +5 HP. If the item may be chosen.
the monster is a pack monster the 5 HP is added to
the left of the HP line. Prerequisite Rewards
Items that are chosen by a prerequisite will have a value
Example: The monster Giant Apes has a HP of: specific to the item. Such as: "Beast with HP 8", or "Weap-
8/8/9. If it is a special monster its HP become: on with +4 Dmg". When choosing these kind of rewards,
5/8/8/9. as long as the prerequisite matches, it may be chosen.
7. All special rules apply and must be followed. If a Generated Rewards
monster would gain an ability that it already has, For items that need to be generated, simply follow the
the ability is not gained twice. details for generating the item on the relevant table/s.
8. Providing the number of areas required by the random
dungeon has been added to the map sheet and at least Other Rewards
half have been searched (rounding up), the dungeon is Other items may just be a choice from the table. Such
completed and the adventurer is awarded the reward As: "Ingredient", or "Griffon". You just add the reward
points. Reward points are recorded on the adventure specified, or choose one from the table.

Rewards List Rewards List
Table Prefix/Prerequisites/Item Book RP Table Prefix/Prerequisites/Item Book RP
A Armour/Shield with A0/S0 Book 1 5 TC Any Brew of Superior Book 1 12
A Armour/Shield with A1/S1 Book 1 10 TC Superior Armour*** Book 1 90
A Armour/Shield with A2/S2 Book 1 15 TC Superior Weapon*** Book 1 90
A Armour/Shield with A3/S3 Book 1 20 TC Any Potion of Superior* Book 1 24
A Armour/Shield with A4/S4 Book 1 25 TC Any Elixir of Superior Book 1 200
IA Ingredient Book 4 2 TC Legendary Ring*** Book 1 300
MAAW Finer Weapon*** Book 5 60 TC Legendary Necklace*** Book 1 300
MAAW Greater Weapon*** Book 5 120 TC Legendary Weapon*** Book 1 350
MAAW Superior Weapon*** Book 5 190 TC Legendary Armour*** Book 1 400
MAAW Legendary Weapon*** Book 5 450 W Weapon with -2 Dmg Book 1 5
MAAW Weapon with -1 Dmg Book 5 20 W Weapon with -1 Dmg Book 1 10
MAAW Weapon with +0 Dmg Book 5 30 W Weapon with +0 Dmg Book 1 15
MAAW Weapon with +1 Dmg Book 5 40 W Weapon with +1 Dmg Book 1 20
MAAW Weapon with +2 Dmg Book 5 50 W Weapon with +2 Dmg Book 1 25
MAAW Weapon with +4 Dmg Book 5 70 W Weapon with +3 Dmg Book 1 30
MOUNT Roll on table for Mounts Event Book 6 50 W Weapon with +4 Dmg Book 1 35
N Any Brew Of Lesser Book 1 2 X Lesser Material (See Artisan Sheet) Book 4 1
N Any Potion Of Lesser* Book 1 4 X Full Material (See Artisan Sheet) Book 4 3
P1-4 Basic Part** Book 1 3 X Schematic*** Book 4 60
P1-4 Uncommon Part** Book 1 10 Y Beast with HP 8 Book 4 15
P1-4 Scarce Part** Book 1 20 Y Beast with HP 10 Book 4 25
P1-4 Rare Part** Book 1 30 Y Beast with HP 12 Book 4 45
S Spell (add to any slot) Book 1 8 Y Griffon Book 4 70
SA1-6 Spell (add to any slot) Book 4 12 Y Dragon Egg (See Dragon Hatchling) Book 4 250
TA Any Brew of Finer Book 1 4 * Excludes items that contain the suffix "Fate" (I.e.
You cannot choose a Potion of Lesser Fate).
TA Finer Armour*** Book 1 30
** Choose any monster that has P1, P2, P3, or P4 kill
TA Finer Weapon*** Book 1 30
reward. Then choose a part from the monsters P table.
TA Any Potion of Finer* Book 1 8 This is the part you will receive.
TA Any Elixir of Finer Book 1 40 *** Use the rules from the table to generate the item.
TB Any Brew of Greater Book 1 8 MAAW: The Martial Artistry Advanced Weapons ta-
ble from The Dragons Return expansion book 5.
TB Greater Armour*** Book 1 60
MOUNT: The table is from the MOUNTS event from
TB Greater Weapon*** Book 1 60 The World Builder expansion book.
TB Any Potion of Greater* Book 1 16
TB Any Elixir of Greater Book 1 120


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